HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• ;.\ ' ~1 • • • . r'!eav,,.y Sniper Suspect · · Cohst Case uestioned • ID THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 27, 1969 \IOL._U, 1(0, h. 4 Sl!'CTIOHt, 4' PAGEi • . Easter Dennies ' . • .1r • ·· ... ' ee s • •• lll us • ' • CMlllY Plltl l>lltte _., .111111 Vtltwll, Mesa Loss Estimated · ., ' . •A long-trniied, leatfier mlril-ildl"'ltd 1 blonde kept a Colla Meaa Jew1ler · busy ~Yi~& IJlver .cake tnive.!I Wednesday,., appareo!Ji •".!\lie her bc!yfrleud e.caped with up.to fll;lllO In .u.n-i rlnia. The eDet 10u lo Jewels bY Jooeph, 3333 S. Bria!<>l 1Sf;, la l!elng lnv~torled today, but p0Uco ~ves said It may amount 'Iii II lenHel rinp. .J•pb I. mrtat.1n, of Lakewood, rfpbniid 1.ht grand theft cue late Wedneaday afternoon . when two dlapJay. ' bo•!!f Whkh hid ...Wn'4 a rinp each "'ere dlSCove.rtd miaaing. Officer John StooebaCk aaid the atore staff liitd not tllin inventory in recent dlys, so each ·box may have contained fewer than 42 rings. Invenigators aald clerk Juel D'Angelo suspected'"tbe attractlv'e blonde and her companion, who entered the store to browse around. during mornl.Dg'boun. ·i'bey aaJd the worp.an, a bit over five feet i,n and weighing about 120 pounds, dlvtrted him to the rear cf the South Coast Plaza store on the (See GEM THEFT, Pqo->tll-- Sere•nu for •elp Cou lI .-~~~I~j ~~'­ StayS ' il~r Father A i4-year .. ld La Habra 111111 Scllool' girl stabbed her father to death Wed- nesday -nl&ht fotJoifil:ll an areume:nt over · her pers.iisteilt trlaney, Police Chief Har-- ry Wllaon reported. Dead from a aingle stab wound in his chest la Donald Tromble Brady, 52, of 400 N. Hazel SL HeJd by police ia his daughter, Usa. Chief Wll!on aaid that following the slabbing .Ille father and daughter : ai>- P:t8ftd on the porch of their apartment, screaming for help. · Neighbors cilled police and despite the eff<ril of a fire department rescue unit called lo the scene, the fat.bet died. • The coroner'• office repqrted lhat Brady wai .tab.bed once in the cheat. 1'11>1! knife, wtth a 'l~loch · blade, eviden\IY entered the vidlm's b e a r t," Chief Wllaan said. ' Pollce'sald tile lather and'&Jrl'a mother were · divorced and the dalJlhler lived with her father. Sbe ii 1 first year . student at La Habra High School. ,. BecallH of her ~t ·ablenco from cluaea, the father had contacl'jl tfuancy officials and the ariument' followed, police reportod , • Tb• &Jrl II llelng beW' for queatlolllng ~ by police and was fo be: taken later today to Juvtnile Hall, Chief Wilson 1aid. Freeway Sniper Suspect Quizzed in Valley Death DETECTIVE TONMHEARN COUl!IT.S DRl/G' H~l/L, 'Easter Bennin' Collected in Bal Isle Arrests Newport Teacher Switches Plea Queationing of a Jalled ft<eway llniper suspect dramatically . caplul'.ed . bY . a · barehanded youth WedM!day ts expected within 24 hours to determine lf he was involved in the 11168 myete.ry murder of a motorcyclist 1n Fountafn Valley. discovered the body sprawled alol1g the freeway ~ near Euclid ·Street m Ille border of the two cities, baUer<d and scraped by bouncing down the pave-New port Police Seize 13,500 Pills in Arrest Wade Watts, head football coach and a The 1USpect ia be:lnl interrogated today driver ·education instructor at Newport In Los Angeles, following his arrest .. Harbor High Scbool, has withdrawn a prevkmly entered plea of guilty on a Wedneaday nlsht, after a San Die10 dtunken driving charge and ts scheduled Freeway ohootlq tpree in which one to appear April 4 in .La!UJla Munlclpat tar'get wao 111 ol!<luty therllr1 deputy. Newport Beach police today reported they seized more than 13,SOO pilb valued at $5,000 on the illicit drug~ market during two separate arrests Wt;<lnesday on Balboa Island. Four suspects were · taken ·Into custody during one arrest after a car was stopped on the island. Two women were arrested ln the second case. where illegal pills were allegedly tossed from a house win· dow. The combined seizures. detectit'es said, amounted to the largest drug-seizure in Ille city'• h!stOf)'. • Police said the allegedly illeial drug cachet may have been part of an im- portaUOn scheme for witlespread sale of Ulegi.1 pills to vacationing Easter Week students. ' 1 • ' BEFORE NOON The a!Testi started beJore noon Wednesday •htn delectlvu A.r b Campbell and Tom Shearn were return- ing from a burglary case on the \sland and they came up behind a car cootainlng four men at Park and Sapphire avenues. The. detectives said they notked one person in the car l\J&iin& at his shoes' and looking back fuftlvely. They pulled the car over. Court foe further arraignment proceed-Gary s. Rishel, ••, a Sylmar electronlca In the car the officers discovered af>out · ""' 1,400 red capsules ·alleged to contain m~na-San Clemente .Judicial Dis-tectdcian, is he.Id at U. Angeles City seconal. The capsules were in pAcUgls trlct Judge Richard Hamilton allowed Jail booked on a variety of charges of 100 each. the change following a court appearance stemming from ·the West Lo! Ange.let The. detectives arrested the four, who M"day by Watts. The teacher had.been pl9tol target pracUce. ... are all from the·Pasadena-Areadia area. scheduled to appear for sentencing April ·No tnjuriei were reported ~ong They are James Jose~ Murphy, 19, 1. ' -aeveral mokl'iats 1wbo told el a JllYsterJ' Arcadia ; John O'Brien Herbaugh Jr., Watts, 50, 'Of 19'10 Temple·Hllls Drlve f gunman G'Ulalag ·~r· their carylt fute.r . 22, Pasadepa; Donald Allan Walters, 22, was mested by 8 Laguna Stach patrol· speed and ~ at them. Arcadia, and Claudio M. Masella, llO, man early last Friday ln the lOO block Fountaln V1lley Pelil't. "Lt. Martin of N. €.oast Highway ahd was held over-his d art Arcadia. night. . Fortin confirmed tnday JJ>at ep - O(fi<eu also-cq)iiscaljld two stereo meot had 'been notllled of the atmllartty spiaker cabinets ina ~ them jr(te . in the We.dneslay at.1'cks and the local · the'statlonJor iiwwi{!ilion,· ~:-:--.• · PENNY PINCHERS: Aug. 7 sniper m~. OPEN BOXES ' \, ~· • APPEAR IN ooelRT • ;ewe ~eclded to open :UP the. s~u.-'. "PULLING POWER ~ '!?"~ =.,:,%{~~ J.~p~: · boxes Jn the late afterrioorr "to ·'chet!k · • •ioot 'ffiX' men are. ~ up in .court · for , serial numbers.• Whep I ,~·'off , .-. Hav~ rou tested .the selling r.wer of appearances today and we11 probably tpe beck, .th~re were all those pills " a ''new1 Penny Pincher 1d? onnerly talk to him tomorfo:tr ,; Sheam:sl..iel. · . . '·• ·. • :' IJ limited to the sale ol only certa!n Items, lnvtsU&aton kldW-~iderable dtitaila Tbe speakers hid about l0,000 ol ·the DAILY PILOT Peony Plncben now can about thi Wttpon wbkh kllled' Jame1 rtld .c:apsul.., along with ll'O Jlastic be used by any ad\'ertloer (ucept...,. Gll6'er n, of '11 s Mountaln View bigs of whlte tablelt •allO,ed to-lie • ;itrclal ones, fll ~l..'°.~ anytbf Ing. ;J.'ve ... Sinta Ana, u i;. rode his n... ampbetamlnu. • Tbel" runJ ~ ••~ w-"' lwo,.,,,c ill IMtull>'Ppbntaln Valley •.. T ' About . one hour alter diacovery fll r ~or ~I {:! !;;n~:; ~ weepca .,., appareitly a .D Ille drugs, pol ice r_.red to a of the tn appropriate cat.,.r-callbtr temlautomallc which blutod five d~lurbance call al 122 Tuniuolse Ave. 1 C ri= for a dlrecl'line to the atuas through Gantner'• body u be rode on the laland, and as oflJcera arrived A°t..i!r who ... belp 7'l'l pinch peMles home fl'Oll) hla ru,Ilt shift 1tr<rall plant a bag con taming about I ,tillO red capsules and mote dollars. job in Lone BM ch. (Se• DRUG RAID, Pare II Colla 11 ... Pollce Offlett Ted CWr)' r 1 me.nt. A .22 caliber~handgun wu taken from Rishe.I Wednesday night when an angry, onlping victim chased him from the northbound San Dit&o Freeway down an offramp seeking revenge. DJSAllMED Michael Goo!or, 20, subdued and dla- armed Rlabd, placing him wider clizens · arrest and turning him over to CU&tody of Loo Angeles .police. after the IUlpecf stopped at a m Jilbl The cOurastcus yootb told invesUgators he wa11 drJvWlg · oorth crt tfie freeway " . ' ' . when a car pulled abreast \)l ·hl• vehicle and ht saw the arlVtt alril, shoot and IJilaa A abort lime earlier, oll<luty Loo Angeles -C«mty Sbertff'I deputy Sid , Hawkiley reported 111 abJloot.ldeotfcl attack on the samt freeway In which three ahota abaUered bis drlver'a llide window. Glau particles peppered hla face 11 a result, but his two children. riding In the back ... 1 of the small car eac•ped injury and Deptlty' Hawksley did not pursue the .mlper. • ' . About ~ lln>e the ~llat . WU aWD ID FOU!ltaln Valley, II leaat Jwo I otbel: ~,llyle ~. -Oft Ille ri:eew.Y lrere rtportid; ... tnvolflria ahoellw 'c:)'Clllt. ' Fountaln Valley police haYO beld fast td a theory that Gardner, a part.time cOl!ege at-·engaged to be marrled, WU killed by I atzon&tr With ml Itch far a thrill murder. Eise.nhower Groiving,,. Weaker • WASHINGTON , (UPI) -Former President ;::hi D. Elsenhowtr "con- tinuea ·to weaker" de.spite efiodl to reverse the heart condlUon Ufat 1' • • • lbrealei!s his We, doclnra rtported today. .Jl{ a brief morning bulletin on ll>e 71-year'°ld general's condition. Brig. Geb- Frederic Hughes, COmmander of wan<r Reed Army Hospital, said ' • G e 0. Eisenhower continues to grow weaker.'~ "Evidences of coogeaUve heart lalJuie cooUnue· unchanged," Hughe.I iakL ~ Mrs. EiJe.nhowe.r remained at bU husband's bedside.. The morning medical bulletin Pn Eisenhower said: "Gen. Eisenhower conUnuea to ~ weaker. He sleeps for looger pe.rloda, but when awake ls lucid and able to communicate with members of the fami- ly and, last evtnlng, with PresJdent NiX- on. ''The evidence! oJ congestive heart filllure. persist unchanged. M r l , Eisenhower rtmalns close to the general's bedside and is a' constant source of supPort and encouragement both to the general and Oll\m preaft\l" · Hughes ~Id not · aflfwer 'dlrecf• ques- Uons from newsmen. The next medical bulle.tJn WU IC'bedul- ed for late afternoon in the absence cf major change in Eisenhower's coo. dltion . President Nixon . made a s~-d,\he. moment trip to the hospllal WednMday for a brief chat with Eisenhower. A Nixon aide emphasized the President was not "called" to the bedaide, but had decided to make the vl&lt on hia own. 0r .... ' ' Weadler Another day to tell the folks back home about coma up Fri- day, with fair aklu and lem!>' eratures in the upper 70'1, back· ed by welf.erlJ breezes. IN!iWE TODAY Sen. Kennedr. toithout optniu qpposing him, ia on G coUUio11 covrsr toith President NU«m /<Yr 1972. 1'age 20. f · I I l r r I • t :-.. DAILY PILOr s Thu....,, llltdl 27, 1969 ' Green Berets Fight Way Into R,ed Stronghold ......... s. ....... SAIGON -Mercenaries led by U.S. Green Berets have fought lhtlr way Inch by Inch Into the previoosly Im· pre1Mble Viet Cong stronghold known as "Supentltioua: Mountain, •1 1 U . S • mlliiaey spokesmen said todOy. They captured a vast supply and hospital complex in the mountain 120 mila &0uthwest of Saigon. But elsewhere in the war lheeta of Commlllll.t ground fin abol down four U.S. belicopten and damaged fl"' olhen In the 33nl day ol the Red olfOlllive. Probe Studies Sex Abuses at State Hospital MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AUPI) -A state Senate investigation of alleged sex- ual -ol female patieota and clnJg misuse at New Jersey's largest mental holpltal is scrutinizing similar complaints at ·a second mental institution, the in- v~gation chairman disclosed wed· nesday nlgbt. Sen. Joseph Maraziti said ~'similar complaints" are coming from parents of patients at Marlboro St.ate Hospital, a cott.age-tYJ>e psychiatric hospital for 2,100 patients in secluded central Jersey wooc!JBnds. The Moms County R<publican'• com- rni!f<e launched 1 probe Monday of Greystone Park State HospilAl, a sprawl- jpg 4,800-patient institution in rural North Jersey, after it was dtsclosed that state police were investigating charges that attendants smuggled helpless females of all ages out of .wards for prostitution. The attendants who did the smuggling allegedly were paid $10 for each girl. The girl got a piece of candy er a coin. MarazlU said tl1lll "two and posaibly three" teen-age girls have become preg- nant at Greystone. He said parents have complained that two girls, 14 and 16, became pregnant at Greystone, and "there may be possibly another girl." "One woman told me that her daugbteT had relations on several occasions with men at a certain building at Greystone," he laid. • Maraziti said one employe of Greystonr, whom be would not identify, called to rep:rl that an 8-year-old had been sex- ually abused by an attendant who was allowed to continue working although be was reported. Rogers Says U.S. :Will Pull Troop,s ·1r Reds Do Also WASIUNGTON CAP) -Secre"ry of ·State William P. Rogers said today the '.United States ls prepared to withdraw . UJ>Ops from South Vietnam "over a . vefy short period of Ume" U Hanoi :'i;D agree to do the same thing. , : 11e also dec.J,ared that secret talks •(q ~·Out of the way places" about peace fit Vietnam have produced past progress ·..-lnd added "we're ready" for more. -: &gen Wked guardedly about that l1iid of negotiations -past and future ':'":and said detailed disclosure strips aW,y the very secrecy wbJch ii essential to success. . lj.ogers . testified the administration ·~ks mutual withdrawal of forces as ,·Qlajor step toward easing and ending ~ war In SouthWI Alla -and Is 1)61 lhink!ng In "rms of a lengthy ptriod fdr-that withdrawal. •11 would think U the other side Is willing that we ought to have withdrawal ,as quickly as possible," he told the Senate Foreign RelaUons . Committee. "We're prepared, if the other eide is prepared, to have a withdrawal over a very short period of time." f DAILY PILOT ............ " ........ ... --...... ... --CAUPOINIA OAAHG• COMT .. UkllHIHO COM,AfrtY ltolo.11 N. W"4 l''"'*"'I ol'llf l'llbUWr Jeck •• c ... r.., VfCil ............. o.ntr.i MeM ... n..,..,, ..... n .... Tlto11111 A. M11•p•lne -·-,,,, Nlu11t ----C.tt MtMI Ull Wiil ..., II,.. ,....,.,. tffdl: m1 Na1 ........ -.,. ~ 9Mdlt . ,_, .. _ . • ~ INdH • lltl '""' 1 Two ol the hell<opt<n were • -.y mlaslonl lo evacua" wounded Gia. Eight Americans were killed. Amtrlcon baUlelleld deaths In Vietnam dropped 2S pen:enl laal wetk lo the lowest week1J loll of the Viel Cong spring offtMl.ve, l!MI U.S. Command an .. nounced today. Bui the 266 Amerlc1n1 killed In actlna JIU.'hed the loW !or the war lo wllllln !00 of toW combal fatalJUe•1in tbe Korean war. . The 266 dw -, as less than the weet before -brought the tot&l American combat. dead for the eight· yOll'<lld war lo as,m. The total In the three-year Korean War was 33,629. Tbe U.S. Command also announced that l,'62 Americana were wounded In action last week, 61 more than the Jl!'lvlool weet. This bn>ught the total ~ wouoded reported In the. wae lo 2119,045. Supmtitious Moantain bas been a Communlat 111ronghold !or years and, bu reallted maaaed raids by llS2s and •t Jwt three assaulll by South Vietnamese who fe.ar the IDOWltain -known u )lul Colo In VlebWn.,. -be<auie II Is said lo hvbor poiloned wlndJ, ~ and dragom. The ~ault force was made up ot 1,000 mercenatlea, mo.stly fearleu Mon- tagnard tribesmen and Cambodia.mi who live in Vietuam. 'Ibey tl'aved aniper and mad>lnegunfir< mi-and booby traps In •their Inch b,: lnch1..-Iha! took 10 'days ol sl<ady fi~. • The paid vohmteero multed by tho U.S. specla1 forces teaqul ' capt'ured a key point on ~ mountain abd uncovered a =ast stem , of ca vu tbat included • • a ct1nmaodq'1 ~arters, am- munl. su~ cavttn1 aQd space for lleeplne ~ The spokesman lald they were still exploring the IO-year-old Communiat bideout today. The spokesman ea.id the mountain stronghold near the Cambodiu border was defended by about 300 auerruw. They Hid '5 of the Viet Con( bad been killed, but the aasaull lorco paid a heavy price, f7 dud and 100 wounc;led. Three American Gnea Berets were ldll· <d. 'I think every U.S. aotdier up there was bit •t least once," Capt. Frank Brennan of Arllnctan, Mau.; tntelllcence o!flcer 1..-lhe o.,..-. llld. He !aid the lroopo capturtd larp weapons and aJTimunlUon caches Jn-- eluding 460 weapons and two tom of ammunition. They also found Ruula.n flags, typewriten, generators, tape recorders, Joudspeaten and hundncll of poondl o! documenls. • One o( the lour helicopters r<porlad abot down was clearly marked with a Red Cross, the U.S. command .._ie.t. The lo.sses, Crom the Mekong Delta to !he Northern I Corpl, brought lo !,off lhe number of U.S. bellcoplerl 111!1 down In SOllth Vietnam. No Newport Crush Bal lf eek Coming , Soon . . ' But Situation Calm Naw . . I ' . ' ' . \ . . ... llJ'. .IOllN VALTDZA , .... ..., ............ There wu a time when the mere menUoo of Bal Week brought tirades and wailing fron1 Newport Beach townsfolk. But lately the emotion bu been replac· ed by an almost ~bum attiJude. because the throngs of students who once flocked to the Harbor area are going elsewhere -to Palm Springs and the Colorado River where the sun shines even more regularly and the ponce are more scarce. The rollicking, riotous Bal Weeks of the past are no more -not only because of the changea in taste of the revelers, but a I s o because of the reaction to them here. · Easter rentals are almost utinct, since students and teachers who b a v e dUcovered winter rentals are taking up tbe houses and apartments which once housed Eaater students. The ho6tlllty by landlords aloo la a factor. ~ ' the Ialand'I fire 11111111 frllll 1 1o s p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. The decals, to be placed on the driver's side of the front bUmper, are for ease of ldenWicaUon only and in no way do they enUUe the owner to violate a parking or traffic law, officials said. Other indications of dhninishing in- temlty of problema during the holiday came from Laguna Beach, where police will not be reinforced this year by ahef. riff's officers. The extra men in years past were added t.o help police the crowds. The Art Colony's police are eiplcting an older group of vacationen tbls year -m06Uy eollege and junior college 1tudents. Accurate predicUon1 of how many students will appear at any Oranp Coast city are difficult to make, einee the ftu· dents these days are ro.uch more mobile than in the past. Queen of the Fleet In a phone check tb1a week of local realtors, the general response was a snort, then strong denlala that the ftnn e_ver rented to Easter Week VacaUonen:. Students who ooct jammed Into rented apartments at the beach now drive home irultead, leaving the night bounl quiet for lhose ot us who just can't join in the fun. For, alas ••• we have to wort the next day. What better place to be on a hot day than on a sailboat with the wind blowing in your hair? Unfor- tunately, Paige Young's boot was on dry land Wed- nesday in hot old Los Angeles as she posed for phcr tographers. Paige has been named. Queen of the F1eet for 1969 Desert Regatta at Lake Havasu, Ariz. One real estate saleswoman 1111pped. "I wouldn't rent aa Easter rental if you paid me." From Pqe 1 e If the reqt.al& are Jacking, police precautions aren't. DRUG RAID. • • Beatles ID Hiding Market Robbery Suspects Face Charges Today The routine legal technicality allowing the city attorney to sign complaints against offenders of liquor laws and landlorda allowing overcrowding will go Into effect slarling Friday night. was thrown from the residence, they said. No More Public S1r.ows, Says Ringo More than 20 police reserve officers will start work alter Friday and days off for regular policemen will be can- celled for the week. The two occupants of the house, Linda Jean Mattos, 19, and Sue Jobnlon. 18, were arrested. TAKEN IN CUSTODY LONDON (AP) -The Beatles will never again perform in public, drummer Ringo Starr said today. "I IUppck9e it's a bit nasty on the fans," he said in an interview. "I'm sorry for them but no more public shows-never." The Beatles-John Lennon, Paul ~fc· Canney, George Harrison and Ringo- will still make record.1 and films. They were to have given their first concert in two years in January. There had been many delays before that date was set. 'lben it was postponed again lnde!lntlely. Peter Brown, an executive or Apple, the Beatles' company, said: "We tried to arrange one la.st concert but It just was not pradlcable. There were too many obstacles. We will never do it now. We just cannot get the right venue." Brown said an open.air arena such &!I the giant Wembley Stadium would not yield the right kind o( Beatles' sound, while a big public hall such as the Alben' Hall is still far too small for the innumerable thousands who would want to attend. As for recurring rumors that the Beatles will break up spokesmen at Apple insist the rumors are rubbish. "Make no mistake, we l!lhall always stick together," starr said. "Of course, we have our own separate int'erests to develop. We shall branch out and pursue our own individual careers but we shall alwayg be the Beatles, "Despite what the critics say, we are as popular as ever we ;WJre. "l don't say the Beatles wUl .. last for· ever but we'll go on for a verj long time -unless we get shot, or something." Sealah Program Will Continue Charges' of armid robbery will be filed today In West Orange County Municipal' Court against three men ar- rested Tuesday night following the holdup of the Food Fair Market in HunUngton Beach. Wednesday, detectives from five other Orange County cities quizzed the tJne "Wolf" tattooed suspects on alleged in- The decile proving residence on Balboa Island will be given out this week at County Remains Disaster Area SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The Navy will volvement in about 16 other armed rob-County supervisors decided Wednesday go ahead with the Sealab III progran1 beries over the past several months. that the county lll sUll in a "at.ate despite the death of aquanaut Berry Awaiting form.al charges in Huntington of disaster" . Cannon, Rear Adm. O. D. Waters Jr., Beach City Jail are James Robert They votM to rucind a March 5 said Wednesday night. McDaniel, 20, of Midway City; John resolutibn that declared the disaster over "It has been a great blow to the Leon Cushenberry, 21, or Santa Ana, when County Couneel Adrian Kuyper told Navy losing young Berry Cannon in and Robert Paul Drummond, 21, ao them the stltui should be reinstated. the recent Sealab tragedy," Waters, the El Toro Marine. He pointed to the Burris Sand Pit dang· Mra. John!on'a :1-yell'O!d danghte, Sharon, was taken into custody and transl~ county'• SHton Home. The arrests stemmed from a disturban- ce call from a house next door. Patrolman Walt Lamb responded and was taking infonnaUon from lbe caller when he aw the bag b&g thrown from the house at 122 Turqooise. Lamb Checked the sack, then called for narmtics officen. Police said the two cases seemed related, and that it appeared the dangerous drugs were to be sold here during Eaate Wetk. All six persons are being held with bail set at $6,250 each. They face charges of possesaing dangerous drugs for sale. oceanographer of the Navy, said. "He. McDaniel and Cushenberry were tr· 6 and uncorrected conditions in the was one of our best deep sea d•vers. rested Tuesday in an open !ield behind mounWn areas. Record Trade Def1'cit "But the decision has been made that, Huntington Center after mi.spects took The d1sutet status wu lifted at the regardless of this ralher serious setback, $350 at gun point from the Food Fair suga:esUon of county Civil Deferuse we are going ahead with the proi·ect." Market at Beach Boulevard and EA:linger Coordinator Wally Fox to establish a WASIIlNGTON' (UPI) -The United A -·t off da'· for "···•--cl-'--lo the States suffered a record fi'ade deflc:lt He said Saalab is a "phenomenal effort venue. '"" i.c ~l.U &1Ull5 of great i,mportance, somelh.i.ng like the Drummond was arrested early Wednea-state and federal governments. of $361.7 million in February, Jaraely moonshot. We are way ahead of the day morning in Garden Grove, police The disaster status origin.ally was as a result of dock strikes, the Commerce said declared last Jan. 28. Department reported today. world in saturation diving and this is!-==·======================================; going to be very useful to everybody r.· . , . because it will give us the capability to work in practical ways at depth& up to 600 feet." CaMon was killed \\'hen he took in a lethal amount of carbon dioxide during a Sealab III dive off San Clemente Island Feb. 17. The project was 5Uspend· ed alter his death. al .JI. J. . (Jarrell; l Piece Ice Cream Set ! Wrought Iron -Specially Priced• One Week Only $6995 ~ Tax Bureau in Anaheim • Closed by County Judge OperatJons of an Anaheim Income tax bureau were halted late Wednesday and Its principals ordered to appear ln Superior Court April 10 for an inquiry Into the firm . Judge Claude Owens signed the restraining order at the r e q u e s l o{ Dl!trict Attorney Cecil Hicks. It is alleg. ed in Jficka' complaint, filed on behalf of State Attorney General Thomas Lynch, that the Orange County Income Tax Service bu been named in hundreds of complaints filed by angry clients. Hieb ldenUIJed the prlnclpab In the tar consulting bureau u Marvin T. and Larry Ray SUMOn, Jene! Ruth MsrUn and C. B. Newberry, all of Anaheim. They are charged w:lth unfair buslnes!I practices relating to the preparation or income tax retunu Md ·misleading advertising. Hicks said l(tiOD WU Initiated by the Anaheim Ownber of Commerce which pmed on to the diltrlct aUorney the complaints ot bureau clle:nt.1 t.bat they had been blDed r... more than 115 lee adver!Ued by the agency. Anahelm police officers confirmed b. day that they had been called several times to the Lincoln Avenue premises to t•quell disturbances between the defen- dants and irate customers." The defendanb face possible fines of as much as $2,500 for each reported incident if they are convicted. • From ,Pqe 1 GEM THEIT •• pretense of shopping for 1 silver cake knHe. ', After looking over severaJ ltems of merchandise, she said they didn't quite su1 t what she had in mind and left the &tore, at which time D' Angelo noUced her companion had also wandered oul No parllcular deacrlptlon wu given of hlm, but the striking blonde th•ll IUSpeCI sought today wore 1 black, pullover sweater and appeartd to be about 15 lo 28 yean old. Depending on resull.5 o! today's J<weby Inventory, Jo,,s in the business-hours thert might be a_s low _._s $1 $,000, lUrtsttln CHOICE OF I COLORS e FRENCH BRONZE e WHITE & GOLD e OLI~ e BLACK A GOLD e AVOCADO & GOLD e CHARCOAL e HARVEST e APPLE GREEN 30" TABLE H.J.GARR.tff fURNflURE n11 HAlQ ._'Ill. COSTA MHA. CALIF. °"'" --& ""' ... • M4-tJ71 -· Inve.tt.IRators said the defendants re- tained W-% and olher lax formJ wbere dilpute.s arose over the fee charged and In some cases filed other tu forms without the tazpayers signature . l'R01'8SIOMAI. INTEllOl DESIGllBtS !old police. 1'--------------------------------------' • • I -... Dnniingion ileat!h • --. • I " Today'11 Final VO~. 62, NO. 74, 4 S~IONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH 27, '1969 JEN· CENTS School Candidates O·utline Stands at Forum Candidates tor three positions on the Board of Trustees of the HunUna(oo Beach Union High School District Wednesday night attended the first of five candidate meetings scheduled by the f..e4gue of_}Yomen Voters. Dr. Ralph 'Bauer, who serves or! the Ocean View School District board and is making a hid for a seat on the high school dis~ as weU. said "the public has JoR-1 faith in the system. Four ol the last five electioM have Sex Courses For Summer In Beach Sex education is to begin th18 summer in the Huntington Beach Union High School District and most candidates for the governing board of the district agreed at Wednesday's candidate session that sex is here to stay. N'.rs. Bart Jetta Suter, long time backer of the high school district, said that •·sex is here to stay, but we don't have to teach them about the sex act. The need is for family life education." Trustee rucbard Wilson said that he is opposed to the approach suggested by the Sex Information and Education Coollcil ol the United States (SIECUS). but favors the course recently submitted to the trustees and the establishment of a citizens committee to review the coune materials. Fred Vcm •said ••1 don't believe that sex is a part of a cunmunist conspiracy. Community involvement in the program and classes is needed. The ~ls well can teach Ule physical aspects of . sex and famJly life With the ,home teachlng about love and moral values. Robert Dingwall said he thought teaching about sex is a parental responsibility and that he i:s opposed to a citizens committee reviewing possi- ble course material. Every parent should be able to get involved in deciding whether he wants his child in these classes or not, he added. Boa:d President John Bentley said he believes there is a pla~ In the high schools for teaching about sex and family life. In ~ to que61.ion be commented, "I( the course material coold not be publi~-·in the daily newspaper, we don't need it in our high schools." Ralph Bauer suggested that sex educa- tion needs to be tailored to the needs of the district. "Human relationshlips need to be stressed. 'nlere is too much emphasis on the sex act and nolhlng on romance. We have been taking the romance out of sexual relationships." Dr. Stephen Herman and Dr. John Kent agreed that sex edueaUon would aid In reducing venereal diseast problems in the high school district. "What I've heard here tooight has been that 'sex education is fine if you lake the sex out o( it.' No one is in favor or bad sex education and no one is proposing a bad program." Tot Recovering From Injuries David M. llarrell, 18·month old lfun. llngton Beach tot who wa& run over by an automobile Monday, is improving at Westminster Community Hospital. The youngster was removed from the hospital 's intensive care unit two days ago and transferred to the pediatrics ward. His condilion is described by hospital officials as "fair." Hamil suffered multiple fracturts, a broken pelvis and broke'! ribs when he was run over by a car parked near bit home on 14652 Edgeview Lane. Re had apparently been playing underneath the car. nie driver, Joe Bailey McNeil, was unawue that he had struck the chUd. Tuition Wins Support SACRM.IBNTO (AP} -California businessmen have indicated overwhelm- ing support for imposi~ion , cf tuiUon at the University of C.1ifom1a and the State Colleges, tht Slate Chambtf of Commerct uid today. Stoek Marketa NEW YORK !AP) -'!be . atoct mark<I, buoytd by peace hopes, cloS<d wtth lll10ther good gain lod•1· Trading nev the cloet was active. <See quot.- lions, P118es 30-31). The Dow Jones industrl11 av r: r •I e al 1 :JO p.m. was up 6.$2 points at m .a. • failed. The public does not beli<ve the Tnlsteea lDd admi.nlatration." John J. Bentley, incumbent board president, defended., the hi&h school district. "We are accused of buikUng athletic sladiums willy.rully, but we've built only' one for· every two schools. Our studt!ot.s alw1y1 rank well in com- parison' to those of other districts, but there ii no limit to the improvement possibilities ... Robert E. Dinpall, who led the distriet to ils only successful flrumce tlection in rtcent ye41rs, said he is in· the race '1because the time is past to. let George do ii." He charged lhat the ho.Ii.rd had failed the taxpayers and students. Dr. Stephen D. Herman charged that the problems "art being swept under the table." He said that there is in· adequate counse.lin& aervices, inadequate vocaUonaJ training and that-the diatrict ·is £alJing to solve dnJi problems. Queen of tlae f'leet Dr. Stephen Kent, who ls rurmJog as a team with Hmnan, claimed that youngsters at various high schools get an unequal education with the best education at Marina and the lowest at Westminster High. Mrs. Carolyn R. Mitchell, secretary or the district's last two citizen advisory commJttees said the di.strict i a overcrowded and "there ii an lncrtaslng aw&rf!oess in the comnum.ity that our school system ii an average-one." She What better place to be on a hot day than on a sailboat with the wind blowing in your hair? Unfor• tunateJy, Paige Young's boet w~s on dry land Wed· nesday in hot old Los Angeles as she posed !or pho- tographers. Paige has been named Queen of the Fleet for 1969 Desert Regatta at Lake Havasu, Ariz. Teen Power Due In Huntington At Friday Dance Teen power could replace flower power if Huntingtoo Beach. teen-agers can prove to the city they are capable ol organizJng and running an eUective ™n recreation program. Huntington Be<cll High School .tudenls will begiin their demonstratioo of teen capabilities with a special darice at 8:30 p.m. to 11 :30 p.m., Friday in the city Recreation Cmter, 17th Street and Orange Avenue. Two local bands will be featured In Friday's dance, open to &tude!lta qi the Huntington Beach Union High School District. A lack of local entertainment for teenagers during the summer led to a decision of several of the iludents to ask the city for h e Ip in finding a location a 90l't of. '"teen hangout " thel woold0be available the f1'1NOU11d.' Many of the local teenagers bave of. !ered to help the city in the -park bond election. They have also auggeeted including a special teen building in future park plan11. If Friday's darice ii 1ucceuful, local teens hope to extend the-immediate ~m to weekly dance throughout Uinlfmmer. Admission Friday njght will be 75 cents to hear·the "Po1'on" and • band without a name. Marina High School offers a swnmer program .of weekend dances, but many student! feel a r~ program near the center or \ o w n would help a lot • of )'9Ung studm\I who don't live in lhe Maztaa ...... Clear Skies Bring People .. Problems to Area Beaches Cloudless skies and temperatures rang. Ing in the mid-seventies have started the human Ude going again oo Huntington Beedles. The number of bodies flowing into the city at dawn and leaving at night has lncre88ed from just about nothing during the rainy eeaeoo to .about 4,0C9 per day dwing this week. The sudden inllux of people bas brought with it a sbare of problems, however, among them par.kins, which is already at a premium. Many of the beach area parking spots County Remains Disaster Area Counlf aupervison decided Wednesday that the county Is still Jn a "state of dlsaster". They voted to rescind a March S resolution that declared the disaster ov~ wben County Counsel Adrian Kuyper told them the status should be reinstated. He. painted to the Burris Sand Pit dang- er and 1mC0rrected conditions in t h e mountalll areas. The dlsuter 1tatus wu lifted at the suga:eetioo of county Civil Defense Coordinator Wally Fox to establish a cut off date for disaster claim• to the state and federal governments. The disaster status .originally wu declared last Jan. 28. are tom up from coostruction projects, forcing the bathers to Juve their cars in the downtown and residential areas. "They have to do a lot of walking," said. lifeguard lieutenant Clark Bode .. bendet', "bl& I 111"' they figure !l's worth IL" According to Huntington Beach Police Lieutenant Paul Darden, "the problem will get con6iderably worse over Easter Vacation." Parking citaLioos have risen 45 percent over last mootb. Once the seaaon is in full swing the city's met.er maids are expected to write approximately 1,100 citatiODS a month, Darden said. Lifeguards too have already had their hands Juli in protecting uncauLious swim~ men. Eight retCUea were performed Tuesd.liy and Wedne!day a ft e r n o o n li!eguard Randy Qindlt sa"'1 three Baldwin Park 1ee1>11ers from drowning in the riptide. ,,,. lifeguard staff will be boooted to 31 dtring Easter Week and to 13 during the beilht of the '"'""'· Huntington Stud.ents 'Join in U.N. Meet Audun Tvetden, foreign exchange stu- dent ·from Norway now at Huntiopm Beach High School, and another delegate will represent the school in a mock United NaUons auembly Aprll 10. ' , The all-day event wW be beld at San ClemeW 111"1 Schoot. Arguing Over Truancy Girl, 14, A 14-yoar-old \a' Hllft Jlitli Sdioor girl stabbed her fatMr to death w~ nesday nl&ht lollo"1n1 an aJ1U1M111 ovtr her pmlstcnt truancy, Pollet Qllel Her- ry WllAoo roporled. Dead lnxn • lln'1e stab """1ld tn bll chest Is llooald Tromble Braity, 52, of 400 N. Hue! St. Held by police ii his d1ugbter, l.JJI. Chief Wilson ukl thal followlna the •tal>blni the !Alber and daUlht<r •Po peand oo the prdi ol lhclr apartmcot, I ., • said she would Ill<• to ... • high achoo! built in ll<al Beach. Mrs. Bartlet.ta Suter, long active in high school finance and planning malltrs, said that as a boultwlle abe wouki have ample time 't.o spend at the acbools 1tloldng . tn to pro\>lerna. She advocated pursuit of A' policy of excell~ jn education with each alUdenl encouraged to develop bis run polenlla1. Fred:W. v ... charced that there "are forces' dedicated to -"" the status Cycl.e Slaying Sniper quo. OlaD.!1• ls what educatloo la all about, bul this board has resisted change. We need to -create a new atmosphere for educalion. The role of the board is not .to lnlulate from the comtriunlty, but to ad to improve communicaUon. The board ls not doing that." Richard Wllsoo, appointed to the hoard two years ago, pointed out that the distrid bas asked voten lo< balldlnl · money, but lhat the bond ~-(Seo CANDWATEll, P• ll Held - Quizzing In FV Death~ ' ' For QuesUoolng of a jailed freeway. sniper suspect dramaUcally captured by a barehanded youth Wednesday ls expected within 24 hours to determine if be wu involved ln the 1968 mystery murder of a motorcyclist ln Fountain Valley. The SUllpect ii being Interrogated today In Los Angeles, lollowing bis """'t Wednelday nlgbt, aller a San Diego PHeway sbooUng spree In which one '-"'• ""' Al\ ofl-duW llbar!ll'• .cy, a., 1. IUaliel, 25, • .,_ tachnldln, 11. held at Los Jn1tle1 Clly J_ail boobd ·on a variety o! charges lfanmll!( ~ the West Los Angeles pbtol tar1ol pr~tic<. No .hiJlll'I• w•o reported .,,..,. .. venl lriol«llls who told of • myatery cunman cruJaing by their can II laster sJ!ec1 and ohooling at them. Fountain Valley Police LL Martin Fortin conftnned today that his depart· ment had been notlfled of the similarity in tbe Wednesday attacks and the local Aug. 7 aniper murder. Doctors Report Gen. Eisenhower Growing Weaker WASHINGTON (UPI) -Former President DwJgbt D. Eisenhower "con~ tinues to grow weaker" despite efforta to reverse the heart condition that threatens hia lUe, doctors reported today. In a brief morning bulletin oo the 7a.year-old general'• condilion, Brig. Gen. Frederic Hughes, commandu of Walter Reed Army Hospital, said • ' G e n, Eisenhower continues to grow weaker." "Evidence! of congenUve heart failure continue unchanged,'' Hughes uid. Mrs. Eisenhower remained at her husbaod.'1 bedside. The momlng medical bulletin on Eisenhower said: "Gen. Eisenhower conUnuu to grow weaker. He sleeps for longer periods, but when awake ia lucid and able to communicate wJth members of the fami- ly and, last evtning, with President Nil'· 0!1. "The evidences of congestive heart failure persist unchanged. Mrs . Eisenhower remains close to t h e general's bedside and is 1 constant source of support and encouragement both to the general and others present." Hughea would not answer direct ques-- Uona from newamen. Tbe oat medlcal bulletin was schedul· ed for late afternoon ln the absence of major chinge Jn Eisenhower's con- dition. President. Nixon made a spur-of-th&- mome11t trip lo the bolpital Wednesday for a Irle( chat with Eisenhower. A Nixon aide empbulzed the Preskient was not "called" to the bedside, but bad dopded to mako the vlsll oo bis own. "I don't know Who released il to the press,'' he commented a bit unhappily, "but nly men are tied up in court appearances today and we'll probably talk to him tomorrow." Investigators know consider.able details about the weapon which killed James Gardner, 21, al. 619 S. Mountain View Ave., Santa Ana, u he rode bis new 'cycle through Fountain V~. 'J'he 'Peapon was apparent1J a .22 t caliber aemiaUtomaUc which bluled live slugs through Gardner's body as be rode home from bis nlght llhlft mrart plant job In Long Beach. Coota Metf Police OffJcer Ted CUrry dlscovend Uit body sprawled along the freeway lhoWdit aear Euclid Street on the border ol-tha two cities, balUred and JCrlped by bouncing dawn the pave- ment. A .22 caliber h,andgun WM taken from Rishel Wednesday night when an angry, lnl.ping victlm chased him from the northbound San Diego Freeway down an offramp seeking revenge. Michael ClonJor, 20, subdued and dll- armed Rishel, placing blm under: ctbens arrest and turning him over to custody of Los Angeles police, after the ~ 1lopped at a red tight. The courageous youth told investigator• he waa dri\"Eg north on the freeway when a car pulled abreast of his vehicle and he aaw the driver alm, &boot and miss. A short time earlier, off-duty Los Angeles Councy Sheriff'• depuly Sid Hawksley reported an almost·identical attack on the same freeway in which three shots sbaltered his driver'• aide window. Glau particles peppered. Ilia face as a result, but his two children rtd!ng in the back aeat of the small car Helped injury and Deputy Hawksley did not. pursue the sniper. About the time the motorcyclist was slain in Fountain Valley, at 1e&st two (See SNIPER, P11e J) School Candidates Meet at Valley High Candidates for seall on the governing board of the FoUntain Valley School District meet the public at 7:30 ton!Jht at Founta1n Valley High School, Bushard Street at Talbert Avenue. High School district c11ndidates will be speaking at .the meeting, sponsore9 by the League of Women Voters. Oraaie Couc Weadaer Another day to tell the folks back homa about come1 up Ftl- daY •. with ta.Ir &k.le1 and temp. erature1 in the upper 70'1, back· ad by westerly breezea. IN'imE TODA 'l' Sen. Kcnnedv. wiJhout opcnty '1PJJOlhlg him, ls 011 .G ~· . eo•m ~Ill p,,,;a..i ~ i•r j 1972. Pdgt :ZO. ' • • ' ..... .. .. .. • • .. ... .. " .. • Min-~ t -'. -.. --. ................. .... c..-r ,..,, .............. U.IP =--~ ~~ II ... . --.. I l ,~----- H f ! DAA.Y ,110T 1 Green ~·-IWOOll -fo!-es led by U.S. Groen Bents h.ave IOIJihl lhelr w11 Inch by Inch into lhe previously tm- ):lreCl\lb5e Viet Cong stronghold known u "SUpent!Uon Mountain," U.S. military spokesmen sald today. They captured a vast supply and hospital comJ>lel: in the moontain 120 miles aoulhllfSI ol Salgon. But ellewbere in the war sheets of Communlal .,...m lire shot down lour U.S. hellooplen and damaged five olhers In lhe 33nf day of lhe R<ld offenalve. ,,.....,_11,lM '• I ho "' Ille he'*"'• .... .e -,......_ .. .....,....._ - Amerlcanl ..... tlllod., American baftlefield deaths In Vietnam dropped 25 percent Jut week to the lowest weekly toll of the V~t Con& spring offensive, the U.S. Command an- nounced today. Buf the 266 Americans killed in action pushed the total for the war to within 300 af tolal combat fatalities in the Korean war. The 266 dead -85 leu than tbe week befor< -brought the total American combat dead for the eight· Otlly ,.lllt Jllln ~ Jill• 'V11hru DETECTIVE TOM SHEARN COUNTS DRUG HAUL 'Easter Btnnles' Colleettd In Bal Isle Arrests Probe Checks Sex Abuse Of Girl Mentnl Patients • MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AUPI) -A .ltate Senate investigation of alleged sex- ' :ual abuse ol female pal!enta· and drug . ~ at New Jersey's largest mental • ~ta.I is !JCl'Utinl.zing similar complaints ·. ·at a second mental institution, the in· ·· ~ .\'eJtigaQon cbairman d15closed wed· : ne&day nijhl. . • : Sm. Jceepb Miraiitl. said 11similar : -complaints" are coming from parents <i pati<nts al Marlboro Stale H06J>ital, :a cottage.type psychiatric hospllal for 2,100 patients In secluded central Jeraey woodlonda. The Morris County Republican's com· mlttee launched a probe Monday of GreyBtone Park State Hospital, a sprawl· in& 4,800-patlent institution in rural North Ofll lV Pl ltll OllAHCI• ~ PUll.lliMt1'1CI <OMJOAlf'f' .... rt N WaM ,.,.Mini .... l'\llN ..... J1tfr l. C•rf'J ""' ~' ..,,. 0-.. ._... Tli111111 K11ril ..... 1111-• A. MYrat.1111 MMNI"" ltliflot .AA.rt W. 111" W\Pl1"' R114 ~.. Ml'llll"'!Ofl IMC" Ellllr Cily 1111"' H•tlilttN~ JOt Ith Str11t M1tn11, AIWrwHf P.O •••• 7t0, t2MI---.......... 9-dli "" W.t ...... ...,....,,,. CllM ... ; DI W.I bY t""9 UllMI a.ct1: m ,.,. .. .,_ • Jersey, after it was ctiscl06ed that state police were investigating charges that attendants smuggled helpless females of aJI ages out of wards for prostitution. The aUendants who did lhe smuggling allegedly were paid $10 fm-" each girl. The girl got a piece of candy or a coin. MaraztU said that "two and ~bly three" ~age girls have become J>feg· nant at Greystone. He saJd parents have complained that two girls, 14 and 16, became pregnant at Greystone, and "there may be possibly another girl." --.. "One woman told me that her daughter had relations on several oceas.ions with men at a certain building at GreystOM," he said. Blonde Diverts Jeweler-Friend Cleans Oiit Case A long-tressed, ~ather mini-skirted blonde kept a Costa f\.fesa jeweler busy showing silver cake knives Wednesday, apparently while her boyfriend escaped with up to $18,000 in diamond rings. The e1act loss to Jewels by J oseph, 33.13 S. Bristol St., is being inventoried today, but police detectives said it may amount to 84 gem-set rings. Jo,,epb I. Hartstein, of Lakewood, reporttd the grand theft case lite Wednesday afternoon when two di.splay bo.res wbicb bad contained 4.2 rings each Y.'tte discovered DlWlng. Officer John Stoneback aald the .store ttaff bad not taken lnventory in recent days, so each box ma)' have contained fewer than a. rings. InvesUgator1 aaid clerk Juel D'Angelo IUJpecied th< attractlvo blonde Md her companion, who entered the .store to btOWM around during morning hours. They Aid tbe woman, 1 bJt over five feet tall and weiahing about 1!0 pcnmds, dJverted h{m to the rear of the South Coan Plau •lo« °" the pntenst: or shopping for a silver cake knife. I - . I ··" __ ,. . )'llMld .... to ••• 'Ille .... la 11 .... 11 -~ ....... -Ille~-w .. -..... :_. ~~ ,...... .... made • ol 11'111 U.S. O>mmud ..... ._ 1 ooo .n..-. moelly fwleas "fc: that 1,312 Amerlcw were wounded in ti,nard tribetmen and Cambodians who action la.st wee)(, 61 more than the live in Vietnam. 1bey brav~ 1niper ~vious week. This brought the total and ma~. mlnea and booby American wounded reported in the war traps in their inch hr inch aacent that to 209,045. took 10 days of steady flghllng. Super1Utious Mouniain baa beto a The paid volunteers recruited by the Communist stronghold for years and bas U.S. special forces teams captured a rtlilted massed raids by B52s and at key point on the mountain and ~vered 1east three assaultl by South Vietnamese a vast system of caves &hat lncluded who fear the mountain -known as ~ holpltal, a commander'.& quarten, am- NUi Coto ln Vietnamese -becat11t it munition. supply cavtl'DI and apace for =~~~~~- Communist hldlcNt today. \ 10 The spokesman said the moWltain stronghold near the Cambodian bord'!r was defended by about ~ guerrillas. They said SS of the Viet Cong bad been killed, buf the .... u11 loroe paid a heavy price, 11 dead and 100 wounded. Three ttme~an Green Berets were kfil. ed. . 'I think every U.S. aoldler up there was bit at least once," Ca~ Frank Brennan of. Arlington, Mas.s .. iiitelllgence ---· ~- -...... ~ l"1'L Ill Ail ~ ....,. . ..,.. lorge weapons and .ammW\IUon caches in· eluding 460 wupom and two tons of ammunition. The.y also found Russian flags, typewriters, generators, tape reeonlen, loudspeakers Md hundreds of pouodi of documents. One oI the rour helicopters repart.ed ajiot down was clearly marked with a Red Cross, the U.S. command reported. The losses, from the Mekong Delta to the Northern I Corps, brought lo· 1,044 the· number of U.S. helicopters shot down In South Vietnam. Newport Seizes 13,500 'Easter Pills' ~ I • Newport Beach police today reported The arrt1ts started before noon Arcadia, and Claudio M. Muella, 20, on the island, and as officers arrived they selzed more than 13,500 plJis·vahied Wednesda)' when detectives Arb .. Arcadia. a bag containing about 1,500 .red capsules t $5 IXIO th .!licit d g market Campbell and Tom Shearn were return-Officers also confiscated two stereo was thrown from the reSJdence, they a • on e 1 ru ing from a burglary case on the island said. durlngBalboatwo Y~Jandparate arrests Wednesday and they came up behind a car contalhlng speaker cabinets and took them into The two occupants of the house, Linda on y • the station for investlgaUon. ohns 1 · F .,,........,... · tak . to ,,,.....,.,, four men at Park and Sapphire aV"mues. Jean Mattos, 19, and Sue J on, 1 , our .. _!"" .. _ Wert en m c ......... ,. The detectives said they noUced one OPEN BOXES were arrested. during one arrest after a car was stopped person in the car tugging at bis shoes "We decided to open up the speaker TAKEN IN CUSTODY ~n ~ lsland.dTwo wom:n we; a~ and looking back furtively. They pulled boxes in the late afternoon to check Mrs. Johnson 's 2-year-old daughter, n e secon case w ere eg Pl the car over. for serial numbers. When I took off Sharon, was taken into custody and :ere allegedly tossed from a house win-In the car the omcen discovered about the back, there were all thoae pills," transferred to the county's Sitton Home. ow. ined vea: aald 1,fOO red capsules alleged to contain Shearn ·said. The arrests stemmed from a disturban-~~to th~~~= seizur~ seconal. The cape:ules were In packages The speakers hid about 10,000 of the ce call from a house next door. · ••-city' '"'-"-of 100 each. red capsules· along with two plaatic Patrolman Walt Lamb responded and m wrr; 1 WGWty. . ' was laking information from the caller Police said the allegedly illegal d!"J& The detectives arrested the four, who bags 1 of white tablets alleged to be when he saw the bag being thrown caches may have been part of an lln·· are all from the Puadena-Arcadia area. amphetamines. from the house at 122 Turquoise. portaUon sc~eme for wl~espread sale They are James Joseph ~furphy, 19, About one hour alter discovery of Lamb Checked the sack, then caJled of illega1 pills to vacationing Ea.ster Arcadia; John O'Brian Herbaugh Jr.. the drugs, police responded to a 1 1. ff' Week students · · 22, Paaadena; Donald Allan Walters, 22, disturbance call at m Turquoise Ave. or narco 1cs o Jeers. · Police said the two cases seemed From Page 1 CANDIDATES • • were not passed. He said tbe dlstrict ii p"'vidlng hlgb achoo! atudenta with quality educaUon at a modest cost. He Wd he favors comprehensive high schools rather than Technical schools. Candidates Jim ~ntson, Harvey Bol· tnger and Raymond M. Schmitt did not attend the meeting. From Page I SNIPER ..• other sniper-style shooting attacks on the freeway were reported, one involving another 'cyclist. Fountain Valley police have held fast to a theory that Gardner, a part.time college student engaged to be married, was kWed by a l'traJJger with an itch for a thrill murder. Market Robbery Suspects Face Charges Today • Beatles ID Hiding No More Public Shows, Says Ringo LONDON (AP) -The Beallea wUl never again perform in public, drummer lllnio Starr said today. "I !UJlPOSe it's a bit nasty on the fan1," be 11aid in an interview. "I'm sorry for them but no more public shows-never." The Beatle&--John Lennon, Paul Mc- Can'ner., George Harri.son and Ringo- will still make records and fihns. They were to have given their first concert in two years in January. There bad been many delays before that date was set. 'Then it was postpaned again lndellnllely. Peter Brown, an executive of Apple. the Beatles' company, said: "We tried to arrange one last concert but it just was not practicable. 'Ibere were too many obstacles. We will never do It now. We just cannot get the right venue." Brown uld an open-air arena such as the giant Wembley Stadium would not yield the right kind ol. Beatles' aound, while a big public hall such as the Alber( Hall ls still far too small for the innumerable thousands who would want to attend. As for recuning rumors that the Beatles will break up spokesmen at Apple imist the rumors are rubbish. "Make no mistake, we shall always stick together," Starr said. "Of course, we have our own separate inierests te develop. We shall branch out and pursue our own individual careers but we sha 11 always be the Beatles. "Despite what tbe critics say, we arc as popular as ever we were. "1 don't say the Beatles will last for· ever but we'll go on for a very long time -unless we get shot, or something." Incumbents Give Positions Running for re-election with a promise continue doing so," she said. She pointed of "more of the same with some imw to the reputation the school district has provements," incumbents Ruth H. Duffy in music education with a promise to and Cyrus W. Shepard of the Seal Beach continue with this and other programs Charges of armed robbery will be School District 'Board of Trustees she called "fine and progressive." filed today in \Vest Orange County Wednesday asked the voters tO return Shepard, who baa 23 years experience Municipal Court against three men ar. them to oftice for another four-year as a Seal Beach board member, asked rested Tuesday night following the holdup term 1n the April 15 election. to be returned to office on the basis of the Food Fair Market in Huntington The paJr spoke at a candidate forum sored b lh Le f of his record. Beach. spon Y e ague o Women Wednesday. detectives from five other voters and olhl'\• civic groups in Seal "Seal Beach is a wonderful place for Orange County cities qtliu:ed the three Btach. Candidate John J. Reed and children. If you noted the newspapers ''Wolf" tattooed suspects on alleged in-incumbent Jack T. Cairns did not attend Jast weekend you saw the new reading related, and that it appeared the dangerous drugs were to be sold here during Easter Week. All six persons are being held with bail set at $6,250 each . They face charges ol possessing dangerous drugs for sale. Rogers Says U.S. Will Pull Troops If Reds Do Also WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of State William P. Rogers said today the United States is prepared to withdraw troops from South Vietnam "over a very short period or time" if Hanoi 'viii agree to do the same thing. He also declared that secret talks in "out of the way places" about peace in Vietnam have produced past progreas -and added "we're ready" for more. Rogers talked guardedly about that kind of negotiations -past and future -and said detailed disclosure strips away the very secrecy which is essential to success. -' Roger$ testified the administration seeks mutual withdrawal or forces as a major step toward easing and ending the war in Southe8l5t Asia -and is not thinking in terms ol a lengthy period for that withdrawal. "I wQUld think il the other slde Is willing that we ought to have withdrawal as quickly as possible," be told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "We're prepared, if the other aide is prepared, to have a withdrawal over a very short period of time.'' Record Trade Deficit volvement in about 16 other armed rob-the function. scores and Seal Beach School District beries over the past several months. Mrs. Duffy, a member of the board i3 number one. It was oo accident. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The United Awaiting formal charges in HunUngton since 1966, lives in Leisure World. She We planned it." States suffered a record trade deficit Beach City Jail are James Robert is a retired teacher. On unification, he said simply, "I'm of $361.7 million in February, largely M.cDaniel, 20, of Midway City: John "l represent the 11,000 grandparents against it. We need more Jocal control, as a result of dock strikes, the Commerce Leon Cushenberry, 21, of Santa Ana, r~ln;;;;;Lel;;;;;su;r;e;W;o;r;kl;;and;;l;;w;o;ukl;;li;'k;e;to;;;;"';l;ie;ss;.;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lle~partm;;;;ent;;n;po;;rt;ed;;lod;;ay;.;;;;~ and Robert. Paul Dnnnm<>nd, 21, an El Toro Marine. McDaniel and Cushenberry were ar- rested Tuesday in an open field behind Huntington Center after suspeets took $350 at gun point from the Food Fair Markel at Beach Boulevard and Edinger Avenue. Drummqnd was arrested early Wednes. day morning in Garden Grove, police said. Investigators from Costa M e s a , Newport Beach, Westminster. Anaheim and Santa Ana talked lo the trio Wed. n~y in HunUngton Beach. Sgt Monty McKennon of Huntington Beach said the three men, all ol whom have "Wolf" tattooed on their left ann, are beinc questioned about 16 other arm- ed robborf., In the other live clties. Writer Ray Bradbury Sets Beach High Talk Ray Bradbury, one of America's foremost science fiction writers, will speak to members of the California Scho la rship federation of Hun- tington Beach High School Saturday. The students will hear Bradbury at the University of California, Irvine, where tie will addreM them and honor students from other hlgh school campuses. U.S., Spain Agree On Leasing Bases WASIUNGTON (UPI! -The United States-and Spain have agreed in prlnclptc on reneYring Ule U.S. lease or four military bases, but apparenUy f11iled to agree on how much military 1id America should give In return. Spanil;h Foreign Mjnl~er Fernando Maria CasUella y Mais w a 1 returning to Madrid today to consult with hll government on the American offtt of military aid. al JJ. J. (}arreH~ 3 Piece Ice Cream Set! Wrou9ht Iron -Specially Priced· One Week Only $6995 ~ CHOICE OF I COLORS e FRENCH BRONZE e WHITE & GOlD e OLM • BLACK a GOLD • AVOCADO a GOLD • CHARCOAL e HARVEST e APPLE GREEN 30" TABLE H.J.GAl\Rtff fURNqlJRE 1211 HAHO. ll'ID. OOSTA MUA. CAUF. M4-0t71 MU21' 0,.--·M.- • ' ' I I[ I ' ---------------......-~---- • Start Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate Mostly what Joe Leonard talks about these daya ls real est.ate. That's the Mly busineM he .ii currootly active in. That's correct. Tbe ipan who sat on the pole for the 1961 Indianapolis 500 at well over 1701 miles an hour, who led nearly every USAC championship' race be saw last year, doesn't have a ride for the big one. He doesn't have a ride for anything, as a matter of fact. Joe Leonard, ooe of motor sport's most promising young men, ii a cama:lty of the Firestone pullout from auto radng. "I hate to say this, but t gavt u-p my ridt in the last race: d. the year to Mario Andretti for Firestone so he cook! have a chance at the championship, and this is the thank! t get, H Leonard said. The handsome ex-motorcycle a~ hasn't been sitting around waiting for sc.meone to hand him a competitive car for the tndy 500. He flew home from the Houston indoor midget race with Larry Truesdale, racing boss ol Goodyear, and they didn't discuS& t1ie weather. "He told me all the good cars have been spoken for ." Leonard said. "There just i.sn't anything left for me. and I'm rd goiog to drive somet.'rl.ng that's not competitive just lo get in the race. "After all, I think I deserve liOtl'lething better than a second rate car. If it doesn't stand 8 chance to win, I don't want to drive it." Lemard isn't pa rticularly bitter or m~ about his situation, incredible as it is. fie plans to spend the month of May at the speedway "just in case." "Maybe," Leonard said, "somebody wiU be sandbaggjng back there. and a car owner may want to see how fast his car will go. t 'm not quitting. Know anybody who needs a driver? I'm available.." Leonard's sudden rise to prominence has come to a halt juot as abruptly as his lo.tunes took the upwat<I lrelld -am luck played· an imi>ortant role both ways: It used to be good, bJt it's runrSng bad now. Leonard graduated from motorcycle racing -''ibat's the toughes. way to make a living there is" -to modified ltock cars. His talent came to the attentioo ci. NASCAR driver Paul Goldsmittl, who a,t that time was in his USAC period. Goidsmith got him a late model stock car ride, and while Leonard was breaking In on that circuit he met A. J. Foyt. A. J. hooked LeOnard up with Dan Gurney, who took him to lodlanapolis irf 1965. Leonard won his first championship race at Milwaukee that year, and he looked like the class of USAC's newcomers. "After that I thought lhls league was gonna be easy." lie said. "I'm finding out now how wrong I was." From Gurney's Ea1le team Leonard hopped back to. Foyt , then to the STP turbine team oC Andy Granatelli. Midway through last seasoo Joe's car was transferred into the control of Pamelli Jones. So in four seasons t.eonanl has driven far five of the sport's great names -Goldmtith, Foyt, Gurney, Granatelli and Jones. "I've just about run out of champions. I guess I have, 20-20 hindsigflt, bJt I should have stayed with Foyt lt>e way things turned rut. His racing shop is a block long -and hall 11. block wide," Leonard said. "He has everything he needs to be a winner, and he leaves nothing undone. "And here J am sitting on my bands.·· Celebrity Golf Play • goe~1•g w11' Arnold Palmer . I • • WHBIE SITUATION Al:LOWS, HIT S»ll At CMCC -I SH(J(S AS F Al.~ A:f llOl-jS l l015ting frOf'l iOr.d •sual·l7 is neeesory wMon yoi1 ore neor the 9reen, ~you bo-v1 o low lie, Of when the bunker hos.a blg lip, Costa hfesa Coif and Coon-j j ~ try Club will ho.!t the Costa ~~ \ Mesa Celebrity Golf Classic 1 June I with pncUee rounds 1 ...._.. on May SI, followed by ta ' ) holes of •cllon ~ following I day. The evtnt -• best ball i of foursome consisting of one 1' celebrity and three , businessmen partners -will be culminated by a ·dinner 1 ::~ , show put on by t ·he 1 """ • participating celebritY golfers. ' ·· The stiow wUI be by in- vitation only to amateurs aod 1 their. guests. Ho we•e r, most p1ofenioncils find iteasl e1 to hit sand ~sal- 111ost as they wvu ld Fairway irons ""'henever the.sitvctfionolloM, If rile bcMI is 1i1ting up .we ll in the sond , 'end iftfie bt.tnke:r hosn't lllOGh•lip, I !U9Qesl·~ try'ployi"9 lhe shot iu~ 01· you would FYor.i lh. foirwoy. , ... · """..... . . :"'. o~ U:i!5::. ,...,~~--· ~_,;. ~;:-~ -·~ . -..-?""_...... -::: ---Awards. will total $2,500 in merchallffise prizes. Entry fee 1 Ls $100 per amateur contestant ! with the proceeds b e i n g / directed to 12 local charities. 1 Additional awards will be !I made for low gross individual . and !ow net individual in the · celeb rity and amateur groups. I P1oy the bott wetl bode W. )'Cltlt sl aitc s '°that !'he clubheod 'Sf rile: es. it be~ t.o•tvc ti Ag tke !Ond. The.. twing iar9ely with yow 0Nll$, '° os 1.ot to di ' t w r b your Openings are limited to 120 i amateurs and 40 celebrities. 1 Lewis Wrlght of Newport lfarbor High School and Brad McCartney of Costa Mesa bof Ol'ICe tft the ~. . It ;.. .,;t~ kl CNOid !.)ting ri-t«" !IOfld firY. TJtorefue, chc*.e 'do'll'llll on 'fOIJ" clob 'and keep your J.eft Onl"I fvlly extended at add<~. Choking down one:! extending ~ Cll"ll'I will o:npen:scte for tne foct that>'°"" feet ore lower 11ion "°""°' m tt?e ~. e.ci--..-¥-o ... High s c ore d hole-in-ones ____ _ rectntly at Costa Mesa. --------------------- Wright aced the 18th hole on the Mesa Course, a 141· ya rd event on Friday. He used a nine-iron for the trick. McCartney's ace "'as on the ninth hole on the Mesa course, also with a nine-iron. Baseball Standings Max KWick led his Sunday team in an bnpressive 33-15 victory over Jack Black- ketter's Thursday team in ao intra-club match over the Lake course Suilday. The men's club Presicfentls Cup matches are now in the quarterfinals wilh defendin~ champion Russ Larson still c111sTv1n LBAou1 in contention along with John-Ml"t"" vie II• w 1 L 1°1 ny Johnson, Neal Hickman, ~"" c1tm1n11 ' 1 -F"°'hll1 ' 1 Gil Rettev.•. Garland Privitt. Tu111n ~ 1 Bob Darnell , Aimo Palonen ~;~:..i:•rk i' ~ , and J. L. Kirby in . the ~~~&!,,~ ~ ~ ~ President's fli,11;ht. sin c.::.:::,•J~fi•J::: 1 Women's club action on v1111 P"rk 4 Lqun• lle•d'I? T111l1n S. Or•ng1 2 Monday in a par 3 and 5 s.n' cltfn::i~'.r10~":' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' , . , ' . . ' Prep Gymnastics event was captured by Adrian-e-1 ~ •' Ml'tlein vr11o na Coote in A flight play. ~!o'#.'m ~1~1.•~.~tln ~~!':1111,:' ~t 1~i1 "#!1:..••?r~1 1"111.DAY LIAOUI 1. (''") ....... <Ml She fired B 93-20--73 (2.8) to w L Gt l"o ··-........ • ed M h C• t -Tnrr l , ~~ l~S. '· COO'" CMl 1. Tie ge art a 1ampa a ;:r~·IS-Ful~•tooi ' 1 ff'-" u11 !Ml •nd Fllkk IMI. 77 (~I. 1'4'<1rv EvPlyri Tmler's ~~= ~ l r:;., S.lio, .. _ 1. "-"-'$Ol'I !Ml 93-IS.77 (30) and Marty LG"(ell ' , ~ Gr.•tr ~C.Wl'S. P. Wiider {CdMJ. •-•o,.;.1,.,·, ~. 17·76 (•.11. 11"""1 Pert. l ,' 1 °~~~~: t:.r -1. J. W•IOlr tCOMl ,,..,1 11 :io • .-•I 5unnY HUis O 3 l ), P. Wtldtr (CdMl S. F!ti;rill'lll {CdMI. B Oi~ht action WB!'l Cl'noed L• H•b••wMn••••T's '"" P~'i:.' ~~1· _ ~!, G••i; 1c11M1 l· bv Roberta Andrews with a Lawel1 1• ~~,J!~":'o~"'" P. W11Mr (Com! l. tHOOll IM . 10.7-21-86 (23). Follo\\•in" her Bu•"• P1rk •I Kt"lltdY "~l:l:' ~ -1. J. w111ttr tCdMl "' !'lov•""' II sunnv Hiiis '· Holll•ter !CdMl l . !lrown CM!. v•ere 1.-faxine Assmus at 117· L• Habr• '1 Tro"r" "'lt~~~1J:1l.bl•• _ 1. F11m1nci cc11M1 L~onard's Retire1nent Thought• ~1-86 1241. Rosemary Skillion Fut1tr~lli&E"1l1:Aou1 '· "· "'i'''dtf' 1coSM1 1. '°''" cM). t \"'"' -(26) B l\ B W L GI PDl,•,!1:, ~· 1. J. Wiider (CdMl ?. J .. r --n8rd, the San Jote squire, isn't ready to retire, a \H)"l.0-0\I • e Y rown Los Alamitos 1 0 · M~l:.m.rt ccc1M1 J. fl1m1na 1C<1M >. ~ .~ 1•· "'78 ("7). ··.~~'!>.,,.•cit J 0 -., ll but he b•• 1ome intere1ti111 ~oughts on the 111bject IM' ~~=-=~~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~·~-~~i;iii=~~~·~'~'~~·~·~"'~"~·;·~~~~~~~ "What we need Jn racln& is • fina.oclal deal like they hive ID foothill and baleball. Tbose guys dese~the money they 1et, but they don't take anywhere near risk1 we do. Not too many ytars 110 the wln.ner or the laaapolis MIO only got to put zo grand in Iris own jeans. Tbe money hu gone up 1inct then, but the cost of living: bu gone up too," Leonard uld. "Look wbat the baseball players have, with layaway plans and reUremenL Probably %0 guys are making f75,00I to 'll0,000 a year, and only a couple or three of us an making that kfnd Gf money. "A baseball player gets • backache, he tells tbe coach and he getl to 10 to the shower• for the day. He can't do that aU the time, but he can do U and get •"•Y with ·~ "You do that 111 racing even oace, and you better hang C1Dto your 111tchel." Leonard i1 encouraged hy the lncttate in pune m1pey, "ltlch bat become widel])read In Ute major 11saoclatlon1. .Partk:111arly, the rtse In USAC champlonsltlp prtu moDty_ "11 a 1tep In the rt3bt dlrecttoa," he said. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! FREE LAS VEGAS I VACATION • i llayt 1nll 2 nlt1• at tha Hac:l1ncl1 or Thund1rblrd Hot1I. ''" luxury '""" with TV -91mblln9 ln1tructlon - Champ•tn• Party. DUNLOP LOW·PROP'ILE GOLD SEAL Th• tlr!t popularry.pric.ed tire t6fed ind pmved '3fe .t l 00 mph so you h.w1 that eldrl mar;in 1t 50, 60, 70, SO. Phenomenal traction, DURING OUR N~ DIMENSION INTRODUCTORY SALE ONl Y rain or shine. Pllented Safely- Shouldl!B. Lonaer rnileqt. Ptesst/1'11•.ll!al lnnerltner. fuU ... pty. T~·· ~~-, .. Ttt11 law Profile dtsiin- ,...... 7JS.11 21.75 IU·14 11 1-1& 24.75 18 7 ~.\) &JO.IJ ri11 bcbil T • & Ohl TIN 771-14 77&·1l 22.75 &&S.14 ., ... ,, 27.75 rin bthot T• 1.JO r. J:,16 & OM Th <:ORONA DEL MAR TIRE and TEXACO SERVICE 3601 E. C-OAST HWY., e 675-2266 Corana def Mar , 3 ea 0 SUPIR 0 SPORT SPORTING 'GOODS SHOPS SANTA ANA • 219 E. 4th • Kl 7-5723 SKI SALE Going On! FUWRTON • 601 S, Eudld • 171·5911 NEWPORT aNTER •#27 flshion lsland•644-2121 DON'T PASS UP THE BARGAINS YOU CAN OBTAIN NOW - TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT LEARN TO LIVE THRU SPORTS BIKINIS NEW 1969 MODELS FIOM PRANCE AND SWIDIN DlmREliT ANO MOST FLAmRING • Ont af tht matf Ctm· r.l1tt btek ptelc stocks n Ctllftml1. -Wt trt 1uthorf1td rtpruent· 11ive1 '°' G!l!T -At.I' SP 0 l T -mTT. • c-1n1n4ol10 .,,.. -Hett pockhof -"""- '69 ttotk la MW of thHt f181tut ah•H ftr lptrt tr alNI .,..,. . • IN CANVAS Ol,IU( l!ATHll AT PRICES RfOUCED AS MUCH AS 50% INSTANT CREDIT UR OU'l LONO TltlM PAl PLAN M•t• a._... & a..ltAmerkanl FISH LO-K-TOR Wh1 fl1h whto tho flm mty bt 300 '1rcl1 1w1' -fin4 tt.1 flm with JM" LO-I· TOA incl tft.n <lrop ytW lioo In - ,_ .. lw .......... ......... FLY TIEING CLASSES ~ Join up now 1nl !nm to tie your own Rys - 1r1 fun. C1111 ~mi1od to 1S people, $4.00 CO)I. .,. '" Tltllrsday, M1rtlt 27, 1'69 Oilers Tab Prep Tennis Scores '! Top Cage, Mat Stars "tlke Contrerq and Roy Miller, the duo that ltd Hun- tington Beach High School's vanity basketball teams to three straight league cham- pionships and 4.1 stral1ht league wins, were hooored Wednesday night at the 8Mual Winter Sports Awards ban- quet. Contreras, a firat·leam all- CJF basketball choice, was named most valuable and Miller. on the aeoond team aIJ.CJF, was named captain ol lhe champion Oiler con~ lingenl. Ba1keUiall Varsity -MVP: Mike Con- treras; Most Improved. Players: Marie: Whitfield and Tony Bonwell; Captain: Roy Miller ; Hustle A w a r d : Bonwtll; Free throw award: Contreras. $f'fCIAll U .. 11!0 Of''ffl ..,,,.}Ml( Junior Vanlly -MVP: Jfm flarrell: Captain: 'Garth Wise. Bee -MVP: Jeff Bowman; Captain: Ken Funke. Cu -MVP: Scott Whit- Cield ; Captain : Ric h·Carlson. l/IJl//ljJll W~1tllng Var1ity -li-1V : Clemens; Caplain: Johnson. Kurt Jim JnnJor vanity -MV: Steve Joannes; Captain : BUI Twigg. Frosh-Sopb: MV: St an Peterson ; Captain: Brent Mullord . layro4triea/ @)~£!Ji§ ~§[bl]~§ 12 JOBS IN ONE 95 20,000 MEQllMM UYCOIUIESPfOUIS 111: Ill I INSTALL MIW Ila LINtMOI OM Al.L 4 WMl!l\.S di e AllC GlllMD AMO l'lr ALL 5HOll 111 e lll!l'ACK FllGMT WMllL •UlllNel HI e CNICK ALL lll!TUllM ll'lllN01 l1I e ~D~~~=~~ Ad , ... (I I e CL•AM IMTlal •llAl(I AtHMllT Ctl e CLIAN AND LUI• I •ACK l"LATl!S 111 e ILllO ALL LINll AHD AOO A.UID fl) e CM'!CK ALL WMl:IL 111) I 1"111!1 ADJVITMINT CYLINDllll l"<Hlt Ll,.I 01" ffl e CMt;CJC: MASTlll LOHNOS CTLINOl!ll flt! e •DAD TIST CU MO OOWN PATMlllT e MAHY MONTMI l'G PAY SPRING TIRE CLEARANCE RA YCO PREMIUM DELUXE : :·:~ =~~~:UUANTH WHITEWALLS Any Size listed! 7.7111 4 17.11114J 1.25114 ll.H114J 1.11114 ll.lh14J 7.71•1 s l6.7hll) 1 .151111 (7.1h1,ll 1.45111 17.thllJ 27~~- Sltt "'""' OUll BIG. ntc.£ • $108 IS $38.95 TO J3U5 11R TUIS SET OF 4 •• lATCO ,_. lifetime Muffler lf-RAYCO SAFm s;ici'Ars-- ~ 2 Oll.UlJ SAOCU • $19.H I flONT IND ALMNMINT ---'-l.H $167. 0 I lllAlCI ADJUSTMINT 1.10 I RONT WHBL llAllNO PACK l ,00 I TOTAl .... Pal<:I . -S,U.40 -...... SOo/o OFF' • _.,_ I J ______________ _.... __ ~------------ AU M ... OU C.. eod Dept. 1"'9 Cndlt Ccr .. Wooond to 0,.. o lhrt~ Cbcrrve Acmul _. ................ ._, ----. . • ~.::-.•::::,_:, CosfA MESA ANAHEIM Gert 'TW I OM1tA91 .... ... Ht,eitr ti~. KtJ W.t Lfll«llll "'*fl ~ M-ttJt ,.._. n._..u If• l)owa ro,. .. t llt~ tl•tr 4 -'HIM) .. . -------• ~--,._ --•-·-----...........-·---·-----------------------------... ----------.---------------------r•·•-•------• .. DAllY P!lOT H TllundoJ, Mm 27, 1'169 l I I' ~i " -. -------• • • • • l ~ -,-21,lM H I DAA.Y >llOT 31- Thursda~'s Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange Li st ..,.-..--.... ..--.-..... ------.-.-~-.....,._ ......_--~~~~·• -~-.·~' •~''""~• li~.::c•u•w ..... »w;;~a,c 1~•<....,...,RIC« ...... 4 CIO......,'$C li~*i-•9-'*9 o-...w11•9+-<~cu;-s ¥ -e:es_.,ppj....-s; =~•••-.-1 01 ;-•~•-•• , . ..,..--·~-·----· --· - I I I I / . • • " -I;( r , j '· ' ' I· •c I. I. !. ' ! ' • · " I • I. ! ~ I ,I! ; I: I . I • • • • I 1. I. I:. ~. [, • j. l • • ! I 1 I • - I .. ~Y !ILPT ~ .. ~1tci127, 1969 . .. ... ,. . . ;-1 .. 14 .. • . 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St.Mks Fountain Valley voe. 62, NO. 74, :c SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, ~ARCH 27, :1969 TEN CENTS School Candidates~Outline · Stands at Forum Cand1datea for three positions on the Board of Truatees of th• Huou,,.1<>n Beach Uolon Hlgh School DiMct Wednesday night attended the first of five candidate meetings scheduled by the Lugtie of Wmnen Voters. Dr. Ralph Bauer, who &erVes on the Ocean View ScbooJ lliJtrict board and is mak1ng a hld for a aeat on the high school district as well, said "the public has lost faith in the systan. Four of the last five electlonll have Sex Courses For Su1nme1· In Beach Stx education la to begin this summtr in the Huntington Beach Unioo High School District and moat candidates for the governing board or the district agreed at Wednesday's candidate session that sex is here to stay. W.rs. Bartletta Suter, loog time backer of Ute high school district, said that "sex is here to stay, but l\'e don't have to teach them about the sex act. The need is for family life education." Trustee Richard Wilson said that he i.; opposed to the approach suggested. hv the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), hut favors the course recently submitted to the trustee3 and the establishment of a citizens committee to review the course materials. Fred V<m &aid "'I don't believe that sex il'a part of a eomm.unlst eonspirllli:y. Community involvement lli the program and classes is needed. Tbf:. achools well can teach the physical upecta d ~ and llmlly Ille with the home -1>til1 about love a~ moral vaJues. Robert Dingwall said he thought teaching about sex is a par~! respcmihllity and that he is opPosed to a citizens committee reviewing poss,i. ble course material. Every parent should be able to get involved in deciding , whether he wants his child in these classes or not, he added. Board President Jbhn Bentley said he believes there is a place m the high achools for teaching about sa and family life. In answer to question he commented, "U the course material coold oot be published in 'l!!../fally newspaper, ll'e don't need ,_it m our ttigh schools." ~ Ralph Bauer .suggested that sex educa- lioo ~ to be tailored to the needs of the district. "Human relatiooshiips need to be stressed. There i.! too much emphasis on the sex act and nothing on romance. We have been taking the romance out of serual relationships." Or. Stephen Herman and Dr. John Kent agreed that sex education would aid in reducing venereal disease problems in the high school district. "What I've heard here tonight has been that 'sex education is fine if you lake the sex out (l{ it.' No one is in favor of bad sex education and no one is proposing a bad program." .Tot Recovering From Injuries David hf. Harrell, 18-month old HWl- tington Beach tot who was run over by an automobile Monday, is improving at Westminster Community Hospital. 111' youngster was removed from the hospital's intensive care unit l\lo'O days ago and transferred to the pediatrics ward. His condition Is d~scribed by hospital officials as .. fair ." Harrell suffered multiple fractures, a broken pelvis and broken ribs when he was run over by a car parked near his home on 14652 EdgevieW Lane. He had apparently been playing underneath the car. The driver, Joe Bailey McNeil, wa5 unaware that he had !Struck lbe child. Tuition Wins Support SACRAMENTO (AP) -C.ll!omla busloessmen have indicated overw~ ing support for imposltloo of tuition 1t the University of Cllliornla and the State Colleges. the State Clamber ol Commerce said \Oday. NEW YORK !AP ) -"l1le stoclt market, buoyed by peace hopd, cJOlfd with another good gain today. Tradlnt near the close was ICllve. (See qt>Ota· lions, Pages 30-31 ). The Dow Jones industrial 1 v er 1 c e al 1:30 p.m. was up 6.52 points at 929.12. I failed. The public does not believe the Trusteea .and adminil:tration.'' JOOn j , Bentley, incull/bent board presiden~ . defeoded the hi&b ocbool district. "We are accused fA building athletic· .st.d.lwm willy-nilly, but we've built cmly· one for every two ICbools. Our students always rank well In com· par1-•to -of _, dlstrtdl, but Ibero ii no limlt to !be improvoment possibllitiel." Robert E. Dingwall, who led the district to its only SUl'Cessful finaoce election in recent yean. said he is !n the race "btcaW!e the time is past to let George do jt." He charged that the board bad !ailed the taxpayers and students. Dr. Siepben D. Herman charged that the problems "are. being swept under the table." He said that there is. in- adequ'ate counselin1 services, inadequate vocaUonal tr_B,ining and that the district J.s !aillnf to solve drui jiroblems. Dr. Stephen Kent. who is runn1ng as a team with Herman, Clalmed that younisleni at various high schools get an unequal education wilb the best education at Marina and the lowest at Westn>insler High. Mrs. Carolyn R. 1.fitchell, &ecretary of the clistrid's last two citizen advisory committees said the district i s overcrowded and "lbeN! .Js an increasing awartneSS In the community that our school system is an average one." She fltleen of "¥' f'ket What better place to be on a: hot 41y th~· on a sailboat With the wine! blowini In your hair? Unfor· nesday in hot old Los Angeles as she poaed !or pho- tographers. Paige has been named Queen of ~e Fleet for 1969 Desert Regatta at Lake Havasu, Anz. · lunately, Paige Young 's boet was on dry land Wed· T eeti. Power Due In Huntington At Friday Dance Teen power cou1d replace flower power if Huntingtoo Beach teen-agers can prove to !lie city they are capable of <rganiJing and nnming an effective teen reertation program. Huntington Beach High School lludento will begin their demonstradon U teen capabilities with ·a special dance It 8 :~ p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Friday· in the city Recreation Center, 17th Street and Orange Avenue. Two local bands will be· featured in Friday's dance, open to students of the Huntington Beach Union Hip Sehool District. A lack of local entertainment for teenagers during the aummer led to a decisioo of several of the students to ask the city for h e I p in finding a location, a sort fA "teen hangout." that would, be available the year-round. Y.any of the local teenagers have of- fered to help the city in the next park bond election. They have 1llo 1t1ggested including a sped.al teen bui.ldllJI in future park plans. · U Friday's dance is succe.ssful, local· teens hope to extend tbe immt<{iate program to weekly dance throughout the summer. Admission Friday night will , be 75 cents to hear the "Poison" and a band without a name. Marina High School offers a summer program ol weekend dlnCts, but many students feel a regular program near the center of l o w n would help a lot of young ltltdenta who don't live in the Mll'ina '"'· Clear Skies Bring People, Problems to Area Beaches Cloudless skies and temperatures rang- ing in the mid-seventies have. started the hum.an tide going again oo Huntington Beaches. The number of bodies flowing fn(o the city at dawn and leaving at night has increased from juat' about nothing during the rainy season to aboot 4,000 per day during this week . The sudden influx of people has brought with it a share ol problerns, however, among \hem parking, which is already at a premium. Many, of the beach area parkinJ spots County Remainc Disaster Area County supervisors decided Wednesday that the county is still in a "state of dilaster". They voted to rescind a March S resolution that declared. the disaster ovu when County Cotmsel Adrian Kuyper told them the status should be reinstated.. He pointed to lhe Burris Sand Pit dang. er and uncorrected conditions in t h e mountain areas. The disaster status was lifted at the 1uggestion of county Civil Defense Coordinator Wally Fox to establish a cut off date for disaster claims to the it.ate and federal governments. The disaster status orlgin1tly was declued bst Jan. 211. are torn up from construction projects. forcing the bathers to leave their cars in the doWntown and 11'.Sidentlal areas. "They have to do 1 lot of walking,'' said lifeguard lieutenant 'Clark Boden- bender. "but I guess they figure it's worth it." According to Huntington Beach Police Lieutenant Paul Darden, "the problem will get cbnsfclttably worse over Easter Vacation." Parking citations have risen 4S percent over last month. Once the season is in full swing the city's meter maids are expected to write approximately 1,100 citati<>ns a month, Darden said. Lffeguards too have already had their hznds full in protecting uncautlous swim· men. Eight rescues were performed Tuesday and Wednesday a ft er n o o n lifeguard Randy Condit saved three Baldwln Park -gm from drownlng In the riptide. Tb< Ill.guard etaff will be l.ooolled to n during ~ w..ic and to 13 during the height of the ....... Huntington Students Join in U.N. Meet Audun Tvetden, fore ign exchange stu· dent . from Norway now al Hunlington Beach High School, Ind another delegate will rtpresent the school in a mock United Nations assembly Aprll .10. - - The alJ.day evtnt will be held at San Clemeote High School. Arguing Over Truaney Girl, 14, Slays .Father A. Jf.yut .. ld J.a Hati;a J°"1 .School girl ,..bbed ber fatbtt to 6dth, Wed- neodll' nljbt followtna "" ........... , .. her penlstent truancy, Police Olle! Har· ry WU100 reported. Dud from a single stab wound in hil chest 11 Donald Tremble Brady, 51. of @ N. Haul St. Held by police ii bll daupter, Lila. Chief 'WillOll aaicl that following the 1tabbln& the father and daughter ap. peued on the porch of their apar1ment. ' screaming for belp. ) I . wm dlvOtC«f '>n4 tlie ·dau~ .. Uwd Ne!ghbora called police and ~ ... 1th-•her latbet· ·Sile 11 a llm yeat the efforts or a fire deJIO!)ll!tll -o!udent at1A Habra High Scbool, unit called to the ' · .~ ~ · BeCaUSf of he!-""11*t •-.fnlm died. W · 'cl.-, the lather hid cootactac! tniancy The coroner·a olfl that '.rflcWs and the lrgument fojio.red, Braey wu etabbed ~ the cheat. , police reported. • '"Tbe Jmlle, with a · #Inch blade, I ' The llftl >s being held for .~ evidently enlttt<l the Jin'• h ~ .. !bf •po1TC.~ and was; 14 t'~ \ak<!lf b\ft' Oilef WU10111aid. •' ' . 1 ~q to Juvtnl\O ·Hal 1 <:IJlef Wlllioo Police Hid·tbe !other ltld lirl'olliotllir l'&Jd. ,. • ' • Aid ebe would like to eee a hl&b IChool built in Seal Buch. Mn. Bartletta Suter, Jong active In hl&b school linanc• and pbnnJnc matten, said that u-a housewife she would hive ample time to spend at the IC:hooll looking in to pr<lbJema. She ~ punult of • poliq tt· -In education with each -..-.rapd to develop bll full potential P'ted W. Voss charged that there "are fon:u dedicated to praervlng !be ,..tus Cycle Slaying quo. Change Is whit educition ls1 all abou~ but this board bas ....i.ted change. We need to create a Mw abDOlphere for educaUoo. 'l\e role of the board is DOt tO lnsul.ate (tom • the ccDnutdty' but to ad to improve conunmdet1k>«t .Tb< board ii not doing tbeL" Richard Wilaoo, lflllOlnted to tho -. two years ago, poinled out lbal the district has aal<ed votm 1 .. baDdlnl money. but that the -~ (See CANDWATES, ..... ll Sniper Held For Quizzing In FV D,eath Qut.!tloning of a Jailed freeway sniper suspect dratnaUc a ly captured by a barehanded youth Wedneoday 1' expected within 24 houri to deienntne if he wu involved in the 1988 mystery mW'der of a motorcycliJt ln Fountain Valley. The IUlpecl lJ betq lnl<nogated today Jn Loa Anae!es, following bll arrest Wednesday nigbt, alter a 5an Diel!• Freew1y tbooUng 'IX'• in which one t.wg~ .... "" oll-4uty -lff'· deputy. Gary S. Riabel, JS, I Sylmar electronlcs -·la held II. Loi -~ Jail ~ on a •lriety 'fl Cbaniei -loC floru !be West 1.os An&des plltol tar ... practice. !lo lnJ!lriel -• reported amoog ..... al "'1"«111> wbo told of I mYstery gu~ c:iuilJng bJ' their can ot later apeed, and sbj>ollng .. them. Fountain Valley Police LL Martin Fortin confirmed today that bis depart- ment bad been noUfied of the aimllarlty jn the Wednesday ; ~cks and~ the local Aug. 7 sniper murder. Doctors Report Gen. Eisenhower Growing Weaker WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Fonner President Dwight D. Eisenhower ""con· Unues to grow weaker" despite efforts to reverse the heart condition that threatena his life, doctors reported today. In a brief morning bulletin on the '18-year-old general's condition, Brig. Gen. Frederic Hughes, commander of Walter Reed Army Hospital, aaid ' ' G e n , Eisenhower continues to grow weaker." "Evidences of corigesUve heart failure continue unchanged," Hughes said. Mrs. Eisenhower rtmalned at her husband's bedside. The morning medical bulletin on Eisenhower said: "Gen. Eisenhower continues to grow weaker. He sleeps for longer periods, but when 1wake ii lucid and able to communicate with mtrnbers of the fami- ly and, last evening, with President Nix· on. . "The evidences of congestive heart failure persist unchanged. M rs , Eisenhower remains cklle to t h e general's bedskle and is a cons\&nt IOUI'Ce o[ support and encour~ both to the general and others pusent." Hughel would not answer direct ques- Uons from newsmen. 'Jbe next Jmdlcal bulletin was schedul· ed for late afternoon in the absence of major c::hange tn Eisenhower's con· dlUon. President Nixon made a spur-<i·the- moment trip to II\< hospital Wedneaday for a brief chat with EJsenhower. A N-aide empha!lled the President WU D0t "called" to the bedside, but bad decided to make the viii! on hb ..... >. ''l don't know who released it to the press," he commented a 'blt unhappily, "but my men are tied. up In court appeirances today and ,we'll probably talk to him tomorrow ... Investigators know consider1ble details about the weapon which tilled Jame.s Gardner. 21, of Ill S. Kowitain View Ave .. Santa . Ana, as be rode his new 'cycle through Forintain Valley. The weapon "" ..,.rentlY a .22 caliber ~tic 1!lrlCh bluted five slap tllniogli Ganlnu'• body a, ha rode home from hit night shift 1ircrif\ plant job in Lqog Beach. Colla llesa Police Olllcer Ted Curry dlico•et'od !be body oprawled •Joor the freew1y sbodJdtr oear Euclid Street on the border of. the two cities; blUeTed and acraped by· bouncinl down the pave- ment A .22 caliber handgun was taken from Rishel Wednesday night when an angry, sniping victim chased him from the northbound San Diego Freeway down an offramp seeking revenge. Michael GoMor, :JO, IUbdued and dJ.s. armed Rishel. plaClna him under ctllens arrest and tumlng him over to cuatody of Los Angeles police, after the IUIJM'C(' stopped at 1 red light. Tbe courageous youth told inv~ he was drlY'ing north <ri the freeway when 1 car pulled abrealt of hll Vtldcl6 and be saw the driver aim, shoot and miss. A short time earlier, off-duly Loe Angeles County Sberiff'• deputy Sid Hawksley reported 1n almolt·identlcal attack on the same freeway in which three shota shattered. his drlver•1 lide window. Glass partlclet peppered bll fll<le u a result, but his two children ridlng in the back seat of the smaU car escaped injury and Deputy Hawk!Jey did not pursue the sniper. About the Ume the motorcyclist "'' slain in Fountain Valley, 1t least two (See SNIPER, P11e I) School Candidates Meet at Valley High CaOOidales-for oea>s oo the govemfoJ board of the Fountain Valley School D~trict meet the public ot 7:111 tonJcht al Fount.in Valley High Scbool. Bushard Street at Talbert Avenue. Hia:h School district c1ndklalts will be speaking at thf: med.Ing, spomared by the League of Women Voters. We.idler Another day to tell the !olb back bome about comes up Fri· t dll', with !air 1Jde1 .and temp. eraturu lo U., upper 10·~ back· ed by we1terJ1 breezeL IN~IDE TODAY Sm. K'"nedU. toiUIOut opmlg OJ>POMg him, II on o colUrilm '""'" with Prtlldtllt Nli.m ,., I a~ Pao• aCJ. • ~ • ~ , .....,; .. . ' ' ... = ~ ::::~J ~ " ....... ,.. . ~ n ,...._.. ..... w -- " e: c.., •n OftllNll t ..... ,.,, ............ ' ... lldlrt-U I ............ • .._.. ...,. ,...... n "'"ca-. ... .,....... • .......... t•..... • ,,,......,.. tJ ........ ..... -• 1· ( • I ~i , I ' -. '. ·---------------~--------~---....... -~--------........... ~.-~----..,.....-,.---~--·---·---·. - t DAILY PllO~ " Green Berets Fight Way Into Red Stro ghold ,.,_ Win ..,_ Two ol lhe tl1ellcoplefl wm oe ~ yf4M)d war lo 11,Jll. Tht \ In II Aid lo b,.;.. )l!llloilOd wlnl!I,· 4t"l"" aleoplq quarte<J. Thi opokttmlll aald fcr lhe _.11oo, uJd. SAIOON -Jf......noi led by U.S. -lo ev..uat. WVllUded Gfl. 1!11# u. u-1...-~w., -~ · ml ._ · ' Ibey were 111111 uplorlng lhe IO-yur.old He, iald lhe "-eaplu!td llrge G •--•-•-f ght "·Ir ·-~-un~ • j .i.i.. '. • ...... a.ult foree was made · up ot · "-1"--· ....... weapons and a.mmunlUon caches ln-""0 -·~ •NV< "' ·~ W&J """"·~...,. -· .. '!"' S;;,lt,_.:..~ ..,. ~la 1,,;; _.., lllOllly fearless MM-Communist ~t -Y· eluding j6() weapons and two Iona of inch by l.ocb into the previou:lly im-American bltuefteld dellhl In \'\etnam Ullll !~ l\ma"-. WN wvw._ tagnird trfbesmen and Cambodians who Tbe spokeSIMn sald the mountain ammunition. They also found Ruul.an Ftgnable Viet Cong strooghold known dropped 25 peroent last week to the action la.st week, 61 more than the live In Vietnam. They braved sniper stronghold near the Cambodian bord!r flag5, typewriters, @nerators, tape u "SUpenUUon Mountain," U.S. lowest week.I)' toll ot. the Vltl Con& previous week. Thia bm1gbt the total ~mach1ftegwdlte, mines and booby wu defended by about 300 guerrillaa. recorders, loudspeakers and hundreds or military spokeemen said today. They spring offensive, the U.S. Command an-American wounded reported ln the war traps In their inch by 1ncb ucent that They said S5 of the Viet Cong bad pouncLa of documents. captured a vut supply and hospJtal nounced today. But Ute 2e6 Anlerlcana to 209,045. took 10 days ot. atddy figii.Ung. been killed, but the assault forte paid One of the four helicopters reported complex in the mountain 120 miles killed in action pushed Ute total tor SuperattUoua Mountain bu been a The paid volunteers recruJted by the a heavy pripe, 37 dt.ad and 100 wounded. shot down was clearly marked with southwest o{ Saigon. the war to within 300 of total combat Communilt stronghold for Y'-"" and bu U.S. ll)edal forces t.eams captured a Three Amei'lcan Green Berets were kfil. a Red Cross, the U.S. command reported. But ellewbere in tbe war ahttts of fat.alJUes ln the Korun war. rtlllted ma.aed raids by 85.21 aM at key Pofut on the mountain and um:overed ed. 'lbe Josae&, from the Mekong Delta to Communlsl ground 0.. abot down four The 21& dead -8S letl !ban lhe Jeoi1 tine assault& bJ SOUlb V~ a vut ayl1em of cav'" lhat lncloded 'I tbink evtry U.S. IOldler up tbere the Northern I Corps, brouibl to 1,044 U.S. belicopten and dJ.maaed five others week before -brotJcbt the total wbo fear tbt mountain -known as a holpllaI, a commander'• quarters, am-wu bit at least once," Capt. Frank the number of U.S. bellct>pters shot down in_lhe __ :t3rd __ da...;y_o!