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1969-04-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
.I I . ' • -· ' • •• I ' . , .. , • • :we.s . ·c~ 1·~-· "'i m-·, =--=-=. a 1u.r 11 a .· . "· ' ' . .... . ~.,. . .. ~· .... -' ··--·--........ . --"'~_p;+!Di~ . ... . ' . . --~of. -.Meblngiti~· . i -• \ ' r • iJWDAY ~,,:Aftll !f,l ~°969.' ., --~-r·~·~ll 1.J Nea f "" . ' . l • ' Ike ·Goes·. Rome. . ' '\: .. f ,, • I .. ----. -~ .. • -..........__. .... -· u·o1&hiug~.aid,.-~· ~ l •1• ._., • 11 '.~~·-·To:·: SU.ee~ .. =.CO,sts~'.· L .. =. .. ' ' -'-..,...... " "-;'--"· ' . I • " ' --: . -;--.• , . ~ , ;'f~iJ· ~-·· ' •:.:, 1" ~011..._tilt~n-·.'\{ ..... A"· .. -h"'""~'·1 i;-2'.,:::-... ,y .. :r'! .... ~ .. "·o ...... ·-··' ~~ ,• ,llltl ~lfirar · .~ ' .. ~~ .. -' .. ' '---·~ ' . ..., . ' ·.. . . ' . . • ' i ' . Ul'I Tt ltttlleM E'ISE~R·FUNE~L TRAIN HEADS WEST TO ABILENE • ;:-; 1 ' A~r1l's·L11t Jour.My:-.u.s.-S.ys F1r1w1ll . . M,idtAiest Pays ·Ho111ng e / • • .• : ' 'I ' ' : : • • '' •· ( ' '. •' • • • ,.. ' '' • • ' . :,., ~··'·•· •. 1.t., '··~-.· .• ;: · ... .,f. .... ; · .. ,\ •. I(.,., . To-'Ik~>a'l :rcr01ii·i;p.~s:tif.:~~~- -: l-<t.. r ~ .-·~ • \ft· . · '· ·--_?,. • ·"t-· i..f; ... ""; "f '; 0 WASHINGroN; tnd.' !WU;::_ llii> i 'rbe10.dr;ir41n~' ·•·1, felJQw'~ PA!<!~ r~~~~innau'tZs. by the thallionbt$qto'tbe llq-<lnped< ·moinliCi~~lben, rii;i '.r.~ lOliliiii;""' ni!road," cir carryjqJ· · p.ricllt> •D. b<ll!lin&1iaWard, the, ro1ilng,~!ry Ei,,enbower on 11iis looi 1ut <jou!My where t·Abrlfilm 'Linc!old" · his , • 1 + _.,...,.~ ., 1 ., I + , , , •• 4 , •{)' J • . lfiD Beacli E· . t _ -• B --k .Sqpeeze ~to In Newport The largest beach crowds thus far during Easter Week filled -the sands at N;,.por1 l!l!acb Tuesday, but stinging jeltyflsh greeted the visitors who weat In swlmnting. · Also, mpre juveniles are being booked on lack of parental control _charges than a year ago. :.__,_ 1 Lifeguards reported that I 5 , 0 0 0 persons, mostly youngsters of high school age. were on the beaches Monday. A total of 60 swi.rilmers sought first aid for jellyfiBh stings. . Police incidents during the day In-- eluded-· arrest of · one juvenile girl for disorderly conduct and intoxication charges aft.er an impromptu topless dance near 151.h Street and the beach. Another girl was ·taken by ambulance to Hoag Memorial HoSpital suffering from a ~g overdose.1 She is expected to recover . Lifeguards discovered the 17-year~ld lying unconscious on the beach near 19th Street. Jn another incident near the beachfront ponce. arrested rout,young ~sons alter a aeries of squlbli1es llemminc from (S,. CROWDS, Pap I) California Hit .. n .. ~rpr::1se . ac . _ _ -.,,.r:, ~, . . . ~ \ ·11..,. ...... . ' ..., -. . " . . . ' ' . ' ' . . tmgt· ' ' To · Harass ·Reds ·~~~.-~=~ SAIGON (U~I) -U:S.·commandera ·today annoUnced the return of. the ·nu· clear-~ed aircrltt cafrier Enterprlse to Yietnan'I. waters as a weapon' aga!Mt the Cornm~sl.I' spring oJ!_.eJWve. Bµt air -strikes by B52 jets, mightiest bomb:ers in the American arsenal, were being cut back lo slash war costs. With the Red ofiemive in ! its 39th ~day, military sodurces said this war has tilled more Americans than the 3.1,629 AmericanJ ""Slain in Korea from 19fJ0..53, thereby makinf It the fourth mOst costly war in tenns of U.S. dead in American history. American headquarters said the Enterprise, biggest shJp afloat,. rejoined the war Monday for Its fourth tour and within hours launched jet fighter- bj>mbc.rs in support of U.S. troops hunting Communl!t forces near Cam Lo, eight miles south of_Jhe DMZ. 'n>e Enteiulise strikes we.re flown over a mountain batUelie.ld where American foot soldier. reported killing more than ~ N~·vietnaniese regulan In !ieavy Ilghtlng lasi week. · Del~ secretary M~.Yin_lk_Lafill, announcing the reducUon in BS2 strikes, said in W aahington , the move was in line with ·orders fh>m. PniJdeot Nlr:on lo trim defense costs. , Air Force pilots have 0own· thousands of missions in the. eight_..engine jets of the Strategic Air Cohim.lncf aince I.hey we.re first thrown into the war OD June l7L 1965. The plane.a can carry up to 15 tons of txfmbs. "\ ants, thousand! of can edpd, ~ .and slid Into every available ~ near the Pacific 00... ~ In uubitnatoa Beach: ' .: ' f • l • ' ' Metered parklnr--spacas.: private loll and roadsides, felt· U..: · 1queeie' rlnwa th......m o{ S1lll IJld /un --""" drove down for a day at Uie beaehJ: . Biggest problem of the c11y_.., f11jo countered· b'y the Ira/lie div&lan=.· ~~ Six B52 misfilons were flown Monday -· --against targets northweat of Saiaon· ·and Huntington Beach POlice Department. In !he central highlands. · wblcb"ha!i to drq parUd ~-off Mllltary headquartes reported onlf the Southern ' Pacific ralllold 'tr- scattered contacts ln""rilll. Amertc.n Aowntown· so the trains ,,.... operate. · troops Tueaday, but IOlneWne during Several.~private lot OWlml' ai9o Md !he past 48 hOUl'll the· 33,l30lb' American. to call tow <Rrvlce . lrucko to cloar•tholr died In combal.ln Vlelnam llnce Jan. lots for authorlr.ed'parklng. 1, 19111, when the first was 1l8in. Traffic citations jumped '15 'percent Only lhe Cl li War and ....... : ... ~. Id over the ·weekend, sald -1.t faul'~ v •~ ··~wor . ·"'-' of the traffic' ,-dj·•-':::! • , '1 wars have claimed more American lives. ui"F+ ''°""0 • Just north of Saigon, two battalions Meter violations, parking In fed1Jaltef of Australian troopa supported by British-.and blocking allies aod, driveway1ii built tanks and New Zeal&nd artillery. the greatest violaUons, be said. • ~ ' men have launched an ofiensiv~ Jnto a Beach packing wJU. iweJVe,a:Jq suspected Communl.!l stronghold IO miles about late .AUCUIL """' the cllJ northwtBt of Saigon. . · pletes Its revamping ol the Jarkinl • Intelligence llOUJ'CtS said 11 many. u ti on, • said Melvi:a 'llRman, ualpt1at . 10,!lOo 'North· Vielnameie 8nd Viel CCJni director <)f"111e · ~·1 Jlart>on anti may be 1n the area near tbe U.S. Arm; Be~hes ·De~ v. · 1• 1 headqUillen at Long Dinh andJhe Bleo__'..~~~ lo Hoa. Air Base, bullelt airfield in Viet.-he said',· ,.,.we· can accqrm~ 11 nim. ,>. • cars at One time. With an acldltlanaJ • par•>•g sites with melen ¥mc _,,. ~" ,, ... --r ... 1 back home to Kansas. i;oy~ood. · Under genUe rains and a1onl 'smalt . F!rthefusl·limeonits30-hourjoorne? By·Mellingitis· 'Lai"rd Sn y ~ .Bam l..A)a.;;J,. town railroad sidings, the'peop~came ·'fro ·Wubiqloo,J>.C.,to.Eisenllowers · -· , · · ' . ~ ~ U (.\~.~ :~:~;J.i~~· ~~:.~r~:r.::~~~ '1 oui ·~r· s 'Dies . · -.... :-·.,.-.. · :.;; ~· ~ ::,.:. · .-:.~.'.: '"~ . . ' . . ·' . two t.erm president,.fivHtar a:eneral ' I :~zic·· ed' to Cu' t 'Ex' pens-~s; , . :~-the{ am,,-anct.~auprep'le-commander BERKELEY 4UPI) - A severe O'lt-'µ · · ' M. , ;p · Ii · c;;!-... 1'.:'· · ~-allf!d' fdrces<:dllflhg 'wortd·:war· U break of menl•gilis -with the death ·. ' · . . . · " · . , fl$8 , ·0 ce . ~~~ ·i19'ih,..''80 ~tlon GI .. skJ<l : 1 , rata running, u . blKh as ooe In five , . . \ _-, . • : ' '. -~ • ,. , "' ~flle,al!y'.lilrllJ'l\'Wp '001l\s ·~edale • -. Is aweepmg California, the Sta\• WASHINaroN •(UPI)'· ·'-De/ease been npOtted by Litlrct' td'illif lime T i:_:'.• 1'.!-S .•· ln , .l'<ffre m.this.,aoutlieost Ind)ano,\lDWn Health lleponinent said today. · Sei:r<ta17 ,llelvin •R. Laird today an-committee'lut Tbtn'lday. The a>mbined .,...ugwutr· Qlh 1;;?. ;~n ;,\he ,..,,y.'alttmoon ;for ;a •hlillll• So far, ~1 least. u per""'' have died lllJ\ll)c;ed • reduclllJn iii planned B52 raids rollback!. of roughly 11.1 billion · red'!"" i ' -~ . f~ ' .. ilJli~>{lnroaii crf.W, J11r St.,Jl4ili.lit thlO• _ lrom the disease this year and the tab'/' In Squib Vietnam, In· line lfith orders the 1)9. billion <lelense spending budget .<n..ir rlDe slilper wttD allot.,. co.ta j ......,; and qaln at Kmtiai Qty;_Mo~ la lions are far from o;omplete, occordlng by Presldenl Nlzon .IO cut defeose costs. prepared by the ,Johnson adnllnlatrallon . • . ..... ·11e,,........, ·..., · . · -' t A'"' to Dr. James Chin, a deparim<11t · T!1I! ·1Ml0n wlD cut In hall the extra to 117.t bJID011. • Mell· , ~ m 4he """'r ·as,. · i;' ~ ~ore. i&I) .~1 :mt:r<irtJ 1 .,.ene. speclall.rt in epidemics. · flOO million fhe newiadminisfration tack-On 'Tburaday," Laird told Ule aimmlttee a '.~ ~ SatutJIOY,,.tll"'\,J"\I ,' .;~t.•.~~'.J~\; ;:;::1~1 • i,.; · Chin s81~ there 'were 227 reportod .I'd onto the B52 b~UngT-ended that ~. Creighton w. A~ U.S. a,hd'..vldim,.iz..ugbt b~ ~ """'iM On ;l'}edn!>sd•~:-'i.V;llcnfr.!'~ "ri• cases through March 22 - a rate tnP1e by the Jolwon admfulstrallon. ~ In Vietnam had "stron&IY ~Edward ~J Mu~ Jr.,~ cl.Id -'?Nried ,.in >''Uie. •JKI ./Id.,• tio -tl)itoflastyiar . .Andwbenfinalf~ ·Laird allo said that pr'OducUon ·or.a "'recOriimended"~· ''t '~ current rate Lalayett< Circle, and his two ·JW"' chapel It the ·EtaenboWer cent<r, c'°"' for the first three months of the ym flew lhori-raoge noclur-Upped miuile ol BU·bembl,. DI c:onUnued bllddies gave Olllct!r David N. stem , by the ~ •bore '1he-body of. IU m l!i, OllJo oUd, 11!! llUIDber of""!'"' ·~be· flood by bomber. at "Aa Yo'! know," Lain!· ~'.''be an.etttilonl deltllplloo1<JI the-aon who died In 'fnfincy, David Doud, lngltfs cases will almOii'certalnly excffd "'°"""· i. -be delal'ec! (or !\Olil. io be ~ ~-..=i'."'~1it,;~',o1:'·~··~1..J7 ... c .... ~~ .. 11ca~n:·r.,.~, '?'°'~ · · -~~~~k:~ · ·~~··1 · . hoinea near PaUllrlno ~-· and "Ab"~ J06i ·'l!if'rnlMI ~ ua; ;"''bii"lf Ii at~ .. .,.'n the C r;.~l'I 1pen-l !or~ rale throuili Ludlngtpn -and the "1ctim auflered II LIU. CST cer........ lair to aay ... are -~ diJ1I bud&et (Gr \be liacal year beglMbig June, 19'(0, lhoWd be proYlded," . anly a .well in' the mollckMl llliplng, The Elaenll>wer lamli, hid 1-' his a marted ~ tllal has _ bl~ July I, Laltd reporled to the lloula In today'• atatalll<llt Lolrd aald< "Aa listed u uuall with a -ly -· , train would pas qw.tly, w It b o u I Calilorula.'' Armed ~Ices Committee. Hi•11·page much u I ,..,.Id like to ,.pport his Polico noted that tt ta Illepl I<> fire particular notice, 1lid"had,.even llOlllht Chin aai4 the dealli rote "ii 1'111111lnl · atalemenl to a cloeed m<etlng ol the. recommendation, the bud1et llrlncericles a [l.8 gun or pellet gun anywhere in to ~eep Its tim<Ubla a ~ II wa1 between II 81!'1 lO pemnt." committee wos made public aa he lllartad und'f which we mull -•te In flacal the city, even with reasclnable safely, an impos!lble hope. C.O,ds by Iha Calilo'l'i• •-ra· to be unique In" taaUlylng. year 19'111 will nc\t permit a continuation unless on i legltlntate targefraoge. (lie< Tl\AIN, P .... JI , (Set EP DoC, P11e ?I An addiUooa! llOO mlllloil'ln cull hid (lie< DEFENSE,. Pap I) 1· • ,:r I • --~ • , . · w~~ther · /., Batten d"'!n the ha~ tonlP . Jt11 ioMa ~ a windy one wecU · 1 n08d0)'. Temperatumrlae;ll'll llllc~ I al-oond the middle IO'• alol\I thi' I Or . CouL :smt: TGDA'l' ti The .clllldrt11 of' bauinc,,,,..,.· qre:. twt,. '7'ttre,aed, in bJ&linc~ 't .. ..,. a ~a car,.,., 1htd11 of t"n~ 4 trc•h""" oi ucr ,,,_, """J . ·=....· ll~j.• ;.. ~ ., •• ~1·· . ' ~ ... . . ·~ ' I ~c..lfttojl' "· ,.,.....,_ t°t \ c-aa· " ..,.._,,.." .. c..-.. • ....... """" iii o......._. ,. .......... . .................... ...,111•111 I ft ... :-::-.... -:: "$;'7 -14 .............. ,,, ........ ... _ , • • .. ' - I " • " . ' ---s ' t...sar, ~ I, 1169 •. --i!ilot Log~ok: Pe~k Behind the· News J BY,_.. mvn. : . I011ly, _ .. Cll>luvallon, an ablllty to , IJltuuil·.:. bacq,ounds aod pursuits, · ·---.--Yl'MT put tho<Jlhll mlo words,.& recap\lve PIL'OT abartac tbe -denominator ol l'• .. ,.. .. -",... _.. ., mind, • -ol bumor. ·-~ !ll'Wflllllriac.ill Jl!l9Plo'••t<:biq, ot.u.m. -... • pUotor-.,i le< tbe English ....... , Far I lai>I tlli>e nOW we've been llJl!ni '!'bey'"' Ille --· aod ..,... aod an _..lnded skepticism @bout lo flcur< out a w•y lo get you, tbe ,...,._ -mile ilp the .... the thlnp -I• AY· the things people LO'-•oo~ -.. ·lo meet them the ..... llall. ~~ o111io DAILYl'ILO'.f. You'B see 4o_!Dd lheJhlng people say they do; ... . At the•..,.. tl!ne, w~ wondend if we -· In tllla The)' .. ·oJlo sh.are on a much broadet---couldn't pro-'lde. a vthlcle to' let tbe!e' • ~tors " )illlne such . everyd>Y. concerns u to t1l locoa. aod 1111 about Channel JI du,len ill wonls spin out • few penooa1 to Pl.lot LoCblDok. a.~ mortpge payment.!, tue!I, kids (lots movies. · vteWiol £heir own IOGte ended col u'm n of t.ldl), trabgrass and lrashmen wbo -Wand.ering Al Lockabey, our boatlnl i Ttiat•s what Pilo; Logboot is all aMnt. that '"1.•~ on this bang and dent the trasbcanS and drlv~ edltpr, 1s also a former ra~ Jt will offer an opportunity tof" the P1ft ft&U.larl1, '!llOte their trucks oYtr the lids. • br~keqtan1 a comblnatlon of fields tlii& f!!eWI staff to tell you about the th1np ...... • '!be DAIL y PILOT'• l""'P bU some must mske him the only wsan Ill 111ey ... aod 1-1 to tejl • l'01! about l 'lil aot l!Mnr to haul -unique cbaractertstlco as well · For Jn. the l'orld -lmowl-how-many· 1ooll lliem In thelr-.'\il; way and iii their' . :G ·\t1rfllia~ sWi<e· ~.. ' • or the whbtle spell cllwter ·a~ sea or iwn 1tyle. • and awardl and preju--Tom Barley, one of our resident on the raUs. · Too, Pilot U>gbook can take you behind dieti. The colwn~ will Englishmen (we b~ve two) is an expert And So they 10: · T.helr views mlJ' lie ICtnes at City Ha11, at the courtboule Jn tl:me .. I 1'QU!d UU to tell you on symphony musJC and opera, ·~ well be as lofty as the one eil.joyed by six-foot. ar In the ~11 with a dlffertnt ~ w111n Locbook bopM to 10 ad as .day-to-day :;peclalty, American seve.irlncb Tam Fortune, the DAILY . wttba penonaI touch. • wMt it hopes to r.ecard. jurisprudence. PrLOT'~ _tducaUon edip-. Or the photo 1'holle penooal viewa;along with aome 11le folb behind the -words and pie--Our house authority on Panama, U' of the contributor (where my shln1na humor, aome reverence and same if". t-lo )'GUI\ DAILY PILOT are both and when we oeed one, la reporter fact ~n out today) may be as en-rnrerence, will be a fixture of thia pqe a 'llld'D"""" •Jot. 'J'lrryCovllle,wbojullllrOugblblabrl!lt jo)'•blo ·u that of.,.... 11111· ,._, -notmtJdlJ,bulll>OlldQL . 'Ibey stwe-wlth jou!nalis6i •!\Jund nrtiom that COl11llry and wbo ts cumntly coPYeditor ·Ann Badalolo. , It miy educai., It may enlighten. • the ~ch cpmmon traits as CW"' engaged in teaching her English, bow They're a per80ns with multi-varied Most of'~ we bope it will be interestillg. . " . , ,~ • FUNERAL SERVICES -Rt. Rev. William F. C!'"iibton, Episcopal Btsbol> of Wasbin~on,"speaks trom l>Ulpit lnght) in Wasnington National Cathe- dral during Eisenhower funei::aI-Mamie· EisenJiow- er, her son, John, and his wife, Barbara, are_ in VP'I T ....... front row (left), facing pulpit. President Nixon and his ,family are across aisle in same row al.ong With Charles DeGaulle of France and otl!er foreign digliataries. • · · · Favorite Son Co·mes H;ome . . ,) . F~m .Pqe J TRAIN •.. .. thouaanda stood and waited through the nilht and morning •• the tralll ~ • . caualng It to slow down and ran btblnd schedule. During the 9().minute stopover lit Cin- clrinaU the family realized it must lb.are ti. mouminS. II dineted· thal· the tt!Iiehry be rtieased aod -that • nae be placed on tbe bagqe car wllere Ebenhalffl"l body lay amid hl•cl: "'-· Mn. Mamie Ellenhowe.r's sisttr and daugbt.er-fn.taw, Mrs. Goldon Moore and Mn. 1obn Etoenbower, supervbed the pllclng ol the fiag whlle · sh• stayed Inside. ---- Thero were 2,000 persons standing in a light rain as the funeral train came to the massive, stone-gray union terminal at CinclnnaU. Eisenhower's elder brother, Edgar, went from the train to the main waiting room to· thank the sponloneous mourners. j'We are especlally grateful to the many school children who have turned . • out acrws the country to pay the1r mpecls," he aid. ''Thia hlo been a tremendous atra1n on Mn:. EiRnhower but she seems to ~ bearing up well." ' F.trty minutes after the train left Cin- clnnaU, it slowed to 10 mllelJ. per hour as it passed through Lawrenceburg, Ind. Several hundred perlOm lined the tracb and the Lawrenctburf American Le&kfn post's color guard presented ll'InJ'. , It was the same all along the -way as small town, heartland America said goodbye for the last time to the man it had known as Ike. Ahead or the train, crowds were gathering almost four hours ahead of time at Lawrenceville, Ill. And Jt was the same along ils route through the historic civil. war battlerields of Vlrglnla and the coal fields and ~ farm coUDtry of West Virginia. · · / On the Beach Debbie Aull, 17 of San.Dimas, applies sun tan lotion following swim Monday at Laguna's Crescent Bay. Debbie is just one of~tliouSand.S of vacationing high IChool students who "hit the beach" with start of Easter Week: Laguna officials say young visitors so far are behaving themselves. Huntington Lifeguards · ' Sall~· 25; Beach .Crowded Lt1..,,.ro1 •t Huntington Beach city beach made 21 reacues Monday but reported no aeriOU! mishaps aa 32,000 swimmers enjoyed local waters: Monday's water temperature was 57 degrees ad ~ surf ran between three and four feet. TocJay water temperatures were expected td remain at 57 degrees with~ •UJf _tunning a little lower at two to four reet. f Melvin Bowman, assistant director or the city Department of Hir~s and Beachts, said Monday's crowd ran a at the water during morning hours, said llow1Illj1. Huntington Beach hlo no specified limitations on surfing, but lifeguards will halt. the sport when crowd proportions msk~a huard. "During E we generally stop the ·surfing about or 1 p.m.,'' said Bowman. For those lnteruted in learning water: and temperature condiUon.!1 before veno turlng to the beach, lifeguards have a special answering service with Juli dctai~ at 536-9303. In a no-f\Ollsense manner reserved for E'rona Page J little higher than pe.st Easter Wetlt areu ot ltighest security. _ groups, tlumks to betlef weather. Abilene Sadly Awaits Train, Bearing Eisenhower By MEllll!MAN SMITH than one mile from train to grave. From Page J DEFENSE •• ~ ABILENE, Kan; (UPI) -Th11 old oowtown ol Chisholm Trail fame, which ODQe bris:tled with gunslingers and cov- ek'ed wq()Qll, "u tun of new guns and hdlo jeepa otday awah1ng the sad return of a fam6us IOf1, Dwight l>. Eimlhower. Mor~ than 2,400 men of the armed forces aaaembled for the Wedntaday flmeral of the late chief e:zecuUve, five star aentra1 and hometown boy. · Wblle ~ Elle.nhower funeral train moved llowty westward Into the great , American plains, Abilene's s tr e e t s tflNmbled tbe wt of a war movie. Thia "'as to usure the safely of one of the mourners, President Nixon, who wW fly here Crom Washington Wednesday morning. 'Ille 5th Army , with headquarters at FL Sheridan, Ill., was here in force to do more than give the fallen com· mander in chief a ceremonial aendoU. The -military men also were engaged busily in producing Uiousands upon thousands of words of Eisenhower background m a t e r l a 1, covering everything from reminl.sences of a World War Il WAC dri\ler and secretary, the former Kay Summenby, to Eisenhower's . favorite recipes for.chlle and beef stew. Military and ciVilian police patrol cars CROWDS However, the vacauon crowds have cri.ss-crossed the small town Monday • · • • come no when near swnmer proportions nlght, alert for any possible trouble. of IOO,OOO per day, be added. t of tbat rate beyond June, 19&9 ••• " The few people on the streets at dWlk the am st of two girls for drinking .. Surfers will -have their bW crac Laird did not spell out the extent· were either out-of-town journalists or in public. · ( of the flight reductions, but the saving·. slore employes hustling homeward in When it ended a "passerby, a bicyclist involved will be about $50 mlllion .• Other a wet, chilly wind. and the two girls were under arres·l From Page l U.S. officials said BS2 strikes could be. Sorhe Abilene residents in random con-All were minors. EPJ I increased above the planned level if versalion with early arrl.vals !or the The young cyclist faces ·charges of DEM C • • • the military situation required it. Eisenhower ceremony seemed more bntery on a police officer, police said, The biggest item in the $613 million ~cupied with preparations for the after he threatened a policeman with · cut -nearly half of it -was a decision ,.. ~vv experiencing the outbreak and "sticks d I od · f •· heavily anarded burial than the sad his fist and a'-n11ted o'-a·~ruues. l'k to e ay pr uct1on 0 tui:: nuclear-armed, e~ ~'"" Ui)i.."1; out 1 e a sore thumb," the doctor said. sho t k · facll of Eisenhower 's death. In Balboa, police arrested a youth 1 d , 11 h r range attac nusslle (SR.KM),. " ont reay ave any th eories as a I dt ber· d t dt t There was a far more visible sense for disoMerly conduct after he sbouled h es gne o ire a groun arge ,,.. ''i ·low y we're in the lead, so to speak.'' b 1 a ho be •-dista r of mourning in Washington, a place obscenities at customers and police in Y nuc e r m rs uom nces o f st l d th th t In its early stages, m e n i n g i t I s so to 100 miles. o a e an ceremony, an e s reets a peninsula care. symptoms include respiratory congestion Offlcen and men of the 5th Army seemed almost to outnumber the civilian population 'of nearly 8,000. In addition,. cold-eyed young men in dark b115lneu suits, buttoned-down , col· tars l:nd short haircuts -agenll of the U.S. tecrtt aervlce -made a door-to- door check of residents and bu!l,nes.se1 along the burial pr<>Cf:l&ion route of le.ss Part of city hall was converted intb a mammoth press room where, by Mon· day night, some 100 highly detailed press releases had been mimeographed and placed on tables across the room ht.fore a gathering crowd of reporters and tfoadcasters. of Abilene. This was natural, since Police are strictly enforcing lack of and a measela-like rash. Infants and Laird said production should be delayed Edlsenho 1 tiwer 1 •pethnt m~ch, more 1 ,.• 1 f his parental control statutes this year, children under five are its prime target ~~:luwt~:~a~~~~=ndco~~.1.u;:ee~fm!~~-~~~· · a uhlt hme n e nations cap"" than leading to more arrests on those charges with teen-agers and young adults of had noled there were "difficulties" witQ, I • • DAILY PILOT ....,... ................ .... ..__ ----CAUOOIMIA Ol.ANGJ" C'OAIT l'\ll LllHIMG COMP'ANY " . lt•ffrt N. W•M ,,......, •11111 P'Wlltlw J•tk 11. c.,1.., 'llot ,, .. ~ -Geftttlll n .111.; K•••n ·-Th•"''' A. M11r,hl~• Mlllftl"' li!IW The Eisenhower Center, where he will be buried Wednesday, beneath the floor of a small chapel known simply as · "place of meditaUon," was roped off and patrolled by armed mllltary sentries in s ometown. this year than last. milita"" and college age a close second. th · ·1 nd d I There were relatively few black-draped 'r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=~=~=·~·=~==~~~==~=-~;;;e ;;;m;;;";;;";;;e;i;, •"';;;w;;;u;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;e;;;"ii;oi;ipm~eii;nt~. ;;;;;;;;; pictures in store windows in Abilene. II There were, however, a number of people DECORATOR watching the mllllory preparations down . by the dreary railroad freight yards ~h~=l~~~~neral trun wowd come AND MODEL HOME RETURNS eamship Ba~k Spanish and . Mediterranean Furniture . All Top Quality and Brand New A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display .. Catalina Runs Resu me Tliis Y ear WILMINGTON (UPl). -The 44-year· old excursion ship SS Catalina, taken off its run between the mainland and Santa Catalina Island last )rear because of a labor dispute, will resume operations this season, It was announce<\. today. The idleness of the Catalina brought near economJc disaster to the resort island 25 miles orf the Southern California coast. The island depends almost en~ly on tourists and the vast majority of these arrive aboard the white sr.ama:blp. Last season the island had llS,000 fewer visitors than the normal 3001000. The Catalina was taken off the run and docked became the operators, the Catalina Steamship Co., sak:l It 'fl'a1 l<11lng monty. The company wanted to cut the crew from 64 to 46 and to shorten the seuon from four to three months. Throughout the year various unions involved ln the dispute have met with company officials in an elfort to rtach agreement. The agrctmcnt announced today caUed for · the shi p's complement to remal at 64 but the season cut from June 15 to Sept. 15. Union members also will receive a 10 percent pay hike plus a $25 monthly across the board boolt. The Masters, Matts and Pilots Union and the Marine Cooks and Stewards Unlon have signed the agrfttnent. Other unions expec\ed to sign are the Muine Firemen's Union, Sailors Union of the Pacific, American Radio A&sociaUon and the Longshoremen's Union. "If It all get.s wrapped up as up&cted, Catalina Is going to be a busy place again thts year and I'm a happy min about It," nid Charley SW!welt, pmt.. dent of the Catalina Steamship Co. Held Up for $1,000 SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A gunman held up. tht cashier 1t the Sbetaton- Palace Hotel In downtown San Francl9CO ~ionday and escaped with an esUmated 11.000. Over $100,000 .Worth of Spanish 'Bi --Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! lt•m• es follo.w1: 6or9eou1 I ft. c.u1tom ~uilted sofe with ••p•r•te pillows with'. heevy oek trim dtcor end metch1n9 ch11r, 3 m•tchlng oek occesional tablts (21 &I '' ~all clecor1tor lamps, h•ngi~g ~hein 1w19 lamps in wrou9ht iron, 1 ~ 8-plec• ktn9 111• master -b.tdroom s1.11tt 1n p•c.•n paneled M•dit•rreneen style w.lt~ top q uelity 15 years w1rr1nty king 1ii:e m1ttr•s• and bo• springs. Sptnish d 1n1n9 ••t, etc. Any _piece ct.n be purchas~d individutlly. Drop hy and set our stltction of top qutlity Sp1nr1h tnd ~1d tlttr1n11n furniturt • , • fant11tically priced! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1528.00 • ,MUST SACRIFICE FOR -ONLY '698°0 AT HARBOR BOULEVARD r T!RMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS \ . ' • ' ' • ... ~ I I I I • 1 ' ·. • I I I I I . . . . -- ----vor,:...~ NO. J.8. ·2 .SECTIONS, 21 PA6~; -' ·Midwestern --.... ~---... . ' ~ . . ' . . tJ S P.. • '· -. . . -. ~ . aymg ~· ' . ... Ikea~mage, ' ~ 'I ./ ...: ·;WASHINGTON, Ind. .(UPI) -Bia • feJJQw·~ .~-f!O!{et llomar . • b)' -lh.e tjlonunds today loC1'!!_ flag'.drQed rturo.d . ·-·-· "'""""l -n, . .. car ..... &J'.... &.> .. ~ ••• • • • . ' ' • • •• J 'l r 'l'..haY'• n..l . . N.Y. Stoelii. · " ( . , ,lteSCue' · 25 ' ' . . . ---.., .. ' . . Beach CrowdS . 'F.~p P0:s.t Eas·~r W ~efts ' • . ! · Lll.,..,..is ,at HIJlllington· Beach clly ) lieach made ,:15 reio;\leo !d911day . but, repor\ed•.po )[eri9us. ml""l". II 32,000 &Wlnimers enJOyed Jacal~ten. ~ . ' . ' ~ . ' the , clly DOW!ment· ol Hirbon aod specified llmllitJ..,. 'an".mtiiii, ,bu!> Be~. 116\11. Monday's .~wd· rao a: tifegua(ds wUI 1lalt ~ &pcll't w:bin crowd liille 'higher thin put Eastet Week-~~= = 1!,: ~ itap-the . groups,~ to b;etter weather. surfing-al>Out-noon or 1 p.m.," aaid· ~ever •. ,tbe vacation crowds b,ave Bowman. --· • Eisenhow!< an h)! long laat Journey back home jo.Kanlu. . ' · Mooda:y's water:-temperature was $7 degioet ac( the :sur1 ran .between three aod {olJr f~. T!lda1 water lomperalUJ"l' wen ~ to rtma!P at 1r de_. with. surf J1!lllllng a ll1tle .lower at two co~.no w~ neai ~proportions For those inierelted in ~ w~· of 100,IDJ par.day, be added. "' and ·temperature canditlald W«e ..,_ -:4 1 Surfers will have ·their be5t f crack luring to, the beach, Ulepanfe .hava uil!ler ,...11e 'ra1na aod ali/nl small to;.,;·-sidinP;the peop1e cam. lo say · 100<1bye f,..· the last lime to / t11e man fnxri Abilene !heY hid trusted aitd.followed·in peace. mid in war. - • The JO.CU train 'bearing. EJJenhower's body poBled tbroag!i ClncinnaU al · niid- morofng and then rolled into Indiana, . heading toward the rolling hill country where Abraham LincOlu spent blS boyhood. . . For the flJ'lt time on its 30-bour'Joumey friim Washington, D.C., to EisenhoWer's final resting place in Abilene, an American flag was draped on .the side of car no. 314, where tbe body o1 the two term p-eside.Dt, five-star ge.Der~l -of-the-anny-and---11.1preme command~ of allied forces ;during World War , 11 lay tn an• regu18U0n GI casket. fte ooly lurthU·stops on its. sch,ed~le were in .-this southeast Indiana tnwn in the W-Jy afternoon for. a change of the railroad crew, at ·st. Louis this evening. and again at Kansas City, Mo., before ill eq>ecl.ed arrival at Abilene at about midnight. ·0n Wednesday, Eisenhower will be buried in the "place of ?J'.!.editation" chapel at the ~wer· center, .close by tbe spat when· tbe body of his son rwbo died. in· infancy, David Doud, lies. . to (oUr feet. ,. ' • ~ Melvin Bowman, .asalatanl ;di(Octor ·ol '~ * * Easter-·W eek Crowds -Swarm · . • I -To lllintington crammed toplher like a colony of at the wateJ"during morning houi'a, said a speclal· answeriq oervlee irltb fill} Bowman. llunllngton Beacll hu no delaJ!a ·•I ~ -' Death Bate High EpUlem_ic .of Meningitis : Kills 13 .. in· California aot., lhousancll of cars edged, squeezed · II~. (UPI) ~ A seven ouli "EP.fdemtC-la .. a -Word -1 don't-like and.~ idto eve,y available slot near brei\k ~of m~ltls ~ wlth~the. death -to USe," Chin said, "but tt is at least tlu!PiiClllc ocwnronday In llimtliljton te . ~-·•·• hi h ilt !l fair to sly we are ooncerned about Beach. , . • · · ra . i ~ .......... \ii 8 ~ cne .. ve. a marked Increase U.,.t. bu hit Me~ parking apaces private lots ---~is;, sweeping California, the .state Callfqriila."'-.. -~. aod roadlldes felt the. :.iueez. fnlm -H~·,Depln'ment sai.d todaf. . Chin said .the .death rate "ii running thousands ol sun aod fun people who ~r.r. •l•leaat 1J penooa hive died hetweea iS aod II percent" -· drove down for a day at the beach. · . "f dileue this year IJld the tabu-California: appean to .be '. uni.quo· In •••·"""-Blggeot !'!'\>blem of the da~ wu .,.. •la ·· •are far rrom comp1,te, according experiencing the outbreak · aod "lljcks EISENHOWER FUNERAL TRAIN-HEADS WEST TO ABILENE cocmHun:etered "(e!!:i. ~~div.i=J!,.~ ~,\l.c,:~ Jlname.sld-~· ·t · department out like a sore !bum&," the cloctor aald: • l -.-uui....:: ..,.,to-... • .. ·~· ep ~wi;a "I don't really hive. uy theorles u A G1neral~1 Lut Journey -U.S. Says F1rew1ll · whlch to drag parted veblclea oU . Chm' said. there w~re m reported to why we'ft in the lead, so to speat. • : . . . the SOutbenr Plcllk:· rallrOad tracks ma through March :a -a rate triple In lb early stages, nu n h1 I i 11 s. -. downtown '!II~ tfalns could operate: tliat"ol last.jear. And wb;n llnal fllura. oymptoms include resplratoey ~~ E • h H · . T· · '-Several private lot .....,. aJao. hid fm: jbe fjrsl tbi'ee monlhl· of. tbe year aod a meueJs.like rub. Inf-aod · lSen OWer Ome . A-1.•,n to call 1"' oervlee>lrucks·to clear their ate-.jn, Chin said, the number of mm-_,_ live are 116 prime i.,et · . Vfi¥. lot. for·aathoriZOd•porklfll. . loCwaCUel.wlllalmoStcerta!nly, . -,-._ aod young lldultl ol ., .... · over' WR! _.._ u... ---. ' ~ ~· .-. -Pr,lia<;if NliOO-was due to fly to Abilene to joJll the ·mourners for the Ii a.m&~"" , , . Tb[' ' . flmlly lliot hOli<! his train 'waul!! .J>Oil ~....,,·"'"I Ufa.u·r- i>artiililir· ·~ ti! 'Jial' --~ ia keep 'Ila 'timetable ·a -.i. li was an impoosihJe hope, Crowds !JyC :tlie --· \..l. r ~::!\""d.~P-aul75 ·~ laat!year'a•total of m V ·Jbilllai7 aod qi!!ep age a cloto-.j. • • • 7 '' • • ' chief of lbe trllfie dlvtaion. : I ,' i 1 ' •I ' • • -~~~~~·;J~ ~ avo1ite.~o~ · .. ·~:F.:t.!~~. ·.Hulttin;.wi1ftBoard\t~~~~ ..... ~ I ;.-.,, • .,, r -. • . ~Deaellla)l!'-lllll....,iveal}!= ._,, " .. ~._, .:· . ·-""e ~ · Br MERlllMAll· nm'll · funeral .of the !ale· ohlel ·WCUtlve, Ova ai\Ouf. ~ '"· , whelr Ille.~.,. . ;,; , . , .. · .. . \. ABILENE Kao <UPI> 'Illi• old mr1enera1aod11omei.wn11oy.· · pJetea1tsra:.r!hlpanl)la11tua-Q • Oil ·n ·11• · · · L =~.::!..¥~ causing it to ;1ow d-and 1an behind .-1>f~in1Tr!illlame,.which While tlle EJ.enhower funeral train ~.r.i"'~ ::~~ dtrreter -n 1ng aw <IOCe bristled ·with pmlir!gers IJ'.ld ~v· .... moved sloWty weStward Into the great Beachel Department. -· · · erect wagons, was 'fuJ~·of new guns and American· plaJOs, Abilene's ~streets ••When the tJrtire project ls completi," 1 ~.' .. schedule., . During tbe ~mlnute,stopover In Cin- ciMiU the 'f~y realli.ed i( DJ.ust share tts mourning. II directed· that the Itinerary be released and asted that a flag be placed on the. baggage car where Eisenhower's body Jay amid black radio jee1?3 otday aw~tlng the ~ad return he said ••we"'"'can accommodate 2;200 · tl a famous son, Dwight D. Et.!enhower. resembled the set of a war.movie. can at -time. With an a,dditiooal MO An;i!trdl"!l\ce whlcb· Would"-force Jfim- More . than -J,.00 men of the armed Officers and men of the 5lh Army 1\ll1'klng ..ii .... -ith m~--al•"• nearby tin8ton. Beicli -oll ®m~ to complx forces assem.,i...t for lh Wednesday .. -61-.. , ~-., ·-o with strieler resldentJ1J drilling ~re-,..... e seemed almost to outnumber the· civilian ·weets." · . quitement!i:"1ll be made public ,tonlgbt drapes. . Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower's sister and daugh~·in·law, Mrs. Golden Moort and Mrs. JCJbn:_Eisenhow.er, supe_rvise9 the placin1 Of the flag w)lile .>he liayed lnlide •. : · Tberc were . 2,000 ~ standing in Laird to Reduce Bomhin:g Sorties To Slice Expenses a light rain as the funeral trajn carnet w s·lllNGTON Def · to the.massive,' stdtle-gray union terminal A (UPI) -ense Secretary Me\vln R. J,alrd today an· at Cincinnati. 'Eisenhower's elder brother, nounced a reduction in planned 852 raids t Edgar, went from the train· to the :nain in South Vietnam, in line with orders waiting room to thank the spantaneous . by Presid~t Nixon to cut defense costs. mourners. , · / The action Will cut in half the extra "We are especially grateful jp the $100 million the new adminJstration tack· maey school children who have lume<t ed onto the B52 budgeting recommended out 8C1'088 the country to pay their by the John.son administration. respects," he said. "This has been a Laird also saJd that production of a tremendoas strain on Mrs. Eisenhower 1 new "'6bort...range, nuclear-tipped missile but she seems to be bearing up well." designed tO be fll'f:d by bombers at Forty minlltes after the train Jeft cm. ground targets would , be delayed for cinnatl, it ·slowed to 10 miles per hour the same reason. as ~ passed through Lawrenceburg, Ind. They are among $613 milUon in new Several hundred persons. lined the tracks cuts in the Defense Department's spen. and. tl_le Lawrenceburg AmE!rican Le'""n ding budget for the fl.seal year beginning ~· 1 ard .,. July I, Laird "ported to the House ...,.,. s co or gu presented aims. . Armed Serviciet O!>mm.itt.ee. His 37-page It was the same all along the way statement '10' 1;-closed .... meeting Of the (See TIU.IN, Pqe-J) · commltt.e.was ll'lade•publlc as he· Startetl testifying. I • . Educators Group Endorses Trustee ' . Seat Candidates An &dditioaal .$500 million in cuts· had been reported ~by ~Laird to the Same committee last Thursday. The combined rollbacks · Of roughly $1 .1 .bjlllon r'!duce the $79 bllllon defense ' sPending blldget ptepared-.bj the Johmoni administralion , ., 117.9 btlllon. On .Tbunda_!'.," Lilrd told. the commjttee (See JIU~ERS, P1.1e I) population of neirty 8,000. Cbar,ge for parking on the city lots during a .. ~ty Planning" Commi.sf!on. ln addition, . cold~ed young men In will be 75 cents per day. rilettµig. · · • _, . ' dark business suits, buttoned-down col· ·Previous1y only llOO can could be left Should the' ordinance be approved ~by Jars and short .haircuts -agents of in· the area of the city beach -without the . plannlnk' commission ·and ·the city the U_.S. _secret service.:.... made a door-to. using the ingenuity and daring of some council at' 8 Jster ,date, it would mean door check. of resid~ts. and businesses of MmJ:day's enthusiasts. . that'existini·oil wells in ,esidenUal areas a: long the buriaL proCess.lon route of-less will, have! ·to be quieted down and than one. mHe from train to grave. " be•utifi~,. RWmen: aatd. This was to -assure the safety of one p Ji Id ti'fy The OJ'd4i~e also requirea t~t new CJ! lhe mourners; President Nl:ron, Wh() ' 0 ce en ·_ wells be 'drilled in a ~centrated ' Will ny here from Wash: ln Wednesday "islaDd" at ·Wella rather than in the-r_n~h~nfiti' Army, with head~uarters .at Victini of Crash present manner, which allows oil Ft. Sheridan, Ill., W-fi here in force operators' to , plact them directly next tp do more'· than g.i~ the fallen com-Fullerton police today ·Identified the mander in chief a certmonial eendoff. u.s: Navy man tilled Jn a traffic accident Kids · .. tO Scramble The military inen also were engaged early 'Monday morning u Rudolpho G •. busily in producing thousands: upon Btrco, ·2',· 1tationed on the USS Ben-, _ thousands of words of ELSenhower nington in Long Be~cb Harbor. ' F E t E background m at er I a 1, covering Blrco was a passenger in a car driven OT . US er gg~ everything from reminisences of a World by Rosemary Moreno, 19, CJf Fullerton, ~ - War II WAC driver and secretary, the who was also killed when the vehicle Toddlers.and youngsters will scramble former Kay Summers by, to Eisenhower's smashed into a , parked moving van in for the gol4en egg Saturday in ttie Foun-- fa vorite recipes for chile and beef stew. Fullerton. taln Valley' Jaycees fourth annual Easter Part of city hall was converted into Injured In the same accident were. egg hunt. , : a mammoth press room where, by Mon· Linda L. Jones, 21, of 8791 Santee Ave., Youngs1'rt' from toddling age to sixth day night, some 100 highly detailed press Westminster and Peranclo Bacale, 22, grade are ·1invited ·to search for 720 releases had been mimeog?aphed 81Jd a shipmate of Bitto. They are reported · col;~ Ewi:ter eggs scattered throbghout placed on tables across the room before in satisfacto,.Y ~ltioq today in Westmoti.t· !Park, near Warner and a gathering crowd of reporters and Anaheim ~emorial }l09pitaJ. Magholi&,A~i;wes. Siarting time is 9:'3tf broadcasters. • r , a.m. . • The' Eisenhower Center, where he will Stffk llfarkett ' Golden.qjs, Wlll'th special rrlm, ·Wlll • he burled Wednesday, beneath the Qoor also. be epread throughout the puk. of a small chapel , known . siruply as 'I1iere_ will .also be ·prizes ln · Uch age "place of meditation,'' was roped flff NEW YORK---(AP) -~stock mar,ktt, ifoup Cit~gqtj for . tbe YOUJ!gsler ~ho ·· and patrolled by armed military sentries closed Jower . today, after three strilght, snares the'~ eggs. in a ob-nonsense manner reserved· for sessions of advance. Tr"ding wa!I A· tPec&I Jaycee committee, headed ateas of highest security. moderately active r.ear the'. close. (See by . Don Snowddn, • ls making ar· Military and civilian police patrol cars quotations, Pages ~21). rangemeiits for' the bunt. Committee criss-crossed 1 the small town Monday '111e Dow Jones 'indu!trial average at members lnclutle 'Ed Arnold, Claude' Coll · (See ABILENE, Page Z) Jc30 p.m. waa off 3.59 pOint. al 932.89. mict::WIU'.Spell. · • .. ' ' to residential dwelllngs. · Also ,ICbeduJid for hearing tonJPt k a. master plan ammendment whlcb would provtile lncreued neighborhood ,pork• facilities, new commllDity parks and P!ll'ks Ioeated adja~t to area ' b!gb schools. . Planning commission ~eetings are held In citY council chamber.1 ,at 5th s~ and Pecan Avenue,. '.J'onight'a meeting starts at 7 p:m. Hurt Burglary --· Suspect Known A tight-Upped burglary suapect .lhal by Santa Ana paUCe, then booted and hospltallzed as a John Doe waS finllllY. identUied by lnve!tlgators today, but still they know llUle else about him. Robert W. Balok, who. refuses to give an age or address, is in satlsfactory condition in the priaon ward of prange County Medical Center, wOWxiecf,by .31 cal. slugs · in the right foot and left Jeg. • • I Santa Ana police patrol . Cll'I rrolled •.P to Ol!oa Elecl!onlcs Co,, 1329 s • Msln St., ear)y Monday morning alto. a silent burglar aiirm · lllGllltind at headqw\rten WIS tripped. , The susJ)ect ldenuiled as Batok smasb-«s hlB way out ot the firm while .. tt; was 'surrounded by fOur police offiCers and ignoted. !!leveral CfnlmanCls to halt, so they opened fire al the f!t<lng figure. Orange Wea~ '. ., -., '\ ' i .), , " ' 1 • ' ' • ~ ". -~· 1 •• --~~-~-~.C:-1.----~---------· ---------·--__ ,_ ' I '1 - 1 ·I ' • . .. • 2 D~Y PILDT Tqll4q, ~I I, ijft9 • Pilot. Logh9ok: ~e-ek ' .. Be1rlnd the New·s ' ' . ' -BY TaclMAS KEl!:VIL • fl!I .. ,Pl! ll>lO -. a ....,...,. loleratl and .......,._ and puraulta. I .... ""OAIL'I" I'll.Of .... a ~,of ~ ~ ahlrtll: u..: +41•40 denomln•klf ,Cl( .. " ... .:~=•low-It~ =-=~':ir.:tjhll>I•• ' '• .......... il!dpooplowokM~. , ~·i. tho -~PIJltll!I'" and news----:" .ft,i;!l"l'1'~·1 lllo. ._, • ,;::::;~~=·~:;;:;'!· ~;::'';: lo.._ •i• ~ :': ,.~··;.~ ~. ~ .~ make Ill' the news ·•--dftl-M I 19.J!lll ~ IRJGl(-·•-o ---the··-• -aflbO•DAILY PILOT. You'll ... !They -uch ~ & nii\J:h~ "wg, ' -• -•· ·~· · lbelr names In tht. p ane s _ tveeyday ooncema u At the tame lime, we wondered lt we " apace u conlributorl mortaa&e paymenta, tua, klda (lots couJdn't provid~ a vehicle to ltl tl\ese - to Pilot Logbook, a of kids). crabgrass and lrashmen who dealers In words spin out a few peraon.aJ l~nded co J.u m n bang and dent the trasbcWlS and drive -Wandering Al Lockabey, out boaUng views ot their own. ihat will appear on this their trucks over the llds. editor, is also a form·er railroad That's what Pilot Logbook la all about. page regularly, mar~ Tbe DAILY PILO'l"s group has some lt wll1 offer an opportunity for the or Jess. unlque characteristics, as well: Fer ht·. brakem&ni a combination ot fields that newa staff to tell you about the things I'm not going to hauJ :.tance: mu.st make blm the only penon ln they aee and feel.. to tell you about out the . flies aDd. uct -Tom Barley, one of our 'resident the world who knows how many toots them ln their own way and in their olf the1Nackg~ Englishmen (we have two) is an expert or the whisUe spell disaster at sea or own style. • and award& and preJU· on symphony music and opera as well on the rails. Too, Pilot U>tbook can t.ake you behind dices. The column will "'"" •-..1 ....,.;~11 A ' · And so they go. Their views may ... ·-nes at City Hall at the. courthouse do ""~ in time. I -"d like to tell you 1"'urlaprud......,·"::~ Sr-....... y, mer 1 can 0",~ ln-:1..... ..... ~1. wtlh' a diU-"t slan' u-"'vw ......,.,. be as lofty as tbe one enjoyed by sil:·foot· u.,; .,,.....,..,. -.... .,_ where PU« Logbook hopq to go and ~ house authority on Panama if severt--inch Tom Fortune, the DAILY with 1 penona1 touch. • -~ ~o~ ~ndT words ana pie-and when Wt need one, Is repori.u Pll.OT's educaUon edit«. Or the photo Those persooa1 view1, llon& with IOlll6 tutts in your DAIL y PD.m are both Tqry c.oVllle, who just brought his bride of the contributor (where · my shining humor, IQIDe reverence and some ir- 1 common allit an llDCOlDIDOll toe. in froni that country and who 11 currenUy face peers out today) may 'be as en-reverence, will' be a fim1re of thia pap n.ey -.rtlh journalllla aniund . eniaged In teaching h<r Engliah, how joyable u that of petite and pretty -not evuy day, but most days. the worid--.sucb com.mm tnUa u cw:-:.. to eat tlCXll and Ill about Channel 13 copy editor Ann Badalato. It may educate, it may 'enlighten. lostly, keen observation._!!! ~ to movies. They're j3 perso111 wltlt mulU·yaried MQOI of all, w~ ho!!< ll will be Inter~ --~ ' FUNERAL SERVICES l Rt. Re~. Willlam F. Creighton, Episcopal Bishop of Wubinglon, speaks from pulpit (right) in Washington National Cathe- dral during Eisenhower funeral. Mamie Eisenhow· U,.T ......... er, her"· son, John, an d bis ·wife, Barbai81, ~re in · front row {left), facing pulpit President Nixon and his family -are across aisle in same row along with Charles de Gaulle of france and other dignitaries. From Page l From Page l BOMBERS •.. SCHOOL BOND CRISIS ••• that Gen. Cret&J!ton W. Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, had "strongly recommended" that the current rate of B52 bombing rughts be continued. "As you know," Laird said then, "he conaiders the BSZ to be one oI his most important weapons. On the ba&is ol my own observations, I have concluded that funding for the current rate through June, 19'10, should be provided." In today'& &tateme.nt Laird said: ''As much u I would like lo support hi& recommendation, the budget stringencies under which we must operate in fiscal year 19'10 will not permit a conllnualion of that rate beyond June, 1969 ..• " Lah'd did ·not spell out lhe 'extent of the fligh~ reductlOlllli, but the saving involved will be about $50 million. other U.S. officials sakl BS2 sLrlkea: could be increa'sed above the planned level ii the military sltual,lon required it. The biggest Jtem in the $813 million cut -nearly hall of it -was a decision to delay production of the nuclear-armed short range attack missile (SRAM), designed to be fired at ground targets by nuelear bombers from dJstances of 50 to 100 miles. 111\11~ \'1101 ORANOa CCAll PVlllltUNO ~.UT R•rt N W.-4 ,.,. .. "' .... P\!Mhflll' J••• •· c.,i.:r V1Clt ~~ Miii 0-_M ... The1111' ICet•ll ·-Ttrie11111 A. M•'llhl"• ......_.,,. E•l1tr Al~rt w. a.f., wuu.,.,.· •••' A-i.tl Hllflllnllllfl ltok~ l.dl19r Cll\I E•lW Hu1 .... 11......oMce Jet ltlt St111t Malft.t ....,,..,.r r.o. ••• 1•0.. ,,.,., --..._, ..-: "'' *-' ................ c.... ,.._:»I wn• ''' .,,.., ...... '9Kfl:ttJ,_IA ...... school dlstrlcts money to build schools to keep pace with the glut of population. In the &<realled bedroom communltles . wlUI a wealth of 6Cbool children but not much industry the slate loan1 cln be considerable. For instance. state money has financed 82 percent of school construction tQ date In Fountain Valley. · And Fountain Valley p.lready has felt the effeet ol. stltte failure March 5 to sell the $40 million. Appearing before the state AllocaUon Board the following week for a loan to purchase 1 schoo1 site Fountain Valley was alloted a token $1, as a priority place holder. "If slate funds don't become available lt very definitely will stop our con- struction," said Fountain V a 11 e y' s Charles A. Woodfin, associate superin· tendent for business. Mrs. Jane Scott, business manager of Capistrano Ulnfled School District. said lheir $410,000 request for school site acquisition was approved the month before , in February. But she Is worried becau.&e the Allocation Board hasn't yet se.nt out lhe money. Holllngsbead, of rw View. said his diatrict's request in P.. arch for a loan to furnish and eq_uip t o schools under constructJon was labekl b~ lbe AllocaUon -S. A. "Al" P..loffett,. superlntend,nt of Hun.Ungton Beach City Ele.meotary District, said he t.oo Is greaUy concen:ied although his district won't be seeking another loan until after July 1. It's been just over 1 month since voters approved a $4.75 million bond issue and already he is worried whether it was all for naught. 4 Youths Hu1'l In Lasuna Crash F'our' young men suffered lnjaries In Lquna Beach Monday night when a car wtnt out of control on Park Avenue and rolled over three Umes. 'Ille driver Peter C. li!.<Mahon. 20 ol MW La Hennooa. SOllth Lquna, • who was lhrown Crom the car, and William B. Snyder, lt. ol Bronntlle, N.Y., were treated for cuts 11 South .Coast Communlly Hoapttal and ttlewd. Two other occupants of the 1uto, lilted as Jnjured , were 1 not treated at ~ hoo¢tal They were ldenUlied a.s Dwight B. Smllll Jr .. 11. Ill Emerald Bay and Robert Lee Mayoct, JI, WyMewood, Pa. Police Lt. Robtrt McMwny &aid lhe car wu desttndlng Park Avenue at • rast clip when tba accldent OCClllTed 1t 10:20 a.m. just above Wendt Terrace. "This is a horrendous possibility that v.•e won't be able lo keep building schools," said San Joaquin's Nerison. Local districts bond themselves up to five percent of their assessed valuation and then send the money to the st.ate to apply against their oldest debt, he explained. Loan money for the CWTent year's program then is sent out by the state. What if It doesn't come? Legislation has been introduted in Sacramento to increase the interest rate ctiling from five percent to five and one-half percent. But because it will require a change in the Slate Constitution lt will have to be approved by state :·oters. and that is a time consuming proposition at best. Fron• J>a9e 1 TRAIN ... as small town. heartland America said 11oodbye for the last time to the man it had known u Ike. Ahtad of the train, crowda wen: gatherin1 almolt four hours ahead of time at Ll~encevllle, Ill. And it wu tht same along its route through the hi&torlc civil war baWe!ields: of Vlrgipta and the coal fields and hWy farm country of West Virginia. Judge Rules Draft Law Unco_n!ltitutional BOSTON (UPI ) -A federal judgo today ruled the Selective Service Act or 1967 is unconstitutional because it falls lo grant draft exemptions to those who are conscientious objectors on non- religious grounds. Chief u.s. District Judee Charles E. W)'llNlki Jr. made the ruling in gr111Une: a motion for arreit of judgment In the ,.,. or John H. s11soo.. =. o1 lhe· Boston IUb<Jrb or Lincoln. S~olen Sports Car Burned in Valley Flames destroyed a stolen fore:l1n sporU ca r'parkt!d ntar Talbert Avenue Md Ward Slreet in Fountain Valley at ~ a.m. today. Police Nk1 tht car was deliberately destroyed. It WIS • total wreck and there wm no witneues. Oetalls of the Incident were not relu• eel by lnvutlgating officers. • From Page l '" ABILENE •.• _ night, alert for any poaalble trouble. The few people on the aqeets at dusk were either out-of-town joumansts or store employa huslling bome'!ard in a wet, chlJly wind. STUDENtS GO TO WORK IN NEW GISLE'R SCHOOL .Fount1ln V1ll1y F1cility to be Dedlc1ted April 9 Some Abilene ruldents in random1;0n--..__ venation with early arrivals for the Eisellhower ceremony seemed more preoccupied ·with preparaUona for the Gisler. School Dedication heavily guanled burial tbao . lhe lld facta ·of Eisenhower's death. There wu a far more visible tense of mourning In Wubingtoo, a place . of state and ceremony, than the atreets of Abilene. Thil wu natural, since Eisenhower spent much more of his adult Ume ln the paUon'a capital than in his hometown. There were relallvely few black-draped plctures in store windows Jn Abilene. There were, however, a numbe'r of people watching the military preparations down . by the dreary railroad freight yards where the funeral train would come to nst tonight. • Marine General Says Invasions Would End War DONG HA, Vietnam (UPI) -. The general commanding U.S. Marines along the demilltarl'-"' zone (DMZ) Aid today the quickest way to shorten the Vietnam \Var is to invade Laos and the southern reaches of North Vietnam. Maj. Gen. RaymoQ(l Davis said ~nt U.S. tacUcs allow the Communists a sanctuary from ground attack in Laos and above the~itarlzed zone, putting his 3rd Marine Dlvlson troops al the marked disadvantage. "It makes no sense to watch 400 trucks a day moving through Laos with ammun!Uon to kill Americans. The · quickest way to shorten lltis war is to destroy these sanctuaries," Davis, 54, said in an' interview. "I'm not tryln& to raise the 'ante,'' he said. "But we came here to 3"\Ue the freedom of South Vietnsm, and I don't think that can be accomplished with anything less than the defeat of the North Vietnamese Army." Davis leave• hil Vietnam post April 14 to become commandant of the 1tlarlne Corps Schools in Quantico, Va . De Gaulle in Paris PARIS (UPI) :_ President Charles de Gaulle returned to Paris this morning from W'8hington where he attended the funeral '?If former Pre!ident Dwight D. Eisenhower. Slated .in Fountain Valley Fountain Valley's latest jet-wing design Gisler School will be dedicated April 9 to a maii. who cleared J.he willows from "Gospel Swamp" and drained the land for farming. · -?The 45,000 square foot ipace age School wlll be a far cry from the two room grammar school rus children attended in Founlain Valley. Movable walls. multi-media resource rooms called learning centers and cupeted classrooms just weren't heard of when Robert Gisler and hil wlfe Anna bought the Fountain Valley acreage in 1903 where Gisler school is today. Gisler, a naUve of Switzerland cleared the 140 acres of land and started a dairy herd. · Then, as the land became usable, he raised sugar beets, lima beans, alfalfa. Mnst of the other early settlers in the area which became known as "Gospel Swamp" followed the same pattern unUJ Fountain Valley becaue famowi for its lima beans. , Robert Gisler's life was , filled with active service to the coritmunity. He was involved in church acUvitiea, the Knights of Columbus Lodge, land im- proVements, water district, farm bureau and educaUon. --- He lived in the Gisler farmhoUJe tvi.til his death in 1945 at age 84. Steaniship Ba~k • . . Catalina Runs Resume This Year WILMINGTON (UPI) -The 44-year- old excursion ship SS catalina, taken off its run between the mainland and Santa Catalina Island last year because of a la.bor dispute, will resume operaUons this season, it was announced today. The idleness of the Catalina brought near economic disaster to the reaort island 25 miles off the Southern California coast. The island depends almost entirely o~ tourist.!-and the vast majority of thes f arrive aboard the white steamship. Last season the island had 125,00J fewer visitors than the nonnal 300,000. The Catalina was taken off the run and docked because the operators, the Catalina Steamship Co., said it was losing money. The company wanted to cut the crew from 64 to 46 and to shorten the season from four to three months. Throughout the year various unions Involved iiwthe dispute have met with company officials in an effort to reach agreement, .. The agreement announced today called for th~ ship·s complement to remain at 64 but the season cut from June 15 to Sept. 15. Union members 11.so will receive a 10 percent pay hike plus a $25 monthly across the board boosl The Masters, Mates and Pilots Union and the Marine Cooks and Stewards Union have signed the agreemenl Other unions expected to s.ign are the MariM Firemen'• Union, Sailors Union of the Pacific, American Radio Association and the Longshoremen's Union. "If it all gets wrapped up as expected,. Catalina is going to be a busy place again thi! year and t'm 1 happy man about it," sald Charleyr.:...S.!-lllwell, pml- dent of the Catalina Ste~hip Co. Held Up for $1,000 SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A gunman held up the cashier at the Sheraton~ Palace. Hotel in downtown San Francisco Monday and escaped with an eslimlted lt,000. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All Top QuaRty and Brand New A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Items •• fo llows: Got9eous I ft. custom quilted sol.ii with separate pillow1 with haevy 01k trim decor end matching c;:heir, 3 metchin9 oek occ11ion1I teble1 121 58'' tell decorator l1mp1, hen9 ing chain 1w19 l1mp1 in wrought iron, 1~ I -piece kin9 1111 master bedrcom 1uit1 in p1c1n ptneled M1cUt1rr1n11n style -:it~ top quality 15 years w1tr1nty king size m1ttre11 end box sprin91. Spenith d1n1ng: set, etc. Any piKt cen he purch11ed individu1lly. Drop hy end ••• our selection of top quality Spenish end Mediterr1n1111 furniture •• • f1nte1tlc1lly priced! . COMPUTE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1528.00 MUD SACRlflCE . FOR ONLY AT HARIOR IOULEVARD '698°0 TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • ' ~.I \ • I -I . I ' • • • _ ... ~-..-.-.'."""."'l!"r""ll ......... ~~":"',..~""~""' ... i'"lll•'<f t,,, .......... .,. ... l"l'M"l<?!~-... .., ... ""'~'!l"!"'""""-"'"""'""~"'"l'l!!l""'""' ... """"'l!!li(l'l .. l(ll;~~~lq!!lll ...... ~.~ .. llfl~· ... ""·~"'4'~""1!'1l~lilll~·-- --Council Hears -Wba! U:e Church Means to Mtt-Today is the UUe of a talk Miu Ann Maguire gave before fellow members oI SI. Catherine's Council of Cathoiic Women tb1s' afternoon. . ' Formul1 a public relations representative fOf UM; telephone company, . Ml s s M.a1t11re._ previously s p o k. e before Ch,Urch Women United of Laguna Beach on the aims of the ecunemlCa! movement. She persued t~ salne su~ ject in the coundl's program, stressing t11e srut splrltual -. . Own Member ' > bentlilJ ID be gained by women of all faiths wcrllnr together. Dance Cl~b The first. )hil'd alld filth Fridays of each Jn on t h members of. Lace 'n Leather Square Dance · ..:=tub meet al a p.m. 'in the Recreatlon Center:, HuntingWo Beach. Further inform.at!Crt may be obtained by call.in& Mrs. Juan Dillon at S36.all3. SPAGH.EfT.1° & MEAT BALLS ALL YOU CAN EAT! TUESDAY NISHT ONLY· 5 to 9 -I includes salad with. choice of dressing, roll end butter, beverage. s12~ , Thougnts -Kept Over, Not Under. · Their Hats S...O(>tlmlat Club of l.quJla Beach membt"rs won't keep anythlri, tinder their hats nm Thursday mop!ni. Instead, everything will be at eye level on bata cru.t.ed 'to reveal career interests which women "111 j>irade at their 211t annual E a s 1 e r lJreaklut at 7:30 a..m. in U>e Hotel Laguna. The l>reak!ast is the club's annual birthday celebratlpn and to mark the occasion Mis,, Lorna Mills, a charter member, will light eand)es. · -. Mrs. Laurence Reynolds, a member of the California Advisory Commission on tht Statu! of Women, will be ~,.Ft speaket.,;. at the breakfast "'here a new Easter hat donated by Mrs. _1.; o I s Outer bridge will be awarded. - Other features will include songs by Brent Tobey, ac-- companied by Mrs. Mary Newlands and an original reading by "'rs. Pearle Casey. EARLY RISER -0Get me to the breakfast on time" hirs. Clementine Lav.1son warns her alarn1 clock. She will rise early enough next Thursday morning to attend Soroptimist Club of Laguna Beach's .Easter Breakfast at 7:30 p.m. · • T"slliy, AP'il I, IM DAILY PILOT ' JiS -----------'--"'"- First Official Date ---------- L;dy Bird to Attend Washiogton Meeting . By .HELEN THOMAS RequeiilJ fl<llll' In from Secretaries 0r..,. Couoty-l!Ubir Ano Le(al Secret.an.. A-~ m..U the thlnl WednOldaJ ol the mootb In varlwa plKa. Further lnl«matklo ... , ... ollt.llned. by Wllll( Miu Sheron Drisaer. 510·0110, Menibers gather at 7 p.m. ;ASµINai>~ (uPl)-Lady studen1s asking materiaJ on Bini .~ohnson will .make hm' the Lady Bird Jollmon days Sistirhopd first official visit back to In the Wblte House. She at.ill ·Temple Sharon'• Siatethbod Washington thls month in be· ha, a following. meets the fourth Wednesdaj half of ber pet White House · Alt.hough she> said she of the month in ·TempJilt, . project -'beautificaUon a n d wanted to take a slx·mooin, Sharon Religious School; con. conserwation. vacatiOn after leaviog her .,. t 1 ' "ph . II U d u.esa, a p.m. , The fonner First Lady is y11ca .Y' menta y an. '•----.;;;;;;;;;;;---''-'? a member of the advisory s r ua Y ~ .. ...,~ ... nHIC m ~It 11 --1.~ ..... 1 .... -·-I .a. ...... I t ..:. board of the National Park l Wblte H~, Mrs . -·..--------- Service which wUI be holdin" JohNon lost no Ume in put- 'ts . 1· A ·1 21 2"1 • ting the Johnlon family radio I spn~ mee ing pr1 • and televisim inttrem bact ~ c~~er new park and In '""-..: name to get' -~• historic sites. uu-~'"'ve W hingt .. nd as ~ businesswoman again. as on ..., a seco S h e also is spending time borne to Mrs. Johnson Y.'ho~ on the L&J Library ai the hus~ rose from a con· University of Texas a n d ~ona1 secretary to the spru<'ing up the litUe park pr~ and sbe bas • lot _ that hall been established oear of .fr1e.nds here. their HllfCountey ranch Sbelene Lindow, her · secretary ln Austin, has pass- ed the word tha~ Mrs. Johnson H B A 'I' wants a low key visit with UXI I a ry no fanfare on the journe) back Twice a month the Ladies' to the capital Auxiliary to Huntington Beach -~1rs. Johnson, Y:ho Is a Veterans ot Foreigs.....,.\V.ars, Post 7368 meet al 8 p.m. The ivealU1y woman. gets 00 first Friday of the month they remuneration 1 r om ~ th e gather in Odd FellO\fS Hall government as an ~ x -for a business meeting ai>i:I ·Hyouniiabeme, yoahavea newpnlllem• yourhallds Tbirty yean·•• U..e , WCl"C 9ild tilde ........ mild little hud lobOm. Now, to111.adoC1J ud killer cleana. cku. yo.rr-· houee and wreek yo•r hand&. \'edra wi~ Aloe is the band lotion •pt~ today's~. cleaoen. Aloe, the de9o' ut ·1 moiltwizing plut. helps ratore what em. er• 11 rip away. Vedra Lotion, l.00,Cream t.50., Representatives from "S" Club. a Soroptimist·sponsorffl service group at Laguna Beach High School, will bl! among honored guests along vo'ith former whiners of the Alberta Patterson Scholarship Award which ls given annual· ly to outs~ing higli school -·· Other guests u•ill · incluae Portt.r Powers and the 'disses Lila Zali and Edith Weir. president's ·wile. But ,she is the third Friday they socialize using an office on LBJ's ninth in various locations. Further .n~ in the federal building inlonnatic:n may be r~ived in Austin ·where she works by telephoning Mrs. LeRoy »erl'ice organization r u r·T_w_it~h;lh~e~r ~sec~retaiiiiiry~·----ii"iii"'"iiiii'i"i";iaii;t ;ii536-.1580i,iiiii;ii'iiiiiiii;;;i'o:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:~-;" ' women in professional and ex- ecutive positions. The club is an international l , WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY-5 TO 9 ?i-fayor and W..rs. GleM \o'ed· der, Mr. and l.frs. Harry Lawrence aod Dr: William Ullom, superintendent o f Laguna Beach Unified School -District, and his wife. Rites July Nuptial Planned Newport rr·s aura 34 lH BrG BiflHDAH I' ' lish 'n ChiDS Mrs. Suzette Dabney !3 in charge of arran·gements. ~e is assisted by · the , W..mes. \Villiam Eschbach, A l b e r t Cornelius. Herb Sutton, tt:ary M-axwell; ·Casey, Monte \\.t.rr, 1n a favorite of Old England THINK -EASTER Breaded fish pieqes served._with French fries, cofe slaw. · roll and butter. ,...__.., 99~ j! f/ /I\,' I ! . ' I : :.: I • ~ I ' . . ) Includes beverage. 2267 I • FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA 642.(1732 ;(/ 1, - THINK JtoJo-lUhA W•kllff ~Ill~ H...,.,,.,. i. '42·2.... .....u .. PENNY PATCH To Join Bric11s Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See it ... 2 rt'. I have their ·own applicator These beautiful lashes are as ~ick as a wink to put on! And, they're litltwelght, perm<11ently curled, contoured and lealhered wilh a band lhat's almost invisible. Choose lrom lour natural looking styles : Demi , 1.•; Natural ,l.H; Full, l .M; Shaw, 1.51. Black OI blown. Cosmelics .u umS' • • • 11 Fashion lsla rid o 644 ·2200 o Mon., Thurs ., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 Olf\er·days 10:00 till 5:30 St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Chuich will oe the setting for the July 12 rites linking In \ . marriage Penny Marie Patch and Eugene Nelson Heap of 1 Costa Mesa. News or the forthcomiOg event has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Patch of Neu'J>Orl Beach, parent! ol the future bride. . Miss Palch is' _a graduate or Birn1ingham iligh School. Van Nuys and recei\'ed her j BA in elementary educalion I from San J OSt. Stale College . , where she af!1li2tro with Delta 1 Gamma. Currently teachin g · in ·Honolulu, the brjde-~be is a Valley debutanle and Is listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." Her fiaoce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heap of Tucson, earned his bachelor of archltecture and master of science degrees from the University of S o u t h e r n California where he was a: member or Tau Sigma Delta, a national honorary fraternity. Two Dates / Calendared \ Laguna Beach C h,a pt er .1 Order of lhe Eastern Star. / will meet nexl Friday, while the group's Star Club is plan- ning a gathering Wednesday. April t. The chapter's conclave In Laguna Beach Masortic Hall at a p.m. will be led by Mr. and hirs . ..Arthur Stead, worthy patron and matron and hosted by Mrs Carolyn Frtnch. The club's meeting, at 7:30 pim. in Laguna Federal Sav· ings and Loan building, will feature a white elephant auc- tion. 'J 4-cycl• ••rt•lill ty i11· du4e1 "ll:ni1t I D..,." cycle t. fr•1htP1·11p slorM di1htt. 0 Rtd11c•1 tpetti"t tf ,1." .. ''"' ,a .. ,, ... ah s,.h·A••v a;"'' Co11· .•. come help us celebrate! IN 1935 LAGUNA.t'EDERAL SAVINGS AND ORANGE COUNTY WERE JUST LUJINING TO WALK! Today, Laa""!'}'~ Is ti. larC<>I independent Federal Savints and Lc.n .Alaoclation in Orana:e County, /\'Ell'/ Cornm cncint APril. l1t, 1969, Latuna Fetkral s~Uin,. willpoy •DAY IN TO DAT OUT INTEREST ... CO MPOUNDED llAILY ON SAVINGS ! • 5.13% whM lhecurrenl •nnual n:t.e of 5~~ on pta&book accounts i.11 oompound@d daily for ooe year. PLUS .25~.; per y~ar add@d to cumont annual nit, for Bonus Crrtificef.el (Sl,000 multiplPS) when held for th,.. yMNI. Where you 11,e DOES mali.e a difl'ertn.cr ! BIRTHDAY CAKE AND COFFEE SERVED EVERY DAT 1 1.M. to 31.m. AP!l bl lltroql APRIL 10th at our 1ffices in LAGUNA BEACH, SAN CLEMENTE AND LAliUNA fOCU£L '· ' ' ' DAVIS·BROWN 411E.17th St.-Costa Mesa 646-1684 11titio11e• Di1pe111e1. O Tell1 yo11 ••c:h •t•9• •' c:ycle l Fl11ible co11+.ol ditl ho1 10-i11011c• i~i. cttif11 foot11re. 0 Other 111Mol1 prlc:ed '''"' t , ••.••. Fr~~IDAIRE DIS . aSHER Custom Deluxe JU ST •• . s1aa• . . , I I f I I -' • --., -~--··-· ,....._......_ .. -· --·· : •• ;: ..... :t:;;:;;;;;;;...,;..,. .... , .•.• . ., • I " JI DAILY PILOT * T-y. April ~ 1961 1 r · <:;~p. .Rig , A.ngeJs Catch Lightrii~g in a . Bot.tl.~? "'' ! ' I II .. ' . • IJ IAJU., GUITKE'Y opUmlsm for themsel\les Thurll<iay nla:ht nur young pltchlng staff holds up1 they're .. • , .. ...., ,.... ...._ Wrhen_the A~l.s meet tilt Ood(er1 al golna lo keep u.s in a lot-of ball games." , 1 ~ do you capt.urt ll&htnln£ in 1 'Ah.ahdm Sl.14hyn. , J • ~i,·s starters, olherwlse . known as battle? And make no mistake a~t ll -"T b e M Squad," COIDJ>f!Sel J l m 8ill R l & n e y, the manager of the the n\an'ts opUmistic. ' McGlothlin, Andy Measersmith, Rudy _ rJlilornia Anpls, bas hopes. lhe An1eta · ''The ~point we're · really co~ Ii.1ay and Tom Murphy,. The manqer ~ do b with lour starting pitchers about b the .Y~ on our ball Club hesitates to include UWUme of Georce W .averaci 2( ·yNn, a catcher with We know these/ YoUng guy1 earl' pl~ Brun~t ,bee.au• the vetetMJ13-&ame win· ("'1'.lllnlmum of major le11ue experience well but we ulo know thal .beci.Wie cer of 1968 has bad~a misera.)>le sprlns:. Ui:l a fetlef. pitcher who will be 46 they're young they're a:otng" lo make ~., It is iJIOSSible Brunet m1y not -be on HrJ~ mi.sta.ies. lbe opening day' roster .• , • ~)Thii. new di\llslonal setup tor the "So _jt'll be up• to the managir and "Thi! ls the slowe.it •RtU'ti Geora:e AfiOrican Leaiue has. everyone oo OU!"" lbe-co8cbes _lo-channel ,these mjstaies has had,''~Ria: says. . ··~ · c•i pretty excited;" Ricney ~~ -w ir,n them ~n.1• -"He seems to feel "ti"e!t ~'. flalrt but _ by phone Jrqtn a Phoenix llote), ""' •Whh ·the ituon opener just a week we're .concuned about 'lWn;;anct that's !.:.We-bear-a-1oLof-lll! 1ibout other~-">;·aj..Jligne~'° a-new, uncommon -why v.·i ha\le_four..)'OWlllf..-IU)l#re:ady clrbJ 'Winning that Western DlvlllOn spirit in the raaks. lo pitch ." , 1~--, ~p but we think we have 41\e p4yers • are teally charged up Rigney aU but adrniUtd Newport a~ t.o catch 1 Uttle of that lilhtniag · -they've enjoyed this spring training," Beach'.s Bill Voss wouJ4 be adorned ii;iOUr bottle." . Ri& f:IP)ainl. in an Angel uniform nut Tuesday. .. Ana:el r0Uowe.r1 can arade JU«iney 'a. .'\.Everyone '00 the club feels that if "lt seems to me Vou has done . ,,. ' ·-• • ·J:eltres., NY ~ • !' :Can Sweep ·~ ;·Jn· Pla yoff s •• I . " 'JK)STON (AP) -Tbe Boston Celtics, * . e1JJ'.':rienced t r o u b I e with ~adeJphia In the W i I t Chamberlain ft; aetk to wrap up the Wltt-leu 76er• tft.f~alaht t.oniaht in the National aauetball.Asaociation 's Eastern Division ~mal playoffs. ;;la tbf: other Eastern Divisk>n playoff -.-Ille l'\<W ·Yortt ~a alae Will · ~pt to Coo\\elolle • 1weep tonight. WI· one over ·Jbe' Blltlmore 'Bullets in !Qadi&on Square Garden . The CelUcs, whose nine-year relgn aa NBA chaiilpions was interrupted rudely by the 76era in 1967, art strong fa vorites to complete a swee p of the best-of-7 series in the fourth game at the Parden. Despite a fourth-place finish in their division, the Cel~tcs are flying high once - aaaln, determ.I~ to male iok,sters of U:ie many so-called expert\. who 'consider ' their dynasty ended. "We're just playing our beit ball · of the season." Boston player<e>ach Bill Ruuell said. ''Everyone 's doing the job. We 're a:et~ tin& a team effort." Mier finishin& second during the regular season, the 76ers' have little hope. No team bu fal,len behind U i~ the playoffs and come back to capture the championship in the NBA 's %3-year hislol')'. The 76er! are hurting. Chet Walkef': forced to the sidelines in lhe first period. in Boston'• 1~111 victory at Philadelphia SuDday, was .ruled out o! the fourth game because of 1 pulled lia:ament above the right knee. ~ Walker will be replaced In the starting · line-up by either Matt Guokas, a awing man normally used in the backcourt, or veteran Johnny Green. Philadelphit Coach .f.ack: Ramsay 1.ook a deep breath and said: "We can still wln it." He also admitted the 76ers are lucky they 're playing in a best.of-7 series. Tl a fifth game is necessary, the two teams will play in Philadelphia Friday niaht. Running Gam e Still Is Goal •verylhlll( be had lo do lo mAe 0 lhis club. He's a Dne defensive player~ runs win •nd he hli.. I like lhe boj. He'a deltnnlned aad he '"'""'' 111 ... m\ICh TICUT INFORMATION·.' , ................. , Tbradij ntp&11 uhlbldtD pm.e "It AMMlm Ste· ' dhuD bet._ 1M An1el1 ... tM Doq· ert. pttda't·werry .aboai • Hl.lolt. . °'!I)' _, 11.• "'" .... beet ~· for tlNi I, 1.m.'.1U1Je. Pl""1 el 1ood oea" r<mala 11 all prb.eolepriel. -• . ' --to aay -ht jU1t goes-oui and does~ the job." Rig C:oean't IOUnd u wtbuaialtit when diacu.ulng another of his outfielders, Rick Reichardt. "Rlok bu had • pttlly 1ooc1 sprina . But be,1 ne\ler had the year rm sure back to hb 1N7 fonn, u.t ADCeJ bul1oen he'd Ute to have. We're lr)<llllJ to iel .-oukl be ~'• llory or Ibo yw. '· "'· •·· H "~·· pl · llllke -.., ~., mort .of. I Wove m '~ "'-· • 6 ~ -· ., ... 1ot trlcled quite • bit b)' '"~ lul . µ.," lbe .....,., •• • ' ' . ' • -but tt _, ~ m\ICh "II thty hold •up,, It ,....•t pl/. 'ao t.bil 1.-1 ... n · · • much wtl&bt on 'our bitt.r., '' L ....... . ry· ~ -..... Ripey 111, hiJ "lour _, men" ~ he like& the joab or ;fnm 1!1111. -The j\I Squad ·.:.· aro the · Ali1el•' the tz.year-ojd ca!Cher. Bob ~· tlrooieol ault at lhe momtnl. Mc:Glothlln II IO and hit ·~· lul y.,-, ilvblg II· a proven ti.Ir, -hu II"" 1(111 • IOld"' oppi>rfunlly, -1 • '' of hasoball'1 11net1 curv'e ' halls MIJ' , "I c1on:t ,.. any ,_ •bf i:Pn lw been a aprlll(.aenaatloil and ii~ clllll pJ.; la lhe M~J41ue!.! Ilg 1oo11ec1 tlk • cme cil the bell at 11mu salcl. "ff<'• -·var IDJi>IWlft Jn wt yw. lhe spr1nJ but then tt pti lou&bot Mel _kc!gna_~pJl~Lf-me. lo lb< wben lhe.....,. .WU." _ bullpen It IS-yur-old Hoyt Wllbtlm, 1W1 LoOJlliii at tbe-bn>acl. ~illl!))Y ooe el lhe ,...,,, put -. l!ddle likes lhe -. fltftr givea Ibo ~ a poUn1 -.two "We ha~ I loocl ~ or j1oun1 out of Ille pen. Tbe jary It 111111 out ·playen and okler veter1111. lt'a iollll on Minnie RoJu but H bl aboulil pllqo to be I V~ ""'°'-" . ' SF, Laker Hopes Rest With Mullins OAKLAND (UPf) -Hopes al S.. Ftancl1CO to beat the Los Anaelea Laktrs in their NBA Wutem Diviaion playoffs may hinae on the Injured knee of Warrior a:uard Jeff Mullins. • Mullins bana:ed the knee In a colliakln with Bill Hewitt of the Laker• ahortly after the opening whistle in Monday night's 115-11 Lei Anjleles victory befort a disappointed C1P1Clty crowd of 13,221 at the Coll.Mj,an-Arena. It was the Liken' first win after two San Francisco victories in the.be!Jt...of-eeven seriu whlch resumes Wednesday ni&ht at the San Francisco Cow· Pl'tlace. Hewitt and Mullins bum~ kntt:s and Mullin• hobbled off the c:outt. He caine· back to ecort seven points be.fort 1 doctor dla,-nosed Internal bletdina on the knee and O"rlfl'"ed him sidelined. "T juat couldn't do anything on the knee." said Mullin!!. · "It iuat awelled up on me. Everyth.in( will depend. I gUess, on how well the knee responds to treatment in the next 61 houn." One of the offensive sparks of _ the Warriors in the sec ond half of the aeuon ~ in the first twC'.I. San Fra~ wlna -In tbt playoffs, Mullins' statua fcir the nert game is questionable. Warrior coach George Lee bemoaned !he los.s of his star guard. "We never had the guy that could really iet us .sroing with Jefr mis.sing from the lineup," he ~11id. "The loss takes the pressure flff ()r us." "added Lee. "We sllll think we're Joing to win. But now we know ·we can't sweep it." I.AS Angeles outacored the \Varriors, 41·25, In a bij: third period to overcome a two-point San Francisco Jud at halftime. Jerry West and Johnny Egan, otarllng hio flnt game of lhe aerleo, sparked the Laker comeback. West tall· ied 13 of his game-high of Z5 poinl! and E1an bucketed 10 of his 18 in the third period. . . Jn the battle ol the big centers, Wilt Chamberlain of Los Angeles and Nate Thurmond each ICOJ'td 22 poinll ~ut the 7-1 Chamberlain snagged 23 rebound to 20 for Thurmond. Far the firat ttme in the aeries, the Lakers outrtbounded the Warriors, 118-58. Re1ardinl critleism that he does Mt drive enou~ for the basket. ChamJ>rllaln said tie is going to continue to pl1y "the same ~·ay 1 did all season." "If I have to gO to the basket. that's what I'll do." he said. "\Ve beat these guJa four out of seven on the 1eason and I was scoring only 8 or 9 points · a Rame." Chamberlain praised the play o( Hewitt, fonner Southei:n California star. IM~lor Hewfn Chtmberltln W•O E•kl<SOI! c-11 H1wkln1 Cr1wton1 l t1 Alletl• .. ' , 3·6 1 10 0.0 1t ' .. n n I t ·l! H ' ... : 5-1 11 0 1·2 I .... 0 1-1 1 ' J&-11 11 1 .. ' '"'' E111n Andtft&n Totals '1 ~ TIS LO. Antttet l l n Pr1MhH • Pev!td 0\11-MM. Sin P r•Ml1t1 . ' ' ltllucn o 1 5-1 11 LN 1 1·1 J Tllurrnond I 6·11 2? Alllt J ' 0·1 I Mullln1 l J.J 1 Kil>f ' .. 1 1' Ellh 4 l·J I Turner t 1.1 5 ltwl1 I O.Q ' Wlllllrm I .. , I Schlw !t r I 3-6 J ... ,.... • 0..0 0 1~;•111t ,, ·ljl1~t: " nnun-" 10111 !Oub-LOS Mttlts H, Sin Frtnc:lsto ». .. College Power8 Vie Top Baseball Tourneys • At La·Palma, Riverside r·or Bal Weti partygoers all(f'COllt&iate baseball fans , this is the week of the year-. Two major college b a s e b a 11 41en. Jerry, incidentally, llvea 11 Bwt- tlnflon Beacll. And be'a done a fant.a!tic j&b el apcradln1 Cal State's program in ont. year -lirinl Ute 4ten a %1-J record Jut au1on. (j)f San Di eg o SAN DlEGO (APl -out-scrambJ('d t~ce, the young San Diego Rocket" ;again try to run agalnsl the Atlanta Hawb tonight in a National Basketball THE L ITTLE MAN -The Lakcrs' .John Egan, one or the smallest players ! six feet ) in the NBA. drives around San Francisco's .1\1 Attles during Monday night's Laker 115--98 playoff \\'in in Oakland. The •·must" v.·in by the Lakcrs reduced th e Warriors' lead to 2-1 in the \Ve slern Division Series. 'vhich switches to San Francisco's Co\v Palace \Vcdnes-' day night. tournaments have attracted most of the nati0n's leadlni college nines with action alreacly under way in the annual Riverside c!i.ssic and hostiliti" begiMing \Vedneaday in the Chapman tournament at Anaheim's La Palma Park. Cal Stale will play all but three or Jls 1•1t 11me1 1l 1ptclou1 Long Beach Arena -anotlter 1tep up in molding a wl.nnin& program. Swim, Diving Classic · America 's top swimmers and divers will be converging on Belmont Plaza Olympic pool in Long Beach Friday for the first day's action in the National AAU short course championships. ASsoclation playoff. . But tint, Rocket Coach Jack McMahon said MondlJ, .his players mull get the ball more ollen to hll fut.breaking ro0~ guards and freshman center Elvin Hayes. The HiwU won the flrll two games In Attant., 107 .. and IJHH. U 1.elmo .Beety and BW Brid1es con- ti1'1Je to domlnJ1f:' the bsckboards the Rockeli may find themselves trallina fl-3 in the best.~f-7 Weatem Division ~~miflnlll. "Atlants's the mosl physical 'team in lhe NBA." said Stu Lantz. San Oie1o's rookie a:uard. "If they n1n "'ifh us. !hey can't beat us." Coach lo{clt!ahon 's game plan alw11y~ h a s been to run, but1 M he said w i I h "frustration : "Why aren't we ·running~ \Ve'rc oot gettinc the ball." The <Rockets, in their lf:COnd year of . NBA adkm, ha\IJ won all four ~Ill with the Hawk" In San Diego's Jnternalional Sportll Arena,, while drop· .. p1nc Ill sll cames In Atlanta. • ' Sp orts Clipped Short Hadl Becomes Free Agent SAN DIEGO -·Veteran quarterback- .John Hadl, who has kept the San Die10 Chargers winning for the past rive seasons, dickered .as 1 free agent loday with other pro football teams. The Chargers' option on' Had!. who 1«1 the. league in touchdo,_·n plSliC~. yards gained and passing and com · pletions in 1968. expired Monday at mid- night and Hadl did not sign 11 ne\\· contract. .... .... .... ' VERO BEACH, 1'1a. Loa An1ele5 Dodgers officlalt •·en told Monda1 that Wlllle Davis' hairline fradln of t b e ript arm is not 11 1erfou1 as flnl U1w1b1 and lie should be able lo return to play within thrtt \\'ttk1. Dr. Fraak Jobe, tum pbya;lcian, told vice pretldenj Al Camp1nl1 thl: break ~·on't requ.ire 1 tail. Davis, rt"c1lperatln1 ht Loll Angele1. 1rns hit lo~t S111urd:1~' night hy 11 1095 .nr Allan1• Rrayes rcJl~,·cr Cl:inde Ray· mond. .... .... .... LAS VEGAS -An agreement for ~ title fighl between Jerry Quarry and Joe Frar.ier, heavytA·eight champion in five states. appeared near today. Representatives of the two boxers met ~tonday night to discuss the bout, which \\•ill probably be held 11r Los Angel~ in June. .... in New York .... 111 \"ERSIOE -USC Pilcher Brent Strqn1 lied R lltrikeout record in lhe l'intionRI Collegiate Caseball Tournament 1\londay night. fa nning 14 baUers in n !-0 win o,·er ho1t UC Riverside. In anothtr game, ·rndlana collected four home runs ror a 12-11 ,_.,, over ~lissl~~ippl. In th e third game of th e even.in&. Clyde lluchn hie a 3JI foot, lhrtt-run homer to lead llllnoi1. to a IU vtctory O\'er UCLA. ... .... ... Competing at the University or California, Riverside are such forces $1.iNN YUUTI WHITE 'WASH ................ 