HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa--· • ~ --.
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~Dliday ·
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~crashes ·· Ki.11· ··Two
•·: In.·
' ' ' COuilty :
• • I ' )
EaJlee ;;;.keid : li'afflc cJIJmiod the l
linil 'Gl,lllr-ly ....,...,,...,. Ylllina'
~ In Orange eoonty. ·Friday-
...nlli !lo two ..parate · ci>Illalo.,.· ·In w-.r and GJll'dm.11rove •. ·
Killed•ln a two \>eblcle cOmiici. ~·1 :23
p.m. on Chapman Avenue between West ...
eni A.Venne and Knott Avenue wu 17'1-
year old ~Ivy MeNtal of &471 Santa"
Mcxib SL; Girden Grove. .
Atcord.fng to police, the '»:cciderit was
C.ualy Traffic
Deatll Toll
cauaed when one of the vehlcles swerv-
ed into the lane of oncoming traffic, lb'ik'inc-tbe-other-ear.----___..
Uat8d ln Critical condition at West~
mlmler Haepttal are Elm« McNeal, '15,'
of.~ H1l Santa Monica St., and passen-
gers of the other car, Eileen Leonards,
31, of 1178Z canter Circle, ·Garden Grove,
and Bret Verhulft, S, also of Garden
nie child's 7-year old sister, Tracy,
was treated and released_.
:nie__o111er accldenL occurred just be-,
fore mi(jnlght when a motorcycle driven
by 2i:f'¥'t11!,Edward M. F,ddelbofl of
1AJ1 Aqeles C91lided ·with a car on the
Garden Grove Freeway.
Eddelbois wu ruhed by ambulance
to Westmlnst<r J!Dlpital where he was ,,__ ~ on olrivaL
The ,.Wer ol the car, Whole nmne was W\IV~, elCl.ped with DO in~ . -
Clrief s: Son ·Files
P.~-of Guilty -· ' . -'
To 1 Pot Charge
I '
.. Stovm .Murray 11.,.......ld 11011 o1 San ~ ~ 'Cblef CUllord Murray,
jJUded -fllllly to . ode cbaQlO ol
tr_,.riatiao'ol marijolna 1'riday alter
noon befart 9uperior Com! Jud&e -
'Gardner.. .
·,ll'he'JUdge ordered the youth to ·-r April~ fat proballon hearlnfl aad'-ll-• clnl· 'Tllo:pinalt; far t1)161pcirtatlan' or
mari)1llna 11 five yeon lo' life In iaieon· '
Dilpoo!U"l l o( four <J1ber chlr ...
qalnot Murray will• be handlod at Ibo .
probajloe jleartn(:, '11i<1:~ -oion ol heroin, -ioD of blroiD With· ini.nl lo ·aeU, pooseailcin al marfjulna' and _.., DI marijuana with Intent
lo 1e1t:
The chld'• only aon wu amsted Feb.
2 by state a04 aJ111JIY narcoUca olllc:on I~ the .drimflf of the family liome•
225 La Esplr1~, Sin Oantnte.
Younc Mtlrr\1 wu represented by
attorney Robert E: L«w of Tllllln.
:Easter Miasie1
-;~ ,-·~ .... ,-._~ . ~ :.· '( . :
VA. Launchis -Cr~·.
By J ACI[ BROIAClt ........ ,..., ....
Orange Cooaty Qialrlrl At!<>mey Cecil .
• HicU todax.. bu·AluOched a new cam-·
paign agamst ~ ni:ldlty among girl ert.o·
tertalnen In.county beer ban .
)llckl ~tcb~ f~ · of law Into
Ille field l"ridir to c1... down thr<e
ptac:a wbere P1troD1 nre allegedly
offered ''.~" entertainment.
,Tbe'.DA. med. ccmp\alnta ,wtlh ·Judge
B~. ~an .Oialnlt Apai'tment · A
GO-Go,' 4tU Watminater Ave·.,. Santa
•• . ,, ' .•. -" :i~ .. ' -. ·U'-~: ,:; ,, ,·· ~::a -...·
~ \' , JI. .. ~ ' ')'· ~ ,.
. ! .. ' .
Ana; Caunlry Girl Nwn!Jer. I, UIU Mira ·
LOma Ave:, ·in county teriitary neer Ana-
heim ; and the Harbor Inn, 11 ~ E, La-
Habra Boulevard, in Le Habra.
Hicks characterized these placel as
feat urin g ''top~" en-
tertainment -which pretty well un-
covers the waterfront.
Jn put arrests, however, tavern
owners and dancft'I have defended the
lllUlion of nudity on lower portions of
the anatomy by uaertlng il wil all
jusl lhat -an ll!ualon.
.· ... • •
Crowbar Thief Houston s·urgeon.·P·liints
Strikes .Ag~ai"~Plas-tk fl earl ·iB'Pii:iwitt ~
ot "ttle Dtltr """ '"" Tellen a( a· Bank of Anlez'ica branch
ln Colti. Mesa' aaw a familiar figure at
the counter Friday evening.
llke molt other customers he wanted
mOney. Friday is payday. But jnstead
of handing the six tellen a check, he
w.ived i crtiwbar at them.
,The by) now recognbable "cu~r,"
• '1 •. ,, • •
• 1 waring ,a motorcycle helmet with a
DAIL't.1'11.0T..,. ,..: dark faCe ·shield hkliDg his features,
.SUN, SURF, SAND AND MUSIC, MUSIC, MUS IC • • ""1wel up at the bank at 27111 Harbor ·~· J •-· 15 ft--'-ft-T Guff Blvd. at 7 p.m., one hour afte1' clea!n1. -u...,.y, ' _._.. -•• -:or He came crasblng throogh the front
Resur:rection--of 'Christ
I • ,. • • ' . ' .
CelehrateCl Arotind World
door wltb. the crowblr, vaulted over
lhli -· . expedinf to scoop the m6i1ey oUt of teller's cash boxes, just ·
like he bid done tWlce before.
'lbiJ !lm•.1\e,sln!<k out. All the money.
WU alrql!y'k>cked .uP ,ln .lhe vault.
No 'pr/oi haull Ille olroO•banlc'ntlted
Ibo bruen nbber a total DI 127,000. Tbls
time lie made his getaway wtlh empty
•· Police De:Ueve ·the man was the aame
_.,... AMclatld mu c11vlded..-·JGrdan1&nand:-lille. bmldll wbo•Came cruhtna lhrouP the N' ,---. .. . ..~ ~·1 · ..... -door Feb.o • and -ped . "-~•,VI~" ....... P-.:c....·., -·• 'Illt •i.aoJlii Clflund It·---tme In zf--' •..,... "-· •~ ._. -..,... 1117 w• "Jiidi -tbe·Arabo. up ., _.,,.. Sl7,DllO a ..,..._
die at a viCil aervtoe today aa Chrlltl~ln \'lillmn diep!Os' Ill -bit fa. alrllae baf'belore ~ Into the • ~ilbe -......,-~ to ,eetoli'ale, Upes't!allod'JwilleGUlpooll'toClllduct ~~g ::'iar film lheo u '
tj>e reilurTectfGa,el; airllt. ~ ""'-for AmsfooD.~-; 11e:en1•rttUbe bank al!<!rllr after I p.m. .............. ot pllcrtms, 'llbo ba-V. been •In lbe Uftlto.Mlloteo,. mu-DI• per· bef-~ -• -· put away., Aa an • ,~ii;'-.' o1 Jlonoe' for the . ..,. pi-ed lo-'rilll«prHftn ...;,j' ~be c;arrled a band IP''" r.::::.\·;;.·~)o~~· EaaterHDlcell-~ITiom-ln,~ nado wffll,'lilllch be -lhO llllen ,
the )'1&11 aod the ..., DI jOy comniem· • ar:a:--1clir.d co11effe -.-,. ' lalo 1otllJlf blm rifle• =ti'\:: = '. oi'atfnc the end ol a.rilt'I tdallb!n<nt. ed on -lroiD c.8linla IA> l'ljdlla. . A An!~~ · ,;\iii a" ·
In lbe 11!J1t Land 1,IOO ')lllll'!ml..,.. -:win ~'\ojal &al·-' "='°'"1• '•10,~Al"':t 111ne /!,;.
gl!ih<red 1D JeruaalerD flJj v1l!1 ~ .. Cll tljljtl.~ -· ... -Pi ~ ' ...... In ~ -.1 .....
a1 '111e •inr..rd':dmrcti aflhe ll'oly' ,;.,..~·91n~-·!br·ea· == ':J'.~l<d~~·-r-·:.
5'!>111Cbrt,. wldcb tradltloo bO!d. 11 tile IMM. Apiiorenlly 1be bandit hall been O!Jtr-
slte ol airilt'1 toinb. ,Alrporta, railroad and !Jul terminals •linC In al leal ano other Orang• Co'on-
11 wu tile HCOOd Holy Week In Jer-and bllllwlQll._.,jammld with tmtl· ly dly Pollce _. aboW lhal a man
usaJem under i.aeu rule aod it pallled • '"' 111--ll1pl or bqlmi,. ~' .._...., to tbll ...;.,..ptlan beld up .
as peooefu11y •.,,other. Wbfte.capped vaca!tono ' • r• • ol the Bank DI aec:urity gll8nla mliJiled with 1be crowd,' In rww' Y« ,.._ In fan<f boo-the B-Plit ar-h .
thinned by the a-. o1 Arl b pUpima neta arii1 hlpPiel Ii',_. wtn _... -.-_._-and a ball ago,
who uoed to lhrOnc tbf dly when tt was for the Fifth A_,. ~ pside. , (llH llANDIT, Pap II •
' .
J .
... ,
·....., -· Da~.~KtN_y:{!!!.'11 . ~!!"
~A,'41~ ~\l~lti~j
· P~ter Popf!-lar This Time of Ye(lf
.. --
~~,..~~""Ct' . . ,
,. . By PATIUCK.ll'OONNELL • School, but the Unh'ersity o! ·CoWrado • • . • . • -~ • • <'
. '0,f ... IWIJ Pllff li.tf ·
. petef : R.bbui is all\.~ . .and well, in
b HlrbOr .Are.a·am hls nose and ears
rUeJY twitcli, except just a bit around
~r. ~~ . tiis pam~ is ih · the
~epbone boo~ . . ..
"People jll!l wanllo iaj> tbey'vt talked
!di Peler Rabbit~" s;,\'S Rabbitt, 1806
"°"ward Lane, N'1']>0i! BeaCb, a Costa ~esa .~ipce ~i:ent"·wbOse naf!le is
good !or business.
· · "Peo,Ple say they want to do business
i1th ! guy' who has the guts to ·go
by the name Peter Rabbitt," says ~tr
bitt. who-WI:$ born on the Orange CoJ!sl
tiJid raised on'Balboa ·hland. "Th~·.a; ~·guy· With my name cah't
be all bad," he added; .
Sonie people naiiled ·&ta: Rabbitt...,.
l!-811)' .otbln ~ -mlgbl !lave grown
"ll·lo beCome '-'-"&Wm• a r~t " t¥r:Jlllt~~. old,, lliaiWI ot lnsilfance men: · · ·
, Not.Peter.
.~Or JlabblU. . . .,
, . No ..e !l><\l!il!I much abooit the nam•.
"1l1cb lie'lioi"..Ver',<onslaer.ed chan&i'!B·
1'bile.bt attended Newport Harbor lliib . .. . I
fraternity boys egged him on. .
"A t f.irst they thought I was ·an im· ter"•)-tie l'ained. . . ws ,, _exp ~ ··--' .so. did ·• .business .'Contact's secret.an
when Rabbitt made. a routine Easter
WeeE-telepboM call ·recently and the
yotriif Ja(ly ref Used"~ put such a fiagr8nt
pr~~r lhrougb ,tQ he.r boss.
Uried,to check lbe telephone directory,
the red.faced young aide · finally gave
him -the benefit. of .the doubt and the
call was completed.
Mr. and Mrs."Murray Rabbitt, of 310
Buena Vista Blvd., Balboa Island, W:ere
calling P~ter · Peter e.ven before ~r
~ Jvas born .and it became obvious
that the baby's name shouldn't be
perhaps Bunuy. , . . .
United Press Inteniationat , carried a
btlel ~· when, he. -l"' !>i>l'li . iii Sf. J.,.ph1s llospllil in .Orange. · •
Pete, is he is known to his ~rl~nd;i
~d Jl:SSOCiat~ has two daugh1Fs, K£1JY,
f, "Md Kali~. 3.' but1 his' hope ·fOr . ~
snn ~ed''Jact fias been :vetoect bY ~·wile, Marj. · · ··
She ~4 he 'has an uncle ...'.. Harvey
J\abbitt. ~ and Uuit's @ougli sql\lii<lling
aroWKI with names.
. .
BANDIT .... . .
laldng:-with him: an unopeeillect am®"t
of'Irblney. -... ,. ':
Police Lt. , Tlllll DurlWn said . lbal In
all four , holdups the bandit made a
clean getaway, giving investigating of-
tlcer$ Vf!ry: li~e 19 go '?n. : : -
The robber, aboUt five feet nine ~l;es
i.u, wo>igliliJg ;1pproximalelY tj() pqunds,
alwAy:J. w.ears .a. dark . f~., shield. ovtr
hi&. ,helm.et, making .it . im~ble. to
detennin'e his age er ciisti9guiah. his r~-
cial features. · ' • ·
About the oillY · lhlni" 1luit 'elWi!la ;.f!
the<eolor oli!lit 11elmeL ·Tbue-!111 lie _bas beells~n w,ith, a. wtd,t.e .~lr;ietl ana ~
Jigbl,;!JW. .pne.,y.r\ln~ .. o( .. JM,~.
b-OMiup...cowld not ~.(II) \bl;,,C.01~ ~
was -wearing Friday night_~-, , .
. .
E. . , B .. G d against . n~ .spots -~· -~tmina1 ; aster: . usiness oo , . , ci~·::,s~urtd~s~~·#·u~~'.e
. CJy_il:~~-whi."ch .Jud&e . .McMUlan · "~ · · · -lssuei:f a~ temporary testrJinjllg. orders
:.c.,; . -~-:-; '! -M · ha. .. R' ' ... ~ .-. el.jOins 'tbe"bars "from,"'.inaiptalnlnl':a
< oust .·· ere nts eport ~~~~~~:f1!~::g ~dlb~~ilori," ac-
• · . lliclcs S>id Uie Aparlment A GO-Go
:, · ., .. ' · had 20 criminal cases ag~ns't_ it (i_led . · BJ' JANICE .BERMAN be1:ause . of the opening of .eight . tiew since last. September. charging · ·indecent
r. ~ · ; _ CIJ; .. ~tr ·'·~ s1•ff : ·~r~-i}i.~ .~ePiris !=Ompl~ ·~xPos~ .a~~ Jew~. cond~t: · ,.
Easter sales along the Orange. Coast ·:At Fashion, Island; Reginald J~ncs of CA.SES ·faENDING
.~ve been generally higher than· last the Merchant's Association said, 1'We1ve ''Tue 'Onmtry Girl has five •cast!I pen··
ar local.merchantsreeo.!~._toda. • had .... la · bffic pattern---~..W~in~and-Uw -H__!ll'}>cr; .. IM, ~!·"_the_
t Althouft figures for the month cf The merehants are really pl-eased." district attorney sa10. 'Ii1iRffie of these ~"arcb ire iict')'ef ivailabie; Hu~dngton A merchants' spokesman at Huntington ha~e we been able to get difinltive cou~1 ~ · · · . . action." 1-, ter !D Huntington ;sea.ch, P'1shion . Center reported gams of 16 percent The civil attack, under the so-calle<I'
stand bl-ll~~and Soutb Coast among the three department stores there, Red Light Abatement Act, is the first-
laza in ~ -::;: hive repode4 . .a. Penney's, the Broadway and Ward's. in the state against the mushroomirig·
,8!'.'e voltqne -·u,si · c~l" Said Werner·· He attributed the gain to a population bottomless entertainment, Hicks said. ' ~-rou~·~Plaza. He· noted gro~ in the area, and to good advance Judge McMillan ordered the owner.s tnCi-eUe in ·traffic: ancJ added. U'la:\ planning. of l:he beer bars to .close ~m unb(
in January. had exceeded · those-Elsewhere in the nation, Easter sales April 15 ~hen. a hearing "'.Ill be hel~
ast ·' yeac...by 50 .. perceat, partially have gained over 1968 despite the income to determme 1f the restraining orde_r
· surtax, a sbcrter selling season and (closing) should be madt J>m:"anent un~
unseaso1:1able we¥her in pvts of the a trial eyentually settles the lSSU'J, .
·· .. country, a United Press l!ttemationat.. : ~ _o~ J>C:)lice of~ers_ .. ~·de~(y:
survey !las rel*>rted: • · '. r : . : district attorneys and Shefi/l't ~putiea DAILY PILOT
Sales increase of 5 to 10 percent have desc~nded on the three beer .bars 1:'rldl1,
been reported. by $iepartment. 6tQrti ei-ey~n1ng after Judg~ McMillan w:ued
ecutives, O:c2Pt .in .the defl>' souUt:aDd · h1! order.· : . • :. : parts of Ufemidwesl, · ----· ·-· · ..1. • ~--
• • '· • ·• I , • • ,.._,..,.......... • H••""11wc ~ ---· .. __ .. .. • c.sta•..... . . . ' ...... The j;mJ>Orium in San J!l''J)cjsco is
expericndqgia&s incre~"'· J.<l!ilOJW•, lfiofence: Eru•ts OttANG• cOAIT ,.UlllSHING COMPAH'f.... Magn.id'riA l.al.;.ngeles. StGre' affititils • .' .. .. l . . . , P
'-~· ltoMrt N.'Wo'oa-are uncerta!n cf the amount of increase
.. -
NeW;por:! TwQ."fe_ar ...... --.-<'·-_...::,.;_
.:C.!Mh ,ffurts ;,..5 . .. ... . .. ~ .. ~ .. .. 'fl ·~~ lnioii'ei'"Frid . I
.=.· ~~~il~M~··1riter~o~ .. ~ ~""·~-·~ . ·~ Ne'!.... Jleac :". .. :-'.~~um . "~~ . ~ -·-·-:!' .POliiiO don't JiliOiv.who w~fauit "11ii· · !dent, Ui' .. ~hlch a 'til\:allven
.• !I.I:". Ma!ij.;''67, of ~;Ana,
';1Yith a --car driven · · . ~Sohn ;· -U~ ~-;-----·.l:~Z __ -
:"'"r_meengeis inifobart'• ctMrere·wrol
Ledy, 15; Debbie Stoff, 15; and Donna
Stoff, 15; all of Orange. Both drivers
and pasSengera suffered cuts, bruises
and abrasions. All are in satisfactory
condition at Hoai Memorlll HospitaL
•• ... J:!. on
' "The Peace COrpl, whlch bu 111= ill balll ID Ila pul, -... . supporled by all natlm>I. I feel lliit
more ,...,,, -I• could be asked lo
join in tb1s useful work.
"All 11111 ... ahoold be williDJ lo ..
-ly dllcovertd -!«,.~a_~. "T• ,.-.. a beltlr ,,,..,,,._!
harmony, each naUon •I this -Id
8boold atate ii& bellef In peace. All
nallonl lbould "'peel ~ Giber'• bOUn-
dm. with coolidenct. Natlolil . lbould
bl.....,ed when dealiDi wllb '"'* otller.
"I let! that tb11 COUl)b'J Ii 'llP<Jldl/'C
IOO' il!adf.lllonn' !or ·mUIWy. pur:poills;
II tbll mdly ne<e111J1, Mr.~·
Tber<'ls ilO much Ql<)llef n<eded m '!"' ~ I« all. -(If.~ probr.m;. Many 'p<iopte dlould" biJ!!'lt.r
fed and get a good edueaUon, "!)that
they would be able to earn ·I · ~t
U ., .. ;. u -• ... ... • v .. ,..~ ...
. uiihl~ .....,u. -~· liChoOI....; -.acro<f.llii.na .... ,
the ·~at thll ..,. -....... than
llkeli. to1'4•·' ..... W!ril ~-d · ~ lj"'l;i''....i .tJie I of l.nd , ~ I ~·P7;._ "'." ··~~~~ . ·~~tt~•f,
HerbertiOela. One·ot lbem'lliul-te
per..maf frlind who Is ili'"fi'i<Pii!iil'."con·
tacL' 11'• an' OddHi> bet that ;aitidded
fillip to generous John H~I~en's
money prizes for the articulate
yOUJlillm will be ac:bW letterl ol ap-
preciation from the White House ID. clue
The w ·eueya entered .by Ethel llwJF
Jntel'll)edlate Sdlool studenl.9 this YUl'.
w~ eocl\ 250 lo IOO words in I~ They ,..,. judged by .a RoLlry Club
~ OD the..buls. of, ori&IDIUIY, wrilizfl,~ ~-:n~.
Only 2% of Grants
Defense 'No 8ig)·tl;i~ng'
. .
In UC Ir.vine Research.
By THOMAS FORTUNE llideya Garno to research lnlr"""
or llM o.llJ "• Stiff astronomy .00 space ~unication.
UC Irvine is' apparently one university Largest underwriter of UCI ~
.oq! J!Dminal<d by ~ '.'militacy,jncjlttiaf research during the >i% monlhl ; wu
-ColuiJex. ·~ ' ';_ --¥ " -: the ,U.S. Public Health Serme. More
Only two eercent of research srant.o than $1.1 million was sranted by' tlii.
.llll<i, cim6{c!I airJ,1!11 •. tp ,1l!'Jtaculty agency for medicall>lololical resean:h.
i!UijBg a' recint fi.JOOlllli ponoa came The Atomic E'n erg y C.mmilslan
from the Department of Defrnse, ac-awarded f735,000 to UCI professors.
cording to UCI cfficials. The biggest share of it, $480,000, went
And the $40,000 involved b !or rpearch 1o Dean of Phyoical Sciences Frederick
tj1l!I bears no r!Ja*"'1!1P' to w••P!"l'Y. trin particl ·.: Tbeae flgura: ,re rev.tiled aca1nat 1 Reines for cosmic neu o e
backdrop of growing rebellion of pro. researeh.
fessora acl'OSI the country , -rebellion The question bas been raised whether
against accepting-furids tor relearcb that such invesUgationt ot atcmic particles
might be applied lo riglnt"or aupportlng are lo lead to aoly peaceful . .,.. of ~ 'W8J'. .~ . ' .: . . the atom .
One who toot lo hetrt the .late PraJ. "Who kn<rln when you are dealing
dent Ebenbower'1 wmnln(J. against IC· In basic theoriea," llid me campus
quisiUcn of, .mlsplaced power . by the surte. "Gralits are parceled out iil IUCh
mllltary-lndustrial complu: ls UC! Auls. a way that even the invesU1ator bas
tant Professor of History Spencer C. no knowledge cf the ipplication.,.
Olin Jr. Physicist Gerard Van Hoven, who
Olin ·said he wu pleased to learn heads a faculty cmnm.Ittee investigating
Irvine hu bact only. two percent of solicitation and receipt of non-state funds.
research sponsored by the Defense said, "Some people do have qu.alms
Department. He added that be waa not about taking defense mcney. A. mijority
greaUy surprised, and still Conaideri it of people in the 1Ciences don't have," .
a major problem naUonwtde. · Olin~ the historian, is a member of
-A briUdOwn orf8Uttti grantrnra<!e the aime comnilttee,-Wliich-g'it'W"Out
during the last siz months of 1918 Was cf a ·movement be led Jut Deceinber
prepared by CBmPQS Assistant Business questioning university tiu with a group Manager . Willer SelUrakY becaliR, he called lnduslrtal A!aocialel. .
said, he thought It woold be or interest UCI lodustrlal Aisoclalel to comprised
to the faculty. of firms whlch pay ·annUal duel between
The two percent for .defellse cf the $250 and $10,000 de~ing on the number
$2.3 million tot.al gran~ Qie campus cl their scientilfC and management
ia c;-omprised cf t:wo projects. &th fall employes.
ln the cate~ory of buic mearch rather~ Its purpqae iJ ta link .the univenity
than classified contract work. .. ~d ~iD.1Qutu~ Woefidal wa7s.
-srant for !20,7!11 from the Offlce ac&nltns lo 111 prealdent Jobn Bau
ol'Naval Research II lo biologist Jmepb of Newport Beach. .Jndustry money is
Ait!IW fo Investigate a fungus' !hat a~ eichanged !or unlvenlty exper111t, -
tacks naval store!:. some other lesser benefits also accrading
1be other grant by the Air Force to the universlty .-
Office of Scientific . Research. is • to After several· mooths of the .com-
Profesoor of Electr1cal Engmeenng mlttee's looking lnlo It Olin ,..id he
has concluded, "The lnttiit . ,cr,I .. the orsanlzalloo Is pllllanthropi<; llOHoterve
the mlllLlry-lndustrw complez. !17 mind
is more at -.-on tbaL"'
-: ·~ ,.,,_....,_._ P\ltllbMI' -. •• , •. ~ ever, last year, and of the causes for c d M ' D K • :·:~~~~'.!· ... M..;_~·· ::saleii~~'.:iR:vj,~a::~:i:;... . .row: s ou~n r. IIJg
"'•n.;:1~,n· -~ · • Sfioj)pipg;-Wbfcli"·d~lµiei:t \fl the .. wake : •... ':...:. ~.!. .· ''J. ~·:. : .•. ' •
van.~.aald iii..~ ·wu1
preient ~ dealln& with lndllllr1ol
AssOi:illei n1xt ~ !1J the A~c
Senate ~·1""'1.:!"rijibin. _ '. : •
i'ropotlell, he aald, ;will 1io ihat all
mollla be -in uae, lhlt
lnduMal -ea'make an e!fart to
broailen l1s mernbenhlp by IDlicltlng
non-lndilstrill members, and that a list
be made of. proleaon who do not wish
lo be contacted !or consulting ~
~~=-· · f.h;:.}. .. ~~t;"' , , ~d·u,e:_d!S!~~~-~ man!;~g~~~~~ .. ·:: ·. ·.Bf .. \Jnlita··· Press :_~~.· .. ··~.~ .• •.•.·,~-er, James Earl Ray, is serving .a 99--. . -year tenn. Tbey ignored officials who \ .. ·-, .... ~ •· ~-·...-·In Wuhington:·o:c., the'"'tl'tJ ·tnoSt ... T~ . .ot Negf9f!s who.marched pleaded that the demOMtration could
C•l• MtNi .. Wftl ,,.,. Strtti • • ., .heavily -damaged by last Jtat's ... :rlotS, behind Dr. Martin Lutbet King Jr: toot touch off trouble inside the walls and
....,.., ....... nu._..._. aeu11v_... ~ thia year are up by,$ &o. ·to ~ \0 "the ~"again Fria~ irr.a1emn Pre>-raised their fists in black pcwer salutes. •· .~~...:_=-~= , ... ; percent, spurred by go:od sho~p,lrig '· Ce5skN~in-gtbeir•la&n'~ Some ·Ray could not ate them from his ctll.
1 weather unUI last week's wind and rain , of the demonstrations were 1l\lrl'ed 1by 0 000 N 1· I o rd troo
•· · ~ ~ · ..: i~1'1iufSucht,.,ptes:ident·9(·.p.ede.raled vlclenc~ . · .; > • ~ ·~ , w:~Wed in a! '::'w :CS the' of!
-.tt ·. I ne~Jrt~n\ ~n?s' ~f ~itJ:cinrfatl, .~'¥ President Nixon se.nt:t,i(le~ letter trict· ol Cclumbia and trOQPI were on
''""-'• ~ .8aia-'are runnmg ~ns n~·. to~.Cor~~Klng,thewitf9~,andsen. dtiy in Chicago, where rock-throwing,
tionally even though the midwest, fro!" 'l:dwjrd" K~ (J>.'Muo.j commem-looting and firebombing· erupted Thurs.
Milwaukee a.s far south as Memphi_a, "'· ~oratM ttie f'i'rSt annJVeiia:rj ·or ·10n~: · day nigtrt in ghetto are.as.
D411..V f'llOT, wtth wllldl .. c::ornbfMd::, wa.s hJt Thursday by a near bllz:wd. ··""!iaytng•bJ>:fotning a JMttll in~«n · !Jbe Rev; David Abernathy, who lUC-=:n-:i:.,:. ':~ie: ,:1z:iikodl. Sticht expected sales to be exctlleal .. :'l:~.;.w~ fac.i llhotlfll fired, cHdtd JGng a.s head of, the Southern ·:::"'...., ":::.t.f."~.11.~..,,:i::-;: in this area this week. , ... • ~Police: tlaffiped a eutf•· GD,Jf.e'lnpbil ChrilUan Leaderlhip ConfflteDCe, led ,.. ... .--. °'"'"" eto1t """"ltfl"" In New York City, sales were ~g .::.,\\:l}tO ~# Ne~-0 ~ •.a.tch!PJ the Memphia: ~arch past th e Lorr~e
• ~ 8~1'\.t:i' 'e':.ct ~ W:: In higher and lower-priced departmeflt ,. .• ~e lP>~L'»' 111000 ~ _ _. ~ Jara-Motel, where King was llain. Pa~g w. a.,. '*-'• '°"'• Mtw. .~ sibre&. .JVt#I Altman's, a Fifth AvenQe ~st or· many tri~ stlgtGiCross ~e t.ht.rti. Abernathy and Kennedy eulogiZtd
TI IJfNns 1114• '41-41!1 ~ £.:" -:-dote;'dl1&1ing 9.1ts· from avcn toll nation -brole st~~ Ind be-King. , a1SJiW MtenW., '4J.161t~""; .. petCt!Jt"•ad ot tut ye.at, bd Macy:'1..: .. g!lll:loatmg. t.~:· -:··--:--'· "To some, this is a day of !iornriv," ~'1!· ::'1.J:.~~~ .• r.:=, ~CIJrlbe]5oaunt a.slmllar:lntftase. 1
.: •• -~n1en ~nared WOMoilo,JKalama-Wd_Kennedy. "To some 1t ii• d~l of _,. ~,...,.,_,,. "l:' : -. · ~ ... :•Pll'N1J9 be Oft!t clty whef•;i.fll!!,::KJ.<11,, ~ B•lll!n<>!!-.Of!.-l":'v~ of fur. Tom• th1' 1' a day of hope.
-Y "'., .~~'*"'' ...... ~ . ...,JC"I .mv .. not cllrub.10 hlgher; .... Jhe ,m~. , ~ .... : ~ . .-~ 1 Abernathy announcedihtttartot-wbat · ~.II .,....... 1ilf "~ 1ilctt ~ leveb f)Yet. Int. year Store of(lcfalt Aboiit. 300 angry Negro YPJifiS galhtrta be called the &teand phaae of Ute P.oo«'
..,.. "''' ..,_, '-
.,.,.,.11· sut.tr1tt1et1 :?.· • • .....w..q,l•tett1h'at the deaib of ;Elstnhower outside the Tennesgee stale · Prison at Peopl&'1 Carp.p&igrl -1 demaod for free J_.:r:~tJ::;.'.::::..:'.'~:':r-":,,:•:":'·t:·::;;':'.':...,.:·:"''.:.'.""_•.:•= ~ ;r;;;Ud1D:sf'Wcckend11 sa1'1:--·--·· ·?fmrvttfe\' where Ktng's·cldmttted i lay. food stamps for every family with less
'> I I
-• ... -..... _:.I.. --
than a $3,000 annual income. He abo de-
riianded a naUonal ~em· tO cOordinale
welfare, gcvernmenl price CoOtrois: ·on
necessiUes, and elimination ct l.l'ltm·
Recreat.ing King's lt&S. march from
Selma lo Montaomery, about 1,700 pef.
sons It.aged a symbolic demonstra&n 1n
Alabama, cllmulng at the atall capitol.
Many of the demonstrators ,..,. quiet,
consisting ool1 ol brief churcli -.. and-. .
Nixon sent hla I-with Welfare S.C.
r<lary Robsi Finch, who vlrUecl Mrs.
Kiiis In AUlnla wllere lbe IPfJ!I the day
quleUy. Mri. King visit«! her huablnd'1
grave with her 'four children, left a tr...
ol. red carnllioni ·and wlilte. ctit)>ilnthe-
muma, then spent the rest of ttie dly 1t
home. .
• KinQ:'1 body now reposes in Southvfew
C.metery, but Will be moved In aboqt 1
yoar lo 1 permanont lllrlne nur the
Ebenezer Baptjl!I Church where ht "u
.. Van Hoyen said moat of the firms
11111 !lave joine_d. Industrial AslOclates
have been sclenUfte and there are those
who think it woold not work lo try
lo mike It otberwiae.
They note, he aaid, lhlt lnducernenu
to join art a publlcallOlll list of ..... ardt
pap<l'I and 'the Jilvllese 1o dlr<cl brief
tecbnlcal inqlllriea lo pro1......,_
"Obvloui!J that cloelnl mtan the
hlalory clei>oriment," he -The !ti milUon In · r<search srants
te . UCI !or the al• rnooths b broten
down • this way: • .
U.S. Public Health Afency, $.I.Ill.JU:
Atom.le EnetO Commla&Jcn, ms,ooo;
NaUonal Sci...,. Foundltlon, SIS0,1121:
private agenclq, !IZ7,IA; Department
of Del..,., 1!1,1111, and the Slala o!
California. $19.118.
(. ---
-:VO~ 62, NO. 12, i SECTIONS, 60 ... ~.is-
~ ..... .
' -----.; , ..... -... l -.. --' .. ·-.
.;.. "' ....... .... • .. :. )
• -.
---------T'J._ ----------~:rer~:
_ .... _..,. .-• -. -......... . . _t_ -_ ... _ -
- ---:;-:-:::_· -! ~-.; ~· o&set!vance • • --•• 7" • """:> ' -~-·
DA Ooses 3 Houstori · Surgeon .Plants Easter Holiday
Accidents ·Kill; .. . 'Nude'' Taverns P°lnstiC Heurt in Patient Two in Co · : "
llOUSIOll, .TH. (AP) -An il)lfidoI ' WU developed in 1151 by Dr. Dom1J1co . ' •• unv ~ -~-~ Li!ltli'<ll ~ Llolla, a .prol11oor Eulor· .,._....., ~~uie
· 1n:trackdown
.. · ·~ -· ··· · , --~•Uliillll*!11111f-'.,.. ._,, ~ ~ t • . .• ,_. -. Ii 1o:li£"1'i!)rr;Wi .~ r.. ~~ · le': ..
• )Ma . ·:· ' . . ~~--· -~ -=-~:i:~;s . =·~ i::.=~ l ln ' . . • ' ii;i.·· •. -• .:•i:.ue .. ~= ·;;;;;;:;:ti•=~ . kmodin~l .. ftlileltM!Jid1jjl!i:ii -.~ -#" '~ .:
llidliL ~ Ill . : J1!10 HOoilital "Bul'aplontlmi of Ille 116:Ji.tll;t!W p.m. aa Cllopm• AYeDUe bolt• lrlll·
1»-llliti J'rldlll;to -.... ~ .... Tlie ·red~~ Kirt of St-. 1bat lliere. wa DOI -Wlli!1 ;"! Ari indM~' A~•:!,"':,.':;. EASl'ER 'BUNNY' P~UCKS TUNE ON ilACH .
Bobble Julagay, 15, of. Ganlon G,.... lniOJ.• Rillhloy ..... --·a-...... .JlePill1 Ill., wa ln -alter -llllllcle ...-.. pet!orm..... -"1 . ~ -·· . oflri 'lfloH iij '!'' -ph711cl&nt,,.,,,.. ... bk o!JJng heart and ceaful .-otlon," tile ~ uicl· Moolca St., Ganie,, Gm!<. . Tbo 'D.·.rueit-~ta wtlb Jaqe npia<ed fl wttll tile rnoclloalc,l ,devlct. ''The eoUre left ventricle, which ta the A<cotdlcf to~. tho accident"""
Teens · for Christ Leave s,..... .}fOllllliO . ....,.. A..-.A Cooley, .mo bu perfarmed 11 bumon majcl< Pwni>lni chombor of tho lleort,
Go-Go w ::r-A~·-w · ~-olifn, more than "" balloooed Diii with thiJI and wooten-
. . . Ano;~' ~·I, lila J1iia l1llY otbor: '°"pqn,.aald the ,clt"I\'• "is ed walls." .
Lorna Avt.. la aijllll,fMttlol:J. -Am-bulll ln a Wrf \1111: k caWd wort indel· Cooley· uid tho -of an .,.
helm; ind0 tllldl•d10r f1m. hl•z: La-lnMly"·bu! ~"" U will~ used tilldal heart lo the oomo u in a human
Hahn ilooiJenrd.ln !Allaln. · only 1111111 a -can be IOWld fer a heart tr~er. The arlJflcla1 heart re
• I I , t I • '•
But Ctty Slieds No ·Tear 111cto .dllr .... W tliile pa.. u bw.n!" hoarl·~t Of!<~Ujm. quired more time ti> .... into tile cllillt,
f e at arr tD•c ~ .. ·in-. 1!Jti 1itodJ -of 'a' ~eland; Te1.,1 woman he aald,. becaue the material « U. dt-
1-.......i . ._ wbldl pretty .en ..,. w11o dlOd in c;hll4 ~lrth wu ~ to Yice is, -than human .bwl tlllue. ·
coven the :Wu.i>Oat.. H9"" a ii pottptlal dolior. 1"" wo-
By TERRY ,COVILLE newest reaid.Dts, L. E. Woodall, asaistant In put mt.is, li,w.ver,• ...... man~ heart W.u l!lllnta~. by a res-°'"" D9\tr·pt11t tt.tt City Maqager, uid, "Wbo?" owners Dd .4-::en lllv!I defeaiht'"tbe pirator bu' ~. !o fuDCtioa a few
Huntington Beach officials are not ~-TI.e Teens'. fame fer, fieti.ln& the ilhmln.ol, imdity ".ai.•lolnr. llOlttd•~~ b~=:~'tlbil of•OIJUl'le''
lining the streets lo bid farewell to :~~r , and 1q-ealled "GOdlea" ~-~ anatoaly by ~ it was all CocMey said. "l'm waitlJtl.' We're 1tilt
the militant Teen.! for Christ who are tion,, baa not yet sprJad throughout ~ just that -an illasion. · waiting !or o donor." . . new .headquarters. Tucson Police Chief Such d•..-.'--•~,.__..._ '--·-leaving because they fear the destruction Bernard L. Garmire was aware of the • · --..:~...,. ....... , · navi:i Karp father· of three children was averted· iblt &l>Q in acb.Jallty-ar.a...w...._..:U..OX. two: html ' of callfomla. . groop, -t ii1d they bid caUHd . no lnl a velbllke material in ltr•teiic Joe. and ~ to commands to·ra11e· and
"It doesn't grieve me very much that problems thus fir. tiOOs .wbJch only slvea the 1ppeerance lower his barid.s and open and dote his
they should go lo Tucson," says Mayor NOTHING VNL& WFUL ol neab mi femlle. eyu tbe spotesman aaid.
Alvin Coen. ''They seem to be· I ' little. aggreosi..-Hieb, haJIOl.L, 111· bit'1IOW cnictdown' Ka°rp•a wife Slllrlty and bk oldest
The . .Youlhfu1 and testlul evan1elists in their Gospel spreading';".~ a0t;. lllblat· .J:t&tJe:.clml Ptie:-dance'l.;·:.u. IOlt ··Mk:bael were In HOUiton. Hll -two
have picked Tucson, Ariz., as their 1;1tw but" added that no 11.wa bid been broken: · taken a nttr 1pproacb.to lllforcmltllL -other eblldren.· remained tn-Jlllnoil.
headquarters. A vantage point. to watch 1 ,.~, ... _·a-ch and Colla M~· He flied .Ilia -pllln!I fer 1-ori M. OI Doenln'fabrlc .ond a plastlc,
California sinl< under tho wages of sin n ··~·-.--· · • ...tr<l!DI ""1en' u u.tJ octm .-uie ·Oltlflclol beort hu four volve1 and
-somifllne this'm001h. various membetl of tho Teelll fer .C!Jrilt tho·...c.u.t RodiJl!ll·--a.t:-fout.chombm·llte·o human heart and 11
AM.bow abollt .the desert community ~~ ~ ~~.~ \~}'.\?~~ .Tbo:-:DA·-~.be-oba.laftn·tllll.tat . obDlll·lllt ..... ,a... It-la booUd to• of TucaC11?;cin it withi6aDd ~ Christian ---~Qlut:S\IUDlll-~ wnn u~ · b eJectronlc. ' er IOUl'Ce that
ons!aui!it of tho teens' liibdamentallst pickethig on~ p..,..ty. · " · · . -<~ TOl'LDI, Pap I)., -;:.~;.. Jt£panPI:' octkili. • reli.n~" -Campd!ttin. ..In Artzono may be o liUle , ,.,..,__ •• ., :---~--•.bear!--
-toughter. Fer-.uld• TlmothJ.Lwy Singer. ·1turµn Cr~81)' 15GGO;"~~j;.:;'; ~toa ..
'INVADERS' cult hid loCOliid'in tho mou!italnl .anly . , , . -· ,. .l111 ~·llle·boclrup we Mod;tn ·a·
"We plan to absorb them jost• Uke 100 mil11 !nJm, 'TllctOn arid l!tOtha' HOLLYWOOD (UPI)·-· Pep' " ·., i-t·~ prep'&m," Mid Cooley.
tbe Chin"' did tbelr invaders." iays religious i;ult i¥coilo·.,.riu. . . Join Gory 11 ·wai hiiijliialised ~Sr "J11it.w;:i1>ermJ\·111 to,~· the
Larry Fu~. usistant managing "!Ve. )lave lDAJIY>. l'WJ>'J.,like · them afitt hla ~ a!aJnmod' 1nlo tbe Ille of • .--anW •~don·
edltor ol tho "Ariwna Doily SIM."" .hero:' he al11Cluded1 )llllmp.-lly sidO of 1 privole bas· at o llollywoml .ID-Dr'llllY -.. avalllble." · ·
FeplOll indlcited the AriJ>on1· lllOWl-their Colliomla ~· tenectlon. A worttng.modd.of tho ulillclal heart
ta Ins ire npidly (i~ up wHb hfppies, ___ -· ---·-·-~ ~-• • _
OU.Jtists ind other UJtOoks.,. " • , ,
"Arilona Is sfar!tng to atlrad ,nuts Cancer.· Cftlll. _.·e .. d• s•.ow ..... -·· --like H<lllywood in O\e "tt30sand '40I," . =··-~ .. ·-..
he uid. .
"Tbe9e Teens for Christ can enrcise ·
tbeir -.(if ...,....in Tucllon ••
1cin1 .. they don't .amoy anjant." be
addell.. . ·ens-'Smothers'·~ ·Brothers
"'bOtil' !II .Teem· r.. Clbrilt ~ ~ establlihed . Ulm, MXUdhig w local
memheri, and >llJllther'• will loin theft!
fnlm '~-. ,,_ olready
fn Tuclon live in the ' momUJns; UJS
F-ergulon. "Eatlnc ..u mid berries."
Hmidncton'o Ml!1"' Coen toot a Im
ben<Volellt ·--the leenl. "Now that they ore --.,, they wall'I
g<I back Into town, U the council C1J1
do onything."
Robert Rhinehart, Huntlnlton Beach
del«livo, bad no spedol comment, "ll
they feel Caillomla la &Olnfl Into the
see, maybe they better Je1ve, '' he sakf.
~ uked his opinion ol TuC1011'1
l\lamie at Gettyshµrg
GETTYUURG , Po. (AP)-Mn. Mamie
. El-. wldew ol the Sith prtlld"11,
rt>IUrned to tho privacy of her G<ttysborc
lonn for an 1ndeltnlle otaY Ftlday. ,.
• ..r .. ~. --.
California Still
Here as 'Q~ke'
Fails to Arrive .
---.. -·-
= -;;:-~11 : °"*' ... ;;;;:-'"' I -. .r !':!!."..:. ' ':I' =,,., ~.'' ~ .... ,. ~
. .
. .
·. •
DAILY Pit.OT ..........
.. Poter Robbltl, DoUlht.q. Kolly .(lelt), Kot~
School, but the llnlftnlty di Colorado
frat.rnlty boys '""" blm Clft.
"At firs! Ibey thought I was ID hn· poster;.. be aplalned.
So did a bullneu cootact's secretary
when Rabbitt made a routine Euttr weet telephone call recently and Uie"
young lady refused to put such a flagrant
pranbler lhn>ugh lo her boss.
Ul'Jad lo died< Ibo lel<pbooe direc!ory,
the red-r-1 y-aide flna1ly P"'
blm the benefit <i the doubt and the
call WU completed.
Mr. and Mn. lllurray Robbi!~ of 310
Buena Villa --. Bo1boa llland, ......
calling PM PeWr .... before their
aon -waa born and it became . obvious
Uiit · the babJ's name shouldn't be
perMpl. BllmlY· . • United Preas lnternatlooal cmkd I
~ *71 -be,-• bom..ol .. SL JoHRh'• lliiopll&l In ()-qe. ... .
Pete, 11 be ii known lo hil fr1"1Cil ~~'rl:'l:lh~.;~~
·soii "iWiltll 'Jlct 1W...., ~·b· ·~ 1iu -~ ·: .. . . .. 1 .... . .. .1'1 . She aid be hu an uncle -Hll"Ye)I
Rlhbllt -and that's enouah lqlllmlling ammd wHh ..,. ...
From P .. e J
taking with him an unspecified amount
of money.
Police U . Tam Durlwn Bild that in
Ill four holdups the bandit mlde a
clean getaway, giving investigating of·
ficers "">' liWe lo go 00.
'lbe robber, about five feel nine iar:hu
lall, wel(li!Jll approslmlMl,y llO -.. aJw~ys wears a dark face abJeld over
his helmet, making It in!poosible lo
determlne hil age or diltiJliuillJ his fjl-
cial features.
About the (l6ty fhinc·t111t.,~·1!
llW eolcr d!:ldo lltlmet.•n..'-' 11e·11u
been .... wllb • -·llelmol IDlf. • li_.,. blue ooe. _.1Wi_,. .of IM. lalut ~<OO!d ... q,. ... \111 .cblar bo
Wu ··~ Friday Jilgbt. ·-· • · . ~ . ..
Fro111 P .. e J
against nudity apoll becauae criminal
actfOlll In Iha put hava ...., lnelledive
due to court deloyt and 1ppeoll.
Civil actions ·-Jodp ~ Issued as tempary reetnlnlng ord<r•
Easter Business Good,
~oast Merchants Report enjoins the ba1s ··rrom maintalnins a
place <i lewdnea and uaipltloo," ac-
conling lo working of Ibo llw. l!lili Bild Ibo Aputment A Co-Go
had 10 criminal ..,.. against It filed
boa.,. of Ibo openlnji of eipt new •ince last September chll'Jlng Indecent .. st.<res lo the shopping comp1eL expoge and lewd conduct.
l!:utet ..i.s along Ille Orange Coal! At FMhion Island, R<ginald Jonu of •·ve ~ -·"y w • ._ than •--1 th M·-•·-t' ' __ , U .d "W CASES PENDING ,.. ai-.u •--.u ....,...... uo e ci-uwu1 1 l'lM\,l!o;la on sai , · e've · "the Counlry Girl hU five~ cases pen·
t---'~'.--..,.Alt!, loca""llilrl "in<rel>anfll'IMll'-iia~r'"i-Ii-.,,lod,,;,i•Y1r' -,,r-had ! _ brhl_·lr!f!i~ pattecn _:!11 .week· _ dini: . .illd tilt l!arbor 1i;n. ·n1ne ," the -----tti ntolrtt1 of 'I'h~Oi are ttMiypieasea:' iJtrlct~ Slld. ''In~nOne of these Mardi .,; not yet aftilable, Huntington A merchants' spokesman at Huntington have we been able t9 1et. dlfinplve··court
Center In Hun•1 ..... ,_ Beach. Jl'U!lh)r -· action " ... 15..... Center reported cams of 16 pereent The · civil altack, under the so-ea lied
·lalllld·tn Newport Beacll Ind SoutJl.Coa.<t amoog the three deparlment •tor.. Ihm, Red Lliht Abatement Act is the fim
·Pia.· hl,-Colta ~. tal.Y' reported ~ Penney's, the Broadway ~ Ward's. in the state against the 'mushrooming l~·~~.:d Wenjei He attributed the ·gain lo a population bottomless entertainment, Hicks uid. -~"lJf Saath-Oiist. Re ,noted growth in the area, and to good advance Judge McMillan ordered the ownm
llbo 1ncr-·1n 1faflllf. and l!dded·-planning. of ·the beer bars lo close them unUI
:p1ea In Jmiary bad <icftded -Eilewbere In the lllllion. Euler aal" April 15 wbe.!I • bearing wUI be held
• Jalto-ytar by !Ill ,pll'Cllll. porUally ~"'gained over 1111 deopite the income lo ~ ll the rutrainlng onlet :... .• surtu, a shorter telling RUOn and (closing) 8houJd be made pennanent untll
"'' • unseasonable weather In parta of the a trial euntually setUes the issue:_
Mc:ap•s• .._. •. ,,,:.;...;. • .._..
~~ ........... ,., .... c.... .... -~ ... CAu..0.MJA
l.Mrt M.•Wfiff
,.,... 11111 ..,,....,..
J•d: a: C.f1y
Vb ,,......,. ..W 0.--11 MIMW
. E4'1~ "' ~,:, t I ~jp . '
. .;.
cotmlzy, a Unltei. P..., ililernltioaal .. Groupe <i pollct ollioen,_·deputy
survey bas repilrtid7 -= : ,· --di~~· and She!l'ia'C"deputies
Sales tDCttUe of 5 to 10 peree.ht have · desmxled on the three beer bars Friday
been reported by department store· ex-e\·ening after Judge McMI~ issued
K'Utives, etciJi 1n &be deep aOutbJid _ bis: order, • : : · • ~
parts of tlli inldful. · · -· • · · · -· · •
The Emporium in San F:aotjilco is =!~;;!"i;:.";i:_!'J:f~ :.l!i ol~J(!e Er9ts
art uncertain of the amount of increase
over lut year, and ·of the causes for
the sales rise.
'M1t murder of the Rev. Martio Luther Kina lost ~ cut a pall on Easler ·
shopping, Wblcb decUned In the wake
of CivP disturba:rice$ lb many large "clUes
-Ibo <Wlllry. · 'Ill Wulzlnglon, D.C., the city most
beavflr . c1lmqed .1>1 la\ year's rtotr, i aales thil. year an up by 5 lo ID ..,.ctnt. lj>umd by pd ahoJ>plni
. weather unW Jut week'• wtnd and riln. 1 : j _ 'jociJl·-mit:h~,• ~I of himllil
~t Stora of 'Clnc!nnatt, Aid
Eut.et, ... ..... lilnnina-llro"i .••.
tlonalll' evt11 tboilgb the mldwetl, from ·
MDwauJtee as far ·IOUlh as Memphis. ·
was hit Thursday by a nut blizzard.
Sticht ezpected aales to be e1ctllent
In UU1 area this wetk.
In New ),'ort City, sales were auooa
in hilher ilnd lowtt1'floed department
-,i., A11-'•, I fVth Av"'ue -.: c:loiininl ~ fnnu ••en lo II
ptrt<nl'alltad.ol' IUt yeor; *'111 M1<J'1
""4 Glmbtll DOlilll • atmllar.lncttw.
. Clllcqo __ to be -"<Ill where
---not climb lo higher 1...ia over . lut yur. Store offklals•
specolai<d that the death <i !i!enbowu
affected last wttttnd1s sales.
Crowds . .
By \Jallecl Pren loltnalloul
Tbcmands of N-wllo mardlod behind Dr. Martin Luther ·ltlnc Jr, tool:
to thO ..,_-.plnFl1dli)' la aolmm pn>-
c-llonortn1 lbelr slalD leadw. Some
of the demomtrations ..... mamd by
~ Nbon lenl • l!';--11.tttt
to Mrs. CoMta Kina:, the wi4ow1 aDd Sm •
Edwan! Keonecly (D-!dus.) commem-
orat;,f Oie ftnt unlverwy Of King's
sla)1na by Joining a march In M<mphis
Temi., •h<re Ibo fatal &bot ,.., fl...t.
.. --Poli« clamped a curfew oo-Ktmphls
~· .,_ of Negro youths watching · lliO 11).,iti bi 1.000 ptnoni ..:. the larg·
est of many tributec. Jtlged .. Kross the
nation -bf'ob stort windows Ind be-
DUorden lllred la OUeato. l'al•ma-
:: !/'Jct,, and BaJtimllln on the eve ol
~N .... youlhl 111htrtd
out.side the Ttrmtsatt St1te 'Prilon at
Nas!n1llt, wbert King~ admltltd llay-
I •
• .-A-. ·-
•• -. . 1
' Oaly 2% of Grants
Defense 'No 8ig Thing'
In, VC Irvine Research
-• DAILY Pl\.OT St ... l"lle'9
Donn• Stoff, 15, Or•nge
By 'l'llOM.u FORTUNE
Of .. ~ 1'1111 lteff
UC Irvine is.apparenUy one university
~~~~y ~~til~~al
Only two percent of research grants
""1j "fnlr·~~ •1{\<9~, ~ r'lf:aculty ~~~a rcciit Jfi fl.lPl\YJ period came
from the Department of Defense, ac-
cording to UCl officials.
And the $40,000 iavoly,ed is for research
that ~s. no relationship to weationry.
T~ figures are revealed against a
backdrop of growing rebellion of pr"
lessors acrou the country -rebellion
against accepting fundl for reaearch that
might be applied lo waging or supporting
the :war.
One who took to heart the late Presl·
dent EileDhow!r'• warning qainst ac·
quisition of milplaced power by the
military-industrial complex is UCl Assis--
tant Professor of liistory Spencer C.
Olin Jr.
Olir said he was pleased to 1eam
Irvine has had only two percent of
rrseareh sponsored by the Defense
N T .c Department. He added that he was not etvport 1.VO ar sceally su.-prlS«I. and su11 considers ;1 _ _ ~ mai.Qr..pcfil>JemJ1ationl!.·.ide ___ _
C 1 H ·5 A breakdo\\·n of research grants made ras l . urts during the last six months of 1968 was
prepared by campus Assistant Business
~lanager 'Valter Selufsky because, he Five ]lrisons ,,.ere tnJmid..:.Friday in
a two-cat collislQn at _the:: ..tntersection
of Matlrlhur Boult.vlrd and San:Joaquin
Roii'<i Newport 8'i<h.. ~= ·:.iiiili:t don 't tnOw who wa!·.Jf'»ult
J.lt:tbe..'&Ccident., in which a C4I jjljven
~ MatJoa, -!7, <i --.Ana,
~'With ·a :--car driven~John
llilliirl, 11, of Oralige. .
':P.ilienaers in HObiJ1's car were carol
Ledy, 15; Debbie Sloff~15 · and Doona
Stoff, 15: all of <r.angC. AN.it dri vers
and pasatnget'I 91l!fered CU\I, bruises
and abraa:kms. All ~ in satisfactory
condition at Hoag Memorial Hospital.
said, he thought it ~·ould be of interest
lo the faculty. '
The h,:o percent for delense of the:
$2.3 million total granted the c·ampus
is comprised of two projects. Both fall
in the categotl 'of bask rese3fsh r,BUl.er
thail classified contfict work.
9_ne grant_for $io,756 from the Office
of Naval ReSearch la ~ biologist )09ePh
· Arditti to invtsligate a f\mgus that at·
tacks naval stores.
The ·other grant ·by the Air Force
Office of ScieritifK: Research is to
Professof' of Electrical Engineering
Mourn Dr. King
er, Jame.s Earl Ray, is '6Vinl a 99-
yeor i..n They lplred alJldals .wbo
pleaded that the demonstration could
touch cif tnluble inside die wllll and
railed their 11111 In bllcl: potrtt lllulu.
Ill}' could not see them from hil cell.
About 10,111111 Nallonal Guan! ""°"' --ere alerted in Iii atattl and the or..
trict <i Columbia and troopo ....,.. · on
dl.ty in Chicago. where rock-throwing.
kloting and firel>omb!ni tnJpted '!bur•
day nlgl!t In ghetto uus.
The Rov. David Abernathy, who '""'
eeeded King u bead of th& Soulbmt
Chriotfoo Leocltnhlp Conference, led
the Mempbla man:b put Jhe Lor11lne
Motel . wfler. King WU lllaln. P1Ullng
,....,, Abern athy and Kennady euloSilad
"To tomt, tbil la a day ol IOlTOW, ..
r;ald K-Y· "To _,. It II a dly of
fur, To me tllil ii a claf of w.~ Allomltl\Y a_,_.t Ibo llarl <i wbal
ht called <lie -Jll>ate " Iha p.,.. ~~ eamclp -• ci.mand fo< free fOod ltamp;c; every family wlth less
than a $3,000 innual iocome. Re al&o de-
manded a national syatem. to coordinate
wellm, ..,...,..,en1 price -en nectaitiest and eliminalicll of wem-.
RecruU., King's 11165 mlrCb from
Selma to Mootaornery, about UOll pcr-
aons 'lllged a ~bolic demonstraUon in
A\lbaml, cllmllina at the state capitol.
Miii)' <i the demGNtrll«a wei< quiet,
-· oolJ «.brief cllurcb .. -and amnons.
Nboo sent hil letltf with Wdlan! Stc-
refary Robtrt F'lncb, who vlai.ted Mrs •
King In AU-wberio she 'JlfJlt the day
qii!eUy. Mn. Kltig vbited lltr bUlband 's
grave with htr four chUdr~ Jett a cross
of red CIJ"Dltions and white chrysanU»e··
mums, then spent tbt rest of the d11 at
tlni'• """1--In -c.me..,.,., but wm be .... ec1 in·1bout a
yw to a permanmt lbr1:M ...,. the
Eben....-Baplill OWrcb wlme he was
Hidey1 Gamo lo reawch Infra-red
utrceomJ IDd .space emu~
I.aqest Ulldawtlter tot ·uCI campu1
....-:-.;·Ibo .ilf -.....
'the "(f,l; ··f'u_blie · lleallh·· Sinla!;" Mont
t11an 11.1 mnuo.i wis iran1"' h1 ' fhll
agency for mediclllit>lologiCal research.
'I)>e 1Ato~c; En erg y Coinmission
awi~ea !715.fOll lo UCI profeaors.
The blgge,t shire of It, 1411l!,o0o, went
to. Dean d. Physical Sciences Frederick
Reines for cosmic neutrino particle
research.. M•
The question bu been raised ·Whether
such inveatigaUons of atomic particles
art to lead to only peacehd ll3eS of
lhe atom.
"Wbo knows when you are deaDnt
In baaic theories,'' said one ~
surce. "Grant,, are parceled out 1n IUCh
a way that even the investigator has
no knowled&e of the application."
Physicist Gerard Van Hoven. who
heads a faculty committee investigating
solicilatlon and receipt of non-state funds
said, "Some . people do have qualms'
a~. takln~ 'defense money. A majority
or people in the sciences"don't have."
Olln, the rustorran,Js a 'iDember Of
the ume committee, which grtw out
of a movement he Jed last December
quesU6ning university ties with a grou;.
called. Industrial Associates.
UCI Industrial Associates is comprised
of firms which pay annual dues between
S250 and $10,000 d'9f:nding on the number
of their scienWJC a,.;. management
Iii --ii IO iink ;the univtnlty and induatlJ ~ beneficlll w1y1, aoconlinlf -lo ·Iii· .president Jolln Rau
of -Newport -Beacli. Industry ro-r is
exchanged for university expertile-·wi\h
some other 1euer l>eoefill llso accrucling
to the university.
; After eeveral months ·of the oom-
mittee-'s looking into il Olin llld be
bll <Oneluded, . ··~ ~ Of . the
•'1111\izali<m Is pOjltai\hn>Pi.t; ool. re,.rve
the miUtary•lndustrloleonuilei.:lf..l' mind
Js more al M&e-Lll.tmt.;' -. v~•}fo..n:~~ ~ will pr....,l~'--·with fndllllrial
-teo,-Jftt ~jO the Aeodemic
Senait.Dl ~J .......
~; ho-uld, .\rill• l>e that Ill
monies be uni't.lbicteil in use, that
loduatrlli AJoocillel mli<e ID effltrt lo
b!Vlden its membmhip by aollcltinl
non-industrial members, and thal a lilt
be mlde <i pnt....,. who .do not -
to be contacted fer C<lllSUlUng servlceo,
Van Hoven ukl moat of the flnm:
thlt have joined lnckJstnal A-
have ,beea 1eim&ific and there are thole
who think U W'Otlld not work to try
to make it othe:rwile.
They note , he Aid, ihat Inducements
to join are • publl~liona Jist d. resurch
papers and the privilege to dirtd. brief
ttclinicaf lnquiOO to professors.
•·Qb•louily · t b a t doesn't mun the
history department/' he AHL
The Ill million in r"'on:h grants
to UCl lor the. Iii month,, is broken
down lhls way:
u.$. 1'1lblic lkllth Acency, lt,1'1.2'4;
Atomic En<ra -O>mmlaloo. fiS,111111:
Nlltlonal Sc;lenee. FoundaUoo, QsO,tllS;
private aatoe1 .... 1117,113; lleputment
of Dd..... "'·*• and the Sllte II C.lilomla. $11,871.
' ·\
H_ ... NostforEJP
On the Holl.shell
A Bit LH!e o Lllnply ~ -!l• , "
That Egg _
Of .. o.trr Pllll u.tt ,_ -4 •
Tht kids call htr (him!) Lucky Duck.
It's a pretty apt name for a critter
_w}p , wu ~ by Caesarean seoti.on
ud whose survival to see Easter ha!
depended largely on lhe practice or
medicine without a license by my wife
the "nilne, .
But before I get lo thfit and to the
de~ ol l;Mlw,_you perj'orm a Clelat¢an
section on 1 duck tgg,1 probably zboald
htgin 1t the htginning,
..ftle. beriuniug ..,... an ear tier camping
trlp•on WhlcJhre,di/la't have tboJie.tlil
of electridty.1 After .U.. -•lk> .-cares if
the family tee~ nr:tb? We're not docQ,
"-.. .,. .. Deb ,.., ,...,
.:... ,,
' " ,,
Ob, and ·then there 'was that weekend
trip to the d~rt . "''hen we had to
find a parking pla~ that offertd elec· ~ ~ical hookups for· the family camper.
The, rain had juzt iboui , knocked the
El out of Ellill For .. t;, a small, private :<Yielltc parildise nestled In tht !nlb :..,., _fta~'flY between' the nudjst colony arid tbe 'S8n Diego County village or Devens Spi;ar ... Jr. Of \ValPole,
Mass •• didn't like the sound of bis
car w.btn he started it. Neither did the~iiieebanit,.w)lo:took a iOOclpbr·
tion of the engipe apart belore find.
ing a wliite ,an£'9ra cat lodpd ,be-
twem the mi>lor and'the bocly, 'The
cat, 11PJl8l'OllllY. ~. made •
quick g~~~ wheD:·f!eed. . "
1~·· '··1:.·~
.. '.4 ClN_Sified· .ad .aWeared Hi i
the LoRdon Tilms of/iring for ·
. ~e a:".ttat.elf/ r~nce ,with im-
pressiot fronta.~ dominaUd by
mim tluzrmifig' clock: tower set in t~ve Qroundi including oum
airfield; .stables; and noimming
_pool. P 1' on e 405-3434. •• the t
"Statil11 Rtsidnic~" tDCU tht· Ror-
a! Air Foret Collt!gt>at ·C~U
and the telephone 71umbn the
Altnistry of Defense. Ttlf"ftt'd out
to be an April Fool'• erncist.
• A look of surprise came over the
face of. Alaska'sp-Senate President
Brod PhllllP. as he sipped a glass
of water poured from the. pitcher
'We bad to plug in the heating pad
to keep the wel>footed beast warm ,
• ·.Or didn't you know that ducklings
can catch-cold? Poor baby.
Jtleet the People
--. -u, .dnlk .. and Jmy the 1ander
wtn (do ·I dare la)' '"fowled " up) by
. . .. . .. , t \"""' ,.
:_..,.~ .. :....':'~
~ ..
Work Piles Up -As Emory
Fjghts Against 'Noise . ' .
......... ., L"fllt ......
Daniel W. Emory of Newport Beach
hi: a •teclmicll wlter by profession,· bl.It
lately, ht odmits, technical writing bas
&abn a back seat to leading an aircraft
noile abltement committee of more than
2,00D members.
After returning from hearingil in
Washington. D.C., his home town. th['
black hi.ired, soft-spoken Emory ouWned
bis departure froni an 1-to-S job la~:
fall to lead the fig)lt against noisy plallc
at Orange County Airport,
---ixrhtrrostrum: •1-swearthe-drin Siooe..-tbea Emory, :n. ...bas beconv _
a frte..lance technical writer. workir I haye bu vodka in it," he said.
••Mr. President." said Minority'
LMCl•r Howard. Br..tahaw, rising
quietly to bis.feet. "May I have a
glasS-of. water, please?" • Collecting old-bottles now is leg,
in New Mexko, Gov, David F. Car-
go sioed a bill in Senta Fe remov·
tng from state law-a requirement
that liquor bo!Ues be ·broken or
destroyed. •
out of the den of hill home at ?Z·
Golden Circle, Newport Beach.
"And I must admit the 1"lfk is pilin·
up lately,'' he says ..
But Emory Is more than a technic::
.. Titer · liading a campaign again~
aircraft noise.
He is a man who tw come to Uvt
-end breathe airport mues. Conversations
with him take a few semfcirtltl, then
Mme ia Oil ID omnipresent theme -OrOnge Cowity Airport and what is lood
(or had) for~.
la Wubiqtoo ht defendtd the position
thal Pacific Norllnr..t flilhls to and
. mm tht terminal· abouldn't be approved
by !ht Civil Aeninaulics Board.
1broughout h e a r 1 n g s . appearances
before groups and even hi• technical -me eipa~·Emory has ltamed
·"' _m\d !!!<><'! the..Jrobiemz of. JDt!lent illt ~tioft. :Az • ..IUll, -.. be~:lpPew1 bet-ore an agency IUCb 8'
the CAB bb lallmony takes the tooe <i .. Gptl't.
Capon<, a four;~ Afriam •I<:
phant who maka llis home at the
Los Angeles Zoo. ~ti fitted for an
orlhoptdic boot which will hoptflllly
ccmect 111tloUcing tkftd. Capofte toalkl
on tM insi<U of hit right tetir tOoi, a
Cotldit:ion known to occur in captl-oo.r. , • •
The Fint PresbYteri111 dturclfl>f
JClllDllon, Pa,, baa given '800 to
the dty for police llld !!It! protec-
tion. '"!be dturdl feel&• it bas a
.....,.,.nbiUty to 1he comnnmlty of
whfcb it is a pert,,.. a c 'b. u ~ h
1PQtwnan.aaid. Mayor K-O.
1 ...... h said, "Thll ls,.wonderful
new-. I hope other churches wlll
-• "It!t: just a . nalur.aJ.. th· · · .__,_ . -" ' ""· gauung a.wwl!edce about a IUbJ'ed. like aircraft tt be reiata . '
· ills Jormal _ education inch.Kies nearly
four Jflrl Of study as an electronics
enCineerin& major al George "'asbhlgton
"f left in my 9ellior ye.ar becaw.e
·t fett f "" btcomin& trapped in the
-engineeting box." hem-.
Aloog wllh tnow'""-c:ornes -''~'·
II . '-6"• ............ m one1nvofvea himeelf in contnrversy
Enxry cites delracton' asldts ihat
I)<! fl!>im to ~ ofl°J« and pins
Income fnllll -""""''· .. p1y1n, ··~ of those <rlticisms . • true... Just aren't
•r..go1-. nr1; -in l«hnlcal
writlrw tbl!n I can b.andle, Ind, u for
poUllc1 • • , wtll, I just don, like
to do thal much front fighting. I'd ratlier
llay In the bock a lfUJe wayz, •
, folio!{ their example." C h. u r c h
schools and buildings used for wor-
ship are not lazed in Penilsylvania.
'80f'I" SELL'
Ris orpnizatlon hu rollowed the "aoft
:tell"' approach which Emory use! In -
). I.
' . D.t.l\.Y PILOT ............
Nowp0rt'1 Don Emory •
the currfnl fight agaiMt aircraft noise.
In analyzing \he approach of the almost
%,300 members of tbe Airport Noise-
Abatement Committee, Emory say&. "We
don't consider ~-'nCall
mOY.0-, «' ..... Of the 9biiir Itron&
approaches ~ly uaoclated with p
!'Wet write loll al letters, lhollh, and
that's quite a feat If you think abcM
He smilel:
"Ever l.ry to 1et aneone to wrjte
a letter~ IL's not easy."
Emory praiBes his committee, by
saying that members are "• Quiet poop
as a rule, but they're 1lw~ tblre
wheo you need them to came forth
wllh oplnlonL If JW ,... to brine
-nome ap llmre F-..t A-Mm-.t;on people ii w .........
they would ~ Ill rlPt oil Ibo
Al the lop of the list of octlvlliel
for &noly, .......... im'l ffibdi>a
miina or wri1Jni 1eu.n.
lib blgtst jab ii hil fmni17 of flvt.
,,,., -• -iii Bock lla7 ~ "rlFI In tbt lOlcldl• of tho aii'plane DOiat area." ,<
So it'1 IOl1\ethin1 ht limply can't leave •kine. • ;
tbt whole lhinf:. Their -llland
·Jn the.JniddM of Din rwe.t'~
. Jake wu ptactically awub· wiill muddy
water, lbt l'tlUlt of beliV)'. ~;runoff. ' ·
And The l!Qalman (hil name Is
'Hipotey, but f1r/ _kids and ~ ptz.
kid who ever Yisiled that 'camp-. tl1lid
him The Boatman) war 11iuttling duct
•!IP fmn the dri>woitd.out Della along
the marshy edits of the island to the
mainland &boonl biz .-i nowl>cllla.
So -whit daei -'we· ·headed for
home with five allegedly iertUe duet ,
eggs cushioned on a bed of lf'IM in
the bottom of a cotree can.
nie Bciatmin, ~ hil liWI, lll1lnd
my city slicker danlbten that hatchinc
them would ht a Jal' of fun illid, hanlly
any troWAe at all.
. Comes'~DIW ,.a lbclt m' in which
!ht family rtp.,. ---wllh&io*tliillef ,...,,._,.In llMo·boltom o1 "i"Plait!C '~"; u.. -illd
ai;i overturned .,:mp • a Mat JOUn:t.
There h1 a short sequmce in wbkh
\\'e test ~l of various ntta1ea to ·
try to keep Ult eqs from· frying or
freezb!,g. . • ~
Then many calendar paces flutter lo
the Door whil• the ldcts dlltlfully tum
the ·-_. clalq, &prinkle tbtm with
water ud wliit impltiebd)' fc:r four
weeks to,...
On the ' -day, ..... eu bqins to
click and ..... We're -to -..
porents U that llUle rucal can just ,
peck bis ""1 Uiraollli tbt qpioell.
Sht (ht!). wwb o!mao1 ~ly
twi<:e arowMf tho cloCk, peckJoic and
ptef>fni, for 41 boun. But '_, ii happenin1. -
pbooit ean. to all reloUv~ ind -v.•bo have ever lived on. a . farm and
a spted coune In pauflry nilin& alooDed
' .
fl'Qm an armful of library' bOoks yield
litlie uoable information. •
'Ille makeshift "'°"'bator _.,.; · to
have kept the •tP too dry, Wllhqut
the loamldity from a -·daclr'• body • to ktep the !htlll di, ~ •"11nt friend
trapped inside the egg may never piert.'tl,
the wall of his prison. '
Then comes the first break ..... a Uny
lwnp of WJ!ltll Is raised bf the periiil·
tent pecking. But ·the hot light over
the incubator beings to dry the edges
of ·the tiny hole in the eggshell.
About trus time, the kids start 'the
di9cus&ion. What will we name the duck.
"Yoo'd htUer call him Lucky Duck,"
I "!Illes!· "He'll ht lucky lo make
I'm alwa,ys warmly undf:r~ at
• ' '
.a time tike this. ~·
'. More franUc phone i:oila. b the bob!' DIODEll 'ID. UVllL .;, , .;..:.;N " d~ up and fey In ;111a1 lliell? • Cf(lee ~ !ht.-, !Gr 1tbl -, , ' ~ -. ~I ...._ ~ 'llliil'il rJlli ,;ii. ailll
WUh 12itlp of UnCk ~~1' OneUme mt!!"'~botit'-4•r.rit.,'~ ~~ ti btdO fatrii boy Uif: Operation l:iegi live. .._..._. ~-·~' • 1
(Jl.,j lives just' doivn the "1'ief a I~ I'm 1lad LuCky made IC' iii. on17'
doors, but he rtally doesn't rtllsh the lhing that bothen me a .H&tlit ii that
retpOnSibility d. trying to save one dying J~ (he!) won't nm speak to me DOW
ducldlng while lour kids -two of biz tbal the -ii -· · ''.
aod two of mine -llllld around Tht cfltty bird just squawu and .,,,,. altema~ly crying and malting plam for every tlmt I get ·near her (him')
what they'll do with Lucky alter •~ht But ii11t (lie!) !alb to o.;, 1i1o1r,
la born.) e!ptdallJ P'lll)' -iiho'.1· the 10>,_...id
CHOICE COMMENTS -Do! cnwll all oter btr and bor
The lint pltce of !htll Is ginrerly llOCJ!Ho.be.I stster.,Tamiror.
broken tWAJ' bJ tbe rurgical team. Uncle What worries me even m:n II tbat
llaJ .i& the sur1eao: my wile, Jo, ii the kid& talk bock. Tbey all oeem ID
bb: Krul> nurse. .. .. ! : .. , t endlntlbd etcb.,a&ber. • '"'~ 1.· i
. Lucky loob at the cruy ouW<le wbrtd Mein and I! We're ltiU UJiOa: , fo
he. is about to enter and peeps a couple catch up on that "hole ntcht'• deep,
fl choife com men ta. . we ·lost. And trfli1I to ~ to our
Ail hbur or two -lly end .Lucky's l'lllonal adult -·wtrJ we .&pent a
franttc !dcllne, ptepiDc and pec!dli( iml ·-in· the delerl looboc I« Iii cloinl mucl11oocf. -·...-u i&-;poelecf --.. ~ • , " '
away by the "medie!S.!! · , • ~ ~ •• · .Jtappy Ealter.
