HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesay , ' ' ' • ' " . • ee .a1n I -l , • • f ... 1 ....... • • ,.....l J•. - · ~ag-.ioa -'.fBolit!elbaD ... . • . ~ t . • ' •• ' . ' . ' •' ' I • lAt_sla Mesa ·P _ilot· • -. -.: (;~ll9pses Du~~~g . •' .• w.,_ Killed . . . ' . Crasti-. in . -~ , -Fke~·_Beseue .Try ... .. ' (ti ~usher _:,1~ne .. ' .. ' . ' • ,. .. , ,., I . ' ' .. ' . .: .. r ·~ , .. ' -.. . ' MONDA y7AFTERNOON, :APRI( 7, :1969 VOL & MO. ti. I IHTIOIU. a ...... ' ' .. . -,..· ~ • ' . ' '' . . -Up, lJp•Not Away • . , , ' I -fl • ~ J,..__ .,. ~ .'t. .,. • ,;f,,;.i;}..r .' Tr• 'f!lt;.( ·{,;r.,•' ){'T ~\ ~, !' I'')" _.• ' ' --,.-fi _.3.i_ * -,"'• :_3.i. ~ .. ti . .. * * • ' ;pµ• '' ll, < I l I ' I~ 'l • t • 0 f W' ~ • r ) 0-• • ) !I'" • I• ' ;.t"' :'t ~ ' o • • • i;. I 1 ~ ' 1 • ' • ' 'ii' . ' -1:; a • "* "' "':.fj•\ ' • ' .. ' i -lo ._ ... -... • -• l ., -j • --·-·- ' ' .. . ' . . .. ' ' lof .. Ge .:.J :·;l-i,·.·'.: . ' . ' . ~ ' • • l' . • . . . . . . ' ., : . . ' ' Withdr.awal· This · Yea~r · Vietnam ViSit ·Scheduled Durillg May •Bal R :ained ·out ·Storm Start.s 'Early ;Windup to Wee~ . . . . SirhatrTests • ' ; -. Questioned . - • • ... ' • ! • ' •The·-Ana ....... -in( Ud lbe .................... . ri90 oul <II lllem -IO -'It .~~;., U>e ~ ~~' ~' ··~¥· ·~•; ·> •• ~ . )1:· =-. ,: < .............. _ .._ ~ •• --.i ~ ·---.... ........ . ..... . ... ......... . ---·" ......... , • T I • • ,.... , .... F. ,... *"""" If. 4 -~ u -... ), • 'ONLY PD.CT s Mondi&', April 7, 1!69 ~--_..__ ----------------- ~ -· .. I • \ . ;_·~ ritic's .. Eye View o~ Social .Scene -. .. JJ:All cox t _l ............. • Iatbtlnuloli1'tf1r7jowiWilllhn beal.s a a:ltlc'r bean,, and how IUll1 o1 ut -~· oor teeth wlllt ~ Jlpoo Ille "laP!I ...,. of lbolle 'knllhls It pr• •b'eotrlcal crtllct. Be lhia the cue, bitter ls the cup from which .,.-.i report"' drink. We who · must Write with aun- lhint and li&ll~ oprudiDg aood will, oo mau.r how bo&'f our souls. To aUevta.te thele oatural 1gresslono. why not deYelop a new poetic '*" whlcb would match I under 1he banner of lo.-....1 Party Critla, 'Dae writers, like our brethren Jn Lbt drl!na~c l!eld, woold lftllllre uplift In the .90Cial world with barbs and jahs at· all '"-Who Un lo 'fall -"" llflh~--,• Coollder ror tnatance. • nvlft oo a typical dU.-party, Whltb w.wd IOUnd somethlnc lib 11111: • "'1~.Jlola D1J1!>1r Party." alqed In the home of Mr. and Mn. Hiram Van. Good, !ell short d upeclotiOlll delplte fine performances by Jwo veteran party~ aoers. Harvey Gbd, ~ In the nile ol the beavy drinker, -a ltroke ol ....... Ria portrayal ol Sbltley Temple ldoclnc "'!be Good Sblp Lolllpop" will kll1 be remembered. A bid !or the best supporting aw.a might well be deserved by Mn. GlactJ1 0-. A vlsloo Ill abimmlrtn( red, obe «rtalnly -eil tilt -wltl> her perrcrmanc.'t ol ''The hors d' oeuvru are yummy." In ·iplle ol -two l>r~ "°"' llttle coold be done to save the ~lnrter disaster which turned out to be DMX'O PILOT ·. Plri1 CJUlc. lallll Oii .,. bor!lllillop I' quartet -IJ!."'"lpt Indeed, a! ... point of the eveoin(, be WIS beard eaylng aometblnr nice about Albert &hweltler. LOG.001( Dim. w• drab and~ wore dull, .panu to a job poorly dcne by -OMl; ~Uve Eatum. B e at um ""'1aterers. o1 a puiq ~ Ulan anyllilnc Tiie choice ol chopped Uvor on lettuce ..,_ w• m.-. wlllle tbt mock tur11e lln. Vanllq fell far 1bort of edeqva'e IOUP. hll[!>ly, J'ldullllaal, lllo foll lilort In her nile ao the amlllng hceteu. Looi:· on .. ...,..,, Ina fidfely In a Jllll'Ole full length -The file! of oole luted ..... Ille •-Ibo Joel ill her verve when Glad fllet of -· and the -Jubilee am1111ncJy Upped 1111 libaUons oo her certainly ,..med a bad llldlaC fw sudl · whltt Pen1an rue. a tastelus mtaL, Tbe bolt, UOUallJ aa ace In such rolls, All In all, the VinGoodo fete was "" clluppointlbiJy unooovillcing when fated for failur< belon the !Int act. l!linglnr, "J'm Potlf'e' Than You Al't," rill M of Ml multhuillioMlJ't; craaies, F!td Ki>ox and Jcfm Gold. Jolin Fierce, ill bll portraYal of lhe ) Jean Coz ir a st4// wrikr for the Soda! Nolet ttcUon of Ille l>AILY PILOT. ----------------·------------~ Noted Builder G. M. Holstein Succumbs at 7 4 Longtime Newport Beach resident George M. Holat>ln, founder ol GearP . M. Hol&tein and Sons, a well known Southern CalUornla home building flrm w1tb officet In Costa M-. died 51-y at l)is winter home ·In Palm Spriql at tbe age of 74. Private hmeril services will be con- ducted Wednetday at St. l am ·e 1 Episcopal Church, Newport Beach. Mr. Holste.in, a graduate of Princeton University, was one of Southern California's first Jiceflsed contractors. He establiabed his bulldlng flrm In Loa Anaeles In 11JZ3 and built """' of the Beverly HIDa homea occupied by mo'!le llari ol the 1920's and 19!0'•· He moVed the flnn to Costa Me11 In 1149. Slnce that llme, Jhe firm bu built thoulands of homes In Oranre. Loa "'1aela· San Diego and Ri'°'raide Counile. and In Lu ·vegU, Ney. Mr. Holsteln retlr<d In 1955, turning the leadership of the firm over to his aons. eeorg .. m , the company's current president, and Wllliam, both residents of the Harbor Area. An avid gQlfer, Mr. Holstein wu a member O[ the. Irvine Coast Country Cli.ib and wu one -of the founders of the Thunderbird Country Club near Palm Springs. He allo wu a member of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Survivors include his wife, Susan, of the couple's Newport Beach home, 308 Avenida CUmbre, Eastblufr, hls two sons and five grandchlldren. The family has suggested that friends wJ.abina: to do eo, may make. memorial contrlbutlona to the Elaenhower Medical Center, Pabn Deaerl, CalU. From Page 1 BAL WEEK. • o I described as rout.lne. Another discomfort -this one for :surfers -is expected to continue for 11eVeral more weeks. Quarantine or water north of Newport Pier It.Ill 11 in effect. lt covers, lifeguards say, the best surfing spots along Newport's &horeline. No citations for violating the (JUIJ'ln- tlne were 1uued. last w'Hk, even though lffeguards ushel,'ed hundredl of bothers and surfen from t.be troubled waten. t'Tbey all eeerned to cooperate very well once they knew why we asked them to get out of the water," a lifeguard said. DAILY PILOT .... ,.,. IMct. H1Mt4 .. '-' ----.,__ CAUIOINIA ottAHGI! C:OAIT P'UILISHING COMl'AHV •okrt N. W114 l"raldlrlt 111111 l"ubll- J1(.li R. Cu11.., ~fw ,,.kllfll IM "-" No.ftl- Thotr111 K11•il l!:lflle!' Tholl'l11 A. Mwt1thl110 Mlllffll'IO !dlhr -C•lt MtMn :nt Wei 11'1 llrwt ....,_" ... di! t2'11 WO.I ..... loulnW'll l •-ltKIU 222 r:-t Aw- HllMi..tOll ikoal1 M "" llnlt Famous Names County Airport '~; .. , 4-. . , •. Ranked Sixth ·:·<ie~ ~¥:'•:1."1· : t · .. Busiest in U.S. Orange County Airport Is now the mth bUl!est airport In the nation, lhe Fed<r•l Aviation Admlniltratlon an- nounced today. The new rankinl; represents a jump from Ulh plice one year aro. FAA spokmnen said flJrbl opmtlool In 11111 totaled 51%,973. Loo Angela Intetnallonal Airport. the nation's MlCOlld btitlat, logged only Ml,000 · .,.,.. takeofl1 aid landlnp. Loo· Angeles Intemational'a 1988 total wu 590,000. O'Hare Airport in Chicago ill at the top of the llSt, the FAA noted. The Chicago facility recorded ll0,110 opera- tlont lot year. FAA olflclala pointed Olli lhst Oranp County'1 No. I nnkJni wu larJtly at. trlbutable to a heavy volume ol 1J&ht piano Ira/lie. Many of the prt•ate alt· era/I are banned from the Jarcer air· porla. F"°"' P .. e 1 ; .. s.,DanltiiPCdld: (illii\dot 2) bends over 16 1et,il' cloceuj) view of " Jemiy a »-~d clrcu.o tltPllant who'• jusf toti tired ·lo welcome the llttte tot tO the BiJllen Brothers Circus in Canberra, Australia, ' Soviets Testing Triple .Warhead, Laird Declares WASijlNGTON (AP) -Secretary ol De!eme Melvin R. Laird ·aid Monday the Soviet Unloil Is leltlnfl a triple warhell! ooee cone for the bJr SSI ..Cket be ccaldm·a threat to U.S. mlasllel. La!rll hu died Soviet d'!'loymaJt. of the SS! 10 jlllllllcallon f~ ~ Con- -enlal Safeguard antJm!alJe l)'llem, CUrrently lhe Soviets .,,, tltliniled to have only about 200 operational SS98. and Intelligence estimates are that there 'll'ill be about 500 around 1171 at cumnt dO!lloytne!lt ra<ea. SS9 at a faster rate than U.S. bUllil:eoc:e experts emmated II would. .i 'I1te weapon already carried· a llngte warhead of up to 25 megatonl, he said, and now "They have gone into the test atage for three smaller warheads fer ' it." . Laird uid this raises a queatJori Of wfle:tber the Sovleb need a missile for such a "tremendous amount oC megaton. nage" as a retaliatory, anti-city force or f0r potential use in· a surprise firlt strike against coocrete and steel m1asUe o!Jos. M. ·K: Douglas, 24-year-old son of Kirk Douglas who makes his film debut in "Hail, Hero," found after filming started his "stunt man" was Delnlre F1ynn who is the 24-yeer-old daughter of Errol F1ynn. Deirdre is attempting to make stunt work her career. DRUG KIT .•. Triple warheads for the 500 would Ii•• Jhe Sovletl 1.500 nucleot boinbs 1<r piaible targeting. '!be Unltd Stol<s ""'1.000 !and-baled Mlnutemait1nla1les. . I\ • > "One bu to look at tills capability hildr In alt ._... ~-Chat Is be1nc developed, and ~y ~arlle~ er awaaw"""6 moms;ar\4 one wOu,Jd hive to ~ it ii belli: dew!loped In order to -......... A booka!Htyle water pipe o1 the fype Mlmltemm. mlllile l!yolem;" La!rll told "I've always made it clear that I 00 not believe the Soviet UDim wouJd be fooU..b IDOllgb • • • to •o forward with a first strike," Laird aaid.. But he said be could not lnlure ~ l1lt'h Ammcan weapon1 l)'lteml • the· Minuteman· or the Navy's Pollrll aub-.. marine missile force would be m. vulnerable forever. ,• ""11111ooly uaed to rmob marijuana wu a group o1 forelin jouma1lsts visiting noticed on the televialon aet, but Graf the ~entaron. denied knowledge of the ex.Uc device At the same time, Secretary of state . when questioned about il Wllllam P. Rogers was telllng a news Narrow Def eat Predicted Another type of pipe fashloned from coNerence across town th1t he does a bamboo stem with a hole for insertion not know why the SoViel.I are deploying From Pqe 1 In Senate for ABM Plan of a cigarette wu also fowid, along the sst. wllh 'partially smoked h a n d • r o 11 e d Roten: aaid thla would be one of cigarettes and what appeared to be burnt the !Int questloN ralud In propooed marlJuana residue, invea.tlgatorl said. U.S . .soviet talks om ltratqlc arms MESA PILOT •• WASHING TON (UPI) -Pmident Nixon's proposed' 1 safeguard•' an- tiballistic missile (ABM) system will be scuttled by a·0 narrow m1rgin" when it comes up for a vote in. the Senate, according to Sen. George McGovern, (~ S.D.). McGovern laid the -1 -to deploy nuclear ·tipped missllea to protect the nation'• offensive mllllle system -bas support from "not more than 30 or 35" Senatcn at the moment. He said "as many aa ts SenaCOrs are now opposed to the syaem." and another 15 or 20 art undecided. When tber make up their minds, he nld, "We wil win by a narrow marlin and will 11op the d<ploymen! ol tblJ l)'llem." A poll of the Senole mede by UPI m. March a tndicated. there were 41 -who planned to vote qa!Mt the ABM. Nllm'• -propoea1 Wll Fl'Olll. P .. e 1 ROGERS.• . conference u lltCftlar1' of 1tate: "I certainly hope Jhere 'll'ill be oome chance of a mutual withdr1w1l ti. troopl this year. aJt if lt'a to be mutual you have to have mutuality. t•As to • unilateral wltbdrlWal ot troopa a U.S. withdrawal without parallel Communist action, I woo 't 10 beyond what the Prtsidenl has said. We are considering all possibilities. I won't predict what might be done." On other aubjecla, R<lgen said: -He ha• dlfllculty In understanding why the soviet Union is deployln1 a massive nuclear mlaslle -the SSt - which carries a 25-me11ton warhud. This Is •one ol the tilt flnt queat1ons we lntend to takt up with them when we have the U.S . .$ovlet Wu on 11rate1tc anns limltaUon," be lald. -The Unlled Statet It acth•ly prtpar· Ina for the llrlteclc """' llmltatlon WU -the abn d whld! would ho to IJmlt DIJclM.r "etpoos -and 0 we expect tbe7 will bo(1n in late spr1nr or early aummer." -The NI.on edmlnllUaUon I> "wlllln& to do what we can to have m<n friendly .. 1atlo!UI wllh Red China." Rosen aald this alter comm.,,tlnt! lltat the United statet dote not contldtl' It wlto to a~, tempt to tllJ>lolt dtlferencu betwHll Red China Ind Rullla; the U.S. would lll!e more friendly relatlool wllh both. ,( The hypodermic kit wu found bidden limttatiOlll. lri10GDCtd on March 14. McGovtm 11id lnaide a ttucltix hanging on the wall Lalrd, who has been crlUclzed for one --swltd!ed from the op-during the ln...Ugatlon In pnigrus taking a hard-line view of Sovl<t d•nlop- position wu Sen. Hugh Scott, (·ft...Pa.), when Grat's sister, a waitress, anived menta, spate of Sovtet advaDcts while but "I haven't di8covered or heard of home. . explaining t;tie admirUtrtdOn'• reuons any other Senator who has switched Officer Donahue a.id two pink pills for wanting to defend the U.S. missile bis position." were found in her purse during the force with tbe Safeguard anUmiaile McGovern, appearing on a television inve.stlgatlon. 11ystem. show (luua: and Annen -ABC) Sun-She denied possession of the drug m.. His audience wa a group of European day, II.id the feelinl of the Senate on jectlon kit contalnlng thret needles, a reporters who .have been on a 30-day Ile ll)'llem bu not changed very mueh squeeze bulb and other tte1111, accordlna toor-ed by the U.S. govemm<nt. since Nllon. modified the old "Sentinel" to Officer Donohue. "We're not overNUng thia cue," l)'ltem to·his new "safecuard'' propoe:al. The two Jittle boys cauaht playing Laird u1d at cue pcint. 50 mlles north of LitUe Rock juat before· the crash. The unusual plane -powered by a Porsche engine -lifted off the nmway once, touched down, lifted. off again and then went down and eiplodtd on impact, investigators said. William R. Henderson, duty ofHoet for the Federal Aviation Ageney'1 southwest rtglonal office in Fort Wri1 Tex., said Blair was fiylng from New. York to Ardmore, Okla., at the time. The Sentinal was originally intended out in the rain, plus their one.month-old He denied., u eome criUcs have claim· to ~t cities from a Chlnese«yle brnther, wero turned over to relaUvea ed, tllat be waa buln( bll raUonale Ike Stamp Scheduled missile attack. "Safeguard," as en-or the woman for CIU'f, police aald. for buUd1ng a rn1.tJe delenee on an visioned by Nixon, Is an ·attempt to Graf wu boo l:·e d Into Costa estimate of future Soviet lntenUons WASHINGTON (UPI} -POltmut"f protect the exlstlnr balllstlc missile Mesa City Jail pending a request by rlll>er than eopeblUUee. General Winton M. Blount aald lodaj l)'ltem from an incoming Russian attack. police for complalnta from the Diatrict "I'm not talklnc about lnleltJorm:, '' a special stamp honoring former Prtli- Two ICientilts, meanwhile, ha. v e Attorney's office tod1y, while his older Lafrd utd, "but about capabllity." dent Dwight D. Eisenhower wW be luued Jndicted Jt would be cheaper (« the alaler WU booked and tralllferred to He said tbe Soviet Union in the last on the anniversary or his blrtb, Oct. United Sta1<o to l!"'nd money on lllOnl Orange County Jail. 21 to 27 monlhs has been fieldlna the 11. b1lHstlc miailes rather than on the 1~.....::..::~.:..:~~~~~~~~::..:::..::..::::.:::..::::.::::...c.~.-:..::..::~...c.~~~~~~~~~~~ "Jafeguard'' aysttm. The COit argllill«Jt qalnlt t h • ~·· aaleruant l)'llem emeried !Ml week ill roporla "1hmltted to eon. gr..,. Dr. c.or,. w. ~ ol the M-Institute ol Technolos1 oald the COit ol tavill( a ailllle -balllstlc -from attack "I> llkelf to be at least in the fl5 mlllloa to $100 million rqe." ~ -joined by Dr. RalJJh E. IA.pp. ID atomic adentiat, who eollmated the coot for def,_ by ABM at l3S million per mllllle. 'Ibe coet. of each Minuteman, in hi ailo, Is ...,ii1y $10 million. A third tcleniilt, Dr. W. K. H. Panolny, al90 "!'P<>Oed the ABM ld<a, but he. said Jt would represent Jess an eecalatlon in the arms race than an increMe in the core of balllsUc- missilea would be. "I am aware of many studies that have shown it would be cheaper to increase our Minuteman force rather than defend It. I a11o ._ that It """ld be lea pniYOCallve to the Sovlet Union to defend the '-we have (1,000 mbllle1) nlber thll:I to increlle it, .. P-ny aaJd. lbe !lclealJatt all teod to believe that Ibo lnltlal llfellwd def-pnipoeed foe Gr<ot Falll, llonl., and Frand Forit, N.D., at a coot o1 fl blllion per Ill<, mJrbt aave to o1 the S10 Mlnutemea they would be 1'11,,,... to ddend. A !ew more would be aaved from datruo- llon by failum In the lncomln& Soviet mllllllel. Peri!-lion tclmtilts alt0 assume that If onlY a third of 1111 Xlnutemen llllnive a Ruoslan atladr, there would allll be enou1h n .. -Jell to kill IO mllllon RUJSlarw and deltroy two-tblnll ol the S<wlet lodl1S1r7. ... ... ~.· . ·:.:· ... • . . . .... •··.',·. ,. ' Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e ring• tiztd end repaired • diemondt end precious stonu remounted • pterl• rerirung WE CUSTOM DESIGN It MANUFACTURE ALC TYPES OF JEWELRY llAUOI SMOfPIN• CINTll 2JOO llAUOI &YD. COSTA MISA 14'"'411 HUH'ITNGTOH C1N111 llACH I IDINGlll HUH'ITN•TON llAC:H m.1101 0,.. .._ n.n.. 111. Tl ' ...... • I ' ~ ' •' .... • • • • • • • • • J •• • ¥•·' m J•lmT .. J f " r. -.,, ' , I . I , Bnniington Beaeh. • . . EDITI O N • ~Ol.'. ~2, NO. 83, 3 SECTIQNS, 32 PAGES' ' . . . . . r-. .. •. ORANGE COUNTY, CALlr<>RNt.I\"-----~ ,... .. ,.. . ... . ., .. . -\ . ., . .. . -' ' •• . . Today's F l!'•I' •• • N.l". &Meka ' .. • !TEN QEN1'S • . .. J?e_serted Beach Lonely . . After · Easte.r : W eeK ~ ~ .. ·--•-->. .. nftled Ill the lreeclom ol vacation and '.Jell .behind oaly ·llatiJ~ lo remember tbtm..by. . ~ • ~ $1L them .nqulred major first aid ,by kWllln&ton )jeach.lJleguards. Another 51 -perhaps 1<ratdlod by broken glass ot burnld by 1he IUD -required minor lint u.i. • · PNY 17 loddkro otrayed loe far from -~~,and bad lo be belped ~An ~""'"'"'" low number, says '~ 11-•. dlr<clor al the city Harbors and Beaches Deprtment- "On a good summer day," be &ald. "lhe adults manage to lose about 150 of their offspring." Lifeguards had to splash Into the }Vavts for 12t rescues over tbe week. NODe o( the rescues was . serious. Eight boala required assistance. The crowd was quiet. "We have seen a marked improVement jn crqwd. behavior this Easter,t' uya Moarhaue ... Reflections of a growing dty, more lamllles, i... outatders, wer< 11"'1 u rusons fot a calmer Cl'QWd. ~ . It wun't really . all that ·1\11· A aood summer day can draw the ume amount of llUllbi!th<rl, uplaJns MoorbouM. But It WU twice the slJe ol l""viou> Easlen ....: "Better.weather'' be~ Problems ,..,. llOI abliildanl -ooly 1he lack of porkln(. A Dot yei filllsbed beaeh parking area for<od people lo park.en lido.,_.-,,, outward from Pacillc Caul lli&hw&Y· Pol1Ct1Den had 1 few of their own probleml -30 •ci:tll•nts thb . weekend a~ -~ none serious. ~ They al!o lsaued 331 .traffic cltajions Saturday and Sunday, mostly !or .em\ey parking met.rs and haw'dous '.(~10¥) drlvlni. . .' · • • For a few students on quart.er H,Uions vacaUon isn't finlahed, tiuf croWdJ Wut only run from SOCH,000 dally except for weekends. · • Wftteod crowds will steadily lncnue with the 1ood weather,' e x-p.J.a f.n 1 • M0otbouse. With a parklni lot llill lo be · built he's not exa<tly Jl'IYinf for bright sunshine. Mid-summer is the' upected cmn· plelion dat< on 1he beach porl:inc, then Huntlnilon Beocb will be rudy f<r,11\em. But 1or now the. dty' can "OliJy.' llY • -goobye Easter Week-it was a ~ ant experience, much .-more pieallnt !ban in Palm Sjll'inp. .. . -- Tro9p Pullout Seell- Rogers -Hopes I or Mq,tual Withdrawal 1 • i . ·: 'IMtt:Y l'JLOI' lllff ""'9 ONLY THE SAND IS LEFT AS EASTE!l WIEK CELEBRANTS ~EAVE THE·S~NE Lonely BHchcomblii-SUrv•ys Empti"'11 Clft Siient ,Strands 11t Huntlntfcin -le11ch • ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Secrelar)' ol State Wllllain .p, Ropn cleCland today that • .,.. cert.li>IJ hope then_ will be some cbance. ol • muluaf wltlldrawil al troops'• -Vletum tbls year. . Roprs lold a non C<llllerence that he·p~ lo 'pay· a vllfl ol tllna or four days . lo 5ou\h Vietnam foliowiM a .llftlln mlnllten meeUng al 1he Soutbeut As!• Tn:aty Organization at flanakok, Thailand, in May. Tbe Nixon admlnistraUon, Rogers aaid in response to 1 direct question, dOes "have a plan wblcb we. think is fair and reuonable for endina: this con01ct" in Vietnam. . ' 0 We•re goJnc to proceed in every pout. ble way to apply It," be declared. "We have OV<rf hope It w!ll brlna peace." ~ Dally .~uoed -u be and other • adnilniltritiori offlcla1I have done in the to do what we can to have more t.r1iplty relaUom with Red China.u Roprs ·eiid tl1it after commenlint tllal~the United Slates does not ~ It wlle to al· l<mpt lo exploit ...... be-Jr.oil China and RUSl!a ; thO 'U.S. _, lift mere lrltndly relations wltll both. -The United Stai.s hq OXp!mec\ Hs concern to the Soviet Union about· its acUona In Czechoslovakla.· Rogers said . . • l : . that when the Soviets hav.e : eoiooo to 70,000 • troops, and .t 1l"n t I,. ln CzecOOslavatia.it milka East-W•·¥a- ti0ris ' very• dllfiCuJt: and in• fact ·~ whole .Brezhnev doctrine. ;is ·T!e-'l' Y. diaconcerting." His reference WU to Leonid Bmhnev, SOviel Cmimimlst Part)'· chief, who bu argued 'RuSalli has a right to inlervene · to suppreu· change in any Communist country. Ma y me R. Schuth Sr.iccumbs. at 95; Services Tu esdtty · ; . ". • ' . past -lo pva In)' dOtalll ol the plan I T~C Edi1PS1tilr' ·to flpl~"Tf:'r' ... lo.aay wbetber there 'W ID foct -~W·N . -'· .~:r41". ~ , .,1f,,:;~~\t "l"rt>;·"'"~~=·~:" n .:cil h-ie fi..._di' • ·• ' "',t ddr . . ~~ flf lio,o, u~ve cat1Qii tt: . ess ~=u~if,;; Funeral services tOr a ~year-<1ld Hun- tington Beath woman who died Friday and whose descendants include seven gteet"great-grandchildren -is scheduled Tuesday. in the city's First Christian.. Olurch. Rites for Mrs. Mayme R. Schuth, 73% Main St., will be at 2 p.m. in the sanctuary at 1207 Main St., with Rev. Thomas Overton officiating and burial in Westminster Memorial Park. A .beach city resident for a years, Mrs. Schuth leaves two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Robi&oo of. Rlvenlde and Mrs. AJlci •Andrews d Oregon; IOM Harold B. and Charles G. SC~th, both of Garden Grove: seven grandchildren ; 15 great· grt.DdchiJdren, and the seven grea(.great· grandchildren. PILOT ST A.R,GA.ZER GA.Z ING A. T MOON Tbere is something new under t h e stars. DAILY PILOT astrology columnist Sydney Om'1T now keeps an eye on tile moon for readers, too. · The 1unar position often clues·to those who play the game as to when it micht be a gopd day ~ go_ sbcJPPing, try a ~w men¥.. make new frknds, leek a certain forin of recreation, etc. a.ect Oman's new moon mesuge segii)ent in the column today on P.,qe 14. · ·"I certalnl1" hope there"will be oome Dr. Richard . Berg of. the University chance of 1 mutual witbdtawal of troops of Soqlbern Cali(omla will deliver the thls year. JM ii It'• lo be mutual main·addrtss at the dedication ceremony ol Fountain Valley's Gia!.,. Scbool this Wedneaday. He Will speak ~ ','Climate for :Achieve- ment. -.Scene for Sally's New School" al 7:30 p.m. at 1he ocbool lile oo 18120 Lol~Sl . ' Dr. Berg has terVed as teecber, counselir and -ator al all levels ct public and prime educaUon lor the pl!t .22 yeora and .iJ now -of F.ducaUGn Placement at ·the UniversitY of Southern Callfornia. ' 1be 'ceremony 1rill begin-with an in- vocatk>n from Rev. Kermeth McMillan ol the Fil'lt United ll!elhodist Orurch ·flf Fountain Valley, CaHlornia Ind American I I a g ceremtries wilt be cmducted by several of tbe city'• l9el"Vice <rganizations, in· c~ the Klwania Club, Ezchange Club and' \he. South Coast Junior Women's Club. ~1:, u=. ~u:1 ~~r ~ ~r~k ~1 .•. 317, Den I, Brownle Troop 1244, G1rl TO -SPEAK·AT °CEREMONY ~ Troop 328 and ~~ Scout ~P.. USC'a Dr. Btrg, • U.S. ·M~ from the El Toro base • - will provide th• color guard for the Will be Harold E. Brown, member-4 ol cvtNiir. the Fountain VaQey School Dls!rlc) Bootd • · ·Ma11tr of ·~ fer the tvent .. · oi Tnnteee:. 1 • • ,. i . . -, you have.to ha.e mUtuaUty. . "As , lo a uiilli!t.ral wl~al ol troopo a U.S. withdrawal wllhout porallel Communist actJon, J won't ·eo beyond what the Prealdeot hu said. We are cOllsiderinc all posa1-..; I -·t, pr<dlct what nilcbi he ~ .. On olhfr IUbjec:ll, JloCOl'.I aai<f, -He bu dlfflculty in undtrstandlnf why 1he Sofiel Union la ·~'a mauive nuclear millile · -the SSI - which carrf•· a 25intpton . .iariiead. This -la ··-ol die lbil ,flrll ~ we 'ultena tO 'ta):e up .. With :them when we have 1he U.S.'89Vfet ~ on llraltglc. """' llmllatlon, .. he aald. . • -The United Slates la actively P"'PI'· inc f.,, the· llrat<glc. ll'IDI limllatlon talkl -1he aim al wblc!l "•ould be to limit nuclear . weapona -and ''we upect 1hey will belin In late IJl'inc or early summer." -The Nixon ldminLstraUon is "willing Harbour Marina Project Studied . . By City .r.o~cil t ••• Russ _. Tes~. T~i·p~e .. Wa~b,e·a(J A plan lo .build -,niald.ntlal lob! --'tile plusli lluolmclDn Ha-bour marina oectlon .el Jlun!itilon. Beach IDd the ocean front comDiunttY cf Sunset Beech comes before ttie Hun-fuN!ton Beach· City Councll lonJc!tl, . . Counc:ilnNm:. will·~ at 7:30 p.m. lhe appeal d } N~l-La>narcf lnc-y -, · in COUDdl c:bamben cl Meniorial Hall, ~p,: tip: !ml'Awa11 1 • · •· • ~· • It went up bot .n~t too far away Saturday u this hot ilr balfiiciiiist t~sted bis ~raft while ketpiTig i! safely secure<! lo ~ ~:'The , balloon ~as. ~n.over Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley.. . .. 5111 J.~ ~°'=:.ri:Jots mv1n« Orange Freew. ay WASHINGTON (AP) ..: Secretary cl not know wh)' the Sovlela are deployinc He ,.Id 1he Soviet Union In the last , an ··-~ frontqe ol l5 feet and • • , Laird War ns Ro cket Threat to U.S . Missiles •• Defense Melvin R.'· Laird· said Monday the sst: J 14. to :1 months has been fleldinr the ar.ea ot 1.--aquare feet rather than . 0 d the Soviet Unioq is tetilln1 a ,triple Reier• aaid thls 'wpuld " be ont of SS9 at a·faster rate than U.S. intelligence the1·~.~~. ll0 feet and 8,000 square Studies -pene SS k the first -~""'• railed"'. In pnipoled .-expel'll estlmaled It would. ~ .., ,., warbe•d-coneforthebig 9""' et •--· ·Th, weapoii already carried a stnale n.e ~-.trpct ·il.., u laland Stalthlghway,engineer•lodaY opened .n ea~er he ocmsiders a tbrelt to U.S. missiles. ~=· ta\U .. ov~ _ltratfCi;c ar~ wlrhead of uP to .u megatons, he: uid, IOUthwest ol Cb:annel Lane · ··bet'Weeit roUtt• atltditc for the mt freeway slated The Santa, Ana windl" are com- Lall,i baa clt<d Sovie! ~!o)'lllent of and now "They have gone Into 1he lest AdnilrallJ' llrlxe and Broadw•l Streel. lo t lhnloab west Orange County Ing and the leblpertltp'• wlfl ·pt •' the SSt as justlficaUoo for 1he con-Laird, who ~.been criil<i>ed f°" . ••· '"··-' sm.u· ar"·acl for The ma lo~ p!aJ!ned'.fcir in<di!im cu ' • • rile <JUI ol. lhtm .-lo alJaUI, 70 lrom'slal Saftg!W'd ~e lfll<m. lating a hanf.lioe .Jew ol Sovlit·devetop. ·~· for ~ er " ~ ' ~Y .~ ~ . The It la' the Orange Freeway and ft even-degr..,. along UV' Orang• Coast CurrtnUy the SoVlets an . eotimaled meats,· apoke ol SoVltt advances while 1l . . . Plannfnl -~ 'lftnlad -the ap-tually. will connect the ·preoeo~ Gani en on n..aday. to have only about IOO operati<:rlal SSts, upl.t!niDI Iba admhntratioa's reuons Laird said this raises a queltioft of pUcatiort • ,. . -. Grove F.reeway and the futw'e Goallt ,.. and,lnle!Ugeoce eotlmat.. are that there far..:.~•·· lo ...,.. the U.S. mllalle wbelh« the Soviell need a mlaile. for ~ JXlbllc '!-""' ~' lllr' Freeway In Huntington lleach. . . INSIDE TODAY will lie aboul llGO ......i Jf/3 at CUITtnl ··-auch a "tr.-lll!OtJnt cl megalon-1bO !'!JD p .. m. · ---"""' . d_.___I rllitll force wltll 1he Safe_..i athnlsall• ·-'ol a -ain--eo· 111an-· ' Enfin-1 are ibldYtng p o 1 1 I b 1 e · . • ,..,,._. be'~-r ,. ~ w-·ld ...,_ . • naa•" a! a m• anU-c:ity ~· ~--alckv•....._..._.._• ......._ ,.;_~,..,, '-"·•c-·•·~•rttn~ Th• tmm .... t collop., of'thc • Triple war nu:i or ll~e """" .,.. .., ......... ~ -~-_.6.1 . ,,~ • \ , __ :~ I -~.,.~~ .;, a•"' .... """' ...... ' l'..i.uau~iu iii.a • S th Vi.__ ., ""'"' .. hi I ••• ·~-1-nuclear bombo 'Bil .~•--.,~. or lot -'-'"'1>1'-,..., ........_,oll~ a&'lU!l--"ilid' 1 • ·~ ,._:~.· •• _. 1 • "'-'' ou e .. ~ ... enoi:m, vr._ gve wrc ""'"~ ,_ auwo11WWWM&p!p 11ond'~ ..-,Der' teel I'~ ..... lraat ~-.. .,t~u1rumurovessantlkna •11n:t:Way ~ £¥ ~~'i'>J'-Olr~'¥J!con !.C:,J=~~Mln1J"...!.""!j~1:' :< .... la1\w11i>~ ~~~~ J=;~ainstl~. ".I • ' I . i '1o<~.C"~ ''•' )'.o;. ! > "" : • .~r,r ~~oiri~'.i f.f~·~ ~6,~!IO·C.... ·~ bia lo lool< at tbls apabdtily ......... ld ... ~ ...... l'M•·-.. . "I; I mil lear ·•"11 I • . • ' ' • !·• •• 11>1 atretchh\l'jouth' ~7'lie~Dleao· W11!10m erfli!orelcnld. P09t 7., '• '"If , not _...... tl1it -,• ve a WI)? c ,1 ·u~~ . _. , rJ .t , · "j" • • . , ' that is being developed, and <ti'taln., Laird. ::Id pol -~ • do not bellev•·... el' uni/in wen Id • -·..... ..... ~..... . . Fm11a,y: No litnf!tab •. for j • lion ...... II -• • one would bavt to AllUmt 1i II being at oae at. . . 'l~ . •"; ,........~T! ' -IT .. ' -"· a.11 Oran -( ~ c......... • ..... ,. de·-t-..1 ln «der to knko~ ~ our &.dtaied, • 1Dme cr:ltk:s bav. clalm-'be foollsh enoua:n • ~. to ,go torward 1~..... ',, • ~ rlol.l tf'bl .,,..... ,•lt>t r · ---:.-~ ,·-tr"•Y ~!:.:" "': ........,C: ~ Ml.n""'l'<"·•-an millllle -stem " taltd lold ed tllal'" he -....... Iii! ratloaale wllh a finl. ~'l:airt.ii!A. · . :..!'"'.'l·Y0•1AP)-..._'!'l._1111flltl <-"°>-•"-'-~.-..adopted ,_ M -="--""""-'U v~ > o --. -Ju ""~ • lhn .. mo -r·; _.> ~ ' -DliMa JWk9' f --ti.a.a_ a poop ol f<nign joorullsts visiting for buildlQc 1 m1ulle def~ on. an But he. ~ #-~m"' JtOt mp, ~t 1 • • , llttl& td.: )ti Jr ~ ~ of ~a~ ~ly :-:=,:.::-J =..... ........ •: the Pentagon. ..Umal< ol Mon Soviet . intentions ouch Americi!t'. •~ali<h ~~~ ). , •flf/'. · ,~...,-.ad! E"""~ ~ """'•• are ;::._ · ,.,. -M At 'tie same time, secretary of Stale raµ. thin capablUUet, • Minuteman ori:. '~~Y>'!i~ , 1.., .. ,. .1 , ~ ~ • • ' " ~,w'St..~I · · ..__..,. 1, ........ • Wllllllil P. &fer• was telll..r a nil!'• "I'm not ialklnJ about lntenliono," 11\&rine mlssl ·I • lie' J·· •~~I~: ' • ~~ •~ '"' rrl1e"" ·~ .., .._ " - -.. , confatQCe acroa town th.It be does Laird aaid, ''bUt about cap.ability." vubflrablt ' 1 ~ 11)1 ......• '\--:. 1' • ~,_.._, -ceuui,x-. • t' " ' • ' ' • r I a • • -·-• . . • • ,.. . z . Y PllOT " ...... 1.1 .... -" -' -....... " ' .. ~ . -. ' . . .. ir.~GL . &.-=~ ... ,..~·•• ~ In tile breast ol ev«y joumalllt dlln ; ('g pp llr lill•Io, 1 ~ • l beats 11 aitlc'e heart, and bow many ol typical -party, which WOl!Jd - ua -~ our teeth with _,, IOmf:Udnc llkt UU.: upoo . tile atfoelnl....,.. o! -'"llle Gila ~·Party,'' lilpl In knishll'of' preSl--the1tricaJ criticl. tbe home ol Mr. and Mn. lllrllm Vllll-. Be thltl the cue, bitter ta the cup from Good, fell abort ol expectlltlona delpltll which we IOClal rePoften drink. We who fine performances by two veteran party. 4lWll -will> ..... '°"'" lhlne and Ucbt, Harvey Glad, cut In the role cl the opnadin( good Will, heavy drinker, WU & stroke of pniua. no matter ho'tf heavy Hla portrayal of Shirley Teftlple singing our souls. "The Good Ship Lollipop" will long be To alleviate thele remembered. nalural aareuiom. A bid for the best aopportinf actreA why not develop a mi&ht weU be dettrV«t by Mr1. Glady• .,... poeUc . corps Cllttr. A vlllon In ohlmmerlng red, abe which wouJd march cert.alnly upstaged the 00.tess with btr· under the banner of performance of "The hors d' oeuvres , .__.Party CriUcs. are yummy." 1bele writen, like our brethren in the In spite of theee two bright lpOLs, dramaslc. field, -1d Inspire uplift In Mlle could be d"1e to sav1 tile lllcklulter the IQda! -Iii with barbs and jlhl at dilllster which turned out to bo more Sirhan Tests Questioned LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The last witness at the Sirhan B. Sirhan murder tri&I 'dtsagr<ed today with techniques of fdlo1r·Jll)'cbologists who found the ~year-o~ Arab to be psychotic. Dr. Leonard B. ·0 Ii n g er, clinical P'Ycboloilsl and the ninth P')'Chiatric witness called, cballented IOl'Dt of the lesl procedures that had been used on Sirhan tO determine his m e n t a l capabilities al ~ time be abot Sen. ltobett F. Kennedy •. Ollnpr wu uked about teats by Dr. Martin Schorr and Dr. O. Roderick Richardson, defense Jl')'diOlogirts who found Sirhan to show signs of paranoid echizophmila. Ollnga", professor at the University of Southern California, said he did not feel the ether two poycbologists had •hown strict adherence to proc<duJe In admlnlsl¢nl . the tells ~ that tber< WU reuan to doubt the -115 of their •corini-. . " Fa.,.... Names • ~ .. --- • . . -' . ·~·· • . L-OG900K . . or a ~ pllwJn& than an)'thlni elte. Mn. V1nBu1 fell far short of adequ1ie In her role as the smllinc holtda:. Look· In& fidgety In a purple full Jenatb hostess aown, !be lost. all her verve wMn Glad amuaillgly tipped lils llballooo "' her white Persian rug. 1be Msr..!lluaJJ.J,~ ac, tn mch roles, ., .. dlsaPl10lnllnili WlCOl!vlncing -~. "l'm POortr Than You Are," with tiro <ii 1111 muJtinlilli<Jnai croolu, Frtd Knox and Jctm Gold . Jolm Fle'ce, In 1111 pclflnYll of , the Poycboloctm muat be cm!ul not to . be l'nJ'ld by their penonol Wormatlon of the aubjed they are lesllnl and not to 11lter the raults ol the tat to fit a preconceived notion, Olinaer said, impiyln& 1111 COllellUOI had d"1e ' . ... . Poychiartic -had been on the staod 11! the trial since March 10 and have become the star witn...<s r~ than the hoe! ol hotel employa and political aides who aaw Kennedy stain. Chiefs .Son Files Plea of Guilty To 1 Pot Charge steVln Murray, 21-)'tll'.Old 800 of San Clemente Pollce Cblef CIHford Murra1'. pleoded 111Dtt to ooe charge ol ~ ol marijuana Friday afttt· noon before Sllperior Court Judge Robert Gardner. The Judi• Cl!'dfred the yooth to appur April 14 !~'probation bearing and senten· cJn&. The -1ty for tra118]>0rlatlon ol marijuana iJ five years to Ufe in prison. Diapollilon of four other charges against Murray will be hand1ed at the prllblltlon hearlnc. They Include posses- sion ol bernln, J)Caetllon of heroin with intent to~ a r•m ol marijuana and ~1e111kla mariju:lnl with intent to l!tll OAllY PILOT OAANGl COAST "USLISHING COMl'ANY ~eber+ N, w •• d ""'IRl!t Miii .-u1111111tr J•ck K. Cvrl1y Viol ,,_lditnt 1.W C.-9' "'-"'"' Tlio1Y111 llC•t•ll Eertor Tli•1t1•• A. Mur,hl~• ,.,_.l'lttffle Edilet Alb-rt W. l1t1• Willi•111 ll•1d -"t111;11"1 H!Hlli11t"'" l~dl f:dllet City f dltw H•"""ttM liNc• Offtce lOt Ith Stf"e•t M1lU111 AddN111 P.O. i., 7'0, 91641 ..__ ~ IMdl: "" """ .. ltlM ............ Cltll ~I 81 W.1 •• , S"""r·-UIUN~ Ul .._..A_ ' ' . M. K. Douglas, U.year-old son of Kirk Douglas who makes his film debut in uHail, Hero,'' found after filming started his 0 stunt man" w..-.Deinlre Flynn who is the 24-year-old daughter of Errol Flynn. Deinlre is attempting to make stunt work her career. Mesa Cross-coun~ry Pilot Killed as Plane Crashes A Colla M-pilot -Job bpi him conUnen~hoppin( all ont America wu killed SWlday when hfs ~..,,.in. ed plene cruhed and blirnid durtns takeoff from an Arkllllua ~ air field. He wu ldent1fied u Robert:E. Blair, 25, whole last local ~u:wu lSJl Pallndes Rood, In CCllllty territory jUJt oublde C..ta Mesa city Umlt1: Arkansu State Trooper Jlm Wooten Jaid the vicUm bad refueled at Petit Jean Airport on Petit Jean Mountain, o;o miles north of Little Rock just before the craah. .ta The unusu p -powerid-tij a Ponche .,,.tne -lifted off the runw1y once, 1<luched doWn, U!ted off aglln llJld then weot down and exploded on lmpac~ lnvatlpton laid. Wlllfem R. Hft\clerson, duty olRcer for 1be Federal AviaUon AoncY'• --rqtolllli olJke In Fcarl Worth, Tu. aid Blaft -!lYlnl! --York to Ardman, Okla., At tite time. H<1'4er11Cl01 aald be had only 1hlchy lnlohnaUon, but It lndlcllted the .JltaM Blair wu "piloting was a pltuure craft ·o1 some aort, poosible cmtom built awing to the rac:eNype enstne. "nle victim is llrvived by hJ3 father, Erwin 0. Blair, of Gr<st Neclc, N.Y., and wu a 1*helor who shlred an ~nt at Rancho Pallaadta, DW' Or .... County Airport. William Wallace, lllllJ)lllltt cl the plu.!h new units, said he and hil w\fe saw little of Blair, whom they believed to wotk for Varicon c.orp., a Oobia Mf.151 plant de~ In aircrall parla or eleo- trooica:. No 3uch organization la llsttd ln telephone directories or with Information, a cheek diSclOsecftoday, but Bla1r'1 work took him aroond the coun<ry apparently picking up ond deliverq parta. The body was taken to the vmvel"lity ol ArkaMH Medical Center at Little Rock after the 1 :OS p.m. cruh Sunday and ~ to Coota M ... police by Okllbom1 autboriUn wJtbin'two houn. The airport -. the eraoh occumd abo llCCOllUll<ldltes p h n e • eervtns Arkalliu Gov. Wnltbroo llocbfeller's Wlmock Form, w!Jicb ts locoted on Petit Jea M"'111Ut. Narrow Defeat Predicted In Senate for ABM Plan W ASllINGTOl'I (UPI) -Pruidonl Ni-Yon~& prop>eed' • safe 1uard 1 'an- ttballilltic mlafle (ABM) ll)'llem will be scuttled by a "narrow marafn" when It comes up for a vote tn the Senate, accou!q to Sen. G<ors• McGovern, ([). S.D.). McGovern Nici the llfOPOllf -to deplO)' nucl.., tipped mlllll• to protect the natkldl'1 ollwive mtsalle l)'lt<m -bu IUppcarl lrom "not lllOrO than 30 « 3$" Senators at the mornmt. . He said "u many u u Stnaion ore l'IO'I' oppclled to the a;'llem" and allOther t1 or llO 11< undecided. Wheo !hey moke up their mlndJ, he oak!, "We will Win by I nemlW marsm and will It"!> the dtployment ol this fYlltm ." A poll ol the Sen1te made by UPI an March a. lndlc1ted there were 4t Senators oilo planned to vote against • the ABY.. Nilon'a new propoaal was announced on March 14. McGovern 1&id one P<f"" wbo switched lrom the op- pooillon w• sen. HUCh Scott, (JI.Pa.), but "I haven~ cfloco-.. beard of any other Sen-who bu llwitched hfs poaltion ... McCoTera, apparinc on a telmslGn -(r-111\d Answers -AllC) SUn-dl,I', aatd the feeling ol the senate on 1ile symm bu not chanled very much tlnce Nfl\XI modi:Ded the old 0 Stntlnel'" oystem to his new "saftl\llfd" llfOPOll). The Sentinat WU orf&\nl)ly lnl<nded to protect cltlel 1rom 11 au_...,,. missile attack. "'Safeauard," u en-- vt•!Ooed by N!Jcon, II an 1ttempt to poittct the exlsttn1 balllatlc milslle l)'llem from'ln Jncomin( Rusat1n aUllCt. Two rcltot1sta, mwnrh!le. b 1 • e indlcted It ~ bo dltaper !or the llntted Stotts to gpend montY en IDOl'I ballistic miuiles rather than on the 1'uleguard" system . .. • , .. ' ...... """ ....... loll a jloi ii • •N'i&: . ~ -........... lndoed, at Clll • ,...,_....-.;,11ewu-.i ~ ~ nice o\JOUl AA>ert Sdlwdber. DiDlm' WM drab and ---· d\111, lhmW to a job pootlY -by the wtlma&inaUve Eatum, B e at um Cat<ren. 1lle cllolce ol cho!>l>M liver .., lettuce •• mundaDt.. .. bile the mock turtle ""'" highly redundant, alllo fell -on IW"1ln&· The fllet ol sole \oltd _,, like lllet of shoe, and the chema jubilee certalnly ... med I had endini for ..ch a W!tele• meal AU in all, the VanGoodJ tete was fat.<! for failure before tbe flr1I acL Jtan Co: U a 1'4ff iorlkf" for tht Social Notti 1tction of Ult DAILY PILOT. County Airport Ranked Sixth Busiest in U.S. Oranse County Alrport !Jc now the siztll busiest afrport In the nallon, .the Federill Aviation 'Admlnlllratfod on- nounced today.>;.. • . ' The new rankl,. .i1pr .... 11 ·a .JUmp from 11th place..,.,... .... , • FAA ..,.-Aid fUcbl opll'lltions )ft 11111 totaled 112,173. • • . .' """ Anpla lntematloaW "1rport, the nation'• eecnnd.bullest, lolled oolylll,000· more-· ud lllndlnp. Loo ~ lnternaUmil't lMI tccaJ w&. ll0,000. O•~ Afrport In Oll<HO II at the 10!> of the 1111, the PAA n<iled. The Chfcago fllcillty. ·r<corded el0,810 optra• tlool laxt fell"; . FAA olflclall pointed om . tho! Oran;. Cowlty'1 No. I rantfnl was Jarstly at· tributable to 1 lieavy volume ()f lfibl plane traffic. Many of the prtvate air· craft are banned from tbe Jarau air-ports. Trustees Weigh Meeting Policy Trustees: of HuntingtOn Beach Union High School Dtsbict meet at 7:,, p.m. Tueaday at district headquartm, llOZ 17th St., Huntington Beach. One or the major agenda . items is a dtcUion on whether to conUnue the p..aent policy o! holcflns the aecond meetJng of each month at one of the echooll within the 5kquuo mile df5trict or not. 1 The policy hU met varyJn& IUCCQI with aowd •lie usually depend.lna on the number ol c:onirovental itemi on the qenda. Longshoremen Agree J'o Handle Containers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Lonssbor<men were handllnl' eOntainerized carro today 111 West Cout porll after the nqotl1tfnc committee of the Internat.lonal Lonpboremen'• and ·warehouaemen'• Union orderld an eod to a •lective boycoU. The --t boycott bas idled up to 15 pen:enl of 1hfppin( !rom deep water ports. 'More than 300 1tevedonl ...,. !ll'O<!' by lhfpperfl'or alleged viol• tlon of · a contract lbat nw until mid- Jflt. ·-· Gee, ~he's Big liamantlia'l>addlck (llmost 2) bend's over to get ,;, closeup view ol Jenny, a -U-year"°ld circus elephant who's just too .tired to wel~me t&e little·tot to the Bullen Brothers Circus in Canberra. Australia. Police Find Syringe Kit Behind Crucifix in Mesa , . By AJITllUR IL viNstL Of ... D9tlJ .... ...,. . . . A _oyrinae kit for ' drug' Injection - hidden In a wan· c:iui:fllx deplctfnc J-' qOOy on the croaa ...., w~ found . in a Costa Mesa borne Eutt.r Jreekend, by an officer cbecJdng two cryln1r baby boyl aaeertedlr· ldl out In th< rlln, police aeld today. · Marijuana in rolled cigarettes, drug pilll and a variety. ol other paraphernalia usociat.ed wilh narcotlcl uae was COD· fJ.scotecf llJld 11 young beby-ailter and his older si.ster arrested, investigators claimed. Rae E. Graf, :ll, of ·2435 Norse Ave., wu book"-m IUIPicion of poueWon of marijuana, ~ of dangerous drugs and poll.session of .narcotics parap~a. John D. Graf, 18, of the ~e addr~. waJ booked only .m· 1t!IYtJ>ici9n t!. possession of marij~i fbTIO~g ' his arrest Saturday afternoon tiy Patrolman Pat Donohue. . Officer Donoh11e ani~e4 •l P.ie Norse :Avenue address after a telephone com~ plaint of two boys, aged two· years and II months, ap-Uy being locked out in the rain. · . · John Graf wwered Utt door upon Patrolman Donobue'J arrival shorUy before 5 p.m., and saJd he bad ·dozed off on the couch and ~rought the IOlk~ childttn in after awakening mom.entS· earlltr. A hooklllMltyle water pipe of the type commonly UMJCt to anoi:e marijuana was not.iced on the television set, but Graf denied knowledge of the u.oUc device when queWoned about it. Another type of pipe fashioned from a bamboo stem with a hole for insertion of a cigarette wu allo found, along with partially smoked h a n d -r o 11 e d cigarettes and what appeared to be burnt marijuana residue, lnvestlgatora 11id. The hypodermic kit was found hidden inside a crucifix hanging on the wall during the lnvestlgation In progresJ when Graf's U.ter, a waitress, arrived home. Officer Donahue said two pink pill3 wue found In her JIU"" darinc · the investigaUon. She denied, po11aeSJion of the drug f&. jection kit cOnlafning three needles, a 3e1ueeze blllb and other ite.m.s, accordln& to Officer Donohue. The two little boyJ caught playing out in the rain, plus their one-month,old brother, were turned dVer to relatiVes of the woman for care, pollct said. Gra! was booked Into Costa Mesa City Jail pending a reque.st by polict for complaintJ from the Di5trict Attorney's office today, while his older sister was booked and transferred to Orange County Jail. Faulty Heater Ki11s 2 Children, 4 Others Saved LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two youngstu:s; overcome by toxic fumes from a faulty gas apartment htater, died en route to a hospital Sanday despite efforts at resuscitation. But a police sergeant who performed mouth to mouth resuscit.aUon whUe driv- ing to Central Receiving Hospital was credited today with saving the livu of two'otb!r children. Six pt!rsons were overcome by a lack of oxygen· in the apartment and foUr of them were recovering today at County- USC Medical Center. Two were Jn serious oondltion. Sgt. Ray Tetila/! was nagged down by relatives and loaded five stricken children and one adult into his patrol car .. E.n route to cent ral rectiving, he adm1rust.ettd resuscitation to Laura Roa, 3 months. and then breathed into the mouth of Henry Calderon, 3. He saw a fire truck and stopped to use their equipment, but Hilda Roa, 3. and John Paradas, 81 died as firem~n worked over them. . " . . , • . . . • . • , I. , ' •' , • ' ' Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA 'ff AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !J) ' COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •ring• sized and repaired • diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung · WE CUSTOM DESIGN l MANUFACTURE ALC TYPES OF JEWELRY HAUOl IHOfflNI CIN1ll DOG HAUOI llLVD. eon.A MllA 141-'411 0,. .._ n.....·M 'Ill f ...... HUllTlffTON CINid 11.Ac:H & IDI-• HUllTINITON li.Ac:H m.aso1 I , • ' •. ( ••""' • • • •' C" '; yo' ., • ' • MllllJ,AprM"7,19" DAILY !'WIT Jt Honeymoon in Mexico TOPS Mer~eid1 · · • In Healing ~,u ' Harborites Recite ·Vows New Roles :for Women ImpnnllloD r•1•rdla1 membenlllp la 'l'OPll llaibc Mmnoldlmarbe"""'Nd by Jelepha>lal Mn. i:.. T-.1 11 IU·IUf, Lulhenn I Cllurch of Ibo -.... the llWnl for .... -... nupllll rltol linklaC lodltb Ami IAplor 11111 N ... ~ for -of·~ l)llilml, --Uon more than a Y"'· bu Meodop take pllCO 117 p.a. COdb:Ne 1 t:o F(!W from tba tbt Wp GI u artnil•llltadi't treated eenn ca ae 1, evey 'Jbunday tn Woodled _,..... 'jn"'1'Nd la lb& -~ -eopeclallr Cll'dloc pstleoll. School, Coot.I - -... -To qualllr .. .. ..i.•--'--'---=------=.:::..:===-- A speolal -· lralDtni ~ lmlew, Jll'Obl 1lllllam ,,... w-. -f of Newport Bel¢. Tbe Rev. WllllamEllerolllcllted. · aad .......... -.far Mid, ........ -be sym-• -•lec1nnlcallr inooftond pstllellc IDd ti. IJpe of WE HAVI: Tbe bride, daqbler of Mr. and Mn. Jobn Lepkr cl New Loockm, M!Di., WU &fVl!D in marriage by ber father. She wore an organza and ruffled lace gown which swept into a watteau train. Matching fabric formed her headpiece which held her chapel length veil, and she carried white ,...,.. and Ivy. In pink A-line gowns and carrying red roses and pink camatiom were Miu Martha Doddl of Mloneapolls, maid of honor and Mrs. Marshall BARBARA PHILLIPS June lrW. '""llcsl -.... unit -""" -la do lblnp la illmflnllon Bach bu -for-.. SllO ollo 1111111 hove -..c.d by Hun II n 1 I•• 111< lnlel11-o and •bilitT to Idlercommudty llolpltll fit In a busy hoopilal ...,_ Anotbtr newly creat.ed oc· mumty · cupatlon is that ol ad-Before 1MUmlng bollless miniJtrative hostess. Her job duties the bosp;ta1 providel ::~~t.:i =-~""':" ~ ~ suggesll'"' and put ]lllienls aspeci. of hoopii.I octivily ao at eHse. she may lel"Ve u ·a lln1I: Mrs. Sherry Murnane of between patients and tbe Garden Grove Is the first in medical faclllty. • G.L FOOD GIFT PAKS FOR SERVICEMEN AT HOME and ABROAD ' llaflO cl Newport Beach, Wedding Ceremony Planned the area to fill this role, and The hospital, whk:h recently she describes her job as mak-had Ill plans !or the coo- ing certain that every ·pstlent "1uctloo of mt ~bed l'ing feels at ea.se and secure in a~ved, will continue to P'O" the vast complq of a modern vide this type of aervlce as hoopllel. port of Its qpamloii J"'>SflDI. MRS. WILLIAM f, WEBSTER Newparl Rnldtnl1 Conference Focused On Youth Problems A one-day conference on Following the panel a brief· Dt.lioquency Prtventi<ll will ing on Conducting • Youth take pllce Satunlay, April 12, Needs Survey will be P""' in the Farmer's Insurance by Ernest Bachelor, coo- Groop building, Los Angeles. 11\lltant, Divl!ion Delinquency Jointly apon10ring the se-Prevention, CY A. cond annual event are the Dlsctmion groups will be Calllomla Federation o I formed Iller limcheoo and a Women'• Clubs, Jun Io r youth panel and open Membenhip, the Califomia dlacm&lon dia1oeue will coo- Yooth Autlaity and Farmer'• elude the day. inluraDce ll""'P· · -----;;;;;;;;;;;;---Mrs. Donald Pratt, con-' Aftan.omeuf lereoce chalnnan, will can the More S.c1rlty With ::t'° w!.° ~1 ~: FALSE TEE'l'H otate Janlor Jft'ideDI, will · . At AIY Time welcome ~ attending. Dm" 11 .. m ,.., o1. '-..,... A panel discu&S1on, Com--""-"''"' wobbllal or dropplAI tmt munl...,. Jnvolvemen• will oc-ai ti» WrDDI um.. I'm'-.-u"t~ •J ., and -oomiort. Jud ~ • cupy the morning session, 11\tlil PASTllrl'H o• 1our 111•'- '·-'--11 ted by Robert F--'-PM'l'D'nl boldl tam ~ er--. uJUUera ..,....._, M&Ull •tm& ........ No s-ttJ. ~ ---'-•1 IU"""-...,.r Divialon i..t.e. Bel111 cbMli: Ndaltun m.ua • ·~ t-' ,..., • . neu.~ Ula$ .. , .,. ~ual to Delinquency Preventioo of hllll.ltZl. ... YOW' 6110.t•t NCUtarlJ'. Ca.Ufornta Youth Authority. Oftl'.ASrmn'BMalldnllOOUA~ Have Yourself a pretty new Fashion 'do' ..• quick as a wiglet . 9.88 and 18.88 Complete 'Style' permanent ........ • 10 s ••• ,.. -... (Mon., r-I. Wed. only) •3 Wt optdo ... Ill the..,. ol laohloo ..... UA YOUI PINNIT CK.UGI CARD- NO APPOtHTMINT NlCQS•Jl'I ""'1UTW MV•TIMJW HACll flll"'°4t1' SQQ o. ....... ~ u...... CRIM' , .. ..... ...,....,,..,_ ..,....,.,aJ'm w ...... ~, -· Tbe brldesroom. 900 of Mr. and Mrl. WlDlam Welilltt cl Centralia, Wuh., uted Duane Rub of Newport Beach to be hll bell man. Uohers """· John and Danie! Winchester and 'lbmnu Blow. Patrick Mmlbln wu the aoloist. Clreulatlng the guest book ~ the rec<plion in the Newport Beach Tennis Club wa.s Mrs. Elden Kanegae, and cutting the cake was Mrs. Daniel Rakoz, the bridegroom's s.iater. Following a honeymoon in Mexico, the newlyweds will reside in Newport Beach. She 11 a lndult. of the University of Mlnnesota1 while he ii an alumnu1 of Western :Wuhlngtoo Stat. College. Laguna Group h dropl in on each patient . The eeeoad InUm:tve 'care In 111< HI-bed, lndMdual-room Unit provtdoo mra fmlrece hollpltal al .-sny hour botb be!OA and after ""l"'l'· of the diy to anrwer que> 'Jbe f lr It ICU, 1n opera. A June 21 wedding in St. tiorli, saUsly oomplatnts or Andnw'I Presbytertan Qiurch IUl!ill ~ MAL AllllCNll is beinC planned by Barbara Robert D. J-, hoopital HEARING AIDS Phillips of Ne1'port Beach and adminiatrakr, point! out that C.ut-A.11r1I A.111.llficeti-~~~ey Rohrer of Wal:~, ::.ua;tab~pendin: 14" '::~~=-·~. Miss Phillips, daughter oflr;11101<;;;~Um~e~lhan;;;neceos~~ary~to~~;!c.~-~-~'7~111~.iu~1 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Phillips care for the medical needs of Placentia, teaches Spanilh for the Newporr.Mesa Unified School District. She is a graduab! of Fullerton High School and Occidental College. Her fiance is a graduate of. Purdue Unlvenlty and elll'lled hll mulen degree in math and pbyaics at Notre Dame. A teadler 1n Elbrt, lnd., he ts the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glade Rohrer of Wabru.sa. YES MAM We do have the largest stock .of SHAG CARPET Lr.I at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP I:-" Wt ... '--C.-.. t lllWI South Coast ~lclza, Cotta ,,,..._, American Legkn Atalllary of Laguna Beach galh«1 1t I p.m. tile second and fourth Tbundays in the Legion Hill. Gloomy Gus Tells it As You See ii 11 ........... ., ...... ....,., 426 SOUTH MAIN ORANG I! ' 9rl1hl It lM ••l'I Dleff f"rwy.-f'h-M0-~1 Reprdlw of how much :r-need to lose ••• Startiq Mondq, April 7th, and anti14 p.m., Satmda;r, April l2tla • • • Ul)W will nceite 5 Yilita free with Ul1' aE Gloria Manhall'• rep)ar pro.-(recudJ-aE how-little yoa med to 1-> ' LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS TO ••• 'LFNJ.· 1J{aMWJ;, Based on our aetual records ••• our average Patron loees 10 Jncbes within the first 10 visits from hips, waist, thighs, t1111uny and anns. RESULTS GUARANTEED in writing GLORIA MARSHALL says: 'Tell 111 the dns llize you want lo -· mi we'll tell you how DlllllJ. i:IB it will tab mi gumnlee iD writ- ing that you will reach ,oar pl. Jn fact, 10 aheolataly pQlitml az&ln tbd you will obtain your objeclift, tbat 11 etat.ed iD our gaamntee, we will e9111 let you haft FREE OF CHARGE, ANY AND ALL FURCHER VIS- l'ffi, 1Dltil you !ellch your goal. It'• pQlitml s 1m11.lfl tbat we baclr:Up our guanmtee 100%. Caru ia _,Ollllbll, ,,,,,.,,.,..,., ....-.., ... SJ,,,. why is GLORIA MARSHALL No. 1 • Qloria Mamhall's didn't "Jmlt happen" t!) become the world's Jeading Figure Control System ••• quiet, ll&fe resUllll made it that way. At Gloria Marshall's you'll lose more inches and pounds for less money than through any other Program, anywhere. Call now for a free sample visit, where you ar.t:nally use the special machines for reducing and elec:tronic Facial Con· tourinf."No charge ••• no obligation. PIGIJBE C::ONTBOL SA.LONI .... II, llt. N • 111111 •I .C 111111r ... ·I NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast Highway 642·3630 J_ .......... ..,Clo~ SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543-945? i l • .I ! l 1 . ~ . ! I . ' I I I SALONS AlSO IN1 AMAH~,.llYRLY HIW, COVINA. CUNSHAW, DOWNIY, 6LINDAU. U.KIWOOO, LON• llACH, NIWl'OlT llACH, llOllTlf HOLLYWOOD, ONTAllO, PA>ADINA, SAN Dll•O, SANTA ANA. SANTA llMIAU, SUNLAND, TAIZAllA. TOllt.t.NCE, WUTCHISTlll, WHITNI • u ALSO .. llllO. SAN JOSI, SACIAMINTO, SUNNYYALI AND WAI.NUT, C~NIA. _ __._.., _ _,_ ~ 1· ........,..-IHI v_,. .rioll Jllf. Ce. h# • ' • 1: '' D.111.Y PILOT H LEGAL NOTICE -A· I I I I \ • • • • • l : • • • ! I I I I I .· OAILY 1'11.01 19 -. ' Stock Exchange List • -. ,,--....~ ...... ------"'""""""'--,-.,.--:-;--....,-..,,.-;--:---------·-~---------------------------------~··---·· - . • ' 19 ,JWLV Pll.OT , M~. Aprtl 7, 1'16, ==--Ii::~-"-------,.-,,-: . - There's Also ' a_. Silent· War • • .1,nr Vietnam· ' ... , 9'1T. X·RAY , , WILL II~ ....- SAIGON (UPI) -For more A typlc.i palrol lnlo Cam-_ lot older than bll IO ywa. can -ate oa their own In ldeollflDailon. to be ready to pull the palrol than a yur, a lllht-Dppod bodll m1P1 CIOlllllt • ol two Tbe other Americaa ~ the Juo81e 1!111 •bo bavo ,.... Tbe palrol will !U_e oil by bac:t out ap1n In a burr, THRlFTY MART Market 2111 HAlllOlt ILVO. -COSTA 1MllA MONDAY-TUISDAY-WIDNUDAl" ArlllL,7 ·I:, -o1 Americans bu Americam and lour or Ove be a~ mpanlfn1111 vodcoolbaodolDl<rllre. bellcepler lmn·• jmnplN.oll If H.11 nec•Ol•'l'· , ep•c:lt•""" In making clan-tribel\ll\M. One Am • r I ca n upotate N.,. :Yol'lc wbo hu Tbe Amerlcw may wear point at a C and C jlue Euctly bow the 111 1 J NOoN. YO I P.M. Mln1mal "" $1.50 pd' x-...tay, lhcludtl mallinc eart" -.,. forays acroos lhe could be a sergeant from bad one tour wilh a replar ordinary juogle I a t I g u e 1 or, a Special ll'Ol'Cll c:,unp, In operales II• • tlfllU1 Up! Cambodian bonier lnlD lbe North Carolina who ha• U.S. combat unlf'belcn com-wllbciut any markingJ or li<Nlh,-. M. Uioy are _.t, but In many .._;, ctoep aanctuarle• ol CODI-eevml ~· ''""" loon lnr bac:t to 8oalb V-)>oulbi, fJIU&ueo dytd black. llllerlid, lhO be 11 cop I• ra it' ii limiwo to lbo-pM!bcldl munlA milllaz)I units. in Vlelnam ·beblnd bim and lot a -time. Of neceai-Tbelr lribemlen WW' linlllar relum.,to tbe -. and aland ol loll( nnp ""°"nail!aOOI Tbe ...., !nwlved are ~"~'-~~'"'~llY~.!:'"""~~-~~~a~t':y.:,.:tbey~'..:ba~~~to'.,;be~mei~n~w~bo~~-~-~~~lpl~~~~~w~!lh~oo~_!:by~wllh~ao~ol~U....~;ti~1~tiel~a~•~·~·.:!·~~~;~1po~k!e~-~~-~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~'!!!! mootly bandi>lcked u .s. Army Special Fon:es Green Beret vi>lunteen who lead small croups of Mmtagnard or Chinese Nuns mercenarle1. Tbe job ls -of high risks lhe1 lhrug off a m o a g llleJn>eh<s u simply "going over the mountain." Their operaUons are recon- naissance patrols assigned to ahJdow the movements of Nor1b Vlelnamese and Viel Cong unils and C!111ff oul tbetr pllns. Despite the nr:mchalance of the men who do tbe job. ia a tighUy controlled opera- tion of the. ubnost secrecy whlcb balances the mililaz)I value fi the ~ gathered by the p a t r o I 1 against the political disad- vantages that , could come from an American pa~l belnf caught inside cambodll. SECRET UNIT The organization set up for missions into Cambodia went into full operation al the clme of 1967 when a secret specia1 forces unit known as 0 Project Omega" set up an operating base near Ban Me Thuot in South Vietnam's cent r a I highlands. While c:onstruction of the base WU going OD at Ple start ol 191111, U.S. ~ to IDdia Qester B o w I e 1 traveled to Phnom Penh as a speclal representative of Pr..urent Johnson to hold talks With Cambodian Clild of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk. At the same time, IOUfCeS If\ Plmom Penh close to Sihanouk said there would be no real objtttlon to small American military penetra- tioos of unpopulated Cam- bodian border areas 10 long as it was done in &eerecy and did not put Sihaoouk in pie poSiUon ol lcnowingly com· promising Cambodian sovereignty. Sihanouk broke 'diplomatic relations with tbt United States 1n 1965 over ~lleged border violations. mGBLANDS AREA · Omega is now known as C and C (Command and Coo· frol) Central and Ls responsi· ble for operating ln the central highlands area. Another unit ldentilled by the G,..k Jetter Sigma is known as C and C South and operate. from a base to the souU1 tn the fll Corps ·area of South Viet.- nam. A lhlrd anil, C and C North, Is responsible for the larger and more elalx>rate penetra- tion,, that have been going on for a longer period of time aerol!ls the Laotian border into the Ho Chf Minh supply com- plex. The aim of C and C patrols Is usually to ·ue low in the Communist base area and gather what intelligence they can while trying to avoid discovery. The missions never come off according to plan, however, and when the men of C and C are someday allow- ed to tell their story Ibey will have 11ame hair-raising exploits to recount. LARGE KILL One sergeant on a penetra- Uon some time ago was credited wllh • large kill by tossing a cioymore mine lnlD the back of a truck loaded with North Vietnamese troops, running off down ,the road behind it with the lead wires , ln his band and pruslng lh• detonator switch. Another sergeant tells of in- ching his way painfully at night through an area filled with sleeping North Viet- namese troops and trying to keep from bumping Into any of them. ''You could toss a stone in any direction and get a voice In North Viet- namese: wanting to know who was throwing the rocks," he uid. SUU others have been In· serted by helicopter only to find they have come down literally on top of lhelr targel They have been extracted mlnotes later by htlicopten In the mlddle of raging firtllgllts wllh the Com- ll1UlllllJ. Tbe number of C and C -Into Cambodia Ls ~ regulated eocli month. ~ for eocli mlsstoo COl!lllfromWuhlngton. - fte area for Heb mJu1on mllll be an U11popuiated one wllm there Is no ~ ol nmnfng in1o C1mbodlan -... clvillanr. 1llert L la • .tlcbt limit on bow far -... bordtt • potrol all llO aacl tlrlck ruleo ol ..,.,.. • " ' . . . " " - In this age of P la~n e'd .. ' obsolescence, ., -' " is:.there a place for a car-so ul),~onvention . ·• . . . that it may well last f oi' d~cades? Mercede~~Benz thi·n b,.~o., · ' .. ~ · · · ;, .. ; · f'" r t ' ·, MerceCfes-BeM lavishes sucfi attention on enifneerinr that some people HY Mercedes-Benz motot can are too t0Phisttaited. And, by conventional stan ... (lards, they are. But Mercedes-~ enginttr1 sttp lo the music of a: different drum- mer. They insist on building margins of p<rfonnance and Hidy into theit nachines to meet the unerpecfed, as ,well u th~ exp<ct<d And they stub- bomly ~ to design anything 1.;.i ' good mough to "get by" for • time-- and no better. . ,_ That, in essence, Is what Clistin- gutshes • Merceda-Benz, wh•t \Ids jt apart from the aowd of conventional cars, bred •of conventtond standuds; An amazing maverick The aatomoblle at rigl\t is a shining example. Mercedes--Benz sells 15 remarkable guolin~powered mod· el,s in the U.5.-plus this one, pt"rhaps .the most ttm.arka.bJe of all. It is the legendary Diesel. Titismavuickissodrliantlyun· conventional that it an proba.bly cut your fud bills in half, eliminate many of your usu.&l rtpair bills-and is likely to be serving you faithfully when most of today's sleek new dreamboats hav• hem chopp<d up for scrap. Not for everyone To 'appreciate the Ditsel, you first have to understand the idu be- hind it-and be able to adjust to its thlft foibles. Jt ls not for nery ~ The Dltsd ls built for people wh'o wmt an tconomy c.ar, but who decline to venture onto the highwan; 'In a featherwl!fpt. qam11"4 madiln~ If you ue williiig to pay for the safetj and comfort of a big, 3,000·pound sedan, the Oiesd will mvard yoo wilh fut} costs that match the flimsiest little half-pint on the road. The thrtt Dieselfoibl.,: First, you cannot hop into this ar ana roar off ln .. doud of dust. The Dind Jta.rts like any other car when ils motor is warm. But, In the mo ming, you must be patient for about 30 sec· onds while the motor ptthe1ts for &r· ing. (A minor nulNnte which turns to Muant.-gt ln winter, m1bling you to get underway while others D\.ly still be cuning and shivuing.) Secorul, you must ab.ndon my thought of &r.ball aoceleradon. The Dt ... l will crulle tnddlnitdy at any posted speed llmil In ADlerlca. (One., tt even 100n the e,n&-mllt African Rally!) But, u a dnptu, li'1 a bas~ ' . ' '~ .... ,: . ,j'" '·'}" . . , , v I . , 1 ' . , "· ... , !' •. ~' ' ! . • • • -. ~·. " • " tiKe every MerceGes-Bmi, the Diesel bristles with sophisticated, ultr1-perform1nce fe1tares th•t ire simply un1vailable on domestic se-1 : 'dus. All-independent suspension,.j ··1T1ut, recirculating-ball-type steering th1t gives you the ''feel" of the road. Musive, r•cing-type disc brakes on 111 fourwheds. · .• : ~,I · .• It •tiers,. maneuvers and stops ... , t . 1as if your lift depended on it . This is one reason wb'y Car and .. iorrorr, Wfth ·&'world of ars to choose "' • 0from, cOriciud~ that the current Mer .. ~· 1cedn--Benz·line "represents the p~ : 'ent pinnacle in s&fe ca.r "engineering.'~ Many can are designed to win: 1admiratlonfort'heirown.?rs.Merc~es­ Bau: c1rs are designed to win admira·. .tion from ·their owners. Quite a distindion. .; 24-page brochure ' ,..1 If you'd like more lads on the' $4,7&0• Diesel-plus details of six .' other 1969 Mercedes-Benz gasolinf:"" · po~ed mo tor cus--mail the coupon· · for a full-color brochure. At $4,'/~, thi l20 Diatl nuir !t1 tM ioorld'• jrwut «onm c•r: Rffl9~r. Even better, drop by tlie sliow ... room today and 1rrange to test drive 1 Mercedes-Benz. See for yourself what ThiN, though the Diesel sound5 exactly like_· an ordin1ry car 1 when it's moving, you'll detect 1 vestigial "pocket.a" at iclle-a slightly bium note in a cu otherwise so grind. If you can l~ to ~rug off &D. occ1sion;iLjest abOut one of' these .ec,. cmtridti~, you11"have the. lait,laugli onevery~y 1t the end of each month -year a.ft er ye1r. Cuts fuel bills in half . The Diesel works its incredible fuel economy in two ways. To begin with, or course, it uses lowly Giesel fuel. (In a pinch, it will run on soya-bem oil.) The price of diesel fuel varies from stile to st1te. In almost a11· states, it is lower than regular gasoline. In some states it costs only 11411 u much. The Diesel alSo sips its fuel •t" miserly rl'te. In fact, the en,gine bums evtty drop so effidently th.at ah.aust is virtually smoke-frtt. A surprise to many. No-if you've hem r<Sll!"ed to gettingll, 15, 18 miles a gallon from standard sedans, braetyounelf. The new Mercedes-Benz 220 Ditsd euUy d.Uven over twen1¥-fi0• ' I' ' ' miles ·to the gallon-and on trips, when you get full beneSt of diesel fuel's price advantage over gasoline, you can averap·Jo, 4.0, nitn 50 miles for the cost of 11 gnllon of regular I .. -. Many repair cosfs vanish ' .. \ More gOod 'news. The diesel engine is such a gan of simplicity that it maely dispense• with many p.irts th1t normally end up costing you money. It lfa1 no spark plugs. No points. No condensers. Not even 1 car~ buretor to repair.or replace. II goes and goes and goes Best of all, this 4-cylini:ler: diesel injection eng~e is designed to give you uncommonly relitWl.e service -for~us. Not onJy are there rel1tively few p1rts to go amiss, but the pa~s that tue present hive been engineered to have chull<Wistlc Mq-cedes-Benz sWnin1. There's a rugged overhead c1mshaft and a fioe-bearlng crank- shaft. Twelve of the 16 piston rinp are coated with apmslve molybclmwa -an exotic 11~ age" metal that won'I mdt below 4,71J degr-:' The ingenious a..i-n. ,... ing that.valves wore unevenly, de- signed them torotateslightlywith ea.di stroke. vastly prolonging their life. Me=des-Bmz··does not -- rlZnt th~·o;.,.J to las! for'lO or 20 years. Any car's life depends oii'how hard It it driv.n and hO\Y"<arelully jt 'is niiintalned: Bat & CU--.-..1 'in decades is no plj,e' dream, either. Of the 700,000 Di1H1' it luu q~ilt since 1936, Mercede1-Btm esti- mate• that fwll11 ao per.cent "'' •till humming along! First, a Mercedes-Benz The engine makes this Mer- cedes-Benz an economy car. But the reaJ v1ilue of the Dind lies not so much in the things that make it dil!er-. ent .from every other Merca!es-Bem as in the things th.It make tt the Hmt. Uke .very Men:ecla-Benz, the [);eseJ ls wddtd into l>eing. not bolt«!. After 50,ooo miles; or '°• yoo may be- gin to wonclerif il,.,Wn<rrattle. The body II dunked in primer, baked, spray•pliDted, hand-sanded, sprayed again; Ihm lurnJ-sprayed. Evm the i.IU.. of the hubaps ere coated. Total paint and primer rust protection:" poancll. • a de&a.ntly unconventional car fee~ like out on the roa.d. Other models to mull over: 250 Sedan-an unflappable road car, with superb handling and br1king as slaf\dard equipment, ss,299•. . 280 SE Sedan-tile most road· worthy car you can buy in the luxury: · class. furl-injection engine, $6,577•. l80SL Roadster-a spo~ car for grown-ups, combines soul-stinins performance with comfort, $6,885•. JCOSEL-an undmiated lim- ousine, $9,.&49•. 600 Grand Men:edes-the ul-, timate motor cir, $23,759•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Mercales-Benz of North ® • : Ammc:i. Inc. : : Jim Slemons Imports Inc. • : 120 West Warner Avenue • Santa Ana, (~Ill. 9Z7Cl7 • ,.- Pl••se send me 1 24-pege, fult-color • : bfochure on the new 1ener1tlon of • • motor an fHllln Maceda-Bau. • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... ....... • • • • • • • • • • • • • ;;;;-----,:;,.,=---::=--• • an rtAn m • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CC.,,rfaM1tM,W.1c:•• •-flfNtfa~,1-. Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. 120 W. Warner Avenue, Santa Ana, Californfa92707Phone : 714-546-4114 mcnt...-mtbepofro~ 1 ----------------L--------------.,.-------------~~~--~~-----------~ I L --~· I I 1 I • I I 'I ' I I I I • ' I I 11 I " • ' ' I I l__t!_u~ta~ • ' • ~ -~ -- . . • ,.,. '.stie .... ~... • ..• • ~ ._ -;""'1.!11 :VOL.62, NO. 83, 3 SECTIONS, JL P&&ES . -. · ORANGE COUNTY, •e>JJFORNJA: JEN. C5N:Ts. --•• I" • ... . -' ' ' ' . , l)esei:t ed_ B~ch Lonely · Af ler Easter. ·Week~· .~ . ' ' . - ' E~·wJt.'VJICl!im"ls '<>:f!r, :Md re.ti.a ~ llie freedom 0( v.C.tion and nothiiJ& ·~ .~· bo,t 1be. l!'!J\10 lei!;~ i>oly >tolbUCI! to mnember .. -. -.... a stray • ~·by. beachooml!el' on !be stranil at !limtlqtm • stt·..r them required IOljor first aid B<ac!L . -. ': , ,,.. by .lllmdqlon Beach lifeguards. - Whin tliey-came·the)i 'stayed for 'Oilly !Ir-perllapl scratcbed by broken glass a day 'and aoa'.ked ;tbe sun ind.water Gr·~'bytbe-wn-:....requfred.minor in . Hl!lllington Beach. 1bey cjldil~ flihL flrs'T ai!I, • . · . They didl(I riot .. · . Only.17~ strayed loo far from Aboal 133,000 of lbem. l!it the •"1d. tlli!t-,)!!othen and had to be helped Jn HUftlington Beach durln& fl8stei:..Weel<. i.cL ·.~ ~ low . •\Jlllber; soys F~ March 2t to ~~~Y· Viner' M~, _director of the city Harbors and Beaches Deprtment. "On a good summer day," he ·said, "the adults manage to lose about 1$0 of their offspr:tng." · Lifeguards head to splash into the-waves !or 12t rescues over th! . week. Nol)e of Uie reseues was serious. Elglit 'boida rt.>quired·assistanee. ~ ~ : •.• · The crowd was qUJet, "We h.av~ :seen a marked improvement irr-.uo..wd' behavior this Easter: says Moorhouse:·· ReflectiOns of . a .gtowtng city, mare· families, teu oujaidm, were atven as reasons for a ca&ner crowd: It wasn't really all Uuit bli· A &ood surnfuer day an draw the · same amount of sunh&theis, ~laina Moorbollle. Bui I ' 'lwlci the. me of ... .o ..... r. Euters twq '' .... __ -"Better"Wtatber'J..M dplainl.• Prol!lell)S ,...,, !IOI ahundanl -only - !be lack of porkinr; A .not' yet flnlsbed beach parking area forced people to par!C:on Side m.ets 1treamln& ootward fronf Pacllic,COut.!llebway. -. Policemen had a few «. their ow.n problems -Sii acxtdents this weekend · alone ~ but none sefious. r : . 