11s UCLA. Delaware, 7'1111l1slppl, Brigham Young, Illinois, Indiana, USC and the host school. Games are slated on a round·robin basis. daily through Saturday, at 111 .m., Diving qualifyln1 will bring the field down to the cream of the crop and lhe final1 April t-12. LeaditJI swlmmera will vie. also, and 1t1Un1 ft(Urt! to be in areal demand. nctets for the nine days of com- pttJUon art priced at •11 (reserved) and flt (general admiul.on ) and are , available through CompuTicket outlet" or by send.Ing a check to AAU Swim ChamplO!tlltip, P. 0. Box 38o.!. Long Beach, IOll03. 3 and 7 p.m.. with UCR and Evw Ind• Ji Park the sites for action. Janapo S Joining Chapman will be such teantJ a!t Wyoming. New Me1ico, Gr1mb~n1. ?:;,u.~~:~ sari..r• 1nc1 c11 state Bids for O.J. Wednesday's scheduJe haJ New Mexico • against Grambling (10 a.m.); Cal State ,l,NDIANA, PO. US. Ind. !AP) _ vs Grambling (1 p.m.): Wyomlnc vs WouJdn t 1t be a shame if O.J. Simpson UCSB ( 4 p.m.); Chapman vs UCSB c7 had to play football in the minor leaguf!ll P·Z'h!:pman now looms a• the favorite to get ~e kind of money he'a wo·rth,;' Lew May Sign This Week ST. LOUIS -Bo a.u .. i.,. onoe ·lhe king of the playboys, looked pretty mµch like jusl another ball _el.'yer today. He was cut by tlie St. Louis Cardinals ritonday and may be dispatched lo the minor lc~guc.s. In view ot ltl Ue with UCLA Friday a business representative for the "' 'ght and H wln ovtt Stanford the Southern California All-American said Monday. next e...Uni. But. 'd D Battle winds up Saturday. sa.i avid Lockton, Simpson lg The Riverside ipectacle Is brin(inC Jftpartd ... to do Just t.hat if Buffalo of ... __ the Amuican Football League doesn't LOtl ANGELES -Speculation wu mountinl -, that Low Aldndor might mllll it offk{al Ind I 11 rt the richest pip' contrect In the hiatory of sporu ..tit' lhll ---Mlhfaukee luckl 1enual m11n11cr J. Etk:Uon 1'1: rtported In Los Allplel lf"mlld wtth Alcindor'a contr1e1. -led to be worth II mUllon. Aldndor'• tdvilOr. Sam Cil.btrt. told tlla -ltd Prm Mond1y Alctndor ...W aot alp wltb lhe rival Amo:lctn B-q -· d"J)lta • 1 t o • ( reputed $3.25 million offer. • Sam Gilbert, a Los Angelts ront ractor and advisor to lhe 7·11't, three -time All· American. 11aid Alc.indor '"decided to fulfill his moral obligation a:iven in Ntw York to the Milwaukee: club." The decision" came after AHA · Com· - miswioner George 111lkan teltaramed Alcindor. apparently offering a lucrative ct:witrad with lhe New York Neu. Neilhfr Gilbert nor Alcindor would revt:al con· tents _of the telearam. Gilbm said private nqoU11tioN1 on :wn. NBA contrarl \\"ill begin Tuesday nr \VedneMiay. These t.'OOfertnces a~ parently will be held lo iron out f In a I delails of what i!1 rtPorted to be a $1 mllllon-plu:s oHer. The younger ABA had hoped to 1l&n Alclndot to gl\oe the..,s ruigllnfl lea]Ue a boost. , The bidding fot the serticts of Alcln· dor, wH"eelhorse on thrt:e UCLA national ch11mplonshlp tean:t. ha~ d w Ar fed previous money bat ti rs. In pro 1port! for coJJeee 1tars. 12.fll a 1~d for • wttk·k>nl adult ticket. mah a satisfactory offer. Chapman's e\'Wt 111 w<f'th •1.to ptr dl7 Lockt for adults with students 1ttlln1 in for on is vice president ot Sport" nd kid I wtcl l ..... Headliners. Toc.. headed by Chuck TE~IPE. Ari~. -Andy l\fr.;5e"mltb'1 1 buck a 9 1 or er agg,.... Batfies ot Indianapolis. Bames and carnr:d run a\•er11e look a beating !\ton-at 50 ctnl! apiece. Lotlcton have handled the negotiaUons day ts Ill" Callfomla Angel• ~ammates BrNlttl rula for St•r •ilh O'll'ner Ralph Wilson Jr of Ull lost lo the Oa.klud A '1. 1·1. Bills. 'll'ho hold the -draft ri h Tlte An1fls travded lo Tempe_fw _ A llk bld by UCLA for t1tf: aervtca .r-Simpson;--g,,,ts.,_.._ __ tnday'1 contett a.plul Ute Staule Hots:. Ctrnplioft HIP Hsketball 1&1r I.any Htl-. Al Sa\lilL president ot the Cipllol.! Melllen:ml~ pltcllled '"r hla•p:, IJfltl• W foreffl C.I Slate !Loll Budil announced a 14-day. extension to A 1i Rll°"·lnJ eigllt tlltl aid ltr tll'Mll nu; eoaclll Jerry TarkulM &t aecelente re-)S, ot his deadlint for Simpson' to d ~~ Defore the exhibition bueb1ll 1ame..M011· crald•C ot die_~ a&ar. \\'helher tfl accept a one-year co~ ~ da}'. ~f Psser1mith hid yielded only three Rollyfleld, CIF player ol tM year, for fl50.000 salary. plus a loan-of~ :C., rarned nin~. •u nppoaetlly 1 lock fw Tarb:alu'• for lnvestznent purposes.-' .... ... .... • --.. --·--------~·---·-- ZUBIN MEHTA -The music director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra participates in an hour-long documentary tonight, in color, on Chan- nel 28 at 9 p.m. Unique techniques by cameramen · show the orchestral preparation prior to public per- formances. Viewers will see the intense attentibn to '.'a note," and the great concentration required of classical musicians. TELEVISION VIEWS World Views Ike Pageant , ' . By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The world was watching the solemn and movtng pageantry. of the rites for Dwight D. Eisenhower Monday. Television cover- age started 'With the movement cf the services to Washington National Cl!thedral and ended only with the start of the train journey to Abilene. The television networks covered with an ex- pertise that permitted everyone with access to a set to watch the service$ from vantage points from which the general public was excluded. IT WAS a moving experience and cOntinued to give the vie'\l/er a sense of persdnal involvement and 10$S. The fonnality, the good taste and the soaring words and music combined to create· the mood. Never was there a jarring note. Those who followed the proceedings on teJevts- ion over the weekend appreciated the emotional and physical demands on the Eisenhower family. One sympathized with Mrs. Eisenhower, who Ipoked par- ticularly fragile toward the end. One watched with warmth the gentle way in which her son John watch-, ed over her. CBS ANO ABC slipped back to regular program- ming In the early evening. But NBC, faced with broadcasting the pretaped and lm!verent "Laugh- ln" -whlclt unfortunately was scheduled to have the !Wv. Billy Graham appearing In some of the gags -decided the show might be too abrasive on a day of national mourning and preempted It In favor of a lengthy review of the funeral service highlights. Theburial in Abilene will b,e covered on Wed- nesday. EARLIER in the day, NBC launched a new game show, ~1It Takes Two," to replace the canceled ''Snap Judgment." ·The half-hour program is not likely to cause any di sruption of household chores. The host - sports announcer Vin Scully who appar- ently bas been studying the ptoper enthusiastic de- portment of the aver.age ifame-s6ow host -asks the panel members ·a b_unch. of. silly questions and re- ceives a lot of silly answers. Three married couples in the opening show were asked to guess1 as a team, the combined population of North and South America; the combined waist- line of a nightclub bunny and a small elephant - both on stage together -and the number of hot dogs 30 primary school kids could consume in 20 minutes. ANSWERS : 450 million; 113\.2 inches ; 123 wien- ers. The sbow, in spite of its format, has a built-in appeal. It gives viewers an opportunity to look at the spouses of some well-known performers. Guests on the opening show were Richard and Mara Long; SheUey and Sarah Berman and Mike and Mary Wis Connors. All the wives were very at- tractive, all nonprofessionals and as poised and amusing as their husbands. Jl they can keep up the flow of prominent hus- band-wife teams, the ghow might mate the grade, female curiosity being what it is. <: Dennis the Menace ....... ' -- PERKINS 0 JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS ® TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF ~ORDO "A-"'-' .. _!0\--' ).1 1HE CVll/:l~T RATE OF Wlt-DLIFF . DE5Tlll.JC110/J iffl! FJIJ/5 FOil FA:.JN!. /$ N19Hf f~1S fllM H~S IE~>l P.llTEP r n • [t!) f6~1:tR~- « • AoP1E'Nc..Es ONL'I • . ' :.. " By Jolin Miles -~=-J.l) ... 't-/ By Harold Le Doux p...,.;;;;;;;...,;;-;,,,.,;""r,;;;;;;;:-;;;~;;;;;~ HKIMPMI By Tom K. Ryan ~ v By Al Smltli By Gus Arriola GUESS II,« THE O/o/LV a.IE •1 HE WOJ/1 ir MISS MIJCli! .. Ii I! fl ,l 1y Men -··-- -------~-- TUOlday, Aptll l, 1969 r• e'"' --tel (30) W1ht ~-PtlT ldlnb tlle· loll lltunll Yil '" lkidrwilc cnwt. euw..p contl111111 ... tfll 10:00 ....... , ....... .... ., u..i l<i (30) / DAJLY I'll.Of llil"" ~ .... (30) .... """ , ..... ----tel (91) Pr11PI* "P1llll II AIMfk:llM. • Biii Anlll •11111: Rutll Alllmi l.,.., .,..,. u ,.,.,tn Iii' alt "' .,... £1 ..._.. ii .. S. tQ elll llOll U. LOI Ma11111 atr GJT• WC I'' HI (t) • ..., -(la) fll c..O •• -(30) ' . ea C:... Er Or lrt ... --(Cl (Ol) ·-1 ......... 1:15 m DodlltS Sc:trlbollrd (C) Jerry Doqelt 1nd Vin Sa.JU)' rec11p tl'lt 1am1. . Cowlcl ....... 111., ,..,t: Oii lhl four "7 ,.. ltllYQf, Cltr a... ell, Ciatml.--' lalflll fl Edu-· Cltion--91 ..n • etlllr "C'.111 .. th• Pri•rr 11111 ..n WW: • 11111. Warlolll ................ ........... e QI -te1 <<Ol fll @CIJ QI Tllo!• ... (Cl (fOl '~lorit P1.1Y1 eup1•." Ruttt llmL Jadil YlttfllOll, .hltl1t ;..,, tllll(. m• .. -tCI (30) .,_ !!.::!" - -II a (-'51-T-- 0-CCl QI_...__(<) WllllJ--" ...... ...,. ...., 'M -Cllil .. ,, , .. , .. fll EYEWITNESS ELECTION * FINAL-resu~s-lnlnawt DD_ IC> . "C.•••"1 .... ...,. (C) m,.,...,_.,.tCI ID Q3 Cll m ""' ltl (30) "C"' With tlll Drift." Jullt'1 babft,lttw 1:151-::, ..._ ~ (*-) . _,,,,_, C.l'QI la ll*f: Md botts out of tfll •Plrtmlrrt lftw l'KIMnl ........ utL Nboft ltlllll 1V11b n tlll t::11 mn ._. -litt«. Ulllo ___ tCI ' (30)_ .. _ .. __ 2:11•--= --- 0. Fra-. .... "81. ..... k." • • - WEONESOAI U:lO QI ~-·-(->" -41)'1111 Jotw:. ................. (_, __ CUP T)llS AD AND SAVI T.Y. '7.50 OH YOUI MDT lllYtCI CW. conw........,. -., 11. ,,., ' SAUSllUVICI ,.-.................... : DlllTH 642·9742 ~SI. 17th ST~ COSTA MISA 1 L • fl • I I [ I I I • LllGAL NOUCB · • H Y .. r 1'1onet'• 'Wortla Who Serves Small ·fuvestor? -. -. --.. ' • 1111 c1stamer c111111ence ... blllll·lft 100116 MACHINES We "'littd tJiat 11111!)' czi-. loSI ti11nllon •ddilc ricms.sa .. ilslllled adG., 1111<11;.., ri&ht ·ii Ille C011ters for oor customm to ase. They Uwe been pleased at the time and effort . thcJ ...._So. ii JOI b"' tro.blt babncin1 ""' checkbook, or addinf yovr monthly lirili1 e1peft51£, become I depcsitor at Newport National hnl1nd eojoJsomeot the time·sa•inc conttnieD«S that bawe made vs "'The lll011 ucii~ue b111k in lhe world." · 11 am1ae 7 COMYINllNT on.as SUVING Ol:ANGl COUNn ..... -~·...,....W0.111 1 ......... ..,... ........ ftt.11•1 ................. It c ..... 171-2900 • ..., ............. " .. 171 71"3 ........ C ,..._. MZ·•ll • ......... lat1.a....-C2il*C... 11)4140 . .... ....... 0... '42-)lll .. ASSETS OVER $42!5,000,000.00 . . • LOS ANGELES -Getty Oil Co. announced· consolidated sales and otlier revenues of $1,204,374,000 for the year end~ ed Dec:, .. compared w i t h $1,165,388,000 for 1967. Consolidated net income In / INGS OTH~ BRANCH Off1CES i'.:.'1.-,... -......... Covino Glende le • .... ·A· ) ' • ' --""'7 • ' r -· ,. "' .. . • • • ' ----~-·~-~~-~~~~~·-~--~~~--......-,~·-·----...,..~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~.,...,....,.,.'!"":"~~~~~~~~~...,,""":!'""':""'~~1"1' .... ., ·• • '!tieSday's .. Closing Prices -C.Omplete New I. ----- - H • York· Stock Exchange . List ...., ...... a.a.. ... ,. ... -------- • • ....... -r-. ... • • NII.¥ l'ftAf II ' . • .. • • ~-·-----··· ·--···"7'--.--~-----.~---~.,.,.. .... ~---...... -.... -..,. .................... ,..... ................ -,... __ .,.. ______ -.;>' ____ ~-o;--1 ft DAll.V PILOT T....-,, Apt!! I, 1969 =='--~~~~~~~~~~~ "'Mandarins' Due • · m:w YORK (AP) -James ' ColRn Wm -In "The Man- Kids!> King -dlrim." 20th CeoUD')'·FOJ'I ' ........ par.,, -adap- That's 'Kangaroo' Kees han • taUon ol. Slmooe de Beauvoir's ,.i...wtnnlng novel. Rob<rt • MulJlpn ?j1i dlre<:t, be&lnnlnl : la mid-19&1, wltb locatioM in ,Chicago, New York and Yucatan. • 7' • •&flCM • AT •u.1a • HU~f"tU .. 'l'ON •RACH• •• ., • ._ : MATINE ES ON LY •MOM. J/)1 Fii. 4/4 1 TUB. 4/1 SAT. 4/1 '#ID. 4/2 SUN, 4/6 THUi. 4/J ' DOORS OPEN H>D p.m.· SHOW STARTS 1,30 ' SHOW OVER AT 4,30 'Y""'-'" By VERNON SC01T HOU.YWOOD WP)) Robert ;Keesban, television's captain Kangaroo, Is tile ollly man on the tube who can boast ol having entertaloed a EUCCe:SSiOia cl. five genera- tions of Ameflcans. or course, h1s viewen ar:t composed of the 2-8 age bracket. 11te New York Iri.sbman calcul&tes be bas a· turnover amoog vieWers every three er four year.s. And inasmuch as he's been oo the air silK'.e J955, he's bad at least five se~ <J. fans, "When youngsters go off to school I lose them," Keeahan explained on a trip from his New York headquarters to I~ "And by tile time they're seven, they're much too 90pbi.sticated for me." Kiddie shows generally are limited to 1oca.l stations with an oCcasional syndication series cropping up. But "Captain Kangaroo" ls the only network children's ohow not limited to . cartoons. Its ratings are unifoi'mly high --- -~ COWllry -.... COUDtl I« g..,ban'a ~11 .. the air. - The beovy set graduate ol Fordham -exp la Ins his popularity ' "Mine i.m' reaiiy a show. 11•1 a visit. Jt'1 quiet. There l&: no blare of trumpets, and WO koep Jt simple. '0 Aoother thi.Dg, 1 have a oo-nlallooship wltli the child viewer. And I -' the liWe ones don't have time to gel lhod ol me becaµae they gmr up aad I" to school'' K-.0 11 modest. • His show continues to ei.cel in a tough market became he Is.. -"' nachlng youngsters at their own-level and educating a 'n d en- tertaining them so painlessly that the sand. pile aet absorbs bitl and ~ of tnowJed1e withJxJt ~ aware ol it. Moreover, Kee!han, a soft.. spoken man with kindly eyes, is producer cf .the show and ha~. complete control over its content. " It Js, however, grinding work. In tlie past 14 years · Keeshan lw complete<I 4,200 epbodes ol ''Captain· Kangaroo," with no repeats summer hiptus. .· The daily show b taped In a New York studio. About 25 percent of each episode ls written line for line. The remaining 75 percent l.! ad Ub, but !wed around familia. loo routines and s!tuaUons. ,_ ~ "===;;;.;-;,:;;--:....:;;;~I OSCAR NOMINEE · e BEST PICTURE e BEST DIRECTOR Noonllnat'J' l<Ml lltO'"J"- 'RIFLES HP '· AMNMN SCIMRTZ ~ Production ~ aum ·.Dolw..· . . - Plus FRANK SINATRA RAQUEL WELCH OAN BLOCKER "LADY IN CEMENT" STARTS WEDNESDAY .sntt: I MCOUllN AS ffUI 1111' ------....... THE BROTHERHOOD ~ -\ ·. .: ..... STARTS WEDNESDAY BALBOA 673-4048 oPEtl 6:45 7"La.-a.1 ... ,.,....la & The Monk"' - ''HEAD'' STARTS WEDNESDAY .... .,. ...... "ENDLESS SUMMER" ENDS TONIGHT ANDY GllfFITH IN ~ANGEL IN MY - POCKET" ALSO JOHN WAYN i "HELL FIGHTERS'.' STARTS WEDNESDAY "CHA14LY' IS A SUPEtB MOVIE!" MESA'S DICK DALE ENTERTAINS WITH HAWAIIAN WIFE JEANNIE 'King of Surf Gult•r' Now Plays It Polynesian In ffew RlverlJ~• Night Club Buys Riverside Club Dick Dale Goes Hawaiian By TOM TlT\JS Of n. Dlollr 'ilot l"H ' showing, this time , as the owner and headliner of a The face is fa m 11 l a r , Riverside night club. (At 18720 likewise the guitar, but the Van Buren Ave.) music now has a Polynesian Dale, who pioneered the beat. "surfing sound" o( the early And if the early turnouts ·sixties which turned into a 'are any criterion , Cost a nationwide musical tidal wave, Mesa's Dick Dale is ' on the · has purchased a club and two way to "311.other suc<;ess!ul · acres ot land in Riversille ' ' ~ ' WALT lllSllFt , ....... ----· .. <Xltl(/lr ' ----. T1CHHla'.IUll' where his career began a decade ago. . The premiere night, March · 22, was an un q ualifie d smash."We could only seat a third ol lhe J>eOS:!le who ~wed up," one of Dale's aides at . his Costa Mesa headquarters . •eporle<I. lnsl<:ad ol tile Del Tones, who backed him when he was the "kln,g of the surf guitar," Dick Is now joined by his Hawaiian wife, Jeannie, whom he discovered, on a trip to the islands and married ll year ago. From the "Puka Puka Otea -Revue" at the Queen's ··Surf Hotel; where she was the t.op Tahitian dancer, Jeannie join- ed Dick on a mitniand tour which included C a e s a r ' s Palace and ·the 'Mlunderbird Hotel in Las Vegas. The opeJling of pie Riverside ·club is the latest in a long list of achievements for Dick, who once oceupied a ,stellar spat on the pop record r.harts with 8UCh hits as ,;Miserlou,'' "Let's Go Trippin' "and "Mr. .Pepperment Man." If music ls his first Jove, animals are his sKond; In a 1964 interview, Dick told of his dream of finding a place in the country for his growing menageri~ which in· eludes a number _ of wild animals. Along with his night club, Dick h~ purchased two acres of land in Riverside. He hopes eventually b build a ei>Untry. ·club with swimming Pool, a golf range and po.5Sibly a riding stable. "It's what I've been waiting for," says Dick, who perfonns with Jeannie nightly, except · Mondays, at the JUvenlde .club. Judging by the crowds which have turned out to welcome back th~ir "king," -it's also what .a lot of Southern Califorrrlans have been waiting. for. -Crossword Puzzle HELD OVER ACROSS 46 Ftmtd Hollywood 1 Do 1 c1ran-namt Ing Job 47 HMdi:omt 5 Schtm lng man prrson 49 Fmtht rs' 10 P.ffsl111 : COlllptn lon Abbr. 51 For11 er Can. 1 14 P1 o!ect co.,tmor lodge from Grntrtl lntNslon 52 Wht!r: 15 TV lraturt Co111b. fomi , 16 Wiidly 53 Trlmmtd amusing 55 ----of eerson th e loods 17 Chronic 57 Menu lttni 19 Grttk 58 R1ilro1d mount a In track prak 63 Ancient 20 Use logic· author 21 Tll lck mess 64 fncldtntal 22 Exchang e 66 Mr. Harrison mrmbersh.J p 67 ~Ind of 23 Playful -res idence m•mma ! 68 Quantity 25 Terrible: 69 Noun sufflK Comb. forr1 10 Gardener's 26 Pituitary concern gland 71 -··· actlo., secrellon 30 llleidow reaturc OOIN 11 Mountain 42 Unit In In Wrsltrn · phy sjcs Canada 45 Distarfc e 12 Santa -··• runner's 13 Statistic: rrqulrement Abbr. 48 Dentist's 18 In addition lnstrumrnt 24 Trunk 50 Spi 2S Up and -53 ••••• bull: 26 Big word Rrli glous on Oahu lrtttr 27 Tllrashtd 54 Ptrfor1111d with a stick 55 --·-wolf 28 Can. mount• 56 One of aln range: srvtral 31 Noisy •TICIM~ disturbance 1 C01111tOll011 2 words English 2 Cot~ · 29 River of rlYtrs ALSO 34 Volc.,lc 3 lllan s na•t China 57 Hashish ••• C..tt•M• Skw · mudflow I OSUI WllNll' 36 Spokes U.llA.U. fllllS W"'-n ...._ M., s.t., Sn, 38 Accoladr lo · "INTERLUDE" FtM z P.M, ~H!:!:~or 4 Cer1al" 31 Bated dis h sourC"t socla l 32 Flush with 59 Thin gllhfflngs tr iu111ph circular 5 l111b11n 33 Track eett ob/tel w Ith odor event 60 Byzantine ••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. y NEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760 ~POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY ·.~i~-~~~ .. ~'ITiC ~ " • AIQ.•Ml(,Gl.lim-• ..... Moli!ltf CID(!] • ·"-Kl•k Dougl11 "A LOV&L Y WAY TO DIE" ~Starts Wed. -Matinees Daily SH.VI: l't'JC C2UEEN AS !WI 1111' ~lt.fl'ank lllJlill·· SOOICI dhGr.ldhd d ~ ' Ii+;; !ANM\lif@'JllilCdte•mm111 • I c1 •• 1~1. ·:=:=:==:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;~=:;=:;=:;::;:=:;::;=:::=:=:=;1 t'lnftmrnt- "" Pronoun •r•.t.•TE .... f ~~e~;i~~~ ':· ~~r!~t"" UI 101 LAS VEGAS.. ~ ~ ... , -('Out"_., ~.m .... "~,,.,.. .,,.., .. STARTS WEDNESDAY " CHf1tOK1r PltOOOCTIONs ,. • ..,.,,. JAMES GARNER JOAN HACKETT WALTER BRENNAN . :SUPPORT YOUR LOCAi. SHERIFF' j 11>";;-...,.....,...-l •I-.. --.:;.. COLOI ............... _ I ALSO-The BeaUes "YELLOW SUBMARINE" ·---- . ... .. .. .. . f) Htart 35 Put 1 checl(D .11Lilul 1"M""t nrrtar-·""'ln'iJie-111111~ 61 Encyclope-•"'"•-i-wart 37 Cllrtrless t nt 8 Go by cir 40 l dots, 62 rirrr'limftlt 'I •••• school 3 dashts, 65 Projlet name ID Toast 3 dots suffix • I . f Chips' _Jt~urical_ Patient ProduceE~ Reaps Dividends By l.THOMAS ,, __ _,."""'! HOU.YWOOD (AP) ~Next Thanksgiving, t h e nation's theater screens will be or-' fering a $J.t-million, musical "Goodbye, Mr. Chips." The release will come exactly five years after the project was initiated by its producer, Arthur P. Jacobs. The story of how Jaei>bs fmal.ly managed to get the ew "Ch.ips" On film emonstrates the tenacity and t1ence that film makers need in today's ever~hanging market ''It was Thanksgh•ing week of 1964 when I decided to do 'Chips• as a mUsical," s·aid lbe ambitious young publicisl- tlD'ned·produ cer, "L h"ad just been toying with the idea for some time, and 1 found out that Andre Prtl.lia" had been thinking about it, too. We workeQ up a lot of enthusiasm for the idea, and then 1 sud· i;lenly realized, 'We're cer- lainly talking big when neither of us owns the property.'·~ Jacobs took bis idea to MGM, which did own "Chips," haying filmed the memorable 1939 version wi th Robert Donat and Greer Garson. The company's executives were enthused about 'Jacobs' idea Jnd agreed to go along wilh him. The producer. assigned Britisll playwright Terence Rattigan ("Separate Tables") to write the script. 1'We made some changes in the story," said Jaco bs. "The book and the first film ended in a contemporary time, and so does our version - it concludes in 19711. Hence Bill Cosby <;>pens at Melod vland J Com'edian Bill Cosby opens tonlgbt at Melodyland, doing the first of seven performances this week at the Anaheim showplace. Cosby wlll appear nightly through Easter Sunday with the exception of Friday night when there will be n o performance at the com- edian's request, in memory or the late Rev. Martin Luther King. •. Persons already ho I d in g Uckets for that performance may exchange them f o r another of the remaining ap- pearances: tOnight through Thursdv at 8:30 p.m., at 7 and Ur'Saturday night and at 5 and 8:~ Sunday. Appearing wlth Cosby is singer Rhetta Hughes. Following this Easter Week attraction is the Juliet Prowse ShoW, which opens April 8 !or one week. .. . • we cover World War ll instead of World \Yar I. In the book and film, Mrs. Chips was a very brief rigu re. Chips met her on a holiday, married her, ;1nd she died in childbirth; there was no detail of her background. "In our scrip( she Is established as· a musical com• edy star of the London stage. This gives her dimension and also provides an excuse for musical numbers. Our picture is nol a musical in the usual sense: the characters never sing to each other. ?i-fany of the songs are 'voice-over' - done wilh off.screen voices Without the characters moving ·their lips.·~ The• casU'nl of "Goodbye, f\1r. Chips" proved to be a three-year headache. The first Chips was Rex llarrison, but he had to withdraw because of a conflicting schedule for "Or. DolitUe," also produced by Jacobs. , , Next, Richard Burton was to co.star Y.'ith Samantha Eg· ear, Gower Champion direc· ting. But Burton's tax lawyer! . : raised so many problems he ' was dropped. Having com· pleted ''Dr. Doliltle." Marrison · air: a in entered the picture. But • ~ a conference · wi th Jacobs, ' Champion and Harrison in ' Paris ended in such a wrangle thal the actor wlthdrew again. Jacobs then signed Peter • O'Toole, who had sung on the:: London stage though never in films. The producer cast Pe'"tu!a Clark as li-1rs. Chi ps after viewing her tests for -..; "Finian's Rainbow." But now two original members of the production team dropJ!f.d out Gower Champion' decided he did not ..... __ want lo dislocate his family for the 18 months in England needed for the film and was replaced by Herb Ross, who choreographed . "Funny Girl'' but had neve r dire c!ed a film. " Andre Previn and his wife :: Dore, v.'ho. had written the '1 songs. "4l1ere unavailable for .'. rewriting needed for the ne1• ' cast. said Jacobs. though the • Previns have indicated the · parting v.•as not amicable. LeS!ie Bricusse. v.·ho won an · • O~ar • for "Talk to the .: Anima ls,'" in ''Dr. Doli ttle," turned out the IO songs. "After three years, y,•e finally started shooting in Europe," said Jacobs. "At last luck was v.·ith us. Out c.: 14 ', weeks of outdoor shooting, we lost only orie day because of weather." Collegiate Carol Harvarll University, students John Cook (le!I) and Bill.Kiley join television comedienne Carol Burnett in a dance number after Mlss Burnett recei ved the school's ••woman of tbe year" award from the Hasty Puddlng Club. I ' , .. - I • ' I Fo ' . , • • i ·. mn • YOL'.. 62, HQ. 71, 2 ~NS, .21 PA6ES .. • ' -Midwe~tem -~~~~ . · U.S.·Paying, .. ·-• • Bie ·Homage ... WASlllNGTON, Ind. CUPn His · idLJW llidwe111niftpakl~ br the tbl:••..,,. todaJ tci tbellq4'aped .. 11 .... ( w . _,trig Dwlgbt . D. ~· ..... bis loaC 11111 "jour)>ry bact home lo 11·- Undtr aeniJe -and lkiog small town nilrold aldJncl, the ...,..ie came to ·aay 1oodb!'• for the 1111 llme to the .... ,...,. -aW, bod -and followed in'......, Ind in war. · Thi 10-Car train bearlnc Eilenhoftr'1 body pu3ec1 tmoo&h cmc-ti at mid- morning and then rOUed into Indiana, headJnc toward the rolling bill coontry wbe,. Abraham · Llnc:oln spent bis l>oyboed. For the lint lime on Its 3G-!lour journey fr<l!ll WuhiDl!on, D.C .• to EiseobcWer's final ...U.C place in Abilene, an American Oag wu draped on the side of car no. 314, whtr< the body of the two tmn pmldtnl, av..-poeraJ of the army and supreme commander ol lllled forces durinl World War II iay 'in an llO regulalioil GI cukeL n.e only further stops on ·its achedule were· in UWJ .001.heut Indiana town In the , earl)' afternoon for a change ! r ' .. ur1T....,... of lhe nllroad cr<W, al SL J,ouia Ibis evening, 8nd qatn· at Kansas ·City, Mo., before Its. expected arrival -at Abilene at about midni&hL EISENHOWER FUNEllAL TRAIN -HEADS WEST TO ABILENE l A General's Last Journey -UoS. S.y1 Farewell O!I Wecln...tay,, Eiunhower will be buried In the' "place of meditation" chaptl at Ute EfRnbowtir center, close· by the ll!OI wber< lhe body of his son who. died in 'infancy, David Doud, lies. . .. P-t N"WJD .was. due to fiy to - Eisenhower Home Town tb:= ~~:.""""' for the ·A11;ni1~ l ts V n1 ,,ir..: .. ~ .. ~0n·. 'ftle -Jl!ll!i!f l!l(J!l!l!I( his , L .'lf~.-i.J4l• _ ~~~ ~ i train would pas#, w it h 0 u t . --. .. -,,;·-"":•, ... ~ J11Dtice. · even IOqbt ~ ; ~ ' ... . , t . to• 1ts'llinelabfe a oocr<1.·'n was . ' . 'llJ MDllllWf 8mll lunetal..,f the late chief ezetulJvt, llve an Impossible hope. Clowda by the' ABILENE, Kan. (UPI) -'l)lls old star 8!11!'!"81 @!l<!bollielown boy. lhoulands atood and waited through_ the -tow_n of_ CJ!hbolm Trail lame, which While the Eiaonhower funeral .lrlln tiigJlt _and mornJnc a tht ·~ ~, CJOce bi1stleil with gumllngers and cov-moved •lowly westward tntO Ute IJUt cauatnc H to. slow dOwn and WI behind erad -· Was full of new lllllS and . . , llChedule • radio jeeps otday awi.hlng the sad return Am~1can plains, .A~ s 1 t r e e. t s · Durlni the IO-nilnute ltopoVtt' in Cin-.d. a famous '°1l. Ow!;ti D. EJ.senl)(>wer. _restmbl~ the .set of a WU niovle. "aMlti lhe famll .rWbed II 11111 llhare More !ban !,400 men of lhe armed O!!icers and men. of lbe 5th Army It.I\ mourning. ~t dlrectec;I m ~i the forces; assembled for the Wednesday seemed almost .to_outnmnber the civilian. lllnerary .be releaied ·anil "wed UW populaUOii of-nearly 1,000. a Oag ~ placed on IJie baQa1• cat Lau" d to Reduce In addition, eoid-<yed young men ln """"' Elienbower'a !><!di' i., amid blacl: dark business suits, buttonecklown eoi-t!rapes. ' -·· _ Ian and abort halrcuts -qenls of Mn. Mimie Eilenbower'1 lister and the U.S. secret service-made a door.f.o- daughter-in-law Mrs. Goldon Moore and Bomhm" g Sort1"e•Q door ~k of residents and businesses Mrs. John .E~. supervised the --"' along the burial proCes:iion route of less placing of the flag while she ~yed than ~ne mile from train to grave. instde · · ·To s u·ce-Expengp~ This was to assure the safety or one ~ were' 2,000 per80llS standing in · ' """""' Of the '"?""",,. Pmid~l N°lllon, who a light rain as the funeral train came . WASfllNGTON' (UPI) -Defense will~ here Crom Wahington Wednelda7 to the massive.· stone-gray union terminal Secretary Melvin R. Llird tOOay an-morrung. at CincinnatL ~·1 elder~. nounoed a reduction in planned 8SZ raids FtTheS.~d.AnnIIJy, with h~a~uairleral al 1i'.A•at went from the train to tbe,;nain ln r.-... · 1~~ an,· ·• wu 1~~ n orce ~ • ,._.w ,Vietnam., in line with •orders to do more-than give the fafleq com· Wattinc room-to thank the JpOD•aneoJS · by .Pres.ident N~on to ~ defense coats. mander in chief a ceremonial aendOff. m~. The action ,will .cut 1n haU the extra The military men also were engaged "We are especially crateful to the $100 million· the ~w administration tack-busily in producing thousands upon many achool children who ..have tmm:d ed onto the 'BU ~ J'eCOl1UJlended thousands of words of Eisenhower out ·~ the ·.~~ to pay their by~ J~ administration. . ~ background .. mat-er ta I, covering re~ts, he Uid. Thia ~ been ~ 4-ird also said that producUon of. • everything from reminlsences of a World tremendOW! strain on Mrs. Eisenhower, new sborl-l'ange, nuclear-Upped mlsstle. W8r II WAC . drivi!r and secreiary the but she aeeim to be bearing up well " • d<slcned lo be fired by bombers at 1 Ka S b lo E!Je i..;, , Forty minutes alter the train tdt Cift. giound targets would be delayed for onner Y. wnmen .Y.· n er 11 dlUlltl Jt sl ed to 1 -miles the same reeon. · · favorite recipes for chile and beef stew. .1 ' ~-·""' O -per hour They are. among $Ill million in ne\f · Part of 1 city hall ·wils converted Into as J passed .... ""6'. Lawreoceburg, Ind. ,_ 1 • ...: 1 · , a mammoth pttss room· where by Mon- StveraJ hundred persons lined the tracks cu.. n u111: De ense Department s spen-d n1· hi 100 """' d~-'"ed and the • dlng budget far the lilaI year beflhmlng' ay g , some .....,., -press , La........oorg American Lqioo ~uiy I, Laird; ,,_ied. to lhe , ll<luae releases bad , been mlmeograpbed and ~a color guard pruented arms. Armed SerVicetCOmmltteaJ Hii !7-PJfe placed On tables across the room befo~ It waa the same all a1ong the wa7 statement to a .dOll!d meet.Ing ·of the a gathering crowd of reporters and • (See TRAIN, Pqe I) committee wu mp public as he started .broadcaSt~s, leslllylng. • • -n, Eisenhower Center, where be wm Educators Group · Endorses Trustee '. Seat Ca ndidate'8 An add!tiqnl]• lioo million in cuts bad be tiuried Wednesday, beneath th< floor been ttportod b)'• Laird to the same of a small chapel llnown simply u committee !!ft 'l'hirada(The "'mblned "place of meditaUi>n," wu' roped oil rollbacU of rough]); •1.r biUIOO -"'!lui:e and patrolled by armed military aentrles the 111 billion def-~ budpt ln a ..... _,. manner ..served !or irePll<d by llle Jolmoon adminlslr~ _ areas of bigbest security. . to m.t billion.. • • . : • ' Military and ci vilian police patrol can On Thursd.ly, Laird told the committee criss-crossed the small town Monday (See iKlMD:Rs. pq.1). (Boe ABILENE, Pqe I) ' I ' . , '• ' ... • _. .J .t ·cuar·ds -ReseH&-25 ·\ .Becre~ CroiVds Top Past Easter.Weeks . .. the, city Doparlment of llarbon 'and Beacbu, .Aki . llondaJ'• ~d ran a 1ii11o· hilber: lh&n,' past' Easter W.U. groups, tbanks to better,Weatber. · However. the vacstkm crowds have come no. where near aimmer proportions ot 100,llOI per day, be added. Surlen: will hive tbelr best crack at lhe water durlJ!g morning houri, alld Bowman. Hunlhlaton Beaeh ha! .. Death Bate. mgh -~ed ilmllallons .... _,.,,,. 'but lilecuanta will hall life 1p1rt·-""""' . propprtions make tt a bamd. · "Ilurinc Easter .. ~ ., the· surfing about noon or l .,p.m.," AA. Bowman . For ~ Interested in.learnilii wal<I: 'JO'! temperature --., ftli. turillg lo the beach, ~ - a specill anawerinl -lillh f1III details at l3a.tllll: Epidemic of Men·ingim . . . Growds· Swarm . ' . ' ·, Kil·ls: 13 in California' Q aiuule\I lo(dllOr IIte ;,. eololly of • ToHun~n aJ!!s, u..mnda of can i<!lod,'iiqueaed BERKELEY (UPI) - A ...... 6u1-"Epideml< ii a word I cloo1 Dlo and slid; lnlo rm'! avallable a1o1 near ~-• of _._, _ _,tis ~.-..... ,. to use," Chln Aid, "but ii 11 al least the PadiJc Ocean M-y ln iluntiaaton "'-""'."""'' iqh w~ --a"' fair lo aay ""· an """'*nod about Beach. . , rate,.nmntnc,.': ~ ..... .:. onetheinSfitavleo a morted lncreasi !bat bas bit Metered Jllrklng ~, private loll -.. sweep.... ""°'"''"''~• Cllifornla." . and roadaides felt the ,sQu~ ·from Health Depuimept said today, Cliln said the death rate "Is rwmJnc lbouundl of sun and !lin people who So far, al lout 12 penona have died between i$ and Ill percent." drove.do!m for a day al the bOacjl, ,_ the -thil year and the labu-Cllilornia appeara lo be Umq.. In Bigal jlrOblG of .. tlie day .WU "" latlom I 1rom le'• ............ experiencing tho oulbroat and "lllcts ...-'-lhe traffic division of the to Dr aroJamoa\!r Chln-a ;..:::::;:~ out like a aore thumb," the doctor alld. llllllllilP!o "'Beaeh ·l,'ollco Department, 1pecwi.i Jn op~ -..--• "I don't really ha•• llllJ lboOrle& " wblcll .liaolJ 1utr_ic parted ·ff!dclel of! Chln alld then .~were m reported to wby we're in the lead, ID lo .U," the Soqjbern :hdlie"·~ tracts cuea lbrouP Mardi II -a nit lrlple In Its early slqea, mo n.I n 11th -., lbe -....., _... that of lut year. And·--Onll ficurea aymptoma include ttlpininrJ ,_ct1on Several plvale lo& ......... ~ Pd !or the lint ·-monllll of the year and a . me-1aolike ruh. Inlanll _pd lo caD tow aenleo truc!E! lo "!-'tbolr ' are in,. Cbin"Aid, tbO number. of men-children under ·five are Ill prtma:llijl'I Iola for aulllodml I*~. -... .... Jncilil cuio wtD aiinool cortalnlJ weed with . .,._. and )'OID'I 'll!!ll _ a! 'fnlllc -janpd ~...--lut year'1 -telahi 144. mililuJ and collqe .... -...... ......... .... -~P.ld~hulJ!rio._ ---~.-~-==- chlel of lbe_ln!Dc ~ . . ~'. .-.. . -~.. • -... -.~~ H . D . .l igh ... :,'t\f~";~ un . !p()81"u ~ . s _,....,."'11 ........ ,._ . ~-·~_,_ -~----~--~ _;lifa:"...,. ... !be.., -. . . _, .. -r ~ plalel IM •"'iliil*w of i!le partlng.llllla-.c:....... . . :,.L\!l D. ·1· I ~ ' ' ::t1~ ~-of~~:: utricter ·on n __ 1n•· .w ll<acbea Doparlment. -- . y " "When the on11re project 1s comp1e1e.· I be alld, "n Can accommoclate 2,300 An ardlnanco which would force lfun. c:ara· al -lime. With an addtllonal .. llnctOn Beach oU 1ompaniea to comply parting sites with •meten 1111n1 nearby with atricter r'esldenllll drtlling : re- atreeta.,. - -. guiremeats will~& mi6e 1pubUC~ -C11ar1e la< parking on the city !Ota during a city Plamiini Conimli;iion ,,w be 75 cents per day:1 · · meeting. ... • ptevlcilllly only ~ cm·coWcl be lell · Should lhe onllnance be approved by In the araa of the city lleo!<h -without th• piannJnc commilllon and the 0£ity using the ingenuity and dirin& of SODlfl council at a later date it would mean of Monday's entbll&lastcs. that exlatln& oil wells 1n 1i'ealdenUal aieas ' will have to be quieted down .and beauWied; plannm laid. _ Police ldentif y \Victim of Crash . The ordinance· allO-fequh'.es·tbal new ·i wells be drilled in a concentrated "island" of ,wella rather. than . in ~ present manner, which allon oil operators to place them directly n~ Fullerton police today identified the ~).N;:a.;r~~e~'. Kids to Scramble Birco, :is, stationed on ~ USS ll<n- nlncton In Lone Beach Harbor. F E te E" gs Bireo w'as a paaenger ln a car driven '-· Or a8 r . g by Rooemary Moreno, 19, of Fullerton, who was also killed when the vehicle smashed into a parked m~ving van in Fullerton. Toddlers and' youngsters will scramble for the golden egg Saturday ln tlle FOUll- taln Valley JA)lcees ·fourth aMual Euter egg hunt. • lo r<lldenlill dwellinp. i:=a . Abo achedliled for h<arinl _ ~ Is a mBst<r ptan ammendmenf whidl 'ioul( pr<Vld•-lncreaaed nelPIJorbaod-part !aeliities, new · CODllllllnity pa.'11 and parts lii:ated adjacent to area hlP 'Ocbooil. PlaMing commission meetings are held • in city council chambers at 5th Skeet and iecan Avenue. Tonight'• meeting startll at 7 p.m. ' Hort Burglar y Suspect Known A ti1bl·lipPed burglary IUl(IOCI shot by Santa Ana poiieo, then -ed and hoopitam.d aa a John Doe ,.. 111\allJ ldentlfJed by investigators todlf, but still they ~ Utile et.e about blm. ' Robert. w: Balok, who reluaea to pva an age or address, ii "in satisfactory '""'1;Uon In !lie priaoll ward of °"'114 County Medicll Cente(, wounded by .:it cal slup in the rip! fool and ~ 1.,_ Santa Ana police patrol can f'9l)ed • ' Injured in the same accident were Und!:. L. Jones, 21, cf 6791 Santee Ave., Westmlnster and ' Perando Bacale, 22, a abJpmate of Blrco.. They are re~ in aallslaclocy condition today lo Apabelm Memorlll H01pitai . Y oungslenl from toddling age lo sixth grade are invited to eearch for '17.0 eoiored E.uter eggs acallerod lhrougboul Wfatmont Park. near warner and Mapoiia Avenuea. si&rtfuc Ume is 1::111 a.m. Golden eua. worth special prlaea, wlll aillO be spread throughout the park. 1ber. will · 111o be prtus ·in each age O'ODP category ror the younpter who ..... the.-..... up lo Obion Eieclronlcs Co., Im S. Main SL, early Monday ~- a silent burglar &rm --al headquarlen WU tripped, • . N!W YORK (AP) -The -t market ciooed lower today, Iller three lllrall!ht -of advance. Trading WU moderately active r.ear the close. (See quotaUona, Pagea 111-21). The Dow Jones industrial average at 1:30 p.m. WU off 2.51 pointl at 932.89, A special JoY<Oe committee, headed by Don s-. la ma~g ar- rangements for the bunl COmmlttee ·members Include ltd Arnold, Claude Coll and Will Spell The--.. --ed )Us way out of the firm while I was 9UrTOUllded by lolr pallce olflo<n • and ~ ..... a1 • .,.,.,...,,..,. lo hall, so they opened fire at the 11oeinJ fipre. Orange . Schools Faeing Bond Cr.is is Weadler . • . Batton down , lhe """""' lonlalil. it's gonna be a windy one Wed- • . . ... f .. ,. .« '-'" ) ' A -------~ ,_ nesdq, Temperaturewioe, U'D ~ arGljlld the 11\iddle ••• ... Ille Oranc• CouL JNSm E TOD~Y • The claildrn , o/ buiuumt1' are koa& intncstd m bv.dMa ai a ccr«T, 1£11dV of entntRQ frc/h"'4A ct UC! ,,...,., ,... 1. ~·"';0 -~·= _.,..........~ I ... ,_ .. . ~ ............. . o.a_ ...... " .... -ta.• ............ . ...... .. .. ..... ,, ' ti ........ ... ......,. »n .,_ ,. ,..,. ""' " .,...... . ..,_ 14 --• ............. 11 w.tl ...... -, , .. ' ,, ' ' . • Z DAILY PILOT H ,.,,,.,, -#Ill 1, 1"9 Pilot Logbookf P eli Beh nd the News .. • i 1 ' r . . lllv 11IOMAS X!:EVIL -,.,_, 'ne OollLY PILOT ,. .. ,. ......... ,., .... ....... __ ..... 111!1 ""'.,. i.to-....... • .... 1111w • • • *•• .... al ~ •....... ' .. -'''-t'V~~-a "'°': • ~ ... ~ and punulls, • ~~ llio -penominetar ol ., .. ,..,.;n,. ,..._,..,. ... lddq. • · 1-'bly'n.the newspapmnen and nen- ~ who make up the news llall al llio "DAILY PllUI'. You'll see llleir names in this spa« .. cootrlbutorl to Pilot Logbook. a l~nded column that will appear on this page regularly, mor6 ·or less. . I'm not going to haul out the files and tick orr their baclwounds and awards and preju· dices. The column will do lha1 in time. t would like to tell you 'ljhlre Pilot Logbook hopes to go and what It hopes to record. The folk! behind the words and pic- tures in your DAILY PILOT are both a common and an uncommon lot. TbOy lhero-with jaurnalllts an>lll!d the workl-lu:cb common trails u cur- iOlity, llaen observation, an abWty to --·~·.:=~ 1l>ey.a!JoA&n ... much ,llroedtr LOGI. OOK plw • iuch evecydaj conctn11 • as moM(age paymenta, tu... kkll (Iota of kkli), ~abgrau and tr.\llhmen who bang and dent the traattcans and drive -Wandering Al Lockabey, our boaUng their trqW over the Ud!. editor, Is also . a former railroad The DAILY PILOT'a group has some · ...._ . unique ctia:ractuistica, as well. For in-brakeman, a comtitnatkKi of fields that stAnce: -must. make him the ODly J*'IOl1 in -Tom Barley, one or our resident the world who knows . how many toots Englishmen ewe have two) is an expert or th~ w~lsUe spell ~aster at sea or on symphony music and opera, as well 1 on the rails. as day-to-day ipeciaJty A m er i c a n And so they go. Their views m•Y jurisprudence. ' be as lofty as the one enjoy~ by 1iJ:-foot.- ~ bollse •Uthority on Panama, If seven-l~ch Tom Fortune, the DA~ Y and when we need Qne, is reporter PILOT s education editor. Or the photo Terry Coville, who just brought his bride of !;he contributor (where my 1hinlng in from that country-and who ii cum:nUy face peers out today) may 6e as en-- engaged in teaching her English, bow joyable as that of peUte and pretty to eal locos and ill about Channel 13 copy editor Ann B&dalato. · movi.S. They're O petlOJll with muJU·varled -. FUNERAL VICES -Rt. Rev. Willi.nt F. Crelgbhm, Episcoj>al Bishop ·ot Wasbin~on, speaks lrom pq)pit Crif!at) in •WaQlngt~"National 'Cathe- , dra!difring!':isehhower funeral. Mflm.ie Efsenbow· ·er, liel'f '°"· dobn, and hls. wile, Barbera, 4te 'In front row (Je!t), facing pulpil Presiden't N.ixon and ·his family' are acrOls atsle in same row alon'g with Charles de GaulJ~ of France and other dignitaries. r.,e 1 BEitS. • • tliol Gen. Creighton "If· Abra1111. U.S. commander in Vietnam, had "strongly reccimmtnC:led" 'that the CUJTtnt rate ol B.IJ bombing Oigbta bo rontinued. "All you know," Lair4 said then, "he cona1dtn lhe B52 to be one or hls most important weapons. On the baais or my own observations, 1·have concluded that funding for the current rate through June, 1970, shoUld be provided." Jn today'.1 statement Laird said : "As much .u I would like to support bis recommendaUon, the budget stringencj'8 under wbich we must operate in lisCll · year 1970 will not permit a conUnuatlon of that rate be)'ilnd, June, 1969 •.• " Lalnl did riot ipell out the en.nt ol the flight roductiOlll, but the sa•ing involved will be about 450 million. Other U .s. ofllclals said B.IJ strikes could be inciuaed above the planned level if the mllltary altuaUon required it. The biggest item in the $613 million cut -nearly half of it -was a decision to delly producUon of the nuclear-armed abort range attack missile (SRAM), designed to be fired at ground targets by iiucfear bombers from distances of 50 to 100 miles. OUNN CQUI PUllllKINe <OMPi.NY lt•rt N W-4 .. ,...,..,..,.. .... Jttk l. Oirt.:r Yim ~-.. .... 0-,...""°" n-·· ic •• ..i1 ·-n ....... A. MM""'•• ~·--Af"•rt w. ••••• Wl111t lll ••• 4 -'-li t. HUii!'"'""' ... di £111• Cltr 1-IW M--•I• ti~ JH ltll Stt.tt MtUl111 Utlrt•ll P.O •••• no. t:r•~· --.._.. Midi! ttlt .,.., ..... .., .... ,. c.. """': -W.1 • ..,. ''""' l...-._.., m ,_.. ·- < From Page 1 SCHOOL BOND CRISIS ••• school di3lrict! money to b1:1.ild schools to keep pace wilh lhe glut of population. Jn the so-called bedroom communities With a wealth of school cbildrtn but not much industry the stale loans can be considerable. For Instance, state money has financed 82 percent of school construction to date in Fountain Valley. And Fountain Valley already has felt the effect of state failure 'March 5 to sell the $40 million. Appearing before the state Allocation Board the followlng week for a loan to purchase a school site Fountain Valley was alloted a token $1. as a priority place holder. ''lf state hmds don't become available It very definitely wi\1 stop our con· strucUon," said Fountain Va 11 e y' .s Charles A. Woodfin, associate superin· tendent for business. Mrs. Jane Scott. business manager cf Capistrano Ulnfied School District, said their ${10,000 reque st for school site acquisition was approved' the month before, in February. But she is worried because the Allocation Board hasn't yet sent out the money. Hollingshead, of Ocean View. said his district's· request in March for a loan to furnish and equip two schools under construclion was tabeld by the Allocation Board. S. A. "Al" Moffett, superintendent of HunUngton Beach City Elementary District. said he loo ls greatly concerned although his dlstrlct won't be seeking another loan until after July 1. - It's been just over 1 month since voters approved a $4.75 mllltoti bond Issue and already he is worried whether it was all for naughl. 4 Youths Hurt In Laguna Crash Four YOWlf men suffei-ed injuries In Laguna Beach Monday nlgbl when a car went out o( control on Part Avenue and rolled °""' three times. The driver Peter C. McMahon. 20 ol ':ii24S La "'""°"'· South Laguna, who was· thrown from the c11r, •nd WJllllm B. Snyder, 11, of Bronxville, • N.Y., were treattd for oils at South Cout Comlnunity Hospital and ,.l•ased. Two other occupant. of the auto, ll!ted u injured. were not tre1ted at the holpltal. niey .. .,. ldenllfled u Dwiaht B. Smith Jr., 21. 111 Emerald Bay and Robert t..e Mayock, 18, Wynnewood, Pa. Pollrt: Lt. RoM.tt Mc?i1urray said the car was desccndlng Park Avenue at a fttst clip when t.he,1ccldeot oerurttd 1t 10:20 a.m. just abbvc Wendt Tcrract. "This ls a horrendoua posslbillty that we won't be able to · keep buUding schools," said San Joaquin's Nerison. · Local Oiatrlcts bond th~vea up to five percent of their assessed valuaUon and then send the money to the stat~ to apply against their oldest debt, he explained. Loan money for the ~urrent year's program then is sent out by the state. What if It doesn 't come? Legtslatlon has been Introduced in Sacramento to increase the interest rate celling from five pere«it to five and one-hall percent. But because it will require a change in the State Constitution it will have to be approved by stile voters, and that is a Ume .comuming proposition at best. ... F rom Page 1 TRAIN ... as !illllll toWn, heartland America said goodbye for Ute last Ume to the man it bad known a3 Ike. Ahead of the train, crowds were gathering almtm four hours ahead or Ume at Lawrenceville, IU. And it was the same along Jt.s route through the historic civil war baWellelds or Virginia and the coal llelcls and hilly rarm country of West Vlrainia. Judge Rules Draft Law Unconstitutional BOSTON (UPI) -A federal Judge today ruled the Selective 5ervlc:e Act 01, 1967 is unconstitutional because it fails to grant draft exemptions to time who are conscientious objectors on non-- rtligioua grounds. Chief U.S. District Jud~ Charles E. WYJ&ll!kl Jr. made the ruling in gronting a motion for arrest of judgment tn the case of John H. Sluon, =. of the Boston suburb or Lincoln. Stolen Sports Car Burned in VaUey Flames dHtroyed a stolen forelp sporU car parked Mil' Talbtrt Avtme and Want Sl~t in Fountain Valley al ~ 1.m. today. Police ¥id the car wu dtllberately destroyed. It WU I total WTtClt and • there ftl"e no witnesses. Deltllla of the Incident were not releu. ed by Investigating officers. • for 1 11111--we've beon trylnC ~-!'' .i a "'1 to gel you, U!o , to JDetf. &bi:m, the news alaff.. At · lame Ume, wa Wondered U we . couldn~ pro_vlde 1 vehicle to let tbeM dealm in words spin out a few personal vlewa of their own. · Tbal'• wl!at PIJOI Logbook Is all abi!ul It will C!!!er .all opportunity ·for the newa Jtatt to tell you about the tbings they see and feel, to tell you about them In their awn way and In 1&1r own style. Too, Pilot Logbook can take you behind the scenes at City Hall, at the cow1bol!le or In the schools with a d!Uerenl-.lsnt, with a penooal touch. · 'l1>08e penonal views, along with aome humor, some reverence and iome tr.- reverence, wlll be ti. fizture of' thll pap -not every·dly, but most days. It may ec!ucaie, it may enllgh!en. Moel of all, "' hope it wW be lnlerelting. Fr-P.,e J ABILENE ••• ' night, alert for any poulble trouble. The few people on the streets at dUllk were either out-<lf·lown joumaliata or store employa hustllng bom"'ard in a wet, chllly wind. Some Abilene reaidents in rmdom 'cori- venatloll wtlii early m!vils for ·the Eisenbower ceremony seemed mora preoccupied llith preparoUons for the heavily guanled burial then the aad factl of Eisenhower'• death. There was • far more vlaible sense of moorning in W a.shlngton, a place o( state and ceremony, than the streets of Abilene. This was natural, since Eilenbower spent much more of bis adu1t time in the naUon's capital than in hill hometown. . There were relatively few black-draped plcturea in st.ore windows in Abilene. There were, however, a number of people watching the military preparations down by the dreary railroad freight ym:ds where the funeral train wo\tld oome- to rest tonight. Marine General Says Invasions Would End War DONG HA, Vietnam (UPI) -The general conunandlng U.S. Marines along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) 11id today the quickeat w11y to shorten the Vietnam War is to invade Laos and the southern reaches of North Vietnam. ~faj. Gen. Raymond Davis said current U.S. tactics allow the Communists a sanctuary from ground attack in Laos and above the demilitarized zone, putting his 3rd Marine Dlvillon troops at the marked disadvantage. • "It makes no sense to watch 400 trucks a day moving through Laos with ammunition to kill Americans. The quickest way to shorten this war is to destroy these sanctuaries," Davis, 54, 3ald in an interview. "I'm not trying to raise the ante,'' be said. "But we came here to as.sure the freedom o( South Vietnam, and I don't tllink that can be accomplished with anything less than the defeat of the North Vfelnamese Army." Davis leaves his Vietnam post April 14 to become cbmmandanl or the Marine Corpa Schools In Quantico, Va. ' De Gaulle ill Par.is PARIS (UPI) -President Charles de Gaulle returned to Paris tb1s morning from Washington where he atten®<J the funeral ol .fonner President Dwight D. Eisenhower. STUDENTS. GO ·TO WORK IN NEW GISLER SCHOOL Fountoln Volley Facility to be DadJcatad Ap ril 9 Gisler. School Dedication - Slated in Fountain Valley Fountain Valley's Jatt:rt jet.wing design Gi1ler. School will be dedicated April I to a man who cleared the willows from "Gospel Swamp" and drained the land for farming. The 45,000 square foot space age school will be a far cry from the two room grammar school bis children attended _in Fountain Valley. Movable walls, multi·media re50W'Ce rooms called learning centers and carpeted classroom' just weren't beard of when Robert Gisler and bis wife Anna bought the Fountain Valley acreage in 1903 where Gisler school is today. Gi3ler, a native ~f Switzerland cleare<! the 140 acres of land and started a dairy herd. Then, as the land became usable, he raised sugar beets, lima beans, allalla. Most or the other early settlers in the area which became known as "Gospel · Swamp" followed the s'ame pattern until Fountain Valley becaue famous for its lim> beans. Robert ·Gisler's life was filled witli active service to the community. He was involved in church activities, the Knights or Columbus LOOge, land im· provements, water district, fann bureau and education. He lived in the Gisler farmhouse 1mti! his death in 1945 at age 84. Steamship Ba~k Cawlina Runs Resume This Year WILMINGTON (UPI) -The 44-year· old excursion ship SS Catalina, taken orr its run between the mainland and Santa Catalina Island last yeil.r because of a labor dispute, will resume operations this season, it was announced today. · The idleness of the Catalina brought near economic disaster to the resort island ~ miles off the. Southern CaWomia coast. The island depends almost entirely on tourists -and the vast majority of these arrive aboard the white steamship. Last season the island bad llS,000 fewer visitors than the normal 300,000. The Catalina wu taken off the run and docked becawe the operators, the Catalina Steamship Co., said it was losing money. ·Th~ company wanted to cut the crew from 64: to 46 and to shorten the season from four to three months. Throughout the year various uniort! involved in the dispute have met wllb company officials in an efiort to reach agreement. '1'he agreement announced today called for ~ ship's complement to remain at 64 . but the season cut from June 15 to Sept. 15. Union members also will receive a 10 percent pay hike plus a $25 monthly a~ the board boost The Masters, Mates and Pilots Union and the ~larine Cooks and Stewards Union have signed the agreement.' ouier unions expected to sign are the Marine Firemen'\ Union, Sailors Union of the Pacific, American Radio Association and the Longsboremen's Union. "If it all gets wrapped up as expected, Catalina is going to be a busy place again this year and I'm a happy man about it," saJd Charley Stlllwell, presi- dent of the Catalina Steam.ship Co. Held Up for $1,000 SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A gunman held up the cashier at the Sheraton-- Palace Hotel in downtown San Francisco Monday and escaped with an estimated $1 ,000. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furnitare All Top Quality and Brand New A Decorator's Dream Home ls On Display , Over s100,ooo .Worth of Spanish ·& Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! lttm1 ••follows: Gorg•ou1 I ft. custom quilted sofa with separate pillows with heavy otk trim dtcor and matching cheir, l matchin9 oa~ occa1lon1I fables, 121 SI" ti ll decorator limps, henging chain 1w19 lamps in wrou9ht iron, '" 1-piect •tn9 ~ltt mtsftr btdroom t~lte i~ p.ctn pantlad Mt~llt9!'"anHn styfe with top quality 15 't'''" warranty ~lri9 1111 maHre11 and boir .,,,,.., SJH11ni1h dining 11t1 etc. 'f Ariy piece Cl ft ht puic:hasecf individutfty. Drop by and ••t our 1t lt cfio11 tf fop_ quelity s,,.,;;,h arid ~tdittrrtn••n funiitvrt •• ' f1nf11tic:tlly priced! COMPLETE HOUSEfUL WAS RIGUARLY $1528.00 MUST SACRIPICE POR ONLY '698°0 AT HARIOR BOULEVARD ' ' TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • ' L~g~na Beaeh 1. .. .. ... ..... , ,. .~· • '· • . ;vor;. ~,2. NO: 71, 2 SECTIONS, 21· PA6ES 1 ' ' . • -~ ' ' ' • • JEN 'O&ilTS . . ' ~Scho.oLDist~icts Eac~-ra~st:s ·~o~~~~llilld~·~isaies: ~ -• ... .• !~., •. ·-: ..... . .. , .. A-c:rlllaofmojor~ 11 -lo """" crublnC down ... ~ QrDce Cout odloal diltrldl. . And Ibo proj>lelil Is beylll1d - 'II tbe !i<aI ,level; -distrlcti cannot -lo tbelr ....... thia time lo ball .,.... out. •• . ' 'lbil Is the situation: Tbe 1Plnlin& -al t>or1owlng D1011ey bu oarpawd the fivi percent interest-me limit · permilled bi California stale Jaw. '!be ... . • . . llalO eovvmneat lllell cul.find a buy., al ill bc!olill · ¥ live p<rctlll ar lea. Scbooidjlllrldi l"'*h!Tcbl eltber. If bonds cu't be Sold or state ·JCboof bulletin& Pl money 11 not available for io.D, new ICbl:dl can't be built. / . . ·Tbe )>ulc problem II the ame u laced by many hidivlduala wbO 'can't ~ lo paythe high rail of iiilerest -require lo laid tbelr ......,.. I w .es . And what does thia ..... lo IChool dlstricta? . • - Pooalbly that bii-cHron" recent bond Issue vlclorl .. al the Jiolls In Newport-. ~esa, llwl~. Beach City, Sar. Joa- quin and Fountain Valley ICboool districts ..... only ......... In lutnity. . 'I'ruslees · cl Newporl·M.... Un!liecl School District ... expoc!<d lMilbl tO . approve potting IS inllllon Ill !It.I million authorized by voters in 'PebruarJ out • I s Learys Vanish / Family Forf~its Bail in Drug Arrest Bench warrants for the arrest of so that the court may· retain direct psy~elic drug apostle Dr. Timothy juriadiction in the case. Leary, his wife and teenaged son wue Dr. eLary, 41, his wife-RoSemary, and Issued today when they !piled to appear son .John are belng represented by the In court 'for a." acbeduled preljm.inary law ftnn of George Chula and a hearing. spotesznart said the 31-day extension is Bail posted by the Leary family follow-necessary because of a scheduling coo- ing their Dec. 21 arreat 1n Laguna Beach ruct. on i.,o, ,marlju~, and hashish charges ''Ibe acbedult problem is for one of WU ~bat.-tbe-Warranta wtre-tbe-firm's-&ttomeys, not:.. the..-Learys, orderid held until May C on 1 tecbnicali-whose pfesent whereaboub was not men- l' -lfs..u. QnnP, ~ ~ ~ tq\ma . -'I' ~ (afi!..r-Neil c...t ~ ----·•:ot1 __ .,_ Ille 1-ys :in. their t1ie bold n.r. ll'lept mo-w.·Nt**i pliliN!-...... 1a 1111 • 1>1oct Want C .. nare Stopped · . Salt Creek Road Backers Carry Battle to Planners . Opponents m. abandonment ot Sall. roadway, appears to have picked up Creet·Rood .,., expected lo carry thei1 i ...,. ally. · 1 ... ""'"'"'.. The Capiitrano Bay· Park -and Recrea-blttlt befcn the Orange ColmtJ P........,. lion District will_join Wilcoxen in his Comi'llisslon Wedneaday when Liguna baUle to· ov~ county abandonment Nigtiel 'Corporation seeks a tract map o1 tbe .... d. ~pprova1. · Directon of the district v o t e d Niguel olf10lals "I lhe 4 p.m • ....ion UlllDimoualy lut 1ftek lo join Wilcoxen .,., aecbeduled lo ut county ~ in the llDlftl<led petition be plans lo for approval of a lOD-acre development fJ)e late thla: week. He . fs attempting In the Mooan:h Bay-Dina Polpl ana. lo coovinc< the court that the coonly Plans 1 n cTu de residences f o r an acted uDlnfuDy In abandoning the public estimated I0,000 people. · IOod·lo .lhe Niauel Corporation. Included in the plan II the IO !ool Wilcoxen jost the liT!I rmmd of legal wide right-<>l-way cl the old Sall Creek hall1C lut weet In Supuior Court. Judge Road which has been abandoned in favor .Claude Owens lifted his restraining order Gf the Niguel CorporaUon by the Orange ~ ru)ed that Niguel CorporaUon can County Board of Supervisors. ' take its tract map for development of In all, the county took Uuft aben-about 100 acns to the county planners. donment a~. the la.st on March 26, Niguel officials maihtain that delay 1111. ~ in development plans was costing the Memhfie, bowev.,., Laguna Beach , cmi-about 14,000 daily. attornq _Wllliam Wllcoan, 1 prime op-'l'1te court allowed Wilcoun, who wilh ponenl of abandomnenl of the Salt Cr.a: (lee SALT CREEK, Pal' I ) . ,,.. ........ ... ly Plill lnterian..1 .1 - ''Okrf, have it your way -Nlxtt1 iiidn't pick L..-. '''""' the ... WI Cfty Council weukt make him ''"• Ollf • -. ...... tlcast ... '' ' . r I " o( Woodland Drive in Laguna Beach Lhe night after Christmas. lnvesUgators said about one pound of marijuana,. a quantity of LSD and hashish ...--the pOtent, refiDed sap of the marijuana plant ,.!.. were confiscated al the lime cl ..ml.. The early-day UD experimenter was fired from his post ·as profeuor of JllYCbologY al Harvard .Univenity In 11113 for LSD investigatlon-pl'Olll'lml. ..... ·-. • The part-lime Laguna !lfach resident ~ becQQ!e--14,_faDl<J!ll In rectDI yton , .. hlf -,_ bt,\'l'um 'On ... Drop Out pnocriplion .for ~!lit ills o/ modem IOclety, • F', "{. • ~ . ... Leisure W orbl Water Parley Sl.ated in May Final Public uttities Commiaslm ht.ar· lngs affecting water rates fut about 6.000 Leisure World families will t a· k t place 1'-fay 13-15. The Ca1Uomra· Public UtllltJes Com- mission gave ftOssmoor Water Co. ~mergency. authority to increase rates for some , of lta customers pending the commission's filial di!clslon on a request, for a 27.Z percent lncreue. ... A! a rtsuJt, bills are about 20 pe:rctnt higher for Leisure W<rld families. In addiUon, customers using the company's construction water ·!tl'Yice faced a 50 percent increase.'- . E. L. Olsen, "Leisure World Fqundatlon president, emphasized that the Jncreases are only temjlorary and a final decil!lon will not be received unUl after ~ May hearings. .. · He said the interim lncreaee will not neCessi&ate any increase in the mMlh1y carryb\g charge. Any permanent 1ncreue:· which the PUC may authorit.e will have to be considered at the time such decision is made. . Marijn E. ~ Jr .• : an attorney experieqce:t in water .rate matters, has been rtlained lo represent l.quna Hills at the hearings. - The Golden Rain Foundation of Lagul(a Hills and the· Mutual corporalloo! authorized hiJ retenUon: Boys' Quh Chief Hoff Quifs P~t In La~Beach Mift Holl, aocu11 .. director al the Lquna-Beach Bays' Chlb baa rtligned frlill hie poll [or.peraonal ......... 'Ille ,. ; - a . -' . lo bid. Wbetber there ,.W be Ul< bidders and may yet be "alilo lo > oiu• Ill bqn\11. lljdwd s •• Holl .... ~--~ is probiem.11Ca1. HoW.ver, miailer'inc!tO.i~ Eleiilelitiry Dill11ct'1 it.lie DI >u!IOic 'liie mUlmum ~ble bid for intereal · diltrlcl.s 1'IDa the ori!ice•c:ouiare rully · coonlln'ator; II wWrtod -.,;lill·- cliargesll llve -fliecauaeby stale il1 a pickle: • , ' '. ' I ' I . cfii!rict'a inter'!! falell trid!Wlli·~ lsw ~t'1 ;tbe w11.'tbe, fllue· rOad ·111 · Ru'Nerlloli,.aut .. '11 ~ belii..blgbi;r than.the llal;e'1, aild Ibo · tbe ballot. However, Uw aomc nationwide ·fqr. bnslnea of~San ~ ~ state bad no tatn1 at Jive pceiia& • inter.s\_ i:a!O ~ -about 5.1 percen~ • ~t, a~· hli .i!f!lrlcl'i i:Hd!t rating ' oti .. mll1Jon put olil lo bki a' • mare then the IChool dlalricl can oiler Is BBB, tlie ·unie' ·u · Clart C\>UnlY ~ qo. . · . • the 1>anks. ' • • (Laa Vegu), Nev, whith recenlly. ooid SUD, no local ticbool dlltricl bill o,.i Newport-M ... liecauae of ila alie and bonck -1«-5.91 per<enl, well ·~ lailed-lo-1ell-.. ---~-· wultb ~capita bao:an AA ertdlt.rallng Calilornla'a live ~ cellin(. (lee SCllOOL llOND, P-l l . . .. Co~~cil .. :to Stud,y .Plan ~:· .. I '•· 01$21 ,000 iot ·Cultur~" ' • I ' I \ • , By RICHARD P. NAU Of ... Da1Jr r11M 11911 ·U .:.:.~. :. • • .. l , ••--... - I l .I l .... Crowds Lllie · T~ain Route · ·For Tribute c ••• ., • • ' •• 7 2 DAil Y. PILOT l .,.,,.,, Allll 1: Hit ' r Pilot Logbook: ?eek. Beh ind the .News • B ~USVIL ~. n. MR.T rUT N .111111'111 II -• 11111121~,;a al~--i... 'l'lloJ'le Ille newspaperm<n and ,,..... papel"INIDtD who make up the news IWl 'al llllJ>AILY Pnm. You'll ... ll>elr ...... In lhb ·space u contributors lo PUot Locbo<>k. a loole-tnded c o I u m n 11111 will IPJ>l!f on lhb pqo ttFll?ly, . mott or1-. . I'm aol Soinl lo haul out the files and tick off their backgrounds and award,, and preju· dicea. The c<ilumn Will do 11111 la time. I would lib lo tell )'OU · w11n PlloC Lof!book bopu to p 11111 What U bopes lo record. The folb behind !he -11111 pie> turu.la JOUI' DAILY Pllm 1n bolb a common and an uncommon lot. 'l!ley ~llh joumlllatl lnlWld the world-such COD\IDOft traits u cur- ioeti,, ben observ1tioll, ID lbllity lo it • =...~~:a=~:-. . :;:.: ~~::1~ ........... ... ... .... 1Asi4lf111 .. ,.,,, __ . ood a · •u f I P' W• "'iloaftllllllofwe•vebeenlcyinl !:.:'I, llll!il,;.-:,.. . . •---------II a.i;, Gott a W\lf lo get you, the They lllo ................ lnrl1· ~ LOGBOOK rttder, ~ micl lbcm. 1l\I; •<11• ~f. plane aucb IVV1dl1 ......... U Al tbl UIDI llple, WI' Woodend If we monc ... payment.I, tu•, ·lddt (loll couldn't pr.ovldt • vehicle lo let tllese of klda), crabgrae and truhmtn who .... dealen JD words spin out a few personal '"' __ , d t ... tr--•--d drl view• of their own. ;;: ~ ': .. ;U,. tki:."'ns in ve -Wand.ering Al ·Lockabey, ow boating Thal'• whit Pilot L<>Cbook ti all about. Thi PAILY PILOT'• croup haa Dne editor, is alJo a fOl'.Dlet railroad It 1tlll offer an oPportunily for the unique eblncterllllcl, 15 wen. For tn-. brakeman, •I C«llblalllon of ftelds !hit neW. staff to t.ll you aboul lhe things ltlooe: l!ll!OI J!lUe-11!m ·~ ~ly J!<11<ID_l~ they--1Dc1 feel, lo . tell y011 aboul : -Tom· Barle1,. one of our resident the world who knows how many toots them in thtlr own way and in their Englishmen (we hav~ two) b an upen. of the whlsUe spell disuter at sea or awn style. on l)'l!lpbony music and oPU•. as wtll on the rall:i:. Too Pilot Logbook can take you behind as dly-to-day' 1pectalty1 Amer I c 1 n And to they IO· .Their views may the ac'tna at Qty lWI, at the courtboule jurllprudence. be as lofty 11 the one enjoyed bJ.llx4l)Ol,. or in the schools with 1 different slan~ -our -1utborlly ... p-If oevon-lnch Tom Fort-the DAIL y with I perlOOll touch. IDd wbeJo we need one, ii ropor1U PILOT'• edue1llon editor. Or the pllolo '!'bole per10nal views, along with some Terry Coville, who Jiiii bfoullll bll llrlde of !he contributor (wbett my ahlnlng humor, ...,,. ,. • ._. and aome 11- fn fn1m 11111 eaunl>)' IJld lrbo.il Cll1TallJ lice peen oul l<lda)') ma)' he u en-reverent<, will be • fts!uro of lhil page enpged In t ucblnl her Eqlllh, boW joy1blo u !hit of polite IDd pttlly -not tvery cloy, bul moot days. lo eat ll<al IJld all lboul C111Ju1o1 13 copy editor Am Bldlllto. • • It may edUOlle, It may· enlighten. movies. · They're 13 perlOlll with mu!U·varied MOii of all, wo hope 11 wW be lnllreatlnl· . . F ront P qe l SCHOOL BOND CRISiS • • • ' sold $1.1 mllllon 11111 Fountaln Valley Elemlllllry ISl$,OOO, both Jan. 5 this year, Ind Tuatln Unioa Hl&h, $2.J million on Feb. 2S. ' But all three sales were lo Bank of America at a flat five percent. How long Bank of America will hold the line, U indeed it still is, iJ in doubt? BUt an -. more ·Mriow: matter o( eooccrn to all local ICbool d.IJtrictl ucept Newport.Mt11 Ind Lqunl Buch Unified II the lltlte nol·beins 1ble lo aell ·bond!. All bot -two weallhy diltricll are cm a 11t1te acbOol bulldlnf loan program. Tbll nieom !he stall loins lo the achooi dbtrlcll money lo build IChools lo keep .-"1th the glut of populllion. In the IO-elJled bedroom communities wllh 1 wealth al schoor'thlldttn but nol much industry the ltate loans can be conaiderable. lor lnltance, slate money his llnlnctd a percant (!I acbool -Wctlon lo dllo Ill FounWn Valley. And Founlll!> Valley alreldy blS felt the effect ol state failure Much 5 to . sell !he flO million. .Appwlnr before the state AllocaUoo Board the following week for I loan lo JJlll'chue I acbool alte Fountain Valley WU alloted • token $1, II I priority ploce holdor. 01U stafe f'tmds don't becune available it very ddlnHel.y will atop our con· ltnlC'tlon" Aid Fountain Va 11 e y' s Otarlel A. Woodfin, a.uoclate super in· tendontfor-. . , Mn.--iue-Seotl. --·· " Capla!r-Ulnfled _lchool Dlltrict • •• 111c1:'11191i: ,jjje,ooo """°' !"'·,oohool de widllthll wu approrid the month 'blforo--;'ln l'll>nWY· Biil lhe II womed blcluM !fie Allocltloa Bolrd hasn't yet Hnloullhe111<111Y· Hollln11head, of Ocean V1elr, said his distrlct.'1 request In }.fltCb for a loan· to fumilh and· equip two schools under construcUon wu t.abeld by the Allocation Board. S. A. "Al" Mollett, superintendent of Hllntington Beach City Elemeotary District, said he too is 'greatly concerned although bis dl!trlct won1 be seeking another loan unW after July I. It's been just over a month since vo~ approved a $4.75 million bond issue and already he Is wonied whether it was all for naqghL , ''This is a ho<Tencfou3 poesiblllty that we won't be able IG keep building :schools," said San Joaquin 's Nerison. Local districts bond themselvt.s up to five percent of their ~ssed valuation ~ an(i thm send the money to the state to apply against their oldert debt, he csplained . Loan money for the current year'& program then ia sent out by the state. What if it doesn't come? LeglalaUon bu been introduced in Sacramento to incr!Ue the lnterestfate celling from five percent t.o five and one-half percent. But becaUBe it will require a change in the State ConstituUon it will have to be 1pproved by state voters, and that Li a time consuming propoaition at best. · ·F ront Pqe l . TRAI N ... On the Beach Debbie Au1t, 17 of San Dimas, applies sun taif"1otion following 1wim Monday at Laguna'& Crescent Bay. Debbie is just one of thousands of vacationing high school students who 0 bit the beach" with start of Easter Week. Laguna officials say young visitors so far are behaving themselves. Laguna Sets Registration . For Adult ~ducationSeries Laguna Beach ·Unilied ScbooJ District School from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays. begins registration for aeven adult educa.· f.our&es offered Tuesday from 7 p.m.. tion classes next week. to IO p.m. at the high school ue crafts, The tuition fee Is $5 per class and a couse led by Mrs. Nelly Allan in may be paid at the first class meeting. Room ~· and woodlhop, taugbt by Rot Ji'ir•t Plant 1or Viejo Map indlc~lel a le.of ne;. ~gbs Coi:poratlon plant, llrit ached· uled for c:onltnlcllon in MIHIOO Viejo lndUJtrial Park, and projec:tld giowth of Milslon Viejo residential area. ConatruC!lon of '18 million Burroulhs plant on M-aere site !1 to begin in May, with completion scbedufed next {all. Plant will employ about 1,400 workers. Mn. John Eilenhower, ruperviaed the pl1Clni ol !he . na1 while lhe stayed inal:de. Thero were 2,000 ~ standing in a light rain u the funeral train came to the muslve, ttone-gray union terminal 'at Cinc1nnaU. Eisenhower's elder brother, Edgar, went from the train to the :nain wait.Ing room to lhank ~ spon\aneou,, mourners. Courses offered Mond~y from 7 p.m. Bradshaw in Room 45. to 10 p.m. at Laguna Beach HJgh School Bradshaw also will conduct a welding include art, taught in Room 52 by Mrs. and general mttal class from 7 p.m. Annual Egg Hunt Set Easter Sunday Epidemic. of Meningitis 'I1te Eater Bunny CIZl count on some help lhil Ellllr from the Llguna Beach Poot ID of 1111! Amerleln lA&fOn. The Uglon'1 annual Easter Egg Hunt, 8 Laguna Bea.ch event for a score of years will he held Euler Swiday, April 1. at 't p.m. on the htgb achool athletic field for children under nine yean: of age. . . Kills 12 in California "We asked them to let the grass grow a litUe this year so the egs can be· ftll hidden," Legion spokesman O W. Price said. Bl'!RKELEY (UP0 - A 1evere out- break of menlqlt\I -with the death ra~ runn.hll _u high u one in five -i• neepinl CaWornla, the State Heallh D<~ said lodly. So far, at ltu\ 12 perton11 have died from the -dbeue thla year and the tabu· laUons are far .from complete, according to Dr. Jama Chin, a department specialllt 1n epidemics. Oiln llld there were 227 reported case. through Mirch 22 -a rate triple !hit ol ·lutJ.ear. And when flail 0,,,,... for the fir thrte montm of the year t.ltert H. Wtff ,,.. ....... ~ J1cl l. C11rltf ..... P'fw*"" '"' ,_ .. MtMflll' n •••• ICMwll ·-n-•• A. lif11r,lril11• ........... "" l lth•rtl P. Hill l----11 (tiy ,.,., • ,_ __ ,,. ,.,.., """'· W.11""9 M4'•1 P.O. 1 .. •••· tJ61! --o(alm .... , ............ """' ,....., "'°~ m1 w.1 .. ..,.. -..........,.. tlW!I---..,., .... "'""" are in, Chin Hid, the number of men-- ingiti1 cases will altn01t ctrtalnJy m:eed last year's total of 244. "Epidemic is a word l don't like to use," Chin aaid, "but it Is at .)eat fair to say we a.rt concerned about a marked increase that has hit California." • Chi!I said the death rate "is .runninr between .a5 and 20 percent.'' califonria appears to be untque In uperienclng the outbrtak and "atlcks out lit.e a sore thumb," the doctor Mid. "I don't really have any theories as lo Why we'H Ill !he leld, IO lo spul<." ·Price said 100 dozen eggs will be colored by the Legion Auxlllary and !hen secrtted on the field by the crafty war \'eterana. Flndtrs of certain specially color_ed eggs may also pie~ up candy goodies provided by the Legion. J...e!ley ·Ch1tham, post commander, Is directlng the Easter operation. ' · 4 Youths Hurt In _Laguna Crash Jn ltl ~arly atagu, meningitis symptans lnclad< ttlplralory congeotfmt and a meuell-llke rash. Inf111ll and chlldr<n under five .,. 111 prime 11111'1 Four young men sulfertd Injuries In ·wllh teeo-agen and )'OUl11 ldulll of , -~~· BHch Moodly nlghl when 1 mllltary and colleae are a clole ttemd. ;:;";m aut of "control on Part Avenue SALT CREEK •• atlorn•Y Michael Slpr, bid fllod lh• taxpayers acUon, 15 days t.o preplft new arguments. The addition ol lhe recr<1tlon dblric~ which wlfcoitn. represents, to the suit may odd """" lddlt!onll lqll heft. Llguna Nip! 1t1orney1 lfd matnta!Md that the two Lq1ml Belich 1ttomeys 1cling u tupayln did not bin suf· Qclenl ~ al inlerut lo llrfns I mandltnnolCl!on. "'· The 1lOrl< Ind recreation boml !11< _. and rolled ovu three times. 'nlfl drlTet Peter C. McMahon, 20 of 2046 LI HermOll. South Llguna, 'Who was thrown from the car, and William B. Snyder, II, of Bronxvtlle, N.Y., were treated for cuts at South Coast Commuftlty Hoapital and releued. Two other occupants of the auto, listed u injured, were not tre1ted at the hospital. They were identl.fied u Owl&ht B. Smith Jr .1 21, 119 Emerald Bay and Robert Lee MO)'OCk, II, Wynnewood, PL Police Lt. Robert McMurray uld !he car was ffsctndlng Part Avenue 1t a fut clip when the 1ccklent occurred at lO:JO Lm. juat allovt Wtodt Terrace. J udge Rules Draft . week del.,..i ffr I month I decfolarl an de-uMDlion al about • ICfa al Slit en.tr: piopet'1 !mn the district. The boml In the put his .,,,,... the dNnnelatlon. Law Unconstitutional - ' 'I Ala Bowle, Lq\ml Ml(el Corporlllon allomly, ul<ed !he boml H 1D1 properl1 ......, wlthln the IOO 1<R1 hid oppooed clNJmwttlon. No ouch piolOll hid been flkd . Clllnl aovemment cnde, -le 11ld 11 ii mandllory for tile boml lo 1ppmo dNmtUlllon ..... llO prolltll hid boon filed. wn ....... h<>w<m-. malntlloed llllt the board hid the right to ttfuae lo grant dHllDWlllon. BOSTON (UPI) -A fedml Judie lodl!' ruled lhe lfelectlve Servtco Act of 1117 la unconstltuUonll because it falll to grllll drift uemptlona to thole who m COQldentioua obfecton: on non- rtl!llOUl IJ'OlllldL ctilel U:s. District J""" Owles E. Wy11n11d Jr. made !he nilllla la granlin1 1 motion for amat of judgment In the case of John H. Sisson. 21, of the Boston suburb of l\.lncoln. I ' • • "We are especially grateful to the many school chlldren who have turned out acfOSl.Jbe country to pay theii reapeet.s," De aa.ld. "Thls has been a tremendous strain on Mn:. Eisenhower, but 8be seems to be bearing up well !' Forty minutes after ibe train.Jett Cin· cinnaU, It slowed to 10 mftts ~r hour as it passed through Lawrenceburg, Ind. Severa! hundred persons lined the track.! and the Lawrenceburg American Legion post's color guard·presented anns. It was the same all along the way ' as small town, heartland America said goodbye for the lut time to the man it h1d known u Ike. Ahead of the' train, crowds were gatherin& almost four hours ahead of time at Lawrenceville, Ill. And it was the same along it& route through the hilltoric civil war blttlefields of Virginia and the coal fields and hilly farm country of West Virginia. Nelly Allan, autoshop, instructed by Dave to 10 p.m. Thursday. Lang in Room 44, a n d sewing, which Mrs. Betty Flower will teach in Room 5'. Al Licon will conduct an intennediae· Spanish course at Thurston Intermediate Sculptor Rep9rts Equipment Stolen A Laguna Beach sculptor told police ?i-tonday · that he returned from Palm Springs and disc1>vered his Elco Me!er bad been stolen. Police said an Elco Meter ls used to measu re the'·thlckneas of non-magnetic metals. The one stolen from Er:ne1t.o Emilio Gonzalez, 257 Canyon Acres Drive, was valued at $90. A door lock haci been forced to gain entrance. Abo taken were semi·preeious stone.s valued at $50. Services Held For Otto Bayer Gravpide funeral services Were held today ~" arli!an Otto Bayer, a Lquna Beachi."dent for 2S years who died lilonday. e was 13. A na of Austria, f\lr. Bayer Is surviv two IOnS, Otto Of La11111a Beach ~Adolph of 01kland, a daughter C a m i 11 e Bruster of Lo s Angeles; wo grandchildren and five ireat·grand · dren. Mr . ..Ba: , who made his home al 3 Rockledge Road, worked in ornamental mmll prior to his retirement. Final rites at graveside wert conducted by Dr. Elsworth Richardson of Lall.Jn a Beach Community Church at Pacific View ~lemorial Park, Corona del Mu. Sheffer Laguna Belch Mortu1r1 was in charge of 1rrangements. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean . Furniture All Top Quality and Brand New A Decorator's Dream Home Is Oft Display Over s100,ooo Worth ·of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Items 11 follows: Gor91ou1 I ft, cu1tom ,uilted 1011 with ••P•Tete pillows wrth h .. 1 .. lc trtm decor end m1tc:hin9 che1r, l m1tchin9 .. 1c occe1ion1I teble1. '121 I" till deccrator lempt, h1n9 in9 ch1ln tw19 lemp1 in wroUght iron, lft I-piece ldn9 1i1e mesftt bedroom suite in pec.t n p•nel.ci Mecllterr1nNn style with top qu11ity 15 ye1" w1n1nty lcin9 size mattress end bn •P'int•· Sp1nl1h dinlnt set, etc. · Any piKe ce" be purch11ed individu1fly. OrGp by ert4 IH 'eur 11lectiM of top 'u11ity Spenish end MtdlteJT1nq11 fumttur1 ••• l1nt11fie.tny pric.e41 COMPLETE HO\JSEFUL WAS ltlGUAlLY $1521.00 MUST IACRIPICl-fOI ONLY '198°0 AT HARIOR IOULEYARD • I.' TIRMS -WI CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • t \ - • -,.....,, Aprll 1, 1.,.., L · Dolt.Y PllOT J Bopibing R~id Cqt l)~e -~ . Lair.d. Says De~ision Made to Redace Ex pen.set · WASIDNGTON (UPI) -Dile-' tncreued obove the -level U Secntary Melvin JI. Ealrd todoy on-the mllltaey lilultion requited ii.... .......,,.i arodncdoi la plapned BIS raids. The blaeol· ltom ·la the.1611 innliOn in South yietiilal. . ., , Ji\il• w!lh orders cut -near!Y hall of It -wu a decllion b1 ~-!11111tir'1tl <ut•cl!!-cosll. to delsy productioo d the micleaMrmed- The action will cut In 'hall the ~· abort ._ ottack mlai)e (SRAM>. f!GO mllllon the new admlnistrailon tack· oesigned lO .be °"-'l al ~ taipls i!d -the BIS huqetlng ,...,.....nded byt6o·J~-·· . · LaJrd Po a.aJd !bet production of 1 , new, Uat-r.,nuclear-tlpped missile · Stea1nship B "·~ tata · ..._. -· -~ ~ _.. ..... ---,'WI.......,. FUNE RAC' SE"VICES -.Rt. Rev: wnu>Jn ~.,~·-er, 1ier 50D, John, and his wife, &rbara, ar~ in GrOighton,_ Ep1~copal Bishop _of Washin~n. speaks front row· (left),,facing pulpit. Pr~iclent Nixon and from pulpit (nght) m Washington National Cathe-hi< family are across aille in same row along with dral-durmg EISenhower-funeral. Mamie E1senhow-Charles de Gaulle o( France and'<Jlher·cligilitaries. Eiienlwwer Home Town Awai~ J~-Fdvorite Son Bjl MERRIMAN ' SMITH ABILENE. Kan. (UP!) -This old cowtown ~.Chisholm Trail fame, which once· bristted with gt.tmlingers and cov- ered Wlgons, was full of new guns and radio jeepS otday awaiting the sad return of a famous son, Dwight D. Eisenhower. More than 2,400 · men af the armed forces assembled· for the Wednesday funeral of the late chief executive, five ·star general and bometo'Wn boy. while the Eiserihower funeral train moved slowly westward into the great · American plains, Abilene's streets resembled the set of a war movie, Officers • an<f men of the 5th Army seemed almost to outnumber t.ht civilian ~ation or near1f 8,000. Iii' 8dilftlon, co'ld-eyed yOWlg men in d~k J>u,si.ness suits, buttoned-dQwn. col-lars ·~~ short haircuts ' - agents of the U.S. Secret service-rµade a door·to- door check of residents and busineMes ~ong the burial procession route of ·iess tban one IJtile from train to grave. This was to assure the safety of one of. the mourners; President Nixon, who· will fly here from Washington Wednesday morning. . 'Ibe 5th Artny, with headQuarters .. at --Ft. Sheridan, Ill., was here in force to do ·more than giv,e the fallen com· Nigeria Says Troops Resuming Offensive LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -The Nigerian army claimed today its troops have occupied two towns 16 miles north of Umuahie, headquarters of the rebel Biafrans, and said fecterel forces had ••resumed the offensive" on three fronts. 1bis is the closest Nigerians forces are known to have lo Umuahia since October when a brief federal offensive overran the last of Biafra's other major towns. · mander ln dllel a ~ oendoll: The military men also were enlaged busily iJ> pr_oducing tboussnds upon thousands of wonb of Eisenhower background..