• • : t
. ' ..
" . --N():~ ~~ol~sterol :' My
clothing makes you
healthy;· ·wealthy a.D:d
. '
l .. ,,, • ,. • •'
Jack B.idwell · ·
M67 Via: UCli, Jmt -,....i tloe Ardioo0 ""9'1111 ••
:l'Mllle c-t ~· Teh1•ra1 6'1S.4510.
Drhe ktw-I.we 11ior• .t _, -a park m _.
CopJriPt 1969, Jaek 111.i-o. · • . • • • I'
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~· .:oa:A N~G'E-~ ;c ·:o ·A·s·T ,'.(j:.HlJ "R··C·H •: 'DIR E_:c T ()Ry·
~ -· ~ -. . =====~--~-:;1;~~;;:;·~·i":c.:;?!§"==~·!·~·e·~==§"la.;:::;=.:::::;~~:".'7J~E:~·~·~~~~:"::;:;:;::;:;::::::;~~-=:;;:::;,~·~·~-:=~:::::::1'r'i~J"~=:=;=;=:;=====Jtr===ir:=:~===:~=;=ii====i • ! 'l.,. ... 14 \<I• ~· ii>. ;,_\",;_· \ •.
~-.. t ........ KING' '°11" ti!EANING "· RELevANci1 ·· ..-: ·c· ·8-il1· 5-., .. 1··1:·N7··s· c"· 1· E' '"C' ~ :.·. ·. .. c 1'.~ .. mi1sc;o"A"'. ct1UR.Pt1 ·~ .. . : ~.;.poit H•rbOr . ~in ch~rc!i'·
i.-1~~' -. · . , . , .. . • I\ ftl I: · Welcomes You. • . Lutheran Church . .,f the M~"'
.-:FAIRVIEW IAl"itST CHURCH · IA.L·c.J I • ' · • .... · ·'"JAMB."" ... ....._"-"'-' \ lJ 25()tCliflDr. UM193 ' 2900PaclflcVlewDr. ·
· -,,.lrvft ad. At f1ir Dr., COit• MeN ' '. CHURCHES '· · : . ~= ~~::01 ~~~ n. a., . .-.. •. ...,.,......, CQRONA DEL MAR
9 A.M.-C:hurch '-' 10 A.M.-W"""lp ljely-··-""""· ........ -..J.•·••""' .Dll. WILLIAM IL ELLO 1'""*"'¥ lll'f!r '''" ... ~....,. I .U..cM~ of '"' MC:mtn CMVICM " ·' ,_., •-itn . Phone Olt 3-5022· .. ~-~. ~ C11 . .... ' .. . 14~~·. . 1:'~···T :=om::::::~·~~.''. ...... n. ......... ;ho~~~:.:;;;-.......... , eni., := ::::-.. ::·::· .:~:;: ::::
' • • • -,. • •• · • .,, .. 11rY1C9 .... 111•1titt 1:415 A.M.-Fa•rly w.,,Ji;, . '
N1TY .APTIST CHURCH · · · · REAL. ITV" ' ST. MICHAEL I. All ANGELS Nursoiy can avalfable '"' A.M-s'""" a.""' "HAUOR··TRI "UN Pacific View Dr. at M..-guerite, Corona del Mar atalliervicts · ·5•'•"
. . • iPi t:,' !.-...'! :::..""~ ,.,;,. . · ,
I ' SubJ'~.:. ol .Lesacn-April;S . . Sundays: 8:00.,9:30-Child Care at 9:30 WELcOME 11,00 ~~F;d~;.:onhlp
l'Slllldloy. lcboOI 9:45 1.m. 140?1linl Wonblp· moo a.m. · ~· · Holy Days as announced _ I '=::=:=:=:=:=:=:==:~=:=-=:!:';;'":::=:~~ 8aptlst•Tnlninr Unloa e p:m. Eyen!nl 1ervJce T p~m.• ~ Cost1 Mesa ·-F1nt··a.urc11,of'.thri1t, 'S;c11.rtiit · 1 '"°"'.,.. bY; .1e••it.ra .. ft1I.:.... ~··· M4·046J jr ~·WtdDllQy, Bible study a. Prayer ........... 7'00.p.m• I 2111 -,_ "'· "°"' -. ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange A~e .. c)I 1 CHRIST LUTHDAN CHURCH
_ [ ~ ldll11t t 111 A.M. . Sundays 7:30 .& 9:30 Church Sch,opl-9:30 · ' f.1tssourl Synod
a.t11·s.,1. 11 A.M. Thursdays: 6:30 &1l0. a.m.; Holy Days as announced 1 760 Vlctorl• St .. C•t• Mau
RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH ' . -~ -llH ""' .•-"'" . · ""'·"" 1 ... .r.• w. •·-~"-"'"'" · 'i' Lothar v;,~or,:'· • ..,.,. ...
re· Ut :!~~';'bo;';h=~~, ' ~···. .~ 1. _Hurt~l.·nl_t,111'91,.!,A_',E7-F..J,, Cha~of Ctiritt_,·S~l~~-'t'. . ,., : . .. ·~~l~COPA.t:· ; , • , r:: w.,..~1' ,.,.,_,
1=11.!._!~~.::_ a.,,,,. A.,:_.....-, ldlMC: t:•.,,.,
. T I ' u • '.. u ·-I CH•tSTIAN WMINTAO' SCHOOL . . • ••••••
i..Slllllll•y $chMI ........ 9:41 r1 11 111 Ill_!":••··••·••· : ' c;h,....-a ·...., Scll11I t:JI & 11:tt · . 11:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~-~ ~MoMh•t•W•nhi• .... "'oo ~:4'.'\.~ii,'j~~ • .;i,;;:::· ~::: , -..._. .. °"'° i ST, ~ILFRID'S "EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' .. ..
. -:MMlll _, """!!·A•!l•~I! ' .. _. 11 .. L19u~-·,llo~ch ~ f)r.t Chur<h of Chriit;...Scifn!itt ". . ii """ ;., "· ,,.,,,_,._ -,., -" "" .. ;,, . . PRINC~ OF PE. ACE LUTHERAN C"URCH ·
' • ··-. -".·I ·,mi~,,:.,. >-"~t"'• .t .;.-.·.Ja .-i, :,,(.'C 1 ~ .. l1 ·· ,, ~"•~ .... ct;.Cflllifrill1 : ~ n
' ...... ~·&lli-RPP ~··· .... ~ > • '" 11 ""'l I '"t"~' ~ ~~ Sdftl '1M ·•"11·•·~ ... ·..: .. ·~:;, ... ~, '·I .. : ~ . l'tle ~~~~-~I.!'~· l : • ,. ·M.,. Y1N'~ D.riv-,. 1 ..... s.~~.'.c • .,. M •• ~: ~fif." ·". "u. N1Jc•sm ... .;;...: •. ~~-. ,..,.cH I ........... "4-A... . ' . s~ •y S.rvleet .·' ...... ............ •• . •. '?"_ •• L,............ .. ~· .. ... . •·•AM.M.tJC:-II . t1•A.M.• ...... 1wvt111•"~ ""°';'l!"' •. ~.lf:.1.;p:i.,:~•11 :• '.:SundwSCllN!: •:W.f::ll&.i1:11'
' " . -··-I --~'ii~'-"' .. . .• N.~ ... __ '\:.""""P -'Ch 'Fch"of.'Chrt"" s..a,........ . .. ,;. ............. :··~ 'l ; kflMI '··.' ..,.--•i· • 1·• ~·n ··~ "'SANTA *iNA tf · · ~.' ...... , I -,..-... ~-""'!':'!' ':90.. Y , . ,1Tr 1 QllJ ','"•• .11JIS'P.Mi.•,._,. "' •h•A.M.,.,._.,...~ · \"" P!~i',f .l1ic1luth1F~,.Set..1l-Mb1Estfl1t Ol1rA Princip•f 1n.~ 11C9'1lol..· _ •• :: •. .' ................. i .. t~ ... .':·~ ... '.t..M. I ... ,..,,..~,,ut~ W. . . . . . , '. y~~ -tl,.,.,Y,C..P""*' Offk1Plt.n1:149-0521 . Sc:.heol Ph~n1:'149;01•1 ,.. ...... ,:::::r•····· ........................ \.; .... ,, ..... · · ,1 . ~··-~ ...... •111•11• liir.====;·;.;;'';.;:::;~~;;;~:;~~=:;:===li'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'. llVllfl•• · " : .................................... r P.M. 1 -"'-. 'tJll Yhl w.·
MrDWnlC II~ UDNUDAT ·•·~~· .. ·''"'·· Jrtl P.M. ~
I--.-..... ·.-•• • • .,...· -i::e· ........... !!!!" ............ -........... ...;1 . N<':.·port lle1ch-Seconcl .Church of Chrl11;5cionti1t 1 · .. First Assembly of. ~~d . Ct.urch I 146 E ""nd St C I Me 5" "761 W1 1.11,.,, 111 You ... · .. · 11• •--"'· ,,__ . .., M• ljl. · ~ .. °' 1 •• .. " .. • -· UNITARIAN I Attend the church
Piu'i . FIRST 'CHRISTIAN c-' -..... , 11 •.M. !ol. c. Cronic, 'PHt•r· UNIVERSALIST
IAPTIST CHURCH CHURCH -~· .L c.. ""'· 1!1 · · '" N;.""" M'"'''" '' y,," I CHURCH of your choice
., .._.. •:.L..: Victoria & Placentia Ave. All are cordially invited to attend the church 1erVtces I : , • . ~ StHIDUU Of s11v1c1s , , 1' 12n. Y.ictori• st.. Coit• Miw S d _..., Oosta M 1nd enjoy the J*lvileges of the Readlni lloolllJ '"'" -................... ,. ... ; ...... •••• -..M. ·646-4652 •~•n on un ay '. • ' HI • ...., ....... .-••••••••• 11:50 ....... 7:00 ,,.... I ' 10:311 A.AA. '• ~ ... ·.-. .... , . . . . ~ C.. PMYWM AT AU lllYI~~ · ~ ! 1 Clt•re~ CMlr, -:--Sh1til '•ult,•n, Dir1'~lor • . 111~~·~· ~~~~~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~ C"""'1kal ........ ,
17411 M .... a.. --.... DIM ......
-s.,1111111 S.h1•I .,;, t 1JI &11
M•r11fltt W~hip •• t:ll & 11
~ , ... •WWT A.,..... tt d ...,_
.. , .... ....... . .,..,..,. ..... -N..., ......... II! •--', ' CHURCH.· O.F. CHRIST .... STATl·UCINiiD PU,~HOO~• w11Ro-. .,_ A Cordial WtlCom& from •l!'fr ..,.., . . .. . . ... .. 1111 ..... -' ...... 1 '4"1Jll ...... ,_ .. .. ....... •·M ··~· . .THE . llNITED METHODIST. CHURCH
• •
~~,_:;:'.::•:.~~':iS; 217 W. )'/ILSON ST. COSTA MISA ..
Nurm,-· c&ii rr0Videt1 lllTWiltl. ••i•o• .., ••••'1111f · · · HARBOR IEFOR.M. RMPLE
.. lillioi lsli'ntl' ·
Hu11ti11P,11 l11ch-Nerftt.
~.:C "--.. : '..,Ml;oQ41 SUNDAY MOkHING .. 1ilL. STUDY •••••••••••• , .. ,'. J141 AM .i;:;::~==~===rF·~"~ SUNDAY ~ll:NIN& WORSJilr & COMMUN!Of!I ; •. _1~14, ~M . = ~ SUNDAY lVEHINS WCkSHIP .,., ••.•.•• , ,,,\,,, ':H P.M. . . . . I ~:.~ ~~bl-n;,.."W,,7-.; WEDNESDAY IVINING lllLE STUDY ••.•.•••••••• J:JO , ...
m..tlng .,
St. Jam• Epi1cDp1I Church
3209 Via Lido, Newport Bt•ch
111 Atite 67S-jltl50
1:15 l11for1111I Wonhip
t :JO Tr1ditio111I Worihip
6662 Heil A.,. ••• 142-4461
·Wonhlp If Ch•rch Sch.el
. ~ •
• '
Fl°" Of RIST· Ul :... ..,!!' -' J.'IMfti'· ' I NUUllT CAii PIOYIHt
lltAlll llN LllNOW 11;.J.-.~~liROf"' ~ i ~ ''~URCH' ." = -M:;.:-• ~!. ":.:'-
UlU ·I ' +~.•:1; :;.~""' . ;, • Phone:. 541-5711 D1y or Night
.... ~:;.: .... ~~ ......•• ~:. !·t= ~~~~~dl~ .. G.~L A=. D~T. =·1·0=· l=N=G=S=;11
_ .. ; llio .. <••-'""'"'' . CENTRAl . CORONA bEL MAR " . .. . . . . I
''" •-!<,·'>,,!., !,~··· BIBLE CHURCH . ASSEMBLY ·OF GOD
IO:OOA.M.: [1,.,.tf1~~I S•rvie• : . .,,..\l_K(H
o'''cE i,lOO w. COlai H11111w1v. N.1. c..; ~""'\ , ~ 15th &· Monrovia, Newport Beech P~:ftt-1111 : . ·o : ·'\.~' ·t\.\ .... w ........... H ... INlll '46·6620erM .. 7166 ~ ' -$ . n.Mi ..._llfl, P•• " -~ MOllr, Mnldl Dl,.dtr
-!, 9t41 A.M;iM;.,. Seu.a. 1"1fMry cft M •mt ..,...1c•
' V\ • : i11it A.M~..;.. hi ef ... $qefHl...i"" '!'t ' • .. ' . Sen.io11 by P11for / "' + ' ' J:ff P.M.-"r.f.i, tlie M•·wtt. C..11..,_, ... , ..
' • S.n+iit11' bv P11t-or . 'Ii M ... J:M P.M.-C....,_ Pnry" M...,J"9-"Cell 646°3761 ~ ,....._ U ~ f•"· J:JI P.M-C, A; Senl•e L•ry M.W .. LeM«
"' :-.. ~ ' WM. J:JI P.M.-lob he4I THCitlllt hnMel WltMUlllf ~l}' MA'f ..... ..;, ' Cllolr Sl"tt .. beth"S."*r Senlus
... .. ..,.,. lllldl
··M..-~ .,·u..._·Cllttrdl 11ttl!llM kltft(a. 1.-. Alitt1n
I ' • ' ~ SUNDAY st•v•ca ... 11 AM
• • Mlrlfllet,., , Alll«t I~•• •• l .c.F,
""P"'" qtAN\. Or1nte Cle1t YMCA. 2lOI Unl-llY ti,.
· .. ~O. AHt\PI '. •
1, •
f Jr;;=:=:==~·~"~Y~"~M~o~oO~·l"~f;_• S~o~ .. ~··~•~Y ~f;~lOgA~:M~·~===;;11 COMl!tPMITl .....
i~·=====·=" =·='====i=!lll . .. .. ... . ... ..... c-• ., .. ." . · · · 611 HiUDT,RQPE -,
. 420 -'~ s~ H-"t!-"'*... ...... I . a... •••••• , ........ . . : "i"i 116;1j21.. ' Dr.,..., .. ....,.....,.....· ·
I • 740 W. Wlhon, ·Cost1. Motl
, ';"L MllTWICK, ,._., CAIL 61NTlT
I ·' 'MM704 . :, .............. .....
• • • IAllll 1.UNDA T SllYICD
6:ff 4-M.-SUtttlsl· SllYICI
• t :45 A.M .• -SUNDAY SCHbOL
-.. .n-... iaJ1A ....... s.nt.i ~~
CALVARY CHAl'lli ' . __ ........ ._
tlflCMf ................ ...
AfwJt'l ·;t .. lti.$i(tlc••.,...: . .' , '_MIN AJ"1' ..... ~~,
llltl A.M:·• 673-4000 ............ = ..... · ......... .,....... ... ~ ..... ' ..... c..,.,, ... II 'II i •t ""I••··-...... ,.. ............ ............ . 'i
·-, . c1 ..... ,... e11-.n
t•:41 A.Ill • ..:....CANTATA •
' ' · ··' ··nwere.You T.h.ert1"
"The S11vtn Characteristics
of the Rist:n ChrUi"
Sl!niaOT\ by Po.star
' UM111',PATI. MINlinl ' . ' ' 642.6713 646-9112
JJa,./,o,. · C~lian · C/uuc~
OJ NIWPOIT llAC""'"ltWflolOol
M ......... .., ...,.. •• -tlltt ......
411 L , ... It,. C.... ..._
Cburdt S~I ...1. ·t :45 /!M.
W0?1hl\' -10:45 A.M:IYI .. .....,c.. .........
1 •
S.vellfh-Day Aclveiitlst Chrches
C:....-·· ' --!!•A--_ .. .
J•hn Sh1w1t11l:1, P11tw S..tll ...... • ....... C.-*'
' Ph1t1ll ....... ,.. 11711 er.we,.., ~
........ ,~ •••• t1M AM A.,t. lrww•11, ,,, .. t
............. , 1l .. AM ' Phitttt: 4fJ"o1tl• . '
............. ••••till AM ..... -....-,.,,,._ '91-.W-,, lt1H AM
. ..
Plient: 67s.3915 . A
.. :ST:. ~:.l!inla:TT:::~·:;~:o::u=:=.:~=M~:CH:°':~R:CH:· =' a--f~~!.:~" .!~!~~~·
• 111tlft H•rb.r At.1
,., ••• , ., •• IMht.et1rl Spellt ~ , ·• •· •. • ; .. _ •,11,W ... ,H ..... W.COIM .....
. ·~""'"' 1'' .. ,... .. .~·
f I/
·uMIYllsrTY PARK scHOOL · · ""·'"'"'·._. ... ,,. ., .... "~ lft • '"'~ lltltll!lllM •
S•,.,ilrlllri •t Mettfiiwt 111 Ufth•..,l+r ''" IAJU.TH hrN1Ne Sllft<:ft H:1DAT et 1111 P.M.
. WOllHIP1 111ttA.M. .,.,.....~_._..........,. • ...._ ·-.• ---
.... H. Mlenn11111, P1tt1r I JJ.1211 ....,. ,....._ lflffM Oltlr -0-. lfl•Nt '*Int
l ,(
·~ .. 6 ,,M.-Y ..... Senoke
1 P.M. e.-s,.. .... I••· I. J. ••"IP• COSTA MliSA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL
PY-.l&MM -....... .,,. -b-""Y ... (111111 (IA
tMI T.._, A-. fT.._. , . ....,.., •. FOUNTAIN YAWT
UNIFllO S£RVICI • Svll4ey Sth••I 9iJO-WORSHIP •
W9tlhlp A 'teutfi $r111pt • 6:)0 p.111..
Nuttery pnwicletl' •t• 111 t•/'Ylc••
A C--""' Olwdll -Y~"" Atwm W.......
iti w. ~. s-t. .... '
s....., ......... _,7111 ""'·
96J.041Z 14J•6UI
w, leli••• i11 lter111I Lif• 1114 Pr•v• It!
I >
I S111dey •Stfl•ol
lt•ll St & H1rbor IJ.,d.
W1rahip & Churcll School
t:JO & II AM
541°7 7.27
C11t1 M11a Ni,._
Mesi V•r4• I ••••r St •
Wlt'thip A Ch11reh Sclle•I
t :OO A 10110 At.4
Hu11!11111.,. l11ell
271:1 17th St ..... 15J6.JIJ7
S1l'fic11 -9:10 I 11 1.M.
N1ntry thr• 2ntl t ••d• , 11
Cllurch Sc.h"I -9:30 1.1r1.
t & 10;10.AM
lrvi11-.E11t l l11ff
Werthip ••• .,l :JO AM
M•1ti119 t1111porarlfy I•
St, Merk Pr1•byhri11
E1ttbluff Dr. &
J1mbor11 Rd.
L1tu111 le1eh
2t •s2 w"''' Dr "' 60. Latu~• .
Word1ip. t :JO,I: II AM
Church.School •:JO AM
N1w,.rt leacli
CHRIJT CHURCH . 'y ,Tl!f SIA. 1400 w .•• ,.... IM.
w."hl,. • Chrcli ...... , t I ll:JO A.M.
of . the Coastal Areas
Chriit Charclt • Pmbvtwl•
21111 M ....... (..._ .W-1 ,......._, ....
.... An. o . ..._. ....... r.w s..., W......,: t1JO AM ca.di ...... 111141 A.M.
OfRa JI I Jftl ~ ..... t6Mt4t
Church of the Cov~nant
1111 ............. c....-.
• IN•• A. Ku"lo, '••hor S....., W...., & c:a.ar. ....,: 911 ............ 14MJM
St. Andrew's "'*•hyterian ChurClt . ........................... ~ ....
W ...... 1.-.. ...... ,a.tlll& II AM •
... St .. Marlr ~n ,Chitn:h , :
e.;9.,1 , .......... ., ...... c..... .......... i
,,... ...... IOrtt. ...... •! :-• ..
_, I, • .,.., ~ ....... 11 ... ·,.:; '. •
'44-1141 .... ~ !
:C-qnimunlty Pr•yt.rfan C:hur. '· ;:
411 ..... A,... C• W It.I, ........... -•• -...
, , ' U~ TillNll, PASTOI
W ..... & CttMll W•U t ilt AM W.....,_11 AM
Ellltt WOl'lhlp"'"lce will
"" lleld at 1:4' l!Jn. 11 l'lrtl ~ Cloardl ind d 11
IObool, IOI Mqnoll1, Coile
l4ela. Dr. P. G. Neumarm
w!ll pnadl ... "'Ille -"!lb\ a1 alriiot ad N1WD<11
" l,ilt" .. Al tbe iwiiln& ll1'ict. 11 a.m., u.· --"""" w\ll llo • .,,,. n-.,,. .
lni POwtr al lht ---~-.. Euler' SundaJ, 7 •'cjack, will
fellme J talk by Ycutll -Harold--. Nunery -ll pmlded at lllaenices.
. Meeting 800lh Or lhe Hun-Unctoa Beach pier, I a.m .• C-•a!IJ lolelWlll QorQ,
1111 lid! Ave., H1Dllll!cfon
llnlce. 'l'be men'• cbarut
ril aiDc al Illa flllllar I a.m. oorvlce al Ibo cl"1n:b wl>lle
lht chancel choir will liq
al lhe 1:15 and 10:1$ I .JD, -
Ut ..... .,.~ ....
'U ...
Bu ....... Valley .... ..., 17111---Ballqllo-
... 71'11
pmtO'IAJ, PD&
C1• I 1· e 1111.-, . ..;:.~ -_,........,(111.m -'11:11 FAMILY
cotONIAL nnu:a.u -'1111_.& ... ,, ...... --' lliWi D MOllTIJ:.r..
Lqua-s.a11 ea w
llll'lll'E -111.urr . __ .. ............. 1.11.-
mjs. !'la ... ~ --
Today at , a.di ti.. II.
Wllltld if Yort, aiap,I. Lone
al EWs, llDnllntlm ~. public blplllm. Iii li:hodullid
I« I p.ni. -llJ'--,
Jll'IY'I' ancl blw'nr el lht
Puchal ·Cladle. SI I It r -.at Ille -wlD include t:ormnamkn· It I Lm. •
""""" --al I :• ond Jl a.m., ad evemionc at T
..... -
DapliO.t. ---alllj -P.-lll:•and
JI a.m., m"t .tledaied at l'ht
-.,ad Cl I (, l, 17111
M...,.o;. Foanlalri Valley.
Jalnli!r the U a IY o Y 111 y
1e1 fices at t :3D and Jl a.m.,
SI. Mllttl'relbyloolu~
DIOO Mar VIiia, Newport
Beadi, alao plam jolnl churcb
--'lnP-Jla!ll dlardl ehalrs wlD Jllilt at I h e -.-.
S!Jndo,r, April I
" '
_ .......
---•• u11 Glif4)Wd." .. . .,,,. er.. !JI ~...m -.. -........... -.blp lllllr, l :••'dor:t. . . -
> .
... •
-----_ _,, __ -
'llll "'11 lprD S, 1964
···-G.I?!!.· MUSIC: nm
~S1n1ces . .,.r.y1.._. w ........... ,. • •-
:. !=~· ~:00, t:,00, 10:00, ) 1:°' .:
,._ ..... _
..... i" _.. ... , ~ ·~~ • 1e•l • _, ·-· . .
' .. . ,
t ... ,,
' . ,. •
, .. .
~· 1 •
• . •
• •
, A r,,.. ,,
• --.--
.. .. , ! j I t t I /
~r.-· SCHboi, wocMir
seeks smau tumilbed room in exchanJ! fOl" Ol1e day of
tutortn1 (Soc I a I· Studks. Spanlth, rttnch) or light. ·!"'~~iti~llT'~ 1""' .~ ~ . ~ . ~. ' •";\ ... ,
. . .. . ... . . ...
~. J-\ ...
-.. •I ·, '.
- --~--~--;::-c-::--o--~-;-------------------------------------------.------------9 -~ a.-;. :.;;. s. l'.!M Nill' -t
. . ~ \ _ _. .. _ .. ___ -1 .. ~ ....... . ----. -
.... ._, .. --------.. -~ -------------
fmo\l-~' I J
----~--~ J
-For New.port
Plins to comtruct a n
lll0,000 ~ ~ flCility
in Newport -ba.ve bttD
.......... by hldor Fried-
man, president ol C a s a
Conlelta NunfnC Homes and
Convalelc:enl HoOi>ltals.
Frledm.. said the -flCilily will be ... pecially
d<llcn<d to .... fw the ne<ds
of the tlderl,y who have reach-
ed ...,;my or .,. olhenrise
emodonlllJ dllturlled.
Ol!eriJll ~ MCUrity
and care for patltnts, the -Cua Ccatenta will be co.
llnlClH ot tM4 Ptacentlo
Ave.. Newport BHch, with ~"' upeded In the nm-futun.
Based in Panorama City,
the Caaa Contmtl cbaln now
encompasses m ei: tea de d
care fodlititl In Collforilil
.... -with -lban I ,eot beds. AJ wan. new
atnlction tn Sia D 1 • I 0 I
An•Mim and P'Jw.
l'rlodlnln aid the -c.. C..tata hu bt••
........ to fit la with the
-..., of lift found in
Ult -"' and it will -a -111oe atmoopllm
.. ---l.mh landlcaptn1 and 1pactous outdoor patlol
....;... .... ......-.......... -• .. . . .. . . . . . . .
s.-. Allri1 5, 1969 "
~tate .r
Raneho Capi~tr~no ~Link to ~?S~ . .
Com,,_. , '
• ly
.111.d,J McCord!.
La Cue1ta
H:. · ·R. VAN· BRUNT
'"'!.';I M ...... ':-... W~ "-· , ·• : Ji,. •it ........ """ I z>; 11 Cati: a; . '
l4ii MO.M;A...;;io
~.,.<i ... ch
(n4l US.0191
. ' .
Congratulations to'Mr:H. R:"v7an Bl'linl on hls olitstandtng p?..iuc11on'
accomplisbmenu for the year 11'8. HiS•J!Orsonal cllentele pUrchas'4 ~
than '2 million of individull pOllcles/cil Ille Ina.,... c\U'ini U.,;Jiiiir
which qualified him for Mlllimi.DoUarRound Table·niembei'iblp as -as
for the "Inner Circle" of Mauaehu1tll$ Mutual itpftsenlatlves nation1.ldt.
·Mr. Van Brunt Is a veleran of the life Insurance bualne11. Ht bas
practiCed for more than 1$ y9an in the O!>tarlo and Newport Beadl area
where he has resided since 1d1001'tlayt. llil bullnes1 caner commlll!ced
with attendance at the FBI Academy in Wasbin'(lon, D.C.; 'he spent five
years as a special agent for the FBi, severll years as chit! investigator fOr
California Governor Warren's Crime Commission, and then joined the
Woods Aftncy of MassachUJella Mutual in 1913. • ,
Few lruurance mm in Amerlcl-maybt 1 .. than.111> z¢'"" s fl
million Individual J>Ollcy production In a ainJle,,.ar. We ™'"'"TJ r~ Mr. ..
Van Bruni'~ services to YlMI· •· •
4401 Wlllhlre loulevant,_ 1.;. Anpln ::. • '
• MM11• ~la .... Uh la$t I (ll!lf'.,
.. •
tf; '
. '
• • •
fen siI models wllb two to
five JJe«room1~11.;. • n Y featur.a "!ounl vi..
jo's most expenalvt homes.
VA and FHA 0n1nctnr are
available. · l
La Pu Homes' fute modlls
have three to four bedrooms,
are priced from jls,lk VA,
FHA and conventional tel'm!I
are available.
Balli on Cl1riulltl ,Drift, the
two siles offlcei may be
reached by taking the Santa
:Ana or San Diep frefta1
to La Paz Rold. cnainr over
the entry bridge. Into· Mluion
Viejo, and following the direc··
1ional sip.
--l • wUt Dl"Vride atc:nsjv, recrea· ,
UonaJ f«ll!Ua . ll_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jl-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~j
• ' '(
" , ..
• • w..i,1ona1 .c~· s.;.
• \. ~ 1111 ~ • • ' •
• ••
HQu.sing Ur.geitcy _ .. Needed
I ... ' I " . . ~ . . ~ ...
A new Bense ol U(&eqcy on to t.prqv1de bouNlc ~·1t far ol ~~ Gf llbor for Impeding procreu.''
the part o( local •ut.borilies }Q;wer I ~ lhll'I the covern-..... -i;lqlipwriM,. llnd In I J1'1l1Jor city where hoos-and some commWllty action "" ment lw, wl~ ~ red tape.'' mM.erlal manufactuttirs." ins is dtsperately needed for
• _,, •-~ 11 ~. llo"""'· Ibey -I""' .Tbt ....... mNa'ltaie11at1e elhoil: minariliet, tblo ll'MIP
·-""' • -...... -be --and> la I JiialtlOa ~-.. lhe bu tied up nvwt fll Jhe ...._ quate . !loO!lng 11 . be 11o11t tbett must be incenUves· to houstn1 lndulllrji p....e,,w to porty that cfuid be used
1· for m1lllons of low-mcome and furlher moUvatt pr i v a l e the Lutheran CouOcil of the low..eoat houalng. and ii fit:
moder.ate-income 'j:' the enierprlae. U.s.A. pnerence\ on Pre-slstlng that the land J>e '
Cooncil ol Hoost oducers •--""''-' I •-·-· judic<, Po~~·. Power and td blllld'multl-famll0clillJts has declared ~ .. ~ l!"-..-.ona ,_1ng ..... v , J
Tbt council, ot , prOducer ,mwt. be allowed _to PollUet.1be conference open· woiJ.ld 1'ftl for tl.25 to
the nation'• 14 \larP. pro-,tlll;llufacf.ure his product with dedayt.cla. Y arxtconcJ~es Thurs-a montll, accordinc· to 'hf
fessional boulln& produettl, ~ ~and design C'ouncil'1 ICj:OUJ]t.•• ' .:\
said municipalities and oth,er principle1. meeUna all sllelter, In Los Angeles . County. the On the other hand, the,
local go~etnmen(s ar~ Im-health, and safety standards. cooncil said, there are 34 report said, a coit!iortium of • 1
peding progress 'bY' Insisting ~ Ile' other manufact~red cities, out or a total of 77, proles!lonal liousina producers M•rlcet A..,,
on maintaining a multlpliclty p~~ (e.g .. automobiles. with different building regula-already have plant, approval H. R. "Hal" PincbiJI of
of uncoordinazed -and appliances) which. are . sold li~s. . and funding from the DeP4#· Hal Pinchin and Aasbcia
w,,.,times woefully outdated .lbrouawut ~1nat.ioo w11Qout ~ Too often, these restr!c-ment of Housin• and ':Jr.ban f d 1 M ~ing codes • wbJed ,•to extensive Jiom , g9 beyond the pornt Development 11¥' a IU~ ates o Corona e ar1 , tn many ~tlle 'rMrtctiOp,.;" the C0'1BCil n$(~ary to protect the procrun ~the poor~ has been appointed'·l,I·
cil ··tained ~. -,' • "'"'"' . \• i>llY"'•AJl(I ~u..,.11n fad, purdiue the~ own four-elusive marketing acent '.tu~has~ttooy , :~ .... ~:.'pi~l ~~:~.;; :::;nd~paW:,.,: (~~.~e:.=·~e
""' jf ~ ~ Clurltile,. -enc1neer: 0 r aovernment.1 •• of ODIJ • I mOOtb. I • lf•I" opment in San r..;
• • : 100~-lasllng 8n4 )Ns ex-These outmqded c o d e s , 'Ibt builders' • liifoclattolr Capistrano .. Pinchln and Office Movelt , · pensi~e. than ml!!Y types of am a I 1 am at• d and ac-also cbar1ed that locd'lllili!g Associates mosllrecedt-
r,, ,, , f. ' ~.ejpe in common use. '1.lmulated over a great period a u't h • r it i es tend to Jy represented Bonnie , . In Newport ~• t . ::_~ _, . loC>I c o d • s of ljme, are totally unrealistic, discriminate •1atnst low-«>ot Bray Highlands in Nrw-~ "D .,, p f H b <, tflroug~Out uJ(" Country pro. highly restrictive and subslan-llouslng projecta because of port Beach. . etai ays or ar 01· . d ~n .-,i•oundy"~'n 'hll!R'~asticpipeinhomecon· tially _behlndcontemporacyin· the higher Wt revenue that ________ _
v ' has ·'glhyed'"hlt real t!litte !,. strUction, aiv:ordlug to the n~vabon, r ~ s u It 1 n g 1n can be obtalned from more
, . r~' 262'1 N ...., Bltd l!Ollders' IJ'<>qp. "In SOO>• .aigntficantly mcr...ed costs Juxurioua developments. ~ ·., ~ ~---ew-;'"" ., ~ these requirements are w~ improvin1 quality or It wu ur1td, too, that in-expect to build 10,000 tO·itiOOO
i Location, price and the Center and Fashion Island · Newport Freeway to ~the N 1 oeach. ,. "" ' dtte to the mis g u Ide d safety." creased en'orta be made to low-incomt housing units in
.... 1 builder's attention to detail shopping man, the University M~ur Blvd. offramp and Tbe: ules staf! ls •rtCJ¥1 In aealousness of local buDdlng Tµrninc Jts attention to so-utlllu surplus tovermntot the n at Ion's metropolM.an
• 1 wez:e cl~ by 1 ·spqkesi;nan of California at Irvine, Corooa proceed south to Ford Road. lb~ ~ of being expa.r)ded ljencies which heap caution called community. a c t I o n property for low a ad areu thia year. Tb i • ~ ... aS i.-· . .factors resulting in del Mar High School, and the Or, take ·Coasl Highway to'" wit.ti~ =experltnced persoMel ~· wbUe in oCher ,Nups, the Council cited one moderate-Income housing. rei:naents UnoM ~ ~, Orange Coonly Airport. lolll<Artbur Boulevard and .wh!> will 1cnow the Har~ · '· .'' th{ ~~ts sud> lrooP 'which, it said, The Coundl fll Housing the eompulea' total pro
a coosiltently ·high sales rate Take the San Diego or · turn north. ·~-~ •. • are·~ ,f8 tbft;au.~s "bfS·~ difeclly responsible Productra' 14 member firms anKa far lllt. t ~'at Harbor View Homes in ,---------''------------'-~-4--"-'----'-'--L--,,,.-.:...-'."-."-.-""'".;.:..i..:.::..,."'+1---'-"'----'--'-----------"'---"'--"-.:._.:._ ____ _
,!·· Newport ~Ch. . , ~.. "
"'. In the nrSt' week the models .~
.... J>'ere QPen, more than 3,300 i1' "'
.;, people visit'ed Harbor View
., • J;Iorpes.,. Within th~e weeks,
~ Ml hOmes were sold. '.fo date,
over 200 homes have been
sold within the community,
. which is just a lew minutes'
t drivf from Balboa Bay •
. ~ According to Duffie Fryling,·
sales manager for Harbor "* 1('iew Homes, "the: Donald L.
~-Bren Co., developer of Harbor
. View lfomes, pays close at·
~· tentlon to detail that results
'in c!oostruction savings. He
. .-, Passes those savings along to
the buyer.
"Today, Bren Co. homes are .
known lof their originality,
their imaginative use of living
• spact, as well a.s for their
·:.·. cmnjletitive pricing. For ~ ex-.
·ample, when wu the llll tune ~·
..;.. .. Y.OU ·saw a custom liome in
' Newport Beacl! for on 1 y
\' $27,995?"-
''."• In just a few years; the
~: Don.ald L. ~n <;:o. ·bas been ~ai~ as one U the most
· 'highly regarded homebail<ling
· · and community development
firms in the country. Proof:
EigtK Grand Priz.es a n d
Awards of ~ferit awarded by \
the American lnstltute or
Architects and tile National
ASSQ!'.:iation of H'lJl!e Buil<t_ers. ~ "'M!~ 'proof: .A'i!frdS of
l)i>tlnctton aocJ.;~erll .for the '
Mn'co and Cloe• Culz m e,j ·
.modtll -HarbnP'iView~~ r..
-/&Warded r~ly 'fi.f i
American Bujlder ~zine.m ··
tht.ir annual Quality Moael
Home and Multi-family Uwl\PJ ,
ing ~test. t
lrt1 addllion to awards ·for.
inmry'atlon in architeclural
design and interior plannii\g,
J location has been a major
\ factor in helping sell Harbor
View Homes.
There are si1. Harbor View
Homes' models open for public
·on, More are oow
being planned ~~r co~ · atruetion). HOIDll CCJDe; In a
choi~e of , one and tWHlOQ' 11\odel!, with, up to fiV<
bedrpoms" ... mt priced at
127 ,1185,to ... ,,. H~eor . .ifliii H~• · ~ toi:•I~ ot'rlonl . Rold a · ?{.~'. Boulevard. The
devt)opmenl is minutes IWI)' '
from · titaches, the Newj)Ol't
Lyon to Speak
On Housing Act
William Lyon, president of
William Lyon Develapment
Company, the Newport Beach
based real estate. subsidiary
of American Standard lnc.,
will be one of the participants
of ''The Management
Cballena:e er tbe ·1911 Housing
Act " a one-day seminar April
I 1i the Jack T,ar Hotel in
San Francisco. .
' e MATiltlUES
. •
--~· .. ' ~----r-~ •· . ..
• • ~
' •. "
' • . .. .. ••
\-., . . . . . . . ' ~ ..
'Ihat'.s Harbor,'Yiew Homes. All goOd things rolled into >0ne quiet vi11ap
neighborhodd1; • , . . 1•
Start w:Ui .. the homc~.iYou'll sce individality with a flair. Soaring-beamed
ceilings. Forinal di~g ~\liii\l's,·AnceJcttric :lltchcns adjoining cxliy faniily ~iJ<!l,Ds.
Bedrooms on a grand scale. Innovative floor plans emphasizing private pati0&,
dramatic eniries and lots of sunlight.
And we're building you a complete neighborhood to go with your"homc.
One with .,quiet", safe streets, your own school, grassy park and private family
recreation club. ,
All this aJ!d Newport Beach loo! You're minute&from the stores and-shops
of Fashion Island, the academic influence of the University of Cali!or~at
Irvine and miles of beautiful beaches:
ll's been years since anyone has s~en homes this size at these pti~,tn
Newport, and yo u may never sec it again. Take the San'Diego or NewportPtec-
ways to the MacArthur t11tnoff, then come seaward to Ford Road .. We'll be glad
· to show you 1he opportunities of Harbor View Homes . It's a pleasure. '
I .
• ,,
_ ... _,_
• ..
~· ..
,1. i
' ·-'
A I •
---------~~~~-r~~--~~~----..... --------""!" .......................................... ..,.,
Je 11,l!IV PILOT ,
• •
• ' each; Tenni·s Club Spur§.·.·s~l~s _at ~ake : J;f9F~esi
' •• ,,. J. ._
• . -.
,. • I .. .
.,.i '-ls ~~ bled clllli lhd ...U over U.lllt I* ~. ' lhal wen In lft lmmedlato
iboolutel)" fllliudc,~ i 1 ld I bolt loolr • 1111 lkcte '•'Pooplo wne GUI lo ... buylq mood, hid "':!'.ri':
Toman. "Our m o 1 t con--lake that U. at the toot ·o1 . our Bet.ch IDd Ttnnbi Club, their roMdlt for 11
serv1Uve etlimalel for the 11\e flub. _, . .:_,. boll Ibey ....... lllo veey im--.-lo cm 1111 flnll Tn..m .. .., .. rn1 lwo clay1 Ire 11111 11,000 "Al --....... ent • ..-i wllll -liomes. By al Ille -.... .llqlll
ud H,• people vililed ·~ oo, Qie Irani lplir Cl 11!1',llwoo .Ibo llllddle al Ille-· 1b011e •• bomes."
1-......... ~ . ~
Thlt's-w•t..-,....enJ-1n ~IA Cu.ta ~ l'fllUlt ot comblnina
-ibdy _.., llllllil>" "°"" bulldlrw wlth in. tineSt ......,stmff,of 11aep;d1 an11Ysts ~ desfaners.
'Fnftel M. A,_ .... t.n Mtce ltOS
by the sea-.,··
""'~ ' ~
. '
. '
.. . .
• •
. r
. '
. .
' ' ' . .
" . Live under smogless, oce anl.breezed "#'
skies at Rancho La .e~S!!i. ~re ~J~ge . {1 '.i ,
lots roomy enough. tor a tpat-ofl\traner. 1 ".,.,
Here is the seaside living yo,ur famlty has GRAND
wanted. (Wdik or bicycle to Hun,tington • •
Beach State :Park less th¥' a '])lie, ~•Y·! , < JOPENJNG And here are the very newest ctX features ... · 1
for your con._venience and ,livif!i pleasure -.. . ·
.•. building techniqu!s arid •craftsman-SECO"ND
ship acquired cturing six decades are evi· 1 •
d~pt in these sclidly cb1\str:ucted.3:and 4 LJNJT · · bedroom homes. Here yOu will find huge
structural beams, wood r'oofs and concrete '
drives, while. hand finished hardwood cab·
. inets and ball-bearing drawer glides are
indicative of'ttie attention paid t6 detail in
these one and two story .homes you'll be
proud to own. Huntington Beach's finest
residences! At Rancho La Cuesta!
•• _.$33,79500
VA •nd Conv•ntiOn•I l•rm1
..... ~--· ...
4 Bedrooms • 3 S.tlis • ir..,,ay
Room • Formol -Oining R.....,
• Cultured Morblo Pullmoo Tops
• Custom Lighti119 Fixtures • R.;i...,
P•ool Double Entry D-..
' .
.... , ....
' .
f :l.NAL D~A Y
SUNDAY~ .. APR ... 6th
Seaside Living at J.nlcin:d Prices
l fl• f . -" ..
.. 4' •
• . ...... _
• •
. '
i " . ..
... .._ .
'" --·
For 'Hmey'
-'!'!fl-POIOIW«I':': ·~
.• -..... lll>llLI STOllY : . · _.,."< MAN WltOSf "tifO woµois cowD11·
::tr li !~1 ~.' 1!1t ~. ·
"'Swill ..., I •111111"
Fr,d MKM"""'y.....CaW
t°TIMt H1fpl1• ,. ..... ,. ..
-::·-... ,.,.J
~ In COL!>ll-H•l•lle Weed ,, ' ...... 1Ue ...,, ..
..... · ~!-0".'.--t-~rn· 1111 '"
"YHn. Mlw' All4 O•n"
~lus lfl COLOfl
• •
.. T~:···O~n ·. at · ·St;R
'1 . ••• ., ·"' c ·~w~ "''•·V~'', A1oo'lll 110 11CR •,;. -lllclt lo U.. llWI P11Fk,•*81J ;-,
." ,~~~~.:-;: ., I ~ ,.
• • plu1 ,
' ''lite ............ J,.....,... \ ' .,,,,,,,,,,,,,q.,,,,,, J \'
.7Academv · "·\'Awards·,
· .. Pm PIClllRE ·· ·
BEst ACTOR •. WT ACTRESS . ; ·p.,er q1oo1e · Katharine tiepblrn
BEST DIRECTION + f9!.!£R,!~~
Anthony Harvey James Goldman " ·
SCORE Maopm fine'
Joh']. J!an'Y . . " •
/··1. ,CfN!URY/1
• I
akers ., Win-.-~I,(·-Without·· Mi:. Clutch, .103-,98 :
., t I• ., \, ' •
..LA rCaptures 3.-2 Lea~
... .,l.. ' \ ...
l~t~1ter :W:est FouzS Out " -~.lj
INGLEWOOD -Tb~\ Loo Angeles footers, Wilt pham\..rlaln and M4
t.Uers .~ Friday they can Count.s. • r ~all In cllltch 1ituaU w)lhoot Mr. The Warriors ""fed the m"gln ~·
iCl.wi 11lmiell; Jd'ry·we.t.' , M-14 ·with hlnt nunutea to play . ,
Surv)vii:i&-a· frantic itr~ ,rally b:Y t it was close from there t? the fma\.
S"!' Fl;iDdocO_,.,l!!" J.U;li! "?"· I0!-91.' "f.'--· NBA playoff gam" Friday, t~ ta~e a ~~"ti oin thf. s wnt~ night, Bolton .bung on tG beat Phi~k
divls1on pla~. · phJal, 93-90 and Elvin Hayes' last-. ~~~wrapifupwitttanother II-footer gave San Diego a 114-112
vicf02 · ... ~ ~t· the Cow Palact lo 1 over lttlaria. Bost.on won ilS Eastertt San~~ • , 1 • 1 -:. pla)Ufs with the win. J
, d~i~~ ~r:!rt~lng:izl· ·, U.1t ,.A~l5c:. T lOS, .IJll,G~Lll,-' T \.j
~\;'tl\ll"~fouledoutofFridaypigbt'1 ' ~=:.--.!..-~.f-~·~~ ~:~1i~ ~ i~·~'·
haJt.raiJer With 4:50 to play. TI\l,H'lnlftlf t 6-l 11 C111mberl1I" l l·l 1 ' • Atti.t• 1 0-0 I WIHI 10 .. II 2' -
• 1t was onl)i the aecood time thia sea.900 Kint ' 1.J 1J fg•" ' t:'!! ·
Weit 'ba'drlOWeei-out. , ,. ~)11"*. : := ~ ~!t";.., : M 1
LA setmed to be in dire• trouble at L• 1 1-1 1 E~iwan 1 >-t ~ I !Ylllllmt 0 04 I tht Ume, .becauJt after 'IUainf by 11 L•w11 l 1-' 1 t 11 1941·,., •
.... 1. .. t:s at halftlmi, the '-"~ w~ faced.. Tatl ll "° lWO " TCI •II •
t-"" ~.. •"-~ ' • --~-,. ,. !JO ''-.. with a rallying Warr--rr!'Olltlit Wli!lt )lad 1.: ,,:;.~~w 11 n 2~ 1'-10J
Pared the gap to n-12 with 7: 15 left. Fouled 11ut-WP1 t. Le• Anoelel. But~ th! Lakers stayed cool. Perhaps 10111 111tii~111 F•1nc1sco 21. Los A111e1~ ts.
the key play of lhe game was a crucial
turnover by tht. Warriors with 1:55 to
play. _ ,
Center Nate Thurmond coUldn't handle
a hard pasa und!:r the San Francisco
baiket and the ball rolled out of bounds.
Th! Lakers were up by only four at
the time and the Warriors never really •
threatened after that. ..,,
The Lakers dashed off-to a fat lead
~ly in ~ game and pounded San
trancisco in the first hall. But Thurmond
and rookie BilJ Turner tl.D'Md the second
hall around . The two warriors BMerted
themselves on lhe boards, despite the
intimidation of the Lakers' two seven-
; .
\... ..
RIVAL SKIPPERS CHAT ... Bill Riiney (left) of tbe Cali!ornia.J\Jjg~s
and Dodger manager Walter Alsto1Lget lime for a ~it _of prt'glime dnitter .Friday night· at Dodger, Stidium bell>rl'..tbeir charges locked
~' ;·1·~:., ..
""'"'~ horns .in rowfd two ·o this year's Utree-game series. The rivalry winds
up tonight at Dodger.Stadium. Marr Beats
Fog, Mist;
Leads by 2.
Sports . Editor
Bue, Gaucho
' Jumpers Set
C.,llege Marks
'OI 'fM 0.-""' .Alff ..
NORW Ai.IC -Ttie big earthquJke fall·'
ed to crack California in haH and sever..t
hundred athletes •did little in tht~ .. m .
(){ SfD8Sbing the record books at 'the
annns.I Souutem eµtornla Junior College
track and field relay.s at Cerritos College
F'Mda1 afternoon.
JL· was a pretty bleak afternoon for
area athletes, although long jumpers
Bill Hanson of Orange Coast and Paul
Cox of Saddleback broi~ school recorits"
and Golden West's Don Shleli:ls won ·
the high jump in his division at H .
The outstanding area perfonnane of
lhe ·day, however, wcu 21-0at anchor
leg 'in' the 8llO n lay by Jim Seymour
of Goli!en West.
-~· •
. =
' ' ' ,, •• •: • t
AngelS Win ·i1'! 10th
Dodgers Back • Ill
Chuck Hinton to Cleveland for Lou John-. 1:.00 ANGELES -The Dodgers, who
onlf 2.f hours earlier had shaken an eigtit-
ye'8.r:01d hex off Uieir-backs. fell back into
an old rot Friday 'night.
· ison. the effervescent ex-D:odger out-
' fie lder .
Jn th~ir own bal\ park, Los Angeles. 1ost to the Anjels again. 4-3, Bill Rig-
ney's team JIO"V" has a 6-l series lead
over the ~ers. It was >a before the
Dodgers took · a,' 4-2 decision Thursday
night· in Anaheim.
The same two clubs will play in Cha-
vez Ravine tonighl
George 'Brunet for the Angels and
Claude Osteen for the Dodgers are t.r
night's schedu1ed pitchers.
The Angels pushed across lh~r win-,
ning run in the loth inning Friday night.·
Ruben Amaro st.arted the extra frame
with ·a _stngle and he was .chased to third
when dependable Bubba Morton came
off the bench and singled. ·
Then LA hurler Pete Mikkelsen uncork-
ed a wild pitch and Amaro SCQred.
The Dodgtn weni three-up-and-three-
down in their half of the lenth llining.
Both club6 arrived at the· stadrum Fri-
day night with ·new faces · in tow. The
Angels swapped first baseman-utility man ·
And Angel general manager Dick
Walsh thinks he beefed up his pitching
staff: wttll the addition of Phil Ortega,
another former Dodger for whom the
O'Malleys once shelled out a $70,000
bonus. Walsh paid the $20,000 waiver
price to W11shington for Ortega.
He was ·5-12 with the Senators last
year. The Dodgers traded h.im to Wash-
ingtOn in 1964 with Frank Howard, Pete .
Richert and K.en McMullen for Claude
Osteen, John Kennedy and cash.
The Dodgers reached the 25-player
limit by putting Willie Davis on the dis-
abled list and sending pitchers Larry
Staub and Ray Lamb to Spokane.
Los Ang~les was breezing along on
the pitching of Don Sutton through sev-
en innings .before California came back
to knot the score.
In the ninth inning, wilh 000.ger re-
lief pitcher Alan Foster on ·the mound,
Jim Fre~osi opened with a single and
RJ.ck Reichardt drew a one-wt walk.
Theri ' Spen¢er lined his single to righl,
l(ings Go for 2-1 Lead
' " In Series With Seal s
Russell bobbled it and both runners
Mikkelsen cii.me on for th e Dodgers
and halted the rally.
Sulton had faced but one batter over
the minimum -Bobby Knoop, w~o h.it
a home run -before retiring in the
eighth Inning and yielding to F.oster.
Foster worked his way out of a bases
loaded single by Andy Kosko.
Top Gas Cars
Duel Tonight
At Raceway
TWo hundred mile-per-hour top gas
competition will ru'ghlight t o n i g h l ' s
Orange County International Raceway
drag racing program.
Qualifications start at 2 p.m., racing
at 8 p.m.
Topped by 1968 national champion Jack
.Jones from El Monte, OCIR has drawn
~ top gas field filleq 'Yitb the biggest
na mes in drag racing.
Tra ck record holder "Freight Train·•
will put in an appearance, driven by
Bob Muravez nf Santa _M.O!Jica.
Walt Rhoades of Hunlingtoo Beach
will drive the Sears Point top gu
eliminator car. 'Mike Snively ol Rialto.
the only driver to ever win both the
Wintematlonals and the Natonals in the
same year (1967), is another entrant.
GREENSBOl(O, N.C. (AP) -Dave
Marr, without a victory since wilining
the 1955 PGA champiol\llhip, played
throUgh the rold mist and f~, Friday
to shoot a five-under-par li6 that gave
him the 36-hole : le.ad by two strokes
at 134 in the $160,000 Greater Greensboro
Open golf tournament.
A SO-foot bitdir putt and an eagle
set up by a three wood shot that stopped
two inches froin the pin enabled Marr
tn wrest the lead from first round ro-
leade'rs Gordon Jones and Gene Littler.
Jones and Littler each shot 70 for
136 runnerup totals, where they were
joined by 69 shooter Rod Funselh.
A score of 143, one over par. qualified
76 players for the last two rounds Satur-
day and Sunday.
Amateur Dale Morey, who had shared
the first da y tC'ad , slumped to 73 for
a 139 total.
South African Gary Player, expressing
confidence that h.is game has jelled in
lime for next week 's Masters, shot 68
to move into a six-way tie at 137,
only three shots from the lead.
Six more men were a stroke back
at 138, including PGA champion Julius
Boros ; George Archer, wiMer here two
years ago and lied for second last spring;
and Sam Snead, eight limes a Cree'bsboro
Sixteen more were bunched at 139,
including reci!nl tour winners in Florida,
Bunky Henry and Ray Floyd.
Marr, a dapper 35-year-<>ld who turned
professional in 1953, cr~ited tOuring pro
Jack Burke, his cousin, with correcting
his stance here two days before the
tournamenl began to set him on the
right track.
Tigers~ Cards
Betting . Picks
For Pennants
LAS VEGAS (AP) -Bookmakers said
Friday the St. Louis Cardinals were
even favorites to win the National Lea.
gue pennant and the Detroit Tigers a
12·5 favorite in the Am erican League.
The odds:
American League
Detr!)il, 12-5
Baltimore, 7-l
Oakland, 4-1
MiMesola , 4-1
Chicago, 7-1
Boston, 7·1
Cleveland, 8·1
California, 10-1
New York, 2-1
Washington, 100-l
Seattle, 150-1
Kansas City, 150·1
National League
Sl. Louis, even
San Francisco, 13-5
Cinci1U1ati. 4-1
Chicago, &-I
Atlanta, 8-1
Pittsburgh, 8·1
Los Angeles, 15-1
l?:hiladelphia , 15-1
New Xorik, ».1
Houston, 50-1
San Diego, 150-t
Montreal , 150-1
Jo'ew bookies are taking odds on
divisions because of prohibitive odds in
some races and chance of a lie and
playpif, .,
Boston , Montreal and St. Louis will
try lo increase th!:ir leads in the NaliQ(lal
Hockey League playoffs Saturday night
as they movt to their opponents' home.
let. .
Each team holds a 2-0 edge In the
opening round of the Stanley Cup playoffl'l
while Oakl&nd and Los Angeles are tied
at one ga~ apiece.
far. The Bruins trounced Lhe Mapl.afs
JG-0 Wednesday night and 7-0 Thursday
Los Angeles Is the only team movinl!I:
to· its ice with an even series. Thait
could make things tough for Otikland.
The Seals evened tile set by defeating
the Kings 4-2 Thursday night.
··we have the home ice adv-ant.a ge
now," said Kings' Coach Red Kelley.
··sut we have to take advantage of
He won the Stardust Nationo1 Open
his first lime out in February ;.nc1 waii
runnenip at Orange County's !fast top
gas contest.
Wheelstand expert Chuck Poole wil1 ·
be on hand with his "Chuckwagon''
nlachine, powered by two supercharged
f u e 1 butn ing Chrysler engines. e a c h
developing over 1,000 horsepower.
Poole acceler-tites· quickly to 100 mph
or until his front wbeels leave ttie track.
Theo his tallgal!: dr1115, aending a 7-foot-
~e shower of sparks from behind the
Bruin Spikers Get Boost;
Trojans,· Cal Squru·e Off
The weekend schedule has all the
teams pr&,y1nl; Saturday and Sunday with
Boston at l'OtQDto, Montrea1 at New
York; St. Laui1 at Philadelphia 11nd Ooldahd •I Loo.Angel.,,
~II· are night sames except the St.
Loul!-Philadelphia gam!: Stmday after·
'Boston has had the easitst time so
.. I thought "''e had as many good
chances to score as .\hey did Thursday
nighL Our guys iust sldpped shoot.inc ...
The object of Ulis game is to get the
puck in the net."
That's something the MapJe Leats will
be trying to do against the Bruins.
1 Poole will also debut his new
supercharged Jave.Un in, 1 special tourna-
ment s t y l e BB/gaa contest. Provi<lin~
opposition will be lbe class national
recmt holder, '-fel MarrS of Monrovia.
UCLA's track team, bolstered by two
new faces, in"ades Oregon State In a
dual tract meet today to highlight the
track and field schedule on the Weat
The Bruins announced that AM;IY Young
·24 Rookies on Opening Lineups
NL'W YORK (AP) -Two doren
rookies llkeJY wlU be In the opening
da.y lineups -15 in the National Ltaguc
and nine iD tbt Amuican League -
when ·the baael>all ~ason gets underway
with 1 series of openers Monday and
Tue.,Say. n.. blum surprise ~ that the Tus
AQ&e'res l>Od,en will have three rookies
when tbey 'optn at Cinclnn11U lttonday,
u ~~ • two of the four exp<in.~ion
clubl -SM Dieso in tht Nalionl'I
Lape tnd ltlllHS City in the t\mcrlcan
T A.Qat..111 011.ly • •lartlns •rookie> b
h . --....
Jim Spencer at i.b'A base. ,
No other club in elthtr league I! pJa,..
ning on ustng mOre UWl · two rookies
to start with while four National Le~c
teams and either seven or ellht
American League teams will field cotn-
plctelJ veteran units.
The Je(t side of lhe Dodier Infield
11•1\I be held down by rookies, with BUI
Sudatis at third base and Ted Sizemore
al sllortatop. while !!ill Russell is tx·
peeled to repl ace the i{ljured Willie Da"l!
ih the reshuffled Los Angeles outiieki.
Sudalds bit .276 after COQllna: up At
the eild al· 4he ,...... but 1UU •qualttiea ·
3 &r ??"Cn 67 -" --
as a rookie since he went to bat just Pat Kelly. who 'blt .30I at Denver last
87 Umes. Slat.more hit at a .314 clip season. in centtr Ueki: Mike Fiore, .271
with SpO)l:ane last season while Russell at Rochelter, at firat bue, and Ellie
hit .280 at Bakersfield. Rodrlgua. .291 at Syraa&Se, catcher.
Preston Gama. lhe San D I e go While the Royals lead the AL with
manager, also Us&a two rook1es infielders, three rookies, Baltlmort, B o ~t o n ,
Rafael Robles at shortstop and either Cleveland, Detroit, O.kland, Seattle and
Bill Ql\i s or Nate Colbert at first base, Washinglon wW go w)th all veteran lln!:-
"tu.1" anotMr first-ytar man. Clarence up! while Minneo&ll slill is up in the
Gaston"holds down Cf'llter field. ai r over whether to glve·Charlle ~fanuel
Roblts hit .2$9 at Fresno last stason. the opening day 1pol In left field.
Davis .265 at Ponland, COibert .264 at In the NL only fOW' tu.ms do not
Oklahoma CJty and G•ton .279 al show rookJ.e.s 1n thei.r st.artlng line.ups
Shreveport. 1 -ClnclnnaU, llousioo, San Fraoc!Jco
KlMBI CltYI weniJ!l d>J< p....,p lists • and St. Louis. ~ ' ... -..__ ...
... __
of Santa ~fonica City College and Hal
Greenwood of San Diego had entered
school for the spring quarter.
Young is a quarter miler who ran
47 .O while at lpng Beach Jordan High
School and Greenv.·ood is a 6·10!f.i hlgh
Other meets include California at
Southern California, Washington Stat£!
at Stanford . \Vashington at Oregon and
Arizona State at San Jose State.
The Bruins, even with their lwo new
start, flgure to have lheir hands ful l
of Beavers, however .
wtllie Turner, a 9.3 and 20.2 sprinter.
ls the main Beaver dash threat and
Terry Thompson, I :47.6 last year, is
the tops of three good halt milers.
Bruin Wayne Collett, who t.ipped 4SJ
In the '440, Is favored in that event.
Lennox Miller, who ran a 9.4 100.yard
dash last week, ts expected to leaf
fa vored Southern Cat to an ca~ dutt
meet v!(tory over Callfomla.
~Iillrr wlll prob.ibly run . the 100 and
220 and lf'l('hor a 440·rela.y tram.
Cal 's best events appear to be the:
Intermediate hurdles. whe.rc Bob ltlcLen.
nan has done 52.8, and the high jum~
In which Clarence Johnson of lhe Colde0
Beals hllS done f.tt.
••• President's t::ap Wln~er
Gem Paces
Mesa, 3-0 For CMCC
Of IM Daltr ""' ltttl
Mark Lindner allo...,ed just Defending champion Russ
three hits and struck out seven Larson, aloog with Ne a 1
Friday as Costa Meaa bumped Hickman, Garland Privltt and
Tustin, 3-0, In non • league Lee Kirby are in t b e
baseball action in Costa Mesa. semifinals o! the Presiderit's
Lindner went all the way flight of the President's Cup
for the shutout without many ~~f1pi~Costain mM~:s Gtlu1~ problems on a ea. Ou Howev~r until the sixth ,, .m4 C.Ountry Club.
frame the' best . he could do In the Vice-President's
waa tie as the Mustang offense flight, L. S. Van Sant and
also came i.p empty-handed. Jack Black~etter are paired
Kevin Morrow put ~an end ctr along with Frank Harne . . and Skip Skillioo. ~~A~gt :~~ 8H:~~nd,mArtgle Charles Simptinson, G . ~VlUI ~~. u-ey a King, Jack Valaaet and Dick Addeme~. Hinsley started off Christianson an in t h e
the lnni'ng with a booming Secretary-Treasuier's flight
double and Addeman reached Tournament chairman flight
base on a fielder's choice. title is between Emil Duffield.
eetN MtM IJI Bud Holland, Don AlfredS' and
111 r 111 ,.. Lou Hames. HlftOry, c
~"·:lb Morrow, lb
C!1'11, II ,.,,...,, 111
, •• ,..11, rl
5"tl1119'rtr, Cl
1<11i.111, II'
T-r.11 Llndroer, p
', 1 1 • Competitors are scheduled ' . . J 1 1 2 to meet this weekend.
~ : ~ : Jack Towle took low gross
1 o o o honon in. the low gross-lov;
: : ~ : net sweeps recently wllh a
TUHlll (I)
2i ~ : ~ Low net wem to Garland
P.rivitt with hls 75-9-66 rollow-
ed by Bladkttler's 77-Mll.
R~. "' ~1,.on, )II
Gtll9"r, II
llw111K. 3b
BGl\nett, cf ..... ' fl1'*"t. Ill -·· Ebrielll, rf
Han'rnrtll, P $1,,lml,,, 11
1~ rllrM ' . ' ' .. ' . . ' . ' ' .. ' .. ' .. ' . ' ' .. ' . . ' .. ~ ..
• • • ooo oao 0--0 l a
000 oo:i ll--3 ••
Lee Kir6y, Dick Mlller, Art
Noel, John Pacheco, 8' W.
Jone& and Pat Kalama tied
for the following spot with
net 19s with Jack Valasek.
G. King, Jack Frazier, Dean
1itcCJannahan, Ptte Petersen,
Bill Wallace and D i c k
1Utzeman at net 7ls .
Yf'omen's Club activity Mon-
day at the Lake Course was
Eight Gaucho Errors
Aid Ventura Win, 10-8
VMtwli 011 .. ' • ...
Mvtr&. .111 • I I I --d • I I I
~.,,rt • I ' .,
Clert. If ' ' ' • Hel'dr, '1111 • I ' I v ... ( • I • • Arm1tr-.., ti • ' ' ' $1. Clllr, rt ' ' • • CIWI_, A . 11 ' I • '
• lealured by Haul Websltt'3
82-lUI in A flight action
followed by VJ Jtookins with
, 86-14-721 Ind ·Nadt:le Maze at
lt1Kllkl, ' • • Tot1lt " ..
• I ' ' With Two lntlno1
'66C...4J1,~7 ....... ~ .. .. ' ' •• Sh,1bM, .. • ' ' ' ......... ' ' ' • s .... ll«ld. :lb. t ' ' , ' ~t.cf.llll ' ' ' • °""""',., 19 ' • ' ' . WhllllM, It ' • ' Vka. rt. d • • • RIWL c. rt • ' • '""'""'· . • ' • .. i.-... ' ' • "'-l ...... , ' • • T9'1" " • • .... ..,_... --..... ,_,'
• V911l\lnl .. _. -lt7 .
Nttlt111I tll4 l•t•I nit4tro
,111, pell• I'''" tit• DAIL T
rlLOT c•rrlet ••Me ef the
11101t l'•puler c•hi11n•1 eit4
feefu,<11 <11111l11lil<1 t• •~Y
l'l<IWIPIPff 1111 .... Ul'llt.4
• • .. • • • •
I •
HI MPH Stt..... l
... i:-""" ......... -.... :
"' .... '"-f '" c-u1-.. ..... ..-1w ... H.....,, --.... .. 'it CW UlA Pt ........ UtthNM'I• Unrr
" 17• ... tJ:l1.1M . .
lawllM Slfltl• lntlno ••t'ewo rwlw.4....._J...._ --p ..... '" cwa,. u• ,,_....,,...,,"'••
17• WM SlUH
'&IC......,..., fw ......... M• •
11t MPH 117,nt .,. c-~ .................. .
147 MPH 111.IH
Ph-714475-4440 or wr1 ..... 273
C....... dol Mir, C11ifornl1
DAllY '91.DT 1:1
• tM. MALCOM llllD
J04t HMIDI •vD.
, .
' •
' I • ' •
• •
" , '. '
' ''Sl&llA 1Ull" ...........
DOIOTllY.aAY usatura". ,.,
.......... .-... ~ .. ····-· ... -... _.. .... ~ .............. -
• •
J .
-. ;'i-
'' '
.._ _________ .w,..,.·,.,.,,,,,_ ... , ·-.,,
.------~------~--N--t' r
! ...
All '°" ov11wn'm '",.. ' "A•" . -pN ' ldichli ..... ca..,
Dericimil '°" ukrie •• .. ' ' ·~-. ~~,:=,::;ri:-2.1254Slng ; 4s~29s.ln
IJec"!I jal'lilO!°IOSL Aslor1lil . '· . ) 11~~·" .. . • • •lo •·-..,.I' -I• f
~-. ..
' '
. . .
...., •· 'MUHS "'." .. ' ....... "'""'""' --...... . VOl.UfRt MYlm.~ .•
Eute,I, ~·~·is 1"1\0fmW ; • NolJ!ICly,.lfjll. be in soliiiw; ,. ,,
The g~s will be green,
•·'!be E~~ bUMy wlli ·tti~e the sc~ne: n ivln bO so line. . .. .
So nice and divine ;
The Air will be nice
Like sugar and spice;
Ev~ryoboy and girl will · play,
They will be so gay.
-t\1k~ "-If •lllr -N CtN• Mllltl', t, \fall Mlli.
Ill .. D;1'lwo ""'9tl .. llfft ·-~ fw tlll WlllNlRt ~ IR ti!• ...,, ..., ---..1. ,....11 1'9Ur ""'" er ""' It Ulltle ~ ..... 1161. C.Qt• Melt. C.•llf!ln'lla.
' .· ' r.r
Crossword Puzzle
AWISS Ytstirtay's P'~....s.0.ii'ed: ca T.oot
SO Gtr111nt 1 Dltdalnful SZ Trying to
sound reduct: '111.!nntsota J w0tds
l1kt r ·, •· ·!• Kind of ~O On th_t .trdllttctu.re
111od. rtctnt 57 Ruckus
omslon sa Equality
14 frtnlJ 110 Washington
15 Anc ftnl city club: ntar Argotls lnfor11al
1' Unlttd '' lll.11ns or Stalls Army spreading
Rtlll"f't: lnfonnallon
AM!r. 115 B.,dlndtr's 17 l lth no jnstrucUon: • C/5/69
lttu#: .I ;, :\ · 2.••dl . -10 fm.tlll '-.1 ',,,. 31 Jowlng Z w•ds " Slit of the pronoun pact 11 Strait • Pearl Mosque 11 Um ot 39 Out of
of -...:..: 67 Heraldic valut strvlct
2 words be1lln9 12 Drug store 41 Ret1rd 20 111.arln,r's fil "That btat 11e111 44 P'11rloln
concern • • ···"· 13 Put rn.a.n .• fl Clfll!Yman '• -21 NCl'lt Scotia 2 words awkward title: • lndl., fi' Obli111tro n spot · Abbr.
22 Wom an 70 Gas I' French ·r 9 cause 23 Color1do 71,Calit . schqq,IJ · 11 dOUJh to
.., clty ' • 2). •-',wit~ ; ftrmenl &.~ Act1pttd i •OCllN l~.1\'.vt1j ' ' ' l Dlsapp11r
for"'ally anl11111I . )2 Instrumen t
27 A11ll•1-~ ... :i llftd of ,. lt b'llll~ ""t'!S'.S'ltrl9t's · '9 lHtf~ poUutlon il;Oiii • · netohbor
31 Ad/tttl¥t • ~ 2 Child's plocl"' 54 Marttd by
su fir ~nUrsem1f!f 21 Corrts· rtaJb:atlon
32 Dtvout l lt!Qld Pondint''s·• ~ 55 ThtHfold
34 Choosr 4 Bt st word 59 l'rtposltlon ~·Etcher's 5 R111r 21 Formrr 61 ,olnted rtqulrement •Liner S. Amtrican proJtcU11t
fO,lorkell on a ,.ioy••: .... 1.., ... ,,,_,. • ,,.\/" .. \ ._
manuictlpt Words .t:9l)ftftll .,2 Statt of
42 F0tintr r111er 7 Fn of wotlh Q.-ncltt•.,t
43 Sotl1I A In and• 33 Nulll~(lJ: •• Ho""tV Qtoups · I s..Jhtrn .• l''DtparWlfl 1 ~ , <" ~· CS l'ut 9sundtr W.S. clly t Slfi!:e • ; · ro ~~
47 AfL ,a t ~t·covlrtid •""1' s 1.P•f. -,.,~ ' •laln · 1·.'~ ~~Aatse •••-' ~M~n ...
\ '
ly Cllarles M. Sch I
• • • ' .,,
' STiVE IO.. " • · • • ly s....-. 1111d °"'9drd u~ !'!P=t::.==~~~;;;;;:L;itiiAir.1 !'::!=====-~== r--:::--"::"'""----::::-;;:i;=
' . brance lo all MY CA 'I) ~
Rich or pcxr, short or tall; I have a litUe kitty
On the nifbi befort, I got her Monday morn
Childien llt in front of lheir It was onJy five week! 1go
door that she wu born,
To ,,,1' /for\ the Easter bun-She has v~ di s l I n c t
ny ~..aPPiiat,.. features ;
HoPPini ·fllt like a speeding I think that cats are
deer; . · nicest of all crtalures;
He brin&s chocolate and A white stripe down the
candy · center of. her face. _
To me and my sister -Pale little paws that could
isn't that dandy? win any race,
I just Jove Easter, don't A wbite breast but black
you? all the rest
~~~n&: ls t-lrtsh_ .~She's aly; like a fox, •r!fi
a!\d !'"l~;:. ·· w~.caU her Sox. '"~ I, 11, C.I• ~ • t;i _._, llll!Ctll, II. ~· ~
* PJll~E
Dear Caro]: Why is a barn so noisy?
•Al'4 IMO:. •1.1• 11• esn1:ae9 :JeMSUY
-Timmi' Orlftmtll, JUf1 Vii M11.to1111•,
Sill JMM C.1bl,_
p..,; Cllrol: What ls blac~ and wbite and red
·all over?
Answer: A sunburned zebr1.
-«rh McAlllNr, I. ..... 1..-
·-.... ;.., .......... te All AHy, •I• oN.,. c... IMlly n.t, ...
116t, Cnt. M ... , C.tlf. •
,1o.nc1y 1111>C11 • 10>~01umo Ht ~ Although fragmenls of ~air th1 WorM IMll: IM'/'C._...la to Jdlll d · d .v.cL.••n, ,,. 10. 01 G•,_ o~ may get trapped an m1xe
Ci11romi1, fvr ht<' -111on: wilh \Yater, most of ' the
How can a 1old f1111 move earlh's vast blanket of air
up and down In bl1 bo:wl? rises above the land and sea.·
Goldie, or course, can swim
around under wateri He can
rise up or sink to lower levels
as he cbooles. A breezy bird
can fly around through the
air. He can soar up higher
or sv.'OOp down lower as he
chooses. We human beings
mm&: .,.a _.,.of ... µme
with our feet on the ground
ll is unsinkable.
Air is so light lhat lt can
help to lift solid objects up
through the water, This is
what the fish 's air sac does
for him~ When filled with air,
it lifts his body of flesh and
bones up to a higher level.
When t~ere .is , less JBS in
h'lS air sac, he has Im lilting
power. He. sinks down to a -~ some of the animals lower tev.J, This trick ol riJ.
seem? be havtna lots more ing up .n~ ~Wn is called ·: • f~ ~ ,,. • 1 d f buoyaOcy-:' ~ his llC ls
One way to ketp ft<>~ k; filled with olf, Goldie II m"" Ina ln lbe water IS "to m buoyant aDa~be rises upstairs
-and. indeed, ti$. Js hor · in his bowl.
a 8'Jatl!irin 9.•bofvl spends A fish's air sac ls a lofts,
~ good deol ol his ume. Bu\ slim ball""1 lnll\!e his bocly
•'!l"tl!n.. he ~ "!Id. under his blckllooe.~\ lf mide
hevon Ill ""' sl>QI, merely ol very tldJuldnlbal II~ wavw bl& .,.uey, /Im. Thul wllh lots of'ftry ~ ..us;
AhAIN,EH?!\'O\m: .