1 They also issued s:ll 1 traffic .citations Saturday and Sunday, mo.uy;for empty parking meters and hasardou·s· (careless) driving. · ' For a few studenta·on quarter aeasions · vacation bn't finisMd, but ~ds !'ill og,ly l"!ln from 500-3,0flO dally except for weekends. :.. , \l',.keruf crowds will steadi!T lncm;e with the good wtather, t x: p 1a-l=n1 Moorhouse. With a porklna lol ..W to' he bulll ,he's not exacUy prayJn& lot br:_lght sunshine. • .. Mid-summer is the expected com-• pletion ·date on the beach .parking,• then Huntington 5"Cb will be rWlY for them. · But far ftow the city can .orily.·•Y -goobye Easter Week-it was a pleas-ant experience, much more pleuant than' in•Palni Sprinp. R-o.gers Hopes for · Mutual Withdraw~l -. ' - ' ' ONLY THE SAND 15.'LEFT 'AS EASTER .. WEEK eELEBRANTS.LEAVE THE SCENE Lonely Bu~Mr Surveyl Emptlnffs on Siient Str•ndt •t Huntington S.•ch . " I WASIDNGTON (AP) -Secretarx or Sisto William ·P. Ro1en declarid '°!l8Y that "wt~ certatnl1 bOpe there wlD •be some cbaDce of. a. mutud· wltbdrawal of troopau &om Vietnam .this year .. Ropn lold • nows conference that he ~ to pay a visit of three or - lour days to South Vietnam followln& a f~ mlnlsterl meeting of the Southealt Asia Treaty OrpnizaUon al Bangkok, 'lbailand, in May. Ttie Nixon administraUon1 Rogers said in response to a direct qUtttton, does "have a plJ.n -wbj.ch we think ii fair 1 and ·reuonable for endin& Ulis conflict" in Vietnam. "We're going· to proceed in every poul- ble way to-appty· it," be-declared. "We bave every biJpe tt will brlna peace." II< Dally reluaed -u ·be ad other a~ olflclall have done Jn the to do what we Un to have mOre friendly I ... -. -relaUons with Red·China." Rogers' aid lhis liter comment!nl that !be ·United States does not consider it wile ta· at- tempt to ~)oit <!iflenoces het'!'!!!ll 11"'1 China uid . ~r .u.;,q.s. .. ~llke more·frlenilly relaUona wilh boll!. ,, · -The United States baa, expresRcl Its concern to the sOvlet Union . about its actions ln Czechoslovak~ •. Rogers ·said .. · '-" ' · , ' · · . · · past -to IJ<e~ any detalla"Cil the plan Mayme R. Schutk USC Edutator. to· De!~'7er . ·. ~:: "~-~"'·~ in fact .;: •• • ;-."." 5• :'1tir'''., ...... ,,d~·~ . .-.'"1M.1',~.,_. .. .,.._,,,_ _,.~~~? .. ~.·(~~ft: .. V'\,.\lf, ':.:"'!~~~·~· Succumbs at 9 , ·· · . . , . : . on-the ·nr ~ .,, troo~ Service;Tuesday G,-DedicatiottJtf(lre8$ · ~=:=!IP Funeral services for a 95-ye_ar-old Hun- tington Beach woman who died Frid&y and whose descendants include seven great-great-grandchildren is scheduled Tuesday · in the city's First Christian Church. · Rites for Mrs. Mayme R. Schuth, '132 Ma!n st.. will be at 2 p.m. in .the sanctuary at 1207· Main St., with Rev. Thomas Overt.on officiating and burial in Westminster Memorial Park. A beach city resident for 42 years, Mrs .. Schuth leaves two sisters, Mrs. Bessie Robinson of Riverside and Mrs. Alice Andrews of ·Oregon; sons Harold B. and· Charles G. Schut!t, both of Garden Grove; seven grandchildren; 15 great- grandchildren, and the seven great-great- grandchildren. PILOT STARGAZER GAZING AT MOON There is something new under t h e stars. DAILY PIIM astrology columnist Sydney Omarr now keeps an eye on lhe moon .for readers, too. The lunar p<>SiUon offers clues to those who play the game as-to .when it might be a good day to go shopping, try a ne_w menu make new friends, eeet..a •certain ' form of recreation, etc. Check Omarr's new moon message segment in the column today on Page 14. Dr. Richard Berg of. the University of . Southern· ciuronila . will deliver tl:le maiii address at the ~ation ceremOOy of Fountain Valley's .Gialer School lhis \l'ednesday. · ' ·, J:le·wtn spealron· "Climate for Acltieve- ment' -Scene for Sally's New School" at 1:3ll'p.m. at .'tbe schOOl·site on 18720 Loo F!Or" SL . Dr. Berg has served as teacher,' coumelor and .administrator at all" levels' ol. public aDd . private education for the p8!t: 2i years m:l is now director of Education.:-Elacement at the University of Southern calllornla. The ceremony will beg.in with an in· \'ocatioa from Rtv. Kenneth McMlllsn of the First United Methodist Church of Fowitaln Valley. California and American f I a g ceremonies will be conducted by several' ot the city's service organizations, in· eluding the Kiwanii Club, Exchange Club and ' the-Soiltit Coast Junior Woinen's Club. 'lbe Honor Guard for the nag presen- tations will be led by Cub Scou( ·Pack 317, otn 1; Brownle 'Tioop 1214, Girl Seoul Troop 328 and Boy Scout Troop 317. U.S .. MoriMI lrom the El, Toro base will provide the color guard for the e./ming. Mllte[ or f;emnoaiel ~ the event ' " ' . "I certainly-'-there will.be IOIJle • ' "'t;, TO SPEAK AT CE~EM!)NY USC's Dr. Borg . . ' will be Harold E. Brown, me.mber"!..Of the Fountain V.alley School District BoMlf o{~ chance of a mutua1 withdrawal of troops this year. But if it'• to be mutual you bave to haVe mtilUality. "'As to a ,.;na!Fal Wlt6drawal ol troops'a u.s. wfaldriwal wllhi>lll parallel Coinmunlst actton. I wor\ 'I .go beyond what the Preside.Qt has saJd. We are C011Bideri111 all poosti/ilill~ I won 'I predict what'rqi&ht he done." On other sutifeCtl, Rogers said: -He has dllfu:ulty in undentandinl why lhe. ll!>yiet Ul\lon ia <(eploYJn& a rnusiVe nuctei.r· mlulle -· the sst - which carries a 25-mepton warhead. 'J1i1I° 1i i•One Of •the the ·ont' qutstions we' intend to take 'up wlth them when we have the U.S.:SOviet talU on strategic anns limitation," he said. -The United Stales LI acU .. ly prepar. ing for the · strategic arms limitation talks -the aim of which. would be to limit nuclear weapons -and "we Hpect ' they will begin in lllO IPJinl or early summer." -The Nil:on administration ia 0 Willlnf Harbour Marina Proj~ct Studied . . By City C.Ouncil ' . t}Jat when the Soviets have a:t.000 · to 70,000 'troops, afl4 . tan ts':. in Cie;choslov1lkia· it ~kes Efu.Weit..r'1a--' . . . lions very. difficult and in fa~ ~~ whole ' .BrbJ;me'!'.. doc_!.rlne , '.~' .\!t'-T dlscohcertlng." His · -.· wu· to Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet CoraiiiUnllt . Patry chiel,: '!Ibo' has Bf&ll'!i -~ bas a righ~ to . ~terv!\le . to t supPr-esl-· c~anie.in any Commupist ~· . A plan to build, oubstaodanl r..tdenu.J · ' · " ·, '" · I T ' T . l w-"h . d lots between .' ~sit Hunllllglon llp~ .. Vp and "'Awav: ':· .,_ Russ est 'rip-e ' ar· ea ' L :.ol~Sr~~~-fronbel~or!...euntirithe. unH".°~ It-went up but 'nbtt.;c)far~wa;Saturdayas lbiS 'holair 'balioonist ~-"""'"' .... _ ~ tested bis c' ralt while keening it s~·'" securi!d lo 'the ·ground. The · ' ' ' tinM-Beach City Councll'-'""L-r·· ·'"' .,.., _...,, balloon was seen over Huntington ach and. Founthilf Valley., . , Councilmen .will cc:mider at 7:30 p.m. . --· · L · d. W R~ 'ke-t Th at to US MIS' ·s·:Ze-s ~e2~, ,c"f_'f!~liauo1 ~1!!"~ Ha111nc.; ' .. . air . aTffS _ OC .~. -re , • •, • . $th Sb:i .';;.i'P°;'.; Av!;:""-' . OraBge Coat IVASHINGTON <AP> -Semtar>"" nottnow•lll'lbeSovidaaredeptoying He said the Soviet union rn the last .. '"'!v=~~J"'i5loll1ee111o~ Oi:ange Freeway . , Defense Melvin R. Laird 'said Monday the sst... . 24 to 27 months has been 1.1ekli1!8 the area of $,900 equare feet· rather than • • ' ' . . ts t . tri I . l!og~ lhia wwkl be one of SS9ata fasterrate than U,S.intelligence the standard ID feet and 'sooo oquare Studies Opened . . ' the Soviet UniOp es~~ a Pe the f1rlt uestions railed in 0 ed experts estimated It would. "' feet. ' warbta~ note OOl1e for the big~! rocket U.S,::Sovie~ \a.lks over strat rc ~nns ' The weapon already carried a single The ]>(~· lr&q-is On an l.sla,nd State hi~way engineers t~~ OPJ!ll~ • . ..... er he ~ers 1 ~t to. U.S. missiles. limitations eg , warhead of up to 25 megatons, he aald, sout1!~~ of . qiannel Lant, betwttn route, itudles for the Wt free.way slated The Santa Ana 1Winds art com. Laird bas cited SOv1et deployment of . · . . , and now' ''They have gone into the test Adrmralt)' Drive and Broadway ~t. t • tbronab west Orange County. ing.and the tempU-ature will a:et a1 th 859 · · stification for the con-La1rd. wbo bu been criticized for The area· ii milter'"planned for med.rum 0 cu.., ~ , · . rise out of Uiem _ to about 70 v!.uSiai'~i,uard antlmissilt sjMem. taku., l bard.fuii View-llf S6vid develo\>-~~~e for Uu:ee amaller warheads for density tetldeotial .deveto,ment. The, It b , tbe Or!W¥e F~ay and It evetr degrtes along the Oranie COall currenUy the Soviets are estimated ·mm, spoke of. Soviet advanoea while Jt. . . . Pl~. Cortunillion denitd__tbe· ap-~ually wlll ,~t llJ~ present Garden on Tuesday. ' , to have only about 200 operational SSts, es:plajninc ~ ~·· reasons Lall'd said ~ raises • question ol p~atlon. . . • ~ . • · · Gro~e Freeway and ,the future Coast, , and intelligence estln\alel ar. that lbere for ..-, .. 1o """'"°" u.s. millile, whether the Sovielo1ro ~~ ~ ~ pvbllc bearinp ~ f"': Freeway in Hunllngton Beach. . , INSmE TODAY will be aboot ICIO ....... lfl3 at cumot •firce -wllh· Ibo-~ ·aaUmiaolli , such a ''lremeoddll'!~ot'!Mi 1 -~~~~~iJ!_., .. ,.g0 in ' ' ',itid Ille \ • s'll•le · · . d~I ~"'l-""llW 'ICIO·='if ~·~,~· ''"~ , "• · .!Ill•" -"'~*" .. u.clly\ , 'I • ....,~•-1'T'~~· ... ·"i.;i ''end~..,.,,• ;,..!_ ... *"!1'111.:f.~ .• !..~.l~~i.:.~. Th< imminent cpl!91,>1• '1/.tll• ,'l)i;le•"~ ,-' . .. , ... .! '" "I "· •'•rt.rioM\I ·j ~'· ·""'""·' •.. , ,a_..., Ww~a'"!"""-""'~"" 1 ..'h>•~<V~~0"'1~I · give ~ 'SoV.ietS ••• "l'lldNr ·bOm • ... .._.., •• ~If:· or, ~t --2..~.:. t 1:~;:t.:· . ·~. ~ :,. ar ddlari!eh:tb-o·~i~~ ., 'bn ' . !.~ /iiPt.tft ~·· ' . for posslble tarplln&. 'Ibo Unitd Stotas ,__. wbo-ha" .._.on ' Jkfay stiike a1alnst'~aid steel .. ·I , ~ .. ~ •·•-• .:... .• An~-·:$&!., ... ,~. , ... 1., "' • • .o.t.., .. ~~ h 1000 I nd b--~ Minuteman mtssu ... • ·~ ,..... :L____ ll ' lo Noddoitllal. 1 . • , ... "'~' • .,.~ .. ••111'0 ~ ""'""' ~.,,, -,orc'1 • • >. ac.~., .. w ~ as. a · ~.. . . .-....-bJ·tbt,JJ.S.1CJl1!l'QIDmL 8 os. .,.1,1' , 1 _ l ··,:::---~4 J.i_,~ ,__,, 1;,•4 r J_..,-t, ;, et&tn .,'Ut •' /iOle Sa'd'~ · William W-ritmorclond. Pagi 1. "One has to ~k at this ~Plb!Ufy .. ..i •• "thl " "I've always ~ ~ clear thj t r : A I(\'• M r.1 , j ,.,,, ), str g ~ ' . . • °' + that is being developed, ariif CtilainlJ . ~·~ ":' ~-"' 1 cue, do not believe 'tft:"s<Mk UiJ6n '""""' ' • l0 -Merit • Mv~' , ~. "'"'Iimttable !qi "°'l'U1'ol~ """' n """" • ~ei~i!'::t~~·~i 1!u~ou~ He~":~criUclhaveclalm-befoollshenou~~·"~togof~ ;:.is ~ H f;f ' .. )Ji1 i.:J.-· :~·route ·of ·:ute~ge 1F~y ~=~: u~ 5-c:; ~ rJ1nu~an missile sYll<mo''. Laird ~Id ed. that be wu buJnC bil raUona1! with a lint •lrl¥.."~J1 ~cl,; . \" I '.'!~fi-=Zl~"\:i~ , lM/~ ~~) .. a~d~ h,3( ~n ~;'.Pl': =."'i:!.-': := "':" :t:, • llf'llli of. foreign joUrnallst• visiting lor butldlalf ,a mlislle def-on.. But he sakl ~J-~JOt·~•I '1f " '"' ~ =as· "'"'' ,lnthe'n0r1hem~al'dfli!P~y ··-..... =--··: the Pentagon. · estimate Ol flttute S..let ln\enllons such American.;. ~ [_,..'!, · · ' ,. ...... '• in•··~~.'tlie ,~~·f~afm ::::,-,.:l ~.:;: •, At the ·same time, Setretary of &tate rather than capablllUH. • Minuteman or tHlb "'l!o 'Iii&-'f< • .::....-f""''\!f,.( . , ./:~"~J.\·liJUrQi·~".K..wole -" - -.. Wllliam1 P. Hogen was telling 3 news ur'rii DK talkinl ibout intentions,"• marine missile forCe would be iJI.. ~ry ·-·ma· f ' · .. ~ .. .,_-,,... ....,_, 11 con1-......, town 11111 11o-does. LaJtll Aid, "but a-l\llpabllJty." wlnmbll lfnfer, rl&<I la-It). -Freeway lo.lbe c..,tal route. .__ __________ ..., . ' • l ' • • • -· , ____ .. ..____-~------~-----__,___......_... _____ -- . " -,....,.,..J,lM • . .. •• . ' Gritic~s f;ye v-~w 10~1 • S<>cial S~ene .• .llAllClll .... ~ .... 'ti ... "" .... In Ille -al .,...,, joom1lill Uim bull I crlli<'I heart, and bow !!WU' al ua bate pasbed our teeth wjth envy UP"' ...,ilng Ille atlnctng pn>Oe' of -knlghu ol tile pres>-the1lrical critics. Be this the case. bitter ii the cup crom whicb we IOclaJ reporters drink. Wt who · mllll write wltb IU1> ahlne and light, !jXUdlng good wW, no matter bow heavy our souls. To alleviate thae natural aggrealons. why not develop a oew poetJo ccrps which would march Wider tile banner ol ~...I Party Crltlca. niete writers, like our brethren tn the drlmltlc fi<ld. wookl lnspiro uplift In tile llOClal -Id with lllrhll and j1bo 11 Sirhan Tests . Questioned LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The last witness at the Sirhan B. Slrhan murder trial ~.,..., ~y with teclmlq1ies cf felJow.psychologists who found the :>year-old Arab to be psychotic. If· Leonard B. O Ii n g er, clinical psychologist and the ninth psyclli1lric 'lfilneu called, challqed tome of the lest proc:odura thAt had been Uled on Sirhan to determine his me n t 1 I capabililka al the time be lhot Sen. nObert F •. Kennedy. Olinger wu uked about t..ts by Dr. Martin Schorr and Dr. 0. Roderick Ricl1ardlon, defan5' PIJCboJosists wbo foond Sirhan to s.~w !igns of paranoid schizopllrenia. Olu,..r. prof"'°' 1t the Unlvmily of Southern California, aid be did not feel the olber hro peycbologists hid shown llrict adhennce to procedure In 1dminlltcrlng the -and that then Wll -to cfo\lb! the naulta of thtir ocorlng. l'lycbolollstl must be .....ruI not to be ....,..i by lhtlr penoMI Information ol tile subject they are tallq and not to a1ler tile -ol the tat to flt • ..-.ed -· Ollnllet aid. tmpzytnr bis oollequa bid -... Psyclllutic wlinaHS bid been on lhe stand at the trial. sin« Moreb 10 Md have become · the It.Ir witneues r1-than the boot ol bole! employes and political aides who .. ,. Kenoed,y .wn. Chiefs Son Files Pl.ea of Guilty To 1 Pot Charge Stevm Murray, 21·,ar~ld 1C11 of. San ·C1em1nte Police Chief CIUJotd Murray. pieoded _ guilty to me charge of traNpOn'.lUon al nwiluana Friday after. noon befote Supslor Court Judge Robert Gardner. .,,,. judg• otdered the youth to ·-April 211 .. peoballon bw1ng and aenten- clng. The J>llll)fy fir tranlporlltion of marijuana ls five yean to Ufe In priloo. DfJpooltion ol four other charges qalnot Murray wlll be hlndled at the ~ bearln(. They Include ...,..._ ljon d berobt, pea111ion of. heroin with -to ..u, DOllillloo ol marljuana and poae11ton r marijulna with 1nttnt to ..u. OAilY PllOT ORANGI CO,.,ST l"Ulli.ISHIHG (.CW. .. ANY l•li•ri N. Weff .. ,.!Mt ... ~·.,,.. J•"li •· c''':T Vitt '""9.,_ •11'11 a-Mt,..., n•1t1•• K•••ll '"'" n • .,.,, ~. ""'f',_''" MtMI! ... l.tllliW Allt.rt W, like Wllll •11t l••• AtM<l1i. HWl'llll'fhlfl eucll t:d!lor City Ellltw H14'tt ... 1Hd0fflce Jot Ith ltr.tt M1llh1t A44ni••1 ,.0. I•• 7tO, t2641 ..__ .....,.., ~i nn w.1 .. _. ...,..,.,. c.te ,......,: m ...,., •tr atnet YMIN ~ m ,__, A'+'M.11 . ::· r.eri.t, = · .. ~ .... , • ~ 0r1t .._ ..... ·~ ...... •tLOT '.!';E?!o:~ typical -pirly, l!l>lcb l!ould -.. ..... thing like tbla: ' ' '"The Gala Dianer Pai&y,·• lilfld . Jn the home of Mr. and"Mrw. j!Jram Van. Good, fell ahort of upectationa despite fine performances by two veteran piety. goers. Hiµ"Vey Glad, cut ln the role of the heavy drinker, Wll •' atrote ol gefilus. His portrayal of Shirley Temple s1nging "The Good Ship Lollipop" will long be remembered. A bid for the best ouppm'tlng ldreu mlpt well be deaerved by Mn. Gladys a--. A vision In 1bimm«1n1 red, sbe certainly upstqed the -with bu perfcrmance of '"lbe hon d' oeuvres are yummy." In aptte of tbe9e two brifht spot!, little could be done to uve the 1ack1Uater diauter wbidl turned out to be m«e LOGBOOK ol a •hutly pt!Mring tun anything ""· . Mrs. VanBug fell far short of adequ1re in her role u the smiling hostesa:. look· Ing fidgety In • purple lull length m.tess gown, abe JoK all her verve wtim Glad amusingly tipped l'5 libations on lier wlllte Peniu rug. 'lbe bolt. uaua.lly an ace in such roles, WU dluppalnting)y UDCOBvinciq wben lin8lnl. "1'.m Poorer '!ban You Are ," witft tWo of bis muhJmillionaire crorues, Fred Knox and John Gold. 'John Fierce, In his portrayal of the M. K. Douglas, 24-year-old son of Kirk Douglas who makes his film debut in ''Hail, Hero," found after filming started bis ''stunt man" was Deirdre F1ynn who Is the 24-year-old daughter of Errol F1ynn. Deirdre is attempting to make stunt work her career. Mesa Cross-country Pilot Killed as Plane Crashes A Coata M-pilot -job kept him ooounent-bopptng Iii """' Americll WU tilled Sunday wben his piasher"'11!n- ed pl1ne eruhed and ~ duilnc lakeoll from an Artansu inounta]ntop air field. He WU ldenUfm:l IS Robert E. Bl1ir' 25, Whose last local addrea WU 1S30 Pallsadel Road. In county ltnitory just oulllde Colla Mou city llmltl. Art&n1&1 State Trooper Jim Wooten said the victim hid refueled at Petit Jean Airport on Petit Jean Mountain, 50 mtlae north ol ·!JtUe Rock just belore the crash. The unusual plane -powered by a Poncbe engine -IHted off the runway once, touched down, illted oU qain and then went down and exploded po Impact, lnvestiJ•ton lllld. WWl1m R. Hend<non, duty olficer for .the Federal Avi1uon Apne:J'• aouthwal ,.g1oaa1 office 1n Fan wor111. Tu., liid Blair wu !Miu! frun Ntw Ycr-k to Ardmore, 011:11., it die thnt. H!lldmon ea!d he hid only 1tlfclly lnfunnatloa. but it 1ndlc:at<d· Ille piano !Lair was piloCine wu a pleaswe craft ol some oort, possible cmtom built owing to the '"""'YI" engine. 'nle .vidlm is arvived by bil father, Erwin 0. Blair, of Great Neck, N.Y., and wu a bachelor who shared an . apartmtnt at Rancho Paliaades, ne.ar Orqe County Airport. William Wallace, m1n1ger of the plusl\ new units, said he and his wife saw little of Blair, whom they believed to ~·erk for Varicon Corp., a Coda Meu plant dealing in alrcratl parts ar dee· tronics. No such organiz1tlon is listed In telephooe directories or with information, 1 check dilcl09td today, but Blair's work toot b!Jn .-OWld the· country apparently picking up and dellverintl parts. The body w1s taken to the University of Ark,_s Medical Carter-al· Lillie Rock after the l :~ p.m. crash Sunday am !<pOried to Costa M... poUce by Oklahoma aulhoriUes within two b<Nrl. The ai,,,..-t where the i:rllh occurred aim accommodates p I a n e s l!iuvinf Artanw Gov. Wrdthrop Roctefelier's Wknct FIJTI\, wllicb ls loca1ed Oil Petit JeanMOUlllUI. Narro~ Defeat Predicted In Senate for ABM Plan WASHINGTON !UPI) -Pnsldenl Ni1on'• propoMd •' 1afe1u1 rd ••an- Ublllbtlc mlslllle (ABM) l}'ltem will be ICUtUed by a "narrow marcin" whtn It Cllll1el up for a Vole In the 5'nat., accotdin( to Sen. Goorge McGowm, (0. S.D.). McGovern Kid the propoul -to deploy nuclear dpped mlllll'" to ~ the nlllon'• olfensivo mlas1k l)'llom -ha aupporl !run "not mote than 30 ot SS" Sen1ton at the momtnl He said "as m1ny u 45 Stnatorl .,. -opposed to the _ .. and another 11 or IO are undecided. Wilen they ..U. •P their mindl, he 11id, "We will win by 1 narrow m1ratn and wUI 6top the deploymtnt of this l)'ltem." A poll of the Smale mode by UPI on M11ch a lndK1ted there wtrt 41 Senators who p!Mned to vote qalnst , the ABY.. Ni¥on's new propogal was announCed on March 14. McGovern uld one person who lwilched from the op- paeition WM Sen. Hup Scott, (ft.PL), but "I ttawn't ~ or beud of any other Senlior' wbo hu switched hll position •• McGov..., :r:btg Oii a ttiovislon •'-(!""'" --ABC) Su!>-d1y, said the IHHng ol the Senate on the l7lt<m ha not changed ver, much 1in« Ntun modlfff!d the old "Sentinel" ayatnn &o his new "11fqu1rd" pn:lpOIAI. ThO Stnl!nal wu originally Intended ·to prot.ect cltlea from . a CftlnesHtyle mlalle 1tttck. "Salegu.a.rd," u en- vlsiooed by Nixon, ii an. 1tttmpt to protect tlJe existing balll!tic missile system from an Incoming Ru>alan attact. Two acle:nt.IN, Rle9J"IWhllt, ha v e llftdlcted ll would be cheaper for the United· Stat" to &pend money on ...-. b:tlllstie mli.tjles rethtt-tMn on th. ''safegu11d" 1ystem. ·-· 111,. ......... .-... ~ 4111!1111 ailor m!cWp~ lndted, II - pole! al ... ..-..;, . he W'l lioiid llYlnl IGIDellllq nice about· Albert sdiw<!tur. Dlnntr •• drab and cl-.Uona -. dull, thanks to a job poorly -by the unlmlginatlve Eatum, Be at um CatmraJ · ,,,. choice ol chopped liver 0n lettuce· w11 mundane, whlle 1he moct turtle aoup, highly redundant, also fell ~ on seuoning. The filet of sole tasted more like filet of llhoe, and the -jubilee e<rtcin]J ... med I bid eodlng fot IUCb a Wlt.leas meal. All 1n all, the VanGoodJ ftte WIS lated for flilure belote the flnt act. Jtan C02: i8 a 1tof/ wilfr for the Socia! Nott.s section of the DAILY · PILOT. County Airport "'''' ........... , . Ranked _ Sixth Gee, Slae'~ Bfg Busiest in U.S. Orange County Airport la now the sixth bualest airport· In the .nation, the Federal Aviation Admlnlltra.tiOn an- nounced today. The new rankina repraents a jump from 11th place one year qo. . FAA apot"""" ulil .fllP! oper11iooa In 11111 totaled S!J,t'IS. Loa Angela lntomaUonat Airport, tile nlltoa'1 """'1d bultts~ foaed oaly 111,000 more tateoll1 and l.tndfnp Loa Aiilela lntomatiOllll'I 11111 total WU ll0,000. O'Hare Airport In Clllcqo la it the top of the list, the FAA noted. The - Cblcqo J1cWty recorded 11111,110 opor .. tlona la.st year. FAA officials pointed out that Orange Cotmty's No. I r~ wu laJt'1Y 1t- tributable to 1 he1Vy vOiume oi 11,bt plane traffic. Many of the prtv1te air· craft are banned from the !arpr air· porU. . Trustees Weigh Meeting Policy Trustees oi HUntlngtoft·»..ct, Union High Scbool llillrlcl meet II 7:ll0 p.m. Tuesday at dlstrict headquarters, 1902 17th St., Huntington Beach. One of the major 1genda items-i.! a decision on whether to continue the present policy of hold.Ing the 1eeond meetlnc of each month at one of the schools within the IZ-oquare 11!11• district or not. · The policy hu met varying '"""" with crowd alz.e usually des>endlnl on the number of controvtntal Itani on the qend1. Longshoremen Agree J'o Handle Containers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Lonpboremen were handlinc containeriRd carp tod1y at West Cout porll lltor the nqoti11ing committee of the lntern1tional Lon&shortmu'a and Waiehouaemen'• Union ordered an end to •' lelecllve boycott. The thne--k boY<olt ha Idled up to If per<eDt of lhlpping from deep · water ports. ~ore Uian 300 stevedores were fired by ahlppen lee alltged vloia- .Uon of a contract that runs until mJd- 1971. l>amahlhji Paddick (alinolt 2) bend& over to get a closeup view of Jennr., ~ ~yeer-old circus elephant who's just too tired to welcome the Utue ·tot to the-Bullen Brothers Circus in Canberra, Australia .. Police Find Syringe Kit Behind Crucifix in Mesa By AllTBllB R. 'Vll!IEL or• Dtlfr ,....,. A ayrlnge tit for drug lnjecllon . - hidden In • will crucifix depic:t1Jtg J-' agony en ~ eroU -WU found , 1n a Costa Meaa home Euler weekend, by an offlcu checking two crying baby boys assertedly left out In the rain,. police said today. · Mariju1na in rolled Cigarettes, drug pilJa and a variety of other paraphernalia auoclated with narcoUCJ use was eon- fi5e1ted and a young baby-sitter and his okler siste:r arrested, investigators claimed. Rae E. Graf, 21, of 2435 None Ave., Wu booted m upidon of possessioo ()( matijt&anl, ,xi•nuion of dqeroU.s drugs . and pouesslon of nar~ica par1pbeoWta.-. -John D. Gral, II, of ~ ume addr..S, w~ booted ooly ~· "11,11J>icion of . possession of marijuana 'following his arrest Saturday afternoon by Patrolman Pat Donohue. Officer Donohue 1rrlved al the Norse Avenue addreu after a telep))one. c;.om· plaint of two boys, iged two years and 14 monlhJI, apparently being locked out in the rain. John Graf aMWtred the . door upon Patrolm1n Donohue'a arriv1I lhorUy before s p.m., and II.Id be had dozed off .on the couch and brou1ht the llOaked children in after awakenin& moments earlier. A hookah-style waler pipe of the type commonly used to smoke marijuana waa notlced on the televlaion. &et. but Graf._ denied knowledge of tbe exoUc device when questioned 1bout it.. . Another type of pipe f1shioned from a bamOOo stem with 1 hole for inJertlon of a cigarette was also found, along with partially smoked h a n d • r o 11 e d cigarettes and what appeared to be burnt marijuana residue, investlgaton said. The hypodermic kit wu found hidden inside a crucllix hanging on the wall during the investigation in prol(lU!I when Graf'a slater, a waitrus. arrJvtd home. Officer Donlhue uid two pint pills were founcl Iii lier pur,. durinl the ln•estfistlOn. She · denied posRUion of the drug In- jection kit c:OJita!ning thre~ n~les, a . aqueeie bulb and other items, accordln& to Officer Donohue. The two little boys caught playing out iri ·.Ute r.aip. plus their onHnOnUHlld brother, were turned over to rel1tives of lhe woman for care, police said. Graf was booked In to Costa Mesa City Jail pending a request by police for complaints from the District Attorney's office today, while his older sister was booked and transferred to Orange Coonty Jill. Faulty Heater Kills 2 Children, 4 Others Saved LOS ANGELES (UPI) -T w o . youngsters, overcome: by toxic fumts from a faulty gas apartment htater, died en route to a hospitaJ Sunday despite efforts at resuscitation. But a police sergeant who perfcrmed mouth to mouth resuscitation while drtv. ing to Central Receiving Hospital was credited today with saving the livea of two other children. Y Sil: persons were overcome by a lick' cf· oxygen in the 1partment and four of them were l'flC()vering tod1y at County•~ USC 1.fedical Center. Two were in serious eondiUo[l. Sgt. Ray Tetzlaff was flagged down by rtlaUves and loaded five stricken · children and one adult into his patrol car. ~ route to central receiving, h• administered rtsuscitation to Laura Roa, 3 months, and then breathed into the mouth of Henry Calderon, 3. He saw a fire truck and stopped to use their equipment. but Hilda Roa, 3, and Johii Paradas, 8, died u firmlen worked over them. . ,•. • • • I , ' • , , • • , • • • , I , , • Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR • ri,ngs sized end repeired • diemonds end precious stones remounted e pearls resining WE CUSTOM DESIGN l MANUFACl\JRE ALC TYPES OF :JEWELRY -SHOWINe CINTll noo HA._ aw. CO$lA 11111. Ml-MU HUllTllMTON CIN'IQ -CH I ll>INtll HUNTIN•TON Ill.CH ft2·11GI _ , '(·····-· '' . .,.•' .· ... 1· I j l J 1 ,1 I I I I I .. --· •_::.0 ·-· ...:-= ·--. . . -~l~~a B~a~h~ • • TEN~ VOi.'.-62, NO. 83, l SecTIONS, 32. PAGES . --' ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFOR~ -•-. --. . .. . \.. • --. -·-., . ·-· . . 1cer- Deten tlte Missio'D . . ,. . . . . . ,Trait· ' .. _....;...,.·"'· .. -' ~rt T~pic At El Toro Meet EL TORO -Six boC!leowner l'OOP.S coocemed With the posslbilit:Y m air traffic at El· · Toro Marine Corps Air Station will meet in El Toro 'lbu1'8day - to prepare a presentation to the Orange County Board o1 Supe,;m....: · Perry Snell of Misaion Vie i o Homeowners Association, ,m;ch i s coordiDatlng the q>eeting, xaid ..,.. ...... taUveo ·o1 the arganlzaticm will meet at. 7:30 p.m. at Royal Savinp and Loan building. He iaid the meetiing will 'cOOrdiDlt~ a pr-tat!On to be ·made to c:G8}' &Upervisors April 15. -" . - :--.. ·"' ~. . . ,.. Vie·f. Withdrawal . . ·ay End . of Year? ' ' been any progress in secret contacts with Communbt negotiators , in Faria or elsewhere. On the key quesUon of Ir o op WASHINGTON .{AP) -lecrdary of StaliWUUam P. ROgerl decland today that "we certainly hope . ~e wUl be some cblDce· .of a mutull witbdrawil of troops" from Vietnam this year. Rogua told .a oew1 confttence that withdrawal, Rogers told the newsmen . . be ·plaU to pay a vialt · Ol three er ; and wcmen wbo crowded his first news loor -~ays -to Sol_ith Vietnam following \ .coolerence aa secretary o! stale' a fortip mii1lalers meeting ol the .\ "I certainly hope there will be oome Southeast ·Nia Treaty , Orpnlxatioa at Chance ol a mutual withdrawal ol troopi Bangkot. Tballand, In l\f!y. · · this year. Bui ff it's· to be mutual 'I1te NlxOO a<trninistrafiOn, Rogers said yoo have to, have mutuality. in r:esponae to a direct question, dces ''.As I to a unilateral Withdrawal of "_have ·.a . plan which ~ think ts fair troops ll U.S. withdrawal without para1ld aDd naqable ~· ~ tbb: conru.ct" ~ action, I WOn't go beyond · .bJ Vietnam. what the President hlll said, We are "We're gcl.nl to proceed in ever,. possi-consideHng an poqibiuties. I won't ble ~Y to apply it," ht· declared. "We predict what might he done.'' bave every hope ii wW bring peac<." On other subjects, Rogers said ' Ht flatly nlmed -·aa be and ot!ier -He bu diHiculty in understanding arhninlstraticn cfflcla1s have done in the why the Soviet Unicn is deplcying a past -to glvi; any details of the plan massive nuclear missile -the SS9 - or·_ to say wbetb~ there has in fact which carriea a 2$.megaton warhead. Snell said repcesentatives will attend from Aliso Valley Homeowners Aaocia- tion, University Park ·co m m d n rt y A!9oci.ation, Aegean Hills Homeowners · -- Mlociatioo, Capistrano Hi g b I and 1 M • B k d D =-i.a=. ~00 and Lquna c ari~ 00 e on rugs Austinuil~mpany " '~~i~f:t .. f!.iauM .. ~tr~£8lt r To B ·, _Plant ... A fleei!>I. ~ "tQ1·1>r • 1.ea c,ss. ;,,,., ~ .,;; - MJSmN VIEJO -The Auoiln Caln-U... .. -.-•.. 4· ""'' ' 8a~a '"' ....... !II fll f!J'roC ....,_ .. lotilLaf • j,,J ~ IDied -drup ""' marijuana. • [ . · pany ol Los Angeles bu be:en -clniniljje eulveH, n. '"1oMd on ..,.. ll•IMn lliil -11111~ to supenlse ~ ol l fll mlilloo ]ildon « marl,.... po;Goisloli. ,_,_-;;ir i! at a pttldng 1o1 111 111 plant for ~ ll'1rTougbs CorporatiGll m The llllSJN!CI, ooe ol 13 --drug s. CoMt Highway aft« a - Mluion VieJO. .,.-, · -ideotilled a! Timothy asserleilJy siw i man pve ber ....,ey, The 300,000 square fool facility will Monball Bainlllon, 19, ol C a m P The lieutenant said ber purse contained be used for engin..,.mg and manufao-~-51 while piJ1I that may be -... luring ol high-speed dlsl: file ro<mOrY Haml!U. waa amsted by Officer Neil a marljua.. dgant, · 11 white' pilll, IG devices for use in Burrooghl electrohic Puniell in a · blUl!lby area in the '1<t blue pills, 17 yellow pills and nine orange computer systems. block ol Cleo·sireetSalurday alternom. pills, po81ibly . LSD. . · · The plant ;., B11m111t1bs' lirst in Oraqe , POtice LI. Rob<rl McMurray xaid 'Ille yoong wdman "" -emd County and lixth' majo< lacility in IWnilloa fled 1111« Pun:tll ldentiliOd to Orange Qiunty Jal). McMurray said Cali!Omia. More than 1,41)9 peraons will lllmaell.,.As lbe olflctr caught bim, said a c0mpliint ....Ud be ao.,irt today. be employed. Mdllcrray, lbe Marme olnl(g!Od and Two yoong meit and lour J11Veililes, --!Inn. h •·• I ~•• • , tile two ~ clown an embankment, ~ J ~-t• id~,_ , ...,,.~ .•=· as opera~ n ~°"'"' ·ildoacrieibeddPareelllbevid!>£ ... v~~" ~~-o .,.Q,were,-iu ••nee 1003 and employs 45,00ll people , Mclluiraf ell-, ,..,,.... bid a bag up wller Friday nicht on SUBpiclcm world-wide. witti: about tjo ·,ounceS . ol marijuana Of marijuana poaessiOn. -"' tud<ed,lniide lils ahirt. They were ide'ntlliOd.ao SamUel J->< Amltecl <!Illini !he aome litv..UgaUon Slown, Ill .of Hemet and Donald f'rOdrib, by 1'lr<t1I and 5&1-Norman Babcock, 11 of Swmymead, lbe prls and two 'Family' F1•Jms also on ·wapicloa of marijuana boys,17aod.16. ~ ~ -icxl, were . Ed Kama IV, U, of Slown was also arr..ted m llllpicion 403 'Canyon -~ Drive; . Edwin Lee of furnishing marijuana to 1 minor. Set for ReVI·ew Lambe)'I, 111, o1 Odessa. Tex.; and Jimmy McMurray said the .u: were picked Clai-1: Alvva, Ill, allo of Odessa. up on the beach at Cleo stnet by CAPISTRANO BEACH -Two films proposed for use in the Cap~ano uoili<d School District's Famil Lile . . y . courses wn; be reviewed at the 7:, o'clock meeting of di.strict · trusted tanight at Serra School board room, 26121 Vicloria Blvd., Capistrano Beach. "Girls Art Better 'nlan Ever," ii pro- poset! for use in the seventh grade coune. "Buman ~" is iro- p..,ct for'Uie ll)l]i"grilde coune. J!9lh films are from tile County Sd>ools' otock and have previouoly been •P!"""ed by lbe CGunly Scbooli --Joe E. Wimer, director ol admlnlllnlllve services. weh:omed intemlod ponnll to iii Jn on tile lbowiop. * Youth Learning Discussion Set SAN JUAN CAPlSTftAtlO -Chiidnn'I learning dlaabillllea will be cliscuaed by Stuart ~!edl at.7'!0 p.m. Tues-dof. lo 1be tllnry ;ii, Maroo Fortier J~ HIP Scboel, -I Camino Del ' A-. sa Juan eaplslnno. r S)m.ettvedt. a s 1 l ~t 1 n·t to tht , sispab•entent ot Clpilti1mo 1 Vnified Scbool Dllli1cl, -will • Wk •-,.,_ pilrlunitla for children with learning ' pioblems in the ocbool clillricl'• ~ CJules, I l * .. _Leisure' W'«dJil~ · : Loan :Funa Set .. .. ~ ~-61ficOR. Mierted Iba! they fowjd Ollil:<rs Babcock and Pur.:e!I after two PICk.a&eS with' 1 total of three ounces assertedly passing aound a mmijuana of marijuana and three tnarljuana cie:aret and smoking il dpretl in the car which the men were Seized, said McMurray, were about using. A complaint was JO be sought an ounce of marijuana and a marijuana t.Odaj. McKurray said. cigarette. lz:I· IDOtbei' aznst Friday night,· Terrie 1be Juvenlles were re.leased to their pareats pending juvenile court action.' .Thieves Hit School ---~- A. plastic trash can and a towel clispenaer were destroyOd by fire at LailJllll Bead! Hilb Scl¥><>1 Saturday nipt'clarinc. ourllng ll1m. PGl1oe said a 'fUda1 apparenUy toiicJ>. fid ell ·the blue In ........ ...iroom. P~xaid proj~ ~obn M. Bmm, 17, ol IUIJ Camel'Polnl, Sooth Laguna, put ool.lbe On willl a On aliDfullber. MCU.urray aaid complaint.It. would be sought today againot Slown and Frodriu. McMurrav xaid P<!llce.mol<d ~l William Mgae, U ol RlcJiniood,. Ind Louis Michael Levas, 21, of an:\DJ.iden.. lffied mess ... !.quQ&!1 -..it I.me. &ilunlay In the, J!t bluet ol Cleo Street oo. ""'l'ldon ol .....,... dnlg pollelilor.. . , Mc:Mumy llid the pair -1<dly bid a "-1e conliinmg 211 ..... ol• LSD. He xaid a complaiol nuld ·be IOllpl today. --... --..... • -• -.• r- .... .... ... - -.. -· • 0. -n ·· ·. :__.:,: · -1ne ' " ',..., ' -' :..: • _.I . -··--· . --_. . . ' . . -. .. . ~- --- . . • . -... _ - Lagpn;~.Man . Collapses In Rescue A Laguna Beach pelicem&n wbo laid his life on the line to r~ • lrDOh victim was recovering today aft« f>einl oven:ome by the deme -· fnm a bed fire . 'Ille olfictt, Lee Schramlln(, :II, was altemplhlg to drag Earl w~. 1711, Ocean ·Way, friim bia burnlllJ.ai-- wben he collapaOd In 'a ·hallw~ -IJ. Sunday -~-' .-• m ... ....,.. . . Fii'emen iald that Officer Da~ A•lf! ~ed. to -· tt ~-tbo,'spiok• mi r<!CUe both Schramtfiic and Welcb. Avets, a veteran officer m:;ct· farmer sheriff's deputy, wae: not tnjured. Both Welch and SChramling Were'iakm to SOllth Coos! Coinmunity l!Glpital. Of- fie<r· SChramling .... .em bomt .. -and W<lcb was .tronalerred ,to °""'9• County Medical , Center f"'7 tna- and later released. Firenien wd 111e blue 1n. lbe ,reu apartment started lo a bed, a!11>11'8111Y li01n • cigattl. The bed ..... il~eil . and the flotir bUrned. Dama&e wu estimated at $159. Schramllng, who joinOd the 1,ql1ll& Beach d<j>artmePI In . the . fa!). . had previowlly boeo a poli<;e ~ Jn 8- Park.· ·b:tguna OpiniOru . •m>U... ,1~,1iiNrl1t -~ITS PAYD~~~ 7-!' SINQfoe~. t !Jf l! .. una F1M1 'o6i<r( : • ... ~ '. . . Polled on .. Fuiure ' . ,,._ ' ' . Little Sally Found Egg , City i3evewpment OpbllooJ ;.. futme ~ ~ deveiOpm<ot will be ,.. •Id) 0,,... residents, viAllon and property .....,. In a General Questicxlnaire ma1lid to Ai_· d. ed By Leu.ion_ 'Bu_nny'· ci~iw;:::.=Y: .. " 17 quosUci,. "--devlaed by lbe Cllbeni Advlsorr Com-' mlttee. lnlOl'll\llUon galberOd by lbe t,GOG Like a tmaB darting pink and while checked bird,: · five-year-<1ld S b e 11 y Garotono aearcheil Withoot success for Ealler ·-lo lbe &Muai Laguna Besch Efster Eq llunl at the hig~ achoo! &thletle fie)d. , \ . .-'1 I' She rummaged llliil"lfi the hlib grass aloog the 'ciUiln=lliik "fen<., ferreted tbrOugb likely Jooking-ctepreaiona and pried into other IUlpe'Cted "en places." ~I th•. Big. Jlicts· bid, gol)e through her hunting grounc1s· like •· cloud of k>custS and tiad sn~tcbed up.the eggs. · Undaunted; Shelly bunted, dragging' .along a grocery sack nearly as ma polll tQ be mailed will be Ulfld in the h ' · · 'Genetil Pian program ill -at what as s e is. coutse tht clty lbould chart far ill Then a kindly AII).erlcait ~gionnaire future. spotted the litUe girl. Qui<:kly, he plckOd ·A Jetter fi1m Laguna Beach Mayor r u~ ~ .ex~ra e~ .arid ~d it in S~lfy·s Gift E. Vedder "malled with tbe q..., Pa!b :apd tben·~·b(t..oU~-adYlce lionnalre nplaJnl the.purpooe and am on the· hunting Of eggs ·and to· -keep for the citizen assiltaDce. other searchers away, SJ!e beamed; at "It is necesaary to bear from· a crat success. ·many· pe<!ple· before our planners can When You're fi\.e years old,· h8pPine9s ,gift· the.' city a viable plin' for' the Is finding . an Easter · egg . wbeaJ you · Mutt;" Vedder said. , were beginning' to tJUnk you. !fll'tn'.t ' • "[ eocounige you to ·ape¢_, tome going to. • though~al moments on the·quest~ and to ahare with many ethers 1ht Blaze Hits Coast Inn !haping· of the future of qur city," he said. · The qoestlonnaire should be mailed back to city hall by Moridajo, A""' a:, .-- Causing Loss of $5,000 - • • ~ • 1 • ! • . ' . . ' Fin · tauaed -an ·.estimated · ";GOG ·daJ!llise early Saturday mi>rnlnf , to Laguria's Coos! inn, 1491 · s: Coos! Highway. Firemen said t1ie blue, confln-1' c1Uef· ly to a bedroom and bltb, WU .started l . bY a shdrt•d?cwl tit·• .....,. , '11ie:nr'st stirllaf hi aii lipltairS-roinn occupied by' Bob smilh ·after be: left · for work, firemen aald. · · Smith's clothing and possessiOlll · wete destroyed, '!be bililding, ·Wblch lilclUdes a bar and restaurant, j ts· leased by brothers Richard and Karl Sll>ith of Laguna Beach. .Opinions on ncreaticml facilities, tU m~llers, shopping ac!tivlUea, ¢.ldnc, pbyslCal cbaracterlslics, and bwieh .. data ""' sollclted: NEw'YORlt (AP) -'!be llock nmkil WU binded: a sharp .... tod.sy Gil .q.. vest« concem . over Utt. latest .S.. mlriiltratioa """1' to lm1her Ugbten monetary ....iramts. (See quetatiooa, Paga tl-19). Oraa11e The Santa·1Ana·wiltla are com. ,ing and lhe ~ will pt • rbe out ·ol lbem • -to .-71 1 c1egreea allloJ !be or-Cout on Tuesd•v. ' ~ .. INSmB TOD,\ 'l'. i. I --~--~---- I . -. L . • .~Titic's I' . In Ille -cl e\'lr)' jGumaJJst lbn ~ nlllc'• hurt, ud how manJ ol 1 ""'• I • 111 ~ our teeth with '"'Y .... lhe "'"'"" -of u-bltli!I cl preso-lhutrical critlco. • Bl !bll ll>e .-, bitter II the c:up from wbldl " IGClal reporters drink. We who must write .tlh sun-ahilJe and light, sprMdlng pd will, DO IDlll<r bow beavy our IOllls. To alleviate -natural ~aion.s, why not develop a .,... poetic corps wblcb would march w1dir the banner cl 1!11. [-..I PlllJ Critics. ,_ wrti..... like -brethren In the clram.alc field, -.Id hwpire upli{t In the oocJal world with bsrbo ud jabs ol I • ..C.."=i:t #M/'.-"' "'"~ ·-c sdtli lw tlat 77 , ......... • • typical .W-porty, wblcb would siund ~likelhll: .. The Gala Dfmter Party," .atlpd in the home cl Mr, and Mra. lllrtm v ... Good, fell short of erpectaUon& c!OllpHe fine performances by two veteran pany- aoers. Harvey Glad, east in the role of the heavy drinker, 1fU a stroke of .. nlus. His portrayal of Shlrler Temple •ln&lng "The Good Sftip_L.olllpop" ll!U IOlll be remembered. A bid for the best supporting actrus nUg.bt well be deserved by Mrs. Gladys Cheu. A vision in shimmering red, she certainly upstaged the hooi.ss with her performance al. ''The bora d' oeuvru are yummy." In spite of -two lrl&hl lpOll, liUle·coulil be -to .... the lockluoter diaallerwliiclllurnedouttobemore . • • LOGBOOK of a lhaatlY 1alherlnr llwl all1!ldnl elle. - Mr~ VanGaod leU far sbol of acloqlllU in ber role Utlit~~­ ing fldloty In a purple fuD lel>Jl!l -gown, she lost In her verve when Giid amusingly Upped his libations cm her while Pmlan rug. Tbe boat, mually an ace in such roles, waa dlaaPPointingly WJCC11viocing when llnginJ, "I'm Poortr 1'lan You Are," wl&h two of. h1a multimillionaire cronies, l'nd x-and Johll Gold. Jmo Fi.tte. in 111a par1r1111 of t1>e Chilean Youths Study- No ·Housewqrk, Says Exchange Student BY. JACK CHAPPELL (If ""' Dtillr "'"' ..... A 17-year-old &irl'1 life in Chile isn'L all U..l much dilierenl llwl ilj the United States, aaya Tatiana Valdebenlto, a Olilean. lClftlen ezchangl! student at -Viejo High School. Exo;ept, well, there's the matter of all tha1 bo\laeWcrk U..t North Amerlcon -. and their daughl<ra and their aiDean villton have to do. Ycu -· cool:lni. wuhing dlilhes, !loon. clolheo, aewlng -00.-k. In Tatiana'• Oille, maids are employed for aucli lhinp, not ltudmll who ahould spend all the\r time llludying. Tatiana hates houaewcrt. T1tlano 11 Uring In Mlllloo Viejo '!Ith lbe Richard Johnlon lamlly, !llltl San Roque Drive, for 1111 months "hlle &be attenda: claues at the high 1ehool. RlGllT IN 'MIDDLE Tatlana comes from Conc:epUon, Chile, a \:lly· of about I00,000 'in the middle of the. South Amat.can nat.ICl'I. The altnctlve dark-haired cJrJ Aid Ille llkea the United Stata and has founil all the' Ainericona . she bu met vory friendly. In faet, lier first doy at lbe high school, she wu nearly .......a under by well-wiahing students and ~ ,, __ Before cominl to lbe United States in January, Tatiana studied Enalllh for five yurt and had a cl111 in American hiat«y, Sbe -the Cl.U War etpeclally 1nim.u,,,,.,. ' . Sl>e wu surJKiled lo find U..l mOlt SHE HATIS HOUSEWORK Chllun Student V11dobonlto Americans live in . house.a:, n o t apartment!: that American JMn help out with housework; that stlldents have Four Injured in Separate Laguna Weekend W reeks Fwr per'IClnl were lnjUred Jn aeparate Laguu Buch tnfflc accidents over the weekend. Erne9l1ne K. Rub, 34, ol 31231 Brooks St., South i.acuna. wu treated for a fradured .-and aent home from S.Uth Cout COmmunlty Hoapital Friday af. -· Police Wei her car struck the f'N.I of a car driven by Clllford J. Jabp, 30, Whittler, when be Mopped to avoid aQOther car. 'lbe accideat occurred in the 154!0 block of S.Ulh Cout lfi&llway. Gifford H. Beavinf, 23, or 1811 S. C:OUt Highway, wu injured Saturday morning "'hen his motorcycle struck a turning e1r driven by Ruby L. Hufford, $1, of 491 El Camino dtl Mar. The accident occumd al Legion and Ramona Streets. Buvi.nl WU tl1llted _at the holpHal and ttleaaed. His -nger, Sally J, 'lliomll, JI, of lmO-• DAILY PllUT OlANGI CQ.UT .-Ukllttl .. ~Nf't It...,_. N, w .... ~"'"'*''llfllf" J•c .. R. Curl.., Yim ""'*'"' .,,. ~ .. MtMtlW 1\•111•1 k•••il ·-Th•111•1 A. Mu•1thi11• ,Mt"'ffln• lf.elfllr Richtr .. P. Nt ll ~ •••tll '"" '""' ...... --212 f•r•1t ,...,.. M•il i119 M .. r••n PD. I•• '''· t265J --Celt•~~ • w.t..., ,,. ........,, ..... I ttll w.t .............. ,. Mlllill lll11a..d!1 ••ttrW Fullerton SL. Coola Mm l!\lflend abrations, Police said. Earlier Saturday morninC, Fnderitk B. Mcintyre, 19, San Bern-. llUffer«I rnirMr injuries when hi!: Cll' struck two parktd can In the 400 blnck of Cypma Drive. Police said Mcintyre dropped a c:ilarCt and whjle retrieving it lost cmtrol of hi! vehicle. He wat treated and released rnnn the h<lopilal. Ch iefs Son Files Plea of Guilty To 1 Pot Charge Steven Murray, 1l·)'Ur-<>ld son of Sin Oemente Police Chief CUfford Murray• plotded guilty In ..,. <harp ol tranoporiaU.. cl marijuana Friday lfltr. noon berore Superior Court Judie ROOm Ganlner. The judge orderM the youth to appear April 24 for probaUon hearing and oenltn· cl111. The penalty for transportation ol marijuana is five years Lo life in prlaon. Disposition of four other charges against' Murray will be handled at the probation hearing. They include posses. sion of heroin, possession of heroin with intent to sell, possession of mariju1n1 and possess.ion of marijuana with intent to sett The chief's only son was arrested Feb. 2 by ttate aM C<lllnty narcolics olfnrs In the drfftway cl the family home, 225 La F.sparana, San Clemente. Young 111Ul1'11 was •IPl-.t.d by Robert E. Law of Tustin. Aerosol Spray Fumes Kill 16-year-old Boy LOS ANGELES CAP) -A IS.7'1N11d boy died SUndoy nilJ1t Illar he Inhaled names from an atrOSOI can, ahertlf '1 dtp- utlee said. n-111 R. Parrish or au~Q Cudahy auccumbed In Maywood Docton HOl]>ltal afttr bein1 1trlcken tl a friend'• house elpt houn <atller. Docton ~d tn1r<· dtenll tn spray cans upett tht balance of Osyg<!I I• the raplralory l)'llem and al· feet lbt nervous 1y1tem. ' as ·u1ht a study acbedule as they do, and that IChooll are co-«fucaUonal. 11In ln1 school. we were only girl!," she aald. T~ lald that i? Cllile atudenls have H aubj«la to atudy in high IChool and that 'cJua ii held liJ: days a week. JIEALL y ll'n1DY Stud<nta In .~~ have to stud)', ahe Aid. "I think here, students don't like to s:tud)' .., much." Talliria, irllo came to the United States on a ICholarJhjp ranked fifth on the '-' roll fer her clua In 1 IChool cl Z,000. atudenll. She lpeab four J111gu1ges, Fnn<h, Italian, Spanlab ud English. Following colle1e, lhe bopel to be a United Nations Interpreter. Tllo perkf teenager joined her borl family throuch arrangemenu made by lbe SL Nk:bolaa Calhollc Church, El Toro. JU.chard Jobnloa ii an electriclan at Ph1Jco.Ford'1 Newport Beach llCillty. The J-have two children, Calhy, 15, and Chery~ I. Mrs. J-Jolllllon Is a houaewtfe, but deccrates catea in lier spare time. TaUana'a flmily lncludeo lier father, Hector, owner of a men'• llolt; mother, Laura ; 14-year-old slater, Anna Marla,. and a Christmas present pet, a dog named Apollo, alter the American Apollo a spacecraft. From P .. e 1 MISSION . .- ''who d"'{'OOltrate the IJUtell potential for the type of leadership iri Peopte-to- hople relallomhlps peo_.i by Dwight D. Eisenhower," said the .ruolulion. Prealdent Ellenhower helped fOWld the People-too-People program iri 1•, wilh Ila pal of achieving luting world peace lheougb, he said, "Promolini and autlng a climate Jcr _..,. un- dw111ndlng ....,,. -1es eather llwl aecolJlllolll between penunenb." Contribution.I Lo tbe fund may be made to People-lo-People Chapter f:Jq, c/o Sbm'ly McNamee, Trtasurtr, »D Ave· nidl Cannel, Laguna Hills. Donors' names •ill be sent to Mrs. Eisenhower in the form of a Lei!iure World LllUM mu. Honor Roll. * Board to. Meet On Saddlehack Saddlebaet Collese trm1ee1 have decided lo.atop meeting the lint Mooclay cl the month but right awoy made an nceplion and will meet tonigbl. the fnl Monday cl April The meeting was called so the board can consider bids on pennanent campus 1it.e work opened Jut Thursday that came in considerably over the architect's esUmate. Low bid it $253,661 by Sully- f\1Uler Contracting Coompany, almost $1S,OOO more than utimated. After the special meeting tonight. the Saddleback board, which has been meeting three. Mondays a month, will meet only the second and fourth at 7:45 p.m. 11 lbe collef', located north of San Die,o Freeway oo Crown Valley Parkway.} * Parents Support Capo Tax Boost CA!'l5Tl1ANO -P""'ls cl achool , c:hildron and rdlool employts agree volerl 1hould llUJ>POrl Capistrano UnUled School Dlalricl'1 SO-cent tu incr<ase Aprll 15. Endoraemenls cl lbe override nquest have been coming Into DAILY PILOT ofllctJ lhlck and heavy, all under the 1ettfrhl!ad al the commlUee to Keep 1mprovlna Distric t Schools (KlDSl. • ""1 Cil'll<. loll OI flll OI I -·· ~ -~pl Indeed, al -pollll cl tba ......,,, be WU -d ~-""'.""-nice •1>o11l Alberl DiPDa' w11 drab and decoratlonf were dull, lllinks to a job poorly -by the unlmaginaUve Ea.tum, B e at u m Caterers. The choice of choJll*l livtr on lelWce was 11\1lDdane, whilf the mock turtle ""'P· higbly redUllClad, llao fell sbOrl on seunntnc.--- The filet of aole tasted man like filet of &hoe, and the cherries jubilee certainly seemed a bad eoding for such a tasteless meal All in a11, the VanGoods' fete was fated for fat.lure befort the ftrsl act. Jean Co: U a ataff toriteT for the Social Notts 1ection of the D~L.Y PILOT. Suspense Play 'Dark' Opens At Playhouse "Wail Unlit Dark," a mystery drama by Frederick Knott, author of "Dial 'M' for Murder" and "Write Me a Murder," opens for a three-week rUn al Laguna Playhouse WednHday. Kent Johnaon it ·the director, wilh Sally lllytoo heading the cut· as the slgbUeaa heroine, I role which· Lee R<mlck played during -the drama's ...,. c:euful Broadway run. John Law appears as the heroine's hutband who happens to be away wtitn three villains appear to ·recover a. cache of heroin wWch innoctnUy carrie ·tnto her ~ion. . . Phil Interlandl, Alan G. Harl and Paul Wilson make up the trio· of villain!I, whUe blind Suey'a only posa.ible ally, an apartment building peighbor, la: played by Suzanne McQuade. Ken Komweibel and David Selcuk complete the cut u two Polictmen. Womn behind the acenei Include.Paul Nt, technical director; Jon Law, stage manager; Barbara Figelsk:t, aet dect>r, and Rosemarie Broolu:, props. Followtnc the. opening, the drama will play Wednet!aya lhroogb Saluntay1 until April 28 with cw1a1n time at 1:30 p.n1 . Jnl"~ and raerv~ may ~ obtain1n -by canm, : or vi.Ai.tins the playhouse, 319 Ocean A .. .,_,_ Ki.dnn.ping Ends In Laguna But Ki.dnaper Gone A kidnaper who abducted a Mt.Xican cWzen twice dC!rin.c a Great Circle Route trip from Calexico to San Diego is llO'Jght on the Orange Coast today, after Che victim's car broke down near Laguna. Rogelio Diaz, 22, returned finally to. r.pori the two gunpoint abduction! to Imperial County auth«kies, wtthout ever making a .,.tement to Orange County lawtnt:n about lhe biurre" cut. Dias u.id he wu kkinaped from a Calexico Street lite Sautrday night by a sunman dtmanding a ride to San Diego, but the car broke down near the tiny town cl Boolrvard. WaJUll( for hll car to be repaired, Diu ttarted to telepbooe San Dieso County authorities, at wbleh time the kldnapfr walked up to the phone booth and ag&.in stuck a gun in his ribs. Again the car broke down near Laguna Beach. freeing Dias from -his abductor, but authorities had no explanation for the wklerangtnc route of travel from Calexlcn via 0r..,. Coooty to San Diego. Winging It Kitemeisters of Ancient Mariner Kite Team prePare 30-foot v~icle for launching during sixth annual Benjamin Franklin Kite Fligbt in Dana Point Sunday. Huge kite won "lowest Dying" trophy, a step up from 1968 contest when it captured "Amelia Earhart Award" for most spectacular crash. Citizen Group Endorses In Two School Districts By THOMAS FORTUNE Of IM OtllJ '"" Sl•ff A citizens group calling itself the OXn- miUee of One Thousand for Better Education is trying to call the shots in the San Joaquin Elementary and Tustin Union High school board races . Target dale is April 15, eiibt days away. The committee's hope is on Uiat day voters will have been persuaded to 'elect a niajority of three.. new trustees to· each school dlllri<:l board. . '.J:JJ01e endo-~y. lbe Committee or One Thousand are Sau Joaqllin can- didates Qlarles: Boulanger, R o be r t Dameron and Patricia Stratton and Tustin High contenders Ronald Fraese, Sylval\ Katz and Stanley Rosen. Neither incumbent in the two races, Edward Derry of the elementary board nor Cheater B·rlner of the high acbool board, was endorsed. HAD START The committee had Its -start tn University Park in the community o{ lrvlne and has spread to Mission Viejo, Leisure World and El Toro. It seeks Lo represent the whole Sa" JoaqUin District ·and all areas of the Tustin District out.s:lde of TU.!Un. Actually, the Commjttee of One Thousand is: a misnOmef. Present membership is about 300 says the group·s secretary, Mrs. Guy Smno. It takes its name from the slu: ol membership it hopea to attain by election day. Endorsements by the committee were made almost two months ago, even before lhe dead.line for filing and com- pletion of the field of candidates - ten running for the San Joaquin board and 13 for TusUn High. Thirteen then-announced or potential candidates spoke and from these six were selected for endorsement by the 150 persons Present The meeUn& was: held in Corona de! Mar with the 1rv1ne area most heavily represented. High school incumbent Briner, 1 Mission Viejo resident, was at the meeting seeking endorsement. Elemen- tary board incumbent Berry, al!o of Mission Viejo, was not. UVE IN IRVINE Of the candklat.es endorsed, three - Boulanger, Mn. Stratton and Fraese -live in Irvine. Daml!!"OO Hves in El Toro, ~ .i~tz alil Rosen Uve tn the Tmti.n area although Santa Ana ii tbeit mailing address. Boulanger Is principal ol an elemenllr}( school in CypresS. Danlfl'"OO is a financial consultant. Mrs. Stratton t e a c b e s sociology at Saddleback Junior College. , Fraese is a political science instructor· at Cypress Junior College. Kats ' is I. physicist who teaches a graquate coune at UC Irvine. Roo!n is an attorney. Mf'3. Sircello said the endorwmenb:· have since been aeconded by Leque of Women Voters members from Laeuna· Hills Leisure World. "Thty've started their own t.elepbooe and poskard campai&n." she aaid. SPREAD WORD • She said the comrnittet is tryinc Lo spread the word in other areas by telephone, mailings and even a fevr newspaper advertisements. Chairman cl the Committee cl One Thousand R. Alan Lawson said the groups' interest is supporting a 1lal4!! ol candidates who have high quality education as their primary ahn. ~1embers of lhe committee, he said, want Lo see the school districts encourage imagination, initiative and flexibility in the classroom, and draw on resource') of the community. Yus. SirttUo said the committet plans-. to continue in existence alter the board ' eledlon and "not just mtlt away." p ,. ' Q OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE (i) COMPLETE JEWE LRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaire d ' e diamonds and pre cious stones re mo unte d e pearls restru ng WE CUSTOM DESIGN ,l MANUFACTURE ALC m es OF. JEWELAY MAa-IMOl'PINe car• UOO HA._ aVD. COSTA iillSA • Mii-Mii • HUllTl ... TON Clll lb llACH I IDIN ... HUllTlll6TON llACH "2-llOI I I I I -· ' I - I .. -. Saddlebaek, EDITION -x YQC 62, f!IO. ri, l SECTIONS, 32 P.~&ES . ···ORANGE :CoQNTY CAUrORN I . --· . Down the Mission Trail Airport Topic At El Toro Meet EL TORO -Sis homeowner groups COl1C<l'1lfld with thO poaiblllty of air tr>lflc at El Toro Marine Corps Air SLaUoo will meet in El Toro Thuraday to prepare a preaentation to the Orange County Board of Supervioors. Perry, Snell of Mission Viejo Homeowners Association, which i s coordinating the meeting, 5lid t'tp(tStlt- taUvts Ol the organiJ.atioos will meet at 7:30 p.m. at Royal Savings and Loan . -. ' . ' . . . . • ' . ' --• • ----.... ----- • -U ·_ . ,_ ' . -. .- Pilot Launches . -. Edition ·for You :· . ' A n,w edlllOli of Ille DAILY PILOT i5 launched today -an ldJ. ll<in -offerlrie dailY. -coferige cit the communities of El Toro, Mission Viejo, Irvtn .. Unlversity Park, Laguna Hills, Capistrano Highlands, San Juan Capi5trano and C~pistrano Beach. To those alrudy •ubscribing to the DAILY PILOT, we are plea .. ed to announce this intensified coverage of a coloriul and fast grow- in section of Orange County. · To thoH of you receiving Your first copy, we· invite a study of 'the DAILY 'PILOT'• features -same-<iay closing stocl< reports from both major exchanges, full AP and UPI wire reports, pungent edi· torials, detailed courthouse coverage from the DAILY PILPT's county seat bureau, prize-winning sports pages (lbal . offer regular coverage of Saddlebact Junior College and Mission Viejo and Sau Clemente High Schools). . --.. ---or---"t -...,........ f" ----------••. --=--,......,..:..:::::. building. '-... All 'of this is packaged in a bright and convenient fonnat. And put together by a staff lhal knows and lives in Orange County. He said the meeting will coordinate a presentation to be made to c:ounty supervlaora April IS. Snell said rtpresentatives will attend from Aliso Valley Homeowners Associa- tion, University Park C o m mu' n 1 t '1 Auoclation, Aegean Hills Homeowners Association, Capistrano High I ands Homeownen Association and Laguna Hill! Leisure World. * Austin Company To Build elaut MISSION VIEJO -Tbe -COm-pany or Los Angele! baa been .eleCted 10 llljlmllse COll8lruclioo of a $16 million plant for Ille Burroughs Corpontioll in Mission Viejo. .The 300,000 square foot facility will be used for engineering and ~ufac­ turing o1 hig)Hpeed dlJlt · rue meinory devices for U9e in Burroughs electronic computer systems. ' The plant is Burroughs' lint In Orange County and sixth major facility in California. Mort than 1,toO pu30l1S will be employed. The firm has operatat in California sinct 1903 and employs 45,000 people world-wide. * 'Family' Films Set for Review CAPISTRAN9 BEACH -Two films proposed for use in the Capbtrano Unified School District's Family Life courses wfl~ be reviewed at the 7:30 o'cklck meeting of district trusttts tonight at Serra School board room, 28126 Victoria Blvd., Capi!lr~ Beach. "Girls Art. Better 'Iban Ever," is pro- po&ed for use in the seventh grade coune. .. Human Reproductiaa" ~ pro- posed lor the 10th grade ~ BOth filml are from the County Schools' stock and have previoual1 been approved by the County Schoolo Board. Joe E. W"uner, director of adminilt:ratlve services, welcomed interest.ell parents to lit in on the showings. * Youth Leaming Discussion Set SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Chlldrin's , learning diltbllltiea will be ~ by Stuart SymestVedt at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day in the Ubrary at Marco Forster Jumor llilb Scboal, 2llOI Camino Del Avion, San JllOll Capistrano. Synneltvedt, a 1 1 l 1 t • n t to the 1uperlntmdenl. of Ciplatra!iO Uuilied School Dillricl, will tal1t about op- portunities for childttn with 'leamlng pn>blema· In the IChool diJtricl's special clwes. ' * Leisure World Loan Fund Set . EL TORO -Members of 'the Leisun World Laguna !Ulla PeopJe.IO.l>eople ~bapt.er have ltt up a memorl.al ldiolanhlp loan f\md. 'l'he fund will be tor college lltudentl (See :.tlSSION, P ... I) We hope you like it. If you aren't one already, we hope you like it well enough lo join the ~.000.plus subs~ribers who find the DAILY PILOT an afternoon must in Orange County. Marine .Booked-on Drugs . 1~t~r.. iag":na Struge.le . ' ' . ~ . . ·•A IIeehil IC-"'° eiaf!t 1iy a Lea Casa, It,. cii.y;.,.o;,.i; j,. boobd Lallmf. -~ --S.tunfay "" lliJpiciilo of -·•ill! ~ ...i alllr *' · · eiat ended In a drugs ""\ -1i..,a( . ~ calrerf; · wu -..i on .... llCcMuni, WI Babcock and ·l'llr<ell pician or marljuanl P* ™· aITeSted her at a parking lot at '9l The mapect.' one of ts weekend drug • s. Coast. Highway after a wttneu arrests, WU identified u Timothy assertedl.y aaw a man give ber money. Marshall. · llamilloo, II, of C am fl The lleut<nant ulAI ber pune c0nlalned Pendleton. . SI white pllla that may be -lne, Hamilton was arrested by OUlcer Neil a marijuana dgaret, 21 white pills, 10 Puh:!ell in a brushy .rea· Ui the · 300 blue pUls, 17 yellow pills and Dine orange bloct of Cleo atreet.Solunlay altlrnoon. pilla, pooslbly LSD. Police LL Robert McMWTay . aaid The young woman was transferred Hamilton fled ,all« . Pun:eJl idenlilied to Orange County Jail McMurray WI liimael!. Aa Qie officer cal!lht bim, ulAI a complaint wooJd be aolllht today. $<Mcrtay, the Marine stniuled and Two young men and foor juveniles, Ille ,two toppled down .. embankmenl, ~ of••·-Id ... ~·· crl!tk becl with Purcell tbe victor. lwO .. ICUl JJ.year-e ga111, were picked Jt:MorraJ clafuied' H8fuilton had a bag up earlie!' Friday night on suspic1on With'· about ' iwO ~of marijuana of marijuana pouessjon. tucked inside b:ll lh1rt. They were identified as Samuel Jasper ArreSted during the . investiptio!l Slown, 20 of Hemet and Donald Fredrlks, by PUrcell anll Sil-Norman Babcock, 11 · of Suim}'IIlead, Ille girll and two also on . aJSpidOD of m a·r I ju an a boys, 17 and 11. · poaessioll. weft Ed x-.ms IV, H. of Slown was Ibo arrested on IU!picion a Canyon Acres Drive; F..dwln Lee of furnishing marijuana to a minor. Lambert, -of Od T nd Junm" McMurrav . said the six were picled -. essa, es.; a y ,, Clar'< Aivu.., Ill, allo of ~-up on Ille ~ at Cleo Stmt by 1be officen asserted that they· found Officers Babcock and Purcell alter nto packq:ea wlth a total ol three ounces assertedly passing aound ·a marljuana of marijuana and three marijuana cigaret and smoking it cigarets ln the car which the men were Seized, said McMurray, were about :using. A complaint wu to be sought an ounce of marijuana and • marijuana ~. Md(UrTay uid. cigarette. In IDIXber arrest· Fr.idly niibt, Terrie The juveniles were released to their parents pending juvenile court action. Thi.eves Hit SchoQI ""I, DAILT..r .... ,,_. Y~~Ml!NJlll..lllDl'A.YDIRT . · ShoHy,.9'*-t,:1,;e1 ull!liiiPlnds -ry · Little --Sally Found Egg . Aided ay Legion 'Bunny'· Like a small darUng''pifili:.lfld white along a grocery sack nearly u bia: cl\eCked ·bird,: ·five.,.year-okl:-S 'be 11 y :as she 'i.s.: J • 1 Garofono aearcbed witltout auccest for Then a kindly ~trlcan ~ Easttr e•~ -in !be, annual La~.Be,.ii . . · -'·I· Qui kl be •-•ed Easter Wt ~t >t "llie hlib !IC!iool spotted the utile •" . c . ~· p~ athletic fiekl . ·• · 'up an n~ egg and hid it In Shelly'• Sbe ,,.,,majed llnqb'llle high..... pith and then ol9J1d by to -.~Ice . al~ .Ille • e¥J>fiot leliCe. femtod · on the ~uiltinr .of egp mi· ta keep tbrw&h -~-~-,~and -~her.....-afty. Sbe ·beamed •al pri<d.into other. lilspected ~"' p~." ll\ICCUI. • ' • BUI ~ B~· Klds" had gone throuP ·When you're Ove yeara old.· happ-hir 'htinuifg sro\md!I · ~·a cloud of Is finding_ an · ,Easter , 'II . when , fci:' locults and had·ll'litched up the eggs. were beginning to think you weren t Unda1mted1 Shelly' l)w>ted, dragging going to. . . ' . I! • ' : • ' ' ' Blllze Hits Cow;t _l~ri; .. '..: ,". ' Causing Lo,ss of· $5,600 · . . .. A pluli< lraah can and a towel dispenser • ~ destroyed by [ire at Lquna Beach lll&h School Satunfay nigllt during a -... film. McY.'urray said complaints would be sought today against Slown and Fredrika. _McMurray-Mld-pollce arTlllod lllcbMI Wllllam Bogue, M of Richmond, and Louis Michael Levu, 21, al an unlden- tified address on Lacuna's Roolevelt Lano, Saturday in the t•'bloct of Cleo FU. caused .. an eatimated ·,$$,ODD S1r<et "' IRl'Plclcta of danpi:ous drug damage • earlJ ~·Sa"'*J lJl!WDilii ·to by. a ~ ~tJ>i a" ........ . Tile <flnt slarled lo on QpOta!i'>" room PolicO ulAI a vudal apparently touch- ed off the blue in a men'• restroom. Police .. id projectionist John M. Brown, 11, of ll:nJ C-1 l'<llnt, -Laguna, put out tbi 111' witJ! a lite·~"· )Mlllesaion. Lquna'I Coat• 1i1o, ·1401 S. Cout lfcMurray WI the polr .-rtedly·bad , a c..,.ule cootainlng Z50 sr-of LSD. !Ughway. . He said a CCIDplaint nuld be ooqbt F)rem<n uid the blne, confined chief· today. · ty to a bedroom and bath, WU llarted Hold··onto Your · occup!od by Bob Smllll alter be .left for wart, flrtmat said. Smith'• clothing and poaessm nre · destroyed. Tbe · buildina:,. wmcb includes a bar and -· ia -by . brothers Richan! and Kerl· Smith . of -~Beach. ' . • I ' "h .. ,,,. ·ftlli • 4 • ...,...,~ .. N;l'. 8taek• -• • : • . Lagttna .M~ . . ,. . I Collaps~s · . ln ~Rescue A Va,una Beach policeman who laid his life oa the line to reacue a smote viclim waa recoverlhg ioday alW bllnl avacome by the deoae smote ·from a bed iflre. ·The ollicer, Lee -...... at&mptmg . to drag Earl Walcb, Ila Ocean Way, from hil bmnlnc ·apatm1 t Wilen' he "c>ollapoed In a .liallw.,. ec'1 -"inc -~WI .that O!ficor ~A•n mBDNed to malte.IU!tntup the-·· and 'reoctle liotb·~and lWelcll. A ven. a veteran officer. ad former Driff's·depuly, waa not lnjund. • Bolh Welch and Schramllmg·---- to South Coast c.mmunlty lloljillaJ. Of, fteer Schramling WI& -home to -and Wekh was tnnslemd to 0rDP County Medical Ceotee for trutmenl ind litter relealed. · Firemen aild tho • blne In the mr aparlment llarled in a bed, appintntlJ' from a clgarel. The bed WU' deolro)'ed and the Boor burned.. Damap •• ~led at 11511. • '. Scltramllng, who joined Ille .1-; Beach department in the fall, ho41 ,....ioUlly been a police -In Buena Part . ,•·Laguna Opiniom -P-0Ued on Future City Devel.opment Opiniom on , futore • ~ , ll..!i d ... lopment will be llOllclled ' - residents, viJltora .and properly ownen In a General Quesliollnaire malled to city boulebok!.1 today. . :rbe qaeotlonnaire uu 17 9-devlled by the CltiJOnl Advisory Com- mittee. Information gathered by the t,IOll polb to be mailed will be used In the General Plan program to determint what cow:••" Ille city, lllcMlld chall lo< ltl future. · ~A leUer from Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn E. VeddU malled wlta the .queo. tlomlalre.OXRll!n• uie ~~and i~ lor Ille cltiJen -"It 11 neceaary to bear from. a lf1ll!f. ·mapr people before our planuen can give. the city a viable ~lo< Ille future;': Vedd• said., . , "I ..-rage you to .spen<i ...,,. lhoughllul IDOID<llU on lhe,~lre .and to 'lllare with many otbers the shaping, d the futig:e "' our c:Jty," he ·aald. , The qu<alioonalr< lhould · be mailed back to city ball by Monday, April "14. Opinjonl on recruUonal racilllill,, la ·matters, 11-"11! adfritiea, porklns, 1 pbyilcal-..cbarac:terllfka, and boUI •• e«f data; are .,tidied •. NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market WU blJlded a sharp Joa today rG irt. ; vestor concem over the 1atelt ad.. ministration mo.,. to further UChko mon<\lrl' ratraintl. (ke quotationl, Pagu 11-11). or .. 1e • '' Weadter . . , . ' . . The Santa AM wlnd.I are com-J ing ·and· Ille temperilun wm a<t a I rise. out of , them -to about .,. degrea aloni Ille 0r..,.. Coul I on Tuesday. INSIDE TODAY I · ' ' . -' · ·Tho lonnt ... v~ of·IM \ . Sovlh Vtemomu1 .,.., ~ , "" lhe elCGlatlon of A~ ,.,. .. "' tMS, oa:ordlwf to °""' I , '!VIII~ WeJ!mOnloftd. .l"ago r. 1 ==-~11 1 ~ ,:I c ..... ..,., ..... -. .. , c...-......... t ',09-' " ..-..... liM I ; :::...~ ! , = -Ir.I I .... .,,......... ,. ,........ • I "..... . , .. ,., ,,.... ' .,. . ...._ ,, --. "-.._.. .............. i ' t • ' -• . t O&ll.Y."1.0T . -.r: . .,.. ,, ~· i ;u Scene I :,.', ' ~ i . ... -...... all '811 -...... "' 1111 • p • 1111' ':'•. .. ) ... ·~ ... ,, . ~ '( . ._. 1"\J~•flll a flaf U I barbonllll>-.. -........ .... 111.Qlo Iii.-al •vtr)' journalllt \ber9 :~¥andhow~ol ua ii\le . OQf teeth with envy • . llltnclnl .,._.., -Jmlllda cf preeo-theatneal cr!Ucs. Sl·ti the -· bitter b the cup 1ro111. wbldl 'ill ...,ial reporters drlnt.' We who musL write with ~ -and . Jliht, ~pd_will no znatter bow beavy our IOulJ. Toallevlote- natural -.ggresslons, why not develop a new poeUc corps which would march = ~w:'''"' al ,,_ ~lterS, Dke our brethren ln the dramOt!c field. would Inspire uplilt In the ...W wcirld with barbs and jabl at .,.... , ... ,~ . ' ' ~--. ....-. . """"' ... typical . dlnuft'. wty. 1'hlc4. 1f'"1d "9Wld liOlllethlng likt thl>: ' ' "The Gala Dinner Paru-,~· -.Ced In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Van- Gwd, fell 1hort of expectatiolis despite firie performances by two veteran party· goers. Harvey Glad, cast in the role of the beavy drinke<, .was.a llrok.t 9Li!l!I His portrayal of Shirley Temple siI'llng "The Good Ship Lollipop" ..W Joog be remembered. , A bid for the best supporting actress might well be deserved by Mia. Gladys Cheer. A vision in shlmmering red, she certainly upstaged the hostess with her 'ptrformance of ''The, hors d~ oeuvres are yummy." In iplte of these two br!gbl spoll, liltlo could be done to aeve the Jocldiilter ' -wllk:h turned out to be. more LOGBOek . ~ .. of a gha!lly 1athtrln1 than lll)'1lllog else. • -Mis. anGoocflelf 1aiilii1t. of&aeqiiile In h., role aa the amllln& hoolea. Looi<· Ing fidg<ty In a purple fUfl lenctk lloiteaa gown, me lost all her verve when Glad amusingly tipped his libations on her white Penlan rug, 'Ibe host, wuaUy an ace in such roles, waa d!Jappolntlngly unconvincing when ~. "I'm Poortr 'l'h8n You Are," with. two ·d hia multimUllooaire croWes. 