_lhe __ lled_o1_fens1 __ .,_._Ame __ r1_ean_com_-.ba ... l_dc.eac.d::....:for.::.....::lhe.::...:•:::lgb:::~~ ·Nu! Coto in Vleinamtsa -becau.9e U munlUm supply caverns and !J>lice for Brennan of Al'llnglon. Maas., Intelligence In South Vielnam. Dell'f Nit Ptllf9 ., Jef9 V1/twa DETECTIVE TOM SHEARN COUNTS DRUG HAUL 1E•1t1r Bennles' Collect.t In Bal Isle Arr11t1 Probe Checks Sex Abuse ' Newport Seizes 13,500 'Easter Pills' :. Newport Beacb police loday reported they seized more than 13,500 pills valued at $5,000 1 on the illicit drug mariet dvfnl two separate arrests Wednesday on Balboa bland. Faur ~ were taken into cu.mdy during one arrest after a car wu stopped on the island. Two women were arrested tn the sectincl cast where illegal pills were allegedly tossed from a house win- dow. The combined seizures, detectives aaid, amounted to the largest dru& aeirura in the city'• hlst.ory. Police SIJd the allegedbi illegal drug caches may have been pl.rt of an Jm. portat1on scheme for widespread sale of Ulegal pill.! lo vacationing Eaater Week 11udeata. F,.... P .. e J CANDIDATES • • were DOI puaecl. He aald lhe district Is pnivldlng high school lliudenla with quallly educallon al a modest cool. He said be favors comprebenslve high !cbools rather than Technical schools. Candidates Jim Qenlaon, Harvey Bol· lnger and Raymond M. Scbmltt did nflt attend the meeUng. From P .. e J SNIPER ••• othe< snlpe-<tyle ahoo!lng allack& on the freeway were reported, one involving another 'cyclist. Foi.mtain Valley police have held fut to a theory that Gardner, a part.time college student engaged to be married, wu tilled by a stranger with an itch for a thrill murder. Market .Robbery Suspects Face Charges Today Tbe arrestl • atarted before noon Wednesday when · dete<:Uves A r D Campbell and Tom Shearn were return· Ing from a burglary cue on the iBland and they came up behind a car cootainlng four me.n at Part and SaPJillre avenues. The detectives said they noUced ooe person in the car tugging at his shoes and looking back fwilvely. They pulled the car over. · In the car the officers discovered about t,400 red capsulu alleged to contain aeconal. The capsules were in packages of 100 u.ch. 1be detectives arrested the. four, who are all from the Pasadena-Arcadia area. They are James Joseph Murphy, 19, Arcadia; John O'Brtan Herbaugh Jr., 22, Puadena; Don.a1cl Allan Walters, 22, • Arcadia, and Claudio M. Mase.Ila, 20, Arcadia. Officers abo conliecated two stereo speaker cabicets and took them into the station for investigation. OPEN BOXE! "We decided to open up the. speaker boxes in the lat.e afternoon to check for seriaL numbers. When I took off the back, there were all those pills," Shearn said. The speakers hid about 10,IXMJ of the red capsules, along with two plastic bags of white tablet.a alleged to be amphetamines. About one hour after discovery of the drugs, police responded to a disturbance call at 122 TUrquolae Ave. Beatles ID Hiding No More Public Shows, Says Ringo LONDON (AP! -'nle BeaUes will never again perform in p,ibllc, drummer .Ringo Starr said today. .. I suppose it's a bit nasty on the fans,'' he SIJd in an interview. "I'm sorry for them but no more public abows-never. '' The BeaUes-John ~ Paul Mc- ~y. George Hanison and Ringo-- will still make records and films. They were to have given their ftrst concert In two )'W'I In Jamiary. 1bel'e had beeo'll\MY delaya hefott lhat date was set. 'Iben it wu postponed again lnde!lnltely. Peter Brown, an oecuUve of Apple, the Beatles' compey, aaJd: "We tried to arrange one Jan coocert ·but tt juat was not practicable. There were too many obstacles. We will never do it now, We just cannot get the rlght venue." Brown said an open.air arena such as the giant Wembley stadium would not yield the right kind ol Beatles' sound. while a big public hall such as the Albert Hall is &till far too !mall for the iMumerable thousand.! who would want to attend. As for recurring rumors that the Beatie! will break up spokesmen at Apple Wist lbe rumors are rubbish. "Make no mi.stake, we shall always stick together," Starr said. "Of course, we have our own separate interest! to deve1op. We shall branch out and pursue our own individual careen but we shall alwayo he Ille Beatles. "Despite what the critics say, we are as popular u ever we were. "I don1 say lhe Beatles will Wt for· ever but we'll go on for a very long time -unless we get shot, or something." Incumbents Give Positions Running for re-elect.ion with a promise continue doing so," she said. She pointed of "more of the same with some lm· to the reputation the school district h~ provements," incumbents Ruth H. Duffy In music education with a promise to and Cyrus W. Shepard of the Seal Beach continue with this and other programs Charge• of armed robbery will be School 'District Board of Tru.mes she called "rme and progressive." filed today in West Orange County Wednesday asked the voters to return Shepard, who has 23 years experience Municipal Court agalnat three men ar· them to office for another four-year as a Seal Beach board member, asked on the Wand, and as officers arrived tt bag containing about 1,500 red capsules was thrown from the residence, they said. The two occupants cf the house, Unda Jean Mattos, 19, and Sue Johnson, 18, were arrested. TAKEN IN CUSTODY Mrs. Johnson's 2--yea r-old daughter, Sharon, was taken inlo custody and transferred to the county's Sitton Home. The arrests stemmed from a disturban- ce call from a house nest door. Patrolman Walt Lamb responded and was taking information from the caller when he saw the bag being thrown Crom the house at 122 Turquoise. Lamb CheCked the sack, then called for narcotics officers. PoLice said the two cases !eemed related, and that it appeared the dangerOU3 drugs were to be sold here during Easter Week. All six persons are being held-• with bail set at $6,250 each. They face charges of possessing dangerous drugs for sale. Rogers Says U.S. Will Pull Troops If Reds Do Also WASlllNGTON (AP} -Secretary of State William P. Rogers said today the United States is prepared to withdraw troops from South Vietnam "over a very short period of time" if Hanoi will agree to do the same thing. He also declared that secret talks-. in "out of the way places" about peace in Vietnam have produced past progress -and added "we're ready" for more. Rogers talked guardedly about that kind of negoUaUons -past and future -and said detailed disclosure &trips away the very secrecy which is essential to success. Rogers testified the administration seeks mutual withdrawal of forces as a majnr !tep toward easing and ending the war in Southeast Asia -and is not thinking In terms of a lengthy period for that withdrawal. ~\: Of Girl Mental Patients rested Tuesday night following lhe holdup term in lhe April 15 election. to be returned to office on the basis nf the Food Fair Market in Huntington The pair spoke at a candidate forum of his record. Beach. :'!lponsored by the League of Women Wednt.sday, detectiv~ from five other voters and otba• civic groups in Seal "Seal Beach ls a wonderful place for Orange County cities quizzed the three Beach. Candidate John J. Reed and chUdren. U you noted the newspapers "[ would think if the other !hie Js willing that we ought to have withdrawal as quickly as possible," he told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "We're prepared, if the other aide i! prepared, to have a withdrawal over a very short period of time." . . .. .• . :'.: MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AUPI) -A .;: • It.ate. Senate investigation of alleged sex- --;:-ual abuse of female patients and drug ·-:: · misuse at New Jersey's largeflt mental ::: · hospital is scrutinizing similar complaints ·:. at a second mi!ntal institutkm, the in- . vestigation chairman discl<Rd wed· : oeeday rllght. : . Sen. Joseph Maruiti said "similar ~; complaints" are eoming from parents ~: o( patients at Marlboro State Hospital, · · • cottage-type psychiatric ho3pitat for 2,100 patients in secluded central Jeney woodlands. The Morris County Republican's <:1>m· mittee lau(tcl:led a probe 1.fonday or Gre)'ltone Park State H~pital, a sprawl· ing 4,8QO..patlent Institution in rural North 111\ll Y l'llllT OltAJfOI CGiU1 l"Ull.istcnt• CQMllAJIY leMrt N W.W l"nll9tnf .... ~..-illfllr J••• It. C•r':r Ylc:e,.,...,., Ml..... .. ... "' n ••• , KeHfl .... n .. ,. A. MMr.a.1 ... N.Mttlnt Elfiir IJ~rt W. lat•1 Willla111 l••' Auedel9 HllMIMIWI &Md! l4119r City l•Jtw " .............. °"""' JDt lffl Str11t M1lll11 AM,. .. , P.O. ••• 7f0, tJ6~1 --.......... ! 7Pll ....... , ..... .,.,,.,..,. t.-.. ,...I -W.t aty ltrM! ......,. a..tc m F-.t .. _ Jersey, after lt waa discl<>oed lllal state police were tnvestigaUng charges that attendanta smuggled helple!s females of all ages out of wards for prostltut.lon. The attendanta who did the smuggling allegedly were paid $10 fer each girl. The girl got a piece of candy or a coin. Marazi.ti said that "two and possibly three" teen-age girls have become preg· nant at Greystone. He said parenU have complained thal two glrls, 14 and 16. became pregnant at Greystone, and ''thert may be possibly another girl." "One woman told me that her daughter had relaUons oa 11everal occasions with men at a cerlaln building at Greystooe/' he said. Blonde Diverts · Jeweler-Friend Cleans Out Case A long-tressed, leather mlnl-lkirted blonde kept a Costa ?\fesa jeweler busy showing silver cake knives Wednesday, apparently while her boyfriend escaped with up lo $18,000 In ditm0nd rings. The euct Joss 1o Jewels by Jooeph. 3333 S. Bristol SI., Is being Inventoried today, but police detectives said It may .amount to h gtm-ael rings. JOl!'ph I. Hartstein, of Lakewood, reported the grand theft case 11te Wedneld1y afternoon when two dlJpily boxu which bad contained 42 rlnp each ,.,.,.. discovered mlssln&. Officer Jolln Slooebacl< uJd the llore rtafl had DOI taken Inventory In recent day•. to ucb box may have conlafned fewer lhan a rlnp. • lnve11tlgaton aald c1.,.t Juel D'Angelo ompecled lhe altndlve blonde and her ccrnpanloo, "bo enttred the sl<n lo b ...... aniund clurln( ~ houn. They uld the ......... bit .... five feet lall and wd&hJllg aboul Ill pound•, dl..n.d him lo the roar of the Sou1h Com Plau alon! on the prettnae of ahoppinl for a 1Uvrr We knife. "Wolf'' tattooed suspects on alleged in-incumbent Jack T. Cairns did not attend last weekend you saw the new reading volvernent in about 16 other armed rob-the funcUon. srorea and Seal Beach School District Record Trade Deficit berles over lhe past several months. Mrs. Duffy, a member of the board is number one. Jt was no accident. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Unltt.d Awaiting formal charges In HunUngton since 1966, lives in Leisure World. She We planned it." States suffered a record tr.11de deficit Beach City Jail are Jame3 Robert is a retired teacher. On unification, he said simply, "I'm nf $361.7 million In February, largely McDanlel, 20, of Midway City; John "I repreeent the 11,000 grandparents against it. We need more local control, as a result of dock strikes, the COmmerce Leon Cushenberry, 21, of Santa Ana, j~ln;;;;;Le;Jaw-;;e;;W;or;kl;;a;nd;;l;;w;ould;;;li;ke;;to;;;"°;;t ;less;;.';' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;De~parlm;;;'";;t ;";po;rted;;;lod;;a;y;. ;;;;~ and Robert Paul Dnnnmond, 21, au El Toro Marine. McDaniel and Cushenberry were •· rested Tuesday in an open field behind Huntington Center aft.er llU!J>eCls took l3SO al gun point from Ille Food Fair Market at Beach Boulevard and F.dinger Avenue. Drummond wu arrested early Wednes· day morning in ·Garden Grove, police 1ald. lnvettigaton from Costa M e a a • Newport Beacb, W"lmlnater, Anallclm and Sanla Ana talked 1o tho lrio Wed- nesday in Hunlinglon Beacb. Sgt. Monly McKennon of Huntington Beach Aki the three men, all of whom have "Wolf" tattooed on their left. arm, .,. being qutJl!oned aboul 16 other ann- ed robber1e3 ln the other five cities. Writer Ray Bradbury Sets Beach High Talk Ray Bradbury, one of America's foremost aclenct fiction writers, will apeak to members o( the Callforn1a Scholarship federaUoa of HuD- llnglon Beacb High School Saturday. The students will hear Bradbury al the University of Callfornl.a. lrvine, whert he will adcltts! them and honor lltudenLs from other high school campuse1. U.S., Spain Agree On Leasing Bases WASlllNGTON (UPI} -'nle United Stall• and Spain have agreed In )ll'lnclple on renewing lhe U.S. 1.... of four mllitary -· bul appar<nUy failed lo .,.... on how much mllltary ald Amerl<a should Rive In ..wm. Spanish Forelp Mlnlller Fernando Marla Cullella 1 Mata w u retunilng lo Madrid loday lo consult with his pernmtnt on the American offer ~bl military aid. \ at JJ. J. (Jarrett; l Piece Ice Cream Set! Wrought Iron -Specially Priced· One Week Only $6995 - CHOICE Of I COLORS e FRENCH BRONZE e WHITE & GOLD e OLIVE fl BLACK & GOLD e AVOCADO & GOLD e CHARCOAL e. HARVEST e APPLEGREEN 0,...--·M.- 30" TAILE • voi:. 62, NO. 7'4, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES . • . - ._.oday's Fina) ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: THURSDAY, MARCI'!! 27, !1969 TEN Coos Laguna Teac);iers Test Candidates for Trustee ' • I By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. !Mlly ,, ... ltttt' Candidates for ~ Laguna Beach School Board Wert tested' Wednesday by teachers of the district. Their report cards may well be the results ol the April 15 election. Tbe teachers were interested Jn know~ ing just whei:e the candidates stand on district salaries, innovative teachinc programa, need$ of the ...,.., dlatrlct, and why they are in the r.ace. • All seven of the scboOJ board carididatea vyil>g for the three sea!J a{IP'&!;!d before the meeting of about 55 ~· in the Laguna Beach High Schoool caferlj. Candldatea are incumbent Ift. Numln Browne, dentist; inCumbent t WJUtam • Wilconn, atlo!'ney:. l'•IJ>erii>e MacQil¥· rie, ltllll-retired llbrari' .....isant: Dr. Jerome Kirk, UC Irville· IOclal llCience proleaor: Mrs. Sb!!i<Y M c;.C a ti a, bousewtlei Mn.. Jane _Boyd,. hllule~e; ne DalfY 'pllilf ,.... ., ~.. V1ftenl DETECTIVE TOM SHEARN COUNTS DRUG HAUL 'Ei11tt r Bennlts' Collected in Bi1I Isle Arft sts Newport Police Seize · 13 ,500 Pills in Arrest Newport Beach police today reported they seized more than 13,:iru pills valued at $$,000 on the illicit drug market during two separate arrests \Vednesday ~On Balboa Island. Four suspects were taken into custody during one arrest arter a car was stopped on the island. Two women were arrested in the second case where illegal piU.. were allegedly tossed from a house win---· The. combined seizures. detectives said, amounted to the largest drug seizure in the city's history. Police said the allegedly Illegal drug caches may have been part ol an im- portation scheme for widespread sale tl illegal pilb to vacationing Eutcr Stoek /ll •rlttu NEW YORK !AP ) -The stock mlll'kel, buoyed by peace hopes, cloled with another good gain today. rrading near the ck>ee was active. (See quota· lions, Pages 3MI ). 1be Dow Jones indusltlal a ve r 1 gt flt 1 :30 p.m. WU Up $.~2 points tl 929.IS.. Week students. The arrests rtart.ed before noon Wedne!Klay when detectives A r b campbell and Tom Shearn were return- ing from a burg]arr case on the island ar«l lhey came up behind a car containing four men at Part and Sapphire avenues. The detectives laid l'-ey noticed ooe person in the car tugging at, his ahoea and looking bock jurtlvely. They pWled lhe car over. In the car the otneus dilcovered abput 1,400 red capsulea alleged to contain seconal. The capsule.a were in packages of 100 each. ' The ddectiva srattd the four, who are all from the Puadenf.Arcadia area. 1'lty are James Josepb M~. lJ, Arcadia ; . John_ O~an Htrbaugh Jr •• 22, Pasadena; UOlllJQ Allln Walten, 22., Arc8dl1, and Ctatldlo M. Muella, 20, Atl:adla. 0Wctt1 alto confiscated two at.ereo speaker cabinets and took-them into Ule: station for lnv.UCaUon. "We decided to open UP the speaker bo1es in the lat& alternoon to check for serial numbers. When I took off the bock, there wer. all thole piU.," Sbeam said. and Mrs. Ester Lockway, housewile. Generally, all cancµdate1 agreed that district teachen' salaries should be kept competitive, favored innovative a~ proaches to education and felt that ·ade- quate school financing is a must. Cand!datea' mnaru follow lnthe onier ol their praentatlon at the mMlln(. Dr. Ncrman Browne II.Id be was in the school board race becauae ~rm very uclted about being. a part of th educational system In these rapidly changing times." He. said the posillon v.·as a "very self-aatWylng" one. BtT-me said be felt there was a need for tu reform to ll&hten ~ load on the ' property owner, ,that . teachera' salaries ml.lSt be kept at a h:vel to aUrad '1Jld malnlaln •quality personnel, and thal tbe pc .... t high ' IChooi woold have to do for another five yeafs. Mrs. Catherine MacQuarrie said tht 1ehool budget needed to · be adjusted to fit lhe tax rile. She advised that lw ~ry items be pared from the budget, but was unable to say specifically what should be cut. Mn. MacQllarrie also said that 1tud~nts ahould ·be · taucht• to tjtink for them~lves and to take ~ retpOMlbWty for their actions. Hqwevtrj lbe dkf not a pell out how that abould be done. "A lot of afudy b needed in tblt field1" . U ·' or Eisenhower Growing Weaker ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower "con. tinues to grow weaker" despite elfort! to reverse the heart condiUon that threatens bis life, doctors reported today. In a brief morning bulletin en the ?a-year-old general's coodJUon, Brig. Gen. i ,._ Hucba. conim!U>d<r r1· Wf!ter Reed Army Hospital, aaid ~ • G e n • ~senhower continUf! to grow weaker.'' 1 ''Evldencu of coqut.ive heart failure continue uncbanced," Hughes saJd. Mrs. Eisenl)cnver remained at her husband's bedsk:le. ~-mornin& meclical bulletin on Eiseiilibwenaid: · "Gen. Eisenhower continues to grw weaker. He sleeps for longer per:lods, but when awake ii lucid and able to communicate with members of the fami4 ly and, laat tvenJng, with Presldent Nix- on. 17 Optomet1ists Again to Help E nsenada Poor · Seventeen Orange County optometrists will be exporting their talent and time lo Mexico again next month to help indigent children of Ensenada who have major visual problems. The program chaired by Dr. Leon '.Axelrod of Laguna Beach is called Pro- ject L.O.O.K. for Li o.n Optometrists .Orange Kounty. The Saturday, April 12 work session with Ensenada's needy and visually needy children will be the fourth tuch visit of Lion Optometrists in the program initiated by Dr. Axelrod. The children are screened before the visit both for financial disadvantage and extent of their aigbt deficiency. Dr. At· elrod said, "there are so many needy kids that we concentrate on only those with less than 50 perctnt sight." He 1 a l d the optometrlsta making the trek expect to help 150 or more children with serkHJs eye problems. Dr. MarUn Dales of Costa Mesa said "unbeliev1ble" was about the onJy word to describe the strength of glasses prescribed for the first three years or the project. 11In the first three clinics a total of 325 needy school children were refracted and gluses were provided for 175. Twenty five others ·were referred for medical treatment and surgery," he said. The Llons pay their own way on the goodwill work 8eS5ion 1nd transport their own refracUng equjpment to E111enada where eight examining ams are created by sheet parUUons In a large room. They wort ftom I a.m. to I p.m. ei:· aminlng younpters. The Orang• County gmup also "'" the Ume to sociallr.t with the Maican Liana at evmlng gatherin11 before and after the medial ...,Ion. They lllUalIY wind up the weekend with a S~q luncheon at t h e home of the En..enada Lions Club presjdent. '111ose preparing for the trip include Dr. and Mn. Wllllml Buetht ol Laguna H.iU., Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Craig of Costa Mes•, Or. and Mn. Jvan ~ of San Cltmeni., Dr. ~)llrt, • Dalti, Dr. and Mra. Wayn• DuAlfbJ'l>fTu1tin, Dr. and Mn. Oliver lf<lftR o! Ganloil Grove, Dr. and Mrs. W1rren HoD· (llee EN31!NADA, P ... I) t .. DAIL.V P1L.Ot 11.it"""" TH IS IS COSTA MESA'S VERSION OF 'JACK' Will Ht Soon Bt Smlllnt on L19una? ' Ja~k P~ps Up Drive-in Buy s Wheel Hous.e Will the art colony's chicken bucket in the sky and its taco bell be j<ined by a grinning jack·in-the-box? It seemed liktty todiy. 1be Jack·ln- 'Jbe. Box Drive-Thru corporations .are purchasing Laguna's Wheel. Ho u s e restaurant at 1201 s . Coast Highway. Ques\ioned about the esthetic future ol lbe restaurant, City Planner Al Autry confirmed that the property is in escrow and that he has met with representaUves of the future ownership about the development. Autry sakl he would attempt to exert every legal eatheUc and signing control over the devek>pment. He said be spell!'i this out to the corporaUoo represen- tatives despite IO(M ·resistance 1boUt PENNY PINCHERS: PULLING POWE R ' llav• you ttJted the ,.11111g Po1ft' of a "new" 'Penny Pincher ad? Formerly · lhnlted to the sale of only certaln·ltems. DAILY PILOT Penny Plnchera now can be used by any 1dvertl9er (except com- mercial ones, of coune) k> sell anything. Tbty run up to thrte linu roe two times for ts. Look for them tbda;y, •P" pearlng throughout the clallllitd IOCUon of the ntW5paper lh appropriala cale(or· le1. Call 842-1671 for a dir<cl lint to the A<kllor•wbo can help you pinch pemi1es and mW dollm. · 1 I costs !bat would be ~. However the d.t1 planner· said there ls nothing In Laguna's -1lgn ordinance that would prtvent a jac-·ln- the box advertising sttµcture . 1 The rest.a.urant 18 h'I, a C·l {com- mercial) zone without apeciaJ 1rchllec- tur1l cootrola. Autry said the silo code woold allow a jack·in·the-box ajgn structure with 75- square-:foot faces'. The restaurant chain's 1ymboJ is a grinning jack·in-the-box on a pole lOoklng down. lb televislpn advertisement. which ring out crisply with "Your Ordtr Please", show police chuing crooks wJth both stoppinf Jn a Ke,-Kop rooth)e to purchase "bonus burgers" or other food. · Autry aaid ht met 10me reaktanee about Laguna'• elthetlc: controls bul'aald be 'IJl!u.d CJUt the ground rulU, llllf --....-u ... apt t».Y-111 comply. R• ii to mtet with 1hem.ap!n iTJ the nui·wftk « to. The Wheel House Is 01!Md0 bl' Fredtrlck "Parky" Colby, lonf·tilml Lagunan ~ ,ormer &una clipper cher. ;te won the rest.aurant of the year •ward lot a gCJUnnet ~ two yurt IP durtnc a Winter Festival gounntt dlnntt. The Wbetl HOUlt, which Is about • ye1ra ,okl1 apetlallzet m ~· , food. Il Wll form«IJ Shlpmat.e'a ~ve-~ ·, · .laked ~ fuciuced bin\ to .. 11, C..bJ r<i!ect.d Driflly'and aald, "monoy, JOii o( It." she sai(f. Dr. Jerome Kirk said the Lagooa Beach distrlct needs ''itult and corn. munication" between teachen:, ~ parents and olhera In the commumc,, Teechen' salaries should M •1•· "hi&b as we can get them witNn bounds "to ei1cour1n · quality ellucaton lo lllay all4! to come." He lll!d be wai .In the nc. becau9e ''I care· a lot a boot· LaCtm4 Beach and I ewe a lot aboot educltkm." . (Bee TEACBERS, P ... I) ·· • IXOll OldLagun~ Castle Sold Foe Church By RICHARD P. NALL Of .. 0.1" '"" llltff Rumored CQDveraion of ~na·s PJne Castle Into a Summer White HOUJe was laid to rest today when it wu leamed tbe blg structure Is being ;old lo a church !or Chrlall&n day acbOol use. Both ·the 1tller and ..,. of the buyers confirmed the sale to the Calvary Evangelical F...., ·Church. Thiijy, day •""""' papen w ... lo · be ~ thl! afternoon. It hBd bttn penisfently rumored that Pre!lden\ Nixon was interested in put<haatng the ff.room ·wtlt a.a its ll"4m ~te ·tcr• -white house. 0..-TllomM Mmtck today con-llfn.lad the f1ct that . be had .,....i to sell the prop«ty to tbe church. So did veterinarian Jltet Wheaton of Llguna Beach. Wheaton, twin brother of Laguna City Manager Jamtt D. Whealbn • Is chairman · GI the · churcll congreg~tiop. . · ''We're signing the escrow papen at 2:30 thb aflm!oon," said WbealAll thil m<><Jling. . Ht said the property woold· -u a Christian day school for kind.,.._ through eighth sradt yOllllpteta ancl ·u a religloua prHchooL Re ale! the chardl hoped alro to uae It .11 a Bible - for ·adults, poalbli bringing ' In missiooariea for ICheduJed IHSiom. Dr. Wheaton said the aclivllies WoUld not beaJn until Septemlier of lt'IO llecw of tenant leoo. Ttie c;ist1,, bul1t, f>Y an eccentric multJ.-milllooaJre 1n die eat)J 1930's•is pl'tlel'IU,..-us«t as 1a apartment buildil>g. Wheaton said his church tv~ plans to add a large aanctuary to the properly. The group bu 11<>1d Jta' -n church on Legion S1teet and Gloiineyre . and has been meeUng for relltlous services at Tbunton School. 'II h e fellowship bu about 260 member:s, .Wheaton said. Selling price of the caatle was not specified but was believed to have '.been in the ntigbborhood of l!OQ,ll(IO. "We've been ttarcbing for land all over," "lc1 Wbea.tOn. "'1'1lls jult flll our purpoee. We've been praytni about Pyne Castle for ilve years." Other groups, Including another church. had alro be<!n dickering lot the properif. Asked what the churchl would do if President Nilxoll'a •rumored Interest tn the castle should prove real, WheatOn said, "We Intend to invite him to visit (Bee CASTLE, P ... I) c...ac • Another dl,f to tell the folks back home about eomea: up J"ri. day, with fair akieo and temp. eraturea In the upper 70'1, back· ed by westerly bree:zea. IN'iIDE. TODAY I Seit. K.....Cv, toitAool OJ)<!llJ oppo,lno Mm,.Jo Oil o ......, , co"'li wiU. Priddftll. N!cOit IOr-f ·. 19TJ. PIJlll 20. ' • l ' l I I I t; • J ( I ;· jl DAJlY PILOT l LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By TOM GORMAN WHD..E LAGUNA POlJCB aren't 1ooldn& forward to much lnflu1 of vistton: for East.tr varation, Laguna teens have made their own plam to leave lbe Art Colony. · Palm Springs, the Color>do Rlvor, -1ns llld ourflng are the-lour bot lpoll Ws ,...., _.., to a random survey th.la column researched. More 1pecifically: Sharman Fames, Pam Crumley, Jackie Garrison. Bob Krorunan llld earl Ru!30 are looking forward to the d....-1. 'Ibe Colorado River, near H1vuu, is • the ...i ol Fr.d Schoemehl, Scot! --oer.1lirk Van De...., and llWll' others. . Olril Brennan llld Sally Shattuck will be doing """"' 1kitna near Sall Lok• City. Kim Heath, lliclt llld Jim Lanpn. helm are also beaded lhett. A W... · IJ'OUPI ol teeM will be going with tht'l Council on a four-day 1ki trip to Mam- moth. (Tomorrow ii lbe i..t day to sip up for t.be trip, and a few spcQ are aUll opon. Drop by at lbe \', 4tl Fere1~ for the prcper fonm.) LOOKING FOllWAJID TO some hot surf up north are John cm and Tom llolm. They will spend a coople ol clays at Rincon, near Santa Barbara. Not. to far up north will be Jamie Cauoey, who will be In !raining as a stale llleguard at Huntington Beach. He'll probably - squeeze in a few rides dlrough the pier, too. Looking the other direction lJ'f: TtUord Cottam, Jim Kuhn and Bob Kronm1n (again), who will trip down to Mex~ for hot surf and Jong slestu: • Ont non-confonnllt 11 Dluer Ware. He's looking for an acUon -packed week in U)e Painted Deltrt. I'm not sure what be hopes to find !here. but al -ba'll pl away from the crowds. 91...r lo home, Tom Tibor II plan-~ a l'Orly for 'lbroe Atcb Bay leens. He dJ4n't r.-1 &117 limo or place, but tf It's a typical Tabor party, it won't be hard to find tt. In addJUon to ·die ski trip to Mammoth, the Y Council bas also scheduled a etreel daoce April 1.oo Forest Avenue, to start at I p.m. The group expeds a l111t turnout of t.ouriats to watch the nadva freak out to tome heavy mu.lie. DID YOU KNOW the Y Council lo a Communist conspiracy? That's what the group ls bejng told. First off, Senator John Schmitz has reporredly claimed sensitivity weekends are Communist impired. Then thia week Representative James Utt stated that rock and roll music is a Communist conspiracy. He said the Communists used "hypnotic, rhythmic music t'.o assist in gaining ac- ceptance to their evil programs." So, for your own safety, you'd better not come to tbe street dance. It ml&hl lead you to do something evil. hrbaps we should have a new show -Lawmaken La.,gh·In. Pals ~ied One On From Page 1 TEACHERS • • • Jackass for Lagunan's Birthday W.n. Shirley ti.1cCalla said she was interested in gaining more support for the schools and school teachers. "I feel the public should be aware that teachers are professiooals." Laguna Beach Lumber Company owner Dick Jahraus has lots of fun-loving friends and IOJJle o( them really lied one to him this time. What they Ued was a jackass. Tile lour-fool 1all bea.sl .... left by anonymous glvm on JabraW1' front lawn Monday, an df.icte.d out in a hat and clJ'!")'ing a birthday card. Jihraui_ a" naUve Lagunan, Wm be 4l Sunday. . "We really don't know anything about tier ucept that she was very dirty and bee-hawed quite a bit," Jahraus' wife, Beverly, reported. "We have no Idea who let\ her but we can think of lob of people who mJght have," Mrs. Jarhaus mused ominously. For a while, the animal was kept ln the Jahraus backyard. So she ate all the grus and flowers. The Jahraus family reported that most nel&hbora af<IOllld their borne at 450 Cliff Drive llked their surprlae anlmi1 ad· dllion. 'Jbe bee-hawing, however, apparently aot to -of them. Lquna police received a bee-haw disturbance complaint Wednesday. So the Jahraus jacklU ii out to puture today at a Laguna Canyon horse ranch. She wW be moved later to a ranch home In Palm Sprlnp. Mrs. McCalla said she didn't really know about the teachers' s a 1 a r y schedules. "But I know it's not easy t.o get along on a little bit of money." Wllliem Wlko1m said the district needs to refine budget procedures, and that personnel aalar!.. llhould be kept competitive. He said that many of the so-called innovative approaches were merely applications ol common sense. IMPROV~ SITUATION "I am well sold on the things we're doing. I wouldn't be so U I didn't think they improve the learning lltuaUon." Incumbent WllcoJen aakl he was run· Newport Doctor Given Time to Answer Charge ning for re-elet't1on because "education UI facing a criaiil in the nen three to fem years and I don't want to get off the boal .. l\ln. Jane Boyd &Old lllle felt the IChool dlltrid needed m<re fund!. She Hid that personnel increases were need· ed, especially an elementary school counselor and a school nurse. She said that the high school vocational training A Newport Beach physician accu.s,ed In Mexl.co of murdering hls wile has Wn granted more time in which to prepare his reply to a $1 million civil •ult filed by her family. Superior Court Judge R a y m o n d . Thompson gave Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, 52, of '111 Placentia Ave. unUl April ~ Lo prepare his answer to the complaint liled Mareh 7 by Mn. Gertrude Barnet! " Loq ~ mother ol lbe tale SU>llll llagotl O'DoonelL Tile plutlc auraeon filed hiJ plea shortly before the eipiring ol the lmn Newport Teache1· ;:.Switches Plea · ;. Wade Watts, head football coach and a : : -drlyer educatlon instructor at Newport : : : ·Harbor Hlgb. School, bas withdr.awn a : ~:;previoua)y entered plea of guilty on a . ;-~-drlvin~ cbarg. and la acbeduled ;: :lo appeor April ' In Laguna Mlllliclpal : ··Court for further arraignment proceed-... lnp :::-i4ma.san Clemente Judicial Dia- .!~ ;bid Judge Richard Hamilton allowed · -: the change following a court appearance :.. ·" 1.fondaJ by Watll. The teacher had betn . . . - ·' .. ); ., :• ':· . . ~ed to appear for sentencing April I. Watta, 50, or 1970 Temple Hilla Drive, waa arrested by a Laguna Beach patrol· man early lasl Friday in the 100 block of N. Coast Highway and was held ovtr- nlghl r1r.n v 11111)1 CIR.AHOI" CCIAJT PUllllMINO <.OW,,ANY a.Mrt N. WeM ,,. .................. J•c• .. c.rt.., . \Ike ,,.'*"' .,,. 0-.r 111\t,,. .. fhe111•1 kMl'd .... n.t.i•t A. Mttt.t.111• *"""1111 '""' alcirl•N '· M•ll '•"I Nit"" u"""' 1wc.11 40 ... 1111,.,. Cltf ..... 01._. ---2Jr '•'•" ,..,,_ w.1n .. , "''••••1 ,.o. ••• '''· •»q --\ -cat• .!Mu: »I WHI ... ., l!r•I .......,, IM<ll : 7711 """' ... _ ......... , • .......... lil.cfl; .. WI '"°"' under wb!cb, by law, he must respoll!l .. program should be expanded. tO ' the action. Mn. Barnell and hff . Mrs. Bo,.i said !he deflnltely supports former husband Ben Haggott of Torrance IMovaUve approaches. "If you are doing state thetr intention b to deprive O'·l>ooo' the same things tcxlay the same way nell ot CundJ he would normally receive you wert ~ lpeP1 five years ago, from di3J>OSftjon of their daugbter's YO!J are doink them inC1lrrectly," she large estate. , said. Mexican authorities have aaked the Mrs. Eete:r Lockway said improved United States to return the accuaed doc· communk:atims between the distrid, the tor to MexlC1l. They claim that his taxpayers ard the teachers was needed. wlfe'1 death on March 11 19SI was She said !he suppcl'ted competitive planned by the pbysiclan who all~gedly teachen' salaries, "you always have toot Mrt. O'Donnell on 1 Mellcan vaca· to pay for the best." Uen with wbat be said was the lnlenUon of patching up a dislntegratlng marriage. Chargea filed by Mexican authorlllea are dupllated In tbe suit med by Mn. :Qamett. la unusual language for a civil acUon, the compll.lnt charges Dr. O'Don. nell with "Injecting polsonOU! drugs ln!o hla wife and tbenby ciuslng)ler death." Dr. O'DoMell la belna represented In his acUoo by attorney Arthur Strock of Newport Beach. Mrs. Barnett's lawyen are Hurwitz, Hurwitz and Remer also " that clly. From Page 1 CASTLE ... our church any time." He aald the group had written Nixon asktng right of first refusal if the presi· dent did not want the castle as a Sum· mer Whlie House during the present ad· mini.strati.on. Wheaton sa1d they did not receJve an answer. Probe Checks Sex Abuse Of Girl Mental Patients MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AUPI) -A state Senate inve!Ugation of alleged sex· ual abUM: oi female patients and drug misuse at New Jersey's largest mental hospital iJ scruUnizing similar complaints at a second mental insUtution, the in· vestigaUon chairman disclOlled wed· nesday nlghL Sen. J09eph Maraziti Hid "aimllar complaints'' are coming from parenta of patients at Marlboro St.ate Hospital, a C1ltlage-type psychiatric hol!lpital for 2,JOO patients ln 8eCluded ctTIU'al Jersey woodlands . Tbe Morri5 County Republican's com· mltlee launched a probe Monday of Greyltone Park Slate Hospital , a spra~I· ing f,800-paUent 1118'Ututlon in rural North South Coast MDs, Hospital Sued South Coast Community u .. pital and nve area pl\yllclana ming the laclllty have been sued for '500,000 in damages In a Superior Court 1utt that cbaraes them with nqUaence llld Improper treat· menl Sllnley G. Hogan. 31111 Vlrelnla Way, South Lqun.a allega In hll action that 0 otgl.fltnt tttatmmt" by the dt"fmdanta durfnt 1 1tr7 operation led to mort. JUrlet'J' and "the removal of parts of the body." He ldenUfl" tbe five phy1I· clans u Ors. Eric Evans, Albert B. Cole. Duane c. Ptltnell, Fred R. Smith and NtJI G. Barbour. Hogan alto claJm1 the defml..U "pennltted llld ordtnd the "" of nrlour aperimenlal, novel Ind lmpn>per drup." Jeraey, aft.er it was di&closed that state police were investigating charges that'- attendants smuggled helpless females or an qea out of wards for prostitution. The aUtndants who did the smuggling allegedly were paid SIO for ucb 1irl. 'The girl got a piece ol candy or a coin. MarutU l8ld that "two llld possibly three" teen-age girls have become prtg- n.ant at Grty!lone. He said parents have complained that two girls, lf and 16, became pregnant et Greystone, and "there may bt possibly a.not.her girl." "One woman told me that her daughter had relations on several occ~ions with me n at a certain building at Greystooe.." he said. 3rd W atercolo1· Preview Slated A pr<vlew ol !he third Biennial Na- tional Membership EzhlblUon of the Callfomla NaUonal Water Color Society will be h<ld Saturday at the l.ql>na Beach Art .Usoclation, 307 CIUf Drive, Laguna Beach. 11le preview ta by invltaUon only. The publlc will be admitted Sunday. The Water Color Socltty ii in Its 49lh ytar ol operation and includes In its me:mberabtp top n a m e 1 in 1 r t throuJboul the United States, an •llOclA· Uon spokerman aald. The t"Ihlbit, which will run throuch AprU %7, lnculdes 1111 palnllngL . . SUSAN TAYLOR, 12, PREPARES FOR '~LY-IN' Kltea Galore Slated for Thurston Schoof rhings are Pretty Far Out At Thurston's IGte Capers Things will be pretty far out at Thurston Jntermedlate School Aprll 12. That's the day the Laguna Beach school has scheduled the ''Thurston Invitational Kite Capers:· The re will be all kinds of kite compelition for kids, parents and teachers, aceordlng to parent PrenUce Taylor. Blonde Diverts Jeweler-Friend Cleans Out Case A long.tressed. leather mlni-atirted blonde kept a Costa M~a jeweler busy showing silver l!ake knives \Vednesday, appartnUy wbi)e her boyfriend escaped with up to $11,000 In d!amond rings. The exact loss to Jewel! by Joseph, 3.133 S. Bristol St., ls being inventoried today, but police detecUves said It may amount to 8f 1em-set rinjs. Joseph I. Hartstein, of Lakewood, reported the grand theft case late Wednesday afternoon when two display lxlxea which had contained 42 rings each V'ere discovered missing. . Officer John Stoneback said the store staff had r ·• taken inventory in recent days, so 1 box may have contained fewer than .. .: rings. Investigators said clerk Juel D'Angelo suspected the attractive blonde and her companion, who entered the store to browse around during morning haurs. They said the woman, a bit ovtr five feet tall and weighing alxlut 120 pounds, diverted him to the rear of the South Coast Plaza store on the preteni;e of shopping for a silver cake knife. Tbe fun day, also a fund day to raiae money for curtains for the stage, will include rocket demonstrations, model airplane demonstraUons and stunts, movies for youngmro, baby sltllng by the borne economics claas, discussion of areas of study and hot dogs, ham- burgers, popcorn, peanuts and snow con- es. Funds aie to be raised by a 25-cent entry fee in the kite competition.! which will lncludl 11 events, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tbe compelltion lncludea highest flying kite, lartbesl out (In dJ5tance) kite, kite flown most vertically, moot unusual, most unique, most colorful, large!!, smallest and a 20-minute handicap race in which contestants must try for altitude and then bring in the kite. There will abo be a handicap com· petition in kite flying for teachers and parents. Taylor said the Star Shooters Club at 11 :30 a.m. will launch a series of rocktt demon.!lratlons including three • stage rockets that range up to 3,000 feet. Club members, SI to 15 yeara old, will demonstrate tedmlques of rocket recovery that lnchµ1e glider recovery, streamer rf!tXNery and p a r a c b u t e recovery. ' 'From Page 1 ENSENADA ••. ingsworth of Anahelni, Dr. Jack Nlluwa of Anaheim and Dr. and Mrs. Jogeph Ryan of Orllnif. Also Dr. llld Mn. Dan Berry of Fullerton, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Brown of La Habra, Dr. and Mrt. Ate.Jrod llld Dr. llld ldrl. Wllllam Kinney o1 La Habra. Kinney II pr,.lclent ol the Orange Coonty Op!omtlric Society. OCCRejects SDS~apter . ~~ Plans Again Orange cOast Coliege 'studen'8 setk~g to Conn a Studenlll for a Democratic Society (SD$) dla.pter can't win for- Jooing. Colleae President Dr. Robert Moore today bti ¥n' aaid ".no deal" a!ttr studeot gov~ approval of Slli on campus finally ~~ won Tusday. Moore, exerci!Jng his power of veto over student governmeol acOOn . said he will not re<iOJ'lize as a legitimatft campus organizition any group with the name SOS. He said, "I would assume the student senators' concern is fair play for the local group. I can share that coocern , but I also am concerned about the na· tional SOS orgaollation." Moore said the remalning avenue of appeal ii to the Board of Trustees. Recognjtloa d SDS was voted S to 2 Tuesday by the student senate, a11 appeals branch of the student counc iL Earlier the full student council had voted SOS peLitiooers down , after the Interclub CollllCil also had done so. The campus group briefly attained legitimacy last month when then Student Body Prf.iident Al Porco recognized it in the absence of a student council not yel oonfirmed by election. But Dean of Student Activities Joseph Kroll overruled Porco and Moore with his veto upheld Kroll. • The veto still stands as Moore was not. dissuaded by the student senate vote. In a letter to five SO.S petitioners, including Orange Coast Junior College end Newport-Mesa school board can· didate Jobn Vaughn, Moen explained bis pooition: "On other ~puses the SOO bu en· couraged, initiated and carried out wiltt admitted intent the di!ruption of the educational program of the institution. "Irrespe<:tive oi a local commitment to divorce the activities of a local <1rganization from the nalional «ganiza· tion, there can in fact be no divorcemenL The local organization in assuming the name of the national organiialion assumes its goals and procedures." Youngsters' Art Sliows Diverse View of School lt seems the youngsters hold as diverse viewpoints of schools as adults. It's ref1ected in thtir art. Given the subject, "Laguna Beach School!, Yesterday, Today a Tomor· row," kindergarten through slitb gra<iers from the three elementary schools came up with work as varied as the flowers of spring. They painted everything from lbe Utile old red school house of yesteryear W a space lhl.p dilcharging students at &ehool on aome tomorrow. Work included detailed architectural schemat.lct, aerial views of schools and even colleges. 'Ibe c6ntest · was sponsored by the PTA CounciL Judges were Mrs. Lien Scott of the council; Howard Wilson, acrhitect; and Mrs. Nelly Allen, art teacher. First place winners, their grade and school, include: Natalie Guiterez:, kindergarten, Aliso; Robert Doidge, 1, El Morro; Bryn Mathelum, 2, El Morro; Lance Goulette, 3, Allio; David Redick, .f, Top of the World; Kelly Mann, 5, Top of the World; and Tom Brown, 6, El Morro. al .JJ. !). (}arretf; 3 Piece Ice Cream Set! WrouCJht Iron -Specially Priced • One Week Only $6995 CHOICE Of I COLOttS e fRENCH BRONZE e WHITE & GOLD e OLIVE e BLACK & GOLD e AVOCADO & GOLD e CHARCOAL e HARVEST e APPLE GREEN I 30" •' TABLE :s ·r n :mg itie for "" ft.er on elo aid al• the ent the rn, ••• of to .. :ii. ;ed .ub as '" -s. ge n· 00 n· u. 1e nt al •• ,c le m e s h ·. • • s ' ) t ·---·~~~~~--~~-'-"""""""'"'""°""""'.....,"""""'""'"""""'""""""""'""'""" .............. ,.... .......... ~----.................................................... .. UUl1dot, Mlldl -n, 1969 L DAILY PIL,OT ;J I Berets Crack Cong Stronghold V~S. Loses Four More Helicopters to Red Offensive DAILY PILOT, ..... •r Jlllll \lalltna Sparkli1ig Stroll FromWlnSUvl<a SAIGON -Meita>u!H 1"d by U.S. Green Beretl have fouaht tbe1r way inch by loch Into the provlowlly Im· prqnable Viet Co1!1 atronahold !mown u "SUper1UUoa Mouotabl1" U.S. military spokesmen Aid lcday. n..y captured a vast tupply and hospital complex in the mountain 120 miles southwest of Saigon. But elsewhere io the war sheeUi of Corrununist ground f.ire shot down four U.S. helicopters and damaged fi ve others in the 33rd day ot the Red offensive. Two of the helicopters were on mercy m~ions to evacuate wounded Gls. Eight Americans were killed. American battlefield deaths in Vlelnam dropped 25 per«nt lut w .. k to ·the lowest "'eekly toll of the Viel Cong spring offensive, lbe U.S. Command an- nounced today. But the 266 Americans killed in action pushed the total for the war to within 300 of total combat fatalities in the Korean war. The 288 dead -as leas than the week be/ore -brought the total American combat dead for the eight- year-old war to 331329. The total in Young Orange Coast family takes time out from rush of everyday activities for quiet wa1k on beach. lt appears to be a moonlight stroU. However, family actually is silhouetted by late afternoon sun bounc· ing off ocean's surface. La Habra Girl Slays Father In Argument A 14-yUMld La Habra l!lgb School girl stabbed her father to death Wfd. nesday night following an argument over tier persistent truancy, Police Chief Har· ry Wilson reported. -. GrandJ11ry Indicts Twenty On Da11ge1·ous Drug Raps Dead from a single ttab wound in his chesl is Donald Tremble Brady, 52, of 400 N. Hazel St. Held by police i! his daughter, Lisa. Chief Wilson said that following the stabbing the father and daughter ap- peared on the porch of thelr apartment, screaming for help. Twenty persons were indicted by t h e Orange County Grand Jury Wednesday on charges of possession and sale of nar- cotics and dangerous drugs. Fullerton police arrested 13 of those named by the panel last Friday. It is ex- pected that the arrest of j.he remain.ing seven will be carried out toda y. Facing Superior Court action on vary- ing drug charges are: RockY Allyn Coor· tain, 18; Donald Ray Eldridge, 19; Char- les Edgar Estes, 22: Kennis ~an Hard- ing, 18; Randy ~tichae\ Somerville. 19: Richard~ Ward. 19 and Leonard Doug-, las Law. 18. all of Fullerton. · Also Eugene S. Handler, 21, of Santa Ana ; David A. Nuberg, 19, and Ray Ar- thur Krouse, 19, both of Buena Park; James Ed\\•ard Crutchfield, 22; Dennis Ray Whitman, 21, and John Neil McMan- jgaJ, 19, all or Anaheim . Also rounded up by Fullerton r.lice last Friday were 20 juveniles who a c e similar charges. The YOtJlhfUI ollenders are being held in Juvenile Hall pending setting oC court hearings. Backing Fullerton police in the narcot- ics roundup \\'ere sheriff's deputies, dis- trif't attorney's investigators and agen ts of the State Bureau of Narcotia Enforce· men!. Neighbors called police and despite the efforts of a fire department rescue unit called to the scene, the father died. The coroner's office reported that Brady was stabbed once in the chest. "The knife, with a 10..inch blade, evidently entered the victim's bear t," Chief Wilson said. Police said the father and girl's mother were divorced and the daughter lived ~:ilh her father. She is a first year student at La Habra High School. Hoitse Hunting Reports Plague Most Presidents Because of her frequent absence from classes, the father had contacted truancy officials and the argument followed, police reported . The girl is being held for questioning by police and was to be taken later today to Juvenile Hall, Chief Wilson oaid. Tot Recovering From Injuries Editor's Note: Rumors ran hot. and heavu during Presidl?'nt Nixon 's re· cent visit to tl1e Ora11ge Coo.st that the Chief Ezec nt.ive might buy either the H. H. Cotton Estate iii So n Cle- mente or Pyne Castle i1l Laguna Beach. flere veteran UPI \Vhite House reporter Alerrimo1i Sn zitli tells h010 "home buyi'11g"' r11111ors plagued most preside nts. By l\IERRJ~1A'.'J S:\tlTH \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Recenl speculation lhal President Nixon mighl buy a 64-roo m castle on U1c Southern California coast ror son1c1 hing over $400,000 stirred some memories in Washington. This sort of thing has happened be!orc to chier executives "'ho were quite 11urpri1ied to learn they were about to purchase expensh·e real estates -and about whi ch they knew almost nothing, It happened to John F. Kennedy when he was president. The slOry was that a group of his friends were forming a syndicate to purchase a summer Whi te House for him at Newport, R.J., and make a gift of the house and property to the fede ral go\'emment. Ke nnedy tried to squelch the rumors iu soon as they broke into print. but the report continued to pop up from lime to time until his death . About all he was ever able to establish about the plan was tha t someone wanted to 11ell a house . It would be surprising if Nixon planned to purchase additional real estate anywhere. He currently is paying for two relatively e1pens.ive pieces or waterfront. property at Key Biscayne, F1a. While he Is a well-to.do man, friends 1ay he Is not the &Ort lo lay out $400,000 for anything at this point of his career. Not does it seem likely he would want to a.sk Congress to put up federal funds for a branch White House in Cllifornla. \Vhal he. wou ld like is th«! use of a house on the lower California coa~t for se .... eral weekends a y'ear and this he can ha\'e easily -for htt or on a rental b a 1 I s. Presldent&.ih1ve made such arr•ngemenls In the past without causing public outcry. Members of the Ektor1do Country Clu b al Palm Dtxrt, Calif., near Palm Sprlnp, were more than happy to pro- v\de a houle for President Dwight 0. Elsenhowrr. Furthermore, they conUnued the arrangement aftrr he ll!ft ofOct. Whe.n he went quail shootlng In south Georgia, he look over the estate of his Treasury secretary, George Hum- phrey. Kennedy paid a fairly large rental for Glen Ora , his first place at Mid- dleburg, Va., before deciding to build his own house at Atoka, just outaide of Mi'ddleburg. At Pa Im BUch, Fla., however, Kennedy used a borrowed beachfront estate. And for one brief summer stay, he borrowed the Maine island home of Gene Tunney, the former heavyweight champion. lnstead of investing big money in a California house, Nixon can be expected to do what olher president.s have done -borrow, rent or make mort use of t h e government-owned presidential r etreat, Camp David, Md. David M. Harrell, 13-month old Hun- tington Beach tot who was run over by an automobile Mondl\Y. is improving at Westminster Community Hospital. The youngster was removed from lhe ho5pltal's intensive cani unit two days ago and transferred to the pediatrics ward. His condition Is described by hospitaJ officla1s as "fair." Harrell suffered multiple fractures, a broken pelvis and broken rlbs when he was run over by a car parked near hls home on 14652 Edgevlew Lane. He had apparently been playing underneath the car. The driver, Joe Bailey McNeil, was unaware that he had struck the child. [a .. •• Easy To Order. I Police chiefs of five OrlJll!; Coast cili• commended Alton Bltkeslee, awan:l- winning .Wociated Press acience writ.er, for bh frank and factual "Orup 1969'1 acrits published ln lhe DAILY PILOT. Now you can have all the tnlormallon cmt.alned in the JO-part stria, and more. in Blakeslee'1 booklet., "What You Should Know About Orup and Narcotia,'1 for ju~ It. Clip the coupon below ml mall It In todlJ (lllow two lo Ihm ...W lor delivtr')' due to heavy re.spcme to this otter). r••••••••••••••••··~ I r., D,..llookltt I I Ornt• c:_. Dolly 1'11t1 I I ~.O.lnl I I r ... eck. N. J. 01'" I I Send me ..•... coplts ol "Wb1t You Should Know About Drugs I I and Narcobcs" at $1 each. Enclosed ia $ ... , ..••.. (Mab checks I I payable to Aasoclatod Prus). I I I I NAM'---···-·-----------·--I I I ADDRW.-········-·------CITT------· I STATI~--- I I I ~---·-·-··········-~ the u.-...,..,. K«ean War was si,m. The u .s. Command alto lllllOW1Ced that l,363 Amertelnl were -In action 1ut weet. It more titan the previous w& Tlt1I br<lllbt the 'total American wounded reported 1n the war to 209,0U. Superst!Uowl MouoWn bu been a Communlat atrongltold for years and has misted massed raids by B5is: and at least three assaults by Soulh Vietnamue v.·ho rear the mounlain ·-known as Nul Colo In Vtem.--becaule It la aald to harbor polloned wlndl, delllOlll and clrqono. The uuult force wu made up ol t,000 mercenarlt1, lllOlt1y fearlea M ... 1qnanl trlbeameo and C.mlwl11n1 w!to live In Vlelnlm. 'Ibey bnved llliper and machlnegunllre, mines and booby traps In their Inch by Inch ucent that took 10 days ol lleldy fllbtln(. U.S. apeclli '"""' ....... captured a key point on 1he mountain and unconttd a VIit l1Jtem of CIWll that lnclodld a hospital, a commander'• quarters, am- mun!Uon 111pply caV<tlll and -for aleeplnC quarlm. The opokamln Mid lhey were ltlll .. piortng the »-y11Mld Communlat bldeoul today. The spokesman aald the ntOllllllln stronghold near the Cambodian bordtt was defended by about 300 pmillu. The paJd volunteers recruited by the ~-------------'---- All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday: SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! Patio color • = • plants in baskets for hanging! We have 11 top selection of plants in hanging baskets including: artillery fern , ivy, begonia, fuchsia and lotus in 7" b111kets. F.uschias and Coleus for a colorful 9arden Famous for their color. Now is the time to plant you r 9arden! Available in 4" con- tainers . 33' Ortho® systemic rose, flower care Ju st spread around plant and water it. Ef· fective for 6 weeks. Com•• in 5 lb. bot. 2.98 Ortho® Azalea and Camellia pellets Grow more beautiful Cem1Uia and Auilaas with Ortho® food. 2/1.98 NEWPORT BEACH Slow growing dwarf golden Arborvitaes Wrth 9o:d1n yt~ low frond. of fon. 091, for beauty, color. Av1ilable in on• 9a\lon con· tainers. 77' Ornamental Garden Brand barti An attracti ve ground cover. Holds moisture. Your chpice of medi- um, coerse, or path- way. 1 77 • An in purpo11 f1rti• ~ur; can be used on wet or dry fo~a91 an~ sea'°" of th• Y"" ....... h.... 5.45 Scotts Bonus for dichondra lawm. UOl ... ft.~ 9.95 FASHION ISLAND . ' J ' I I ~· I 4 OmY loll.or . Thursday, Marth 27, 1969 J --~ -. Reds Denounce Private \f alks PARIS (AP) -North Vl<tnam and the Viet CoDi'> Nadonal IAberatlon Front today strongly denoWIC<d the United States and SOuth Vietnam for seeking private talks on a Vietnam aeUJement, but failed to slam the door finally on Uie proposal. ' tdopl a new policy !or a peace!Ul aet· ement of the Vietnam problem , Presl· nt Nixon and some responsible members of tbe U.S. admlni.straUon have made vague statements about some pro- gre~ having been made at the con· ference, aboot private rrieetings and ., forth, in an attempt to calm down public opinion. ' ••Don't you remember me!" I askid the man who walked up to Mol91 Clerk Clayton Hi1lvertort in I)enver. "I'm the guy who rob- bed;you last time. I'm here to rob you: again." Halverson remember· eel + and handed over '325. Wet let Flies Again The DCB jetliner which oplasbed down in San Fran- cisco Bay four montbJ ago passes it• !int airborne test at San Francisco Wedneeday after undergoing a $4 !Dillion repair job. The 100-ton Japan Air Lines Super 62 was taken Oil an 11-minute test fiight. Cost :<it a new plane is $8.3 million. Tbe Viet Cong's repreaentatfve, Tran Buu Kiem, called the offer from Saigon for private ta1ka a maneuver ordered by President Nb:on to cover • "policy of lntenslfying the war." North Vittnam'a AmbaMador Xuan '!buy, speaking at the loth full-acale session of the peace talkl here, said the offers of private CMvm11:tions by Nixoo and Preaidtnt Nguyen Van Thieu cf South ·Vietnam were "1 deceitful trick to calm public opinion.., ''For the same reason on March 25, 1969, Nguyen Van Thieu, representtna: the Saigon admini!tration, the warlike and Fascist adminislralion p.aid by the United States ••. declared his readJness ta conduct private talU with the NLF. At the same time ' be oppo!ed the withdrawal of U.S. forcts from South Vietnam, refused the establishment of a coalition government and demanded the dis,,olution of the front." • A.it unsatisfied customer .sent the Di.ssociated Sirhan Slew \ Kennedy~Psychiatri.st Ky Says South May Bomb' North The formal statements had the ·~ pl!arance of rejection bUt neither said it would not talk privately. Thus, though the statements were bitter and denun- ciatory in tone, they had the look of hatd bargaining for position, which could go on a long time. SAIGON (UPI) -Vice President Both made it plain that one of the Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam said main obstacles to progress was U.S. Thi.!, be said, on "orders of the Nixon administration," showed the Americans and South Vietnamese wen~ trying to hinder the talks here" Nude Swim in Florida · follqwing letter to his English tailqr in London. ''I was very dis. plea:;ed with the suit when-r first saw: il, hut I feel sure that if the tro~ers were lengthened, pockets, altefed, seat and zips r&<lone, pocliets of the jacket changed, the ja~t lengthened and sleeves cor· reeled plus the lapels and chest size:retailored it wou1d fit me well and;! should be pleased ~ith It for yeats.'" LOS ANGELES (AP)-A psyehiatri!t says there is a usual Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and a dissociated Sirhan. They are both sick. today his naUon "qui~e.possibly" could refusal to talk directly to the NLF FORT LAUDERDALE,· Fla. (UPI) - -appeared unconcerned while Diamond defy the United States.,end resume the as a sepa;;ate political entity. Both also The Sexual Fretdom League Inc. today said in a dozen different ways that he bombing or North Vietnam on its own . indicated That Thieu must drop whatever urged vacationing college students to . nearl d B 5. h d strings were attached to his offer, such stage 8 nude wade-in here at high noon JS Y ma • ut 1r an retcte "South Vietnam could quite possibly as reJ'ection of the whole idea of a • 1be usual Sirhan, be said, was quite harml<u--One ol hundreds o! thousands ol poranold acllizopbrenlcs In the United states. 'lbe dissociated one killed Sen. Rebert F. Kellnedy. harp! whe t Da 'd N Easter Sunday. s Y n co-prosecu or v1 · unilaterally take the decision to bomb coalition government a n d rejection of Fitts suggested he is a liar. the north," Ky said. "The planes are the demand for U.S. troop withdrawal. The purpose of the wade-in, according :TopUu dancer ~farlene Shtr· ml:n .of San Francisco aa11s the lnttT'Ml Revenue Service ha.!! : agrttd to allow htf' to deduct K a $1,300 operation as a busiM1s ~ expnut. MUs Sherman, who if"! flotl undl:r tllt proftirional .~ name of "'Nu.ch Orphan Fan.ny," [ sa.id tM operation tDC$ a tilicont ~ injection which changed Mr At '°" point Sirhan slapped his hand •'Of late," said Thuy, "in the face to the Berkeley, calif., organization "b~ down cm the table and cursed. Another ready. There is no reason why we can't of the demand of world and American to establish the rjght ~ nude awlmmlnc The di3tinct1on was drawn at Sirhan's '!lurder trial Wednesday by Dr. Bernard L. Diamolld, a University of California psydliatrist who bas been instrumental in developing the defense of diminished respoosibllity. '!bat concept, Sirhan's lawyers hope, will persuade the jury to return a lesser verdict than first-degree murder and thus SplU't Sirhan from the gas chamber. time court officials moved to his side 1T'bo;;;;;m;;b;;H;;a;;n;;o;;i.;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;io~piruiiii;;·o~n~lhaiiiiit~the~~n~ewii;;iU~.~S.~adi;;;m~i~nlstr~~·U~o~ni;;;;;;'~t~p~u~b~lic;.;be~a~ches;;;i;;;;.';;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:I and quietly tcld him to simmer down. 11 But it was the sparring match between Fitts and Diamond -occasionally with defense attorneys and even Judge Her- bert V. Walker joining ~that charac- terized the ~umination of the defense's star psychiatric witness. ; biut measurtmtnt from 34 to 40 inches. • • There are 11bidden costs" to run· ning -Brit a in 's superltlgbways, Robert Brown of the Ministry of Transport told Parlirnent. For ~xample, he said, during the past six months superhighway roadside establishments bav~ lost 1,000 yards of. pull chains from the lava· tories and 7,500 teaspoons from restaurants . • For 16 montlls since he left the hospital in San Luis Obispo, Ever· ett Underwood has received a bill 1 1 for "balance due, 00" with a nota· tion "Two months past due." He j has telephoned and written letters, to no avail. The machine still sends Ille bills. Now Underwood bas ...,t a persooal check made out to the San Luis Obispo Hoopltal System for "No Dollars and No Sense." Thus far no answer. • W"tJh a uniqiu demomtratiOn oj spri~ frver, beautitr from Drut1 Co£. lege ~Pi Beta. Phi rociat aorority iot£. come ip7"ing a.s they soak up a little of the Spri11g~ld, Mo., JUn. • Floy Word of Salt Lake City de- cided to go beck to college two yearS after her husband died and she Says she's having a ball. "I g<1t tired of drinking tea and play· ,ing dominoes with my 1 ad y friends," she explains. hirs. Ward is 82 years old. She's currenUy en- roll«! at Westminster College, auditing 10 hours of work in four clas ses. Record Paranoid schizophrenics are no danger to anyone but themselves, Diamond said. In Sirhan'• case, Diamond main- tained under 1Uff and sometimea acri- monious cross-eumination, "it was a combination of dissociaUve state super- imposed over the paranoid schizophren ic state that caused him io ldll Sen. Kemedy." A dl.s9oclative state as defined by the psychlatrlst b • tranc<. Sirtan, sitting tieless and coatleu at the defeme table-perhaps die ooly man comfortable in the mnall, hot courtroom "You know what I'm talking about, don't quibble Jrith me!" Fit!.! exploded once. Another time, he said, "Doctor, you're dodging me." Diamon<j, who rarely faced Fitls while answering but looked at the jury with a constant smile, told the co-pros- ecutor variously: "Don't put words in my mouth ••• I don't answer that, it's irrelevant • • • ·I cannot allow yoo to distort what I say ••• I disapprove of hypothetical questions and I refuse to _ answer any." A number cf times Judge Walker di- rected him to answer; at other tim" the Judge told him to confine the answer to the question. Jordan Complaint to U.N. D1·awslsrael Counterclaim UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -The Security Council met today to hear a JC>rdanian complaint that Israeli planes killed JS civilians Wednesday in Jordan. It r a n into an Immediate Israeli coon- tercomplaint that Jordan had ·supported A r a b guerrilla attacks against Israel and carried cut "wanton shellings." As the council met, the At Falah commando crganization announced in Beirut that tocket attacks were carried out against Israel .today in reprisal for the air ralds and that heavy kiss of life and. prOP.f:rt.Y resulted. Israel sajd only Utat its troops returned the fire. Diplomatic sourca Wd they believed Jordan's call for today'1 Security Council session was a move by the Arab nations lo spur the projected big four talks oo the Middle East. AdmlnJ!b-atlon of- ficlalJ in Washington saJd tod11:y the talks would begin euly next week at the United .Nation.'!~ Israeli Ambassador Joseph Tekoah submitted Israel's complaint at the last minute as th e councll w a a about to take up Jordan's demand for "adequate and effective" action against Israel for its: "continuous and grave" cease-fire viGlations climu:ed by Wednesday 's raid. Israel contended the raid agalmt the Wwn of Es-Salt was aimed at Al Fatah guerrilla bases in the area. It did not mention the Incident in its complaint today , 'Sierra Madre' Author Traven Dies in Mexico MEXICO CITY (AP) -Bruno Traven, mysterious author cf "The Treasure ot Sierra Madre," died at his home tn ~fexlco City Wednesday night cf a heart attack. He was 79. The writer wu 11 recluse who kept hia origin secret and shunned publicity, saying it "reduced authors to the status of tightrope walker1, :sword swallo~·ers and trained animals." There were rumors ihat he was Ambrl>!e Bierce, tbe American writer whG diuppeared in Mexico in 1913; that he was Jack London. or that he was a fugitive Austrian prince er a Negro ' fleeing injustice. Lows Chill Dixie Canada Storm System Spreads Cold Air Over East . · Coalltoral• w.nn. -.-... cvrollnwt ...... ~ c.1tfllmlil ,....,. .. •11 .. mo ~"' Mel ...... boollf!d """",.. tww lo neon! t.wll. lm "'"""• •NI vlttrll'!v t011!ll!Wd $11M'f 11111 W•ml. TodtW"'t hhih rffCI>. .. ,,..r to If "'-Cfvlt C•l!ler. T'" ...... 'W"'-v, -· 17, lt'llrtl hi.hKI lot .... Miion blh1NI m. t0 rt(Ol"dood .. T'"lllmwl • .., !he .. It "•!"' ~ T~I tft< In l ot ...,,.., .. ~AA' PDllWtlon C~ Dl•t"'1 Mll!t to......,... -II\ .. ~ ..,..,. ... lft. .,.. ...,_ -ct./' ..... ""'"' ................ n.n...-~ ---Ill ............. tt """ fffr .... ~ ...,,...... 'l'l1fl "'""" ""'" to 11 ..... r:-111:111. ,....._'"""" ~ ci.r •"" w.n't't: M .... ,...... 11'911N1 If Ill tllf ::l'""" ..,., -ft hi 1111 lawer "-"" fllciJll 'Utdo.,..lt 111111 tortent -~ ~ ll'idudlll: l-llfolC~ ............... ic. •n. &v~riil u- ... IM. WI'-....... ,.lll'nll1le JJ.", .............. ,..Im Wlllll'I .. H, sllMr'lfllW SU7, SM Dini "'"'° •fld ...... ~ FMt. LDI ANG4fll!:I A.HD VICIH flY- SwfWOI' .,. ~ -"rid••. """,., ... "-'fclftllllt• CMl"TAL NIO INTaCJllllDl,&1! VALLIY~ ,.,.,...,., Hi.rr. ti '1l tt.L..-~•trt• MOUNTAIN All~llM'I' ,rtlltv. IHTll•tOft AND ou.E•T llEOIOHI ~ ,.,..", ......_ n ,. • ..,,..,. ·-· .. .. .. '-""' ..... """ l .... .................... ~,. ....... - ""'"" ....... "" .... "'-" _, fad.., WI#\ ........... ~ lw ·'"-· tilnlfl: ......,,.,, • " 11 ~....,..-Tedl'f'1 ....... 1111 tt a Ytti.ns.Y'a ,.....,.._,... r I 111 I I ,,.., , """' fl/I 14 to • ""' • n. ,,,. lllol ..... ~iw. nfWt ""' .. -S), Tiie ,...ttf temMr....,,. .. , 1' oe.,_, S11tt, ltloott. Tide!• TMU-ID.AY *""° llftl'I ... t 11J 11-'"· J I ~ ..... , .. U :a 1.rn, I I l'll:IDAY "'"' 1119ft ' .• •:ti 1.m. "·' ptlrrt !W' ..... ,, .lt:D •.~t.I r..terll l!IM . . . '. 1:1• ....... 1.1 ""-• .._ 1211• •. II\. .... t :JO ··"'· 1111 ltlltlt S:a 1.m . ..._•~II•·"'· .... u.t •. ..... ""'' •. ""'· l •• ' •• .. """· 24 IJ.S. St1mm•rv " lhlrM """"" -.. ,""" ~ NI,_... tild 1lr -mall al ""' 1E11I ........ '-"" todtY Wfll~ "" -1--N M GI' ""' 11atlell tnle,oH mild ---"--sw...,. ,....,,,.. .....,. '"""'""' WI -Mlcfllnn """ trftl'"' -.,,.""""' 111 ,,,., GI' Ollll. TldrJ''• law -I -cie.ne bllDw Hl'O _, llflllton, Midi, l"'tlloldld In "" ctllrt _, Moeont '-' f« "'lt dl.119 1t T1lllll-. Fii~ wl!fl 10 11111 Kll'I' W11t, 1'19., wt1t1 H. l!I_,,,_ -flllrrllt -. ~ Kl'Olt tllf -..r Orwtl L._, l l'lf Norw l!:llflMI wllll cold Amie 1lr ll!tll11e ""'"·-· Mott tr fllt antr.I •l'lf -fern ~t.• _.. "'' .,.. w.rm wtl'll kufl'I. -c.1...m. -111 ... l'llllolt't llof ..-. ~. lllfl'lnt ,.,._.Ill,. -to et T""-1• Ill ....... 1w "•I"' ~"" wltfl .. •"" l.• .MMtw ... 1111 '" AltNlll't', N.Y . AMhono<tl1 Aotlevlli. .1o1i.M1 ~1111119$ S!rml ... t.tm 81.•m•rdl ··~ ._..,.;Ji. lhlffli. ll~rllftttoft. vt. ,,_ Cl'ltrtH+cwl, s.e. Ola"81en, w. "•· "-<>« ... c-,_ .. ...... ..... """"" l!I "- F1lt'blo'*' ·-G""'t F•11~ ...... --· ........ ,,,.,,.~~ Jlfll1111NU l9 Ju,.,.tv k'1n1-. c1.., lltl~ II~ low!Jvflle -'· M !JMI 8Mdl MIMiitt .. Mlr!rl9f!JIOll9-SI. I'll!! Ntw Orllotnt -'"" Norltl l'i.tt. Olci.llornil (!fy Pll!lldtWllt ""'-bl!""' ,,_ St. l«rlt S.urt si. . ...,..,.. _,,, Mlt~ Lew l"/"K. ,, " ~ " .. " " " x " " " " " • 4 " " ~ " • • • " " ,. " ., " " " " " 4 " e .. .. " • " " • " ~ ,. g .. .. .. " » " x • " " " " " ,. " " u " .. .. n " • .. • • ~ ,. .. " • " " " ,. • • " " " .. .. " ,. " " • ,. " • ... ... "' "' ·" "' ·" "' ·" ·" ·" •• " n ·" .u ., ... CARPET WAREHOUSE CLOSE-OUT-'68 THURS.· FRI.· SAT. & SUNDAY IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE ON ALL SHAG CARPET NYLON SHAG Unique random c.olor ff. feet in contemporary colon. T1te gklmovr of carpeting that cotts much more is right henl HEAVY ~" FOAM PAD R99. 8.95 59.~ .... yd. NYLON SHAG b"a iono nylon ohog. A lush look""''• b ..... to 699 clean, hard to wear out. Choe• front eleven stay- lovety colon -plains and '1 n.west duo tonn. ;:· ON \\ FOAM Reg. 10.99 oq. . "IODEL" Polyester Shag _, priced !•1 095 ~ t.-,!r:f d'::: down lllXWJ I" enry stepl long, Song wetr· fm:t. ~ng cwptt that requires ON 'h ro.:JA ycl. llttt. ewe! Reg. 15.95 lid-, ....... ond "°"" 680 ... than any otheT. The~ ef CDwal htx•ry h• 3 fobv-._ ..... d.ol-. Tho .i . ~-....... "-dlooml 1""· HIAYY \\' FOAM ~AD R "I· yd. eg. 12.95 BUDGO TERMS SPECIAL CLEARANCE REMNAm SAYE UP TO 70°/o 12tte 12X21?' "''' 411.00 Dl9C c.liill 1bM'S" Ill••· 1aeo Diec ~-tb:lt'10'' l'llf, 1Jl..OI 2ofllfO .,.. ........ 1b:21'4" Ill ... .l'-4.00 1M1C cn .. ·1 \2x14·1" fl\11. 1&0.00 nno ,._. t:z.11·:" "••· 1'0.00 24040 1111 .. '11Xt'11" "••· 131.00 .l40IO llu. Gfoft11 1ZXl'I" "'''' 120.00 :•110 IS•ltl• Twe•• lbSO'I"' Ill~•-S00.00 M1W K!Mkl 5111e Celd U )'11, th:tl'I" "••· a.so.oo L 1-Holt)'k• SMwc:1M AYfC.•d• 1fll% ~· 12•-Z'I"' 1'111. 10fl.OO Lt ...... ,ytu eo ... ue•t AVKldl uv. ,...,, 12•40'2 .. f'lq, 4n..OO K12M 0."ent I01 Avee1•1, ~Id & ........ "' ..... A11. I.Ill yd. --Cl'MlliplrM 11•11'1" "'••· as.oo ~· Het ~,,.Irr 1bt1"1" ... 1'111. 211.00 :tvr4• M1rtlfll t5•W10'' l'ltl. 191.DO toe.SI Avie•" 11•11'11" "'''' 171.00 M ia 1'l1y1I 11111 15•1\'t" l'leg. 165.00 21111 ...... 11.t 12x20'10" 1'111. 135.00 20661 ,. .. ,,., •• , .. "'••· tot.00 2'322C Ge1411 12-24' 1'111. 4(11.00 l319C H.,.•)' Gell 12rl6'4" "••· 111.00 21MC ArttM!•• 0114 Iba' "~· m .eo a-c M•l'ttal l:zx:tll' l'I ... l-I0.00 PLUS 500 MORE ROLL ENDS SA VE UP TO 600/o ~ Aer1&111 ,.,... ~ A-•-QN111 11y. )'di. ttd3'7.. "'•· m .eo Ql:Mt Acrll•11 lh•• r• 1.1,.. l"rHN:h lllu• -. ,.., 12'1111'11" ..... !I01 .11 "t!ll1 100% WHl M11"1i11I 14 )'dll. 12lt40'1" 111.,. 432.00 SAU 209.00 64.00 69.00 122.00 79.00 70.00 36.00 69.00 249.00 318.00 548.35 259.70 4.00,.,. 125.00 98.00 15.00 19.00 129.00 140.00 125.00 160.00 196.00 151.00 179.00 199.00 346.95 270.00 ,.1541 100% Wool a 1ut1ri• Cr.in •~; yd1. 12•JO'I" '°1912 Dul'1nt N ylo11 Gr1ci1r: M111f Sl\'1 yd1, 1b:23'1" .... "'"' 203.35 "'~·· .UO.&O 110.25 OIMI Duf>or:t Ny1er: A11ti11u1 Celd 15 7d1. 12•41'1" l'lc1. Ul.00 Olm C11n1 ... 1rcl1 I Twee411 G•1d 4' lren11 ••Ya Y••. 1h!t'1" Re1. n r.oo 01•1 Hell)'ttll C•rprice KN el 1'11lltl1'111 ~ yda. 1b;!O'I" Reg, 40li.?O OIOOI H1U)'t1• C•prLtt Ke .. I Cl1'""fl Fle11:1 l1Y1 )'9, 121l21'S'' 1'111. ats.00 01 ... Holll'llll Clpf'ICI KMtl ... ~ 01"9111 "" ,.. •• lh!O' ..... IM.7'0 Ntqe N)'Mr: lll•t Z'' l.1119 ........ Or"" ~ ~ 1bt4'1" Ill ... 711.00 MMIJ' N)'Wo! Hl·LI • ._ ..... 1U )'I.., 1bl11' ~. ""·'° 221.00 138.50 244.02 225.00 140.00 428.35 535.50 M tm &01 ..... I T1n1 .... 111 ,..,,, tb:1Gt'11'" .... _ .. 685.00 M1tn WI 81111 JMe l lUI T'#14411 127 )'jla. 12:dt'i" ..... ltlt.00 635.00 ,.L.u• IOO MOili iE L & J ENTERPRISES INC. TO SHOP AT HOME JUST PHONE St• Cl l'lllt 11melM 111 t: ~(lflV•O'l l1r10:.t 'I ORANGE co.·s LARGEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2406 S. MAIN, SANTA ANA O. llOCK S. Of WAINH HOUIS DAIL V t TO t:a •AT. I TO I •UN, It TO I -Phone 549-3349- • ~eur hom1 wll:•,.. C<I .. ,. -• bt e•'''""l' -Pdln1tH >N1 Wfll 11111 r.111tur1mtnl1 111d glv1 1tl 'll '" ••""'''" t i r1e ebll1•· tlll'I. • loA. la st.ck • Ml waitlnt • Nt •w. ,..,....... • 24o-Hour 1MtallatlM • Stttdec"-, .. am.ff • ht tt. ......, ...... "' • Ink ftnft• -·-a.,. I - . . ' JEAN COX, 494-9466 Tllfftlft,, Matcll V, 1Nf I. , .. , 11 FUTURE FASHION? Mrs. Ray Henderson and Mrs. Cady Hall (left to right) prepare to model clothes from Laguna Beach Assi&tance League's Turnabout Thrill Shop during a Bonanza Tea next Monday afternooo. Hemm ing Allowed Bonanza Tea Styled Mind With Thrift • 1n Assistance League oi Laguna Beach is jumping on. the fash.io": show bandwagon with a Bonanza Tea next Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the League House. This show, however, promises to be unique since fashion s paraded for members and guests will be from the league's own Turnabout Thrift Shop. Some of the dresses may be quite out Of style, but as the name of the shop indi cates, a turn of the hem or other modifications may ttansform a thrifty bargain into a nifty addition to a woman's spring wardrobe. Admission to the show will be a donation t.o replenish the antique, boutique and prettique sections of the shop. Mrs. Thomas H. Jones, president, and Mrs. Harlow }fines, shop chairman, predict an entertaining afternoon including refreshments for bargain hunters. Dresses and aceessories will be modeled informally throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Robert L. Marvin, coordinator, will be joined in the style parade by the Mmes: Ray Hender.;on, Cady Hall, Ray Burton. F)tzhugb Brewer and Robert Black-er. The Thrift Shop is a steady source of chapter income which enables the group to continue and expand services to the area. A haven for the budget-minded, the shop is operated under the motto, "When it no longer gives you pleasure to use i t, it will give us pleasure to sell it.'' Shoplifters Repent, , DEAR ANN LANDERS : I read with amazement your 1uaemon t b a t Bhoplif\erl mall to the store Cffi!it manq:er (anonymously,' of cotirse.) cash to pay ror at least part of the merchan- dise they pilfered. You mull be kidding. ANN LANDERS South Coast Club Prepa.res to Dance and D ine South Coast Club's social highlight ol. ·the year, a dinner dance planned by the Junior Section, will begin at 7 p.m. nut Saturday in Ben Brown's restaurant. Preparing for the. gala, Mrs. Donald The Laguna Line Feehrer checks her compact while Mrs. William Watson puts on lipstick. Prof it Predicted'. fo.r Tuxedo Dealers ly JEAN COX Of .,,.. D"4fJ ...... lllH Men who are more comfort.able in slacks aDl shirt.a than tuxe- dos will have ample opportunity to erwnble. Hairdressers will be especially busy with their combs and curlers, and sales clerlu in eown departments .... ljj>uld be kept hopping. - This is the time, it seems; for balls, and within the nei:t few \Veeks the area will 1ee no l~ss than· five. ~ ' March will close with two N>rmal events ,this w!ekend, one in Ben Brown's restaurimt and "'1• in San Clemente bm. . . MUSIC THEATER Guild, South Coal! Choral and Light Opera Association is plaming· a Premiere Night tomorrow. Festivities will begin witll the associatioil'.s p resentation of' "South P8ciflc" in San Clemente High School and Wm continue when partygoers gather in the inn for a buffet supper and dancing. SOUTH COAST CLUB Is planning tt. annual d)nner dance, to begin with a 7 p.m. social hour Saturday evening in the Laguna Beach restaurant. MERRYMAKERS can catch their breath for a few weeks intermission until Friday, Aprll 18, when Laguna Beach E bell Club will offer its anilual benefit, thi• year to be a Cherry Blos""'1 Ball. The Ebell's 311th annual gala will take place Jn the Balboa Bay Club beginning with cocktails at 7 p.m. and followed by dinner al 1:30 p.m. - Prior to ·the ball, many guests will help memben. and their husbands toast the event at preparties. , THE FOLLOWING Friday, April 25, Riviem Club members and their guests will gather in Balboa Bay Club for tht lllth annual Diamond Ball. WithO!be Milt Washburn Orchestra supplying music for danc- ing, tha evening's entertainment will begin with Cocktails at 7 p.ni ... followod by a buffet dinner at 8:30. LAST BUT not least will be the Carousel Ball which Is being given Seturday, April 26, by Rancho Viejo Woman'• Club to raiH fund• for South Coa•t Community Hospital. The 1emifonnal dance will be set on the first .Door of: South Coast Plaza and in additioo to a buffet dinner will offer two bands playing simultaneously. IN BETWEEN the balls, other activities, including several ~shic,11 sbow.s, will take place in April. THE ANNUAL Ea!ler Egg Hunt, sponsored by Monarch Blly Plaza Men:honts Association, will take place from 1 :30 to 3 p.m . in the plaza, Saturday, April 5. , . Attractions, according to chairman John Wilson, will include Emmett Silly, the clown, offering prizes and games to youngster!. Prizes will be given for winners of the hunt, in add.lUon to aWartla for an art show sponsored by Crown Valley Guild and featuring works of children from 4 to 12. The art show, on display through April 5, will open Saturday, Man:h 29. Participant• must be 9 years or younger for the hunt and are asked to come with their own baskets. MISSION VIEJO Recreation Center will be sponsoring an Easter Luncheon arid Children's Fashion Show beginning at noon, also on April 5. The event will take place in the center. ANOTHER FASHION show, this one for adults, is planned by Niguel Terrace Property Owners' As sociation Wednesday, April 23. The purpose of the 11 :30 a.m. luncheon and sho\v, to be aet in Ben Brown's restaurant, is to raise funds for South c.oast Com- munity Hospital . Fashions will be supplied by Muriel 's for M'Lady. Monarch Bay Pl aza, and tickets are $5.50 per person. Reservatioris may be obtained up to Sunday, April 20, by calling Mrs. ~ Kamper!, 400.3936. Restore Faith • the Human Race "9te .. New Leif," tbe · ume · lfenitW't u the ahopllfter In "'/cur c:Oldinrr. '- D. W. SMn'II of McKelve,'1 r11ua1er. 8be ~anded me f1 and llid, '1 ltopt yta won't tura me ta, bit t ION fl wri of sne.rcbantUse ud I wut to ptJ for It." Siie promised · "lMver q:aln'' and we agreed t.o fetg~l JL -~ R. DONALDSON SR. blatt Company let you know I aent them fl for Ute UpsUck I 11wfped - ASHAMED AND CURED. Ancl UMrt were muy otbtn -t.it &M 1,.ce It tone. Thank )'ta all. . You don't believe the credit managers will actually tum over the money to the store, do you? MosL people; are dishonest and credit managers are only human. Cub, sent anonymously, is too ~at a temptation. So, why d<ln 'L you wi.ke up and smell the coffee? - SURPRISF;D AT YOUR STUPIDITY FRO~I ABEROE!N, S.O.: f'\:e bun • mercbant for several years and cannot remember rtteltlna: 11ny paymenll for mercbaniliu that h111 beta 1boplllttd. Thi1 pail ~·eek I rece ived two eavelopea: wttb money. One envelope contained 1 ~ scrap or piper which re1d : "l.O.U." Tbe Jllber cont.alntd • note which said, "ThlifJ Is to pay for 1omelhln g I wlole from your store. t am sorry." I'm sure: llttlt peymtnls are Ute result of yoar recent cotumu. -MERELE KLEIN'S BIG DOLLAR. FRANIWN PARK, II.: Ffr la nnt time Uitt •Jtee la ddt 'noR u. remember, w recelftd ,.,-mtnt for l&Oln mertNICllle. Twt •t· llllW WM wrapt)fd In your cohnn. -W. T. GRAN't CO., M1allllefm ltMd. LONG ISLAND, N. Y.: I am eocloofna the note whk:h accompanied payment ror tome peitonal lteml which were ttoten from oor store. Thia should, rnikt you feel food . -GEORGl!l K., Mtnagtr of Nauau 51c·10 . lCANSA.S CJTY: What 1 surpri&e when toldtng money fell out of. an envek>pe -no name, no addreu. A note attathtd saJd, "AM Landen say1 to pay for what I shoplifted. Here it ls." -KATZ DRUG 00. ls alcoholism a disease ? How can the alcoholic be treated! Is lhert 1 cure? Read the booklet "Alcoh~m -Hope and Help." by Ann en. Enclose 35 cents in coin with re- DEAR SUR: Tlluk1 for your vote nf nt eonRdence ta the buman ratt. Tlte f0Uowln1 tette.n mlahl be of lntcre.st to yoa: QUINCY, IU.: Rectmd todtJ $1.U 11 a direct tt1ult of )'Gar colama. Thankl , Ann. -CARL FAIN, Man11et, Woolwortit St.ore YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio: Shortly alter Christmas J received a i5 bill for a pair of 1CiS$0l'I. The person lipcd the ,M:WVIU.E, OIDO : Believe H er Mt, I w11 nldla1 yoar c0la11.1 ften • woqfn ume t. u4 8*81 I• a.. MINNEAPOLIS: I 1tnt lb< Dtyloo Ct. ~t for cosmetics I took In Novembtr. J will tend them the re1t 'ffkl 1 cu. '1111111 yea for helplnS me 10 1tnl1llL -J.O. FROM CJnCAGO: I hope the Gold· quest and a k>ng, stamped, sell..addtt.Sled envelope. Ann Landers will be slid to belp )'OU with )'OUr problems. Send them to lter In core ol tho DAlt;Y PJLor encloolng t stsmped, tt!l-addrw;d envefupe. I I I •• r l j i ~ ' • l l . • • • .. , DAILY PILOT ;TI!ursd.,, Marth 21, 1969 Authoress Gets Laughs Without ·Telling Joke ~ By JEAN COX Of 1M C1a11Y """ SftH Beinl • wil setmin&IY would be a relatively euy way to earn one's brWI and butter. Aller all, what could bef more satisfying to anyone'& ego . than to have their wit· Ucisms a n d observations received with gales o l laughter? However, as anyone knows who has been trapped, lit· tering politely, with someone who considers hlmself to be a wit, but In truth 11, if apythlng, more of a half.wit, humor does not come easily to all people at all times. • Mort0ver, what s e e m s -· hysterically fuMy to one person, is quite foolish lo another. LECTURER Emily Kimbrough llJllUlle C0111plta:,. ...,.. IUl)ll'lled ho'! .... u did. . ''One aft.._, YlsUtd an GUldoor rem ~ and Eleanor rememberfct be r tutor bad adviiied 1fe Ley a certain -eJ&Plant , .dblt for wlllch the country ls • enawn- According to Mis Kim-ed." . ~ , brough. they rej~ the Costa Meson s Plpn to Wed m~ -and Eleanor conOdenU, 1 repeated the name of the dlsh. Tbe waiter's ma.ith re~y dropped-. and in respome • the wctmen, in a Greet ~ 1aid, ''ohe for eacbJady.' 'i . Aller ,much wrlngln1 o( th< Mr. and IV~•· J<>&epb M. hands· on the part of ~the-; 'Inacio of Cotta:. Mtll htve waiter ·and eventually the . announced 'the eftC4aement ot TeslaW'IQl owner, lbe wooM:n I their daughter,· Linda May discoveftd that thanks to il)e , lnaeio to. RM:hard ChunJ, also difference of one Qllable, of Col,ta Mesa. Palette Club President's a Winne~ .. A case NOT .in point is aulhoreS! Emily Kimbrough. Everything she said bad all of her audience: laughing hap- pily during her appearance which was sponsored b y Laguna B e a c h AssiJtane League as part of ii.! Town Hall Serie!. 'Wait a minute, I'll be ba,k,' I shouted to him." • Certainlrthis could not have been very !iffiUSing tG the drowning man. However, the humor and jo)' with which Miss Kimbrough views her life and frlenda, proved most refreshinc and enjoyable for her audience. what E~a.nor was saying waa J: The bridt-tt>be 1s a senior not an eggplant specialty but I at Cpita Mesa Higb School a low slang term in Greek-\ and her fiance, son of Pitr. for ••a a:enUeman of e1-} and Mrs. llerbert Cbung of cep\ibnll virility." tHonolulu, "is ·a 1raduate of President of the ShadoW Mountain Palette Club. Palm Desert, MJ:s. Eugene Huston of that city and Newport Beach beams happily as she learns that she is a winner in the figure category fQr her "Mari· acllis.'' With her are (left to right) her husband and dauahl•r and •O!Hn·law, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Short of Newport Beach. Mrs. Hutton, who was an artist- of·th .. month for Newport Beach Junior Ebells will give a one-man show at the Corona del Mar Libra- ry in June. Other beach residents attending the ninth annual Artists' Ball were Mr. and Mrs. Pree} Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. George Guthrie. "Aa ~I said, a 1 It t I e !ROosevelt fligh· Se ho o I , tnowled,e can lead a traveler llawali. to broaden their bor~." \No date . has been &et lor repealed Miss Kimbnluclt. the wedding. closillJ her anecdote. 1;;;:;· =======~ Miss Kilpbrough, who wrote TH INK NEW "Our Hearts Were Young and Linda Louise Gordon Specialty Of Chefs Exhibited Miu Kimbrough tw little in common with Bob Hope, Phyllis Dllltr or other pro- f eaaiooal comics. She does not tell Jota, and IOl!le things she· aaya are, on the surface, not very funny. In between witticiJms, Miss Kimbrough did 1et on the soapbox long enougli to ,.gret the fact that moit Americans have little command over foreign languages. Gay," with Cornelia Otia Skin· ner, has been a radio com~ rnentator, editor, au t b or , screen writer and lecturtr. According to Mrs. Andrew Morthland of Laguna Beach, the celebrity's hostess during her stay in Southern California. the New Yorker's latest book, "Floating Island.'.' is a story of a .. laiy and ldyllic excursion through the canals of France on a con- vert~ barge." Aboard were 10 good friends, including the authoress, an actress and ac· tor, two playwrights, a rear admiral and a sur1eon. HOGAN SEPARATES Becomes Mrs. Droste EXPERIENCE RECOUNTED An example ii an experience 1he recounted in which she, a bad swimmer, Willi called upon to rescue a drowning man. "A little knowledge ~ • long way," she said, urging that people try to speak in the · language of the country they are viaiting. • ' While 1ladi~ yellow snap- drqons, chrysanthemums and candelabra adorned the altar ()f the University Baptist Church in Santa Ana when the Rev. William Acton united Linda LouiJe Gordon of Costa t.tesa and Del James Droste of Corona del Mar in mar· riage. The bride. wis escorted to th< altar by her uncle, Harry Smead of San Dimas and given In marriage by her parent!, Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V. Gordon Sr. of Corona de\ l\tar. The benedict's parents ;1re l\1r. and Mrs. Werner Droste of Clinton, Iowa. For the afternoon double ring nuptial s the b f i d e selected a camelot style silk organza gown with venise la ce adorning the bodice and cuffs_ Her silk illusion veiling was caught to a venise lace ·head· pie« and she wore a locket of her mother's. Butterfly orchids, ilepbanot.is a n d baby's brtath made up her caacading bouquet. Miss Alice Arguellts of Sa n- ~ Barbara. the bride'• cousin. was maid of honor and bridesmaid! were the' Misses Peggy Gordon, her sister; Gail Smead of Upland,, her cousin, and Joyee Melton of Santa Ana . They wore yellow s i I k organza gowns with long pu f- fed sleeves trimmed with white lace and carried colonial bouquets of jonquils and white camat.ions with headbands to match. Asked to stand as best man was Dave Conroy of Corona del Mar. Larry Gordon, the bride's brother and Denny Clark of Santa Ana were ushers while John \Vebster ;ind Paul Eden. both of Corona del Mar. were attendants. 1 SURVIVAL I IN THE SEA Educ.cttonol movie S shews dail y th,,-u .-'.pr. 2 This Ti111•·l il1 Iii"' d11l1 wfth I tfi1 1tt1199lt for 1urviv1I In ifl th1 111. Thi tlory of how fitlii <i1 er <ie no! tUr•i•1 h i1lfto111tr1t1d by "''"Y d••· l'ftt lic und1,...1ltt 1hoh r1nq - i119 from pl111•to11 lo t h1r•1 (1 Wh1l11. Fil111 d1riw1d from tt.1 Lift N1tur1 Ubrt ry book, ''Th• f i1h11". "-Drlnrl .. fer lift N,._,, Ub••'ll '"' I 26·••1111111 11t ef Life $c\111t 1 LJi,,,..,. Hufttin9)on Cantor ..... •ff,.U(~··· .·, ..... , l\• It" •t• F°•••--•• • ILLUSTRATION "I immediately started for To illustrate her point, she ) An array of culinary art, him, and I like to remember told of an experience she and prepared by 66 Orange County that." she told the women four of her women friends chefs Will comprise the annual usembled in South Coast shared while visiting Greece. exhibit of the Orange Empire Theater. -.r "I was working on a book. Clief's Association Monday, "Then Jfealized I wu going and had litUe time for March 31, in the Disneyland over my head. I scrambled anything elae. Bowe v er Hotel. bAck to wbut I could touch Eleanor, one of the women TV WEEK Tells it JED.In In~ MRS. DEL JAMES DROSTE Exchanges Wedding Pledges Don Woodcock was the arganist while Ray Baker J>@rformed an the piano and Mrs. Acton was soloist. Assisting at the reception for 90 gu ests in the church hall were Pifiss Pam Smead, the bride's cousin, and the Mmes. Gus &later, Barry Cloud. Ronald Tibbits, Maud Btouch, Woodcock and Robert \V ilso n at the guest book. Special guests were Mrs. rloyd Fulton of Long Beach : Watrous, El Montr; l\trs. Al Neely, Ontario, and Dennis Dunbar, Et Monte. the bride's cousins. TI1c newly\\'eds will honcy- Jl)OOn in Las Vegas and then travel to Iowa where they will be honored at 21 reception hosted by the bridegroom 's relatives. The new Mrs. OrO!le is a graduate of Corona de! Mar High School and her husband is an alumnus of St. Mary's High ,School, Clinton and serv- &nd turned to :tee the man in wr group, prepaml for Each chef will ®play his em•,..,;,.. from the w a t e r the visit with a tutor, and like It'll be own specialty and explain how -·-• th It is made and what in:11r°"•':e:m:ore:,;';"'~Plll··~1i;f;;or:::b~re;;a;;th;;. ;;;;;;wh;;;;;;il;;e;;;;;;>h;;e;;;;;;di;;' dn~~~l~ea~m~:-e;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; gredient.s are needed, ac- cording to John Todd, • k ._,.. #4'tl spokesman for the group. -~#f~I 19.lf. Viewing will be from • to --·? .,, If 8 p.m,, and dinner will be served at a. Tkket infor m at i o n is Be au t y s a 10 ns available by calling Todd at 540...5934. Proceeds will benefit City of Hope and the Garden Grove Gi rls Club. Landscape On Easel Contemporary impressionist Armen Gasparian will paint a landscape during the April 2 meeting of Huntington Beach Art League in Lake Park clubhouse at 7:30 p.m. as the program feature . The guest artist was born in Abadan on the Persian Gulf and was educated in Dar· jeeling, Calcutta, Europe and the United Slates. The league's seventh annual Day in the Park has been extended to two days, May 30-31 , and preliminary plans are under way. Mrs. John Weigle. Pomona ; Mrs. Frank Arguelles, Santa Barbara; f\.1rs. Adrian Willard. San Dimas, and ~1rs. Bill Stone, El l\1onte. all aunts ed three years in the Anny. ---------- They will make their first home in Florido. 'Stocks it to You' of the bride ; William Smead, I -.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ /I Upland. her uncle; Mrs. Emi li FREE SHOWS FOR THE KIDS (Adults, too) . I i WE CHAl•.tGE "BLJACff FASHION SHOW SATURDAY 1,00 P.M. WESTCLIFF PLAZA ! ,. t ·"Y r > .. ! ' i4 1 ' ' ~ • " ' • ' ' ,· THE ZODIAC MAGICIANS THE .. • " ... ,. ·"" Ftt: & ht., M•. 21 • J' f11turin9 Arl11 & C111c1r ••• Tl.111 two y1u119 11119!1!1 111 ~'" that lh1 h111cl h ci1tlck• tr th1 11 the ,.,., Ye•ll 111 1•• •11 at th1ir t1l111t. Y111r ~W1 will in1l1I 111 Cllfll119 !It ek fOf 1 r1pt1! '"rf1r111111c1. Sli1wtl11111 : Fri, ti 6:JO ,,..,, '"' 7:10 ,.111.: $11. ,, 10 ''"'" 11 '·"'" I ll•"'· 1 11d J , .. RED BALLOON Huntington Harbour LTD. Mo~•- Vcalcr in tasteful assortments .for the little folks. ... ~#"'· ~ 16177 Algonquin St . ., (71 4) ·~·1666 Speci1llzln9 In loy1' And Girla' Apptr•I Sires l1yerte To 14 . . ' We snapc your lifht.cned hair into lovely etrrls. w • ..,.. ti.. .... ,.;111 "?< ... aw.,.• -... ,,.. ..w... In j1l8t I 0 mimlilll r-r...., blonde.curls take on wltispr.«lft...,..._a..t~thn:iosh ....,.., •""-W'idt 110nilMI«, no nilouclt prolilmi: .,.. j1llt rent• the color*"'-'°" wilh ! Costa Meta, Colil. 111 I! 1fllri !llHI .,,_,......,~ ·---Cotti Mow, Ct lll • 1*' Mt rtlol aNt. IC-Mt" •ier. -..... ROIJX PLUS SHAMPOO $2U AND SIT tM ... tin n..r>.l Ai... s , ..... $2.50 "''""· Stl!••Hy, s •• ...., ............... $1.00 Cott• Meta, Celif. 11111 W "'" M,..1 ,_ ....... . S.nta Ana, Calif •• Founteln V1lley, Cellf. 1m. .... 11. Ylt .... ~ ,.,,_, '"'*1 Porter Puts it Plainly o,,_, C1l;f. l,n.I ~. OUo!I,., --l'2'J No. •tlNltw ir1i.w. c ..... ,,... ... ,, Fount-tin Valley, Calif. -P"-" •I llu(I ~ v • ..., c.iw-..._ "''""' ... • • ........-.-r =~ • • - Newport Barllor . voe. 62, NO. 74, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, ·CALIFORNIA • • .... I THURSDAY, ,M~RCH •27, 1969 . . . ...._ .. _ .. . Today's F lnaJ . -. - TEN CENTS Air Cal Northwest Flights:·Weighty Problem Special lo tlie DAILY PILOf WASHING TON -Air California Pres!