Mun AND JEFF • -t•
oHeoY,~S IS GOING . ·-.
11:> BE RO\IGHl···WELI., ---
. .
-. -= -
. --.
• • • ~; .. ,,.~•: ., ~ ... ~o ~ .· .. ·
Is w~ui you would f,lpecl hlrn ni..e cells can 1111 the -\
to sinlt lo the hollom. And that are illllolved Ill tllO IW>'I ' ._,.·--~r"------'
he would """ -11 he did blood otream and put them . . e
not 'have a apedal balloor> Into the ·air oac. They allo MISS PEA H
built into bl! body. ThiJ UKfUJ. can remove jues bm the
balloon la called his awim air sac and put" IMm -,
bl.-,' ar ·tu cu bladder Into the blood iiltalil. A flab
or h1J air 11c. needs oi;ygen.,Jvat .u you do.
d ~ I .
By Ferd Johnson
T---i Wfl.11 YCUMAPEi
~~ISEi'fO EiCONOMJ?Ei!·=-',......_
By Tom K, Ryan
IT'S lllE
.... -----
. . By Al Smith
•• . . . ' ~r ~· '-""' -....... (• .• a. ~· .,. • . ~.~~.~·-·
By Gus Arriola
By Mel
TH~N I 5'166eST
VeTIQVNAl!/""1$, . Thi ·n..ti and bones of a And just ., you do, he Iola
I-+-+-~ liah'a body are heavier than ' oayren and carbon dioxide
... iu. And, .. everybody ,.... around In his blood
Ir.non, thlnp that are heavier ru.sm. MOit ol the gu u...t
lhtn Wiler link to the boltomJ to ftll the a.ir llC is Ol)'Pfl.
Thlnp thll are lighter thin When Goldie wilhel to rwlm
water noat lo the top and around the buement of hia
bob on the :wavu. But aome bowl. he lets aome of tbt
thlnp are ao light that they 111 oul of his air 11C1 Wtth
rise !llhl up 1boy1 the water. less lifting gas, his body~
~ thlnp are gases -like heavier and leu buoyanL Hf:
the Invisible gases of thli air. sinks to a lower level. ·
---------~ --------------------'-------------------------'-
---,.,--..,...-----------...,.------.----------..,..--~•-...,-..,,..--...,-~_,---.-......-.-..........----.... -rr·· .. --~-· ·-·~ •. ..-~-·-···,
' --
Goner.a , 1000~110f'ol l 1000 Gonorol · '1000 0-rot 1000 Gonorol ' 1000 Gorjorol
PETE Bi'ARRErr· When YQU purchase a home that was buill · ft just· a few years 1(0. -For, in many cases.
JOIN :l'llE · ·-.o.t you only PIUJ• L\TTLE MORE for all the
-5 Bedroom Bayfront with 46 ffft of a.jiront with p&.r ind ffHt".,f
fam ily room, pier and alip. 9 Bedroom, 5 lath hom.I !'BilGAIN HUNTERS
~ .
... fpll'll pur-r-r with pl~Utt
~p you aee this duplex. 4
titdroorns up -2 bedroom.a
dOyin. Parllally lurnWl<d, 3
&iant steps to ocean, Ideal
for ,uovner(winler lncon\e.
S37,~. It's the best bey we
Aa~. Divorce Jolus AJe.
· 'preacn S improvemelllt Ille fom\er owner has made. • . -I ~1 . . COME.IN ~iussuow YOU . ~.:':'.'. .. ~~·. ~.,:.\ W°"ld you belle .. $160.000 Full ,rictl
All FRESHENED UPl 'New paint, clean • 4 ' ' Ope9 S...l l.Ol Lllxla lilt Excfu1lv• with '114y~~EST BALBOA "IAY PROPERTIE$ carpets, vacant. Ready to move in. Won-A a. TO THE. SEA deffill !or a large fami\y -near Mari-, '" nets' ;>chool & Park. Arrange i:ooms to In beauti!ul, ll.ar)Joc View Broadmoor 4 lovely
suit ~ur n~s : 3, 4 or S bedrooms witb bedrooms plui JaI!tlly roo'm and formal din·
-ery lllltB.ctivc ho~ on 101 l,'cFadden Plitt, Newpott leadl ...
~ fOl with clrtUlar at the Newport Ocean Pier r ~
family. room &/or dining room. Harbor ing. -P it:ldtiie landscaping, -Luxurious d!'Mv.·ay. " Bed1'00m, 3" 673·9420 673-1117
Highlands. . ·. c~rpels and di'all':~· Private park and pool .-... ~·"'" . . ......... ;,, .... ., .... ,. , .... ..., ..... ~.soo
both, formal d\nin& room.1 ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ family room. Healed and 1.. :::
lille~ pool surrounded by
' '
Tim Thom•s ·,.
1 CLIFF HAVE~ IRVINE TERRACE ..:JD.iig11t1u14'bdrm i ROOM.'"""R BIG··, BIG ,.. •• :.... {,.· 2\!a bath. home pl~s dining t09m . a fire-0-)" .r-q, y. a large patta, excellent for I ~Go=-='=' ====l=OOO==Gto==-='°="='====;=;~j tptertaining. l .. I 1
A real dream cottage. Spotless 2 bedroom,
large living room with brick fireplace, cov·.
ered lanai. De· SOLD garage, beau-tiful divided y. titudinous fruit
trees. Ideally localed. $27,500. Priced lo sell
quickly. Irrunediate occupancy.
One of Corona Del Mar's top residential lo--
cations with view of Ocean, private beaclies.
89 • 135 101. a~ SOLD n. 2 bedroom,
den, 2 bath qu . me. Carpeting,
drapes, electric kitchen & garage door, shake
roof, plaster interior .. $71,000: Imm~ate
Exclusive residential district. short \Valk to
private beach. Attractive 2 Br home in fine
condition. Excellent location for enlarging or
remodeling. Yard & gates for boat. $44,500.
New ly listed .
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage. At
$39,soo: 01)e of the lowest priced h'omes in
the area. Nicely located near both ocean and'
\Ve have a small duplex at a small price of
$311,950. Nothin g special about it.except that
its just 4 doors from the beach an·d the as-.
sumable Joan is at 6%.
Facts not fiction. Built with 3 things in mind:
Pleasurable Jiving, excellent area, and in·
come. Immaculate and charming 2 bedroom
borne located on the channel. ComPact kil·
chen, beautifully paneled living room. Upper
unit furnished. Has steady tenant. ,$59,500.
Total price.
places. Great enclosed yard !or children MasaiveS bedrpom.,.S bath wlthfainiJY..tyl1 ,
& privacy. Shown by appointment. only. kitchen.' extra large fiving room, pool size
1yard with entry for boat or trailer. Th:S homi
.BAYCREST BEAUTY -The inviting is sparkling clean lhroughout ........ $37,950
pool & beautifully manicured ~ com-
pl4Jlent this sparkling, bright ~ ·'spr.ing
fresh 4 txlrm home. It has the ultimate
ill charm & livability. an excellent val~e. ~JI to see . .
2 bath ho~~ with all the extras. Separate
format dmmg room, large panelled kit-
chen "·ith breakfast area.
1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B.
General 1 1000
Tl)is !Owly home is probabl,y
the Best Buy in the· beauti-LARGE SPANISH
ful City of Orange. FEA-j B f 'I R
TURING, •. •••"o"' .... .. r.· 1m1 y oom
roonu! 2 Sparklinr:: Baths!
Richwood Pane 11 in g? l mpressive 4 yr old Newport
.. Queertll" Kitchen wit h built home \V/ custom stereo &:
Look forward to summer fun in this delfght-
ful>-3 bedroom in choice location -2 car gar-
age with workshop space. Olympic size pool
with separate dressing room ai1d bath. Just
.................................... ~.500
546-2313 • 646-7171
Cute, neat 3 bedroom on a tree lined, street
in' Mesa Verde, near market, schools, library
& park. Features include all electric kitchen,
w/w carpeting, panelled family room with
fireplace, large patio & ·fenced yard. Now
vacant·&: price just reduced to a low $24,950.
Open Today
At 1578 Corsica Place
...... : . • • .. • Asking $66, 750
Open Sat 1~ Santia&O Dr.
. '--· .,l)OilJE'R SHORES
..:... Panort1.mk. view home,
Bedrooms, famUy room with
"'el Mi-, ne)'I carpeliAI:, lux.
urious window treatment,
ne\v AnlhOl'I)'-pool, 'IOlar·fio
outdoor heated. Excltiiw ttt.
race on Bayside.
• •••••••••••••••••• •. $112,500
john macnab
901 Dover Dr .• SWte 120
646-1111 Ins! &<><pensive wall to wall vacuum system thru • out.
carpeting over quality hard. 2300 sq It, 2 back yards, cor.
wood tlooN! Qu.iet cul-de-sac ner lot. lm mcd. possession
1treel! Room for boat or or this immactilale beauty!
trailer! ONLY $1l1 per Located in $60,000 neighbor-BALBOA POINT
month Includes all on exist-hood, reduced to seU this Mesa Verde Realty OCEANFRONT 1tately l bd·
ing loan that anyo~ can weekend to $54.000. 546-5990 rm, 3 be.th, 2 story home.
a!iWme without qualif>'if1&:!! OPEN SAT 1-5 Corner lot. Lovely sundeclc
No Down GI! Syinpathelic (Nr Irvine & 22ndt with nice v I e w oI Bay.
Down to-anyooe. 405 Fr•ncisco Drive ~,..r•I 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 $69,500. You'U love this!
WE SELL A HOMe Owner. 549-7 · Walk T Bay iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l 1111 llldml"
EVERY 3) MINUTES . 0 B/B LlllW:a.' ns:o ra.'11n;:r:: :--'f'" Walker & L~e. VA ... dh .• BR. h-lam From ~d1.2~~room ,.;.,, w~ !!.l :..:.. N.~. ll!: LJllLr"l:I' , .,.,. F.d'"""' ~· BJ. ,.t1o, ""' 1or boa• ,. .. ., modem ••mily """h Loan Assumable 675-6000
R 842-4455 or 540-SI40 ~Rel'. 1 Blk. lo parochial home. Jiere yo uare offered 5 ,, ., NO POINTS E A l T Y n....R Eves. "',hoot· Se.11/Excbni. 1 or 3 private C.'Qmmunlty wi1h a •74 '0 • '-'ti<"' G A home to be envied! 4
20~5 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach
Rent•ls -673-3663 Sales -67.UOOO Business al Home
i;'and ,Rapids, Mich. C1ubhouae, swimtn.ing pool, Bl!droom beauty al $36,·
LOT ·tor hideaway, Valley and tenni.!! courts besides. 950. Upgraded carpets &
Center. $800 dn. Get ready Jor a. trc!mendoui; drapes, compl. built-in
EXCHANGES summertime NOW!!!! Full Wet Bar. ArtisticaJly dc-
2 BR home w/lnc unit needs
so~ TLC. \Valking distance
lo everylhin&". $33,500 ·
lern1s, $21 995 4 'llOUSES on OrN"' Jot. price $34,950. Submit your coratcd. Immaculate con· 1 Ex~hng. for more units, O. smaller hon1e on our guaran. di lion inside & oul. Thi~ Gen1r•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 Li11rgc, 3 Bedrooni, J Bath C. Coastal ilN'a. tee we plan. is the one you've been· liii!!ii!iiiiiiiiij!i!iji!iiii ------·I home on Brookhur.it sur-WOODLAND Jffil.s resid'U WE SELL A HOME looking for -"''orth se<>·
By appl only
REALTORS II OCEAN VIEW 3 BR 1~ ba. htd pool, Eaat· rounded by commei'Cial. lot. E?rehang. for house, EVERY 31 MINUTES lng. worth-buying! A plea-
side 01. Elegant entry, No-'"' CostM Meq,. Long Beach, w 1 & L sure to 1how, call for &.p· 3036 E. Cooll Hwy, CdM In e.<><clus\vc cameo Shores
lovely new hon1e
custom built and
beautl!ully deeorated
\vith large pool and
expensiV1!ly 1and.5ca{>t'd yard
3 bedroom.~ and 3 baths
spacious family room
wi(h fircplaee adjoins
chce11ul kitctwn
3 csr ga.ragr
Call Jim Cdbb
Re~. 673-186':1
dbl frplc to ceiling. $29.990. -..... I or TD a ker ee polnlment.
10% dn , no """· it 2 BR. 'din nn, 1!°pc, for 2 5 B d 111·· 1 Sf 2 BR C-2, Eastside Ot more homes. 120' Frnl&'. 200 Westcllf! Dr. e f00 $-· Ory
$18,900. S2CXXI down.· Victori• Sell/Exchng for San Diego. 646-7'T1.1 Open Eves. Owner trart8ferrcd. Has
Corona del Mar spacious. FORTIN CO ~·" l:tl!Vi _... •-N E · ( sf M · . --y· Fra A Pli<= '°' '""" "~-·-. . 0 I esa atlr. duplex, only .( yrs 646-tlJI ••w m t "lC5()() 4 Bd 2 Bath "C" THOMA" ~· . ""' ' old. ea. unit 3 BR l~ <if M nt • T UP. Jl,1asler Bdrm. -I-
ba, partial ocean view. -OU Gift op Bath Lov.•er Level, Per-3 large bdnns, 1% baths.
$60 ooo lo dn. YOU owe it lo )wursel! to Jn. for Immaculate 4 bedroom homr feet for adult entertain· h<.rdwood !loors. large kitcb-
SA 1i1s. '3 BR. hdv.·d firs. vPSti,p.te our 4 dillerent IA YSHORES with a breathtaking view of ing. Assumable lo\V intrr-en &: acrviCt' porch area.
$21,500 • $1300 dn . no trade-in programs. • Catalina, 2200 11q. rt. ol pres. est loan! l>oUble garage. Bic yard
Znd TD. \~~y~ve some ila~~ce~lent .tige livin& only 4 years old. ( H"ghla ds with ·Shade 1' fruit trees.
31. E. 16th St., R-2 lot. :! ' now ava ~ 3 ° ~ Asking only $37,500. ' orona I n IZ!.!E;O. ~
BR. bit-in R & o. $18.00'.I. !1:xi~=~~D' .rr:im , 3 Bedrooms 2' &thl ·I-.· W1lls.McC•rdl1, Rltrs.
Frank Kingaard ReaJ Estate ORANGE COUNTY'S $35 900 up Dfn. vacant -Quick lBlO Newport Blvd., C.M.
lot! 2-2222 LARGEST ' · LS Possession! Out-of·tOYo-·n 548-7729 EVCll. 6H-06M
--------I 293 E. 17th St, 646-4494 A 0 owner "'ants action. $41,· I~~~'""~""'~!""~ Excellent INCOME proper. ORANGE: COUNTY'S 500 Is lh£> right price! OPEN House t 10 4 Sunday
Apr 5 •6th I • 5 BY O\VNER.. 3 bedroom Con-ties in 1hc Harbol' area. LARGEST Bay & Beach Immaculate tri-level 5 BR
1518 Dolphl'n Terr .. minium lo qui<t Hon-"C" THOMAS w;th family room •nd 1.,... tington Bay To\vnhouse. No I 293 E . 17th St. 646-4494 Realty, Inc. Master bedroom, 2~ Bath,
675-1662 i I
Spotless. 2 BR, 2~ b!', den. maintenallC('. $18,950 96'2.6520 67•IOCJO II t hool 2 b"·· outside yard \\'OTk or REALTOR S22 .--1401 E. Coasl llwy., Cd!i.1 new cattpling. l blk to ex.
etcc k1tc~n, PLUS huge alt 6 2'14 \V. Coast Hwy 548-552'1 ! I !!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I! I '~hoen. scO•": S 3 4 ~, 0 o'° "!~~-~ coveredboat·port.min.land---·-------NM11portBcach Eve. 545-5643 ii s pp1ng. ·~ • •
. UP-PER ""' m•inl<..,,.,., R<do""' BALBOA ISLAND OUPLEX -'----':...:.::..;,;,,;:I Newport Heiljths Prime Commerci_al-Agent. 534-84'4 or 534-:JSJS
oo S42,!IOO. _ 3 BR, 1\l bo plwd BR •part. OWPRNIEDRESHOIFPI \ Cute 2 BR on lg lot. $11,950
2 bdnn BEACH COTTAGE ment. $57,500. / DAVIDSON Reall)'-C.orner 19th le Pomona, C.M. $120 A MONTH
312 lSth St t N B CURT DOSH Realtor Pyramid Exchangeni "OS" DOWNI $24,950 546-5460 Eves. 642-4951 Generous slt.cd bedrooms. reo ' ' ' • uo ~ ~-, «• .,19 n<xt to 18 '''"' bldg, Fivo OPEN SAT/SUN 124 , J'IO""~ c.vlC" .,.,.,......, Texas sized bedrooms. over. BESI' BUY·M!W Sell! stores fully leased al $lll06/ Clianning kitchen. Ccvered
1730 \V. Coast Highway HOME -R-2 · lot. Excel slzed living room. ~ 4 UNIT APT. $411,SOO mo. Potential unlimited. patio overlooks the-pool ali-
(oldwell, Banker
FFIR$:" ..
UclO 4 IR Pier & Slip
4 BR. 3lh bath, new Spanish deco~on 2·
lots . Walled patio w/lge pool. .Slip f r ~·
boat. Builder's own home .......... $1 9,500
Joe Clarkson
Panoramic Y)ews .
Tip top o! Harbor View Hills -Spaci9UJ
custom home w /lrg panelled family ro<nn~· ;:t\ob~d 2i:1~~~~~~~'. .I~~~-.~~. ~-r-~tt.·
Mrs. Harvey
Hom• and Income CdM 1·
2 Story Colonial , 4 BRs, den , lam. rm. and
pool. Also iJt.~luded, a darling 3 BR home,
lot and 1h. Near elementary schools. Just
reduced .......................... $68,IOO
Mary Lou Marion
Waterfront Special
Large paliq, sandy beach and lliP for large
boat, plus charming 2 BR home with guest
apt .. and only $53,000. See this today.
\Valter Haase
Lat9e Lot -Baycrest
Delightful and attractive 4 Bedroom, 2%
baths, family room, formal dining room,
detached garage, tile roof .......... $57 ,500
Mary Lou Marion
Exceptional View· ·
Beautiful 3 BR: "i bath condomirl"ium with
wet bar '!'!d powder room · lI)BDY, upgraded
features. $47,500 -Will also lease with
option to buy.
Walter Haase
Outstandin9 Home
Custom designed 3 bedroom home with
separate suite o·r apartment consisting of
silting room. bedroom and bath . (also
sauna). Panelled family room/den'has wet
bar. Form a I dining room. Maid's
quarters.,Professlonany decorated. Ro~
wood parquet flbqrs. Exllu~ite Chandelle~.
The finest draperies and carpets. Swtm-
ming pool. Panoramic view. Shown. by
anP,Ointment only.
Mrs. Raulston ..
Don't Diet··· Swim .
In . this ' tnviting pool . Weslcli!I 2 story,· 4
bedroom & conv den. 21f.t baths. family room. 2 fireplaces. play area. Excellprit
l~ation for Children.
Mary Lou Marion ,,
Kl 9.3351
ArnOJd & Freud 642-6¢72 Eves. 67l-346ll Wt·stside. 3 BR 2'4 ha, room rear ya.rd. High block fence. 1.J BR. l-2 BR. Big lot ;t10.ooo FIP. 29% down & ed yard.
Reallon< •1s.n;.; l ~...,~~~~""''!""I '"' 4 0< S u.Ui.. ,...1623 5'f0.1720 400 W. OJI .. , Le Hobno owne. will """ ls! TD. I ,T~A~R~B~E.':l.':l_~lf!46~0604~ YOUR AD REACHES·,., l!!:!~~~~~~~-W:_;;;:M~1,~.te~phan~~~!~rnm...~·;:;;;~·lin<~·~,~""-;,============~T~A=R=B=E=l=l~29=5=5=H=o=rbcw-°"'""'=o=P=EN==.='213;;)=!IJJ5.8320=====-'~G=''nro="'=Rl=cy=Co==.===ti42-4422===:ICHA=;=R.G~E=y=OW'"--w="'='=•=d=now=o.:..__:6:8~,9~7~2:_:H:.:;:0~M::::ES::_~~!-A,!C:::H:._W:.:.:E:~~.......J,:
Gener1I 1000 Gener•I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General ~
-·-., -
.,, .....
Trade For
Eucuti\'t' home. Doublt'
door l'nlr)'. ~-0 R }.1 Al.
Jiving room with view of
Spanish patio. Huge fam-
room. Ciant riving room.
Wild ma 1 t e r bedroom
wllh ~er room and
ROMAN BA1'1. 01\'ntt
w\11 trade tor JIOM£,
!!~. J~urry cau 6e-030.1
East BIUff
Formal teJTano t'ntry.
Huge ttvlnz room-v.·lth
used brick fir.eplatt, fan-
with bullt·lm and Cll!lom
cabinets. Gr t' at tam.Uy
rwm with slidinC glass
doors JN.ding to covered
patio. Big master with
loads. o( dole ta and Jlri·
vale bath. Secluded pool·
i;itt yard. Priced in mid·
30'1. ?a1ake offer.
Hurry, call 645-0303
Close To Ocean
4 + Family Rm.
Wo"' -4 bedrooms +
family room, 2 baths.
BUll. T INS 6 breakrast
bar in d r e • m k1tchen..
New custom drapes. Wall
to Y..'llll carpetln&. Forced
air heatJna:. Room for
boll or trailer. P.Cflet'd
yard -can't lut at
Prime Mesa Del Mar area. Forntal entry.'Large
living room with !lreplace. Big ldtcben will\
buill·ins & dl.shwasher. Great family rpom with
sliding glass doors, 4 family bedrooms. Jrn.
maculate condition. F1ntasUc terms.
Diel 64S-03o~
~~. . f
ING · • ~ J .. 4
1907 SANTIAao
Sanely leach
. Fanta&UC VAlue. OWN.tR
LOAN FEESt ~ -needs work but can be
" decorators de 111 h t. Ideal 'for artist or 2nd
homt. Only $39,950. Call
to see -645-0300 •
u11mn1ry Part'
Int Buy ..!.
5 3/• •/, Lacin
' L 0 w d 0 w n ~)'llltnt. ArN. or hlgher Dri~ , • -Im homes Ivy covettd trtm Trul,y this home b in .. ptet · lead you into a
maculate cond!Uon. rllfl.5 most u nu au a I enlr)'.
tuUe livlne room with .. Qrff.t kitchen with MJt
mualve used brick fire· CIMnil1C ovens. B~akfut l , pl .... __ ,1 lo __ ,1 nook 6 teparate laundry.
l)ilce, ....,, "'., ... ., Larae 28" livinl roOrft i
carpeta A h I 1 h ceiling. with muslve bffms and
Dream kitchtn wltb built-view or IJ'ttD btlt. ~
Ins and built-in relrl(tt;• ~e trails.~~
t.t.or. 1'amil.)' or' dlnlnt:: ~Ives. Wet bl?.
room with llldftt& 11tu Pl"•led 6 alt .....Slti~
doors open to t:Kotie.... ~i· ~e fNf!r Sl ~ loari.
lt.ndsc:aped yard. Anxloua ~ below market at ~-Better call fodaJI ! on 1 y $31,900 ••• CaD -' -Tele hone 645°0303 28 OFFICES e CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD. Tele ne 645-0303
• I -r '
I .
f !
r~-~-.~----~-.....,..--~--~----------,--........,..---~---------· -
' ·oar
Year .
HJ'W ... Yw-
rd .. tt toda.1. -ex·
eellent 3 BR/family nn.
hOme ln Meu. del Mar.
Juat lbted and Owntor
waq.ts, a qu.icJt.. aaje.
BUilt·l.n oven I: ranee.
l '4 bl. thL . Floor plan
ollas exctUent rum.I-
~~ ,DO!'i-•ibill~. "'rk•tfW.\nar
)'&rd prot8donally land·
tcaped with man)'
lhrubs il flowers. Also
nice covered patio -
sprinklers front Ir ttar.
Price S26,9M. Malet of•
fer and start =
... I
th ~ . ru · ;r;
.Senice· ·
' " •
. .
TIME OFFERED ... •• l. • • •
' Oww•Ttll(llff.,M
~H-M-·Ytnle ' < • Spotless. Immacula\e.
Top .co'niJIUol).. Valiia
Jike 'Ulls ii>ll fast • • ,
So ca.II this minute!
Time &a.vlng 'appHances
!i: SOL ~i
lie qua! ;... ·
roon ~led.
:! baths, loads of closets.
One visit wUI convince yoo of its valUa.it $27,·
200: AlaunlP 15" %· FHA loan, no coil . S46-5440
1rt YA• l'HA
No down VA - min.
do\\1n FHA. 3 BR, 2 tilth
home. c:aur .. style. All
2 ca
shoppli\g. Call
now for
Sleolied snso
Now prtcM ht.low mar-
ket -4 BR ..:... 2 story
tdnl )ust a short wall;c
tO ocean -in Newport s~ . 23Jtl.5' Jiving
~. marl>le ti~place
I: ~i'th, wfw carpt>ts
A: drapes, separate 15'
formal diillnl: room. d@oo
lua .kikhen with bit·
·In OYtit JI: rui,e. PLUS
bl'8kfut nook ·area.' 4
-'ClD!d . """°""" ,..,. f~ of closets - Act now at this 10\v • JMV
price of only S43 ... ooo.
l1ocutl•tWltli A
Growl1t _n,
'V\ll rind thi~ 4 BR anlf
family room modern
home in Newport Beach
Is desliJltd with thr
whole tamlly tn mlnd-
2i4 baths, over 2400 sa.
ft. of living space. A
kitchen that lighten~
the labor of comnany
wtth all eleetrie bit-in
oven . & range -beauti-
ful tiled tops 4 , spl.aah
-dishwasher -·'4?1'1:1"' Iar,e se"'i~ room with Ioa• of closet spatt1 Tnttfie free living rnom
with fireplatt &:. slidil)i::
door to rear patl"~ With
fift'!pil St!pe.ra11? fohrml
dlnin~ room. 1.f a tu r ,.
manicured lawn -.w i t h
~?~ Priced at $$\~aurhe %,.:, in-1~ \qan. ~now for •fiowini'. -• &46-5440
N-WntcRff c.., .. -Newport
ieautlfW 3 BR · home with bard.wood floors.
Walle to schools I: shop-
plllf:. :2 baths, spacious
livin,g room. fireplii.C'r.
FenCed ;-ear ya.rd \vith
lOvely co~red pa t i o.
~f!S\ (lrlef!d homf! In
Jft. f'•bOT ff1sHfhM91t .....
only '$28,500. Call for shOWirc. atG-5440
~ ·. .. A T°"clt of Spoln
Lovely !l BR -1-lllrJ:e
family room home in
Costa Mhl.. \Valle lo all
achoo\ I: shopping. Dh·
tlnctlve tile entry, 23'
living room with lire·
place. outrta.ndlng kit·
chen with built-in oven
ii range ti D/W. quality
carpets I. drapes I 'I
be.th. stall ShO\\·er. Ask·
Ing $30.950 -EZ terms. 546-M4(
try 1'111·
s" i.i£·~bClrms.1 2" story
beaut)', "3 .UP.ti' f-ba!Jis.
' .
•It .. '"""'". Eutr:laie ' E' ~ ta~ t ei . 2 i;tory contemporarr. 3
BR I; .!fen, familt fuo1l'n. and cu,.1tompOOL 2%
baths, .front encl~'
C"ourt ,yard, u·n usual
i;tone (!replace, built·in
kit.chen ash :cabinets.
Price $.37,500. See ror
liUrt. M6·5440
,,, .
Tiied otlof)oted
This 3 BR + family 1m.
home in :fl.1esa Verde is
todfl.y's best buy. FUnc-
tioil.arfJOor plan hu 1'~
baths, 811 electric built~
in oven and range. nice
service porch, *pacious
living room. w/w ear·
JM'ls & drapes, fenM
rear yard. Good loca·
lion near shopping cen·
ter. Only $25,950 -VA
or FHA terms. 546·5440
A YA Repounslon
Sold •A1 h $21,000
Attal flx-er .upper.
N~s somr paint and
clean up. 3 bdrm. l ~
bat}\. 'hardwood' noon,
firepJaet"~-buiJt.fn kit·
C'hl?Tl,. dillhwb'1er, dbl·
J10Sal. ,FA heat. largr
rear, lighted yfU'd and
patio. Oiolt'f' Halecre5t
location. OK ror non· vet or Vet to purchase
on VA terms. full prier
is $22.000~ ·YOU MUST
Ac:f F.AST!
!P.W.C. is a VA Sale.oc
Brok tor 1 :ws.5440
Dl1th1ctlwe D11ltn
~eels you the mlnutr
you driv~ up. Exterior
& interior appointments
.~peak of comfort east'
It dignity. Lovely Mesa
del Mar 3 BR family rm.
home, 191, bathl1 stall
shower, lowly Wand
kitchen, blt-lns. Spa'.rk·
ling hardwood f Io or .oc,
be • u t i f u I landscaPf'd yard. Room for trailer.
As k I n g $Z1 .950. Ca.11
'l(IW' 546-5440
Bortaln Price
Beat in11atlon and O\\·n
you\· O\\'TI homt'. Thi~
moderately priced :l BP
& family room is real
~harp. Has all ell!Ctrlc
buill·in kitchen & 4i!<h·
washe1. Only 4 %: y_t>fr-$
young. 2 baths l<:i20
livlnf room, w/w car pef.S and euatom drape.~.
Top locatiop near all
schools and &hoppinr,
LOOK! Only $21,500.
Duy VA. 1'fA. >t~40
Inspect this cute home
in a convenient area -
near schoolll and sho~
ping. 5 ·yrs. young -all
eltttric blt·ln oven .and
range -ample closf!is
-forced air heat -
good quality w/w car-
pets .l drapes -fenced
ya.rd. Sl5,500. C!a11 n~
Wiiy ,.., .... , 0.!l $1ll5 DoW•
Yt<s, it s true. You can
own your O\\'n holbe for
a total investment of
only $1225. 'l'bll spot·
les~ 4 BR 2 i..th home
uwoed. by the VA. Just
like "new condition" Ir
vacant. Parque floors,
block walled yard, slab
patio. Hurry! Full pr_ice
only $20.950 -(Garden
Grove area.> 54&.~
Charming 3 Bedroom,
Family room home In
P.lesa del lt1ar. Ideal Jo-
caUon near all schools
and St. John'• Parhlh.
Has w/w e1rpet 1 yr.
old -Built·ln oven and
range -D/W 100. 2
baths -service porch--
i.prlnklf!n. P R l C ED
ONLY S2G,950 -10%
down. 546-5440
Lowor,Tlooo ltot
by o'o'·ning these fine 2
BR Triplexes. Never a
vacany hen! -time to
invest and secure that
tax shelter. Ideal Ne,,.·.
port Helgths location
near exerythlng. Owner
anxious for quick sale.
Price $35,000 each. Call
no\\' ror parliculal"I and
showing. :>46-5440
Iota oTroom·fiir-1\h('ex· tra large family. S"pot·
~'lees ~ndition through· .-~t zr living. room,
tltt:p1ace, que.llty w/,,.,
Carpeb I: drapes: ooOt·
N•• Y•r Terms
FHA·YA.C-.. t'llo!
Vacant 1794 aq ft home
:.! slory 4 l:xlmu1 I. tam·
lly room, completely re-
painted intttlor, rich
nylon w/w carpets and
drapu, terra~ kitcb·
t'n \\'Ith built·ln •lectrlc
r.yc·level range I. dou·
blc oven, dishwasher.
Huije master bdrm with
O'o''Tl bath with Wf'litt
\>Ullman top and oval
basin. Klmstock seam·
le&& thowf!I", extra .l&rgf'
wardrobe cloeets. Buy
"n no down VA ttrms
or 10~ down. Price SJO, 750 -Gtul value. ~ S46.s440
• lfl ovf!n t. ,range plus lqe farnlly room. mas-ter bedroom hu own
bath. Price $37.950. EZ
Stert .... lot
Th1a wcant nt1Uc 3 BR
a l2il22' nunpua room ii a fine value today.
~~~OLD "~: doul l'IOll
• nel" In
,.-mo&' 1·ood
CHUCK MUTI fl oo1 kit· . C'hrr wit
llece1ved companies t011 nr\\' JOt'I
honor ror tk':ine Lcadln1r f11A appralaf!d owne;
Associate S&lesnian In will sell at only S2t.650
I\1ost Hor:nts Sold for with FHA or t/ A terms.
thr month of March. ' 546-5«0
* WFRE EIPHDING ,. * * * Have 2 openings for sales persoM~. men 01 women , with a 24
1-,., ,company • 2 openinn now Complete training program
(cl* room· on the job). Pro!ll s~orin~. Bonua-med lcallliaurancei
Call for,..,!Jdenllal lntervie.w;.. • 5(~5440
• 311.._J ..
, ·r $12,0lll l1!A VA • • •
; ~·'-~ ·Yilw $37,500 .
I • ',2600 J4, fl, '
country estate ·oa 011•ihlid acre 907 ,000
2-2 ·be~ unlts n~ : vela ~I price
• • •••.•..• •, .. ,. •, • .• ,, , ''-i ·~ £r. 'lr:!fSI,.
MeSI Yl1H Plieiillr . ··'
Pool added, fomll1 '111-, wllb I -1 bat pro.'
fessiOIUllly landscaped with ll"1ted waler-tan . 1 ."''
Tilplu '
3;2 bedrm. unlll y0rly nft of tf,28t00
_,.· &%%
L.at 2 O.ys to T eke Adv1nt19e
, of O~r 6~ % lnt•r••t Reta ·
.. Ibo Mlullft&l lltW hotlltS of
Rancho 'La Cuelf• ·
on ~ at Alluta Ill H~ leiclr .-
Our lender Muat lnc,..11• hi1
lnt1rt1t R1te1 on ~prll 7, 1969
• All that la __ey to -ie yoanelf of
thla low ID-la your ..i.ct1on of -of our a 'or 4 bldroom, 2 or a btlth, 1 'or '2 story
-llltl tllUe ,.,... lnlllll depooit ot-'800.
C•U'ffl.2'29 at ffl.Ull ony <lay
"-!Oto...._ _
. lttll I T--CMll Mtu , ADULTS
Molt IM!mol an bullt with ·Olllr, cb,114ru la
m1Dd. We baft th>e bomto daaDed m IU am•; ta ud fml of ldultl. •rd;itet to loot A!-room for hobl!lff, prJvato olllce, separala 4inlai nn, put room wWa Nib, J ~ ,p-rqe, wall<IU tl1ltance to ......,,.,.., -Wtllelllr ~t ana reltaur..U, r \ I
1%. irlli' -..... :... 1"'~~ ..... l"' Dn. ... 21*-... ,..,....-ltyn .... ._
l'ltced• fr.a· $10,tH 19 .PJ,tlO
. 1 ................
p. a. palmer lncorponitecl
,. "17 VIA LI~ ' '
Ytact Ph: S4Nlll ,..., ~ Cell MA NIM
~ ----. -. ' .. ---.
Genttol 1000 ....... , 1000
• "' " · · 1111 Gonoral ,·OOI .-.....':?!:-''· AIM Can Yau -Thlt?
293 E. 171h ST.; CO$TA ~· 6'6-Ut' l;::;;;;;=;;;;;;;ll,;~~;;;;;;;;;;1 ~ •m=' 1~ "!t..:i'~U:.«11
51' wide St/St Jot. 3 bedroom; 2 batti, dining '
room, 3 car garage. Large beautiful patio.
. ................................... '611,500
55' _lo~, 4 bedroom, 31h bath, family· roOm.
Built-in el,ectrlc ki~ ~use llvln('rooal,
charmin& 2 story home. '79,500. '5',000 !JI
Trust Deed, and own<1r will ~rry a_ 2nd.
p. 'a. palmer incorporaMd
3377 VIA LIDO , .
Office 67).7300 'Frwn _LA Call MA ,$.1134
JUST LISTID •bt<!e ._ ""' betatllbl Lovely, nott 4 c!eu 3 a
TWiii ..,.rate iloaitt, one lot. abrabt. A thick shake root tam rm with .POOL yet •
,,.._. yean JOtDW, I BR. adds ~ and chum to Nutt II.id!
,.... 2'* bl. t:adl. ,..__ tbia spacious home wtth blip • ~ .,.,.t IOf'll 'dOUl'h till '" this ... _ mp., bit· back ---i In a -"""·lllce at· • unU1w • Bit -·--~ .... Nr,_ -,!IOO. ,_. ~· . L. -w LM/Optlon
OCQll~ """ mo1phere!!! LarP bfld.. ~ home. UPP.er Bay location • • * • * Oltle•J•a flftU!y·mJm 'Ar>-o:i qUitt · ~t. Vacant A Cerene •I Mar roonui, Queen sir.ed batll.9. thony pool. $190 or attractive
<Tody '"' --· -t MmlNll -. ... torrillc .U ei.ctrlc bull> option Imm @ $22,!IOO.
fam!J,y, Nt&t, clean ' OD1 Oceui Blvd. v1ow •-·. in kitebq. ,see todQ! ! !
of a kind. Owner will tmanoe on UI>-H I ---~~ IG,000. S..bmit -....uer ~ Mf.SllO
211 ·--pt erol -· m.ooo =· .... you .,. ottered ~':ff£ ~tlll. :rv ..... (°"'1 Sat. l·Sl , * * * * WI.SILL A HOME ~itliitli-S3Z Soo ' ' Owntr Will Fino-EVERY Sl MINUTES ]'!!~!!!!!l!!!!l!!!...,,...-•I
'"-" ':m..':-C.:.. ::"' Walker & Lee Four hdrooms· $15,000 $19,500
....... •1 ~
~ • .,,rta
64Ulll -'
332 Marwurtte, QDf
200 \Vntcliff Dr.
6tl-7Tll , Open Eves.
Save ea-
It's Dirty
Clentrol 1000 Go.Ort! !!JOO I AM A/IXl&Jll
2 blocks from the C&thoHc
churcb In ncirftl. a.ta Mta
1hll 3 bedroom 2 bath home
la a rH1 bup1n at $22,000.
AD Jt ~ is 90Me teridtr
~ care. No dOwn to vets
or Jmr 111awn.11fA. can
Move Into ttUa lU8I fam1b
home today!!! Cloee to shop..
pir11, schools and churchH.
Th.ts OM won't lut!lfl $
pe:r month includes taxes
ancl inlurance!! ! ! 0 N L Y
$700 Total cub ·~!!!!
EVERY 31 MINUTES FOUR D<NUVW T'KE o E %. JUii talre • Jook at m;, 3 btd· IKlllllllll'I ~ V R SV• roam bCino " you "'"'" be Oelfltrati.. Sale GI LOAN able to pua: It up. e&rpet. Bii .tamUy bame ' tn ebo1ee Walker & lee
20U Westcliff Dr.
646-Tnl Open Eva.
Family room, Flrtplace, 1%
bath, builf·in kitchen, w/w
Clll'Pl!ts, drapes, wuhine la-,
cUities in pver.alze double g~. Sprinllttl rron't
complettly fmctd rear yard
,,.1th l5'x20' paUo. Only min.
utes lrom nl&jor shoppins
a.nd schools. AU. F 0 R
ONLY $2'11960. FHA ~ VA
Only $116 Per Mon1h q -t It ""' Uh -Verde °"""'7 Clll>
without qUalitylJw tor this new. Nice l&rse M.ck yard. nefilbhnrbood. Owner &beo-
BlG 3 BEDROOM. 2 Bath Khchen is all built-inl in-lumty mul1: .U. My riuon.
Horne. CARPETS A: DRAP· cllldtn& refrla:erator. Muw able nfffr baa to be OOJ11Sd-
ES! Roomy Kitchen and utru ahd best ot an )'OU eted. Call tor detaill;,
dlninr with loads ot cup. ~ my 1% v.A. loan. OltANGI COUNTY'S
boards Ir: Btm.T INS on quiet YCIW' full monthly J191Menl 6% P:inanc:l"I LARGEST
1treet of TO WERI NG is $134. P.I.TJ, F.P. is .f8Jtl:fam.rmoncr:w.Take 2tJE.17thSt.64'4ft4 Viall our furn1shed mode-! 3
It ( bedroom homes. car-
pets, drapes, built-ina, d~
washer, airbqe dispoaal.
All tile muter bedroom
luite with mJmlNd ward-
robe doon. Ocean view at
no extra COIL Minutn from
SHADE TREES like back $21,«50. SUbmit down. Prt. over $U,IQJ VA loan @
home. GracioU.'I back yard vate Party. 962-7689 or $15'1/mo ind. tax & 1111. No OPEN HOUR 1 to f Sunday.
Hvlni with full e r ow n -....0. i1JCttUe . in lntereit. Beat ImmaClilate tri-leve1 5 JIB
FRUIT TREES. $136 peri--=------of!tr. wf-th lamlly room and IU'lf'
UNlllllBf tll6flJS month JMIY• aD. 2400 Sq. tt. PRESTIGE NEW bedroom. 2% Bath,
"'"""' WE SELL A HOME E>IGLANii 2 '"""'· Hua< ~·1111 ..,, .......... I b1k to ex-
Well located atlftctive three EVEl!Y 31 MINUTIS 1"""" rm. F""'"1 dJnlnt -:'"f.i'v =~~ 1234"!';00~
'bedroom, 1"-bath home W lk & L rm..,Jep. tam rm. 4 Bl\, , 11 tJil, Atent. 5U8484 or 534-25.16
..... to-HARDWOOD FLOORS a er ee 3
b«. )liduoed $4000 "1·-.... ----· ... --""· : • .1,,l __ .... t 1 "I ! .. ~ OWnoqt. W/ be1p • BEDRM. $21 -auu plasttr w ... ,,.. l.argc pie. 2790 nae""" BIVd. a Kdams finance.. 146-7205 tor apOt • ,,,_
Office: 518 Eut San Juan
Call 492-9288 or ~ * Lachenmyer Realty
tUre view ,,.•irxlow from' Mr *"9f91 :W.S s-nttaao ELEGANT .. 2 STORY
!ivin& ro om overlooltina; Open tll 9 p~1 3 IEDRM. t, A BAYCltEST 4 becb:o:n:n 2 Batha. PuM bu~n built· 4Yz0/o LOAN beautiful garden, peach, ap.. l ,;;;;;;;;o;i;;;i;;;;;;o;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;\ FAMIL y RM., $ '.au. It Family room plus. This im. Huge family room. Plll!h ricot and plwn orchard. I 1 • ,._ home hu EVERYnIING carpetiflr, 2f fl muter bed.
Double guace plUI ll.'ork· llG HOME 2 tta.U.. Jnvitlrt:, fjftpJ.ace . AND the price ta rilbt! JJIOITl lower level. 540-1'120
shop • easily ~rted 10 Gle~ bullt·in l'BllP I.: .A must IN! Open holl8e TAllllLL 2'55 H•rbtr
cuest quarters. Stor'f' YoUr Will' Pil·a. ovtn. FamD:y room. Sl35 sat and S!an-1~
3 BR, blt·ins, oorner lot.
1Utr. 6(2-9'130 Ewa. sa.ono e KINNEDY boat or trailer from paved .wlML paymenta. 'Jeen Smith DAD..T P'IIDI' WANT Ans
.Uoy. Full" Prlc. O N Ly 1T_:;AR~:•,:;t:,:;L,:;L=:::M2:::16='1'.l:REAL~;::ro~R~==~-~~ 1WNG llDtlt.TSI $31,950. Owner wW help fin-Huae .f bdnn 2 1tory • .. ...;:=;;,,;;;;,:~;..,.._:~..,======-..J
ance. home, den, 3 bl.tta. 0.Mral tOM Gener•I tOOOChneral
breakfast llCIDk 4: FOR-
1rs only 41' yean old,
with all modm'I re.~
too! WHERE ELSE can
you 1et 2250 sq It tor
on?)' $36,950,
Th• Executive
Some n1en ~d a place o!
peace, privacy and quiitt at
home for busine11 purpo9tS. f bedroom plus den with ex.
Posed beams and uled brick
fireplace. Back Bay New.
port Beach. Separate ~
potth. Tutelully lanctacap.
~ F.H.A. appn.aial $3'1,IXM).
Term" available.
"For A Wise Buy ''
Colesworlhy & Co.
Del(Khttul lara:e llvlnc room
with double Palos Verdr
tirflplace. 3 bedrooms and
pant]led cten built around
landscaptd atrium. 2600 11q,
fl. lmmedlal~ occupancy.
$51,5(1). •
--15i444M~ 141--'-
tofilR ie•I•
A SOllllfi" • • •
about the bn:athtaking view
& the dt3.mattc 4 bdrm 3
bath p1ua famUy room borne
overlookUll tllf' Back Bay.
Just completed by Ivan
Wdll with a J.f' hich inter-
ior atrium.
{closed Sun.)
Roy J. Word Ct.
(llaycrut Ollke I
1&42 Santiqo Dr. M6J.550
. Rallltor Nice family home near ~ E. 17th SI., Costa ?o.fesa achool&. l" b&ths, uJllT&d.
&4GJ2S6 ed carpets a . drape:s. room
$17,500 for boat or traJltr. 21' belt·
% Wlltl on commercial Jot ed, cuttom pod. OwD11' will
Eutllde close to Newpot't;"" 11!11 VA CC: nlA.. Pritt
'ilktor•bcmo •Boche~... $25.D. cil.L--1'
\I 1 'I I
~I 11 •\Ill'
10lll lltll!t. CK.
I R•ltar --· 143 _ rMdway MMlll TWO Per TM MONIY
Eve1. '42-1453 ""451' 300 n . to but bNch in New. -6. port. AbMlt new 4 BR It . UNITS '"" ........ bar. "71<. ...
""'"' srlll. -dla ... ~ ktlcben with 8( ml eat-$60,000 • Will Trode
Rltr. 642-9'130 Eves. 540720 e KUllDY
VA~ E~ quall!lt1 -p.jO
ilown. 4 btdroomL CAU..
....... Al.SO, dall-
rent.J that cull I hf. pe.y-mems-in halt. AD this on
larct d 0 u b I e IOL cau
Ca,...ed l!lty. 541-12'1
In W, Cotat ijwy, NB
Open Houses
THIS WEEKEND . .., ..... ...., ............ ,.. ............. : ,. .. ._, .._.... Al ... ,, ....... ""94 .....
.... s ............ ~ ........ .....
-II_.. IAJLT pq,or WA#f AM. lwr* ................ .., ............ .... ....... , .......................... .
(2 Bedroom) * 1100 Wbite 5ails Way, Corona del Mar
644-2244 (Sot 1-4, Sun 11-4)
22f Heliotrope, CdM
675-3000 Eves: 673-0554 (Sal 1-5)
312 35th St., NB
646-7755 (Sat lo Sun 1:1-1)
(2 Bedroom & GU41ll ,.Aptj ** 320 Via Lido Nord (Lido !&le) NB 61~. 675-3243 (Sat 6: Sunl ,
· (3 Bedroom)
1012 W. >Ith St., CM
845-2340 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
1014 Santiago · . (Baycrest) NB 64U2.l3 · (Sat. only)
Come r of Avenlda Campana Ii Mar Vista
(The Bh•«•l flMOOO (5at a: sun 1-51
535 Buel Drive, Corona del Mar
(5at " S1µ1 l-5)
107 Via Dijon (Lido Ille) NB
6'15-ml Eves: 8'15-7046 (5at 1-5)
(3 lledroom & Family or d.o)
405 Holmwood, (Newport Hel(b!I) NB
6'15-tOOO !Sat l·Sl
1743 E: Ocean Blvd., Balboa
flS.5172 (5at & Sun 12-5)
t121 · Mahalo Drive, Hunttniton Beach
1182-8779 (Sun 11-51
1578 Corsica Pl., (Mesi Verdel CM
546-5990 (Sat 10 on)
1147 Gleneagle. CM
540-1120 (Sun 1·5)
211 Brentwood Pl., (Eailllde) CM
-11 (5al 1-5)
11S7 SUssex Lane. NB
(4 lodroo111)
(Sat tu)
* 2921 Sattlns Sun Dr., Cbrona de! Mar
675-1842 · (Sat 1-5)
(4 Bedroom & F1mily or Deni
2008 Balearic Drifw Costa Mesa
546-0932 (Sat lo Sunl
2021 So. Capella C urt (Mesa Verde), CM
MM025 . (Open Daily)
2515 Lighthouse Road , Corona de! Mar
644-1010 (Open Howe)
2118 Tustin Ave., Newport Baoeh
842-8235 (5at Oruy)
1380 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) NB
· 842-8235 (Sat Oruy)
1539 Santiago Dr., (Baycrest1 NB
842-8235 (Sat OnlyJ * 429 Isabella Terrace, (Corona High·
lands) CdM (Sat 1-5) * 1842 Santia10 Dr., (Dover Shorts) NB
&MolSSO (Daily l~. dosed Easter * 512 Rockford Place, CdM 675-3254 (S at lo Sun)
~78 Cornell, CM
646-2309 (Open Dally)
1415 Santia10, (Baycrest) NB
646-1255 ,_ • (Sat & Slill 1·5)
2715 Wavecrost, CdM
646-7171 (Sun 1-5) * 25271 Champlain , Laguna Hilll
540-1720 !Sun 1-5)
2892 J&va Road (M .. a Verde1 CM .
546-2313 (Sat 1-5)
2341 Irvtnt (Back Bay) NB
540-1720. '"
1408 Dover Drive, NB
', 646-7711 ~ Vista Baya, NB
(5 lledr00111)
(Daily 1-5)
(Sat 12-5)
(Sat 1-5)
!017 Salvador, (Mesa dtl Mar) CM
(Sat 6: Sun 1-5)
8412 Bellin1er, BB
, 142-4455 (Sun 1-S)
18415 Los Floros (Fountain Valley) HB
842-4455 (Sun 1-5)
UOS Corona Lane !Mesa de! Mar) CM
646-1171 (5at It Sun 1-5)
(5 Bedroom & Fami:y or Don) ** Linda Isl• Drive (Linda Isle) NB
842-8235 (5al Only)
(2 Bedroom!
_ 2620 Unlvtt1lty Dr., Nrwport Beach
5(1.Clt (Sun 12-S)
(l Bedroom)
PAUL ·.WHITE· CARNAHAN ~~::'.~~:;~: ...,, Ct.._ Shaij>'• clun. 2 ...... ruJJ
Cx.d1.&1.h·'t *""'! 3 batha. tam·
ily niom. bola t.ed rear Jlv·
lna room.-Bridt •tlo-wi!Jl
••• BBQ, ftnttt bullt>in .. pl,_., !l<C>lnll
8222 Mandevllle, HD
S42-+ta5 (Sun 1-5)
(4 lledroom It Fom~y . ., Oto)
ISM E. Octafroat, Balboa POllll •
1·11-exJnston Lajle CMonUcello) CM
842-1771 . (Sal 1-5) .....
II dlnlrcmm. carpeted. "Ap.
Hl93 IAKER STltEti, COSTA MESA p11 Pit" <Ontl111o •• 54C>1no ~-••••.,"'"'l!'"'""" ...... ..;!l!!!!!!!!!!!e~;,..;88!!!!!1!!!!..; I YAl!IELL 2'55 H•rbor
TARBELL 2'SS Htrllor 145-2000 E-: 14' 1111 !Dalb' 1-1)
" •
________ . _______ ,.___:' ______ _:_· ____ _:_ __ _
--~----------~-~----------~ ..... --.--~~--------~ ... ~-___..... ..... ___ _..,_~-~--·..--··-·· . .,. . ~·· ., . . . . . . ....... -·.
S.lU!diJ, l""' S, l M DAILY 1'11.DT
.iOUSES f OR SALii . HOUSES POil £\I.I ROUl,,SJ'.l'* SAL.I HOU.l~S !'!Ht SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES POlt•SALit iENTf'LS • , "~• ~•"'AU ~ral . llOI c.n. Part< • lllS . COffM del ~ 1251Cenina del Mar ' 12st _....., .ioad! 14Clll L°t'!!! IOlct; 1105-~-Pvmltllad Hollll """"""""" ~ Perolillo•
. --s BR. 1" ba., fam. rm. _..,W .L ~-(;;fl·~·• 11 ri ---, .. -' · BY Owntr. J aWy s bdnft.' ~· 1
t 'Sllelwc•r ..,...,. 2ft0 ~ ..... _.,!!!Calle Mlle .i..~ '••
. ,QLIOA-'<'~" ~"";.:"·~;:.ti. ,''C)CuN ' ' " HOME'' lion rm. !Ir 1>rido."""""' -~ Bdl -1 811, 214 ~ l1i!r ~-f 1!DRM "" joo& -~ Oce1nlrold Dtlple1 ..... s1111 fi!A. Top • lo&o\5""!29·*"ff!9 '" • 1 , JIA •tct1¥ """· •«! poo1. q.>ar,,.1,,., __ '"!!'I>' A,.-. tn5·"" ·~-. ff•,900. Owner L--LY, POil _ _,, =:RUCTllLI. ~··nt I V"'IL 1•10 'Ii!~ ''I' l'-lll lo 9ol nox. -· ~ ~"P O OL, ... 21l1Elaen. C,H. ' ' ~~ ,.. u•• • • -~ a ft I -1 '' w ' -H!! jl<<-1,.a _ ~ llom. Woll< lo 2 llEDROOll ... -pool.
.... ~~:. -' ' OCEAHVIEW'l;RCIM RY ROOM IN MEADOW,HOME •4 p•, ~-~ LAGBClli J'um.-1a --' cbildmlo.Kl:o.~·:m Stop• lo a.,y, < BR ....iec. 26' Uv rm. wlw MODERN, 2' STORY HOMI IN CORONA $2'1,900. FllA Ji v'I.. u;;Ji 1 low. UUTC 2 BR, pvt yanlJ, ""1. t blk 3 BR ~j; ~ i><w , ea..,.. D~ ~ ,
vmate.Pier, .... =~a~U:,~4:%: ~~~~R ... f,.l; ~ ~1 ,,1 · bomeWlthbl&yUd~patlo, ·=-~ peach.Ml963 . ~ICoupl~~l ... f _N • ...
159,500 TP 2218 O>mell 646-2300 Art Lrg fjui>!IY rq> )"/frplc, balll .2 )l!Vs qpening hu all the bull!·"" a~ !. •494.am 'ENTALS, mo • •· ~ P•v • , 1 .A f1!1l" c1' •-
BaJbOa li:iy onto "'tlo overlook'g beach. u'P"'"''level has 18ml!y II"'!'-1'bero .,., . -LH ...... Uftturriiahld '10 ..... 122!' ~-·' 11'1Jil.22nd&.' 1 ~I . · .....n,.rt i!Md.. : 1200 I alt r-II d 11 ;· , · r.-e baths, •"""'""' "-'• OCEANFRONT <J. PART-• •. O<lly 1cLE:.4N 2 BR. """' ._ Properties :..:.:.:::;.c; _ e -pane e v rm w massive stone lrplc. fireplace.-~ porch. u MENT-Watchttieiur1Uom ~nenl JOOO _ • rbWlt•ins. ,~.,..._
67,_7420 1 .. .., .. " "'"I Custom '1J.-e!ec Jdt .w/avocado. counters & you want quallty ~ .-""'!" 11•""...,. cba;r. 2 , , . 1 -...... 11to.Wi.,".,M10 .r.w. ll¥f 1'l _
""'. Jll.>~ • ..N;_.·"" 1J181Ch'C app)); wsbr/deyr, sell-clean'.g o~n. call at-· bdnn, 2 bath uni~ 2 Hft&• !USSION VleJO. oew, 2 BR, ~->.: ---, ,,...,.---• ..,.-relrig.freezer; eloc B-~e grill, displ, teak . , ' ..,..... s..unonq pooi, 1ov. ~~ BA. bl>ina. drpl, 1195 ' ..... : den, ·w..,im. ,.., .. ; QUIET Deluxe ...-.~m
t.1J .. ~~.~:1:~;i·~.;C:£l~'@;~igma~ .,.. ;~~"~S.V.Olah~ 1;~:-1!::".,... !~~· •='~i!r ::_1a.:;..~ve. ~·b',,
• ' let liedrnorn operung onfo dei;li'. LU:rurloll$ ..!~ 11·' 1••ailable now. t a.. h 37051,DELX apt-· ~.1'1 "..-•"1i._j>, Z:_/ -#,+.."'crpt 1•i.-•..11.11t· •· Prl·v.!.,.'"ps •·'-••,12-..car OPEN Houae 1 to~ S\lnday EMERALD BAY .., OCE,\N Broker 53M980 ~ c pool,• idelt_ ...... ._,_,.i ;..,J/•r< o)P" 1w '~-~ "" w ucn --•-·•· ~ •--• •BR FRONT ........ -•~-• •• $1211.1,991Cbureh, ......
Sharp 3 bdnn 2 bath eonoo..
miniuril In choice location
across from p00i &: c;lub
house. can now tor appoin~
me.Ill to sec. + •
gar w/elec remote control dr. Forced air 1""'~te '°""!noa -u • • -""""'°~ ... u --,-• ~ view, teOti:!cielled.111=:=:· 90=====:1 • _q/ will> 18mUy room and '-" oandy beach. An old<r boi>+ Coote -·0 100 11111111 cptr.. "'""'' un1.1· . • (YU#llJJ , heat. Very quiet neighborhood. Taxes $1100. Master bedroom. 2i,t Bath. sube~tiat 4 bdnn home. ~ turn. $250. 49t:.9'f4S Newpert liNch 42D
-Occupancy July 15. • • new carpetln&. 1 blk to eit· Spa.CJOus living roo"" dining tMMA'CULATE c BR,""2 llatb ·-· · · ...
' Ow '$ll2 500 Ph (714) 67 ,, · ...itonl 11Cbool 2 blkll td """· 3 baths, ww dock· 1home. • N•w ...,..,. It l,otufto Niguel U07 ~G~M!."'°""aplJA~l' ~ . ntr t' . ont . r -6214 • shopping. oni; $34,500. $100.000. . drapes. all built-ins • _,, _.. u• ........... ~~tJ ! Agent 534-8484 or 534-2536 Turner Attoel•t11 sur.ken living room. Quiet MONARCH BAY AREA try club· atmospbtre ani
' ·-·~~2 --· 1·--· -__ :::z: __ 2£_ --±-~-Di No Oiut Blvd street. Imme.dlat'e ADULT COMMUNITY complete privacy.
·; ~";!!'4>;>.'fl•~. Nev.port ,¥Jor-i 1 ~20 !•~t.lon4 . '1355 L ·. , ,, · . eeioci;'(~·llTI """'"'°"· $230/mo. CAIL lBll,den,>BAbome, BAY CLUB APTS. trvioo ori"~,. ' ~ .f BR 2\!: ba. Nr beaeh JS~ SPARKLER' , -.. . ' . . •JACK HAMMOND st0-ll51 blt·lns, frplc, hftted pool at 16th Newport Beach. ~
....-.... · kl\lb.. bQ la. .T · l J ~,4"" d · 1 4.~~ t-un. Ntiiti · 7 ~(ooen rielll Heritage Real $250 mo. JD to 5, ~1243· · (n4) &IS-<l50 ,
Fre1h on the /Mrket '~ ·~~~ "'stt:t' · .,.. _t~~ Jf~ :~_wlf'?WRJNG !.· ,:;:,. ~ _,:,,i:; , · . ·J·Af1 •· 1titate . e>c;EANFRONT, beaut. 4 ~
* 642-1n1 Anyt.\m~.;*
NICE 2 BR ~ on large
R-2 lot. Lo).s of trees, beam-
ed ttillngs. <."OWred patio.
Let llS show YoU this lovely
"home. Free & clear.
Gl&moro"' N•wport ~· ~\. $32,500. ~ · CANON REALT\;' ' ' HilGH'ts> '<.J,· Sl'ACiO~ ~,111!.·'Filoa'llainl!y 1HJiEE· llEDROOM 2 balh Cn ...... lunl. • 3950 123$ mo. ti!'""' l5lh.
room split Jew! home wiUi 3034 E. Coast Hwy &7f>.358l = l1foom . .67S .oa. App 1600,sq. ih om e:'.1~ Immaculate con-ULT T · ' ' lLB • 6G-126S •
large pool. Formal dining Wtttf:llff 1230 't~ P~ f..~~· s ft, )'Ull pnce $27,0X>. P1iLce !dition, eicellent area, Quiet A~ 2 ~. d · 2 OCEANFRONT 2 8R. '1•
room h11<>e wet bar Fun Huntinff .•··ch 1.a-you of some ou might Realty 4~ street Re n't $215/month. ' ba, washer/ eyer, mo. til June 15th. · ~ fo~ecutive who~ SPARKLES & shines inside --· -1~~ ~ onQ~~~oo~f ~!RENTALS CALL .. 540-1151 (open eves) refrig, bl.t--;ir. stove, crpts, • 642-1265 e '• te~. A mµgt see Jor )'OU &, oul. Living r m I< dining $135 MONTH , .1.J.iD SALT~· QY ••~-HoUMS Furnii.:__ Heritage Real Estate. =· J~t, p,atio l VERY Small bach.·rOom ~; '1 pJ rn1; servioo porch. elec PAYS ALL -~ 1~ w~ ,,_ s~ peo c._ . Cl ~~'-.;;., ... ;...) ._ .... "-•••. · · £AST Skle, 3 BR, 2 full Steps,lo beach, $~ 9~,. bi:tns. can crpts & drps ll'h thl , ·rt:<l:I"Utt.£ u 1u.i..r..i...r ...... ,._ 1
uJ . .,., tlU'U out this 3 BR 2 Ba e-n you assume s exce .. terior of wooo ·~. -ner1 -2000 BA. gar. $166 mo. Avail. Duplexu Unfum. 3975 $60 Month. ~
home. Ptof. -lndscpd & ~nt V. A I~. ~iii fa"!l St)' le HIGH POINTED ~ROOF-$3oo Del 3 Br 2 -Apr 8 * * * Redecorated 1 BDRM apt, •irli pv\.
m""iq\. WI children's play "t.clM!ll,· 3 ~ ~ms. LINES, & OLD B R [CK , uxe '. 1h ba 4 BR, 2 BA, dlb. gar. $195 LARGE 2 ~nn. w/w crpta, beach, adults only, no peti'. 1797 Orange, C.osta Mesa * 642-)771 Anytime * --.. ~ & Pet area. HeaV}' 1* Baths/ Covered Pfi.tio. CHIMNEY ·SRmE. Located condo, Frpl~. Children &: mo •. ~ljaj.l,~_10.,54&-:9536 , ~, qtnet area, adult& '!~.$1,'lS Mo.~~ ._
Don 't miss this one ~ ._ ..._ h und pet& OK. 5.14-S980 Bkr. • • • ~ 4 lftferried. fllJ Month. 2234--="=='==:='==:b2 I PROPERTIES: WL5T shake-root completes this WE SELL A HOME near t1~ ""'ac , 01;' gro s . _ $95 -2 BR sep cottage, sm S.. Pacific A~.. c. M. -
Like to Entertalft? (714) i7i-4I8' charming home. By Owner EVERY 31 MINUTES Shaded by !8ll trees & old Rentils. to Share 2005 fncd yrd, atta~ pr, 1 child 548-6066 ' Coron• del Mlir 4250 ·~950. 642-1598 -stone mendmg walls. . • , OK. $50 secw-ities qep req.
Cail to ... ..,, '1028Ba-nm., Watk·er • lee Old• English <Ountcy ,1y1c 1 G1RL, 21 lo "' to •hare ,.,. at 1997·B Cbarll SL ··"· .. AL~ . ' 2 BDI! ...... l!l'!',Ji!! ol Hwf. 675-5200 . • 'll._nlla<b,<la!l£-•.•. _...bl'u·ff' ' ., ·"1242 fl ·•·• •-··-• •n I BR Apt•· fumi-•·• Small pr! "°"'b.'bll I ~ .._A.I i:;; •• , 1 • oor _.. _ ..... ..,,. " au-ocean view apt. 2 BORS, range, pii.tio, food --, ~-~•~:~~~!~~ ~~'. !!Ii ,EA. ST9~UFF . Con-7682 Edinger • RMS., UBRARY 1;>EN, $69/mo summer. 6J3.:8224 yard. Nochldm. $125. '133-A Ge I 4000 213-431-UZevei • ....... ......,. 842M55 or 54().'.5J.tn• TI'.fR.MAL DINING RM., alt 6 PM W. 20tb, CM. &43-()5.'ll • , n•r• •
rm. Enclosed po6i. separate , doiriiniums. 2 side by side. r...... -.Y SEPARATE GUEsr HOUSE . -· · · boa Play yard, $52.500. , 2200 sq. fl. ea. l BR & , '"'l"'n Eves. • OR ART STUDfO STATE-COLLEGE or y.·ork1ng man 2 BR _ Nice, quiet, conv S130: 1-BR., nicely turn. a.I 4300
Walker Realty Have Large Family! df'n. :z_ . .SR .. & den. Extra -~r, I LY.'bIV~ ,ibf .. tN. ENG~ lo mare 1:1>' C.M .. apt. Pvt. lo shopping. No pets. W/W. Pool. Avail. now Chl:AN &che.lor Apts •
•...... ,.~"it.ion ..... , choice ·Assume ·5 GI . RNT HALL'' . Br., gar., pool. S80 t.1o. * Call 642-533( * E-Bruker !)34-698) All ti! .... ~ 4 ...,. .\.V~N / .• ' " 'G ~ . . des1.g11. 642-1082 Aft 6 P'r u lll!Ol ...... up 5 BEDRM. "POOL" Need room f!)r.pets. loctt:tion·&·vi"c. .. 11. $51,ooo & J _ 1 has a.lc:ove ceilings, rough . . VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath $140; 2 BR., gar.; \\'/\V . 315 E.·BalboaBJvd. •
MESA VERDE pool, camper, ti·ailf'r $67.500. Shown by appt. on this 2 storz 4 s\t beauty. plaster \Valls. alt gra.ced by GIRLS desire girl tU.28) to Mesa del Mar, huge lot. Oosc in location BALBOA 673-9M5
Beautilu1 executive home. ~~ or boat ? • r.tark Les Rltr. shows like &"rD.~~-"ttiiric & <Ith& -.wanntb:of• ti... ~'OWE ~ 3 BR, ._2 ... f+ .beach $225/month. Agt. 5464141 Broker 534-6980
baths, formal !:iining room, It's Available ill ,C.M. ln\!estmen1 Co. 5-U-Tlll in e~lJent area neat the tul'SWOLD" TYPk FIRE-apt. 673-0095 · 2 MO. rent in advatlCf!. 2 ------'-_ 't:funtington S.•ch 4400
large pool, lush tropical land-601 St. JAMES PLACE -:u::=:-· -beach, A bargain at PLACE. WOOOEN--BANNls. ROOMAlATE aetvice, male lxinn ~ $130. MO. 230-A Cecil Cost• Meu 4100 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL
sea.ping. Electric built-ins. CLIFFHAVEN Corona del Mar 1150 $35 750 TERS FRAME THE CENT-or female. Etricient t: Place. 646-9295 ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1
540-l720 " . • Spacious 4 Bedroom, 3 bath _., • · --• £R ·srAIRCASE, leading to qualilied., ~00 , · , :=:,,;:=;;:=:=== $ S W1i U Adults on]y; 2 Br.:.util. paid;
TARBELL 2955-H.ft?or dilling rm plus f.un1ly room '3l Morning Canyon PE ON upper s(tiry w/3 bdnns. -Newport lhch 3200 2 • p Pool. Ul>. 14'7-2125 .
Great floor plan. Ideal· CdM _ You own the land 60 RR REAL TY Sunken library den, h as Co1t1 Miu 2100 e Rooms $15 wk., up 17676 Cameron. Hunt. Behl
10l' live-~~ ot x1ll Ft. R-2 View Jot, 3 BR. 642-lnl wall of bookshelves. •Studio I: Bach apts. ... ~ mo~'Iaw.', &: Cam rm $4S,500. Shown ~""'.'"!!~!!!!'!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!'I SPACIOUS OLD COI.01\'Y 2 bR., gar., patio. Tl'opical I/I einclUtilsA:Pboneserv. Garden Grove 461t
Near· Beach & Shopping S4.f.500 t. by appt. Pool rme is Here SKULLERY TYPE KITCH-:,ting$:-~~ 1 1Uk TOWNHOUSE • Maid Service • TV avail. SINGLE 'Y~ Adu!ta LO,
Excellent Value -$34,950 OPEN SAT. & SUN. D1Lancy Real Est•te EN, w I exteruJive· use of ps. • Split J..e\rel 3 bdrms,;: baths e New Cafe &: Bar ury garden apt.a witb ~
George William.Ion or phone: Mr. Robinson G73-3TIO See this extra sharp home, ilass enclosed china cabi-SMAU.. bachelor, 1111 n g I e Doul:le 1 a rage, carpets, 2376 N~ m vd. MS-9755 ~ club atmosphere and Realtor D • Realty nets. This curious old house male only. $80 mo. .,_ IN-..i .. ,, . · GYIS -almOl!it new ,..,.....,ts thro .. ~.. CONSIDE LE . .....pe:::, ..... ".,.ace, e I e c, 3 BR TownhoUSe, compt. -mpl<I• prl·•-so·-
l,673-050!!![1!!!!'[!!!!!!!!·!!· !!E!!"!!'!!· !!673-~00!!!! I 642·7000 -· CUTE 2 BEDROOM out, .covered--.;tio, lots~ n eed s RAB 642-2&5? built·iml. ADULTS ONLY •• furn, 2 full bathl, for lease BAY CLUB "APTs. W
j! .---. Home on R-2 lot decking & pool with filter & CLEANTUP It RESTOl ~-N ~---h ................ $265/month. or rent. Clubhouse, pools. Olapman Ave., Garde.Ii'
SEAL Beach: assume 5'.4% ;~ Fully Furnished heater. Don't mis5 this one! TION. 0 many peope 11 s ewport ·~ 2200 Mrs. Fay Avail April 1. Contact Sales Grove <n4) 636-3030
G.l.: 3 blks. to beach: 3 5 KEYS TO INCOME $?.8,500 Only $24.950 -Gl or FHA ~o~:GYB ts;o<:~ 0~1.;;~;;;;;· ;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;. lay & leach offi ce. Mo n ti c e 11 o I =='==;='=====I
Bt. 2 ~·· b~tns. cptd. Frpl. Each! unlocks a different 014 Goldenrod tenns. • u 0 sc wi SUMMER RENTAL R 1 1 Townhouses, t allvlew Rd., L1gun1 Buch 47nc.
New noo•nt 1n & ouL '.... · M Rob'-~ MUTUAL REALTY an ARTISTIC SOUL, l'rS A S •• ty, nc, CM I b'-"· So r ~--'"' __. _,.... door; each is a symbol of By Appt. r. .,....,n RA R E OLD MASTER.. ummer and . year round 901 Dover Dr., NB SUite :l21 · ·• '"""" · 0 '"''""''6e
&ep. party rm. w/fpl. profit Let us show you this l>avis. ·Re•lty, 6411000 l-.-.,,.,,,'842-:-:Cl'-418~.-o.--I P.IECE, Offered at die irre-resetvatlons berng taken. ,64!).2(00 Eves. 548-6966 Coast CoUegP.. DELUXE N. end bach, 2nlJ
$37,500. Owner 2L1: 430-4091 money ~ making apartment ·OWNER says sell, a view .4 Bedroom .. 2 l•th1 placeable prtoe-ofj • --_l!ROP-ERT.I ES-WEST-~"'"""""""""""""""'""'""""'"' , HOLIDAY Pl:.AZA fir, pvt i:tr, de~ ace,:: vvl,
Coat.I Men 110Q = ~:fy·=.~ ~tttet -•PACM?us .¥P1!• cust~2 .. btt. earpe·ts, drapei, bit-iris, clJl. $31,t~F\!ILI,.;.._~,1C): 1028 Bayside Dr. 67>4130 ""'~ASE-HAROOR, VIEW D~pt::p~~: ~:mo.~.:~; ; ul:
1 ~.:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I 1IU 2 bdrm, cOovert den, ba, der.block fence I: bwd noora. ~ D.N. PvMf; i .. e"Y!-2 , Br, den, 2 bath, . ,,-RR WHr.J&};fttiW". dining . rm. formal entry. vtts·.move-in fOr $295_ totfl . DON'T DELAY, ' Bilbo. 2300 Fire-Place.' drp.~. I ti x ilr y Heated pool. Ample parkini CLEAN 1 Br. apt. nr. beacll "t~ft'Y YELLOW ~1 Newport Blvd.,'N.'B: ' $52,950. 535 RUel Drive. · costs or F JLA. ~ Conven-CALL~OW FOR APP'T. · ' cr11t,;, _ dshwasher. 14~er No eblldren ·No pets Ii town: 'nicely fum. Ni.