1'rid KDoJt and Jobn Gold. • Jobn Fierce, In hll porlrQa1 of the • ~"l{ter lllldDlll>t. Indeed, at ·- .. point oi,Y tbe eftnlng; hfl 1 WU hearil 1&ying aomethlng nice about Albert Scliweltrer. Dinner wu drab and decoratioftJ were dull, thanJcs to • job poorly -by the unbnaginative Eatum, B e i. tum Caterers. , The choice of cboppid liver on letl1ICe was mundane, while the mock turtle -... p,highlrftdwidaet, aloo-lell~~ on seasooing. Tbe filet ol oole wt.cl more like filet of !hoe, and the cherries jubilee certainly seemed a bad ending for such a tasteless meal An in all, the VanGood&' fete WI&. fated for failure before 1he first acl Jeon Cox is a 1taff writet' fO'f UM!: Social Note& 1ection of the DAILY: PILOT. -----------~~---~----~-----------------~~---------~--.r---------~~ ' . Chilean T out~s Sindy -. . No Housework, Say-s Excli.ange Student . By JACK CHAPPELL Of flM O.llr l'ti.t Stiff A 17-yw-old girl'• lile In Chile 1111'1 all that much different than in the Uuited States, aeys Tatiana Valdebenlto, a Chilean foreign exchange student at • Mlalion ·Viejo High School Except. well, there'• the matter of all that housework .that North American women,·and their dauchters and · their Chlleln visitors have to do. You know, cooking, washing. dishea, floon, clotbtl, aewing -housework. In Tatiana's 'Chlle, maids are employed for 111ch things, oot l1Udenll wbo sbould spend all their time .tudying. TaUana hat.ea bouatwork. TaUana ii living In Million Viejo 'l'itb the Rlcba!d Johnson family, 28191 San Roque Drive, for ab: months while ahe attenda clusa at the higb ICbooL llJGBT IN MIDDLE Tatiana com<11 lrom Conception, Chile, a city, of . about till0,000 in the middle of the South American. naUon. The attractive dark-haired girl said lbe Uk" the United States and bas found . all the Ameri<:aM ohe hu met very friendly. In fact, her first day at Uie high school, ahe was nearly snowed under by well-wishing students and ... teacben: Belen coming to the United States In January, TaUana studied English for five ywa and had a claSI in American hista)'. She ·Im the Civil War .. pec1a11y interilling. She wu surpr1'ed lo find that most DAILY .. ILOT 11.tf"""' , SHE HATES HOUSEWORK Chilun Student Valc!Obonito '.Americans live-in houses, n o t .apartments; that American men help out with housework; that students have .. ·ll1ht a ~tudy ocbedule aa they do, ind that lchoola are co-educational. "In my school, we were only &irti;0 she aald. TaUaiia aald that In Chile llludtnts ·have If subjects to otudy In blgb school an<! that clau ii held ab days a week. . JUWJ.Y STUDY Students Jn Chile really have to study, ~ ~~ ~~;,e. studtnta don't TaUana,.'lfho came to the United Slates OD ' a lcboimhJp ranked fifth oii the bohor rol,f for her claas in a , acbool , · el UllO lludtilto. .. ' She 8peUs four · Janauages;. French, Ilallan,. Spanlab and Englbb. Following collep, lbe bopea to·be a United NaUoos .tnteJ:prtter .. The perky teenager 'joined her boll fllJllly tluougb arrangements made by the SL Nldlolu Catholic Qiurcb, El Toro. Richard · Johnson Is au electrician at Philco-Ford's ljewport Beach facility. Tbe Joholana have two children, Cathy, 15, and . Cl'!'i'Y4 I. Mrt. Janet_ Jillmlon is a hoUseWlfe, bUt decorates Wes in her spare ·~. · Tatiana•l":1'amny includes her father, Hector, owner of a men's store; mother, Laura; 14-yeaM>ld slater, Anna Maria, and a O>riatmu present pet, a dog named Apollo, after the American Apollo 8 spa~afL Four Injured in Separate· MI;SID~ .. ~.1 Laguna Weekend W reeks Fcur penone: were Injured in stpll'ate Laguna Beach traffic accidents over the weekend. Ernestine K. Raab, 34, of 31231 Brooks Sl. South Lagdna, was treated for a tractur"1 oo. and -home from Socnh . Coast COmmwlity Hoopital Friday al· temooa. Police said lier car llruck the rear of a car driven by Clifford J. Jahp, 30, Whittler, when he et.opped to avoid another car. '!be accident occurred in the ltillO block of SOoth Cout lllpay. 'Gilford H. Beavinil,c Z3, of 2961 S. Coast Highway, was lnjurtd Saturday morning when his mot~ycle struck a turning car driven by Rub1 L. Hufford, 57, of 491 El Camino ctel Mar. The accident occurred at Legion .n:I Ramm& Streets. Beavins was treated .. the bospJtal and released. Ills pueenger, Sally J. 'lbomae, 16, of. ·2020 DAILY PILOT OR.ANGE COAST f'Oll.llHINO COMP'AHY Rolttrt N. W11d l"mldtnl •M Publlthlr Jttlc R. Cutl1y VICI l'rnldlnt t nf Gftilrtl Ml,.ttr Th1111t1 Kttvil .... ._. ThomM A.. M11t1"hi11t ' Mlt'lttlt'lt Edllot Rltli1t4 P. Nill ~ .. _. .. Kii '"' edtlof' ............ Offka J2J Foro•t Avo , Moill111 Addtt11: P.O. 111 666, •2662 --~ Mlw! Ut W..t ... '""' ,......,, a-:11: 1211 Mat ...... ""'"""',. HIMllNtM htcfl: ., lltl .... , _,a M ILV moT, .ntl Wflldl -~ ""' ~ it ~bltlNIJ Hllr ~I ~ --......... , ... -.....,... 9otdl. ,.......,. loodl. Coltt MMe. Hllfltl""""" ~ ... ~l!'I Vttlw. ''°"' wllfl tw ........ ......... °''"" CMt' fl>lAollllllrlt c...... ..,.._ "6ntt ,,. " nu w.tt ...... lt\IC,. ...,.,. hldl. .,.. a. w... .... '""' ~ ._ .. . ,,, s ft '"~' ., .... ... Q s I Jtw ..... '4Jo4UI C-r1sM. ... °'.. Cotti '*11111 ... '-""· ... -......... """'""'""' .......... ....... • .. Wl'f'""""" ,.,.'" _,. ..................... IMdtl ..... ,......,,~ ..... . ........ ~ ,. ..•• ,....... ... di ..,. CMllt ...., OtllJWMlt. ~1 .. .,., '°'""" fl.n ~I "' NII ... mo!lllllYI llllltlrY --~'~ l)JJ '""""''· Fullerton St., c.osta Mesa suUered abraaions, police said. : Earlier Saturday mornin.-,_ Frederick B. Mcintyre, 19, San Bernardino, suffered ,ntinor injuries when his car-struck two ~ can in the 400 blocf ol Cyj>me Drive. . ..... Police said Mcintyre dropped a cigaret and while retrievine it k>lt Control, of hls vehicle. He was treated and relea!ed from' the hospital. · Chief's Son Fil.es Plea of Guilty To 1 Pot Cli<irge St.even Murray, 2t-~ar-old 110n of San Clemente Police Chief Clifford Murray. pl,.ded guilty to one <barge · ol transpariaUon of marijuana Friday after- noon before Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner. The judge ordered the youth to appear April 24 for probation bearing and senten- cing. '1'1le' penalty for transportation Of marijuana is five years to Ille in prison. Disposition of four other charges against Murray wijl be handled at the probation hearing. They Include pooses- sion of beroln, possession of heroin with intent to sell, possession of marijuana and 'posseMion of marijuana wilh intent to sell. The chief's only son was arrested Feb. 2 by state and county narcoUcs officers in the driveway of the family home, 225 La Eaparanza, San Clemente. Young Murray was represented by Robert E. !Aw of TusUu. Aerosol Spray Fumes Kill 16-year-old Boy LOS ANGELES (AP) -A 16-yeaN>ld boy died Sunday night after he Inhaled fumes from..,. aerosol can, sheriff's dep- uties aaid. · Dooald R. Parrlah of subwtao Clldahy succumbed In Maywood Doctora HOApltel alter being stricken at a frit!ld's house elsJtt hours earlier. Doctor& ,.Id tnve- dlent.s Jn spray cans upset tht balanct of 01ygen In the rtsplratory aystem and af· feet I.he nervou.s s)'ltem. "who·deritom'trate the grqwt potenUal for the type .of leadership in People·to- People relationships proposed by Dwight D. Eisenhower," said the resolution. President Elsenbow.. helped found the · Peop1e-:to-People program in 1958; with lie f.oal of achieving luting world peace through, he said, "Promoting and creaUng a climale 'for greater un- demanding am.one peoples rather than neeotliUoos between governments." . Con\ri~Os to the fund may be made to People-ll>People Chapter 120, c/o Shurly McNamee, Trtuurer, 380-D Ave- ni<la Carmel, Laguna 1111~. Donors' names will be sent to Mrs. Eisenhower in the form of a Leisure World Lqui,a llllls Honor Roll. * ' Board tu Meet On Saddlehack .Saddleback Collt1e trustees have decided .to stOp meeting the first Monday of the month but right away made an exception and will metl tonight, the first Monday ol April The meeilng was called JO the board can coosider bids on permanent campus aite work opened la.st 'Thursday that came in considerably over the arcbli.ect's esUmate. Low bid ~ 1353,~I by Suily- ~tlller Contracting Company, almost $35,000 more than estimated . After the special meeting tonight, the Saddleback board , which has been meeting three Mondays a month, will meet only the second and fourth at '1 :45 p.m. at the college, located north of San Diego Freeway on Crown Valley Parkway. * Parents Support Capo Tax Boost CAPISTRANO -Pal'<Jlls of &chool children and rcbool employes qree voters ahouid support Capialra.0 Ulllfied School Olalrict'a 50-cent tat incruse April II. Endontmentl of the override request have been coming Into DAiL Y PILOT offices thick and heavy, all under tile letterhead of the commitlff to Keep lmproving District Schools (KJOS). Suspense Play 'Dark' Opens At Playhouse "Wait Unlit Dark." a mystery drama by Frederick Knott, . ailtbor ol '"Dial 'M~ for Murder" and "Write' Me a Murder," opens for a three-week run at Laguna Playhouse Wednesday. Kent Johnson is the ·director; wtth Sally Hayton heading the call u the sighUesa heroine, a role which Lee Remick .played during the draina's IUC- cessful Broadway run. John Law appears as the heroine's husband who ha~na to· be away when three villains appear to recover a cache of heroin which innocentJy came ,into her possion. Phil lnterlandl, Alan G. Hart and Paul Wilson make up the tti_O of vUi.inl, while bllnd Suzy's qnly poasible ally, an apar\ment building neighbor, ii played by Suzanne McQuade. Ken Kornweibel Ind David Selczak complete the cut as two Polici:men. Worktrs behind the scenes illcludt Patil Toft, technical director; Jon Law, stage manager; Barbara Figelski, set decor, and Rosemarie Brooks, props. Following tbe opening, the drama will play Wednesdays through Saturdays unUI April 26 with curtain time at 8:30 p.m. lnformaUon and reservations may be obtail\td tiy~ calling or yisiting the playhouae, 319·0cean AVe., 4K«l61. Kidnaping Ends In Laguna But Kidnaper Gone A kidnaper who abducted a Mexican citizen twice during a Great Circle Route trip from Calexico to San Diego is sougtit on the Orange Coast today, after the victim's car broke doWJ'J near Laguna. Roflello Diaz, %2, returned finally to report the two gunpoint abductions to Imperial County authorities, without ever making a statement to Orange County lawmen about the bi1.arre case. Diaz said he was kldnaped from a Calexico Street late Saulrday night by a gunman demanding a ride to San Diego, but the car bro}<e down near • tbe tiny town of Boulevarl:f. Waiting for hiJ car to be repaired, Diaz atarted to telephone fu Diego County authorities, at wtilch time the kidneper walked up. to tbe phone booth and again stuck a gun in his ribs. · Again the car broke down near Laguna Beach, free ing Diaz from his abductor;, but authorities had no explanation for t.be wideranging route of. travel from CalexicO via Orqe County to San Diego. Winging lt Kitemeisters of Ancient Mariner Kite Team prepare 30-foot vehicle for launching during sixth annual Benjamin Franklin Kite. Flight in Dana Point Sunday. Huge kite won "lowest flying" trophy, a step up from ltH;iS contest when 1t captured "Amelia 1Earhart Award" for most spectacWar crash. Citi~en Group Endorses J·n Two School ·Districts By THOMAS FORTUNE 01 tM OtllJ Pli.t STiii A cit~ ~oU~ calfujg ·i~elf _the Com- mittee of Qne Thousand for Better ~ucation iS try'tftg tt) 'c81J the shots in the San Joaquin Elementary and Tustin Un.iOn FJgh'school bOard races. Target d~te is April 15, eight days away. .. .The committee 's hope is on that da0y voters will have been persuaded to elect a nlajority of three new trustees Jo each school district board. · Tb"" ··ndoiseci bY llfti'Comnliltee'. Of One TbouUnd are san Joaquin can- didates .Cbarlea Boulanger, Robert Dameron and Patricia Stratton and Tustin Hll:b cootenden Ronald· Fraese, Sylvan Katz and StanJey Rosen . Neither incumbent in the two nets, Edward Qerry of the elementary board nor Chmer Briner of the high school board, was endorsed. HAD START 'The committee had its start in University Park in the community of Irvine and ~a§ spread ~ MiMion Viejo, Leisure World and , El Toro. It Sl!eks to represent the whole San Joaqtiln District and all areu of the TusUn District outside Clf Tustin. Actually, the Coitimlttee of One Thousand is a miSt)Qmer. Present membe~hip js about 300, says the group's .secretary, Mrs. Guy Sircello. lt takes its name from the size of membership it hopes to attain by election day. Endorsements by the committee were made almost two months ago, even before the deadline for ftling and com· pletion of the field of candidates - ten running for the San Joaquin board and 13 for Tustin Hia:h. Thirteen then-announced or potential candidates spoke and from these_ six: were selected for endorsement by the ·--~ J 50 persons preSent. The meeting was. held in C:Orona de\ Mar with the Irvine area most heavily represented. High school incumbent Briner, a Mission Viejo resident, was at ttle meeting seeking endorsement. Elemen· lary board incumbent Berry, also of Mission Viejo, was not. LIVE IN IRVINE Of the candidates endorsed,. three - Boulanger, Mrs. Stratton and Fraese -. live in Irvine. Dameron lives in El Toro, and Katz and Rosen live in the Tumn 1 lfiita-.although Santa Ana ii their mailing address. Boulanger is principal of an elementary school in CypreM. Dameron is a financial consultant. Mrs. Stratton t e a c he s aociology at Saddleback Junior College. Fraese is a political science in.structor at Cypress Junior College. Katz ia a· phys.icist who teaches a graduate courae at UC livine. Rosen is an attorney. Mrs. Sircello said the endorsements have since been seconded by League of Women Voters members from Laguna Hills Leisure World. "They'·ve started their awn telephone and postcard campaign," she said. SPREAD WORD She sa'ld the committee is trying to spread the Word in other areas by telephone, mailings and even a few . newspaper advertisements. - Chairman of the C.Ommittee of One Thousand R. Alan Lawson said the ~ groups' interest is supporting a slat.! of candidates who have high quality . educatJoo as their primary aim , Members ol the committee, he said,· want to see the school districts encourage' imagination, initiative and flexibility Jn the classroom, and draw on resources Of the community. " Mrs. Sireello said the committee plans to continue in existence after the board' electioo and "not juiit melt away." _.; • ' . • ·'. . • . ' • ' • ' ' • ' • ; • • ' • ' I ' I ' ' • ' ' Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA '!f AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ii) • COMPLETE J~ELRY REPAIR •ring• sized and r.peired . . • diamonds end precious stones remounted •pearls r11trung WE CUSTOM DESIGN I MANUFACTURE AL~ TYPES O~ JewEuY [."": ~ .-.. ..• d HAUOl SHOfPlll9 Clll'ID 2JOO HAlllOI avo. COSTA MISA Ml-MH ' . HU1111ffTON Cllflll llACH • IDINMl HU1111N6TON lllACH nz.sso1 .: l • ' . . • ~ ( .••• ' -• • • ' • ,., " ~ ' • • ., •.• I ' I , .I • -· • ' " . • • I• "' ' i. DAllYl'Mf Plasti ·Heart Replac ed 1 8o~ton D_<>ck>r ·op~.~~~A:fter iiisiOricFeat HOUSTON (UPI) -Dr. 'tlentm A. Cooley took a l!WHnad< ~ and plasllc heart lrom the dlelt at.aa llllnoll man today and npla«d ' It with the healthy "God·glven" heart al~ j&-year- old Lawrence, Mass. woman; ... "I am QPtimistlc about the outcome,., Cooley to!Ci other doctors u Iii. llllched cio<ed the chest of Hukell.Xarp. 17, of Skokie, UI. • ' · · ""' The huirt trtn1plant wai ·anotbet medical first for Cooley; who haa performed more ol·the ~ than any other physldan. It w'u'·111e first time a completely artillclal ~ wq replaced by a living beorl in 'a bwllan body •. . ·' 5T1!NNED WORLD , 1be famed surgeon, who onJYl. ·Jut ~day atwmed the medlcal·-111· by fmplanllng i. iyptbellc hea(I ..... J!arii. lllir\eil the l«tious wt of' .. ~ it , with a homao heart about i a.m. PST In ., <le!icale' oper-•ot'llt. LaloO'a lloopilal. Cooley rnii,ted the arllfldb._ wi"lll'tllt.'~.donol: "mn'in'~· cbe!t;at.t:IQ a:m. ~II·~ With ..,. -· shock. -:· -. • . "11"-'·"""'·'-""'··1oilb .......... ,_,. "•!S-1.,..-~'"''6 ~·av -• a hospital apotaman aalil. The complete transfer of the human heart from the Massachusetts wklow to Karp lasted two boura and '5 mlnut .. Ps1cJaiatric· Wit~• Validity of Psychologists Testing. Sirhan Disputed LOS. ANGELES (UPI) -'Ille last witness at the Sirhan B. strb.m-:munier trial disagreed today with lec:lmlques of fellow-psyclloioglsls who lowid the :S.yru-old Arab to be psycbollc. Dr. Leonard B. O II n g er., tlinlcal psychologist and !be ninth psychlalrie witness caUed, challenged some of the test procedurea that had Ma 111ed on Sirhan · to determine his m t n t a 1 Freeway Wreck ' Injures Wo..rilan In Costa Mesa A Venlee woman WU aeriously Injured when the car tn which she waa a · paaaenger went out ·of cootrol early this morning on the San Diq:o Freeway near Harbor Boulevard. Marjorle Clark is in Orange County Medical Center suffering from multiple injuries. She had been transfeaed from Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital after the 2:30 a.m. crash. The California Highway Patrol 1aid the driver of the car, Carl .Ford, 20, a Camp Pendleton Marine was l~ss geriously injured. He was treated at Costa Mesa Memorial HospitaJ. Oflicers aaid the car eouthbound, left the freeway north of Harbor Boulevard interchange and crashed Into a guardrail on the weSt side of the roadway. , Hospital Says Widow Of Churchill 'Weaker' LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clementin< Speneor.churchlll, II, widow of Sir Win-. :stoo Churchlll, was a "little weaker" to- day with 9 fractured thigh suffered In a fall oo Friday, a hospital bulletin said. Doctors at Westminster Hospital! said Me had "another mUul night although htr 1eneral condition is a little weaker." capabililiel at the lime ho 1hol Sen. .Robert F. Kennedy. · . Olinger ,... u ted ·-tats by Dr. Martin Schorr and Dr. 0. Roderick Richardson, defense psychologla11 who found Sirhan to at-~II"' Of paranoid schizophrenia. "'-.. ·. Olinger, profes!CI< at the Upiferslly of Southern Calllornia. uld be .did not Itel the othe< two psycllologisla had abown strict adheftnce to procedure in admlnistuing the test> and that there was reuon to doubt the ruulta of their aeorlng. Paycllologlsla must bi careful' not to be awayed by,th!ir personal Jn10nnation of the· subject they ara testing and not to alter the reaulla of the tat to fit a preconceived notion, Ollnger said, implying his colleagues bad done ... Psyclliartle witneuel had been on the stand at the !rial alnc< March 1• and have beeome the star witoesHs rather than the hOfit ol. hotel employa and poliUcal aides wbo uw Kennedy slain. Baby Girl Killed By Father's Car A l·year-old baby girl was fat a 11 y injured Sunday when she fell beneath the wheels of a car driven by her father. Dawn M. Halbrook, daughter or Mr. 1111 C<lo!!ly Traffic !Ml u Deatll TGll 37 and Mrs. John Halbrook of 137U ·Figueroa St., Garden Grove, died of severe head injuries at the Orange Coun- ty Medical Center at 11 :30 p.m. Sunday. the coroner's office reported. The baby was with her parents who were visiting Mr. Halbrook'• parents, · Mr. an<LMra._S!!muel E. Halbrook of 995Z Gulnlda Lane, Anaheim. --.• The California Highway Patrol aaid the father · wu backin1 his car out of the driveway ol the f.'andparenta' home about I p.m. when 1t struck the Utile girl Smothers Brothers Say Canada Offering Time NEW YORK (AP) -Tom and Dick an unc<NIO?ed showing m the Smothert sinothers oaf<! today they have an offer Brothera show on the prlvat.IJ owned from the Canadian crv network to pro-crv Sundly, said, "We have an offer duce their allow In Ton>nto il they caMOI place it witti an American network. from the Canadian people to come . up. Tom Smotben said he and his brother, and produce our show there il we couldn't canceled lul week by CBS, had nol find a place In the United stata." rectlved olfn from ABC or NBC, but Tom ad Dick uid at a news coo. uid, "We're open lo the other networks." ference tblt tbeJr mah\ c...-n. wu Dick said the -were "very not ..,._ -Ii like. the ~ aUm" that~''*" to CBS, Brothen -* -a ailbUcailt · whicb cance1ed their al:ll1'f fer nut creettve. • ...... alter .a Iona ~ Ovtl' Adlng as the apoteeman, Tom said. censorship. ..Om; concem ts that in Amtrica Jt Robert D. Wood, CBS Ttlevlsloo pmf. la more t1wi ever -.ry that ..,. ' dent, aalil on Friday the Smolben ~ oplar.i~dlii!;sot -be • Brothen had comm!Ued I "br<aeh ol aliown an Tha MIN\ cootract" by failing Jo oubmU the tape pftlidentl ~ lllJ lbal Ibo air ol lasl Sunday'• show In Ume for """"' beJq 1o Ibo -'"' we bolleve pretltwing by affilllte ltaUom: over a that." clooed circuit. Tom I<_...,, Mlol! 11 'fi-- Wood aalil the acheduled llhow, whJch on NBC'a "Ton!Pl _.., too1P1 and W•S not shown. WIS In ''bad tute" on NBC'• "TodQ ~., na.dQ' 1lliOnt" 'because of a nllgious '*""· 1n1. He alJo i. booloed -lhe "loq Tbiv. .who --jull returned I"'"'· · ·Bishop Show" on ABC~ nJchL . ,,. teen.qe .dauahters behind ' In Muaabcust~. 1 PLANE TROUBLE .The plan<, whJcb had picked up the donor at a Boston airport lut. ·nJght developed mechanical trouble on -b flight here and made an emerce#q landln1 at Barkldale Air Force Ba. near Shreveport, La. , The. landing hll(i to be made Without flaps and the plane rolled f1'e for U,OOll feet along the sprawUni runway of the giant. Strategic Air Command bue before it coasted ,to a halt just abort ot the end ol the ninway, The operation was the 19th human transplant operaUon performed by Dr . Cooley and the 20th such operation if the one he performed Friday with the synthetic heart wU couoted. It WU the 1Jfth lranaplont perfonned around the world .on m pat.ients. Forty· one of the previous patiects were aUll aliv< at last l'l!porla. . A hospital spokesman did not lndlcate immediately ·whether the MUAtbu.setts woman's donation 1'U bein( JM!(e. in response to a tearful plea. lut Saturday by Karp's wife for· a "God-elven" heart to replace the man·made ooe . The IJ)Okesman uld the donor's brain damage was not c1ustd by injury, but was the outgrowth o( a medical problem. They were not aure of the euct cause of the allmenL Tax Deadline Creeping Up Thursday ts the deadline for paymenl of the second lnltallment on 196M9 pro- perty'taxes, Orange County Tu.Collector Don S. Mozley warned today. Thoel who fail to pay their toes hy l p.m. 'lbursday will be subject , to a $3 per pareef and a si.1 percent penalty charge, the tax collector aaid. Penons who mall their tu payment were warned by Mozley to be certain ~ letter is postmarked '111ur8day, April 10 or the pina.Itles will be assessed. H~. urged those who mail TbUl'6day to check with their post office regarding the post mark. •Payments may be made to the tax collector's office, l30 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. . . . ;, .... ?wt ,.... MECHANICAL HEAR:r· 1e.Ars :J11 ;101>v OF HASKE LL KA RP; A Mi DICAL 'FIRtr' Patl1nt Vlsltod by Wife, Shfrlay, 'BOloro R-1•1119 Hurt of M11sacliuaott1 Women · · · · Defe.at Predicted for ABM . . . McGovern. See Narrow Loss in Senate for Missue. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pr<sld<nt Nixon's propose;!'' 1 a f e gu ard 1 •an. tiballilitic mlJsile ·(ABM) system will be scuttled by a "narrow margin" when il comes up for a vote in the Senate, aceording to Sen. Gttlrge McGovern, (0:- S.D.). McGovern said tht proposal -to deploy nuclear tipped missil'" lo prWcl the nation's offensive mLssile 1ystem -has suppoct fram "not more than 30 or 35" Smaton at tbe momtat. He said uas mBny u 45 Senaton are now oppoeed to the system" and another 15 er 20 are undecided. When they make up their mlnds, be aaid, "We · will win by a narrow margin and will &top the deployment of thJI ayatem." A poU ol the Senate made by UPI on March I indicat.ed there wtte 46 Stnatara who planned lo vote 'against .. ' . . • the ABM. Nixon's new propoal - announced on March 14. V..cGovern Aid aie p«IOll who llWi~ ""°' the op. posltloo w'u Sen. llligb Scott, (Ro-Pa), but "I liav<n~ dlaeownd ·or beard of any otller S<nal<r who .hu -hi:s position... . McGovern, amrmc an I teJe'rilion allow (Wuel ml Anlwers -ABC) Sun- day, said. the. leelinl ,of, tbe Senato · on. 1ile ly!tem .hu not ~moieh . llin<\e Nixon· modjlieil the old "Seathiel'' system to hla ~1'._"sategulni''·~.· · The Sedllnal WU .originally - to protect cltlea from a ~lo mlsalle· • 1ttack. 1'SaJeguard,"1 u •en- visioned by Nil'Ol'I, Is ,an attempt to protect the . Hlatlng baUi.tlC misalle s~tem from an incomibc RUMian 1tt.ck. Two sclentllts, meanwhile, b a v e predicted It woold be cheaper for the United~ In aped_,•·- balllsllc missiles ..-tbaD m >Ibo • 11aafeguanl" .,.... The <C8I ...,...m. Al&iDll I ~·· Presideal'a aolepard .,.-~ i..t week In ·r<ports IOlbmltted. lo·(loo. gr..... . Dr •. Gtorge w. Ralligw ol Ibo lfaaoachulelta lnotitule ol T<Cimnloa .md ·!he' -ol saving • lin&lo . Minuteman ballistic mlosile lnlm - "ls likely to be ol least In the .. million lo 1100 mfl1loo range." Rathgtns was joined bY Dr. llal!ili E. Lapp, an atomic oe!entlal, who • eslfmllted the <C8I for def-by ABM al lo13 mlllloo per mlMllt. ' The ceat ol each -· In Ila ollo, ls roughly 110 million. -·-· re pull to ·be first. . ' . . Tliat'1 wliat it takes to be a leader. tlie road. With fe11tul'lll! like our Anti- Theft Lock Symm. When you · lock the ignition on a '69 Chevy, . you lock the steering wheel and transmiAion lever as well. is now availablewitli moet Chevy engines. And the 1969 Chevrolet Impe.la'1 got it. With the largest sfandard vs in Chevy'1 field. A32'7-cobic- inch235-ho111epower job that thrives OD regular gas. With four big CQmputer. lllllect.ed.coil sprinp that leave bumps where they belq. On And if you thinlq1ulling a trailer or a boat ii a drag, you haven't pulled one with Chevrolet'1 Turbo Hydra-matic. Thia three-range lzaDIQ)iwiOO Let your Chevy dealer llliow. you what it tak• to be ftnt. 'Then you'll know why the competition bu to play our game. Follow the leader. .. ... S..ta•lllllllllft. ' - • ""'.::;;DAll;;;;..Y;.;;flt.GI'=.--"----~~~ , ""1! 7,_1169 Thieu· Peace Plan Ships Colliik, Ramp~ge Pro~4 · ' Go Up in Fire What Made Acwr's Son . a K~r?. ReJ. e~·led by--c .ong. On M;ss;ss.pp; ·l!ARlllSBuM, PL (AP)"" ~u... rtsbiiri "°'J>IW, which lllted .~ _ ,. ,. " say Donald IWlla ~ who Ila&· s,\tta, 35, of Farmlngdlle, ·N.Y., .• eel 1 ~Y ~1ng:.pr<e in. ~ch critical and :~-: ~:ra• -•1 ' NEW ORLEANS (AP) -A-... !our died_..., IT· ..... -· reit · Elldwl, liid:,: .. -~ """/ .-· PAlllS (UPI) -,,.. SllCoD pon> and Uberly aplnot _....,..,all Ibo colllsloo betwe<n a Forinow> freljl\IA!r . bewua-..iradaldllcrlmlllallon abollli ·Ule·race. , • • , moot •-'·-olfmd Ibo ' Viet Cool • whllo ·•'-'•• Ibo Unlto4 8talll a !roe and on oil barge aet both ablaze, oen\ An unelO llld IAll)brlPI; 11"'s~ ·Lambright· ll'll dr:i•i"I 'west aii Ill• ......, ~~"·"-•· hi --... ,.. o1 l!ii· N..,. ...,111..;e ..,,... tunplke ~· 10 1.m. $&-y when Olln o1 ·natlonll •-w " ch band to c:any out lbolr -ol ---o1 Dime IOOring Into a belv!ly Fifditt, tiii!il been d.11~ llr • ht began ilM!otlng.' • ~ , • • 'It ·~~~~In ,!!U1Jca111,:11~ anclm•t,..lnlndollnltolylbolr....,.11<111 lr1velecl bridp and covmd 1 MCtloa ...-_ .Joleolri.i1.•.,. ~,~':,,;'!_'\'!_lerin&, but 1111 aJ•JeOr,<>ld wl!~ JinnAle,, .,,, ~ mu,.-.,re;·~ tlml-.i troopa·lo 6oulh Vlelnlm." · A ".°'." Ml11llllppl river with buroinl l:" ~uoed .....:=:;:---aealed beitde him•.~ In lbe <;If .~• ................... .-and Amerlcal><lldal ln doing ID, thl Vlei C.., aid, Thieu peuoieum Sonday ,q!IL · · ,.__ ·' a ,.mlaiJtolnatlc rllle; • M.arful:eirblne, 'Ille propoalll ...,. pol forward by ml Lam are "going aplllet thl upira-'Ille Cout Guud aeld IS GI !be 11 "Tbe whole · blacl-whlto coafn>otatloo and aever81 !JoUs· of' Uve lnuimnitlon Hurll'Counl)' c:omml•olonera In HOGlloD have told four judges that !ika It or not they've got In take tbelr mare of more than $250 ooo worlll of new fumlture when iliey DlOYtd-lnto new offices. Judto WI~ lla111· Ha-complained the new lurnltare "!J not functional and dls- lracll from the judlclal atmos- phere." Judto Jock Smith said, "I have a nd COllcb In my new office and one attorney ask'\ where the Pretldent Nguyen Vu Thieu In Saigon U-ol !be South V1elnllMN -le members ol ciew ol lhe frelg!Mio; lhe alfectol him very much," ll1d tho ~. which Mn. Lambright bad ·boUgbt nine and by Plwn Dong Lam, thl dUel and ua not laking Into -tbe 7,3111-4on Union Faith ,,.,.1JllOCCOUllled~ ::'for~~odt:,_~:._ the doys•~.J<"hiSt.,'f'.le':~...:..1 _, • .... Solgcn n<gotlal« In Paris. Thieu llaled aspirlU-ol peoce ol lhe A-ic.. !0< Twtnty·Dve wore' taken to boepltals In CieYeJi.ld' Lambcl&lil'• JnQlher Llmoul!b! 'drov.e ~w• Y ~~~ !.~epo1J""'.e'-~1y ~11 .... ~ ~l"nc1~-111eu _. S:,. ~~ wbowu n,. !lrHwepl. ~ alJlk about . .i. Mn. W'mllrod '!ie.e· doclOiwi her ...;. heavily trav.jed. supedhl~!i mio • ·~....,. --~" u .....,._ ~--•~ nllecf S ...,. -~-·•-the -'"~-w'"· ""•r WIO ,,1 .....,,_ ~ ·~ -~-.bl la rllle c;adled IJi hla.anl\I. ! , . m I•· and •--' ... "•""·• of ·-"'-" ·~• ~~ ~ ~ ....,. •-..... a -..,._.. -•~· at•·-••• cars w name ...,...... -...,.._. . --· • · towed away for boachlni· broad In llill lmd. ~~ .--~ · · • · · "'11111 which Nguyen VOii Thieu and ·'"" Vlei Qlng demandecl tbll the Tbe ?il barge brott In two mt Ille a "He fuund 11. 1mll00ilfb1e to UCIJllCll• ·One of the shots sfn>ck and killed Pham Dang Lim bin jual declued ' peopll ol 6oulh Vletlllm oe1t1e t1ie1r two fiercely bumll1g --· bhnse1I to lhe' lid' tbll· ht· COllld .not Keenan, wbo waa taking bis lamlly lo contalnt __.h1.... eaenil•"• different own affa1n .. ICC(ll"dinC to the political ... -.. -,......,1.... by .r:-.. ...... n-.... ___ ...... emoloYtnent ........ ....-.,ra• .. -t..•1.1.. visit a son at Pennsyivmllt.' State. from that'; the untW' stales bu procram ol lhe Nllloul P'mll let lhe =~~.;,t and ti,; ~ ';;; OOtles,". oho ..W:-~ ';.,;;;;u; Unlveratty. Wben Keenan ~ ~· Aid and reputed let a 1<"'11 time," LI-ol 6oulh Vlelnanl .(thl Viet aground ni!ws• curylng tOOO !Jir. wkecl ror ·t11e.111i1o ·~ JlimplOYment wile, Rubyi reached (or lhe mirtn1 thlVlelC!lagAldlnalllatemenL"'l'bey Conll_0111_lnlerf.....,.." roll ol ;,,.oo. oll wu being~ by ol!ic:e bul quil'to ..-~to achoo! at' wbeelandwuldlledbyaiecood·b)lllel. ·madame wu." · , ban oal1 obeyed the or<len of the 'Ille laa! etat-,,. I v!rlual de-the tug Warren Doueet Lincoln Ullverltty In oitlon1,:P1, Tbelr Ui'°"-<>.ld ·'°"• Paul. 1"u c:ul Unlted lllolel to repeat some well known mand for ..moder to the Vlei Con(. 1 Ftrem"' booed down ;.harvt! and ohipo During his hour-long rampage on the by sbattered glass. . . ,, A :ZS.year-old Reno woman com. plainod to polio. a ne!lriY nude l!U'D stepped out from behind a tree on a dOwntown street and said "HeY, can you help me?" Asked In 'de- sc:rlbe him. ibe sal4 "he bad a alleiatilllil, Viel C.., = olVlthe ~t in tho area to prevent tho spread of Pmnsylvania Tump!U SJ-Y Lam· Lambright pulled over to the roadsode "Tbll only prove1 again that they came u DO •, ce r~u the bJaze bright killed Mr. and Mr1. Ignatius occasionally to fire at MCOJ!ling cars • .,.. the·-iet. ol thl United . Stales, Nguym Cao Jfy said urller lodaJ tho "II looked like the river waa 111 fire," Keenan ol Philadelphia bi. wile and About ooe mile eu! o1 Ham.burg, be vr:ry rea~ aqd very warllte. Communllta are not rtldy for llttlous said E1yaH Lapdry, a crewman on a himself. ' made his final slop. He s~ot bis wife ''They baven t .the lllgbtest.dealre to Vietnam peace ta!~. because theyol ~ dredger working near the acene. Two of the wounded were ln a Har-to dealb, then took his own life. end the war In Vldnam and would still "COUlllintr on thl lmpatiellce u~ ,..:::=::::..:=.::.::!~::..:===-----=-::.:...::..:::..:::.:::;~::.:::....::....:.=;__...:......:..._; ________ _ rather uk llio Soatll Vletnameae ~ Amorican pull!Jc !or an advantageoul pol belly." . Uoa to ball the struggle let lndeptndellce setUemenl" e e e e e e • e e e e e e e • e • *** *** • . Green Beret,s, Tribesmen Capture Cong Stronghold ' No chicken joke thil-Dawn Marie . Biliofd, 11, of St. Clotid, Minn.; h&ldl one ot ttoo large eggs which IDtn laid bp hlr. pot cJUclccn, .Llghtl<. The •aa ........,... right inch<• oround from nd to end ·and dz fnthe1 around the t'l'ddd1t. What'• more the ht1'. has b«a laJli"ll l1Do lhl& 1ize each dey, Do1Dn IOI/I. • Blindfolded trustee ol Nunda, . N.Y., ·a Livingston County village, picked Republican L • o n Gold- thwaite to be mayor. Goldthwaite'& nam~ .,,.., pulled from a barrel that also~ a card with the name of. L .. ley Morch, 34, his Democra· tic opponent. l!oth had received 191 votes In ~ b8lloting for the post and bad agreed to the drawing to break the tie. • The 1969 touri.rt 1t0Sml if htrt: and the Rw:sian1 are toor· ritd cbot.1t their foreign gufsts. "Our tourista are most di.sdplin- ed," said a thip captain. "But fortignnl, e~cioUy Anuricam, Gennans and ewn tht reserved BriU!h" cause trouble by taking with them minor objects a.s 1ou- venin. Capt. P. Fedarav, who command.I the 1tt'mmr Pobt1eda in Ute Black Sta 1 aid, "We should int7tnt t o me souomirl 11141 1"'11 could pick up tr11 of charge." • SAJiJoN (UPI) -Vtetn1me1e' meremarie1 led by U.S. Green Btnls today repor1ed cooquerlng 6upenlillon MOWltain aDd 1elzing power generators. beds, moV!e-projeeton, ICIUdapUkera and IYJleWrllA!ra from Ibo caves . that !or 20, yura bad been home for a · Viet Om( balfalloa. '!be ~ an Mcmlqnud and K1uner Tribeamen -ua· tradltlooally antl-Cominllllllt ml ue paid by the U.S. Special Forces who have lnlned them ln the an ol modern warfare. llegulor Soulb Vleln....,. !etee1 hive beef! reluctant to tackle the mountain -they believe II ii lhe home of demons, "'-and poilooous wtndl. 'Ille mountain ol rock whose guerril1• residents bad fought off repeated Allied offensives in rectnt years fell Sundly to the Green 8'fttl and the Vletnamete mountain men who wort with them. They planted a Soulb Vietnamese !lag ·· u feet by 13 reet oa 11o &UJJUnlL , . 11 ended an offensive that bei 'iiiloe weeks ago at tbe bue of the mountain 120 miles west~thwest of Saigon and seven miles from tbe Cambodian border. 'Ille Alliecl task force killed 5S auerrillu while losing 42 men killed and more than 100 wounded. Last Tuesday the Allies captured what was described as "the key knoll" on the mountain and said tho Communlltl would never control it again. . The Green Bertt troopa: a n d men:enart.. began moving futher up both lldes of lhe jaggecl peak. Sunday, spokesmen said, Ibey ttacbed the top and raised the Soulb Vl.W-flog. Tbey found -ol pmiously .... upl«ed cavee en route to the top In- ' Easter Fires Kill 21 ,.---;:..:_._-: ·-:.......-~_·._-_._ BJ THE AlllOCL\TED PRESS The first fuil·llme dog_ catcher In Two Ores over Ille Eut<r weel<end the south-central New York town took the Uvea: of 21 penons. Eleven ol Vestal quit his job alter five died when lire awept an aging wooden hour.s, sayin~ he didn't reaJlr.e what... tenement In Bridgeport, Conn., and 10 the ]Ob entailed when he accepted ~ In a blue touc:btd of! by a it and decided be was uncertain he k ...... e_loslon at Oakwood Boyou could b a n d I e dangerous dogs. Ark. ., ' James Simpson doclil!ed In specify Police ea1led the· J!rldl'J'Cl<I fire "the what Incident -if 811)' -led him cllll'• .....it fire dlautU In -·" to give up the cbue. His 1Uccessor, MOii ol tbe \'lcllma were trapped on Harold Meloan, who was hired the lhe top Door of the Ja.famlly frame next day, said he. was anxious w house destroyed by tbe bllie. Sb: ol get on the job. the -...,. cillldml. eluding --1nlnl 120 1>eds· Tbe larger caves were equipped with eleclrio 1"1111-. Homes Exempted From Obscenity Laws by Court WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe Supreme Court, In • maJ<r fret opeech rulllll. held today tbll H camiot COllllltutloaaly be llllde • crime to --llJms or printed mau.r In the privacy of a man's home. ''Thll rigbt lo recdn lnlonnatloa and ldeu, regard! ... ol their aociaJ worth, ls fundamental to our free !Ocltty, .. Aid . '1ull<e TburJOOd Marshall io delivering the opinion. "fanhall reiterated for the court it! view that tbe government has a valid Interest in dealing with the problem ol obocen!IY,. Bui, ht &aid In announcing the dedakm from the bench: "The If.ate has no business telling a man sitting a1one in bis own home what books he may read or what tllms be may watch." 'Ille rullnl Cll1ll en an appeal by an Allanla man, Robert Ell Stanley, wbo -...mc1ec1 1n 1111 of 111v1n1 three "stq" films In hll home and W• MDtenced to one year in prison. In Giber -.. lhe court: ~ to rm... -criminal codea that permit • -In • capllll ... to •"'1cl the dealb penllty by ple11h11 pllty. Statea wttb IUCb a ... -. \ncfudo 'Nartll Clrellu, New Jenq, l.orit.t•na, New Yort, South • Clnll1na, Now Jlcnpobln. Wulllniloa and Tuai. -Rulo! thal lllalel will be -"1rlually llO dcvlltlen from ~ averagea In eoncr-t redtetricllng under tbe "one man, one vote" doc:trtne. ,,.. decNe came In rejection by lhe COl!{t of -·• third try at a plan for redlltrlcting. Ia 1 I to S vote, the 'JUlllces beJd that the llale bad not juslllled variatlom from Ibo norm. In • aeporale .,, opinion. the court l1lo upael N.., Yorll Slala'I 1111 ndlllrictlnC plan. Spring Storm Hits Rockies Bright Sun Bringing Warming Trend Euewhere Tiie ""-~ •Ill .. ,..,. ... .,. .... ~. wttll .... fflll ·~ tlww'fll ktvrMy. n.,,. _. .. loCAll . , .... --.. -""-'' ........... "" _.,... ..... " 111111 ... -"'"" bOlll ·-• SuK, 111-'.l'llle• -· lf'"t hltfl .............. t iM 11.1111. t.I "'°"' """' . . •: .. '·""· , .. TU•SDAY l"lrtl 111111 .............. lt:lt 1,m, S l fl~l ..,.. ' ..••• "" .... •:» ........ ' ~ """ ............. •:• '·""· .. , kaWMI low .............. t:S4 11,111, a.• s1111 ..... s:• •·"'· kh '''' 1.m. flt-lltM,.,,, •. ,.,. Mb t:JO I .In. ·-·-... At1t11t1 lelr.tnfleld lllllnlrdt llolt1 ·~ ... C.lll(IN Cine I-ff , ........ ...... ........ ...... ....... ,.., _,, .... M ... _ _ .... IC-City .... _ '"-(/ .s. s._.,, ::::.:." A ..W. ttDml WWtlll mi. 19~ M.,..,..1191'- ,.,_ttll'I -11111 """ wtNlili .C:rm.I "'" °"'""-fM lt.orv Mlulltl lfl tlai. w.v. ,.,.. 'l'trll ltodl_.1 ~ "'""' "''" H"1tl l'lttlt fa!' Wyol!llflt, ~ "'*"' ..... _.. °"'" "" ,..,..., ..., .wt""" ~ o.a ..... "" 1(1..... ,_ .. ... llt l'ln''" Wft.. ,_,.,... fwr l'llM .... I• IMha ol -....... ~ ""' ....,,. 1111111 Rt• 111t t1r1Y -lf'll "*""" l'I"'*"""' '" ......... Iii "" '"'""' ........ d '""'"-"' frltll 1lr ._ "'l"o:illf ,ev1t1w11'11. ._... City ,,.., ... l'l'llntt ~ ltWtlll fW ~ IM I ll.If! "" "'" Mttlce. ·-,. lfW atl ol fllt' t!Ol'm ..,,,,.,., s.t:r-lo wtl'llll Ir'"' 1M G11M d Mii•~ It. LWll ''"''""" IC"'' lfW flftf•ll tlt,.1, "'1iflft klittam ll!unde"'°'""'"' Mrt eJO:M<t. .. rt ~ Cll'I' 911 le •vlfal ~rll'l9 tM My ac""' $111 OltM "'°'' DI tt. IOUlhffll llld ctlllr.I S.flt9 .. ,Mt l l'l•l11t. Slit ttlt e M .. " " .. .. . .. " !J ,. 1,JS • » . .. " ~ d .. . .. .. . . " . ..... n D • • .. . d .. D n ... .. . • n •• .. " n " .. " " .. ... tl' •• .. .. ... .. " .. . n " ... .... " n ... .. ,. ... .. u ·'' .... .... " . ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the sup!fmatket where tbe price is right! WATCH THE BALL GAME! MUNCH A HOT DOG! AND CRACKER JACK! PEANUTS, TOO! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hot Dog Buns ..... ~.~~~·~····· Mustard ................................... ·17~ Lanpndorf ••• package of 8 ....... !Oc. French'& .• , need we aay more? ••• 9 ounce jar. Cracker Jack ................. 3 lot 25¢. Peanuts .................................... 39¢ A natural for bueb&ll watchers ••. for yean ! Freah. routed ••• or au n8.turel? ••• 1 paund bag. Mayonnaise ............................. 39i ·Dill Pickles .............................. 39i Laura SCiidder'a •• quart •• !ave l Oc at l~w price'! ~ueker up and say Del Monte! .•• 26 oz. jar. Look what'.s happened to beef! Beef Swge .... ~·~~ ..... 69' Beef Sausage I.ilks ~-. 39' Beef .~on ...... ~~~.... 69' McCoy's ••• deliciously different! McCoy's ... delightful l!eJllOni111: McCoy's ... have you tried it yet? Stuffed Peppers ................... 39!. Sweet bell peppers ••• oven-reld.Y ••• with our own aped.al blend of rround meat and &eMoningl Boneless Be,f Roast··~········ 98~· Enrllsh cul , •• from USDA Choice beef shoulder e1od ••• rolled and tied for the oven or roW..rie I Pri.cu in. efft-et ~Ion .. Tutt,. Wtd., April 1, 8, 9. No aolu to dtaltr1. UCADIA: -and Hantinatoa !)', (!I Rm:ho Cltlll!J PASADDCA: 3211 w.t COIOllllo BM!. SOUTil l'MAOEMAr '-1 and lluntiqlon Dr. llUllTIHTOM IUCll: Womer·and Aifonquin (1!omlwllt Ctnh~ NIWPORT IW:H: • 2n7 N._t Blvd. Ind 25S5 Easlblwll Dr. ~lbluff Y.U. Ctti1t4 ·-·----·- • ' \ I 11 '' I I I I I I r • I ' I l ' l • l ' I I I I I I I I • ' , l ' • I ' ~. I • l • I I . ' I • ~ • ' l . .. , I 1 I i • , ' ' ; ' ' ' j I I ' l I • . . 6Ci ' ·" ' ~~ . .1 •l -., . ..,.. ..:--. -• ' . ,¥-.. JE~cox,.M.M.a .. •, ' . ' " ,...,,~, .... . .. , ... ,, ' '' .. • .~.· TIME :ro CHOOSE -There are many ways lo dress for a party. Mrs. ThomaJ Mauro tries to choose between the gown, dress.and pants outfit shown by.>{Jeft · to right) the.Mmes. Roi>eit Hurst, Michael Baum and Francis Pieri. She'will be m.ore confused after the Fashion Carousel. . .... Auxiliary Takes Turn On Fashion Carousel Les Petites Fleurs Auxtliary, Children's Home Soeiety plans to turn a few heads with its Fashion Carousel in Ben Brown's restaurant Saturday, April 26. Five storeS' afe· supplying clothes, and Niguel Hair Fashions, Mon- arch Bay Plaza, will style coiffures for models at the benefit wblch will·be- gin with an J.l-:30 a:m. cocktail hour. Mrs. Donald Pecarovich will commentate on the fashion show which will include youngsters· showing clothes from Niguel Shop for Girls, while me1nbers parade styles from Muriels for M'Lady, Rene's .Boutique, Fash .. ion Ga1Jery and Les Gamins. Mrs. Paul Thompson, chaiiman, said luncheon at 12:30 p.m. will be follmved by th~ 1:16 show. Models will include the Mmes. Stuart Shandie, Lloyd Petrash, Robert lXlwson, David Adams, Kenneth Wright, James Peakes, Rosella Roberts, Ranney Draper, Thom as 1'.1auro, James Holte], Robert Hurst, William Crapo, \Villiam White and Sidney Hobbs. Youngs ters in the show will be Chrissis Lawson . \Yendy Baum, Cheryl Crapo, Ann WB&t, Wendy Bloom, OQuglas Wright, David Gaynor end Woody White. Con:unittee women in charge of tickets and programs are' the Mmes. 'Thompson. George West, Crapo, Adams, Peakes, Michael Baum and Pecarovich. Other committee members include the Mmes. Draper, Ramon Strauch, Holte!, Shandie, Robert Kilpatrick and John Taylor, publicity, and Roberts, Crapo, Thompson, Petrash, West, \Vylie Keeler, Wright and Hurst, decorations. The Mmes. Francis Pieri, Lawson, Joel Shapiro and Douglas John- son are in charge of fashions, and the Mmes. Mauro, Hobbs, George Bryant and Lawson are on the invitations committee. Tickets are $5 per person and may be obtained by calling ?.1rs. Adams, 495-5681 . · • ' •• ~· PUSA FOR PROVISIONALS -Mrs. 'C. "l>lenli~e Taylor, ·wtio pattk:ipated on the membenllip, .. lec- !lon comn;P~~~, push~ new provisional members .. ~ . Hosp ital Support Widen.s (IOlt lo righl), Mrs. David'T. Almon and Mrs. Jack Fromm into the linlelight of Queen of Hearts Guild , C!Jildnu's Hospital of Orange Coonty. New Queen ' of Hearts Courted • Queen of Hearts Guild, Children's Hospital of Orange County, will ~n its ranks tP new provision- al members at its next regular meeting in 'Monarch Bay Club 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 16. , . After being preseQted to the group, provision- al! will get into the swing of guild activities with a h.iricheon for them and their sponsors. Although no definite dale has been chosen for the luncheon, Mn. Thomas F1eming, membership committee chairman,. has agreed to host the event in her Monarch Bay home. ' In addition, provisiona1s will be guests of the guild at its annual luncheon and installation of of .. ficers in Ben Browo's restaurant Wednesday, May 21. New provisiona1s joining the 44-member guild include the Mmes. David T. Almon of Irvine 'Cdve, Jack Carney of Emerald Bey, Jack Fromm of Mon· arch Bay and Larry Hunt of Laguna Beach. ''-During the past year, under the leadership of Mrs. Macauley Ropp, the group bas raised more than $12,000 for the hospital. Fund-raising activities included the arlnual /ash-· ion show and CHOC Fair which were both given through the joint eflorls of all 15 guilds in the coun- ty. Individually, the guild's major fund-raising ev- ent was a Holiday Home Tour of outstanding Lagu- na Niguel and Monarch Bay residences last Decem-. ber. Members and provis-ionals al.so plan tQ attend CHOC's Family Fun Party, sponsored by all county guilds, at Disneyland, Sunday, May II, from 4 p.m . " to midnight. In addition to offering care and l;reatment on the medical center level, the hospitaJ is an educa- tional and research institute. Here interns and res- idents from Orange County Medical Cen'ter and California College of Medicine at UCI receive ad-, vance graduate training. In addition, nursing stu- dents from Orange Coast College and Fullerton Juh- l~r College rotate through the hospital with a pro- gram coordinated through Sister Rita Fredette, di· rector of nursing service. Also, thanks to the hospital, all p~ysi~ians in ·Orange County have an opportunity to improve their knowledge and skill in care and treatment of children by means of teaching rounds, 1eminars. conlerence1 and planned postcourses. . ;;:: • ' • • • • . ~z " ' I I No Gain for Brain Strain Gives Coll~g~ ·Student a Pain ~: ,.., 'tto, for ll!e ..... ...,.,. ti 1*l famil)<. Tiie Prlo .,. oloveql Tiie ..,., are ludtome. v ..... Mn. MU••iJ Uve • lftM dul &t .e,,..... ti. :i \ DEAR ANN LANDER!;: J 'm a "'y, Jll, a freshman in coUege. I never cut : classes, I take good notes, and t do a considerable amount Qf out&ide study. Yet my grades are no bc!Uer than average. I know kkts who cut n~e cruy, t sleep during lectures, have nevt,r owned t I notebook. all{!. thW '1'adu ere -~ iistonUy belltt lhu.mlltC><• ·r.'. : Today I 10t back a psychology exam. I J made a 71. The kid ne1L Jo me got a 99. Wheh 1 asked if he studied J for the exam, he said, "Of course not. ~ J faked It." I'm ready to atart "laking ' tt" and see what happens. I bet J'll I be on probation before you ~an say '' llhelm WwxlL" \Vhat's the secret of making good ANN LANDERS DUR BEG: Jlnt -ept ... feet tUt "all mu .,. cne.W "'811" fftu•& •fllll1 .. ed...UO.I! .,.._. ..... 11-de•&s INlk •J llformaU. like a b)tt.. tor ... meta ....., Ill .. It. OIMn mast: wort their lteadi te Ute 1'one LI trder to comprebelld •all .r wht u ,.. ...,. .. Uni .. ,... d1lm. ... mUe toly ............ "'l' .... vice It le lleep .......... v .. wUI f,.. wwk UWta wldcll wlll ,,..,. far _.. Vllullle -I IWl!y ..... polo! avenip. I 11" AUeal tul yw ltwvo ,1 llllt wltlt ,_ ,..,._. ud, Ill< tlttm w~y ywrnu11mecty ..... ro111 .1e1e1 nttdlocro """"· y,. lllPI jliek ., --·-· DEAR ANN LANDER!;: I cannot trulhluU, 117 I reed the letter ai~ "A Friend's Friend." lt WU read to me by Bill Fltzpnld, I collequ< ln Ill\ l""t!P" -·of. l\IP<H Mt!• 1 abt MiAd. • ~ ·. I wu lnteralod In !he Iettor, u Bill knew I would be, becaUBe lt concttned 1 mother whoae eoo hid cieclcied to m'arry ., blind girl 'Mle question wu railed -"What if they have children?" My wUe Jennie, who alao ls blind, married me ~ l'Mfl •&•· (We )lll!I In Mlchilan's SChool for lhO Blind In Lensing.) Jennie Ind I had 10 children -everr one of them with perfect vision and in excellent health. Our life toaelher has been wonderful. Our oldest child is 24. Our youncest is 7. We have twtt grlllldchlldren. ~ '; In my 15 yean u an elected member What awaits you on the other .... ! . of lho momHe vtll! How cm 1'!1' "" t11e Micblpn si.1o -. ·GI.· 'ilo\J.e.~-.... .... m -1 w :· ~... roe made eoontleu< Ann 1.anders' li6ollet "Mln'll(e -";i' trips from LlnsU., to Detrott. I UJed to to Expect." Send YINt nqueot lo travel with my Setlng·Eye do&. I now Landen in care of &h1a news~::,;' travel a.lone. 1ng ~Centi ln coin and 1 ladJ. ,._ ·~ J hope "Friend's Friend" sees this aell·addressed envelope. '~ and stops wonyln1 about wlllt blind ::: people c1n'I do. -ROBERT D. A'i" Landers will bo &lad to • MAHONEY, SIXTH DISTRICI' ' YO\I with YINr probieml. -~ lo ~r .l• care ol _!he l>AILY • DEAR ROBERT MAHONEY: nuk enclosing I oelt-. . you ror u luplrl11 letter. And Uauk envelope. .. ~ . '' I ' ---~-------: lhodq, "-<ff 1, 1!6t Ho roscope Libra: Don't Broo bout Past TUES DAY APRIL 8 \ 1 ,.. By SYDNEY ,~ltfABR IBOPPING AND HOVSE- BOU> -IN D IC ATI ONS: Lunar poolUon emphasizes du· '1 -'De practical in man&g· !pa buc!let. EJ:celtent for purcbaa of business clotl;le!. Key t11'to be conservative in aJTaDllDg f~ture. Many UOd to' ~ Into objects, · Injuring knees. B a r g a i n s available in root vegetables. ARIES (March 2l·April Lt): Hlgbllgbt rapoo!lbllity -ae- copt more of tt. One at the top la Impressed. Don't shirt duty -live up to obligations. Day to aeek promotion. Stan· ding In community could be elevated. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You may want to study travel folders. You have feeling that task" bas been completed. lndivldu•l with problem con- fides in you. The more you a.id others, the more you ultlmatelY will receive. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Civic League to Study Har.bo'r Problems Avoid being too forceful or aggressive . Be independent but not arrogant. Gather material for. experimental or creative wort. You get ac- curate picture of financial af- fa.in:. A cruise of the harbor while loaming aboilt its prob- lems and Newport Beech's involvement is on the next. agenda of the Woman's Civic I;eague of New· port Harbor. Followi!lg will be-a luncheon, served by league boa.rd members. The event .is scheduled Artworks Displayed W a t e r color landscapes, seascapes, florals and fruits by artist Clarence Sorenson will be displayed in the Mesa Verde Library tom o rrow through May I. A member or the C:O,,La f.1esa Art Uague, Sorenson began ms studies in his home city of Kansas City, Mo. at the Fine Arb Institute. He was art director for several advertising agencies in Qllcago while conti:Dulng his painting career w I t h private study under artist· teachers Paul Gerding and James Sessions. Sorenson retired two years ago and came -to callfornia .. He now devotes his time to his two deepest interests, painting and exhibiting. for 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 15. Briefing Mrs. T. Dun- can Stewart and Mrs. Angelo Redaelli (left to right) on th e discussion are Al Oberg, harbor master (left) and George Dawes, harbor coordinator for tbe City of Newport Beach. CANCER (June 21.July 22): PeoPie express willingness to cooperate. Accent joint ef. His works have· been on display in tlle Costa Mesa Art Gallery and tbe artist annually exhibits in Park Forest, TII., at the Fall Art Festival. Old~fashioned -,Sewing Bee Revived Cashiers Summoned Newport Harbor Lutheran ChurCh is the sc ene of an "old-fashioned sewing bee" th• fourth Tuesday of . every month, but there is nothing old fashioned about what is being turned out by the nimble fingers of Dorcas Circle members. Using disca rd s, the women make laprobes for Harbor Area convales- M ember s or the Li r' cent b0&pitals, roll bandages ·which are sent to mi ssion hospitals and sew children's clothing and crib blankets which are distributed through Luth· eran · \Vorld Relief to New Guinea and Vietnam • \Vorking on a laprobe are (left to right) the 1'.1mes. \Villi am C. Lampert, Louise Post, chairman and Kay \Va1ter, projects supervisor. Insurance Cashlen and Of--~~~-'-~-'-~~~~~iii;iiiii;iiiii;iiiii;iiiii;ii;;;;iii;ii~iii;iiiii;iiiii;ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ficers Managers Association of Orange County will hear a talk on Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts when they meet in the Iron Horse restaurant , ,r •~· Orange, fo r a 6:30 P·Tfl· dinner ·-tomorrow. James B. MacDonald of Hurwitz, Hurwitz and Remer will be guest speaker for the meeting wbJch will follow a 5:30 p.m. social bour. Anyone wishing reservations or information may call Mrs. Ruth C a n i n o , Col'IUnental Asa.irance Company, 541"""21. Bread Slices Stop Stains Stained suede shoes can be · · ... cleaned by rubbing lhem with a piece of white bread. says Jane Speece, University of Nebraska Extension specialist in textiles and clothing.· Use 1 suede bniah to keep the nap brushed up. ln an tfDtrgency. use an emtry board. you ca n lose we ight and keep it off Perhaps y+ou 've been on di ets before. You lose a few pounds, but you always go bock to your old eoting hobits. YVeight Wotchers con help you lose weight ond keep it off, without pills. or crash diets. We helP.you re-troin your eating hobits so you con enjoy 3 full meols o doy. Introductory Session et no obligation' Moming doss begins T uesdey, April 15th, 9:00 o.m. (enter on Bristol St.) Evening d ess begins the seme doy ot 7:30 p.m. in the Teo Room , South Co111t Plozo. Roqistrotion foe 3.00 Weekly oues 2.00. co ..,. ............. _ ...... 0 ''"' .. ..,....., ........ : ...... ,JJ1 FINE BAKERY F r e sh StratClberr11 Pie Our f•m ous •tr•wbtrry pi• i1 back. M1dt with the fin•1t plump, l1r9a, whola 1traw· b•rri•'· l .1t Strawberry Short Cake lnd i ... idual short cake cup11 topp•d with rich r•d 1trawb•rries i nd wh ipped cr•am 35c N. Le mon Chiffon Cake Mada with 3 lay~r1 of light spon9e cako, fillad with lemon '"u s+.rd. I.It ~~~~H~~? If your birthdty it in May, June or uly •top in and flll out •n •ntry .•. • deco ted 2-layer c1k1 to 5 lucky people ••ch mont ! 12.~LIDO ' ., rorts. Live up to legal agree· you. collect v a I u a b 1 e in-gol&lp might use you as ment. Empb.Uize beautJ. a.it formation. Olle ·who controls · w-. Ket,J> guard In position. avoid heavy __ ,cleaJllD&.,..Tact, paM otri"C•. feels lllllably Flnloh ratlier than begin proJ· wit and int.elllgence ~ J'DI-~ to'ff'lrd you. ects. Dlscretlon is necessary. jor obJ«:tlves! CAPllJCOKN (Dec. 22.Jan. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): LEO (Jutyls-Aua.:lil: Oet 11)! Bewari o1 wlldcat Activity c<mnecte<i with together with ait1s'an't, schemes. Contact those who organizatlom ts accent~. Ce- craftsmen. Avoid criticlmt. live east of you. Check i:nent fri~y re I a t t o n s • Diplomacy gakll more Ulan ~u. Rppect uperience. H.wn&nltarian projects are does nagging. Some aro\lnd AQUAJUUS (Jan. 20-Feb. favored. You could spearhead you are supersensitive. Jtnow. 11): Bi IUl"8 you are conectly charity drive. Excellent for this -and! apply light tou~h. quoted. 1 Some who spread improving public relations. VIRGO (Aug. 2S-5ejll• "l:J;;;i~----;.--;;.;;;; .... iiiiiii~Si­Expreu ~ io pracUc.al ~ manner. If you avoid ex-,,..~ tnvagance, Job 1eta done. A' Malntaln steady pace and avoid extremes. Check diet. LIBRA (Sept. »-Oct. :II): Don~ brood about the put. Future can be productlve once goal la sllJ!led. More ldnngth oa your side tha!I m1lbl be imagined. Get houae ln order -especially repairs. SCORPIO (Oct.is.Nov. 21): Short journey connected with close reliUVes is rav~. Strive for greater domestic harmqnr. Obtaln hint from LIBRA message. M o n e y surprise l! due. You show a I profit. tour of historic Scripps Miramar Ranch can be a program for your club or social organization ... now 'WE:fkDAYiOURS of Scripps Miramar Ranch are esptcially designed for civic,.social, church ilnd other groups. Make a reservation now for your organization; group rates for 20 or more. Cilter- ing for coffees, teas or lunche ons ilYa ll able too. For reservations and information call" 277-711 0 (or 291-0204 weekdays only). SAGmARIUs (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Be moderate in eating, drinking. Do plenty of !i.tenlng. U a keen oboervu, A NEW IN SAN DIEGO o OPEN ~ Sat., Sun., ind holid1y5 _10 .1.m.· s B 'Id qui~. Weekd<1yt, by 1d ... .1nce pray Ul -up ... m.uoo ""''· fVEIY Df<Y ~:~O p.m., no reser¥.1l1ons re- Washed Away Scripps Miramar Ranch To eliminate hair spray ~ ...._ ---~ build-up, mix a· Utile dry bak· Ing ..... with your llhampoo. To remove every last trace of shampoo, rinse hair with a glass of water contalnlng a teaspoon of baking soda. : PIOOF OF THI Y AIN - IS IN THI SCRATCHING Tl'Mlr1 ff 11ltl Tllot 9llOlf ql'-lltt V•rne .,.. Mlt I nd ll'lllRfll, l lld tlMy Krltcl'I 11u . HIWtttr, 1!lty tie a.I ·1 •II ~ .•• W11l!llnk lr1~11. The KNIT WIT ,ho11- 541-21 12 -SOUTH COAST ,LAZA L-or Mill A1 ro11 "from Wool)O'orfh'1 l ri1t•I 1t tho $111 Diogo frwy. COSTA MESA BE FREE OF FAC!A\,. HAIR FOREVER ••• • LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY I T JS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH MODERN ELECTROLYSIS, MEDI CALL. Y APPROVED••• SAFE, FAST, GENTL.E. YOU 1RE INVITED TO CONSUL. T W ITH OUR L.l ~ENSED TECHN ICIAN 1 IN OUR BEAUTY IAl..ON • RO BI NSON 'S HELENE CURTIS' NO-SET BABY CAPO' CURLS THE FASHION MOOD FOR SPRING IS JOY'OLISLY AU NATUREL. ••• WITH A SOFTL.Y-i<NOWING "BAevu INNOCENCE! THI S ANGEL-OEVIL TRY ,"6 SHAPED BY OUR INGENIOUS STYLISTS.•. WHO CURVE THEIR' SPltlHGV Mf•CHIEI" To THE HUG OF YOUR HEAD. THEM, OU" NO~E"r NATURE OJRI.. PEftM TO MOLD ANO HOLD THAT GLORIOUS TUMBLE.•• WITHOUT A SET , WITHOUT A CARE~ NO-SET NATURE CUML WAVE F"OM 15.00; CUT, l""OM $.00. ISEAUTV SAL.ON. HUMAN HAIR ST RETCH WIG, CUS TOM STYLED, 45.00 IN llLOHDS, 9RUHETTES• ,.AOSTEDS AND GREVS •• ,WHAT A WIG TO WIEA" WHI N TOUft COi,. DftOOPs! SE[ OUlt ENTIRE WIGGEftY Gftou~: CASCM>EB . WIGLETS, LONG AND MEDIUM FAL.1..5 0 BEAUTY SALON ROBINSOf\!S NE\l\i?'"'DT • rAC.l--li -~ J I' I ft ND • fi4428G0 J • ' I • I t I I • I I . . --. . ~ewport Darhor --EDITION * --ORANGE COUNTY. CAUFORNf;( . --' ' .... ! -·· - VOt 62, NO. 83, 3 SECTIONS. 32 PAGES -.,. -. . . -. - . . JEN.CENTS ·-. ~---"" --~ .. ----· .,. . -·- Bal Week Real Washout is R8.ins.Eiid Ftstiviiy . . . l By JOHN V ALTEllU Of ... °""' ........ .., . Saturday's sudden ratnstorm silnalled .a premature and dismal windup. to a Bal Weel>oi!I"Newport-Beach that mlcht ' well .l!•»l~ed •• the ~ ol ll>in all. -.. -• ·~ . PoiiC. • Rpt i.iv. but ..,.,. 1w-r1ec1 over "the .aeverat.a.J holiday Wiod· Tbeicwta•t«ttcat tota1s~fodiy ------· -. showed arrests, ltllfllc 1n ... 11gatloes and citatlooa to be 1"' ll>an Jut }ears'. Elcept tor a· brief flurry ol beer J>U1Y ....-eorty in the .,..k, incidenU .. pollce logs ...&nbled tbooe compiled dilring any busy ...umDer. weet. .This ~-..,. ~ ai;restl were ~, et>mpared to lut year's sum of 321. _Juvenile arrests for curfew and paren- tal c:ontrol vllUtlcm eiceeded tut yur's • amounts. Curfew flgms were 113 for to the erlihol, but. oevtnl -Jn. w. put Bal Week compared to tut · jllrltl ,... llivolvld. · ·; • , ' 'l'nllk: citatlooa ·dropped mwur1bcy years 126. -, 746'tilia year. m~: ... :_.:lilt Lack of parental control arruts were year... ... . · ... -. · up, too, with 101 loU<d thia yeor and ,.,,,,._ of ·the' dt.-._t to 95 recorded last year. · ' adUlta. · ' ... • · ~ · Trarnc accidents we.re up everY day · The ·'city;• beidaai •were" picked but Tuesday during the week. The iota! throu;boul the -k. and llleguord> this Y,ear wu 112, compand '9 II tut •'"m•t,d. lbat ·ll0,000 ~-~ year. No critical injuries were attributed the saQda. Save for :!lituiily's ~ rala, . . . . . -- '_.T \ • EI --TorM ~e~mh1e' . ' If NQ ]oint·,V~se~-Woe ls N~port By JEROME F. OOLLINS Of .. ...,. ........... Marine l>a,oe. ·Second' II tho jnporatlon of • detailed muter plln of <>ran,. In pushing .for a coonty1 ponsored study County Alrport "sllould tho 'El Taro ltody of El Toro Mann.· e r-Air Statlbn reveal that jo1nt me ii not.ft•wlble,!' ....... .,.. . "A final coosldera\lon," . he nid, as an interim airport for commerclal "would be apealfic atte·· loCltiods for jets, Newport Beach ·may be ~ ,.....i aviation aild ill' porl f..ntlla a game of cra,ps for some Jl!'"l1 high atTall(ed ln pr1critJ for llOQUisitlon and stakes. cievelopcDmt." If the study l'fSll1ts in unlavorabk · SUpervllon 'tibled the ' Wk f- findings, tt could bring about a !Jc1oiii ,_e,>dltlon unW A\lril 15. in Orange County Ain>ort operalicm. 11It wOu1d be~ e b•1 er yea t Ion••' That's the view of NewPorl City . -, Manager Harvty L. Hurlburt. • *'*·* Hurlliurt tOld ""1niillnlen, ·"thaf Ille two- week delly 'wu only f<r the - of allowlnC l"'bllc readlOn · to the pro. poll}.~'.... ... . . ilm:lbur\'1 repqrt ~ta ~ no ~ mendallpn to the oewidL T)ie conc:luiioo to be drawn Imm the omlleion. b ......,_ a1>t1 dru: If 1 study of El Toro doel repr- 10methlng of • camble to the city. it's a game the city mmt play. It huno.~tive., * * He voiced it today in a ' report to city councilmen on the status of PiWle II of the Peroira llasta-Plln of -~ Transportation. County superviaors last w.U ·delayed action on a recomme:ndaU<W& from a special task force that Pereira cm-- sultanta begin an Deostve ·probe of the feasibility d usinC El. Tmoo u a ()Cf. ~p0rt ~th Qusiest temporary colllD>f«W aJtj>orl. , u,~lllurt's cllncern -· ..,... · tioi'7 i'lL ,_. . .-.~ ,,..,. •' r. • r* ' ,.;"wii.t 'if u8e of lll Torn Imm .It . not to be praCtical? • . ''The linolk'atk.111 •of the ,_ n· stucty," said ':BUdburt. .. are opM to m. a.1.i\.Y·PILOT ,.;......:, ..... ,.,,._ SEEING lSN'T BELIEVING FOR Ml~KEY GALINDO, 7 Violting Montoblllo Loci Puullld by C11111cll -Chamboro Sign Ignore This Sign More Traffic Art <J.t City .Hall There is at least one traffic sign -a huge one -in Newport Beach today that should be igixred. · It's a black Cl;nd white sign reading: "Do Not Enter." It shou1d be ignored because it Is posted ' above the main entrance to the Newpqrt ·ctty Council chambers in city hall. 'Ibat's where councilmen will meet tonight. . The sign is one of several added over the weekend to lhe city Arts Committee's traffic sign exhibit at.city ball. 'Ibey include a rtd and black "Wrong Way" .noUce, ~ alongside t,he ~·· majn cOrrtcf<!r and a ''Call Box" sign pOsted . -wt;ere-else? - above the telephone receptionist's cage in the main lobby. · · Other signs up since ' the start of the month-long show last week include ~chedelic 1 "Stop" signs and .two-way .one-way signs, all the work of the city sign shop creW, beaded by g~aphics artist ~rae 1dillikin-Conventional tfai4 fie signs are al30 colorfully arrayed throughout city offices. Bee!; Pumps for Bumps Like Beacon. Bay Berms '!be Bea<00 Bay Community A!SC>cia- tim today invited Newport Beach city councilmen to .take a bumpy ride. -, through Beacoa;i Bay. . 'lbe invitation came from Allan Beek, PILOT STARGAZER GAZIIVG AT MOON \ l ~-. "If the otudy of El Ten ....U lbll joint UM II not feflilJ!e,. the ~ may be in • deleJ¥ilble pooitioa to _u, ezpand operatlool and tho pilylicll plaat of Onnge County Alrporl. "And this," the city manaeer ~uded In ooe of the undentatemenla of the year, "would certainly be a moat unpleasant situation for dle city . ol Newport Belch." Hurlburt noted that the recQm-o m..-.latlql from the ,Mute< Plan. of Air TranBpOl'latloo ll«>UP ts ·ln - with the council'• &lated policy. Cooncllmen recently by resolutim re- quested lblt top ~ be • li-'en ·h El Toro study. lbe City Wantl"COmity Airport jet traffic preaures ftllevocl·untll • reglooal airport is CO!lltructed, the resolution decla.re:t. The specific proposal under con- sideraUon by county 1upervi1or1, · Hurlburt pointed out, bu three upects. First is the spidy ol joint UM · of the .$6,000 in Furs, Jewelry Stolen Mesa , Pilot Dies . A_s ·Pusher Plane Crashes, Burns ·' " NoTED '~UILDE.R 1 DIBS Gaorga M. Holotoln · · Gev,rge Holstein., Noted Builder, · Suec4mbs· at 7-4 •La)ll!Jne ,J1ewport )leach r'8jdent Georp'M. H&ttia, founder of,~ M. Holatlin and Sons, ·a weU knOwn Sq,J~ Callloniia borne building film with Ouicea tft Colla M.,., dJed 5aUJnbY. at hil. winter home in Palm Sprinp .. , . ' '. at the al' of 74. · Private · funeral .services will be can· duded Wedneaday i&t ·St. Jame,- Episcopal Cllll'cb, Newpod Beach. · l\lr, Holstein, a graduate or Prine.ton Univaa1ty. ~as one of Sou t be r n ca!il~'• lim llcenled contractors. He ;,,t.61lihec1 . hi> . building firm ln ' Lbs ~· lft, liis and liuilt many of the lleverly Hilll• IMlnel· occupied by . movie ,"10,n:ol tl!e.-1 .. !• and.1930'•· : ,JI< tpo•ed· \II<. !inn o to ,Costa Mm In 1919. S\11«. !hat '.time, the firm has ' I • ' ' ' built ·u;ousa'* of homes In Oran(<, Los . ,Wet~ ~, Ditgo and Rtveriide Counlles -IJl\f in Lu Vegas; Nev, , l\lr. ,JloliteJn retired in 1955, fuming ' . . . ' . the Jtadenlrlp of the finn over to his ~ •• ~ge µI, the compa~y 's ~t prellilent, . and Wltllam, both r..tdents O! the iJir.bor AreL . " An •Xld .Oiler: l\lr. Holstein ·~ a memhei-of' the Irvine Coast Country Club and 'ni me of the founden.'of the Thunderbird Coun!;y Club tiear Palm spijnp. lie allO .' wiii • member' of ,the.Newpca'I'-Yadll Club. r sUrvivorl iDClude· hil wife, Susan, of the cou~1 •JltwPGI t Beich home, 30I Avenlda ,CJD!lbn, Eastbjuff, bis two .,.. and n .. griiidc:blldreti. .. ' Tbe-flinily bu iugested ,that friends w1sh!nc to · do ao, may make memorial COO:trlbutlonl :w thie .Eiienhower MedJcal • ~;.·piltn DMltt, C811f. 0riui,. Coal&-• 1 --·-· ----= . . . . S OollLY !Mt H· •' . -~rittc~s -;~Y~ ·v·~w .,of;~,Social · .- • r.•}SUfcm , ~ .......... 1o .'4ll •'111.-. ----"" . ................... .. In Ibo 11reaat d .__, jaunlalllt there . , 0-It for M t, a .....,._..'Ii bull ,!!~·· hurt, and how meny o! typical .U-portf, ~Would - u1 W..~ our teeth with e11vy something on lbjl ._ . , . UpOll , . Ibo ""1&1nl ~ of U-"The Gall !>inntl' !11!f," l{lfOd In m•· of prw-thelttkal criucs. the home of Mr. and Mti. !Dram Vin-et tlila lbe cue, bitter la the cup itom Oood, fell ohort of eopeclattooo c!ttplte wl\a we IOda1 rtpottel'I driu+ We who fine ptrformances by two nla'ln pirty• must wrUI with 11.ln-goen. . ab1oe and u,tJt, · HltVty Gled, cul In tlie IOI< of tllo opreadloi good will, heavy drinlret, -a tltoU ol ~ no matter how heal')'. His portroyal of Shirley Temple ilqllic our soub. ' "The Good Ship Lollipop" will Jong be: To alleviate these remembered. _ natural aggressions. A bid for the best supporting actrns why not develop a ml1ht weU be dtaerved by lira. Gladys ,,.,. poellc corpc Cheer. A vhkln In lhlmmetlng red, Ille which would march ctttalnly upotaged lbe lloolell with. i,., under the banner of perlonnance of. "Tbe hon d' Olllvrtl Party CrlUca. are yummy." 'llleoe wrltm, like cm bnothren In the In aplle pl these two brl(bt apoll, drllllaslc fleld. would lnaplre uplllt In lilU• could be done to 1&ve the lackllilier • !he eodal world with blrba and jllll 1t dillster which turned out to bl . more i • ., , ~ . •• . LOGBOOK of a putq Pll>lrlllt lllan wtblni ... Mrs. V1n<Jood ltll lar ahol ol 1ctequote In her role u the am.lllng hoste11. Look· ln1 fidgety In 1 purple fuD leoith hosias cown, ahe I06t aU her verve when Glad amualngly Upped bis llbatlonl «1 her while !'mien ?IJi. the. bott, usually an ace tn 1uch rqlu, wu ,dlaappoinllngly W1C011vincing when ttngb\g, "I'm Poorer Than You Are," wltb two of b1a multimillionaire croniea, Fred Knox and John Gold. Jolin Fierce, In hla portnyal of the ~USS T~st Tr·!J>I~ w .arhea_d Laird Warm Rocket Threat to U.S, Missiles WASll!NGTON !AP) -Secntary .of -Melvin R. Laird said Monday the Soviet Unkn b loltjn( I triple warhad __ !lOll< Jor the~ SM~ he oraiden a threat to U.S. m!Milu, , . Llird bu died 5ovlet deploymrnl of the SS1 u juMlllcatlocl fir tl>e ..,.. tn>venlal Salepanl ... lmllol)e .,.....,_ CurnnUy lbe -·""' «tialtl*' to ba~boul IOO ~ti'!'"!·-.. and -elllrnlleo"ore:thll lbett wili be .-llGO ....and Im lit curreot dr"~· · Z:warbNda !or ·tbO IOO ~ give Ille Soville 1,IGO nuc1eor bom_bl !or ~ t&r&elinl-The Unltd Slllea bu 1;000 llnd-llased Minuteman -· "One bas to look at Ibis capablllly that is heln1 developed, and ...taiJlly one would have to MSUme It 11 being developed in order to knkokck out our Minuteman miasile system/' Laird told a grOup of. fmeian journalists vi!i.Ung the Penlllgon. At the wne time, secretary of State William P. Rosa was tellinl: a news conference ACl'OU toim _ thlt he dQts Chiefs Son Files Pl£a of Guilty To 1 Pot Charge St.even Murray, Zl·)'t!at~ld son of San Clemente Police Chief Cllfford Murray, pleaded guilty to one char1e ot transpon'.atlon of marijuana Friday after- noon before Superior Court Judie Robert Gardner. The judge ordtl'ed the youth to apptar April 24 for probaUon burin1 and senten- cing. The penalty for transportation of marijuana is five yean t.o life in priaon. DisposiUon of four other charCU against Murray will be handled at the probation heating. They Include J>OOI''; .sion cl. heroin, pouession of heroin wilh intent to sell, J>06R15ion of marijuana and pouwion or marij\l&ftl, wilh intent to .. u. The chief's only son was arrested Feb. :Z by state and couniy narcotia officers ln the driveway of' the famlly home, 225 La Elparama, San Clemente. Young Murray wu rtpruented by Robert E. Law of Tuatln. DAILY PllOI OltANI• COAST l'Ull.~H1tf0 COM,..ANY ••It.rt N. WtH P'rwMMI Mii it.lllltllw J•c.lt •• c.,,.., Vite ,~ ffti ~-MIMW n-, .:...,a ldflOI' Tlio111t• A. M111rpl.ine ~JMt1119 ldllw J er•ll'I• F. Colli111 H_,, ltttll Cltt Edltw ....,,.., .... Offtc.• 221 1 W•1f l•lbeo le11t.,tr4 Mtilil•t Athlt•11: P.O. 1.,. 1175, t2•6J --c.... Mlell! -W.t llY '~ uwne IMctl: m ,._, A-. ~1Md1 =••••1 nol know wby the Soyi<U are deploying the SS9. Rogers aald this would be one of the first quesUons raLsed in proposed U~S.-Soviet talks over stra~gk: arms limitattoos. Laird, who hu been criUcl1.td for taking a hani·line vlew of soviet develop- ments, ipoke of-Soviet advancts ·while erpi&inlng the adinlnlstraUon'r l'UIOllJI !or wanting to derend the U.S. mi.sue for<e with lbe Salel'JOfd ai>Umlmlle •yllem. ID• audience WU a group of Europun reparters who have bffn on a JO.day tour sponsored by the U.S. government. "W~'re not overstating this case," Laird Slid at one point. He denied, u some Cl'iUcs have claim- ed, that be wu baaing his ratklnale for bufldltlg a missile defell9e on an estimate of future Soviet intentions rather than capabilities. "J'm not talking about intentions," Laird Nid. "but.about capabillty." f'an&ous Na~• He said the Soviet Union fn the lai;t 24 to 17 111C11ths bas been !!