· m at ti la 11 covering everythiilg"from reminisences of a World War II WAC driver and secret.icy, the .former Kay Surrun~by, to Eisenhower's favorite recipes for chile and beef stew. Part of city ball was converted into a mammoth pre5s room where, by Mon- day night, some 100 biplly detailed press re)eases bad been mimeographed and placed on tables across the room befofe a gathering crowd of rePQrters and broadcasters. The Eisenhower Center, where be will be buried Wednesday, beneath the Door of a small . chapel known simply as "place of meditation," was roped off and patrolled by armed military Jentries in a no-nonsense manner reserved tor areas of highest security. Military and civilian police patrol cars criss-crossed the . small town Monday night:;'-alert for any possible trouble. The ~ew people on the streets at dusk were either .out=ot-town journalists or store. employes hustling homeward in a Wet, chilly wind. -- Some Abilene residents In random con- Versi!f,ion with early arrival! for the -Eisenhower ceremony seemed more .preoceup.ied with preparations for the heavily guarded burial than the sad facts of Eisenhower's death. There was a far more "visible sense of mourning in Washington. a place of state and ceremony, than the streets of Abilene. This was natural, since Eisenhower~ spent much more of 'his adult time~ in the nation's capital than in his hometown. There were relatively few black-draped pictures in store windows in · Abilene. There were, however, a number of people watcli.ing the military preparations down by the dreary ;-ailroad freight yards where the funeral train would come to rest tonighL or~e ' Freeway Route Stqdied By S~te, Cities Route -.. the-llnol, 10:7-riiile ....,ent of the lulure Orange Fi-"' ~ the Santa Ana River are .OW under WI)', the State .DlvlJIClo of . Highways annOunced Monday. · EI!glneers will .work c!c>oely m~ depa1tinenl -of siJ; dtios and Or· ange Coonty -olliclals in delormining ~ po1bs far Route SI, ICbedfil<d far final adopQon In fulJr yeors. •co.ta M-. Founlaln Valley, Hun- tington Beach, Garden Gro\re, Santa Ana and Oranse -will be C<lllSUlted and a public bearing date aet when sufficient data hes' been coinplled. . Charles ~pr----for the highway system's Division 7, .laid today thal 111'. P!lh'V ~ Is;inbahl1 aboot lwO years aWtr/ ;;}W. The north-soufu tho~0::? fo 1Je designated the · ofan"ge Freeway If the 1969 legislature cboosea that apected title -will connect the Pacific Coast Freeway to the Santa ArJ.8.-Garden Grove freeway' Interchange. Although a precise allgrunent is yet to be determined, Gustafson sakl today that the southern tenftl.nm '"·wilt be somewhere in the area of the Slnta Ana River .mouth. This segment is ~ tut remaining unadopted portion ol Ute Route 57, which will ultimately nm 30 miles ncrthward to the San Bemardioo Freeway weat of Pomona. A f<llaJ ol lt.3 miles has already be<n adopted and a lal1• portion of that is now under .construction, with the "total Route 57 cost estimated a 155 millic>n. Construction cost figures for · the 10.7 mile Jenjjtll now being atUdle<I ate estimated at about 17 rilillion, according to state arithmetic. Podgorny in Morocco RABAT, Morocco (UPI) -Soviet President Nikolai Pdogwny arrived by speeial plane today for an official five. day visit to Morocco. \. . Bu sille~s ~C or p s Wanes . UCI Frqsh P~k.' More 'Altruistic' Careers 1 - By moMAS FORTUNE Of 11M Dell)' Plllt SI•" At the age of 18 business i.s an t...t- thirikable career. did so nationwide." Twice u many at UCI belonged to a high school scholastic honor il:>Ciety -:/\ perceot compared to 37 percent of the-national nonn. deliped la be !ln!d;_!>y bcimbers at oound targets -~ ~Jayed for . . . the-same ........ 9 . ......_ .,.;'l!'°fu~;-~:-':~·!"~:;........ Catalina Runs Resume Thi.s Y~r . ding bu\tll't f« l119 liscaJ. year tieg!Oning imt.uN • Jul¥ I, Laird .r;eported to the HouSe :· ~GTON (UPI) -The ff.year-unions expected to sisn ""' tbe Mailile Anned~Services Committee. His 3'1-page old excur'Sion.._ ship SS Catalina, ·ta1cen Firemen's Union, Sailon Union el the statement to a closed meeting of the off Us nm ~ the mainland aod Pacific, American Radio Aaoclatian and =: wu made public u be started . Santa Calalina Island last year beca1115e \be Longsboremen's Uhlon. - An odd!Uooal l50il mJDlon in cull had or a labor dlspu~. wW rauii!e-ol!l'raili>ns "If _tt all gets_ wrapped up as uJl!ICled, been ~ b1 Laird to the same thiJ ....on, It wu announced today:--..... : Catalina is going to !'" a hlllY plaoo ~I!!" 1ut Tll!nday. The combined . The idleness 01 the Catalina bro ht~ again -this year and Im • haPP1 ma l'llllbacb of migjlJy 11.1 bW!on reduce • . . ..... . "'· . iboul It" said Charley atmwell, Jll!lll· the "9 billion defeose lpelldlng budpt near econonuc ~i.r to the r-1 ~ • . •··-·"' Co. -• pnpanid•by the Jobnlon admlnlltratlon tslllld • m11es-o11 the . Southern dent oNhe Catalina s~p to f17~• bllBoD. . 1• California coast. The Jsland • depends On Thurldly, taJrd told .the ~ttee atmo..t entlreJy on tourists and the vast thal Gen. CreJghtoa W. Abrams, U.S; ajority J ••--, ctmmander Jn Vietnam had "strongly m "' Wtr:MI arrive aboard the ,..,,,._,. that ~ cwT.nt rate white oteamship. ol BIS bombing Oighis be continued. · • -~ ••-tsJ·-• had , ~·AJ yOu know,'' Laird said then.· .. he J.Jail_• seuon wic iWU 125,000 Police Question Motives of Romeo conslden the BIS to be ooe d hi• fewer vialton than the normal I00,000. ' . most importanl weaJ>Ollll. On the ha.sis The Catalina wu taken orr the run The inscrutable motive ol a yuung o1 my on obaervatiom:, I have concluded and docked becauee the operatcira. the Chinese man driven.. away from a lhal fUnding for the cumnt rate.tl!rougb Catalina Steam"11p CC>., llld tt was losing aidewall; chat 'With a 7$.year .. ld Coota June, lf'IQ, obauld be pro9llfed. • • In today's liatel!>Ollt Laird lllld:· "A> money. The. comt\any -wanted to cul Mesa lady at the DJ<llti<ll! ol her martol 111110b u I would like to oapport hia the cmr from It to· 48 and to shorten status Monday Is bOing studied b1 pallco l&>•••••oend•Eion, the budfet ltriltgencl'es the season from tool-to three moatbs. tod 1IJ!der w1Iicb we must .,.rate In fJacaJ Thioughout the year· various un1oM r:i'~ David N. Stern oalll lhe year 1'71 will not permit • -d !bat rate beyoad June, 11111 ••• " lnvoived In the dispute have· met wi~ m.. told of llrollb!g In a· -lldO ~ did not opell oot the extent · comPoDi· oUlclaJa in an effort to resch -nelgbbor!lood M-1-.. eveninc '"* L of the l1lpt rodoc:tlaas, hut the oaving ..__enL lull ...-..... when the ....... ._ bulll --"' involved will be -'lllO millloo. Other ---~ ........, ,__ U.S. olllclall aid BIS otrtkes could be -The •rr-t announced today called toot ·h<r by the arm and pralaod 1Iei' for the ship's compl<ment to mnain prettinm. Held Up for $1;000 . SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A gunman held up the cuhier at the Sl!eratoo-P-llotol la -. San Francisco Mondtr/ ancf ucaped m~ aa estimated ,1,GOO. at 64 but tbe lleUJn cut from June "'Bid young man/' at WC!l'.da' to. Ibis 15 to Sept. 15. Union members· also ellect, abe. laid in. J"'OleSI,. '!I'm.mar.. -will receive a 10 percent pay b4ke plus ried." a '2$ monthly acroa tbe boanJ boost · The woman, who : later ·b 1.c:.. Me The Masters, Mates and Pilots Union auspicious of the , lnc:id<al, told Ill!!!# and the ,Marine Cooks and Stewardl. Stem the fOllJli orl"'1 dasbed 1IP the Union have sipi~ the agreement. other· · ltreet and disappeared a~ her dileJOluN,. -· .GEi·· ORE-_ ' . ' ' . OF · WHAT ciUNi l . • • . •••• ~1 -· Only three ~nt or ri'eshrrien who entued UC Irvine this r;ar from lligh school want lo 'enter business. , Ironically, the greatest number of them list businessman as Ufetr father's ~ cupation. -UCJ freShmen planned in greater numbers to work toward advinced degr.... only 18 percent planned to settle for a bachelor's degree compared to 31 percent natlomride. Tbirty-eeven percent ahned far a master'• degree, 25 pero<nt for 1 PhD and II pe.<ent that · tast high school year to 1moke, six percent compared to H percen~ 0< drink beer, :11 percent to 53 percent. They also were le!! likely to attend a religious service, 80 pereeot to 11 percen~ -More so than elsewhere UC I I) > .,, Jn their atutudes and career ambitions t:1CI freshmen are even more kleallstic tjian collep rr.shmen eloewhere among a highly Idealistic generation. Coming from a!Out!lt homee they don't tbink much of 11aomethi:ng in it for me" when planning a career. Rather tlley are altrui•Uc. for a MD. · -Estimated parenll' income per yeor is moro Jhan 110,000 !fl< 71 percent ol UC! freshmen end is the major ""'""' ol payment !fl< their educati<ll! for 71 pen:ent; Only five ...,...t checked major concern about flnanclng their education. -Jlurin& their -,_ In hip schc:l.ol UCI freshmen wei'e more in-- _ freshmen are Jdeali81ic,. wt~ ti perc<nt Indicating developing a ~OIOpby of life to be • major goal of their education, 25 percent wanting to help otberl •in difficulty, and 13 percent saying on Im-· portent goal ii keeping up will! political affairs. However, lnl than the naiiooal norm strongly desire to -COIJlDIIIIllly .leaden, II perc<nt; be admlnlltraUvely rtlpc>Dlible, II percen~ « very well f • MID ~ ASSOCIATION. IMPORTANT: .,..,,., s..Vcs P"1" dllly ~illl·llt wllllout .., ~ r.t.ialonl. 1bit .-.. ,_....., w ..... frllnthodote .......... IQlhedolowllhdr-• No ...... uiitllheendollheqwWW-......... htpool lilllnlt Ille • II DowneJ Soritp! ' • • MORE lntJttSf COUNTS oil financially, M percent. · .,,.,.. _ --- -UC! atudents appear to be allghlly _ ,..,_ -.. - FREE NOTARY SERVICE COUNTS FREE TIIAVDDIS WWW COUNT , , Mtlfit9lft Jl(I0.00 Ot _,. M ,_.. Optn t ........ account Start,• ~ -" ..wtnp llCCllUl'lt end lwt• tr. 'for Sl.OOOf,mcn. A9 t t,..nsfw,.,.-__,. 0--. I . 'Ibat is the picture that emerges for a majority of UC! entering - surveyed by the American Council ol Educatlln' last laD. t<IJectual thin moot. In """"' percen-tages lhan the national nonn they argued . more liberal in their a~. yet not ._ '°"' • "T ,.....,:.., quite eo sympathetic to the problems ~..;% ~ ... ;r:.' ... - ol the disadvantaged u the nationwide ,. ='--..., group. A 6Jgber pe:ceaUgt in each cue be •1 9l'ld atlH •m 1lle ufe dtpotlt_llolt. lt't IOOd ~ ~. ,ou ~fl( $1V1n11. CW111-= .. N tD~implrrtMt..,........,. fNIM119rtmfofJIOUr ~..,<>~~~-----l ,.,..,..0on·t...,...,........ ......It cloanlntl.~ ~ Maw'°"'" moMJ to~ to prot.::t '°" " v a ... , Resula, wfth compariloos to national norms, recently have been tabUloled by tbe campus Student Affairs Office. Sludenbi mpclllded Ii> nearly lGO queo- Uons ... ~~attitudes and ll11blU-Here are 10U10 ol the highuptl: -4i,pen:e!lt of UC! fmh-overqed A gril!les in high ochool. onJ1 21 percent '·' . . '· wl~ a teacher ·in clus, 13 percent : tutored IJIOlher studenl, 13 percent; reAci poetry no1 · nqulred ·for .......... pen:ent: dlscuoed-plilics. .. perooal. Fewer than the utioGa1 noi'm diacuRed • opcl'ta, _n ~: had voc:'UCI coonsellngf , le ~I ~(!111 ·o le .. --. . ....-. -UC! ....,_ _ _, "'"' Im likely than their natlomride peon In I rett marijtlon• liioUJd be tqallsed, as ---" '"· percent; *-t Pllb1l<atiOlll lbould !IOI • ~ ....... _'!"" ... ..,..... -... - MAIN OFFICE: 8630 FLORENCE AVENUE, DOWNEY • 1 be ft(Ulaled> ti pen:ent; the collep has po right to ban ~en, II percenL Yet, fewer thin the natiClnal norm -fill colleges hive tiiien too las CJl1 - protest, 41 -~ and believed the dludVlllla&'d lbould be 11"'1 prdemd llORWW: FUUERTON • ~ llEM:ll PENINSULA CEN1111 MIS.;..__, I 13910 Plooieer Blvd. 2A8l £. Cblpnwn Ave. 26e3 Wt rtd!ff Dr. 19·Poninsula. Celrttr 25866 ....... .,_ Palos Veidla l'lninsulll . , • -~ 31 por<enl. I \ I -r ' --~-~-~----_, - • ,-~ ' I • ) .... I ' .. -- ' WorstMexi·co Min~ • • sf er Traps 150 . 1,000 Workers Scratch With Bare Hands in.Vain Resc~ Attempt . . \. . NUEV A ROSITA, Mako (UPI) Gu uploslons ripped deep lnlldo two niral ooal mlna Moaday nll!lt, trapping more thu 150 mt11 Ullderground. AD were feared dead today ln Mako'a wont mine disaster. mlnors m working lnllde the mines dilperafdy to ave tome of the \arJll>ed Palau In C4almDa ltafe. TWo piJ, loaded with medical ••!>' -<ome u deep u 3,llilo feet -when men. Tbe latool blull ooDapood Iha No. pll,. arrived early today from Mexico the ps blut:s colla11'¢ them. Cootreras Tbe mJno olflcJal uld the main -..,. sand No. a -tlallldlilda-1101lllorn City, about 800 mllta a" •Y • llld UO mo were trapp<ij. Rodollo lnlllceo lb the mines ...,.. covered -Malclll Ylllqe of-a : Tbe eiplolloo Investliatlolll fnw the explosions were ."Xbey are trapped but we don't Utlhk Ihm ii • -lot lbem." llld Rafael Cootren.s, ID ofll<lal tPoUoman for the jiiines operl ted by the government. fitianced'Altos Homos Steel Company. • ~ a Coalllllla .. le government . smoklnC debr'.s. • lltO wu about I'll mfllo -of started Immediately. olliclal, oald the flgure WU 117. -"But they found an opening Into one Mooterrey, Melico, and 2llO mJ1es Ono mlno olflclal "Id the bodies or Dorothy Hutchlnaon of Doncaster, El!Wd-knew exactly what she wanted ft.Om her father for an en· gagement present: A pop star. It seemed a silly idea to business director G.arg• Hutchinson until his daughter explained the singer would be a business investment for her and her policeman fiance. Dorolby is now 2.5 percent owner of "'Peregrine Caruthers.'' "I think he bas tremendous. talent." Dorer j"l'bey were all buried. ~re's nothing Or tne JDJne.s,11 • Contrail said. .. U's IOUtbweat ol SID AntolJlo, Ta.. seven miners were. blown out of the we can do not but lly to iincover~their not the inah.-entrance and we're trylni M1rtlne1«11ld be wa not .......i when -by.the fon:e of the Ill bJaN, 1 h bodies,• nld Gerardo ll!artinez, a mJner ~ 1:1e II to iet below.~ . • the exp1o&1o1111 cauaad by pocteta .cf 'lbe nunen,_ most of lh<m w t who had dozens of friends among the It wu Me:rlco'• ·worst mine dlauter deadly ~ pa rocked the tiny -famlli~ lived 1n a tiny mining enclave At least 1,000 workers -men·, womel\ and chl1dreD -scralched with their bare hands and 'shovel> io lly to mcue the trapped mlnen, who tolled for· '24 a month. trapped men wbq toiled lmh~e 'the mines lUlkwasbelleved tlie worst such traaedY Mexk:an minlDI· ~. He Nld the of Barioterran, which has a population -about 70 miles southwest Of Eagle Pass, in North America since May 19, 1928, ezploalonl could be beard 10 mllel uay. of about aoo. 'lbe miners earned all · Tex. . when 195 men perished in a gas esploslon ''Nmnber 2 mine caved ln and then aver11e of 300 pesos -$24 -a month. Contreras &aid J,000 rescue Workers io a mine at Moweaqua, DI. The wont a aerlm ol mnaller aplcistom followed 'Ibe coal they mined was shoveled onto Mine officlall were not sure bow DllDJ -Red Cross workers, soldiers, Mexican previous mine disater Jn Mellc:o oocuaed to number s, Caving it in, too," the trains and taken to the Altos Homos peasants aud other miners -tried in lt3f, whto 67 men were klllt11 at t:~::ISht8 ~tee! Plant in nearby ~~iova. . thy said. • Thieves who broke into a wine warehouse in Melun, France, two weeks ago used a ,wheelbarrow to carry a safe containing $8,400 in cash and checks to a waiting car. They returned last weekend and t1sed. the same wheelbarrow to trun· die away a newly-installed safe containing anotber.$2,400. • Children in BeUwt, Waah., honor Centnil Eisenhower by ftyi'ng their camp flag at half ma.st. T he kids, m.ore observant than they seem, set up camp in a neighborhood backyaNI then fashioned a flagpole from a broktn. branch to fly the fWg at the campsite. • The Automobile Association's Navy Studying New Submarine Missile System WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary John H. Cha!ee disclooed today the Navy ii coosidering a new long-range IUbmartne mwile system to meet the Increasing threat from the Soviet Union In the 1970s, Chafee told the senate Armed Services Committee of plans for the new, multi- btllion dollar system, eyen u work is beginning to convert the flnl of Sl bal- . lli!tic missile submarines lrom the P .. Jaria: .to the new multi-warhead' P0&ei-don. . His tortimony was given to a clooed committee session but na made pub- lic. ,. . Chafee said, "It Is quite clta? that the .Soviet Navy presentl a eei'lous and grow- ing threat to OW' COl)llnued IUpremaey on the seas," lncluding a nuclear threat that' ..... "hu grown more rapidly than ex· pecta!. both.In quality and number." He cit.cl the pombillty of an ezlmlive Soviet antisubmarine warfare effort against the U.S. fleet of 41 Polaris a n d Poseidon submarines and said, "In p~ araUon for such Soviet efforts, we a r e examining a longer-range lllbmarine launched missile system." The new system, called the: Undersea Long Range Missile System, (ULMS), is plannec! for inln>ducllon in the late 1970s, Cha!ee uld, adding: "The ULMS 1111m!a- rlnes would each be armed with a Jara• number of balliltlc mllliles " ·,.Ul"IT ....... Book of France, published in Lon· don, believes that lots of water, m~ .. side and out, Is the antidote for too , much alCQho!. In ~ase of hangover the bpok &uggests: "Lots of water before you sleep and when you ' wake, breakfast and a brisk walk ~aft.er a cold shower." Israel Thwarts _Arabian Attempt To Blow Up BruiK MAMIE EISENHOWER WEEPS DURING FUNERAL SERVICE Uno1bl1 to Hold Beck T11r1 in Washington National Cathtdr1I . " • • 117 Uafted Pm1 laternatloaaf Words Over Ike Casket: . • Jim Lu~kln, 19, of Gilletle, ·wyo., : sold his shOulder·length hair for AnU-lsrsel demonstrations bolled anew ' $250 _ San~y-to b~)lefil the_ !'amP-_loday_ln OCCUJ>ied areas oLthe. Middle '.iiell Cotinfy Easter S~ Gnve. ~. Eut and Israeli security. forces an.- local barber trimmed his locks be-llllCll>«d the ba · 'I've -Fought Go~d Fight: ·fore a cheering crowd at the annual • Y d lolled a plot by Arab Easter Seal jamboM>. guenillu to blow up one of the largest banks to the Jewish ltate. • In Nablus, lsrgea city on the west When the poster.s went up on Rfqh Strttt the tt1ebrow.s in the market town of Thra.pston, Eng· land went even higher. Uftder- ntath· a 1ketch of a naked man and a woman wa.s the caption: "Nothing on? Ste you at the an- nual parish me sting. Wt can't .guarantee a strip, but at least uau can air you,. views." The fir&t views aired were those of tht parilh cowcil w h i ch de- manded the posters be taken down. The11 were but attendance at the mteting was doubled. bant of the Jordan River, a gn,up of "i2o Arab achoolgirls joined wom<ii oc- cupying munlclpal oUlcea in an anU-hraell sit-In. lsraeli officlals reported lwo biraell - soldlera were wounded, one of them seriously, Monday night when their anny vehicle hJt a mine at a refugee camp in downtown Gaza. Israeli authorities imposed a temporary curfew In the aru between Israel and the Sinai Desert. , Few details were released on the plot to bomb' the bank, but Israeli security som"CeS said the scheme was uncovered with the arrest and questioning of 15 members of the Al Falah luenfila organization. By LOtllll CASSEUl WASlllNGTON (UPI) ~ The words of St. Paul were read over Dwight D. Eiseohower's casket: 1"Ibe time Ct my departure has come. I have fought-the good-'fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith ." Mamie Ellenbower, drained of emo-Uori, b.ici sat through the -fUnetat service with stoic composurt until the Rev. Edward R. L. Elion, her Presbyterian pastor, read the passage from St. Paul's second Jetter to Timothy. It must have IOU!lded to htr -as It did to others in Washington National Cathedral -like aomethinj Ike might have ~d. Sbe cried a little, quietly. Her son, John, gently patted her hand. It wu a simple, dignUied funera l, lq on Christian hope, short on pomp March Exits Like a Lamb - Calm and Dry Weather Throughout Most of U.S. California Sovthtm C•llfO!"llt. htd meetly IUll"l' lk!eol tod.ly with •inlY wl!Mls lll ""°"'"' fll11 •NI dnoir1 11'1!11. In Los -"'"~I .~ 11k lnlly, 11 ""'' f.1lr wilt! U1Ull _,.,,,. IQW tloudl. Tlte hJ9"1 '-r·~ WU 71. dootll two deo"'" I""" Mond•Y'' m8•lm1Jm, Ti'lere .,II 1191\1 lmot 111 lht l OI I Mdtft -"'°Sii'!' 1u1111v '"'' mom,,.. doucll cll111!11lt'CI. Hlflll Hm- "'"'"'rn -• llffr 'J wOh w11fr 11 ... ~t•IN -. t1!r •lld mlld 111'411 #VII"!' 1'16r1t!Wftl Wllld1 •lld tilth tff!t> ,.,.tu'" ,_,..lroo I~ $U1, It (91't1Mlltl Wl to'l'I 111 deWrt tttloM •• i-r "'''" m1•lmum1 Mrt ""' 9:1 af1111 •-111llev hlfll 11t1r ._ ,,,., -· _,., bufflllfd bv -ly ....... t i 1wtn tl 110 ml"1 111 llovr. kl!N h;eM Morldl'I' Ind fort(lll -lllltMl'll hidey Incl'"'" ~ lttell .._-.. ,.. Mel'lltt .....S. 8urtlefllt n. 7S. Moullf WI'"" ,,_.,, ,.,.....,, .. ti· .. a'lwnldt U.11. P1l111 S-ifltl • ,,_ ............. n.11. Mill Ditto 72.71, •"" ""'' ••"'-t• , .... ,. c..,tal I TUISDAY' $tc:Olld low ............. , J:OI "11'\, t.1 Se<eoW f'llt'I ............. t :U 11.M. J.1 "•DHllDAY' ,h'll low ................ J(ft 1,m, 0.1 Flflt hltfl .............. l:Q 1.m. ._, &ic.nd ·-.............. 2::1l I.Ill. 1,A StC01111 llllfl ............. t:Oll 11,m, I.I ~ • .._. l :H.o,""' l4tt S:DJ '·"'· sn 1u-$:'1 '·'"' "" ':14 11.111. ... ,,.r. t Lid Q, """' Pini O . ,_, t AM. If Mf, 24 .V.'M"""' l<!OSI "'9 1111tloll w11 t•lm trod ,,., iaion. ''°"" ldl'YlfY -.. -•ltltllt, w!lll fl'ttlllitttltll ilmUH m11nrr • 119111 ,. _ _,,11( ....... Albuclwtt1u. ·--Allt llfll .. ...,..,.Id 11111'1•.irtlt .... . .... °'-( l11Cl11111tl C!Weltlld ...._ ... _ °"~" IE11 ... 1 Fort Wllrtll '-~ ---·· "1«11...., Ktr'lllt ('t!v l., ... ""' loa Alltl!lfl .,_,.. Ill 11111 "°"""'"' •1111 1 ftw Mltml M1Muk .. 11f\tllr'll'lt M .. tit -_.,,. flll M111-1!1 nor'lllM11tm Grtll Ltllff ,..IOll. Mw OrlN"' I Ntw Y"" T""#1'11V,_ n tllt .. """' llelf N-111 ,1,119 cf "-~ """"""' t.lltftlly tller Otl<lftld ~"' mid "'°1!dfr(, lamt (I/ em.~. !tit! W1 MW IOWI llOltre J btltw If II. ( .... Mll!ll., "'llriw l 11 Mlntle- -11'. •• , M.KI-. Ml~ • ,, °"" riu-, ,_, M t i Mollflt, Ill., Ind 14 •t $0\ll!I .. ,.,, llld. '•Im ~l'ltl ,. •• Jtobi.1 P11H'"*"lll , ..... Pllt\bu"" Portluld lhtlcl (ltv Orll'ICJ ,enc .. H.D •• ..., Alf•alllllrlt. JtM l lult' Minn .. ~ Mllrth w!lll r11tlrtt1 rJt Jt' m .... ~·~"' 1 ...... • $1 • ...1.oo.rll Toffr'1 "11' mor~lltll ""'Mr1lvrti Sen...,, . ri .. tnwn 7 1t Old Town. ""JM, 5.111 l-"t (llY .. "'" ci..o le 15 •l fl P•t0, T••. Sin '••ttel1<e In "°" Ntlof\•1 u.ffoJ, S.n. (;'°'" $.I"'' krWrt Mu,.,,~, R·Ctllf., wl4 -J llOeclt =~ In ~11 tl8ft 1119f'I .. _ Ill 1111 _.I f"""""lfl or ..... ,..,, evtr tuftwrttl ll!fn. - I WIWllM!fll I ,11,11 L-Pr.<. .. " "' " ~ u ,.. " " " " " " " " " " • " ~ " " " • " ~ " " " .. M ,. " " " " " " n .. .. .. " .. • " " " " " "' " " " " ,. " " .. » .. .. .. .. " n ~ " .. .. .. ,, " .. .. • • n " ~ .. .. " .. ,, 4 " " " ~ .. n " • " ~ " " ·" .. " •• ~ " • v and ceremony. lt was exactly the kind of funer8.I Ike wanted -which was not su rprising, since he helped plan it months before his death. It gave one an eerie fee.ling to know he \lad specifically requested J. Faure's famous hymn, The Palms. Did he have some kind or premonilion that he would die two days -before Palm Sunday - the one season of the Christian year • ~:hen the hymn Is appropriate? The Palms is not a funeral dirge. It is a lilting, joyous hym n of trust in the love of God manifested in Jesus Christ. While it was sung by the cathedral's famous choir, Eisenhower's flag-draped casket was brought to the place of honor in the crossing. It was 4:52 P.M. EST when the dean ()f the Episcopal cathedral, the Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, spoke the opening w()rds of the service, taken from Christ's last supper promise to his disciples: "I am the resurrection and the ·life • . • he that believeth in me ... though J1e \\-ere dead. ye( shall he live." The 2,000 invited guests had started arriving in the hlgh vaulted Gothic church more than an hour earlier. One (}f the fir11t to take hif place, in a front row seat, was President Charles de Gaulle of France. Near him sat King Baudouin of Belgium and the Shah of Iran. There were many other foreign chiefs o( state, so many that fonner President Lyndon B. J ohnson found himself protocalled all the way back to the siJ:th row. Eisenhower had stipulated that there be no eulogy, and In the strict sense, there wasn't. But Dr. Elson managed to tum his pastoral prayer into a vehicle for saying the saple kind ol things be might have said in a eulogy. "~e thank. thee, 1.-0rd, for thy servant, ~1ght David, for his goodly heritage, his goodly parents, his boyhood home and early training," Dr. Elson said ''We thank thee for the' nobility of ru; manhood, the integrity of his ptrlOn his hos~itallty o( mind and magnanimitf of splr1~. for his sleadfutness under provocation, for his gifts al reconciliation for bis kindness and his firmness: rof hiJ comp:wion and mercy, for hls .:arm Jne:lusi~ friendship. his transparent spirituality. his patience and sulJering, :!nd for an that endtared him to the multitude of manldnd." . President Nixon, who spoke 1 eulogy over hls late chief in the CapitoJ.rOtunda Sunday afternoon, sat just aao.w the aisle from ?1-frs. Eisenhower. ln the Cront row or folding wotldcn chairs. ------ SuprenwCourtS~pports Unions On Work Quotas From Wire Services WASHINGTON -The Supreme Court upheld today the right or unions t.o punish wcr~m who go over product.ioo quotas. In a major civil rlghb move, the Friends Feel Mamie Unlikely To Go Home WASHINGTON (UPl)-Mamie Eisen· bower 's pl&ns are uncertain as she faces life without her belo\>-ed Ike, but she is not iikely to go home again to live at their Gettysburg, Pa., fann. "She has decisions to make," said Edgar Eisenhower, 80, brother·in-law ol ·the former First Lady, "So far, she hasn't made any." . · Mrs. Eisenhower's close family plan- ned to brooch the ,subject during their sad journty aboard. the funeral train carrying her famous husband's coffin to his burial 1ite on the plains of Kansas where he grew up. Though she may not return to the fann, Mamie will probably t.Ue her time in leaving it. The terms of her hus- band's will gives her six months and she'll probably not depart for "at lea!t three months." Mrs. Eisenhower's son John, newly appointed ambassador Jo Belgium and his wile Barbara have been urging ber to join them in Brussels when they move to th~ir new embassy home soon. Europe is not new to Mrs. Eisenhower. She lived in France for several-years when Eisenhower was supreme comman- der of the NATO forces. Shattered by the death of her husband of 52· years, Mrs. Eisenhower has not been ablt! to concentrate on her future. Her longtime friend, Washington host- ess Perle Mesta, however, is convinced · from recent· conversations with Mrs. Eisenhower she will move back to Wash- ington, perhaps renting an apartment in an older hotel where she resided during World War II. "I am sure she will not go back to the fann,'~ said Mn, J4esta. ''What' woo!d she do there?" '· court agreed to decide whether Ne~s have a right to use private all·wh1te e<>mmunity parks and swimming pools. The court declined lo accept for contract between the unlon .and the com· clJ!itnge of state laWs prohibiting strikes by public empklyes . Specifically, the court in a brief order. dismissed an appeal by a group of garl>agtRlen convicted of contempt of court during a 1968 New Yoi'k City walkout. "The appeal is dismissed for want of a properly presented federal ques· tion," the order said. Fining or even expelling piece workers woo es:ceed production quotas set by the unioo is a matter or internal policy not forbidden by fed eral labor law, the court said 7 to I, in the union case. The decision. given by Justice Byron R. White, dealt with quotas set by the United Auto Workers Union (AFL-cIQl. at the WiscoMln Motor Corp., in Milwaukee. Four machine operators were tried by the union and'"'1i.ned »a to $100 and were suspended from the union for a year when it was found that they, and other members . had excttded the production ceilinlil'. for piece workers. Half the production workers at the plant are paid on a piece \\·ork or incentive basis. The union rule. en· forcea ble sirice 194~ by fines and ex· pulsion, allows members to produce as much as "they like each day but sets a ceiling rate for how much pay they - may draw on a particular da y. Their overproduction is "banked" by the com· panv and wages due for 1t· are paid to the worker on days when the pro- duction ceiling has not been reached. The 8verage piecework rate I s recognized in the collective bargaining cootrac tbetween the Union and the com· panv:The r.eililll? rate. set bv the union. ts-CS to 50 cents above the normal "machine rate." Wksconsin Motor Corp. has regularly urged the wrion to abandon the ceiling-. Nevertheless. Justice White said. "if the Mml>any wants to require more work of its emoloyes, let it strike a better bargain . The la.bar laws as presently drawn will not do so for it." The pace-setting· civil rights case C'l'lm· es from suburban Fairfax County. Va., "'here a Ne~ family rentin~ a house from a white family was forbidden ,., use the subdivision's re c re a t io n a 1 facilities. Ike's Brothe~· in Hospital, Hopes _to Attend Fu11eral WASHINGTON (UPI) -'lbe youngest surviving Eisenhower brother• Dr. Milton Eisenhower, had a "comfortable night" and hopes to attend his brother's burial in Abilene, Kan., Wednesday, authorities at Walter Reed Army H•pital said to- day. In a medical bulletin, officials said Dr. Eisenhower was to undergo "further test!" during the day. No declsioo on the , trip to Abilene "will be made until the studies are completed," officials said. The educator was hospitalized "for obser:vaUon" Monday after he com· plained of feeling ill at a hotel while awaiting the funeral services for his brother, former Pre!id~t Dwl&ht D. Elsenhower . A team of doct«a declined to dilcloae tho nature of the iUneM peliding com- pleUOn of the tests, but oth.,. llOUr<:OS said cardiac tests were among the first of the examinaUoDS. Or. Eilenhowor, president emeritus of Jobn Hopkins University and chairman of the Pmldentlal Coo>mlalon oo Homage Paid to Ike In South Viet Service -SAIGON (AP) -American. South Vlet- namete and fOrtlan diplitari<• pale! lw:lmop to former Pmident Dwight D. Eltenhowtt at. a memorial aervke today at U.S. Mllltary headquarttnl. The eulogy wu llven by Gen. crdghWll w. Abrams, commander of U.S. troopo hi Vlefnam and a World War JI .tank commander tn Europe when El11enhowtr wu tupreme allied com- ma.ndcr there. ' I Violence, was permitted to have visits by "members of his family only" for &bout five minule3 per visiL About a dozen persons went to see him. * * * ..... Heart Transplcuii Might Have Kept Ike Alive-Cooley SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Dr. Denton A. Cooley, world·renoWned h car l spectalist from Houston, has conceded reluctanUy for mec President Eisenhower mi&ht be alive if he had undergone a heart tramplant. . C.ooley wu in San Francisco Monday to deliver a Rport and lecture on his work which includes 18 transplants, one of them a double transplant. Three pa. Llenta are ltl.II Uving. "1 think thi s is a most unfortunate time to ~scuss it," Cooley said in reply to penistent questions by newsmen, "but ELM!nhower could have been alive today I suppc)le. I'm sure a tran!plant would hive worked -in ta transplanl-S "'' have bten succes:slul In all of \hem." · The rurgeon said the f o r m , r President'• family didn't want the opera. Utln for ~•enhoWer .. CooJ,y quickly pointed out that he Y•as a personil £rltnd . of the late Presidtnrs phys.lclan and his comments were in no v.·ay 10 be inlupreted as criticism. »~,called physicians effort~ 1o ktrp Eisenhower alive "mlrac1llous," I I. ~· -; • • r • • ·' --. ' --- . l' --- ' " ~ .. , r . , ' ' ' ' ... " ., k ' • I • J "· ' ' I I I • . -- ... . . .. --------~~'!"."!~~~.~~"'· ...... ' .. - • r•··· " . - ' I /\: -. .. . . . ' t ' r .. ., • • Las Dama s· T.ea~ • A sun-specked sol.· may be ·the perfeci backgrowld when the Las Damas · d,el Mat ·Auxiliary, Children's Home Society, honors associate members with a Hukelau Tea Wednesday, Apri(.16 . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenberg's handsome oeeanfront home in Cap- istrano Be8cb, recently featured in the auxiliary's home tour, will be the aetfing-for the 2 to 4 p.m. tea. ' , C.. ' Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe, auxiliary' president, e:zplalned the ·event is . a waY for active members to thank the many as'aociates who have earnest. Jy supported' the San Clement.:Caplstrano Valley auxiliary during the past year.· , · Hawaiian cuisine will ~e served to gu .. ts .by hospitable active mem- bers dressed in appropriate costumes. . . . . • •. . . · . :: . ; ~ . •, . :: .• .· •, . . . ' . •• • : A brief -progl'llin-will-be-presenled•by a-represenlalive·from·the .. .,.---- ciety's Santa Ana office. Donations 'mad~ at the tea will be used to pur· chase layette items to be given to the society for infants. awaiting adoption. 11Many items are needed for the badies' care in foster homes ~ore permanent lam1Jies are found," said Mrs. Robert G. Cassi, publicity chair· m·an .• -,.. · ·-r Mrs. Thol1}3s Peden, tea chairm.8.n, announced her assistants will be the Mmes. O'Keefe, Samuel S. Gill, David Clark;Williain Taylor, 8am: ' uel Betse, ·Roy Divel and William .Stevenson. · -Las Damas del Mar is one of the many auxiliaries which support the society with 21 pert!ent of its funds. · 1 _ i I • WAHINES WAIT -Las Damas del Mar (the wo- men by the sea in ,Spanish) enjoy the setting for an . ·upcoming Hukelau Tea by, ·the sea. Young Tricia. • • I O'Keefe joins. active members ()~ )ci i'lgtit) Ute ' Mmes. Thomas O'Keefe, president; William Xaylor, vice president, and Roy Divel, invitatiqns ch:µrman. . . -. . . In addition to providing homeless infants with care and medical at· tion and eventually i. permanent home, the society COUD\els natural ents in planning their children's future and assisfs-ci>uples who ·wish to a pt. \ " ,, 'I i " ' I ~ lj ,, !~ ' ., ' ·' ,, " ' • -., •• I " ,. oj I < I, 1( : . " ' ' 1. ' • ; , 1, • ·, ~· ' " ,, I I -· I --.-- Women Fashion . . . Hospital · ·senef it \YomenAf ..NigueLTeriace..P..roperly-Owners :..Asso---. .ciation have joined forces· to fashion an afternoon 1unch- eon. W~nesday, April 23. · Beginning with an 11:30 a.m .. cocktail hour in Ben ' I ' • : Brown's restaurant, the ev~t :1s twe>-pronged. To meet irtnadY's interest ·ln ·the latest spring sty ... ,les, it will introduce acparade of fashions from Muriel's ; for M'Lady1 -Monarch Bay Plaza. -· · · Meanwhile, it also wilf.be raising funds for the pe- diatric• ward of ·South Coast Comlhunity Hospital, which presently is operating with two to four beds while it is felt 20 beds are needed • Tife. association is working in conjunction with siJ .. ver and GOid Chapter of the hoopitai auxiliary, of which M'i's.~Ber.t Kampert, Cbairmari of the affair1 is a mem- ber. The btinefit; to follow a ''Fasbion;;itions" theme, will offer several awards including a · painting by J:ohn Tu~er Mertz given as lt door prize. According to Mrs. Kampert, Mertz is "one of Amer- ica's finest artists and Is well known for his still life and use of color and. compo6ition." · . Other awards will include room and board I o r three days and two nights in Las Vegas or Lake Tahoe or four days and three Nghts in Miami. ''. • 1.·•r '1 . •· . •\ J!"• 'I ' ' •' I ' ' I Tickets are $5.50 per person, and··reservations ma'y be obtained by sending a check to Mrs. Kampert, 32391 Cari_!l~n Drive, South Laguna, or calling her at 499-3936 by Sunday, April 20. SPEAKING OF SPRING-,Js ii the season of spring or bed springs wliicb Mrs. Bert Kamper! (left), and .Mrs. Lowell Phillips are dis- cussing? They are plannil!g a show of colorful' spring fashions, out tliey raisO plan to use the money-for South Coast CC~unity , Hospital'i Pediatrics ward wheri..ID\'fe !>eds are greatly needed. · :• • • t ' ' . ! Doctor's i ; • I DEAR ANN LANDERS' Can a physl- lclan say a word or two ab6ut transvestism? !-.was born and raised t!!!.a small town in Maine. I had never l :~::rd oC homosexuality, let alone transveSUsm, unlll 1 wu in high school, · fEven then It see.med unreaJ 'and !Ome- '•hat disgusting. ' In college I became vastly enlightened }and in medical school I changed aome · t my concepts completely. But it wasn 't til I did my internship that I really d my eyes oP<ned up. NilJ>l duly ~t the hospital was libtral educi1.ion~ (J'he fint year. three prominent men dn the community were brought in as Jemergencies. One bad a btart attack, 'ltwo were · in automobile accidents. We -lbe1 ,..,. . wwm1 ladies' ' V I .. . . •' ., . ... ~ ..... Unne:rved Wh.en Patients 'U.nbuckle ~ Problems -.' : ..... ~ -·: ..... ~ . .... -. . underwear wben we -them far ·-e1 >"" re1111 Oii u.... llate-a bUerlnr e1amm.Uon. These nltn were married fti Wies' uderwur, -'-slikr CM and 11-'!f 1tlractive famlllts. There bsd -™1Jty dial yao mlpt'C<t' 1111 by never been a brtlth of scAndat about •· tnla Md "WlaJ •P ti 11.e emtrPHJ any or them. l hope you tee a moral ,..... ._ . ' in. this story and that you will put . • tt inlo wonb. -NEW ENGLANDER DEAR ANN' Once a wee t tlz of DEAR NEW: 1 oee n.. morail, -~ a,.._ -lotn • ~ ~ IMl us , guys get together -to play poker, sun ftmedtl ftll anl hep his 111~ The stake& are small . and nobody can • ""'-dart ~ -· U uy lose more.tbsa five bucks a ni&lif- I • ••• ••• ·that's ·Ille celllnr. We sre an 11 anti _,.,,._ llelcrlbe ilte P.nmlob 114 Ille former, Ille -· ·., ... ...,;: 17 and our paren,ts approve of the games. '· alt II Ito wtJ1 keep .. eye -lho( 11 a weddla1 ,_ er, a ...... ..C; (We take .turns playior ll each other's whit 1"-. • SUpe.,, T-er 0.--~~·: homes.) ~ U Ille Mnl't •tnlPte• ap ud Dy ••edl, at -l ••'* '1" ... ~ · A good friend of mine who wins coo-tlPl -.,. ploy, ull U m ofter • . •, sblA!ntly baa been cbeatbtg. I've bftn llto - -ud lell lllm U IN .... ,. ; Too tnlll)' couples Co fnin ma~·; cloctlnr him for Utree months and I'm _aptio pa're plq le .lei 1lle -to acrimony. Doo't 1et .,.., .....,. • positive be shorts the pot, pulls, out laltle -... , ldllf. !fop before U "" l!lfled. Senti Iii;; too much when he's ''maktnc ~e" -~ • AnnJ~~~·"Mllrrllll-...... or callJnr back a bel Somellines be DEAR ANN LANDERS:'."CIMide and • to "'Eip«t." Seid .,.,. nqaoot lo Alt:: "forget&" to throW· 1n his bet and needs . I will be married In May. He was Landtn in care el WI .. ....,. will9'• to, be reminded. I don't think soyone classified 4-F and rejected for the • Ing IO centa ht oollJ and a ...... .,,( : else is on to him and l don't want service. '1 wu a WAC and '°ved ~ telf-addreued eDyU,pe. ;.. to be a 'ltoOlle, btlt I bslA! to lee this minute of · it. I Wlllt•to gel mlrried Ann Llndtn wtl! 'Ito Pd lo w.:~ guy act so c!!eap and d~honeot. Whal In my WAC uniform. Claude la aaalml ,... wllb' f1Nr ...-, -..,. •• -"':1~~ ~.~ ~::v:...i iL =~'k~~~~ -~ 1f'':;. ~~ ~ ..;_.: ~Y .~.: ....... ti ..... ,.,. la tlto -in • bride • • .. 11tt1tatf u k'• etl""lope, ' s-:· • ••• ' . ,. I .I I , • I ~. . ... -----~---.. . . ....... . . ....... --.... . . •o ·•-., P'' ....... " ...... . . . . • Jf DIAY Pit.OT .''Egg Decorating Contest Horoscope Easter Bunny Rec~ives Help ·Attention Focused, Cfn\Artist .Aries: Ask Questions v"~' Cblclt... .... busr -laying ---:"!:r""l!'l!!ll'!:o7'1'~'~!"!"~"'.::i -1a w-1,,.., to pro. ¥ide • !Udy 111Pi>Jy ol EAller llCll for area elementary iehool tbildren to d-•t• In a contest spocuored by the .Welbninlter Woman's CJub llld the Deportment ol Parks and R<cr<atlon. WEDNESOA y c.-aldp rapoaalbility. Ap-. to nuctuall... ll 1 a • ,.. APRIL l plla esneclally to hO!ne, P"" conllngly. • Oilldren are invited to bring ~ardboiled eggs to Bol.sa Chica :Park tomorrow, and to Sigler Part. next Thursday to com- pete. " Pritts .and ribbon& will be " ;awarded for the funniest, pret.- . \iest and moot or!iinal <IJ!•, ;.ccorctinl to 81• groops from · ~ergarten to sixth grade. jlreoorating materials will be provided. . ~ Oi:airman of the eVent '!J folts. Edw""1 Hyat~ wmnan'a ~tub children and y o u t b ~n. and aaslsting her ire the Mmes. Ernest Frt~ Quez, R.E. Pace and Raymond 1ollrom. Representing the farts and Recreation Dtpart- ~nt is Mrs. Robert Gius. t Also of interest tn Westminster area c.~en ls an Easter egg bunt on Satur-yy, April 5. begiMiJ>i at 10 4.m. at Bolsa Chica, Sigler aM McFadden parks. The Easter Bunny will appear dur--inc the hwits, sponaored by the Westmtnmr EIU Club. • Robert Farrio1too is chairman of the hunl . perty, ,=ml-to older SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 2%- llatjam Ulnry, .Nnport 1aJD (liar. 21-Apr. II): penoa. Curnnl pnasure could Dec. 20: Full moon position , !::"Joo wlJlrJ'",.~-~~ ACC0111 on_partnerlhlpo, mar· b!>omeruc to your favor. today colncldea with a Id ol ..... n-Hfll,-J~L ·E~hellu rtac•. c:antrlctl. Aak qua. LEXI (July ~A ... :Z:I): Ac-. eel ·-tri ' y 8t ~ ~ IWIUI" ' • cent on apec111 relationsblp rece1v _....,m ena. ou .~ Club ol !Yewpori Beach arttat. tlons;. obtain: answers from. You my have to aJve uP !acts strai&bt. Con f u • i an ol-fG< April. expert. GJve· fuU pl07 -to In-IOmethJnc to pin more solid clea;s. You !mow what you • , Tllo -bai cl>oom a col· te1leclual .curiclallJ.,RdUIO to loollng. Be reallsUc. l\eJtless want and how to obtain 1l 1ecdoa o1 'wild Ille ml he · 11t14lleG .With 1 h • nlaUve pooes ,problem. Ride Be gracious. • -lei ln paotela ml ot1s superficlal. Di& deep . with the Ude. Be' fair but CAPBlq>RN (Dec. 11.Jan • ancl a nrldy ol .....,. ol TAURUS (,\pf, »May :Ill): rum. 11): Survey career proopec". the Harbor Areo, Mnlco; Full moon pooiUoo today coil> VIRGO (Aq. D-Sepl l1): Open '°"'munlcation lines. Calllomla and the ,.. fG< the ,cldes wtth home, work ~d-Avoid taking risks with ..,..,, Some restrtdfons . are lated. uhfblt. 1 justmenl lloun may c:hanc<· Get ""11 viewpoint y ha B u t U...,, mnam esunlia1 S.be allo worb in acrJlk;& Pattern is reviaed. B e •-"--a tO __... • i: muc.~e duties. Member of oppoaite aod oUs and ber ltyle ts diplomatic. Try1na to force Be""'":.':!..._.~:. · sex offers conslrucUve SU&· r-•'"'~-ob._.• with · w111· •~•-•-....... -·-·· ·-re money ' ............ ~-oftm JSSuet u-cuaw .......,...-up. ls involved! 0 l d ttern' is gesUon. ~ d>eerf"!· · ' Be calm, cool. flntJhed. Stud,y T f u RU S AQUAlllUS (Jan. 20-Feh . Mn Hut a Coota -GEMINI (May 21.June JI!): malige. • . II): Travel talk c ould resided; Med a;i • UCLA, Cootrul llllpullea. De-ol LIBRA '(s_ •.Pt. 23-0d. JI): hlghllfht day. F a m j I y · Qw1hwrd, md with au ltlf-dllclpUne. ls ~· Check ~bllUJ" of new pro:. m@lbers upress desire to artla\L . , Doy features c:hanc<. variety ject. Utilize put experience. cbaqe r<JUliDe. Be re<epUve. . yntb blr family, lhe enjoys of em O·t 1 on a I uperienca. Apply the old to the new. Some Jdtu expressed coold l1lblnl In the_......,. moiiths Chlld with problem ~ do-)lt1111 utilize' methodl 1hat · apJiear bnpractlcal. But matn- aboard ~ .boot and by mond . attention. Doo 1 cast worked prevlOUJly -but gain tain open mind, benell -bor'!ll and doe•. firs! stooe. gr•ater iodepeodence. p~ (Feb. !Ularth 20): llavlne a -t love fG< CANCER (June 21.July 22): SCORPIO (Ocl :13-Nov. 21): Som• may tell only half trutjl · arima'.1!1 and wildlif~. Basic j.puea dominate. You Participate )JI social activity about money, investm~ of group, or~tion. Be con-Don't fear delay. Means avoid Art · Stamps Stationery NEW YORK (UPI) -Wben 1-e firlJ dalp staUonery they io fur nowen, fuhioo. · current event them.el and ~ven headlines taken from curTeDt. teen jargon. Severiteen mquine, which saya: ao, learned thia · when ldecllnC winners In Ill "sta- tionery daip-!n" competition. Top --to paper lhaped like a footprint whlch . . "Don 't drop acid, drop m a line" ~as the headline on another entry. O t h e r words-witb-deaip showed that teen wit hun't clia!iaed _l!!roolh_!I!< years. A picture ol a Uon IC· companied th • salulatloo, .''Here'• a message from my -den_to....,...youri ... slderale toward one confined rushing into costly program. to home, ~hospital. What a~ You need cooperatiort Until pears a ctrtalnty ls subject you get it -wait. ••euAT r1NeS TO 60 NATIYI IN" The woman's club will elect oew oflicers at the meeting belt Thursday It 7:30 p.m. in the Westmlmter Civic C en t er. A slate of officers will be 8Mounced by Mrs. Les Miller1 chairman of the nominating committee and names will be accepted from ... the flopr, CommJttee :neIQbers are the V.mes. David Ames, Pact, Leo Shaw and Wolfrom. .EASTER ARTISTS -·The old mother chicklm would never recogi:iize her eggs as Robert Hyatt B, Lili Stubbs, 4; and Shawn Hyatt, 9, turn them into works of ar:Lfor the Easter egg decorating contest sponsored by the Westminater \Voman's Club. The three-day event is co-sponsored by the . Department of Parks and Recreation. WU lllpi.cJ Into an enveJolie w Ith a lhoe motif In ,..... ml belie. ~·-::-~ ribbon . ~ thrwfh .inalchhur ~ paper a·na eJ!Velojle. . Harbor TOPS lbrp<r School In COiia Mesa .is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gathet' each Mooday eveJlin& at 7 :30. HAWAIIAN SHO .. S Fashion lslond -Newport Center Open Sund1y I ·5 p.m. Mrs. John McShan e, secretary of the Westminster Citizens' Committee· I o r Pillage ol. Parks and Recrea- tion Bc:nd llsue, will speak on the Sl,990,000 boOd package going before the v~ers June 3. Mn. Pace is planning nlresb.,..... ·Club m e m b e r 1 assisting with hostess duties for the- ~District convention of CaH!oflMa· Federation o t Wonleh's C I u b s Thursday, April 10, in Disneyland Hotel will be the Nirnes. Ames, F .W. Brewer and Emory Clifton. Miss Lillian Burns , sewing Contest ftmer, recent I y modeled her entry In the club's spring fashion !bow. . . . Newlyweds E~l~blish Home in Westminster Ezchanginc wedding vows and rings before the altar of the First United Method1't Cbm'cb, Costa Mesa, . Wert . Joyce Ann Cbriltmlen and Warren L. Cornelius. 'MJe candlell&ht rites were IOlemnized by the R • v • Rkhan! DIQllap for · t h e daughter and 800 of Mr. aod. Mn. Lesta' CluilteDlen of Costa Mesa ml Mr. ml Mn. J .W. Corndfus ol ~ Beach. . ' Mias Linda Bagley, maid ol l'lonor, and Mrs. D a n i e I Plecentia and Mn. Stephen Jackson, .hrldesniaida. , Michael Gibbons serve4 u best man and Gilbert Hires and Jackaon escorted wedding ,....1s to their seats. Following the cuemony, the newlyweds greeted to guests In the c:burch receptim hall. Assisting with serving 'we're Mn. Rlch""1 Teachey and Mrs. Carl .Roberson, sisters of the bride, Miss Judy Mulberry and Miis Bagley. Starting lol"'tf,•y, Morch 31 et 9 AM ond through 4 PM Soturday, ell Gloria M1rsh1ll locotions io the Stato o/.1liforni1, ore .holding o lfi Price Sale.on Spot Reducing for either hips or woist. This opecial pria; ii fDr hips or ,..;st •nly and ii in Cll1jaaclica with GIO!ia V.nbeil'• n.,,i.r l'iol?IIJl for all Patzona. I • , , If ,..i me cme of fhe millm of A,..;,.,,,, w .wilh a "bi&" JUp p"'1>lom,,. or, il the lummy .-la -inching bock to gi.., ""1 that ""11hfui alonder ._...,cllin't Ill* tllll oll«. Jt-""1 ~ fhepdce on hipo or waiat JedociDg and, of......., Gbia Manhall't pri<m me a11111;111 i.. ... mac& ltm ... tbu. charpd by tl1ZY olbor •>•lml of !!laM!erjmr ..-for -Call ,. and ooiae' in fut a ample Wit,,. no cliarp or obliplioa, actually -the _.;aJ JlldaciDi merJWw dazilli ,_ MDtplo Ult. Come in ... w ·fcrJOlllM!lf'WhyG!oba ManhoD '--#1 ... tbe mlion'• 1-t. owned and ope191ed •)'Item of reduc:inr salona (26 in Cali!omia-lhen'1 one near you), To say her vow•. the new Mrs. Cornelius selected an empire gown of lace over satin, de.signed with a full lace train. He white mantilla was overlaid with net, and her bridal bouquet wu an ar- rang~ment of while carnations surrounding a white orchid. The' btlde and bridegroom are both graduates of Cotta 1------------------ Mesa High School. The new Mr1. c.omelius attends Orabge Coast College and her hus- band, an OCC alumnus, at· tends California State College at Long Beach: Wearing deep turquobe 'lace over satin pm w e r e members ol the bridal ~. They hav~ eatahlitbed their homelnW-. • Stuflo.t toy bunny with box of canely ; • Chocolate Easer EGGS MINUTE LASHES • run • Sh'll'f e N•tural e Dom! with apjtllcalor -ll04 NIWPOttT llciut.EVAaD -COSTA MESA 1 . . wfiy ~LORIA llARSHAIJ. Nf, 1 Slo!fa -· All'! rJllll ...,.... ti -Do """" -,... --....... ""' .--allll..,,M--sJll'llloo ---..-·--..... ..,_,.__ . ti ... ______ .__ --. " lflll\I -....... -.. 1111111 .... Cft.ll'tfie .............. .., .. , ,, •. fW\lt- 11~ --. --....... -----~dills ........... .. • ... "hll ,,,,.,.. ., tf No -nw. Wt n ll\ll 1.,... llllt ~ .. ""~--~----,,,,,.. 1..SS to buld ~ii ~ -htttad of ... * ...... -.... - " ,.,.. did .... Coll• I«,,,."""" tislt, .... ,.. -.. t"' ""'~ -for ...... a --Flllll · ~No ......... obNpClot. GLORIA MARSHALL aiyB: 'Tell us the dnm sit.e :you want t.o weer, and we'll t.ell you how mcyvia- its it Wi)l !ake and gwuant.ee in writ- ing that you will :reach your goal. In fact, so abeolutely positive are we that you will obtain your objective, that as stated in our galll'8ntee, we will even let you have FREE OF CHARGE, ANY AND ALL FURTHER VJS. .ITS, until you :reach your goal. It's paii.tive llllSUlance that we back up our guamrtee 100%. • FIGlJBE CONTROL SALONS 2'Jl..V1l1l11•-m1rt1 .. DllllN.·Sd.M•......_ .. _ .... WI• c q ,........ 42 -- NEWPORT BEACH-4~0 Pacific Coast Highway ( :!:"'0:-CO:: ) 642°3630 • SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543-9457 SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHEIM, BEYERL Y HILLS, COVINA, CRENSHAW, DOWNEY, GLENDAL!, LAKEWOOD, LONG · dEACH, NIWPORT BEACH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, ONTARIO, PASADENA. SAN DllGO. SANTA ANA, SANTA IARIARA. SUNLAND, TARIANA, TORRANCE, WESTCHESTER, WHITTIER ••• ALSO PRISNO, SAN JOSE, SACRAMENTO, SUNNYVALE •nd WALNUT, CALIFORNIA. ~.11n m.rll& M...WZ .v,t. U...1111. I f \. __ I ··----- • • • • I , ' •• . ~e~ri: ifar~ EDITI O N · • ' t ' VO[ 62, NO. 78,' 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES I ORAN6E ~ t AuFoRNIA ·. ' . Schoo~1 Di$tri~tS F-ace • • Cr.isis · on ' ~ . ...;. A fmailce crlals _GI major pnl!IOriliinl Is a-to """" c:rublng down ... local Oran(e Caul -diltricta. 'And 'the, problem ·Is beyond - at the local t.Vo!; acbool dlstrictB c:aMOt tum to their Yolers this time to bail them out. ... This ts the situaUoo' The spiraling cost cf borrowing ~Y has surpused the five percent interest rate • limit ~Ued by Califtwnia ~te law. The' .. . ' \_ . \ .... . -~ • ' "! ,u.i'e J!O••lllDllJi'1!taelf Olli'!~ a buy.t I" its IJo!idl al O>e perce111 • er' leu. ~ dillrlda probal>ly ... , Oitber. • ;n _.,can~ 1>e llOld «•atata ocboo1 · ~ aid ""'°"' l,r i"!I 'available for ..... n<w lchooll t/m' be bulll-'l1"'' baaie ~ Is : 11\e , same as_ faCed: by .many 1individuals .who can't a1!\n1 to ~Y the bJih · rals ol intmsl i.;• r<quire 1o t1 their~· 'And what. dou Ws lllW1 io acbool districts! .i>ClllllblT u.i banJ.n rocen1 -· luue victories al 'the pplls In Newport. Mesa, ll1>ntiDgUln Beadt City, San Joa. quin and Founlaln Valley ochoool clJstrldl were oofy .....iios In lutJ!lty. , Trulleea GI NOWP.ri-Mesa Unified School Dlsl!icl are up.clod loolght to approve putting $5 million of $19.5 million. aulhoriud by voters in February out , , DAILYPtl.OT ..... W'llMMnl .......,_ · ' to bid. wbltboir tben wm bi 1111y-bldden Is ~tical., . - ' , '!be ma~ JIOl1l>le 1!14for Jnler!ll, dwlts la live ~-beconae by llale law that'• the ny lhl -reed ..,, the bolloL llolnnr, 'the going-· 11\ltftlll rolo , Is """ about U pertODt, more than the acboo1 di.strict can ofter. the,,.,.... "' Newport·Meu. because of its sise ·and wealth per caplto bu an M credit rating ' . Ba·l We.ek A·Iive I , . •But Not Too ·Well: .-62 A~rest.ed· -. , • ' • I ' • l • \ • ... ' . ' ' . ' EASTER WEEK VACATIONERS SEEK FUN IN THE SUN AT CORONA DE t ,MAR STATI •&IACH Jallyfllh Grwt sw1...,_$,. Police Gvoiif R...ton; Rolotlva Colm Provolla . ' . . California Hit ' . , ll y .. MfJ(i~gjtis; ... ~ otii ~is Di~ BFJlKELEY (UPI) - A severe out.. break of meningitis -with the death rate running as high as one · in five -is ,sweeping California, the Slate Health Depanment said today. So far, at least lZ persons have died from the disease this year and the tabu- latiofts are far from complete, accbi'ding to Dr.. Jame,, Chin, a department 1pecialist in epidemics. Chin said there were 227/)'tported cases through March 2Z - a rate biple that of lut year. And when final figures for the first three months of the year are in, Chin -said, the number of men- ingiU. cases will ~ certainly eiceed last year'• 'l<ltal or 244. "Epidemic is a word r-t1on'rhlte to Ule," Chin said, 1'but it is at least fair to say we. are concerned about a marked ~ increase that has hit California." ' Chin said the death rate "is running between 15 and 20 percent" California appears to be. unique in experiencing the outbreak and "sticks out like a sore thumb,11 the doctor said. ''I don't really have any theories as to why we're in the lead, JO tO speak." In tts early stagu, meningitt1 symptoms include respiratory congestion and a mease]s.llke rash. Infants al1cl children under five are its prime tarp.t with teen-agers and y,oung adults of military and f!>lles age a close secood. NEW YORK (AP) -The otoct markel closed lower today, after three straigtit - sessions of advaoce. Trading was . moderately active r-etr the close. (See quotations, Pages 28-21 ). o r .. ge Weadler Batten down the i..lclWs tonlgh~ it's gonna be a wlndi one Wed- iptay. T<!mperaturewile, it'll llick afound the middle IO'• aJong the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODA\' ~ --Tl~ children of huiineumt" are least htttrt1ed in busints& °' a carttr, 1t11dv ot entering frtshmcn at UCI 1Mtot: Paoe 3. • ... .,. ~ • '•.II • ' ,.., . .r .... .... ~ ............ s C•ltll>nli. • """"" II , ......... D-1' ............. w ,..,.,_ 1r or... c-tr' 1•11 ,,......... It , ..... """ • -...... '' ........ ,,.,. ........... • ..... 1••• ....... ti ........ .... ,...... ·tM1 Te...... tt ,.,.. c.111 11 ""-tltn n ........... 14 ._. t .... ~ 11 ............. -, ' Pollution Crisis -to Ease ~~fo -· twSiuiirner~ltl«ylie · . . By· JEllOMB r: COUJNS- °' "° °"";£:-' Newport Beach '. • o fl le la I 1 , homeowners and. may - just may -. be Ire needlessly about the bea~t sewage quaranUne·Juting through the summer months. Orange County Heallb _Chief ~elm R. Philp said 'today lj>e conllmlnalkln pr;,. blem could ease withill,!O lo IO days. It dep<ods. lit aaid; on the flow ol the Sanla 'Ana Rlyer,•irhlcb Is polluting q>BStal waters with sewap e!flut>tt from nine upstream agenciit. "The lcing'-range wlither ~forecaSt for April," Dr. 'Philp• ~. "lookl lot· I dry month. lf it tt.ps out that way, the river's ·runoff cOUkl cease and th~ ocean waters should clew up almost immediately. "Right ·now our estimate on the qu#antlne is a maximum of. II '4ly11 perhapo.aa UWe aa 30. "But your crystal ball,"'be emphasized to a repmier, "i! as~ u mine." . He aaid bacleriologicaf checu ol coastal and river waters are taken by his depar\J!lent daHy. "l\lght now, theie ila no justification for adjusting the quarantine area, whi¢i is baaed. on Jab findings." Swimming and all other water~tact activitles are at pteltn[ banned all the way from the Newport Pier upcOut throygh H1mtingt00 Sta,. B>ach Pork. " Do. Philip said there Is ·alWiyS the p:mibllity that ahiftl in ocean currents cookl catry sewage effluent 1way from "the shoreline. "U that does happen, we would be able to reduce· the area of (See POU.UTION, Page !) • USS Enterprise -. Ordered-Back To Viet Waters .. Retired Newport Resident -' . SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. COlllllWldm today llUlOWl«d the return ol the nll- clear-powered alr<ralt carrier Enterprise to Vietnam waten u a weapon qaintt the CommUlllata' lprina Oflemlve. But alr llrltea by BA jell, mlptleol 'bomber& in the ,Amertc., ...... ~ ...,. , , 1 UPI ~ Aids Conservation Project l lSINHOWIR,llUNIUL •TRAIN ·HEA.liS WEST TO AlllL'SNa ... '·A ~····.,i;.at,Joumoy ;_1U;Si>Soyt 1F•-ll" ·' I t , I ! , • Mfnwest Pays: Homizg~·:~: AIDS CONSlllVATION ..... rt' .......... • • beln1 cut back to alaab war Colts. Rodney .Jot\nson, 82, reUred NewpOrl With the Red offemlve In Its 11th Beach engineer, businessman and at~· day, mlli•·-IOdurees Aid .this war bas torney, has given $317,000 to a cql.· ,_;i,J. -z. , . IOhalianill group to buy a wildern.,., """"' more AD.ffcana than ,t.tie 31,119 praerve_near Lake Tahoe. Americans slain in Xbrea &om ltlN3, Joholon dooataf the funds lo Nature thereby mUlng it the fourth moot -ly CQnservl!lcy of San Francisco, whld) ' 'wor ill Imm ol U.S. deed in American . . --.... --· . -----. . . To Ike a8 ·Train/Passes ' . , will buy 180 acres of land in the Five history. Lakes area ol Late Tahoe and Squaw • American headquarten said , t be WASIUNGTON, Ind. (UPI). -Hii before Its expected arrival C Abllelie _ V~. money will start the Rodney Enl<rprlse, bigeat obip -afloa~ ,.joinad fellow 1'ildWesternen paid quiet bomqe at iboUt midnight, • . ' Jobnsoo Wildemesa fund , named In the the 1'1r Monday for iii founh -by the thouaandl today to the flq-draP,Od Oo W-y. ~ )"ill• be d-'i booor, and within houn lawicbed jet fighter·. rallrnad car carrying Dwight D. buried in the ''pl,tce GI meditation" The purchase cf the key tract ol bomberair11upporlolU.S.ln>oplbunlln1 Elsenbow'f on bis Jonc ,iul JOw:-!'_ cl>apel ,at the.~ cemer;.dooa wiltlerMa lsnd wUfallow the U.S. Foreat Commllllisl fon:eo near Cam Lo, elgbl back home to Kllllu. by the lpot. where Ibo body o1 his Service lo designals the 11 aquore mile& mlleo oouth GI the Dl\IZ. Undd--•··nilll•and' lloo&. ,..,.n 'son 'wbo died in inlaney1 Davil!.Doud, ammd the __ • .,.. u a roodleu '!be Enterprise 11rike1 were !Ion o,.,. _.... , a mountain blttlefiekl w~ Ammc.n town rallrold ·lidlnp, the ' people am~ lies. · . m;:;, project Des se•en miles weal ol fool dlien' reported 'ldllli>g m<re than to a f iooofbye lot ' the IUt time_" to I l'reslderil Nino wu due; lo 'fly lo Tahoe City. :!.<>rlh~le,:r-.nflllorl In ~vY the ,min fmn AllUlile they bod truitJd '1Abllene to 'i.n·111t ·-...,.·fcr ·the Joim...,.':iooE.PaclflcCou1111"1ny. beleiiae _..,.Melvin R. Laird, and~ln~ondb11,ar. •. ,11.fj!i .. CS'rctr...oi... •" a Colllomla resident for the put IO .-.,, the redUctloo In BA llrikel, . The \kar train beaflll,~er's 1 The Elsen-~' bad bolled "!' yean, is an avid comervatlonlst, and Aid tn W_.,1_ ... _ the ·mcm was iri · Ll..i. .. -1 • -, inciM.u . t mid--. ltraln woWd. ,...., ~ •• wJ ti.out ha•beenanavldhlterandJJ10011talneer. --.. -body f"r""' thn!uP. C a lparticulpr ~ Wld had.-.._ 'ffature COnservl!lcy's current projects • line with orden f1<1m President .Nbton manili1' 1and thal ·~lied tDto' lni!Wia, jto keep 111· ~le a *10!. It wu include Kent Wand,"°" a Marin County , to~:_.,::..,~~ f1owD thouaancia .heodbil tonnl the ""1ln( hill countJr 1•n Impossible_ liope. Crowd& bf Ille park. and Nbene Mara Fore!I, .OW of milllool In the eight-engine jell ol wll<tt • AllnMm · -'Lincoln , open! , bis thousand• slood and waited tJnuCll Olo a otale part in Santa Cruz. the Strategic Air Comlnand lilKe they boyhood. lntpt and nmiq u the trm ..-.!I. ...,. lint thMm Into the wsr 00 JID!e FattheftnlUmeonltl:IG-hourjoumey ciuslng tt lo i1ow down 'and laR belllqd 17 1115, The planeo COD corry up"l6 Imo WulJlnclon,D.C., lo Eiaenbowa''1 llChedule. ~ -' • _'[¢-\·f§:\;_t•J ·A!ial·-~ bJ Abllelle, .. During the -._..lo a.. . . ,.. -~Mjlidi;-'..S-~~ ~-tit~ ).id' lcimati lhe flmiJy realbod 11...i-. \.~ · -' tl~ ... >.•'11..,_..-.-~~t>o',ticl!lr\O&;lllo 1tts ""'""""" II ~. Iii··~=--,, ·-·. ·-·-~JI----"Ii ,..,., U.,7iWi111. , -.~ ' ··i·~ '!(ii {of..... ~-'i ........... fliij bi ... ~~-~ oallll:ts ~-.Allili-., ·~Jllod~ ... 'lli(Jll ··~· Uwher< Eileobo••'• lloQ ---Tueldoj bil -~ -...z:;.: . ..,. -........... .-. ~. .!d?!-. P*•-'g~ .. ,,. . ...,~..,-io'iiMi•· c.~.Moml. e , ..... _ _. •'a-liilm• -.. .. ~ .-1n ,1111a , . ,....."'6 .1...........,. .... ,.·-=• ttft when tlle . • .~~:t"·~ ' .In ... ...,, • ', -~. irl'· Mn. JoM ~ rt .... ]1 .. . ibe;ClvD.~~·--· ,Gl11Jo~~ •·tll~ ·~GI Ibo llo'l 111111a-.. *rM clilmill ~· . m.i.r. irld qaiD ii ,tail II•-· , •• r .. ~0 .... ..,.,. •• \~t};""• .. ''\~il~··l • t •' ~ ~... . ... ,. ......... ~ ' • l', ... ~".:t~' ... ~tJ. tt.:':l.., . ' " ., l .. ' \1 • I .------ -T -- - - -,. ! I ! DAILY PILOT H First · Task 'Eor Wils on: . ' • • NB's Limits ~-. A. t.aurenc. Wilson, U-year-old plan- ner from £1 C.jon, Calif.t today began hia fint day on the job as new Planning Direct.or for the City of Newport Beach. He ilorted lt with talb with ~tty Man. a.ger Harvey L. Hurlburt over hls Initial aMignment, a bfg one : establh1hment or the city's ulUmate boundaries. Councilmen, at their last study session. a,reed that determination of Newport's f\lture city limits should be given top prl ortty by lbe new planning chi<f. "We've got to work with the JMne CGmpany and find out what their lzMn· ~ tlons are." Aid Vice Mayor Undl1ty Parb. 4'.'Rlgbt now, we're compWely at their mercy, as far as ultimate p1annlnc i1 concerned. , "We should get an expmaion of policy from lr'Yioe on how much of their land they· expect Newpert to annex. Rlstit now, they seem to be vague about the ut. timale 'dividing line between Newport and Laguna' Beach. Sometimes it's at Cry•· - tat Cove, sometimes it's somewhere else."' Councilman Robert Shelton . agreed. •·Jt's important that we start diat.ingullh· ing between short·IV.(l an4Jong-range ob· jectives. There are tough pollcy ques- tions hue that involve Laguna. UCI and Costa Mesa. It seems to me that some- where there is a broad brush line su{- gesting our tuture city limits." Shelton said It's ,.lmperaUve" that Newport avoid the ;'hodge-podge" devel· opment of cities in northwest Orange c:ounty. . "I'd like · to know,'' said Councilll!an Paul J,' Grober, "just how much residen- tial land we're expected to take in down-cOUt--WJthOut cofnJ)ensitlng commercial property to help on lbe tu bue." At Shelton's suggutlon, the matter was · turned over lo. the Planning Department -and.Wilsdn -for prompt study and a report back to the council. Shelton em· phasized , ''We (Newport city government) won't be sitting In our ivory tower to decide this on our own. We should start out wtth the view that this is a mutual problem, involving .. Costa Mesa, Laguna and the UCI community complex." Willon ii thus assured of swift ac- quaintance with his planning colle&l\ltl in adJatent coastal cities and at the Jr. vine Company. He starts oot oo his task wllb a pl.n- ning background that should stand him in good stead with his fellow pl..-.. One-Ume (ltes) preeident of lbe call· (omta Institute of Planners, he topped a fitld of 4S candidatu for the Newport - post. He succeeds Ernest Mayer Jr., who, left Newport for Long Beach lut Novun~ Wi!Jon, married . ' al •lwO, ber. ~· •- had been El c.Jen, . reetor •• -· . r~, Apt!! J, 1969 ,-. ~ .Pilfi ·t: LQghbok:~---.· .. ,,,.___. e. __ · e.k . 'iJe h'ind N~ws . Tucker S·ril1 .. . I ' 1£,~ UIVIL P"I a.it.i.. Wo ~ • a reoaptt,. • • ' , . ln!lresis and bact-·-lr and pursuits, ,• -.·~~r~-. '• <mi.-.,a"liiioaofliuiior,'a·mm;:lhan' ·, abarln& the .,..,:;;.'"Tt=i·-.i I'd Ill:> "" to -'"1'\f la•h II ., ••• ~''"" 'PILOT • alw1P1Jllfbil lliil PIGs'dtVMll( "'~-·= "· ~ AL ·--' "-' ·'J11!1'n llta •-• lld ~ . . poapla , 1• 'For a long W.e -'"''ve betn ll')(iDC-~ 1'liO ... llta . -· _._ .., . ~ toadfiguret Out 't :'!? ~-.~" yeu, !htfl ·~of the DAl.I,Y P119f. Yay'U .ee . "~'!also ·a!tire on a much lfoader \OGBOOI( re er, o mee w~m, ~ eewe s\a . 1&tfr • DllDel tn tbia plane such everrd1y eoocenui as Al the same time, we wondered if we space 11 contributan mortgage payments, t.ales, kids (lots couldn't provide a v~ to let these ~ Pilot Logbook, a of kids), crabgrlSs land trashmen who dealers in wordt spin ou a few personal IOOSH~ c o1 um n bang and dent Ute fras5Cans and drl Vi -Windering Al Lockabey, ow boating views of their own. that ~1 appear on this their trucks over lhe. lld1. · editor, is also a former railroad That's what Pilot Logbook ii all about. ptge regularly, more The DA,ILY PILOT'• IJ'Oup has some Jt will offer an opportunity for the oc1!•· t in tot 1 1J11ique characterialic1, u weJI. For in· brakeman, a combinaUon of fields that newa staf' !o tell you about lhe thlnp m no go g u atanC1!. .,,--mus~ make him the only person In they see and feel . t.o teuJ· ou about out the files and !ck -To~ Barley; one ot our resident the world who know1 how many. toots them In their O\\·n way a in their off °:lr backgroun_ds_ Englishmen (We have two} ~ an expert of the whistle spell disaster at sea or own style, ~ a anis and preJu-on ~mphony music and opera, as well on the rails. . ··· .. ---Too, Pilot-Logbook can take you bebind dicel. The column will d ,_. ta! I And '° lb Th . . Cl Hali ... ..~ ...... dO thlt tn tlJrii I Would lib to tell a. •Y·W'\ll)!. spec ty, Amer can . ey go. m v1ews may the ~es at ty , at w.... C9 ... ~ w!lere pilo( t.Oat>ook hopea to 0 !n~ jurisprudence. . be as ~ofty as the one enjoyed by slx·foot· or in the schools with a different slant, what tt ~ to f'tOOl1,. 1 -Our ~use au.t.borlty ·on Panama, If seven-1~ Tom .Bortu_ne, the DAILY wtth a _personal touch. The fo!U behind tbe'wordt and lo-and Whan we need cne, Is r<porter ~!LOT• cation editor. Or lbe pboto Those pe'nonal views, a!Ong wllb oome tuia lo )"OUr.. DAILY PILOT are t!ui Terry Co.Ville, who just brought b1f bride of ntrlbutor (where my llhinlng humor, some reverence and some· ir- a common ·~ aD ·UOCOD\Dl(lft Jot. in from that ~try and 1'bo Lt cumnUy . ace . peer1 out tod~) may be as en-reverenCe, will t;ie " fiJture of thJI Pa&~ 'Ibey •iw.-wtll\ journallJts around engaged In Ltachlng her English, how J9yable u lbat of peUte and pretty -not every day, but most days. the World-tuch common traltll u CW'-to eat tacos and all about Channel 13 copy editor Ann Badalato. tt may educate, it may enlighten. loait.y, keen obelrvation, an abWty to moviea. ~-'They're U persona with mulU·varied Most of all, we hope it will~ interestinl· From Page l SCHOOL DISTRICTS ..F AC-E-BON·D CRI S-IS .... • • • sold $1.t mlllion and Fountain Valley Elemenlary 1335.000, bOlb Jan. 6 lbls year, and 'l'U!tln Union HJgh, p .2 milllon on Feb.~. But all three sales were to Bank of America at a flat five percent. How l!)ng Bank of America will hold ~ lln<, U indeed It 1UU Is, ts ID dOOjbt? But an even mare · serlQu.s matter of concern to all local schfol districts eicept Newport..Mesa and'Laguna Beach Unified Is lbe lllata nol belq Ihle to 1ell bondl. All but those two wealthy Cllstrlcta ire on a 1tata ICbool bulldlng loan program. That me1111 the 1tate 10..,ns to the school dlstric:ta money to bulld schools to keep pace with the glut of population. In the IO-Cllled ~r:90m com~unities with a wealth of &Cbool childrin ·but not much industry the state loans can be considerable. For instance, state ' 78% at Valley Stale Opposed to Vio\ence NORTHRIDGE, Cali!. (AP) -Most student& at San Fernando Valley State Collea:e feel violent cmnplll proteat.s are nev.er jUltlfled. even when legal rem- edleo ·are uhaulted, a poll Indicated to- day. - In a poll conducted by lbe student 1ovemment. 71 peroent of {,Olll students aald they oppooec! violent proteats. money has financed 82 percent of school construction to date lp Fowttaln Valley.· And Fountain VaUey already has felt the effect of state failure March 5 to sell the $40 million. Appearing berore the state Allocation Board the foll-Owing week for a loan to purchase a Moot site Fountain Vllley Wu alloted a token 11, aa a priority phice bolder. "If state tunas don't become available it very definitely will stop our con- struction," sakl. Fountaln v a 11 e y• s Charle1 A. Woodfin, auociate stlperin- tendent for bUainess. Mrs. Jane Scott, business manager of Capistrano Ulnfled SChool District, saJd their $410,000 requut for achool 1lte acquillUon w~ approved the month before, in Ftbruary. But she is worried becauae the "Allocation Board hasn't yet sent .out the money. Holltngsliead, of Ocean View, said hit district's request in ~1arch for a loai:i to furnish and equip two schools under construction was tabeld by the Allocation Board. ~ S. A. "Al" Moffett, superintendent of Huntington Beach City Elementary District. said he too Is greatly conc·erned allhough hil district won't be seeking anolber loan until after July 1. It'• been ~t over a month iince vote.rs approved a '4.75. million bond issue and atfeady he is worried whether -It wa1 all ftlr naueht. "This is a borrendoua poaslbility that we won't be able to keep bulldbig sc~ools,'' said San Joaquin's Nerison. Local dl.stricta bond themselves up to five percent of their assessed valuation and then send the money to the state to apply against their oldest debt, he explained. Loan money for the current year's .program then is sent out by the state. What if it doesn't come? LegialaUon ha> been introduced In Sacramento to incrtue the lnlefest rate celling frQm five percent to five and one-half percent But because 1t will require a change in the State Constitution. it will have to be approved by •tate voters, .and that is a time consuming propoa!Uon at 11elt., Alton ,.B. Cox, · Retired Texas Co. Executive, Dies Alton Beebe C ox, a retired executive of the Texa~ Co/and resident of the Newport Beach. area for the past 11 years, died Suriday in Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was 82. Mr. Cox lived at 1100 King's Road with his wife, Elizabeth Herron Cox. Born Jn Richburg. .. N.Y., he served as an executive of the oil company in the Far East frOm 1912 to 1940, in positions in China and Australia. f'rom P qe l POLLUTION-. • • quarantine ." · Ocean life, he noted. has been affected by the pollution; "Especially shellfish and clams. Picking or barvuting of them is prohibited. They must be' con- '-sidered conlaminaied." Persona who ignore the swimming and surfing ban, he said, are in seri9US danger of coming down with. a number of diseaaes. They !nclude typhoid lever. salmonella, dysentery, hepatitis and polio. . Dr. Philp uid lbe proaped o! melfing snows carrying down !DOf4 runoff into the river: and out into the ocean may yet be ·avoided. "'J'.bere are a seflea of ponding arrangements along the length of the rivu," he expJained. "These could lake the wateT and spread It out before it reaches the ocean. The water will be contaminated, but as it percolates down into the· soil mother nature has a way of purifying it." More . ..rain, of course, could ruin all these hopes, he said. What's the · long·range answer lo the problem'! "Adoption of higher water quality slan· dards," said Philp. "The peop1e or agen-- cies now dumplJ!g effluent into the river -and they've .been doing it for years, but the riv'er's usually been dry - must adhere to'oacteriological standarda that are sale enough for recreational purposes." He anticipates establishment of higher standards by the tri-county Santa Ana River Basin Waler Quality Control Board, which meets In Newport April 23 for a hearing on the pollution problem. The county health chief said he will call for early action by the water quality board at the hearing. . -I Leader o"i . •• tr ' I f . J 2-city Unit llarbor Area bank u eculi\'e and Costa )\esa city councilman George Tucker has been re-elected prealdent of th~ Harbor Alea Coordioating Councll, d was announced today . · • · Tucker said the organhallon will "con· tinue to serve as a sounding board. for Harbor Area community needs." He cited as an example of the citit:en commiUee's problem-solving efforts the current drive to enlist communiW sup- port for a year·round Youth employment service. "In order to provide jobs for stu4f:nl! the entire year," he said, "the program will require total community support.· Some organizations already haye ~n very generous, but many ~ore donah~ns are required if we are gomg to provide this badly needed community service.''. . New olflcCrs elected to serve. w1ili Tuckei are : Lou Yantron, vice president;' Allee J:o1, recording secretary, Gleam Murphy, corresponding secretary: and Wy\ene Adams, tre.asur~r . Also serving as directors of· the Coordinating Council wUl be George Roberta:. Ann Sorenson. Roger Sherman. Genevieve Bates, James Wood and Gwenda Watson. Mesa Couple Held in Sale i Of Sex Movies A Colt.a Meaa couple face a court appearance today, folloWmg· their ar- rest after allegedly agreeing to tell an undercovu lawman 40 spicy movie reels for $1,200, police disclosed today. OOuglas A. Payne: 39, and his wife Marcia, 37, of 226 Knox Place, were booked on suspicion of sale of obscene films and released on t11lir -own recognizance, pfon\ising to appear on schedule. Police Sgt. Jack Calnon, of the vice and intelligence detail said the Paynes were arrested in their home a«u' '350. the agreed price of 10 reels, chan1ed hands. Patrolman Norm Kutch wu waiting outside and entered at a signal from the unidentified District Attorney's in- vestigator, who bad been introduced to the Paynes by a go--between, police saJd. since 1982. Before that. the USC publ ic a lton:.e•te '(l'U emplo)'ed u . . pllM~ and tral· • Iii Dl'IO. .-• ~"Watlt Cf!su§e~pP!""> Salt .Creek Road Backers . . An active Mason, be wis a member of Fortitude Lodge 200 F & AM, of R,amsey, N.J ., and received his Knights Templars Degree in Shanghai, China. Newport olflclals are expected to back him up vigorously. Investigators ·said 10 reels of film were confl11Cated and a total of $1,200 in official funda retrieved from the floor of the Payne home alter the arrests Thursday. • . . bu a l\arthll iilary ol y. His El caJon pay .... Father Succeeds His Son at Jail A, Newport Beach father clalmlni h1I ""' at lbe police ataUon early th1I morn- ing wound up 1n jail. m. ton went home. · Police nld Fred Kallnka, 44, of 340 Prospect St., wu arrested on drunken .. drivfDI charges after his car hit the· rear o! an auto belongln& to another parent clalmln1 his aon. The Incident took place in front of police headquarters. Pollce said Kalinka's auto hH the rtar of one owned by Rudolph Sanchez of Pico Rivera. The younge~ Kalinka, who was in police cut.sody on a lack of parental control arre&t, was reJeased shortly after his father's 12:45 a.m. accident. The father wu released several houn later. · < IJAll Y PllOI OltAJrfGE C:OAST ,.UILISHtNc;; C:OM,.Al'i't ••krf N. W114 ,.,.'""'' ..... l'M!lllllw J1cli: A.. C11rl1y Iii<• l"••ldloll ll'f Ott>f•t l 11\f,,.fltl' T!l11t1•• .:,,,.11 .,It., Jll,,,.,, A. M•rpltin1 MtMll!'lf llflfr ... ,.'" '· e.111 ... "-''""'' Clhr ldl"-' •. ---' . Jtl1 w ... 1.11 ...... 1,,.,14 W.Uillf ""'*-'P.O. hrtt 71. tJWJ --°""' .... , -..., ..., '"" L ..... ~:m,. .... 1A-Hu::1lk•"" ltNcfl: ., Ml ..... Carry Battle to Planners Opponents of abandonm'1'1 of Salt C...k !toad ·are expected I• carry lbeir ba"I• before !be Oraqe County Planning Commlalon Woclneslay when: Laguna Nlluel CorporaUon ,..ka i tract map approval. Nliuel officiall at the 4 p.m. aession are MCheduled to Ilk county planners for approval of a loo-acre development In the Monarch Bay-Dana Point area. Plans t n c I u d e residences f o r an estimated I0,000 people. Included ·tn the plan Js the IKl foot wide rtaht-of-way of the old Salt Cr'efk Road which bu been abandoned in fa vor of the Niguel CorpciraUon by the Orange County Board of Supervi.!Jors. In all, the county took thrte aban· donment acUona:, the last on March 26, 1163. " Meanwhile, howevef, Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen, a prime of>. ponent ol abandomnent of the Slit Crtek City··H all Lawn Set as Site fo r Citizen Art Sho 1v Newport Beach City Hall's front lawn wll~ be transformed into a fesUval of arts gl1ounds or sorts Sunday, May 4. · That's when all entrle1 in tht Newport Cqmmunlty Art Show will be exhibited. Cynlbla Phillips, publicity chlirm1n ror the city Arts Committee, aakl today a three-member panel or Judge• has been seleclod for lbe art show. They .,. artlata Rulb Osgood, Thomu Gamr end Bruce Piner. Any adult (over 18) ,..!dent ol Corona del Mar, Balboa or anywhere elee ht Ntwpart Beach fs eligible to submit entries for Judging, 11id Mn. Phillips. Muimum number of entrlel per artist ls two in any media but ~tpture. Appllcatlons are available 1t dty hall. Each applicant must be •ccomp,anltd by a S2 entry ftt. ApplicaUon deadline la April 21 ; df!llvery date for the-works ol art IJ Friday, Moy I, between 10 a.m. and I p.m. 1be alklw will be juried the next day, Saturday, May I. Tbe ~ werkl Mleded fn>m thooe aub- mttted wm be huna in city hall throuth· out die month ol JWl<!. Mn. PhllUps emph1&1zed. lbat every enll'y, whether Mlected !or honglng or not. will be Included Jn the cl~ ball lawn uhlblt, May 4. ' roadway, appears to have picked up a new ally. _ The Capistrano Bay Park and l!ecru· ti on District will join Wilcoxen in his battle to ,overturn county abandonment of the roa~. Directors of 'the district v o l e d unanimoualy last week to join Wilcoxen in the amended petition he plans to rile late Ibis week. He js attempting to convince the court that the county acted unlawfullyin iban'doning the public road to the Niguel Corporation. Wilcoxen lost the rlrst round of legal .battle last week In Superior Court. Judge Claude Owens lUted his restraining ofder and ruled that Niguel Corporation can take Us tract map for development of about 100 acres lo the county Planners. Niguel officials maintain that deJay in development plans was C03Ung the company about $4,000 dally. The court allowed Wilcoxen, who wiUt attorney Michael S&pr, 1lad tiled the tupayen acilon, 15 ·days to prepare new arguments. • The addition of the recreation district. which Wflcoxen represents, to the suit may add some additional legal heft. Laguna Niguel attorneys had maintained that the tWo Laguna Beach attorneys acting as taxpayers did not have sur. flclent degrte of interest to bring a mandamus action. The park an·d recreation board last ·Week delayed for a month a decision on de-annexation of about 600 acres of Salt Creek property from the district. The board In lbe past ha> opposed lbe de-annexation. Aler Bowle, Laguna Mlgel Corporat(on altorney, askod the boltd JI aey property ownu within the 800 acrea had oppolfld do-anne11U0n. No sucb-FQtest had been !lied. Citing 10\'.emmt.nt code, Bowie uld Jt la mandatory for the board to 1wfove dwnnexaUon altR!t no protesta had betn filed . Wilcoxen, howevtr, maintained lhat lbe board had lbe ri&ht to r!fuse to grant de-a.nne11Uon. Judge Rules Draft Law Unconstitutional BOOTON (UPI ) -A (ederal judge today ruled the StlocUVI! Service Act ol 1967 II unconstltutlonal becau1e It falls to srant draft uempUon.i to those who are CONcltnUOUs objeelon on OOfto relislou! ;rnundl. •, li.f!