· dent Carl BeMCOter conceded today that at times some passengers taking Pacific NorthWest flights out of Orange County Airport would have to be. bumped at the last minute. Benscoter'a admission was drawn out by United Airlines attorneys, wbo vigorously attacked Air Cal's petition for the proposed flights as a Civil Aeronautics Board hearinc on the issue entered its third day here. Advance testimony submitted by Air cat officials indicated that the county- based line CO!l!ideitd ii& Boeing 731-200 jets adequate for the Seattle-Portland ooo-stop flighl&. The length of the main county airport runway (5,700 feet), said Air Cal's a(- fidavit to the CAB, "is not a JimiUng factor." United Airlines counsel this morning contended othe.."Wise. ' _as er ... Tough to Iron Out Big Bump Controve rsy at City Hall By JEROME F. CO!J.INS Of t11t D•llJ 1'11111 Si.II Banning the bun1p isn't easy Jn Newport Beach. A divided City Council just isn't buying vigorous stalf recommendations against Installing berms in public roadways as a method of slowing down speeding motorists. City aides have appeared twice before councilmen lo argue against the idea, which originally came from various homeowners' associations. But councilmen still ann't convinc~ lhe bumps -which would stretch across public streets in residential areas - are as·hazardous as the .staff claims. So the staff will have to come back again on April 7, to plead ooce more for a policy statement from the council that will iron out the bump controversy once and for all. City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt in- dicated the statement putting the city on record opposed to the bumps wil_I get the bump-backers off the staff's back. NEED DIRECTION "We need some direction," he told CQuncilmen. But the council, in a 4 to 2 vote this week, told the staff to come up ·with more information on the issue. The majority wasn't satisfied with Cit}' Traffic Engineer Robert Jaffe's report 'of unanimous disa,PProval of the bump plan by almost a dozen agencie.s, ranging from the Di.vision· of ~~'!ays to the National Safety Councilr -; 1 Two weeks ago,' City Attorney Tully Seymour said the city could be sued for accidents resulting from t h e deliberately raised asphalt "obstacles." "This demands more study," insisted Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, who li~~s In Shoredllfs, Of11! ol I/le nelgliborhoods seeking the buml)S. "We've already got bmns all over the city. Jn private com· munities, like Baylhores, Beacon Bay, Lido Sands and the &!boa &y Club. "We should find out ·what kind of experience th~y're havlna: with their bumps." ·' OMISSION CITED Jaffe admitted that · so lar he had been unable to document the bump ex- periences of other agencies. The reason, · he explained, is that no public agency allows . them. (See BUMPS. P11e I) Co sta Me sa City Treasurer 'Cy' Rie s Die s in Surgery Quiet and dependable In life and work , Costa ?i.fesa City Treasurer W. C. "Cy" Ries died suddenly during emergency heart surgery Wednesday,' almost before the community learned he was ill. He 'Vas 69. Death carr.e for the longtime Harbor Area civic leader -whose unofficial badge of office was a sliver cigarette holder -at 1:55 p.m. in Hoag Memorial Hospital, as a result or coronary aneurism. Mr. Ries had ~n swiftly admitted to the hospital Tuesday night for treat- ment of the critical condition, a bubble in the aorta or main artery, which would also have been fat11.I without surgery. The operation had already taken nearl1 six hours when he died. No actual furneral service will be held, but visitation hours will be Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Bell Broadway lifortuary. Cost a Mesa, with private in- terment to follow. The fam ily suggesls that friends 'f.•is.hing to make memorial contributions in behalf of the 20-year Harbor Area resident direct them to the Orange COUJ)o ty Heart Association or the American Red Cross Blood B'ank. Survivors include his wire Lee, of 903 W. 17th St.; daughters, Mrs. Maredyth Fc.i, Springfield, Ore., and Mrs. 1'farjorie Whltendale, Visalia ; a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Pierce, of Cedarglen, and two grandchildren. The retired banker continued on as city tre.asurer to the end of a career in which he served as an Orangei Coast College board trustee, Costa Mesa Cham- ber of Commerce leader and Red Cross and Salvation Anny board member. He came to Costa Mesa In 1'49 and be a an as a note teller for the old r.osta . Mesa State Bank. a job and financial inst.ltulion which became vice presidei:it and U.S. National Bank wilh"lrea gratrth. "There wasn't much to Co!t.11 Meta bl:ck thefi," he said In a 1965 interview. But his fa vorite posl -one in which he performed les.s unobtrusively -was playin1 the piano every Tuesday DOOR for the Costa Mesa JGwanis Club. Mr. Ries h;id played the instrument (See CY RIES, Pase I) MESA LEAD ER SUCC UMBS W. C. 'C y' Ries VC Irvine Cites Walte r Burr ougli,s Wallor Burrough&, former publisher ol tbe DAU.Y PILOT, wa1 honored Wednesday for service to the Univenity of California, trvhie. Burrougha was presented • p\Jque for hll olrorts ln 'orpnizlng •nd .umii!attng • a drive t.o bring the unlver1tty campu9 to its site on the Irvine Ranch. The tward wa.11 made by Chancellor Danlel G. Aldr ich at • meeting ol the UC! Foundation. tturrou.ghs Ill now serving as treasurer or the loundalioo. The heavier , fuel load of 737 jets heading for the Pacific Northwest would require a longer runway, or fewer passengers. they implied. Under sharp questioning Benscoter finally admitted that "under certain temeerat""' Ind wb)d conditions" the load would have to be lightened in order to use the existing runway. He aakl' this would be accomplished by hauling several passengers who plan- ned to make ~ fligbl& out ol county akport lo Long Beach Airport. Buaea would be uaed to traoaport t b e pauengers to Long Beach, where they would boml other jets flying to SeaWe and Por".:.uxl. Benscoter emphubed there wooJd be no problem ''under normal cOndttiona." • United Alrllnel allomeyl 'a]a(j clolely questJooed BeMleottr. on Air Cal's flnan. cial stli:tus. The Atr Cal . uecu.Uve WIS fOrced to reveel all of.h1s ,Jine11 ·expemes, JncNd. ennies' Eisen1wwer Growing Weaker WASHINGTON (UPI) -Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower "con· tinues to grow weaker" despite .efforts to reverse the heart condiUon that threatens his life, doctors reported today. In a br ief morning bulletin on the 78-year-0ld general's condition, Brig. GeO. Frederic Hugbet, ..,.......,.,, of Walter Reed Anny Hospital, said ' 1 G e n • Eisenhower continues to grow weaker." "Evidences of congestive heart failure continue unchanged," Hughes said. Mr!. Eisenhower remained at her husband's OOdside. The morning medical bulletin on Eisenhower said: "Gen. "Eisenhower CQntinues to grow weaker. He sleeps for longer periods, but when awake is lucid and, able to communicate with members of the fami- ly and, laat evening, with President Nix· on . "The evidences of congestive heart failure persist unchanged. Mrs . Eisenhower remains close to t h e general's bedside and is a constant SOW'ce of support and encouragement both to the general and others present." Hui:bea would not answer direct qu(S· lions from newsmen. The next medical bulletin was schedul- ed for late altemoon in the absence of major change in Eisenhower's con- dition. President Nixon made ~ spur-Of·the- moment trip to the hospital Wednesday for a brief chat with Eisenhower. A Nixon aide emphasizei;t the Pres.ident was not "called" to the bedside, but had decided to make the visit on his own. Despite Sewage, Swimmers Keep Lifeguards Busy 11le water north of the Newport Qeach pier may be sparkling and blue, but sewage bacteria counts are slill high there, say lifeguards, who are finding it tough to keep swimmers out. Despite red·lettered warning signs, public address announcements a n d regular patrols, swimmers who are crowding on the beaches due to warm ~ather are keeping lifeguards busy. Three per90ns who ignored the warn- ings in West Newport Wednesday needed rescuing from a Mptide in the polluted brine. The three. told lileguard.! they did not see any war;ning s.igns. People have been coming onto the beach and stealing the si gns in the ni ght, the Ufeguard5 gajd, and 1ince many newcomers are or1 the beach these days they haven't seen the warnings and go IWimming into the contaminated water. "We can go by the beach and tell them to leave the water and just as , 8000 as they get out and we leave., lhe ~pie ~ go right back in again," 1 one lrilstr~ guard said. · The guanfs have yet to cit-. an~ 1 for swimming in lbe polluted water. "but it looks like we're going to start pretty quick," a ..sPokesman said. ;· The areu closed to sWilnming are from the Newport Bttch pier nortb to the Santa Ana.llll<er. j u,y. • . ' . DETl!CT 0 IVE TOM. SHEARN couNl's imu7'.Hlu't "'""!'. 'E•ster Bennles' COUfcted In Bal ,lsle Ar ... 1t1 No . Newport Crush. Bal Week Coming Soo,.n But Situation Calm Now By JOHN VALTERZA "t wouldn 't rent an Easter rental if °' .,.. 0.111 I'll•' statr you paid me." There was a time when the mere If -the rentals are lacking, police menUon of Bal Week ·brought · tirades P,I'etautlons aren't. r and waillng from Newport ' Beach The routine legal technlc!allty a:llowiog townsfolk. lhe city attorney to , 1lgn q,mplalnls agatnst o!fendel'll ol . tJquor laws and But lately the emotion ha!: been repllc·." landlords allo1'inl ovtrerowdlng "will' go ed by an almost ho-hum atUtude, becauoe inlo effe<l llartlni Frfdiy night. the throngs of students who once Docked More tban 20 . police rnene Ofnctn to the ffatbor a:ea are eo1nc elewbete will start work after Friday and dl)'I -lo Palm Springs Ind the 'Coktedo oil lo< regular polic~ wtU be - River where the sun shines even more ctlled for the weet. regularlf and lhe poUct are more·scarce. The decall proving residence on Balbol . The rolllctlng, rlotous 'Bal Wee1<1 of' bland will be ((iven out thls 1-.at the pnt lltt no more -not ohl)'"beeaua tbe lallnd'1 nre ataUon frorri I to 5 of the changes in' taste of the teveletl, p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. . . but a 1 s o because ol the reldl<>o to 'nie'.de<als, lo be plaCed'"" the driver'• them here. idde of Ute front bumper, &Ai for eue Easter rentals are almoet utinCt, since of klenWicaUm only and Jn no way ~~nts and teachers who h a v e do tbiy entitle 1 the owner to violate d ' e/ed' wtntt• renllla·ara-~ u~ lm"' or Ira ff le Ill', oUlclab said. t bhlitt and•aparlm.nti 'Wbiilli 'o6cc ' 'llldl t""• nt 'dl!llin4J:~IJ> lt6utelll:!ltr~tilli" ... ,, .,,·. r -t,,.;ir·1 1t0.l~, Id · l'li<; 'hOl'tlU\f•'tit •r..idront.: ~llJ>~ h"• · ·-"""' i:. 11\1 ~ell I. r~ ~ factor: ""1• • : •• ·~· •1 ~·· wtll~~:r ~~ .. b ~. In •,.Phone c.heck this :....i.. of ld\;i! · r11r, orn..:,.'f"I · .. ' · ':. 1 ··•:;;i'; ,re.iltor1, ·till> • ...,. .. , r~;l wat 'i 11le ·~"!~ 1n :~. ·11 ·~ere 8110rt, t!Jen Mflg denllltiiliil tbe llrm ' addt.t lo.iMllP poJic. !ht circ!wd~ '1 ·• ·eV.r ~.lo Biiter Weok'>icflliji:ior;, !. '.?'* Ari llc!flla'JJOJl<\e ano ~ OW.ml estlte afdWaaa ·~~:;: ';! t"?.U.:.l'!U, , .. ,~~~ . . " ·t .. ,... • ' ,,. "·t , t. ~ 'If. ' <f I °" . .. . . ·. ,. "'' . :. r...,.~t .. ~• I ;,,~ 11rw ~ J 1' • • , a.ssertiOn. that a Q>0,000 asphalt ~ lay project planned lot the Coonty Air· port runway wpuld boost the ruDWl,J'I weight load capacity. The added capacity--Uqedly up to 11~000 J)CIUlldo-would allow Ille · ...... ier Pacific Northwest p.ylotdl, ~ ing to Air Cl!.. , "Are yoo not aware," asked Nuttmn, ''that the Boon! m Superviaon bu - on reconl 1-to keep the ft!PI (Bee CAii, Pll' I) ' Police Jail ~Six, Seize 13.,500 Pills ... Newport Beach police tOd'ay reported they seized more than 13,500 pills valued at $5,000 on the illicit drug market . during two separate arrests Wedne!dar. on Balboa Island. Four mspects were taken into custody during one arrest altA!r a.car WU otopped on the Wand. 'I"wo"woinen weri mest.ed Jn tlte ieCond eue:-wnere-iDqat .,,uts • ""!" ~gedly lo!"'1 from I "'1"" "ln- dow. . ~l'JIC>bll)ld ~ de~ea Kid, lllio\il!Ud to ; U. 1lrlest dl'!fJ oelzure ·la tlie Clty'• hlatoa. • ' Pollet. said lhe allegedly Wepl drug acbel may have hfen · part of an lm- poriation acbeme for w~espread 11ale ol llltni pills . to . vacailonlng Euler Week 1tudents. Tile arrests started before noon Wednesday when detectives A r b , Campbell and· Tom Shearn were nturn- ing from a burglary case on tbe llland and they.came up behind a car can=& lour men at Park Ind Sa?lli>fro a The detecllves said they noticed one penon In the car luglng at hls llloes and looktog back lurUvely. They pulled the car Ovtr. In the car the ofllcen d[tcovmd aboul 1,lt!O Ted capsules alltpd lo contain seconaL The capsules were In packages ol 100 each. 1be detectives arrested the fou1, who are all from the Pasadeqa-Arcadia area. They are James Joseph Murphy, JI, Arcadia; John O'Brlan Herbaugh Jr., 22, Pasadena; Donald Allan Waltert, 22, Arcadia, and Claudio M. Masella. 20, Arcadia. , Officers also confiscated two stereo . (See PILL BUST, Pap I) ' PENNY PINC HERS: PULLING PO WER , Have you tested the sellin1 power of a "new" Penny Pincher ad? Formerly limited to the 11le ol only certaln Items, DAILY PILOT Penny Pinchen now can be used by any advertller (n«pt ..... merclal ones, ot coune} to tell anythlnc. They run up to three lines for two times for '2;. Look for them today, ap. pearlng throughout the clwilied oection ol the newspaper .in appropriate categor- ies. Call 642$71 for a direct line to the Ado.visor who can help you pinch pennies and make dollars. Orange «:ou c WeatlH!r Another day 'to tell the folks back home aboUt' comes up Frio day, wllb la)r lkle1 and temp. eratures In the upper 70'&. b1ck· ed by westerly breeies. INJlmE TODAY - Sen. KtnNdy, toithou& o~nJ11 opporing him. is on a eoUilin, COMrte with Pr11idcnt Nizon /or 1972. Pogt 20. llrfM t M~ Lac-' C:•llftirMI • ....... ' c ........... ~ • CfMla ti AWMI ,._. a C:-..f n ,......,. ...,.. " .,.. ... .....,.. 11. --. ~11 '':== ..... ,,.. .. :-. ~. >~ "{1 ..... ,.,... fllr': ~ '""'' •>!>•·' •..:r'·: " " '" <•"' " """9ftft II; ::r.r..,. ~: :::w..... .J ...... . .. t I •• I, \· I \ .. -: : , IAll.Y PILOT N l'r.e9I .... J CAB •.• lllllk II .... ~!" lllo-aid l>t '•11 awm ol tho =.!"fll 1111 ....... k .!'It ....... RllCl!IVED SUB81DY "In view d the fact thl~ the county hu reotlved a federal 1overnment &ub-sldf to bllp build the airport," aald -· ''!he """"1 i. obliged by tho 1'11111 qreement t'o allow Air Cal to openle at a higher weight lood, U Ille lUJIWIJl'I increued ppadly CIO be demomlrated by testa." Ho llid the coun!7 could be lqaJl1. forcod to permtt the heavier loads. Dan Emory, -of the JUrbor Area's Nobe Abatement Commlttet, a 2,300-member cithem' group, also ques- tioned Benscoter. Emory 11bd him whether he felt county airport could handle the county's "total demand" for air travel until a regional airport i. completed. "l bdl<ft It could," said B<nscottr. The other two airlines ,..ldni Ille county route anrd--Contlnental and Air W..i.-.att CGMldered by oboerven to be long-Tho ....... ts tllat they botll ~ to ... a1rcralt llreody -coded to be too heavy for non.top filj[h1' to the 1'1lcillc Northwert. CootlnentaJ •plans to i. the Boeing 'l'rl aod Air West, the Dooglas DC-9. Both big jets would require stopovers in San Francisco for refueling. The length cf the existing County Airport runway Is insufficient to allow a full load at ta boll. '1'hll point i. expected to be empha· sized by the warring counsels aa the hearing drones on. Technical argwnents will now be laking up the rest of CAB examiner Robert Park's time, CAB sources anticipated. Civic parties to the matter-Newport Beach, Costa Me=sa and Orange County -have al!' been heard. It will be at leut six mooths, CAB olfidall said, before a decision t. reached on wbelher a route award should be given, and ff to, which airline ii to receive it. · From Page 1 PILL BUST ••• 1peaker cabinets and took them into the station. for investigation. "We decided to open up the speaker boxel In Ibo late &Ii.moon to check for aerial numbers. .When I took oil U.. back. there were all th<>1e pills," Shum aald. .Tennessee Court Ruling Hits Ray NASllV!LLE, Tenn. (UPl)-Th< Ten· ne!3ee Supreme Court has dealt wtiat could be a fatal blow to the legal grounds • an which James Earl Ray was reported to be basing his bid !or a "'" trial. Th< hlgh trtbullal ruled Wedneoday a convicted criminal cannot invalidate a pri>on -1ence by alleginJ he pleaded guilty on the advice of hi3 lawyer. A top legal '°"""' said the ruling coold ••rrt the James Earl Ray cue like a glove." · Bui the admitted alayer ol Dr. Martin LutJ,.r King Jr. appamiUy Is planning to attack his tP-year sentence nonettie. lea. A Memphis attorney identified as -Ridiard J . Ryan to visit Ray Wedne&- day, but was turned away by Tennessee : &ate Prison authoriUes who said he had : • not been officially retaln<d by Ray. , : : Debt Limit Increase :;Approval Seen Soon : : · WASHING1UN (AP)-Presldent Niloo ; : jl expected t'o algn promptly a bill rats- : : ini the national debt limit to a record : ; $31'1 billion, averting a light squeeze the ..... federal Treasury expected in less than three weeks. Th< &nato voted 17 to 11 Wednesday to send the bill t'o the President alter Republlcm Leoder Evtretl M. Dirksen _ -o1. Illinois told his colleagues they had ~.no dkice but to pass it. 'Ibe House . approved It March It, 313 to 12. " .-~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .. •• • ,_ " DAii 1 PILOT Olt.ANOI co.uT "1J"-JIMIMO CDWAHY' l•krt N. Wt•4 ,.,...llllftt .,., h'lltlw J1<li l. C.rl'T Vb "'"' ...... 11\f 0-111 M9N- Tll•1111' K11"¥!1 ..... Tli•M•I A. Mur11llh11 Ml-.111.• fflfer J--f. C.11111.1 '•ul Nl11111 __, kid!" Afl'Wlll1fll CllF llfllllr Cll...:IW ---2111 w .. 1 l•llt.. l1ul1"•" M•1ll1tt1 AHrllt.11 P.O. l .,"1 171, tl,61 --c-. MtNi DI WMI .., t'"9t &...-911d!: m Nirnt •-••itN• a..oi: • 1111 ...... -· • ·~·. . ....... . . ~o Orange Coast SDS Colhge Pr~ident V ~toes Stu!Unt Council Or>Jige Coaol College alud"111 ... klllg to form a Students for a DtmocraUc Soclely (SOS) chapter ao'I w l n I« 1'.olnl. College President Dr. Robert Moore today bas again said 1100 deal" ,tttr student government approvll of sm on: campus finally wu wen Tuaday. Moore, e1erdalng lUa power of veto over student eovernpMnt action, uld he will not recognize u a JeglUmate campus organil.ation any group w1tb tbe name sos. He .said, "I would aaume the atudent •nators' concern is fair pl1y for the local group. I can share <that concern, but 1 also am concerned about the na· 1ional SDS organllatioo." .No White House For Pyne Castle; Church Buys It By RICHARD P. NALL Of tM OlllY l'lllt St•ff Moore said the remaining: avf:Dlle of appeal II to the Board ol Trustots. a.cogrutioo o1 SDB was vcled a· to , '1'ueldoy by the atudenl -· .. appeal> brinch or the lludent cooncll. Earlier the full lludent COUDci1 had -SDS petltionen down, aft.,. !he Im«tlub Council alJo had clone ... The campus IJ'OllP brit!lf attained ' kglllmacy !all monCh when then Student Body Pmidet>I Al Pon:o recocniUd it in the absence of a student cwncil not yet confinned by election. B{!t Dean of Student AcUvities Jostph Kroh overruled P«co and Moore with his veto upheld Kroll. The veto still ltands as P.focn wu ooi dluuaded by the atudent senate vote. Jn a le~ • to f~ve ~QS ~Utionen. Including Cronce ~ Jwiior eon ... and Newport..Meu. tchool boml can- didate Jolin Vaughn, Moore csplalned his posllloo: "On other camputta the: SDS bai11 en· =~· ~ and cirried out with Intent the dlaruption ol the educational program of the institution. "Irrespect.iff ol a local commitment to ctivorce t.bf: activities <i a local organization from the national organila· lion, there can in fact be no divorcement. The local organ.tutioo in asruminr the name o( the 111t.ional organliaUon am.ones its goals and proctdurt1.'' City Studies Probfums Rai,se~ by Private Roads Newport Beach city COW>cllmen aren't much interested in permitting any more private roads in the commmrlty. rnendations will be prepared for council action later this year by the planning commission. O.tr.IL.Y !'IL.OT ttlff PM• GOOD SCOUTS-Corona del Mar Brownies and Gifl scouts Iclok over some of playthings they helped collect for Tijuana orphanage. In foreground is Darlene Young, 10. In background (from left) are Katltleen Asbury, 8; Lori Adamo, 8; Donna De Mers, 9; Michelle Carl, 8, and Cathy Choisser, 9. Rum()l'ed conversion of Laguna 's Pyne Castle into a Summer White Houst was laid to rest today when it was learned the big structure b being sold t.o a church for Christian day school use. Both the seDer and oMe of the buyers confirmed the sale, to the calvary Evangelieal Free Church. Thirty day The municipal 1taff, under council dirteticm, today began studies of pro. blems raised by private road develop.. ment, most of which lately has taken place in Irvine Company subdivisions. Councilman Ed l:lirtb called for the studies this week. 'Ibey will begin at lhe planning department level. Recom· The subject was brought up during council discussion of Irvine's Northbluff development off Upper Newport Bay. Municipal lawmakers approved firs( maps for the massive, 576-home project. but they made Jt clear they weren 't happy about the private roads planned for the area. Helping Hands e!Cl'OW papers were to be signed this afternoon. It hid been persistently rumored that President Nixon was interested in purchasing the 64-room castle and its ri ve-acre s.ite for a summer whit,e house. From Page I "I know we'v-e accepted these before," said Hirth, in whose district NorthbluHf ties. "But I wonder if it's a good policy to continue. We've bad som.e 1ntty unhappy experience with pr J v a t e streets." Scouts Aid Mexican ChiWren BUMPS •.• Councihnan PauJ J. Gruber agree.d. "I'm ronccrned about the width or these streets.'' he said. "They're a Jot narrower than public streets. I don 't believe we should accept anything that is not up to the design standard! we have for public roadways." Two truckloads or food, clothing and toys tthat went south to Tijuana Monday wUI help make lit'e. a little better for childreQ of the Role Park Orphanage there. Ttie trucks represent months of work by the Wally Asbury family o( Corona del Mar, and by Brownie Troop No. 1372, Girl Scout Troops No. 104 and No. 7rt, and Cub Scout Pack' No. 17, who de111.ted and collected the materials and the money. Founded seven years ago by ~fr, and Mrs. Juan Sandoval, Ch r i a ti a n mlssionarlea, the orphanage houses 90 children ranging from newborn through hlgh ochool age. The collection drive ls silll going on, with more truckloads to follow. DonaUons may be sent to Mr.a. Wally Asbury, 2021 Kewamee Drive, Corona del Mar, phone number S'IS-3472. Owner Thomas Merrick today con· flrnled the fact that he had agreed The council's pro-bump fa ction leaped to sell the property to U1e church. at lhe omission. So did veterinarian Jack Wheaton or "We should have something specific on what we can do u an alternat1ve Laguna Beach. Wheaton, twin brother to the berms as a way to reduce apeed," of Laguna City Manager James D. Aid Councilman Donald A. Mcinnis, who Wheaton, is chairman of the church lives in West NeWport, a n o I.he r congregation. neighborhood seeking the bumpa:. "I'd like to see more information Dr. Wheaton has maintained offices developed,'' agreed Councilman Howard in Corona deI Mar for several yean. Rogers, who lives in the Peninsula Point ''We're 1ignlng the escrow papen it area, also a ~bump neighborhood. Newport Doctor Given Time to AllSwer Charge 2:30 this: afternoon.'' said Wheaton th.11 Jaffe insisted that it is the slow driver, mornlng. not the speeder, who ls most "discom· He aaid the property would serve as fited" by bumps In the road. "A fell ow a Christian day achool for kindergarten going along at 10 milts an hour gets through eighth grade youngsters and as a severe racking jolt. A guy going at a reUgJOU$ pre-school. He said the church 35 miles an hour would not get much of a ripple." hoped also to use it as a Bible in.st.ltute (A DAILY PILOT reporter tater tested for adulta, possibly bringing i n missionaries for scheduled sessions. Jaffe'• theory. He drove over a bump Gruber pointed out tllat East Bluff homeowners recenUy had asked the city to enforce traffic and parking laws along their private roads. But this takeover woold require tllat the roads be brought up to standards of public roads. Berms in lhe roadways, for ei:ample, would have to be removed . The berms now ser\'e to slow down speeders -or are supposed to. Acting planning Director Deron Groth said the Northbluff private roads would be four feet narrower than public roads circling the neighborhood. Councilmen decided not to compel George Holstein, who will bu j J d Northbluff, to widen the private roadways. They said Holstein, in drawing up the plans, had acted in accordance .wltll esbllng city policy. A Newport Beach physician accused In Mexico of murdering hll wife bu been granted more lime in which to prepare his reply to a $1 million civil &ult filed by her family. Superior Court Judge R a y m o n d Tbomr-t gave Dr. Merrill C. O'llonn<ll, 52, of m PlaeenUa Ave., until April 25 to prepare bia answer to the complaint fled March 7 by Mn. Gertrude Barnell of Loog Beach, mother of the t.~ Susan Haggotl O'Donnell. The plastic surgeon filed his plea 3bortly before the expiring of the term under which, by law, be must respond to the action. Mrs. Bimett and her former husband Ben Haggott of Torrance From Page 1 CY RIES ... for 63 years, learning u a boy in his naUve Ferndale, Calif, and appeared bef()l'e Klwanians and at other command performances for the past 39 years. He served on the OCC board of trustees from 1958 lo 1962, winning praise from District Supt. Dr. Norman Watson, who said today that Cy's guidance and ct1unsel remained evident even after he lert of- fice. One or the first three men hired by the City of Costa Mesa at incorporation nearly 16 years ago, Mr. Ries left his indelible mark there as he did in all other community services. "\\'e didn't even know he was there unUI we found all the work done," com- mented Mayor Alvin L. Plnk1ey. "He wu a bulwark of the community, .. added Chamber of Commerce Execuli\'e Manager Nick Ziener. "Cy was one of those men you could put the stamp cf 'dependable' oo. He was just a great guy," Ziener contlnued. "He hadn't an enemy in the world,'' said City Clerk C.K. "Charlie" Priest. Memorlal contributions may be sent to tM heart association at 1°"3 W. Eighth St., Santa Ana, or tbe blood bank al. 418 N. Well SL, An•helm. From Page 1 BAL .WEEK. •• an older group ol vacaUonen UU1 ytar -mostly college and JunJor college atudtnts. Accurate predictions ol how many stodenta wtD appear al any Orange Coast ell)' are dlfflcult ta make, sira the stu- deota these days are much more mobUo thin In the pasl Sludento who ooce Jllllltned Into rented apartme:nta at the beach now dr:lvt home lnstod, leaving the night houn quiet lor tlloH ol U! ""° jull cao 't join in Lido Sands at 35 mph -15 miles state their Intention ls to deprive O'·Don-Dr. Wheaton said the acUvities would above the speed limit _ and then al nell of fumls he would normally receive not begin until September of 1'70 because 10 mph. from disposition of their daughter's of tenant !Wes. The castle, built by (At 35 mph, the reporter experienad an eccentric multi-millionaire tn the urly bl u~. .A:1ed ~·• large estate. no pro em. ui. car -..... ~ ,...t over 1930's is presently used as an apartment •"-b Biil t 10 • ••-· It Mexican authorilies have asked the building. 1.ue wnp. a mp..., wioc: JO United States to return the accu.sed doc· caused the glove compartment door to Wheaton said his church eventually Oy open, dumping onto the floorboards tor to Melico. They claim that his plans to add a large sanctuary to the a flashlight, three road mapa and 27 wife's death on March 16, 1968, was property. The group has sold Its small Blue Clllp stamps.) planned by the physician who allegedly church on Legion Stttet and Glenneyre Police Chief B, Jame! Glavas, Fire took Mrs. O'Donnell on a Mexican vaca-and has been meeting for religious Chier R.J. "Jan" Briscoe and General services at Thurston School. The "A I o· ecto Jake Myod-au 1· ,_ tion with what he said was lhe intenUon .;>Crv Ci!S 11' r ~·..... 01.1 ... fellowship has about 250 members, ed with Jaffe in objecting to the bump of patching up a disintegrating marrlagt. Wheaton said. plan, citing increased wear-and.tear on Charges filed by Mexican authoriUes Selling price of the castle was not city vehicles, u well as safety problems. are duplicated in the suit filed by Mrs. specified but was believed to have been Nevertheless, Parsons, M c I n n i s , aatnetL In unusual Janguag~ for a civil in the neighborhood of $400,000. Rogers and Ed Hirth all voted to delay act.ion, the complaint charges Dr. O'Don· "We've been searching for Jaod all action on the anti-bump policy statement, over," said Wheaton. "Thia: just flta pending more Information from the staff. nell with "injecting polsonouJ drugs into om' purpose. We've betn praying about Councilmen Paul J. Gruber and Robert his wife and thereby causing her death." Pyne Castle for five years." Shelton cast the minority votes, aaying Dr. O'Donnell b being repreaented In Other groupo, Including another church, the clly bad wuted enough time aod his action by attorney Arthur Strock had also been dickering for the property. money on an inlupportlble .propoAI. But that policy now seems about to be changed. Nixon Backs Study On TV Sex, Violence WASIIlNGTON (UP!) -Presldent NiJ:on today endorsed a one.year study to gauge t h e impact of t h e televised sex and violence oo the nation's youth. In a leUer to chairman John O. P.astore ([).R.I.), of the senate communications subcommltlee, Ni.JOO said "I want you to know that I join you in supporting the proposed one-year study of the pogi· ble relaUonahip between scenes of Rx and violence on television and anU-soclal behavior among young people." of Newport Beach. Mrs. Barnett's r"F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lawyers are Hurwitl, Hurwitz and ~mer: also of that city • Irvine Terrace Po,ver Line Cut Crews laying television cable in tM. Irvine Terrace area near Corona de! Mar Wednesday afternoon cut a power line, darkening several hundred homes. Some staytd dark well into the nl.ght. Power to about 1,300 homes in the area went off at 1:14 p.m. when the crem accldeotllly cut the cable. Service to most of the homes was re!lored less than an boor later. A few hundred were l\'ithout electricity, however, until 10:17 p.m .. Southern California Edison Co. spokesmen said . Irvine TerTaee and part& of Corona del lttar near A\o-ocado Avenue were affected. Newport Teacher Switches Plea Wade Watts, head football coach and a driver education instructor al. Newport Harbor Hlllh School, bu wlthdrown a previously entered plea ol guilty on a drunken driving charge &Dd is scheduled to •ppear April 4 In Laguna Municipal Court for further arraignment procetd- ings. Laguna-San Cltm<nte Judicial Di>- lrict Judge Rlchard Hamilton allowed the change following a court appearance Moridly by Watt.a. The t.Mcller had been scheduled to •PJ>UT for 1t.11tenclng April I. I .JJ. 0 /7 ff ' 3 Piece Ice Cream Set ! a • {f· '::Jarre 4 Wrought Iron -Specially Priced· One Week Only $699J CHOICE Of I COLORS e FRENCH BRONZE e WHITE & GOLD e OLIVE e BLACK & GOl.D e AVOCADO & GOLD e CHARCOAL e HARVEST e APPLE GRIEN H.J.GARl\Eff fURNr]URE ·--· .... - 30" TABLE " in the fWt. Walla.. :,0, of 1970 Temple Hills Drlvt, \\'U m ested by 1 lAguna Buch patrol· man early lut Friday In the JOO block of N. Coast HIRhW•Y and WU bdd over· night. ... MIOI fllllllCd U 11 HAllCll ll '1'11. i:x>STA Mll5A, CMJf, 6#-0t1I _,. I ror. aW • • • we have to work lbe nut doy. ------ I 11 I • ....-.... - / I MONEY GROWS ON TREES -Or"° it seems, from all the money accumulated. over the past 11 mootbs for a $41,000 pledge made by Ute Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospita1, PresHyterian. Membet's Hospitol Vanguards Install , _, • of the 33 committt~ of the auxiliary helped . the funds grow . Picking a crop of greenbacks are (left to right) the Mmes . .'William Langston, Jam es LaF1amme" and Philip S. Doane. Auxiliary Dedication Re.ne'?'¢d A group of 115 dedicated young women will gather in the Newporter Inn next Saturday to honor outgoing: officers and install new ones in a tradftional candlelight ceremony. The girls, members of the Candystripers of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian, will enjoy IWJCheon at 11 :30' a.m. befqte the· installation. Chairman Beth Goldstein will introduce the speaker for the afternoon, U. linda Hewitt, U.S. Marine Corps, El Toro, who will speak to the members and their mothers on Nursing Opportunities for Young \Vomen With the Armed Fore ... Making luncheon arrangements are outgoing offi· cers and their advisors, Mrs. George A. Cox and Mrs. Thomas Raffetto. In the candlelight ceremony,_ new officers will re- ceive lighted candles from the outgoing officors, begin- ning with the new cbairnian, Miss Dianne Mt;Kkmy, who \vill receive her candle from Miss Beth Goldstein. Others exchanging candles will be the Misses Lori Ferguson to. Jamie Grey, first vice chairman; Vicki Haig to Candy Hetzel, second vice cbainnan; Leslee Littlejohn to Toni Deschenes, corresponding 1ecretary; Nancy-Ackelson to' Cathy Mllls, trea!urer, and Vicki Co1 to Barbara Bailey, bi!'lorian. Also re<:eiving a " lighted candle will.be Miss Debra Cairns. ~ew record- ing secretary. The month ol Ap)il traditionally is insi.allatioo month for the auXillary dlapters of the hospital, and new sJates of officers have been selected for each of the groups. · New leaders of the Nightingale Chapter are the Jl..lmes. Robert Unger, chairman; Mel Morrison, first vice chairman: Clark Somers, second vice chairman: Thomas Boler, third vice chairinan ; WUlard Chamber· . . . ' . lin, recording secretacy; sterling Wolfe, corre,sponding secnW}:; Joseph ·Masi, treasurer, and. l)oriald 'Fiiller, . parliamentarian. · Committee chairmen for Nightingales will, be. the Mmes. T. A. Andrews and D. W. ShOp~on. ·baby photos; Ricb;lrd<J .. Lewis,.caleooai; Paul Campbell and Leor\ard Sciu\h, 'holiday ; Matthew ·Kenney, publicity; Ralph Little!ield. arid E<llter Pope, tumoc board ; Donald Fuller and Phil ~eid, _cancer registry. 1 Mrs. James Ir .. Moultrup Jr., will i..; installing offi· cer far the Nightingale Chapter's.ceremony. N~w officers: for the Santa Ana Ch~pter wiµ be· tfit . Mmes. Francis Griset. chainn8n. Theddore H3nZen. assistant chairman, and Robert Biles, secretary: 'Iaking offices in the Hunter Chapter will be the ·Mmes. Charles Hollister, chairman; Dohald 'Lingle Sr., first vioe chairman; C. A. Albright, second vice dlair· man; 'Carl Gise, treasurer; Stanley St.atia, recording secretary; A. S. Black Jr., corresponding secretary, and Dorothy Stanwood, parliamentarian. Assuming chainnanships in the Hunter Chapter \Vilt be Mrs. Theodore Robins, puppets, and Mrs. James Laws Sr., assistant. New olfic.rs will be seated by .the Affiliant Chapter at an installation luncheon in Felicieno's with Will1a111 Hudson, Hoag H06pital administrator, serving es speak, .. • er fCYr the afternoon. The leedership positions for Ulo Affiliant Chapter will be assumed by the Mm ... Richard Simpson,. chair· man; James Blixt, first vice cb81rirWI; Robert Browns· berger, second vict chairman; I.arr)' BrlXey, recofding 14eeretary; Paul Hegenes, corresponding secr~ry; Carl Kymla, treasurer; B. H: Mlller, parliamentarian. Serving as hospitality chairman will be Mrs. A. V, Wortman, and as her co-chatnnan, ~1rs. Ralph Wilson . . ' . ) • • ' BEA ANDERSON, Edit..r 11111rMar, Merdl D, IHI N PH• U Achieve-ment: Extraordinary An impressive record Of sewi,ce was reviewed for the senior mem~ hers of the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian, at the annual luncheon meeting, taking place for the first time since 1961 away from the hospital. Mts. \Villiam E. Langston, auxiliary president, addressed members gathered in the Costa M .. a Goll 1111d .Country Club and revealed that the sefliors last year contribu.ted 52,503 ' hours and the Candystripers served 11,215 hours. Coordinator of volunteers, Mrs. William Durkin, announced that, the 33 committees of the auxiliary are on duly seven days a week, 365 days • year, and that 175 volunteer hours were served each day last year by the two groups. During the financial report for Ute last 11 months. members learned th~t the auxiliary's pledge of $41,000 was met with '17,500. from the ~75 members of the-Copa de Oro Patronesses; $20,000 from the Gift Box, which was $3.000 more than ils pledge; $1.000 from the Affiliant Chapter. derived from its benefit events; $450 from the Nightingale Chapter, and $500 from the Hunter Chapter. Other sources of revenue were the stamp and cigarette machines, $290; baby photo committee, a project of the Nightingale .chapter, '3,400, and $675 from Richard'• Market sales slips. Mrs. Matthew R. Kenney, vice president in charge of prograim1 who arranged the social hour and luncheon, introduced the speaker for the after· noon, Mrs. Gladys Alex, Orange County historian. . · Mrs. .Alex entertained the membenhlp with stories of 19th Century Orange County, tecOUllling litue known incidents in the area's history. OLD ANO NEW -Candystripers of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presby· teri:)l1 1 AuxiUary, will install new officers in a traditional candlelight ceremony next Saturday, and Miss Diana MC'Kainy (left) will receive the chairman's gavel from Miss Beth Goldstein. They are part of a group of 115 young women who perform nu1nerous duties at the ho5pi· lal. such as decorating the pediatrics "·ard for Easter. th e Human Race Shoplihe rs.~epent, Restor e FClith DEAR ANN LANQEBS.; I read with note "New· Leaf," the ~nrJe 1ignature am:a&tinent · your ~esllon 1 th a t u tile shoplifter in , your column. - manager. She banded me f1 ud said, "I hope you m ·t kiri me 111, Mil I look $1 wortb of merchaadlJe and I went to pay for (t." De prom!~ ''ne\·er agait" 1ad we agued to foraet ft. -~. R. DONALDSON SR. blatt Company let you Jc.now. t Mat them It for the Upsllck I liW!ptd - ASHAMED AND CURED. abopllften mail lo the · store d'!dit D. W. SMITH of McKelvey't manqer (anonyrncMJflY, ef course) cuh FJlANKLIN PARK. Ill.: For the fin• lo pay for at lea1( Rltrt of the merchan-time &hat ••>'OM m WI 1tore can diR they pilfered. You must bf."'klddln1. n!mtmber, we rttdml ,.,.ment fv You doo't believe lhe credit· managen ~ 1tolen mercbandh1t. Twt •t blllt tamt will actuaUy turn over the money to FROM .4.B RDEEN, S.D.: I've bete Cbtff: paymeata are tbe rtsult ef your wra~d In your ' col;u.ma. -W. T. the store, do you? Most peoplt Ir!: a mtrthant I several yean and cannot rectal coluDlJI. -1ttERl!:LE KLEIN'S GRANT CO., ftf•nnbelm Road . diabontst and credit manaaera are only LONG ISLAND, N.Y.; I am enck>aing human. Cam. • .enl anonymously. is \.l)O remember rec Yia1 any p.yme.n&a: for BIG DOILAR. tl'M! note which accompanied payment great a temptaUon. So, why don't J• mtrthandlte th& has btta 1hop1lfted. QUINCY, UL.: Received &oday ti.JS ror some peraqna1 i~em• which were wake up and smdl the coffte? -Tbl1 put week I recdttd twe envelopn 11 1 direct result of your 'tOIUIDlt. 1tolH1 lrom our aWre. Thi11 should mm SURPRISED AT YOUR STUPIDITY "Ait!I mooey. OH ave1ope contalllf!d a Tbeb, Ann. -CARL FAIN, l\1uaser, yoo feel a:ood. -GEORGE K., Manqer DEAR SUR: 'nub ftr 1111.r vote ICrlp of pptr Wblc• nad·: "l.O.U." Woe~ 8'tre ol Nassau 5 & JO ~ .. caafidtnct 11 Ult •amu race. Tk ether nntalntd 1 note wlllch ta.id, YOUNGm.owN, Ohio: Sfior:Uy. after WELLSvtfJLt. OHIO: lklleve It or Tk foltn1lf tettm m.l&llt be .r laterett '"Tbtt II to p1y l"' tome't.blnc I 1iole ChriJtmu I recelvtd a' SS hitl for ,, not.._ I ~wts reldlnJ J~ etlumn •Mn to ,_, ' lnlm ,_ 1lltt. I am "'"7·" rm 1m pair of .a.son. Tho perion llan«f' Ibo o womu CUM la ml ...... lot CM .. KANSAS CITY: What a" surprise when roiding money !ill out of an envelope -no name; address. A note attached said, "Ann nder1 says to pay for whit I shopti Here it is." -KATZ DRUG CO. MINNEAPOLIS: I tent the Dayton Co. part-payment for comelkt I look I• November. I wtll H.ttd dttm 0. mt when I can. Thank )'OU for lteJpLnc mt go 1tr11ght. -J.G. FRO~! ClllCAGO: I hope the Gold- Aod lbere were many otlttr1 -blll the •PKe l11one. nank you au. 11 alcoholism a disease? How the alcoholic be treated? ts there a cure? Read the booklet "Alcoholism - Hope and Help," by AM Landers. Enclote 35 cents In coin with )'qUr re. quest and • long, stamped, .,u...i-e.nvelope. ~ Landen wUI be &lid lo htlp you with .,..,, probletno. Send lhtftl lo her in care of the DAILY PILOT, encloalng a stamped, self-addrtSlld envelope. ' I ' • ' . • . • . . • • • • • • I • • l i I • • i ' ' ; j ' , t -· . -. r " \ I . . . ~ .• . ·-··-........ ·~ -~~-.. -.·. -.: ...... -• •• • ~LY ,ILOT Thursd11, MlrCh 27, 1969 Pal~tte C(ub President's a Winner President of the Shadow Mountain Palette Club.· Palm Desert, Mrs. Eugene Huston of that city and Newport Beach beams happily as she Jearns that &be ts a wiMer in the figure category for her "Mari· ~."With her are (let! to fight) her husband and daughter and 50!>-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Short ... , of Newport Beach. Mrs. tluston, who was an arfist· of-the-month for Newport Beach Junior Ebells will give a on&man abow at the Corona del Mar Libra· ry in .June. other beach residents attending the ninth annuaJ Artists' Ball were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sbnpson and Mr. and Mrs . George Guthrie . Louise Gordon Specialty Of Chefs Exhibited ·Becomes Mrs. Droste I White gladioli, yellow snap- drqooa, chry~anlhemum1 and candelabra adorned the altar l'lf the University Baptist Church ln Santa Ana when I.he Rev. \Villiam Acton united Linda l.;ouise: Gordon of Costa Mesa and Dtl James Droste of Corona del Mar in mar- riage. The bride was escorted to I.he altar by her uncle, Harry Smead cU San Dimas and given in marriage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roberl W. Gordon S:. or Corona de! Mar. 1be benedict's parents ;ire Mr. and Mrs. Werner nro,m· of Clinton, Iowa. For the afternoon double ring nuptials ' the · b r i d e selected a camelot style silk orpnsa gown with veni.se lace adorninc the bodice and cuffs. Her lilk illusion veiling was caugbt to a venise lace head- piece ·and abe wore a locket of ~ mother's. Butterfly orebicb, lllep!lanotis • n d baby'1 breath made up her ca1e1dinc bouquet. Miss AUee Ar,ruelles of San- ta Barbara, the bride's cousin, was maid of honor ·and bridamaids were the Misses Peggy Gordon, her sister; Gail Smead of· Upland, her cousin, ;ind Jo)'ce. Melton of Santa Ana. Tbey wort yellow I 11 k nrganza aowni with kine puf- fed 1leeves trimmed with white lace and carried coloniaJ bouquets of jonquils and whi~ carnations with hudbands to matcli. Aaked to stand as best man WU Dave Conroy of Corona del Mar. Larry Gordon, the bride's brother and Denny Clark of Santa Ana were ushers while John Web.!ter ;ind Paul Eden . both of Corona r!el Mar. were attendants. SURVIVAL IN DI SEA 1.'ducationat movie .'f shows dally thnt Apr. 2 Thi t Tim1·lif1 lil111 tl•1li wi•lt 1111 tlfll 991t for 111rwiwol il'I ;., t!.t •••· ri., 110,.,. of how fi1h do er tla ftDl 1urwivo ;, d11110.,1tr1ttol bv "''"Y d•1· 1111tic; u~do•••'•• 1hoh toft•• il'lf f,.,,. plo .. ~t ... to 1h1r•1 lo wJ.1toi. Fil,,. dtriveol from +ht l ifo N11ur1 libr•'Y boa~. "Tho Fi1h11'·. J,.. Dnnriat fer l•f• Nt lur1 l ibrtry 011411 • 26·wolu"'o 1ot of Life Sc;lo11co l i.,ory. Huntington Ctnltr ... ~ •'"' hli~··· •' 1\., s .. D'9to Ftoow •Y MRS. DEL JAMES DROSTE Exd1•"8•• Woddl"8 Plocft11 Landscape On Easel Don Woodcock WU the organist While Ray Baker performed on the piano and Mrs. Acton was soloist. Assisting at the receJjt.ion lr.r 90 guests in the church hall were Miss Pam Smead, the bride's cousin, and the Mme... Gua Slater, Barry Cloud, Ronald Tibbits, Maud Blouch, Woocicfx:k and Robert Wilson at the guest book. Special guests were Mrr. >"loyd Fulton of Long Bt1ch; Mn. John Wei1le, Pomona : Mn. Frank Arguelle.!, Sant.a Barbara; Mrs. Adrian Willard. San Dimas. and Mrs. Bill Stone, El Monte, all aunfs Watrous, El Monle; ~trs. Al Neely, Ontario, and Dennis Dunbar, El Monte, the bride's cousins . The newlyweds v.·ill honry- moon in Las Vegas and then travel to Iowa where they will be honored at a reception hosted by the bridegroom·s relaUves. The new Mrs. Droste is • graduate of Corona del Mar Hlgh School and her husband is an alumnus of St. Mary's Hieb School, Clinton and serv· Contemporary impressionist Armen Casparian will paint ;i landscape during the April 2 meeting of Huntington Beach Art League in Lake Park clubhouse at 7:30 p.m. as the program feature . The guest artist wu born in Abadan on the Persian Gulf and was educated in Dar· jeeling , Calcutta, Europe and !he United Statea. The league"s seventh annua1 nay in the Park has been extended to two days, May 36-JI. and prtliminary plaru are under way. ed three years in the Army. ---------- They will rilake their first home in Florid•. 'Stocks ii lo You' of the bride; William Smead.I -.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Upland, her uncle ; Mrs. Emili FREE SHOWS FOR THE KIDS (Adult.I, too) THE ZODIAC MAGICIANS ,.. ........... 11·1• footuri11t Ari". Co ... or ••• Tlto1e ._o yo•at Motfii•ft• P'•"• tltet tl!o ltorM h 111uic•· or th111 tflie •ve. Y•11'll ,...,. "'' tt t+.oir tol•"'· Y•ur kHI• will i111l1t •11 c•'"'"' Nik fe~ e ,.,oot !'Orfo;MtllCO. Shewfi!Mt! ffi. of 6iJO I'-'"· tl'ltl 7:10 ~.Jiii.; Stt. •t 10 t "'• II '·"'·• I II•"'· Ofl' J , •. ' THE RED BALLOON Huntinaton Harbour LTD. -·.·~·· Vealer in tasteful assortments for the little folks. . ~· 16177 Alge.,..ui• St. 17141 146·1 666 Speci1ll1ln9 In loy1' And Girl•' Apparel Slaff L•v•tt• To 1• ' . . Parter Puts · it Plainly ... • WE CHANGE "BLEACH • • We sh.ape your light.ene<l hair into lovely nJrl~. w.-llle<:urls with "'Nlco-Clwieo" -.. ,,..,mdr.. !Ji)Ultt~niiwbai""'1'1Mi•biohde<wlat&Ucn. whlspe.-.... n~t1iaia.t. tlrml1'> ......,., ob&mpooo. W"ttAnoral>cll", nontouehproblem: '"'Just r~ th• color•""-'°" wilh I Newport B11eh, C1llf. ,,u NfWtOr' tlVOI Cost• Mt111 , Celif, 1"°° ~1•11&1 ...... ""'"'" .... ·-" '""" .,~111• OranDt, c.nr. IDil W. Cllo-~ ...... ...,, .. 0: ,_.,,.. •to:• ~ ...... ~~ S1nt1 An•, C1lif. ... _ _,_ -.,.,.. HOGAN SEPARATES .. . > ' . Jfaln tnhQ FASHION SHOW SATURDAY hOO P.M. WESTCLlFF PLAZA ... ,_ .. ..•. , . .... ,_,"!!_ PLUS SHAMPOO 122' AND SET !Moo. thru Tliwrs.J Afttr 5 p.m., $2.10 Friday, Saturdey, Sunday ................ Sl.00 C1>1t1 M.11, C•lif . "' w 191~ '""' ,._~ ~ S1nt1 Ana, Calif. Jlllt H9. "'""""' ''""""" c ...... ,,.,. .-a11 ,ounteln V1llty, C1llf. -llfiNo!" " l lJt:'te ...... c....... -DI- • I ' - • ,, y 0 r •I ,, c ' -l .. --.... ------·--~-~--~~---------------------------------~:-:-:11 SEASHORE SIGHTS -Sure to be viewed on the ocean's edge is this most graceful, feminine, pnr vocative swimsuit with pleated nylmi accents and fltled midrill. Fashion Finds Femmes Fashioo is a fickle femme. With most of the hot news for summer proclalming that "bare ii beautlful," and ii· luslratlng: the statement with great stretches of b a re "epiderm.iii, inexplicably the most stirring news for the beach is the swhndress. lt's the most feminlne , pro- vocative look ever! Fluld jerseys that sklm the figure, and dissolve into tiny skirts, pleated or flared. The big vogue just out of Paris -pleats -in swim· dres~ consisting of tiny Fickle crysta.l pleall -exte~ng from a halter-high nec~­ and loosely behed with the narrowest of string ties. Whit a foil for wfd~brlmmed hats - even a ladylike parasol! But -swim d resses? Definitely seaworthy, thfft Arne! jerseys, with the added fillip of drying in an instant without sacrificing a whit or their graceful lines. A new collection of Sea stars, just anived at Sears, features a goodly variety of these wonderfully feminine fashion.s. ThlwSdaY, Mat<ll 27, 1969 DAILY PILDT J 5 Half. Sizes D1e.ron Knits- •" •xcitln9 story In I wash and we ar, told in flaHaring pa1tel1. Upkeep by wa1hing machine and dryer. from $25.00 ' ~~~'sHALF-SIZE SHOP 1805 Newport, Cosl1 Mesa!!!!!!!!!! •111 Wed:'*" ef 11tli Stl'Mt"' iiiiiil LITTLE GIRL CHARM -Gingham checks adorn th.is scalloped embroidered suit with bib-tie neckline and hem over separate panties. Featured colors are yellow or blue checks with white. HOUIS: t :JO •·•· .. l :JO P·•· •• Mffy nn' Abe 114 o,..,..,.., ...... ,. ...... Students Suggest Causes of Rebellion Greeks Kept In Suspense Over Dessert Laguna Beach Panhellenic members will hea r a review of a suspense novel set in the Austrian Alps when they meet in the Top of the World home of Pt1rs. L.E. Dunaway next Wednesday. Mrs. Edward W. Reed will review "Salzburg Connection," by Helen Macinnes during the dessert meeting at 1 p.m. Easter theme decorations will be used by chairman Mrt. B.J. Vest and her committee members the Mmes. H.B. Moffitt, E.E. Watters and A.H. Wilson. Memben of national social sororities are invited to at· tend. High school and college the Vietnam war and unsettled French s tu d e n ts from world situation; discrimina· throoghout Orange County ti on against the black:!; crisis "ere asked why students rebel in the universities; lack of and what are the causes and faith in democracy as prac-.. ---•"•""°'•=,,=,..,=,=.,:---1 remedies at the sixth annual ticed today, and a sense of French speaking c o n t e s t insecurity and fear of failure sponsored by the Alliance in a society which seems WHO PAYS Francaise de la R i v 1 er a hostile. Many questions arise when Californlenne. R e m e d i es suggested in- The students related the eluded no strict laws; more planning a wedding. Send· cause.s of student rebellion to autonomy in schools ; students now for "How to Plan Your the conflict between t h e directing energy into useful We Have Joined • • · ANl GAUNH'S Glondolo O'BRIEN'S Corona del Mer . of Latortn« . vited to a Trunk showing . Yott are cordially 1n 1•·t w< mav t together so ""' custom Coat.1 and 4. ge become acquainted at O'Brien's FRIDAY AND SATURDAY• MARCH 21 AND 2' I ~wt•t table for your ple11ur1 . R . tr for 4 door prut. S C mt in and tgJS t p, . 0 S -$20 gift ctrtifirotts • "altruistic and Imaginative channels; instillation of good Wedding" Guide. Send 25c ., Idealism" of the young and ideas in students' minds by · I to p o B 388 DRESSED FOR THE PLUNGE -A graceful the "apathy, materialism and prpfessors ; revolution within m con . . ox • 1bape can swing wide and uninhibited in Ibis sky hypocrisy" of the older the law and more com-Huntington Beach, Calil. '·--------2SlS E. Coast Hwy., CdM blue pleated Amel jersey with a high baiter neck-generation. munication between genera· ri648 ~ lineandcinchednarrowsrtr~i;ng~b;el;t.~============~S~pec~ifi~c~c~a~us~e~s~c~it~ed~w~u~e~~~o~~~·~============~~~~~~~~~~~=========================================================; NB Ebells To Salute 50th State Exotic }\aw a i i an at· mospherc, a Iavisl1 loau and program of Island songs and dances fill the ageOOa tor v.·ahines of Newport Beach Ebel! Club Thursday, April 3. The group will .,gather at noon in lhe clubhouse and honored guests will be Junior Ebells. Fe a tur ed arti sts Floradelle Kimber and Jo W.aree Nicolas will present the program . Accompan ist is con- ce.rt pianist Genevieve Jaissle. f\.1embers of the Garden Sec· lion, headed by ~1rs. Ray Nielsen, will assist in serving the luncheon . THI NK CHAINS JEDJo lnhl FASHION SHOW SATURDAY, 1,00 P.M. WESTCLIFF.fLAZA AT WESTCLIFF PLAZA INFORMAL MODELING Standing Room Only • SATURDAY, MARCH 29, I P.M .•.• ON OUR MALL NH HIGH Jeanne lg11M Girls-of-the-month MESA HIGH Noncy Acktloon CdM HIGH Dtboroh ltll • I . . llTANCIA SyMa Mtrtlnu Horoscope Cancer: Heed Gemini Messag~ FRIDAY LEO (July 23-Au(. 11): Be II): Don't take too lll'loully ACC<lll on "bulc ~' Sllck MARCH 28 selecUve. Don't waste Ume, comptalnta about ~-to ,..tine, OoCe debrta ill talenta. some try la!Je fla~ One cloae to you ';tU aoon cltared, you can make . r<al By SYDNEY OMAllR tery. Chooae to be wllh 1lncere chanie tw>ea. Kn0w Ibis and advance. ~le .. w Ith "The wlle man ccmtroh his lndivtdual who Is r r 1 n Ii: , bulcally bonat. Stick to prlD-ride with the Ude. You will llllOClata. Build pl wlll. ~.'" • • Alln>to1Y poiota clplea. Avoid legal tangles. 1et whit 11 r<qulred. Cheer Avoid ·-ol IOC!al affair VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 21): up. tonight • . • Al\IES (March 2t·Aprll li): Fine evening for tbuter, AQUARIUS (J111. :IO-Feb. IF TODAY II YOUR Glve full C01111der1tion to partlclpaUon ln club or IJ'OUP 11): Need to hrolk from BIRTHDAY .you ,haft fine young people. Be v It a I , acUvtty. S!Ulation requ1r1n1 routine II obvloua. Do ...,,. C\f humor, artll\lt: ablll· creaUve. Social evening helpo dllcretton ar!Hs. Reallle IOIDelhlnfl about It. You may ty. Al U-Yflll ,,.0\ your fuUlll desires. Lunar accent money Is at atake. Don't lell not get petfecllon, b u I own wiy to ,aucb ,on extent on change, rtlaUons wilh op-everything. ..u.tact.lon ii 1 v a J J a b I e • that othen: are reatntful. poa!le eex. Accent new friend. LIBI\4 (Sept. 23-0ct. 2I): 1Mln~~~· clear be!~ day Is T1edm~~-~ ~. con-1 TAURUS (April 24-May 20): A fr1tndablp 11 put to teat. ~-· I era~•; ~you -erea Streu on hom• bulldinfl -Carry your fair ahar< of PISCES (Feb. If.March 20): 1alnl. ' includes con 1 tr u ct Io n of responsibWty -not exces.slve;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j stronger family Ilea. One of weight. You make declolnn. fil,I. YOlll" Ho"'• your parents is likely to make It should be based o "' '" known atrong views. Be and take _ ocalt1 ~fb: With Thrilling· 'Souncl , , , a charltab1t. Don't 1ns11t oo hlv· 'balanced. GULBRANSEN Ing everything your way. SCORPIO (Oct. 2.1-Nov. 21): QRG' AN GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Your aid II qked In 1peclal Accent on how you hand.le project. Answer I n al· -Zontians Honor Four Coeds FAcb month the Zont& Club ol Newport Harbor honorx one senior girl from each ol the N.,.port.M eu bl&h schools as the Zonta Girl-of· the-montb. The selection is based upon leadership, citizenship, schol- oll'ibtp and service to her achoOI. At the end of the ld>ool year, me coeds select the one Ibey feel most qualf. flad to be named !he Zonta Glrl«-tbt-year for t h e i r IChool aif the recipient of 1 11111 ..... bond. NIWPOBT BARBOR 11111 J,.... Elll", named on tbe honor roll for four y-, Wll the Muonlc Girl· of-the.year in 1968 and was Girls' 3tate altemate. For four years she has been a member of the Spanish Club and was junior class secre: tary before handling the same senior cla.ss duties. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Y. Epsse o! Costa Mesa teaches English to Mexican-Americans at a Santa Ana achoo! and plans to attend UCI qd major . in for- eign Janeuagea. Jn the future she will teach at the blaJl school leveJ and enllst 1n so- cial work programs. COSTA MESA Miss Nancy Ackelson, daughter of the Harry S. Ackelsons of Costa Meta, 11 a four-year member of the Girls' Athletic As.wciatiott and ts associated with the Pep and French club1 and serves u bead vanity cheerleader. Outside acUvttles Include the Harbor Area Youth Choir, church ebolr and Hoag Me- morial Hospital, Presbyteriln, Candyatrtpm · progr1D1. She wu selected Christmas Daoce Qu 1e11. m o s t inspirational GAA member and won the Bank of America award for homemai.:lnf. , Upon gra'auaUon lhe will enroll at Orange Coast College and sWd1 for htr teacblng credential at Callfomla State CoUege a.t Fullerton. C()JIONA Dl!L MAii traveling to E~ this summer an4 planning to .at· tend the University of Cali- fornia, Santa Barbara or Col~ rado State University and major in foreign languages is Miss Deborah Bell, daughter of the Joseph N.· B<!1s of Co- rona del Mar. Miu Bell Is a aongleader, Gardeners Gather Geraniums Club Topic South Coast Garden Club will hear MI'l!I. Fred Bode gpeak on the history and culture of geraniums in Three Arch S.y Clubhouse, at 2 p.m. \Vednelday, April 9. Mrs. Bode and her husband have been managing an 80- acre geranium fann in Vista , an area they chose after losina: a 60-acre farm in Lot Angeles due to a nJght frost. DwinK her talk Mrs. Bode vdll inlroduct new varieties including the dwarf IYI"'· Mn. Geor1e Rawlim, club president, said Mrs. James Ward, nomlnattna committee chalnnan, will submit a slate of candidates at the gathering. The election will take place e.t the annual May meeting. Mrs. Clifford Tinsman, tea chalnnM, will be assisted by the Mmes. Jrene Bull, Robb Scott and Niles Welch during a refreshment hour following the program. NO MONEY DOWN UP '0,!' .~~NTHS CA\.L FOi Fiil EmMATI AND SHOP AT HOMI SllYICI Def' ........... .., '""""' .._. ... , •l• """ .. ""' lltlM tr '"'" ••• l lJ tr 1'11!11111 ••• wlfll flll '"'"' c1mpi.t1 •l«tilll .. dtllllfl' , tr c1,.,.i loll!lfllH. tt1 011li91llo"' .. uvrw. FROM YOUI UEA CAU 548•8242 01 140-6617 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET WAL• INTlll STOCK OF fAIULOUS DIAPllT fAlllCS RIDUCID TO 20"9 TO 40% ,..., ...... '" Onll'""Y Dr..,..let7 ""''"''"' E•Clte!Mfllhl Your RD!ll'l'I Dlcof' •.• Wllh Bold NIW lofN• Ind Omli!MI ··-"'"'" e Tll lac:k1 ...... e C..tc:Hn ..... • V1!,ift<"' • AVJlflHIR CUSTOM MADI DRAPERIES ... te $4.tl yetd NOW ONLY A hbulout eollM:l!Oi'I OI hiQtl -l!ty ilf"o••to• •~:>tlC:I lr!Cll.IOIM IOOI'• OI y•rcl1 OI MCI~ •lyll llOvclei;, llX!Ur ... llllln$ l f'IOI d•INllltl ••• 111 '411411 prlc:tO. OnlVERY IN 7 DAYS ""'lb'-tott•va "" '""'" -..,. "'-'""°""" '"'"" ,.. tllllr. mlft Ollklw!lt ttrYkl· Rely Ill IOllvll I'*' fff flllllllllOll lf¥'llllf, 1M flllllf lllfew...._ ..... ..,..,, ........ .... ,., .. , ..... OUI WOIKMANSHIP II SUPlll HAIDWAll a lODI CUT TO OIDll EIUJl ·PLEI CAU IOI NII HnMATI IHQP..Al ... OMI 11mc1 DRAPEftl' & CAJlPET 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN UPTO•MO""'°"' delicate 1ituatioo involving finnat!ve. Superiors judge MANY m.m • MODW TO CHOOll MOM. ~ of !he American hoards 1111<1 11 an AFS mem· relatives. Key Lo to be your reacUnna. M a I n ta 10 COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION Field Service, mem1>1r of !he her. Sha bikes !nods for -the penuulve. Ask questions -polle. Give and you will allo allldenl congre11, Drama Club Medlcal Aid station In Viet.-~"I rather than demand. r«:elve. Prestige riles. You FREE WSONS WITH AWi =ldn~the :!:ior°';'.lay~ nam and varilty te11111, and 1r':! your best 10 nmaln J•ln recogn!Unn. . ORGAN PURCHASE! Hu Wn!ly hu !he AFS won a certlflcale of recognl· neu · SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22- atudenl from Norway mid· lion Jut yw-for Beat Over· CANCER (June 21.July 21): Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect WT TUMS TOP Pi'!ICD ON Tlill\INI Ing with !hem. all member ol lhe Pep Club. You add to JJO!Se!!lona. Money today coincides with long· Tbe daughter of Mr. and comea your way. Pounce on range plans, including travel. Electric Organ Associates ESTANCIA Mrs. Rlul Martinez of Costa opportunity. Obtain hint from You gain needed lnlormallon, Miii Sylvia Martinez ii par. Meta will major In foreign GEMINI m e • 1 a g e • Be Incentive. Com1pond with one tlclpallnl on !he eenlor clau langua&ts In college next diplomatic. Lovely gift fiaures at a distance. · COWICll, Pep and Gmn=an;:_cc::l;:_ub'--:..Y"'=·-----;::pr~omtoe;;;~n~Uy~ln~y~our~dl~y~, ==~C~AP~Rl~OO~RN~g<Dec~.;;;:22-J~~an~. ~~~ 333 E. 17th St. -Costa Mtst -646-4033 For .. "DAISY DAZZLE" De\Veese designs \Vith bold strokes. A timeless formfit sheath in their ex- clusive two·\vay stretch 'Lusternit.' Giant 'Kidnit' dais! .. glow agalmt the scoop neckline, torso and plunging back. A great pro- file is yours with a •sta-cup' Inner bra . 10/16 - $29.00 CALIFORNIA "TERRIGAN" new .... designs 'The Hack·a·bout.' The double face Cannon Terry Beach jacket with button border front, abort 1leeves and doep pocket. goes with every- thing llld anywhere. $14.00 USE YOUlt BANl<AMEltlCARD OR YOUR MASTER CHARGE DINERS' AND CARTE BLANCHE IN COSTA MESA IT'! DI! JIAftTMBHT aTO!lll8 =._ TIU NEWPORT IOULlVARD PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Optn D•lly 91l0-6: Fri. 'Ill 9 , ' First Time in Orange County L NO DEFROSTING 193 LB. FREEZER e.a cu. P't. ONLY Adtmlrol. mas tercare m ,1intenance Vo11r IUU!eflq .. 11.dml .. I .,.,..nd•blllty l l'ICI 111\lltlly. Now Adllti,.I 1-1 !tie ,._ •POMllltllty tor "'"'"" I nd 111alni.n111C01 I nd JlfO\'lclfl hlttltJ 1-lliotd, wtl1•1f'llntd NO DEFROSTING 11.3 Cu; Ft. REFRIGERATOR flt-only 31" wide--.j No Down No Payment Until July!" 95 MODEL ND1694 FITS YOUR PRESENT SPACE With FAMILY PLANNED convenience features! i I ~"'""I·~ ~·::~:~:.~rr~c:~l' 1 Y ,di~ II NIEW AUTOMATIC .DOO" CLOSll!FIS-N•ver worry •gain about doora being •c:cld•nt.lty ten open. "TWO· nMP" CONTROLS Two Independent controls In refrigerator and tr1ezer let you regul1te tempera· ture in bo1h sections, GLIDE·OUT SHELVIEI "'IOOKCAIS!" F"IEll!Z!" DOO" REFRIGERATOR -Enllr• SHELVES -Easler and quicker shell glides out to P41rmlt P1Ck1geselec:tion wilhl1rgreater easy seleclion and atoragt. · s1orag1 cap1c:1ty. PLU$-PORCEU.IN CRISPER, MEAT KEEPE" AND U."GE DAIRY COMPMTMINT &Khnlcltfll lo PllfOllfl fllM Mf'l'IC.t. .__.._ _______________________ .J .tJIV£ J/Alllf See our complete selection of Admiral Duplex Freezer/ f/lf/C /TVH! Refrigerators , .. now in 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, and 30 Cu. Fl Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Cosla Mesa Dellf t AM ti t PM l111t. t AM ,. t PM S111, 11 AM to I PM k • ,, h L r l ' t t I • . . Costa Mesa ' YOC. 62, NO. 74, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES • -~ PW ...... ~ ..... V.W.U DETECTIVE TOM SHEARN COUNTS r.RUG HAUL 'Eastt r Benn i••' Collected in Bal 11 • Arruts Ne wport Police Seize 13,500 Pills in Arrest Newport Beach police tOday reported they seized more than 13,500 pills vilued at $5,000 on the illicit drug market during two separate arrests Wednesday. on Balboa Island. Four suspects were ta.ken into custody during one arrest after a car was stopped on the island. Two women were arrested in the second case \\'here illegal pills were allegedly tossed from a house win- dow The combined seizures, detectives 11aid, amounted to the largest drug seizure in the city's history. Police said the allegedly illegal drug caches may ha\·e been part of an im· portation scheme for \\'idespread sale of illegal pills to vacationing Easter Week students. The arrests starteci before noon Wednesday when detectives A r b Campbell and Tom Shearn were return· 1ng from a burglary case on the island and they came up bellind a car containing four men et Park·ana Sa;>phire avenue!. The detectives said they noticed one Rogers Says U.S . Wil l Pull Troops If Reds Do Also WASHI NGTON <AP) -Secretary ot State William P. Rogers sai d today the United States is prepared to withdraw troops from South Vietnam "over a very short period or lime" if Hanoi will agree to do the same thing. He also declared that secret talks In "out of the way places" about peace In Vietnam have produced past progrP.Ss -and added .. we're ready" for more. Rogers talked guardedly about that kind of negotiations -past and future -and sa id clctailed disclosure 11{rlps away the very secrecy which is essential to success. Rogers testified the administral.ion seek! mutual withdrav.:al of forces as a major step toward easing and endln.g the war in Southeast Asia -and i.t not lhinl!.ing In terms of a lengthy period for that withdrawal. "I would think ii the other skle is willing that we ought to have withdrawal as quickly as possible," be told the Senate Foreign Relations Comm.lttee. "We're prepared, if the other side ii prepared. to have a withdrawal over a very al:lort period ol time." ' person Jn the car tugging at bl! shoes and looking baCk furtively. They pulled the car over. In lhe car the officers discovered about 1,400 red apsules alleged to contain seconal. The capsules wer~ in packages or 100 each. The detect.Ives arrested the four, v.'ho arP. all from the Pasadena-Arcadia area. They are James Joseph Murphy, 19, Arcadia; John O'Brian Herbaugh Jr., 22, Pasadena; Donald Allan Walters, ti, Arcadia, and Claudio M: Masella, 20, Arcadia. Officers also confiscated two stereo speaker cabinets and took· them into the station for Investigation. "We decided to open up the speaker 'boxes in the late afternoon to check for serial numben. When I took off the back, then were all those pills," Shearn uid. ' The speakm hid about 10,000 of the red capsules, along with two plastic bags of white tablet. alle&ed to be amphetamints. About one hour after discovery of the drugs, police responded to a dislurbance call at 122 Turquoise Ave. on the island, and as officers arrived A bai containing about 1,500 red capsules v.•a:i thrown from the residence, they said. The two occupanls of the house, Linda Jean lfattos, 19, and Sue Johnson, 18, were arrested. Mrs. ,Johnson's l-year-okl daughter, Sharon, was taken into custody and transferred to the county'• Sil;lon Home. The arreru stemmed from a disturban- ce call from a house next dqor. Patrolman Walt · Lamb mponded 11\<1 wu taking lnformaUon from lhe caller when he saw the bag. being thrown (See P1U BUSTi l'ap II PENl'fY. PINCHERS:. PULLING POWER Have )'OU tested tbe sellinc J)Olfel' of a "new'' Penny Plnchet ad? Former)y limited to the sale of only certain Items, DAILY PILOT l'ienny Pluchm now "". be uaed by any adverti.er .(exceptcoln- . merclal ..,.., of count I fo sell anything. 'they run up to three Ilnet fOI' two times for $1 Look for them today, ap. pearing Uu-ou1hout the cIU&illed -of the newspaper~in'approPflate c1tegor. Its. Call IU-667' for a dlroct line to the Ad-viJor who can belp YIJU pinch pennies and make dollan. I -. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, M~R~ 27, 1969 TEN' CENTS ·Mesa Treasurer Ries Dies Longtime Civic Leader Succumbs During, Surgery · Quiet and dependable In life and work, Costa Mesa City Tre~ W. C. "Cy0 Ries died su<idedly during emer1eocy heart surgery Wednesday, almost before the conununity learned be was ill. He . was 69. Death came for the JongtJme Harbor Area civic leader -whose unofficial badge of o(fict was a silver cigarette holder-at 1:55 p.m. in Hoag Memorial Hospital, as a result of coronary aneurism. Mr. Ries had been swiftly admitted to the hospital Tuesday night for treat· ment of the critical condition, a bubble in the aorta or main artery, ,~·hich would also have been fatal withooL surgery. The operation had already taken nearly sii hours when he died. No actual furneral service will 00 held , but visitation hours will be Friday from 10 a.m. to a p.m. at Bell Broadway Mortuary, Olsta Mesa, with private irJ.. terment to follow. The flll\i.ly 111Uests that friends wishing to make memorial contributions tn behalf cf the 20-year Harbor· Area resident direct them to the Orqe Cowr Air Cal Chief Admits, Some Flight Bumping r ~clal to ... DAILY·PltOT ' ·WASliJNGTON 7" Air Calllornia Pres!· dail Carl·llelllcoter.conceded today that at ii..,a _,.,pa...., .... taking Pacific NorthweJt flights out ol orange County Airport would have to be bumped at the last minute. Benscoter's admission was ctJ:awn out by United Airlines attorneys, who vigorously attacked Air Cal'11 petition for the proposed flights as a Civil Aeronautie1 Board hearing on the issue entered its third day here. Adva nce testimony submitted by Air Cal officials indicated that the county· based line considered its Boeing 737-200 jels adequate ror the Seattle-Portland non-stop flights. The length of the main county airport runway (5,700 feet), said Air Cal's af4 fidavit to the CAB, "is not a limiting factor." United Airlines counsel this morning contended ctherwise. The heavier fuel load or 737 jets heading for the Pacific Northwest would require a longer nm wa y, or (ewer passengers, they implied. • Under sharp questioning Benscoter finally admitted that "und er certain temperatur:e and wind conditions" the load would have to be lightened in order to use the esisting runway. lie said this would be accomplished by hauling several passengers who plan+ ned to make the flights out of county airport to Long Beach Airport. Buses would be used to transport t h e passengers to Long Beach, where they would board other jets flying to Seattle and PorUand. Benscoter emphasized there would be no problem "under nonnal conditions.': United Airlines attorneys also closely questioned Benscoter on Air Cal's linan· cial status. · The Air Cal executive was forced lo reveal all of his line's expenses, includ-- ing its profit from drinks served in flight to the CO!St of stewardesses' uni· forms. United Airline's opposition to Pacific Northwest Oights out of the county stems rrom its detennination to retain as many Orange County passengers on its nights at other airports. United is not among tbe three applicant& for the county route award . Earlier in the hearing, Benscoter clashed with Orange County's assistant counsel, Robert Nuttman, over Air Cal's assertion that a '20(),000 asphalt over· Jay J)r'oject planned for the County Air· port runway would boost the runway 's (See CAB, Page I) Mesa Burglar Given Sentence Cary Ronald Slezak of Costa ·Mesa mutt serve 11ix months to five year11 in state prison for his burglarizing of two Newpo?t Beach restauranls. He drew Ule jail term in Superior . Court ·fOUoYfing his conviction by a jury last Ma.rch I. Slezak, 20, of 511 Victoria St., was found guilty or break-ins at the Crab O>obr-Ind Coco'• restaurants. Sletalt'1 ~of.a weapon during the burglar!" blhcl the of£!nae• to the level of Ul'll dflree burilary, He we handed the muimum pr!Joo term. ty Heart "-lallan ... !be American Red Cniu Blood Bmlk. . ' SUrvtv«a lnciude 1111 ·..u. Lee of IOI w. l'lljl st.: daqbleil, !In. ~ Fos, Springfield, On., and lira. )hr)Grle Wllltendale, 'ViNUaJ. ·• lister, Mn . Dorolhy Pierce, of Cedarglm, and two grandchlldrtn. The retirtd banker continued on as city treasurer to the end of a. career in which h£ served aa an Orange Coast College board trustee, Costa Mua OJ.am- ber of Commerce leader and Red Cnws and Salvation Army board member. He came to Costa Mesa in 1149 and began as a note teller for the old Costa Mesa State Bank, a job and financial institution which became vice president and U.S. NaUonal Bank with area growth. "There wasn't much to Coat& Mesa back then," be said in a 11185 interview. But hll favorite post -one In which he performed lea UDOblruslvely -wu playing the piano OYrf Tuaday DOOi\ for the Costa Mesa IOwanlJ tiub. Mr. ru.. bad played the Jmtrument for 63 years, learnlnl as a boy in hill native Ferndale, Cllif, and appeared before Kiwaniana and at other command ' ptrlorm&IQI for tho put Ill~· He eerved on the OCC "9lnf of-. from 11111 lo 11111, wlnnlnl P'fbe from lllstrlct Supt. Dr. Norman Wataoa,. who said loday that Cy'aguldanc:e and COOllRI remaiotd evldeat even after he left of. fice. One ~ the first three men hired by the City of Costa Mesa at incorporation nearly 11 years ago, Mr. Rle.s left his indellble mark there as he did in all other community services. "We didn 't even know be was ~ until we found all the work done," com· mented Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. "He was a bulwark ol the conunwdty," added Chamber of Commerce EiecuUve Manager Nick Zlener. ~ "Cy was one ol thou meruyou couJd put the stamp of 'deptQdable' on. He was just a ereat aur," ZieDtr CODdnued. "He badn 't an IOelny bl the w<rld.'' oald City Clerk C.K. ."Charlie" Priest. Memorial contr.lbutlonl-may be 1tnt to the heart u.oclaUon at IMS W,. El(hth St., Santa Ana, or the blood bank at 418 N, Welt SL, Anaheim. . MESA LEAOIR SUCCUMBS • w. c.-'Cy' "''" $18,080 Lo88 Blonde Diverts Jeweler Doctors Report ~isenhowe1;. As Pal Cleans Out Case A lonf-trwecl, leathe!' mlnl .. ldrtod blonde kepi a Costa M11& ~-­ showlpg llh!lr--·kntvf&: W•• 4111< ~arenlly wfllll lier boylrllnd escaped qi to fl8,000 in dlamood rqa. · ,. ezaet lou 1o Jewall by Joseph. :1333 S. BrlJtol st., II beillf JovtntorWil today, bul police detectlveo Aid it may amount to 84 1em-1et rings. J""ph I. llartlteln, of Latewooct, reported the grand theft case late Wednesday afternoon when two diJplay boxes which had contained 4J rings each Y1ere discovered missing. Officer John Stoneback said the store staff had not taken inventory m·recerit days, l50 each box may have oontained fewer than a rings. lnvestlgators said cltrt Juel D'Angelo 11us~ the attractive blonde and her companion, who entered the store 1o br~;amind during lll4l'lllnl boun. •-1 lli<I "'" y;,,,• Ml !>l'fl' Dt0·ftll •lall !d.J . . "about' 118 powida. diverted him to the rear of the Sooth Coast P!ua sWe on Ille pretense of sboppini for a iilvl't' caie knlli. , ) After Jookln& over several itlms or n>er<lwidlM, ,lbe lald they dldn~ quilt suit wiiat she had In mind and left the otor., al which Ume D'Angelo noticed her com,Pllllon hid also wandered out. No p8rticular descripUon was given of him, but the striking blonde theft suspect sought today ·wore ·a. black, pullover rwea~ and . appeared 1o be about 25 1o 21 years old. , Dependlnf on result> of today's jewelry lnventoey,.Jou In the baslness-bours theft might be u low u fl&,000, llart.t<ln told pollce. No SDS at Orange Coast, College President Rules Orange Coast College atudents seeking to form a Students for 1 Democratic Society (SOS) chapter can't win ror losing. College President Dr. Robert Moore lcxlay has again l8kl "no deal" after atudent government approval of SOO on campus finally wu won Tusday. Moore, ei:erclsinc bia power of veto over student government action, ald he will not noognize u a legltim1te campus organization any group with the name SOS. He said, t't wwld assume the student 1enator1' coocem ii fair play f« the local group. I can 11hare that eoncem, but 1 aOO am concerned about the n•· Uonal sos oraanization." Moore said the remaining avt.nue of appeal is to the Board of Trustees. RecogniUon of SDS waa voted 5 to Swimmers Keep Lifeg uards Busy 1be water north of the Newport Qeach pier may be apirtllng and 'blue, bu! RWage bacteria counta: are atill h1glt there, say lllquanla, who are flncllnc il touiJi to keep nrlmmm out. Despite red-lettered warning sign!, pubJic addrta armotmCementa 1 n d regular' P,1.troll, awlmmeni who are crowding on the beachtl due to warm weather are keeping lifeguards busy. Three persons who Ignored tHe warn- ings In Wen Newport Wednellday needed rescuing from a riptide In the polluted brine. · 'l'l1t lhr .. told llfeguanls they did ' not 11ee any wamln1 sign!. People have ~ comln1 onto the beach and mailnl the ''"". In tho . .n1h~ the lll.,.aro.. aid; m1 ..... many newcomm are on the belcb thue daya they hami't aeen the wamlnp anci go rwimn>fof Into the contaminated . ' water. \ 2 Tuesday by the 1tudent eenate, an appeals branch of the student council. Earlier the full student COUl>C!ll had voted SOS petitionen down, after the Interclub Council al80 had done so. The campus group brlefly attained legttimacy last month when then Student Bocly Preaident Al Porco recogniuCI ~ in the absence of a student council not yet confirmed by eleclioo. But ,lle1n of Student ActivlU.. Jooeph Kroll" overruled Porco and Moore with his veto upbekl Kroll. The veto rtlll -tandl M Moore was not dissuaded by · the student senate ...... Jn a ldttr to five SDS peUUoners, including Orange Coast Junior College and Newport.Mesa echool board can- didate John V.aughn, Moore explained his position : "On otber campuses the SOS baa en- couraged, initiated and carried out with admitted Intent the disruption of the educatklnal program·of Ille lnatitution. "IITerpectlvt or a klcal commltment to divorce the letiviUeS of a local «ganizatlon rrom the naUonaf organil.a- tkrt, there tan 1n fact. tie no divorcement. The local organization In lllUJl1lni the • name of tbe nationll · or1anir.alion -Ila goal> and pr<>eecluno," UC Irvine Cites W 0:lter Burro ughs Walter Burrougha, former publtoher of the DAILY PILOT, wu honond W!dpe.sday f'r 10rvlce to the University ot Cllllofnla, Irvine. I Bulrooghs Was presented a plaque ror his eflorta m oraanlztnr •Jl!l 1Umul•ling a drive to \lliJll the Uni""nlty campu, to Ila silo Oii the lrvtoe.. Randi. The awud ·'iru made by Cbancelkr Danl<I G •. Aldricii at a' meetlot Ii 'tho UCI Foundation. ~la M oervlnl u 'ttwurer of tho l«mdallon. I Growing ·Weak W~IDNG.TON (VPH -r..- ""°*ait Dw!lf1t D, E1aeniiqw'er •coa. UouiJ lo ~--dapltcieffal.is to ~..... Ille -coodlltol! lbat thieateO. hll lll•, -~.today. Ii\ a brief morning bull.Un on tho 11-7ear-.old 1eneral'1.conditloo, Bria:. Gen. 1'rtderic Hughes, cO~ander or Waiter Retd Army Hospital, aald ' 1 G e n. Eisenhower continues 1o grow weaker." "Evidences of congestive heart railure contlnue unchanged," Hughes uJd. Mrs. Eisenhower remained at her husband 's bedside. The morning medical bulJttin on Eisenhower said: "Gen. Eisenhower continuea to grow weaker. He aleepa for longer perlodsi but when awake la Judd and able tG communicate with members of the·famP Jy and, last evening, with Prtlideot Nix~ on. "The evidences of conge!Uvi Mari fl;ilure persist unchanged. M t i . Etsenbower remains close to t b·• general'• bedside ah<! is a constant 80UJ'Cf: of support Ind encouragemedi both to the general and others present." Hughes would nOt answer direct quea- Uons from newsmen. · ' The next medical bulletin wu schedul- ed for late aftemooo in the abeenol cf major cbanlfl in Eisenhower's CODo dltion. President Ni•on made a spur.of-the. moment trip to the hospital Wedneiday for a brief chat with Eisenhower. A Nixon aide emplwiud the President was not "called". to the bedalde, . bvt had decided to make the vi>lt 111 bis own, Stoele Mcrleeu Nf:W YPRlt (AP·/ . -The llock marke4 buoyed by pe~ hopes, cloeeil with another good ga,in today. Tradinl near the close was active. (See quota- tions, Pages 30-31 ). The Dow Jones industrial a verage at 1:30 p.m. was up 8.52 points ~l 929.82. . Or aage Coas& ' Weatller . Another d•y to tell the folta back home abcut comes up Fri· day, with fair, akfes and tem~ erature1 in the upper 70's. back· ed by we1terly• breezes. IN'im E • TObA. Y Sen. K1nned11, withovt openl11 1 oppoiing h_fm, U on a coWalOR cour1e with PresUUnt Nizon for 197). PaQt 20. ! • • ... .. B • • • B ,.,. • ,. " • • • l I I r •• . •• r • ~=ll_!DA~U~Y~,~!l~OT:_ __ _;_C --~==:..;:_;_:_.:: Fre8a P .. e J •: ~~CAB ... wel&lt lold .. pac1ty. ' n. "'*" _,,it~ up lo J.J,JJm~• would allow Ille bNY.1 ... Mood ... ,.,,..., _... ... It Ar Col ' -1..v. yuu not aw!re," uted Nuttman. "tbel the Board of SUpervloon bu gono " Oii -lotendlng to keep the ... teht • llmK al 15,IOO pounds!" ~ aald he wu awart of the • lntfnt, bo1 111 hll opinion ff "II dllorim- " ' natory." • "In vtew o( the lad that th< <OW1ty . ·has nc<lved a ltdlnl pemmenl out> lldJ to help bulJd the alniort." aald , -· ''tlle CGW1ty II obilge1fby the '1'W!11 -t to ollow Air Col to open.le at a hlgher weight k>ld, il Ibo runway's lncreue:d capactty can be -rated by tw.'' Ho said the coonty oould be legally -to permit lhe .... -loadl. Dan E!norf, chairman m the Harbor . Aru.'1 Nobe Abatement Committee, a i.30G-Dlf111l><r cltllens' group, also que>- tiooed Be.mc:oter. Emory lllUd him •wh<tber be felt c=r oJrporl eou\d handle the oomt\y'I .. dlmand'' for atr travel untU a nc1ooo1 oJrporl II celllpleted. "J belltw it c:obld."'ukl BenlcClls. 'Ille -too olrllnel ~. ~ ""'"'1 nW! awar<l-Coallnenl -= "-COlllldered by -"" to be ~ '!be reuon ls that they both ~ to .., aln:nfl already con- ceded to be too heavy fer nomtop illaln's to the Paclflc Ncrth....t. Conllneala1 plans to .., the Boeing m and Air West, the Douglas DC-9. Bolh bil jot.I would roqll!n olopOvera In San Fl'llldlco for reluellng. The len8lh m the ailllnl c.wrty Airport runway 11 -t to allo• a lull load at -'lbll point II ~ lo bo empba· -by the wmmc -• the .hearing -on. Tecb•leol _.,a wtll· -be llklnl up the NI m CAB amtner Robert Park'1 time. CAB . -anllclpated. Civic llll'llel to the matter-Newport -· Coota MMa and Drop Comity -bava oil been -.!. It will be at .Jeut lit month!, CAB officials 11ld. befort a decision ia reached on whelller a route award should be given, and lf ao. which airline is to receive it. Newport Teacher Switch~ Plea Wada Walll. head f-coach and a dr1v<r eduutlon Instruct« II Newport H.-Hlgh School, bu wilhdrawn a prev!ously entered plea m au1lty on a -drlvln.I charge and 11 ICbedllled lo appear AprD 4 In Laguna Municipal Court for further arraignment proeeed- ~n-.San Clemente Judicial Dl&- tricl Judge Richard Hamilton allowed the change following a 1'ourl appearance Monday by Watts. 11te teacher hid been lldleduled to appear lo< 11011teoclni April L Sealab Program Will Continue · • SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The Navy wlll ' ' : .. ahead with the Sealllb m program : : : delplte the death m aquanaut llm'J :-:cannon Rear Adm. O. D. Wat.en Jr., : : : said .w~y night. : : • '1It hu bttn a arut blow to Ute : · : Navy losing young Berry Cannon in '.~:the recent Sealab tra1edy," Wat.en:, the :::ocunographer oC the Navy, aaid. "He . ~ . wu one cf our best deep aea dNen. , '. . "But the decision has been made that, ;'. :rqard}ea of thll rather serious setbaclt, . '. we.,. gotq allud with the project.'' ·: He said Saalab la a "phtDomen11 effort • of great Importance, something tlke the : '. moonabot. We are way ahead of the : world in aaturaUon dJvlng and this ta ; :-: going to be very useful to everybody : ; ~ •• , becaWle it will give us the capabWty to work ln practical waya at depths · up to eoo feet." . Cannon was killed when he took in • a lethal amount of carbon dioxkle during .• a Seal.lb Ill dive off San Clemente ;' ·J1laod l"eb. 17. Thi.project wu IUSpend· " ed after his death .. ... . .. . . " " " . .. .. . ' -· • ' ,• . lfl\tl\ 1'1101 OttAM1 CCIAIT f"UILllMtlte COMPANY leHrt H. W•~ ~rt1lltlnt..WhWWIM' J•dr; •• c;.,1., ..,. ""-*"".,,. e-.i ~ n•rn•1 K••¥11 .... Th111111 A. Mu1,hh11 Mlfl"I ... l!f!!., Pt11I Nlu111 M""1ltl11t Dnc:ltr c ....... Offtce JJO Wtrt lay StrNI M.alllftt A4llr•111P.O.1 .. 11•0. 91'2' --.....,... 1Md111111 * .... ltlM ~ """"_,.1 m ,_ • .., .. _ il_...,_ ........ 1 .. # ...... \ PIO.TAILED PADDLl!R CONQUERS BOYS' CLUB POOL Mlnl.AquaMut Jone .fanner, I, ht the Swim Get • ID Swim Boys Club Offering Classes Easter Vacatlon rwhnmlng cluwi for dI!Idr<n -months old ll1CI up wlll be ml<red at the llO)'I Club m the Harber Are1'1 Ceolrol Brlnd> In Costa Meea. F-var; for the Iii! _.-ale mm· mer c:ategoriM, blled cm q:e, md 50 pemnt ol Ibo ,,. mll!t be paid Jrlor Mt clw admbwion. R<s<na1iom will only be accepted In penan at tbe downtown branch at 61H Center st., but furlbe:r detailJ may be obtained by calling 543-9387, weekday afternoons and evenings. Class categories include non-swimmer. beginner, beginner swimmer, advanced beginner, intermediate and swimmer. with determinailioo to be the decision ct the aquatics director. A DOD-IWbnmer camot duck hia bead und<r waler and blow bubbles, while • twlmmer category student can mm 100 7ords demonstraq Vll'loul -... tread water, float and dive. Spedol Eaoter Week owtm cl..,.. will run March 31 to April 4, accordinf to Boy1 Club ataff memben:. Cluael for preec:bool children who can be llUlhl durln& ICbool houri can be arranged witb the aquattca director, ac- cording to the swim program an- nouncement. Regular spring and summer swim classes for adults as well as children 1vill go lnto effect for two week 1ntervals beginning April 7 and rumlng through early September. The minimum IWim student age for the Euttr Week aession is n1ne month.!, but this rises to two ye:ara fer the summer program. Several Positions Open On Mesa Police Force Applications for teveral e p • n patrolman. posts on the Co5ta Men Pl>lice ~ ... -being llC· "!l(ed, -April It .. t far tQlllM!d~ve enmJnatlOfla. Deodllne for filing the oppllcatlOllll, available at tht Police Fad.Hty, 19 Fair Drive, Is April 14, acconflnr to Chief Rtl(er E. Neth. Qualil!catlons Include hl,i. acl>ool diploma and al Jeut IO un11.t ti coIIeae work, witb C grade or better and 1p- pl!caotl must be :IO to lii, and five feet nine inches to 11x feet five lDches 1111. Weight limits are !SS to 250 pound" f'roM Pqe J PILL BUST •.. ' from the bouM 1t 122 Turquol11t • Lamb Cbed:ed the act, then called for nartotics officers. Police uid the two cases seemed related, and that It appurtd the danrerom drugs wen to be 10ld hen during Easter Week. All six persons are bein1 held with bail set at $6,250 each. They face charges of pouwlnJ dan1eroua drop for ule. 3-man Basketball Offered by Mesa Two II company but -II J: fine -and ftve ii a crowd - you'n taJklng about the kind m baatel· ball IOOll to be offmid by the c.ata Mesa Recreation Departmnt. Three-man baskelball league 1amts gel under way April !Ith In the Orange Coast Colle1e l)'mnlllum1 Tue!daya and Thuraday1 from 7 to 10 p.m., accordlq to Rtcrtation Director Keith Van Holt . Boys 14 and over may parllclpate and In the hl,i. acl>ool dlvi'""1 or the open dlvillon, for J<IUl1{lllen 111 feet, two inchel tall and up . Roltert are Umlted to five men per team -two 11.1bltltutes -with a minimum of four playtrs. A team tntry fee of $S 1s due at alinup time Tuesday or Tburaday nlal>ta In the OCC gym. Severe South Pacific Earthquake Recorded BERKELEY (UPI) -Tbe un1 .. n1ty ti Co!Kcrnil lld.mloloetc>J It a ti o n roporled a l!llljor earthqu1ke early today centmd In tbe South Padflc, Tilt spoftsmlll Atd It rqiJterad 7 on the Rlcbttt ICalf: al 4:55 a.m. PST. He said tt wa• centered 6,100 mll•• IOUlhwell m Borte1"7, poutbty 1n the New Gulnel aru. He aaJd aucb 1 temblor could CIUSt Mvtre damaae in. I D 'I heavUy._,Jattd uu . • ' . 4 .... proportioMte to height and vision must be a maximum of 20-70 in each eye, corroollble to -.:io, with normal hearing. Testa for pl"Olpectfve patrolmen, who earn a muimum m rm per month, lncludel aptitude, peraonallty and ln- tereal """1, pllyslcal al!illty, orol In- terview and background lnveetlgation. Jail Not Safest Place for Him Any ex-con will tell you that jail ls Ult sarest place to be. But Martin Garcia Sanchez, U, of Santa Ana, won't buy that. He was dumped In the orange County Joli drunk tank the other day and came out sober but lighter by $35. Jail offlctn say they have identified the pockel picker and clw'ges will be filed. "He was also drunk," they grinned, "but not that dnmk." Tennessee Court Ruling Hits Ray NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPl)-The Ten- -Supreme Cour1 bas deolt wbat could be a fatal blow to the legal grounds on wlllch James Earl Ray wu reported to be basing his bid for a new trial • The hlall tribunal ruled We<inelda1 a cunvk:tfcf c:rim1nal cannot blvaltdlte a prisoa -by olleilnll bo pl .. ded IUllty mt the advice of hia lawyer, A top !ego! ISOUl'oe said the rullng could ''Cit the James Earl Ray cne llkt a g1ove." But Ille admitted olayer m Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. appartnUy ii planning to attack his 99-year sentence nooelht- less. A Memphis attorney Identified as Richard J. Ryan lo vi&lt Ray Wednea- day, but was turned away by Tennessee State Prison authorities who said be had not -otflclally ntatned by Ray. Tumbling Clas.s Registration Set Rocillratlon for coeducllllonal tumblln( c:luMa ts scheduled Tburaday tllroqh Saturday at the Colt.a Meu ReaeaUon Departmem, Dtreclor Keith Van Holt announced loday. Younptm I to 14 may •Ian up for the JO.week clua to be offered al T•Wlnkle Jntmnedlate Sd>ool twice w,.kiy beginnlng April 21, with a IS fee l't'QUired. RA!glltr1tlon will be Tburaday from 6 p.m. to I p.m. at the Colt.a Meu Civic Ctnte:r, and rrom S a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Twnhllnll clu.., wlll be c:ooducted Mond~1 ad Wed-from !:30 p.m, l'o 4:30 p.m. and fl'om i:IO p.m. to S:IO p.m. ... - ·~yne Castle 1 Bought ' Lagq,~ MansiOn ·~·q·ld to Cfr.urch, Not Nixon Jly IUCllAllD P. NALL ................. Rumored convullon m Laguna'• Pyi>e Cotle 1.Dto a Summer White House w~ Wd to relt today when It waa learned the bl1 olructure la being oold lo a church !or C1JrllllU day ochool Ule. Both the oclla' and one of the liuyera confirmed the Ale to the Calvary Evana:ellcal Fret C:lurch. Thirty day eacrow papers wen to be signed this afternoon. It had been pertiltenlly rumored tbet Pruident Nixon WU lnl.ert.!ted in purctwlnll the 6koom caalle and Its fiVN.cre lite fO( a summer white bouK. OWnel' 'lbomu Meniclt today con- llrmad the lad that be bad' qned to sell the property to lhe church. So dld veterillarian Jaclt Wheaton of Laguna Beach. Wheaton, twin brother of Lquna City Manager James D. Wheaton, la chairman of the church congre1aUon. Dr. Wheaton has maintained offices in C.Orcoa. del Mar for ~everal years. Mesa Driver Runs For Help After Pedestrian Hurt Swervin& too late to avoid a pedeitrlan who loomed suddenly In front of him on a dark rtreet, a Cost11 Mesa motorist struck tile vlctlm Wednesday night, then ran to get help. Kennelh N. Goddard, 6x, of San Bernardino, Is In fair condition today at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, with fractures of both Jegs and an ankle. Emil E. Kovacic, 51, of 2036 S .. Capella Court, Costa Mesa, was not cited alter the 1:21 aecldent on Adams Avenue just east of Royol Polrn Drive. Kovacic ran to a nearby Costa Mesa Fire Department ataUon, b r j n I In I ftremm who gave Goddard first aid while awaiting an. ambulance. Earlier fn the day, a young motorcyclist wu treated at Costa Me!a MtJnOrlal Hospital for cuts and bruises, then released, after brata locked and sent h11 m1chine skidding IO feet into the aide Of 1 car . Motorlrt James P. Gordon, 23, of 721 \Y. 18th St., Costa Me.sa, was halted at the four-way stop intersection of West 18th Street and Anaheim Avenue when the accident oecumd. Patrolman Richard Frederiksen uid In hls report that the 16-year-old cycliat appeared to be In vlolaUon ef five technical and mechanical vehicle code laws. Jaycees' Seat Belt Clinic Set Saturday A once-postponed Costa Mesa Junior Chamber of Commerce auto seat belt clinic is scheduled a1aln Saturday in the Harbor Shopping Center, accordlng to Jaycee apokeaman Ed Frff.d. Hours for tbt public IUVice at 2300 Harbor Blvd., will be I a.m. to I p.m., with a complete color selection d $5.50 belta avalllble and no inatallation co!t for the state-approved device•. "We're alplns the escrow papers at 2:30 this afternoon," Aid Wbeatm th1I morning. ' He said the p:operly would serve ao • Cbriltlan d~ -'"' -prlen throoP •18bth (rade --lllllf u a rellcloua }ll'HcbooL Ile said tba cll!rd> hoped oloo to uoa K ·u a Blbla - lot adulll, P*!hly brloclni f. mlssionaries for scheduled aeulona. . Dr. Wbeaton told the adM!ies wo.wl not be!lin untn S.ptimber of 1970 bee••'" of tenant teases. ne cutle, built by an eccentric rnultknillionaire 1n the early ~·· Io preaaotly used u an apartm1111l build Ill( Olhal -· lncludlq another church, had allo -dlcl:erlng lo< the propert7' Mesa Woman Abducted By Plwr,,y Cop, Escapes ' A atranp cue ln'°lvlll( I l:fdnapor pomig u a lawman and a 21--yw-old woman who eacaped from hll c:ar after he frted lo force a ,....,.Jan bar1ain ls being probed by CMll MeA police. The victim waa ~ hanned in the lncldent orlginaUng early Tuelday, .tc· cordln( lo a nporl on the 101 today, but the alleged abductor unsucctssfully grabbed h<r u Ille fied. She told Patrolman Jamea Wqner that abe wu drlvlna home from work after a night ahllt ~ ahe noticed a ~ ear following her IOUth on Newport Boulovanf al Brillo! StreeL Keeping beh1nd or at Umea a.bruit of her vehkJ.e all the way to her Shalimar Drive apartment, abt aid, the driver pulled up and ordered her Into hll ear, flaahlng a lllMbaped bad&• saying Pnllce. Nuvouoly watcbln( the punuer durln& the drl.. bome, °" vidlm ~ she ran over a curb at ene point m1 be therefore ukfld If abe was lntox!cited or had taken any druga. She denied either cbarge and refuood to gel Into 1111 four-door, radJHQulpped veblcl• wllhoul other olllcen In bonaflde bllc:Nnd-whtte patrol can preoenL Shi told Detoollve Jim Strlcltland the police lmperaonator warned tho! aha wu In deep trouble airaady and WU only maidng thln(o lilqher, oo ahe compiled with hll command. He then drove to an aru near the Coata Meaa Police Facility where he said the had one of two choices, eltber Church Holding Fine Ai·ts Show 11}e First United Methodist Church ol Co6t.a Mesa, 42tt W. 19th St., is holding a Festival of Fine Arts this weekend. The Singing AmbaMadors, twenty students from coast ·area high schools, will perfonn selections they plan to use when they tour London, Amsterdam, Paris, Munich and Rome thil summer at 8 p.m. Friday fn 1bompson Hall . At 8 p.m. Saturday, the church drama group will perform "Christ in the Con- crete City." Ana organilltl will be featured in a recital at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Sanctuary, and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. there will be an art txhlblt and auction. As a ftnale to the culture-packed Vt-eekmd, the fcxty-v~ Chancel Choir will presmt "Seven Last Words," an Easter cantata, at S p.m. Sunday in tbe sanctuary' Adm.iulcm to all evmta 11 $1.00. For lnfcrmaUon, call 549-0844. arrest or IDOlbtr' alternative. The victim said the boldlng, niidcJIMg· ed man tried to use a llang term for arrest known to any lawman - during their dlJcuasion, but hls m1luse o( a synonym confirmed her .suspicion that he wu a phony. J "Go ahead and bust me,'' lhe told hlm. She said he drove to the area of Mesa Drive and Tustin Avenue, to give her more time to make up her mind, but ahe jumped out at a ttop tlgn and ran to a nearby 1U.verside A venue home. _Awakening the resident, ahe lelepbooed police about the Incident, Ayin( the abductor wu neatly drOlled bad a brief ·cue and there wu a cltlsen band radio 1n the 1952 to 19155 compact c:ar. 