<!ding the SSI at a faster rate than U.S. intelligence experts estimated it would. The weapon already carried a single warhead of up to 25 megatont, he said, and now 0 They have gone into the test st.aae for three amaller warheads for lt." Laird aid thia raiaea a question ·of whether the llovlela need a mlllile !or auch a "tremendous amount of megaton- n*&e'.' .u a retallatory, anU-city force or for potential U1e in a surpriee _ flrat &trite •R&lna\·COIK!tele ond lleel miaile silos. "l've always made it clear that I do not believe the ·Soviet Union would be fooliah' enough • • • to co forward with a firit 1trlkt," Laird said. But he said ·he could nat iru:ure that such American weapons systems as the Minuteman ·or the Navy's POlaria sub- marine miaaile force would be m- vulnerable forev.er. M. K. Douglas, 2'-year-old son of Kirk Dou1tas who makes bis film debut In "Hall, Hero," found after 11Jmtng started his "stunt man" was Deirdre Flynn who is the 2~year~lcl daughter of Errol Flynn. Deinlre is altempling .to make stunt work her career. Frot11 P .. e I ROGERS SEES PULLOUT •.• which c1rrt11 a u.mq:atan wtrhtad. Tbls is "one of the the lint qaeatior/ii we int.end to take up whh them when we have the U.S.-Soviet talb on atrat.ep: anns limitation," he said. -The United States ill actively prep•r· Ing for the strategic anns limitation talks -the aim of which would be to limit nuclear weapons -and 0 we exped they w!D hefln In !lite-aprinJ oc early 1ummer." -'Ibe Niion administration ts "willlnc to do what we cau to have mon! friendly rtl1Uorw with Re.I Cbina." Roten Wd tltil alter commenting lhal the United SI.It.ea dou not consider tt wile to at- teMpl to erplott dUlerences betweon Red China and Rullil; lbe u .s. would Uk• m.,. friend[)' rolaUOOI with both. Party chill, who bu """'1 Rania hu 8 rtaht to Intervene to IUpprlll chanse In eny Cotnmunlll country. F,.... P .. e I CRUCIFIX . I • noticed oe the television .. ~ but Graf dtnlid tnowlfdp of the uoUc device when questioned about it. Another type of pipe fa1hioned from a blrnboo lllem with 1 hole !or 1-tlon of I ci,mtte W&I a!ao found, lklng with partially smoked hand · r o 11 e d ci,mttes 1nd wbat 1ppea...t to be burnt marl)uano mldue, lnve1t111tor1 lllld. The hypodermic kit WU found hidden Inside a crudflJ ban&lnc oe the wall during the Investigation In pn>Cl't.I• when Grars slJter, a waitress, atrfvtd homt. Officer Donahue aaid &wo pink pllb were found In h'1' pun• during the lnvttltpUon. I -~· • r° plflJ Qlllc, ltll .. llat ... llottoonblp • • q11G'lat -lilldallht. Indeed, at one point· If till e'lllling, he ·WIS hwd· l&Yin& semethln1 nice 1bout Albert Sclnreltaer. . Dlnl!tl' wu c1r1~ ...s dec:oi1tkllll were dull, thlnlel to • job poorly do!ie by the unimacinaUve Eatum, B e al u m Calerm. Tbl cboloe of chopped Uvtr ., lett""' was m.~. while: tbfl mock tw11e IOUp, highly nd.wWnl, allo feli ab«< on seasoning. The file\ of sole tasted more like fllet of shoe. and the cherries jubilee ce~nly seemed a bad endin& for auch a tasteless meal. -AU in all, the VanGoods' fete was fated for failure before the flrat act. Jtqn Co.r i.s a st.Cl// torittr for tht Social Notti section of tht DALLY PILOT. Signups Still Possible for City Recreation Opelµgis J(e sUll available In spring reereaUJn aclivJtJts sponsored by -the Ne~t°" Stach Parks Department. · ·· Regilltr,aUon forms and information about all the programJ, which begin this week, att: available through depart- ment offices, 171~ W. BaJboa Blvd. Some of the activitita include: -Dog obedience claues at Mariner's Park Tuesdays or Slturda)ra from 10. to 11 a.m. Special cl._. for doj:s older thin 11ix month! are held . on Tuel!!•Yl from I to IO a.m. Fee for the lD-"eek Counl ii !tO. --OoU l"'°"s· for lnletmedlale and be11nning golfera lutlnc. for 10 wttka at Coreoa det . Mar lllglt SchooL Equip- ment 11 available» The ftt ii $11. -Oil painting and sketdtlng ·classes at Mariner's Park Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 10:30 p.Jh. or Mondays from I a.m. to noon. Fee is •15 for 10 weeks. -Bute in!truction in college (painting with paper) will be offered at Mariner's on Wednmlays from I a.m. to noon. -Qe&Hve cral1s cl..,.. will ht he~ at Mariner's front t to noon on Tuesday mol'niJlg<. R<glstralloii fot college or craftl is lt5. : , -Cblldrtn'a crafla clauea at Newport Harbor Community C.nler and Newport Heights Elemenlary Sdlool 'with 1 n.,. craft oflertd each week. Clules will be between 3,30 p.m. and 5,30 p.m. daily. Razzie Weber is the Instructor Fee is· $1 per child for the to.week u:ries. Sports Columnist Max Stiles Dies HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Mn Stilts, 67, sports edltor of the Hollywood Citlien News and a contributor to the DAILY PILOT, died Sunday ni1ht following 1 len1thy iUnt:l.!i. Stilts was born in Santa Monica. He attended the University of Southern California where he was sport& editor of the Dally TroJan. He worked on the Loa: Angeles Examiner and was as.sis· t.ant sports editQr of the Los Anaeles Mirror. In 1941 Sllles t>etame the first publicity director of the Lo& Angeles Rams football team. He became sPorta editor of the Citizen News in 1962. .\ Winging ·1t' · · Kitemeisters ot Ancient Mariner J{ite Team prepare 30--foot vehicle for launching during liz.tl!Ainnu& Benjamin Fninldin Kite Flight in Dana Point Sunday. Huge kite won ••towest fiying" trophy, a step up from 1968 contest when it captured "Amelia Earhart Award" for mo~t spectacular crash: Citizen _ Group Endorses ' . - In Two School Di-strict,s By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ltlt Dlltr '"""" ,..., A ciillens group callirig ·il&elf the Com- mJttei of One · Thousand for Better Education 1S trying to call the shot,, in the San Joaquin Elementary and Tu.!iln Union Hlgb school board races. Target-date b April 15, eight ~ys away. . The comm1uee:i hope Js on \lli\t day votera will ha Ve been -~fsuldl!:d ta' ·eieet • majority of tbtee new tnulees. '1<r each .ctioo1 di6trlc't tioard.-· · · · · Thoe> -:by the. .cornmillae "' Ont Thouaand are . .:San Joaquin· can-. dldates Charles Boulanger, ~ 0 be rt Dameron and Patricia Slr~tton and Tustin H1ih contenderS _Rqna1d Fraese, Sylvan Katz and Sta.nteY Rosen. Neither incum~nt in the two ra~s. Edward nerry of the ele,mentary board nor Chester. Briner of the high sCbOOI board, was endorsed. HAD START The committee had · its start in Univer1ity Park in the community of Irv ine and has spread to Mission Viejo, Leisure Wotld and El ·Toro. ll seeks lo represent the whole San Joaquin District and all areas or the Tustin District outsi'ile OfT.usUn. Actually: the Committee of One Thousand is. a .misq~mer.. Present mefl'lbershlp is about 300, sa}'! the group's secretary, .Mrs. Guy Sirctllo. It takes its name from the siit of° membership it hopes t(I_ attain.by electJon daY,. Endorsttnel\ts by the committee were made almost two months agO, even before the deadline for· filing and com- pleUon of the field ot candidates - ten running for the San Joaquin board and 13 for Tustin High. Thirteen then-announced or potential candidates 11poke and from lhese six were select~ for endorsement by the 150 person11 pre.sent. The mttling was held in Corona del Mat with tbe Irvine area moot heavily represented. IUgh school incumbent Briner, a Mission Viejo resident, was at the meeting &eking endorsemeJt\· Elemen- tary board jncum~t Berry, also ol Mission Viejo, was not. IJVE IN ffiVINE or the condldot.s endorsed, tbtee - Boulange!-, Mrs. Sltalton . .,.r . Jl'ri..e -Uve in Irvine. Dameron liva in El Toro, ~ Katz and Rosen live tn the Tu!tia ;.,.. althouih S&nlll Ana Is their mallingaddml. · . Boulanger is principal of an elementary school in Cypress. Dameron is a financial consultant. Mrs. Stratton t e a c he 1 sociology at Saddleback Junior College. Frae.se ts a political science instructor at Cypress Junior College. Katz is a physicist· who teaches a graduate course al UC Irvine. Rosen is an attorney. Mrs. Sircello said the endorsements have since been seconded by League of Women Voters members from Laguna Hills Leisure World. "'f1:ley've started lhtir own telephone and postcard campaign," she said. SPREAD WORD Sbe said the committee is trying to spr~ad the word in other areas by telephone, mailings and even a few newspaper advertistments. Q\airman of the Committee of One Thousand R. Alan Lawson said the groups' interest i1 supporting a slalt! ol candidates who have hi1h quality educati<ln u their primary aim. Members "of the committee, he said, want to see the school districts encoura1e imagination, iniUative and flei;ibility in the classr09~. and draw on resourcts of the communify. Mn. Sircello said the commilttt plans to continue in ei;istence after the bot.rd elect.Ion and "not just melt away." ' . /-· • ,.'.1,;• •"' \ • ''• ,,,,l'o'i•. ,. 1 . . Q OMEGA ;;ACCUTRON -BULOVA 'ff AUTHORiZEb FACTORY SERVICE Ii) COMPLETE JEY/ELRY REPAIR ' • rings sized and repaired e.diemonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALC TYPES OF JEWELRY HAHOI SHOW!He Clll'IU DOI llAJIOI &YD. COSTA MllA !Ml.MU • HUllTI'!GTOll ClllTll llACH • IDINlll HUllTINeTON llAC:H Hl·HOI -The United Si-bas eiprtSMd Iii concern to the Soviet Union about IL! 1ctlons In Czechoslov11Ua. R<lctn Aid lhat when the Soviet• h••• I0,000 to 70,000 troopc, and t a n i 1 , In Czecboclovotla lt mak .. Eaal-Wut rela- tio111 vtrY dUlicull and In lacl "the whole Bttzhnev doctrine is v t r y dlJconcutJnJ.'' H1I rtferenct Wll to 1.eonld BrW'inev, Sovtet Commuftist She d•ni<d po11111ion ol the dtul In- ject.ion kit containing three needle.a, a - aqueeu bulb and other l1t1111, ocd>r111ng ·to Offieer DObeibue. ', I ' • .~ (··• .... •' .' ~1 '·'.' 4-t '. ·"-,, I I , I . I I . I ,I I I I • lsland l lomcs Invite (:;ir acio .us Living • . . . • • • • • 'Inside' Big on Homes Charm Guests will be welcomed to the Roger Brown home (above) by an entryway graced with wrought Iron gates. The "inside" home, away from the water front, is de- signed with a feeling of lightness and airiness, a perfect foil for the sunny days of the Southern California spnng and summer. f\.frs. Brown pours coffee in the combination family- kitchen-dinin( area that is coordinated with children in mind. Luxurious paneling adds a softn,_ess to the maple. furnished area that features a bar with access to the kitchen, and comfortable chairs make it a favorite place for family members to meet. The lovely patio, a gracious setting for easy·outdoor entertaining, is highlighted with a pool and is easily reached from the downstairs areas. · . Another home that occupies a Jot away from the bayfront is the Dennis Carpenter residence ~(at right). ~faking maximum use of a 3Q..foot lot, it is a sparkling and brand new home that is accented with touches of the traditional Guests will be delighted with the old-fashioned roll· top desk that is framed with Victorian wall sconces , and the other charming collector's items that offset the new and modern. Little girls accompanying their mothers on the 'tour ,viii fall in love with a very feminine child's room that is attracti vely designed with built-in toy cupboards, which will be opened for display. Mrs. Armen Sivaslian (left) and Mrs . William Gaut· schi make themselves at home in one of the home's luxuriously appointed bedrooms, softly caryeted and Intimately designed witb an .open beam ceiling. ' !map belnc boetu1 of a ~ou• !Jdo Isle "'llayfMnt home. Or picture bavlnc al your domain~ li'idclul ho~ ofi Ibo water lbal opena into paUo centered wllb a l•\Vtf-liie swlmmlnc pool. , Six homes such u lb-lbat ~empuiy lbe relaxed, 1radous We ol !Jdo Isle will .be opened for Iba Mith anilual !Jdo Isle Womaa'1 Club Home Tour on Tbunclay, April 2A. · · · , The Island In lbe Sun ~r will begin wilb..a swnptuoua· ~ at Iba clubhouse 701 Via IJdo S<Mld, appointed in an e~qli~ ·floral seu:::.t, Also from 1 to 5 p.m. guests may r ax while viewing .,. a~ exbibit·of liqa and sculpture• by illand artists. ·-I ' · Before or after embarking on the home lour, guests may go aboard the yacht SUmmer Wind wbich will' be ·tied up alongslae lbe clubhouae dOct. !Jdo Isle residences which will be showcased are Ibo boo>el 'of Iba Richard E. Barretts, Crawfo..., ·Westerlngs, Earl Hardages and Arlbur Costellos, all bayfront 1ites, and the "inside" bonies oi~the Ro&er Browu and Dennis Carpenters. • The Barrett homi al Pfllcan Point, 930 Via .... Lilla· N"ont, 1 oU,rs rich, hand-finished walnut pimellng, recessed ligbling and· a hostess kitchen wltb delft· blue flooring . A focal point in the house is-a drematlc, band•wrought sculptured stairway bighligbted with a coordinated chandelier from Mexico. ';l'eens visiting the Barrett home will find a.special enterlalmnent - of interest, designed with youth in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Westering, 800 Via. Lido N_ord, have displayed ·an rez: .. tensive she11 collection attractive1y in their bayfront l)ome,.which ts warmed with a wealth of hand-rubbed woods. Aller being greeted by a oo\lel enlp'· way, guests will wander lhrou&h the home to the bayfront and Iha specta- cular view afforded from the house and notice the magnificent 'yacht, U>ie Blue .Heron, tied-up outs'ide. , . · · · 1 .·~ . . A unusual feature )of the Westering home is an entertainment center in an upstairs setting, designed for use by the whole family. · -" , Traveling next to the Hardage home, 340 Via !Jdo Nord, the eye first 'ls greeted with a stonework facade. The home, a good example of the attractive execution of a bayfront duplex, is bighlighted with the unusual use of color, The visitor will be· surprised at the inter,esting combinations of the spectrum to be found. A hand-carved screen and headboard in the master bedroom Is a focal point. . . Another bayfront home that offers still another view of the water and another unique design is the home of Mr. and !tlrs. Costello, 524 Via Lido Nord. Graceful and leisurely living are evident as one wanders through the borne anti notices the appointments. The dining room is a must for tourgoers is it feature s a rug which \Vas specially woven in Hong Kong. In the living room viewers will be taken with a ~foot divan, and in the master bedroom another sµrprise awaits them, an unusual lucite floating bed. · . ·L Inside homes to be included are-tbe residences of Mr-. and .ltfrs. Brown, 101 Via Florence, 8.n<I""Mr. and "Mrs .. Carpenter, 120 Via Quito . (pictured). · . ' •• 6et~ llA ANDERSON, Edi""', . ........... ,,.... . , .. ,, No Gain for Brain Strain Gives College Student a Pain D~R ANN LANDERS: I'm a boy, 11, a freshman in collf:ce. I never cut classes, I lake Jood notes, and r do 1 considerable amount of outs ide study. Yet my grades are no better than average. I know kids who cut like crazy, sleep durinC kcturel, bave never owned a notebook. and their grades are coo- sistenUy better than mine. Todey I got~ a ,Jil)'cboloa·'nall1. ' [ made a 78. The kid next to me cot a 99. When t asked i( he studied tor the eram. he aald, "Of course "°\.; I faked iL" l'm ready to start "faking it" and lff what happens. I bet ['JJ be ori probation before 1'0U can aay "Wilhelm Wundt." What'• the secrr:t of making a:ood ANN LANDERS If~" besides pure 1ludyl 11 lbere some secret to ltt Thanks for any help 1°"' <"!' l\'r• 'l!'-1"" BEGGIN(l FO)\ A 1: DEAR BEG: Finl ac«pl Ck foci Uaat .,aft mt:n are created eq•al" doe1n't applJ lo edac.-i 1pdlode. Somo 118deot1 IOU •P tafwm1doli llli:e a bfoto. ler and retain 11t11rfy all of It. OtHn mist work lbelr lttad1 to lbe bont in order tt comprtltead 11111 tf what they rud and Har and Utta Oley forcet Lllree f...UU of &Mt wlUlia lb bour1. , tr ;,i.. alive u ~. as )'Ol'l dal'm , · aftd nfd:t only awraie trlde1, my Id· vice 11 io keep pl•&ll•I °" wDI form wori llablll whicb wtll prove far mort va11able Uaan I Ouby arade point average. J a11t tuggest that you !lave a talk with yoar profes1ors ud ask them why you must knock you.rttlf out \o set ..,..Uocro IP'IMiff. YH mlpt Jilek •P . .JOme uldll .cm. ~ · DEAR ANN ' LANDERS: I -cannot -every one of them with perfect vision and in excellf!nt health. Our life together b.. been wonderful. Otlr oldest child truthfully say [ read the letter signed is 2t. Our youngest is 7, We have two "A Friend.'1 Frltnd." Jt WU read 'to grandchildren. me by Bill Fitzgerald, a. colleague in ln my J~ ytan u an elected member the Michigan House of RtpresentatJvu. of the Michigan State House of I am blind. • Representatives, I've made countless . , , , ... , .,, .. lrl~ from Lanslnc to Detroit. I used to I was 1q,..111ocMn; th! '""'!'•~ .. Bill , lhvel. with l1lJ Seeing· Eye doe-I - knew t ~uld be., becaose it concerned travel alone. yoa, 109, fer Ck ......,..,. ti ,_ famll1. ne lfrla .... 1ove1y1 ne ..,.. 1te ........... Y• _. Mrt. Mu.q- uve • .,..1 ...... "' ..... ti. , ' . a mothtt whoee aon had dec~ed to marry a blind girl. The question was raised -04What if they have children !" What awaita you .on lhe other awe· ol lbe, mmiqe vell? How can 1'0C be sure your marrlaae will wort? R..a Ann Landers' booklet "M..-rl•-wi.-lo~"~ ...lr-nquat 1o A» Landon 1n earl <ltlds ne-"'°""' Ing !O cents Jn ·coin and a Ion(, llampod, I hope · "Friend 's Fritnd" sea tbls tetf-addreaed· tnve.. ' My wife Jennie, who alao 11 blind, married me 27 year• ago. (We met In Mlchlgan 'I SChool (or the Blind 1n Lansing.) Jennie and I had. I! cbiidren and 1tops wort)'ln& about what blind people can 't do. -ROBERT D.· · Ann Landers will be 11ad lo belt MAHONEY, SIXTH DISTRICT l'o°" ~11/'n :'! ~A~:s- DEAR ROBERT MAHoNEY: I 'Mtaat enelollng I aeH-. • "."' fer a 1uplrta( leHer. Aoa ~k envelope. • ' , • Horoscope Libra : Don't Brood About Past TUESDAY APRIL 8 ay SYDNEY OMl'.111!. SHOPPING AND HOUSE- "BOLD INDICATIONS: Lunsr paalUon emphulzts du- ty -be practical in manag- ing budset. E:Jcellent for purcbul of bulineu clothes. Key II io be conservative in · unJ111n1 lupiltlll'. Miii)' Ulld to bump· Into . objecta. 1njurfug mee.. B a r 1 a I n s available in root veaela~let. ARIFll (March Zl-April II): Higbllgbl responalbllity -ac-. cept more of H. One at the top is Jmprused. ·Don't shirk duty -live up to obligations. Day to seek promotion. Slan- dlng 1n community could be elevated. TAURUS (Aprll lt).May 20): You may want to study travel folders. You have feeling that task has been compltled. Individual with problem con- fides in you. The more you aid others, the more you ultimately will receive. CiEMINI (May 21-June 20): Civic League to Study Harbor Problems Avoid being too forcefuJ or qireszlve. Be independent but not RITOgant. Gather material for aperimental cr creaUve wort. You get ac-- curate picture of financial ar- falrs. A cruise of the harbor while learning about its prol>- lems and Newport Beach's lnvolvl!Ile!lt Is on the nett agenda of the Woman's Civic Leegue of New- port Harbor. Following will be a luncheon; served by league board members. The event is scheduled Artworks Displayed w a t er color landscape!, seascapes, florals and fnllts by artist Clarence Sorenson will be displayed in the Mesa Verde Library tomorr ow through May I. • A member of the Costa Mesa Art League, Soremon began his atudle! ia hil home •. city of Kansas ctty, Mo. at the Fine Aris InsWute. He wa,, art dlredClr for several advertising agencies in Chicago while cooti.nlling his painting Cafftl' W 1 t b private study under artist~ teachers Paul Gerding and James Se!siorui. Sorenson retired two years ago· and came lo California. He now devotes his Ume to his two deepest interesta:, psinUog and esblbltln(. for 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 15. Briefin~ Mrs. T. Dun- can Stewart and ·Mrs. Angelo Redaelli (left to ngbt) on the discussion are Al Oberg, harbor master (left) and George Dawes, harbor coordinator for the City of Newport Beach. CANCER (June 21.Jllly :12): People e%pl'WI willingness to cooperate. Accent joint el- Hls worb have been on display tn the Colla lieu Art Gallery and the artlat annually eihibits tn Park Forest, Ill., at the Fall Art Fertlval. Old-fashioned Sewing Bee Revived Cashiers Summoned Members of the !.ife Tnsurance Cuhlen and Of- ficen Manqers Aasociatie:n of Orange County will hear a talk qn Estate Plaruting, Wills and Trusts when they meet in the Iron Hone restaurant, Oranse, for a 1:30 p.m. dinner tomorrow. Newport Harbor Lutheran Cburch·is the scene of an "old-fashioned sewing bee" the fourth Tuesday of every .month, but there is nothing old fashioned about what is being turned out.by the nimble fingers of. Dorcas Circle ~embers. Using discards, the women make laprobes for Harbor Area convales- cent hospitals, roll bandages which are sent to mission hospitals and sew children's clothing and crib blankets which are distributed through Luth- eran \Vorld Relief to New Guinea and Vietnam. \Vorking on a Iaprobe are (left to right) the Mmes. \Villiam C. Lampert, Louise Post, chairman and Kay Walter, projects supervisor. James B. MacDonald af Hurwitz, Hurwitz and Remer will be guest speaker for the meeting whJch will follow a 5:30 p.m. social hour: · Anyone wishing ruervaUons or informaUon may ciD Mrs. Ruth C a n In o , Continental Assurance Company, Sfl-«21. Bread Slices Stop Stains Stained suede ahoes can be cleane<t by rubbing them wlth a plece of white bread, 11ys Jane Speece, University of Nebruka EmDlioo specialist in textiles and clothing. Use a IUede brush to keep the nap brushed up. Jn an emerponcy, use an · emery board. you can lose weight and keep it off Perheps you 've been on diet; before . You lose o few pound s, but you olwoys go bock _ lo your old oting hobits. .Weight Wotchers con help you lose we ight ond leep ii off, without pills, or crosh diets. We helP, you re-train you r eating hobits so you can enjoy J full meol s o doy. ' Introductory Session et no obligation ! Morning class begins Tuesday, April 15th, 9:00 e.m. (enter on Bristol St.) Evening doss begins the seme doy ot 7:30 p.m. in the Tee Room, South Coosl Plozo. Registrolion lee ).00 Week ly i:lu es 2.00, co .., ..................... "" It"""'· ........ ; ..... ,111 Nearly Everyone 'listens' to Landers FINE BAKERY Fresh Strawberry Pie Our f1moul itr1wb1rry pi• i1 b1ck. M1d1 with th• ·fin1lt plump , l1r9•, who/1 1tr1w- b•rri•'· · J .lf Strawberry Short Coke Ind ividual short cak1 cups, topp1d with rich rid strawb1rri1s and whipp1d cr1am 35c ... Le-.. Chiffon Cake Madi with ) lay1rs of li9ht spon91 c•k•, fill•d with lemon ,.ustard. 1.lf If your birthday is in M•y, Jun1 or July •top in •nd fill out •n 1ntry . , . • d1cot •t•d 2-l•y•r ~•k1 to 5 lucky p•opl1 ••ch month! ~~LIDO CENTER 3433 VIA LIDO !NEWPORT BEACI I 673-6360 forts. Uve up to legal a;ree-you Cottecl"' v~ b1. In="., 10UIP mr,ht Ute )'09 IS ment. Emphulze beauty. llut formatloo. Ol)t-wtlo controls target<Xeep auard In POfitlon. avoid heavy . cleallinl. Tact, ....,.. llrinp r.eli ami>bly Flnllb nlbir Ulan belin prvj- ~t an<I' Jntin\aenct gain .,._ clllP*d !fWord you. ects."D!scretloll II nece11ary. r objectives. ' CAPRlcolill· (Dec. zz.Jan. PISCEs (Feb. ! .. March 20i:· LEO (Jgly23-A11&· 21): Get It): 1!ewm of wildcat AcUvtty ccpnectod with gether WJth art I a a n_, , ~-c<etact those who organisaUOr\S 11 accented. Ce. craftsmen. Avoid crltlclsm. live ea.st of you. Check ment frJendJy re J at l o n s. Diplomacy gains more than sources •. R1Qect u~. HumanJtarlanj> ·projects are does nagging. Some around AQUAlUUS' (Jan. :IO-Ftb. favorl!Ji. You Oould lpeartlead you are sujersemiUve. Kqow II): Be·N'f!~are'comcUy charity drive. Excellent for this _ and ~pply light toucb. quoted . Somt wllo spttad improvtnc pub)tc ttlatlons. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ~ :W Egxeu deeir-ee-in prJCt(cal "-. ~ manner. If you avofd ei- ttavagance,, job gets done. A Maintain steady pace and avold extremes. Check diet. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. :12): Don't brood about the put. Future can be productive once goal is sighted. More strength on your side thah might be imagined_,__ Get house in order -especially repairs. SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov. 21 ): Short journey connected with close relaUves is favored . Strive for great\ domestic harmony. Obtain int from i LIBRA m~ssage. M o n e y I surprise is due. You show a profit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Be moderate in eaUng, drinking. Do plenty of liatening. If a keen ob.server, Spray Build-up tour of historic Scripps Miramar Ranch can be a program for your club-or social ~rganization ... now WEEkOAY TOURS of Scripps Miramar Ranch are especially designed for civic, social, church and other groups. Make a reservation now for your organiza tion; group rates for 20 or more. Cater· , ing for coffees, teas or luncheons available too. For reservations and information call' 277-7110 (or 291-0204 weekdays only). OPEN EVERY DAY NEW IN SAN DIEGO Sat., Sun., and holidiys 10 1.m.- 4 :3 0 p.m., no rtstrv11ion1 tt• quired . Weekdayt, by advance rt1trv1tion only. Washed Away Scripps Miramar Ranch To elln),lnate hair spray ~ -. build-up, mix a little dry bak- ing soda with your ahampoo. To remove every last .trace of shampoo, rinse hair wltb a· glass of water containJJqi: I teaspoon of bOklng aoda. BE FREE OF FACIAL HAfR FOREVER •• •• PIOOF OF THI T AIN IS IN TH.E SCIATCHIN,. Tllet't II $41111 TIN llOQd 11111 llty yirr11 ·~ IOft .m tmllOfh, 11'111 trll 'I' Ktlldt !tu. tlc>MY.,, ftl•'I' do cott 1 1111' mor1 • • . ~ ltllnlr; 11'1 wortll II. The KNIT WIT LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH f10DERN ELECTROLYSIS 1 MEDICALLY APPROVED.• 0 SAFE1 FAST, GENTLE. YOU'RE INVITED TO CONSULT WITH OUR LICENSED TECHNICIAN, ,h111- 5'45•2t12 IN OUR BEAUTY SA,LON0 SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ M11f Au11e fr1111 • · Woolw1rth'1 · lri1t1I 1t th1 S111 Di1to Frwy. ... ROBINSON'S COSTA MESA HELENE CURTIS' NO-SET BABY CAP 0' CURLS THE FASHION MOOD FOR SPRING IS JOYOUSL.Y AU NATUREL. •,WITH A SOFTLV-i<NOWING n8A8Y11 INNOCENCE! THIS ANGEL-OEVJLTRY IS SHAPED BY OUR INGENIOUS STYLISTS.•• WHO CURVE THEIR S PRINGY MISCHIEF TO TiiE HUG OF YOUR HEAD. TH!N, OUR N0-5CT NATURE::: aJRL PERM TO MOl.D AND HOLD THAT GLORIOUS TUMBLE. 00WJTHOUT A SET, WITHOUT A CARE~ NO-SET NATURE CURL. WAV£. FROM 15.00; CUT, 1'"ROM 5,00. BEAUTY SALON. HUMAN HAil STRETCH WIG, CUSTOM STYLED, 45.00 • IN BLONDS, BRUNCTTIES, FROSTEDS AHO GREYS ••• WKAT A WIQ TO WEAft WHEN YOUft COIF DftOOPSl SEE OUR ENTIRE WIOGERY GftOUP; CASCADES. WIGLETS, LONG AHO MEDIUM FALLS. BEAUTY SAL.OH ,,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__.-ROBINSON'S NE\l\!KJRT • rASH,JN ISLAl\JD • 644-2800 ,. I " , I \ • ••• I • 'J'eday'1 Fl•al I N.Y. st..lkii '. .. • ... • '•' ;o-1 ; ' • I " I • ' . . . . ~ .. -. YOL. 62, NO. 83, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PA&ES ORAN$E COUNTY;-CALIF.oR:t:1k-...; -S ~ : j f.,.·t ·' MO~AY, APAll.: J,;l969 ' ' ' . J N "CE~ .. Drug· Kit:~ Concealeil . By Crucifi.X •1 ABTllUI\ R. VINSEL .... IMlllr ...... ~ A ~ kit ·for ·drug lnjeclioll - hidden •in i. wall crucifji aepictin& Je!US' aaaay cm ;the cross -was foupd in 1 Oosta ·Mesa home Easter Weekend, by an olUcer choCking tWo Cl'J'lnc baby boya ...ertedly left out In tbO rain, pollct alld todty. Marljolma In rolled ci&arettes, drug pills and a variety ol other parapbernalia associated with narcoUcs use was con- fiscated and a young baby-sitter and his older sister UTelted, tnvestigalors claimed.· Rae E. Graf, 21, of 2435 Norse Ave., w-u booked on suspicion of possession of-marijuana, .,.......,.. of dlftltrOU! drugs and possession of narcoUcs paraphernalia. John D .. Graf, 11, ol the same addms, was booked only on suapiclon of possession of marijuana following his arre~ Saturday afternoon by Patrolman Pat Donohue. Ofl!Cer Donohue arrived at the Norse 'A\·enue address after a telephone com· plaint of two boys, aged two years and 14 months, apparently being locked out in the rain. John Graf answered the door upon Patrotmaft Doftohue•s arrival abor'Uy before 5 p.m., and said he bad dOled oll on the couch and brougbl the ooal<ed clilldren in after awakening moments earHtr. 'A hookah«yle water pipe of the type commoaly used td smoke marijuana was noticed ori the tdevision set, but Graf ~ ~ of 1lie eaotic device wbelj ~ abi•iML ' : Another type ol pipe fyt>lmed ~ a baniboo stem with a hJ!!l'.for 1-"lao of a i=JCirette WU u0 ~ altii>I with ]1"1Willy llDOked h ali ~~ha ci&arettea and what appeared lO be'6Umt marijuana residue, investielt.cn said. The hypodennlc kit .... !Olllld hidden In.side a crucifix hanging on the w~ during th• Investigation In pn>lrt!ll when Graf's silt.er, a· waitress, arrived home. Officer Donohue aaid two pil)]c pills were found In her pune dlll'ing the lnvesllgatloo. _ She· denied _possession of the drug In- jection kjt·contalnlnl three needles, a squeese bulb and, other Hems, according to Officer Donohue. The two lillle boys "l'ugbl pJaying oul in the rain, pltia their one.month-old brothet, we~ turned over to relatives of the woman for care, poll~ said. Graf was booked Into CO&ta Mesa City Jail pending a request by police for complaints from the Oistrict Attorney's office today, while bis older liater was booked and tralllferred to Orana• County Jail. Funeral .Tuesday For Mesa GI A f-servloe ls ocheduled Tueaday for a U.S. Army soldier railed and educated in C.osta Mesa and tllltd in Vietnam combal more than two weeks ago. , - Rites !0< SWf Sgt. Wllliam E. Rowe, 22, of 10741 Blake St., Garden Grove, will be at l:!IO p;n. at Weatminatet Memorial Park Mortuary.· A gradualie « Costa Mesa Hi&b School and Orange Coast College, Sgt. Row1~ ls SUl'Yived by blJ wire, Lina; hiJ mother, Mrs. Audrey Jesscoat, plus lhree )>rothers and two aialer!. · Liberian Tanker ·still Ablaze Near New York NEW YORK (UPI) -Tbe mol....,_ filled Liberian tanker Donli · wu reported atllI i.ntng early today from 1 fire which ,..ept thrOIJgh her engine room Sunday night. There wen no reporta ol Injuries to the C on boanl according to Ute Cout Guard. Cout Gum! ptanea from noyd Ben- nett Field In lkoClklJ1I reported Dames and smoke 1ft on the 11,000-too ah.Ip. Voiee contact with the: vwe.1 was Jost. It IO:IO p.m. SuncUy. Steck lllerkets NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market wu 'banded • sharp loll today on in- vtltor concem ~tr the latest ad-mtnlllrltion ...... .. !urthtr tl&hlen monetarJ restraints. (See quotaUons, P11ea 11-11). • " , UPI TtlWMN Gee, She's Big I Samantha Paddick (almost 2) bends over to get a closeup view oi Jenny, a 2fryear.old circus elephant who's just too tired to welcome the little tot to the Bullen Brothers Circus in Canberra, Australia. Mesa Cross-country, P~ot Killed as· Plane Crashes: ·4 Colla M-i wltoae Job b~ bim:aailllliiilltijW'ill'.-~J ,,...,~ SuplW' ...... t ...... eel ,i.n.· dUIM'.-ed llumed ·during taUolf from an ~ aiountaintop air fltiit ~ . . t & WU id.nail.;, .. Robert E. B)air, 25, wltoae Lut local addretl wu 1330 Pali.sides ~ in county territory just outside-Colla M ... city llmitt. Arkansu State Trooper Jim,' Wooten said ·the victim bad refueled 1t Petit Jean Airport on Petit lean Mountain, 50 miles north of Little Rock just before the crash. Tbe unuaual plane -powered by a Poncbe engine , -lifted off the .runway once, touCbed down., lifted oU again &od ..;then went, dowit and etploded on Dnpact, inyesilgators said. William -R. Hendulon, dirty officer for : the ·Federal Aviation Agency's Chiefs Son Files Plea of Guilty To Pot Charge .Steven MlllTay, 2t·)'elr-01d son of San Clemente Police Chief CWlord Murray, pleaded guilty to one tjlarge o[ lrllnlPolUilon ol marijuana f..rlday aller- "flOOft before superior C.ourt Judge Robert Gmlner. The judge ordered the youth to appear April 24 for probation bearing and &e11i•n- clng. TM penalty !or .lrailoportation of marijuana Is fivo yenrs to me 1n prison. DilpQlition of four other charges against., Murray will be handled at the probation bearing. They Include posses· sion of berabt., poaenicll 'of heroin with latent to sell, pouesalon of marijuana and possession ol marijuana with · 1ntenl to sell. 'lbe chief's only son waa arrested Feb. 2 -by state IJlCI county narcotics officers in the driveway ol the !amlly home, 225 i. Elplranza, San Clemente. Young Murray wu reprtsented by Robert E. l:.aw ol Tuatln. sou~.,.i ~t&i.oPat,of!!Vn F\ij.M, · Ta .• said Blait~'fCls • qj}ng ff\tDi:t;t1r:, York tc Anfir!~. Okla .. ,1 the time. Henderson apld he bad onlf atetclJy information, but R lndlcated N Jl,n. Blair was pilotiilg was a· pltasbit d'lft of some sort, possible cnslom bulll owing to the racer-type engine. The victim is survived by his father, Erwin-0, Blair. of Great Neck, N.Y., and wa.s a bachelor who shared An apartment at Rancho Palisades, near Orange County Airport. William Wallace, manager of the plush new unit!, said he ·and his wife saw little of Blair, whom they believed to worll: for Varicori Corp., a Cost.a 'Meo· plant dealing• in aircraft parts or eleo. tronics. No such organization is · listed in telephone dj.rectories o,r·with information,. a' check disclosed toda)', but Blair's work tOOk him around the country appamtly picking up and delivering part!. ' '!be body was taken to the Uoiversity of Arkansas MedicaJ Center at Little Rock after the 1:05 p.m. crash Sunday and reported to Costa Mesa police by Oklahoma authorities within two hours. · The airport where the crash occurred also accommodates p 1 an e s serving Arkansas Gov. Wnithrop Rockefeller's \Yinroc.k Fann. which is located on PeUt Jean Mounlain. Mother Turns in Son on Drug Rap A lf.year-<>ld boy allt«edlf rolling . marijuana di~ from ·a ilrl• paJior b.'g >I the weed ,.., arrested bf Costa P.tesa police Saturday-..tter being tumfJd in to authorities by his mother. Two 13-ytar-old girls ~t tn the hedroom when family membeTI entered apparently left the home before Officer Pat Rodgers anived, according to police. The youngster rtft!sed to ..answer most questions about the weed and uid it belonged to one of the girls and he was released to his parents pencJin& juvenile court action. .. ' ' ~ -.. -· .. -·-. ' '. ••• . ' -. - . . ' • ,,. ' . . -·-... .. ~-. ~--. ,- EI TOfo ~Gamble' ' r·, , -. .. . • ,. ' Airp.or.t· to :B.®m.:lf No _ Joint : Us~?,·. ' •• • ' f '' • • • . ·~ JEaod r.: toUJNs iideri.uM by dunt,y. u'p"e r v'lsor. I . r'~~tion unlil .a;pr1r1s:. °' 11!1 'Dltlr •1• .... .-• Hurlburt Pointed out. bu thrft aapects. "lt would be Q' o b s e r v a l I on , ' ~ In puil!lncfor a:COUllly._e<t"stddy Fir!! 'la ·:the· ltud)' <if joint .,. ol the Hurlburt told cowicllmen, "lbai U. t- or El Toro Marine ~ Air Station week delay was only for the purpose 1.1arine :base: Sealld is the pnparaUon of allowlng public reaction to the pro- ., •an lnt,nm alrpor\ ·for COllllllerc\ll Of a deta''""' -·-. . plen. of "-. • •• e posal!' ', . · Jett, N~wport ~!l<h rilaf ·~ ·~ Cclunll'·~ :.~,die El ror:~Y HurlbUrt's report makea ..,. -. ~,.11111'.,_ ol craJ>l'for 19"'< P«<,IY tn,h revealtlMlt:Jointldelanol!ea!lble." niendl\ion to the coiincl!. The conclullon -ik "A finil . c:ofllideiatioli," · iie ·said, to be, draWn frorri the omissiOn Is reason-- If the study results in unfavorable "would be spteifte lite locations for ably clear : rtndlng1, it cOuld ]>tl:ni 'bout •· boom 1eneral avlattOl'l Ifill air part .facilities , If a study of El Toro does represent In <Jranc• County .A!rpof! operatlaoa. Unncecl .111 ~>' ior acqulllifon and ~ething ol a gamble to the · city, That's the view of Newpoct City development. ' it's a game the city must play. lt Manq:q H~y L. Hurlburt. . . . SuPrf'Vlaorl tabltd the tuk force bas no alternative. lie •olced It today ill .. lt report to city COllllcllmen 111 the -of·.P-ll ol the P<reira Muter Plan· ot · Air Tra,,_iattoo. .. -CotmlY _.,-. i.t. weat delay«! actlon. on a r~tkm·. from a ei>eclal tlak force . tbal . P'~ con- sultanta · begin Ill\ llltensive probe ·of tJie feasibility ol uslhl: El ,.... .. • temporary commen:lal airport Hurlburt'1.ceooern centers CIG ~qua. lion • . What. if use of El Toro turns out nOt tG be practical! . "The lmpllcatlocis of . the · Ph..e II study,'' uJd Hurlburt, "are open &o ·in- terpretation. · *· OC Airport 6th Bu~~t · Oranp County •Airport . la n°" tlle ~ ·l"!dM · airport In ·the-n;iUon, the F-~· AvlatlGo Admlnlstrallon an-. nounced today. ' • The new ranking reprucnL! a jump from 11th p~ee one year. ago. . · FAA apokesmen said fli&ht operations la lllel totaled !ll,173. Loa Angela lnternaUonal Airport, the . n1Uon'1 riecootl bUlleal, logtd on!~ I0,000 more ta.keolfa and llncHngs:-Loi .\nleles , J ' ' '· I , I,.ternaUonal's · 1951· total wu 590;• · O'Hare Alrport In Chicago ·la at the top ol' the list, the FAA -noted, Tbe Chicago (!9lilY reconled no,110 -· tlon• .last year. FAA ol!iclala pointed out ihal Oranp . County's No. IS ranking was largely at- tributable to a heavy volume Of llgbt p!ane traffic. Many of the private, aft. craft are banned from the tar1er air· porlt. "ll the study of El-Toro reveals that joint me b not feasible, ·the county may be lo a defensible polltion to crellly expand -•ti<m·and the phJllcal-planl ol Oranle Oi>unty. Airport. • . 1• .. ~.~·;;,.111a=:~~· Building Firm Founder · year, wwld ~If be a -, . . 1111Pieapnt ailuatloa f<r tjie city of . . . •. . . . • . Ne\VP(ld BMC:b. 0 · . · · · ' · · • • 1 .. ~:;;~~~~~~, Get).riie·.{!olSwtn · Dies U~l'lli1,;;ei<i=· '" :.l ~ • 1>-j· . . • • , " ••. i~;:g--;1r.:=,:i:., i . I-·• ....... ~ • and S<IM, a wlll . ,. a rec --...-· a . " ~•·•-• r ... JutiCll·clec1'hd· · I . ,;.,.._ .• · . omla "°"" ... ~,..! Tho · apeCllic "propoal ·mid&'.: .;,o. . ~ lli'coota M .... -illed SalUrdat Hunt ·Continues . For 'cBshles8' fayclay. ~~l)~t . The 'hunt cOntmues · today fw a' mysterious payday bandit who amilhed h. • ' . ·~-• Oiota ..... -!<r ~ way ... , • "_-lo. .ccc. th• lhlM 'tlmt In 'lilghl _.,.,,..y,· only to ,sc.ape e.mpty ~ ei:~ for hi1 crowW. · • Just u · b1( did In Februlry and Jut Augutt, the mo)O«Ycl .. be~ boldlijl artist vanlahed aflq the Vlolent·7 p.m. break-In Friday at the Bank'ol Atnericl,· 2701 Harbor ~lvd., Costa M~... . . "I certainly wtji 1 ~ l!IY.'!".e·had captured him," commented COfl& .M"4: n.tectlve Capt. Ed Glaqow. todty, but the holdup pattern remalnl the aame. The bandit menaced ala teller•. with . a crowbar· In t)1< latqt ~~ . but !ht lilcreaalngly llJlllllar n,ur.-no!blnc. becalllt cub already bad been toclled· in the mu.tVe VaWt: · ••· lie obtAlned 417,GJ» la .the-......... brea~-ln .. ~.trnl:O'I wi~_ll!t .""11!.bor . and a band crenacte w~ may. bane. b!en. a dummy, and toot fJ0;111111 1111 Au..,.i Iii -Friday nOon-bouf bank . -· . . . . . ... . "1.ltz. # • The trtack)'.i.ttdk •-.flli!!··i, DIUk•. ed·bf I dart -·lhleld -.pparmtly committed at leut ooe other d..._ bank robbery In llUtna Part' ala weib ago. ,, _ _._ .. . He hu worn white. and ~ bebnetl and witneaes to the latest Coata Mesa heist attempt couldn't -111 lhO headpar'• hut, but the deacrljllloe and modua operandi were ~bit •.. · at Ills winter home In Palm Springs at the qe of 71. PHv .. 141 'funeral tervicta· w!ll be con- ducted Wodlletda1 at · SI. · 1 a·m •• £P1-a1Chm<h,NeWpor1·kach. · · Mr.' Holiteln, a pi!-·ol ·l'rlncdon \jni.vtnJty. Wu ane of Sou t be r n' Calllol'nla'a !ll'lt'll<tnHd'<olltncton. He .... -·. Illa ~ firm · In Lqs· ~·IJl1lll3 and, bOlll -ol Jhe '°11rll! IWll bomOa -¥ ,., ~le. ~al 0.. ll2o'1 .aDd \1311'L• 0 · se iiiovtd the firm ,. eoata 11aa. .~ ...... sJncf that" um., the. flrm ... ~~iUri:I,• · ol ~ in ~e,, Loo AJileief,. San ·pi;1~. and-Rlvenlde c...,uea.aod Jn Lu vep1;N... . Mt. lfollteln reUnd In 11115, turnlnf Ute l~p. o1· the ·li(m over to II!' .,.,, GtorP llli...l!l': company'• current. pru\clent, llld 1l'IJl!llll,, both residents ol the Harbor /tnl. · An>afid Jolter, Mr. HoJate:in . wu a member.' ol •Ute Irvine Coalt Ccluntry Club aJ!f WU one o(. Jhe · lowtden of die Thunderbird Country Club riear Palm sprtno •. ~ mo ••• a member of the N'~ Harbor Yacht Club. Sunl\'Ol'I Include lill wile, Suaon, ol thO couflle'~ N'eww! .llffch bJn\e; IOI. ~J~.<;µl:nln, Eaatbluff, hts two IODI ... rm~· . . "£ -rr "!II.-,. " r :· -~OTED BUILDER DIES George M. Hol•t•ln ... Pl1'0T ·STARGAZER GAZING AT MOON ' • ' f • There ts something new undtr t b e attn. DAILY•PlLO'l"utrology columnist Sydnqo:· OnJarT -°!fl" an eye on the moqnfar ..-.,too. , 'J'llo.~·... ~-'that Mtndtf ' wWifita ~ IO, IQl.1. make~~ ~ lunar·,POSIUon offers clues to thQ!Se wtto P.l•Y the rarne as to when it might -be a good day to go shopping, try 1 new meliu, p\ake new friends, sed a certain form of recreaUoo, etc. ooQjributlpaa ~ the F.ll<nlto!rOr' Medllal Ceola', Palm Datri, Call!. . • FaµIty Heater Kills :~ Children, . . 4: 9lJ!ers Saved . Cheek Omarr'a new moon message aegrnent in the Column today on Page 14. . ' Orug~ , Coast · LOS . ANGELES (ti\'!) -. Two c ·1 F . L . . . M ' . ' ~-0.mome 'by lollc .!unies .. 9l;ln~:J .. : . ._'a·f.'e~.. 0,µg · .·· · .e.et.··.· ;::==;=~:,~· ! . I i , ... -- 1 " · • ·Weafller · " , : The · sai\t& ·Ana ' wiiids' are Com-,.lkfl a pellet la....,i·wbo Pll'form!d· • • • · · • ' ' • · , JllOUlll lo tol"'th ,......111Uon wliUe ~riv-. Proj~cts Splitti1ig Planners MarPr.olong .Seas.Um.'.. : ~rei1~·~1t.~.~; ~ '• · · • 'r • . ' dtwot.uier~.' · ' · ·· 1 ' a-aJl1 n>utlno -la on the E.13rd SL, off Newport Boulevml. The city ~ the !lj ~ l"in • Six~,...,.. .. _ Joo, a• lack, agenda far the Colla Mta City Cou\l<U-1 'l'he same apllt vote _.ittuted no the atate lllvlaloo ol llill\WOya ........ <ii olY... In. Jjle 1partment and lour, 7 ~•-· •-• but ectlon on Joe S...be'a-"'l-~ ......,.,, •'"' wll ol"-....,••-'••at""'"'" :JI __ ,. -•gh\. tallll cwld to build II one-bedroom unllt al 2t• u~•IY ·~"''1 .r-~ K _u ,wereroco.~-. _, _,.,. drac on two pro,lecl, whlcl{ ......,uy . ·!or If ...... o1 soc land lld~ to USCll-ICe:itcr.Tnwertlnoerloua1 IJillt the plannlOc -· . • 'l'burln Ave .• in addition to his uislillC the Colla Maa Civic "U<nter. • , • . condllloft;, • • t Tbe _._ I d duApluionotdlntlte propertyba. I I The motel .......... f..-. ••• ...._ lltt· 1111' Tetzlafr Wll n..,..i -. ane -re-· perm t a .n ci y ance c nt ne zon nc on u111: .,...... by relld+ee arid ..,...._ ave ~ltrtcan varlanct lnvolvlnc a IS-unit motel and land 11 the northwest corner of Harbor pared bealde u.-..ay -pn¥lilt clllldliei lllll .,_ adult )nlo.ltla palrol on II-unit apartnlOlll dnolopollllll In an Boulevml aod the san Diego FJ<tway the Utile Ubetal arts -Wilt llllillf ~";!' to .-iaJ -ivln(.,.ba area llOlled !or duplexes go to the councU is also up !or ils aecond readln& aod needlll income over Iba •II• ,..,.: , ......,,i1'11oo to t..ura ~ with no appmal or denial recom· adoption tonight. Colla· Mila 'lhellll! ~ tlli.~ (Ii<, , I aioitllti. ·mi ~~lh!!l ildo· u.. mendaUon. The switch from lndu31rlal zonln1 to the .u-,1.......r~ -~, JllGllllt-ifllmrY,( ldlnll,I. Planninr commlulon memben apllt commercial and commerclal·proleaalonal ' olferecl ftnt II' the klcil llllllllct f ' He -a -n., ind. itoppad to. on a 2 to 2 ~ Gil the motoJ project ... Lt one ttep_ In the proceaa ol tradlnl by ,the ota!O· -~ WOllll . • an · uai tbalr ~ llut Hiida Roa. _..i by ·Thoodore B. Uildsledt, 1000 the clly-owned land to Southern e.timalod ft million In liod ~ tbt lilde' I, and lolln Panilu,:.,,..w·aa.nr- Marlnera Drive, Newport Beach, !or 120 California College In a property 1w1p. ion lhtoup. ' ""'11tli· -tllito. ' ' · • .~ ) ' ins and the tem""'ature will aet a I rise out ol them -to aboot 711 degreea 11on1 the Orange Coast t, Olf Tuesday. ' . -. I . I •• . -INSWE TODAY Tile immintnt collapst of tile Sov" Vletnmn11e OMnl/ brought «>fl tht e.ttolot'°1t of Amerlcan forc<1 f'1 •I9M, nccordlng to C111-• WiUUrm We1emortlond. Page 1. ., hetfille n ..... , c...,_ • "'"* ,. ~-h t1.Jt ......... .._ .. c..... • .,.... o.tJ • c,_.. .. 1ec111 ..... ,... ..... ....... t """' ,,... . ............ ',.... ......... .....,...... . .. .,...,.. . ..... . "''' ,.....,, .. .,....... 17 ......, J ,... """"" ,, .... ......, . f • 2 DAllY f\l.tr I I 1 . -' . c ..,.,_,,..,1, I!!! -• ;:ewes a .e:wN 1 . ' . " . . • . . .. . •c• I ·1·· • ,. . l".l IC . -. .... • 't " Eye :View . .. . of ·ocial -Scene ' Ii . . . --·--a•-' ... ..._...,...,.ltliilltna ·r • .-.,.-,,.... . ._....... .. I.. ,. - la .. .._ al ...,. journallll • 0 1' ... • """' •• ~··.,..... -. 111111 bow ...., ol fypicll -porty, --..... .. ~·Fl!!" .... -wi. .. I')' llOlllel!Wte ~-l!iJ:I: .• '''ii' ' -tllt otltch>I ·-al -"'Ille Gala llbinoll P"'1; llipl In h-el di• '"'"'<lcll crill<L Ille home al Mr. and Mn..Jllrlm ,Van- 80 !Illa the -· biller ii Ille cup rmn Good, fell abort ol up<ttaUom '*!>lte wl'dc.'llt w llldal ttpeirttrs drink. We who ' fine performancu by two veteran party• must 'Write with run-p:ra. lblne. . and lllti~ Harvey Glad, oast in lhe role ol tho opnadln( good will, heal')' drinW, waa a otroke ol g\Dlus. no matter bow be.II')' His portrayal or Shirley Temple •!allDc. CIUI' aouil. "The Good Ship Lollipop" ill lolii lie , To alleviate thue remembered. oatural aggrusionl, ~.. A bid for lhe best supporilnc Jctuu why not devtlop a mi&ht well be deserved by Mrs. G\14ys ,,.., poelic cwps Cheer. A vialoo in ohlmmering r<d, llbe wbldt would nwcli e<rtalnly u~ed lhe 00.teaa with htt ii ... -Ille babner al perl<rmallCO ol '"!'be her• d' ....... . Plll't)' Q1Ucs. are yummy." .. ,_ wrflerl. Jlh our lnllnn In the In apite ol U-two brf&ht opoll, -field, -.id losPlro upllll in Ullle could be done to .... the lacklliltir the -world -tilrllo and jahs al -· wllk!> tumed out to be .,.,, I ' I • • • . Plill'.,.., leD• lllif ••. ""' ... ...; - ..--_.,._ lftittd, al .... poill "' the ........... he ... - ..,... eomething -1bool Albert &:hwelller. Dipner was drab and decoraUorw were dull, ·thon);1 to a job poorly clooe by the unima,in1live Eatum; B e a tum Caterer•. or a lhlatJy Jllhtriq thin •nfth!nl The cboic• ol chopped Uvu on lettuce ebt. 'f 'I • • was muoitane, while the mock turtJe l!n. VlllGood !ell far .. ol Mequale BOUp, hJPly rtdundant, allo fell sb«t In ljer role 11 the omllinl ~H&IOOini--- .lnJ.ftdgtly'ln a purple lull len,tb -The fil<t ol sole taoted m..., like IOW!I, Ille loll au her v.,.. wllaa Glad met or -· and th• cherr1a jubilee omuoingty tipped his llballool cin her certlinly ... med a bad eocfinl for auch white Persian rug. a tuttle.11 meal. Tbe boll, usually an ace in such roles, •All in all tbe VanGoodl' fete was =ppoj>\inllr -vlncing when latod for ralfur. belcn the llnt act. • "l"lu Poorer 1'1n You Art,'' ' two ol' hll nNltlmllHooolre cronie1, Jeon c'oz 11 a 114ft writer /or th< P'..r Knox and J .... Gol4. Social Nor.1 ICctloft o/ tile DAILY; Jolm Fltn:e, In .bll porlrl1al or the PILOT. Russ Tes.t l'riple Warhead Man Who Fled· . · · Jail Arraigned " Laird Warns Rocket Threat to U.S. Missiles WASBINGTON (AP) -Secretary ol n<ll kflow why the Soviets .le deploying Otferae Melvin R. Laird said Monday the SS9. the Soviet Unioo b tesUng a triple Rogers said UUs would be one cf w.me.d -cone for the big SS9 rocket the llrst questiom raised In popooed be...-., a tlnat to U.S. miJsiles. IJ'..S.~f ~ ...,. otratoe!c . orms Lllrd hll dtad Soviet deployment or llmitltl..,.. the SSt u jUlltllcati«t for the -Lllrd, who h,. ·been criUclzed for trimnlal Safelua'd antJmillfle l)'llem. llkinl a bald-line.view ol Soviet dl .. top. Cumotly Ille Sov1o1i are estimated menOI; spoke "o1· sOvlet Id..-wblle to have oolJ about llO _ _.tional ssts, •• ,.~ the and iotollJc9ice eotlm .... .,. that there eIJl~!I admhUtratlon'.-remis will be 11bout 500 around 1973 at c:umnt for wanUng to def~ the U.S. missile dep)oyment rites. force with the 51.feguard anti.miaile Triple warheads for tbt 500 would system. five the Soviet& 1,500 nuclear bombs Hli aUditnee wu 11 iroup cf European !or poodble. targeting. The Unitd States ....... _ ho hu 1,000 land·based Minuteman missiles. re,,..._. .. -w have been on a ·so.day "One bas to look at tlliJ capability tour sponsored _by the U.S. government. that is being developed, and certainly "We're not overstating · this case," cine would have to assume ii is being Laird said at one point. developed in order to knkokct cut cur He. denied, as some critics have claim· Minutaman missile •)'Item." Lllrd told ed, !bat he wu '•""'• his ralionale • group· ol lonlp journalilta viaillnl for building. 1 ~def .... on an the P.,llgOo. ' eotimale ol luture Soviet lntentiOlll At tbe same time, Secretuy of Slllte rMher than caP.bWUes. Wllllam P. Rocers 'If'• teuu. a DIWI "I'm not t.althlc· about f.nteN:i«lll,11 --""°" ton 11111 be '*'. Lolrdllid.''lllrtabclllaal1Pilll>'." ·Ht said the Soviet Union ln tbt la1t 2f to 27 Jll91llha bu been lieldiq the SS9 at a faster rate than U.S. intelligence experts utlmated it would. 1 1be wupoa lllretd7 Carried 11 tingle Worbead ol up to 25 m._-, ht uid, and -"They hive -into the lat slap l<r three ~ ·-l<r it." Loin! Aid this 1'8i>el a q1llltioa of wh<4ber the Soviell need a ml..U. for aocb a 1'trirnendous amount cl megaton· nage" a1 a retaliatory, anti~ty focce or .for potential use in a aurprise first strike against concrete and steel miissile. silos. "I've always made it clear th.at I do not believe the Soviet Unioo would be looilJh <notJih • • • to 1• lorwud with • first Jtrite," bird said. But he uid he could not inJure that such American weapons syltems a the Minuteman er the NaV)''I Polaril sub- JIIMine miaile forte ~ be -in· vulllerlhle !Grever. CUP Goof Costs Accident Victim Camper, Bunks Rogers ~oices Chance-:. Of Mutual Troop Pullout Inoult bu bean added to Injury for Conadian Wt oeller Trellon N. Lerchey. llalpltaliltd ovamllhl with minor ln- jurltl lollowlng I tnfllc mlsbap on the Nowport ........ , norlb ol Paliladel Ried and the COila M... dty llmlta saturdl,J, be went back to the scene ~- '"" Ylctim -double vlctbn when YIN COlllida' Ille cue -found that the Co1llornia HilbwlY Plln>I and low tnld< ...tee bad evidently eott<n their lipallcr<lllld. Lmbey, al Soren•. Ontario, Aid 1 CUiiom comper lh<ll and three bank&, worth aao. were taken by locten when the. pickup truck wu left en the shoulder Instead ol being impounded. Justice Has Surgery WASHINGTON (UPI) -Supreme Court Justke William 0. Dougi11, 70, tiaid h1I 11ppeodlJ remcved at Walter -Anny Hoopllal !&II -t durinc an ablence from tbe court, it was dllclos-- ed todly. DAll Y PllUf Ga.lNGE «>Alf l"Ull.l&HING CfJMPANY ••Mrt N. Weeil P,_llflfll W "*lllltf" J•t .. a. c,,r., Vic. Pr•lfMt •llf o.ntrtl MIN.., Th-•t K1t •il .... Tli•M•t A. Mur,hiftt ,,.,.N.lltl E~ltoot .._ __ JJO W•1t l1y Sh·••t M1Tihtt A44""" PJ:J. IM 1160, t2626 --............ 1m1w.t ..... .......,. L..,_...,,:m~A­ tMtlle•1 ..... 1••tnM WASHINGTON (AP) -secretary of Slate WiUiam P. Ro1ers d~ todly that "we certoinly hope there wUI be some chance cf 11 mutual wilhdr&'fJ.l ol lroop$" from Vietnam this year •.. Ropra told a new1 ~ ,thet be plllls to pay a vilil ~ -or four days to South Vlelnlii:\-fol""""' a foreign miniltm ~ ti. the Southeaal Asia Truty OrQni11t1o11 al Bangkok, 'l'hllland, In MIY. • The Nixon admlnlstraUon, Rocm uid In reaponat to a dlrtct qui.etlon, doa "have a plan which we upnk 111 fair and reasrinablt for ending Uils confllct1 •' in Vietnam. "We're go1n1 to proceed in every pcaal· bit way to apPly it," he dtelared. "We have every hope it wlJ,I bring puce." Ht flatly refused -as he and other administraUon cfliclals have done in the. P13t -to givt any details of the plan or to say whether there bu ln fact been· any procreu · in secret 'can tacts with Commuoilt negotiators In Plril or elsewhere. On Ille key qut.Stlon ol f r o o p wlthdrlwal, ~ told the ......,.. and women ""' crowded bll llnl - C(ln{er<nce .. Mdetary al 1111&: "I certalnly hope th<n wUt ·11e llOme chance al 1 mutual -,rithdrowol al ~ Ibis yeu. But u it'• to be mutual you have lo have mutuality. .. As to a unilateral w:itbdr11w1I cf troops a U.S. wiUldraw1J wjthoul parallel Communist action , 1 won't go beyond "'hat the Prti'lident has said. Wt are conside rin& all poislbilities. I \fOO 'l pt'tdict what might ~ done." • Op ether subjects, Rogers said : -He has difficulty in uncttrstandina: why the Soviet Union ii deployin1 a massive nuclear ml.ssile -the SSt - which carries a %$.megaton warhMd. 'lbil ii ..... ol Ille the lint qUeltloo& WI lntcd lo late up with lhem - .. bow the u.s.-Sovlet lalb oo stroteclc """ limitation," be Did. -The Unilld Slal<o IJ ac:tfftly Jnlll'- fnC for the alr1tqlc arms tirnltaUon lalb -Ille oln> ol wblch woold be to· limit nuclear weapot11 -and "•• ••peel they will htlin In life •prilll er early summer." -The N11on admlnistr1Uon k "willing to de what we c11n to haive more friendly rtWions with Red China.'' Rogtrs 11ld lhlJ Iller commenting that lhe United Stata don not t'Onlkltt n wile to 1t.- t11npt to aploil dilfennc:et hetWMO Jlod Chino incl Ruaall : the U.S. •oui4 Ute mor. lrlendly nl1Uons with both. · -The United s~ hu ""'"'-tts concmi to the Soviet Union •lioul lta adlonl lo Clocfloalovlkll. lloprs Nld lhlt -the Sovleil hafl 11,000 to 70,000 froopa, and t a n k a • . in Czeclto!tovakia It makes East.Wert re.la· tions very difficult and in fact "the whole Brailmtv doctrine ls v t r y disconoo1.ina:." Rb reference wu to Leonid BNahntv, Soviet Communist Party cbltf, who hu """"' Ruaia has a ri&ht to intervene to tuppress change In ony Commllllilt cowitry. Bunny Shows Up For Egg Roll But Not Nixon WASHINGTON (UPI) -ThouW.!1 or youngsters and srownups invfded the White House gm.mds today for the an- nual Euter egg roll. They wtre l'O<lod hy lint lady Pal Niion IDd 11 tall "myatery'' Eater bun. ny. Pmident NIIon foiled to -up as ecboclu!od. 1nc1 ..... or the cmr<1 be.po chantl.nc, ''Wt want Nixon, We want Niscrl.n Wbtn Jt wu announced ever a foul!lpealter that lhe Pnsidont WWld be unoble to ,....i the yoonptero "due to other pl'<l!ing obllJlllOlll." ""'"' and k>ud boos were heard. ?tfrs. Nixon, wearing a briiht yellow dress. appt1red briefly on the While House Trwnain balcony with her daughter Trkla to smile and wave 1t visitors in Easter finery. At the ame. Umt , 11 figure dresstd In a white Jump lt1it and a Peter Rabbit mask appeartd in the White House backyud and began sboking hand• with the vlsU.on, drnrinl cries cl "faker, lat•" from 1 In al the yoonplorL A Wblla -llall manber nluoed lo ldmllly the ''bunny," aaylog tt WU ''more fun" to hep it ltel'tt. 'l1>e numhtr al harV-boiled qp ap- peued to be lo shorter 1Upply this year than In eartltt yeen. Al ihe chlldttn frolicked In prnos of ta1 •"""'I the llowerlng <rabapple and m•cnona trets, the WhJtt House nag n ... It hail .taff in lhe bright 1pring sunshine In moomlna for a former OC• cupanl, Owl1ht D. EJtenhower. Ike Stamp Scheduled WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pootmuter GeoftJ Winl<ln M. Bl<1Unl uld tod1Y •. -1&1 llamp -.. lormet Prttl· dint Dwight D. Ill-will he illued on the •nnl"!YIY or bll blrlh, Oct. 14. I ' I On New Conn~ ArrlJinment for a Canadian man who gave the lie to Cella Mesa'• acape-proof jail in • dtsperote bid !ti lnldom !&II Wedneodl:y WU llCbedulod todly, lollowlnc ""'""" al -~ apinal him. , , Jewel theft IUll]ltCI Llun:nce II. Duborg, 27, Ontario; iJ -held in lieu of $120,000 bail cm the five cbarg~ carritd on booking records, folkrwing his arrest in Los Angeles. The charges include. suapicicn cf: kid· naplng, escape, attempted auto the{t, burglary and reetivin& stolen property, the latter two involving a $17,000 Costa l\1esa diamond ring heist. He was in Harbor District Judicial Court today en the latest cbar1es, while preliminary bearings are due later this week for D.Jbcq and hia: &ltl, Debra Cazes, 27, on the jewel tlwlt cue. Mias Cua r.. held at Orange Cou!lty Jail lo lieu ol IU,500 baJL I Duhorg oqulrmed through • bookini c.a1e. window uacl ~ e~cally controllid doon -ln .Jllo-'uiioucceasrul jailbreak, but was captured by detectives three minuta: later near city halt. Ht had tried to commandeer 11 car driven by a Westminster college student, then alle1edly dtagged the mctoMst. out and stalled the vehicle in his haste. Driver Who Hit Boy, 13, Sought A Colt.a Mesa boy rurmln1 acrou a buly houlevud In the rain eocoped ..nous Injury saturday, but po&e -y art bunling the motorist who drove off wben the victim said he wasn't badly hurl. Curli s L. Klemsteln. 13, (If 1451 Deauville Place, was treated by his fami· Jy physician for cub and bruise• suffered in the mishap in a croawalt on Harbor Bcu.levard at Gisler Avenue. The boy said he w~ ·ruMing west on a walk signal when hit by the compact car, which was traveling at low zpetd. The driver failed to report the accident a.a requirtd by law. DAILY PILOT lllff ...... Winging ·1tJ.. Kitemeisters of Ancient Mariner Kite Team prepare ~foot vehicle for launching during silth annual Benjamin Franklin Kite Flight in Dana Point Sunday. Huge kite won "lowest flying" !ropey, a.s)ep up from 1968 contest when it captured "Am.Ua E11Ihart ·Award" for mot! spectacular crash. -· " - Bal Rained Out Storm Starts Early Windup to Week By JORN VALTERZA 01 .,.. ~llJ 1"111t sr.n Saturday's sudden rainstorm signalled a premature and dismal windup to a Bal Week in Newport Beach that might well be Jogged as the deadest cf them all. Potict were Upt busy but never har- ried over the aeven-day holiday period. Their stalilticol totals releued _, &bowed arrests, traffic invtstigat.ions and cllltinm tu "'"1 ... than·lul _ .. E1ctpt fer 11 brief flurry cf btu party orresta. euly in.Ibo wetk, 1ncicimi.' "" po&e lop _.,.~~1'Jloa Coiiiiii\«! during any busy awnmer wetk. .. This year's total ifrestS ·wrre 303, compared to last year's aum o£ 311. Juvenile arrest.. for curfew and paren· tat control violations exceeded last year's amount!.· Curlew figurt11 were 133 for this put Bal Week, -""ed to wt year's 126. Lack of pamilal contro~ llI?e.sts were up, too, with 101 legged this year and 95 recorded last year. Traffic l!Cddenb were up every clay but Tiie:sdoy during the -t. 'Ibo iota! this yeair wu 72, compared to· 69 Jut Year. No critical injuries were 11ttributed to the crashes, but 1tver11f .serious in- juries were invclvtd. Traffic cilllticn11 dropped measurably -745 this year;· ·compared to 906 la&t year. Tw~thirds cf the ci~licns went to adults. The city's beaches were packed throughout the week, and lifeguards estimated that 600,000 persons visited the sands. Save for Saturday's rain, the beaches were. warm and dry tnCU&h for sunbathing during the entire weik~ Jellyf1.11h uriVed for two days early In lhc week, causing discomfort for 11omt '""lmmers. Lifeguards accomplished Jl ttscUes fer the whole period. The missions all were described as rcutine. Another discomfort -this ooe for surfers -ill expected to continue fer several more weeU.. Quarantine. of nter north cf Newport Pier ~ is in effect. 11 covers, lileguardl eay, \he be.t turlinc spota along Newporl'1 slMlreline. No citaticm fer violatin« the quaran- tine were ~ed .last week, e~ tpoy,,b lifeguards ushered huildrads of .~. and surfers from the troubled waten:. · · ")'l\IY all . ....,ea lo cooperate very well -onet -thty kneW why we lsted them to get out cf the water," a liie,ua?d' said. Thieves Net $700 In Costa Mesa Stereo sound equipment and an apart- ment advertising sign vanished over the we eke n d, u Costa MtsaM reported thelta and burglar!., totaling $700 to · police. Mary S. OJICber, manager · e I • apartments at 1eo W. Wilson St., told Officer Eugene Norden Sunday _that ! thieves had ripped out a big "Hacienda <le Mesa" sign worih $380 and hauled it away. She said &he cooldn't imagine what ' they woold want with the heavy wooden billboard. Roommates Fred L. Branson 11nd Robert J\.1. Selis, of 1760 Pomona Ave.,· told inve!:ligatcrs Sunday that a car burglar broke into their lwo vehicles and looted them cf $.120, mostly ID stereo ~ musi_c tapes. } . ,• . . . . . ' . . . . ' . ' ... ' ' [) OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings 1i11d •nd repairec' • di1mond1 and prtciou$ stones remounted e p11rl1 rHh:ung . WE CUSTOM DESIGN a MANUFACTURE Alll JYPES OF :JEWELlY r~J l~ llAllOl SllorPINt CllltU UM llAHOl aVD. HUNTINtTON C:llml llAC:H I IDIN- HY~TON llAC:H lfUIOl • . ' , . ~ ' ' . . ' v . " • . .r ' , .. ' '.Plastic Heart Rep18.ced· .. \ Ho~tonD~c_~r Optimistic4fterHistoricFeat, ' . ... . ·. HOUSTON .(liPi> -Dr. Denim °Ji, -a little loocorU... uiooflor Cooley. . Cooley took • DWHnade dacron ~ Cooley otJpped s:,:a1 1111 uoua1 tiaue ~~from Ille chell al an lllloob ..._._ -I aad -;.....,. ... today and ,...,~ II with "· .,,.... • or ' •-r:c: lo ....--~1""tlle~,truld<r.-J><rcn 1 "God-&i•in" ~ a1 .... year. had w 1.1..,..,.., Mus. -·· te_.. -ollle. lo b[lll( a ·-· paUeal Into the ~·-' .__.••I , .. , ""' .OllllmJit;c about the -. • 1111 donor'• ~ In lea ~ .-.:;;;;_ ...,.,lo(d olhor dodAn 111.bo -'fOdaY, the donor urlved al 3::111 l.J!l. ~ Ille chat al JluUll. Karp, 41, ·and Cooley beCln lnDlpllntlq at s • Sbtlt, Dl. a.m. ~ ~ lrlnlplel -~· fedical . fmit for Cooley, ..... bu @"Onned ..... al lbe operatlons' thu· '!!'>' -phj>ldan. It .... the flnt tjne a compJetely artificial device wu ~aced by a living ~ In a hmnan lfdy. . ~WORLD The lamed 1111rgeon, who ooJy laat J)iday lltu!med the medical world 111 linplantlng a synthetic ~ Into f>arp, started the tedious last ol "'Placing ii-with . a human lleart about 5 a.m. PST In a delicate operallon at St. Lllke's Hospital Cooley replaced the artificial heart with the human donor organ in Karp's chest at 6:30 a.m. and started it beating with one electric shock. "It started beating with good rbythm.'1 a hospital spokesinan said. The complete transfer cl. the human heart from the Massachusetts widow lo Karp lasted two hours and '5 minutes DOCl'Oll. OPTlllllTIC "It'• ~ aupportlng bla clmllatlon for :Ill minutes and I am optloll5tic about the -· • Cooley said ~ alter he .Ulclled lhutlCarp's chest. He lhen .... t an aide io loll tbe pa- tient's wife. "Al Jong •"this ls the wont news you. bring me I'm hippy to· aee you, ... Mrs. Karp !Old· Ille aide. "Mrs. Karp ls relieved and happy, .. I hoopltal .,.._ ~ The human donor, flown lo HOO>!on In a louC)Hhd-go f1igi1t mamd by mechanical problems a'ooard the private plane, died al SL Luke's Jeu than Ill minutes after she was rushed • to the hospital at111 in "very, very critical'" coodillon from what the docton called "irrevenible" brain damage. The woman, whole name waa not Immediately disc:Jooed, wu accompanied bY a :D-yar-old dlllghter and Jell two Smothers Brothers Say Canada Offering 1Time NEW YORK (AP) -Tom and Dick Smothen; said today they have an offer from the Canadian crv netwcrk to pro- duce their llbow lo '(ormlo H Ibey cannol place tt with an American networt. 1'9ID Scmlh<n uld he and blS brother, Freeway Wreck Injures Woman In f.osta Mesa A Venloe womae wu aeriaully Injured when the car in which W wq a paasenger went out of om.trol early this morning on the San Diego Freeway ow: Harbor BoulevanL Marjorie Clark is ht Orange Comity Medical Center suffering from multiple lnjurie& She had been transferred from • Co6la Mesa Memorial Hospital alter the 2: 30 a.m. era.ah. The California !Ilgbway Patrol said the driver of the car, Carl Ford, .20. a Camp Pendleton Marine was less seriously injured. He was treated at Co61a Mesa Memorial ijospital. Officers said the car 90\lthboand, Wt the freeway north CJf Harbor BouJevard lmerchange and crashed Into a guarilrail on the west side of the roadway. Shostrom Book Discussion Set Everett Sbostrom's controversial book ''Man the Manipulator" will come under discussion by Huntington Beach citizens at 7:30 p.m. April 23 . . The discussion gioup, open to the ubllc, will be held in the Huntington. Beach Main Library, 525 Main St. Jn his book, Dr. Shostrom shows how, nian manipulates things in order to control others while reducing himseU to "things" in the process. The Ubrary, sponsoring agent of the o\.ent, will fumi3h copies ol tbe book to any Interested group. Baby Girl Killed By Father's Car A 1-year~d baby girl was fatally injured Sunday when she fell beneaUt the wheels of a car driven by her father. bawn M. Halbrool<, daughter ol Mr. ,.. C.01}' Traffic 1111 A Dea~Toll n and Mrs. John Halbrook of 13762 Figueroa st., Garden Grove, died of sever< head Injuries at the Orang< Coun- ty Medical.Center at 11:30 p.m. Sunday, tbe corooet'a olllce reporled. The baby wu wJth her parents who were visJUng Mr. ·Halbrook's parents. W. and Mrs. Samuel E. Hsllrook of 9952 Guinida Lane, Anaheim. The California !Ilgbway Patrol said the father •• becking his car out tl. the drlvew:q ol"tlie grandparents' home aboul I p.m. -II struck the Utile girl canceled laat week by CBS, bad not received offen from ABC or NBC, but said, 0 We're open to the other network!." Diet aaid the chances were "very slim" that they woold return lo CBS, which canceled their llbow !or nert sea.son after a k>ng dispute over censondtip. Robert D. Wood, CBS Television pres!· dent, said on Friday the Smothers Brothers had commltted a "breach of contract" by failing to submit the tape oC last Sunday's show In lime for previewing by affilia~ staUons over a . closed circuit. Wood said the scheduled show, which WU not shown, WU in "bad taste,. .b<quse al a ftligloua 11U.... Tm., who bad just returned I- an unctnoored sbolrini of tbe Smothers Brothers llbow °" the privately owned CTV Sunday, ujd, "We have an oUer from ~ Canadian people lo come OJI and produce our show there if we cou1do 't find a place in the United States.'." Tom and Dick II.id at a news con- ference that their main concern wu not "whether people like the Smotbera Brothers "'°" .. think ti artistically creative." · Acting as the spotesman, Tom said, "Our concern ls that in America tt ls more than ever necessary that an. popular opinion and di•ergent 'fiewa be shown on teJevialon. 1be network presidents repeatedly aay .that the air waves belong to the people. We believe thaL" Tom is tentaUveTy scheduled to appear on NBC'a "Tonight Show" tonight and on NBC's 0 Today Show" Tuesday morn- ing. He also is booked onto the "Joey Bishop Show" on ABC Tuesday night. Indian Lawyer To Talk on Yogi In GWC Lecture . Surath Cbakrovorty, lawyer from Calcutta, India, will speak on "The Ule and Experiences o! Tur< Yogi and Mystics" 'lbursday at Golden West College ln Huntington Beach. ~ lecture, open to the pubU~, wm be held in the College Forum off Golden .West Street. Chskravorty bu wllneued many demon.!b'ations of mystic, occult and yogtc powers of saint.I and yogil, 10D1e of whom are still living, say college officlall. · He has Btodied e>l<llSively under several maaterr and mystics and bu Investigated smnJ varieties of yoga. The lndion attorney rec:enUy urlvod In the United States and la ..,; risltlng bis IOn, Sumanto., who enttred Orange Cout College this aprlng after .......... ID lndiL _,.,. Pilot Uninjured As Plane Crashes . :4. N"'l' -•l!lod lnjmy Sunday nlPt -4lo plane he -flying ran oot of pa and cruh landed In .. -!leld -"' the Anaheim Ooanntiaa ~ J>Uti"l Jot, -... -andOiu-Waylo~ ..1:1: ~the q-a lit flipped I-dau1htera beblnd 'In MuaalJcusetts. PLANE TltOIJllLE The plane, which had ·~ up tbe clooor at a -' airport last nl&bt, developed mechanical lrouble • on the Oigbt heft and made an emor1eocy lindlng at Barkldale Alr Force ea. near Shreveport, LI. The landing had lo be made without llapa and the·plane.rolled rr.e ror 11,0GG feet aiaic the •("a'•ling nunray o! the giant Strategic Air Coml!land baSf before It ooasted lo a ball jult short o! the end of the runway. . The operaUoo was the ltlh human transplant opentioll performed by Dr. Cooley and the m such operation if the one he performed Friday with the · 1yntbetic heart wu counted. II WU tbe !24th lranlplanl pOrlonned around the world on m patients. Forty· one ol the previous patloala """' lllil1 aliv< al last reports. A hospital spokesman did no! Indicate Immediately whether the Massaclrulelts woman'• donation wu being made in response lo a tearful pies last Satunlay by Karp's wife for a "God-given" heart to replace the man-made one. The spokesman aald the donor's brain damage wu not cauaed by· injury, but was the ~ el a medical problem. 