\ Cox served as president of the La (,)nada Chamber of Commerce from 1948 to 1950. He was an honorary life member of the California Seniors Golf Association. He was active in Harbor Area Boy's Club acUvlUt! and was a charter member o the Irvine COUt Country Club. Besides his widow, he leaves a son· KenfleU1 A. Cox of Santa Barbara· hi~ mother-in-law, Mrs. Julia M. Herr~n of PMk..La Brea and two grandchildren, Private 1services wlll ·be conducted at 9 a.m. Wednesday in Pacific VieW Memorial Park Chapel. Burial.will follow .. in the memorial park. De Gaulle in Paris PARIS (UPI) -President Charles de Gaulle returned to Paris this moming from Washington where he attended the funeral of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. City Harbor Cqordlnator George Dawes pointed out that 4o percent Of Nt!wport's ocean beachfront is affected by the quarantine. "The beach is now marred by· 120 signs and b'rrlcades announcing the quarantine: It is patrolied constantly by city life~ards, both by vehicle and by boat eqlllpped with pubUc addreas systems, to keep pople out of the water " he said. ' "Even the offshore water ski afea is no longer sultable foi-use." · If the contamination continues through the summer, he estimated a loss in beach rentals of at least $2 million. "The additional revenue lost t o restaurants, filling stations, fishing tackle i;hops, surfing shops, clothing stores may be beyond calculation." He said a summer <1uarantine would mean 1.5 million to 2 million beach visitors · \\'OUld have to go elsewhere, "aggravating the problem of other overburdened beaches." ... The economic impact on the city o( Newport Beach, while not reckoned in detail, would be undoubtedly severe." Sgt. Calnon aaid the alle~·deal called for a later delivery of 30 more rttls of a mm f 11 m. apparently totaling five reela each among eight different titles. The allegedly obscene films confiscated tnclt1dtd these titles : "Candy . Bar," "Hair Brush;'' "Twi.sted,0 ''A·20," "Dog," and others. Warrant Issued To A1Test Leary Bench warrants for Ult arrtst o( J>IYchedelic drug aposUe Dr. Timothy Leary, his wlfe and teenagM son were lsaued today when they failed to appear in court for a scheduled prelimina~ hearing. · Bail posted by the Leary family follow .. Ing their Dec. 26 arrest in Laguna Beach: on LSD, marijuana, and hashlsh charge!I was forfelled, but the warrants were ordered held until May 6 on a technicali- ty. DECORATOR . AND MODEL HOME' RETURNS· Spanish and Mediterranean -Furniture . All Top Quality and Brand New A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over Sl00,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterrane.an Furniture to Choose From ! lt•ms as follows: Gorg•ous 1. ft, custom qMiltff soft with s•paret• pillows with hNvy ~.~le trim d•cor and m1tchln9 eh1lr1 3 metehin9 H k •ceasf•ntl t1bl•s.. 1121 51 tall d•cor•tor lemp1, he n9in9 ch1h1 1w19 tamps In w,,_9ht Iron en 1-pl•c• lcin9 sill m11t•r bedroom sult• ln pecan pe...1111 Mtdlttrr•ftNft dyie with top quality 15 yeers w1M"enty ldn9 1i1• meffNSI end box sprint•· Spen1sh dininv s•t, •fc . ~ Any _pitce ca.n bt purchas~cl indlvicluady. Drop by •nd s•• our s•lection of top quality Sp1n11h trul M•~1f•rrenean furniture ••• fantastic1Ry pricffl COMPLM HOUSEFUL WAS REtiUAaLY $1521.00 MUST SACRIFICI FOR ONLY II IJ , .. 11r11it11r1• 1844 New port Blvd Co,ta Mr.u f only I f·••> _,_,, ·, .,. 'II• I ~~· ·, S ...• '" • . A! HARIOR IOULEVARD '698°0 TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • t ' ' / " { I •• -.. ,, ' ! t I I ·j . ' ' ., ' I ' .. ,, •• • I . ARRIVING IN LONDON -:AskinJ! directiOlls in London to lhe fal5hion llhow planned by St. John the Baptist•Calholic School Auxiliary are Mrs, Joseph Panino (center) and Mrs. Robert' Reid, !rOm. James Temple Jr., British gent, accompanied by Sir. Barnby·o! Nassau, a royal hound. Alpha Phis All Hear t l " AJpha Phis o~ Southern Orange County carry on the ~ntemational organizatlon·'s. support of cardiac aid by serving the county Heart fAssociaUoo during its Heart Sunday drive and by raising funds through alumnae projects for cardiac needs. This year mooey will · assist i n the training of nurses for the intensive care units at the Orange County Medical Center's Cardio Vascular Cenler. J.,eambig al>Out•· equipme11t used for ti'eatme11t are (left to right) Mrs. Margaret Hatch and Mrs. Richard Larzelere. .......- 'Fair' Weather otecast Revimg · the old Coonlry Fair will be Newport Beadt· · Ebells·WbeJi·they ~·t.bltir .. ' linal DY' ·..XFmeins projecl ol the·Ohlli y<'ar.- A potpourri oC ·sale items1.' ;. pi<Jinio<d , llY Mrs. Herbert. Puterbau&b, chairman who announced the event will take place· from 10 a.m. to a p.m . . Thursday, April 17, in the Newport Beach American Legion Hall. Proceeds will be added t'o 'lbe acholanhlp, IW1d. A ca!et.ria .eyle food hoolb, manned by TNovel tlectlon -memben,, Wflllf!ittii'e eily ... pje'meal·nov<llHs, pieo lbat take lbe cake and SOI! dllhel which go !ram stove 'lo table In :IQ mJnut.,.. . Other -Include • plant am floWer oale bj the Garden Seotionr clothing, paintings, boots and a treasure cbe:st ol jewelry and trinlceUI. Fresh spring flowers will decorate the setting, according to the chairman wb9 will be assisted by the Mmes, Thomas Baume, .rohn Colby,· Charles E. Kelley, Frank Cununings, Fronk, lf«kel, Rlchar!l Hodge, Fnmm Glqckner,. Adi 11 n Ev1111 Joyner, E.H. Fimter and -A. Bopn. r ' " • • .- - .. . " 6Cl(I] .. • • . ' BllA· 'ANDIERSON, EdMor ~,. """ .. '* .. ,... 11 ' Milad y Tours -. · Eon:dontown • • .! t ~ • ' Arfierica has the Queen Mary 1 the Queen Elizabeth and the London 1B.ridge., has been• vlsiled by the BeaUes occasiooally; and now will have a b1l of Merry England itself moved to Ute Disneyland Hotel. \ ~hose wishing to• have a scenic tour of the British lslfs \won't have to travel across the was, but may hurry to the Embassy Room of the hotel Saturday,.April 19,fo• a special tour planned by St. John the Baptist Cath· olic Sthool;Auxillary of Costa Mesa. • · · BY means of an annulll fashion show· and luncheon, "M'Lady-ln Londontown," the auxlliary-wIDrvi&it England; old and new, beginniDg ·at .J;30 a.m. with a social ·hour. · ' . · Modern-day London will be mapped out with street signs in the form of table centerpieces, and England of yesteryear will be evidenced by hostesses in costumes of King Arthur's court. . Greeting guests will be the Mmes. l'ony 0'~·, Reynal!1 Pelle- tier, Alfred Meyer, Robert McCormlsh and Frank Pettner. · A colorful note will be added by the.~resencel'o{Cole Hartl anft Craig Seymour who will be dressed in the traditional garb of the medieval beef· eaj.er, also ~coming partygoers. '· · Strollinf tbrou~b Londontown with ensembl~s from area shot>s suit· able for wear both m Orange County, California and downtown London will be the Mmes. Arthur Martinez, Ivan Lowry, 'Richard Russell, Harold Hansen·, tfidi>l:!rt~ Hinich, Ross· Bushhouser, Char,les Meckstroth, Michael Butler,. oel Lane, Gregory Kuehn, Carl Spear, Joseph_Alfonso and Miss Ann Sullivan. --"-- we·aring fashions for-dukes, counts and princes will be James Temple Jr., Louis Jaussaud, R~ert Aguilera, Jerome Ososkie and Meckstroth. Planning the event is Mrs. Joseph Parrino and assisting her are the Mmes. Thomas Doyle, co-chairman ; William Mueller, John PurCiy and Terence Clark, coordinators; John Nolan, reservations; Juassaud, ~ffle; John O'Brien, door prizes; George Cejka, publicity, and Dalton P1~an and JQhn Connell, advertising. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonning are providing the program design and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boag are in charge of decoration& and art effects • \ · .~.-Robert: Reid, auxiliary· president, has indicated that proceeds will be lised. to ~vide additional equipmenHor the school. ~ • ¥J~Wllhl.ng IQ "visll" England may call Mrs. Reid, 545-31I09 for ~ tour.resei:vatioo. · ,_ Doctor's · Unn·erved ·when Patients 'Unbuckle' Problems •• • • • .-.--· • -. ·--. • .• .. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Can a phys!· that's 1he ctllhl&. We are all 11' and <Hallo(. Det<rlbe the gllnmlcb and ' lhe former, the 1111fonn ti the .;,;: clan say ·a word ·or two about 17 and our parents approve of the games. IP lf lie ,will keep 111 eye ope• aJ.111 ls a weddll1 con w • )IM&d All , transvesllsm? I was born and raised = turns playing at each other's whll )'OI. " slla,tUp. Tootl:, tr aaude m• ;a...w.. in a small town in Maipe.. I had never -1 .... ~ horn I U lte doeta't 1tratpten up ud fiy .. Hell, H -1 woa't pl" ._ heard of osexuality, et alone . transvestism, unW I WU in high school. A lood friend of mine Who Wini con-ri&'lt afttr that ploJ, nail •Im after , Even then it wmed unreal and some-1lslenUy has been cheating. I've bet8 , dlt •It game and tell lllm U -chub Too many couples go from matrlrnonJ what disgustinf. • clocking him for three months aod I'm q:ala you're 1olng lo &et tM w5ole to acrimon}'. Don't let your marriage Jn college 1 became vastJ,y enllgblefted underwear when we 18M1rtSled them ror 4' yoa fella ..t ~~Hv; a laukerb1t poslUve be shorts the pX, pulls out l.llble bclw he'• kinky. • Oop before. Jt Ids lt.&ri.:I. s.d kif' and in medical IC.boo! I changed· some e1.amination. These men were married f• lldlel' Ulltrwear, ttalder dal8 too much when he1s "ma~ change." Ann Landtn' boOtlet, "Marrilee-Wllll of my concepts completely. But it wasn'I alld hid attradlve famtlla. 'lbere had -1MUIJ IW JM alPI &<t 1111 ~1 or callinl blck 1 bet. SomeUmes be DEAR ANN LANDERS : Claude and to Expect." Sood JDar -to Mil until I did m1 ~\mlSblp that I really never been 1 breath of scan<lll about a track~ wta.i:)l ii IM emersney "for&!!'~'·to thri>w in his ~'<ii<t:iiai'nd~needs""'~~l~w:;;ll;.l ,;be;.::...marrltd In May.· He wu Landersincareol&lllaoewpapar_.,. , h4my eyes oPentd up. Ntpt duty -any o1 fheiii. 1 ~ you .., , moral ~ --tOlil! l'emindid.Tlliiii'r anyone c ass 1-r' ilill ·~ r ... -the-lng .,....,.. in CGin ad a .................. at the hospital was liberal educaUon. in this story and thlt you will put rwm. ' "' • ' else is on to him and l don't want service. I was a WAC llld loved every self.addresled eavelope. ~" The first year, three prominent men · il Into wonb _ NEW ENGLANDER .,,,., ~--• k . f to be a stO.Ue, but I hate to' see Ibis minute of It. I want to l't llW'{led ~ Ami Landen w!IP be l[lld to h119 Jn the community were brou&ht in ~ DEAR NEW: 1 .. twt morala. Flnt, DEAR ....... ,.;,_ VJ~ a "e e 111 0 guy act ao cheap and dishonest. l'bat in my WAC uniform. ci.ude ii aaalnsr. you .with JOQl' problems.. lllld= emergenoies. -One had a heart attack, a penoo ... lla•e 'ae addball .,irll nd us 1111'' (et tocelber to play poker. .shoold l .do.? ~KEEN OBSERVER it. Wbat Is your vlewr-Lansl111, Mich. · to her In catt ol Iba DAJLY lwo.,... In automobile actldenll. We 1t!Uhlaclleo...Ulllll~•I-· Tbe·.-·are ·small ·and nobcMly •cm ·DEAR KEEN: Tdlllm,..rilpect DEAll MICH.• Do;yoo -to be enclollnc a oelf-t tf di!COV!l'ed' they -were "earing ladles '.. • deep, dart aecn:t. f u or 1oee more than nve bucb a 'lllght -•"'"""8 et &Ille pys II IM 11•are • ktde • • drt11 _,....1 U--Jt!a envelope. ·• ... I ' • . . ' . ' ----- • t i' • " L JJ IW 0 lY PllOT T......,, Aprll l, 1'169 . Egg Decorating Contest HOroscope • . . . Easter B·unny Receives Help . Attention .Focused .. . . . · Aries:.· As.k Questions . . -' . , c.-&tip .._lhlllty. Ap. to !1uc1u1!kn P 1 a a ... pita apeclally to home, pr.. cordlngly. \ Clii<kmn ~ buly loyinl f&ll la Wedmlnstn to pro.. . vlde·a nad1 mJJIPly ol - -fer aru elemtnlary IChool cll11droo to decorate In • ...... lpol10Cl<OC! b7 lbe ll'lllmlmtor ·woman's Club aod the, Department ol Plilks ...i Recreotion. Clildttn are invited to'bring liardboi1ed •m to Bolsa Chico Park tomorrow, ...i to Sigler .-.n, out 1bunday' to com-J.ate. . " PN<s and ribbons will be :annled !or Ille lunnlest, pm. . !iMI and moot orlgioa1 ""' .-'liinc to oge·groupo lrom ~-to aiith grade. J>ocorating maleriats will be Jirvvided. ~ C2lairman of the event b Mn. Edward Hyatt, woman's ttub cmtdnn and youth . tbairman. and osslsllng her f' the Milla. Ernest Fr ... qut%, R.E . p,.. and Raymond tvollrom. Representing the l>arts and Recreation Dtpart· tofnt is Mrs. Robert Gl.aa. ~Also of interest · tn Westminster ""' children is an Easter eu bunt on Satlll'- t>Y. April 5, boglmlng at to ~ at Bolsa Chica, Slgler ad McFadden para. Tb< -l!umY will 1ppeor dur-intl Ille hun!J, lpOlllO?<d by the Weslmlnsta E1b · C1ob. " Robert Fart ing&on is chllmwt ol the bunt. 'J'be"womao'1 club will eleet ..,, olft«l'S at the m«tinc ne1t 'Mlur!day at 7 :·JG p.m. in the Westmirwter Civic Center. A slate of offtcer. On Artist ~ lJlnrl', Newport -· will be 11""'4 Into • ahOwCMe !er the art ..,a ol Mrs. G«te llll1, Junl\r Ebell Club ol Newpoii Beacb artllt- ol-the--11 !or April. Tb< -bu cboMo a col-lection ol wild Hie and domesl1ct In putels and oils and a vlriety ol ....,.. ol Ille Huber Ano, Malco, Collfonila and Ille oea !er the ezbll>tt. . Site ollo ""'" lo acryllc:s and oils and her llYle ls • ..-. utlllzlnc obi"'I' with happy, --. olten -· . l\(fl, Hill, • ~ -. -· ICUdled art "'UCLA, Op1fNrd,. md wtb ll'U artlila. W!Ch ber family, ft enjoys flllhinl lo the -mooth.s aboord their boat and by hene1I tralnl honel and dogs, having a great love for animal• and wildlife. ' WEDNESDAY .APRIL. 2· ARIES (Mlil. ll·Mr· D): Accent OD parl.ntnb.IJm, mar· riage, contracts. Alt ques- tiona; obtain answtt1 from .. pen. Give lull play tO U. tellectual l'lriocll7. llefllli 'to be aaUsfied witb t h e superilclal. Dig deep. TAURUS (Apr. ZHllay Ill): Full moo1f position today co1J>. c1des wilh bomt, .-t '"' jllllmeJIL Hoon may clwl&<- Pattern is reviaed. B I diplomallc. TrytnJ to lorce issues· will lrrilal< hJibel'up. Be calm, cool GEMINI (May II.June Ill): CoptroP tmpullea. De-ol self-disdpline1 11 Noe1sary. Day lea-cbanp, viriely of em o t 1 on al a:perieoca. Cblld with 'jlroblem could d&- mand attent!oo.JlJll'.L1cut first stone. CANCER (June 21.Ju]y 22): Baiiic issUes dominate. You . Art Stamps Stationery NEW YORK (UPI) -When leenap IJrll dea!gn ttaUonery they ro !er Dowers, lubion, c:umnt · event themes . and .... held11nes two bun "Don't drop acid, d('Op me a line" WU the headline CID another~.· otww...i.w1-..,.. aMwed that teen wll bun\ comntteenjlrgoo. ' Seftllieen m111ztne, wbicb · changed through tbe )'e&l'I. 11)'1 IO, 1etmed thil when A picture cl a lion ac- oelectlni Winnen In ill "Illa-companied I b e lllulatlon, . ,,__ ..... ~lo" com~••-. __..., -....-P"',.....,., 0 Here's a meuap: from my Top bonCln went to paper d .. ablped like 1 !ootprin( which · 'I! to yoon. wu 1Upped into an envelope w I t h a shoe motlf in grten pertJ, """mltulopt to. .older • $.1.GITl'WVs (llov. 2J. . -,Oareat pruaure could Dec. 21): Full -..,.won bqomerq In yoor ~vor. today colncldea' with a Id LEO (July 21-Aug. 22): Ac· . ed lrom ~-• y ftt cent Oil apeclal relalionship. rectlV U"JCUY. CU You. may have to i ive up facts stralghl Con f u 1 lo n ~to Cain more solid clean. YOLI know. what,~ lootbii. Be rullsllc. Restless want and how to obtalO ii. nlttli(e """ problem . .Rid• Be gracious. ,. -' • wllh the tide. Be lair but CAPRICORN (Dec. S.,J-. (Inn.. 19): Survey......, "i:!:: VJJlGO (Acc. 23-Sept. 22): ~n com!'111nic1ttm: Avoidtlljn(rlsbwlth weti. Some~-•~.!':. Get frelb'mwpolnt. You ba\•e But there n:1u.w lelldm:y to apect to6 muclt. duties. Member ol OAllll7lo . Be c:omervative where money sei: oUers coastrud1ve IUJ· Is lm>l•ed: o 1 d ·pattern Is gesUon. = study TAU R 1) S AQUARIUS (Jon. JO.Felt. e. · ti): ·Trlftl tllk cou1~ ~ (S' ~ t. 2J{)d. 22): highli&bt cloy. Fa ID 11 y CllOct J>OUibllilY o1 new pro-mombers eipr1jll daln ~ Jtii:L UU)he past esperience. · chaoge routlue. JB< receplhe. Apply the old to the new. Some Ideal expreaed could Mew utl1he ' melhods that appear imprae\iCal. But lnam. warted P,.vioully=bot·galn-tain-open-mlnd.--'- grater Independence. PISCtS (Feb. !Ufarcll 211) :· ICOllPIO (Oct. :J3.Nov. 21 ): Some may l<)l Inly hall tru!h Part1clpatfl in social activity about money, I· inv~· of group, orgMllzation. Be con· Don't fear delay. Mew 1v01d aiderate toward one confined rushing into CO!ltly program. to home_, hospital. What ap-You ~ cooperation. UnW j>ean a ce.rtaJnty Is subject you get 1t -wait. "HIAT TINU TO eo NATM IN" ·~.~~ i "-HAWAl:IAN. SHO~I will be announced by Mrs. EASTER ARTISTS -The old mother chicken would never recogn!Ze her eggs Les Miller, chairman of the as Robert Hiatt, s, T iu. stubbs, 4, and Shawn Hyatt, 9, turn them into works of nominating committee and U-U9 names will be accepted from art for the a&ter egg decorating contest sponsored by the Westminster the floor. ComnUttee :nembers Woman's CJub. The three-day event is ro-sponsored ·by the Department of are the Mmes. David Ames, Parks and Recreation. and beige. Other entrieg: Pink satln hair r i b b o n threaded through molchliig cream-colored paper a n d Harbor TOPS Harper School In ea.ta Mesa ls the location where members of TO.PS Harbor LlJhttts gather ~ch Monday evening at 7:30. I Fashion ldand -Nawporl Canter ' Open Sunday 1·5 p.m. .Pace, Leo Shaw aDd Wolfrom. ·tt John Mc S h • n e , Oranae District coovcntlon of· tary of the Wettmimt"er caH.forDia . Federation o f ' Committee for· · 1 ·• ol P .... _ _. v-.. • _ Women's C u b s Tbur.11UIJ~ e ar~ ~~ •..-.. -'' · ""-'·-• Hotel tiOn Bond lime, will epeat Al"' ... 10, :in ......... r..uu J----llbe-$l1tllO,OOO-bcmd-packa&e.-.-WiD ht tbeJUmtL.Ames. PD&' Wore ~' June Brewer and Emory Clifton. 1. Mrs. Pace lanning Miss Lillian BUl'll§,. sewing refreshmems. coolest vim!!!', recent I y Club member 1 1Alstiq modeled brr entry . iD. the with holttss dulles (er the 'club'• oprJne luhioo -· ....... in Westminster - ExcbangUig woddinl vow• Mill Linda Bqley, maid o1 and rtnp belore the Illar ol honor;" and Mn. D a o le 1 the 1'lnt Uolted Methodist P-and Mn. Stepbm Cban:b, Coltl Mesa, wen: Jackal. bridwn•ids. · J.,.. Ann Cl1rislenleo and Mlcbael Glbbcm -ed u W-L. Coroellus. beat man and Gilbert H1no 'Ibo cand1e11pl rites were and Jae-"""'""" nddlnc -by the R e v • &11<111 to their MIL IUchonl Donlap !or t h • . Followhta the CiHIDCllf, the d...,.... and IOli ol Mr. and . newlyw!dl cret!ed • ..,.U Mn. Leater Otrlstemeo o( In the church nceptlon ball Colla Mou ud-Mr .. and Mn. Assisting with ....me ....,.. J.W. Comollus ol Huotloiton Mrs. RlclwU TelC1iey and Belch. • Mrs. Carl Robenon, mai.... To aay b~ vowa •. the new or the bride, MiU Judy Mrs.. C«nelius selected on Mulberry and Mill Bagley. empw 1<1wn • of lace over 'The bride and bridegoom lltin, designed wilh a full lace are both graduates of Costa train. He while mantilla was Mesa High School. The new overlaid with net, and her 1.1n. Cornelius attends: Orange bridal bouquet wu an ar-Coast College and her h111-· nncement fl white carnations hind, an occ alumnus, at- llllTOUlldlo& a whit< orchid. lends Ca!Uomla State College Weorln( deep tunilloll< lice at Loog Beach. onr u&kt ciwns w e r e 'Ibey bl.ve est1blllhed their ._ .... o1111e bridal Plril'. <lw 1o w--· ~MER.CANDIES~ ~ .... , .... .. ' • Stvffool tu llunny • with .... of """Y ·• Chocalat1 r . Easer EGGS ~ Euter Gitt I*-111 Bee•tir ltnu ... ~.PULL. LINE HELE!IA RUllNSTllN ~Arden's Ii; Ltlwln EYJ'lll ·•. Clirlsllen ' Dier MINUTE LASHES • full •Sh...., ' • Nolural • O.mt with 1P91lu!W 2 1804 ~ IOULEVAllD -COSTA MIS.A • envelope. Starliflg Mond1y, March 31 at.9 AM and through 4 PM S1lurd1y, 111 Glori• M1nh1U loc1lions in Iha· State of Canlomia, are holding a 1f2 Price S1 le on Spot Reducing for either hips or w1ist. Tbit ~of pm ii f.,; hi)ll or mt n/y and ;. ;;. conjunction with Gloria MAraban'a ncuJar :Pio.....,·. forlllll'm-.. • • ••• If Jllll .,. cm of Ibo miUG ot Aft!!IWn w .with a "bi(' hip pmblmi ••• or, i! Ille lmwui ..i. . : jnrJmq: bod: to liteJUll thotJGQlbfal ....... -n•u•,dm't miaa this offer. It_,...% tllt]llioo : \ .., !iipa or ...W ,..,,.,,.., ml, of-. Gloria ManbaD's pziaie "'9111...,. i.. ••. 'lml:la :i.., •• tllm J , cbupd by ~ otber .,_ of almdorianr ...,. for WWllD. Call ,. and come m for a mmpJo 'risit ... no dioJpt or ~ acluall;y-tho _.;.i rmacinc mvhi•• dmil>c ;your -1• 'l'iait. · c.me in ... -for ;,cunellYl>y Glolia ManlwD became #1 ... !lie naUon's lrrgeot, owned .,,,J -led eywtem of ndoc:int ea1om (26 in Calilomia-the.,,'1 one nmr you). · ny 11 8LOllA MWHAU Ne. 1 --·.,")It .... to -... ...,. "'-""' --........ --·-"'··-· ,.,,,... "" ___ ._. .... _ ...... .................. " ........ -..... -. ... ..,; --~ .,...,._..__ .... .., Gft.1.11111 ................ .., ....... ,..._ o1---· --Jiit, ..... ,,, __ ..... • stnltM ilttr ••• lffllV1•bt, ,..... ... .... .,'" .... Y"'.,....W•••••,,.. .... z ••• k!WI Nll1hf' ..in, ii llllDlt MfJ c.. h mrdsa ..... It 1""11111 -... --"'loo ..... ----• yllllllll-. Call •tor ........... -,......., .. ...,.,....._lar....,,,.ml I toolcfldll j • CNtwfl&.11 ..... _ ... , nw : . ~ .... GLO~ MARSHALL llliyB: . ' 'Tell us t.he dress mze you want u wear, and we'll t.ell you how many vis- its it will take and guamnt.ee in writ- ing that you will reach yoilr goal. In fact, ao 'abeolut.ely positive are we that you will obtain-your objective, 1hat is stat:al in our gaurant.ee, we will mn let yoa have FREE Of CHARGE, ANY AND ALL FURTHER VJS. rrs, until yoo reach y00r pl It's pcaititemairanattbat we beck up oar guarantee 100%. J!IGIJBB CONTROL SALONS -______ _:. ____ ,_.JD~llfr~~~~~lat.~M!:!_:•~1~'1l~i.t~licllf~~ .. ~! .. ~'llf!!_!Dll~·~·!!!r~ ftl -V1 J. z 111r fllWf Milrohrllm . • NEWPORT IEACH--430 Pacific: Coast Hh3hway ( :.::"'0:-...": ) 642-~30 SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Stre•t 54'3-9457 SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHEIM. BEYERL Y HILLS , COVINA, CRENSHAW, DOWNEY, GLENDALI, l,'KIWDOD, LONG BEACH, NIWPORT BIACH, NORTH HOLL yWOOD. ONTARIO. PASADENA. SAN DIEGO, SANTA ANA, SANTA BARBARA. SUNLAND, TARIANA. TORRANCE, WESTCHUTIR, WHITTIER. , .ALSO fltlSNO, SAN JOSE,. SACllAAl!NTO, SUNNYVALI ind WALNUT, CALI FOR.NIA. ' . '' ~ 1HI Q1"'s Jlmlal1.lflt, C7f. .r., . . I .._:.___:==-~--_:___-.~~~~--=-----~-~~-·-·- ' _, -I . . • sta ... - ' vot: 62, NO. 78, 2 SECTIONS 21 PAGES ' • • ' OUN&E OOUNtY, CALIFORNIA -· • • ScliOol .. Districts I Face on . ·Borid,.. Sales A fbwlce crlsb ol major: prvportlilris ti •bout to couie · crubing down on iocaJ Orure C01J1 IChool dlitricts. And the pniblem ls be)'Olld solution ·at the -lewol; --cannot lllm lo lhelr .... Ibis time lo bail lbem out. • . 'Ibis i.s the .litultion: The splrJllng cost mliirrow11irm0ney-has surpasaed the five percent interest rate UnUt perniilfod by. California state law. ':'be stita govemmeiit lllell ,cu 'I fincl a buyer of ill -al five .,..-o< icoli Scbooi diatrlda probably cui cltber. H bonds can1 be IOlll 'a< state ~ bniJdi111 aid money ia not available for klan, new 9Cbooll Clll'l De·built. · ' ~ ,!>ui<; problem la ihe ..... .. 1aced .by_many-"'!i_vldoils who can't i.tt.n lo pay the. high rate ol lotmst -Hqllilo.lo Im! tlleir -· • ' : -'OAR.Y.-...r .......... MRS. OLIVERYASS1STANT slfsM FORT PACiC' cooie .. s , . 'lndlvlilually Wrapped end A ;Popcorn Shoc:k-~r · . . ~ . Casio••• Cooli;ies > ' • ~ .. : And what does, this mean lo lldlool distrlda! POl!Olbly lhat bani-won ~ bond i,,... vlctoriea. al Ille polll le Newp>rt- Meu, Huntlng&an Beach City, Sar: Joa- quin and FOllllblic Valley . - diatrlda ..... ooly ..-1e lulility. Trustees ,of NeWport.Meaa Unified School D;,trlct are upeded toolght to •Pl'J'CM' putting 15 milliOil of 119.5 million· authorized by voters le F~ oul lo bld-Wbetbe{ there will be any blddera la problematic:&I.' . _' Tbe --pmlble bid for -cbarpt Is five pel'cell becauae by lllate .... tbal'Nlle wsy the mUe read" ... the beJIGI. -0!'<!'· :lie eoiill nationwide inter.st .rate ')I llO!! about U -~ more than the icbool dlatrlct can di" the banks. . Newport-Mesa _ _,, ill, Ille.and wealth per capita ps an AA credit fJ1in1 1~ilwest Trai 11 Carries Gerteral . . To Honie T0wn Burial ..... . ' By JANici iiERMA>I r.r. Gi,~·s11e Aii!.:~Y·_, Warr· an· · t Issued or .... 0...,.,.1 .... s,... , T~_mar~.Uit ~g of the . . ---- ' ' .. , ... ·Mrs: Darrllyn -onver·is a conscienuoos· &*re:-llilg ~-that-are to=1iSt · --_ - cookie-packer. u.n..J"Apr11 •• ibe' fourth· noor of To Arrest Lear y · 'nl.e! hundreds of cooi.ies she's col· Costa Mesa ·CiVie· Center. Mn. Oliver · Iecting to shlp lo Gl's le Vietnam won't \lad ooiy one assistu~ but Yid · she Bench wamnla for the arrest of dire bruit. -elJlOCJs more when people get thom8elves psychedelic drug apostle Dr. Timothy "Shake this,'' ibe aaid, handing a-~ : :~v~ AD Leary, his wife . ud teenqed IOD were Not So Well; 6~ H. el,d ~r a cook,ie tin. "What do you . • : Wued today wiled' they failed to appear here?" she asked sternly. Mrs. Olivec. ~ ~-cookits, and in court for a ICbeduled preliminary "NoUilng " he answered cans to put-them m. Ind rubber bands , bearing · "TIIAT's 0 because of the. Popcorn,'"she __ la_ seal the bags ~~ IO le 'tbe cans. Bail Pooled by the LWy family follow· a3id lriumpbanUy, "and because each Sbe said that • lrJl!ll lwld hlls been leg lheJr Dec. IS arrest le Leguna Beach cOblOe ii lhdlvldually wrapped le plastic. set up al s.carily Flat Natlooil·Bank, on !.'iD, marijuana, and balhlab cbarges WNp... 1!Ubor and Wilson, COsta Mesa for dona-WU forfeited, bot the warrants ftl'e Mn. Oliver dlreded -• !iniilar cookie tiCm el ·-r I« paola(e. onlenod beld until !Uy I on a l<dmlcali- lift in Sacramento last year. "I made ' Tbe -lift·ba£-<lllllrovusy t ' mj. share or milt.ates in Sacramento,''' recently <whelf~Tei,Boloeh. a co.ta Mesan =· -----------she said soberly. "I told them riot tO · who UJ!IU<Ulllidlf•hu, run fdr Cily Scef!lc llf•rlcets , WQrrY a boot wrappine, and• just lo send Coubcil, opt •I !!lo !llM"' _.. public ' lhl: cookies they made lo my houle." lacllitieo for. Iii; jlriy*" purpose wif!loul NEW YORK (AP) -'Ibo llock market Silt rolled her __ hoavennnl and at Ieut· tMm ,poynieipt to the cily. clooed lower today, ofter tine straight WCI that i'lot T tbe cooldes bad broken BoJ9gh doesi\"t ~ h cookielif( itself. seaiom ol adtmu. Trldina was in Abipping. But Mrs. Oliver thinkl there ~ moderately.active r.ear the clme. (See !<Every crushed cookie is one t..s -(lee COOKIEtlFT, hp J) quotaU., l'lgts JO.II). ~ - • ·~court Calendar • Chaos Ill Jamming cour1r'ooms and oorrldon, , foml thnJqlioat •lhe•Soiilhlnd a ·a ~ delmdanls charged with e""1thinl ' • llillt of lhe abnipt •tiooal hollday, coiled from 9U and ob9oenitJ oftemes to traf-McmdlJ' a ft er ,. Eilieahower'a Fridly fie violations and imJWVP'!' evange1k:al--.dlllth. 1 • • , preaching •Pllf'll'<d today In Harbor stephen D. Sampoon, IS, of 2371 Santa Di.strict' Judicial Court,-• ~ Anl' Ave.; ,. .. ·«Ue for &rralpmeot on The calendar was thrown lelo c:haoo •.~Id .-"""'8,· bul U.O 'faces by clo&ure Monday for the luneral ol a prt.liminary hearing 'l'bursdly on a Gen.-Dwl&bt D. Eilenbower, whose wor· r.celving"""" ....,.ny COWlt. ries in hll fadin( days centered on the flouClas A. Payoe, ilt, and bis wif<. turmoil ol contempocary times. Mama, 37, of Ill ""°" Place; Costa '"Il11cp .... ,. wila lOim bore • 1 Mesa. ...,. -.led 1o ....,.. a p1<a to . -we'll ,.. &oY _.._.. aut 111 • alJeced sale al -.. films' to a Dis- CllUo1'"be!Me lain a-.• uld a cl<rk trlcl Attorney'• bnSlp1a<. wfiti'.coutacted f« word GCI the a1tus of And a irour. ol It wnMn Gf the JDll. 11Yer11 cues ~Y in the ne11F1. itant Teem « a.rill a...,, bmd- A l:aota M,.. -expert oc---at the '\'em: u,111 Clm, ·110 qua1*d wi111 a boy i..tglsr ldlied by Main Et., Huntlollm -. -. .... pO!ioe; a couple charged with laie ol le on d.U d'rW=o - au mcmeo and a crowd ol Ten for The ....,p...11 looUy ~ '"' llllir Qlrisl' doiooostn.lon .... all .... f« .... --....... da:ls In lheir .. y in OIRlrt. jail, unable to poot ball-ftro -(2llol alao nlped In other court 1ys-up le mid-February lfler a •o- ) f tton al -B. Davis lntennediate SChool, Glota -. . '!'bey are cbarled with wlillully blod<· Ing • public itreet, disturbing • public IChOol and refuoal lo dlspene ""' beitW ordered lo leave the acene by police. Sam-WU arrested •rtoc a probe iolo the Coe1a Mesa police shooling -1$ " Sltphen ~. 14, al 211112 Xllne Drive, -Ml lleipla, ., lie IW'a -..... boqlary, Questioning " =-of tho •lain b\11' bur&)ar illC son.,,..... wbo police 111 .bad • ~ ...... frolll 1he Drlnle y Jl'airgrounds &Isl J~ Iii his pa I r\On. 'l'be ·il<m Is ..-tr believed lo --,._ ... 117 l!liiblefJeld. ,_ -..-lul '!bun- • da1 at --1ntermedlale School, when he showed ap wbile pollce l&;o COUll'll, ..... J) ., • ,J • C&Jif orma Hit . . . By Meningitis; 1 Out of 5 ·Dies -' -. ltianl s. lfollinpl' .. a.-""' _...,._,,._ ... , ... WOldinitur. is worried M I • Mi diltrict'I interest n'lll!I~ b +Pih .,..,. -Jiliber !Ma the ....... -.a. -·had .. taken al °'"'...-.. .. mll1ioa poll oat .. llli • .... weeb... ''· _:..., . sun, .. .,..., IChOol dlllrk;t 1111 Jiot • llllad lo oell a·bond -11111 ""9'" tlleo lalOOL llOHD, ... ~ Oraalfe Wea•••, -, ' . Ballen down 'tlle,!iol 11111 :ib'lw•'loolllll. 11'1 _ ....... ......, •• ,,. neoctay. r_. ..... lt'D o11o1t uwnd 111e ..-........... . Oranp eo.t.... : INSIDE TOD.4)' The childr .. of ~-are lf'Cll& h&eTQl!f.I a hta.a. °' o ca,.,,., •taldf ofi. ....., .. tn•h,... "' uq .-. ,... a. . -. -. --.. -----. --... a:.-; =:w-. ..I = J -" C1111 a ll a --. --. 91 , aA • ----. -M ----.. -. , -. .. • -----.. -.. •.. •. -:::i...~:.. c • --·· ... ___ ...... , .... ······· . --· --··~· . --------- Al.OS ,.,..._..,..,,;_,.,, 'T •' ,_ ,._,,, • -···~·---.. --... • ., LOg~ook:: Peek Behirid News TUcker Sti~' •• -, ''1Jl\rti.• ~"!I .:lit:.::: . . =:: :::!:::-:,:.:::"!; Leader of I I a1'~.r.:~~ ...... ,,,1,11 , iii ...... !l!!a!!E •1Lo. T . ,.., -....1o1•,..,11 .. 11bt , · . 1 • ,,.,... llio ·--&Ill.._ Iii IW VQ.'lllii Foi: a Joo& tJmt-we've been~ 2 o . u • t , ,.,.._ .., ....... ~ * _ . • .;;i.lll'llitJ• . lo 'i""' ou1 • 11ar lo .. t you. tlli city nit a1a11 el the DAll.Y PILOT. You'll ·-They al1o shat< on a 1gacll -, , L. OGB' OOK te•der, to ml!el them, lha nm 1tlff. • thtlr 1 nama tn th1I · plane such e.vuyday eonctrftl u Al the same time, we WODdertd U wt 1pec1 u contrtbutors mortcag• peymentl, tu-. kklt (ktll it couldn't 'Pl'Ovide .a vih1cle to let tbut to Pilot Logbook. 1 of kids), crlbgrua and trubmen who dealers in words spin out a few .pettonal l~nded co I um n bang and dent-the trashcans and drive -Wandering Al Lockabey, ow boaUng ·views of their own. that wil= oa th1t lhtlr true kl over I.he Udl. editor, ls 1150 a former railroad J That.'s what Pilot Lofbook II all J'bol.IL :1:.. ~· _. The DAILY PILOT'1 IJ'OUP hu 10mo brakeman, 1 comblnaUon of fields lhal It will offer In oppol't1lnlly lor the I' not' -•·• t •• 1 ,unJque characterllttct, u well. For le-musl -••• .,_ ... o·'" per,.· n In news natl l.O tell you ~t' U>t thln&I , m .,,..... O u.U stance· ' "' -uun "'l'C '"'I they ffe and feel, to ttll· you about out the files and ttck -To~ Barley, one of our ruldent the ·world who ktlows how many toots them in their own wiy and "'in their off their h•C:f:oeb Englishmen (we have two) is an espert or the whlsUe spell disaster at sea or own style: . di!,~·~ J~Ui on symphony mwic and ope,ra, u well -00 1be raHa. Too, Pilot "91book can take you behind do that In Umt. I would Ulre lo 1111 ,... u day-IO<loy 1peclalty, Am• r I ca o And IO they IO· ThlJr views may the 1ce1111 at City Hall, 1t !hi courtbouoe whoro Pilot Lotbool< '-to 10 1nd JurJJprudence. be u lofty u the one enjoyed by 111-IOOI-or In tho -.io with a dUfennt olant, what It l'°C* to NOOl'd. · --Our houH authority on Panama, Jf aev~inch Torn Fortune, the DAILY with a penoaal touch. The folb bthlnd uw. ~ and pl.. and when .w• Mtd .... lo roporttr PILOT'• cclucotlon edll<r. Or Ille photo .'ll>ole perlDOll vlin, aJoq with llOIDe tum 1o your DAILY flLOT .,. both · Tom Covl)lt, who Juot 1>n>ua111 ble brl4• of tho «1ntrlbutor <•hm my lhlnln1 h'll!lor, oome "'"""""' and ,..., Ir· a common and an .........., Jot. In from lhit country and who II c:urrenUy foce _. ou1 today) may be u en-r<verence, wlll be • lllluH of lhll - They oiw.-wflh journallltl around en&lled In llachlnr her EJl&lllh, how joyable al that of petite and pl'llty -not every day, bul moot dly1. thl --.....ii -..on lrllll u cur-lo eat tlCOI ·and all about Chalmel II copy editor AM Badololo. It moy educale, It. may enl!CI>lln. loolty, ben obwvallon, an ablllty to movl... They're 4! pencpa with mulU·vatled MOit of ail, we hope It will be lnttrauni. -Newport Beach ' ·_May Be Open Harbor Area bank exeeutlvt and Costa Mesa city councilman George Tlicket has be'n re-elected pret.ldent of ~ HarbOr Area COordln1Un1 Couacll, It was &MOunced today. Tuckfr-said the organizatiOn will "con· tinue to serve as a sounding board for Harbor Area community needs." He clled as an example of the clUJtn commlttee'a problem·solvlnj eUorta the currant drive to enlist community sup- port for a )'t&r·round .youth employment servict. , "ln order to provide jobs for atudenta the enUre year," he iald, "the proaram will require total community supporL Some or1anluUon1 already have bttn very generoua, but many more donations are required 1f we art going to provide thl11 badly needed-community Bervice:" New officers elected to serv~ wlth Tucker 1re: Lou Yantron, vice prealdent : Alice Fo1, Acord int: aecretary. Gleam Murphy, coi're1pondln1 ecrttary; and Wylene Adama, treuurer. N1wfiert'1 Johnaon JV ewport Man Gives $387,00Q '~, In 30 Davs Alto MrYlnl as director• of the Coordlnatlna Council wlll be Geor1e Roberti, Ann Sortn!On, Ro1er Sherman. Gtntvieve Batu, James Wood and GwltldaW1110n. For Conservation Rodney Jallnloa, 11, NUnd Nowpart Btaeh tqlnoer, IMllln .. man and ·~ tomey, hll ifvtn 1187,llOO to I .... ...-v1Uanlll crouP lo buy 1 wlldorn .. pr_.. nur LUt Tllloo. Jallnloa dc11111ed the fund1 to N1lure C<moerv1ney of Sin Fr1ncllco, which will buy llO lent ol land In the Five Lakll IHI ol lode Tlhae Ind Sq111w Valley. Thi money will ltlrt .the Radney J-'!llldorn11a fund, named In the donor'lftonOr. -· Thi purchlll ol lhl k1y tract of wU-lud will 1Uow the U.S. Jl'orat .. lierv,lcflo·z11 the• IQlllN rnilll atOl.md the ~ aru. U I r'Oldlla • B7 JEllOME F. COLLINS lftM"DI"' ,,_, ..... Newpoit llNcb cit}< off I c la I•, born-and buolnllamm.may - jual mi, -be ll'llUn( Jllldleal¥ aboot the beldllroal _.,.quarantine luting lhrcuP the ....,.. montlll. or..,. County Haallh Chi11 John R. • Philp Ill!! today the cilnlll!llnaUon pro- blam could -Wl~,IJl.!f>IOPl's. . · lt d.tpendl, be ·BJci, on the now of 1111 81nll Ana Rlvor, which II pol}ullng coutal watlrl wJth· 1ew11• effluent from nine UP1t.rt•nl 11enclu. "The lont·ranp wHlhtt f0rtc111t ror April," Dr. PhUp 11ld1 "looks: for a dry month. If Jt turns out that way, the river"• runoff couJd CUR and the ocun w1&era lba!.dd clur up almost lmmldlall\\'. 0 JUcbt. now OW' lltlmlte on the quarantft ii a meglrmam al to dtys, ~ projlcl uu -11111a wea1 11 porbapa ia uu11I u 111. TahOI Qty, . "~1""'""1.•111~" he emphulud DAILY PUT ..... """ Bfltterlng Vp Bunn11 1 . USS Enterprise -Ordered Back To Viet Waters SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. commmlln today 1nnowioed the rtlurn ol lhl nu· ele&r-powertd 11rcr&tt carrier EnterprlH to Vietnam waters 11 a ¥teapon 11alnst the COmmunlat.s' aprlna offenalve. But air olrlkea by Bil l•~. ml&hU"t bomber• In the American arena), were ~ belnt cut back to 1la1h war coats. With the Red offen1lve In Its 39th day,· military aodurces uld thll war his kllled iDore • Amertcan1 ttL1n the Ja,829 Americans 1la1n ln Kore1 trom ll&MS, lheroby makJns JI the foorth moot cootly war In lennl'ol U.S. deed in Amertc:an hlllory. J~ • z:. PIClllc Cout Jltthway1 to I rtpCl'ttr1 11il u pod Umint.11 '·, a ctJllorllfa -far the ~ • Ho lllld ~ ehocb of _Ywi,,11 •.ml~ and ~~ ... rtvv wpn~ ..... by Coeta Meun1 Gfnfer Geumlek (left) a.nd C.rol Markel, both 10, otl.er carrot to 11Doc,'' 'tn hopes ; ;. 13-yea.r-old rabbit will p\lt fn a good word.for th.em with EH~ Bunny. "Doc" bel...,1 lo Mrs. Lucy Fell, 335 E. Uni St; HI pHlm cllOColite chip•, atys his owntr. American headquarten llld I he EnlQrlle, b!Qlll lhlp 11100~ rojolned· II"! '!'ir . 1"ciodfy for Ill fourth loUr and within· houri launched jet fl1hltr· bomben ln,IUPPOrt of U.S. ttoopo hunttn1 Communlll 1orto1 n .. r Cam Lo, •lfhl mllH loulb of the DMZ. I r ha~==~.;:a1••·' lllo .diPlrtmanl ~allf. "Bicit.~-e Include K.,11-, a:tlarln=. II no jUlllllc1U... far ~ th• park, and · N1-llllta r-. -qllll'll1llnt lfll, wldcll II -ori llb ' " F,.... r.,e 1 a llfall fll'k ID Sula Cr11L lflldlnp. '' · -=· --, . ~lnl and.all .other -loci · I· ,--:----, ..u.w.. .,. 11-1 bu1n1o1 au the .SCHOOL DISTRICTS FACE BOND CRISIS -. •• Tbe Ellllrprllo lllrtlm "'" ·nown .,..,.· a mountain battltlleld when Amulc1n foot Mldlers ?<ported killing more than i5o North Vietnamese regulars in heavy flJlht1n1 iuc -k. Fr. nk A ::ft'T• h w11 from Iha Newrort Pitt llfCoasl 8 • ·w 18 lllrqll llunU!llloQ Still -~.Part. • • ~. PhUlp lllil thin II tlw171 the Se. · • ' SSI t d. JIO!lfbWty thet" llilllll In OCllll currents l'Vlces '18 e cooild ....,. _.,. t11111111t aw11 1rom ~ ohonllnt, !IU thel dolo hafPl!I, we """1d be able lo reduce the aru of quarafltlnt:." FUllll'll rllll .,. llClitduJed Tburlday for Otllta "'-bualnt'se:ml!ln Frank A. Wish. who dltd Sunday, after oper1lin1 in the city for eight ye1r1. Mr. Wlsh, ol •u Drake Ave.; owned 4-~ Llquon, a largeii.wholesale and ntail firm al 141 Baker St., and leaves hill Wife Wanda, and a .!On, Robe.rt. Servk:el will bl Tburlday at.. 10 a.m .. at Balli! MortulJ'.Y, Costa Mua~ with interment to follow in 'Pacific View MenKria.I Park. Opposed to Violence NORTl!RIOOE,,Callf. (AP ) -Motl 11tudent1 at San Fernando Valley St.te Col.._e ft1l violent campu1 prote&ts are never ju1tlfltd, evt.n whei;i le11t rtm· edles art ubt.usted, 1 poll lnd.lc1tld to- Oce1n Ult, be noted, hi• been iffected by lhl pollullon. "lllpeclally lhellillh and cl11111: Pfckln& or harve!Unj of them Is pnihlbllcd. They muot be con- sidered contaminated." Person1 Who ICDott lhe swimminc and surCing ban, he aaid, art in-lll'ious danger ol oomtnc down •Ith a-number of dlaea~ea. They include typhoid ftver, salmol'lella, dysentery, hepatitis a·nd polio. I' Roof top Burglar Steals $385 dll,; • . ..oi1 conducted by the 11uc1ent From Mill Plant government, 78 petttnt of 4,099 1tud1nts \. laid they oppotcd vlol1nt protelb. "-4 roOflop bur&lar who .. vldenlly knew llf',lli l 'llt)I Ou.Ml COUf ftUILlltUHO C0M"ANY . ••~ N. W•e4 .. ,. .... .,.,. ""'!"*' .J•c• I. Ctrlty ..... "'"""" .,_. 11 ......... ""-"'"' • his way around tht plant broke into a millin1 cOmpany Mon<lay and stole l38S in hlddllj cllb, C..ta Mua police aaid today,. Lawrence Meyers, mana~ or Kasytr Roth Wfstem Milli, 929 Biker St., notified lnveau,aton after the hole wu discovered and the cash was found mlu- ing . The burQlar hid cut a small hole In a n\ttll door and falaipig tQ gain entry there, climbed to the roof 1nd made a lar1tr hole throulh which he dropped Into the plant office. Battery 1hop manager Barney E. Schmldl, 13' Colli M"a St., 11.0 lold polite Mond11 that a 'C:ar bu.r1l1r took SllO wwlh ol looll and equipment from a van parnct out.tldt bis borne. llonce P. Lint, 4111 E. ttlh St., alao rtported the l7S lhefl ol two pow .. und•n lrvm hll , .. .,., llfl open durlns a brief lrlp lo a n<llllborhood market Mooday-• r • ""°"' r.,. J COURTS .•. wtrt pl'lllftt lnvtstt11t1n1 1 cl!lld rno- l•t CUI lnYolvtng a 1J.ytat-old boy. 1'le Paynea .weni taken into cuatody Thuroday ~hi at their home antr an alleged ti deal lot oal• of ~ rwtlo ol l<l<Y fl --lealUrlnc unorthodo.I oou· pJ• and 1Hu1Uou-w11 con1um.tnatid. 'Ille unlilelltllltd lnthlllllot Involved conl11C1ltd JO mb ol mm 11 an lllesed $!lO purehue llrice, whll1 IJl m'"' were su_.ily to be dellvettd In thl 11,IOO purcbue . . . . ' IOld .1.1 mlllloq and !ount&fu Valley "lf 1llte funds don1t become avlll1ble Hunttnaton Beach Clty Eletftfntary Elementary '321,000, both Jan.-I this It very, delinllely will atop our con· District, uld he too Ill areatb' concerned ye·u-, and TUIUn Urllon HJ&h, '2.2 million !trucUon," said F'ouhtaln V a I I e y' a although hla dl.ltrict won't be .ewn1 Oii Feb. IG. Charle• A. Woodfin, 1uocl1te auperin-anolher loan until after July 1. 'But all three 1ale1 were to Bank tendent for bul1neu. It's been jus.t over a month since o1 America at a Oat five percent. How Mn. Jane Scott, buslneu manqer voters approved a $4.75 million bond l.0•1 Bank• of America wlll hold the of Copllltano Ulnlled Scho!>I Diltrlct, issue and alrlldJ be Is wwrled wbetller line, U indeed It 1Ull ii, ii ln doubt? said tl'leir $410,000 request for school it waa all for nauJh.l. But an even mort Mrioul matter of lite acqullltJon wu approvtd the month "This is a horrendous possibility that concernto aUlocal _IChooldlltrlclln:cept before, jn February. But the 11 worried we won't b6 able to ktfp buildin& Newport-Mesa and Laguna Beach Unified becau.5t the Allocation Board hasn't yet • schools,'' nld San Joaquln'1 NtrlJOn. sent out the money. Local di!ltrlcll bond theme:elvti up to is the ltate not belnr able to aen bonds. lfolllnashead, ol OCtan View, said his rive percent ol their usesaed .valuaUon All tiut thoH two wultby dlnrlcU1_ art tlistrlct'• rtqu~t in Marth tor 1 loan and then send the mocey to the ltate on a state school building Joan program. to furnish an!! equip two schools undtr to apply 1galnst thelr oldtst debt, he That means the state loans to the construcUon w1s tab!ld by the AllocaUon explained. Loan money for the current beftn11 Seml.aty Melvin R. Laird, announcing the reduction in B52 strikes, said in Washington the move was in line with orders from President Ni.Ion to trim defense cOlits. A1r fefte pUOll hive flown thousands of mislions Jn the eight-engine jets of the Strategic Air Command since thty were first thrown into the war on June 111, lK&. The planes can carry up ta JI toes of bombl. Six B5J miuion.t were nown Monday against targett northwest of Salaon and in tbe central hllhlands. ••hool dJ tr" •· lo bulld ch I Board.· year'• pronam thtn Is eent out by -• IC~ money I ... ff I . l nd t f . r Judge RuJe·s Draft . to keep pace with the &lut of populaUon. S. A. "Al" Mo el' auperin e en o the state. What 11 It doe111't come? In the 10-<alled bldroom commun!Ueo LeglilaUon hu been lnlroductd in L U · • J with • wealth of ochool children but De Gaulle in Paris Sacramento lo lncreaao the 1n1e .. s1 rote aw nconstllutJona , not mu_ch industry the 1tate loans can cellin1 from five percent to fJve and BOSTPN (UPI) _ A rederal judge be conslder1ble. For lnstance, state PAR18 ~ Prtlldent Ch&rlu on~·half perctnt. But bec1use It w~l today ruled the Selective Service Ac~ money bu fJnanced 12 pm:ant of school d~ Gaulle returned to Patla UU. mornln& require 1 chlnre In the State Con.UtuUon oI 1967 ii unconatltuUonil bt:cauae k COllllructlon 1o dale In Fountain Valloy. fl'Om jl/uhlnctoc whlro be attended the JI wlll have to be approved by •llll tau. lo irant d)'oll exemptjo111 1o thou And Fountain Valley alrtldy bu felt tuneral ~ former PrllJdtct Dwtabt D. voters, and that 11 • Ume cOlllllnilil& who are con1clentlou.s objectors on ncm· the effect ol state !allure March 5 lo Eloenhower. propolltlon It belt '""II°"' grounds. ~~ .~~ ~~~nii.!\r~"'f.~r.;: 1';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~.~,~,=~:=C::=:=O~. :?:1=1~A~-:r~1=·~,0-::~l~I-------;;; week for a loan to .purcha11 1 achoo1 slle Fountoln Volley was alloted 1 loken :~ii{i~... ·~~.!~!E~.d~~ .. ~.~ .. llf.~'~S Ju1Ullcation ror 1tndln1 the flthUnr men coolde1. ''They didn't bum their drll\ card!, they didn't Hnd lh1maelve1 over there and nel\htr dki we., but we think they're doln& UI proud," lhe 111d,-1pe1k· tns lot the 5kdd cookie bakeu and Colta Me11 merchantl wbo are work!nl on the project She aaJd· that the first ahlpment ahould arrive 1n Vietnam 1n Ume for armed forcu day. When tht cookies pt there, the commandtns ofllcoro will clve them lo the enlloled men In lhl name of the Coata Miii 101dlor In eoch unit "Somo of the boys who don't 11t any inlJI from home will a:tt a who!• can of cooklu \o pau around to their frleridl," lhe 1lk1. "That •IY. they'll i:J11)\t aomeont 11 thlnldna ol lhtm. •1 LOotlna around the huat. empty rvom • 1locked With Cltll, popcorn, Cindy, Ind cOoklts, Mn. Ollvtr aakl , "I've ,ot a 20-month old ton 1t home. I( peopl1 realized that, lhly ml&ht get down Ind help. t'vc a:ot • lot to do. Pf:6Ple ret tht cr1iy ldta that t•m • llttle old srandm1.·• Sht 10oked 1t a "ull ean I.hat once held • bottle ol whllkay, adorned with a hu1e bow on lop. "Can you lmqlnl 1 10ldler In a horrible pl1ce like Vleltlam opening aomethlng like t.Ns up?" ahe asked. .... All Top Cj)uallty and Brand New · A Decorator's Dream Home ls On Display Over s100,ooo 1Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Items •• followt: &org""' I ft, cutfom quilt.d sofa with ••,,.r•t• pillows with hH1 Hk trl,. Jecor orwl matchlnt chair, J metchlrtt .. 1r occa1ional fablt1, II 21 I" tall .d1cor1ter limp" h1t19lnt chain IWll ltm'• In wfev9ht iron, an l-JllllH• kll'l9 ,,,. ma1fet Atff'"'" 1wlto In pHan peMIM MHlferr1nM11 dyfa •Ith ftp ~ueltty II years warranty •1119 tlu '""'"' 1rwl Mic all'f'lnt•· Spenl1h "'"'"' ....... . Arry Jlllltca Uft k ,,.,..._, .. fMl.Wually. Or.pi by 1ruf ••• our 1alacflon •' .. , ..,..n1y s, .. 1.i. IH Mo411orrlftMO i,.;.11u ... ' • 1 ..... 11 .. 11y fl'lc•dl . COMPLITE HOUSIAIL WAS UGUAILY $1521.00 ldUIT IACllPICI llOI ONLY At trAllOR IOUliYAlD '698°0 TlltMS -WI CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • f " I ' l"""'f,. Aprlrl, 1969 ($) ' ' IY IJ€1 Frosh ~ Mor~ ldeali.stic Thitn M '¥'LLIAl'4-- --=--__ _ • • • By THOMAS FO!\TUNE That L< tiie ,P1cture ibat emerges for REED '" llf ti!' 1111' ,..., hllf a majority of UCl1 entering freshmen ' At the i&e ,W '18 btlSfl)ess ls an un-surveyed by the Amei'ican Coilncil of Reeds ••• In the· Wiftc1 1 , ... . - • ,> Lej\ders 'of Huntington Beach governm~t and civic groups today broke ground !DL.<:Onstnictlon of the cif;y'f .·~\V ·. civic·· center. Momenta later;_ .ther. tµmed the first• earth for· constrUction of the huge, civic auditorium. Later they toured the new in- dustrial complex on 'Go th a r d' Street. The 'new facility, attracted to the city through" the combined efforts of the city and Chamber of Commerce is expected to employ. 7,50Q workers and add about $1 million to the city's •ales tax revenue. tblllkibie.career, Education last fall.• OnlY ttree-percent o1 'freshmen w._ Reswli.s, wlth comparisons to natiooal entered UC Irvine .this year from hJgb norms, recently have tw:en·tabulated by echool want to eater bnsi"i* the campus Slddent AffaJJ'I. Office. 1.......i.. .. nu the·-........ umber ol. th Students responded to nearly 209 ques-· ..... ~. ..-~· ~ , , em Uons on their ba<:kgro~s. atUtuaes and list bulinessman al .their father s OC· ambitions. • Hei::e are some of the cupati•. 1 • •• _ , highligl>ts: Jn their aWtudel and tarte.(1 ambitions -« percent of UCI freshmen averaged UCI fl'tlbmeo are even more Kleallstie A grades in high ~I. Only 21 percent than eoijege ,freshnien, elsewhere among did so n'a.tionwlde. Twice as mil!)'. 3t a b,i&hlY" idealistic gene.ration. . _ UCI belm:iged to a blgh-schoor scholastic .-Comh!I fro,m alfl"""t. homesl\iey ~on't honor society -IS percent compared think JQllCh "--'Jsomething -1n ~ it for to 37 percent or the national norm. me". when •• ~ a career: Rather -UC! freshmen planned in greater they are altruiStic. • -numbers to wort toward advanced • I Of course, only an April Fool would believe that--these things~ have happened. These civic im- provements are still just dreams. Perhaps only an April:Fool expects, that they will ever happen. But, I'm just. that today, S<> for a few Jines be an April fool along with me and we'll take a look at our city. First of all, we .have today ir\ office a group of cou°"' Cllnien who-are noted -for their decisiveness. For instance, when the c1vtc center pian Came up. they· im- mediately ordered steps which led to the groundbreaking today. The industrial complex was accepted when the chamber l1fficials sug· gested that some concessions by the city would make it a reality. Construction of the c i v i c auditorium, certainly a con· troversial issue, -was ordered when the city administrator pre~ented hi.s_ report showing the proj.ct to be financially feasible.-Even the administrator, used to being a man of action, was astoU]lded at the decisiveness of the council.. Over in the oil fields, blight has been removed because of a determined effort by the city, back- ed by the council which recenUy imposed an oil production tax and then earmarked the money for oil 1i,eld cleanup. The rust and junk of years of oil production is gone now and . -where wells still exist there is con· &iderable pressure for putting the pumps and equiPment un· derground. · Demands by the public will leave Huntington Beach as a city with no overhead uWity wires. Some times ago, residents told coun· cilmen and owners of•the utility companies to either unde-rgroo.nd the wires of face loud and con· tinuous public outcry. Of course the uility compariies insisted that underground.ing is im· possible but they started to dig in a direct 'ratio to ·1the amount of public outcry. The downtown area is neat and clean today,_ ibanks to a t_e_allsti~ urban renewal project, fin"'nced mostly with private funds anrt aid· ed by a small federal funded proj- ect. Again, only an April Fool will believe that these things can ha~ pen in Huntington Beach. Today, like yesterday, is marked by in· decision, ordering of J11.0re studies and split political alignments. , The civic center problem exists tp Ure extent that no one can say with any certainty where the C]l!;nter might go. I ri du s tr i a 1 development is tbe n{lme of a dis· tant goal and anyone who would. use the words ·"urban renewal" fe<leral .or private, is suspect. ! Perhaps what is needed is the 00.d.ition .. of a few April Fools to t~e governing bodies of not-°9nly tbe city, but of the school districts as well. 'With its myriad of committees. bbards and such, the~e ?s much ~m for all the April Fools to hj!come inyoiyed in the city and schools and perhaps to bring about some of their foolish dreams. Who kbows, an April Fool might just ~ able to shower enough spurs tel action that flowers might be planted around a new civic center iq some May to come. Valley Trustees I :flan .M;eetings of the FounWn 'VineJ School ave tcbeiluled board meelinp UQ<lay a n a SitUi'aif at I h e E4ucalloo center, 1 Lightbou>e Lane. ""-Thunday meellng will be held alj7:30 p.m. and the Saturday -11ni at,9:30 a.m. Included on .the ag<nda -approval of : plans for a n~w acbool site and a ..,..p11terized lnM>ctioo program. ·- Beating Student Crowds Some students vacationing for Easter Week b'Jve figured out bow to beat the mobility problem along Orange Coos! beachlronts by .em- ploying pedal-power. Demonstrating are Mike Pomeroy, 19, an Orange Coast College student and Teresa Myers, 18, from U<; Irvine.. Family Service Croup Will .Open Beach Office • Family Service Association will ·open coun.seling offices in· Huntington · Beach in the first part of June with one counelor ·and a secretary, officials ot the Counsel- ing. Center announced today. Present. plans call for opening the facility about June 1 1i\ely in the Town And Country Shopping Center _on Beach Ex-Marina High Gls in Vietnam To Get Goodies Former Marina High School students .now battling it out in the jungles · o( Vietnam will 900n recei ve a coffee can or goodies, from Huntington Beach. The three-pound tins will contain everything from soap to ca ndy, including heavy socks, beef jerky, Kool-·aid, magazines-and shoe string pqt.atoes. Stuffing the cans for the Gls will be members of tbe Marina Spanish Club who have raised mooey for the project through various drives, ·including an ~egg sale~ . "rle purpose of "the project isn't just to send some niceUes to fill in their supply list, but to 3end some things that can be shared and which might tlft their spir:ita," said Lois Cole, presi· dent of Uie club. Anti-sub Reserve Group Sets Flight 'lbe fin¢ reserve carrter anU-subo marine air group on the West Coast will ·fly from Los AWnilOS Naval Air Station bel!inning today, offlciai Qf the West Orange County Naval air station anriounced. Carrier Anti..ubmarine Air Group IO became an eJement ol. the Navy's reserve ·air arm during ceremorues tlib: afternOon with Rear Adm. William S. Guest as gu.sl of honor. C.pl. IJoyd D. Ruth, Los Alamitos base commander 1 &akl that the change will 1ignillcanUy tnhance the mobWza· lion capabilities of the Naval Air Reserve. Boulevard .south of EJ!is t\Vf!nue. The Community Che~ plans to allot $5,000 to the local office of the non-pro!it, independent organization offering pro- fessionaJ, social work counseling focused on developing full and creatNe family life. Stan Dorst, head of the .Counseling Center group, said the announceme·ot culminates t\l.'O years or work to bring counseling services to the city. The group started with plans to convert the old offices of lhe Holly Sugar Co. at Main and Gothard streets for ~el· ing offices, but that building i!i now used by the Community Action Council as a Community Center and by the cou nty Probation Department for local offices. Counselors in the Family Service -Association program aid families to .come to grips with their problems through discussion. Problems relating to Public .health. religion, medicine, law, education and other fields touching fainily . life ·ai:e referred to agencies dealing with specific problem areP.s. • Fees cha;,·ged by F_amlly Ser;vice are bas.;:d on ability of the person to pay and can be waived for those unable . . to pay. "In answer to the present day pressures and tensions placed on every individual, Family Serv_ice Association will continue to center its attention on the· 90lution of family problems to Pro- mote wholesome, nonnal famlly living. "lt recognizes as a sign of strength, not weakness the effort made to seek out aid far a family problem when ordinary solutions are not eUective," according to Dorst. 'Three Dog Night' Slated in Valley Big time rock comes to Fountain Valley High School April 11 with the appearance of "Three Dog Night" in the school's gymnasium. . The nationally acclaimed band f r om Los Ang~es will keep the siudents en- "tertained from B p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tickets priced at SS will be available -to any high school student at Fountain Valley1 Higb's financlal office. Remaining tickets will be 10ld ot the door on the evening of perfonnance for 13.50. ' . degreei Only -u -t ;planned to pemnt; d1lcilUed ,plltlea, A percODI. -Olfiltt.-~ .JO~ I baclieiar' ..__ no.... Fewer than the natlooal D«ID -11oww; 1uo llllD ......... -~-Ol' • 1 ---~,,,, spor11, n per<ent; bod voc:atieeai stron1l1 dellre to lioomM ""'"' Mr to 38 percent ilalioowlde. Thlrty...,vtn -1tnl, IS peroe!!I; omnged a date leaden, lt-peroeal; ba •!'"''""'' ..... ~t aimed for a master's ' degree, IOI'. aliouW -t, 10 pertell!. ~. 11 -*. or V""I "'8 25 .pereeol lor·. PhD and II percent -UC! freatunen lludents were lets offfinanclally, I(...-. . lo< a MD. ' likely than lheir oaUoo-peen In -UC! --to ba lllata1 -Esllmated J>ll'l'lls' lDcome per year that last hlCh IChool year to .,,,.U, ~liberal In their aldt1llle8, Jet wilt Is 1110re thin' 110,000 for 71 percent six pemnt .,..pared to H pemnt, quite oo oympathellc to the probJ of ucr ~ 111<tts the maJOr ~ .. drink beer,, 11 _, to 13 percenL .of the dludvanteaed as the ~ of Pl)'ll!enl for lheir education for 12 Tbey aJse were leot ·likely to attend. groop. A higher percentaaO In eadl - percenL °'!ly five percent checked major a "1lgjotl& .... ..,, ll "°"""'' ,to 11 fell· marijuana -~ q.u...i, a coocern aboul financlnc their education. percent. . percent; student publica -noC -llurinjr ~, aen1or year in ~h -More 10 than elsewhere Uc l be regulated, 13 -11 !the college scbool. UCI ftuhmen -• m°"' m-iresbmen are ideaii81lc, wl!)I 91 -t tias:no right to bin opeakert,;71 percenL tellec:tiial than Di011. "Iii greater· pelC<I> indlcallni cl!veloping a philolopby of • Yet, fewer !hon the nolfinal"norm. lag'es than the national norm they argued Jjfe· to be a IJlajor goal ol their education, feit·coltegeo-bave hem ~·Ju <11 .- with a ~cl>tl' in claas, 13 ,JN!!'C<!lt: 25 ,percent wpling to belp olherl in_ prole!I, .-per.em;. mll'>:belleii!d Ibo tutored.another slud"'!t.12 percent; read diffiCUlty, and 13 perceirt, saying an Im· disadvantaieil "'°"Id be' gtt.en pniforred ~ DOI required fdr a course, .)t goal ii keeping up• with· politlcal treatment, 16 Fol. . Girl Scouts Paeers and Trojans lJecome ~EMS T~o V al·ley: Basket~all ,~ Huntington . 'l:if"'4'41% Ci<!i!IOG!ti Seoul.< from . Hlll!liOston Beach's Troop llO live been . . ' graduated from the Good Emergency Motl"""SubslltWs (GEMS) p-am. - ,.,,,. girls w.ere laughl by Mft. ~'I'" · W)lte, a meml!er· of the Wintens Aux- . Wary-of the .. Orange •OoanSy ' Medical . Anoclaiioo. 'fbe1r seven week coune ·1ocluded !rto sltuctlon in child care, acddeot preveii. tJon, mooth to mouth resusitation· alld emergency procedures. Graduates of the GEMS .Jl'OP'lm. are K,;,, Abrahamson, Pam Allard, Michelle Baker, Carol Beeman, Susan ~t, · L<!JiioJ!!'l'l!!DI ~bbie <;<>lemon; Nancy Dvlln&, Ge'ri, Gallagher, Yvette .H'8""' an1Mllm,Jabmon. , · . Also, incblded · in the gradlallng c:lua were, .W$1dy Lake, Anna ~ Deoiie·MacAllliter, Caroline~ l!iinO· Morray, Allilon· Myers, Mlcbele=o Noe:1, J °"""" Oak!oo and Sherry OJaoo, Cindy Pear«, Belly Reed; JJnis' Sawjer 1 Arlene Sclawartt, Terri Sniith and Jan 'Walton Olao coinpteeld tbe ·pro- gram. Title Teams · Due Horio ,rs ' iliay.rs and ccoches ·of two cbalnplon FounWn V~y ~ ~utball teams "111-be bonorOd al ·7:30 ,p.m..April S3 by the Parb. and ·~ coin- mlalon. · Both teamso'nPresentinr:tlie Foontaln Valley JJmior 11.iaketbiill LtagUe, pooled 'victories In the · finala "" ' the Moreb HOMEGroupsets Cris President -,.--...--·---~. -' . ' . 21-12 Orange County e·h amp I on • h lP. tournament at Costa Mesa High School. The M;,....·Pm," ...;;__,·of fjllli and .alJlh .""'" .~~~ School, polished. oft • le4m from ~ lington Beach »13. >-• " . <>ranee County cbampions 111. the seventh and eighth grade diviskm 'WJft the F It 1 Troiano from Fitz ~'!I~ downed 8 Fullerton \eam 35-25, I • ' ' Coach Bob Prugh guided the tive Pacers, while the Fib team W81·cMrNd by Bill FOi!<!. .. . FounWn Valley's third l!lllrlnl; ;tile Tamura Tiger!, made up of ~ -4 fourth grade boys from T&IJ!ll"t Schoo~ faDed to mate the fina1a ~ ·,..r,. Cr!J C. Cris was. elected ·lo · the They,_. -ng' CIJOllll!' ~ presidency of the HnuUngton .. Beach under !be ~Pol Cllrla:Sc ll!J!Wr, HO~. Council, Saturday -night durtpg Slanley Stalfotd; Mrlll'and m dim •-e1ectton and inaWlalion of of. iltjlortmelil ~. i8id all .......... ficm meeling al the Seaclifl,Country In jlle junior -.&ball leapwv-cn- Club. a vohmtary bull. Other officers are Bill Bruney, vice League play ran from early January president; An Colona, treasurer; and to· mid-March. 'I1le county finals In a.ta Bob· BN>wn, secretary. All represent Mesa 'involved more than II teams ID homeowner auoclaUooa 1n the city, three age divisions. ~~--=~~~._..:~~--~~- ·1· . . ; _; .;.._ . . GET • OF WHAT .1-,COUNTI " • ·-• I . AND LOAN ASSDCIATIDlll IMPORTANT: Do11neJ SaYinp pays daily -without 1lf'/ time ..irldlonl. This -,_ ._, - int....t from the dlto -to the dale~ • No.._ uiitil' the ond of Ille cp"91f lor 1111 .._... hilhest intonll me • at Downe, Savinp! l!tmi! IN l tlliST COUNTS A FREE SAFE DEPOSIT COUNTS . .._Int.In $500.00 « "'°" ii,_. Open t lhtnp ICtOllfll StMt 1 ..... ...-« 1.winp ICCOlllrt •nc:l l't 1 N for $1 .00orllMlt9.Aa1 tt1n•J1DU1,....,tD ~ .. ,. dtpOllt box. lt'I pod ..,.,.,.. CUltoftW, )'Otl Cltlpt $wlnp. ~ Ill fNe to Pf'*Ct knpofttnt .net w._.,.. ,,.. not.rl:cifl1 of """'r Trawilerl Ct-.,_ to•• -..................... ...--.......;;;;, ....... ...,_.....,._ MON 'J'AK mon1y tD ~ kl protect ,._.. 1s f c ... -~ .. ---.,..-' . . MAIN OFFICE: 8830 FLORENCE ~VEN:UE, DOWNEY F\JUEllTDff NEWPORT llfAClf --13910 ~ Blvd. 2481 £.Chapmon AVll. ''2043 Walct(ff Dr. .. PfNINSU\A CENTER MISSION V1t10 19 Peninsula Center ~·""" ~ .............. ,.. f'alol~Peninsllla .,_,.,., --,..._I • -.. ~-' ' . . -.,. • I I L I 1 I I 1 , • 4 ~!;)' PllOT Tuttd11, Aptll I, 1969 ~_...:.___-Worst Me Xi co Mine Disaster Traps, 15-0 1,000 Workers Scratch With Bare Hands in Vain Rescue Attempt . ' ' . ec... ••. ., .. Ofllr .... ,,..., ' Dorotby.H\lfchinson of Doncaster. Eng!and1 knew eucUy what sbe wanted trom her.father for an en· gagement ·present: A pop star. II seemed a silly. idea to busines.s director George Hutchinson · lPJtil his daughter explained the singer would be a business investment for her and her policeman fiance. Dorothy is now 25 percent owner of ''P.,-.grine Caruthers.'' "[ think he bas tremendous talent," Doro- thy said • •• Thieves who broke into a wine warehouse in Melo, France, two 'veeks ago used a wheelbarrow to carry · a sale containing $8;4-00 In cash and checks to a waiting car. T.Aey ,returned last weekend and used the same wheelbarrow to trun .. · d.le aw;hy a newly-installed safe cohtaihlng another $2,4-00. , . l1UEV A llOSITA, Malco (UPI) - Gu up!oelcmo· rll'l*f deep inlldo two rural coll mlnol MOlldl1 Digit~ lrapplog ...,. ,than JIO men imdersr<>uod. AD were feand dead today la Malco'• f wont mine dlwter. "They .,.. trapped but .. -don' think tbere, ll a chance for them," llld Ra!atf Coatroru, an ollldal spakmnan for .tho ...... opttatod by the ......... 1- flnanced AllOI Homo1 Steel Com-. At Jeut 1,000 w.ltll'I --,,_. and ch1ldren -ac:ratcbed with their bare bands and shovtls lo try lo ......, ·the !rapped miners, who loll«! lot 124 a month. Mine olficlall were ·not ...,, bow maJJJ Navy-Studying .New Submarine . Missile System WASHINGTON. (AP) -Sec:mary John H. Cbafee dllclooed lod&y tho Navy la COMidering a new long-ranse IUbmarint missile system to meet the lncreulng threat from the Soviet Unloo la lbe lt'IOI. Chai .. told the HllSle Armed -Cmnmlttee ol plans fer the. new, 111ultl- bUUen dollar 11ysteln1 even u wort is beginning lo convert the flral of ·31 ba~ listic miMUe submarines from the Po- larla lo the .... multl·warbead p,.e1. don. HiJ tesUmony was given to a closed committee · aeulQp but wu made pub- lic. , Chafee said, "II ls quite clear that the Soviet Navy preoenla a -and grow- ing threat lo oor conllnuacl aupremacy on the sw," Including a nuclear ~eat that "bu grown m·ore ·raplilly tbln ex- pec1e11,·both·1Jrquallly and number:"- He cjtod the pooslbllity ol an utenslve Soviet antisubmarine warfare effort against the U.S. fleet ol 41 P.WU and Poseldpl submarines and said, "In prep- aration for such &Met efforts. we are Children in Bellvue, Wash., honor examining a Jonger-range_111bmartne General Eisenhower by flying their launched missile aysterp." · camp flag at half mast. The kids, mort: 'lbe new system, called the Undenta observant than they seem, set up camp ' i.ong ~e ~ ~m. (ULMS), ·IS in a neighborhood backyard .-thf!n planned for bitnitiictlon' In the 1ate tl70t, fashioned a flagpole /tom a broken Cbafee Aid, adding: '!The ULMS subm• ·bramh to· fly the flig at th• campsit•-. -ri-._ld ead! becarmecl wtt1i-a·1arre e number cif balllsUc missiles." Tb e Automobile Association's Book of France, published In Lon- don, believes that lots of water, m .. side and out, is the antidote for too much alcohol In case of hangover the book suggests: "Lots· of water before you sleep and when you wake, breakfast and a brisk wall< aft.er a cold shower." --.... Israel Thwarts .4.rahian 'Attempt To ~low Up Bani{ Jim Lubkin, 19, of Gillette, Wyo., , • sold bis shoulder-length hair for AnU·larael demonstrations bolled llIM!W $250 Sunday to benefit the Camp. today In oocupled ar.., of the Middle bell County Easter Seal drive. A Eut ·and !Jraell leellrl\f forees """ local barber trimmed bis locks be-llOUllCOd Ibey llad lolled a plot by Arab fore a cheering crowd at the annual .guerrlllaa lo blow up .one of the larg .. t Easter Seal Jamboree. bal\b In the Jewiab lllate. ~ • In Nablul, largea. d\f on the west bant of the Jordan RJver, a group of 120 Arab acbooll!r!I joined women oc- cupying municipal offices In an anU• Iara<ll llt-ln. Israeli offlclals reported_ two Israell minen were wOrkini tnitde the mines -aome u deep as 1,eoo feet -When the 1u bJUts collapsed them. COnfreras Nld 1lO men were trapped. _._JtocioUo Rodrlguez. a· Coahuila state government ofticlal, aaJd the" figure was 157. 1'They were all buffed. There's nothing we can do not but try to uncover their bodies," said Gtrardo Martinez, a min.et who had dozens of friends among the trapped men who tolled insic!e the mines about 70 miles southwest of Eagle Pass, Tex. Contreras said 1,000 rescue workers -Red Cross workers, soldiers, Mexican peasants ~d other miners -tried desperately to save some of tbe tarpped . . men. The nilne aUiclal said the m~ en- trances to the mines were covered witlt smoking debris. "But they found an opening into one of the t;n.ines," Contreras said. "It's not the main entrance and we're trying to cse it to get below," It was Mexico's worst mine disaster and was believed the worst such tragedy in North America s1nce May 19, 1928, when 195 men perished·in a gas explosion in a mine at Moweaqua, Ill. The worst previous mine disater in Mexico occurred in 1939, when 67 men were killed at '1 Palau In Coahlllla state. Tbe latal bl&sls collapoed tlie No. 2 and No. S min., oulslde 'tW northern Mexican village of llO. The explollon site wu about 175 ·mlltl • ncl'thwest of Monterrey, ¥ei:lc0, · and 100 mllea southwest ·of San Antonio, Tex. Martinez iaid he WU .not ~d' when the e~foslona, caused ~ ~eta o1 deadly methane ·gas, rocked the tiny Mexican mining territory. He said the explosions could be he8rd 10 miles aWay. "Nwnber 2 mine caved tn. and then a series of smaller uplo,,ions followed in number S. caving it In, too," the miner said quieUy. ' Two planes l~aded with· medical sup- plies arrived early today from " Mexico City,• about _IOO miles-aw a;y. Investigations into" the explosions wert started immediately. Ooe mine officlal faid the bOdies of seven miners we~e blown out of the mines by the force of the.ga.< blasts. The miners, niost of them with ramUies lived in a tiny mining enclave of Barr~an, which has a pbpulatlon of about MO: The miners earned ao average of 300 pesos -SU -a month. The coal they mined was_ shovt:Ied onto trains and taken to the Altos Hornos Steel Plant in nearby Monclova. Takes Rights Case Supreme Court Supports --U~funs_.()n-Work Quotas, UPI TalePhat. MAMIE EISENHOWER WEEPS DURING FUNERAL SERVICE Unable to Hold Back Tears in Washington. National Cathedr1I Words Over Ike Casket: 'I've Folsf._ght Good Fight' . ~ By LOUIS CASSELS WASHINGTON (UPI) -The \yords of St. Paul were read o~er pwlght D. Eisenhower's casket: ''The time Or my departure has come. I have fought the gOod fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faiU1 ." and ceremony. It was exactly the kind of funeral Ike wanted -which was not surprising, since he helped plan it months before his death. . .-. Fna. Wire Se"lcea-' WASHINGTON -Tbe Supreme Court uiEeJd today the right of unions lo punish -wbo go over prvcluclion quotas. . . ' In a major civil' rights move, the Friends Feel · Mamie Unli)iely To Go Home WASHING TON (UP!)-Mamle Eisen· · bower's plans· are uncertain-as she" -fat'eS life without her beloved Ike, but she is not likely to go home ag~in to live at their Gettysburg, Pa., farm. "She has decisions to make," said Edgar Eisenhower, 80, brother·in-law of the former First Lady. "So far, she hasn't made any.'' Mrs. Eisenhower's close family plan- ned to broach the subject during their sad journey aboard the funeral train carrying her famous husband's coffin to his burial site on the plains of Kamas where he grew up. Though sbe may not return to the fann, Mamie .will probably take her- time in leaving it. The terms of her hus- band's will gives her slx months and she'll probably not depart for 11at least three months." · Mrs. Eisenhower's son John, newly appointed ambassador to Belgium and his wife Barbara have been urging her to join them in Brussels when they move to their new embassy home soon. Europe is not new to Mrs. Eisenhower. She Jived in France for several years when Eisenhower was supreme comman- der of the NATO forces. Shattered by tile death of her husband of 52 years, Md, Eisenhower has not been able to concentrate on her future. Her longtime friend, Washington hQ&t- ess Perle Mesta, however, is convinced from recent conversations with Mrs. Eisenhower she will move back to Wash- ington, perhaps renting an apartment in an older hotel where she resided during World War IL court agreed to declde whether Negroes have a right to use private all-white community parks and swimming pools. 11>e court declined to accept for contract between the union and the com- challenge of state laws prohibiting strike.s by public employes. Specifically, the court in a brief orqer. dism!Med an _appeal b:t a group ()£ garllagemen convicted o£ contempt of court d~ a 1968 New York City walkout. · '"Ille appeal is dismissed for want of a properly presented federal ques· tion," the order said, Fi1Ung or even expelling piece workers who exceed production quotas set by the unioh is a matter o( internaJ policy_, not forbidden by ~-federal 1ab<lr 13.w, the court Wd 1 to 1, in the Union case. The dedsion, given by Justice Byron R. White; dealt ·with quotas set by the United Auto Workers Union (AF'UIO), at the Wisconsin Motor Corp.. in Milwaukee. Four m11chine operators were tried b:v the uffion and fined • $50 to $100 and were suspended from the union f<lf a year when it was found that they, and other members, bad exceeded the production ctilin" for piece workers. Half the productioo workers at the plant are paid oo a piece work or incertlve basis. The union rule. en- forceable since 1944 by fines and ex· pulsioo, allows members to produce as ;much as they like each day but sets a ceiling rate for how much pay they may draw on a particular day. Their overproduction is "banked" by the corn· pan:v and wages due for It are paid to the worker on days when the pro- duction ceiling has not been reached. The average piecework rate 1 S recognized in the collective bargaining contrac tbetween the union and the com- panv. nie ceilini{. rate. set bv the unioo. is 45 to 50 cents above the nonnal "machine rate." Wisconsin Motor Corp . .has regularly urged the union to abandon the ceiling. Nevertheless, Justice White said, "if the company wants to require more work of its emoloyes, let it strike a better bargain. The labor la·ws at presently drawn .will nOt do so tor it." 'Ille pace-settling d'lvil rights case com· es from suburban Fairfax County, Va .. where a Neivo family rentiniz a house from a white family was forbidden tn . When the posters went up on High Street the eyebrows in the market town of Thrapston, Eng- land went even higher. Under· neath a sketch of a Mked man m~a ~~was-the caption: "Nothing on? See you at the an- nual parish meeting. We can't guarantee a strip, but at lerut you can· air your views." The first views aired were those of the parish COU'1tcil w h i ch de- manded the posters be taken down. They were but attendance at the meeting was doubled. soldien were wounded, one of them -aeflOijjly, MOOOay night when their aiiny vehicle hit a mine at a refugee camp in downtown Gaza. lsraeli authorities impcsed a temporary curfew in the area between Israel and the Sinai Desert. Mamie Ei1enhower, drained of emo- tion, had sat through the funeral servii;e with ilOfc Composure until the ReV. F.dward R. L. Elson, her Presbyterian pastor, read the passage Crom St. Paul's second Jetter to Timothy. It must have eounded to her - as it did to ,others in Washington National Cathedral -like sometblng Ike might have said. It gave one an eerie feeling to know he had specifically requested J. Faure's fa ffious hymn, The Palms. Did he have some Kind of premonition that he would die two days before Pal m Sunday - the one season· of the C,'hristian , year when the hymn is appropriate? "I am sure she will not go back to the farm," said Mrs. Mesta. -"What'-would- .she do there?" tl!!: the-subdivisioo's--r·e·c r-e-a-t-l·o-n:a·J--- facilities . Few details were released on the plot to bomb the bank, but Israeli security 90UrCeS said the scheme was uncovered wtth the arrest and questioning of 15 members of the Al F\•tab guerrilla orpnlzaUon. She cried a little, quietly. Iler ·son, John, gently patted her hand. It was a simple, dignified funeral, long on CbrisUan hope, short on pomp March Exits Like a Lamb . . Calm and Dry Weather Throughout Most of U.S. California tn Los Anotltt .. r.c1 vlc!"ltr', II .., .. , falr w!l!I 11tu•I mor"lM li>W clovd1. The hlth fl'm~r1tvre wa1 14, dl!W!I two clell"ftS rrom Mond1v'1 lnt •lmum. Thert wat 111111 smot In the Lat Anvtleos ~II", e"thft "",.. mo.tlV 1un""' •lrtr '"°""'1,.. <klud• etnlrl•ltd. Hl'th ,.,,,. ,,_•lvret wtr• '*' 6J -4111 w•ter •I ... Meountalm ~'' fair af>d mlld wllrl ~Ullv t>OrltoWftl w!ncts t l>d fl!t h tfm- Pll'~Ur" rt"91"9 ffOl'I) .SW:. II COl'lllnued w•rm '" dtMrl '"'- 11 i-r Wlf.tY m1rlmum1 "",.. ""' ,5 •l!d \IPPfl' Ylfll1' l\ltfl l'ltlr II). Moll 1-_.. b\lff9ted by I UJIY w1nd!J at 1wlft • IO mlJl.s aft fleour. $Ornl lllflhs MorideY '"" foreu1t 1n1xlmu1N ._V lnclUISH i.-k lCll "'""" ~..-. MOl'lkl ""4. eurb91'k 11- 7$, Mount Wllllln 11-4'1, 11'11"od11f 11· to, Rl ...... 110s 7~71 Ptlf!t Sllrltltt ~ tS, (11~er1lltld Jl..7,f,• S.11 Oleoo T.1•11, IM S.lltt ll•rtl"• Jut. co.,tal Low (Ul\111 fot '" It,. rftOl"l\1,,. houn Wit!! ,..,., IUlllhl~ tl'lll Int<• _,,_ Wl!ld1 ~...,.,.,., 10 • It ~l'>Dll. 'T"..S.'t'1 hltfl, fl ID ,,, Y•d•t<l11'"1 ""-'•lllm r • 11 ••II from • lllOll Ill t.e 11 1 IOW of IA. I~ !.tl'ld "-tr11\1re ''"" Wll '' ltf JtL ,,,. w11ir tlmM.1'911#1 -• • t rm, S•M, llf_,., Titles TUltlAT S4(o!ld '°" .............. t:• '""· •. , *" llloh ............. 1111'"'·1.1 Fl,.I k1W ............... , t :J2 1.m. I .I f"lr11 lllth .............. t:~ '·""· '·' ~ IOW ..... ., •• , ... , 2:21 t .rn. I.• SfQlM llltfl ............. t10I •-"" .. . "'-1111 ... S1'8 '""" 1911 J:06 1.r11. SVll .... 1;411.fft, Siii •:i' J,ftl. ... "'· . u.t •. .... ......... AM. t Nf, 1• Air. >I V.S. Summ•rv w"""' K-"" "'''°" w11 1;.11111 '"" dry too.y_ ''°'""' ICfl\'\lv ••• -llllltfllf. with Jnt!Pl,.!llft llMIMCI l'Nlllf)' .. lltM ~fft ti'le~tllldtflW lll'lfl'rlftl fllk• ., -ll'IVl'ld ""' -""""flrft o .... t LKl't ~loll. Tf1'!111ttt111,i'" In h NlltPft MIF f1I "" c..1""1 w.rll'lld •lltttllly .,,., -•Mtt111t <Old MO!ld11<, S-fll 11'111 d•V'• -llwl. -2 bllDW 11 JI, Ci-, M111ft., "11'ftvt f It Ml~ -1111. S It Mitdl_,, Wit., , ti DIJ. bvtl>I, \Ollrt, 10 11 MDllrot. UL. 11111 14 ft SWiii kl'lll. Ir.cl. Gl't(W l"Olb, N.D .. 111C1 All~1!1drll, MIM., •l'IClld M1~h ""'"" .... 01n11 fll ·-· Ttt111r'1 ff11r "'°'"'"' 1t1n111:r1tur11 ''"""' from 1 •I Old TOWll. MJ.lnc, te 1! t i El 11'.tl<O, Tt~. '" "" ,,.,., •• , .. 11o1, $111, G4'0~ Mu!'"Ph\I, lt-C..111., Mid '9<-'lf ftood1 In hl1 lflll Ml't "Olll of !ht -•I d! .. 1Mon.• •vtr •lltftl'ld ""'·· '.l'etnper•tur"• "'"""""*""'" Alld'lorttt A!I•"'" 9alt•rtf!ffl (ll1M1rdr; eo111 ·~"" Chk aoo C111Clnn1ff Clt-<fl•nd .,_, ...... _ ... ~, Eu/'111;1 .. ,,_,,, •m~ ·-Hol'IO!u!v k CIOISlon IClnstl C'llv Llf V ... t l• A119'1111 Ml1ml MllwtUllM Ml"-11' ....... Orlf•lll N-Y9" Nortt'I Plitt. 0.~l•fld °"''"' P11m ~. PIMI lld>ift Pfl1J"911>1111 ,,_, Plm bu1'1191 P1rf11NI lllHld C!tv llM i!llul'I ·~ ltcrtlnl'lllo $1. LOlilt $1tlMI s.11 L»:1 c11, S.n Olt11o 4 1n Fi1t11C-!Ke S.'lla fllrtllr1 $"411~ Sl>clll111r T-• \.'f'tilllftfllfl )·- fll1h l-Pnl. ... .. " ,, .. " .. ., " ~ u " " " " " .. " " " n .. " . " " " " n ~ " .. " ~ " ~ ~ " .. n ~ ... .. " " • n • " " .. " ., ~ ~ " " " " " ,, " " ~ " .. .. ., • " .. u .. " " " " " tt .. " " " .. ,. " " .. ., .. ,. " " ., " " " u • u " ' ... ·" .~ ·" ·" .., The Palms is "not a funeral dirge. It is a lilting, joyous hymn of trust in the love of God manifested in Jesus Christ. While it was sun g by the cathedral's famous choir, Eisenhower's flag-draped casket was-brought to the place of honor in the ~rossing. It was 4:52 P.M. EST when the dean (If the Episcopal cathedral, the Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, spoke the opening words of the sen1ice, taken from Christ's last supper promise to hi~ dif'iples: "l am the resurrection and the life . , . he that believeth in me, though he' wei·e dead, yet' shall he live." The 2,000 in vited guests had started arriving in the high vaulted Gothic church more than an hour earlier. One · of the first to take his place, in a front row sept, was. President Charles de Ga ulle of France, Near him sat King Baudouin of Belgiurh and the filla h. of Tran. There were many other foreign c:hiefs of sta te, so~ many Uiat fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson found himseU protocalled all the way back to the sixth row. Eisenhower had stipulated th at there be no eulogy, and in the strict sense, there \l.'asn't. But Dr. Elson managed to turn his pastoral prayer into a vi!hi cle fo~ saying the same kind of things he might have said in a eulogy, "We thank thee, Lord , for thy servant ~ight David, for hls goodly heritage'. his goodly parents, his boyhood home ~nd early training," Dr. Elson said. We tha nk thee for the nobility of his manh~, ~he inte~rlly of his person , hls tJo:>~1tal1ty of rrund and magnanimity of spirit, for his steadfastness under pro"~ati~, for his gifts of reconcilia tion. tor his ktndness and his firm ness for ~Is CO!J1passi~n and mercy, for his ~arm 1n~l~s1ve_ (r1cndshlp, his transparent spirlluahty: his patience and suffering and _for all lhal endeared him to th~ mulUtude of mankind." President Nixon, who spoke a eulogy over his late chief in the Capitol r&tunda Sunday aftcrnooa, sat just acl'OM the aisle from Mrs. Ei5cnhower. in the rront row. or folding ~'oodcn chairs. Ike's Brother in Hospital, Hopes to Attend Funeral WASHINGTON (UPI) -The youngest surviving Eisenhower brother, Dr. Milton Eisenhower, had a "comfortable night" and hopes to aUend his brother's burial in Abilene, Kan:~ Wednesday, authorities at Walter Reed Anny Hospital said to- day. In a medical bulletin, officials said Dr. Eisenhower was to undergo "further tests" during the day. No decision on the trip to Abilene "will be made until U1e studies are completed," officials aaid. The educator was hospitalized "for observation" Monday after he com- plained of feeling ill at a hotel while,. awaili ng the funeral services for his brothe r. former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, A team of doctors declined to disclose the nature of the illness pending com· pletion or the tests. but othei' soUT'Ces said cardiac tests were among the first of the examinations. Dr. Eisenhower, presidfnt emeritus of John Hopkins Unlversity and chainnan of the Presidential Commission on Homage . Paid to Ike In South Viet Service SAIGON (AP ) -American, South Viti· namese and foreign dignltar1ts {IDld homage to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower at a memorial rterVice today at U.S. Military headquarters. · .'