COTTAGE 67~ _Eve!~6~~· PANORAMIC. VIEW, 11 BR tional. 1 ' 1 MISSION REALTY 2 BDRM home Peninsula, suite. ·Oval tub, marble l965Pomona,CM new. $1?0 L5e. ~
Bright and shiny outside -I ~~!'l"l'~~'!!J!!~;;,,;,... & fam rm. 2515 Lighthouse ' c I "f • -•·So-· ,.:_'.!i '" '-1 a:n .... , clean & quiet. ad u Its , cntn. Lee LR.. dining nn * Viii• Pomon• Apts. RENTALS '
spic and span inside. 3 BR OPEN House 1(1.'5 Sat .t-Sun Rd , Q\vner. 644-1010 : a I orn1a "10.J p~n~~rn ... -reuonable rent fut right w/open ceiling. Pvt. park, Costa Mesa'• newest l most Apts. Unfurnished I
& fam rm, plus large cover. PARK SETTING CAMEO Highlands, 4 bdnns. 8442 W . 1~-· -::=:I couple. 644--0603. eves & club hoUse, pool. Avail May luxurious apts now rentin&:· .,....,.
ed patio areei aose·to shop-.BACK BAY esbninster Ave. ;;;; week~nd11 Or 3-8392 1. 646-0525 days, 673--3695 Fwn At unfu.m. Adult& 0nly. General ~
Be tilul , __ ., horn 2 ba, ocean view. pool. (n4) 897·11X6
ping center & schools. au J«.l!UJY. e, ~" ......:• f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.f• -.::"'=':..· -~~-~--no pets. 1760 Ppoiona Ave .• l"""Vlflllr
$27 500 An·~-·· pool r.:.L. .• s45.ooo. Owner. VI~ 111 -lbo I I d 2•55 -, unJ~--~ ~e~~~.. VIEW . pool. spaciotli 2·BR UNTIED Dil • s •n • TOfNHOUSE ~· 2"L,~ ~i""'"'~'°~":..lh-=-of~l8=1h-S~t~. ~-~ •BR,3BA,2~-·1am ..__,, .,., li.,;....,. nn, lg 2BR,beaut patlo,·availnow ww carpetl, pes, .. _, CONOO.; 2 BR., 1~~ ba., . .
oJ .... ~ .... ..., ,., .. ,..., "" ·~-.. • Divorce forces a quic~ fenced patio, elec blt-ins, d dbl
Tl nn. By ~. Prine 0M1.. ipaster autte •. , Owner 644-2244 i.--Y~• -· .. a · 'til Juli 14th. llS Cl'ystal. 2 car g•• pool -..: priv,. ydd; •• att1' · ha .hegarl .; IMMACULATE API'S?, r WJ &A<'<~ ~ ~ lJtU Isl ..... • ., .. ,... poo, J e.,.. or c ors. nn.n:"'ft. OCCUPANCY ' pla. $44,950. Of E. 21 St. 2 C11ARMINO houses ort'dbi ,__if.you hurry •. 4 bedroonu, e and. $250 Mo •. Call 642-7219 mach. All uto••"-. d'-•-· -u
after 7 p.m. (213) 697-8675 ======== ........ _..,.., llDtJLT l FAMILY 341.l East Coast Hwy.'
Corona del Mar 6.75..3745
$26,900 • 5 BR
The prime 5 unit &partment
on the , entire peninsula.
$9'.l,950 -worth every pen-
ny of it. Will trade for in-
Price reduced. $2700 dn. Lux. ' dustrial. Exclusive with
features, lrg tam rm. hrdwd Newport Be•c:h Re•lty firs, frplc, bltns, 2 BA. Xlnt 675-1642 prestige Joe. 1 blk Killy-'"'"'!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!..., brooke grade sch!. E. of I ' Harbor, N. of Baker, Prine· Large View Lot?
only. 1311 Stonefield. Own. Room for tenn_i., oourt. pool. i:~A ...,.,,. boat & ttaile1 + new 4 be-d-er. ....,.......,,...., room 3· bath. 646-4414
PCK1L . 3 Bdrm Fam rm.
S130/mo pays all 51,i % Int
Rand Reolty 645-2340
3 BR Fixer-Uppe1
R-2 lot
1959 Fullerton
Only $15,T.iO TERMS
• Call Mr. Robin.wn
Davis Realty 642--7000 .
Mesa Verd• "fflo
·i--CUSTOM-HOME _* _
By owner, large 4 bdrm,
<convert. den), 21,1 ba,
• across st from Mesa Vt!Tde f golf course. f\>tany custom
t blt·ins, priced below mar-
l kel. Large lot . room for • 1 pool . Call owner ~.
Country trench in Modern
Newport. Choice, easy care
3 BR/Fam. Move.in fM·
MEOJATEMENT •• $4100 On.
Hal P lnchln & A11oc.
3900 E. Coast HW>" 675-4392
OWNER selling 1uxurious
NeY.rport Bay Townhouse. 2
Br, 2 Ba, single ator)',
S.30,500. Open house Sun 12
ti! 5. ~ 'Univffsity Dr.
114: 548-6179 01 21 3:
J BR WatertrOfli.' No. 62
&!boa Coves. 1'6 o . o o o.
Prefer trade for acreage
or will con'lidtr other. 548-7771 .
·~ MESA Verde Pacesetter: 1· ' 1 1 4 BR t -·-L.A BAYPRONT 3 Br. Beach I eve . .. ge I-""-=-.
I den; scp. dining area. Quiet house: pnv. b t a e b :
slxeet. Yd. fully fncd. &: Bayshore Park 1euehold.
beautifully lnclscpd. By $13..SOO~ 5C8-'1391
OWJl(!J'. $36,950. 56-4025 MOBILE ~Hon;ie. Bl.Y Front
l021 So. Capolla Court on the Pon!.,.,._ SIUOO.
' coRNER lot, 2-ctory, 4 BR 615:-*'8 or m;-ml!'
2~ BA. d•n. dU> nn, fl>cd N-· · rt H-1210
pool play yd, pr Cntry Cub, -;;;;;;;;;;;;";'~.:.;~;;...
mM7 tt~. Avail July • -
$<8,500.0.~r~l9 • LOJ S WITI! A VIEW
BY owNER, A bedroom plus 1\1.'0 lots with bay and ocean
den. 3 ba, approx m ~ vieW. \\'orth $17.«I eaeh.
ft. $38,800. Owner Will lake For another $9,000 you can
back 2nd. 200'i Baleric or, haw this 1a,rze house that
C.M. 546--0932 , -rftiM Work .ti iaint 4 BR
REPUBLIC Home. 1 -11tor)i,, .;+ suect hOWll!, l ba. 2 Jdldl.
4 Bdrm.. z ..ba, xlnt cond. en&, garage for 3 eats. Total
$37,COl by owner. 1947 priee SC.CC». Owlttt8.n:xioua.
' Pelioan Place, CM. ~1103 makt offer.-· t
ASSIJllE Low f1IA. 3. ll1!. I '//->,,.,, <
Pan. den • ""'· 126,500. . • --h'• Owner will take 1114·. Jiii ..._
M4)..41'l2 • t I A I. T Y
Neir NB Polit Otc. 646-2414
Owner tJ °'! 6'ff69 fe¥S " f • Asklng Suntet BMclr .. + 2455 Corona del Mar 3250 Gractou1 Adult Living CISE-· Ct~NSShoppAVAILABlng, ~06\ . • ··,,zy 1211. . CUTE AS A -'" B•lboa Penin1u'la 1300 BUR it WHITE, Rltr. WANT ., ___ th. dill LGE 2 BR, form. din. rm, 1 It 2 BR., w/w cpts, drapes. • Spacious 3 Br's, :i Ba
· 3 ,.,..,.~!:~went, 3 'B"R"t•! new deep pHe cpts I drps. pool. Students O.K. e 2 Bedroo~ •
Ideal spot fDr tiooeymoooers;
cute and quiet. 3 'bedroom,
1 ~ bath dollhouse near end
of peninsula ·po1nt. Owner
anxJouS, p ,250. • , ·auriR 0WHITE , Rltr.
2901 Ne~ Blvrt., N.B.
675-4630 Ens 541 4513
e POINT e ...
Larie ~ ~ bedroom, 2 bath '
home on l %: lots. Plenty of
sunny patio & landlcaped
fenced yard. Nice open Door
plan. Spaciollil master 'bed·
room & bath. Panelled fam.
ily room w{big fireplace.
Come see this week~nd!
~ E. Oc•!" BlvO. 613-jll12
l ido lilo 1351
lde•I Retirement
$T;iOO down, 3 BR, 1'4 Ba.
liltins; expandable 675-2543
XLNT DUplex on Bay
Has everything • 3 Bd. :Z ba
ea. New cpta. View, shOY.'er
rms + Jaundiy rm. Tcna.ntii,
leues. 8ee by A.PPf. SilL'.IXXI
R. C. GREElt, Realty .
3355 Via Lido 673-9300
11.S Vlo Orvlelo
Finl time on market. 0MJ.
tom 2 BR. 2 ha. lam rm
...... L!aht. """ '1'Y ... w.~1151.SOO \:IDo REAL TY, INC.
3400 Via Li~ 673-8830
Ill' ·BA YF'R.ON'l'. . Ftneat bch
'01: loo--on Udo. WW ~II
+1· or *!'. l-6 unilB. Iden.I
Oilw by'l:ll Via Lido Noni,
I.Mn call ~ or
IJOO, lale, Via Orvk!to. S
bdnrii, 3 ba, fm rm. din
rm, ~ patio, 1ep. ma.kl•
m\, blt-iM. 673-0482 tor
" BY.<tOWNEI\ 2 Br, 1 t..
Jrplc. : bllno. plynn & ha.
Belt Udo buy l«.500.
n4/675.5023 "
-2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. BUG'S £AR -"" 675-4+30 Eve1 642·2253 den. 16917 Park Ave., Sunset Be all by yourself on this MESA EAST APTS. 't Swim Pool, PuVpeen • Xtrn lge. lot! Nice patio. 145 E 18~ CM 642-3474 • Fi'pl, lndivllndry_.fac'll
That'• the best ~a)' to dei1-Beach. Boat dock also avail. $275 mo, inc. gdnr. Bkr. B~UT~~ FURN 1145 Anaheim An. WOW! t cri~ this !'Kine. ·,It'~' aituat. Limuna S..ch 2705 675-5726 Jnnnac, clean! Z Ht, pool COsl'A MESA • ~612-2824
·... , ed 1n one of ! ln<Mlt de--2 BR., frpl, stove, d/w, 703 Adull!!i; no peb $150. 2272
4 BR l bath 2· story hqme, sirable areas of Laguna, a SEA COAST VIEWS Jasn1ioe, -S195. util. incl. Maple. 54().5566, 642-4807
~ts f: dn.tiel throUgh-fN blocks1o the beach, and ALSO: 1-Br., $155 plUB uW. ATTR r 1 bdrm
om, professionally landacap. on a large, Jarw.. IJ'tt-stud· LG. CUSTOM HOME Sl4 ?>1arigold · u.m • w/w
ed. Walkbl& ilistanee to the ded }Qt. 4 BR. 5 ha, huge_ liv. mt. Call 673-Sl09Jor "t c::rpl!!i, lge c u pboard•,
beach. Posseuion upon arfd.. -... r ;.._ -FrplcB. Spa nn. &: sauna, : app • cloeets. $85. Lease. 25.18
it approval· priced for ·fast The master suit-e is on one pool tble. $603 month parti. Huntington h•c:h 3400 Newpo't't B!vd.
1ale at only $29.950. Gl or side or thil1 sPaclouB home, ally furnished. -4914653 CHATEAU La Pointe Lovel,y
F1-IA terms. with dressing room. private -TOWNHOUSE 1 Br. Bltns, furn. 2 Br, apt Pool, adults,
MUTUAL REAL T"r bath a00 · 1arge view bed· Summer Rent•ls 2910 RJO'. Wshr/dryer. Pool 4s no.,pets. $150. plus util. l9(l.
842-1418 roo~. Family room ~i!h WATERFRONT Dix. duplex; tennis. wtr. pd. '105 6~1715 Pomona, C.~t.
GLEN MAR ~rymg . bar_ from builtin 3 Br., N'pt. Island. Gar. 3 BR, 2 BA. bit-ins, fittpl, $125 Oean furn t: BR. bach kit~l}en is ~eB'.gned of wo~1 Lndry, boat dock. Vacation dbl gar, fncd. )'d. $1'15 mo. UtUs inc. W/gar, No pet.s.
3 -SR 1" bath, $19,500 ·with driftwood, with pure viny or sttmmer. 6 7 3 _ 1 7 5 s • 962-4391 5484i22
S1950 down. Gas buUt·in Doors a~ faces outside to 673-78Sl or {*>SJ 96S-:Ji74 ' White El ph t , "-'-'=';:;====---ra~. oven; dlshwdller, huge pnvate patios. • e an s. CHARGE"TI'!
FA IH;at, carpets, dri,pes, ~:-·--1 3000 ~-I 3
'covered patio. fenced, ~-Home is custom built using ..,.nera _ v.ner1 000 GeNrll
.caped. , ~ I beam and post construction · ·
throughout, Lush carpeting ~fllf" =~2 co~~te f:-il;
-----, beach horM. Owners leavine
6% V.A. llOAN"T"-for~ Far Ea.st soon. You
3 oedroom. Wail to walJ. ca_r. c8b live Jn Uris c;ute bug'1
pe:ting throughout.. Co\fleted ear home fur. onl1 $39,500
·patio. AU "elootric kitchen and walk.to the beach.
with built-in reirigua~r. 4f4.IUJ
Lota more exb'a!! and ,,our
full monthly payment is onlY LOS PADRES
$134. F.P. ooey 121,450.-S.b. REAL TY
pi.it down payment Prive.te \iZ1 So. Ccwt Hwy.
P8")'. 962-1689 or 968-4640. Lacuna Beach m.-' e EXa.USIVE 1e
. ~--O»t ....
Gl·nodown·MEHA..4Bru ~~Eal)'
2 fulJ , .. , cpta/d.rpa, Jee Walt~ 'tO' lieach .and of/ town.
ki~t1.itb food .center. En: O>ttqe bNJ~. 1 bB.tJ\ clo.Wd ~nt patiO with dtc. kiteben, dill fO!>m. operl.
, orator lights. beamed·eeUV. livfnl room • BR:ASHE,AR REAUTY , witK firti>Ja«. tmolal . .,.,
841-8531 Eve. 536-1000 dbl ganijt: Uvlng room.
$2400 TOTAL DOWN ':-:~~."':-·~~~
.. • ' $32.000.
Al1ume 6% Gt L. MARSHALL. A ROPP
4 sR Bqst 16eltion, ~ 211 Ocean Aw •• -.1021
814> Warner, r.y. 8Q..f4« 2 Br, 2 Bao Open bf&m, ttak, ~
WATERFRONT • by Of(tle7 ,;tau, Qulet pvt, roM.low
~~ 4 BR. ~ 2 BA., doc! rMff. $32j!OO. ~· down.
· 56'. on .water. enclo9ed JPI" 'hown by appt , 642-0041.
n•~--~1t0 "'" o11 mi chann•M.,.... 3 llr· 3 Ba <VNER M\l>I ,.u. l BR,
dock. IUO,<JOO. Con Si d e OC..-t.in V~, pool~ double
lease/apUon 9-6998 , l(lll'l.ge. 1'tfalk to Dttldi •
• IS shopping 'btntu-, ..f9S-J966
2 Ld,. Jota1·R..S. •Nr ~ )ts. ~
unila-medlcal.-119.900 .ea. $3!1,«Kl f?~l.,--2 and 1 .,...,.. ,_...,., Baf •641 BR. vl<w. jaat -· k"U~ M'g! U."'!J• . i pvt. wUd ldtehenlf 4!M.970
Solve a Simple Scrambled-Word Puzzle for c Chuckle
.! O .Reon"Onge tll1 6 tuombli!d ..----, . ....---, ___ •
, word1 below 10 make 6 --
( '1mpl1 words. Print l.tt1ra of ~
eo<h in ilr lif!I-of JQuores. I·
It • .1 • I I ' ,..._...._ __ ..., ~ )
='' =' ~' ~':::: I ~"'I\ ... ti II .-. ~ '=":f \\.t. . "~
OUDOER ;· .I ~--7
:· , ' ·1 . I' I I.• ~ --. -
I . " '
L I G E G G Psychology tells us that ft
I j I I' I ls bod lo be on orpkon, ter· , .1 •I I tibl• fa be on only child,
damaging to be the young·•
j NU TT-01
• I "''· <'lnt\ing'IO be In the mi6-• ' I t I I I dlo, toxift9 IO 1be· lho 91dtiol. · ;
I • I , , . There Is no W<iy out oxcopt
I tobe-on-.
lfl()Kl t l , I ' \.-i.'
_' I' I I I I' ~ ~~ !:.1:.~ :i1. ... ·-----........._ ....
I I I ' I 1i"I 1-t 1 • I I 1
3 Roomt Fumtfur• ~ !
$20 • $25 • $30 mo. 'FtfuL ClPriaK 'n) BUY ·
(Refrigerators Available•
• No depqsit 01a.ct, •
Furnitp re R•ftt•l1
SJl W. 19th C.M. 548-3481
1568 W. Lncln, Anhm W4-2lilo
$.LSO: 2 BR. den, 2 ba. W/W,
dl'J)fl., range & ovf:ln. Avail.
'now. 534-6980 Bkr. ,1
11251 Large 1 br. • 4--l>l<x-,
W /W. available ti o w •
Singles O.K, ~ =;;;>==,;===:==·
Coote ·-5100
'GREENS . . --·" SAOCELOR. • UNr 'Jnn.,
froM $1•10
l·JA 3 BORM.
Heated Pools. Olild Care
Center. Adj. "' -... -
·No pett: dowed
2100 ·-w.,,,ct ~
bor;' ~Cola _ ... }
APJS ...
' . . ,,
.....,. ~ -----~ --:" -
l \
I l
-- ----------------~-----~-~---~-"---~~-----------------'-'
--~ .. --.. --,~----·----~-----------------------····-.,.~-----------~-----,..,....,,-
l' . " . -, \ . •, t ONLY \1'11.GT ~ ~5, 1969 t ' 1 i1't~ 1 • •,•,' • • , 1. • • , ~ i ..
• ca ,. ·"""Al.. I STATI IUSIHUIA,,. IUSINuS Mf l•.-.-l!lll*ll.-11!!1-£f!ll!l-•*---*!ll!ll-lll! .... SlltvlCL DIQCJ!lJY, SEllVlf:l,DI U C10IY ' ~ " ~ U..,.,.,...,., , . -ol , , , ,.F:..;.INANC==:::IA::L:..... __ _.._,,!.r:.:INA:::;NC::Cli::&:::il.~, ---" >< c-,_ ·-H loo 1 ·-• 1· .. 21'!!".!!!...... ·~IVllC ft ftl -.,._
I l .... --:'" 'Sl'IO II lloijlM In*' ... Oflloe -.,--.o70 .... ()p(oortunlllll 6ICIO -OIP"l"!"'lll 6ICIO _WllLWIS ~ liEl\V.
: ·~\l'IWID Nllf * , . IXCLU$M ~·i;;" ,:_ -· iinroR~~·~o lob~':"~.='
1--:•-.""" ON·TH"'-..... ~ ~,L_Yacll~,•"-· ~looldn• For A_ WJ'nner? ~-Small calitnat fD ..... •Ho~c. m .. .... • ........ J:ul Cit. ~~. e1>U93 6 . ... .. o.tb • r eatilnttl. relerences $2 bour. CIJ] ... -.11e. oalle .. eycw .2.& ll1d~ ,., :.1 1 SHARE omo. w/ est. lF y-Qu do Mt '"ant to be a pioneer and can 56111!. Uno anrnr S.w M&--5995
• •wk....ia. I i.....,.::.=-mo Income TU .....-•n.u. recoinile.!bemanyadVl!ltagesol••fllmln(' -•t--= R. 0.1.:::=:======I
t '•-•*"'"'7MG!-_,8•--~.u. at ,_ mntbly nnL U06 N.,. ownership of an 01tabll1hod, prolllilile frail--lncomo Ta 6740 , r •--Blvd. Ot -~ • chlse store In a !antasUc growth area . . • ~ 1 8111~ ~ ... ,_ __ '(lie Hlllllln"41n 1000 54"11. att&tiw, &ood This could be the oppoi:tunity yuu have been RiP41Rs. ALTERATIONS ~~ t:::'':
• ~ ---~-locatlat, air amd. crpta. looking for. CABlNETS. A"Y "'" job. ,...,,, by O!!tillod l'llbllc ~~=R=: 0:a -30o oq It. 543-ml IS yrs. -· 5'U713 A""""""'-A..u.f>le to I·,, ·~·No e•~ CK. Pltlrlc' • St!-Ft. Office IF you can quallUy ... you will join the El. =· WOll!f Who4NYo °"" QUALITY,..,... • .,...... .. ... the -al Ootpon--opc.t ~-, oosrA ·MESA ~ Poco CJD<llo & Gift Shoppe store chain; which· S CLASSIFICATION FOR ~_!!~ ~ b)'""' """'-....n bus1neu '"'
-: ... mt -. is one Of the largest in the •ll'Cialty store ·--.......,.. ..,.;i... """ -I NI WLY DECORATIO "''t:i:J'.~1;,.,HJ c-rdol --' ''°!! field. Two existlng-hl·traHlc Orange,County u;=~=Al'PIRS C:::,.~~:: Your -.\Ole aatllfac:tioo
• BR. .,_ • ••-• FOP. , .... ,,_ ot •• . stores an available lmmedlalely., ·,-en · .. -• LI---5 11 __ 5 L.~ ean ·,.:..· ••• ·-· """........,_roRPO··-
• · --• ~ ~ -' -1 other locations thru-out the Western. atates. ~ ,._ .....,.. •• ~~ ~·~ • pnilMr• w.• ptJd am ORO APARTKENTS property with tmal> of6ce ,. _ , auLn -AD MUt'I' 1Na.uo1 IMPR0'(1Elt(EN'l'
SllBernudA,t·B $105 mt Atl&Dta Ca~ leaced" 'tritla 2 JF you .... Invest ·•1s ~ cash and ~-••w at ~:'.':--.._.:.,":...--· ~ ..,"' -...... ~=.. C.-, C-encrete '600 OOVNSELORS
• 61MHll • --~ on"" caH IU2.:27!7 for a personal, confidential PHONE 642-5671 • CIJSroM PATIOS • • "2-9931 • -Interview. · TAX hturn Spoclll $15.
211' Placentia Apt B iu5 New 1-2 Btdrobmi. PQ ~ 1arfl'! pta.'st&-630t ~ · • ,PW -U'ICljp'• ~THING fl'Oll IALI -TflM)Q ONt.Yi•w
OCEAN breeze upper Ap.L ~or 5384'721 lnchlitflal Rental '°'° To Pl•c• Yeur Tridtr't P1nd.iM M ccucrete aawirla &: removal Fonn 1040 A:: 5CI, your home
lat 3 BR l'A b&. Avail. ·W~ . , • IF youtpreter, you may write about yourself ....... 1 ..... ~-m 2 ..... .._ , __ -...._ _ _. Staj.e Lie. • 842-lOlO or our Office. 23 )'Ian a
April 15 '1!0/mo. :m& C.-PrtvalO c.._ . l'OR ...... Llauaa Nlauel. in detoll ••« . I d h be to ~ -• ~--•• 17 Ft. n-r a-out-• * CONCRErE ""'k. bonded tax °"""""'' alld, _, f J\)'OD Dr. Apt 5 betwn l BRAND ?if;W 2 A 3 BR ~S&n~FwY•t~ 'JT'l'~mcu ep onenum r : .. home in Oaremont Ex· and bl& wheel Wt trailer. &: lie...-Concrete lllwil'I&. 'a claim far 'deduetlons
P>< " • PM er -"' """' ll!iOlmo. t:Pt./drpo, Valley, .,.., eocJ1Dlerclll " Unlvencll ~anchlM E11cha~e :;:.,. *:, ~Z"'~ wm trad•,,:.~~nc1 ... ,;ng. Pbllfips c;,,..,._ 548-6380 dlullowfd. u ""' s.rv ,,__ . ~· "'f0•cb. :~,""'~~.:=, 1611 WESTCLll'l'DR IVE,S.UITl ·21t . 6IU;flOO -/ .....,, e THORYKCX>NCRETE e --~=-""',,...•~pp'='t..-:==-
BR 2 bath Condo. W/w ~·-· '• , ' • -NE. WPORT 11,.&CH, i!J..· LIFn•.,_l,A, . C..IA M•A Eu""' OOm<. CUSTOM PATIOS. No job e Tho Tox Advl,... ~bit.in oven. fttWI: , 1 , ~ • 119 tl91. I••_ .i. ~-.,._.,.. 80Acre almond &;Id walnut ~· too=-='"'=all=-'1>-=..:'1349:::.__ Year f'OUD4 ofe. 321 No.
, " dlshwuh<r. Doubl< ...-Sonto AN ' 5620 500 SQ. Ff . ILDG. Room , l\>r 2 """"-. Ex-_... Excellmt wfter. CEMENT Wm, no lob too · N"Pt·Bfyd. N.B. Reul ! : ag'e, 2·poo11, No peta. st.90/ l BEDROO M apt . E. 17tb st, a.ta Aka. 2» lus. ft:portvnltlM 68 ha. Op~niti. 630o ~'= J>",!: :a~ For beach ·arta property. ~ ,l'eUOM.ble. F·ree Ca11 ~far appt. ' -S4&.55IO DJ..!-• Elee -a -.... ior te& ~II".' Fortin Co. 17lJl.A Weslclitt es"-R. ~ .••••. ••O -· , ,...,. ' i""'Ul&'<=•·a10r I .lbove $80. • ' ~ Fortin O> fH2.!i(XX) wu. .;iuuu""' ~w Walter IL ~P.A.
2 BR Studio,.._ 1% ba. 331So. N""'°P'· S.A. anL $T5Mcmtb.54&<0IO Tf!"ELY Il.Q§INESS CANDY SUPPLY ' . Dr., NB 642-5000 ·1n00me Tax S<rvice
• encloled ~ 4 patio, 550 SQ, FT. rar •• ty p e Becomepartofthefastest ROUTE . '56Cad • .2dr.sedan.ruN! MesaVerde4bedroompJ~. C 6'20 642.fi20tor5'5-1391eve
cpta/drp& I-blt·W. 0ap Ugune ~,, 5705 warehoule. otc, apace .lat growlng indUsiry in the (No Selli1!K Involved) ~ycle~~ • .,°',3n:'! den, approx 2300 sq ft. .-0;.;.nt;.;.r;;;•;;•;;;tet;:.ro:;_ __ = e INOOME TAX e
50-35H Eve. 54&-0689 ... >·• I ; Contractor, 6Q..2S09 world -Vendin1! Exeelli!tlt income for few Want smaller home O!' ~ ADDITIONS-REPAIRS Done ill )'OUt home
LARGE 2 BR apt. Westside, 100 CllPP. DRIVE , A fr e s h concept called hl'Jurs weekly work (Day, or es, or 0:t'46-tS75 do. in Mesa Verde, REMODELING $5 and up. 639-m>
near .lboppin,c. Retired cou. J..tJXUaY'll'll1tNIUNJ'URN Lett 6100 "Speed. vending" ia :now eveninp), Refillina le: col-54'.0932 Designing A Pla.nnin&: ~ Jtt iftfftted,!!5/m o . !!!1',.!Aue.-1662~ •VIEW of ocean, CGl"Ol!I' beinee.1tablilbedthrougb-o Jecthwmol)ey,from .coinop.. Lquna Beach. Small, •68 Fiat 12' Blue Station Kitchens-Baths, etc. ~~-Taxe,longa r:!'= > ~'I after 5 r• ._.,. ~ bluff. 'ble out the country. Rout.ea era.led dispensers tn C.OSta .lharp; commerCial bids. Lic'd & Bonded. Free est. J..,.... •uu"" / l Oc.1zMew has fteJ AilL poU1 6 1 t y. llflt up in YO\ll' area are Mesa • ; .1u:rrounding' area. Law~d"""' pm.yment or T .D. Wqoo.. Lug rack like new. A &: B CX>NSTRUCTION blncd, $15. Of-3422 1 DDIAC. 2 ~ n e_w from. Sl50 mo·-a... medical or apts. Will build handed to operator to re· We eat. J'l'.>Ote. (Handles •-.. ·~:~::..... Taler 15' Trawl Trailer • • cpbldrJllt blt·uw. nfli&. -.. .. ~---to suit 536-3555 stock and collect money J.ll ex~,.... u pa.rt. µ22 ~ularino, CM. I 1 6755
,,l patio. Adult& $1 4.0 /m o .,;-;;;;;-:;:-:;,-""';::, __ ,_ from these automated name brand candy'-Bkr,494-1330 ~2374 *545-4941* ronnt 12 BR. du. .. -. snacks). n450 CUb requir. d I & ; 50-«a _,...; new cpts., ACfU19 6200 amazinl: ft1lding units. ed,, For ~ ipterview 2 lndust. bldp. on Ptacen-17 Ft. outboard tar station' ADD-A-:Rfiom. apt, unit!, IRONING, Men n r fl Vllla ~ AptL 3 BR. ~ ~ ~'ton..~1;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $1'97 to $2495 pub you in in ~ .¥~ ~ .end da, CM. Trade $95,000 eqty wagon or auto o1 equal vaJ. ~-1~kee ~yo~. ~~ 8riflg own
· Ont Cblldnn Weloome $150 -~·' NORTH OF bUolnets! A te w •u.v, ..,,,.,,..,_ l -~~ nwn-!or pro-+ '· v.i.., p•--••• ·-·~·--I-'-=~--=~======= ' 49Ul88· eves (l) 532-5283 .,. ..... .., t"'•OJ ~ ......... ~1 .. _ .. ,..... -Yn m "· l'lt w. CentieT Apt. l • L part:ttme houn ff.c.b ~k ber to Multi·state Inc., 9075 $150,000. ,_....... -...., L--'·••plnv '6110
; 2 BR unturn. ~ bltn R~&. ,s-,:,~rE.11 ,_ ESCONDIDO can dev~~P. U<!'..!~ .. !,500-E. Imperial Hwy, Downey, 548-00 Lovely desert home with ~ .. Paclfu: Coa.1t sou_ .. __
, .-, crptl, .-_ redecor. Gefttrtl . A-Ji:., 4f Ac.e• rolling per·mon ..... Ul e ....... _. A Calif. 90242 6 acres at 29 Palms. Take Bld!. 67!>-7191. Wttkdays, ... _ l n:: full-time route can put' ,..,,,;,:::,..::;;::...____ Beaut. view, Lacwta home mobile home' near coast as Sat &: Sun at your service LANDSCAPERS
I f(o pm. 56.m6Q hntali wlnted • 5990 hills: beautiful .ettiilc; can you in • very high income ATTRACTIVE Beauty Salen, 4 Br. 3 Ba., has all; plus down. Q u A LI Ty remodeling, A TIENTION
.. e r E 2 _. no stove, ~ planted hi Avocados or bracket? priced !!Jr quick sale. $125,0CO,ht mortgqe; will 1 --·• "~·-p•-, and will &.orUloU ua.. redatioa 4!J9.1331 or 49447-46 CU.!tom ~ service, Refs: '""""' ..... .._... -..
prazt', E-Gdfl; indiv. unit!, YOUNG workinr c o uple '~-far ~p . ·' Anz.. Only quaJi&d person will Call Gloria. 962-7232 tradeforttalestateorsu~ on 'req, Fi-anJc M. aaroei1 trade a 17 ft outboud with
, S95 mo. tc.1270 desire 2 BR unb-n house lOWJI Idler 11 ukinC $59,400. be accepted-! YO u r · first mit. ~25911; 641)..7010 10.9% Rl:nn,t on $275,000 Co Co 1.QS-1466 ·aft big'wbeel trailer for your
1' SPIJT~ 2 Br l~ ba· or apt, CU atta. MUst have lOo/O Down with interest onlY letter abbuld relate per-RMI E1t•t• Loant 6340 Have 5 bedroom Balboa clear lsd, indust. Dyer Rd., nstr '• lf!rvices. Lets pt lolttber
, , Upr 2 Br. · 1 ·ha, ~ pnp, Up tO $'130. bf.t. on balaDce. For more Jntor. sbnal background facts, Pl!ninsula home, flS,500. S.A. For M·l Oran&e Olly-, 4 pm bdori.. your .busy seuoa. ;~ drpl!BSMrndoa 56-6d1 56-3690 . ~~ue call, K, w. ~:re~~ phone num· : Sattler Morlgqe want 3 bedroom, price $30. :inc~d~~:O':i~ ~i:. ~~~ Phone 64M687
J 1 M It 3 BR. aptl, mmm, ~! Our lea» nm. out Eckhoff & Auoc. lne. $35.000. Newport Beach 673-61)(1 * 5'9-2170 * WANTED Landlcaped , a El Cimino Dr. CM m June, need J or 3 hdnn l8U W ni. A SPEEi)..VENOOR Comp1ny Inc. Realty, 675-1642. s &: s 36' D•ld Aux sloop, man, exp'd. l day per wk. ~ * 5'6-0tSI. *' haefa. ~...,-b!adl. Xlnt ~~ Ye.-535 So~~ West 336 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa Lat 180 decree ocean view, 1967, 7 .ILila. fiber/teak con. Cirpet CS..nlng 6625 li$S='=per=br=·=-=""'====-
: 'J 2 BEDROOM Qt wtth pool.;1i~,.~~~FJ:;"::::~1=54!~·~282!~~;;-;;';;;~:~ I :Sal:t ~Lalc=~"'~"'?1~U=IA~h~M:l~O~l I Serving Orqe Cnty XI :vn. San Clemente m,ooo value struction. Trade % interest : , chlldftn OJ{., no pets. 21&5 1 , BD~ Unfurn Apt m !.111' 6«2-2171, ~ tree &: clear. Tl'l.de tor imo. or all for local prop., Ne carpet I: Upbl:>l Clemin& PaperMnging
; , Cuyaa Dr. ~:noc, Bt~ ant b' emplwed S•n D.... Ew1. fi73..7865 SC-115'1 proved or TD'a or ? construction or PIU, 675-• 1~~!~~~~;.; ~1intlng 6850
1 DUPLEX. .2 Sr.: 3 04. ~ to $l l O/m o . FrHwey Acre .. e , ,ACJW:f Money Wanted 6iso _....:.;54!1-RO=-.::lNTOOG:::..=""' • .::d='.'_'.'..'"=· "'''--3-8-~~::.C.000----·•ty---Co~-IF!ft Ea~tn .•. 548--8544 PAINTING Int I: Ext.
• Broadway. Cpta. I; drapn, Future Ioca.tion of 1 ' ' ' BAYF ""' """• r. -.... ' ..,...... ln mm. Lowtst contracted price!! •
• $125. s.'n-8282 . ' • • LAN,DLORDS • Olds-Cadillac Dealership PARTNER MH•AGER Bus Mgr for profHBional 3 Ba., val. $89.500, FOR frontage, Yucca Valley, C1rp9t Layl nt. Fully ins; Satisfaction cuar:
, l BR, nnvt.. dee. drpg. w/w FREE RENTAL SERVICE Real Eslate parcel aV.l.llable. • Aft cllentele de<ts to borrow T.D.'a (coMider Ise/opt. as tra~ lot Income property. . Repair 6626 Free est. Call Jim Weeks,
-blt~i:. adulll. $145. Broktt 534-6982 One to f:lve acres on San short tenn money direct trade for ?? ?) 2 Balboa Owne676 Tu',~c:;_ ~ves. Box 67J...1166 ::~;-:.m.., ' 5461nf Diego F'r@e'way betv.rttn $1.2,500 cash ftquired to u-from prlv individuala or~ Coves. Owner 675-4331 ,:.c_~::w::,o•=.:...,---1 c ·.RPE'I'S (nylons woo1a · All
__,.,,, ewa . R~rm for lent 5n5 Crown Valley overpus and swne active management of cial funds. We have fret and 2% to 20 Acres ranch altes tlINT COND '63 ·Mercedes poly.ten,) Vinyls' and ni ~·90: !!!':. -l:::f.· llc'd
2 BR. Unfumiahed Rancho Viejo Brokers we!. an established Orange Coun-clear prime properties, a adjoinini: Rancho Calif's 2'l0-S 4 dr, leather int, tilt es. Latest styles and colon. 4: ins. Call Charlie. 5C8-MJ5
$1Z Month M6-0M6 BEAUT room, double b!d. come Cont.ad Stan Allen ty specialty store. National million dollar + financial new city, trades OK Te.-seats, am I fm, auto, air, Commercial and Res:idenual.
79'l (Apt 2) Shalimar, CM pr, patio, llvnnpri\lileps betw~iand5at expansion and growth pro-statement with ~tronr cub macula S4f..?.666 evel!. ·eox 21 mi/a:al, n&Z: FOR va· Expert tnstanatlon. INTER or Ext. PAINTING.
· · . ~ ~~ NS<OB ~·::!,.Santa Ana Ave., fM.lm.t or , 499-1355 eram via franchi.line ha 11 flow, Write Box M50f Daily 676 Tustin. cant prop of ? -499-2531 BLANKINSHIP H.OORS JMMED. SERVICE. Local
200 ~~ -cttated this opp;irtunity. Pilot or phone 5'5-5lll) 642.lff.B 541).TX2 rd. FREE est. 548-162"1
1 N"'!Po"' .. ch .~ S FURN -mi. 'just Trlillor Pork Sito Party "1ec!od will roceive I ~==",-;,.,:..:.:;:,.::;;,,___ ~ * * * * * I======== I P&>tt -45 _,.
1 DELUXE 2 BR 2 bath. -· prl. ho. • " en .. ~ . tor T.,.... ; Park • 1800 """""'>:~-"""' P!uo ANllOUNC•M•{tl'S Gonlon8 66IO _..,...,_ C.0 Fm!L
I wr Haq'. Holpitar a:-Lido 2131 Elden, 9@e Mat. =-~ -::r. ne~ J.liway lOl :ti o~~ =:: = 1--•-nd_N'-"O-'T._IC::IS;;.o..__ ANNOUNCIMINTS.· ANNOUNCEMENTS .. * MM9IJ3 * .
Bldr-:&viii --Coo-IDEAL,tpr,..-mu, da:y OTHER Booch Blvd ""rit !at yoar. u you havo Found (FrH An) 6400 ond NOTICES ond NOTIC!_S 'ANTHONY'S PAI!mNG, -11 Yf'
pie er JWOfellioDll ~· shift. m.so wit. CM area. -...:.-..,. from $ ... .....: the f -•--=:....:.===---_..;;;;:;:...;=.;.;.;=;_--G1rclen S.rvlc1 in Harbor area. Lie a: tJond.. No petl. Mgr. 42l1 Hllaria 54&-19119 ~ .._ a,wu ,,........,, •·~ and OOG, 26" high • ""d"" L .. t 6401 P-..011 6405 646-1941 od. Reb bTI. 64>-2356 w1.1, NB , 642-43117 R. _D. SLA r cS, Rltr. are prepared to comme~ broY .. n, Ji&ht y e 11 0 w i 8 h-The beat. coa;ts JlO more!
; ' 1S.land Dlx. upper lnceme Property 6000 '4T-3SJ.9 Ev-es, 962-7369 at once call 642-2713 for bi'Own eyes. Yellow (floral) WHITE male dos with brown COUPLES, ainglee; lonely'! Prune ••• Plant.,. Prepare • ~ cfu»lex; 3 Br. 2 Ba. Cpta, 13 UNITS, aood ~-always 1/J ACRE VIEW SITE I "'pe"nona!""'""'a"ppo..,,i•,,tm,,•,,",,1..,,,_ I = ~c~ ~ o !If: ~'tokio!nl~ ~='. :ef~ in& *;!~!in the swing ?tlonthly Maintenance Plastering, Rep11r 6810
f' dr\JS; frll Elec. bltns. rented Sood ftltlll'li. lup: No. San Dteio Cnty., nr Mt CANDY SUPPL y 64~1892 VM:. Mea Drive '-Nwpt e 635-9291 • I==""=•=· ="=""'=:=cul=-=='= • PAT'S Piutmnc. All : I refrW, Pier, allP. No pet! 6% '1oan barra1n a t Palomar. Util. in. Only $5500. Blvd. Tbun 413. Reward. ~~-"--'c:-""C:...:'--~ types. Free estimate. Call ~{ $3251.ale.IC-M25 , $106,000. ~S ul li van Bkr.49f.M88 ROUTE YOUNG, Male Germ. '45--2!185 B::!t~I:~~~: 0.nerelServlces 6612 540-6825
t·," LARGE 2 BR 2 i. up/down ~ , lD ACRES nr. Palmdale vie. (Part« Full Timel Shepherd dog, found vie. -"'~.::..===~-=========-I . • 1--T ...... T-· "-I M t Ex-"--t ·----,_ ,,... Natio--' •-w·--r--ta REWARD I ..,; .. i .. -, informative, ....... T•KA~A Plumblnv 61-t eu --... w __ .... &SIDE CM 2 hln home _....., ....,. ~ .. -.:; "' UI .. ~ Ua;wjllC ... ... f.1esa1~ U.....:I, ....,,, suttcue.' betwffn L.A. Afr.. ~ J~ANE!E1"'NunsERY --"-----~
• w/w cptsldrpl, bit-ins, + inc. Xlnt coni:1,' 2 BR llill, E-Z Terms. $3,tm per hrs. wttldy worlt' (days N--..t Beach Ott I:'.--· ""'-"'""""' _ _. .. _1_ PLUMBING REPAIR er-°*" pnp w/l'larqe. ea. Nr -* ....... _ Ac. Owner 846-2'.119 or @ves.). Refilling and BLACK Ii white pet rabbit, port A-..... _... • REDUCE Safe, .tmple le rut .........,,_ ..... .._ ..... ~ ..
$115/nm lease. M&-at4 S48-l78T , vwlltl:a" collecting money from Newport Hgbta.. •re a. white with zipper top, ini. with Go&• tablets only service.· Headquarten ftr No job too small
2 BR, 2 BA. adults. 00 R ... rt Preprerty 6205 Co I n Operated Dispen-64·=6-<55~1~---~-tiais H. K, B. Please call 98c. Cr a wfo rd • s RX all your nursery needs. • ~ •
teU $185 mo 4245 FOR RENT sers in c.o.ta Mesa and A-JIN-Schnauzer, male, no .-;;,::,~==---~~-Pharmacy, Costa M'Ha ALLEN BROS PLUMBING 24 hr serv. ~ HUaril. Way. ~ lusln ... Rentel 606o M 0 u n t a i ~:r:= surroundins are a. No collar vie. Atlanta I Beach LOST: Female Al a 1 k an GENT_ dnltts meeting lady GARDENERS STUDENTS Work gUlr, lie, ins, remod,
selling. (Handles name Blvd HB SM-0346 Malamute, W!'d. aft ' n. , under 40 t 0 r" com· working their way thru col· repair, rooter ..erv. 531-7566
' 2 BR. 1% BA. Pvt patios. FREE DESK SPACE ,in slttp! 8. Gia-4130 brand candy &: snacM.) ., Corona del Mar. Blk., white paNonsbip. ~Ca! I 5J4.5165 le~. Experle~, licensed. PLUMBING REPAIR
' 1 $190. mo. Adults onl)'., no small shop in exe~ for • · $1650 total ca.sh reqUired. FEMALE tri • colored dor & grey: name J\la. Red after 7 p.m. REAS! 646-Gll DRAIN CLEANING
•• peta. .lTJI lkdtmrd La. taking meaaait:i, ·c1et Call ExchlftlM, R. E. •230 For m o re lnfonnation Vic. Lido tale. Sat. 3(29 nea collar. Re w a rd • s ard _,_ · Call. ·d Wy -•914 ~ ••= e OMNIPHILOS e AL' G eu.u'6 Service 546-2387or54G.'l'll7 ' 2 BD'ft.M,, 21,.t ba. West cliff. 546-6478 EveS: , n11"1' T ..._..._ $150 000 =• -··t a.nd details, send name, 1 en ' •ui1"'1 .,,.,.._,.. =========I _.;; "........., i•-....., ... 11-"6 FO (A ""'" o1 lile) 'Lawn maintenance, garden-. I ara, patio le pool ,,.._. BAL. 1.lland; Jeue; 2 ,.lkfta, Deeds and/or '$175,000 in address and phone num-UND, Ladies' watch LOST: Ladies ca rd i 1 an 2 to :i0...,.pm 642--9676 ine .l clean ups. 646-3629. Remodel, Rep1ir, 6940
• on i.ee. Acl 606366 ~ott:tber or ~~ -, compleft'd large ocean view '~ROrUTEto' DEPARTM...., .. ,_, vicinity of 2ht St. I sweater; white, cable-type ALCOHOLICS •--ous JAP~ Garder.er, com-J BB. qptl. ,.,_, tpt,i. ~ :rrr ~ Aft. 1 ~ J'B-81Sil 'lob , h1 Lquna Beach •tor -~ • Newport, C~J. 6Ua5901 knit orion, bu collar I: p~-••• _1 .. ~-.. to plete yard tervice, tree ADD A room -Remodel
$115 )Illy, Ja~.,.vail t.,.'!.,*Y.HARibR Bl ... ·dli.ii&i ... Orarwe eounty'apartrnents P. 0, Box 3846 FOUND tri-colcired female Broadway labtl Wi l l~ ...,_, ,,,_.,..... Wl"I BU.mate 54()..1332 -cabinets -block wall
L m 31th St (113) :ws.;~... ft pnp. 4 dbl drs. $600. or clear lewl land. Broker Anaheim, California 92803 vie. Lido Isle. Call A: idtD-preciate return; please call P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. e " fences. Free e 11 ti mate .1
2 Blt.. 2 Ba. Crpts, ·drpl, Bkr. lf5.«l91. na 491.:mt: 497-1210 CC>SrA Mesa's leading Or-"tily::' ;;·,,:675-<9,;.:...=1•:____ G42-3589 aft. 5:30 P.M. Reliable lawn :savlce, 642-9852
bltns. adnlts, m pets. $185 -ana:e Julita, Adjacent large WHITE & black apott!'d TERRIER Announcement& 6410 rn:"·~~ ~m. ROOM ADDITI O N Ir
be. '13--2.110, SC&-2873 Office Rentel • · 6070 R. E. W1ntff 6240 car \\'i.sh. Groues $35,000. shaggy do(, Vic. Baker fc Sif\ler gray tiny puppy, Lost. __ ...::_..::::.:.:::.:..::__ remodeling. Attractive Je1n Sinlffi, Reeltor . Fillmore c M ... ~.. u Rd Coll p-_,, HOMEWORK pays! Send RELIABLE: Minute catt. -ices. Fret estimates. Call
I Bil. 2 BA $1TS &; ~ LA.GU.,~ llACH GI Buyer transferred into &16-3255 ' . ' .,._........... Buckne -ege "'"• sell addreued envelope tp, Low-rate monthly Avail. S'.46..os46
I S Bit. 2 .. BA. fpl.c, $235. Air COndlt.._. ', the atta ~ ~ 3 91' 4 .. .a"I reward! S49-lG2 or 545-lS39, P.O. Box 781, Oran&t 645--1931 Mor/eves =========
' 213: !181-1009 ON roe-• A~:::..-:~ Bedroom '"-e l"•I un•·r WANTED: off-sale liquor Lott -HONEY Colored, Pelqnpte, .. .u.A ~· V.t.l'f\11!; IUlll ~ uo: li ~--r -.. ty JOI.JN.SON'S Gardentnr serv. Sewing ~ 1--------::::::IOesk lpaCf9 anflab~ tn $25,000.,l will pay my own oense, ...... '6e UNO ' WST: Black Min Poodle, an1wers to "Honey", vie. SERVICE DIRECTORY Finest equip, exj>ert yard ::c=""-----=
lutlluff . S242 .....-~oract ~at '~ Call my ~r: ~=~Call""'~'~642-8139='-"""~-male. Ans to "Tar". Vic FairviewABaker.Reward. 9C2-200S e DressmakinJ~terations
· ·prime location In dontuwn Walker I:~ a~ ~55 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! -...V. Re\vard! 96Z-109b 545-6561 or 544-4694. Appli1nea Repelrs qte! Re:"'! . CUstom Design~
e NEW DELUXE e ._.-.Air -iEAL ESTATI REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BLACKiruhS.ttir'W.tMon. P•rls 6$10 CUt&Edaot.awn * ~ *
I Br. 2~ bL apt. tor 1eue timed. drpet94. bel.utiful Generel Gener•I , Generil bet Main Beach A: St. Ann's SUPREME~ • =~ PA1TERNS made to fit )'Ou,\ Ind. .,.c.. matr. suile. rdiD puieied ~ T·W O•f--'-;.....------,"--'-'...;...;..;. ______ ..;;.;:;,;o:c:;_____ Dr, La& Bch, Yoder on name ~ Bikinis to Ball eowm: from
-a, dbl. p:aae. auto. ..,..._, ,._ . • Lois 6100Leli 6100Lots 6100 pl&IO al ..., ""1ar.,4!Q-ID!I A~~palr._,;f for LAWN SF.RVIt'E $10. !3S-<812; 831-0llO
fftM opmer anll. Po\ll A Forest Aft., rnr Mill to:r===~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiiii;;iiiiii;;;~== aftei' S p.m. Tom. , 5fl 1 MOW'edgeovacuum Alterotiona-642..sMS -. --. Hr. Catbollc M-........... ~ .=::..;:,.!'.;;::,____ LI t<i646 atlOr 6 PM
QrutdJ A .cboOl 6 C.orcn. per mcmtb tar .,... Dil!.lk TAN coc!t a poo puppy, vie llbyllttl"I 6550 EXPER Ja--Gardener Neat, ace\lnlte. 20 yn, exp. del ~~·~. ~~~~ 0 c ea n view Laguna ~~=80::·Pe-M.~Call~-l'llh151-~0-lor :B::ABYS:::.!.::::.:II;;'f:.:IN!.G-.-My--ho=m .. ~~or~~, ... _ N!~..,~ .. ~
11'1-ttl AmilOI Way, N.B. Rrlice , anllllle··'lor $10. BOY'S Glas'.n.lost at Esian. Fnlovlngt. Valley: fncd. yd.; ~.::,:::.::::n.c::.•-~='-'GARD=~ENER= OCEANFRONT LeUI'! w/op
-Ali attl-l>&fd ._. In the CITY OF L_,AGUNA BEACH!!!. cl• Hi School Nam< in ""'· hot me.i~ ~~·~~ lion 3 BR + r.m. rm . . C:-_ .. Mer 5250 telept.one. cue. All¥ Gates, 646-4574 ~962-=::261::.6;______ Maintenance A-Cleanup .,,.. _., ......., Owne
DAILY PilDl' eJ 8 • n -Hta Ctnter ltfaD, la-"NANNY.:' babysit in my • Call 548-2572 $64,0NU. o.-.woT r. _ ~-•~w-• IBDte• In' llCI • ~ 1111± ~· G -•--, Ma "'~"' A•-,va _. I I .. _. .-. """f." dies white aoJ.d diamood home, \\ftkly or hrly. Vlc. J•PiMH •~r TrM Service · .. ; LAGUNA BEAQI YNW"a •I II All 19tli Y9W8 • VNlfit' wristwltcb. Rew. 536-2"114 Harbor A: Victoria, CM. Exper, compl yard lf!fVice! ~c..r...:.::. -............. tide 61>-1413 Fnoe "tlnlalO. 543--ESTATE Mamt ..._ s.n ~ OFFICE RENTAL MATURE Woman wlll Removal & trimnrinp. .... l ao T!2f AClllS 3: ~· !'!:,.. o11~ .. ~":; Priced f~m $ 5 9 5 o . . ""'-:~iNs•D 6405
:-::::·.:; ~ ':':'.'!'I)';,~ ~;:~~L HAUL~: =-=..,.._==·= .... =""===I
, I a J 8Ro na A t1nfllnl medical, dental, laboratory, , , Spiritual Radlnp. actYitt hr 673-ll&f \ ·a CLIANUP Televl•lon, Rep1 lr 6915
, .......,. f ,.... potloo/Poob. archil"'IA. i.!w, '''· Top io. AS L 0 W AS 10 D 0 W II A II D T E 11 MS I on an -o-llll s. El BABYSITTING •• ~ -a~ t ··-"~"' u• my '"''"e. $10 per ·load, Free ---TV Co. No Sir-; Tennis • .__.. i _...,. Pll cation. CO :.,ll(CTI~ ~ .::': Camino Rut, San Oetnente. Good lune hes & napg..ppert cleanup for uaablt tt;°m~~ ce Q\arce! Expert wort. CbW lf9llL THE FOX MPANY ..,.._ .. C91t1t ::· 11t -492-9136. U1 AM·lO PM care rea1' 546-2531 bik IOO Sta Lane, Obi. '"""1J_ 673-9495 or 642-6969 a ... °""• I t. e... SPECIAL $2 'READING , , 1 _ _::96U8'6:=;::::,.:aft<='.:3c.cp:.:·=M:.,. -or, Ir wht or '~I '" ... ~-_ ~-I .._,.. .._ lf.-; ..,_ ., OIILD care, my home, ltlesa Yard!---cl•an up. •· _54$J120=.,•-=='..,· ==:= ..,.. ........... .....-. * Modern OfRces o..... ... °"" '""· DIVORCED, sepai'ated, wid. Verde area. Reas rates. __ •t;:", i~. dirt.~ •
• an el ~-Si " 11111..._ Air -~ owed or unmarrlod. !M> tncd pla:y ""'· ~!9 .. -··. ., ••--• IOBS & EMPLOYMENl1 • BR. 2 BA. ec, ... _. ne or ~ ~bt to the 0.C, Singles tor, back hoe, &l"I"--"•· -ff W apts. drpe, bulltiM. prqe, itioning, parldrw, .ecntarial _ -..., Pf ?>.IOTHER of l chlldrtrr,-Nn,>. 03:'.:14!:;;·=~-=--,--=-Iii •nted, Ledy 702CI ,~ e\leS. ten'iee, centnJ loCabon. Gazette, $4. iOJ, ......, aclces to port ~ach, wishes t.o care _.,, Top 1=========':-:1 C. Robert Nattrm Relltr:I' ca...~ ,. ao, pel':IOnll ads, arti e:t for one .IChool child, 642-l.596 HAUUNO, Genen.1, ·• OlNVALESCENT AJDE ...... 5300 m E. 1'181 StNet ::'J)' 75" Parle Avt., trim, nmove tttts A: PH.AC. nutM! or oompanJon
• ~--· ., _0 _ _ ,~. Gardv'IGrovti BABY&mING m>· home, bedfU.Bl&.ToM~ -avallable rwlorparttime. ~ --. ' ... .,_, •-I~' •---CM ~ .. Ill-~ s,!;:: Nttro11-c,Cii"' Qiiffi:lt ' I' I .L · v e .e TENNIS SEASONe -'w.:"'=-·kly=::,;~;:='=·"::;,":"',;54M!52•;,;'°=. =amt=. ~~~~ONEY'° .,.: :;:"',. ::: .::.:. term. Buncled ~ -,._. 0!11ua oulla ... • tor -Com-'l'alio ......... ef - -,,_ -ooc1 -io Oft Join tbo tum Thi> ad W0'1h • •--· ·~ HOlllEMAKERS SIT""81• 2 BR. 2 BA.. walk In merdat. Medical. "'"iu. Oi'••P C••••:·• p•,.l•tl•• I 1•4111trl•t '•••I $10 on duo. l rl k .... _ ~ Call~ na. ~ J-btiftd ~ II AiN::tJnd,, crpta. ~~ ~ • 01n>na det Mar Tennill Qub c ' -ry, -~ PRACTICAL Nune, pod
d-.m..,..,-•=tt PWL BiM ,up. 35c PER SQ. n . OC&rJMlW ~ •1lClOllfOl~CML • 61J..57ll • "'° HouwlNnlnt •ns cook. drive. ret~
for --· 541.sdl mt f!Wll4' • , I!!! ~..,. -m: 't:.l°nt· 1o1.. lfrfhdayl BUll.D, Remod<~ lltpalr FLOOR cleanin& • potlll\h1& 83Mll1 ~ ~ BF.Aihffii: An:Mt _omc. ~ tllr. -I 1 q9f'pr. • Briclc, bloetc, co n c re t e , -'•11..m, BGmo 6 ~ CLEANING 4 painting, rup
11if;CJ1a. +dm.saoomo torrtnt.i!it6Satett.~ISIW ......... --................ c:tr., ....... "9ctl. t .. 1. 31 crpnlry. no job too small. d';;;tt;l-FREE tilt. &. upbol..gtery shampooed.
,>IU~R-WH. ITI' • ltltr. ~-..;;!'-• • ""~ MO. Tod1yl Lie O:inlr. 962«MS ~ Ma Int• Dance Experimced Pl 53M089 --·---~------------.I AttToctlft-E""°rt S<rvle< 61'-(J!l!t RN· WILL BABYSIT MY -_...,,. -, M,11. FOil ..... Ui A N...P,... YOUNG WOMAN •••1-S.rtlco '6S62 CARP~ Wlndow1, fin. HOME. ANYTIME. E. CM.
'1S4ltl_ 1,.. 612..nA Blvd.. Jdllll IM' , ~1 ~ wOI trach YoY all TYPING: IBM Extt., ~ et~., Rtlkttn. or Cornc'L c&4=1--~1511J~===== r.. 6iiF Pllllf tr:iif Ma. ino::ime• tat • .,.....,,., 'I lltt1t 1tepl. Call Ardtll reports, thesis etc. Pickup Xint 'l\.'0111' lte:ls! Rm. DAILY Pl10T WANf ADS'
Dta1 -'.:! .. !:'::":!:."' :::SU:.4;::::!1:...._ ___ , ___ _;:=::::: 2\3: 59145311·10 PM I: dtllver. !W+m• -54,-4l11 BRING RESULTS! -
l . -t.
~-~-~-~----~---~~-~------------~ ----------'--~--..... ~-·---~~---·------·------~ ... ---~--...... -~----·-----------"------~-____.___-----~---···-·--------~~ -- -
----------------·----------------.-----.-_..r-·-·--~~-• -------.-----.--.,-----.. ...--.--.... -'f°' • ---
~ ao.l ~nters * Ha.rdware Mtn * Flbe,.i.,. L&mi¥'°'1 * Wood 1he.per Men .
• Marine ~ine Men * Boat Painttts
Join todQ.I ,... FOWinl .,.,_....,...,..
We train -fUD or part time
MutUll Funcl Advisors,
Npt 8. lflln Vfntcli!! 64U122
S.A. l2l.2 N. Broodway
* D•ytirne Busboy
Engineering Co. •
L .. ..,. lo•ch
(114l i16G51 .
lllR If .
• ltll s. ltltdloy St.
Soni• AM •
Immediate openi.Qp. Ex-
pandina staft for en-
lar;ed hotel Call or see
Mimi King .
w.v -
c.n,.r....,...,.. •
111•> .... "' I
L ..... ., ...... I
"4ual opportwll\Y' -J.
-.--.--.--IDRAPERY WORK ~ --.. ......., Pd holld.,,s 6 d 1 I
llM MT/ST ·
Evenlnc11 ahilt. Experience
pd vac. + co bea' ..
Bc&ch Drapery Sftyke •
.._,, .. -~ HllW'I I imt • 4:30 pm. J '
Garr!-Mft C. 1.J ;
2321 S, Pullm&r\Aw. -
1 * Nf9ht Dishw•ahtr With mobile home ~ri
ence. Excelll!:nt benefila. c.n ,.,..., .. , d•pt.
(71•) tM-NOI
J. W. Rolll-n
HH-lnt In: THE
1107 Jamttore. RoU N-l!leach
A poaition b now avallable
·ln our Accounttnt Deput-
meat that requ1ftt: somct
lmowSedp or uperilboe
with Jll,)'l'OD. cub receipts
and other related .duties.
Experience wttb a booldme>-
"" machine ouch u Bur. COMMUNICATIONS rouaM or NCR woWd be
Santa .Ana ~ :
1s1 E._c ... t Hlflhw•y
Newport llMch
ASS'T. to ooordlnatlnc Exec.
of nation&Qy known design.
decor firm; specializing in
restaurants. Young, able to
think &: rno\'e. Exper. in
furnishinp,, ability to drall,
sketch, render &: dired
work. WµJ. consider eapr,
talented trainee. Interview
by app't. only. 549-2729
Eve. le Ytftkends.
Hu openU.S for manaae-
lnl!:nt tralnett. Top wages;
paid vacationa, free major
medical plan. Join Ii: KO
ahead with us. Apply in per-
son 188 E. 17th St., Suite 1-Ct
Cost.. Mesa.
No~=· e N y I • • Must have cleB.11 Celifomia
3021 Nawporl Blvd.
Costa MeH, C•llf
Dishwasher ·
Gravey1rd shift
Must be over 21
3170 Harbor Blvd .
Costa Mau
Full time • Put time .... 1100
Excdlent COD'.lpan)' benetitl I--======--SECRETARY-APPLY PERSONNEL FHhl.,, ,,, .....
Newport Beach
Equal opportunity employer Jilust be )VU.ti and permn-
./ 1WO men 18-30 yr. for able, 1o meet public, SOme
lawn cuttinc route Must typinr. 5 day week, N. New
aecurattly on the electric.
TM ideal poetdon for mzne.
one who llkn to type,
Excellent free btnefits. Pero. ...... ~--°"' poUcy is promoHrJb from
within. Your tumr. ii dttv.
mined entirely by YoU. New
-·-· fri<ndJ>, p!e«sant atn1oel>hcre. '
hdplul. . . 3519 W. WARNE!\
-pooitlon 6" • ·aood ' ..... ~ caltl. ll10I
-.. w1111 ·-Wie mi> 5".ao ......... -.... 111117 paid • An ~· ~--~ lw -.... lflo --.-....,....._., .... --.. ...... ~ ' """'°"' vaCaden afttt 3 )'H.l'I, •tc. • ... •
AJilll:Y In ;mM• i,t tbe · W
DAll,Y PltOT 1-~-+---
330 I\'.,. Boy so.et, CM
Alk for Mrs. Gtetnm111 or
call IC-t3211or an Interview
have own tramport&Uon. air oond. oUice'I and equi~ For Detaill and· App't.
Stor1JJw poy 1<00 mo. Apply menl. Loi. al -tine Coll Collect PART TIMI WOMEN
I Lm at 26Q11S Getty Dr ln.. &ctlV1tie1, See or c.aD Stan PIRSO!NNEL 11 AM. 2 PM .~ ...... Lquna Niiuoi Muhita. ( 213 I 314-1213 '
MOTORHOME CORP. ~~ u~ Maben Callllac UNIGo'"•D !!:'~~s.n:,,:!i
tloo. llllO .,,...,, """"'1n 21111> l!arbor BIYd. "" Chain, ....... u ....u.nt NEEDS * CARPENTERS &
V"11ey. a.to "-INSUllAHC• GltOUP -"""''' b Mat. a1ort
S4f>.!1lO WorkNMr-'""""'"''"'"'•'-MECHANICS, inbolrd 6 out-ald'I oC Harbor, a.ta
boud. can --DENTAL Ollloe SECTY'Y Clfll( ..... MONDAY -FIU·
9. 5 (Tultin) -25 to 35 yrs. DAY 11 AM • 2 PM'. 'ftdl GIRL 11:1111\1
Second """· ''"" to 1 AM JOIS & EMPLOYMENT old. Semotarw "1<l)fl .,.. .,......,... ,,.., uound * . 111111t1f' * pl.ua ow:rtime Excell. frinCt a mu• t, Comprebenalve eployment in lean. plea.
benefitB life 'tns. psid holi-Apncl.. Women. nlO llnowledae ot the dental en-OPPORTUllllY aant ~. w J t b Fot auccelllul Rell Ettate
A ..,...ue I yr aid
Noon to 4, Mone ttn
OWn trim, Lido I 1 I .,.... .... 2
I -I vtronmmt I: patient needs !Broker Jn Santa An& area.
days, etc. DOMESTIC HILP are req'd. M1n1mum exper. ~a u:nifonn fumilhed. Pnler -•=='"'=-.. e H.tte111a. Ollltact Mr. McO.anabl.n ..---.. .._~ -·
Temporary APPLY IN PERSON All kinda! Houaebepus, of 3 yn.; ~ 5 Yfl. Top pharmacy needs clerk ln or Mf. OlniuJ at wfilliw ti ammne ftlPOllSi-• M.lnten.nce Heltt
Employment 3121 New~ llYd. Cooks,. Maidt • ()cp1nionl, or matt. Muat mfft lit\11.-swmy I: pbotosraPbJ dept. bllity 1: pedarm important
Cost• Mew, C•lif. !Wen:ncet req. Fee I: Fet tionl with Judlment, ate, Will train. Must be pmnan.. MACDONAt.b'S OP: u well u menial dutlft. DAY smns oNLY
apply in PftlOD UCMl
300IW.Cal-Paid Job&. c.n Mlu Abby, flrmneu I: poial!:. Top ent. Neatne-. • mannen 6.' HARaott Must be pleuant. very wen
.. Tl'96 salcy potential to rilbt ainonlty with people, ~ lf'OOl'Z~ I: m.ve, excellent Newport BMc:h
URG8ITI. y l&DED dri""" record. ~,.iy YELLOW CAI CO.
181 E. 11th st.
c..toM ...
• LABORERS IUSIOYS & ARGUS AGINCI ES ......,; an -· """' "°' -t.ooaled LldoBolboo llCl IWtBOR. °' .._ "°""· 5 """"
OISHWASHEllS ."'° c Newport BM!, CM. ....... Call: '114: ~ ares. All replle9 -L -to .atort, bot will '"'l•-;;;;;;;;;;a;;--•I
0..rll eSUPERVIlllON • RECEPTIONIST, '!!:.~~~tollm<P· EXPlllllNC•D ....,.tolulltimeuabllo • fllEr ,. •
r.tust be neat apearing, 19-
.25, have auto; able to .work
ewninp, ¥on. tbru Fri. •
monl!:}o motivated.
!lion thro P'ri., 1-S P.M.
Paraonnel Service
445 E. 17th, CM .... 7523
Day' Dllhwasl!tr
APPLY IN PERSON ~, .. ~ .--. ity JlftCI' I Stnd.NWme ,WU
.Oll .. 'S llG ·.-' Nl -s:::: :...: C~K :·TYPiST ASS'T ... -.... Euc. • ISCllOW. to Jim<" ill.DallJ-J!!lot.
...,, ._.,.., •allll."' .... -accura1e so....,. at nattoooJl> ""°"" -SEClllTARY · · • ·,
lil E, l7th St. with .O.Jt!e. Apply ., ..,. typq, aood.)al ...... voice c1toor firm; opecla1binz In • 1 > Niglitimo· eom. ..,,. ,... , · • aldlf'>' to meet the PQhllc. rutauranll. y-. abto to UNITED CAL.,OllNIA r •• u 1n W-"-ou COOKS Helluy HNlth · Spo Phone b lnterWw appoln~ think A move. ExJ>er, In llANK .....,., •m • 547.a51 • $3.51/HR. Full Time
All ShLfll 2300 Harbor Blvd., CM. me:;._ Honley, 147-35.n ~=t:J·to = A-.1 .. tn -Apply •L. ~-G I ,,., E. CNat Hwy -~-.. EXP ·-~--BELLAMY'S .... ,, _,_._ 1 • CAllllRO Ml'G. ro. """'· Wfll ......., ..,.,, • -...-•
HOO w. c .. at H--a.nr ........ Gal '16111 a.,, Hntr llch. talented --In-c.ron.,ft ~!.Mor. Illa-E. I a: ... -. _,,, + ... S47-7782 For Interview
Position open in fash-
ioiiabie Newport Beach
mtaurant for ambltiouS.
personable young ,man,
experienced In restaurant
management. Reply to
broc # 1iving reswne.
Bo.x ltf-621, The Dally
-• l'rlda>a. Racpji, -by app't. only. 5'0-Jl2I ·~... •-la -laoda. >'rl••o Newport lo•ch RN1ALVN•Both1ao A tte Set llet'>' Bn>oe at E,... t<w ...... s. -ta. Coll -
BOAT CARPINTlllS paid jol>o, Top <0'11 C&U m ~ Work Neu Hom•. "4uaJ opportunity·emp1.,,., 151 I. CN1t Hltitw•Y EXPERT v...-.,1 -
F'« custom yacht comtruc-Doris, 50-1196 • · e \ccountl.nc/Bll:llpf ~ New,ert IAch · tedmkal emPhuia. J"lll
tion, -°""· T"I' AllGUSAOINCIES W 'C ·-ruu.time,e,...rie~;,;n. -· D>namelrfx. 1Dc. P. 1555 W. Adams
Costa Mesa
poy. Wlllaol -t w-. 1119 C Newport Blvd, C.M. A....,, b c.._ Girls e ._,lloo lor """""' dork. HELP NEEIJED.EXP"D, 0. Jim< 494, Dua _. ~ BaRr st., c.M. TYNST.a.ERK 410 W. ())ut.1hr7,. N. B. e 1)p!lbi . * * * * Garment Manufacturer HOUSE fUll .of turnl:
D"'" rnru '"N Saiuy 1311>1411 a, ....... 116-3939 SUporlor •--·y Patt time, --av. ** -N.B. ** ... "'°" mte. JOnt * BUSBOYS * ..,..r,...,.. lteqs ..... valento!l!lfhSchl Eatabllohed....,JtM lnp • -toiler. WAlTllESS ol woman Cotn•Aaeel KI9-Hll j
Induatria.I tilt-up exp pref. dlploma, recfllt exp or ~CK omoe nune, s doc> 1167 Harbor Bl, Olit& Mea P.O. Box 100, san Clem . led ... _ •• ,,__ BL'~-SHOP
OVER AGE 18 Ideal worklnc eond. Sala.ey trn 'c. ~ ., WPM. Apply ton; mut have exp«. CBC can ftnt IG-1141 BABYSIM'ER; U.p..1n, 1:30 wan I """l'~ II~ Shop, UE>&"~·· ~
E><peri•nced onl,y. Full time o-513-1911 <J\4181 City at Seal dll!erontlall a mu' t. p•RT TIMI ••LES -AM "' JO AM, no -.... ~-~;_~G to ...,.Blw.,. ye.~. -~ _.""!, CUSTODIAN
Apply In ,....... all 3 p.m. * Atn'OW.TIC TRANS. 21l/431-l527 X-Ra,a helpful. -· ~ • "" -• <-"'.~ -• -.-
For evl!:nq boun. NN fa. FIVE CROWNS MISSION SPEClALlST 6: Cook, Newport '350.. pleue do not apply. Please To wodc ~. will t;r-1" D.UZ.Y Pu.or WANT £D1 Cind u ...... lllUDhet fll IIMMONS Hide & bed. lx'Ollll
cility, &vine. Qmtact J'er. RESTAURANTS GENERAL MEOIANICS * -/Cook Newport $300 ... , Sll.-Alt.< P11 '° dVjllfcate loeya. Lislrt. ·~·-a ~-~-1 ~In fll!lo>'_1.C1-twoed, $ll10, aood am, i sonnel OfI.lce, 3801 E C.out ff Costa Meu. Auto WCll1tl DQworktr ~ PJ5 br SEAMSTRESS ~ dean work. 22 Hrl. per -~ ......._.. 0-* dllrnl now. 642-1311)_ • -
W.2500 Coro;_ de} M:· :1166 ~tla, C.M. Employer~ fee. Georfe power ~ operafur. ~k.uz!u~p: ~L~
FULL .TIME SERV STA (No pOOne calls) EXPERIENCED Janitor an Allen Byland ~ l(l.8 913 E1ectiic, Seal Beach. buck Key Shop im Brlltol. DIME A LINE WANT ADS men. i; x p e r i e n c e d in MEN Wanted (2), part time, phul!:t of bldr maintenance. E. 1Mh. SA M7..(1)95 213: 59M46l Costa Meta. • • ~ r ~ •
~p, brakes A: &ales. Top to average 2 hn. daily tar Union ahop. 6 days. 12:30 INSTRUCl'RF.SSES, Full a: TWO uaherettn, 1tudent1 J
wa&es. insurance, bonus early morntnc newspaper to 9 Am ahift. M7-Sn atrtt put time. Neat appeannoe. prdtrnd. Mu.st be owr 18. Tele..a..-... R__.fen SPICIAL· "PllSON. 10. PllSON" WANT ADS
plan .I: pakl vacation. Apply delivery to homes t D • pm. Murt be able to meet • Edwar&s Newport Cinema w.r'k:C=111i1M.. A,,.. ... w ...... Mltloft Oftly '
"'4 So. <l>ut H"Y., Lquna Newport Bead>. $ 2 O O. MECHANIC, lull -· p..i, deal with puhllc. Apply In .......... F'uhlon I~ .. N.B. ·IDtl-........,,
S.ach average per mo. M•" have clan A licenae. Muat ba '..,._ Holldo;f Health Spa, IWIYSITrER week...,., .. I P.M. 54to-DIMS.MINI A0S NOT ACCIPtlD IY PHONI
ARCHITECTURJ.L late model car and be over 25. No phone calla. 23ilO -· C.M.. 12. F« > ,,... old. °"" DIME A LINE 2 LINIS 2 DIMU Draftsman exp'd lo work on depl!:ndable. Call LA Timta IUchfteld Station. Uth a trans. Im m. e d tat el y r FULL CH AR GE BOOK-. • • •••• ' • " . ' . ' • ' •• • '
large apt proje-cts " custom 642-4800 Newport, eo.ta Mna. tWp W1ntM 5&W1'l8 KEEPER 1'hnl nnuc1a1 • I LINIS . . . . . . . . ....... I DIMll, ltt,: =';!~1·.~~""·N~ lfRT~&H~ ~~:"':.::: w-7400 s;:::5Nor::-,'::.":::;..OV:: :=::'."'"~"':!..~+No Item 'or Sale .Over $25 ~~: :ri'~-Newpbrt & Dulle. Em ...... """ i.e. * Wa1·1-. SS. e•• call -= .......... : ~,,.,.:; :!" .:::.:..-~ ~TE -...... P.,r di_ ....... chock ... -noy ...-. EXP'D. POLISH •nd ee.q.ADeaBY1and-I'., _ _,. Pa11ock. yewi4. • , , ,, ... .
CAREER OPPORTUNITY DETAIL MEN l.a E. 16th, SA...,..... Experiencod motol maid. , LYN NURSI!; N!ihh -Por yeur id te .,ill!Y tho DUQ..A.LINI roto, yeu MUST lnc:JI
11.000 Sal'"" + Car Top'"''" 2 loc. FWI work wk. ASTROTIK COitP. FUil -· C..to Meaa. , APPLY IN PERSON ,,Ice In "hr S.lo" ........... l\iclutl"" '""• ,..,..... ,_... G,:;'wingbe "'f.'"'ac71ng2~ METRO CAR WASH Openlnp: Lathe mill S.D. Apply In per..., C&U _.,, . L"t..,. loKh Nurtlnt -Sony, -rclll II-Mly Ml Moi"W.0nllft ti ilile .,..,., 0:1~ ':~ r:essary. 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Top 11*1· A-1 machlnllt ontY. REUBEN'S URGENT; llMd. pod ~list .!:!!!!!_•· . ~J Y• fMY run • """1 llMI ff pV .'Wlifa. if the ceupen ... Mt ...
no other. _. appl,y. Box ARGUS AGENCIES "'71.opnAv, C.M. forO.ta !lela aalon; IOIOe e WAITRESS ' Good ...... -·print or typo yow M 111•~ti,. .......... Ml11, 19o
P-475, Daily Pilot Account11nts DISHWASHER toDowinl Jnf. tu-UCI penondlb', • ttrac tJve eeithlr wtth p1yment 1a ·1:u11:1>r ~.ft,hi). Ceunt 20 ltft9n 1n4 ...