'lbe v1ct1m aald he aeemed. very ln· toncatod and al one point showed ber a business card 'fVhicb appeared to be that of IODle county employe. Market ·Robbery Suspects Face Charges Today Chargeo m armed robbery will be filed today In w..i Orange County Municipal Co1D't against three men ar· rested Tuesday night followlni the holdup o( the Food Fair Market in Huntington Beach. Wednesday, detectives from Uve other Orange County cities qulu..ed the three "Wolf'' tattooed suspects on a\leged in· volvement in about 16 other armed rob- beries over the put several months. Awaiting, formal charges in Huntington Beach City Jail are James Robert McDaniel, :W, of Midway City; John Leon CUshenberry, 2J , of Santa Ana, and Rol>ert Paul Drummond, 21, ao El Toro Marine. McDaniel and Cushenberry were ar· rested Tuesday in an open field behind -tln(ton Center after sU!)>eda took $!lO at gun point from th• Food Folr Market at Beach Boulevard and Edinger Avenue. Orwnmond was arrested early Wednes- day morning in Garden Grove, police said. Investigators from Costa M e 1 a , Newport Beach, Westminster, Anaheim and Santa Ana talked to the trio Wed· nesday tn Huntington Beach. Sgt. 1.-tonty McKenoon of HtmUngton Beach 18.Jd the thrtt men, all of whom have "Wolf' tattooed on their ltft arm, are being questioned about IS other arm- ed robberies in the other five cities. t 11 0 /? ff ' 3 Piece Ice Cream Set! a J-1. (/• "::Jarre .1 Wrought Iron -Specially Priced • One W/ek Only $6995 CHOICI OP I COL~ e FRENCH lltONZf e WlflTI & GOLD e OLIVE e ILACK & GOLD e AVOCADO & GOLD e CHARCOAL e HARVIST e A,PLI GRllN 30" TABLE H.J.GARRETf fURNflURE 1:111 HAl'IOl .. '°" HIOJ SitUCL MiatOl MlllCM .... --I Ill -COSTA MES .... CALIF. . ~ -.0211 ! • I I s D.llLV PILOT 3 IY WIWAM • REED 17 School Bands Pl~y In Beach IOO ·Protest City Taking Over Park i1 ......... In the Wind Bands and-.. from 17 ldlools 1n the Huntington Beach Union HIJb School DiJtrlct are perlonnJni today at llUlllJnitoo -lillb School. Occuloa !or the glpn1lc band m .. 1 April, it seems, is to be is the aimual Sauthern California School Beautification Month in Huntington Band and Oreheolnl Asloclollon Dlstrlc( Beach by proclamation of Mayor · Festival. . Alvin M. Coen and through the lbe younc musiciam be&an·at I Lm. . . In the achoo! auditorium. The bands eCforts of the Women's D1Ylsion will play evuy ball hour wtW 5:30 p.m. of the Chamber of Commerce. According to Tbomu F. FttJteralcl. The mayor calls attention to "an band and orchestra diredor at Hunttng- increasing awareness of the need too Beach High School who is bolt. and chalnnan cl the event. tile purpose GI for civic beautification throughout the festival is to provide each p.ip the this city," and em phasizes that opportunity of performing three ielec:ted ••Jitter of all forrris strewn upon numbers before experienced Judps. Another judge will conduct a "'llibt-the :streets, hotnes, beaches and reading" aperienc.e for each lfOUP in open areas has a negative effect which the memben will be nqulred to on community p r i d e and play • piece of. music they have not discourages new reside~ts an~ the se.:::~ipat1ng in the contest development of new busmesa. are William Shaeffer ot the lhliventty Well, April is the month and not of Southern California, Robert Fleury, only the good ladies of the Women's chalnnan of music at Pasadena City Division a re invited to cleanup the College, and George Dennes rl. the corner where they might be. Every Clamnont Unified School Dlstrlct. Ken resident is asked to brighten his It~ack, ~uslc teacher ~t Barstow CoDeee l·tu f th' ·t d to will be m charge cl light rudlq. 1 e corner o 1s c1 y an Printed bel · schedule of band! help his neighbor do the same included in J:p~· thinit. That's all it takes. 8 a.m. _ Dwyer lnt~(e &:hool * Orchestra. Incidentally, many s port s personalities live and wo rk in Fountain Valley including Ed Caruthers, Olympic medalist in the high jump, and baseball players E d Sukla and Jim McLoughlin of the Angels and Paul Shaal of the Pirates. Football kicking :star Bruce -'Toe" Gossett lives in Fountain Valley, too. So do pro bowlers Ralph McBee, Dick Braasch and J oe Mintzer. Fonner all-American football player from Fresno State College Bo Carter teaches at Los Amigos High Sc hool and former tennis champ Norman Perry lives in Fountain Valley. Poster Winners In Beautification Contest Chosen 1,30 1.m. -Fountain Valley &:boo! District On:heslnl. 9 a.m.-McGaugh Intermediate School Orcheslnl. 9:30 a.m.-Dwyer Intermediate School Band. IO a.ll).A'iilmtain Valley D~trlct Band. 10:30 a.m. -Warner Intermediate School Band. 11 a.m.-McGaugh Intermediate School Band. 11:30 a.m.-McDowell School Band. 12 noon -Stacy Intermediate School Orchestra. 1,30 p.m. -Huntington Beach lll&h School otter Band. 2 p.m.-Fountaln Valley High School Baron,, Band. 2:30 p.m. -Westminster High School Llom Band. 3 p.m.-Marlna lll&h School Viking Band. 3:30 p.m-Huntingtm Be I ch ff1'h School Junior Vantty Bancl. 4 p.m.-Fountaln Valley Hlgh School "B" Bancl. 4,30 p.m.-Westminaler lll&h School Or· chestra. 5 p.m.-Marina lll&h School On:hesira. •1 TBllllY llOVJU.IC ... ...., ......... a..... Valley condomlnlum -II I Io 1 t W""""11J m,bt'1 FCllltllalD Vallq Parka and Recrulim c 0 ID lD JI 1 I 0 n m..un, wfth the --Iba! ..,, --1 lo malt tbalr im.ate park a city port -llrll be broqlil lo them. More than 100 raldenll cl the - dominlum development filled City Hall lo p.tell lnmlmal GI II.I acrtl GI their private park to the ctty "1 Gmn Valley developer "-1e Hollteln. Parks Dlre<tor Stanley StaHonl Jft(a<- ed the meeting with an explanation that "only a verbal inquiry as to the possibili- ty cl the city taidnc over the park was made." SWfOl'd then outlined ftve reuon1 in a staff report to s h o w why it would Valley's Parks Board Seeking More Authority After taking note cl the coolroverllal snWl lot Larwin Tract proceeclinp, Fountain Valley Parks and R=oailoo Commlsalonen Wedntlday night toot a step toward rreater involvement in city decl.slom on planned developments. Commll$Iooers uked the parks stol! lo study the poislblllty ol changlna their meetlna:s to a time when th1y coukt review the park element of a propoged planned development and mike a recom- mendation on that aped lo the City Council. Qirrently the Parks and Rocreailon Commilajon metts on the fourth Wed· nuday of every mouth. Commil!loner Albert HoWnden ex- plained that by the Ume the CommiS!lon could review a planned developmart and make a recommendatkm to the cotmei!, the.prop>1al would be nearly eight weeks old in some cases. In brlnglnf up the subject. Hollinden pointed out thal the Parka CommiNion never bad a chance to loot at the propoaed park in the Larwin planned development Opponents ol the proposed Larwin Tract filled city hall laat Tuesday and Friday nights for a special council hear- ing on an appeal to reverse planning commlll.ion approval cl the tract. llolllnden aid lut night that he ls ... cl the oppoll"1ll cl the Larwln Tract. He had previOU1ly called the pari: to be built on the Ediaon Company easement, <Jthe longest dog run in tht ltAte." bo dlllkull I« Ille dty lo accepl the park al 11111 llmL -Tbe park ls not on Ille clly'1 master plan of parks. -11 is not a part cl ""' city'• lel>jlelt budfet. appro¥ed by the Parks and Recrulloo Commllllcm lo February • Coat GI -for Ibo park would be ~.ooo year!)'. -11 """1d cost P ,000 f« equipment le< the put. -The area l""pollcl foe park dedica- tion ls ~ not 1n ocetplable ..... dlUoo. . -Clubhouses are oot included ln pro- posed park aru and a confu!lon between pobllc and private park areas would develop. "'The only .. ., ... could handle the park," 1ald Stafford, ''would be with • special park tu d!llJlcl, -· the ma reoidenll pay for !ta maintenance." Spokesmeo !or G,... Valley mldenll Opposed pvinfl the park lo the city. and told comrnlsllooen Iba! Hol.steln bad not ·-bad the COQriesy cl tellbig them of his plan. t1ndu condomlnlum .. JU!allonl, 75 p<rc<nt cl the rolldenll of Green Valley must approve ..,, IUch ltansler of lllld. Howeve.r1 much ot the Gnen Valley area ls IUll undeveloped. and Hol.steln. u owner of the unsold lob ho~ 1 majority of the votes in the area. Green Valley ....tdenll complained that they bought homes there with the pro- rnlJe of havinfl private put, pool """ recreaUonal lidfillel, but now llolllela is not living qp to that agrtemeDt • After hearing oppoaillon IJ)W~~ mWlon chairman Ronald s-...,... commented. "'II _,. lo me, lhen.1' really no actloa to take. Hoi.teln °*"" pany would ha,. lo put 111\Y ~ in a more concrete form." ~ Commluloner Jwie Boykin aid lo llW oplnJon lt atemed, "Mr. Holstein LI Mt• Ing for a lot of help from the city." • • Commlulooer Georg• Scoll then ·"'°'· ed that the commission, "acctpt tPt staff report, and mer any fUrtb!tl" diseusslon to the clty ltaff, Hollteln and the three Green Valley Homeowners Assoclations." • . ' . All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturdaf) Patio color • ; • plants in baskets for hanging! We have a top selection of plants in hanging baskets including: artillery fern, ivy, begonia, fuchsia and lotus in 7" balkets. IC~l.77 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! .. . Winners in four divisions were chostn Tuesday in a poster contest under the theme "Beautify Huntington Beach." Sock Hop Due At W estrninster Laiwin Company proposea: to develop and dedicate lo the city a P.,.k on land controlled by the Edison Company. It"-----------Jn return this land can be used to .. · At least 30 h.igh school students participated in the venture, sponsored by the women's division of the Hun- tington Beach Chamber of Commerce. First place winner in the Marina High School girls division was Sus an Overstreet, with 1'-1ary Kearn receiving :;econd and Linda Norton third place. Ralph Ariston was the first place win- ner among the boys from Marina High, \Yilh David Lopez, second, and Johri Shourt, third. Boys division winner from Huntington Beach High School was George Watson u·ith Darrell Day receiving second and J oe Clark third. First place winner in the girls division from Huntington Beach High School was A!eta Aloe. Jennette Sandstrom received £econd and Kristin Taix third place. Honorable mention awards w e r e received by Stefanie BrO\\'n, Kris Fader, Anne Roberts, J\1ike Davidson, Norman Smith, J\1aren Anderson and Kathy Gonzales. First place winners will receive a $25 savings bond April 4 at a beautifica- tion luncheon spoflS()red by the women of the Chamber of Commerce. The winning posters will be displayed at the mall of the Huntington Center from April 20 to 27. Farn1 Rain Loss At $100 MiJJion The Council of California Growers has placed fa r m inC(lme losst:s from t h e rectnt rains at nearly '100 million. While the damage is still being assess. ed, the Council Is certain that much of the state's agriculture went under water, and a wann spring C(lUki bring more of the same. Farmers are anxiously eyeing the Sier- ra, where a snow pack called "the weUest in history'' threatens to Inundate 8lready soggy lands once again when It melts. 1-IOME Co1mci1 Sets Election of Officers The annual election or olUctn of the l lOME Council of Huntington Beach will be held Salun!ay at the Hnntlngton Seacliff Country Club, 3000 Palm Ave. HOME Council meetings Jire usually held the fourth Wednesday of the month except for the dinner install a lJ oa meetings. The session be.gins at l :JO p.m. aod reservlltions mtl)' bt made hr calllng 168-231&. The public ls welcome to attend, accordin& lo President Ben Laoderte. A sock hop will be bold In the We.rtminster High School 1)'11U>a!ium from 8:30 p.m. to 11 :30 p.m. Aprll 12. The dance is spomored by the District Studenl Leaders Council. Money collected from the $1.50 ad- mission charge will be med &o boost the Huntington High &:hoot Dllltrtct Scholarah.lp Fund and for const.rucUon ol the proposed Edbon Planetarium. l Search for Talent Finals Slated Friday Club finals in the annual Huntington Beach Search for Talent Contest will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Roblnwood School, 5172 McFadden Ave., by the Exchange Club. The public 18 Invited lo altend and see eight acts by yoancsters 1n additlon to a five-member family band whk:h will play while the judpa 1elect winners in the JwUor and lltnior dlviliona. Easy To 11,.,. the av.rage Ilse of Iota in the developmen~ aJJowiq eome loll lo !all u low u 5,00 equare leet (city minimum 18 7,200 aquare feel). Holllnden ezpreued a dtaire to aee the parks -have ...,,. .....i on the parka which are an brtelfal part cl the planned development system. Conunillioner George Scott agreed and BUQested the staff explore the idea of holding two meetlnp per montb, poulbly following planninf comml!!ion sesslona. 'People for Parks' Set Huntington Meet Park boolllers In Huntlncton Beach 1 r • invited to attend t be 1:30 p.m. me.tin( Friday cl the stemn, con>- mltltt of "People for Parks," a citizen group actively promoting pusage of a '6 million park bond issue proposiUoo. Co-cllalrmtn Ron Bauer and Chris C. Qiril said the mfftinl wtll be in the administraUve annu: at 525 Main St. Tbe park bond propoolllon ls oo a special eeldloo ballot June I. Order. I Police thlela: al DY1 Orlnp Cout dtitl eommmded Alkm Blalealte, awlfd. wtnninf Associated !'nm odece writer, hr hia lrlllll and factual '"Drop ltll" 1eriu published ID the DAILY PILOT. Now yoo ean llaff aD !ho lnlormlllao cmtalned In Ille !~pvt "'111, and more. In Bl-'1 bOotW, "1lllal You lllauld 1tmw About Drup lllld Narcatica.• !er jull "· Clip tho """"' -and man u lo lodlO' (lllolr lwo lo --for dellv..,. due lo """1 '"""• lo tldl ell•). ···················~ IT•: D ... - 1 ~c:....., ... '· o ...... • I I I I I I I I S•nd me •••..• caplaa of "Wiii! Yoo Should .Know A boat Dru11 I and Narcotics" 11 '' aach. EtJC!oHd Is •· ...•.•... {Mab chlcb I I po,able to AllOdai.tl Pnaa). I I I I KAMI.. ______________ I : ADDlum-.. _______ CITT-----: I STATI _.:Dr I ~---··············-~ hschias and Coleus for a colorful garden Famous for their color. Now is tho tim 1 to pion! yo u r 9ard1n! Available in 4" con- t1intrs. 33c Ortlto® systemic: rau, flower care J u s t '!'flld around plant and watar it. Ef. fectivo for 6 wooks. Comes in 5 lb. box. 2.98 Ortho® Azalea and Com.Ula pellets Grow more b11utlful Cam1lli1 ond Auleas with Ortho® food. 2/1.98 NEWPORT BEACH Slow growing dwarf golden Arborvitaes With go:den ye~ low fronds of fon. . 1ge, for beauty 1 color. AvaTioblo in one gallon con- tainers. 77c Ornamentol Garden lr1111d bark An 1ttractive ground cover. Holds moisture. Your choice of medi- um, coarse, or path- way. 1. 77 U-C·-2.19 I c•.ft. Mf, Scoits Turf Builder An aH purpos• ferli· :iier; 4:4n be used on wet or dry foa•g• •ny season of the y11r. ....... "·.... 5.45 Scotts Bonus for dichondra lawM. ....... ,,..... 9.95 FASHION ISLAND . ' 1 • - I .. " 4 OAll.Y I'll.OT Wet let Ji'lie• Again . Reds Denounce Private Talks PARIS (AP) -Nori!> Vietnam and the Vlei Colll!'I Natlooal Liberation P'n>rll todlJI -.igly denounced the Unlled Staie. and Sooth Vietnam for seeking private talks on. a Vietnam set11ement, but failed \<I dam the door finally on the proposal. · 1be Viet'· Coq's representative, 'J'Tan Buu Kiem, called tbe 6lfer from SaJgon for private talb a maneuver ordered by President Ni.loo to cover a "pollcy ol lnWWfying the war." adopt a oew pollcy for a peactf\ll aet.. tlement ol the Vielnam problem, PrtBi· dent Nixon and some responsible members of the U.S. administration hive made vague statement• about some pro- gress having been made at the ccn- rerence, about )Xivate meetlna:s and eo forth, in an attempt to calm down public opinion. I ~. W .. DllfW' PIW l""f '~'t' )IOU remember me?" aslled Ille man who walked up to ~I Clerk Cl•ylon H•lv•rson in l>enver. "I'm the guy wbo rob- ~ you last time. I'm here to rob Y09 again." Halverson remember· ed ?-and banded over '325. The DC8 jetliner which splashed down in San Fran- cisco Bay four months ago passes its first airborne test at San Francisco Wedneoday after undergoing a '4 million repair job. Tho 100.ton Japan Air Lines SUper 62 was taken on an ll·minute test flight. Cost o! a new plane Is $8.3 million. North Vielnam's Ambassador Xuan Thuy, speaking at the loth full.scafe se&!lon of the peace talks here, said the olfert of private cooversationl by NU:an and President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam were "a deceitful trick to calm piblic oJ)Won." "For the same reason on March 25, 1969, Nguyen Van Thieu, representing tbe Saigon administration. the warlike and Fasel!! administration paid by the United states. . .declared tlls readiness to conduct private talks with the NLF,..., At the same time be oppoaed the withdrawal of U.S. forces from South Vietnam, refused the establishment of a coalition government and demanded the dissolution of tbt front." ~ . ¥ unaatisfied. customer sent the f~g ~etter to bis English tailor in London. "I was very dis-- ple)sed with the suit" when I first sa• it, but I feel sure that if the trollsers were lengthened, pockets, alt'1-ed, seat and zips re.done, ~ets of the jacket changed, the j&<jet lengthened and sleeves cor-· re<$ed plus the lapels and chest s~ retailored it would fit me we11 and I should be pleased with it for yem." • • . : Topltu dancer Marlmt Shtir-ma.. of San Fruncilco $aJll tht Iiitt-mal Rtvtnut Service Ml agre~ to allow Mr to deduct a Jl,300 opnntioft Cl a bu.rines& t%ptn.St. Mias Sherman, who goes under th.t professional name of "'Nude Orphan Fanny,"' :said the optration toe1 a siliCOM injection which changed her bust mttJ.SUrtmnit from !4 to 40 imhts. .:--:. . T!kre are "hidden eo<ts'<.to run-nini Brit a in'• superhighways, Roblirt Brown of the Ministry of Transport told Parllment. For example, he said, during the past Six months superhigllway roadside establii;!>ments have lost 1,000 yards of pull chains from the lava- tories and 7,500 teaspoons from restaurants . • For 16 .months since he left the hospital in San Luis Obispo, Ever· ett Underwood has received a bill for "balance due, 00" with a nota- tion ''Two months past due." He has telephoned and written letters, to no .avail. The machin& sWI sends the bills. Now Underwood bas sent a persooal check made out to the San Luis Obispo Ho.!pital System for ''No Doll&rs and No Sense." '.{'hus far no answer. • fh a unique demomtrati<m of ~ f<Ver, beauti<r from Druy Col- leai ·Pi Beta Phi aocial 10'Tority wtl· com.t ipring as they &oa1c up a little of the Spring~ld, Mo., sun. • Floy W•rd of Salt Lake City de- cided' to go back to college two ye.us a'fter her husband died and she ' says she's having a ball. "I got tired of drinking tea and play- ing dominoes wlUt my 1 ad y friends," she explains. Mrs. Ward is 82 years old. She's currently en· rolled at Wesbnlnster CoUeg~. auditing 10 hours of work in four c-lasses. - Di-ssocinted Sirhan S·lew • Kennedy-Psychintri-st LOS ANGELES (AP)-A psydliatrisl says there is a usual Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and a dissociated Sirhan. They are both sick. The usual Sirhan, he said, was quite harmless-one Ill hundreds ol thoussnds Ill peranoid achizopbrenics in the United States. 'Ibt d:isaocilted ooe killed Sen. RobertF.Kamedy. 'l1le diatlDctioo n11 drawn at Sirhan's murder trial Wednesday by Dr. Bernard L. Diamond, a Unlvonlty of California psydliatri31 who bas been instrumental in deve!oelng the defe ... or diminished responsibility. That concept, Sirlwi's lawyers hope, will persuade the jury to r.turn a lesser venlict than first-degree murder and thus spare Sirhan from the gas chamber. Paranoid 9Chizophrenics are no danger to anyone but themselves, Diamond said. In Sirhan's case, Diamond maifl.. ta.ined under atiff and sometimes acri- monious cross-eumfnatlon, "it was a combination ol dimodative etate super· impaled over the paranoid schizophrenic state that caused him to kill Sen. Kennedy." A dl.ssociative state as defmed by the psychiatrist is a trance. SiriJan, sitting tieles.s and coatless at the defeme tabfe-~ps lhe only man comfortable in the 1mall, bot courtroom -appeared unconcerned while Diamond said in a dozen different wayll that he U nearly mad. Bu,t Sirhan retcted llharply when co-prosecutor David N. Fitts suggested be is a liar. At one poin1 Sirlwi !lapped his hand down on the table and cuned. Another time court officials moved to bis side and quietly told him to simmer down. But Jt wm the sparring matcb between Fitts and Diamond -occasionally with defense attorneys aod eytJD .Judge Her· bert V. Walker joinln('~t char..,. terized the cross.flamination ol the defense's star psychiatric witness. "Yoo know what I'm Wiing about, don't quibble with me!" Fitta exploded once. Another time, be :said, "Doctor, you're dodging me." Diamond, who rarely faced Fitts while answering but looked at the jury with a constant smile, told the co-pros- ecutor variously: "Don't put words in my mouth ••• I don't answer that, ft's irrelevant • • • I cannot allow you io distort what I uy ... 1 disapprove of hypothetical questions and I refuse to answer any." A number of times Judge Walker di· rected him to answer; at other times the Judge told him to cnn!Jno the 1WWer to _the question. · Jordan Complaint to U.N. Draws Israel Counterclaim UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -The Security Council met today to hear •.~ Jordanian complaint that Israeli planes killed 18 civilians Wednesday ln Jordan. It r a n into an immediate Israeli coun- tercomplaint that Jordan had supported A r ab guerrilla attacks against Israel and carried out "wanton shelHngs." As the council ,met, the Al Falah commando organiz.ation announced in Beirut that tocktt attacks were Canied out against hrael today ln rtprlul for the air-raids · and· that heavy 106.'I of 'life and property rtSUlted. Israel l!laid only .that.its troops returned tbe fire. Dlp10matic 50Ur'CeJ said they believed Jordan's call for today'l!I Security Council session was a move by the Arab nations to ·spur the projected bi1 four talks on the Middle East. Admlni!traUon of· ficials "in Washington said today the talks ·Would beg\n early next week at the United NatiolJS •. Israeli Ambasudor Joseph Tekoah submitted Israel's complaint al the last minute as th e council w a s about to take up Jordan's demand for "adequate and effective" action against Israel for its "conUnuoua and grave" cease-fire violations climaxed by Wednesday's raid. Israel contended the raid against the town ot Es-Salt was aimed at A1 Falah guerrilla bases in the area. It did bot mention the incident in Its comp1alnt today. 'Sierra Madre' Author Traven Dies in Mexico PttEXICO CITY (A~).-Bn1119 Tra\.'en. mysterious author of ''The 'J'Teasure or Sierra Madre," died at his home ln Mexico City Wednesday.night of "a btart attack. He was 79. The writer was a recluse who ktpt his origin secret and shunned publicity, saying it "reduced authors to.lhe status of tightrope walkers. sword .mallowers and trained animals." There were rumors that he was Ambrose Bltrte, the Amerlcan writer who disappeared in Mexifo In 1913; that he was Jack London, or that he was a fugitive Austrian prlnce or a Negro fleeing injustice. Record Lows Chill Dixie Caruula Storm System Spreads Cold Air Over ·East w.rm. -lklw Cllllnt!nwd -~ QllfWftll .....,, .. I ll 11rty _.,..,. ..... ..... ........ tem_ .. ..._ ,.. ncn !twit. UJ A"""'9 ..,,, vlcllllty con!lnold aun11¥ Md w-. TodlY'I llltll ~· ftil -ti -' t11t CIYlc Ctnt.r. TPl4o """ ~., -.,. 1111111 llltftnl lft fl"' MllOll blftlf'ld lfll IO ~ .. ~I •1111 W. II et P'111ft ~ Ton19ht'• lcM "' L• ... ,,..,In g . 1liit Air ~lulkln ConfAll Dltlfk l ,........ """ ,.. rNdtAl9 -lft 1'11t L•...,...... ... 111. n.t ......,. _.. dNr elMI w1r"' wflfl """" ....._. "" no. ...... "-_.,.. ...... Altllllv, N.Y, ·--A"-1111 Alllnt1 l lll!nft &lrmlrieNlfl l lfrn•rdt .... &~1111 ..... l11rl~. \It, c.-Cfle;rlfttull. S.(. C~1r!fttvn, W. \11, "-Clnci/Wla11 "-Cllllll'l'lblla. O. """" """' . , " • " ~ n " " " • " " • G • " " " • • • ,. " • • " " .. • " " ,. • • " " H tt " " ... .m ·" ·" ·" ,. "' ·" •• ·" _.,i., It ..... """ .... ..,_ wftll •ltt!J -r .. 11 co .. taJ ... ... l!IP'-" • " tt -,,. .....,.. contlrlulll , ... , .... _,,, Hllflt ,...,_. •Nllllllll M M 9w -.... """ .... .,. 1ll Ill lllil-lftrl1' -keM ..... ,.,..,,...., l l'ld 11ncnl .........,.. ....,. IM"*"I: L-lf'ICfl .,... ..... Mmlao •n. aurt11• u. .. Ml. WU-.......... 11111 ... """· ·--.... "'"" ~· .... •• : Alf IMt, $111 OltM 1t40 1!11111 ......... 7Nt. t.0t ANCM\.lS ANO \'1CI N1tv- """"' d~l:'ll.IM ••rm l"r1111r. HWt _ .. L•t.!Jtilll A CQUTAL AND INTlllMl!OtATE VN..LI"~ .. ,.....,. Hltllt II to pa, ,__ MltWlt ...... MOUNTAIN .t.ltbl---4vM¥ FrM1y, INT8•fM: NfO 01!.ll!IT 111!010NS __.,,,,,., 1':1MY. H..,. n "' IJ """' wl~ W •• __. YlllMi, L4'W• ..,.... • • • """"'' U fil .. lowfr ,,_ klNl'I' .... -"" ... tllt cwt! tadl Y wlltl ..... 9IMil •-"H ~ •"-· Wlnd1 -!fffY, • 19 IS ._llClh. TDNY-t 111911. 1' .... "'"....,...,.' '-f'lfllrtl r • "• • If "'-1 llltfl IA '' to 1 ..... A I"' 11111111 ttm-1\ml ...... -... $3. Tiit _,.... "'""''..,.,... -· It~ St111, Moon. Thin TNUlltO.t.T &tcoiW lll<fll . . • . .. 7!07 '·"'· J .• S«i0M ... .. llial I.It\, t.• P'ft.IDAY P'lnl llltoll , ............. S1tJ 1.fl'I. 4.S l"lf"lt lfW ............. lf:JI '·"'· •• 1 S«Gl'ld "'-" , .••. .. r:lt '·"'· ,_, Mtoti11 llNI U;ll 1.lfl. htt t :JO 1,M, sn 11-s:a •-"I· Jotb •:II 1".m. .... Utl •• ...... ........ . ,.,. ' •• ' "-'· '' ..... 2• ... '"°"" '"'""" -... ,.,.., t.Md1 IPrtld P>ill •Ir -l'lml Ill' !!It E .. I .... ...,. '°""' .... ., wlllle "" -.1. «fl lltlf llf !!It 111111ot1 ,niorM mild Mrlrlf -"*'"· "'*"'-,..,,.,... -l'KorWll !ft _. Mld!IN!I Wllll frwllllt "'"'° Nnlul'ft If! -' II Dl•19. TldlY-. ... - -........ """ ll!t'I •• hllfttll. Midi. I~ Ill "'9 dllll -. NC'ON '8iin "-' ftlh Mt. ft T1n111111-. Fii., wlltl " . .,.., K'l'I' WNI, P'll ., 1IO'lfll Jill, l!lllWfllfl, -~ --........ -· tllt ._ ~ wit.. .,.,., ... IE~ ~ cotc1 Nefle •Ir llltt .... "" 11.nci.. Mott ., ""' e.Mnl ll'ld -""' ''''" """ "" ..,., -"" W'ml '°"""" _... C.llt8"111 -In ti. 111llon'1 llol ...... Wl!ollnetd11"1 11i.11n1 i.-1t11P'1 Wll " •I Th41mwl, fllllwN ..., l'lln'I S.""91 wlltl .. 111<1 L .. ""9tltl •lfll "· ' "'''"""'' .. _ G ... t P'1lls -H-tulu .... .. 111111-..,ch J ldlt-'111 J-w Kl-C!tr lim. Sited; l ou1rt11i. -· M!1lfl l ...... ·-" M""-""'1HI. P'li.ol New OriNlft _ .. ,. Nor"!ll P'l11!1 ~111\o!nt ()ty l"llllldffl!i. l"lltsbllrtll ·-St. Leol• ""'" ltt. IMrlt w .... " H ., • " ~ " ., tt • • ~ .. .. • • ., R ~ " • " • .. tt " • ' • tt ~ • • .. • " • • " p " " ~ • " " " " " • " • ,, .n ... ·" .n ·" ·" ·" .m Ky Says South May Bomb North SAIGON (UPI) -Vice Presid'l!t Nguyen Cao Ky of South VJetnllQl said today his nation "quite possibly" could defy the United States and remne the bombing of North Vietnam on its own. "South Vietnam could quite possibly unilaterally take the decision to bomb the north," Ky said. "The plan~ are ready. There is no reason why we can't bomb Hanoi" The formal atalementa bad the •P- pwaoce ol rejection but neither laid it would not talk privalely. Thus, though the statements were bitter and denun- cia;tory in tone, they had the look of bard bargaining for position, ~bich could go on a long Ume. Both made it plain that one of the main obstacles to progress was U.S. refusal to ,t.alk direcUy to .the NLF as a separate political entity. Both al8o indicated lhat Thieu muat drop whatever str:ings were attached to his offer, such as rejection of the whole Idea of a coalition government a n d rejection of the demand for U.S. troop withdrawal. "Of late," said Thuy, "in the face of the demand of world and American opinion that the new U.S. adm.inistration Tbil, be Said, on "ordm of the Nii:on adniinistration," showed the Americaru and South Vietnamese were trying to h.inde:r the talks here. Nude Swim in Florida FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (UPI) - The Sexual Freedom League Inc. today urged vacationing college student! to stage a nude wade-in bert at high noon Easter Sunday. The purpose of the wade-in, according to the Ber"keley, Calif., organization "is to esUiblisb the riilit or nude swimmin& at public beaches." CARPET WAREHOUSE CLOSE-.~O.UT -'68 THURS.• FRI. ·SAT. & SUNDAY IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE . ON ALL SHAG CARPET NYLON SHAG UniqM random cokN-. ef. feet in con .. mpor.ary colon. The glamour of carpettng that coets much MON is right here! HEAVY 1h" FOAM PAO R.eg. 8.95 -5 91~ "I· yd. NYLON SHAG . Emo long nylo11 ahag. A Mh look but a brHn to . clean, hard ta w.ar out. CheaM frDM -'"en day· i...ly colon -pl ... and M'W9tt cluo tonff. 6'!. ' "I· yd. ON Ii FOAM Reg . 10.99 "KOBEL" Polyester Shag -Wy pricW '" 1 O'S this ..i.. HNY'f ~uly with the I..! of dttp -1....., lo....., mp! i...,., long -'::'·yd. ... c.prtt tNt n.,h 11 ON 'i ro...M -.... 1 Reg. 15.95 Ii<"-, hoa-and d..,.. 680 ., than ony other. The too• of cosuol luxury in 3 fabu· lova color chokn. Th• ul· tiMata 1 .. ahag broodkMMlll Inst. HU. VY Mt• FOAM P'AD sq. yd. Reg. 12.95 BUDGn TERMS SPECIAL CLEARANCE REllAOS SAVE UP TO 700;0 m1c t!dl'r "'••· 411.00 :14110 ... T-4 12xWI" P'l11. $00.80 Mt• KMll 11111 Gold 1.1 y ... tbat·r· "'••· m.oo LT• H0Uyt1w Sllowe<111 Avo~d• 109% yda. t~'J" P'l11. 10K..OO L1M H9llyte11 C1n11111!1t Avoc•d' 63V1 n .. tb<Wt'2'' P'l111. cn.oo K12M DvPOflt Mlt AYKMllJ1 C•lcl ... ,..nz1 311 ,.... P'lqi, l.K '111· :lOIOe C!11111,.lfllll 11&1l'I" R11. 211.DO Reg. 1&!.DO Reg. 171.00 ut•• ......... 12ll20"10" R••· m .oo tDMa P'IMI 15w11•6" "''•· 209.00 n:nc 0111111 12a..· "'••· 40l.(llO P'leg. Sh.DO n.c Mll'tlnl t:txa• PLUS 500 MORE ROLL ENDS SAVE UP TO 6QO/o Cl!2ln AcrK1" T111 lllftf' A'l'O(:, .. G...,. 3tYa '14a. 12'<237" A11. SM.ID Qtla Acrn1n lh11 %" L-.i Fr-'t 111111 Sll/1 ~. 1h11'11" "'••· 501.15 P1511 100% WllOI M1P"tl11l M )'dL 1.t.Wr• P1Nf 100" WOii l11ft1r11 Cn1n 40% ,... •• 1b30'1" P1M Du~111t Nylon 0....::1111 M- 3\Y, yda. 121123'l .. 01 ... DuP111t Nylin Antl11111 Collf 1"111. 220.MI 15 yd1. 12........ .. ... 321.00 OUl'S Com11>9r1Mt Tweed Giid .. 9r-o11•1 4IYI t •L 1t..37't" "••· m .oo 01•t Hollyt1• C1rprlc• KM11I l'lldt-1 °'°" yllll1. 12.x3(!'1" RIQ. 40ll.70 01IDI H•llyt11r C1prlc• Ko .. I 001.._ l"ite(1 .a1y. r*o 12•ft'I" R11. 175.00 01144 H oil'lt•• C111rlc1 KM91 l"or1¥•r o,.,,. 2.~ Y'CI•· lh!O" "'••· 2'41.70 N14JI N'll•n 11119 2'' L•111 J 1i111gle Gre111 15% )"lllL 12d4'5" "'''· n 1.oo M1M1 "'Ylolll Hl·LI Bnfll:t G.t• 111 Y'CIL 1111115' ' "••· ""·Ml M1279 501 11111 I Tl"• .~ .. 137 ,... •• fht0Cl'l1" Mtm 1101 lll19 J l dt Btu1 TW9t• 121 ,.. .. t:tdl't" "'••· 111e.oo 1'1..U9 .. MOl"lll SAU 209.00 64.00 69.00 IZZ.00 79.00 70.00 36.00 69.00 249.00 318.00 548.35 259.70 4.00 "'· 125.C!O 98.00 15.00 19.00 129.00 140.00 125.00 160.00 196.00 151.00 179.00 199.00 346.95 270.00 203.35 110.25 221.00 138.50 244.02 225.00 140.00 428.35 535.50 685.00 635.00 L & J ENTERPRISES INC • TO SHOP AT HOME JUST PHONE ...,. ea,,... ,."", ... 111 u ~ 19fln11llM1 ot ,,,., ,..m. --e.11" .. ,,., " 11r.111ny _,,.lollt.d W1 .-!fl hlf• rtt111vr."'•nl• 1ft4I ...... )'4>¥ 1111 Mtll'lltl I t ,.. 1111191• ORAISE CO.'S LARGEST WHIM ESW WAREHOUSE 2406 S. MAii, SANTA ANA ONI llOQ( S. OP w~ HOUIS DAILY 9 TO l :JI IAT. I TO l auN. 11 TO • •• Phone 549-3349 - ·-• a• &I 1t«k • Ne wilting • Me 4oWR """"'1 • 2~oor t"s t11l1tlot1 • Satldicrieft ,..,antt•ll • In tM ...... frwwtyt • "'"It hnn• -•M-~ • • • • • 'ti: .. ·-· ... ._. ~ . cc ..... r ts,e . f • t <-..... £ •• ( [j _[[.( 2 2; 2222$21 I Tllursdq, Mri 17) 1169 OAJl.V l'ILOT I I . . )/ Wilson Def ends A1·m~ Sales to Nigeria --:; Arms Talks Could Russ Navy B . . S ABM R egmn1ng top -. ogers M LONDON (UPI) -Prime W<lllld 1ppuf to Nlprla to lllnl&ttt Horold todoy •lo!> i..nbing clvlllan targeta dettnded Britlsh1 sales In breek1way Blalra to allow their auppllm. To ha\•e ail uo-neutral act. It would bavt Jt oU would have been 1n been an anu.Nl&erian act." WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sf<retuy ol State William P . Rocen usured the senate Foralp ll<latioos Committee today that the proposed Safe,..ro aoUballloUc mlaalle aysttm would be stopped II the Ruu.iana agree on 1tratt,1lc &rm1 limitation. llut committee members First Moon Landing Set For July 20 SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) -The spact agency said Wednesday it has dela)'ed the plaMed launch . of America's flr1t moon landing mght one day and shifted to a better location the target Point where two Apollo 11 astronauts will touch down on the gray lunar surface. Prtsent plans call f o r astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buz" Aldrin to land on the southwestern edge of the so-called "Sea cl Tran· quility" at 11 :19 a.m. PDT Sunday, July 20 -a time, date and place that will go down in history books. food and medical suppUe.a to to warring Nlgtr and uld reach w~ rtfugees. were unaaUslied. 'Mlty argued to halt weapons 'ahlpment& Undtr attack at borne over would cof\St1~ "an W\-Britain' I of aneuvers that dtploymenl of the ABM LONDON (UPI) -Bt!Uah neutrll. oct." 1 • " • 10D1C anno Old <World would Iced to an opclH!ndcd defense oflk:lllJ lll1d todoy W"---1. • h 11 to the Nlserlan government, •-•-t ~~ f ·-·"-~ -WilJOa --":"It b...,. po''-M d't eacll&Uon ol the Soviet· • ~K ·-• au~....., -~, e I erranean A m • r i c a n arms race mlssll&<an')'lnl cruJam and 10 vamment'• controveratel to continue to supply on a S • I F ; • rtfanll"' of the negotiaU.O.. destroycn Jn the AUenUc ap-policy just bt!Ott leavlnc for llmiltd ocale arms -not panU l urn .. ure "I have no doubt that we pean to , hove 'tor led Nlger11 on Jl'ha! • coiled a bombs, not alreraft -to the OVER $100,DGO INVINTORY can atop thiA ptOJl'lm if the maneuven. !1ct.-flnding mla&lon. government of N lg er la TO CHOOSI PROM arms limitation talka are sue-The new development added B~ltiah ofUcla .. ~ r Wllaon becauae we have alw~s bH.n DICO•ATOlll CANCILLATION aM ctllfu],'' Rogers told th• eom-to the rpystery~ over Soviet " ttnUANI PROM MODIL HOMll mlttee durtn.c the panel's an-de.s1Jns a'hd tbe U It Im at ti DICORATOIS DAIAM Hq\111 ON DllPLAY nual nview d U.S. fottisn' dtstlnltion of. the ' powerful A L •k She • ..J ~ T k ltems as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom policy. flotilla, they sold. rmy l es Tlu,u,n an quilted sofa with separate loo•• plllow• with He promised that nei~a-The offlclell oaid the Soviet . heavy oak trim decor and 111atd!lng chair, lions with the Scrvleta would naval for~. the atrmgeat seen 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" Ma:ln as soon 85 the ad· in the Atlantic since World WASHINGTON (AP The the Sherldans In Vtett1am are· "The problems that have tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag ministration hu r 1 n is he d War II, was located about -lamps in ;wrought iron, an 8 piece king size laying the groundwork for the 200 miles south of Reykjavik, Pentagon aays a tank under unsuited far the fight.Int. been experienced during this master bedroom suite in pecan panelled ·~•L.a Iceland. rn11areulonal attack as a The Anny, however, said early period appear to be Medlterranean style with top quality 15 yr • ....,~an J. W i 11 i a m It i! rUU impouiblt to AY ;;moo-dollar boo boo" has a command report from the minor when considered in the warranty king size matlrua & box sprl!lgs, Fulbright (0.Ark.,) and other with any dqree ol certainty made a s I g n If i cant con· war zone "nfitc~ a very context of the ssytem's overall Spanish decor dining set, etc. members contended that if when the fleet is heading, tribution in Vietnam combat favorable asseuzntnt" after petformancf:." Wtt.I• H•u•eh.111 wu ret1ul•r 11521.11 ABM deployment ls begun, the the)' added. operations. six weeka of battle use. Tbe Anny said the Sheridan MUST SAClllPICI $698 00 Russians would ' have to res-----------~ The military came to the The Army told an inquiring wu deployed to Vietnam FOil ONLT .......... ,......... • pond by Increasing their of-SMOTHERS defe08e of the controvenial newsman that troops equipped without its new Shillelsgh Aoy Placa C:.. le hrclloaod ... oldHly fensive stren«tb to ~eve Sheridan light tank after Rtp. With the S he ~ J d a n -s u r face-to-surface mlulles Ttnftl AY'lllleble _ Newc..,... to c.lff. nuclear equality. TO G'o ON Samuel s. Stratton (0.N.Y.), technically referrtid to .. en "du. to th. dose quarters er~ ,._.,. ......,.._._._ Sen. Cllford P. Case CR-' charged th:r -week that the arms reconnaiuance vehicle of most engagemenll ln Viet-_,, rr-· -·-1 N.J.) saJd ABM deployment Army hustled the weapon to -"have aCCOWJted for 218 man and the absen<!f: ()(~er ' I /] would be interpreted by the HOLLYWOOD (AP) -One Vietnam with '•manifest enemy soldiers killed and 11 armored targets.'' ... "haw~s" in the Kremlin as of the Smothers Brothers says defects and deficiencies." captured." The operation of the I FunaiCUre an escalation and would lead they will continue ·their The Sheridan program has "The trafficabllity, m()blllty, Sheridan's missile system has - - --- lo pressures for counter· television show next fan been • "bllllon-d<>llar boo speed and firepower o1 the bten subiect to some queauon. At Harbor Blvd. measures. despite what he says is CBS' boo," Stratton charged. Hun-Sheridan have enabled it to but U. Gen. Austin Betb con- "You think the President's refusal to relax cemorahip. dreds are now sitUng idle at make a sign l f i cant con· tended Tuesday the Shillelagh 1844 NeWft&l't llYcl. Costa ..... only decision has been a blow to "I feel we can help force Army depots throughout the trlbution to combat opera-passed all its tesll 1'wlth · r-· the doves in the Soviet Union," a new policy ... by beln1. ~cou~n~lry~,~h~e~sal~d,~ad~dll)~g~th~a~t~tl~ons~,:::"~th~e~Army~~·ta~ted~.~-~fl~yl~ng~co'.'.'.lor'.'.:''.:..'_' ----~~E~nry~~·!!IP~t~1!!l~I ~'~!!W!!ad~.,~S!!at!!.~&~s..,_~~"'~' ~'~· !!!!! Rogers interjected. "J don't on the air rather than off 1• believe the soviet Union thinks the air," Tom Smothers ez- that way." plained Wednesday. • " I~ •·: .. • ,Coomto Chev-r-r-ron Island-_· J . ' TheMWe,st wok on two feet •••. GOLDEN EMBLEM• SHOES FOR MEN 99 • Theverynew, up-to-thMDOmentsquared-<>lblunt~"7ling, modlied but d!stlndJydymodeml • Ezi-livo new pilled leather oppcrl with rich-looking ont!qoe llnbl> ••. plua 1111,...,,.. so!"'l • Timely new details ••• banclsome wmt tips •• • atrildog mool: map buckle clooiop ••• perforated trimsl • Expertlyllllde with genullleCoodyearwdts and two-pi-robber heel, .• 7to l.2. .. 1 ~"'"OI> ma ster chmqe OPEN 11 to 5 SUNDAY Costa Mesa, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 18th Garden Grove -12372 Garden Grove ltvtl. FULL 4·PLY for a piping-hot tir-r-r-e sale! • ....-..... • ' .;11. . . ... '."' . .. " . ' on lhese Alias While SIMoe Brio-Safe nr1i· These sizes fit most Fords, Chevrolets, Buicks, Dodges, Plymoulhs, Mercurys, Oldsmoblles, Pontlacs, Volkswagens, I Ramblers. Atlas Grip-Safe tires are now on sale through ,\ Aprll 12. You don't have to put any money down. And you can I . take up lo 12 months to pay. So come to Chevron Island, we're under the Standard sign. SIZES 700-13 560-15 775-1 4 825-14 BUY ONE TIRE AT THIS PRICE• $23.50 23.50 25.50 29.50 , GET SECOND TIRE . FOR THIS PRICE• $11 .75 11 .75 12.75 14.75 And you'll drive home a real bargain. .. Ask about the savings on alt other Grip-Safe sizes. 'Suggested Selling Price. Plus Tax . AT PARTICIPATING CHEVRON DEALERS e STANDARD STATIONS • STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA --"'"·· --• -· •• • • -. ·• , ............................ ~ ............. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' 1 2 , I I • ' • ' ' ,, ' . 11;tAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAG!j . Utt Sees Red 1 Again HQo-boy! Jimmy Ult ls looking under the bed again. The last time our Orange County Congressman peeked under the bedsprings and saw anylhibg of ma- jor proportions, it was a wooderful tale of Intrigue - an exciting story of bow shoeless African Blacks were going to Invade the United States under the guise or a United Nations-United States Army exercioe. CommWlist plot, ol course. Thi• Ume it ls another Communist plot and Utt's atory ts every bit as Intriguing as.the invasion. Firtt oll, there Is this family education jazz. Y o u know, the "sex education" classes that some school districts have been ofiering on· an optional basis. There is more than a little hanky-panky in this sex business, says Jimmy Utt. In fact, as he states bluntly, 0 0ne of the basic activities of the Communists is the promotion ot complete sex education." The "!9.mily life" courses are simply part of a Commie scheme to break down morality. And who do you suppose Jimmy found helping with the plot? \Vhy, the clergy, that's who. The Reds have infiltrated the seminaries of the leading religious faiths and there are now Communists in clerical garb leading all kinds of suspicious movements, Utt declares. And who do you suppose is helping the entire pro- gram along? The Beatles, that's who. The Beatles and all those other musicians who, according to Utt, have hypnotized our young folk s. to tell ll his tnronnaUon comes from the otalne New Or- leans source as the A!rican invasion or from Robert Welch'• John Birch Society, which bas grabbed the 1ex <!ducatioo lssue as a cauoe IO bolster the Oaeglng mem- bership. Either way, one can't help but wooder where the plot will thicken nut. Are the Girl Scouts riddled with Russian &pied Are the Campfire Girls' peanuts really doctored with a se- cret moral-destroying drug? What ARE Sunday School teachers talking about these days? And come to think of it, wasn't Jesus jus( a shade on the Communist side bimsell with all of that sharing-things Ideology? Our Congressman -James B. Utt. He calls 'em as he sees 'em, all right. And he seems to be seeing more aod more of them. Guglielmo Who? Seventy years ago today, on March ZT, 1899, a tut~ ure.winner of the. Notte! Prize in PhysJcs transmitted the first fong-diStance ;adio signals across the English Channel. He was Guglielmb Marconi, Italian physicist famed for his development of wireless telegraphy. Guglielmo who? In, this day of color televiJiop and almost casual radio conversations with astronauJs or· biting the moon, modem youngsters can hardly be blamed if they don't. recognize the name of Marconi.· \ ~ . ' \ In the first place, this music puts kids "in a most receptive mood for suggestions or various sorts," Utt says ominously. And what's more, once you put hypno- tism and rhyUun together, you're heading for a "de-- struction of the inhibitory mechanism of the cerebral cortex, permitting easy acceptance of immorality and disregard of all moral norms," be says dourly. But it seems a little strange that not even the Na· tlonal. Association of Broadcasters, whose highly profi· table industry Marconi made possible, is observing the anniYersary today. In fact, the association didn't even schedule its annual meeting in Washington to coincide with the event. ~i~~\~~ [Q~LO~t~ · 'R EVEREND, I THINK. I CAN )HOW .:rusr CAUSE l,NHY T11cY MAY NOT ~AWFUL.~'{ BE Jo1NEt> To&ETHE R •. '.' Jn all or his 70 years, Utt has never found a better three-prong Communist plot than this one. It is hard The broadcasters packed up and went home last night. I Nixo•• t o Have llni que Ex perience Dewey to Supreme Court? WASHINGTON -President Nixon more nearl y qualifies as a practicing lawyer ; than any president in modern times. He will have the unique ex· perience, for a practicing lawyer, of remakfng the Supreme Court before which he practiced. Nixon can be expected to have a penetrating insight on the function of this "very special kind of court" which could and should lead him toward the selection of a new chief justice sensitive to the "moods" of the nation Within the constitutional framework. That may sound somewhat abstruse. Certainly "moods" might be considered extra-legal. But some of our most learned judges have long recognized thal the moods of the nation are pertinent to constitutional interpretation. NIXON HAS AN opportunity to cl1000e a chief justice who reflects the mood of the nation. Thomas E. Dewey reOects this mood. There may be others, But there are few if any who more clearly symbolize the mood of the nation today on the public order, the control of crime, the limits of protest and demonstration, and the rights of those whose well-being. property, arxl privacy have been invaded and damaged in the name of symbolic free speech or other such abstractions. The mood of the nation is for the restoration of order along with the just preservation of the ancient rights of free speech, and assembly and pelilion. The nation's mood calls also for the judicial restraint of crime and the pro- tecUon of life and property with more compassionate concern for th'e victims of crime. THE CONDmONS of constitulional Interpretation have not changed much '·"' Richard Wilson since Juslice Felix Frankfurter said in a memorable lecture in 1957: "It is essentially accurate to say that the court's preoccupation today is with the appticaUon of rather fundamental aspirations and what Judge Learned Hand calls 'moods', embodied in pro- visions like the due process clauses, which · were designed not to be precise and positive directions for rules of ac- tion." ln this leclW'e ("The Supreme Court in lhe Mirror of Justices"-first Owen J. Roberts memorial lecture of the University of Pennsylvania law school) Frankfurter demolished the Idea that pri- or judicial experience is of much benefit to a justice of the Supreme Court, citing as evidence the records of 75 justices who preceded him. "The Supreme Court is a very special kind of court," he said. " 'Judicial service' as such has no significant relationship to the kinds of litigation that come before the Supreme Court, to the types of issues they raise, to qualities that these ac- tualities require for wise decision." DEWEY, AMONG OTHERS who may be considered by Nixon, has no judicial experience. He was a successful pro- secutor of vicious and politically pro- tected gangsters, successful three·time governor of New York, and twice unsuc- cessful candidate for the presidency. His career has brought to him a "largeneu of view," recognized by such eminent legalists as Dean Acheson, which was Frankfurter's primary qualiflcatiort for service on the court -the qualifica· lion that made Holmes, Brande.is, HtJihta and Cardozo great justices. Dewey is 67. He wolpd replact a 77-year-old chief justice, oot faulted for lack of energy in the decade prior to his retirement. An older justice, Black, has made his most original contribuUons to jurisprudence ainee be was 70, In the haunta of the high court there would be considerable '8ilafaction if Justice Potter Stewart· were elevated to chief justice. He bad judicial ex- perience prior to bis nomination as associate justice in 1951 by President Eisenhower. He is· consldtred to ht a middle-of-lhe-roader, like Nixon. A MORE GENERAL upectation is fhat Attorney General Jphn Mitchell, as yet untried in hi! pm. pt the Justice Department, is likely to j)e nominated as chief justice. 'l • A singular opportunity 1to align the court with the mood of the nation will have been passed over if NixOn turns to these less Imaginative cho1ce1. Dewey bas a fresh view on rules of law that "protect lhe guilty and DOt the innocent." He has explored· the. v~idity of the Fifth Amendment. he sJld recently. This doeS not nect!ssarily 11W'1t, however, th at he would deny· prottctlon against self-incrimination in all drcum!lt.anees, nor that his views would prevail in the court. But he is especially qualified to bring that "largeness of vJew" which could guide the court into concepts more nearly in concert with the mood of the natioo in those areas where th};CorutJtutlm1 ptovides no "precise and ltlve dlrec-. lions for rules of act.ion." erhaps Nlxon knows a better man. Predict Earthquake? ,No Every llme the ancient Greeks or Romans saw a comet they lhougbt it was the end of the y,·orkl, but primitive gci~ntisls knew better. One of them, Philolaus (4800 B.C.), knew the earth wasn 't flat and propounded its motion, and an approx1rtiation of the Solar System. He and other Pythagoreans knew a comet is harmless. But in ancient days there was no way to communicate knowlege of this kind to the masses, and besides, It \l'a.S dnngerous. ConsequenUy, fear of com- tts and other natural phenomena persisted through die middle ages. SIXTY-THREE YEARS ago next month there was a sharp earthquake In San Fr~. Such a q1.1ake, a startl- ing experience when you're in it. is one of the natural phenomena which have provoked widespread superstilition. A good one wlll turn out soothsayers In droves. ---WWW- 'Ibursday, March '1:1, 1969 Tiii odilorial P<lll' o/ thl DoU~ l'llOC -lo "''""" end '""'" Ude ,_.,, bl' pr~.unting chi.I Wtpoptf"• opinion., and com- ~ on lopiQ •I itt1en11 .... aigid/fC<mc<, by prot>ldhtg 0 forwt for Che erpre1l10fl of dW r10tUn' opinion1, .md by pr~ tht dtver1e tM'°' ~ of lnf.,....d ob••""" cmd apoktlfMfl an topics of tM """ Robe N. Weed. Publisher l Rqyce Brier ____ .,-. When earthquakes were scientifically studied in the last century, the seismologists soon learned it is im· possible to foresee the rock slippage along a fault that produces quakes. A few months ago a book was published predicting most ot the populated area of Callfornia would break off along the San Andreas Fault in April and slip into the sea. No natural catastrophe . of this magnitude has occurred In rectird- f!d time. nlE BOOK WAS mt.ELY in noting certain natural phenomena the author didn't like, such as Governor Reagaq. bul it offered no scientific evidence ror its thesis, because there isn•t anj. Noth withstanding, word-of-mouth spread the Idea around, lixt some jokers took of[ for Tennessee, of all places, which suffered the worst recorded earth- quake to visit America early in the 1800s. Anyway, JohMy Carson, though not the world's greatest seismologist perhaps, recently had fun joshing the Hollywood natives about their conUng calaclysm. Recently two $eismologl.!lts of the Callrornla !Ntltute ol Tedtnolo£Y called the April concept ''rldleulous." THEY ARE : Or. c. r . ruchter, y,•J)O devir.ed the ruchter Scale measuring quake violence, and Dr. J. N. Bruno. Both of the11e men study qu,.kes throughout lhe World and act as coo- :rullanu on mtthods minimiz.lng dama1e. but thf!y don 't predict qu1ke11, beyond 1aying prwures build up along all rock • ' " faults, and eventually then will be allp- page, or adjustment, whJcti may or may not cause a major earthquake. These sc.lentisla -~ you and t -cannot say there wUl ftot be a San Andreas mishap next month, or tomor- row. All they can 11ay Is that there is no means known t,o science or witch- craft of predictinJJ It. '11iey cu aa.y a major quake 1s as likely to ~ in any of the traditional quake regions -Turkey or Chile er Japan -u in Califom!a. ' EARTHQUAJCE.PRONli: regions have been well mapped in Utl8 century. They appear related to mountain chainJ, but the u:act relation is uneolved. Tllty can also jar non-frequency regions. Dr. Richter says he squanders a good deal of time knocking doWJJ earthquake predictions, which have a batting average or .000 without discouraglng•the prophel,, But when television emcees, who have to know what Zsa Z.,a will say next. are on the other side, how can a seismologist win? Dear Gloomy Gus: What wlll th• DAILY PILOT put on the rront pare alter the Pacific Northwest route case hearing is over? How about Jackie f o r awhlle1 -1''. R.M. f1llt N9t-"1'11Ktt ~· ll'1'IWS, Ml __,., """' ef ... --· ,.... ,,_ ,.. _._ • o•-• °""' o.11w •u• Sir Ronald Drew His Famed Sword : Art Hoppe Wen children, as yoo remember, Sir Ronald of Holyrood and his faithful squire Sancho Reinecke, had plunged deep into The Tangled Thicket ln quest of The Dread Unruh and other fruminous creatures who· dwelt in the murk}i gloom. The Shining Knight had seen many a bloody battle with strange beasts. He bad chopped and lopped at The Budget, only to see it grow bigger. He had hacked and whacked at The Taxes, only to see them grow more awesome. And now as the two boon companions emeried into a grassy clearing, they came face to face with a dragon. And. di, what a horrible. ugly dragon it was! Jt had a little, bearded head and dark glasses. A sweet and acrid smoke billowed from its nostrils. It was definite· ly unwashed. And from ila jaws there came a constanl, f.iercing shriek : "Pigs! Pigs! P gs!" "LET'S nm.ow 1T a pig and })() on our way, Master," said Sancho nervously. "! mistrust its looks." "Hold, Sancho, '' said Sir Ronald . ••t recognize lhi.s creature. It is a Conspiracy!" "Maybe if we ignore it," said Sancho hopefully, "it will go away." ''For shame, varlet," said Sir Ronald. "It is to give furious batlle lo just such evil beasts that the beloved people of The Golden State have retained my aervlce1 as their Shining Knight." "Btttr,.J Slre," pleaded Sancho, "think of your previous batUes. All that ever happens is .•.. " THERE WAS NO stopping the noble Sir Ronald, however. Drawing his famed Swinging Sword, he spurred on his whlte charger, Fiscal Responsibility, and, shouting his feared battle cry -"For Decency! For Purity! And for Just Plain Goodne!S!" -he charged the horrible creature. With a single blow -snickety- ,snack! -be lopped off it,, head! "What a glorious back fl and, Master," crowed Slncho. But ai the head fell to the ground, five more dragons. each identical to the first, sprang up from the spot. "Pigs! Pigs! Pigs!" they screamed. "Take this! Take that !" cried Sir Ronald, hacking and whacking this way and that. But each ti me a head fell, five more shrieking dragons leapt up. At last, the1 din \\'as so awful, that Sir Ronald and Sancho were forctd to retire, leaving the field to the dragons. "I WILL HA VE at them again on the morrow," vowed Slr Ronald. ''My people dearly tov-.io see Buch glorious battles. Hark to their, cheerlng. I have gone upward In their esteem." ''But, Slrt," protested Sancho, "each lime you cive them blttle, you only Increase their numbers. I fear you will never slay these dragons with such meisurts." "And I fear for your 11anlty, varleL Slay them?" Sir Ronald smiled his famed Smiling Smile. "If there were no dragons, Sancho, there would be no need for a Shining Knight." Sancho scratched hit head. At last hf! muuertd to himseU: "Zounds! And J used to think he WU IOrDt kind of nul" Sl1orts Y.'hen the Uttlc tot s u.5ed to get in I panic tbey 8f&bbed their mother 's skirt. What do they do now wbcn they can't reach It? Rights, Wro-ngs Of Dirty Words I have no personal objections to "dirty words" in a book, but 1 don't think they ought to be defended on the grounds of "realism." A book dotted with dirty ,. words may be faithful to the substance ot low speech, but not to its spirit. \Vhat I mean is that the people who use dirty word.S in their ordinary con- versation do not employ them in an obscene sense, but rather as a form of punctualion, of emphasis, of verbal oounters that are nearly meaningless in themselves. BARRACKS-TALK, for instance, is replete with dirty words, but they have no meaning in and of themselves. They are a boyish way of displaying virility, ur establishing camaraderie, or simply an unconscious habit of men with poverty of language. Most of the time they are unaware of what they are saying, and would be astonished at a playback of their conversation. Now, if this speech ts taken literally !ind reproduced on the written page, 1t assumes much greater· content and importance than the 8peakers mean it to have. Ils written impact -because unlike the spoken word, each writte~ word has the IB.Jlle beat -puts too !'"uch strewi_ on the obscenity, which 1s usually oftiji conversational stuffing. A!--THOUGH I_ detest the prudery behind the old literary habit of using dashes as a substitute for dirty words it is in a certain sense more "realistic': than spelling out the words -for the W'l~~o!"'.:'r' " Sidue~ :T: H:rris ) constant and inveterate use of four-letter words soon becomes no more meaningful than "blankety-blank." or the absurd "'$%&!" of the comic strips. Dirtiness is an attitude of mind more than a form of expression. It is a sort of spiritual greasiness that films all physical transactions and turns them from experlences into commodiUes. It is basically unhealthy, because it reduces a multi-level activity to a single and narro« form ; just as miserliness is unhealthy because it reduces the joys of money to the mere collection of coinage. BUT THE WAY people speak has little to do with their attitude of mind, and people in certain milieus habitually use dirty words as naturally and un· consciously as others avoid them. In most cases, these words have nothing to do with sex at all, and have been drained of all emotional content, the same way the face of a coin is rubbed off by constant usage. Some of the most sniggeringly obscene books I have read have not contained a single dirty word: while others. chock· full of expletives, have been highly moral tracts. The only "realistic" way to handle four-letter words is to put them in only when they mean what they say. Dange rs of Pesticides To the Editor: Several years ago a book was published which introduced many Americans to a serious problem. "Silent Spring," by the late Rachel Carson, pointed out the extent and seriousness of pesticide pollu- tion in the world. Now seven years later, l wonder if we have forgotten what the book was saying. The deadly poisons of which Mrs. Carson spoke still occur. The safer biological pesticides are used only in certain agricultural situations. A few days ago I happened to be looking over the array of poisons in a local garden supply shop. Each bottle clalms to be capable of killing more and better lhan all others. The problem is that they kill more than the inS«ts for which they are intended. TtlE AVERAGE garden is a feeding area for many birds and .small animals. 'Vhat happens when these animals eat insects or seeds which have been sprayed Y.1th a pesticide? ·Perhaps nothing im- mediately, However, the poisons are ac· cumulating i.n their little bodies. The effect may come in the form or decreas- ed reproduct1ve efficiency. The encl result is a decrease Jn the pcpulations of these animals. This may not appear to be a serlou., occurrence, but remember that such small anlmabi are an integral part of the world around ua. Their deatM affect lht: natural bala.DC!: or which we. are a part. Further, these poi!IO!ls can, by natural pathways, eventually reach man . ~CCOROING TO Robert and Leona Re.inow in their 1967 boo-. "Moment in the Sun," the average American CGn· 111nnes the following. In 4\ period ol six months: chlorinated hydrocarbons tr>IYr, chlord ane, etc,,, h e rb i c i d e .c , ~ystemlc insecticld!!.!I. r o t e n i c l d e !I , fungicides, arsenic addltiv~ 1odiu1n 1\failbox • , L•lterl lf"OITI f-..cte!'W '"' nKWM. tfom'lllY Wrllt!'W llhollld con...., 91\elr ,.,._. In IOO .....,..di •r 1fu.. the r ltl'll lo Qfldel!H ll'lt•r1 la flt &l>Kll or •Tim• !Wit 11~ Ill "'"""'°· All i.Tlll!'W must lncludtl •f!lne1ure eni:I Mtlll"ll eddr11». t>ut n11me1 m1y bt """"'Id on rMUUI If •uttlclent •NSOll It '""'"'"'· nitrates, sodium nitrites:, preservalives, and possibly can:inogens. The biological insecticides have, for some reason , remained r e I a t i v c I y unknown. This is odd , since lhcsc arc less expensive. and infinitely safer. These agents are specific to certain harmful insects, and completely harmless to all other animals. AS WITH A1ANV problerris, lhis is one of awareness. \Ve mu.st all be aware of U1e dangers which come with lho use of dangerous pesticides. Further, there must be an lncrt?ased knowledgo of the safer pest control agents. I wO!lld urge everyone to think carefully before purchasing that bottle of all·purpose in- sect killer. MICHAEL S. STRAUSS Senior -Biological Sciences UCI ·---B11 Geor9e ---. Dear G""'i': Adv!~ columnists sound Mt prlm and proper. Do ad\'lce column istll follow their own advice and act goody-goody and practice clean liv- fng all the time In evciry way? SKEPTICAL Dear Skeptical : Absolutely. r have practir.td clean living every d1y of my lifr. Is It my fault I don't h•ve a na· tural t.11rnl for It ! ThursdlJ, Mart.h 27, 196q ' ' CAil Y PILOT 7 OHECKIN& U.S. .Suspicions When ·Russians Affable e UP e By PHIL NEWSOM lngly affable So,Ylet represen-Whal, lhe Unlled suites weapons In l'.Jl<r space and free from tile nuclear arm> At some fujllre daUI could Jlere Is Fot-mula For Making Money urt ...,..,. M9" •int taUve, Alebel A. Rosllch.ln. wanted to know, did the in the Antaraic. r.ce." the Russlam claim t bat On the ~Uc 11¥1' Pacific rose to resent the . SOviet Soviets me8n eucUy by And It had prov~ a But ex:perience ln dealing military messqes eeot bJ' · , p "mill•·-'-~·lla"-•." valuable assist In persuadblg with the SOvieU and their unde:nea cable violated tho ocean approeches , to the Uruon s version or the latest -T ....... w...... nations to sign the latest ot Communist partnen r.r 0 m ban on 1 • m IJ t tar y tn- Unit.ect· St.ates ~ in· key pro~ to ~revent man from To the surprise of "}ti detrac-these -a ban on proliferation. Yalta a.00· Potsdam to Korea stallaUons?'' Did lt apply only · passageways aroond the world destroymg himse1f. tors, lbe Geneva ' ~erence of nuclear weapons. bad taught the West a to olftnlive weapons qr to such as Gibraltar delicate U.S. He smilingly declared that bad since its begirullhi; in 1961 Between the U.S. and Soviet measure of caution. defensive weapons p well! = devices tell of the if tbeer wue objections to some major achievements to po11ilions there did not seem There also was t h e Did It apply _lo scie6tif1c ex· • of potentially entimy some part of the Russian plan its ctt.tit. ·1 great differences. unpleasant memory of the plorations ln wbicb t h t aubmarinel. to ban use of the. ocean floors Actlr11 s 0 m e t l rn e s u In a letter to the conference wide.spread favorable reaction military parUclpated? American scientists descend for milllary installaUoos, the mediator, ~ pro-President Richard M. Nix~ to former Soviet Premier The Americanl wanted It lo ocean noon to test man's Russian a PP r ,o a c b was )X!Sing a.ltematlvts,' it had himself had proposed Its Nikita Khrushchev 's demand spelled out. 'nley also wanted ability to live .. and work from negotiable. · wl.!ted the United States and .members start negotiations to for Hgeneral and complete the ban utended to · prevent By L. M. BOYD ' STILL HAVEN'T located tbe country's klllgest s t r a i g h t stretch of highway, but Tom Martin of Carlisle, Pa • says Broad in Philadelphia is the longest straight str~. llEREWITB s ubmftted, another exceedingly s h o r t poem. Entitled, "Lines oq. the Antiquity of Feminine Fashion." It goes: "Evt:'s - Leaves." .. .'GIRLS CALLED ELLEN, says our Name Game man, tend to be gentle and soft-spoken. but brutally un· forgiving. if jilted .... A CON· SULTING CHEF advises: undersea chambers. Between the men working the Soviet Union to reach a ban nuclear and other dlsannament." contamination of the seas by fOfmula for financial success, And, as the 17-nation Geneva on the ocean floor, the detec-widening circle ol Agreements weapons or mass destruction After winnint the pr~ all weapons or the ABC my friend. lt's 'Find • pro-·di.sahnament conference tion devices aod the Soviet ranging from a p'1.lal test from lhe ocean Door to paganda battle, the Russians category -atomic, biological blem and solve il1 Got that?" reconvened at the beginning proposit there wu a con-ban on nuclear well.pons, to "assure that the seabed, refused to pennlt on-slte in· and chemical I an d A. Yes, sir, I think l,.ve got of its eighth year, a SW'priJ.: nection. a prohlbition of nu c I ear man's last frontier, remains spectioo to prove compliance. radiological as well. it. For imitance, K's now -'---:...,_:c,;_:.__..:.... _ _,.;=----"'------=-~---...,...----------'-----...;...---"'--......;------"------- "When co o k i ·n g white vegetables, cover the pot. \Vhen .cooking g r e e n vegetables don't." ., .. AM TOLD WA SIDNG is still the legal name of several elderly Chinese-American moo, now retired, who years ago in west coast towns ran hand laun- dries. WHAT WERE the first v.•ords ever spoken by human beings? And how did they come to speak them? Our Language man says scientists have turned up three notions. One is the Poob-PoOO theory. Two is the Ding-Dong theory. 'l'hree is the Bow-\Vow theory. Jn Pooh-Pooh, man gave his own sounds signilicance. Like "ah" and "ugh" and "eek." In Ding-Dong, man mimicked natural noises. Like ''slurp" and "thud.'' In Bow-Wow, man imitated animal cries. Like, '\\'ell, you know. Bow-Wow is believable and Ding-Dong is tlandy, but I think ,I prefer Pooh~Pooh. CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "LET me give you the basic known canaries get corns. 'l'hat's a ]:C'Oblem, right! So to comply wtth. your fcnnula, a lel\OW might llOlve It b)' manufacturing corn plasters for canaries. Intend to stlJdy th.is a liftle further befOre · going into prodocti«t, but I'm serioo,g about eerni~ enoogb money to buy that trout fami. ••• Q, "IT'S RUMORED ooe of the astrooams has a liq001 problem. Which one'! A. Am pleased to report I do not know, madam. ~f I G H T MENTION you ought not believe your high school girl is unique in the event she is ooe of those who lights oot Of the house witho\it breakfast. 'Ibe survey.takers say ooe out ol. three young ladies eats oothlng in the early morning. Think those no- breakfast girls are night pe<r pie by nature. Frequently take couch naps in the afternoon. Even more freque~y get into household hot water fOf rom- ping oo the ~ at too late an hour. "YOU MAY CALL ·yoursell a Highly Seasoned Citizen if you can name the girl that famous fictiooal. fellow Frank Meniwell married," writes a gentleman with a remarkable memc:ry. 1 give up. Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherever possible in "Checking Up." Address mail lo L. M. Boyd, in care ol DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Callf. 92163 211d Sa11 Diego Bay Entrance Gets Okay SAN DIEGO (AP) -The engineers to complete model Navy has endorsed a proposed studies of the project. Van liecond entrance to San Diego Deerlin said. Bay, a step toward realization Actual channel construction of the project, says Rep. would be years away because Lionel Van Deerlin, {D-Caiif..) or required federal approval "\Vilhout Navy approval, the and funding, he said. project would have been .;::==========.! dead," the congressman said 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 t0'9 .SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 scons FAMILY GRASS SE~D 0 Gr11t 1u11 111d 1h1d1 l1w11 111d, 0 F11t 91rmin1tin<1, ru9g1cl b11ncl, 0 Push your 110. 121 0Y1r thi1, it c11 t1k1 it, 195c .. .,, 1,000 .... It. RAIN MELT YOUR . C~RDBOA'RD DRUM? Aw Gee, " . I • ' • " • • • 10 lbsf eharcoal Briquets 0 Hi h11t, 1low bur11in9, low 1p1rk. 0 lut fh111, we 1lw1y1 11y th1f. O Che1p1r th111 th1 oth1r 9uy. 0 A11cl who i1 thi1 "other 911y" ~nyhow. 47' 32 GAL PLASTI~ TRASH CAN O Weather-proof, ru991d plastic with snip-lock lid. O Molded side handles gentle t o your pinkies. O Guaranteed to b1 • trash can for 1 y••rs •nd then it t urn1 b•ck into • pumpkin. LJ Sa nitary, rinse out with the host, never rusts. 99 1 YR. GUARANTEE BIG BOY BAR-B-Q 0 l i9 24 i11ch 9rill with hood, 0 Ul you11l, •PP''"" 111of1r i nd 1pit. O Rol1 1round d11I .,,ah 1cljull1bl1 <a ri11. 0 Ancl yo11 1till 91t 1 TV dinn1r. a•• • .ii ' ; .-: . ~fonday. THINK DORO SCARVES ., . Van Deerlin reporled thal the Navy favors a cut in the Silver Strand just south of the · Coronado N a v y am- phibious base and disapproves the proposal to make a chan· nel farther soulh n e a r Imperial Beach. Adm. Thomas II. Moorer. chief of naval operations, said in a report lo the 11th Naval District that it would accept construction of a bridge over the channel, ralher than insist on a vehicular tube-like tunnel. Van Deerlin said the estimated $15 million cost of constructing such a tube might be too expensive. Anny Corps of Engineers stu~ have set the cost of a channel, including a bridge, at $50 million. Naval approval en ab I es FASH ION SHOW SATURDAY l oOO P.M. WESTCLI FF PLAZA CallPSA for home delive~ San Jose $1 W• dallwr fre!ih lauy. 900 fllghhl a week oonnect .outMm and northern Cali~Mor• than -")' other alr\lns. All }eta. lowest air fates. want prompt de11vtry 1tJ many Peninsula points? San Jose airport Is closer, easior then San Francisco Intern. lional, 11nd the crowd hun't found ft Yet. PSA gives you a lifL ' scons TURF BUILDER D orY forinul1, flO •cch odor. 0 ll.11•111 n11tri111t1 oY•r 1 lo1191r p1riod of t1m1, 0 from the l1w11 P1opl1, they 9row 9r111 intf11d •f b.1r••· 545 c ..... 5,000 ....... SUPER CRAFTSMAN LATEX INTERIOR PAINT .. 0 To119h•r, btll•t, for fo9 •nd 11T109 w11lh1r - • 0 Hi·hidin9, covert rno1! color1 wilh on1 pi n . 0 Chokl of t'lll ny nlw i nd tr1ditio111I t1'i1d11. D No thinner n11d1d, cl1111 up wi th w1!1r. 447 Gal. PLASTIC DROP CLOTH 0 P1int with1ut on1 i nd com11 h11d11:h1. 0 lin p1r.,lo1u to llquidt flow• tho1• big woicl1 I. 0 U1• doubled lo c1w1r 11wn f11t1tih1r1, 9xtz 10' TOILET 0 l.lf1tl1M flr1d porc1l1ln. 0 Two ,lie• tle1I l11cl11d11 w1!1r clot•t. 0 Ah, Mt 110 1e1t, ·tti1t we 1111 y111 em ••• h ... ,,.,;"'· 1988 scons TURF BUILDER plus 2 D Sound1 like Turf l11ild1r phn 1 buck• to m•. 0 W11cl1. f11d1, ind kitl1 th1 rott1n l.ug1, 111 in on• p111. 0 Dry formul1, no odor, r1l11111 like 1 tiriy tim1 pill. A 11ic1 origin1I 1!1t1m1nl, 795 Coven 5,000 .... It. GL.IDDEN PANEL ADHESIVE O Stick1 Ii~• 1nylhin9, for p1n1lin9 ind 1tulf, 0 fih 111 1!1nd1 rd c111lkin9 9un1. 0 l11h pou11din9 ho111 in the will i nd b1n9in9 your thumb. 99c TUIE ALL MET AL BOOKCASES O Pr1tty ol iw1, or1n91 , tin, y1llow 1h1!wi119. D Put it to91th1r in minul11 . O Not 1 rick1ty thi119, this i1 solid. l SHELF ......... 399 ~SHELF ........ 499 FLUIDMASTER BALLCOCK 'Xf§Jj!!'!!!1JJ!Jua~~~~ O Goodbye 11•111, 1q1111I, ' drip, ind high w1f1r hills. 0 Woodh71 wit9ll119 the i...,,, to I'll••• if 111/. 0 6e1tlby1 twe doll1" 111.I ch11191 . 2'' I 4x8 PREF I NI SHED BUCKSKIN PANELING 0 W1rm, rich d11icio111. 0 F11ll oi11I Feit. 0 v.Groo.,1d fo, bo1rd ind bo1rd look. 0 511 th• p1111l1 youri1lf 111cl th111 c1ll 1111 1 li1r. 88 ..... GLIDDEN ANTIQUING KIT 0 N1w cont1in1r, if lh1! m11n1 1nythin9. 0 Ew1rythin9 to 111liqu1 •ilh ••••. 0 Compl1te •it with 111y-fo.r11d i111truclio111. D E•p1rh to 1dYi11 you, 97 UNFINISHED. KNOTTY PINE TALL BOOKCASE 1995 D A real piece of furniture, not • jerry-m•de thing. D S•nded smocth, re•dy to finish. D likt R•c.quel Welch, it's w'ell put togethtr. D ' A· whole depertmtnt to choose from, of unfurni1htd furniture • . • . . ' • " " ., "' .. ..... ' . ' . . _,, .. ' ... ' ·- I ·------- • Oo\11. Y •ILOT Tllunda>, M11th 27, l'l69 SII8TooMo~h Welfare Provides '59 Coo SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Mn. Gladys Wuhington, a welfare N<ilpient, tol<I Super· klr Court Juctae S. Lee Vavurll Wednelday slle could· n't afford to pay 1111 worth of parkfn& Ucketa on her 1959 Cadillac. The jud&e ulr.ed her mini· skirted eoclal worker, Mrs . Dianne Dodie, bow a welfare recipient can afford to drive a car. Mn. Dodge explained nlfare payments can be used as I recipient sets fit. "'IbJt's a crazy law," Va- wris responded. f Mrt. Doctee then explained Mn. Waahlngton had a physi- cal disability that made it lm- polllble for her to uae public transportatMwt, \ I \Tawria aald be was "very aympaithetic," but et)>ressed concern because Mrs. Wash- ington had no accident blsur. ance on her car. She produced an aeplicltlon and explained she planned to pay the annual bill of 'LS3 in monthly in.rtall- ment.s -out of her welfare allotment. "That's ridlculowi," t h e juda:e said. ·He fined Mrs. Wuhington $60 and sentenced her to 11 days in jail, but IU!pended both sentences and placed her pn probation for one year. He also ordered her to sunender her driver's license until she secures lns:urance or can prove financial responsibility. "How am I goinc to I e t home?" .Mrs. Wuhlnaton atk- ed. . . . "Your IOClal . y.rorQr c a.n tall! you," the lud.!e replied. California Called V.S. 'Smut Capital' SAN DIEGO (AP) callfornia Js the • ' s m u t capital" of the nation becauie of the state's Supreme Court deciai90S, 1 postal olficiaI said GOP Solons Undecided On Bm"lls SACRAMENTO (AP) Republicans still ha v e n ' t agreed on a GOP successor to Democratic Senate Presi- dent pro tern Hugh M. Bums even though the GOP now has full voting control of the upper house. Relishing Dist. Atty. John Nejed1y's victory in Tuesday's speelal Contra Co6ta County election, the GOP bloc talked infonnally among themselves about unsealing Burns. But by late Wednesday no candidate had emerged who could command the full su~ port of the Republicans. now %1-19 in charge. Ward Plans To Quit Race LOS ANGELES (API - Baxter Ward, a former television newscaster running fOI' mayor, says he is thinking about dropping out of the race and has canceled campaign appearances for t h e re- mainder of the week. Ward asserted Mayor Sam Yorty's supporters were spreading rumors about ''a famUy relationship" and said he wished to avoid hurting members of his famlly. It ill "common knowledge" that Ward's father-in-law was Jack "'The Enforcer" \Vhelan, a newspaper said today. Yorty. 1eeklng his third four-year term as mayor said in• talephone interview Wednesday he had only learn- ed of the relationship from a. reporter. He denied , in a news conference, that he or his staff dropped hints about ii. \Vednesday. Donald Schoof, a postal In- spect.or in Los Angeles, said di!tribution and sale of pornographic material "bu gotten completely out of hand. It Is probably so prevalent you'll never be able to stop it." Schoof, a specialist in the investigation of complaints on pornography· sent through the malls, was In San Diego to confer ·with postal authorities and U.S. Atty. Edwin L. Miller Jr. They discussed a flood of mailed porno gr a p by ad- vertisements which has hit the San Diego area in recent weeks. The local post office has received hundreds of com- plaint!. ln an inl.;erview at Miller's office Schoof said: "If you're going to live with lhe court decisions of this state, you might as well give up." He said the slate supreme cyurt won't allow a jury or 12 average citizens .to decide "'"helher matter is obscene, and expert witnesses must testi(y as to statewide "com· munity standardll." ''From a practical stand· point, the only way we are going to have a change is to gtt a change in th e U.S. Supreme Court or adopt 1 c o n stltutional amendment, which is pretty hard to do," he said. "We are k>sing ground all the time , and will continue to do so unless we gel some solid court decisions." He said por nog rap hie mater ial can be manufactured in California and shipped to wholesale dealers throughout the country because t h e manufacturers can't be pro- secuted. "The standards established Jn California have rubbed off on the whole country ," Schoof said. He said some dealers ln smut spend '400,000 to '500,000 a year in pos tage and their profils run into the billions whtn "all sha de s of pornography" are considered. There are al least 20 smut dealers in the Los Angeles area alone who mail out a milllon or more ads each per year, he said. L'S 1'1rMio1tFOOtttwuj/Jrllle.RanJIJf 237 E. 17th St. -Mtt• Center Costa Mesa ·' ------· , .. ' I Reagan Wants Faculty Belief, Ideology 6alanced SAN LUJS OijlSPO (AP) Reagan enter the meeting, and the kind of one -s Ide d "My own bell<!, l an Dick Minor, student body -Gov. Reagan Mys be "hopes a 3rnaJJer group surrounded ideok>gical y i e w p 0 i n t of answer can bf: found 1 that president at San Joee State ''beliefs and ldehlogy" can his car as he left. Some faculties is ot concern to ' Collep, said the attempt to somehow be balaked among students jeered and a few air them." I it is always essential In ca-set flacal cootrol may limit faculty member/-at t h e plauded, but there was no "Then I would think this tion that our young people th tbems Ives University ol callfornia and trouble. must be a CODSideraUoa In e progr&m! e • the state colleges. Asked about faculty balan-recruiting ol facult)'," be Nid. be given a cbance to be e:i·1===~;;;;;:;==== However, Re a g an corn-cing suggestions made to Later ke1gan said no one pooed to all viewpoints." ..... .,,._,_. mented Wedneeday, "No one truaees, Reagan replietl that hu found a way to balance lo the meet1n1, trustees fAJ OVERWEIGHT wants to see a man 's political even alnong university ad· pro!e890l"S with liben1 view-vc:Ud ,......._.._i. ........ 1v fer student ""•1111i. ,. Y011 wrr11o111 • *""'' ,... belief made a consideration ministrators "the problem or poinU5 with cooservaUvea. ~ tcr1¢1on. ovr lllWIKt u11111 Ollrln••· of employmert." fund mitrols alter hearing !.O:..~:iro:'i.U:1~1~;1,:i.r:.:: R e a g a n a n s w e r e d several objections fr o m =~'&.?:x •'!.O:, "::.;• !: 1;' ~~ newsmen's questiona about hungry i Auction Good Frid8y atudents. T1le financial con-:i:-w1~v~~!::':f00.;,1':.~is1~ balancing }iberal aad con-. .) -19r 1ny ,..._, lwt ~ 1n. ~di""' Trials Success servative teacher1 as he at· trola would apply to programs~'.:"'::,::~::":~=·~ tended state college trustees SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -es. 1Uch as experimental colleges 10ld 'w1tr1 mrt 11111r1nrw "°' LONDON (UPI) -The meetJ.ng at Cal Poly here. The new hungry i night club, The liquor license, theater-or community service pro-CIAWFOID llU.U. PHAIMACY Tru,.,.. approved new rules which closed on St. Patrick's type seatl!, and bar and i·~. _ _:. ____ _:::'"':=":":""':::::::"=...._=="=•=""="='='"'= Queen Elizabeth 2 successfully D b ctio' nod fl t t -· t ·11 go, __ ~_~ __ _ designed to keep a check on ay, may e au o ·res auran ~.,wpmen w1 :- completed her sea trials -in lltudmt funds. 'Ibey also voted on Good Friday, according to on the block. the English ~e\ today, the to se\ up a special coi:mmttee ~ International Revenue Enrico Banducci, w b c "M 11.-1cA'• Cunard ·steanubi,p Co. ,.Id. • to ili\prove ,.-aftiooc Service. · p~ the $400,000 club only •••• 'l'be 51.000.ton superliner Is studeliiB. r.C.lty, co 11 e g e Ion DIS spoilffman aald Iasl ~. wa, unavallible scheduled to begin her maiden presidl!nts, trustees and •· Wednesday that the . auction for comment. -But a.tciates •oyago to the United Stat.. mlnillralors. wlll be held to raise 123,381 r<pOried be WU tryiq to di& May 2. A 250 ·students watc¥ in delinquent withholding taX.. up the ·$23,381. · Junior dress-up parade Missy will step into Sp1iDg in the prettiest lustre patent.! Black, white, pink, and blue. For Junior, hand11ome buckle or smooth leather tie. Only at Karl'•· 499/699 \ "W'E HONOB BAN~ME!UCJJW AKD Jd.AS1£1t CHARGE: I ' . ------ ' ~ I ) ~ ' i I. r ~! ' t I -~ ., EASTER f1 BUYS FOR :1 '" SOYS/ r SMARnY STYLED QUALITY sui:rs 17 95 '-· "°'•• $ll Spring fabrics: and oolors •.. single and I .j ,J i I i j ~ double-breasted~ .~ with oolorlui print I uning and pull-up ~·1 podcethanl:ytoinatcbl ,~.' 8-12. Prep sizes 13-20 $21.95 l' and husky siu:s 10..2.4. $22.95 }1 slightly higher. ft Junior Sixes 3-7-$7.tS f~ Alterations included plus we alter free as he grows LIGHTWEIGHT · SPORTCOATS, · 8LAZERS "m ges , ... ,. I-Tl .,.,., $13 fortrd9 pol}eae-rottcw, 0aa-on• pol:yuter-nJ(ml •.• ! ud 3 buttOD sporttolb hi plaids. eheeb, tollds, tJittc:I'- .salls.1'1yon-acet11e sottd-dk't double- ~ bluen. With print linin~ puU-.p ~ Sprin1 sbadN. HALL-PREST" NO-IRON DRESS SLACKS 4 49 WIS ... 5•e MRS 12.11 Smy-pre.ed N)'Oll and ~te blfl!d., r.rtifiod witlo .,too ..... hommed. • OPEN SUNDAY 11 to 5 ,.. ";'., f .;; -.:tr Costa Mesa, 1601 Newport Blvd., al 161h • I !y .. .. Ii! ~ P . "' .llY ... ••• ... ... •• ~ • .. ON ' ' I ·I l ., ' - -· Mln:h 27, 1969 IWlY l'ltOT 9 Vital Statistics, Meetings Around O~ange Coast Area Meetings THUltSDAV .......,,.lrWlt Rot•ry C1W, Dtnlel'I lllt1!M;n11t, X>I e ri.to1 st.. C.t• Mew.,._ l"-1•111 \11llri' kfwlo111t Club. Fr111-col•'. 111Jt 1..U. •Mii .. Huritlnlkln BNdl, ll1U llJft. HunllnltOll had! Llonl Clllt, Hun.. · lfN-IMdlff C-try CIW. »GI f'•lm Aw .. H1111t~ kM:tl, t ;30 11.rn. ~le loci.., 1001" Hill, Wutmlmt.r A-1t Ollvt , WesTf"lntltf', 7:J0 p,M, Coat• "'-t GrtnM A • I t c I t t I o n , Gr•111• Hiii, 21" Tnw1r1 A-. C1111!1 MtM. 1:30 11.rn. t.1-1 Hi ....... Ellt1 Club, EtU Lacklt, UN Vlt Opor1o, N-1 a...<11. 1:00 •. ~ U.S. Nevil SH C..set COl'lll, tMS ••~ Ill.Md, Slnl1 Ai-. 1 """" fllUDAT HIHl!t"'"°' 8-dl llot.,y C I u b , SMl'tloft II.Nell 1111\. Hunllr•loli IHCll. 11:10 p,m. M•r11191""1 llorll Club of NtwPOrt ... lll'lh. Stvft Shirt, 22'1 W. c.a.tt Hl1nw1r, N,,..,,_, e.e.cn, n :l5 p,m. #1\tr Vl•ttl MallOnlc Loo:lllt, Maloiolc • T.,., 140115111 St .. tfewMt &.ell, • 1:• "·"'· '(lr1nt11 Cout lta'l'tl Nell MllOl'lt :· No. lN. M11ntl1111lan llt.c;ll Ma"°"lc Templt, Uk1 8lld f'alm, t'M!Hl'lllton • 11..at. 7:30 '·'"· ti•WJ«I ArMteur Rlldlo Soclet'I'. RIO'M1'!on lklfldlflll, 1n' 8.llbcwi llvd,, N.-t Inell, I 11.m. IATURDAY CPll'lltlen l •IM»rnen'• COIT'fl'I""'°'• lltlboOI 8.ly Clllb, Ne¥1'11Grt 8Ndl, 7::JO 1.m. Marriages IMenses OllANGI! COUNTY MAllllAGE LICENSES 15JUEO MAii.CH 11 !!;EID-CLARK, E1rl 8 ,, :Jl, of 17J Vin Dvke 1nd S1mdr1 L., !O, cl 175 Vin Dvke, boltl "' Le9uM INell. • CUii.LEY-THOMPSON, Jame. H~ 11, Df Ul6J 0•1•'1' Ave., Founleln V1lleY ind Oenlw A .. 11. Df f112 L,,_illltoot AYI., Glrdlf> Grow, Ml'IAMIDE-McMAtN, D1nlel N., 211, al nm Goldenrod, FOU01t1ln v111ev Ind Eiieen G., 11, Clf 2~11 W, M1rtv leM, Santi Alie. GENESON-SAll.TUSH, Peur ... 2'. of 311 Alabam1 Avr. 1nd c ... -1 P ., 13, of 311 Atab1rn1 A"f., bolt. of Hunt!nglon 8Hch. SHUPE-SHOFNER, Rl1el' J .. 24, al no SHALIMAR. Co1te, Mtll Ind Su11n J .. 2(1, af 253 LllrY>Oll SI., Or•r111t. lHOMPSON-WILSOH, MllelltU G., 21, ol 212 '3rd St., Newport BNth 1nd Judith IC., 23, of ln Vlr9!nl1 . v6'11ti'Nif~~'t'::iMAN, F~. 26 .ot -71ll Eldon SI., Costa Meta 11111 -JOilftM Y., 2 .. al 29902 llOH Trff • 11.oed, Sin Juan Cepl~treno. ODOJi\.--CROSS, Rannond H., 21, of 31' 1111 Sf,, S.1111 Afta end Wenciv F,, 11, ol 315 15111 St., HunllntlO!I Ir.ch, tlAGEll.TY-llAGE, GIN M., lt , ar 151 LI Cuesla, San Clemen~ 1"4! ll•rti.r1 E., 11, Df S4202 Dtl Obl11P<J, 01n1 Pol~t. WOOD-LEE, L1wren~ l .. 25, cl 34 E. Evwett, Oran9e and ltlt• I(,, :2!1, ol 15U1 N1n!ut k1!, Wqtmlnsltr, COLLEY-RAFUSE, Welter 8., It, of 3U lSlh SI. end Ammlt, 11, al 315 1Slh SI., boltl <II HuntlntllHI '""' MA•CH 11 GOl.011!11.G--BARR, Lerf'll 0., 21, ef .SOl Goldenrod, Carone dtl Mer 1nct Luclnd1 M., 11. of J03J Anlhl!m St., Cost1 !'Mu. DUCK-IARllETT, Eddie L., ll, of 1651 81Ylor 11nd NlllC'I' E., 21. ol '161 CltlPPIWI, bolh ol Westmlfllo ter. IMITK-VALDIVIA, llotlttl I! .• <Q, Of Hit N"1IOrt alYd, 111d Lrtlllo C~ Jt, Gt X.. ~ IMI,. llDl!t of Cotll MeM. MAUEY-GREGOllY~ 1111., H., ti, of 116'2 v-1i. Driv. Md c1wv .. ""' A.. .. .. lml ....,... 11 .. 119tt1 ti Wftlflll,..Mr. ANDERSOH-1'0$TElt LawrltllC8 V., If, el JOt DucNst UM. "'111 AIM Md VW.11119 A., 11. ol 2°'11 ~'-n l1rw. H1111tlllltnii llM<ll. SIMOH·MATHIEIJ, JoMtti.11 P'., 2S, of Moll TlllM't Ortw 11'1111 MO A., R, of $6.11 Tlltiut• Drlvt, bofll of Hllllf· lneton S.ld\. WEST-KRUSE, O.:W..lcl C .. 31, 9' 16060 Elbert Clrcle, Fountetn V1llll't •"41 Sue, 2', of 20lll R111...-a. L°"i' &eech, MARCH 11 lAPLIN-&MITH, 81lley, )7, Gf 1'4 W. 20th $f, Wld P1ul1 G., 1S. "' ™ w. 20ltl st .. beth 1111 C.te ..... I C H EPER$-OAVOEllN. • ...,,,_.. M., ,.._of llt!W Ge .. A ...... .._........,. eM Jvenll1 M., 311, of ~ Meple, --· SIMP~ONEY, l.-l'lf C .. n , of ''' s. C0111t Hlel'rw•'I', leevne 8Hdl end Donitl'n' J .. 41, of 2'lf N. V"'1nDlll, l• All'91•. VA N DETTA-THORPE, Gr1~ M,. 2', ef tt'IJ ~-A ..... end Det'Yf J .. lf, et lfl1 Mep .. A..-., ""' of Cos" Me5a. MARK--OVEll.MAN, 6-99 S., :Jl. af 11 J lrl• Ave., c_.. dtl Mlir end C..t'Olyn J., IL flf 114 E. 13td ST., C.Ste Mew. M ITSVO~UCAWA. Ktrtltrt K., '4 of '41 Juenlle A..-.. lol A""les Ind Kuuml, '"" 1111 ISM INIM A ...... N~ 1ked\. . HARDll+-JACKSON, OGll L. 21, el' loMlO Onterlo end Jenlc1 M., to, of 14610 Onlerlo, boltl 1111 Westmln1tw • &UCHANAH-QVIVEY, Kel N,, 2', of ..a2 F1dllon P1rll: Ave. Ind Cerol R,, 76,. II 612 MYrtlc View, l..,_ ·-FISHER-FERGUSON, l'"'wt C., ,7, of !JOI RIWF end CM"OI E.. 21. 01 1'J02 W. Oce.n front, Dot~ el' NtwPOrt 8Ndt. HAlNES-CHANOlElt, P~!t!e R., :n, ol 111712 Kl,,. A,..., G•"""' Gr11"1 and p....,... l .• to. ol '•m Gl1191'11, We1tmln1ler. Birt las sovnt COAST HOSPITAL ~·di. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wllllem A. P\11\&k, :MSZ2 Pcnao1-.. c.pntreno lle«:h, ... Matclt If Mt. llnd Mn. FnnclKo C. AQulltt'I, 32Cl6 C.mlno Caolttr1no, S..n Ju1n CePl1tr•-P;lcP/ ST. JOSEfl'M MOSPITAL "-ru n Mr. Ind Mrll, Mlch1el M. Siewert, 203f lrvlne A..-.• (g1t1 Mtu, elrl. Mr. Ind Ml'$. Robert A. Rell, 1311' LI P1t Pl&.,., Westml111ter, bo'I'. Mr. end Mrs. Otlll W. Like, ~S21t Mllnlt' VllW DrlW. L-Nl111t~ .... Mr. end Mn. Um D. Orlftl11, SOI Kt<ltkbM OrM. Hllnrl,.t.I IMdl. .... _,, Mr. d Mn. ~ A. 8rll!llM, I,.. ,_ CO.II ,,,,_, •• Mt. ft Mn. Didi: J. Ml-.., Mln ..... ..,, .. Mtuloll \lltlt. t lrt. -" Mr, .,,.-Mn. ltldlenl a. 9ttffl11, M6l2 Se.I Qov1~ MIMloll V .. lt. tlrl. Mr, aM1 ,,,_, Je"* L TIH'Mf. IOt H 1(-vltle A ..... , H41nf1-.lo!t hld'I. 11r1. Divorces DIVOACIS •11.aD Mlr1' ..._ Llftll ..... Alllllnw C. L!,111111 E-F.~vs~A. ........ P ... ., Ann e .. udol!I vs LUCI.,. E«nllrld _,,,_ lo "-Y, ~ ¥1 Gery Glen c. .... E .... ho11 Goma vs Louie 6-t J.,,lce J. ""'"-Ya Ollr ... D. H"'l'les Janet L. L-11 ¥1 ltldll .. fl'. Ltwl• Flortrlol NevefAftll YI ltlldY N1"1r-..... Selldr1 l!!lelftOf WllhlMI .... CIMrlft Ftld•ld: Wll!lelm DlbcN'elt P'r.ncn Hevmek• vs Jer1111 LM H1vm1~1r Lindi AM Fa.hlr YI 0-lcl let a.,Fa.tw • TT9nl o. P"uller .,. OONlll Ful!w ClllltlCf I. Entbrldll \II Geor1e E. E"~t T• L Flory ¥1 J. CllrldlM Flori K1rtvn K. Z..ltltr Ya At1f'lllr lf'lllfl '"'"' Mlt'lettt L, Hoitt ¥1 WlllLM'! t . .... F11' HeVMI "' J...tl D. Hel'llft ..._ M. ...... .,. ••tt J ....... .__ lllcfWd ..... Clwde ll ltlctt1rll f1'1tlti. J. Mosl!' ..... L.i. J. Mllltt', _,.,.. .,,..1n;..na C1roll!ie rt. Portv YI alilfonl t . ··-M..rl ... G. Sl•Mlvk Ya Ser11 V. Sleslltlk Jlldl'll\ I!. $tleftGl'I "" A/llq I). SlllttM. '" Howl rd M. Sliker, Jr. YI Lindt LUCtlle C•rrlco SUl'kc 1"11111,,. L Le1111t11 vs Gerlld I!!. l.11......, OllMI ltVlll Sonneftbet's ..... WlllMlm Herold Some! .... , M<ink:I McK-w 0111191 J, MclCtn- "' V!t'llnle l . i.-¥S Me'1lt I. L- Rld\lrd Eerl Crvrnlft' .,. le- L. Crvmle'f Albert E119eM Heni.tt "' L11t\l9 Auolllt H..,..lelt PNrl M. Crodler .... ltobert E. •. Crocker Kenntlh Norm1n Golden w Audr1y M41e Golden Ronlle Do 01vJ1 VI T"""'e' N. 01Yll SIUlrt $!.11$R'lln W TitorN1 N. O.Yls Cenil\lft E. Huyhll VI Htwlrd Ann-v Hue....., ._..rete malnhlne11n Cergl J, Lendect. w KtMtf!I It. ·-. llev H«I \'~ "I Ill!