.fhe eulogy wu given by Gen. Cttlght.on W. Abrams, commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam and a World Wn.r ll tank commander in Europe when .Eisenhower wu iUprtme )allied com· mander there. .. ,, " Violence, was permitted tG have v~ by "members .of his family only" for about five minutes per visit. About a dozen persons went to see him. * * * H ~art Transplant Might Have Kept Ike Alive-Cooley SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Dr. Denlon A. Cooley, world-renowned h e a r t speclaUst from Houston, has conceded reluctantly former President Eisenhower might be alive if he had undergone a heart transplant Cooley was in San Francisco Monday to deliver a repc>rt and lecture on his work which includes 18 transplants One of them a double transplant. 'rhr~ pa· Uents are sWI living. "I tl\lnk this Is a most unfortunate time to discuss it," Cooley said i1i'·reply to persistent questions by oewsmen "but Eisenhower could have been alive ioc1ay I suppose. I'm sure a transplant would..· have !"orftd -in 18 tr~lant.s wt have been successfurln all Of \hem." The surgeon said the f o r mte r ~dent's f~ly dldn'l want the opera- tion tor E11enhower. Cooley quickly pointed out that he was a PQrBOnal friend of the late President's phy,icla11 and his comments were ln no way to be interpreted as cri ticism. He called physicians ,fforts to kecr Eisenhower aUve "miraculoos." • • • • . ' ' , r , -.-----------·--------------;;---~-----------'V·------,..---,. ------ ---" ----- ----------------\ • • QU • Ray -Junge D~; Presi~ent --I May Mean R t . -l Meets 12 e ria .' Leaders MEMPHIS, TeM. (UPI) -Tbe death ol the trial judge In the James Earl ·Ray cue coul\I bring I b e coovicled · llayer of n.. -Lutblr . Kin( Jr. a new trlal .- -Jaw, ID ... court j~ aid todoy. 'Ille by apparently -lhe *tenla ol a letter malW·bJ-Ray to Judge W. Presloo'lla£. tit, who collaPIOd In 1111 cbamliers ll1d died of a bearl allack Monday. Batue, ... ,.. -Uy bad returned -• .... lion followlng the Ray ---..... . Ray pl-auDIY' lo Ibo Aprtl 4, 1111, -of ~ In 11em..,c ll1d -... r::: trial~ c: -1aw1n ---Ray uld bil ........ Perey Foreman, rolled h Im to IJlead gullcy lo avoid a pout. bit death penalty. -.. Agnew Acts As Greeter ··· WA811111GTON (AP) - Dashing betwttn w Ide I y aeparlted airports tn a weekend marked by 11-bour days, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew acted u th e naUon'1 top greeter to foreign leaders arrivtna for Iha fiineral of formei President Dwight D. Eistnbawer. The vice president met . 15 0 y e r I I • I delegaUom, ln- cludlnJ -Jed by the Shah ol lrlD Ind King Baudouin ol Belgium. An usoclate of the vice president aid Agnew wait.ea at Dulle1 Intematiooal ~ until I a.Di. Sunday for the arrival ol Prime Minister Zalman Shazar of l!rael Ind others. W"""GTON (UPI) - . ~ Nixon met todaf, with 1'rtmJor. Marina RumOr iii 1!lb', -lac a day-Joq -of prlYata llpfere..00 ... tllltlq.-.. --............ .._ -rw 111o flm!nl of a.. ow~ D. ll11illow•. , '~=::t...::.= II .... Cao 11 of South Vino ---"'-Uolrlturt C1WS IElollqw, Pr Im• ll!o'"*'' lalm P. GGrlaa of . I AllolraJllo J!nd!loJoi llallth 8'.11 lllu a.., becln """ =s:i~ ~.I!"! tht 1-r-;,.:, ... bit -.. Ibo --· tlie llnl esJltr, lalk· L:~):;:::::::;~:.=:.::::::.:===;.:::=~;;;;, l'flao!I al Nubvllle, lit ~ ed With ille ~ -1w "It'a a lltrlllft -~ lcnowing ~· ll~thing erly had -thouPll 111d ·-half .. bour In tht lll'Olllld f« mllM llld·llillel llld-mil..-•• -. CON!dered llllllna ·a -oval olflco, with 9lherl follow. ------'-' -------~--...;..~ • • · Ing at lnWrfala nngtnc'fnlm • trial. He ~ B&Ult uking, Ii mloutol lo ID bour. ' =':irt.'~~ 0:1~"!~ Mao-Senl.s.:Revolution c:tlPI of the letter, but did not a Wblte · _.._ "°"' 'I'"' divulge Its contents. ·-..- Judge Cl>JUiea Galbl'Ollb ol day, nlPI -the -al, B c ~·aa1~N~=: ~tt.i~-altd _ · y onvening Party Tennessee Jaw provides .. 1 lo mab a two<lay olllclal moUoos for a -1!'la1 pend-villt 'llarllnr todaf bul tilts HONG KONG (UPI) -The 1,572 delegatea today was the tna before a dec:eaaed judge wu Pollponed beca.,. o1 ~·---Comm Isl party must be ,ranted. The la J:iaenbower's death. . ..,1u.u•::~ un con-unanimous reelection ot the does not dtflne a motion ; 'The meeting between NlJon vened Its tth national con· 75-yelll'-old Mao as chalnnan how I~ must berfiled, be iatd. and Ky, tbe Qamboyant South lres5 today to complete the o~the central committee and "An attorney could take the Vi&tnamele vice·prealdent and cultural revoluUon by ousting the party. As expected, De- letter and go before a judge chief Saigon observer at the President Liu Shao-Chi a n d fense Minister Lin Piao was and present i: good cue that Pm11 PNOt talkl, wu tbelr , elec~ vice chalnnan, thus af-it could be taken ·u a motton second in a month. cementing Mao Tse--T':Jng s finning his role as Mao's chos- if, in the letter, Ray uled '1be two met M~h 2 for grip on·a nation embroiled for en successor. for a new trial," Galbreath about an hour at the American three years in near civil war. Preffiier Chou En-la!, also a uid. Emb-,. In Paris durinf_ Nil-It w11 a Mao show all . the vlce chainnan of the party Teane11ee Atty, Gen. an'I Europlan trip. , way. He delayed the co.Dgress -until August; 1966, was elected George McCanleu, allo In NllOft W conferred Mon-until he CODSidered he bad as secretary _general. . Nash..;tle, refused comment day aftemoaa with Henry D the Utantlc battJe tor pow-The culturil revolution as on the situation. , Clbot Lodat. the cblel' U.S. er and Peking Radio announc-proclaimed by Mao was t be The _dedlion, Pt r h a PI, rett-atlff at the Parit ed the congress in.et for th e -J{l'eaterl struggle within a =· ~Vt to _ ~ ~ ~y talU, __. well •-•-i.t.h -fint-time -today-in--19..fears al-Communist p a r t y since the I suecessor, to bi Ip-Amb•ldor Ellsworth Bunker though the constltuUon s a y s early days of the Bolshevik ~= by Gov. Buford EJ... and Gen.1 Andrew Ooodpa.Mr' It must meet evety five. Revolution and was just as crtmii..J, Coor! Clerlt J, A. '-SaJion. Ono ol the first icts of t h e bloody. • DAILYl'Ur I '' . -. ·'Worth· Every Pellay' • I ' Sirhan Tr~l Tab$1·~Million • LOS ANGELES (Ui>I) uld. of Kel!aodt• "'"+.otloe Slrhao B. S~ban'a murder "U It reveala the tnJlh of Sllban -la a spoo!al trial will cost II mllllon before what uppOiM.i· lbal nlibl Jul call bulll, for bJm la Ibo Ball It ts finished, but It will be "worth every penny," aays a June, U tt IUlflDleel Sir1aaD tl lllldcl IDd ...-pllle county official. s~ ~. then who ... . ... 'Ml!lalltd .. tho walls fl( -The· estimate cam.-Monday -uy the -ll'Dol julWled!" the'-b-. from County Supervi!or Kel> Tbe coal o1 the ... WU ~ ..... IDd neth Hahn, who as c:baJrman lnftated by llr1npnt llOCUflty ...-,.._., cltpalle& of the Loo Angeles Coonty piecautlolll to protect Sfrl!aa ........ lo m-1· toemltt. courts Is keeping tabs on ex· from IDY polllble ,_. In ~ addtd to the OOll. ' pen.sea and will rtceJve a com·:f---:--'-..:....---'::i-:.===--------- plete accounting of the at Its conclusion. JET "- - Sirhan'• trial for the murder ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy resumed today following a three-day recess with rebuttal testl.nfony from ·a prosecution , Mlili!llaliii6 psychiatrist, br. S t y m o u r BJ UNDA. .,n SE Pollack. The case will p~ . . bably go to the jury noxt We lpund • M1e on oar -wlJI '° 1111. _,_ tC week tlU morning wbicb l'flld: '11'1 111eo1, .-lln:roft ..-an Hahn said the trial lo date progress. Don' ban them. Quiet ~ -~ .. bas cOst th~ county~ 595 them. (~) Local Brain---u Jel DlllooPI and the figure could P 'the chlld.'' tl. ' fl rhillion mark wbe com; Of coarae! SUenclri& the Jetl * * ti, .. plete accounting is made. must be the ultimate answer .. · f1AcaJ BralnchUd" has "Although It is unfortunate Aircraft ladultrlea are worillng auuned Iha& 1he allernaUve lo the people of Los Angeles ~ ®~~~ ~ btn.q !""'" lrecjuenl !!!gbla Cou~ty have to pay for the U Atrorilt could be made llllenl, 11 lo &llenco them. '11111 la IJ.. expenses of the case, the trial would -rise verticaDy oft the lollca1. MafrUWnl the litMUll · is worth every penny," Hahn -·-' lo a aul!lcienl ~•-"' quo II a_..,., l ll'Oledloll . ··~ . ........ lo die -and -that !lie nhaUll a •po• II• men wbe .. lllllertna ...,., El . · H Id (wbatever they mlghl be) WllUld real ~ and .,. ecbons e disslp&te ebewbere or over • pvallcll· lilenclnC the )Ill la larger ares, and II they WllUld ' In South Viet lhea lfl<!llly "'oop away Into an ........ I the wniet. However, If you, •itGcal Bralncbfld," . aircraft are "ol In uae know bow lo quit& the Jet. Ind SAIGOr-1 (AP) -Electiont and are not tikely lo be c0m-gel them Into commen:lal llM were held In 3,620 South Viet· merclaJly availabl&-ln Ibo neor Jmnledlately,. by all DIOIDI do namese. villages and '1amlet.1 future. It. U not. pleue he1p di jinmote: during March with only five * * * u~-u Hetp us convtnc8 Viel Cong terror incidents The parpose of.tldt com.mlttee thole who WOUid expand the reported a_g~lnsl lhe voters, ( aed of aD the . lntere.led, ..,. afr . tralllc al Oruge Olunty, Interior M1ntster Tran Tbien cened people tl iw1 area) q AfrPort that tlMM fl1ghts will Khiem said toda"y. not to "Quiet tile Jets" bat threaten tbe safety, belutJ and Khiem said one man was to ma1nta1a 1 ltatu qu at eccmamy of thouiandl •'f . killed by a grenade, auotber 0ra111-Couty Airporl aUI ~ nearby. . civilian wu wounded in'~ a iome tlnd el D0111 aMtemal 'l'bankl lot JQtlr Ide • • , grenade attacl4 1 e cur l t y tolatloa u fond. we doe:'t bow come Jn IDd talk wwwtbw • forces discovered a mine, and whether the IOluUoa wUJ be find-• • -We're open fram t :OO to guer'rillas twice tried unsuc-ing uotber site wltere tbe very 12:00 everr net day, • E. cessfu11y lo ·bep voten from ...i -..m belller ud .... l'llb 81., Sulit :m. Or ean IG- going to lhe polls. rew er no people, wMllaer h t«K. ' The State Deparlmlll! bad told blm II ...,.•t neceaary for blm to meet the.after.mld- mpt arrlvlll. - Blackwell uld ·s.111o had idgned the ofllda1 tr..-lpt . ol Ray'• tllal. u bt had ao1,J;------------------------------------------.;.. ____ .;......., lhal would havo bnlu&bt Ray I new trial. ' Dn raftl1ia lb ift• . 11 s GIANT 6% ' " • --'-~---mi- if you want more of that ' JOU.V GREEN! IMSt llJ ..... an n. llli Isl • 12...ai Ill plil k:11b1111 Tllill Calillcllls. Or Sl!Y.• Pmllool Alcu1 d1 -• ay 1•1•L Y• u:IMa 1• ~ill • ...,., .... .... Jall tbl ..., ......... "'°""" tlltlr fWtdl to c.1-Tirfft. Cll or 9top "'" Wt'I ..., ..... .,., qwttloMMd ... ,. ... .. ----'-., ___ _ ---, .. ,.. ........ .... _,... ... .... .......... _ CALIFORNIA t'JlJUl7&LOAN 17' L 1M It,. C.... "--"""941 C.l,H1ff .. • 4He4• ef t•~-wl~ offltM It prlHl,11 tTflM tt.,.._P.,wi ~1Uf.nit1. WWW• W &lflll IMIUlnlM. "2 N ~noN ~MIOCMnottWW111W.wt111 Ill NID ' • • ' I • ------------------· ~· --- Numbers to call for the fire department, police, your doctor. Take time nuw to write them on the inside front cover of -· --. -· your phone cook. They could save minutes that count. And remember, your next fastest help in an tj' Pac'fi Ti 1 h emergency is to dial "O" for Op~rat.or. ~ 1 c • IP one We're here to help. r, '· \ .\ • . i ' ' • 1.-' • I • ' / .o jn~Jiy'p~·~~~-PA~~-· ·---· - • " . ailing ()µf Santa Ana !Ill t ,. .• • • • 1 .. 1- • ! '11'" Ancluie(lorig 1Wp1 to~· bailing out downtown bU!b\H1meo can and should treat government as .- ' ~ Ana ,alter years of parslmonious r~gresslou ls patlncr In develoPln& and 1timulatlng a community's -allouhO bt'taken. ~ , . •· economy. ........_ --1 ' ~yen throughout ti!• COll!lty tbave been picking · Santa Ana u being t.aug)it Ilia! lesson -·againkt , " •up the tab for clvlc center d~v,i~ots.tn recent years. odds from within the' c:l\Y Itself.· · ·, 1 Tiie next development will be ~ !or by tupa,yero t 1tatewide. · · , . . '" LI It's a state building-· aJI0,000 1quare foof omca r hlllldlng north of 4th street near Parton Street whlcb will consol)date most Of ;the state's a Orange County offices. It's to be ready for occupancy in 111'13, assuming • there are nO hitches in a lease-pur,chase agreement to be negotiated betwe~n the · Orange Counly-Santa Ana Junketeering Lame Due~ The ·Navy has no monopoly 0.. ~the world. Yon can join the Corigress and see !~ "to at ta.paye;s• expense, but in considerably more· luxurious circgm. Jtances. ' 1. 1• , , • ¥ Civic 'Centei; Commlssion<8Dd the state. · Santa Ana's downtown· business cliibate deterlor· sled 'for years witter a philosophy that treated all goV- ernment as "the enemy" of tree enterprise. Tbe ltony Is that, in ·the end, city and county goveJVD1.ents were forced to move in and provide what.amounts .. io an urtian renewal program for downtown s3nta Ana. And ~n the doing, free -enterprise bas been revived and reonented on the perimeters of tb.e civic center development. (NQt that downtown Santa Ana is oul of the woods ·yeti' it You can do lbls either by getting yourself electecl ot by hiripg out as an aide to some committee Of lbeCori- gress. And you can do I~ Ibo, even If )'ou'.re a lame duel:: without 'further in.Ooence on the ·cour1e of le«iislation. isn·~ by any means.) · In the last' 10 years, tas·money has been poured . into this ''anti-government" area.·.ne healt!a . depart- ment. a badly needed new cOunty jail, an engineeting building, a .court bUilding, and a new county . gener.,t hospital•nearby in Ottange are amb.ng the structur~s ·re- The case of Democrat Porter Hardy, Jr., o.f Vir .. ginla, is a pro~ative siudy in arrogant self-interest. Hardy announced he woUldn1t seek ' re-election. Three monfbs later he loured 19 cmintries, submitting Individ- ual expenses o! '8,453. He was one of a dozen Jaine ducks wbo bad a '1asl loot" at foreign lands at laa· payerapense. . " sultihg from the drive.'for updating "land renewal. -The whole episod'e'is a good, if not classic, example Altogettier last year, more_ than ISO memben_of. the House.of Representatives aloue -spent about $'100 000 ~ 'o~ world.,wide travel. Many were ac@Plpanfed by cOm .. · · ID!ltee aides. (Hardy took three along ou one trip, four ou another.) · • · ' of bow f'i~d adherence to an ideology can lead to the brink of disaster, And bow acceptance of JOVerhment..:. ' our own elected government -leadeJ'ShV> .can tevive arid re.invigorate a city and its flagging business conr It would be petty and sbortaighled to conlend that congressmen can legislate intelligently in a vacuum that there aren't benefits to the nation in the oversea! studies. munity. 1 1 . This doesn't meon turntni over and playing dead ' · lo a homegrown brand of socialism; It does mean 'that It would also be stupid not lo recognize that· some men vested with ~ ·public· trust are all too ready -and willing to viqlate that trust if their own personal pleas· ures are in the balance. ' . . . Kremlin's P r opaganda P urpose . . An ot_her Black Eye ·to Mao W AS!flNGTON -W ! th Its bqtnb'!"tlc anU.China propaganda, based ori -recent Sino-Soviet bordet clashes, the ~Un is trying to give another b I a c·~ye to Mao Tse-tung and check his~ Vtorld ambitions. That iS the preliminary judgment or Kremlinologists . here who have been carefully studying the recent , border JiostiliUes and their repercussions in Pe- king and. Moscow. 'The experts are ,inclin- ed to view the Kremlin propaganda as a part of Moscow's contipuing attempts to downgr,adt Maa as a leader· of world communism. • From the beginning It has been the propaganda that has engaged the experts here more than the border incidents themselves. Because of its scope and intensity, the propaganda 11as overshadowed the righting as a matter of interest. TllIS·'ts BECAUSE animosiUes have ebbed and flowed for centuries along the Sino-Soviet border, but the publicizing of· them by the two Communist giants witlf resulting massive demonstraUorw in both nations, is something new and dif. ferent. Oi:ie theory is that Kremlin leaders, faced with hostilities of a size which . could nol be entirely hushed-up, i!ilmply decided to go the other .way and stimulate public interest in the fighting ..... with appropriate commentary, of course, on "Afao Tie-tung and his clique" as the instigators or it all. That is the propaganda line taken by the Kremlin in material for home consumption and in broadcasts beamed al the China mainland. The same line llas been taken by. Moscow radio in propaganda broadcasts to other Asian nations including India and Japan. C4f~ .. ~··.;i2m!~ ..:-··~""~'.;+1 l, A. ~ ._7•1~: .. '·~ ··•· I -.~Uen:Colds1n1th, ' i ~ . , recent 11cultural revolution," China ex-'pens here do not anUclpate a quiet succession when Mao passes from , the scene. In stepping up their propaganda cam- paign, Kremlin leaders are aaumed to c ff A R G i NG "premeditated p~ have come to the same conclusion about vocation" bf China, in a Japanese a power transiUon in Red China. language broadcast, one Moscow COIJlo H further proof' was needed of the mentator even asserted. that Chinese worsening relations betweep M~' and Defe.nsl···Minister lJn Piao waa in Peking, the recent propaganda warfare Heilungklang province, on the Soviet-bas provided lt. In similar ieniis, the China border along the Ussurl River, Communist lead.era: of the two natiom: several days before the first· border are bltterly .. ttacking ooe another. clash. , Lin Piao 11 'IO lnU!resllng target for , IN THE WAR OF words, Kremlin current Moacow 1JfOpaganda attacks, leaden have not. hesitated to rattle their since he is 1enerally assumed to be rockets and assert. their superiority in Mio's heir opparent. China experts here any .-ng war. A broadcast In Man- say '!Jn Pi11t is officially named as darin t'b1De3e from MOICOW radio belit- Mao'1 lllCCeaor in a new consUtutkn tlea CUna'1 military strent:th and boasta: .. which b to 19 ·before the forthcoming of Rus&ia's sophisticated weaponry. Comm..Ust party coogreas. "'!bus, il Mao Tse-!WlJ and his group MaO, now · 75, is thought by the in-were to meet the Soviet· Union ·in a telligence community here to be in poor contest of strength they would certainly hfalth. He baa, like his party a.sS:Qcijles, end up ln utter de.feat," Moscow radio led a hard life. He is a chaln amoke.r, says. It claims Mao has been using and is thooglJI lo have high blood the border Incidents lo whip up support prusui:e and the related llll ol advanclrig for his policies just like "the aim... years. 'China experts think It algnlflcant emperors of the past." that ~eking reports have been otr"'1n( 'lbe line from Peking Is much the the party chairman's blooming gOod game. People's Daily-Liberation Daily heallh. · calls lts editorial on the border fighting IT IS WORTH noting, however, that Lin Piao is also believed to be in poor health, frailer even than Mao. Like Mao, he. is one of the party's old guard, and he spent several years of his life undergoing treat- ment in a sanitarium. The age and health or China's rulers are important now. In the wake of Mao's ill-fated "great leap forward" of t~ late 1950s and the turmoil of the "Down with the New Tsars" and a booklet describing the Incidents bears the same title. Focusing on the "revisionism" of Kremlin leaders, PekJng ~:~~~.~."the So'{iet revisionist renegade An English language broadcast from P~king begins: "The Soviet Union today is under the rule of fascist white terror." By Robert S. Allen ud Jolm A. Goldamltb The Cos a Nostra Problem Should state and federa1 authoriUes attempt to negotiate with the Cosa 'Nostra, just as our State Department negotiates with hostile foreign powers? Such diplomacy might \\'ell serve the Interest of honest society, suggests Dr. Dona1d R. Cressey. professor of Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. "A liUle cold-blooded appeasement Is not ncceMarily a bad thing, especially when our side is losing," he writes in his new book "Theft of the Nation.'' (Harper and Row). r And our side is losirrg because it Is unable to stop organized criminals from engaging in or controlling bet-tak- ing, usury, extortion, dope traffic, the take-over _ o( legitifl"!ate b u s i n e s s , fraudulent bankruptcy, political pay.offs, and an unwholesome host of other illegal activities. •, ..... ~ Tuesday, Aprtl 1, 1969 T1" tdilcrlol page 01 th• Dcilw Pilot seeks to infom and rtim- ulatc f"tad.ns bw prescntJng thil m1D.spaptr'1 opiniOfll and com- mtnraTV on topic$ of intere1t oAd rignlficance, bw prOtlidtng a J,orum fM tM erprtision. of our reodtrl' opfniom, and b11 pttltnting the dfvtTlt VltZO. pointr of informed ob1tn1tr1 oftd spokcimrn Oft rtopia 'Of Ui.. day. Robert N: Weed, Publl.sher UNLF3S FURTHER development of crime 15yndlcates is prevented, Dr. Cressey says, "we will l!iUN!ly regard as inevitable or even as · 'democratic' a world ol ghettos, inequality, and discriminatory practices," He states that some form of negoUaUon (or accommodation or communication) by state and federal ofliciala -such as is carried on occulonally by local officials (oft~n in a haphazard. and cor- rupt fashion). -might le!Sen the dinger that organized criminals will achieve a monopoly on democraUc processes in the United States. U organized ,crime Is not curtailed., he· warm, "there will be a throwback to a political system in which the strong Increasingly come to agreements with the strong, powerfully Increasing the ability of the strong to e1lract tribute from the weak." "IT JS lJNLIXEL Y, but not in- conceivab~,'1 Dr. Ctessey writes, "that ColSa Nostra would agee to give up its political lnvolvemen.Ls and Its illegal opttaUon of legitimate businesses ••• If Jt could be asmired that it would be permitted lo keep the profits, alter payment of taxes, on bet-taking." lie note:s that no slate or fcdtral agency baa ever come to an un- dentandlng wilh Cosa Nostr•'• bights! ruling body In the way the State Depart· ment h•s come. to 10mething1 of. an understand.Ins with q,e Kremlln. The UCSB >oclologist, who holds the top award offered by the American Socie- ty of Criminology, explains that the principal reason organized crime is so difficult to cope with ls that Wsting laws are almed at individual criminals -not criminal organizations. HENCE, "organiud crime" is not a crime. ''For each vacant Cosa Nost r a membership posiUoo, there are at least a hundred applicanli!i," Dr. Cressey writes. ''Thus, for example, the im· prisonment of one New York 'family' boss, Vito Genovese, had no dlscemible effect in the amount of ai.me committed by his 'family.' .. The reason ls thia: In an effective bureaucracy, no man ls lndispemable, whether the bureaucracy Is established for legitimate or UlegitJmate purposes. UC,SutaBarlma • Dear Gloomy Gw: Wbtrt 11 Max ltafferty now that campus turmoil has. reached his level of jurisdiction? Awfully quiet, Isn't be, now that the shoe's on his foot! -E. M. B. ntt ...,_ ,.,~ ......,.. ....... .... -•1Mit¥ .... " ..... ~. Seftil t'Wf' --• • ._, ~ Dlllr fl'llM. Time to Overhaul Court Martial We won't go into .detail -the cards are stacked . q:ainat it -but court martial pracUce ln the United States is in need of an overhaul. A> lt stands, It 11 grossly and con- spl~t;y tne®ltablt ~ ~ capricious, and cannot be. made tO ·.a,dd up as common sense. 1he thoughtful citizen, used to the orderly procedures and find· ings to most civil courts, looks with unbelief on these melancholy cases in- volving ·the Anny, Navy and other armed serYices, as officers act with seeming irrationality, their acts often cloaked in prescribed. 9ecI"ecy, and. a1ways mark- ed by lack of candor ao, far as concerns the people. ' • TIDS IS NOT OF couno • new thing, having in some tpeuuz!e ~·in all our wars, as well ii betJVeen wars. Military justice is not precisely modeled on civil justice (il! exceptions are noted in the Constitution), and frequently of- ficers of good will and a reasonable attitude are frustrated by regulations unaltered for a century or more. - Recently more than a score of prisoners at the Presidio of San Fran- cisco were cited for mutiny because they refused orden and sang songs in protest of tbt killing of one of their number, saj.d by the Army to have been shot while attempting escape. AS EVERYONE KNOWS , the first twa tried drew 14 to 16 years at hard labor, preposterous on its face. The trials were overrun by peace-pressure types, Itself an lm~nt ol minimum justice, already in a shaky state, So the trial:s were moved to a Moja~·e Desert base without notable result. A few sentences were heavily scaled down, but whether this was due to public uproar over the Presidio findings , or material factors involving the defen- dants, we cannot know. Wide disapprobaUon was met with the soPhJstty" that coort.s martial sentences are traditionally sutr in expeclatioo they will be ameliorated on appeal. or 'by varlom forms of clemency. .-. MEANWmLE IN New J e r s e y an army deserter who fled Vietnam for uyhun 1n Sweden, was sentenced to four years at hard labor. He had volun· tarlly ret.wned for trial. lt3 this man teCbnically deserted in what med to be called "the face of the enemy" (often a capital offense). oblervera were oot slow to contrast the. case with the 14-16 years for the Prtsldlo mutineers, so-cal)ed . The sitting of a court of colonels In these cases is swathed in a solemn pomp, presumed to be Impressive to the accusid at least. But this does not retbus odd aod arcane hnpticaUons oi undue influence in the Prtsidio trials. • IN THIS, THE name of lhe commaOOer of the Sirlh Army, Ueutenant-Oeneral Stanley Larsen was dragged In by two · Army captains Involved in the defense. The story is a major named "JenkiN" called the captains to say Larsen wanted to •·get off the hook" in tbe courts mRrlial. The rneanint: of thJs b not clear. but that'! par ror the eoune. Ir it occurred, it was trune week• ago, but the Army sat on It. "Jtntina" btcame a sort ol PrtsJdlo apparlUon. '\ • W or~s Disappear ' , . . . From Languag~ Words are dlsappeaiine from the language bef9re our very eyes, the same way the wboopiJic crane and the black leopard are becotning eitinct. While the animals are :wortp savjng, oot all' the words are -ftJr some are replaced by other, and better, ones. · Reading a bridge colmnn by the British writer, Alan Trulcott, l ran·acrosa: the sentence; ''South led a low diamond from dummy, droppini the jack when Kast perforce woo with the king." . ' ' .. THAT JS THE fLrat "perlori:e'' I've· seen in print In i . dozen yeais; it may still be es:lant in England (where wor\b die harder), but no American writer, has perforced for a long time, nor ever will again. Along with "perforce," which was a • popular word as late as the turn of the century, we are also losing 11withal." Meaning "as well" or "bes.ides" or "in spite oC all " or "nevertheless," it has gone the way of the whalebone corset and the spatterdasb. Anyone who wrote "withal" today would have to follow it with "Tlrenty-three skiddoo!11 ' "WHILOM" IS ANOTHER linguistic loser, meaning "at one time" or "formerly ... ll may still be seen In a few British legal briefs, along whit its mate, "quondam," but it ia totally dead in other usage. Pick up almost any late 19th Century book at random and you will come acroS.!J "anent." meaning "in·regard to"" -but "anent" has practically dropped out of the langwige, and sounds as archaic as "howbeit" or ·~quoth" both or which were dropped centuries earlier (except tor Poe's "Raven," Where he purposely adopted a Gothic vocabulary for effect.) "PERCHANCE". IS still hanging ()n grimly, but jts use today is confined to a ligltf Jnock'ing irony, and its days are d_efinitely nqmbered. lt is no longer a word 'to be t3ken seriously. as it was in Hamlet's"'~amous line: ''To sleep ..... perchanc:f: .to dream." E~cp words that remain lose part or thei r oltf meanings. "Save" used to lie a preposition as well as a verb: "All hands were drowned. save two." This now soUn:ds archaic, for the word "eicept'' has wholly taken over from '"save/' with no great Joss.· AT' THE SATttE time. by a kind or linguistic justice, "except" has itself lost an important former meaning o f "unless" or "If not," as in the Biblical phrase: "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in \'ain." which no1v sounds' odd and stilted lo modern cars. A century hence, forsooth. '!would not surprise me if English scholars 1vere chuckling over the quaint locutiOns of ~!!en Ginsberg, and wondering v•hether "hip" 1vas son1ething other than 3 part of the body. 'H~ Sc oop, W hat's New?' -- Remarks thal a ney,·spaper reporter cets lired of hearing: . '·Hi, Scoop, 1vhari-new?" "I suppose you get a free pass to. everything.'' "l don't mind &elluig you confidentlaDy, but naturally It's not ror publication." "Of course It's n o t a busin~ you can expect to get rich Jn, but-.'' "We need a cute .feature for the arrival or . spring next week, SCOop. How about golnj out and gttUng' an. interview wiUt the first robin You see?" "You mu.st lead an exciting Ute - going to the best flm and everyUUng like that." "YOU don't look V.ery_ bQsy, Scoop. How about plckine up the phone and lak1ng a three-line chit?" "IS YOUR D>rl'OR mad at you? I haven't seen your byline for,three whole days." . "Do you have lo tm aubocrlptlona on your dayt off?'' "I know you newspaper guys don't print hall the stuff you really know. Tell me, what do you think we'll do n e 1 t in Vietnam? And by the way, what's Diet Nlson like -I mean reaUY.0 · "Don't breathe a word of it to him, or it'll be all over the front pap tomor- row/' "If I give you a five-spOl, wlD you keep my name Otit of the paper?· Nol' W•ll, bow about U 1 g1.. ,.. a sawbuck?" "l ain't .. mad •boot ,.. tellin& the truth about me, but at -)'GU could have spelled my name rl&ht." "Don't just sit there staring at yout. typewriter, Scoop. Write it -don't fliJlt it. tr you can't write it, gtt out ol the game." 0 1 WISH J KAO married a bUrglar. At !wt burl Ian keep rqular houn." "'Yeah, J read what you wrote .about ' It, but what's the real lowdown?1' "You understand thill ls strictly off the record." "The tanitor's late this morning, Scoop. Do you mind sweeping the snow off the sidewalk before you go down to City Hall?" • "Take all the lime you want to write IL kid. The presses don't have to start rolling for a full two minu~ yeL" "Guys who can't make deadlines wind up in breadlines." • ''jhere are o t h e r cotnpensa Uons besides money. After all, you CM call the fnayor by his first name, cao't . you'?" "l thought that was a real clevet piece you had in the paper yesterday, Scoop. But tell me. why did they pul it back among the want ad.s?" ,---B• George---., Dear George: ' l'vt found that agreeing with my wife, nc»mauer what she says. has completely solved my worries about her nagging. I used to he unhappy bec!'use she would get ao furious wlltn I disagreed wl~ her • .Now L find sbe't the unhappt ooe! . JOE C. Dear Joe C.: Another beautiful formula for a deli&JlUully miserable relationship! What a ire-at year lhiJ Is golna In be. • .. • • • • T.....,, Alf/I I, 1969 DAll.Y ftLIT 7 ' Mailbox. ·eage~::. ---------~-··-__2!.~---2~:i..2.G.-~=--__ :..____::,,....:....:'."'::..:...· -;..:....,..,,.- · .r~~Communist Plots To ihe Editor: Your front-page stary of .MarCb. ,_ ngardlRJ! Rtp. James Ult'• chaigy his newsletter lo his COlllllluooll :WU • M eye-opener indeed. For mootbs:£, 1 and ev~ yean, when I realty · about it, I have Down about .es. lion in the schools and about "roct• music with the teen-agers. I wOwa-even have to confess to moments of enjoyment of the whole scene. Bui eveq,_ further. Ull disclosed the lllbvenlon of the .. m1narles of our leading lalU.,! ' Rep. Jamq B. vii (Jl..;TuaUft ) Last 10eek U1ued a newsie·cier wandng of CotiimtaWt infl"'1tfi:'1n rt~ edl'CO\rDn .fOurse1, i~ till tlergv 4'Ki ~curllif mtmo .a.adrtr1'·tommintt are bthif on· that newsletter and a DJ4.1LY :U.QT edUorial <O~ U. • , • I • "I -. . . ., ,. ' " Ow -,_lllq~f J~~. ·•~·Id .:__ .bo 1 ho • • •• 't 1 ~u 1 tit: y w deuvera .your paper In inf1Jtr* J*IGlf~~·w~ ~~ lhls:area is rvery nict, I hope be never ~-wJllouiily' propq!i>diung b~• ro Uve Wider CW!l111111)lam. their _pesll. 'fliOf llllOiild f"atch key . MRS. 1RMA J, BROWN sale,L~~~wiiUes, to , . I seize -hen ........ and • . • 1ai>e orilJigleil mv 11te.cliy. Hmits Se:1: No Secret i..ter. tll&'miptrel'!laiJy aud•Uon all ;• locolly-lilld la'!'f:lo ~.C;dmpliance. To the 'Editor: Bra~o. J 1af1 for RepresentaUve UU mislead our chlldml lolo believing lhll \hey COllld'enAoualy may llo . 1 o • Unlorlunalely, u Mt,. llll .apparenUy views .ex 11 buicallt Immoral, which Is an interestiQ1 attitude at uy · time, it ii not atranae u.>t he would view . ~ .. the 9fuc&Uon ol lt In the sama lllhl nJllT!IER, D _.to ncud rock music lo !be woe category ol Jm. mora!Uy u !" educalion, and, u everyone kncnn, Comhwn'N are au &eIUally .,....ned : bow else oball they eooquer UB tbrou&h ..., chlldftn bot by spreadiQg lblir evergrupln& tetaclel In music ~. becauoe ol ila prlmltive nalure (wblcb umopliisticated youoa peo- ple n a t u r a 11 y respond tl:t their bearlbeallJ II evil. . CONGRESSMAN UTT'S dilcloouroS brought me up st.Ort. All~ i.wnP are part of a pervasive ~ I feel rather· lo,,t now, W•• l W 110 longer have f!lith 'fli:f my ~~ my schools, or even, whfa. -I feel UU gq_ing, my nearest p.go.,club or discothe- que. I cannot look aroUnd any loqget and just enjoy: I must watch for signs of the plot! I think somebody ooght ADMm'EDLY, this will not be enough. As the left-wing Federal Comm\mieaUofl# Commissipn bas not· Seen fit lo empty the airwaves -or this Couununist-inspired Jllate<!ol, a llWe jamming may be need· ea .. Bui. Only cm 11 or Ii AM and FM channels. wllo baa IO ·unerringly proved q:aln POSSIBLY MR. UTT sboult! check wilb that we harin't progreased all tliat lat ......ml! at lwt partially knowledauble from Our. Puritan forefalhefs after 111;· in elemtntuy plychobiology, for, when those remarkable individuals who heUev· .he lp<ab ol rock mpslc ludlng lo ed that , II you ·-IOlnOlhin( wdl the ,._lien ol the norinal Inhibitory enough you can pretend it doesn't ulat, mechanlam of the C'e}"tbral cortei:" be · to checok into DisQt:yl~ •to fiOd. out the real purpose of that; who ilibWI? • -'¥ -. ' SO OUR THANKS oo,a1t to1 go out to officials ·like Repr~tlvt Utt and John Sclunilz for t.bllr calling of our a,t.tention ta the llnlster meaning or events right here-In "Orange County. I salute both of the gentlemen and, by all meru;i;1, the perceptive citizens \\'ho elccled theni. But this tj.me, our poUct· may ha'(e learned the lessons .o( lbelr "Big Brother" disaster:· . .pon•t ·~· to the City Council for extra funds, 8ad be subjected to public hearings Involving ·citizens who aren't law enforcemint pro. !Jke ..,, · is very deeply ·mired ln Incredibly Poor · ~1r . .i. Utt ~d crawl out of unedocated &ommyrot. our little moral syndrome and look It is shocking to Dl.e that a represen- around him.i Sei: is 00 secret An eig~ taUve of a group of supposedly rather Id •-h """-• · well-innmned adults could be 1 o year~ . iu.ows enoug auuu• Jt to give ba tward __ ... un1o1-~ Not all ·•• a .practical . demonstration, and, mt-c ~ 1.11 UJal. • . eV11.11 GEORGE W. KENT fessiOnals .. ,.. ·· JOit ~~ · uP on Us, ... Ud Mize our ~ ~om quietly. fortunately, mOS! Rf ~~~not 1wn are ~-produced. some a !e, from clever,_ clever boob or~~ apecWcally, may ] cde derstanding paren1s, but· from other pre Judice and 1-aoc<· . · JAY llURLEY eight-year-olds, along will!' Dwn<mlS, SALLY HAYTON superstitions wblcb eolor II lo bf the The Mruic Bag --'PleaSe Cancer-~ -nasty mystery which it ii not. , To the Editor: ;.. WHAT TllaE children need ii a Now lhat'oor. righteoos ~. To ilje Editor: · : rullstic attitude toward iq wblcb .wlJI oor stalwart stat. -r. ml the ,I hi\"• bad a lWf 1D01rt111 !;lal lllbocrlp-a)low them lo lace. ll>ell' IOdety al' legions of locit .JohD Blrdi Sod<ly tlQ!1 ti!, the l>AIL Y PILOT 'ml bail · , alarmlngly lncreuing ..,;porti<m u chapter leaders are p-oving that con-almost declded to conUDae It unUI l mature aDd aware adults. Where else t.mporary music is a Communill plot, found pNt edl1'lrtal lo YOlli:rdaYl ilsue. . should they he eardully and lnt.Wgenlly Lhe time 'i!.lll emne for action. ' Any paper that will publish U edilQriil enlightened ~ at tbe &01D'Ce of .their And naturally Jhe NeWi>ort Beach such as this, I do not want in · !!l,_ iJttellectual fqrm_atton •. Jb.eir_~ al.on£ Police nepartme".rt ii 8cain tbi lo~ar-liouse :;o please clncel my sub&Cfjpooii wilh peers with whom they will un- force to pioneer Ulil fight against as of March 31. doubied}y 6e involv.ed. at· Boy event. • degeneracy. First, a.special squad should . psychologically and iibY*ally iD later secretly be drawn fronr tbe narcoUcs, I CONSIDER Congressman ,Utt a very years. vice, and radar·traffle details. As good American. Perhaps if tome of our masters of entr apment, they. iboul.d en-"smart officials" nw· a .. few of the dure little difficulty iJil selm:w, this nunietou! 14Reds'' we have around , our pornographic top-forty mUsic in ~ coUiJtrJ Wou)d ~ belin' the dire condition ' selling to minors. it i! today. OUR SOCIE'fY is no longer a fl'Onll>r in which families, in tplendkl ilolatiqn, are able to produce vast broodl ol olf· spring. We cannot allow ounelftl to Blame Burglar, • Not the Gun Wl.!j-the Priest's Robe . ' . r o the Editor: Referring to Mr. R. D. Seymourt'1 letter ("Mailbox", March 24): Mr. SeJmwre's views strike me as rather tbitittt and qui%ptic. It ls a sad thing 1'bii uy burglar is lhot fleeing the scene of a crime, .but let's not get the cart before the horse. ""Rather-than blame lhe gun let's put the blame where ir belongs. Had the burgtar not been a burglar, he wouldn't have ~ shot; and had be halted w\Wn,,_()l'deted to he wouldn't have bee6'~ '-Wby must the policeman and/or bis gun'be1Ule ~'bad guy"? MR. SEYMOURE must ~ some- lhing about baltinl lleeinltc ~~ that lhe police don'l U the Officer isn't the runner the criminal is, how wm· he stop the criminal? Or does Mr. Sey· moure suggest t h at the criminal shouldn't be stopped? Mr. Seymoutt ends hil Wter "'ilh a request that all policemen turn in their guns and then asks, "Does this sound foolish'!'' "Or is it too high a price to pay to regain the deserved respect of \he people?" TO ME IT SOUNDS more than fool- ish, it sounds asinine. It's the road to anarchy. 'lbere are a few of us around yet who have respect for Jaw enforce-- ment agencies. 'Those who . don't h~ve respect for them I categorue as crun.- Jnals and sympalhizer111ltl) criminals. They don't ha ve nor will they ever have respect for law and order, and I can see why they would disai;m our poliCt. I! Mr. 'Seymoure is sincere , a poten-- tial burglar should certainly consider him as a victim, as he would be an easy mark. Conversely if any burglar should visit me in the night, and I tell him to. halt he'd be well advised to do so. ' . JAMES E. GERSPACH . . .. . To the Editor: , •7 I • ~~~ .".;!: ·!:'.,;.'-:~ "JUST A WOLF IN 'PRIEST CL0'111· ING!' I respect the right of ·the DAILY PILOT lo publilh· the· news and u(lliold their light to tbe freedom of :the wess. · I believe that with fteedom of the press goes-a certain;.re1poa11J>llity. I am that "priest" .of the news ltory. Jn my eati- matioo, the DAILY PILOT had the rt· .sponsibility to contact me before using such loose terms as "lovelorn," or "love- .stricken. II Let me tell my siile ol the atory and enlist your support ol. ·what I eoo1ider lo be • signilic:ant, though· small, !slue reg~ the tru-nl of. juvenilu. , TBE USE OF SUCH catcl>phrases hardly fit the fact's as they are. The girl in question is my good friend, but We are not romantically linked. She had been in Juvenile Hall for four days with no coo. tact with parmll:\or -lriendl. Knowing her as ·1 'do I lelt tba't -1 could loelp by visiting with her. *~ After seeking means to obtaia ~mis sioo to •isit. I was told that on.~ par· ents, mtnistm:s,.. priest or hired coim. selors are allOwed in Juy_enile Hall under such circumstances. I -1.Mderstand that the.re are sound reasons for sueb a rul· Ing. I ques!i'I" ~ aPl>licalloo of Ill~ rule to My and all sitUiflons, especlally when applied to a IS.year-old girl who 6its in Juvenile Hall without any human ( . Paar• Parfllld ·To the F.ditor: ' TllA T COUNBELOIUI must be lode- pen'cSent.Jy hired by. Pirents uys some- thing ·fCJt the -reblbllftation-""facilitlea a' Juvenile Hall. I am tOld the walli In Juvenile Hall.,are U'lflJ.ic ~Dow and the rehabilitation· tblt. taka place for lhe first 10 days comlstt mainly of staring at them. Since -!f 40 pereenl ol the populatioii Jn the' UnhOcl Slat.a ls under 21 yean ol qe, a whole group of young people, 'Olllo find themael•e1 on the .other side' .ti. the Jaw, are for all intents oI1<! l!!1'IJdl!I trutod ln Institu- tions wbeNi U.... 'k!zi4s o(· COlldltioos .-' A probatlon olflcei--klng !or the juvenile authodties, told me that tome- times the ~ost effective. coumelon are other yoong people -l!ove close eontacts with the -lo question. ,, IT SEEMS lnconiistent. then, not to allow the YOllDI. adulla like myaeJf lo see the penon detained. ni-must he many altemliins. V1liUng bourt. could possibly be aten4ed lo lhn!e er four days a W«I< ~ ol two. --the young person lo questioo could 6e re- leased !or hall a day Into the <llllody of a responsible young adult. II "'ould then alao seem loglcal and consistent to allow, with the perinlulon of the pa.rentS, i cl09e friend to visit the person in question. Some kind of reform seems possible at Juvenile Hall, espe- cially if we actmit that young people can help each other. I felt, and ·f itill do, lhat my actions, if not legally, then by many men.I and philosophical coosideralioos, ,..,. ·JU$- tified. JIM MORRIS JR. 'Too Rancid' To the Edi19<: Enc-ii the garbage found ln the Mln:b %1 illue, UUed "Uij Sees Rtd Again". The' material Wu· too rancid ' !or publlc 4JJposal, and bekillgl In only one place -back. in your .red copy roocn. - I must compliment you, though, for, one ... thing -for a change you did make a true statement. Utt doeJ see red, and ~be time has come for an Americans to do lhe samt, if this country ii to be 11ved from the slime attei:p,Pline ta enguU us. ROBERT W. G006SEN ABM Will Tax U.S. to Death ' , . To Illa Edllor: Ploue odd my iroi.st to tile p!te ol lettm objecting to the r...,;t declskn ol the Presid<Dt, aDcl to the arms boild-u\> In gtneral. I lhlhJt K ls Ume that the Pmident, the stale Department and Congress listen to the peOple first and the military second. . __ The decision to continue with lhe ABM sy~m. and the Sentinel "thin" system bi particular is staggering to con. templa,i.. The people of this country eamot possibly support the coot ol such a system, which not ooly bu inhere.I local danten but continues an endless apiraJ of mn.s build·up. Ml NEED TO proceed, promptly, with neglltialiom !or a ooo-prolileralion lnaty with the Sovlet Union and stop jockeying for advantageous position •. We need to give up with "aaving fact" and pull> out tX Vietnam belore a country and . a civilizaUoo ii destroyed, before we waste. more of our young manhood, our produce and our resources, bEfore we drain out all our gold and llllfl.er in-cr...U.C mooetory in!Iatioo. 'Ibe RuuiMI have threatened to destroy us economically, and we stupidly fall · into their trap. We tu: ourselves for war whlle our cities deteriorate, our air ~ water become polluted and our poor and minorities become more helpless and frustrated. · . El.'>IE C. KROESCHE Checki"I Up •ppe•r1 today on p11• 12 People, Peopl.e,-.P~aele To the Editor: A ma;or purpose of iny newspaper is · to lnlonn the public ol the important problems of the world. I am amazed, then , at the almost .total tact of cover. ige given lo possiloly ·the grul'<st prob. km ladng the world today -the popula· Uonexp-. While everyone ls.borrllled !bat 50,000 people w01 die in aulomobUe actidenb thiJ y.V, JllOlt people don't even reallae that I mlW<ll. babiea: lesl!I than • yeti old will starve 10 deolh lo the same period, 11 II P.Sl'IMATED, tbal hll>lblnll ol the • mllllaa-pqle -die -,...,_ die cllnetly "' 'ln!llrectl1 lnp mafnutr\. Uon, 'and tbal .,... out ol II dillclreQ Wider the age of I an aullerlng Impaired physical and mental srowth beca... o! poor clieL And yeL aecorclini lo a rec:ent pool, ooly 1 pereenl of the 'American· pap. ulace even C<lP-'"1en that ucess popula- tion is .-seriouS world problem.· , ' WimlN THE nel! SS yean the 'world pcpulatlon will double to 7 billion. This value exceeds many estimates of the earth'• carrying CIJ)ltdty for human be- lnp. The USDA bu predlc:ted mu- :sive, worlc:J.wide famlnt:' by ~*' oo1y 15 years from -. and -jleople don't even realize that the -problem ulltl. Yet the prol>lem doea exist, and not nariy' enough ii beinl done lo IO!ve It. TllE POPULATl,ON must be slabil- iz.ed. The earth cannot easily. support very many more than the 3.5 billion peo- ple who already inhabit It. 'Ibis ltavo mankind with only two choices:' either we lower the birth rate by Implement· ing really effective, world-wide birtb eon- trol, or ft allow famine, dlaease IJld war lo kill elf the ucess population. There are no other llt'tnaatlves. • 1 RICHARD KIDDER Pollution ·Fear To the Editor: With all 1he problems that our chil- dren have to face, our mart exhausting efforts should be d.ltected toward gel· tl"f them .-dy !o< them. Ye! their educatton ii ~ neglecled. Whal do they -of the -dying daily of slarv-. a"1 •mono important, why ? And air polluUor>-eurely many may not realize that once we bad fre!b, sweet .. . air lo soulhern,Calllmilla; but the water and soil1 Our '.soUrce fl.· food and drink, what . do lber mow ol Ille ·...,.. ol 1heir pol!titiol>-i>ot oaly what COIJlrib. -lo pq{l-bot -ls ln the air, the watei, and &he IOll that mUM it polluted. I ( ,, TIIE .UNDERSTANDING helm.I ' tho effects ol 11'*'1; -nr. and drup • abould be deep -illi DOI lo aeare er dare but ra-to m.M dear aadJ7 wbatil~ ' . Our _., healtll and m8Jlal safety ii lndoed ... grutest -but our sd\C•>I•( !all lo give 0-. lnllibt into <ilbe<, f:""7 year they;are tau&ht theirllillory"lit . a .Ute, national, .. world conlesi l1Y -but....,. do Ibey have io ...... bow they nm GI'. what they abould do lo Uep l1llJlllns. What they do i....n Ii abamelul, fcr ltU their ... tdu<ation, ll'• back alley. OUll NEGLECf II trulJ oor cblldnn'a milfon'une. We have plaoed tlJele vaJ,. uable ......,, lo the bandl of a very few ·w11o m c:01ie1e boond. This b, H ,.. aro lucl<y, about to -o! our youth: how can we So undereducate the other 80 percent? Their lives are 'just as Jm. portanl and what th~y have lo learn ii not so difficult lo oomprdiend. We aro plaJinl with their Uvea by not havtnr Ille science laull'l>t vipl'Ollll:J to every-. ooe. We abould lnJist they bow about -·· inside -... ml bow theJ em relate it to tbe world and thllr envinimleftt. CONSTANCE McCLAUGHERTY Adv~ating I atrong gtin la.wt, Mr. Seymoure soid, "I connot find one sound ;usti/icatima for the conhnut!d al!otDance of indi.!criminatt gun own· Mr. Sidney J. ~·s most eloquent appraisal of the present-day struggle in hb column, 1 ''Hmnan 1tMlt Is Schi2l0phr0nic," oeema aii...alloost un- """I' ecbo ol .. lhe dUempja ...,,iced by the apostle Paul In Ills Epistle lo the Romans (~pier 7, verse, 21) that I veutur. lo ""'""111'1 ol K: ersh_ip." "I finJ then a ~aw." that, when t would do, good, exil is .P'~ with me. For I delight In the law ol God after the inward mlJZ': but J tee another · law la, .DlY ~-. w'~ qalnSI -Editor the law ol my mind,_ and bringing me into captivity to the Jaw « aln which js in my members. O wretched man A Good Neighhor ··Draws Support To ·u,e EHltDti · that I aml -·-•-,.. from Charles McCabe's comments on Jong the body of this death? I W God liair In the DAILY Pn.nt' M11~h 20 through Jesus Christ our Lord." tllke5 the elders to task withilllll bug!ng Might not the apoi;tle'a. ~tolution lot them to the point wbe'e ~ wouldn't ·men and'4women ol ID day· be a valid finish reading what be bas tO say. That ' one for us todly? ~ ..: , is, he says it very well. 1 agree. Some A. F. TARR people try to exalt their own apinioa by calling it a "standard.'' -.. • I also liked the art1c1o "Jlnlp 1"9" Wenl ef c ...... by the AP Kience editor. I liked the To the Editor · slant of helplnJ and discovering the A, .._. · and w""1 ol c:aullon to .. ..., ralhll' than~ 1)'11'~ -Callloo;nla...,_ ud -1allY to their .. l!JiJCil ilElllf' chlldml: Many lllata dO not have the AP'• •lie s-podeltlian tu we have 11ere. The -ol ... ol 1111 lmurance clienll, a !orma-JU..mta raldent, w.u trying lo make a JCbool. crooa1ng In ldallo. One -idndly llopjJecl and waved him acroa, whDI another veered around a corner 'llnd struck him, caushqJ bospllalhatlon. To the F.dltor : Wio1 April J5 not rar away, 1 wonder Jf any Of your rtadm maw who wrote Olk 11nd when It was written: "Whenever there le an Income tax the JuSl milt' will PIY more and the unjust less on the same amount of inct>mt." It WIS Plato In "1be Republic, It circa 300 B.C. EDGA6 D. PHELPS The Irony of Ibis ailuallon Is !bat the boy WU dtod Ii)' lhe polke. MoraJ: Don't use caJifomla trafflc law1 t l.scWhert. DON PHILLIPS • 11 • To the Editor: · 1 met a mp March 22, 1 very nke man. He WU In the Navy !or 14 yem. He la now retu.ci, bowever, aJ!d living in our beautlful HuntlnJlton Beach with his wile and two small cblldnn. Hts wife b the kind of neighbor who helps others In the nolghborbond when they need it. His lltUe kitl. is a Girl Scout. HIS HOUSE ,,... fire bombed that same night Irvin Hm1I Is' a bladi man. Our oommurilty needs Mr. Harris. We must not 1it back and ltt these lhings contlnue. U we do, ft are as gulh'y u -ll»-wbo lbmr the fire bomb. MRS. SANDRA PISl'EY S/uz,,e a .Drea11i • To the Edltpr: 11 is with lnctodullty tbal I nad ol lhe !irtbomblRJl ,of a neighbor'• l>Ome. The family who Uve there ire knowit to me 111 quiet, 'pnUt, peace-lovlna people who !ban the AmeriCln Dmin of pro- viding a good home and the ncelltnet ol education. !or their cblidrtn which r. dtrlve from rest~ in HunUncton Beach. The ooly dillerence between the Harrla family arid their neljbbon ii a small matter of color. ' Their attempt at pifildpolory clemoo- n.cy baa been~-by a aenaetess ad ol color bllndn.... I am ashamed or that cowardly anonymowi person who would destroy lhe Harris's American Dreain. }Vbat c-.n._J cjo to atone for that man'• lnbumanlty to man? !MRS.) LUCILLE KUEHN Coord!-. UC! Eztenslon Commuo1ty Seminar l'rojram , . 'Outrageoiu' To the Editor: 'l1ie l1re bombinl· ol Iba home of • YOWll Ner;ro COllplt In Huntl,,.ton lleach II an ou!iageoua oct. It ts an act which seeu lo deny them Ille, (!or the bomb mll!ht well have killed them). lllltrly (lo "'8lave them In the boods ol. JW), and the pursuit do happt-llo Uve In a community with an the aclvantac:et-fol lcbooll; climate,. belches o1 Huntington Btachl. · , Bui II ls not only an act.against them. \ It Is ailo an oct against all the rest of us who make up bis commwtlty. BY TREIIl Acr the mad bombers suaett that we are :a community that wlff tolerate IUCh raclal batrtds. That suggestions ought ·to give each . of us cause for aerioul seU~nmlnation. By the attitude which we pert00ally .take in our own neighborhoods, we hive the power lo det~ .mat the <limat. or opinion will be. ~ , BY THE WORDS we ipuk in · favor ol bnithed>ood Wiim olhen speak agalnal l~ bT tho -... lab ... lllpport the riihl ol a 111111 to live where he ..W. wfien othen clel1J him lhat liberty, bJ --and-... --lo the Amerlcan drum !bat "all ,,,.. are c:rul'<ll ooaal." ()Ji ....,.untt, ii still yoim(, ancl ---00\r ii IUJ>-port ol loler&n<'e and respect without re- gard lo race will ...U Ibis the klnd ol open community we want tt to be. ROGER G. BETSWORTll LAWRENC& T. YOUNG Mlnlsten lluntlnston Beach Ccmmunlcy Metllodlst CTiurch Not by Color · To the Editor: AJ a 'r<laUvely near neighbor ol llr, lrvln Harris, I am greaUy concemed f<r not' only him and bis famUy, but for myseU and all others who live la Hunllngton Beaeb. Any penon w1- racilt feellnr are to atron& u to QUiii him to bur a fir•bomb Into a - is a real clarigtt • lo us all. I bopo that the polke lnvestiJI&tlng the cue and any -with knowledge ol M realila lllls ..., .. acting llCCOC'dlncl1· AVAILABLJ: llOIJ5ING ii ooe ol the larpat ·oboladn lo b-!Gr al -lo .... _ _,._ -Iba tr..-11111 ·~ ol l!lmllngtM lleach ba lilt wblt. to be a dellrablo P-!Gr a 1o llve and raise our !amllia! I tlllok not. Let· us make 11n Iba ~ owners, real estai. .,..11, and .... nelgbbon -Iha! ....... , --should be ~ toOlldentioo In..,-. . Let .. 11111te men "' batio.ior, 111 by COior. • \!I , I KIRK S.,llOIWI ' • ' I ! • . . . ' I a tMY "1.0T I · 4 Arrested In Slaying .Of Ph~tog HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Police -ll<Dlay lhal '"" -have.been amslld ln the .murder al a . phakiCrlplier in his home here Mll'MU. 1 Two al the men, Robert L. Btrnel, 21, Enclno, Calif .. and Frint D. Hollmln, 2%, Downen Grqve, m., were ar· n.ted ln the l1lino1I ~city' police Rid. A third ..._i, Glenn V. Hackler, 2S, WU ll'l"elted at the County-USC 11 e d l c a I Ceater.wbett he .... admitted about four boun a f t e r photographer John H. RicbardlOn WU f OU D d murdered. Hackler, who was wounded, told police at that " lime that he had been shot by two men who attempted lo rob him. The fourth IUSpeCI .... Thomas C. Francione, II, Los Angeles. , 'GM Bandit'· Nahhed Biggest Bank Robber Caught in Act LCI ANG~ (UPI) -he UIOd tbe -led '2$,DllO Bui .. lllol 11111 ~ 1r.r m ,..,., tbe pollce rob-total lo play tbe bones. ' -lllo "cilrw• altbef..n,. berJ' detaiJ hlDlted t be Hll wife exp m11ed lbock "It ltmted with ~ ml notorious "GM b a n d ·1 t , • ' at the double life led by Platt·· then went to banes," fbe llld, delcribod by me detective u during the laat sis yem. add1ng "it's betn 1 beD al the "bluelt bank bandit to -. "He is a fantuUc Weiman a Ule. • bit Los' Anpla." . and n<v~.has had any 1'Glble "Wben they Up! ti- The fllclmlme -bUed on getting a job. lie ii well llnd. rac:etrlclll """' an -. tbe modus~· UIOd In Everybodythlnbheil•IJ'Ut month, .I could blve dim," Meningitis- Hit8 Ft. Ord . . . ~" -~ llbantrobborlea.-Oct. . J, 1111. In each holdup, tbe robbff 'llnt ll1ole I GenerlJ llotort car which he, ll!Od in bil 1 acape, 'J1ae vehicJe WU then abudoned near the bank. The -eadld Monday YOUR OWN BUS • Earning Poleallll UnHmffed We offer flunci1I 1ssisl1nce s Fl'. ORD (UPl)-A..., aa\. wboa lt"'J' K. Platt, 118, a bMI: al mml'Cffls 11 tldo N-grocery lla!espian, walked out lie 1'llnill( biae had """1 al tbe SOcurlty Pacific Bank olfldlls wmiad loday. · branch In suburban Reseda . Pvt. ·i..r.y S. Bey, <Jdcalo, and j.rorppUy was amsted died Sunday fnm menlngit1s. by'WaiUng police officers. two days ·aft<r · entorlnC the A abakedown rove.aled Platt post hospital. He had com-WU carryinli I) a toy piatol, Pl'!ed three weeb al buic 2) a brown paper bll ...,. lt•i1• 9111tl1 MM-Oi1u~hlll11 111 y11ir h-. $111111 111••••· -nt. C.mp1t. tr1i11i111 pre,ram. We11't h1t.rfw1 wffh preM11t 1c.c:up1tio11. , _ SIND THIS AD JIOI ND llOCHUU- "Th!'tm, lllol Bey ... the tainlq -and 3) • It! of 21Jt soldier lo cmtrlCI .....,_ -key1 to GM cars. gills t11i1 ywr and the aecooil · Police Rid Plat! odlnllled fatality. . . robbing tbe II banks and aid Unlvenal Chinchilla INecltn J,JH ._ W ..,_,, ....... C441f: .. Clli'1.7141171-1NJ. CellMh '"'' UN11t MAIL THll ~ A"t REGULAR PRICE •••. . -~ - &Jlirtl ....... 1 SUl ,.LT • •. ,,....._ RM~tt; g ,_., .. -' f.2» FLT .), · - ~ •• znu ·....-' ......... \ •K ..... ~-I YOU GET THIS TIRE FREE! BUYNOW- SAVENOW NO TRADE- /NS NEEDED . BUY_ NOW un EASY TERMS · '·'.FREE MOUll 1116 • .... SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ¥0UNG & LANE TIRE CO. 15'6 NlWPOIT COSTA MUA PHONI 141-HU . . YOUNG & LANE TIRE co~ . 412 OCIAN A YI. LAGUNA • PHONE 4H-UH ' • THEO RE ROBBINS FORD 2060 HAllOI ILYD. COSTA MESA PHONE MJ.0010 ' . . \ '\ '· • ' • • we~ve Pulled . ,.. I· 'The ' . STOPS .. • • .. ANAHEIM .SAVINGS ' . NOW ANNOUNCES THE HIGHEST RATE OF INTEREST1 ON INSURED SAVINGS . 0 OUR lHREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: eAnalltim • ... ·~a.ch 0 YOUR FUNDS AT ANAHEIM SAVINGS: •Elm lllllon'I Mlfiall .._Illa e[lm flwn dlJ In ID dlJ.out eln1und by Iha Fadtnl Sn! ... Ind I.Qin ,.......,.. Ccfparltiall •Earn lnlm.tho lit II rocalwad 11J lOlll ol Wff1 lllOlllh and -ID -"" 11111 •Sctndbr48,,...ol-~ ' 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO MOVE YOUR ACCOuNr: •W. -•• lrllllfw dllllll . ~-•a lllll crall-lt'l-.y eSaw11JIMll-wtP91jlUF'•boOIW1YS "" • ANAHEIM " SAVINGS • ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION ut. """"',.., -· .. """",,Mir. -- 111' 'j ,,Y ••• , I""" -1 _,....., .. ._ .. .. •a.---. .. "'.......... <11t ...... ....... . 414.Mln u ..... g .,. 0 ~.:.. llNCl ltll • fWMl!ill alll""M "'1AU.ILOCA1'IONI I • ~ . • -~---- I TutsdJY, April I, 1969 ·mwmr-.,t .. '",frobe Ordered ·irt Slaying of Teen· .. ' • • THINK EASTER \, THINK 'Jt41n tnhl ·--... ~ ' cle -Sa•n j doesrita credit cards -·· - v UnclcSamwantsachccktbatWOll't bounce.I.ikcaNo-bOuncetbeckliomFint Westt:mBank. When you have a Ne> bounce account, F"ll'St \\btcm Bank licallnes your au'?" maticlendingagency.SoifYIJ\lwrltcach<ckformorcmoncythanyouh_avcm your accoUDt, our computer knows 1t and iJmrwlialdymam a depolit to atvcr that check. 'lbat deposit is really a loan, and natorally we expect you to pay it back. But there's no . bigrtkh. We'llevcnakiptbcmonthlyll!:l'Vicc charge {C you pay U1 back before the llClt bimngdatc. This is. why a Ne>bounce acxount is better than all the =dit cards in the world put!<> gct,her. It's boDondin manyplaocaa =dit card isn't. It abo puts c:uh in your pocket whm emergencies misc. lly the way, April 15th is the~ precliet· able emeigtncy we bow ti. Ghe 111 a call 'Wbilc !here's adll time • VNIYBl8ITT l'An:omm: 18022 CulwirDrive, Irvine \ ) ) E l·~ ........... - .......... We.-rr Tin - 1912 HAUOR BLVD. lat 19th} COSTA MESA GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It's finaily happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-e genuine, honest-to~goodness BUG·A· BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it w as bound to happen, and Iver son thought of it! 1verson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and rpost beautiful in the United States. ConceNed with en artistic flair. it houses the v.ery latest in service and diagnostic equiprlient, and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the la~est changes In the Volkswagen line (that is, ff you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! OUring the world's first BUG·A ·BALOO. Iverson will give away a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen ·(otherwise JC:nown as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've pev,er been to a BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be 8mring the f irst! At t he BUG·A·BALOO, you'll see 4 the latest in Volkswagens and Porsches, w ithin e layout the likes of which you've never seen before; BUG-A-BALOO refreshments aw ait those that CARE to see something different! Now's the t ime to put a ''Bug" in your house! , ---- The harbor area's ontV authorized Volkmw•aen deelw. ' \ • • • . \ . \ l • I I . ' " . Jf DAILY l'\LOT Tuetdll, A"1! I, l",9. No Appellate Court? • Sta;t.e Bar Opposed . to Site in County • • For The Record Meeting• ~ . BALTZ MORnlAlllEI C..-del Mar .OR I.MM c.ta Men Ml MtH BELL BROADWAY MORnJARY 111 Brwd:way, c..aa Mell uum DILDAY BR~ _....,. v Fire Calls Nine Coast Employ es . Get Pins · SANTA ANA-Nine oran1• Coast naldentl were among 31 Orani• Coqnly <D1PloYea awarded service pins lut week by lhe Board o f Supervbors. ·Jim W. Hemstreet, • f Newport Buch, a Road Department employa t_.i the list with 15 yean service. • ( SA Police ) Marine Sy_mp.osium ,to Draw 2,5()0 SAN CLEMENTE: .An ... Ille 1J1t1o Tbui&r. tho ..,..umt, -led a· llld II fcr p on 1 t u d en It • pated .... d ol l ,500 _.. la lddllkll lo Ila promlnonl ........ lo tJdepooll and laJrl --.llllJ' be ol>Ulnid -·' d lho -facllltiel at tho by eontactlnr the odloOI .pther a1 san Cltmenlo -1 ch •I I 1 t • , two blch acbool. diallct, •Pl Victoria m.e. 'BJcb. Sdlool April It Jot tho r. p-r a. •• ta I l • .. -'1lcbtl ... II fer -Caplltrallo Buch. l'COlll annual MJrlne Science 1"' 1'1Md pd Nar111 -.,,jp;;;;;;i;iiOi;i;;;,;i;;;iiOi;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . Symplum. O"'lpa•'"-'llbldl, .,. .... 8cleirtiltJ, marine acience oOea 11111 di, db -...v. . -' 11ud111ts and l nterOll .. d lo(-llblol,Wlllspeak. citllml will galher.....,...thfr ~ •• ·wlll be a jalk for tho day-long probe loto bJ 1111 ......... -for the sea from a .. a.m. to 4 the W-tll.ed Sea Lib m ,lo.:· p.m. jecl off San Clemn1" 1'laiid, In Ill aecoocl year, the sym-. who will ·lbow fllml aboOI posium'1 f0rmat bu been ex· , ibe ~ paneled lo two pmenlltlonll 'Ille stmpoolum elooel an deUV«Od simultaneously in ~ ec..nology Week the blgb lcilool eafelortum and· --.. boat lours of . . . • I ' I See by Today's Want .Ads -,- • ' THI HA' •CUST CLUB ' nve ~ aere1. lfduded fnl their sectlon of Cotta . Mesa,. and delifntd I«' f:amll7 offcn a "wQ ol life''. at.m1nimal ~t. • • Wtlc....t MW MIMtll"I & Mfllfl tlf.lfM Hlltctllt C1'*t ,,. • .JarftM f1111Jl.,.-a111ek ,.,,, .. J111111 $n1d1a1 f1•ll~111fi1t9f111 la1ch K•rTY Hart,.."' f1Mll.,....M111 4.t'Mit . Al1w1M1r H""fCk f.,..l1~111ell. M_. M,1 Paclrar4 1-11,.....aa~h• M1t1 ESw1r4 Patlret' f1M lly-l1" tiar,Jt.t N1IM11 9'i1clra11lt11i lt f1t11lfv-C11l1p Part Ha~liil l111l:t1 f11r1il.,..-H1l"rflf HMt1 lelflt 11111111 f1Mlly-l111th1 MtJI IUt1 T1ylw fa•il,......Harkr bt1t.1 n.-MW lialKnlt ctvl. t~1s. wlK •JeJ: e I -el prMta jolulc aH ......... -.... ..w.-.. •3_ ... ,.. eClll1*•'1__,n e Llf111a14I Hnke •SwllMlhttlllMBI eswr..-. What about your' ·family'!' Now, you may ~me One of the oriainal 300 families to own this facility, Wby not call for a tour? · Mrs. Jodi 5111~-M'J.IJH BARGAINS GALORE . . . • • • • M..-Y nru-Blff. llutlAlloa- IC-Tl'!I Reeelvlng their lll<yaar pim were Dr. Thomu J. Albert, Lquna Beach, Health; ~a K. Elliott, Costa M e I a , Medleal Cenl<r; Jerry L. Kreitz, Mllsioo Viejo, Sllertll; Margaret H. Moore, Costa ·Mesa, Harbor Municipal Court; Nancy K. Nelson, N ewporl Buch-Probation : Gary C. OrrlJ, Huntingloo Beach, Health; Richard I. Padgbam. lAguna B e a c h , District Attorney, and Ntll Wbea~ Huntington Be 1 < b , Road. *Pay dividends At Newport Balboa savings, beginning Apn11. youreainings d of ~.00% start the-day your funds are received and continue to - PACIFIC VIEW MElllOBIAL PAll CemeterJ • 11-.rJ aa,.l In brl.. Ntwpri CaW .... •· PEFX FAMILY • COLONIAL FtJNEllil DOME 1111-A ... ,,_ ...... -- IBD'IER MORTUARY '----.. az " -.... lllJ'l'll'! llOmJilY 117 -81. a ,.,....1t9d Lita. nnaJIT~A&Y. tllS.1'9a.~ ~ • lllJI ' I YOUlle •ONTHLY • ••a ••• OH•CKI H _ JMll ..... lert,fleefff ff .... ·-• -'"r• r" , .....•.• , ...... .... ' .. -· ... ·---· NlllllR WWWii •••• u _nn11Y1 ----· ... •II• llitl f,_ llft. \ • every ay earn EVERY day they are with us until the day of withdrawal YOU r money In addition, if funds are received by us on or before the 10th-of ·. . •th any month and remain until quarter's end, they earn daily IS WI US dividends from the first ol that month. (all n"1ght tOO) Our 5.00% passbook accou.nts _are compounded dai1y and have a yield of 5.13% when maintained for one year. Our 5.25% Bonus Accounts earn !'!% bonus each year above regular passbook .rate when held for "'i,.years. So ••• BRING MONEY to either of our conwnient offices. •• NEWPORT BAlaoA SAVINGS Mc LOAN ASSOaATllll Main Ollice: 3368 Yio Lido, HN1>D1t -.. Calfomil 9261S3, """* 71~130 Corona dol Mir fi;wQal Pim, 550 ~ Cenlw Or. 921126, I'll : 71411144-Mlll P.A. -.~of tho-·Aai* ......_ ....... II: I" ' l ' . - • • • .. • r ' , ' ' •• ' ' ' ' I •• ;. I Rivea· · Sa tad . P j,t ~,Threaten.• Homes I ' • • -l The now infamous Burns SandP.Jt along tf!e Santa 'big headache. Sides are eroding, threatening homes "Ana River in Anaheim is giving .county officials a in·area and river levee. 1 ' ' . j ~:::s 5~~g~ tt~~i~~~~~~1 .. ~~:=:!~~iceHee::z~u:"~STicke1s lcounty Press Club will hold its otherwise known as Hannah Honoreea wtil receive gold· are ft, and ll\,a.Y be obtained !Sixth Annual Headliner Award Yarby on the "Julia" series. plated niWspaper front pages. from Art Leavitt in the Public lntnner at 6:30 p.m., al the The Press Club will salute .. The Club wlll also select a Relations / Ollite of Pacific iAnaheim Convention tenter, personalities for their a~ ·man or woman of the year Telephone· Co.~ Santa Ana, or •April 12. tainments in bu.siness, en.. for excepUonal service to the Orange CoUnty Pres!Ciub, ~Star attrac_tions will be BuJi· le rt a i n men t , politics, Orange County. P. ·o. Box 93, HunUngton dy Ebsen of the Beverly medicine. heroism, sports, More than 500 persons are Beach~ • . ' COSTA MESA : 3390 lrl•tol S.r••I • 1300 North Harbor lo11levard • ' Textbook . JJilI Posed ' By -Burke . I A collltltutlonlil 1~ent to give elementary school districts cho~ between five tl)fCe~t series 't • jex\))00,lls "'' been fntr~ Into the state ~_sse_miJ l y ·_by Asaemblyman Robert Burke (R-HunUngtoo Beach). At present local Scboot distrlcts )"ual uae •. •ingle state-adopted text aeries in each subject. Approved 1UJ> plementary • . lell~k ..,;., may be used also but the m"""dopttd series mUJt be jt pure.hued !or U&e. Burke, a (onrier Huntinglan Beach City Sc:bool Diltrlct trustee, llid Llle state abould show con!iderice in local boards by glvinc ,them choice of tert&. ' .. There has been a great deal of talk lately. about local control," Burke said:-~ "" He pointed to 'legislation passe'd J&,,'t year giving local school boards more latitude in course selection. Burke noted that the sectiori of .the State Constitution he hopes to amend hasn't been cbfnged sine; 1911 . ' <,' \ ---~~-~--·--·-·-·· ----....--- ' . ' ' Tutsday, Aptll 1, 1969 CALL NOW • 842-1451 HUNTINGTON BEACH SPA lncomparabf e Fa~ilities Ever yth ing 'is · Included . . . ~ . . • Ultra Modern Conditioning Facilities • HEATED ROMAN SWIMMING POOL • Raman Steam Rooms ' • Finnish Rock Sauna Rooms • • Florida Sl.!n Tan Rooms • Whirlpool Baths . • Electronic Massage · • Condltianlng Facilitles •·swiss Facial Machines • Facilities for Men and Women ' Ci/I Totlay or Stop by · for Your Free Tour OPEN 7 D~YS A WEEK ·, .. HEALTH SPA ll:BE ' I 1ltlllflll1TOll II COSTA MHA, m AllA!lllM IV • IUCH 549-33•• 126-0lf l 639-2441 142-1451 2300 Horbor 81. 510 S. Buch 622 E. Klltllo iHlf~~y HI 18585 Main St. Horbor Pl•ya Pl111 Plau R11I (at B11ch) $ ,o/11tr SA•p,1111 Ct11Nr SliOpping Center Shoping Center Shopping Center ' ' (....,...."' ltff l+tll..., Htel•~ ..... I ,l ' . ~ • ·--. l , • ' . I I -. • •• \ t . ' I • • ' DAii. ~ Pll.OI • CHECKING ,.~ UP • ,,. __ • ML.MUM , South Afri~an.SubstoCarryNames of Women CAPE TOWN, South AJrlu. blalOey, 1iut not. on lhe bulls we do not ihink the)' deserve are going ool lo defend their (AP) Soullt Africa hu of wanhlps. A> lot the -llUCb clwnsy and lnappntpriate COW>lry, not lo bide behind -· who. will s.aU these vessels, names.Joe the.ir ships. They anyone's skirts." --'lo -111 llnl ·-·•-'==;...;;;;;;...;=;;....;.=;;;:......::=:;;;;;;;...:=....:;;,;__...:..--="""------~ --lar-t- • bi Ille naUoa•1 bllUrJ. Not She Says .. 28 Men Pr opo_sed to .Her ...,. _II bippy-IL J'nace 11 !xt!Jcttq tbt three .~-..eocbdellp.. ed lo CllTl' a cmr of u and II torpedo tubes. 'Ille ,. ---lo -• ._., l,11111..U... Defeue ll'nlefer Pieter W. Botba'1 wife cbrilleoed !bi llnl -~ Naolea thla moolh. n. name: . Maria. v a 11 By L. M. BOYD T'WENTY·EIGHT MEN proposed to her. That is what this Vashon, Wash.. lady reports._49!8 11,k.e i record. Writes she: "The summer after my nineteenth birthday, nine men proposed. I married the ninth. We had si:i children. l was widowed at 34. During the ne:rt 10 years, 14 men proposed. many offering to adopt my ,children. J married the fourteenth , unfortunately. We parted, Al lhe age of 56, five men proj>osed. I mar· ried the fifth. Could you locate a ghost writer for me? I have a few instructions J would like to get down on paper to girls who want lo know how to get a man." was calling said be ball just stepped ooi. "l\'hY ' l 0 minutes?'' asked 1. "Why not · 15 or 30 minutes ?" After one weary beat, the operator said, "Because the telephone com· pany luq-discOVut<l i n statistical studies that we art far more apt 1°' reach an executive who has just step- ped out if we call him back 20 minutes later rather than 15 or 30 minutes later. Thls is true, sir. It's in our in-------------~------"structions." · CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. ~~;g ~~';8t,;v~·0,'°~ A partment o·I Nixon. fruit named alter the color?" •. • Q. "mE MOST SU~ u f le • t • !r.,tzz:k, wife of the Put· • dlmm. who eatabllll>od Ille llilt pormanenl white ..i. . ·il-al c..,. Town. Bolla hid commented ..,,_ Ille cbrillmln(: "SUb- marlooo are llb women -. U>ey.-are ....,..,,.. only ln . inaperienced 1 banda... But there ha . l"'lllblinl I n Parllamaot 11111 sailors oo the ""' .. -mlgbl be rib- bed -the names ol their veaell. The nationally . circulated --Sanday E>prw allO WU unhappy. lt com- mented' . '"All.three women have-their ri&ht!ul place in South African A. The fruit came flrSt. • s . 'Q -ly' CESSFUL myste<y s lo r y p or a ·-. uie • writer of. all 'time, if ·you . , · · 1 -Bulli Tak please!" A. Agatha Christi<, NEW YORK (AP) -Preli-handhw •Jll'l1P'd7 .Ill lhe -• 011 en undoubtedly. One or another dent Nixon's .Fifth Avenue · !iyl Ille, · -tmeat couJd ol her 10 novel! bas been . _ LONDON (UPI) -A gang ' .. • ' ' STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County...wtusic RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Ne wport Beach . . -. ' I l translated into lo.1-languages. apartmentoverlootingCentral c001marx1 -..090 t4;>'13ZS,OOI ~ wtlb two lhoteuns hi· That's 116 more translations Park is up for sale' and "it's now. It I.la a' -12-~, 'lifth ;.J:act,..,. a nierchant bankers' than have been accorded the all being hapdled v e r y floor apartmi!nt. ,at. the corotjr van tOday · and eacaped with wrlliilg pl one Mr. William quietly:" 1~ol~-~-~-~-~· ~~· ::::::::~·1411~//j~.~llin~f~ol~d~bulllon.~~==~===~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;~-~-~' ;;;;;;;;~~=~ Shakespeare .••.. Q. "HOW "Anyone"1Jho wants to loot Ii • ' lN SANTA MARIA, -Cal., Jives a gentleman named Lancelot Sh.ining Lake • . • IF YOU GO by th e statistics, ct widower is most apt to remafry, if ever, just 3in years ·after the 'death of bis first wile. But a widow is most apt to remarry, if ever. exactly 6 yea(! after the death· 'of her first husband • , • NO DOUBT you 've correctly guessed the letter used least often in English is :i. • • • IS THERE A STUDENT of the new math around? Tf so .. wil l same kindJy tackle Gloria 11. Edgar's inquiry, as follows : "U one and one are two -And one and qne ·do marry -How is it after a year or ·two -There's. two and one to carry?" .. , LOIS HENNESSY says she greally enjoys the simple soup of the Arabs. Namely, hot tea poured over peanuts. ~e~e= i: uf:~ib7:~~ :~ i~ :it.~1;: ~nt~ylai: /. n1l •~ A. Only once. Psalms 14,9, McCrea Park" o! J!rown COM_i;U~ITY EVENTS CAUFORNIAf ' l 'm told. Hartl Stevens1nc., real estate . , . OW FEDERAL . AN omo LADY,· just nam· agents • who manage t be .. N ! J 1 , _sAVINGS . ed chairman of a membership building. 011e ef th• l•rt••t •dil .. lti .... el ,.;11ti11111 by ,IASK, S•11th•r11 C1lif•rnia arti1t . • • •• ...,. .. _,_ wants our .Language man 10 "And they're 1ypica 1 letty AM• St•••ri ICltlt,atri•k, •• ,. ...... thi1 •••Ir !Mi tch l 11 in 011r l•bby. Tho DIVI DENOS '** •• t def-lne chairman. "A presiding bankers," Parker 8 d de d . collectlo11 foahlfo1 ~· n clNftf •M _.i.,tant color 10 ch1ractori1tic of IASK'1 . werU, aM a11 etJn•.1ph•1t •f fffti~!nM pre••il1 #iro119ho11t tho olltiro o.1hibition. officer," he says, vaguely. No, "They won't even tell me P'AID FROM that's • too general. Nan anything." Hampton defined il heller' "A CBElllSI\ PRIVACY Au, .,.lie ·-·re ,._,, . . . . - chairman is like the minor Tbe reason 'or all the ... I u d c • -M F ·1 s d D.AV •IN TO ~ s • ., 11,11. •• ,.,.. e.":· • th• "''•"'· ."1110 ... ,11011, ., a••n • ocrotar., an I'\ I official at a bullfight whose secrecy, Parker said, ls that Natl•• •f Nl•tr• Fall1, Ot1t1rio, C1~1~a. .,, . main function is to open and the residents cf the building Q AV OUT f close the gates to let the bull at 810 Fifth Ave., cherish their Har 1ra'"'fath•r, WUll•M Elri•ry, w11 th• chief 1n9inoar af tha orig inal Wallartd Mt • • in and out." privacy. Having Richard M. C1n1I, th• "'"itttio111I watenr1y ftr •hl,1 that war• abl• by flio inoan1 of locks t• to fram' l a•• Su,•tl•r to L.kt 0 11f1rio att4 continua •n dow11 tht St. L•w· RAPID REPLIF.S: I. Yes. Nixon as a neighbcu: put them ''"'' 11;;.,,, t• tha Atlitdic Oc••n. ?\-1r. H. T., the average family on stage. "M AY I TR Y AGAIN in 20 minutes?" asked . the long distance operator when the secretary of the gentlem'n I is sai d to move from enc After his election, Nixon house to another 14 times divided· most of his time until between matrimony a n d the inaugural between Ills dissolu tion. . . . 2. h1aybe apartment and tiliJ transition so, Dr. K .• but I still think offices at the nearby HoteJ it curious that the highest paid . Pierre. Jewels Taken professional Is the physician As candidate and president· , while the. regiatered nurse is elect, he attracted crowds amoog the lowest paid. every time he stepped from LOS ANGELF.s (AP) -A Your qv1Uon1 and com-the front door,.-and the gunnian stole $50,000 worth ments rife welcomed and building was the~ object of of diamond rings from Kay's d h t Jewelry Store on Crenshaw will be me w ertve po!· special attention, regardless of Blvd. Monday n i g h t. He sible . in "Checking Up." the hour, from police and forced 8 clerk to empty nine Address mail tO· L. M. swarms of reporters and cases of rings into his bri ef· Bayd, in care of tJu: DAILY cameramen. cue after disarming a guard, PILOT, Boz lB'15,~ewport '::r\,e residents of the ,,. police Hid. Beach, ,Coli/ .• 92663 building had no peace and ....::::::~:c::::_ _ _, _____________ , quiet at all, and they want Pay your tax-and relax use our money! Pay your tax bill now wilh money from Morris Plan. You may borrow from $100 to $5 ,000, or more, for taxes, bill consolidation, home or car repair. any good reason. Payments sched· uled to fit your income. You may have your -money the day YO\! apply -with no repay· ment for 45 days. . . Morris Pl an, Ille people who lilce to say "yes.• SAMPL£ VOUR """'"" Ho. of CASH ......... ........ LOAN s m .93 124 2• SCHEOUUS Sl,018.57 S5J 24 Sl.51199 "' 36 12.122.38 116 36 Credit life •rd diwbil1ty insurance ~vailable. ·Morris Plan ' Newport B .. ch, 3700 Har\>or Blvd.. 673-3700 I • . . ,,. ' ________ .. ____ _ to go ·unnoticed a g a i n , ' • Parker said. ''We want to find sonlebody wbo will live there very quietly. "The residents are just up In arms. They don't want to see another Secret . Service men or another rel)Orb:r. "I don't even mention .who lived there before," he said. ''f'!ow it's just another empty apartment. There's no price on it. We just tell people to talk to the bank." NO COMMENT •·At the Franklin National Bcrnk, an orflcial who was ask· ed about the prke replied, "No comment." Nixon bought the cooperative apartment for $135,000 in 1963, when he came to New York from California. A real estate agent who .,.. CALIFORNIA . FEDERAL SAVINGS ·-----•••••••• see-' I\ RT EXHIBIT at California Federal Costa M81a Office 2700 Haibor Blvd. Belly Anne Stewart Kirkpatrick, noted painter In olls, water colors and acrylics. Especially reoognlzsd for portraits of chlldran. Mor. 31-May 2 HOURS: M9ft:. TinlU THUlll.: I A.II. 10 4 , ... ' nllDAY1 II A.lt. TO t ,~ Aftor 9r1duatio11 from Nia9r1 l ulino11 CelLaga, 1ho C•nta to Californ ia whora h•r oldor brotft•r had m••H 1IMI 11ttlod i11 Whittior. Sh, 1t11di ... i nd bacamt •n Am1rica11 citi~an. C1tri11• lri•l,M '''II th o Cost• Ma•• ol.fic_J A,ril lt•t •. ' Nei9}1~rly. Th~t's what the nation's largest federal is! · We're local pe9ple, from our manager to our tellers. And we're anxious to publicize all local community activities. It's our way of matching home-town friendliness with the efficient'servicA: of the natiOn's largest federal savings association. It's why we have been winning so many rQore friends In California every year since 1925. Stop.in and open your account now. Earn from dif·in to day-out. In addition, funds received by 1oth of any monlh earn from the 1st when on.depo$1t at the end ol lhe quarter. . 5.253 :g~~~NT:· (Available In multiples of $1000.) Earns y, % bonus each year above regular passbook·rate when held 3 yaars. 5133 PASSBOOK • 0 ACCOUNT: 5.13o/o annu al yield on Insured pass book accounts when all savings and divideCids remain a year, ii the 5% current annual rate Is maintained and compounded daily for a year. COSTA MESA' OFFICE: ~ 2700 Harbor 'Blvd. hear Adams• 548~2300. CllFFORD M. WESDORF, ASST. VICE PRESIOl!NT & MANAGER I I • \ ... . , , ; .. ,. • . , ·• ..... 