'Ibey were not iurl. ol tbe uact cause al the a}lmmL ' Tax Deadline Creeping Up · Thursday ls tbe deadline for paymtnt or the second Installment on 1961-69 ~ perty taxes, Orange County Tax Co~ Don S. Mozley warned today. n-who fail lo pay their taxes by 5 p.m. Thunday will he subject to a $3 per parcel and a six perCent penalty eharge, the tu collector said. Penoas -mall their tu payment .,.,.. warned by Modey to be certain the letter !J postmarked 'lburaday, April 10 or the penalties will be assessed. He urged those who mail Thursday to check with their post office regarding the post mark. Paymenta may be made ·to the tax collector's office, l30 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. MECHANICAL HEART BEATS IN 800.Y OF HASKELL KARP, A MEDICAL 'FIRST' ··Patient Visited by Wife, Shirley, llofwo R~lvlnti Heart of Meuachu-1 Woman 2 Per Month Set Huntington High Group F ol!ow UpDanceP~oject Teenaa:en in Huntington Beach are fo1- 1ow~ up their Initial dance project Mardi' JI with a two-per month series of dancet 8nd an organization ready to demonstrate what teens can do fix: teem. Under the UUe of Community AcUoR Studen!J Leag\Je (CASL) a group o! en- terprising Huntington Beacll High School students have already lined up the city Recreation Center olr dances April 2> and May I. . Orpnlzen say' member.hip In CASL is open free to any students at Huntington Beach High. . Temparary pnsident of CASL Is Linda Blair. She reports that about Ill student. attended tbe March 28 dance and are r .• [ .• , ~.1 .... .;,( now worldng wllb the committea to plan the next two dances. A band known 11 "Polson" will be tbe feature of both dances lo be held Int he ~ Ceirter la< dences April 2> streets'. The·teens plan te ass!Jt the city.lo lb try la< park hoods . CASL memben hope to distribute clreulan, provide trimpor- tatlon election day and teJe~ ·voters lo help push the park bonds thfaogh. They hope a teen center - a place for · youth te gather -might he Included lo Huntington Beach's park -lopmenl. Cumntly CASL I! small; bat growing. They are looking for more help -from the teens tbemselvt1. 'lbooe Int.rested may call Ltnda Blair at -.mt. • u ' --··------ l '. 1 Biafrans Flee From Last Cio/ Before Nigeria U.Gcis, Nliei1a (AP) ---·.,. fleeing Umuahla lo eacape a -.I off ens.Ive afmed'.C tbe 1eee11i.Lllll• bud- quartera and Jul major. ...... lllt N"igertan command said lodsy, ' A high mllltary spollm!laD aald lllt lnlonnalloa eame from ~ ,.. ........ Shuwa, commander of the lit Dlvlllon that the ?.flgeriam claim bu ova.a qo Ozu Okoli,. a railway town elgbl mlJea ~ o1 Umabla. The --ital la ooly a mile "'" al rang< al tho 105mm howitzers uaed bY Ille N~ the spokesman aaid. Before lbe outbreak al the dvD war 21 months ago Umualda had a~ al about 29,0GG, bat llill bu -nalJod by -"' ...,,_ from lllllna ...... aeisecl by lednl - ., '~t-.· .. -·- hi have to have more pull to be. first. 'l1ia\'1 wlW It takes f.o lie« ·leader. And the 1969 Chevrolet Impela'1 g0t It., • tJiemail. With features like our Anti· Theft LOck System. When you Jock the ignitian Oil a '69 Chevy, youlockthesteeringwheerand transmimion lever as well is now available witli most Chevy engines. Let your Chevy dealer show you what it take! to be fuat. Then you'll know why the competition baa to play OW' • Hospital Says Widow Of Churchill 'Weaker' LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clemmtlne Spe11ett-Olurthlll, 84, widow al Sir Win- 1too <llurchill, wu a "lltlle weaker" ~ ct., with a frac(ured th!J!b sullmd ID a fall on Friday. a hospital bullelln uld. Normsn Dole Radtb. -. ott-to _ tbe USS Maril! beflllod at '-lleoch, !old -be had rented tlie piano With thelugestlllaDdard vs in Cheyy'1field. A 327~blc­ ineh235-ho1aepower job that thrives on regular gas. And if you think pulling a trailer.or a boat is a drag, you haven't pulled one with Chevrolet's Turbo Hydra-matic • This thlee-range trinmnU..ion game. ' ' r"--- Follow the leader. Qoc:IO<I al Weatmlnster llospllaI aald she hU "another ....UUl night allhoo8'> her general condlUon ii 1 little weaker.'' al Fullerton Alrport and -IJyq a ....Uno Olgbl patlenl -the eoclae 9"ll --al Jodt "' Ille.I. l'ollce Aid -walbd --the cruh lltllnjund and the piano luf. lered only minor damoge. I With four big oomput,er. IJ8!ected coil springa that leave bumps where they belong. On • - o.11.V I'll.Of -· A"11T,1"' ~~..--.=;Thieu Peace Plan Ships Coll~, :~ ~-·.••pag~ Proh~d · · Go Up in Fire . ~l~t McuJ,e Actor's Son . a 'K_iller~ Re]. e· cted by c ong· '-'' M. . p-• . HARl\ISBURG PL (AP) :.. RdltlYH rllburg hospital, whkjl .•listed ~ I v n f.SSf.SS pi say Donald MBri!O Llmbrilbt, wbo &tag· Slltla, !$, ol Farmlngdlle, N.Y. .. · '" ed a blgb.W•y shooting 1pree lo whSch crlUcal and Emesl Stevens, 47, of . NEW ORLEANS (AP) -A bead-ori low: died ond 17 ~ )!ouodecl, fell Eildwt, Ind., as strloua. 1loth were PARIS (UPI) -Tllo~'°"'"" ond Ubert)' op1ml ---all Ille C<Jl11slOoi between a Formosan 'lrelgbler bewu.• ~ol .nclal ·dllcr~ sbol In the face. '· . ment <J... olfered Ille VIII "-• a -~·'-•"-'-• ... U--·a !ne nd ll bar t ~ ...... -• • f.n ui>clt .NJll Lambrlg!il, ll·Y,W-0 I.am...,;,,. "" driving . west ott the plan ol~ ......waUoa la~cll '"""'-·--a an o ge ~ -. .,_, -... of the:·Netro movie ,actor Slepin. rumpik;';°'bout 10· a.m. •Saturday when It w band to carry out their wor., ...,_ obeell ol flame aoarllli Into a beavlly Jlelcblt,. \lid been dlqriooei! by a lie bePn iboOllng , · · woold portlclpole In pollllcal lffaln ond m11n111n lndellnHely their occupation 1n .. 1ec1 bridge ond -i .ection' j>sychilitrist 4 Y'4I' ago u tuffering • · ' ·' · u • noo.communtsl party. Tbe Viti ·-In ·-·· v1e~·-." ol ••• • ..... ~ pl ri u• ........... fMM vlnlenl al-llliddal _,,.,,. bUI . Ills Sl·ytar-<>ld wile, ~tte, was Cong dJ8mlsaed the ofter 11 timewarD •vvr-ouuw MMWI -= ~P vs"'"" -•""""6 had~fuaed.,.Utment. ·-rr;:+ . !leaWbeSicfehl!n.~.inu~car .. were «-1111 ... °"" ........ and AmericaJHlldated. In dolnt ao, Ille Viet Cone uld, Tbleu petroleum Sunday nl&hL . "ThO wboli blacl:.Whito ..;..,:.,;lallon a oemlautomat!C rllle, a Marlin eMblne, Tbe pn>pOSala were put forward .bf IDll tom""' "eolnl igablll Ille iijjli". 'Ille Coast Cuiird uld 1$ ol lhe 51 · · hiiii . ·-· eh~' ktth-unCle aod eevoral-bout of_U.._......,,tlon Hanis County commissioners In Hooa1oll have told four judges that lib It or DOI they've got to take their share of more than '251),000 worth of new furniture when they moved into new offices. Judi" WI~ Hom Hotton complained the new furniture "is not lunctional and clis-tracla from the judicial atmos- phere!' Jud .. Jack Smith said, 111 have a red couch in my new office and one attorney asked where the madame was." Pmldent Nguyen Vu 'lllleu In Saigon lionl of Ille li<>'!t!> --1e members o1 crew o1 tbe freighter, the aHecled very mu • 11 ' . • which Mn. Lambright had · bi>ugbl nine IDll by Pham Diii& Lam, Ille cblef IDll aie aot ....... Into -the Howard Jobnsoo, a . llOClologlst In the dayi earlier in St. Louis. , otiator In P·~-~-· u~J -. ·-~· 7,301-loo Union Faitll, were unOccounted New York City anllpciYerly-. 1.am~ ht ~-l·'-1• a!M' g .the Sa1goo neg Mm. ··---...,..._ ol peace ol Ille ~~an for. Twenty-five were tal<eu to boepltall. In · Ciev<lond, . ~t'• 1l!Olbor, , w•I ~0"; .. ~;::;..:., 'th a six-point program wblcb would occept people mid Ille people ol lbe -Id wllo 'Ille fft-l'Wept ohlp sank about six Mn Wlnifl'ed 1.ee d<clared her aon heivlly traveled •• ....., • ., ... ay WI a Vlei COllg polllleal octlvtty U ii cllanted demand Ibo United States otop Ila war. llourraft<r. the 'colHai"' while being was' ..,1 victim ot 'llM 'ncllin th.al Is rllle cradled In his arms, taidng raadom Its name and stopped the Og!lllng. ol --• ' ·" towed away for beaching. abroad In this land. · sbols ~t passmg.cars. . "Thal which· Nguyen Van Tbleu llicl The Vlei COllg demanded th.al Ibo The oil barge lrcke In two IDll the "lie found ii lmpoalble to reconcll< One o1 the shots sauck and killed Pham Dang Lam bave j1lll declared people ol South Vietnam lell1e their two fiercely burning aectlons f1oaled himself to the fact tbet be could oot K .. oan, who was taking his family to contains nothing easentlally different own affalra "accordina to the pollUcal downstnam pursued by fU'e tup. One reach employment commensurate to NI-visit a son at P~lvarua Sta~ from that wbicb the United States bu FOlf8lD d. the National Front for the section finally sank and the Clthtr ran abilities, ... she said.; ·He· had recenUy University. ~n Keenan oolla~. !ti' said and repeated for a long time," Uberatloo of South Vietnam (the Viet aground. The barge carrying 9,000 bar~ worked for the Oblo Stile Employment wife, Ruby, reached for 1he ~nng Ibo Viel COllg lald In a atalemenL "They Cong) wttbout any outalde lni.rterence." rel! ol crude oil was being pu&hed by office but quit 14 reluni to .IChool at wheel l!lld ·was killed by a secood bullet. have only obeyed the ordtra of the 'lbe tan statement wa1 1 v!rtua1 de-the tug ·Warren Doucet. i.incoln -Univenity in Oxford, Pa. Their 13-year-old son, Paul, was cut United States to repeat aome well known mlllll for ...,.,_ to Ille Viet Cong. Fimnen holed down wharves and ships During his bour·long raroJ>88e 00 the , by shattered glass • allegatiool. Vlei Colli rejictloo of the propooal in the area to prevent the spread ol Peoosylvaoia Turnpike Sa\urdly Lam' . Lambrlfh( pulled over 1" the roadside "This only provea again thal they came· u no ._i.e. Vice Preaident the blue. bl'lght killed Mr. and 'Mrs. lgnattu.. .CCasionally to fire at oncoming cars. • A 23-ytOIM!d Reno woman com· plained to police a nearly nude man stepped out from behind a tree on a cfOwntown street a..nct said "H.ey. can you help me?" Asked to de- scribe him, &he oald "he bad a are the valetl of the Uoited States, Nguyen Cao Ky uid earlier today the 0 rt looked like the river w11 m fire," Keenan of Philadelphia, bis wife and About ooe mile east of Harrbburg, he- very reactionary and very w1rllke. CommUn1sta are not ready for IUious said Elyue Landry, a crtwman 00 a himself. made his final stop. He shot bis wife ''They haven't the allghtest deaire ttl Vietnam peace talb becau.se they are dredpr wcrting near the scene. Two of the wounded were tn a HI!'-to death, then toot bis own life. eod tlie ·war tn 'Vietnam mid · """1d stIU "counting oo the lmpollence of the ra-aok the South v~ popula· American public for ID advantageow1 lion to bait the atruggle for lndependmce settlement." pot belly." • * * * * * * Green Berets, Tribesnien Captur~CongStrongftold SAIGON (UPI),-Vietnamese m""""'8l'ies led by U .S: Green Beret.I today reported conquering SupenllUon Mountain and llelzlng power 1enerators, N .. chicicai jolco this -D"""' Marl•. beds, movie projecton, lowllpeal:en ond BetrA>ld,)1;. of .S~ CloOd, Minll., holds typewriters from Ille cavea· that for oil< of l1DO lliiV• <all• tDhlch '°"'' lald 20 yean had been borne for a Viet by 11<1' p<t chlckell, Lightle. The egg Cong bettallon. mealtire1 tiQht il'ic~! around from The mercenaria:. are Mootagnard and end lo ml and m inches 01'otntd the Kluner Trihellll<D who are tradiUoaally mlddli. Whal'• more tilO he1I has aou-common111 ond are paid by Ibo b\!en Ja¢ng two this aize each day, U.S. Special Fon:ea who bave trained Do · them in the art ol modem warlare. Wf'.10111. 1:1 ....... 1 ... "'-"i. v1e•-·-1 ba . ------~ -been re!Qctant to tackle Ille moontaln minc!folded trustee of ·Nunda, beca-they believe it 11 Ille home N.Y., a Livingston County village, of-. dragons ond polaonous wlndl. picl<:ed Republic.on L • o n Gohf.. '!be mountain ol rock whoof guerrilla lhwolto to be mayor. Goldthwaite'• mldentl bed fought olf repealed Allied name was pulled from a barrel that olfenslvea in recent yeara fell SUnday also Contained a card with the name to the Green Beret. IDll the Vietnameae of L•loy M.rch, 3', bis Demqcra· rnoul\lalD nien · wbi -k wltlt !'>!.'!'.- tic opponent Both had received lft. nor planted • South Vlebllllblilli 114 voles in reiUlar balloting for the 12 feet by 23 feet on its summll post and bad agreed to the drawing II ended an offensive that began lhrte to break the Ue. weeks ago at the base of the mountain • 120 miles west-southwest of Saigon and seven miles from the Cambodian border. The 1969 tourUt sea.son. is here and the Russian& ore toor• ried about their foreign guesu. nou, tourists are most disciplin-- ed,'' IOid a ship captain.· "But fortignns, especially Americam, German.s and even the reserved British" cause trouble by taking with them minor objects 01 1ou- t7tnir1. -Capt. P, Fedorov, who commands the sttamer Pobyed4 in the Black Sea said, "We ahould invent s o m e souvtnir1 that they could pick up free of charge/' • The first full·Ume dog calclier In the soul!H:entral New York towu of Vestal quit his job after five hours, •llYin« he clldn't realize what the job entailed when he accepted it and decided he was uncertain he could h a n d I e dangerous dngs. Jo,,... Sim-declined tn specify what incident -if any -led him to give up the chase. His successo1, Harold McLaon, who was hired the next day, said he was anxioua to get on the job. The Allied task force killed 55 guerrillu while Josing 4% men killed and Jbore than 100 wounded. Last Tuesday the Allies captund what was described as "the key knoll" (lft the moontain and saJd the Communists would never control it again. The Green Beret troops an d mercenaries liegan moving 1..-up both sides of the jagged peak. SUnday, spokeamen said, they reaclled the top onc1 raiaed the South Vi•-nae. They found d ..... ol pmiously un- exp!orod caves en route to Ille top In- ·Easter Fires Kill 21 BJ THE A880CIATED PRESS Two llno om the Eoller weekend tool: Ille ·u-ol 2t peraons. Eleven died wbeo ~ an lging wooden teaement In port, Conn., and iO perlll>ed In laae touched orr by a kerosene -aplosion at Oakwood Bayou, Ark. Poiloe called the Bridgeport fire "the cit)''• won& fire disalter 1n memory.'' MOii of the victims were trapped on Ille top n.... of the !UamUy frame boaae destroyed by Ille blue. Si> ol Ille dead ..... dllldrtn. . cltldinf me conlainlng 120 beds. The larger cav .. wen equipPed with electric lighta. Homes Exempted From Obscenity Laws by Court WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supmne Court, In a major .free opeedl ruling, bekl today that II cannot constltutionally be llllde • crime to --fllma « printed mallB in Ille privacy of a man'• home. "''lbls right to receive tlformaUon and ,ldeu, rqardlesa ol their toclal worth, ls tundUnentaJ. to ClW' free IOCiety.'' lald Juslice Thurgood Marshall In deliverlal Ibo opinion. Manball reiterated for the court its view that the government bas a valid Interest in dealing with the problem of obscenity, But, lie lald In announcing the decision from the bench: "The state has no business telling a man sitting alone 1n his own home what books he may read or what filml De may watch." The ruling come oe llll appeal by an Atlanta man, Robert Ell Stanley, wbo -convicted In lie'/ ol having three "stag" filml in hll home and WU oenlenced to one yeor ID prison. In olber octioos, Ille court : -Acreed to review state crlmlnal codes that pemUt a defendant in a capital cue to avoid Ille death penalty by pleading eullty' Stoles with IUCb o provlaiOG lnclodt North C&rollna, New JURy, Loulalana, New York, South Carolina, New llampalllre, Wuhlncton ond'l'eaaa. -Ruled that stales will be allowed virlually no deviation from popu1allon ._., .. In ~ ncllstricUnl under the "one man, one vote" doc:trble. The decree came In rejedlon by Ille court of -·· third try at a plan for redlalrlctlng. In a I to S -· the juslicea held that Ibo stale bad not jUllllled vartolionl from the norm. In a 1tp1ralo W opinion, Ille court also upael New York Slate's 1111 redlalrlctlng plan. Spring Storm Hits Rockies Br.iglit Sun Bringing Warming Trend Elsewhere n. °"9llM Cotti will .. "" "°"" ellf T'lllMsl,, trMI 110 n t11 ·~ "'"""" a.turUy, l"""' Wiii M lout p,_ .......... "'°"*'' Wllllll ti.low tilt c-""°"' -"" 11 wm be --bolrl ...... s .... llf-•· l'Wu MONOAY ,lrit 911... . ' .... 1:tl "·'"· '·' ~ ... ' .J:••·"'-·'" TUIUDAY ll'lot lilltll ............ ,.U:lf t .fft. S.1 lrit low ................ 1:2' '·""· ... , llltllt """""''" 4:• "·"'· J,I W .......... ,,,, t :M p.111. J.O ............. ·--A.ntlll• 8111.~lf •1-rdt .... llot!Qfl "'"'" CIP'ICIMlll Cle'lti.M ...... 0.. Melnei """" Eu...-. ......... ..... ..... ·~ .. k-(l!Y .... -... -M""'O .. -.. Ml,..... Mil• -o"'"' _ .... """' ~i.ttw .,._ o.•i.11111 PfM Aob ... l"ltNMlrtllfli. _ .. Pltllllll""' ........ "-•.id (tty AN l !wf'I ·--n SI. 1.-'Ult )ellMI kll !Mt ClfY .... o ... S..llb •r111ra leal!lt .. .. .... ,. .. .... .... " 1$ 1.JS .. " .... .. " .... n " .... 9 " " .. ... " .. . " .. " a " " " .... .. " " n ... " " n " .. .. .... " .. ,, " .. " " " .. .. " .... .. " " . " .. .. " .. " ., .. " .. 10 U .17 .. ~ .. ~ » 4 J • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WATCH THE BALL GAME! MUNCH A HOT DOG! AND CRACKER JACK! PEANUTS, TOO! •• I • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , Hot Dog Buns ..... ~.~~~ ..... 29" Mustard ·~································· 17t ·Lantondorf ••• package or 8 ••• aave !Oc. French's.,. need we say more! •• o9 ounce jar. Crack"° Jack ................. 3 lol 25¢. Peanuts ................... , ................ 39¢ A natural for bMeball watchers , .. for years I Fresh roasted ••• or au nature]! .•• l POund bag. Mayonnaise ............................. 39¢. Dill Pickles .............................. 39~ Laura Scudder'• , • quart , • •ave !Oc at low price! Pucker up and say Del Monie! ... 26 oz. jar. Look what's happened to lieef! Beef Sai• .... ~~~ ..... 69' Beef Sausage links ~ .. 39• Beef Bacon ...... ~~.~ .... 69• McCoy'1 ••• dellclouely ditrerentl McCo)"1 ••• delightful aeuonlll& • McCof.'a ••. have you tried it yet 1 Stuffed Pepper$ ................... 39! Sweet bell peppera , • , oven ready ••• with our own 1pecial blend of ground meat and ae ... ning! Boneless Beef ·Roast ........... 98~· Enifli&h cut ••• from USDA Choice beef ahoulder clod • , , rolled and ti_ed for the oven or rotiMerie I Prkea in. effect Jlon., Tutt., W'4., April 1, 8, 9. No ••lu to dtakr1. ARCADIA: Sunset and Hlllllrclm Dr. l!l l!IIpo Clt!llll PASADENA: .. 320 West Colorado BML SOUTlf PASADENA: Framont end Huntlniton Dr. HUNTINGTON BEACH1 Womer and Allooquin (BolrdWall Ctn!tll lltWPDRT BEACH: ZIV H-' Bl'ld. and 2555 f.lllblllfl Dr. Jaslhlllfl Yi1ll&I Ccallll ' . • • • - ----------------------·-------..,.------~--------··-... - U'1T ..... MILITARY POLICE CLOSE DOOR ON PRESIDIO PROTESTERS Demonstrators Tried to Storm Armv'• HffdqtHrter1 •t San francbco Abernathy: Anti-war Prorests 'Prove Love Renewed at Easrer For King' By United Pre11.Jnternatioaal The antiwar movement Easler weekend lltepped off its biggest round of marches since Richard M. Nixon was elected President. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -The Rev, Ralph David Abernathy says the na1.ioo should prove iis love for Dr, Martin Luther Easter Sunday demoMtra-King by "feeding the h\Jhgry, lions were held in San Fran- clothing the nakeCI and housing cisco, Washington -where the homeless." a mock crucifixion was held "I say to President Nixon, in front of the White House to senators and governors and -l.<lS Angeles, Atlanta and the Florida cities 0£ Tampa to congressmen and judges and Gainesville. and all Americans: if you love Marches weie held Saturday Dr. King, as you say, prove ih New York, where an it." estimated 35,000 to 50,000 Abernathy, who succeeded persons heard march leader King as president of the David Dellinger say, "The honi!ymoon is over, except Southern Cbristian Leadership there never was one," and Conference, called in his in Chicago, where about 20,000 lieutenants today to chart persons walked down State strategy for the future after Street. a serie.s of marclles"'in tribute Violence flecked Sunday's to Kint a year after his deaUl. march in San Francisco as ,. _ some 20,000 demonstrators The cnallenge was issu~ walked 2% miles from the by Abernathy after a two.nule , Civic center Plaza to the march for peace throu~ Armyts west coast head- d-Atlanta Suoday m q~.,tt·· the Presidio to !"emory of King, ....mlated·, prtJtest !Iii Vietnam War and m Memphis, Tenn., April 4, the court martial on mutiny 1968. charges of 27' ooldi<rs who ' • chemical ccnjunctivlUs:' Army doctors sald, but were expected to regain t be Ir eyesight. -Four demonstratcrs were arrested. Organizers of the HGI- clvllian Easter Peace M:arch" said 500 !'Oldiers ·would be with them, but chru:ged the Army with keeping the 110ldiers on the base to keep them from participating. The Anny aaid it had scheduled a "civil disturbance training exercise" for the 3,500 troops, but said it was ''nothing unusual." Among the speaken at the San Francisco rally was Mrs. Ginger Bunch of Dayton, Ohio, mother of a Presidio Stockade prisoner shot to death in an alleged escape attempt. __ "I'in just an ordinary American housewife who had the audacity to allow my son to enter the service. I wish I hadn't," she said. "The Army murdered my BOO." Russ, Morocco Sign Pact ·Peru Gets 'Reprieve' ~~~:. t~~l~f; r<d Indefinitely the tcOJ!OmlC sanctions tt bad been schedul- ed to invoke 8.gainSt ·Peru for lhat coontry'a expropriaUon of an Amerlcan-owtted oil 'firm, Secretary of. State William P. ~ers announced in a statement at a ·Dews co~ lerenc< lhat the sCbeduJed cutoll In foreign aid and cancellation of Peru'~ sugar sale quota bad been postponed pending lurther negotlaUoo on reimbursement for tbe com- pany takeover. , - Mass Node-in a Bost > . 25,000 There, But · Only 1 Bosom Bare FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (CPI) -One bare bosom among 25,000 frolicking college students isn't much of a pro- test demonstration. But despite all the publicity by the Sexual Freedom Le.ague, only one blldnl top dropped on sun-splashed Fort Lauderdale Beach Sunday, and that may have been an accident. The league's nude wade-in, . so to speak, was a bust. "A 361nch bust, to be exact,'' opined one policeman. 1be mass skinny dlp was planned to climax the Easter 'off," aaid a tall h1Story major hoUdays on thb south Florida from MlaslsslppL I se.ashore, a girl·watcben There. was one ei:cepUon. paradise which attracts col· A bulom coed roriiplng in the lege students in SWll'lill at surf ltlddenly shrieked and this: Ume of year. stood up. She wu , qu.ite There was standing room noticably, uncovered. Alert only at high nocin Sunilay !Uegnarda nJJbed to ber aid, along. the two-mU~ strip of wrapping her In a blanktt wholesale disrobing. , ·ind busUlng her off. The kids joked about the · The Sexual F re e d om nude romp and boasted they'd League, Inc., based In join in if somebody else would Berkeley, two weeks ago go first. Most of For t issued the ~I for a nude ' Lauderdale'a 100.man pollce ~ wade-in to 0 establlsh the right force was on hand to watch. of nude swimmtilg at public "But things just never came beaches." _ DAil V ~ILDT , 5 Nix,on's PiJce Hit WASlllNGTON\ (UPI) - Spea~er Jol!n W. McCormack prodded Preaident Nixon to- day to get rolling with his legblaUve. ·proposal<. WhUe saying be was still not prepared to crillcbe Nixon "at thlJ time," McCormack nonetheless Issued a statement saying Ni :s: o n ' s legislaUve perfonnance does not com- pare , bvorably with lhat cl his predecessor -Lyndon B. Johnson. Othe.r weekend marches In conducted aslt ~ down at the tribute to King were held in Presidio Stockade. MEKNF.S, Morocco (UPI) - M?"'gomery, . A 1 a. , and Thirte<n mllit.ry poli<emen President Nlkolsl PodgOtnJ Of Milwaukee, Wis. Alx>ut 2,000 were injured when about 150 the Soviet Ubion left. today for . persons Were estimated to of the San Francisco marchers Moscow after a six-day offi-h~~e marched in· each of these tried to storm ·the grounds ctal visit as the gu~ Of King cities. of the military base. They Hassan. Abernathy said no th! n g squirted a chemical substance Podgomy told rep.»ters his could keep him from speaking from bottles and water pi!t9.1s discussions wiUt King Hassan out as "minister to America." and threw ~Ues, beer ,eaM resulted in: an agreement.for and he added "let us save and rocks as the MPs mmg . an Intergovernmen~ ~­ America by ending the war the huge iron gates shut. 1ion betwe'en tbe'two ,countriel tn Vietnam." Seven of the MPs tuffered ' on a pennanent ',basts.,.. n·r1••11•11 5111 DAILY ••• 8 am FRIDAYS . 1 CDMV1N11NT OP1Jca mw•• outm m•m ---ot-5">211l• ___ ll_tl0.IUI ... ,.. ........... , •111.m• .... -...... ~an.r.s ...... -........ --.--... -·-------....... ICNIU WOrlds First All-Electric City Swallows Pride, Relieves Pain With Gas. Lake Wmnebago, Missouri, nation- licired ~the first "all-electric" city la gxanted a 20-year franchise to their local gas company. In a letter to all property ownera a COJmnwlity official explained the switch. Previously, he wrote, lake Wmnebago had taken great pride in being the world's first all-electric city. But over the years the commwlity came to realize this was a mistake. As the official described it; many of ' the ~ preferied cooking and heating with gas and, in fact, had never used anything but gas except for lighting. · Contributing to the switch was the fact t;liat in recent years the gw; a:mi-1, panies have made tremendous advance- ment in providing the iinest, most modem service to the home owner. - .. • • i ' 1l£. • 9S!! 'I • • ! ' ' I ' ) - I DAILY PILOT ~ITO~ PAGE I Can't Move Too Fa·st This , eek may see some stirring at the federal level on Orange County's airport problem. SOn. George Murphy (R.CaJJfornia) has asked Secre- tary of Transportation John Volpe and &!cretary of Commerce Maurice Stans for help In org8lllZUlg a two- pmnged study. He asked them to answer the~e five questions lnvotvln~ both lnterin! and long term solu· Speaking of the dlBS!dent teachers, Dr. Hayakawa said, 11Here they are, in a lousy state college ... they regald their students and colleagues in the way a colo- nial administrator regalds the natives. They would bring OUUghteumeut to the naUvea -bring the ideal life cl Columbia or Harvard to the campus." tloos to the county s rur needs: ... -Can your department c<induct such 8 sludy! -If so, how, and 1.n wllat way &hould application Ile made? -Are !\Inds available to support such a probe and when could the study be made? He added that the tea,chers did not want to know what state colle~es are fgr, and they were stlll less ~sted in jumor colleges which, to some of them, ''are beneath contempt." -Are local funds required also? . , -Depending on answers to the pnor questions, how long would such a proposed study ~e? Senator Murphy told the two cabmet member~ a temporary solution could be approached by studymg joint military-civilian use of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station facility pendlng a long term solution. The latter would involve evaluating the need for and best location of a county regional airport. Hayakawa also worries aboutan overweighting of professorial political views on the liberal, or_left, side of the spectrum. Governor Rea~an. as a conservative, Jut week voiced concern on this issue and called for making a teacher's political views a factor in the hiring process. As we said here last week in commenting on county action the need is so urgent that all concerned cannot move 'too fast to find viable answers. Both men undoubtedly are aware that, as col umn· ists Mankiewicz and Braden point out beJow on this pege, California's constitution clearly forbids making a man's political views a permissible pert of the employ- ment process. And clearly this is as It should and must be In publlc education. Disappointed Dissidents . But It would also seem that faculties themselves ought to be very deeply concerned about the ·issue Hayakawa and Reagan have raised -the qutllion of the relationsblp of political or educational IDlbalance on the faculty to quality and Integrity of instruction. Policing tlhs problem probably can only be done by the faculty. · · Among the many uplanationa put forth for campus disturbances one of the ·more interesting ones came last week from br. S. I. Hayakawa., acting president of strif&-tom San Francisco State College. He attrtbuted troubles on that campus to a minority of professors 0 disappointed in themselves becauae they didn't land at cal, Columbia or Harvard." But done it must be. For it seems clear we have come again upon one of those periods in history when the faculty members of our colle~es and universities must work to establish a better climate of public con- fidence in the purpose, the direction and the funda- mental values of our higher education system. Governor's GOP Opposltien . Monagan Leads Moderates LOS ANGELES -A formldoble op-and take It from the cbancellon and ponenl for Gov •. 'Ronald Reqsn has the facull)I llsell. appeared In California -In the IN THE FACE OF the California , RepubHcan Party. He Is Assembly CoostltuUoo, which clearly makea con- Speaker Robert T. Monagan, who haa alderaUon of a man's pollUcal views asserted in the past few moritha the 1 not a penniuible part of the employment ahJ of the moder le ...1 .. ~ of the proceu, Reagan urged that it be con-leader P a ""''6 aid.end and indeed made Jt clear that GOP here fonnttly held -or at least -of the appolntment of a dean for the he w~· more political conservatives !ha::e<I -by former Lt. Gov. &bert prestigious meclicol achool In San Fran-on the hculty. In the heated debate Finch, now secretary of beaJlb, education ctsoo. ihat fotloftd, MClll&PD'for his part mllff aod welfare. ·\ It ijoar that jio· ·oot only qipolfd, "'° Monapn, who pursued ID~ THE ONLY CANDIDA"*. al the.di\ie,' goveriir oo 1hO !UUe, but l'l(Bl'ded course .. a leg!slator, more or leis was Dr. Plllllp Lee. a California p11,.i. It u a "'*1 ooe farJhe Dnlvenity. in the tradition ol Earl Warren aod cllm who bad p(oMsed In public health ~ ...,ga1n, MOOagan'o vote was fCJn!IOI' Sen. Tbomu Kuchel, led the and who was re11r1ni u Ullltanl HEW decisive. '·0n a ~ v 0 t e , Repabllcan minority an1U the party pin-secretary for bealth ..mces. The only Reqan's proposal • pwed u.10 but ed a ll1im majority In the lower hwse bltcll was lhal Dr. Lee bad lllao plOlllefed needed u votes for passag.: ((lne ;,gent In !!IA. Ho then llUCCeedtd Democrat among his colleagues for Medicare. Thal subsequently changtd his vote making Jesse Unruh as speaker and confronted was enough for Reagan, who led the It 11•11 and the two who w~e absent Reagan with a dl/emma. fight against Lee; and "some doc-...;,~dered to oppose Reagan 00 · tors"opposed him. are ""'""'l WITH THE DEPAR'rlmE of Finch Finch, who had resigned as lleul<nan~ the Issue.) · for Wasblnston, Monagan was clearly governor, nevertheless made hit aupport MONAGAN'S EMERGENCE as 8 foe the indicated choice for lieutenan~ of Lee practically publlc and-wrote let· of Reagan in these .tters, which m.. governor. But Reagan, tired fi.a running · ters oo bis behalf. And Monagan, , -mate who didn't share his awn ~con--Reagan's leader in the Legislature, cut volve queitlorui of poUUcal philosophy servatlve philo9ophy, didn't wan t the declding vQte for Lee. The ap-rather than legislative tacUcs, has a Monagan. He went. cooaequentJy; outside pointment wu c:onflrmed by a vote of significance beyond the event. It means ,...., 1 -i..1 .. ture fer Congreuman Ed ~,.11, over tbe governor's ,..__., ctr. that when Robert Finch eventually '""'\t' .......-...... • ...... '6 returns to the California wars (and no n.i-. a man squarely In the Reagan-jection. one here doubts be will return), be Murphy-Rafferty wing ol the GOP. '!be nest test came at last rnooth'• l alr ady That left Monagan as the legislative regents' meet1ng ln Loa Angeles. In will find another moderate eader e leader and, more lmportanUy, as an part becauae of the controversy raised on tbe .. premises. ~ ex officio member of the Board of by the American Legion and other COD· It alao means that the Democrats, Regents, the body which (more or less) servailve grwps over the felPpOl.ntment who have been known to fracturt their gujdcl \he polldes of the University of Dr. Herbert Marcuse~ the current fragile alfianc.es even before the polls ol. CalllorniL intellectual hero of the ,µmpus New clo3e on Election Day, can take heart Jt ts as a regenrthe.t Monagan bu Left, to the faculty at t!ie · Unlvenity Both parties seem to be building their thus far demmstraled his opposlUon to ol Callfcmia campus at San Diego, houses on the same stlsmJc fault the leadersblp of Gov. Reagan. The Orsi Reagan determined to give the regents By Frank Maak!ewlcs test came 1n Ftlnary, on the question authority over all faculty appointments &Dd Tom Brad.ea Anxiety Over TV· Content u?tlcm always liked you best," aays Tommy Smothen. '"'Jbat'• utter nonsense," says his brother, Dick. "Oh, yeah!" cries Tommy, looking wildly about £or audience approval. He gels it for this sibling yap from barom, which got lnto newsprint, the Old Stone Age, but he is noL content~mbled 1 Mom dialogue with Dick with thia shaUow ad,mlratio_n: He wants _ "She did, too! _ She didn 't, either! approval u a social aatirisl So he ,, . aod bis produclion lltall devllt eomewhat -Ob, yeah ! SUggesting that maybe helvy-banded aitlqum of IOclety, usually they should mount a whole show of wrapped lu joke form. contenUon between Tommy and the He getl laughs for the~, loo, but network eieculives. It could be a they don't well up from his network • and some affiliates, which are nervous crackup, ~ grab top ratmg. aboUt Tommy SomeUmes they beep All this 11 a minor Incident In the , these jokes or. cut them aa irreverent national anxiety over the content <lf or tn bad taste, and Tonuny cries out -tele!i51on in America. tn pain. Recently they dumped a whole This anxiety has so many facets, Is ~ at leut temporarily, • and marked by so much dmonance ln the substituted an earlier one, and Tommy indignant Dick Smothers vein, th.at it was fit to be lied. is futile to have a flied opinion aboUt IDS DIALOGUE with the network ------Monday, April 7, 1969 IL Besides, no oplnJon can remain fixed. Some shows art good, some bad, some are entertaining, 90me . dull, some are \'ulgar. some esthet.ic. But this is only one viewer's View. One man's meat is another man's pobon, to coin a phrase, and doubtless it Is as true of tclcvl&lon as of any other human instituUon~ SO rr DOES NOT ,..m likely there o1sta any lt&Ddards ol es:ctl.lence which can confidently be 1ppl1td to tclcvlalon in a society free to e:rpress lt.stlf for better « for worst. For example, Sex and Violence are portrayed ln ttlevWon, mlldly &imulaling lheir reality In the behavior of Individuals in lhe sodal nux. Slndl we are a sexual and violent people, It d0ts not seem pracUcablc to uffer a ,,rlctional erprcsslon or our havlor devoid of 5ex and violence. J la poulble ol course to offer a program d ng with the deliglll! and 1dvantages of lgebr(' equaUont, but some pcoplJ: art not good ln mathemaUcs. THE QV!mlON THEN Is, how much Sex and Violence are practicable in television? Here there ls gaping disagree- ment There are of coorse pompous public figures with an answer. There is Senator Pastore (Rhode Island), chairman of the communications sub- committee. He b a d presidents of NBC, CBS and ABC before his committee and lectured them on supposed shortcom- ings in the Sex and Violence sector. The Senator's credentials for this censure are not clear. They are made more murky by 1 quotation: the networka should help "remove po11ution from the minds of our-people." Why! And also, bow? U the "pollution" Is there, how can a television network help cure it, or the United States Senate, either~ A little more of that, and you may think Tommy Smothers bas a better answer. llis role Is that of one not too bright., but out of the mouths of babes -to cola another phrase. Dear Gloomy Gus: Please tell your tdi!Dr to b •p up the hatchet job on Rep. James B. uu. You'rt winning him !rltn<ls ~Ith tach vlclous nttack. -T. N. IV. 11111 ft'111rt rtllt~ "Mm' ,....... ..., llKt ... rilY tllOM tt lltt 11r11tt.••t11tr. '-"' ""' "' --... ,_,,. ..... Daltf llllet. I Goal: To Get Reagan Off ' Welfare Rolls The governor's Committee to Reduce the Welfare Blll'den bu been formed In Sao:'!l""nto. !ta goal: To get Gov, Ronald Reaal!D ~tt the wellan rolls. Th e coinn:ittee w a a formed after 14 wealthy donon purchased a $1<0,000 home for Governor Reagan, which they planned to rent back to him at a sum he could afford. "We ·• r e certainly not attacking t be motives of these generous benefacton in desiring to help the n e e d y in our society," said the pommiUee's founder, Granville Grommel "But theae hleedlng·heart liberal con- trlbuton must come to realize that chari· ty only saps the recipient's moral fiber, Thus we will wark, instead, to help the governor lift himlelf up by his own bootstraps and some day realiu the dream of every American - a home ol his own." • DEFENDING the governor at the com. mlltee'a first meettni wu Miss Mellissa Morch, She po!nted out that Mr. Reagan. "solely on his own efforts," had moved his little fatnily out of govemment~wned housing in a sleuy neighborhood or downtown Sacramento -specifically, the ancient, rickety Governor's Mansion. Grommet conceded the point. But. he argued, now that the governor has gone on th e private weUare r o 11 s be will inevitably acqUire "the handout men- tality so typical of the do-nothing loafers we hard·worklng citizens are forced to supporl" ;,s "Instead or going out end making soap commercials in · hls spare time to put aside a few dollan for a down payment on a nice little home," s!Ud Grommet, "He'll soon be sitling around the televiaJon set watching others doing the Job be was meant to do. "THINK OF THE effect on his kids. \Velfare is an endless cycle. They see dad lying around the bouse on the dole. Are they going to have the get-up-and·go to mUe soap commercials when they grow upf No, they're going to .expect a beach house in Malibu on a silve r platter. .. And talk about l l l ·co nce lved , unworkable poverty programs. Take Mrs. Reagan, always been a re.al go-gett~r. But say she wants to paint the downstairs powder room. Fi% the place up a little. Make it look nice. "Well first she1s got to get the pemllssion of '14 dlffettnt landlords. It's no wonder that recipients of these bureaucratic, patq'nalistic welfare pro. grams live In run-down slums." THE COMMITTEE v o t e d 7-3 (Miu Morch abstaining) to review Mr . Reagan's employment record in hopes ol finding him a Job dell•erlng soap commtrclals "or other wort for which be znilhl be lilted." H()ur goal b to make our governor an lndepcndcnt, eelf-supportlng member of society" nld Qn.,mmel "Not charity, as we Uk~ to say, but a chance." Al this point, Miss Morch angrtly resigned from the committee. Sht said the governor made $44.100 a ytar, already o~ a plush home In Pacific Palisades, and had more tha n $2 million in the b3nk. "f\.li ss Morch, I sincerety hope you can sub.stanUate these scurrilous ch\raes that our IJAYernor," said Grommet crave- 1,y, "ls a "1e1fare chi$eler." · ' I Our Sense of Values Is A wry Whal the bulk of !Ociety really wants ls for unpleasant people to go aw a y and not bother anybody. "Unpleasant people" are the poor, the ct1nvicted, the mentally ill, the old, and the troublesome young. So-called "poverty programs" keep the poor just where they are, banoly hanging on, and discreetly out of sight. "Urban redevelopment" means putting the poor where Ol4-0(-town vl!itors can't see them. Our jails and prisons are devoted to keeping unpleasant c!baracters out or ctrculation as long as poosible, providing minimum opportunities for th e i r rebabllltation, and then throwing them back into cells as fast as they get out 'and demonstrate their inability to break the law again successfully. OUR MENTAL hospltalB are grossly under..ataffed, relying on drugs to keep paUents tranquil iostead of positive therapy to make them well. We will spend mUllonl for new buildings to put these patients In, but-we wOn't pay enough for doctors, nurses and orderlies to establish a system in which hope, and not despair: is the chief climate. Our old people are simply a drag. l\.tost have no place to live, no income to live on, and little to live for. \\'e scarcely even pretend to be concerned about this socia l problem, embarrassing though it is. THE TROUBLF.S0:\1 E young are told to cut their hair, brush their leelh, keep going lo schoo l (no matter how rotten school may be), and face the delightful prospect of being drafted at 18. If they get into real trouble w~th the law, they are either put OD probation and allowed lo ~eep doing the wne things until the b o o m is dropped, or else they are stuck Into a "training school" where they are trained to be professional criminals in a short time. Despite our massive progr~. and our appropriations, and our public and private welfare agencies, the plain fact of the matter is that the average American doesn't give a damn about anyone outside the mainstream of our society -and everybody outside the mainstream knows it. So do the few dedicated people who work with them. IF WE REALLY cared , would we tolerate our Congress spending-·billions end billions for highways (with no relief of traffic congestion ), and a mere drib- ble for decent, human-scale housing! Or a fifth of our national budget to put a man on the inoon {wholly for reasons or pride), 'vhi!e our ''•hole school' system is falling apart ': \Ve ought to stop congratulating ourselves•on our Gross National Product, and st.art reflecting on our gross attitudes toward the disinherited, the feeble, the troubled and the torn. They won't go away. and we can 't build stockades big enough to hold them all. 'We'll See Human Side'· To the Editor : Charles McCabe Is being coy In his March 31 column on lhe editorial pqe. It would be better if someone would explain the genealogy of what we call business. It ls, alter all, a modern IOCial setup. Bus.ineas ls Gennany, Enaland, Scandinavia. If you want entertainment, loot elsewhere. The Renaiuance was Italy's. It might w.ll recur !her<. The right climate always does IL DO NOT WOMY. When we have painted ourselves into a corner, we wlll seek the human side. Nature always strikes a balance. There is something good that comes of effort, eventually. Have falth folks. JOSEPH P, KRENGEL Columnist McCabe dhcua.,td two main kind! of 71oung men in our u11i· vtrridt• who art at war w.jth each other. Hr clalri/icd thlm as tht non- troUbUmaking "trcctor-1ei" bovs who ort utittg sc.lt.ool to ltorn proft1sion1 or tradt.s anti set then\.rtlves 1'p Ji· ttanciaU~ for lift, and the "J1vmcn· ist.s. • The latter, ht SCJid, 1tiU btiictte in that ~eat cterrtnt o/ We1tem cvl· ture that wa born in Greece Otld Rome and flood<d down to ui through Ill< Rcnafr ...... Tllcv lnltat fl la the pri111< f>lllfMla of hlgll<r leondog to ,,,..,.,.. mid tnltllmll thla cul- tllroll!I~ •tOdnlr ilr« lil<mHIWS. Editor AelleN, R emefleN To the Editor: Words cannot -tbe inlplrallon I h19e received oboervlng doe respccta paid to one ol lhe -hooorable Clii'l• ttans of modern times, the lat. General ancL_ past Pruldent Dwlaht D • E1'1lbiwer. I I --~ ..... -..... ,., ' ' Mailbox ., ' " • Lttttt1 from readtn are 10elcorne. Norntallll writtr1 should convev Ua'1;. message in 300 word! or leis. Ttr right io c~ letters to fit spdce or eliminaU libel ii t'tseroed. ~I letter• must include 1tgnature qd mailing addre11, but names mat1 •e withheld cm rcqu.st if sufficient rec- ''?" U cppMnat. , 'Ibe m e r e thought that this m.t and sincere American has been s~n such respect by dignitariel', together w~ countl ess millions from alJ walks or life. throughout God's world, forces Jilli to recall one of Sir Isaac Newtoa'1 laws of moUon: For every action there ia an equal and opposite reaction. May , everyone hope and pray ttiit this present reaction will never ctait, .and pve God new bope toward savln,g His beloved world. C11ARLES M. ALI.AN Dear George: lf a husband can so out one night a week with the boys, why can 't a wlft? I never have ant tun! l 'RUSTHATED Dear Frustrattd: You put web thoughts right ou\ of your mlnd. you little rucall, Go out with the girls like ,,a niolf wile. . f CHECKING V~et •UP• Weakness Brought on ' Vietnamese regulars into the soulh. against a government already w-ned ~y ....,_ stn.tions, be said. • • tration wllb Its biggest prob-combat, llCI ~ ........ able anguloh, "" Ille .._ aod the -COllCljll were uni-In bljth, aod lem. I DO more tnboopitable tmafn could be' IJMClned fer a fin!" DAii. y PllOT 7 1 I Escalation The Man . of 50 Is WASHINGTON (UPI)-Tbe United Slates escalat..i the war in 'Vietnam in 1985 be- cause the Saigon government was ool)' six montbl away from defeat. aocordlni to Gen. Wllllom C. W01tmoroiand. "It was my estimate diet the government 91 Vietnam could not survive this mount- ing enemy military and poll~ ical otrensive fGr more than six months unless the United States chose lo increase its military commitment," West· moreland wrote in the 2'18- page report. Westmorelan.:!, no•·dllef of tlaft, oonunanded lhl war In \ Vietoam from June, 1161 untl! June, 1961. The new report is actually a rewrit'e of an W· Her report prepared at Pres--I-Johnson's ~. It wsa rewr!tteo, the Pentqon aald, to mal<e tt eater for the layman lo Wldmtand. lesl -the trackJea l1lll&le neu Plel. Me." · ir:==::;:==============i The'.J"qeral, wbo command· ed u,s, troopl In Vietnam at Smart Th E ' the time, revealed lhe dire er I an v er COOdition of the Combat in 11165 In a new report on the war By L. M. BOYD released Sunday. Westmoreland s a i d lb e South Vietnamese anny was losing nearly one inlantry bat· talion as well as control o( one district capit'al each week dur- ing that key year. In ::iddition, Hanoi began to s e n d North His useument Jed tO a ten- fold incna.se Jn U.S. tOrces Jrom 50,000 in May ol 1965 to more than 500,000 dw!ging the cbaract.r of the U.S. ID- volyement in the war and ••ddlin& the Johnson adminis- But Lost In Cities Wes!mortlll!d wrote be WU faced whh the new pneenoe •f Norlh vieman-relU!ars in the south and decided lo put the U.S. Ill Cavalry In the central blgblands. COlllMIT CAVAUIY "I decided lo oommtt the Isl Cavalry Dlviaico lo Its first Btil, Westmocoland Wd, be derided lo furl&i> the UIUal IUPPlY bul!Wp and "lmpro. v11e11~- w-...i· ........... however, failed 'to a!IOd lll)' ll&bl ......... !bit be'uad for u lddlttonal aoe,ooo i._ last ,..,. -.r the Infer. IllldonMthetrocp~ undoubtedly -11111 -fled ; but a""""'11!Y whit bapo pentd WU. thla: . · "WHEN YOUR Name Game man ftid women called Ardis t."all't stand crlUclBm, '' writes a Missouri youth, "my mom, whose name is Ardis, tore the newpaperto shreds.": .. llEAIUl A YOUNG LADY play the -tuba 1 as t night. Sounded pretty good, but it didn't look quite ri*bt. A girl blowing a tuba is like a man buffing his nails . . . FRE- QUENTL Y the longest column In tbe classified section of Egyptian newspapers is that listing headed "Availab le for Courtship." THE HUNGRY I-S-0 the tax boys in San Francisco closed down Enrico Banducci's new "hungry i," did they? That hurts. Many a moderate man once lived his wine and roses there. Jn Enrico's 1old place. He never should have gone $400,000 swell, I think. And the stars let him down. But I will bet you a quarter on the cor-· ner old Ennco will walk in the profitable sawdust' again with- in a year, if not before you read this thing. SLUMBER NUMBER -Of the 43 te<:hniques employed by insomniacs to get to sleep at. night, counting sheep ranks No. 42. The No. 1 technique is the 10.minute hot toot bath, which rarely fails. Gathered this after reading a Yale pro- f essor's repart on sleep. The trick, he says, is to draw blood away from the head. "'od nothing does that better than the parbo iling of a foot or two. President Won Election in Suburbs KEEPSAKE -Frank C. Clark of Towson, Md., is a sentimental fellow, that's ap- parent. His wife baked him some biscuits when they got married 22 years ago. He ate two, bravely, as she re calls. Then he tenderly placed the th ird in a safety deposit box at his bank. There it re- mains: to this day, a treas· ure. endurable, unalterable, p(!rfect, a little like a diamond in one manner of speaking, a little like gold in 1.nother. Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Clark -clink! Your questions and com· ments are welcomed and will be used wherever poss- ible in "Checking Up." Ad- dTess mail to L. M. Boyd, in caTe of DAILY PILOT, Boz 18_75, Newport Btach, Calif. 92663. WASHINGTON (UPI) -gave him the electoral votes President Nixon was tlected he needed to win. last fall partly because he 3-1 ELECTORAL VOTD carried the growing and im-Although he received .301 porlant suburban v o t e , electoral votu -31 more Republican party experts said than be needed -from the today. 32 states he carried, Nixoo's The research division of the popular vote plurality in a Republican N a t i on a I Com· three-man race war ooly mittee released its biennial 517.777. The tot.al popular vote electioo review, a 269-page ef-cast was 73,359,968. fort that also showed Ni.Jon Nixoo's share of.~ popular trailed former Vice President vote was 43.S peroent com· Hubert Humphrey in the na· pared with .42.f for Humphrey tion'1 biggest urban areas., and · 1!.5 for George C: The report also said the Wallace, candidate of the II states of the old Con-American lndepend~t Party. feder1ey gi.ve NiJcm a popular Over t00,000 votes were scat- vote nw:"'" -·•-than bis ter..i ._ token candldates. natlooal pT.;.'!ity~ the ftv~ In the ioor...UW Jm. .Soothem llates be ~ . poiUnt oompetillcn · r... the ~ llUburbin -·the GOP rtport showed NiJ:on was fav<nd by 41.4 percent o( the wburban voters. He polled I.I mlllJoa of their votes aplnsl 7.1 million f o r Humpbtty .and U mlllJoa for Wallace in the 35 largest metropolitan arees. EXCEF,llll C1TIEI The abburban vote now ex· Cffds that of the central clUes. 'lbe Republican report cited ctnMlS bureau estimates that the. suburban population h a s risen 4 percent since 1960 while the population of the central cities dropped 3 per- cent. But it also suggested that ·comparison.s with previous elections were dif- tieult because the 1968 election was a three party contest In tbe central cities of these same areas, Humphrey received 7 ,3 mUHon votes, Nix· on 4.4 million and Wallace 990,1162. Nil<oo can1ed 11 ol these ...... but only the Los Angalea area among tbose casting mere than one million votes. Humphrey carried 11, lncludlnf the New York, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston and Pitt&burgh areas. In 39 states and the District of Columbia, outside the South, Nixon trailed Hum- phrey by 29,929 votes. Hi.s plurality over Humphrey in tbe 11 southern states was 547,706. He also ran 48,406 Wad of. W alJace in tbcwie states. fAlll .ffSA :fotOOme .deliVer}' .. Oakland $1 We detrver fresh dalfy. ll(JO fllghfa a --- em and northern Callfomla. More than 8lf'/ other alrlirw. All jets. Lowest air fares. Wani prompt dellvmy to East Bay points? Oakland International la closer and easier than San Francisco Inter· national, and the crowd hasn't found It yet. PSA gives you a lift. AGE AND I.Q.-"How much and how fast a man learns thinga, that tapers Off about the time be reacl!e! 30, and he thereafter doesn't become more intelligent, but just abul· fli:s 111' opinions." Such la the statement In print of a youth- ful collegiate psycholoSlal'. Is It JllJlling h loo stroogly lo .. y this )'OuDg fellow Is all wet? 'That a majority of geiUuses do their best at the age of 4.1 is an historical conclusion. That most busineJs men do their best at the age of 47 is a statistical fact. And that generally draritatists do their best in their 50's, natural sci- entm:s in their &O's, and law professon in their 70's, these too are widely known. Why, it ls a rare fellow indeed wbo is not smarter at 50 than ever he was at 40 or 30 or 20. And considerably smarter. 31 Students Win Beach High Honors .3 Astron~uts Given Medals WASHINGTON (UPI) - The three astronauts who · circled the moon in December have been awarded the 1968 Gen . Thomas D. White spaC1!: trophy and the N ation a l Geographic Socie~y'1 Hubbard medal. Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans J r . , presented the tropby to Apollo a crewmec Frank Borman, James A. Lovell Jr., and William A. Anders. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew presented the Hubbard medal. A All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AL!.~!!!JI• AmR EASTER CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q, "WHAT is the average bust measurement of w om en in their 40's?" A. Look, how come you ask me.~mbarrass· ing questions like that? Aren'( there any lady columnists who handle such matters? Answer is 37-inches-plus. Had to write to a garment maker to get this information and sign my letter "Lollise." Hope you -appreclate~dlat ••• Q. "Bow. 1LONG do whales live? A. No- body know, nobody knows. Thirty-one Huntington Beach High School students have bee n entered on the school's honor roll with straight "A" averages. They are: Susan M. Brach, Richard W. Derby, Valerie M. Hammomoto, Beverly Moffett, Pauline Morris, Denni! R. Patrick, AudlDl•E. Tvedteo. Peter L. Brueggeman, Don- na Sue Durham, Norma J. Furuta, Patricia J, Mangels, David R. Montino, Anila E. Ruud . Steven E. Spickard. Philip A. Boese, Cathie Crouse, Patrick Curry, Nancy Jo Durham, Lee H. Graham, Gary Hayward, Daniel Mon· tano, Diane Parquet, Rogtr Purkey. Mary J. Abbascia, David T. Anderson, Carol A. Faught, Mark A. Naylon, Gary W; Partridge, Stan K. Peterson, Kevin D. Salyer and Scott Wbitflelct Duchess Jailed MADRID (AP) -The duchess o( Medina Sidonia has , started serving U months in jaO for staging an illegal anti· American demonstration. 11le demonstration was at Palomares, scene of 1 crash In 11114 by a U.S. bomber carrying nuclear bombs. WANT INTEREST ON Y01JB BA.Nit CHECKING ACCOUNT! You CAM"1' on n BUT W1Tll PAClrJC'S SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yaa m do 1l11nt n well lly btping 1 lat Im llOlllY la ,.. ... ,,. KCMl .. 1 lat ..... ymr l'lcllic 5" P111hllk Acca•lll •d wit&tli.ig llDlllY •ck •d fol1h • Dflll • Jiii let. ........ nel')' dollal' eam1 nerr daf lt 11 la J'OUI' llacllle Aeeo-t- nea fol' l1llt •• daf. -Km S,•P hllJW I 1 '1 h'Mf .. 1/411 ... ......... , . ._.,, ....... ..... ....... .. ""·--at 1!111111'• .... _ ,_ 61 llt If .. , ....... , .. ,, ... ., ... 18111. " ' F ntaslic Wolhen'I di"' buyl ;,;;;'•~"..,.._.Orig. '8·'9 N0w 5.88 Run, don't walk, to ,_.neys for these bcubtball sho"I • Aliortld colon, pot· :-;;..M..... or1g. '10-•n NOW %88 ;,!::,"-.-"'orig. tt2 .. 14NOW9.88 -"Pk• .................... .................... ........................ a.It-fJ.14 NOW~ oa.t ...... ,.. .... ,.._.,_"• a''"""' .,,,..,..~ ........ ...................... Orig. '5 NOW a.II Wo1n1m bulky acrytic swealwsl ..., ____ - yow .............. .... ___ ........ ,.... ... .......... ...-194 ........ .. ......... ,..,, ... """ ...... ........... ..,. .... ""' ....... ts dNrt C.....tssw ... hm• I "•n••a• ... ,..... ........ ..,... ........... • a... ... _...,,.,. .... ..... _ ·--... . o.t.,4.'9 NOW i.11 Orit-2.tl- 2.91 NOW ..... 2M 'Owlt-2.'9 NOW , ... -Oiltl.4.91-s.t1 NOW ..... IM ............ ~ _..,.,_':!:r" .... -....... ....... ,... ..... _ Mpdr ullwl . ,_.....,.. ....... . ,...... ........... o.t.,"2 NOW IM . .......... .., ....... Orlg.'2.tiNOW 1.66 Orf9. 'I NOW 44' .._ ...... .,.. ........... (....._,.._ .......... , •0.-hnl-W~ ..... ~ ....... 11-1nlhio .... ..,,. Orig, 2.91 NOW I ... _,, Orif. 2.91 NOW 2/tl .................. ,,,,,. ................... . ................... . ................. Ofil. 5.'9 NOW ..... 99c Woinen's seamleu nylon hose 3/ ... ewtf•ss•lllf'•.,._ ... .. --............ ..,. ....................... __ ,,,_.......,i., • __ .. _ _._, si.. IV.ll.-t.ooh- :::: ..... --.-............. . _......__ .. -· 0rtt. ICl.'9NOW .... -· Orif,7.tt. L'9 Now ..... l:W ... ___ ._ .. _.....,... ... _ _, o.t,. '41'1-2.11 -· Ortt . ..,.,NOWa.11 COSTA MESA jH.,~~ Shopping Center) HUNTINGTON BEACH I (Huntington Center) 't NEWPORT BEACH jFtshion' Island) • . • • I I t ' SANTA BARBARA (AP) - State bloloiistS sald Sunday they counted 45 seals dying of oll-polluted waters al San Migu<l Island. University of CalUornia scientists sakl last week they .... lboosallds of elephant aeab dyinl on oil-polluted beaclleL But stale blologiltl Harold B. Clemens and John G. Carlisle Jr. called U- reporis euggeraled. An offshore oil well ll'hich ruptured last Jan. 2S spewed hundreds of thousan4! of. gallons of crude oil into the Santa Barbara Channel. ... "Speaking for ID)'lldt and not the depaztment, I tbillt :iw oucht to be ondited OllOO a weelc , • • " Clemens and Carlisle said they coonted dying se.als • long a half-mile of be~ch the 14.~acre island 4S mUe:s aouthwest of Santa Barbua ;., reported to be oil fr... ------------------ Most of the ialand's estimated 3,500 elephant seals and 20,000 sea I i on s presumably have stayed on the uncontaminated beech. "I really don't know if there ts much we can do at this time:' Carlisle .said. "If thty leave the beach and go to the oilfree beach, they might be an right." use of detergents to clean oil oil the animals nUght be more harmful than the oil, be said. · A spokesman for the U.S. Navy, which owns the island, aaid be coold not say what action the Navy plans to take. Fred Eltaler, Santa Barbara diredor of the conservatlooilt Sierra Club, called the UC !'°'....,,,' report of th• dying seals a "shocking story that should have been made public a lonl tible ago." Aid to Schools Called 'Property Tax Relief' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -1be lelter said this had Educators today called on tbe nsulltd in the ''tupayers' legislature to i.ncrtue atate revolt" in which school tax support of schools 85 "the override and school bond elec4 most eUective property tax tions are being regularly reli1f" it could adopt. defeated. The . .statewide policy com· The measure proposes $57 mittee oii public acbool finance million more in state aid for asked support o( • bill baaed urban schools with Jarge on its recommendations call· populations of disadvantaged ing £or iDc:reased state aid children and $250 mllHon more of $372 million. to .help finance schools in The measure was introduced "bedroom communiUes" with earlier on a blpartl.san basts low tax bases. The remainder by Assemblymen James W. would go for special education Dent (R-Cooconf),. and Carloo programs. Bee (!).Hayward.) The Increased funds would Tax Reform Plan HAPPY H1v• I h I p p y -•~111d. Start it by r11diri9 tt.1 WEEK· ENDER In th1 DAILY PILOT Nixon Lauds LA Student On 'Stand' Jt is backed by t b e come from an e1pect.ed $250 Callfarnia AuoclaUon o f milli..on surplus in the general School Ad-ton. State fund and 1105 mllllon Gov. Board of Education, Stale Ronald Reagan set uide for Parent.Teachers' Anoclation added school aid in his 19119--70 and the CalUomla Teachers ~bu~d~g~eL:_ ______ ~=========::'.!:==========1 MsociaUon. . ,. A 1potesman for the com· mittee aaid it was the fint LOS ANGELES (UPI) A Los AogeleB City College ilt.Ddent bu: been Cmlmmkd by .Preddfnt Nixon for "-kq CIUI" aplml Ibo violence and dloord<n -di!rupled the camplll last month. Steve Franli nceiv"1 con- gralulalkN 1.n1m Nilloo In a perooaa! l<Uer after I be Presidd's, lltaff v le wed televisi.on reports d. the cam· pus disonfen and adviled him of Frank'• actioo. step In returnlni the llate to a 50 percent partlcipaUoo In lllpporting ICbools. In a letter 1ent to taxi-yen, the cmunlttee aid -IUJ> parl ol -bad dropped l.nlm 47.S percenl ol all achool budgetl 14 years ago to 311.5 percent last llCboOI. year. Jn the ,.,.. period, it said, the llwe borne by focal property tupayen lncreued from II.I per-cenl to 55.5 percent. i\n~• Shop cif ALWAVSRRST~ home! Frank, a Vietnam War veteran, led nine members of a campus organltation called VIV A in removing barricades aet up at the 1ehool's main entrance March 12 by black mlUtants. Ni.Joo told Frank in the letter: "1 know it is not the popular poeiil<lo to take a stand against your fellow llludentl or otber young people when yoo think they are wrong.'' 14 More Gls Face Trial Fl. ORD, Calli. (AP) Fourteen more young IKlldlers l aced court martials today on mutiny charges s t t m m i n I .from a sitdown protest last Oct. 14. at the San Francisco Presidio. The latest trial was moved to th.is coastal Army base 9S miles south of San Francisco over the protests of Terence Halliman, attorney for the 14 soldiers, all privates. Hallinan said he will demand the trial be moved bact to t h e Presldto, where it W a I odleduled ortglnally. 'Chicanos' Set Deadline On Demands LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The United Mexican-American Students ad today as the deadline for UCLA to respond specifically to seven "non-- negoUable" demands which in- clude an i.ncreUe to 12 percait oC tht student body "Chicano" enrollment at the school. The UN~. however, hM not eaid what action would be taken 1f no specific respoMel were forthcomlnl, but a spokesman uid, "We have contacted the relevant orpnlzatkm In the lf.exlcan- American cmununlty an d they are behind 1.11." Chancellor Charles E. Young has already agreed with the '1hrusi" ol lbe demands by the group but he lndicaled that he would not answer them specifically. "My intent," YOUl'lg said, ''ii not to &Mwtr the proposal point by point but to take the thnJsl of wbat their pro- p»als tay aa:I f • I p 0 n d f...,..ably to the tllrult, ..U... than the epec:tfa." 'The only medication'that v Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Nowl Most complete 3-way relief!. this l1tptl'tHl •1wetopmteit 111 htmortl!Ohl t111tm1nl com•• lo ~ attar fl¥I ,..,s of acitntific ...r -lntinc-Not only dolS 1 Counttmold9 wort by lesseninr Plil'I fat. IM by c:oatinc. sooth Int 11!1d ~ if1wld tissue .•• butwilila_, __ Pl-CMtireeid .. Wlllks I 1thi"W1Y· -~-. _... M••• 'wlth oss ... t• onlt Cou•l•rnoid 111'"' __ ,. __ ,-. -Id CllOlllpltioll. Witllool lrriUliol -...... lftt•'• ... ~ liliolrltll l<IJ lnb daclort ''" --tMI !ht _ _...._ I CALL .COLLECT (714) 523-6511 • w. brlnv -pin!• No obligation! • ,,_ estl_,.I • ,,_ consultatioal • A new look for yo"r upholstered furniture 0... best selfing Fashion Mrror slipccmr fabrics and expert antom labor are both reduced for this great _.ii You can always depend an aur aaltsmen lram measuring to instollatian, and our !ruined clecoo at or aM)o svltont will help yo11 achie¥e the look ,.all want. Mffica available In 11_.., Loe Angeles,Oranp and Ventura Counties ~ I I --------• · Easter Trip Marijua11:aforCommunion?, . paddy wagOn, he turned to one of the officers and pleaded : ''P l ease Mr. ~1cGregor, dor.'t throw me in the briar patch." Sbe1iab Grant. 22. head of the Ne<>American Church tn California, said after the ar· rest the congregation had been using the sacred marijuana on "llippie Hill" for months. The Neo-American Church Is an outgrowth of Dr. Timothy Leary's Millbrook Fann and ha! • membership of several thousand, according to Miss Grant. Give your home that great cool all over feeling nowl 1,000 ITU, 2S(!lm IOOM SUE-2-r.. ,.._ ..-$169 te .-ti ...... _, ~ 10 polilioR t'""-tGt °"""°" ,.,-it $11111 ,_.,....,. • ...,,.. ...... 2.1...,,.ti... .. .w' t'sr ,...., Qui de mount kit included ''' • .,.. • M • ._. • · • MOU POWI& PACKED PINNC&UT' AIR CONDITIONING VALUES! 5000 ITU •• ---.. •11t 10,000 ITU-... , ... 11H 4000 ITU.-...... 111t 11,500 ITU... ...... .1219 Uae Penney'• time payment plan ~ ..._ .-i11ittM, QODITU. H .. .-dj..,..._ l!it-rw•dllt, tw11pwl hl9h/W c:Mffq, etli .... b .. •Ir .. def._......, •lv11il1- c.,WMt, t-......,. fihef, o.t.•tHflet 1.1 .. .. ,.., ...... '169 .., • lett. ... ,., ...... tooo ITU •• -...... -...:.-•JM NEWPORT BEACH · · l"'•hion l.!•nd) 11,000 ITU ~ fflMtl with fih•r ••""Y lif'lol n, ............. coolin9, 10 posltiott th1r· _._, ~ ~--foo111 fUt.r, lr•1h oir CMl!rel. o.im.iJcflflM 4..S pifth JMT hour. "'1 • llttle -,, ,.., """ '209 11,000 ITU .......... -•• ~ ........ 123t 24,000 ITU---........... .'2'9 21..000 ITU .......................... 13 39 HUNTINGTON BEACH ' IHuolinqton Center) • • ' - ---·-------... ----------------------~ -------------------- ---------------:;=::-::::::::::::::~ • 1 AmigQs Singing Out • . -. . Misswii Viejo Y out lis Form Clwrale MISSION VIEJO A gr0up of young m<n and women from the Mission Viejo area are liqSog out ·!\le l'1>" of youth, America, aod all that's good kl the yrorkt. ''Sing-Out Am.tcost" a col- lection cl ibout tO eothuslaaUc sWdenll from Miaslon Viejo High Scbool; Sa dd I e b a.ck Junior Q)Uege, and other area schools, ii youth's answer to a ooiq.mlnol'lty !hey feel Is giving all Yoon& people a black eye. The Mission Vi<jo group la a spinofl of an OranJ!e County association that formed about two yeers ago. It was called DEATH NO'J'IVES ROWE Wlhilm Ectwln fll!W9. AM 22. Died In Vkm!lm oo Mlrdl ti. ftoHldt<lt of 1D7~1 llllk• Sf., Glnltn Grtttt. FDr· merlV of (<ll'IWI Y Ave,, Coat1 Mf'M, GnKfr.1111 of Cosf1 Mew H(gll Sc:llool •nd Or1n119 CINllf C,.llell'. SurvNM by ~. llnd1 D, flC1W11 mottler, Mr-1. Auclrev .i..cotti tiroll'ltri, Clifton 11'1d Rlndel A-1 Mlrk JMSC01t1 lllftl<'S, Mrs. Mlrll Rf\lfddt Ind Miii P1trlo ci. Jeua.t. C~I ttrVI« Ind ln- lemleftt, l::llD PM T\1Hd1f, W"trn!n- lltt Men!cri91 Perk llld ~. SCBUTD Mrs. MIYT"ll RetlecQI Sc:tl\ltfl. AN !15, of 7:rz Mlln 51., Huntlroolon 8"""· 01!e ol delll'h, A!lrll $. S11rvl~ b'f _.,, H1told a. •"" Ch1rlft G. Sdlvth; si1ttn, Mrs. Allee Andr1w1 1nd Mn. emJ.e RoblnlOl'll wwn 1r1ndctlll~; flftetn 1rHl1ranc1. Chlklre11; 1"11 MYl'!I 1rMf..gtN~r1nd­ dl!ldren. S4trvlcn, T~v. 2 PM, In ftle Firs! C,,rl9ll1n C,,urch of H~nl­ lngton BNcll. lnlermtnl, W11otmlnst.,.. Memor11I P1rk. DirKted bv W!'stmln. ,,.,.. Memorlal P1rk Mortuarv. Family r~Ubh ttlase wishlno to malct m.mo<· 111 contrlbvtH:m, Pie•~ contrlDvte ta lht'lr 11varlte ch8r!1¥. SMITH . GfneYllYi' IC, Smllll, 201! Vl!11 'C111- c191, N9twPOrt 8NCll. 091• of dt1ttl, ~I 4 $1,WY!ved by two· Mlf!I, Ci.lid Srnllll,. ~ llledl, Ind Ht.rold Smllll, Un Aneein1 teo,rr 1randdll\- d~ 1nd ._ 1~randch1Jdren. Gr1veddt lllrvlcft, ·Tun151v. II ,l,M. Foret ~ HoHYwm:1 Hiits. wlltl Rev. ~ 8111n · oflkl1t1no. ll11tt Ml:w'TUllfY, 17'1 SUlltrtor, Calli M1$1, Olrwctcn. "Sing OUI Orange County," CIJoteolrapby 11 being pJin: and proved. In ~ "' popu1ai ::,t.m conju..ltion with Ille tl)M tt was UDJble to meet · m · al 1· ~'vl;;;-ly•;r all JU requeall lor c<llicerls. '" • · A Sing .Qui conctrt receoUy The present W!ldtOOe <alb by the Orange C<lJnty group for the prlo In 'ff.ear "Jumpers at Mlasloo Vlejo stimd such they b4ve .made tbemlelvea ..a reapoOse among tht youth while the men are OODliderlng there, lhal within II days, buying blue blazen;- "AmJgos'" was ·formed, and 1lhe origtnal concept was tllree rehearsals were held, born In roldaummer, 1965, each averagfnC 90 people, when at a youth conference Mrs. Jeanne McGowen said. several college aod b1gb school The 'musical group is now • youths decided they were tired holding nheanals Monday of lhe image Iha( beatDw, evening at 7:30 and Saturdays draft card burners protestora at I p.m. at the Mis&ion Viejo and assorted tooh were giv: llJgb School choral room. Ing lhelr generation. 1be first show ts yet to The group called tbemselves be ICheduled, ~eyer, ten-•1up With People -Sing Out." tative plans indic~te a -'llte cast of 130 singm and perfon;nance may be g.iv~n al instrumentalists· represented the Cmco del Mayo Fiesta 68 colleges and high schools sponsored by the N"Jssion Vie-of 41 states. Since thal j? Parent-TeaCher Organiza-genesis, the young people have tion on Sunday, May 4. toured the world perforraj_ng Sing Out Amlg\'.)S is directed at campuses, military &ases by Orange Coast College and on public stage, as well sophomore Terry Mulhern . as on television. County Bicentennial _ Festival Scheduled SANTA ANA -While plans for Orange County's Bicentennial celebra- tion are not firm, it is certain that the week of July 22-29 will be a festive one. That week, according to W. Harold Lang, adm:intstrative ·director, marks the 200th an-- .niversary· of tlle Porto!a ex~ - ped.ition, whii::h toured Orange Coonty In 1769. Lang _,,.,ed the names of committee heads chosen to handle the special projects during tti~ anniversary, Named t()· working com- mittees are Robert H . Wormhoudt, amusement: T. K. McFall, liolmcial; M<s. Weston Walker,· beautifica- tion; Robert Peterson, :Ed,D . and· Thomas V. Reeve 11, education;· Merton Hfn8baw, Paul Chace and Mrs .. Marco Forster, exhibits; WillWn H. Riffle and Bud Cortis, fiesta-p T lk rodeos and'" Portola trek; MUNDEN eace a Manuel Esqueda, group J•"" ..._ MulldM. HM n, or "s w. participation; James b . S:,lbofi 11vw:1., a.1tio1. o.• or Htftl, SJ d £ Sleeper, hi&'tOrical research; Ac>r11 s. survlvn· w dlluallttr, Frtr.-ate or N".rs. Gladys Hannon, parks ces Gllb9rt, N~ BM<l'll llslef', M" ttems, Lw A1111111H1 111d two and highways; Father John grenddllldr.n. s..v!QH wm be held F Sammon re 11 g · o u ' TU66ey, , -PM, a.ii 8T'OlldMY C"'41el. f.dM s hool . . l ; Pr1vl'l1 lrt,..,,_t, ~111~, #Nlr-C Howard W. Crooke, water 111erv. cos11 Meal, Director'-resources; · Gene Sh aw, PIESNAClt tourismj and William L. ,1,1m1 P5-K.. lAn" a..m a1vd., _COR;ONA DEL MAR ._, .Aldrich ·~blicity. wntrnln~. sun1Mot "" tiuanc1, America has spent vast -Cha'·' · ·1 1he B' Fm; dll1191rter. """1:. w • .,.... Nii.., sums abroad on its war . 