• 1t1v1 Vffkd Del,..,. Kn Knl1ht VI $1rtlft WeYM Knllllt J111I T. Clllfttry Iii Wende J. Ch1ntry Jucllltl A. Fe"""" n Alllnto L FIMOl'O G•ll LYM CMv•~ VI LIWll CMrlH ""'~ Mld•k>n Vlrvh1le Cllrk n 1tlch1rd I N1nt Clark Georee N111ler Gl1n ""' 8rllllll Keri G!111 Cllrls!lne ICl11t1 v1 Robll1 E. Kint Oonold Cha,les Ooneh111 n Dontlfty Mii¥ Don1h<.ie Evelvn w. Prte•IOlt vs Mu E. Ptlltf'fOn Mllriorle o . curl"I' Yr OOMld £. <~N ...... m JMn Nellorl w c11- .,.,,·.1111r Ntlsoll, Jr. JllM Al11'1on ,._ti Mexwtll YI A. Glmwl Mlxwt!I Mlrlor1e D. Allllllt YI Wlllilm L. Alloup E~I McGle G•cll 'l'I 01111 ltulM G1rcle Edw1NI lle'/'llWlllll fl'edter YI Htllll Luey Pedler H1f'llller! Wool 'l'I K....,,.lflt H1111ett . .,, Wllll1m llD)'d Self "1 M.rll' K11Mr!M '" l"lmtlll K11 Ptrl"I' ¥1 Ed\11111 WllfrHI ··~ l AFFAll.ANO--SHAKER, Oenlel A., }o, of 21192 811lkl'leld Cfrcle •nd PIVll M.. 2G, of 21292 Bul~heed Circle, both of Hunllll!llDfl Steen. SEIBERT-OAYIS, 11.end'I' w .. lt.1--------------------------1 ot 1702 Park St. Ind FIDNlnCI J., 11, flf 509 1111 St., bot'1 <II HUlll!n'lllon llffch. Tl!Gl!T-THOMPSON, Gr'f9CN'Y t ., lt, ol 7'5!2 Les Palrnls.. Ceplllreno llteth Ind J1nk;e F., 16, <II 21 w. Cr!rtablt. San Cletr1111~. IORENSO~BERT, C1rl L., «I, of 106\.'I Knoxvllle, HuMlnglon llt•d'I and 81rber1 J .. n. of 791' Hlrkl'I' """·• Mldwey c~. HANSEN-SAWREY, Berrv M., 21, <II '23 l"n St. ellll C-tenee A., 22, of 76n Ame•on Lint. both of Hun""''°" lltl<h. . LEWIS SCHIMMELE -BO(;(;ESS, John $,, 18, ol ssn H1rtllon, Culvtr Cltv Ind Wtlllllt IC., II, ol 1113' w 1111rl1 A'lfl .. Founteln V1lle'I'. MARCH It llOWMAN--WILLtNGHAM. Dennlt ~ .• 11, al' 5111 White Clrdl' 11111 Jttnff D .. 1•, <II $$31 Rochelle Ave., llclh of W11tmlnsttr. ENSCH--sAHOOVAL, llldl1NI G., 2', of ''' Cln'l'«I Acrn, L1111ul'lll 81ech Ind Ttr~ ..... It, al 10132 Flenner. G•rden Grwe. FRANCE-HENDERSON, St1fti11' W., 7,, ol 7699 TcaU Avt. end Dll M L., ?•. of 1216\IJ 7.lrd St., boln el WtUmlnster. ESPITIA-CRUZ, Gilbert, 11, of lllC Hun! Ave.. Huntlng!on lle•d'I Ind Amandi, 11, of $622: Yubl AYe .. We1lmln11tr. ALTON-WALKER, Leon1rd M., "· of 75"11 Eldoo, CG$le Mese I nd Fn...:es e ., '2, ct « Mtul """·• Senll AM. JOHNSON-KELLY, G•l"I' l .• 21, of 23'12 P1\lude1 Roed, Senti ,._,.. 1"4! Chris, 211, o1 111 45111 SI., 'INPOrf lltKh co11.Ynl-YOOER, Dinny c .• 21, ol 1.. Eestwood, S•nh An1 I nd Ellln IC.. 11, ol 9111 Windsor, 'WK!ml111 rer. HARMON-811.0WN, Dennis J .• 2l. of D30 T~IPr. Ar~l• Ind Chrl1llne M,., 211, af 28~ C1telN St., Hewport 'llffth. PHARMACY TOPICS I ., TERRY GRANT, R.Ph. Among poisoning a~tl •.n· countered by clilldren under 5, plants rank sixth, Last year 15 000 persons were victims ~ poisonous plant!:, and in the past decade there have been ovt-r 750 deaths. • • • In the last five years the percenta&• spent on drugs u part of medical ca.re has fallen from 18.5~ to 16.2%. • • • 11 you smoke more than two packs a day you are • heavy amokn-, and your life ex- prctaney ts eight )'l!tl.l'W less than nonsmoker's. according to a ttct.nt Health, Educa· tJon and W elfatt npott. • • • ~iany drugs *'wMthf'r pres- cribed or bought over the counter, slow on<l'I ref19e1. Check wttb J)h)'llldan or pharmacist w he t h er an)' met:Uca Uon you. are taking has w. dfec< (Especialll' important to drlvera.) • • • For modem ~rvlce with old-tuhioned court.tty. brins your prn:cripions to: PAJtlC LIDO PHAIMACY JS1 H .. pfhil R• Newport IMC.h '42-1JIO Kill• '""""°" Yell-.oxatis in 48 hours, or less in HOT weather, in DichondrG and Gran lawns, Ivy; Ajuga, lceplant, Strawberry and Flaww Becls. Old infestations may reqv;,. · two or more trtGtments. ~ '~ ld•nlifying f90hH' .. of Y.aow Oxoliss.Growrlnhly "#int« ond summ.r. Spr.ad1 rapid1y. Propagat .. from Med and Jurface runners. R••embles bur dG¥er, but 9rows taller and has 9reenar color. Will choke out any type of lawn Olld 1nost 9rovnd CO¥'W'I, if not controhd. ~· LIQUID OXAIJS.KIL ''. provides ,jj, Gl!EATER SAFETY ~ ) ';. ~ becau .. of its ' :. 1 QREATEl SEtECTIVITY . • " • ~. ~~UitlW.C II a,... ,-:t'\::k ..... tq,.t r• c..tehaty .,,.,. .. II ll ·~i:·~~-'-414,3'1. Mtt..thmthta. \l One""" ....... 100 to 1600 "I· fl. 8-0L 1.69 Pt, 2.69 Qt, 4.69 Th• COMPUTE nRTIUUI for ALL plants 1, A food for ROSES, FLOWERS, LAWNS 1. >. food f.;, AzaiNs, Camellias 3, A food for Citrus, AvOcados ~. Corrects Alkalinity and Brooks up Paclcocl or Adobe Soils Why bvy FOUi when ONE wUI ... , TERR-0-VITT is bttter btcOuse it a-aH four. E<onomical becavse it Is c:anon1t1ar.d. TRY IT-COMPAU IUULTll Contains all nff<locl plant food •l.,...h• Organic Nitl'ogen, PhosphoM, Potasst..n, Iron, 1.inc PLUS all·important Chelating Ag- ln1ilt •n TEltll.0-Ym Pt. $1,95 Qt, $2.75 Gal. $6.75 I llJ!L 'l~r:.CY~"":1: SZ!fl: H. htll Mlee VI l!rwlft I . Mio• 0-.. LO\lfM S.11 VI .......... ., .ll/lfV O.f'lene CkirtM .. """" •• -o.rtr\lde ~rle Allffl' VI Vlctw J, -Eldore E. S..lllltrrr1111 "" Giit F, ..... ~ "'1: K. ltllchtt1 '¥1 IWlrlrkll aettte Lou fl'el....,,... "' L1i.M o, P11mttfall 81r1Mr1 PetrkJe OV•rbl' YI ~ .. .... L-IMI Luc:llle VllMo "' It-let ltellll YUll 8oMll L. loull VI Willer H. 8oln1 LtlMonL v . G•ftllwaod VI fl'llrkk c. ·--Chlrlo!le A. Torm "s llltbtrt L Torru Judllh A. LH "" Jtrl"I' J, LH ICelhlHft J, SllllMI\ ¥1 Hltl'betl W, ,,,_ Aentt v. Fuller VI Orin J. Fulltr Al1twr McGllf'k, Jr, v1 fl'llrkle A • - ftllll~I M.. It ..... YI 0 111'11 lllftdoa M. 1 111111 ldwl tdt "• NHI MOJ11n ....... Glot'I. M. L111:11 .,, ElllllUllll ~ ·-llOWt °'9all Saunleft 'II SIUft lwlM -e....-W, OMr 'Ill Alie• Q. OMr ,.~ J. Qlnlli .... ,.,.,. M. ..... ..,..,.. NW! .. ... ~ A.. .... O'-8. Fox YI K-111 W, Ft ll. _., .... metfti.n1nce NlllCY A. Got'lnlll Ill ,,,,.,II W, Gom1111 SWiii D. klluttl lie WUlll111 C. Sdlulll Judllh C. ll11d'#lft 11e D111ltl l . lleldWJn Linde I. Jolln YI l.l:IJer L • .IGM1 Hltlle l . Mllll'lnl VI WIU11m H, Mo-J.,~I Peul Colill'rllll vs D11n1 Fr1111;u Ceiln'lln ~Id W, WllMll vs Mii'!' l. Wlt.Olft I(_.,. C. Wrllhl, Jr. ¥1 Sllll!1 0 . Wrlllll Sulllll'll L lelu!!' YI Frl!Clertdl C1rt llllUf' CIMrlll L Pritt Ya J1111ne fl'rett $hll"Clll T, MllNlfll w 0.11 Rober! ... ,,. Y•llTI• Lou s, ... VI ll;itNtd Harlf'I' $Yert ~lrlw K. Mlfllln "I J~ ~ ....... II.obit! ~ Ctletant+ w Ylill'IM C::lleuntl Cethfflnt II. '"""'* WI lloberl '• SWIM, Jr, Wllllern G. 0.1111¥ .... P1trk loi L. Git""' Donill'I~ AM HAndroctt ¥1 Wiiiie"' OrAll.1 .._lldrock J-t NIOrme WllllM'll 'It 0... A'""' WUll1um Suunne 111-1 Mftft Y1 Plier A. ... .. llonnll Cu:oJm GrHnflllct "' Joft" T1vl0r GMnl'ltlct, St.. -r1I• m.1lnm.111;9 W1ltv Werr.., H1Jt1-.1 VI 1Elll1bll• H11t"'91 • Alll«f F. ~II "' 1tn1nndl a, M1rlt!I LOl"lil L.. Fe,.... YI 11-111 Jed; ,,_ C.......,I AM Cl'lhlrl "' J..... '""I Crlhln 6-reld 1111 Tlf' hnl vs P"'1dl M41v Ter a..1 AZALEA BLOSSOM ... TIME! Breathtaking beauty in colors ranging from pure white through lavender to deep reds ______ _ BEDDING· PLANT SPECIAL Zinnias •.• Plant early for the finest summer bloom and full growth. They like plenty of sun . Will grow 3' tall. All colors. FEED ORTHO-&RO' ~icltoldtl fool ~ YOUR DICHONDRA with the "WHIRLYBIRD" action Fufly guaranteed. Come in Today for a demonstration! COVERS 7500 SQ. FT. SPIC~L $4.45 DECORATIVE BARK Thousands of landscape variety plants in full bloom. Treat your garden to a sparkling array of color. 0 We'll show you how to plc:int them in sun or shade. Many, many varieties of fine bushy plants, tree types and espaliers too. .FROM 98' FUCHSIAS For delightful color in the /,summer shade garden. ""'"""' ' Vigorou s Plants priced from WINE BARRELS Solid h••vy O•k 1t•v•s. Sturdy st••' trlnd1. Built to l11t for ye•rs. Excall•nt •p•cimen p1ent11rs , 4'' for ft••• •nd shrub5. Thinking About A New Lawn 7 SO EASY TO PLANT SO WORTH ITS COST Ask us about TIFGREEN and TIFDWARF Hybrid Bermuda stolon method of planting your new lawn. Pick up • copy of our free planting instructions. Lavender Lady LILAC DO IT YOUR·SELFERS! Reel Eastern Lilac flowers with the typical fragance. Can be grown . 1n any !9r•a. 1295 Loy Your Own .Gorden Poth with Redwood Rounds! ..-.... ·~O' ~:!~~ '<IR·--" -CM HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Speci•I Pric11 Good lhru Sunday, March JO 2648 Harbor Blvd. "Quality and Sen"lt• Sine• 1946" COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 • ' \ I ' ' •. ,• • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . Jt D.llLV Pnor For The Recor d Fir e Calls 14•1 •n<ll ..,,n t U t .l'I , G11 1"~. fOt EIKtrlc 7,>0 ~ m., Srnokt lnvttllttllon, '~ lrd SI. S . .:J •.m., li'rilh~~. ~Ollfl'IOfWt IN""' WHlnl111•I• Mtr, tt 11·•' 1.m., Medkll •kl, 11.sn :kltt&r ••• 4:)1 1 . ..,., Mtdlc1I 1ld, Wftlmlntl• "-N C1nleo' J·J7 1.m .• 51.,,..:h.lo. 141• 1'1utwt 't' 11:12 •.m.. FL .. lnvn 1111tloft. Ctner111 w..t l lMP•ltl" 1:111.111,. .-..i~esl1wn "--' n t'!,.f.im.. Mllllctl •Ml Lellll t. •:• '""# "'*'le•! l,1111, 1117t J111\ct 'f'll '·"'M Tr-. flrt. 1"" ..._ I : •~i.. f,,,"'.,• lftyn ll1111on, "13 Wftlm ·~:i. Ytllff Mir. U \';71 1,lft., (':•r fl,., M••br• I-Ll•ltC U;at '·"'·• II.neut, 17737 auwro Hunt~ keca Mar. 22 n 1• • m.. 51nklllr~. 701 10!~ 51 , r:. " I' 1.m,. Mf'dlr1I 1Jd. lit~ I. <kfln : "·'"·· M"lilc11 '"'· 1•m ~tt•ITI' f :C p.m., 51rllC111rt , lt\71 Birdie l n. Mer. ll l :)I 1.m .. Structure. 1151'.! 8t1dl Blvd 10'07 1.m.. Fire ln~nlltlt!IDl'I, 19075 C1mbrldt' ~·Cl p.m .. C~• fire, Gfllfl•rd I. Edl1111•• . N~ ... (II t :m 1.m. Saturd•'f· mldk •I 111. 151 E. P1clflc C011! HltthWl'f t :OS 11.m .• t lKltlCtl lhort, 139 l utOl'llt ~:?~· 1.m. Sund1v. ovt11 fl••· 1521 Kalhlftn LIM 11:ol6 1.m .. Wl1t r le1k. 1601 Tttde Wind• L"WI 1:11 ........ cir tire, NtwPCrl Boulev1rd I nd Flnif'v 1:)4 P.m,. I Pl>llln« llrl , ollW Clltll111 Orlvt 5111 INdl l ::H 1,m, MOllOI¥, 11• ••!I!. Bol11 1rwl P1clllc COii! H!thw1., 2:«1 11.m., medl<1r 1111. Wt1tmlruter i nd l1v 1:1' 1.m, T11esd1y, cir tire. )9 llY Blvd. WcotmlRI"'' t:1l 1.m. Mond1y, !Ire lnvesti111!1cn, 6121 C1m1>hor lt:s.1 1.m .. II~ lnveiti111111111, lUCl Tiius 11 :35 1.m.. fire Jnve$1<Ntlon, t._O ··~ 11·u "·"'·· fire l11vest1tt11o<1, 11e1cl! Boule'<1rd 1nd llfld S!'"1 1:07 p.m.. tire 111...-.r1111!1on, t 0 1 C1r11&ll011 l :JI P m., r~K~. l.oil M11111ell1, SP. 14 F-l1!ft V1lln 11:01 1.m. MD!ld1y, mtdlc11 1id, lo.I•• Mlr111rit1 Hunllnt!Oll Inch f:11 1.m. MOl\d.l'f, mtdlc1t 1ld, 7711 • G1r1leld • l :IM P.m .. llrt lnvest!g1!1011, '4C1 All- trim Clrtlt , • -J:O p.m .• m.dlt1I 11d, 2'JO Al1bam1. • •' APL A ··: • l :tO P.m .. 1tove fire, 1H51 Ke1wlck • -l 1111; :-t-S:J! 11.m., 1trvctu" 11,.,,, llJI ~vll!e •:1· Circle •. '. J::M P.m .. meGlctl 1ld. 1102! Get1Ys- -• •. bYrt '• • .. J:H p.m., f!re lnvelliNlf1111, 11112 : ' • Mttn'oll1 • . • . . . . 7:21 11.m .. cir fire. Hll2 """ L•"' DEATH NOTI CES SLANEY M1rv Mldelllll! Jl1n1v. ,_, Stnt1 It<> bet (Olli Meu. 0.lt Ill d._lt!, M1rc:ll !5.' Survived by tl'lrtt IOflS, John T .• St. John, Ntwlaund!111d; Pw!, (Olll Mne, 1nd Adllllt Sli ney, Monlr .. I; f(iut" cll!J9111t1'1, Mrl. ll rencll P1trid, Ml'I. ci.uclli Huft. Ltnl\OWYlllt, Que- bec: Mtl. N~l1 BukM r. Cost1 Mew, incl Mn. Ode1J Heudorl, Cotn<U, l rl!flh Co111mbl11 mctfler, AU9inllne Sl'lel, ol Newlaundl1nd: two bro!Mfl 11>11 lllree 1ls!ers In Cu1..:t11 1nd 15 1r111dclllldren. ll'taulem MtH, Frkhy. S!. JJ)l<lllm's Ct!llollc Church. ln te•· Pnef'lt, Good JMoP!le<d Ct""!e<v. Olrtd• Id bv 81111 Mort111ry, lltl Su11rrior, (Olll MUI, TloJndjy, Mm 71, 1969 County Crime Council Se~ks U.S. nds By JACK BROBACK grants to slal<s and local which contzlbut< 1o behavioral Sheriff's Pf!i«. Estlm1t<d purchue of addlllooal films would ""'' 1o aupient J!Dllco °' .. n.itr '*" s11" gth governments to improve and probltml. Pl'OpOlltld ii the COllt : $$,500. and other equipment . patrol surveillance ol. public SANTA ANA -A ltt1 Y streogtben law enforcement. cratkm ot. a planning com-_ I. A riots and disorder EsUmJted cost : fl0,800. areas known to be potentlal progreu rtport Olli the ac-1be program ls adminlatere<I mittee to deve!Dp a research plan for lt&ndardlud nm. _ t. Hdicopten. To develop troubfe spot!. Estimated cost: UvlUes ol the Orange CDW!ly by lhe U.S. Department of project direc1ed al ·-•·· .~ ..,.,,,...., doc'.r~~--~el •--J action f 152 000 Crlmlnal Ju.st.Ice Council was .. _.. ... ~w--e1, ~· 1.11iig a JUUU PUIQ '--or ' t submitted to the Board or Ju.slice. d1agnoltk: infonnatlon in and tact.lcs to enable com-the evaluation, development -11. A planning, pro- Supel'V'iaors Wednesdav. It in-The county council ap-declsloo matJng tn Juvenile patible operailon ol the and Imp t ementat.ion of gramming and budget I~ g ~ pointed eight task f~es to Court. Estimated coct. 'U,200. various 11•enciu. 1be tak hell,_,,_ equipment for locaJ system to help police agencies eludes a list " It priority 'd · g • · u._ ... ...,,..... of h at m or allllll\I \&IC program -3. Computerb:ation of fCl"Ce bellevts an inv-'....., of police forces. Estimated cost: in the performance sue project.s the council hopes will and submitting propoe: I i ,...__, . I the . be funded wltb fede!'al monies. 8 s or Law Enforcement Reeord1 to existing r~ 15 basic to '20,000. functions essenha to im· The council, in operation for study areas. study the process of transfer-rational planniq: for meeUng _ 10. Television. A complete provement of service within Proposals, as subinitted by ring much of the criminal the problems of riot and delll1ed program has been the framework ol limited the past 60 days\ WN ac-1 lhe various Wk forces were records and information into disorders. Estimated cost: develo~ for use by a city resources. Est~ cost: ti\'ated under the Federa assigned priorJtles by the •u 000 """ h "2 ooo lbill ' Omnibus Crime Control and computer ay5tems. 11lis would • ' · that U wllling to ad.opt sue .,, • • 'Hil ' y sareStreet.s Actof1968. =Di~=~!~!::i save much time and mOnty. -7.RadioRtlayusinj:UHF a program. {Newport Beach The Orange~1ou1nty Cr~ According to Santa Ana Estimated co,,t: $30,000 in f~uencles. Police report the seriously considered and later JusUcc Counci s com.,..._..... flfunici"", Judge Leone.rd H. Jll9ti~ for pol!ISible funding. 1969; '33,000 next year. use of their alloted frequencies dlscarded such a proposal of 14 members. The various Gitn Duel McB~ counc il chairman, Given priori.Ues fn t be -4. Organited Crime. is being lt.rttched to it& limits after loog study). Tbt system task forces have 115 members. the two-month study has following order were: Plans to establish a cen-and an appllcaUon hu bet.n,1-:::::::..:.::::..:c.:::c:.:..:::::..::'.:... ___________ _ revealed the need for a ~ -1. An Acadentf. Trai.n.izl&: traliud computer data bank made for ult ol UHF fre-Br: ngs Jail prehenllve and c:ootdloated ~1~· ~~-~~ u.tq all o1 the tnt.tWaence ~~ ~ "~ ~r1 •ME1t•e•·• LAl't<SEST FAM•Lv cLoTMING " ltw enforcement pt&n wkbiJl eu~ -V"WJlllllS 1• au relatbi.g to qanbed crtme -..--NU ..,.. lolllC r-· Orange County. oegmet)ll of the crimlnal Ind other vf<o odlvltffo lo. oervice and wDuld permit all SANTA ANA -'What bu "We believe the council wU1 justice 'l)'ICen l n c I u de d the COWi.Ly and make Jt ac-ol the agencies mi their become known in Superior provide the catalyst for the judaes, attornen.' probation cessible to all 1 aw eo-vehk:le,, when neceaary, to Court as the "Halflelds and development of a com-officers, police' and all dher fortement agencies. Estbnat· operate on one lltandardiltd J\fcCoys" case has ended with prehenslve law enforcement personnel effected. Estimated ed cost : '9,000. frtq1'_ency. E.stimaced coeta : the sentencing of Eugene plan that will meet the needs cost: '5,000 in 1969; $35,000 --S. A study to determine CoMtruction of base atltlolls, Hardin to not less than five of a total crimlnal justice the following year. the best method of_ operaUnc $300,000 and converaion ol years in state prison. system in the county," Judge -· 2. A Diaanottlc Cemer the preeent Crime Lab -an present equipment, '980,000. Hardin, 3G, of Louisville, • ?i.f c Br 1 de to Id county for .Children for diapoeis and an Independent }ab, a separate -1. An updated film litrary Ky., drew the tmn from supervisors. treatment of cbild:ren with county department, or aa lt used by all police 11encles Judge William Speirs for his1 ;;;..iT~h~e~f~ed~e~r~ali;;a~cti;;a~uli1~"'~~iI~esii;;;;;;tmiiii;otion;;;·;;;;;a;;;I;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" -·-· ;;;;;;now;;;;;;;;;;;;f;;;unc;;;;;;U;;;on;;;s;;;;;;IUld;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;l;;;h;;;e;;;;;;i;;;n;;;;;;the;;;;;;;;;coont;;;;;;;;;y;;;.;;;;;;Pr;;;'";;;P;;;aied;;;;;;~ls ct1nviction on b u r g I a r Y II charges. Other counts of suspicion of attempted murder. kidnaping and assault with a deadly weapon were dismissed at the end of a three-week trial. Cleared of similar charges by the jury was Ronald Paul Young, 28, also of Louisville and a co-defendant with Hardin . Tustin police arrested both men following a blazing gun duel outside the home or Hardin's wife and the man she was said to be living with. It was testified during the trial that the '·hillbilly gun duel" erupted when Hardin and VoW1g pursued Mrs. Hardin and her consort - Eddie Gafford, 22 -from Kentucky to California. His Doubl e Was Trouble OANA POINT -It's in the sherW's log as "double trou- ble." Aod the entry stems from a deputy sheriff's attempt to serve a traffic warrant in the Dana Poi.bl area. He took into custody a man who argued all the way to the jail that he was the twin brother of the man named in the warrant. The deputy, the repor:t indicated, wasn't buying that. martin Preoento ... THE MOD GROUP 3 PIECE CORNER ARRANGEMENT Complete Group PRICE ( SALE Two firm innerspring mattresses witli box springs, for comfortable sleep and lounging -two quilted ,,coverlets - bolsters tufted in. vinyl with storage .• compartment -corner table with for • mica top -genuine Sheppard casters. CHAIN • RIES He has to now. The wanted w 111i.m cvrlt R111. toJ w. 11111 St,. twin turned up, identified '51• Cotti Mn.•. su,..,.ivec1 by wae, h1'mself and b e w 1' I d e r e d 1865 HARBOR BLVD. • Ph. 548-5131 ·. :• l ' .. ' " .. .. ! • • . t • • j • • • l ' ' • • • . L""I two d1~9hlllrt. Mtl. Maredvlft Fo•. s11rlf!llfleld. o r .. 11111 '"d M•i . deputies turned his brother M1rlor1e Wh lltflel1le, 11111111; 1lo:er, Mr1. Ooro!ttv P lt rce. c..iorvlen, loose. c.111.1 two 9r1nddlllllr .... Viiltt1ion But they still don't seem Downtown Costa Mesa Oflolv, Frld1v, Mtrch 21, from 10 AM "' 1 PM, ll!ll 11roedw1v Ch•Pet, 110 \~to~be~loo'."..:s~u~re".:.. ~· ~· ----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ln:it4w1y, Co1t1 Metil. Prlvtte ln!tr· rnent. Ftmll v 1w11tsll lh111e wl1hlnv !o mtkt memorlt l con!rlbulloM, ple111 centrlbull! lo tM 0••1111<! county He1r1 Au«.l1Hon, lo.IJ W, llh SI .. Slnt1 Ant, or Ille Amtrlc1n Red Croo1 fllood lltnk, An1hl!!m. llell B•c.dw1y Mor- 1u1rr. Dlra'.IOfl. TALLEY l\J'ldrew T1llt y. JOO cen!i!'f' SI .. C1:11t1 Mnl . GrtvHIOe WrYICtl. Frld1v. 10::!0 AM. Good S""'llfnl C'"'°ltrY. Ol~d by een e roedw•Y Mortu1ry, 110 l!lro.l!wl 'f, COlll Mt ... ~10RSE Vernl11 Morn. JHll SHcove Orovt. So. L11u111. Otte or m"'. M1rdl t l. S...vlv~ bv ttulbllld, Wtlltr: tour '"!!<:" ind two~. Strvlcn, Frl- t11v.' PM, Shittier L"""'" lltl Ch Mor· "'''"' with ll:tv. Bruce Cushing lllllcl- 111..,, Sllefler L11un1 fie.ell M<>rN1ry, Olrec1or•. FORSBERG Gu1t1v Fon!M'rl. '!J Htwthorne ltatd, L111un1 8e1ch. Ot te of lttt!h, M1tc!'I ,S. SurYlvftl by t>N!her. 8ololf Fotl• ber•l !wo nlecu. Lllllt n Horn 1nd JN!lellll Fotlbert; 11ephe""', Arlllur 1r-d H1rold FOl"lb!••· "rlv1!t 1~rvlce1. lnlltmle<ll to lit held !n ltldgewood Ctmtltrv, c111c1110. SMt!ff L1gu111 lletc!'I Mor'IUl fl'• Dlr«ton. BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar .OR S-H.50 Colla P.1rsa MIHIU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Cost.II P.te11 U~r DILDAY BROTHERS HuaUngton Valle7 Pitortury 17tU Buell Blvd. UunlJngtoa Beacll au.mt PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cl!mctery • Mortuary Cbapel SSOO Paclnc View Drive Newport Buell, CaWonll CIH!M PEEK FAMILY COUl~1AL FUNERA:, HOME i•t Bolla A\e, "11'-llls~ 119.1-lm SllEl'FEll MORTUARY Hwepaid any higher interest we'd be breaking the law. We start out by paying the highest interett rate a avinga &. loan is allowed to pay. On April 1, it gets even better. That'& wh en we do 10methin& new to make sure you'll earn interest 100% of the time. And then some. Here's. how it works. Put money in anytime you pleaae. Take money out whe.neftl' you feel like iL And you'll gel paid for every 1in&fe day from putting in to taking out. On top of this, you can take us for 10 days ••Ira infaat ever, month even before we soc the color of your money. ]Ult put it in by the 10th. And you'll get Interest from the 1st. (The catch: you have to leave it in. till quarter's end.) Jn short, we gj,•c vou every chance to get more moncr for your money. Don't p;w us up. Becawe that would really be a crime. .__ 411-llll HUNTIN S. Oemu\e 4!Ulll SMID!~ MORTUARY U7 Al1l1 St. Uantl•gton 8t1cll LE Mill ~ESTCLIJl'I' ~ORTVARY 417 E. lilt '1-. ~ -... • HUNTINGTCNPJU\K llCU./MAYWOOO STVD"IO CTY (MAI N OFFlC::) b250 Al!.ntic.A\"DM< 124,-7 VMtun. Blvd. u,,-o Zoe Avcrw .f81-6J SI 7Q6....+JS8 .f8J-IS41 p •s---:-~-.-....,.,_.__ ~ .f9" WIWirc Blvd. 9J.8..J141 GIRLS' EASTER DRESSES WITH SO MUCH CHARM FOR SO LITTLE MONEY value comp. 399 $5.00 SIZU 3 T06X , value comp .. 499 $6 .00 SJDS 7TO l 4 Jud h.Do darling• frotn a wide a&tOrtmsnl of girt.t• nfresldtig new holiday dreuu. ' UTTU.SlmR1S 1dress hu a white berth& mllu and cufh f!dged with lace, a wlwt. 00. ••• in the prettiest}:ptu mlon and prints. n...,.e po1,..1"1apdnyloo;m..3 .. ex. llC llS1llt'S w.i., 'it"" IOOl ra)'!m Ulm- • wfth squani neckline, .,.....tch!ng Dbl hodt ••• and Sowing twin-print cotton batls1e sfeeva ••• in Easte:r-egg aolcrs; ma 7 co) 4. • OPEN I SUNDAY -11 to 5 ~~----. ' l!!!!!l!Z.1 I_ ' Costa Mesa, f 60f Ne wport Blvd., al 16th ...,.. .,..,. -12ln .. ,. fro•• 11.,.4, 1 , I , I j ·i ' ,· . I ,, !· , " r i l ! i I 'Crldeal' Area · GRAFFl11 Action W urned In Sand Pit Tiff By JACK BROBACK Pounded In th!. pa>t week, McNeill said, by water leaking ~ ANAHEIM -The latest act into the pits from a land slide In what baa become "The near tbe endangered homes. Great BurrLs Sanci P.it ~ This water movement, p~ troveny" played before coun- t y supervisors Wednesday wttb no real action being taken. The board wlll see what It hope:a is the final act next Tuesday. Warned that the situation at the mile-long sand pit area north o( BalJ.Road lo Anaheim Is "quile critical " board ' . members -urged C o u n t y bably from Wldergrouod sup- plies, is seriously eroding the Ctl!:ii~ slopes of the sandpit, the engineer said. --------- Faced with the possible u- penditure or $2.5 million or las: money, county supervisors called for a <further report next Tuesday from all agen- cies involved -Flood Control, Building and Safety as well as the County Counsel. SA Suspect In Robbery ' Faces Trial ) Another Hotel Due? Ana~im Considers Third in 3 Months Anaheim dly cooncilmen will consider a height varlaoce oo April 1$ to allow the can- st.ruction of the third major hotel proposed for t h e Disneyland area in the past three monthS . International Hotels Inc. wants to build a ninHtory hotel on the southwest corner of Harbor Boulevard and Cooveotion Way, adjacent to the Anaheim Con v en ti on Center property. Just acrw Convention Way, Royal Inns of America has ol America project Is bdd up by court acUon of eevtral other hostelries in the area who hal-e IOQlht an injuoctlon agaJnsl Ille pbn to build OD city property. City Atty .. Joseph Geisler said Wedne!llay be will file Capistraoo Citizens Aid College Students proposed to build a 1,000-room, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO San Clemente High School $15 million hotel on property PT A · d' ff of leased from the city, and last -ln an efrort to curb the , 1s corr U1ating e ort · ct ol ~-•· ~-f • seven district PTA '1 in the December, Royal .c.o.ch· lnns unpa • ~,g '"'°'"' o coa- annomced plana for another lege oa SOI.Ith Coast students, organization. 1,000-room. $15 mlllkrl hotel Cajistrano dtizens are form-PTA representatives are at Ball n ••• --• w·~ S ...... _. Mrs. Ronald Steelman, M". ---"'~· Ing a C<llllllliUee to aid deserv- Counsel Adrian Kuyper t.o take "'legal action" against the owners of the propert y. Kuyper will seek a court order to force the owners to alleviate the danger to about 400 homes in the area. County Building and Safety Director F. G. McLellan Jr. already has attempted to in- itiate action against Mrs. Mar- jorie Townsend of La Habra , operator of the Burris Sand Preliminary plans for Uie Kermit Shumard, Ole Hanson A Santa Ana man accused 103-room Intl!l'nBtklnel Hotel iog college-bound students. and Mrs. John SuUon. o! being one ol three men we.re approved earlier , this Now In the formaUoo stqe, S t e er 1 n g c o m m ittee Pit Co. But Wednesday's session But Mrs. Townsend ef- really only served to cloud fectively blunted this move the issue as to what should by declaring that she was or will be done about the . going to go t h r 0 u g h problem. . . bankruptcy. who took Jt'Kft than A,000 week by the Anabejm Plan-the orpnlsaUon alma to members are Carl Hankey, at gunpoint from the Newport ning Commiaion. The firm coordinate ind 1 o It e I t Howard Massie, IJnton Sim- National Bank's Orange Coun-will seek a height variance scholarship donations from in· mons,· Mrs. Edmund Kleman, ty Airport branch has been from the City Council as the dividuals, s c h o o I s , and Mrs. Kenneth Bloom, Mrs. ordered to race trial June 4 nine-story structure would be business, service, and fratern-Gordon Anderson, William in Los Angeles Federal Court. JOS feet tall, 30 feet above al organizations ln the Capis-Webb, Mrs. Dan Yielding, the Cl.ty's 7'foot limi·tauon for trano Unified School DI.strict. Mrs. Carl Buchheim, Jim .~bert McNe1ll, engineer Faced with this dilemma, Daniel DuPree, 27, earlier " arraigned under the false all buildings. Mrs. Van FI em Ing, Slaven, Ed Kincaid and w1 .Woodward •. Cly~e and supervisors turned to the ac- Assoctates, the lum hirei;f by tual owners or the property ~e county to study ~ s.itua-and will try to make them t~on, ~d the. only logical solu-the target of legal action. name of Jacques Dupuy •. _ _:M::e:.:an::whil=:::••...:the::::..:.:Ro:::y:.:al_Inns_;:.;__scho_l_anhi_;.P:_chalnnan ___ o1_the __ B_ar_bar_a_0im_w_•_IL ___ _ pleaded not guilty to charges oI attempted robbery of a t1on 1s to fill the slopes of . . the vast sandpit to stabilize Owners listed on assessor·s naUonal bank at his ar· raignment before Judge Albert Lee Stephens. the erosion. maps of the area are Henry DuPree was arrested in San- ta Ana last Jan. 29, more than a year after three men held up the airport bank. Sentenced to 20 years in federal prison on the day or DuPree's arrest was James Roscoe Holmes, 26, ol Santa Ana. Then McNeill dropped the Wagner, George T. Calho~, "blockbuster." The job would Harry Basse, Mr~ .. Bessie l " lu. t 12 5 111. Brooks, and G. 0. McMillan. C03 m1ono.m1on, hilth -t,• he estimated Meanw e, e co u n y s · engineering constillants will Currently, the county is complete exploratory borings spending more than $2,000 a into the pits to finalize their day pumping water out of recommendations, c 0 u n t y the sandpits. It leaked in from Counsel Kuyper will institute the swollen Santa Ana River during recent rainstonns. some kind of legal action and supervisors will hope that the The problem has been com-whole thing doesn't collapse Federal officers said they still hope to trace and arrest the third member or the trio. Billboard Reprieved The Board or Supervisors Wednesday gave the Rossmoor Corporation a six· month reprieve on a disputed billboard on the San Diego Freeway northwest of El Toro Roa<!. The corporation had asked for a five-year renewal on its permit for the billboard but ran into the Planning Commission's campaign to eliminate m o s t billboards along the freeways. Louis Heimrich, represen- ting Rossmoor, said developers in the area are working together on a sign policy which he promised would be "Wlique." lidore they fiDll a aoluti1111. Pi•-t Vi i*-And all the 400)>omeawnm r,u ff .....-S ln the threatenea area' can •· •---0 • Tou" .,. OllllCf\H:ttlf Malid1n •1'111 ""' ui worry. 'm:r.., wners 01 f'r!d•VI tor acfllof ,, • ._ "' fifth rt homes along the perimeters ,,~ i-1 11111 ,.,.,.., or ottwr or- o! the sand pits are-especially 11n11111-o1 •t .... , tt11t '" 1e<t-e1. lt1'9rn!M t~ m1y a lt Mr. concerned . OV111.-, 11.kt'I, Mt:G1, &rt. 211. YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Potential Unlimited We offer financial assistance R1i11 g•ntl• odorl•11 Chinchill1i in your hom•. Sm1ll inv11f- m1nt. Comp1f1 fr1ining" pro9r1m. Won't lnt•rf•r• with pr111nt occup1tion. SEND THIS AD FOi Fiil llOCNUll- Universal Chinchilla lrHders 1120 Ent Alli S"-t, Fil~ c.Af. Call: (7141170-106J er Colhtct1 17141 IH-2161 MAIL 1HIS AD ~ WANT INTEREST ON YOlJB BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T GET IT BUT 'WITH PACD'JC'S SWJTCB 'N SAVE ACCOUNT You cen do 1l11nt 11 well 11y keeping 1 lot 1111 money in yaur chlddng IHWlt md I lot mwl in yall1' Pacilic &% Pmllaok Account 1111d switdllll •lllJ laldt •d forth• oftln • ¥1111 lib. ....... every dollar eanu eveq dal It ls In your Pacllle Aecoant- evea for tan one day. K•11lllr HP 1lnlr~nulll11•••• .... ..., • t/4ll• lltilllll 11 *• ,.r .... Will Ill CllllHt 11111. Snl1p 11 Jllf .-nt It •1111tr'1 11d 11m fraa tlt1 Ill 11 11y ••ltlt .... naiJw• ~ tit• tOtlt. ~BETYOURIOIJIS WE'RE lfl '!fcotJNTERS-sur ~E=~:i~ passing throulfl S & A pol'lals because they think,...,. tao clusy to really be selling men's~ shoos ot dis- count prices. 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE RelllC fenas ••• the slllrp looking shoes you -Inside really do sell for $3 to $12 less lhlnthe ldenticol shoes in the hilh pricod stms Wllere )'OU're used to buyfn1 them. I Con"' flt )'OU? If )'OU_, sla 6 lo 15, M to EEE )'OU're I dndl to set fitted 11 S & A., • then )'OU'll lowe us n mudus the ladles do. MIYbeevon more. 333 E. 171H ST. COSTA MESA LOS MGllIS lmll.T MRil lllSICllE$TB 4012 "· s..tl 11.W. '8SOW.Pb8W. 8'15S.S.....IW. SMTA IOlllCA llOllll ItOU!WOOD SllElllM OlllS (MOU PAH lll)D--....... ._. ""'· 14&45 """"' ll¥d. 13t1T_ ._ ""· -IMCAS!tl· SHCI' llM.T "°""' 2m1r-. .... 701W,,_ .... SHOP SUNDAYS 10-5 I • I DAILY PILOT J ( 88 • • lliP Qality • lluly Dity ALL -WEATHER EXTENSION CORD Bi1 66.foot heavy;duty utility extension cord. Super.flex ••• it will withstand even lhe worst weather. Resists oil, sunlight, ozone, 1br1sion. hut 1nd cold. Loni lasting. Colorful orange with black molded-on ends. Sixteen puge, three conduclor. ~ 71ME·AU Only $7.88 afoJt )'Oii IMM, llUO I ltnto Into T1nll hom1 ... dl1tout1'" lur~lng fl'O'<ll'ltr" .-,11. l111mHl1ltly It b~OlllH 1utofn1Uc Polltt ind ln1ur1>1c1 ofllcl&lt· rtcom· -turn• "on" incl "oft" 11 1ny 11"'1 .fll•nd II. Git 1 Timi AU tocl1,-11'11 It ,... ... tllt<:ltd, jut! •• II JOU .. , ...... Mr! llmt )'OU'rt IWl)'I '~ ~" ~ BIG Bld!lelqu·L' WGAif.lS SAVE s1so PER@ GALLON on our quality interior paints ..,n_ .. .,.._ ...... llLOOM GLOW _. .......... Perf•ct for woodwork, trim, kltchene Md baths -wMmw 1 tcrubb9bl• flnlth It ttqulrtd. BruahM on emootf'lly. Regul•rly $8. 95 ~~~ $7.45 ~ -... ... ......,,., .... __ .,,,,. VINYL MIST One coat cov•r• most colort. Ont. fut 10 a h1rd, w11h1ble finish. Brushes and rollers come clean In 1oap and Wlt•r. Regularly $7.88 NOW ONLY The Protection of en1mef. The conYentenc• of l•l•X-Or/et t .. L Very low odor. Clwra in 1 coil Bnatw W11sh clt•n In wattr. Regularly $8.95 ~~~ $7.45 • I • • J J1i DAILY .iLOT ---.. ·. I lllW'JiOll, MatU 21, l9b'I • • • Move your account to Mercury Savings ••• • Take advantage ·ot Mercury's "SUPER MAX" - a new type of account combin· ing in one "package" an accumulative passbook account and a high-yielding bonus account to assure you the best interest AUTOMATICALLY I Mercury Savers didn't have to ask ... • They already knew that Mercury Savings pays interest, compounded daily, from date received to date of withdrawal-they knew Mercury's •{f.j\l!ti. provided them the advantage of every legal feature available. • "MAX·INT" i1 Mercury'• copyrighted policy ol paying the hlghnt leg1! rate on lruiurtd paubook aavlngs. Funds received by April 10th earn from April 1st ••• And now's the time, during~the rein- vestment period, to start your "SU ER MAX" account at· Mercury Sa mgs. You can forget "shopping" for inierest rates when you save at Mercury. 36- month Bonus Acc0unts, 5.25%, avail- able in even $1 ,000 denominations. • Uniquely Mercury ••• You already know about Mercury Savings' many extra services ••• free lamination of your valuable wallet documents, the op- portunity to sit down and relax whenever you're transacting business at Mercury (in Huntington Beach), free safe deposit boxes for savers with minimum balance, thaf friendly cup of coffee, and other features. Now, at our Huntington Beach offices, an added· service-we're• open EVERY SA TIJRDAY, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., for ~ur convenience. MERCURY SAVING§ I and loan association Home Office: 8814 Knott Ave., Buena Park • On Knott , near Lincoln . Executive Offices: Mercury Savinas Buildin1, Hunt ington Beach • Across from Huntineton Center REGULAR HOURS: 9 e.m, to 4 p.m., Mon.-Thurs.;' 9 •.m. to 6 p.m., Friday . . At Huntington Beach: OPEN EVERY SATURDAY, 10 1.m. to 4 p.m. At Buena Park: OPEN-SATURDAY, APRIL 5 (only), 10 •.m. to 2 p.m. I ( • ,., . • ,_ J OO EAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 nunM1, Mlrdl. 11, ltff • .... 1s Party Pl~n ·s St .itched up The recently-formed Huntington Harbour Art Association wID honor Mrs. Helen Richards, stitchery instructor, during an invitational cocktail party for association members and guests Friday, April 11. The party will take place between 6:30 and 8 p.m. in the Beach Club. Following the party Mrs. Richards' prize-winning stitchery, Happiness Is, will be on display for a mooth in the club and the putr lie is invited to view the work. The stitchery, just returned from the Fine Arts Museum, Den- ver, won best of. show jurors' award in the Torana Art Association d~ sign exhibit, Santa Ana, last year. Mrs. Richards will begin a new series of classes Thursday, April 10, for association members. Classes will be conducted for eight weeb each Thursday and Friday between 9:30 and 11 :30 a.m. and 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. Self-taught in stitchery, she has conducted 19 one-man shows, countless group shows and won more than 30 awards in mosaics, stitchery and tapestry Including the Celifornia State Exposition. On May 6 art association members and guests will bus to the Los Angeles Art Museum to view the showing of Master Craftsmen of Ancient Peru, a colJection to be displayed only a short time before It begins a cross-country tour. The ancient art exhtbit, prepared by the Guggenheim Museum, took four years to assemble. 'HAPPINESS' ON' DISPLAY -Members•of the Huntington Har- bour Art Association will host an invitational cocktail party hon- oring Mrs. Helen Richards (second from right), whose prize-win- ning stitchery, Happiness Is, will be on display in the Beach Club. . :.; ' . . . . Admiring the work:·~ ! sell-taught instructor are ~ssociation members (left to riglii) ' rs. George Demos, Mn. William Smith The trip also will Include luncheon In The Egg and I, a gallery restaurant. Space Is limited to 55, and price will be approximately $6 fur chartered bus and luncheon. R.eservations may be made by calling Mrs. James Johnson, program chairman, at 842-1055. During tbe June meeting the association will enjoy a demon- stration by Betty Lou Nichols, whose unique ability to capture Mexi- cans and Indiaru and the customs of the early West, is one of her best expressions on canvas. Jr. and Mrs. Richard Da 'els. · 1 1 . . . Husbands Given Top Billing by Mermaids April and Maf dates .are filling . fast for members of the· Little Mer- majJi Guild of Huntington Beach, and to,-fOrestalI any "not again" moans from husbands, the wily group has planned ·their· first event in honor ·of the masculine side. On ·Wed{lesda)!,. April .2, husbands have been invited to visit Chil- drep's Hospital o~·Or:ange County for a first-hand view of what their wives' many hours of. service are all about. They wjll he .greeted:at 6 p.m. by William H. Spurgeon 111, execu· tive vice presil:lent oltbe hospital's board of trustees, and following a brief acC<>\Jllt of the "!orl< bemg aecompl~hed, the group wil( be taken on a tour of the bbspital Following the tour the members and husbands will assemble for a pizza party in a nearby restaurant . • Election of offlcers for 196S.70 will take place during the meeting Tuesday, April 15. Serving as .chairman of· the nominating committee was Mrs:• James M. Ri4enour and assisting were the Mmes. Leonard Peal, Rudolph Busch, William Buss ·aoo A. A. Dowers. Comprising the new membership committee will be the l\fmes. Ray M. hicCullough, Armen Sahagen, Jolin French, Murray \Viener, Charles Bauer, Douglas Moscrip and Glen Kenwor1hy. Mennaids have been r~uested to bring recipes for gourmet-dishes, wruch."\\-rfil be served during the installa~on luncheon, to the April'me.eting where they will be compiled.into a boolflet by Mn. Moscrjp. New officers will be instia.lled May 20, and serving as chairmen ol the luncheon are Mrs. John French and Mrs. John Mcintyre. . ' Tickets now are on sate for fhe CHOC Family Fun Night.at Disney· Jand May 11. Serving 8.!l area chairmen for ticket sales are ·the Mmes. Dowers, Huntington Harbour; Charles Bauer, downtown Huntington Belich; Mcintyre, north Huntington Beach; and Raymond G. Anderson, Fooiitain Valley. Mn. Thomas W. Welch Is general county chairman, ME RMA los ·:ir NE IN -A fust'band view 'of'~enes activity will 'be shown husbanc!s when the Little Mermaid Guild members inlit+ them·to tour the hospital Wednesday, April 2. Warming up fOf tliis eve11t In addition to the Cl;IOC ·Family Fun Shoplifters Repent, Restore DEAR ANN LANDERS: I read with amazement your sugg~an L 11:• t 1hopllltor1 mail ·to the "°"' c,edit manager (anonymously, o( eourse). cash- to pay for at least part cl the rilerchan- diR they piUettd. You mlllt'be kiddlns. You don't beli~ve lhe credit. mana&era: will actually turn ovt;~· tbt mOqey to' the store, do you? Most ~· -people are diahone&l and· trtdtt managen are ·only bum.an. Ca!h, aent .anonympusly, is too sreat ·a temptation. So, wtiy ' don't yoo. wake up and smell the ·tofree? - SURPRISED AT YOUR Sl'UPIOITY DEAR SUB: Tbanb ,for your wte of no eottfldenct la lM tiuman ttct. 'no 1-i.1 ktlt!'I "'!111111:, of lnteml .. )'llt ANN LANDERS tROM ABER!>EEN, S.D.: 1'•1 be .. a merclwlt for several yean ud c1Jm9' rtf:Uember , rect1v~~. a.ay ~ for mm:ltandlit tblt 1111. 1ien aJtopllfttd. This put· wttk I reCelvecl two tavtlopet wlUi moneJ. Ont eDvelope contained 1 scnp of p1ptt ·•bk), read-: ••1.0.u."1 ne tUter asitaJned a note wllkll said, , 1•nt1 11 tt plJ for apinelJilbg I 1tolt from yoar 1tere. I am IOl'l'.1."' I'm.. IW't tlteae paymtula are 1-, rtsult of your recent columa. -J\lfllli'LE KLEIN'S BIG DOLLAR: · ' . • • r • • . ' QUINCY, llL.: Rt<oivid lodlJ fUI Q 1 dtrect rullJl ti \oetcr cohnn.n. Thanks, Ann.'-CARL rlIN. ~l1n1gtr, WooJwor01 Store I : . , . YOUNGSTOWN, Ohi.: 1 ~1l0d\y afls · Chr.iitma,, 1 'received 'r 1$51 ',blll for .• pair o1 ·"'i!""· The l'"'t"' sl111cd lbe I I I . Fa·ith • note "New Leaf," the same signatW"'t as the shopli fter in your cblumn. - D. W. SMITH of P.1cKelvey!s FRANKIJN PARK, W.1 For Ult Ont time that anyone ln thl1 tlore can remember, we received payment for 1toltn mercb1ndl1e. Two $1 bUh came wrapped Jn your ctllumn. -W. T. GRANT CO., Mannbtlm RcNtd. LONG ISLAND, N.Y.: I am encloolns the .oote wbkh1 accompanied payment foe some penonal Items which Wtre ~Jen from our &tort. Thh1. should make you led good: -GEO\lGE K .• Manaser of'"Nasaau 5 & 10 • WEWVILLE, OHIO: BdJeve I\ or no4 1 ..,-,, readln1 Y9'1r column wilen 1, womu' came II 1ftd uted for die Night at Disneyland taking place in May are block chainneD who will be selling tickets (left to ri ght) the Mmes. Charles Bauer. A. A Dowers, John Mcintyre and Thomas W. We1ch, general chair- man of the countywide project . the Human Race mao11er. She handed me S'1 and II.Id , "I hope you won 't turn me In, bat I took fl worth or merchandi1e and 1 want &o pay for It." She promlud ••never again" and we 1grttd to forget Jt. -t;, R. DONALDSON SR. K~AS CITY: What a sW,,rise when foldin money fell out of an envelope -n name, no addreas. A note attached said. "AM Landers says to pay for what I shoplifted. Here it It." -KATZ DRUG CO. MlNNEAPOlJS: I 1tnt the: D1yton Co. part..p1ymeni for cosmtdca I teok 11 November. I wfD tend Utem the m:t whtn I c1n. Tbuk you for btlplnl me 10 1tr1lgbL -J.G. FROM CJIICAGO: I hope the Gold· blatt Company let yoo know t aeni them SI for the lipstick I swiped - ASHAMED AND CUR!:D. And tbtre were many olhen -bat Ole 1pace ii 1one. nank you aU. ls alcoholism a disease? How can the alcoholic be treated? Is there a cure? Read the booklet "Alcphollsm - Hope and Help," by Ann Ll.ndera.. Enclose 35 cents in coin with your re.. quest and a long. stamped, aelf-addreued envelope. Ann Laoders will be glad to holp you with your probleU\9. Send them to her lo care Of the DAILY PllDI' 1 enclosing a stamped, ttlf4dctruled envelope. I t I· ! I ! ' I I t ' ' DAIL~ PILOT Authore~s Gets Laughs Without Tellirlg·~ Jokes~ - • Jy JEAN OOX °' .. ...., ,.,...., Jleiol a wit oeemlngly would ' be a 1'latlv1ly euy way to earn «t1'i tiread and butter. After · in, what could be more· .. 1,.ry1n,. to ..,,...,, ' . eeo than to hive their wlt.- tlclaml a n d obeen-aUoni received with ,ates o f )"' lauabter1 ~' , However, as anyone knows ~~· who bas been trapped. ui.. ~A. tertnc politely, with· 90Cl'leone ~· who CONidus hinueU to be ) .;..;:. a wit, but in truth is, if ~ ;..· :_ uything, more of a hall-wit, humor doe! not comt easily to all people at all times. Moreover, what seems 1>¥1tertcally fullQY to one person. ii quJte -fooli!h to uother. LECTURER Emily, Kimbrou9h w.,u.,i ...,,p1e1a1,, ... ..... llUJll'llod ._ well .... did. ''Oat afternoon we •ililed .. -·rostaurant. •od --remem~ her tQf« bod lldvllod WO II')' a c:artalil eujllant • dlob J0< , Whldi Ibo ""'"1ll7 .1s reno"1>-ec1.1i • -,_ Ai<ordill&.'lo Miss Kl!Ji. btoullh, they rejected the menu and Eie.nor conOdent!>' repeated·the name ol the dish. 'llie.wai..,.'s -th reportedly droppld open, Ind In ..... po.,.., • -the women. in a Grett chorus, • aald;·"ooe{or each lady." Costa · ,\\esans Plan to Wed • After much wtingill& of the Mr. Ind N'.n. J-1> M. ' hands on the part of t$ lDaciO of Costa"' Meea have waiter and eventually the . announced the ens~nt of restaurant owner, the wOmea tbeir daughter, Lfuda May diacovered that Uumb )o tho I)!Wo to Rldlard Ch!m&. also difference of one syilab!e, ol COll.l;Nesa. what Eleanor was saying was n.e bride-to-be ii '.a tenlor Jowait ·a minute, J'll be back,' not an eggplant specialty but at Costa· ?,teaa ffith. Sc:hoot Palette Club President's a Winner A cue ·Nar . in point is -!mlly Kimbrough. .EVea1lilnr •• said• had all ol lief audience laughing mp.' plly during her appearance whkh wu sponsored · b y Laiwia Be a ch Asaistane Wiii< u part of ti. Towp 1 shouted to him." a -lcnr sianc teem iD Greek and her flance, son oi Mr. alnl thi Id t h for' "a etnUeDlan of ex· and Mrs. Herbert Qiung or Cert y s cou no ave ct!pUooal virility." Honolulu, is • gradu1te nt President o! the Sb8dow MoWJtain Palette Club, Palm Desert, Mrs. Eugene Huston of that city and Newport Beach beams happily as she learns that she is a winner in the figure category for her "Mari- achis." With her are (left to right) her husband and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs . Garry Short , of Newport Beach. Mrs. Huston, who was ·an artiJt.. Of-the-month for Newport Beacb ..Junior Ebells will give a one-man show at the Corona del Mar Libra- ry in June. Other beach residents attending th.e ninth annual Artists' Ball were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpson and Mr. and Mrs . George Guthrie'. Hall Serjes. been very amusini to the "As I said -a I i t tJ e Roosevelt Hilb S c b o o I ' -dfowning man. However, the • ~ humor and joy with which kno~ledge can lead a traveler Ha:w:~U. Miss Kimbrough views her life to broaden their horizons." No. date bas been aet tor and frieQds, proved most repeated Miss KimbrOugb, the weddlnS- refreshing and el\joyable fl)!' closing her anecdote. IF==='=:;:==== her audience. Min Kimbrough, who wrote TH INK NEW Linda Louise Mrs. Gordon Spec~alty Of Chefs Exhibited Mill Kbnbroogh hos litUe In common with Bob Hope, PbJW. DWer or olber pro- fesalclllll comic" She does not tell ,...., Ind ...., things she 1111 are, on the surface, not •<rt flllmy .• In between witli~isms, Mias "Our Hearts Wert Young and Kimbrrogb did get on the Gay," with Comella Otls Skin- llO&pbox long enough to regret ner, hu been a radio com· HOGAN the fact that most Americans mentator, editor, au t b or, have llttle command over screen writer and lecturer. foreign tanguases. According to Mrs. Andrew SEPARATES Becomes Droste EXPlllUENCB llECOUNl'ED Art wmple ls an upertence IJtc, recounted in which she, . a bad swimmu. wu called upon to rtlCUe :a drowninc "A little knowledge goes a Morthland of Laguna Beach, long way, .. •be sa.id, urging the ctlebrity's hostess during that people try to apeak in her stay in S o u t b e r n the language of the eountry California, the New Yorker's latest book, "Floating Island," they are via.iting. White gladioli, yellow snap- dragons, chrysanthemums and candelabra adorned the alt.Ir of the University Baptist Church in Santa Ana wh~ the Rev. William Acton united Linda Louise Gordon of Costa Mesa and Del James Droste of Corona de! Mar in mat· riage. The bride was escorted to the altar by her uncle, Harry Smead of San Dimas and given in marriage by her parents, Mr. and Mn. Robert w. Gordon Sr. ot Coroaa del Mar. The bcned ict's parents ~re Mr. and Mrs. Werner Droste o( Clinton, Iowa. For the afternoon double ring nuptials the b r i de selected a camelot style silk organr.a gown with venise lace adomint the bodice and cUffs. Her silk illusion veiling was caught to a venise lace bead· piece and she wore a locket nf her mother's. Butterfly orchida, stephanotis a n d baby's breath made up her cascading bouquet. Min Allee Arguelles of San- ta Barbara, the bride's cousin. was maid of honor and brideamalds were the Mines Peggy Gordon. her sister; Gail Smead of Upland, her cousin, and Joyce Melton of Santa Ana . They wore ye11ow s i I k Qrganu IJOWllS with long puf- fed 1lt1eves bimmed with white lace and carried colonial booqueta of jonquil& and white carnation! with headbands to match. Asked lo stand as best man was Dave Conroy of Corona del MM. Larry Gonion, the bride's brother and Denny Clark of Santa Ana were ushers while John Webster and Paul Eden, both of Corona flel Mar, were attendants. SURVIVAL IN Ttl SEA Educational movie S ; ' shows da11y thru Apr. 2 Thi1 Tit1te-Life fil"' tleth wifh I +lie 1tr11t1le fer~ 1wn"iv11 i11 1 i11 the lff, Tl!1 1lery ef llew fi1h de er de "et 111tvive i1 I 'def1'1e111lre+.d by "''"Y II••· "'etic ""llerw1!1 r 1hoh ''"•· i119 frelfl pl1nklon to 1ll1 r~1 te wh1le1. Fil"' lltrivtll fro"' tfie life N1l11•1 Libr1ry boo~. ''The Fi1h•1". ,,_ Drwwlllf ltr Lif1 N1twrt Library aMI e 2•-vel~"'' 111 e( life Scle11c1 Liltt1ry. Huntington C..itr ... , .. •Ml 141111•• •• 1'\e Se11 Di99e f:reew1y llWJ, "I lnunedialely started for An array of cu11nory art, him, Ind I like to remember , prepared by 66 Oranae County tllat," she told the women chefa will comprile the annual auembled in South Coast er.bibit of the Orange Empire Theater. , Chefs · AsaociaUon Monday, "Then I reallied i wu ,oing ·.MJrCh 31, in the Disneyland over my he1d. I .scrambled • Hotel. baclt In where I c0uld touch Each chef will display · hi! and turned to see the man own specialty and explain bow emefling from the .,. a t e r is a story of a "lazy 'ind DJ.USTRATION idyllic excursion through the To illustrate her point, she canals of France on a co~ told of an experience abe and verted barge." Aboard were four ol her women fr.lends 10 good lrienm, including the shared while viaiting Greece . .autho~ss, an a~ress and ac· "I was working on .a boo~.· tor, _two playwnghts, a rear and hid litUe lime for .admiral and a surgeon. anythiq ebe. H 0 w. v er TV WEEK Tells "it Eleanor, one of2 1!" women in our group, prepared for the visit with a tutor, and whNe she didn't learn the Like 11'1 I be .. . ) • JE.Gln lnM FASHION SHOW SATURDAY 1,00 P.M. WESTCLIFF PLAZA it is made and what in· once mci:re, guping for hruth. ___ _ gredienta are needed, ac·11~!~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;i-iii0;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;; cording to John T o d d , E :z .,... -AltiJ, :~~an;1~.frof,u' ~ ?~l/}JIV"•itll served at a. Ticket Inf o rmation ls available by calling Todd al 540-5934. Proceeds will benefit City of A'ope and the Garden Grove Girls Club. Beauty Sa.Ions ~.'.-"°""":·•·•~'¥·'.'W~ ............. w -· ~---~ ' ... ·-,' • MRS. DEL JAMES DROSTE Exc:flanges Wedding Pl9Cf91s Landscape On Easel Don Woodcock was the organist while Ray Baker per.formed on the piano and Mrs. Acton was soloist. Assisting at lhe reeeption for 90 guests in the church hall wtre Miss Pam Smead, the bride'& cousin, and the Mmes-. Gu.s Slater, Barry Cloud, Ronald Tibbits, Maud. Blouch, Woodcock and Robert Wilson at lhe guest book. Special guests were fl.1rs. Floyd Fulton of Long Beach: Mrs. John Weigle, Pomona ; Mrs. Frank Arguelles, Santa Barbara; Mrs. Adrian Willard. San Dimas, and Mrs. Bill Stone, El Monte, all aunts Watrous, El Monte; Mrs. Al Neely, Ontario, and Dennis Dunbar, El Monte. the· bride's cousins. The newlyweds will honey· moon in Las Vegas and then travel to Iowa where they will be honored at a reception hosted by the bridegroom 's relatives. The new Mrs. Ormte is a graduate of Corona de! Mar Hish School and her husband is an alumnus of St. Mary's High School, Clinton and serv- Contemporary impressionist Armen Guparian will paint a landscape during the April 2 meeting of Huntington Beach Art League in Lake Park clubhouae at 7:30 p.m. a.s the program feature. The guest artist was born in Abadan on the Persian Gulf and wu educated in · Dar- jeeling, Calcutta, Europe and the United States. The league's seventh annual Day in the Part has been e1tended to two days, May 30-\JI, and preliminary plans are under way. ed three years tn the Army. ---------- They will make thei·r nrst home in Floridli. 'Stocks it to You' of the bride ; William Smead, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:- Upland, her uncle; Mrs. Em.ii .. FREE SHOWS FOR THE KIDS (Adult.!, too) THE ZODIAC MAGICIANS Fri. & s.t .. M•. ii · tt Fe1tu •in9 Ari et & C1r1cer .,, The11 hiro yewng "'•liciant preve fhtt lhe hind i1 ~uic•· •• th111 the • ., •• v .. ·n ,....,. ••I aj their telent. Y•11r ldfl1 will inthl •" cel!'li119 b1ck le•• 1 repeet p11rfer!l'la 11ce. Shewti,,.et: Fti. et 4:)0 P·"'· •"fl 7:JO P·"'·; Set. et 10 ''"'" 11 ...... , I jt.fll ...... J ,, . ' THE . RED BALLOON Hunting'lon Harbour LTD. .. ~.­ Vealer in tasteful assortments for the little folks. ···~;·· 1617'1 Algonquin St. 1714) 146-1666 Spatialllln1 In Boy1' And Glrl1' A"""r.I .•• Sites Layette To 14 We !hape your lightened h.a.ir in lo )o\1el1 etrr ls. WeeanR theemto with "N'>ce Chan1<• -.. ,_.,.;,u. In jut 10 mim1~ yoar new bk>nde curls take on wtli&per-oon eolor·l<>M thal luto through ....,.,..1 !h&mpoo1. With no rub-oft', no ntoach problem : wt j u.1 t. ·-color-.. ,.,., wiM ! N~IMch, C1lil. JIU ..... . Mll'ht ... "' ..,... 0141• CMta Mott, Coli!. ,,,. ,_ lfllrl """ """"'ir e..., -- Santi Ana, C.111. ·-~ • PLUS SHAMPOO $225 AND SIT IM ... lln Tltun. I --... Alter 5 p.m, $2.50 "'"'· s.t.nloy, -..., ............... $).00 c .. ta IMM, C11if . ,.. w. tttti '""' ._ ....... S1nt1 Ana, Calif. ' '· ; Porter Puts it Plainly Orin,., C11if. l9tW.O.---tN W""'11Aw• -'-· ,,... ,,,.,,.. ,.. "'-''"" .... "·~ Qlltw --· Fountain. Vall.y, C11if. ,., flllltlP .. l \ltllf Vt"*' Ctl!IW ..,.... .Dl-tlU ---WW_.._ 4 W ------~··~~~ ---·----------------..,...,..... ....... ~---...... -..... ____ ' __________ ....,._____________________ ---------------.,..,.-,..,, • SEASHORE SIG HTS -Sure to be viewed on the ocean's edge is th.is most graceful, feminine, pro- vocative swimsuit with pleated nylon accents and fitted midriff. Fashion Finds Fe.m.mes Fickle FasbjOI?. la a .Dekle femme. With -most «. the .hot DCWI fO< llUDIDlet' proclaiming that "bare iJ beauUful," tnd U- llUtratlng the lla"1nent with great stretcbel of b a r e epJdennls, inexplicably the most stirring newt for the beach is the swlmdttss. It's the most fem.lnlne, pro- vocative look ever! Fluid jerseys that 1kJm the flgui'e, and dissolve into tiny 1kirts1 pleated or flared. The big vogue just out of Paris -pleats -in swim- dress" con!isting ol tiny crystal pleats extendfna: from a halle:r-hlgh neckline, and loooely belted with the narrowest of string ties. What a foil for wide.brimmed hats -even a ladyID:i parasol! But -swim dreaae1? Definitely seaworthy, thete Arnet jerseys, witb the added fillip or drying in an instant without aacrificina: a whit ol their graceful lines. A new cotfedion ol Sea Stars, just arrived at Sears, featw'e.s A p>dly variety ol these wonderfully feminine fashions. DAILY ,!LOT· ]$ Half Sizes Dacron Knltt- an excitin9 story In wash •nd wear, fold in flatterin9 pastels. Up~••p by washing m•chln• 11nd dry•r. from $25.DD ' ' , • . ' \ \ . ~~~'sHALF-SIZE SHOP 1~~ ~:~~: ~.~st~eSI II LITTLE GIRL CHARM -Gingham checks adorn this scalloped embroidered suit with bib-tie neckline and h'em over separate panties. Featured colors are yellow or blue checks with white. .. HOUU1 t:JO •·•· te l:Jt P·"'· M4e1y THI t AIM 114 OrupfW Wen, hhrtM FLUID SWIMDRESS -Newest swimsuit ol the season is this gracefully fashioned white and aqua Arne! jersey with a deeply etched neckline and flar-ing trumpet skirt. Students Suggest , Causes of Rebellion Greeks Kept In Suspense Over Dessert Laguila Beach Panhellenic members will hear a review cf a suspense novel set in the Austrian Alps when they meet in the Tep er the World home er Mrs. L.E. Dunaway next Wednesday. Mrs. Edward W. Reed will review ''Salzburg Ccnnection," by Helen Macinnes during the dessert meeting at l p.m. Easter theme decorations will be used by chairman Mrs. B.J. Vest and her committee member1 the Mmes. H.B. ?ifoffitt, E.E. Watters and A.H. Wilson. Members of national social sororities are invited to at· tend. High school and college the Vietnam war and unsettled French student a from world situation; dlscrimlna· throughout Orange County lion against the blacks; crisis were asked why students rebel in the universities; Jack of and what are the causes and ,,Jalth in democracy as prac-·---.-.",."•"""'""•"•""o----1 remedies at the sixth annual liced today, and a sense of French speaking c o n t e s t insecurity and fear or failure sponsored by the Alliance in a society which seems WHO PAYS Francaise de la R I v I e r a hostile. Many questions arise when Californienne. R e m e d i e s suggested iJI. The students related the eluded no strict laws; more pl&Ming a wedding. Send causes of student rebellion lo autonomy In schools; studenta now for "How to Plan Your the conflict between th e directing energy Jnto useful We Have Joined • • · AN[ GAUNll'S Glendale O'BRIEN'S Corona de~ Mar . I Lniortnct , vittd to a Trunk showing o You. art cordially in that wt ma11 Coats and a get together so Graves Custom become acquainted at O'Brien's FRIDA'Y AND SATURDAY, MARCH ll AND 2' ' bl for ·your pl•••ur• • sw••t • e . nd Register for a door prize p,S. Come 1n a 5 -$20 gift ctrtificates "aJtruistic and imaginative channels; instillation of good Wedding" Guide. Send 2Sc Idealism" of the young and ideas in students' minds by · · to po B 1 388 DRESSED FOR THE PLUNGE -A graceful the "apathy, materlailsm and professors; revolution within lll coin · · 0 ' shape can swing wide and uninhibited in this sky hypocrisy'" of the o Id er the law and more com-Huntington Beach, CaJH. l--------·2515 E. Coast Hwy., CdM blue pleated Arne! jersey with a high halter neck-gener:ation. munication between genera- 92648 JIDeandcinchednarrowsft~rin~g~b~e~lt~-==============~S~pec~il~ic~ca~u~s~~c~i~te~d~w~e~r~e~ti~o~~·==============~~~~~~~~~~~==========================================;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;=====; -NB Ebells To Salute 50th State Exotic 11a waiian al· mosphere, a lavish luau and program of Island songs and dances fill the agenda for wahines of Newport Beach Ebel\ Club Thursday, April 3. The group will gather at noon in the clubhouse and honored guests will be Junior Ebells. Featured art is t s Floradelle Kimber and Jo W.aree Nicolas will present the program. Accomp~nist is. con- cert pianist Genevieve Ja1ssle. l\tembers of the Garden Sec- tion. headed by Mrs. Ray Nielsen, will assist in serving the luncheon. TH INK CHAINS \f.~ JtoJo tnhl FASHION SHOW SATURDAY, 1,00 P.M. WESTCLIFF PLAZA • AT W ESTCLIFF . PLAZA INFORMAL MOD EL ING .Standing Room Only • SATURDAY!! MARCH 29!! I P.M •••• ON OUR MALL """"-""'"""""'""'"""""""'---------.---------------... --.. ~=·"'1;""'".,..,,.. ..•. ~, ... _ • .,,,~~.•~•••t,.••,.......--... ~---------------·---•••, r.~.-.-.---·· .. -·-·-· --.. .I • NH HIGH Je1nne E9111e Gir/s-Qf-the-month MESA HIGH Nonc:y Ackelson CdM HIGH Dobor•h Boll ESTANCIA . Sylvlo Mortlnoz •. Zontians Honor Four Co.eds ~ch month the Zonta Club of Newport Harbor honor! ooe senior girl from each o! the Newport-M e s a h i g h schools as the Zonta GlrJ-of. the-month. The selection is based upon leadership, citizeMhip, schol- arship and service to her achool. At the end of the school year, the coeds select the one they feel most quali- fied to be named the Zoota Girl-of.-the-year for t h e I r school and the recipient ol a $S0 savlng3 bond. cial work programs. COST A rtf&SA ?i'liss Nancy Ac kelson, daughter of the Harry S. Ackelsons of Costa Mesa, ls a four-year member of the Girls' Athletic Aswciation and is associated with the Pep and French clubs and serves as bead varsity cheerleader. Outside activities include the Harbor Area Youth Choir, church choir and Hoag Me- morial Ho.!pital, Presbyterian, CandysU'ipers progr~. Sbe was selected Christmas Dance Qtt~. m o.s t inspiratimal NEWPORT BARBOR · 'GAA member and . won the Mlss Jeanne Egasse, narn~ Bal)i. of America award for on the honor roll fo_r ri:iur boinemUil1g.' · years. was the Masorue CJtJ. · ,,Upon ~duation she will of_-the-year ln 1968 and wu enroll 1lt' Orlnge Coasf College Grrls' state a1temate. ·For and study Jar her teaching four years she has been a crOOenttal at California State member ~f µie Spanish Club College at Fullerton. and was 1un1or class secre-· . . tary before handling the same .CORON.\.DEJ. MAR senior class duties. )raveling to Europe this The daughter o( Mr. and' swnmer and planning to at- Mrs. Andre Y. Egasse of tend the University of Call- Cost.a Mesa teaches English fomia,.Santa Barbara or Colo- to Mexican-Americans at a rado State Universiiy and Santa Ana school ·and,plans to major in' foreign languages is attend UCJ and m~jor in (or-"Miss Deborah Bell, daughter eign languages. In tht'future o! the Joseph N. Bells of Co-:... she will teach at the high rona de! Mar. school level and enlist in so-Miss Bell is a songleader, Gardeners Gather Geraniums Club Topic South Coast Garden Club will hear Mrs. Fred Bode !ipeak on the history and culture of geraniums In Three Arch Bay Clubhouse, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 9. Mrs. Bode and her husband have been managing· an 80- acre geranium farm in 'Vista, an area they chose after losing a 60-acre farm in LOs Angeles due to a nighl frost . ) During her talk 'f\.lrs. Bode will introduce new varieties including the dwarf types. Mrs. George Rawlins, club president, said Mrs. James Ward, nominatin& committee chairman, will submit a slate of candidates at the gathering. The. election will ,take place at-~e annual May meeting. ' J&s .. Clifford Tinsman, tea chafnnan, will , be ass~ted by the ~ldroes. l~e~ Bull, Robb Scott and Niles Welch during a refreshment hour following the program. NO MONEY DOWN U•TOT~·.~~NTHS CAU K>I Fiil lmMATt AND SHOP AT HOME SElYICE ovr "°'"'llH!lltf tr11n111 dkerllflr wu1 o;11111 t. your "'"" " tfflc1 , • ... , ... _..., , •• Wil!I 1111 -•I r;Mnplefe Miieti. .t ••• ,.,, ... Clrpef Hmplli. NI lbtl'Jllloft. If Cfln., FOOM YOUI AREA CALL 548•8242 Ol 540-6617 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET B!ALll ENTIRE STOCK OF FAIULOUS DU.PERY FAlllCS REDUCED TO 20"• TO 40% Wily Settle ... Ordlury ...,..,,., Add C~lo<'fvl Excn-1 JD Your R....,, Decor •.• Will> &okl N..., ldHI lrol °" .... ' • '<'MC" ,. ...... e Tlla.U.1 . ..... • CIKafn ,.lltll • VlllM;H e Av•lr•U•n CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES OUR WOllWANSHIP II SUttll HAlDWAll & IODS CUT TO OIDll EIUTl·PLEI·, ·:~~~~ CAL&. fOI NII llTIMATI SMOP..AT-HOMI AlflCI 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN •• TO.-···, .... • secretMJ, el the American Fleld·SerVlce, member ol the student congress, Drama Club and OrtheoU. Sbe now Is wor~ on the senior pl41. Hq lmnlly bl! the AFS student from Norway resld· Ing with them. ~ANCIA Miss Sylvis Mll1toei I! par· ticipating on 1be senior class COUDCil, Pep and German club boards :.m. 11. an AFS mem- ber. Sbe J>akes foods for the Medlcal A1d Staili>n In Vlei· nam and vAratty team!, and woo a certi!ICat. ·or recognt- tioo . Jail YW :ror Best Over- all meinher ol the Pep Club. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raul llal1lnei· of Costa Mesa will major iD foreign languages tn college next year. First Stop Reinerts For ... "DAISY DAZZLE" De \V eese designs with bold strokes. A timeless farmfit sheath in their ex- clusive two-way stretch 'Lu.sternil' Giant 'Ki4nit' daisie6 glow against the scoop neckline, t orso and plunging back. A great pro- file is yours with a 'Sta-c up' inner bra . I0 /16 - $29.00 ''TERRIGAN'' DeWeese designs 'The Hack-a-bout.' The double fac·e Cannon Terry Beach jacket with button border front1 short sleeves and deep pockets goes with every- thing and anywhere. $14.00 USE YOUR BANKAMERICARO OR YOUR MASTER CHARGE DINERS' ANO CARTE BLANCHE IN COSTA MESA In DEP'A .. TM&NT aTQ.S=- 111' NEWPORT IOULIVARD PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE •• , Open D•ily 9:30-6: Fri. 'til 9. . -... • • Horoscope Cancer: Heed Gemini Message FRIDAY MARCH 28 By SYDNEY OMAllR • LE() (July 1$-AUC. DI: J!e 11): Don't lake loo serioosly Acceot on bulc tullJ. SUck selective, Don't wute Ume, complalnts about finances. to routlnt. Once Cltbrls ls . talen!s. SOml 1ry· liloe flat. 'tery. a.ome to be w'itb alpcere One ·~ to fOU wlll soon cleared, you can make rtal "The wb:e man controls hll : indlvkltlal , who la fr 1 n'1 chanee tunes. Know um and advance. Cooperate with bljsl~ booesL.SUck to.... ride wllb the Ude. You will associates. &lid 1<J9CI wlll. -lny ... Aslrolo1Y points cl I old .. ~ I bat •· t •·• allal the way." . Pea. v legal tangles. ge w .,. required. Cheer Avoid eicess a IOCMU r ARIES (March 21·April 19): ·:~GOeve:t(Aug. fl$-Seor ~ea~r'. opAQUARWS (Jari. 20-Feb. to~htToDAY IS , y 0 UR Give .full con!ideraUon to "' 1.c ha f young people. Be v ll a I, ·partlclPoUon dull or group II): Need to brealt from BIRTHDAY Y'!' ve lne actiy!ty. · SUuation -ulrin• rouline Is obvious. Do sense or huinor, ll1111Jc •bill· creative. Social evening helps . -~.., 1111 someth1n -t.-. 1 y Al ti t fullill d Ire , •.••• 1 ~ ariles, Realhe g GUUl.lt t. ou may ty. r.nes _you wan your es s . .L.A,Ulj:U accen money-is ·at stake. Don't ten not get perfection, but own way to such an extent on change, relations with op-everything. ·aatiafactton ·ts available . that others are ?Mentfut posite sex. Accent new friend. M cl bef da · d lre with TAURUS (April -May 20)·. LIBllA (Sept. IS-Oct. 23): •-~ ear ore y IS Temper es -·• con-1 ...., A friendlb.ip J.s put to test. uuiai-... • sideraUon ; then you 1WU1.f: rea Stress on home buildiog -Carry your fair lhare of PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): gains. includes construct lo n of responsibility _ not" ezcesslvel~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ stronger family U... One of weigbL You mate decision. F'1ll Your Home your parents ls likely to make It should be b---• known sU-ong views. Be and lake _ sca1";' u:'.ifb! With Thrilling Sound ••. 4 charitable. Don't insist mt bav-balaneed. SEN .1ng everything your way. •. . . GULBRAN GEMINI (M 21.J 20)· SCORPIO (Oct. Z3·Nov. 21): ORGAN ay une · · Your aid is Wed tn special Accent on how you handle project Answer i 'D af. d~icate altuaUon involving ;· fjrmati~e. Superiors judge re ativ~. Key b to be I ;rour re.acilons. Ma I n t a i n persuasive. Ask questions · -1 poise: Give and you will also suggest rather than demand •. receive. 'Prestige rlses. You And try your best to remain gain ?ecogntt.ion. neutral. SAGITrABIUS (Nov. 22-- CANCER (June 21.July D): · ne.. 21): ·Good lunar aspect You add to passessions. Money · tqday ·coincides with long- comes your way. Pounce on ninge plans, including travel. opportunity. Obtain hint from You galo needed llllormalioo, GEMINI m es a a g e . Be ~live. CorresPQDd with one diplomatic. Lov~y gift figurea . at a· distance. prominently in your day. CAPRlCORN (Dec. 22.Jan . First Time in Orange Count NO DEFROSTING 193 LB. FREEZER MAHY STLYIS & MODELS TO CHOOSI flOM. COME: IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION FREE LESSONS WITH ANY ORGAN PURCHASE! Wl TlaMS TOP PRICH ON TIADl·INS Electric Organ Associates 333 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa -~31 l81hind th1 P1nc1\1 Houi1l NO DEFROSTING 11.3 Cu; Ft. REFRIGERATOR L ONLY ~-only 31" wide-.j No Down No Payment Until July! Admiral. 95 MODEL ND1694 FITS YOUR PRESENT SPACE With FAMILY PLANNED convenience features! GLIDE-OUT SHELVES "BOOKCASE" FREEZER DOOR REFRIGERATOR -Entire SHELVES -Easler and quicker shelf glides out to permit package selection wlth far greater easy se!ecl lon and storage, · slorage capacity. Yowr 11111r1noe .f "'dmlr11 dlpelld1billl)" ind qw111tr. Mow M'"l111 1111111191 tlle -IPOftllbllltr IOI 11Mc1 11\d N in .. _ 1tM1 provldee M;t11r 1klli.d, -n.1t1tned PLU8-PORCEUIN CRISPER, MEAT KEEPER AND LARGE DAIRY COMPARTMENT i.c11n1tl1111 IO pertomi 11\eM 11ro!Off. L..--------------------------.J .fJIJ/£ J/Alllf See our complete selection of Admiral Duplex Freezer/ fKfTC /fV/f ! Refrigerators .•. now in 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, and 30 Cu. Fl Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa DQllr t AM te t PM Sot. t AM te t PM St!A. 10 AM •• I PM PHONE $40.7131 Write to Uncle Le ri The Tee Tattler Peering. ·Aro und THE REV. DR. AND MRS. Edwin R. Greene, pastor of Warner Ave. Baptist Cbw:cb In 11.;,tlngton Beadi, were honored gUests at Uie 25th anniversary banquet of San Diego Youth for Christ. Dr. Greene was first founder and first director of the Southland YFC. Assistant pastor David B. Wood and youth of the church will attend · the South Area convention next' Saturday in Garden Grove. Speech contest f\nalS, elections and seminars will highlight ~e program. MRS. NORMAN Huff of Corona del Mar won second place award in the California P r e s s Women's statewlde competition for best feature article published in a monthly magazine. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto presented the award in Sacramento for her article titled UCI Board of Directors, which was published in the Orange County Illustrated. Choral" Group Every 1tionday at 7:30 p.m. members of the Prospective Aliso Valley Chapter of Sweet Adelines convellf. in ?wlission Viejo High School. Those in- terested in joining may call Mrs. William Recht at 337, 0'731. L. I!'. •ef'IN11Mr, 411 Cle&I D, "'41 ,,.,,,__ T..., H....,_,_,, 411 J•cll. •llilv, •1cNri M•IMn,. a1 OM HW<llletMll,, " Ml.IMTIMOTOM •IACM 000 MOL.IS -c .... A. 11'19 ~ '"""' •ltt, :W""J ,.,_... MelNa. ill I Ut •Hw, •1 CllN& •· IM ~-CUHI ~. 3'1 ..... Ooftbu1'1, 311'1. •ACK MIMI -Cl111 A. tlw ,,.,,,. .. , -.._ llltt • ...-.1ri Mc:G1vldt. SW.J l lld kl..ttmH~. »1 Cini •• ttw Mini&. L.Gu All11rt, )11 ,,.. .. Mc<:1rt "' o.e.m..r.. ''"'· IU·LO -Tl\e ,,.,,,. .. , Alt Oltln1 •oi Scn.ttmllllr, fl"lt 'llelll II.lei, Cltl'OI Hoool. """"""""'°· MIU. '¥'1101 LLUT PUTTS -Cle• A. IM Mmll. w11n1m Nltll, ''' JoM Orth, Jl. I . MCOonnelL 7'1 ChlrM 9el!Mft, llllobeft Kinder, 1111 J-'! Merla, Sll Cltu •· H MIMI. P1lll ludll .. , Dffn ct-.. 2t1 K_.,,. l.Mluf1, llditnl Jw11'. Ht,..11111 P""-!, 111 l:rnat 0.111, :D1 Cleu c, the MIT>ff. 1*"1 IWll!f, 1'1 Wllll1m ,._, JD1 P111I ltoblnlo!I, :DJ lti<Mrd JC111111!0fl, :U1 D1vllll 111-11'111, Gol'lfon C-.3'. on-•COUAINTID PAITMlll - Tlle M/nll, •onn"', Mldllll W1-• .. , 0-111 Oouwlla. Kll'lftr, "' J1mn Mcertdl1. w11111m c~. •11 H1rel4 SD....,_ 1rld P11rl •lbtl, Mlc!11t l llfl!Orl 1rld •vr111 WllMn, Wllll""' CY91rr Ind l•FMY lllblNwl. Mt I'll'?\> $,..,._,I Ind fo:lwl ... (l<*!l'fi. -.,11 Merkt and ''''* l'Mdodl, ff1 G- Tebll< •rid McOonntlt. J""n "°""" Ind Robin~. Giii 1nd C1rl kwlltn, ~. IL MHIUIL U.D\11 DAY IVIM MOlll - FU1lll A, !tie Mmtl. LM TOWMIM, Harrv L-•· 311\.'I! Jolin Cllrll:, •11•11 Fll1ht I, IM Mmll. ltrv McC11lln1, ~ l'aul llltt1, Ml,,,.. Tu,...,, •'h1 lllcN ... ~II, ~II HlecoU., tl\.'i1 .. LLthl C, tM ~ 6-l'1rt.«, ~' 111vft'tOl\d l1llev. •ob«t Chrl ... 11111""' 41\'u MIH lill-frlldw9t!, ~~I D Fll1/ll, tt>t Mmft. Albert Sfltndlt, I N1nt 11111, lF\\/ 'r.til l'ren!IClt •1 Helton Goff, 40. Style Show For Easter Scheduled Women of the Moose, Tustin Chapter '87 is sponsoring an Easter• Parade of Fuhl.orui and dinner nert Saturday at 7p.m Models from Miss Prim Academy, Huntington Beach, will parade fashions and Mrs. '11lomu Keevil will com- mentate. Beginning at 9:!0 Artie Kaye and the Nlibt Owli will offer music for dancinf, and at midnight door prizes will be drawn. Procteds" are earmarked for the MOO!eheart scholarship fund and the purchse of ru1s. Further bdorma_tion may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jerry Alexander at 842-8250 or Mrs. Robert McLaughlin at 54+ 11599. I --ell THE SCUFF TOE FOR DRESS AND PLAY T reet that little man of yours to the eesy going comfort of this duroblo Stride Rite9 oxford wit!> beating-proof scuff toe .. , great on lo oks, too! Expertly fitted to insure proper wear. Sizes B'/i-12, 12.00; 12'/i-3, ll.00 In C-0-E widths. Mo il, phone orders invited. Child ren'• Shoes , 58. ANAHEIM 444 N. IMIW llS.1121 ........... 11 .... te f:JI p.-. ) ' THE DRESS UP SHOES • • • WHITE AND DAZZLING BRIGHT Hove your little miss put on • shiny shoe ond lead the prettiut p•rode o{all .• , she'll love the grown up styling of these expertly fitted pretty-time shoes. In white. · FROM STRIDE RITE® o. Porfoit, 6-8, 10.00: 81/2-12, 11.00 b. Tolly, 12'/i-3, 12.50 FROM LAZY BONES® c. Coy, 81/2-12, 10.00 d. Poise, 8'/i-12, 10.00: 12'/2-3, 11.00: 4'/i-8, 12.00 •. s ..... theort, 12'/i-3, 11.00: 4'f2-8, 12.00 FROM YOUNG CROW[)4!1 f. Oriol&, I 2'/2-4, 9.00 Chndron'1 Sh .. s, 51 NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH ., ............. "44·1211 ltl-l lJ1 ..... .. .... 11 ...... f ill , ... .. ... ,.,. Slit • ........... , .. . , ...... ,111,... ' DAILY Pll..OT J7 f I • • • Ja 1 DAILY Pl,LU . Tl1Unday, Morch 27, 1969 Egypt Has Hopes f~r S1r1ez Canal • Wlien--and if--It's R eopened Major Changes Planned CAIRO (UPI) -llespit. its IOOI ciosur<, Egypt is coo- vinced the Suez Cana1 has a put economic future and bu plans to begin widening and deepening it the day it Is reopened. In an interview , Suez Canal Authority planning c h i e f Mansour Khalil said Egypt wu· not worrlfd by the threat supertankers posed lo the future of the canal, con- atructed 100 years ago this year. 1be canal, onct the gateway ot the mysterious East, has been closed since the Middle East war of June, 1967. It observes its centenary as the world's k>ngest, most effective and Dl03t expensive ditch. Israeli troops dug in on the east bank face Egyptians in deep bunkers of the west bank of the 103-mile canal. Artillery barrages rage across the waterway and Egypt is losing between $200 and $300 million a year in canal tolls. "We have the plans drawn, lhe equipment is assembled and the day the canal opens again we will start work widening and deepening it to an even bigger intemational wa terway," Khalil said. The reconstruction of tbe "What we are looting at beyond XI0,000 tons would not canal to take loaded super lJ a dead waterway, Even be economical. be i · ---M it 111 "There are only four ports tankers up to 200,000 tons will W n t II ~ .. v~ W in Europe, and qone in Bri~ take five )'ears at a o never ' again be t,h e in-taln , which can handle 200,000 estimated cost or $320 mllllon tematlonal route it was. The tonne.rs," he said. "Insurance he added. aupertanker is tllJl.ni it." costs on a 300,000 tonner are '1Financing the work will not KhaUI does not agree. He more Chao double those on be a problem," Khalil said. said the Suez Canal Authority a 200,000 to~r." •·once the canal is reopened had made a study · o f "We believe the super we could finance the-work supertankers over the pa.st tankers will stabilize at the from canal revenues, With five yean which indicated economic limlt of 200,000 toos outside help." mammoth tankers in the long and we ar.e: convinced there Although be did nol say it run would not p r o v e is a great futlll'f: for the e1~ openly KhaW indicated t.be ecooomieal. panda:! canal. Soviet Union might s t e P He said thil: lnlenlive study "Oil accounts for *l percent we start clearing the canal we will also stJrt upandini it." Khalil said pl1111 called for wtdeninl ol the canal from its present average width ol just over U'.I feet to almost I,000 feet, Its pttteot depth would be Increased from IO feet to ~ feet. Khalil aaid enforced idlenm was not damaging the canal and reports sill is bolldlnf up were enmeous. "People who say these things don't know bow the canal works," he aald. "There is more silting when the canal is in use than there is when it is not ln Use." forward to finance the work had shown that supertankers of the canal's reverJJe, and and that.-if this happened ol just over 200,000 tom YiouJd 60 percent of the world's oil western oil companies might prove to be tbe ecooomie reserves are in tbe M1ddle think it wiser for them to limit Tankers up to and Ei.st. This is why the day do the financing. r;============================~--1 Khalil said it would take Egypt, with outside technical help, only three to sil months to clear the canal or the wrecks now blocking it and put it back into operation. Despite Khalil 's optimistic forecasts, ships' c a p t a i n s themselves doubt that with the advent of the supertanker the canal has any great future. One of the captains of the 15 ships trapped since the war in the Great Bitter Lake and Lake Timsah, gazed toward the southern end of the canal and freedom and said : for ffle 'BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494~1025 ow! Handcrafted quality! Specially developed! Sensationally priced! I $ WITH FREE COLOR ANllNNA Jht CAMlllDG( • Modtl CASl-HW Popul1r (001ffllpo1Jt\' sty!td ton~olt in ~tnuifle oil finished W•lrlul Vl!f>~fl. Z<'nllh !iu~1 SO Hdndrr1'1cd Ch•s1is. 5u1M"r Cold \ltdro Gu••d l un'"I !:i~lrm. Zl'lloth VHf •"d UHF Spolll!f' f"illrl 7" Q,·1! ind~"~)" fw ;l'l>Conr •pr.1krrs. A ''n1o1tion1I ZPno1h Goldrn Annivl'f~••v Sprt+1I! LIMITED QUANTITIE$! 1 ' New Zeni lh Two·Yt'~r W~rr•nly on Color TV Picture Tube 1 • • ( ltn<th Rtd" C1<111n•h011 .. ""'"'' !tit tolor 1»1 llot~o111M 7fllilll dHlll ,.,......., .. _ \ potl•ro ••tit'" 11\o lln•th Color lt •K'"'" ""' ''" •• ••t, or1n'"1t1h1n, laloor oM • . ~· ...... ht!t ti bt hH """ Ot!Kll '" P•lll•l••I !rt>lllt~"lf& .-1t~MlialhHtol1111-t. ,_ .... .., 11•11•1 lfllOI ,,., .. ,, ~lllf lot h•11 II>" ltfl• z.,..t~ tt9111et.,.n111M ll llM •"'""'" lu <Utt ti tl'IHlll ll"<UOllJ jllltdoHt -fltt•I' l~I l•ll1 .. 01"•1d lt101ti1ht lfil• .. I t•l·J'tl! Solitl·Sl1lt SPA a COMMA NO-.,.... •lMOJ( CONTIOl TV JoJst prtn bu1ton• on i:onuol~ltl~I ·:\ 1 ldjusl color hue<, 1diust volume to , ~ mtdlum and hiah. 1um 1tt on Md , ' '"'"P VHF chal'ln,ll ltft or ,rllhl. tum Off iOUod whll r pictvN ltt)lf. 1 AFC BEST YEAR YET '""" ,.,,,," co11r ""1 ... 111>1, •• •*Ploct· .. ,,,,.,,, Nnl """ l'INtl\ ~ pottlll toM, llltwl~ TO GET lHE 6£ST ---------------- Zf'flilh Airt..,.,,tk fi-htl!lnl Co111fol 1unt, fit "11rpest POUiblr P•<U.111 11 !hoe llict mf I fil'llff. • ... TV and APPLIANCE CENTER HOUIS: W"•'°"" t •·•· .. t ''M. -Sn4•y10 f•I - HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone 540-7131 -NO PAYMENT TILL JULY • No Down Payment e Up to 36 Months to PIY I j \ . We've \ Pulled The STOPS . . . ' ~ . . ... ANAHEIM 'SAVING!& Now· ANNOUNCES THE HIGHEST RA TE OF INTEREST ON INSURED SAVINGS Eam' interwst daily at Mlhelm Savln&s. S-lodly, wllhclrlw '"'- or In 20 ~or 80 day$ or anytime. No Iola of --no ml~lmum l)oldlnt: perfod requirtd. On •II bonuo ·occoun1s wtdch rtnilln -)'1111 you 11m 5.38% at our curnnt nt• wtion Im.mt accumuiltla 11M-.11y • . Current annual nte of 5% llClually umo 5.13% -I-ICCIMnU- l•IH for • yoar. Al Anaheim Saylnp you oam the hi.,,_ ill-In the nation; and arw insurwd lip lo $15,000 by the Faderal SnfnP llld loin lnsur11nce Cerporation. 0 OUR THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: •An1heim •Brea •Huntington Beach 0 YOUR FUNDS AT ANAHEIM SAYINGS: eum nation's hlahest lnternt 11te •Earn from day in to day out elnsured by the Federal S.vinp Ind Loin lnlurance Cor)lorltitln eEom from.the lit ii oecaiwd by lath ol lftY rnontlo Ind 11mollt to quatters end eSecuoed by.48 yurs of sound experience 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO MOYE YOUR ACCOUNT: -hendlo •I-er dlllils e.1 .. t drop us a llllt or call-ifs usy es-by 1111n-we paypo11asa blith ways ANAHEIM SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Ltl 111 ltlml" your ICCOUnl, wt hlOdll f/I Otf1ilr. --Aiwlal I -I _. ... ,.-, • ., w. u..-..... ,,. ..... ..,,. .,, ... ..... ,,.,.,,.., ....... ,, ll ...... S/NC~ 1121 Fftil CONVl•lfT PAfUUNI AT All 1 1.0CAnoNI • -c.ommriter May Have To Walk WAS!UNGTON !AP) Commuters "are going to walk to work lnaleld of ride" if traffic cooceation geta much worae in_ the nation's clties, 1ays Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe. "If you get down to a point where automobiles ·have td travel five miles an hour, well you knOw bow long peopl~ are going to Ult them," the former Massachusetts governor said in an int.uview with The Associated Press. "Th~y are going to walk to work instead of ride. Of course," added Volpe', a physical fitness advocate, "it wouldn't hurt them if thej did .•• " The secretary said it may be necessary to restrict use of automoblles<in cities unless a mas,, transit breakthrough ii achieved soon. Volpe said cong~ion now keeps traffic crawlihg at an average pace of 7 miles per hour in New York City. In 1917, he said, ·traffic there moved at an ·average speed of 11 miles an hour. "So we haven't made much progress in over half a cen- tury. So something needs to be done and it needs to be done in a bold and imagiilative way," the secretary said. "Either we malre a great deal more progress in mass transportation than we ' v e made in the last five years, or within the next year or two, you're going to have to come to some type of restric- tion on certain areas within • • • the core city on the utilization of the automobile. "lt cbuld be the utilization of trucks. { mean the deliwry of goods ctuflng certain hours. It could be the separation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic . . . We are going W have to come to some t~· of solu-· tlon along those lines ."" · CATCH UP Volpe said it is essential that mass transportation "catch up" with highway construction •·and minimize these tremen· dous delays and congestion \vhich are taking place, which are just going to choke the economy of our major cities." Money to finance a mass transit bteakthrough, Volpe said, could come through crea tion of a mass transit fund, similar to 'the highway iund used to construct the fediral interstate system. Volpe said he hopes ·that Congress, 1f it shllllld reject a trust fund, would provide "a substantial increase" in fundi available "to get the program started in a llttJe higher gear than it's going right now." Congress h a s authorized. $175 million for urban mass tra~it .for both 1969 and 1970. 'The Johnson administration sou2ht a $25 million increase in the 1970 allocation . TWIN TUBES '·L®king· toward future technological breakthroughs, the secretary spoke with enthusiasm of an experiment in France on a "gravi-train" system. "You'd have twin tubes with vehicles in them that would be anywhere from 500 to 3,000 feet below ground without any need .for right-of-way takings, without any air pollutli:>o;'.tblt would travel three, foUr· times fa ster than the rapid transit trains of today are running · and no shake or vibration - just tremendous," Volpe Sllid. Volpe conceded that revolu· tiooary new .pstem• have no bearing on immediate pro-- blema such If getting worker~ who don't own cars out of the Inner city to suburban factories. "We've got to provide a means of transportalion for these people to get these jobs and we can't welt five years to get the answers," he said. LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you ha,., new net&hbors or know or anyone moving: to our area. pl~ tell us so that we may. extend 1 trlendly we.lcome and help them to become acquainted in their new~ '• HunllnQtoil ·Beach Visitor 961-4149 Cosl1 Mesa Visitor t6Ml4t . So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor 494-9361 ,fhllndq, March 27, 1969 DAltY PILOT Jt IT'S FLATS '29~ Ntw sfyltt end colors in these fiefs for "Tetns''. Wt1r now, for Easftr end through 1umm•r. . WOMEN'S SANDALS A. This el11sy new sandal is m1d1 •specially for us in ltelr.· Stylish, sturd y litt • heels. ' ,, •• A. I. N6t1 new 1.tyl1 heel on this specially 1 t y I• d sandal from Ita ly. at . r-iJm.E HEEL EASTER SHOES 83 • N1w•1f styles, cOlor1 ind h11ls for spring end E1st1r par1clin9. Styles 1hown 1r1 ·but two of m1ny styles. • SHOE TIME CHILDREN'S DRESSY SHOES SIDS I V> to J ' They will Wiii' our shoes proudly this tprinQ ind in th• E11t•r P1r1dt. Hundr1d1 of 1tyl11 to ~hoot• from. WEEKDAYS. 9 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M •• SUNDAYS. 10 A.M. UNTIL 7 P.M. •. : NEW ''UP-FRONT'' LITTLE HEELS This is 1 1ah getter in "Up.Front'' styling. P.ist1t pink or ice blue, Waer for Easter incl thru th, iummer. 96 • ····---~~------... ------..------------MEN'S CASUALS and DRESS SHOES Lig~tweight soles. So n:i • with cushion•)nsolts. Select tan, grey, gr••n , or brown 1u•.de. 1 · • • • 691: • " 1H·1nd1omel1e1 moce11in to• O••, ford:, Dr••• lip your f••f for Ettt•r. MEN'S MEN'S FINE IMPORTED BRITISH BROGUES • Handsome bro911•1 with doublt l11ther 10!11 ind com~l1tely l11th1r lin•cl. M~de in Englend, 14~1 sH01 MARKET SAYS: "YOU'VE liOT ro 11 rumNG us ON" OUR SHOIS OF COURSE. • . . . TlNY TOTS DRESS SHOES SIZES 4 I• I EASTER HANDBAGS New Spring ind E1ster colors, styles end mite. rials. Mix or milch to your PANH HOSE "Frvit of fh• Loom" P1nty Ho•• in ntw11t 1h1d11 for E11ftr end summer weir. R•elly rn1d1 to flt! 1~9 HUNTINC5TON ·~CH 5191 EDINGER ot S~RINODALE 847-9125 HUNTINGTON BEACH 10045 ADAMS .. , BROOKHURST CNln TO UY.ON DIU•J 962-9178 "' WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. ~~ti~ 9 P.M. •SUNDAYS ~O A.M. until 7 P.M. $Mt~fil i ' ~----~~__,_ ........ ...,_,,.,.,•<-•o,---·-·-·-.. ...,_...,......~ ... O< .. 'li l\: ~.-• ...,.-.-.•.o<;o ... C -."";"•.\,'l;\ .. C'\bil,1¥1 ii -.--..~·,,~~-~--·---~-~~ ......... -· --~·· ... ~-............................... --··· ... ... Jt o.111. Y I'll.OT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE r11o1.l---,•,•.,cc,c,0c,,..,,c0c,•,•,-0c,-,o.•,=--+------,-..,-.,------·1 (1J"6f STATI 01' CALll'O•IOA l'Olt ClltTlfllCATI 01' SUllNatl THa COUNTY OF Oll:ANOI PICTITIOUI MAM• Nt. A-41117 The \U'llkl"lklntd do °*"t!°". ,....... -------~------INOTll"• ftll ""Alf!"'" 0" l'•T!TtON condvctlfte • Mir.ell 1! U1 3'211111 NOTICI !NVITINO l lDS ll'Olt l'ltOIATll! 01' Will AHO POii Newport 811cll, C1llfomle, undel' t1>t LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEii.EBY GIVEN 1MI LITTlltS TllTAMENTAltY llCllliolll firm ntme ol The Stcorod ti!-. !olnl ol ~l..,n ol OrtNlt Ell•le of Gff1rudt S. TrO.r, Oect•itd. Tim• Atollnd Jr. •114 11\41t ... Id firm C ty •IH r.c:t ln Hlim bl.ti on Inf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Th.al h eotnPOted of fh• lol-lnt Mf'IOl\I, n'::" 4-Y /11 ""II 11 2 ~00 ,. M. o'clock Mary e11 .. bl1h MiMllllM h•• tiled here!n ..,.,_ ntrMS In 11111 end plecu ot f« m. toltowlne _.it· • • """°" fol" l>fobl!t of •Ill 11>11 rn klM1Ce ••• •• tollow11: o ..,,_ of 13 o0o blc ~irdi of for IHutnct of Ltltt'I Tn!1'"'"''" Merllvn A. l(r1111, 7007 Holld1y Rd., r '"' • cu • to Ptllliorl•r, rflerence lo wMch 11 Nf'W1r•I B~1cn, fnlltrltl, Ind clepMl!I"' on ldltctnl m.ldt lor lurth« parllcular1, er>d tn1t Phvlll• A. Monlt, '21 W. B•Y Avt., t.tcn01, M u lllOWn on IM plaN, me tlmt ind place of M1rln1 Ille N•v'l'-rt B•Acn Dfli1111tledP~JECT UU ......, Ill• bMn HI W Aorll 11, lfO. Dtltocl Mlrdl 12. ltdf. DREDGING fl f ;lO l .m.. In Ille COUll•oom ol Mltltvn A. ICrua 0..0.rt.-it No. J of H id court, •' Pl'rl'lli1 A. Merrit -.rikfl '!!:::A\! ~~M 11~AMAGE 1W Wnt Eltntn Slrftl, lft In. City Stile of C•llfornl1, Ot11>11t County; • of S.nt1 Ant, C1lll<>l'n!•. On Mlrch n. lfff, btlort -· • N~u::.::.•rlt 01ted M1rcn 1•. Ifft. No11rv Publlc In 1rid for 1.1ld $Ille, 0 C .., C lllonol W. E. ST JOHN, (ouorty Clerk. Hroon1tlY IPPffrfd Marltyn A. l(rU11 """ """'" • I -let! •. COii: •fld Pnvlll1 A. Mol'•I• k.-n '° ..... An of Hid wor• i nd mt~rl1t1, eircec>I ffl Alon• StrNI, to be tne "'''°'" whose Nmn i re 111ch m1lerl1lt 11 '" la be lurnlll'led 11191.....oll, C1lllornl1 mot iubicrlbtd to Ille wltllln 1n•ffumtnt and b'I' tr.. County, 1h1ll be lurnl1hed In Ttt (llJI '71-4U' •t•r.owledotd llllV f)(t tuled 1n. 11m1. 1ccord•nc• Wflfl Jllant. 1Ptelllctllon1 t nd A"-""" fff P1tltl-r !OFFICIAL SFALl ~ of conrnct to be PKVled tw l'll·Uf Miry IC Hfnry tlle iwccn1!ul blddef, t ll now on lflle Publli~ Or•"" Cotll 01!11 Piiot, N~t•rv Public . CtlllOmlt In tile OfflC'I of 11>1 C_.IY Cltr1<, Mtirdl :l:S, 27 tnd ""tll J, "'' 512-49 PrlntlPll Oftlet 111 'l'~«llclo Clert; of Ille Bollrd of Ortnoe County S~rvl~-lflctllofts Ind ofht<" contrect LEGAL NOTICE MY Commlulon EXP lrn -----docvtl\9"1 '°""' Wiii be IVllltbhl for f'·l29Si Puhll1~ed o •• ..,, Cots! Dllll' Piiot. ~::1:''°:.:r-:°":1 ~Ill~~':' ofCOf>i~ CIRTIP'ICATI! OF IUS1NlSS M1rdl U, 70, 11 Ind APtU J, lNf 43-6, Or1t111e CouftlV Htrbot" Dlt!rld, 1901 FICTITIOUS NAME •1y1ldl Otlvt, N~ Bitch, Ctllfornt1, TM UIMlenltMd doH t trtllV ht II LEGAL NOTICE I/POii ... _11 of r.,,..,ty.f l...e Dollllrt condutll"' t butl!\HI 11 '56 So. COi•! ------------- 1115.00) ptr U'I, which lltJlosll h I Hwy., LIOUftl lleldl, C1llh>ml1, undtr IAll-144'1 llYlr&nlff tilt! tile tie"' 1rid 11ecllltt· 11>1 llctfllou1 firm ll"'me of BALL lo NDTICI TO Clll!DITDRS tlon1 •Ill be rf!UrMd Ill good condition CH.AtN Ind til•I 11ld firm II comPoHd SUPERlDll COURT OP TM!! to the Mtrbol' E"'lnfft not Iller 11\tn of 1111 tollOWlfll Pf'IOll wtme n1m1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA l'Olt ,.., (10} dtn tflff bktl on 1111 proJed In fl.Ill Ind pltce Ill rnldence la ~ THE COUNTY 0 1" ORANG.E hivt bet!l OPtfled, 1....S It lltble to lollowl: Ne. A-41MI lorftttvre ti the dr1wl1101 tnd U>tClfluo· ARMAND PERR'!', 1"33 Mool'Plr1<, E1l1lt of FLORENCE LOUISE BURT, 11on1 1 ... not 10 rflurned Wllll!ll H id Shemwn Otka. C1lllornla, t140l. 11t1 FLORENCE L I URT, 1•1, F. tlml. The pl~n' ond 1HClflc~llon1 111 01ttd Ftbruart 7, lPff L. BURT, Oec11Hd. tl!t ,,_,.., ol IM Ot-t Counf'I' H1tbor ARM.t.ND PERRY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille Dlttrltl, erid t rf lotn;><I to Ille b~rt STATE OF CAt.IFORNIA I credl1W1 of lht 1bov1 111med decedenl 11nt11 b!di ire d\19. Tiit deP<>lll 11Mill LOS ANGELES COUNTY I 11 !111! 111 Ptr10nl htvl1>11 tl1lm1 egt lllll not bo con1trued to be lht P11reh11e On Ftb<'u•rv 7, Ifft, jbofart ml, • !M 11ld decedent ire r"ulred lo fllt prlc. of inY part cf tlll!'W doc.,,..,tnh. Nol•rv Publlc ln tnd for ''kl $111t. t~ffll. •Ill! tlM! nKeUltJ' vouchers. ln lll(kleo ltl rtcn1Httd, "'*'kl "'" decklt penon.tl!Y IPPlll'"ed ARMAND PERRY Ille office ol me cltrt; of IM 1bo'1 no! to i.ubmtt 1 bid, to rtlllm tilt k......., Ill mt to be lllt P1rson '"IM>H tnlllled C0<1rt, or to prtt•nl flltrn, wllll -.11M I nd 1PfCf11<1no... II """' •• "''"" Ii 1utllcrlbtd to JM wl!hlft In-"" n.tCHHN -..clltrt. to "" un-J>OUlblt 111.,. sud\ doclsloll h m.ectt. 1lr11rn1n1 •!Id odlnow1edoed ht 1x11CUled denloned 1t Ille otllu of IWr 1Morney, No bid ..-111 be t«l!Plld from I Ille ''""'· J1mn H. Atlrtrm.n, 100 LDll'I B11dl eonirldor who Ii not 11cer!Hd tn IC· (OFFICIAL IEALI Blvd., Su itt 62'. L-lle•dt. Ctlltorn!• tord9nce '"1111 1111 II• 11Nler tile p~ N""IM M. J1dll0n IJOI02. ,,..,1ell 11 It. PIKI of bullll'IU vl1lon1 of Division 111 , Ch11>~r t , of Not1ry PublJc-Ct!lfornll of lllt undtrsltntd In 111 mallen Pt•· tn. ll111lnni t nd P'l'llfll1Jom Codi of Prlntlt>al Ottlct In ftlnlll9 lo tl'll Hl1l1 of 1ald dlcedtnl, t~e S!1!e of C1llfor'1'1!~. Coun!v of Los An•elel wlthlft tour month1 tfllr tht tint pUbllU· "Rl!VAILINO WAG•I: MY Co'"mlulon E•Plrn lion or mis notice. Blddor"I ,,,. ""'tby nottl1ed lll•t Deumber 5, lt71 D11ec1 Merell 2. lfff. punut nl la provl1!ons of StdlOfl l17G Publlthtd Ortr>ot Cots! 01\IY P\lol, Flortnct A. LIMltY of tl'll Ltbor Codi fff !tit Sii~ of M.trdl !O, 27 Ind AorU J. 10, Ifft SolM,. Admlnltlrtlrlx of lhe Eslelt c1111ooi11, me ao.n1 fff S-rvl.....,, ol of me 1bow ,...med dt't~nt Or11111e Countv n11 n~•IMd 1nd LEGAL NOTICE JAMl!"S H. ACKERMAN, •so. ldal>led tlle Ptt'Ylltt... flle of l'MKJrlv 111 lMJt' lllKll ltvll., w1g11 hlr tldl cr11t, worii:ll'Lln or Suite IU, mt'ellenlc ~ to ••KIM me eo11tr1ct f'·Dtfl L-ktell. C1llflnlll fOI02 •Wlrdld lo the wc~sfvl bldclfl'. Said ClllTl,.tcATI! ,o" •USINl!SI Tel: UU) .,. ... II Ptt'YllFIM '-riv w-trt •lllched f'ICTIT!Ot S NAMI! AlllnllY fol'" AdmlnltlrttrlX hereto (APPtndlx "A~l t lHI 1r1 mtde The unclehltned do certify fhtY l rt PublbMd Or1119e Cotll Dallr Piiot, • o•rt i.ertet conc1uct1n1 • btll\nt,1 11 :11 MOn1rc11,."'='c"'c..:':_;;"c·c"c·c'c'':_;;'"'.::..