11• ·1111 '" ' . ' • ' ' ' ,::;.t • ' I l t .. . ' " \ JOD EAN HASTINGS, '42-1311 . '•. . ; ,......,, Af"il 1, lN I , P-ll • Hig .. h ·Fashion \ Vis·ions Dance ' ' . . ;. Visions of baute couture .ihstead 1of, sugar plums are dancing in \1:1.e }leads of members of the Huntington Beach Assistance League as they await · the 14th annual Spring F1ing Saturday, May 3, in the Balboa Bay Club. No ordinary fashion parade awaits the leaguers and their guests, as fashion designer Sidney Nof1h will be there in person to describe his own creations. Special arrangenients have been made with Shirl~y's Fashions of Huntington Beach~ So the noted designer can make bis much-anticipated appearance. ·· · ; · A galaxy of surprises and extras also are planned !or the program, ac· cording to Mrs . .Fi.oyd Hair, general chairman. After renewing old acquaint- ances arid making new ones dqrinA-the 11 a.m. social hour, guests will en- joy luncheon at noon and· the fasfii.90 'focus afterwards. Providing a luncheon concert will be the Hy Tones, and promoting excitement will be the presentation of many door prizes and favors-.' A $100 bill will go borne with one lucky guest, and another will tuck a $50 note i.Jl.. to her purse. Leaguers.lending tlleir talents to the fashion event include .the Mmes. Leland Valentine, fashions and models; Robert Murray, p-fograms; Rich~ ard Crawford, til:kets and-reservations; Jack Bra.met, special drawing; D. R. Parscb, favors; Thomas Broderick and Richard Crouch, door priz~s; Fletcher Dart, decoritions, and James Sayer, hostesses. Members and guests are urged to circle May 3 on their ..,.calendars and make reservations by telephoning Mrs. Crawford, 847-6104, Mrs. Hair, 544-9648 or Mn. Warner, 536-6113. The Spring Fling i_s the league's major fund-raising event of the y~ar. and proceeds from it support the year-round pbilanthropy program that the league maintains in Huntington Beach. •. .. . ··-• FASHION DREAMS ·-Everyone who is fashion- cot)Scio1!1 dreerils bl awning a whole ·wardrotie of biglrtliitiio~ ~meqib1es: such as the ooe to be shown by -designei: Sidney North for the Spring F1ing planfied by the Huntington Beach Assistance League. ., . . Indian Fowiwn Van;,y Y·lndilln Miktens Nt in pow W'N to ·el~--~ ... ~~ newly lormed • Nallm <i ·Peaceful . -Waters. ~ r • I Mrs. Norman Warner, -league president (left) and Mrs. D. R. P arsch discover a treasure chest full ot ~hioos end accessories In their dreams of haute .couture. • . ~ . I • ~-.. '= ., • •• • "• . . •• • •• ' •• t• • .;c: • > • •• •• • •• • •• •• .. , . ••• ... •• •• -: ·-..• '•' .. _, .; -. I .; . . .. ;. -. •. •:'.:• .. .. • .. •• i:" :: .. •• •. ••• c: -" •. .-. ~t· ., -;: ·: -·· ..... , • • , ~ I. ~·~ the reins o f l ·~P·are president, Mrs • .• Rdnald. Slaton, Weeping . Willow .of the Kickapoo tribe; ·•ice J:i'esi.dellt Mrs. wµuam _ ., ' lfews&, Big Feather of the ··~·~i secre t 'a t"Y· 1-·.~.-.flts. 'Robert Ward, . loo "c ·' j t ·l I ; ' t I . l ! • ' I ,, ' I MEANWHILE, BACK ON .THE RESERVATION - Smoking the peace pipe after Y·lndian Maiden tribes banded together lo form the )'lation of Peace- ful Waters are new leaders (left to riglit),-Mrs. Wil· liam Hewston,. vice president; Mn. Robert ·ward,. · secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Rooald Slatoo, president, and Mn. Robert Corcoran, organizer. · SIXxiting <Siar ol the Maldu tribe; parliamentarians Mrs. Corroll S. Mohr. Rainwater ~· <i the Kickapooo and Mn. Richard . 'E. Loony, Flying F.agle of Navaho tribe, and organizer Mrs. Robert Corcoran, Rising Sun of the Pueblo b'ibe. In charge of publicity and new letters is i Mrs. Thomas J. Holthaus, i. White Dove of the Chippewa tribe. Board members 111e Mrs. William Reid, MCJ111ng star cl Shoahones; Mrs. John M • . Hudak, Blg Turtle of Navahos; . Mn. Raul C. Nelson, Laughing Eyes of Cherokees: and Mrs. John F. Westerhold, Sister MOCX1ol0ley.....,. On May J .th( K<\fla Hawaii restaurant in Santa Ana will ••• :. • be the eetting for a mother- .. daughter d!nn<r. Tickets are $3.25 for adults and $2.25 for chlklml. Ent.rtalnment will include dmxing and music. Time. P~sses in Fashion · -. . ~ . 1be whole nati91'l··IJ invited far 1 weekend campout in June at Camp Wrigbtwood in the San Bernenllno Moun- taiol. .. A lfeppenllig In -Fashion will be modeled· -by members of St. Bonaventure · Women's Council during May in the Anaheim Convention C.enter. Tickets are ~.: '6 and "jlroceeds are earmarked for . the church's fund. Mrs. Ralph Morrow " chairman, assists Mrs. Joe Gutierrez in her World War II fashion while Mrs: : Giles Meyer is comfortable in a mod ouUit. Preceding tile luncheon and show will be a social hour at 11:30 a.m. -········ ·-. • ' I ' I Unnerved When P·atients ''Unbuckle ' Problems 1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: Can a physl· 1 clan say a word or two about 1 transvestism? I · was born and raised 1 in a small town in Maine. 1 had never , 1 heard of bomosei'UaUty, let alone ANN LANDERS ' . ~ transvestism, until I wu in high IChool. J ~ Even then it seemed unreal and tome- 1 wtsat disgusting. unde""'ar wbeo.,. Olldressed them for .t' ... fdlu;. IHN ~·• ~ ........ 1 In college 1 became vastly enli&hterled J-~-. 1 and in medical .school l ch8nged some examination. These men were married 1 of my concepts completely. But it wam't and had attractive families. There had 1 until-I did my internship that I ~Uy never been a breath of scandal about t had my eyes opened up. Night duty any of them. I hope you tee a moral_ • at the hospital was liberal education. in thil story and Uut you will put \..TM first yeai, three prominent men it Into words. -NEW ENGLANDER tn-the community were brought in u DEAR NEW: I see two morals. Ftrtl, emergencies. One had a heart atlack, a ptnoa caa •ave 1n oddball q•lrk and two were tn aulomobile accidents. Wt 'ttUI fucdol 'lttU aid keep Mt ..ulnel1 diJcoverld they werr'9kring ladles' 1 deep, dark MCl"f:L Stcotd: U uy I . \ - fer IMllW altrwe1t, ·~ die po111bl1111 tllol ,.. ..... -Pi-Wt .,. • -ud -., ... die ....ia••<Y ....... DEAR Al(N: 0nct a week Iii of us guys-1et-iogttber to play poker. The at.aka are· small and nobody can Jose more than five bucD I night -~ that's ibe ceiling. We are aU 16 and 17 aod our parenta approve ol the games. (We lake lurnl pl<ylnf at each otber'• hunel.) A pod 1rlend or mtne who wins con-- sbtenUy bu been cheatln(. I've been ciockiDI blm for three months and J'm poo1u.. ..,, aborts the pot, -pulls out too-much ·when he's "making ·dtange" · or callinl hick a bet. Sometimes he "forgets" to throw in his bet and needa to be reminded. I don't think anyone t1ae is on to him and I don't want to bl a 1toolle., .bYt 1 hate to see this 1111 ~ct IO · cbeap and dlahonut. What should l do! -KEEN OBSERVER DEAR KE!;N: Tell Mm ,.. IOlp<el • -pit Ill Ille ll"1" .. Ille' ...... .... \ tbeaaq. Deacribe tbe 1lmm1ckl and ast U h will kffp u eye .,el along -,... II. .. .._, 1tnf<l<1 •P ud fly rtpl af.ler . !Ut ploy, .. u hi. Iller, Ille -pme ud tdl .rm U .. dlelll ..... , ...... loin& .. lel Ille wbole &a.We bow\ltt11 klaky. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Claude and I will be married in May. He Yi'•• cta..slfled 4-F and rejected for the service. I was a '$AC and loved every minute of it. I w:i.nt to get married in my WAC unifonn. Claude Is agalnlt it. What Is Y041' \oiewf-.Lansing, Mich. DEAR MJCH.: De yoa want &o bt a bride or a drill terctut? U 11·1 ... the former, Ute uifonn .r Ute day ii I W .... pwa Ir I paa&el ...... Shape 1p. Ttotl, tr Ca.&e ma1 ~ ''HtJl. IO -1 woa'S ael" • Too many couples ao from matruhony to acrimony. Don't let yotir tn.aniqe 1 llop before Jt gels lltar1ed. Seod 10..: AM Landen• booklet, "MUT!qe-11111&• to Expect." Send yoor requeat to """. Landers in care or this oewspaper enclot- 1111 :IO ctn ls In coin ancf a lone. IWDP"I. • .. 11-add......i envelope. • ·AM Landers will be Pel to be!f: you with your · prvtilems. Send lbe!a to ~er In care of Ilse DAILY PllDI'; • eocloslng 1 seU·odclrelMd, otampod env'elope. • • ' • • • I • ' • • • l ' . - ~1 " I I .............. _ ...... ,_ ............ '·-··---~·--~ ..... -................ ~············ ........... . . . ... -.... .... ··-• • jf!90.Y 1'llOT . ; Egg Decoroti_ng Contest I Attention Ho r_oscope " . . . - • . -· Easter Bunny Receives ~ · ' Focused ' ~.Aries: Ask Questions ~ . ··Chick.... ate buoy laying ... .....,~ .. egp In Westmlnlter to pr. vide a !Udy oum ol Easter eggs for area elementary 3Chool chlldUn to deccl'ate in ~ coolest spcmaor<d by tbe Westminster WCllDlll'• Cub ancl the Department ol Paro and Recreatioo. • Chiktren are invitec:l to bring han!boil<d eggs to Bolsa ChiCI Park tomorrow, and to Sigler Part, next Thursday to com- Pete..' ; Prizes and ribbons will be •warded for the. funni.est, pn!t-tiest and most ori&inal eggs, " according to age groups from findergarten to stxtb grade. P,ecorating ma~ will be "°vlded. ~ Outlrman of the evtnt fJ in. F.dward Hyatt. woman's . tJub children and y o u t b ~·· and ass~Ung her are· Ufe Mmes. Ernest Fres- ' ..,.,, R$. Pace and Raymond \'ollrom. RepnsenUng the faru and Recreation Depart· ment is Mrs. Robert Gius. f Also ol interest to 'ft'estminster area cbUdren ls .In Easter egg hunt on Satu?- day, April 5, beginning at 10 h.m. at Bolsa Cblca, Sigler ~ McFad<ten parks. The t.a.ter BuMy will appear dW"- ing the bunts, sponsored by the Westminster Elb Club. Robert Farringt on is cha1rman of the .hunt. On Artist •MIJ!IMrs lJbrary, Ne.,P.rt : ~ ~ be turned Into a ~ thOINioe '~.!\>' art -u al*9, Omo ~,Junior Ebell Clllli·°"Newport Beach artist- ol.jhe.""""1> !or A!'il. , • ' 'Tiit llilit baa choeen a col- lic:tJqa.i of wild .Ill• and ~ Jn pastels IJld oils and 1 ' variety or scenes d. tbe Hatbor .Area, Mexico, ' CaUftrnll and the sea for the I l!Jblblt. ....!: Sbe allD works in acryliCJ ·· .lftd olls and her -Me is reallollc, utilizing obfie!& with bappy, -ul moods, often • lwmorool. N'.rs. Hllt, a Costa .Mesa rec!doal, -ed art at UCLA, Clloulnlrd, and.' .witb ' ..... artllll. . . With ber family, she enjoys l1shln( Ill the _,..r months aboard ~ bo!t and by herself tram. horses and dogs, havin& -a. grt3t ' love f« •rimail and wildli!e. WEDNESDAY 1 • ,,.hPRll 2 . . . • (fllar, 11-Apr. ~).: Accent on parloerlhlpl:, mar-- riage. contractll. AK qiaea- tlom; obtaln ans'#ers fro m expert. Give full play to in- tell<dual curiosity. Re!Ule to be Satisfied wtlli t b e superficial. Dig deep, TAURUS (Apr. »May 20): Full _. position today coin- cides with home, work ad- justment Hours may daanae. P,ttern 'is revile;d. B e dlplomatlc. Try1n( to lbrce issues will· ltrltate higher-up. Be calm, coot GEMINI (A1ay 21.June 20): Control Impulses. Degree of self-discipline is nectasary. Day features cbange, variety of em o ii.on a 1 experiences. Child 'With problem could de- mand ,attention. Don't cast first Slone. CANCER (Jun< 21-July 22): Buie issues domiriate. You Art Stamps Stationery NEW YORK (UPI) -When teen&p &Jrll ~esign stationery they 10 for flowers, fashion, current . evtnt themes and even headlines taken from curreot teen jargon. Seventeen magazine, which 11y1 so, learned this When ~ winners in its '"Jta- tloniry dellgn-in" competition. Tpp honors went to paper. shaped like a footprint which wu slipped into an envelope 0 Don't drop acid, drop me a line" was the headline on another entry. O t h e r words-with-designs showed that teen wit hun't cbanied throogb tb• years. A picture of a lion ac- companied t h e salutatlon, "Here's a message from my den to yours." with a lhoe motll in green Harbor TOPS • clllllOl 1lilp mponslblllty. ~ plies apeclally to borne, pl'O' perly, cammltment to older .pel'IGll. Climnt Jll'I"'"' <OU!d boomeranJln yOllr '"""'· LEO (July 2S-Aug. 22): Ar.- cent on special relailomblp. Yob may have 'to &ive up &0111etbiP& to 1ain· more solid fdotln1. Bt rullatlc. Restless relative po1e1 problem. Ride with lbe tide. Be fair but firm. VIRGO (A•g. ZS&pt. 22): Avoid !U!ng risks wtth asseta. Gtt !real> vlewpoinl. You bave tendency lo eij>ect too much. Be COllltrV&Uve where money is inyo1ved. O Id pattern is !lniShed. Study TA U R U S messa1e. LIBRA (S e p t. 13-0ct. 22): Check , posalbillty of new prcr ject. UWlze put el"J)erlence. Apply the old to the new. Means utilize methods that worked previously -but gain greater ~pendence. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2t): Participate fn social acUvlty of·lf'OUp, organlzaUon. Be con· slderate toward one confined to home, hospital. What ap- pears a certainty 1s subject to Ductuatlon. P I a n •~ cordlnaly. SAGmAl\IUs (Nov. :. Dec. 21): """Full moon positiOa today coincides wilh a I d rect.lved from friend. You get facts straight. C on f u s i o n clears. You know what you. want 'imd how to obtain .iL Be gracious. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-.Jan. 19): .suryey career pr01pects, Open communication llnes. Some restrict.ions an lifted. B u t there ttmain essenUtl duties. Member of opposite ae1 offers constructive :i1ug· gestion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Travel talk c o u 1 d highlight day. , Fam i I y members express desire to cban,e rout.Jne. Be receptive. Some ideal expressed could appear imptactical .. But main- tain open mind. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):· Some may tell only half truth about money, inVestmentt~ Don't fear delay. Meam avoid rushing · into costly program. You need cooperation. Until you get it -wait. "•UAT r1N•5 TO •o NATIYI IN" ~qu~ 'The woman's club will elect new officers at the meeting . ne1t Thursday .. at 1:30 2.m. in the WeStminsfer Civic Center. A state of offictrs will be announced by Mrs. Les Miller, chairman of the nominating committee and names will be aceepted frorn lhe floor. Committee: members are the W.mes. David Ames, Pace, Leo Sl}aw and Wolirom. ml 1>tl&O· EASTER ARTISTS -The old mother chicken would never recognize her eggs as Robert Hyatt, 8, !:<ill Stubbs, 4, and Shawn Hyatt, 9, turn them into ~o~ks of · .... ~::eshair rib b~o 0 ?ii!~ ~aO: ;:: HAWAIIAN SHOPS · F•shion lsl•nd -Newport Center Open Sund•.y 1-5 p.m. ·art (or the Easter egg decorating contest sponsored by the \Vestminster ~':.'through ·matchinl members of TOPS Harbor Woman's Club. The three.-0.aY event is co-sponsored by the Department of "Ci'~ed paper a·n·a Lletiters lather each M<mday Parks and Recreation. · env~· . e'(tiling at 7:30. ~~~~~~~~~~=·~·'-+-~~_:__~'.!.:'...'.:=-~~~~~=-~::..:.:..::__~~- Oran8e Districi convention of Ca1:if,p Federation o f Wotitftif1 CI u b s Thursday, Ap1rll 'lO, 'in Disneyland Hotel wW be the Mmes. Ames, F.W. Brewer and Emory Cliftoo. . ''1:11'., -Mrs. John McShane, secretary of the West.minster Citiuns' Comm1tt.ee for P&!S8.fe ol. Parks and 1\~ea tion Bood Issue, wtll speak on,tbe $1,990,000 bond package going before tlfe v!Mrs June l.~ Mrs. Pace is plannlng T<ft<sl>meols. 'Club m e m b e r s assisting wtth hostess dutieS for the . ~ Mlu Lillian Burns, sewing contest winner, recent I y modeled her eDtry in the club's spring fashion sbow. Newly;eds Establish ' Home in Westminster • ExclwJ&inl wedding Vows 1\11.ss Linda Bagley, maid of and rings before the altar of honor, aod Mrs. Danie I the First United Methodist PlecenUa and Mrs. Stephen Cbw'ch, Costa Mesa, were Jackson, bridesmaids. Joyce Ano Christensen and Michael Gibbons served as Warren L. Cornelius. best man and Gilbert Hires 'fbe candlelight fJtes were and Jackaon escorte<I wec!<tlng IOli!mniud by the R e v .• guests to their seals. rum.rd Dunlap for l h e FOilowing the ceremony, the daqhier and son of Mr. and newlyweds greeted al guests Mn. Lester Christensen of in the church reception hall. o.ta Mes, and Mr. and Mrs. As.mting wllfi serving we.re J.W. Corntllus of Hunlington Mrs . Richard Teachey and Beach. Mrs. Carl Roberson, sisters To ay her YO'WS, the new of the bride Mlu Judy '• ·.• Starting Mond•y, M•rch 31 at 9 AM and through 4 PM S•turday, ell Gloria Menh1D locelion1 in the Stale of California, are ·holding a If, Price Sa 11 .on Spot Reducing· for either hips or w•ist. This special price is for hips or wrust only and is in <Olljunction 'llilh GIO!ia Manball'• :rofll)ar Piopam 1or all Patroll.L · -.-..u,..,""' one of the milllom olAmerican wcmen:with a "bia"·hip p!ObJma,,,cir,il the luutmJ ...a. inching back to give you that yautblul slender apj>ooraDCe, don't mile tllil otfer, It ... JOU % tbo :pi;.. . on hips or wai!t reducing and, of courae, Gloria ManlWJ.'1 pricel are alftYI 1-... lnuch 1-.,. than charged by any other system of ol\!llderizing Mione for women. Call ua and come in for a 11111Ple 'lloit,., no charp or obligation, actually use the apecial ~ucinl nw:hi-dmini ,our ample Ti.lit. Come in ... see for you,..ll·wby Gloria Mar.ball became #1, .. the natian'1 larptt, owned and opont.d syalajl ol reducing oalons (26 in Calilornia-there'1 one,,., you), , • Mn. Cornelius selected an Mulberry and M:w Bagley. empire gown of lace over The bride and bridegroom t----------------...,..--sat1n, desl,ned' with a full lace. are both graduates of Colla train. He white manlllla was Mesa High School. The new o./erlald with net, and her Mrs. Cornelius attends Orange bridal bouquet WU ID ll• Cout College and her ho- rangement of white carnations band, an CX:X: alumnm, at-surTOUDClinl a white orchid. tend.1 Cillrornla State College Wearing deep turquoise lace at Long Beach. ovlr satin· ·IOWJll were They have e1labll1lfed their memben-Of ~ ~d1l party, home lo Westminster. .. W•li..a ~ Stuffed toy bunny with box of c1ndy e Chocolato :Easer EGGS :'Eater-Gitt Iba In Beaut11 Jtem$ ,.. ;FULL LINE ! 'Ai'den's -laYln E . ~c::'r1 ... Dior HELENA RUBINSTEIN MINUTE LASHES . e .Full e Sh19i1y e N1tur1f 9 0.ml with •pPlicator RT llOULEV AllD -COST A MESA f T • • wily Is GLORIA MARSHAU. Ho. 1 Ckiria librsf\.tll's didn't "'jtnt happen" to bmrll !tie world's leadlna: nprt Control Srst1111 ••• qi,llci, ufe rnalts ll'lldt It that Wrt, At Glori1 Mltshall's ygu'A lost mo11 inchn and pounds for less 111Gne1 th.la t111vu1h any other Pro1r1m, enywhere, t/ lose -Uil lncbts fnA l~s, WW\ !lllll>r, -""- " Spoclll --ing Cloril -· pDilod -~ .. _to __ _ flpnflllt. 'fl lmb -qulclly, wltlolt J111t, ---"_.,. d'lfll ... elf~. ,_ .. lnclln '1all nrt." t/ Ho dl!ftlblni..We are mitt om. W11n1lt'llllllklnl1111' hulld be1Jt117 muscles, In allllOlt ntry cm, thl nnbt tends to build bit appelltlS'; thus, lllSltld or losint tM p1tron ICitUlllJ pil'll wti&ht. - ,/ free child care. Call now f« •free sanpfe Yisrt, wbm yua IClalllj 1111 tlle special avchlnu for reducinr aid eltetrlll"C Rew .. ""'-Ha ......... "' ~ipti ... •• • GWlUA MABSUALL .,.: "l'ell 111 tlie di. ... :roa ·Wmt fl) wear, ml. we'll tell you. how many vi&- ila'it will take and guamnt.ee in writ:. ing t.bat· you will reach your goal. In fact, IO abeolutely pot!itive 8l8 wet.bat you.will oblain your objective, t.bat u stat.ed in our gaurant.ee, we will even let yod hAve FREE OF CHARGE, ANY AND ALL :FlJR1'HER VIS- -ITS, 1llltil you reach :Joar goal. It'1 pclliii.w aaimnce that we back up our guaianb!e 100%. J!IGIJBE C:ONTBOL SALONS , n.corld'lllaMlt Pltntoll#OJ.,.,,. .lllllr N, $11. N • '.-.iart .r·llllW a.p ••• .NEWPQRT IEACH-430 Pacific Coast Hlgliway C :.::"'~i:: ) 642°3630 S~NTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543·9657 - SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHEIM, BEVE~Y HILLS, COVINA, CRENSHAW, DOWNEY, GLENDALE. LAK EWOOD, LONG BIACH, NIWPORT · BEACH ;NORTH HOLLYWOOD, ONTA PASADENA. SAN DIEGO, SANTA ANA, SANTA BARBARA, SUNLAND, TARIANA, TORRANCI, WESTCHESTER, WHITTIER ••. ALS_() RESNO, SAN JOSE, SACRAMENTO, SUNNYVALE 1nd WALNUT, CALIFORNIA. J · ecO!lllfi~ 1111 ar.r111 MmAe11 Jllf. a.. r"" t ' -" _-__________ .,__ ' • ~ ·-~-.. -.~-··---,...-r··~--..-:--·-~---~-·..--~-~ ...... -• • • Tuesday, AprR l , l 9b' .DA11.Y ,!LOI' 150. Council Heors ·' , Own ' Member beneflta to be pine~ by ' women of all faiths working together. What the Church Meam lo Me Today is the Utle ol a talk Miss Arm Maguire gave before fellow members of St. Catherine1s Council of Cathotlt Women this alternoon. · Dance Club Thoughts Kept Ove.r, Not U nder4 Their · Hats First Official Date lady Bird to Attend Washi·ngfon M.e~tihg Se~reteries . , . Orange Coonl)'-~ Ant> Legal Seer-lo "-1atloa meets !be third W-•J of !be month In varioull P*a. Futlhu ln10'11lalioo,,11ay be obtained by callllll r,iJu Sheron °""<<. 51 0 •,O 1.5 0 ; Members gather at 1 p.m. ..... Fonnerly a public relation,, · r e pr e s e n t a t i v e for the The first; · tbird a.pd fifth ·Soroptlmist Club of Laguna telephone CtlmpanY, M 1 s s FrJ~ys of .each month Beach-members: won't keep fl,!agi,Ui'e7 previously. s'PO'te---members-of Lice 'a· Leather any:thlng under-their hats nut before Church Women United Square Dan~e .::tub mee! at Thursdly moriline. of Laguna Beach on tbe ~ a p.m. In the Recreation Instead, evcrythinc will be of the ecunentica~ movement. Center. HunUllg'ton Beach. at eye level on bats created She ~the same~ -Further infon;na.Uon miu-be ~ to • reveal career inter~ ject in the council's program · obtained by c.@lg Mrs. Juan which women will parade at stressing the great spirituai Dillon ft 536-8013. tbQir 21st annual E a~ t e r Br.takfast at 7:30 a.m. 10 the . .. : " . · ·srroAL: ··. .. ..''" .. .... - SPAGHETTI &'-MEAT BALLS ALL YOU CAN EAT! TUESDAY NIGHT ONLY· 5 to 9 _ includes salad with choice of dressing, rolf and butter, beverage. s12~ WEQNESDAY NIGHT ONLY-S To9 fish 'n ChiPS a favorite of Ola England Breaded fish pieces served with ·, g g j. French fries , cofe slaw, ., roll and butter. Includes beverage. Hotel Laguna. • The breakfast is the club's annual blrtbday ce(Jbratioa - and to mar~ the occasion Miss Lorna Mills, &'charter member, will liJht candles. . Mrs. haurence Reynolds, a member of tbe. California Advisory Commission on the Status ol Women, will be ~,.st speaker at the hi:eakf~~ where a new Easter hat donated by Mrs. .La I s Outer.bridge will be awlrded. Pther ieatures will include songs by Brent Tobey, ac- companied by Mrs. 'Mary .Newlands and an original reading by Mrs. Pearle Case)'. Representatives from "S" Club, a Soroptimist-sponsorrd serviCe group at Laguna Beach High School, will Ii< among honored guests alOog with former winners of Uie Alberta Patterson Scholarship Award which is givin &nnual- ly to outstanditig high school coeds. Other guests \Viii incluae 1.fayor and hf.rs. GleM Ved- der, ?t!r. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence and Dr. · ·William Ullom, superintendent o f Laguna Beach Unified School District, and his wife. Mrs1 Suzette Dabney !3 in charge of arrangements. Sile is assisted by the M.mes. William Eschbach. ,\.J b ~ r t Cornelius, Herb Sutton, ti~ary Maxwell, Casey, Monte \lt'irr, THINK EASTER , --EARLY RISER -"Get me to the breakfast-on · time-'' l\1rs. Clementine LaWson warns her alarm clocl(. She wtll rise .early enough .next .Thursday morning lo attend .5oroptinll.st ·Club .ol Laguna Beach's .Easter Bre'akfast at 7:50 p.m. > Porter Power~. and the 1\lisses Lila Zali and Edith Weir . By HELEN· THOM.\s Reqtiecits J,our in from • ·s1sttrhocid -,. WASHINGTON"(UPl)-Ledy . ~tuil•blJ_asklna_m,Ll<(!al 00. Bini Johnaon will maker bu . !be ~Y Bird Johnsoh day s first official vi3it back. to -In t be Whil:e House. She stUl Temple sbaroh•s si!ierhOod Wash! gto .. ,_ th In •-bas a folklwmg, • n n ·~ mM -• meets 1be fourth Wednesd'"' twf of her pet Whit! tlouse -~though W ~ 1 h e of lbe · mooth in _Tent~ project -beautlllcation and wanted to ~e a s~~months Sharon ~School; 'CQlti conservation. -vacaUon ~ leavmc . her ,., 11 . • "ph•-' ,. -~-" d 11'.es&, a p.m. The former First Lady js •-cayy, •~u~y an 1--"'7',.;;;:;;;;;0 -- ·a member or the advisory 11)fritual1Y,",exhaustlng1ole inl Mwwt1&•11•1 " board of the Nation~ Part the White li~. Mr 1 · ·",---'---.,....--::::::::i'.l · hi h ·11 <. b 1c1· ~loot no..llJne In put-I .~ w c ~1 ~ •1° 1~1 tinithe JObnson:(amily radio ,lt! spr1n.g meeting Apri .t M, ·aoo . tt1evision interests back .lfy.ou l'llll.· 1a L---~ ~m~er new park and In bet · ntme to get active ~ historic. sttes. as a businesswoman a8aln1 you have I • Wa~1ngton Is a. sccon_d s·h e~ also ls speilding tlm' home lo Mrs. Johnson whose on the: IiBJ' Library af the DCW problem· on husb~d rose from a CQO-. University of Texas and L--.l- gress1onal secretary lo the sprucing up ·the little w• _your UAllUli • pres~~ncy and she has 1 lot thatjW beeri esta,l)UBhed near .Thirty yellf• ago there· or friends here. their Hill Country ranch. w-mild li-'-... • -• ..:.. She1ene L l .ado w, her ~ ...... LUO r-,..... secretary In Austin, .has ~ mild little 1haad lotion1: ed the word that Mrs. Johnson HB A •1. Now, tornadoe1 and wanl!_ a low key visit wlµt . UXI iary killer cleaner• cleao JOW' ''. no fanfare onithe journey back ~i~e 8 month. the . Ladles' ( lioUae aadWTec:Y your·· lo !be capltalc - -Awriliary lo Hunttngto11-Beach. -"l<andS.-· :.. '!rs .. Jo•--.-,. who ts a Veterans of For~gn Wars, \'-'· .th • , ___ • ._ " iul!IU!i Post 7361 meet at a p m , The1 ew-a wi IUOll:l 1• utt:: wealthy woinan, gets no flrst ·Friday of the mo~th. they hand Jotion up to today'• ' remuneration f r o m the gatber ·in Odd Fellows Hiill cleaa~ Aloe, the dee ... ~ government as an r.. i: -for a tiusioess meeting and ..i111 moiJawiling plM~" pr~sident's .wife~ .But, sh~ IS the third Friday they aocialize belpe reetore what eleu~ · u.s1ng an office on LBJ s runth in various locations. Further . ers atrip away. Vedra : flcor in the fed~alDuilding~informaUOn may-lifeieiYed Lo I r----· · in Austin wh~ she works by telephoning Mrs. LeRoy tion, .oo.~.I.50. The club is an International ecuµve _posltioM. . service ., prg~tion f u r·T.:w~ilh~h~eri;;;seci;iiire~ta~ry~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiermi;iiiaenii· ii;iaii;l;i$36.35!0iiiiiiii'i;;;;;;iiiiiiili:O.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiji;:--·i' women,in.profesaional and ~x-: ,·;!· July Nuptial Rites iT'S· OUP 34-llf'BIG BiflHDAH :t Pf a nned in New port . . .. come help us ce.lebrate ! i , ·~ • PENNY P~TCH To Join Brides Gloomy Gus Tells ii A5 You See ii St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Will oe the setting for \ the July 12 rites linking In marriage Penny Marie Patch and Eugene Nelson Heap of Costa Mesa, News of the forthcoming ev~t has been anoounc,~ by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Patch of Newport Beach, parents of the future bride. Miss Patch is a graduate ' of BirminghRm Higlr School , I' Van Nuys and received her l' BA In 'e1etnentary ed~cation from San JOSf. State College where she ~ffilirtco ,;ith .Delta 1 Gamma. Currently teaching In Honolulu, -the bride-,to-be is a Valley debutante and is listed in "Who's Who 1n Ainerican Colleges and Universities." Her fiance, son of Mi. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heap of Tucson, earned his bachelor " " " • -• ·'· ' .. • •• .. .. .- . I I I \ I • I of architecture and master of science degrees from tilt University ·of Southern California wher~ __ member of Tau Sigma Delta, aJialional honorary fraterNty. IN 1935 LAGUNA •"Ffl!llAL SA VlNGS AND ORANGE COUNTY WERE JUST LEARNING TO WALK! Today, Laa:una Federal is the larfest independent Fede-raJ Savin1s and Lo.ii ASsociibOn in Orani;e County;-__,__. • • .. ,. ' • • Minute Lashes by.Helena Rubenstein actually have their own applicator, These beautiful laslles a1e as quick as a wink to put on! And, they're lifilw.eiettl, permanently curled, contoured and feathered with a band !hat's alot0sl invisible. Choose frOlt four natural l°'*ing slyles: Demi , l.R; Natural.I.II; full, l,.; siiaw, 1.11. Black 111 blown. CosMatics ' u umS' , ( .J Two Dates Calendared Laguna Beaeh Ch •1> t er . Order of the Eastern Star, will meet ·next Friday, while the group 's Star Club is plan- ning a gathering \Vednesday, April 9. The chapter's conclave in Laguna Beach Masonic Hall at a p.m. will be Jed by Mr . . and ?.trs. Arthur Stead, worthy patron and matron and hosted by Mrs Carolyn French, The club's meeting, at 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Federal Sav- ings and Loan building, will feature a white elephant auc- tion. D '4·ctc~• ••n•tilit., ht· tJ1.1d11 "ki1111 I Drv" cytl• to fto1ho11-1.1p ••• , ... 4hh••· '] ktdllCll ''°"'~· ef, tl•1•" ,,.4 1il••t witlri Spefl·Aw1y klt110 Ce11• . -NE Wt-eommencint:._April-l1tT1969,.Laguna..Fetkral Sauing1. wiU_poy < •DAY IN TO DAY OUT INTEREST ..• COMPO-UNDED DAILY ON SAVINGS! ' 5.13% when the curren.t annual rate of 53 Oll pallbook aceounfll is compcnµldtd daily for one year. PLUS .253 per year added lo current annual rate for Bomui Cect.ificafel ($1,(X)O multiples) when held for tbrw )'ttn'. Where~ aYe DOES make a difer4'! BIRTHDAY CAKE AND CDFIU SERVED £VERY DAY I p.M. fl 3 p.m. APRIL Isl lhlOVlh APRIL !Dtl al our 11f1C1S ii lUUNA BEACH, SAN CLEMENTE aND LIGUNA NICUEl •c DAYIS·BROWN . .. .. .. ... , , • . . . . 411 ·E. t7th· St,_; Costa Mesa 1 clilion•r Di;p111ttr. O -Tell• you ••ch 1t191 of cvcle1 Fle•ilil• conttel tlliel h11 lllql.llltCt iMli· c.tin9 ft•tlltt, 0 Othtr m1J1!1 11rlc.1d '''"' $14t.ll. .. 646-1684. FRIGIDAIRE . DISHWASHER Newport Center. ,1 Fashioo Island o 644 ·2200 o Mon., Thurs ., Fri. JO:OO till 9:30-01\er days 10:00 till 5:30 \ . ~-----~+---------~-.... ----~--~~---'r-----..,.----.:0 ' ' ·1 • • , I • .. ................. . '18 ~"\',ILOT 1"1/tSday, Aprll l , 1911'1 -- ~a,n R\g, AngeJs Catcb: ~ighti~g . ~n. a Bot.tl~? ' ; ~ ' ..... . .. , , l17 EARL QUSTKEY oplimism for themselves Thutaday nlght CM 111 ~ ,..... ..,... when the An~tl.s ~l Uie Dodger. at ~ ~ d,o you · captm< liihtoing 'in a Anabeim Stadium. • • • • 'baWe·• And mate no mistake about it· -.;a,w R l"C n e y, the manager of the the man is optlmi.!IUe. -· <;Glforn.it Arl&ds, bu bopes the An&el! "The one point we 're reill)" coriWned 4H do it with four starting pitche~ about is the youth on our ball club. ~ avetqt·'l years, • catcher With \Ve know these young guys can-play • minlmwn. of m1jor league experience welf but we aslo knoW that because '&fl' f relief pitcher who will be f6 they're young they're going to make in~uly. mistakes . ..;'"11ilii new divlliQnal setup tor the "SO it'll be up .to lbt manag'!!r and Aaaerican Leqve hu everyone on .our · the ~ehes to channel these mistakea c)O prttt7 excited,"" Rigney conllded and Jron them out. '1 ~by .pbooe from a Pboeiu.1: hotel. With £he season opener just a wee.k '..."we hear a k>t of talk about other away, Rigney,sensei. 1 new, uncommon c~ winnint that W~tem Division spirit in the ranks, • d:tmpionabip bo1 we tbink we )\Ive "The pl:.iyers are really charg(ld up a ihance· to catcb a little of that lightning -they've enjoyed this spring training," our young pitching si.Jf holt1 Op, !lley're ev~ lie had lo ao to aiake' 11!11 But he'1 never had U!e year I'm sur. 10~ to keep ua-io a lol o! ball 1amt5." du.b. He'• a fine deleniive pl&yu1 runs he'd, like lo balve. We'rt ll')'lna to I« Rigf~ start'.!rs, otberw11e ~n .., wel~.&nd he hUs. 1 like the •boy. Hl'1 JDON et •a ~Vt. la 1a11 nine-m l'T he M Squad," comprloeo J I m delermilleel and -be doem1 llave !llUCb _. ~~ ··•· ~ .._ _...._ lut Mc<llothlln, And)'.. M-rami!ll. 11\!di _ · · •-~~ ..--• -., r--· May and Tom Mflrpby •. The .......... TICKET INFOlllUnoN . ....... but M _, Ila,,...., modi hesltat" to toclude' U!e·name-ol,J)eorge )"0. 111••'"4 • lllmlq ,,..,,., ~." · Bn:met because tbe...>teteraa U-pine Win-lll&M'I •"™ti;.,... •·Aa;t.-~111· ~ .. Blcney llJI hlr "lour )'GUii& men" ner of !Ml has had a miseralile 1pr\Jll. ~ ..._ ~ IM Mpll m IM Dodi· -The M Squad -ari U!e Allltla' It Is possible Bnmet may not be oo en ,....1...., -a-,'. ...,,..,. IUlt at tho-: .lleGloililto the operung day .roster'. ~ ' o.11~11,• 11att Un W.. ..W Ja a proven~. M11r1r_. . ._ ..e "Thi! is Ille slowest ..... O'eor1e I~."-J ,_,.. pmr. , o1 -ball's flnUt curve balla, May has had," Rig says. , , ~ l PlloV tl PM Mm ..-i,; al lw been a oprtoc -tldo 11111 M!ll'PI»' "He seems .to r .. 1 lre11 an· Olht ·blit prlee '<*&tries. lool<ed 11 k e one· ol Ibo lint al - we'rt concerned about bjm ttM('i-thil'1 • ' last year. • ' why w• have four y-MS _..,, to MY ~ be just soes out ·and doea And bockiq up tbal ..._ In !lie to pitch." < -°' ..,.... the job." ~ bullpen II li-yur.old Hoyt w-. itlll RilneY an· but aclmilttcj Newport ru, doesn1 IOlllld u eothusluttc when one <I !lie ''"''"' ~ -!'.ddln Beach'• jlill v... would be adornrd dircuaslng anothv ol'bJa outfielders, Rick Flaher &l•ea Ibo Anpla a poleal - in an Angel unilorm next Tuesday. llelcbardt,,RJ·• lw. • • .-•• pre"~ ......., •-'·•. ouj GI !lie pen. The jurJ II lllll out club feels that if ''ll ~ms to me Voss hQ done u. u.u "V _........ .,..u.16 on Mlunlt Roju but: K be Uoukf pitdl in:our bottJe." / " Rig o:plains .. •Anjel followers can ,rade Rlgney'1 •rt:Veryone ·on the . . . Celtics, NY ... • (:an Sweep _ ...... .... . Jn Playoffs ~. '.~N (AP) -Tbe Boston c.1u.,., q experienced t r o u b I e with $.ade:lphia in lhe W i I t Oiunberlain e.t, seek to wnp up the Wllt·less 7krs til'tour straight toni1bt in the National IMRtball Association's Eastern Division *1diflnal playoffs. ~ the other Eastern Division playoff *llos. the New; Ycl<k Kni~ aJaii,lrill ,a;,,p1 to co"li>lok a ,..,.P tonight, trlfl one over the Baltimore Bullets in 1'la"diaon Square Garden. The Celtics. \\'hose nine-year reign as NBA champions was interrupted rudely by the 76ers in 1967, are 3lron& lavprites to ·complete a s weep ol the best-of·l series in the fourth game at the Girden. .Despite a fourth·place finish in their /1 division, the Ql lticS are flying hiah op,ce' ·,, agllD. dt:termined to ma~ jokeate{s Of ''i I.he.many so-called expertf who t!onsider · their dynasty ·ended. "We're just playing our best ball of the season," Boston player-roach Bill Ru!lell said. "Everyone 's doing the job. We''rt get. liag 1 team effort." .J4t:t:r finishing second ·. during . the r.ei&J!ar season, the 7&ers have liUle OOpe: No• team hu f1Ue.n behind 3-0 iti lbe playoffs and come back to capture the-championship in the NBA 's U.yW iMory. . ~1be 76en are hurlin&. Chet Walker. G:irCed to the sidelines in the first period in Boston's 125-118 victory at PhiladeJphia Sunday, wu ruled out of the fourth game because of a "pulled ll1ament above the right knee. Walker will be replaced in the starting line-up. by either Matt Guoku, a swing mad nonnally used in the backcourt, or wteran Johnny Green. Pbiladelphia Coach Jack Ramsay took a deep breath and said : "We can still win;Jt." ' ' • SF; Laker Hopes . . Rest Witli Mullins . OAKLAND (UPI) -Hopu GI San Frionclaco to beat U!e Los All(<lea Liken to their NBA ·w.stern Dlvlokii plAyol!J may binge on Ille lnjur.d knee ol Warrior guard Jell Mullins. Mullin• banced the knee In a co111aion with Bill HewtU of the Liken lbortly .after the openfna whlltle in Monday nflbt'a 115-tl 1AJI Angeles vK:tory before a dlaapp;Noted capecity crowd of 13.211 It the Co~Arena. It wa11 the Laken' first f.1n after two San Francisco victories Jn the belt-Of«"tn ·series which resumes Wednesday night at the San Ji'rancl!co Cow Palace. • • ' Htwitt ind Mulllns bumped knte9 and Mullins hobbled off the court. Ht came back to score HVtn points before 1 doctor dlainosecf ·internal bleedtng on the knee and ommd him lidelined . "l just couldn't do ony!lllng on the knee,'' aa.id MuIDils. "It ,fult-swelled up on me. EveryttUn( will depend, I guess, on hnw well the knee responds to treatment in the next 41 houri." One of the offensive SJ)IJ'kl of the Warriors in the setOf)d half d the .,euon 41·25, In • hill third period to ·-• ·M>polnt San FranclllCO kal! at halltlme .. Jerry Wm and Johnny E- !llarting hit Ont· 1ame ol the "'1eo, rparked the Laker comeback. West tall· ied 13 ol hi! gQ1r-hlp ol 25 points and Etan bucketed JO ol hi! II in Ille third period . In the battle of the blg ctnters, Wilt Chamberlain af Loi Ancelts and Nate ThumHJnd . each scored 2% points but the H Clllnberiain.snaqed U,re~ to ii lor''lhmnond. For the .flnt 1time . In the ,..;.,, the. La~er• ou!re~ed the 'flrriflll, .sa. ) (' R<(trdlnl cr!Ucisnv thal he ,doel not driv~ enousJNor the buket, Chamberlain aald be la going to continue to plly ''the same way t did all season." "If J havt to 10 to lhe basket, that's what I'll do," he aald. ·~we beat these guys four out of seven oo the stason and I was 5COl'ing only 8 or 9 points a ~ame.': Chamberlain praised the play of Hewitt, former Southern C&lifornia star. and In the flrst two S.n P'l'aoclSI!<> wins LM "•• tn the playoffs. MuDlna' status for". the ••Ybr ~ i!' T7 St~ .. ,.MIK• . , ' next game is questionable. · Hew111 10 w 7!I • Chlmbeflollln t +n n Warrior coach Georp Lee bemoaned w"' • '11 2:5 the loss of his star pard. "We never ~~~:'" ~ :-; 1~ had the (UV that COUid ~ &flt US H•wllnt I 1·2 I ~in< with J~f ,rn.iuin& frotri the.lineup,". ~~,,;"'"' : t;·1 ; he said. E••~ ~ 1t-11· 11 r • AIMl!11'$911 1 " , "The .loss takes the presaure off n us." added Lee. "We ttill think we're T•tttt. ~' J).a 1u L• ...... 19$ J!'Oing tB win. But now we know we . s.n ... ••nc:ltto ltlilllllO ' u It l .. I ' 1·1 J Tl\uf'mlncl t 6-11 H Attlu 4 0-1 t MulHnt J 1..1 7 1(11!1 ' 6-7 u IE'Ul1 4 l·J t T""1\lr 2 1·1 I l .wll -1M2 Wlllllfltll ., ..... ' klllvtllf 0 u J Allln o 0.0 o T911b U -..cs ti 21 '2 fl Jl-IU :ll 22 ts,._,. can't sweep il" F6111t11 .... ._. Ttlll 1'11~• Al1fl•lt1 ff, S•n Fr•rtc:bCll Los Angtlts ou~ the Wanian, a. College Powen Vie Top B.~eball Tourneys He also admitted the 76ers are lucky they're playintln a besl-<>f·7 series. ·--rra nfth game is ntCe!siry, the lwn~ tettJm will play in Philadelphia Fciday nig!it. At La Palmµ,_Riverside ' Running Game Siill Is Goal q£ San Diego • sAf4 DIEGO CAP) -out·scramblcd twiee, the young San Diego Rocket" again try to run against th~ Atlan ta Hat b tonight in a National Basketball As.sOclaUon pl1yo!f. Bllt lint, Rocket Coach Jack McMahon said Monday, his players must get the bait men often to his fast·breaking rookie pards and freshman center Elv:in Hayes. The Rlwka won the first two game.s lo ~tlanta, 1117-11 and 111-tli. If Zelmo Betty and Bill Bridaea con· tinue to dominate the bickboard! tht: Rocket.s may find themselves trailing f)..3 In the but:Of·7 Western Division JJ!.milinals. "Atlanta's the most physical team In the NBA." slid Stu Lantz, San Diego's roo~c auard. ''J( they run with us, I.hey can't beat us.'' COOch ~fcMahon's game. plan always ha s been to run, but u he slid with frll.!llralion: "Why aren't we running~ We 're not· attlln& the ball ." The Rockets, in their second year 0J' 1NBA actlon. have won all fm1r meftJnaii with the Ha"·ks in San Oicgo·ii Jnta'DIUonal SportJ Ar,~a. 1•hHt drop. pinj .U alx 1ames in Atlanta. . ' , THE LITTLE MAN -l'he Lakers' Joh n Egan. one of the smallest players ( si~ feel) in lhe NBA, dri ve~ ;iround San Francisco's Al Allies during i ·tonday night's Laker 115--98 playoff win in Oakland. The 1.11'1 Ttle""1t "1nust" wi n by the Lakers reduced the \Varriors' lead to Z..l in the \Veslern Division Series, which switches to San Francisco's Cow Palace Wednes· day. ni ght. (I • Sports Clipped Sho rt . Hadl Becom~s Free Agent , SAN DIEGO -Veteran quarterback John Hedi, who has kepi lhe San Diego Cbargers wlnnlng for the past flve seasons. dickered as a free agent today with other pro football teams. The Chargers' option' on Hadl , who led the leagUe in touchdown passes, yards gained and paaslna: and com· pletions in 1968. expired Monday at mid· night end Had! did not sign . a new contract. ... ... ... • VERO BEACH, r11 . -1m An1elc~ llod1er11 officials \\'tre told Monday that WllHe Da,'i.s' hai rline fraclare nf 1 h c rl1ht •rm ii ·nol •• 1erlou1 •~ first tbou1}1t and he should hf' <lble l<i relurn to play \\'ilhin three \\·eeks. .. Dr. Frank Jobe , team physician, told vi~ president Al Campanis tbe brtak won't require a cast. Davis, recuperatinr ln Los Aft1cle1, '\\'Oli hit last Saturday nigh! by a loss or Atlanta Braves relle\ler -Claude Ray- mond. .... ... I.AS VEGAS -An 11grccrnent for 11 title fight bet\\·een Jerry Q11arry and Joe Frlliier. heavyweight chAn1pion in fi,·e states, ippearro near today. Represcntalil'C~ of the two boxers 1nct ~tonday night to disC'u55 lbe OOul, which will probably be held nr L&s Angeles in June. ... in Nevi York ... Hl\'ERSIPE -USC Pitcher Brent Strom lied a 1trlkeoat record ia the NaUonol Collegiate' Bue ball Tourname•t J\1onday nJgbt, fannl•c 14 batters ii a !-t win over host UC ruverslde. In another 1ame, Indiana collected four bome run1 for a 11-11 win tver i'll11sl~slppi. In the third i; • me of I he evening, Clyde llu ehn hil a 3'8 foot. three-run homer lo lead lllinoiJ lo 1 IU vic tory nl·rr UCLA. ... .... ... ~~w May Sign This Week I For Bal Wetk partygoers and collegiate baseball fans, this is the week of the )'ear. Two major college b a 1 e b a 11 tournaments hive attracted most cl the nation's JeadJ.ns CGUe1e nines with action already under · way in ti, IMual Riverside clasalc and hostilities be&IMlng Wednesday in tht Chapman loumament at Anahei rTI'a La Palma Park. Competing at the University ot California, Riverside are such forces !, ••••••••••••••• WHITE WASH 49tn. Jerry, lnddentally, lives ln Han-Ito..,. llu<b. .bd M 's done a fa.ntasUc job eC wptndlq Cll St.ate.'1 program in ene fear -&lvlq IM Den 'a ZW reconl tut leu& Cll ltlte wW play all Ind 'thtte ef Ka 1•11 llllltt •t 1peclou1 Lto1 Btaeb Arena -uotaer tlep up ii moldiag I winnlftl ptll!'UI• Swl•, IH"'"' Clu1lc Amtric111 top swimmers and dJvers will be converging on Belmont Plaz.a Olympic pool in Long Beach Fr)day for the first day's acUon in the Nat1onal AAU short course championshi ps. Diving qualifying will bring Ille field down l.o lbe cream ol the crop and • the llnall April t-11. Leadlnc 1Wimmer1 will vie, also, and ,..Ung fliurra to be In rr<•t demand. Tkketa for tbe nine day1 of com-pe~tlon ere priced at I ll (reserved) and 114 C1eneral admiialoii) and ara available lll'oulh CompuTtcket oulleta or by oendlng a cbect to AAU Swim Champlonahlp, P. 0. Bot :ll03, Loq -·- Indianapolis Bids for O.J. • , . .... ..i -. .·t • .... \ ~eepin.g . . . ·.on SET FOR ACTION -Cofona de! Mar's duo of Tom 1-Iolleman (left) and Stev.e. Taft form a tough DAILY PILOT ........ W Liii P1r11t doubles tearri, They upended Estancia in weekend hostilities. .. , At Elks Tourname n t • ' Tars , Lions: Chqlk V p Easy .Tourn~y Triumphs By ROGER CARLSON Of t1M DallJ Plllf il1ff the Garden Grove League team on four hits. Newport Harbor and Westminster high Sevilz ran Into some trouble in the schools continue battle Ut.is afternoon first inning . v,:hen the opposition loaded In ·the winner 's bracket of the fifth , the bases on a dOJJble and two walks, annual Santa Ana Elks baseball tooroa· 1 · 1 .. , , , • ment after crushing their opposition 'Mon· -_ _l!4t _ S~":'..!~. 's_oo~l!! .. ~he ...:Yi:l.9.S "'.ith . ~ day afternoon in first round action. strikeout to end the only real threat Neither . lef111 had much tl'O!Jble Mifn. for' Rancho. day with thets'.ailors 'oC Newpdrt Hatbqr 1 'Newport !tarted thinis'off in nne style using three PitChei-s to shut oul Rancho i~ the ope.ling stanza wben Bob Curry Alamitos, 5-0, at Santa Ana CollP.ge while got on via an error and eventually scored \Yestminster, behind the pit<:~g of Phil . , . . . t.lcCartney, was .handling Orange to ,the ~~ Ron 1-artin s sting et;, down the third· tune of 11·2·tit Saitta Aila+ Villay. . . ·basl nne. ' I McCartney_shut---1JQWn t~Panlher_s Four more runs came in · the third on three hits and allowed the two runs JMing to clinch victory for NCwport. in the sixth and,1sevf!nltl irmings after Sevitz opened up with a walk on rour Westminster batters had sealed i he verdict earlier. . · pitches, How 3rd Struble :singled to left Marina, CM _ Looking Like 1-2 Finishers ~Wimrning teams from Marina and COsta Mesa High Schools appear headed rot a one-lwo finish in the F6untain Valley High invitational swimming meet after Monday 's qualifying heats. Finals will be held Thursday beginning at 1 p.m. io the Barons' pool. ·sev.eilteen schools are entered Jn the meet and · the Vikings of coaqt . Larry Ange1e1 9_11alified 15 for the finals - lOJll!I fOC' ail varsity efttrants. -~ Mesi · sen<ls ·nine flnrrieo '1o ·the final!, along 'fitb Garden Grove and Bury"Ot!ghs . ot ·Burbank. Bolsa Grande qualified six arid L<lng Beach Jordan S. Hbsl Fbuntain Valley qualiiled three, nit Bee championship Thursday looks like a tOO:sup between· Pacifica, Marina, Costa Mesa a-nd Fountain-Valley-who had 10, nllte. seven and six qualUiers. · • RETURNING FIRE -Estancia High's doubles team of Atilio Rosetti (I~)" and Charles Masson make a return during recent comp_etition with Corona del Mar. match with CdM. The Eagle tw060!Ile Jost theit;·· .. "' ~agunans, Viejo ~oth-Wid.~·- Laguna Beach and 1'1isson Viejo High School! racked up . opening day victories Monday afternoon at the North San Diego County Prep Baseball tournament. Laguna pollahe<t: of£ Vista, 'l-4, and Mission Viejo dilpensed with San Dieguito, 3--0. The Artists were lo play Carlsbad this afternoon wtule Mission Viejo drew Oceanside in a 10:30 a.m. tilt .at Mira Costa "JC in Oceanside. Laguna's game js at the 1same site at 2:30 p.m. Steve Hazan 1lruck out JO San ., .. , Ill .... , 1,,,....,. aeKfl ~11 oao a n -1 1 • • ClllO OQll XIII lt-f • 4 Dieguito batters for Vi c j o. Denny • Schmitz started Laguna 's attack with i triple and his brother •• Doug, stole three bases in the 11-inning Artist win. ~ MlnlM 'lllle UI ff,'~ ~··-SM °'"""' Ctt •· .. ,.,.. LltUlll •Hdt fF) •Orllrbl O. Scl'lrnllt, n S 1 I o ~O. SdwnlU, cf 6 t 3 I Sll-1nl,11rt•Dl0 IC•t llr, If· I I 1 0 Mc:DoMll!ll, lb ' MCEI'*"', P t Sl1tlov1. Jb 4 ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' Alllwy , 11 l McMUrtlf, c 2 Tol•lt Jt ' • ' ' • • ' • ' Yll!I 141 Mr•rtt1 S!trtillllt:a. r1 J I I • t.-1,H •tlO S~i.ct JtOD Elllllr, ( S 1 I t ·~· .. ' • • • lrltr~tw.lll, 111 J ' • • GrtVOroll. Jb.p 4 ' ' ' 1.-, 211,P ' • • ' w-.11. M " ' • ' • Plew, .. ' • ' • ~MIYll\, 11 ' • • • lhlldoU. .... ' • • • TOllll ~ • • • \ kolm1,, cf J 1 I t Sanclll!~ If l I .,'• , Moteno, lit 2 o I 1 \ Cllro,Jtt J ilt G1rd1>11",lf 4100 H1un.i lOll t.u!Mr, r1 ! I 1 \ -Me,.,ltr., ( l I t t I M•~•lonl, IS l I I I 01vll, Tb l 0 I 0 Tollls U J i I Ml~loft Vlelo S.n Dlttuf,. DeG•l"ltY, :Ill I I 1!' ~ T•Yllr, a 1 f I /I Kl-.frlcl, ""2b J I &., .. (.......,, lb J .... C•l!lurf, r1 i o o.::•,, Me/II, d I I GI o Ne'-1. I; 2 • '·-' Lll'ld, 11 1 t , _... Toltls U I ~ .f ' ' llQ IOt •·-J J Olll .. ·-· l ...... ~--------------------~.,..---.,..-----,---------------,-, .. ,". >· ~erfeet Your Strofte ••• .. ' \·· " • .. .. • ; .In Jact, the ' game took on the after two out and Bob LeaVy's hot one • resemblance of batUng practice in lhe filled the bases. · · Costa -Mesa should ·win the Cee meef Coach Don Utter's lightweights have 14 qualifitts -almost two for every event. The host Barons made it with nine while ~farina had just one . • Elks Tourney Scores llle'lliiort k•rtior .S. R•ncllo Allmil09 I W1r11ml111"1" \1, Or..,.e J SIYlf\M 2, Vlll1 P1r1t; t ·11rftl Ane I. U..r•' 7 Kennedy 12, Gatclen Grov1 S IC1lel1• I, Se11t1 An• V•ll•Y I An1n11m 1, Sun11y Hills 2 SH!ll9bfc~ (, FOOll!jM , l sixth inning when the Lions bombarded Orange pitching for five \. tuns to up the count to U. Besides ·going the dislatlce for the victory, McCartney picked up lhrte RBis on a run-scoring single in the first inning and a 4w~run blast over the right field fence in the ninth frame . ' His brOther. Will, was the only other Lion to collect more than one hit in the 11-hit attack. The sixth in.ning ended any doubts Whin coach Frank Mµnoz 's nine produced live tallies. Mario Sanchez's single up the middle was responsible for two runs, Ed Bane doubled home a. tQllY, Steve Bueklind singled home a run and the filth score was picked up on Ruly Membrila's sing"- Coach Andy Smith, ol Ne¥.'port Harbor put his champiot\Jhjp hopes on th~ line in Monday's effort wjth Rancho Alainitos :when be utilized three second- line pltch.ets tq; hind le ~e Vaqu_eros. With starting pitcher1 Steve Schoettler 1nd Deno,y Dean held back for today's two ganies, Smith used Bill Seviti for I.be frrst three innings. Mike McMinn ror the second trio of frames and Bob Stafford in · lhe seventh to whitewash Rich Warner then hit a shot to left to score two runners, conliitued on lo third \\'hen the ball went past Jhe out- field and eventually . came. on home with the fourth run of · the inning after a bad throw to third~ trtnl'Wt Ul • •• r ~ rM Curry, ti J 1 O O Mir!!", ( l O 1 I srrvti1 .. lb • 1 J o l.•IYY,ltt •1 2(1 W1rner, rl' l I I 2 Fi.tnl111, ff l I I I MtH11etlf, lb J 0 o o MAf'lley,H 70 10 Troy-, M I 0 I 0 SeYilt, P I 0 I I M<.Ml"n, P I a o O SllfforO, p o O I I Rlll(lle Ai.rnilM Ct) 8•rnes. $J R.etlJI< ct DIV!!., !I' Af>Oef'On, C 81rt.e-r ... JIUTIA, '"31 ROii•"· 11 PUrlflt, lb' l•ntos.' 2b Tott Ii. 10 r It rM • t o a 1 •• 0 • l 0 1 0 l ' , • ,. 0 0 0 J I I I 1 0 • 0 l t 0 D 2 • 0 0 ll • • 0 ., .• ; ·-Tot1ls 21 5 1·1 '· . ' 5ttrt Or lftnlltft . , NPwPOrl Hl<l>or R1PICllO Al•ml!N W..Slml!t1llf' 111! At•1'1 H•YllH. 2b 4 1 I 0 MCODrlllcl, ct '3 2 1 ,_, d ·llrt l <ol. w. Metrlfll' If l 2 2 Pkttl, rt t t t P. McCrtnY. II J I 2 Mlmbtllt, If 1 I I Mlctl:, rl'·lb l 0 I l!\ICltlAf'ld, rt' 1 I I Otdrl(k, Jb I 0 0 M. !.l~t, 1b J I I J. !.11\(Ml, lb J ' 1 5lc11rtw, lb ' ' 0 M!lnt,c •OD Hovtn, lf 1· • 0 ClfftlleMlnt, lb ' I 11. O Tot11t 1$ II 11 I ' ' . 000, G -l I 1 008 t -0 .4 J 0r ..... (JI ·111-... Hiit, H ' Wllfh'• !lit • Sdlrldtr. If C•tin. el·• W•""• rf !.llgldo. 2b Frost, lb S..n!ord, II Davldtan. p Mtrlll', p • ~ult. d Kt~t. 11 Tollll .. -, ~,.. I 0 0 0 1 1 a o t t 0 I l l 1 I l • 0 • l • , • 3 I 0 0 l 0 • 0 l 0 ' • • • 0 • •• 0 • 0 0 0 • J • 0 0 U J S I k.-"" lftflllltl . ' . 1111 105 1-11 n 4 llOO 001 1-l It Marina varSJ'ty sensation Don Llppoldt had the faste~t qualifying lime in the JOO backstroke heats Monday with a 58 rJat clocking. He finished first in the 100 individual medley event but was disqualified for a turn violation .. Harry Noah of Fountain Valley record- ed Monday's fastest time in the 200 indo event when he stopped the watches at 2:23.8. • Costa Mesa's Dave Whitaker qualified in two events. the 200 free (1:54.6) and the 100 free (50.7). · Orange1Coast area vanity qualifiers: 200 medley ret.y -Marina, 1:47.2; Costa li1esa, 1:48. -200 free -Evans (M), 1:59.8; Whitaker .<CM), 1:54.6: Hortwog (CM), 2:11.5, Remy (M), 2:05.3. 50 free -Donaldson (M), 23.2; McConnaughey (M). 14.5. 200 lndo -Noah (FV), 1:23.8; John.wn (M), 2;33.0. 100 Fly -Gammon (CM), S6.4: Evans (tit), 58.6: Hall (CM}, 1:01.7 ; Williams IM~. :12.5. 1 Free -Whitaker (CM), 50.7; Don dson (M). SO.I; McConnaughey Ci.I!. 53.S; Rotman (CM). 56.1. !Oil Bafk-Lippoldt (M), 56.0; Mi~olek (CM), 1 :03.5; Davidson (M). 1:04.0; Davis (FVJ. l:<Rl.3. 400 Free -Kolm (rtf ), 4:$6.6: Buell (Ml. 4:34 .. 4. 100 Breast -Spenagle (CM), I :11J.3;. \Yilliams (~!), 1:09.1. Oilers Sp~it, Play Today JIAWTHORNE -Hunllnglon B..,cb and irai-backed op by IO Huntinglon Hijh's Nseball team. afler splitUng a· hits. 1 • • . • ...;,,,b~_header_ -Mondnv, ,&ook 1 qn Mira M•llltllll• C4l ttw.ltilt .... tH<• fJI ..... """ lllr•nt •r•"4 .. . •· .. . "· . . at Mariners Savings Free GoJf CJini& Com~ in and rwingwith the pr09-a IO" putt or a 300 yard drivel .,. A TY camera will videotape )'OUt atrob and you1l sec younelf on imlant playback. Golf proz will analyu: your awin1 aod advise you on your 1ame ••• wttkdays 1 t :30-1:30 p.m. · ' You'U be playing in Brunswick'• new •·swioa-Away Pro Golf'" practice 11nit riaht in 'Marinen• lobby. See MacO.Raor's COJnplelo 1969 Pro Line of aolf equipme.nt iii Marinen'-.ProShop. , ,, ·Jack Niclclau1 'book. of aoll tipa /ree for c.veryono attendinJ. Three weelu ••• •t.utini: .March 24th. C:Ome in tJIJW and get all the delaits. Spttlal Guut: Miu Manha Bennett. fonnerlyMia ~ fomia. Soon to boac:co.OQtbc Womcn'1 PIOfaaioaal Golf Circyit. Take a Tip From TM Prot Dale Andrea50ft MacGrep-AdvOOry Staft' Mlldt 2'1h Bob Baker leisure Wodd Country Cult March 25th Gerry Half Santa Ana Couolry Oub .Mardi 261h Don Mollica Irvine Coa.\t Country Cub March 27111 Rofl Jtelr. . eo.1 .. ~~tryaub . ltfuch28th JimmyPowen Yorbal.i.ndaCo&.m:yOub Matdl Jiu. Ralph EVIO! Jrvine Colll Coutry .Qub April bl Bob Biker . leisure Wedd Cooltry Qub .April 2nd Garry Doua111S Jtancho Siil Joequin .Apdl Jrd Oerry Hall Santa Ana Country Oub .April 4th Ganyll<Kl&IU 1lm<ho Som_.. .Aioril 71h Ronlla• CottaMaac....trrC!o& ""'1111h 1- Dav"e Colfer :Meaa Verda Country Cub ~pril 9th • D&lc Andttl""1. M.Ortaor Mhilofy Slaff Jqiil 10.h {jofla UlJ) afternoon Jn the 15-leam Midi.. ,. 1 1 , ' 1 ~· e1 • o • • JJawthomeHigh6isebaDtaurnamtnt. -~~,. ~:' :'··:..~1•· 1 ~ ~-= Ma . . Sa -• 1be Oilers beat Aviation, f>.3, but l95t c..,,.u. rl ). • • • R11l1. ' I • • • e ·s -.. ' t.fbo, C ' t 0 t lt.'tdtr. ( ) I I I _ lqtlrnty epener'I. Sltiw,t•lf ' 1 I t e:. Wfllftlll. Jb I I t t ... , .. ·~i .. " <' ..... . , '· •. .,,, . .. • .• . ' 1 .. . .. ·'·· • i . = -~ . .. ~-. •• . .,.,. .. _ ... 1 4-1 venlfcl lo Hawthorne in 'ionday's ~:::.."'41 ° l ; : : r.:::..'i l : l : n11 ,.. . vangs .Gil Banagu (l.Z) "'-'88 Oiler coach ,..,.,, ,, . • J.' 1 • ,,,.,,,.,, .tt i • • • . Tet1!1 ,. • I J "t•llllMll, lb , • ' 0 N rtB h ~ Don Walker"> cnc.-ce for today's pil<:bing • "r· .. •· ' ' ' . ewpO eaC Wt1t<UI! alDoVcr, (71')642-4000,.0pcnlloilr,?:OOma-4;"°""'· Fridap, til UIOpit. "' . . - ' ! '· ) ~k-_ _,....,,;.-. -~-.... 'S&1n ., • ..:.-•."c..,·-~"~:-·-·------....... -.1 .... __;_ ~:---=--! -1==='.'.'..:=======::::==:::::::=::====:...-----...::.....::;:::...:..:...::.:.....=:...::::~::.-~"· Tom Joliet tosied·1 four-hiller at Avl... • , 11 • ' " • ·--+· kvrill"flml aNttr ool 000 i -1 I s 14Vf111M'°'kldl IM MD t -S 14 ' .. \ Hon fdonday.-He went the full II innir" ~--.... ~ ....__ .. , -• 1 1 A~1111o11 1M eoo •:-, • • .. I t f l ' I· ( • I ' I I • • DAllY PllOT rlltld.aY. Aprtt l, 19" .. . ' ...... _...,-~ .... . . .-. • • LEG.U. NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE JmAL NOTIClli 1"nnt ••• I IUP••IOl cou•T 0, ittt• flOTtC• TO c••~ SU,.•tOl COU•T 0, TH• Cl•TJ~TT.:uf' .,",JljM ' $T.\Tt • U.Lt•OllUA ,_. IUPft ... COUl:f o" nil llATI STATlf 9' CA,Lll'Olll:trUA '8 1'lll w,...,.llnlil ooa c.,.,,, ii. .. THI COUM1'Y Ofl' OliAIMI Of' CALl•ottlltA TMI COUNTY Of! OllAM•I COlldlf(tlrw 1 M1!1ff1 •I -.._, . -... .wimJ poa TNe CIUW1"I' t# OUllll fill .. A>'tllf ~,.... v •• ..,, C.rlf91'1'1!• \!NI«" ,,.. ftOTIC"! 0111 .... ,,.. O'" '"'"'°" ... .,.,,,. NOTICI 01' MllAllllNO , •• PllOIATI lldlllMll flrPl'I .,.. ot 1. 'Tl. TltOl"tCAL POil PIOIAH Of' WILL ANO HI. ltTATI of J.lliu JACOI •UDOL,.H Oii WILL ANO ,Oil LIT 'f 111 PISH t. Hl!lll:I! •TtS TROfl'ICAL FISH LITTIQ TOT ..... llfTAIY GULDA01tl: 11'o kno'Wft • JACOI 'ltTAMl!NTARY llftd trllf .. ~ firm If COl'lllllOH4 of 1•11• DI Gerl"* S. Trier, OtclUM. It. G.ULDM'lll 0-I .. '""' of ELTON JW,. MCCOY, •llo 1119 101iow1.,.. --. ..., """' 111 ~OT1cc '' Hl1t11v GIVEN~ NOTICI ,, H1:1t&!JY GivlEN " H k-.. I", It. M(/;#t, Ii, ltk:Mr4 tull ............ l'llllcllnclt 1J a M9fy all ........ McM!411tn fin/I=-_. cl'ICl.llilfn fl ....... _.... ~t MC(fi' I~ Elton ltktllAI tkeff(, 0.-feUOl\'I! • ""'""9fl ttll' ~ "'·-~ 9Mf all ..... ,.,.... cltn ... IMt CNHtl. O M Ot'•bll. 11UI tlKIN Ave •• tor ~ fll ~ T _ __,,.,.,., ._ jj ......... ..,. ....irW to fl NOTICfll ,, MltRo!JY G'IVllN ,,.., ~ o-. C:tMtrlllt " "11!kw!lr, ,...,..... t. ""-.. ,...: ~ ... M"9ll'Y ~ ltlCHAltD I(. M¢COY t1111 SICUltlTY• O... Mtirdl 11, "" t'l'M for '""""-""1k\I""-lnll "-tf1ic. f!1 .. Oltt '11 tM ,ACl,FJ C NA.TIOJiAL ~I~!( Now. flltd 0, N, Qf'lblt IM ftJM -.,.._ '11· flWllll ltllt ~ aM1. tt -..nt "*"" '*'-111 1 P'llll011 fllr PrW* et wlll STATI Ofl CAl.lfOl.NlA ) -llb ..,_ ..... ,,.._. ~ "':i lhf _, tt -.cn.t.. .. ,,_ \MO .ild ff!' 1•111..w:. " lltMn '-"~ OIU.NOI (OUN'f'I' ' > • It t ;'9 .. "'°' Ill W. .......... It .. ..,._ ti hi. ~ ,,,.., to .. etl!lwr.. ......,_ to on fMrdl 17, ~ ........ JM, • Del•""'1111f .... , «: ... ..,,, •I #iCQ.-.VC .yio • OltlEINWAl.D. DU 'liflldl It ~ 1w kl,._,. •rttwlllrt. Nt11rr '*k. Ill ';;JI tor MN illtl. : .... w.~~~;!"• IR fll;t CllY Wlllfll,., MM N"'""9r 11°'-1M ........ _. ltiet "'-llriw ind 11ke or llMrlllt -•IY ..,...,.. O. N, Offfll ""8Wn ;,...; Mudi 14. ...., ClllflnM ....., wtlldl " ftl9 "'• 114' ... ..... .... ..... "' ... Attrlt n, IO ........ "" """°" ...... 'MIM w • il JOtoi Cewltr (lert. ....... "' "" vnilm,... 1fl •II ...... "-'"'· ti f ;)O t-"'.J In tlM' ~ It wbtet1bld ti tr. Wltl'l lll 11'11"""'*" ...-.i • Q., 1 ............. 1bt "t•M fit ,'Mid ....,,, ol o.trtlMl!t No. I ~ MW court, tnd •ckllowlllltMCI ,.."""',,...IM -._ Mltie ·....... Wltfll•, ... "'*',... nr.t ~11011 ti 10f W•f 1111 .. ltn.t, Ill "" City •ntt1t111 S..U • --~ ,_ ff 11'1lt Mflce. Cit S.lltl "1tl, ClllfonMI. J_,.. I', 01,lt · . .::-..:=-r • Ottef ,-lllwwr:Y , .. tHf , a.. MMdl IA, Ifft Nol•r'I' Putin(. C•llfCW'llil ;.c:• :=......-. ocill00f4 0 Of.TON • w. I , tT JotlN Pt1riclHI Ottk:I 11'1 I ' ,..,... • IElltCVlor • ,, ~·c__. -0r-COllntr ~ °""" CtMt 011.., ,,lot et ... wi11 • •l'l.a•S. I.Oft•, IAIAN••• M' CemmlM!Oll lolrlll MW$ JI. fl ... Ntl l lHf tn4' trie ,•bo¥e'MrMd ttudtl'll A"D M'l'IU Ju11t 21, 19111 i ' ' · Mea.•AN ANO ffl'INWA&.O INI .W"1clltl' 1111.. ..Wbll1Md °''""' Co.If Ot!IY ,.llot, LEG.. NIVl'ln1:' ... WI ..... ....,.,,. ... 0. .... NM~ • #lwdl ll; 21MdAprll1.L 1W Slut AM v.i.w.i;:. .... N .... n• . *""" 11Nc11. c.,...,.,. "'*" LEG" NOTICE • '--,......_ c:autlinlll -Tll1~fn4) IMfolUI · l'M NOTtcl TO CllOITOP MMn11'1 W......... '1 """""" fW .......... P4mr SIH"•aNMl COUll'f CW TMI .Pa41J\.\ I P~llf'ltd Ortllff C..t Dllltf Piiot, CllTIPICATI' .,. IUllNIU .,.,.. OP CALIHll•Lll •o• PWlllMid °"""' GMtt DellF '"'' Mltdl.U. 2' llMI AMH 1, 1"9 5IMf PICTITIOUS MAM• Teti COUNTY.OP OUIM• ~ 11, 1Vll ft AltU I. 1Nt • • ~· Tiii Ulldtn ...... Cllrtlfy ... " .... ......... • ' 1tHt LEGA.L. NOTICE CONMtliw , MllM" " 1tn &wer1or. .,... f//f MA1toy111:1T1 z. , IMC·l------------c.it ,..., C.llflrllll UNW "" fie>. KICHNll, ~ i.EGAL NoTICB -----.c.c.c,,-.. c,-----l111io. ffrm "'"" " v1,l!CO l1llt ""' NOTICE II Ht•••Y ~!N ..... .,. Mid firm hi _.., " tht' followl111 Cftlllt.lrt Cll "'-How ftiliMf ~11--------.-=,.---NOTICI TO CltlOITOltl Hrwri • ..m... Mmt '111 ft.Ill llld J1Ke tl\9t 111 HnoM 11tYt111 cltlll'll ...... , ltOTICI INVITll4e llDI IUPlltlOa COUlT o .. TMI' of ,..,dtnclt 1• •1 follCl'Mll ... MN doClldenl -~" .. "° 1111 NOTICI!! II HE1t1•v ONIEN ...,., ITATI 01' ULll'OINIA POI. (lier .. EdWtnl 0tivl1 Sl.Nt A ...... tllem, wlllt lht ,_...,.,. ~ IR fh9 loll..il -._..,...,,.. " Ol'lllte TNS COUNTY Of' ou•• eor-dolt Mllr, C•Uf •. "" '1lllc. • ""' cltttl -"" .... Cowity wlU r-hre -lld ID"-"' lllt Ne. A...a O.MI M.lrd'l 17, 1"9' ~llllld COlll't, W to ,,_, IMfll. Wllll Piii 411, Of April •t 2:00 P.M. •'clod!. Eltl"' or JOHN J, CONNOLLY, , C. I', D•¥ll , tht Meffltt'I ¥OUdWt. tll ,,.. ,VI>' tor lht foltowtnl Mlt: 0=.e: IS HEltEIY GIVEN to !ht ~~':ol!~O~~v.;ollNIA 1 .. • ' =tr:-T:~":..;"l~Df ~~ rr:i:r:1:-• .: .::=111:'b'!. "!-'1!~~ a.dtton , or tilt ebow fl!'"*' cllceditnt °" Mint! 11, 1Ht, ~ ,,., 1 w .. 1 7"' sirwt. 11.11i. H""""'' 1100, blldln. ef 11Wwn1'fl lht '""" fllft •II "~ M¥fllt CllllM .... Ml Nol1ri' PuDlk In ind for 11114 St1hl ll-11 l ulkllnt, Lia An 111 t '' Oetlt"'Nd M : IN Mkl otcmdlt!ll .... ....Ulntd to flit ..--l!r" .--rid Cl!lrltl Edwt>rd Ctllfon1l1 f0017, whldl 11 lht PIKt ,ltOJICT Ul• !lletn. Wllfl tht "*'"'"' ~ 111 Dt¥ll ki\own lo .,.,. "' 111 1111 ""'°" of 1M1t1MU of 111t uncltril1111d '" 111 OlEOGtNG 1111 otrkll ff 1111 clerk of ti. •bow wflaM n.rne h IUllW'lbld '9 tllt w"hlll l'IMl!lt" "'111nlr>9 tll tr. tJllW $1' IU!:PAtll; STOllNI DAMAGE 111tlllld court. .,. to •~-'-""""-·with lllflru....i Ind .cknowlldMd llt u.culod Miii 4KMff!I, w111!111 ,_,, fnll.lllfW; •ti• whldl ~ II IO(atld •I: tht llKUMt\I 'tOlldlln. ,. ""' """' "" MIN "" nm P\lbUCllklfl flf this llCllkf!. N-1 0Ullft P1r1c den~ II lht ottlct -Mr I~ (Ofllfdal i..11 · 0111111 .t.Ptll I, lfff, N-POrt· lttell Htflfl 6 HIM. 301 I', Colot'Mo. Sulle MllT IC IWnt\I Oonfoll .Mllllf M1cKKllnlt Ori-(oullty, C111flfn111 toO, "aude111, Clllforril• t1101, Whldl Nol•l'Y ;,ubllc. CitlNl'llil Execuror o1 IN Wiii All" Mld -'* ind """ri.11, excwt 11 lht PllCe ol' MT-" the Uftlf«'lltoned Pr!ric:lpll Ol'flct In " h ebPVt: Mfl!!i'!! ~ WO! mtl9tl•l1 u ,,.. to be lufnlltled 111 •II 1n1tt.n "'11lnlne fo 11'11 hl1te Orlntl c;i)ullly NIWlll. T~ ..., .-1111, !W ·IM Couiih', tlllll 119 tuml.,.,.. J" ._ .. kl ~t. •1th1.,• '"'• '.J""', lhl M' Cornmluk111 f:lQllrH m W•t 1'11 ''""· a.ire NI. 11... •ccarcl•ra with Ple111, 1HtMlc11i.:.. '"' "" flrrt p11bJIQ!loll "'1 "'" "-NO'/' u. ltn fl-11• w....., """ o1 CGfltr1d to " t•ecvtW w O•lod Mlrdt 17, INfC ,... l"ublbhW oftnt• cont DtllY "''°'• Lea A-111, Ctllftnll• ,.,, ..... MICCtttful bldd,r, t ll now P11 fll• '•""-M,. .-.. "w••• • Ml•dl 11, " Ind "-rll I, •• 1Nt SIMtl Tlh 011) ... ,,.. Ill lllt Ottlc-ol ll'lf C(ll,lnfy Cltrlt. · • • · ""'""" "" • ..,.., u-efllclt Clerk flt tN lollrd ct 1119 1boff Mt'Md d..:tdt11t LEGAL NOTICE Pulllllllitd Orlllft CoUI D•llY "lr.t, lllPtll"tllOn HAHH,ALO•HDAOHN•SMOOR} •·-APrll I, L If, 12. 1Ht ilOMt PltN, SJii.clflc1tlOM tnd olhtr Clll'ltracl fA. ~ dtcumollll forms wl" M 1v1llaDl9 tDr WI •· c.1w•, hltt '°" c•1tTIPICAT• OP IUllNUS LEG., NOTICE 1111mln111or1 w!lllclut dl1r11 •nd ecpl11 ,. ......... C•'"'""• fllll "ICTITIOUI NA.Ma l'M -' ""' M MC'.lntd 11 tllt offlce ol thti T1h ·111n 1ff.'12J Thi undtnltl'lld -.. certify hi II Or-• Cou11ff' H1rtior Dl1trld, 1901 "'"'""" llf' llllCllf11• ccnducllne 1 bullnns •I 3l5S l lrdl P4lfU ,,.,..141 Drl¥t, Newport Midi, C1llfornl1, Pul:IU..,ICI Of1n11 CO.st 0•11' PtlOt, llrlltf, HfWllOl'f luch, Ctlllcn'l!1, ll!ldlr c••Tl,ICATI OP' •UllNIU ~ ._,, of 1-ty"·FIYI Ooll1r1 Mllrdl JI, 2S end ...,.,111. I, lfft "°"" 11\1 fklltlcul t!rm fl. m. ol l'ICTITIOU' flll;M l'IAMI 1ns.ot1 "" .. ,, Which dlPOlll II • LEGAL N-cE 11\ICIOORAP'HICS •nd .,,., ••Id firm ,.... unc1tn1...-Cle lltl"f:bV urtlh' '"""'"'" th1t lht Plllll •nd 1Ptclf1ct• U&.l II OlmPOMG of lht flll1GW1111 """°"' ""'' 1111, ••• ~uctlne • ,....,,. llld tlPM Wirt bl f'lfurMd Ill eood eolldllloll ------::-:-:-:-=-----·!-'-111m1 111 full 11'1d pt.Ki ol f"ldtllu er.it 11\of> M lntu lu '" lndlvldutU to lht H1rtlor Englnetr ""' t1Nor th111 IAl-1411 ....... tollowl: •I 1111 ''"' AW.nut. COiii ~. *' {101 ayi •fffr bids "' th• •rolKT NOTIC'! TO c••DIYGfll HOR.MAN .M. HODGl(IN, 2220 eldon Ctllfo,.,11, lllldll' th• fldltlou••fl,.,.. llllM ....... ll9tll ....... •nd 11 ll1bll la su .. •1t10• COUll:T OP TM• Stl'ff'f, COlll MeSt, C1ll10rnl1, or COAST ' CIE.ATIVI! ARTS, CIAl'TI forh.ltu ... " tlll dr1w1,... Ind 1HClflU· STATa 01' CALll'Oll;NIA ,011: 011Wd Mircll 24, !Hf / I. HOllllES 1111111 fllll Mid firm II ~ .,.. 1101 10 rell!l'fltd wllblr., Mid TNI COUNTY Of' Ga.AMO• Normln M. Hodgkin cDmJIOMll -tlll followlllll ",_, whnt t1rn1. The p1t111 1111111 1PKlflc1llon1 '1r• Ht A"'2291 STAT!: OF CALIFOll:NIA I 111rnn 111 full •lld llKet $1' ntW...C. t111 p....,,., ol tlll Or1111e Countv Hirt.tr EJ!lle or PHiLIP Wl!ST HIVELY, ORANGE COUNTY I II '"' 11 folkrQ, to-wit: nN Calv"*' Oldtld, 11111 ,,. l .. llld to tlll bldd9rs S kle OKUllld Ori Mlrch 2A. Ifft, botor• -· t ltlclMlrd W. Kn1,,,, I 1111tlt bldl ,,. dVt. Tiit dtpollt INlll E -:o.·•-r A-e par s NOTrcE IS MElftlY GIVEN to """ Noll,., Publk I" •lld for H id S11r., Drt ..... COfta ,.., .... C•llfor"11 mu-riot .. CP!lllrutd fo bl lllt ""''°" .. _., 1-e '-' credllon flf t111 •1111¥• MtntCI doctdllll H~llY ,_.,... HORMAN .M Nol'll'lt "· Kn...,, UM ((II 1 Pfic. " _,, Htf fll ftlne docume!lh. lhll Ill ",.,.,..' ll1¥lnl d•lmt Htlml HOOGl(IN known te ml to J,,. lf>i DM\19, Colli Mffl, C.lltornl• ~ 'l ldOen ,,.. rtllwtltd, lllould thw cltcld1 · gto B h · · th "" Sal rd · fr hm petition tht "kl d..:edmt ••• '"ulrtd ta flit Nrson WllOM NHTlt 11 1ubscrltMd fo 01hd M.lrcll 14. lfft not "° tubnllt • bid, ta rllurn th• Paul \Villiarns, former 880 w.hiz at Huntm n eac wuuung e """ U ay ~ es an CO!Il . • . ,h.,,, with "" ,._,., 'ICIUdllr• 111 ttie within lhstn,1in1nt tlld 1cknoW1tc1tec1 R1c111rd w. Kri.pp Pl•n• •1111 SPtelllc111om •• -•• Hi h Sch I h k t h. ti •th UCLA h w·lli s upset mate Reggie Eccles to WID ID 49 4 ' ~ :,_, he ·~ut~ I~ Urnl Ncrmt P. ICnlPI POu!bll 1rr1r wdl dtd sloil lt)Tlldt . . ;_ g 00 ' c ec s OU IS me WI . coac l am . • Ille cf't!CI of the Cotrk $1' 1111 ..... e (OFFICIAL seALJ • STATE OF C ... LIFORNIA I NP llld wlll M aueplld from ' J. B h (' N r! Sh d t ) fl entlltecl COIJr'I, or to prlHlll th.,,, With J<*Ph E. Divlt COUNTY OP: LOI ANGELE$) II COf\trtdor wf1o 11 not llUMld 111 t t-•·_:::•m:::._::~U:S:::.'--C'OCnnC::CeCr'--'--ew'--!po ____ o_r_e_s_r_es_i_e_n_c._a __ e_r ________________ ~------------·1'"'e ~·uarv • ¥oudier1, to '"' """ Nolll"t P'ubilc-C1lltol"l'll1 Otl Mllrdl u111, 1'6t, bllof• me. • g:ord111U wi111 1111 iaw under tile '"°' "' ~'f'~~~A~O,~A~~1~1 ol~t!N:.':ti°".:!r~ ,.rllldp1t Oftlc1111 ' Not•l"f ,.ubllc Ill •nd for 111d C.ounty 'l1l0M ol 01¥1110" 111, ClllPNr t. of ::: Prudhomme ··Tops Field ::: At OCIR Stengel Tourney Next for }Cs Don Prudhomme of Granada Hills and Olarlie Allen of Glendora reign today as kings of the hiU o( Orange County ·International Raceway' all· "pro drag racing series. Allen drove his Dodger Dart past three drivers Saturday lo reach the winner's circle to capture the funny car crown and a check for $3,500. Prudhomme' put together ':.tlree consECutive !JUb-seven second runs, one of which (6.84) stood as the quickest time for tfie event. He beat ::Steve C8.rbone of Downey in the evening's final race. 4 Probably one of OCIR's more spectacula r incidents OC'· -cured in a semi·!inal r a ce -between Don Schumacher of Park Ridge, Ill., and J ohn· Mulligan of Garden Grove. Mulligan's car exploded dur4 ing the race and he \\'as enguHed in flaming oil for several seconds. His firei:.uLt iaVed him from injury. Allen and his Dart defeated Ray Alley, Garden Grove: Rich Siroonian, Whittier, and . 'Dan Ongais. Long Beach. Allen's ~ clocking was 7.45 and 194.38 mph. Plenty of speeds in excess 1)f 200 mph are antici pated G a r y Dunkelberger for Or:ange Coast and ei~r Dick Hutchison or Mike Woods for Golden West will get the starting pitching c b o r e s W~esday morning when the two Or ange-Coast ~ea schools enter the annual Casey Steng~ Baseball Tournament. The sixteen-team field will be playing on diamoOds sr.atw tered all over the Southland -Long Beach City College Blair Field in Long Beach, Cerritos College in Norwalk and Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut. Orange Coast and Golden West both ·are in the lctwer bracket 0( the tourney with the Pirates slated to meet Los Angel~! City College at LBCC wfl.ile the Rustlers take on San Dlego Mesa at Blair Field. Both games will get undern·3y at 10:30 a.m. Orange Coast is riding a three-game win streak after taking the consolation title at the 25th annual Southern California JC tournament. Golden West split its two games in the same tourna- ment, and still has the area's leading junior college hitter in Ron Richardson, who's "'o&turday night at OCIR when the track hosts over a dozen top gas dragsters for an even-cl~bbing the ball at a .385 ·mg of competition. chp. How~ver, teammate 'B gas su·percharged·coupes -Myron. ~mes, ~ ~as ~n and sedans will also race on a hitting team l! Just eight .J.oumament style. .J>Oints behind with a .357 Top gas qualifying begins mark. at 2 p.m. with feature races Orange Coast's top hitter is starting al 8 p.m. Mike Leech with a .33 mark SOFT SELL SAM ··- ·- • ... T ,. •• . ' .-. ~ ... I . t~:Y-1 b ,.. :6' ·~ --·-- fl.., - ly Marvin Myen I L ~ ~I ' = = = ~, ~ .--; "'JUST Tlf LEFT CME, M1C •• ™rs HJ --'-:~ fCC{-J/f-7/!t-Pf.CI? S/ICf !* ;. ------·~------' and · Mike· Bailey ·has regained the nins.batted·in lead wltb 18. OtAHGI COAST Mllll111 A911;MllAYI. WaSllkO S C t 1 .•~ Le«!! Sol f II 1 .3:13 Ccnlant J O 1 0 .l3J tlr1w11 36 S 10 1 .111 BlllQ' Sf 12 16 lf .271 P•ul 65 I 11 7 ,21!2 sw1lm ' o 1 1 .250 R~row n l 7 l .:ISO WMsU~r n ' 6 2 .m Pl1mtr st 7 13 • .no Pl~lor 15 I 3 0 .'100 JtnklM. ., 10 11 2 ,111 Seiber• 30 1 5 2 .161 KlmPllll lt I 3 2 .1~8 Soboltw'lkl •5 0 , 3 .13J DunhlMl'ltlr 21 2 2 1 JXS Mortin Jl 1 1 a .D77 en • ., J o o o .cco KIMI 3 0 0 t ,000 28-B11t11, L"dl' Pnul. Palmer, Content, wn!9tltr. Jtnkl . ..s, IC lmptc,., lrtwn 11 etcll). 38-Piul 131. Pllmtr. l llleY, Letcll (1 11Cll), HR-lltllt' OJ. llr1w11 (2). l"lli:M"t ou,.,~.,oer Pinier Swll~ Crl1P IP NO SO 99 W-L 692/3 n s.s ,,-s,., 41 ~O J/i2J2·1 13 13 7 ' 0-1 • ~6 50-0 M1lr Centini •• 1 7 3 0-l * 3 t1f s 21 1.o GOLOEN WEST Hllll~ A9 It H II.II AYI. •lch1rdso" s2 10 lt 13 .3/J5 Pints d 1• 15 6 .3!7 P1 ~!1C~ SS I 17 ~ .J09 Grllfllh U A 4 0 .7~6 D1Gfer Jl I 12 6 .2:l5 Hutc~!s&n t 1 2 c ,;:n Htn1lfld0t f I 2 0 .2'7 Mt •k• Q 5 t 4 .:'O. Cornell. '' o $ • .70I Shlllnl •S 3 t • ,7CG llowen "6 3 I ' .IU TftCI 2f 2 ' 5' J 31 Eld1r o t I 0 0 :boo P1rn1tr 1 1 0 0 .flOO RUIH!I 5 I 0 1 .000 wcoas 2 o • I .000 One 1 o o I .ooo SOmmtrl'hlkl 1 0 0 • .CM» 2&-P:!ch1rdscn, Sllell"•· f'f11•1 (J llCh), PIUllOll, IOWIM, Gritlllh (2 11thl, DeGHr, Cornell (I eatll), Jll-Rld'l1rdlon (•), Grllflth, llcwfll, Teece, "Jnn , HvldlllOn, M1•t• 11 tl(h) ""'""ll;IChlnllOll tl l, 0.Cter, Sllt llnt (1 t ldlL Grlffl!h HyfCll!SOl'I Ptvni.r ...... w .... Sommtrtleld Pllc1111W I" HO SO•• ¥f,l. » :1 Y.I u 4-1 JO U2!1 1·0 20 13 lf It l·l lt !IS 11 17 10 2-0 121~11 • 'I~ 1 2 )2 0<0 Prep Swim Honor Roll " VlnltJ ;oo 1i.1e11eY 111111, -l, M1r1n~ (L1PPOIC'I, Wllll1ins, l'vtnt, Dftneld$0111 l~lS.•. 2. Co111 Mftl !: ... ~. l. Coran• dt1 Mt• 1 : .... s. ·- 100 Frtt -1, LI-lilt (M.ar\ 1 ·~.1 '· W"tt1k1r ICMI 1:$0., l. Sthwtr ICdM) 1:$1.I, '10 l'rtt1 -t. l h>toklt (Mt1l 72.1 2. Whltl W.,. IC'Ml '3.1 3. Dotllldloll fM1r) ti,l, 100 IM>C11¥1dUtl .MNltY -I, Lil>Poldl fM1r} 2:115.7 1. Whlta•er tCMI 2;10.! ), Wlk ox (NM) l ;lt,7, 100 "'" -I. G1mrnon ICM! .~.! 7. r:1rr ~ICOMJ SJ.) 3. Evan1 lMtr) !1.1. 100 FrN -I. W~ll•ktr ICllO 4 ,t 1. Don11dsM (Mtr) SO.S 1, Ollrk tCoMJ JO.I. 100 ll•cll -1, Lll'I0'11 fMllrl ~.I 7. SIOnt'f' !CdMl 1:00.1 3, Ml1kllek ICMJ 1;00.1. ..00 F•" -1. Lllll'Otdl \Mlt} J:f'.1 ,, IC'llfflf'lloll IC•Ml 4!00..I .l. '#tllt1t.,. tCMI ''°'·'· 100 lrN•I -I, Ll"'Oldl IMllr) 1:01,71. \ll'llcoll (HNI l :Ol,I 2. Mlrlll'lln CClfMI l:Ol.t. «Ill FrM ••11'1' -t ' Coll• """' !Whlltklf, Ml1k11tk, it~,. Gt"'monl 3:11.1 :. Coron• ~I Mir 3.11.0 .l. Marini J12t.1 Jaycee Golf 51 ~t s lie 1111» Slnl~ Ant CilllOr'nll Or111g-9 County •lld Sl•I" oenOflllt'I' •PHlrtd Rtdl1fd flll 8u.!n111 Ind ProltsslGmi Coclt Gf t:l~l '~!di It 'tM plect :it bullll•u M' Commlu lon Expires W. KnlPP •nd ""'""'' P. Knipp kMWll Ille $11!1 ol C1lltornl1. ot the un!le rillnfd ill 111 merre,. 11tr-J11n1 11, 1910 to "'* '9 '-1111 .,.,_ ~e nemlS ,.laYA1LING WAGIS: !f1nl"9 lo tlll tllllt of 11!0 dtc:tdtlll, Pub!l1~.o Crll!!'e C...asl Oa11Y ,.llol, ire 1u.bKrlbed lo Ille wllll!n hu!rume~t, llkldll'I ire llereb)' 11otltled' IJ!t l '' ., ~ .. , __ ,,. ..... flle flnl •Ybltc.-Mtrdl 2$ tnd April I I 1$, lNt 5™t Ind I Ckn<l'WltdlH "° l!M tt..I ttle\I PUl'iUlnl to Pl'OVlllonl -Sedlon 1710 w " n '"" """' ' ' uecuted t111 stmt. o1 lht Ltbof Codt of fht Still pf Hon cf thll llO!ICI. WlllltH my Mnd 11141 Mii. Ctnfo,,,il. the Bolord flt SU~l"tltori of 0.tfd MBrcll 21, lfff LEGAL NOTICE (Otfltlll Sttll Orin.-COllllf'f hll ISClrtllned 1r>d CINDY DIANNE HIVELY Ctrol ,, Gr•"'" adOPled 11 .. PrWlltlnt flt. of llOllrl' Admlnl1tr1l•ht P-nn7 Not•rv ,.utlllc -C1 liforn!1 w1"' tw ,Kh cr1t1, worluTl•n er GI the Eilllt of Cl:lTll'lCATI OF IUSINlll l'flnelpel Oft1(1 ln ateellln1c lltedecJ to t•«Uhi !ht canlr•et 1111 1bcrle lll med deceden! PtCTITIOUI NAM• .. LOI A1111tlu COU!lfy 1w1rdtd lo Ille IUCUIJ!UI bidet.•. $11d Ol!!H'Z..iA:!t c~,~· Th• urici.rs11111ed doff nrtlt'r M Is ""' Commlu 1on Explrn prr1allln1 houri' wt11n •r• 1tladw!d :":t H Ult • CO<lductln1 I busl11°' -ti 2•26 S1"l1 Jul'I' II, 1'10 11.t ... hl IAH'elldlll "A"} Irie! .... mid• Prep Net Suminaries y • ,.,,. Av1 .. COS.II MIN, C•!tlomf1, under •l!!ltALD T. OIENl!ll;T, Alf)<. I Plrt hf'l'tol. VAl!ITT 11n11 An1. CtllfOrT11t n7tl Ille f!dlllou1 firm ntme of JIM'S 121 loutl'I ,,,,.,,, Drl\19 UNll'OIM OVllTIMI! IATEI: cn1• ~ .. 1111 (10 l'01111tlln v111n Tel· 147 m1 "''' SIMlll A~ • flt A• I lltrtl"11: OELIVEIY SERVlc;E ar>d l~tl s11d .. ....,.., Hllll. C11U."'ll Where 1 11"91t sll!tl 11 worktcf, e1t"' T F I ·~ .., ICMI "'•Y• m n •~ nl'ITI 11 Cl!n'IPilMd of Ille to11ow1ng •tl'IOn, JSU-OC ho11ri of conllllUOltl employment, t xctttl Mlk• QP9ell I V u... ,.. Publl1hed Or111111 Coast 0111'1' ,.1..,., whole neme in tun Ind""" of l'ftlcltncl ,ubHshtd Orant• COo11I 0111, Piiot, fOf' llJnch Pfi'lods sll•ll COllSllMt • •-Al tted 1Cum1molo M l loll lo Mtl1c W rCll 25 1fllll Apfll T, I. 1S, 1"9 J7M' i. ••follow!· ...... rth 11. 2S tlld Aprlt I, I, !Ht Jl<H' dlY'I wor11; bttln~llW Oii Morici•' 1nd 5'7, Josi lo Ciolli :W. !" • _. 1Cr1wCl't1I !FY) Rf l(vmi l'l'llllo ICM) LEG.a• NOTIC::E J•mn P, tlrooka, "24 It"'' Alll LEG .. NOTICE l!lroulll ,rldt' al ffdl week. Wlter1 "6, ~IK .. 2 CloLA 1-2 MOOrt 1-l "LI A¥1,, Colhl Mth, C1lltomfl "Lo wol'll II l'OCIU!ntd lq 1xcn1 of t loht y 11111 I• (FYI loll 'to lhimimOto 0..1'41 M1rch 11, l9it {1) hot.In Oii '"" on' d1' ~ on 1cJ1 1:: MllK 14 Clolll .... ~rt •A•·UU ''"'" P. 8raoks NOTICI!: OP' TIUITl!l'S IAL• hoUo;i.y .. IUCll W!l'11: lhlfl ti. .. ld tor l" ' ' HOTICil! TO ClEblTO•t: STAT! OF CALIFORNIA I IM fCtlf et -11'111 G!lt-fltll llmft tho ll91lc Mir.n TOPPlll (fV\ Ills! to K11m•ITIGfO SUPlllOJt COUltl OP THI! ORANO& COUNTY I • On April t 1Nf et ti o'clock A.M .. r1NI of W""· fCMI '" Mtlec M Clclll M Moeri STATI 01' C.U.IPOJtHIA POI Oii Mtrdt 17, lfft, t.fcre me, • t tlle Soufh lfr~ll mlrin.:. of 11\t Tl\lt !hi follaW1111 din l rt reco1nl1ed H ' ' ' TMa COUNTY 0, OltAHOa Not1rv .. Ullllc I" and for uld $1111, ~"IY courtl1o<IY City of Slnl• A111, Is holldll": ' ' (Mubltl Ne. A41.111 tel'$0f\ll" ap"trtcf J1mn P. lroolt1 Ctllfornl• SAVINGS MORTGAGE COR· E\191"f Sllllllty In 11111 \'e•r, f'~t Esltlt of CATHEllNE MA It I£ kllOWYI lo -to bl t111 ""°" ...,,.,. Tto'N T '" ulldtr lllt dttd "* ottltrw!11 """lcled llert 11, NIW fir I P1mell tlld Oorblllld ffVl def Mf'l'trs llOULllC Otceltlll ntmt 11 tW.C.1111111 lo f1>1t w1th1n 1~ POllA • •1 rvs D HURT D1,, 0-•llon 01,, llldeJ>flld1nct 01¥, tnd Shltlkl (CMI 7·5, W ; lost to~ NOTICE' IS MfRi=llY GIVEN lo tlte itrumtnl t nd io;kllOWlldttd hi llXICutld or !I'll:~:.~ M~lt~l(i,~i!nd~lld wlf9, L1t1Pr 01,, Vt11r1n'1 01y, Thtnklll'l'lntl m111 tlld ~,..~ti U , 14. crl'dllors of t11e ilM:I.,. 111med cllc:llCltnl lhl· ... f!M •lld J_ · ' td S.,llmllll' 01y 11111 Chrlllm11 D1v. If •n'I' of G•l'I' •nd TlllCStt (FVI lot! to Good-11111 1n ,.rw,.. hiv1,,. cl.ll"J• •1111111 (Otllclll S.an 1• I~~ 'i''n':.o:i.:l'\d ;~aPtff '26. Cl! tlll •1111¥• hohdt.,.. •llp!Jld till on SUnll•'I'• min •nd Mt r<1ut1 '-'• 0-61 loll lo M•Y-tlle u Td dtttde11t 1rt requ!rtd fO 1111 JostPh E, oiv!t 25. It n onll al Onno• Coun!Y', tlll Mondt' followlllo tl\llJI 119 c-kltred •rs 11111 Shle•kl 5-7 • .w. lhtm Wllh tllt 11K11a•ry voucMn, I" Not1rv Public • c111torr111 Oft1\:1 1 IC 1 lo secUre in ~ 1 ltt•I ho11dl'I'. Work 011 1udl d1' Junior y,,_.,., lhl :itrJct of !ht clerk o1 1111 tlMIVt Prlnc"ll Otlin Ill Cl 11 '' I ¥tn t Rl!EL tl\lltr IM Plld for 11 "" SUl'ldl'I' Ind FKnlllll V•lllw UJ\;I O~I Cotti MfM entllltd cGUt1, or '° pment tlltm, with orini• coun!Y' dtb'llld11111 In l1vor or GRACI! · 1 cE hollda, G\'trtlrn1 r•lt cf th• atrr lf'I+ Slntlll the ~in91ry vouthtrt.. to Ill• u~ MY CPmm1ufon E1t11lres I •1dllw, now owntd •nd ht1d by 1 u w ived, No work tlltll ti. required on Torr IFV) def El'ldsltr !CM) M , d~,_1,hfd •J the f'ftlct of hl1 1tlol'rl1¥, JYM ,1, 1t10 HOWARD LIHOSAY by •MIOll of the L1bor De¥ t•Cl>flf In U lt of t xlrlmt Forsham 1-•, Pun;tll 6-1; lost ot Mvt l· FRANI( M. -MOOll:E A111S L~ lllCll .. ubllll'ltd Ortfllll Cotlt 0•11¥ P!kll, ll!'tl•ch of Ctr'l1l11 cb11otl!onl itai.= 11_/'lltllCJ wht11 Hit 11111 pf'OPll'ly II ln It• 4,o. Blvd Long 111,h c11lfor"l1 toeio1, wll1cn Mtrdl 11. 25 1nd Apn11, 1, lfft '°""' lhtrtlJr, llPl1Ct of wl'llch "1 ,_ linmlnt11! d11111er. CntrftOW (FV) llrf'Endllt¥ ICMI ,_., Ii~ pltct of tllJlintH c.if IJ!e uftdtnltllld 0"'2tnblr U, lffl, 111 look lt2t, P"I It t111ll 119 mel'lft'°"" llJIOll lllt Cen- Forshtm 1-5, MYt lltr 1-1; la.ol to Pur-In 1n mitttft ptf'!llllllll to "" ""le -LEGAt NOTICE 47', flf N ld Ott0t,cl•1 •1ecordjj 'f""t1~ tr1ctor to wl)om Ill• Contr1d 11 •w•rdtd cell 2". of tll4 dtttclllll, Wl!hlll fOllt' monmt MORTGAGE C P. w II It 1 PU Ind Ull>Oll '"' WbcMlrtdcr 'Unftr lllm Allen (FV) def Ends It' (CM) 6-2, itltr lllt flfll publlc.llOll of IJlll riotlc.. IUctloll to fhl hlthtsl bl~tr rt:' U ert!t tfl Pl' not lts1 than tht 1.-tllltd Forsham i-3, Mllflltr &-l ; tltd Pvru ll C•lod Mirch 21, Ifft <•••••>CA~T-, •• •U•>••ss pa'1Dll In l1wful mont•Y 1 tlnhovl r1,.1 111 tM t X1CUll011 ol "''! contr1d. 6-4. JEROME OLIVflt GAINES Sllltl ., fht lltroe M 1• w Thi 1UCU1J!ul bldd.,. will 119 r11C1Ulrt!d Schlldhautr ll"Vl Hf End!lt¥ (CMI Admlnfsl,.lor flCTITIOUS NAMI warr1"1Y •1 to 11111. PCl&HlllGll Of lfl• to furnhh • f1llhf11I Plrfol'ITl.tf"U a.ol'ld 1-2, Mut ll•r ,.~1 lost lo Forshtm }-1, ot tlll Eiliff of Tr. un<11r1ltntc1 dots ctrll!Y Ille 11 cvmbr1nct1. lnl l11hlt'l'lt cGllVrt'M lo 111 111 1mount MU•I la flrtv' 11r ct!'ll Purtell 5-7, tlll lbovt llarned dtaodtnl conduc111t1 I bl/$1-11 Co1lt Mfft, end now l'Hllcl 11\1 Mid TrustM ul'ldtr (5"(,) .r "'-C!IOlrld prkl, * • Oov~ll• -JllANK-M. MOO••· •let.· -~~lfol'.nl1,, Ulldl• 1111 flcllllou• firm lllrnl Miii Celd • TNlt, Ill '"" lo fhl tollOW-ltl)tt "Ind mlltr111 bond In In 1mo11M llothhe tnd Gabrych (FVl drl C•rttr 411J Llnl lhtclll IM. ol 'Wl!LCOME NEIGH 9 0 fl IN· ~ ·c1t1erlMcl Pr-m, IO-wlt: -· _,. flrtv Mr cent (Sll'll>I of tht and P:olOan CCM) "'' 1-3; o!ri Poller l.tllt 1-ffch, Cillf9nll• t1117 TERNATIONAL 11111 that "ld f!MTI II A" und"ldld Mo lntemt I" lot C. contr1d trice, wllldl bclld ll/llH Pl'OV'ldt t nd MalrUl<;!I 1-1, M . T•I: U1J) '1J'.fftl «lrnPOltd of fhl fol10wl1'l9 ,.,._, wlloM ol Tr1d No. ~. In th1 C!I'/' of tn1t II tht Ptl'IO" er h!1 11JtJcolllr1clorl Jonn and Mllltr (FY) d..t Ctrhf end Atieml'Y flt Adr'lllnlsll'lllr "'!'I'll In full 11111 P'lllct ol f'tlkllnc.I N-tt 811ch, cou11ty of Ortnet, 11!1 to "'' for ••" m1ftrl1l1 ("'tel'f RokMn (CMI 6-1, '"3; def Peller tlld Publlslltd Or•flllll C11st D1llY Piiot, 1111 follows: Shift ol C1lllor11!1, II IMf mt' rtCOrdtd 111dt m1hltltl1 ti Ire f\Jm!1hed b'f Ma1r1,,...1 &-I, '-1. Mirch " 11111 Aprll 1, e, 15, Ifft S17.ff Or. f'11rle I. Mlmlltfln, 7'°' Sfl11trn1r In ll!Pk lt, P"t 7f flf Ml1ct1l1MC1u1 fhl Or1r191 County" H1rtior Dlrtrld), VARSITY Drl¥t, Call• Mttt. C.lllornl• M•PI· In tlle offln of Ille coun1' , .... 