1rmatr· o ,., 1cen- watrnni.tw1 brclltlW, :_rc1 ~ ..... ~ ~uw....,: chin but a tenn1al Comrnlttetil is Superior sJsM, Mra. Ml1"lflll ~-·" ma .e.. . .. ~ .... -Ja~-n--• H W1.an.lnrtwo1renddllldren1ndttl,,. .~'' '' ,-·L.-OU wfl. l •-1W• · ~ ' ...,,.,..,.ndtll11dren. S«vkelt tod..,.; ~ s ~ gr P. · Thompson .tGa. aamed MOndeY, 1 PM. smftlls Oii,... smiths ~ a "'~~ April 9 at by Govefnor Reag~ t 0 Mortu1rv. D!r«fort. .it'orona d~I Mar ~ig_h School coordinate all_ activiua plan- BOWLES . on what 1ust $50 billion could . : ned by various c 0 u n 1 y Donnll G. eaw1n. m2 2Dth st .. Wr'lt-do at home · · artl · ling · mlnsttt. survived b't' huJMnd, Rov L • . · organizations p c1pa · m 11ow'": ,an, Kenr>f'lh K. e-JKi four The 7:~ p.m. talk·tn .at the 'the two-year statewide ststen, Merle Andenon, H1re1 sirtti-campus LitUe Theater IS ·free observa-e. «11n. Jovce B1ti.n:1 1nd ,l,1lC1 MO'fen1 ,,.._,_ "" two brottien. Httbert ind ·e1r1 Had!-to all Orange ""11.UJty women now: ~1nc1ct.Ud,.,, Mlc,,1to1 1n11 and will feature GleMa B. Cheryl 8-1K. Sttvlcet, Jue.lllY, 10 · ....,.,;1 1·s1 f AM, 11 tt1e Fln1 Baptltt c,,lll"dl, wm-Johmon, trainmg .. ~a 1 or mll>$ftol'. DI~ by ~ F1mlly co-the Iowa Department of Social . lofl111 FIH!ft'11 Hamt. Service. Charter Set TOOMBS Mrs. Johnson Is executive : t Harold •· Toomb• . .so. )611\ si .. New-director or the united st.ates For Group _ "°" e..cti. °"'• et ONth, A!lrll ._ SUfYt¥td br """"· DCll"OttrY1 ..,., K.,. eectioo~ W om en • s Intern!-~· ~1 bn:rflltr, W•liff tional League f~ Peace and ~· 1~C1:'°'C::.1~ Freedom acconilng ti>. Mn. MISm:ON VIE J 0 - """"""· P.etrk view~' ..,,._ Ann. s.· .-I--, of, Olrsta .Mesa,"...,, .:T~ charter f"· the newly Dlr.ettd b)o Mltl:11ff Mortv1rr, _.... ~·~ • Wit.PF wea·tern fleJd...~orm·ed San Joaquin Teachers 1 KOEBl'EllER ·aecrl!tllry. ' · • · .';Aseocialion will be presented Rdil'l'ltl ic-tw1r. 15'0 Pllclfltll, c:.. Mrl. J~ bo~ an ,~ d4ffpg a tea Tuetda.7 'at Li ' ,, ,.,...._ °"" ot· dtltti.. ""!'11 '" degree lo~ llCle?Cf-f~ .PulntennediateScbOol,25151 ~'19d bY wire, oon1 d1IJ9hltlft• nA_..-_. ..,..._ __ 1 of J Jcin 1nc1,,_1.-. M1y.&lld.Rcll911. Weltem nc!IQve· ~MH ·'•.Padera Drive, Mission Vleo. of'1111r1o111 ... 1w. L11n111 ,..,..., w"i. Soct_ .. 1· Wort art4 gra<l.uated /Garden Grove :t,er Ed m!Mtlr'I bnltl!W. lb'(-~. 1111-'!"" laud I nOtJ. strv1e11. ~,.. 2 PM. magna cum e r: o.p-~ 'Romeo who h s t he ::::' ... ~ .. ::~ Ri~1c-= Syracuse UniyerM,tY u a Californta Teachers Amela-, Memfrllt P111c. DI~ 11y Wttkllff member of Pbi Beti. ~ tioo's (crA) Orange County C111Pt1 Mwtwrr • ......., chapter, wm present tbe WEw! . -. ~::.~~~iU:.~:i! .. s.;, !.°': Soviet Talk The tea is to begin at a:40 APf'l• '· s.irYl-.ecl bY huti.ncr. 11eT111n1. p. m, in th e 1 c b o o'I ~il:H. W«iftn<S<IY, 2 PM. Sltlilter 111 p balldlng L....,111 ee.ct. c:,._i. 1m.rrntn1, M9I-mu . p u r o a e . ,.-Abt*Y. D!~ tiy sMffer L• For Off1'cet· S Teacher Marge vaoc1er.veer 111111 8Hc:tl t.\ortllll'Y· said it Is to. bring together ( Monday, Aprtl 71 1%q DA(L Y Pl1.0T • p .,. All Penney Stores Open Ewl')' Night. Mon~ay Through Saturday ... 1 ·- Decc;rat81JOff pat~· With.-· .. · the-good taste'°' ·redwood furniturel1 -: . 196.97. , .. ·_, Group. includes $65 / " Redwaocl ... ·-__ ...;... ___ _ 8 PC~ GROUP Pay 11 little 11 $9 per month This versatile set wlR compliment thi action ... dining or relaxing, whatever .... Kint calls for, 111 rich, rad -con· trast with the bright floral cushions and· set the seen• for casual elegance. Rldweod choita -----~$:1.Ji135 R..iwooll dub chair "-'. _I --''----..$24 Rldweod coffee ...... -.:----.-..$16 3 pc.' ft. llWlillci. ..t ___ ,,_.j3,99, 7 ft. cr1nlc umbrella ------32.98 . NO MONEY DOWN •• , USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT PLAN BAL'l'll MORTUARIES Cortna del Mar OR U45t Colla Mesa Ml S.WI school trusre~. din rlct -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-------~~~~~~~~~..,-~~-:--...,..~~~~~~~-, SANTAANA-The R>lired superintendeol Ralph Gates, ,~ Officers Association, 0.-ange civic leaders and other NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON -BEACH BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ue Broadway, Cotta Meu LI WCI DILDAY BROTllERS · Dunliagtoa Valle1 MorhwJ J?tll Be1dl Btfd. Bantlllg&on Beach W-'1'171 PACIFIC VIEW <MEMORIAL PAll Cemeltl'J • ,folll:lal'1 Cllapel .,.. Pacllle View Drtfo 'iewporl Beacb, . Callltnlr ltU'I• PEE& rAMILY COWNIAL FUNERAL BOMB 7!01 lUIA An. Wtllmfaller In-Im fillEFFER llJORTVARY IM-1531 11%-0IOI SlllITB'S MORTUARY en aia1a SI. e .. ung1oa Beadl LE M53t WESTCLIFr MORTUARY G'I E. 11111 SI., Cetta Mua HI 1811 County chapter, will meet at homeowners oC the young, ) 5,30 p.m. Airil 12 at the Sad-fas~owini e I em en la r 1 (Fas hion lslond) (Huntington Center ~ebacklnDherefordirmer. ~d~istri~-c1.~_:~~~~~.:..!.!:::::::::::':::::::::::~========~=================================================================1. Guest 91>eaker will bel. William Price, a NeWport Beach attorney, who will discuss his recent visit to the Soviet Union, which 1no:luded a t"rip on the Trans-Siberian railroad. ReservaUons may be made by calling 546-9029, 873-7951 or5IU320. Four Data Aides Sought SANTA ANA -FOUi' new IX'Oirammera will be hired for the county's Dala Servicel Department because attritkn is so high in that occupalion. Supervisors approved the unbudgeted , positions when they were told there has been • 46 percent turnover in pro- grammers in recent months. The turnover was attributed In loss of personnel In privalt firms and promotlorul. Ceramic Show SANTA ANA -Cefamics and prints by Chapman College art students will be on elhlb!Uon during the month or April at the Orange County Unlttd Nations Alsoci8tion headquarten , 2204 North Mai St. here. 1be office is open from 11 noon to 4 p:m. Mon- day through Salunlay. · .. • ..... ----...- \ 1· \ l I I I I ! I I . • • ,\ r I I t • \ • • • • , Jf DAll.Y PILOT ( .. I . •.. , , .. • .. .· • ·-• ~­., .. ... ... .. ~ . ..... .... ... •.. .. > .-. ... . -. ... .. .. , .. .... ··-· .. ~:.... ., ..... -.•. :-;· .. , ~;... , .. ' .. :,.. ••• ..• .•. .. ... •.• ... .. -·-·-· .-. ... ... ~­•·· ·-· .•. ... .••. ... •.. ... ... .... .... , ... ... ... ··-· ... •.-. ... ·-·· ear.s ALLSTATE p....,_Tire Guarantee Tread We Caanntee G~ As•lmt• AU lailura of die d~ mWtiag &a. normal IOlld huardt or cld'eca U.. Nttrial or wodJ.. -ship. F•r u-i....., Por the-lif• fll di. wiaillll lleld. 'W1aat S-. WW 0.1 J.q.ir Mil purxtul'ft •DO chirp. J• 1br ~ ol hilllft. ia achaop lot tbt 1in, ttpJ.:e ii. dilqiltc orilr dw proponkm ol mtMllf ftJU.1.-.Ui• I llJitC plDs fed.Ii fuiJe :ru dllt fqlftJblH .... -i_ -TnadW.....Outc..n....e , 1 Cw ,_. -'Pl•• Trad -. F•S-"-s=The...._flf_....._ ' ....... S... WW D.r Ia cn...,jliw .... 1api.~ c-.U. ._, ai.l'ftDC ,..._ .W.. ,,.._ fl• ..._. EDt. Ta: inl tbit foUowiq allowect; I 1"'-M ..... c...-.1 Al.Iowa- ; 12 10 24 llY,i 27 IO ,9 »:I -r , G11aranteed for 33. Months Nationwide E._,,S.,_ri 1lre Purchue lneludeta FREE~ o/Yout Wheel AJipm« FREB .A11-Titt Jlouiio9 ._, 5.000 Mile. fRU Al.-T°UT M- Regular •1:8.95 Trade-in Price I 6.SOsl3 Tnbele1t Blackwall .. /NEW D~ond Pattern . ~ M .... .W.~ .W.Y..iJ..r SOfet7 • o.n~ ~ s...w.n ' . a Widu •nd-deel* tliiiii nliiig9 .__. ~ • nt-ltdt of ti.7-,. el•wil lhe n.d •. • IMtt .. r tr.et.ion tvl!lt • WWI ....-d• · '· • • t Available at Sean ••. STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES Aak Toa:r ADmte Tire Salesman About 'niem! SIZE 6.SO..lJ 7.35:.:14 7.75'.llf ....... 7 75115 6.50:.:13 6.9Sil4 7.35i:14 7.i5sl4 1.%.51;14 ....... T.'lhl~ Plaa 1.79 F.E.T. And Old T"IR R.,.i.. Sal• Tndt.·I• Trad•I• '1-:ice PriU Tabeleu Blockwalh tll.95 ..... '21.95 15.88 .,,.,. 11.81 .,..,, -"'-" 17.88 Taheleu White...U. 121.'S 15.88 122.95 IUS '24.95 ' ..... $26.95 ,. ... .,,_,. 23.88 ...... ..... ....... ..... r~ ·~ Taa. 1.19 U7 ;!'/ 2.J6 :UI 1.19 1.96 ~07 = 1.16 '" 2.21 1.lSslS ...... .,.. _..,. ' NO MONEY DOWN • When Yon Buy Your Tina and Automotive Need. at Sean on Credit Fits 97% of All ; ~ ~ \ ' ' l ,, ' -,. ~ -" •' .. .. • " ,, • • r. ' ·-' . '12~Volt System Cars .· '" '•' ..• .· .•. .. ,, . .. .·. .· ... . · . . .. • ' .. ... • .. • .· , ., • .. -·· . •.· •.. "'· ,_. ... ·. •. •.. .•. • Thennoetal 1aaomatinlb w , ' 1 the ttmpen. 191"1 J09 Kitti • Thrtt•peed air..tlow irontrol and lwo 4-w1y 1d, jftlable louven ror ~rfet:t dr1fl.ftte •ir circal•· lion • H1nd&0me-chrome-p11ted rront p1nel . Regular •199.95 88 Model ~77 2 EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE BA'ITERY· GUARANTEE fttt Jt'pllCtmtflC widli11 90 •o.,. of purthllH! if blutrr provn dtft<li"t: Afu~r 90 cl•r" ., rtpl.ce lhe bacttrr, If dttft.ti., Md ch~ fOll onJ, for 1ht ptriod cl a-ntl"' •hip. b.ttd on the ttl"lar prict" ltu ttld.i• •.tk time cl rwmni. pro-nml owr 11wn- btt' • monrt. of ..-n-. 36 MONTH GUARANTEED ' SAVE 'S! Rogulu 118. 99 with Tr.de-In 13 ~.~ 6 1-63.. 21-31 Willi T..d .... ' , '' , • • 42 MONTH GUARANTEED: ... SAVE '6! Replar 121.95 with Tnde-la 1599 , Not..U: 26-45-35 WithTr.dM• Batteries INSTALLED FREE by Sean Experts ' • ' • • 1 ' '1, '* ... ~,-----------~---·---------------------------------~ IUlNA , ... TA 8·«00, 521-4530 fl MONTf GI 3-3911 lOHO lfACH HE 5·0121 PICO WE 8·4262 SANTA FE Sl'RINGS 94-1-8011 •l'IAHD 915-1977 .'::-I ._ , ... 340-0661 GlENDAll Of 5.1 004, a 4-4611· 0<YMP1C • so10 AN e.s2n POMONA ED 2.1u5, NA 9-5161, vu 6-6751 · ••NtA MoNic• EX 4-6711 vAUFt PO 3-8461, 994 .2220 I. > • :: •I a.rfON NE 6·2581, NE 2-S761 HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANG! 637-2100 WllA ANA Kl 7..3371 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 540-3333 Y9MONT Pl 9-1911 ,. • ~ 966-0611 INGlfWOOO OR 8·2521 PASADENA MU 1·3211, El 5·4)11 TotRANC! 542-1511 ~,--·--------------~----~ ------~-------~------' "Satisfadion Guarant"9d or Your Mo~eyBac~" ,,..., •ouuad••• m. Shop 6 Nlg~lt Monclay _tlilollgh Scitvrday 9',30 A.M.1o 9:30 p .M. .. - , --------------- ~OndlY, Ap<lt J, lM • DAii. Y PILOT J J 200 Boats Enter " Boat Sinks Vaunted Cat, Single H ~ll Battle Again Biisi · -:-.. fn lll,JYC Tho n.-111q1e ~weeu At>m1tot Bay, wu ..uid lo ~Ian Concept mode daoalOcl 'tlie perpellial tropby would ~·i!w...ied .ch yut • E'*8ter Regatta ' Netrly _, boot.s In 11 clus-FuodellbotJ Jr, NllYC ; (I) es lumedautforBalboa Ylcllt Kildoe, lien~. LYC. Club's traditional Euler Re-EXo,\Ll:tM\ (5) HowlbJC pita wbich ... hit by lhe OWi, Lew Roa, mm:. traditlooal ~:Y. coo-· CAL~lj,(7) (1) ... Gj1NoD c11i1:i = · Slillla)I. , Allrlill, \l'lC;. (I) G..i.in, OCEAll RACING (11) WhJs. Nell 'tolir, VYC. per, Wall~ LAYC; (I) ENDEAVOR' (1).-,\Jlllro. H o t u 1 a n ~ Lace llcCalie, ~. BID LllllJU..' llSSC. BYC Cl) ~ling, Kirt I< MERCURY (I) -'(t) Tilt, Poole BYC. ' PHRF '(17) Twlntle, Frank C-ge PaRenon, CBYC. While BYC; (I) F'uiltlve, Pe-TIIlSTLE (9) -(I) M~· ter P.-, 'NHYC ; (S) Doro-morpboot.s, Pat Allen, NHYC. lh~~~(l~.'..:Q'._~; INT. H (I) -(1) No. 161, . _....., Till! M""-V)'C; (I) Fl-Paul Allen, BCYC, (2) No. IO, •-Jim Sawy<r BYC. Ell l ol-t Ol!on, SMYC;.(3) , ·smPE (1)-(l)'Uoderdog Turld!h_Dellgh!, Alex Tsch11· Frank Gray,'KHYC; J<lloua k...,ky, MYC. Mt.strep Phil Yatel ABYC RHODES33, (I) (I) Hooey, FINN °(1) _ (I) Nina, ~ Jack MallinU'odt, BYC.. . Kettenhofen, BYC. LUDERS Wlnct.song, William LIIXHtA (lll) 'Lowly R .. Expiration Extended The Board of Governors for the Cruiainl Club of America has agreed to extend the ex- piration data for all ocean racingmeasurement certificates for one year, ac· cording to Tom Wilder, member of the measurement committee. Commencing 'May l the ex· piratlon date of all ctrtilicates will be extended for one year. This means that if a certificate is due to expire May 15, 1969, the new date of expiration will be May 15, 1970. Skippers having any ques. tions regarding lhe. new ruling may contact Wilder at P'. O. Box 'XIS, Balboa, Calif., 92661. man, Rowland Lohman, BYC ; (2) One For The Road, Jim Tyler, BYC ; (3) Ditto, BUI McCord, BYC. LID0-14B (7)-(1) Pillbka, Dick lle&ver, BYC; (2) Long· shot, Pat Dunigan. :BYC. METCALF (11) -(I) Rip. pie, Dick Wilbon. BYC ; (2) Pinata, Frank Meier, UYC; (3) Me Too, Jack Andrews, BYC. .. KITE A (I) -(I) Vot.sr, Argyle Campbell, BYC; (2) The Bencler, Ted Hilllhlw, LJYC. KITE B (I) -(I) No. 727, Gon!o Johnson, BYC. SABOT A (11)-(1) Snoopy, Kurt Wiese, _BVC; (2) Keep Your Cool, DoveU Smith, BYC: (3) Frtija, Nlna . Niel- sen, NHYC. SABOT B (12) -(I) Blue Dolphin, Lori Bennett, BCYC; (2) TJ, Ringo Wagner, NHYC; (3 ) Bax I, Tom ilax!f<, NHYC. SABOT C (11) -(I) F'lopoy, Kathy Underwood, BYC; (2) Undecided, BU Lawhorn, BYC. -#!GUEST /NTERE~T -ON JNSUREf7 gAflfNfT$, Log .Race ' INTEREST DAY·IN to DAY·OUT· • NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS and LOAN A_SSOCllTION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO LO ... N ... SSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highway, corona Del Mar, canr. 92625 telephone: 675-5010 Hl'.AD OfflCE 315 E. Colonido BM!. Plsadena, Cal if. 91109 tolephone: 449.2345 OTHER IRANCH OF11CES COvin1. Glwiclall West An:ldla lluddr Emm'a 35-foot If.JO lad-· oild wu, the best of the !MO -to be narded the -Id'•' to tht wllnlr ol 1 lwe>boal ca&amaran Potyoetlan ())&. a man even coQteet 'Ul\Ul the breezes an d overhallled Col-fastest ocem.golnr sailboat. match race. The boats can cept and Pot Doupn'1 U. IOll'Cb for lhe mark belao. umbla and was 12 seconds Kimberly said lhe perpetual be ol Jny type. meter CoJnmhia turned into Et.. ~ the race com-abeld at the third mark; Col· an Easter ea bun& Satul'.da1 .mittee ml the race w11 tllroa.· umtU moved · back lnto ~ when both boot.s we· n t out. lead oo lhe next bea~ but aearching for tbe leew8"' Before the coafU$n · OJ« fro mhert on the race became mark. the mart, Columbia I e d utter · confusion on the' part Tbe race, aalled of f Polyn~ian Concept to the first ol both crews. - weather mart by some four On hand to witness lhe event minutes and WU SUll &lightly WU Jim Kimberly, noted l.J\. Andre Winner ahead at -the second mark. ternalional sportsman . who • ·. I See by To4ay' s " ' Vf anl Ads e Golden CI rl: ~e Lha11. Apeo. a:olden, and fOl'ltOUJ, 4 months old, from Ownpklo HamDton lines, $300. e Contain Younell: An d )'OW' tamiJ,f in ~ 37' con. verted bua. All ~t tor U>e i;;;cr ·run ~es. Only e ~y' "' """"°'" And ~Ira money: part time ;ob, 72 hours pet week, ln a key shop, wm. train an experienced penon. • RanclMtyJe: As in fur, •• a S700 dark ranch mJnk atole, exquisite, like new, "' $300. GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! 1 It's finally heppened ID Newport Bea cl 1 (and to the work!)-• genuine, -t·t~oodness BUG-A· BALOOI Nobody's el/er had one befo"' but, it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought of it! tvereon'• ••pect•• is hi• brand Dttw Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful In the United States. Concar..d with an artistic flair. it houses the 119ry lat•t in service and diagnostic equi-t. and is a perfect showcase for dis· , pleylng the lei-st changes In the Volk..,..pn line (that is, If~ can.epot tile changes). • A FREE BUG! During the world's first BlJG.A·BALOO, lwreon wHI give llW8Y a sparkling new 1969 Volkswaaen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pey us a visit. tf you've never been to a BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be among.the first! At the BUG·A:BALOO, you'll 9ee the latest In Volkawa119ns and Porsches, within a layout the likn of which you'w never_, before! BUG·A·BALOO ref,...hments await those that CARE to --••thuw different! NoW's the time to put • "Bull" In )"Dir house! ---- ,. . I • t i I • t ' ' ' • • • I ' ' I • -------....------------- }! DM.Y l'llCT • • • I Q~ontities ore limilea, some ~re counter so~ea. ;<.II sold_ "~s ii". Sor,Y no c:o.D.'s Qr rotums. No items reserved ••• First shopper< get first choice. All sales finel. Np telephone or moil orders filled. SPECIAL GROUP OF TOWN DRESSES Orig. $33~$56 SA VE · 1 /3-!1 A beeutiful collection of smerl new styles in misses.. sizes. Shop early for very best choice. Windsor Misses' Dresses, 49 SAVE lf.i. Y2 BUDGET DRESSES Wide seleciion of fab'rics anCf ' styles in !"isses' and ha lf sizes, hurry for lies! selection. ludpt o,.....,. 27 · DAYTIME DRESS GROUP Orig. $13-$19 7.99 Solid; ano prinfs in i )iariefy '~l ' · styles ond colors for now through summer. Misses'. helf sizes. Daytime DreNM. 7) -. • SPRING COUECTIQN· OF FINE MIUINERY ., . ' 5.99:.8.99 ..... • .. .~ Assorfed sfyles in.slt.a w s ona f10W9rs in the newest of loshion colors. S.. them aH! MiUinery, ·100 EXCITING GROUP OF "SHIRT SHIFTS Orig. $9-$ l·s 4.99-6.99 Tho populer shirt shills.. tailorea or with · ruffles , in solids, stripes and prints, sizes 10 lo 16. · Ml-' Spomw.ar, 19 GROUP OF MISSES' SIZE PANTS FOR SPRING Orig. $10-$15 6.99-7.99 Solids and novelties in e variety of styles ond fabrics, ot impres· siv1 savings. Misses' sizes. MllMt' SporflW9Clr, 71 ANAHEIM • SPECIAL GROUP OF SPRING BLOUSES Orig. $7-$14 3.99-499"-6.99 A variety of styles in white, pes· tels ond prin_ls, leilored end frilly .. styles included. Misses' sizes. BlouHs, Shirt•, 66 WIDE LEG COTTON PANTS $9-$10 velues 4.99 In prints, cotton pents with front 2ip ond the new wide leg styling. All oesy-weshing lobrics. 8-1 6. Sf!"fft floor Budget Sport1wear, 65 C~EARANCE GROUP OF JR. SPORTSWEAR ' , Orig. $9-$20 4.99-11.99 Asso;+e~ jr. separates , •• an the exciting sprinq styles ~ere in e heppy range of young ~olors. '. JuNot $pott1wear, 97 . ; ~ J; i . GROUP ' 'of; PRESSY AND . . .. CAsUAL tiANDBAGS ' \ ~ . Ori9. $1.1-$17. 4.99-6.99 • \ Smeft l~~'lerge sizes in the new fashion "eolo~s end shapes, for ell spring occasions. ' l -• Handbags, 37 GLOYES IN CLASSIC AND NOVEL TY STYLES Orig. $3 -$9 2.49-5.99 Cottons. nylons ona leethers in this qroup of gloves in w"hite end costume colors. Gloves, 6 FAMOUS NAME DRESS SHOES Orig. $18 -$20 8.99 Choose from manr. well known mekers in e wide se ection'tff heel heights end colors end styles. fathlon Shoe1, a 44' N. Euclid 535-8121 Mon. fhN Sat, • I 0 o.m. ta ';30 p.m • • '!. __ -• ---~-- FAMOUS MAKER LINGERIE Orig. $4-$7 • 2.99-4.99 Slips and petticoats in easy-wash - ing nylon, also stabilized nylon for under knits, many in color. I Lin99rle, 24 FAMOUS NAME BRAS AND PANTIE GIRDLES Orig. 3.50-12.50 1.49-9.99 From Formfif, Vesserette end · Wamer, e choice of styles in bras end .pantie girdles. Foundation•, 19 GIRLS' TOP NAME LINGERIE GROUP Orig $2 1.59 Pettiponls "end helf slips from a famous meker, in white onty. Sizes 7-14 in tho group. Girls' lingerie, 56 GIRLS' DRESSES IN SPRING STYLES Orig. $9-$11 5.99-6.99 Dressy end casual sfyles in e wide variety of fabrics end colors. Sizes 3-6x ond 7 -14 in the group. Girlt' DrelMI, 47 GROUP OF INFANTS' WEAR Orig. 1.25-5.50 89c-1.99 PI e y w • a r, shorts, die per sets, creepers end dresses in this spe- cioly priced group. Infa nt•' Wear, 42 ~ FAMOUS MAKER MEN'S HATS vel ues to $6 2.99 Handsome lightweight casuals in assorted Spring styles end colors. Some broken sizes. Men'• Hat.. 57 NEWPORT 41 fathion Island 644-1212 Mon. tkru fri. 10 a .m. ta 9130 p.rn. Sot. 10 o.m. to 6 p.m. • AFTfR EASTER MEN'S FAMOUS M>..KE SPORT COAT GROUP Orig. $55-$6.5 • 44.99-49.99 Year-=:ound fabrics in fashion col. ors and model.S, niany famous name brends inGluded in this spe· ciolly priced 9roup. Men'• Spott CJothlng, ~'48 • BUTANE LIGHTERS BY COLIBRI Reg. 17.99-'22.50 11.99 Jewe lry sfyled for the luxury look, all with e 3 year guarantee. Meny styles to choose from. Sm·oke Shop, 13 VINYL CARRY-ON ONE SUITER FOR MEN Reg. 24.99 16.99 A lightweigh~ suif c e r r i er th·et goes right with you. Two outside pecks. $I 0 car bag lo metch, 5.99 Luggcige, 33 GARMENT BAGS IN RICH VINYL PRINT 2.99 Queljty mode with dr"P."" Sfeel freme for extre support. · Notians, 4 SA VE V.. Sil VERPLA TED WATER GOBLETS Orig. 15.00 7.50 ea. Fine quality silverplete for en elegant table setting. Limited quenlity. Silverware, $9 SET OF 3 PILLOWS DECORATOR THROW STYLE Set af Orig. $5.00 3 for 3.99 Colorful throw pillows in antique rayon satin, kapoc fill.~ - Draperiea, 10 . I FRIGIDAIRE 2-SPEED ' . . JET ACTION WASHER 179.88 Has ·~ position 'water temperature selector end cold water wa sh. Major Appliances, 80 LARGE TABLE LAMP METAL URN DESIGN $30.00 velue 19.99 41" ten, polisheo bress finish. (Set of 4 florel plaques, 14:99). L~pt, WalrOecor, 31, 71 SA VE $30 R<!A COLOR . TV 227 SQ. IN. SCREEN 434.00 < Denisfi welnul style cabinet, henCf- some finiS h. Includes guerentee. Televislan, 72 CORNER GROUPS, SAMPLES SAVE 25% NOW 199.95 to 299.95 3 Clays only, oll 1968 floor samples from Stephen Edwords. Limited ~uentity. Come eorly. SIHp Shop, '9 Klto!G SIZE SHEETS SELECTED SECONDS orig. 9.00."11.00 3.99 100'/: cotton percale, white ono colors I OBx 120, limited quontity. Sheets, 2 LA-Z-BOY RECLINER ·ROCKER AT SAVINGS ~ 18.00 orig. 169.95 to 219.95 Your choice 1968 lo-Z-Boy re din· ers, 'eTI et this one low price. fumjfure, 31 HUNTINGTON BEACH 7111 Edinger Ave. 892-i331 Man. tkru Sat. 10 a.m. to 9130 p.m. • ' . ' ' " • I ' • I • ; I • ' I j ... -... ··-·-··----·----' l STEPPING INTO THE PICTURE -The new grand marshal of the 1969-Huntington Harboiir Philharmonic Committee's Christ- mas boat parade is waiting in the wings and will be announced during the Grand Marshal Ball taking place Saturday, April 19.-in • ) ' ~ the Mesa Verde Country Glub .. Waitin~ to congratulate him are· , ' (left U> right) Mrs. Rober\•A:Janies, •wile of 1968 grand marshal; , Mrs. Dallas Moran III, P!esident-el~t of the Philharmonic boafd, / and Mrs. J . Robert Soules, ball chairman. · _,.1: .A • .. I • .. ,. .... ; ·' . ( '• • ' JODIAN HASTINGS, '42~1 . --.. --1.-; . ' , ... 7 Grancl Mo 'rflial Named~ I •. . . ' " . ··s l!rP r1 ses· .: .· In s tei~~. ~::.\=. . I:/· ... • /' I• '!'f • • j\ Christmas-put will lie ricalled and ChrlstmU•"""'-· to-come will he antic~wben members and ~ts' of the three groups comprising the ll'untfnporf.HarbOli\" Committees of the.OqiDle CountyP~nl]O.niG SQCi~IY gather Saturday, April !9; in . Me!/ Verde Country Club,. Costa Mesa. . ., ' , Trophies fro'Fi. !he 1968 boa,t,1iarade sponsored by the committee ,will, be award~. and highlight of the evening will 'bei disclc;>sµ.re Qf~the new1 grand. marshal; who will direl:t the.1989 Christmas spectacular. The semifonnal ball will begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m., and dinner .will be served at 8:30 p.m. Serv- ing .as chairman is_ Mrs. J. Robert Soules. Others work· ing on ll)e conupfttee include Mrs. Richard Morrison. l'eaervatfons'; Mn. Louis Eisenberg-,· decorations,' and Mrs: ll. Bijioird DOcl·Jr., programs. · Mf;l .. .-Lester "Erickson is general ways and means ·cbaU:Man for ·th• 'Huntington . Harl!our Philhannoliic Commil!ee, and· Mn. Gilbert H. Thompson served as ~rman· for boll! tHe boel "parade and this year's 1,iMOvaUon, the Cruise of Lights. . 1 Presenting the 111119',grand marshal" will be Tetiring g,rand !Ufshal, Robert A. James, who was assisted in -r parade duties by William P. tJniack, parade,captain; Macti: Mason, night-captain· and Earl Colee, day captainj .. Tlcltets for tl)e lnvitatiooal afiair are '25 per couple. 3114 all p~oceeds from the ball· will he donated to the Orange C9unty Philharmonic Society. t " .. .. " • ' .. ,, • ' . . t ' ,( . , ~· ' ' • . . ' ' ' Suri Sounds Citize'ns to Compete By JODEAN HASTINGS Of Ille n.lly 'lltf S"H WHEN ORANGE DIS. TRJcr, California F:edera- tion of Women's Clubs, Junior Membership meets for con.. .. vention in the Disneyland Hotel Friday and slh®ly, April 25 and 26, Elaine (Mil.. George) Kemp will be com-. peUng for Citizen-of-the-year award for the Huntington Beach Juniors. · . ' : '. Elaine's principal~ is youth. In addition to wcr~ing with Brownies ln day camp and on field tri"PC!. she is a member of PTA, was active during the Mothers' March of Dimes, and represents her club for Golden ~y, support group of the Child Guidance Clinic of Orange Cotulty. Hll ENTRY For Juniors Elaine served as mental health chainnan and currenUy is education chairman. Because of her in- terest in libraries she helps ' with story hours , donates books and ·arranges bulletin board displays. ~ Mrs. George Kemp She helped in the - talion of a sex education P. working as a member of the • Elaine manages to find time for baking, cooking, sewi,hg and gardening, and also enjOys camping, swimming a n d playing tennis with her family in addition to her community and church work. ADVENTURE AND RAIN ~ to be following Mick and Julie · Hoffman-on their roun&.the.workt tour. After surviving the tail of a hur- ricane in.New Zealand. the couple wandel'M on to a photo. safari in South Africa where, Julie writes, they got chased by a huge bull elephant. "Our drivef'1ust got the car turned around in time," she said. "Hope we got all THAT ·on film." Their flight iLrom Rhodesia's highlands (mostly for gollers and trout fisherman) was beautiful and dull, but Victoria Falls offers a gambling casino which Mick compared ta "ear- ly, I:.as Vegas with Bugsy Siegel." ' gram; promoted an education De t' W , · scholarship a n d presented mocra 1c oman s group. puppet shows for children. · She-aerves on the Head Start OFF TO JUNE LAKE f:Jr a winter vacation were the Bramels -Jack and Pat, son Michael and daughter Dana: The skiing enthusiasts, who plan to start 5-year..old. Dan a 'With lessons this year, recalled the "old days" wheri they used to hike in from a dirt road to Mammoth. . , ·,, I · . i • • California Reviewed by OffiC:ers · 'of Historical Society . . . . . ,: Reviewing the books are ·o~ to. right). M;~.·Al Krukenberg, pr~esi;t1 denf; Mr1. GeOrge Freiwald, first vice president and 1prog ~ ' ·~an; and Mrs. Joe Courreges, third vice· president and his: In other activities, the Wlfe committee, Fair H o u s i n g and mother of three daughters Association and Orange Coun. helped in the telephone cam-ty Council for Human Equali- palgn to Get Out t~ Vote, t~. An insight inU> history is gleaned by new officers of the Folintain Valley Historical Society as they review editioos published in 1907 and authored by J , M. Guinn, who at that time was secretary and past president of the HisU>rical Society of Southern CaliJornia. torian !or the Fountain Valley orga~ization. ' f! ' . . '.: No Gain for Brain Strain Gi.ves College. Student DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a boy, 11, a freshman in mllege. I nevtr cut claues, 1 take 1ood nota:, and r do a c:onsidenbk 1mounl of outslde.IWdy, Yet my grad<s are no belter . than averaie. I know kids who cut like cruy, eleep d&&rinC: ltctwa,·blve·aever.owned • --. 'llld 1llllr ,,,..,_ .... COD< sistenll)' better tbah mtne. Today I got back a psycholoO exam. r made a 71. The kid next to me (ot a 99. Whell I uil<d H be lludied for the ei:am, be said, "Of course not. r rated IL" rm ready to start 0 flking it" and see what happens. r bet I'll be .., proliotloa before JOU can 111 "Wilhelm Wunilt." • What'• the secrtt of mallina lood . . ANN LANDERS grad,. besides pme lludy? Is there IOJlle "'1'et to it? Than1'I for any belp you can give me. -BEGGING FOR A C DEAR llEG: ~ _.,. tM llld daat "all mn ire mate4 equl" dota't apply ti . ..,__ ~-Some -II -"P flllOl'DUltioo Jae I - tor ... -la"1 Ill ol tt. OtMrl ----•tltM-il_ll_,.._ ... .,_. thy• .... 1nc1\t., !IJld -tlie71orpl.; l!lree ,_,,, of U..t wltbln six boon. ' • U ytl 1l1ve ~ llard u yot claim and make only •verqe gade1, my ad· vi<e II ti kftp plllflla(. Y" will form wort bMtl whlcb .Will prove far more Yliuble fllu I llully lfade polat ......... J ""° ....... dill ,.. lotve • tllk -'f«U ,..,.,.. ud ul< -wky ,.. m.ut a.ck .JCIWltlf CMt to :et ., ' 1 llledMere lf8da. Y•. mlPt pk:k ap -every one of them with perf~l Visipn IOmt uef91 ehatL and in excellent health. Our life togelber DEAR ANN LANDERS :" I cannot has been wondeful. Our oldest chjld '. truih!ully uy I read the letter •!(ned ii H.,.OUr y...,...t ii 7. We have two "A 1rfend'1 Friend:"· it Wu rtad, to -srandchlldrtn. · • ' , I me, by Bil}.. FjU,erU:I, a 1 '(O~ iD , In my 15 years as. an el~ ~r 11\0 .Mic:1>lJln 8""!''.! ,~vei; • of the Mlchlpn Stale He••• pf J am btind. . · .. " • · Repnlentatl\fel, J;tt m1de 'coUntlesS trips from LanslJ!J ~o Detroit. 1 used to , I was Interested in the· lettll', u Bill tr1Vel with my Seeinf·Eye dO(. I - knew J woukt be, becaui It conetrned travel alone. 1 molher wboee to0 bid decldld to 1 bdpe orr1enc:1•a 1'tlend" aees thlt ~~ ·~.~~~ .Flhey1· ~ q~,':~ . 11'4 otop<.worryiJ!s about what blin!I r~-: "'*t • '*ve c.-~• -le cu~ do, -ROBERT D. My wile Jennie, who 111i> ls bllnd, MAHONEY SIXTll DISTRICT ' married me tt·yean ap. ·(We tmi ' 1 i •, in Micbilan'• School IO< the Bliad In 11&41\ ROBERT MAHONEY: Tlool Lan!isJ&.) Jennie*"' l l!fil ,10 dllldren JW fw •,...,.,.. letl<r. M4 1111.t a Parn I 'I t IWl.Y PILOT Moodlr. Alrll 1, 1'169 (. Horoscope Libra: Do·n't· ·,Brood 'About Past TUESDAY fo<ll. Live up IO 1qs1-you co11ec1 valuable ln-~PRIL 8 lll<DL Emphto!to beauty. eu1 • formation. Ono wbo ... ...is " avoid bta\'.Y clea111nf. Tact,· piale atrhlp feels amiably By SYDNEY OM"!\R • wij ,ancl lnlel!i&we pin!""' dllpaeed toward ·yoo. SHOPPING . AND BovsE-Jor objectiva. • ' • • CAPRMpRH (Dec. ZWan. BOLD IN o I c ~~::.: S: Li:O (lu!J. 23-A\!( .. D): <lei 19): Bew"" ol w 11 d ca I Lunar poe111on em du-~ _rill , a r I I a ans, ......,.. <J!'tlact t1!oee who ty _ be practical hi . -· crallioieli., A~ cnticllm. llYO eul pl Y!JU. Cbeok mi \lUilget -l!:lcellenl . for DI~:"' more than -.. l\elPe¢ eaperlence. '<purdwe 'of·,_......, clotbtl. 'doeo . _Some~ AQU~ J.1!0-•Feb. Key 11,lo be cOn>ervaUve in-. you are ~ve. Jll1o"'. II): ee ...... ,...orecolnctly ...a.;i., furnllll!e. JIOny 'piis -and apply light !ouch. cpmt. .Sane who spread pip mllbt -Y!"' u ll1P!. Keep par<! In pooltlon. Finiab ---btlln proj-ects: ~ii oecil!IJ'1o P1BC1!S (Feb. l .. Morcb IO):' ActlvttY -w 11 h _..-11-.c .. ment .friendly re 1 a tt on•. Humanllarl&n pioJecll are favmd. You coWd 1pearllead charity drive. Esceil<nl for Improving public niltlona . .tmd to bump infi objects, ' · ~ (Aµg. 23-Sept. D): 9'.: 1n;tt,il lmees. Ba f g a i n • ·~ dellrel m practlcsl J" ~ • 'available In root vqetab1es. manner. U you avoid e1-· • • ARIES <Marcl\21-April 19>, :,:r.,":,""'~1 1;!:' .. ~ A tour of h1stor1c Hlgbl1gbt responsibility -ac-avOKr extremes. Cbect diet. ' • • • R h «pl ~ of It. One , at tbt' LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. D): Scripps Miramar anc top Is °'!presl<!i. Don .I shirk Don't brood a boot the put. . • duty-live up to obllgailooa. Future can be procluctiveaoce b program for y lo oeek pronioUon. Stan-goal ii sighted. More atrength can e a , · ht commuruty could be on )'Ollr 'side than might be • 1 · elev-. . imagined. Get -In order your club or soc1a . ,TAURUS (April ll>-May IO)' -especially npalrl. Youmaywanttoatildytrovel SCORPIO (oeti3.Nov It)' ' t'on now folders. you.have feeling lhat Short jooniey ..;....t<d f/llb organ1za I • •• . tu~ . has ~n completed. close relatives is favored . lnd1VId~al with problem con-Strive for greater domestic f~ in you. 11te more you harmony. Obtain· bint ffom a1~ others,_ the !11on you LIBRA 'mesa.age. M o n e y ultimately wUI receive~ surpr'i9e ls due You show a GEMINI (llay 21.Jun .. IO)' Pl11fit . Civic teagve to $fu_dy Harbor Problems Avoid 'l;>eing too forceful or SAcimARIUs (Nov. 22_ aggresmve. Be Independent ~ 21). Be -~-· ·,_ .. but not anogant. Gather ""'"':'· ·. . llNUQ a-m material for experimental or ~ating, drinking. Do plenty· of creaUve work. You get ac--listening. U a keen o~er, WEEKDAY TOURS of Scripps Miramar Ranch are especially designed for civic, social, church and other groups. Make a reservation now for. y~ur organization; group rates for 20 or more. Cater· ing for coffees, teas or luncheons available too. For reservations and information can· 277-7110 (or ·291-0204 weekdays only). NEW IN SAN DIEGO A C111lse of the harbor while learning ~bout its prob- lems and Newport Beech's lnWlveme.Jt is on the next agenda of the Woman's Civie·,i.ea·gue of New- port Harbor. Following will be a l~eon, served by league board members. The evenn.s scbeduied Artworks Displayed W a t e r color landscapes, seascapes, norats and fruits by artist Clarence Sorenson will be displayed in the Mesa Verde Library tomorrow lhroogh llay 8. A member of the Costa Mesa Art League, Sorenson began hls studies in hls home city of Kansas City, Mo. at the Fine Arts Instilule. . He ns art director tor sevmiI ·advertising ~ in Ollcago while continuing · hls painting .....,. w I I b ' prftat. study under artist· i-ben Paul Gerding and J--Sorenaoaretiredtwoyean aeo and .. came to California. He --bis llm6 to hil. two deepest -· painting and nbihiting. for 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 15. Briefing Mrs. T. Dun- can Slewart and Mrs. Angelo Redaelli (left to right) on the discussion are Al Oberg, harbor master (left) and George Dawes, harbor Coordinator for the City of Newport ·Beach. curate picture of financial af- fairs. CANCER (June 21.July 22)' People express willingness to coope'i"ate. Accent joint ef- Bis warts have .been on dilplay In the Costa ·Mesa Ari Gallery ... the .-·amiulll eablblts In Park Foi'elt, ID., at the Fall Ari Festival. ' ~.: '· ' ' . ·OldJ<tshioned Sewin.g Bee Revived '. ~· ' . ' . . . mission hospitals and sew children's clothing and crib blankets which are distributed through Luth- eran World Relief to New Guinea and Vietnam. Working on a•iaprobe ·are (left to right) the Mmes. William C. Lampert, Louise Post, chainnan and Kay Waite?, projects supervisor. Cashiers Summoned Members ot the Li fr 1 ..... ance CashlBB and Of· Ileen llanag<rS AJsoclailoa of Oronp County wlll heir a talk oo Estaie Planning, Wills . and Trusts when they meet in the Iron Horse restaurant, Orange, for 1 &:30 p.m. dinner tomorrow. Newport Harbor Luth~ eJuircli iS the scene of an ''old-laailiOned sewing bee" the fourib_ Tuesday of i!v«Y· !ilenth, .. l!ut there is iiothtng O[d fashioned a"°1JI w)lat j.s being turned out by the.nimble fingers oi. Dorcas Circ;le members. Using ilis~ards, the women make Japrobes for HarQor Area convales- cent· .hOSJ!ltalJ, roll bandag .. which are sent_ to Bread Slices .. . Stop Stailis iames B. MacDonald of Hurwll., Hurwits and Remer will tiO guest speaker for the meeting which will follow a ,,IQ p.m. aocial boor. stainecl ...de mo., ca~ be cleaned )ly rubbfnc them will> a piec;e Qf white ~. says Jane Speece, University ol .Nebraaka Exteqsion speclallst in textiles and ololbinf. , A1IiJoae wishing mervalions Or iuformation may call Mn. Ruth C 1 n i n o , Continental -Company, 541-4428.. Use a ':suede. brush to ketp lbe _ .. ~ .. bruJhed ·Ill'-In .. emergt!!Jcy, use an emery board .. .. , you can lose weight · and keep it off Perh aps you 've been on d iets before. .You lose o ·few pounds, but you olwo ys go bock to your old eoting hobin . .Weight Wotchers con help you lose weig ht ond keep it off, with out pill s, or crash.diets. We helP, you re-train your eating hab its so you ca n enio~ lull meals o doy. Introductory Session ot no obligotion1 Morning doss begins T uesdoy, April 15th, 9:00 o.m . (enter on Bristol St.) Evening doss begins the some doy ot 7:30 p.m . in the Teo Room, South Coosl Plozo. Reqistrotion fee 3.00 Weekly aues 2.00 • . -.• 00 .., ...... -:-............ ""' .. ..,..,.., ....... 146-tJJI FINE BAKERY f're1h Strawberr11 Pie 011r f•mous str•wb•rry pl• is back. Mid• . ~ith th• fin•st plumpo l1r9e, whol• str•w4 h•rr.i•s. l .19 Strawberr11 Sllort Cake Individual short eek• cups, topped with rich r•d 1tr1wb•tri•s •nd wh ipped creem lSc ea. el~~~~~? II your birthday is in May, June or Jui stop in and fill o~t an •ntry .•. • decorate 2-l•y•r c•lt.• to I lucky p•oplt ••ch month ! ~~ LIDO CENTER • .,,Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landers 3433 VIA uoo !NEWPORT BEACH 673~360 .... . ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-...~~~-" :~f. ' 6 II t ~ · --- ---L-------- Spray Build-up OPEN EVERYDAY Sat, Sun., .llnd holidays 10 1.m.• .f:JO p.m., no reservalions re· quired. Weekd.llys, by advance · reserv.lllion only. Washed Away ~rip~~ Miramar Ranch ~ To el~lnate hair sp'rayj~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ build<Jp, Jnil< a liWe dry bak· ing soda M'itb your sha~poli. To rerilcive every Ia'st trJce of shampoo, rime hair with a glass of water con1tall1!Dll a leupoon of biking IOda. BE FREE OF FACIAL. HAIR ' ~. FOREVER•••• PaOOF Of THE YAaN IS IN ·THE SCftA TCHING LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH MODERN ~LECTROLYSIS 1 MEDICALLY APPROVED.•, SAFE1 FAST 1 GENTLE-. YOU'RE INVITED TO CONSULT WITH OUR LICENSED TECHNICIAN, TMt'l I/ ~Iii Tile good qu.a!Uy YIM$ lrt IOlt Ind lmDDth, Ind ltlly Kflkll leu. Hoowy1r, they do wst e bl! ,.,-· . , -think lt'I WOMh I!. The KNIT WIT Pho11- 5'45·2112 ·: w<[§1 '· .... ...... ~ IN O\JR BEAUTY SALOH. SOUTH COAST PLAZA lowtr 'UaU Acro11 froin Woolworilt'1 Bristol 11t th1 511" Di1190 Frwy. ROBINSON'S • COSTA MESA HELENE CURTIS' NO-SET BABY CAP 0' CURLS THE FAS HION MOOD FOR ·SPRING IS JOYOUSLY AU NATUREL ••• w1m A SOFTLY-t<NOWIHG ''BAIY11 I NHOCENCE~ THIS ANGEL-OEVILTRY IS SHAPED BY OUR INGENIOUS STYLISTS.•• WHO CURVE THEIR SPRltfGY MISCHIEF TO THE HUG OF YOUR HEAb. T HEN, OUR NO-SET NATURE'CURL PERM TO MOLD AND HOLD T HAT GLORIOUS TUMB\-E. ••WITHOUT A SET • WITHOUT A CARE! NO-SET NATURE CURL WAV£ FROM 15 .00; CUT, FROM 5.00. BEAUTY SALON, 'HUMAN HAIR STRETCH WIG, CUSTOM STYLED, 45.00 IN BLONDS, BRUNETTES, FROSTEDS ANO GREVS•t•WHAT A WIG TO WEAR WHEN '!'<?UR co1r: DROOPS! SEE OUR EHTIRE WIGGIERY GPlOUP;' CASC_ADES, WIGLETS, LONG ANO MED IUM FALLS. BEAUTY ISALOH ROBINSONS NEVVR)ITT • FASH ION ISLAND • 644·2800 "'' '~ -----· ---~-----.·-~~- • • • • ' AT Al[V,· ' . ' STORES! , HURRY! 'LIMITED j· . • .._, A,111 7, 1069 DAll.V I'll.OT JI~ • • • ' • , •• • • .. f • •, ' er easter sales '& '· , ~ • I ' . no-lronPeppeNU1heet1 5.99 twin top, titl«I boilom I · I s.991uu top,.flttec1 bottom I ' ___ B_o_Y_s_· WEAR-= ...... v ... AL=...YE=S,.__,_ 3.79 42>:36'' amos, pair l..ilac, pink, deep blue dioe. colcra. 3.29 coL pett:. pillow "'-.Pr 3.99 3.00cottml:n!tlhlrti,8-18 l.M 3.99!ullliLwhL cotpett:.ohll. !Jiii 1/5.00 I.II 4.00!vy1pOrtlhlr1&S.l8 2/S.00 mayc:bdomestlca34,boddlng41 9lc 4.00 wall: ehadl, S.20 a.31 45.99 G.E. queen elect bbUt. 29.11 29c maycoboya'!uml&hlngl23 • 14.99.-24.99 tw .. n. kng. sprds. io..11.te 99c 3.50no-irmdbl.l:nee!ocm1;M 2 2.11 35.lJ0..4000Batesl:lngopMClda llM 3,99 10:00.2ll.OOlpOrt'cxiats 10.tl· maycodomestic:s34,~41-atall may co l:loys' W9Clf IC stores but MontcJiilr and Carlsbad , . ' . . ..~... _,... •• l,4.4',. • • • • •• 39.99tw!n. full mattress or sj>rin!'.1 29.11 49.95ljealymattressorsprlng - 59.99 Sliilmona iaatbessor sprfn~ «.M 79.95Sealy-111-orspring . SUI. 99.00 Urethane locim maltlWoa sel 19.Dll 99.00 red;or:x:Jong m(ltt. set - 109.98 Simmons mnttress set -· 119.00Eriqlandorloamorciollser tUO 15900 sampleSimmonsdUplexbed II.GO 21 3-pc;. Sealy l:ing llze set ISIJlll 3-pc;. Simmons l:ing set 1n.ao 239 em .Ola sleeper Ill.GO 219 oo!a sleepers 171,Dl).Jll OO mayco'sle0p9C1Uipment 145 · I CARPETVALUES I i 31wn·frfligad·ova1 lllg!I 1/111.1111 , 11.49 broa:lloom.mlll blalJ oq. yd. f.tl 9.99 nylon PlJo caipet *I' yd. IDlt. lM 12.49 wool pjlO lid)m. oq. yd. IDlt. ... 10.99-1 !.99 ai;eyllc pile textured or plush broadlcom . sq. yd. insL 7.11 , may cc lloorCOV9!ings 32 •, ' - ''-------------· s_A_VE_IN_MA_Y_co_B_·u .... PG_ET_· ._sr_, o_RE_s_D_O_WN_S_T_AIR..__s ___ ·-~ ... _ _.,.. ___ __,, ' WOMEN'S WEAR m1-1· pant.. tops 2 for 5.00 ..... t. ...... Tran cotton pants In oolid a>lors, cott<>n tops In stripe~ eolids. S.16. Ut ea. m11M1' ilare panta 3.99--4...U. Basics and noveltl.., prints. plaids and solids. manyfal:tlca. 6-16. 8Gftl Junlordre1Hs 7 .oo ... ,.. 11.99. An -ling jjroupol l!nens, cottons. mare! Solids and prfn!L ml11H'~l lacbta 2.99-us Vinyls with, !be Jool: d leather. &owll or beige. 11oa a.n WOMEN'S WEAll 15.911 flmlar~ many types 6.99-&99 jr. l!mw pants . I.Oii 3.19 mla .. ',lounge coata 3.99-LM Honan• iayan ~ bullol>lront Joung.,.. lowly prinls, brt>bn - ~99nylon oleepgowns . -1 panlfglrdl•• 2 for s;oo· -'-lt-LM All from a famous mabr-for many llguro typos. White, eome c:oloro. 1.99-2.49 famoua aame bras 5.99 alJ.in ..... loundatlono -..ecm.ga' S.00-1,11.1ua In·He knit PolyeMll, lln9ns, cot· """' ....,..,., ,,.,.., a.n 14~-2t~. ,. • l9c 3.11 , ,,-, WOllEll'll .WEAB CHILDREN'S WEAR ..,_ •• oazadlzla . . lllfanta' '1"Pfplcrw- 2.99-4.99 ~1• l• ' l.99-.zsa.le E>dting c:cllection of l1lDllDor ICllld-aJ., S.IOM; notall simsall """-'Baby Mae In cottono, cottcnfnylan ••1-itrft:b-sizeo 0 .ID 2{ mcn1lls. • women's shoes 5.19 -. • l.4S.l.79 Infants' shiz1s, &horts lie 2/1.69 non·run ny!ohs 2.59 -en·a iupport mcldngs 1.99 lounge slippers 2.1 !l-3.19 linon slippers llGftODbcmdhap 3.99-us1.11 211.-1." 99e l.7t-3.19 Vinyls with leathor Of l'CMDI fjlllab, -cl"*9.Coloro. 7.99 lxnbihandlxigo 6.99 jewelry 00- :i.9!>3-49 Jr, boys' lhlrts 1.11 . l~~:;i:.~3-14 3.1$.~ llO'('S JOO) MEN'S bofa' dreM alilrt1 I.99 ·,;_~ Short · ~ iiiodels-checb and pinstripe!. perm. press. Si>e S.18. 2.69-3.50 boya' sport shirts . 3.69 licys' nylon Joobts ~n'1 2.pant 111118 49.99 wo_...i .. S!ngl..tnqsted. 2-button llde venL 36-16 reg. obort, long. Alter. char;e. ' I.II 3.49 MEK'SWEAR -·.1m11 llhlita 3.99-m Short ..... lntu7ecl 'acetate knits. 11>rfngcolors. S:XL ll:es. men'• i:ardlgan aweat•r• .9,99· .... 11.11 F.aly.care Or!cnit acrylb. green. gokL l:iue;-orange. S.M·L-X!. _, HOME FIJllJllSHINGS Dacron®~· . l.59ea. -2.19 . flocbd Dacronl polyester. 40"x8!" Jang 11eallopetl'odge. White only: cmzl-rap 11.99 -llM Nylon and Dacn>n l ~. lrtngod all mound. bight cclon. . . ' 4.99-S.99 6.al soattor rug, 21"x45" and 30"1.S" · ' · budget stores downllairs. except Wil!hlre "-No home fumflhi iioiiriiidiomiiiftilic:si. iiatiiiiMoiincilialiiiroiiriCaiii"rilsbodiii _______________ lllllll -· • ·: . • s ., • ! ~ .. ;.. . may co south cOast plaza, san ditto fwy at bristol, costo mesa; 546-9321; shop monclay t111·ough saturday ,, am to 9:30 • ,.. • • I ~1 l• DAILY PILOT ~·011·1. A:·~ 1, 19111 ;;'--~~~~~~~~~~ Happiness Theme Di ~trict Clubs Await Meeting 'l1le Jliloeylaod Hotel will momJn&. be tho eo11iD11 April t Ind Tho ,_ .. _ will 10, !or Ille <Jnoc• Dislrict lmcr poll ......... d lhe C<nV<lllllon dCalllorn la oocmlf and -...i wiD FedenUan al Woman'• ClubJ, hive as a tpldll feature themed Rapplma la Dohig music b1 Sblrl"1 and Jtlf f<r oet.n. I..1m!IDC8. ~ d lht H Awenl wlmMlwlllccmipele cJubo .. tht -will ..... Oii tht --.. Sen,.,.,,. vetie al I p.m. Tbunday fer ci8CO, April 2'. the -to be gt... Pnll boots, blllada'a by tht R<Y. Dr. Carl Chrllt -and prfJe ..... ort d tht Tustin ~ dilplejol will be .. dilplQ- <lnlrdl. • in co:J·~ rooms d the Pmldeols d the clubl will bol<l. form a proce1RmaJ prior to AUeodin& frcm the EbeD the""'""~ Thunday Clul> d N<wporl Beadl will wtlidJ 1-·u ·Ila Iheme k be lht JC-. Ch1toa Trtalure ai..t d Prtoeleu 'i1JGnlpul, pnoidont: LJL J ...... ' . ~ ni.t vice preoi<lent: si-1 music will ..)>• L.W:. Jmkl, program fealunid during the blDql!OI c!>Oirmao and . Jack 0... and ..--<i nards nOlfwm, wel!are and beolth by Mrs. William Cheney, cholrmM. -nr.t vice ..-Also, tht -J 0 h. """ dtaD of chalrmm, will Lamir, ftllla1 c b air ma a : cJimU: the e""'1ag. SlloleJ' -. cmreopoading After the call to order at 1ecretar1; H•bert t:30 a.m. Friday, M ra. PlMrbaugh, Vice pnoldent, .Oiarl.. Garbarino, !ormtr W&yl and .,...., 'l'bomao II. M~ mioslamy Io B e ct w II b , pablldty, end Singap.:>re. will give · the in-James Lan. 1heodore Robins voea-A busin,.. oession and Dr. IDlda McCertney. and prqiram preoenltd by Mn. Ed word-· AlDl!ricMl Field Ser Y 1 c e J\Dor Ebtll prelldent, will shiaenta will coaclude the OCCOIDl*'1 Ille EbeD ol!icfn. For Preschoolers ' Hearing Tests Set Parents of preschool cblldren In the Orange Coast area are urged to brine their children for a free hearing test Thursday and Friday, April 10 and 11, In St. Andnwa Pres- bytertan Chureh, Newport Beach. '],'he testa will be ~Wed· from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. each da,y by the John Tracy Clinic under the iponsoi'ahfp ol the Newport Chapter of Nallonal Charity League. Appointment& may be made by calling the cllDic in Costa Mesa at 642-2275 between 9:30 a.m. and S p.m. Monday through Friday. Women Invited To UCI Series Tbree _,.ams dellgned !or -will be o!lmd in the aprlD& quarter by the Unl-..nl\7 <i Call!omla Ex· lemion, Irvine, contlnuini Its expanded oer1.. or proarams lor- Bqjoolng '.!busrday, April 10, will be Assessment ol Pmooal Potential, !roai · I a.m. to noon in Fellowship Hall, F l r I I Coogregallooal Cllurcb, Santa Ana.. Coiwdloator of the program is Dr. Robert S. Davidson, assodale cllnlcal pro!"'°' ol medlca1 PoYcboloCY. Calllomla Collqe o! Mtdicint, UCL He will be assisted by Dr. Ella Sanders, a psychologist in private practice. 'nMI aecand class, New Ways of Penonal Growth, will meet Frldoy mornings !rom t a.m. to ..... also in the Coogrep· tiooa1 Omdl with Dr. Davldooo u coordinator. ~ring with~ •too. Cl*ured ~ '211.liO. ()pol with ........... •130. ""-'• tnot with diamond. e79.l50. Ribbon ring In -~-Mill. or lmlrllds, $49.ISO. Olt WHAT'S THE USE -No need to despair, Miss Groetsch, there is a better way to keep house. Come tO the series planned by Orange Cout College Eve- ning Division, Homemakers, Work Smarter, Not Harder, beginning Wednes- day, April 9, and find out how. Susan and other homemakers will be given home management, housecleanlng, meal preparation and clothing care lipa in the lour- week 1erin. · Austin-Belnap Names 1n Rites · Read • Oregon For Ceremony 5.99 15.00 Value ' Housekeeping ~ Tips Offered -cull !ar _. .... willbeollmdmai-t -pl•-"1 Ille Oruice ~ Collef' Evening --The course. title d ~ wcrt smarter. Not· -· will be OD lour .. ~ Wednetdayl from ,,. to,,. p,m. iD the Costa -llilh Sdiool'lyc<Wll and -lo Ille public al no diarge. -. ' Praepllng the -will he Mn.'Don>lhy Weock, 'home . adviaor for the \!olverslty of Elizabeth.Arden face treatment is much more than just a facial An Ellzabe1h Anlen expert In Qiffums' Red Door rimment Room will help you discowr dell&htfvl beauty secrets. You'll have a face treatment and emecge with a IUxtJious new llakeup as well as a radiant leellni. Collplell treatment, willt !lilkeup,J.Ut Beauly Studio, ...-- MESA MATINESS ~ a sort cl "f.i.Mlt nigbta'" tn the daylight !or llartJor .,.. film !ans. Each -..el: wbeo Ihm ii a brand new marit 9Cbeduled for the Mesa, the apeoine ii held on Wtd!le$day oftunoon, The shows start )X'Olllptly II I o'clock with tree reftesbmenta. FREE PASSES to tho M ... or the Lido ...ui be mallod todl1 to It R. Johmon, lOi Via Lido Nord, l'/<wpart Beodl, )[. E, Bullu, 2l!JO Sertuo A-... Balboa, J. R. Sbal•, 1111 N. Slate, Colle -and a.naco Arldl, IOO Mar1col<f, C...... dll Mar. SLAVICK'§ B ffu wlll~;m~..;i::.~ J, .......... 1111 u mS' •t lhe Lido or the Mesa real 1 e FesloiOft hleod iJ3 soon. It Is our sinc:ere hope and Newootl -~ ....... 644-Ueo • F\.C)• 7'. ,--,....: JI. T7'. '°'".r our pl•ll"1r• that yw will be v .. a..,,. ,._. w.1-.-~ " V ~ X one ol the cuest.1 before too A sure winner •• , you'll lova the striling good lools of this versatile I()()% human hair piece. Wear it ony number of ways, •• whatev•ir suilt your fancy is the way to go. Available in eO colors, including fro•ts. Hurry for th e best selection. We're experts in styr.nq hairpieces, too! Beauty S.loo, 601. l•11kAfR•rlc•N, ..... Qerwe. tff • +,. M.w,ert C••tw .-.... I F••h'°91 hlt"4 • "4·2200 many Wteb ro1I by. o .. "-~ ~,., _ _.ft.JI AMHllM N'lwrolT HUMTllleTOtl llACH M111., Tli11rw., "'· IO!M "" t :JO ()+ti1, Di,, IOoOO flll l•.10 ' l ,. .... _.,, m.ty'..... ,.... 444 ... Ld14 IJS.1111 47 Fe.til ... 1.1.... "44.12 12 7777 Etll11tw A.... ltJ.JJJ( See )'GU at the movi. Ne. -:-:--========--~__:;==:::...=="----=:!..!!=:.::!:~~::!!!.!-..!..!.!..!...!~~:!.....!!!:~~111...--------------''Port Lido or die M-. ii.it ill -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=========-:.: ' Moldlf, April 7, 1969 DAR.Y l'Uti }f » Honeym0on in Mexico -· TO~S Mer!'111id.s In Healing Aris • H~~borites Recit~ . Vows lnfonnalion regardla&_. : · N1ew· Rol·es : for . Women aSro~:;s . , ,_al IU·UU, Lalbenn Cbur<b ., • tllo -wu· tbe lllllnl for the -""' nuplla). -llnkllll'll-Ann Leplor ml W\WllD ·1'rom> Webller, -., llewpGrl 1leocb. ,,,. ,Rev. -Eller-'ll>e bride, daugbhr ., Mr. ml Mra. Jolln Leplor GI N"' London, Mlna., WU given in .marriage by her' falhtf. She wore an organza and tumed lace gown whlch swept into a ' watteau train. Matching fabric formed--ber headpiece which held her chapel length veil, and abe canied white ,_and Ivy. . ID pink A·line gowns and carrying red roses and pinlr: carnations were Miss Martha Dodda ol -polis, maid <>(. booor ' and Mrs. Manhall Hugo .. ol Newport Beach, BARBARA PHILLIPS Juno Bride . ' . New prof-for """"'I . GI Ille padeot, w11icb. q11keo lion llllft than a year, has Meetinp take place 117 p.111. -to --tbe tbe help GI an -·-,. -led _...., co se s , evory Tl>unday In WoodlaDI\ CGmJlezlliea In-In. tile lloaleol lavoluoblo. .·_<IP.:.:'"'_·_Ia...:i\1c..canllac __ · _pe,_llenta._c _ _:Schoo=:..:l•:..:Collta=:..:M=:ea=. --mod!m bealboc aru. To quollfy u 111 ..i.·r \. A _.i -· training mlniltrollYe bolUa, J- 11111 nQ'lllllar--... for ·,-. a ---be._. ~ -·~ momtorell , potbellc ml the type el aurglcal lnllilslve care W1lt -who likea to.do tllinp ·In• lllilltlqton Beach bu.been fer «Ms. Sbe ollo mm11 ha .. -lied by ·Hun 11 n·g to n lhe ~ and abllily to jJltercunmunlty il<lopital. fit in a buay hoopital com- 'ADotber newly created oc4 mumty, · cuPauoo is that of ad-Behn aaaumq Imea mlnislrallve bootess; Her job duties the boopital providel Is lo· meet nonmedical -, an ...telltalbl courie to lo- • ~ quoitl6oa, trwmit quaint lhe lndJvidull -· all llllQftlhm ml put potl<nta a-" ., IM!opltal acllvity .. at ease. she may &«Ve as a lini: Mrs. ShelTy Murnane of 1 between patienla and the Garden Gnlft ii Ille lint in medical facillly. the area to fill lllil roie, and The boipital, which recently she descrlbea her job as.malt-had Ila plans for the con- ing certain lbai <very. patient llructlon of an llM!ed Wing reels at eaae arid secure in IJJlrQVed, will c<intinue to P'O" the v,,.i -pies of a mOOmi vide tlU IYI" of ·s<nice aa WE HAVE G. I. FOOD GIFT PAKS FOR SERVIC~MEN ~; '"' AT HOME and ABROAD :; " ., . bridesmaid. ' Wedding Ceremony Planned boopilal. part of Ila ~ program. ..... -MRS. WILLIAM f, WEBSTER N..wport R11id1nt1 Conference Focused On . Youth Problems A one-day conference on Following the panel a brief4 Delinquency Prevention will ing on Conducting a Youth take place Saturday, April 12, Needs Sutvey will be given in the Farmer's Insurance by Ernest Bachelor, con- Group building, Los Angeles. sultant, Division DeliDquency . JolnUy sponsoring the se-Prevention. CYA. cond annual event are the DiSCU8Sion groups will· be California -· Federation o f formed after luncheon and a Women's Clubs, Jun Io r youth panel and open Membenb!p, the California dhcu ssion dialogue will -con- Youth Authority· and Fanner's elude the day~ Insurance group. .---.,..,.. ... --1 u.1rtt11IU1t Mrs. Donald Pratt, con- ference chairman, will call the More S.Clll'lty Wltlt seS111on to order at 9 a.m. rALS£ TEETH and Mrs. Marshall Gordoo, rft stab! Junior president, will wejcome those attending. A panel discussion, Com- munity Involvement, will oc- cupy the morning session, moderated by Robert Foster, regional supervisor, Division Delinquency Prevention of California Youth Authority. Have Yourself a pretty new Fashion 'do' ... quick as a wiglet 9.88 and 18.88 ' Sl111p11 M Mt •3 UMt!:-r-a. w• enlr> .,...,,1 ...... _ ......... ,. . ' VA YOUl .... ..,. CMAIOI CARD- NO APPOINTMENT NICISSARI' f'ULLftl'Off MUMTHt•TOM llAC" M.-ot!T llACM or.rtltl'llr Clftttr Hllntlrl... CM!lff F19hlcln 1"9tlf ......... ~ 1Nfl•.lt>171f ,....,._.,....m, ·'lbe bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mra. WW!am Weboter of Centralia, Wub., asked Duane Raab of Newport Beach to be bis heal man. Ushen were John ml Daniel Winchester and Thomaa Blow. Patrick Mon•tiln WU the IOloist. $Ile driil>o io.1111.<l<l>'l!l!li<IJI The aecooc1 · lnleMlve care In the H\-bed, lndlviduakoom Unlt proviilea ema lnaurance hoopltaJ at alm<!lt any hour both before and after surgery. of the day' to answer ques-1be r Ir st ICU, in opera. A June ~ wedding ln St. tioils, aaUsfy complaints or Andrew'• Presbyterian Oiurch fulfill requests. is being planned by Barbara -D. Jacobs; 1upitaJ Phillips of Newport Beach and administrator, points out that C.1to111 Aar1I A1111111flcifi• Stanley Rohrer of Wakarusa, tnlJ"9eS and doctors are not NO SALISMU HAL AlllSCHll HEARING AIDS Ind. physic~ ab~o spend much mt c'tr.!O:f' ,,:WT. Circulatlng the guest book clurtog the roception in the Newport Beach Tennis Club was Mn. Elden Kanegae, and cutting the cake was Mrs. ,Daniel Ratoz, the bridegropm's sister. Mr, and Mrs. Dwi••t Phillips """' fur the medical needs ,,.. .. ,..._,...,. ____ _ Miss Phillips, daughter of'll~mo~re~~~~nec~~eessai~ry~to~~..,~-~~sk~l~•~l~&~Jl.J~U~I ~ &" "'°' ._..... .... nr.-......... ... ..... of PlacenUa, teaches Spanish ...mi ~ Iii .._ Y1'dl. 'di blp,,.,, 111 .. ~~~:~~~u~ YES MAM =~·=:..:.;:.::.-.~#4.9i · Following a honeymoon in Mexico, the newlywed& will realde In Newport Beach. She ls a graduate of the University of Minnetlota, while he is an alumn111 of Western :Waabington State College. School and Occidental College. • Her fiance is a graduate I \fE Wfll I BAV ~~ON I of Purdue University and w d h h I ...... rl'\1 ...-~~ ' earned bis masters c1egroe in e ~ ave t e a rgest THESE SAM SHIPMENTS. · . :;':!' •. ':1 = ;tJt=. stock of SHAG CARPET · . . , -' Laguna Group Ind., he ·ts the son of Mr. h ;:t.=. Glade Rohrer or Of t .e IOWeSt prices! fi~t- DO N'S CARPET SHOP. American Llgi<JO Auxiliary of Laguna Beach gathers at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Tbtndaya in the Lepn Hall. Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See ii IZllMlllNelttief ...... ,._.l 426 SOUTH MAIN ReprdJeu of how ad. )'Oii mei:I to l111e ••• Stutins Maadq, April 7th, and antil4 p.ni., Salmda,y, April J2th • • • lllOW will recei'te 5 'riaita free with UT of Glori& Muhn'• rep)ar prosrams (recudleu of how little J'Oll ne ell to l111e) LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS TO ••• ~· ~tJMkft;, Based on our actual records.•. our average Patron loses 10 Jnches within the 1lrBt 10 visits from hips, waist, thighs, tummy and arm s. ORANGE ,. RESULTS GU.Q.L ... a.1 in writing why is GLORIA MARSHALL Ho. 1 GIDRIA MABSHALt. m)'ti: -ren us the clnm lize yoll Wllllt to -. and we'll U!ll yoll half many vii- :ittl it will take and gwmmtee in writ;. jag that :you will n!ldl your ·goel. In fact,. II> lbaoJotely JIOl!itive are: ft that . you will obtain your objecltte,·tbat. .tat.ad in oar gwlea, wa w.ill - W JOll haft FREE OP' CHAllGB, ANY AND AU. PUBHIBR VJB. rrs, 1llllil JOD llllldi. JCJar pl. Ifl pcllilhe uaneetllatwabdcupoar guanmle& 1~. Gloria ManhaJJ's didn't "'ja8L happen" to become the wurld's leading Figure Control System ••• quidr,: safe resul~ made it that way. At Gloria Marshall's yoll']I lose more inches and poundS for le(!s. money than through any other PlogQIDI, an;vwhere. Como iooomf""4b/e, ... ua1 e/othel, Call JIOW far a flee santple visit where YOll BllfnaJJy 1lllf) the special -chhiei! f.or J.'8C'lQCing and eJedmnic Facial Can· louting. "No charge ••• no obligation. r. ... ~~e. ............. South Coast 'lozo, Cotto M.-a art1te1 •t tM a... Dleo9 ll''""'Y.-P"'-~ ' undnolinl -.. ., •. c.ww-1trKatlr .. ,_,cMIP-' l'IGIJBE . CONmoL SALOlU .ftf•lhl 1R1""9i11 ... 1111• l ' •N.l&N•lllt Ill .......... ,II! NEWPORT IEACH . 430 P~c Coast Highway 642-3630 2 .............. ..,Clllo • -J SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street-543-9457 .. ,,. .• ,_. :-r. .. ' . • • • . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • • . ' . : • . ' . : • ! • . __ ) • •• .. :_ .. .. .. !'.; .- ,I; • -., '\t ": .. :· •' • . . . ·" . . .. .. ' . -• ·-·· " ' , . • • . . • • • . . • • . ' .. ., ' ! .' ' ! • ' . ! ~ SALONS AuO IN: ANAHllM llYHLY . HIW. COVINA, CUNSHAW, bowlllv, •UMDAU. LAOWOOD, LOMa llACH, NIWl'OlT llACH,. N011111 :1 .HOU.YWOOO, ONTAllO, PA~ SAM Dllao, SANTA AMA, SANTA IAllAllA. SUNLAND,' TAllZANA. TOlltANCE. WISTCHIESTll, WHIT'la "' ·:·1 AUO l'RISNO, SAN JOSI. SACltAMINTO, SUNNYVAlll.AND ·WALNUT, CAIJllOINIA. 9COllfrlliiJln m.r;,, JlrillllM6L C..1- c • . i I 11 Dln. Y I'll.OT $ -· .. 7, 1%9 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ·-· I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • ME RC~ES:llENZ INTllODUC I.$ NIW MciOIL;... 'ri:fE 25t COUPE _,., -p..-by JJI ·~, liich ........ ' ~ I I I ' . ._ ~ . ' -.:I.a BfJfi-tGe_af:-_ • . · --· 1 Mer~~des ~~O Coup~·P-:h~ts . ~ \ -..: ' . See 01!? full-page ad in this week's TIME Magame mFIRBT : CALIFORN IA COMPANY · Wh•t• th• in•nlOr elw?' ~m~ fl,_n! 3111 fhi LWit, . • . ·--~ 67s.Jt41 -.. -Yke , ....... . . . :G,IANT ~ if you want more of that JOUY GREEN! • l!lftSI by ' Ille 2"11 .., rnhlllhelll .12 ....... ,... lnmllt11t nrilt c.tificalts. Or 5%'1. ....... ace-ts on 1ftJ 1,,_l Your withdrants , t.-ed i1111nedialely Oft detuncL Joifl the thowlMds who lft '"°"'"' their fvndl to c:.1-n.tft. CID °" atop ii\. ... sSmlly ..... )'Olm' questiwls Md "' :Jo. * wt -·--......i-by phoM « ...a Wfthout _ .. _ For '°"'" lnttrnt"s •ke mowtJOWfWldt:flif!tf .. fut "'~ '· now:! CAIJFOBNIA-. 1'.HRIFTS>LOAN . ,. -.. 171L1M St,. c.... .._ M&-1141 C•ftltr•llllf i 4tct4& ef f_,.;li with aflict• 111 ~tlllfl&I clfiM ftlra111howt Califot11ft . MIPleKlltl MIDICMI MIUITMAL ......,,. MIOaATIDW CA""'°""9A AllDCMTION Oft tflfOUITMllL UtM COWUflD .. The coupe will carry a m.a n u fr.cturer's su~ed relall',price. (al East 11111 <full Coast ports of entry) of ap- proxlniateJy 16,000. F Ir s I deliverieS: of the n e w Mercedes are e:s:pected during the second hall of lhla year .. Produclkm of the 2111 SE Coupe 11111 oonvertible m<!deis will coatinUt u before. The, eogioe which -" the new cdupe II of Hyllndtr in-line coofigura~ II Js .. equippe<I with 1wo:~00rafurs and features the · oVShftd camsbalt design · common to Reco'rd M..,.,,. all Mercedes-~nz eng!.nes. A Les Elmore, a b o v e, 4-speed manual lraJ1.$rnission owner of Elmore Mer is standard 'eQWpmait. wilh tors, Westminster Toyo- a 4-speed ·automatic' ·and a ta dealership, reported new ~r· • p:e e ~:,~an u a I retail sales of 150 new tr8MJD.i.Aj~. ~hit' offered as Toyotas in March, a na- options, J • · tional dealership sales AD optional equipment for r e c o r d. Jim Simpson the ·25o ·Sedan· also will be was top salesman. a\IAi.Jahle · fpr ·the coupe, in-----'--------II cludbig air condiUoning. 'The . bodywork of the coupe ts almoit twO inches' lower than that of the aedan, and the rake of both windshield and rear-window is· COfto .siderably more than in ~ 4"®or mode J • Ema-wide doon pmide '" eue ol entry into tbe front or rear seats, 11111 despite lhe'-ge in bbdy l!lle.. lhe rur seal llill .bu room for three paslC!IJlelS. • Ci.um deslp ol•llle coupe folloWa lalal Men:edes-Benz pnclice, with the diagonal rear swing '1lt keeping camber dfangell t o a minimum while still enjoying the benefits ol long spring travel. 1be car also includes all features which have· been incorporated into o t b e r Mercedes passenger vehicles, such as 4-wbeel disc brakes and a dual-circuit hydraulj.c system with vacuum booster, plus recircuJating ball steering with optional power assist. The turning circle is less than 36 feet. From a safety standpoint. the coupe-follows the same basic principles used b y Merttdes-Benz in the con- strucUon of all its other cars: that of building a rigid passenger compartment and combining Jt with energy• absorbing front and nar sec- tions. • * • CHEVROLET PARTS MAN noNoRED Philip A. Gallo ol Flelcher Jones Cbevrole't in Westminster Wa.3 among_ the 96 topnnkin« Chevrolet dealenllip plrts 11111. .,,. ctssoriel managers acroa the nation who were honored recenUy at Qewolet'1 1181 Naliooal P&A Record Club convention in Las V egu. Each year the two leading parts and accessories sales managers from each o f Chevrolet's 48 sales zones are elected to attend the con· vention. • • t • VW WELcoMES KORD MAVERICK Volkswagen welcomed the first of Detroit's »ealltd sub- compact cars into t b e marketplace today and said it will demonstrate what VW has known for a long time -"that there is a broad market for smaller cars in this country." The welcome came from Stuart Perkins, president ol Volkswagen of America. Perkins said he believes that Detroit's entry into the small- car field "will bring additional customers into VolUwagen showrooms and into showrooms selling other small cars" and added: "The promotional effort Detroit will put behind Its w models will be far greater than Volkswagen and other small-car manufacturer!! coo.Id ever make -and, we believe, it will appeal to different groupo. "As a result, we believe that many buyers whom wt have not yet convinced will be mo"' lil<el,y lo d!dde that a .small car is right for them. One< they make that deciaioa, J1W\Y will· toot at our vehlcles as well It is our conviction that the small-car aegment wW be the fastest growlb~ of the automobile market for many years." BOAT.JUFFS Al1t1eft.._..e...,lttk~ &II.ff• ..... 9'1tW ~•i111 -... ......,.,. .. o, .... c...,. "" .... cl11W. c...,._.. ti ..... S119 elft!CI Y•ct.Kfit "•wt .. • 4etr-, ..... ,.. ef ffle DAILY PILOT. ···········••i 9TAI :~'-re'.,','."••···-.......... _ e u.... '" .. "' ,.,,+!.... • ... ,..,. i"' """""'·' • e Jtlo,lo ... TAI ...._ 'tlief ca '---' "' rtlleW. • ..,....,, FOR AS s'1 4&o PER •• , . LOW AS ~H • • • • • lee ••••••••• • • • • • . ··-·· • r Mo Listens Ir.... ,, .l;f ~·::landers? ' . • "·' ,.!: ..... ,. . ~ -' (. . ) . .. \ :f ' •. !~ ; ~, I ' ·~·>~ SINCE{,~··::: ... " < SHE'S ONE ., '· OF . . ,I ,J'!'..., THE '""" . ' " . ' .. TEN ·•" ._ •••r, ~ ,., : 4,.,~ ·. :·~:· MOST " •• t j ·· · INR-UENTIAt.: WOMEN IN AMERICA .• • • - • • • Just r About Everyone Does That's Mo You Can ' . Daily in The 'Ufftn' ,to '6:nn l:aniler1 • • . ' l • : . ... DAILY PILOT . . • .. • l ,_ _,_ • ,_,.J, ~ -, I ' . .. .. ' l • ----_.:_ ' ' ' • • . • . .. . , .. ~ . . . . .. I ,' I . . • • . ' . . ' • . . • ' • • ·. . • ' • . • • ' \ • • ' • . . • • • • • . • • • . . • • ' • ' ' • . • • • . . . . ' ~- • . . j \ : . ·. ' "' -. . ''"1 ' I ... . ' . ' , •• ' ' • • ,J;- : . ' .. : . . . . ' ' . . • \. . j . . ~ . . ~~ .. ' . . . .. ·, . . . ,. . ·wtTH .. ) 'f· . . . . Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!'' I North County, 540-1220, toll free) ~ IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS . . . . . --.. , . PENNY. ·~PINC HE.R WANT ADS . . . ~· . " . NEW-LOW-RA .TE · 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 .· ANY · .ITEM . $ · · .. OR . LESS e EACH ITEM MU$l IE PRICED e . e NO ITEM ·g VER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL PIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e . NO ABBlllVIATIONS e . . . . . . Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work-for YOU! . . l . ,:; . . ..-;~:,.,r(~--~ ..... ,. /.,' /'°\ ~ ( \_, I ' ' ' •A\ /,f.~ . '"•• ·~ ·y .•\ ; ........ ' ' -·.--. ' ' -p ) <.; ' ----. .,..__ \ f -~ 1i'1 j Jf/ i tii1]~1 I - . (' .. ~ _-·~· <().. "· . . . . ;). . • -~ .. ,<( . >1'.<· .. 1>.', ' l r ",/ . - I • • --· ..... ---·--~ --·· . ... -~---_...:;.;.;,.~.---=--. . ----------. • I -' • • t. .. • .. . • • •• . ' . ' . ' • • " ., ' -~ . ' • <· ' " , " • ' < ' • ... • • .. ... ' . . . ·.:. ' ' " . .. . . •, •. ,. ., .. • ' • ' .. ,. I' •,I ' " • ., . • ., • • • • ' • .. ' I If llAll.V Pll.OT ---.,., April 7, 1"69 ~~-"---"'"'------------~ T~here's Also " a Silent War • ID • - ·u cHD1 x;.uy W1LL II AT Vietnam ' .. ·-.THRIFTY MART Market SA!GOI! (UPI) _For mon A typlea1 patrol lDlo Cam-lot older than bis 311 yoan. can Ol*'•le <11 their own In ldooll6callm. to be ready to· pall t11e ""'~ 'then a ·year. a tllht-llppod ' bodla mJclll OOllliot cf two 'lbe otlltr American mfClll Ille Jun(il aad wW -pro. 'Illa pmoi will Wee off bJ blck OUl apln llo a hun)" 21'11 HAI-ILVO. -COITA MllA ,...., cf Amtrlcllll h•• Americw and Jour .,...five be1:1S-~ ......... ->edcaolltmds-lln. bo!lcoplerflwft ajumplo(..tf Uitlsned"uy. MONDAT-TUISDAT-WIDNISllAT lfJ"'lallvd In mUln( elm-1r1-. Coe Am• r I c • n upllale -Yort wbo ba1 'Ille Americw 1D1J ·-paint al a C and C bale EUdly i-tlle patrol -lorays acn1111 the could be a .......,. lnllll had --with L ftlUlar onllmr7 Jungle la 111 • e • or a SpMol Fore.. camp In ~ lo a u,1111)' Rpl AIU. 1 • I • t Cambodian -into the North C..-wbo 'a 1 U.S. -ht{ unit )lefGro ...,.. w~ any manmp 'I' South V-.n. Aller they are aocr'el, 1'ul In maDJ ..... IOC!llll IZ NOON lO I p .M. deep unctuarla o1 Com· ,...,... _.i IOl'C99 laon lnC blck 11 '6outb -......., IOl!gueo dJod blaclO lootrled:t11ebellcopler1 It it limUar lo Ille molbodl :munlll mllilar7 unltl. i:n,~Vlttnam~;~""'~lnd~bim~· ~-~jlor~a~1t>~o~ .. ;<l~tb~"'~•~Of~oec~eal~·~~~~lri~-~~~-~-~ .. ;l~•a~•Jnlllrn~~to~tlle~bu~sa~~aad~~-~~cf~lon~•~.._~~·~-~-~ial~,......~]~~-;;""';"~"~$;U;;Opor~~··;r1Y;· ;lnc;l~-;~mallln~~·~"";'~~ · ,,.. men involved a r • "..bolo crl(IY lace loots a ly, thty ~lo be -wbo -111ulpl -witll no by wilb no ot!Ju' duties oxcepl pe-lmldo &outb Vltlnlm. I moolly band-picked u .s. Anny ... -Speclal FOl"Cel Green. Beret voluoletn who ' lead ....U ,_ ol Moola~ °' 'om-Nong mereonartes. 'Ille job ii -"' blP risks Ibey lbrug all a m o n g lhomldvt1 u llinJ>l1 .. ...., over the mountain." 'Jbolr ---... ......,. -patrols usigned to I shadow the monmtlllt of Noith Vlotnamae and Vlei COOg units and mill out tllelr plans. Despite the nonchalance ol tlle men who do Ille job, 11 is a tightly controlled opera- tion ol ""' utmo5I secr<C)' whicll balances the military value of t b e intellig~ gathered ~ thlL_P a tr o 11 • against the politiC41 clisad· • vantages that could come • from an American patrol ~. being caught Inside eambodla. I· !ECRET UMT The organization aet up for \ mlsslons intO Cambodia went L tnto full operation at the close of 1967 when a secret special ~ forces ·unit tnown as "Project . Omega" set up an operating base near Ban Me Thoot tn South Vietnam's c e flt r a I ' . highlands. ' ' Wblle conslruclion of the : · base was going on at the , , lllul ol 1918, U.S. Am)Jassador 1• to India Chester Bow I ea: , . traveled to Phnom Penh aa: , • a speclal roprestnlaliv• ol Prl!Sld .. t Johnson to bold • talks with Cambodian Chio! '' of Stale Prince Norodom i · Sihanouk. ,: At the same time, aources In Phnom Penh Close to ,. Sihanouk said there would be , .. no real objection to small ::.: American military penetr• tioos of unpopuJaled Cam· -· bodian border areas so long "i. as jt wu done in secrecy • and did not put Sihanouk In • .. tbt posi.Uon of knowingly com: promla:lng Cambodian sovereignty. Sihanouk l!roke ' diplomaUc relations with the ..,, United states tn 1965 over !: alleged border violations. ~·mGewros AREA t. Omega is now known as · C and C (Command and Con· 1 trol) Central and ~ r'5ponsi· l" ble for operating in the central "highlands area. Another unit t. Identified by the Greek letter ii Sigma la' known as C and ~-C South and operate.a: from a base to the south in the m Corps area of South Viet- nam. •. A third unit, c and C North, Js responsible for the larger .. and more elaborate penetra- tions lhat have been going •· on far a longer period of time across the Laotian border into the Ho Chi Minh supply com· plex. The aim ol C and C patrols Is UIUally to lie low in the Communist base area and galher what inteiligeoce lhey can while trying to avoid discovery. The missions never come of! according to plan, however, and when the men of C and C are someday allow- ed to tell their story they wilt have some hair-raising exploits to recount. LARGE KILL One sergeant on a penetra- tion some time ago wu credited with a large kill by tossing a claymore mine into the back of a truck loaded with North Vietnamese troops, running of! down the road behind 11 with the lead wires in his hand and pressing the 1. detonaUx' switch. r Mother sergeant tell.! of J.n. ching hls way palnfully at night through an area lllltd r with sleeping North Viel- ' namese troops and trying tO keep from bumping Into any · ~ ol them. "You could tou a ltooe in any direction and i· a:et a voice in North Viet- namese wanting to know who ~ wu throwing the rocks," he said. 1 Still oUlen have been In- ' ltrled by helicopter only to fmd they have come down • DleraJly on top of their targel 'l1iey hive been extracted ' minutes later by heJlcoptm • Jn the middle or raging ; = with the Com· ' 'l1lo nmnber cf C and C c. mfl .... into Can1bodJ1 la: u,bll)' rocuiated eacb month. :-Clwa:a far' eldl mlsaion ---............ '1111 -1.-·-mlsalon ........... ._..... ... where lhtre .......... ol ' nndn& lnlo Cam'todlan ·-·~1llcrt ~ 11 • llalll Dnll 'Gli lioof lar • ... ' . In this age 'of plann e d ohsolesce ni:e, . -. is th~re a place ·for .a_carso unconventional that it may -well last for decades? Mercedes-Benz thinks so. -. " MerceGn·Bau lavishes sucti attention on, eniinttring that some pepple 'oiy Maada-Bcnz DlOlol: can .,. too 10phlstlcaml. And, by conventional it.A· <larch, they ~- But Mamies-Bcnz enginftrs ·~lo lhe •mmtc of a cltlfemit dram- -· They Insist on building margins of_~ and Nf<ty Into thej!; '"" mad\inei ·to meet the itnuptctt"J, u · ,..U •(\!iii expocl9d. And they • .£ bOmly refue lo dnqn anything just good ~ lo "pt by" for a tiznO-::. and .o"b<tter.' . .'IliJt, In e,senc•. Is whit ilistip-. guJlli ... a~Bmz. what -It · aput froai the i:towd ·of convmttonal can, b~· of convaitlonal standudi. ;· I• ' An amazing maverick ' ·'1'1le automobile at rigllt1f1 a shining """"Pio. Merades·Bmz .. u, 15 runarkablo_guolino-poworod mod- els in the US.-.i>las thl1 one, pe:r~ps the most mnarkable of .U. ·It is the-legendary Di111I. i. Thismavericklssodeftantfyun· convet\tional that it can Probabfy' cut your lud bills In half, tllmlnate lllAJ\y of your uSUI! ropalr bill>-and Is likely to~ serving you faithfully when most of today's sleek new dreamboats have beon choppod up for scrap. Not for everyone To approd~I• iho Dt ... L you first have to~tand the idea be-- hind it-and. be able to adjust to its thrtt foibles. It is not for every man. The Diesel is built for pm.pie wtlo want an economr cu, but who ~eclint to venture onto the high.ways In a ft1therwdght, chmpod machlfto.' If y('lu are wijling to ,Pay for the safetf" and comfort' of a big, 3,000·pound sodin, the Oi...J will roward you with· lud costs !hot 1Mtch the lllmslat little hill1'1nt .Oil tho n>ad. Tho thne Oi...J loibt .. , Fint, you cannot hop into tJiis tar ana·!'OB'off in a cloud of dut. The Dino! "arti liko any· other cor whm its motor is warm. But, in the momlng, yoy mWJt be rtient for about 30 RC- ondt while tl!t motor pr<heats for fir.. Ing. (A minor nulNnCt which turns lo iulv1mt11ge in Winter, enabling you to get underway while others may still be cunlng INl'lhlvortn,g.) S«Ond, you mutt •bondon eny tfioaght of firaboll ac<tlcntlon. Tho Dino! will cndH lndefinlt<ly at any potted opeed limit In Amatca. (Onco, 11 ovtft --tht e,728-mlle Ah!CU\ Rlllyl) hi. u a dfapter, It'• a bust ' Thiri:I, though the Diesel sounds exactly like an ordinary car when it's moving, you11 detect a vestigial "pockota" at idlo-n11ightly biurro note in a car otherwise so grand. IE you can learn to shrug off an occasional jest about one of these ec- cmtridtlet, you'll have the last laugh: on everybody at the end of each month -yeuaftuyear. Cuts fuel bills in half The Diesel works its incredible fuel economy in two ways. To begin with, of course, it uses lowly di ... ! fuel. (In a pinch, ii will run on soya-bean oil.) The price of diesel fuel varies from state to state. In almost all states, it is lower than regular gasoline. In some states it costs only hlllf u much. The Diesel also sips its fuc.I at a mi!erly rate. In fact, the engine bums evtty drop so efficiently that exhaust is virtually smoke-fret. A surprise to many. Now-1f you'vo beon mlgnod to getting12, 1.5, ts miles agAIJon from standard ledW, brace younelf. The new Mercedes-Benz 220 Dl...t usUy dtllvon ovu 11Doncy-~o• '• . miles to the gallon-and on trips, when you get full benefit of diesel fuel's priCe advantage over gasoline, you can average 30, 40, even 50 mile~ for t11e cost of a gallon of regular I Many repair costs vanish More good news. The diesel e:'lgine is such a gem of simplicity that it merely dis'Penses with many parts that normally end up costing you money. It has no spark plugs. No points. No condensers. Not even a car- buretor to repair or replace. It goes and goes and goes Best of all, this 4-cylini:ler diesel injection engine is designed to give you uncommonly reliablt service -for years. Not only are thett ttlatively few parts to go amiss, but the parts that are pruent have been engineered to h1ive characteristic Mercedes-Benz stamina. There's a rugged overhead camshaft and a fioe-bearing crank· shaft. Twdvtof the 16 piston ring• are coated with expens.ive molybdenum -an exotic ''space age'' metal that won't melt below 4,712 degrees. The inge:nlous engineers, see-- ' ' · like every MerceCfes-Ben1, ' tli• Dino! bristles with sophislkat..j. ultra.opeiformance features that are simply eavailable on domestic se""I dans. All-ind,Peniltnt suspension.j ,Taul, recln:ulatil\g-b.U-typo stttrlngJ that gives.you th~ ''fetl" of the road. Massive, radDg-type disc brUes on all •. ~ four:wh~ '., ~ ' It 'tem, manewers tmd stops . ., .. 11s if yortr rf(•.,,lnded on it. Thii"iloite reason why Car and Driver~ with i'~d of cars to choose from, co~ that the currmt Mer-, cedes-Benz line "represents the pres..: ent p\nnAde hf 1.fe car engipeering.'~ Mariy Ws.are designed to win' admiration fortheir owners. Mercedes- Bmz can aro .talgnod to win admi<•·· .tion from their oWners. ~.a illstinction. . ' " .. 24-page brochure .. If You'd Uke moJO facts on tlit ·$4,780• Diesel-plus details of six ·' . -... other 1969 Mercedes-Benz gasolin"'1 ing that valves wore unevenly, de- signed them to rotate slightly with ucli stroke, vastly prolonging·thetr Utt. Mercedes-Benz does not 10.rr- nmf the Diesel to lat'"for 10 or 20 years. Any car's Iii~ depends on how < had il·ls driven md hoW. canhiJb:' is maintained. But a lifetime meuured in decades is no pipe dream, either. .Of the 700,000 Diestl> ii IUu built since 1936, Mercein-Ben: esti- mates that fully 80 peccent are 1til! humming along/ . First, a Mercedes-Benz The engine male.es this Mer- cedes-Benz an economy car. But the real value of the Diesel Ues not so much In the things that make it dlffoo- ml fro"' ovuy other Merted...u.n. as in the things that rnUe it the !1411'1t. Like every Mercedes-Benz, the Diesel is welded into being, not bolted. After S0,000 miles or so, you may be. gin to wonder if it will eoer nttle. Tho body ls dunkod in prlmtt, bakod, 1pr1y-plinlod, hand....,.dod, sprayed again, then M:nd-sprayed. Even the insidu of. the h'ubaps .,. coated. Total paint and primer rust prol<ction: U poands. powered motor cars-mail the coupon1 for a full-color brochure. Even better, drop by tlie sliow- room today and arrange to test drive a Mercedes-Benz:. See for yourtelf what a defiantly unconventiorW car feeZ. like out on the road. Other models to mull over: 2SO Sedan-an unflappable road car, with superb handling and braking .as standa.rd equipment, $5,299•. 280 SE Sodan-tfi• mosi rood· worthy car you can buy in the luxucy, clus, f~tl-injection engine, $6,S71•. 2.SOSL Roadster-a sports car for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring perfOrJ11'1\Ct with comfort, $6,885'. lOOSEL-an undmtatod lint- ousine, $9,849". 600 Grand Mertffes-the ul· timate motor car, $23,759•. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • : Mftnd.,.11auolNorlh @ • • Ammc-. Inc. : : Jim Slemons Imports Inc. : • 120 West Wamer Ave.nue • : Sanla Ana. Clllf. 9'1707 • • • • Pleue ll!l'ld .;. a u.p.,., Ml-color • • broch11Je Oft the new 1en1ratlon of : • motor can ftn1 Maadn-lenz. • • • • • • ...... • • • • • • • : :-::=·=---------. ·-. • • . ' . • • .an ••nm• • I • ................................ .. ' Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. 120 W . Warner Avenue, Santa Ana, Califomla 92707l'hone: 714-.546-411' " · -tllei_. f pa1"" a n .. and --"ep;e. rnontpvenilhopatroll. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'-~~~.....:... ' I • I • - • \ I \ \ ' "-· .... 1. lM DAILY -I I > I .. ~ Nixon Makes .1-t 'Play Ball!' for lOlst·-Time ·- • WAllllllCl'ON (AP) -'1111 lollllil (red-ntuniadlo-•u ...... .._prtodaJuW ......... WNftYGlt-IDtheltll- wllh"'Pnatdid NW. -inc. eul Ibo IJnt ball. • '1111 llaD o1 r.... biller •"'*' feellne ... Uttle twtnte" u he awdlcl b1a dobul ID the il'ld-l 'Pnlldmtill ~ and pill, '"I'll. pl aclted J1111 lite everytiodJ elle. ti '1111 ,..,._ -by the f..- -COllep loolball _.._, STAYS WITH ANGELS Nowport'1 Bill You Voss Signs '69 Contract . With Angels 'Ille Calllomla Angels, complete with last-minute addltioo.s Lou Joi>Mon, Bill Vos.! and Dick Stuart, tuned up Sunday for the 1919 American League opener with a Joss to the Oakland Athletics in 12 innings. Voss, acquired ·from the Chicago White Sox during the olf...a"°", sigoed bla 1969 contract Sunday. He ltd the club baiting during the apring with • .«< average. 'Ille Angels announced tOday that Stuart, who bas been playing in Japan ~ 1155, would 1lgn a cootntct Monday morning. Stuart bas played with tho Angels oil lprlng. Johnson, w b o came. to t}\e Angell In a trade wjlh the ctevel14Jd: Indiana Fri· d a y, cracked 1 two:run home r u n in the botlml of the ninth. Thal oent Sun- day's game with OakJlnd ha utra Innings. Voss, 2.1, of Newport Beach, missed almost half pf. the 1981 aeUon after suffering a broken ·jaw when hit bY a pitch by Pela Ric)lert of Baltimore. Voss was given the good oew1 by Angel manq:er Bill Rigney before Sun- day's final exhibition tame. As he was coming on the field for pre.game batUng pracUce, Rigney told him' "Congratulations. Go on up to the office after the game and get your contracl" Voss, after his finest-ever spring training, can't foresee any letup with bis torrid bal "I don't see any rulCll why l ihouldn't cooUnue hilting like l hive bee - no reacn at ·all" In 81 games tut year, Voss, a le[\. hooded right fielder, batted .156. Fl'rst baseman Jim Spencer was • tiooed to the Angels' Hawaii fann team in the Paclftc Coast League. bringln1 the Angel roster lo 21, lhret over the openln& day limiL Defense Gives Kings New Life Against Seals INGLEWOOD (UPI) -Rtd Kelly ...,. med H op' "Our delenle play<d well." Kelly's deftNt pn>¥ed lo lie lhroe- fourthl ol the Loa Angeles Klnp' o11 ..... Sunday night In a H vlctmy IMr the Oakiond Seals. With I ipl1'IO ~ of l,IJI I I the Fonun, the Kinp evened the teams• National Hodq League w..i.m DM· 1ion pllJG(f ltl1el at two wU. apiece. nerensemen Bill Whhe, Larry Cahan and Br.nt Hughes. ICCOlllllad for lbne l.m Angeles goals. . The be:st'ilf..seven pme ltria resumu at oak1and Wecta-4aJ nilbt a n d the sixth contest is set for bere 1bmaday . bl. '"f.we doo't feel leery about going back to OOllnd, '! Kelly 14id. Caban. who aond wbal pn>¥ed lo ba Iha Kinp' wlabiDC pl with Giiiy 14 --lo the -puled, WU llllillDg. . . . . "'=:... '"ll:a.."T"' --... -4. .... T.t.• 4. T'""'9 J .·.::oar.:l .-t: .. 1 Ol"1flltll ~~I ( f!ltw Y...t ~ ~ wlf9 lletN1'·1· .......... i '""""' ,. ..................... 7 ........ .. It . .._.... 4 ~. Sf. U. W. -:~·t'a. .... i.........., --.... .. ~-... ..,.... . -.. _ . ' • •1 jllll hope!\<'_, pl .......... 111.- he said. "'Bui I Wnk we wW be ....... .. Bolh the Seoal«I and the y- ba .. been ltucl: ID the loulh Eulem dlvlllan ol the -~ under the new ezpualoa Nlup with the moJo< 1eq\IM bal)oM!na to 24 t e am 1 this year. 'Ille Yankeea leDI 11.pme -Mel SlGttlemyro lo the mound today agalnsl the Seoal«I' aglng _curve arljst. Camilo PucuaL ~ burled a two-bit abutout vlcl<ry in the Pr<sldeetlal Opener two years ago. ' WWilml, lut.man in the majOn lo hli OYtr .400. wen bla familiar No. t for bla .return •tcbt ftll'I allAlr Nllrinc """1 the Boeloo R«I S.. with the blg)lelt batting • ..._ ol any man alive today .....,i Leffy O'lloul. He admitt.d, "I don, tiqJOCI lo learn the game from a manqer'1 viewpoint t'ftll lb.ls year. Remember 1 I never mlDl&ed · u much u -an American Legion team before.,, . Nlzoo bad an exporia>ce edge on Wil1111111J ,with I 1.0 .-.ii for. -1nf dl7 -_.., out Iba ... to - the -lo !tit i Ill .,... "flea ~I. { 1111 notla -u ,._ - 11 yt111 -N-'1111. lint lllled u a ..ud pllcbW Ill HU -Pl<Pdont Eiaeoboww -to ii> m I golf vacation. But tbe pmil w11 nlned' out and -csme1*1< 1«1delaytd atarl, blttlDc .. ampln .. the poaltrior with bla pitch. . • The prtaldaotlal tradition -bock to 1110 -WIWlar-""1'111 w~ Bow The Pilot Pieks Pennant Baees American League ·-a.pr~ • · WOii Delroit Minneaotl -Ookland Boll-. Cblcalo .ale 'rd ~iJ .~Yark Seattle Waoblngtoo Klmu CUy East Wtll St. Louis AtJanta ~ San Fraaclsco Dodgers New York Cincinnati ~ Houstm Saa Diego • Ea". Ga!Ry Joel-Eul Wt1t Eut W•t Delroll Oakland Detroit Minnesota -~ -OUiand ' Baltimore Baltimore Angels NewYGlt ~= New York Chicago Cleveland Cle..tand Kansas City Wllhlnllon Klmu City Wubinglon Seattle Glea WMto Elli ' Wt1I Detroit Oakland Baltimore MlmeaGll New Yark Angela -= Cleveland Waabing!On KanauClty Eul Detroit -ltollimore New York Cleftland Wlllbqtoo National Leagl.W . Eut 1ftll Eul W•l Eut St. Lqu1' San Fra.ncbco St. Louil San FraacliCo St. Louis ~gh Atlaall 01kqo Clacinnati' New York CincinnaU Pbilldelphla Atlanl'a Olicago Pbiledelpbia Dodgers Pllt!burgh Dodgers Pittsllurgb New York Houston New York H""ton P~la Mootreal San Diego Mootr..i San Dleio Mon Wiii Eul wtai San Frandaco St. Louis San Francilco AtilDll <J>lcago Atlanll Clnclnaati PllUburgh Cincinnati Houriln New Y«k Dodgen s..Dodof:! -r--· Mootrea San Die(• Toronto Loses Punch, Fires Punch (~ach) TORONTO (AP) -'Ille u e that bung ever so low over Puncb ImlKh's bead all during the NaUonal Hockey Lacue season, fell swiftly on the veteran Toron- to general manager each Sunday nlcht after the Leab abaorbed tbetr fourth straight be•tlnc ""'" -In the Stanley Cup. Playoffs. Stafford Smythe, presid.eol of the hockey team, marched tnto the prtas room at Maple Leaf Girdena two minutes after the game and said. "be '1 throulh altogether... , · Sm)'ll!e. who bad called . lmlacb on the caipet early in the season · Wtiin the Leafi were Jn the NHL East Division . cellar, s ·a 1 d he fired lrillacl:i moment.I art.,. the .game ended. · 111 told Jilin two minuta ago,, .. Smythe aJd. "I said, 'it's the end ol the lmi.cb era.'" It wu an era that brought four StanJey Cups In 11 ....... and playoff -. in 10 ol t~ seuom. The Lella ~ the playoUa roe the flnl time under lmlach last year. There were rumbllnp that Imlach was in trouble then and they increaaed when the Leafs ttarted slowly thia: aeaaon. In December, Imllcb wu called before the hocny committee ol Maple Leaf Gardens. , ,, He Ulllled Smythe and the -.Ullae that the team would make the playoffs and It did. Still, Smythe WU not utilfted. Re bad oflln ""'-that lmlacb drop one of bla two jobs but Punch always refused, saying that be would bold both jobs or rielther. : "We went into the upansion draft all st.anley Cup ChampioOJ," •aid Smythe, "and two yurs later we haven't won a game in the pl1yof!1." Owner May Sell ·: Iii .. -· Tift ...... 11111 . ,_ ol llllawln& eul tile flnl t II a -·-lnltlJ. .• Nlroa· iJ tile 11th ~ to - buoba1I wllll bll pr-. 'Ille -hive IOI -ID_.., pme llllce 1112, lelvlaJ -... II ... and i.,ndan B. J-II 1-1 u the Gilly alMlme -. lo - -hlll«y lar their -· Republlcw hive the ldp we a IN record tveNll. wblle D e m o c f a t ta Pruldenla bave an U·IJ.llilte. Dodger s,Trri Cincinnati In Opener.~ · CINCINNATI (AP) -The Loa~ Dodgen; banking on I hitiln& -i.oct, went qatnat the CinclnnaU :Redl Ro betieve they've -their pltddnc prt>- blems, today in lbe --"' the N1t1ona1.Ltague. Al the curllla went up at CnNdty Field, the 10111 year ol pro ba-U begins. Cincinnati lllrled ft ID lllt. " lloo or,.taie, who polled I nmi! ' . DODGER SIA.TE • ..,";!(• ~· .t Clnc:W.tr, 11:ts a."'°" ji,1 'Jt· ~s " ClllC1-tf, .11 .. ""-i°l"I C Allt. u~ et ......._ l:ts .,.._· IC'1 (UO) .• Allt. 1~t et Hw1tW1. .ll:U ..,m.. Kfll ·~· . /ilf• I~ tt ......,,,_., U :JJ •.111.t 11'.,f :.:i+I. l 4-D1 .. 1n .t """-tclll. .S:11 ........ ~I AW. 11-0MMrt ,,. IM D-. 7115 ~ ~ (Ml) • 51 2/S «<1HC11Uve scor,i-lnnJnp lall IWJQll and • 14-12 record, ltil1ed fir Loi AngeJes. Gary Nolan, M in 1111, opened !0< Cincinnati. ' · CinclnnaU, finishing lint In the I""' ID hlWn( lut eeuon with I .flJ 1verqe, wound up fourth in the final alandJ!'P · -largely because of poor pitchJnc. Loa Angeles held down the nlntb bfl- liog position but .,_ lo Ille in Sep- tember, winning II of 27 gamea. A slump through the first Ove mon!hl left them mired in aeventh place ia the Hnal llandlap. The Dodgen. J\tl tbetr hopes Oil· I !lil1inC ,.viva! by Jlm Lefebvre and )Ion Fairly, who bath bad poor ltil ........ Also expeded lo n,.,. tar1~1 in the batting department are two rookies, ~ Ted Slmaore .,;<I thlrd bueman Bill Sudalds. ~lnclnnatt bad the went pitchinr record ID the leqae lut year, but tblop are espected to t:hl.nie. Reguiln Mel Queen and Jlm Maloney have not eemplained ol mn -and ICqUlslUons Include Jlm Merrit, J ae): Filber and Wayne Graapr. T'MIY'1 ...... ._..._ Ntw York (Stolt!""'..,-. 21•121 M W1llrlr19fM l'••cval l:f.l~I. Onlr 1•mt tdllllui.I. · ,,.., ..... ,""'9 lft Anlolftl (Df't'Wt .. lt-12) .. QlclflMfl (Nola<! M l. kl! "'''"'llm CM.rldlel a..n n A.,_. C.i.rvll l4-1!). Only 11""9 9dltdll11d. _ .. _ _,_ ......... 1111Mr9 Clft.i.nf •t o.trt.lt M.,._.. tt K_.. Ctty Cl'llcqo 1t 0.~ .. 1111. 11111!1' Swttlt •t C.llfol'nle, 1111nt Ollly .. ,,,.. tdledllltd. Mtt!MML ..... Mtlfttr•I 11 New Yori! "111 .... 111'1 .. ti Ollc• .. H_,..etS.11Cl9go.Right l"tlbbvrvh " II. loult. 11IOM Sin l'rMCltee .t Ata.llf9, night Onl1 •• ,,,.. ~. • Architect May. Conclude . MR. PLAYOFFS - A man who• knows what NBA playaU pre'5ure•ts all about, Boston's Bill Russell , &trelclles for a rebound during Sunday's Celtic-New Yodc game at Madison Square Garden. Boston ~,,.,....., whipped the Knicks, 108-100. Other players in piC· lure are Sam Jones (24)0 John Havlicek (17) and Don Nel50!1 (19). Knicks Humbl ed, 108-100 . . Aged Cel~s Play Like Kids NEW YORK (AP) -When yoo gel to be 32, 33, 34, 35 years old; playing 12 game.a: in the NatJooal Basketball AllociaUon,.it'I a b:i&, Joac le850D. "'IJurlni the -age iJ I pniblem," llld JS.year-<>ld Bajley -•II, "but dur- ing the playolfl, qe ii no flctor. You can 9fle the .end." The Celtla, whole flnl eight men .are all mc:n than ti with OW! topping JO. certainly are provin& il Playing like a b u n c b o( youngltera with the experience of age, the Celts ran t.hroueh their Eastern Division semifinal teries agalnlt ta v o r e d Philadelphia ln five 1amee: and opened the division fiOll Sunday with an im· snaJ.ve tOl-lOO vidor)' over tbe YOWll and hopeful Now York Knie~ . "We're determined," sakl Sam Jones II, and pllytnc bla 1111 yur. "We hid a dismal &eatlOO but U\iJ is a different ball came. Tbe9e are the play~lt. You know if you loee you 'n out." PlayeHOadl Bill lluAell, 35, jU!t sbNp off old age and the ldtl of Booton'• apeclal -in the playofb. "We don't even talk about tt." he uy1. But Jt'a there. It must be became the Celtics, who finlsbed a dfl&l1ng fourth dllring the rtgular leUOf1 after winning lhe NBA Utfe 1111 year, appear .. v11auzec1. DhtlslM ........ 1111 Dl'lhlfR BOiton 1111, Ntw Y«-100. '°''" leedl Mst .... r •trlfl, I~ . " Reeves' Era With Rams LOS ANGELES (AP) -'Ille Lm Angeles ~ms, who have reportedJy bad !root office squabblea for years, m1y soon be owned by the man who dt11ped the Space Center In Houlton. Ow'Jes Luckman, Gae al the wat.11 leading an:hllecll, la nporladly dea1lnJ for Ram President. Daniel F. Reeves' 51 percent controlling interest In the. ·National Football Lea,ue team. U Reeve• aellS, it would end 1 major era be started in 1946 by moving the w:>rld champion Ram! from Cleveland Into an area uninhabited by any major profeWonal teams. Reeves tokl 'Ibe Assocl1ted Preu SW1" day night tblt an brunediate sale ... pcllllble but far !!'om conc1.mm." AppmnUy ... ol lbe ~ boldinJ up ... 1. ii the price. The Rimi,. -ot the -lllPlf rated teema In pro f~ come i, Loa """'* wltbout prospecta ...i f o r Ibo l1rat four y-. -loll money. He once llld be oonaldered I 11 mlllloa offer fe< Illa eolllrOllln( lnlemt In lbe e-arly lllOI more tlwrgtnel'OUI. He dkln'l tell, though . In tea, Reevn "portedly pl.kt more than " million fcr full -lhlp In Iha club lo tad manqemont ,.....,.._ He then IDld e porcenl lo I - of parioora, two ol wbam -Gllll • Autry Ind Robert Reynolds, ewnera ol the Calllamia Anpls baMall team ID the American LeqUi. - Tod.ly, the Rim fnncblle baa. been tllimaled lo be worth SID mUllon. · Tber< may bl '"*'11oc -""1 -ii ~ ol selUnJ the dill> -· . One reuon may be m feel~ Uoat. controvenlal ChriJbnatlme llrfnl ll)d IUbaequent relllrlnJ of coecb ~ Allen. Playm 1Di1 f'l!ll lined ·UI! bel!li!d Allen Ind •lthougb Reens bind AOO. back, he did not ttlent in bla pooltloo · 1boot there being a "pel'IOllllity con- flict." : Another reaaon may be the abseaet ol Reeves' righWland man, Elroy ·~ L<p" lllncll, who WU ..... lite .... lanL Hlroch left recently lo - llllletfc director at the UaMnitJ .el •-n.hllU..m11A1r.n-,;. llCl'll tbat -.... --.. Hinch and Allea. . Ludanan, .. -...... Iii -.. Unfventty of llllnoiJ u lft ucbllotlulli major. He Wll --.ii... .. llni. but -bacl lo --111a--o1-.-.. .. Hil !Inn. Charla I.oc*NO ••• tlolll, Iii I ma1tHnlUlon dolllr 9'pll1"atloo Iba& dialpld Ibo ..,_ <:-. .... ... Porum, llome ol 11111 Loo Ale I LU111i Ind the Loi Allplll Klllp. ' • '• , . I . .. . ... . . \ . . . I ' , DAll.Y ,ILO ....... ., ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL'S PROMISING. HURDLER, RICHARD WOOD, IS SEEN LEAVING :rH!'SfARTINS BLOCKS ANO SUOINS OVER JHE BARRIERS. HIS ,19.4-IS THE TOP. AREA CLOCKING. ·~ Littler Bags $32,000 Prize At Greensboro Estan t;ia Hurdle Whiz Slow Out of Blocks Sunny Hills Explosive Fi,nish Makes Up for Start Edges ~ailor~· 1 • For SWIDl Title BJ EARL GUSTKEY 1111 pelormance at the SOUlhml Cowl· Of lfll Dlollr fllllt Sflfll ti• metC; at Westmlnsttr Ul•b WU I GREENSBORO, N.C. !AP) -Some .... people call Geo• Littler folf's mechanical Watch!na ,Rich Wood come oot ol the typical effort by the l~yw .. ld pbenom. man.. Quiel, soft.spoken, seldom speo-$tarUtla: blockl in 1 burdle rlCf: couldn't ''Rieb wu lut out ol. tbe blocb and tacu1ar, all he does is win money and be bDkd as one of the Oranae Coast gave up literally 10 yards at the ttart toornament.s in 1 generally unobtrusive arta's premier sport., attractions. ol the race but puaed five IUJI over ner But ·Wllcbln& him flnllb Is. the 1ut 1evm flllhll ol inD'dleo in the m~n .be won a fOUMDID suddeD death Tom Filber, U>e 30. year. old e1-San hi,ghl," Fiaber says. playolf 00 the fdlb air& bole of the JOR State quarter-miler who .c:oacbe.o In a moet drawing lhe top trockmen $111>,llllO Greater G.....t>Dn> Op•n lhe Estancia High JOlllltloo, all but 1hroUfbout lhe.CIF, Wood placed lhlrd Toltrnlmettl SmiQ1 be padded fill IJalg. covers bla eyeo wbeo lhe gun goes in lhe l1!lail ICbooll •-in IJ.L Ing !9!9 blllkrOD by $31 llllO · bit for the 1lO lows or the Ill bifbs. I>' ,.,o:!j\1llfitlll'tf 'wood's_ bat Ion' lime He's the year'• top .;...y winner "Rieb bu ooly one fault in hurdlJnt ·(11.C)' ~ Ibo llCbool ....,..,u for at $81,000 and lhe flrll man In 1' and that Is 1111 ~me llowneu coming tile ~ at Or11111 Coon!)''• 41 high tournaments t h I • year jo . win ~ •'~! of lhe blockl'. Fisher uplalnl. l!Cbooll . tanks ·him u Ibo <lgblh beat He look the Pboenll Open fn February! : • We lhlnk )><a capable of running tow buriller la county prep blatol')', The 36-yelMlld Uttler ftnlabed wttff .,Jl.S or 111 m the lows and maybe On the Orqe COast trea record llat, 274 over 72 lfolee 10 ·under par aod ' 14.Z in lhl hiihs but he's just got to he stancll lhlrd. tied with PGA ~ploft Jullul Boros, ie& out of tbe blocks futer." Wood't audden emergence 11 a premier young ilugger Tom Wellkopl and 0rvt110 Wood bu caught the eye of. Soulbland. CIF buriller. cornea u eomelhlng of a Moody. prep lraclt watchers in sp1to of his mirpNe •. llni>I bla bell tlmea Jut yw Wej•kopf out of lhe Army a montlf ltarling problema. Only a Junior, Wood .... a.1 and 111.L after a fi~e-mooth hltcl>t dropped out has besta: of 14.9 and 19.4. "Rk:h ts no blCI«' than be wu lut on the first extra hole, the 15th, with 1 bogey five, San Clemente Traek Roundup . . . year/' Filber revealed. "He'I aUll _aiJ: feet and !IS powldl. But I told him Jut fall that if be wanted to develop more I<& llr<nflh be sbouJd come out for crou country." It'• a fact that moot of the good burdlen who puticipato Jn, a11Q1ber oport are foolball becU. Bv.t WOOd wu even too -.out ol a. im.pomt-lluce. lo <Ut tile -.. -·· JV · foolblll taam u a -With the ...... country team 1ut fal~ Wood -·t win any moets but be dld run lbout lllO m1la in eli)lt weeks. The lep were now reldy for an assault on lhe recordl bookl. "As 10011 u be stepped on the track Jut month I lmew be wu vuUy iJn. proved," Flaber recounted. "1111 teed te1 bad a terrUflc map coming down over the hurdle. Jte U more mat11n1 pbyl1cal]jo; bla lep are Guns for Tie ln_Loop Race S a n Clemente High School's varsity baseball team will go back Into Crestview League action Tuesday afternoon with a date at ·Foothlll Hlgh. SC Wins Dual Opener, UCLA Spikers Beaten OMERO }: BREAKS H URDLE MARK • ' I· SAN DIEGO -Mike Pomeroy'a school fetord performance in the 440 in- ~edlate hurdles was the highlight Or ·,, rathtr bleat day fer Orange Cout folltc•'• track and field team Saturd1y th the San Diego Rela)'I. Pomeroy, who flnlahed filth In the hurdles, WU clocked in M.I to break 1be M.S record he let earlier th.I.I HUOn. Tbe Pirates only, placed 1n one other event, taking fifth in the sprint medlty with a l :IU clocking. Other ootable effort.I by the Bue1 which weren't sood enough to place wtre lf-0 In the pol• null by Leo Bland and uuin: in the cliacul by Dave Eadie. The Triton• will be seeking to grab a share of first place from the Knights, trailing Foothill by a game in league standings. San Clemente is coming off a split over the Easter VacaUon in non-league action. Alter tnockln1 off lk>lsa Grande, 6-2. Thursday, the Tritons fell victim to no-hit pitching by sir Troy High hurlers. Troy ICOl'9d twice in the fifth and alJ:th innings to cap 1 4--0 win 1t San Clemente. let C""-te CH .. f .... Tl'tl' (0 '''""' ' ... Cl'lrll'-'"-,. J •• 0 •11111, Jib OHtllMiuth. .. l I I I CllwlMd, 11 lt.W..n. U 2 t I t Hk-l'IMn. 11 Tl\ll'IM, rf S I 0 0 !Jn4flftr11, p llrwt, p J • • • C.llOI!, 1• LDmbllr'dl, d 2 I I I ._,_ 11 1C11m , d 1 • • I Wlllofl, et Dlt!Ml'lf, If I 0 I I P•r-. rt "'"' 1• 1 0 0 I G1'9"1"1', II Wrftllt, & I t t t Clodfeltw, It Tettlt W11i.t, 11 fllf•t.. ( ..... 1b ....... tl 0 I t T11tl1 Stll"I "' 1111111111 I I I I 1 0 • 0 1 • 0 0 s ' 1 ' J 0 0 0 2 I J I S 1 I 0 I I I 0 2 I I 1 I I 0 I J • ' • J 0 o o o o o a • ' , J ,..., S111 Cltmtrltt • • • ootm•-~ri 0000000 -111 By THE ABSOCIATED PRESS The two Orecon schooll, Wuhlnaton and Southern Callfornia won declalve victories in dual meets opening the Pacific-I Conference track season over the weekend. Oregon State dumped UCLA 88-37, Oregon swamped Wuhlngton 111-37, USC trounced the Unlver1ity of CaWornla for the 17th straight Ume, 10M7, and WHhlnetm State downed Slanford, IH8. Wlllle Turner and Ernie Smith, two Negro 1thlelel who had been involved in a bllck student boycott at OSU and were making tbeir fir&t competitive ap. peara~ this season, Plctd Oregon State. Turner and Smith provided 15 points by running 1-2 ifl the 220 and 2-3 in lhe too and contributing to the relay team's triumph. The 100 was won by Reggie Robinson in 9.7, the same Ume recorded for Turner. Oregon miler Arne Kvalheim, com~ petlng ln the event for the first Ume this se1aon, ran a 4:01 and defeated teammate Roscoe Divine in the Ducks' lopsided victory over Washington. Kvalheim, who prefers the two and I h r e e-m.ile events, finished 25 yards Lake rs Best-ever-West SAN FBANC15CO IUPI) -At lhll point, lhn ,.-iy lln\ a IOul who'll dlal1enp Jftrf ""''• 11a1..-lhal the Lab.rS .. lbl bat tam to "ever pllr 1cr Loi Aapleo." Alt<rflll toan -.tilbed lhe Sin Fnndloo WllTlon, 11•11, S1tunl1y to gila one-hall of lhe N-11 Bukelhall -'-lltioo'• w-.i lllmton pl1yorr 1pots. lhe ....,._in, patd uld, "I !Ill In lho !llt """ pmeo we've been better 111111 "111 olher tMm lh1t ever played fer Loi • ..,,._" West waln't tpeelflc 11 lo whether ' hll -t applied to Just lhe LUtr tMml ol Iha put but the lntlb may wall bo lhll the 1-vmloa ol lhe Wm II lhe bell profesoionll team over ueembl<d la the city ol Ana•ls -and that lncluda the llodgm and An&ell in butball and Rim• in loolhall. One thina: for sure, the Waniora won't. question IL The Wm, who lookld hid In drop. plnf Iha 11111 two 11me1 to !he Wmior1 1t I.hi lnglewood Forum, made a com· plete rOvll'll&I and IWepl the next four games with an awuome dl1play of power to advance to the dlvldon final.a aallnlt the winner ol the AUanta-Sln Dle&o aeries. On Saturday night, West, totslly free from injurlet !or t.lle first time in several wee.Its, bombarded the neta lor 29 Points and Wilt Chamberlain turned In an outlltandlng rebounding performance (25) to spark Los Atlgele.s The Lakers lipped to a 7.(1 lead In the opening mlnuw and thti rout was on. Entering the second period with a 29-20 h~ad, they outscored the Warriors 17-2 to up their margin to 24 pai nts. I ahud of Devine, who was timed 1n 1:04.5. WashJniton, blmpered by Injuries, won only the hJJ:b jump, javelin and shot put. Oregon's Gary Knoke'a 14.0 in the 120-yard hJ&h hurdles bettered Bob Blum's meet mark by 1 tenth of a oecond. USC won 14 of 11 event.II, including three I~ oweeps, in bur)'lng the Bem. Bit Herman Franklin 1et a meet record of 51.1 In the lntmnedlate hurdles and won the 120-yard high hurdles as well, in 14.1. Franklin, who also placed third in the long jump with a wind-aided U-9~1. ran the highs into a 10-m.ile-an- llour wind. - "That 14.1 must ha\·e been a 13.8 without the wind," said Franklin's coach, Vern Wolfe. Behind Franklin In the intermediate hurdles, in his lifetime best of 52.7, came USC's Bob Seagrei, who earlier had set 1 meet. record of 1~7 in the pole vault. California's Clarenc:e. "Tree" Johnson cle ared 7 feet In the high jump to erase the meet record of ~10, set in 1955 by use·. Ernie Shelton. Washlnfton Slate was led by John Van Reenan and Rick Riley in whipping Stanford at San Joae State, where the meet wu moved because of a muddy Stanton! track. Van Retnan toot the shot It 18 feet, IV• Inches and Riley set a meet record In the tWCHDUe of l :<U. Stanlonf bad Ued the meet at 11-14 w I t h 1 oweep In the 4111 behind Chuck Fl'lnels' 41.t, but then the deplh-leden &Ophomore Rick Tipton accounted for II polnta wllb vlclorte1 la Ibo !JO high tiurdles and 100 ud taking third in the %20. Jn another West CO.at meet saturday, San J... State, paced by Olympians Lee Evans and John Clrlos, whipped Arizona State M-48. Cir~ wori the JOO In t .S Ind 2211 In 21.4 Ind Enns look the 440 In 4U. ... toulher and bla U11ll hive built up somewhat with welpta." So the oa1y mn,alnln& obltacle to true irea-Is lhe lllt:I. . ''We hive him on our EJo.Gtnie machine every day," the collCb uplainl. ."There'• a belt around his wailt that applleo a ~ tenoloo to him as bo drlvo& apl!llt I~ U WI Clll ~ bla -pro!>leml, be'll ...n, .lie oomelhlng beC.u.. lie~ food speed once be pta going." Wood bu dooe 10.1 in lhe 11111 and 5a flit in the 4111. It isn't dlffkult to fort1ee a colleae track career in l!~:~_fu*ire. "Rieb Is .... ~Jl!il'I dedicated kids on the team and he'• j: aood student. He's defltiltely 1<>1111 la be a lood colle1e hurdler." , · But in the meaotllllt, hick to lhe 1tanlng blockl. • • " Cal State, SC Top Baseball Tournaments Soulhem C&IUomla's Trojans, delen· ding NCAA butball clwnplons, 1r< I~ for the seuon and &etttna stronger. The Trojans awept ill seven sames to win the th1rd annual Riverside Na· tional Collegiate Bueball Tournament over the weekend in Riverside, Calif. Behlnd shortstop Cal Meler, who batted .533 for the tourney, Southern Cal wrap- ped up the title with an 11-3 victory over UCLA. Meanwhile, In Anlbelm, Full<rton State defeated UC Sonia Blrbera M to win the 0r..,. County lnvllatlonal CoU.flate Baseball Tournament. Don Neugebauer's home run in the eighth provided the msr&ln- Trailing Fullerton we.re Chipman, New Mexico, UCSB, Grambling and Wyoming. UCLA dropped to third place by losing its second game or Ute day and third of lhe tournament to Brigham Young, 11-7. BYU, 4-2, t.Ook second place. The Bruins. with a 4-3 mark, took: third, followed by Delaware and Indiana, 3-4 ; Riverside, 2-4 a n d Illinois a n d Mississippi, both w. In the USC.UCLA tussle, Trojans Frank Alfano and Bill SellllOtll hit home runs and Jay Jatre collected four 1lnglea. Jim Barr and allowed eight l\illl and got lhe victory. Meier wu named most valuable player of the tournament. Doug Howard of BYU was the top hitter at .592. On the all-ltlr team were : Mike Murawski, llllnols : lb -Doug How1rd, BYU. 1nd BID Selnsolh, USC ; 21>-Frlllk Pignataro, ~lvmlde; 3b -W h It e :t Adams, Mississippi; u-Meier, USC; outfielders -Dave Klln,er, Delaware, Doug Davita, Indiana and Jaffe, USC, and pltcben -Borr and 11"11t Strom, boll>USC. All-Stars Win LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The U.S. national BOCCtt t11m today mom to San Diego for 1 wetk or training after having been defeo..ted S•nd1y, 1-1, by the Southern California All.Stars In a tuneup.for World CUp competi tion. ; By ROGER CARl-'ON Of 1M OllW Plltt Steff Newport Harbor HJib Scbool'I Ceo swim contingent came within two points of taking the championship at Anaheim Hlgh's swim invitational Saturday, falling to SWllly HlDs Hlgh. Sunoy HlDs WOO the Ulle wllh '11 points to runnerup Newport Harbor'• • tallies. Tbe SaUOrs virtually shunned vvsJty, compeUU00i aotna for Bee •nd Cee com· peUUon with only two sisth place f1nlabts in varsity claasificatlo~. Newport's Jim Wilco1 took 1 alxUi In t h e vanity 100 breulitroke with a 1:08.3 clocking and the 400 free rtlay team wu alxth with a Ume or 1:38.3 in the 12-school field. Long Belch Wllllon copped Iha vanity clwnp!Qlllhip. In Cee acUon, the Tars were first In three events, the medley rtlay, 200 and 100 freestyles. The quartet of Rick Snyder, Jim Smith, Kevin Ashe and Jay Farrer turned the medley relay in 1:$5.9 for first pl a cl!: "'hile John Wilcox wu winnlng the free.. styles in J :56.9 and "·'· Smith tied for second in the Individual medley with a 1:05.7 clocking and Ashe and Rick Miller were tecond and third in !he so fly with 17.1 and 21.0 limes. Farrer was tied for third behind Wllco1 , ln the 100 free with a 55.4. In the backstroke, Rick Synder placed third with a 30.4 ahead of mate Jhn Clark~n. who was si1th with a 32.0. And in the liO breast it wu Smith In a Ue for second with 1 S3.1. The free relay team was second with a 1:40.S to round out the scoring for the Sallm in Cee compeUUon. Matt Greer led the Beea with 1 second and rdth plact in individual events. His 23.9 was good for second in the SO rree, lhead of Bruce Talmace in fourth with I 25.0, and he WU filth in the 100 free with a 56.5 clOC!kin1. Richard Deutsch WU 1lJth in the 100 breast.stroke w l th 1 1:11.1 and the free relay foursome was sixth al 1:52.3. 12,0'00 Distaff Bowlers Await Mesa Inv asion Over 12,000 women bowlm ,rtm virtually every city tn California will descend upon Costa Mesa for three monlbs beginning Sltunlay, for the 43rd annual state Women's Bowlin& A.Slocil· Uon Tournament at Kou Linet. Six squids ol singlel and doublea com- peUton will bowl weekendl at Kono from April 12 wUI July ll. Compsllllon will be held la five cllllerent llngles anddoublesdlvlolom. Opening ceremoolel for the IVllll ate slated for 7 p.m. Satunlar, A~ at Kona Lana, ac<onl1ng to manager Dick Stoeffler. Hall ol lhe team bowling evenll will be held at Carter Bo.,I In Fullerton, the other hall at Kona. The 1lx squids -totallna Ill bowlen -wlll bcgtn bowUng on S1tunlay 1t 10:15 a.m. and wind yp 1& t:• p.m. Sunday acUon commences 1t t 1.a and concludes at I : IS p.m . ,. -~--· -------·---------------.~,,_ .... _____________________ ,.._ , .. -----~---·-----~---~~---------.....,.,~--~----..; ........... ~~llll!IP.I MondlJ, Ap"1 f, 1'169 DAILY '1LOT Jit . . R Rain H~~s:: Co~pton _O!'y~pi,~n 1,.Ups.e~ . ., aceway s -· · . · BELLFLOWER -Southern ,,..._,,, t:u.1. • woe1. ,.:...... HIM ~. .,...., t~ •• ,...111 • , n •• a of Mill.,...,. ''"'lit die• -1, (;1111-1• LH-!1. J-. (l......_.), lt.t1 t, ~I I, ....,_ l~I.. Mkf I. Dragst~rs "4.UlotzW! I l~-P"!P track "* ,T_.1), •:.st.ti t. t«Ml'll tEI WllMll t~. FfW!OJ, It.ti a. J.ckMA I~· MnltWI• .,_ 4 talent set1 iLs sites 00 the It~). IO:IM1 :t. ~ CQDHMI, ~ ,,.,..), tt.•r 4.·Tllom-Loltn.11 IMllllAl!J • ..-11. ...,_e,a. ~-·r In 1·-u---· --J I lO:tt.•1 v.11 ... , fE. 8altt.ntlcl), IV...,. c.I), 1f.h $,· ~rt'I' "'°"" ,.,.,,, .. ,1'\. f ...... ..,. !Y v ... UllGI nn:ocl n lt:22.f / s. IM'"I (lftf'"'9oll), lO;U.J-llnll~. ,,,.., • ' L°"" JUllW -1~ Holdlll f ......... Ontario Saturday a ft e r t~..t -di,.. '°"""men flltll m.1-1. ct11"~lll•t· ''''"'' 1. J.a.-l~· 111'.J. S I d ' in bb , •• .a .....,..1 ... 1.,,. ..i-..1. bl t lhe -·mtn ttlil1 -I •. ~M l ilt.S (_. !'t<Wf)J !. 4f Al'lllltt. '''""'' I. a-,.....,,,, Ji.et L a ur .IY s ra -a revtar.cu .,.,..or ...... ,. au1ws-a y a 1:•.i 1 t , Cll'lt.Ml•t. 1 :•.~1 3. Vt~rri l :l!Ui a. •·•· ,_,., s:a.1, Grant fC1Mt1W11111, .. 11, s .. '"""""'· top gas program at Orange National .Record Relays here ~·",.~!,_,, i:n.IJ 5· I I-T"'" Jllft'9 -1. Tlltbr 1s.n ,.._ ~1ctfileM1a11. »flAi. last Saturday ' l'our-1.,;111 ·""~ mli. r111,._1 •111111 .,in1, iM-M1 ! .. smllh II!'. llic~t-""''-v111lt-h Sll'lllll (I. Terf9llcllt., Counly International Raceway · . . 1.-2 , .01 , • ., • ""-!J, &S\41 " trioiaM 1a.nrulii110. 1s.nt ,,,,... -4>1 t. "''llNI (L.A. Despite heavy rains which , ,;;::, .. :.,!~"1'-14· •· · 1 '-Mii-49\llii .. s.ufldin l'"'-der1f, o.3"' H11t1J,. 1M1 1. L.twNllOt , 1,,......t. will be continued May 10, ac-hit the Bellflower High ••ack l!'ioht-fNll mh• .... ,._,, '°"'•· " Or111* 1E .. lkkfn1111.i1. 0.11., • 1..w.1 .. Nul'!Mll'f 1•• CMl91t 1w. d. to OCJR al I le in lhe lit' ~ >:ot.t1 t. (~....,, l:IM.31 ), Wtn· 01_._I, '"°""' VMni. Yllt1). ,.. .,_, ll>llt-1. LM!Nfw d ........ i. cor 1ng • gei:ier a COJ:\\pe ion, a nwn· ,i.1c1, 3:111.11 .. vetDllfll 0.1. ~: ... 11 111, :a. o... 1s1 McldtNY. 161-11 I.· '•mi j . o.iw1i1 «CIO'I"'· .,.,. a. manager Mike Jones. ber of outslanding marks were ~ s. Frwmont, t;ot.o. H. Mon'-'Y 1ca111111>. uH1 ., F1i-f'F .. i. is.11 Me!Ull· JW\411 .. 9'I!> turned in D11l111C.1 "*'II~ ,.,,_i. aKQlllor, tia fSelt ~rc.1, 1u.11 s. ~or• ""' lll-MM!Mlll, "4141 ~ .._ Tbe drag show Wa& rained . ~::r'-·l--O;ii'1A~>i!L!!""~'-~"'~·~"i:'li.fi> iLi .... i.~ili'"'&"'1'•ili-~· ~~=ij!~~IL!.Li,i.,i.~l·!iiiilillii.i'.~:_--1 oot-midwaythroogb-qtfJlllyIB~g -8.....,.A-od,~=-.:~:i heats: and drivers will retain in the high jump tiy teammate '. · · 1 • credit for their quaUfying runs Joe Bradley, Brown. with a _ ' 1 • ·: •' '' ~. ; ··1 1, , • · fortheMaylOsessloo. best of 7·3 last year in the QURCURRENTANN"'ALDA'T:EQF5% ' Mike Sni.,ly or Rialto bad U.S. Olympic trials al South 1 : U ~I' ," ." · · posted the tow elapsed lime !:!J=~~' to settle !or EARNS 5.13% WHEN GOMP0UNDED . :::,~~.rain with a 763 B~~~:l :,:i.hadas ~ ·DAILY &cff~LD11:¥E'.AR '':;;~~!, . • ', , , I ~:" QuaIHying 1or the Ford high misses;.. Ill< gold' medal went USE JH.E HANDY PASSBOOK · ....... ' school scholarship race. will to the latter .. S.Uthem Counties pole vault ALWAYS MOST CONVENIENT resume at I p.m. Wednesday. champion Steve Smith or FOR "O-UR SA."INGS ACCOU.NT Unblown fuel dragsters and South Torrance won hi s 1· 1V A/gas supercharged cars will ~ialty with a meet record be spotlighted at next Satur~ . 15-7 ~ .. day night's OCIR drag· show. 11~111-r ••ut11: • UCIHH-1; WllJOll fR-11, Ff'etrto\, Grand prix motorcycl~ will ,,,,; J. Tftollolp1<111 1v1rtium o.n, 1~.J; 1.. Gres-.11 (BUM!1 ), · u .•1 ~. l•llWl'I start their · 1969· season on. fll1k....ire1c1), u.,, s; If.Hit< 1eiw"' OCIR's 1.8-mile road racing ~~:m~~··~o Re11v-1. Los AnQeies Cl.rc'u1·t Sunday o.J1 2. F011t11111, o.,, 3. ceni.·nnJ11. • Fqi.or-<Tlfoll fOllr mlll rei..,._1. Sao.Ill! The A.gas supercharged , ,.ornl!Cll, 11 :01 s1 2. Mir• co,i1, 11:07.t; J. Moni. Vl1!1, lt:l6.JJ 4, El field will include both eally, MooHrta, 11:11.s. 100 Vllrd d11h -t. Hffrve~ (L.A. and Jate model chasiiis in-1t1t11). •.•1 2. we1&<t1 IL.A. tti.111, '·'' c o r p orating supercharged engines producing 1. 0 o.o horsepower. J. !luford (c..ntenrll11), t.J1 4. C:ll!klt111 flioovff, Fru11<1I. t.J1 $, Oitlllo (C- llftr>l1I). 9,t . Siff1fll mt11illt'I' "'41Y-l. EIS! .&tkt,. tlrid l ::M,51 2. Qn1tnni.1. J:lS.11 i. • 8 INSURANCE TO $15,000 8 . FEDERALLY CHARTERED AND SUPEll.VISEO .~ ~~T~~~~!~1~6~u~~sy~rc&~~~DD5c~R~~ ~~~R1E~~~1~o~~ ~11A~Y MONTH· EARN FROl\if THE 1sr·e-SA"E.IY-tl'All, WE PAY ,OSTA6E IOTH ~AYS, A CONVENIENT WAY TO $AV~. SOUTHERN FED E RAL SAVINGS -- •• ,. '. • ' ' ••• • -. -. .. •, • The A/gas contest at Orange County saw both halves or the track, record broken. Those record breakers -Skip Hess of Temple City and Ron Bizio of BellOower -will bqth be in competition All Pen.ney Store~ ,Open Every Night Mondciy Thr~ugh Stltvrdcr;: Saturday. • Qualifying heats begin at 2 p.m. and eliminations at 8. Tbe motorcycle course has been altered to provide spec. tators with more viewing area in ·the pit .vicinity. Over 200 grand prlx motorcycles are .. AUTO CENTER . " .. " • . • expected to begin the 3 DAYS ONLY T-M h F d f F" h• American Federation of 00 UC 00 or IS mg M~;;.;i;~";t~~tsra~ ~s:.:,;. . with the first .race set for Test netti_ng jusl CO!TIPie_ted•----------- 1 _p.m_. ----1 Our tire life saver at Silton sea showed at least •. ==~,:ye:;"':"= A special prolongs _:~';!!7,~~reT'f:"th~1\: . • Al 1'18"'CNTER w~--a:::/":.'!~ that -emtelf~ ~ \;;I; -1--i-------c-----,t1a=-e 1·1fe' '.Of ·your 1·1ras ·· Salton Sea's corviru( lre now ··r "1 ·na " scl.ttered all over the place, from inshore to the deep water, and are stuffed wit'h s m a I I croakers and pile worms. The corvina appeared to be a month or m6re away from their .inshore spawning, with 1tiay and June likely to pro- duce the first real good cor- vina catches. All of the sargo taken in the sample nets appeared ready to spawn at any time now. 'They are expected io move from deep water toward shore very shortly. The sargo are fat as butter and stuffed with pile wonns. Another trigger to ex~llent Salton Sea fishing • v•ill \>(! "'anner water, say the fish· eries managers. In the past momh the top and bottom I water temperatures rose only , two degrees. I The bottom water is now 58 and the surface is 63. Corvilia fishing is expected to pick up sharply when the water tem- perature gets to between 6a 1 and \'ii_ I F.or tbe firs( time, the net· 1 ling sampling showed that sargo· a:re feeding on amphi- pods, a tiny shrimp-l ike or- ganism believed introduced into Salton Sea with experi- mental plants of Texas shoal grass some years ago. AlsO for the first time, the test showed entire schools of gulf crosker feeding heavily on pile worms 1f the-surface at mid~y. Area Sporlb 1 Calendar Is that funny thump-thump under the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't And maybe it's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time {and a lot of your money), trying ff> find out. --Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. In les~ than one hour, we put your car through a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis of evei'ything from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. ---. A skilled diagnostician goes over r'.~Q the report with you. If you wish , he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to lake care of small problems now, before they develop into .big problems coating big money. ·And, If you wish, Penneys will make the repalra- qulckly, accurately, economlcally. Repairs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown • • 11 you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you Ilka. The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days. Charge It! luena 'ark 6111 ON111at...,,. AYe. Ph..-i 521 .. 161 Penneys Auto Dia9lostic Center Fullortan 140 Ofntel.lr Mell ''*'• 171""4S41 Tho Sclontlfl< Troubtnhootera Huntlntton lch. 1m....., ...... •~m..m1 New,ort lch. ,.,.,.._ •'*-'44-2'11 -t • SERVICE INCLUDES • EXPERT WHEEL ALIGNMENT • 4 WHEELS BALANCED• 5 WHEELS ROTATED• EXPERT BRAKE ADJUSTMENT • COMPLETE PIT BOSS INSPECTION Not iust. a reline •• • but a ~o~plete Reliant brake. overhaul for .your earl wheel .cylinders, resurface brak• drums, bleed and refill brake system, repack fronl * W• install new bonded linings, rebuild all 2 9 whffl bearings, irmoll new front grecne • seals ••• morel • .. •...., a..vr111e1 _. .,,,.. ... ••• •Yolk1wa1en a•d •ost other A111erlcan cars 3488 • • Frlie br•ke adjustment for life of lining . ' BEACH (Huolingto1 Center) , HUNTINGTON NEWPORT BEACH (Fuhion I.lend) ' .. ' ' . ' ·' " • • -; ' • . ., ' • ·' ·~ ' • . " 'I . -........... ::.-::-: t4 D.\11.YPILOT - ~~~-~~.=~:-::.~-+" ~;~~-=!~:=~:;1Carson:-Who Censors the C~nsors? ;Bi! !!.l!;:".l~ .. ··"r"':""~"·.. . ... .=..~. ,..J . ' -~.,i_ .... , . . .,, . ..,_ .. " fMClllltilll ._. lif!MOTK'l OI' wa-• '*"'''m'"°'"'°"1 ByDON.1.•n• ..,.n._, ·~A d •-AL-....a• l'"""l •·-If ..., ,,.. _. ._ ~ c-. ,. ....,. .. ,;~-·~ .uo '" -.--. miu-.-i, say •. 1111:: :-or Ull&Q.I w 1.1ivu wa-. you want to ~ .pvt them a lecture 00 dlrtv "'*""' Mll&ll DlcmO. °"""" UTTlltfi Tin~.,. NEW YORK (UPI) TV' oU•rvtll\11 ......... 1... a -1 .... about all'" "-· ' w ~ "•" .. ~ o=.-' J:'::.:S~ 'M."""'MOP.g -s -, aome ,......,,.... -no ........,. mor v. u11;1u's · words alter they'd atarted • _, · -• -• --~ · Jobnay ear-, no lllraqtr kidding. vie · .....Umu get ·lots •ol •IYI lo do tt. Olla repnU., them~ CJU~''M:~"~~~1:W~':o:>...nc•lue-.~ '::,0 11111:: in tbe battle to Uberallze n · m1ybe ,p1e~complainlng mghlEdMcMabonandttook ..,"I ~~t.hern, how ma.Dy (!) ht.~'" !~~1oA~~ •• ::= t ...._ . .., . ..-. .. • wr11 w preuioA 9Q the tobe, thinks about something like that, and llW'8eJ'1 rfi~ ·and bll~ di.rty wor~ they P1ew. 'Ibey e ~ • 1 .. ~ ~ ~.:. :: ~· ., ~_£!'=~ the current arpment between the . netWOl't -listens. What l'Ol'ds from ~·to show MW gave emb~wed laughs and i.-1 911 "" .... i ., .. .., ._ '::"~i.e. ., ...,."-.. &be Sovetnment and t be about the ·ei&ht rnlllloo other even censored lines can make didn't ~wer, ao 1 listed all --:"•~,:';':;; ·.:~.,:: ~ .... ..,,... Nirlt u. tw. ne~U over ••ottenalve" viewers •ho aren't com. people's hnagbpdiOllS' go tO 'the OJieJ I knew. Then l told ··• -...... Ill IM ,,..,tv .. .,JI t .fll., ..... cev"-., _ ............. , ··1 -.1-1-1. , 5eL ·~A-11 ....... ~··· ·~ -ally -Ni i~;;,:· tf Or~ ••• ., ow••••• • a 11 Mil '*"'· •• 111a1.aw on ..., evLrUun u a nlalolng'! · • · ufll:'m -~ •o;11 ~ a~ Ollfenllt. ._,.... • ,..._.., : ,. w •. IE~ ,,...., "' ,,.. City If case of tt'tt)e bland 1-.11 .. ,. • . .:Jr uun.., ..... •t _ •-·o a lilUe ".\ lloe like 1M1t1~,had a dtrty words. The>dlrty words -Ltt i• ., Trtct Ht. 171' •, .. --'"?-..5'•'"',,..""-._ ~• ... ~.1" ............,. ""J ....... "" iwiv litUe t.Up' wu •·•·•le•• ar "·-· 11 ...... • o ·1.1~ ... • ' ·u. ., c..i. MeM. ~ .. ar....., ' _.... · --lailh•de? An the ·1ood TV • · ~ " UQ&Q.l. v e w--= UMf wop1 -..c, ~ ,._..,c••twn111 .......... ,..,... ~S:~ He allo .objects strongly 'to . wrilen eventua,Uy IO. !o the_ suggestive. ,aod we ml(te a 'aplk,' .~greueblll,' ._ those ~:*111114.,,.. "-;i:!, C:, M='= ilu,Hc~":_~ tbe-.co,1PH11C-d ~ ... -;--and-: movies or the ltage. genuine Point. , are"'h-ones-tbat-really tlll't~s]'!~~ T....:'::: ~"~.,~ •n -.. -,.~ violence" In wnwin1 up all' "l 'don't think this country "I don't gtl for dirty ~ j~*i""~ . .,.~,~-~-·~i,~~· ~~ii)~ --.. P. o .... •· that' sup--'' ~· Ith Is •·· on TV bul ••·y don' ... ~•k!;:.. • ,_... ....,,...,,_._.., .,.. Mllllll I•• a--. C......... ftMI I ~y ... -. W 10""6 .. downhill into a ' ' UllC " INl.I~ ~ ~ ""'"'1n1 • Ill~ =-=-:,cn4>...,. &oday'• TY. morass of filCh and vlolmce. tot,. or hurt me. When my NOTICE lS HElllHY GIVt:.lf.. ~ Ntollll!M Of.-c.-'n.lht ,lllt, Carton ,apote on the subject I don't bu~at. What's .true • three boys #~ unaller I t.-. U::: ~"= ~ -11 I. 1• u, 1Jff .... in an intuview. He WU i·u.s1 • I th t ha "-_ ..... lo be ••• 'Let's s a e ve gbtten °",!:..."'~": ~":' ?':'i LEGAL. 'NanCE back from vacailon, ln a ~--16 we. bung up on sex. n ti .-nc tudMM • ~ hlthtttl--==-=-<===:---1 rtlued mood but obvJOU!ly not take~ chance on offepding "Pew, le should see what u,,,:; ="tet. lft f41,-:: :;:'fl~ IU=~'f:t '&t,C:,.~OlllJ.. trop.bled by the: brickbats 90TDebody; or fhey 'lJI loot. al they WaDt to •• U YOU don't ~-:~• .=.,..~~ '::~c:J#'.:-C::...~ beinc toaed at TV from aomething 'and aay, 'Golly, I want to aee it, don't , go. OPIN mucti "*"' • ,,_ 111t ~ • Mrw. Wuhinfton. don't bow.' ~1V~ cut Anvmay this ' llUdJm and _ ,., I. .,,_.__ __ 1:45 wtldt Miii _._,, ..... ~ ......... Oll.IAl.JlllCH.~ ...... A "" and ,_,_ .... 1 ...... on my· ··-1-thlnk ' ,,~ • '? --- rrternl tNI eo1tt. ~ICIE IS HElllE•Y GrYIN fro ,_ .lucy Cc• lieJ: Viuu:J\Ce uu.up -,in plays and movies, Will have~~·~·~·~··~!"~"~·~=·~_! o,._. .i ~Mm. ca11fW1111, Awl t. end""' ., ttie .-. _... ~ miled up. Jt kU1s me -what . it's ridiculous to, ·cut. 'Don't --1 · ,,,._ .. 1..,. 111tt .it ...,.... ~ dtlrM _..., d j·•-· ell . death -a revei-acu. PeGp1e will get J•-A. Mu.Id!. .. .11111 ~ .. ,_,.,... " ".. do you have on TV that's o VaQ on Vorce or , Ured of it. It's boring.•• stwrlff "*"',. _ ...... ...-.. -, •. -,.--. .. ,_111 ao suy? Jt'1 all so bland. don't do this, don't do that Carson admitted, however, c""'"'"' .t °''-· C•lttwlllt -~ Tbe It' not n1 • •~ c. A. lllMoHin. .. lltlM aurt. • • ..,....,., """'-wt111 viqlence I do find disturb--s ce. that thete is 11a1Jo the danger •MoiisoM~MAlllM a CottN••• :! ... :::"!t"' Lt:~" A:IQ;;, ~ ing -I'm pUended when I "U some people had their, of c om e d 'I a n s taking :r:i-w:•11m 11""' ~1'"r:: ~ ~~~ see lhow& , that de Pict way about· not of 1 end Ing them.selves too serlously." t. ... ......,, C.llfW'llle ""' su1i. 44. H-.-t hid!. CtntDn111, somebody ge\tlng beaten· up anybody we'd have 24 hours "SoclaJ coosclOU5ness does Pllkttfff'1 AINriMY wllldl '-!tit Pi.ct et bull-111 lht with a tire iron. of n-1e and Harriet. •·-e,· not make a show. Once a Pulll1$11td Or-CN•I ll1lht Pllot, undllr•ltned In •II ""~ Mrf1tnlr11 v-.;K.ll. ,...,r11 '· u, 21. 1Nt tlHt to 1119 "''"' « Mid dectdenf, wtrt11n "The trouble ii that. ~ you I've said things on the show humotist or cOmedlan starts ~ .. ":. ,,.. "'-fir.I llVblrunon say you're for permissiveness I wiah I hadn't saldi but I u~ing his show !as a forum, LEGAL NOTICE Dt>""L"::.~."..:a.:;:· on TV, people think you're never said anything to hurt he.'s in trouble 'of losing his c•111TI111CAT• Ott .u11•na ~...: ~':c....,, for ~-I'm not for anybody. audience. . , P1cT1Ttout PlllM •AM• ........, ,.... a..,.._ anything goes -I've been For uample, you can't even "Audiences don't need Jec- THE UNOElllSIGN•ll Wll .......... c:erK. A,.....,,. .. uw here' for • i-... time and Ir---------------------'--..:. fv frllt he b c.odu<lln1 t 0-tl • ...._. C.... DrtWI. -. cWrtdlfll ""'"'"' .1 i11s w. c...w.n ,.... ..,. know the 'grouDd rules. I know :~11~;..!.:1":"11til.c::t" co':: ..._. ._... Ctllfwalt )'1IU can't do dirty jokes or !::.,ua.,ICNll .. •,.=....MW.::._ 11.: :=,. .... .=1b-trt. have naked people on. Yw've ".,.. '" tut ..,. pltct • ~ ~ o~ c... ll•ltv Plwt, -" lo have ru•-but It' h Is follows. .._,I: "'"11 7, I .. 21, & INt W"" 6"" ac:111, S • ...., ct91i MetrtNa. 1111 w. LEGAL NOTICE the cruUve people on TV who ACROSS. 4' eo.u \t , c.l!Mlln Pl, S-.hl ,.,,., C.llflfftll have to regulate tbemaelvts." [ "··w ....__ lllobolrT c. Mlotr11191 -...... t STATE OF CALll'01tN1A 1 •A111•1511 Carson mentioned the recent l Recmllol: 47 S.tltlr' COUNTY OF OltANGE Ill HOTIC• TO Clll•DtTOlllS late enl b ••• J .bn ~btlf llfOduct ON THIS 4tfl di, of ~H. A.ll. IVP•llltolll COIJlllT Of' TM• 'r··~ ( y .x:ai. 0 0. . 4 lndoOt ... e 49 J""""'' '"'· ........... l1flltt •. A. 111""-"· STAT• OP CAUPOINIA POii aawc D-R I ) who as -• NolllY Plllllle in .... lor ..... Mld TM• CDfJlfTY °" OU.N9t: • ' • , Not ftigbty fQrtt Clll.lnl'f .,.. SI .... rttld!N therl~ duf'f' ,.._ ..... , ... . chairman of the aubcomlnittee l4 A~ PoSf 50 Tl9tllW• comm!•._.. IJld ._,., M,,_I., tP. 1'.11 ... ti Ol.E HANSOM. Jr., Dlcutlll, on cammuoicatlmsrhu called r 1tffftt: ........ -"' lobtrt C. Mlff'll'IP II-lo HOTIC'IE 15 HEREtY GIV!N le IN Attllf · 5101t0f.two • me • .,. ,.. Ml'IM ...._ -crld1tron o1 the • ......., 11trnec1 -....,. for rigid, centralbed sell-15 Not ~ ..... · ls tublcrlbld "' ..... W11'111n 1nslniment, ""'' •II ....,._ htYfl'll c111 ....... !Mt -A-1..1 b th . WV"~~ f•sv ~· •NI •~lldtld to 1rw ""'' "" lltKll!ld in. u ld dKeOeflt 1n r.ciulred 10 ft.. ce~;:i.wp Y e networks, l6 • -• • • 11o.1 5? ('ttYes off the -· """" wittt ...,. MCftSI,., vovdotrs. rn including pre-screening of all 17 Rlvlm: 54 Fr1temal IN WITlf!SS WHElllEO,,, I hive tM ~Ice o1 the cterk flf tM Ibo 3 fd hereu"to HI "'" l'llNI •NI lftl•ed m, ..,11,.~ • ,. 1 "" .,. shows to cut "0UA--1ve" wo 5 I""' ofllcl1I 1t•I troe ov 1NI 'ft!lr ill fl'ltl -ceu." '"" pr-m. wllll cu;)I 19 •1 .. 1DIOd " tsult "'' nr<llStrY vouctoen. 1o ii. un-material. -1",.11 ~ Cwtlflat1 11'11 tboYt wrllttn. cl&rti9n9d ,1 lllt offlQI o1 hti Allo'!WI' ,..., WI T1111sport- IOffklil ll~!111er 1 A 111,1tnour w1r1tc:e, lfOWft •nd cr11n, m ~ ''Who's goinc to censor the e.,SO,• 1Uon°A.bbt. Crossword ·Puzzle 417/H Not1rv Piit.1ic • C1t11orntt DriYtl, S1Jfle Nu<nbtr 2'. """"°" 841odl. censor?" he asked, "Who D H•• l'009· ll £6rt1ttd Prtnc:tp.i oniu In C•tll0'1!1•, wlllcll Is !ht Pl~ of bl.Ill""' 2? ltlubt hlllltaUa I Suftocate 34 Tht •[# af O•Wt OM..nlV ., ""' VllMnllned "" •P ''""'"" ""' governs the governing body? 23 5;oft&a u Lant t "S.lnt ''D.E.w.• :!'., ~~iu-. bl't,... :'::1':.9 ,!, ::.._=-:.,., ..::..•.!.i:I~ wt.t is uncomfortable for loc" llMG«'S JoM of ~ Rtsld• """'Ifs/ltd 0r.,.. CMlf D~lf'f' P111t, ""' ., ""' ..nw. Senator Pastore to aee may 24 Style fMnd Art" •athor o( a S •. Altfll 7, ,,, 21. 21, 1Mt ....., Dlled IE~~ 's. 1::!;._ not be for otberl. Mjt taste. 26 Coabl•U. U Jtalousles 10 Acmiulallom C1lltcnll E•ttmr flf lfM wn1 · ~ of c:anfs 14 All tooethtr. of 1tfoas city LEGAL NOTICE .... .-. """*' ~~ is Just as impeccable me 2' Prefix used z woris fluid: Var. 37 B~t • a ___________ , • .._.. ._ ... "*' aenator's. I doa't want wlUl !lull. 67 ltyital r~ 11 Unpleasut ,.ripe state Ill Dl'lll' DIM.,... ....... " bod I' -1... 31 Khan. --enta''-dlsposlUon= :i rll<ct ••tie I MOTIC• •.:0111·~·~~l)ITOllll ~ ..... c...... any y le] mg me VJHAt 1 tor one .. ~c.--., ... .,..._ z words 4 "e"-oll Ttf: fn4) .....aJ nnot · tch I think -· SUl'•lllOI tDUlllT OP nt• A""-t'I.., ....... can or ca wa . .'32 FONOSI \ .. Mlrnllffoll lZ IOllU I• ·tllmc:lw ST•T• °" CAL1110111M1A "ott P'*l1111N ~ com n.l'lr P11ot, J should mate my own ~ Stnlt '' Dlsc:ussl• Gtn.sfs •s 0o•1e-cios TH• C0:.:'1!fua OAAMal ...,.. 1, .... 11.... • ""' .I-I.I.A Island 13 ••s 48 llltl Esllte 'Ill ROLL.A WILLIAM WALlllrtt, ~ns. :n Tl•e of 70 ~'" 1ilc:tqar -53 Duce •k• 1011t w. w1•1,.., tli• 111. w. w.111111. LEGAL NOTJCE ''There's a defmlte danger ye• saart 11 lu'a -55 Tiit H..., ~~'k'E 15 HElllEtY GJVEN ,. ,.. y41w of heavy proscription of TV '4 Fotnnt . 71 lom 24 lasn of ~· O• of a. ae.111.,.. tt "" ti-. _,,.. ___. ·MOTK• To cau,,_. ~ arnvenunent. Il smacks boa~ bmpllold f.i ~ ' ,...-.: .. ....-....-to11 ~°" ,,.. nan ~ --~•.:... , --c..,., ~, DOiii -tH:ll!l'.•'1 57 .. Iii\, ~ IM MIO .._..,, .,.. """',..., • fl.. WC'JllLhtOit..... .... " e ~ .......... . -n .... , .. .,.. ,. .......... ' them. w1r11 n.. _,., VPUdllr"t. 111 TM•co:""'a.::.ou.•• you, I ,and :"~ . , .TMa. l ·Slllt r~ty 5tFmatr: ::i,.:a ~ !'1o'!:!..: ~-= ~ _., LDllll!TIA. M. ROCHA. against ~ 0~Itb1 n " )'OU , ,, ~al: Airitrr., 2 Atsh• Z1 'Secotldl . lafcnal IM llla!IUIY Vllllclltra. ..... -. ~-,• -~···j•·" Sff" _..-.....~-, .... _ Tiit·-lTtlfl ---h1gflesl 610pposlttal d¥1l9ned ., IM ofllc. of lhtlt dl:oml'n. NO'TKI! .. !Ht:ttE:•Y •rvlEN • ,,.. auuu W1 I • -~w~ WC , .. _.... •• Qild's word ...... ,.taa ••nth• ~E:'t!~ H'::!:.tt ~~= :;:11:;;;.:: ~ "::.. -:.=: 'ovbef11!1"1lld 1 •larl"tlobe~l1w~ .. Al ,.•"-le.,, · S 1a11• trte; ~I• 62 l1elln. 0111orn1. f'J663. w111c11 11 • ..,. ,,.. ..., · .,. ....,.... "' 111e is a or you, n 1 pan · 6 ICten.ftged 21 Twosomes 61 -.... lliak • e1. bu11.,.., or 111t ""'*"._. 111 •• """".w1 .. ,111e.......,.,. ~ 111 turn ar6und and iay thili W1Q 43 Thi Mice, l1Utrme11t 30 1 ·•ves 2..n " "''ti!!" ptrl•ln1"' t9 n.. _..,. If h t1r1ao flt .._ ctlftr .. fllt abov9 , \ ~ t.g. 1 C#lllllM 33 ''South 65 Atlonte wkl d~1nt, wtthln 1eur """""' ""' "'""9lll' "'«'• ,w .t. .,,_, """'-wltrt be good for you. Instead of .44 Delta's pollticaJ Ptclflc.'' G .. nls: "'i,1i:1 A"!b~l~t::, of thli no11m. :::.i.~· •;.,., .... ~:" flf '° M>";HL~ 'what can't they see?" it cf:D 1 •*'!I' It.Ser for ont Abltr. orvu1e G. Eaplot • DWY511lo ~ mt w11s111re become 'whal shouldn't ... .:i.. l 111(1 Unltld C•nfornl1 •lllt ~ · 1ut19 ... ""' Allltllt, ., . """"1 5 ' 7 f M) 1t 11 U • ~1t1on Ct'*""' "'17. 111111c11 1t ,,.. ~1tce .see. co.E:o:KVtan of MIMM er ,.. undtnltnld i.. •II "The .. twor'--are up Ugbt ,. of "" Wltl ., "" ~ --""' .. lht .... l'I .. ... 11101111~~. =•r='tAIU.MD ::.,."'.,~":':, =:-,:.~ •ttw -I know that's an overwork· i,,-1--1-~ A""""'"" llw o.... •"., 1,.,. ed word, but it's ' true --11 ~Mt c .... _ Drt" UMITat CALlttOlllNIA l:ANC. they're up tight . because ':"1'-t-"1'-t--Ntwflfl e.11:11. C ........ ....., 1 C.I~ ~ 120 Tt1: 11141 ~ ,.,. J L.. NMntrt. 1 o m 'e bod y ' s investigating Atltnlt'1 !'Ir C..._..... Aui'*"i Vice P'"*'°' • -. d Pllbll•hed °'''-c.111 DlllY Ptllf, !acutor If "" wi• them. J uey ten to go 1l Nrt• 1, u, ti. a, '"' ~ "" "" IMw _. -...,., overboard. Pretty soon we H--•lllA DWYR LEGAL NOTICE IUI Wllllllrl ....... ...... .. won't be able to say anything. ____________ 1u. ......... ~ M11 '"I'llley want to cut P-1117' T•h PUJ 411.n .. •• Altlnlln flW II•_,., Clllll'.!~CfT":u~tt .9i:~M· Publlll!ed Ort-C.-. Otllr •1tnt, TM ~1pnec1 dt certify IMY tr. "'"11 7, 1'-21, a , lfff 'lMt Rl'ICl\/Cllnt t bln.IMU II 1'111 Hltbor Boulw1n!, Founl•ln VII..,,, C•llfornll. LEGAL NO'ITCE .....,., !he flcllllolll firm 11tme ti PIUA l---,,===~----- PALACE ""' ft11t Mid firm It corr-.. C:lllllTll'ICATI Of' DOOt• or !ht followl119 ,.,_ ""'--•USIMUS. l'ICTITHNS NA.Ml! : IO~~~nG .,1tc9s et twldtnal .,._ T1'lt ""°'""Md .,._ f;lrllfy ""'' lie Allrtd F, LM, 1712i W..tciwrt ~fvt, l:t Cltftlflll'CH .. • bul!MU et 311 Fem-ndo. Tryouts Set At Fullerton L•M, Hllnllntton IQCto, Ctlll'lllrnla. hlllM. Cl~ uncllr lllt flclltlolJt Rou de 11 Hl'rt, 1711D li.,_tlr' """ n--' lllANOOLPH IONG I. L•ne, Hun11111'°" atecto. t•llfotl'lle. ASSOCIATES. end tt.u .. Id fl"" 11 Open readings (or a comedy Jat1" "" '• H.a..,.. 111m l!dttwltw ....,.... of ,,,. 1oi1owi,.. .,.,_, ~ t "SI ht Unseen " w1·11 Line, H""'t1111Mn eueh. C•llfornll. -In tun •nd .i.e. of rHkltllcl mys ery, g , 0or11 J""" '' 11 H•~• 11'0:D l!dl9-11 •• fonow•n be be1d Tuesday and Wed· W•lt~ ~ HllnllntfOn 'tNch. Cllll· KING CROSNO,'""""""'°• ltlbN, or~11• • c.111or"11. nesday by the F u J 1 e r t o n John di It Kl,. KIWG CROSNO c11ec1 March 21. 1"9 Difld': Otcwrnbtr '30th. iHt. FooWghters. fth Oorll J._ dt II Ht.,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA I Wall A.sse elmer "111 9 "°" .... H9" COUNTY 01' OlllANGE J" direct "-story of a YOllll81.~=======~~=='====~~=~==~ Alfrtcl "· L" Or! !his '°"" oav o1 Dtc:embtr, lffl, 1.11e STATE 0,, CALIH>lllNIA ) btfotl""" llot•re M. O.Ul'f'I, • ...,,,., lady who lnhuits a "haunted" COUNTY OF ORANG! I ft Public In 11'111 for uht S!llo, M.--11\1 A•¥ertlltftltfll o.. M••cto n. '"'· ._,.. ,.,., • _.rec1 ion. CIWl'IP. ..._ • nw English manor. Six women Not•rY Publtc: 111 •NI for MIO ai.i., .. ill' lllt --..._ name Is 1u11tcri. and f' · ·• S ' Shrinks MllOnlllY •-rtel ALlllllD F. LEI!, Id to lht wt1111n ... lrvmtnt, tnd IVe men are reqwrii;u cience pn!-4'...1 lllOSl ff .. HAYE. JotlN .... MAYIE, ~ tMt"' t :o:tCl/lld.,... llfnt, for the cast Cl.l.U.l.W :--rntoo:ISwJ"i:.! :..:: = ~': {SEAllEINl'IDN M. O.!lert Tryouts will be held at • Hemorrho1·ds •rt •~ ,. 11'11: wttMn l1111r\mtnf '"''"' l"vllllc Jn •ftf both da · I h '"' ---• ..,,,. .. "'u• '"" p.m. ys tn e Sto Itch Rell P Mn'lt. Pi*llllled, ~ (puf DllilY Pllol. Mucbntha1er Center' 11 9 ps -eves am' """"'" ""' _, " ,. '" a . ,,. ....., Jtc9Wl1nt J. o.n-Buena Vista Drive. Fullerton. Fi · =:~11ortt1• LEGAL NO'ITCE The play wlll open May 16 mdsdWayThatBothRelievesP~ M~ ~._..._ -'-P-nwt for th ree w~kends of Friday an Shrinb P-des In Most Cues JoMN v't:~.·· im c•111T1111c...T11 OP co111POlllAT1011 and Sa. turday production. Nrw y,...a. N.Y. (S-lal)·. "·' ... ........,. .. U'lt' DOING llUl\"US UNDllll -,..... ~ "" _ ........ ·--P'ICTITIOUI M-.MI •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... ;;;,1 ence bu found • 11pecla1 fori-....... THIE VNOElllSIGNEO COl~lllATION 11 mW. wiU. th• ability, •• __ ,. euet-t.o lhrink )Temonboids, ---, ... ,.. ,,... dots ......, certify IMt It II condudlflt ~ - Pubfl.,,,.. O•-· C.O.d l>•lht Piiot • WIO bullMu ti • "•lhkwl S<llllrt , s. "?. itehl .... and ftlien ... aln. ...,,,ti 7, U, 21, 71, 1'6t ~ LI H•ltr1. Cllltwn11, .....,., !ht tlclllleut -,, ------------!""" "'""' ol WIGS •Y VANCE PEl'I D caae dt.r ca1e docton }.. tnll ..... , !ht NIM er! .... C*Mrtllln ..___. .... _ •I I' _, ~-~ LEGAL NOTlCE Ind lk •rlnclHI PW .. """I-11 r•'!•...., Wnut p!lu1 re 1e ... 1nr 1--~--------1· fellows: pUn. adaal nd~ (Wink,.. 'IU,.IlllHHI COUlllT OP TH• CAltr.tAIY WIGS. 1-ltllhl Mtllkt. STAT• OP CALIPCMINIA POil M.111, Stnl1 ,.,,.,lu, C.ilfonlf1 TN• COUNT"t' Otr O•AMGlll Otltd: ,,.,.,di '1S, Ifft ~ Mt A41SM !COit,., SEAL) °'; OlllDl:lll .,0 ..... CAfJll CARNAIY WtGt BAFECC INSURANCE ·~) took plaot. The seeret ii Preporoti•• H•. Th11re la no ather formula far hanonholdt )Ike it.. Preparation. H also 1oe1thu inilated ti•taea and helpa prnent further lnfeetiols, lnoiDLmaatorauPPG11t1017tom. l'Oll CMA,... O• MAM• GI"'-StPf'll'ilttl ·-· _n .,... Mtttw ... AlllfHUlll STA.ff: Ott CAL••OlllMIA I V.DOV$1CY, ALIC:I V IC T 0 a I A COUNTY Of lOI ANGIL IS u , ·-···:~• M .. ~ ... ,~.,.A1 <T,~CUEI• On 11111 '2flft dlV 9f M.rcll. A,ll, &.IO<IV• ' ' ..,,, .. lfff, ....... fl"'•_ I Nolt"' l'UClllc Ito AOOVllCY, For C""'"1 of M1mf1, INI"' .. 11111 (""""' •nll Sltte -11 •"'1tl -lluolklll of Atlllllr WltdO'lllcy, _.,.., O"--S.pr-11i ti;_,. ~ Yldlrle Wledovillv, Mlcllffl Ar11'Mlr fl'M' to bl 11\f Jlf"Hldtftf of -_. ... rtlloll W JtmtS Alltft WltdovtllT lfMI lllCloelolled 9" wl!Nn IM"'-1 911 cNfttl'I .. -. ""'"" .,.... Wld If "" N•l llliil'I ltotrflll ... !Miii, In c-t, W " •-•l'lne ,.._ Wiii ~-I IS I f te Int lhtl ad! • .. ~~~:.:~ ArtPout, M~!~~ (Ol-9"011 ...,..... IM Mint • for speci•I GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Fam ily Auto lflsurance JAPANESE MOVIES ..,.__ ' ..., .. , _,,_ WITNESS""' 1'111N1 Ind M•~ .......,,., 1nll J-• Allen .,..,..., COl"lllCIAl SEAll flltd tll ...... letlltn ~ ""' l-llttHll -bl ~ 19 AITttUlt ... •• •-' .ALICI VIClOlttA LADO . wt' ~1tc: • ..,.llfln'llt ICftAft. A•TMUit LADO Ml .wMS ,.,.._. Ofllel Ill LlEN I.ADO la .......... ONMl'I' ..... """*"' • " .............. '" ... c. llUtal•• 111nit'IM, M •II --~ :::-:.. .......... ....., ................ ......... .. i:..,,~fl:. ;-cJtO..rtre,i:. ... Mlllllt ~-- ltW ..., .._ cw. """ "" l"Wlltl!M Cr9f'lll Ctut DtllY "Slit, lllt ..... dlt ... ffl """"" Mlvllf .\Jfll 7, I .. "' a. 1M tfl.., U ·~-*'" l'l'IM ' Ctl¥1;~~~~~~~~~~~:11 .... .. "'*""" "' flll AHOI T l>AILY •M.OT, t ·" __., t.lmlt.ltln, wlllW M Gunflt, ti ... ~ -... ,.,. ..,,. .....,,... ..... .,. ... lht ..., ...... ""''"'· .. tfl1' 1111111 .. """'""· lNt, , 111~·"*'--p .,..... ,,.. •r ol ~;~c-1 M.CHtOll a. """° ''" 11'1.l ....... A-l•zt11tw-....~9IMI ""'""' "' A ....... ,...1..,.. 0r.,... c...i DtllY • """ '· 14 11 ... lHf SHARP lob Paley ind .Alooclofff INSURANCE .. 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 TUESDAY EVENING ''SEnOROI TOKIADO" "HISHAKAKU" BROADWAY THEATRE 416 N. NOADWAY, SANTA ANA Kl 2-4738 .... MOH. & TUD. AP!llL J I I Now-Enda Tueodoy .. -;. --"ENDWS SUMMER'' I• c.t...-MM llllrll.: ~­,..,..: ..... ' 11111T!IS: Feiliila.p " ...... -·:~· . Start. Wodnooday 'l\<1t MiMiak • 3iii+ie ~·"""""""1t·_,.,.., -AND-.. ,. -== ·---.---~-ALSO CONTI NU°'-'S SHOW FJ!I., SAT., SUN. FROM 2·P.M. ACADEMY NOMINEE CLIFF ROBERTSON THE POIGNANT. INC•EDllLI STORY ~J ~o'm's ~~~u 0 .. "''' ' ALS .. , . ,, . OSU.I WDNl~nu Ru.is "INTERLUDE" r ... Sh.w Stem 6:41 c-.. ~. "°"' 2 P.M. ~---' . Tw. .......... '" will llOt "'' ...... t. .. -· IHit twe - .. ,.. ti-. Ast: tMM .... ltaft -!!!I ...... Jlrt1sts1 FD.,...,..i'"SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRE Son Diaco F-.. 8-• 546-2711 OPEN 12:00-SHOW STARTS AT 12:30 SHOW TIMU- "SM ITH"' -1 2110'"4· 7 ::tl0111IO "l'NCiifi'ILI .tOUINIY"'-Z:lS.ltlS.t :lS ll.<.90I •-., coxr.1.•5' fMCllC U.llO:Z ---·---·---· rosmm Y 1NDS .JUn . 11DAZZUNG" Ro MEO cS'JULIEI' ST~aTs )iiDNUbA Y , l,EE MAJMri , " . IWlllJ 1'tWU11 I ',_ ' ,., .·~ .. -.. 'HMl¥1SIDll• • 1tC11911C:Ol .. CJIC ~ Jl.-"A Lonfy w_., T•· D!." STARTS WIDNUDA'T --IC!l,llU -&EOllGE PEPPAIUI JUllSDEllC · lllCilAllD KUY. . ~-..,~~!!! PUT WH IN YOUR POCKO Se11 unwanttd llr.mt with a DAILY PILOT Clautlled Ad. PHON! U2·5671 ' -7 ... ' ' e "l'IEWmlDS NlWS"I * 1111 _,.., llallln -e--1111"'1 eet S3W''c~'9Df ·-- -CCI (Ill) ----""' _ .. _ e I O'CLOCK MCME..(;olar * "PICNIC" -l'lrt L Kini llonlr,,WlllllM -. ' . .,,__"'_ .... ,...,......, ............. ·~--•• ... 411 (1111 .... ~A'1Dl •-111""' ·---l!Qj "Tbt r... ............ ~ ..... wtlm .... ~ , ........ .,.,..... .. ..................... ··-· ... ' .... -4'1 1:11•-p ... 411 (ID) •• .... ... (JO} !~ ....... -" .......... (IOt .,.. -....... _ .. ...... ., ............. ... 11111 ' .... MW. ............. f.llm•~ ...... ....... __ _ ___ ... _ Clllllll ..... U!IC. .... ... _,.... ... ........ •w•••-tc1 -·~~ ':. tJ..O: ~.s;; .. -..., ... ............ _ .. -. ., ...... ..,,,., ... ao ·-·-Ill ""' .... ...... . ( •lnlll•--(C) ·--Ill (Ill) I:!''=-~ (II) -•"--... _ .. IQCIGIS.• ............. ..!!.. ........ .. _ .. __ _ -·-· ... -(II) lllCIJ'·---, . .,........,.,, r<--..,..,__ __ O"Coo-... 1.9 __ _ ----· .. 1111 1w ' \ 11lt s I I P1 ...... --M.':.,...-. ........... ... ____ .... 1111M ............. ....,. "".,... ...... .......,. .. ...,, tlle ..,. .., ......... ~ ---.... -... llin (C) (Ill) ---=:.: _., ... _ -..... --11'1111 eonr. ~ er.,.., -. .,~----· li~t:.~..!l _o __ _ ................... ... ___ _ .......... ur. ...... . ... ..,, ... Ill,... .... .. .. _ m .. "' -11o 111 (Ill) ... -IQ (Ill) ... c.. ,., ........ ~.,, ...... ........ _ .. _ _.._._ .. _ .............. ....,, ,__. .... ,.,.,,, ...... -....... - -·-·-"' Cllll -........... ., ....... 7:1t8Cll --!Cl Cllll - -• -... ...._. OtMllita. w..a It lllN llOMI It )oil the ,_ diNNL Llldl • ,... .-. ...... 4111311.... --...... ., -.,......... ....... ........... ... ·--(Ill) .. ................. Vn11ICI c..twriaN .-, ·-!Cl (JO}, .. -·--t::.i:.::=-~ .... 4 =1t1188CllCINI ..... fQ (IO) ......... .,,......c.. ....... .... •r....-(C) -- . ···-· ----.. ~, J'lr..!lf,1!!'JIR"--:----, S1EYE ROPEl PERKINS ' MOON MUil.iNS ·-. Ill ··-IQ CID! 1:1teGICIJIH••"' IQ (IO) l,~~IJ:: =-= e 1r--..u-:----;::::::J ....... If Jvqp'f CJ1J 1DCNM1 IM .... tf I 1J1111J ti ._ ••n• •· •• .,..,.. ...,.. • •,...... ....._..,, ~-tll"ll. LAIBI ......... Diml .. ---,.. .. -(wilt(, ..... Sell. ........ Cini· lonftr..... ... .. ....... . ..... " -I<! .(fl!/ ·--130! .... -(Q (!O) 8 IEE NOllT1I AIWllCAll ,.,.. -.. 11111 -·· !* 110CKW!LL 'S ll't:CIAL IM o. i.1111 11 1117. A - .. -rw---~ ,, .. _ *'' 411 ........ -•1 r~ _.-,..,_ Ill UI I I I ' .. • ,..._ enc.n• c , , ....... -... ··-... " ...... ·- e 1'1.YMOUTH -* "PORTRAIT Of PmJIA" 5'ln1tll ....... Cllrk _,,,,,,_ TU[50AY -·(Q.,...., __ _ _ ... __ ..,. --·•1-1to-2:11e .... -. .. -• ..,,.,. ___ _ -*t.1':,~ ,-""''"'~?,'-HtllCC) ........ Llllll" ( ... --_, ___ _ l .,..a =--·-"" - -.... (Q ........... -• (Q ... fntl" ....0 fllllf' (..., 'SI I I: ... . ~ ....... a-. ,..... Dlt. e JOI PRINTING • PUltlCA TIONS • NEWSPAPERS QHlft., Ptltrfl11t 1flll Dt,.t14t~I· S.,.,tc. fe1 ..,. ftt.11 • q..,.., .f • CM!twy. """* ..-cur ~­MWllF.A Nti!Wlf FA J1Jr- TUMBLEWEEDS GORDO MISS PEACH ~THESOCIAL EVENT O'THE SEASON! f'OllM.71 WHY EVEN THE t.'41SICIANS Pl/\Y R>llM. INSTIWMBl!S1 ... SENOR! 'OJ~•!!• 10/01'/ -,, Altft 7, IM DAILY- By John Milts I i By Ferd....._. By Tom K. Ryan ' ly Mel I ' f I 1 I I I I 111 / .. , i I I ' .. ' WHAT A VIEW -Jules Bergman, ABC ldence, editor above left interviews Dr. Wilmot Hess_, diree- tor o1·'spece science and' applicationt.at tho~· Spiieecraft Center in Houoton, tonight ori Channel 7 at 7:30 in color. 