----'-"-"-'i \INlf'ORM oirl!RTIMI It.ATES : Ill' Plo11, Sull1 J, Soulh L19un•,1· Whert 1 slr•Di<f inltt Is wor~ed, el•hl c111rorn11, tun, undtr It.!! llctltlaut LEGAL NOTICE !'>ours o1 conll"'-'Ofn employmen!, txcepl firm n1me of SOUTH C 0 A$ T --------------1 for lul'dl period•, 111111 COft•llllllt I RADIOLOGY GROUP incl !hit .. Id llrm NOTICE TO CltfDITOllS cltY'I wor!(. bt<alM!llt on MondlY end II tomPOlld of me '01'°"'1"' .... ICHI.. SUP'ERtOll (0U111T 01" TNI! thr-h Frld1Y of Hcl'I Wffk. WMl"t whPM ntrnn In full tfld PIKH cf STATI! Of' CALlf'ORNIA f'Olt --It l"l'Oulrtd lfl Pall of elthl "'1<!9n« ire I I tallows: Ill "°"" on •l<V -dlY or on AL8ERT I . CO\.E, M.D.. "'41 THI! COUNTY 01" OllANOt: .. I ....... ...,,...,,. 11'1 II bl Id ta Adrl1llc, Soulfl Lt0un1. C1llfornl1. NI. A"IMI I din, 1""" I OI , ROIERT w PETERSEN M 0 lOCIJ E1tlle of Sallv 01111ll1n'1, Ilsa lrno-~!,. O::: ... :e":i ont-h•lf limn 1111 btilc Ern1r11d lev. 'L11uM 111c~. cinfOrnl•. 11 51llY A. Ounl\1m, ttllo known '' Thtl IM toi1ow1n1 d•r• 1r1 fKOIJn)Jltd FRANK e. ANDREWS. ,., .Av ... utt Auttll$11 A. Dunhtm, l llo llllO'Nll ., holld . W. L11un1 &etch, C1llfo•nl1. Auou•I• Dunham, Dtt .. lld. I I l'f1, I Dlltd Mtrch 10 19ff NOTICE IS HEREIY OIVEN fe lht Everv Sunday '" tht Wtr. IXCKI AL8ERT i COLE cred!lor1 of I~• .tio .... 111med dttedtfll '°I 111Mrw1se prevldtd Ploertln, New Yttr't M 0 · !Ml all person1 11tvlfl9 d1lm1 1t1lml DIV, Dt(Ol'lllon 01y, I~ Dev, R08Ell.T W PETEii.SEN lhf uld dtt~nl 1re rt11ulred to fill L•bor Dir. vet.,..11'1 o..,, Tll1ft1<11lvll'l9 N I> • 1hfm, wllll file -.uirv YOUd'lln. In O•Y -Ch•lllme1 Otr. If lfl'I' of FlliNK II ANDREWS rht offlt1i al 1n. clerk ol IM 1bovt tht ,i.o.,. holldan "*'td ltM on $undty. STATE OF CALIFORNIA l entitled courl, or lo Prftlnt them, w!m tilt Mondlv lot'-" .... h be COMldere<t ORANGE COUNT'( ) IS !fie nKn1IN voutn.r1, to Ille u ... :n.1~:!, ::,•:•~ ~:rt' It'll on S.:,.,"";;, !: On Mlrch 11. Ifft, before ""' • <1ersl11ned ti the office of Hll Attorllt'I'. llolldl v ovtrtlme rile of llwl crifl In-Noll .., Pu~llt In •rid lor 11ld Sltlt, Robert t.. HNumotlreys,.., l~ 1 A:1m1 ' .. N ... h It .. Ired Hr10n1Ur IPPllred Albert 8. Cole, M.0., Avtnutt, Sult1 umber 1 .. , OI I ftt, OAJLY ioJLOT,...,. _,, "'' O'OMlntll Ki11g of the Hill Spring is king, as indicated by these triumphant Oran_ge Coast youngsters who found rock climbing along coaslline at Corona del Mar a welcome ac~ tivity following somewhat confining wintep rains. Kennedy on Collision Course With President WASlUNGTON (UPl) Without exposing his political plans for 1972, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy is slowly but surely building a platlorm put· ting him on a collision course with President Nixon. In the first. mooths of the forcing equal employment op- portunity. Although some of the post~ lions Kennedy has staked out put him in direct conflict with Nixon, the new S e n a t e Democratic whip so far has not harshly criticized the new administration. ro;:. 'Do -·~11 1• r;u I on Robfrl W. Pt!ll'H~. M.D, 1nd Frink C1llfornl1 t'Hll, whlch I• In• PllCI " r •" t •co.o II Ulll •• remt Andrtw1 M 0 k"°'""' 1 to be ol bu1!nn1 of tl'll und1r1ltned In 1!1 NI d • ' t U th 37 t1r;encv """"" n1e -o,_rry I• In ;n, "~ ¥.llO:.e ntmet :,. ~~bscrlbtd millers perttlni11111 10 !he t•l•t. of xon a rrun1s r a on, e • For instance, in his major China speech, which expressed opin.ioos contrary to Nixon's, the administration was not criticized, but really urged to follow. lrr.,,1....,1 dt11tPr. 1tld dec~n!, within tour montht 1!ttr yea•-0ld crown p·i·-e of the 11 ih~ll be m•ndltorv UPOll 11\e Con-lo tile within lnstru.-il ind 1cknowltd11-lht 11r11 P11bllc111on cf Thi• natter. ' ' '"' trN:tor ta """"" IM Contr1ct i. ~w•rded ed tne, exttuled Ille Hm1. o led Ml ch 1 Ifft Kennedy legacy has: ~nd UPon .ny subcot<fr&dor imder him lDFFICIAL SEAL ) 1 W!lll~m H. Hlrtlotl ta o•r !'IOI Ill• lll•n 111t •1>ttllled J•mt• F. Me'"'"' Adm1,.111r1tor of Ille wm -Outlined far.reaching pro-r•lft Ill tht .-:to.rUon of Mid .:onlrict. Not1rv Publlc-Cnlllorn\1 01 ''" tbovt ,...med dt«dtnt The iucctnlul bld<ier will be r"ulM PrlMIPll Olllct In wllll-the-•Ul-tnnel<td posaJS that WOUid end a 20· to furn1111 • 111tt11u1 ....-torft\lnc• bond ~tn~t C°i""~ E 1 ll:oOert L. H11mt11••1• year "war poll<:"" with regard 1~ '" •mount ectutl fe fl!'IY -ttnl V omm ••on XP ret 15111 AUfllt. A"'""' J On the •-· ol ('°""' 01 !flt contr.ct ••Ice, •nd 1 M1ri:n 10. 1971 suni Numlllt 2M to mainland China and urged ~ue Vietnam, lnbor "'d m1ttrl1r bond ln _,, 1rnoun1 Publl•hed Or~"" C11til O•llV Pile!, c r ""-C1Ufo111I• fUU, Kenned• ha f sed t · · -..ni to ffttv per cent lWl!-l of the Mtrdi :it, 11 1nd A.Prll 3. 10, it.It s.11.., T:l\1 11141"MMt50 that the Communl5t.1 repiace ;, s re U o JOLn c:oritr•ct P•lu, ,,..,1c11 bofld 1h1ll t1rovlde Atter111r fir All!n1nhtr111r the Chinese Nationalists o n Ideologically sympathetic col· tflat II mt person M hh 111bcontr1ctars LEGAL NOTICE ., 1111 Wiii et tht •Mr• 11111*1 iMctfttll the U.S. Secun't• Counc•'I, an leagues such as J. William fall In Ot¥ lot' 1ny mtlert11t {PCKlt wllll-lh•WHl·tnftlXllll J l \ICh m•ltrltls " trt lurnlllled bV f'·l!..U Publlllled Ortntt Cot1I D•llY PllOI, almost unprecedented recom-_Fulbright (0-Ark.), and Sen. tile °''"'' CaunlY Htrb'ir 011trlcl), Al"FIDAVIT 01" CORf'ORATJON TO M1rcll ,, 11. 20. 27, Ifft •11..ff ('...--.. S M Go ...... i.ioni, .~ or o!Mr IUPPllet, CONDUCT I USINESS UNO!ll rnendation by a major political ;''"VO r;e • c vem (0-S.D.), °' "1"'1• Uled ""' ._, for, « •bout FICTITIOUS M•Mr: LEGAL NOTICE fi 1n assailing N•··-for · th1 ~,tor..,..nct of 111e wor1< cantr~ gure. · ........ nlOVlng to "' dolle, Of' fol" 1nr ...,,...,,. (It l•bor 1. THE TIMES MIRltOR COMPANY.I--------------too s low! t -1..--1;- lhtr .... o1 .,,, tlnd. or h>r 1mounts 1 Cilllornlt etirPOt"illon. 11 '"-toll "..m1t -Become the rallying point Y 0 ukUlge po""'y. due un<ler ttie Untmolayrntnt 1n1ur1nc• a....., of 1 builner.• """'1cfl Ii !ti be CEll:TIPICATe 01' CORP'OltAT!ON FOii for ~ponents ol an• 8 ... _ Instead, Kenned" has said AC! wHh resotel lo sud! wort or condudtd uncltr ll>e llctl!IOU"I n.t!Tl'I' •IHI TltANSACTIOM 01' BUllNESS UND!ll "l' J ,,.. J 1o11or. 1~11 111e iwr•tv M aure11._ ... rn 11 trie ~ddrn1 .et ttorth below: l'ICTIT1ous NAMe tlballistics missile system _ that the President is entitled t1•Y tar'''"'' In 111 1mounl l!Of t•tHCll119 Tuilln Cibje TV (Omfleny, 1IOOI· THE UNDERSIGNED COA.PORATION to \' hi "'' •uni tHClfltd 1n "" bond, •nd E••t 011 !tr"'' sune c, Tu.tin, don htr*f ctrtltv tlllt 11 It condud1!19 Sentinel or Safeguard -and more 1me to put s "peace •llO, In u1o1 11111 11 b•-"' uaon ci111or .. 11 t16.!G 1 bus!111u loclltd 11 INf N""oorl h k the I ~ plan" into operation the bond. 1 tfftOlltble 1ttornty's 1te 1. Tr.. lddreu Df The Tlmct M!rftlr &oultvin:I, Collt Mnl, Ctllfomlt under as ta en unUSUa <Hep ' Iii 111 11xt11 br tM court; Hid bond• corn ... ,..,, h: 1111 flctlt1ou1 firm "...,' cf Ill GOLDEN of privatelv commlssioning a How long the de tent e ta be tr:cured from t 1u ... IY ((lfNHnV Tlmn Mirror Sq,,,.,,., t.1111 A119ele1, VILLA HAIRSTYLISTS, C2) GOLDEN J SUIJl1ctorv "' tile &!'en:I llf SUPtrvllOtl Ctllfornfl tOCIU VILLA IEAUTY SALONS Ind ""'' stld study by noted scientists. between Kennedy and Nixon (If 0.111111 CClllnlY. The Cllfllrlcfo• ... 111 l. Tiit 11ndtt1ltlled ofllttl'! cf Th• llrm II com~ of "" follo ... 1119 c.or-v·,.,_ft_ '11 I ~ . .,1.., be •e<1u!red 1o 1urn1,i, • e1r1111,,, .. Timn Mlm>r Camp1ny •re o~tv 1umor11-POtitJon, wnost prlriciP•• P1tu of -Urged a total overhaul of 0.n 1""'"'1111 \\1 a;:ii IS ques- th1t ~ ctrrltt CQITIP..,•lllon ln1ut1Mt ed to t•l'Clrl• •nd lilt 11111 ttfkl1v11 bllslntu 11 •• h>li0\1111 : the d•aft. tionable. •.ovetl"t hli ..,,,_IO'ftn ,,_ lht -ri.: Rnd Mcl1r1 llftdl!r Ptr1urv lhll lht SICIPERETTE IEAUTY SALONS, 1 ,0 be don• under "" co.iirict wnk:I! '°"'tot"' 11 trot tncl cor..ct. INC .. 1~ N8WPOTt 1ou11v•nl, cos11 -Taken Oil the powerful oil In h ls China speech, Ken· ,.,,v be ..,,t•td rnto bt~ ~!m •nd DATED: M•rch u , l~t. Me••· ca111ornl1. nedy said that each new ad- lht Or1119e County H1rbar Ol1ltltl for THE TIMES MIRROR COMPANY WITNE$5 111 lllnd 11111 Jth day of interests by Charging that the , .... ton•l"itll"" of "'"'work. Bv ROBERT F. ERllUltU Worell, '"'· ministration has the "gift of fl~~-D~cR:,:~~~~ of tile ttrm1 ~~'',.ti;~·~°f~. LOBDELL cCorPOr~~Stc'.nProud import quota program is a time" in wh.ich it has the e1 1h11 conrrw, contrlCIW ""'" mat ""1'''"' Set-•t•~"' Pr111d ... t special sop for the Industry chance to devel~ poli ·e ~ wlll no! _,,, In nor """" lllCh STATE OF CALIFORNIA I $TATI! OF CALIFORNIA 1 end costs the e c 0 n 0 my -t' Cl s su•w·-tr1cta ...... ht ..... ¥ .... 01'>'1' """' COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) " COUNTY OF ORANGE I ,, without the normal conflicts -Hel"' In dltcrlmlnttlon tn em1)0'fmtnt on M1rcn u . '"'· beto•• mt , tl'I• on this "" div of M1rcn. A.D. between $4 billion and $7 of policv. m person• btc:•uie .,. ""' '"''· ctilor. un01ra111....r, 1 N011rv putollc In ""' ""· betor• m• Jowllh E. D1v11 1 b illion a year • 1111!on11 Mltln a• •ncHIN, ot rellt lon for me ••1d St•!e, "'-'•'Iv 1111111red Nol1ry Publfc In 1nd IM Hid County • With regard to Vietnam, nl 1ut11 1>tr10n1. Vlolttlon o1 this 1>fo,,l11Qli 11.0IERT F. ERBURU, known lo me 1nd $!1te, r11!dl119 t~ertln, dulY tom· -Jn the midst Of the most K ed d rnftr ttlUll lft ~ lmpe1Jtlon of o~nAllltt lo be Int Vlu Pre11dtnl, end ROIERT ml11loned end 1worn, ptt.ontllV 11111t1rNI enn Y saj the advent Of r!'lerred to In Lebor c°'"' ~ctlon 113$. C. LOIDELL, known lo mt' to be Jclln C. f'l'lMld known to mt to bl unpopular War in the nation's the administration is "a mo- Tht Conlrlclor lht!I 11~ o~IV un-llM! A11l1llnt Sttr1tarv of TM Tlm.t me Pf'llldtnl ol 1111 cor-1tlon lhll h'J-alled f "''""'''d"'ed ft\lfttlal! Produced in "'' Mlrn>r c""'11nr. tt>e Coroor111on ""' ••ecuted 1111 w11111n 1nrlrvmtnt on belMN !;:.wry, c or 8 sym. ment of hope." But, he said, on11e11 s111n •Ml onlv m ... u11ctu•ed tlecu!td ll!e w1m111 lnttrvmtnl. knowi1 er 11>1 eorJ10rttlon lh•••ln n1n'lld, end pathetic study to plot the ''jt Is a moment that w'ill m11eflall m•ftuflclvred In me Unllld to me to bt "" Pll'IOlll who t •lt\lled adlnowledotd lo '"' llMI 111Ch W'POtlllon St•ltt;, wtist•nfl•llY 111 ,_,, m•terlil• tile wtmln lnllrvment, on 1>111111 "' ,~ ""' wme. 1 .. w11nn1 wn.r~. future of thousands who dodg-not long be with us." 1.rOCNctd 1n 1111 Uftltl'd s111n, 1n llM! Co......-ttlon 11.reln nlfntd, ind t 11tw Mr1unto Ml my hind •IHI ed the dr ft and t k ref l>lr'lormtnce o1 1111 ctir1trK1. 111e 11111rd "°',_i.-oHd to "" ti111 wctr CorP011t1on 1rn~td my ofnc111 1e1r 111e d•• and a 00 uge But on other issues, Ken- et s.........iiors rt11rv11 rht r111nt to t~ecu!H tile •1111111 1111trument. ,._,In 11111 certllluote 11r11 •llOVI wrlttm. In ether nations. nedu appacenU• ha! no •'n-r•ltct anv or ill bldt. WITNESS mv lltnd •M ofllcltl Ml~ !OFFICIAL SEAL} ~ J Ot!M Metth 14, lMt. NANCY N. EWING JottJlll E. 0 1vl1 -Summoned three top Nix-tent.ion ol waiting for Nixon ISEALl Not1rv P'ubtk: Nolert Publlc·Ca11torn!t !'' · I be! hl d ftY ORDElt o~ TKE Pub111nec1 Or•"'' Cotti 0111r PllOI, PrlnclN! Ofrln 1n on o 11c1a s ore s a • 14 move. llis draft proposals 10 Al!O Of' suPE11v1soRs Mere~ 211nd AP•ll s. 10, 17. '"' 511-49 or11191 Countv ministrative practices and were introduced while the ad· OF ORANGE COUNTY, Mv Comm!HIOll £~Plfff CAL1FORN1A LEGAL NOTICE J..-11. 1910 procedures subcommittee to ministratJon was onl" begin. w. E. ST JOHN f'utllbhld Or•-Cotti Ot11Y P'llel, I • j'-ed I ., . . • J counlY cie•• 1fld t•~111;1o ~ P'..nM4 Mir(ll" 1i, 20. ,,, 1,.. •lMt. exp ain a ,.,,g ax1 Y in en--rung its study ol the problem. c 1 ... of"" no.rd°' s_..110n :::.::..:'iiiij(i~iO'ru:E_:::::::l~•;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;i;;;;i;;;;;;iiiii;i;;i~~~I .i Dllntll COllllty. Ct lHo•nl• A"l"IDAVIT OF (Ollf'ORITIOM "TO LEGAL NOTICE 1¥ Mtbll L. Ctitel .. Of!>llfy CONO\ICT IUllMESS UNDllt ,t,Pf'l ... OIX "A" l'ICTITIOUS NAMI P'ROJECT IJl4 1, THE TIMES MIRROR COMPANY. f'·UtSI DJl l!OOINO I C1lllonol1 Ctlf1>0ttllon, lt I lt'llt Cl!:RTIFICATE 01' CORPOJIATION 1'0111 •IPAllt ITOllM DIMAOI """''' of I but(tWU ch It be fllA"SACTION 01' l lJSINISS \INOIR AT condllt:led """'' the llctl e Ind l"ICTITIOUI NI.Ml Nf'WPOJIT OUNll PAlllC. ti lilt tdcltns H1 fOrth THE UNDEltSlGNED CORPORATION P'lll'!Vl fll "' "" ITOVltlenl ol 5ectloll Stn Cltrntnt• C1b v11lon en .• dael "'"°" certify 11\41t rt II CDlld!Jc1k'lt I See by Today· s Want Ads t77' fl 11>1 Ltba<' cooe el !ht Slllt :JOOS South El Cimino 11111, S.n 1 OUtlMH lo<lltd 1! JtH Bird! Slretl, .,, Ctlll9rrlll. 111e 11ot•• o1 lwtrVllOfl C1tmtn1e. c11Wtitn11 tun Ht.._, ftelell. C11l!vrl'll1 under "" • Entl1roned: And enthrall-" 0r-CounlY ....,, ticeHelned t nd 2. Th• llldr111 of T~ T1tnn Mirror flc1!1kM firm ll"'mt ol L. C. MILlElt ed. whett she ~5 thl!i ex- ........,.. tM .,..,v1lllne win ••It tor CornotftV 11: co. Incl m11 H id llrm 11 -ltd Mcfl u.n, W'Orkl'lllfl oo n'llCri.!>lc llledNI Tl"'" Ml""' S!Nlrt . Los Afl9•1n . o1 Ille llltlcrfr!no cor1>t1r111tir1. w11ott •rfn-quiliile Queen Ann aml· to a.art. till• cantrld. """ P•tv1111119 C1Hlornl1 '°°" dNI P11CI ol bul!ntu 11 II tollewl: chir hi iv-...... 11th be fll" .. dtfmnlM'll ... II foljewi: l. The ....... ,. .. ec1 olflcen ol ,.,.. LISLE c . MILLElt, INC .. JtSS llrdl • a."'& ... ..,." ..... Cltutllc•tlOfl Timt• Mirror c-,.y ••• •ul'I' 11111'1ori•· S!rttt, N~ lle•d'o. etn1orn11. tifUl carving, an antlq\M! of ·~ JM, 1. lfff .., lo ·~ecvfl Ind 11111 1111, .ttklrlvll WITNESS 11, "''"' !tilt llltl d•Y ol excepUonaJ. beaU'"• 11!15. fanmf'I to.U "' ho\11' mort lh111 •nd dP<ltrt ~nd•• Mrlurv 11111 11'1t Merell, lfft. v !11 ..... t Plltt clt1tlll<tllon lorettil~t Ii !rut Incl correct. !CORPORATE SEALl • 2 for J. A doub!I! keubo&rcJ tr 11111'11<11 llt h OAtED• ,Mirth 14 1Nt. Ll11t C. Mllltr, IM " ... ·~llY •• r• THE TIMES MlltltOlt COMPANY Ll11t Mllltr, Pr111dent oraan, In excellent condl. • _ ..,_ ' Ir ltOIERT F. Ell:l\llllU STATE OF C.t.LIFORNIA I t1 .... """'-f.-•~•. _.....,._p M.<I Pit" hour Vitt "'"ldtnl COUNTY OF ORANGE I .. ""'" ... -~•• ... _.,., w""' .... "-' ..,_,. -"""" •v •OB~!i LOBDELL (OFFICIAL SEAL} • Ine ..... rlf'nc:ed? Thia tlmf'. fl""m .,. Eltdl'IO A11l1ttlll l'l' Ol'I 11'1!. lltll N ., vi M.trdl, A.O. ~.- W1Mw ., ....... """' STATt Of CALIFORNIA I ""· bftott ~ N_., A, e .... rt,, • it counts •.. a boy needed DtO_,. tS.M "'" ,,_. COUNTY OF LOI ANOELES I H Mot..., Pvbllc ln 11114 fer U lt! COii!'!'\' f 'Jk ' j L-,_ 1S.oll'l poor hour On M1rdl 14 '"'· betorr ,,,., 1111 1nd s1111. rnltttnt tl'ltre!11, dulv COii\< or SL !l~n pnn! n.g, I WI~ u .•U oer riour ~rsltined, • Nollrv """'11c In end rnt11ltlnltd 1nd '"""'"· ,,......,.,..nv _t,... Jll"rm&nf'nt job, and no ex- 11_.111 Wiidt flt°'""'""' lot Ille Mid Si.It, ....-itlY -••Pd LISLE MILLER kl'ICI-to ""' lo br1 perltnet needed, l'lrwmlfl Olf OIS.. U#I Pit' llol.ll' llOIERT I'. EltllUR\I, ·-hi ft'!I! 1111 Pretlderll Ill tilt c:orJ>Or1lleft "''' t......,.,.. u• lier' hooir fl! be "" Ylt'I "~ldtflt, ""' 1101E11T •~ecu1M 111e w11111 .. 1nstrvnient on bthtl' • flawall '"'·111, A true p•~ · C. LOBOIL.L. II.-to ,,_ lo bl lht o1 tilt tttrPOttllorl tri.rtln n......,, 1~<'1 ....,_ DtOMflf lqn -.ft t l'ICflor Attlit'"t s.c...i1rY o1 TM Tlmt1 Ml,.... tc::lo;fw:twltdl'ed i. ,... 11111 wet1 toftlOf•ll 11.dise for the. ~·lse ll'ltrll'r -"'""' ~ tf OIU· c_.,, till C.-.flon 11161 11t(Vltoll exK'll1ff 1111 11me. In Wltl'ltls Wht•ff m1111 U.ot....,. '*'' "" wtt111n ,,."""'""'" "'-i. -1 111w """""'"° Ml my t..and ,,.. • , .this part)' hll.1 vacant In .-1• to tht ,......, ltMI c.iiitrlclor to lie lht """"' """° t~ecvtt<ill Ille tffl>l'I« ""' oflk!ll "'' 1111 "' '"' !And ln the be11.trtitU1 lt- tNolt _.. ""' f9l\wlfl9: wtltllll I,.__., Cll\ btfillf ffl tflt yelf lfl tlll• (erttlltttl f)f!f tllaW •flt!tft I l•nd1, au ··-and ••'. ..... 1111 "" 'Nelftrt •.J11 ..., "°'"' coo--•1ton ,....111 lllmtd. •ft d N1ft(V A. e...,. .. , "'"a ,,..., ,._*" ,Uflf .,,,,,. ..,. "'°"' ~,. -11111 Midi c,,..-•lilllfl No11ry l"ubtk-C1tllofftl1 ue~. Will tni.de for home, \llQ1itfl ••X -,.,r 11ecutN Illa wltllln lllllr-1. Pr~l Ofllt• In THESE COMMUNITY LEADERS • El\IDORSE A~D SUPPORT INCUMBENT DONALD A. STRAUSS FOR NEWPORT· MESA SCHOOL BOARD Agnes Blomquist Mrs. Joseph Beek Dr. Arnold 0. Backmon Donald C. Duncan Hons Loreni Joy Stoddard Hancock Bonning Ill John Macleod Ira N. Frisbee Poul A. Palmer David Nielsen, M.D: \ RE-ELECT DONALD A. STRAUSS APRIL 15 Saturday! At Santa Anita! The s100,000 Santa Anita Derby! Ao lbe W'mi.trac!ng-shilt. mto hi Rh gear, tho championship ol !ho thr<eyearold tborougbbreddivloionil ap for arabl. The l!-6 mile s.nta Anita Derby ii the climactic encounter kw tllflM horses. ~like •.• M.;..u.: Prinoe, • 'niplo Qown namineeend~ddollfavoriteforthe Kentu~ J:lor"1 In May, B ..... like Rilht C-.•. Mr.JoeF ••• lll<dU.Rul.,., Thilba ~ racing daoPc:mlalloooe of tho richest racoa.,...,,i. Don't mi• tbuc:lion Sotunla;f ot S...t. Anita In ..,.roy Arcadia. .. ""'4111lPltiel Orlntt CHI! D1ll\I' .. u111. WITNESS mr ""nd tl'IO oflld•I Mii. Ott"9• County units o r whalt'vtr. . ' • MtrCll J7, ,., :rt. JI Ind APrll I. NANCY N. GWIN' Mr ee.n ... 1n loft 1~111tH your cht1ntt lo JllAy under 11--------:-------:------:---------------:_ ________ _ L l. .. t. 1"' ..,,., Not1rv P'ubllc J111¥ J1, 1t1t Th D I I l'u&lltht<I Or•-C:onl Dtlflr Piiot. "ubl!ll'lfd Otlll" CO.ti OtJIJ ,.11.1. the palms. Aloha!! e a1' y P1' ot WbH\,llcphant.1 Mil•~" .-.d Aprtl J. 10, It,"" .... Mtrdl tt. » •nd ~· J, "· 1Nt .,, ... , ... _______________________ _,, Covers Boating • ' ' ' ' • ' • • • ' During Our B·l·G ON FLOOR MODELS! LOOK WHAT TIPTON'S OFFERS! . Th1/n411, Mw ll, 1969 DAILY PILOT J .• . DA¥ FRIDAY: 9 am-9 pm HARBOR . - SHOPPING CENftl 2300 1 ·SALE SATURDAY:.9.am-9pm •SUNDAY: · 10am·Spm HAllOl IOUl,IYAID ~. . COSTA M~ 1 . COME AS YOU .ARE· .:. I We'll be· waiting for yo.u •.. Hurry on down! IDIC.U.LOUSLY LllW· PRICES FAMOUS BRAND NAMES: G-E .• ZENITH e HOOVER ADMIRAL e WESTINGHOUSE e RCA e And Others You Know! .::. . . . .. ; . .. 1. FREE DELIVERY PLUS FREE Normal INSTALLATION ON ALL •WASHERS •DRYERS • TELEViSIONS • REFRIGERATORS • STEREOS • COLOR TV -':IJ;UN~S !OY QUALITY . AND 'EXCITING SPANISH STYLING IN PECAN ,CABINBTRY y NO MONEY DOWN! THE MONTERREY YOU'LL BE SURPRISED AT THE SALE Model M927EPN SAVINGS! o Big Screen Viewing (23" diagooal pjctme llir.e; 296 oq.inda). o AFC ••• Automatic Fine Tuning Ca:ttroL • Slide Rule Tuning. • INSTA-COWR. STEREO WITH A SPANISH ACCENT .• ~rque~a STEREO CONSOLE • Sol.id St.ate AM/FM/F1'f. Steno """'' • Jan.Praof ~ Reoord ai...r ~ .• Foa.....An-"-G.Eao..da,.... ·~···· , ... " .. •• 1st PAYMENT...-JULY, 1969 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! With Mlnl·Basket • Fast fast ice! 5 .... Dettr9Ht ,,._.w ..... PurdoaHd! ,. . ,• 14911 .:;. I -: ........ IMtollll• '35.00 . ; ';. .. ... 1 •' " USE YOUR :,. • BANKAMERICARD i:. ·j OR YOUR .. ,., . ; ... : MASTER ·'· CHARGE '<I ,. ... .. . . , . :~ " , .. ·~· "• . ' . . ~·. FREE . $10.00 Wonh of Foo .:/ CYow Choice) wlttl , ·r"· -=.::::-:~ " .. ----· ---------------···---------------- -. . • p DAllY I'll.OT l'lwnda1, llltdl V , 1969 -. .Allt ... , •• ,..,. ~Affairs of State' Nortimod for Film Offers Flood Vintage Political Comedy 1 had!!1Y Awards BFSrPIOURE Director of 'Lion' Updated by LUlo Players t::~;,:!r~~~ •;;st~~~=~. =LE~.€ By BOB THOMAS director during the pa!! IS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -He l years, be qualifies u froat 1 sud1 haJred and qultl ruMer for the Oocar. 1 k and you'd neviW Like Lewi& M 11 e 1 to n 1 , "'° '"i that he could ta.le Robert Wi.se and many other ~ strong spirits -a 1 noted directors, Harvey was K thJrine 8 ...N... am Peter a film editor, tht man who a · ~ ~ puts together the finished 07ooie. But he did and now movie. Like most of his he • re•PLDI the reward!. predects3Clr'S, be had difficulty Anthony Harvey's telephone making the tranJiUon lo direc· rang $0 often u be tried tak· tor. lng his ease beside the Beverly "I w;as an editor for 15 Hills Hotel pool that he finally years and I wu aJwais look· told the operator to bold the lng for an opportunity to calls. The gist ti t b e direct," be recalled. ''But messages, most of them from nobody was. willlng to take total strangers: ''Tony, baby, a chance on me." Harvey I've got a great script for solved hi! problem by ac- ya · · ·" · quiring rights to Le Roi Jones' Harvey answered each caU play "The Dutchman." Said politely, vowing to read the Harvey: "I was fascinated by scripts when they were sent the language in it, and also to him. by the ract that it took place "I've got to take a house y h'ch at the beach •to get away in • New ork subway1 w I to me Is the most frightening from the telephone and try of places ... to do some reading." said the En li~ born di t "It' Against all odds, Harvey g :rii· rec or. s filmed "The Dutchman" at the only way I'll be able to make a decision about the an English studio, completing next picture." it in six days oa a $62,000 Harvey's last picture _ the budget. The movie was not 11econd he ever directed-was a hit, but llarvey'11 work im· ··r he Lion in Winter," and pressed Peter O'Toole. that's the reason be has been "The whole deal for 'Lion inundated by more than a hun-in Winter' would not have hap- dred scripts. H i s ac-pened lf 'Ski Bum' had not complishment was s.ignaled by been canceled," the director his winning of the Directors remarked. "O'Toole was sup. Guild award for best picture posed to do the picture, then of 1968. Since the Guild winner he was free. 'Lion in Winter' has coincided with t h e was available, and he went Academy Award for best to Hollywood to sell Katharine AU in the Cards Hepburn on it and me, taking a -print or 'The Dutclunan' under his arm. Hepburn was sold, but she was committed to b e g i n "Madwoman of Chaillot" at a certain time. "The Lion in Winter" was prepared in an astonishing eight w e e k s • Harvey rehearsed for two By TOM TIT\IS or .... ._.,., rlflllt '"" In "Affain of State.'' the Lido Isle Pfa.y<rs,bove lair.en a dog~ared volume trom the shelf, dusted it off, provided it whh a new jacket aod plac-- ed It on display In the !root parlor somewhat iruccesstutly. One wishes, howev.er, that a few pages were removed in thl! process, for the at- tractive but neceMarily talky play becomes a bit wearisome weeks -"that was extremely ---------....:.-helpful, especially for the .. a,,,J., o, naTr Younger actors who were in A CGl'Mdr "' Lwlt v.,.,....11, •tn::t.1 br 11.1111> Mceuller. prodllctlan --ewe of Ka te; she quickly put -.....,,,. GallfKlll, ttct1n1a1 dlr9o- th t n '°~ ll•'f k1kler, tet dH!enw P-em a ease. wi1eC111, ,.,...n19<1 br ,,.,. Lklo 1ai. Harvey compl~ted the cos-Pi1v-ri' tonrllht lh•oullll s1111r<Hr •t tume dra.Pla in 14 weeks at ~~ic;:e..!::rtc1:=~:· 101 v11 Ll<IO a cost of $3 million. He ad-TN• usT milted that Hepburn and 1...,. Emott ...........• Pit Marin ~ H~-•••..•..•. Joe Cll1r1ei O'Too\e clashed both off c-t1nc1 R....il ......... LYM Harris nd ddin "B l Ptllllp 11.11oM11 •.••.••• Lfflli.w bdlv camera a on, a g : u er~ w1n11.1er ........ J1tnn Hlte11m1n they always made up im-__ ... _._-__ .. _ ... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _.,_~_w_.'_" mediately afterward . Fortunately both have great sense of humor. " What's next for the 38-year· old director? "I'd like to do a musical, perhaps in Hollyv.·ood. Not a big B r o a d w a y production, because most of those o~len end up neither fish nor fowl . The best of the musicals have been originals: 'Meet 1.1e in St. Louis,' 'An American in Paris,' 'Singing in the Rain,' 'Seven Brides for Seve n Brothers.' DAILY r1LOT Sl1ff 1'11111 at times. Although the overall effect is quite satisfying, there are a few rough spots along the way. Washington and politics are the setting and theme for this vintage drawing room comedy to which director R u t h McCulley has given a thoughtful and thorough job of updating. It is, in this r.egard. a trickier task than mere substituting of modern terminology -the s c r i p t must be . as timely as the Nixon administration's last major policy ·decision, which jt is. Where it lags, however, is in continuity, a deficiency compensated for in most in- stances by some s h a r p performances, particularly in the distaff ranks. A blue pen- cil, judiciously applied, \li'ould have tightened the script and heightened the enjoyment. The "affairs"' in question CLC Sounds In Anaheim The Anaheim Convention Center arena will be the a;ite of an unusual musical concert as the music deportment of California Lutheran College present the "Sounda of CLC" in concert Saturday at 8 p.m. A vast sweep of musical history will be presented by the vocal and instrumental groups from CLC. Sacred and secular selections of varied bit dlsappolntlng in a poten-1H€ UON JN 'WJl'l.TT<:D tially powerful role as the W II., ''"'" -...... ••'IW~~-senator. Ills' lack of al!lnlty ----:KMJAUUIL, OBDICBB NOW--- for bis 11.oea resulls in a dim-narm AUD • WI AT sounc. CMlfOlllLA wsic co.. ming of character Which he 131 SOllTM MIU. rt.~ NJ. llUT\W. natlf lllGlllCIO If""" continually atrugg\es to cor-"74*..,,... !'"'..i .....,. ontn la<MiMJ 'th DIUIM-~ rect w1 ~ overcompens4tion •KWa SUT 8ICV"M ol physcial and YOCal strength. _.,.. STlll1 Turning In an •='Ileol,Job WEDNESDAY! ·~·---·-.,,,_, as the secretary'• scheming •o• Ol'l'ICI: OH.N DAILY II NOON ·t l'.M. wife is LyM Harris, tak.ingl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on a role· beyond her years.Ir .ft?rtus CfNTURY 21 and turning tt Into' one of tbe lllP'IJ>Ob of the evening. liadisJaw ' R e d· a y as her I • counterplotUng husband b less effective initially, but warms considerably to his role as the show progresses. ., KllKll~ . Of • • •S.t.ett •i; . AT l:LLla • 'j llll'll!lln11 HUNTINOTON HACH• ••7·••o DJW'iU U GLOWING Pat Moran concern a retired secretary oi state, his younger wife, her dashing senator lover and the ostensibly naive schoolteacher who becomes the senator's "wife" for political purposes. In this tale of poliUcal and romantic chicanery a scorecard is needed to record who knows what and who doesn't. James Hitchman is fine as an old politician beguiled by 1.fiss Moran's innocent charm. Dave Wells com- pletes the cast as the buUer, drawing guffaws on his "Din· ner is served" line. A highlight of the show, and excellent compensation for the deadly ftrst' scene, is the mo- ment v.·he.n the senator and the schoolteacher strike up their b~rgain. This and other scenes between Charles and Miss Moran are especially well played. "Affairs of State" continues tonight, Friday and Saturday at the Lido Isle Clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach. As the schoolteacher turned Washington bosW!-, p a t Moran receives the highest of marks. From her Gladys Ormphby character of the first act, she blossoms like li=ri~~~:;;;;::~~;'ill a butterfly into her more II '$" ~ ~: .. ~· .~i~~~~~·r~ 11 !Il!J.D.lol_u Drama Uass Signups Set Regisiratioo for a beginner's drama workshop at the Costa f\.fesa Civic Playhouse will be held tonight, Friday and Saturday for youngsters from 8 years through high school age. Ed Little, a playhouse actor and drama student at Orange Coast College, will instruct the classes, which will run on Thursdays from April 11 through June 10 at the pla"yhouse. Interested youngsters may sign up today from 6 to ti p.m. or Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to l p.m. In the conference room on the third floor of the Costa Mesa City Hall. NEWl'OIT llACH • Ol.3--13$0' Tho Fomlly Show Also A UNrvt:ll:SA~ PICTUll:f. Tf.CMNICOt.Ol't' • ""'NAV!i!llON" OSCAR NOMINH WFF ROBERTSON O · .!: FRANK SINATRA "lADY IN CEMENT" 'THIS PICTURE HAS A MESSAGE: __ _ Watch out! SPECIAL SATURDAY P.T.A. SHOW -12,30 p.m. "Further Perl11 Of Laur~I &. H¥dy"-All Se1h SOc t . I • t • EDWARDS NEWeORT -••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11You two aren't going to play that cockamamie gin game now?" shrieks Alan G. Hart as Helene Ash (left) and Jer.inifer Murray calmly ignore him in this scene from "Light Up the Sky," closing Friday and Saturday at the \.Vest- min.ster Community Theater. musical periods highlights the,J,::==========,I'========== * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. * NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l lon1StffY lnniatrs 1 5 Paprr currtncy :io Ch1n11r 14 Trtchrd lS Onr of lhr I Horar 16 Heron's rrlativr 171ntht courst of 11 Ttnding to chKk 20 Organ Pll't 122 Country frstlval 23 "Rah" or "Olt '' 124 Crin1in1\'s ...... , !2' 32,000 ounc:ts t27 Ntw JtrSr'J i· town: 2 words !30 Kind of I music 34 Historic f!lounU.in 135 Unp.1listitd 311 Hattlll roo• 137 Dtfraud 38 Circular In cross sti:lion 140 Ter11 lnalt at a point of contact l41 Full d: sun1x 42 wu111btr , 43 Plact 45 Portico l • • 47 Ltavts 48 Timt of day: Pott. 4• Proptlltd I boat 50 Affinity for : Solli1t 53 Fountain '" nrcrssity 54 Snappi5b 58 Sudden radical ch an gr Ll-brttt! Musical direction 3/27/'9 62 Expression of , Lrttrr 39 Digit unhapplnrss 10 Hindu god 40 Nova 63 Ri11hl-h1nd ll Bo1's Scot11nJ p111e nlctn11t1r of old fi4 Kind of miss 12 Cl rave 42 U111bllicus 65 F1mrd ll River of 44 SP'tad out D ·ll Flandrrs .c• Rest · rrportrr l't llrans for 47 North or Ml Great lrar viewing: south·- D7 Rub with Suffix 49 In s1fr--:an 1brasivt 21 --bran teeplng: 25 lnscrlbtd 2 words 'OOIN l Slate of confusion 2 C11JiU.I of L1liu11 3 Rtprlltr1tlJ disagrttablt 4 Drug store · eniployre; ~words 5 Mtn of rant 6 Soft 111d s11ooth 7 Answrr I Conctralng: 2 words dit: V•r. 50 loulh: Slartg 2fi Young chlld 51 Bink 27 15th century 52 Brmont er exp I Mer WOC!dtline 28 Origlnatt 5) Old road 29 Less of ROlflt Intense 55 Allegation 30 Ho111on1us use of f1ct of Ii word 56 Orsll" 31 ltlnd of 57 .114 of pneumonia a 111tltr 32 Kind of en· fappn>x.J tertalin111et1t St JtorJt ~l Upbnlds goddnJ ot JS Strong· deltlrty · sctnlitd 40 Slgn1I of ltd 1ppninl WALT DISNEY ~ ....... concert repertoire. 1111 J lit DllMy Sliowt "Swiss F1mily Robinson" ... "Run, App1loos1, Run" I CHt'llMll l ~t., S.11n., M11., T11e1., 1 p.111. ....... are her~······ ACOUJMMA NCT1ft 0 [!) TIC"ICMI'~ n. """'"' If Off.off .,..,..,, H1w l Dp1llllcl CHtre1 .. llcll lA TURISTA O..-l'rMltyl IMltftl !II .. 111 Rlf.111 11)11 r.M. -TMllD ITll' THIATll l -...._UU 1111 Nt•rt 11..C~ C•'ll MIN I llCMICOlOR' Un1red Arl1111 l•I ~~~:..~ ·•:=! :9 Gin Lellabritlff Shellly Whl---'1111 SIMn * Pin S.C.IMll A"'9Ctlff THEY aME'ID RUBIA& . ~ • ..., LKftoo• Leo J. C.W. 1111:1 s.......... Jeck , .. _ ~ :s -* I Continuous Show Set, Sun, Mon, Tu.s. Frem 2 P.M. WIMM' ti J AcMwfty A•Nll J1mn G1mer COLOR "•RAND n1r· LH M1rvln COLOR "THE DllTY DOZIN" TMW pktwnt IMY Ill ""•lderwf ly 16mt 11 111 1111111ll1l t• l•r c~llclrtn 11111 ¥•11119 l'fllplt •IHI re.quirt "''"'Ill dllerltlln: "Tfll"ll In Thi Attic'', "1• llfltl", "Lady 111 C1m111t". C•1i;r•rr ,. 1.,.,.,.. 11i1.., ....,..... ..., CWlll"ll, ,.., ... ....,i. ll!ldlr 11 !Mt 161 wm 111 ff111llflll .. l'IClfk Tllt.irn OHL T wti.1 tcc1111,..11I... ly • ......... II' .-n tHl"lllNI. :::.. S4S.JJ1J "It" RATIO Ml -....... 11 """'""' 9111611 •!lfl ........ , v .... 1i. Mlmllvlc Chrlstophll' J-. COLOR "'THIEi IN THI Ame• Flttlafl COLOR "WILD IACIU" ;:::;,...,....._ W.:::·-' • .. 7.JHl C• Y• Tm ttt Midi.IV lff111li.y a>t.Olt "PtT OP HOUOl" AON "TlllOI CllATUUS NON THI •uvr T'llll ...... It. Mt fw 101111 •*• I ~~~;:COL~ I POCl(Er Jolwl w.,,,_ cot.Ott "HILU15HTIU"' . --...... - El\li' "tfl'-r It! l lll1r1nt -!"Olt "CHAllO" Lle"fCI lrlllltn COLO!lt "THI DAllN• 6AMI"" Paxton Qulgley's crime was passion ... and his punishment fits exacUyl He's the FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! exhausted AhlrRICAN 1tffauw10W.L- captive of 3 iN -°'!WrlE MiMiEUX three young THE C+ii<GlOPllEl?JONES 1ad1es,w1th ~r, •c a unique idea Tl of revenge. I~ I 3Jaf'RoCE.·~li-'2Gr· NAN i\.WliN 2nd Show With "ATTIC" Starts Wednesday == SIU'~ w111111C11 MCOUHN ~'A . .t.C · ...,,... l.IHmv \,.. ~ . ~ ll/RVTDD11' '.,= f>UWTT' TECHNICOLOlt w "' id rtClllUCll.ll' nt11w.-1m.-sm.tltJI. NOMINATEO FOR 4 ACADEMY AWARDS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR fNtlco Zefftrelll 'BEAUTIFUL! The entif1filmis1 poem of youth, love end violence ... e Renaissance t1Capituletion of 'Wes! Side Story' played wilh puf11968 passion!" -PLAYBOY .. ~: ;· ;'. .._ "I • ....... ___ ,_ • .,,_..,.. ... ,. .. fl.1'11!8@ ... 1-•1•1M lmll:l!t-·•••-t• ,_.,, __ _...·•~= .. -'-HWG!lffllll •-...u L..;.__ ___ --=------------- ' • • ... _...,-. .... "''' ''M • ·-- U RICHFIELD l'RES[llTS * LOS ANGELES KlNGS VS. PHIL'. FLYERS • 1:00 8 Tiie tis ,. ... (C) (60) ltny Dunphy, ·lil'&l N....,..,"I.., '(C) l!.OI • --IQ (t\l "1. "'C:Dorllld •!Id Cd FIW11-can th• ..c:Uon 11 lht Los An&.elts Kl111 mttt tilt Pll~l6tlplll1 flyert. O 6 O'CLOCK MOVll-Color! * "THE SINS OF RACHEL CADE"-Part I. Peter FincJi, An&it Dickinson 1 D Sil ni.a: MtN: (C) "lllt Sin el llCllll Cade• 1'1rt I (611· 11\1) '61-Atltit DickiM011~ f•ter finO, ..... MOOfa. ' ,, ... 9t'"' - -. "Tilt "l"li et .._ I ..... <*-•> a• ,,,.!Cl 1ooi .,,.,._(Cl (30) m ''*" (C) (30) ~ !]) M"' Sriffin ICl tl1Whd'1 Ntw (30) "8111· Hufll"f A ,wn1 Russian boJ1 lrtvtls wilh 1 proftniMlll lluntint ,.rty 19 1MI !ht C011ntl}'1id1 ol 1 m1r1udlnr bear. 111111 ..... ,,_ QJ11U ... (C) , ""-Ric •rd lurten, AYll ltrlliiw, Dlbor1ll Kerr. Sill l,_, JllnH Ward, G11y3011 Hiii. O llllOO aJT>o--•~ rietr Ktvr (C) (60) .ltntt Lel&ll 111d P1ul Rtve1t ind lht Jttklars "' Dun Jone~· 1ueJts. Rtrulln 111 Pri11et, Dennis Alltn, C•rri Grtnter. St-ot1 MitehUI 11111 JIU Dt l ... 111 1111ured. CD 11111 * ''* u. 1C> tiO> ma ...... t .. l:JOl!IUIC hwMnict (C) (60) tD I LM LISf (30) ''"'D@(j)llll•-<Cl (30) "Jll'ltnilt:=l)f."32." fridlJ and 6111· 111H1 l1ulldl a lfetawidt Mirth fir "'° dop, .. tMt htt bltttn • dtUll wflt it elllflic M 1nti·11llllee m• ..... " .... a.n. " ... .. (Cl (60) QI Cil "-lllJ lrilWIJ (C) fJ!JMn .. , .. ....., (JC/) "Boob tnd C01rnn lor T•n1 ind Ad111b." Mtrion MtrJlltH rlCOm· l!lflldl boob Jor UN l'IOfM i;.rtry. Slit pllJ'I llllM Pl!lft tor tllt H · tirs flm~J. 19CIJ BJO!aJ-(C! -·· .. 0 ,._ (Cl (30) Tlllll M.,...-a. •Mllt'•Milll•11111111itr111 .. ~ (30') Jollll W, M&eJ Jt., II • ctllttf lltctll,,...... ff tl!t ~NI " iirldDn of Ille ~ .., hblie .,. .................. dlt 7:0081CIS [...i. ""' tC) W1ltw Cnlnkill. c:J wut'1 MJ lint! (C) (lOI m ,....,. <C> (301 (30)1 ftdtrlly dllflnf. ~ "" 11nintiDt '81 ,..Mic tllflfilioll. @ (I) HIP 11141 Wi14 (CJ lO:OllftiD @ •IN• M1rti1 cq (;O) ~lfl tuub Ill 0.11 ctllrrJ', stt.c.t Clltet, SftirllJ JMh 111111 P1lll LJ!l4t, m PIQlll1 .. l.it.r (30) "'Jllot.I fin Ille Third Strini. .. Frftlc.k "lotd introdllCIS rhyth111 1nd eo11flt. lrte. •od Hl_111tr1tte: prKtict pitct1 · em-!Cl !IOI 0--IC> (0)) for Jtudtrtt&. S(f)MtH ... '• Mewr er...,. m Tr111 Advlntln (CJ aJ 1'1lt ....... ~ (sot all"" .. --(C) Im()] ... -IC> 1'lOlltilll CIJ T>o Q-... I (CJ~ ll!J ...... -(30)"" •-t30) Tint orticw Nt.111111 tlllll GOii· thal hOlb. llllncl el Ille Mlttrd1nt Qutta '1 11t 111111 ..... Dart If thl ""'' llMct btfort , .. ce1v1n1 t!11 officltl r1nt vt Clpt.1111.f aJ P"'l*I til lfftllll ft) Whit ... doun'I kllOll is tluil ht "I 011 I eollisltl Cl!.lflt Wll~ I lltw spnnklln1 .pttm b11n1 ltlled b, ll;l5 a, •• ,. (t) (% !If') ... lt/KMt • "" ... ... I « 133 c:1nclidli. '°' u .1un1w Out,1 . .-1n lllf Ill . Coll ........ T-.........._ f • o@ oo m1111111 .... (tJ ••• .. ·--.,.. • (60) "The Al!Jis." A thitl' btcomtJ tuttd Gan's rclucUftl •i41 on • d&111ttt111fll;JQ CD.* ..... tQ {30) liteuYin1 milalotl. Din •!Id hl5 @m ---w. ...., .. lrltnda. Cuflr 1M M1•1 Pruitt.! •• lt) m1k1 tMlr Wit' W1rll Frtnd\mlll's Gorp. .....,. tlllr "°P• " ~ G ll,.,-..t • 11411 ... (Jiit 1 Brftith. Mtlchmlfll ffOlll dtll'nr· An Ofllc.t fl C....-~il:J 1111 aun• to tM Indians.. Dick Fortn, h1111 dtt1~1 'Ill ~ • 6itto rlll- Ju'il M~l1n. J11nn W1lnllffiihl. d!nt1 on N• Ylrt'~ 114~ _Strllt llOflflt-Troup ind llen Arch1blll ire 111 dl1 n1• their Jlti .. tllid1tlonL fett11tld. I Tht cll111p front tlf .. "!"' 1111 ill Dim()) m'n. flfllr~flt111 (C) ati.ct en .llll ftMllJ ii •1ttinlflttf, <30) "Tht CoMtnt Gets ttit Busi· &1 lt11" .. ...,. n1&" Tiit lltlftl inhtrit • dry fONs ft\·--1tor1, but INIYll Ml lilN ._ 11111 II "" Sisti!' hrtrille !Otl to Clrloa IOI ' . 1111, 111d M 111ant1 his cwsin. 10:55 • .._ (C) Luis, for tilt ;Ml. AMjlndlft Ill)' · OllJS C«ICll 111d Luis.-ll:tlD 0 •• ·-(Cl Q Mllllla S MW: (C) "Tl!• W1tli-' est -ill ... filrl(' lCOmtdy) 8AlfrM ~ '61-Jtck lllllmall, R~kJ NtlSOll. mu .. Cl'• (CJ m rmti. • ~·-<t1 <30> m lhrir. ~ ..... tl!IJUY) ·1s CD""' .,_ (IOJ -Jim. C.IMJ, Llerd lrillftl. PD~ .. II 1111.11 (JO) @CJ)~ Cl)",.. (tl moc..rtit ,.,.,.,, 1:00 0 9 tJl MMtlwt11 W11tu (C) 11:10 8 ft (f) ._..,(CJ 160) be Alltll, Louis NJt, Sbirl•J Ba-r 11td The Kin& Collai111 11111l. ll:lt• D (j) .,..._ -CC) u <lll rn m nn .., <t> (30) •... ·•·•••• ..... _. "Sue Me, S.. Mt, WMt C.11 You (CO!Mdf) 'SZ--Ca" "811.. Do Mer' low M1rit slips II Dolfl 81121 ()} aJ ,_, ...... (Q olfict, Ind Don Ii lttllstd ti tol· ........ ~ ... (C) lu1io11-botfi ~, hit bon. whl •tilts !hit Don ii In collUlion with Alln'1 ftllltr to oolltct tllOMf liom 11:40 G Mint: (CJ .. _.... Iii rilll 1111 m111rin1, ind b1 Lou Mule. lMi" (4'11111) ·~,. MM!:· who d1lms Dolt i1 In collu1lo11 willl 1om117. tht m1t1zln1. Dan ciultt Iii• job wllen his lor•llJ i1 1111tstiot1ttd. lZ:IS B MM: ''tO ...,_ ill .. ID Htnl (C} (30) _,,. .. (drarrt1) 'II -A1111t H.,. m "ET Pl1}'M1111 (90) "C.lhJ,I 'll'OM. Cotnl Homt." Jtrtfll)' S111dford's d11mtlllld docu!MntllJ about • . . , }'OUlll British r1mit1 ullflll in 1 11:30 CD~ "'*'· 'Tiit ~lldl111lMI llTMk of bid llldl ill tlleir daptnlt VII!.,'. stn1ul• tor dKtnt houlinr 111 1n overuowdtd :aocitlJ, C.st: C.tlly, C.rol Whitt (sllf fl • .,. Cow"); Rltf, 11111 81oeU; .lollftn1. Emmtt Htnneur, EMHll, AdritllM ,.,..; ~F::IDAV DAYTIME MOVIES too eo-l<l ., ........... . .. , .... , ....... ... -tit ...... ShirllJ JtMa. u1• 11"""' ,,.. • .....-<lllr. 11\1) '"7-SJ!Wie Sid1117, .ltli1 ""° flit .,,...... (lll)'ll:ltJ) ... ,_ t dwlrd MOffit. %:00 m "ltnr l1 ,,..,. (tMlllwt) '47-Jo•&ftf S1ncl1, bin Clltlt. t:QO D .. ,,. Dill tr' (eorntfy) '51- AM li,th, Mtrt; Stmn1. J:OO 1J "'I• C.. NMit' (;llflM) '($ -w.rt c-11t11111. ume s.a. 1:3o ID "'lllC*lllii., ._. <lllJ'l.,) 'ts-tftty Hllttoll, l1ny flbrtJIMI. ... • ..... Prilll " .. , .... . (4'lllll) '4Z....Cll'J CMptl', T.,_ ....... • D ICI "°"" LM" l!IMlctO '57 cur T!llS AD AND SAVI T.V. $7.50 llCA ON fOUI NIXT SfttlCI CAU. fOtltr E~ ,,..., ·a1, IMJ SALIS A SUYlCI ZINITH .... ~•lltlltMl....,11::11: 6•2-97•2 27J E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA l STIYE IOPll PERKINS 'JUDGE PARKER ' TuMll.EwEEDS MAYBE PIDl'lf'D LIKE ME IF I SORTA llERll\Mm AH FORSOOK ME EVIL WA~-Ill TRY IT!.- Mun AND JIFF GORDO . .,. MISS PEACH foTURE NURSES ·of AMEllll A Jll,1" ~·"' ly Charl•s M. Schulz ly Jolin Mlln . ly Harold Le DoUJI By Tom K. Ryan ly Al Sllllth 'ALL '.IVIT -Tect'°BesseU ''aoo Marlo Thoma; !ind themse!.ves In .hot water vlftb, tlle insurance com-pany ,when Marlo's faJber slipco,in a puddle in 1<>- nigbt'a.seament of ''Th&~ Girl" "on Channel 7 at 8 p.m. Bernie Kope!l and Lew, P8fker also appeer. .. l'ELEVISION VIEWS • Bill Holden Relaxing By RICK du BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -William Holden's mov· ies have brought much pleasure to television watchers for years. But the star himlelf baa long been a holdout against personal participation lh the video medium. On Wednesday pigbt, the long hOldout ended as Holden appeared on CBS-TV as the host and n~rrator of a one-hour documentary, u.Adv.entures at the ' Jade sea," about aw eipeditiOn be ledJ to~ Kenya'.• prlmltive 1'8ke RudO!pli ntloo. ' . IT WAS a ~orful add al)llable network deb!it /or the actor, and Wb•n the 'acri)lt of ;produccor-dl:-. rector-writer David Seltzer zeroed'in oii tl!O'humon elemenis of C90s~tvation,, and1'?0. °'" ~r-1.ribtl; .. fn the area, the Holden broeac .. •t' had. momenta ol dJsti.riction. . '• ' '· ·. • · Unlike M!iDX ·actors, Holden actively partict· pates l n the cauaes he.. champions verbally. A Jt d. as a resident pf Kenya. for th& laSt decade1 he has been activ.e in c~piOt;ling game· preservatiOn. By chance, r met)iini in Holl~ooc11ast year when be turned ·up for early t8lks wiWpl<lduc~on execu- tives about his plunge irito television -and hi-I~ sloo about the nature ol. the African expedition was true and a fine thing:to see. I HAD INTERVIEWED Holden in, Hollywqod a nwnber of yearS> ago, and the diffefl!ncli th,1.t had come over him.in the tiine between -tbe·coin-. · fortable, eesy grace; '\he completely. Dj)IWgollati. cal concern wi.th things other lhllll '!ctlng -1j'tr. clues l<l the rightness of the the life .be now wa·s leading. · Thus I admil that perhaps I tended to overlook some deficiencies Jn Wednesday ni&ht'a hour be- cause of my Pleasure in seeing the evolvement ol a good actor into a fine, committed human being who kQows how to put the benefits of comfort to con structive use. Seltzer ts a very good writer, and an exception· ally bright young man, and there was one partic· uJarly lovely sequence in which balloons from th e expedition ,brought" joY, to poor native children so earthbound in merely fryiiig to eXist. And there was a whoUy memorable sequence in which Holden and &ls cohorts showed a movie about wild Aftican beeats to a tribe whose children had never seen lions because of the deadly killing work of poachers. IT WAS astounding when the script noted that these children probabJy knew less about the w 11 d animals of their oWn land than youngsters elsewhere in the world. Since the area around Lake Rudolph has been described as a harsh environment, and because oC the idea of an "eXpedition," I supp(>se the one thing I had looked for .more of in Wednesday night's hoUr was sheer adventure. Here, however-despite aJJ the advance publicity about the African trek, leiad1o 'Ing one to expect great adventure -we had bas- ically an enlightened · journey, yet, as recorded on the show, not a very thrilling one. FOR ALL I KNOW, the thrills -and I don't mean the cheap ones -may well have been· e:rper. ienced by all involved on the trip, b.ut the best way . I> think one can describe what arrived on the net· work air ts to say. it w~ colOrful, somewhat edu- ca~onal.and at Urnes quietly crusading in its con. cem for all life ......:.. human and animal • Denni• the Menace '1//MIHlllt blJ/llMt ... • • • ' • • . . . • • . . . • . . . - .. •, .. .. ·: . • -~-~ -·----------____ ....__ ·---------='----·- • \ ~ .. .•. ,. ...... :-. ~~: ·.• ·.· " ' :-' '· ' ;._ ' ... : . .. !· ·-:-! .. ' !· .. ·' ·' '.l • :f -I I . . I . --. -·--------~----~--·-----.. ------~--------.. -------~---------------------• • • •l . You Ca ~t D~ (B,~tter Than Sears! at ·Low Prices ' .. ears . . ALLSTATE Passencer Tire Guarantee ·1'read Lire Guarantee-, t ,u11·1nlu•l A11i1ll!l: All li.ilures al•rbc tirt'"n::rultilJ from norll'!ll 1oid hll:l.;i.rd~ or Jefecn 1n muerial or wotkman!hjp., For llow l.nnit: For 1fic life of 1he origitial tread. •h•I Sean 1fi\I Do: Repair miil puncrUJes 11 not,;Qafge. In the c~ci t.i I 11re, in ex<.hange for the tire, ~ ir, thqirw; onlr the proponioo . 1.of CUfJCfll regular ~ling price plui Federal :Exci1e Tu rillt "'prnellfl l!l'iuf UJnl. 1'read Wear.Out GUaraatee Gn:iiranleeJ A111i11~1: Trnd we~r~u1. f'or Uu"· LonJ: The numbtr of mon!h'I ~peWf1cd. fi.·h111 Sr•r• \\'ill V~: In c.1d1~oi;c tOr 1he 1.re, rcpJ.ce i1,lhngi11J 1he u11Tenl R"&u1ar ~!ling price p!u' l'F..T. l!',1 lhr following allowu1ce: 'fondu Guannlr.l'd !\Uowa11r.e 12 10 24 J()c;\; 27 .to 39. .!0% Sears At1to Air Conditioner ~~~~~r 169~00~ . ">77l i'tO MONEY DOWN on Sears Eary Payti:1m t Min SA VE an Additional $20 on Regular $50 Imtall111tion •••• Now Only $30 • Thermostlt automatically n1ain- tain1 tbe terupen.w.re )'oa R lect • Thrt:Hpeed air.flow rnntrol and two 4-w•y •t\iustable Jnuver11 for perfect draft-f~e •ir circu lation • Cbnmae-plated (root panel • . • ·30 ~onJ}is Na,tionwide Guarantee . ~.· . .\; " RegµIar Trade-In Price '18.95 At 25% Off Per Tire You Pay Only ..... . 4 Way, BeUer! Quie,ter, S...OOiher with '4. FuK Plie• of Dynacor .Rayon 1: Gr.cS Sile11t Sdr Ride 2.Quil'!lJ cor11cn. c:asicr ~illg ' -'·No tbUOIP, and oo b11mp! ./.No harsh warm-t1ps • . ' 6.50xl3 Tohel,.. Blackwall Plt111 1.79 Fed. Exe. Tax And Old Ti"' SIZE 11_.s... 1"...d.·I• fi!VE Pri«. :5 .. r.s.J.. TUBELESS BLACKWALL 6..'ilbTJ 18.95 2So/o l•.21 L1' 6.9'isl4. 19.95 !!>% J,,,. .... 1.!W' 21.9.i "'" .... .,, i.iSst• "·" 2.1% 17.96 .... IUSsl.i. ,.,, '"" 20.21 ... 7.fulS "" "" 17.96 .. , TUBELESS WHITEWALL """"' 21.95 "'" .... 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NO MOJ\'EY DOTN -.11 Sun Eary ,.,._ "-' •Woven fabric 1eat coven fe.blre 'f'ia1' side panels for lonpear • Choice or black, red, gnien _. hlee • Outstlndin~ •alu:e at thU pritt ,------------·-----~--------·---------------------, • IUENA FJ.OI( TA 8-4400, 521-4530 a MOtl!l GI 3-3911 CANOG1. ,.,. 340-0661 ~· 0t s.1004, a 4-4611 I COMPTON NE 6-2~1 , N! 2°5161 ' HOUYWOOO HO. 9:.5941 COVINA 966·0611 . .INGlfWOOO Ok 8,2521 tOHG lf,\Clt HE 5.01 21 •ICO WE 8-4262 SANTA F£ Sl'RINGS 944.l!OIT UPWI> 985-1927 .ctYMPIC & SOTO AN 8·5211 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161 , YU 6-6751 SANTA MONIC.(.Ex 4-6711 VAlllY PO 3·8-161, 984-2220 OIMNGE 637-2100 SANTA.ANA Kl 7-3371 SOllT!i COASTPIAZA 5.40-3333 V9MONT Pl 9·1911 PASADENA MU 1-3211 , El 5·4211 TOnANCE 542·151 l I I '------------~----------Sea1·s _____________________ , "Sotisfaction Guoranteed or Your Money Back" ' Shop 6 Nighb MOllday through Satutday 9-.:ict A.HI. to 9:30 P .M. • ____________ _;_ ' I 1 • ---- ....... ------..,.-·---. • . . ' .· I : DAILY PILOT ' 2 .: CILIBRATING 1El1lS OF SIRVICI 10 pON11AC oWNIRS o~ GI couN'IY an . 48 YOU WON'T .. * " ... . ·~ ' .: J· • ' '. ' Will · Deriver· any new 1969 P0ntiac or ·any 11,Std c~t ' . . from ~ lcirgest · selection in MONTHS FINAN~ING Orange County ON APPltOVID CRIDIT plus T 111; I LI cent• . .... ' '. ::::a1RN CALIFORNIA_ . HAYE TO FIGHT US FOR THE BEST BUY • ~. IN A '69 PONTIAC MEET THE CHAMPI , ' ' . N fo ,69. . The .Unbeatable . . . . r .. G.R A«N D PRIX -. '· . .. SPECIAL LOW Bl:RTHDiA Y PR((£S . ON . . . . . . ' . ~-·. . . . EVERY CAR ! , JOIN . THE PONTIA(/ PARADE a '67 TOYOTA Coro111, 4...door, 1utom1tic tr1M, r1tli• i nd h•1f1r, v1ry 1h1rp 111d cl11n. lie. UDJ 79) ~1595 '66 CHARGER 2-door h1rdlop, v.1, 1utom1tic tr111•. r1dio ind ho1t1r, pow1r 1t11ti119, pow1r br1lr.01, f1ct•ry 1ir collditio11lr19, whit1 will tirn, tint.ti 911•1, 011ly 26,l•I 111il1a, 11tr1 cl11• ond will c1rl4 for, l1c1\ Ci t with tM11h1i.il f1ctory w1rt111ty. Uc. TSM 496 52195 '67 PONTIAC Lorn1n1, 2-door h1rdtop, VI, r1dio I h11t1r, pow1r 1t.orin9, wftito "'111 tiro1, vinyl t.p, tlntl4 glo11, only 11,494 "'ilot with r1m41in· int f1ctory w1rr1nty. Lib.tty blu1 with bl1ek Corti•~• top. lie. VkY 0'7 $2495 GARDEN SPECIALS SPielAlS le1u"vill•. :~II~, ~~k~~ with I.lick ORANGE ~OUNTY'S 1968 PONTIAC$ lti!YI, VI, 1uto1111ti,c tr1n1, r1tlio i nd h11t1r, pow1r 1t11ri11t , p•-r Dr1•11, t int1if 9l11t. Lie. NHV 971 $995 '64 Uncoln Continental lvorv with 111thor trim, .VI , 1utorn1tic tr1n1, r1dio· 1IHI h11ter, powtf' •foorinf, 'owor br1koa, ,,_, window1, f1ct•ry 1ir conllli· tioni119, ..,hit• wi ll tlro1, 1v1ry option, v1ry clo1n ,i nd we11 c1red fer. Lie. QWU 514 $1995 LARGEST SIUCTION OF STATION WAGONS t.:W $1995 --. AS t.rc. YUi wr ~ HUGE SIUCTION . 1968 PONTIAC I '68 GTO'.s 9 PASS. CATALINA 0 ,68 LE MANS Radio, heal«. Hydramatic. EZI • ,66 PONTIAC aJaa. WhbowaU tiru. Full t'." • '68 CAT,.UNA'S E111c11ti¥0, 4..door ~1nitop, VI, 111to1111tlc :~ =ainie •lft"IDt7· Uc. • '61 IONNMW tr1n•, r•1111io 1.-4 !Mi ter, ,,_,, •t11rin9, pow· • ' • r<• ST'TION • 1r lw1k11, wt.it. will tlr1a,, vinyl to,, tlnt.d ~29' 95 "" " 91,,,, 1 ... orv with ·,,kl Yill.,I trim. l ie Skk 665 'i' W,1'GONS . 9·PASS. $1 9.9 5 . . -36 l\IO. FINANCING - Jlirliiday-.Slvlllp on all wqons · c.tali ... --.w..-Ford LOW -L OW c.umy,sqw., -0..v. Impala :-~~ a1r. '•' SALE PRICES ' I ... . ~: -' ANTIQUE c1·1s. 'FUINY' CARS .. THE 'SAVAGl' PLUS '/OTHER UNUSU~L:· ¢ARS! 1 ( /ANN•~·~t4 .tT S ~~Cl,A ,L ' . 1 .DRE4~,:~··•!! I • NOW -ON DJSl'i!A·Y , .19.69 GRAM1f ·p1·1x -. ' . . ., I . ' ' ' • ,.1 ' ,u ,ARl.~.~.Pt>IUM ~-n.. ,()NL Y SolltlMni Cali/9nila: Jlllljlf.Clnct I · .......... ·~. .. .• °"'°''' ' .. ' , .......... ,. 'TJli,~ ..... c.. . ' ' .< , . . ' ' ' . •.' 1 • : -:: • • • .. l I I I I . .. . ; .. " " ,• ' " • • . -·-----~ -~----.........--.-~~-- ClOBBE RE D BY KE ITH -Rudy LaRusso ~) of the San Francisco \Varriors is the victim of an offensive foul by Los Angeles Lakers' Keith Erick- UPIT ....... son. LaRu.s so, an ex-Laker, scored 32 points in \Varriors' 99-94 playoff victory over Los Angeles. ~ports in Brief Heart Attack Strikes Ex-Bosox Star Jensen RENO -Forme r major league baseball star J a c k i e Jensen, now University of Nevada baseball coach, tllffued a heart attack Wednesday while .'1~~ ucting practice. e was reported In critical condition ·rat Washoe Medical Center. · wil e, Kathy, said he had suffered e pains earlier in the day at their ·oi.e but decided lo go to practice 7way. e said doctors told her that the It few days would be crncial and t Jensen , 42. would be hospitalized jeast sis weeks. ... ... ... t'ALM SPRINGS -It isn'l offldal t Manager BUI Rigney may have fourid • fUtll man In his pitching ~Uoa the CaUlornia Angels. • y ~1ay, U-year-old left-hander who shown IOlld promise all 1prlng tn ·comeback campaign, mlgh& wt.U llave 1 rtjular job In holding Oakland es• for sevt.n innings in lht Angels' "eUJbiUon 1ame here Wednuday over ~ Oaklaitd A's. An I e I 1 collected 10 bits off of nd, indadlng a pair of slngln by Beach's Bill Voss. who is mak· ', a strong bid for an outncld job. ... ... ... HIS, Tenn. -Stlt.ctlon of the Is t team to play In the Ea!t·W est ·· or All-American buketball game April 3 wu compl~ted Tue9day the naming o( Drake guard Willie :i~~ to the squad. did U..t? We aho saw klm fake and drive, block and feed off." ... ... .... BALTIMORE -The Baltimore Bullets and the New York KnlckJ both like to th1ni: they're the team in the future in the National Basketball Auociation. Both get • chance to st.art proving their point when they open their first round playoff series tonight. The Bulleta are a four-point favorite In the opening game with the Knicks, who finished third during the reeular season. The series switches back to Ne\of" York Saturday afternoon and the thlrd game in Baltimore will be nationally televised Sunday afternoon . .... ... ... PITI'8BURGH -<,:be Pltuburih PenJU.ln• apottff tbe Los Angele• Klags two early &Oil• and then scored d1ht In a row for d e11y M N1donal Hockey League victory Wednesday night. ... .... ... ATLANTA -Inexperience and the home coort jinx are troubling the S a n Diego Rockets u they prepart to open a best-of·? National Basketball Associa- tion Western Division semifinal playoff series against Atlanta tonight. Jack Mc"Mahon, who guided the Rockets to the playoffa in just their second year of e1.lstence, minces no word• Jn describing San Diego's status. ''We're the underdoaa and we know it. 'nlt bi1 thing the Hawkt have Coinl for them is their v1$1..t playoff exper· ience." Washington, Cal Favor ed In Gym Meet LOS ANGELES (AP) -California's defending national collegiate champions and the Huskies of Washington rate as co-favorites in the three-day Pacific-I gymnastics championships s t a r t I n g Thursday at the University Southern California. Both Cal and Washington are un- defeated in dual meet rompetition this y e a r with Eric Courchesne, G e o r g e Greenfield and Gary Diamond the stars for the Bears and MaWlO Nissinen and Sho Fukushima for the Huskies. A yea r ago, Coach Hal Frey's California team won the conference tiUe and w c n t on to capture the NCAA crown. Washington, which hO!!lts the nationals this season, April 3-5, finished second in the Pac-8. Southern California's host Trojans are without Makato Sakamoto, the 1967 and '611 all·around champioo, but has a leading prospect in Jim Betters, winner of the all-around competition in the UCLA Invitational. Other top prospects to tiUes include Stanford's · Craig DlcklM>fl and Steve Rochell and Oregon 's Noeehker. Competition opens at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- day with the compulsory all·ammd com- petition. Team rompetitions start at 2 p.m. Friday featuring Stanford, Oregon and \Vashington State. The secC)fJd section, opening at I p.m. l1as USC, California, Wuhington and UCLA. lndlvid\lal event dlimpionahipa will be decided Saturday starting at a p.m. wlth all rompe tition in the USC men 's gym· W arri~rs Trip takers LOS AllGELES (AP) -"~ thi. "Wt pi.,.d 1 pd ..... -ve IM All(llu lam, 1tU Ila .. to play pmt," doclared Leo, -club mull -bullelbllll ... P!l1 oft lhe hot man," dedartd -COlcb Georce m • • t °" LaMn qalo "' °" Formn Lee o1theSan11?ano1tco Warrior~ l1oor Frldey night. "We IWltcbed wtll. ID lbe .,... ol IM llnt N~ Bosket· I thought Neto Tbunnood choked off bell -llloa w..., DI ...... pla)'oll • lhek lnlldt lhoolJna •rt well" -btl•-lhe two .Calltlnla rivals, Jony, Wiii ol Loe Anpla, hllt!nl lee bad two hot·-~ Jiff MlllllM • 1'l'!OI oul&lde, -up m1t<hln1 Mullllll and u-~ Rudy ~-, wllb ll polnll clolplto 1Ufflrin1 from 'Between lbt!D, lbej ~ fn a points Ibo Cu.' Wedneldl1 nil!!t fn a -i1P111 to LUa' ·Coach BUI van Bnda Koll! ;ab a 1-0 llall' ID lhe bellt«·7·-1 complained, "We -~ do our lbJni, -OJafnll Ibo w-. leaden of We've WU'ked lbrooib G llll!ltl to learn • lhe ftCU!lr -' I<> pJax tocether and do the 1hlnp we / ''1\lt · .m. UI men confidence," know and do the thine• we Uve to dedartd the ~ MlllllM, wbo spark· do to win. ed the club throulh three quart.era when "Thi& Ume we reverted back. We won be scored 32 Clf•ldl • poilltl. four in • row from San Francisco last LaRu.vo -II, lnclucflns ~ year, ,ud we can do II 11ain, but in the final QUlritr when the Warrion we have to move the ball. around." surged from an·.., deficit and rattled Lut j'ear, however, the Warrior• were oil II lllraight pofnU. • wilbout 'l'blrJpood, who bad hill 1qi,. LaRtwo, a 10.year J1fO vete~, tlllo in a cast by .playoff time. played solid delenae and wu larcely 1 Big Nate ~ 27 rebouncLs to 30 respcmlble for Elgin Baylor being held 111< the Laken' Wilt Chamberlain and I<> U poinll. fn team totals \be Warrlon bad a 113.eo ..... oft Ibo boanll. ID Ibo ICCl<fng depu!men~ 1'1qrmood bad 1$ polnll and c&amberlefn 11. San Fr!l>daco jumped off to 1 --= load In the flrsl quarter and led by 10 points early In the secood btf0<t the Laiers knotted the count 47-47 1t hallthue. The Warrlora built another Jl).pOlllt advlllltice urly fn lhe lhlrd ond qtln Los Anple11111ged back with West _.. fng u IQ lud 7J.72 ~three 1tanzaa. Finally, with 5,1t remaining In tho same, Joe Ellis started a rally which netted the Warrton 11fn1 row. U.111 ,ltAlll(ISCO . ' UltltfWe 11 10.JJ l.. 1 O.J Tllw,,.,..,,. ' U Attles l 0.1 M11lllnl 1' '-4 KIN l 0.0 1"1U1 , 2.J Tur...,. t 2·l Toi.II >t 21.Jll San Fr1nci.co lei Angoln Pl!Ylld out -NOiie. LOS AN•ILaJ T • P T 32 11v1or J W n f Counts I J.S JS 1J Chlm.,.r~lll S 14 11 2 w .. 1 11 1 .. 11 " 3' ErldllOll l M S 2 Ev&n 4 J.t 11 I Htwln l J-S I ' n To!1ll JI U·*I f' 21 ",. 11 -tt nu" ti -'• Ttt.I fou l1 -$111 l'r1ndsco 2S, l• Ansltlts ~. Bruins on T wice, SC Once 37 College Games on Tube NEW YORK (AP} -The American Broodcastinl Co. announced 1 schedule Wednesdey cl 37 collqe football gamee jt will teteviR in 11&1, two more than last year. Roone Arledge, ABC-TV president and executive producer of ABC Sports, said there will be 11 national tel~ts and 26 ngicnll telecasts, two more than last season. All will be in color. Also included are four night games, Air Force-Southern Methodist Sept. 13, Minis:siPP1·Alabama Oct. 4, Notre Dame· Georgia-tech N"ov. 15 and UCLA-South· em C.Wcrnla Nov. 22. In addition to the published schedule, the network allo bas the option to pick o n e extra game, • "wild card game," for telecast sometime during the season. The game or eames already scheduled for that date still will be televised. A total of 46 • differtnt teams are scheduled io appear, whh Tuu and l{aline's Hitting, Injuries Add to Tigers' Problen1s LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) -Al Kaline's hot 1prln1, M1ckey SWlley'a arm trouble and Tom Matchlck'• SNO play at aboftstop have left unsolved a few of the Detroit Tiger•' problems. Kalin;. playing u tboup. determined to escape the role of a t95,000 part time player, has been macinc all pllcbfns in FJorlda. At the age of 34, Ktllne reaenll any ..,,-ttloo that be CID not be In Ibo llneup <Vtr)' dly. Manager Mayo Smith had expected to tee more of Stanley at shortstop during the spring games but a strained arm h81! delayed the plan. Stanley has been in center field most of the spring. Matcldck, havin& trouble at. the bat tn the ahibltloru:, has not been im- preulve at ahortltop. He sUll i3 in the batUe for the job alon1 with Dick Tracew1kl. Bill Frethan's broken nose a Is o ha! provided IOD'lt problema for the Tl1er1 this 1prln1. The All.Star catcher WU put out of aciloo for at le&t two wttb when his nose was shattered during batting eractlce. Although Freehan is due tolfJBe ready for the optner he will have mlaled valuable work. Except for abortstop, thil is a set ball club. Norm Cash on first.. Dick McAullffe at second and Don Wert at third are fl.Jtures. Willie Horton is in left with Stanley in center unless he goea to short. In that case Jim Northrup will move to center. Ka line just has to be the rllht fielder. Ron Woods, 1 rooJ!le from Toledo, may win an extra outfield job although Wayne Redmound, 1 Montgomery fann grad, hu been hl!Ung the ball with power. Dave Cunpbell, another Toledo product, may flt in as a general handy man in the infield. The pttchln« rotation already has bttn establbhed with Denny McLain, the 31· game winner ; Mickey Lolkh, the World s.rt,.·hero, Earl Wlllon llld Joe Sparma worklni in order. Exhibition Baseball Pat Dobson and John Hiller figure to be the Ion& relief men but Smith hu been having a tough time deciding on his short relief crew. He weot to camp with four veterans in that category, Don 1\fcMahon, non- roster player Dick Radatz, Elroy Face and John Wyatt. Only two are due to escape the axe. Of the young pitchers the best looken are a pair of left-handers. They are Mike Kilkenny, a Canadian from Brad· ford, Ont., and Fred Scherman who had • 1. 78 earned run record in Toledo. "Everybody . uk me about com- placeney,'' uid Smith. "I see no s i gTI s of It. The guys have had a lute or wlnnlnc and they w a nt to win again just as much as the last time." IT'S OFFICIAL: LI VS EY GE TS JOB It's official. Herb Livsey v.·as appointed head basketball coach at Orange Cea.st College Wednesday night by the school's board of trustees, confirming an ex- clusive report in Tue!lday's DAILY P!Wf. Uv1ey, with a 26-'5 record at Costa Me.!la Jllth School, moves into the vacan- cy created when Bob Wetzel resigned u bo.ss: of the Plrates. Llvsey'1 nplacement at Costa ?.-Jesa has not been selected. Celti cs Blast 76ers, 11 4-100 PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Biil Russell !!ICOred only two points, but his areat defensive play, along with 35 points by John Havlicek carried the Boston Celtics to a 114-100 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers Wednesday night ln the first game of their NatJonal Basketball AssoclaUon Eastern Divlaion semifinals series. Russell, the player-coach of tbe Celtics, blocked 13 shots and intimidated the Philadelph.la shooters with his !taping si1.-foot 10-incb frame under the basket'. He also took down 14 rebounds and handed out eight esists. Boston broke the game open in the second period with a 16-5 surge that turned a 44-44 game Into a 60-49 Celtics' halftime lead. In the second half, Boston led by 17 three times before a Philadelphia rally cut it to six at n -71 with 2:31 remaining in the third period. Boston then ran off nine straight points In lltUe more than a minute for an 16-73 lead after three quarters. ~e West's team. which will be roached ! UCLA.'1 John Wooden . has two vacan· • . UCLA center Lew Alcindor ~as ' Invited to fill one of thtm, but · not confirmed his acceptance. ... ... ... Emerson Topples Richey AU.AND -Lew Alclndor bettu u.U CUmbuWn? Ce Bale, renft'll muaau of UM ud Oakl of tbe Amerlan Blll.e&- Anodltlon Lhlnkl te bJ c:..ap&rbtc • die eve of Lnr'• c:=~ f!!lr.-.11i.11ketb1IL pla,tq for ,.. Lot Aacefn LUen dMI Jn nab wfdt PliOs'g'pM• 151. ~ oeculoo, CUmbedaln II llflf ,.. tell ploy<r there It bot lie In, btre 11 eons It tent u AJdndor. ii ft11 utde tll•t AldlMllr ca't ulllllalo. :~ -.11 die NCAA pUiyoffs •·e 1U nw : ' ff1011 Aldodor .. an, It. I• addllloa :i. imo.dnc and rehourtdlng w·e al10 1aw 1'l1n bring tbe ball up L'Ourt. And when Is the 1111 Ume any 7·Z player evtr NEW YORK (AP) -1'he upsetters, CUH Richey llld Mork C.1, bad their amateuri&b hopes at money and glory ended In the teeond round of Ibo MadlJoo Square Garden CJ1allen1e Troplay Tennis Tounwnait, by Roy Em<rlon of Newport Buch and Pancho Gcmalez but Ihm are two others to take their place. Charles Puartll, an amateur U.S. Davb Cupper from Puerto Rico, ond UtUe known Zeljko Franulovic, an amateur lrom Yugoslavia, IN the newui surprtsts after lmpreulvt victories Wedneoday nlJ)lt. Puettll ourted sevent!H"anktrd Tom Okker, a pro from Holland, 2-6. 6·2, 6-4, while Franulovlc, a 22·year-old law student, bounced sixlh·seeded Clark Graebner , another U.S. Daria Cup player from New York, 1-3, 1-2. Both winnen are pl>yfnl Cll1\Y 111< ttpenset and glory rather than rilt them fot a shot at the $5,000 firlt prize In Ille 115,000 tourney. Oa the other hond, Rlcbey ol S"1 Ani•lo. Tex., who ll)lt&nl Ibo blc "1lHI of lilt toumoment by beathlg ......,. ...ded Rod Laver In the optnln( round. hod his bid le< a big money payoff ended. Richey, en amateur who fonook u - penses to play for the $5,000 flrti prlle or tl'l'!! $25,®0 prize money, was outlasted by F.merm>n, 7·5, t-7. Cox. the amateur from (treat Btlt.aln, v.·11s beaten by the ageless Gonzales of Los Angeles, M, 6-J. Co1. eliminated f\fth.Meedd John Newcombe of Auitralia Ibo nllbl be! .... 1'001 Rocht, lop4eedod. pro from Australia, advanced eullJ' with a ~. W victory over amateur Jbn Olbome ol llonolulu, whllr Arillur Aabe, No. i, the 11:-1 of the U.S. Davb Cup t11m, beld oil ,.. JI.,-Moon ol South Africa 1beld elf pro Ray Moore of so.rtb Alr!ca M,~7. Asht:, lll amateur from Richmond, Va., cboto to p!q kr Ille prlu mooey. Pro Andm Gtmeno, No. 4 and ama teur Manutl Sani>na, No. I, both of Spain, alto movtd up, Glmeno healing pro Butch Buchholz: of St. Louis W. 6--3, and Santana sidelining pro Marty Riessen o( Evanston, Ill, &-3, ~I. , · U'IT ........ ITS A WINNER -Roy Emerson ol Newport Beach (far court) drops a passing shot by Cliff llichey during their second round match of the Madison Square Ga rd en Challenge Trophy tournament in New \'ork \Ved.nesday. En1erson won in straight sets, 7-5. 9-7. L_~· • ----------- ' ' DAILY "LOT Coaches Hit Cage Cancellation FORMER SOUTH BOSS Jule• G•9• 50-4 5 Surprise By EARL GUSTKEY Of ... Cl9ltJ '"" ..... Tbe reac!Jcm tram Oraqe County's high ochool buketblll coocbts lo the cancellation GI 11111 summer'• alktar prep balketball game 1'11111 the (IDllll from shock lo dlAppointm<Jll lo aJlllct. The game bad beeotne ID INIW alfalr (thlJ summer'1 WOUid have been the lfflh) al Orange Coul College. 11 pitted the best graduated senJora from !Krlhern OrlD(e Counly against the 5qulh '• best. But the sponoorlnc Costa MW Lions Club fallod lo submit Ill sanctlonln( appllcauon to the NCAA before the deadline and the NCAA ha.s indicated ther9 ii no possibillty the game can be llllClioned. . Players participating in a non-sahc· tioned game face the loss of their first year of varal~billty. Huntington '• Elmer Combs and Katella'a (Anlbetm) Tom Dan1ey would Mu stang Swim Team Stuns Corona del Mar Costa M,.a High School ""'1ed It. biggest dual meet swim victory in its history Wednelday afternoon when coach Don Utter's MU!lanp came from behind in the 400 free rtJ.ay to fuhion a 50-45 upset over host O>rona del Mar in Irvine League action. Estancia posted a routine 73-ZZ win over Fountain Valley in the other Irvine swim meet. Mesa's stunning victory was wrapped up in the final IS yard! of the last event -the 400 free relay. It wu there that Meaa's Dave Whitaker put M I WI gup spurt lo defeat Bruce Black by less than two feet -lbrtt-tenlhs of a oecond lo be exact -to give Co&t.a. Mesa the spec- tacular upset. The Mustangs' relay team of Whitaku, One-hitter Paces Vik.es To 2-0 Win Marina HigR School's F.d Anderson threw a one--hitter at previously unbeaten Anaheim Wednesday afternoon t o highlight Sunset League prep baseball as lhe Vikes went on to post a 2-0 shutout for their second circuit victory. Nl!wport Harbor suffered !ts first loM of the loop campaign with an 8-3 defeat at the hand! of h06t Sanla Ana Valley In ot,.er action concerning Orange Coast area teams. Anderson was in complete command for the Vikings, striking out six while w f veigaklingnoniithdgi.:staneec. wa1king five in going the distance. The only safety accumulated by the Invading Anahe im club wa.s Nacho Munoz's single in the seventh inning with one out. It was a soft looper between third a n d sborUstop th a t fell off of Buddy Moen's glove for an infield bit. The Vikes scored once in the first and that was all they needed for victory. Vince Moll started it off with a walk -stole second and went to Utird on a wild pitch -then came home on ?i.fark Cresse's single. Newport Harbor missed a golden ~hot at sharing first place when the Sailor pitching staff was unable to hold down Valhv. An.,..im It) 1111 r ~ r&I 2 D D 0 l D D 0 3 D 0 0 3 0 0 D 1 0 0 0 l 0 l 0 ' 0 0 0 l D O e 1 o o e t 0 0 • 21 0 1 0 1111, r1 Sm!WI. II Thlin'!e, d Sri"'' Tb 111:1~,:ltl MU'l&I, c T-le, 2b K~r."'1 Murillo, 11 L1nvstOI\. ' M1rl"I (!) C1mPtlel!, 2b crncl, )ti MOii, < CITl-No If Currin, ct Mot<I. n Flo>ml"9, Tb Snm1~, rl "'""""'°"' p Tct11ll 11r11 1'1111 ' I l f 2 • ' ' 2 1 ' • , • l , J 0 ' 0 3 • ' 0 1 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 J 0 ' 0 '~ ' 1 1 '"'" IC""' ~' IR"ll'llt * ... '" ... ·-· flt 111-t * ' . ' . ' ' IA Vlllty Ill ", lll"illt O•eu , 11 ' o 1 o Lopez. lb J 2 7 o J.McCully, cl s e l o Cl\nebrflullh, 11 ' 1 1 1 McCutty. c 3 > 2 7 GIPIOll,2b ~11& W1td,ll !IOI !.lr•1ne; rt i l o o 10111en,11 eeo1 00.1., oe o2 .... OU 112 •• ' . . '. D -I 4 3 111 -1 I I Ron Misi<1lek. Jelf Roy and Chris Gammon aet a school record with their clocking of 3:25. 7 -. by far the fute!l time on the Orange Coast this year. Whitaker picked up two other in- dividual wins in the procesa -clocking a 1:50.9 in the 200 free and a 50.1 in the 100 free, Corona del Mar's Black swam the 100 free in 50.3 for second place. other top marb in the outstanding meet were Gammon's 55.0 in the 100 fly and Kurt Krumph>lti's 4,01.1 in the 400 free. "'"'' C:-Ml MN' CfS) Ul'I CMt1 M9I M) MICH.., llellY -1. Cotti Mell (Mlalollk, SPO!Wloll. 01mmon. ll1yJ. Tim.: 1:•.t.. 21» F'" -1. Whllll<•t (CMJ t. Kivmitholtt (CdMI .f. ld'lw.r ICdM), !Sdleof rwconlJ, Tim.: 1:50.f. lll "'"" -1. 111ck (C4MJ 2. 1'1rr (CclMI 1 hnMr"d {CdM). T IM: 21.1 M lndlvlof,,..I Mld!I' -I, l..,,.._ot1 ICCMI 2. ,.lumlff !CM) l. NnKOINI !CdMl. Time: :1;11.2. D1¥11!f -1. r,-~CMI 2. Zeldon ICMl :t.• S~~l~Q.I.!_· t9 it~:· (CM) 2. Loltz ICdM) 1 F1rr !CdMJ. 1lmt: $5.0. 100 l"r.. -1-. Whlnket" tCMl 2. llldl ICdMI J. S1'11Mr (CdM), Hmt: at. 100 lldt -1. Mllle>ltkk (CMI t. lrldillllrn (CclM) :I. PlumlM ICM). Tllnil! 1 :O&.l. llO Fritt -1. ~IHftlll'!!!ltz !CdM) 2, NtWHmb (CdMJ :I, etvahr( M/· Tll'M : •:Ol.I. IQll ll,.aat -, H Um.n (CdM> 2. SPDnetle ICMI l. Horn (CdM). Tim.: l ;Ol.2. «Ml FrH lll:tl~ -1, Co$'9 Mtll. !Whll~ker. Mlllolrt, Roy, Olmmon). ISchllol rtcord). l ime; J;U.7. ·-c ........ ffl Mir (SJ) (JS) (Mii Mn• 100 Mftllt'f Rel•Y -1. Co•1n1 dll Mir (Oliver, MUlldl.1. Jamt&On, Lolli). Time; l:SS.•. 100 l'rH -1. Ktnvon (CM) 2. HUO~ts \CdM) 3. Otta ICdMI. Tlmt: l :"-6. 50 Freoe -I, lrlslrf !CCIM) 2. Gr1ng!I!' (CM) 11111 El!Adatll (CMl. Tl!Tll~ 24.t. 1(1(1 llllllvlcl1111I Medley -1. King ICM) 1 MllUdl \CdMl 1. Dlvlff !CCIMI. Time· 1·051. 100 I'., -1. K•n1,ot1 (CM' 2. Jimeson (C:dMJ 3·1~""rl~nt_:~!· ~== 1irM~· 2. Lo11t ICdMI J, Otto (CdM). Tlnv: !l.t. lf. Back -1. J1mMOn (CdM) J. Klno !CMI 1 .ce111,}f:l._!lrnr.: I~~~ ICdMI 2. Ullllq11l1I tCMl l . V!ralvitr (CdM). Time: 4;1.S.6. 100 Bree1I -I, Mlllld'I !CclMl 1, D1vles (C=I ~r:N~~1!?!.:. T\'.'1'to~1.!.'· del M•r 10!10, llrlsll'f, HLICll'ln, Loltz). t=:: 3::16.2. C1rt11t <1111 Mir (IJI 16:1} CMI• Mill• 200 Mlldlty lltlly -1. (•!• Mf51 . (CltJll!lf!f", lll:k hty, Wlldelktl, MeA-y), T!mt; 1:17.2. 200 FrH -I. l1n,,.n J.CMI 2. !Ital !CM) l .,'f'cN,1m11 fCclM)M, }1'.!'..!:., 1: oc"M· O ' GOO•• c•••o "" rN -1,_ ..,..,_,,.., , • .,. ...,., l . W1rd (CdMI. 1(mt: 'H.J. 100 1ni11vldMI Mldlrt< -1. w~ldel1ch !CM) 1. Jlltlt•Y re.Ml J. R•I"""' (COM). l lmt; );fl.5 ••• 50 Fly -1. W1k11llch (CM) 2. Fiiimore CCMI 3·1~c~~ ~';'~· ·~':."....in77!CN.1 1. le.I lCMI J. Wini (CllM). l lnv; 5S.•. 50 11clt -1. Carpe"~r ICM) 2. ll:e!me'1 (CdM) l . P1lm1r (CdM1. Time: !111.0. 50 ln111f -1. Rlckg (CM) 2. O'Neil (CMI 1 Jo•r-;:: ~~~i· ~m,e:: Co~ dal Mir tHOl~Olke, ll:efm1ri.. McNll"llff, W1rd). Time; l :Q.t, have coached lhe South and North clubs. The coaches of teams which advance tbe !urlheot lDlo the CI!' playofU are .. lected to coach the pme. Three former coacha lrom the ~le were asked their rtactlonl; Ne;wport Harbor'• Julu Gage, Combe anc/.l Russ Hawk of Sui\Qy Hllls, who r the only North !Um lo beat the Out year). Here 's a saropliDi of the ~ctlon by Orsnge County COl<:be" _ ELMER COMBS, JlaotlqlGa Btacb -I'm extremely dlsappol>tted over the lou or the game. Somethlng like this could cost a boy a college acholarship becaUJe the st.lnd1 at' these· games are always loaded wtth college scouts. And it will hurt the 1970 game, too, because inter;est in tM game will deteriorate over a two-year period. ?Oft.I DANLEY, Katella -It's a real shame. The game give.s boy.s a cb.ance GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Artist, Triton ' Swim Teams Post Victorie s San Clemente and Laguna Beach high schools posted vletoriea jn vanity swir.1 acUon Wednesday altemoon the Tritons apk>ding for an impressive M-5 win over Saddleback High in non-league compeUUon while Laguna wa.s nipping Tustin by a .ffr.40 count in Crestview Le.ague action. Laguna Beach's narrow win was featured by Charlie Ware's school record in lhe 200 free (1:61.I) and the winning 400 free relay team. W a r e also took the 100 free w i t h a 54.2 .. liming. V1nl1Y Lat11111 1411 (461 Tntl11 200 Medley A~l1y -I. Tu1tln. Time: 2:00.S. 200 FrH -I. (. W1r1 (LIU J. D. Vin Dfu1en ILi) l. Raloht !Tl. 4Scl'lool rtcord), Tll'n<I!: 2:01,1. 5Q Fri!' -1. Atwood (Lil 2. Ho lm (LI). 1 J-1 !LB ). Tlma: J•.6. 200 lno:llv~ur.I Mfdlrt -1. lbbllon (T) 2. Coo<1rld (LI ) l. (O• (T). TIMI: J;:lt.t. Dlvt11111 -l , Gormen Ill 2. l'rl>Ptl'I (Li i 3 No Third. ,.otnlJ ; 12•.0. 100 FIV -1. Edmondtan {Tl 2. Crumll'f (Tl 1 O. Wart !LI). Tlmt: l :CM,6, 100 F,... -1. C. W1r1 (LI) l. lbb\IOtl Ill l. J.lolm (LB). llnv: 5'.2. 100 l•dc -1. Edmond1on (ll J. D. W•r• (L8l J, "'"'IT\. Time' 1:1•·• Gil Frei. -. Brown Lil 1. E. V1<1 ~Ulln (Lill J, ll:tltz (T). Tlm•i· J;OO,J. 100 llrtasl -1. ntrnlay (Tl !. Cox (TJ S. Coonr1d (Liil. Time; :1•.5. eo Fr.. Relay -I. Llll'o'"I 111cll !AtwooO, D. v1n Dtulan, HOim. c. w1 .. 1. Tlm1: l :SG.•. ,_ ~ CltJ lffl T111tl11 ;oo Medle' lll:•f•' -l. Tu1tln, Tlmt: 2:13,1. 200 Frtt -1. Mldhon (Lil 2. Ti.II (Tl J, Cllrk (Tl. Time: 1:~7.0. 50 Frtt -1. chler (l) 2. P111uu n (l), ). lltdt (LI). T!ma: 26.5. 100 lndlvld1111! Medlty -1. Kronoerd (TJ J. Mlrouez Ill J. Stoter (TJ. Time: 1: ll.I. 50 Fly -1. Kronoenl tTl 2. KrH1 tll l l , l allev !Lii). l!mt: 31.•. 100 Free -I. P&!tf,.on (Tl 2. Tllft (Tl l Cl1•k (Tl. l'llt'lll: l :Ol.S. ·so e~clt -1. Schltr (T) 2. Qi.Inn tLI) • Plen:t (Tl. Tlmt: M.O. 50 ere•tl -1. K~11 Ill) l. SPtt'i" CTI 3. Patolnl CT ). Tlmt: 3.S.t . 200 FrH Ra!IY -I. T111ll11. Tll!'lt: 2:07.t.. V1nlty ''"' c:1-m. .... #,rn sH<111tNc111 it10 Medi.-, lll:lllY -I. II (ltrnanlt C lltevol'lll~, 9,,.,11, SllcHll'f, SablMJ. mt: J:st .. 0. 200 Froo -1. R. SmUMfl (K) L Ll9Yll (SCI J 1-i1rtm111 ($Cl. TlrM; 1 :~·'· 50 FrM -1, Lode lSCI 2. f'llmmlnt (SCI 3. Collln1 fS). Tlmt: U .. I . 200 Ind vlduel M«!lty -1. fttnlro (SC) 1. lll'Oll'llhlln (liC) l. P1ul1 (5). Time: 1:H.3. Olvtno -1. li~•n {$CJ 2. S111!on IKI l.1~"'r:.f! 1!!.· ~ni~:.; (SCI 2. N1Plll ($1 MD rti1"9:'nme: l:IM.O. ....... 100 FrN -I. 111:. Sml!1•1tr1 tlC) 2. l"'r" CSCI 2 Lodle (SC/. l ime: 54.4. 100 '111ck -, Renfro tSCJ :a. Salllns Itel 3 Huthts IS). l ll'l'lll : l :Ol.O. '.cio p:,.. -I· H1rtmen t5CJ t. G. Smithen tSCI Nt l~lrd T IM: ':11.1. -100 I N!lll ·-I. 8urr!1 (SC) 2. lll:11tlM Itel l. Katz .... n (SJ. Time: 1:1U. a "'"" Rel1y -l. Sin Clfmtllfs (Lldl;t, Ranlro. Lloyd, II. Smllt>t,.,). Tlrmi: l :,1.G ·-''"' Cltnttnl1 1211 ISSI S1 .. 111111ct 10tl Medlt'f Rellly -I. Saddllboc•. Time: 2:03,,. :ioo ""'. -i . ,.a,ne \$) 2. ScMetttr tSCI S. Mlllll' (Kl. Time; 2: .. .0. 50 FtM -I. Vklt (liC) 2. G1mler CSJ t. H~u1r11n \SCl. Tlfrlt: 11.1. 100 lndl¥1oflMll M~•j -1, ,t,llen ISi t. Mor91n ($() I. Olt10V1nl !$ , 1mt: l :OS.t 100 f.!v -'ti.nt~·rnr \SI 2. Mlto•n IKI 1 1 1•1,..,. IK~ 1. V~ .llKl 2. 01r<llMI" (SI 3 ~..,.:!!'(SJ. Time: "·'· '100 1idi. -I, MIJ!wtll lSI 2, Solton IS(;), Ko flllrd. Tlme: 1:11.1. (SI •·•·-(SI • a frM -1. ,..l"' _.....,,., .. M!ll'1' tSC>. Tln11: ,, ... I 11 100 l •"sl -l , Al 1n t51 2. Dltlt,1111 I .f. HIU1r"d tSCI. Time: l :UI. .IQO Frte 1t111v -l, $1n Cttmtntl CMIFMl'I. Mlllitr, $11119n, Vick), T1mt: ''"''· Tritons Nip El ·Modena., 3-1 San Clemente High School slipped pest Invading El Modena Wednaday aJ- temoon for Ill ...,,..i vanity -ball 1'ln ln two days with a 3-1 mar1in to Crestview League action. Laguna Be1ch, however, took a 4-1 beatln( at the hinds ol host Vtna Porte. The TrtWnt came from behind with a tally in the fourth Inning and twv more in the sixth to nail down their victory. Th e dtclJ.lve runs in the aixth came on walks to Robin ~schan and Glen Tsuma and Steve Dismang'a double wbleh C'leartd the ba:ses. Laguna·s offensive JllltKh was wrapped up IJ\ Doug Sclunlt.i a n d Grr.g Kessler, * * * ....... 111 •• r " "" lll:t~lf I Ot ..:.. teritool, 2tl ) 1 0 Mw•n,c I 1 1 D. cwi.. • .t • • ,._, rf t •• lel«rHi.. lb 2 I t l•r!IPY, )II J t 0 v ...... ...-1.dJ 10 CWM11., 3 TO ,.,, .. If • • • Anl'l'llll'IY, • f f t nt1ts M If , .. C.-11 0) •• t """ (l'lrhttflMn. d ' •• ' ~.211Jtl0 lll:l!IOoln, t~ l I C t Twiftt, '1 2 2 I I .,__ Jll J •• 0 ~.IF J f I I l.ll'l'ltl9nll, If t I I t '""""· • , o t a leyft,111 2•01 'Wl1ft, c 3 ••• Ttl91t 'DIJt _,,_ • • • .., ... ,_,,, ... , .. _,,, who collected ,all live Artist hll.a In a losln1 cause. * * -tr LI•-... di If! ••• Iii ..... Denny kflm!ll, " I l 0 0 °""' ldlmltz. d J I I I • "'<DonNll. :lb 2 t t I $111 .. nl, II ) t 0 t Kn\lft. rf ~ 0 3 I MCEllll "Y' Ill J 0 0 0 Bot!••• • 1 l t t S1tai-, ft 2 I t I #dlWtrl 'f, c ) I f t Tetilll H J J I Vlllt ,-.,,. l~I Hrllrlll l f I I J f 0 I ' 0 • • ' 1 2 I ! t 0 I :J t I I I 2 I I ' 0 •• ! I l I 2f ' s ' "-•· " 01•oro. Ill ..... d lll:WJlll. u C1reri. 1 MCl'ffalfy, tb KIM, lit JO!>llM/I, [ A,..;iofl, rf r .. • ktn ., 1""""'5 L1111~t If.IC) vni. ,,,. ••• ., fll ·-·.' tlJ ftl1-tSI '° abow their wara berore college ncrulten. Moot of the -etball people In the C0111J1Y really looted forward to lbepme. llUIS JIA1\'lt, ...,. Billo -What a bWicb of bull. '/'bel''ve played the llme four llrllPI• ywt, I· CIA't w>- dtnlaod wby the NCM '""'''OK the flmt. 'l'bare'I ..... lo be ·a, !pt of dlAppolnted .players, locludlng .two of mine ~Brod McNamara and DQn P•ul. JD( ITEPRENS, ~ Grtvc - I'm real 'IOtf'1 to bear about the county rm. Oat <f ll>J' playus, Gtne Broom. w., real diaappolnUd but he'll get lo play in the CIF's game at The Forum this rummer. WfE 01.WN, Marina -· II"' really too bad. The game had matured Into a showcase for Orange County'S buket- ball talent. I know the kids will be real disappointed. TEX WAWS, La Habra -I've seen every one of the all«ir came• and I'll .IW'e hate to mial th15 one. Ji had developed lnto quite an attrllClloo. BRANT OOWB!:R, A•.b to1 -11 )\lat goH to abow you -wben you're runninc a game like Ullt JOU need IOl'neODe in charge who. knows what they'rt dolJW becallie when the~'• a foulup, the kldi are hurt the mosl JU~ G•GE, Newport Barber -l'in really upset about it. As a former coach In the aame ind 'u a father of a boy who ~lay.Id In I~ I'm going lo write a letter .to · the NW and let them know hOw 1 fed abQut il lt'1 rldJeulous of the NCAA to be '° inOe.dble about it. HERB UVSEY, Oraa1, \:qui -It's real disappointing, bUt' Jt's a human error, so what Can yob doT ' It's tougb on the kldl, they !Ook forward to playln1 in the game and then they doo't get to play. EX-NORTII COACH Ru.1 H'awk t.: ., -. •. ... ~ -. ..: • • Sunset Circuit , Scralllhled; Anaheim Rips Tars, 55-4q lnvadin& Anaheim HigQ School upset the dope sheet to post a 55-40 victory over Newport Harbor Wednesday af- ternoon in Sunset League swim action to throw the circuit into a scramble. 1be loss was the first of the y e a r for Newport in league action and drops the Sailors in a tie with Marina aod WestmirtSter for t.be Sunset Jead. Westminster easily dowi;ied Santa Ana, 65-30, Huntington Beach. took care of Santa. Ana Valley, 70-25, and Marina was a 79-24 victor over Western in other league action. Tars-Colo11y •.• I!\ ·N1w""' t•j ( I A11111t11W 100 Medley ll:tl1y -, helm, Tkrlt; 200 FM -I. Hb< tAI 2. Wiison Jat.nson (NI. Time: l :U.4. 2:01.i. INI l. ~ '::! -I. KOIM (A) 2. GrHr (N) 1. """"'I . T!mt: 2:0\J. aoo lvld111I Mtdlty -I. l.•mlle<'I ~A) 7, WllQl:l1ll fN) 1 EVIM l"I' l ime; 1109.6. Olvlng -1. Ourt.ln !NJ 1. Halnrkh !Al l. Conw1v IAI. ,-1111nt1: Jl.'2. 100 F IV -l. Arthur (A) 1. Wl!co~ IN) J. WllllOll CNJ. Tl1n1: Sli.t. ( 100 Fr" -1, Oovty O<f) 2, NI~ Al ). Kllllln (A). Tlmt; '2.S. 100 81dl -1. Limbert (A) 2, W1rreft {N) 1. Owens iAI. Tl1n1: l:tt.t,2. «10 l'rH -1. Evl"-!Al 2. K119h (HI l. Wllcu !NJ. TllM: •:Clt.5. 100 8r1111 -1. Wlkllll tlO 2. Ktivtl lNI l. Fr1wley !Al. Tlma: 1:ot.t 1 -Frtt Rll•Y -l. ""'"' m. l lmt: 1::12.6. ·-,,,..,,.,. HI~ u:n (M) A1111111m 200 Mtdtey lll:lll'f -I. N•WPtrl H1rb0r C(llrk..,n, Smlm, Nortl1, ~'J'Ged. Time: 2:00.l. ... "'I -1. Norttl (HH) 2. ANhtlm l. A"lhelm. lmt: 2:11.2. SO l'fft -1. Ttl ...... !HH J 2. AnlMlm l. A1111htlm. Time: H.5. 100 lndlvld .... I Medlr.: -1, Smlttl INHI 2. An1tltlm ). A,,.llfllm. l ,,.., 1:10.6. 100 l"l'f -I. North INH) 1. AMflllm 1 A.MM1m. TllM: 1:06.0. 100 Frtl -1, T1l!'l'llllt tNH) 2. AfMltltlm J. SfaMburT !HHI. TlrM: JS.I. lOI Bldl -:. Allellelm 2. An1hllm J. lll:lld CNHI. TllM! l!lt.I. .00 Fr:i. -1. m !NHJ L A"'htlm l. teta01•1~~.i· '!.:,.,'. '~ilti (NHJ 2. Anttltlm l. AMflllm. TllM; l :l,,O. «ID ''" ll1l1y I. Ht~ H1rb0r {T1tll'lltt. llaMbUr-t, Sffrles. $ny6er). Time: "00,7. ,_ H,......, HI ..... (U ) (Jf) AMIMlm 100 Mtlllrt lltl1y -l. N_..t H1'11or 1sn...a1r, '°«1t11<11, Alllt, F1rrer). Tlmt: 2:01.6. X10 l'ree -!. F1rr11" (NH) 1. At111lelm 3. Chtr! .. (NH). Tlmt: 2:05.T. 50 •r" -1. Sn'J'Gt• {Nl11 2. An11lelm l . B1tchellor (NH). Time: 11.l. 100 tncl!vld111! Mtdlay -I, AIM !NHI 2. A"'l'ltlm 1 An111tlnt. Time: 1 ;16.0. JO Fly -!. Asl'le i NHI 2. W1U (NH) 3. Anthtlm. Tlm1: Jll.7. !Oil FrH -I. 1'1rr1r (NHI 2. C,._rln !NH) 3. B1tchtll!I!' !NH). Time: 56.l , 50 Bert -l . Sn'J'Gtr (NHI 2. At11htlm J. At11Mlm, Tlmt: JO,,. 50 lll'lltl -I. A111hllm 2. A,..helm l. Porl.ous (NH !. TL~~ J.j,I, X10 Frtt ll:tl•w -1. At11htlm. Tlmt: 1:6 .?. Oiie r s-Falcon• V1nUy NW11tt111ten (71) 12f) V1Hl'f 200 Mllllew R1l1y -I. Huntlntton Bt•d'I. 1:51.t. Tlmt : 200 Fr .. -l. Htnrklt \&A.VI 1. lry1n ·IHI) :t. Llmlltrt !liBl. Tlma: J: 10 .• 50 FrH -1. Sdltlr (HB) J, Lt«rff (SAV) l , ECIOv (Hll). Tlme:·1'.2. 1'00 lndlvlchHll Medlly -1. Nlln'll !till 2. DuRlll (HB) l. N11lund <~AV), Tl""": 2:20.7. D!•l"ll -1. I . Cok..-!)oil) 1. J, C'Oktr !HB) J, King (H iil. Polnll: 51.75. 100 Fty -l, Pflttnoll (Hltl:1. HOtfmln (IA\/) S. E11ttrbwrk1 (SAV)~_~l_me: 1; .~ 100 l'rta -1. ac:nt1•r ( 81 2. E<lldy !Hll '· Lecttff !SA\/). Tlmt: .SU. ICIO !lack -I. H1nr\cll 15.AV) 2. Emtnen (H8l l. Watd tSAVI. Time: 1:11 .I. 01 Free -1. Bryan .{HB) 2. lamlltrt IHI) 3. Ward (SAVI; Tll'l'll; (:,47.l. 100 Brnit -I. Pltttrson (Hill ?. Cl111um (SAY) 1. N111und (s,IW), !.su-1 l"ICori:I). Tlm1: l:.l&t Frtt R111, -1. H1111tlngton 1e1ch. Tlme1 J:$1A · ·-\llHl'f tttj IHI H11ft!llllN11 ?00 Medley RtllV -• bottl T"m1 dl111, .... IHltd. 200 Frff -I. lrunci'll (SAY) 2. OUrket CH I) J. P1PI !Hill. l lml.i....l:ll.2. 50 FrH -! . ...,Hvff (Hll 2. Eknvn !IA\ll 1. Fltl).t l!A.VI 'tll'M' U.S. 100 lndl~IGue\ MM1tY -1. WthV (SAVI t. (ronn11 (H 8J 1. NO lh!N. Tlmt : \;11,1. OI 11111 Fly -I, VOYltl !SAVI 1. Dvrllte (H 3 No third. Tlmt: 1:11.f. '100 Free -1. Kllltl CHI) 2. Ekm1n !SAVI 3·,i:,<8~~~(S~)·,:1m:iit.l~!n (SA\I) 2. 'KrDM• (Hill l . Ho ttlltd, TllTll: 1:12.2 . o1011 Fret -I. Mc lridf (SAV) 2. Leutr (SA\/) l. PIO! CHiii. TlrM: S;OA. ( OI 100 Brei~! -l . K17 (HI ) !. M1d:t1Hn H l. :ic,o ~~~:· ~~';:~ '.:_25i: S•~l• ..,,... valley. Tlmt: 3,sJ.I, ,_ "u~lllllN<ft \'" 1111 V1t11Y :ioo Mtdlty Rally -• HIJ!lflnl!Mn Biid!. Tlmt: 2':00°·FrM -1. ll'fWfl (SAVI 2. lll:...,1btft 1 (Mii l , FO~ !HB), Tlmt; :1:12.4. I 50 Fr.. -l , HUI !HI) 2, l h.llcop CSA\I 3. NCltrol ISAV). T\m.e : u.1. 100 lndlvld,,..I Mtdltl -1. 8r1un (H81 '· Morl1t {SA\I) 3. Wei (HI). (Schoo! ncori:I). Tl;•:Fl~07.~ 1. Br1un IHI) 2. Klno (HBl S. B1lk"""'r (SA\IJ. Tim&: 2'.t . 100 Frae -1. Hiii (H8) 1. B'°""" (SAVI ). ltO't'Dtn (HB). Time: 511.S. 50 BIQI -I. Hlf"r1r1 (HIJ 2. Wut !HI) l. 8 1th00 (SAVJ. Tim" 32.1. 50 e rulf -\· Klno (Hill 1. Merri•• ISA\11 3. lallenver !SAV. T ime: U.S. M fr11 11:111'/ -J. Hunttnoton •~di. "lme: l ;Jl.4. Llona-So in u Y•f'l.llY Wtltn>IMltr ('5} !Ml ~nte Alll :ioo Medl•v R1!1y -l , Wnlmlmltl' !Olvlt, Wol!lng, llron, Leeper). Tim.: l:Sl.I. 200 Fr" -1, 01n:lner (WI 2. HtnnlllOIOft (W) J, 0-1 t$A). Tlma: 2:01.I, I 5(1 FrH -1, Grosw (SAi 2. "-' tWM l. 11:0111 (WM). l ll'M: i.J.7. 200 lndfvlduel Mtdl'/! -1, Gon11ln (SA) t, cre..,.ns !WM) l. Wall SA/· Tlm<ll: 2:24.0. Diving -I, Pl"M W) 2. Sa!2itr (W) l , ••r.l•r CW). l'olnh: n.55. I Fly -1. G!t•l.Oft (IA) 2. GoN1la (SAi l . iron IW). Timi: 1:02.I. 100 Frte -1. On111t !SAi 2. G1tdntr !Wl 3' 1~!t~~l· .!1m::: ~~Is !Wl I. Cle""""" (W) 3. P1<;kerlng (SA). Tlmt: 1:05.t . 400 FrH -1, Hlflnlno'IOll (WI 2. Eln1m1on !SAl J. Dlvll (Wl. Tl~; 4:2,.1. 100 8re1U -1. Wolllng \W\ 2. Ohrt !WI t. ,-1c111rlna (SA\· <School reconl • Ima: 1:11.2. o100 Fnt Re l 'f -I WMtmlnsltf' IL11111r, 11:1111. HHMllflOSOll, Garnil11'i. Tlma: J, .. ,, ·-WntmlMlllr 17tl UI S1n11 AN 200 Med!t'f Rel1y -I. WnfmlM111' (l1r!ltel, Myeu, Curt11, Stti:ofltnsOfl). Time: J:w .0 1 200 FrH -I. M,1r !WI 2. ""In (IA 1J;l•,•-rd cw,1.,r,1~:...=•,'w"·, 2 ·-cwo -•H-.11._.,. ' . .. .f, a.11rr !SAi. TllMl .. ,. .. • IOI lndlwkllMll Mlll!lftv -1. I~ i fWl ~. 1rlngMl'l'I (W) .f. Sn\ 11'1 l'll'J. 'i•l'l'll: f 1ll.l. ·'fl • 100 l'IW -I, CWTl1 !WJ .f. Mytn. {WI ~. No rhlrd. Time: 1: lf.l. •. 100 ,,.._ -1. '°'"°'*"" '.Wj 2. K~1 (W) J. SttllllenMrl IW). Timi: t:flO • 100 81d: -l. lltrl!>9! tW) 2. TrJnghtl!l]iWI 3. LIUlllrd (W). Tl~: 1:11... • 1. .ce r11 -I. Mf\"W IWI J. '9\Gtllfl" l(W) N<i tnl. Time: J:O...I. , • 100 8r•1I -I. Cllf'tll (W) 2. Sm.I~ •!WI t. Mlnnon (U.J. Time: 1:211.1. ·,. •• .. .00 ,.,_ ltlll~ -I, Wesh!llNlllr (~ti, Mhtl, K..--.tty, Mtlj!;tl· Tlmt: ~:Jf,t. ._ W•hllh•lw 1'4'ntJJ S1Rl1 AM .,,. 100 Medley llttlty -I. Weall'l'llMIW t"'""llCI'<, lr1tldtm11n,: 811'1l'OYM, Sl~J. Time: 2:U.t, ·~ "° ;;r• -1. LAlll CW) t. Hltler '"" J, C!hese SA), Tll'l'll; 2~14.t, L 50 '" -1, LUiis (WI 2. ,-hllllos llf>' .f, ard (W). Tlmt: 11.S. ... 10I lnillvlduel Mld1'1w -I. B\lf'V0\'111 IW) 2. ftUIHI! ($A) lf HtlGltr ), Tl~: 1:10.t. • • lll Fly -• ew:rr,111 (Wl 2. 8nndtm111 fWJ .., Htlcllitr IW). Tlmt1 "'· · 100 l"rH - l , utHll !SAi 2. UtW fW) S. LllU1 (WI. T1111t: l:llll,l, • 50 lid!; -l. ,-hlillPI IW) 2, PtlWll tW) J .Sllbel tSA). Time: :n.l. Jill lrtlSI -1. lr1ndlmln fWI 2. C1!'/lfltWll ($Al J'Orllbbs tW). Tlmt: 31.1. 200 •tt Rel1y -1. Walml,.llt (Lint, Lllll1, "el'lfll, Sllz•rJ. Tlmt; 1:'9A. Vlke•·Ploneer s V1nlty M1rf111 1711 041 Wnltnl lOO Ml!Gley R~IY -l. M1r!n11, Tlnv; 1,4 ,s:, 2~ '[" -'fl, EVIM (M) 2. Rtmy (MJ J. KOlll !M . Timi : 1:06.0. JO F•tt -1. McConn11111111Y fMJ 2. Sherbln (WJ 1 Miii'"''>' (W). 'time: 23.1. 200 lndlvlcl Ull Med t'f -1. UDl'Oktt IMl '· Nock tWI 1 No lfllN . (Sdloot rtalnlJ •• Tlmt: 2:0l.7. Diving -1, ..,..,.,.,, {M) 2. lor!nt11 (W~ J. J1wltl (W). l'ol11h: 6•.•S. 100 l'l'f -l. EvlM (M) :I. Nock (W) l, McConntughly (Ml. Timi: $1.1. 100 Fl"ff -1. Oo11aldson IMI '· Lonoworlto IWI l. Souol'llrt IM). l lnv: so.•. 16o 81clt -1. Dlvlclsotl (Ml 2. F~lllm 11'1 1. l'ltcrl IM). Time; l :Ol.S. .IOI) l'rtt -I. luell (M) 2. lleml'f !Ml l. Sh..-11111 (M). Time: 4:H.2. 100 llr•••I -I. 1.ll>PDklt (Ml 2. LongW11rlti {IN) l1.lllllU (M). (Scl!Oel riteotd/. Tim" 1:01.1, • «Ill~·" lllt1y -1. M~r1 .... T me: J:ll.6. -WH .... \NI f2t) MlrfM 200 MIClllY Rltl•r -. W•l'1'n. Time; 1;56..,, lOO "'" -• M1tlby fM) 2. ,__ (WI '· •hllUPPI IW). Til'l'll: 2:0U. Jill l'r.. -I. Nowldtl (WI 2. Fredrh;b \WI 3. M1rrll'l'lln (M). T!n'lt: 2!.0. • lOD lndlvlcl .... I Mtdl1y -1. Cl1t'l'ld111 fWf . t, H(!OIM !Ml 1 1111'9 jWI. TllM: l:DJ.J, 100 f'ly -I. hol'l'IPSOn IW) 2. J1Cllbl ·1fftJ 1 N-1ckl (WI. Time: l:OI"-• • TOO l'l'ff -1. Newld:I (WI 1. MtrrllTlln CMI '·1~""'\~'· .!.1"'T'. 11H!o,. lM) 2, Armen tWI ). •redrldr• fW). Tim" 1 :ot . .t. 400 '°'°" -I. M1!1by (Ml 2. P'rOPtr CWI :t. ,.hlltltoPI IW). Trma: •:ll.•. !l: llrtuf -I. \llrrlctl!.t (WI 2. ShiOz.f'.• (M l. "°'111'1'111'1 IW\. TIM: 1 :111~. l"rtt lll:tlly -• wr.:.rn. Tome; l:Sl.2. Ml l'tll9 I.QI USI W""r11 200 Medlt'I' ll:1!1y -I, Wnttrn. Tlmt: 2:05.4. 200 Fr .. -1. lll:etod CMI t. C1dr1 !Ml J. McColtodt !M). Tlm11 1:ll.f. 50 Fr11 -1. '°r mf (Ml 2. Shw fWI 1. Dunn !M) Time ; 2'.4. 100 1Nfl~ld1111I Medlay -I. Wilt.II IWI 2. f'1hr1nkrU11 !Ml ), A ti en IW/· Tlma; I; 10.2. lO Fly -1. JuU111 WI J. Kll'IU IMI l . lren,,.r IM), Time: 30.6. 100 Free -1. ltrlme (Ml 2. llltd fMI J. SI DP1 !Wl. Tlmt: 5'.t . ~. 50 !lack -1. W1ld1 (W) 2. Edml11<0n Im) :l :· ==I !M_!.. ;'.""~1~'· (W) 2. Shew IWI ). C:edl'I (M:. Tlme: .t:M.I. 200 "'" lll:1l1y -I. M1rln1. Tlma ; 1:~1. ,. ------ ~ ------ U NN15 IACllTI 4", 95 TO 45,00 MASKS •• FINS ·· SNORKLES WILSON •• iANCROFT -DA VIS DUNLOP ·· CRAGIN·· SIMPLEX Tennis Biiis Mens Tennis Shirts Boys Tennis Shorts Boys lennls Shirts l /1.29 to 3/1.99 4.94 lo 13.95 4.95 & 6.00 4.95 4.50 CONVERSE TENNIS SHOES MIN"S 7,75 LADtU 7.25 JICk Purcell Tennis Shoes PennsylY1nll Tennis Balls 8.95 dor. 7.50 WHITE NYLON W ARMUP SUITS POk TINNIS 24.95 Restringing • Nylon 4.00 • 6.00 • 7.SO GllT • • • 10.50 -1 2.50 • 15.00 DUCK PllT PIN5 ... '·'' DiYing MISks Snorkles Sk1le llolrds Sleeping Bigs lllndbill Gloies Blseblll Mils Soft Biiis • Blemsh 6.95 12.95 lo 24.95 95c -1.49 -1.95. 2.95 1.65 -1.95 -2.75 Ba11boll I little lHguo llolo, C-n -ko I Chest Protecter1, a.1ebell ShM1, Sen1tary HoM, B•11ball Unohrohlrts, Spoodo Swim Sulh I Tninka lttl9rmen JKlctta I SWffltn, Rt loJth llktt I P•rh Bib Rtptlr. '. --------~--~----------~~-----~--~----~:::;:".;-;:-;;:-:;:;::;;:=======~;:;::-;;:;;;;;::;;,... ................ ~.· , ......... , ....................... ., . ----- OAll.Y l'tlOT Tburldlt, M#tfl 27, 1"9 Ne~rt Optimi st Tourney ' • Switches to Mes a in '70 F9!Jower1 ri -tho Newport Jlarbot Oplbnilt -elboll --will not be dlaap-pcinlod thh com1J1i winl<I' because the taumey wtll II' on clesplte rocent penaltlts " levied agablll N..,pori Harbor lligb School .-by the CIF uecutive council. _ · ' Harbor camot boll the .._t, rules .the CIF.- , .. However. a slmple sblft to another tcbool am the tourney can go on. ' Co:U M... HJ&h will be the host In . 1970. Expect<d to compete aJooc will> M,.. lljld Newport Hirbor, .w!D be Y11111a and KOia high acholl " Yumo, 'Aiu., two teams irom the San Diego aru and another duo """' the Bak<nfield region. 'One suppoo<s that deo!lil< the c:hani• in ,., .•.......... . ROGER CARI.SON • .. ·-,., .. ,, .......•. . ' • . . ~ . ~.location, the classk:'s name will re.main • 1ihe same. * Co1la Meta mp Scbool'1 new look 111 • ooU>all programmed for this fall will e.- :;,lompass tlat eaUrt opendon. ~ _1 Along wUb a KW cOiM'S and offensive '• , ..... u.... die M-,. will be sporting ;: i)leW unlformL "'-.,:.; They'll tbed tlleir familiar ll'ffll and white ~ the style of the Green Bay Packen .:.. with gold pants aad helmets, and green -~ya. .-•' Fam -be lo.lppy lo IWa llo.ll Ole eua are &tint: Uck tG the 1iaadard \ ..... berbo, .,..,., .... B.weftf, wtu Meu meetl FAl1lfll (wltlli almMt dte uac& 11.me utfonm), jt couij Jll9Velobeaat,_.......ioom. * Huntington Beach High lost out on Its bid !er a llrst .. v« CIF champiorohip """"'1y wh<n tt was upoel In blsketblll' by Silnny l!illl'. However, all Is not lost. The golf team appears to be a solid bet for the title -that eluded ft last year when Estancia High grabbed the coveted prize. 1be Olien defeated Eatoncia recontly, 21· ~-In • llOl>loague malch. Tile two l<ems could well be IUl1Clllg the lop five competing for Ille CIF team UU. later In the spriog. * 1t seems 1trange Uaat Lapu Butll mgh School, wtt.11 •• urollmut .. ~ , .. ,., 1f8de1, ahoald he ii tbe AAA Cratvtew Le.Ifft wlllle ltat<lla, .. Aulielm ICHol of t,115 for tine yean:, i. crematlq' op- position la tllt AA Oru1e I.ape. Despite h.avl•1 a pat foo&ball team 'last fall , sometblng tbt doea't figure to bappea this year, &he Arth:ll of Lapna belo11c in the Onngt loop -aot UJe Crestview clttu.it. Kalella woaldl't mop up tile Crntvlew League like Ill 1ccustomed to dolnf ta the Orange loop, but It c e r t • I • I y wouldn>t take a back seat to anyone tither. Laguaa Beada It tbe 1mallest pobUc school In lbe eoa.nty. * TusWt High peoople mll8t be aick after postpmq thdr-10th amual relays scheduled for last Saturday when it appeared the South1and was in for a drenching over the weekend. Salunlay turned out to be a perleot doy. The meet baa . been reodieduled !or April lt. ~. J!ot Winds No Help to Snow, ~~·But Good S·kiing Prevails ::t ~ • ,, 4 3,.