1.1o111, P""tlldtf or etllef' fUPPl1••· M1rln1 on 11ll S•"'' Ana Vllll'JI LEGAL NOTICE 01ltcl M1rc11 11, ltff r1«1rdtr Cl! u ld COUfllY. ., tHm1, \lftd tn. upa.n, for, er tbout s1r1111e1 Or. Pearlt I. H1mlltflll tor "'' ou.-ot 11ylng ob!l11tkttl1 1111 "rtormonct o1 tn1 -r1c eo11tr~ Ctark (M) loll 3"· '";won 6~: last 24, llATE OF CALIFORHIA J Meurtd b'f ... Id D...i l11ch1dl111 '"'' 11 bt don1, er fer a11' wark or Mbor Cowen (Ml IOlll o.4.; won 1-3, 6-1; lost 8A•·14'2 ORANGE COUNTY I &t d\1ron 11111 1x""1n ot 11'>1 Tn,11t.1 tlllrtcn o1 1ny kind, or lot' lll'ICIUnls °" Nl'tTlrF TO C•"O•TO•t On Ml•ch 17, lfft. tltfort m,, • tnd of Slit, due under flll UntmP1oytr1111t ln1ur1net ccfnmon1 (Ml won .. ,. 6·1, 6·~. SUP'lltlOl COUltT 01' THE Nola,., Publ ic I" •lld for .. ld $11!1, 011td: Mtrdl 13, 1'ff. Ad with re1Ptcl lo IUCh work er Narog {.'.\) loll 1"'; won 1·J, 6-~; lut STATI! 01' CALll'OINIA l"OJt perM1111l1Y 1ppe1rtc1 Or. Pt1r1t I, 'AVINGS MORTGAGE f1bor, 1111! t111 1ur1!'1' Cf 1ur1tlt1 will 2... THI COUNTY OP' Oll;ANO:• H1mllton know" lo ml to be tht per1on CORP'OIATIOH Pl~ for 111!'\t, I" 1n 1mou11t no! "'etW!1111 Oflubl11 Nf. A4UU w"°'4> f\lmt I• w blcrlbe<I tfl 1111 wllllln Tru1IH tlll .um llN<llltd Ir! 1111 bolld, t nd Bovle·Rfdd (Ml '°11 ~1. '"'; litd .... Etllle cf JOSEPH C. HURST, 1tw lli1!rumenl •"d tclo,nawltclttd lhl ex· tly Loutdn G•rcl1, • alsa, In c.P 11111 11 bn111rhl UPO" 3". known •s JOSEPH HU"IT, l lto known Kl/fwd ffll s1mt , TrUll Ofllc.r lht bond, I ·rt11on1llll l"Ornrt'I fe1 W••d•l!·Nt11Hn CMJ ll•~ 6-4, •-6; WO!\ I I JOSEPH CMARLl'S HU"ST, OKttUCI. (Ofllcl•I :S.•11 mu tfl bl fixed "" Ille Court1 Nld bind• 1-1, 6-2. NOTICE IS HEIEtlY GIVEN te !111 JonPll E. Dl'lb Publl111td Ne~ H1rbor N!IWI "'ess to 119 uc.ul'M from t 111rot'I' comPtn' Junit r Vl/llh' crtOl!on cf tM ebcrl• f\ernecl cl9c:edllnl Notary Public • C1tltoml1 ccmblllld wllh O•lly l'llol. NIWPOrl NlltlKIOl"y lo 11111 11011'11 ol luttn'1IO•• Mll'IM UH~) l'l'll Ytllff that 111 ptfl<lfll hlv!nt <111m1 10•1111! Prlriclpiol Ottl~ In lltlCh, C1tlfprnl1, Mllrch 11, 25· 1nd of 01'111111 Coun!Y'. TP!I Contrtdor wttl Sl"•I•• lht H id ClecMenl ,,, nciu!r"1 to fll• Or1"9e Counfv ""'n I, 1Ht f1Wf •Ito bl l'OCll!l•tcl to """'11h • ctrllllc•ft MoOrt>lck (M) wa" 6-3, 6-1, 1-11, '-1. them, wltl'I 1111 MCtHI,., ""uclltf1, In flr,y C°"'mlu km l!xelras ""' n• c1rrlts comH111ttklll l11111f'tnc1 H1 nn. CMj,.Mtll U 1 won 6-3. M , .,,, lht olft<I ol tilt c~rk of 1111 1bovt June 31. 1910 .LEGAL NOTICE CO'ltrl"' hl1 lmP'°""* llPOll tM wark 1(1lltf'11'll 111<1M 1won i-3, 6-2, u . t ntllltd court, or to """'' fhlm, wllh Publ1shtd Or1nge Cot1! Ctlfy '''°'' fo Ill don• undlr fht contrtd which CllW911 (M) won M, M, 1-2; lost 5-7, 1111 fll'CftH"1 VOUCP!I••· to "'' u~ Merell "· 25 Ind APrll 1, •• lHt .sn... T-:llH1 ""' bt llllt•fd Into btlwlln 111m '"" r>ev~lll dtrg!rned 11 C/0 YOUNG. PREHN ER NOTICI! OP SA.La OI' ltlAL "" Or11111e Counh' Htrbor Dl1lrid for Pl11tr-Nlclloll (M) !ltd M , 3-4; WOfl AND HEWS, 315 Wnl Tlllf11 SlrM1, LEGAL NOTICE tlll construdlon of Mid work. 6-7, M . Sante Ant, C1!1lo"'la, n101, wl'lkh ti .. ROP'IJITY •T PltlVATI IAL8 NOJt.OllC:JtlMINATION1 Koch-Ro111tf (Ml lost 2"' U ; won !ht Piie• of blnlniu of 1111 undtrlll'l'lld . Ne. A·Slln 111 1111 ""10f"m111C• ol tilt ttrm1 .i..., 1-J. In ell maUer1 Ptrll lnl"9 te t111 nl1!1 NOT!CI! TO CRIDITORI In ll'HI S~11t1rlcr Court of lilt Stilt of IJl!i CMlftct, contr1dor HrMl 111~1 f1f si!d dK~tnL wl!llln four rnonlhl IUP'1!110fl CCUltT 01' THI of C1l1toml1, tor 1111 County of Or1nt1. ht will nal '"illt 1" ,,., ""'"" IUC~ VAltlllY Ill~• f1ie flnl publltl llon flf 11111 llO!lct. :ITAll 01' CALl,OJtNIA 'Oft Ill !ht Mttllf ol lllt E110t Cl! iub(o.,lrldort> 11 ht ""' -1C'I' from Ntwl'trl tHl'l l 1~\'o) Slrd.i.,,A~I _Otlecl ~1rch 21 , lfft T_M~ ~OUNTT 01' O~Af'!1•.. 8E,o\Tlt1CE_M. "f Tl!lSOff<' Oect•'"· 1n .. t11tf In d!1crlml11~1!on In llTIPIOY!Mllt $IMtt1 -• MARION "REl!OMAN 'He', A~lll Nollet ll htrtllov •l¥1n lhlf ffll U~ of 1erson1 lleu ust cl lllt rice, COIOr, O~!e (NH! WCI\ 6-1. .. o. 11-11, '"'· E•KUlrl• E1t1I' flf IERT J. ALLEN, OeaHICI · dtr111ntCI Wiil 1tll tt Prl¥11t H it , natl-l orltln or t rictstrv, er ,..llt!on Cripe (NH)_,, ~2. ·~· 11-11. 6-1. el tM Will of • HOTlC! IS MERE9Y GIVEN tD lht lo Ille hlthest Ind lltll b16dtr, 1ublld of iU(ll Ptr.s«ll, Vloli tlcn f1f lhll pro,ltlo~ Penna CNH\ won 6-1, &-0, 1-3, ,.a. the •bcve named d•acltnt crectllor'I $1' Ille 1bo\1 111mtd dtttdent hi eonflrm1!1C11 ot ••Id SUP11rlor Courl. miy rtwll In Ille rm-lllon of ...,.111in P111t 'I' INHl woo 6-3, &-J, 1-4. .. 1. CLAUOI' I . YOUHO 1'111! I ll "'""'" fllyl"' Clt lms 1p1fnsl Oii tr Iller the 4111 di' of ... rll. rwftrrtd lo I" Llbot Code Stdloll ltlS. Oou"n YOUNO, P•l!HNElt ANO HIWI ffll Miki decedent 1r1 requl ftCI fo flit 1fff, 11 !hi ofllc.! ol SIGEL ANO Tiit Cmtrttfor lhltr un Gftf)< _. C11Mlnoh1m-H1rl (NHJ won W, 1-1, 6·2, lU W"t Thi,_ 111'111 llllm. •1111 fht lltCftllr' 'IOllCl'ltn !ft MEYEll;HOl"F, Attorne,1, Suite mJ, OM minu!Klurtd mt .. rlill 1rodll<'ICI In tM "°· ~""" ""·· C•ll"'•"'" httl !ht office $1' Ille d irk of IM •bcMI Wlllllfrt llou1Wlrd, LOI l<-ft11l11 , U11ltllCI ll•lts Ind 11111')< mllnUlldu ... Ch1rln·tlrock fNHI -&-2t let! u, P'lltMt 11HJ 1414Ut ao1tllll<I ~rt, or lo lff•stnl lhtm, with C•llfoffllt tDOl7, 111 11\f r!1ht, flllt tl'lf m•,.,.ltlt miMlflcluttd In tr. Uftltttl +i, J.f. AlltnMn fM' E•K glrlli: "" Mc.Ull"f llOVClltrL fo "" u~ lnltrtll " llld Heffstd I f "" llmt '".... 1Ubsl111lltl1Y •II f,.,, m•!erM!I Jull\ff V•l'llt'I' P~bll•htd Orl,,.R coast 0111¥ ... tot. dll'lltntcl II lhll offl~ flf lltr l tforllt' of dtlfh Ind •11 lllt rl1hl, tltle •nd produetd I" 1111 Unrtt>d St1tft. 1n H-rt ft\41 (2141 Slftll AM Mtrdl'2J ind AprJI 1, I, 1$, lNt 171.., C¥rll A, W•lton, lS'5 T<1rr1~ Sou11'111'11, l11ferttl th.Ill IM nhiNI of ... td dl¢IUld Ptrfomira of th• COfllfKf. TIM lottf Sl11tlli Torr1nc•. Ct11tar1111 f05lll, whldl 11 IM htl 1eo11ulrtd bot -•lion fII la"' GI' flf S-'VllOn '"'""' llM rltlll to RIO!' (NHI -n 6-2, 1-4, LEGAL NOTICE Plttl " bl/$111111 of fht undt ril1ned ollltrw!H, · .itltr tfltll <II' 111 tOllllllOll ,..11<1 •Ill' <II' 111 bids Ht sktll CNHJ -n 1-2, 1·'· In •II Jl'llltler1 Ptr'l1l11!fl9 fo fht "'"' to ""' ol llld ftc:111td. tt fht llrnl O•IM M•rch :N, '"' Moore (NH ) IO!t 1... • ol u ld d-c:tdlt!ll, wlfflln four mtnllll of dtllll. 111 Ind to 111 l!>t· Hr'11!11 (iEAll ' Dou•lt• "·J21tS 1fler 1119 fi rst PllbllC.1110" of IJl(s l'IOlla, Pl'OPtrlY tllUllH In tM CllY ol N-rl IV Oll;DEll; OF THI: Jont~·Ettlmlll CNH) wan 6-1, 6.1, CPRTll"ICATI 0' IUllNEll Oftt>d Mttcn 4. ltff ll11dl Coimf't' Pl Or111S1t, Sl1.. ol IOAll.0 OF SUP'ERVISOltS M1dtr·H1w1horne CNH l IOI! 3-6 wan'~ ,ICTITIOUS 'lltM NAMt: ~,., J1n1 Alltll Ct1llOl'"t1. p1rtlcultr1Y daterlbtd ts OF ORANGE COUNTY Vi r1lty ' . Tiie ul'ldt 'llent>d da htrttrY (erl!IY Extc\ltrl.I: of !ht Wiii of fellows, JO.WI!: CALIFORNIA ' II• Citlllelllt IHI fl) El MM11111 thll !M\< 1r1 COf>dlftflrtt I~ ldvtrl\11111 l!>t t!IO\lt ntm.d docodtnt Loi • In trort tc el $111hort W E ST JOHN --~lilltllll ···---·-· !Tll!llr-llUllMH H Co-flWIMn-at Ut CYllll A. WAL TOM. COIO<IY Tr1d, In !ht CtlY of N-rl c.;.,.,!}. Cieri. Ind 9"..illdl flllb (SC} loll <Ut WOii 1-1, t-0, Wt sl l• Hebr1 .loll!ev1rd, Ll~.H•bl't, USI TtrflMI ... 11¥1.-, •tKh, In l!!fl Counff' Oil OrlflOt, Sith Cllf'k of !ht aatrd ot $upenl1tr1 W. C1llfornl1, ullll1r Int lldlllo\11 firm MrM Ttrflll(t, C1lf1rllt 9lla tr C•!lfornf•, n Plf m11> flClllrdtd of Ori"" Ctunty Clllf9.n'll• ._r 1owe11n ($C) 20fl 6-2, H . "'·of THE FAMILY SHOPPER 11111 IJl•I T•I Uln J71"511 '" BPOlt 7 ...... ,, "' MIK41"•"-., M•bl1 L C11t~h1 °"""" Se" tKJ won..,, ._1 ._1 6., 111d tll'ITI ts comPO!!td of lfll tolklWlt'!O "'"'""' fW ••toCWtrl• Mt.,, rtCOnl• et 111111 o""'' c-tv. "'"'No1x ,,_.,, w .. ner !SCI io'1t 'Hi' w.in U IMl'IOlll, wholl "''"" 111 full «nd lllCIS "l.utV. lolllhtf' wlffl 11111 POtlloil flf the PIOJICT Ult k l loll S-7. ' of M!Sldelltt •r1 ,, folio-~II: P~ll1hed 0 •11191 C.111 011rr Plkll. NorthM•'-'"' hill or Otttn ......... ... OltlDllNG 00.bltl ,1,,m1nd Ptr<!1., 12'17 AMII, Wf'l!lllt1' • .l!\ar<ll 11, 11, 2S 111C1 Atrlr1, lfft "4l'4t !0!111111 111d lot fl'I thl SO\llriwttt ltl,Al• ITOflNI DAMA•• S®lltt Ct tnd l'Prl'"'tr (SCI losl Ctllf0rnl11 l cllerl W. Shtrrv, lOUO •• lllowft Oii ._id,..._ Ind It •Hrldafltd AT u . ).41 '°" 1·1, k l'forlll¥t ll ROid, Liit Allt•le1. c..111. LEGAL NOTICE by l'ftOluTlcn .i 11111 City flf Ht-' "l"ll"illtT llUNIS PAllC Ltmll9r1 and Sdlwltlhlrdt (SCI WOii ~; Lou!1 A. AIM!\, $11f EnclllO Bffcll, f"°"'8f J111U1ry 4 lttt, 1 '"""'"' te thl provl1fcn1 of StellO" M , 7-5, "-1• 6-2. A¥..,U., EnclM, C•1Llornl•. •••·Htl cerlllled CW'I' .. whld'I ... l'ICIPtltd 1111 -It'll l.lllGI' COdt -Ille ., ... Oiled Mtrdl 70, lNt, J1n.u1,., J, ltU, hi loak QI, ,_ of tellfol'Tll•, IJ!t lolird pf SillervllOl'i AUTO lEASlNG All Makes , ........ 6 CYLINDER FORD MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP s11.11,... __. CORT FOX LEASING 22+ D. W. C-Hwy. Nowl!"'f -~. C:.111. MZ-1440 ,l,rm1nd Pt rtl NOTICE TO Cll!OITOllS S4 flf Offld ll lttnl'lli, tiourllltd _, of Ott>l'I .. Coufll'I" "-•~rltllllOll •!loll Rolletl W. ~rrv SUPlltlOJt COUll:T 01' THI th' NorthWftt lrf 11M SGvt11wttltr1Y l dolted 111t p ... v•lllne Witt rtlt for LOU!I A, Amen SfATE 01" CALl,OINIA POI l (llkM'IOl llcn ol Ill• NGrthw.st.rtf 11111 Md\ Cflll. wcf'kmtn or l!'lf(h1n1c llOtdtd $TATE OF CALlrORNIA, THI COUNTY OP OIL\N•• ol $lid IOt llld llo!lndf>d on lhe Sculflt11t To .,KU'll 11111 C011tract, Tnt prlftlNlll COUNTY Of LOS ANGELES. I st Ht, A"'2'11 b'f Ille Sou""-!etl'I' i!t ... lllnotlloill o1 rllft to dtt.rmh111C1 1r1 ti ftlUOwt; On March :IO, 1'69, llttor• m,, • E'''" of PAUL FR,1,NI( 101$ 11111 ""' SOulhfflt.rJy 11111 cf SIW ltll CllHll1Clllc!'I ' No!trv Publlr In I nd tor Mi. C-IV k-''PAUL F, ROSS, O.U1ud. f'llCFPT 1119 NGrlh1•1ttrly ll OO ht! lltoctl .... .I•. t, 1Wt >lfld Sl1le, HrSOlllll't IP!lffrtd Armtnd NOTICE 1$ HERE.I V GIVEN te tlll of N ld IOI, mo,_ COlll"*'l't k-n n : f°""""' IO.U HI' hour 1"0rl tfllll Ptff l, Rebert w. Sher,., •l'ld Loul• crldllort of "" ........ ntfllld dlttilllfll 710. Wtst Oa•" ,,,...,, ,,..._,. .. tell. hlwhfolt ,.."' CIUalllc.t!IN "'· . Amf!I ~-to IT!f_ te_ bt tlll 1:111 l it Hl'IOlll 1!1,!1111 CltllM 11111111 C1lllom l1. CMt wt.IOI hi fltl r. ""'°"' WhMI n1"'" '" •ulls<ilbtd .. r dtcldffll ,,.. required lo "" "Term• of u1e a 111 111· llWllll """"' -!bltlf't' to IM wlfflln l11str111T1tnl, I ncl t <:knowlecto· ~ wtlh lilt l'IKHMl"1 Vouc:Ml_)r fll f;lf in. U"llld Siii" Oii COflll,.,..1tloll Ll¥t rtNn • I'd lo mt thll llll'JI IJKU~ fflt Mml. llw olflCI $1' "" (ltf'k of lht 'bPw af ult, tr HM U1f1 li'ld iltltl'IU Wltneu m' Plllld •l'ld ~IL tritltled' COi/rt, or fo .,...,,, lhtm. 'IWflfl Setllttd b't' Mttltltl OI' Tl'Ull Offd W1ldl E111lfltlr !Of'f'ICIAL Sl'ALI !ht MCISll"1 ~ to the -1111 thl ,,,_,,,.,.,. IOW Tll'I ~ (SfMll'i W l!ltclrkl Vlvr111 I, NtwlOf!I ot!r11'11'°" ~I 1'3 ~ Orl'lt,. Suitt i1f -1 Bid ft tte ;,_,..!Ioli Wllll W1kltr • U.M "" "°""' Nott,., Public Iii •lid tt, NtwlOrl tflCll, Ctl1torri11 9*0, llld. Otc!utwit1 u.s.a ""' hour tor "ld County 1rMf Sl1,. w"ld\ r. the •ltC. ot 111111-.1 of llW 81411 ., "'°"' te bl 111 WT'tllllf Wiii Ll'flt, l'or'lt!'ll• lSAJI "" heuf Ctflllt & WP01w1,, A""" Ufllk>r1I.._, '" en m•lllW'I Hrt1l11!1W wm "' nat'ltl:I •t "" ''°'"'Ill otttct Wlllchm111 u.as ,., ..,... if} •• HIMrt 9"1Wt111 lo tM """ .. NM lfK'61!1t, wtlllln II ""' """ lfltr !ht fl!V 1\ltollcttlon lllttll Whld\ ., Dl'od•I LM AM•llL C•llfrll'llll tlMS feur """'hf lfttf 1111 ""' Mllctflcllll """'°' Ind ~ .. ,. « •It· ~ Of Olltl' U.dt ,.., ~ l lJt.OC f1f lh11 llolt~. Oiied llllt '"" Of'I' of M1rcit, !Ht L"ttftlM 11.0I .,., Mur P~tlllslltd Or1net (oa1! D1ll'I' Pllol. Dlltd Mltdr '1, ,,._ ., JESS L. ltCl(ILHAUP'T, Jr. Dfldrhllld (ctll _,.,. •flthw Mll'd'I H l lld AP•ll I, I, ll, Uft 5tt1' MARY D. JIOI! AclN!lrllllfl ter Wlfh !ht ttew 1J11f1t dlrtell,.. of Ott>.--..,, THE BEST Rt14•tth lp p •I f , P'''' "'''"uh " h '"' .r th• w•rld '• "'Iott popul1r t •'"Tilfrl1u . ~••ii It d1ily 111 tho DAILY PILOT. ~-~~II •!'If Codlcll ~Md pf .. Id ll'llltl U,02 "' ..... el IM /Ille.,. n..,.1(1 lttcldtllt tl•IL AHO MIYlll:HOP, Ill lcllllllen le ft. lt."9, 11111 Colltnctw WA.LU.Cl , llOWlf AND CIAIJ'I l t lft J:J.U. Olli Wtlltllrt illfl. ll'l•U lff0¥1dt tr. fOllOWI~! I» 0.Vif Orl\'t, S\lllt n Olli Wl ltlllrt llult....,,. M11llll 1111111 Wtlfe,_ .... ptf lltUr ,.....rt ltldl. C.llNnll tMfl Ln Aftffltl, c1•fWfll• N117 Ptfllloll Fund to.ill Ptt llOUf' Tt h (n•) '*'21J T1h 11~ Y1tltlorl •.X W llOllr' A"~·..,._.••llffl• A_....,. tw ,........,...,. ,~u.,... Or•"" C-1t 0.1!'1' "le\ ,ubl1v.CI °'''* (Oltl Oil" tt!lof PW!t.Md °"'"" Colfl ti.llY ,l_~J MMCfl I,, .l'I. Jf, JI Mii M'll '• Merell ti •"" M rll '· L , .. ,.,, ,,..... Mlrd'I IS. 2' Ind .,, .. ,, 1"'9 n -2. I. 4, s. ltrff ,.,.,, ---~--~~~' ---· ~---·= ' ' ' ,. • ZUBIN MEHTA -The music director ol the Los Angeles Philhatmoni<; Orchestra participates in an hour-long documentary tonight, in color, on Chan- nel 28 .at 9 p.m. Unique techniques by cameramen . show ihe ()rchestral pre~ration prior to public per· formances. Viewers will see the intense attention to "a note," and the greilt concentration required ·of classical musicians. ·TELEVISION VIEWS World Views Ike Pageant . By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The world W8J watching the solemn an·d moving pageantry of the rites for Dwight D. Eisenhower Monday. Television cover- age started with -the movement of the services to Washington National Cathedral and ended only with the ·start of the train journey to Abilene. The television networks covered with an ex- • Pertise th at pemiitted everyone with access to a ket to watch the services from vantage points from which the general public was excluded. IT WA$ a moving experience and continued to · Ive the viewer a sense of personal involvement and s. The formality, the gciocl taste and the soaring ords and mu·sie combined to create the mood. ever Was there a jarring note. • I . t Those who followed the proceedings on televts- i over the weekend appreciated the emotiooal and 1ical demands on the Eisenhower family. One pathized with Mrs. Eisenhower, who looked par- rly fragile toward the end. One watched with th the geolle way in which her sen John watch- er her. · BS AND ABC slippe(I back to regular program- ming in the early evening. But NBC, faced with broadcasting Ille pretaped and Irreverent "Laugh- ln" """'which 41lfortWlately was scheduled to have the Rev. Billy Graham appearing in some of the gags --, decided tile show might be loo abrasive on a day of ;natiooal mourning and preempted it in favor of a lengthy review of the funeral service highlights. The burial in Abilene will be covered on Wed- • nesday. EARLIER in the day, NBC launched a new game show, "It Takes Two," to replace the canceled "Snap Judgment." The half-hour program is not likely lo cause any disruption of household chores. The host -sports announcer Vm Scully who appar- ently has been studying the proper enthusiastic de- portment of the average game-show host -:-asks the paliel members a""&uncb of silly questions and re- ceives a lot of silly answers. Three married couples in the opening show were asked to guess, as a team, the combined.·population of North and South America; the combined waist- line of a nightclub bunny and a small elephant - both ~ stage togcth_er -and the nwn~er of h~ d~gs -30 pnmary schoolJc1ds could consume m 20 mmutes. . ANSWERS: 450 million; 113'1.i inches; 123 wien- ers. The show, in spite of its format, has a built-in appeal. It gives viewers an opportunity to look at the s pouses of some well-known perfonners. Guests on the opening show were Richard and Mara Long; Shelley ~nd Sarah Berman and Mike and Mary Lois CoMqrs. All the wives were very at- tractive, all nonprofeksionals and as poised and amusing as their husbands. · •. 11 they can keep up the flo\y of prominent hus- band-wife teams, the show might make the grade, female curiosity being what it is. Dennis the Menace r ... -.. PERKINS u JlJDGE PARKER ~ IW'UEP KIMI SOit" HOW PIP Of:. IWCIT IRATIOllSHll' lf- TWEB MM MfP YOll LATi WIFE U2! I THINK ¥C1 fitlJlu:t mL .. ..r ~ ! ' TUMBLEWEEDS \'OU CAN'T ARREST lf'E, l1EPU1Y!. SEE TlllS WHIT1' HAT l'M WEARIN'? !< YA MEAN THE ONE ON YER HEAD? MUTI A~D JEFF .--=-- GORDO MISS PEACH G) Ill< • "f~1 f flLM Hllf -1££1) P.ATED ~ fo~ MATLJRE AU1>1E!'1l.ES or..i1.:t • K•IJJ.. MISS 'Tl/J.T HAM WIT// N/S r -s. • • Ml\<.U> ' By Tom K. Rya By Al Smltli By Gn Anfola il ,, Ii I! I' ,1 61JE5S I!U 1NE ONJ.V CU! ~ WCllT MISS MIJCll/ • ..,. ... 00)"-.w• I ,....,... .. ,.., ....... __ tfMi ,.,........ .. " ,... .... :.·--··· ·-·-·--CCI • GAILY Pll.01' 11!1"' -Oii COOi """ C11N 1 .. IJ lllT --A (ID! ,,.,._..,.._tla-1r11M" ii Allll Ml a.a AIMii TlflM llf'ft 11 "'°""1 for 1111 ..... I """"'*II .... (Q clal fJOll thl lM ....._ DlJ ca.I ..... TMJ Nl*l • ... fDTnll •CI ltllllll fC) four U, rt• ..,.., Cir ei...- cll, C.O-. .. lolltl ti u ... tlltioa • -..n ..... -.. thl "P'rfllll)' tnd --.... 7:JO II mi Cl) ..... (C) (IO) leall ML Y111M II 111011 "' ... dllCO'flf'I thll o.tn Ytlllf' PO&-~ .... .............. ·-----hut •Ml wN ..... .. Ill -, .. ,_, -"" • -• a., Dll!ICilt!l~.~CCI <1111 .. .. -.... -· ... lll!i_ -~ ..... hll1 MIC •1111 ..... • r-1. Jldil y...., llillll ltry ...... ttie .w." !al Sktlllf; t111 _.. m n. .. ._. A (Jat • ................ ,.,. .... ........ -·-· .,_ ~u~':: .l:fl..: ~·-CCI COOi en _. ti.raid .L saw plll. e ....... c ,._ (SI) ....... _CCI (OJ)....... ·-. -plll wil lit iltlrnll*d fOr I t.I• ml!Wl• llldtol llfod: 111 a:m N . . . cO IHlilllD""""'A<fJl \:11811Deem-u~.Clll.....,,."hll, .lllrtll ..... . l.IMMllJllll....... • ........ Ill "' • lllllpfttl .. ... • .rcatics .t .......,. ............. " 1,• ~ ....... .t .. -........... ....nrt'J. illllM ~ 'SI -1.,,. ............... n-. -.. ....,. hip. _ ... __ ' _,., __ ,.._11:118-- - ----... ~ (.....,,..,_,,.._ _,, ... _,,_ -- :..: .:.. :.... "";:;.,\ II UCIJ•T--llJ -__ .... __ ·--tel-w;r'(_ • ......,_ ~(= _,,..-. Ullll!JJGlllr -111 ..... -(IOI llJ-A ·-·· .. (30) ·---(Cl • ...... 0 '11 1:11e--CCI (IOI ................. -er•_ .... ,. (Mnlr) ... -Qi'', .• , ... -.,,... ... '"' 1:11m°"""' ....,., .. «> '"" u~1~ESS EL£....,... Diultl .... VIII $eully ttcllP th ~'~"In "''JVl:'.I pmo. 'k FINAL-,...Ma.-lnllnlws au-CCI •• .., __ J'I __ .. _ ... ,, W I [I r~ f ') D :. l .... ; ,..... .,,...... loJ." T.V. CW nllS AD . AHD SAVI '7.50 RCA Oii TOH --CALL 10lfw ... ..,. al ..... SALIS & SllVICI ~ ..................... , •642·9742 275° I . 1711! ST.;-;COSTA MIU J I I 'I I I • I . . LEGAL NO'l1CB .. • . ' CSl ¥08r MoneJI'• Wortla tne m111er n11111111:.h11-1B . 100116 MACHINES W•Miad aot_ ..,..,;,,bl1ill*" •dGiic lilllnC. ... illlallol lddiac -""' iolle....,.lor"'onlllmerstllmr. 1"' .... """ plmol ll lhe time "" olD! ...,_So,~,.. .... -balandnfyow -~ wld&ai:ros-111~1iliof ·-'*-• doposilor" "'"port llrlionol . Sri aid enjoJ some of tht ti~wil!I comeniellC!S um: hrrt made n "!lit AIOI! llliqoe bni ii !lit ""1d. • ' .' 7 allft1l•NT omas "9YING ORANGE COlaNTf .... -~-.-.5621Jt• .................... 5Q:-ll•l • ~,..-......, •. , • an-sm. ,.... • ......... 111.-mo .... _ _. ... .,...wa1•......,-.t.ta 1t3llltC1111t....-O ..... -.. °""" 142.Jlll ~.UTU ASSETS 011£F! $42 .. 000.000.00 ~ HEAD OFFICE ~~J. 315 Ent'Cotoredo Boulew~ · ,......,,,., C.llfomla 91109 ~ • • Co1liiis Boarij to Fight . . . Ewctronic Data Offer . -.. LOS ANGELES·-Getty Oil Co. announced consolidated sales and other revenues <lf. $J,2CK,374,000 for the year end- ed Dec., compared w i t ti ll,160,388,000 for 1967. Consolidated net income in 1968, as announced earlier, was $98,250,000, « J4. 75 per average common s bare outstanding, comj>ared with 1967 net income o( $118,118,000, or $5.72 per average common shart outstanding. The data contained in the 1968 annual report includes Getty Oil Co. and wholly own- ed subsidiaries, and 100 per- cent of Mission Corp. and Skelly Oil Co. At the end of 1968, nctty Oil held a 70.53 percent in- tereS in Mission, which in tum held a 71 .31 percent in- terest in Skelly. Getty Oil, through this relationship, held a 50.29 perts1t interest in Skelly • The Getty Oil share . c.£ YJ.ssion and Sftlly earnings amounted to 119,1123,000 in 1968 and 119,6911,000 in 1967. Mooney Named Assistant VP. John A. Mooney of Newport Beach has been appointed vice-president and assistant to the president of Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Los Angeles. Mooney has been president of LalD"a Scudder's, and prior to his new appointment was corporate vice-president and director or trade relations for Frito-Lay, Inc. 3. The la161 reported ll!cal "year!a si.Jea o( ElectroniC were.f7,181,000 as compared to Colliu' "47,028,000 and it.I latesl reported dl'ntngs per shire for sUch period were 14 .derlla u compared to IU4 1,._collinl. 4. CGlllnl' shareholden "" cepting the offer would suffer dilution in earnings per .share. 5. Eiectronic bu never declared any divldendJ and states that it does npt expect to grant caBb dividendS in the near future. in-the east 12 months, Colllna' aharebolden: have fecelved cash dividends of ao cents per !hare, Collins claimed. 6. Acceptance of the Elec- tronic exchange offer would be a taxable transaction to Collins' stockholders. Get Taxes To State On Time Tbe ~ Tax Board says if you file your St.ate persona.I income tax return after April 15, K's going to cost you money. More money, that is. The deadline for submitting fully-paid Slale income lax returns is April 15, but no one should Wait that Joog, ac- cording to Martin Hull, tx- ecutive officer of the Fran- cblse Tai Board. "Frequently," be said, "tu.- payers overlook valid deduc- tions or cannot Io cat e necessary substantiation for dequctions in lb< rush to post their return pri<r to the deadline." People who wait past the deadline are subject to an inunediate five per c e n t penalty and additional penalties of five percent for each thirty days of Oelin- quency. Ma :1 Im um dtlln- quency is 25 percent. California wants your tu money -if you earned more than $3,250 in adjusted ~ income, or. if married, your combined h>eome was more th>n $6500 • Group Gains Candy Firm OAKLAND -Controlling 1 .. terest in a famous half-cen- t.ury-old We st e r n eon.. le<:ti9f\<111 Co. changed handl Monday. h-iacFarlane's candies, nam- ,ed for. the family that opened a little candy store in Oakland in 1918 and built it into a statewide complex will\ annual sales of nearly $4 million, has been acquired by an io- ·Veslmtlll group beaded by Paul Sclmlltl of Kentlield, Marin County , Glen McLaugblln of San Francl!co and Rlwell Alben of Pied- mont. INGS •• - --·- - • Who Reath the !tma , ' ' • • 1; For the Stfll'a1 I ' ' I I . • - ( -«< ' . -. ·~ .. ~· • :1"'k •• -·"'* I ! . . ' \ ' I I -' ri-.. .< • ,. .. ... .\ '· It's Sydney; Omarr And now this articulate writerw~o hes been celled the "estrolog~r's listrologe r'' reeds the sters for you. S~dney .Omorr, longtime personal astrologer to many ' I • of Hollywood's end theJlterory world's most fem•u s str' s, is o DAILY PILOT columnist. · Omarr's record for accvracy of predictions based on asfrologic~I analysis is emezing. Whether y~ reed astrological forecasts fo:r fun or as e serious student of star-gazing, you'll enjoy Sydney (llmorr's doily column in the DAILY PILOT \ \ • .. --I I ··• I • .. ... I . . ,. ' " \ I • • ' . ' . . ' .. ' ....... ~ .. -. ,.. ·-'" "'~"-~~"· • • . '1 . ~· ; . . •·. ' f • . i •. . •' ,... I .._. •'' ' . " " . . ' I " ~ . . . .. . . WIT-H .. ~ --. . . . . • ') ·I • 1· . " . . . \ •• ' \ ' ' . . '· i ' ·. • I ' • . . . I Don't· iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial .Direct: .. '642-56-78 : · " . Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" · • ~ , (North . County,. 540-1220, toll free) . . . . • • ._ • . ' . ,...,. . ~ ,. . . ,., , I • ' ' . r ' . . ' . . • . . . ·. . IT'S EASY TO PINCH • ·-PENNIES~EVEN DOLLARS . . • • . . PEN.NY PINCHER · . .., WANT A:DS -~ .. • •••• ,. •• ••. '>' llEW-LOW-RATt· __. _ _._ ~ - 3 -LINES - i . TIMES . $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE ,PRICED e , . e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e· e NO COPY CHANGES' e NO .ABBREVIATIONS e 1 : L,t Pl·tOT PENNY ·PINCHER wa:nt Ads Work for YOU!, I ' . . f' • • I . ,• ~ \.. . . . • ----• ' • • • . '. • . . \ . .. . . . • ·' • • • • • t. \ I .. • • .. ~ I •• ' ~-. . I I ' I t ' .. .. . :: ~ ., ' • • "1 .. ft' ,. w t «• ... :.. «I ~ ' j • ' • : • ' ., • ~ " ' • • -' "•t-' ;,.,..,, •rr ;r.;t • "t .,. ""'•J"• ... ..,,. ... ~ 1"'· ~.,.,.,.f •1 ·• · .. ---·· ---, .,~ ...... ,,. __ -''· .... , .............. ··-····-..-·" ,..,, .... . ................. ··-·-· @ DAILY PD.OT TuOlday, Apf!I l, 1969 • --' ·~ 'Mandari.rui'Due . . NEW YORK (AP) -James· Coburn will star In "The M ... darJ"'i 20th C.nlUt)'·Fox's corrtemporary screen ada~ talion of Simone de Beauvoir's ppu.winnlng · novel. Robert Mulligan will direct, beginning in mid·l9691_ with locaUons In ChlcD.io, New York an d Yucatan. Kid.~' K~ng That's 'K~ngaroo' 'K-eeshan • • allACH • , Jl.W• • HUWTINGTON •KAC .. • M?•.-0 MATINEES ONL:V MO~. 3/31 ~· 4/41 TUU. 4/1 SAT. 4/1 WfD. 4/2 SUN. 4/6 THUl(4/3 DOORS OPEN 1:00 p.m. SHOW STARTS 1:30 SHOW OVER AT 4:30 t'i'""'""~ "f1 fili il"'rU/' ;rHE&Tlt .. IW!tOll•lll ....... "'5Ti.M'U.-Sl•J J . ___ ..... _ ... _.., ___ . OSCAR NOMINEE e BEST PICTURE e BEST DIRECTOR PA ti AMOUNT 1'1Ct\JllES ,_-.) •9'LJU • -,,. FRAN co ZEFFIREW ........ J JroMEo . ~JULIET By VERNON SCOTI' 1101.J. YWOOD . (UPI) Robert Keeshan, televisloo's captain Kangaroo, ts the on1f man on the tube who can boast. of having entertained a succession of five genera .. tions of Americans. or course, his viewers are con;ipo5ed or tJie 2~ age bracket. · 'ilie · New York Irtshman ciJcu1ates be baa a turnover llMn.g viewers every three or four 'tears. And inasmuch as be'a been on the air since 1955, he'a had at least five oets of faM. "When youngsters go off to ICbool I be them," Keeshan etpl~ ori a trip from his New Y oli:;. headquarters to Hollywood. "And by-the time they're seven, they're much too sophisticated for me." Kiddie shows genei:ally are limited to local stations with an occasional syndication series cropping up. But "Captain Kangaroo" is the only network childrea's show rd limlted to cartoons. 'its ratings are unifonnly high·· -~··-100 RIFLES THE BROTHERHOOD n ,_ !(.~~!!.·", ••• :· FASHION ISLAND * NEWPORT CENTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .~ ~. • • • • • ...... he countty whkh • .,. couots for Keeshan'a Iong<vlty on the air. 'Ibe heavy set graduate 01 Fordham e:rpl•lns his popularity: 1'Mlne ~t. really a show. It's a Visit. It's quiet. 'l'hett is DO blare of tnimpets, and we keep it simple. • "Another thing, l have a one-to-one relationship with the child viewer. And I guess the little ones don't have Lime to get tired of. me because they grow up and go to school" Keeshan is modest. His show continues to excel in a fuugh market because he 1!1 a master of reaching youngsters at thelr own level and educating a n d en- tertaining ttiem so paln1essly that the sand pile set absorbs · bits and pieces of knowledge without being aware of it. , Moreover, Keeshan, a soft- spoken man \Yith kindly eyes. is producer of the show and has complete control over its content. It is, however, grinding work. ln the past l ~ years Keeshan has compl eted 4,200 episodes of ''Cap t3in Kangaroo," wi!.h no repeats or swnmer lliatus. The daily show· is taped in a New York studio. About 25 percent of each episode is written line for line. The remaining 75 percent is ad lib, but based around familiar rootines and situations. BALBOA 673-4048 OPEtl 6:45 709 E. lall1011 lalltN P•nln•la & Th• MonkHs - "HEAD'' STARTS WEDNE SDAY lrwce lrow•'• "ENDLESS SUMMER" ~: Whll'sso : • Bid Altaut lar.Y™er : IMig Gacid? l(OGll : .... -l!I 1!f!t0Dl2Jit 1 llfWl'<lflT fl!ACH • Oll.!.a35b I ENDS TONIG HT I MESA'S DICK DALE ENTERTAINS WITH HAWAIIAN WIFE JEANNIE j(ing of Surf Guitar' Now Play& It Polynesian in N•w Riversid• Nighf Club Buys Riversi1te Club Dick Dale Goes Hawaiian R.\· TO~I TITUS OI lht 01llr Pllor Sli!f The face is fam ili a r, likewise the guitar, but the music no1v has a Polynesian bc;>t. And if the enr!y turnou~s n~e any cr!tcrioo, Co St a Mesa 's Dick Dale is on the \vay to another successful WALT DISNEY ., ...... Ulfl1ile. the 11; InnfYkJnie -·~---·. <klll{jlr ··~·-· --. Tt.rl!Nltll\ll1t' showing. this time as the owner and headliner of a .Rivergjde nlght club. (At 18120 · Van Buren Ave.) Dale, who pioneered th~ "surfing sound" of the early sixties· which turned into a nationwide musical tidal wave, has purchased a club and two ticres or land in Riverside where his career began a decade ago. The premiere night, March 22. "'as an unqu a li fied s1nash."We could only seat a th ird of the people who showed up," one of Dale's aides . at tu s Costa Mesa headquarters reported. Instead of the Del Tones, who backed him when he was the "king of the surf guitar." Dick is now joined by his Hawaiian wife. Jeannie, \\'born he discovered on a trip to the islands and married .1 yea r ago. From the ''Puka Puka Otea Re vue" at the Queen's Surr liotel, \\'here she '''as the top Tahitian dancer, Jeannie join· ed Dick on a mainland tour which included Caesar's Palace and.. I.he Thunderbird liotkl in Las-Vegas. The opening of the Riverside club is the laiest in a long list of achievements for Dick, wh~ once occupied a stellar spot on the pop record (·harts with such hits as "~1iseriou." "Let's Go Trippin'" and "Mr. Veppcrment Man." If music is his first lo\'e. animals :ire hi s second. 1 n a 1964 in terview, Dick told of his dream of find ing a pl ace in the country for his growing menagerie which in· eludes a number of wild animals. Along with his night club. Dlck has purchased two ·acres of land in Riverside, He hopes eventually to build a country club with sw im ming pool, a golf range and possibly a r iding stable. "It's wh at I've been waiting for," says Dick. \\'ho performs with Jeannie t1ightly. except W.ondays, at the Riverside club. Judging by the crowds which have turned out to welcome back their "ki ng," it's also \\'hat a lot of Southern Californians have been waiting for. Crossword Puzzle ANDY GRIFFITH ! r.;;;;;!iii!iii~i!!! ACRO SS ~fi Fam ed Hollywood name Yesterday's Puz?le Sol ved: ''ANGEL IN IN MY POCKET" ALSO JOHN WAYNE "HELL FIGHTERS'' STARTS WEDNESDAY •TlCHHICOLORsTIOIHIKOPl• ALSO OSUR WElNIR IARIARA FERRIS "INTERLUDE" HELD OVER . i! WALT DISNEY'S ~ljjg ~ JPW>f~!~li•l R CHKICCl.OR' Pll."-'VIS&t' ··-··-· . --cw Al SO Con1in1101u Show 11' I :.t r Wed .. Th11n.., Fri., Sat., Sun, fto111 2 P.M • l Do a clean- ing job 5 Schem ing person 10 Persian : I Abbr. 1 14 Pr otect lodge from Hll/US Ion 15 TV feature 16 Wildly a-nus •ng person 17 Chrooic 19 Greek mountain pe~k 20 Use logic 21 Thick me ss 22 Exchange membership 23 Playlu l 1rammal 25 Terrible: Comb. for m 2b Pi tuita ry gland sttretion 30 Meado w fe ature Jl Noisy disturbance 34 Volcani c mud flow Jb Spokes JS Accol;idt to a toreador 39 Harmoqy 47 Handsome . ., 49 Fl'a thers' compan ion 51 Former Can. Governor Gene ral 5l Whale; Comb. form 53 Trimm ed 55 -··-of !he Woods 57 Mrn11 item 58 Railroa d track b3 Ancien t author 64 Incidental lib Mr. Harrison CJ Kind of residence h8 Quantity 1:19 Noun suffilt 70 Gardener's concern 71 ----actio n DOWN _ I Commotion 2 Co!Of J Man's nam~ 4 Certai n 11 Mountain in Western Canada 12 Santa -··• lJ Slalistlc: Abbr. 18 In addition 24 Trunk 25 Up and ---2b Big WOl'd on Oahu 27 Thrashed with a stick 28 Can. mount- ain range: 2 words 29 River of China JI Baked dish 32 Flush with triumph JJ Tra ck !Mtt event 42 Unit in p~ysics 45 Dislance runner's requirement 48 De ntist's instrument 50 Spa 53 ---·-bull· RetigiouS ' I t iler 54 Performrd 55 •.•• wolf Sb One of sever ill EAglish 4ivt"r S 51 Has hish sourer 59 Thin c ircu la1 object ~1 C i rcul ~tlon 11~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::!::=:=:=:=::=:==:=:=:=:~11 dep31tmt nt 11 form ••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • social gatherings: 5 lmbuts with o~or ti H'art 7 Tree lined wa lk 8Gciby car 35 Put a chtck in the mai l ]7 Cheerless 40 3 dots, 60 Byzantine art item 61 Encyclop!!dfa rnlry NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY 3~~-?~~ m~~!~~ ~<· Al~Kirk Douglas "A LOVELY WAY TO DIE" Starts Wed. -Matinees Daily . VcltectiVCl u. franli llullilt·. SCfllCI aber'.ldnd tf oop. STARTS WEDNESDAY JAMES GARNER'iO~~:oo~·WALTER BREN~AN :·suPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF. G ~~a...;;;. COLOR b~Dfl..,..,. llntfld..,.._ ALSO-The lleattes "YELLOW SUBMARINE" ' 43 P1onoun 44 No1 th .... ·oods I an imal I ' 3 • " 17 I " .... I 16 " " " " " " I ~ -··-schoo l 10 Toas t ' II " 13 ,, .. " 3 dash t$, 3 dot s • . " 62 Merrimf'l!I 65 Prop« name suffix 10 11 12 13 " " 38 " " " .. ' .. 11 'Chips! ltltisieal Patient Produce:c Reaps Dividends ' I By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -N"t Thanksgiving, t he nation's theater ~ns will be of- fering a '19-million, musical .~ "Goodbye, Mr. Chips.:• The release will come exact1y five years alter the project "'as initiated by its producer, Arthur P. Jacobs, The 5tory of how J acobs finally maoaged to get the new "Chips" on f i Im demonstrates the tena city and patience that film makers need in today's evef-changing market. "It was Thanksgiving week of 1964 when 1 decided to do jChi~' as a musical," said.. the ambitious young publicist· turned-producer. "l had just been toying with the idea for · • some time, and I found out that .. Andre Previn ha cf been thinking about it, too. 'Ne worked up a lot of enthusiasm for the idea, and then I sud- denlf realized, 'We're cer· tainly talking big when neither of us owns the property .' 11 Jacobs look his idea to MGM, which did oW'tl "Chips," having filmed the memorable 1939 version with Robert Donal and Greer Garson. The company's executives were enthused about Jacobs' idea and agreed to go along with him. The producer assigned Brilish playwright Terence Halligan ("Separate Tables") to 1vrile the script. "We made some changes in "'the story," said Jacobs. "The book and the first film ended in a contcn1porary t:ime, and so does our version - it concludes in 1970. Hence Bill Co sby Opens at Melodvland ., Comedian Bill Cosby opens tonight at Melodyland. doing th e fir s t of s even performances this week at the Anaheim showplace. Cosby will appear nightly through· Easter Sunday with the exception of Friday night \\'hen there will be n o performance at the com- edi'en's request, in memory of the late Rev. 111artin Luther King. Perso ns already ho 1 di n g tickets for that performance may exchange them f o r another of the renlaining ap- pearances: tonight through Thursday at 3:30 p.m ., at 7 and 10 Saturday ni gpt and al 5 and 8:3D Sunday. Appe aring with Cosby is singer Rhetla Hughes. Following this E.11.stcr \Veek attraction is the Juliet Prowse Show. wh ich opens AP.ril 8 fo r one "''eek. ""'e cover World War n in.5tCad of \Vorld \Var I. ln the book and film, ?i.frs. Chlps was a very brier figure. Chips met her on a holiday, married her, and she died in childbi~th ; there was no delail o( her background. "In our script she Is established as a musical com· cdy star of the London stage •. This gives her dimension and. also provides an excuse for. nlusica l numbers. Our picture- is not a musica l in the usu~I. sense; th e characters n~er sing to each other. Many of, the songs are 1voice--0ver' -· done with off-screen voices without the characters moVrng: their lips." Tlic casting of "Goodbye, !\Ir. Chips" proved ·to be a' three-year headache. The first'. Chips was Rex Harrison, but' he had to withdraw because: of a conflicting schedule for; "Dr. Dolitt!e," also produced. by Jacobs.. , Next, J{1chard . Burton waSi to costar with Samantha Eg·; eat, Gower Cham pion direc ... ting. But Burton's tax lawyer!', rais ed so many problems. h0: was dropped. Ha ving <X>m· •• pletcd ''Dr. Dolittle,'' Harrison. a&ain enterf:d the picture. Bur, a conference with Jacobs. Chiimpion and Harrison in' Paris ended in such a wrangle that the actor-wit~drew aghln., Jacobs then signed Peter. O'Toole, who had sung on {he' London stage thou gh nevef, in. films. The producer cast Petula Clark as Mrs_ Chip.!i after viewing her tests for1 "Finian·s Rainbow." . But .now two o rl g ina~ members of the productloll team dropped out. Gower, Champion decided he did not· want to dislocate his family for the 18 months in England. needed for the (il m and ,\llas; replaced by Ht?rb Ross; ,who choreographed "Funn y Girl'~ but had never directed a fitm.. Andre Previn ·and his wife' Dore, who ,had written the. songs, \\'ere unavailable for; re"·riting needed for the nelf, cast, said Jacobs, though the; f'revins have indicated •tha. parting was not amicable.'. Lesllc Bricusse, who won an: Oscar for "Talk to the; Animals," in ''Dr. Dolittle,". turned out the 10 s.ongs. ' "Afte r three yea rs, , '\re. finally slarted shooting i~ Europe," said Jacobs. "At last. luck was with us. Out t! 14 '"eeks of outdoor shoaling, \\.'e lost only one day because ot; weathe r." , Collegiate Carol .. Ilarvard University students John Cook (le(il an~ 1 • Bill Kiley join television comedienne Carol Bu ti .. In a dance numbcr--t1fter Mis!-Buntett recet · i;rhool 's "\voman of the year'r award from the Ha$ty. Pudding Club. ~ • 1 ~ !ad >Ok :a oet :er, th; '" ge.: l)ld for, Jr& ua,r · ver of, ces Ing: ye,· a' :rst'. but w;a tor-; ~ed . vas· ~g·: •c· er!', h~ <n· .. )OR· Ju~ bs, iJt gle lin., ter. lhe' : in asr Jp~· ~or; . a l !or\ ve r, no• Uly md ~as; 1h• rr• ri.: life' the: ror; "'' the; lh~ 1le.: an. llic' . ,.. .. ' \\'e. j~ ,,. I I' ~·e ot; _, . ' ... ' • " I ~j • . ' l"f~ I' I" ~j ' ' • ' • ., .. ' .. HOUSES FOR SAL E General \ fooo \ ,-, THE REAL \~, ESTA TI:RS '-I ' ' WE ARE PRbUD TO REPORT lusl11es1 Is Terrific 48 Transactions in 30 days a record hard t o beat ••• To sell fa&t or- to buy wisely • • • Call the "Good Guys" 646-7171•546-2313 Lovely Lido Isle Delightfully decorated 3 bedroom on an extra large 40' lot. All electric blt·ins in bright cheery kitchen. Sunny south pat io. Unusually low priced at .~9,500. Back.lay Ylew Estate size 75x245 lot. 3 Bdrms, 2 bat~ -2 fireplaces. Country kit· chen with fireplace. Lge. master bedroom with his and her's bath. Due to healttt o w n e r needs smaller home. Might trade, $55,000 Broad moor J'larbor View Perched on the top of Harbor Hills. View of ocean, bay, catalina. 4 bedrooms family & sep- arate dining. Park like ~!io and rear yard $59,950. Dover Shores Extraordinary 3100 sq. ft. of luxury. All custom constructed 4 bedrooms, family room and formal dining room. Immediate po S session with l O'lo down -Ask· Jng $73,500. Make otter. w .. tcllff Vacant 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. l.Arge family r~m in move · in condition. Fast escrow possible - $40,950. 5 Bedrooms M-delMar 2400 sq. ft. Sparkling clean, tile electric kit· chen -3 luxury baths. Enclosed boat and trail· er space. $37,950. 9ulet Eastslde 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths In a quiet non-traffic street -cozy living room v.'ith brick fireplace, kitchen with all electric built-ins -a dandy buy at $26,· 900 with 10% down. Own-er wjll consider trade for 3 or 4 units. 4 ldrms. -$23, 950 Move in -tomorrow with OK'd credit New elec· tric range. Sliding glass doors to covered patio. $23,950 10% down or tr)' no down VA. Would You ltlieve 2lx30 Rumpus room with giant fireplace and bar that seats 8. 4 bed- rooms + family room. 2400 sq. ft. in all. 75x200 Jot _a.Qd a 20x40 y,•ork-, ihop for $29,950 -You C:an. .,, • Neat little home, 2 car garage -66x200 com- pletely fenced f or horses. Only $23,500. Money Makers Eastdde Duplex 2 Bedrooms each, open beam cbarm -lDw up. keep--Sparkling clean. $28,500. • Eastshle 4-PIH ·3 Bedrooms each -En- closed garages -No vacancies. CornE'r 1 o t. Exc e ll en t condition lbroughou t -$62,500. .. • Home + l•com• Npt HghU. DlsL 2 bed· room , completely re· modeded + 1 bedroom r ental -2 garages. New driveways -inc. PoL $300 -'2\l.~ 2 OFFICES:. 1700 Newpon l lvd. ' 64&-717t •2790 .......... 546-2313 Opeo E-.~H t ~THE REAL '"\: ESTATERS -... --·-----~·-o----~------~.,....--~~----·--------·-......-__ .....,._ ______ --·------.--. I YOU HAVE ONLY 7 Days lo Take Advantage of Ou r 6% 0/o Inte rest Rate on the'. beautiful new homes of Rancho La Cuesta on Brookhurst at Atlan ta In Huntington Beach • Our Lend er Must Increase his Interest Rates 0°n April 7, 1969 • All that is necessary to assure yourself of this low interest is your selection of one of our 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story born.es and make your initial deposit of $500 . Cell 968-2929 or 968-1331 any dey . from 10 to dusk. 4 BEDROOMS PLUS POOL In an excelle"tit area close to shopping and schools. Excel- lent floor plan with Master bedroom suite on opposite side ot house from other bedrooms. Huge beautiful Anthony POOL, heated and filtered with lots of decking. J..arie covered and enclosed patio-Rumpus room adjacent to p001. Walk to shopping, Catholic school, elementary, junior and High schools. Priced a t $34.950. Submit ycur smaller home on our guarantee sale Plan.· WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee -2043 Westcllll Dr. 646.77ll Open Eves. ·3 BR & POOL This beautifully landscaped ~ home on corner lot features 4 double. fireplace, outdoor BBQ, solar heated pool, ex- tra large bedrooms. Hurry this one won't last. S30,750 Rent While You Buy $225.00 per mo.· Owner is leaving state, and ~o sell, rent or tease option. 4 be<irms. 2 baths, tamily room, 2 gtory home in best Costa Mesa area. Call for -appointment. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1ohn macnab NEWPORT BEACH Delightful 4 bedroom, with extra large family room. Fee property, perfect condition. .................... $52,500 Call for appointment ( 714) 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 NeWport Beach · Builders Closeouts 10°/o Dn.-61/2°/o Int. . Pele Barrell Really Presents LIOO CORNER Move-in condition. 3 bdrms, dining room, 3 car garage, large sunny patio with maximum privacy. Large lot. VIEW LOT l ntere11tl11& building sill? with fabulous view • Price reduced to $18,500. l 1605 Westcliff Dr; J NEWPORT BEACH ~ 642-5200 INCOME UNITS TRIPLEX 1 • 2 bedroom units yearly net ot $4284.00. Low vacancy factor. Full price $37,500. DUPLEX 2 • 2 bedroom unitll, no down to vttll or minimum down F1IA. 134/151) 6 YEARS OLD 8 units with room for 4 more • a real money maker, 23.53% return; ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 SH·H·H·H·H WE FOUNO A SLEEPER Assume this 5%. FHA loan at ONLY $148 per month with LOW DOWN payment! 3 llpaclowi Bedrooms &: 2 luxury 6aths! Cozy FIRE- PLACE in lovely CARPET. ED & DRAPED living room oU Its RANCH SIZED KIT· CHEN with built irui. Near Schools & Shopping, QUITE A BUY!! WE SELL A HOME ~-~ 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-9491 Open 'til 9 PM Why Worry? Small down payment NOW for this 3 months new execu- tive 4 BR 2\i bath house tn TURTI.E ROCK near UCJ. Will lease option or sell on contract. $41,950 Newport et Vldorla 646-1111 Scenic San Oemente, minutes tr0m beach. 3 & 4 BR 2'Ai bath homes. $32,500 to $39,. 500, Some with view. MUST BE SOLD THlS WEEK! f '!!~~~~~~!!J!!!!!~ MODEL' 518 EMt San J u., SPANISH VILLA Rltr. Ph. 492.9'1811 646-3928 Reminiscent of early Cali-*l,ACH~NMYER fom;a hacionda. th~ •'"" ONLY $l6SO DOWN turesque 2 story bOme bu a beautiful swimming pool, 3 BR 1 % batha. electric brick bar-l>q, 4 large bed- range &: oven, dishwasher, rooms. fonnaJ dl nlng rm. F;. heat. 2 car garage, car-and a channtng llving rm. peted. with .fireplace acented by Full Price $16,500 Imported Ph1Upplne inahog • -•l!RNIE-.. CLEVELAND Reeltor an¥-'Wood work, all on ~-o luge R·2 Jobi. See thla one today. HOUSES fOR SALi! HOUSES fOR SALE HOUSES fOR SALE --10oo Costa-· 1100 Corona dol Ml.r · 1250 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TWO SJ'ORY -OWNER 81\YSHORES TRANS F 'E RR ED. 433 Morning Canyon CdM • You own the land! to xU5 Ft. M View Jot. 3 B:ft. & fam nn $49,500. Shown by appt. r~ ~~ .. ~K~1,. /Jucca/a ~ Gng/i6~ Uffag• it up aDd enjoy Ufe In your ..-- Exclus:ive residential district, BeauWUlly kept bOme with short walk to private beach, heavy shake roof, large Atractlve 2 bt home in fine bonua room, tunken living · room &: fully built·ln DeLancy Reel Etfete 673-3770 allurinc three bedroom two 16th A Tustin -Costa Meia bath ~EA11I"i ! Enter~in ADULTS condition, Excellent location kltcheii. Quiet ·traffic free for enlqlng or rernoddllW. treet. Cloae to schools Im-Yard &: aates tor boat. s . · -YoUr.tr~--ln the re1axin& '-Mosrh0mes-.re-bullt-wlth-onlj;ehildren-1n swimming pool, attractive . . h de th w '10:-N.,.,~"tia~ -mediale~llOO.-C.W.. .J.hle-ltle.----·.,1'!1 "'"' • "IJ ...,_ • 540-1151 (open e vea) clubhouae or putting green nund. We have five omes s gned for e ee a. part of this EXCIT: comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look ING 4-year-.New UPPER "at, room for bobbies, private office, separate B A Y COMMUNITY! our dining rm, gbest room with bath, 3 car ga .. best buy for $25,950. rage, walking distance.to churches, WestcliU * * * * shopping, arid restaurants. Early Bird Special 7% with 20% down -71f.i% with 1°"· Dn. . no 2nd1 -no points -29 y rs on bal•nce FEE SIMPLE Flnrt limo ott.,..,,, HARBOR Priced from Sl0,950 to $33,950 HIGHLANDS, thre e bed· E I .:.1 A t Ocein view from Uvlng room. dining room, kitchen and master bedroom. 4 bed- rooms, 3 baths, den, aue•t a pt., 2 double garages. Large pool and patio with BBQ. Greenhouse and rose gar- den, Located on two lol!I. 'l1le ·house needs-redecorating . Asking $97,lOO. room, 1%.''bath home with Xe U• ve 1en hanlwood """"· ,...,,i.o. p. a. palmer incorporated and forced air heat. CrYstal & clear 16'x32' pool. Rock wa-33n VI"' LIDO ter fall .. outside lighting • Tr•ct Ph: 540-5183 FrOm L.A. C•ll MA 5-8034 landscaping .. sprinklers .front and rear. An excellent buy -. an excellent. location. G 1 lOOO I ONLY $33.950 .• TERMS. ener1 Genera 1000 Jean Smith, Realtor G.I. Repossession I ;;;;Haiiirbiiiomr V;m.1,iiiiewiiiiii;!Hi~lls;,I You do not have to be 4 vet. Eves. CalJ • 545-8723 eran to qualify. 5 bedrooms, built-in kitchen, oversized double gnrage, Cose to Cos. ta hlesa schools a.nd gbop- ping. $1,800 includes ~down payment, closing costs, and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioJ payments Jess than rent. Assume 5% % loan ,.,., 1""50· At no COit to buyer. Total monthly payments $171/mo. includes taxes, principle, in- ·terest & insurance .•. That's all! 4 BR home &: family room in Mesa Verde ill spot. le!s condition. All electric bullf-irui, Whirlpool dishwash. er, sepan«e living room with :fireplace w/w carpets & drapes. First time ottered at $27,200 -HURRY! I' \I I • \\ 11111 ~t \II\ Ill\\ H I \ l I l C 11 1093 Baker, C.M. '41>5440 "For A Wise 'buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES. VIEW! INCOME TAX Lease With Option REFUNDER' Lovely upgraded 3 BR Condo , with powder rm. wet ""'· Deluxe Fourplex and many other extras for Ln~rn the .. -3 BR 2 fine living. Bezt Bluffs ·•w.c.-. cu:o .om . View. Immediate occupancy ba.th + fireplace home Wl.th $325 pnvate c o v e re d patio . • •• .. •• • • • • • ·"" ·' • mo, RENT the other 3 unitll .& Walter Haase Coldwell, Banker & Co. nll a. Ceatt Ml ...... r N.-t IMQ, Calif_ .. ltl NSSI 17J.Hll $save your dough$ & take allowable deprecia.. tion &: expenses to defer your high income taxes. $68,500 Newport ,, V ictori1 646-8811 Full price for this 3 bedrm. 2 bath home ls $22,000 10. cated oH Baker in Costa Mesa, near calhollc church. No down to vets. At thisii=::=:::: price you'd better hurry. Ex· * POOL elusively with ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 For Executive * FAMILY RQOM * FORMAL DININ.G For thrilling view of all Newport Harbor \Vith its beautilul lights and boating activit)'. See this new listing in Harbor View llills. Modern 3 bedroom home Built ai:9~ a pool with separate family room · yard needs a little work but an excellent value for this prime location WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 21 x 30 Rumpus Room with a Giant fireplace & Bar that seats 8 • A 4 bedroom + family room, 2500 sq, feet all totaled. A 75' x 200' lot. A 20' x 40' work shop foc $29,950 . You Can! 546-2313 646-nn THE REAL ESTATERS ai !69.:ioo BA YCREST • C1ll Kent Kfntlsey N _; • Thi' ... .,12 e= occupancy now. s Res • .-rvv lovely custom home with HAR801'l extra larg• living room and ~other-In-law huge double ilreplace is built aroUnd landscaped atrium. 3 bedrooms and pan- e'Ued den, Owner anxious for quick sale. $52.900. JEAN SMITH, RHllor 400 East 17th, Coat.a Mesa <;J&l25S Problem? N l ( sf M 20N.:wr .... 1BR l • o 1 esa bath, cozy llvln&" room with fireplace, kitchen with built. 3 large bdnns, 1% baths, in range & oven single gar. ht.rdwood Doors, large kitcb- 3.ge, carpets, d;apes. Near-en &: service porch area. new •• , .2 BR 2 bath, fire· Double garage. Big yard places, 2-car garage, outside w!th shade & fruit trees. storage, electric built-ins, $22,950. ranee & self-cleaning ove.n, Well1-McC1rdle, Rltrs. large family room; Spanish 181~~eWpart Blvd., C.M. decor. Both for $42,500, 548·7Tl9 F;vei. 6'(4-0;84 $16,500 $1700 down, 3 BR 1 ~ bath, YOU owe it to younell to in- built-in electric range, ov. VPstigate our 4 different en, garbage disposal, FA trade-in prograoot. heS:~ carpets & drapes, dou.. ble garage with boat door, fenced & landscaped. . SPACIOUS Republic Jtome w I t h spacious muter bdrm, impressive vaulted en· try way & plenty ot room for living. 4 bdrms, separate family room, covered patio & everything in tip to p shape. $50,950 ORANG~ COUNTY'S LARGEST . 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 \ bPEN DAILY 316 Ruby Balboa Island Channing 3 BR home, love. ly patio, very close to bay and sandy beach,, Sali.lbLUY Re8.J.ty 673-6900. $13,500 2 BEDl;lOOM HOUSE, double garage, R-2 lot. close-to 17th Street shopping. Leon Vibert, Re1ltor 548-0088 anytime Heritage~ Real Estate YOU DESERVE This home witb a pool tor "a bOt awnmer. 3 BR East. aide, Eaq tem\s, 51* % loan. 115 Vie Orvl1to First time on market. ·Qas. tom 2 BR. 2 ha, fAm rm home. Ll&ht and airy • ex.. tra &hart>! $51,500 LIDO REALTY, INC • 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 $26.!15JJ. . 0 tfu,,,,,_ ' ill' BAYFRONT. Finest heh 71 f A t T T & 1oc on Lido. Will tell_ Near NB Post Ole. 640-24.14 411' or 80'. 3-6 units. Ideal ""!!!'!~~""~'!"!'""!!!!' f. for HOME &; INCOME. No Down To Vttl ' Drive by 32> Via Lldo Nord, · hd then call 673--0305 o r Quality Duplex. 2 BR., wd. 675--3243 firs, frplces, FA heal, blt·ln ,cc'-"',::,.=~~~~~ klfch., a;arages bet\l'll units., BY OWNER 2 Br, 1 ha, lg fned yard. Qulet street. frplc, bltns, plyrm & bll. $28,500. This won't la.st. Call Best Lido bu;y" $44.500. now. 714/675-6023 "I TAKE TRADES" Bob Olson, Rltr. ~o REDUCED for quick sale! 4 Br.; assume 4%% G.I. Joan.. Doyle Co. 548-1168, Mn. Jordan. 675--1977 Efts. HOME w/lncome, $25,500 Open Sat/Sun. 1·5 by owner 138 Santa I1abel 675-4859 Mn1 Verde 1110 * CUSTOM HOME * By owner, large -4 ticbm, (convert. den), 2% ba, acroaa st from Mesa Verde golf cotll'9e, Many CU!tom blt-ins, priced below ~ ket. lot • room for pool, Call 545-M59. BY 0 lge. rm, 3 ba, crpts, drps &. intercom, elec gar door Hunting!~. INch 1400 I AM A FRIENDLY LITILE HOUSE With my 3 Queen Site Bed- . rooms. New deep pile OU"· peUng in all rpoma. I've beeri freshly painted and J. .sparlde. Huge Patio· aM Huat: Yard. Double Garqe: Modem kitchen and J'U tell GI no down at $21,COO. ~ mlt ynur deposit. · • · : WE SELL A HOME ' EVERY 31 MINUTES . Walker & Le• '· 7682 Edfrwer 842-4455 or 541).5140 Open Eves. WOW! opener. E1ec sprinklen. All 4 BR 3 bath 2 story home: elec. 'kit. Reduced $1500. carpel'I' & drapes thJ'ouP. C&ll 675--6846 out, professionally S&ndlca't REPUBLIC Home. 11· mog ed, Walking distance to the old, 2 story, 4 BR, 3,BA, ~ro~~~or~ fam rm, retreat nn. 3 Car, _ "' 900 B sale at only $29,950. GI • garage. -r:u• • y owner: 540-l905 FHA terms. # " ,:,::.,,;::,;,..,.-=~~~I MUTUAL REAL TY ; ASSUME Uiw FHA, 3 BR. 842-1418 -' Pan. den Ir: lam. $26,500. t iiiiii-OiiiiiiiiiiiiOi.,.liio( oWner 'flll take 2 n d • I ' 546-<122 Assume 5% % GI ;,, NowpOrt Bt1ch 1200 DUPLEX· $4l,boo 121 33rd st on Peninllula. % bik from ocean, 3 &·4·bed- rooma, 2 baths. Small patios. For in!onnalion call owner. 615-1026. BAYFRONT & SLIPS Move-In cond!Uon, fum or unf. 3 BR 2 ha, 'elec ktt Ige. lot, excl area, $62,000 Oear. L/C· avan. SUbmit ! ! R. C. GREER, l\ea!Jy 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 Balboa Coves. $ 6 O , O 0 O • Prefer trade for acre:age or will co111ider other. 548- 1711 * BAY VIEW Fee-lot 85' • 195' w/ planl. $34,900. Owne\' 548-7249, 5'8-4207 Wtstcllff 1230 SPARKLF.S le &hinet imlde &: out. Living nn A: dining on ~is 2 story 4 BJ\ mutf; shows like a model home fc 1n excellent area nev the beach. A bafallln at :: $35,750 PERRON REAL TY ~ 642-1n1 Pool lime is Here See this extra lharp home, almoet new carpet. throu&h- out, covered patio, Iota of d~king & pool with-tilter & heater. Don't nil• thia One! Only $24,950 -GI or nu. tenn1. MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 5%0/o GI On1y $4250 down a: asmrne $159 picyment • no 2nd1. 4 BR 2 bath, cpta/drpo, all built· ins heavy shake roof, excel: lent location.. See tbU one today. , S bdrm 3% bath custom built home with numeroua out· standing featlires. Cbo~e Baycrest location. Phone for appointment to see. This lovelt 4 bdrm MESA VERDE home oUers every thing for great farriily living. Prime location. Many extras. $35,950 ')l:~s,1\ ~r~~ ')\i ,1 1 f\' . MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 DELUXE DUPLEX nn; service porch, elec I ,,;;-;;:;;;;;;;;;;; ___ ii . 1 New 3 BR Unltl Peninsula t>;tnL Oean crpts &: iirps $23 508 546-5990 Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., CM Realtors 64&-7755 -thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba adjacent to <Man 4 Ba)' home. Prof. lndscpd &:: f · "! 6% L011n $59,950. 7% financlna. ma.Int. w/ children's play GI no down or FHA. f BR. Good corner home with room B•lboa Real Estate Co. yrd Ii pet area. Heavy 2 full ba, cpts/drpa, let for boat, camper etc. Hu 673-4140 shake-roof completes this kltch. wlth food center. En- 4 nice bdtms + family room 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa channing home. By C>wner .closed front patio with dee. &: best of all. a 6% GI loan $42,950. 642-1598 orator lights. Llk t E t rt I ? that you can take ov" w;th 411 Of LOAN BRASHEAR REAL TY• • 0 n e • n -9 no increase! Only $157/mo. 72 /0 1242 Call67';_;f00this CDM •COIT AGE lnclud" tax" & Jn•uranoe. ~E"es'"-tb-'-J-'"uff ______ 1M7"'31 """ 5.16.7"111 S BR, plus l Ba, cozy dining/ 2 BR home w/ine unit needs Listing i& $22,650 but owner $21,950 EAST BLUFF C.On-4 BDRM, 2 b8, ~ famUJ family rm. 2 frplca + play some TLC. Walldng distance anxious to ao to Oregon 10 3 BR, blt-ins, corner lot. domtruums. 2 aide by side. rm, $25,500. C ·m P l et e rm. Encl-··' _1 ,...,..,. to ~erythlng. $331500 • make us that oiler! Rltr. 642-9730·Eves, SU.0720 2200 sq. ft. ea. 3 BR • sprinkler ty1tem. ~ -~ t'""' • llDINEDY den, 2 BR & den. Exira double ..,...., an ..... PJay yard, $52,SOO. ' By appt only SALESPEOPLE NEEDED l\ln deluxe condition w/ choice drapes, large patio, 1enced. Walker. Roally CORBIN-MARTIN location ~ view. $51.000 & 1 btk to "'°l>Pl!l< centei; ~5·5110 THE BEST FOil LAU _ $67,500. Shown by, appt. 1 blk to beach club,&: wal~ HALLS OF IVY REAL TORS (r..Cl*Nthlltn:l Ivan Wells model home now Mark Les rutr. tne distance to ocean. CaD Popular univenity Ptll'k 3036 E . Ca.st Hwy, CdM LLEGE REALTY available ·4 bdnn 3 ba ram. C.M. Invea nt Co. 54s.mi 1_......-_===,-.,,==- Town homo. Squeaky clean. 675-1662 IlOO-M-,Cll. room, poot. 1842 Santiago. ~;;;;;;;;::;; PllDJIGE HOME iqlmedlate possession, tru· Roy J. W•rd Co. ;C;o;ron;;:•;;;;d;•;;I ;1;;•;':;;;;;;1250;;;, I perb vol ...... " ..... $26.SIJO 6Y. V.A. LOAN Four Bedrooms-, .. ,.,,.. .. Qft;oe1 • SparJdlnc 4 BR 2 beth home, Hal Plnchln & AssOc:. l OOdroom. wan to wan car. Sl 9,500 ""Santiago Dr. 64Jl.l55o Convtnltntly Located Auum• K % FHA loan. 3900 E Coast Hwy 675-4392 peting throughout. Covereq M 1 t thl I f ·1.. $11,950 In Corona del Mar Excellent ares. • ' · patio. All electric kitchen ove n ° 1 arge ami.., $120 A MONTH I I uil frig home today! ! 1 ! Close to . 2 BR home, firep ace, tm-R. D. SLATES, Rltr. ~~h b t·ln tr!': ~rator. shopping, schools and chur. Cel'IC!roWI sized beodrooma. Uy atze kitchen, pita a fully &47"3519 Ei)res. 962-7369 : : s more ex a your che•. This 0.,_ won't last!!!! Charm. Ing kitchen. Covered furnbhtd l ·BR •partm_ent. $2400 TOTAL DQUA! " full montbly payment is only ''"" lookg the 1 lz. Try $4!500 down. 706 A · lfA Near Beach A: Sbopplng • $U4. F .P. only $21,450. Sub-$153 per month include0•NtaxL~ ~tiyoaovrder poo 11 * * * :oa. Excellent Value . $34,950 mlt down payment Private es and insurance!!!! "' T~ARBE.LL COMM.OST George Willlam•on party. 962·7689 S100 DOWN! Total Cash re-146 0604 Atwm• 6•.4 GI Loan Realtnr quired!! ! ! OPEN HOUSE, DAD..Y. 16' ADMIRED HOME 4. BR BestlocatioR. 673-4.150 Eves. 673-1564 LEASE OPTION. Cute An-WE SELL A HOME East Oce-antront. 3 br, din Ocean mvd. view home. Qwn.. SPANISH STYLE l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll thony Pool Home. Painting EVE RY 31 MINUTES rm, F.R. $&1,500 or leue er wW flnance on liberal HAFFDAL REAL TY ;_ ••oo Sq. rt . -ESTJGE "EW 1 lmm-'lat w lk & L w/option Owner 833-21»7 term1. $75,000. 8740 warner, r.v. M2M<! ., ~ENC.LANDl •tocy. Huge ::.::~loo1mo;;w,'w\':i; a er ee HOME ~ tw Jot. Ex«I * R:NTA1 s * GET IN THE SWIM f livin& nn. l"onnal dining ol)tlon to buy @ $22,500. 2043 WestclUf Dr. Wustskle. 3 BR 2\( ba, room AVAILABLE Terrtfic pool 1; pat'a PLUS DUPLEX 143 8roodw1y· MM111 Ens. MU4A 644-457' 3 BEDRM. +- ;m·tM~Pited~ -nn~ ~ ~ M1·!1180 646-mt Open Eves !':s~ or 5 unJta. ~lm Comfortably fuml.thed cheer. 1;"!'~2 ba, SJ*-N hame. w.soo. awn..gt. w/ help ~i.'Ecl1E'Re':'T!t CLOSE TO OCEAN ful l BR apartm<nt with WOODWARD Rltr ORANGE COU ... TY'S finance. 646-73)5 for appt. OO>MlllllatH.trbor,t.ll $19,000 Costa Mtsa 1100 ~'!"fi~1:!:~ untumllh-8M.1 Adams, Hunttrwton Bm, ~ LARGEST ZONED c.2 b-bus. Good 4 + FAMILY RM. $ "'· conwnlenl loe~tJon •t 981-3343 • FAMILY.RM. $19,A50 2 ha.th&. lnvlttng fi~place. GIC!IJ'Ril\I built·ln ranae Ir o~n. Family roon1 $13.S J)A)'ntents. TARB ELL 142-4691 DAILY 1t>ttbf'W .orr--.ws- BRING R.&Wl.TSI 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 =·~~ya~;~e. ;-$22,S00 -4-BDRM;-v;:;,;:·:=:Jii'T't;'d~ 21.6,00· 1310 Ind 12l5 mo. No ohlld-POOL ANYONE? ! BREATHTAKING---• · -' ~ Most dWrablt area.. 2 ba!M tireakfasl bar ll1 dn'lam ldt. . ._ ren.._or_pela. Spe.nlah eJCterlor. P r i c • 4 t-. OCEAN Vl!WI dn handles. Kingaard Real h1.1ge farnily ~m. t90la led · ~ right' Beat location! Aaume r C U STOM B U ILTI Ettate Ml 2--2221 rear living room, firephH:e . chen. Now cu.11tom dnp:s, POOL + 3 Bdrm+ Fam nn. +.' FHA.loan. f46.4(14 2 baths. Built . tn 1t11Chen. YA Foreclosure PaUo with BBQ. Built. In WAU '?wall carpc~. For. $1.10/mopay al1.51.4%1nt. ~WI.~ ' Et..,Mc g•rnge door ope1> Eve,,.one quaHll<s • """' -oven A dl>hwasher: :!i !~ ~:~r~'F•=-Y: DOWN PAYMENT $591111 • -·-•-r: ·h ;L;-' ~C' u . Jr. E5late. sized 1round1. dowD... .4 Ilea~ S4().t7'Jl --CAU!t--l•tt at-lt@ .hnd..Rtalty._~Yl4Q ~33rMU1Uerit.;=O!M=-~' -L~---"~ t-+-- P•tto. ~1m=,..,,==l ·!4001]ofi-.... rllertuii :rARBliLi;::}fSS=ir.rliir:-Ott • ..n me. DAILY PU.OT WANT ADIS" • 673-8550 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ltea! Eslate Wblla ElepbMtJT ~ H1bor B!W., C.M. Dial 64U6'lJ ' DAILY PUmWANT ADm \ I '• l I , ' ' " 1 t . l , I . ' I 1) ' ., • T..i.t, """ t. I"' • ia;"""f';r.O;;;R0<SA:;;lc;Ec--;l;-.,:::,:::,,;-,:::~-:-,.:----"-"---,,Ri;-;E"N"'T ALS lENTAlli R..ENTALS O.ntr1l RIAL ESTA Tl i ~~~~~l~o~om~l~400~ _ H•u-Unlvrn~ Ho-Unlvrnlohed A .... Unlvrn-""'1. Unlv[ftl-REAL ESTATE 1_..;Got="';;.";;;_'---- ? I AM ANiiou"'SI" IGencr1I .., 3000 Fount1Tn V•llO'/ 3410 -•I 5000 Elot Bluff', 5242 Mile. llent1lo 51" Offlco -•I "1'0 JMll &Ue 1 k>Pk l\.m.)' ;s bN1-.-. l BR., den. fam-dln. rm·.: GA.RACE. Sb::np: only, SU Mutual S.v1net &. ,_..,.,.,.,.... "v,·1,., ·For ·Lease bltl"' 121s/month ......... OIUAllS • NEW oELuxe.. .., .... _ ,. N<wport L-111o1t .. c• 1 abkl llo pu1 it up. OlrPl"t· A\•n.lL Ap.l'U :n SSJOO 3 Br. 21iii t.. •Pl for leut Blvd. C.M. 6t6-ml 35G-Q ft avaU naw I inc thJouahout I• just lll«i '"JS ~ r-;bt. m:~ie.i: 2 GARAGES Jor rent. tull1 675-tOTO ~-.ml new. Nict kr'I~ b.iek yard. I ' Bdrm ~ bath Poot Home Laguna N1g~I 3707 IW ' door ~ avail. Pool A ~ncloltd. $15. ptt mo each. OFFICE UU A Ne,port ( Ki~ll is alJ bWll-tnJ 1n-S2'13/mo. on J~uo filONARCJI BAY AREA rec.. are-,. Nr, CathoUc ml Eldtn. o:.ta Mtsa Blvd. ldW for inlunnce, 1 cl-rofri&•"lor. !Jaey DAVIDSON REAL TY ADULT COMMUNITY 3 BR STUDIO O>W<h l ocbool l Cmuw lna>me tax er -1 extn.s 91 i.e:,i ot 11.U YoU I ~l.1' E\'<!$. 5~4 3 BR, den, 2 BA borne, del Mar ttla:b. lncorqe P(eperty 6000 a&l'ney, 54B-(l;M I uswne Dl.Y c,. V.A. loun. ---~ bll·i"•, •-•o, ~a'-".....,., POOL • ONLY $280 • i-Sq I' 1-~ ood , Y"'1r tuU monthly """""1 F~EE RENTAL BOOK '" ·~ , & ~ ~ R'Al_E.5.TATE__ ~ •i.;_ ·-·"'· • r '1! 1 !~~·"-~-1-1.I. f'.P.Priis , ' D rop in & Browff $2j(l fl\O, lO 10 '4!lG-Ul3 ~~Way, N.B. Gener1f ~~ 1;11 ft, ~i1crp. ts, .,.. _, .N ... mtt down • w lk & L <I BJt., 2 Ba., cplll, "drps, ADULTS ONLX1 C d 1 .. _ •250 "' II T d ~ 1 -.:1~ Pafu.. ~1689 . , a er ee bltns. rlishwshr.; t.-hildren, orone •. ,..., .. · ;JI Of ra e iiO Sq. Ft. Office Fountain Valley 1410 2700 liarbo;J~~l-~l Adams ~-~ OK. ,=· (}) 828-5384 17~ff T~,·~n~~=~u· Outstanding Costa A1esa. 64S-21J) ck~~ ~~~~-~ns ~ $13.1; 20pc:R~;~ ba. ·-A~·t~L;umishM Cosvt.EMNHDI OM:2E.:641 ~ Investment =··~,~:·"option'°': dl8bwasher. c r p t ,' d r p ll townhrnise Bltn ran~ &: General ~000 p purcbue: 1 to :mo· lq. it. ~~~~lly~p~:iio~ ;;-~children OK. $8.l;. l·BR trilllex. w/w. JMMACULATE 1£1'5! U 2o:~n!~ntum rop_erly.L. -:tto::.e og:: ~e:-~ t'CfU'. Aft 5, 839-(&).I, $27,950. Close in. Availablr no\\' ThU.lED. oceufANCY FrplC1 /. priv. patios/Pool!. Large strategic comer, ticn. Former busy M.D.:a I•========= I $140; 2 BR .. Pt .. lg. 1ncd Broker s.l~-6980 ADULT & F.UtlLY Terinis • Contnt'I Bktsl, put· 125'x200' c+ lS' alley), wilh office. l86T Parle Ave. Cal.I l•gun~ch 1705 ~~&: pets OK. SECTIONS AVAILABLE tine ireen. 2 iood office buildinp on The Real F.atataa, 6t6-nn j;;;::.;:.:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; Cost• Mew 4100 Close to Shopping, Perk 900 ~a l.ule, CdM ~2611 major street. Near, the heart c"=•::..::'°'::..cvc:an::_ _____ 1 . Cute es • Bug's Ear I Cost• Mesa 3100 I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • Spacious 3 Br's. 2 Ba I MacArthur nr. Couf Hwyl ot the fabulous O . .c. avic :r.n corner, 16th 1: Pomona, 3 BR 2 b:i. c.usaon1 hunll'. fc\1> ---------$25 Wk U • 2 Bedroon.., Center & booming llpanclal faces 3 street, 140'xltl', Far blks to bch. ~p. 1uas1e1· l~CULATE C BR. 2 bath • p '\ Swim Pool, PuVgreen Balboa 5306 district. Great traffic 00\v Silk-, "ill build or trade for suite, bl'tlts. lg. prl\' p.'.llios. home. Ne1v, carpets & • Roonu SU wk., up • FrpJ. lndiv/lndry 1.ac'ls & upogure for bigh riie La&una or C.pistrano Du... View bdrms. Scant/post drapes, all built-ins & e Studlo &: aacti apts. 1845 Anaheim Ave. GRACIOUS AduU Livi~. office bull91~ or bold for · plex with v.lew. const. Cn. Id & drpd lhruout. sunken livjng room . Quiel • Incl Uti1s I: Phone sen•. COSI'A AIESi\ 612-2824, '"'-o .. •-A~ .. vlow. Spa·~ .. , a.ssw-ed appreciation. Price Leon Vibert, Realtor • ~faid Service • TV avail. vu: ..... « L><V ........ $250 ooo' · •i'MiStJoi street. J·mmedial e 2 BR 2 BA -"· · · · 548--0588 •nvtlme ,._, ...., e New Cafe l:. Bar · · " w....,. 111 sue•nT --v Loo Padres Riiy .491-Slll possessk>n. $1.30/mo . ..._Au. 1 BR, cpts/drps, bit-Ins, -•osete, '*'autiful ....,......,,_ •-" ""'"'MS OR Income Units 'Handyman Specials · !xic; on Ocianside o1 lhvy, 150 )'ds trum Beach . .t lgt- Apl. Units, need~ paint & :good fel\l'ntl cleanup. PO. TENTIAL I N C 0 l\f E EX· CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL- .LY. Prier' $69,950. MISSION REAL TY 49-l--0731 985 So. Cout, La&iiM OCEAN-VIEW PRIVATE BEACH 2. Br, 2 Ba. Open beam. teak, glass. Quiet pvt road·low J CK HAMMON ~ ••~ 2316 Ne\YP'h"t Blvd. ~9Ta5 "" ......... ,.....,. -' EXCHANGES A D 540-.....,1 oven, i;;!ove, pvt palio, draperies. Pool. Boat gl.Jps lope~ eves) Heritage Real }IOLIDAY PLAZA swimn1ing pool., laundry for tenants. Subterranean RICK ALOERETTE i Esta.le ~ DELUXE, spatjow! l·Bdrm. facU. Mature adults. No ?lll'king:. 67J..3003 {Il4) 547--&489 LOVF.LY Tull bedroo1n apt 1'~urn. apt. $135 IPlus ku_W.' pets. $ll5Jmo. 54&-9081 INCOME UNITS \\.'ilh'private patio, carpets, Heated pool. Amp c par mg l\10DERN 2 Br. with glus Huntington h1ch ·5400 bulJt-ins. Eastside $125. Ml No children· No pets \\.'alied liv. rm., bcamed1 ;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J T'riplex 2-8368, MI ~1287 l!lffi F'<lmona, CM ceillngs. & very large patio_ I• 3 • 2 bedroom units yearly -*-Viii-• Pomon• Apt1. $145. On E. 16th St See EXCLU$1VE net of $4284.~ Low vaCancy CLEAN, 2 BR, cpts, drp11, bit-ins. Children fine. $165. month. 548-15TJ VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath Mesa Del l\tar, huge loL $225/monlh. Agt. M&-4141 2 BR. duplex; cpts, drps, )'8.J'd, bltns; garage; pets & child OK. $135. ~1486 Costa :r.lesa's newest & mo.sl l\lgr. at 124 E. 20th, C.l\f. ON•THE-B£AC.H factor, Fr!JuPpJ: $37.500. Juxurioos apli;; 00\V renting. 2 BJ. unfuro, relrig, bit-in 2 &.3 B-•room Apts. Furn &; unfu1'fl. Adults only· 1 1 d ..,. 2 • 2 bedroom units, no down s ovr, carpe s, rapes, , .... .,..., l•·v•-lo plea ~ .. the 1 ,_ · · nu pets. 1760 Pomona A\'t'., _.. 1 SlJO ...uA-,, -... -o veia or nurumum down !....,ec:_ no pc s,~ • mo. VlOSI dtseriminatmi;::. f'IO\O' FHA • .,~ .,.._,, just .soulh of 18lh St. 568 \Vil.son, Cl\l 545--0760 a.vailab1e al · ..,.., ,...,, , 6 Years Old $135 MO. dlx. mobil ho1ne comp. furn, hid pool; adlts No J)l'll>. 4 Seasom P.tobil Est. ~ N'pt. Blv. 548-0332 1125: l·BR .. •·•'"' w/w, lh~ Hun11·ngtftn 8 """' wdh room to'. "''"' drapes. Fa.mily 1\·elcome C '' • a real money maker Broker 534-6980 23.53% l'1!tum. taxell. $32,500. $4((XJ. down. Newport Blach Pacific~ 5100 e Naxs&u Palms • 1 &: 2 BR. Pool 3200 B/B TOWNHOUSE ~~n by appt. &12..0).17. $35,000 DUPLEX, 2 and 1 BR, view, just remodeled, pvt, wild kitcbens! .t!M--97"8 I~========·· Split Level 3 bdnns, : baths ,Lagumi Nlg_..I 1707 Doutle a:..a r a g c.-carPets. r-=---''----drape=., Fireplace, e I e c, 1,,.0VEL Y home with spac. view, atop gentle rolling hllls, quil't cul de . sac. 4 BR, 2 ba. Bkr. 6Th-4070 SPACIOUS 3 BR plus fJlmily room. 2~ ba. App ltiOO ·sq. tt. Full price $27,000. Place . Realty 494-9ID4 !IENTALS · -Houses Furnished $Hi0; 2 BR duplex, fenced yd., w/w: garage., Children OK. Broker 534-6980 ttentels to Shire 2005 ROOMMATE !ll'lVlce, male 'or femal~. Efficient & ; qualilled. 83tr2100 LADY to share home \V/l or more employed ladies. Furn own bdrm. 536--1986 bullt·ins, ADULTS ONLY •• ................. $265/m.onth. tll1-s. Fay Bay & Becic:h Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 645-2000 • Eves. 5-18-6966 TO~HOUSE 3 hdr, 21,; ba, w/w carpets, drapes, frplc, fenced patio, clec bll-ins, 2 car gar, pool, sna. 64.2-7719 Westcliff 3230 $165-2 Br, beam ceilings, bltns, 'V/IV crp\$, hid pooJ. Adults, no pets. 642.-2514 UniYersity P1rk 3237 NEW JULLIARD 3 BR, Jam nn, POOL & rec area. S325 mo on lease., lTI E. 22nd St. 64~ QUIET delUXl' 2 BR. lmmac. J\dults only. No pets. $150 month. 1974 \Vallacc. 1 BR. duplex SllO: lge. rooms; gartfel)('r, lndry., adults, no pets. 646-2118 $105. l BR enclosed yard. Gas paid. 1 adult. No pets. 319 Del Mar, &IZ-4112 MOBIL l·lome furn. for n1id agd, elderly cpl. or \voma.n, reasonable, 543-1312 • 2 BEDROOM apt lloith pool. children .Q:K. no pets. 2265 Canyon Dr. 54G-4084 4200 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· ury gard~n apts "'ith coun- try culb atmosphere anrl complete privacy. SOUTIJ BAY CLUB APTS. lrvil\l' at 16th Ne'fporl Beach. f7141 &l;,.{l550 Corona del Mar 4250 HARBOR 711 Ocean AVP! .. ll.ll rTI4) 536-1487 G·REENS i~ 2s:~~ ~ ':;g;.-,~P:~ • ~ c-• entr k prv fundecks. Adult BACifELOR. UNFURN. · living, nr beaches from $140-, from $110 mo. l . 2 &: 3 BDRJ\1. QIJ..l.Ull llaJ\ ALSO AVAILABLE ~1,,1u;,,...c:;.l lll'ated Pools. Child Care APARTMENTS C.enter, Adj. to Shopping -19822 Brookhurst (just N. of No pets allO\Ved Adan1s.} Il4/!J62.~1 2700 Peterson \Vay, al liar· CHEZ ORO APARTJ\t~'TS bor &: Adam.~. Costa i\lesa. 8234 Atlanla 544j...63j0 lllew 1·2 Bedrooms. Pay ~ electric only ~ or 536-27:!7 3 BR 1% ha, blt·in range Pool-Washers-Dcycrs & oven. \Vith garage. $150. g ALSO 1 BR I bll-. Private G~ ap ., m range & oven & relrlgerator. 2 BDRM, 2 BATIJ. New $100/mo. carpets. drapes. Bltns. l Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. child OK. Sl.3J. 847-7852 or 1810 Ne\vport BIVd., C.l.t. 0•=11_-~3302:,:: ______ _ ~ 77'l9 BRAi'ID NE\V 2 & ~ BR _ fron1 $150/mo. Cpts/drps, NEWLY DECORATED dish.,.,·ashcr. Kr Be a ch. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 13 UNtI'S, good cond. al\\'llf8 rented, good return 1~,..,.e ' '-· 6So loan, bargain a I $106,000. Phil S u I I i v a n 548-6761 8 NE\V UNITS· now being cons!. Ea one \V/full Bay vie\v. 745 Domingo Dr. N.a. {ju.sl behind Cd?i.l·HSI Sale by 0\\1'1f'r-bldr. &lf>...1200 •·NEY{FOUR-PLEX * Near Beach, Huntington Beach. $65.~. 847·3957 Business Property 6050 ADAIINISTRATNE :P.1EDICAL BUILDING 3:lOll Sq. ft. Choice comer. top location. Immediate oc. cupancy, $94,000 . Excellenl term!!. \Viii exchange. THE FOX CO~lPANY rn-9-195 or &12-6969 2 BR. \\.'{garage • d\sposall="=7=-'="=· '====== • gardener· \\'l:ller paid B 1571 Oran.ec Apt B • $UO lagun1 B,ach 5705 usiness Rent•I 6~0 Industrial R~tel 6090 FDR Je'ase Laguna Niguel, oU San Diego Fwy'at crown Valley, new commerelal &: tndustrlal Wlits. Delta Elec- tric. Days -831-1400. Eves -499-4198. e NE\V M • 1 Bldi .. 10,000 .aq ' near Airport. Air :eond olc:z. $900 mo. 1 r o 1 s . 644-22'4 lots 6100 • VIDV of ocean. cornet bluff, possible 6 s t y . medical or aplJI. Will build to suit. S36-3555 3 ADJ. loll; mom for ll units. 333 E. 21J;t St., Costa :r.1esa. Owner 494-5072 ~- 6200 NORTH OF ESCONDIDO Appro)(.. 4;l Ac.es, rolling hills; beautiful setting: can L .. planted in Avocados or hold for apprecilitlon. Anx· 'ious ~Iler is a.skin& $59,400. 10'(0 Do\vn with interest only on bal<i.ncl'. For more infor• mation, ple11se 'call K, \V. Small with Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 \V. Chapman Ave. Orange, Calli. 5-0.-2621, EWS.IA'kn<Li 5J&.5971 Exchlnges, I . E. 6230 \VlLL Trade Sl.50.000 in Trwil Deeds and/or n1a.ooo in co~1pleted la.rge ocean view lot~ in Laguna Beach for Orange County apartments or clear le\.·el land. Broker 497-1210 • ,, STABLE Young working woman to share. luxury Gack Bay Condo.: $100 mo. '&12-5656 * 644--0735 * 2 BDR turn upr, So of l111·y. Small ,pri porch. Call 213-431-119:1 eves. Corona del M•r _.!250 Bilbo• 4300 2 BR home, extra \Vide lot, frplc, formal din/rm, dlil gar,' patio, lndry area, S27J. Scenic Properties 675-5726 ·------• CL£AN Bachelor Apls. :i4S Bernard Apr B s1o;; IOO CLIFF ORI-VE BAL. Island: lease: 2 i;;tores . 2176 Placcn!ia Apt A $ill t ii R E W t-" 6240 LUXURY FURN/UN"URN oge ier or St'p, 1 ;:.:·.;::•..:;_:c1":.::.:~::._ __ ::..:.:1 • 6.16-4120 • " 307 Marine Ave. ti73-8753 . *Villa Pomona Apts Yearly Lease. 11: 2 Bdrms. H~RBOR mvd property or •ieps to Shore •-c:-..""S HARBOR Bl., C.l\f. 3100 !!Q bl"-f <ail "-a•tiv\ly Costa Mesa 's ne\vest & niost Oceanvicw from e:ecy~A;t. If garage. 4 dbl drs. SGOO. ~~re ...... .,. " · • • Lt1ru., 21 to 2.1 lo share .C BR oceao vie:"!. apt. $69/mo sumdier. 673-8224 alt 6 PM AH ulil incl $75 llP 315 E. Balboa Blvd. BALBOA 673-!J!Mj 2100 B __ •_lbo_• _____ 3_300 Huntington Beach 4400 2 'sR .. pr• patK>. Tropical setting for adlta. l Blk . shops. $180. ~780 3 BR, :: &A, Ir; liv rm, lam rm/din mi, trplc; 2 stry. 2 car gar. Yearly lease • Refs only. Aft 7 pm. OR .... 17 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL Adults only: 2 Br .. util. paid. Pool. $200. 8'17·21L • 17676 Can1e:ron, 1-lunt. Bch . NEW Ba~nt 3 !Jr. dplx Garden Grove 4610 2200 N_.,t llloach ----\VATERFRONT Dix. dupll'x: .3 Br., N'pt. Istanrl., G~r. Lrxiry. boat dock. Vaca!lon or summl'r. 67l·'17J8 ; 613--7861 or (805) 969-3174 2 Ba ., fpl, dbl. gar. indry. Dock avail yrly. 673-2599 SINGLE \'onug Adults Lux· ury glll"den apts wilh coun- Huntington Beach 3400 try rlub atmO!lphcre and ~ummer Rent•ls 2910 FREE'RENTAL BOOK complete pri\'at"Y. sotrrH BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 DROP IN & BROWSE Chapman Avr .. Ga rd r n NP'I' Bch , new 3 BR. 21,~ ;BA nicely ·furn, htd pool. ,6,J' to 9-1 Dex. Se85Cln·11o. '.M-4-1063 Walker & Lee ~RcE=~=·;A~1~~·~·---'°-"-- 11i.Y2 Edinger S42.4455 or 540-Jl40 Open Eves. Apt•. Unfurnished General sooo RENTALS J BDRM, bit-ins, \1•all to wall crpts, drps, 2 baths, lncd yard. S21a. 962-0748 1 3 BR, 2 Ba, den. trpl. scrren- ed porch. POOL. Ref. $250. l.5f'. ~ 76a2 RENT : HouMs Unfurntshed 3000 3 Rooms Furnit1.1re 1ii::i; 2 BR. duplex. Gar. •W/w, df'Pa ., stove. Avail. $20 • $25 • $30 mo. 1-"'ULL OPI'ION TO BUY (R~frigerators Available) No deposit o.a.c. H.F.R.C. ~;""'=,,,~· ~"'~""~'~'~---~·'"°',--j 3-B-R-.-2-BA, bit-ins. firepl, itrSSJON Viejo ne"' 2 Br. dbl Jrnr, .taed. yd. $17;; n10. 1% Ba., bltn.11:. drps; SD:! 962-4391 Furniture Rentals •:P.tonlh. 837-17-47 THE QUICKER. YOU CAlJ... 517 \V, J9th C.~I. f>i:i-3481 la68 \\'. Lncln, Anhm TI4·2800 CHARGE IT! THE QtnCKER YOU SELL , ·General 3000General 3000 •• . - ,, S©~~N\-!£ £tr~· Solt:t. a Simple-Scrum.bled. Word Puzzle-for a Chuckle 0 R.ar1onge letter• of the lour 1oe1ombled v-ordi be- low to /o,m lour 5l,mpl• words. IHUDSOL I' I I I I IS UMOE I . I I' I IHEVIC . I I j I I I Confuciw soy: "When ffion tokes girl friend for ride, very dangerous lo drive wilh one ,..,.,,.,.,.~:--:"-=-----i-hond. He could run into "HURIEC ! " ~I r1_.,.., ...,..., -,.,1,-lr-lr-l 0 . Comolo<o ~. <h~klo .~,.. . by fllllrlj In th• m1nl1t9 ~d 't'OIJ d11tY1lop tOlll JI•? No. 3 below, 8 PRINT NUMet~tO lE11EIS IN lHESE SOUA•fS I UNSCRAMBlE .'60Vf l~RS TO Gff ANSWl' I I I I I I I ~· . SCR~M-Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8200 ·} • T • . ' ' ' ' ' ' --- luxw·ious apts no\v renting. from Sl.50 mo up. lease Bkr. 675--0591. eves 494-1161 l>'urn & unfurn. Adults only-.fM.2449 --t5U:t1NESS ind no pets. 1760 Pomona Ave .. ;;-;;;;-,;::'i,:..:C:.::.___ Office Rental 6070 .F.;,IN;.;;..A:;,NC;,.:;lo.A:.:L:_ __ _ just south or 18th sr 2 BR. duplex: new cpts.. - CLEAN & Aur 2 . Bel dt'PS, ~int.' 1 blk. to bch. LAGUNA BEACH Bus. Opportunities ~300 1 • rm. 214 fatrv1ew St D · Air Conditioned New C'pts'. drps; bltru;; 494-8188: e\•e1 fl) 5.-rz..5~8· ON FORES'.i' AVENUE Vending carport. ll:o pets: adlts ·==,,o:cc,:.::..:.:.c::::..:::o:._ PART I:. FULL Tli\CE 548--6769 Ui lFURNISHED 2 BR. So. Desk spaces available tn JOc CANDY. SNACKS La newest Office building a: ""illa Fino Apls. 3 BR. Unf Childttn \\'clco1nc Sl.aO 87~ \V. Center Apt. I Utillliesg?aiu. prime ~aHon In downt01\'n Reliable man or \\.'Oman v.·ith &16-2238 aft. G Pl\!. Laguna Beach:. Air condi-car to collect & filJ machines 2 BDRt.I apt, crp"· bit-in 2 BR 2 BA, ViC\\', garagr, NEAR BEACH & TO\VN. sto,·r & oven. st:::;. 1\lo. Sli5 lease. 494-7891 CIO';<' 10 OC'C. ~S-401S ~~o-c,;;~~.,:;:..=:_--~~--~"'--=-REAL ESTATE 2 Bdr crpls/drps, pri patio, General .i::arage. $140. nio to mo Call __ :__::.._ __ _ 673-3690 Rentals Wanted 5990 l BDR~l. util pd, couple on· - Jy. 630 Hamilton. 1 BDR:\1 Unfurn Apt in * 893-8119 i' Beach area for employed SPLIT-Level 2 Br., bllns, ~~~P to S 110 Imo· cpts, drps, Child OK, no ir<-ts 2885 l\lendoza M:>-5421 • LANDLORDS e 2 BR, crpt~ drps, bltns, FRE.E RENTAL SERVICE ds11"hr. Adulls, $1l:i. 546-7285 Broker 534-6982 eves. "f.· UNt"URN ~ BR or 2 lrg , BR d. r Cp BR hsc V.'/ g11r in Cdl\I . stu 10, un . ts. Drps, Y 1 0 _1 •7_ · bll·ins. 984 El Camino. $140. r Y· ....., s. o NII~ 962-5050 -Rooms for Rent 5995 2 BR. apt. Poo!; cpts .. Urps; 1---'--'-.:.;,:c.:;, _ _;,;:.:.c; Jl3 171h Pl.. 0.1. ATTRACTTVF. Room, P\1 Sl2:i ~lonth. G-12-8~99 bath, l\'Orking girl. $1.3. 2 RDROOi\1 apt '>''1th pool, 1~'t'<"k. Call &16-5216 af1 :i. <'hildren 0.K .. nn pets. 2265 Canyon Dr. So~QS.I ~_!:!_o~s 5991 2 BEDROOi\I PRIVATE Room in licenSl'd UNFUR.11,'ISttEO ' hon1e for el d r r I y am· Sl2:i month. 646-<»46 bulatol'y lady or i;('ntlenien. 2 BR apl, do111t.~tairs, clean. 548-52'.lj Crpt~. drps, bllins. Jnquire:l--'-~,~,,,~,-,.-El~,-,-h-,o-1-,?-- 15.52-A Coriander. 546.J268 1 2 BDRr.t apt uofurn 998 El Camino Dr, C.~f. * 546--04:>1 • Newport Bea~h 5200 LARGE. i\lodcrn IO\\'Cr dpl:«, Newly dt'C & crptd. pr1v pntio. Practically o c I': n n front. adult5, no pels. SJS3 rno lease. 213: 388-TI56 days, 213: SU-~ rvrs. N'PT Island Dlx. upper duplex; 3 Br. 2 Ba. Cpls. d~: lrpl Elcc. bl.tn!. rclrig. Pier, slip. Adul!s No pel.!i $325 Lse. &42-342.> Newport Hgta. 5210 2 BDRi\I, pool , frplc k f:ltt har-b-q, no child or pets. Ulil pd. Sl 70 Alo. 918-7325 !SUSI~, tnjjrKelplllCfl u, lfl\Vft· The OAILY Pl U 11 Ousilled P.Cfion. s. .. moof'y, Ume I elfq"\· ~ MIY!!! ~ ror Daily Pilot Want Ads. Dial 64z.661! r. ... • _/( TAUIUS I ?~\ ,,,!J: 11 l~WAf JC tinned. carpeted. bffutiful manufactured by our ov.·n pe.neled partltioning. Two company right here in Costa entrances: Frontqe on l\les:t, NO SELLING?•E.xcep. Forest Ave., rear leads to tionally high incon1e. \\'e can l\luncipal parking lot!. $j(J furnish localions, guidam:e. per month for gpace. Desk including your record sys- and chai~ availahlr for µ. tern and training at our fac. Busineu bours aiµweril'lg lory to insure your success. service avail1:i.ble JCjf" .. $10. INVESI' \VITH All utilities paid except REAL SAFETY! lelephone. ST ART AS LOW AS DAILY PIIm $993 UP! 2'22 FOREST AVENUE \Vri!e or phonl' for interview LAGUNA BEAOI at factory. 