EXPER. marine rad i 0 Credit M1n11 .. rs DAYS -COCO'S lltaub' opn.tar Dill OI' Zl-Z. Full ~· lop laluy. .. uch llM anll encW • .tln fer ekh UM. '
technician; Ftt lle.: lo Administrative TrnMs 21.r!nWp. ac:~tP1(ACl'OU) part time, Balboa Jaland. ~ HwJtinpn Utt W ... hr wh·Wfer, pulldtietltft· f'nlfk er s,_.,
manage marine radio shop: CALL BOB. 548-T196 Jtt • ..,.,., Ht 1551 W. M•m• ** 675-3701 **'' · "'I Ne A~at .......
u.l&ry open. Send resume 1869CNeWJ)01'tmvd.,C.M. PlantldanU20W. (est•MeM HOU~ING, 1 dq GROCERY CH,E;CKER.
to Daily Pilot Box M-474 ,_ ... Car __ , Steady, perm.anent, IOba-. wtek, Pftf-"-1""-..•"' '-'"-~Stalll.e, middle"l'Pd WOfnl1I. uo-.. -.esman. ex· . SERVISOJT .. ~......,. s ._,.. Ni U. small ' lntbdly
SERV. STA. SAL&!MEN. per1encoed, to sell at _. ••-1 ~ NB hr. Fow:italn V'i'lle ; mubt.
Youne men. ews I: wk JoMDt I: Son Lllleoln 1: OiUV o)D ...._, • BE JHE flRST 982.-3209 _. ...._~-;: !vuc. "-• M. lX1
l!:nds. Mwil be neat in ap-Mercury med car kit DU SERVICE StatiDn ~· LlVE-IN ~Mper' tr 2 L ..._.. wy.,
peannce &: handwrili.Qr. Harbor Bvld., C.M. Appl,f Mlllt mw optritnce.Daya., McDONAU>S ts h Ir I n I lldulta ia .lovely 9L NIE PHO~ SOLICITORS
2590 Newport BIOv., C.M. In penon. 9 to S . Permantnt. Apply 393 E. rouJnER Womtn tit WIJrll: SUiia Ana. 5fMlll no -~ rwceaary.
LITE JANITOR woTk. INSJ'R.UCl"ORS,Full6pu1 t7thSt.Costa.M--MoridQtlftJ'rid&J'll&m-PART·Timelknwid; apply~ A~ time,~
permanenl 6 . dlYI a wk, time Neat appearanet. Muat BOAT Clrpentn<s. Cablntt 2 pm. Unitorms 1UmilW, in penon, Vikkl'a, l'f91~ Sp ~ Jllrbor ~
part time, mom or ew. "be able to meet " dial Maktn I: Fib•r1la1 free meal& . NewportBtvd.,eo.taMna • •-' '
?ttust be over 21. So. Coast wtjh publfe. Apply In pcraon Wcfterr. Appl)' at: 111 W. APPLY IN PER90N BEAUTY c::oblUl~ ottke ) ~iiifi'· •
Plaza 698-312.1 Jlollda.)t Hl!alth Spa, 2300 16th C.M. McDONALD'S work.~ 8fptt. calh c;an In ~~o::
RETAIL nun;uy Wesman. Harbor, C.M. MORNING DISHWASHER. 1561 ~ 545-2581 lborei •
over 2.5, mlnimwn 3 yr ex· • SPAR ASSEJ.mLERS M c n - r r I . App I y Hun~ Blach BARMAID, Ase 21 10 so, ·""KB.===;-;=.,,--=
perience, 111ary open. call • BENCH WD..DERS Bcllehcomber Res!., U W. BEA1.1Ttrt opttU:n tar at· fUl1 time ""91)' Tbe :name 'f~ F"1l time '
for interv\ew. 5G-e902. 3 Sta.Inlets steel l aluminu1n. Coast Hwy. NB trac Voft'1 Shop's oanhlr Room uio Monnwla, QC pat tilllil!:. ~· CoUtt
openin&S, Experience nee. Own .man SALES?ttAi~-Gene:ra.I hel;per. BEAUTY Of'Mol• tor at-SALESGIRL Mir z ~tllla!d.q-t HlwayJ
: • J ..
Opportunities for. Soallli O.C.Jl'Wla:.....U ftiiic l'Ciil1atle W'IQPln.. 1 • ,
AHembly c • ..,..,t•ra ~':"THE ()peralor EXPElt. ~ eoo1c; IWIYBnTER. !A ,.., D1Y WAITllESI, !WI -~ A Oll!a. ll11 y~ • ' • . .
Plant E11pwion t:'11-u~ ~:l e? for C.McJ!~4 ~~·Kay~~ to • •iiPl1 n.' ::'HM. wAiifiiilx.pt,tl•pc~d /M'PtJl'i~N'T· MOT/CJE'f·• 1
.LUHllS IOAT CO. l 2 ,,._ 11\'°lmum Sund&ya. "-· Colonfal ...... -A> WU-. DAYS OW:R U CAU. li.0d/<;.M, ...._ • ·
.. W. 1ldl St., CM = ~ff~ K:~ WW.~ c.K. ~ ~ ~ ~.~~ .... # D6ftiL \; 1 I I,. dliW ~ IU~I,... ...,,_ ritrl/w ....... 1Wtu~1r .. lftcl1 .. 1•i fn al '
FORIMIN FA.Sr; INC 4M •W. 11th/ BUSBOYS "':"'1~::"'.:' -mo MOTEL -Q;. --. 1tr , ..... , -•c;t;t:/ s~T)9 Ui.ft, i.AWll IALIS, ITC., IN NOT AC>
""1 AND 3rd !huts !l.B. , = ~'ron A.M • O\lSEllEEPER 3 hn ..,. prt1, PBX, NOi, -'a.11.: :U.,. -· w ~ I ..... ALL ., of lfllt"'" will 11t .... .,... .......
Plutlcuxper. help!Ul. -OOOD DRIVER, .........,. ' 1 lo U -~ vie'. port time. -· To apply, Pl" Oil 9-"'9, -lfttl "' Ille,._ o,111lllllllol•
to Box M-m. Daily Pilot. man Mllll know are SERV sea AttndrQ,. all ah1ftl Adami • 8talbard. H.B. ~ EXl!EIUENCED n«XIMJ: ta ............................. .._.~ ..... hr -ui ...... , ., """llJ.. _.
GOLF Courie GR o u ND ~ _.. NE w Po RT open. : ~""""'" -1D-2SU WAITRESSES to 4/15. P1Y -oo WlntM '!.,.,, ,.. .... ~WILL NOT II ACCIPTID at lltk ...... -
KEEPERS. Irvine c.o.st PROD,UCE. l?}CTII ~ IA.WYER Home aead 1 *·* MM3D '** aprrltlCIL to-ml DeH1iM: J ~ ,....,
O>untey Club. NB. Apply Btlproqufnd*>r campcr F1wtla 1t.,.1..-matura w•mn ler ICXPER. dental ,...pllonill. <X>UNTER J)rl, !1111 A.port H-............ tlflco ..... l!M P.OI• Prl4oy
1n the .... """'· --· MaJo<way, --... """' ~ _...,... • --s. .. ....,,,. .. eox Mofll, 11m•-Mr. Btll ·a.a-. * No Item For Sale Over $25 *' Dial ~ '"" RESULTS m> PW:lntla. 0.ta ..... SOCK IT TO :PA~ -... MMlll l>allJr Pill(. -... -' . -•
' -!-••
I, I; I,
=-...::....-.----~---------------~---------~------1-~~------'--;....;;.-~~ ..... ~---"
--.. -----·-.. -~ -.. ~-----------·----·--·---~-·----------------------------~--...,_ { •
' .
t f': ,.qj t-:1 ·"·).; .,, ........ j .. r: .,, i • • · ·· -,...... ..,-· ,o· ua·· ..... ,-.i ;~ .. ... . ... . . . ' l .. -.-fll SIS l'Olt SALii ·:, .. tffdi.wwt1LI:. iJ. ..... ~~ ... .-. '..i.:.. ~, . • I l ·~ • ·~ ... • tNOVITit~ ,,.....,., ••••~ , , PEi ... ' .. .., .. , , ' • ~.. • • "I .. ' , :.,11 ' ., _..... . -·-··-··-9' ,, JAOlB'S illirltioonfl»· . ~ .. llE.'1'. . TIMEJD•-. • .. ·-•-·' .... ,_ ......... , ...... _ tube ' . . • •• •-.-·:;r"-:--.·· .-.. .,..·,..,....-~.-.c.,:-""'-'m7I .,_ '. "·'-.. ~ .' '"'"' . Al-._ lollit ~:• 1-1 ,':<'.~ :&..., ._ .~.' r,;,, ~ "."' .. ""°_·-• .. , . . ' '"" ,. MIUC~-.......... !! ~L.·•1-"·1oJ.-.e ~.. •. · .• , . ·P'«'··. ~ ~·*',Qftnw •¥-am ...... ~ .......... ~ --~·-: 't
H •_[::::·-.. :·:;Ii;~· .. """.'."'.:::::-;'" E~C ~,:p~, 1"j,oee'1!."""""' 8",bloile,• le •cbJrf-1>/ Bli-"'me6! 4 ~fe<iipft , ....... ·~-, ')lll.t!NQ:lblp5' 11V;;ito!" . ~ I ,., .. a ~ f ·~>-1'_, .... r.Jt w..:.:mu .......... !f.-~l\,511 -• • 1;1>-H52 · . • , ... _ -11.·90" -.,,_,.._.. """'' !U\P. ~· . $1.0, • l. boa " ' 1 twlo. ,. ' ' -~_:~:;;:::i.;:: t;,;to'i:f:::;;~: -' 13 c ~. ..-.·~"" UNICYCLE 110. 5'8-0m • • l>ullmU~i;> ~~ "'!:! .. ~.:;') i,;.~7....... ~·· ...-... wbj1~· ........ , l I~ . If o"u re .. ' f Dµ. ,;,,ng·"I< '" .... ..,.-.,..:,.. . · ·~· .. •·~• _., 'a.26"Nlr•~ ~r ._. -tn ' ....... ·•~ (Wo),aMl-1315'1 Dra ,J-;~~..;.trit. I N WV••1 I
T !-~:=~~:::~:. ..::~~~o.not·.~::.;:.~~ ·."~"·.·~ .. ·t~ . I 1: NEW t:~t1'5 ·-: $9. "Aldic_:,eiaair~lfl ~ ROTARY ~r-nee·d• 100' "· 12~ ..r~~bliae , "\.' ••·. . rl° ·~ )' l•J•.: : ... .: "t: ~ '·
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UM W .;. ....... Hit r""J::AP Diiltil•ti ... iii"' 6.Jll IN TIME for Eu~ Coc:k·A· our. ,, l.acge AJ>!lUo arid $10:• Fmich .Plwinclo.I doti· CROSS. Bow rNLU)', •"'""""* E4S'J'ER kitt.erw, 1-utifUI ~ , ., ' . OtlHY ., .. , ............. ··1• ,.,....J:!!?· ...... Tl::s.::·.,u D . llfilack u" ' . pede1tal ''22. David $8. bl'.e .bed U) .. Serta .malb-css ' . . A "m"i.~.. ....~11t... a;.;:., 7-~'-1A· ' .z. ' ~ y KU•DI .................... -··~,;o ..... .,,.,s,;! ........ •·!'Iii ' . .,., 'l.<Q>t• ~ ee1' fa! $lll • .$2ll Box . 1 2'0 '°" $4;. ""'' '.z... . ..... ~. we-.. ..,..._, . l ',.. •,;i, I ' ·: ' ' • ·~--·iiit•:"'''i;~::;~I· ~=:r~':'~.:~:::::::.ms 1~fl1V1¥:~,.·nf~JC.111&.ir.. Ba1Ji $5-~~ ~tieh~ 6?i.'t740 ~· · 1: l' f ~1&.i; r ~ tQ r . tj"6\~ ihrrtl_p o • ns;_646-4698 ·! · ~ -.: ';· ;, • ·:"~ ~"~~~::a; ~rn.s.it:Af.l:DA",.w;::~::=: ~:POO ·. ;...~;., :,.. :ii:s"~-:.:. ~:i: TWIN ~ ........ llll, !:ltllalr~~ "54§'. Pf NRl,.ES~·";
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!.ll'.:" ........ ~~-1• • , .~~ t ::::i::::x1::!..,_ • a ·n>?t •'.ilU . ..-:;, ..... .........,-ta ll"l'i, ~r $12-· Mirror $5 ;;;;;;;t;vt; · •;t -... · .COUltTT ........... ,.1 . HUllHlJ fnl,. ;,~ .. _·_,:·•.Mil ~ 258 1"%,~1J,J1cle' ~ 15 ··$1't;·MIJ-1914 · •·· 17· 1' 1. ,L. • ~1~<! SilWll";.;~ ;l • ,.,., , ,.; _,...~ 1 oo ~ ........ ~·•·,.,•LOST 1•:.:itt:!i.~ ..................... ·:t11::.:. ·• ~·. e--e-1-cope ~n:; .. •· -~ • · ... , ..... ~ .. ···-;\•'* P••IOffA ~·uu.'.~···&·r~·.1· eiJKuw: $5. FoatP.lrtJr i "l'KOVINCIAt aCCasionAI $2.so: Anti"""' Jl.i~a... n. • u:.~ "<lo;:,;C::,,~-"'4""' " • • .t.1 •• J. ... J. • .r;.tlll, AIHHMl!M!_ '!!"' ., . .,........ ·~-~· ~-110 . . ~, •$8 ' . • , · ' '"-;" l'" . ~ .,,-,. o 1 ~ •;_ • ,.) r., . · •STM•NJTS• ................ !,'~",J =.••,',"~·········~:":":::.:.:;·.;.::.. ,· , ..... .;·rn· "'. iJ.. -~-ctwn ·bctth· or .so. 2282 .Slut.sS.S.•TVitand$2.Utill(y F~·· ~ ~oia-mi: ~ches~~\!!'!l!'" •· ~ ... ·)• · 10WAY. cirt ........ .,.,!"'~ tu •I JJ~ .. -,,£"······... . \:'Ml w , .f -~ ~s Dr., (off 23rd St.) table $2. Oil Lantern· S2. -~i·-GA-"-·lo)v ~c 1.,;i:I:_ btOI: •Prl"l"$20:'i\dt!lna; :: =~·;:,::'.~:~:.,.,. .~:l!:...i.:'.Ht1poas·:!x:r.~,. 3 •.:·•~ ... u l'~~~~ Newp(iiiBij,'ch : ·-. -~-31~omucs-,noc. O'id'kon'.tea.,i:;&Prt!;, ~ .m.dllne iz. 2 bdrnd'e1a:I-I.-.:---..:~ ·:-~: -· ·-:..-. ·.
M• .... ·.,.,, .. -......... Mli no•111J.fliiw_"''"!· .. ~·-·MM ,tr'lnlmfssion $10. FM .· ... .-..-..~·. 4• 1940 Pictures Zic ·Dia~ lOc. , . triC ,bot plale."lJ.SO,:-·~ . ·~·; .. • ~~· l!· '' . Tl•:.:Ji:ii'N"'""""".1 ... ._. ao Oil-•• ~-· .. mt 1.n ~~p $7' ~ ies . p · • · iron tQn pot $7. Old cot $25.·~Chair '110. .• J'Ormidl 1 ~ ...... , • _ ·-· A~=-... :::.;::;::;?:::~:l!! r.::::~~:it-11::::::::. ~2 A.Pi f1, ~. I_\.: and hoi bf ' ntg $}0. i:· ~-·~De -~ ..... 1 t:i:;' iron f]).p.y pot $25. Ii~ ! ,..,. 1 -: j " • ~ vltll&OO 'cAfn'o• ···v-· c:e.n•.,_•:n . :".~ . .-.~ ... 6'1t ...:: . , • • Hand-~ ... P_e~h. Eleclttc '!'3 • •, pot-1aJM.15. 21akf aptique tab¥ .. -and 2 cbt.ip ·Jl5t u::-=..··::::::::~::::uti CIM•Tf~. CA~'1',~:;.::.:t=: ,,, niat~, ~ , , . µ~ ... J:W motor ~'. Walfr t, punes,_ dreuet; 11h~ mirrors SS a.ttd ·SlSi).qu.¢ Plistlc molded chaif .. lt.50.'
GUllllo'••tm. ........ '"""'.'"' L't,t\!~w:: ............. Mll hfgh di&~. ~. W·1 COQrler $5.<J'rall~ hitch $12. Pl!lts n &rid less. Tires Copper land bn&n~chafing ,5018al.f . ' ....... ~' .•
M CL.,.nta ............. :1'1'1t ltUCTIONS ····:.;a:o:.•u •ir-·· .. • ChrQme,_b.bl~ ...8bd.. '.cb8li's'. CatllPU'r mirron $6. Table mJ I) co.J J.a-ne o "8. 528 ..,_.. t10 ~ · TAl!itS: MaP.li'· d..nn .'.~ .. ,· iWoltu•1ST1:AMO ······?2! Ay1AT10M t'.!.Yl'!;!ll.:.~:··i:..'..'~·..._ -·non·. L... .... :.,.,.., •• ~ Redlands NB "" ... _ uuw:1 .,~ :-. ~~r~ ~1:1-s .. 1.. , .... ....., 11TlA• •UCN ....... t~p; TllAvt&. .................... ;.. 1...... lJll ~ ... and floor 1Jm1>11 $4 eachr.· • it e.m-. N~ atyh! Ji.oiv. 2 end tables.tr e,a.Ch, .r
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MIN ........... :.-1··"'"1 · ••RMA•·a Moat ............. m ··rn ~:.'(Dr WHITE-B&Jntline . crib wi~ pantls • Am .diamanU' itcbrr.'plain $$."Old Cast tatitt. 42 tncb'·\'fbund $5. .. ., sft·~u·:::::;:= fc~~~C~:.;Ql,~~l?lfY. ~ *'Wine no. ~w )ftfproOt 247 coil mattres{. .and ~· wtmle car. : &.on stove bue· tar . ccif{ee a.a,·: eood. ~ haundry DOM••t:;;.:M:ur.(;i.::::::5 "'•sW1•1=:!.,v~,··:~T£f.·~:Ul ,'$11£• Starter ss. ~tor .~r-amt-Pad-.c.ompleJe. ~ ,· 1-~t P~one table ~ ? ss. ~r antlers rent" ~11» ~ ~
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ENT.Al;$<. ·-· · · .I '1 "furo •••All-2'\· .... • ....... ,..mt '.~..,:~.$[ . -~f cobditiOn, all·for '$25. New S'JW}tilJii. $3 f21ii'1'V $.'l5. wrenchea $1 arid $'3. FjV!i.NlTURE .b' aate· .2 ~Ho....,IJ=Uf'!it~11L.,,: :~::;.~ .. ~-,~'.~~ ~ •• ~ ~-A ~Ct~ S~~ed and beadre~-1r• portabJe ·Tv si. Work· 642-8249. 955 w. 16th SL maichlnir ~"'. ~~1~ ::~~~~~:;;;::.. ::1'l~~~~~~2·~= ~eijffi@, ~, ... JJ:'~ tl5ft:: ~~a!.~!.. ~-Pia:: iQC: .bK." 26" 'girl's bicycle House 'in rear ~~ • ...,Chairs '$5 ' .. ~ a.c ~· (· :. :•.~ A · '. · ·~ill··u·~• •us•P•1•v*•'•1.ii:.'"'!f:: 1 , ~lane. ~l W .,...,,, · ~ :• er · · $15. V'aetNm 'deaner $10. OW DIB ·shcit (Ul1 $25. ~ na·~11f 1:::.t;""''·"··. tl'J~~i.":\"J,;1·•'':""'~~·~··.-&!~~··~-• ~e-whilflti~ ~ --~· ··: Modren lol.!e :rt, avoca\kJ \VOMAN 'S. i:lo.tlies ;
L•o• ra••· :.: ..... ';'.l.~:<1!Jf. Cf.llM1tTMAK1~::;,_-:;-.,.--,::;: .. ~IM ifOVING, must sell • TV on · auten t.:-ll r... FORD · ·· --$25. $r:reo· TV-worlo cOo<I Sportswear and dt-e•Us, T 'IEM:t1_._.._, ....... :n111 c~a,..,,.Mlfll ........... ,.,."" ·-·v_.,, r.:: r...____,__ green 9 x 12 fiberglas: rugs 't'' waio.n. u Ii....... -t"
tte1'1 ....... "·:..:~:·2'1 taMEMT, c ... u ... ~.; ~.) .• ,' ·-· '."'.".T-nl'fY~·~nal $7 !'(!·~~ 9332' :18 P.itce set socket wrenches $25. Drum table $ZJ, ~-size 8-!)J.0, ~_llent Con:
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1 •1111ILn•UC1f''.".".":-.-:;::<:;·=· 1LaCAif:~~~;:~:;,~;·t.!. Chaiae Jowwe , '6.· f:!~ ciiliitJO(lht~~. $20, 7, .oullf!ta ~ 4 draftl' ·chest each. ~~~ drP.Pleaf •Pt slie $25 • .-~s·i" " ': ·'· • ... '*-'1~~-~-~ .. ~::::::::::-=~~Ne·-.-;,~:~~:;;~;;,{;MM ·~ ,.s.s:. D~ ~ ~ ~-~ 4 lemales. $J9:,. flelc~ ~~t . $5. tables,l:!,vta23~ .. h~ \Jlli· '$8.,.hWUni~ tioard'.$%. •: •·· · ·• ·' . .!.' -ncr,:~.-;;..:;z;~.~ PLOO••~··t.~1 .... ~/l: . ..!: .. : •• ..-.•.. ~Chingchalil•$3e.ch.. 60,2391. ... ~. ',Girls bike, u lS $4. open ........ 71 ......... -... 2811Piancial'..lflf!,'C.P.f~-~· ,. ·'•' ·:
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llA POINT ...... -·~---~.:.:.:..--IWlurr.01.AJR.: me...-:.··· •Q).•&4-"'"Ford Me ~-u:13, .. , l.WUL'.IU' -. each. 2 typewnlen, .L. C. 962-3.f.38 ~ • :r.1ercuey, no gas tank $6. '. . . ."··.·. , ' .,' .
'':*".iii:S .::::~':;· k::." • .-~.:;.,:;,'.;~~ ;;m~l:ear·~ ~oe~nt BoY'S Stilftti:y $20. Girl's lit.JMfiM:lZ:,~."-J.. SCRAMLETS . ' --·~" !!!'!_,°'"°™'•r ·-·• , .. . ·-. ····~""' ik I'" ClilmS0 • bla<k>and·aolo!-125 .-. ,,., N' , ,,;: ej,l t l~Cl't :;•f, ;'!:..'\ .. .. LIXU..,. ......... 'l~·r~· :e ~!l~TIMO. ··~···-·' wv~ ~ L.'.... bi.kl!. JlO . .,..31 b e .w.' st1RFBO'JW ,ud l b Ik e . . each:. Fencmg ttdar boanfl ·------~ ···r. ~ //" 'l .... ,, ENTAUs ~· ·l· ••• , A1Mr1Mo,...,1~: •. ;.:-A.'.l."" ~ .... __ ... ,. -'""1" Sf&.4Ull·(· ~ . . itr&iJ:er$25.67i-2336·' . AN'S'Wpt"· '· .. ·amd'd\ain .11*~-w:·~Di&bel: "'•"• GSSI I ~ ··.··' ' .. H' ut.t-u Mt1tsktH.;f •Tios .. ., .. ,~?i.,..ll....... i-"'-uu•titft"'I, 114 .. ~-21· .. . ...... "' , ~
·,.,•.,.._.,,.: ••• ~1 .. , ... , .... _ •• H05T~~ .. '!:'.:.1.:···-· ··.::.-·•71 II1oalt~~· Plvd-~ 24~'Tri 1964-!5k:c-YAMAHA s~at $4., z,CfuiVY .2113 ·Macf1;. oom· -.·,-. '25<::':'$%.~-~~~.-1-'C!l lJ'~-..,.. '*"'f"1.•," <·.· ,. ·'' •• ~., .• , .· "\ .!~; TA,;:~,"'.i-~'.,;.:'.:~~~:;:.11.-uMa1No .~:;.:;.1 ... ~:'.·•i G•eWid;.can -.be .uted 'Jo~ Fol~-'~. Motor $2 5 ; .• ~c~. $15. ~ ~l _lnt. ~ · -""" ~·""'Tl' ~ t"'
"'OR ... ., ................. n OROOMIJfifi •. >. .-: ...... Cat ·~ h ~--I'" ot•-· •• ~. $l m·~"old -lh -~~·-·-, '-°'"""· -_La··~&t :.....· Dhld~ ELECTR. . IC 1&i. $5. Vl.• Sno,\V, :'A"· ' ~· UI Km" ·d"'"'.l..-1.W' a···~· . · vr•o'i?.: .. .o.:; ... ~·; .. 1'1t -ntll"nCT .~·"·"'r..-._,.... .,. o• . . .• -· .••.< . n~.·~. · ~·. '"" ~"' . 1 &1w , ... ~_. .. w r..o .... i.. R ,Bro..... ~ gy·. ITT
LLn• ,.~·· .. '.·":.,. ..•. 11u w1:.-~wH~~ ·!~·.~·: .. ··'" ~ , ~ ,, ) -$5. ~ JL 1~ .Universal, $15.. Jt en• u 1 ( (4CV). en :OORN in ADulT: , , ~ Sl~~~ch. ... aieArwcal . ti t l ··-1 '" t . · • · • · · · •· '• · ·1
..o•T auctt ......... ·;·--*-"\JM" tl•".:~ ........ ···-:•····· ., -. titt, MW $12.. 01.h .e r . Radaafor. 548-6M2 n... ohology t "-that ·t e:rtingU .... ..,.,. --utoma. c "'' "" · -'d ·.: "' 'o' 1 -'• · •M'T1 ....... -. .. ..11\t ltOOFld ..................... .-GRAY~ ' '<I!"' t'll"L &"•Y '"" us J ..... . . 'uid ,._ m,.,., Ad' 'Thot R G ""T...,. ···:·····,.. aA010.-._. ... k' •.• .,. •• ,.~·;'"' , aoo . ~ . .,.uut.1n tnolqrcyde parts s1 --· REFR IGE.RATo R s15 • ·· nu!SlQn .... ~~-=:--· ·e,. y '· 1Ye$ ~.~·;::::::::::-::::: ~~~~\::.::A..-:~~"• ·~!l'°''!;:rlOQkll·ur.' ~la!· ~-S,48-6842 ~~~.lo~:~~~: ~,;_~-:Wi~: ~~ :.. . ... ,. ,' ' . . ... -~ ... :: . ·.· • i . _·_
•STCLlf• ... ·······:··~ .... m. SCrstOU IKAY,U \~\t·x·ri. ...... ~ 1~-$10. ld-fashlorJ.. CRIB wiUi msttrea $15. d tci .. ~the t ......... ~· 1v•••m .l!ASIC ........... :: saWJtlO 'M"CM' .. i ......... ~. -• ed fold in ,vall ~ble bed . . SKI boiOts, worrien'• aizt: !, amagmg ~· yoonges , ceaof'ies no amstmu .~ · " • .~ ... t • E · ·: · · p · ;· . a · i11:: "i'EWte··:·:::.;::::".:;.»U :m~~TtJizr~~:':.~ '$25:: Doable mattress . 110. stG--OS9i bed' Kood condition, double boot ~~~ tcibebelhefnold~•ml_!d!e. decorations '5-:.Ah-!D&ttl'Us I~·~ .~ ... •-Yer)#" e·nny. 5 , ;
ONA o•L ............... ;: TAILOtUH ' t'. IP .,, ..... /,.,,. Clea'ft"' old-fashioNed g a. ZEN.ITH TI( SW. Youth $25. &16:9539· • ' ._,...'6 OU • "''""• ••n::re $4.1' )EJectric -.stet ,$2.-''3 .. , .... _ .: .. ,... . . . \. . . . ~1 .. LSOA -~ .. n··"•"· .. -:·"; rElllMTE' •""'····"12 • ~n M-.:.__ ., $5. 2 coffee tablu; $4 Pllli~ 11..,=: AO~" P~.oe•• .1: Is no way bot except.to· be r -2 tambswoOt-.JUde:K-· j • VI , ... : .
T ~.:::::::::::.::::~·= ~\t":&..._ ~-·····:.;::;::=: :=i ~-: . .ndi~= z·cJreuet'!I ~:e'& Table. Urcoin";t;:OO'•to d;l; BORN'-.mADULT .• .;· •. -. ..,..--.ss. BonJIO,,~_ . .$1.. !:. •• ;·;_.; ·~ ·• ~rt· h:. .... ,." : -··· LIOA D&.A•O ,.,. ......... .-r11• . ..J._...,. . r-·~ , . I l 11 sb·"'"'"-"na 11r lvt •·•· Lamp n -~....,. ·.~·. '11 , -· IW1"CHl•11'J!!-J"~'·"· .. •••2Nf TliL • "ft! < •• lllU 50C lo $5. ~gt: $ :00 amp, ' l..l.'.......... • $3. 'Display 'ilht\va: ·white La,£un:a Beath pt ~~__, • ..., .wDi1 ~ I · · ~ -. ··" " • UMTIHTOll.~11., '].""•,•·* U•HOLSTllY ... :: ......... '"' to $5. mack cCwhidl!' l!!-"1.t Nf!wj>Ort H!?11:11~ 548-9624 68" x 54" x 24" -$25. II Dunafn· Phyfe style table 'D~D j·:;s h ... rel -. . ·-.. -• ............... ~, .. "" . .. ,,,. . . .,. · '~·~·-· " .. ,.,iiW" ! S--,,.,AL •'"'TEI ~.T~~!.~.'.:::::::.:::. ~OBS & ," . ~fJMENT bag $20: ~105fJ anytime! 23" q>~SOLE '!-V $25. 19" ~l!r 'On cuters. aub chair $25, 4 'matching ma.hog_ ~tor. ~~ iebuht ' · 11.'I~ . ..-,.,_. · ~ .
1109" ~ ._,_.~ ........ ::•1' ,;,o• WANT• f:::!'· ·:. ....... ,... SIAMtsE kitten, fe~' 6 portable TV ~ 548-6529 . $3. ~zr.i ... " -chain $10 -ft. 2 brass' ~-with tnanl~~.' ~. 56 Buick • -·· -~-· ~ .. . • ~Tt:P~;.r.·1.:·:~·:·:::;· .. :: ~g; :::~~ ......... mt week's;·· Seal _Point, :;20. BICY~ · bi · ·iOQd ~n-~FRIGERATOR.· 2 door lamps converted US~•-Vic. ~Also neW-CameraJrj •n~fi'::::~:.:~~:'.::'.:*:• eEMl~T'fc°=-"-1J}~~::::::::: Love!! ~hildren. iW~J670 dillon. _3_ speed -Stingray ~-$20. Crutches $6. 4 !QP{ tor'lan paper v.-eja'ht clock $12. 646-4214 al~ s: ' · .-': -~·-:-:r i.AY•""'·-~1 ...... ,\ ... J! OIMClll. ~\. .. ,.,,\ ........ n• ooffiii'E box '=,.inir& __ .. AdW.1' sw&!.3 speed ns. -,round mirror $8.. Mattrtas $25. 'Schwirm Pixie "blcycle Fi;6RAL pnht livlr* r:ooW 3·· LIN' ES A"AMArtfsn ..... ·::.: IL•WANTIO,Mtll ......... 7211 ..>:-.t......:_ ~.'l.;Li~·"" ... 122 50Girl's$linln'av $16.SO and lv.v s rinO $15. Ex· for5 yearoldboyQl'rirl$15.". .. _f, '•·!."' -.· .. x.
M. ~· ·\ ~ · CHNGIU,,~ ..... , .nm~ $15,•Anuque-RW•, ,.......,. -4 \._,_A.....,... P . ..,,,. Tricycle $5. Mahoe-bedside .~-~· YJ:".UOW .i.a~J.'.ua.a!. ·_·,. ·,·:_ ,~" • .·• ·. ~,.'.•,'.,' "" 1IAiN"'.:;::~:::.::;:,I!! :J.~~ J. -'~·.P·:. ;mgu61net SlO: fi4t-~ ~ ' -·f.11: 26u...ft:IU}ar Sl • tn;Dt:r bicyQe JS. Ad· table .Jl.5 2 oak-chairs S1 $18. 2 piece Bec6onaJ;_ 1Jghl :u~:ML . ·::·:::::;:::Wit ,:g::cfi.1·'& =t:t.=:f'.~?iH: J>OR'i'Aiu: Hi~hair. ~ ~· 24';A!1~JS5 .• Sl29 Kerry i e~ble ~ ~ 'i,0~ ~An ea. Binl~e <>If stalld $10. ~ltio120 e515acb. :!l~menemu-S!
tlT,l:AMO ..... ., .. ,,,,. '~• -··-,.. I"·· t he J.A.1Jle, .,,...,...,_,. ........_ eac .,.,._, cuum 1 ,,_,oak ••-I $15. ""--'~ co ..... n. ........ ..... . •1ST1lANO al!ACH \/ .... v _ ..... .:. ~.... i.a<=a p~ oaoanyw re-., ' 'I A nn nd 115 11112 ....... g ...... .., ••·U•UI -· ,,,. .... ,., .... =~:a1~·.~·;[.~:.~:t,n ~Jr1-N6fS~?.t;R~ ~ St.~~111 ~o~~ :.1:::!c -=~-~~~ni~;T~e:.lit~ $15. with. cane seat $7: lil36 s. P~.,io~~~1e ~~~kl h' ,. " ··: -. ·-~· •.1 "J,
u:.ii: '•¥t~.:.'.:::~~:iji . '· :J~riP ;tr",D.~\ ~R sm-een , $7.50. i!prfua:s ·$25. Lounge chair .Photo-enlarger_· $20~ ~ TEAKCoast Hwyil '..~Bc,h.... :U..tst. PictUre~IS.~~ , . .$ ~ EN1Al~ ., .'. . .. '. UllllTU~ ··:·e:··--·*" Amplifier $23. 2 chain· Ui $15:"Uirge lamp $15. GuJtar :iectlne table $5. TV!. needs ~ w»! ...,. panlsh ~ Newhope, Sahta.AntL' ".' -·" -· •• ~ , ..• IM. . · 1:5 > A tL"Furniahtd .. • ·: =~9. -..1P.M••~:, ·:~"._:f '.e!'Ch-~ple step tab;let $20 ~ Ootbes lOc • SS. Drapes-· ttP&iJJ $5: .• Tape-recorder arm chitin US each. ·Befge . . . ..._l . ·2t i,. •
IME':..,L. .................... ·.Jis ~~~-=-ll"Mlftlt ;~~~:-::::J: :et.en. Hamster cagn ~2 ~ 1;, $7. 575 Victoria, Api. 1 (Webcor) _$20. Water ski $7. travertq\e !able · ·top ~ iz?. NE\V and ~-P~ -• ~ .. , ; .1
A MESA ........• , •....... ,1• r.n· ~·U: • ~ C:: each. SJ&-632j E '"A" ~"'I . Snow ski and £ile $6. Brown sofa $25 •• Surl tunic ~! and 90l¥l ~btt. lOc • • •. ~ ISA ¥ .. DIE lo 4111 Ill ,,,-.,., •. ~ . "' • • • .,..,,..L7t · · t'l "Che t ( dril.Wel"S ~n awl'O•T •EiCM.ljl-\~· .. ,•. NOUS · · 1.:...~...... ! SPEED bike tlO 10 speed . . jGenerator, Ford, • Rock· $12.5Q...,Req and1wbUa ~ • .,... S o .. ...,.,,?::? , .· · · . ,. ~ aw..ott.111.1•1WS~'.. • ·.io. •Au.cal IA\o9~ .............. Mll bike $15 · • :___!'· • : 19" PORTABLE TV. \\"Of'lcl 1~ chair -naugabyde· S10. cannlsfers'$4. ~tricycle • $15. &me. frt!e .•. llM W. · .. ' .. ~ ~1:c°J.·~~='. , .. : .. ;_., ~ :~:l'l~= .. ~·~t ... ~.:·,:;;:;;;= )~. m ~l ~~n. go00.115 ~._--l1:::. .POrta~l~ Vi 1\\ieldlni; 'equtpment S 2 5 . $7.SOl~~~-f>haiafOpe cpurt, ~~_,.COsta Msea;. .~2!"' ::, ~·"' · .' .~) , , :. . ' oA." ·;-. •
lllY•RMT'V ~ . i:··:::.r .. : • .-,,.;· AMTMtUt.t;_~w-·~ ' . . ' #J' ..... tt • 645-0071 .886 To~ St. C.M. C.M. 549-0022 SEE ll lo befkve IL -.~ .• ~ •. : , • ·:· ,: ·-ACK • .,¥·:: ........... ,.,.1: ?..'u~:~•"'ililW~uMiiit ":::.::::: ANTIQUE \Vhee~ Ui. ari1"1ifl!n;.' _work good $10 ' · REV,OLVER 45 cal U.S. ,Rqss uiJ.:ee plttie ·~qQ~:~.~nly
AIT •.t.:v::. """.-·::;:::;;~'. PLA•M ~• .... M•~•.t .. ·.~?-~ .. 11a ,,RQner ;!;nk !dcatei. &iie 8\\, each. :~ p I aye r ,1 8tJSIES'l' lll~C. Ill 44. ·$fi:W $25. Aut0" 'Pistol_ , $2lJ a piece-~U'f?-. ·-. . si· o~! ~, 0.~,\ '. • ·. r.~~ttfOi··:::i:t:::::)'.'.:~:::: 't'l .Tape ~ .. ' . $20. )x;rli~ Sf. .• '"Tent trai~ . :a ....... -~-· a.•.o . . . . u"'166 ' •. ~• $10 H6 ___ ._. ~ 32 -ACP 125.i-Clip few aanae· 3 '.'i"ll'arnc $3 .each..rr."ee • • · ; , M~!,.,:tTl•Hm-TT--"--··:= -.-. · • spare ... ,oc:"" fle.W , . n-.....__ thM A t!lfort. Locll. , ,..-~ ... ._ ! ""f" , ~~.\~C:=1fiRilHf'.' ... .-BIC'YCLE ti. 6£.J096 . da 90 PngmH in partll SID: ;;;;:-"'lb• DAD..Y PD.Of $ID. p~ .rifte and filtol' ta~ $3. 2,' -~. ~ $1 ; ~\ • ~ ' ' •. ' =rfiJ:"PLllil .,, ... ,........... · · 1j46..~ . _ . _ e•dl .$25: ~ 'ZI Pistol , Mell.-S46-~.. . . ,.. ... .• ' ~ -:. -. : .. __
-u'. .,-, ,, ..... 1 ... :-: ., ·.!f-FRIGIDAlRE, '81'19rtmel\t MOVIE~' · , "n'" 112• MWl 11 : '·' . $20. Chtneii:e hand cannoli BUILD ....,.,., ~f.'11 hotrod. 1932 , ' • {' _ .-• , t• < ' """ ~ • ....... rN ,, ........... ,,,. 1,·,.,.-1-... nwn•-· l lliCl'ecn, "~ • 110 Civil ·-· belt L ••••• , ..-~. ' ., '" ' " 1 ••·)" ' '" • ' •(Vyl!CTT .: •• .., ....... :! MMOICoa~au.AJlllOUl,,.,..,•:·'"'~'!''.F..! .1!~::'k.i°''"s"' """ ""' .....,~1., Movie · projector S25. C8r-DAil.Y . PU.9f' DIME·A· • ..... .u\H;N F<ll'd body e.00 cbliSsIS $15. .• 1 /' .. 1 t '.' . ',..j l °" ,..: ' ~ A"' •• OJOYE:.. • . _; .WattTl'D "·"'1''''t•i11.0•1 ~~, ,,,....qu · • $5. ValiOus ell 'ammo rd , H•"'""" .-.... ...... iler .. e""'no. · · • • · -· · • ,.,, -· tTM1NS'fl• .. :::::~·.::::·.: t MliCtnlfH't,-.ft._.c. ..... ~.... ' -· ' ~-ease $6, P iano btilcb LINES. You can Wlli them 8c :r.t tal ..,,,. ~ ·-·v ....... , ,,.., · • ~· .,,,., c•no :.,· .............. ~ ... L .......... :"'"'J'"'~-~·"'·•INI RECORD piaycr•Sto; Oinint 11~: CloCk. an•l-•A German for .... _ -• dq.' m.J . e _...... c~ 'm.·· LaSalle ... ~ri . ,. ' ' .... = STOIUfl! .. tli ..... ; ........ tm •t bl •n" -··-"I-•btacl< I.Md""• ''"" .e n.-s M"'*'· l"t= .No' , ... ,,.,_, I' •..-T.: • ... ,.. For-. Seti' ,
•• ·····~·, ... HT···,···''"""'. autt.-o•'MA IAU ... ·.:.:·-a e -u •VWJU ~·.... LM'I 642-6935 142·!!1!71 s~t~il'J: .... n-•••• ·.-le· !~ . .,~rts, W•.it=., S · .. ;..,..._ . . • ~~~~·::::~~:::~'.':: P~'i..J',L1•"'<ioc'.l!' ·~ ... ·;>:>.":.~~ .. ···hn •. ,,:~ •-· .. ~,,.:>,;. 'cl:;wl6." Osk m-KES 18"'-~ ,. . . ·ny em " ... "'_J-. l~~ ;~ ... ~ ~ -·--· ~-' w ' ·-'"' .;.· ••.• •. ssa.-·-.. or"· u" ss·?'. ·, •llfllA IEACH .............. f1'_1n_ •rTl-~uoiaAt. .:.: ........... • ....... $10. Sectio al . swi .... daah; 1111.th anrui -$15! . Ul'IA •••ulL ......... _,,ow an .. 1.' ... I..,A ....... \ .... ~,... =""·1 · n .P~ • · · "'ATRO'N' $ Walki:.-,, .1.-.:1 nr.-'""-·It t>.-1.Jgjqe c• r·r l er' ·iu. • CLDtMTI .......... ,,,.,nl 00.S ... ~;, .................... 112J $25 .. 3' dinghy .anif trailer r .. . ng l:~ ;JU\;, rni ""'" • · • llU5:~ ........... .-;:..;..4f*· MOasn ... : .................. .,. $25: Paint 50c ..,,.art. Tool 1 • . lOc. lleaVf . duty car IQP !!°~J·c"::i.;.,I~ ne·~ !!2· · • .·.' -~ · · ., .','.',, llPt&JL.etc. ......... ., • ..,_~ Ll¥£ST0CIC , .. • ~· -'I'" 8 · · · $lQ. j)ld, lJ $10 ucu •"' rnu1·. ·-J "vn-' • · :. -;[5 ···:·c:·""''.'.;.." ·c,,~1FORNl, . llc ·/,~~ ... ··,· ~.~~:'s"bri,,;, ... -..... " . , "-· -·ARE' ' I iRG". . •.. D =···-.,, .... ,. ll~v N.;, ari!oft $10. """ Kiily---· . -64.. . 2. 15-6· 74·1 , ••-.r ··:1..t,:a,v-• • MUl1l'a11 ~·-"'··'~""t •··:·' ..., .. "''lll e \ , 'f P!I f I~ ·-Lane CM~'"2835 ~· · · '• . · .Ji1JUUr.n111191111 _ : swJMMlM8 ~· •·····-····• table-lamps-'$10 . each. -739 ~r,_ WI .f !N't• ....,, • • · • ~· ·• '· • ' • ~ -,.,!11!...·l'·"•""""•"•"'""'' IE . . . NHl-· . Gaiii!t> tra .... -blade. SILKY Tin4i: Mi.1e. ,AKC \ • • . • .,. •~-::::::~'.:'.~~'.:'.:mo :rc'AT!;ot ''ic:····-····'··": ~.11}-_ Ami~ ,:v..,.. NB. TO RE T. ANY 4llxf8 lllJ. l:leclni," «m""· ~·w.d. 1 ·~ar: "1!'"1ot.. ·-· · ,_,. -.. ,,.,.
YI '" '"""""""" TRANSPORTA·r··,o· N··:. ~ .. !East~)' • ..,_ ,. c ............ n. .• ·· i ••· · fib:rator$:i15.Calbeand ,tiib ad o rab\e ... &oott with ,,,.. ..... • • 'ilt . .,, ··.-· ! ~·
>'! •• ,..,,,,,,. OOlft • ..,. .. _ ::.:c:·;:, .. -GrnNF.A p1g>:.r Eu!~ .l l l>IME •''A• LINI!! -•--·~ ~~ ' .... ~., .. ·," ' · "" . '' . · .i.~L:::::::t!''.= =:i~~\11~~~·::::~:!:~::= e;;,r~.· s ~;tu~mi.;= :_~ sz.~·~ ·qll ~ .... T..) Pila· -,· .. =~ ,. .. ~ ...... , .... ;:: .,,..,...., · '°" , ...... : ...... uvE Easter ·"""";,' 12·"'· •. l.R-R·E·.G .. ULAR. 'rr·l~: ... _,.1· .ij!"e'v' f. l·l'l .. P·:. "" ....,. l2S. ·N.w . .-.,\. ;,• ' · iahiiF'';i·~·"·······•·• IMl .O.W TttAll:I .. ' .......... l'Ut Wli.nio-Ith •1 ··•.-. ---.. ,,.. ... ..,.,,. ••. Flra · e•· ,A'-MAT!C' ,,.,_:....._.,· ~ ••••• \...... •OAT MAIMTl.MAM(& _, ..... -... ... '{ .... V.' ... •C" eyes anu ........ -... VlV IUlffl:T ........ •'·~ ~ .. I • :'ii ·~ !!IJ:'~• ····"····= •OA.i u.u..CMJMG ~-·-:-··~ .. ..,. ~ 4 \loftka eld. 6Th-~. • , 1 · ' • tinauiaher 30 lb. d r I . condition 52,l 'All kinds of ~ · · ....... ·1·"·::;::::::::::.-=:i-.i.;r::::. ....... ::::.]IC ,B.!boa Island. ' . IN 'PRltlNG OR. MERCHANDISING chemioal 115, Old hnnd wa.tw>r paros. "'1<1.ll.-1 '" ' .~ 1 ·l .. :; .._._._..:.:, .. ·~r·n ..... Slit IOAT' st•vicn '..: .......... ,fltJ -• 8C)'the $3. N 30 ih speed fo Ke
-"·:,:.:····-llll IOAT.:.IMTAU' ... ; .......... , ... JM..'f{ 1'abb1t. "1i monUu1 old. .TO THE lb '~.· ""'-nkev: .......... ~! , 21Vh1'' lpoomol wt~-~ ,,.n _...._, ~ r t~ IOAT CHAl'fl• ........ ::: .. _..,,.,. \\'!tile wilb, black tan ~g Ull.: ...... VI"" ....... ., _ .. ,,.,, ... """"""' • r.... •... PltMIMO ao.t.n ••...••.. ~ .... ""' ! , pump '8. A.tr hoSI'! fl 5e. 'and \\'h\ripool ,W&shttl ~ N "''"'"'= .................... JI aQAT':.!'!C"",.. .;.o~: . .:..;;o::..,= and •po~ $3. Elt:cept~Uy . ILY , PILOT is-lndu"s· SI. •-·ta A•· 84' ~'" ,,...,............... IOAY.JTOlA•IJ ........ -. •. be tilul 675-.'Uoli· aii.Jq DA , '' ....,, . .,. . ...,,,.,..,. -··~ ...... ,~ ao11n WA"1'1D 1 .•• i. •• ~ •• : •• .,.. au • ' , . .' ,, '' '. , .• __ Hl!ightA, Sit. only ~G~U~N,-,pa=~~,--:::::~~-~s.in-~.=:.1 ;l.'t.:·······.:o:.m: AIRC•~"[ • ' : ... _··i·-·""" ,,,and .. •,. '' ...... uty ·-··· • '"LYll'IO ••IOIM•' .............. ,ue • ' LU~· \Va I IC,o r and munition 50c • $25; SundQ ...... !Ill••••••••"•••••! eru\ches $10 each, ad:.· onfy. JT1 Cedl· Plact, <Q>1ta 4!' jUSlablt. Nc\v alurillnum aet Mesa " _ . · · :
of bar beila, 1 85 lb& SlO. GM lav.'n tnoWt'l'· GOCJl mft.. ... ~~£:! ~ ·wn·;~~s= a~~.!:~--~--Ant: . If;.! ~ .. ~-att!'~~~ all -daj; ditltlft $15..51W7•
• ,-.:(J.p . AUTO •.• • ....... ."~' ~-. •!!I RENAllbT enc.U:!:. NllUUt
, t•'.~ ·~., ,..,.._ .. ""' .. o.r-•$!Jirili iS 'x'l$.nll!r.i -~ ' ' ~.,.' ' 1. , 2-TI" tiy 31" """"cup. ~ .. RolllUlt ~. 't '!:o:tllto --.,,,,.,._' -~-"-· • • • • • • bOo,,i. . l\O melt.' POTe · ~ .-.. -· · 1r 1 • • c ltfir,,.:1.. .• ,: .... 1~~ ••• ;1;.• tl!ttr. Flt vw.c.~ . . . · " Rad .. tor -..,,. ...... tt1'7 '"~"'"'' " .. ,. .... ..,.:lit: oacil.•_, :I • , ~_cl¥Wll, . lt"""'llb. t">tonfor ... 9d o o..l 01rn.. -" s;. " •lid!,,. IS.. Buck.t-,..1.is.;~ ~ .... ·:~'\"'~"''.• diii'ii!.ft ' Cf re1i! -:•::r -i; lrmpered 1•ss doo5 m SS. $>&!.Ure $5. Wtndfhleltf o .. M11tt••••-~ -1.J._j,. &'Ol .. '-\ill'·.rtfu1tti0(\l ~y be in viRlt."lion of en.ch. e·,aJumlnum IClftns .~ 54S-4•7Sor'_f0.2SJT IMf'O•TH.f.C'.'·\•_L•_!I.~!:~ WQ'l''P1tot. 1 ld--\. c l'I ~ -. , • :wiltz SOc each. m \Valntrt St. fo>lo • • • • • 1E~:~ • ~!II' chalf..l)O, Wltlto ,,.. botli , City end ~hie · Boord of Equ1 1tion c.1,1. BOYS '" ek,ci~' ~·
: ,. un-,;.._ ""•tlilll""""'"'""'0 •""125. I· ,· ' · sJ:tirER cl1elt blond' ,....i, ~ ,_ G!tl• •~l"OS ~ •• 1::::::7.ll'.nw 2 bbft Iron 9'M llCiCMI U I '~ 29 v l4," $15. ICJ.4. ·. :f4. W' ~e. txotllenl ·C'O"' _,,...,~~cr"-11>1·•;~ •-.i ll!lmr,._., !IT.,_. c . _ !11119<> $15. .. Cal>rlllo :8< '"ns Ll".4.t ... , ..... , .. ,\!:····" J9flt. CM . ...._. '... White ~--· .. l»T S4S-Dl3 .,. :::::.:i;::;;:.;:.'-="-~ ... ""·~"""'~'-''~"'-·-·-·-"-··~··~··~·""~ • ~~~ ··~-~~·~-~~~~-.,..,,,,..
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" 1et &<Ir llr. • Mn. m-r. Jc mlt'ror, a r ~a; decorative ~boanl Ill Spanlsli
oa1t: design wilh maltbl•t boi 9"'1P. lllli-
1 treu • frame. ~ ' . . . I' . -'I-So"! IMll.WU.lly ,. ' .
• Shep illl wwwt4 -lofw. .,... ""1 -US1 . I 'VALUI •. laH." -FULL PltlCE ~29.95
I _ w-11low11$4.661'1"~·, · u.e O\lr Ston Cbarrio Pion o; BaDt FhiaDcinJ If•'~. '1oot -f!UT Qu,Uly Val ... lmide
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L. . ~ 1111. "°""' l'I S:f' • ~ ~ Pa-llr. ID1 =;'!II!-!==! ..... ~ equ l J"e-11l ,?llf~ hf1.~ . r
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"" and &lnday. 1212 .. TV'o, -,.,._ ... ~. l!PW..::.i::::: .... Call' -~. .
So.-st .. -Ana. --..-..... \I __ .... _ J;; i . '"'"' -· .' . * AUCTION * -....... -............ --~.... . ... .,,.~ = ~ tOIO ':. Y...-... .,.,"'!-u.,.. MD_. er""" •"i.:" ~"1" ~ 8' Olulr ·lllil a. .. li':,IDO mm A Bid &oat ihlp -. ., -• sJ~Wlnlly•·"" .. ...,. rr~-...,.,..,,.,"''· ,..,., nm ,lalreot S!OI> ~. ·' • ,\uctlonorni.,7,Jllp.~ S..O.,... ++ .... l11U. .... $1t,qlll .... l'IMOtli.MmtmoYel•. · Cl ,
Wlnclv's Auction 8.m cw., OIUCK Ayµ.Y ~ -·' . • a-~ Ill'
t • .. • VII OJ!orto, II-lleot·Mil--903S •~ - -Bf:blnlJ 'J'Op;y'I Bld&.,ldl.t1 •ar · \1 "'. · * '.whi·E\'tl.,. . . . , • ~~t ~ ~"!'
20'!5% N~ CM-$ . WE BUY $ . ' !J.t,IUNP; -lo. ---~ ' ELEc. w"""''~·dltl-' .. ' , f REE SL . hln. Oaqla>le1e wlrina « ·~iiidf.r li!i ~ nn ,.1 wt.....: oablt>et. $ FURNITURE $ ~ n. cl&. sld-baol, 50·K.P. -,. ,_,._ i!'o""' ...,..._ · "
DJiJ 1W:lii he~~. dble APPLIANCES ~e. tnlltt. cQVer.. ment lnl'alJ1tloe. * Job • -·Qal: m!lf;
brd, · 8 d,..~"tr in ah o, C.IOr ' 1V'•:-tl•11•'~St.,..•'• .Xlnt oondilion. $695. too l&l'lt or'flDIU•&arl510 15 iii.'fi?A' -~ -~
d!'tiRt, 4 drawer dres.stt, I Pt.ti ,, Heuw F.iill ' ' ' TOMCAT BOA.~ • ~·ct, Sid~ ~XltltcolilSJ.25.
Zenith col~or , TV, Sl~ CASH IN , JO MINUTES 25.lt Npt Blvd, NB f'l5..2Q ~ boat maint 9/tlznt. · , , , • ~ !'f
""1"' mach .. Eloctro sW< • 541 -45.3 I · • , Ii Partn.nhlp In 3;' Aldot> * li4W!n * " '67 iiOiiiiA •• .. centl!!r. ~ Yawl., recentb' rftlt. ~ . 9035 111)) ml ,,mt .ccal.,:i.
· NOW OPl!f!ll , • oqulpped. Consldol' trod<, Mirlne,~'!'ft. ... ,_,.,._ .,
SECONP llAND FREE''TO YOU eoua1 value, S<>-31!2 2s 'HP JOHNSO~·,'i.· p;i · U,.·
Glul.chlnl.,.liv.r .. •jewelry, UNUSUALSiame1e.Manx "FuJ.b'.equlp. new pein\. ~ ., •90.39e1'fr "HMai• ~}...J. ' • • STORE . j964 l9' a... .. DC~. ...... $llO. Coll olf<r 5°pm. ... ...~. G •
i:1oDs. furniture, ;funk too! I kitten ~-mJcP .. m~ hn on owrhaul. Make o&r: • ~ UQ ... ~ ' .. ,.,,. 'Com• oncJ ,,,,,,,.,.,0,.11.10 .,.._. ""'"'"' '!! ..,..r 6lMd8o o1t<pm. . le.t Sffp ..,_.....,. ~. ·_.: -.,;.; _.,..
. 'An "!aal' opportunily employer AM. au w. 19th st., Costa "'"'" ...__ Ill"' • 12\1' BOAT 6 o...11er, 16 • . ; ..-11oc. -·••.••
. ': J·•(· ' l ' ~ Mesa, ~ PM (/8 hp motica': canopy top. ~T Dock Hmjttd to 11'. m'. le' , = c
=1 .. ' f...iahv.9 . 100G -. inst. •1u Ii" 1>R11L with ""ill ...., AOORABLE u,,.. 11a1r kit· windsh~ld.· XInt coo1.'kil. · suo .., tt.. Yeut;r. Nev ~:~ ~ ""'° .._ j_,~ "(J~ * u+o Sch•l•IMtructlen 7600 JO' PC. -MODERN, Gui* Heldquarte l'1 stand $35. Router Porter tena, ~y ~Ith . blue eytp. 1.... , Newpxl llle. ~ -• -
DmT "' ' ' REGISTER NOW e NEWobdUSED e cabol $30. l!elt sand~ 135.,,.. " l<'1'I ,home., :p· CAJll!I ·....,., o..oo. . , WANTED ' Aule'~--"
T' a" 1· ,-' NEWQASSESSTART 3. ROOM GROUP Fe-•·v .. e standel Sabo•'"' .. "" Vibrat"" 89¥81B '""·· . ~---... ··: .stlp.unBto ·BlyJor .,.,,.
: {' ', NEXT WEEK! ' lncludll~ l1onl llOfa 41: Chair • GIBSON' •·MARTIN sander~ 6 Skill AW $3). 9 GERMAN Shepherd pup-""' traUtt ssni. '6-UU -30' mrlRr. 6G-04ZI ·--· ti · Excellent financial 'ttWarda ~ -watnat tables • lamps. • e WILSON e YAMAHA SO'fne are· new. A·~ cond. ptea to aood homea. Aw.ii da,YI ga..3ouo eves. , ' l 'MPL•Y. I 'PX 'I. r••w!t· + penonal I;, professional :~tebedroomwithquli~ Drum Hu\dQ@arter1 282 E. 20th, CM. &4Z.:'74t Thurs., F,ridQ & Saturday. ~N Whal.tr' U· W/ trir.· .... Services . !!? 40,ooo mi .~~ . , .,/If'!'. · .~. ..-"'°"con,,.; ,.,..1n '"!! m.-·~s pc, clln<tt•: • •NEWandtlSED 'e · Klllnm. f"ABRICS. 6'S-<3'3 ' · ,T...,.n 83l>o. .mt cond, 2 ;.o,.. .... CeMt·-M ~·""'°' "!< .. ~
· 11\1'"1~'1 H l1ut 1 ,..., ......,_All< about •If, All I«... LUl>WIG, ROGERS, ASTRO llllill LARGE ,,..,..,.._ and yn old .. $12l0. U "'5\il I ~l<to '.darlliO S·t'Ylcis !"'\-....... -, . NII"•~'';" ' • .W, ,,..., ....,..,, pi'OCnJll • . . $277 Llrp ........, wt.th new 4 olhu planb" U·lli&. Brinr CANADIAN SCUNC • ' bJ: .~High , On~••'!'" ~"!'C
E ...., . . .. for carttr wamen. only SID pc. Rtl. and cymhala start-..-p:oR SA~E. , ahovel. Sat 4 Su n . Available !ft I wefts! ,Qul.th,y Martnt Pulolmll. rtU" _.. -~·t. , . \ .· • i X'D rL _ • ~ '. NONA HOFFMAN· .No.dowa -Pmta. me. In& at $99.50. Pedals, bi-bats Remnants. amples &:: um SfS..21'.KM 4/i $ch9ck Doi.ta. Nwpt ~ •'.Haul Ollt_l.-l&ll 'f: power Q.~. ~ • ~ ~
• 1 -"~~ • ·~ M.wpert Sc:hMI wars WAREHOUSi ~ Rta'1'paiml. All mW1 ends Sat. Onl)' g a.m. to 2 GERM.ttN SbeP.' ,1, yr. old . ' • ~4 Hr. ErMJTl!ilq $a'riot 1'R73 ~' s.:~~. ' .N . c•,r· el .......... . -. . ' I:: .........,.. • cymbals .... 929 Baku; Coot& ,Meso. Had -likn d)ildt'en jl' m.24't •* ~ ""'1ne pili1o. -
' " ~:· • is3 0owrDrive ~ W: 4tb st .. Santa Am stock. . . 1Fi'twTVlc-SttreqCC1mi:» n e ed s a:ood ,J,.!J m ~ ... llbolfi!~ .9010 MfBa,ywlde JOrlw,Newpart ~~,flm"~uf 'A~"E"'s"·' '. ...,,,,. -. '· 642-3870 . Open l>atl>~• BeEVERhYTHINM G'Jl'(MUSllC w/compl•te ...... •contrt. 541-"'3 ' , •, 4/8 ' ......... -'----~-"-~ ; ... ·!-,:. ,.. Mr. :AND!@ FOR :~~.~E'; M c G~;,: ac usrc en er ~;;;:; :.~ ~~' .:;'th.11f:i 8:,:}"';:~~·~i ~ BARGAINS! , u;~·~T ev':t.:"Ji
PE •L• :. . . SALE ANO \"JADE ·.Split ,~ ~hairs, cw,;tom FJ\clory Sales & .Service si,. pert' cond •. COIS~ ,$3000, Good wafchdol & lova-chlld. ' -' boll:r fllt•Dllne '=-t!• ,', , ~· ,~.. " Fumltvre 'c' IOOG "PJ>91i~ !"'• -115 l>at\Y 12 noon. 'lll 9, Sat 9" make'""' 549-1163 .,....,, . . . 415 21' ISLANDlll, IM!>Yocht . , ' . . .. ._ . 541-3000 . .
' • ' •. "\• ·~ each. E3:!22 · 17tol Beach Blvd ••. (Hwy 39) TR-3 part.I for _ We._ Wire MOVING lo ~w.ali. rnae:· As new, al~ 1, ,.,,uey Pe :ch~. ... .. 1' . . -~c· b G
• _ • -
4 F.m1 : _ SPANISH Returned ..f;1rom #----LIVmG-room tumiture 1% mi. So. San·Dieao.Fwy. wbeelJ, ep ~body cat, cbooolate point has 2f',COLUMBIA . ·-. . dt , unit. ,~-•P· ' SPIUNG · ' Modtl -at ·ialit,ol $100. ~·oltor 7 p.m. HwAlngton .Boach ~ ,......m ,~ anol _.. 2 yt& old, .. ult. S Sallt, ·In ...... plus loll lit.IJEwA'?Ell. CllAl\'l'IJ\S 53Wlll .. ' • " '.
1 ~-· ~ laa·tbi.a wbolesalel ~ or Sat . ,~ -' GIBSON J..SO· aellinc wttme car~ No part only. m.2'175 ._., 4n man• . S!95(t U.Drive aaJl or p:nNr 'tiqiia. HUR.ft ipeat~JllW
P'IMUl l' ON"·s· indudel btautiful ,, •• hrnlbre reb.m.t fnm dil: withffar$hdleue •. over $25.DO.' Lov.orlwbti~tn.kit. :, . ··;·si.OOP"• ,_... ~ sdllblk4. .. { ....... Jj t I · . VIII'! .4 • __ QUllS =n1'!-~ .. ~-~ .:=:_ .... ~~~. Eri"'°c, ~~~.!','. '•"PMe:r. Pbone ICJm ' mi 8 mos~ Yf!IY fritDIJ. btuo, O/F, tatho 5 salt•/ pa8Y • Wetld::r * $50. * *'· :I> -~ • -~~· ··~ ~· , WEIL ""°"" ......,. or ~. >32.·199'1 '" """~ alnt<hY. 1ry" ... ll2,!DO j CAL 2' ..-CiiAitj:il . . . " · 9 AiM. ·TO .}f'M. tabla. lwa& or table lamPlo lipu1lab I: M.~~ etc FENDER 12 string elec. won:ie11'1 dreals from ~ BEAUTIFUL kittem with 6 .PACIP'IC YACHT ~· l ' • ~~ SUl:'·1'k-Auto•T.c.Js & iM ... 1 A,PIY ~19!,~ '. :;"' 1u11""r'~"': .RD. ~RNRU,RE euilll': beautllul cond. cl.....rt: ""~lo 16; ~ too•! 320 Fullerlon ~ ..... · 3446 Via Oporto, N<wporl. ,' ' ·lfS.1117 AMER. llAp. .-· .. . lRb lV!OR . complete lncl box sprinp, 11441 Newport 8tvd., CM $195. 646-5.102 over $§! ,230 E. Warne.r. Newport Beach 642-3167 4-4 24 Hout Phone •••• 173-157G , natg; Btlt 4dfet' IN'J;'ERVIE)fKRS:~s.i;~.P.I. mattress, linent le-boud<i •'ever)' ni&ht til 9 ' :.\~ i~· 'S&nta' Ana , Cat Washer, neecti'."new pump. oilll;lni'CU!re>M QLX~41 Be,.t Ster1p ' 9041 ,orMl-37p, , ."".i..'· .
MONDAY .-8,\roRDAY '1'info, -oak ' pc IYed!. S.t." SUn 'tU' • Plonoo .• °"""' l.UO . Obli. bed mattre .. & box OPEN HOUSE BOAT STOIUG£ • ~ ' .. I • ' m EDING!'J\· . ., dlhlnr •t prtcod ei.ewbi.. LE Cotttt llble ..,.,. . . . GIBSON .wt •P""''· 549-2>D ·-, 4/8 FRI UT* SUN Sall«...., up to 20' Fenced 'rrollor, 1;rom ..
llUNTING'l'QN ~en. ' •t • ..,.,.. S1195.DO Al-!-or· ' ·en . " 'a'm p.. • New Pianos • with Haroshell cue. NEEI> tld-im\e "" ... ,_ C"'RONADO --s.,bont. .,. ijis 'Jlo!id., t.Q;. '
An Eqµal ~ ,!·~ l'OR ONLY $399. $20 down, onnp1ete· dlniJC rm il!t WURLITZER 1: BRADBURY : ~~,!200 an: f;M_ brd. am. tan-, fem:• &xa "f' • Moiithq 'ratu iiiclude. • • eontu.cL i1P1 '1.
Lo.dtdi ~ l ...... fft'•\\oetk /out or $11Xt. l upmlat'4 cbain-i All 1f11.e1.., finishes. all • -'¥" pUp l Mos.old.147-9817 ' YACHTS U•ofhDilt -.-.'aft5•30 . ' 1
' • • a Die credJt OK. W 11 1 --~-. prden tools le American inade, 88 oote, del CARPETS. Vth)rll. Tiles, lat. · ' IAunchlna: _.. · '
..,.,. ,,. --20th ~-.,1 ~.,.. onc1 .,,.,,.. eom-MllTE • black 1\1111>' doc on dloploy c.n Anlhony's ·rr 17 !!, ·""""""'' T.1' ' I · • • .-• · •• ' "' ' m:nall milcell. t t e m 1 • w-benc:h l tuned. Price .tart. me~l:s· • Rnidaltill. Ex· about 5 mon~ .. ~~.to and In tht water for demo 139-2211 Sleeps 1, nat tic., Sl . -. nin&NIAL·· ; ~= =~.t-~~! ~M2Wllll Canon st, ~!~,.·n~ opt 1n buy ~installation. · good home, ~ 415 YACHTS ROYALE, atttr •• ... \ 1. lf.lJ.VtilU , ·.; ··-cm.. l)oJlil 'JN, ~ ' . --642-1403 540-7262 , TOP SOIL ) 1 ' INC. ' . ·A!'.i~r;cr~o~ft===, =t~l~OO~l~~~~~~~~li O .• t ·., .. d.:'""f'' Sat 10-4, s ... us Como l>Bt,, BR. Sot: tw>n bed•, Wlll'lltnr. Organs JACUZZI Whlrlpbol .·b a1 h Lqw>oBuch -'94-8171 2912 W.Coutfflah...,.. !: . , '-~---~ T~.-••. ","'~·.· Ppo . tlJ If! or alH7lfl 530-6240 -seat, piano; ~,•lvtnat.or ' ·, ! e a · '90. I. SISO, H-maple ........ •!REW 0 0 D ; u n c u't, )'lewport O..ch * ·~9 !/!' ~"::""""'•, ..... '# ,y<--,.:f:!'!'L_,..,_. ~ " ' ' 4:!r Food-0..:Rama, 42 refris:, Many other makes. P..fany '\ I 1l 1v. ,.aJ.fafttt QOM uu.vtunA:oi ..,_._.... 'J:N J~iif'<J'~., ·~:2.0..ffU .Maple Allpxt~.ti44--09116eve. styles} .;'f' · ~11 $20.~ch ~kl~ts,~ :redwood.e.tc.~~· 415 LID01.•FULLRAC&_:;~ •MS-211D fr '1~.lli,llili:llllti~~ ~o .. aten hive• ..... ~ ..• 3 ROOM GROU" DOUBLE bed. mcl. box •tart a!~ p.-.-ll\I, $30, .... 9; S20" mlOC, OL'll lunilfuni' .... '"' ' TWO SUITS SAILS!' ' -... __
('<'! ol!!"""'·. Oruf! .cit'.&. . 1-7 -;..___;. ,..~ •• --'-"' le mattress. $40. EVERYTHING 1N MUSIC items. fl(g..(159 _ftUphol!tertna'.' 54().-7629 '4 ! Traila"I Covtr! $1295 •''-'·l"I L....,. ·· 9150 enltne ........ lftter'
f>. --tnU ~ _,_ ·-,.,, •, •Sl&'.'irn Da~~ M I ("'-' POOL TABLE · ' , , · ... ..-. ·-Qoo!e< • . 15 ·. -w. -~ not ...,. '"bles • limps·•' bOdn>lrril · '"'4IUI US C 1i111er All accou .,, x!nt i:ond. $50. PETS and Ll)IESTOCIC NEWPORT 20 SLOOPI ~. Pilot
.~ ~~ Belch Bl9d. lfGttlo l!ild'-
fcsary;· Sltoul d -hl.w u. ~ • qtdthd mattrns • m. · 21462 paclftc Coast Hwy, Slttpa 3? Lud keel! • d-.. oa .,..._. ~. , , ·~ ~.')n ~ ,.;,;n,,, ·~ dlnlDa .,,.,._ 'llD ~ .. • Offl .. Eqvl-nl ll011 Factmy Sain & S.J'Vico s..., 26, H.B. 536-2731 Dots · llU ' Sllp '@ J!.lO P" tt. avall ll:hool.<>,,...,.1 eG-1120 '&4 i'OllD• llo Tan 1!e' · ~-Ill<-""""-' · $44t ·. OTIZENS Eloctrio t•• • ., ::r ~:m!. 9iH~ ~ UPHOISl'E!UNC -CEun> ALASKAN ~uln, ,.,. ,3'i;:,~~TH Move~~ Mollo-~ :'*"'°'"':::!' ;,~:: · ~~~ No down ·Pmta.cd::PSllJDO. addifl&"machlnt. Has-credit 114 mi. So •. ~J"Olego Fwy. pean craftsmen) Free Ht., •lho'fr or breedlrW. A.KC .• .. , ... "asileL. l!l .. !y.·~,,,.11/ ..... llllll'IJ w·-"E .-·"""""'"'.condition Hun-..... ·h, '47..,,. d•l, pklrup..215 ...... HB ............ "'"th'" Bliek BA~A .~3monew.Bow $10,000 lb ·~.,. ·' of $25&-.3Yft'liQ'•·~" · · '· .ftUll · AllUIW.I DO o:•"28JI ...,.. Bernard'• Uphol. ~ . A \Vh(t&•1CX>•~-•• $15 ,pulpit. iue lines, chrome 56otlll · . 10.1... 1, . • .. " 155· Call"""" l. ' -PIANO • ORGAN W OY .. winche """ I l t ii/if *i
Telephone )etwttn i All • &IXl ·W: 4th St., Santa Ana NTERSI QUAL. Kn& She bed W/ ~op.~". ' cabin ~'1t:U~ad & ~~'. ' · Qllf '.llOftl '57, ~-r~::.~ -• • -",; ..._ Dall 9 9 0.r ... Sole I022 BARGAIN 'HU -'"led ,..,....., c 0 m p • n ••£NJ! 1larldeu ~ 0 • 1 -'5t iii'. -· c( \PM JloA, thru·J'ri. 9.$1-• • ......,.. Y • . . -Oranlc Couril;y'.,lara:est N~ uxd $911; worth-$25Ct °i:m Afrtai.: odprl.es:S,' short iSlttps (,.L 547-6345 or fql val.• Id-lhap9..-~ ~:=nr~.tor· $a( •• 6 &m.11 .1 GARAGESALE •tooko!newl:osed 847~. ., bair;AKCCbampline,will 4!J6..1942"~1;,. ' -OR -see.~·~210'1~,
COMPJ,ETE u,. •Din nn Boyl .•"'" clotbo~ -l'lanol•o.,..ns e VACUUMS. , """'~' trade; t•m •. O'Day "'°"""CID $35000 CM.lfl:.M. . Newport Bcb,, &uth 49'U'llD S~lsh furnttutt. incl. bar e"tc., .Sal 315 So. f1owir, Spinet Pianos from • • $3U SIO up. Jten•I-l _ft_.. .~ Demo ...•. ·. Save $5(XI, 1 FO~ ~ p~,; Bat
Cllsta M~ N~r1h 334-1101 stool&. Will sacrifice all eQ· SA, Phone 5C-5nl Blldwin Orpn •••••••• $.188 .-g _V..--APS0 G , HOURLY RENTALS • New pdlt.· titta Ii: tQb1:
. .,-_ •• -' ty, no money dwn, T.O.P. ** GARAGE SALE ** Otlckttinc Piano ...... S745 Rell90nable~ C.OUt acuum., UfASA • 0 r c;~· . I * RHODES 19'1 * !ml g cyl' -8'1'S-05.1,'I~ ,. ' ~"· ...... 196& color T.V., • --· Pl N-~ r ••• Caprl-~an 333 E. JM. CM, 642-1560 rolden 4 months . Fun ··-· u-t Co U-•~ ,....... . •. ! · • • '' ~ 2217 ~w~ '"~" ~"' -"'" ' 'llamilton lines ~ -'-~ " '52'C!ll'l\' Ii ..., .. ...,._ • C·:~t;•:..,~:-· Packard Bell,.~ 11ell &&ch.'~9439. Sat1: Sun. Save •.••••••••••••••••• ;.coo ELECmowerlB"w/lOO'cord -~~ · 24· SLOOP, .1111• 4, inboard iA....... · ..... '·
. n,;..• &li .:.f41 F~zYn!