• • By ESTHER BIUINGS Badger Pass in Yosemite Industries American Lo .s ;.,.:~ °' "?-o.u, ~1111 s11n has an ·especially festive week ~Jes Trade Show, opening j, : .. Hot winds thlS week have plamed bef«e season closing Saturday .at the Ambassador ' : c.been a drag for mo~ l Easter .Sunday, iDcluding both , ~ :tte:ryooe. perhaps s~ers m serious and informal events. Hotel and running through ~:•particular. They cerWnly are The week-long Wonnal pro-Wedn""ay. ' :"bO boon l;9 ~snow pack. gram will include ski pro-The ftr'st SJ.A. trade show .) : : 'l1wn is still plenty of snow ficiency . teits, slalom in-was in the East. The West -~ .~ local .. ski ~lopes. however. structioo, obstaclf. races, and ~ fi>ow was added in 196.1. ~: wKh skiing Ul great shape cros&«IUDt:ry tours. The For tbe first timf this year "f· 'for. Easter W~k. Chamois Slalom sel by the SJ.A. bas let. .--.thifd trade ; ·. Local ski slopes h a v c Frmcb mem~ o( N i c Shaw for the Nnerit of Mid--~:,an~ up to ten feet. ol Fiare's ski school staff', is a west retailers, cooCtuded Mon-~1 :~' iwitb . V«J ~ spring face seldom arranged outside day in Oricago .. ~: ,&kiing ccntiUoos. 'Ibis means France, with winners awarded Besides the wholesalers ot ~: ·l~lly warm, sunny da~s the Chamoiz pin. ski equipment aod clothing ERIC CHRISTENSEN Triton Ace OnAll-CIF Cage Team San Clemente High School's Eric Christensen was named to the AAA All.CIF basketball 1eam today. Christensen, who set school scoring records at S a n Clemente with a phenomenal 26.1 per game average, was accorded second-team honors and was the Only player from the Orange Coast area to make the coveted list in AAA circles. Other Orange C o u n t y players on the ~ams ~·ere Gary Berg and Al Carlson of Garden Grove (first team) and Dave Murray ol. Magnolia (second team). Christensen became t h e highest scoring guard in Orange County history and ranks behind W e n d e I I Kallenberger of R a n c h o Alamitos and John Vallely of Corona del Mar On the all.time list of Orange County .scorers. The 5-10 senior guard was named earlier on the All· Crestview League and All· Orange Coast area teams . Finl TM"' l"MIJW CNdl H1I. Cl A•I· Lttt/.e, S.... ""-rcCll •l Sr, 2S.J 8«11, G.trden Grove 6-J Sr. 11.0 Biles. Moreno V111ty •3 Jr, n .s OUcw, Clarfl'l'IOnf .. , Sr, U.f C1rbon; G1'11tft G .. TI •t Sr. 11.I ROl!I, s.1111 .V.."'9 M S.-. 11.D N-11, B<fwrlt' HIU1 •2 Sr. 11,7 C1ropl1111, 111111 .. Ami.I S.10 Sr. 11.1 C11'Wl1I, N091'-s S-10 Sr. 17.f Guefn.r<>. L1s.ut:n 4-2 Sr. U.4 S«Olllll THiii Kll'll, Palmdale 4-J Sr. U .D O'l rlotn, C.o<illo t-l Sr. 22.1 Murr1v, Mltnoll1 6-S Sr, 11.1 a.,,., A•lllllall t-l Ir. n.1 ~r, leYWIV Hlll1 6-t Ir, 211.t Mlltti .... Collon 6-l Sr. 1t.1 "'""'-, Plus x •1 Jr, tf.f Ge!llOl'I. G.neitwi .Joli Sr. 11.0 O!r111tfls.n, S. Clen"*l'9 S.10 Sr. 2i.I Whll'll!. a..rrtow •t Sr. 23.1 Saddlehack Mauled, 14-3 .:.: ;~ ~ pack conditiO!Vl in Serious events j n c I u de and other SJ.A. members who ~.the monu.pgs arxl ccn snow Yoseml:t.e Winter C·l u b • s present the ' show, only ski .:-:; :!n Uie afternoons. . Slalom Champiooships April 6, retailers and certain special .j:•· Dark glasses and sun lotion a Far West Ski Association guests will attend. It is ' 1 ::·•to 8void snowblindness and sanctioned event with junior working event where 158 ::; .,aoobUm are mtl!U, of course. B's and C's. IV's and V's buyers from 252 shoPt in the :: ~ Most .areas have 90me ICrl and seniors eligible, and the West wilfselect next season's ~./A special program .for Ea~ Y06emite Juniu' Trophy Race Jines Crom samples displayed < }Neek guests, including speaal April S, a F .W.S.A. approved by 142 firms in 2 4 4 EL CAJON -Saddleback .... ski races and F..ast.er egg but not sanctiooed race open showroom.!I. More than 1,000 College scored three runs in :,.. . ~bmJt.,. to all boys and girls 16 years brands will be offered. the top hall ol the first inning, ~ and under. but took it on the chin the ::::: Non·ski activities include rest of Wednesday afternoon, ~: .. Free Passes sleigh rides. horseback riding,=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: dropping • 14'1 d-10 •, camera walks, folk .mging. = Gros.mlOOt College in a non- .. :; and scenery ogling, made the v1n,1tt league baseball game. ~~ Str g} MD more dr.amatic by Yosemite's aow1t~t:r \!!I 1ll'., ·~.""~1 won The Gauchos were helped :...1.. an e famous waterfall displays. ·~-n (M) '°"' °"'· , .•• -w. by five Grossmont errors in ' Suri VaJley, Idaho, reports '"'· 1 1 $, the first inning, but the win· '1 '"raroa 1M1 11111 .... 4; -• did 1ittl alte : '• ~tater Del High School drop-excel1ent skiing on corn snow c~ !Ml -w. .. ,, '"1. ners e wrong r • .-....i a ~ nm-Jea ..... decision 1-''Spnn· g Fling Week " u . that, Mnging out 13 hits. ' . """ •-af ..,. 0..0, .. , SlllllllNQ: Ul • ~to Foothill Wednesday • throogh April S. The week's C1•rtr. •1'111 MoorblClt {Ml loll°""" '' r lllr" "•---• --1( ba--• ll IHl Ulll M. 14. StVbbs. u l l O O "'-·u::i11u11 m V;u~ y OKUa ae-evEl'Jts will include a costume Ntll1on f.1 w1rc1en fMJ 111>111 •4. Ne1 ...... 2t1 • T o ~ ..:tion \\'hen the winners race and a spring picnic for 24' -'"' Jt~i.r y1n1TY k:e~~·c.~: ; ? o 1 Capitalized on four straight the contestants. MMIM n1't~\~J '1111Wlm ~=;· 1f> ~ g : g • walks for Ult wiming run. I:krice Taylor at the area ~~~r.1 r,:i '"..;..:.J,:t ~~1 tied el[i\';'.;,h~."',:, it l g g 3 t:~~ 1:i:Sgdwi':':1paui~ :ysa awi~prtnge ~~t :r:gt :-.:~·lfr ~li1 lost ,_., llM '4; wen g:;~fto~on. D ,! ! ol' •,: Ht-(Ml won '-4, M, M, M. Pl!~ • ! of runs and continued the double duty as a sun shade DeWtB 0111s" 21 :1 2 aft !hr · •o',":\J'"'' ... '""•·• c.., ~ ... fMl "°" .Ml, Sten •r 111111,.._ margin al 5-3 er ee in-and, also, that bota bags are 1..s1 ,,.. 11ed • M • Foothill h ~m 11• and Pll'tf" CM.l -·~ ~lebKlt JDO 000 0-l l J nings. , owe v er. out ol style... w anc1,1.s, "'· G"*1nDnl m .01 2-u u 5 scored twice in the fourth to It seems the affluent 119Ciety1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. lie it up and set up the win--at the Valley bas taken to nlng margin in the sevmlh. white wine served in glasses The four consecutive walks chilled by inverting in the came after two. were out. snow. Red wine is out along Dan Meyer hit a two-run with the bola bags, since it "1 homer in the third tming with must be served at room ;;: Bob Warbington on base for ter'hperature! the W.ooard\s. Sun Valley's toll free snow Mat.r Dtl 111 .._.......... number for sk:Jers west .. aD r llrl>I ''-t""'• • • SI~ d ' I l I of CJlicago is l~l,. J I· ~-tt-1' l : : : Atop the Pabn Ssrin&s ~~ 11 l : : : Aeria1 Tramway at the moon-' ··rt.1~:'" " ; l ~ ; tain statloo there will be an i ~~~ rl l : I ~ Easter sunrise festival April • ADoC....._ e1 ' 0 0 0 &, incluiling a choir, special ~!-1,t l I I I ,_ tt:•· 11 ~ 3 : : breakfast, East.er egg hunt lUI" ~~l.~1~ I : : : children. and reduced tram "· •'b ' o 1 1 fares from 4:30 to 0 a.m. -1111,c D\'' of t""•/' o o o For ski retailers west TOT• kwt ,, '""''-• 25 5 1 5 Ollcago Easter week begin.I ... Del 2" ODOG-5 I ' th ••• I ••1 4 '°°"'rn mo 2111 1-t1 1 o with the seven tywua ..- PAN PACIFIC llftllLT AT fAlltFAX -YSJS.111111),1YSI SUOOAYS 2.-I ll·llllll 12H.ll. OPBI THROU6HOUT Tll SUMMER • Hi1ng Ten • Plcklff e E.,J -1 Bikini • Surf LlntJ Hi1waif • Hob'-SurfboaNl1 Also Custom lliklnla Moclo To Ordtr All Ski Equlpmont On Sal1I OPEN DAI LY ...... .,.4,..,, , ... Sela ... af1f IW 2101 Wd CMtt Ha.•-. NEWPORT BEACH 642-8335 ' MD . Impetus for F~roc1ty lly ROGER CAIWiON .... ...,,,...., .... the Soulhland !he )llll tine moolhs. WhM lilater Del Hl lh ·School'1.varsttf football ~ tUea the ·field In Seplember qalnot ........,,.. rival Sanlo Ana • at the Sahta A n 1 MWllclpol Bow~ the Monarehs . Bland to be . ... " the tougllool; me.-t<am In captivity. , The imrnetJ.iate future for 1~ drilla ii f<:r' UWI team to be workin& out on dirt -Md.J1111be._ on_ a few rocks -but no grass. Wbal'a more, !hat prorpect coold still be In the al&& In early Septemb«. Renovaticn of the Mat.er Dei HJ&h School atllletlc fiekll, in- cluding the traclr:, baseball diamood> and football field has ·taken a serious delay bOc.... " the apectacuJar rainy season endured lcr<l61 'Ille curbln& """""' the track WU rtadY to be let over two months ago, but ls ju>! now getting underway after the rains. It appears there will be no way the football or baseball teams will get a chance to test the grass before acbool lets out in June. bopolul of ..... J*llal ... ol a llekl, at Smla At» Coll<ge or er..,.. cc..t College thiS '!2iol.JllllJR..dllll!!>c. lheir lbinklng ~lld 1 l m p I y .trllnlna wllhcM the beodlt " Jl?lll. Coach Bob Wlrmore'.1 ba8Cball crew. curre.ntly, boldlnl a M mart, Im boo<> severely -P"ed-by the renovaUoo. ."lbe proud, Monar.chs 1ft{l«all9 ~.rated oear the 'top al that cMeg<ry anyway, but circumstances tb1s year tend to make them 'eveo more ferocloug,. I Planting of grass is ex· pected lo take place the first W<l'kouta at the. 8Cbool have been restricted tO calJltbenics ""' rumlng around Cll1 the officials ate asphalt in teonia shoes. part of May. Mater Del % off ' Our Everyday Regular low Prices on Vanderbilt's First Line* Nylon Tires 2 Day Sale ••.• Friday and Saturday Only Sale $14.62 Full 4-Ply 600/650xl3 tubeless blackwalls, pl us i1. 79 Fed. Tax and old tire. ,Ten sion Tempered 4-ply Nylon Cord Body Gives Extra Strength for Maximum Safety Guaranteed 30 Months Oii 1M tlrt1 wltlllllt lrllk-ln. Nf SI ucti. BLACK 735xl4 FITS 700xl4 ••• Against Tread-wear, Blowouts, Cu rb Bruises and other road hazards JUST CHARGE IT! NO MONEY DOWN! REG. 23.U ' .. 'SALE 16.72 FEO. TAX 2.lll BLACK 775x14 FITS 750x14 REG. 25.11 .. '. SALE 11.12FED. TAX t .IO BLACK 125x14 FITS IOOxl4 Frff tire installation REG. 27.11 '' .. SALE 19.52FED. TAX 2.96 F rH puncture repair for life of original tread BLACK 73Sxl5 FITS 650xl5 REG."24.11 .... SALE 17.42 FED. TAX J.OI F rff thorough safety check FrH wheel rotation every 5000 miles BLACK 775xl5 FITS 670xl5 VANDERBILT TIRE GUARANTEE REG. 25.11 . '.' SALE 11.12 FliD. TAX 1.JI e......, Vl!!Ot<tllll Tlr1 Is g!,llranl'NCI for tllt llfr flf tllt orl§lnll trud, liltlnst ,,..nul1<lurlng ftt«f\ •!'Id worltrnel\Shlp, and 11111ns1 all 11Uu'" lrom tl:lld "'rardl. ti !he !Irr !ills, we wllt -If our OJllkln -.--Ir II 11 no co,r, or In t•cholnqe for 1 new 11,., dlarglng only for ""' treld inrd, Ti>e 1"*"'11 <l'llrtltd wm be on • fH'"0-,.11 balls l!l-lliml 1l>e {11rrf'ftl stlll"O prkr If 11.n. of ICll111tmtnl Plltl F-rll Exclit T1x. BLACK 815xl5 FITS llSxlS REG. 27.U '.'' SALE 19.52 FEO. TAX l.31 e......, Vlndffb\1111 T!rt Is guaranlffd 1g1inll wur-out tor !he rwmbw !If imnllo$ 'PIClllllll. If tAld -11 out wfihlto Iha 1i.tfd s>""locl I~ ltOln J/Jt"), rttur11 !he !In• 19 any 1uto Clnltr 1tlllrlg Vanderbilt Tires, Wt will rxc""'91 tt for • ntw tire. cNrolrlO tilt c!Wrtnt 1errl119 price •f llm. of IMl/111lmtl\f Pllll l'.Olfal ExclM Tix, ltu 1 sht.d allowlncr. BLACK 155xl5 FITS 145x15 REG. 30.11 .... SALE 21 .62 FEO. TAX 2.SJ 10 poi~t brake overhaul 24.88 l11cl11d11: 4 111w li nl1191~: r•bvild cylin· Illian : hirn drvn11: ad.I flui.11: r1,1clr front whttl l>11rin,11 chick 11111, hen.I brakr , m11t1r cylinder; r11•d t11t. °'ri•at.d li11i11,1 hi9hrr. c; ' special! front end alignment 7.88 Ali'" hoth f,.nt "'h11l5, 1.l j11•h r.11!1r a nti r.1111\irr, 111 t.1•111 111cl Ml·MI ti 111.clflc1llo11. l>•l111c1 ff•11I wh11lt. •11' r.h•r.• "'"''''"' fr•11t ·'"'· ••••• 1i•11 h1r 14jo1!111111h 111.I 1ir c111cli· ti1111tl ca r• 111,htly hl,h11I •Jlfoct N ll'ldU1try·wldt t)'lltm of S1al'ld1rd>: ..:lsll, fM rtPTUtnl1llonJ •• to "greclt," "11M," .. lh•!,N Dr "11111llty" rel11t onty to the prl¥1l1 i llndan:I of tl1t m1r1111ar (t.g. V1nd1r11111 Premium Gr1drl. _electronic ignition tune-up 12.88 ...... . 17.88 ..... - l111t1U: "-1p•rlr pl1191, i9P1ition parh, c11ndr n11r, rot11r: 1dj111t timl119 1...J c1rb11rtl•r. Ch.cir••'"'• rl"' c•IMliti•11, di1trib11t•r, v1c1111111 ••••Ma, aiwl wir• i119 f•r r•1id1rtet , Ph•n• f11r •ppoinf· "'·"·· Crager E·T1 I mag wheels 4 ... 128.00 .......... GI•• VD•r car th1 r1r.i11t 1pp11r111r.• 111\11 fl1;, +h1I'• •• p1pwl1t trcl1y. Di1 c11t ..... 1 with 1t11I ri111 fDf" rvn•ll w11r. C •11f1r '"ti111 111tl 1p•lr•t 1r1 c•lr111cl 1 uw•lry tt•Y h 11nph11l11 t*1 whHl'1 fini.J1. • bonus lube with oil change With IYrry cl.an91 of 11il •n<il filt•r, yo11 911 1 lwba.job1t no rrlr1 ch1r91/ Yo11r ch11ic1 of: '•nntoil, Qu1lr1r St1l1 or McMillian wilh coupon. shock absorber special 2 for 10.66 d•ndud 2 for 17 .77 huvy d•ty 2 for 27 .88 lov•I liltus T11cl11d1, ;11,t1U1ti•n 1...J 11•• "'WM' bu1hi119J. Hal,. P'""•llf u11111t11wry wt 1r •f tir1t t hd fr1111t i n.I p1rt1. c C> AUTO CEnTrES ' may co south coast plcu:o, san dleCJO fwy at bristol , costa m•sa; 546-9321 • shop mancloy through saturcloy 10 om to 9:30 pm • .. ·------------~------..... _,,...___.._~...,~-·-. ,ep eeue11--------------------------------------.... --~, by Deke Your Engines! Hou/gate Moau, what Joe Leonard talks about Ule9e days i1 real estate. 1bat'1 the only businees be is cum:ct.ly ~Ive in. '!bit's correct. 1be man who sat on the pole for lhe 19&1 hl:Hanapolia 500 at well O\'e.r. 170 miles an hour, who Jed nearly every USAC champioMbjp race he saw last year, doesn 't have a ride for the big one. He doesn't have ·a ride for anything, as a matter of fad. Joe Ltonard, me of motor sport's most promisiq young men, Ls a caaAalty <i the Firestooe pullout fn:m auto racing. "I hate to aay this, but I pve lJll my ride in the 1Mt race <i the year to Mario Andtetti for Firestone so he cou1d have ·a chance at the championship, and this is the thanks I gel," Leonard said. 'Ale handsome ex-motorcycle ace hasn't been sittint around wait~ for someone to hand him a competitive car for the Indy 500. He flew home from the· Houston indocr' midget race with Larry Truesdale, racing boss of Goodyear, and they didn't discuss lhe weather. "He told me all the good cars have been spoken for ," Leonard said. "Thert just isn't anything left for me, and I'm oot going to drive something that's not competitive jtJ.'Jl to get in the race. ' "After all, I think I deserve something better than a second rate car. If it doesn't stand a ,chance to will, I don't want to drtve 1t." Leooard isn't particularly bitter or morose about his situation, lncred'lble as it i.s. He plans to spend the month of May at the speedway "just in case." "Maybe," Leonard said, "!IOlllebody will be sandbagging back there, and a ·car owner may want to see how fast Ml car will go. l'm not quitting. Know anybody who needs • driver? I'm available." Leonard's sudden rise to prominence has come to a halt jLJ9t a:s abruptly as his fortune! took the upward trend -am luck played an important role both ways. It used to be good, but it's running bad now. Leonard graduated from motorcycle racin& -.. That's the toughest way to make a living there is" -to modified ltock cars. His talent came to the attention d. NA.SCAR driver Paul Goldsmith, who at that time was in his USAC period. Goldsmith got him 1 late model stock car ride, and while Leonaf.d was breaking in ·on that circuit he met A. J. Fvyt. . A. J. hooked Leonard up with Dan Gurney, who took him to Indianapolis iii 1965. I,.eonard won his first champiorw;hip race at Milwaukee that year, and he. looked like the claBS ' of USAC'a newcomers. "After that l t.hol!gtlt this league was gonna be easy," he said. "I'm finding out now how wrong I was." From Gumey's Eagle team Leonard hopped back to Foyt, then to the STP turbine team of Andy Gri.natelli. Midway through last season Joe's car was transferred into the ~ ol Pa:melll Jones. So in four seMOOS Leonard hal driveR fU' ftV! of the sport's great names -Goldsmith, Foyt, Gurney, Granatelli and Jones. "I've just about run out of champions. I guesg I have 2n-20 hindsight, but I should have stayed l'.ith Foyt the way thingl turned out. His racing shop is a block long aJld half a block wide," Lecnard said. "He hafi everything he needs to be a wimer, and he leaves nothing undone. ''And here I am sitting on my hands." Celebrity \ GoH Play At CMCC go~!Ag WI[' rnold Palmer ' WHBIE SJT\JIJION Al.L01¥S, li!T S~ SHOTS AS F~r:NAY llot>!S l{cati~ ''°"' SGfld • sw o I J 1 h n«es.50I')' ..+.. Y°'! ore neat the green, °""1flf'I you hov. o low lie, °' .ften the bunkor hoso big lip. Costa M,.. GoU and Coon-I try Clob will host the Costa 1 . Mesa. Celebrity Golf ClaJslc June l with pracUce rounds · ) on May 31, fo11owed by 18 1 holes of action the following / day. The evenl -a best baU i · of founome consisting of one cele brity and three businessmen partners -will 1 How•ve r, ~V"profituionols flnd itaosi•r to hit sand ,hots cl • W>st Os they would foirwoy irons whenever thesi~li~allows. If the boll is slttire up wtl! in the .00, ir..-.d if the Punk•r hcnn't• 1"UCh Ii p, I '"'9Qest >'°"I ry playing ih• shot iW as. )'OU 'WOVJd frotft the fairwoy, . .•• · be culminated by a dinner 1 --· ·., show p.r\ on by t h e 1 W.:C?u: ..,,. --·" . . . ... . 0 .... -' ~-0 . ._...~~ partidpating celebrity golfers. ' ,,.._, .··-.---::..-- "-~---The show will be by in- vitation only to amateurs and their guests. Awarm will total Q ,500 in merchandise prizes. Entry fee i.s $100 per am8.teur contest.ant ! with the proceeds b eing / directed to 11 local charilin. 1 Additional awards will be 1 made for low gross individual 1 and low net individual in the I celebrity and amateur groups. 1 Openings are limited tO 120 amateurs and 40 celebritie!. I Lewis Wright of Newport i Harbor High School and Brad Mt'Cartney of Costa Mesa -=------. .. -, -...... P1ay the bon wen bod:: ... )'OU'f' s I 0"'11 e Ct $0 that rite clubheod strikes it bebe cottta ct i ng the a,d. ThOUI 5'Wing largely wit+i )'tM" ~ '° os not k> d i 1 I u rb )'OA.U ~-j,. the 9'ftf. . ' It k "''°' liO O"YOid 1-w'lting l6te Q..d l'ir5f. Theef0fe1 dlol:~ doWf'! on )"OU' club 'ond l.eep yrur left onn fully extended of address. Goking down and ~endir\g the amiwill co•1peu'°te for tt!e foct tliot your feet ore lower than noonol in th-e sooc1 . t.C.---•l'L-......... High sc or ed hole-in-ones ~===::::::::-:::··_:-_:·_::·::::::::::::":".'::::::::::::=-' recently at Costa Mesa . - Wright aced the 18th hole on the Mesa Course, a 141· yard event on Friday. He used a nine-iron for the trick. McCartney's ace was on the ninth hole on the Mesa course, also with a nine-iron. Baseball Standings Max Kissick led his Sunday team in an impressive 33-15 victory over Jack Black· ketter's Thursday team in an Jntra-elub match over the Lake course Sunday. The men's club President's Cup mAtches are now in the quarterfinals With defendin~ champion Russ Larson still c1t1srv11w L.,,ou11 fn contention alont1: with John-Miu:i°" vi.1o ny Johnson, Neal Hickman, sin c1em1n1e Faolhlll Gil Rettew. Garland Privitt, Tun1n I Vlll• P•rt: Bob Darnell, A mo Palonen o,.,,,,. and J. L. Kirby in the ~'~~•di w l 01 ' ' . , ' . , ' . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' President's niJi:ht. s.tn ci.!.,,~f,'J.:: 1 Women's club action on v1111 Parle .., 1..1tvn. l!leect> ! Tu11fn s, Ori""' 1 Monday in a par 3 and 5 S•n ciem!,';~:;·~~::' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' .... ltDIN •1tov• L .... OUI W LT 01 Glrden Gra~ 4 O 0 -llolt• g ru'!Oe t l o 1 l e Ouln!t ? 2 o 2 Ptdl!CI 1 2 I ~V, lt•l>C:M Altmlto, 1 l I !l'J S1nlla110 1 l 0 l .......,., .• Sfl:••• G1rdtft GroYI 4, R•ncho Allmltos • Putlflc• 1. 1!10111 Gnincle o , ll'r~r'• ••-• S1n11-II 9<1111 Graro<k P1clflc1 et Gtl'ftn Gmwt l1 Qyfnle et l.enehO AltmltO'l Prep Gymnastics event was captured by Adrian-E1 MocMnt 1t M!•lorl vi.1o r •• l I A flight I l""'" 9t.ch •I Tiillfn c ....... -Mir (Ill ! .. ) Me9MIM na '""""e n pay. l'oothll! .. , "'"'• P1rt f11mb!lM -1. P. w11oer 1coM1 She firerl a 93--20--73 (28l tn ir•t:IWAY LIAGUI w L GI l· ~ ..... (CdM) ,, Oe"'-IM). Tmv 1 , • ;~ l~S. I. Corr.. [Ml 2. Tl1 edge Martha Ciampa at 92·1> Full«!(ln ? 1 . ~i-u 11 IMI anc1 Fields tMl. 77 1291. T\f:1rv EvPlyn Imler'!! s1v1""'1 ~ l : ~ 5·to,. .. _ 1. Pirter-. tMI 93·16-n (30) and Mart y ~~~v l i -2. Greser jCdMI l . I". wuroer CCdMl. ll<IMI P1rt I 2 1 Poln.'Ji' 1!~ · ) Srhn<>id<>l''S 93-17·76 (31). Sunrw Hiiis 1 ! 1 1.?. w1~ i(:~1 t F'f.~~ (~. B nii;::ht action was cooped Li H.iirew..._.e,.• s~ 0 3 1 '0"'~: J~· _ ,_ G•1J•< fCllM\ 1. by Roberta Andrews with a L_.11 1• ,:111~,:eG~ .... , "· w'"l7'.t 1cc1M1 l. o.HooQ Mi. 107~21-36 (23). Followina her •uent "'"" " Kennertv "~r:l:: ~!t, -1. J. w11der (CcSMI ti S.wan"• 11 Su~nY Hlll1 1. Holthltr ICdMJ ). 9r-n (M). were Maxine A!smus at 117· ~~11~~·.~1L1;:!:11 P'iL~~1J:13·blr1 _ 1. Fi.mlflll fCdMM>' Leonard's Retfretnent Tlaouglt.U 31-86 <24l. Rosemary Skillion 01.AN01 LEA•u• 2. P. '1e1oor (cdM 1 l. eorr" < • • t , .... -1261 B ti B w L GI Po1,',": ~-l J, W•llitr (CdMI 2. Joe Leonard. the San Jose squltt, isn 't ready &o rttin:, a oo-__. • e Y rown ~~~llll ~ : : M:r.r:'"""rv (CdMI l. l'lem lflll {CdM). bat he ••• 1<1me JnteraitJng thoughts on the subject. ir'1~1!14.:U-:79:<:•~1>~· :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~·~· ~""~';'"ii;;~~~~·~·~·~·~·~,~·~· ;";'·~~~~~~, "What we need In racing 11 a flnaaclal deal like they have In football and baseball. Those guys desenoe the money they get, but dtey don't take anywhere near the risks we do. Not too many years a10 the winner of the IDdlanapoU1 IOI only pt to put %0 graed in hi1 own jeans. Tbe money has gone up ahtce then, but the coat of Uvbl:g has gone up too ," Leooanlwd. "Loot what the baseball playen have, with layaway plans and retirement Probably ZD guys are making $'15,00I to SIOO,IOO • year, and only a couple or three of us are making tll•t ll8d of money. "A basebl.11 player gets a blickac"-be &ells the coaclll and lie 1ets to 10 to the sliowen for Che day. He can't ti• that all tlle time , bat be can do tt and 1et away wttll II. "Yoa do that in racing: even ontt, and yon better bang onto your sattbel." Leonard Is encouraged by the lncrea1e in pune money, wlllcb bas become '111'1de1pread In lhe major astodatioa1. Partlcalarly, the rise In USAC cbamplonshJp priu money t•Js • step I• the right dln:ction," he 11Jd. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! FREE LAS VEGAS I VACATION• s tl•J• ~ntl 2 nltu et th• Hecl•nd• ol' Thundrilrtl H•hl. 'r• lu•vry room with TV -t•mbllng Instruction - ChaMINlftO P•rty. DUNLOP LOW -PllOP'I LE GOLD SEAL Tho""' ,.,,.,...,....... tiN f.md Ind prnwd' Mfe .t JOO mph IO )'Kr haw that .tn mtrtfn .t SO. 60, 70, BO. Phenomenal n:tion. DURING OUR N~ DIMENSION /NTltODUCTORY SALE OHL Y nln or shin&. Pnnted s.tety. Shouldtrs. longer ml!Hae. Pr955unl·st1I Jnnerlinm-. fuU 41>1Y. T)"'Q'" ·.,: •• • .. Truo IDwl'lo(,,._ JJS.1 4 7lS..11 21.75 a1-14 111.11 24.75 18 1 ~ .... 1Jf.1l "n hc.IM Ta & Ohl Tiao 771•1 4 n1.11 22.75 ,, .. ,.. 111-11 27.75 Pin lhtM T• I .II N 2.U & ON T1to CORONA DEL MAR TIRE and TEXACO SERVICE 3601 E. COAST HWY., e 675-2266 Corona dtl Mar I 3 ea 0 SUPIR 0 SPORT SPORTING IOODS SHOPS SANTA ANA • 219 E. 4th • Kl 7.5723 SKI SALE <ioing On! FUlURTON • 601 S. EucHd • 171-5918 NEWPORT CfNTER •#27 Fashion lsllnd•644-2121 DON'T PASS UP THE BARGAINS YOU CAN OBTAIN NOW - TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT • LEARN TO LIVE THRU SPORn BIKINIS NEW 1969 MODELS FROM FRANCE AND SWEDEN DlffiRENT ANO MOST FLAmRING • Ont of tho wtost cont- r.l•t• beck p1ell 1tocb n Clllfoml8. We •ro 0""9ofinti Hprfftflf• atiYU for GOIY -ALP SP ORT -KUTT.• c •• in ..... '"" "' ,.. .., l>otk ,..i.1., - loon. '" •Itek lo -,, --"'"' for spett ., '""" wt1r. • II CANVAS Ol l1J 1.BTIID AT PRICU REDUCED AS MUCH AS SO% INSTANT CREDIT USI OUI LONO mM PAY PLAN -a..,.. & lonkA.,..k onl FISH LO-K-TOR Wiry fblo whoo ttlt ft1h NJ M 300 J•rQ 8Wlf -'""' ... fllh with ,_ LO.C·TOI °"' th'" .,., ,.., Ii•• Ill -c .... ftr ........... ·- FLY TIEING CLASSES Join up now lflCI IHm to lie your own f1ys - lrs fun. Closs Hmittd to 15 pooplo, $4.00 ,,,.1, ' DAIL V PILOT -ft Oilers Tab Top Cage, Mat Stars P~ep Tennis Scores ll'llttfllMI IUI IUI Lo.-kilell 11'-'e llMil C411111 ........ - - Wle!lbowV.I (Ul -M. '°'' a.lJ Wlntwt II> 'WIOof .. ,, H. .. I, .... ... , H, Mat-Cl ) 11111 N1 ..wi .. ,, .... ~,_,._, (Lil -...... ,, loll M. M W. L .. (IE) -•1, "'· "'· o.Mt•ll ILi) -M. M l iall 8er!ICJI IE) iM1 M i -W. 64, H.k. .. I. .,.. ... T•~llr llll Mt W. M, W. 1"4. Emerr ..-klllll"' fll ...,, ..... DwWt1 •1 ,,... .. 2. M.. • Pl1Jke Contreras and Roy .!~~1,_. Frrw CLIJ -...._ .,t"Tl:,''tl1'L':1 ~tw c11 wow_,a.1, Miller, the duo that led Hun--kMH MCI Slfff' !La 1 tc11 ,.., I.Mr• u:u 1,1 c..t• Maa , 14 W. M . -Slillilt1 " Ungton Beach High School's 1Cu1Nmoto !CMl-10.1 M. M..,i-41 vanity basketball leams to """"" ~11 111 ..._ ~1:t 1CM1 t1t1 u. w. 1.f1 ,,.,... !hr ,,.~,( f,!'I..,!!'" 't..'I:'· .. 0. U . ~n fCM ) IOI! .... , 1"4: HI ee straight league chatn-~~11111 Nt.-· !"t~ '*r ~~·<CM>'°"', .• ,..,,, .. I ::::::,. tu1-;r:. U1':.tt.. loll Oal!D --p Onships and 41 strai&ht ~~ Incl 1!11rm.n fH1 -a.J."~f'.J,,CMJ 1:'t r lcM1°\a,t league wins, were honored lfi~ io:it, Mader '"'' -u. .. !",.,, _. Mrt* lCM1 ... , ,..._ Wednesday night at the annual -''----------.:.-"'-'-=.:."::..c:"':;..;.' .. =----·'- Winter Sports Awards ban- 1 q"!treraJ,. firsl·te•m at~ ~s-~-(-,-Ti-,-~-0-2-"~-m, '. '-OIF brui:ketbaU choice. wq ~ named most valuable and /dii~r. on the S«Olld team all-CJF, was named captain • J1 ~ng~~. c::~:OUer con# RW !IPPIN'Wlllm\' ~ Varsity -MVP: Mike Con· IN}'2 OAUDN~ treras; Most Improved Player" Mark Wh!Uieid and 2 Tony Bonwell ; Captain: Roy Miller ; Hustle Aw a rd : Bonwell; Free throw award: Contreras. Sl'fO.W IJMlfEDOffftl llflie'}MI(° Junior Vanity -MVP: Jim HarreU; Captain : Garth Wise. Bee -MVP: Jeff Bowman; . Captain: Ken Funke. 1/111/J 11211 C.. -MVP : Scott Whit· field; Captain: Rich Carlson. WresUing: Vanity -MY: Clemens ; Captain: J i m Johnson. 1 Junior vanity -MV: SteVe Joannes: Captain: Bill Twigg. Fmlt-Soph: t.1V : St a Peterson; Captain : Brent Mulford . 1.,ro4wleel @3~£fjl§ ~§[1[)~§ 12 JOBS IN ONE 95 ALL -·"""" CAM 20,000 ME GUAIW UKOIWESPKWISJS 111: fl) e INSTALi.. NIW 1.• 111 e CNICll Al.l LIN INGS ON ALL I AOJUSTIEll .t."O WNEf:ll CAMI Qj O Al.C Glt lND AND PIT l•I o CLIAN •HTll.IE All.. IHO•S 81.Al(l .UIEMIL 'f Ille llP'ACI( FIU)1'T !fl e CLE.I.Jill AHD LUii WHEEi.. •U.1.IN•I IAQC PU.Tl!$ 14) e CHECK All. l lTUllN Utl O ll•ID ALL LINft ll"IUHGI AND ADO FLUID (ti O (NICI( ALL WHllL C'fllNOIRS 1111 o Ill.II ADJUnMINT l'OR Lii"• 01' LININGS (ti • (NICI( M.UTll CYLINDll. lltl O ltOAD TEST (:IJt 1110 DOWN P'ATMllftT o MANY MONTHS TO ll'AY PREMIUM BRAKE RELINE $299 .. 5 MILE CiUAIANTH 45,000 SPRING TIRE CLEARANCE ~ RA YCO PREMIUM DELUXE I : :·::: =~~~:•AIANTll WHITEWALLS Any Size Usled! 7.71•14 (7.50114) 1.21114 11.00114) 1.11114 (l.lh14) 7.751TS (6.7h11J l .15r15 17.10.151 1.45•1 S C7.6h111 SET OF 4 • ~ • $108 27~~-U.lf"' •» ODB IEC. PJllCE IS S36.IS TO 131.95 PER TmE. IAYCO -· lifetime Muffler • , . • • • DAll.Y ,llOT (S) Tb.....,, C' 27, ~M .. :1· • I • . " \ ---\ -.. ... • , • . .. Wednesday's Oosing Prices-C.Omplete New York Stock Exchange List • \ l -. ~ OAJLY PILOT • • f 1· r I I I , • ! 1, f • ' ' i. -I I ' ' J • ' I j .. r . • ,. ' ' ' ' . I . . : ' ' . 1· )" I .. ' ' I- ' I . 'f I ! ' t ! ' . I . I . I j Ii ' '' • " • ---11:-·---••• .. .... . . . Thunda1, MMdl 27, 1969 " '!·I ... ,) , .. t, . , -I r r.1 r '. ..... -...' \f" .t.• .. ·' • . ' . WITH Don't iust SIT there! · Grab hold of the . I BIG action today! 1 Dial Direct: \ · 642-567:8 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540·1220, toll free) # ••• , ... ,.. ........... ,. ' ' -· • I • IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS • e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e _ e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! . .. .... ~ • . . ' ..-. .. ,. ... ' HOUS!!S FDR SALE HOUSES FOR $4LI CUSTOtl~ HOME SALES MANAGER r ~~-·-'--___ 1_0-_a0 \;':'"!:..,...~~1~-~~.i1~200~.,.~-~"'"~"~·~·~"~".i1~:aci~io\ EASTSIDI DUPLEX 2 Bedrooma eaeh. OW'm of (llJl!n beam cri.lrca • k:n¥ Upkl!l!p and lparldins clraa D~e by. 328 ARIO, Newport Hel91d1 • Otitstolldlng Value ly Ow-.r $34.000 Yl)U lll\ VE ONLY 11 Day', to T like Advantage 16th a Tustin _Cost• Mis• A Ilcensfd real estate broker with a 1ucces& ADULTS ful record of past accompll!bmenu, to sell "8,500. ' OPEN EVES "TIL 9 Lovely corner 3 bedroom home, lllrge !Ill~. 2 balhl, dining room, living room with at- tractive fireplace, lush carpellng throutb- out, drapes. Beautlful trees and plantlnp. Call owner for appointment to .... . " of Our 6314 °lo' Interest 'Rate on the·J)eautitul new homes of. Most hemes are built with onlr cbildren In large, expemlve, custom designed & cwtOm mind. We have five homes designed for the built homes on our lots in San Juan Capistra· 546.2313 64&-nn , .::>THE REAL \'"\. ESTATERS comforts and tun of adults, Beautiful to look no; then to build a sales team for other pro)· at, room for bobbies, private office, separate ects in· Orange &. San Diego CounUes. Am- dining rm , guest room with bath, 3 car ga· bltiou.s: aggressive penob -on t.be way U'f'.· rage, walling distance to churches, WestcliH Co mmlssiona only -annual earnings Of Costo -1100 · Rancho ~" Cuesta' on Brookhurst at ~Uanta in Huntington Beacb 548. 1444, 646. 1'711 . ------------. • Our Lender Mu5t lncrea1e hi' Interest Rates on April 7, 1969 ·shopping, and restaurants. $30,000 & up . 7% with :m-, clown -7V.% with 10% Dn. • S.nd '""'"' .. '· D. '°" 33' EASTSIDE no lnds-no point• -29 yrs on bolonce Son Jvon C1pl1trono. 92675. cut. DE . SAC 1200 Lido 1119 lfSl Pric!d from $30,950 to $33,950 -Reautilullylarmcap<d, Bed. Exclusive A~nt Gener•I-1000 0.ntral 1000 room, 2 bath nicely decor- Do'v•r Shor•• Needs Offers 3100 aq. rt. of luxury, All CU.Item constructed • bed· rooms, family room and for- mal dining room, lmml!d!- ate posaeulon with 10% down -Asking $73,500. Oll0 11ZJ llayfrOnt Home • Al1 that is necessary to assure yoursel f or _ this low interest is your selection of one of our 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes and make your initial deposit of $500. p• a. palmer incorporated 11iiiiiiiiiiiii1ioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiP •I ~~·-!:"'""or v·A.°""'' will I• CHARMING ~ •= 33n VIA LIDO . . N OPEN"EVES, 'TIL 1 & loat 2-1tory, 3 bed~, 3600 Ill· tt. 40' lot, PLUS 52' dti!ll!!l trawler, all teak, complett eleclronic&. Go od 1aJn1bt yacht. All free and clear. Tttms Oexlble. Home $250.000 • b o a t, $1SO,OOO. Princlpala only. Shown by •ppolntment Tract Ph : 5411-518.'I From L.A. Call MA ~ john. macnab OLD ESTA$ ""2313 64&-1).n On 1 S,S act'ft amq \i? THE REAL '("\. ESTATERS OPEN EVES. "I'IL 9 Coll 968-2929 or 968-1338 ony d1y from 10 to dusk. IJAYCREST 1000 Beautiful 1 year old home, 4 lkdrnoml, 21Ai ba.thl plus ---·------1 powder room. ?ofuter Bath Parents Retreat The sbence ii goldl!!n in thit 2W9 fl master suill!!. 3 ad· dlUonal bl!!drooms plus 3 baths, Large sunken living room with dramatic m1rror- ed tlreplaOI!! wall. Boat port and double detached garage. $29, 750 with -a low interest F.ff.A, toa.n lo be assumed. "'For A Wille Buy" Colesworll!y & Co. 642-TITI OPEN EVES. 3 BR-1% Bath $15,500 SPANISH VILLA ll>OO Remlniscent ot early Cali- fornia hacienda, this pic- turesque 2 story home has a Two For The Money ::;.~w!.~."';m,:,, '::: Extra sharp duplex. Ideal for an investor or owner occu- pant. The51!! 2 BR units are separated by garages for secluded living. Large fenc- ed yard. HURRY! ·This new listing won't last long for only $26,500. • JCa,. co:Ts ~ WALLAC! -REALTORS --546<1141- (0pen Evenings) rooms, format dining rm. and a charming living rm. with fireplace acented by imported Philippine mahog- any wood work, all on two large R-2 lot!. See this one 'r'''' ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. '4"4494 CLIFFHAVEN A real dream collage, Spot. ======= less 2 bedroom, large living Space, spac_e, 1pace, of bdnns, pi l! s family room, plus living room, plus dining area, plus l car ge.rage, All in top condition . at a bottom pricl!! $47,950. See ii to- day. room with brick fireplace, covered lanai. Detached double garage, beautifUI di. vided yard with multitud- inowi fruit trees. Ideally 10- cated. 127.500. Priced to sell quickly, Immediate Occu- pancy. •DDllPI REALTY 21125 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8. 675-6000 BUILT TO KHP ""' ''"""" Roman •ub Family room with wet bar, By owner builder for pet'IO~ al income • a labor of love. Comparable to FOUR. DE- L~ NE\V THREE BEi). ROOM, two and one hall bath homes. Eacll home with separate oversized two car garage. THERE'S MORE! CALL FOR DETAILS! Evenings Call MS.8723 6\1% INTEREST 10°/o DOWN NO LOAN FE'.E- 30 YEARS 4 bedroonlll, 2~ balha. 2487 sq ft at JMnk area, muter suile you've dreamed about: 2 fireplaces, 2 tell-cleaning ovens, tonnal dinins room, breakfast room, 3 car gar- age. Luxurious wool c&fl"?I~ ing thruout. Asking •• $85,000 Ownl!!r will COllllider lease/ option Sbov.11 by appt only 17141 642-8235 901 Dover Qrive, Suite 120 • Newport Beach Thill beautifully landscaped home on corner lot teatutt1 • double fireplace, outdoor BBQ, so1ar heated Pool. ex. tra large bedrooms, Huny this one WOD't lut. $30,750 Open Thurs. thru Sun, 2527 Andavor PP, CM " PERRON "::l'f. -.,-......... ·'f'."• 30' long & hat it's own fire- place, huge closets It. dress- ing area. New carpl!t1 & * d...,,.,. Land""'""'· <>vor-642-1n1 Anytime * sittd dble garage. $39,500. -- Rltr. 646,3928 or 545-3483 3 BEDRM. 2 BATI-{ l=i:ts ~ea h~!f1~ !na ~ !:::;~~~~~~==I * LACHENMYER thi• ~~~DO :r =led In ""°"" & shoppin<. 5 "" VIEW! BEST EASTSIDE n<>rtMut Costa MHa, ""r young • all electric blt-in ov-=-mii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,...1 Lea Wfth 0 • 2000 sq .fl 3 BR, tamify room shopping, achools with e&5Y en I: n\nge -ample closets· --5e pt1on with tlreplace, beautiful eleo. access to lreew8.yll. Wlth forced air heat • good qua!-95'1310' Lovely upgraded 3 BR Condo Irie k:it1;hen with dishwuh. new carpeting, co v. t red ity w/w cpll & drapes • with powder. nn, wet bar, er, large covered patio, patio, double 1araae It'• • fenced yard. Call now! and many other extras Ior double garaa:e on alley-room "must see" priced at $22,<01 $15,500 Builders .Attention fine living. Be•t Btuu.. for hoot • tra11or. """"' """ "'""'· raA vA 6°-' LHn Good comer bolnl! with room for boat, campl!!r etc. llas 'f'nice bdnn1 + family room 1-. best of all • a 6% GI loan Vie.w, Immediate oceupancy. Vet Appr1iis•I $26,500 o., assume high 6% GI loan. R-2 7.Qlling. Pcmibillty'o! vari. ·~ -• --· · .•••.•....•• $325 mo. ance 1or .16 unitS. Full price Walter llaase --'• ERN'IE'-~- $27,500 ..... _ .. _ .. _ . CLEVELAND Newport --.. Realtor·-,-' at Coldwell•lllnker & Co. 143 Broadwoy -64>0111 Victoria ~· :_-;;., =.. Eves. '42-1453 646-4579 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. '4"4494 University P11rk Best Buy -So/4•/. Lo11n Kl NIJI '11-JM 646-8811 J""""""""'"'""'!!!!!"""'"'"' Mesa Verde Ivy covered iron rates lead WOULD Jmmediftte possession -a you Into a mo&! ur.wiuaJ. en-try. Great kitchen with seU YOU BELIEVE lovely Mesa Verde Country cleaning ovens, Breakfast COUNT THE ROOMS ' Cub Eltates home In top nook &: separatl!! laundry. thal .Y.P':I ~ takl!! over with!~~~====== 10 increase! Only $157/mo. includes taxes & insurance. t.lsting is $22,650 but owner lltl'XlOWI to IO to Oregon so ~ 111 that otter! En::ry hall, formal dining A .1 x 30 Rumpus Room with condition with 4 BR.II &. both Large 28, llvlne room with kilche breakfast a Giant fireplace & Bar that dining It. family room, A massive beams & view o1 room, n, . seats 8 • A -4 bedroom + great neighborhood & • ro:om, . formal living room family room, 2500 sq. feet great buy at $il,950. grttn bell &: blkl!! tralla. with fln!pl~ce, 11cpacate TV all totaled, A. 75• x 200, k>t, Cozy den w1th tlttplace I: room, serv1ee porch, 4, 8.R A 20' x 40' work shop: for SALESPEOPLE NEEDED beamt, Wet be.r. f'anelll!d tall old trees wilt\ breathta.kln& ocean view lie pool I: covered lanai blrd aviary • ll'PI! arbor 6 bedrooms, 4% baths servants qUarten pJua ..... ..,.,,. 5 car garage definitely one of a tind $144,500 Call Kent Klnp}ey Res; Sf0..8812 WALK TO BAY AND OCEAN From this large 4 bedroom, 3 bath modem Iamily beach home. Here Yo\I 'are oUl!!ttd a private community with a Qubhousl!, IWirnmiJW pool, and tennla courll be1ide1. Get ready tor a tremendOUA summertime NOW! ! FUll price $.14,950. Submit )'out amaller home on our auar· antl!!e sal~ plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 5%0/o LOAN 4 large bedrooms, customiz. l!d kitchen., fabu!OWI carpets. large family room y.1tb built.in bar, dinette area - $175 month incNde1 taXes. Excetll!!nt residential area. CALL 54G-115l (open evea) Hl;orita&e Real Estate SWIM FOR HEAL TH And play .. ""' pool, 3 Bdrm. . home on Eutside, E-Z finan- cing, 51< % loan. $26,900. 0 ~ : ..... ,, Near NB Post Ofc. 6*-lli4 . No Down To Vets Quality Duplex. 2 BR., hd'Wd fin, frplces, FA beat, bit-In kitch., .a:arages betwn uni ti., Jg fncd yard~ Quiet stteet. $28;500. Thi!.WOD't lut. C&J1 now. , "l . TAKE TRADES'' &b oi.on, rutr. 546-S58tJ ' $21~600 5f6.2313 646-7171 , o THE REAL '{"\. ESTATERS BEACH HIDEAWAY Spack>ua 3 BR, 2 ba w/open beam cefilrws, Bil, steps from ocean.. $27,500 (138Cl PROPER!l'IES WEST 1028 Bay&ide--Dr. 6'1S-4130 B11ycrut ' B11r911ln Ideal family home; 4 BR. Cl•lre V•n Horn REALTOR 548-934!1' ------- 3 llr i. Bath H°""' on Via Wazlers • orte of Lido's very nicKt 1tl'el!ta. A.Aki,.-$59.(0) LIDO REAL TY, INC. Mel vi.a Lido 673-8830 .l-den, plus film. nn. plus I ::l~~======il 3 Ba. S%% loan. Owner Yeu Wiii LAce Thh ~~~:inc. only. Most compact lmlf, SI'/Sf ~ · lot. 2 Bdrm., :lrplc. sunny 3 BR Waterfri:ml No, 62 . ft Balboa~~~ $'60 ,000. ~.~.~~~be=- Prefer trade for acreage R. C. GREER. R2&lty ~will CClMidl!!r other. 548-335.5 Via Udo 673-9.100 * BAY VIEW f'ee lot 85' x 195' w/ plans. 0$34.,900. Owner ~7249, 548-0)1 1211 Bolboo l1l1nd 1355 ISLAND SPARKLER! I 3BR,28Rdu~ · A Buy at $77 ,000 • SA VE INTEREST' • 3034 E. Cst Hwy CdM ' ~ttM 3 BR, 2 BA. New Crpta., -====''=~=·===-! dips. blbu, 1400 sq, fl I Delch dbl 1ar wr' 'eli!C opener; alley ·access. _By HUnllngton PINch 1400 owner. Prine onyl. 642-6167 SHARP ,:al=t=•=======-~3 BR, 3 Ba. blt-ins, dllh- POOL + 3 Bdrm + Fam rm. B11lboa Covei 1215 wasl\er, fam ma, frplc, patio, 2043 Westclilf Dr. $130/mo pay1 all • 51.4 % Int. ----·-----'-S28.500. GI or $3750 down u- 646-m.l Open Eves. DOWN PAYMENT $5900 BAYFRONT with boat slip iuoie loan. FEE SIMPLE Rind RHPty 66-2340 lari• • BR, 2 BA, 156,im s' Ba. 2 , ~~ • """' Ocean view from livin&: room, BY OWNER 3 bdr, l.t,ii ha. $2ml dn. 529-8100, 378-al91 1avinJ care -and paint. $3.150 . huee y&rd. Xhlt cond. $1500 · ,_ _, 900 dining room, kitchen and d TO GI 611,,,_ Weatcllff 1230 cUlto'wsns,_.,. · master bedroom. 4 blod-n · • ' ' 70 F.P. ""-""'-"'--;_---=-" EASY TO BUY rooDis, 3 baths, den, suest $:i9,900 Eves I: wkendl SPARKLES It. shines inside .f1BR condo, ·crpta, drpl, bl:t- apt., 2dol.lble1arage1. Larst! 642-Wl Ir: oul lJ'?ng nn A d1nlrw ina, refrig, wlhr' • dryr, pool and patio with BBQ. S BR. 3 BA, 9 rm 2 story nn: service porch, elec FHA $130 mo incll. an. Greenhouse and rose pr-home + pool A aue1t houte. bltns. Oean crpll I. drpa Ji7.S00 HURRY! den. Located on two lotw. nie $39,999. $10,000 dn. 646-2544, thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba WOODWARD house ~ redecorating. 548-&33 home. Prof. Jrxbcpd A 8843 Adli.ms Runtuwton Bch. Aakin& $97,500. REDUCED for quJclr;. ule! maillt. 'IN/ children'• Pla.Y 9&2-3343 Jea S "th 4 Br '"-% G 1 yrd & pet area. Heavy •""!~'!'!'~~~!'!"''"'I . n m1 • -.; assume . • shake-roof completes this ' R It loan. Doyle Co. 548-1168, UP to 80% COMM. =r .,_ 3,,..,.f., 67S-f977 E charming home. By Owner . t + BONUS ...... ..._n. ves, $42.950. 6.4)..1.R , . ADULT Section CONDO, 3 R, E. Saletmen at Women- Horsesl Horses! Br., 2 Ba. Crpts. drpl, e1ec Prvlne T11rr11ee 1245 openinas now. EXpu. or .. _ ,..___ "A" "'""• new licenRI!. Trainir:w Pro-Big 66x200 with cozy 2 bed· gaT .......,.-, vwn"•· .,...,...,.,,.,.. room home and 2 car aar-Ho!L!I! for sale. gram. r.ontidential. Call.Mr. ' I IRVINE TERRACE Kory aee. Compll!tl!!ly ll!!nced tor BC3 Gov1!!£f1Gf, C.M. If you need a 4 bedroom First Pioneer :=: Only $23,500. Great h==*~...-~==*== home, we have 2 beauties 842-4421 OPEN EVES, 'TIL 9 546-23U 646-n n 1 ::> THEREAL '"''-ESTATERS ' ' Mo11 Vorff 1110 BY OWNER; bep.ut 4 bdnn, lge. ram. rm, fopn.al dining nn, 3 ha, crp(s, drpa Ir: In Irvine Tern.ce that are ==_,,=-,.-=.=c:-priced ri1ht, 01'11!! with view, GLEN MAR 4 .BDRM on one without Call Chet S:all&-cul-de-a.c. Schls, lhop'1. bury, Realtor 67USOO Dream ldt; CUL t.r, drpl, intercom, etee pr door· I 2 ?:lath ExecuUve home. Big $29 950 y au, guest ioom with fireplace &: shot' location. Walk to shop. 546-i.1JJ • ou 1 • 646-nn ~ 546-5810 air conditioning. Take over 1-y-=ou=o=WE===rr=::TO=Y=o=UR-= ping & schools. Priced low TilE REAL ESTAi'ERS fnearc#lemlll!Ybt) 5%.% loan, Priced below at $32,995. UEGE REALTY market at only $31.950. Call SELF TO INVFSI'IGATE SI34 P.I.T. lSOOAdlmsatKlrbor,CM 645-0303, Forest E, Olson, OUR .C DIFF EREN T cpener. i3ec sprinklen. All Corona de M11r 1250 e!K. kit: Reduced-$1500. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;o;;;;;; I Call 675-6846 HARBOR VIEW HIU.S BY Owner, 4 bedroom plus with a view, for sale by dl!n, 3 ba, approx 2300 sq OWl'll!r. 4 Bedrooms, 2~> !00 ~---ill tak Bath, living room, dining covered lanai. c a r • f r e e yard; fruit 1re1!1, m.s, sprkll'I. a:tant worlc bench. Nl"W l!!Xt. paint. Shutt.en. $26,500 by °"""'· 96>-1741 BEAOI HOME TRADE lfm¢~f_mPJ§ mma Y~~~'1t ~at:ls l~~!hl~ , .. ~~~~';""~i'l'!'~l~Rl~b''.:,·~~~-~--TRADE IN PROGRAMS. Mml'T!!"!mm"' bedrm horn" car•, u n 1 CUSTOM BUILT Unbelievable ft. ~. . vwu•or W e t I d ha.ck 200. m Valencia Dr, room, separa e a u n r y room • pool 1iie yard ·fully C.M. 5tM932 landACaped. $49,950. Phone Brand new 2 BR. Walk to boa<:h. Price $22.90!>-mm. RY!! Rivenide lots • $12.000 """"""!!!!~~!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!'"' throughout is just like new. 4 bedrooms, tamily room. lut T San Oemente Jot -$20,000 Eastslde Fixer Upper Pool size back yar d Unusually son design in this rue ~"-ho to" ; ~ pat~ Kltoh•n ,., •~ng floor plan. Patlo. ,.. Eastalde Coata Mesa home ORANGE COUNTY'S REPUBLJC Home, 8 mot 644-1ll6 old, 2 •tor)', 4 BR, 3 BA, 1101 While Sail! Wa,y CdM fam nn, retreat rm. 3 Car R. D. SLATES, llltr. 847-3519 Eves. 962-1369 ;-.· ~·"' use • ..., • 3 BR 2 bath. quiet cul-cle-sac 'IN cove'""' ..,_ " uuw• , ... ""' $12,500 • tor local street Asking S2l,750-tenns all built· ins I n cl u d Ing tertaJnment area. Profes-with added 600 IQ. ft. pan-L.ARGEST ' $2400 lolal Down . DAVIDSON Realty are easy. CALL GLEN refrigerator. Assume my sionally Jandscaped, easy~ eled fam. rm. with rock 293 E. 17th St~ 646-4494 ~ Eves. ~1869 ~ ... 54().ll5l lO""n eves) 6% G.J. Loan. Full priOI!! keep. fireplace, expanded master garap. $41,900. By owner . 540-49di 2716'WlndoVer, C4M CORNER lot, 2-ltory, 4 BR, Hard to find· Bi;oadmoor trl- 2% BA, den, din rm, tncd level 4 BR, lam rm. Spllrkl- pool play yd, nr Cntry lsw new .l cll!an! $69.900 Club, manJ ex.mu. Avail DaLancey, Reil Estate .. ~. " 121 ·~ Pho--· 7689 Jean Sm'1th bath wuh ""tom ... ,,,., It's Dlffet.rent White El •........... -? Heritag• Real Estate. •"""· ..... ~ .,._....., • added room oU gar&gl!! al· Realtor ready plumbed Jot bath, Attractive 4 BR Baycrtst 400 E 17th Collta M1!!59 pl111 3 lazp bedroo.->11 and 2 home with formal d~ • · • • • • • • • • • • • ~ baths on a 135 ti. dl!l!p Jot. room A: l&rp family room. 1000 General 1000 N. E. Costa Mesa Gen1r1I ' •• I • I E NVITED 3 1.,.. bdrm• 114 'ba""-+ Alt It """' b paint but at Owntt moving Eaat. Wanll 'YOU R I • • • ~nl~~:n·::: ':~ CDM. coM&l ~.;!,» .. ~J .. ~":""'· quA;:id & Freud 1969 Double garqe. Big . yard 2 BR homl!! w/lnC unit needs YOU.,... ·it to younelt to in-388 E. l7th SI., CM RECREAT·. IONAL I r: ....... d· • !roil -· '°""TLC. Waltcin< dlotonce ... tip~ our • di!l.,..,,t' Roalton .... 1155 ~nns.ov•rythlng. 133,500 • ........, ~ ... ,-·'ii' BEDRM. I W1lls-McC•rdl1, Rllrs. ~ .~ - AND 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. By appt only 110 DOWN GI 548-7'129 Eves. 644-0684 CORllN-MARTIN 2 bathl, "°'""' llvUw ...,. Julf $48,SlJO. 0wnr' M5-1519 2828 E. Coast l-lwy., CdM ASSUME Low l'HA, 3 BR, 613-377D Pan. "'" & 1am. p;,500, I ::::=::=::=::iii :=mm Owner wUl take 2nd. Owner Wiii ftnance ~540-4"=:;;722;:_~~~~~-I Ocean Btvd., CdM. Rl!!dUced ATTR. 3 Bi. 2 Ba. Ir: fam. to J75.~ . $20,00'.I down on nn. $25,900. Aaume ML" thl1 rwltc Charml!!r wlspeo. A owner will mb 2nd. 3246 tacuiat Vll!w. New Yorlt Ave 54&-1110 Or11nee Co111t Property :m ·-" m.8560 3036 E. C0111t Hwy, CdM LARGEST inkltchl!n, dark room ln1ar-BOUGHT N~" HOME __ , .._ llff A11um1 6% VA LMn Lovol> 4 Bii, J bath, park· Ilk!!! atmofpbert. HAFFDAL REAL TY 3740 Warner, F'V' MM4Cl5 * 50'xDt° lot W/ older houlle,, R-4: Eves or SUn. 5:J5..17'11J VEHICLE SHOW 1 -4-BEDRM _ $23;750-REALTORS ORANGE COUNTY'S :: ':J:.~ =.:;;: =C:::oic:;:Po,.v:.,• .:.P.::;~rk·:....-~ .-----------------~I De11lgned for an a~talived~am ... I· ,75.1"2 m E. 11tf'i St.~ age. 541).1120 Want out! l r.os;., 1'4 ba. Prehrrw11 ~·-NC .• ·I l,y. 2 bath.'!. Form 1n l~!'J!'!~~~~~~!I•~~~'"!~~~~; I TARBELL ·2'55 H1irbor ~ Nestled 1111°"1 ·ahelter!nl I 3 81 G DA y $ I room. Sporldu,g like .-.w. 4 Yc 0 N FIDI rm, fpt, ,_ w/w opta, U..~ """"· prot.ctod eonwru.nt to •....,.UUna. 11. 0 l A Lin i. lntert•lft? drps; 1ovey patlo • """"· yon! ... _.,., bolt FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY I 540-1120 72 0 CaD to,.. OU. OPEN DAILY AMume 5%14 '11A. Too ,,., ....,., ISl.IXll 'I MARCH 21-29-30 TARBELL 2955 Hubor $21,950 675-5200 316 Ruby ,,,.,.., $24.SOO: Own or HALPINCHINi.AllO<. !:..------~-------'I 3 BR, blt-tno, comer.,, l BR. plus 3 Ba, -dinl1C/ llolboo t1l•nd ,.,._ 3900 E. °""" llW,. ,_ UNIVE.Rt SITY I N•ar !~~!..... """ eielN'mv ~i' ~'!! t:::;;ach;:·t~ ·=i~ ~~v :·;:. ll,.. C: .. '7.11!:!.2 81' NOW'S THE I E:.:cellent V&tue ~ $34.950 W•llJff. Re11tty bbUI')' RMlty, 61.J...tJOO. zm Cornell '&18-23(19 Aat. ~J ba ptnthoWll! V1e\f •part.-1 ME FOi S OBIL Goorgo Willlomson 4 BEDRM. • $21,500 -IE -u-w-rt •--~ 1-~'.','-_ ~ ~ saJilb1lrYI --1, ~ OLD M E I "'""" Exquloito ' -,.. I i.lhl, $1'.4lt'•, B DRM. $124.511< filONTH -·~· --...a11~ .. ~ rn-<150· Di!h. fl3.1564 ,.... ...... bull."" ldtcb-FAMPLY ROOM ,ncl .......... th .... , .,,... .,. 0,1~1 cAsH I . '"diMw,...r. Famlly2pullmanbaths.ftttpi..., room,2'-"'lh.dinU..room, !~.~ol.L.~TEN .• ,~.!!! Lido..... j l3501 2150 HARBOit BLVD., COSTA MESA ro0m, flr<p-. 24 ft,.....,. d,..., kitchen. lus...,. all bull~ln .,...,. kitchen, rK v ._ .. , • -·--1 DELUXE DUPLEX " bodroom on low'1' loYel. buU•in ,..,.. an< own. '"""" lacat!On. ~-~":..~. ·-'1::',:',. llG ••"PLY, HOME tHROUGH A · 41 e New 3 BR Units Peninsula 540-lnit Room f« tmt or wnper. TARB"LL 146 0604 uw..:a ~ _......~ l _.,, mrr Holp U1 ce .. ~reto Our Addition ad.I•"'"' to Oc:Mn & eay TARBELL 29S5 Horbor 1134 ""'· ..,._,, ZONEJ>OI tor bu.. Good ~t= J Nov• by &Im , • 5 Bd, Of A COfllploto Lino Of • • • 159.900. 7% """""'"' ---· TARBELL 142-6691 2 B" ___ ,_ U" JI I". "'"· '!"< 5 BA, Dia, wrk DAILY PILOT GMC TRUCKS i. HDt:lDAY CAMPERS I Bolboa Roal E1t1t1 Co. THE BE-ST FOR LAST Eut.ldo n """" ·~~ !'l\t• it ~ta~ rm, boilt or 3l'tl car '"'°'· lOO p; Balboa bot Ivan Wi!!lls model home now HOME ,J IW lot. Exet:l redec. Only $18,f.15b -$XIOO _ --... -15' comer, w/rm !or pooL I 4, 673-4~;'·· Ba1 avalll.ble 4 bd~ 3 bit tam. Wtoatlldl!! .. 3 BR 21.4 ha. room dn hand!". Rlnp.t.rd Real $100;000-. * WANT Al S.. All Tho Now room. pool, 13'>:sannaao. tor 4 .. 5 unlta. SG-JSZ! Eat.le Ml i.m OUTSTANl>ll'IG \'low In Ibo 11. c GR£ER. R«lt> Vacation And I OCEANFRONT LellSI! w/op. Roy J. Ward Co. I -"'""'=·~~,,,,-~-..,..,-IA Your Ad tn our claalbedlf Btuf'fl, Bf, 'Ba. 1')' OWDl!l'· m Via Lklo m..ax> C•mpfng Equipment tlon 3 BR + tam. rm. (Baycrtt1 Ottloel Fr:w Dalty Plklt Want Ada. Someone will be looklna fur U200 dn. M4-o17I •••.5171 • • • • • • .II $64.500, 133-D'J 0-'t'ler, 1842 Santiqo Dr. MJ.lli50 8RJNG lU!SULTSt tt. Dial M24m Dial KKi671 fol' M!!ULTS C'llARl•E 10'lf wan& Ml oow: ft£' FREE! Poj>ll i. Hot Dov• ···-·· • • ' " • • • 34 Nll.Y Ill.OT 1'llinllf, -17, IM .,,.:<, ::::.:°!.'!'~-RI= Fum-•-j;:.,~i.,: 111,,_...... ··.=i-:...,..._ ';f~!Wmllhotl. Rl:!,!~TATI lt~~ATI Rlc!.~!;"ATI ~~:~~:"' :~: '-;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;.IR""'•" 1o Shore 200I Hvntl....,....,, MOO Huloll-llUch 4400Nowport ~ 5200 ltont•la w""'°"' s..,01-11111uiy .ol!O 1.t11 6100...,... 11'-Mil._-·~ lo 2 114rm 2 loth Dl!LtOO; 2 BR I bath, noV 11mREP ·· Im. · -l.ADY " 1ban """' wn FRIE RINTAL IOOK ' bullMna. 11oq Jlooolto! l Lido 1114 .....,,_, *ND l'OUR-PLEX * VIEW • 2llr cl Ocean A SMALL Goldtn tan "' """' omployed lodJea. DROP IN & IROWll ~ -~ block to s Avail """· IUO. Coupl1 or i:".ci. "~ ~ ~ ~ Nur -.11un-cll> llrbta. 129,.., lnclucllrc dol, ,,. !!>an 1 ,.., oll. on tb1' 2 atory 4 B.R beautf, f"urn own bdfta. 5)&.1* S kttoom. l Bath. Nb Clll"o Ptl ~. I.bet.ten,, .tc. profaaiona1 woman. No )'OU ate awa,v. ~ ahlp 8"eh. "5.b. MT•T ~ 9,(0) 911· ft. pU. JC17 vtl')' lriend1)'. VI cl n I t7 abowl Itkt a model home A ™ · · · ·-pet. A I>n,pe1. Doub&t Gar. fu.mllhld. or uolurn1lbed peta. ""1'· 4;201 llllaria Wa.y, ahl.Pt Bax 4231 Imne; ... Harbor Vlilw Dr. OW. BtlCh I-.A.tlanta. H.B. I• uceU..t ana "'"the Lido Iii• U.Sl 'It• W&llr paid. $1'1$ -ftool IUO. Coll owner l'B· Calif..... ""'-.!'!'!''!t .~ --:tQ~ TtrTler. Blal:k a hooch. A harpln " EXliCUTIVI HOMI l'lm lftd Julfl .. ' Dtpol!l '°"35 for Wonnotiol1. To-3 bdr, l\4 ba. l BDltM Unlllm. ~ Jn , ~m'J' Ac-6200 m Vic. Sto .... SJS,750 with omc./atudlo, 3 811, I Walker I lee ouliT & BEAUTIFUL w/w co:pets, -!rplc, Beoch .... ,.. -""''*''• •UILDl1'0 =· N~..,.;.. Blvd, OI PIRllON REAL TY BA. Gudtner Ind. I.tut, Adulll only, 'Br., uW. jUI. i.nct<1 potio, .i,. blf.!J\I, 2 lady up to S II O I 111 •. mt 11q, tt. OioJoo ........ C11111t<r u .w. .... lSlt 642-1111 ..,. l8IO. un11n • 1112 ~ Pool. .. 1.:nJ1 -'"'"'· """'· sm so.mt 642-00!0 To• 1oc. --· NOltTH OF FOUND' v ..... Gmn....,. ie-.. --.,..~• I mmo SCMS5 or 54041411 11111 ca-roo. llunl BclL .?>~.~bl' BR:..2.. YOUNG ucr """"'" -!!I;.,~_; xlat ..,._ Will ESCONDIDO puppy, vie. ara..., st. " 1 6 ltGE ADDED "°!T"" Open ~ ~ cp..., .... .,., tN, ~A:i. OOUM!' or apt until Juoe 15 _.....,_....,., Coul Hwy, Newport Beach. -Sum-r Ront1f1 2910 Go"""' @roYO 4610 .,.., '110 llUarta w.,. !JBS "' Y"•<IY. Laa Iha!\ $10 TH!l FOX OOMPANY Approx. 44 Ac"~ ..uJiw Call l tde•tily. 6'MlM -' FAMILY ltOOM IDYLLMU> • 2 Br, • •,. lento Ano Hol9hll UJ0 bl. (213) ISM.,, mo. m.MI& 2803 E. O>ut Hwy, CdM bllla: bo'"tllul .. 1tia(: caa PLUS 4 bdrml, 2~ b&tbl, tum. hou'8 W/ vb. Near s:,~~11A:t: !:: 2 BR Uppn' un1t of duplex • LANDLORDS •. IT3-M9$ . « 6GG9U :dpl:ie:~A~ ~ ;h~~ta f~ . ' IJIOtlttal1 n.at &: dttn, A vtll&p. a.muntr r-ntai $2:50 t 8Jt Du,itx w/,._. A ' try dub atznoe;phuw and , 50l Sith St Chlld ck. i lt> FREE RENTAL SERVICE lutl,_. lent•I 6060 lous seller ii uklJW $!19,400. C.titer. ~Iden 11 f y. bomt thli Wrp 1a !lard to mc>~euV $1.?S mo. 114: refri&, prefu mat" r • complete pivaey. OOt.mt: mo. lie. Blcr. ~Ztl.4 Broker ~ l0% Dowu wttlii lntuut onl¥ :;a..1~ ~; =~~~priced ~bl to .:.i:~· SQtleman$T5mo.m-ll&S ~ptnMa.u:w~~r~ Newport Hfft. 5210 *s~N~/ !!R;: ~ JIUNTINGTON BEAOt :'a~~=:rK~;: ~=· • ~~ :_ : 1 • Paul J•• Reelty HeuMi Unfwnllhed Llgufta INch 3705 Grove <n4) ~3030 J BDRM, pool, b'J>lc It elec Yrly. Refs. m-Mlt GOLD KEY SUITES Small with white doe. Vic. Victoria le: .:J., 147-126' EvH. 516-7124 Po-omlc Vlow •---• 4705 bar-b-q, no ohtld oe pet.. ,.. MOS ..... AJK1111, Lido Exoaitlvo a s.1.. Eckhoff.& At-.. Inc. Valley, CM. 646-<351 ' .'' $23 EM General 3000 NEWS BR . Hoinr, 2·M. Latuna ~ Utll pd. $170 Mo. MS-1325 tale. <~ Lido Offkea 1818 w. Chapman.A11e. iiLkJWHT Kitten, between :· tilUU FR!I RINTAL IOOK w/w carpets, blt·bw. itow FURNISHED STUDIO Ea1t Bluff 5242 home} fi'/3-1!95 or 5%1~ 5'1·2'21.<>;:~= 538--Sm ~ i:i~ 10~~ ·1:~ GI no down 0< mA. 4 BR. Drop In & 11....... -· m..l<M. -So. Lq. Ulll!tl•• pold. • AlMolld A utill • 2 fWI ht., cpta/drpa, lae . & l 646-2238 aft. i PM. • NEW DELUXE e looms for Ren! 5M5 *Carpets a: 4J'lll eves. aft. 6 PM. .:'_f. k1tch. with lood -""En. Walker ee L1f!N ~Ire' ~~7 ATl'RACTIVE. Oean 1 Br, 3 Br. 211 ... opl foe""" PRIVATE llDom "'""'" •Reception ltm It-rt P-rly 6205 SM whl Doc with' eollus. --· doled ~t .. tio with dto-MONAROf BAY AltEA ntar Beach A: town. near lncL spac. matr. 1ufte, din" prlv. ntar 2ht A: Santa Ana, * Cl.eiurlq I. matnt. Owner idetilify. ·s. A. • "\ orator Jla'h~. 2190 Harbor mvd. at~ ADULT OOMMUNITY new. $1.S Jeue. <t94-2882 rm. &: dbl. _garqe, ·auto. SlS. week. ~129f before Telephone Anlwerizw I: FOR RENT Furn Mammoth He\thti. 545-'631 .,, ' BRASHIAR RIAL TY MS-M91 3 BR, den, 2 BA home, .,cf'4l AL~ door opener avail. Pool ._ 2 pm. Secretarial Service avail ?a.l o u n ta I n Condominium }"OUND Set of car k4y• on : '. 847-85.ll Ew. 536-1C9J Optn Ew1. blt·Lrm, ftplc, bel.ttd pool Apta. Urtfumlahld rec. area. Nr. Catholic OOLLEGE or ~ tiri Town & Country lletPI S. fiTh..4130 Newland Ave, H.B. Monc1a,y · ~· SSS; 2 BR. duplex. W/W, $250 mo. 10 to 5, 8llt.l Qiurcb • IChool .. Corona tivt! on Bal 111. Kit, red'U· ShoppJnt c..mr 3124. Call S36-U1T ·~ Huntl,,.ton Jenced "'·· ..,..., °""' ' Bft., ' BL, """' drpo, Gonorol 5000 del Mar llJah. tiooal rm Incl. IM. Mo ~ Mount. & Deoort 6210 SMALL Blk/Bnr Mixed PUp. :-' Harbour l405 OX. B10Jm' 53'-ao h!tns, dllhwlhr.; chJld:ren. e O~Y $280 e up 615--3613 . (at=) i:::·Beh py Vic. 16th I:~. CM ' --------$22!1; 5 BIL, 2 bL, &need pets OK. $225. (1) m-63M VEN DOME 837-811 Arirlgoe Wa.y, N.B. PLEASANT rm, lood loc "2""607 5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hideaway Owner Identify. ~m .. : SALE·BY OWNER yd., w/w, dt'pt. Chlldttn itve, SPLIT-LEVEL. luxury view conaenlal home. kit. priv'. STORES ALSO 3,000' el. Wtr, pme $5500". PEKINGNESE Male Doc : ' TftANBl'ERRED 1-pets OK. 5J4-i910 Bkr, • 2 bdrm, 2 ba, l~ase. $55 $.i5 Dn. ~mo I-JO A.M. 3/l3, Orttp HI way. 2 Story 4 BR, 3 BA C.OlMlaL $175; 3 Blt., fenced )'d. G&r., ~--Unfum. H75 :=o~~~ ~..:_soon. M2-3S:JO ~ 548-0998 aft 3:30 FREE DESK SPACE _•rt. 496--9526. Dana Pt. 3 ear rar. Near lclx>ola. w/w, bltnl, adldrtD I-pell 2 BDRM, Cl'Jfa. ~ blt-lnlt ADULT A: FAMILY Corona HI Mar 52.SO vicinity of Baker and Exchanges. I. E. 62JO SET of Hy1 lCN 1 VW Dy, • - shop'1 l-truaportatloo. Low OK. 5U-'9I) Bkr. fenced baci1: )Vil. Odldren SECTIONS AVAILABLE Guest Hemee 5"1 Bristol {CM.) in return for Coast Hwy by Taco Ball, do~~ HarlcrJea: Circle, $21S.:!O; 4 Bil 2 ba.., pt.Ho, flne. Zlt2 AmtrkaD Aw, Close to Shopplnf, Pirie PRIVATE Room in lictllltd taJclnz mew.at• and ac-wn.L Trade $1M,IXXI in Trust Lquna &ach. 497-1311 trpJ. Oillftrtn welcome CM. •Spacloul 3Br's,2 Ba ... -ho lo Id 1 ceptingdellvtrle1. Deeds and/or $1"15,IX» in APruCOT Male~ Bet. &M-01'4 Broklr 534-all!JO ltlNT•• a • 1 ·~--. ~ me r e er y am-Not&r)' • Income Tu • lnL compl.eted Jarae octan view W·-· • ...,_ler .... -_ uaq......,.... 'Q. bulatory lady or gentlemen. et 1 La Be h :tor .......... .,.. ._..,," -Aph. PurwW*ll 9 SWlm Pool, PuVpen •rt• 54S-522.5 c. ots m iuna ac Fountain V1Hey 1410 C.t• Meu llOO • Ftpl, lndJv/lndry fac'll Call Bill Robl1110o (Ewi.) Oran&~ County apartments TURQ/Wht Parakeet 11th A B1t, 2 BA, larrt lam nn, THREE BEDROOM.SJ baths, Gentr1I 4000 1145 Anaheim A'A. ON'TEN A~ GUESJ' HOME • 1\-Ien or 546--4478 :;,: level land. Broker Tultln, CM 60-0536 kit com.pl with blt-inl I-~'"--'•, A-.... . octllent CX>Bl'A MESA GU-mt 1 Ir 2 BR. Furn Ir: Unflun '''omen, Meals lerved fami.. 500 Sq ft Bid&. $85 per LMt 6401 dilhwuber, c r pt Id r p 1 ~~ ~ $215/month. '110: 1-BEDROOM, w/w; Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. ly style. 543-999:2 month on Eut 17th St 6240 ... ·. ! thruout. F\llly .prinklend CAIL AL BLACK 56-ll51 ya.rd. AvallaWe DOW! RINT Tennie • Contnt1 Bkfsl put. Mltc. Rentals 5999 CM =i P\lrT alttad,y ln-R. E. W1nted LOST IJ'ttn Ir: Y • 11 a" I: land.scpd, drc patlo in Herltq Real btate Brolllr ~ ting green. italled ready for plumber, WANT parakeet In Vic. 200 rear. Aft 5, ~. '27,SOO 2 BR, ' do -......_ $l30; 1-BOltM, JoWer. pool; $ i Roo$ma l'u$rn310ture_ · 800 &-a Lane, CdM M.f.26U Sl'ORAGE Garap/rent $20 eblectric~ ... ~ .. s Im 11 a r Poinsettia, CdM. AnsMn: pr, pa • ... .,.., ._.,.., redteor., W/W, U t 111 t le I 20 • 25 • mo. {MacArthur nt. Co1d Hwy) mo. &f&-6840 aft 6 pm ew1, uaineU -.NtV to Pete~ 1afomma'1 PnttJ .... '• l1pna INch 1705 ltow, rdrll. 1Wplcal •t.-paid. 5H-M> Broker FULL OPTION TO BUY Sal all day. 258 Cotta Mesa 12>0 F1' abop, warebou9f, 2. 8 quality units North Eut Boy. He will repeat his ad· tine. For adllltl. 1 b& to (Re!rtaen.ton Available) SL, CM alley truck ntranc. '125 Costa Alea. to $75,000. can dreaa. Reward. 547--3431, ·, 11lE OLD ORAY MARE shopl, $160. 5444780 Coda Met.a 4100 No deposit o.a.c. Biibo. 5300 GARAGE for rent Eut Ede, wl utll. ~Zjff, Ml4S33 Hopper or Lowe,. De Laney 633-4516 :-Be~:oo Wha:u!rheis U:i! $95; 2 Bk., pnp, fncd H.F.R.C. GRACIOUS Adult UviJW, $20 per mo. Real Esta~:mo I .LOST.=:..:.::. ::.Blk_A_oll_v_er_f..W.-- -.. ~-yon(. No pota. Nr. 17th • $25 ..... Up R I n-an. Bay ,, s ·-·· .... -• Olflco Ron. tat 6070 do yj K-~~ Clrcl • contemp/mod '1'1ll""• Santa Ana.~ na. Furniture ent11 V\."1:: v w, pac........ .,,...._,, r. c ~~ e. w/Vlew of Ocean. 3 BR, e Studio A Bach apta. 517 W, l9th C.M. 548-348! 2 BR. 2 BA., walk In LAGUNA llACH HARBObldg l~ !!~ .. ~~vity~ S p r in 1 d a I e St, HB. sunJcen Llv/'nn, maulve HOO e Ind tJti1s A ftal'9 _.,., 1568 W, 1 .... 1 .. Anhm Tl.f.-2SOO closets, beautiful carpets & Income Property 6000 Air Con4itloned ~" • .:~ ~~..., lU'C .....,u Schnauzer hair cut, name stone Frplc, $31,950· A Newper! leach e lllakl Service . TV ava!L ........... ., draperie1. Pool. Boat sllp1 ON FORES"/ AVEN'UE ...,.,.....u.u "Wendy" on collar. Liberal .• , REAL STEAL! Mi • i lo n e New cm • Bar $13S; 2 BR., 1% ba. •tudio. for tenant•. Subternnean REAL ESTATE Deak lplCfl available fn BUSINESS and reward. 84M74D Rlty. 9BS S. Coat Hwy. I/I 2376 Newport Blvd. 5'1-mG Palk>. w/w, b nil t·i n •. parking. 673-3003 Gener1I IM1'l.t dftcl bu.1\dtnc at FINANCIAL $100 REWARD • 2 fluity 494--0131 TOWNHOUSE Broker -s.u or Trade --location " down.... • 6-Peni&n kttt.ns/ l<reom, 2 BR., 1% bL, piv •. Jd: -Hu t'ngton le1th 5400 ~ ... -lua. Opportunities •vu l!OY -IT'S BIG SpUt Lavel 3 -: botho 1tt'd. dbl pr.: pool view, Coot• -5100 n I Outstand"1ng ....... llHch. Air -:::::::..:= ,..,.y. No ............... abulou, home, •tyl!d in Double 1ara1 e, cupe:tt, dlahwshr., wuh. mach. AD tlcDed, carpeted, bealltitil1 CANDY SUPPLY 1..::191:.:..:":::102::_ ____ _ New Orlurui motlf. approx dn.pe:s, l'Wplace, el e c. utensils, dlshe1, llntnl $233 ORlfANS EXCLUSIVE puded putitlonlna:. T w o ROUTE LOST: Vic. ol Newport Pier, :z:m .. tt uv. "''· • Bil bullMu. ADULTS ONLY.. Mo. Nr. 11u1>or mv•. ON·THE·BEACH Investment .. _, nom.a. "' (Put"' run Tim•' w ... sm. ,,,.,., ,,. ... ,,,.. A fun rm, 3 bl, din/rm, ................ $285/month. 549-3915 Forest Aff., rtar Madi to Excellent Income for few poodle "Pierre," Reward. Unique kitch, R Ir 0 , Mn. Tay HOLIDAY PLAZA APTS 2 a 3 Bedroom Aptt. p rt M'lmda:1tt,. ~ Iota. 0: hrs. weekly work (days ~-:.=.;=:; _____ _ lorb/'"'1>1L 13""" -sms lay & Beach DELUXE, ... -}.Bdrm. • Luxw7 -to -the rope y fl"' -°' "'"·'· Relilllnz and LOsr ta,.. Ml ol..,.. 3/7J. pmt. Mluion Rlty. Pl !IL 1Mlt 4llcrlmlnattnr· ~~ and c:batn aftillble tor $5. collecting money from p •~• 4£M..0731 Realty, Inc. Tum. apt. l135 UI u Larte strategic corner, Bu.dnttm bomw U1Wc1nt: Coin Opetlttd Dispen-Vicinity at omona Ir ..... ..., WORST LOOKING 901 Dover Dr., NB SUlte m HeaNted ~:. AmpNle ~ 3 BR STUDIO lhavallableH • 1 1 1 gl 125'x200' (+ 15' alley), with aervice avalli.ble tcr $10. sers In Coit.a Meu. and C.M. Reward. S4l-0203 CE in Town -need• M5-2000 Evff. 5aQ(IS 0 c....u ... n • 0 pe.. POOL: e un n on 2 rood oUice bulldinp (Ill All utmts. paW except surrounding a r I! a. No BLK. Peke.Poo, wht. spot ""'~""!'!ll!!'!"~!!"'!l!!ll"' i 1965 Pomona. CM major itrfft. Near the heart tal~ selling. {Handles na me on chest, wht b e a rd , paint badly, redec/inlidf(" :s BR 3 BA ~ Vlllo Pornono A..._ ot ••-'·buloua o. C. Ov!e DAiLY PILOJ' brand candy I-snacks.> "S-i.."''. Reward. 173-7321 ouL 3 BR. fam rm, din/rm, • ; "" actt. ,.,. ADULTS ONLY lID un: "' ... -.... :r-n,. $1650 total euh required. ....-v ldtch bit-In ranee/oven, Ablolute • e c 1 u •Io n a ~ Mea.'1 newttt • mOlt PICifit c.enter le boom1nc tinanclal m :ro~ ... ~T.u•uao For more information MALE -Siberian Hul1c:y, bUc dlpll, A iteal at onl1 l'Ofi'eOUI YR of hill1. $450 luririouli apts now rtlrtizW. diltrict. Great trattle flow LAGUNA BEAOI and detalll lend name, Ii: wbt, Vic Plnebunt I. in mo on leue. M6-l'l9t or Fum.Aunfum.Adultlcml,y· 1741 Tustin Averh1e "UpolUl'e: for hlP rile ....... addrtu aiid phone num-warner, HB. Rewart1 $33~; try "3,000 u ,.._1550 no peta, 11111 -Avo., off 11th Stroot 'Ill Oceon Avo., ll.B offke bu!ld!nr, or bold i.r * "4hm Offl·-btt '°' ·"::7-..:7871=-----I 11 o;JPJ.. (n4) ~1487 lftVU9' -• "ROUTE DEPA1n'MENT" -1" Padrea Rlty 49f..IW Luxury 3 BR zm•, all jllll IQUtb ot. 18th St, Cott• Mn• '42-4641 anured appreciation. Price Sirel• or 11.dtes. Air cond-P. O. Box 3846 KEEPSAKE rUic, parldnc .. · '35.IXXI DUPLEX, 2 and 1 BR, view, juat nmodelM, pvt. wild Jdtchenal 4M-970 amenltln. V~w ~A: pool. PRIVATE Slttpbw rm 1 Ir 2 BDRM. 2 bath. Span-~·:Mrr TERMS OR ltlonlnl, ~. ,ec:retarial Anaheim, California 92803 lot. Kenn Rima viclnlV. 1: Goll'. Gdner. $325. 66-llll w/btth, ;fuat .,.,inted, $60. HARB. OR ish 11Yle, sl'8.I' crpt'r, prv EXCHANGES llltl'Vlc:e, central location. Fiberglas Tub Mfg Co Reward! MI S.-1781 , .. per mo. See fl.flt 2131. Elden c. Robert Nattnu Raltor : , Westcllff 3230 Ave. Older pema prdu-entr Ir. prv fundeeka. Adult RICK ALDERETIE AU equip, molds&: apprtWlll Pertonila '40t · ·~ Y View home, hu ===---...:;.:~ nd .#'REENS living, nr beaches from $140. Cn.f) 547-6469 ........ 230M•E.,. 17th~!..,.... nee for mrf of tub1 Ir: show-'·· alt Almolt DO down. Must tell UW wnk. ~2591 $1~2 Br, beam etlllnp, . U $190. .......... _... _, ers for bldg&: tn.llet indu.rt, REE ., .,.,., wiw .,,,.., hid -$71ltl 10 !100: 1 a ' BR. ~...c:i. e 28 UNITS PROFESSIONAL Bid•· .., 1m> S!!0-5194 f Adult., no pete.. &G-2514 wry nice trallen. Adults BACHELOR • UNJ'URN. • .. .J!~ to 260X1 sq ft New bld&. \TEN • .;,::::D~INc:G:,,::Ro:,:_u_t•_A_oqu_lp_, I Ugvna Nlgvel 1707 ~! 133 E. 16111 CM. from $100 -·-•• Just li1ted. Attractiw, well d~ to )'OW' needs. other interests requite im-BOATINB 1;;.;;.:o."'-.....;."-'-----University Park S2J7 '°'6126S ALSO AVAILABLE 19822 Brookhunt (Just N. o! maintalned bkll 1urround· Larre parking area. Pete med 1ale! 64&-0510 or l.Ov!~, ~t~-..:~ r:= NIW JULLIARD BEAUTIFUU.Y FURN 1 • 2 I: 3 BDRM. Adams.) 7141962-2981 Ing H&:F pool, 'spaclOU1 l ~ ~%., 350 E. 17th 982-1936 eves, A•k for Ted cou RSE ... ., .y.. ~. Immac, dun! 2 Br, pool Heated Pools, Oilld Care CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS bdnn, (700 aq. ft.) It 2 bdrm. '' e ATI'R be ty Kl e hlla, quiet cul de n.e. 4 3 BR, fam rm, POOL Ir: rec Adulte, no pell '150, 2272 Center, Adj. to Sbopplns _ 8234 Atlanta unitl, 35 cto.ed rarace1., bl.t-Mutual S1ving1 & Priced fur ·qul~ulale .~n BR, 2 b&. Ski". 675-4070 ana. ,!325 ~ ie:-· Maple. 5'MMS, l4MIO'l No pets allowtd New 1-2 Bedroorru. Pay ~ in applia.nce1, 5 Y?I. old &: Loen Bldf., CdM $1750. 962-7232 (Glorlt.)" RENTALS • Nauau Palrm e 2700 Petencm Wa;y, at Har-electric onJy localed in• prime Anaheim 3»800 ft avail now * BEAurY SHOP* Hou ... P\lmltMd Carone dol Mir n50 l Ir: 2 BR. • Pcol bor A: Adams, Costa Mesa. 536--3971 or 536--7727 area. Prlctd at 6.h achedul-6'5-4070 ·Evt1. 494-3223 Newport, top loe &: be. 2000 -1Tr !:. %lb1 st. &U-354.5 Sf&-0370 Pool-Wasben-Dryus ed Kn>." Income of $44,000 I-SHARE oflll:e w/ e a t • General 2 BR home, .,.,,.. wide lot, 2 BEDROOM apt with pool, Private Garage1 Q there l& •till plenty of room In c Tu co. Reh. 646-4088 ews. for rent lncttases. c 0 m U95: 3 BR. 1% bL, pool; frplc, lonnal din/rm, dbl dilldttn O.K. no pets. 2265 e NEWLY DECORATED • SPRING REAL TY CO. mnthly rent. 1806 Nwpt Meney to LNn Q20 BY Cout Guard Aaxillary '°""' 'l'mn. 7,IO PM 1a1arch 27 Corona del Mar Hlfh Schoel 2101 Eul Blutt Driv. fncd yd, w/w: childtm 1-pr, patio, 1ndry area. $275. Canyon Dr.Ji40:«M 2 BR. w/1araae • dilposal Laguna Beach 5705 ~t Blvd, ot gu..7301 petlOK.,~.~-28:..c:::'::w 1;~. ;:+ ~:JyNo'= ~':ti.~';:~ $100 100 CLIFF DRIVE lnv•:~;~~ITS s_1_1 ~ta51d~·::J: =A:o~ ~~°: S~ri~maa::.~t: R t I lo SL. 2005 ~ ' l ~ -M' -~ ~" ,..,.. l!in Onnre Apt B UlO LUXURY FURN/UNn.JRN h ... 1 build! '-:::=======::: b•"' TD•. Call my qent Camino Rt•' Sin ,........_........._ en•• '"'re CJ:lttl. ..... .,., ranp, n , -_, e '--_..._.. 548 Bernard Apt B $100 Ytul,y Lea.!e. 1 &: 2 Bdma. Costa :r.teaa. s .. ,..e 1'111. 'Y -.__ .... ,"". LIC!NSID WANTED Girl 21 ~or over pr., patio. Adults, no pets. $75. Bachelor, Refria, bot 217! Placentia Apt B SUS lttpa to Shore I. Sbopt ihowing U%% •ptndabJe Industrial lent•I 60tO Anytime Ph. SU-Ull ~ ~ ~~ to ·•·--•-4 bdnn,,.. beaeb lM. $2111. 6Ts-al89 plate utll pd. Woman only. • 636-412) • <keanvitlt' from evay Apt, after all expeNM includiqr .......,. .......,. gg..6l)t6 --Ha. 5% vacancy, 5% ruerve FOR leue Lquna Nl(uel, Real 1!1tate Loans 6340 AttrectlYe Ix-rt apt. S:U.1234 ut 397• or B•lbH ''°° l BR, cpta/drps, blt-ln1, ... \MU "79'-~i' leut and management Actual 11&-ott San Dlqo Fwy at Crown YOUNG woMAN fi7J...82'.2.f wtekend1 or ew1. Ne.pert leach 4200 OVl!n, •tow, pvt patio, cancy factor ii O. $136,500 Valley, new conunm::lal A HOME LOANS dancer wflJ teach you all EXEC. will •hart waterfront 3 BR. 3 BA, lrJ: liv nn, •wlmlnina: pool, laundry 2 BR. duplex; new cp~.. with 15% down. industrial units. ~ta E1ee. MONEY AVAILABLE latest •tepc Call Ardell home w/2 bachelors. Wrlta fsm rm/din rm, frplc: 2 SINGLE Younr; Adultl Lux· faclL Mature adults. No dl'pl'l, paint; 1 blk. to heh. SPRING REALTY ('()., INC, tr1c. Day111 -&n-1400. Evu CtD for detaill on today'• 2:13: S91-4531 1_10 PM . . . ' . ' ' .. Box tDi, bvlne, Cal, 9366f.; 1tey. 2 car pr. Yeui,y i... ury rarden aptl with coon-pell. $US/mo. 546-90&1 214 Fairview St. (1) 532--S283 INVESTMENTS ~7 ,-~•:::~,,,c:;=~=~=~ rate. for lat A: 2nd TOI. -.-"SeJ,-"oc~ti~vo.;.;..Stnc=lfl..:..:;•:_ tna. nf'1. ·Ref• only. Aft 1 pm. OR try culb allDOlpbett and 2 BR unturn, refrla, bit-ill eves IaYour Adtnwrcl1ntnedlT •NEW M • 1Bids.,10,alO Serrinr: Onnp Couni;, IDr C.Ompaniombip, s1ncm17 S"J'ABLE Youn& work i n I 3--6917 complete privacy. SOUTH liove:, carpets, d r a Pe s , UitFURNISHEO 2 BR, So. Someone will be 1ookinz for IQ ' ttar Airport. Air cond ~~:WM:orl&'are: c.o. Inc. Jntroductkm& COldklentlal . v.unan to lhare Jwcury Huntlnsten leech 3400 BAY tLUB APTS. IMnt redee; no pets, $130 mo. Laa'· it. Dlal 6G&7I ofe1. i900 mo. Ir o • •. (25-55) 6U-9f76 5-10 PM .. Baclc Bay Condo.; $100 mo. at Utb Newport Beach. • Wilton, CM. !)6.016() Utilities paid. THE SUN NEVER dETS oo",:644-=2'<4=======-16Cl-21n 33fi E. 17th SI.~ REDUCE Saft, simple• Wt ~ 3 BR 2 baijll, blt.U., drpl. <114> ~ NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, erpts, 646-2238 aft. 6 PM. Oas&ifl.ed'1 ac:tim power.1 6100 Eva. 673-786S BG-1151 with GoBe1e tablets only ROOMMATE service, male All fenced I. cm: "' '1JOp-lilllM 4300 drps. all bltns Incl dlhwr, PAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS For an ad to Rll around 1.L;,;o..;,11;...______ 98c. craw f 0 rd • 1 RX or hmile. Ettidtnt I-pine center I 1 7 5 I mo. .ep patio, sep rar. $155. Dial 542-5671 the cl<1Ck, dtal IG-M?I. • VIEW of ocean, earner MoMy WantH '350 Phann.Icy, Costa Mesa qualified. 135--1100 96M391 aft 5 PM Q.EAM Bachtl« Apt&. Avail Aprll_L 6'2-6257 bluff, possible g 1 t y. • OMNIPHILOS • BUSlNESS woman OWi' 25 3 BDRM, blt·lns, wall to All atil ind S75 up 2 BR. apt., drpl, bltnl, tnconM Property 6000fnco1'ft9 Praperty 6000 medical or apta. Wlll build MONEY Wante L. Ex-• ..,_.., •-all •· -I ..... i.. .. .. E. Bal""-· J!I·.. perle.nced, a r & re• s Ive, -1 to &hare JUX\lry apt. at .--w crp .. , ... ,..., uau..., .>.w ...,. '""-dawhr. Adults, $135. 546--~ ~ • • r. • • • • !!. • • • to suit. 536.3S5b bonesl hard wor1dn&: am. I~==-'~,;.;.. __ _ lloyOub,~~~ fnalyonl.S2Ll.9G<Jla BAL80A ..,: ,';·,tudto,unl.Cl>t.."'1>•,I YOU RE INVITIU • • • l lun-:'333~'.~t.~~ =~=;-.:'~":'<1>•: ·~="';~ ~_!!!rel JOOOGenorol JOOO -•I bit·'"" 984 El Cemlno. 1140. I 1969 M• ... °""" .,.._ Evo. Roply eox M t!'4, n.u, .....,, -6 -...,. O·-i.-" ... four .c:rombW ,,_. IM- low lo ,..,. -.... - IHAPSOT I .11111'. Doilnltton of an - -A -who can tob -houn for lunclt without hov. ,.,_ RECREATIONAL I DAILYPILOrWANTADS! Pilot. .... , .. '~,~~=:-~·=~~:: AND : STAR GA~E:ft!~f:, 2 BD!tOOM apt with pool, I VEHICLE SHOW ..., <UTL ,_ children O.K., no pets. m I .A'I ..... 11 ~ r-Oal,......,~. ~ 91'.a.m Ct.nyon Dr. ~ I ~ •'It J,ccenll•t,. "•.St.., 4 ocln ~ s;oo. l Br uni, upGalrs. AvaU · I ·..,.., To dtnlop meuoge for FiidCiY." ~ 4/L Mllurt ..... 122 1 _._,...,,-~ .. - M'*"°'laSt.494-4695 3 BIG DAYS I ; o/-z.dubirtll1""- 2 BR. ne~·b dee, drpg. w/w I I f ',.,, . 31 .,_, .,, ir....,_ ca.• cpts. bit-ins, adullL $1~ I FRIDAY-SATURDAY -SUNDAY ~~ ~~ .. ' .,. ~=--roJ.11 64l...m.,ew1546-ml MARCH 21 -29 -30 I AT• -.CIUfNllJI \• S a. 35 ~ .S~ ~=~ 11 UNIVE.tRSITY I !E-' ~t. :?;;'·:~ ;:-!US rno•th. ,:=--':n. :,::=.,. " 2:! .. ~~~.:: I 1i!t.:-:=-~= ~IUW 1'52-• ~. ,..._ I OLDSMOBILE lleo'"*"' !l!e. ~~ .... 2 BR duplex apt. w/pnv 16Ttb. ~tlr 76~ wattr pa.Id. Sill/mo. 1~ I I ;: ~ .-,_.... f,,,.'.!L..... Walnut Apt 0. ~ lfGled "''~ o;;;---"'-'='-- :I BDRM apt untum 998 El I 2850 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA Ml!SA I rir: ri~ fiL' ''*' Camino Or. C.M. I • 22~ a.._., 12Hw * ~1 * H•lp Us C1le!.r1te Our Addition I ~~ ~~ ::=.-, SPUT U: 1 2 Br bl Of A Complete Line Of • • • 25T• • $.50.. ,.as~ • • d ... ~"d .,OK '"'·I GMC TRUCKS & HOLIDAY CAMPIRS I ......... ,.... -epU, !W. "'"" , no 27 VOJt pt:' f!lt-. pet• 211111'l•ndou '4>-M'1 I FREE.I I 5oo All Tho New I ~~ l:.J: .. ,.,,..., lS ~Ol!R AD IN CLASSl· V1c.1tlan And '°~ '°"-~ l'IEllT 6omeooe wUI "' I C I I I t ~~~:S.G~Gooi=~te.~.y=-=-.! ..... ~N:~::..Jl!!itii! looldlW ttt 11. Dtol'Kl-P•P'I & Hot Do1t ltnp ng q• pmon I "' r\Sll 181 V for quick, •fflden• ,....,~I • • • • • • • • • • • • • ------------------------" .... . • .. " " .. '· • " -.t ~ •.\ '. " " .. . .. "• .. ., . 1; -~-~-... ·-----.,~--~--·"'-'· __. .•. =· ..,...,,.,..,.......,,.,.,....,..,....,..,.,...,.."""' ______ _,. _________ ............. -~-.. ~ :Jo ,Anda & ; .J/ug/i Corpot Uylllf & l!Opilr.'62' WhM<IJ1 \¥antt WhMdyi Gett SPICIAL\ CLAISIPICATION '°R NA111RAL IOllH IWAP~IRS 5paciol lbte Droftlnt Servi.. '637 5 u-_ 5 tlmoo -S buclls ' De.1..,.n..tt1--•--' IUA.lt -~ MUST INC\.UOI _..--·-r""•• ~tro '-'t'IMof ""' Mw to .,... ~ WU Miit Ill tr.-. mecb, 1'>-oUt. dt:t&ilinc-~YOUJI .,,_.. 111&11( ..,,.a. ...... .,_ ef Mvtrti.lne. PC la)'out. tape up, b:I 1-HOTHli«J PCR SAL.I Lirllt ottl.VJ -•HONE 6il I u lm&ll. Ku St ••• .,.nn . , .,.1 •• coCiPLES. linglu: lonelyt ========I Te Pio,. Yaur Trodor'o 1r 11,.. New in 'ireaT Join the IWina Elettrlcal '640 Cabua mob:· home on the 17 Ft. t'tber S1ltl outboard to Jun~=-e ELECTJUCIAN Llcenlld. water, boat 1111> avail. and bl& wheel tilt trailer. bonded Small ~ Ml.tat. Trade /or 2 bdnn c:ondomin.. Will trade for ~- CZYKOSKl'S C.0-Dejlt. Mar. UpboiJ!fty. E •tropean MONTGOMIRYWARD 4;raft1man1b Ip. l«Kl,. HAS AN 1MIU.Dl.4TE """"""'· -!<St. 1IS1 OPENING J'OR 11_. Bhod .. C.M. DRAPERY JOii & -1.0YMINT DIPT. MANA~ER 111 .. t be ....,1enctd to talea .lolt Won!td, l.ody 7mo o! ....,. to ,......,.. and rUey made dtaperln. ExCellent compl."1 benetlts. -...,ut llharlnc, IEXPElllEllCED PBX. Clerk • ty?t -fltll .... ~~ Aey boo rs attor 1 PM. !l4H291 botore u ..... t'ONVALESCENT A Ide, compMion or hlkpr., avall. io._ or abort term. HOAllXAKER5. !M7..i&al DAY Work Wanted, own trlnL $!!. Day, Npt. Bch., CdM. l3M19T 1 Wun.not, retlrtment ...... -... .. APPLY IN P£RSOll PERSO~EL omc,; t 1"3 P.M,MONDAY .nmAY MONTGOf,IERY WARD Tm EOJNGER HTG, BQI', *DRIVERS* No E!!perlence Nec9-yl Mutt havt cJeaj. C:altfom!I Tl•11jd.,, -fT, 1969 JOIS & EMl'LOYMINT J a I. a Help Wontocl, Mon 7200 Hel, W~ Nolf W ....... ' ANACONDA 1....;;w:..:-~;;...• ___ 7..,;.400...:.1--w--.....,._,...__,,-:'.'"7•_.1 ELEC110NICS l'AYROLL UNl8AID COMPANY. ACCOUNTANT Insur-~ lltwport Beach TIJ\ED or A I.ONO • COIOllJTE t We m.at11dactu.te catia. 'l'V 6 llE><pe!'lm1t1itlel""1didlid )ttlOO needed UJdprd n.uranc. a..., ti telephone 1tatlon ean1tr to h&6 l*lroll /or 400. now bfrlqs ~-our ...., 6 equ\pmont. Pmeolly Wfi M .. t lie ..,un.d in"'+ ,vkJorlolllct ......... _ bavetbtJollowtnc~: 1-.... of~ and ablf (.llSI'• tea 11attoc1,,a . .. -................ llMcb,•~at~ ASSEMILIRS -llioloooe who bu BMI .. ""1 <11 t11a am Dl- Exporioncod eJaotro ....i.m. hod -.itlo n•-lbUity .,. hY. ,_ pooltl!OI lea! know prtnlod dttult tor a·-..,.,.U. Excel-will reqillte a -frolabw l>oaid color -· wtrtiw, lul _.,. bondita. sue--o1 -talr ..., .... .; .. O>aJSis 111b ' .. '""""~'will bo ... -In -Loo ~ wmbly. ' curate in fisures. di.ecrfft.. ottlOr, befan the mow. •n4 '"IY pleuant in dealirs Tramp:rtadQn wUl be "°' PCB FAB INSPECTOR with -Send ""'"'"' vlded. Mlnimuin J )"?.experience, and salar)-requ.lttmenta to ,,,.. Dally Pilot Box # We ~ a aubaidlary of M~ Anaconda Wire le. Clble ('o. •~~=====7. PART TIMI WOMEN Excell~nt Company paid fringe benetlts. 11 AM·2 PM lmmMI~ ()ponlnP. In ·tho lol..Whtt ..... . ' . STATIS11CAl drlv~ record. Apply YELLOW CAI CO. 186 E. 16th St . Costa :ft!ua WIG A MAKl·UP . "',...i,. -. 11nn. H.B.. o.M., Tuotia PHONE Oal"• 185 ana. 81S-5105 ......., SPECIAL None 1or·term1na1 * BUSBOYS * 1430 So. Anaheim lllvd., cS.uo Cosmetics 5<1-$111 Furniture R1thlrl"1 .1966 . 36' TrnJan 8'dan. 11Ft,outboard1or atat!on oaiu. ll<llplW "' "°""· ANAHEIM, CALii', 0 W-4326 ·-. 5ff~ll45 I ALCOH ucs • ....,,..., & Raflnlohlnt 6675 twin ocrow, 11y bilclao. all ...,... or auto of i.quaJ val-..;;;;,,;;:=::=:;;=== An oqua1 oportun ty PRAc. nunt:, com.pan. or haewortr:. Avail t PM Fri to3 PMSUn~ MACDONALD'S, the lur- eat Carcy.OUt Re1taurant 011J.u. otters an uceµent opportwlil)' for neat. alert women to work at M.acDoo. aid'• , of 'Harbor, Calta Mna. MONDAY thnt FRI· DAY ll AM -2 PM. Thia permanmcnt year around employment in clean, plea. unt 1urrounclinga, w l t h meals A unitorm furnished. Contact Mr. McOanaban or Mr. Dlb1ua at • DATA E:Till!rienced or tralnet tn llro. ai>d/cr cuual\r atatfo. tlcal __ ....__ Phone 50-ttlr w 'Write to extru. $10,000 eq for aput. Phone 6'4-4681 ... OVER AGE 18 employer P.b. Soi 1223 Costa x.... WIWAMS Cl.NG. SERV. monta or land. (nl) 496-... Doni•llc H•le ~ -·-°"1f. Ni -ILANDS~=~c:<AP;:o.;E:;;:l-,d,..--Your tum can be new qainl 3402 SS 36 Dlell!l Aux Sloop AIPlY in· person att. 3 p.m. ea man . 6410 ~--a .. -~-. 84UJ.M . 1967 ' aau. wbotl ,,..,. Georte Allell Byland A(eney FIVE ChOWNS 644-29311549-1683 AftMUl'IWftfl • t =-===~=:;,;·•=== 2 Jnduatrill hides. on Pia-' ' Em:ployer PIYI Fee " " ••-c.~ ~·--ooo .... Flbol'taak con1t. ·-~E.-·•541.-.RESTAURANTS Entorprts""'°""'man, GRAND OPINING Garcllftlnt .._ centia, w . "--· Trorle oman.r boa4 car or ~ -3801 E Coast Hwy part time, ,,,._,,,., 12. rrL March 28th, new )oca.. --Eqly. for prop, plu.s Ca.ah. ttal eatate. 675-2838. Cb1nete Uve-lna. Oemul Coroiia del Mar · pe.r hour. 54$-1&116 tlon. ZONTA MART, 188S ANTHONY'S Price $150,000. Permanent. Experienced (No pbOne calla) TRUCK DRIVER -Some ~ Ave, C.M. Hn 10-4. Garden 1s.rvrce SU-154l Houae tull ot modem tu:mL Far Eut ApN:Y lWU?03 HELP WANTED exp. Newport Sanitation Co. ANYONE Knawtzw the '46-Ml HAVE: Apts, TD's, tum., turT, will trade for anU. LOT MAN EX· Clll646-2'700 wbereaboutl ot a 16 Olevy. Tbe beat. cost. no more! TV'1, ads, entut&inment. ques 642-2070 Http Wint.ct, Men 7200 PERIENCED !or Johnlon BOY lnexperienc:ed. s 11 t MACDONALD'S OF Bel-Air, Ile. No. J'ITJ63. ~oitibi~~ ~ m.me~lll :::'~~ · · a: Sona used can. 1941 screen prtnttnc. permanent. H~RIOR puter ID-pat data In oar op.. erations uniL Drta.11 flaure work involved. l'OUCY SERVICE 1 .. •• • ' -~ '. "": :?>: pi.. call owner ~73'9 Exp, Hortiadturiat Mr. Allen (213) BR. 2-9(19, Lwtury M' diHet ~ Harbor Blvd., C.M. Ex· 1.;54&-078~;;;;1======1--='1:.:'1:..::llAJUIO==R,c::...:CM=:,,,,-m JABSCO, cellent woridn& eondilX>M. ,......,,. CMMi.._ Leta 6411. TAKATA Fibeq:lu tub A: abower yacht, plua $125,0CO mort· Apply in Person Help Wontad UNTINGTON 1::;::;:;:.:·;:;,-•c..;:;=--'"'-' JAP-'"""""" L'«JRSERY _,,.bus. All -"p, moldl A aaae on complete rea't in .__._ H - 1 .ru,~ ......., ~-Lak: Trad tor Th1ll'1 ·Fri. Sat. Women ,..,,., VALLEY .h 'J'\\'O cemetQJJ lots at 54&-0724. CmQplete prden1nc approval!, Trade $MJ,00l Mammoth e, e S-5 POLICY 11"} Hubor Rftt. Prime loc. ltl'Vice. Headquarters tar value for vacant propty or real estate. 646-2598. CONVALESCENT ~ Prefer at lttlt one )'till tA tho, cuualty or nmltlplo tine nl\n& _......., J'.loa> aant phone pel'IODlllfJ' • 91!11Ual, ~t opposta- ity for ad.vant'eD)eftt, wvtnc uu. Sacrifice. an,...,........,..-T.D. cm> m-s191. HAVE' Double bod. •orinl. MECHANICAL SALESMEN ASSIMllftS HOSP. TYPING ,;,'. 6'>-3027 ALLEN' BROS moo oqulty 3 Bedroomo, ' .,,...,. .. & -or limn-DRAFTSMAN Mu.I. bo •t•lldy, rollahlo, NEEDS -.. trainee, -J>.'; FOUR cemetery lotlp-~! GARDENERS srUDENTS bath San Clemente home, eapcirtabletypew::r;.,ter5 •• ~.,! full time only, Appl.fin Mechanically lnclined, HOFUuSllETKlmEEoP R .• u~~ .. ~ .. the~...!~. .~:1, HuborlleltM•morlal ~working tholr way ... co• c1 ... m.SUbmltalloftonon mpdcond. ~"' ~~ .......... , .. Tom, rood•>fflahlllay1hltt. E ---·~ -I:.;· in Blue Spruce aiectlon. Call lqe. Experience.., lleenaed. cltar land or lots. Bkr. unit '1 equal vahle, .SCS.1923 GRANT'S SURPLUS SI'ORE WW uatn. MUlt be neat The Ideal poetuon for .am.. -, U W075 REAS! 64&-Gll . rn:: ~""" 494-3949 F1'--1•• Lebman 10 Mil-Marin@, chtmk.i and in-1750 Newport BML, CM · S382 N~n~ve .. H.B. one who llkea to Qpe, ' 0 • u,......,,.., .......... ......... dUltria.J. pwnp1. Exptri. & dependable. _...,._ ~ SERVICE Dll!ECT y EXPER. GARDENER Duplex So. Lq. 2 blks In boat. Trade lor ·-... • ... In clooe -· HOSTESS/BKKPR <'~· Mid.qe Japanese Reliable. ocean; xlnt loc. Trade powered paint compreuor LOTMAN. EXPERIENCED, MASn:n ;-1 A,,111-llopalrs Mon In Sat m.-0105 ~•.ooo -·•~to< clou lot and .. ,,,...,...L °""" e"1"* "~ clime-"'n!:'.~ for John'°"· & "°"' U""1 IUi... (combln1tlon) KEY PUNCH I,. . " rll 6510 --------~ ..... -~,, ""-"-bury ...., -.. ,. cu..... uaa, C11n1 1941 Harboi' Blvd., ~, I JAPANESE Gardecer, com-or land. Submlt all oHera. .,..... v1.rwuu, Shop eXpUience delired. Co1ta Mesa. Excellent wartc. SPECIALTIES career openttw far OIJIJ*trft ~·~i WASHER & °"'" -· plote yard """'"" 1ne 1 :B=kr:.:·..:flS.4070:.:..:;· c.::..· 494-3949"-"''--'--~ HaU • Centmy old 1'""'1 Ing conditions. Apply lo • APPLY Ill PERSON with at lout ooa ,.... .., • Xlnt~~ se rvice esttmatn. st0-1332 c.ontemporary Huntlngton store, O>ata MM&, w/~ person Thun, Fri., Sat. 9 Ptrience on Al,W. A Ne0o .~ Reu·ratet. M7-8ll5 IR.::::El=,=,=BL::E:,.,=Mlnu.::.:"',.-,-.,.-.1 Harbour home, 3 BR, lam makinc aldellne. Trade~ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY toS PM. 1640 Monrovl• RRJ88I E. lft ~~IBM equip'mt. Dl1 1~1 : Low~rate monthly Avail. nn, 2 ba. ($10,000 eq.) home, vacanr lancl or au EMPLOYER Coat11 Me11 642-2427 all&ll. ''"I D ...... ,HI .. SO _, r n... t or mu 646--1675 owner <M-•e or Female) • INSTROl.TORS -Full ± _,.. "I -f45..1931 Mor/evt1 ,,-..... e: or .....,cm · · ... or/and put ttme. Neat ap. ---------I 151 l.,Chtt Hl9hw11y ExceJJent free btneflt&. J'ert. .. -r: Bluffs. 673-35al !or detaila. Have 5 bedroom Balboa ._,_ .i:.. BABYSITl'ER. CLEAN·UP Specialist! Mow.. pea.ranee. Must be auui to Newport Buch manent, ateady work. oar 1•'< Fei;iced yard. Meall included. in&'. ed&inl'. odd jobl, J.l&ht 11 unit medical bld1 Buena ~~~~=-·pr:·:: 1'85 Ode Way, Q>sta Meaa nwet llnd df'al with the • WAITRESS DOMESTIC HELP policy ts ;romotkl1l from t_ W~k da)'I only. Vicinity movina;. Reul 5CU955 Park, 24 unit apt S.A., Back $35,000. Newport Beach Phone: <n.f) 545-BZll public, aood figure. AppJy within. Your fllture ts de-. ' HtJlad&Y &: Bllhop st., S.A. e JAPANESE GARDENING ~ home, all or part for in person. Hollda1 Health All Jcmdsl Houeebepen, mined entlreQt by you. New ··-;: Phone 836-5672 • Service Cleanup, I•nd~ clear Jots or acreage. Aat. Realty, 6'5-l&U. Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., Cooka, Ma.Id.I A: Compudona, modem ottlce, frieJidJ7. ,. , ,_ sn-• alt 7 675-6252 or 6'Jl..0823. Have vacant ~ 3100 C.M. Good Opportunity Referencu req. Fee " Fee ......... _1 ............ beft.l ~· " WUL babysit in my bouae, "'6· ''"'"" p.m. sq, ft. Harbor Blvd, Cotta * CARPENTERS SERVICE Station Mir. Muat have cood appW'llllCe Paid Jobs. Call Mi• Abby, .,..._.. --...... ~J 1 $3 day, weekdays or week-JOHNSON'S G&rdenina Ben'. 10 ~ranae Grove near Meu. Leue value $600 S Trainee for cut-rate indep. "48·7796 ' •' ends. Se<:Urity, food l: taya Finest equip, apert yard Laguna Beach. \VANT: mo. Want San Fernando In. * ELECTRICIAN •talion. Must bt bondable * APPLY . IN PERSON * ARGUS AGENCIES For D@taU. and App"t. •,~ii incl Behind Alpha Beta. catt! Reas! 962-2035. Apf.ll or Ranch. Bkr 494-1330 come. Hendrick&, Broker. * CABINET SETTERS neat appearance, age 21'"'5. 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Call C.OUect '11 Low" -Cut a Edp Lawn ,,...., Sto•dy ;ob with chanco tor Snack Shop No. 1 PERSONNEL •. , BABYSITTING, )'O\U' home Maintenance. Licenaed Have vacant Hawaiian land, Mesa Verde .4 bedroom plus With mobile home expert.. promotion. Apply AM only, 2305 E. Co111t Hwy. See Betty Brue. at ( 213) 384-1213 -•'. bf tbe Wffk.. Y!'!1.,1~ 548-4808/M.>2.110 aft 4 various siu1 ~ values. den, approx 23IXI Ill 1t. ence. Excellent bendita. Sav-Mor Station, 620 Octan Corona del M1r, C11I. m fl q , tnmap. C.M. aftL VU"" ...,, LAWN SERVICE Want home, units or iub-Want 111naller home or Con. Ave., H.B. Calil. i~6 ~6C UNIGARD ·i::; BABYSl'ITING my borne. M~\facuum mil cau Hendricks, Brolc-do, in Mesa Verde, APPLY IN PERSON e PLASTIC FABRICATORS '" Pttfer under .4. CM. area. lJ 8-5646 after 8 PM er. 6~1 . ~ with mechanical apl.itude, ~ Agency for Career Girll INSURANCE GROUP !·;! 6f2.5540 YARD CI• an up . Tree 1 -111-,500-_-,,~~-Whl=ttio~r-,,.~.-w 'l5x1{6' lot at Lake Isabella. UPLOR£R reliable. S "10 W. Cout Hwy,. N·. B. MAJOR ~' ~: BABYSITI'ING My ho~. £. service, nf!W I awn • ' ~ ... ...,. will trade equity for late Sought by young protttulw By appoi.Dt &M-3939 : '\. honie, 3 BR. I: den, 2200 1q Bl'Ownin& Manufacturin&: satlmaktt In N. B. atta. CALIFORNIA BANK ·. ~· 1lde C.M. Prefer weekly. aprinklers, rototill. M&-680 ft. Trade for Power or l&iJ.. model pick-up truck ot ata-MOJORHOME (QRP, 1918 Placentia. C.M. Top ware• paid for speed llUUsiKEEPER WANTED seeks steno/typist for trwt • 1: * 548-155T '* AL'S~ Service boat of equal value. tion waaon. ~ 7 I: accuracy. Previous ex· Hunt. Harbor. Re lined: dept. Muat tab dictatioll. 1 f , BABYSI1TING In my home. Lawn maintenance, ~ 644-1349 548-5218 after 3 PM --=""""'11'=1••• ,---per:lenee preterrm. Apply mature lady pref'd All mod uslst o t t Ice r, enjoy ;i;; Good luncbes l:naps. ing&:cleanape.646-3639 * * * * * * 2021 Newportllvd. LOTU~TETDECNADR'NT Rick Ta ylor, ())u( conv'a., Ute worlr. Own ;uatom 1 er c:n;••t ;:i : * 54&-2531 * EXPER GARDENEJt Co1t11 Me111 "' "' Catamaran Sails. t17 W. tra.nap, nee. 5 day wk. Hrs l!l'lllal1en car e op-•!.;• BABYSIT one or two Wd-ap Jl.l*J)l!M Reliable. Must have experience. E:ii:cet. 17th St., C.M. M>-0360 & sal dilCllA&ed at int. Call portunUy for qua ll 11 e d -4 ; cblldrtn to aae 1, my home Mon. Sat m-o7rfi SIRVICE DIRECTORY SERVICI DIRECTORY Night Cuttodlint lent company be:nettta and e SUPERVISION 4 846-1267 9 am .1 pm person. S • 1 a r 'I com-•• 1 • full or ... ..t time. 54l-63lT e JAP~ GARDENER g AM wotidn&: conditions. AppJ.Y in SALES WORK e TRAINEES S menaurate with ebllity aft!! ,, 1 . ~ • Income T•• 67'ft Plumblnt 6190 Haun 10 PM 1o pol'BOn to Dean Lewis Im. .... h .. _ ll!·~ ha ... t -portrwear experience. Contact R. C. .:. , nrttT ... 1..-it eves. $1 per Maintenance A Oeanup ------------'------Monday thrv Thunday C ~ ...... wue. ,,... Y9 lactory. Xlnt. opportunity, Atherton -.1. ""~ ;-tranlP-NB/CM Call-~257) ... ._.__ PLUMBING REPAIR 3 PM to midn!&:ht Friday ports, 1966 Harbor, .M. awe~. able to deal Knowledp of •wine eaen-Newport Center Jb'aDcb «!f: '46-0683 If;· K. C 1 a r ~ Accti ~. $447-$543-COOK-FRY with people. Appl)' 11'1 per. tlal. Apply 4001 G., Birch Securi"" Paclftc Nat'l. Bulk :,1· am. c.n. ,..~·-11 SorYI-... -"----.. •--. po-na.1 or No job too Small y who des'-s n ~ . _,_. _., utlN..... ...... ·-• ~ • OUTI&' man, exp. 11-.: IO · St., N.B., 1 blk. E. ot 0 .C. 550 Newport CenteT DY. ~ .• i .. I ,:::::;:;.::.:..=..;..;;...._. --buaiM11, your home or ofc. OPENINGS AT BOTH position with future . For in-Hollday Ho11th S,. airport Newport Beach , ',', 1 "55 CL ton 20 yn. exp, Joe flrm ...... Yn.n>ING 24 hr serv. n--... ,,.. ___ r ... 11-<•-••'•w -Mr. Schierhold ..,....,. u --bor ft~ CM. Mlinten11nce -HAULlN G. Pa I n I ·,,.. ........ o .. -6'5-070 evea rMUn~ "'' ... '•"' ..__...~ ............ e at" "Mr-st·-'" 22• 7 ~ na.o· a1vu., . BAKERY SALES GIRL R di T-'-phon . , ... """°.._ ... Work flW', lie, ln11, remod, and "'""' og EXPERIENCED Apply Mr Rk:hardaon a 0-.,. e 1 :n;_ MARINEMICHANIC ""'1ng, odd jobs. You eThoTaxAdvl..,. ,..patr,rooter ...... 531-7566 GoldonWeotC<>Uqo Falrvl•w.C.M. HOUSEKEEPER ,.,...; • ....,.,,. Di-h Gfrf ~-D•v ._ Nl•bt Service. name it, we do it! MJ..3398 Year round olc. 328 No, PLUMBING SERVICE ARCHITECTURAL -• ~ r ....... _ ..... .....-•• • -• • RA........ !DAY-SHIFT) _,. L""Ol'elt,. """"6..... M;ll Muat know local area. Apo ,L·,';~ ••L, BOAT RENTALS J1pona11 Ganlonar llwpt Blvd, N.B. 8'ul REASONABLE ·~ APPLY Draltaman exp'd to -• p•RK LIDO. ,_, -7Cli Edpwater Expel', compl yard lel'Vice! Call 64.S-OOJ for appt. CALL 642-l!M2 OltANGI COAST or. larie apt project1 ~ ,,.._ ~ Ho . WO~-to poUah I: nwk ply ln pereoOWn C'I CO. ~·~; Balboa. Calif, Free estimate. SCS.7958. Jlt. COLLIGE DIST. CU11tom homes, Gared N. o.A.lnv nt spital flbe?i._ molda. Apply W. YELL "" :.: Robt. Sclnftltrer C'B-4010 JAPANESE Gardener, exp, lronlnp 6755 Remodel, Rep11ir, •MO 2701 Falrview Road Smith, Architect. Newport =~~me ~!M: g~~~San~,Ana~ 8· 1860:~1::.:t. ·~:~i "·b'· ,.,_,_.__ .. __ n---·•· Cotta Meaa. 13U709 Beach. Ml-7155 .-','· re:""''""• uuw,..,,_,,.,.., ~ IRONING A Repairin( . ..-..... ROO•< ADDITION Ji FOOD WAITRESS needed WANTED R I bt C 0 la ' a .:· a. u-11nry otc. i. --9 b SER VICE STATION : eapons e Sharp 1reer I ~I ' -·c~-, 4'560 mo. n. L °"-"~ up&dellvery remod-11 ..... Attractive * Bus oys ... ~ ....... 25 y, •• , or at woman sitter, lite hakp'I· Sec-....,_..._ ...._. .... ,,.._, ~~, o -"-------,.. HAULING. Cleanup p.raatt, * S4Q.0075 * pr\-,.~ • ., .. --tea. Call ;;uu .•. 1; •• ~ou.tu, .... AlJ.EY WEST ( ..,.. '-Ma-a ""'--. 1-1 ~ •· I-===="====== ""' .io•""" uma oJdtr. rut ttme, swin& 5 11ay wk. l:3}..ll:30. Most FridQ .. Reepta, 8ldcpra, ~ 1 eiliu>, :Remodel. Repair odd joba etc. me eit. Jbn 0 ~ * Cook •hift. S!e Clyde, 2 5 9 0 21D6 w. Oceanfront. Newport day1l Vic cto.mtown Hnta RN• A LVN1-Bottt 1-6 ,.. ~··. Brick, block, c 0 n c re t e, 548-5325. anytime L1ndsc1plft1 611 -=======~ Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Beach (Attosa from Pier Bch. 5.16-2983 paid joba. Top co'•f Call ~ I! ci'Pntry. no Job "'° amall 1730 LANDSCAPERS Roofln1 6950 OY a Dory Fl"O DRAPERY WORK ROOM DoN. 518-77911 , , Lie C<>ntr. 96U915H ~:::•u=l;;;l•.._t _____ I ATTENTION A ll<>oler not a ..i.aman. • BUSB GIRL With bookl<Hping and ilMled °""""'for dnP1t'7 ARGUS AGINCllS !J• 6590 Yard/praae clean up. Re-l need tandocaplng, and will Low stopped, all typo Apply In penon (Day Shift) ...,.tarlal hac-und, lor work, all -1111 SML 11111 (:Newport Blvd .. c.M. _.~· 1:C::!•::rpoi::nl::::orl:.:::ntL._...;;;;...; move tttes, ivy, dirt, Trac.. trade a 17 tt outboard with roofing. New or rerair work COCO'S BALBOA BAY CLUB full time work in fumlture Beach Drapery Savtoe. IMI lstlto SllM .: tor. back hoe, eradinz, 962-·bfl wbed trailer /or your par. 53&-MH 1221 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. ,·~~ •• • N~rt1,~~-::: Prr H<Wu-Seey. New Men & w..._. ~'. CARPENTRY 8745 """""' Lota "' ...,..., ======== 548-2211 Ext. 166 m --~ ·~· ~ • -"· min ... a, .,.... t:xriano1-. aptn. Ottlco ·• .. ; MINOR REPAIRS. No Job SAVE MONEY -before you befor,. your busy aeuon. S.Wlnt 6966 REUBEN'S EXPERIENCED GAR-Call 642.-2ai0. r:le«:. Must work wkndL Pb. f ~ avallable W f~' Too Small. Cabinet in IU" take tt to tbe dwnp. Call Phone 644-4687 DENER to run mowing 1-CUtter Trainee 968-3454 lk:ttiaed meta 6 W<l'Mltr. Jh. ... •• -• ' o t be r cabinet&. &ll-5666 eves. ,, Poor '"-n'o •r1-nc1 WOMAN needa .wUlc work. l"'W. ••amo "'-C t l·SeatM!tt&s, Exp'd. SALESLADY: :ftfuat have •tanl lncame 4: tnkdnc-Jb' .. '•! -~ I m.m ,.. "" Utea.lttra&nal:tptndin1s. > -crew. "'"ll"fO oun y Apply in Penon ~.in better dre: ..... .Wta Gli'dner. SprSa1 ~. /;, 54.5-1175, Uno t.nswerlLoaveO HAULING, Genera.I, Top., CUSTOM LANDSCAPING hems A clothtt made. Cotti MoH 1re11, 644-2937/Sff.1... Johansen & Chri1te11Hn ._ _ ..... •·• , comm. Gd S4M8U . ·,~• me at 64&-2372. • trim, remove trees le: * l)4&.1234 * M&-2405 898 W 16th St N 8 • ___ .., ..,.,, • l -hedgo• Btc John.......,. e Cook Cornor of.MonnMa A islb. worl<. cond'i: 673-2990 Work Hoar"-: I • 6735 -ry,lrlck 6830 • Dnmnaldnr·Altmotlons CAREER • Dl•hwHh1r/Bu1boy WANT Baby•llter tor happy·~ ;;; MASTER .,..,.._, 14 "" H-lunlnt Custom De-l'ORTU. NITYI SURF A SIRLOIN l1 month boy. 8 am • 5 • Secretarial j· bout. Jtmnodellnl . Repain. ' PRICE & QUALITY * 6*&146 * OP • 5930 Pacific C.OUt Hwy., NB Telephone Reception pm Mon lhru Fri. 673-6512 e Reception ·;~ ICU409 w S53800 FLOO:R. cleantnt • polishing CUSTOM LANDSCAPING Altei'11tlons-6C24MS Join b5'1I ful8t lf'OWlnl CONSrRUCJflON SUPT. Wo 1 rkP •• M.C11I~~ to eves or 'lfffk..ends e Typllt:a -~ IRJ;P~:::AJRS:::..;.:::;AJ;:,=:TER.<;:,.."TI"'o"'N"'s; I ipeclalilt& Home 1 ln-. • 146-1234 • Neat, aocurate, 20 yn. exp. profeakD-Mtttaal IUnd ulel for Apts & Houses, N.B. ""'" HOUSEKEEPER w/ Nurs-Superior Apncy -"J .......... ~ Air/ tile job. d\lsll'ial. FREE est. -"'======= No operience ntceuaf?' area. Give •xperlence & , ing abllltie1. 