494-9466 TRANSICOM CORP. * Modem Offic:es 851 IV. 18th SL, C.M. &12-90'.KI or 546-1423 Single or suites. Air cond· itioning, parking, secretarial BEAlITY SALON -LAGUNA selVtce, central location. 2 )1'S old. 6 units C. Robert Nattress Realtor $1500 cash + inventory 230 E. 17th Street Take OV!'r payments Costa J\lesa &e-1~ 494-9972 • E\·es 494-8619 NE\VPORT cnr1c CENTER VENDING Route lr: equip, OUice~ suitable for Com-other interest! require in1- mrrcial. l\1edical, Dental. med sale! 645-0010 or Air-collC:I., crpts, elevator 962-1936 eves, Ask for Ted '.:3c PER SQ. FT. \\'MIEO: oU.saJe liquor ~,.11-5032 OR 6Ta-246( license, Orangt' County • SHARE 0Ui1.-e w/ ln co n1 c Tax co, 1nnthly rent. 1806 Blvd, CM. 642-7301 es I . Reas. Nwpt Cal!: &12-8139 - • AITR. beauty salon • Priced for quick sale at $1750. 962-723.2 {Gloria! • No tlat+tr What It. Is I -['> YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY • PILOT WANT DIAL DIRECT 642~5678 ~ , I \ i ,, ' ' I .1 .. ' Ct ' ' ., ; . ' •I • ' I • . I ---------,----. ···.-~ • • ' I TUUdq, ""'111, 191>9 ~( 1• • .--•*1911-.. --111!+~-·*p-~ 'ANNOUNCIMINTI • SERVICI DIRECTOR!. llRVIC!..£IRICTOllY• JOBS & l!M'L.OVMINT JOllS A l~LOYMeN1 Juo~ a l:Ml'LOYMllNt ~I :k * * ..... NOTICU ' G~ 6610 l'l~m.ntlnt • Hor, W•ftloll. MM 1200 Holp W•ntW. Mon 7200 Help WontW. MM nDO Hoi, W .......... , ' I• -• 640$. TAKATA ~· ""' --,6850 D!WTING ~~•11vwAAD . DUE m • LICINllD JAPANESE /llJRSDIY PAINTIJ<G Int • £ x t . SBllOR . IW AN DIMEOIATE • ~""' ...... •d""" ~ Oomple .. _ • .._ ..,,..... --.n-ITI J.&BSCO Ol'!Hl!IG ·J'C* DPAm I .. .a ......... 1i11 s. ~ ""'let. --... F'Ully -S&llllactlon ..... "".• nsM111 . OllAPERY" • • • Cui1no R.ia1, SM Oem<nte-Ill -• ....,. -........... Cell Jw Wttks, r•;;'A "" DEPT. MANAGIR .... 492.&38. 10 AM.JO PM AlJXN BROS 6'l3--l16S Must be experienced in ulu ...., r SPECIAL 12 Rl:All!NG CllJUlDIERS STUllENTS * PolnU,,. Pape-* lmmodJ le od p jed E I '' mode ia, ..-.. and -Attractive 1..-t ~ WO!idna tbt1r way tJ;lru col-Colo1· matchlnt, v.·ood ~!,~:;'b;:ri~tc>';,in rG ftQ neer• ttadymade4nfetW. _ -YOUNG WOMAN iep. Experit.~ litenscd. retlnis.h!QC Uc., ina;, l{Uar. a rapidly crowlne commer-Exce.Jlent c!mil*tY lltndlUi ' ' \ I d""'' wm '""',..,. a11 llEAS! 646-4213 """' 6'>-4558 cla1 ""'"""'-manu'••"'~ Mechinlcal ;,"'""''"' f'l'Ollt-.,;m.., .• ·-• -Jate•I steipa. ·Qill Afdell JAP~ Girder.er, Cbl\'\o ltESIDEN'TlAL palnllna &; J.ne COlllPfUll', IOcatlon in the. £l"OUp inluranct>, nliremtnt ~ "' .. 213: sei.-1·10 PM pie!• ,yard lirvict', tree paptr ba111lna. Good work. tl"Vlne llldl.IJJIJ'lal compltJt ol and marl;' others. I wheddYa Wantr Wftadctya Got? ' utlmatea.: 50-"32 Reasonable pr!Ce:t-631"146 On.nge Cou.n,b'. ; APPLY IN PERSON -'Naben Ca'crm.c ! SPIC~\. CLASSlfllCATION POR An-ls 6410 RWAl!LE: Mlnuto ..,.., Orarc•Coun<ydivlSlonof PERSONNEL OmCE 1o-~ ! NA, TlJltAL J0•1~ .. SWAPPER$ . .:. . Low-ftle. mwithq1 I.Avail. Pl11t9rlng, Rep.alt. 68'80 You &~~d l\ave from 8 to larae international cor-J-3 P.M. )fONDAY -FRIDAY. a,ppUcaUons. for " ll_~;awot d•~-.~~~"""'., ge'.1931 Morie,.. -10 ''"" proteelonol experi-poralion '°' d"!rn a"'1 MONTGOMERY WARD IXPIRIBNCID S~lal ~ te _. • ~ e .... ~ . e PAT'S Pla.stertng. All ence including dei~p of development ol small 1777 ~nh•a~ llTO 8CH. O.'" PAINTER , 5 LI " 5· ti · -~r-·L •• ~ Po ~. 781 n-CL.EAJri-ue spec:1t11m1 M'ml. ~-"*--1 ~u ~1, """' • m. 1 nft:-rnw.-.,. ~ · · ..,.,,.. • v••rlP odil bs. 1Uiht types. s • ..,.. t1uui. e . ....., ·~!'.Pct.al~ mold P1u-Ouid handlJna: pwnP,l Ind ,_w..., .., ~~\. --~ ~uc~ ;..,.. ~ .,.._ iERVICE i:JtalCTORY .iJll.· ecsauw. , :Jo 540-6.U.5 Ile pat;ts •• well u l!rillted Aystems. Uted ln ma-PARTICULAR S.PARXrT.S Cbocl<PICKllonnoUP AD >-YOU• .,_ • ..,..._, ....... ., ...,,......_ movitll' • .Reu. 548-ti!B clrcu.lt boardi for the com. rine, industrial &Ckt ..l&lll· TYPE MAN ..,.°'""' •o• SAL•·-...... .,., Ap;llo-..,.1,. JOHNSON'S G~ 8'"" ~Int 6l90 ruel'<:l&l coqiJ>uter lnd"'""· ...,, •ppllcaiioN. DILIVl!RY MAN PlfOflll 642-~ Porll • 6510 Finest equip, "P'rl »•nl I ..,,I am""""° ..W lob S..Mr ........ DnnaJ,.. To Piece Your,, Tr....,,1 Par.ti .. Ad care! Reu! 9(2..2035. PLt!MB~G REPAIR Good •tartllw 11.Uu"Y plll$ ex-Req:ulre1 l to 5 Yt!lltl en-a penonal int~t In my CAR AnlNDANT , \ . • · ' Ft ., .. _ .. 1••• tbolrd WASHtR A: Dr)'ft' Repair. Cl.at· A F.dce Lawn No job too •mall cellent brtnelita tncluding' 12 ginttring experience, and bUaineu, a man who· will Se. Mr. Bob Rbplaatl J9£i6 • 36' Trojan 'lt<l.an,, l uu.:r ~ OU Xlnt~ 1 e r v i c • Mallltenance. LK:enM!d ==~·=6U-312!~~~·--_ days vacation during first pre.{er degree emphulz. work for me •• be ·\\'OUJd fot DcctDtnt ~ beneftti, ~ ~ 111 brida:e, aJ1 and ble wheel tilt. trailer. ,_. ftteL M'J..g).5 ~ aft 4 PLUMBING 24. hr MrV. year ol em,ploymenL ing rnecharUeal, electro-himseU. MUlf'be ~ bea~ ~ modern ladl. ~=:··:..'.":~.;-;: •Wl!' tradep;,~ WO LAWN SERVICE • ::ir~i,:i;,~~=· ~B~io =.~~l~~r~'. l w!li pl•ce this man M 1a i~=!IO>'c:diAac ;MQ2. • 644-4687 ~"I 'M?w-cdi'e-Mwn PLUMBING REPAIR j ;.,. knawl.-1-e of plastks STOO monthly KU&rlnltt, tt .., ~· ~-IWIYSnT!lll u --.,..,. • .... DRAIN ~~·-ma Var an Data ~ ""' med "" -mr....... ..,. -Bl..t 1•bera:lu tub &:: &hcra~r JlAV!:: Double._..,,.,. .. ,., Incl·...._. ... Wi:dU,, and mot.ors very helpful. ..,.. . ,,..... ••·--'ante bull. AU equlp, mold!l l m&ttreli!A frame or Henn-Fenced yad. MMla ...u. YARD Cle a.'.n u p. Trle ' 54~1285 or 54~7217 and in • p;Ctloq wbere ht .__ta -. llwrovals. 'Trade 140,000 lll" gol'taltle type'Writer, both W• da)'I 'onl;v. V\clnlt)' ~; new · .I & w 'n 1 , _ _ M "f AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY can nm more than SlOXI INSTRUCTORS, Full Ir Jl&rt "'alue for vacant propty or In good c:Ond. \VANT: Stereo lfal1adQ. B1lbop st., S..A. aprinkltn. rototill. -...sM8 Remodel, Rep.1lr, 6940 IC11 nes EMPLOYER ?if It F a month in commiaion.. time Ned-appearance. M111I .D, (213) 59Ul!M. uiil( iiiftual value. 548-1923 Phone~ EXPER Japantse Gardener A VAR.lAN SUBSIDIARY Wonderful ~pany btn• be able to ~ A dt:.S O Acre-Orange Grove nesr Beach. WANT: r-Pta or Ranch. Bkr 494-1330 ave vacant Hav.·afian Jantf;. nriou. &Iles &: .values. Want home, units or suh- mlt. Ca.U Hendricks, Brok. r. 6'JS.6591 Jll,500 equicy \.VhltUer v)ew Jx>me, J BR &: den, 2200· aq fL Trade Jor Powfr or sail- boat o1 equal ''alue. 644-1349• M.3 a~ In $an Diego city 1imlll. Top ifOWth U"f8. Exchange for income, land. or !! ! A~nt 675-t044 or "2-1"9 Pobennan Pinschcrs, su- perb IJUallty, trade for ~·eldiJI&' set. iWlS or \vhal~ have-)ou, 546-"8'.l Willing lo trade . 1964 Pontiac GTO convertible (or hoWlf: trailer in good shape. Call 675-1084 F/Cieued ind. Dier Rd, S.A. Return app. 10.9% on f .P. $2Th,OC.O. For M-Orange _ C.0. Will M!um~. A. Clevt. dence·R. McLeod . 675-6<M4 • Have p.rage 3100 ·sq . .q. Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa.: Leue value S600 mo. w~ . San FemaJl<lo Incon1e, 1-leh.- dric:ks, Broker. 675-6591 ' Bulldin& 64 unil apt. com-. plex in Orange Cnty. Trade $175,QXI equity ror lie. wa. tertront hon1e. 6-15-llll 17 Ft. outlioard Jor 11tatiot1 wa1on or auto of equal vaJ. ue. Phone 6.'."f'T HAVE potentlart ra.Der ~l'k site, 7 acres, in Norco, WANT Income unit. Lee Pereyda Real Estale 499-1990 or ~94-5488 Deluxe 4 bedroom 2 balh bome in C attmont. Ex· ehange for Qrante County property or TD. Fortin Co. &42.SOOO * FINANCIAL BUSINESS •nd * Buo. Opportullifit 631\1(1 WANTED II l\fesa··~e 4 bedroom p1U1 •• Lrcented Oay Cere M!'.l!lthly service, r e.at. ROO~f AD D I T I O N I.:. 2n2 Michelson Drlv. l~ Dale Way, Costa P..1ua fit5• reli.rement holpltall» with pu,blic;, Apply ,lh pmion den, &JJpro¥ 2300 aq tt: Ml home fot prwchoolen. 83~0S er f)41)..7867 ttmod~. Attractive Calll'ornla 92626 ti~ insurance de. Holldl.y HM.Ith Spi, 2300 · Waut ainallir ho.me or eon. 3 lo 6 Yean, Planned pro-EXPER GARDENER price.a. Free estlmatf:1. can (Adj. Or•ngt Co. 56-SZil 631-3705 Harbor, C.P..1. do.·tn·1'es.:i Verde. 1ram. Fe~ yard. I~ ?.tld..qe Ja~ Rtllable. =-=====·====1 Airport) r• , *SHIPPING ANO *SPAR ASSEMBLERS • 1 ~. ., • 546--0932 Uon invited. ~50!E ?.Ion • Sat m:mos lrvln·e, Calif. 92664 STOREROOM * * BENCH WELDERS 7~lOO'. Joi at Lake Isabella, BABYSrrrING, My home, Roofing 6950 An equal •opportullity CHIEF Ablr young man to as&lat Stalnleu 1teel I: aluznlnum., ~'WIU trade equity for lat1 l'n~ Valley: '::· ~ Gtner1I S.rvlc" 6612 , A Rqoler not a u.le1m&n. emplo~r M·F ACCOUNTANT in shi_pping, receiving arid :=ritr: nee~~ S.:.~ mocfW.plck-up truck or 1ta-lov g cart, me -Leaks stopped, all type Sal~. Growing company need1 chief matenal control• on fint bet ~ll AM, Mon.FrL · lion wq:or. 1162-.28!5 . J•p11neM GardtMr roofing. New or r.ratr 9.'0rk I'm not offering accountant to assume tt-ahUI. Permanent· position .=.:...:..::c.~7-,---1 548-5278 after 3 P?.1 "NANNY," babysit Ill my Expu, compl yard servics! ruar. 536-8444 11ponslblllty for dlvl.&lon fin. with excellent working con-e Cook Sfi(l,000.. equily in Comm. home, weekly or hrl,y. Vic. Free e.&timate 5§8.7958. P lE IN THE SKY anclal recordl. Supenrislon ditlons and all 1 r In a: e e Oishw1thtr/lu.My Iron~: Y~cca. Valley, Harbor & Victoria, CM. _ ' Sewing 6'60 of. small accotinting-depart. benefits including pro f It SURI' A SOU.,OIN ... trade ·fOI" income property. &&5-1473 Haullnt , 1730 But J am offering a 1ua.ran-ment. Knowledge of govern. sharing. 0030 Pactflc CoUt lftirY., NB . Owner 544-3666.·e~s. Box TODDLER care, play mate, • Dreum.aldng-IJtuaUom tee Of 1700. a mo. ii you ment contnlcl aa:ounting e&. CAUFORNIA O/B M EC H AN 1 C. 0 616 ~tin Calif. fenced yard, week days or> Yard/ga.rage clean_ up. Re-Cuslom Deslgn• meet our rrquirements sentiaJ. Degree In Account. LNJECT8I~N r.AtOLDING perie~. Penh job. ~ jy. Vlc 19th & Newport. move tree .. ivy, dirt. Trac-* 646-6446 * while trainlna: in a dignilied ing or Business & S years 200 r1gp venue 'n beaut Lab Arrowhead! 2i,: to .20 Acres ranch sites ~l tm-, back boe, ~· ~ SEWING, Ught alterations &: pmUge sales career with experience. Excellent 1tatl-Costa Mesa, Calif. Call Collect n4· 331-2501 adjoining Rantj:lo Caill'i LOS Wom•n bai..-•tfing own 8745'" . , -· mending. Hems &: clothes pleuant·v.-orking conditions, Ing 111.lary, Please send le. Irvine Ind. Tract • new city, trades' QK Tto-"'"" made• Reas. ~2405 "1nie benefit•, no canvass. siune It salary requlremenls ~...... AMBULANCE DRIVER ma',,, ....... ~~ eves. Box home. Very id w/chldrn. LIGHT bauling and tree tor Work by •PPI o·"· to Bo·. •1 ~Th• D•o·ly PUot. · (2) :Ii!=: Eirpuienctd-MUlt be fUDy -~ f •1 • on ab I• Altoroto'on-... •••s · · ·~· "" "'"'v l\1EN Wanted ....... ume tar ~ 676 Tustin. Good rec fac, r e 1 · remov...., r a 1 --.-~ For appt. call S!M-6010 beL ' .,.... ~ ' Lic'd. Top pay .,. .. , 1 Eucli(l/Slater FV 54>-1678 545-M90 Neal, accurate, 20 yrs. ~ 1().2 AM & Z-4 PM. Night Custodians to average ~ hrs. daily for man. Contact Bob, 131..am, Spoi.t.mian Para.di~ Bus. Prop. 5 Bldgs, on y.s. 666. Cortez, Colo. Free&: clr. -tl- ~'B.Yf' rented, Trade equffy house, Jot, eel. 0.C. 860 W. 19th,' ~.M., 646-4349 " House ful l of modern furni-tuit, V:ill trade Jor anti. ques. 548-207r . . .--~-lfoun·i.O PM to 6 Al\1 e&Ny morning newspaper . BABYSmING my home. HAULING, GeOO'al, Top., t-698-0 · C05T • Mo·••• thru Thu' _,,,,., delivery lo homes i n Enterprla!nl )'OW'll man. • Pre.fer under 4. CM. &n!L trim, remove trees &: Trn -rvict ,,......, ·~...... Newport Beach. 1 2.0 o , part time, 9:JO..i :l>, $2. 642-5540 hedges. Big John~ ACCOUNTANT J PM lo .rr;,1,d~!~~,1 Friday avera" -r mo. Muat have per bout. 545-1616 i I _ -·-ESTATE Maint Tree Serv Immed openlng. Deirtt in .,.. ....,,. ..-· BABYSl'ITING In my home. H I I 6735 Removal &: trimn1ings, free Accountini or Business Ad· late model car and be BUSBOYS Wanted; apply in Good lunches ·It nap1. OUMC tan ng est. 642-6300, 842-2993 ministration w/ Accowiting OPENINGS AT BOTH dependable. Call LA Times penon to: 801 Balboa Bl•, * 546-25.11 * FLOOR cleaning • polishing I:======== minor, J yrs exper. In mtg . Oranie Coe.st CoUeie 642-4800 , r Balboa, 9 To 11 A.M. Wll..L babysit eve1. 11 per apeclallst1. Home le In-, Tel.o(lfftn, Repair 6985 cost1. Call for appt. or se.nd and -SERVICE REP Fbrglt Repairman · ' ·hour, own · tn.nsp. NB/CM dustrial. FREE est. RAtl'fsow -~i Co. No Ser-resume , Oolden Weit College S425 to 1475 rnO: te.e paid. Schock Boe.ta. Nwpt 673--2050 ' area. Call''646-0683 Swedish Mal n ten an c e PLASMADYNE Good mechanical aptitude, I :;;;;::=".:=":=;:===i '°=========I Service. 675-0951 vice Chal'le! Expert work, .. o""So Main SA APPLY oil m &1 ~ ...__. -color. blk & wht or •lereos. ~ · • · · 2 yn e ese .. .,ome~~ .. ~ Help Wan,_ . "'--Irick, Masonry, etc. CARPETS. Windows, nn, 54&.J720 anytime! 545-nn Ext. 354 ORANGE COAST production control exper. Women 74CMI • ;'P'Cdul. ~ & clear ttsi· 6560 etc. Reaiden. or c.omc·L Equal opportUnity employer JR. COLLEGE ~ST. ·helpful. Oriented to m4 or ...;::..:;:;;:;;.. _____ I dential . view lot, all util. 1---------, "''" h ,0,1-"ng knowl.,.-e , 'Turtln It or 1st TD CIZ\,000} eun.o, ~eJ. Repair ~~1;wk Reas. ~>CM>. Upholstery 6990 SURGl(AL JE(HS i:~ ~~~~w~.57~ ave pflEM1ER -· ** SECRETARY • \Vn1 trade for SportIWUng Brick, l*lck, co n c r e t e • .ii:'""'~==~=="" c z y K 0 5 K 1 , s Custom Personnel Agency ~t. 6T0>-3243 or 673-00ai crpntry, no job too 1m&ll. WOMAN wants housew-ork 1 U hol 1 E 7 Ari.t to 3:30 PM • ~·" E. lTlh CM, .,. -~ Llc Contr. 962.fiSfS day a week, steady. Call p s ery. ·1 r ope an CAREER ,~ -• Jfai;e. Cust. J BR 3 Bath 645--2388 Cr a. f Ism an I h Ip. 100':~ Call ~rsonneJ Dept. btwn PAltT TIME Horne In Rancho Mira.ze \V/ 45901-7.;T.';"7==;;;;;--.;;o,, Financing. 642-145'1, 18.11 8:30 & 5:00 pm Mon thru Fri. OPPORTUNITY! ' .Pool $39.500 Eqty. $26,500 Carpentwlng W~f Cl.NG. 1s:v. Newport.Blvd., C.M. a27·7744 . TOP STARTING PAY :· TRAINEE Want i;imilar home this area. ' ts. um-comp . JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Slanlo'n Commun1'ly Join todays laste.t growing Ill"EW BRANCH lN ORANGE • Bkr. Mr. Irwin 646-9661 CARP.INTlY And Apt clng. 642-81&« . profession-MutuaJ Fund salei COUNTY. WE NEED ~ ~&tile ottice! Trtmen. ~-, Job Wanted Ledy 7020 No operience necessary. 1ofEN FOR ADVERTISING dous opportunity. WW . J!eoloy 6 oyl motor, com-MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Inca-Tox 6740 • H 'f f l•e train . tuU or p·-"mo f ,,_ osp1 I ..... u AND DISPLA y WORI;(. NO train 1irl lo work or • plet~ w/ twin carbg, gen. & Too Small. cabinet in pr-·-------~ HAVE PUN -WILL Mutual Fund Advisors, EXPERIENCE, WE '!'RAIN. execuUve of top na&n-.·' • di&tr. Front & rear axles,. ~ &:: ot her cabinela. ltESPONSIBLE preparation TRAVEL I \VORK FIVE DAY WEEK, na.l company. Btautlful ' ' d-. 1•;n trade for Scuba MS-8175. if no art11wtt leave & filing of all income tax .. * DRIVERS * nc. ,_, '" ... 3n H o by ,..__.,,..;.. .. Publi Capable Practical n u r 1 e . Npt B. 1603 Westc!Jff 642-&122 6: 30 TO 10: 30 p .M. FOR IN. surround Inc•. , congenuu'"' : equip, lank, reg.&: wet suit. msg at uw-2 • • , returns '-C~uu= c • ·--• f N k . •··job •-B46-0430 . Andenon Accountant. Available to Ml\,:ll1 tt erenees. 0 smo e No ·Experience S.A. 1212 N. Broadwa, FORMATION CALL MR. atmotphere, •w• . _..... • serve the needs of Corpora· or drink. Live-in or can 547..a33J t JAMES. , to start for lirl with typ.I' • SO Acre alrriond and walnut ===,.,.--:===°""' 0 u b · go lrom "pad" to nurae. Necec.£lll'V! ----------:l\fONDAY lt~AY '"" A shorthand. c.au •. ~ REPAms. ALTERATIONS ons,. sma us1ness en· C --1 0 _ ' grfive. ~xcellent shelter. 1 d ind' Id .i Unencumbered. om· M"•t have cleai. C4llto1·nla BUSBOYS 774-I Zola 5M-5UO. Juon ,,.....t -• · CABINETS, ...... sfzce job. terpr es an iv u s. · -·"! w! h the 11"" .... ,..,,... · • For belch,area property. ruy y ... ,. mpl•'-""''''0"" panlOua.u p ! ..... t drfvlnr record. App"· b w k T Employment Aiency. 4UN I • 2S vnt ex-r. 548-6713 "" co '"' ""' b ""••23 ""--1 Y la or er mee · So M·'-.... _.._ •--. · Fortin Co, 1701·A Westclill .,.. ;. gu ........ ,..... louc · .,._...,,, · uu... .uu • YELLOW CAI CO. iui" ..,,,... .ru• ...~ ~"""' •-· 1 ... ""' .... ""U NB D · & NI ht 12.20 hr to 1tart, $2.M hr ln • Dr., NB V"U·........., QUAl.JTY Repau~ -A tera-CORPORATE 186 E. 16th St. ay1 . I ' 60 d""lil. Ca""bie sln~re MED ICAL TRANSC'RIBER Costa Mf'sa Eastslde home. tlona • New const. by hour IMPROVEMENT Costa Mesa man ~ tralnin plaatic &: Minimum one ytar •:P Room tor 2 more. ·Ex-or Contract. 64&-3442 COUNSELORS CONVAt&SCENT AIDE Ftct Helper.Driver APPLY IN PERSON resin. training program ap.. pertence reqllirld. A~. change for M-1 or home in • 642·9937 • PRAC. nune or companion $2.SO hr to start. Know Or· proved ror veterans. Xlnt a.verap ulary. CaJI ....... North or East .San Die8o. Cement, ·Concrtte 6600 TA:'\ Return Special $15. -avaJbble lull or part lime, ange County area. &: free. RfUBEH E lff potential ror willing worker. Miller between !:30 ~~ , l'ortin C.O. 1701-A Westcliff, CEMENT· Work, no Job too FOrm 1040 & 540. your home 1:J i~u~~ tenn, Bonded ways, lo drive 5 ton truck, • PREMIER . 'si~NM~~ff 1 NB 642-5000· small, riuonable, Free or our office. 2.1 years a HO?i1£A.1AKERS 547-6681 cla5s J lie OK; help in tac· 151 E. Coast Highw~y Personnel Aoel\CY HO:r.';AL * * * utim. H. Stuntek. 543-8615 tax consultant and nevu tory. Newport Beach 445 E. 17th CM, 64&<1531 7770 Ka'·n Av., Stanton , · a claim for deductions PREMIER ~ Custom Lond1<1plnt • •••llowed. Zl hour 8'rv PRACTICAL Nun;•, ~ Personnel A&oncy * BUSBOYS * DOMESTIC HELP ~ ANNOUNCtMENTS Ind NOTICES Loot 6401 B~~ ~~~ 542-0022 for appt. cook. dri\.~rences 445 E, ITth CM, 646-053.1 AU kindJ! Hou.Deepen, · H. K. CI a r 1o:. Attig Serv. BUSBOYS & * Daytime. Bu1boy OVER AGE 18 Cooks, Maldl a: ())mpanioftl, f/ PATIOS,·d r t v e w a Y •, Income tax, peraonah or * Nl9ht Di1hwash1r Experienced onb'. Full time References req. ree a: Fei" slde~k1. Yrtt estimate. business, )'OtJl' home or otc. Domestic Help 7035 DISHWASHERS Apply in person alt. 3 p.m. Paid Jobi.· can Mi• Abby, eau .5451239 20 yrS. exp. Joe firm. Chlneae llve-irul. Cheerlul ~r 18 APPLY lN PERSON FIVE CROWNS r :>48-1796 ' I LOST grttn &:: yel l ow e CUSTOM PATIOS e 64Ul.83 Or 645-07'2 evea Permanent Experie~ APPLY IN PERSON RESTAURANTS ARGUS AGENCIES , R!lia~~!... ~ r!t:k and parakeet in Vic. 200 ooncrete sawing" removal •The Tax Advisors Far F..ast Agency MU703 BOB'S BIG BOY RfUBBf E. lfE 3801 E. Coast Hwy. 1S69 C Newport Blvd., C.M:--: collect ~ from coin op-Poinsettia, CdM. Answers State Lie. • 842-1010 Yea1· round otc. 328 No. George Allen Byland Agency 154 E. 17th St. ~ Corona det Mat • SUPmVISION Is ! erated dl!pensers in Costa ~1:~eo~=~· ::: • BEST JN CONCRETE! Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! Employer Pay1 Fee Costa Mesa 151 E . Coast Highway (No phone call;s) SALES WORK• ¥esa and ·~ing ~a. drH.t . Reward.i 54T..JC1, Any 5i7.e job, \\wk 1ua.r. C.all 645-0400 for appt. 100.8 E. 16th, SA M7-0395 Newport Beach -YOUNG & . LANE Full time. MUlt bavt ~t To qu.aUty Y,,u must t>eo re.. --....,. Reu. Saw cutting. 60-8514. "w;;:o1'°'1:C.,-:-H".""r"""'=;;:,hoh;:;;;;:';p>_A0• Box Boy TIRE CO. appearance, able to ~ , liable, ambitiOuS, able to de.. -63M.\1~..-,'=~ni-~;o--• OJNCRE.TE ~'Ork, bonded Income Tax Service Help.Wanttd, Mtn 7200 SECURITY GUARD Hu openinp tor manage. with people. Apply in »U-; vote 2 to 8 hrs. worif week· T :REWA~DI I:. Uc; Concrete sawlna:. 642-6204 or 545-1398 eve -~-----F1JLL TIME Exclusive, residential com· ment tralntt1. Top w~1; son. ' • l.Y and have 11650 total cMh !Uitcue; be twmr L.A. Air· Phillips Cement. 54~ MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. * INTERNATIONAL * hfuat be available week days munlty in ~he Newport paid vacations, rxee major HoUday Heelth Spa • ti Invest, For pel'llOnaJ inter. port & Newport Beach. OU 9th yr .. 3111 Roosevelt. MFG. & DIST,,.IBUTING • mornings. Good ratei; and Bea.ch area. Must have pre. medical plan, Jo!n &: IO 2300 Harbor Wvd., C.M. ~lew in Co5ta Mesa : Send while with zipper top, ini-6620 C.M. Appointrnta, ~ FlltM benelill!;. vious experience. The poal-ahead with U!. Apply in per-Sharp CerHr Gtll -; liam~. address and phone tlals H. K. B. Please call Contracton Richard'• Lido Market tion will entail mo1tly night son 188 E. 17th.St., Suite 1.C, Seetys, Oerk Typlatl. GmJ iumber to: 642 ·3#1 ADD-A-Room, apt, unit., • ...... ~~ .. "::}hoAXm•e EXPANDING TO 3433 Via Lido, N.8. work. $400. to it.a.rt. unl1~'3°s Costa Meu.. Frid~, Recpts, 8k1cpn. ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT" LIGHT Brownish red female C11Al home1, two star)' l5 ~~ .rv~ 639-2600 ORANGE COUNTY provided, Please send pc1er ARCHITF.cl'URAL RNi. LVNa. Both tee a: ftl ' P.O. Box 3846, .t.: doe• Afiswei-a to "Dinah'', specililitt, . .cree la yo ut, ;~:;;;,;;;Po-·,:::::--;:;::;;:;;;;; LOT MAN resume or letter to Box ?iii Drattaman exp'd to work on paid jobs. Top oo'•l Call Anaheim, callfornia~9'280.l_. vie.' ·1..ang Beach hlarina, deslsn. 3:1 Yrs in the INCOM E Taxes prepared NOW HIRING For New Buick Age11cy. :P.tust 509, The Daily Pilot. _ large apt projects k et11tom Dof\:i, 548-7796 • , ~!I Pills daily, reward. buslneSI. Paclllc Coa1t )'Our home, long form com-be mature. Apply in person -.--FOREMAN homeL Xlnt \\'Ork. oond.,&: ARGUS AGENCIES RMI Estate ~ .. ri1:~ C4I ..n ... 1892 or 96S-2608 Bldi. 6Ta-TI91. Weekdays, bi~, $15-494-3422 PERMAN~"T POsmONS to Jack Brown. $650 • $100 mo. fee ner. Set, frlnl{e ben's. Gared N. 1869 c Newport Blvd., c.M HOME LOANS LOST: B!&cl< MU. P°"'"'. Sat• sun''""'' "rvk• ~~~~~ POOLE BUICK up i•li"lion moldior. -k Smith. Archl!Oct, Newport Mothers Bock low...., ' MONEY AVA.ll.ABLE_ ma.le. Ans to "Tar". Vic Q u AL J Ty remodeling, Ironing 6755 ASSOCIATES 234 E. 1Ttb. St. ma.chine cycles. must be a Beach. 642-n55 Home Sdid Coopen.ttw , Call for detaib on today's ,-;;".,v,.. R,',,"=""':::!::-96'2-r.>!090-:::o::::; custom dt:1ign service. ReJs IRONING IN MY HOME WE need men to work In all Coat. ~fesa v;orking fol'ema.n. CAREER OPAORTUNITY StMces. Educational OW. J rain for 1st A: 2nd TDs. LOST Burmese Cat, red col· on req. Frank .. ~·,.~:.~ REASONABLE depta. No experience oece. SERV. STA. ATf., all &hit~. p PREM! IAE R 11,(Q) Salary + Car of Marshall Fields. OtUrch Serving Qrana O>unt)' for W. San Ju.an C&plstra.no Constr Co., J_.. """' .. CALL 545-6239 a.ry, u _,.,.e train. part & fUll time, young ersonne gency Gro.,,in&: manufacturtna: oo. 1c h 001 or s co u t i 11 1 20 years t Area. Reward .. C91-32J2 .f pm -TOP STARTING PAY men, students OK. Apply 445 E. 17th O.f, 646-0531 Xlnt benefits. Ap U.30 ~ he1pfal $5. per Sattler Mortaqt Qi. lnc. · t..q;r Hta: 'Centei-Mall, Ja. Addltio111 * Remodelln&" Landscapln9 6810 AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES ln pel'IOO, mominp only ARGUS AGENCIES CoU~ d@rree net"essa:ry, Interview 1 u a r . Clll , 336 E, l Ttb St. dieii white gold diamond 1'ttd Ji. Gerwlck, Llc. p-M , p l ~ . START WORK at GFtANT'S GULF SERV Accountants no othen need apply. Box 83S-.Q79 60-2ln . ~ wrl1tw•tch. Rew. 536.m4 613-6041 * SG-2170 CU;;6M ~ING IMMEDIATELY or GRANT'S SURPLUS 1750 Crtdlt M a nagers P"'75, Dally Pilot 'NPIS'f-CLER.K Efes. 6u.7865 SU.UST LOSJI Seal Point Siam@se vie 1-=========1 646-1234 * FOR INTERVIE\V CALL N~wport Blvd .• C.f.f. . Administrative TrnMI COOK-FRY Salary $3934-1178 ' J:_ W•n~ 6350 >61t!1!,'!!rite 4 3rd CdM Call Carp.t (IMnlnt 6625 * ~tONDA Y & TUESDAY e INSTRlJL 1'0R.S -Full CALL BOB 54S-T196 Youna man, op. who desires Rtq1. equivaltnt ot HJa:h Sc:hl "'9··-1 ·-~ L d 1 6110 774-7153 Ortand part ti.me.. Neat •P. 1869 c Newport'. Blvd., C.M. po1ltlon with f\lture. For in-dlf)loma. ftCtnt ap or Carpet & Uphol Cleanlna In Kip ng pearance. 'fifllll be able to _ _ __ tervlew see Mr. Schierbold trn'e. type «) WPM.-Appty 1 MpNEY Wan ted'. Ex· •-·-nol1 6405 If lt'1donerlght.... LANDSCAPERS SERVICE .. s talion Mar. mdt and dea.I with the -P ARTS-MAN ·~·Mr Steak'' 2267 by 4/14/11! City or Seal ' l)@rienced,a11re 1ll v e . r.t"-""' tt'• "DUNN•WELL": Trainee for cut-rate tndep. +DOE 1 • C.M ATTENTION ho publlc, good figure. Apply SS00 mo ...• ee nei. r• w, • Beach.. 213/431-2521 hpnest, hard workizW am· WIG\&. MAKE~UP Free Eltlmatea. • • 5'18-~4 ilation. Must be ndable In person. Holid&.)I Health Exper In tractor &. auto CHAUFFEUR. retired man TRAINEES .. s~ ~tioua v.-oman for ~ unique Ct ...... •fie -I 'need landscaping. and will ~al .11.ppeara~. age 21-65. ,__ 81 d 1 ll'•h """' 1 ...,....... ·~ -~-Ml 'th job ,, h 1 SJ'.lll, 2J'.XI Raruw· v .. piu1s a mtl$ · · ._ $250. Cook for Mex can fa""--. Xlnl. opportunity, r tavern in Be11ch a~ C·"-U• "··m•tios :Ml.,,.,,. Ga-t layl-I · tnlde a 17 ft out........ w1 Slf'ady 11,..th c anee or CM rrad & mlll!A."" completed E ~ ,_ ·-s •--• Bo M '64 n..11.. go:r .....,,, .......,, • ...-... b'· -~-1 .__., r ._r •out P••-Ilon. A•ply A~t only, · · · .r ' = mp r J>4Yl ...... Knowledp of MWtnc Hie~ nq.ioy x t _....,. 230 E. w·-r ...... ·-· Ro-lr66"6 '6 .......... uaue IV ./ '"" ,. .-.fonnnrluriltyto•dvance All By ·--·-· ... "" .,.,, ....... "~ • t ~the Sav-ritor Station, 620 Ocean MECHANIC, full tim,, ~r. 6 """ ,.,... • Geo em ,.._., •• _ tial. Apply ·400J. G .. ~ Pilot. 0 •·• 1. S'""I * &el'Vicea. Leta &e r dau A u---. Muat tK: PRIMIER 106-B E. 16th, SA !W7-03911 St., NJ!., l b1k. E. of O.C. NNO EMENTS 01e0~ 1~ u.., e1 c '.RPETS (IQ'lonl. woata. bcl'of\ your bmy 5U50fl, Ave., H.B. Calif. ""'"""' p I A A UNc C.Ompanionahip, Sincerity polyuten,) vtn)'b and Til-PhoM 644-87 nver 2.\ No phone can.. ersonne gen cy ASTROTEK CORP. airport and NOTICES lnll'oductiom O:lnfidenu.t es, Lateit •fJ"les aod co:ton I=======:;;. SALESMEN Richfield si.tlon. 19th A 445 E. lTth CM , 646-«ill Openlnp: Lathe mill i.o. HSKPRl-""'"""""eoo~k.~N~•-....,.--r1"i::300::-_I Pound (f .... A•> 6400 !:JS.161 '°'"" ~10 PM Oommm:l&1 ard Raldenli&l MHonry, Brick 6130 Muoi""'""""· ,.n,ble. N.......t. Co•~ MeM. • BUSBOY . Top poy. A·l maohlnllt °""'. Halq>r/Coolo, N•wpoot PIO. FOUND SI·-,.-·~~ ~ .. o~~!·~.E~·~ ~~-n.oo•• PRICE&QUALITY--tuUtimeonly.AppJ,ln CONCRETE (D Shift } 1261LoranAv.c.M. -:1-.112Shr , -·~ -· ··~ -· ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~·~·~ = pel'IOn. ul< tor Tom. F lnhhor & l'orm S.ttor BAL Bo:'a AY CLUll NiCf'"HTS: run • Part Time Employer -toe.-.. Ma& dd Mar &n?a, <Dta 98c. Craw f o \d •-a RX 542-1403 .s4o-'r.162 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING GR.Mn"S SUR.PLUS ST'ORE For cuatom home builder. bulldlrw malntnance. CALI.. Allen B~ Aafney 1os.B ~aa. M&-8850 Pharmacy. Oolta Mtsa e &tftl.234 e 1750 Newport B2vd., CM Call 497-1885 betw 5-7 pm 1221 ~~ ~'1il& N.B. ' alter J PM, UT-9525 or 1 :::E::.1=61h.=;;SA=!W7=-G1915;-o;::;;-: FQUNO lu<tlc, :llot ~ """' COUPLES, -""""'1 furniture l-lnt ~-• oo)y. 841-2259 INSTRUC!111ESSES, NI A Avcnu" N.8. ....... id... N"' In ar!ai Jbln 11\C -& lloflnlshfnt 6675 Ppopol t•I-"91"9 6850 NEW, modtt11 Shell StatlonM ,:;::=Al;;;NTEN=::;,,,=CE:o:-'.:,.:::,n:-,-.:;.,ll PART Time roal "'"" Polish & o.t1U Mon rut time. N•t ..,,...._ • . 54~ to flm A-pltuure I n 'II nted1 atttndant; time " aalCJ.mari, new tw>mta, must _ ......A _ Muat ••Me _, mett-6 _ . , SDtv half over tlfln. plus com-time. J>tnnM'1'1t;-far--rtnfr· work •'t!tk-enda I: evtnlnp. ExceU~nt pay, ......... co. deal with pubHc.. APPlJ 111 s On 7iij dliin_ NW. • 835-9291 ·e · WD.LtAMS a.N'Ct ·, INT. 1: EXT. PalnU,.. All mill. £xper. lube A: ..in al motel ~. Muiit be able 96.\-199'7 bt:'ICDl.s all Chuck 6t&-O'.l6 __ ~·~iw·~ H··'th _ HatboUr entrlnee. Balboa CUSl'OM BUdnJs • covtf Your furn can bl new a,p.ln. aeuon ratu. FTff nt. He'd to paint I: tSo rtpain, have all lftl r-• _ .. ""' -..., - Arint 545-1584 u-. f&RI ~. ~ 1 ... :u1. Clrw. npafrfns. &1~14 ft ins. Call 'Cbarl. le. 5'&-0405 t'C<I.· own tools. 419 N. Coatl Hwy, LI.DO CAR. WASH, 481 E. SEJ\V ;a Attndn.ta. Ill 23ClO Harbor. C.M. ,<Q 900 E. Co.1~1 Jlwy, N.B. Laguna Betch. J"lth,,.Costa Mtu.. A~ l&. open. Sal &: c:omm. Tom WAI'MUCSS. y-1altr 10 Loot 6401 P....., ovaUable. m.t11'1 Gordenlnt 6680 INTER or Ext. PAINTLVG, DRAmMAN-_p··~ = ••·•·-·hor. The Apply In"""'"· Siw'p OR 3-337J --A -k-1 ·, ALCOHOLICS ~ous -• ~ -B1MED. SERvtCE. Local IVl. I l.llf1'! ....,, .. ..,. EXPER. Bre&kla&l cook· no I l-r-------PhCJrie MJ-7217 0t' writ.a to e JAPANESE GARDENER Tr:t FREE f!id:. SU-1621 lndUJtrltl tllt·\IP txp Jftf. Riner Restautant. f"o. I& PENSIONER. wtd for 11&hl . . OolOnw le ~II)' ~ll'Ult. ODo- LOST: ilale Poodle. sU wr, P.O. n.;.x: 1223,Costa Drftsa.. :P.lainlenanoe .. Clea:nup PAINTING,...Papttinc l& yrs Ideal ll.'OrklnK oond. Sllary Fuhion llland, N.B. m•intenAfl<:e *ark-. Call-Sundays. Appb'. CM. taet Mr. ~1 Mr ' ~;.. ~~~ftt.T~~~ • OMNIPHILOS • c...u !48-%i72 tn 1:i.1'bot arU.. t.lc:. bond· .,open. 543-1tlll Need. ~anale? 548-9'lM. K:tehen ~12 W.19\b.. • ~ rsr.eu. %JtT ~ 1M. o.u,y t'lkJl Want Mall $0.9676 Ot.ARCI!! m ed. ~fl tum. 6U··Zl58'1 DAll.Y Pl.LOT WANT ADS! f1nd tt wilb a want Id? Dial &U-'1671 lot R'ESULTS OlARGE your want ad.D6w. C.M. ---· .. -.....;...;;..;...-y."'-"---• -----, ,--' / I ' f."' • . • • --' j ~· ' . I • • • •• --...... ... . . .. . . .. .... -.. I l • • t t , i J i l I ' I !· I I ' . I'll.OT 1-Apill 1. 1'16, ~ 1 ~ MeLOYM•Nl'~" EMl'LOT,,;E .. 1 JOU a IMPLOYMINTJOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOU a IMl'LOYMINT MIRCHANOISI FOR MERCHANDISE flOll MIRCHANDISI flOll MIRCHANDlll flOll.:,_r -llAl.I ANO TRADi SALi AND TllADI IALI AND TRADI SALi AND TllADI,;, l W ···• u.1p WanNd He•-Wanted l ·J~·~-;;~M~•~:n:·:w:-:~7~500~:1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ ' ·-~ .,. . 11-Ml·-"·-NOCl 7400 -7400 W-7.00 W-7400 Puml..... -.m ll Ufl IOOO_ ~ & °'t'M' !! _..... ..,._ i ~===============1:=============== * * . THI BEST DEALS Hoopll111Nd.$50. , ll ' .GROUP INSURANCE STENO-SECRETARY J~='°E:· ~ JJ Spa~ '-..~ A,;1'iw:;'Ai ;;::~;;~: ' · CLERK DISNEYLAND , 11"' ..,.rune 1"' . ~ Medlterra11-"~ WARD'S BALDWIN S'JVDJO WE PAY Moltl "" • DISNEVI AUD Typing 60 plus. Shorthand 80 pltl!. Able -•;;;; .:;url:!.'='.'';!:;r.: ':i~~r:.::7 CASH '~ i J liolln to wort Sat & sun. - s day week. SUPERVISOR "', _ _,_ ..._ -Albert......,. ~ c ' 8' Wood caned arm divan, lg. man's chair MUST seu beautiful Walnut For any MU new or U9!li4. : Accurate ·typing, able to process and m clalnu. • Call Monday lbru Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ' . ED MACKIE <7!4l ~456, Ext. 678 An equal opportunity empl~yer Help Wanttid, 7.00 w-7400 CLERK TYPIST DISNEYLAND Type 50 plus. Busy office able to work Saturdays. experience, Call Monday' th ru Fr iday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • ED MACKIE (714) 533-4456, Ext. 678 An equal opportunity employer Help Wanted Womon 7400 -----UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP TIRED OF A LONG OOMMUTE? Uniprd Insurance Grnup is now hirirw fOI' our new di· ,vision ottlce 9pel"l;lni: in April, tn Huntington Beach, 'On F.dlnpr at Beach Blvd., just off the San Diego Fwy. ;T1tese po1ltions will require :• shart b'alning period of "approxima~ly one month in :Gut Loa Angeles off!Ce: be- 1fore the move. Transwrta- , \}on will be provided. . .fmmediata Openii)gs in I : th• followlnt .t e•s • ' " • POU CY SERVICE P'n!fet al least one year of 'lire, c:as:ualty or multi ple line rat1ng experience. Plea. ,lant phone personality eFP- ·sential. Ex~Uent opportuJi. :VY far adY&OOement. :• '• ' • ·' POLICY TYl'ING ~rienced or t:raine., mul- ftple line policy typllt. 60 + accurately on the electric. The Idea) p:>sition for some- 0.Ql)I! who likes to type. ' " Btccellent tree benefits. Per. )Jl&l1tnt, · steady work. Our policy ii promotlon from 'flithin. Your future is deter- mined entitt.ly by you. New t:node"m office, friendly, ~uant atmosphere. • For ~talls and App't Call Collect PERSONNEL "(2131 384-1213 ·. UNIGARD ~NSURANCE GROUP • ACCOUNTING CLERK ~ position I& 00\Y available Jn cur Accounting Dt?part- ment that requires some knowiedge or experience with payroll. cash ttet"lpts ilnd ot6er related l'Jutlt'a. Experience with a bookkttp. l"' machine such u Bur- rough~ or NCR v.·ould be l>elplul. nu. position offers 8 i;oOO -1ary with attractive fl'inge bene!lll: including fully paid tor medical and life insur- flnce a>Veragl', three v.ttks vacaUon after 3 years, etc. Apply In pert10n al lhe DAILY PILOT :m \Vest Bay Slrffl., CM Aak for Mra: Greenman or c:.D. &U-43:l1 fOr an interview SECRETARY· . RECEPTIONIST Holp w ...... Womon 7400 FLEXOWRITER , TRA!NEE : !400. UP . Call immediately to in· sure your interview with this vi:cellent company. Moving lo -Orange Co. T~y will train ii you arc an accurate typist \Vork in beaulifuJ. new oHices. Liberal fx.ntti\S. Com· P8!'.Y. v.ill in"terview in our offices. CaU Zola, 546- 5410. Jason Best Employ. ment Agency. 2120 S. • ]\.fain, Santa Ana. Work Near Homa • .'.ccountlng/Bkkpg e Secretarial e Reception e Typist.. Superior Agency Established 1946 1857 Jlarbor Bl, Costa r.1esa • Ca.IJ fint 642· n 41 CASHIER· HOSTESS Neat appearing, 18 to 40. No experience necessary. Apply in person. BOB'S BIG BOY q IM E. li'th St. Costa Mesa See Betty Bntce at m·66l~ec Agency for Care-er Girls .410 W. O:ia!Jl Hwy .. N. B. By apPOint 64~ PART Time COCKTAIL and FOOD \VAITRESS needed at · AfLEY WEST 2106 \V. Oceanfront, Newport Beach (ACI'0$1 from Pif'r & Dory Fleet) BACK Office nurse, 5 doc- lors: must have exper. CBC differentials a m u s t. X-Rays helpful. lnexper. plea5e do not apply, Please call: 531-3200 Alt. 4 P~f e WAITRESSES. Will train, fuli or part time. Mus< be 18, attractive with bubbling personality. THE ZOO 2344 ~l Coast Hwy a I McArthur. Cdti! Full Charge Bkkpr S500 mo, split fee, FC Bkkpr in accountlni dept, Exper in ta."es. prorit &: k>ss. zen1 lf'dger, capable and matUtt. PREMIER Personnel Agency 44a E. 17th 0.1, 646-05.11 Telephone Reception Work. Cill 10 AM lo I P.M. 544).2034 DRAPERY WORK ROO~f Immed openings all pha5e1. Pd holida,ys & aft 1 yr. pd vac. + co ben'r. 540.&164 Beach Drapery Sentice. GIRL Frlday, billing, t)tping, II. bkkping., al\I, phone. Ca.II bet1.1<een 1 A 4, 'rues. thru Friday,~ Call Monday thru Friday 10 a.m.. to 4 p.m. Recen.c •U<Uulul eoert-or love aeal 6 Pc Octagon dark pak dln set , WK>. Xlnt cond furniture. appllancta, co.kll:iJ 1 ence prelened. Competa-w/black or avoca<to framed chalni 8 Pc BR Grat>d P · ed TV' .. 1tereo1, pianos. OE'- ED MACKIE tlve wqee., outltandllw set 9-dr Mr. & Mra:. d.resaer, lg mirror, 2 61S-l290 pn1, atoves. rmlzeratof1r _\ (714) ~. Ext. 678 b<odlt., profit oharinJI. commodes. deconlive headboard in Spanish Radio 1200 """""" ""· dlnincl ~ ~ ·" d I 'th 1eta:. ottioe-furnltutt· p1@ce I An equal opportunity employer AP:;,L:.,IN .. ",,~ ~:: f.:0 . m1tchlnf box springs, mat-SCRAM-LETS ~tul. Day, nlshl "' • I,._ Sold lncllvldu1lly 636 IJl!l)ft Help WentM Woman * NIGHT 7400 HOUSE KEEPER., INSPECTR.ESS AND MAIDS Immediate openings, Ex· pandlJl& swt for en- laried hotel. Call or see ~Iirnl King. • THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport &ach 644-1700 DENTAL Olli~ SECT'Y'Y (Tustin) -Zl to 35 yrs. old. Secretarial skills are a m u • t • Comprehensive kno1\·ledge al the denta1 en· vlronment le. patient needs are req'd. ?i.Unlmum exper. al 3 yr:s.; dt!sire 5 yrs. or more. ~fust meet situa· lions with judgment, ease, firmness I:. poise. Top salary 'potential to r i&hl person: all others need not apply. Call: 11.C: 544-5393 SECRETARY i~so mo. Type 65 + &h 80-9CL Will work with 'customeni. Attrac:llve, adve11ising expcr helpiul . PREMIER Per sonnel Agency 445 E. 17th Cl\f, 6'f6.ffi31 BE THE FIRST H1lp Wonted w-7400 e WAITRESS Gcod Opportunity lt1uat have aood appearance * APPLl' IN PERSON * Snack Shop No. 1 2305 E. Co•st Hwy. Coron• del M•r, Cal, . EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY * J. C. PEllllEY CO. 24 F•shiOn Island An equal opportwlity employer * Shop Around .,-lllfor• rlU buy -USI A'NSWERS '"'1V"'! ; ~ VALUE $1095.95-FUL PRICE $529.95 j or llrl'M II low II $4.6' par -k Sbould -M"""' -Chi" W A N T E Ii> • Use Our Store Cbarl:e Plan or Bank FinancinJ _ Oierub _ CHURCH "' : No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values Inaide O>ntucius say: "When man we need quality (no Ju.nk ..._ . . " . ~ iirl ~nd for ride, please I. Furniture, c o Io f wry dangerous to drive with TV's, stereos. appltancetJ one hand. He could run into tools and otnce ~ipmen( Q-IURCH .. " 4-1 TOP CASH IN 30 ?ilinutesf ; UNUSU~L , . c ........ -.. Equip. l300 s "w'E * auv i l Opportunl'ty ' STUDENT lol<ft•ted iri Pbolo Dark Room equip-$ FURNITURE $ , The Independent Order or ment. 496-3241 APPLIANCES : Foresters have oPened a Furniture IOOO Appli•'!_C.• 1100 1=========~ Celor TV'1-Pl•n•'-Ste,.•lt J i:iew office in Orange Coun-• · • -;. "----'--'.C Sporti.~g Goods 1500 I l'iec• ,, Hou•• Full •· ' ty. Require lntelllienf ~an 20 PC ... ''MADRID AMANA Upright Freettr CASH IN JO MINUT'f5 ~ 25-59 Coll 1IQt S195; xlnt condition! WARDY Surf.boil.rd, l~e new, • 541 453 I •. " ' or woman . ege . -3-Rooni Group 540-3642 Wied cne hme, orig. cost • ~ necessary, Should have ex-. perience in meeting public. FROM MODEL HQMES K EN M 0 R E Automatic =l=:l6.\=. 1=:9S=:.;5'=:1HlO==:"===~ \WANTED: White canopy 1 Dignified life time position. Includes: Quilted' sofa &: Washer. Xln't. Cond.; $35. twin beds. 546-7817 after ·c Earning commtncn immed-chair -2 end table! &: cot· Guaranteed. 847-8115 Mi1cellaneou1 l600 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat. UNITED CALIFORNIA lately. Should be in excess f~ tabt~ -2 1am~ -dt-eu. ·O)!'llBINATION washer/dry. , =·r=S=u=:o;. ====== of $250 weekly t!.I." -nurror -headboard -Good ndl lo $50 Cl!EST of d r a w e rs. 1 • BANK · quilted box spring &. mat1' -e.r. co t n. or bookcase headboard set. Machinery etc. 1700 5 .a:R:-best offer. 642-3290. Smoker BBQ, misc lam"", ' •, 31 41 E. Coast Hwy Coron• del Mar 673-9240 Telephone betwren 9 Al\f • ress -pc ......... ,,. room; .. ~ 1 PM :!'IIon. thru. Frl. 9 AM. table &: 4 hi·back chairs, WHIRLPOOL Auto. \\'a.sher; Early A"n\cr lamp A table 4 \VHEEL Ferget!IOn TraclO't' :· l2 Noon saturdaya for ap-O)t.fPARE AT S749.95 late model. Xlnt cond . .$60, lor windO'i, Color TV-·anten. with 90il leveler. A·l cond.' 1 po!ntment. $399 Guaranteed. M'7..,,\1i na. small elec Y.ater heater new rubber on rear. S1UO. l !or trlr or c amper '\=56-54=·=·=00======= Ne\\'JIOrt Bch, South 492-8100 No dowrt-Pmts only $16 mo. Antiq~s -11 jQ Magazine rack. Girls Bike Equal opportunity employer Co•ta M•M, North 5.14-1701 WllK'S WAREffOU<f m"" "'"" ol too~ ~ !um. FREE TO YOU . ; J V ASr Stock Amer r.: Eur 764 ~20th St.. Costa Mesa • ?vlAJOR fum &: clock!. La r r Y s~"' o! P"-dise * * * NEED 110meone with room in I CALtroRNtA BANK 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana ~fn...,.an Antr .. ues, ~2 f 2 8 "' ....... • • Open Daily !-9 ~e. '""t H aJthy blooming we 11 their holne & heart for Cha . seeks steno/typist for trust Ena1neer1na Sa u s -6 Newport Blvd., C.M. established 2 plants to a 'Cha, lovable 3 legged, faun ; dept. Must take dictlltlon, I. un ll :ill to 50% Off. European 5 gal. container. Only· a Ola. Lively, good companion ~ assist o f f i cer·, -enjoy Clerk SPANISH Retutfled troml imp>rts. Sec at: Once upon Jew left 8t this price 01 for adults. 83&4493. 4/2 : c u s Io mer contact. Model Homes on sale at A Tin1e. 2428 NeWport Blvd, only $5.00 for 2 plants. cau FREE fertijizer. Horse • Pennanent career op-less than wholesale! Group C.~f. ~ after 6 P.M. or all day variety • 1746 Orchard er; ,1 portunlty for qua Ii t t e d includes beauWul 9 6 ' ' -==-~----! Must be cood typist. \VIU do quilted so!a &: love scat. ANTIQUE&: De(' or.al ors Saturday and Sunday. 1212 off Santa Ana Ave., Santa 1 person. Sa a r Y com-3 Sp·••'•h .... d-·alo" itemfl, a complete houscfu.i. So. Ross St., Santa Ana. Ana' 1Heights, Betwttn 4 t;; ~. mensurate with abilily and varied duties In enginttring ..... .....,.. "'"""• • 1 54• 7198 4 r · Co ta t R c dopartment, incllJdln ... oper. tables, •w .. or table Jam"", Nod rs.,. :>--riIARBLE Coffee table, Frost 6 pm only I ' expe-nence. n c . . .... ..~ Atherton ating blueprint machi11<!, fil. wall piac:que, kfng, QJJeen, QUEEN. Anne a r 111 c b a i r , lrec refrigerator, near new DARLING. fl•ienclly black j Nrwport Center Branch ing, etc. or full size bedroom suite mahogany & carved. $1,95. washer, gas dryer, gold sob and tan mal<' be a i; i 'e -~; Seeurity Pacific Nat'l. Bank complete incl box springs, (TI.fl 72tH790 or 726-1533 & chair, 2 broY.'n wing d a ch shun d comblnatiori a.50 Newport Center Dv. 'llCO Swi'I•", mattress,· linens & boudoir chain;, old sofa, ;\1ahogany Looks like dachshund. '1ir ·t Newport eea·ch J l.11 lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc Musical Inst. 112.5 tablt>, sel'ape, hvin bed.11, Magnolia, C.M. 4'11 , dining :set priced elsewhere -----rnatttes.s and springs, misc. FD.1.ALE 1 kl ' l\fc:OONALDS Is h Ir i n r EXECUTIVE S'CTY at approx. $1195.00 AIL Guit¥ H1adquart1r1 646-1D'l2 268 Brentwood Pl • approx. · yr. 0 • j' CO'~R \Vomeh to \\"Ork $501). Secre''"'"" to ve"" dyna. 1139 Bakor SI. • • NEW -~ USED • ~·1 . • black w/ a bit at brown, .. ,.,.... ._.J 'J J'QR ONLY Sl!f!I, $20 down, ....... -·~"~~~=~~~-• housebroken; "'mall-&: very ~ fl.fonday thn.i Friday 11 am· mlc V.P. Good work exper. Costa Mesa· $4.99 per ... eek , out of Fender • Vox • Standel ,, * AUCTION * friendly dog. Needs a loving : 2 pm. Uniforms furnished, Sh 80 lo 100. type 60 lBl\i 549-3041 &tale credit OK. \\.' 11 J e . GIBSON e MARTIN home. 536-2D9l .f/l " htt meals. Exec. Age open, separate for quick sale. 20th •WU.SON • YAJ\IAHA U you will sell or buy APPLY IN PERSON PREMIER ,.._ r...-: 9'72 Drum Ho·'quarte-gi\.·e \Vindy a ,...., PUPPY;· Fen1ale, half Dox· ' An equal opportunity -....:ntury z w.1utw'e, • mu •• .. J McDONALD'S Per1onrt1I Agency employer Garden Grove B 1 v d., e NEW and USED e Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. ie, hall Poodle. approx, .C ~ 6561 Edinger 445 E. 17th C~t. 646-0531 Ganien G.ro\.·e Daily lo:.9, LUD\VIG, ROGERS, ASI'RO Windy's Auction Barn m~. old. Likes children, i lluntin.,.ton Beach R I E S I Sat 1" < Sun "• Como ' ........ e selection with new 4 needs a good h 0 m-e · Ii ... ea state • 11 Cutter, E x perienced ......,, ........, ........ i; Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'! 646-729? 413 L, * TRIMfl.-tlNG Men & Women Inimediate Ope"l"g in or call (714) 53(}-5240 pc, sets and cymbals start· 2075~~ Nl!\vport, Of 64&8686 r Id INSPECTION * ing at $99.50. Pedals, hi-bats OlAR!fllNG i\1ult, female, 6 Trl~~inc: ol small plastic Expa.ndh~g a&ain. OUi~e # Beach Drapery Setvit'C' 20 PC. MODERN a.nd sets repo.ired. All small S1'lver Fox Jacket mos. has lie. Ir. shots : •. opcnmgs available for, 900 W. 17th Streel 3 ROOM GRO-UP •• ~ •. , ...... bb~ .. t-• cymbah Bm/blk', lovable. CaU alter I parts. Permanent position licensed men & women, Jn. C.OSta Afesa 5'10-6464 !'<'-''"" ........ .......,.. ..... oc: Co•I ~~ • •tu•t ,.u I~" 8 PM._, AllTI 413 .:· on first shift. Ex~lleAt slant incon1e & training. r.tr Includes: Floral sola & chair in stock. ~., " ...,, .............., ""orking condilians and [r. Garriner. s pr In 1 Realty, COUPLE want~ for motel • air. t table • lam . EVERYTHING IN itUSlC 642-0086 evenings GERM. Shep,. regis. female, ; jn<>e benefits. \Viii train. 540-4~ malnt. & maid work. 2376 w .u s . ~ B h M s'c Center 2 .,.... old· also 2 mm; .... Newport Bl. Cnsta ~1esa. complete bOO:room wit~ quill eac u I CARPETS, Vinyls. Tiles, lat. J·~· . ;-,-_-·, : JNJE~~b~~fcJtDING WANTED: Re sp on s i b I e . _ _ ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, est styles and colors. Com· ~~~~py, male, all bla~~· • • 200 Brigp Avenue "·oman sitter, Ute hskp'g. Agencies, Men & etc:. All for . • • F11.ctory Sales &: Servtce mercial &: Residential, Ex· Costa Mesa, Calif. 5 day ·wk, 7:30-11:30. {l\1ost Women 7550 $277 Daily 12 ·noon 'Ill 9, Sat 9-5 pert installation. AD 0 RAB LE Cocker/Poo 1 ; 546-4460 days) Vic downtown Hntg 1-------·---Nt. down. Pmts, an1y SlO mo. 17404 Beach Blvd., (I-fwy 39) 642-1403 ~7262 htixed pups, 6 wks. Male •, =--Bch . 536-2983 iJ 1% mi. 'So. San Dleao Fwy. POO(. TABLE ·~ 4.'x7', right & ~ernale, Need ifl. homes.. ! DEPT HEAD -s=H=r=R=T~,,,,,0 -,-,-... -w.-,-, ... -newport WELK'S WAREHOUSE Hu11tir.gton Beach 847-85.16 size for deo or garage; Ash ~2821 3/31 ; S·IOO mo, split fee. Seu lJlart. Exper. rirefcrred or will personnel --GiBSONJ:so-a.nstruction wi ball return BLACK male dachshund, s er. record keeping on detail-train if necessary, Lido 000 \V. 4th SI., Santa ~ .· \vith llard&hell case, + rack, cues &: balli;, $275. manths to good home. Has ed work, accuracy import· Cleaners, 1n6 Ne\\'J)Orl Blv. agency Open Daily 9 • 9 i320 new, $200• or oUer. 646-3613 all shots, wormed. Loves ant, lype 50, compose letters Casta ntcsa. 548-4014 -··· Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11 . 6 Eric, 6~&.> after 6 PM --GIBSON J :-50--children. 963-4020 3/:ri t & memos, l year exper, to 1Prr Hostess-Secy. Ne\\' P rofeSSTOnal St rvice SACRIFICE! 2 ftf c Guire FEND£R 12 string elec. ..,.th u.~,hell c"-. CURLY Black "Poo-ahua" v.•ork \\'ilh salf'Smf'n, " ruuu G.><O •. J PREMIER homes, min age 28, mar-for the employer Split Rttd chairs, custom guitar: beautiful cond. $320 new. $200 or oiler female, l yr. ,pld, wei&'!I ri(X!. ritust \\Wk \\"knds, Ph. and the applicant upholstered, like new $75 $195. &46-SJ02 Eric, 675-SJ.60 after 6 Pl.I. 5 lbs. Loves children & , Personnel Agency !IBS-34.;4 s-11.2Sti1 each. 673-4822 cats SJ&-9498 4/ • 44;. E. 17th CM, 6'16-05.'.U 133 Dove r Dr., N.B. · ·~-· KIRBY Vacuum Cleaner, · SALESLADY: f.1ust have 642-3170 549-2743 Furniture ;eturned from dis-Pianos & 0-ans l130 1969 model. never used. LOV. Fem. Ger. Shep/Call. COUNTER GIR.1..5, Part exp. in better dresses, !U))ll•U..""i'======== play 1tud1o.s, modd homes, • • r.loy,·er & desk, private par-l yr. Loves kids 'n cat; : time. FROSTEE FREEZE. & coats. Sal & comm. Gd Sch 1 1 1 7600 decorators cancellation. • New Pianos • ty. sacrifice, !!Zl'-4464 \\'I I man rd, ca Im , 899 \V. 19th Costa r.tesa. Y."Ork. cond's. 673.2990 oo a. nstruct on Spanish It J\fediterranean etc lIPHOL.STERING • (Euro-892--0979 .C/3, : i_fi~:.:.pply in person bet. GIRL Friday, type 50, REGISTER NOW RD FURNITURE :1~&:&~=URJi pean craftsmen) Free est., lRlSH Setter, i\fale. 3 Yri; ~ diversified position, salary NE\V CLASSE~ sr,ART 1844 Newport Blvd., CM American made, 88 note, del cit>'-pickup 215 !\fain HB old. N~s good home 4 • RN full time 11 to 7:30 depends on experien~. t.1rs. NEXT WEEK. evel'y night til 9 w-bench & tuned. Price start. Bernard's Uphol. ~ lotsa lovin' 546--5033 413 • medlcal-11urgical, xlnt \\'Otk· \Villis, 642-0351 Excellent llnanclal re\\•ards \Ved Sat & Sun 'ti) 6 ini cond. Contact Director ---.------+ pl!l'SOnlll &: professional =~-·;,· ~"· =-~~ ing at $199. QUAL. Kng Size bed wf RECENT back issues of 1 of Nunes, Costa l.tesa PART time \\'aill't'ss, ll.B. satlsrac:tlon can be youn1 in QUAL. Kng Size bed w/ Wurlitzer OrCjans QUilled mattress, comp. TIME, NEW REPUBLIC. I fl.lt-morlal HO!lpltal. 642-2734 Exper. tor Dinner llouse. just a rew \\'eeks, Ask about quilted mattress, comp, • NE\V • Never used $98; wurth $250. Call 540-2Z79 ,alter 5 pm.4/J ' PHONE SOLICITORS ="='=''='=31)..<="='=b=""'=='=1·5;== I our proven success program Never used $98; 1,1,wth $250· ?.1an:r other makes. t-fany 847--0400 Pure 1,1,·hite pet rat~ ~ "" oxperience ne~ssa"". -00 for career women. , .c"~'-=-'~-=-~~-•lyles & fini!hes. Prices ,• VAC·l.iUMS-.--Bring cage 540-7629 I 'J Jobs--Men, Wom. 75 1· 3/31 Full &: part time, apply NONA HOFFf.lAN 17 Pc.. Kinn Size 1tart at $10 up. Repairs & parts. in person. Holiday llealth ~ Newport School '2 $595 Reasonable Coast Vacuum FREE Bamboo clump or ~ I' Sp, 2300 Jtafbor. c .M. e Cooks of Busines s ' Bedroom 33.1 E. 17th, c.M. 642·1500 ' cane'!I, 30' tall. YOO di&' or : EVERYTHING IN f.fUSIC t 548-4305 J anitors, Y."Omen needed 83.l Dover Drive Lall;e 9 drawer dreMer, mlr-DRAPES S48; arm chairs cu · : Evening Y."Otk in Ni!.Y.'port • Hostesses &JS-0153 642.J870 rar, ;i bedside stands. king Beach Music Center $28 each: electric mower (2) 5.i'1ALL be.lg!!; 14) Mo. J B<!ach a.rea. Apply -409 N. LI1',ETJME Girt, sizeheadboard.trame,quilt· $2j; Skiis $20. Top shape aid Min. Cocker ·&: Buaett. l Harbor Blvd., Sanla Anll Apply In person typewritina:. ch 11 d re. n, ei+ mattress. &heels, blank· Factory Sales.&: Service 833-292& &U-4986 4.11 ~ \l/Ot.IAN, Attractive. Counter grandchildren, or younelf! ets, rre. Daily 12 noon 'til 9." sat 9-5 KING Size Simmom bed, CDCKER terrier 5 mo1. old, !; help, a~ 21 or o\.-e.r, 20 REUBEN'S Indivi dual l y tutored OIOi~ of Spanish 174M Beach Blvd .. (H\vy 39) like new $85; maple hutch Had shots, hsbrkn, EO!'d~~ to ~8 hrs. ~·k. The Doryman. Chilcoat 10 leuorui typini:;-or ~Iodem Style l~'· 11\i. So. San Diego Fwy. 54 " long SlOO, misc. 540-~'18 with kids. 546-6326 4/J J 2100 \V. Oceanfront, NB ac'"·'• ~,.·_ .. 113 Del ?.far, Of, All for $249 Huntington Bench 847-8536 . Coco!s .....,..~o>J<> ---GOLO Printing press &. SIMIESE kittens, broken It )'. Beauty CounHlor s -~-~--~--oNo dO\\'n . Pmts. only $9 nin. P IANO & ORGAN heavy duty Singer Sewing v.-eaned. Call 9fra...1203 411 ~· COSl\IETICS, Xlnt earnings, GOING To Europe lhi11 year? WElJl'S WAREHOUSE BARGA.IN HUNTERS! Machine. 6T:r3638 PURE \Vhite pet rats. Bring § nrx. hi'I, no canvass, rra. ISSS W. Ad1m1 Br1'Ush uup ~"()\Lr ~~~ Orange County's largest NEED Sorneane to ·take <lvet cage, 546-1629 31'11 , 5195_ Costa Me11 onvt'rsa on 1n my c~. stock or new l: used ~ 600 \V, 4th St., Santa Ana • Pianos I:. Orgiull Pym 18 . H t: a I I h SP a SERVEL Gas 12' Re!riz. Ga. : Cocktail W1itre1111 SE FOR Open Daily 9 • 9 s . p· ,__ •~to• Membership 1 Yr. Ltft. warking cond. 673-4366 •1 FELICIANO'S ANCIEHJ MARINER MERCHANDI Sat. 9 • 6 Su~ 11 . 6 • pu>et ''"'°' uum '' -~ SEVEN PUPPlES ,~ ~ : SALE AND TRADE '-=:;======,:: Baldwin Org.n ........ 1388 = •-Taking · ppllcallons -1' ..,. ·• Clrlckerlna ~ano •.••.• $74.5 • FlRE & Burglar Alarm homes. 548-8384 e.vtt. _ · ~ Daily 2 • 5PM/64s.tmoo HIRlNG cr'.:;u"rnc;l.;.tu,_rc;1;.._ ___ IOOO='-' Offic• FurnltuN IOlO Conn Caprice Or;an Systems installed u low as BROWN Rabbits, 8 Wks9ild i STRONG, hralth..v pttt0n to e Hostesse s Save · ............... ·• · $400 s99. Ca.II ~!IO Aft. 6 PM MS-6876 4/3 "t help care for elderly lady • Ma intenance Halp 20 Pc. Maple INS. Group disposes of: 5tttl all Wurlitzer&: Conn Door DRAPES 30' green gold open KI'ITENS. Your choice. lfl nltes, Live in or out. 3 ROOM GRO'llp & wood Exec & Secrehpial aamples areatly reduced! ='"~:.~~ .. ~, mo1606. O>st '!Yttkl"old. 67!)..3341 Ai l'I . 837--5255 DAY SIUF'fS ONLY ,. desk.~ chairs. tables. fUes. Low bank tennll ......., ""' ,.._, ...,..., SARAll COVENTRY .. __ apply tn pcri:on 110 • .ii Incluc1cli: Living room 1C$ • r;h<'lving, lockers&. drafting No .dOY.'n pa.y1nen1 CUSTOM Blki . &: ver-EASTER Bunny needs n1cii l nM lal·!~ • lamp!I · bedroOm room furniture. G Id M • C nia co home. 548-4767 413 f'-~ a"""nin•s for full Ql' "'"rl 2607 W. C.~l lll;;hw:1~ -~· ou UltC ompany u••s, fast service. lowest . • ~ •-N o-~rl · quilted matfrt'S!I • ma· ~lc~!nhan's 771 "'0" 2'>" N •1 I Sa ' J Must be yoona: an.rt peracm- able. to meet pub.Ile:. Scm~ t:yplna. S day Y,"ttk, 9-6. Ne1v air cond. o~ and equip. rnent. Lot" at lnterestina activities., See or Ull Stan .......... Maben Cadilac DENTAL Assistant. chair aide, in ~wpori DcAc:h area. X-Ray exper. de1ired. To apply, Ph: OR ~U66 HOUSEKEEPER. Ch iJ d cart. Uv~in. must »ovt children. Doctor '• family. lime 11ales. Plea11ant \\"Ork, 1 t>Y.·port ...:&c:h -o-..J01 .., • "5 n, nln Ana • prlct11 available. fi'F~1735 PETS ahd LIVESTOC~' • ~ no invesl. no ilell\•r.rles. F'or pk! dining room. All lor . i . J.\ltl ~-Anaheim Bl\'d.. in So. or Free"·ay 547-0081 II ~ Int call MO--Otil 4 EXP. Landscal"' ulesmcn $449 . Anaht"im 1along~icl(! s.,\. Open iton & Fli evf's 'ti] ! \\1GS, fe.lli1; ,,·iglets, a MW _ i l VN NURSE ,• Nl~tl •or traintt. Sa1ary + comm: ~o llo\\n. Pm1!1. only Sii ~o. rnray at 1\11.telle l Sunday 12 lo S 'O:~ :~VA~ co~~50 Ci ts 1129 , ; ... ,qualilk<j r .. ,,. >'r I".' WELll'S WAREHPllSE •""'""''t"''I°"ON"'D;-,'°ln,,..-,-,.-1 . -· ' ' ' BLUE ~ Sool Polot Kl"°"". I -1'PI"L\' IN PERSON be~llil'! Call r;,.;c--OS·IG Gar19e Si le 8022 ~:~· . ~.te .. ~~. • 1• t.fEXJCAN Goat ajtin , table i \\'eek, house brnken.•-tt: 1 b ... Uftfl k•ch Nurslnt ......... • M l. ..... .... Pl&l"IOl!i chain Emtfo&ifd col +"" ()PEJl\1UR «1th tol!OY.ing :..V I" <lh SI. •·Ja A"'" GARAGE SALE flt all mikes,. &st buys tn and .C • • Mch. 961-Im " • Hom e. 4~75 OR Space available frenll -Y,. • .,.,.... ·-9 A'I ~ .. ,. t So. Calif, ~I ht~.-or. $45. ~ • · 1, O~n Daily9-9 u •in: &Y s an ,..,, \\1ANTEO Nut'M'ry School in Cosla Mesa Beau~ Leaving C 0 u n try Im SCHMt0T ?tfUSJC CO.. 8 LARGE PALM TREES n..-•-• ~ 2600 l·ll.tbor Blvd. 847--3501 O»I• ..... -'-~R~E"L~l;E;F~c"'oo=K,-- 54Q..m1!0 Experienced LIGAL SECTY 642-Mll< To JS2S ma. Toi lh 4 IYPinl POPUL.A.R IHSMfft girt l llldlll. At bsc. 2 ~ars ~al )'OU .. adull to iell bikinls. nprrrienoe. s...rp. bright • 615--1735 • -PRE MIE1' AT1'ENDAN1' for elderly lo· p., • .., ~ dt Frl. evt to SUn ;w .. • 1-CIC Ml<6.11 •'kly. 6_,· u; 6'!60 ff5,o.. . "" • t/ HOTi:c. maid. full tin1a. DfT1ll"Oll """""''°' "'"' -"'""""''"'' llJil eqM'riM:& Aptl:/ ff. * t94.U96 • Si Gnntt n.ultwe. • Jlartor ID"Wd. C.M, g4s.G:nl \ ~rt TO 'OI!_ • Tfac:her. :; hr dcly. 4 Salon. ~to•-89.34 Tue .. f'ri. ~t. t -6 Sun. 11 • 6 mediately • 1907 N. Main. S25 Ea.eh. You dlf·. ~ 1......, .. t • LI &-37'?1 * f:XPF.RT rtlanu8Clipt t)'J)lllt, l\IOVmG I Ta,blts, lamps, C 0 mp I e 1 e h 0 use h 0 I d Santa Ana 5"-MlT Al..A.SKAN Mllamutea, '1 Ex11ertenced motel maid. technical en)phasis. Full fnm. A much mlsioell. fumit~: lrom pk.turn to $3,000. B~N l\• ft R r. r R. I GE RATOR. $50 allow or brffdlng, , Full time. C~ta Mean. time. Dynametrix. Inc. P. 2301 Clay St., NB 64&-5776 prbage Clln!I. 62-1' Flluoonn pe.rlor Grand. :Ul.1 \V. Dlnclte "set. $40. Trteyck rea\slered, healtl\y, · '} 1111 Call 642-2670 O. Box 49.1. Dana Point EXCE"PMONALLY fine ma-Drivt.. !Nine Terrace, \\'~~L o.px!en PL San la Ana. $5. B\@e $10. 615--3Ui6 It White coklrlrc • • ~ BARP.IAIDS. ni1h!A. No IN<Xlf.IE tu help ncedfd Pll' BR su\lc: $7Th complt>tl' Corona del P.lar. S-15-42.!7 SELLING out Parakeets Sl ,23 and up. 49'l'.-.35'JS. - CO!llumes. j48...!)291 llJ .C/15. Pay dPncl'llt11 on w/Canopy bed, t;pring I: GARAGE SALE W~ANT==ED=,~p~;,~,-.,.~,-""""'~-to $4, Also cages teas! 17962 SKYE Tenie.rs, AKC champ ~: SEA BRJ:ezE e~Jl('rient'(', 642-2221 ~!I. MG-34l7. Boys l.: girls clothe'~. toys, Ca.'\h f13ld CarnPron St. H.B. slttd. ~. calm, Dllfiy. 1 BAR~tAID, /l..gr 21 lo :lll, BLUEPRIJ\'T SltOP requires J\tO\'lr\G! Anllque v.·hitc 9 elc. Sal, 315 So. F1o~r. * 636-..1620 * LA\\IN P.tO'l'Jtt' A ~. cost S:._,"'. qua.I. p<'Ui. M9-~T , full ll 1nl'. A11ply The t1:in1f' blue1ine fl•i!n1n"t' opcnilor. ,clr1'\\'l!r eherl. '! rnatchtng S.A. Phone SCZ.S7tt Cu1bruusrn Con.~Je PillM '218, ufled 3 timt"S, &ell fur ARC Toy Poodlf' ~;, • Room 1880 !Uonrovhi., Ct.I r.JO-!l.1i'J bed !lldc ctedenxaJ, xlnl GARACJ..:; SAie, "~ r lo u $ AS NE\V $t!IO. M3--TI44 Y.1\ite. male. ''eJ'}I ~m•U. ; SALESGIRL fl.-tar. ·~~ 20 Pn.rt Tln1c Desk Clerk rond. sm. 6'1l-4S22 household llcms, misc. 499-3814 afte1· !I It wk-encl, ........... /JW.I' 2", Plutlc ~ • * 54S-4S49 : '" l(\ IHJ!>I( ,, .... Krll •1"1. 1\pply 1nl)tn;on DAILY en..arWANTADS 764 \V, 20th, Col!ta Mesa l"tW<I • ,,..,Mn!llnlllf'' r1n11u1llt. X1nt cond. ns, J'l',\TCH J.'OR ·:" frn1tl1 0.11:•1 l•I ~" :"·-~ Z tt~~!C ''" C<»ist H11'Y, N.C. Ah,f!vs a CtiJ ~1! • QJARGE Yo'U' W8nl ad now r1nd It ifitk 1 -.'ltnl 1d' :~1.th".":"S · 'TIS -OPENING "S()()tj -. ' -I ' _ __;...:..;....:....__.:, ___ , ' • , ' • ' .. .97• • ' i ' • • ' ' j ., ~ .. ! ' I " . ' • ' ' .. • . ' .. ' .. . ' '. . ; ·i . ~ i !1 .. . '~ . , ' ' • • i '! • . . I ' ' ' 1 i ~. -. 5 : -' . l 0 : . " .. • 1 ' 5 • ~ : !I ! a ' . " l . • • L ' ) . _., ~ i: , ~ ' 3 : •t ]; ' > ' •• t. l ' ~' I. • d ~ 1 ~ . ( 1 • -,, ' ~· n I f. ; ,, d ~ ' d ' ~ i ~ ,j -. ' ~ . '3 ~~ ~,· • J -' " ' II. ~ ' " L I iD ·; # , . - • ----. --------:-~----------~~ --_,,----....,.-=...,--....,.,.=::--=-;--::--:-:-;----, -.,--.-:-::-,-,--:-·_-,.......,.....,..,...,.....__.,----- TRAN$l'OltTATION TllANSl'OltTATION 'lt2S --s11p-ifnt 9036 C1mpor llonlllo ?522 J.ac"-,.-mual-.-Dod!--.. -llld-· J BOAT Dode 'umUed .. II'. c;oACH • nwt.£R -l')Od boono, 1owo 1UO P"I' ll Yeul:r. Nev ll!NTALS c:h1Jdren, ~ ~ Newport Ji)e. ~ Jt'1 none too early to mak.t1 '15-212hlt I PM """"""" n 'SPdtW Hol-._,_ .... 'ab r ado r lolt Services .. 9037 ld&,yst ~ ~ --WEEK-END OR WEEKLY ..;... bNd '" Onnte C-t Morino ....,,_, TllANSl'ORTATIQN lm-'911 ~ MGB '64 MGB, hatd, top • oofl top, wood at:r -..·bet\, Xlnt conct. suz. De'*o-ey J.&-7441 TRANSPOJtTATION ~t ~ ~ ~ Complete Aarilie S·t"Vlcei !=========:> "" 6 b)I' -· Hlah Dune Bu91i.. 9525 '66 op•• HAR UR 2 MALE Sholtlo -!Toy Quality -!'<-""" VOLKSWAGEN INC: C.OUl.e)-' ,.-eeka itld. AKC • Haul outl, sail A PQWtr MEYERS M a n x , new Statpn '~. xln~ CIGlld;-• Aulhorlud' • OPEL l\edltl!r. ST5 ~ ~ e it Hr. Emergency ~ eng-top, tide-curtains. npL apt, 1'1'. ndto, heater, 2'11 sa1e·s and ServSoo PUREBRED Cocker Spaniel * 675-* , *. COit IDM), Mak& oClill' blU. aterior; AU orilln&l 18711 Beach •JYd. '8f.~-4m '°"'"'· read> ,.. .,....,_ w ~~ 1:~ ~ .~-·-' vw-. x1n1' ~-.111-~":o~ MONTH IND . ~-•• ,._-. ~·~ -AM ;;;ic!;,f· • ~ S.lLE = $=';,:. w;a !}t 11,oo1.voc1tt /. ~ =-~. ~~ ... . . 'H V.W. 1u•. Pt Both female. 847-9525 ChirlWa .,..... "VW DUNE DUGOY ' PORSCHE • Guuant.ed, tt&d)I lo Sol '-Z'lOii~UI-...;.._,._. . IJc No. PJRMI AKC Ref. Poodlea. ToY'I il BLUEWA1'!lt: "' $acrUioe $500. 1 'Cl POR1CHE, new UWJcc $1295 Minl''-lli<htP-Toy Slud "'" u-Dr1Ye"oi11 .r-" bcil!L • * -· * • -· ..,. -a .rota. ·n DATSUN S47-38Slor517-9591 I 11atbor -.'f!"? l!Ut-, •• ~ ~ ;;AMJFM 'ndlo, .-..... Dr. s.ci&n. 12000 mllft. ·l'=========-JDa.Uy .. ...-,, * . ..-l"'perted--_.,,.., 'der.k 111m root,··'wblt e.Economy s~li[ Uc. No. H~ 1830 9200 AUSTIN HEALEY 57>-Tns PEV53G $195 Q hl. T E R Hom, Mobllo 11-· .. PORSCHE c. bnmacWa"' '64 DOD~E DART l~te face w/ wbt 90Ckl le~ H•rbor '60 AJf .. rblt enc.. tn &: ~ti Blk n11. Rim!I, Wli 6 1 1 1 • ~ter •Int --" ,_ •/Ml lflXhaw• --lr CUit on. cy ., p S ter., !1'0-1-BuWkln maridna Molt Jo HomOI ·-·:L = --. -,,.;:. •-:....._., IUlo., lit. Extn>, extn $llO. Appaloooa Stallion, .Jl•.jy.oj'.u• A 34 Wldn ' .,._ polll~ dloc ,..,... A ...,._. cloan. Uc-No. OPK916 • .tog; ......... '""" 16f>!). ,_ --".......... " $119S 897-= D WIDES • D~TSUN 'I< P6iiicitl:. Cbr ••• '64 RAMIW 40'.0--e'-«l'-86'-«l'-M' • ' , ' .wh<IOlo;'/ ·/Jufll., ,_ Amerl~\'lllop 8 eyL, -IMO · < Y>'Om '*5 · :'ff -llAT.S\IN -.(;....,. 11.W ~: .. auto., RAH. bucke! Mita. i-.-----..--Pub a~ lo I!! ltt~ Die . .,son. •· .,; ~ m.un. + • ' -' Lie. No. RBT377 Angus Steer , 1425 Baku"sl cam q;~fcdr,r 4 lod..n.~ ~ j . \ $995 "'•dy r.. butchering 11 blod.Eut o!HofborBlvd. '*''"" ""'.,,.,.;loaded! ('•SUIARU 'M Y.W,. • 637~ • 1 CID 8aJet m znlfa; und., factory 1500 Sedfn. Guarant~ I: FRANSPORTATION c..i.cM... ('IU) ·-70 -ty •. 1111 ll'l'I!. TUO 1-fft SUIAllU . ""'° atw-p. !.te. SIE461 . 111 hd " old< • $1195 a .. 11 & Y1chta . 9000 MOBILE Homo 21x43! 2 L.B ~~ ~ .,[., 'fo: frorft $1297; 66 MPG '66 TOYOTA ~· 1% baths, awn1np, 494.9m. · Complele foreign car service Crown Wagon. R&:H, stick, . · 18' BAY BOAT skirting. ~· OOZ-5983 Kosta Kustom Kars economy, plus room. Stk. Like new •••••••••• try $1400 eves '64 Datsun Pickup Bak C.M. 540-59ts P199 COL 29 ........ $9950 •· -4 Spd, d1', radio, red paint 845 "'· SUbuu $1495 Inboard ............ loaded! mini .Blk" 9275 practically new tires. $50 BRAND New '&9 • '67 GHIA e PACIFIC YACHT SALES• Cash dels, or take small Leavinl (ID!Ownml •pltal<e) "~"~Yellow' with black interior. MINIBIKE Engine w it h · trad 'B ta -3446 Via Oporto, Newport foreign car in e. .... . pymn • Radio and many extru. 24 Hour Phone •• 673-1570 clutch. Briggs &: Stratton VE?. 521, Call Ken, 4stlllf -~ SUt. P205 Com'-CUSTOM DLX K 41 3 HP. $7!.SO Excellont ooo-O! ..,_ TOYOTA. $1695 .=--.·""'~=-;;=o-=c I dltioo. 842-2342 '66 Y.W. IUI 22' Cenlury Raven. Gray TACO 22 FERRARI _, , '69 TOYOTA Guaranteed. S h ow rooDI :P.tarine VS-ITO HP just , "·-new. 642-5424 cond.ltlon. Ue. UJD 419 overhauled, 2 bunks. head, ......_ •1395 bait tank & pwnp. Fu 11 FERRARI • d"'°n coven. A' kin g MotorcyclH 9300 N--lmporu Ltd. 0... fntw.I $1770 'H Y.W. CAMPll '----=--------! c .. _.. KVl'I "'1th •wnlng well equipped, 11,850. Consider trade on -125 Set ange County's only author-w amaller boat. 962-8'134 aft '6S HONDA • ized dealer. large Stlect!on Lie. UKRT,. S~ls eek- 6 PM. All day Sat & Sun $35(1~ 2:.::-5· SALES-SER.VIC!· PARTS lmmedl1t• Delivery •66 DATSUN WAGON 11 FT. Per!onner. lalandu 1968 HODAKA. lOOcc, slrictly 31~e~i:!a~wy. SEE US TODAY I I , •Pffd. radio &:. heatrr, glass) outboard. Custom 847_1429 Autborlted MG DH1er ...... Lfl1U Uc. No. RGF86.1, snap down cover. Big wheel 1411• $1195 tilt trailer. $700 or best oH· BULTACO Melisse, x l n t llfOR'fS fer used ca.rs A trucks 1Ust call U1 Jor free estimate. GROTH CHEYROln Alk for Salta Manaaer 18211 Beach Blvd. Hltn~~adl WE PAY CASH RIR YOUR.~ CONNELL CHmOLIT 2821 Harbor Bl.Yd. Costa M~ 541)..1200 Will Buy Your Vollmwqwl • Pcncbt • pq top dolluo. Piii! iot .. DOI. Call IWpla 673-1190 IMPORTS WANT!D Oraue O:xmtin TOP I B11YEll BILL MAXEY TOYCl'rA 18881 Bolcb Blvd. R. S..ch. I'll. llT-ll!ll Auto Leasing 9810 e LWE IT e or buy tt ....... . which .11 be1t for you f For tnlormation call: "'-2182 • ·SOUTH COAST CAR LIASINCJ 300 W. Cout Hwy, Newport *AUTO I.WING* .f ALL MAKES ,/ C'O?i.1PETETfVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto Leising 224 W. Coast Hi&hway Newport Beach 64u.HO u .... c:. .. BUICK Del~e model (all fiber-dirt model, many extru. ~ . ~l7M " · I a-!• w/w,..-r&ck on top. Cut!e. er. Phone 644-4687 alter 7 pm cond., many extras. $600 FIAT · 1Ai Partnership in 35' Alden 496-5.538 TOYOTA-VOLVO ' '61 BUICK Skylark 2 Dr. Yawl, recently reblt, comp! '67 BSA 441-Victor, clean 'A PIAT l50 TOYOTA hdt.op. J\it cond., vinyl top; -------- equipped. Consider trade, . good shape. 2700 miles. $550. SfJ)'der Rd1tr, Finished tn b e au t . c o n d • B e It I _, .,~., ~·-675-2259 Exqulalte Newport Slue with reuonable offer .. 842-8ia7 -~oqu~a~v~~~u'.'.°e,,, ~~~~'-,-.,.,-II i;Ci,:;=;.;;n;u;;;;--;;;;;:;:;; Blaclc Dueled Seatl, 10,000 HEADQUARTERS . HAR OUR BOSTON \Vhaler 13' w/ lrlt, 650-€C TRIUMPH Chopper, actual mlle1. Sbowtoom ELMORE VOLKS~AGEN, INC. '6~ SKYLARK, BLUE, H.T . ._ Johmon llhp, xlnt cond, 2 chromed, $575. Xlnt cond. ~ MUlt * .t: drlw, ·-t NEW W/W, LOW MI., ~old 1•~ LI• "'"1 Recent o/h. 646-7834, !1' Ihm-Id Sze~,, . R/H, AIR. EXCEL. COND. J•Y • J.MJU, o-.u.> · Beach Blvd Wst:mn&tr Sales an ea vice · 14' GLASSED Boal, till '68 Hodaka 100 dirt, Mach. 15300 PbOlle a%.3m 18711 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 ~$~7000-·-,6"7>-=3862=-,~== trailer. $125. Payments or _p@l'jec:L bun)~r carrier &: 1967 RIVIERA, all power, HOLIDAY • RAMBLER IN~A JAVELIN .OHlllYOUA FRIE --·~·Clro"I• C.Unty'a t AMX JAVILIN C U I with ur purcftau. IRA.HD NlW '69 AMX V•I, 4 1~4. F11ltf fl ct.ry "JUl,,M. Or4tr t ... ~. $2999 lltAND NIW '68 Javelin l lt •nt ln•, M'l'ltll prh t , 11'79969 $2386 IRA.ND NEW '69 Rambler Full 1iit, 1ttf1 6 121 H.P. O"rdtr ted1f. $2043 IRAND NEW '69 Rebel Tht Ptopl• Ctr. 1175212. $2436 llAND NIW_ '69 Ambassador Air ce11cllllet1l•t V-t, A11t• lttfll. 51 10210 $3286 UllD CA'll SELECT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMl!NT lrade for ou~brd. 548-3750 , txfru .. inc. $450. ~9850 BILL MAXEY '96 VW,• air conditklning. 6 w13 Ht.t. Alat/FM stereo, _,..., · Very cleui. $1300 or open. electro cruise, alt cobd &: NEW & USED Marioe '8T,110NDA 305; ,,int -* 540-"'-'3 * be•ter. $2995. 51W474 '66 Dodt• supplies at dilc:ount!1 $3'B ~7 ofter 3100 W. OJut HW)', Lf.:,.JW!i[ii!IY!i!ilOl!!!l!~l!!'T!'!l!IA!!"fll GOING to Europe. VW 1963 "40 STATION WA•ON 30<I 28th St. NB 675-013 ===~~==·===I · -Nefr'port Beach ~ ?JI --• Xlnt oond. R&.H, xtn. UOOO CADILLAC :t•I, A11te, trat11., pewer Aute S.rvlc. 64J.9a • MG-1764 11111 llACH BLVD. ml/fact wt.rT. $1645. 833-QIOl -------.,--ll•t••rlnt A .. ,.It••· TRCt7• S.llboota 9010 & 'P•rtt . -'400 Authorlled MO Dealer Hunt. INch 147 ... SI ... vw ... Bk. All ...... ... CAD, Sedan DeVUle; iolo_ $52 ..J~~~~;_~~~i'=""'=====;;=.1~m1 N.ofoout:Rwy.cnBch To p co nd. E urope Actual Ml. Chtatnut brown, ,...., OPEN HOUSE !Ill cu. ID. ZJ"Jll _, block, • .. • a aUAR '81 TOYOPET, aood "*"· bound-Must .. u. M&-2238 belgo top; "" brn. 'ttht. FRI * S.\T * SUN -'l1m mlla. Call "~ cond., cloan. Beat otlu aft 6 PM Inter. Tlll whet, ah<, kl)' '_66 Ford CORONADO ::.'*';;;:;:;232&:=.· ;,,· ====i 1'ir JAGUAR JOO! 2 plU1 54&-lf88 ;i,67;;'-·i;;VW;;;:-';Sqo:::u:::a...,::;ba:::-clo::;:-;Sedan.=::-I ... ,, radto. IS4llO ,__ -2. Aulmnatlc, AM·FM n dk>, ="'========I like new. $100 below b11.11 -°'=--0'":,,·,,°"""=,...,-,--;--=-;-;-::: Y~CHTS Trotlir, Trovol 9425 air. conditioning, w 1 re TRIUMPH book. Call 67>-5"16 •67 COUPE do Ville, Very o dJ1pl1y :;.;..;_;____ whfels, Beaull~ tangerine ---------1 ,65i;~VW;;,=-, :,;3,;-7,ooo=•M:;;i.--,;Ch;::ro=me::: I Jow mileage, show room 18' ROD & REEL t · with b'· k I terl . '65 TR .CA ll95 fresh. Private pal' t Y. anc;l in !hi! wate.r for demo ex enor-iac n or. whls, exhaust, radio. Sl Y:ACHTS ROYALE, I VERY CLEAN Must see to believe. Only Rdstr. dlr, 4 speed, wlre Private (¥!-.rty. 673-7099 Sacrifice. 827-4464 INC 4 burner stov~. ovtn & brlr. 8,300 miles. Dealer. 18835 wheels. Jet blru;k ext. new """.;.;;;"-";o:· :C;;--=::o--;u.....-=c J•54 CADILLAC Coupe de · • ·Dbl sink, elec WH. elec Beach Blvd, Hunt. Beach. top, high rubber all around. '6\_, 'VW. Good cond. ' Ville poWtr, air. 46,000 ml. 2912 W. Coast Hlihway refrlg • ice" box comb, Nr 540-0442 Xlnt cond. $75.cash dela or _ rece-ntly ··rebuilt e111. $650 Excellent condition. $1950. NeWpOrt Beach, * 64:Hlll.O new tires .-SJ>8l'9 T & W.j ========= trade. LB RIV 291. Ca.11 Ken, er best offtr. Si&-4128 645--2l8Z LIDO 14 FULL RACEI A real buy at $888.88. M"RCEDES BENZ 49'-9773 or..,_ '67 VW Sunroof, low mi. -~ .. ~.Cad""'"'Cono--v-. ;;;12995;;;;;---• 'IWO SUITS SAILS! · 19150 Inter. Traveb.ll, ~ 161 TR-3 $1SOO. Very aood cond. ""' Trailer! Cover! sms y,·ell ~= ... $300. $750 64U801 536-9810 eves/wkend1 l.J~r:i~· =s. NEWPORT 2o SLOOPl l=======~ 'SS VW Bug, runt Uke '59 t'OUPE de Vil!•. n•w -si .. .," c.a• kttl! Troilora, Utility VOLKSWAGEN °"'!' ~4ii'1! P1d """·,.,., ~ bett. $380. Slip @ $1.50 per ft. avail 4·· x 10' BOX T_RA_l_L_E_R '65 V.W. . '63 VW Cmivert. Mech xlnt, ===*=6f4--0l=="=*== Sailaway $3,850 ?.love now! k. $875 JOHN GRANATH 6nJ570 $80. 64l>0061 "Bug," in ExceptionaJ Condi. ~ ':2~ . WINDMD..L 16', pa.int &: Trucks tion. $995 finish work requl.red, ?>1ast, :.:.;:;;;::_ ____ ..;..;.; '00 VW, aun roof, low mlle1, &ood cond. $1075. Call after CAMARO boom, all fittings, finei!lt malerials It const. $250. ar be1I offer. 54l--0861 . O'Day Mariner CIB Demo , •• , • , Save $500 itOURLY RENTALS ' * RHODES 19's "* ~::o Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa KITE Sailboat No. 302 &: doily, ... EXCELLENT CONDITION 673-4362 after 4 PM CAL 25, SS, lull racing gear, boat bath, many exlnls. Read for Emenada Race. E}'es 646-2259 18' O'DAY Cty Cat, compJ salk, trlr, mtr. Use prv ~ FREE w/ !his We! $1395 ownr 592--5600 -Columbia 5.5 Metr• F /G, A-1, prlCf!d riSbl! 714.J '19'l-434l, 213: m-OZ28 CAL 25--1 owner. T 0 P SHAPE! Fluly e q u I p • Spot]ess. Full race. 646-2524 LIDO 14 No. 2217 All ac- ce!llOries A: Schoel{ lrailcr in'C1iided. $UOO. 64z..3713 Schock Sabot No. 710 " · t1bergtau. noo · :_ OR 3-176.1 t . . BRAND N!W ttlt .112 Ton Pic:kup '2195 $99 nk. plua TAL. oac CONNl!LL CHEVROLET 2808 llarbo• ~ 548-1.200 MG MG Sale•, Service, Part. Immediate Delivery, All Models J~r~upnrl JI 111 pt1 II •-, m· J1rluport 31111port•:, · ~pm. ~1500 e '67 VW, xlnt cond, low mlll!'S $1500. Call 531-6313 'ti8 CAMARO, automatic, load~, Xlnt co nd 1 ti on. $2200. Callj47-7441 eves CHEVROLET 3100 w. Coast Hwy. VOLVO Newport Be"h , --------I ONE owner, 19"-Chev 642-9411> 540-1764 1· ·impala 4 dt1' ·Hard top. Authorized MG Dealer VOLVO Beautltut condition imide &: '64 VW 1300 NEW P1800 & out..~ i;xcelli!nt motor & I I I aufolnalic trans. New tires, 1 Dr, 4 spd, tllr, xlnt col'Kt New 164 on D •P •Y battery a: brakes. Radio & maroon int, $15 cuh deli, 111111 ....... 5:30 wkdyi take pymntii of $38.86 mo. · ""°" UU IO """'==.-,--,---;;-..,,,-LB GCE 616, Call K<0, 491-IMPORTS '68 CHEV. lmpata 2 Dr. tm or MS-0034~ · CUilom hdtp,., A I r -co n d Honey Cream exterior, plu1h " L • heattt. $650. 842-734..2 after TOYOTA--VOLVO vlll)'I lop; like new; beet 1968 FORD RANOIERO 5(1), 3100 W. Cout HW)'., N.B. '65 VW, xlnt cond. with -t..u u • ..._ CM 8t&-S303 reu::inable offer. 842-2774 Maroon with black interier, 642-9W5 561)..1764 trlfl.JpOrter clutch, 2 con-uuu .nai·uui-, ' • Factory air condi~ing, Authorized MG Dealer tlnental rad~ & headers. Antlquet, CS.taJcs 9615 c!tCHEVEW radio., healer, 4 speed. SZ95. '!l M.G-TD, xlnl eng. .t: Mu.st tell, W.00. !llµ--1460 -~ ;: Dealer. l883S Beach Blvd., l:ranl.; new top &: tonneau. VW Ca.m(ll!r 1989 3 000 · ml l '36 J'ord pil19, 2 r..r doon , _16_,,Cbe._'_ve_.l~I,-, -327-,-4-opd._lm-_ llunt.Be&Jh=™ &stoner. St&-:1600 Xlnt cond. Pap 'up' roof 4 t'Omplete with Slw. l hood ..... ,, -~.·"_ew brake1, ,_.,_ -~ llllt>ll.1 boo~ 1 bell -,,_ ~~ "' 1962 CHEVROLET F1eeUUlK DoN't JUS1 WISH Sor IOme-Iola out tent. ..,.,,.,., cash. with rear eM. 1 • ., Ford clutch $1550. 6'll-4372 ~ ton pickup truck. 8' bed, thml to fUm1ab J'01Jr borne 499-n.1 hood dtlme A 1 srtll• de-1 -"P!.loNNIN'"""-:-="G,,..,-to-mov-e-=-1 °"Y;::ou:-:;;'11 automatic tran.smimon, VB • • • •find ef"•I WYI tn to-LINES. You cu ut them ltixe. Set ot back 91!als tor fl1Jl an ama.rlng oumher ol engine, radio, heater, ht& ~·· C1aulfted Ada. tot jult pennies a da1. D1&J V.W. Bu&. PbQna 5.1U4ll. hmnt1 In today'• Oau!J1ed rubber. $995. Dealer. l8835 DAIL?' PIJ.m WANT AOS! 542'-5671 H.B. Aek for BUL Ada. Oieck them now. Beach Blvd. Hunt Beach..l.,:=:=::==:,"";::=.':-'===:=;:===:::::l'~==;;;;,=:;;,,.==.!.:;;:Q.,.;:.=;;,;=== 540--0442 lmoorted A-HOO Imported Auhll 96001mportod AulOI 9600 1965 %. Ton GMC. V6 PICKUP. * 673-9570. * '65 FORD % T. ~ VI, stlck, CW;. cab. $130> * 549--0938 * '65 OIE;V'Y Van, R/H. needs aome body work. $850. * &G.1335 .. . . . DC·l'l·liE MORI MOTORS 15300 llACN ILTll. WISTMINsmt n4-lll2 '•"k f1t1•11ch1f .... n.1>1e e11 h•11k •prr•v• •f creoil it. FIEE.·FREE I.ls V1q11 Y1elfln11 i DAYS & 2 NICJHTS POR TWO Ne P11rcll•t• Ntc•11•rv t 5300 Buch Bltd. Westminster 894-3322 OPEN 1 OAYS •\' .• _';,._. ·: ~d; .... ~ ..... CHICK IVEllSON, INC. "ON COAST HWY." NEWPORT Bl!ACH ,. • .,, S.loctlon 01 Outat1ncllng UHd VW'1 On Tho Gold Co11t Pln11t Soloctlon Of CDflffur,. Concllllon UNd Po"chol • '11 PwM11e 160I UJtt l.'11 'fW.. Slltt c,.. A .. telut•I., llltt 11ew. b+rt 1h•rp. C•lor fl'lt yil· IW't'W2111 lew. Cl',Xt4•> '" ....... 111 S4J"· 4 1pt t4 tr1111111lu lo11 12 ••ch•••• frtlfll ISlA 121r CHICK IYERSONl INC. VO LKSWAGEN 4-IS E. COAST HIGHWAY ... ...,,u. Drlftl HIWPOI T llACH 673-0900 ' . . . . ' .. COUNTaY 19Ulll 9 p111, V•I, t11fo. tr1n1., pow1r lictrln9, RPL 7J7 $66P" mo. '66 Ambassador ffO J D•. HARDTOP Y·I, t uto. trt nt., pow1r 1t•eri1111 I lir1~t1. SMR 2to2 . $52 pot mo. '67 Opel U.Dlt 4 SHID Ctup•. Vinyl roef, redie t 11d ht tl1r. UOE 91 2 $45 pot mo. '65 Merc:ury MAIAUDll 4·DI. H.t. V.a. 11110. tr1n1., PS, Pl, tlr cond. NHN 016 $49pot mo. '66 Sunbeam TIGllt v.1, 4 spd. lea11tiful c•t in1ide tfld eut, RRK .lll $64pot mo. '64 RAMBLER ' A-'t• "440" R•dio, llteft r, autemttic lran1mi11ion, VHN llJ: $599 '• 65 Classic: 660 4-DOqlt SIDAN v.1, auto ft•nt. ,s, ft(f, tir cond. ~FU 130 $44pormo. MAN,Y OTH!lll MAKIS & MODILS 'aymenfl ba11d on $150 c••h er tr•da 941ulty, plu1 T&L for H mot. on Jppr•vtid INnk credit. HOLIDAY Sain & Serrlce 0,.,. 1 hrt & ...... ,_ ., .... c....ntnce t 969 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 642-6023 • I .... . ... . .... -. '" '65 CHRYSLER, 4 d r hardtop. one· ..owner._ ful1- power, air cond. B!ue baok quick sale. Cd.M. 673-7919 • 114l0. Will """"""' "" THE co~nNEN,T~L : FABULOUS : : • ~.~.'io~~ .. ~~~~ • o· PEL .. ml. All P.wt. l!lll .. 11114 c ' • • '/#'¥ .. 1.,' air. Ntw4Ual 90'1. • • ~ Ex co.nd. Jl,8Xt. 1M W, WU. • • ; am, CJ,f, • • . ~ ·a '• o,, biit:: luD pwr.. • CiT Is • i MW tlrt1 4 brkl, lctir. lilt. • • ' Make aua..-.n • • ' 'IS q>NTINEHTAL 4 tit, i!iD • · • • : ~'iii.,~ fllOO. • ARE • : '62 CONT, full P1'T, fac, air. • ' : ; Finl' ssso. 1tt< it. 673"-lm I . ·..- ~ :!~=~ : I HERE ~; ~,~eault11:t~ : YOU WON'T • j · r<!:= • · IELIEVE • • · COR'fll ii .. • YOUR EYES. •' : COME :~ • IN •1 • • .1 '68 COU.GAR • . • : =::~l::~r= :. TODAY!-~ l. Eves. 962-70Ci6 • '67'(lJUGAR, aif-cond, R&:H, • • vinyl lop; 1o mi, tun pwr. • llAND HIW $500 Dn. O.A.C, Pt, pty. • '6' IUICK STI-8811' &16-5731 eve. • $2444 COUGAR '68 w/everything. Lo miles. Immac. condition. • 43H7fZ600S4t O'Sullivan. 4~'3.137 eve. • lml'Mdlate Dell"'Y • •. •• J • • • DODG.E • • l DART '87, 2 dr HIT, nu • , • ~ wic!o oval """ hvy duty • 66 MERCURY Ii , IUflp.,.JVH,.Pvt.' pty. Eves. Colo11y '•rlt w•9011 •• Full : except Weekends. 642-1132 •pow•r, f•ctory: t ir, IRTR· ~ '60 ~ V...S, 9 pass 8597), . ' ~ ""°" •Wo, '&-h, P•. • '.$2595 'I lUI&: n.ck. $300: $:l0-0049 • • I· • '68' VOLKSWAGEN • ·· FORD '-. •4 1pttd, r•dio t11d llttftr •• ' IVZV 7011 a 'U PORO C'OUNTRY : · • 1 895 ti SEDAN • Sta Wll&', dlr, V:S, pwr 1teer-• '6' OLDSMOllU ''• ~ Ing, Excellent co?ClJ!!on. $60 •1.Mnry $tde11. Full pewer, , Cash de~~-=-t 8f•.t.tY-'r. ISUP 5121 • I ~:'i.a ~ ... 0Cllll • S,2295 • Ken.~ 'or"e+f'm.'· • • ·n rAiliilib; r,ix{ 'ldnl •. •°*'OLDSMOllLE ~ ; cood ' • " 114 :4,_ H.T. Factory •Ir,• , J...OWNta ..... ,..., ~.,;"• a .,,.1i:., .• r. 5tf2114' ••Ith. tMOY 1461 • : 'IS GWC IOO 2 J><, bdtp. • • 1595 • · 390 V-8; A.,·T.; Ml, "1• 8 • , AM/FM, -oh-. 11210. i ' '65 IUICK : 541-1527 • •IBfftt• co11,., f111/ f/lffwer,• ; '66 FORD Country Sed, sta • fectory eir, • ,1 wa,. R&H, fact ak. power • $ 189 5 • · strg, white w/btue int.JQnt . cond $1900. 54,0--6844 • ' ' • ~ ' !66 FORD FairJ&ne Squire • . '66 IUICK • ; 9 pa.s11 wagon.. Vf. • aull> • ~1ldcet 4 door. Ftctery : P/ & tail l<Atf. ~1550 eir, eute., powt r 1t1erl119,. d 8 1:Ai:. ,...,~~ ' • RIH. fSVX 016) ~ .,,, -pm. e .. 595 '&t FORD pick-up ll!e. new • • ~ • ~ clistom upholslery, chrome • . ~ ~ v.'heels &: bumpE;rs, dual ex-• '66 TEMPEST · hP.U.111. 536-8296 must sell. e Cud om cpt. R.IH, t ufe., • '68 FtnID Torino GT P.S., f•ctorv •ir conditien-e : faslbadi; .air-cond., auto., 1 i119. ISTC/771 dual ..,.,.,,.., Shup • $1595 • 673--2'531 • " '61 Sta. Wag. Cnt Sq. • '65 CHEYIUI • . Fty/air, aU pwt, prem. • • tires, lo-mlg, 6'f3.8563 S.S. Radio, heater, auto., =,;,=,,;====; 1 •PS. CRGU440) • . OLDSMOBILE • $ 1 595 • ~ ------·----1 • • " • '6' l'LTMOUTH • :• UNIYERSJTY •4 deer. A11tomatlc, rtdlt ,• : SALES & SERVICE ll••ter. ITEZ 1121 1 • : $1395 ~ OLDSMOBllf • . 2850 Horbor Bh•d. • '62 CHEVROLET • Costa Mesa l p\ck·up. PJumbln&: or ~ 540.9640 Used Ca.rs 54o.8881 •electrical special • ,, '67 OLDS, luxury sedan, full I $(K6J~l) pwr, facl alt, 6 >Nay .. ,t, • 1 1 9 5 AM/FM stereo·. _Landau 1 --"------.i top. f.!800. 837-9680 after 6 • '66 PONTI~C ·-• t pm or wkends. 1 Stircllltf .f": do'Or. Ftc.. etr, -"II '65 OLDS, 442, 4 spd, Yellow eufOl(lt fic, pow•r 1teerl119. ; ~I blk int. Must sell ~ • 1VTP 1471 • "'" 0""'· 1 °"""• -9527 • $ 1795 ; alt·-••'---------•1 . '57 OLDS $200 • '63 OLDS i ~=":....,7•98~"'-(~l0-5-'")---,= W Cwtl111, t ute. p.1. lWFH·• 1 '64 SSS, Dl.x, 4 cir, A/C, ·•ISi • PIS. new paint, tires, seat • . $895 • •, covers. 642-1073 9A·12 noon. RAMBLER :eeeeQee • _' '62 RAMB. Am•r. Wag. 2 • JAGUAR ·: ; dr, good running cond. Orig • UEll\QU Rftllt · ~. owner. $225 or best olfer. • n~ A I gu I 540-0964 • • '61 RAMBLER cu 1 t om ~Complete Siles .. s.,., .• Convert auto, P/S, new top, IC• and Parts· Depart-.. lady owner. Offer. 644--2951.. •ment for JAGUARS. • • . -. s •• n.. Exrit1111 T •BIRD • lt 6t Jttw•r TMaJ I -,65-T-'-Blnl-.-.-lr-co-nd.--J ......... !. XI.NT COND. $1495 ~ Prv party. 646-0631 • • ""' T-BIRO Convert, """ • 234 -l 17111 ST •• --llSO-Apply Newport • Horbor Mot•I, N.&. No. II • 548•7765 • T·Blnt '&l Sharp! New Tires. • Air.":·~-. • OPINs TEMPEST '65 TEMPEST: air, auto., pwr. stctr . .ti brks. Xll'lt cond. woo. 847-ml • Tll" SUN Ni.""VF.R dETS 0'1 tJ1allltd'1 action powtr. FOC" an ad lo sell around . ttlf! clock. dlal 64U&it. 7 DAYS AND ~NINM ••• ' .. ....... --- 't -.. •• • • • 1 • • • • • ' ' • f I I . . l J I J • . • .• .. f .... ----· .. -.Yl'UT • "1 ) • • i. . r·, I ' . It• ' ·' . i I i . ' . . .. ' -- -· • • ~ .. ......... --_ ........ -.......... ~... .. .. . ... .. . --1 f \ I • • ·- ... ,,, ........... ·~ <> ···· · .......... The people at the local Wllehlre Federal office are now· part of Iha . Glendale Federal family. Forthem. -and for you-that means many advantages. More than a billion dollars in assets to protect your savings, The strength. of the nation's second largest federaL Earnings paid everyday, any day, even overnight.And all of Glendale Federal's Umpteen Ways to Save. · Take home a frff Color Master· ... ' . print end lff our exhibit of orlglo 1111 palnUnga from the Glllldale CollecUon by famous C1llfomla ert111i-J°"1ua Mudor, Robert Wood,EmntTonk,Pam"8MllOlt, and meny more. Select a frff Nallerprlnl reploductlon forJOUI' c;l1'n home. En)oy refreahinenll •Ith old friends and meet new ones too.Aprll 1·15. MoncllJlhnl ThuracliJ 11:00 a.m. lo 4:00 p.m, flkllJ 9:llO Lin. lo 8::oa p.m. I GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS •••, .......... "'" ' ' J , " '~ . ' . . . - • . .. ... ... ' . . . . . ~.;.~··.:•. ' " I won.def iftheyre . . ... ' . \. gl.VlD.c;J •. 9ifls? :. ....... - ' ' .. " ' ' • . ' . COabl M"811l33NEWPORT~AR1> .~ . . :.: " ' ' . ' .... . ; .... ... ' ' . l1fE NATION'& llECOND UllCIDT l'lilmw. IA-AllOCIJ-~-~:nON~ WITH ASSETS OVEll-ONE BIUiON DOU.AM. 22 CONVENIENT omCeS PAY EARNING~ EVERY DAY, ANY DAY, EVEN OVERNIGHT. MAIN OFFICE: GLENOALE. ~ ~ -. 6% CURAENT ANNUAL .. TE/15,11% <UMENTANNUAl.YIW>/l,215% IYllJI llONUaACCOUNTS ' • ' I \ ' • j I • I