, . -, ~. Hot Point rdriz, all WurHtu:r &: Conn floor catcher $45. % sets metal ..,...... · l"" ·u cond su ,.._..,. .. ~ c-~ • wt ~ · ·' , ). •· ~11.idt.:J _ . .. . . ~-~· I: 11•:·•nd 1. GARAGE Sale, var io •• . umplei greatly reduced! trailer fteps ~·&: ~.' 1626 4&C ,. black ·Labrador 1e~j ci::,pu M&-3365"att! ury UVl.nc.at ~to earth -.it!,!fitn. '.
• ...,.,.,_,~-·)\ • __.., 'bpmr:hold items, mi8C. · · • Ww bank terms Newport BJvd, C.M. # ·23 Retriever pup.s,. bred to :vpM' ' · 1 price~. 'EipeclalfJ ~-di.If· .__
, • µ.'""1
' 'll ~· ·. . TK,!,-11.A VEN'ftO kT, 3 . ?M·W. 21th, Costa Mesa No down payment hunt. 494-SlSl da, 4W -our cl,euancei wc-on ~ ' . ' '
t .&...&u lif iMrHn -··"~-Pmttt caxt. '65. Goukl M ic c -ny BRAND new addiJtl machlne au 6 . ' WANT to bu)' ,alum. mut. an dlfP.l.ay ~ ' . I ::zc .......,.-·r . ,.,,_...,... Appllal'IClll 1100 u• om...-$6 3, Sm i t h Coro.na ·&hoom;dacron.U1,trlr., prk:edio ·.en.tmmedlately, '66 ·WA~(
, , 1925 Anaheim St. C.M. · ~:·=.:an~-= typewrittt $25. ~kctrtc $85. AKC Toy Poodle .p..1ppies. tor 24' ''JTtmaran, ( 1) J>arQ'avallab\e fn aD attU 4 • KNi drift. ~ .. h REl:EN'S ..... 736 NEw Tappan 22 cu. Ft. -642-2882 ' lc-blk ""'6 ""· Chocola" ·~13 I Boy llol'W" ,,;, -.,;,..,~'Llcl , · • ,. · , "11 Pc. Kl .. ' 5be ~';~by side, Open ~~ ~ ~'f 'lll t Kll!BY Vacuum OMner, .. male S15, 347-1087 KITE Sall,_! No. 302 • . Molillo -Solos SVE 'ii°'•' ' ' ' ' C 'I 1....,_ ...,to>,..... 1969 model, mvtt ~\9oed.. BA$E'IT puppy, m•lc , ~Uy lC25 'Babr 9t. . '. ··~· •
. ... · . K E NMORE Automatic THE BEST DEALS Mcw.oer le, desk, private I*"-AKC, Champ~ line. All EX~ COND1110N '9 block Eut of karborSlvd. ' ·' ' • '
•• .-~ . .a.it. • . tatle 9*'wer ~. mir-Washer. Xlnt Cond.; ps. On Pl•no• & Org•nl cy, ,Acrifice. 827-4464 · ahots. 4 1tlonths old; ;;io. 873-4362 after 4 PM on Baker . 1"!' ,...,,....."'~ ·' '"''' • """"'• -. """' d..,.,,i...i. "7 .. 115 Are Always Al. TABLE s." l~' and Jo"!<' 962-5077 ·• KITE No. "°· 1 ,. o1c1 " eoota ~ n'Hl 5f>94'ID . 1.;.,,."..::'-·, l · "°'~ ~·• 1~ headboard, fra.rne, quilt· WHIRLPOOL Auto. wuher; oo pcdeslal complete:', New. DOBERMAN Pup -f'KC• lO trlr • extru. Like new. · ll'1t'!\ICJ~ •
THE Ne'1" Olfwr's'" ~t elf mattras, sheets, blank· , latJ model. Xlnt cond. JSO, WARD'S BALDWIN SIUOIO &i.crlllce fir $175. C:O.t $299-w'kl, Rancho ·Do~ 1 chaJn· $» Btuce 113-2722 Tt»rt-' S t 35 Wmt i bedrm, ba, · -"'Y.OTA-ftll.YO ~~~le~ u: eta, e~ of Spanish GUan.nfted. 147-8115 l SOi New°po~ CAI. "2--M84 282 E. ~CM , piorr 1tock $85. ,9Q..1436 , Sat j.5 PM. ·. 1W: nn, fncd ·yd. VacaUon 1981 ~. c.IL , ·....,. !lei~.' &N.tv 2 tii .. i onf1. -" M"""" Style fREEZER, _600 lb. '""' HAM!o!ONI>-Steinway y,._ EXQUlSITEi ''""' now, ;100 AKC )log. POOdles. ToY I 6 CAL 20 ~-In-for """* I= .:i, ~ ~ )l::;-ij6y IRQNCQ •
mf W~ Ffiii~ N;9. &• ...__ $24f typo, $U5, x1nt cond. Elec. mallo •now 6 ---Dart ...... Mh·--· ..U Mini'~ llOt'I" Toy ~·..... al• "'°""' oatbo l'Td. n.mi Tr Pie: Sp. JS'. "''""'"""' DIU\1: '
'"'!' ..,. '""' s«l. rr>-7291 or oil malift. ""' """' In ,.,. $350. &1W355, 541'.J!SI or 547-lm· sii;O .. 'm.HMlll ""'• ,,..d:' u ;,, ins. (213) • ""~th wbllO"t!P! Aaeftti..-1 .........._,;a ~: · '· No dowa l. Pm~. only $9 mo. 63 ~ ·Wuher So. c.nt. rlahl Mtt. ROYM.i_ ~ typewritft', lrilh-. Setter Puppia:, AKC JU...242.atC e_vn. ,..'16Ul . ~ ..... r.' '1 ;ieatt f
...,..::; '.'."'.':'.::"1'1'·7iJij wars WAREHOUSE • .....i. 3 cYcles liio' sa!MIDT MUSIC CD. $85. 10""' a¥lac mach~ ........... _,~"'old, CAL ... SS, lull"""" ..... ':! . ~·~nlito;1'MA!a:'btn:Rl l ~ 1£ '··~· 1907N.Ma.ln. $75.Bothdqtrood.642--. ** 962-0t92 ** . boat bath, ~ ntru. HUNTINGTON ae&ch on CanbeNtnat'l'be"DAJt~ I
Diec. Sedy 'c ....... , .. $6IO 1!111 W. <iii St. 911111 Ano WASHER l bryer -· Santo Ano • FiR£' 6 -Alarm lbua ..... .... ..... AKC. "'""' , .. Enoenoda Raco. biut HJiliWay, !aclntr roll ~ -· ...... _,. • ~~( . ..1~~~>.~ Open DaDy1.9 . 9 XIDt~ ,erv.tce WANTED: Pianos&: 0rp.ns. Syrtenl1 '1~··u ~ &1 .reailtettd, % mo, female. Evff 64&--2259 .tQIJfle. 3, BR. built-lm. dlJi: llit.WMt -._·,..,~~ J """' ..,._ .. -·#!d> 10 .--'Ei.L t ~I ' '\sin. 11 _ 8 Reu ra• 147...SUS 01 Cash paid $99. Call 64l-3490 * * 536-81_• ·*·* LIDO .J4 No. 2"ll7 All ac-tefrlpfttor, car pert Ii ;• ~ .... ~ • , , 1 /
Jit.ceptionllt (lll'i?Ji; fit.) S380 ,.._ .._... I cc--_. u .. ._._.__ · * 638-3620 * UPRI~-·~, -'-~_...a v , ,,._. ,-........... _,__.L...,,.., l Sc'"& .... ._,,_ 1 ....... patio. $9500. $l5IXI 1-. 1, .... ..-I F/C Bld!pt-1 ... joi>J· .. *'°' QU.U,. Knc s-~ w OAS-·~~·~-·-·'" -·----u SOON'. ~ •~. ~ &:.:;; will COJTY bolaJlce -'i"'" A.c:countant f ftlm ·fffJ ·$1.lK tlUUN It.I~~:....!.~ i:!· . excellent ~ition. $ 3 5 . Gulbran.en ConloJe Piano $50. Culligan wa~~ .. ~DtJ" ~IS OPENING I : $1100. M2-3nS 'Ad~ only 5.16-1l95 .~ ·~ •tit~ V-1 : i
•·•-( ....... <C..a;;. -ever 1IKU -".,.."' ...,... 5J8..31164. AS NEW xlnt cond. $1SO. ~_., ._ c-•··-Lle 1.5 Metre ,.MO •lYU ' • Atl. lritlW t _.. '• -.man ":""'!"" ,,.....-} .~ •• -IC7.flll6 • Cl8JS14 art.er s • wk~nd• aao .. """' _.._,.
C.,,,.., -·(fee Jobi' .. S5ilO · •110 -·---l2'XI' BEAtmFIJL pole aold ~ : ' _ ~:G, A·I, ~ rllhl! !ll40' 'MUJI. i' Bi'. Alum. • ' ".' :·
-· )(a,(,lpt!* to.jloo f;XCJ:P')'IONAJ4,Y line ,... And<f* Tolowlolon ,'205 ~ .. -~~!CS ~lj ii\lii·T IC<R J1C1RSES: .-'.llf. -.:113. -· ......... .-:; dean. Canr.. , 1f ~ • .,.,,,~ IR.i!te_W>complote :--,ul'l'l!IUI ' · •-,,u., · .1-1\'lifll-w/wbt-iliii TARTAl4. 2T '""°P. Ootw ·IO,,_,,. .,.._J~;3,;~"~:i~~;1; ~"'i.'lr.'."1~ :.~~.-• .-,'sHqw . SALE e>:Atrr!FUL '23" R.CA.· GAME WM f l ~ ~ marldtil i.M: ........ si ~ 'llllOO. 2111 ~ Sp. rr.r' "U 11.:. ... ~· I . ' ~ :==:::.;"'-':::;,'==""=I, IO Exhll!lton Color T.V, Oinlole, ! .. ~ tbp, f c:hn, 16 '"1r ll01'. pso. -!1to1Utin. M(ldpped. ~. C.M.. , ·-·· ", · ~:"n:.ra ~ 20 PC; "MADllD" • ·A,di u , u; 12 A 13th state. Muit iiltl.'KI ~m ,. .. bodd 1185. 6lf.01SI n r: WI>! 11"!'1 -~· ...,_.....,,,. ~ •6ii: -Kit TroJaD. ' •Saloi ••Ml!':!!'-': · ""-, .,. 3 ·I-GN.. .,,,...., rrt, Sat lJO p.m. ,. HOO "6 MERc. motor •l'lli 9' ...,._7350 '-I . • ~ ' lD x ,_ 8ucllff Mol>lle ~~, 1
1--==·=i;:. ..,...., ·S<tndlY·IUp.m. Sport1nt9Mdi ~l•lloonl~oouch'51).llORSE& YNll RF.G., jo • '.,'*·~* il'it<. llCl:W.'llit1' llo. ll!l " ~~~·· t ill r~,=~-·-Anabdm:Marina ., SKlbootB,1lzeS,.goodcon-5.'JSl.6325. \ ' 1 iAn,f,tan: pro'r"t'rl.tn.e '~~IDO 14 SAILBOAT 1NJJ · •· I ·~ .. _ I •
.... _. 2 -~ u-" , r • ICIO w,.1Katella Aw.. dltion, double boot $25. AQUA upholste~ Rocker ' W/loal at t ide •-~~ f w/tnlltr. 1No1 2214 "' &cl. Uf'toan C' Uw v..n • 2 30,0llD '!!!..~~ .... I ~ &.. eJU ta..-. co.. ·-" -1 Jnim Olflntvland -.. ..i...; --.ai "----·~" ·-, --~· --. .. .....,.. ! -,flli!ii tJlle -Jtam1>1-.tra. '""''"" ._, on ~ 646--9539 ottoma11 •• ,._...., .. .._ .. matt and ' ~ . ~· $1100. Ph. -v , l tldrln.. l lllthl. ·~ ,,"i's, #1 i• '1:-*.. I
• t er-mk'ror-t.dboard-2f'10 ~..,. . -...Vi""an azma,165.~7072 trlr w/dlx tack.&42.-1)43 j ~ OLYMPIC FtNN;fmtY :*lftl.rW. ,..,._ "----
' ~· quilled ... -A maltc •It<...,.: Soe It Once upon Mhcell-MOO e FOOL TABLE e 6 YEAR old """ with t ~, w/ ·&.ntt. X1tJt. '-101111# ·~ I
I'~. . ' ,lfll! 6 A, cho1n. CM. pllancos, dlnhc nn oeL 1131 89).07'5 ' ..!\), ;.~ · PIO! '{ SNOWB!Rll, fi-1$ilt port<. p."" Colt. M!f9o • 1 ' lllfllll i , •. ' "1!. -. I "*· ""'"" A 'lflne~ Nn-BIW, ANTIQUES or all ,,...,., •P. "'* Slato, szo °' • oa.r. mo ,old col~ tF ,,,.. .. b'lldo "'· $795. "6otm IA l!lXlO 2 ~" In ---· •
fW tljit, t <.~Ail£',. l'IG.IC> ~w °"El!' llolll, CoUec> "'""'""" st, Eut-lllm!: , 8011-l' SQ. lllrilcu ,""1 • l!D<3951·' tu"!: I> · 1 , osaeroo all. ...,.... ai.t • -Iller 5 Pit , I .... .!!'! I $J9' , .... , ,6 Cttt Ctem1 . e !IABOT DOLLY SCHOCK. patio tile. ~ eticlc 3'911 RIXll&TEIUD'--. \.,,-I Alllr ~ ~. • 11!3Cl' FURN l bliftD.-INf~ .. v:".SS\l~ ! "',,....,. ....... '. .ff. ~II od>llt mo. =·Bl~~ used ..... l«f. s..-... CdM. lf":lO!ll .,id!lc.~,.,.~~· r,:, CA\; Cl!'l' .... ~ ......... tloo. ·~~ ::-. ~.-•. I !--!;~;~:~~~~ WQl'S ·~ . . . Coll 613-ltll5 TV->!" WolllOf !, .. 56-811 G .,,.._wt. --.... _.....,. " . t~..:.: .. -· I M<lt-Amor~fumf, ·io ~~ 2d El-•••T~ (I ·• ' , .... 1fC$lll!l5. n4/SI-_,. •-a Mo~---· -' t1 ,; ·' -.. Lotri M_. Anti-'"'"· '· allcol.., ~ · r t' ' -· ·-·~· (.,:-::,,•· :::;::;::..,...F'i-:'5 • IOO W.-flt llt.: . Ano 'l'ilil,2Glljw;t;IDd .. C.l\f, No~a-upholmrt ,.,.. • •1.!oaY •" tiloiJ .. ~~ ft ,cl1r lot pt. &11,So. *PAM-10N, ·e · ~It =·· ·Oooolll!IJ' .. " ~ llO * 54M441 Ml " -'N,l' -• "-..,..,.-. lullJ-a..1<-· -..-... ~
l p;;a· " e• 1.1 r ... .... .. • ...11"... hwlrtt _...._ '120 WAUllJT Oollee tab!< -'JT. ~~ liloidir, !IC GLASl'IUlHo I .... Gld; NEAil --Malt ·!'.:t . ~ --~ ~· I
11 •• ~Hlile•lwd.-,, , . ;.;:;;;;;J, 11 .... s100.1&"7.enllb-. WANTED ~ "'°"" ·sflll. ~ <c.;.t 19.1!1; 8/S ndlo. lfl l 1<c +10'>llO',_,_,.,.,. So.lfiii'ir.u. . •1 o d h 4 I 1 11 t ~ ..,..i. 1100. px1 cond. %10' Z:al Se,,itc iu;;;;Jt A[. TV, xtnt cond 115 . .....,.. ..... , ottt...:.: 6itAom 'JO[Oa. ·1111t .... 231 HP .._1753 EYe « -iil!i @I~ ... lt ~s::r;.~ ta-1» , :......~·:::~ WHEELCHAIR Wo 'beed quallt)' cno)tfuk ::"~"";:•'!t::: ~=' ~ , ~-=-"'9i ! L~:!!:..;~· ~ -HOUSE f'ul1 of fumi blft, Bh.nd ,..... '1989 mode1a. Newcond. ~ pfn1e). V\lrnlUn. c oltt· .,.F'Mner""'-oraftertpra · 'Meter tt.w !111 ·· ,
1eo.inr ...... Xlnt buys. ........, l40. Contoks 1& rrs WONl>ERJ'Ul. t11e ...., TV'• ,,,...., apptllnces. "· 'If GUSSPA• MO Ill'! lfO. • • "'. • _ _._
... ,... '()jjM ,6 .. , Kl.·~24111 ,._., 25 >' .,.....,_, ..... ,. .,,..._,_!Ind toa1t ud oU1ce .... _.. 12' BOAT l traDtt w/ Ill (btod-(9 ntl< Wt -• 11'·~ ..... ,... OW.~ '-IMl .. ·•111
1.i•:_,...... °""1·1'9q1 Wml ----tor -11Lt11ea••lft .. .Ada.C--,t TOP CASH JN IOJ4btu\!isl ..Ill! 11!11!P'·~·-· . -·:-• trolllr .~*"'_...,'1lil'-,_ ... -·,
-< "''""""' ""'~ UlllllLTI(·:~: trial. P, a J, AaellCl' t11tm now t · 53J,121J-i ---oft 5 61;g;"• Mo. $1100.m..3311 , * IMIM * • ...... ,._,
I '. I,
' .
·-~~--~~-----·-... ------,--... -------------------------------------------------------~ -
Dlll.Y I'll.GT .,_, -5, IM 11~i~~~~~~~~~~~~r~llAH~ ll'OltTATION -..-TUNSl'Olt'BTlON TllAHSl'O. ltTATION "'"•--'"'A--L•' ... Aiue.i £--~!!!!!:!!~ ,_ lwnlt 9122 u -,_ 10YQTA •. J!!t;rr~ ~"' Ml1!1f111M,'~ > •·i.::::::..=:.::.;:..;;._,;
~.cm:;· 1SUIU.. POllCHI ' • 1. NIB. .. . .,
II'• -"'tPll .. -'64 1 ...... DloMI Pondlel SA YE NOW .. --
I -.. ~ Kol. 'Dl.t. • -..tan. -" .. ~ -• ....,. OPPIU lHUI
-· ' b'-t~ "· thllw~Iillr'llll • ~ Cll l!DK!o'f .,, ' $695 ' 1 , • ALL MOD.,·• >J!.D. ALL QM O\ITSTAJ!DINCt IPIC~S • •
-BUIJ,.,.,,e.J.5-rtii. COLORS u~-., · Qf 2133 -·Bhd. ~ -~--"" . vo· . IUGS Ir GHIAS I . . •·. • ....... "" °" .. -y ~···-·!{--· '69,m Tl · · •oal
BEARCAT Dune_ OplnEws.•Sw:. -• , _ s399 .. s1a99 · · · · : F.A. IUL .:
a . -cood. Sa<rWce '65 ltuav Dluol PREVIOU Y • ;;.~",!;,;!: ':'-:~-;;.~ 3100W . .,,..t!IW>, .,N.B. Lo'::.S..,.. ... Aton:l:%'~~,1' ~·~::,~~~= ;~,·=~= . ·i : •.,:.~OP.Et· : .
. -. .. -5fthl642Ew BlllJoa .. 8.J . ._Ctr. fM ~I•. 0.••· No-OWN D ' -. ~ • ...,...1~_....._..,. 6GMXi . J _J_ 541).1764 • ........ t ,_ ... SU" ~•11 r-tilhr.4. N•.6tl2 f.'
• -· ~-...."™vd. , A\&lbormd MG·= ~· '' ' UJ• AW. m I' • ~a C•mpert 11
' • "'" • ·..... ,._ • • ··s . .... ...... -N!IO ~Ews:°":·s!t" ~ COROLLA SP•INTI• '61 ~ S.,, am 'If YW ._ ~.: ... S14tt '• ,,. •
AUlllN HEAUY : JAGUAR e.!ti~= -~,l';t-1 •• ·.peod,99°' -l ~1~~·~.·:n·:~ ~·r:t:::.~iHF. ,.6"6' .·'6'7" :~~sa· ' : i-' '':
MtiB C 1 ______ .....,_ .. Poncbe ~ •••••••• $38!15 I • .,.... .,, .... FM 11141.. '" ww ........ 11m • .•E . •
.. ~ ,_ JAGU•e ~· t11... chrffle wfiMl1, .t ... VOY· .htl11• -r•1IM i" ,.,, -A. R ' :. '.:::.-~rnf:i~ ~'...':,,~~ ;.:::.;ii:~'..~~ ~R~:,Hy!j.~~~ -"-'---·---...:..~.:;'':::.••:.."..:.·1·o:::_'S::l.:.~;:.':.' -CA, I ILLAC$ : lJ6.l., mint c:cetitlon . em. ~ .a..utt(l.1i taticmne 'hDprlDe w I black inttr-,:e,;te:=utape, auto.. ~. CHICK l\l&Bfftll I( • «nld-··~· =""~"'==!"~ "'1&M''MOIOISl1995 ' Si499 ' VOLKSWAG~~·""':l .. 111 ·,.,~1 . ' ' ' . .· • HERE :
j)l"l 11 'L" --~ !'-' '
I\ I". -. --I ~ t-~
'62 AUSJ111 i!BitT 300J
Jmmac111ate eaindltioa. 11• .
When You Tllink ruT
Thll* ,
9635 Garden Grove mw.
'67 Aulfll> Huloy -4-U: deluxe mqdel ,wt t II ___ .......
etc. Ruby ncl wUh biack in.
-• "tlflO -MUii .e and cf.!ive to benne.
l~t'lllPLlt I
_~1 1!•,ILll [~,
3100 W, Caul Hwy., N.B.
.==~ H":e:;' :ii-=-·~ ~~t~~~~ fl 1;wH~..::;!'i;,.~C.::0MolO.' IJ°< ·~.IN 50 •.. (lllfQRNIA ~ : JOU WON'T:
... , JAGIJA!t XKE "'-· OPEN ....... A't:." Stt. 41809 ~ ' < ' • BELIEVE • ~ ... _. -, -~~. ....,,.. $23.99·. 11!!!1!!!!!!!.!!!!!!_!M!!!!OOll~~~~:....._:-~·1 4 'DOOi -2 DOOR AM'.nt ra<llo. ai' ...,_ ponc11e...:...20 to COii.ONA 4 DR. SEO. i: 1' •·. -• YOUR EYES I • .._and..,, --Choose •M"" _, ...... ck int. TllUMPH VOLkSWAGIN .·e Dor1dos • Cal1is : COME :
Mu 1 t .-. Dealte 18835 auto. trans., n.dlo. Ser. ,64 TR. 4 1
a. ... Bhd., Hunt. 8'acll. 128288 ' • .Coupe de VIHes • Sedln de Villes •. • : ~1) ¥!1~;+-a . .. : ~1l f· .. ,2099· 2 to $1; from ~IN
'&I MARK X, Pb/1, ab', CROWN 4 DR. SEO. Wbon You Think FIAT PR'ICED"' FROM *3495 • 1 ' • ............ "• -.... Pu~,,.,.,,,. with lm .... t. Think _., ' • '\ • ~ ".'"i': xtnt """'· 31~::'~"'· E,'~~!~'°w!'.'lt: H::~!:;~cl'..~':!R voL.r~~Gll~ iNc. -Some' Carry New Cor :: y· O· .D, 1'J.I ·~
MERCEDES IENZ ~-~n.5!!';" .~;$2799 . , •65-;;".. rw!~~ s y~~~Asol,ooL~ Eml'!NWarranty : •··NO~·'""'-'-'. ' ; •'46nfOioHI ii roRSCH£.'-1'150cc AD ,Pri<HPiusTu•Uc. Rdstr; db\ 4 t(>lld, wn 11711Bw!JBIW:61MGS ~ ~-ii i~. ~~. ~ mlla, Lie. : ":no.~..: .... ~ 4~ % ~..;i~an ~ '65 V.W. BUG · 4 • 'H lll1c:lc ' 1 ll
Utf5 d""'-om iool. ,wh It e • .,_;. , 2 0 Xint """'-$11 .,... dell .. G"""'tffd. ,....,, to IO! . • $!10'4.ff " >.'6~~:V°:' 11S-m& :=..lB .. ~CaDKen, #~A • ...;,..:: • ~ ~ ~:~ (?,! 'FINANCING '61 TR.J G....:.~.J·~:!,..,,_ OLDSMOBILE• CADILLAC • lmmMloS. ..... ,( Ii
< • LllJd snwr. flu• eztru., ,~VAii.AiLE! · l1r>f! 64Ut10I dttlon. Lk_Su1!£,flll • '1 nw... ,,_h,-Bhd., on Bank ......... ~ ,., TRIUMPH TR·S n> •
Huot e.ach. ~ • '63 v.w. CAMPER 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY •
.. FORSCllE c. Immaculate BlLL M_ .... x, EY im. m-"31 ~ ~:_.... ......... LAGUNA IEACH : ... llQCUIT • ~A1llhCllbe4 MO In I: out! Jiik int. Rima. X'~ " ' ,64 V W BUG Colol\y: Perk ._.... F.n • '64Auatln w/o, _.., ...... .... .-VOLKSWAGEN . . -.11094 • 547.~10~ poww, ......... ,, .. Jill·
_,........ paint. cn.c lifb. · 1; extru! 1----:.i;jj;:--'--BUI'. Guaranteed &: extra ~Y..-1 ~ ~ ••. 17h . • 1'liJb' factor 1. '""'"'!"...-MU1&2 . I sharp. RCF 892 1
<OXD312J $795 ~~~h•;.:: H=1.s::CH~~~S ,65':~IA : -, $2595 • :
J=~m:.:•Clr. c,..n. New ....... $2900 3mtN.olfliit(Hwy.cmBch snvo, with black !n-.lmpo· mc1••.,;._ 9600lSportC•rt 9610• 'MIUICK •
a.ta M19.. 115-1297 '69 JOYOJA Radlo, and many extra& · r-~•-, 1 aE1ecfr• c:1111vf. IM:I ,.w,,, • . °""'.,,,.,. ---.FORSCH£ -Cab. ""' -. HAR• R PDP981 ,1395 voLKswA_GEN -ALFA RoMEo •• 1"''"'s·1· 1°9vrv5"11
parts tar Ille. Win: _SIJpG-w/MIChelln x thu fMU $1770 VOLKSWAGEN, INC. '64 DODGE DART -_...._1_ .......... ._.,... ......,,.. =· _$ml. ,1'13-G55 KVl'I '58 VW Bua w/CtJrvak eng. '66 Alf• Sprint GT • ·~ e........ _..-. ..,..... 1 ~= " Authorized w 6 eyL / tttr ta e 1 pamI&. Am dllmanilltfl and 18 .llERCEDES 'B-8; UilL · I •,{:;c L•~o Soloctlon Saln and Service qon, 'p' ., au '• Fully '65 equlp'd. I1tcl. all One of a kind. #&m42 '66 OLDSMOllLI flw
8tllq whole ~.Ho put tnnl., pwr. kb, steer,. SUIARU 1 __ :~1 ~ Dollvory 18711 .Beach Blvd. 842-4435 ~it. =:xtra clean. Lie. tbil brand ~; .. UO HP $1595 •lu11ury S.d1n. Full ,..,, ••
'11) A.II., rbU .... AM ; a>r, su•11u SALE '64 RAlllBLER ha-... ..,. d"ly dufcl.. • • •
I -1100. ....... -""1:r:-.::.,'"· :'"-' s'ffus'.fooAYI I MONTH END o. $11'5 =. ;:;' ;.b." ..:;o: f111t L1mia· •'"''"'s''2" (2$"9"5"' •
, -....... ..., -. ..... ttnr, tmmac. .... 2211 D ~ lhDi4 "5 y W IUe. American Nrdtop, & cyl.. starter motor, & rear a ~ --srrs. ..,._.. -; MB '65 230 ~ Xlttt con-R II Di I • • • · • brw.kn. Other extras nte IHPORTS '65 OLDSM~ • dltlon! $fllll firm. Call • lfl Y SIOft · Guannte<d, ,..ey to 10! ailto., UH, i..clttt ,...._ -A -block i' II. -• , T -· •
DATSUN M&-2316 ~· Lie No. PJR351 Lie. No. RB1'37T rum. e sea TOYOTMO&.to 4 •,-Hi • hct.rr l"i
, _ IDODWc r...-'Hw......, 9T\ill\I~ $1295 $tt5 walnut pan!ling, Kon! 1966 Harbor, C!.lf.. 64M303 poww riM"*t I lwe "• 111-----,.__...,_ '6'f MEllCEDES m-s, < °'· Now::;;~.:;;--"-VOLVO 'U llA1$UN '66 TOYOTA sboc"'-:20 pt., au .taoi< ...... <MOY"" • t969 DATSUN~ ~..;.."~-Ml..:= 645-00il• 540-21u . • '°'· w.n, 1.1.000 ...... _ Crown w ..... """-'"'"' • ....... $1350. -AumN HEAm • · ·s1·595 . ~ --. _,.. ·· .._ ' · F.comrnJ: Spedal. Uc. No. economy, plus room. Silt. '66 VW • a
1 ,__ ----•. ff!" 1969,·DI 1>. ~"""' 4'>0L iiiWG> New ~ Jiubuu. TRIUMPH ; PE\'536 · Pl99 Wblte walk, mi;. • ., _ !fJOO. Rd>1r. VHWJ6,; -'65 IUICK • ....... -w.n-.-. Conoola -• "°I'! ...... .... ......... -• .... • --' ' $195 $14'5 $12!11 • ., -Sprit• #6'f05 ' • • --. ~•.. ir.• $4815. ~ ~ (IOml•ll 5f5..4l8ll L'IT~20004dr.TYV·'1&0 · . •.u. DOMI DA.IT '"DATSUN WAGON When You Think FIAT .66 _-n•~. RR~~-aEledTa coupe, hi/~ •
.. ....,.. UNU" -, -'&7 lpitfire 1JNB..lS9 W ~ • I., / tff Th"nk ~ .<Waac ........, fact.ry 1ir. • $,s's • MERCEDES 'U. D!. • dr ' •So"• cy P• '· ,._,radloAh<aler,w/w, HERB FRIEDLANDER ''9-B,,..,,.Jcc38S • $1895 •
•'> -. •. SUSO. 612-m& .. SUNBEAM :61
64 ~ ~ ~ &· N. ~::"" ~ok on top. cm.. tJc. No. '51 -3000 Rdlb'. WIB1ll6 •• --=~----"'!
'60 MERCEDES a. .. DI '67 S-.m Arr-'M IAlllLll $1195 !194"333 ,,,.: I '66 IUICK • ~ more to .-""4D. -'64 Spllllro DXU-934 $11'5 l • --.,,.,,.. 11 • ......_. GFfi&l 9625 Garden Gro.ve'BIVIJ;. · ~ -
DOJ DAJSlll SE a:mvertible; near t'OD-Sedan. :run fadm)' equip. I .. -!. American hardtop, 6 eyl., ~ '64 VW Variant Waron..~nt '4.UIO •w.tcfc1t 4 '"'· f•ct.rr• coune. G'l-1251 ment. (lJKUC80) ·Lr.1111 auto., UR, bucket ... tr. cond. Must .ell. Sacrifice, fMcn~ I 1ir, auto., ,_., •h•riftt,•
188!5 B1ac:b Blvd. $IOfS, Lie. No. RBT3'Tl $1300. DaYI m.7462, eves •• ""'-1 .RIH. ISVX 0161
H--" ' MG Cir IHfllRTS $995 .... 2110 TOTOTA·YOLYO $2595 • ·-~-. BmJonea,B.J.Sporbcar . '· 'MYW bl ·~·H·~,cu .~,~· • -. m a '66 FAST back, UC with ....-acuu, ·'P• ~ 2833 Harbor vd. _TOTot-YOLVO l!SOO 5...., __ ,.:._.:_.~.1 .._ • I 'ff 2000 DA'BU.. ._. Calta Mna 196&.)larbor, CM. &t&-«m _..._ -~ u"::". ·s-·•'~1 • HARBOUR white interior, rmitt lltlnl this • '66 TEMPEST a 9~-5 ~ tJam US~ •u ~ Ews • ~--,_ uM ~"• --~ • -.-..k, t<OOd ''""· 095. MG • 1 ~ur::r, ..,... • .. .,, :~ PaJt;B uv-:n · • """'" ~· . '61TR250 . $1195 VOLKSWAGEN, INC. &l2-4(Q) •C111tom cp1. RIH, •vt...
, dlr, bonlHald Jdow, bide 'D1ltver7, "" SilftllNm Wlm, Oft~.1,1.IXXI miles '66 TOYOTA Authorized '63 VW red sedan xlnt nd MG r .s., f1dory ,;, c0Ml ltl1..-•
' buclr:et .eats. ndlo. heater, Al llodlll Q:anvertl.ble, Real Sharp OM. $2799 . Crown Wagon. R~. atick, Sales and Service . • ' 00 · l in9. ISTDl771 a
it =~=~oi:; (XTI:lm) When You Think FIAT economy, plus room. Stk. 1mt BeAch Blvd. &U-4435 :.~~party. ~7 or .4 .1957'sMGB.GTtochoose • $1595 •
Sorelp. cu in trwle al $1'15 $1395 'l'bink P199 from, all l't!ady to go -low IF•I--'-----.
I --Willllncpriy..... BlllJonn,B.J ..... tl<oarCtr. Hl!RBFRIEDLANDIR "7$1,!H951A 1:,~.,,c;;:'~l~-Cp.FASr. lluy'<oVWm•~f, ul231S.UJC817 • '66 CAPllCE •
LB YNW 485 c 11 .,._ 21133 Harbor Blvd. 9625 Gardeu Grow Blvd. · • • _... cd L • · • .n.a., ~Mta 8".!333 Yellow with black Interior. * 213/592-5829 * * li5-20t3 * · Ill• • lilCP•· Pow.,. •heriflt, fief.
, 4Ml773 Ol 54S-OC4. Open Ews. A'&m:-e $4IMG1 · Radio and many extras. ,67 DELUXE VW 7 -·• 60 VW CAMPF.R ""' .lflti1 ·•ir, •utom•tic. fSIM J71J •
'ff DATSUN Sllltl w ::iaut 11wJ NJI. '65 Triumph MKl1 SI!<. P:20S ~ UUIO $2295 •
I, -~.·· 911 -~• -• ..._l'llf ---------Convertlbl•. Fu II !&d017 $1695 "''· 17,tlflO mt Prv pny. Ex"'1onl int.nor SMll !Mcnt>TS • •
';..";;;: dlr, ~-;;:;;: --MG -TOYOTA oqulppod, (IVJDl13J '66 v.w. IUIO 1""'-* "7-&163 ti73--61'18 .,,.. • '" un:
....... """ Ura. loadecU 1u. MG $995 Guarantftd. Show room '66 VW Sq Bk. Xlnt C.Ond. '67 vw, clwi, • sumoof. 1966 H rbo 'g~oTA;~~ • '67 RIVlllA •
-BID Jone11, B.J. S:portscar Ctr. condition. Llc. UJD 419 R&H, private ~. $1595. Blaupunkt AM/FM radio, a r. . . VI<>" •co11p•, fuH p0w,,, f•c+erv•
2lltlO """" -11-~ Win!•,°""' drift, TOYOJA 2133"""" mw. . $1395 ..._.,.,, ...__ .,....,,.n450., 614-<1568 •• ,,, 119v 1111 • ., wan;uity, Bil ''"" "'-· ""'l-•oekend ·-1.. A-..a.I ·-Cl .J 9615 f15 cub dola or old« car. '':' ,11811 ~~ O.ta M.,. 'H V.W. CAllPU e '61 vw, xlnt rond, tow '57 vw MlO'O -chrm -• q •~cs _ • $34, 95 •
L.B. YNWOJ7. CaD afta' 10. When Yda. Think nAT HEADQUAK'l'ER$ Open Eve1. A SWi. 540-4491 with awnJng well equipped, milea $1500. Call 531-6313 wbll. $500, ask for Gordon 1 '36 Ford p1lle, 2 ftar doors • •. -· --·-• . ELMORE '63 TR 4 Lie. UKR~. This Week-................... 835-1714 -'·t ~th·•··· l hood .__uJ. 11W~ $1595 '64 Volklwq:e.n. blue, iun. .,.,.,.,...,... .. u• com...., e .,., .-. · • '62 CHfVIOLll
.' 'al DATSUN t . dr, xlnt H•RI FRIEDLANDER . WU.•, Shup 'U DATsUN WAIJON mo!, wt d • 11"• m. tilt '66 vw, sun mo!, Pow mil-. llightly bu~ I boll -•
mechanlcal condition. $lS50 91m Glld'en Gl'CYll Blvd. moo BMdl. llfd., Wlblmlfr $1399_ 4 ,~ ••• ,0 • h••l••, Mocb. Sl<&l. 642-3471 good cond. $1075. Call atta-with rear end. 1 'to Ford •P,lck-ulp. I Plumi&bLln&' or•
-• 0 ~ -Wh Th nk I"<"""' ...... • ' 5 pm. "'0 1500 hood delun &: 1 •••• nt... de--•e ectr ca(K•63pec951" cr~ ... tyT .. P. -B9f.3l33 Ptime IM&D en You 1 FlAT w/w. rack on top. CU.tie. _, vw· 37000 Mi .....__~, :::=,;~:=~:::='====:: P-, •
'54 MG. TF Think Uo. No. RGF663 :;his, ~;,.., ...i1o':'$Hm1· lute. Sot of haok "a!s la<• $1195 •
_I~ t'llltl tl i I
. ~\ : l 1 Li l l 1 ! 1 •
" .. '67 , •• ,. ~=~°"""· N facloQ 1 ... ¥; •. (Vl)73,)
•• $f2'5 -u.-.ar,
I •-mV<L Cl!:llllltla
' o,.oz-.•am. -
• '" iljlt ... ~·
Abootut.ly P'O'f'°t In .,... BILL ·MAXEY HERB FRll!DLANOElt $1195 Priveto ,,...,,.. 67>-'llll!I VOLVO V.W. Bus. Phone 53W4ll I ' ~:.~/:.!' !.:"" ..i. IT~ITIAJ ~ cani.~-mV<L ~ ·:,rv~~~ .:;!: ;::: VOLVO H.B . ..,. tor Bill. ~ ·u PONTIAC :
)W'bett roa Think FIAT • C211X. -'6.5 TR4A Roecfsttr cond 50-9168 NEW PllOO & NOW'S THE .st.rcfii•f 4 4'•or. '''· ·"·• . !Think . 11111 llAQt ILVD. Radio heater (NPl\t66t)' _.:;;..,;,,·,,;..;.,,;..;.,____ TIME FOR •ufernetfc, pow•r 1ff.,-i119.
HERB"PRIEDLANDl!R Hunt. 1oo11t 147-155$ · ' Sl4H 61 VW. Good -· "'" Now 164 on Dlsplayl • IVTP 1471 •
9!12SGanlouG-mV<L SililN.olCoutHwy ....... BillJo .. ,e.J.Spol'UOMC!r. HA-OUR r::~ro.~~ l&iO "·· ··-!. 'fjlUICK °CASH • $1795 •
!194"333 '61 TOYOPET. -....... 283! -mw. AD -uana THROUGH A • '66 MGB Rudmr --· clwL Bat°""' a.ta M"' VOLKSWAGIN, INC, •gg vw, Bl..,, sunroof. Still • 'M llAlllLEI • ~1"6 ~-E ..... .._ --,,,_ ·-Au-~-.. In warranty. $1650. 543--1969 IMnnDTS DAILY PILOT ltadlo, boaltt, h-. !RES---~ ·-~ -• ~~ Sa!OI ,;;;r'S.rvi.. UT\lll I •"' Wot•~ A••~•••.•
819) Need a Gt.rbmltaDcle? Nead a flllll A''Wle? lS'Tll Bn.ch Blvd. 8'2-f43S nlE QUIOa:R YOU au., TOYOTA-VOLVO WANT AD •'•cfory •ir, pow•r •f••~~ •.•
$16t5 J:111dtlwttbawata4! nnd•••Wlllt:ldt , m&QUdERYOUSELLl;-;;;,;_.;Hao;-=·.:C:'M:0.=64S-9ll3;;;;2 ======= AIH.IOEICllJI BillJ;:-~Ctr. l ~f,in;.~o~md;iAutoo~~~-~ilm~-~r!M~. ~ .. A;-~~:~lii:~~ij~~~:~~~iiii: b'~"';!;'"~rt~tool~. ~A~·~~-;~-~~~lm~po~rt~. otl~A~-~;~-~!: $1495 : OplnEfts~::--11 =-·······: n • -IAGUAR • MGI
MORAIS ---------
D5!1 4 DI< -.-.' Good -tlao, to8' ---·· OPEL ---
'" OPEL Slaflon -lllnf aind, • lipd, dlt, rodlo, ....... 6eo
'69 Toyola ,rom$1778
0,. ..,,, .... " er.
41 Mo, lonk Fin-int Awall&~lo
Flnoet Solacffon Of Outtt1ndln9
Uood VW'1 On Tho Gold Cout
Fl..,t Solocflon Of Con_,,.
Condition Uood ..........
'61hnllie 1Ht Ulttl'" nr.. Sllft c,., ...... , ... ,. U~. lltW. btrt 1llttp. c.l.,. tM .,.,.
IWYW 1111 lew. (PfX"f49)
'",_.'11 Mnt
4 1,..4 tftMllll•tl•• CJ: t. cliHs. "-1
445 I . COAST HIGHWAY , ............. ,
LI : lllDOUARTERS : ELMORE MOTORS .eo.npi.1. s.1 ... s ..... •,
lUOO II.ACM a¥D:wanttNS1D lff.JW •!•• and p.,.1s Dep•l'I·• •ment for JAGUARS. •
I.ls VICllS VIClllo1
FOii TWO "
Ne "-""•" NM....,.,
t5300 leldl ""· WesllillSfer
• s •• "'• &clti1t9 •
.. lt6t Je1••r TMrr • ......... -
• J .-.A .
• 23' E. t711t ST. :
: 141·7761• I
• WllR Slll>lY : .......... ,. ........ ..,_.,. ___ ,
II ~rctJr~=-Blll,,.,,u ......,., ar. -..........
I Cl!:lll ¥-
hi• -· AIF «111na1 -115 Cub dolt. WID .... .,.... P.'IY· lB swc '11
AIFrtorKu eum '"'I ~· :1 COO N!~
6not00 19~3l22
El °""' ~" --1 . " . OIAltGEm C O ST A ME ~A
' .
' . -. -. '
hhNq, Aprt ,, lM 't I llAl1.V l'ILOJ: llS ----"'I• TllANSl'OITATION TIIANSl'OITATION TRAN$PORTATION HOO-'"-ra i """
.. -. .. -
----~ ...... ,. .. :' --•••• =iiiNe~w~C...~:m-~•iiii""~iiiiiiii-~911iiii;iaai;iNiii'"'iii• iiic.n~··· --·· iiiii911iii1~11iiNoii•iiC...iijiiiiiiiii!iiii~ .. !?! A........., •#-IN Aute 1 s·dw1 --p
--Blvd. 0.ta .... 546-1200
Wftl •lly
II. -. P1L "1-AUTifoRIZID w<iiri'di: 'II .. ·it van, · LEASING
...,, -Not to ,.,._, SYSTEM
$1000. S5-2'1't' • r Get Our Competitive bte. =========/ ThssHre -c... "°° ROBINS FORD
ROBINS FORD "'° -lllvd. eo.ta Mesa ' &c.«»o
2080 Harbor Blvd.
Qlilta Mesa &G«rlO
ot buy ft ....... .
which Is belt for 10'1 T
For lnlonnotloo ""' ~2112 ' ' SOUTH COAST
300 W. Cout Hwy, Newport
'11>el-lll! Is one of.Ibo wadd'1 Pal lllfoO
•obd" at half llte peal aatomobde prl~
·~ $6000. Wbaf lie JOU Walllos for?· '
1·.=-=-======= UMd Cors ____ 9'IOO_
Y"" v.-_ ar""""' Auto L•11in9 9110 , . BUICK .· A PQ' top dollan. PUI for
or ,,,.. Call Ralpil
I 673-1190 1"5 Butel< SpOclal 4 Dlt.
, aub.>, P/1, zood transport.a-*AUTO lWING*
!A?oD&. BUICK 234 E. 17th. st.,
Costa Men
. 01'£L s..n65
./ AU. MAKES tion. 1111 ~
DON'T JUST WlSll tor bM-./ COP.1PETP'JVE PRICES --------
\bin& to tmnilh ,our bome Cort Fox Auto Leasing LINES. You eeD me them
I .... tiod great beyl In to-224 w. Coast Hi&h11.'8y fur just pennies a claJ, Dial
day'• Chw:lfled Ad" Newport Beach &tU4«J M.."-5671
New C1n 9800 New C.rs 9800 New C1r1 9IOO
4 Dr, C111tom 500. Crvi10, pow•r 1teerint, air coM.,
uf, mo11ldin91 and mar•. 9Jllflll919
LTD Country Squir1 "4 Dr. W1g111. 42t.VI , Crui10,
pWr. 1t1er. wi11dow1 •'"' tt il t1!1. Air co.M. encl
mor1. tJ76NI 2t60J.
LTD 4 Gr. H.T. 429-2V.VI. l111ury trim, lro119h1m
tri111, Cr1i1i10, w1w, r /5, P/Jiic/I, 1ir cond., AM-FM
, .. ,,,, tJ66KI JI l 15.
G1le .. i1 500 2 door lrieNt1p, 42t-~. Cn1i10, pwr.
1N•r., 9i1c end willtlow1, 1ir cond., 1M fllor1.
tJ7"4'42 I I 726.
Cu1to11t 500 R1nclt wa1on. 42t-V-I, Cruiio, pwr.
1t.1rln9 and di1c1, 1ir concf., r..llo elld m1r1.
tJ7<4N1 06502.
LTD 2 dr., herdtop, 4l t -VI, Cr11i1•, pow•r 1t••r.
and diu;t, air concl., rtdio •"" mor•. t J61NI0•47t .
·--_ _.
Col't'f"•rtibl•. l 51 ·VI, pew•r top, Crui10, h1 rdlop,
power 1lo•ri119, air concl . a11d rnore. tROJHI l 2025.
H•rtrltop, Vt, Cru ito, vinyl roof, con1ol•, power
1f•erin9 and tli1c brako1, r1dio, air corttl. i nti mor•.
1-lardtop, VI , Crui10, po..,.or de•ri119, •ir con tl ..
radio, 1,orh app. 9roup, ho" scoop anti 111oro.
Harlto,, VI, Cruito, power 1toerin9 e11d \1•••1,
rotlllo, vinyl reef, 1111orh 1pp. 9roup and mo,.,
H.nft.p, 1151,VI, Crvi10, con101•, wide w/w, power
1i••rlli9"a11d dl1c br••••• raci ie, 1ir cond. ontl mor..
Sport roof. ]SI.VI, twe·tor10 p1i11t, con1olo, oir
corid., Crui10, powar 1taorin9 i nd br•••• and 111oro.
NEW 1959 FAIRLAllfS ·
100 2 Dr., H.tcltop. ]SI-VI, Cnii10, ,.,,r. tf•t t. i nd
tli1c1, raJ io, air contl., dl11. trill'I a11d mo••· tl(J]H.
2 Dr, Spt. ltoof. 4ll·Cobr•, 4-1,tl, 1tk" 111wr. 1t1•r.
& d i1c1, air cont!., ratlio, witl• • .,,1, & ll'l•r•. fl(.
... 11.140411.
Torino 4 Or., v.1, Crui10, pow•r 1tt•rin9, air co..d.,
•cctnf 1frip•1, cU1t. 9rill •ntl mor•. t K41fl6lOJ,.
SOD 4 Door Station wagon, v.1, Crui10, ,•w•r
1t••rin9 •ncl fai19al•, t ir concl., r1dto ind mor•.
Torino GT l door Sports r••f. v.1, Crvi10, h••vy
1111potn1ior1, IHI. 1c•op, •ir c•ntl'., pwr. 1t,••rin9 anti
.. ,,, tK4lF1 6JOJt.
2 tloor Sport r•of 411 Cobra, Cruit•. C•m,et. 1111·
pen1ion, pow•• 1fe•rin9 l di1c1, air contl •""' 111or•.
4 tloor l1!1dau 419-VI, full powar, AM/FM r1dlo,
air co!ld., Crui10, vinyl roof I 111oro. tJ17H1406t2.
2 Dr h1rtltop 4Jf.VI , full power, Crui10, eir cond.,
AM/FM rtd1•, tilt 1toer and 111ere. 9JIJNIJtSIO .
4 Dr. laM111 42t·VI, lull pow•r. AM/FM r1tlio,
oir cond., Crui10, vinyl roof, tilt 1te1 r. and m•r•.
1 Or. l1nd1u 42t-Vt, full pow••, Crvi10, eir contl.,
AM /FM r1dio, vi11yl roof ancl 11'10ro. 9J14N I JtJS4.
2 J)r. Hanilto,, 4Jf.VI, Cnii10, fu ll 'wr., air coitd.,
rocl io/dual 1p•r1., tint 9lau and more, tJtJN10907S
1 Or. H1rtltop, 41t-VI. Cruise, full pwr., air cond.,
rtdio/du1I 1p•r1., tint 9la11 and mora. tJl4N·
15] I It.
GT 500 KR Conv•rf Cobr• VI, Cruit•, tlr cond.,
pwr. 1t•1r. and di1c1, 1hhl••-har11•11, ratlio anti
111ore. tTD3R2 I 02S•.
&T 500 KR Conv•rf Co\r• VI, pow•r 1fnrin9 i nti
tlhc .. redio, tilf·pop 1f••rin9, 1houltl•r harl'l•tt end
111oro. tTOJltl 15920.
&T 500 Conw•rf. Cobr• '+'I, pow1r tf•orillt I di1c1,
Crr.1110, r1d io, thould•r harne11, tilf·p•P 1fo1r. and
more. tTOlS I 4t4ll.
FJSI Ch11i1 C1b 190, Vt, Crui10, power tli1c1, rad.,
1200 roer 1pri1191. la1ic ca111por 1poc., c111tol'l'I c•b
and 111er•. fJIHll.Elf424.
F150 Ill Style P.U. l60, VI , cu1to"" c•b. Crui10,
155 el'l'lpl alt., 1'450 rear 1prin91, b•1ic camper 1p1c.
F-100-Il l P.U. JtO VI, R1~9er. Crui10., power
br••, raclie, buc•et •••ti and "''''' FtOHRDt7715.
Dhc.Mllt "-
Whtdow Stkler
lll•LllH FORDS
II to ch•••• fro111, "'" l "I" cylindert, 4
1pood1, autornetic. Se111a wltli ,_., 1tff1i119
and air condifionillt· 1965 thr11 lt•I 111odol1,
co11•otfi"l•1, ceupo1 a11d 2+2 f•••"•c••·
F11lly'•quipptd. IWXS Jfl) 20 'X. ~own or fratl•.
$895 .. u . $.,1 ..... PllCI ~ MONTHS
Vt, er.1te., '5, f•cfOf'f' •Ir, ~&H. ITlH 4ft I 10 '/.
dow11 or tt-etlo.
$1795 =~·
11 to ch~o1a from. 2 tloor an4 4 tloor metl•h.
H1rdtop1 and Lentlaut. All with oir co11tliflo11!n9
& full power. Sol'l'la wlth tforoo tapo1. '•l thru
''1 mod•l1.
H1r4 .. p. l•dio. i..,tM, 1ut.., P.$., P.I., ,awer
wtittl•..,.. '"'°' 1ori, air coM., tNHU Tt n .
lteo "leok 11rico $221 O. 20 i tlow11 or tra4e.
'$1595 .:'~ $56·.~:
Dolut• 4 Dr. Factory •quippff. ISUYl1Sl l lu o
loo• price $1415.10% tlow11 or trdo,
$1095 •uu ltAL rll n
F11lly •~1o1i ppff. llHZ 14tl T11r l Ucon10 tlow11
or trade.
$195 '"" $12 ..... P"CI MONTHS
Cu1fofl'I, ]90 OrMJille, 1utot11atic, •lacli with whi ..
to,. llJllZll4tlll 11111 l oo• ,,ico $2111.
20 'X. tloWfl or tr.d ..
$1395 ·::,i:. . $39 .=..:
'61 MUSTANG '64 THUNDERBIRD 4 ''"• ..... ,,;., OIH, ,.11, ,,,;.,,,, ""'
YI, aufol'l'l•tiC, powt r 1tffrl111, werrenfy. Low Fwll "'wet, f1ctery •Ir.· 11.CP Jl71 20 % tlow11 No. 7Jlllll71 11110 loolr price $1 15.tO. 20~'
1111101, fXSWOOJl. 20 '/. tlow11 •r tt--'•· 9t' h-1tlo. tlow11 ., h od1.
$2195 ::.':. $59 .~:..:: $1195 =~ $43 .. ~: $1195 ::.~. $36 .. ~~
Ulft CM W.•lf'ltca SPPaCTIYe • NDUU UM.IN "ntOOllT .0....0.. AU. f'ATMDft P..UlllD Otl AP~~QIOIT ""fl TAX AND LICM:la.
2060 Harbor
I'·"'· .. t ''"" MOll•Fri e S•t I•·•· .. 6 ,,,...
S1111 to'·"'· t. • p.111. '
1 a.111. t. t p.111. Mo11 e 1 0.111, to 6 '•"'· T1111·fri
I •. flt. .. ''·"'· ,.,
c ·
u -A
•• )
'-' -. -• 0 --.,. ~ • ,7 .. ~ . -< • ·; :-
' . ' . • • . ~ r. ~ ~ • -< ~
•• ·c g
0 u
\ • • •
' • .
' • " • ..
• •
• • " . • • .. " • • . •• .. • . • • ' .. .
l . • • . . -.. • r • •
. .
u .
I v
R . s
T v
s.-. .,,.,. " 1'69
'. s
1, ~
'69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme
Holid•y t1il'11 VI ,1ulo., R&H, P.S., P.I,, f1cterr
1ir, WSW ~ioyl lop tinted 9la11. 1100,941·· ,, .
$3730;-s7 -_ ~ · . -~ ,
''69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme
Holid•y 1td1n. VI, tijlo., r1dlo, hi 1t1r. PS, l1 c-
tory 1ir, WSW lint1d 91111 111u1h ... , •• 11022141
'69 OLDS Toronado
V-1, 1ulo., redio, h11t1r, P.S., dii.c br1•11, p.w ••
l1eto,., 1ir, w1w polygl111 tir11, m111y other 11lr11.
( M6001 I I I
' · '69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
Holid1y. eoup1. VI, 1ulo., RIH, P.S., P.I .. f1elo"I'
1ir, wh11i w1U1 vinyl lop tinted 9lan. 110120'1 1
'69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
H•lid1y coup•. VI 1ulo., R&H , PS, l'I, f1c.lory 1lr,
-WSW. •inyl top, ti11I. 91111, muclt mor•. I 10324t l
'69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme
Holid1y cou p•. VI, 1uto., R&H, PS, Pl, l'·winCloyo,
f1c lory 1ir linl, 91111 iup1r 1toclr wli11l1 ph11
muck mort. 11004971 ,
'69 OLDS Delta Holldciy
c~r·· Vt, 1ulo., RIH, PS, Pl, f1elory 1ir, WSW,
vill'f top, tint1d ti•••· f 192161) • $3831.87
'69 OLDS Cutlass "5" . .
Holiill1,y eoup1. YI, I Mfo., RIH, rSl H , P.windowJ,
f1dory 111, tint1d t liu .• 11042011
'69 OLDS Delta Custom
Hotid1y 1H1n. VI, 1uto., RtH. PS. Pl, f1ctory 1i•,
WSW, ti11!1cj t1111, l'llVOh flior1. llOZ7t51
'69 OLDS Toronado .
Full power, fulory 1ir c.onditioni>1g, polygl1tt
b1l+•d tire1, o;hrom• wh11l1, b11uliful powd1r blu1.
(60201/2 1
'69 OLDS Taronado
Full pow1r, feclo'V 1ir eo11ditionin9, tl1r10 r1dio
l1p1 p11y1r, polygl1u belt1d tir11, chrome wh11lt,
~.~11dow gr11n. 160079'11
'69 OLDS 4·4·2 Holiday
Coupt . VB, eulo., RI H, PS, Pl, f1elo"I' t ir eon-
ditioning, WSW, tinted 9lau. 11045691
& uc.
'69 OLDS . Delta HoRday
S1d111, VI 1uto., Jt&H, PS, Pl, factory air co11dl·
lionin9, WSW, ¥inyl lop., tint1d 9!111, inuch "'ore •
( i'OJOl 61
'69 OLDS Delta Custom
Holid1y eoupe. VI, a11!0., Jt&H, PS, Pl, fact.ry
1lr concl., WSW, ¥inyl top, tl11ted 9la11, re<Jllla r
fu1I 1n9!n1. l10l075l
'69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
Holiday coup1. VI, auto., RIH, PS, Pl, fatf•"I'
1ir cond .. ti~t ed 91111. llOIOIJ)
'69 OLDS Vista Cruiur
• P111. W19on, VI, 111to., RIH, PS, Pl, faclO'"f
eir cond., WSW, tint. tlat1, mueh mor1. 12121171
Usod C•rs 9900 Usod C•rs 9900 ft-"-''----'-~~~..;... ~-'-~~-9900 UIOdC•n --------1 Used C•rs 9900 UMd C•rs 9900 Used C•n 9900 Usod C•n Usod C•,. 9tcJo ;;._ __ ~;.;
V8, auto,·PS.·PB. R·H. New
dk. ivy oolor that-makea ii
outstanding. TYZ245
Lincoln·Ml:'rcury '
19.ft Harbor BIV(f. 6~2-TIM
'68 SPORTS wagon. Luxury
cream/& \\'OOd, A11 J>WT,
R/H, fac air. l O\Vl1('r,
15,000 org mi. Asking $3,750.
Thla car Is beautilul & near
new. J\fust iwc to apprec! . .....,,
'67 BUICK Skylark 2 Dr.
txltop. Air cond:, 'Yin,yl top;
1' beaut. cond. Best
1 reamnable offer. 842-8287
' '63 RIVIERA, air, (ull pwr,
new trans. completely
o/haul'd. SllOO. GT:>-4811
'61 CAD. Fltttwood; full i pYW., good cond. S59'a
I Call After 5: 5J6.9234
I '62 CAD. F1eeh\'00d, P/B,
P/5, air. S795. or trade. * 968-25.58 *
"60 ~d. air oond.
PIB, PIS, power !tats. * f>19-l7f6 *
'69 Cadillac Eldot"adu, full
pwr, con1fort con1rol, Jeath·
er, stereo, twilight sentill('],
crul1;P c.'Onlrol, lilt wheel.
Private party'. 67S-6000
'58 CAOILLAE; 8 passenger
LimoU11lne, auto, elec wtn.
rlo\\·s, radioi;, a I r con-
ditioned thruout. Ntce co~
dllion. Can [inaner. $895.
Dir. NVL 282. 842-2591
'67 COUPE de Ville, Very
low mileage. show rooni
fresh. Private party ..
Sacrifice. _821'~464
'66 Cad Conv. $2995,
Like new. Lo mlles.
Load~! 673-0083
DUE to death in fam •. m~t
:11e1i. '6$" eold Cadillac. fully
eqUipped. 847-6315
'66 OlEVELLE Sta.tlon
\\'tlgOO. Radio, h e a t e r,
aummatlc. like new lmidl!
and ouL S1345. Dralt!r, 2026
Harbor Blvd., Costa Aiesa
6'>1872 .._
I DIAL dtftct 642·56'll, Olarte '68 CAAtARO, automatic, '65 CHEV, Bel Air, 4 dr,
~ ad, tb!9 sit lbac:k aod loaded, Xlnt c o n d I lion. PIS. P/B, air, xlnt trans.
llaten to the ~ finJ:I S2200. Call 847-7441 .eveg j Sl~. 968-l!JCjS
'65 Chevrolet Imp.lie ~
Convert. RlH, auto., PS.
BUI JonMi, B.J. Sportscar Ctr.
2833 H&rbor Blvtl.
Cost& ?>tesa ~
Open Eves. l Sun. 5'10.4ir.ll
'64 CORVT. F.B .. reblt. eng,
new tim, mags, etc. Best J
oUcr, pvt p~, !lfi&..5432 J
'liO Dodge V-8, 9 pass
wagon, auto, r & h, ps,
lumt rack. ,JJOO. ~9
Imported Autos 9600 lmPQrtld Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmport.d Autos 96001mporttd Autos 9600
'66 FORD
Country sqinri.t
l!llW 1969 FIAT
• -DIAn DILivllT
Test Drive T odoy NIW 1969 flAT
850 cquPU
Tosi Drlvt .Today
--1-flAT• .. • , ;;;u-.... lh'CfOl'f' ........ ....... y....,. -..... ff--'°' c.tw U M1ftf11 ,.--.,. •• ue.--u--........... ~ --·
Immediate Delivery
Choict of Colors NIW 1969 flAT '
124 llDANS
& 124 WAGONS
..W 1969 •IAT
. 124 llDAN
'ully f.c:tory (quipped.
{Sar. 0496340)
S.Crfflce Price.
• •
,... ...... ...., ....... . ...... ,~ . ., .... , ... " ..... '
s.mc. Dept. Opan 8:30"' 5:3~
9 ta 9 Thursit.y
I ••
\'-8, auto, PS, PB, R-ll, and
Fact, Air, Better hurry for
this One • it's wagoh time.
l9U l.farbor Blvd. 6"2·7lli0
Chvncd by little 'ole man
Crom Laguna. 3 s~I. dlr, all
oris;lnal paint &. interior.
ltuns like a top! S50 Cash
dcls. pymnts $29.88 mo.
D8a25 Call Ken, 49l-91l3 or
'6.S FO~~i>~~NTRY
Sta wag, dl.t, ,V-8, pwr 1tee11-
lng, ExceIJent condition. $50
Cash del.! or t&ke .cmall for-
eign car. Fine prvt s)rt;y. $.19
Month. LB UEV 4&4, Call
Ken, S.1$-0634 or ~m.
-,63-FOo'd G•iOxle.IGl-
R.fc.H, auto., PS, air cond.
Bill Jones, B.J. Sportacar Ctr •
2833 Harbor Blvd.
Cl:)sta Mesa
Open ""°· • Sun. SIM'9l
FORD '65 hhiane 500. 4
dr Sat 8 c:;t.. Al.Ito., PIS.
ll/ll. X1nt c0rc. ms Orie
priv pt,y. fi75...)C)
1960 FORD., PIS. PIB.
R/H, "xlnl ooncl. Neli tiftl
& braket. $.»). 5f6-372I
;oo l-'ORD Cty Sq. JO pua
FUii pWr,•ne.w llrakl:a, w/w
llre11. Xlnl mnd. 1193-4439
19&1 1'"0RD. 9 paas, ala
wqon, OJmplettl)' remnd~
P'llll equip. 12'5· ..... ,..,
·~!i:o:;: co;N-
equipment and factory~
conditioning. (WT E 11:1 l
$1995. Dealer. 18835 Be8cll
Blvd., Hunt Beach. 540-*42
Offers you • FREE membership to Orange
Counfyt l•'fht AMX.J•velin club with '-!.
purch•11. • ·
'""" BRAND NEW '69 AMX
y.a, • •· '"'' t.ct. eq.1,,n $2999 O*r tCMhy
BRAND NEW '68 JAVELIN ................... $2386 m'''' BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER
F•ll lh9, IMtl ' $204"'
121 "·'· "' ..... ...,. <a' BRAND NEW '69 REBEL
Tlrlot Poo,io Cor $24"L 1175212 ~ ' ~
$3286 Air Co1uilltlo11h1t,
YI, A1to. trMI. Sl 10211
'66 DODGE I '65. MERC.
440 St9. WfL Lk. TID 676 ......... ,,_,52 ...
rs, ...ct~... ...
'66 FORD
C...my ~-,. t r•1n1s1 ................. 66 ... .. _....t... ...
Uc: No. lrl. 2JJ
'66 Rambler
AMIAUADOl Ht 2 Ir HT .._ __ '52"' rs.a...... ••· Uc. Ne:SMI 212.
'67 OPEL
4 •. H.T.-V~ '49 ... •te. rs.,., .ir. ••
'66 Sunbeam
na11. Uc. Ne. UI Jl1 ............. 64 ...
......... fft. -·
'64 Rambler
AMDICAN 441 YHN Jtl ··-llldlo • ........,, ---'599
l.W, 4 ... Uc. UOI f1 l 6'I Uc. ".'! .. YNI 111
~~~~ s45:_ ~~!· .. ,'44~.
MANY OnlD MAlD a. MODILS ............... ,, ........ -..... ....,,., ....
TM.,_ J6 w. • 1pp •• .. ._.a.A,
'ales & SerYice
1969 Harbor, Cosl1 Mesa, 642-6023
• '
--·· ~ . ,,..;, . ~:ON DISPLAt ·.AND ·'READ.Y FOR .. DELIVER . :TODAY! ____ --.........-· OVER ,30 ·auA[i.1' AiM"lMGlll& ro-;sElECTrR'OM--"' ·_-__ , _. "--;"' r--TE----""i:
VOGUE TYRE . .,..,,. .. -
sALIS a SllmCI CINn•
,,.. 't . . ..~ •• "',(:'• ; ''' wt' ;.I.So sToc:lf IAi.L 011•1NAL
FACTORY lfU•MINT nm. $39':..
'64 MERC. MC>NT.
2 Dr. H,T.
V-8, auto. rs. PB, air. Er•
mine white w/bel&e lnl A
very nice car. IOX167
1941 Harbor Blvd. "2-1000
Colony Parti '
V-8, -auto, P5; PB. R·H.
Cl8lb inside Ii out, and drfv • .. w..'1•95'
!SU IWbm Blvd. "2-1000
'65 Mere. Pmlone
4· Dr. H.T.
VB, auto. tnruL, pwr, afffr ..
pWT, brakes le fact. ak'.
Beaut blue ~~ matchlrw lntem.
~"""..,,..,, l&ll Harbor BM!. lq,"'50
'67 MUST ANG 6 cyl l:IT
.UCk, ...... ftd $1595
'15 MtJSf.\NG -. xlnt
cond. • Spd. !WI, .,;w..
lleer.. lie .< ~ Clfb. 962-6311
SHARP, late '66 Miipta. ..,,
hd. ·tp, air/pwr .. J .,, ,
$1850. eve, wk-end.
1968 MUSTANG. It m, &Uao,
P'T--er. premium tires, Low
milts $2695. ~lm.
r· ) .... ~ '} ::i
•l $(999 '"' -.u .,
'. ' .. .
Your Factory Authorized Cadlllac Dealer Serving The Oran• ~st_ Harbor~-. . .
2600 Harho~· ·IJ.Ivd.,
" Costa Mesa
----~ ...... ·
' . ..
i{.1,. ">'. l
-. ,
--• :::;;:z ™ n:;::;: ( . I . ' I . . •
" .-
APRIL 5 , 1969
I -I I
I .I
·---~--------~~---------------------.............. llmll! ...
Ask Them Yourself
Secr~tory of tlr~ Trf'osury
JJ'hy '° HllM! $5 bUU
MH n r~d Mal?-.W ra.
C. S. Roger•, JY aUa11U11, s. c.
e Tbere are two type-4 or paper cur·
rency being issued in the $5 denomina·
lion, namely, Unite<I States Notes and
Federal R~rve Note1<. United StalCJ>
Notes are i."8ued IJy the Treasury Pe·
partment and hear a red !+Ul ~nd red
serial numbers. Federal Rel'erve Notes
are issued by the 12 parent Federal Re-
~ne Banh and bear a green seal and
'green serial numbers. There are relative-
ly few United States Notes now in circu·
lation, however.
l)·ndiN.Ud rolumniJt
llJ'.u Sen. Tllo,,... DoJJ
ftler U.11eati1aU!d by alle
llW!lrwol ReHnue Senit:e
a/ur you fU!C~ IWA of
.U..ppropriaaiq illcoMe /or po-
Uliul ca•paisru1-C • .4. Slaaelcleau,
Mart» lalarul, Pia.
• Both the F.8.l. and the l.R.S. claim
they are still investigating Senator Dodd.
They are studying my book, .. The Case
Against Congres.~" for leadR.
FOR EDITH HE..4D, fashion tluiper
llJ'hen do you llainlc d&e
..WU~ra• •tyle •ill end?
-Dau, Matalae.a, Kor·
· unUJe, Tenn.
• I feel the mini-dress style i11 here to
stay. In our present mode of living, long
dreues are not as practical nor as be-
II Do you al'"'ya pl.ay to
• liH •IUlience an your
•It.av? JY#ty are they ne1>-
er .Ao~nP--Uoytf R••Ul,
MarineHe, Fiac:.
• Ye11. we always play to a Hve audience.
If they'd only sober up, we'd show them
on camera.
--:\.. ~, U.~elder, St. Lot~ Cartlina/$
How did yo• re• ataraed ~in bcaeball?--Cre1ary ~ Beilal.e"'7 t.CraJ16e, Jlo.
• I started in baseball like many other
youngsters. playing ball with my father.
ince 01y father wa., a semi-pro player, I
spent a lot of lime at gameit and played
ba11eba.U aa often u I could.
U.S..A.f . rttirtd
Haw tlUl you e~r •c-
q •ire tlae nicluut•e
"Ko•y"?-Conrad Pio·
reUo, Broolcly~ fV. Y.
• When I entered \\·~l l'oinf in 1921.
I was 17 and had a hright c:omplexion.
The men on the footlJaU squad duJ1bed
me "Rosy," and I've nefer Leen able to
shake iL I g&\'e up when friends began
to ask : .. Where did Rosy get that funny
nickname, 'Emmeu '? ..
FOR JVLl..4 CHILD of g "Tlie Fr~ncli Clu~r
Do you aeorlr U. your own
lcik#aea /or your '" pro-
IJr••P--(;iAfer Jaetter,
La J' e1a, /Ve11.
e The kitchen 1 work in is not my home
kitchen. lt is, however, my studio kitch-
en, designed especially for me.
____ -llJ'laat lcilul o/ ltuaaor do
you ~rao,..Uy Wc.e bat?
-u•lie E. Dun.kin, Bre-
naen, Ind.
• I Jike to use topical humor so that
people can see the amusing side of the
problems they face today. When I wa!'I
in Vietnam thi11 year, for instance, I used
the line, .. I intended to stay in the Stat~
for Christmas, but I wanted to gel away
from violence."
Ae.rt •fH!cillJist
.4 1U1111ber o/ /IWll heart
11uaclu lanH occurretl on
101/ co•r•e• rece11aly.
llJ' oaU yo11 NY alaere •••
o c.irual relaaiorulaip beatHen du!
•porl •"" luuarc o.ta.c:lc.1-lrene B.
Fa.ler, /Vorda Chelaa/ord, Mau.
• Fatal heart attacks can occur any·
where and at any time, often during
sleep at nighL Golf, in the absence of
severe angina pectoris (e-0n11triction of
chest muscles), is much more likely 10
prevent them than to .cause them.
You recsndy toer~ quoted
tt• •ayin~ llant an ndr~u·
priNae li/e u aarit.:lly her
o~n. Can you esplain?-
T. M~ Lo11C1Uur, Pa. ,
• Gladly. Though grateful for the su1~·
port of her 11ublic, an aclrCM onJy owes
them a good performance, not the low·
down on her persona] life.
y._ .. ..._ • I•-..,._ • ,._.._, Y--....... dalit ......_ ... -·a pt
di. -,_ tJw ..-i-a ~ ,._ ....__. ~ ~--,_,,_ .. tr -•
.... n ...... A.IL 'n..-l'-V, f'..Uy W~li.ly, 6'1 ~ A~ .. N-Ywll, N.Y.
IOH1 W'e a.wt ~ 1 •'"-· t..e ~ wlll ._ .-W 1-«edl -wd .
First of the '70 Con As American
compact con have inched big9er over
the past 10 years, there hos been no
domestk cor to challerge the small
foreign imports, which lost year c:or·
nered 11 percent of the U.S. market.
For-d thinks it hos just the challenger
in the brand-new Maverick, which goes
Meet the Moverid
on display April 17. With its 179-inch
over-oll length on a 103-inch wheel-
base, the Maverick will stress low
price (just under $2,000), economy of
operation (an esfimated 22 miles per
gallt>n), and ease of maintenance.
But besides the economy-minded,
Maverick hopes to lure young car
buyers with its spe>rts styling and such
mod coJdr names as Hullo Blue,
Thanks Vermillion; Original Cinnamon,
Anti-Establish Mint, and Freudian Gilt.
Stock Tip Although we are present·
ly in a slight decline in the birth rate,
it won't last long, according to "Chem-
ic.al and Engineering News." In the
1970s, there will be a ~percent up-
swing in the number of women aged
20 to 29. Manufacturers of baby ne-
cessities and school supplies, take
Ught and Uh For years we've been
hearing that too much sun causes skin
cancer. Now we leom lade of natural
light may be shortening our life span,
too. In fact, Russian scientists hove
s1oted that if skin is not exposed to so-
lar radiation sufficiently, "disturbances
occur in the physiological equilibrium.
This causes functional disorders of the
nervous system and vitamin D defici·
ency, a weakening of the body's de-
fenses and an aggravation of chronic
disease." You can't win.
Long-Distance Daddy "I don't
think it's possible for a guy who hos
been married three times to think
about marriage again," said Doug
McClure ("The Virginian," NBC-tv}.
"My best girl is my lG-yeor-old daugh-
ter Tone. She lives with her mother
Faye in Hawaii and with me summers."