5 dQI wk. Ettablllbed 1NI 1 25--:.::.. ·':".!!..:.. 5f8.m3 Swedish M • 1 n ten• n c e Paperhllntl"I TrH Sarvico 6'80 We tnm ·full or part time atartJng aalvli: rept, Daily SECRETARY to VP Mfg. $350 mo. , 'l8157 Harbor Bl, Cotta Mtla ~·-~· Service. 6'15-(13Sl P1lntlnt 6150 Trff Serv Mutwl Pun4 MvlMn, Pilot Box M-316 M'ust be self atarter, kleep * m-oo:;1 * caQ_flnt to-nu 11 C-. Cancrote 6600 CARPETS. Windows, lln, ~=~---...C:"-'I ESTATE Maint Inc. ASTROT&K CORP. paco ol lut -elec-GIRL ~ ..... •-50, Mothoro lacktoW•k I.•.' etc. Reliden. or Comc'l. PAINTING Int ~ Ext. RemovU • trimmlnp, free Npc a uo& Watdlft 64U4.22 troni rtnn Min. 3 )'ft ~ • ....., Vl"" ---w-no job too Xlnt wcrtc: Reul Rda. Lln\.-e1t contracted prices. est. ~. 342-2993 S.A. U12 N' • ..Brol.dwQ ()ptnlnp; Lathe mill J.D. n · dlvmtfted po,slllon, Ulary Home. School Cooperattw "" ~, ~ """' 1:'..11 .. •--Sattstacdon ••nar. or •J"<U Top pay, A·l machinist only. exp. Ac •lm'thand. gc.Q dependa Oil t:x:perle.Qce, Mn. Servk:el. F.duc:attonal Dlv. 1'i; --n reubnable. Free 54S:-4111 .. _ u... •w e HUNTINGTON~ MT.&331 A C.M •·• ,. ~ --«• ~• ~-nl Call Jim w .. ~ -'--VICE 1267 '-'"n v, · SHIRT Prnaer wanted W""-, ., • ., "'""l of Man,_ Fie1-. ~ eltlm. H. Stufilck. -WIWAMS a.NG. SERV. ~~ .... 'ALJ:. .u.n sus~y ....,.... ....... • __ .. __ , llUI ~ h l s 11 •• 673-1166 Expert. JlelllJ M.()779 ""' AMBULANCE DRIVER ~per, prelll'~ ot """' Janitors, women needed. te oo or co a 111 !;, Cu1tem LMHiscaPlrt1 Carpet.fllmo:ml.pt hie. HOMFX>WNERS, doe• )'OUI' o.,ttme. Y°'ln& man to ~u.t be Mt, train tf nteelUl')'. Lido EVenil'll work Ill Newport 8acqrow:id bllpltO $l per B~ =~ And Apt ctnc. 60-81&4 borne look run down ! ToltYltlOft, lfttp1lr 6915 ::':'t~a~'. ~tam~ Llc'd. c1:.ct":b ~=t ~~715~~B1v. 8tachal'ff.Apply409N. = auar. Can 1';, I"'!!!"' _!u 6740 193-4438 Free eat on ext. RAINBOW TV O>. No • aer-. Schlerhold at "Mr steak" man. • l1arbor mvd., Santa. Ana. * CONCRETE wort, bonded RESPOllSlBLE. --tion k.E.5WENT1AL patntu. It _.00 ~·-i --.. ... _.. D1 Fairview, Costa Mna EXPERIENCED Ser v l c e e WAITRESS!S. Will tratn. HOUSEKEEPER, Cb I I d TYPIST~ : j a Uc. Concrete: Awinl· .,..~....... "' ........ " --~· • .,..., • .,. · I tlo LanklOlrd.'1 f\lU or part time. MUIC be Li · l lov Sa1U7 ~·• fthllll-Cement 54'"'380 A filln.,. of all tncome tax ~ ..... -bl, ,,,;_Good• 1 -~ .. · color, blk A _wttl, or ~ !5&. Se I e • m an with 1 a. · n man. JI, attractive wtth bubblin& cart. ver-m, ~UI . e Reqt. ~t of 1111!1 lcbl ;i r · ,. •• .:..~by Otrtltied Pu.bUC! ne ., • ..,.. ....,,<D.I. 5'6-3120anytimt. ~ to rtpraenl MCobMll St&Cion., 3001 Briltol, fl!tlODa.IJty, 11IE 2'.00 23U children. Doctcrt f&mily. diploma,. ncerit ._ ot •1 ecusroi.tPATlOS e A~;_nt Available tolNT.A:EXT.Paintnw.AD intrfsulngalnJ>f'OITW.mln '' Eut Oout MW)' at UT..ell • trn's,'YPft«tWPM.AM '1' .......... -......... .....,the.;...ioofO>rpora • .,...,n1n..-.. t.llc'4 ,U,::ifi::ho::::;ltlta::::.!Il.---.;:;6'-'9'0"" ,_...._Eun to l1Q) EXPERIEllCEDIU·Flcom· McAr100r.CdM PART--ldln-by W/111 City cl -;, 1 =~Sta~to~Ltc.;::,;::•:;'°':=IOl~O:::; tlona. aman bualnen en-a: m.. ean OmUe. sa.M)51 • ptr dq and mom. For tr.. ponent Jilt• nlneel. Salar:Y, RN ftl1l t1nie ll to 1 : 30 lar, Colta Mta Beeth. mtc:n115:rt 11 1 ' 6620 -and lndi'<ld""'-Papor -45,..... * LOOK * _.;, 'l>P!· caB lllt. Allen xlllt Mure . ..._ medtcat..urilicsl. lllnt W01'I<-* "2-4W * TEACHER 11-con ;or ii 1:Cent:::::::::r.:1e::t:let.::'":;:...._-:-::-'-YOUT -O&ttmctlon •xpor\-. Call l"tedt 1l ,, .... """' Oranp eo. elm -FRY COOK""'· --"'* cond. O>nt ... -ATrENDANT for •\did> Ja. u mo ~ I. l -.. '! QUALITY nmodellnc, tspnntoed. *6'M9Cll* BIGSAVINOS PARTtltn&dllh.....,.r,The Odtooolleataurant.ll!E.17Ui of N......., c..ta Mta dy F'r!. ""to sun ..... my-. JlelL 511- autom --· Reh CORPORATE INTER <r ExL PAINTING, CUSTOM RllPr Rritaurant. No. 11 St, CM. -Mtmol1al lfoaptW. MW134 "'1<ty. 673-89Sl, LE &.3t!S7 alter 4 Piii on .... Frank M. -IMPROVCOUN~ DDIEb. SERVICE. 1-i UPHOLSTIRV l'uhlOti laland, N.B. DKAlTSMAN, Plrt time, S'nlOllG, hoalthy ,....., In PBX "'-· Sorv. Woman ov. TW~O;:...:chl-=.l,:,d>:.....,-ll~---anol~I :1 Oona .. c.., l-&9-!166 alt rel. FREE HL 541-1127 AND DRAl'IS LIDO CAR WASH. 481 E. must know ...... a help """' !or -~ 2S. l'le .. hn, Exp'd. pnrd. 10 """' need -· ll ... • 4 pm • M2-tt31' • PAINTING, PaPft1t:W 18 yn Our o~r .Mees Include: l'ltb. c.ott:a Meu. Al'! l&. apartments. n 4: ..... nlte1. Uve ill or out. Can !36--a8l1 cfua. 5 ~k. Older Addltlom* -l<w IValtorH.FabtmhotoP.A. tnH.-...._Llca-1'C&r\l<tlnltallatlon App\ytn_.. ARGUSAGENCllS 837-5250 DEllTAL aatatant °'"' ,._ dUJd -_..... n.ci H. Gttwlcl<. Uc. Income Tax Savi"' ..i. iwa turn. &e.2354 * c.rpet ' R111 ct.antrc TRAJNE£ • Dra!toman for Account1nt1 laouty e-....,, Onl ._.,,., Mu.I tato. llld -av& ITMOU * ~2110 &U-n>t « 545-1391 eve Your satalf.actlon ta arthttect'• arnc.. Newport Credit M11naee,.. COSMETlCS. Xlnt ~ read X~ SCl--mt Tfis1~~EPHOmi~~if'-:1<mAi;;•iii10ciil '; MACK HAIUUS Tax sm. p1 .. 1 .. 1 ... Repair 6&IO ""' ..... --Be•d'-!SIM!\22 Admlnlotrolm TfMOI -...... -B Wat1""1 ' CHAIR SID& --Ea:p'd, ...,._ -C.rpot c111n1.. 6615 11> ,.., m1 -"~ Re•a's Upholstery !xp nrel• Rapolr CALL eoe. 541-7116 u . DENTAL ASSISl'ANT Gnca Lallo, ell. -, Carp<t 4 Uphol Cteanln& C.!d. Appolntmto, -ei,.;!:'T'~l'I= ~ ,.; Palm. eAtboa P<nn. IJ>n. Schock lloato, Nwpt. 1869 C Newport 81'"1._ C.M. PART timt WI!&;; H.B. 1'11. 54l-.'l580 MATURE Ba11J1tt1tr ..... : lf It'• -rll)lt. • • • INCOME 1-: :m -m.:t!M t&Mm ~ TllE QUICKER YOU CAl.L, . --for . DinMr """"" GIRL for Avant Garde -AJJdl Jat, llO' -• "'"'-! It'• "DUNN·~:'~· ~ "::~· ---1..;.o."'ui;~:r=Pll.01'==w"'"llT="'AJ>S=1 ._ __ CHAJW==·.;;z_m___ Wbllo ........... THE QUJaa::rt YOU RU (21!) -btwn 1J.6 -• x 41MUt °'"' ........ .., ...... -...... ~ ;;~::.=:..· -=..::.:..:.:::---o,.;;.... ______ _ I ... I } • .. ' I 1. l I ' \ • • • • ........,, ~ 'O, l!M eJUIJiriffl'ii P•0tt=-•. -M~l=11CHANDISI POii MEllCHAHD1SI FOii SALE AND TllADI MERCHANDISE l'Olt SALE AND TRADI ----·'----TRANSPORTATION MIRCHANDISI FOlt MERCHANDISE FOR ~L-;;E"-;AN~D;_T:.:;R.::;.:~:O:E::::l:f.SA:;:L:;:l;.,.:A;;;.N:z:D_;TllAD=':;;:':::,l • ...'.F.:.:R::EE:.._:T::.0~Y..:..0.:.:U_ SALE AND TllADI SALi AND TllADI llol.bA Yuhb 9000 Need experirnctd NCR O(lt'r· at.or who can type M wpm, S. a whh: at swlling and can Ul<8 a 10 "Y addlnc ma· chlM. Millon Involves hNv.v a1achlht booldtttpl.ng in pogtlng 'joun'l8J entries to the (('Mn.I ledetr· Some furrnal trainlfli' in account. ln& "'oukt be most helj,luL ExL-eUent con1pany benetlta. Plea9t call 644-3258, betwetn 9-11 am and be~'t'en 2-3 pm oo!y. EXPERIENCED e f.SCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Co1tl Hwy Corona del Mar 673-9240 llOOOFuml!u"* ' ' $3995· reg. $59.95 One ol Our Many Blrgainsl MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH New Showroom Samples Will S.11 Any Ploco lndlvldu1lly ., 8' Wood carved arm divan, 1g. man's chair or Jove seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set -w· I black or avocado framed chairs: 8 pc.BR set. 9·d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, Z com· nlodes, decorative headboard in Spanish oak design with matching box springs, mattress & Fumltu~ IOCIO M"'lcal lntt. 1125 HI-Fl A S-1210 Mlscoll._ NOO LOVABLE 2\1 lT· mixod, lO PC. M9DElN Gul11r Hetdquar!ors • irJ. ·~ lem.ie d • • NEW S1'E1UX> 1981.Solld 1111.:le needs ninnln&: room aOO 3 ROOM GROUP r!.i.r e ~ ~~~ dtlw<e amoote ..,_ • • Whar Knot Slillppe dllldren to play with. Mov· J.ncludea: f1ora1 aota A cba1t_ e CJBSON • MARTlN •P4.ctianaa"· Left oo Jay H•••llc;raft & Art tna:. must find new homt. • walr.ut tablet .. lamps • e WILSON e YA!.tAHA -awllY,· PlQ' ott l'l!m&lnlnr beJ. NEW CONCEPT 842-782!1 or fill 2'-3561. 3129 eompJtte bedroom with quilL Oruin H~qu•rf•,. i'.tioe ot f'Ni,~ or tmna. OPENING .March 28th FREE Fertilim-. Hors e ed mattreu • 5 pc. dlocttt, , Nt.W &nd USED e Credit Dl!'pt. SlS-'1289 OPEN FRIIiAY'S U variety • 1146 Otthard Or, etc:. All fur. • • LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO SAT & suNt& 1fl..$ ott Santa Ana Ave., Santa $277 Lorre Riectioo wilh new , C1mor11 A Equip. 8300 llail.Y .,.,.., Wttk .w. H!'<h'" BeJw<eo • & ~ ..... pc. ~ti and eymbals start• Art& & crafts done by aau 6 pm only <f/1 . ·E-LK:s· PmWIARI, onlo>EllOU-mosE· Ing at $99.!'i(t. Ptdab, hi-bats STUDENT lftttrested in residents. Interested in ae.U.. GER.MAN Short H a tr 11.Dd sets repaired, AU amal1 Photo Dark Room eqalp. ill& yoor handiwork on coo. Polnttr, female 4~ yn part.a. acceuorles 6 eymball mtnt. ~ • st&nment 1 Write "What wan ta ll p>d home with OO'J \V. 4th St., Santa Ana in stock. S rtl Gooch asoO Knot Shoppe," 2$22 Newport runnb'lg area. !i <f 8. 5 T 4 8 • Open Dally 9 -9 EVERYn!ING IN MUSIC po. ng Blvd., N.B. 92660. ""-3128 Sat .•. 6 . Sun. ll • 6 Beach Music Center * POOC TAB!.E • AC l Yr. old min. Schnau .. r, SCRAM•.LETS : 'ANSWERS ' ., Pathos-Admit-Maxim- Shower-MISS JUM De!lnltlon of an executive: "A penon who can tal<e two ; houri for lllneh ;without hav· ing anybody MJ.$9 H~." 17 FT. Performer. hlande: ' Deluxe model i <all tibel' ~ glus) outboar\t. Custoni ' snap down oover. Bl& wl'led tilt trailer. $700 or best oft. er, Phone~altttlpm LlKE New Se._,.ur hod CESSORIES, l200. KNITTED FABRICS AKC reg, Champion linear•. i ~--••• ~1 -~1&'" --·• ·"·t ho PRICED To sell, 14.: 1 .:; ' d van i 12 5 • Owr..tufl.e'd FN:tory Sales Ir Service .,.v~ uu-QW ""'''" om:-, ,,.,.,..,s q,_ me boat. Windahltld. st ' royal blue & avocado irn °"'ily U noon 'Ul 9, Sat 9-5 ..,.FOR SALE without s ma 11 children. wheel Ac control cables, aoOd ' chair & lrg match'c ot. 17404 Beach mvii .. (Hwy 39)MI ·;;;;;';;co;;l;;l•;;n;;OOlll;;;;.;;;;;;;;NOO;;;;,jRemnanfl, samples &: Ml11 83().2S42 3128 675--0625 _,1o~m~a'=n~$1c,'l5.;,,,:54U587.::....;.c,~-~ 1 1~ mi. So, San Diego Fwy, • end& Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 (2} BLK poodle puppies 41 ~"'=c;:nd::._,S85=· ~~-~--1 NAUGAHYDE Swivel Hw1t:ington Beach 847-8536 * AUCTIOll * p.m.9'29Baker,~taMesa. 4 mos. old . 1 male. J WilJ. Trade t iberg laa • k Ilk •= 8' -· ----r -•-T __.i homea Snowbird No. 4!M dacroq : roe er. e new .....,, GIBSON J-lO f1REWOOD '/'::= s,a le . :::;: .. ·no~ :U....._be home North sa.11 for late Schock quilted sora & cha.Ir S50. withllardshellcue, FRIDAY·MARCH 2I Walnut. Eucaty9 .o:i1, all d 64&-'1532 3171 Sa.bot548-6953 540-1433 $320 new, $200 or otler. Apricot, $47.50 cord. $25\~ ay, . . DAVENPORT & chr., k:IL Eric, 675-5160altfl'6,PM 7:30 P.M. cnl. SWnmer prices July PUPPCES WANTED: Boa~ trailer : 1tool &: util tbl, small appJt. RREPOUPTssCY' E~,! .. .,...BAURENK. 4 Augu.st, $38.50 crd. De:L Large, musUy black, 7 weeks to pull 14. ft. Alwninum boat. ances, other items, 2962·~· Pianos & Orpnl 1130 ~ un.i"'' & stack'd free. (l) 688--0&t6 old. S&.1891 alter 6 Must be ~~ble. ~"i~~~;:~:.1·-~ -~I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Beautiful Bedroom Ii Llving • 3127 ~-!'PP" Tree, c. . ~ rom "''· occ chaln, .,,,. S'1lver fox Jacket p.m. 1964 29' aw .... DC Flybrld... : 20 Pc. Maala 11 FIR£ SAlf I I I•'· ,~,-... , "°"'' ta-FREE to rood hom•, "" ' ,..--•=i ,......., blk f ma! A Fully equip, new paint, 50 , bl.,, lamps, pictun,., mJr. ~--t • ' puppy. ppro• 3 ROOM GROUP • ~ $350 • M"'t "'" $50 2 montha old. 642-9101 3129 hn on ""'haul. Make otter. ' Equal opportunity employer frame. Our IOl'leQ...... n \l w itore ron, vacuum cleaners, por. 642>0086 evenings 642-9088 art 6 pm. ONLY $529.95 Includes: Living room itt • burned! The pianoe ol or-table TV's, chests ol dra\?t'. RECENT back Issues ol ... 1 tables • lamps .~ bedroom u.tf ers, maple tables with cap. GIBSON J-50 TIME, NEW REPUBLIC. 16' Glass boat · It-tandem : ( $,095.95 Value) set • quilted mattrua. r:n.a-gans s tted no waler dam. talni; chair, mattresses. Like with Hardshell case, Call 544)..2279 after 5 pm.4/1 tTlr, $600. 14' boat It: trlr,' • age, but they are smokey, $l50 ., • ., '>CAA "Ao .,.,.. .. pie dinilll room. AD tor. . • dirty, dusty &: ecratcily, We new • regulation pool table, Eri~O ;:~.,!200 or offer FREE Bamboo cl11mp or · V'I.,......,...., ...,....._.,,. BE THE FIRST u .. or TElltMS •• low II $4.66 WM $449 moved them all back to our acces. Eye level gas stove, c, u•..-..wv after 6 PM. canes 30• tall. You di&" or 14' GLASSED Boat, tilt our 1tort ch1rgt pl1n or bank financing No down •. Pmlll. only $18 mo. old ioc:ation & marked every. refrigeraton, washers, dry-KIRBY Vacuum cleaner; cut. 548-4305 trailer. $125. Payments or : McOONALOS is h I r I n g F • WfLK'S WAREHOUSE thin& at FlltE SALE PRIC (!l'g & lots oI miscellaneous! new 1969 model, dinette &et, PURE Whll t ts Bring trade for outbrd. 548-3750 COUNTER Wom•n lo"°'' Approved urn1ture ES? So," you dig that "Old . COME BROWSE AROUND ronloor chair. Sacrilice? .,.. •. 54f>.7's:' ra • 3127 USED Sabot, Wrly r.oOd Monday thru Friday 11 am-Time SrnoY.ey FI av 0 r", WJNDY'S AUCTION Prv prty. 827-44.!i" cond. Needing new lttboard · 2 pm. Uniforms tumiahed, (No F•ncy Front -BUT Quality Valu•s lnslcM) 60C w. 4th St, Santa Ana come &: ~t •em, and at CARPETS. Vinyls, Tiles, lat. PETS and LIVESTOCK & line. 613-4153 ; tree~~; IN PERSON 2159 H1rbor Blvd,, Cost1 Mt11 54&.9660 Sat or~ Dail~~·J 6 prices you won't believe. 207Sli) Newport Blvd. est Styles and colon. Com· Cits 8820 • Opttn 9-9 Dally-Sunday 11...S . • • WARD'S BALDWIN sruDJO Behind Tony'a Bldg, Mat'I.&. merclal &: Residential, Ex· S1llbo1t1 9010 ' McDONALD'S 1801 Newport, C.M. &12-8484 Costa 1t1eaa * 646.8686 pert tnstallatklll.. BLUE &: Seal Point Kittens. 6561 E'.dinger 12 Y1•r1 ·••me loc1tion-s1rne own.rt ,G~1~r!•l!•!.:S~1.~l•~--I0~2~2~ I·~~!""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 642.1403 Sf0..'1262 s week, house broken. $20 NEWPORT 30 Sailboat, l yr : H t•~ 0 -h -• N • h ~· ·~1 old-like new; eompl equip1' un " 16 ""'n uo::a.c ~~IJ!!!'!!!!l!'!!!!!!!!!i!!!'!!'!'!!!!!!!! GARAGE Sale: 9 x l2 Ax· ew Pianos ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ * MINK STOLE * eac · ""°"lQ' for tacinr & cruisinr;, 1 · ' TE:MPORARY o~c:e help, JOBS & EMP.~OYMENT Furniture --minster rur. 30" x 30" oc-WURIJTZER & BRADBURY CHEST or drawe r •. Light grey, worn 4 times 0 ...... 1825 sails, many extraa. By , 8:30 to 5, no typin1 1~;.;_;="-''----•:;000;.;:.: tagan minor. portable TV. All styles Ii flnia:tie11, all bookcase headboard set. large siJe new SlOOO Sell -,... owner,caUORJ..-0731 necessary. $425. ~r mo. Jobt-Men, Wom. 7500 17 Pc. K1'ng S1'1e AM-FM radio comb. record American made, 88 note, de! Smoker BBQ, misc lamps, $300. Alte~ 5, 83J.-056l • AKC Registued Dachllhund 0 '""·· Mariner CID ,' Please call ·tor A PP t · player It radio. New 1ize w-be.nc:h & tuned. Price start. Earl~ Amer la.mp A: table QUAL. K Siz bed Min. Very Loving Needs '-'"" 64;.-0970 STO(KMDI B d 14 doubl knit kirts 144" Ing "'99 for window C.olor TV anten. ng e w/ ' Demo · · · ••. Save $500 1 U1 e room e s • at.-.· na lilTlall~ecwaterheater quilted mattress, ccmp , Good home. $35. 4.49 HOURLY RENTALS : • INJECTION MOLDING • Large 9 drawer dresser, mil'-drapes. toys, plus misc. Wurlitzer Organs fo; trlr or camper Never used f.18; ~'Orth i250. Seaward Rd. Corona del * RHODES 19's * OP~=~OR ror, 2 bedside 1tandJ, king ~~wk ~~~·Pa:lcOi~~; •• NEW e Magazine rack. Girls Bik~ 847--0406 Mar,675-2022&tt.S:30PM Fun Zone Beat C.O. Balboa Days SAW GJRlS size headboanJ, frame, quilt. Sands. Many other makes. Many misc items of toohl & furn. 40 YARDS carpet, ireen, SIGN ~P ~.for no:ce & WINOMIIJ.. 16., paint & Apply in person; !50 weal erl mattress. sheets. blank· IRVINE TERRACE styles & finishes. Prices 764 W. 20th St., Costa Mesa good condition, $35. (co.st open og o 1ence sses. finish work required. Mast, 1$th St., C.M. el.II, eChotc. . of S . 1727 Galatea FRI-SAT start at BIRDS of Paradise * * * $380). 494-3108 ~ n c re • t Kennell boom, all fittings.. finest E · Ho k tull PHARMACISTS ice paniBb a $595 Healthy blooming well TEA Cart, beautiful dining===~~--~-materials & corlS'I. '250, or ~: in ,use eeper, · or· Modem Style Glu,.,..'8.~. 8 verware, an· established 2 plants to a set. claw foot, ......_..0 .... oval BASENJJ African barkless best oUer. 543-0861 limo; molherl"' hom<, NB All fo $249 ttque,, eJec blank•!, GE ro. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC •~ • ...:::::..::=...::::..:::=--- ana. 2 teeM.gers. Own r tisaerie, vacuum cleaners. Beach Musi'c Cent r 5 gal. container. Only a rug, etc. SJ&.37•3 dogs, oderless, short halr. FLYING Dutchman. Jr. 13'. '. rm/TV. 67S-6T55 before: 9 . NEEDED FOR Nod.own • Pmts. only S9 mo. Many misc. Hems. ALL e few left at this price <>f s PC DRUM set '65. Prov. AKC champion line, terms Equipt for day sailing to am or aft 7 pm. WfLK'S WAREHOUSE BARGAINS. only '5.00·for 2 plants. Call love seat $70. 3 pc sec11 available. 642-4350 lull race. A real buy at ER. Sal.-•-•y, full ANOTHER OUTBOARD M J bnso Factory Sales & Service alter 6 P.M. or all day $TO. 673-425& AKC SILKY PUPPY $900. 847_2451 • ,_,., otor, o n Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 Saturday and Sunday. 12U , Only 1 left; male; frisky e, over 40. for ready TH RI f TY 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Sea Horse 5 HP, i75: '59 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) So. Ross St., Santa Ana. ~YdS andcombo bunk· trundle & comical· just in time CAL 20, excellent cond; , wear. },pply: The Show· Open Daily 9. 9 Chev. convert., )..owner, JI/· mi. So. San Diego Fwy. ----'--.---uc s mat~ssK. $20. fo Easte ''!\ 548-4S5T Racing gear with renoa. I Off. 22"9"uhion Island, N.B. Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11 • 6 fishing poles, reels, tackle, Huntington Beach 847-853G ~REXEL-~l~rat:n 51h' /~~ 644-0517 r r. enns. spiniker, boat bath 644-0816 B. DRUG STORE SPANISH Returned from hand tools rdwd. tble. & PIANO & ORGAN ~wer rt ~'S ~ AKC. black L ab rad 0 r USED SABOTS $265. C kt II W It · Mod•i Hom•• on --•, at benches. Sat. 10-4; 3130 mJITOr, x n con · . · Miac. W1nted 8610 Retriever pups, bred to NEW SABOTS $29S j oc • • r111e1 -.. BARGAIN HUNTERS I Walnut. Corvalr 4 lug nms hunt. 494-5153 da, 495-4582 2912 w. ,_ .. 1 Hwy .,. -·o· ' FELICIANO'$ OPENING SOON less than wholesale! Group Bray Lane, Costa Mesa Orange County's 13.fi:est &. ·tires <4) no ea.. Girl's WE PAY MORE alt 6 .........u; • ""J"U<U ~ D~~. ~~~~ 16141 H•rbor Blvd. ~~:s so:a~tifl~ve 9s!~~ Gt!a~~·~o:!~·~~i~~ e!i~: st~~i!~ ~ ~:i~ ;i~!~~~26:n~a$~~ ct~: CASH Black Poodle Pup. c:~:l Fl~w;er~q!?:.. 3 Spanish oak decorator 252 Esther St .. Cl\.1., ~1534 rockinl? chr, S3. 431 Colton 6 wks. Registered. f15 SpoUess. Full ra~. "*"2524 · aying & Receivln1 T~~~· Fountain Valley tables. BWag or table lamps, SBalpined t. P~s from •• ~~ St N 8 548--05()4 e 548-5148 e =:,o==:======'I Prev. banking pxp. de,..n:u. pJa kll A 11 1100 wm v•,;an ···" ·· • _,,, • ' , ADORABLE T. T S ........ ..i Ski Bo ts 9030 Apply at Security Pacine IMMEDIATE wall cque, lf, queen, PP l~C~ _ Chickering Piano ...... $145 MUST Sell all types theater For any near new or used P-"I . 11n~ 0 Y .,.....-• . N. or (ull size bedroom suile Co Ca · n-..R · -•· 1. ht t tu . 1. __ , uuu es, apnco .. cream. National Bank, Laa;una 1-OPENINGS . ADMIRAL Side by side M pnce v•,;..... equip, spe .... ers, tg s, e c., rruture, app 1a.nces .... ....,or· ISO, 89•3306 This weekend only. &Uel Br. 495-4501 •• complete incl box springs, Rl!'frig. 25 cu ft with ice Save .......•.......... : $400 indust. refrig-freezer, much ed TV's, stereos, pianos, cr·l7.~~::.,:•P"·.::::;~~=--07e..,. The perfect tiberzt..• out. -G on d working conditions, Jobs-Man. Wom. 7500 i?ood pay, many other bene. tits. SELL FAMOUS KNAPP SHOES * Your own business tun or r.art.-time * Liberal on the spot commissions * No depo5it or invesbnent * Free ix.s and insurance plan '* Free actual aamplea: CONTACT WALLY ERVIN Knapp Shoos, Inc. of C1:iforni1 6401 E. FLOTILLA SI'REET EAS"I' LOS ANGELES, CALlFORNlA 9CKJ22 Teachers • Teachers The Educa&nal Division of Marshall Fieldg ha& intere>- tina: 6 weeks summl!r assiJ:"° ments. isoo l(Ullta.nleed In. come with opportunity to earn up to $2SOO tor full &um· mer. For interview write W. J, Sandvo1, Personnel .Managl!'r, FEEC 19C6 E.17th St., Suite 212, Santa Ana. .MACHINE OPERATORS '" Tractt Lathf!. Drtll Ptt!s A: !111lls, Packagln& & Ship. ping Clerk. experif'nce helpM. Apply bet. 8-4 P?lf. ARMA!.ITE ll8 E. 16th, C.M. A NEW YOU? Try il on tor 1itt: • bullne• of YoUJ' own, T in your own com· munlty. on )'OW' own time, lot an income ol your own. And the beauly and iJ,amour of AVON cog. metlcs. Ready! Ph one ~'ro41 or 54&-6341 APPLY Thuraday & Frid1y March 27 & 21 9 Al\I to 4 Pl\.t THRIFTY DRUG STORE 16141 Harbor Blvd. FoUntain V•lley An Equal Opportunity Employer ~iATURE couple to manage apts in the Coata Mesa " area. 32 units, Children ac- ceptable. 635-4481 OPERATOR with following OR Space available <rent) in Costa Mesa BeaulJ' Salon. 540*-8934 Tues-Fri. Agencies, Men & Wpmon 7550 Bookkeeper (fee ne1l •• $550 PBX Recep •••••••••••• $400 Ord~r Desk Oerk. • . • • $490 Oerk Typist (fee pd) •• $350 Sales 'Outsld~ .•.. $7800++ Order Desk Sale!! • . • • $550 Warehouse.man ••••••.• $500 Test Tech,'°;! .......... ~00 Also Fee Jobs Merch•nt1 Personnel 2C>U Westcliff Drivt Comer 17th & lrvlne 645-2770 -545-568li newport . personnel -~agency Profe111on•I Service for the employer •nd the appllcent Ill Dover Dr., N.8. 642-3870 549-2743 mattress, linens & boudoir niaker. l\.lodel home display. all Wurlitzer & C.Onn floor more. 187 Slate College gans stove~ refrigerators, AKC Adorable Po o d I es. board for Salt & ::.!: the lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc Sav• $200. Don't miss this! samples greatly reduced! BJvd, Orange, 12-6 bed~m sets, dining room m. iniature, 6 wks, champ ~ dining set priced elsewhere Lo '·nk 1 1,_ $50 """ ••~" oc:ea.n, wherever you want Dunlap's 1815 Newport, w 11t1. erms NEED someone to lake over set!, office furniture. 1 piece '"' · .nu-.u..u; a 17 ft to per!o-m· -ugh at approx. $1195.00 ALL N d t ... , av FOR ONLY $399. flO down. Costa Mesa. 548-7788 ° own pay.men Pym ts. He a Ith Sp a or house1u1. Day. nlght er AKC Reg. Poodles. Toy's « water or speed on fiat $4.99 per ... eek , out of WASHERS & DRYERS Gould Music Comp•ny Membership 1 Yr. Lett. Sunday. Mlni's. iso up. Toy Stud Ser. water. Asking i100. Sat only state credit OK. Wt 11 Several from Model Homes :ZCW.S N. Main, Santa Ana 546-6185 636-3620 547-385~ or 547-9591 at $500. 644-4687 • 642--4980 So. of Freeway 547-0681 separate for quick sale. 20th Dunlap's, 1815 Newport Open Mon & Fri eves 'til !I 9X15 OFF-White tweed nylon BRITTANY SPANIELS-Reg, r-.rusr SELL! Century Furniture, 9 ? 7 2 Costa Mesa. 54.S.7788 Sunday 12 10 5 rue: & pad SSO: matching w A N T E D 6 wks old. Xlnt hunting GOING TO EUROPE Garden Grove B I v d . , e . DLX Hotpoint 18 cu' hall runner $10. Xlnt cond. dogs. 675-3570 or 649.2764. 14' Sid boat and trailer, com· Garden Grove Daily lQ.9, refrig, freezer below, like HAMMOND· steinway Ya. 548--0398 DOBERMAN-X Pups 8 plete with l2 1ai tank, Sat J.0.6, Sun 12-S Come new, sac! 673-4735 maha • new &: used pianos UPHOLSl'ERING • (Europ-We need quality {no junk weeks. Fine temperament, steering & no ~. Make in or call (714) 530-5240 KENMORE Auto. washer, ot all make11. Best buya in ean craltsmen) Free est.. please). Furniture, c: o Jo r ht ghota. $30. MG.Sm Offer! 6(2...5207 So. Calif. right here. TV' t pll 20 PC. ''MADRID'' late model, xlnt cond. $35. SCHMIDT MUSIC co., de!, pickup, 215 1t1ain, llB '· s ereo~, ap ancei, LABRADOR Male, blk., l 15' STYLECRAFT w/trlr, 3 Room Group 847-SUS 1907 N. Main, Bernard·s Upbol. 536-6405 TOtoolp' CaASHnd 0UIN1ce .. :'1Mu11pm~~ months; had shots. Mere 58 h.p. q. $695. FOR SALE . Xlnt eond Santa Ana ROSE carpet & pad 12xll_ 53l·l212 * ~"''0• 540-4319 Phone LI 8-2886 FRO?lt MODEi. HOMES Retr\g Kelvinalor, U cu It, WANTED: Pianos & Organ!. $50. Alum screen door 72x -* FOR Sale or trade * OLDS powered SK 17'• been Includes: Qullted aol1t. A coppertone, $50. 673-248.1 Cash paid 78 $15, Good Cond. 499-Ui7 $ WE BUY $ Jdln. Red MaJe Dachlbund stored, needa detail work. chair -J end tables le cof· ...,.. -~ .. aft. 5 E--$1350 ...... . COLD s p OT Refrigerator * 636-3620 * GE Refrigerator $50, FU --p.m. .~u...,,, • .,.. .... .t.Ull fe<"!table-2 1ampe:-dress-good condition. $30. 834 W. cP~l~AN=o"TIJN=~IN=G~&~Re~palr~ Babycrih$10,Carseat $ RNITURE $ MINIATURE J 14' BOAT &: trailer. Sell :ui~:i= ;-prli:d~aU: 1 ,;18;;1h~S=•·:C:=.M;·~64=2=--06"'=20== Expert, rea.aonablel ~. Thcellent 893-1492 APPLIANCES O..chshund at stud. ~~ together OI' 1eparatcly, ~ ress _ 5 pc, dini .... room; 1 ~ Albert Aarness 675-6967 e FIRE & Burglar Alarm Color '!"'-'l•110'1-St1r10'1 aft. 5 p.m. _675--0805:=o=;;=:olt==5=P=M===ot I ·-~ A · 8110 g 1·--"od I I P11ct or Ho1111 F11ll I C,='"==~~~--• table & 4 hi·back chairs. ·;n;;h;q;UOI;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._;,· HADDORF Upright Piano, ysterns ,.,......... as ow as CASH IN lO MINUTES AKC Toy Poodle puppy, Ma I E • 9035 COMPARE AT $749.95 • excellent condition S300. $99. Call 642-3490 • S • white, male very small, r ne quip, $399 V ANTIQUE m--0376. 67>-1377 RIVIERA Sola-hod. Cood 41-453 I $1'. ' * 54>-040 BOAT Bath: 3-0• Hull Guoid No down-Pmts only $16 mo, WELK'S WAREHOUSE AUCTION 2 Keyboard Orpn condition $35. Fire PI ace WANTED: Boat trailer WATCH FOR 6 mo old plus one year $300. Xlnt! screen S15. 642-5207 to pull 14 tt. Aluminum boat. 'TIS OPENING SOON chem. 548-7626 or 642-9224 THURSDAY-MARCH 27 Eves. or SUn. 536.-1766 USED Hosp. equip. Bed & Must be reasonable. 7:30 PM !-========= mattress, \\'heel chair, com-545-2083 HOl"MI 1830 Bo1t Slip Mooring ~6 600 W. 4th St., Sanla Ana Open Daily S.9 Sat. ~ Sun U-6 Furnilure returned from dis. play studios, model homes, decorators cancellation. Spanish & Meditemi.nean etc RD FURNITURE 1144 Nawport Blvd., CM every n\&hl til 9 Wed .. Sat. Ii Sun 'lil 6 T.V. l.iving room furniture, Dinette set and bar stools. bedroom furniture and nllsctllaneous items. Al\ Laq:e Selection of Antiques just arrived: Round oak tables 12', hand carved piano, large Sp1nlsh Dining room aet, oak china cabinets, oak side boanls & other Items too numerowi to n1entlon. Open 9 Af.f to Auction Time Open 9 to 3 Dally for inspM:tlon • closed Mondays ADAMS FURNITURE MART reasonably priced. 384-A E. 11!129 E. canon Sfi0.~70 16th Pl. Gista P.feSB Jla\\'ailan Gardens, 3 blcks E. 4"8::;7.W;,h::it..:•.=o::val:;..:dccln::l:.ng~b'°b7i•·, I of 600 Frwy. Fonnerly Pat's 6 chain. S90 or best offer. 6#-49\M BOYS' combo bunk • trundll! beds and mattresses. $20. 644-0577 8th ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW and SALE Y.W.C.A. Santa Ana T•levt11on . 1205 mode on wheel&. 675-1819 NEWLYWEDS With empty QUARTER HORSES: .. COLOR TV's . GE & RCA 1ZX17 AVOCADO nylon rug house in DESPERATE need 1-White f.ace w/ wht llOCks SUP WANTED • Trade in's &: repossession with pad, like new, i?S of end tables &: coffee $150. l -Buckr;kin marking • e • Choose from 9 n1odel~. 968-1487 tables. Free to Us. 638--0535 $150. Appaloosa Stallion, fully --ruara.nteed • priced REMINGTON Ansaphone WANTED: White canopy reg; very good stock $650. right for qu.lck: s a I e, with remote key call l\l"in beds. 546--1817 after 6 897-7350 Dunlap'1, 1815 Newport, S41;:i .•. &U.-5883 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat..I T=RA~N7.S~PO=R~T=A=T~IO=N~ Costa. Mesa. 548-7788 NO matter 'fVblt it la:, YoU J ~or~S~'"'~· ======:J;;:':;:';':;::;.-;::C~;;;;;; April A M.y-25' Sloop Owner v.ill be ab)ard only· 2-3 weekends.. Dr. Golden, 41076 Crest Dr., Hemet, Calif. or ntt658-l96l RCA 20" portable color TV, can sell U wttb a DAJ\.Y Boats & Y1cht1 9000 1969 mod•I wl,...mot• cont. PILOT WANT AD?! 642-5rn FREE TO YOU --1-========d &: stand $500. 962-5031 PLACE )'Olll" wua ad when FREE Boat Services 9037 . 2 YEAR old Blue Merle - Spor11ng Goods 8500Sporting Goods 8500 Welsch Corgie who needs BOATING Orange Coest Mlirln. i • • • JI • • • • • • • • ~ a large yard, loving care Complete :JJarlne Services I YOU RE INVITED••• • ~ou;:!.,n~v;_~~J29 COURSE Q~.,"'=~~,!~ I RECRE1A96T910NAL : "~:~s~;%·L:.::i~·~:X:£Ji °"'' Gu:'J Auxllia>Y : '~~ ~~~ = I &: fencd yd. 836-4493 3129 starts Thurs. 1:30 PM 847 Bayside Drive, Newport I 'I 6'75-2ffi0 er 675-$41 ADORABLE, while Pomera •• arch 71 I AND I nian. Male dog, Z1Ai yrs., Corona del Mar H.igh School Bo.ts Wanted 9056 .Te•cher1 Sub1tltvte T •1ther1 We an lntavi~ appll. ea.ma duthw Euttr vaca. tion for a I to I we«k IUJno QUAL. Kn&: Size bed w/ quilled mattress. co m JI • Never w:ed $98: worth $250, Schoola-lnstructlon 7600 847--0405 - 1411 N. Broadwa)I r.tarch 27, 28, 12 noon. 10 pm. March 29, 12 noon to 9 pm. "GOOD DEALERS -GOOD SHOW-GOOD CAUSE." : VEHICLE SHOW : .~~~ ~:.?~ ·~h:~~i~~li~.: sn~ .. J:aa~.~ VAST stock Amer le Eur I home, h&brn, shots. Love~ Ii stem pulpit&. Slps T , , The Newpor1 DBL. Bed, Pxtrn. I o n i , """ & clooko. Larry 3 BIG DAYS I chl!ru.n. 4~7 3128 ·: ..................... $22,500 Alrcnft 9100 bforgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 I FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY EASTER Bunnies and sm S2 P 32 Sloop, slpS ;,, ow~ 1964 CES1NA 210. 285 ~. School of Business dl"!sser, firm mRlln!ss, $30; mf!'t uglgnme:rrl. Must haw FEATURES: CaWocnla Tnchlnc credent· • Electric: typewriteA lall, for q:ipollrtmitnt CUI • Dlctatirtg equipment E. T. Mc:Elroy, 10 AM to e Modern ofilee procedurts 31131 • Brush up Gregg Shorthand 5 PM. 892-e Personal Development Cutter, Experienced (Ask about our sp1elo] ofte:r Immediate Opening "''h.tch Jncludts fret. t:ypini: Bnch DrapttY Sttvlct ina:lnlctlon.l 900 w. 17th Stmrt 646.Q1S3 Corta. P.icsa 54Mt64 :L"'l"'F"E"'T=t "'M"E;:--G=I "",....· EXP. Landsc:qM: aa.Jnmrn t,ypewrltinc. Ch t I d re n . . or traintt. Salu7 +comm< 1nudchll1tftn. or )Ollr!Joelf! qualified kada. 1~rtn1e tndlvldually 1utortd bmttlts. Call ~ Otllcoal 10 tenons typing et.IJEPRIN'I' SHOP requ1n1 """1. 173 Del Mar. CM, l*llllae trhnmetr opera&or. ~ S41).9313 GOL.'llC To Europll! lhi.s year? Pl.ft 1lme DfU Oat 8rur;b Ult )"IW fttnth Af11111n J>lflOft Oxiveration in: mt ctaa. 1:11 w. O:iPt u....,., ".B. ttU2&0 l.ge, trunk, $25: rockt'r chalr $20. ?\1\S(', 673-6511 Newport mvd., C.M. MARCH 28 -29 -30 I cage. Blk/\Vt Cocker-Poo: er must sell. Asking $10,500, Retract. ~ar, dual rnadt ANTIQUE.o.corator• l•-----------------i female, 2 mos. old. aU otters presented. 2 BEIGE sofas 5\1' LaW&On itoms, a comp!f!te houseful. .. I 64&--'7375 3/23 DAVID L FRASER twelve 380 e:hannel, 90 chan. Damask Bulk>cks custom. No din. 54.5-7791 I UNIVE"'RSITY I FEMALE '·~ Great Dane-, S424 C: ~!,,A~ery rt : ~· 01~rn ~~ .ma1<~;;:•,;SOO~•;:a::.. "6'1>-::..:2639::;:o·-,.,,-I QUEEN Anne arm c: ha I r , I . ~ Genna.n Shepherd, l ~~ 6'" .,.,.,, .. * 4 ••• 916c~ hangered. Xlnt cond. ?lf'!lt MAHOGANY C rt de n a a, malx>gany &: CllJ'YM. $195. I yn: old. Nf'eds biz yard. •.....-:u; * """" .c.ft'I. 1wu:riifct, belt offtor. Con. """°"""' Chlnu Cl•"'· <TI4) 726-3"'° or m-1"13 II OLDSMOBILE Cati 962-2164 l/27 11' BAY BOAT ~!~ Ballay, &42-m) bedroom rumitu~. 545-01 5ewi"8M•ch-i;--1120 I BAl\.tDOO I. Black Bamboo. Like-new .......... b'Y' Sl495 ,::,;c~°"~'==;;,,..,,~-- 8' SOfo'A. Light beige wllh • You dig, ~ 3/'17 COL 29 · · · ·-· · • • $9950 1967 CESSNA 150. Nav-com, aold. Eltcellent ~!lion. '68 SINGER .. 11 real beaub? I I Kenmore wuh.lni machine. :~ci"TIC-YAQiT' = 300, Ont 0\\1lef, Xlnt cond, $S0.63>-037',67>-l377 Only $37.S.'" $3.To .,..,, 2150 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA I Noeda,.pair.'94«ZJ 3/Z1 U16 VIA~,, Ne•-$61lll. Conl&ct; Paula ;:,;:,;:;;-,;:,::=c...:,;':-'=,.,.,-,,.,.1 Does eYe...,.hina but talk. v...,., .. _.. &iJey, W...-or ~a--CURVE 0 S ect Ion a .,,. I , e T\VL~ sizt btd bY-e. Hun. 24 Hour Phone •• 673-1570 <r01.N hide...a-bed, be'1 of:ftt. 526-66l& Help Ua Celebr1t1 Ou r Addition I tinrton Beach. 847-9811 3128 Corn1ng CUSTOM DLX K tl Moblle Ho~ 9200 • 6T>717& * Mu1ic1l Inst. 1125 I Of A Comp .. t1 Line Of • • • I WOOD for YoUr Fi~ac:t· 22' r.entury Jta\-en. Gray ---.:..::::: MOVING? Tabios. ',..,.,_ GMC TRUCKS & HOLIDAY CAMPERS Ail Cut Up. SU-7269 l/28 M•r1ne V>-17U HP )ml 10"'° COMP!.ETE!.V tum turn. & much m,tscell. NE\V Ji't.nder Mu st a n I I I DUTClt Rllbbll male 1 )T overhaiulcd. 2 ·bunkJ, heat. Choice CO'tilfT lor, 1!8.rpOrl • 2301 ClAy St., NB 6oJ6....5116 GWt.v & cue. SUiO. er bnt FREEi L SH All The Ntw old 540-1389 , , 3129 hllit tank A pump. "'u I I lath MuM. sto~. 21si CE ad den offer 002-4T7!I I d A • It 1 ll1rbor Blvd. Sp 9, Cf.1. ~ :' W::: _ DAILY ~ fllr w~. full size, • • V1c-1tion And I SER\'EL Gu 12' Rthi1. Gd.' $:.8:' C:-r tr1'dti ~~ JOxfS w/ attached caba11.11, YD.OT fllMllW &G.s11 Lytin &:. Hesly. :<Int h;IM. ' Pepsi & H•t Dogs Camplnt Equipment ' workln1 mnd. 673-4361 imalle:r 'boal ~ aft beach l;ocAtlon. XlnL cond. MM611 $250, m..5134 .f •••• • • • • -• • Whfb!~ts! Dbne+Une f PM. AU day Sat &:. Sun $3500. ~1674 ' .. • , TllANSPOltTATlON TRANSl'OITATION TRANSl'OITA TION . ---TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9200 Trucks 9500 Imported Autoo 96QO lmeortod Autos 9600 lmporlod Autos 'i600 Aut01 Wont..i S.y Horbor .. Moblle Home1 C HEVY 1962. II TON DATS"N ·PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY ... CADILLAC · FORD l . • . ,....,_ PldNp,. .... vi • < . ., • ,.. vw IUG CASH ·~ FORD.-COU_NT_•~y-1 •: ::v-..;:i ... ~:=·u DA~·;;icKu .. PORSCHE'S Qiltoo>N1n1a1cr -~·.oo·r·~·.:~ -. seDAN ft :: 118.11. .Pvt.~. ~ 16 T, t op4, c:Il, l.dlo I ...... ~ ~~ ~ all .-, Radio .ck. KCW«li , ,_ ~ --• -"" lO-..... '*' ...... '*I • ..... dlr, V-8, P"T ,_ ', • '6'.3)'.2'J'.24' ll S4 widn """" -ll WIDES "" QjllVY ~. '1~T. ·-· ..,,.,.i:' .... ~~:.:ii. ;;;;;' ib<·~ ~;;..: •· HAllOU. "" R a ~~--,..,-;..CHEVROl.EJ· ..-.;:-• TEST DRIVE 111 • ;;;.. .. •• "'"'Euellent condltlon. llO ,: = ~ d'!lm» u • ~ uw. -~ ..aectbl So C!alif • •. ~ lt'airL... c..1a dell or iu. ll1WI *"' , , bod, .. -~~ .... _ 111 _(4-. "'" °"! 0ver ~ .. cboooe ';..,;. · • MINI • BRUil • •a.a 7=, & · llin ..... l'1oc •"" """· .. : : tr an1•l11to11. $2500 • ..,._.,. i a '• .._. .XD1t11onth.LBUEV4H.oaD t 1 -·~ -..... '"'•· voww•r..ai INC ... -· ~· .... JU ST ARRIVID -. "' • 1111 -· -· -... t9<sm! .: : • .. PTll IM. Cd Ila, ... Auut, ' 11211 Blodl BM. I ........ !!!.!fl!i Ml *''· '0 F ..i XL 40' -"3' -15' -60'~'.aJ' -64' ~$!995 , Parka available ln all a.s. • 1425 Bakt.r St. \; bloclc Eul of llubor Blvd. '. '" F6llri Pue!, dla 1ioiliif inl ·-· HIDI--• ANOTHER llG • .uM:M. -G•lui." Hudtop J,. " • newly .000 m:'· Mu.t Re to ... f, . .._. ..... .....-..r;d!,'"'t Sqle1· and Seroict m1:1-..ii1 :t'9t * &000 ml Whl~ exterior, p1\llh : ( 25•unk . in~ "bUlll 2S2 ••· •, '4 DetM ......__ Authorlud KI f.im • SHIP"'""' OF • ~ Coupe di , , " : p.rlced. lleve.lkltO«er.&1Well. ·--·--.tins.$ llnlBeacl\BJvd. 1°""35 W£PAYC1Slf • l969 1 • .;, l•r -q,.IM1xlek1t1tal.ll,factcb1r, ·:: 1~~ ~~ '46, FO~p~.·.brtaV)''..O C dtlt, ':'tUt nail SU:~~:~W>'· '6111000VW ml,I ~t~.!:-~, fOR YOIJl''• • 11• 'ta• . . =~~~~~t.t~~ ., 1=======-= '"''~R'~'!:-,;,..,.,. -~m~~.~~ '°:."'tborlud MG V::,.. siMP.rtp1y.';q..,,;:.·~· ,IM : . • CAMI.AO ~/,!8~eau Kon~ ', i Mini BikOI 9275 .$250. .. --·~. ••~ -·ft -.. '16 vw °"' • -xinl CON' NILL • OPELS • >. 48 oo= ~' T •• 'W ~·-~ ·~ ··• -~ -•·• 'ile>,PllQ. ~t°°; 8/$, '62 FORD Gal'""' ~; llO 1 ~. ·~ , •~ ""! .,..'lSOO ,..P.r, 3 moo old, m~· ' •-~-CH]IVROLET"' •. • ~ -• .., ttte -. lUNI-BIKE, good co n d . rad., water pump,~ • 1 Pll»ll QIW nPial ~ ~t 6 mab ota.r~ tYIS ltldldf °"'I .uv.; eng., pwr. • r. A: °Bria&• & Stratton 4 HP Xlnt cond. $315. M&-1211 • ~ bt.tt'y;-imm&C. ~ tve 'SC vw CON';, rlft!di UtU. 2821 KUbor Blvd. • WITH AUTOMATIC a .,...pyta.-.... ~~·~tr;: .~~le~;, m:~;• ~~: 1~ M ~. ~J'~p t -~-~Ltd. ~ No ,:,.i:o~ ....; ~".°"'EY.."'~·~ . ~WI-If lay&IG-l2l0 • : TRANSMISSION : CHIVROLIT ~ ~ ~ :-Ow!llr. Sacrittce $l«iO * rJ3....42Sl ::r dtilltr. 1 cm!1 au~ comtitlon. $.DI. M7..mll 'lf'"GIA • • 'ONE ~•. ust, Ch!v '66 FORD Country Sett. ft.a /i\otorcyclH 9300 J"P' 9510 SAW . SEll~. ~Alm . Ell!o nke, ...,..tttd, ,.. y-v-or ....... 1 1 lmM 4 * Hud top. wag. JllH, fact air, _. I : l--... -H-O_N_O_A_125 ___ Scr. , 11!111 w, 0... ~ SUIARU dlo, • ......,, Y.n.w wtlll •"" "' -PUI llr 1 • B 1 rM JI •11oo lnolde A ..... white w/bl"' lnL lOnl , '66 JIEP Now-•" llNdi -·--bllClc ·1ntu1or. No. 1'2(11 or -Olll ~ • out. ~ UM -• "'"" $1900. ,..._ • S350. ""° mu... lff9 SUBARU $1]95 ...,.. 7 "0 I • ao111r0iio -New tlreo .... FORD Falrlane •-~ ean S<Um w......, · "'°'11'4 > • • 6 3.11., • ~-· < wh..,ldrive, ,._ •lltllltl -MO DHler lrom •12971' 66 MPG ll'!I HARBOUR ltllt OUR Ol'I~ PRICH I ballll'Y 1 -1Wlio • 9 pau wqon • VE • ..... 'Q HODAKA, a.II the good Extra sharp! O:impltt9 fcrttcn,CllJ' ltl'Vk't g · U , IMPORTS WANTD> • STA-TAT ......... lllO. "'4142 after P/s &: I.ail a:att. 66-ll!O ;r'~ equlpm!ol. 1500. cd"'ll L•~•. JAGUAR Koda K•toftl=. YOlKSWA6£N, IN(, ~j = •. '1777 I ,;,.,n:ClitVfiilP&J.,... .~"",;,~ •,:;. StailM {96i HODAK.A, lOOcc, strictly """, IAUll lllT JlOUAJt. XKE I pl\11 HS Bak!lr, C::.k BILL MAXEY TOYCPrA • . a I 6 I , _....... 348 w/3 Wqon. LiKE NEW! dirt model, many extra.. IMPORTS. . 1 """"'""" AM-1'11 .. dlo, • s·uN••AU . Authorized UM! 811cb llvd. • • -·• ......... '" up. Call 53ll<XIL! M7·l t29 . &lr concu~. -Wlr• . ......_.., Solf1and'Service H. Beach. Pta. MT._• · ··• Family expansion forces --- 1961 SUZUKI 150 «. Ex-TOTOTA.'9~'9 • -. a..uuiu: ~ •• "TIGEll", ldot -:. 11111 llwh Blvd. 8Cl"'35 A;."L;..1'!111. tiio • Onl•r Youn, .... , • we. lil '225 -.. """" MERCURY .Qtllent cond. Must see to 1966Harbor, C.M ..... txtlitarwllb.,blacklllttrlor. AMtl'M Cd PlriW .+.tlm. ... J'ASr back blue with _ ~ • 1 'MCitEW'tmPllissconvt,1--------- appreclate! 968--4606 MIUTARYJeep-ct;Yt/..a. -r:t"' to=·= Alkuaio.m-.mc;_.... wbltt~tm:r.~mtsellttrll • L£ASE 'R. , • llAND NIW 1 dric bl\tt/wht top, 371·V8, '62 MERCURY, lmmac, 4 HONDA 1967-160, xln t cond. Corvalr Bucket llltl, II . ..__ ...... ~ H 11 ·a.......i. • .,. , • 'ffttlc. Sood cond. $1095. • ••t IVICIC auto. P/1-P/b. All new dr. air, heater. radio pa. $350. or best ofJer. f.1ust gal gas tank, SUl'l'I)' .top. -1 Blvd. ILD • ,_..,.... IOo.m • ,2 4 I tire• Extru. Make oHer! OrlJ owner. $500. 6'13-6270 ,,.u by wk .. od. 642-3232 new 1100xl5 ""'' -~ TQYOJ'.• .'' "• VW IUG "buy II ........ • 4-4 • •m.!02!~~~"'~-~2151~-=_,1=7,;;';;;;;~;;"= m ... •xtru. On O.nt """" ' . " . .. ... kb i. bell for you' mm-• ·ii OIEVY Impala SS ' MUSTANG Auto Services Feb. Is 1 u e "4-wbttJ.w'' MftCIDU llNZ TOYOT. A Extra nkt, perfect '*1Uon, J'or Intonnatiob calh I IMflMllllh D•U"'J • . door. new bn.kes & tires,1--------r- . & Porto 9400 M .. .,1,,.. Stt at -• pricad,to M$1 11;._U.. llYK111 SOUTH CM$o21120AST • """L oond. $ll50. 841->;57 '68 MUSTANG, 2'9, air, c!l.c:, -----· Union Sb llon Cor. F-w MIRCIOll . "• • • 'Q fuEW "'"vert., ..,oo aolo, aold w/vtnyl top. 1"'l CRAG ER SS mq:1 l~'' Ford I: Newport Blvd.~-.· 1 : '•iUo ll!A.r "''ARTERI 11 lllRIOUR II .~Allt 'LIASINO 1 I cond. $4?5. Call Minter al Miles. $2800. 60-ll61 4',ys, ~~~)e~oo~':r-~tireo: c.~,.~ •n.o, ·1 ~_,i~no1:llo1. ELMORE. ··v.ouiswAGBI, •w. :&uroiWDiG-;: '" M•Rcu•Y : ~":~~:::,71'6 ~~·.~M.,.,-.. 1968 FORD F-250 w I lb .. woo a.ca lttd .. 'Wlltllmltr ..... "'-I , c f,11• Xlnt con<!. $450 ' NEW '68 ~1ustanc GT. No I ---·. -'--· -1-•llV ., .. w19011. reasonable otter ref'uled Triller, Tr1vel 9425 Camper, ~ ton Pl~1o1p 'Or. Showroon1 ,_. • Auihoriiid ~ALL MA.ICES -p•wer, f1ct1ry olr. l llTll"I 54MCC2 524-l200 1s· RO_o_•_RE_EL __ .~~~~J,~~~. ~~~" ~ . °"" · -· Bill 1"AXE-Y Sales and Srmce 'cortco~Auto L~:X-111 1•1111 $ 2595 I Mr.~::-..: v.a, ·-Ill LIJDU . 11'111 Bu.<11 Blvd. ... _ .... -CHRYSLER VERY CLEAN' tory eir. 8' bed. ._,, · S:W W. 0:1ut Hilbwt1 I auto, air, $1395. 4 bunltr stove , oven &. brlr. Dealer. 18835 Beach 81\'d. , . '" FASf IACK Newport Beach ~ • •M CKJttSl.ER mech. mint 675-52SG Dbl. sink, elec M l, ele c Hunt. Beach. 540-0442 1uan~ J.M/J'M n.dSo, very cltu . • '61 VOl.KIWA•IM 1 oond.1 new tires: luxury n!trlg • ice box comb, Nr * PAJ.1-TOPS, all It e e 1 IT\R\ r.-.· 11h1 llACH BLVD. Uc . ..SM!t479 U9'd c.,. "°° • ,,..,, , .. ,1. ·~ 11 ..... ,.. Oii'. Mkthi' $250 644-0096 new tires -spare T Ir: W. shell1. Sale• Ir: ren..al&. $149 1188 J Hunt. li1ch 147.a.555 $14tS •'\IZV 7011 OLDSMOBILE 'A';',,% b;:;..~' ~!i.11, Up. Buy fa<tory • .,..,, •. 1010 . I ml N. "'Cm"""'" on""" m HARBOUR -TRANSPORTATION. • t1 ltl • •. CONTINENTAL well OXP'»lenced, $300. So. ""bo'· S.A. -'6fJOYOJA ln'I p CAR $Alf • (i,llT'~ '61 Blk 4· d•, hdtp. * ""'""' * C1mpe!'...Rant~l1 VOLKSWAGBI lilt • 'H OLDIMOllLI ... ""' '30 ""In,.,,,,,..!.<> IBllVERSITY l5' TRAVEL trlr., cus!om fROM $1770 ' fmtt 1 1.ai11111y S-4•11. Pw11 ., •• ,,,1 ml. All pwr, RIH. SPd CI made; elec. refl'ig. le brks. COACH · TRAILER Authorized Credit probltm T Ste UI fDr f•ctorv .1,. !SUP 1121 • wy .eats ,Jr, New 4Ull 901'1. 1650. XM oond. 548-2449 RENTALS lol: hl·~lon Sain a~d Se1'1111:e lnollnl ~"°"'w' lowd~& • $2291 • El< oond'. 11100. U4 W, ,WU· mo llubo• Blvd. .S..\l.ES & SERVICI . ~ OLDSMOBllf S?.1.U.L TRAILER It's no~ too early to make _, 11111 ttrma. e Oil • l!Gft, C.M. ~ . ·.·en.ta Meu For Hunting for Fiahina: resei'\·atlons ror Sprina Ho!. Jmm late O.llvery 1llTU 8l&ah Blvd. 142'"35 your ertdlt, C..U·or OOIDI tn 1 · I 11!"" 4 Dr.' blk~; 'r\Ji pwr., 540-M 'UMd"c,rs S4G.all 1185. 64G-1171 "'''' Ill UI TODAY! I 'II VW Sq, Bk. All xtru. lodoy. • 'H OLDIMOllLI I MW tJre. l brlm, um-. fnt. ·61.oLDS. luxury oedan, full WEEK·END OR WEEKLY htERCEDES '61, tlll, C dr "Mii I a-.1. To P ' c.o n d · Euro P • S40-4m •4 4,., M.T. k•l•'Y 1t,,I Make offer 646-2873 pwr. fact air, 6 way ••t. Trucks 9500 MG-al91 aedan. nJilQ. 64Z--4928 or IW\ l.rane bo\lftd.KU1t all. NI-ml ILUI CHIP ,.w., •+••rlAt I ~·•••·• al AM/FM stereo , La.lliau I'---'-------83.'.HiOO aft g PM AUTO SALIS ••wt•. !MOY 1461 • '16 CONT. Convert., lthr, r, top. $2800. s..ry-9&80 after 1 Dune luggl" 9525 tuoru>T5 'IO vw Sedao; ~ cond. 2145 Hubor, c..ta M,.. $1595 u.,.. P"'·' "'•ut. maJn. , -• llllAND NIW 1161 1/z Ton Pickup $2195 $99 DN. pl,UI Ta, oac CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor 546-1200 C.111. -·----MG "'""' •-WE PAY CASH FOR • • talned. 12995. 613-8169 pmOl'w "~" E?ttPI Sportlter, Cc r v a l r OYOTA·VOLVO New:ik $5(Xl YOUR CAR PAID • • ,63 CONTINENTAL 4 d:r. full '65 OLDS, 442, 4 apd. Yellow powered, nylon top, h1ye?'! --' • '61 IUICK power, air. IMMAC, SUOO. w/ blk Int. MUlt sell • buckets, y,•ide ti~. Top P.Ic; TRIUMPH '67 VW Squareback Sedan, FOR OR NOTI · I 494-9500 after 5 best oiler. 1 ownr, 548--e53T cond. $$5. 645-2016 Sales, Service, Parts like new. SlOO below blue I ll11trt 1111pt. Full ,..,,1 1 _ aft 4. (mmediate 0euvery. ---book. can 175-S208 BUICK 1 '••••rv ,;,, --·-.~~=....,,,,...,,_.._,= All Modelo '61 T.R. 250 Rdotr, • SI lfl ,• CORVAIR '64 OLDS 88 Coov. Rill, DUNE B\lW', glass body, 40 hp, new trans, new brakes. Many many extras. 541-9194 DUNE Buggy, T&:S Curtalrui, New Ene. $1550 or Best Otter. 657-1729 J1rtllpllt l JI Ill PLll I •i · •--'-'83 VW Sunroof, new clutch, P/S 0 -• _, -8 .R.C. with black: UIOCL...-, J967 nn~, .n -, WIW, • vuuu OOnu. _., lb TR. ~ good tire1. Xlnt. S 9 O 0 . • .... ......_ ""' .,.._. o ZA """' • 642--15113 An pou le . acoeaone1. 6 wa,y Alt. All/111 itftlo, I '61 M N JW coupe. .. .~==-,.;-:--,--=-I Beautilul condition Jn ewl')' B-19'11 aft 5 pm electrG ~. a1r co8d 6 I ,_,__. IUICI speed. Oris CbllV -cllv!Jkln '67 OLDS. 442; air, auto., detail. ·Must see It ~. 1960 VW Bus. Good cond. heater. $2996. 5&1-Mff 1 .. • en,iinttring car. $ 3 7 5 . pwr. steer. & brka; new $6M Wflclc•t 4 4eer. Fect.ly• 644-1848 titts. $2395. Ml-1716 ew. 549-3710 evea or wlmda '63 BUICK Electn.. all pwr, ••Ir, eut•., p•w•r 1f••rlr11, ,_ _.. , __ ......... , a • '62 OORVAIR 3 speed splen. '64 Olds 98, HT cpe, f\ill 3100 \" 0 ---1 H-NB G ~ cond a.. co,...,,, ..,.~. ean, I RIH. ISVX 0161 V\Y DUNE BUGGY ,y, UJlla ""J'• • • '61 RIA, •"""' , new 1 -Prl -. did nmniac cond. $125., Pwr. air, nu tires, :xlnt Sacri.llce $500. ~ .... -... MG 0e5:!764 ~a:n _ _;;,1$600 or bt1t oll!f· ~w::· .,.,.,, v .,,.., I s2111. •• fi36....8666 cond. $1300. 536-U31 • 675-4281 * I u.cu ;>,J,I, _,, 0 In 1i50 CHEV Pkk"P w/"'w ========c=::: _ _ _ ,=-c BUICK lltyilrlc '13, po, po, • CORVAIR '56 & '57 LOS. both ""''· new ballecy. rn"' lmpol10d AulOI 9600 MGA 3100 W. Coul Hwy. " VOLVO or1r • ..,,.,. Xlnl """'· 1195. I '66 TIM.llT ,. ~ rood. Pacl<ap deol lot splendidly, brieht ugly red, - ___ -----Newport Beach 6TWQ.1Q ahtr I PM. 133-mO I"" • $100. 54&-:czml alt 10 AM. J1rtupon JI 111 po rt •i I"' · ' ' HEALEY -64""·os ... 1~· ___ V_O_L_V_0 ___ 1 ·~ am""' CONVERT. •c .. ••• ••~ ''H, ....... •13 c ..... brter J-owno•, 1"' '57 OLDS s-c1ve~Z:1~a'.:'.ubut ~ill a~~ AUSTIN '60 r.tGA, 10,000 ml. on new .. :Uthor iud MG ne-:Jer'"" 'Xutr QW.E $495. IP.S,. f1ct.7 •~••-4ltl•it-• bp,.4 lpd, diflerent. Mu.st 847-98'12 <1o..5) ..... on streets. ?.fus t have ---·--· -----eng. & t:rana. New seata ~-~-==~-=====-142 A 2 Dr,.._.. -~ 1 1"1· C$TDI fl ·-~! ~""1~~'.':'.'l~t94".'....,_.=,,-l=========I ~-· '62 Austin Healey & tires: s-wo. 545-4.166 .,...... · •u••;J;l.J $ • .~ l'SQ. 838-9349 prel,...bly 6 Cyl. 3IXXI Mark II. 4 •pd. VOLKSWAGEN Now l .. on Dlopl•yl 'Ill BUICK 111v1 .... Olotom, • 1195 1 ·~:,,M,_'?~~~· •pd. Wblte PLYMOUTH befol'e 3:30 Pt.I MGI l.blliA .... , ..... n.11w. <llr, elec overdrive. Xln t fl. e loaded 1~ fUt alr • ~ 536-a4 -1968 FORD RANCHERO 500. rondilion. $75 Cash dels. '64 VW, new engine.' Must Milt 11195 Can i7M* ' 4 • * * 1967 PLYMOUTH 1'hroon with black interior. take pymnts. $36.86 mo. LB '64 MGB Rd1tr. $12'5 .ell, best nffer. ""°' · ' -· ' '61 CMIYll.U • 1963 CORVAIR Monza Coupe BELVEDERE 11 Factory air condit)onlng, xn~ 665. Call ~94-9773 Sea n1ist blue! ! Wirt wheels, 962-l?'82 JHPORTS CADILLAC 18,I. 1'1410. hta"ter, auto.,. 4 IPHd trul. very clean. e 4 door Station Waaon ~lo, heater, 4 speed. $2595. =:,,60~A;.,H;:;:=::;b:;;ltc::::--I radio, heater. Immaculate '63 VW, good condition. ePI . (ft0U'40) runs well USO. 646-38l6 •Power Steering Dealer. 18S3S Beach Blvd., Radio, be~ie~. ~~~nd. thruout body It motor. SIIJXI OYOTA·VOLVO WOO StCu OIVW.· •. 1 S 1191 • t _ --•Automatic tranlmiuion ijunt. Beach. 540-0442 $87'5 642-6606 phone 646-2888 1966 Hat:bc!, .~.M. ~ Actual 'Ml. CMINt brown. .. I CGlvmE •Vinyl interior l962 CHEVROLET F1eetslde . '65 vw·ca~u=o--'60 VOLVO beige top· real brn. lthr. • ·--• Power rear window 1i9 ton pickup truck. 8' bed. DATSUN Blue with matching int.erior, -4 Spd, rl:h, dlr, &ood runner. inter. Tllt,'Nh!el, air, 6-way • '66 PLYMOUTH • '61 Cervette ''J27'' •White sidewall tires automatic transmi!sion, VS radio, l extras. Guarsntetd. Red Ii: white lnluk>r, bl~ck -eat, radio. $5450 Fb'm. •• '••r. Awt•Mtflc, ri4I•, Removable panell, 4 s~ 26,586 miles ~engine, radio, heater, big ,67 DATSUN WAGON Ltc. R'n'lllt. 81Ct, l&O Caah debt ta1ci orir. OWMI.' tffoOMS 1 ~, ... ,, ·ctP: 1111 • 1 pqwtr •tem: kDeefedovy Excellent Condition rubber. $995. Dealer. 18&35 ll h Xtr $1295 pymnta, $29.86. WW ftnc pr\'t •M COUPE de VW., n • w , 1.91 11ffn with c in r. $1175 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Bfl.ch. Radio, Heater. a t e as, 3100 W, C.OUt lfWf. PlJ11. LB IXP 132. Call fM. ,_,.. tlrtl 11 Mtt • ' ., I 8,600 actual ville•. Factory See at the 5'0--0442 = look or run better. &lZ.94C6N•Wpod· 8t&Ck_1764 IZI HARBOUR lllftl 1m or 56<S4 .... .., * 14M117' * I • warnnty. Showroom eondJ.. DAILY P1LOI' , f"OR SALE • '56 G?-.IC Pick $1595 Autho1ized t.1G Oe1f11r U 'U COUPE de VWt,! 4lf Vfll', I '61 CHIYIOLn • tlon. 330 :'a~~x~ni·N· Up, "' T, 4 spd. $250, '69 VOWWA'ftEM lllC. Antl!UM, c1 ... 1. "..!.! alM:tihd. 1\111. "''""'· 1rtc11.up. Plumbln1 or. l'===-=='====1 I ··1 Fo~ /IT 175 m HARBOUR ,,,,.,,.. '64 MGB. horn top • "°" ""' o1~1 I I I ags. J •u ' . lt'.i.lill I 'II~ ~n,, 2 -· •.oon Xlnt eond. 60-IM4 • ........ c11. 11pcc II., PONTIAC rn ~19 ' top, v.'OOd atr \1•heel. Xlnt •"'" ..... •-"' <K°'951) • ~ Au111'~·1d eomplota with•••-1 ltootl r. '"· -VOLKSWAGEN, INC. ·0000. 11125. D<w<y 5411-7441 ""' ......, '11 CAD. CPI Ila Vwe; ltlll • $1195 ---1 Salts ond Service ~Jabt}y bea~ 1 boll houlbw P"' •air~-1 . 8 ''5 .. ONTIAC GTO ·~ Ford pick-up like new cuatom upholstery, chrome wheels &: bumpers, dual ex- ' · haust. 536-5998 must sell. 1965 % Ton Gt.IC. OPEL 1S711 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 ·= :~n:· 11 ~7: _._., • 'oo W CoUt Sky blue ext. white top, V.t, Authori:~d ----'6': VW Sunroof, low ml luxe. Set cf bade .at1 IDr dUSiiii' enarketpJ&Ce th 1 '66 PONTIAC I 31 NewPort Be!wy. dlr, pwr 1teerlng, bucket Sales and Servict '66 OPEL $1500. Very good coDd. W .,,~ --· town. 'nl9 DA!LY PILO'l' I a ... 1161 seatB E:<cdlent cond Own-~~" V, , -Phone -.,... __ _.. -· s. .. •Slerchl•f 4 4••r. f•,. elr, 60-94!li """'" ' · • V6 PICKUP. * 673-95i0 * 18711 Beach Blvd. s.2-4435 Stat' xlnt ~.1 4 "1o)Q-9810 eves/wkerwls H.B. Allt for Blll ..._..,_ • A thorized MG Dealer ed. by little 'ole lady in San K>n waaon. co,..,, moriey, Ume I effort. Lool ••u1•111•fic, p•w•r •1•1'111t· u Oemente, .$50 Cash dell w '69 DAT,SUN spd, dlr, radio, beater. Sea '65 TR4A, BRG. wire, Mich. White elephants! l>lme-Mb» nowlll • CVTP 147 1 . • '42 CORVETTE take forei .... car. Can ftnc Big sedah, 96 bp, overhead blue exterior. All orJi1 nal R/l(, must aell, $1450. (714} • $1795 M ~.. I FORD '64 ~~ TON ""° dlr 4 ......1 radio In< " ll5 e . h d I Will 642-9448 before 6 tlOO • Black bea'il.t;y! Ult 1tt to prvt prt;y. IB NRC 208, Call Good Condition Stick cam ~.... ' .. ....,, ' e •• or. :i .._.s e 1· · New C1rs 9800 New C1n • -1·te Local $50 Ke 494-9173 !M5-0li3C beater, wsw tirea, loaded! fino prvt p.1)'. lB SWG 416 '66 VW 1600 Jil a• t b a e Ir. • ai'y•--· -car. n or * 646-3403 * • ··-r1 fa to • g. M Cuh deb. dlr, or will take •65 •--viii ~--~ .:--=::=:-;,.-;;;-w;-;;;;-I 2800 milea, w .... er c ry Ask for Ken 4!M-9m sunroof, R/H. sharp! Ori I • • • r.J • • • • • • • • •43 OLDS • foreign car in trade. Call uu, .. .., e, ,......,... • ._.... ·~tic~~. !b. ~J.~ V&, S::Z·d:i 0~:~;::. 1964 OPEL Caravan Sta \Vgn owner must sell.~ I YOU RE INVITED • • • 1 Cutl ets, 11111, ,.1• IWFH·• Ken aftrr 10, LB QOB m new~ ... ~ Prt\t. \\ * 673-4281 * LB. YNWc«l. Call alter 10. !1:~~:1~ ~k ~ ·~~·u;~ltst~~~t~ 1969 I : 1151 $895 • ·=~~culate '65 4 DR. Tempeat V-8, lt/H, :::.:::: .. ~=I~= A•rtOI 9600 :: ... Aut.. 9600 .~:"::~::« 9600 .: RECREAtlONAL : : ••••••• ~ ~~. 6E6~i:. .!h:=:: =~: CHICK IVERSOfl, INC. OFFERS THESE OUTSTANDING SPECIALS BUGS & GHIA.$ .... s399 .. s1a99 e Porsche• '61 PINMH c .. ,. Sim Sp.ecl•llv Prlr.1J IYPT '00 ) '61 hrMlle 1600 SJJff Cp1. Abtol111t1ly lik• 1t•w. IWYWJlll '61 ,.,,.._ s.,... SJtft lt•utt1r ltMy. IFXl 1151 ·61..,...•11 s•m 4 ,,,.111 f1'111t111lu l•11 I l +• ch•ot• fr•111I !SIA 721 1 ISNW Jt l I 'U p.,.._r. t 11 SMff s,.,,.,..,tlr. .,,,,,,.,;u1.,,, f1 cto,.., 1lr c•114illtl11tl1tj, FM lt•tili•. D•111•. N•"'' b1111 •a91il1r•d. N•· 69 12 e BUM• & Campers '64 YW ... , •••.. S14tt Su ~ r1•f. ltttill•. IKDltlfl E119l~1 • .,,,h1l14il i11 1vr tho , I OSl 04 71 .,, YW ... law. IPFX9'4f l b tr• th1rp. Colet "'' y1l0 CHICK IVERSOll, INC. VOLUWAGIN ua.otoo ........... _,,.,,, 1970 H1rl:t.r llw4., Coel1 M1t.• ELMORE MOTORS 1 SJOO HACH ILVD. WISTMINSYIR H4-3J22 FREE-FREE lu Ve~as Y1tall11n 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO I I • • 873-8147 i'IB. 1terto <lPt. Cleu. l ' · AND • JAGUAR 1 111 COllvrITE, -311 owoer, be•I 0""· 133-mt : VEHICLE SHOW I: HEADQUARTERS • :,1.:·~'.'"~0» «It _RAM_ILE_R -· i---------------, I •Compltl• s.1 ... s .... : COUGA!t •' NEW '69 Rambltt, Full "" I 3 11 G DA y 5 I •lo •nd Puh D1p1rt-____ ....;.._ c:ompad, $20!.1. 1m•nt for JAGUARS. I -I FRIDAY-SATURDAY -SUNDAY I • '68 COUGAR RCH 9 30 I St• TI!1 hcftl•t Um. wtda blldt ptid&d top. I MA 21 -2 -I I "" ,,, ... T-4.-, • Loaded""" air l:Otldl- 1 11 • , ••••••• : = ul;.n,.Stotfa .-cl. I UNIVERSITY : : 234 l 17111 ST.: ===Di:O=D=G=E= ·~~ii :::::: : OLDSMOBILE I: 548•7765 : ~~: ~: l•dy ~~:; 144-'851 I 2a50 HARaoR aLvD .. conA MESA I• OPINs • FALCON ·"' T-B1n1 . ._ I • I • 7 OAYS • XI.NT COND. 11485 Help U1 Celebrete Our Addition • AND • '83 FALCON v..a. Hardtop, Prv party. '*Om I Of A Compl•I• Line 01 , • . I • MNIN•S • auto "'""' po, ou""'1tllna 1959 T·BlRD Convert. ,... 15300 llqch Blvd. GMC TRUCKS .. HOLIDAY CAMPERS cond. 84~ ... OlUl68 aood· mo. Apply Nnpocl W -'-I sf 1------.,.i-----N-I FORD n.-Mo1<1, N.6.""' u e,11,. n er 1 FREEi s.. An Tht ..,, 1 ·---.--11.m Ro ·11 Sharp! New 894·3322 · • Vocotlon And '61 "GTX" • 400 dllc: brilt.,, t!No, air, l<8l,.. prbo. OPEN 7 DAYS ' P1p1I & Hot Do, C•mpln1 Equlpmonl I •IMOnd., ""to.lrlno, -1-~~·=-===*.,,..- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.: ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • ' Oll<r. 983-111111 ' SOCK IT TO 'EMI ,. '/ \ I I I I I t --.-.....-~ . ..---:"1"""'. ----···---------------......... ----------------------------~ • ! . -.v ... ar --. . ' ' ' • . I ' . • ~ ... . . • • ~ ' ' ! I •• . ' .. • ' . • I , . • ' . ·~ '• • . ·1 . • ;;. ' -, ' l ) • .. • . , . . • • 1 . • " J . ' .. ' . . ·-. . . ' • . • • . . ' ~ • ' l • • . • I ' ) ! • , ' -• ... r ' ; ... r ' • ' • • • • • • • l • • I • • • l • • ' • l • . t t • t . t . . . . . . . • ' • • l l I = • • • ' • • • ' ._ • • . • • • • . I I • I . • . . '<N . ; -.io,, March 27, 1969 ''It's first-rate on your mechanic; has been made ness. DON'T YOU ' . " . new car dealers of this , I'~ . . , ·. .. • . • . . uthoriz- of these . • .and . he tries in his work. - the talents of hundreds of highly ski . meehanics with years of experience ser¥icin automobiles. These men constantly up dafl! our car needs routine. ·preventive . . enanc;e or major repair work, the auth- orized new car dealers listed belo,w are anx- iou$ to offer their quality service • ATLAS CHRYStER.PLYMOUTH 292' H•rl>or.llvd., w•i• M•,., 546-1 tl4 UNMISITY OLDSMOBILE 2110 H.ri...•1lftl .• c..1. M .... ,40-,MO , -ROY ~ARVER PONTIAC ' 2921 Htrffr llvd,.-C.1te Mast, 54.._....44 CONNELL CHEVROLET JUI H•l'Mr:llvd., Co.t• M•,., 546-1200 DIAN UWIS IMPORTS 19H HOrliof llvd. Co.t• Mo,.,.646-9301 N;(IERS .CADIUAC ; 2600 Ha.W•llv(, Co.t•·M•,., 540-9100 . . ' .. • •. i T ·-, " . · POOLE IUICK 234 ~ I 7i\ St., Co•I• M .. ~. 54B-n65 ZIMMERMAN DATSUN 2~5 H1rbor:a1.,.d., Cost1·M1se, 540.MIO JOHNSON. Ir SON LINCOLN-MERCURY · 2616 Htrbor BJ.,.d.,..Ccist1 M111, 540-~610\ . ·' -. . . DOT .DATSUN . 18835 l11ch Blvd .. Huntin9ton l11ch, 540~0442 . -~ .. ~iitt MAXEY TOYOTA '·· 18181 leech BlvcL, Huntin~ton a .. ch, 847-8555 " ' .. RAY VINES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH '420 I Willo"w, lo"IJ leech, s4J.666l \ i ~- . . NEWPORJ IMPORTS •' CHICK 'IYERS9H VOLKSWAGEN l IW W. C..•~Hwy.:N~'ch1 642•9.~5 , • 445 E •. Co .. t Hwy., N.wport IHch, 673.0900 · ' . . • ,"; GRO'rif CHEYROLrf . • .. · -.~ .. i:,~~DUNTON FORD · 112) I .... h Blvd., Hunlin9t,on IHch. Kl 9.JUI·• ! ·.:. : l~4o,s'. M~ • S...!• A~•. 546-7070 ... ..., • • \ 1' ,, • •. .. 'ElM~RE MOTORS ·~ '·· f "·.,.,. ~-~, ·1;' ~Wt~R CEN'TIR INC. j 5300\Wcllillvd,. W.111Mln•fer, fti!.'.Jlh'· · •• " • 2133 H~, Jl\ld:; ~t~,M ... , 540-4491 "i •, ~ l .• -• • i • . • .. • DAILY PILOT SUPPLEMENT " -HARIOR CENTER-MARCH 27, t9't-1 • ~'l"-~f~~~~@l~~*'~l'~·-~~#.-5*Jf·~-·~~~~; ~ ·JI ~ ~ ~ it ~ Harbor Center Presents ! i . . . . i_ ~ ~\l!Jf.~»·~~~~,~~~4&~~~-1',~ t BLOSSOMS of. SPRING 1 · .~ <!} · FASHION SHOW and !i I . #16·~~$4~•.fh~l~~~ai~_. • ~ 40 STORES ® I:RvE SATURDAY: MARCH 29th at 1:00 P.M. . ' vo~OOHARBOlllLVD. MODELS BY GWENS STUDIO -COMMENTARY BY GWEN _WILLIAMS :f ~~~. • .... ' · WI t~oN _ ~~·· ~ "Why Walk A ~ Mile, P.ark l);° Close To Our e;o ·~ Stores And "l ~ Shop With A ~ • Smile'' Y a ~ I ~ VACATION FLING Rides • Food • fun Win A Plush, Cuddly For Kids Of All Ages Colorful Bunny Of Your i %.~ Very Own. Color Tht Bunny APRIL 3 -6 ~.· ~ Contest. Pick Up Drawings In Any 610 ·, Harbor Center Store -\ BY ROSE CITY SHOWS. &t ~ • 1 Color Them, Return To A \. rt\ 'W I r~ , . wt ~ 1; · Store By 6 P.M. Friday 1 ~ April Sth -Ages 2 -12 1 ~VA ~ . ~ ' ~ ~'r4 ~·' : ~I , . ~~~' • , ~ «§'( ~ ~ ~. _..ryqp-~ •• ~ w~~ ~ .,.HARBOR SHOPPING .CENTER -2300 Harbor 81vd.~ Costa Mesa' ~&.·tC5~~c1@~~~~~~~~io~~-~-~*j9~,~~~~~~~- -a s a - a 2-HARBOR CENTER-MARCH 27, 1Mt - . Alaska Unfazed. hy Quake Future Born Out of Debris of 5 Years Ago ANCHORAGE, Ala&ka (AP) quake-proof buildlngs stand -Five years ago today, where th«e was rubble. The Alaska suffered the most rebuilding Job took $ 3 3 0 violent earthquake in North million in public and private America Utis century. But out funds. .of the debris the 49th state And today, Alaskans look has built a promising future. from the rebuilt southern The e a r t b q u a k e and coost to the frozen north resulting tidal waves killed 115 coast, where a major oil strike persons in the state and in· promises new riches for a ructed $300 miJUoo in damage · state still small in population. W.arch 'J:l, 1964. Anchorage, Despite the horror the the state's largem city, was earthquake dealt, m a n y tom apart, and signiiicant Alaskans feel it was a rebirth damage was inOi<ted over for the state. 50,000 square miles along "The earthquake had the ef· Alaska's southern coast. feet ci spurring progr~." Today, parks and earth· says William A. Egan, who Harbor Cent.r 2308 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa PHONI 548-1580 EASTER SPECIALS 2-PANTS SUITS sgg was governcr then and is now an Anchocage insurance ex- ecutive. "Businessmen got together and bent their eUorts lo the premise that Alaska did have a great future." Robert B. Atwood, publisher of the Anchorage Ti.mes, whose home was destroyed and who narrowly escaped death, now can look at the good the catastrophe mjght have wrought. "It does destroy 0 1 d buHd.ings, 11 be says. "It does knock the city off dead center, if it is oo one; the economy is made dynamic by tile in· jection of great transfusions of new capital to clean up and build." No one knows bow much oil lies under the f rmen tundra along the ArcUc Ocean. Atlan- tic ruchlield bas brought in two wells and B r i t i s h Petroleum, ooe. The oil rush is on. There are plans for a $900 BOAT BUFFS Almon locliebey ta tfie only full· tl111e llHtfnt 9'1tor worflint H ony H w1poper lfl Oro1190 Con+y. H"tt o .. cluaiYO COYOrtto of ....... '"' on4 y•chtfn9 now1 11 • tloily J.et1110 of tho DAIL T PllOT. million pipeline Jrom the North Coast to the Gull of Alaska on the south at Valdez, a tiny fishing village where 30 died in the earthquake. The town was so badly damaged it was abandoned and a new one built four miles away. A state com.mission is press- ing for a $!10 million extension of the Alaska Railroad north from Fairbanks into the oil fields. But oil is not the only economic spur. Kodiak, a fishing town where 25 died in the quake, now is the na- tion's No. 2 port in aMual gross value of fish products. It ranks first in shrimp and king and dungen.ess crab. Five years ago its seafood packing facilities and 77 fishing boats were in ruins . The most dramatic recovery from the earthquake is in Anchorage, in whose enviroos 131,000 of Alaska 's 284,000 peo- ple live. Stores slumped a floor below street level and the streets t:OOnselves drop- ped. A downtown area which once contained bustling mops is now a slophlg municlpal parkiJJe lot, and new, modern boildings have sprung up. Earthquake Park remains an untouched reminder of the awesome upheaval of clay aubeoil. GR SET FOR BIG PARADE (EASTER, THAT IS) WITH EXPERT SHOE REPAIR PROFESSIONAL SHOE DYEING TO MATCH THIS SEASON'S LOVELY COLORS ! -COME TO f--- The Cobbler's Bench IUNDft N!W OWNEltSHlr) HARIOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR BL VD.; C"ST A MESA 1 lthin' th• Mell ••• ''"""" Food Giant 1n4' Ptn11tys I . . . Marine Boaorefl The widow of Marine Sgt. Rodney M. Davis, of Macon, Ga., puts her hand to her face during cere- monies Tuesday in which Vice President Agnew presented tte Congressional Medal of Honor post- hwnously to her bUJband. Sgt. Davia sacri!iced his life in Vietnam by throwing himself on a grenade ~ save his buddies. Looking on ls Mrs. Davis' d11ughter Samantha, %lf.i. Pope to Reduce Cost Of Becoming a Saint VATICAN CITY (UPI ) - Pope Paulp! wants to reduce the cost of making someone a saint, Vatican sources said. Accordingly, they said, the pontiff has ordered officials within the Roman Catholic Church to do away with ex- pensive frills tX> canonization and beatification. A special oomm.ission set up lo study the c o s t 1 y ceremonies advised the Pope judicious economies could cut the price of a canooization by as much as Sl,000 and a beautification by nearly $4,800. Vatican observers said it was no ooiocidence that most recent saints and blessed bad founded rellgi<>us ~det'3. 'Ibey said the cost of sainthood is 90 hlgb that only orders or other wealthy sponsors can afford it. Recommendations made by the V a t i c a n commission, which met Dec. 16 and Jan. 13 under Cardinal Egidio Vagnor.zi, included: -Doing away with the prac- Uce of gi Ying relics of a new salnt or blessed eocased in eoitly cootainers, to cordinals and other dignitaries. Only the Pope should still get such a reliquary, wblle one other rellic, "wrapped in a simple linen," should be preserved in a Vallcan c o 11 e c t i o n . gested the Pope might even consider "returning to the an- cient Roman usage of leaving the bodies of sainls un- touched." -Reducing the number o copies of biographies of new saints distributed t Vatican departments and lb public. P a r t i c i p a n t s i beatification and canonizaUon ceremooies could be given handbHla instead. -Reducing the numbf>r of large painted tapestries hung in St. Peter's, during such ceremQPM!s from four to two saving another $1,600. -E I i m i n a t i n g some payments made to involved ofUcials above their regular salaries. Estimated saving: $4,000 for canonizations a n d $960 for beautifications. -Allowing sponsors of each case to hire artists of their choice for illwninating the pardunent scroll of the pro- clamation. -Making memi>ers of the Sistine choir perform free al beatification and canonization rites. -Elimlnat:iog fut use of chandeliers and t h e re- quirement of candles at all altars in st. Peter's Basilica for saints. -Augmenting costs for a "particularly import a n I'' cononizatloo wit b church Es&fmated saving: •· 'MIA, OllDlml&Wm .. aleo stW· • fllldL •, ,. . ·-:1-.,.r;;-~, ... , ·"". . ... . •-' ...... . . .. --~~~---------------------------------------............ .. 0 l ' 1 oArL y PILOT SUPPLEMENT ~.GI;;~'!'"~ HARBOR CENTER -MARCH 27, 196'-l Phar"olt"s Plague on Mar~h Locusts Stripping Vast Africa,_ Mideast Arem LONDON (UPI) -The they take everything. The giving some farmers a chance seem appropriate until it plague that the Pharaohs farms are left barTen of to switch to root \'eget.'lbles subsides. These things can go themselves knew and feared eveeything above ground. Of safely out of reach ol the on a lo118 time -years.'' is on the mareh again. Over course the locusts themselvm locusts. The anti-locust detection vast areas ol the WJddle East are edible but they are a It had also enabled anti-center here is where U1e and Africa locusts are strip-po&-substitute for green locust patrols to u.se in· mystery of the locust was ping all things green from crops." secticides which kill t h e solved. For centuries its life the countryside end in many Britain has sent some $420,-grasshoppers at an early stage cycle was obscure. Then a places leaving famine in their 000 in extra afd to the before they develop t h e former nirector proved that wake. infested areas. Some of this voracious appetites ol locusts. locusts did not spring from From the Somali peninsula will be used for a light FULL SWING the breeding sites on the report! reaching the anti-airplane and vehicles used in "The plague is in full swing ground -grasshoppers did. locOst research cent« here tile control program. at the moment," the But when enough grasshop- speak of new locust swarms The spokesman said the spokesman said. "We can only pcrs got together they we.re breeding while the damage is center's early warning sy~m advise threatened areas to transformed into locusts - still being assessed in the had helped cut down the keep spraying and t a k e a s L a r t 1 i n g i n s e c t Spanish Sahara, Mauret.ania, damage from the swarms by whatever other m e a s u r e s phenomenom. Mall,N~~.Cbad,theSudao,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt, Ethiopia and Nigeria. MARCIDNG TERROR The plague now under way was detected by scientbts of the center more than a year ._...,~· ago. In Mali and Niger they ncted that the h a r m l e s s • + ..... DAILY l'ILOT l'hole Illy l'at O'Otnnell Barefoot Stroll There's something about the combination of spring, warm weather and the proximity of beaches that draws young Orange Coast fari1ilies like this one to the shoreline for barefoot walks -tar and beach pollution notwithstanding. "' RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE HAltBOR SHOPPING CENTER Breakfast Served All Day LUNCHEON IUCCANEER SPECIAL 113 ff"Hh Ground h lf Served on Touted 5MMm6 lun with Tomato, Lettuce, Special Drenlnt, Served wftt\ French fries and Mixed Green Salad, Choke of DrMllng. DINNER Captains Choice -New York SINk · STEAK Ir LOISTU DINNEI COCKTAIL LOUNGE JIM DIFFIE DUO ••• Rare G1ltar Sounds 2300 HARBOR ILVD.1 COSTA .MESA !< grasshopper was swarming, a hormone reaction set off by numbers that turns him into a marching-flying terror able to eat bis own weight every day. Since individual swarms can contain more than 20,000 tons of the irlOOCt tlle damage ls obvious. And more than one- fiftl:l of the land area of the wor Id is threatened. "Tbey cover 3,000 miles ln a few morr!N.'' &aid a spokesman for the renter. "And where they have been Direct Vote Support Seen w ASHINGTON (AP) -A E secret vote among Democrats on the House Judic.lary Com- mit.tee has i n d i c a t e d • overwhelming support for a constitutlooal amendment pro- viding direct election of the President. The pledge of support was the second big boost in recent days foe the proposal which appears to be gaining strength in CongreM. House Republ.kan leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said last week he favors direct elections. Valley Parents Win Applause About 1,400 parent volun· teers in the Fountain Valley School District r e c e i v e d plaudits recently from district trustees and the I o c a I teacher's association. Last year, the volunteers provided 8,588 hours of labor, valued at $19,323. The hours were devoted to the manufacturing of teaching aids, processing of books and assistance in immunization clinics. LOCAL No othor 11ow1peper tells you more, every dey, obo11t whot'1 .gq{f\f. t ll J.n t~ ~utor. ar.,.., Co .. t +hu tho DAILY PILOT. The Sporting Look ... for+••• SPRING --- C4MJ)IJS C4SIJ4L Co-ORUl~4 TES Springing into view the sport- ing look of pants, skirts and toppings of delicate imported white English lace over a beige lining. 100% washable. Scoop neck sleeveless Blouse, belted. Sizes 6-16 _ ............. ·-····-·---·-... $15 Flare leg Pants-back zipper. Fully lined. Si?.e 6-16 ............ $16 Long Sleeve Blouse .................. $17 Slee veless Voot ........................... $14 CHARGE ITI u .. yo11r l oftkAmencOfd Of Ma1ter Chert• or llM Ollf WIHOsot Ct'.Al51-Ne lftfe,.tf' NO CAI.VINO CHUGll . OPEN MON.· THUIS.·Flt. UNTIL f P.M. lDiudsorJ~ HA• SINl»Plll6 CllTER 23'0 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA I " ,j , I ~ c I ,. C-HARBOR CENTER -MARCH 27, 1"9 DAILY PILOT SUPPLEMENT Style Duke Fmhio11 Leader Again Baek • ID NEW YORK (UPI) -The Duke of Windsor arrived in New York Wednesday alx>ard the liner United States with bis duchess, and we are pleas- ed to report he is a style leader again after all these years. It isn't that the duke has suddenly gone overboard on the new styles, it's that he has worn the same style so long they are back in again and they look better on him than anyone else. The duke, who will be 75 on June 28, limped off the liner with a cane as he and the duchess arrived for their annual vacation st.ay in Palm Beach. "The do-..'ior called it ten- donitis but I call it just a bum hip," the duke said. "When you get old you have to have some pain iOme place." ~ tie combination be arrived in last year and the year before that and the year before that. They may have been diCCerent garments, but Ibey looked the same. The duke, who invented the Windsor knot, a 1 o o s e I y draped, wide knot that takes up a lot of space at the collar, was wearing this again with his neat spread collar. This is a cUITeot style but the duke, who has been setting Cashions since his days as the prince of Wales back in the 1920s made it look even more apropos than the youngsters who affect that dress today. His double-breasted tweedy jacket was the same type he has been wearing since he gave up hJs throne to marry the duchess. It was the look York this week aboard the liner United States from Europe. The duke and duchess are en route to Flor- ida for their annual vacation visit. The duke was wearing a houndstooth tweed suit with extremely wide lapels, sharply peaked. With the suit was a softly striped chambray shirt end a houndstooth tie which almost matched the suit. He was smoking a pipe. of the 1930s and that is ju~ WINDSORS VISIT U.S. -The Duke of Windsor now being revived by the holds a cane and turns his attention to his wife as young designers. she speaks to newsmen on their arrival at New As a matter of fact, the ---=-------------------------------------British menswear manuf ac· Goldwater Jr. to Find Out It was the same suit and turers are busy promoting what they call the 1969 "Windsor Look" -with the same tweedy fabrics and the same cut the duke was wear- ing Wednesday. The duke mentioned his Versailles villa was up for sale for anyone who had $1 .2 million. He said he had a few offers, "but it has been on the market. only for a year." What's in a Name? An Election? flower-fresh bonded crepe, sracefully fashioned for Easter. luscious lime, peach, mariaold, Ivory accents. Sizea 6·18 1t Motherhood Maternity Shops. Specl~I for Easter 13.99 :...zularly 19.99 ~ MATERNITY SHOPS Costa Mesa Harbor Shoppin g Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. He said he and the duchess would make their home in Paris. The duchess was wearing a light grey Dior coat and suit. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Barry Goldwater Jr. is cam- paigning for Congress against two veteran office holders who agree with him on all major issues save one: How im· port.ant Ls ti.Ile 30-year-old bachelor's name? Goldwater, a po 1l t I ca 1 newcomer, is running In a !SALE! Buy your EASTER Hair Care Needs At Net Wholesale Prices <Except Fair Trode Items) WEllA COLOR CHARM • • 8 I 8 . .75 lAP!NAL TINTS & TONERS • I ' • . .90 • ' • .60 LAPIN BRO. TINTS & TONERS • CLAIROL TO licensed Operators • • , • 7 5 l'ORW .TO Ucensed Operators. • • .15 ROUX FANCIFUL RINSE e I • • • • 1.00 AMINO PON SHAMPOO qt. • • • • • 2.50 2~9;:':~ns;;:~ Regal Beauty Supply Newport center HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER Garden Grove 2300 HARBOR BLVD. special election for the seat Rep. ,Ed Reinecke, (R-Calif.) vacated to becom$ California's lieutenant governor. Of 15 candidates in the April 1 primary, Goldwater, City Councilman James Potter Jr., and Assemblyman Pat McGee -all Repu!}licans -are best known. There are six other R e p u b I i c a n s and six Democrats on tt.e ballot. "Goldwater's name isn't that mU<:h help,0 says Potter, "his father didn't carry the district in 1964,'' when he was the Republican presidential candidate. "He's just a kid,'' says McGee. "The voters won't want to send a boy to do a man's work." "There are a lot of people who still love my dad - maybe more so than ever,'' says young Goldwattt, a stockbroker. "The ad vantages are there." To businss and civic groups, in meet-the-candidate coffee klatch~ and in advertising, the three men hammer at campus unrest. That's an issue sure to catch the ear of voters in the 27th Congressional District. Within its boundaries is San Fernando Valley State College. Last November, members ol the Black Studi!nt U nioo seized the administration building and held school o ff i c i a I s hostage al. knifepoint. "A lot of those students:• says Gold\vater "were being paid to go_to school by the federal government. I'd cut their federal scholarships and loans off in a minute. They're LOOK YOUR BEST for Eas-ter HARBOR CENTER BARBERS OPEN 7 DAYS 6 BARBW -HO WAITING IAIOll CUT -SCISSOR CUT -STYLE CUT OUl SPECIALITY 545·'917 Orange Plaza ..• , . '• ·.v ., •, Uten .. ....:. 1.,_, '. fe~~m •. ~hapm:i;i, . i ... • llllli. ·Miii:.· ............. •'•'Iii'•'•'·.·.· •. -.• ~ ..... ·.··.·.·.·.··-···.··.·_.-__ .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I~~ using taxpayers' mooey w riot." Potter says, "students •who would rather riot than learn should be expelled a n d teachers who would rather picket then ream should be fired." McGee would • ' g i v e demonstrators 15 seconds and put them off campus. And l think those expelled from school shoo1d promptly be reported t-0 the draft board." Taxes -particularly with April 15 a.pproaching -is a favorite issue in the district embracing the San FernandC> Valley, the Antelope Valley and parts of rural Kern Coun- ty. Goldwater and Potter would eliminate the 10 percent in· come surtax. M~ would vote to retain it "if they'lt use it to pay off the nationaJ debt." Otherwise he'd vote against it too. The three can· didates pledge to fight the ••expanding federal bureaucracy" and "wasteful spending." Because t h e candidates aren't arguing, political pros figure !es,, than 50 percent of the district's 2 2 7 , 5 7 6 regi9tered voters will turn ut. Tbett are 109,519 Democrats and UIS,882 ~licans. 'llte district ii conservative despite the Democratic edge in registration. To win jn April. a candidate must get m<re than half the votes ~-Otherwise the top Republican will face U-ie top Democrat on May 27. McGee and Potter have ex- perience going for them. But Barry Jr. looks like a dark· haired copy Qi his father - without the famed dark-rim· med glasses. They're both (lying bluffs and son BarrY eays, ,;·w~ ~ pret'tf much alike .. ' • ' • l I j ) ) 1 :I r e e j :l :\ e h a ·t 0 y l• d 1· d u 11 .e ,. 1e l ul ~s ~ nt 6 rt. ts he te n DAILY l'ILOT Slaff l'llttt Cobalt Vnit Installed Officials at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital take hospital's new $50,000 Tele- therapy Cobalt unit through dry run. Fro~ left are Al~en 0. Sage, .hospital administrator; Dr. Charles A. DeLaney, director of radiology for hospital, and Nurse Sally Wolff, who plays role of patient for dry run. C~balt wut .will be used in deep radiation therapy for various types of cancer. It 1s housed m spec- ial room witil five-foot thick concrete walls. Tight-lipped Hoffa Refuses To Ask for Favors in Prison LEWISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A former convict !riend of James R. Hoffa says the im· prisoned Teamsters president is taking penitentiary life "like a soldier, asking no favors." Hoffa, behind federal prison bars since March, 1967, has never stopped fightlng for his release and "has lawyers coming in all the time - about twice a week," the in- formant said in an interview. He expresaed t h e opinion that prison life "Is bothering him, but he won't admit it. He's pretty damn stubborn, and he won't ask for anything. And he could get things a lot easier." Hoffa ls servlng eight years for jury tampering and five more for defrauding a Teamsters pension fund. The U.S. Supreme Court Monday ordered a new hearing in the 1964 jury case to determine whether there was illegal use of federal wiretapping. STlLL WORKING The ~year-old Hoffa Is still work.Ing in the penitentiary's mattress d e p a r t m e n t - "pounding them flat," said the infonnant, who asked that his name not be used. "I laughed at him, and once asked him whose brains he was trying to knock in. But as long as he doesn't ask to be moved t.1 other duties, the prison people won't move him. They can be just as tough." , i , ' • . K~ ~till . J,ty~ • ti~ .. , Ip. HARBOR CENTER -MARCH 21, tt6t -5 Water Deteeted Chance of Lile on Mars PASADENA (AP) -Sclen- tists studying light reflected from Mars report "definite and conclusive" evidence of water in the red planet's at· mosphere, indicating t h e possibility of llf e. Mars is so dry, however, that only the direst deserts of Earth or peaks like Mt. Everest compare. Dr. Ronald Schorn of U1e Jet Propulsion Laboratory said he is convinced after £1\'e years' observation there is enough water in Mars' at- mosphere to fill a lake a mile reading," he said. "The only place I could think of is the top or Ml. Everest. So far, there is no way to measure whether some por· lions of Mars have more water than others, he said. But with a new 107-inch telescope now in use, the scientists expect to look at smaller regions or the planet. "We'll be able lo see if this is localized -whether some areas of Mars are more capable of sustaining life than others,'' the a s t r o n o m e r predicted. Schorn said photographs by the Mariner spacecraft now approaching Mars wiU help, to solve that question. Since 1948 scientists have had evidence that tbe planet's white polar caps w h i c h change size with the seasons, consist of ice an inch or two thick. Atmospheric w a t e r vapor has been thought possi· ble but never before detected spectroscopically. Scientists hold Mars as the likeliest place in our solar system apart from Eorth to sustain li!e. wide, a mile deep and a milel;;miiiiiii;;;;;; _________ ;;;;;;;_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Jong. CHANCE OF LIFE "If you took all the water we found, and laid it out on the planet, it would be only one-1,000th of an inch thick," be said Monday night. "It still may not be a great place to live but there's a chance of life there." Schorn and Steven Little of the University of Texas made their observations through the 8~inch telescope at McDonald Observatory at Fort Davis, Tex. Schorn said the scientists photographed the spectrum of Mars' atmosphere with in· frared film. The spectrograph photo showed the presence or water in the planet's cloud cover, he said. "There's hardly a place on earth with that low a humidity c111n11 your polnt·of·vl1w Beat· that look·allk• habit when It comH to your 1ult outlook. Try a CrlcktlHt patterned tropical t uft. Th• Important look 19 pattern, and Crlcic.tMr maw dlltlnctlve checkt, plald1 and atrlpe1 In bold new col04'1nga wlttl plenty of 1tyle. • ~al 1houl4Jf .CRICKETEER• SEE THE COLORFUL SELECTIONS YOUNCiLAND 2300 HARBOR BL VD., COST A MESA 545-1440 EASTER BEGINS c• YOUNGLAND We FHture All N•tlon•I AdvertiMd Merch•ndlH .. I t I I I ' r r ' -HARBOR CENTEA -MARCH 21, 19'9 DAILY PILOT SUPPLEMENT Britain Das Negro Peer Famed Crick et Player in House of Lords LO'.'JDON (AP) -Learie Constantine, son of a Trinidad cocoa farmer, became the first Negro member or the H.>use of Lords Wednesday. Wearing a scarlet robe with ermine trimmings and the traditional black peaked hat. Lord Constantine h e a r d himself installed at the wish of Queen Elizabeth II "with all the rights, privileges, pre- eminences, immunities and advantages to the degree of baron." He will be known as Baron Constantine of Maraval in Trinidad and Tobago and of Nelson in the County Palatine of Lancashire. Their lordships will address him as "U1e noble lord." But to the millions in the British Commonwealth who follow the game of cricket, Learie Constantine was one of the world's greatest cricket players. He was sponsored into the nobility by Lord Beswick and Lord Brockway, the !alter a Labor peer. . Lord Constantine, 67, bad the additional distinction of AND SERVICE being attended by the Duke of Norfolk, the hereditary Earl Marshal of England, and the Marquess of Cbolmondeley. Murmurs of "hear, hear," from the rows of red leather benches followed the new lord through the ancient ceremony until he finally shook hands with the lord high chancellor at the end. Lord Coostantine w a s Trinidad's first high com· missioner, or ambassador, in London following the granting of independence to the island. He is a member of the British 100% POL VESTER DOUBLE KNITS 60" WtDE MACH -WASH NEVER IRON 6. 95 FINE OUAUT~ EASTER LACES Bonded Nylon. 45" wide. Re9. 2.91 $1.69 WHITE PIQUES And JACQUARDS NOW 45'' wide. Wrinkle resistant. Re9. 1.91 to 2.49 s1.49 DOTIED SWISS For EASTER 45" wide4')acron/Cotlon. Mini.Cart. Re g. t .29 Q8c COSTA MISA Harbor Cetitlt' 2300 Harbor ltvd. $4.95 EASTER LENO'S '45" wide, washable, No-Iron. Buutiful tprin9 ulection. $149 to $198 REVERSABLE PRINTS Un e:ther tide. 45" wide. Mini-cert. Reg .2.0 $1.69yd I 00°/0 POLYESTER CREPE 45" wide, Machine wash, No.iron. Buutiful spring colo", $J.98 COSTA MESA Mesa Center 221 E. 17th St. Race Relations Board nnd a governor of the British Broad· casting Corp. He is also a lawyer. The House of Lords has ceased to be an exclusive sanctuary for B r i t i s h aristrocrcy. The hereditary dukes and earls or ancient linage have been joined in recent years by union leaders, business t y p es , restaurant keepers and deserving politi~ clans. There are nearly 700 barons and baronesses in the peerage now, many of them appointed for life, meaning that the titJe will not pass to their descen- dants. The dissolution of the em- pire, the growing tax burden on the great landowners, economic growth and in- creased e d u c a t i o n a 1 op- portunities all h a v e con· tributed lo a leveling process. But to sit in the House of Lords is still a great honor. Prime Minister H a r o I d Wilson's government proposes BRITAIN HAS tST NEGRO PEER Lord Constantine, Wife, leave for lords Photo Show Set at OCC even more drastic changes for An exhibition of f o r t y The exhibition will be in the House of Lords. photographs depicting t h e the OCC Art Gallery March The government plans to end the hereditary privilege great st r u I! tu res of 17 through April 7. The gallery of membershJp and sharply Stonehenge, plus st o n e is open daily from 9 a.m. reduce the overall mem· monuments of En g 1 a n d , to 4 p.m .. , and Wednesday bership. Ireland and Brittany, and evenings from 7 to 9. At present more than 11000 landscapes will be held at Caponigro's works have peen are eligible to take their Orange Coast College by fam· been shown In several ex- places 1n the chamber. ed Ph otog r apher Paul hibitions at The Museum of Caponigro. Modern Art in New York City. Some reports say t b e -------------------- government is thinking of a chamber of about %30 voting members. Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorful sound of 8raR1e Coanty Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach '' ',•, . , ..... . DAIL V PILOT SUPPLEMENT UP'IT ........ Ute Must Go On Fighting brisk Chicago winds and driving wet snow, Chemerin Morton remains upright with difficulty as she clutches sign pole while roller skating home from a shopping trip. The all-weather roller skater was pictured as she made~ way along Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. Pentagon Rejects .Use Of Guards for Planes WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pent.aeon has ~jected the use ol military armed ~ to ride shotgun on commercial airliners to prevent hijackings because the potential dangers to passengers and crew are too great. "The potential danger to tbe 11 ves ol all persons aboard the aircraft, due to possible death or injury of the crew or criti- cal damage to the aircraft it- self' will greatly limlt the ef. fective use of the guard's fire- arm," officials said. Also, the Defense Depart. meat safd, the use of a iUJl or physical force to deal with a hijacker holding a holtage "is extremely dlfiicult in the cramped quarters of a com- mercial airliner without plac- ing the life of the bostage in extreme jeopardy." The suggestion for armed guards was made by Chair· man L. Mendel ruvers, (D- S.C.), t1f the House Armed Ser- vi.eel Committee, a Pentagon spokesman said, in the wake ol manv hijackings of airlin· ers to Cuba. The Defense Department C<>Midered the proposal of furnishing Marines or other military guards on planes car-ryir!i government persooneJ lo pos.sesMon of military se- crets. In addition to the safety lac-- tor, the Peolaj(on Wd "t be size of the Marine guard force requirec:t to ride the aircraft involved would be very large" beca~ of the many military ' and civilian personnel havinc highly classified infonnatioo traveUlng on commttcill planes. . The Defense Department al- so noted that "dilcussiODS would have to be undertaken with many countries before the United state.s could author- ize military euanls aboard U .S.-t"egistered aircraft travel- ing to foreign cowitries." It dismissed the Idea ol transporting classified matter only OD government planes, saying this would requlre pee- sible establlshment of a mili- tary mail service and an ••trn. mense loeistic effort." "'lbere ls no evidence tnat Cuba authorities have tamp. ered with U.S. mall aboard any hijacbd aircraft to da~," the Pentagon said. It reported that the State Department "has taken diplo- matic lnitiative'' in the matter of hijackings, and that "ef· forts are being made to gain an lntemat.ional agreement concerning the handling of hi- jacking inci'de.nts." White the Pentagon said d& tails of these diplomatic mov- es are not available, other sources said this probably re- f ers to U.S. efforts, through the Swiss. to reach some UD· dent.anding with the Cuban government. New DECOUTOl IGG KIT rvnvttoi.r Y • 11 lllet4 te c11e1'1 "ft• ...,.ny Peurett4 '"'' MECHANICAL WIND UP TOYS lOOSTH, CHJCK DUCIC •••llr I "Yfr.f "'-98c NLUlt ASIOITID PLUSH WTll AHi.MAU kit, ,.,,,, .... . , ........ ... kWI ........ . ........... ,.. ,, ...... $15.95 aASKn .............. .... ef ...... tlrftct ... Ifft· Prk•• ff•• nc to $~.95 · 69c HAR80R CENTER SHOPPING CENTER HARBOR CENTER -MARCH 27, lt'9 -1 .. "', .. MW I" tt.. CHICK1"4 fAMILY MOHIY IASl(IT 59c ASIT. D0&.1.S '" IAMIT .......... :::-,.. .. ..::·: ....... "'_ .. ....... . $1.49· 29c POP-UP IGG ~ ....... .., ... , ... ""' ...... . 39c IASTll JASKm (P-'Yetlwlt11•) T• ftll w1t11 """ .............. ~., ..... , ..... ., .,,.... ttllt•,,.. 10c to 79c • "' r \ ' f t - I-HARBOR CENTER-~RCH ~7,_tt_"---- GAS DRYER; SALE 3 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY· SATURDAY• SUNDAY PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY AND NORMAL INSTALLATION SUNSHINE FRESH DRYING AT ECONOMY PRICES~ This large capacity dryer has a high speed drying system.jl Porcelain enamel drum and top. Variable time control. Separate start switch. Fluff cycle. Four way venting for : easy' Insta ll ation. Big capacity lint trap ••• All the te·atures necessary to give year round drying convenlentlyl s 995 • ~ ~ "-~ ' .. .. • .. ' v • • Gas CLOTHES DRYER. WITH AIR FLOW DRYING! Select your own drying temperature. Fiuff aelect1on &ivu gentle no-heel tumbling action for flufllng house· ' hold fabrics. l.Jrgt capacity enamel clothes drum for family sized lo1ds. full wldlh door allows easy load1n r and unloadlna. ~149 95 ' HIGH SPEED DRYER WITH PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE Wrlnklea are tumbled out with properly controlled heat when you select the Permanent Press cycle. Dryer starts only after separate start switch is pressed, stops 1utomalically when door is opened. Timed cycle allo11• manu&I selectio~ 11f drying time up to 140 minute>. ;;_s1:599s ~ i. ~ ~ r, GE CLOTHES DRYER WITH ~.~AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL '• 1 No more 1uessworkl Push automatic aeleclor btJtton and 1arments come out soft and fluffy with the correct degree of drynessl Features automatic cooldown period for Permanent Press which reduces fabric temperature making it wrinkle resistant. Dries all miracle fabrics to perfection! .L:,; HARBOR CENTER DAIL V PILOT SUPPLEMENT Ex-cons Working For Police LOS ANGELES (AP) -Six fonner convicts, after a year of proving ~lves, become fulltime members ol the Loa Angeles Police Depertment to- day. With Civil Service status. they are worked as non· uniformed empl<>yes in the department's commwllty rela- tioos dlvlsioo. Assignments may range ·from telling an audience of prosperous home.- owners bow a prolessiooal burglar knows a house is not occupied to explaining to high schoolers how smoking mari- juana led them personally to narcotics addiction a n d prison. "They're Wriply g r e a t , • ' says Sgt. L<>u Reiter, who directed the program in its first year. "It's something we needed for a Jong time." ENDORSE PROGRAM Chlef Tom Reddin, police commissioners, Mayor Sam Yorty and City Council also endorse the program. A City Council vote making i t permanent Jed to Civil Service status for the men, and a second group of 11 is starting a year tryout, hoping for similar jobs. ''When a police omcer talks about ·crlme prevention, peo- ple listen but don't bear. When an ex~ talks they listen, hear and ask q u e s t i o n '!! , especially the kids," says Dooald L. Roberts, 29, with 20 felony arrests on his record. He is one of the new fulltime employes. Roberts, a p e r s u a s I v e speaker, says he and the others have "managed to pre>- ve that ex<00s can lead a useful life if given the chance. '-p.{EN BAD RECOR~ The program di<in 't start as an ex-eon program, but one for hard core unemployables. It turned out, hawever, that most applicants were men with record; since, as Reiter puts it, "no one is more of a hard-core unemployable than an ex-convkt." The pro- gram had not specifically ban- ned ex-cons, so they were given a chance. Most police expecled them to wash out quickly. 0£ the original group of 20. only eight stayed the full term. But none of the drop outs has been arrested, says Scot 11.artlnez, the mayor's representative in the program. As Civil Service employes, they start at $428 a month, comparable to any olher beginning city employe with similar education and training a rookie policeman gels $715 a month. Many are taking college training, aiming at a $7l8-a-mont:1 c o m m u n i Ly service coordinator post. TV and APPLIANCE CENTER 2300 HARBOR BLVD. •• COSTA MESA Word of the program has r eached inside prison walls. Reiter says a couple of air plications a week come in no\v from men \~QO say they ex~d to be r eleased Crom prison shortly and want t.o be con· sideretl. PHONE 540-7131 STORE OPEtf SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P .M.