How do you keep in touch winters?
"letten--ond plenty of phone calls.
She con afford it-Faye gets lots of
alimony. All my ex-wives do; I'm
broke." What dQes Tone want to do
when she grows up? "Show horses.
She's a good rider, like me.''" Did you
teach her? "I couldn't. I k.now how
dangerous it is. I was there when she
was teaming, but I had to look away."
Cherry Blossoms and Monuments As
crowds of visitors pour into our nation's capi-
tol .for the Cherry Blossom Festival, they will
allO visit the Washington Monument. In 1837
the sketc.h on the left was the winning design
submitted to the Washington Notional Monu-
ment Society, occording to "American Heri-
tage." The familiar obelisk on the right is some
'5 feet shorter, with no elaborate pedestal. Al-
though the flnal design caused much contro-
veny at the time, most architecn-<snd patrio~
consider it the more outstonding version. Reality
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Not when it's a
modern religion
designed to meet
modern problems,
says this famous
author-preacher who
has a deep, abiding
faith in our younger
~~ of ''TM Pow• of .-Ositlft Thinking,"
o.,d "Sift.. S.-11, and Wf.Col'llrol"
I SN'T IT about time that we
st.op picking on our young
Let's declare a moratorium on the
constant complaints that our teen-
agers are under-achieving, misbe-
having, rebelling dropouts from
church, home. and society.
We have in our midst, of course,
many irresponsible rebels who are
blindly lashing ou t at authority of
all kinda. We have our slovenly hip-
pies. our hopeless young narcotics
addicts, and other juvenne delin-
quents. There are far too many of
them for comfort. but because they
represent only about five percent or "° of our total teen-age population of
more than 40.000.000, perhaps we
should stop lumping an young peo-
ple in our darkest thoughts about
the younger generation.
AB a minister, I keep hearing lam-
entations that young people are
leaving the church in droves. While
it is true that many of the "far-out"
youth have become dropouts from
church and synagogue, they are in a
minority. Frankly, I wonder if these
particular you ngsters were ever real-
ly "with it" in the first place.
I believe in young people. I believe
in them because wherever I go-and
in my travels I "cover the water-
front," so to speak-I see many
young people in churches. They are
nice, clean-eut. fresh-looking, washed
and scrubbed. not the scraggly, long-•
haired. unbathed specimens so no-
ticeable on the streets.
You won't read about them in the
newspapers or see them portrayed
in movies or on tv. Only the "way-
out" young person is "news."
I meet upbeat young people every-
where I go, particularly on college
campuses. One I encountered was the
young son of a friend, who accom-
panied me to dinner in Europe last
summer. He was working as a waiter
in a SwiM hotel before entering the
Cornell University Hotel School. We
got to talking about young people and
religion, particularly at the New En-
gland preparatory school he had at-
tended. He had been a leader o! a
_rebellion ...against mandatory atten-
dance at $npda¥ chapel .services, .and
he was cu rious u to my reaction.
I told him that any school that had
.lo ftlM>rl-to-eequiring church &tten-
dance seemed to indicate a view t bat
Teligion could not compete in the open
-market for the attention and interest
of-young i>eOJ)le.
Why, I ask. don't schools find spiri-
tual leaden who are red-blooded men
who know the scott and can make
religion so exciting that not}\ing will
' . 4 -$
keep students away! If religion can-
not do this, bow can it expect to com-
pete in the atruggle for the interest
of men?
1 believe in young peopl~use
scarcely a week paaees without a
number of communi~tions from
young people to the Foundation for
·Christian Living, which my wife
Ruth eatablisbed nearly 30 years ago
to ftll requests for copies of sermons.
booklets, and other materials. One of
the most recent letters that came to
me from a teen-ager commented :
"I om 16 years old, and, to t.ell
the truth, I never cared much for
you or your teaching. My mother re-
ceives your sermons, and· I could
never understand how she could read
tboee. I had a weak faith and never
really believed in God, even after
eight years in a Lutheran acbool.
"But one day my mother insisted
that I read one of your sermons.
After reading it, l found out that
I had made a grave mistake. It led
me to the New Testament. Now, I
regularly attend church and take the
Holy Sacrament .. Now I look forward
to the day when your sermons come.''
We hear complaints that boys and
girls are straying from the church
because they say the church is not
"relevant" to the great problems of
our day. The people who feel this
way might stop talking about it and
get busy to try to make it "relevant"
on their terms.
I believe In young people-they
are much better informed than ever
before. They have matured intellec-
tually, so they can handle a lot more
information than my generation did
as teen-agers. The new c rop of young-
sters is pretty well up on national
and world events and seems to think
a lot about the problems of the day.
A group of adolescen~ in Ann
Arbor. Mich., for instance , are doing
a wonderful job. They have organized
what they call the "Gillnet Gang,"
after the fishermen's net used by St.
Peter. With the slogan "guerrillas for
good," theae teen-agers secretly tilt.er
through the streets at night, paint-
ing over obscene words scrawled on
public structures and performing
other public-spirited deeds.
0... •iwht they boarded up a dan-
gerous condemned house to keep chi 1-
dren out of it. Quietly, they planted
Clowers in a downtown area while
adults wrangled about who was re-
sponsible for the task.
The most interesting thing about
this unique activity is that the young-
sters are performing their good
worb anonymously. They don't &eek
or want personal credit, and they are
teaching their elders a lesson.
Thia i8 not an isolated situation.
I encountered another group at
Champlain College, a two-year busi-
nesa school in Burlington, Vt. About
1,000 young people attended a con-
vocation at which I spoke. They were
respectful, quiet, and alert. Not a
banner was waved nor an epithet
shouted. After the meeting, I at-
tended a student-faculty reception
where I bad an interesting chat with
one of the student leaders.
"I don't see any long-hairs or far-
outs around here," 1 observed.
"Ob," he replied. "that stuff i1'
scorned around here. We all want to
get somewhere. We believe our coun-
try often opp(>rtunity, and we mean
to make the most of it. We weren't
sent here by our parents. We came
because we wanted to make some-
thing of our lives."
I believe In young peopl~such as
that boy. He struck a solid note when
he said be was in college because he
wanted to be there. Many of our
young people, particularly those in
revolt. have had to contend with their
nagging, overambitious parents, who
wanted them to go to colleges such
as Harvard, to make top grades, to
be the most popular in school. to
excel in athletics, and so on. How
can young people survive under such
oressure? Isn't that one reason we
have so many dropouts?
The parents who pressure and nag
probably are less interested in their
children than in their own egos and
pride. Instead of letting young peo-
ple develop normally accordjng to
their own interests and what seems
best for them, they want to plunge
them into competition.
It gave me some satisfaction to·
help one boy who was being driven
to distraction by an overambitious
mother. He bad been kicked out of
several echools and was the low man
wherever he went. When things
reached what seemed to be a hopeless
impasse for him, I asked the head-
master at a fine preparatory school
to accept the boy.
"I will take him only if you'll make
me a promise-that for the four
years he is here his mother never
visits him on the campus," the head-
master etip~. "If I un jMt eep-
arate this boy from his mother, we
cat}> make something out of him.''
The mother accepted the judgment
that the boy had been too closely su-
pervised and subjected to too much
parental pressure. Four years later
he was graduated and is doing well
at Boston Univenity.
I believe in yo\Jng people-with
parents such as the father I encoun-
tered in a Fifth Avenue bus in New
a s a at t __ g : ...... a Family~/Apt'il 6, 1969
This "Mp" aervice waa lteld at Old South Clrnrch i?l B oatcm by o di1rinit11 atu-
<lent who belif!ved Christian concept• must be tramla.ted into te61t-age idiom.
York. The man boarded the bus with
his 12-year-old son. who was sup-
posed to have dropped their 40 cents
in fares into the coin box. After they
sat down by me. the boy confided to
his father, "The driver didn't notice
me so I didn't put in our fare.''
"What's great about that'! My son
is a thief," the father responded_
"lut how is the bus company ever
going to miss 40 ce:nts ?"
The father replied : "When you
got on this bus, you were buying a
ride. You were supposed to pay for
it. If everyone did the same, they
would go out of business."
And then the father told him :
"Wbat I want you to do now-and
if you don't, I'll whack you until you
can't sit down-is to get right up
there and tell the driver you tried to
cheat him. Tell him you are sorry
and then pay the 40 cents."
The boy sheepishly did a.a he was
told. When the f athe:r and son left
the bus, I could not resist the lmpalse
to follo.w them.
"I'm glad to see there is at least
one absolutely ecrupulously honest
American left." I told the father.
"Well/' he answered. '"when I wu
a boy, my father set ~n example ot
honesty for me. I don't think I can
do any less for my children!'
The young people I believe in have
a chance, when they become parenUJ,
to raise their children in a way that
wiJl revive the meaning of the Scrip-
tures. I elaborated on this in a re-
cent sermon by making the point that
youngsters who are not disciplined
by their parents today may have to
be disciplined-and severely-by so-
ciety later. Children really want to
be disciplined-when there is love.
It frees them from the necessity of
making some decisions.
I remember when our son J ohn
was caught in a dilemma 88 a teen-
ager. In desperation he ftn.aUy turned
to his mother and said, "All right,
why don't you teU me what you want
me to do? I don't knou1. You tell me,
and I'll do it. You make the deci-
siQll." She did, and he followed her
recommendation, relieved from mak-
ing a difficult decision.
I believe in young people-when 1
encounter a boy such as the one I
met on a college eampua I whtited to
make a speech. He picked me up at
the airport ·and drove me to the
achool. On the way be said that break-
fast would be available.
"Jf you will come down to the din-
ing hall," he s uggested, "the cook
will make your breakfut."
I followed his instructions and
soon a waiter appeared in the person
of my chauffeur. On bis recommenda-
tion I ordered eggs and sauaarea.
which were so good I asked him to
compliment the cook. He invited me
to the kitchen t-<' exprees my thanks
in person. After we went through the
big swinging doors, the boy turned
and bowed and said, "Meet the cook."
Then I went to the chapel where
I was to speak. The choir, which was
behind me, waa excellent. There was
one voice in particular that stood out.
When I turned to see to whom it be-
longed, there stood the chauffeur-
After the service. u we were re-
turning to the airport, the boy told
me that he had been a flop until his
father lost all his money.
"We had everything we wanted,"
he related. "Then my father called
us in one day and said that diBUter
bad struck, and there wu just barely
enough money to scrape by on until
he could get going again. He told me
that he didn't suppose I would be
going to college now that he could
not pay my way.
"That made me so angry that I
vowed I'd go to college, no matter
what. And here I am. The day my
father lost his money was one of the
greatest days of my life."
Flnondal criM• such as this need
not necessarily be required to moti-
vate a young person, but in this boy's
case it worked wonders.
Whether you have too much or too
little wealth is not really the impor-
tant thing: it is whether you are
rich or poor in resources-and how
you handle them that matters.
In expressing my belief in the
young, I try not to preach at them
or talk down t9"' them. This is the
greatest era in history for talking
t<r young people. They have been
talked down to and talked down at
for so long that it is surprising that
more o! them have not lost both aelf-
conftdence and self-respect.
We have to do more than tell them
how great we thjnk they are. We
must 1l1ow them, too. ..
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How You Can Mend
ovthor of ''TM Uf. _. o.otii lndftcts"
as told to Jeanne Toomey a Broken Heart
"J CAN'T live without him,"
says the anguished girL
"My heart is broken."
Her fiance bad broken their en-
gagement, and abe is hurt and lonely.
Of coune; she can live without him:
her heart is broken only in a poetical
sense. IY et the most clinically minded
doctor would agree the girl baa an
anguishing burden-one which al-
ready hu seriously disturbed her
emotionally and quite pouibly could
bring on true physical ailments.
We can't cure a broken heart. But
we can arrest it and overcome ita
pain. We can learn to love again, too.
Through the ages, men and women
have rediscovered happiness after a
broken love affair. Those who haven't
-well, the consequences have been as
tragic as Romeo and Juliet's. Here's
what you must do--quickly-il you
sutler a "broken heart":
1) Give way to your emotion.
The strong, stoical l08er in love is
more apt to have serious trouble later
if he or she suffers only inside with-
out the catharsia of some tears.
Several years ago, a well-known
profesaional woman suffered a severe
personal lou. Ber f rienda admired
her for the "chin-up" way she took
the disappointment, never giving in
to the turmoil inside her. One night,
though, she took her life.
2) Make the decision to put the
losa betrincl you.
Decisive action is a relief in itself.
The girl who goea to Europe after a
shattered romance; the man who
plunges him.self in his career after
being jilted-these are mature indi-
viduals who know they can not cling
to the past and live happily. They
have diverted their thoughts and
emotions into areu they find chal-
lenging. Time. remember, is on the
side of the loser. But the loser must
give time a chance-and a good way
is to act to blot out the pa.st.
3) If neceumy, betlln llfe anew.
A man I knew lost the wife he
loved through death and was almost
suicidal with grief. He finally left his
job as an advertising executive and
the city which reminded him of his
dead wife and became a boat-yard
owner in a Florida community. The
outdoor Hf e which be bad always
loved proved therapeutic. He bu not
found another love interest yet., but
bis h.eart appears to be mending by
exposure to his outdoor life.
4) Accept the help of old friends.
Friends can subtly cheer up the
heartbroken and lead him or her to
accept the inevitable. A good friend
also may be able to lead the crest-
f alien one into a new social life or
at least help him ftll the lonely hours.
S)Make new friends.
Join clubs, attend parties and din-
ners, accept invitations to meet new
people. The broader you make your
horizons the leaa important the lim-
ited horizons of the past become.
You'll find many old friends eager
to introduce you to new faces. But
some of the initiative must come
from you.
6) Help others.
Nothing is more therapeutic than
helping persons who have even great-
er woes than you-and, believe me,
there are millions. Mn. Joeeph P.
Kennedy, mother of two murdered
sons and who has autf ered other per-
sonal l<>Mea, is an example of a woman
who found in relilioD ud charity
the strength to continue to lm pro-
ductively and without rancor.
7) Conslller a new 11•1 111
Time-if you help it-may heal
your wound. You may be aurpriled
to find not even a scar is left. In your
excunion into new careen, social
life, and charity work, don't diamiaa
the idea you will never find a sub-
stitute for the "one and only,. who
got away. Life isn't that unjuat. We
all know of devoted husbands and
wives who, after 1oelng their beloved
inates in death, eventually remarried
and found another rewarding rela-
tionship. Thia is the natural way.
If you follow these modest auggea.-
tiona, you will mend yourself. But if
your depression continues to deepen
and you are unable to cope with it,
don't delay. Seek profesaionaJ help
for that broken heart. •
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Skoal is good, honest
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Justa pinch between
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It sure beats smoking!
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coald lie l!!· The real you.
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f eeliogs. Flipping the switch
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rock with the new ones. This
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How? With Conn's exclusive
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not only shows you the
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automatically. "Show-Chord" is
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See them all at your Conn Organ
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Conn's new Electronic Pipes.
They may be in your future
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of a whole new world wailing
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The Darigerous
World of
Mickey Lalich
Detroit's World Series hero lives a wild life
of speed and thrills, a life that has earned
him the nickname, "Magnificent Screwball"
"SOMETIMm I think he's. out
of his mind, that he's a
madman trying to kill him-
self," says Detroit Tigers
manater Mayo Smith.
Mayo waa ref erring to his prize
Je~bander, World Series hero Mick-
ey Lolfch, an off-the-diamond thrilJ-
seeker wboae exploits include skin
diving. spear fishing, piloting heli-
copters, big-game hunting with bow
and arrow, and, of course, his noted
"A lot of people are calling me
a screwball and things like that,"
Mickey says. (Since hls three series
victories clinched the world cbRm-
pionship for Detroit, many of his
teammates now call him "The Mag-
nificent ScrewbaJJ.") "I really don't
think I'm a nut. Sure, I like to have
fun, but when I step out betvleen
those foul lines, rm all buainesa."
ly his own admission, Mickey is
an improbable hero. At 28, be is
slightly pot-bellied. Stocky, with a
rather prominent noee, he look.ti more
like a fight manager than one of
baseball's best pitchers. And while
his teammat.e Denny McLain got the
lion's share of the publicity as a kook
last year, the Tiger players insist
that Mickey is the real wild one.
Mickey, however, refuses to admit
that he lives a dangerous private life.
But the fact that he is a left-handed
pitCher is proof that he does. When
he was a child, Mickey was whizzing
along on his tricycle ("I was go-
ing pretty fast even then'') when he
ran into a parked motorcycle, which
promptly fell on him, breaking his
right collarbone. "I had to learn to
do everything lefty," Mickey recalls.
"So I started throwing bricks at
walls. Pretty soon I could throw bet-
ter lefty than I could righty. I still
bat right-handed, but some people
say I think upside down."
Mickey's love of speed, especially
motorcycles, forced Mayo Smith to
ask him to cut out riding them for
fear of injury la.st year. Lolich ftatly
refused. He still drives to work at
Tiger Stadium every day from his
home in Wuhington, Mich., some 30
miles, on one of bis seven bikes. "Ac-
tually, I'm afraid of motorcycles,"
Mickey says."( wear a helmet, boots,
and gloves."
Almost everything Mickey does
has a wild angle to it. When he and
his wife Joyce decided to buy a home,
Mickey demanded to reconnoiter the
area first by plane. What resulted,
is a beautiful house built into the
side of a mountain in a densely
wooded area.
While he does recogni~ that there
is some element of risk in many of
his favorite pastimes--hunting bean
with bow and arrow, for examp1e-
he insists that the most dangerous
• thing he does is pitch.
"You have to remember that when
a man can throw a baseball upwards
of 90 mph, a stronf batter can make
good contact and send it back at him
at better than 150 mph. I'm not gun-
shy, but I don't like the odds some-
times. Consequently I like to throw
a lot of curves, change-ups, and slow
stuff. That way the fast stuff is more
effective, cuts down the risks."
With that attitude, it is no sur-
prise that Mickey is dead against the
proposed rules designed to promote
better hitting in the big lea~es.
"It's no more than union busting,"
he claims. "1 began working as a
pitcher when I waa 10. That's 18
years trying to perfect myself. That's
what a pitcher bas to do. Now it's
time for the hitters to do the same.
"You watch them in batting prac-
tice and they're playiag games, try-
ing to hit everything out of the park.
We worked at our job, now let them
work at theirs. Besides, I don't want
to eee some guy wb6 never played
baseball making changes affectinc
the game. The playen should make
the changes."
Mickey's life baa changed substan-
tially aince bis tremendoua. World
Series performance last year. "Well.
right off, I won the MVP car. I al-
ways waa overshadowed by someone
elae on the Tigers, Al Kaline or
Denny McLain, but I won the car."
Although he never held an off-sea-
aon job, Mickey found himaelf del-
uged with offers tbia paat winter.
"I appeared with a musical combo in
Vegaa for a while, and then I went
on the rubber.ehicken circuit (slang
for banqueta)."
Mickey dcainu that the best re-
ward given to him came from his
Detroit Air National Guatd unit (he
holds the rank of sergeant). "The
commander exempted me from KP
for a year. Winning the Hickok Belt
was great, but that was sensational."
Mickey says proudly.
Lolich's love of things mechanical
has led him on many different roads.
At one time or another, Mickey was
a snowmobile enthusiast, slot car
racer, and space buff. He actually
took time otf this winter to visit
Cape Kennedy for the Apollo moon
shot. According to a teammate,
Mickey spends a lot of time at the
Cape during spring training. "The
guy just loves~. and rocketa rep-
resent the most speed to him."
Only once has Michael Stephan Lo-
lich ever chickened out of any thrill
sport. Joyce tried to talk him into
sky diving a couple of years ago, con-
vincing Mickey that it provided the
ultimate in tbrilla. Mickey waa ready
to a hell out the f100 for parachutes,
jump boots, and other equipment
when be had second thourhta.
"I remember taming to Ioyce,"
Mickey recalla, "and saying, 'What
do you think I ~ruy?' " •
W-llle·Track Le
LeMans certainly doesn't look llke the kind of
car you normally associate with budgets and
penny-pinching and all that. It looks like some-
one splurged.
Someone did. Pontiac. And not just on the
styling. LeMans Is as great to drive as it is to
look at. Thanks to a rather special way of moving
called Wide-Tracking. And a rather special piece
of machinery called America's strongest Over-
head Cam Six. There's also a pair of available
That~ a Break Away.
V-8's in case you want to do a little splurging of
your own.
So if you're bargain hunting, don't pass up
LeMans just because it looks too rich for your
blood. It isn't. That's the real beauty of it.
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You speell 1-dearly. You dare not toogue and dMMlk mU9Cles that ache.
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Ftxooswr'a e1 .. tic membnoe al>-See your dentist replarty. ~t ..,._
90f'be the shock ol bi tins and dwwini cial Fr ][ODE NT • l .u druc counten..
Teen Style
ONI:: GOOD WAY to keep.your teen from
straying ~ to help him or her set
up comfortable, good-looking sleep
quarters. IdeaUy, the room should also
be designed. for studying, snacking, and
Genuine rope,
eagle motifs. and
s hip art set the
na:utical' sceu
in Ports O'Call,
the B<Ui.c-Witz
suite in oa.k or
painted fimahea .
D eBk lid revn-aes
to a blarkboard.
10 Famil11 WHkiw,'April 8, 1989
Here are a trio of bedroom suites,
fashioned for today's more sophisti-
cated teens, in motifs nautical for him,
Bavarian for her, plus a modern furni-
ture grouping that could be for either,
depending on accessories. •
Does evef"'ll girl's
bedroom have to
be white FreJt.Ch
Provincial? W h71
not Ba&Bett' s
Chalet 1<uite, f ea-
turi"g pea.1axt
floral design
axd eatty-care
lamiMte top8?
A room to dreatn
i": tke mod.ern
grouping, de-
signed by T erence
Conran f<>r
Kroehler, co-1m-
ttt-1K»1d.a fiM-k
oak against white
laminate. Walls,
s-pread, and win-
dnw-sl1ade appli-
ques of Wave-rly
f abrir; phono-
graph and sewing
machine, S inner.
to boost our volume to 80 million pictures this year
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Here·a great mooey ... rioa news for KODAK KODAK atandarda under the direct super-
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193-4, when BALL PHOTO started, wasn't a
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Id Pocket-Siu. Only A
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Jaquet. Wash your face
again with the moistened
pads and watc"h Kleer-Tone
draw hidden grime like
Powerful cleansing
agents, mild emollients
and vitamins deep-clean, tone, refine
skin tex ture, eliminate blackheads.
Perfect for every skin. 8-oz. just $5.00
at fine stores. If not available, write to:
3 West 57th Street,. New York 10019
The Pie~
of f>eaeh
• Prailleworthy eoncoctiom are euy to
put together if t"anned eling-peaebee are
on the ingredieat lists. The lavor, tex~
lure. and color of peaebea do wonden in
blending-harmonioualy with · praclieally
all foods. Be imaginative in uaing lhia
&uccalent canned fruit and enjoy it often.
Peaches in Pasta Casserole
7 os. elbow •acarom. cooked
u dinded oo pkg. aDcl draiHd
'h fllP batter or margariae
~ cup regular all-purpose lour
3 teaapoona dry mutant
~ teaspoon salt
I fUP milk
~ lb. sharp Cheddar cheese,
Stewed to•atoes (l-lb. caa).
cut in piette
6 to 8 t Yz ia.. thick green
peppe.r rings. cooked in boil-
in« water 5 mia .. and drai1'ed
1 can (t lb. 13 os.) cling
peach halns. drained
Grated l'armeaan-Romano cllHM
). Heat butter or margarine in a large
saucepan. Blend in ftour, mu stard, and
salt. Heat until bubbly.
2. Graduall y add milk, stirring until
smooth. Bring to boiling; stir and cook
1 to 2 min. Add Cheddar cheese and heat,
dtirring until melted. Mix in the 2 cups
stewed tomatoes and drained macaroni.
3. Turn mixture into a greased shallow
21h-qt. baking dish. Press pepper rings
into mixture and top each with a peach
half, rounded side up. Sprinkle gener-
ously with Parmesan-Romano cheese.
4. Set in a 350°F. oven until sauce is
bubbly, about 25 min. 6 to 8 BeT11inga
Peachy Rich Breakfast Slices
t can (1 lb. 13 os.) clinr
puch 1licet1, dnined
3 cupa biKuit mix. pr~pared
as directed Oii pk«. for
biscuit dough
t cap flour or biscuit mix
J cup li1htly packed dark
% cap butter or •argarine
6 egcyolb
3 tableapoou vanulated sagar
6 tablespoons nn•
t. Spread biscuit dough evenly over bot-
tom and slightly up sides of a lightly
greased 151hx10'hxl-in. jelly-roll pan.
12 Famil11 Wuklr, April'· IH9
Pretty-aa~pfrtwre Peaches in Pcuta Cu-
serole ia aerved with lettuce au h.ot rolls.
2. With a fork, mix ftour or biscuit mix
with brown sugar and cut in butter or
margarine. Spoon evenly over dough in
pan. Arrange peach slices in rows over
crumb mixture.
3. Bake at 376°F . about 20 min. or until
lightly browned around edge. Beat to-
gether the egg yolks, granulated sugar,
and cream. Pour evenly over peache.s and
continue baking about 10 min. or until
custard is set.
4. Serve warm, cut into s lices.
About t.4 slices
Note: To serve as dessert, increase size
of slices; spoon on whipped dessert top-
ping or thawed frozen whipped topping.
Peach-Lime Sherbet
can (1lb.13 oa.) cling
peach lllit'H
1 Y2 \.o Z cups llUl'ar
l Y, teaspoons grated lime peel
~ e~p lime juice
1 qt. milk
Green food coloring (about'
t cup chopped salted almonds or
I. Using an electric blender as manufac-
turer directs, chop peaches in syrup.
2. Mix sugar, lime peel and juice. Add
milk gradually, stirring until sugar is
dissolved. Blend in the desired amount of
food coloring. Mix in peaches.
3. Fill refrigerator trays with mixture
a nd set in freezer, stirring occasionally
until partially frozen.
4. Press nuts onto surface. Freeze until
firm. About % qta. 11herbet
Peach Cooler
Using an electric blender as manufac-
t urer directs) puree contents of I can
(1 lb. 13 oz.) cling peach halvee or slices.
chilled, with 1 tablespoon vanilla extract.
For number of servings desired, fill
glasses with ice. Blend equal parts peach
puree and chilled lemon-lime carbonated
beverage on ly until mixed. Pour over ice
in glasM?s. Allowing one quarter of a
fresh li•e per serving, squeeze lime quar-
ter over ice and drop it in.
Abo¥t I qt1. be11ereg~
HANO~ Dept. Z-541, Hwonr, Pew. 17lll
CITY Sc.ate
Quall. llem # Name of Item Prklc&da ToUll"rice
......... n, ...... ,...1101 i,tilll " ,.. catallp .•
.._ ....... --..............
PROMPT • r.u. ...... ti-AIM '" State Sales Tu•
~ ..... &~AIMn,fw-ielm; DELIVERY 18' udl aMt11111 itlll. •
llLL HT A IAlll 11.n. HIPET If FUWHS
Why be "bugedr' Now
you e.n enjoy outdoor liv-
lnc free from pesty mos.-
:tultos. tnats. fties. moth& etc. So usy to use -just situs it int Special ''bWe liatrt'' bulb.ttnlct51nsects,
kills and dlsintetratH
them on contact with the
electronic Wire trill. Won't
poison the air with sprays,
chemleala and fumes. 7\4•
Bua Killer comes with
hootl,cord, ~ua. For use
lndoe>B and outdoors.
EJecbCN .. Bue Killer
No digina or seedinc. Just unroll and water the weed-
rmlstant masiC carpet for a priz.e-winnlnc flower garden. p,..
seeded with over 1000 seeds. 16 varieties bloom continu-
ously. T ... Cut f1cMet' Carpet lnciudes snapdr:acons. stock.
zinnia, cosmos, other annuals. low Border Carpet includes
apratum, candytuft. petunia, phlox etc. Each Carpet ... $1 o •m1-r11 ,.._ Ass't.; o 111211-uw ..,..., w't. 0 41442H . . . . . $1.71
"~toe" emmvnlllw rids home of
.i1 flylnc or CtaWtinc inMCta at Uttle
expense. Penetiates Wfll('J ctaek and
crevice whet9 ordinary insecticides
just ~·t .-chi Bue-killer is harmtess
to pm, fumishincs. PM:k of 3 vapor·
izers does an entire house.
0 71141 ... S.,.·Y.,...., (llllCl.$1.M
UllE PEAllCi PUtlH
A matnlficent waH decoratlon made of
hammered ~ metal, its feether1ike
ptumap burnished with hlaf'tllahts of
aoldl The ultimate in eMpnce when
used over a SOfa, m.ntel, or buffet.
Each peacock is 20xl4'"' Set of 2 will
dramatize an entire toOWlt
0 IM31 ••. PNc:ock Pl..-S.t $4.te
Just..., tt*'I Md wMdl them ll"CJWI [11911~ ii In the 6 JI 4" ldt of silt
pats of tttkWV 111 lled ll"Owinc mill·
tutlt. They wtH pn;duce lient peNiea
In 811 the luldolis colon thllt brilht9f1
your pntan and window .....
0 ..... , ....... Ptlm!l-M ... '1
11 ... lllUTllHL AITEllA
fer Al T¥1 INFa Al.fl ....
Skyprobe pulls in lharp picture and
clear sound from wery direction up to 75-mile f'8dius without need for
rotatint antenna syst9ml 18" for roof
or window • .,,.....,.,,bled with 2 leeds
for TV and rMio. Haniwar. Included. o' 80457 ••• ~ ..... s12.te
NFFllEll, EYE WllllLH l
New N<)..PUFF mmpcnrlly benishes
~M~le llP sip around the eyes and
helps you look younfef' for that ape-
claJ ocusiont Just apply safe, creamy
lotion, let it dry. In minutes you look
your loveliest1 l ..oz. squeeze bottie.
0 38111 .•• No lluft $2.50
llllLEll llASI TllMIEI
Giws your lawn a .,....trimmed loot.-
no need for eJttMsion cord or outMtsl
Rotary b&adel trim spats the !Mm
mower can't reech, _. ~nd flower
beds. walls. tr.es. ...... rock pr,
-.. Takes 4 standanl ''D'' bett9f'ies
(not induded). Plastic CAIM, 10\4" '°"I·
{J 1512AM ... Tztmnrr_ ....
STEll IEI IPllll llPNln
Get rid Oii bed sllts that shift around
caus1nc bed sprinp to aqueati. ..._
and -cotlapul Sturdy ... bradt· et5 slip OWW' wood or mebl rails, sup-
port box IPrincs or coiled sprinp (up
to 1000 lbs.). Set of 6.
0 80176 ........... s.t .. $3.te
0 801M ••. llilllUI Rall s.t .. $3.M
ClllECT 1111111 PAllLHSL Y
""'91C1U ....... Bunion Niflht Bllndap
apptles firm, yet aentte ieve,.... on bit
toa-rnaai. tradual C00'9Ction without
SUl'f9'Y. You don't .... a thlnct Specify
shoe size; whether for man or woman;
left or rilht toot. Washable, ~.
0 373250 . . . . . . . . . 8uftion.&M
Pair $11; MCll $5.95
More c:onwt lient than needle I. thread for quick. emeraency _,,. tabt
Just ~ and auide to bate or
hem prments, slipcovers, d,.pes, etc ..
ewn MW on buttons! Built·in thread
cutter. lndudes needle (repl.cubte).
uses sPo04 threed. With instructions.
Q..lllU_. ......... utdler.$1.tl
11· Ylll·IWI HAii IHAPEI
S.V. money ea you eet pnJfessional·
look.ii• re1Ultsl At home you an cut
and shape hair for the family. Neat
trims for men; salon stytina for the women! Chromed shaper with 2 blades.
Replacement blades, 5 to a pack.
O 11113 ••• 8artw HW Shaper $1.te
0 11121 .................. "'$1
Food Choppef' hues counter wfth power·
ful ~ pip. )'et won't mar surface!
You haw a free hand to &rind meat,
u ... tables. c:oftee. nuts. leftovers. 2
metal dlsca for coarse or fine &rind.
Combines inaredlents tor meatloaf etc.
EAiy-ciean poly. Compec;t, 6W' hllfl.
0 403450 ... Food Chopper .. $3.te
MRS. .JAIUS ll WALLACE 33 TJiomH 8t....t
Old Brldp, K .l 00807 _ .........
I ... UlllS-1 ... HES-II
Gummed name and address labets ant
handy Identifiers.for pa~s. stationery,
envelops, checks, records, books,
photos, sports WMr. 1000 labets"in,..
usable _t.a: case. Specify ~lne name. zip code.
0 422420 ... 1000 White a... $1
0 740700 ... 500 Gald a.--. $2
WNt A.Rota ...,.._,. If week ..... cause ~ to waltl at an off-bllence that ~ ._.. They 1M you
be&ance and firm support; can ~
from one pair Oii sl'Oe9 to another .
C (Children's); W (Womlll's); M (II*'~
0 Mlllta ..... t..ller, ,.. ........
(SmaH) (Medium) Cl.Miit)
Shoe Size Shoe Size Shoe -sa. C ..• MIU (7.e); ... (1•12); ... (1W)
........ (4-t); ..., (1.f); .. , 19-12)
II ....... fW); ..a (1-1): ._, &1-11)
A few minutes a day with Ex«·Row9r
will help you -the benefit of a rhythmic ''fltnesa.prosram" WOftc-outt
Ulf!twelflht compact Exer·ROWW pro.
vtdes thlth • .., •nd ebdominal ..,.
else similar to expensiw rowtnc m.
chines. Usad by men and women.
0 6"36 ... [Qr...., . . . . SJ.•
fll IEllWlll
llWAITEI NAii Now, privet.ly, you
can remove un·
want.d hair from
your face or body.
E:lectrolysis ~
1lvea a pallfleas
treatment that
would cost as
much H $20 per hour ift a salon! Ho
electric connection,
no pkc·in. no wi,... u... Mfe tranlistot
standard bettaries.
~ .. $6.M
Ju.t place these wicks In atr.tecic
spot.a and unwam.d pets will .IUy
May from your l•n and ahn.iba. Use
indoots, too, to pte119nt da"'-19 to
furniture. Harmless to pets and hu·
m.na, they repel animals with a chem·
leal. Not aff9cted by rain. 20 wicks.
0 J844811..-.,..-., ........ $1
Inst.ant fi~r-tip convenience for
pow9I' and eictenaion conkl U.. on lamps, equipment. apptlencea ...,,
hard-to-rNCh oft-on sw~; or toots
and equipmMt without a ..itch. ""' switch in wall outlet. plUf In cotdl 15
amp. 125-V /IC.
L) .,,., _ • ....5llliecb c.ontrol . ,9k
·~~~----------------------------~---------~---------------~~~~----·1111 AMAZING $1 OFFER . .
Brazil's ~ Exotic
(Crphomlind,. Betacee)
Grows Huie Han1in1 Clusters of Succulent, Red Tree
Tomatoes Bome In Successive Waves Month After Month
• Grows As A Tree -Outdoors!
• Grows With Tropic hse -
• Foot-long' Exotic -Shaped leaves
Add Unique Decor to House · ·
• Produces Fruit Up to 10 Years
• Beus a Colorful Arny of
Flowers from Spring to Fall,
Followed by Hundreds of
Plump, Juicy Red Tomatoes
available anywhere in the U.S.A.!
And in a newly-developed su~r-hybrid
v.uiety that harvests up to -40 lbs. (hundreds
of tomatoes) yearly -thousands of toma-
toes up to 10 years -FROM ONE TOMA-
An astonishing South ·American tomato
fruiting tree that gives stunning blossoms
for months, blooms yearly even in th'e
North, grows as a tree outdoors and with
tropic ease indoors, now Is perfected and
made available by plant scientists anywhere
in Ameria.
What Happened In Half Moon Bay!
The growing fields of California's famous
•)lurseryman's Exchange are located in Half
Moon Bay and there the Danish American
Hybridi:cer, Jerry Jensen, married Brazil's
trtt tomato to the U.S.A.
South America's luscious tree romato was
discovered by Brazilian Indians; brought to
richest, fullest O~v9r and lushness by Portu-
guese missionaries; and hybridized to a
super-reilstant super-easy-to-grow variety by
Imagine stunning exotic-shaped leav~ up
to one foot long! Imagine the constant
changing show. First the lovely leaves -
then a shower of delicate, fragranr flowers
-and finally a beautiful array of juicy lus-
cio~ tomaroes.
And so prolific that u one crop ri~ns,
Mother Nature SffS to it that another Clop
is taking It's place, and this fruiting period
goes on for five months.
A hmily Delight
Show your children nature's mysterious
way of bringing a South American fruit·
bearing season right into your own home
and reversing the U.S. season. Surprise and
delight your friends. /
Enjoy delicious, mouth-watering salads,
freshest sauces. si>«ial jams and deserts -
all winter long. See huge hanging clusters
of succelent red and plump ;ind juicy tree
tomatoes in successive waves month after
Grow indoors. Pluck your dinner tomato
from the tree. Grow on rhe or patio in the
garden. Indoor~ or o utdoors, see a colorful
array of flowers from SprinR to Fall.
Each Tomato
Costs Tiny
Fraction of a Cent!
Accept our introductory
offer. Frankly we want
everyone who e njoys de-
licious fresh lomatoes and
gorgeous i>eauriful blooms
and blossoms lo enjoy this
super-hybrid Tree Tomato.
And we are shipping you
a full season's supply of
these ~upcr seeds for $1. But the
Tomato, 11p-to-now too rare .md difficult
lo obtain, b in demand. It's first come, first
served. Rush your order before midnighl
tonight as speci(ied below and receive .is a
FREE gih special recipe booklet, yours 10
keep FREE even if you return seeds on our
money b.ick guarantee.·
There are 30 different varieties o f tree
tomatoes in South America but only ore Is
the lu~t. most delicious and easil'St-to-
1row ol them all! And that one wu made
over after four years of hybridizing at Half
Moon Bay -workina with various universi-
ties -discarding·weaker, keeping stronger
strains -until the final su~r variety was
ready for you.
Who Put All Those Tomatoes In
Th.it ltty Bitty Seed
Imagine Ol)e seed does produce over Miii _ _..!"!
lbs. of tomatoes in one lifetime.
And lruil's super Tree Tomato Is so eas
to r1lse thlt 80'% of nom1ally-pl1nted seeds
11ke. So easy it will grow Inside 1nypS.ce
philodendron w ill growl So e1sy that out-
side In adu1I tests seeds thrown at Tandom
In plowed fields, it grl'W naturally with no ...
human care.
• Eich Sftdllna arows to 3 or .c ft. indoors
or up lo 8 ft. outdoors or you an stop the
growth of the tree at any helsht you wish
between 3 and a feet. It Is su~r dlseast-
IC 1969 by GrHnl•nd Studios, Inc.
Grttnbnd Studios
1097 Greenland Bldg., Miami, Fla. 33147
Please ship me a full SHson'1 supply ol Tree TOtN1to ~ I understand that if not completely satisfied with
growing progress, I may return within 90 days for a
prompt and complete refund.
Enclosed is check or m.o. for ----------5eason's supply of Trtt Tomato seeds @ S1.
(Please add 2Sc posta.ge ~r pkg.)
City State Zip __
0 SPlCIAl OffR-2 full-season supply of Tree Tomato
seeds for only $2. (We pay postage -you save SOc.)
. .
I hardly need
The m.iracaloaa pill
Nor 11.e wonder drag
Whea l am ill.
Wida my elalld devotedly
Playing a une,
I've got to feel better--
I eoaldn't feel wone!
-M.y RidUlone
A young man had just been gTaduated from college,
and his father brought him into his office aa a junior au-
ditor. But after working there a week, it took the other
employeea in the department another week to correct bis
mistakes. Then the son was summoned into bis father's
inner office, and the employees beard the old man bellow:
"After four years of college, you can't add, spell, or type.
Can you teD me one good thing college did for you!''
There was an uncomfortable silence, then the young
man piped up: "Well, it did cure Mother of bragging
about me!" -Ben Ca.uell
Hirtory i• a 1ttul.r of tlt.e mutaku of tM pa.at toh.iclt.
helped 11atiom to a.void ma.king tlB'1n a.gain in the Mme
toay. ' -Fra.tlklin P. JOMS
A man who played in a weekly poker g,.me with some
good friends had the exasperating hAbit of starting to
yawn when be had won a few hands and then announce
that be bad to go home and get some sleep. One night be
pulled it.again. After winning bis third big pot in a row,
be started yawning widely and inquired: "What time is
it now?"
The fellow player cut an appraising eye on the pile of
chips in front of the winner. "At a rough guess," he re-
marked sarcastically, "I'd say it's about $12.35 past your
bedtime!" -Dan Benn.ett
Whr u it tlaa.t if a ""'" dou 1onuth.i111g fool.Ult., pe~
1a.y, "/nr.'t he 1ill11?" But if a woma" doe1 1cmtetlt.ing
/oolult, people •aJI, "Aren't w01nen 1ill11?"
-Lucille J. Good'flear
"Wluna John ukl 11ou. wha.t 1cltool rou wmtt to, Da.dd11.
,,,-omite 'flOU wOt&'t aar, 'Tht School of Ho.rd KMclu.'"
• Jo'a.111ilM W-.klw, April I , llli H
YW..._ ................. ~ ... ... .,_.-re. m.,..,.... ,_ • .._ • ..-e
............... ,.. lun ... .-..i, ~ .., -"°'* p.. ,_ _,.. ,._ r111u DM'I
.. ,...,,,_ ............ 2-...........
to lull tilM .,...,_ o( ,_ _. ••• Ille,._ on ..... . ..... ,.... .. _ ...
~ ............. .......................
.... 1 "' ... u.drt-cal U..W. allMC« .. .
""' tMM lib ,.. .. .. ............... _ ........
MNOll9 llC» ru... -G.1.1111.l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
--mnmt ... 115111. 815 c.. lt--1.oa ~ 90009:
: ....... -!Iii FN:f IW:K. .,_ -.... I -: • -.n ..... _.. "'(Jecttbl ~ --lielO.: : . :--: . : :,,.._·~~~~~~~~~-· • • • CltJ • • • :... : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
'odor on
..................... ..,.,...
Fades those Horrid
-famous cream
skin faults
Those ugly brown surface
spots• areverystubborn. Some
think even hopeless. No ordi-
nary cream will remove them.
But Esoterica doee-for thou-
sands! Because t.hoae spota of
pigment are in the surf8Ct'
skin, and Eaot.erica has a med·
for stubborn
3 month.
7 oz. Economy
ication to penetrate, to reach, to break up those spot.a. Within a
week, you should 11ee thoee spot8 begin to fade. Then, Happy
Day! Steadily, your handa become clear, smooth, young-looking
For the aame reason, Eaoterica has been used by millions for
skin faults that defy ordinary skin care -to make dull, muddy
akin look deer ... to rout blackheads and surface pimpl~ ... to
reduce ooarae pores ... to lighten dark, neglected neck or dingy
drab, lileleu skin ... even to dim fine lines.
Eaoterica -the one best answer to problem akin. From the
truatwortby 55-year-old Mitchum laboratories. Satisfaction
guaranteed or return the unueed portion to store for refund.
At your favorite drug and toiletry counter .
KLUTCH holda ...... tl .. 11w KLUTCB ..._a ..._.~._.. ........... .-a ... _.__. ... ,_ __ _. ... ~ ---
amlailt md ~-~-·-.. ••II u 1ritla -•ral teedl. K.hit.ela ._. die ........ ., • ~· .................. u,... . r•t -...·t Ilia" Xl•t;cla1 •-'*.,.. ~-.......... _ _._1.,, --.w -11,_ ....... trial ....
ILl'fCll Cl., .. -u.lrl, .. ,. 14112
1~11 Y• Dn• By lail
Frem F•ilJ lnkf y •••
NOW! Rid your home of mice completely with d -CON•
McMIH·f'nlfe, the amazln1
mousa klMer that's-
llOST uncTIYl •.. hH twice as much mouae·kltlin1
inpedient aa other ._dlnl
brandS. It'• en lntredMnt • recommended by the U.S.
CUANUT AMO USIU T ... Plu1ot all-I'll to four _., for dflift<J. just pull teb-blllt faed• au-
Tllf .tt -pl-.1 "1 ,.ulll• c:om.,M~. tomatic:ally.
Tiit ltflftS Md c:opy llt'f dwc&fd for rtU· _, SAFlST
11111111 117 r-111 Wft4ll1; *· If reu'w 1111 15-I When us.d ~i • .-stlelt lbou\ Nil ont.r, Jllrt ... itt: ~ju r ' difedad, safe ~. FM!ll, WM•,. 641 LaNlfloft 1 • ~~u:"~ ~!·m-·-· New Yon,, fll.Y. 10022. ..,...,., ,,_. --~-___;,, _____ ___. ~.-Nowon«Mrlt
PHOTO CREDITS IG··-: ou tsells all -_:.,others com
Co"'1 Malcolm ~"'· binad-.
Page 2: HAmef-kan Herlfa9e" moea· ~ llOUSE·PRDFE zine1 HIC; Wide World. U'llUft ;;.;;;;,;;· PIMOIMS
Pay Attention? A FAMILY AFFAIR At laat-a special deodorant for
you and /or yow clotlaa, too-even forsani•-~napltinaandforpanty-Aon_.,..., car wa ..._... .,_ ... , ~eatcaulc:M ........... _
Fldaednc, kmohleepanda t.ormmt.-
U.. ltch are ofteo telltale Ii.pa of Pm-Worms ... 111\1 parultea that
medical uperta •Y Infest 1 out of
every a peraonaeumined. Entire fam-iliea may be victlma and noc. know it.
hoee. It's QuuT-the special /e~ ...... .,,. dialw. F« ,.. nllif w
nine deodorant for a woman'• very =~ 0:, ':,:: ~ ~-:,:-~
special need.a. eM7 _.._ lllllll • O.WIU's OG f« (1) Qusn he I pa keep your L-&r __ u_._._Mclpt __ 90 __ , _..., ____ _.
wlto~ body odor-free. So safe it
can be uaed without irritating ...
even in the IDQlt intimate areM.
(2) Quur belP9 prewmt odor on
clothes as no ordinary deodorant
can-under bru. pmtty-hoee. eir-
dlea and on aaoitary nap kins.
Worb right where em~
odor lingen loQpatl
'n'y Quur toct.y. It'a the apecia1
deodorant for you and your clothes,
too. Quur Deodoranl
llDMY llllTATIOlt Common Kidney or Bladder Jrrlta-Uona make many men and women
'"' teiwe and rwrvoua from froequent. burning or Itching urlnaUon night
and day. Seeond&rUy, you an&f 1<* sleep and b&Yt Ht&dacht, ~e
and letl ol~ Ured., dellftlMd. Jn such cues, \;ISTEX U\l&llJ' brlnp
,.el&xlq com.lore. b)' curblna lrrltat.-ln& germs IJI .c:td 11rlne ancl quJdllJ' eulnir paiJI. Get CYST EX at druutsta.
To.ret rid ol Pm-W onna, they mUlt
be killed ln tbe la1l'I iot8tine where they lh.i and multiply. Tbat'seuetl.J
what Jayne'• P-W tablets do ... and
here'• bow the)' do it:
Pint-• 9deiatlftc c:oat.hlt earrlea the tablets lnto the bowel9 before
they cl1-olve. Then-Jayne'• mod· em, meclicall)' .. pproved luredlmt ~ ri1bt to work-ldU. Pm-~onna
(uickl7. euily. ~,,..., ~--'· Don't take cha.ne. with ~ oua, hJslily eoat.MiOU9 Pin-Worma wblc:h infect entire lamlliea. Get ,_
ulne Je.JM'• P-W Vemdf1111 .•• ....n, Ml)'-t.Hau tableca ••. l!l*ial ._ for ehild.Nn ud adult&
·~--------------......-. ------... ..._. ... _....._......_ -.. ....,._._
Do you have art talent worth developing?
Take our free test and see
If you hue ever wondered whether you bad an talent.
here ia your opportunity to find ouL The founders of
Ji'amoua Artiata School have put•together what many
artiata and educaton consider to be the moat revealing
cat of an ability ner dnilcd. It ia o&:red to you btt
of charge.
Dni9Md for people uncertain of their mblllty
The people who take this Art nleot "Jest att of all
ages and ocxupationa. Moat of them have little or no
previous an training. By professional standards, their
drawings may be awk.wud and ama~urisb. But the
ones who J>OllCll the precious gift of an talent reveal
r --------------------------1
FMMM18 Artl8l8 School
Studio A-Gl7, W..aport. Coen. -
I -W Ille IO nnc1 out whether I have art talctat wonh
deYdoph11. Pleue tend -· wlth«lt obllptlon, yom
f-Anita 1\kat "lbl and ln'°'111a&ion abo9t YOUT
ZI~ AP~~~~~~-
0 Ckd h«ft If }'OU att ~llsfbk for c.1. am bclwtu.. A""°"" v.-rr 1hr -c.1. am.
~ bf t11e Acxrec1111na c.o...1.aon. N~ "-SCIMfr C.0-.Mil
L --------------------------~
thia talent in many waya. Through &imple little exc:r·
cila, they abow the inborn semc of design. the feeling
for composition, the ability to obeave, and the lively
imagination which are auch important ingndieots of
an talent.
The reliability of this dkthod of sattning, as well aa
the eltttiftllal of the training. baa been proven again
and ipin by the impreuive ruord of success of our
1tucknt1 and graduates.
They pHMd the tnt and went on
lo become 8UCceafut llttiata
When Anthony Fotia took the Art Taknt 'Jest, he was
a mail clerk, "atud." in a low-pay routine job. Today,
he'• an aiUat for an important printing 6rm, doing
exciting crntive won.. Kathleen Gironda went from
a salesgirl in a clepartJbent at.ore to a fashion illustrator
in the same stott. Viriginia Banter, a farmer's wife and
mother of three. now aella just about everything she
painu. T})CSC att just a few of the litttally hundreds
of "aucca.s atories" that our student.a and graduates
repon to us.
So if you love to .Utch OI' dabbk in paints-and
have often wondered if you "have what it takes" to
become a well-paid commercial ani&t or apare-time pro-
fessional pain~ -why not aeillC this opportunity to
find out? All you need ia a pencil and a half-hour of your
time. For aomeone with your special interest, it will be
one of the moat intriguing a.nd enjoyable half-houn
you nu apeoL
Whllt the Talent Test cover•
Tant, you will be shown tm pain of aimple designs and
ubd to pick the one in each pair that bas "a fttling
of rigblDCIS" about it. Then you will ttt twenty pain
of pictures, and ched which composition in each pair
is more pleasing. You'll be med to do original sketches
to demonstrate your imagination and powen of <>bier·
vation. And in aimilar waya, yo\11' feeling for mood,
form, movement. and ao oo will be teattd.
When you complete the test and mail it back. it will
be graded free by a mmiber of the School's staff. U you
receive a pasiiug grade (and we must warn you that
many don't), or can ofter aufficient evidence of an
talent, you will then be eligible-though not obligated
-to enroll. You may d\OOle whichever of our courses
is best suited to your goals.
CourHI offer personal inatructlon
These courses were especially deaigned for talented
people ~can't leave theirdamilics or jobs for art
training away from home. The 12 famous artists who
started the School over 19 years ago contributed all
their lifetime acaeta of an technique «>what they be·
line to be the &nest art lc:asons ever created. They tool
time out from their own busy careen and made thou·
aanda of apccial drawings to demonstrate each point.
Then they deviled a method of conauuctive criticism
that is as penonal as tutoring. Your instructor, who it
himaell required to be a pr.acticing professional artist,
spends up to aevaal houn on juat one of your &Wgn·
menta. He actually draws or paints his suggestions for
improvement, and then writea you a long, friendly
letter of specific advice and encouragement.
You will receive an interesting brochure about our
School and its revolutionary methods along with your
free An Talent Test. If you have ever dreamed of
success in art, and wondued if it were pouible, why
not mail the coupon at ldt for both the Talent lest
and the brochure right now?
1t6t $2588 S~RTI ROOP '"'° ... ....... ,. .... ..... Tu• LiaMe Oft ...... beflll Ct'Wlt
lndudlll ell ,,...,~ ateftdard ....,.....,..,,
Save $144 • G•l•xle. Pop ()ptl• S.le
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S•ve $101 on F•lrl.ne Np.Option S•I• e VINYL ROOP i Oval bclfll Mlmn • • cAR,..,., . I DlluK9..., ~ e TAI"• STRtl"I WSW TIRH
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Save $52 on Falcon Pop-Option S.le
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TOTAL 119UlllD
n Ford
HUNTINGTON IEACH SALIS_.,. ' ...... 11, ... ' .... RIWICI OPD ,..... ................. , ...
Me:.., ....... ',. ..
• I &:ilO II s
1:0011 c
Bent I
PuJ I!
7:15 fJ) !
7:3001 son I
-~ l:OOllC
1:15 @ (
1:25 IJ c -11
9:00!1 • f
n : a:
1: Fri.
9:3011 :
Ed I
IJI John
'J @ 1
10:15m 10:30§
6:00 IJ S..tlt s....-(C)
RM, Vincent Price and Gall F1lhlr
I FrM tM 1..W. Olt (C) .., ..,.,.
00 c.lleal Cnud lrtltille:
6:30 I ~ (C) Friday only. A 90-minute ceremonJ EdlatiM f.ldllltt (C) to open the construction of Baklf1-~:!i=a field Kern state Colle1e. An adcff'ISI
T __ .. ,_, Co will be riven by Governor Ronald -n...... ,,.., Rea1an.
7:00 1J CIS Main& ,._ (C) Joseph U ·OO 19 Cl) loft of Ult (C) Bentl, John Hart, Hu1hes Rudd. . , QI 00 m JtepardJ (C) 0 QI @ 8' 1'e TMtr Sllow (C) The Cali0pin1 Collt'Wtt (C)
Hufh Downs hosts. Giham Kerr I f.l•dtt Wltll &loril (C) Slltrtff JOl.n (C)
Mr. WlthboM (C) ao..,., Roo• (C)
Felix tilt Cat (C) Co•lltOdltJ R.,ort 11:15 0 Ntn (C) _Dou1 Dudley.
7:15 fE Stoa Mertiet 11:25 IJ fa Ci) C8S ,._ (C) Douata1
7:3001'e Momin& Sllow (C) Ed Ntl· Edwards.
son hosts 11:30 I Qt (j) Stardt fw y....,.. ('C)
TM flltltltH• (C) 7 Cullen hosts. I RttlstOa Futur• (C\ t1J 00 m E11 c-(C) Blil
Cu•bJ (C) U 1'• AlllliwtrmJ ea.. (C) Al Hamel hosts.
1!00 ~ 9 Cl) Captaill Kuprvo (C) Br .. ,. (C) Bob Doman Ind
With Bob Keeshan. Roy Elwell host
Mipty M (C) _........ on., I Abbott I Coltall c.rtMftl (C) Q) W9l1d .. ~ (C) M
ltodltt .:: Hood (C) :;:;;..,F~~ ~~ :. DH _,
1:15 @ (]) vldeO Direst (C) 11:45 0 Coekil& W1t11 Cefrll. (C) Wed.
1:25 D Co-••ltJ lu1Mti11 Board (C) only.
· m ,.,.,. ean.o.. <C> /I. F T r p N 0 0 r. 1:30 I Stin'"' (C)
Cu•bJ (C) (I) Webster Webfoot (C) 12:00 IJ leutiq• (C) Steve Dunne end
Whitney er1ke co·host.
9:00 fJ The LllCY Sltow (C) I tit (i) m lildcltn F.-(C) 0 liJ Ci) m It T-'lu Two (C) fie &mn
Vin Scully hosts. ~~&> lewttdled IJ Lene It to .... , (C) I
MOVW. See Daytime Movies. of tilt rr.idtnt
Jackie Joseph Is hostess. Cl) lJllkletttr Sllow (C)
I Diet TrlCJ Car1ooas (C) @ (]) JICt La Linne f.ltrdm 12:30 I. a Cl) Al tilt Wertcl T .. (C) · @oomo.,s of o.r u..
Rocly alld His Friends (C) BC Macdonald Carey stirs.
Cl) Andy &riffttll• An1 Clltdllf, Fltk "-hit Fri. • cm (]) m F•llJ ,.. SMtN All (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. t:lOlll fE =:'b~J: <C/c) !-:.-:~~Daytime Mewl-.
Ed McM1hon hosts. ti) Dillhl fw Dollr'I (C) D MGN: See Daytime McMu. fl) ra.£.1 Center
Johnny Grant hosts. •
I Mowit: SM Daytime Movies. 12:55 D (ffJ CJ)(!) Claildrff'a Dldlir, O.nla tilt .._.. ~) Tueiday·Thursday. 1..tndon H.
lea (C); Ed1IC8titul F..-.. Smith, M.D.
~es.~rlit.,d.•s ....,_11111 (C) 1:00 u~ ~ Is a Ma11J ....
10:00 I A'"'1 lriffitl9 I u (j) di Tiit Dldln (C) QI Cl) ID ,.,.....,lt.J (C) t.any Debit Ciiia
lyden welcomes Joan Font.Int, (W (])a> Dt'tHI Heat (C)
Godfrey Cambrld.. and Jo Anne Mike D1row hosts.
Worley who dlteuss th• Inner per· fB C:.MdttJ Ind S1tct R..-t
sonalities of Jerry Lewis. Carol Law· 1:301-(j)TM Cuidllll upt (C) renoe, Dan Rowen & Dick M1rtin, (j) ID AMtMr Wortll (C)
R1ymond St. Jacques and Zsl Zsl ltlltr ........
Gabor. ~ (J)E!) Ltl'a Mab a Dlllf m Trd If C.1111111nc:t1 (C) . MontY Hill hosts. t1J 00 S.111 TtdlJ (C) net S11ew (C) 10:15 m YlatlMat n. 2:00 I if Cl) s.cnt ._ <C> 10:30llif~~..:;;.-:e s:;.. Holt~~!!!:, T\r:. ~ (!)' ~~11'1Nll holta. Jadt CD-Ruta Ltt wMn he I"'* a a
sldy, Harwy Konnan, Meredith MIC· ctttbrity ptntllst on his own lllow.
.HlllAB DOW/Gld§ IMllOJr
,... ...tr'• co-Mete: ....., Und ".,.. end Mery """
"Portrait of Petula," a musical special
starring Petula Clark, focuses on the three
countries the British songstress loves best
-England, France and the United States.
In the hour-long NBC SpeciaJ, Monday at
8 PM, Miss Clark is joined by singer Andy
Williams and Sacha Distel, the French guitar·
ist-vocalist. Ron Moody, Academy Award
nominee for his performance in "Oliver,"
also joins the trio.
Writers for the show are Sheldon Keller
and Gordon Farr. Musical director is Harper
McKay with sets by E. Jay Krause; costumes
by Bill Belew and choreography by Tony
Charmoli. ·
Portions of the special were filmed in
London, Paris, Geneva, New York and at the
NBC stud_ios in Burbank.
y ·.
6:00 1J 111e l ie ""' (C) (60) o u oo m ..._ .. ,"*'., <C>
(30) 0 Qr1ncl Ole 0pry (C) (30) Ernest
Tubb, Snooky Lansen, Martha Car·
son and Mel Tillis iuest fJ loss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle
hosts. Q)ll ... -,. ... c ... !A .... I Wi,.out! (C) (60)
The thrills and spills of surfinc are
shown in this new film of action
on the bic waves in 111 parts of
the wor1d, indudin1 Australia, H•·
waii, South Africa, the Caribbean
and the West Coast. ~ Cil ai.. Ca•'*" <C>
6:30 I OIC Newsefvleie (C) (30)
Melody Randi (C) (60) Bobby
Bare 1uests.
Rosey liritr (C) (30)
I Lowe LllCY (30)
Dutil YllllJ Days (C)
l.n<·I n (C)
: nc tile Cult.Ir (30) (R)
• Maurice Qwaller (C)
• SI• f1rrar (C)
7:00 IJ 9 (j) CIS Evenlnc News (C)
I AINricaft Wut (C) (30)
6NlEF ..... (C) ~ Festini (C) (60) (R)
Nodlt dt Elnnt
1:30 1J ~ {j) My 1\rtt Sou (C) (30)
Steve is cast Into the uncomfort-
able role ·of marrlaae counselor by
a youna couple who tum to him
for help In 1 last·11SP effort to
save their marria1e.
(30) Roger Mudd. 0 OIC S.-v., (C) (30) Bob ~
Wri1ht hosts. • U The AnnivtrNry liame (C) (30)
Al Hamel hosts. fJ Dutil Valley Days (C) (30) A
"Here Stands Bailey." Rosemary •
DeCamp stars as a resolute fron-
tier wife who helps her husband
(Paul Rx) drive off hostile Indians,
outlaws. and claim-Jumpers. m Frau Awalell'a Eul9r Hellday
11 (C) (60) (R)
Wonders of Utt World (C) (30)
~-=l~C~r';> <~~)
7:JO IJ QI (j) J.mie Iii-. (C) (60)
Orson Bean, Ytctor Bor1e and Frank
Sinatra Jr. auest o u oo m Ada•·t2 <C> <3o> "So This little Guy Goes Into This
Bar, and .•. " Officer Reed can't
understand why his "shaw do('
story he tells lnbetween answerin1
bur1lary, family fllht and loud
party calls Isn't 1ettin1 hilarious
response. 0 Movie: "Holldq Inn" (musical) '42 -Bini Crosby, Fred Astaire,
Marjorie Reynolds.
(i1J CI)&> Tiit 0*1 lia•
(30) Jim Lanie hosts.
Mllliea $ Movie: "Tiit C.Untry
liirr (drama) 'SJ-Grace Kelly,
Bing Crosby, William Holden. ID Woitd of WtlMll (C) (30) "For
the love of a Woman." Bill Burrud
presents the story of the Tel Mahal. m Los CaHllea
l.'00 0 m ht S&trt (C) (30) "The
Impossible Mission." Cauitit In
a KAOS dt1th trap with Acent
99, Mex finally faces up to ttlt
fact that ht loves his a>-wortter
and iposea marri11e. (R) 1J CJ) Q) Tllt N"""'9d II•
(C) ( O)Bob Eubanks hosts. m .... : <C> "Tiit Wtl , ... ,..
(dram•) '50--Glenn Ford, Cl1udl
Rains, Lloyd Bodies.
EYEFUL -tort 9-llden lealw
ea.t-Bdty Jo .. upedllic • ...,..
o. P~J Jtmdloll, S.....,. •t
9:31 PM, .. rob oa CBS.
0 ;) 00 m The lihnt and Mrs.
M•ir (C) (JO) The cantankerous
~ of Captain Greg enlinters
a series of mysterious happeninp
to frilhten Carolyn Muir and her
famlll_ out of "his" house. (R)
D @ CD&> ne Lnrtnce w.a SJift (C) (60) m •-* o..a <C> <30> Im Altcrias Mam 9:001J Qt (j) ltepa'a Herees (C) (30)
Believin1 she Is an Allied sympa·
thizer, Newkirk sneaks 1 pretty &lrt
Into Stalaa 13 via the prisoners' secret tunnel-Ind Ho11n' dllc:overs
she is a Gestapo a1ent. (R)
D 9 (i) m Nit Sablrday MIW·
le: ~ ~ (drama) '64 -
Rlcherd Burton, Peter O'Toole, Sir
John Giel1ud, Sir Don1ld Wolfil
Sian Phillips, Martita Hunt. In 1n
attempt to thwart the clero. with
whom he has 1lw1ys been It odds,
Kina Henry II appoints his close
friend Thomas Bedlet as Aldi·
bishop of Canterbury. m liU Andtr10ll (C) (30) . fE Qlf1a Ives' ~ No. 4
@) (R)
ti) Nodlts T apatias
t:JO a a (f) htticiNt J..ue. <C>
(JO) Hooterville residents are
shocked when Steve Elliott proudly
announces that Betty Jo will aoon
leave for Baltimore for the birth
of their first baby-with 1 noted
obstetrician in chars•. (R)
-IA1\UtDAY (Continued) C.ry Gl'Jnt. Robert Mitchum, !>lb-
! tHJ ()) OJ Hwl)mu• ,.._ Oflh Kerr, Jean Simmons. A liwfy
"{60) Bini ~ tlo$b. S,,IJ comedy about an Amlricln mlllion-
n Howes. Phil Cfolbf. Sht'i., alra who complbtu the wedded
Berman, The Four Tqps, GIOrll C.r1 blla of an Enalilh couple. (R)
and the Da1aatan Tlahtrope Da11Cers D Sabtray Nfclit Mewlr. (C) '"fat
iuest. .t SeQ" (comedy) '60--0tna Loi-
,.... (C) (30) Lany Burrell. lobrlfldl, Dale Robertaon, Vittorio
Tiie Sii•••• F...., (C) (30) De Stea. The local worthta tum
10:00 8 ~(f) .._. (C) {60) Sue o~ to pursue 1 beautiful 10Uftl 111dow who mums from Brootiyn Ant .sdon 1uests IS the belu· to her llQlle town In Italy With tlful wife of 1 Lu Veps account-1 modest fortune (R) int lllVOMd In a confuslni cue of •
double lndentlties 1nd doubl• 11:30 II Mewle: 1C> "'*• EMMd' crouei u Minnix 111n:ht1 for a (ldventure) 47-Riy Miiiand, Mir·
dead body that has dl11ppe1red lene Dletrictl.
ind $250,000 In cash that ha I 'lllPl (C) nivtr been reported stolen. Warrtn TM Ellpf'lla (C)
Stevens alto luesb. T..U. F.-UU
I Tiie .......... (60) 11:45 m MeN: .......... (ldvtftture) ~C) z.;)(30) '9--Rldlard Todd, Michael Wild·
&Nit 'TllMI (C) (30) Ina. NET ,,..,.._. <90> <R> 1z.• nm ..... <C> ..... Mulcie II T1 S-.t Slrtp
10:30 ! TJU. CM (C) (30) U Cl) Sptl1ti 1'llllbf
• WW'a My Uitet (C) (30) Wally ll:lO DID T..._ a.. (C)
ruMr hom.
Ma.a • ....,, ,,...... (C) 12:50 a IMlr. .,,. .... (drama) '57 -
) Sal Mineo, Brian Katth.
~S::.,<~~3W1ct: "A Loss 1:00 ,B llowil: '1'llldl of &II" (drama)
I .. '5l-chartton Heston, Janet Lelah. nnocence. B .._... "f10liu StalffN"' m .... ,,... •Id .. Sblr1 (western) • '50-BTil Edwents, Doris 11:001 DEB,._. (C ) Merrick.
nil W..w r....,... (C) GI AIMl!Pt SllMr: ''The Bachelor
lloM: (C) ...,_ ~ llJ" and the Bobby Saul'' and "Come (mulbl) '51-Doris Day, Gordon to tht Stable." MacR1t. ID ......... Fred JordM (C) 1:15 D ....._. ot t111 lwpnJ (C)
11:15 8 ,..._ 52 Mewlt: (C) "'1111 1:45 ma.... SllllrUf: "Rebel. In
lrm II .......,. (comtcly) '61-lOWn.''
··we h•d so HOMEOWNERS-
many monthly BORROW $500 to $10,000
installments to OR MORE -BY PHONE!
pay on our car, hyments u low ••
color TV, eppll· $6.ll monthly•t
a n c e s • a n d No payments for I monthst
other bills thet UNION'S PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW OR I got behind in the payments on our· home, LOWER THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY
end was afraid we'd lose it. IN CALIFORNIA. Only $6.61 per month• on "Then my wife went to the each $500 borrowed includes
hospital, and more expenses both principal and interest -
pll«t up. I was so worried I repays your loen In fulll
couldn't aleep, but thank Cnh In U hours, on request,
aoodn•s I told my troubles to with lood tJtJe • • . whether
our Church Minister. your home Is paid for or nbt.
"He advised me to call Union Your understandin1 loan coun·
Home Loans-and rl1ht on the selor can approve your loan
phone they erran1ed • $3,500 on the phone, and arran1e for
loan that paid off 111 our bills you to mike no payments for
and sav«t our home -with 6 months. So call Union DAY
cash left overt" OR NIGHT ind get out of debt!
,. _ _. __ Qr "l..olft llllWr" ltl 10 )WrL ~r I Mr. L.M.K., -"""' ewe ICNll" ttrtll IOM• 1va11111111.
In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ........ 539-2122
In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ........ DU 5-4141
THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE.I<, APftll &, 1969
.,, l) f? ~. i \ ('
All stations reserve the
ri1ht to change Pro&ram·
mine without advance no-
D@ Cil EB INnctiw CC> "t
Shafi Set You Alain." A d~IMtlc
narnttve combl11ln1 the accounts
of tht four Ntw Testament IVlft·
ltllsb and chronlcllnr the PUiion,
Duth and Resurrection of Christ. a Me*-(C) .,,._.,... (hor-
ro;) '60 -Ward RlmMJ, ,Paul
I Orll ...... (C)
(l)T ... lid ....... (C) illrte ~ Hlarla
Wlllp • Mweltllrt (C)
10:301 '--tt Lenlq (C) @! frotltters 9f Faldi (C) "Chai· 5:00 GI ~ StmriM Servic. (C) An· lenp of Cloler Moon: The Escape
n1polls 120·volce United States From Hunaer." First pro1nim In a
Naval Acldemy Chapef Ctlofr Is four-part series polntlna up the
featured In the 19lemn 49th annual need for Justice and development In
Hollywood Bowl Easter Sunrise Sm· poverty a191s of the wor1d. Donald
ICI to be carried live. Bamhouse raports.
1:15 IDlllt Cllilat1,11en IF• .. ,...., (C) l:30 GI TM , ... ...._ m Wndil1 (C) •:SS 8 llwe Us nil o., '. Nna (C) 11 :00 r.c. tilt NatieG (C) • · nAs It tilt Life (C) 7:001T .. ltMI Jeny (C) ...... .,,.... liide (C)
SllNllJ F8Mla (C) ~ Cil ED NIA lullltWI (C)
7:301 ·-(C) Finals.
.. ..., S11e)tlM (C) Cll•ld Ill die ...... (C) ...,_ TllMJude Cllelr (C) IE.at• Sltnriw Serrice (C) (R)
Cl)..., ...... (C) (i) Flnt ... Qald
7:45 -n. Qrill1pll1rs (C) • Cfflpm (C) l.'00 9 Ci) CIS ,._. ..... (C) 11:30 Qt Cf) NHL SblnllJ Cup Play-• 1Llalif In the Wiiderness." Dave (C) r he Eastem and Westem
Brubeck Is featured playlna hla or· Divisions' champion team compete
lalnal oratorio In the vast Wasllln(· in series of seven playoff 1ames.
ton Cathedr1J In Washincton, D.C. , ,, ... l.uv• (C)
The Jm pianist-compo91r Is ac-• Mtrit: (C) "'lila Rlc:ltard and
companied by hls combo, In orpn '" Cnlsadm" (adventure) '54 -
and 1 choir of tome 300 voices. Rex Harrison, Laurence Harvey, Vir· D m Eat« ~ Cllwdl S.W-1inh M1yo. ICii (-e) Telecast live from St. Peter m SUnday Mltle"
In Chains Cathtclral In Cincinnati,
c.ttiednl ef TtMJTtW (C) ~ , ~ c.tMea (C)
........ (C) m AIMii 1ttwtwa1 ...., <C> 8id la tlll Answwr (C)
12.'GO DWorms ill Art (C)
lttll Alrtry
• ....,. .. (C)
hlttlff,..t hreat
ltural Rapert (C) 1:30 (I) Q) TIM laatltt (C)
Ci) Kat1u111 lullh11an (C)
U-ne en Su Casa
t le: (C) '1'11111derdMd" 12:30
(western) '50 -Randolph Scott.
News Cenfereaa (C)
Mtvle: "l.lvet of a ... pl I.a•
cer" (adventure) • 35--0uy Cooper
Sir Guy Standin1.
Ruth Roman,
I "*"" WlllUll (C) £IClllla DIEi (C)
t:OO Eattar SeMcia (C) From the
yde Putt Church located on the
South aide of Chteaao. Ill My Faworitl s.r... (C) Rev.
RObert Bradford, Calvary Baptist
Church of San Bernardino, auests.
tMe (C) A two.hour Mrvlce hlfh-
llfhtlnr the 139th Annual Confer-
ference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints ind the
.Jl}nlversary of the Church's found-
lnr. The ceremonies, broadcast from
the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle
fe1tures the Mormon Tabernacle
lllPICtes Malaltl
N• Ttlta..wt ud Mae l =r:.~~(C)
9:30 Aariatltlre USA (C)
Mtvlt: "II• Qrus of KlnblclJ"
( rtma) '50 -Biii Williams, Jane
. Cil ED 10a1 "-1 (C)
AijNian (C) .. """ . nta Is tt.e Uf1 (C) a.., .. d t111 ...., (C)
YtMtll and '9Hce (C)
I TY Wtrllllp of tltt Wiit (C)
1:00 I :::r;... ..... (C)
CJJ m "'"'""" <C> Ci) Sports Spedal (C) Ray
Scott calls the final rounds of the
$160,000 Greensboro Open Golf
Tournament from Sedpfleld Coun-
try Club in Greensboro, North Caro-
ii'= Flm (C)
1:30 II Oii Cl11P91 (C) Mr. and Mrs.
W. Randolph Bur1ess. both with
Iona 1nd varied experience in the
field of forelan .affairs 1nd publlc
service, are quutioned by students
from Scripps Colleft about NATO
and for~n lffaifl. D @ CJ) G) DilaMry (C) "The
Declaration of Independence." The
people, the words and the events
th1t sh1ped the destiny of America
In 1776 are dramatically rt.(ruted.
Proaram filmed at Phlladelphla's
lndependenca Hall, with Biii Owen
and Virlinll Gibson hostlna.
I Yeict .. Catnrr (C)
Mell.,,. ad die Coleeel
2:00 Qt Ci) CIS QUdrttl's fllll
Httval (C) "H•nd in Hand."
Aw•rd·wlnnlna British motion pie-
l :JG
ture 1bout youftllt•~ who «Mr·
com• th• challtnpa of ~
prtjudlct. PhlUp Niida and Lomta
Pll'TY stir. (R)
• Ftatllrt Fla ,,.. Cilf•IMll (C)
loller ...,., (C) ms..,...-.: "Mudlltt." n-c..t. ......... .
• 1lt bt htrtl (C)
· Mn lriffill (C)
2:30 fJ Movie: "'Sally ud .. ... ..
(comedy) '52-Ann Blyth, Edmund
Gwenn. fJ MllllM $ .... : (C) tlJ'llt
lme 0.." (drama) '56 -Mlchtl
Ray, Jot Lanllna. QI Ci) Onl ...... (C) fl:'lll . .._,Fila
3:001T ... el tllt 1.W. Welt Oater Ulllta
Cntladt " ..... (C) (j) NIC Elptrim.t la Ttlt-
Viliol (C)
@m&lip O'TMll 3:301 luldtr/OldlWef (t) HM CH, W1U TIMI
: UD .... (R)
(f)Flllllrt .Tie ....
. lllliatit (C)
4:001i'ru1sl ......
un (C)~na Crosby and Phil Hit·
rls hunt sand aroua In Afrk:I;
Peter Duchln ilshes for sea trout
and salmon In Norway.
I Ma Fro• UNCl.£ (C)
(j) lllt Wtrtd Wt U... 11 (C)
(I) r .. t11t ,..... <C>
La cn.clftDH 4:l01 ........ "' (C) • 61':' NIC [Jperia.t ii Talfti..
sioa (C) "Pinter Peoplt." Proaram
on the wort of British pl1ywrifht
H11old Pinter. Animated veraont of
five short Pinter plays (''Trouble In
the Works," "Request Stop," "Al·
plicant," "Th• Black and Whitt"
and "Last To Go") are pnisented.
Voices for the characters are those
of Pinter, Donald Pleasenct, Yrvltrl
Merchant, Richard Briers, Kathleen
Harrison and Dandy NlcllOla. In the
sequence filmed In London, Pinter
comments on his Ideas and methods. B Easter s,edel (C) "Were You I~";;; ;{. :-:• :r· iF-...,., ............... (R) (j),... ,.,.. (C)
tr Dia .. Qui ~· &lreMde
5:00 I """ (C) Clete RobertJ. TM IWIJ stJ1t (C)
.... : (C) ...... r IWldlJ"
(comedy) '63 -Cliff Rlcbud, Lauri
Peters. fJ SklppJ ....... '-clrtt (C)
"Time and Tide.11 Lill Goddard, In
her continutnr role u Clancy, finds
herself In "hot W1ter" In ttlt Aln·
ders RiYlf'. Trouble bellns wMn
Cla11cy borrows • n1W camtni to
photoeraph 1quatlc birds who llW
i the river's mouth. l1lt Liq ...
......... (C)
(1) """ Ana TllMtre: "The Llfe Of Jack London." l~~ ....... (3
hr) ~I and HIJdn Society
Ind Sym"'-1 OfdMltrl ptff-.
ttle complete .,._."" by a... F. Hindi!. The oratorio ttlll tM
ltofy of thl propbtcy of I .....,.,
the Redemption and the Raurrte·
tlon in thrtt aeparatt ~et--tht
Enllbh 1nthem, Ult dt1matic ora·
torio and the Gtrmtn Piiiion. .,, ...
7:JD a 8 Cf} ltlltll ._ (C) (30) tht P11nca R11tnt. C.lilula .• for tilt iirt~idloe bttnll home 1 wild Grttll llne o.m.trtua, and p l•
fawq Oii the optnlftf day ot the tht prlfnnm of Princm DiaM.
deer hlllltlq -.on. S~ tfter When ordtrlCI to er{elt 1 "rabble.
Marti lntrocluciel tM ft WI to hla rollltf'' who celltd hlmlelf "Son ol
perenta, the 1nlm1I bolts Into the God.'' ht wins the herttlc's home•
woocll, where hunten bttln takinf spun prment In 1 r•mblt wltft
tbota It It. other Roma1 toldlln. and ht CCIII·
~)tJIAll(j)o! ~11 tt11 ':::rty.J~ ~u4:1.~':: orn'n.:1R) Pl
efltrt·"8r.-S boy (G1ry Btec:Nm) I £allf Wiii Tiii 1111 ,...,
ftsculS a babJ otter from deeth (60) (R)
and raiMI him as.a pet. R11 Allen .... ,....,,..._ (C) • ,..,,.._ (R) ,._ .._
·-'Mwll: "lltlf!l.... ..... .......... ~ (dnaa) ·~tort• Swanton. t:ao I lkn (C) (30) Larry Burrell.
wu":w :_ <C> <90> :., ~ t11t ear (30)
Tiie Q"'•&lltl See (C) (30) llD DnV s.k11M1 (C) (2 hr) ~rdlana of the Ste." Bill Bur· i:JSrtllb Wbo Challtnp the Pope''
1:00 II a Ci) n. 2bt c.e.r (C) rud I Clmtrtl film ttlt actAon .. and ''Th• Bl& Memaae Lie" .,.
(10) "Circle of low.11 A new IP· ttle U.S. Coast Guard acnmblt to tonl(ht'a subjects. proadl toward communication in ttlt . mcue ol a couple ttlat hM today's hectic world Is found In falltd to rtturn from a one-day 10:0019~11 .... : •••11• .. I• (C)
encounter lfOUPI end aenaltlvlty ~rt c:nilse ( ) Gui'iii Nlhemlah P..n pl'J'I
tralnin&. Today's allow featuraa I lie ..C.rt · 1 corrupt Latin American offldll these methods. Lei c.dilltl plottlna to loot his _.. country ol ~ U (j) m l.L Cellett lewl L'OO ! ..a Ci) EAi .. ._ (C) (60) $40.000,000 With tht connivance ol 30 '81 the IMF. The ICtlpt WIS written br ,... leedl h ony Bennett, Peay LH, Joan 22·year·old Judy Bums In htr tint
( ( ) The mualcal v!'t; Rlverl. Duke Elllnaton and £.ddle aolo profeulonel wort.
show aet In Florida'• P1lm Beldl Albert tUlll 119 CJ) Im CmmD lllt llllJ and floated by Don Webmr, aura 8 ROLLER GAMES-Uvel (C) n.tliH~~ ,....._
The Vorues dolna 1 musical tour * T·BIRDS vs. NEW YOltK lit CC> (60) An NBC Specill Prof·
of Palm Beadl to the tune of their 11 llllllr a.-(C) (2 hr) Otck ICts pro111m t.elllnf the ipic llory
top pop version of "M116c Town." Lant calla the action between the of th• World War 11 can1tr tut
Les El1art and His Orchtstra, Tht LA. T·Blrds and the New Yott aufftred and survived the wont Five AmeriClns, Gene Pitney, Puch· Bomben. beltlne In battle In American MVal
IS and Herb, Jean.Paul Vl&JIOll, and D (fiJ (}) m T1le Fii (C) (60) histofy and maneaed to f"ltum home
Jon & Robin are featured. •1fhe Intermediary." Pollna 11 1 from tht P~lflc. Admiral '(then
I hJ Cards (C) (30) pm expert, Inspector El'lllne la Clptaln) LISl1t E. Gthres (rtt.)
Tiit lavader1 (C) (60) ttbn to a thieves' hideout to Iden· who commanded the Fran.iin, and
llltwutieul ,..,.._ tify $3 million in stolen llMI and 14 aurvtvina crewmen rec1ll tvtni:a
llM fnm UNCl.£ (C) Is recoanized by one of the three of the day th1 ahlp wu hit Gene
':lO ..,.. ~C) (30) b1ndlts. M1urice Enns, Monte Marti-. Kelly 11 on·camere narrator. ~ WM (C) (30) "El ham, Michael Stron1 end Burr Dt IJ !.::' (C) (30)
Tlfrt.' Marfin ark.Ina, naturaUst Btnnln1 11111t. (R) · NII-..,_, n..
Jim Fowler and llonhunter John • OJ W1d11tat (C) (30) ''Tht Mys· tn (90)
Lilly set out to captu~ to ttf'ious Maya of Yucatan.'' A tool I Llltier llfert (C) (30)
kill-a Jaeuar In Mexico. (R) at ttl• Mayan lndlens of Yucmn. ~ J!!!-__ .,,._ a ""' llry (C) (90) Georee ~ utraordinary ctvlNutlon was -. ~-....... -
Jeisel, Chris Noel, Ponclt Ponce, wiped out bJ the Spenlsb conqui1· 10-.JOI .__ ..., (C) (30) Ron Ellr1n, Dick Contino, Hank tadorn. Jet ,,_ (C) (2 hr)
Thompton and Ann Mllltr auat. I TM fltlltr FlllllJ • ....._. (C) (30) "Jtt.
• I Spy (C) (60) Pll (C) (90) Shon 1rt a pro. TabJt.I."
Hml (C) (30) fl of Charles Eamt1 (lrdtlttd. lr:OO I &:: (C) ...,.... 22 planner, deslper 1nd fllmmallw) flf ,......., (C)
l(i) t..... wn. Tiit liq ,... ind a report on the ttn. of the lllt r.,,.. (C)
arts In Chlc:lp. (i) QI (I) -(C)
..., (C) I c.n...i Malcw 11:15 ..... = 7ilelJ•·~ !l;lc. ........ r· 7:00 (jj lUllt (C) (30) In ttlls l:lO 9 Cl) tD n. · ....., 111 t.. romallCI) '44-8ettt Devtt.
u que, 111-1nlmal epiaode, Lault {!O) ''Tht Chirp of ttlt Wtf• ll:JD a Movie: (C) :C!t1. ..._.. tlll
faces a difficult dlallenae In hit' B pelt." Hertl and Rottr blow ttlllr iii" (adventure) • 53 -AntllOftJ
attempts to mcue one of nature'a tops over Eve and Kaye's blUa and Quinn, Robert ~an, Mala Powera.
most unusual animals, a ttyinr tau ..., thtlr etiarp ,iata. The D AVOID SUNDAY LET·
squirrel ttiat flnda Itself tripped alt1s are forced to p to wort in * DOWN-.wATCH
and .~t the mercy of a vicious = ~~ u Dll1 have LOHMAN AND BARKLEY ;r ID Hiid ,_ (C) (30! ''The In. ...... (C) (30) I ... _ ' ......, (C) Last Labor of Hercul& Tht Tiit W..W T......, (C) ~ (}) U> MC Ne.n (C)
younpters land In indent GrMCt t:OO 9 Cf} S•llUltn ...., (C) Wil1iiiii T. ....., "'-(C)
where they encounter the myt» ) P1fP1ulsen, Maaon Wiiiiama, " let Brutality." Paul ~ ~ical Hercules.ft;. Biff Roat, Rllph Story and ·Th• (laWJtl') and Jol\n Hefferman (,,._ u (HJ (I) GB Tiie s.. lu and nna Turner Rewe auat.. idtnt of NIW Je.-y State PM)
Oii el lilcM ..... ~ 1111'1 II U Ci) 8 lwul CC> (60) lat. Dftlll (C) (60) Tht critically ec-·~1 Unwtnttd." Btn Clrtwricht Ci) llll&M (C)
claimed ABC Ntws "*'81 based tttualtl with UM problems of 1 11;45 llifiwlt: (C) ""11N ltlt 1'111111 Ill
on Michtlanplo's fraco on ttlt 111tna11 lil1 who feels ttlat her Are f,.-(mulical) •Sf -
e»illn1 ot tht Vatlcan'a Sisti fatbtr doelft't undtratand her. Bon-Gordon Macba, bin Dali.,.
Chlj)ll, with dlaloaue bJ Christo-nit a..Ha. MlcbHI Vincent and 12*' WerN T-... (C) pher P1umm« and Zoe Clldwell, Chlt1tl McGtw peet. 12:JO ,... ..._Fla (C) ''M•
Is rebroedcut D (HJ CJ) m UC ......, Mt* Miit.au About ll" An lntlnlll
Tnllll er C111111111ceat!30) (C) t1f'lii .-... (dallk) '53 -Riwtftue Service featutt. r-t " fmtl (30) Rictlard Burton, Jetn Simmons. Vic-1~ atr
op of turope." A aummtr tDr Mature. Rtllrloul dnunatiution 1%:45 a... -....,: ''The Gr.t
th'"lh the ll*lk tDwm ttlal naUI adapted from l~ 'C. · Ooufla' W1lb Alone."
ScandJntVla and ttlt North Clpe nowel about Marctllua G1lllo, 1 l:GO; ....,..: ......... • F.;"
r.ountiy 1 tourist partdill. '°""' patJtdan trtbu• who ,.. w.tem) 'S&-forrest Tueller .
• --fltcb tlle "°""' of ~. OlltMda ..... (C)
s:lO ml;~;:._ u.~ <C> '-\.~~,.~ .... (C)
FT...., (C)
llcffaW• .. .,
W'.W.• Tiii
I V ! 'I I • ~ I,
Thi HlllhkR
· .. IOODll·llkl" ...
Thi lll·S•son
Trall Ind
snow Bike
Power fro"' tlie en9ine h
tru11fenecl tty chain to
thia 11 • 1.50 hiboleu
float1tlon·typo , tire. Tlio
rtault la hith staltility antil
n191rkablo tuctio11 11114'or
ollfloat 111y 111rface coll•
Snap 011 tho optlonol akl accouory
a114' the ltiko i1 roa4'y to rv11 out
a .. rf 111411 wet 1111cl, •• well ea lllO"f.
Tho co1t1bi111tfo11 of
ttio 6T-t l'a 5 HP 011•
9l11e, 2·lpttcf tu11a-
Ml11lo11 a114' t~nt rHr
tlro tl•e It rtlflarkablo
wacffo11, 0¥011 up .... ,
hilla a..4' pattia: ldHI
for huntor&, flahorlfltll, ., I••• plat11 1..... ,....
No 11Hd to put the 6T ·II away
for the wi11tor . . , j111t "'°""t .
tho optl0tttl Ski Accoaaory. ·
5111,. on i'll 11co11cl1 witllout ut· :
i119 toola. Uao it for wintor hunt.
ii119, fiahi119, towi119 akitrt afltil
I FR E.E ·Send for Our Huge Catalog
It's Ft'M to T .. for tt. .......
HEATHKIT® '"""• : :_: ~·-t I'• ·• , I I ·.
To rooch HHffiklt tloewonic Ce .. tor toh Harbor ll•d. to lall AH.
ooat 011 loll • few short blocks to UO hat left or tako S111to
A11a Froow1y to Harbor ll•d., HMbor ll•d. to loll, 1 few ai..tt
t.locka and yov'r• horo
776-9420 UO UST IAU. ANAHllM ,....
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY -
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 IJ (C) "Bl'HC9 lattr" (we.stem) ,
'52-John Lund, Scott Brady.
9:30 0 ~" (spect1eul1r) '34-
Claudette Colbert. Joseph Schlld-
G "1'1tt Ci.nt ind Mrs. Muir"
(romance-fant1sy) '•7 -Rex Ham-
son, Gene flemey.
12:30 m "Men An Not Cea" (dr1m1) '37 -Rex Harrison. ~ 18
Her H11rf' (mystery) ••s -Cheryl
2.1IO m "Seweti '""' to ....... (we.st-em) '58 -Lola Albristrt, Ch1r1es
. Quinlivan.
3:00 0 (C) "TIM llact Wicllw" (mys·
tery) '54-Ginaer Ro(trs, Vin Hef·
Un, Gene Tlemey.
•:OO f) (C) "A Soq Is lofn" (musical)
'48-0anny Kaye, Viralnl1 M1yo.
6:00IJ1'1 Ila News (C) (60) Jerry
Dunphy. 8 m Hunt117-lrlnklty (C) (30)
0 stew Allen Sllow (C) (90)
Danny Thomas, Piccola Pupa, and
Slmmy Bow auest. 0 Sil O'Cloct Movie: (C) "Pknlc"
P1rt I (drama) 'SO-William Holden,
• Kim Novak, Cliff Robertson. 0 I SpJ (C) (60) m ,., c.n11 <C> c3o) m• .... n (C) (30)
Ci1) (j) MlfY Criffin (C)
fil) Wltafs New? (30) "The Em·
peror's New Clothes." A Scandina·
vian film dram1tizes Hans Christian
Andersen's tale of a pompous ·em-
peror and his Invisible clothes.
fl) Mujeres Sin AlllOI'
a}KfUI News (C)
6:30 0 KNIC ~ (C) (60) m I love Lucy (30) m VOfllt ID tile lotlloa of the S.a~ (60) 9 6 Hunt117-lrlnklty (C)
f.ll) t1ch Out (30) '1he Nate
Jeckson StOfY." Nate Jackson. di-
rector of Human Relatlons for the
lnalewood School District, tells
about his proaress from a childhood
In the Los Anaeles ahetto ttuouah
Carver Junior High, Los Angeles City
Cotleae and Into USC, whe<e he Is
now pursuina his doctorate. a (J) mm m News cc>
7:00 II CIS Evtnln& Ntw1 (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
11 Color on
The Six O'Clock Movie.
lo1dly, Part I.
Tuesday, Part II.~
Q Md's My UM? (C) (30) Welty
Bruner hosts. m ,..word (C) (30) Nancy Ames
and Jack Cassidy auest. ~@ Monday Mowle (C) '1he Smualers." Shlr1ey Booth and
Carol lynley star.
fil) U.... Abiefta (60) Ed Moreno
hosts a live commun~ confronta·
tlon with Establishment spokesmen.
The topic tonl&ht Is the Mexican·
American IS a consumer.
I (J) F1aily Attllr (C)
C.S.l'a Wertd (C)
Truth or ConseqYlllCa (C)
7:l0f)Qi (j)Cuns•oh (C) (60)
Actina deputy Festus Hauen poses as the husband of a farm widow
(Jacqueline Scott) to protect her
and her two children aealnst 1
aang of outlaws. The out11ws ute
her home as 1 rest stop while
fleelna from Marshel Dillon's posse
tracklna them from a Garden City
holdup. Jeremy Slate ind Tom
Stem also auut. (R) 0 m I Dr .. m of Jeannie (C) (30)
"Jeannie-Go-Round." Jeannie's mil·
chlewus sister imper300ates Jeannie
and convinces Tony he can no
longer c:Ontrol her. IJ Lost In Sp.ce (C) (60)
0 (fi') (]) G) Min ~nd His Un._
verse Sptdlf (C) (60) ''The View From
Space." An ABC News documentary
on the past dee.de of sp1ee •·
ploration and what It means to our
future. George C. Scott narrates
the North American Rockwell Cor·
PQ(atlon film that depicts the re-
lation of ll)lce accomplishments to
the openin1 of new horizons In
such fields as farming, flthlna.
seoloo and oll exploration. (R)
0 MUlllNI $ ~ (C) "MllW ~ (comedy) 'SS-Henry Fon·
da. James CllJltY, Jack Lemmon.
I T,..... or ConaequenctS (C) (30)
hnJ MllDn (60)
E Ct1af11o Manda11tltfltlo
Starring Petula Clark
Guest Andy Williams
n m 11H<l4 • Portrait of PttN ("fj (60) Petula Qar1t stars in a
musical special ttlat features Andy
Williams, Sacha Distel and Oscar-
nominee Ron Moody. The program
Is a musical salute to three ooun-
tries-Enaland, France and the
United States-with each of the
1ent1emen 1uests representin1 his
own country.
I r;;~,f, = Fil• Scllool •••
Wlt1t? C ) (60) Charles Champlin
of the LA Times talks with motion
picture wrtter·producer Clrl Fore·
man and four film students who
made featurettes during the film-
ing of Foreman's "McKenna's Gold."
Alter looking at the student's films,
they discuss what's ahead for the
young filmmakers. m C:O.lcos ' Clndones 1:30 f) a CI) Hn's Lucy <C) (30)
Lucy is ir1ven the taslt, after re·
pealed failures by Uncle Harry and
others. of setVing a summons for
OM of Uncle Harry'a cfltnts. (R) (60) "The St1lkln1 Dtvll." Jtmal cal dMlopmenta and the dudlodl D 5eldtn v.,.,. (C) (30) "Fun· capturu El Dlablo Nern>. ttlousftt -is the aubftct of Sir Mlc:hltf
fest In 1!!tn." to be a bfadl man, who IJ wanted Rtdime'• namtlon. D @ (JJ &) ,.,._.. f'ttc11 (C) for klllln1 peaceful Indians, and II) llWu
(30) Fred forces his attention& on dlacowrs ht I& Lafe Hartman, a lO:JO tJ MeN: "Stdew'a ..._
M1r$ha; Hannah end Stwen have weatthty white randier. William Win· ....., (drama) '47-Gf"llOfY Ptc:t.
a confrontation Ovtl' the Peyton dom ptsta. ~hy McGuire.
will; Dr. Miles receives tfle detec-Cl) ... fw Y .. Uft (C) (60) II) ..... (C) (30)
tive's report on Lew; and an&TY fii) NET' .IHf'ftll (C) (60) "To Calm El!) l111M1¥atier:: (30) "Mechanical
Dr. Rossi searches for Fred. a Troubled Campus.'' A probln1 Fatteners." Or. Rlch11d Brenneman m Merv Qrltfin (C) (90) study of the Unlvtrllty of Pennsyt· and 1uest look at some of tilt
Cl) 1ut die Odcb (C) (30) Johnny vanla's equitable 111lution of campus complex fasteners uad In tPICI
Gilbert hosts. diawnt on tht luua of mllitlry air• Industry. They dltctm dailn
II) TV Musk.al Otart rl3Urch and expansion Into the and future 1ppllcations of P1r
9:00 IJ Mayberry RFD (C) (30) Sam Is J!:& M f UNCU (C) fasteners, rodlet en1lne bolb and
persuaded by Alldy to make a iood· I) !::: .:fa ':al4l1t1 ~~L '= will cesture by hlrln1 two u-con-lllU -
Viets to woB: on his farm. (R) 9-.30 ti fa•llJ Alflir (C) (30) Cissy ll:OOllU 0 em ..... (C) D 9 Ci) m N~Mevlr. envies the freedom of hippies she AllJJ"H
(C) °'TrM Tt1.d.t (com: meets throuati a boyfriend and U.... Qlllt (C) Rod Ser11n& hoab.
edJ) '67-0on Kno Arthur O'Con· wants to leave home to Join tht Y:hlte, Rolfe Petmon, MartJ
nell, Leslie Nielsen, Joan Freeman, flower children. Uncle Biii reluc-~n els and Pia Lindstrom autat.
Jeanette Nolan. Roy Flemlnc. with-tantly agrees to let her try one Mlwlt: "T1M C...,.. "-t-
out his knowled1e. is volunteered weekend at it. Diane Roter and ( rama) '47 -Michael RedJJ'IW,
by his doting father for tralnlnc u Veronica Certwr11ht 1uest. Basil Radford.
an astronaut In America's space D ,._. (C) (30) Ttd Meyen. @ (}) QJ (1) IB Cl) Ntn (C)
prorram. When an upcomln1 test &> Rtwtm Mualul 11:30 II Mlwlt: (C) "llltlrttldt" (ro-fllih~. of a spa~ capaule req~lres 10:00 ti 9 (j) Clf'91 l...tt (C) (60) ma net) '57-June AllYIOfl, Roaano t~ least qualified lndlvldual to lmoeene Coca and Robert Goulet Brml, Jane Wyatt. •
pilot the craft, Roy Is the one s. est IJ !t.(j) ~ l:rJ Slltw (C)
D !~~RE COME THE STARS' a I ~~~60J1a y..., (C) ~&-Jane: RU::f. L:r ::::. * gets "MICKEY"! A ~) "Town OT No Exit." Heath b• M (ffJ mm Jtey ..., (C)
"ROONEY" of a SHOW' comes the prl10ner of a lf'OUP of Diiaali 6"'"C:0.1t1 Slltw (C)
LAUGHS' DON'T MISS• · dtraneed residents In a rundown 12:30 tJ Movie: .. 13 ... MadllilRI" • • desert town. Leslle Nielsen, Diana (mystery) '4&-Jamts CalfltY. Anna· IJ Ctorft Jtull's H•• Ce•• t11t Ewin&. Lorri Scott ind John Carra· bella.
Stars (C) (60) Mldley Rooney Is dine iuest. I ActiM Tllutrt: "Barricade."
roasted by Jim Backus, Woody I M-*al Dillon (30) 1:00 • s,.klq FrttlJ (C)
Woodbury, Paul Gilbert. Professor De New Souftd (C) (30) eo. ... ttr llllllCln INnl (C)
Irwin Corey, Kathr/11 Grayaon, Tom· De Q....t War (30) "Despair." Ntn (C)
my Leonetti ind Alln Miller. The time Is 1915 to 1917. A survey 1:15 Movie: ""'9o Dlftt ttr (com· O (i1) (])Q) Tiit OlltCllb (C) of the war-starvation, teehnololfi· e y) '42-Abbott & Costello.
4:30/11:00 PM
Eyewitness News. A new concept In news reportlnc.
Cover11e as It happens. Reported by people who
were there. Biii Bonds and Stu Nahan like
chlrae of a te1m that hustles. Carl Gtorae, Jim
Healy and Rona Barrett brl"I 1CMI speclallr.ed
features. Fast and factual. Eyewitness News.
Tiit fntnt ntWI In the Wnt.
For morninc and afternoon
listinp, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tlons reserve the right to
change prOIJ"amming with·
out advance notice.
............ (C) (90)
8Uddy EbMn. Everett Goodall Ind
Poco cu•. o sa O'a.ct ,... <C> ~
Part II (drama) '56-Willla111 Hol-
den.. Kim Novik. Roallnd RulMfl.
I . "" (C) (60) "' c.. (C) (30) ...... (C) (30) m ...,. Srtflll (C)
ft.ta ...., (30) "Seam " Desert." Arlt of three episodes
on the "Breve ~a" in South
Americ1. TodfY the boys vittt an
i:-face pit copper mine. ..............
. KPlM News (C)
t:OO e "llecbdt" (1dwnture) '38-S:lOl IUllC, ........ (C) (60)
adelelne Carroll, Henry Fond1. 1 t..ve a.., (30) "~.,., (C) t:lO II "1111 c:...,ioft .. (drama) ·4~ : lteadllll Will Yew CMld (30)
tUrt Dou&11s. Ruth Roman. "The Readln1 Pro1r1m for Nines." B (C) .,..rdl C,... (muslcll) '58 City Schools teacher Sim M1rchae
-Pat Boone, Barrie Ch1se. discusses parent-telCher cooperation
12~30 m (C) "Tiie '°1 W"ltJI 81'1M It.if" In readinl In the upper &rades;
(drama) '4~n Stockwell. "f•I Charles Jacbon demonstrates read·
........ (mystery) '4>-l•n Keith. ln11 techniques with aixth arade stu-
2:00 G) "nit hint's Clr1 f,W.y" (mys-dents.
tery) '54 -Louis Haywerd, Naomi a Cl) @I) m aJ News (C)
Chance. 7:00 II CIS Emllnc Ntwt (C) (30)
3:00 B (C) "lfJOlld All U•lts" (dr1-Walter Cronkite.
ma) '00-Jaclc P1l1nce, Maria Felix. o I Wlllt'a My Une? (C) (30)
4:30 fJ (C) "Tiie Wild and ti.. lnno-,.....,.. (C) (30)
CMt'' (dram•) '59--Audie Murphy, . ~ =~ (30) Julia Child
S..ndra Dee. prepare.s the first course for 1 din-
EVENINf, ner party.
I Ci) TIM Sood CllJI (C}
lllanda In tM Sh (C)
6:00 IJ TIM 111 """ (C) (60) Jerry Trvat or Consequences (C}
Dunphy. 7:30 tli (j) Lancer (C) (60) Johnny
Roy Bulla's
lteV.118 TY
1953 JM•,.. ltvd., Cost• Meta
....... 548-3494
Linda Dangcil, featured in ABC's The Flying Nl4n, and
Bruce Lu are the Oriental couple brought together by
Robert Brown for "Marriage, Chinese Style" on ABC's Here
Comt the Brides. Wednesday at 7:30 PM.
Lancer finds bimsetf In the 1,.. ol 1 kCET productJon f .. lurinc
coniruoias role " 1 ~ lubln Mehta conductfnc the Los
teacher wtien the n.-"ICbool· AnplQ Pllllhlrmonlc In llOf Stnl-
Nrm," pllyed by cu.st Julie Som. vlnslli'a ''The Ritt of Sprlni." KCET
~s. plNda Mtll him to lend 1 hi• documtnttd th• feellnp fl
stem helpinf !land with her tome-IOIM of the symphony membets as
what reluctant puph TWC> local they wortc with Mehta.
ranchen object to havinc education I C.... _.._ (C)
fofced on tfleir sons. This stubborn t-.JO tJi ()) Derla Dey (C) (30)
opposition cau.s Johnny to acree Doria and the children try to show
to 1.m the harried schoolteecher. Buck they can take care of leroY'a
Also 1uesttn1 are ROftny Howard chores so the family can surpritt
and teenace jazz mlUiciln Crai& their handyman with • week's ftCI·
Hundley. tion. e u@ m JenJ ....... <C> <60> o @ rn GE".,, o cc> <30>
Sonptr• Michele LM and The "Notliln1 Is Real But the Dead."
Osmond Brottlera auat. Pert I. Detectivea Haines, Ward
LNt In Sf1Ca ~C) (60) and Corso search for a youn1 &irl
@ CI} m ..... s. .. (C) (60) who left hef' affluent parents for
eace NOW -Arty Blau!" Ctlris-the life of a hippie In Greenwich
tQ9her Connelly of Peyton Place Villaae. (R)
ruests 11 a convicted draft dod1er I News (C} (30) Ted Meyers.
who ia the ton of 1 rener•I on Her leave from Vietnam. The lift of 10:00 lNXT Rtpofts (C} (30) "The
Arly, a former schoolmate of Julie, Grut Earthquake Scare." Wllat
is put in danaer when he accepts scientists have to say about specu-
five years in prison rather than lation that Calif!)(nia is doomed by
rtCister for the drift. Linc and Pete a major tremor is examined. The
are 1ent underc:owr as prilon In-prorram looks into wild predictions
mates by Capt Greer to protect him. by noted writers. authors, mystics. B Million $ llewit: (C) US.,.. hippies and others thlt most of
nn" (romance) •57 -Mar1on the State will shudder and slip Into
Br1ndo, Miyoshi Umekl, Red But· the sea-sometime In April-and
tons. will claim the lives of more thin
Tr-* er C....9ltlCIS (C) (30) 15 million people.
hny M,.n (60) ' m Nen (C) (60) : C1aa de la Rm (30) @ (I) &J T\at'a Life (C} (60)
E Curto ll1flCl1•Jewto " ur Weddin&." Robert Dlcbon's
1.-00 Hant (C} (30) bachelor days dwindle down to a
: Wor1d htla (C) (60) precious few as his future ln·lawt
~ .C.C. are aftlicted by the vapoq at the
1:30 9 Ci) Red SlleltH (C) (60) thought of losil'li their dear dau&h·
June LoCkbart and Gloria Lorina ter to such a man. Michele lee
auest. 11uats. (R) O @ Ci) ~ Jltla (C} (30) "The I Mwsllal Dillon (30) Docto(s 1 Dilemma." Julia ,rows TIM New Sound (C) (30)
anxious about her boss's health : Adwnbl,.. (30) "Caviar Fisher·
when he tells her to bring in the men of the Caspian." A look at the
specialist. Dr. Proctor (guest Gene life of the men th1t take part in
R1ymond). Iran's multi·million dollar caviar 11 Ji•.ie Rod1trs Sllow (C} (30) fishi'!{ industry.
Herb Jeffries is Jimmie's fUesl If KIAi f11tur1 0 @(I) 6) It TaMI a Tltlef (C) · Marlan1
(&!) "38·23=26." Alexander Mundy 10:30 QJ(j)Wlle, Wllat, Wllu,
enthusiastically tries to find a ml· , WftJ? (C} (30) H11ry Rea·
crodot, containing vital defense in· soner.
formation, aupposedty in the pos-fJ Mewie: "DMMa, ltlNM style"
session of one of a eroup of In· (comedy) '62-Mareello M11ttol1n-
ternational beauty contest winners. ni, Danie!• Rocca.
N1ncy Konek cunts IS Penny Col· ..... (C) (30)
bert. J. Lee Avery plays Miu U.S.A. : RM&Jn Ntwt Coftfwtnce (30)
and Ina• Jakklln plays Miss Austria, letlt. Sia Hiatllria
titles they won In the Miss World 11:00 a D @I) m GE News (C}
P11eant In 1968. Mrld Hltckod
I Merv Crtffl11 (C) (90) Lilr5 C'llb (C)
lllt •• cw. (C} (30) Mewie: "lnvilill* S1ripea" (drl·
t:OO t1J CJ) If:' NIC T......, Mow-m1) '3~Humphrey Boprt. Wil·
Ir. (CJ 'Vada• J" (suspenM) '66 liam Holden.
-tana Tum«, John Forsythe, RI· u(l)@ Ci) 9 fl) ...... (C)
carcSo Montalban, Constance Ben· 11:30 . Movie: (C) "Tu Clrl Meat
nett, Bur1ess Meredith. The be1u-LI (comedy) '58-Jai. Pow9JI,
tiful wife of 1 rlsin1 polltlcl1n be· Cliff Robertson, Kaye Ball.rd.
comes Involved In 1 scandal ind ! ta ct) m Toni&lit ._ (C}
Is told by her mother-In-law that lir.vit: "On O• llenJ Wif'
she must leave her husband and comedy) '48-8ursm M.-ec!lth,
Infant IOll to protect the f1mily James ~~•rt.
n1me. (R) I @ Cl) m JoeJ ...... (C) D BELOVED LADY! DN.W O'teanor a.. (C) * with BIG HEART and 12:25 • lltvie: 71'ea~ 111 tM Clrck" BIG VOICE! KATE (adventure) 57 -fomtt Tucker, • Eva Bartol. SMITH entertains! 12:30 m Action n..atre (C} "City of 11 Sllowca• 5 (C) (60) Kate Smith Mlisln1 Girls."
stars. Special 1ueits are T~ Kids 1:001 D News (C)
Nut Door Ind The Charlie Byrd Co•••nltf· Blllttift lolnl (C)
T no. fr•• u.. t naide Chit (C) m RIM\, fw Yew Ut. (C) (60) 1:15 Mtwie: "Tau bftlln" (wut-
fE) NET ftltlval (C) (60) '1he Rite ern) '51-Georae Montaomery. Gal•
of Sprin11." A repeat perform1nce Storm.
All t:
the h. poc
ExD •
Walks c
Any s ..
Work •
For 1 l
ILA ..
FC ..
All types concrete work tor
the home. PaUo. . .arivewa.ys,
pool decks, sawing, etc.
Licensed -Bonded
Exoert work. Reasonable.
Walks pool decks, floors, patios
Concrete Saw Cutting
Any size job, work guaranteed
Serving Harbor Area
'42-8514 (alter 4 p.m.)
Complete Janitorial service
Business, residential and
construction cleanup.
'Free estimate.
House Cleaning -•
Quality Work
Call Us!
1111 Clay St., Newport ... ch
'42-2112 anyttme
Work Guaranteed, Fast Service
Very Reasonable Rates.
call Slt-1456
For 1 Day Service and Quality
Work . . . CALL SI'ERUNG
Latest Styles and Colors
Commercial &: Residential
Expert Installation
'42-1403 -540-72'2
64~5671, ext. m
Cleanup Speclallst-mowing,
edglng odd Jobi and light
moving. lleasonable.
oll DICK
Gardening, lawn renovation.
Complet e garden maintenance!
1ftl2 s.f ....... LaM
~htntl,.._ a.ch M2-47'4
Dump Truck. Skip Loaders,
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Yards & Garages.-Lic-Bonded
Call Anytime t62-1745
aoa•s YARD'
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Tree Trimming, Extracting
and Ornamental Pruning.
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Free estimates, licensed,
insured. Small jobs welcome.
Remodellng -Additions
Fine work. Uc. and Ins.
(Ucensed Contractors)
627 8. Cout Hlthway
Latu.. aeech
4'7·1"5 ... 4'4-4151 .....
Palnting, papering. 16 years
ln Harbor area. Ucensed and
Bonded. References fumlshed.
m7Avalen It., C_.. M ..
GMllty ............. -CIMuau•dltlll ......... 1
fM Ptumben. lftC.
271 •uckMll c .... Meea
24 hour service, Beach area.
Ucensed bonded. Expert work.
20 years in Orange County.
Discount prices!
24 houn. All problems.
Work guaranteed.
Ucensed • Insured
471) W. ,._,.. Clrcle, Santa Ana
5J1 .,75" anrttfM
Plwnbing Repair
No Job too ama.ll
Specializin g in Repalr and
Service. Reasonable Prices!
Complete Une of Plumbing
724 'W. lfth St., C•h M ...
'42·1 ..
Cleaning &: Repalring
Your Furniture Can Be
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Over 20 Years Experience
Satisfaction &: Workmanship
Ht W. 17th, c .. ta M ...
Cu1tom Uphol1t.ry & Repair
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100% Financlng-Do-It-Your-
self Upholstery Classes Start
May 1st! Register now.
1a1 Newport ••.• Cott• M ...
-15 Years in Area -
Servicing All Brands!
our DuMont, Curtis Mathes
Dealer for the Harbor area.
To Celebrate Opening
of Our
lt21 ADAMS
(Next to Albertson's)
Quality work for 16 years.
Home or shop se~.
All makH-Color or BA:W
ltsa New,.rt llvtt., C•h M ...
No Service Charge!
Expert Work
Color, Black &: White
01· Ster~
546-3720 anytime
Intertor -Exterior
Any alu Job. Excellent work..
References. Free estimates.
. '42 ..... , "'474t
WOODY CONSTRUCTION c .... ,.,., 9f 'euntalft Valley
Ucenaed contractor. Build. remodel, repair. Brick, block,
concrete carpentry.
No job too small.
.Any size Job
25 yevs experience.
Work guaranteed.
ull •o• HllSIY
•LAUTI RaACH°"& Aueclates
114 I. 16th It., Cott• M ...
; ,.. 11
For morninc and afternoon
listinp, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tlons reserve the richt to
change programml9g with-
out advance notice.
9:00 0 (C) "Cllrtaill Call It Cada• o.-" (comedy) ·~nald O'Con·
nor, Watter Brennan. 9:30 a ...... on..... (drama) '47-
Atturo De Cordova, Dorothy Patrick. 0 "Ho-. Swel Ho.kW' (mys-
tery) '46-Pem Ann Gamer, Ran-
dolph Scott.
12:30 m .. o.,, of Clofy" (ad'ienture) '44
-Greaory Peck. "'QuMn of Bur·
letque" (mystery) '46 -Evelyn
2:00 CD "Arlen for Hirt" (mystery) '59
-Steve Brodie, Lyn Thomas.
3:00 fJ ~ E"'Y SundlJ" (com-
!d ) '49-Dan Dalley, Celeste Holm. •:oo (C) "Optrltiotl Ptttic:elt'' (com-
) '60-Cary Grant, Dina Menill,
Tony Curtis.
5:00 IJ lllt II( ,.... (C) (60) Jerry
a m H•nt1t1·•rt11"0 cc> c3o>
D BARRY SULLIVAN guests * with STEVE ALLEN D Stwt Alita ._ (C) (90)
Barry Su1Hv1n, Chartle Byrd, Mike
Bell and Jim Moran, auest. 0 Sil O'Clocl M.wft: (C) "Om
at s.c.mi" (wtstern) '54 -ROfY
Celhoun. Piper Laurie.
11 Spy (C) (60)
Pay Canis (C) (30)
l1tman (C) (30)
(j) Mm Griffin (C)
Wllat's New? (30) "Secrets of
the Desert." The boys trace the
trails of pre-lncan Indians who
mined turquoise. m M11Jtta Sin A....-m KPLM News (C)
6:30 I MIC Nwrvkie (C) (60)
I LM L0CJ (30)
VOJllt tD tllt lotlolll Of tlM
Sea l_C) ( 60) ~ 00 Huatltf-lrin~ (C)
EJl) let's Talk Aboat TteU (30)
"Group CounseUna Can Help." Ma-
rion Marshall sits In as a group of
students and their counselor dem·
onstrate an on·golng communlca·
tions_pr~am. Q!JllJ wm t;ENews CC)
7:00 B cas &.nine News (C) (30)
Waltt r Cronkite.
I Whirs Mr lint? (C) (30)
P1uword (C) (30)
CI) You AAtd for It
T1le Perceptlwt Parent (30)
"How She Teaches.'' Betty Smith
points out the importance of moth·
er as a teacher. A parent·educatlon
teacher from the City Schools talks
about teaching styles.
F.or •ny Reasonl You can pay off bills, take a vacation, improve
your home, etc. Reduce your monthly payments and have more
cash for yourself.
l . CAU NOW, confidential consultation with a FRONTIER
fln1nclal analyst to determine YOUR best int.rests, and
the loan value of your property.
2. CAU NOW, and FRONTIER will combine your various
monthly obllsatlons.
J . CAU NOW, the FRONTIER payment plan will be tallo~
to flt YOUR budset-no obligation, of course.
ON• CAU r~ 937 -2500 oo•s " AU.I
..... 12
lllAMllU •• , ••• tn•nll SAii FUMllll YAU.lY • 7INMI
IOVTll UY AIU • • • • *»7• SAM UHIQ. YAl.LlY •• n4-11M
tlAMl coum .... ~
14 ... s.nlce,70.,teWM•
Home Office: 5100 w111111,.. Btvd. Lot An1e1 .. 90036
I (f) ....,;, Hlllbillla (C) fll) lnwnatioul M1pzl11t (60)
finderlust (C) CE) Sffvla 1 Enrique
Tnitll If CeaMci111t1as (C) t:lO 1J Qi (f) arttt1 Ac:rJa (C) (3{1)
7:30 fl 51• Ca_,... (C) (60) Ray Arnold the pl1 mikes his theatre
Chartes and .!lnn Keltou auest. debut as stand-In for an allln1 D ID 00 m Tllt Ylrpnian (C) police dog in a Hooterville Barn ind
(90) ''The Slranaer." Shelly Novack Repertory production attended by
1uuts In a drama about an ltlner-Oliver and Lisa. Flrst half of two·
ant cowbof accused in the robbery· part episode. (R)
stiootin1 of a rancher and the death O NIWI (C) (30) Ted Meyer1.
of his foreman. 10:00 B a 00 Hn•ll Flve.o (C) (60) I lost In Sptce (C) (55) Steve McGanett Is aMigned by the CilJ (3) t!) Here Co mt tha aovernor of Hawaii to break up a
ride.I (C) (60) ''M1nia1e. Chi· confidence racket that is bilking
nese Style." Jeremy Bolt buys rich visiting widows of their for-
freedom for Toy Quan, a mail·order tunes. l(evin McCarthy and Louise
bride whQse future husband felled Troy make guest appearances as
to claim her at the Tacoma dock, the swindlers Victor and N0<a
and is marked for death by a Chi· Reese. (R) '
nae tong. Guests include Linda O @ 00 m Tiit Outsider (C)
Danacl!. Bruce Lee, Weaver Levy (60) "Service for One." A busineu
and Richard loo. tycoon with a penchant for privacy 0 Million $ Movie: ''Treesure of proves to be a difficult challenge
tlat Siena Madre" (adventure) '48 for David Ross, who is hired to
-Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston. serve the man with a subpoena.
I Trudi Of C.~11t~ (t;) (30) Owners of a small business threat-
Peny Mason (60) ..../ ened with failure by the ever·ex-
Canclon de 11 Raz.a (30) panding holdings of Bernard Chris-m Best of Hollyweod tie, Stan Potolskl and his son Ed·
fl) fl Cu1r1o Mand1111ltnto ward, retain Ross to serve Christie
1:00 OJ Hazel (C) (30) with a summons. William Windom
EJl) Spectna111 (C) (30) "An Ounce allests.
of Prevention." David Prowllt re· I m News (C) (60)
ports on some unusual community • M1rsll1I Dillon (30)
programs designed to improve the The New Sound (C) (30)
level of dental health, especially : DEBUT Eastern Wisdom ind
amooa the Po<><. Prowitt travels Modern Life (30) Repeat of a series
from San Francisco to the Appalach· with Alan Watts speaking on themes
ians to cover the progress ol "pre-of Eastern philosophy and its ap-
ventive dentistry." plication to modern life. In the first
I Mlereoles Musical episode, "Man and Nature," Watts
1:25 Wonderf111 Wot1d of Sport (C) contrasts the Chinese and Western
1:30 Tiit aood liuys (C) (30) A pile attitudes in regard to man's place
of 3,000 looves of bread is just one in nature.
of many complications when Rufus @E Mari1n1
Butterworth talks Bert Gra~us !nto 10:30 O Movie: "Cynno de Beratrac"
trylna to impress one of his diner (claMic) '50-Jose Ferrer, Mala
customers who Is a successful Powers.
music. publisher. (Rescheduled) (R) m News (C) (30) D Win W'lth the Shrs (C) (30) EID Maeum Optn House (30) "The
Jo Anne Worley and Billy Eckstein Book of Tea." Host Russell Connor
guest. • and l(akuzo Okakura, curator of D @(})Q) Titt klft1 fl11111J (C) Asiatic art at the Boston Museum
(30) . of Fine Arts. discuss the meanina I Merv Cnffin (C) (90) and influence of the traditional Jap. ltat Ult Odds (C) (30) anese tea ceremony.
looll Btat (C) (30) Host Robert @E liente Sin Hlstorla
Cl;omie talks with Kenneth Anal•· 11:00 I 0 0 m m m News (C) mire about how "~ho's Who'' is Alfred Hitdc:oQ
put toaether, qualifications for be-Liars Club (C) in~ listed and .people who have Movie: "The LadJ Sap No" trt~dsot:~~: their way in. (comedy) '52 -David Niven, Joan
9:00 I 1even, Hillbillies (C) (30) Jed Caulfield.
wants to 1ive his money to Queen @ CIJ ~ 00 Q!J (jJ Ntws
Elizabeth. (R) 11:30 B Movie: "Deldline at DllWll" D 9@ m I ltmtt/ Tht Ste-(mystery) '46-Susan Hayward, Paul
ond BUI Colby Sllow ( (60) The Lukas.
actor-comedian offers a series of 8@ @ m TonlPt S11ow (C)
monoloaue.s in which he reminisces Mewtl: (C) "The Liit landlt"
about his family, friends and pets. (western) '49-Wllliam Bliolt.
Cosby also presents his own V!r· 0 CilJ (1) t!) Joey listlop (C)
slon of the Biblical story of Noah m Donald O'Connor Show (C)
and the Ark. The Art Reynolds Sln1· 12:30 m Adjon Tlltal.rt: "Turn of the
ers are featured. Music arranged Tide."
and conducted by Jack Elliott 12:40 O Movie: (C) "Tht Baltarlc Caper" IJ ~ln1 (C) (60) Dick lane Is (ad'ienture) '66-Jacques Semas.
rin1S1de. Daniella Bianchi.
O @(J)t!)ABC Wtdn11dlJ l·OOiONews (~ Mowlt· (C) "Aaault on 1 Qwtn1' • (adve~ture) '66 -Frank Sinatra, Co!Wmunlty ullttin Board (C)
Virn1 Lisa, Tony Franciosa. Richard fro• ~ Inside Ovt (C)
Conte, Alf Kjellin, Esrol John. Mark 1:15 IJ Movie: 'The Rist a~ fall of
Brittain, leader of a gang ot mod· Lip Diamond" (drama) 60-Ray
ern-day pirates, sets out to plunder Danton, Karen Steel.
the l~ury liner Queen Mary while 1:30 m 17 Sanut strip
en route to Nassau. (R) 2:30 m All-NIPf SMw: "Girts' Town" ID Rvn for Your Lift (C) (60) and "Mr. Ace."
For mo
for YOl
the daJ
tions r•
out ad\ -DA -
9:000 "(
'45 ....
9:30 0 "l (dram.
ard W
i2:30m .. ,
2:00 11) .. ,
'50 -
3:000 "t
4:306 (C
ard A. • &:ooen
Dunph DO
DMAH * spiri 0St•
ter en
01 : mra
the Of
visit i
like d• l:P
6:3010 I I Vo Sta ~ I Mc
and wl
the bu
1:00 11 Cl
OWi Bruner mr ..
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY -
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the ri1ht to
change programmtng with-
out advance notice.
1:00 O "Draeon SHd" Part I (drama)
'45 ....... Katharine Hepburn, Walter
1:30 0 "The DlP Tllat Died ol Shame"
(drama) '5&-.Richard Attenborouall. 0 "llte Street Wttt. Ne Namt"
(mystery) '48-Mark Stevens, Rich·
ard Widmark.
?;30 m "On Danprous 5round" (mYt·
tery) '51-Ward Bond. "Trad tlM
Man Dowft" (drama) '57 -Kent
!:00 m "Kill or .. Killed" (mystery)
'50 -Larence Tierney, Marisa
1:00 O "Wollllft ltl a Dtta1a1 ~"
(drama) '57-Yvonne Mitchell, An·
lhony Quayle.
1:30 tJ (C) "The Blazina ftrtst" (ad·
venture) '52-John Payne, Aanes
Moorehead, William Demarest, Rich·
ard Arlen.
•:oo tJ T91t Bia """ (C) (60) Jerry
Dunphy. D m Huntlty·Btlnkley (C) (30)
D MAHALIA JACKSON sings * spirituals with STEVE!
1J steve Allen Sbow (C) (90)
Mahalia Jackson, Wiiiiam Manches·
ler and Hendra and Ullett 1uest. 0 Si1 O'Clocll Movtt: ''Tht Day
tbe World Encltd'' (sci·fl) '50-
Richard Dennlna. Lori Nelson. 0 I Spy (C) (60) m Pay Cards (C) (30) Art James
I B1tlll1n (C) (30) 00 Merv 5rlffift (C)
W1urs New? (30) "Secrets of
the Oe.sert" The "Brave Boys" are
fitted with NASA suits and then
visit a meteor crater In a Mars-
like deSj!rt in Chile.
@m Mujtm Sin AlltOf
&) lPlM New1 (C) .:301 KNIC N....mc. (C) (60) I Love Lucy (30)
Voy1119 ti tlM Bottom of Utt
s.a m <60> 0 (!) Huntlty-Brtnkity (C)
Ell) More for Your Monty (30) ''The
Money Business." The "where, how
and when" questions of 1ettln1 into
the business of meklna money are
answered by a financial advisor. aoommm ..... <c>
:00 1J CIS Eft11l111 News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite. 0 W11at'1 My Lind (C) (30) Wally
Bruner hosts. m ,.....,... (C) (30) Allen Ludden
~Ci) tlip artd Wild (C) fE PllJia• U-. 511itar (30) "Lesson Rwlew." Frederick Noad conducts
a review of the first 10 lessons
with particulu attention to com·
mon faults in techniques.
I Cl) Mc.Halt's Navy Frie Adwentwt <t)
T~ er CoftleqttlMel (C)
Wlntera. J1ne Fonda. Based on best·
sel!er by Irvin& Wallace, the story
surveys the amorous adventures of
middle class suburtlln matrons. o ll71 rn m •rs it All AMut. fir1df (C) (60) Eve Arden and
ii Billard iuest
Ro fOt YOIU Life (C) (60)
: I 1HCf I In U.-C.ba Sl Of
Ne? (C) () After viewin& the NET
7:30 tJ 9 Cl) I #He~ Volcano -portrait of Fidel Castro. host Ed·
011111 tf aa fllllld ( (30) One of uudo Moreno and 1 pinel of anti·
nature's most awesome phenomena, Castro Cuban refu1ees evalu1te its
the birth of the island Sumey handlin1 of the communist. leader.
from an undersea volcano off the The panelins. all active in the cur.
southern cout of Iceland, Is the rent anti-Castro movem~t. criticize
subject of this special. Charles Ku· the network examination from a
rail Is reporter of this preview pro· flrst·hand knowled11 of life under
gram of a new CBS News series the Castro reaime.
"Challenre." @m El Mundo Esta Loco
0 @ @ m Duiel Boone (C) 9:30 O @(6) m Dra1net (C) (30)
(60) "For • Few Rifles." Indians ·"ttauds-=fiR"'1"6." Friday and Gan· who capture Israel offer to spare I t' t th ... f his life in return for rifles. non nves 11a e e i>nOrta&e o $100,000 in merchandise from a 0 IAat in Spece (C) (55) department store chain and tum
0 @ CI) tl) TH F1yl111 Nun (C) up a unique swindle scheme. An·
(30) ''The Lottery." Sister Bertrille thony £Isley and Chanin Hele 1uest.
ls 1iven a ticket on a $25,000 O Nen (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
lottery as a donation lo the con· fl!) Washlnaton In RMlw (C) (30)
vent fund drive, but decides It •
would be better if it didn't.win. 10:00 D tD ® m Deen M1ttin (C) O MIUion $ M.W. (C) "Barefoot (60) Dean s guests are Sid Caesar,
ContMll" (drama) '54-Ava Gard· Gall Martin, Lou Rawls, Ray Stevens
ner, Humphrey Bo11rt. and Stcnley Myron Handelman.
I Trutl Of Conteqllltlcel (C) (30) Im News (C) (60) '9ny IWea (60) ~ Thtalrt (C) (60)
Caodoft di 11 Rm (30) • flllanllel Dillon (30)
El C.lf1D Manda•ieniD T1lt New SHnd (C) (30) : Tlltltre hit (30) The cast of
1:00 1J S (j) Jtnatbn Wint.n (C) the Paudena Playhouse presents
(60) Howard Duff. Juliet Prowse scenes from ''The Beaux Strata1em,"
ind Cliff Arquettt 1uest. by Georae Farquhar. Hal Marlenthal
O @ CV m nat 51r1 ct> (30) talks with members of the cast.
"Sock It to Me." Ann Mule's bl1 @m Mariana chance on Broadway appears a) hsaport ti Travtl (C)
doomed when she cannot brina her· 10:30 O Movie: "Tht OllfJ of Anne
self to 1ive the star of the show frank" (dram1) '59-Millie Perkins,
a hard slap in the face that Is Joseph Schildkraut
crucial to the kt 11 climax. Barry Q) ~tWI (C) (30)
Sullivan 1uests. (R) Ell) If Yo1 Were President (C) (30) m Hazel ~ (30) "Would You Use Preventive Oaten·
Ell) 1 l!lc I Fldtl (C) (60) A per-tion To Raht Crlmer· Judae Charles
sonal portrait of Cuban leader Fidel Halleck, Jlldae of the District of
Castro and his attitudes toward Columbia Court of General Sessions;
government. He Is seen advisina former Attorney General Ram~
farmers, addressin1 the masses, Clark: Prof. Alan Oershowltz, pro·
visitlna his old school, conferrin1 fessor of lew at Harvard and chair·
with his leadina spokesmen and man Lyman Kirkpatrick discuss the
en111in1 In a same of basketball. is.sue.
@m fttldeno! (C) I 5enta Sin Hlstorla
1:25 IJ Wondtrllff WOl1d of Sport (C) 11:00 u Hl.!'ct aJ, Ntw1 (C)
1:30 D Q) @ m lr9f!Side (C) (60) Uars Chtb (C)
"Not With a Whisper B~t a Bani." Mowtt: "flle Fortun Went lo
Both San Francl1eo Police and the ranee" (drama) '42-Robert Mor-
Army Bomb Squad are called to in· l!t_ Constance Cummlnas.
vestlgata bomb threats on a col· 11:30 6 Mowtt: (C) "Motlier Is a f,....
leae campus. Gerald S. O'Lo111hlin ••n" (comedy) '4&-lorett.a Yount.
and Edward Asner 1uest. Van JohnJOn. e lollnr (C) (60) Tom Harmon D tD@) m Tenipt .. (C)
and Mickey Davies are rinpide. g .. : "fit WlcUd L.acty" (ad-
0 @ (I} al lewttclMd (C) (30) venture) '4S-James Mason, Mar·
"Samantha's Good News." Sam's aaret Lockwood.
war1ock father, Maurice, arrives at I@ m m Joey IW.O, (C) .
his dau1htet's home with • aor· DDnali O'Connor Show (C)
aeous younr 'witch he claims is his 12:30 Action ntatrt: "Chinese Bun.
secretary. Sam tells Endora about aalow " t~e 1ir1 and a family quarrel be· 1:001 fJ NtWI (C)
1ins. It's not until it's over that Co••unl~ l1tlletln Board (C~
Maurice end Endora have timi to from Ult lntidt Out (C) ~nder why there Is a special alow 1:15 Movie: ''Re Blldl Hand" (mys~
about their dauahter. tery) '50 -Gene Kelly, J. Carrol
I MtfY 5rtffln (C) (90) Naish.
lt1t tbt Oddi (C) (30) O Mowit: "Vloltnt Road" (dremal
Mlllka J ~la (C) '58-ari1n Keith, Joanna Bernes.
t:o6 ! s m cas 11u1ttday Movie: 1:30 In Sunset Strip
( "neC.1Pt111n ~ (drama) 2:30 Al~NtcM 5ttow: "He M1rried
'6 -Urem Zimballst Jr.. Shellty H Wife" ind "Adam and Ev1lyn.'I
MORE aovs & OtRLS
Thi1 ii the lateat word from the
major a9enh a11d prod11un ht
Hollywood. Televiaion co111rnerciala
ere big b11a.:ntn. It ia • b11ai11t11
thet employ• 4 lar4• n111nber of
children and p1y1 them lart• ul-
ariH . But where did Hiett kich
com• froN, and how did they get
there? Well, would you ballen
they're found in 1uch far 011t
pl•c:et u Fullerto11, Senta An•. or
the outer r1qio111 of long leach
or Pomona 7 Som• of tht11 young·
1ter1 m•y I've right nHt door!
Bu t ""41o finch thHe talented boys
and g irl• to fill the production
nHd1? The 1tuclloa a 11cl e9tnh
don't have t ime, 10 ti • rtault,
there ia a large dtmt11d, •nd to
fill thia dem•ncl, • Public Rele·
tlon• Compeny ullecl TAKE I
PRODUCTIONS. l~C. hea tur11ed
ih enertlt1 encl reaouru1 to fill·
in9 tflis nttd. TAKE I filk>DUC·
TIONS melio profeuio11al contact.
in Hollywood for ntwcomera.
Local school girl's eammgs
reach $10,000 in TV com-
mercials a few montbs after
b e i n g signed by Ta~ I
Cell 547-6251 N ..
Tau 1 Produdlon1, Inc.
APtllL 11
For mornln1 and afternoon
llstlnp, please see DAY·
for your comenience, are
the day's movies. All stl·
tfona reserve the rlcht to
chance programmlnc with·
out advance notice.
t:tO D ""'"" ,_,. Part II (dl'lma) '"5" -Kltharine Htpbum, Walter
•.JOU "fff&' T...-" (drama) '52-U.m Rtdmond, Andra Momll.
1J "little leJ IMr (dnma) 'S3 -iln1 Crosby, Claude Daupfiin.
12:JO m "Lu Yapa lttlY" (drama) '52 ~lctor M1turt. .... ._ ......
(wutem) '55-alll Wlllllms. ,,
Z:OO CIJ "Str•p HeUdlJ" (dn11n1) '45
~l•ude Riina, Gloria Holden.
J:OO IJ "f .. I MaR Wltll I Neri"
(d(ama) '50--Klrtt Dou(lu, Lauren
4:J08"1tee4 .......... " (wut·
tm) '48 -Robtrt Praton, Robert
Mitchum. Barblr1 Btl Gtddes.
f V f ~~ I "'< (~
1:00 ti TM lie ..._ (C) (60) Jeny
a m ".....,.'"·~ <Cl (3o> 8 StM All• ... (C) (90)
Sttv9 plays and slnp many of his
own compositions, ind welcomes
M1rllyn end Al1n Btriman, who
wrote the lyrics for the Olcar·
nomlnettd aona. "Wlndmllla of Your Mind."
D SU O'Clecl ~ (C) "l1le liildlJ C..,....,. (edwnture)
'61-Meureen O'H1ra, Bri1n Keith. a • sn <Cl <60> m ,., ear. <C> <30>
.., ..... (C) (30)
(17) (j) .... lfttfttl (C)
filD Mat's NeW1 (30) "Sonte M1un-
uin Clrvina." A look It UM wond'•
l1rpst lflntt. mountain, IOC1ted In
Geor11t. There YoU'll find the l•rs·
at 1eulpturw m1dt. .,M .... Shi A-.
IBDUI ..... (C)
l:JO D DIC ........... (C) (60)
• ' ..... lllq (30)
.. v.,..-" ....... et tM Iii (C) (60) u Cl).......,. • ......., (C)
• arc.I (30) "Hlati In UM Air."
A bltll•tflt.cul'tlln fool at the
Clll"ldlvlls do perlorm stunts In
the 1ir--mee 111ot from c:1nnona, ,.,,,. •rtbb. trapen artim
and 1 rntn do diwl 40 fttt Into
11 lndlel °' .....
hp 1 ..
, •• Cll ~ ..... (C) (30) Witt« CroM!tt.
IJ ..... MJ U..1 (C) (30)
P II 4 (C) (30) 00 Ca-i ai1ceae(C) "Brim· . ftod Camtf'Oll, Adrf1n Booth
! DOUT Qall1q11 (30) An adutt
• ~ •rlea from tM Loa An·
l9la City Schools. "Youtti ~"
lewrtnce E. Houston, ldmlnlttr1tor
ol lftllructional routfl ..me.a for
ttlt Los Anaelts City Schoola. de-
xrlbta th• summer recreation ~
i 'C"*" IF'D (C) • Wtlt (C)
Trdt tr c:....-(C)
7:JO a QI (i.) 1" WIW, WIW Wiit (C)
(60) Wut Ind Gordon and I
wanted mtn who II their prisoner
must acape 1 town In whlcfl tM
entire popul1tlon la lluntlna them
to frM the prltoner end llquld1tt
the two l(Wnts. J. S. JohOIOfl Hd
Slnan Hart 1uat. (R)
DID HIP C..,lml (C) (60) •1fhe Dectlvtn." With food and
ammunition ne1rty uh1uattd at UM
finch from the att.cb of I rtne-
ltde who plans to loot the Clnnon
R1nch In a bid tor recocnitlon.
the rene11dt Is finally ceptufld
wflll• r1ldin1 Clnnon supply Wlf-ons. Bonnie BtcM!la, Robert toUit auest. (R) e a..t .,. -. <C> (55>
Q ~Cl) EB 11111 la T• ..._
(C) (10) Talrue Klun, Bobby Golclt-
boro, Donov1n, Godfray Cambrtdat
1nd Jo Anna Wortey l\ltsl
D Mllloll $ M..te: "'Be D•'* ~ story" (docum1t1bry) '65
~amted by An:hlbald Mecltbh.
at Trdt tr c...-(C) (30) m""' ..... <60>
fl!) CucJM de t1 1111 (30)
fl) D C1n M1Mla•ltfttt
l.1JO at Hutl <Cl (30)
fJ!) ... ....., Q9lit (60) Compow
ind •·miner Jim Gartand and his
wlft Hazel tell Ind sinl about lift
In UM days when tM uniOft WIS
sttulfllnf to become an lmpoft1nt
forte In the mines. They lin1 more
thin two dozlft IOftP with ho$l
Pitt S..pr.
II) lllCltdtl (C)
l:Z5 D WHdlrM Wtfid .. ""1 (C)
l:JO • til Cl) ... ,,.. (C) (30) ~rol Burnett luests U I lady
M1rine who duhes with Set Clrtlr
wtlen she attempts to rten1it Gomer
for • camp show Ille la st.aln1.
She rteot1J to womanly wiles to
brt1k down C.rttf'a il'Ofl will. (R)
!o oo m11 ... " *a... (JO) "Th• T1klf." Glenn How1rd
rt utts to u• hit publications to tnctor. I political candidate backed
by Arthur Jeflk:o (Burt 1¥ts), 1 ty.
r1nnlctl blllionalrt who btc:omes to
anctrtd b' the refUNI thtt ht tits out to buY HoWlrd Publlcatlont--
0( to dutroy It BradfOtd Dlllm1n
Ind Lois Ntttlfton •Ito 1uest. (R)
• --tM """ Sta (C) (30) "TblW Men on I Raft"
D tHI CJ) mt ... llM 8" (C)
{30) littilils Wllolty holb.
ID ~ """" (C) <90> • ........ .,.... (C) (30)
t'M88Cl)C81 FtW.f .._. (C) lHID ......... =••It 19 ...,,.,. (dr1rnt·musiell) '63-:Ht· ~ (C) <!"> "F UJll: A Dhc-
talle Wood, Rolallnd Ru.ti, lter1 tot's flttMlooll. fbt procnm la llJ,
Meldtn. Muskal ltDry of th1 life with and about the world·rtoowntd
of Gypay Roee LM. (R) ltallln director of "Lt Dolct Viti"
ind "8'n." It wu fllmtd In Rome
by ftlllnf 1nd mtrb hla first tffort
for ttltvlllon. FeHlnl dlxuau Ills
fttllnp In makina a pk:Wrt.:. Ills
thUdhood txperltnetS setlnf nlms,
ind wtltt kinds of people he meeta
when m1kln1 1 film.
• ...,.., Mer ,Daft (C) (60) lili Cosby, Jackie De Shl nnon,
Marty lnpls, Jeremy V1mon, Jim
Brown, The Taj Mahal fUtll
D tm Cl) m Lil's ... I Diil
(e) (30) ~ Hill holb.
m .... , .. Ufe (C) (60)
am ... <Cl <60>
D IHJ())aJJudd tw t11e o. r.... (C) (60) "Th• Getes of Cert·
bus." Judd is lovolvtd In 1 blttlt
bttwttn 1 dedicated man who
made 1 film •bout mtntll holpi·
tals 1nd othm who ltttm9t tu •·
ploit It. Lat Gr1nt. Sam W1n11111ktr,
Phil Bruns and M1rtl11 E. 8toob
auest (R)
fJ MlllUI Dilloa (30)
C1J TM llew StM (C) (30)
U @ Cow. ••P• ..... C..fw· e.ce (C)
fl'i) lt&D .... (IO) "Tomldo
Forte1stlnr." Dr. Hibbs ind two tx·
perts from ttle f.nvlt0nmental Sci·
ence Services Administration rtvlew
the pro1ress In prcwldlna Mrty
w1mlnr 1bout tomedoes.
O> Mariant
10:30 B Mevlt: (C) ...,_ SlJ AIMwl, llil Mid ...,. (documentary) '62
-N•mted by William PMCOCk.
., ... (C) (30)
&> Ctllfl Sift tliStDril
u:ooa um mm""' <C> D Alfrtd Hltdlc:ocl
tDUn ·~· (C) m Mtwtt: (C) ~ (dr1m1)
'4&-f rtd M1cMurr1y, Anne Buter.
@(])@(j)Nen (C)
11:30 fJ QI Ci) NIWI (C) DD@mTOltl&'t ... (C)
D 11ow1t: <Cl "Dr. c,dopl" (hor·
ror) '4G-Albert Dekker, Jana Lo-pn.
fJ @ Cl)G) JttJ ..., (C) m Deaald crc.o .... .., <C>
12:00 II Mwte: ""' Q!Ut a...."
(comedy) '49-&b Hope, Rhondt
Remlnc. a C1J 'ridlf ...
fl!)__..... (60) "Student 12:15 B Mewit: "Le1pe tf led1•1a" Power, Brazillan Style." Three Bra· (drema) ;61-Jaek Hlwtlns, Nlatl
zlllan students. In the Unittd States Patrick.
fOf I State 0.,,.rtmtnt·.,OIOred
cour. 1t lla.A,-art Dr. t<.ith Ber· lZ·lO n:11 Actloi n.trr. "Hell's Ave wick's cuuts. They dlxuss the stu· • ui .. • dtnt In Bruili1n IOCitty, tM U.S. Houri.
student mo¥tment. ind lM hlatily
crttlclltd Brazlllan aovtmmenl
t-.JO D @ ()) ED TM s-tf Wiii s...tt (C) (30) "The P1ri1h." The
Sonnttts ire lhot at by friends
when ~ arrive fOf 1 visit Will
ind Jeff learn tht Cobbs hive II-.
come the town oute1sts becautt of their friendship with James. Jeff aoes to town to pidc up their sup-
plies, encl fills to mum. P1ul
f'bl tnd El left Coft>y 1U91ts. \R)
8-(C) (30) Tld 11'"'1.
., ftllnl .. .. ....
1:0000 ..... (C) D Mevtt: ... ...., ,._.. (W'llt·
em) '35 -Edward Arnold, Jtaft
at frt11 It.a ,.._ Olt (C)
1:30 m n s.. Strtp
1:45 • ~ ...,. lrtlt sm." (drl·
mt) '4i-Grqory P~ AVI Gird·
Z:JO m Alf.NIClrt -..: "Action In All·
bll," ''Th• l.Mn1 Hetd" end "Hill In l<ofu."
1 •
t :
m AM Tllutr1: "They live by • llewle: "TIM ..... Hilla" (Id· E .... few Nflh_r and "A Boy, a Girt and 1 venture) '49--Randolph Scott. .._.: "I c..taa" (mystery) ~·allitlml. I ~~.!':~.,(C~C) la.:.,ntiomery Clift, Anne a.xter.
lO:CIO I~ Ci) TN Ardlll SS.. (C) .... ....... nutn: "Yaqui ... ,..... si. .... CJ) OJ..__, 19 tile C:.· Drums." ' • s.mrday MlllMt
tllf tllt E.11111 (C) 1:00 8 ta Ci) MMJ Diet (C) 3:30 C... n.trt (C) "List of the fJ Mewil: (C) ...._... It fert IM· iiwii: (C) "'fib tllt Hilll . le1ns."
.... " (tdventure) '57 -John ,,..... (adventure) '53-Rlchard 4:00 8 Mtwil: "'TlfDll l9CI die rr.,..
Mr. Wbllblw (C) Dehner, Grer Palmer. Wldm•~. Kirt Malden, Elaine Stew-pen" (adventure) '58 -Gordon
Ciwe Us 1'MI D., (C) I httln fw IMl1 •rt Scott Eve Brent La Etbllls J Ulllld fJ Mewtt: .,..,. M•.., (actven-I Crud Prtl 5 (C) == :r (C) 10:30 m(l) ..... /S....,.. (C) ture) '52-E:rrol Flynn, Ruth Roman. ' • w..-Tnill (C)
M•khli tile ..... " Mat.-oo mu..,... (C) I eoe1eo Tracl <Cl , 4:30 ne ~ <C> "" : .. Aialu" (adventure) '44 MlrilM QtiW llatta ~;: Secred :!: <C> --Otln Jlaer, Kent Taylor. Ar...i Ferm H._lldlts (C) 5:00 DDuT All-Allericu ~ I~ m Sllper "':'(tjC) ~·~ F..mtlc ,.. (C) 1:30 a Ci) Tiit Lene ..... (C) SMw (C) Dennis Jam• hosts. . dmc..,. (C) CIMllMil...,. 2: CADILLAC PRESENTS II N~ _TIME-It's Academic
• Tlla :=~..:--(C) 11:00 '!008'•ft1Mk S.U,. * Masters Tournament * E~citing. Fast-paced Sat.rdlJ n.trt: "Rise and ( ost Peter M1rsh1ll. live from Augusta High School Quiz Show.
Shine'' Ind "Betrayed Women." ~ {))@1•11 tf tile ,.. tJ 9 Ci)........ Qolf Towu-Aviation, ~Onita and
1:30tJ9Ci)11111 l1111nr/Rotd ht-AWlnl nutn: "O.per1does ..tt (C} The ctoslna rounds of Reseda Highs compete.
"" HOW (C) kt In Town ,, the 33rd Masters Tournament. with ' Ifs AcadtMlc (C) 19 Cl) m Top Cit (C) 11:30 I fl Ci) n.. HttUllWI (C) a •lect field of international pro-Cll1•pio11Mlp ........ (C)
Cl•J!!' Dlpd 00 m um...i Wortd (C) fesslon1I and amateur aolfers, Is (ii) CJ) G AIC1 Wide WorN
(HJ (}) lB IMlliwer (C) II '!l.. hosts. broade1st today and tomorrow. John s,orts (C) • •
lliwlt: ... Uttlt MidlllPPIB" M@ CJ) m Mtl'ltM ludltl.. Derr, Frank Gifford, Frank Gliebtf, E ...... (C) (drama) '54 -Duncan M1eR11, Dick Clart hosts. Henry lonahurst, Cary Middlecoff : lnnowltioft1 (R)
Adrienne Corri. • lltM: "'Tenw 1111 T ... TOft" and Pat Summerall dacribe the flltbol-Socctr
I lruded (western) '58 -stertini Hayden action as the field of 90 aolfers • Breece ~ lMEX (C) · compete on the par-72/6,980-yard 5:30 blpll stefy (C) (R)
9:00 9 00 m FtiltltlMI (C) course. II TIME--KNBC
liliwli: ..,.-......... Ju.,.-. (Id· g uaA S,0.1 SpW (C) Dan * NEWSERVICE
ventur9) '50--0on H1rwy, Fomtt ~ 0casclls1tnhed UCl.A.tennb action be· with PETER BURNS
T . 12.-0019 Ci) 5'1mm! (C) ''"""' @Cl) 91 Spider Man (C) 9 00 C SEASON ... m Coronet Tllutrr. "Abilene II MIC .......... (C) (30)
JICl Tt II ... (C) )er lelpe (C) The Sin ToWn." D CeltbritJ lilfflnll (C) Dick M•r· 111*11111 Tlltth Fmlclsco Giants and the Sin Ditao I Merv Crifflft (C) tin auest.
&tmd6t de ,...,. v..,.. Padres meet as Curt Gowdy and 2:30 FNturt I Tiit Rat P.trof (C)
9:30 l~WIClJ bees (C) Tony Kubek e1ll the action. . Idle Cf'J Man fro• UNQ.E (C) 1!31111111 5'flll (C) ,,,.. Ttllre S:OO Ql'Ci)cts Geff Ctlllic (C) Mdtlle's NIWJ
9) Fltltallc y.,.._ (C) 1%:30 t8 (j) ...., Qlltlt (C) A semifinals match. • lllttmltitnll M1pz!H (60) (R)
Peet 11
1 • ' t
SAVE $3198~DAY
Compl•tely tr•n1i1toriaed, F.E.T. Push Button re-
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