1'Tb.e View from Space" is~ hour-: loog news documentary on space eiploration and. Its benefits. TELEVISION VIEWS There's More To Smothers By RICK DU BROW ·- ' HOLLYWOOD . (UPI) -Coocerning the ?D:· cellalion by CBS-TV several days ago of the SmOtlii,, ers Brothers series for next season, it is significant: to recall a certain.tact: : Some time after. the brothers• series bowed ill on the network and .was a sensation, it was aoJd to.~ British televisi~. Tb'e British canoeled it rat.be~· quickly contending, in part, that it was very mild stuff aiid they couldn't understand what all the ·shouting was about. IN TODAY'S contell, what does this mean! Is the rest of the world going to pot even more quickly, than some Americans think we. are? Is the hist.one atraln of puritanism 111\1 more stropg in. Ainerlcan life than we suspected? Is it just a basu: bwme~s . dispute between the netfiork and the brothers, 11 1t the personal dislike between them? Was the week- end firing made easier by the ratings slip of the series? . . • It is rather a complex mess. And this is the first · . of a group of articles that will discuss the Smothers: brothers situ11tlnn', the backlash agamst alleg«t, $alaciousness in the arts, the very definite nervou~· slala ol altairs at all tht netwotks, fears ol impend'. Ing censorship, the Senala investigation intQ video'. oex and violence, and related Items. ~ 'lbe arliclt1 will start with the basic HSllDlP.- tion that the Smotbm brothers, the varioUJ net; • work ollicial• and the """"tors are all honorable,; men wbo hold wlclely dlverJen! views •-lhe . function ol tel1villlon in relation to lhe world' around us. It would be oversimplifying to call the conflict merely a generation gap, although there is surely a generation gap element in i4 't. THE SMOTHERS are involved in the overall: television furor becawe their show bas been imv..;' erent, and politically and socially liberal,, oo a con- sistent basis, and has become a focal point for r&r~ action by a conservative blacklasb in the land. At the aame time, their undeniable talent has. charmed even those who disagree with them, and they have become genuine heroes to many young persons because of their constant conflict wllh the, establishment, and the fact that -unlike most old-: er comedians -they really mean what they 1ay· 1n • their barbs. . This matter of principle on the Smothers' pert· means that even if they should land on another net· work -a happening which might be delayed b:V a legal fight with CBS -they are likely to face up to other broadcasting organizations in the same way, UNLESS THEY are suddenly in a financial bind and are forced to accept compromise, they are not likely to cliange from laying on their messages in the lengthy, pronounc;ed way they are doing now •. People can be honorable, but in business It ii• easy to be most honorable when you are in the best • bargaining position. This applies not only to the ; Smothers brothers, but to CBS-TV as well. U th& brothers' ratings had not fallen off, it is reasonable : to assume the network -despite the recent Senate.: investigation -might not have pressed its policing ' of the series' material qul!e as much •. Or, at least, Jt would not have responded as sharply in public to the brothers. • • • • ,..._.,._. ' SPECIALS for MON~ TUES· WED, COSTA ME$A STORE ONLY! p1111 :tr.a ;I I< .111:z.1: 111111m1u111 :tr.a ;1·1ec .ro :z. 1: 1mum1911 11111:l!111111 :ttM ;I a .111 :.t•l ~.11rm.!!111111:w:;o ;I fi•l•I :.t• 1: fdll~. = = - -= ~ -. -. = = -;;;a ii RUBY PEDESTAL ~ n CT a OPEN DAIL y i SQUARE i RUBBER 14"X24" a =1-Fruit Bowl ~-Clothes Pins --~==-5== laundry Baskets §· Shower and Bath Mat 72 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ii ¢ i 48¢ i § 64¢ E 7 4¢ I-R ... 1.27 a = SUNDA vs ~ 5 :Attractive r 1lass bowl has many uses. I R19. 61, § a· R ... MJ! i Hous•w .. ••• D1,r. 5 Hous1w .. 11s DIPT. § 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 5 Hous1wA11u DIPT. E , .. ,,:tt.tJ ;I ti•lll :t•J: ,.unlnm 11111111•'.•:tt.tJ ;I ti•X.•J ;:.1: pm1lnm13rr.·o ;1 lf(•l•I :t•>: pmf HD --= .. = .. -~ 1 Lun~hcBags I Sanita~MANapkins § Pl~;·c;~er i See-A;d~Say i HOUSIWARIS DEPT. I K MART COUPON DOLLY Suit Case 1 3:3;¢ Chalkboard. Pegboard. Felt Characters. 5 Reg, 5.33 _ -R19. ,,97 Reg."' Holds all of Dolly'• needs. --: TOY DIPT. -= TOY Din. : --= a = -llllillllli :t{,fJ ;I lf(•li!;: •l: f11111~111111 1111~1~1 --= = = -GLIDE. A. MATIC ~ AVACADO i 100 CT i! #>09 Tray T~ble : I Ironing Board I Paper Plates . ~ Magnus Chord Org~n . ti .,;,oc 'l '2.96 i 54¢ :;i '14.88 ' K1111·.W., lllmlln< tny, Perfect for all G<· . illl R19. 4.56 = R11; "' . .-Reg. 11.16 • culons. · = =-·' M h or "-t~--'· PATIO Din. = HOUSIWAltlS -TOY DIPT. : · 8t'O" ours mi "'"ml l""'uure. • = = =~ -= = :., 131XtJ ;I lfi(ellJ 4'•] ~ ll~~f 11nt :Wl\fJ ;I lf(elll "•]: flDlltllllt :titi ;I lf(•lil :Z•l: fli'l8DI 31l\fJ ;I ilt[•lil ;;el~ I --= 12" ~ ~ #2040·#-I BOYS AND GIRLS 5 TRUE· BLUE Tri-Cycle i Yardage Ass't i Dragster Bikes · ·~ Cookies. TOY DIPT. Reaular and Super 40's . K MART COUPON #400 Wagon ,. s4.22>· TOY DI"· Door Mirror EE -ii c: , I· 5 yds. 199.¢ I s27 .88 I S .= R19. 19.U E -= : DOMISTIC DIPT. -= : -TOY DIPT. = = --- -1111e11111 11D§n1111 - -= =· = ----§ COKE ~ 50'. 1/2" ~ PLASTIC ! § and 5 Garden Hose 5 Sewing Chest i ~ HOT DOG I s2.67 ! s2.84 i 5 2.~-§ = § i ~ § -w § -~ § -™ 8eautilu1 arranpmenta uhance any Jo-= = = Handy chest .hai m&nJ use. : Beautilull¥ styled-sturdy fabric. cation. E SNACK IAll: 5 PATIO DI"· = DOMUTIC DIPT. 5 DOMESTIC DI". inm -mi11m1:tf,tJ;lti•lilit•1:Pm•im•:tt.t1;11<•lilil•l:1m.j1mt:tZtJ;JE•lll4•1:11m --= -a GOLD AND s1LvER 5 16' EXTENs10N = Mod Watches E KODAK ~ Coin Purses ~ Step ladder ! ~ Carousel Slide Tray ! 23¢ I .s9.88 i s4.99 i s1. 79 5 = = -~ = = R19. 21•. 47c a= R19. 14.17 E Assorted '"''" and colors. 2.,,-. faclor7 ii = Sturdy, ll11-alumlnum -1uarant.ee. · - lrd" ~~~u~:,:mum foll. fi MILLINIAY I HOME IMPROVIMINTI § JIWILAY DI". 5 -II -= -= -~=-:..... ""§'111 11111~11111 1111~11 .. :ttU ;I 16•111:t.1: fi•rwpnn = = -, -XHD E LADIES LITTLE . HEELED E LADIES WIDfF-LEG a WESTBEND = ... PLAYER Motor Oil § Sandals ~ Capri Sets ~ Perculator ~ Volleyball 25 ¢ i s1.· 96 ~ s3 99 i s5 44· ~ Badminton Combo , 9T. ii ~ • i • ~ s5 88 , . R'I-.19 'If· · . 5 R19. 2.K 5 compere ot 9.fl 5 R19. U7 § • · ' f '.·.. : s•--•1• • -----• I : Beautlfully 1tyled -Lov~ly California : : J ,__.. -HCIPJ' Duty.~ or 30 wt. E w;el .,.. "' l\a&UI 1.a1 co ors. : colon. Slza 6-16. = Fully automaUc cofree mabr. Holdl t cups. 15 R11. t.'7 '•• AUTO, DIPT. -IHOll OIPT. = LA.Diii WIAR = Af'PUANCI ""· -srotnN• eooDS DIPT ••••mamtW1ma111111111n111m11i11111111111m1111111111~1111n1111111111111111111111111111111111111mn~1n1111111Hm111111111111n11m111n11111111m1111111111111m1wmn111iimn~1w1w • • •• s2.97 = -----------1119. 4.11 -----PATIO DIPT. ------ . roy Dl1'1'. CANDY DEitT. K MART COUPON BED· REST Pillows sl.96 VASE -TYPE Center Piece 64¢ KMART BRAND Broiler Foil R19. 1.97 ' Holda 83 1Hatt. CAMlllA Din. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A . MESA .. • . : • I . ' j • • ' . -! " • • . I ~· " l I .I • l l • • ' 1 • l l l • • • • • 1 ' ,l!OUlll POI ~I , ~SIS POI~~ ~IJ~U POI SAL.I ~SIS POI SALi NOUS IS POl.-1 -rol._ • IOOO General 1000 Gonorol ' 1000 -•I llOO -1 • 1tCIO =="--·--'-'--. ~ ~ ----'-· · 1-------...... ••--"'lhli.. Y-"• c111:J·JIR. .... Ila N-.. Wjst1:1ffll IOUEAICY 'CL llAN. ' "'"' -••11 ~-r ...... 111. ,..11o. 11m ........ . $21.1111 • l ..._, l llRc. 10 ~ A tnily cbarmlnr home, load. ,,,iJ •--•··-II ~ '-: PN11nt1 '; : ICbDll. StW~ to r1 ed wl~ txtrN. 4 latte the B:.t~ Lb u[~ . • ' ·Gnp\'~ lllldl. llll&l!t ~ -'with .. ~ 'J'EA,. f.nintlo View. With WI' *"' --· VaDq !:'"'!"''~ &rt!=-~-• ~ -A S,..,hlt l'loWr ~· llOO ""-N: :=;. _. ::.,. oui .....,, 2 ~ Bot111! . tWr.6iny -....... J!:XCHANCES · •, Rkhwao<l Pa•t Hln11 -~ ~ ~..,,... j -,HOUSJS ... • ... lot. .. . lovelf ......... potlo. "Qllot>li'" Klldim wlth !>Iii!• hu'.dlniisrOcnA'tainuy D&cbrlc· *"'more units. o. Briehl IUMY kitchen ~m-in,iii,ExJeMtve·wtll to~· room. l&rp omter. 1l1&rld C. Q:lutal area. ·~' wUta lcv~ . ltfVk:e -. Uzw owr qualll7 , ldtcllm, 316 b&llll. SepOr-WOODLAND lllllio ...Jd'U room; lluge "'4tooiml ! Ex· ::;;i_,, QW<t ~ : ate .DWd'• ~ ·Ott lot-E:xchari&-for house, tra larie lot for privacy. A 1tfteu Ream tor boat or -'"'1llll& ~ -Cmta• Mo!o. i-lleecll, bome'Wltll/obofcharmand troll<r!, ONLY $133 per double pnct, Dover., ~ or TD. warm~ Our. exclual~. Only month lncludea all on ~ ff. • 2 PR. dln1 rm. 1PC"· for 2 u,t~.~t ;vour -.tlltt inc b.n that ~ can ' . ' JQin homff. ur Frntr. ~ on otll' cuarantee lllle auume without ...... 111ui.al? ! ' ll05·W<*llll Dr. ~.1orJID DJtao. pion. ,....., -~IEAP! F<iRTIN ro. io.eoao W,! SE.LL A HOME l::.!°: ..::.-- : . • ' • 1 v .. 11v 31_MINUTES WE SELL ·A HOME ~ .. '4t.s_, ""=.=.Hy Wa.l~er ·& Lee EVl!Rv·i• MIN UTl!s 'I c.u Wrlfo experienced 2>13 Westcllll Dr. . Walker & Lee . A S.ooot'' •• : " salesperson. &46.T111 .011 .. JN.et. · ~ - alloat the ~lb.._,_ ~I DO lllAL TY, Inc. ~or ~ID .• dran/&tlc home with ... ,' Call WA'I T Open Eves. rium i., JY.n we111: . Ken BrittingllaJ!I, 1'fgr. . . . ""' J . W•r<I eo. -~· JUI! .,.,. -..... this A YA n.;possessi&. <-.• Oflice). -3 lilt -• llV "'" UU Sontlai<> Dr. . 6<6J5;o 00..o. Upper Bay locatioo Sold a• ~ $22 000'. &.. b Oil , cnDtt street Vacant It Al layfNftt'i'rlttlalo .:: ... hn. macna ready '" -particulor . , . . LIDO ISLE fUnB.t. Neat:--. clean &: one A real furtt-upper. Nteds s Bayview' apartmenfs -HARBOR ISLAND of a kind. some paint It clean up. 3 :with -~'Good --Tiie only available home on $32 500 bdrm, ·ll< b&tbo, hardWood •Uon. 40' Oh Bay, 8ft today! beauUtul wooded ffarbor Is. I tloon, tirep1&ce, built • ,in · llli5000. land 3 Becln>omJ, -N4wport ldtcben, dlabwubor, cllJpo>. . LIDO REAL TY, INC. ..,P u.uw room, p1er i. al.' FA beat I.up, ,...., ~ Vlo Lido . mm> .ollp. Priced oncler -tor ot llalrte<I -" polio, Dlolee HaJecreat location. OK fol' tmmc<Uate u.le. · Vlcterf1 -,_vet or. Vet to -·-"·-:4 BEDRM.. FAM. RM. $115 000 , ~ ~-' 646-1111• on VA t<r>nl, FUU price is i. $23,500 Call for appointment $22,000. YOU MUSI' ACT Ele1ant natural brick fire-FAST! 'place, AD electric bUllt·lD 1714) 142-1215 PWC is a VA sa!., -·kitchen, delightful patio, 2 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Can Yeu Bl•t This? bath!, park JI~ yard. !!!!!!!!!!!N!!!e!!!wpol!i!!rt!!!Beai!!!!ci!h!!!!l• J FHA APPRAISAL $27,400 !lllJ.ll'lO MAY SELL @ $25,950 1,T;;A;;R;;B;,E;;;LL=29=5=5=H=•:;,•;;bor=..:==Wbl=lo=-=="0:'= Love!>, neal & cl•an 3 & I' \ ! l • \\ 111 I I ~I \I!\ Ill I' - No Matter What It Is YOU :CAM SELL IT WITH A DAI.LY . ' PILOT WANT AD!· .. r I I I I I • fam rm with POOL yet • ,....., Bak·• CM Nutt taid! 1 ..,,_ ""• •• LM•• or Lie/Opt ion Cute 2 a: family room &: An- tboey pool. $ISO .. ·-option terma @ $22,500. --- IRVINE COVE Spacious 3 lledroom home in scenic Irvine C.Ove with electric PW and private community be.ach. 'This lc:wfiy home &54"5110 ~=~u is expensively deconittd' includes a sepe.rate dtn l'!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!~I" large formal dinblg room. Save Cause Pool slde '""" is It, D" comp!•"'" carpeted S Hty $83, TOO 2 blocks from the Catbollc Call John Abell church in north C:O.ta Mesa Res. 673-1365 thil.3 bedroom 2 bath home is 'a real bai-gain at $22,txn All it needs is some tender lovil)g can!. No down to vets or low down FHA. Call ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 213 E, 17th St, 146 f4'4 ~500 DOWNI!!! On thil " bedroom, 2 bath hiinUy home. Cose to eveq-. ~· Just introduced to the market!!!' \Von't be around bli~I $140 per montla in- cltidlli -and inter, ''" '.WE SELL A HOME lrvERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee SAVE $$$ fjve Units One 3 bdm1. hou.e plus large flllllily room. Four 2 bdrm units, tumished. Excellent livt-tn tet up for owner. $49,950 is the prtee ~ Income $515(1 per month. · ' · i.:o:rs WALLAC! REALTORS S46 4141-'-' (Open E .. nl1191I COUEGE PARK Visit our furnis~ model 3 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. Orea.I: &: 4 bedroom hcm1es. Car· home for ~t famil)' with ts drapes built-ins dish-lx>at or trailer to be •tared. ~r. a~e ~posal. Plus double detached a:ar· All tile muter bedroom aa;e. •uite with m""'red wan!· $26, 995 robe doors. Oceiin view at no extra cost. Minutes from beach. Office: S18 East San Juan . Call 492-9288 or 646-3928 * L•chenrnyer Reelty Clo .. To Ocean $19,000 11 Vlctorl• i4ulll 4 + Family Rm. View From A Wow-4 bedrooms+ family Mauntaln Tap room, 2 baths. BUU.T INS Immaculate 4 ~room home &:: breakfut bat in dream with a t>reathtak:I~ view Qi kitchen. New custom drapes. Catalina.. 2200 sq, It. ot prta. Wall to wall carpeting. Fo~ tlge llvine only 4 yean old. td air heatin&. Room for Asking only $37,500. boat or trailer, Fenced yard -can't last at $19,co;t. FOREST E. OLSON 2299 H&rbor, C.M. · ~ EASTSID~ DRANGE COUNTY'S Thia 3 bedroom home ix""'· LARGI ST 1' polnled 'inside and ou> 293 I. 17th St. 64' 4194 Ode, has 111 new fixtum )D ,....,, bath, aD new CDM. COTTAGE ctn.pea, and new arpeta in . bedrooma and bathe. Alley a BR home w /Jne unit DNdt aClCnl for boat er trailer. tome TLC. Walkbw dWtnot w= to-.-· JEAN SMITH, termL 81 opp1..., Realtor CORllN-MARnN ~ RI ALTOllS 4Y2°/o LOAN 3036 ~-~~£~·~~ $21,t SI 3 BR. b11·inl, COI'fW'r lot. Rltr. 642-9130 Evts. 54$-0720 e KBlllDY HOW'S 1HI nMI FOR QUIClt CASH THROUC5H A DAILY PILOT WAN1" A,11 ' l E. (6111 MISI ') j / j I r t,, I' I '\. : , ' , ·, . I .' - " ' ' ' YOU ' CAN'T LOii When )'oli • purchaSe a home tbat•WU tiu!.lt J\llt .a t.-w yeara qo. -hr, ,.....,,.._,,.._ -.a LmU: M()RI:, !or all lh< .,_.., mentl~the fon'Dll' owner 1tu made. COME , IN! UT US SHPW l!:PU, . . If T•W11t an u~nv~· unw. ordinary con~ horite in the very 1*t area· ot M"'-Verde with •• llrle fllmlly room (room for DOOi table), formol clln)nr room, .. marble a:J&u. at- rium entry, larae patio, bullt-ln.' pa BBQ, beau· tlfUlh/ , lll>lllca)l<d and comp1etely 1prinkled, with four bia bidroonlt:, this ta ,ft. ~Pl'lced· to sell at $39,950. Owner com·· muting to San J'er-o -·· 1oy.-1.-y GoTgeous .("'bedroom + 1pacloua ·family room A formal dhling, new car· pell lo drnpeo. Sporklos like new. $65.000 (not leuehold). May be put· chased fumJghed. Pol1t...i S..o .ExclU&.ive nel&hborbood of fine Mesa Verde homea -. 3 1a1'ft bed: rooma -formal livln&: room-double fireplace -family room·-COY· ered paUo -private cul-de-aac 1tttet -vqy low down payment ·if you want to do some polntin' A llxln". ~.950 tlIA Or GL Walk to Wostdlff 4 Bdrm or 3 4 den. 1un-- ny breakfut roOm - cll!!J>!• mom -hanl· wOOd floors -pool· ...... ,.....,, u. clown GI or FHA terms. $29,950. NowpootH ...... ,,....,. "-'"" 3· Bedr41D1tl • ..,-dining room ..J 2 ·batli '-aep--arate ot&e New deeP shag carpet. -hellt@a -kidney shaped. pool -low maintenance land· scaping -134.950. lackloy CuMIHCIC .,,,.., 1 HOllSE RANCH IN ORAlilOB COUNTY'S prime .,.. with MANY, MANY 1Fft.tJlT TREES In llllh roWna hills away from It oil! ·<Joey BEAMEIH:Elli' ING and pine panellna home with apacloua bedrocnn!, carj>ets\_A ~ sepante SEWDIG . ROOJ.r. PLAY ROOM FOR 11lE KIDDIES ud priv•te WORKSHOP FOR.DAD! NO DOWN PAY· MENT Gl'a and FHA TERMS!!! .. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI Ml1,ilUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 5'>9491 Open 'til 9 Pit: Mother-In-few Problem? 2 ON A LOT ..•. 1 BR 1 -----·-~ - PE~l=lON J. • • • . ••• bath, cozy u~ room with SEAL _, _,,,. 5'4% -"'·kitchen with bUll~ G.I.; 3 bib. to blach; 3 =lholliluff=· ;.;. =·---•1;;:142;,;.;I )D range a, ..... --Br •. 2 Bo.,bl .... cpld. Frpl. -age, carpeta,.drapes. Near. New pUnt tn le OQt. tee. E AIT B•L,Ul'F • OD! new, ••• 2 BR,2 bath, fire-_,. puty nn. w/tpt da.Dlaluma.,2 aide )f lkle. p~ 2 ~~· uil~~ide S37.500. Owner 213: '3tM091 D» Ill· fL ea. S M A stlJrqt', e~u-... b t·w, de:n. 2· BR.. • den. EJ:IQ n.rwe '-lel1-cleanirw oven, deluxe condiUon w/ dlOict luge famfly room, span;,i, ~Mooe. llOO · location " View. ISl,000 I deoor. llOth !Or $42,IOO. ------· ' l l DUCID TO SIT,SOO. ·~ br Ofl!L $16,500 Wont Everything? $20 950 Mol1< IM tr. s1100 down. 3 BR 1" bath, N~ ... ~~~"'11om"'e'.'3~· . 1 . .c_.111.--~~eo_ .. scg.m1 built-in electric rana:e, OV· '-".....,.'II ....... ...,. ~ en, prbace dllpoaaJ, FA rtJOqt, 2 bathl, den, nDDJIUI, c.r.n. .. del Me~~~ h•t. carpeta I drl.pea, dou-stone fireplace, double pr-POOL • 3 Bdrm,. Fam rm. JUST LJS'fto-· • ble l&flle with boat" door. ~. many other comforts 1 $130/mo pays aJl .5%.% Int. Two teplflte bclu9e.. one let. fenced a; landscaped. conveniences. Shawl BeauU.. RR RMlty 64$.U40 3; )Tl. )'Olml. 3 BR'' J% ' f,1_m!IMll~ ~· fully. $43,501>: stop by, or TWO sroRY -OWNER bo, cpll, -bltlno. NI ____ • • ~ Q]l 1or appointment. , _TRANSFERRED ,nee $64,500 Oruta:e o..t OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-S Beautifully kept home with Property 332 Marsuaite · 405 Holmwood, hea.V>' shake roof, larp ~-==;:====='=I V'EW I. !'•wport Beach "°'l"' room, -ll.UW ~ 1111 room A !uily bu!H·>n LltlO,llle '"'' Lease With Option kltcben. Quiet ·1n111e ,,.. LllJd Isie, via Orv1tto. s Lovely UP1Nded 3 BR O:lnda &trfft. Oo9e1t1r schools. l m- \\ith powder rm, wet ~. RE A LT Y med.late Ille .. $32,900. bdnn~ 3 ~ 1m ~ and many other extras for 2025.W. Balboa Blvd., NB. CALL, 5t0-1151 (o p·e n :: i:i.:. ·~ for fine living. Best Bluffs 675-6000 evu) J:Ierftap Real Eatate appt. View. Immediate occupancy I z-=-=-=-=·====m ASSUME 5\i."' FHA Joen,' 1-=~======d .................... $325mo. ' j f ff IUl, mcmth JI01I oll. F.P. Huntlngton·looch 1400 Walter Houe us ftfS$ I ' ome $19,3110 ... s bdr ..... fnc:d •••• ..• Professional landscaping ........ set.I off this exceptional 3 BR 2% ba home. Many outstanding fell· '"', ~~,_r..iec··, . MO-~.~ $131 A'MONTH $21,995 -• l'AYI Al;L . When ~ Um1D1 this o:c& Larae. 3 ~room, I llolh Moso ·0.1 Mor 110.5 ·lent VA~--form -·le home on Brookhunt IW'--• --. •"I tw-., Including haro-Coldwell, llliilt1t & C.. wood parque floon. In· • Ii c-1 ..._, tercom, Blt·ln reh'iger· -:;-'Nin....,:=* ator;double FIP, family II !~"l'l'"!"'~'!""~~~ room plua large format a BR 1%. ba. btd pool, EuJ· dining room. Sharp and side Of. Elepnt entry, roomy only $32,950 dbl frplc to ceilinc. $29,990, Mot!I Doi.Mor .......... The cleanest, neatest home In this top areL All tile kitchen \vith e:lectrle buU t·lns. Room for boat or trailer. Looking f01' 2300 1q. ft. that sparkles? -'Ibis fs it! 4 l 1drooms $U,t50 Move in tomorrow with OK'd cre<Ht. New elec-- trie range. Sliding clua doors to COVft'td patio. $23,950, 10% down or try no down VA. Ow1•WllT- 3 Bedroonu1, 2 blthl ln a quiet non.trarttc tlnet -cozy living room w:lth brick flreplatt; kltchen With all electric bullt·lns - a dandy buy at S26,· 900 with 10% down. Owner will consider trade for 3 or 4 unit.I. _ ... vi ... Estate sltt ~ x 245 Jot. 3Bdrms,2b&lhl-2 fittp!M!et. Countl'J' kit· ...,, ..... 11rep1a ... L<e. muter bedroom wltll hfl and her'• t.th. Due to a-Jth · 0 W"A er net'dl smaller borne. Mlrh't· trade. $55,000. . ..._..Htlllt., Choice 'f.at~ loCatton -2 Bdrm hoUte on R·2 lot with room' for an· other unit Jusl Sl.8;000. ' . OPEN 'TIL t P.M. 648-7171 OR. 546-2313 'l'IW Pl Al. 1·"' f''"'''\.11'11' " ... j • ') 10% dn; no 2nds. 2 BR C2, Eutatde CM. $18,900, $200J down. Corona' del Mar spacious. attr. duplex, only 4 )Tl old. ea. unit 3 BR 1% ba, partial ocean view. $60,<Xx>, lo dn. SA Hts. 3 BR, hdwd t1r&, $21,500 • $1300 dn • no 2nd TD. 318 E, 16th St., R·2 lot. 2 BR, bit-in R '= 0, $13,900. Frank Klngaarcl "'"' -.. MI 2-"'22 Th• Extcutive Suite Some men need a place ol peace, privacy and· quiet at home tor buslneu purposes. 4 bedroom plus den with ex. poled beams and ueed brick fl.replace, Back Bay New· part Beach. Sep.rate •rvk:e -h. T-!uily Janclacop. ed. F .H.A. OIOPtulol 13T,<llO. Terms-available. "For A Wile Buy" · Colesworlty & Co. 612-17.17 OPEN EVES. TWO for Tlle,MQN I Y 300 Ft. to ..... bHch .. -· port. ,Almost DtW 4 BR A tam nn,· w.t i.r. bk. ~ Uuene srW. formal din rm, lrl. kitchen wttb 81 and Hf· inc area. ALSO, doll tiouse rental that cuts t b t pay. menta In half. All this on Iara• d o u Ir I e k>L Call QUICK! Coywood ll Hy. 141-1290 1316 W. c-t H"l', NB ~ -==---. rounded by pqmmerclal. FINEST Meaa del Mar kitchen, 3 !l..arte ~mL 1 % Batlle/ Covered Patio. home. With f ·BR. 1" ba. Don't m• this~! llowpot'! Ire. llv. nn.. tam. rm. WIE SELL A HOME :t :;._ famlly,,f'l!,ffiJ EV!Ell'l',11 .MINUTIS 1 ot Vl-io MJso Yortlii I fit Walker; & Lee. '46-8111 ·•cuSTOMHOM1 irr" -' II ,___ • bdrm _'1812 -Y owner, .... _ .. • SCiH56 orrll).5140 (COnv<rt. den), 2\1 ha, ·Opan ,EVft ------ $21,500 aeron st frvm Meaa Verde l•--•a;;l;;;iil _ _,~I goU coune. 'Many. CUJtom blt•ina, prlctd btlow mar- Sharp 3 bdnn f ba.th Condo-ket. • Laree lot .c room tor miniwn In clioice lqca.Uon pool. CaU owner st>5'59. acroaa from pool A: club -aBa, l"-BA, tam nn, house. Call now for appolnt. elec bltlnl, ow patio, nice ment to tee. landscp. $25,600. 541).2291 •, PERRON ,J 1 ...... , ... , •• ---·--- .c __ * 3 BR, 1"' BA.. C.ompletefy .,.t'd A di'pd. Priced to ..Ub)'Owner.- Ass0ine5%"GI' . _,. .. ' ... on thll 2 1tal7 4 8R be~. sbowl likt •. model bame • in exoeDeDt are& .mar the beach. A< hUpift i.t ' ' $35,750 . ' ' " • '· I • • • • • • . . • . t ' • • ~ - J 1· l -. ..... .. '"·-.. . ··:..-· .. ;.: U. jmy ill.OT Mood>J, A1>tt1 7, IW.9 , . HOll:'l:!oamsr"'POlftcll["'" ... E-""11£=N"'flU'=,..---~-.,~--........ rALS llWTALI . UNTALI WL ISTATI IUSINISS -IUSINISS -• ANNOUNCIMINTI • _......,_,_ '_!H~°'~'~'!''~F~u~ ...... ~·~1111~-H9t•tt Unfwr.... Apia. Pwtllll r• A,h. U11hnl .. 1• _o.n.r-el PINANCIAL FINANCIAL ..... NOTICU 1 ·----lln van.... Mlt ...... 0-. 4'IO "'"'"" IMch 5'200 Ollleo...... .a70 ..... 0,r-6111 -~ 6300 WA~ . "' -:"' ·-· .. • 4 BR. • 2 BA., ....... 2 BDRt:\ """'° P.nl"'ula, 3 BR. den. fam.dllL _, SINGLE T--"""" N'PT 1'111111 --LAGUNA llACH .5.V on wattt encJi:wed patio dllAJI I: ~ a d a 11 t , b1W.: $215/moneh.. IAuL \D'J' prdm .... 'lridl ~ ..-: I k I BL C,U. Air ~111j LICENllO l!J>lrllual -.. ....., onall.......,Jla_l.111 ' $14,500. Abo 60' oo N.lo reuonable ~nt fDr rt&ht Avall. April JO. -.... lrY dflb • ..,. @ii sn -drpl: fr1ll Elle. W-. . ON l"ORD'J A~ cbaontl 1ar&'e 3 Br. I BL. couple. MM1iG3. eva: A ===~=:;==:::=:I cam.:pll• ,n,.q. 8Qtml ,.,._ Pkt; •~ No., ,etl, 0.-.,._. atf Mk "'._ ·Looki1r for A . Wiaaer? Clmino Rell.. SaD.iOw --~-31oAl&a "" SPECUL SI ll.EAl>l1'0 • dock, 4110.00>J..C on•J'•" ·-nclr0.>&112--Lasi(ina 8'aeh ' S70S BAY' CWll 'APl'B.' Ulllll '1115 IAW. -- -........ 01 leut/opUon 593-6998 , ""pma• Aw., Ga~de11 LAJtCE 2: 8R 2 ba Ug/doft ...... loeadm ti •aa1ow1 IF you do oot w111t to be a pioneer anti can nc:ogn1ze the many oclv111taaes of asswnlnc ownenlilp of "" established, profitable frail. chiae 1ton1 in a flllltastlc growth araa • • • ThlJ could be the opportunity you have been Jooldnc ror. Belboe lsllnd 2355 2 BR. v>ew. ranodtu.d. Gr\WI: <no ..,.... nch.cl pnp w/&tttnp. S..... Beeda. Air -. Fount•I• V•lloy 1410 -=---.................. U& W/w cpto/-......... -. -I .... -2 BR, 1-ut Pillo. avail now l195. furn. $250. C9f.f1'• 1.,... ..... 4105 endote4 o.rap w/~ ,._.. PU'tldoal:ltc-Twe Attractlw i.,.l't ' YOUNG WOJt\N daoou will Wach )1IU aD latest 1trpl. CID ArdtD 213, !91.4531 1.10 PM MEADOW HOME 4 BR 'tD 'Jun 141h. 1.15 Crystal, $11Slmo • ie..,. ~f · atraw: "'*' IT • 121.900. ntA "" VA. Large Liitle 1IWxl. $2Stl Mo. c.JI Lopn1 NI..... f1l11 a.EAN°l l!r . .,._ '""·......, 2 BR, 2 n• ...... 00 --..... --to home wlth biz ya.rd It patio, alter'? p,m. ·1213) 69'1'.a'iS A town; nkdy'. furn. Nr.. ~ ~....... "'mdpll puMlc lotll. llO ... all the bWll·lns • ..,... MONARCH BAY AREA ..... $llO Lie.~ ..... 1115 .... '245 per -111 ... -°'* IF you can qualltfy ••• you will join the El family room. Tbett .,. 3 Sunoot -2455 ADULT OOMMUNirY RINTIJ:S llllorlo Wtq. -...i -...ilal>lt tor Ill-Poco Candle & Gift Shoppe store chain, wblch .. lhl. c:arpetbo:. .,,..,, •BR. don, 2 BA-· ~ Unluml,,..... 2 BR. 111 BA. Pvt ...... Bui•• 11oaro -n.r IJ one of tbe Jarcest hi the speclalty°storo OOUPLES, ~; _.,., New in arMt Join the llnploce. -,..... u WANT SomeW. dW.,...t! blt·lnt. lrplc. ......., "°"' -"'°" mo. Adolts only, DO oenlct naUUle b llO. field. Two e:WUng hf.traffic Orange County ,.. want """'"' • ..i.. 3 """' llayfronl 3 BR • ...;12SO"'."mo.==;,.7"'=;=~=Gt.UU=:;:::;E;;;;:;;,,,,,,±,,,, 5000 pets. 1121 Bedlard La. All utlll._ pUI -1tora are available bnmediately as well as to tun I: pleuure ·-· caD at once. den. J6!IT Park Ave., SUnaet = 2: BDRM, 2'ii tia, Wntdllf ttll!liltim. other locatlom lhnH>ut the Western states. Bea<h. Boat..,.. abo avail. Duplax• Unfum. "75 ...., patio 4 pool. -DA!LT PllDr REDUCE Sate, aimple 6. tu wltb GoBete tablets 5%% lo 6% 61 Aasume low tnWrnt ratt from· $2«» down. 3 BR + den A 4 BR pttsUie ena. HAFPDAL llEALTY S740Wumt, F.V. ~ OPEN HOUR 1 to f Sunday L••u.a -. 2705 LARGE 2 bdrm. •I• ...... ... ...... ¥ -~FOl!Df .lVJ:lfUZ IF you can Invest $18,950 eaJb and begin at ..,..., quiet ...._ odulta 1 BR. cp11, ..,,., l)>I, un1. LAG'::.. llEAOI once call 612-2717 for a personal, confidentlal SEA COAST VIEWS ,..rttred. IU! ,.-. 2236-llOIAaJLATE APTSt 1115 yriy, i... Anll .,., OFFICE-RENTAL interview. LG. CUS"roM HOME :...: A.... c . Joi . ':;. ~= 2LBR,:m llth2 Ba.St (~-1921 S3!IO ... Fl --· IF you prefer, you may write about younol! 4 BR. S ba.. huce liv. nnr IECTIONS .AVAU.ABl.J: ..... ~-AU or pm.rt. SUitable fOt in detail and include phone number to: """'"Spa .... (< .. _ U 'ITALS CloMt.5"1pp .... P..tt blR adulll. no -ms -dMtal, .......... J>OOI tble. l600 =.-"""' Purnlllllll • Spacious s Br'' 2 Ba '"'· m--~ .--1aw, •••. Top Jo. Unlvenal Franchise Exchanqe &lly fUmlllled. -•I 4000 ;;::";:,"....;;_ 1EMt lluff 1242 ~FOX OOMP.ANY 1617WESTCLIFF DRIVE,SulTE/IO Summar Rantals 2910 IU!· l-BR. nkely !uni. e .Frpl. lndlV/lodiy fac']a. e NEW DELUXE e .,,._ "' .....,_ NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORN A 98c. Crawford'• Pbuma(t', Q)9ta ...... e OMNIPHILOS e. (A way of ltfrJ ' 2 to 10 pm 6G-957I ALCOHOUO Phone 50-7217 or write P.O. llo¥ 1223 C.o$la Mesa. SEllVlCE DllllCTORY LAG BOJ, ~ ........ 1 ~ wiW. Pool •• Avail. .... ~!..~ Anoholm ~!!.:... ! Br. 211 ... .,.. tar .... '.f1M4.oodii .. 9im~COffi>fiiCcesill!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!!!';'Dfii~f,ffiffiii~~G~BUii:-ijili-~. Appl~~~ Repolrs 6S1 lmmood•lo -.t 5 BR 2 BR. pvt -,,,.,, 1 bik Broker 53l-E!lill ~~ MESA --I1x:I. -· mm. -· din. ?~ ---·~--It. E w.-OUT ~~:::."::.'.'. _ _:.;:;~~---...::::.:.::i with~ room and large beach. 81963. 'rm. I: dbl. prqe, llalD. -Cll' aw.c-. A-ll' '--'·--..._..:.;;; __ ..;62.;.40...;;I .u~•.c..:>1Di.c.i~1 SUPRE?i.IE Refri&era . ~~~=.:-:: $~~~~·i W/W. RENT doar opener Nvall. ~ =:=f·::"'t1cm.tarial'G1 Buyer transfemd lnto = !:~~ Appliance Repair. i:tor cdlent lldlool. 2: blks to RENTALS Broker 53U9ll J Room,1 FumHvN rec. ara. r. c. Robert Nata.. Realtar the lft& needs • 3 or 4 distributing candy, dJvc A _T,,om.=-=,,"",.':·::""::::"""';:=,I Ho-Unlvmlsltad $20 525 $30 Olurdl " tebool • C..-230 E. lTlh Street Beclroom home lust .---~ --btg.<lni.134.500.1----·--3000 '-~u--4iiiii • • BIO. do!Karfflch. 0...-. 612-1415 "5,000.Iwlll..,myown.....,. ·-· ~ llobyoilll .. Agent. 534-&ISf or 53f..2536 Gener•I ,,,,_,. ~ rou. OPI10N TO BUY e ONLY• • eom. Call rey Brcbr. foods, etc.. to tawms, .;:;::;,.:::::;~ __ _:::::.::.:1 4 leSoom ~ (Rdr!aen-Avallabl&I 137.rll -.w.,, N.B. NEWPORT CMC CENrER Walker~ Lee al,..._ restaurani.. all type....._ COSTA M ... ~ 2 th, MISS!ON V;ejo, now, 2 BR. 525 \ft. Up No -o.a.c. __ O!lleeo ""table tar Com-Du.et fAClory """"°""" Lice-. A&ft U; open 1,~ -Glen Mar bl 1\1 BA, bl•inl. -$1!15 • n--· n• wlc., -H.F.R.C, Ceronll dot -52SQ ~ ~-~Isl. llus. Opportun-6* earning h;gh da!ly cub lo 5;<5; 118 Ptt wk. fireplace •. cupetl and ~ month. 837-1747, 5fS-4399 ~ .~ M.. --~-. .......... ~--omunimdons and monthly COMPARE! 548-9803 es. wm 1'HA or Gt no down. $l25: 2 BR. new cpu. drpa, e Studio 6 BKh ~ Fumlture Rent•ll 35c PER SQ. FT. TIMELY BUSINESS overwrite. No ap limit but 838-5237 $24,950. ava.llat»e mw. e Ind UUls A-Phone lln'. 517 W. Dtb C.M. Sfl.'Wlt ~..,.y 511-6032. OR 175-246C Become JWt cl the futest must be bond.able. Part or RN Wil.L BABYSIT MY R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 8roh!r 534-a> e Mot Service • TV aval. 1561 W. Lbclrr, Anbm T14-2800 "' BEAUTIFUL Arcade OUioe ..-.....4 .. 1 •••..• ~. in the full time. Write OIEX. Inc., HO.ME --~-r .. ••7 ~•• ~-. --========= e Nn Ole A Bar .. -· •• .,..... u......, ... ,,. ~~-.. N. 16th St , Pbila., PL •••L110' ""~"''i,ro;u:.. E. ..,. .... °" ~ """''" _.,_., 2376 Newport Bhd. lfl.9755 $15ll; 2: BR. den. 2 bL W/W, ...., • t. rent. 1556 SWiii ~Baku world -Vendln&! ....,...,. .,.._ COit• Miu J 100 HOLIDAY PLAZA drpa.-• .. ~~ovm. Avail. ON-_..__ ~~;!"-'125 pa Mo. A fre1 h toneept called BABYSITTING Ia my home. L..guna Buch 1705 --------1 "'.-• w.n--.. Olll;I". _..~A~ ...,.._u. "Speed-Vending" ls now Roal E;.1,. L••no 6340 Good.lunches' naps,·-EAST Skte, 3 BR, 2 full D~ ~Plus "Glol.l"d Sl.25: Larae 1 br, 4-pla.. l . A 2 BR. l'Qra A-1hdmll WATERFRONT oUlce A beJng establilhed tbl'OU&h-•• -.....,_. • Wvfherlng He5ghb -BA. gar. $1615 mo. Avail U:..~ ~ ~ puldnc W/W, a....U.ble now, P'rplcs I priY. Pl~ dtlk exch. put time aee. out the country. Routes can, reas!'Sfrr253l 01de Eacllsh aurab/d .......... .A .. BR,8 .·u~*d!Redb. :::". n': N ···~-No .. Sinc)a O.K. 53t-eiJo Tannls -Contnt1 Bkflt. pu&-lft'V. Yacht Brk. 0 ft. aet Up in your area are SaHler Modgqe OfU.D care, ~ home, Mra 4 BR, 'sunken li en, form. -... •-•..v~ o <.:JWU.1~.. pe tins llftl1. '75--l393 ~ to operator to tt-Verde area, Reu nta:, din rm. stately Uv rm w/ mo. Avail Apr 10. 5fSrS5.16 1965 Pooxma. CM COit MIA 5100 a h Lue, ODI IM-Xl1 1tock and collect money Company Inc. fnocl play area. 5i)-9t39 trplc, l,P. kitchen. "S ll_R up. $95 • 2 BR aep cottap. mn *VIII• Pomone Apt&. • (MacArtbrrifr. a.II HwJ) ~ m:n;ed ';!_ ;,:!· ~tb~u=ted 336 E. 17th St., om. Mesa MO'IltERoll children, New· per, .ep. ruest t. or ~io. flied yrd, attac pr, 1 child Qi1ta 11m•1·D1W11t A mmt • 1 ServiDg Otarice Cni, 20 yn. port Beach, w1ahts to care NN!lt TSP and TLC. $32,950, OK. $50 RCUrl~ dep nq. blxur1om .,U now mrtbw· HARBOR S BR, 2: BA. all eJec. frplc, mnthly rmt. l8l& Nwpt $14.97 to $2495 puta you tn 00-21n 56.oo:tl for one school child. &e-1596 $«XXI On. See at 1997-B Owte st. Furn a untu:rn. Adultl onb'-crpta,.drpl, builtimt pap. Blvd, CM. W-730l budnts1! A few euy, Eves, 673-7865 6G-U51 ~S5IS:.N~~. = • &SIDE nke 3 hd, 2 ba. ~-~~ ~ Ave., GREENS · m-.mt nea. i:a:,. tt..;~· ~ ='d1::i~s4oo"f!' = Money Wintlld lrlck, Mltonry, 9fc. w/w cri>t, fhcd yd, """°· 2 '~ $300 -30c.., ft. 518-6761 pe....,onth in •arnings. A --''---..;.;.. __ 6350_ 6560 Cute••• Bug's Eer car raraa:e. adlts., no pets Gracious Mutt Living .. lboa full-time route can put Bus Mrr for professional -=---Remodel - 3 BR 2 ba custom home, kw $200 )T. 673-7'629. 11: 2 BR., w/w rpts, drapes, BACHELOR -lJNJ"t.JRN. GRACIOUS Adult lJvirw. 300 Sq. Ft. OfffC9 ~a very high income clientele dealrft to barrow Brick. block. con c re t e , bib to beh. S.p. ...-2 BDRS. """'· P""°· Ina! pool Students O.K•-s from $110 OeeanAS.,.vlew.Spaclom OOSTA MESA 6'6-2130 ti •hort tttm money .m.ct ......,,, no job too small. suitl' bl:tna, Jr prtf patios. yard. No cb1drn. $12:5. 133-A MESA EAST _.. 1 • ALSO AVAILABLE 2: BR. 2 BA.. walk in. · · Only quali&d penon will from priv individuals or spe. Uc Contr 96U9C5 ~ bdrma.' Beam/post W. 3>th. CM. 00-05.10 145 E, 18th. C.M. '42-3414 1 .. 2 a. s BDRM. clmets, beautttul earpetl • Connntrcl•I ~ be· accepted! Your tirtt clal fund&. we haw-tree and .=:,:=::,·=====I O)[llf. Cpfd 6 drpd tbruout. 2: BR .. Nice, quiet. conv ATTR. furn 1 bdrm, w/w Heated Pooll. OdJd. Cue dnpaiea. Pllol. Boat .Ups FOR Leue i,; .ere ot M-1 !: ~~te Ji{;, clear prilne properties, a lu1IM11 Service 6562 $39,500. to ahclppifW. No peta. crpts, Jie cupboa rd 1 , Center, Adj. tn SbapphrC -tor tenants. SUbt.arantan propa1)" with small office. references, a phone num-million dollar + financial Lac Padiea lUty f94.3833 *Call 642-5334 * closets. $SS. Leue. 2531 No pets allowed parklnc. 613-3003 O>mplettt1 fenced with 2 ber, WRITE: staWnent with strong cub PHOTOSTAT Service while !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath N~wport Blvd. 2700 Petftlan W8,Y, at Har-S er 2 be + den.. $300 mo 1up p.tn. 5fM30I SPEED-VENDOR now. Write Box M.504 Daily )'OU wait Positives: 5 ~ OCEAN VIEW Meta dd Mat, hure lot. SU5 Clean turn 1 BR bacb bor A Adami. ec.ta Mesa. ,.uriy le~. Dept D Pilot or phone 545-5130 7, $2; 8 x lO, $2.50; PRIVATE BEACH 1225/month.. Ast 546-011 Utils 1ne. wl pr. No pelL 5*<mll BURR WHlmT~! RNlt.Br, !..iv.trial llantal 6090 Sal~-~uth 2nd W"!\ 101 ANNOUNCtMENTS ~';.,!'~ 1765 Onnp, 2 Br, 2 Ba. Open beam. i.sk. 2 MO. ""' in advanee. 2 543""2 '7~wpoE'v.."'6C.:zll3 FOR leue La..,,. Niguel t ~ c.,,, Utah -1nd NOTICES BOOKKEEPING, Paynoll. = ~~ ~~ bdrm • $130. Mo. D>-A Cecil • N&iuu Palml • ORlfAllS ott San Dieco Fwy at Crown qrtJy re turn•, tine. Place. 61&-8295 1 le 2 BR. • Pool H--•--.0.. •-Valley, new commttda1 A ACJM Found (FrM Ads) 6400 atatemenU, etc in my home. Shown by appl 6C24M7. 1'1'1 E. 22nd St. 64J.3M5 APJS vm•"""" _. -tndOltrial llDlta. Delta Dec-MS-092'7 ':i.,"'°.,!',.~J:" ..!..::..; 1!!~~;·~'1'";. ~rt~~-~~;noo~ ~u; ~t,~~1;;! '. EXC' ,,......, '.:",'iit..,~. 131-lllltl. z..s PARTllEll u11116ER Y~°:~ :.• ..;,: r !: ======= pvt, wild 111-..1 491-9748 I• pets _, ...,..,,,. lllUl...._ National & wn.o., c..... ;Ca;;;rpoater;,c;;=:.:':::"l,.__...::;;.;.:1 I/I SE D~ .,4 ...-1 Bdrm. 3 BR STUDIO ON-THE.aEACH E 5:, ~· ~B~.DI 112.SOO eu11 reqWre<1 to .._ 1,,,.111.,.,""=642-5193,......,~--,.,.,, TOWNHOU poo1, ldul tar bocbdor. POOL 2 & 3 ledr-Apls. i:i.e ~ Roady tar...._ ....,. aet1w .,,.__ o1 Bl.AC< 4 whlt• pet rabbi4 CARPENTRY Split l.ftel S bdrma, •• t.thl $121. 1993 Cbarch, MS-9633 LamJ 1JvhW tD ,.._ tbl ant. fls Mon"tb. 546-WO an estalii&hed Ora!JI" Qxm. Newport Ha:bts. a r e'a • MINOR REPAIR& No Job RENTALS -Fumlolllll Doul:Je I & r •I e, carpets. a11t dllel'tmtnatlac· Na. ty gpedall)' store. National 646-65r5l Too Small. Cabinet tn IPl'o General 2000 drapea. ~ •l•e. 4200 ADUL. ~ONLY an.Dahle at 550 SQ. FT. 1ar.-type expansion and erowth pro. MIN="-se,..,..1ma-.,.,-.-.,-a1~,-. -no ages a-other cablneta. $300 Deluxe ! Br, 2: % ta bllilt·hll. ADULTS ONLY •• Newport Bach 1h H ntf...ta warehouw. Ofc. gpace for cram via franchl8llia ha• collar vie. Atlanta A Blach 56tl'Z5. It no answer leave rondo. Frplc. Cblldftn A ......... .-.;;.:·r:5'-SINGLE YOWlC Adulta...... 174.:iiT;fthlnSA-I U "l"'ft Cootncior. 142-llMl!I eruted this~. IDV<I., HB 53&-0346 ~~ ~ H. 0. pets OK. 534-GI) Bkr. . ury prden aptl with coun. trHt Lott 6100 Party .elected will receive FEMALE trl • colored dog ~ Bay & hacll try dllb ·-,. ond Cost• Ma.. 642-4641 0B l800 monthly 1a1ary •'"' Vk. Lido '*· Sat 3129 Rant1l1 to Share 2005 1 GIRL, 21 to 25 to ..... 4 BR ocean view apt $69/mo !UDUllft'. 673-8224 aft I PM RHlty, Inc. . com,.ete pmacy. OOUTH 1tt Vlllo PomolWI Apto PKlfiC e V1EW o1 ooean. corner 50% ol the pro!!ts whleh c.n & "'"llfY. .,.....,, tot DoYa-Dr., NB SUlbe 221 BAY Q.UB APTS. bvine Costa Mea·1 newest I: motl bJ"ff ........,ible 6 sty. could easily return invest-( 16th N _ ___. .. _.... ..u. .. --1' u· ha FOUND, Ladles' w at c h ~2000 Eves. 5tl-(;966 a .... ...,,' DCG""' luxurio111 apta now re:nttng. 7ll Ocean Aw .. HJ medical or aptl. Will build ment t year. yov w vicinity or 21st St. It ~~~~~~!!!!J!!"!'" I <n4> ~ Furn a untum. Adults only-(ttl) -1-to Mt. 536-3555 tht. necnsary funds and :;: ~ w1 Newport, C~f. 642-5901 TOWNHOUSE 3 bdr, 2'19 ha, OCEANFRrwT, bet.ut. 4 BR. no pea, 11&0 PotDOM Aw., are prepared to commence I •· dra ~,_ --,_·· 15th. $6500. Good buildlnc lot. at o--• "~" ...... tor CARPENTRY Old or New •Spanish • ?ifodem w w CIJ'pe..., pet. ... .,..., ....., mo. ti!i!,u:!,. e fust IOUth of 18th St. ORO APARTMENTS $1500 down. H.B. Coutllne _:":;' .. =...:;.1.u COlLEGE er ~ man fet>eed patio. elec hit-ins, e __.,._, 8234 Atlanta 5J&..3T71 SS-13£6 t"'"' ...... ._ ~..,....,.; to...,."" C-'L apt Pvt. 2 car pr, pool. 1715. OCEANFRQNT 2 BR. llSl • New J..2 Bedroomo ..... ~ ========I""''""""""''""'""'""'"" REPA!RS. ALTERATIONS e ~Iaple 549-2613 FOUND tri-colored lemalt! vie. Lido Isle. Call Ii: iden- 'tily. 675-4914 Br., pr.; pool. $80 Mo. W.T2l! mo. ti1 Jum 15th. 3 BR lll bl. bit-In"""' -only •--6200 CANDY SUPPL y WHITE k black ~ CABINEI'S AJty . job ~1082 Aft 6 PM e IC-ll65 e · & ow:rt. With ra.np. $150. 5J6..39'll or 5l6-2'727 .----=-'------I ROUTE shaggy dog. Vic. Baker & 2S vrs. ~. m:~ GIRLS desire girl (21.28) to Col'ONI .. Mir 3250 VERY Small bacb.-roorn qit Welll-MeC•rdle. Rttr1. Pool·Waabus-Dryen Citrus Groves (Part or Full Time)' Fillmore. c.~f. 546-394S QUALJTY Repairs • Altera. &hue 3 BR. 2 BA beach LGE 2: BR. form. din. rm, Stepa to beach. • l810 Newport Blvd., C.M. Prlvate Gata.gH And Land Excellent ll1C'Ol1\4! for few FOUND Black male puppy, lions -New const by hour apt. 613-0&95 new deep pile cpta I drps. $60 Month. '42-3239 Sfl.7'129 BRAND NE\V 2 il 3 BR 10 ACRES • ranch or sub-hrs. weekly work (days part Dox;y. VJc Mesa Verde. or c.ontract, '46-3442: 2 GIRLS desbbc roommates Be all by younelf on th1a 1 BDRM apt, aeml pvt. NEWLY DECORATED frorn $LSO/mo. Cpts/dtps., divide: • $85,IOJ 3 • bedroom or eves.). Refillin& and ~"'=;.=""'=·=====::-~ ICARPDITRY. repa\n, abo couta1 area, haote er apt. Xtra lee. kit! Nice patio. beach, adults only, no pets, 2 BR. w/pnge • dispoul dishwasher. Nr Be a c b . home • WJU. CONSIDER colll'Cting money from lost 6401 garage clearH:rp. Free e!t. re&s. 21l-439-l&C4. ~ mo. inc. gdnr. Bia. refs. $175 Mo. 613-3785 • -...oener • wattt paid 847-3957 TRADE Co i n Operated DilpeJI. "-""'------'=~ I Call JeU 642-1464 n~~ .. TE --'---•-675-5726 ...... 16 ACRES • 9 a. Ot'llJl&ft • sen in: Costa Attn and Wll1TE ~ •• .,,..,.,, ......., MB Bernard Apt B S105 570• 00J male dog \\'ith brown ar temUe. Ettk:ient A 2: BR., bpi, stove, d/w, 703 laU•• 4300 n15 Placentia Apt B $ll5 L-vun• IHch ., tmns $10, acre IUfT'Ollnding are L No marking!, looks like Collie, Cement, Concrete 6600 . quallfied. 835-2100 Jumine, •$19S, util. incl. --------e '36.4l20 e 6.25 ACRES · Avocados. res. selling, (Handles name answers to name ~- ALSO: 1-Br., $155 plus utll a.EAN Bachelor Apia. 100 CLIFF DRIVE idence. $49,500 (terms) brand candy I: snacks.) Vic. Mesa Drive & Nwpt e CUSTOM PATIOS e Cost1 Mesa 2100 2 BR., pr., pa&. Tropical tettina: fer adlta. 1 B2k -l!IO.-SNAU. ba.chdor, 1 l n cl e maJo ..... la> mo. 142-2651 51• M.arlcold • All util tncl 175 up OCEAN breeze upper Apt. LUXURY JVRN/UN1'URN 15.56 ACRES • onrces • '1 $1650 total cash TeqUfftd. Blvd. Thurs 413, Rnvdr Clllrl'ete sawing I: ftmoval Call: g'13.5US for app't. 315 E. Balboa Blvd. lge 3 BR l % ba. Avail. Yeut,y Lea.a. 1 I: 2 Bdnm. yr, old ~ -$85,(l)IJ Hers-For· in ore infonnation 645-2985 State Lie. e 342-1010 BALBOA m-89G April 1S $160/mo. 2286 ca-ateps to Shen • SbcJpl es • Trade and detd:s, aend name, LOST: . FemaJe A I a I k. D * OONCRE'l'E \\'Ol'k, bonded Hunti_._ &..ch 3400 2 BOR, ---'--t Fem Iii nyon Dr. Apt 5 hetvm 1 Ocunview fn:a f/fU'J Apt, lD AatES • lemons • oranees address and phoot num-... lie Co ...,l-•••-• ~~ • pu • 3 pu phone Ml ~ n~ ..... 1 •--• l1"000 ~ to·. Malamute, Wed. a I I ' 11 ., • • ncre~ la-..... --blk IO 'D"'-rtCA ,..::;...Iv 1139 ,. • m. Cf .UVUI ·-JD0 .... • e&le ~ • "' L ...,... whi Phlll••P' r. l ~ -,._,. -re-~ Corona del ?.far. Blk., te ....,men ~ 1 BR house, 1% BA. new E. BalOO., rtllable '7${J(B4 2-2222 f91.UC9 R-3 • 60 units -$815 PER ''R01Jl'E DEPARTMENT' n-~ crpls, cuttom drapH, tm-3 BR 2 bath ,.. _ __,_ W/w UNIT. TERMS p O Box 3M6 A grey: name Kia. n.n1 e THORYK CONCRETE e I .......,_,_ ,,_f__, ....,.......,, REAL -•-. · flea collar. Reward . SI'OM PATIOS. No job maeu ale ......... v~ ,.. ........ .,.., Huntl....._ Buch 4400 carpeting, blt-in oven. range ESTATE .o.u ACRES • near new an~ Anaheim, CalifOJTlla 9280.1 no pets. $22$. 962-7331 appt ''11"'"" & dishwasher. Double tar-GeMr•I port (LA) TERMS • $30,IXIO CANDY SUPPL y 673-2456 too small. 675-7349 Newport leKh 2200 only QUIET& BEAUTIFUL age,2pools.Nopets.$190! Other parnds from 5 aCl'ff O LOST': Ladies c a rdi gan CEMENT \rork. no job too 3 BR. 2 BA. bit-ins, flrepl, Adults only; 2 Br .• utiL paid. mo. 546-5580. Rentals Wanted 5990 to 300 aettt Priced from $.15 R UTE SY.'l!!ater: white, cabl~type 1mall, reasonable. Fr e • SUMMER RENTAL dbl pr, fncd. yd. $115 mo. Pool. $200. Ml-2125 2 BR Sbxllo apt. l~~ ba, YOUNG "u idnc co u PI e to $2,000 per acn. Ex~~ Sel~vo~~~> few ~=n·1a~L \~8:° a: estim. H. Stulllck. 543-8615 ' gmnntr and ~ar rowxl ' 9Q..4.l91 17676 Camerou. Hunt. Bch. endoeed sanae &: pt.tio, desft 2 BR unfum houle WEIN SP~ houri wee:ldy work (Days or preclate return: please call CentrKtws fttn'ftdom be:bw tmn. n"I a.Cb tam .GIDI. .... ~ ~1° sfwi .1 •.•"-· pl cpta/c:b]ll le !i!~ Day1 or apt, CM area. Mutt have EVES • 96l-35<G n-eni,.s). Rdlllin& I: col-l-612-3589-~~all=5'=;"30'=P"'.M"'-. -PROPERTIES WEST ............ .-! -m ..., .,. • .....,.... ""'· -........ Up tc llJO. R•fs. Harry A. llons -money bom coin op. TERRIER ADDITIONS-REPAIRS UDI Bt.1sidt Dr. S7$.fJ.30 DAILY ~ 0 ewtnect DllU:r PDal Will Ml LARGE 2 S;R apt Westnde, ~ Reali, 96U8!'l erated diapemen: ID Costa Silver gra,y tiny puppy, Lost. REMODELING ·---· .ctiOI' ~ I MH67I near &hopping. Retired cou-1 BDRM Untum Apt in 1 ............................ 1 Mesa .. sunwndina: areL Detlgning • Plarurlnc _ ~--·al ~--ii _ pie pttferred, $ 9 5 /mo. Bnch uu. for employed NORTH OF We esl route. (Handles = J!:.1422~~ Kitchens-Baths, elc. .-vv _........ __.. -642-2Sl7 after 5 PM lady up to $11oIm 0 , name b r • n d candy I: Uc'd A Bonded. Free est. ~··c. 2 BR. n •" --ESCONDIDO onacksl. 11450 Clsh requtr. IIONEY Color..i P.,k!ngese, A & 8 OONSTRUCTION I I' I ' I' I I I I from Comic Dlcrlonoty1 -.te h: 10 crosHyed h• con look lfvough o b yholo with - l~H-l_S_G_E_L ___ _,1~· 't-t .. ~~1-r .... 1-1-r ..... !nl:it~~?5 e ~;.~.ul1 r t t r r I' I' I •~--·Oii I I I • I I I I un.un ed For -1 ._.__n-ansv.-eTS to ••u-"', \."ic.. 1122 Panlari-ClM. .. i.1-blt•lnt. ~-. e ' •uDLORDS e A-44 Ac..., -. ~·--...... ~. ·-~, ·~ .... _ ....... ~ n-•-in OJfta Mesa atta. .end Fairview 6. Baker. Reward. * S45-a:I. • patio. Adults. $1f0 Imo. FREE RENTAL SERV1CE bills: bNutifUI lfltSnr. can name, addreu l phone num.-545-6567 or Sft..4694 =~~-'-"-'-'--~ "~• ~" _.___ • -.. 1 .. -... in •--~ -~=~~-='--"-~~ ADD-A-Room, apt. unlt1, .rllJ'"v.>IJU DlVM!r 53"'912: -. _..,~ A..___ -ber lo Multi.state Inc., 9075 = ' ~ ,.'"'u.!' .. ~~. -A!': E. l-~-• u-. Do-, BLACK Irish Setter lost Mon, cust homelf. two story &SIDE l br, fli>lc, brmm:,1---------.,... .., . ....,.,._,....,,. "'!"'!"' ... ~.1. ~,-., betMainBeach&:St.Ann'• tpedalist, tree la 1 011t ,· patio, w/w a'llt: 1 adlt no Reem. for ltent 5995 10%o 0owii wttla taeuat onJ;y Calif. Ga Dr. Laa: Bc.h. Yodtr on name design. 20 Yn in ttle 1 pets $123 yr. 6'13-'1629. on t.lancll. Fer more bdJ:r. SPARE TIME INCOME plate of red collar. 499-2129 business. Paclfic c o a 1 t Vllla nm Apts. 3 BR. ATJ'RACI1VE Room. pvt mation, pMa.. call K. w. after 5 p.m. Blda. 615-mL Weekdays. 1 Unt Cilldftn Wdcarne $1SO bath, ,,,'Oridnl atrt. $15 Small ...tth New QUALJTY FOODS Di-LOST bti&e arln p11nt v I c Sat A SU11 at )Qr 8el"Vk:e : 174 W. Centtt Apt. 1 week. NB. ~7165 Eckheff & AINc., Inc. v1*Jn wiD be tnte~ Vons Mrlrt 1.LB. Fri. Just QUA Lt T -., remodellnr, ~ 2: BR Wlfurn. Rtfria, bltn 1111 w. Oapman Ave. In thil Uft. dllr'iqj: the next cashed. pensSon check. autom dnitn lenice. Refl , stove. crpts, drps. redecor. Income Ptoperty_ '!!! Orance, c..tif. rwo ~ks lot a quallfied 536-9710. on req. Frank M. Barden · No petl. 545-079) 13 UNITS, Rood cond. &lwayi Stt-2621. Eve•wknd. SJ.S.597l dlstribu!or. Modflt cuh In. LOST-Small Schnauzer, no Con.str Co., 1.QS.1466 aft ; LARGE 2 BR, no doff, rented, eood ntum. w.,. wll!Mnt of $2000 required to C'Ollar, 9 mot.. \licl.nlty s.n-4 pm . prqe, &Qde; indiv. units. 61Ao loan, bart:tJn a t 10 ACRES rr. Pahndalfo 'lie. start. Immediate hla:h eam. tiago and Aahtri WNt· Addtiana * ~line : S95 mo. 6C-T2'l'O $106 IXO. Pbtt s u 11 1 v an Lake Los Angeles. Mutt inp l!Mcq: machines dilf. 'Max.· Reward. fC.m F'ftd It Cmrick. Lie. ! SPLIT.elvd 2: Br 1'4 11&; ~ aell, £.Z 1'f!mu. $3,l:m per "~ndlnc candy and araclcs to '"ST·. .., __ .. ..,_ ~ ~ * 549-n 70 t • Ac. Owntt 146--2019 company f'Stabli.sbed ac-U.J DAM:.11< -~OC4 Upper 2 Br. 1 bl..'...,?}!; &SIDE CM 2: hlel,, home ('OUntl. Ab&ol:utely no tellir«: male. Ans IO "Tar". Vk ,.. ........ Cl I '62.1 . dtpa. 2185 Me:ndou. ~ + inc. Xlnl oond. 2 BR It p 6205 For Ulformatioa Md tnter: ~.v. Reward! 961-1000 -:..t.;;;..:. un "I 1..2: I: 3 BR. apta. unfUnl. ea. Nr ~ * Owner ~ roperty view appointment, • e n d pW ri-.. t.._ 9911 n Camino Dr., CM S0!-1187 FOR RENT rurn Mammotll ...,._ .~. -~ ~-Por-• '405 Cupot • \1 -~ lAOO~ anr.z _.., Jf tt'I daDt rliht-, .• * *.ot5l * Mo u ntal nCondommiwn, ntnnber fl): JI'• "'DlJNN.WEU.''! lull llamll -·•-I. S1M130 DIVORCED. _.-.tod, wtol-DUPLEX. 2 Br.: so' --~ PACIFIC ....,, ., unmurled. SUb-n.. QtlmalB ••• -• -.in,. epts. 6 -F11EE D&'!K SPAC& 1n ••-INTERNATIONAL oerlbe ., the o.c. - 1125. 53I-G82 small ahop In -for -··~II. L -INDUSTRIES ea..ti., U.15. 300 ,,,_to C:.,,.i Lrfl"9 & 2 BIL UnturnUhed taldna ~1, dtl. Call WILL Tnde .f150,000 tn TnJSt: 354 Twt.~nnt Street IO, J)l!rwotlal adl, artic1n. l•lr 662' $12S Month 6t6-0tt8 5f6..4411 Ewa. ~1 and/or $17'S.000 tn ~ Calif. H6l2 1544 Put Aw .. , c·..RPETS (~ '«'OOll, 192 (Apt 21 bllmar. OI BAL. blond; -; J -cCmp(eltd ...... octan vlow WANTED; off ..... U-. Ganie• Gro\>e -I V-ond 'I'll. • · ... , .... or..... lots In Lquoa Beach for u.. ... °""'P °"'""'· e TENljlS SllASON e t1. I.amt -Ucl ....._ No..,..i -5'200 JOI-Ave. '7Mm ~ ~ ...,_... Cafu '4U1.!t Join .. "'"' -ad -°""""""'""""-tlal. - 2 BR. ' BA 111\ • J1IS. IWUIM Bl., c.M. mo or -. 1evt! land. -ATT!l.lQtVll -... Saloo, 110 "' --... ---s BR. 2 BA. 1j1e. S13S. ft -4 dbl drL !600. 411-12IO -• -oale. Oorooa d<I Mar -Cab llLANXINSlllP n.ooJtl' 211: 9lf.11Jt ar.l1Mlll,ewo-TW DAlLYPILOl'WolNTADSt caD GloriL ltrl-1212 e m.o11.I e oo.!G 51>1'1l ..... _..,......(. SCIAM·LITS dswo IN cL.tssiF1CA1'0N 7500 .. ·-··--·-···-~ • 1••_,,--..----·--.--;lfl. Sl ltVICI DIQ('.TOl,Y . JOU & IMPLDYMINT JOU Ii llM!'LOYMlia ~"I ml IW!'W""'"' -~ !;lolp W~ -7200 ' • Wh0ddy1 Wiii!? Whlddy1 Got? 5PICIA.L CLAS$1FICZA. TION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS -s;..1.1 -5 Ll--5 tlmn-5 llucb a ullS -AD MU'T IH(lUOI! .........,,..,. ...... ....... J-Wlllt yw ............. 1 a..)'Ol.la ,... •Mier ......, f-.4 """ ., ..,._... 1-HOTNINQ f'Olt SAi.i! -TltADU ONL VI PHONE 642.567a To Piece Your Tr~s P1rldl1e Ad '56 Cad. 2 dt. aedan -nuisl Trade for tandem at 3 whl. lbtc,..le,, flilnltun., applianc- or aufimit. ~ l<G,1615 i Indust bldp, on Placen- tia, CM. 'I'r8d. 196.000 -for property + !. Value . ,000. 54&.1542 17 Ft. fiber &Lan outboard and big wheel tilt traller. Will trade for landscapiqr. PHONE -· Mesa Verde 4 bedroom plus den, apprax 2300 llJ ft. Wan~ sma.Jler borne or Con- do. in Mesa Verde. S!G"'3' '68 Fiat 124 Blue StatiOn Wagon. Lug rack like new. Take 15' Travel Trailer " part. 644-2374 17 Ft. outboard tar lfadon w8aon-or auto ot 'eqmJ ftl.. ... Phone MMm ' o!WMBJNQ \J\EPAJi ' I ~ -• ' I ."811a ...... • • · No.~-:n .\*· Lea~man • • · • PLUMBING 31 11< """ INJECT!°" MOLDING Wodt ....... 11c ....... moc1, Ma•hi'ne Shop s1:r.uP, OPIRf\TION ""'"1r.'.....r.....,. 531-1516" • • AND-SUPERVISION PLUMBING Rlil'AIR 0 , THIRD SHIFT. DRAIN CLEANING Set up Macltl ... ~ !"'-• • • -~"' 540-1217 • \::'.!se ~ope;: RESIN MIXE R R.-1; Ropolr, -·-Know-ot TRAINEE -"--'.;...;..--''--.-. advanced mt.th aiid; 'tool 0-.y ahltt. Preler veteran. ADD A room -Remo<MI icometry. Worldrlir; know· waottnc cuwr-in ·plaHcs. -cabioota -block wall lo\!&• ol lnspee,\!<Jii ,..... quoll(y for • ....,,- tenoes. l'1'ff e • t i·m ate 1 <:edum: and material GI bentlltl u Plutic Mold- 6C-9852 compoaltion. Ina: Technician. ROOM ADD I TION • mnodellna. Attractive Call poraOMOI clop!. prloea. Free ntimatH. Call (714) 494-9401 ,,....... Sowlnv -TEL ON IC • Dttumaldnr-AlteratJona Custom DeslgM ·Engl...ri•9 Co. ·-· PA'ITERNS made to lit YoU. L-·Bloch Bikinis , to Ball gowps; from l!O. 838-4812; 13&-<!110 • .. equal opportllnlty Altorotlont-642·5845 --Neat, 8.CCW'ate, ~ yrs, exp. " 'Altor.tlont-642-5845 Nut, accura~. 20 yrs. eitp. * CARPENTERS oeEANFROHr·Leue w/~ tlon S BR + fam. nn. * ELECTRICIANS 161,500, 8J3.;208'r Owner. * CABINET SETIERS Treo Slrvl<9 Al'PLY IN PERSON Mr. Horsley, Pe"°"""I 847-30.11 CAMBRO MFG. CO 7601. Clay HuntinilonBuch Boat Mfg. " ERICSON . ., YACHTS * Boat. CUpenlon * Hardwue· J4en .. *·,,....,.. Llmlnotora •'l\'.ood --•Mai<ne-·-* Boat Painters OOERIENCE-· Apply ln ~ 1206 W. Struck. Ora,.e CAmR Ol'PORTUNrrY! Lowly desert borne with Teltvitlon, R--lr 6985 6 acres at 29 Pahlu. Take -,.-- Joln .,.~-­ ....-.0-Mutual llmcl flleo No aperltnot JI~ We train • l&!I ar part ttmt Mutu1r Fund Advlaon, Inc. mobue home near coast u RAJ:Nsow Tv Co. No stt. down. vice Charge! Expert wwk. WE ARE ·· SE,~lCTIV~ . And we think· you lllollld be We ••(>Ole Ill phases of our buslnea In a man before be start.s. . We also look d .. PlY lnln the man'a back· ground to be rue he Is up I<> qur llalldarda. We offer- SECURITY . We are · a nationwide retailer. in business since 1899 without a sh ut-down or a layoff. Company benefils Include guarantee ialary with bonua opportunities, grqup hospital & life insurance . .Profit sharing retirement and vacaUons with pay. OPPORTUNITY . I We .,.. a division of a highly tNccessful and divenlfied w6rldwide corporaUon with ever growing needl! for penonnel at Ill levels. CHALLENGE We are a sales organlzation, where you are paid on your own ability and· inlllaUve. We ·are lnlerestetl In the man with good employ· me nt records, between 23-45, married, able to furnlsh good references. Able to post re- fundable cash bond. For confidenllal inler· view- Coll 774-0330, Hk for Mr. Sylvo1tor newport . personnei ~ag ency 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEAOI 6'2-3370 URGilrilY -.. ,. •• • Cletb • Typlm . • Repro TyplltS Keyp!lnch Oi>or to • Secretaries $500 EPF' --e Keypm·cf11n~ Prefer 2 years expenence • PBX O~ l8M tqUlpment <D6 alpha • ...... ~· Tot CXNllP9JlY beoe. ftll. Order Dept lo $41' EPF Assist CUJ1tomers with phone orders. Good phone penon- ality, deta.U mlndei:I, li1ht ,,...,.,, Mv Steno tG $461 EPF Boas Is In ~ ol all con- ventions for this eiccellent finn. B\l!Y intem,tini: pl'.lli- tlon, T}'Pe 65, diCtaphone, good phone personality. Exoc Soc $650 APF Rapidly growinc l'Jt'W firm, .xcellent potential, top lkilll. able to -.._,iblllty. Work_& ...... you w1ritl llQ£RIM . PERSOMllB. SERYKE 445 E. 17th St. Cost1 Mtsa, Calif. 6'ft-7m . lntorvlowlnt Mon. thno F rl. 1 p.m. lo 5 p.m. ' Equal --em.i-PtrMnnel Security Cle rk lo $500 APF ~rtenced with ,...n1y * ESCROW CLERK 'WOrk ln penonnet Active Opportunity avaDable in our secret clearance helpfUI, Newport ee.ch of:ftce tor--a . type 60. You will enjoy this --·1.1-... --• -,___.....,, ma , wga. "fun ...... up." .,.. •• • groomed· individual, .. -Exec Soc $650 EPF with the public and ald In W\th technJcaJ kndwledge and proceufnc ot real e.atdt desire to advance n.pidly. . loans, . Knowledp of J.o a D ·Socrotory lo $450 APF proceu1ng p,..remd. Type Well iroorrled and educated. SO wpm. Excellent workUW Ability .. -with public cooditlom ud --A-pttu. Sh A ac:curate tn-tits. p)eue call ),Jr. Rull .Qeaut, view, ~.home f Br. 3 Ba., bas all; plus $125,000 I.st mortgage: will trade for real estate or sub mlt 646-2598: 646-7010 Have 5 bedroom Balboa Peninsula· home, $79,500. !Vant 3 b<droom, prlce $30. $35,00J. Newport Beach Really, 6'16-1"2. 499-i33t or 494-4146 color, blk: I: wht or 1tem>1. 10.9% Return on 1215,000 ~-...:..;;=.~:;...;;:.. '--! __ _ EXPlORER MOTORHOMf CORP. Npt B. ll03 Weriili!IMUm'l---------------!qr. Llteh I« appolntioellL Girl Fri M50 APF f13.1'50 8.A. 1212 -N. B- Lot UO degree ocean view, la.n Cltmente $161000 valUe free"I: clear, T1ade for im.- proWd-or TD'I or 1' clear lsd. iodust. Dyer Rd., " S.A. For M-1 °""'' O>ty, JOBS' & EMPLOYMENT 3021 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif 511.ml ~-------I Dralt>men ' · 549-1096 Evenlnp: can add $500,00J @q. A Clevi- d""". R. McCloud 6'S<044 Job Wonted, Lady 7020 -------- s & S SS' Diesel Aux aloop, CLEANING A painting, rugs 1961, 7 sails, fiber/teak con. a upholstery ahampooed. struct:IOJ!. 1'nlde ~ interest Experienced girl 536-8069 or all for local prop., h3e con1truction or Pt1J. ~ Do"""ff IWlp 7035 Dishwasher Gr1voy1rd shift Must be ovw 21 * Deytlme Busboy * Nlght·Dltllwalhor APPLY IN PERSON REUllll E. llE ITT JABSCO MECHANICAi: DRAFTSMAN BAYFRONT & dock, 3 flr, J Ba., val. $89,500, FOR 'l.D.'a (consideiW/opl a.a trade for ? ? r ) : 2 Balboa Covet. Owner 675-4331 2838 Chinese llve-Jns. a..erful S60,lm. equity in Comm. Permanent. Experienced APPLY IN PERSON 151 E. Cooat Hlghw1y Marine, chemlcal and lndust· Newport S..!Ch rial ....... Shop ......... tlAI to. to Actts ranch sites id.joining ~ calif's hew city, trades OK Te. m&cula 5"-3666 eves. Box 678 runm : frontage, Yucca Valley, Flf' East AgeQcy 64U703 trade for income property. George Allen Byland Aaeocy DBP'JJ'S RfSlAURANT YOUNG & LANE eXpenence desired. Duties IO Include detallinr and Owner 544-3666 eves. Box Employer Pays Fee 676 Tustin Caill. 1()6.8 E. 16th, SA.547--03$5 Tll\E CO. , .. me product design. Has o~ fm ~ lfil:b 1ehool &rad plut addJ. :~t = ~:!e ~ tiorll.l COW'Sel of mechanical MINT COND '6.l Mereectes What do YoU have to trade'!' 1st ft here -in Orange County's larRe•t read trad· bw post ~ aM ...... deal. 22Q.S 4 dr, leather Int, tilt Help Wanted, Men 7200 seats, am I bn. auto, air, 21 mi/gal, $1825: FOR va- cant prop or ? 499-2531 Tempol'a(Y Employxaent 3170 Horb'or Blvd. Costa Me11 ~ Plan: Join I: go nature. ahead with ua. Apply in per. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MALE OJ\ FEMALE * * ----------SERVICE DIRECTORY °"""'"" 66IO * * * SERVICt DIRECTOR Y HGusoclMnlnv .. . 673.S URGBmY NEEDED ARGUS AGENCIES Ac-...tants w• LABORERS croc11t M.nog1ra ~ Admlnl1fratlw Trnee1 Mon t::::.~ P.M. Ua.. ~~:",·.a~ .Cut 6 Edp IA.wn • HOUSECLEANING. Have INTERIM "'""""• , JIWnienu<e. Llcemed ,..,..,... 12 .hlim'. · Cin ~J:I r-..I Servi-EXPER. marlnli rad Io ""MJ...C8QB/66-2310 .tt 4 ·5'1&-5995 N .... technician; FCC lie.: to I ======:;::=::::::c I ~ F;. 17th, CM 642-1523 manaae marine ndlo U.Op; JOHNSON'S Gardenin& Serv. · , u ~ Flnolt -·~ expert .. M Income, Tu . 6740 "·Day Dishwtllher aaiary open. 8'>nd ......,. ~ .... .,. ~-.. , to Daib' Pilot, Bax M-414 1eare1. Reul 962--2035 REsPciNSJBLE PftPll'&tion :'lo,).., ' Full Tlrn. ~ • 'Domeltlc I: filing of all income tu: '", :AJ:'PLY IN PERSON Si!~ ~e~ ~ ·tawn lnaint. La~ A prage returns by Certified Public . cleamip. 548-5819. A.CcountaDt. Available to ..• I .EU BEN'S ends. Must be neat in ap- ..,.. the needs "' c.rpora. -& -"""· tions, an.all bus1nl!a ·en-2S!l1 Newport BldV., C.M. -· Servi-6612 .terprile• """ indMduak. COCO'S 801,o'l' CARPENTERS TAKATA Your complete satisfactfan For custom yacht ronstruc- JAP.\NEs1: NlmSERY 11 guaranteed. · · 1555 W. Adams don. """""""" only. Top 546-0724. Complete p.rderibw OJRPORATE Costa Mtsa pey. Willard Boat Works, lf:n'ice. Headquarters tor lMPROVEMEN'r 1295 Baker St., C.M. son 18S E, 17th St., Suitt 1-C. Cos~ Mesa. . 11\mdon open ln tub- lonabJfi: Newport Beach restaurant for ambitious. penionable YoWll man. experienced ln restaurant manaaement. Reply to box # . shrine. resume. ~x M.al. The Daily Pilot. CUSTODIAN 1485 DALE WAY OO!>TA MESA, CALIF. !ll62tl (Ill) 54>'25i Requires miDlmum al one " yeu Plll'Chaihii ..ip.;.i. ence fnclud!Jw follow-up and minor CIODtl'ac.1 prep. a.ration. Call port¥ri01 d_ept: · (714) ~'401 . TELONIC : , all -.......,,. needs. COUNSELORS * BUSBO.YS * * AtrrOMATIC TRANS. • 642-993'1 • MISSION SPEC!ALlsr & For OYenli>f boun. New ... ~·b-= =ENTS TAX Rerurn Special 115. CENERAL MECHANICS * cllity, 1rv10e. Contact hr-Engi-ing Co. UAALI Fonn 1040 A: SIO, )'OQf' home OVER AGE 1B CoRta Mesa Auto Works aonne1 Ofllce, h>or-'tbelr way fhrt1 tJDl.. Experienced only Full Utne 1••2500 ,_ ~· licenied '"' ow· offtoe. 23 ,...... • • '°"' Plaoentla. C.M. -LAGUNA BEACH iEAsj"~~ ' tu consul tant and never Apply ln person aft. 3 p.m.' MECHANIC, full Ume. Pret FUU. TIME SERV STA I a claim Im deductions FIVE CROWNS cl A 11 M t ~ -·n. Ex p erie n ced in An -•a1 ----... i ... L'S Gardening Service di.aalJowed. 24 hour· Serv RESTAURANTS UI cemie. WI """' ...... .,.._. vvt''"""' .. .., 'Lawn maintenance, garden, 642--0622 3801 E Coas over 25. No phone calla:. tuneup, brakes A: lale1. Top em~r Ing &: clean upS. 646--3629. for appt. · t Hwy. Richfield Stab, 19th I: wages, inaurance, boma., _______ _ e '"11 Tax Advisor• C:Orona deJ Mar Newport, Costa Mesa. plan I: pU:t vacation. Apply•· • ·~ Gardener, com-y · .. -• of -N (No phone calla:) .,,.. So ~-·t Hwy • ·-··· .rw,_ ear rouuu c, .;wo O. ASTROTEK CORP. """" ' ....,... ., ,_.....,.. EXPLORER '. pltte yard 9l!!l'9ict. tNe Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! MEN Wanted (2), part time, Ope . La'"-mill J.D. ::-Be-•:;"'(;riQii'i· 'EC'.~w:::--·1 estimates. 5*-1332 Call 64s.otoo tor appt. to average 2 hrs. daily tw. runp; .,..., t _ .. t.. RAL b·"-bje lawn ..,.;ce, ' -•-•-•u\y """"'--·-Top pay, A·l machlnll ~~· -·--·-'d ~ MOJORffOME CORP ~~ Walto• H. F-··-P.A. ' d r ·-;~ ._=··~1 • 1267 Lopll Av C.M. u•--•~• up -•cm , mow •. edge, bim Income Tax Service I e iwry 1111me1 n • , large apt pro~ll: custom . * 531·1404 * MU:iK or SfS.1398 eve Newport Beach. $200 . DISHWASHER homes. Xlnt coot le . NEEDS average per mo. Must have DAYS tnnge ben'a. Gand N Low-'rate : mo~:: w • INCOME TAX • late model car and be 21116 w. Oceanfront (AO'OU Smith, Arehilec~ Newport * CARPENTERS & MS-1931 Mor/eves $5 ..!°:.in your bo:._2600 =ble. CaU LA Times from Pier I: Dory FleetJ Beach. 642-'llSS * MILL MEN LAWN SERVICE INCOME Taxes prepared PART A: FULL TIME Plant Man $12) wk. , GOLF Oourw G R 0 UN~ MotHdle-vacuum ~home, lofli form com-CAR WASH HELP Steady, pmneent. IOber. KEEPERS. hvint Cou Second shift, 3:30 to 1 AM . , U ~ alie. 6 PM blnod $15 494-3122 SERVISOFT Countty Club, NB. Apply plus ovutlme. Exc<ll. b1nge m Japanese Gardener ' · & 506 n.t St., NB. ln the AM onl)t. benefits, life w, paid hoU- Monthly '°"""' ,_a 1• lnonlnt 6755 EXP'D. POLISH ind • ..,.,, ete. ~or 540-186'1 DETAIL MEN ~H;e;lp;;;;W;;•;ntocl;;;,;·';*;";;;;;7200;;H;;e;;lo;;W;;;1;;ntocl;;;,;;-;;;;;7;;2;;00~J IRONING. Mend in I I: Top pay. 2 Ioc. Full work wk.· JAPANESE GARDENER I REWEAVING. Bring own METRO CAR WASH ~ S:,.,.ae.oup I hangen. 540-0015 2950 l!arlxw mw., c.M. • USED Car sa1eaman. ex· .. J1p1nos1 G1nlonlr L1nd,..plnt 6 10 ..,......... to "'11 at . '• eompl ,.m """°'' LANDSCAPERS Jolwon A Son Lincoln & Free 01tlo>ato, 548-'l!!M. ATTENTION M.....,, u.ed cu loL 1941 730 -·• _.. -Bvld., CM. App\y aull e I need landa:capiJV, .. 111 •w in penon. 9 to s trade a 17 ft outboard wftb I====_,.,=,,...~­OENERAL HAULING big wbeel tra11<t tor ,..,.. TURRET LATHE Open. ... . & CLEANUP """"" Lem p t t1lcetber !LOGAN) ·2 yrs. lninlmum $10 per load. ~ pn.ge befOI'\ your buq aeuon. ttl>@t. >Jlo, M ACHIN E cleanup tor usable ltf'ma, Phone 64.f.4681 SHOP TRAINEE. I.DK· • 962-SMI lfter 3 P.M. * WANTED Landlcaped ~T· INC. 864. w. l6tbl Yanl/garqe clean up. Re-. man. exp'd, 1 6a.Y per wk. d•~ ~. .. ,.. ,,,,,,,,. W UTE JANI'ItlR w o rt, ...... ......, ""'· "' ··-~,.... . -pennantnt 6 ...... wit. tor, -... , ..-ii... .,. 87tCS Paperhantlng part time, morn or ew. ULING, G<-1. Top., ~llntlilf.,_ ___ 61_50_ ~:.~iii 21. So. Cout Cdra, l"l!!DO\le ~ 6 G • E . · n•-J bn 6G-40l'.I P AINTIN Int .,; s t • RETAIL l1l1her7 aalaman. ~ -. ~ Lowed contracted prica. over 25. a;Untmum ! yr ex- • SAVE MONEY befon: Fully ills. Satisfacdob cuar. perlence, A1uy open. call 1>W tUe It to the dump. f'Jft $ Call Jim Wetkl, for inttniew. 6Q..6!m. 3 Call 642-51& nts. 613-.11(16 open~. -'-=''-,-~-~­ms * Painting Pa-* Plllll Expon1lon 1r;:::::::.::=:.::::!'-~;:.;,:; Color matchlnl. 'If o o d C)ppor1anttk1 for: R dt1inhW poU1b1JW· reffnilh1i.-Uc., Ina. l'Ull'· AuemWy, C•rpenten ~ -• '"' LuTy -LUHRS BOAT CO. ~-'FREE ut. INT.• EXT.~, AD 80W,llt>.$t,CM g~ Malnteaance le'UOftnB. Fret at. Uc'd FOREMEN s.lv;Oe. ~ l IJs. Call Charlie: 54M«l5 2lld AND 3ld Shllb w.-an, INTER er Ext. PAINTING. ~ """"· helpful Reply .... Relldm. Gt Come'L DIMEO. SERVICE. 1-1 IO Box ll!~ll. l)al\y Piiot. Xllt"' .n:-MUI 1'dl. m. TREE flt, M&-1627 GOOD DRIVER. war.Mutt M\-41ll PAINl'INO+ Plptrirv 16 1"I ,..., t ~. -v .man. ml.LS ..,..,1¥' arta, wn.t.lillS (1.i'iG. O>Cofi • tri Harbor am. Lie a bond. houn open. NE w p 0 RT OW' rum can 'bt new a.pin! td. Ret. tum. ~2356 PRODUCE. m..mi <::!.!..~~~a<~ Htlp ~ loreampa -· --• Plait1r"'9, R-lr 6180 ...._,Tllo DAILY PllDt mamd..,......, -.,, m;.... ~ .. ,. e PAT'S ~... AD 2120 l'Wlontla, Ollla - -· -6 -Loall "-rite es-I>. Call DAILY PJJ.CTr W4!' a.DI .. ut ~ BRING ll!SUl.Tsl -- IEC currently has openin91 in the followin9 cata9ories: e BIGllllDDl6 TfST DESIGllRS e flBD SERVICE IECHNKIAllS • ElKTROlllC TKHlllCIAllS . e scilEMAnts DUFTSMBI . ' . e MECHANICAi. DRAfTSMBI e 0 C TfST EOUIPMm ANALYST e STOCK ROOM AllBIDANTS e .1)1111.JpJlllG EOIJll. OPERA TOR APPLY IN PERSON XII Newport Blvd. Cotta Mtsa, Calif. IUSIOYS & DISHWASHERS o..r 11 APPLY IN PERSON BOB'S BIG IOY 154. E. 17th St. Colla Mea COOKS All Sb\fto AppQ' 'BELLAMY'S 1400 W. Cooat Hwy Newport Beach HUGHES Se<:/BJdcpr handle books to TB., c:om spo°ndance. Ma- rine backiround helplul. NEWPORT BEACH Exec Soc to $550 CRF •---·•"'--i. 6 Sh 100 +, accurate typina .,... urrent ·~ .... 11UQ.I ,or 65 +. Must have ability to SWISS SC)lEW MACHINE OPERATORS work under PttllUl"e for 2 men. Younc orpnizaUon with crowth opportunity. Socrot1ry $6QI) EPF Work for market · manqer. Sbould have electnmic Aki backsround. Fut accurate lh.typino ~-ol with Torno experience. A.bill-dlctapbone. 1y to do own Htut>• II re-Steno $450 APF quired, Work for metnbenldp manag. er of JIOIJ..pmtt orpniza.tion. Open..., on Flm ind See-Light lh. aee)lra ... typing, Obd ShUta. iood ~tv an:l q(iear. """'· Glendale Federal SaYlngs 2333 E. Cooat Hwy, Newport Buch .. ~ OpportunltJ . ~ SEC!lETA~Y­ RECEPl101".ilST Mlllf: be YoQnl and Jlft"IODo able, to meet public. Some typlJW. 5 tlaY -lr, N. N.W air eood, OfOcet aDd • e4UIP.. ment. L::>ts ot lnteioesfuw: activities. See or call st:ul -Roceptlonl1t $400 APF Na .. -,n .".· dlllac Ll&bt lb, accurate lYPille. ex. '"" ~ H U 6 H E S • perlence on "Call. DU..tor" 2600 Ha:bor mvd. Please apply ln person. C.O. · baclrground helpful. Costa Mesa NEWPORT IEACH Eventual\y "°'* Into tt0ezo. __ _;5'11.91.::..;;-'-oo ___ 1 500 SuPerlor A~ue tu1aJ u.lea position. . Newport Be•c::h. Calif,. I ""'"' """"'bodty employel'- 0 pap~~~pl~ .-~:_:-'1"" ·'1d&:F , • ..,.. .. ~Hl[~.P.WANTEO • APl",....,llcant pay1 ,M . ., N"atiOtlai ma.nulacturtni: and * CRF1 CMlfNny .d!Atithutfuc !Inn. exp&ndino rolm~r-r.. ~ ·~ <;ounty. We need ======== . h'ieQ wtth.1'il t:Ypea: ol work Help W.anftd back;round. No experience Women necess,ary, u we traln. TOP :STA.RTING PAY For ~'N'view caU MONDAY • TUESDAY 774-7251 J. W. Robinson H11 opa,nlng In : HOUSEKEEPING MAINTllNANCE Full time _, Part time Excellent company bendltJ APPLY PERSONNEL F 1ahlon l1l1nd Newport Beach F.qual opporta:U;y empl~r 7400 BACK oh!ce mm.,, 5 doc- 1or1; mW1t have .exper, CBC dlffeft11tl4l1 ~ •·,. ~ u • t • X-Rays helpful. lneXper. pleue do mt appq. Pleue call: 531-321:6 Aft. 4 PM WAITRESSES. ·Fun time I: part time. -· C<>fl<:o Shop, 1400 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach WANTED Exp er I enc e d fishing rod home wn.ppen. . Gilt & Gift., 2111 Valley l\<lod. C.M. 543-8413' DENTAL Aalatant. chair side, 1n Newport Beach area. X-Ray exper. desired • To apply, Ph: OR 3-1166 BEAUTY opera.ton W at-PART . TIME "8e Von's Sbop'r ceoter *· Waitresses Apply In porHn REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 w. Mamo Costa Meg BE DIE FIRST McOONALDS !I lllrlaa OOUNTER. Women to wartr Montlay ""'1 FrltlaY 11 ...;., 2 pm. Unltonm fundlhed, tree meala. APPLY IN J'm80N'. McDONALD'S 1561 Edinger Huntlqrtoo Beach IlWR CdM. Exptrlonc1 Preferred 67S.SOIO BEAUTY operatora Im at- TOP STARTING PAY """ von'1 Sbop'r oenter ---==~-- NEW BRANCK IN ORANGE salon. Call Kay 536-ilil '* SJTI'ER * COUNTY.· WE NEED 25 HOUSEKEEPER 3 hn day for chlldren or adults, ln MEN FOR ADVERTISIMG 9 to U nekdayg. Vic'. home ot hospltaL Full ~ ANO DISPLAl'. WORK. NO Adams &: Bushard, H.B. part Ume:, day-J, noel or EXPERIENCE, \.VE mAIN. 962-2811 wcelmldl. Apply: WORK 11VE DAY WEEK, ;SA;;WYER~=-""Ho"""'me--n-e_e..,..d 1 HOMEMAKERS 6:30 TO 10~30 P.M. FOR JN. 1 f 1638. E. 17th., S.A. FORMAnON CALL MR. ma ure wome n or ~"""o;...:;;,.o--'~--1 JAMES, "°""1ng""'?,_ I< pnctl<;al e ~~~.!:4_-MONDAY &: TUESDAY nun • ••tv·o:1116 .... .._......,.~ nC..7251 OPERATORS. Expd. For e ~W:n MORNING DISHWASHER. iport.twear. Full time. Top Mon'·P'rl. A p ply pey.4001.F,Bil'd.Sr.,N.B., s:Typ:c.._ I blk E. of O.C, airport. per r ....,_, Be""11contbu Rat .. JIB.13 w. --l9IS Cout Hwy, NB ~ ~":'. 1ZT Harbor Bl. 0111a - SALESMAN-General helper. 913 Elf!ctric, Seal Buch. Cllll ftnt &a-n«l lor C.M.-Nunory, -~ 213: _, CONVALESCENT AIDE Call 546--0'!24 I 'BABY;;:;;='=s1=·r~1 ER=---k~ .. ~.,.--=. g. or COMPANION A-I Women 7300 12. For 5 year o!d. Own ~ .. ~l.nglnle ~..: .. uteSbartd.-or ~:_"'-11'-trans. Immediately! ..... ., ... ""''" DOMESTIC HELP ~";;.,...,,.=;..-...,...-,.,,.-.,.,..... 1°"' t.nn. ::: AU tinchl Homekeeper1, Experlenced motel maid. HOMEMAKERS Cooks, Maids 6 Com,...;;..;;. >Ull HIM. 0oota MHL 16.18 E. 11'111 St., S.A. References req. Fte A Fee Can 642.-2670 Paid Jobe. Call Miu Abby, Beauty operator tun or o0-'1'196 ' part time, Balboa laland. ARGUS AGENCIES ** m.31V1 ** ue9 C Newpon Blvd., C.M. ' . TellJll-R~lon Work. Call 10 AM lo 1P.M.54&-2034 -~-··i .. --~ --. . ' • . I l- '1 " ' l ) • ~ .. ~Lf~""'~·~·:;::~~~~~~·~u~~~·~.,..~·~·'~'"'~;:;~;S!!!!!!I ,;~~-~ -1 ·~A & IMPl.cr.tMIHT IOU & IMPl.OT~ ~~~':A .~::f:=ISln: ~~1$1 P01t PITS •M LIVHTOCIC TUNSPOllTA-00..~ ! a hi 1 -·-74'0~ 7-,. MwJ, W-. 7• . "_ • , , """ • . I AND TllAlll Dop . . llt5 Mlwloi-,.· ~ '"'lit::.---.;.::•=1~~:::z:..W:::,:•:::·1::"':....' ---1-=~=---..!:!!I~ ~ ~. -P•eMwlo - . ... ..., ....... , ... M~ooa-111 ~ J T MAIJ -. •n&. "'" ..........,.. «SS anti ...., WA'l'(l8 n. IAY HMIOll.. ,... HUGHES * n1C1121111.-.-=..:."'..!".~:! ~~ '· xa -·--~•-••..,, ---I "' 2114 w. Oceu Fn1nf. fi.B. S ...... -.blllbed 2 ,.._ IO • W --Shenllm llanor -u.nene ~ ' ctNIUIWICI o•oup ~ iru1 -....,. ',. 4 ""'· ~ Ilea!""' -.1,. ••II 11w _eua ...m.. a.a....;-. •. ~~!?!.t,-~ , NEWPORT alACH • ~IALc 5 pl. ...,talnu, Only • Q u ART E1t JlOllSES· KJI. _..,. - ~ 1~ Oroup ll has an ht1med.i.ate openJn; sales dey&rtment. 'i1~t 1 qi • ..,.... only P.00 for 2 p&uts. call -e fac:e •I NOW ()Ji" DISPU t .,,. blr1rW lot Ol.ll" new di-for an type 59 v.'J)lll, Qd IBltl ME N · ~ 1 ........ MlrtU~I afttr I P.M. ot all da)t l: 1~ = 1425 lekar St 1- ..,.~,~ Jmmedia"' -In Sch11i.IM1ructleft 7.00 II ii' f ... ielt et lbJa, ...... Cl I Wblt • wht eocb ' .W. SIZES ~ .._ llDol opelllac In electric. DlwnWfd d1r Tn1n la Your Spare Time: ....... ,:_Shew __ ..,... =~Bt.aojdSa~la~:µu ttf; W'l)'~st«Q a:io. %btocli Eutof~Bml • ....._ "' """,._."' eeoch. ACCOUNTING ""-. ~ •· - -· · --m.ir.o • .. ,,..., "' -•• _ .. Blvd.. CLERIC . Coll ,.,_. 1' "-'.· .;•2'1 P,..•• un to ' 8 WI ood ca"eit arm dlvan, lg. man's chair * AUCfiO"' * ' YEAR old -·-with ' °""' M•oa . en<> 540-9410 , lall oa h au Di•P FWY-_,.. r-' Hour or ove se1l 5 Pc Octjlgon dJ!k oak din stt , "' ·-· NTJNGro 1 .,,_, ..,.,...., wfll ... .,,. 171 4) -MOI, Bit Future: w/black or •vocado framed cli'ali\r 8 Pc BR 11,you ........... ...,. mo old' coll CAPP'Y bred HU N Be.ech o• a Mort tl'.fJ,Dlnc ptrlod of "'1th Genenl Leda:er and Ac> "236.000 HE AV y EQUJp. set 94j · u.. 6: J4 • 'Clve Windy a try colt\, papen avail. SJ)). C.OUt H~. facJ.ne pll f appl"OXlmaieb' one monUa in • ME:N'I" OPERATl.NG ENCi· • r -... •. rs. d.r:esser. ta mtrrOr, 2 Auctions Friday 1:30 p.m. 96Z-3951. After 5. coune. • l BR. .buiJt~ins, : -Lat -ollice, ... :"ha~!:..~ TELONI( NEERS MUsr BE -TRAIN· co_fllmod ... decoraU~e headboard ln Spanish Windy'• Auction l1m REGISTERED -.. fri&uator; car "°" • ..,. .,. .,.,..-..........,... --. ED, )90).lQ" • u.S. Dept. 01 f;t design with .m11<bing bolt sprlnga, mat-Bthlm T..,,,., 8...._ Mat1 .......... 1 ,,. old...-. iar;e patio. 19SOO. ~ tSon Wm be ~. ~ apply ill prmon. lAbor? Go most anywbftre ess & frame. 21m" Newport. CM 6*1681 • 545-2Ai00 • ~· '~-cmry"'balaDce. BIGllllDlll'-·CO. tor top "'" in heavy con-I-Sold lndlwldually ELEC. w"""' 6 ..,..,., din-' M•· ...,.., ~ • --•tn>ctlon. Eem whil• you Shop A-..d -Boi.r. you lluy -US! TRANSN>RT A TION 54M60I 1 • lmmedl•lo Oponlnt• In ""' fellow ......... POUCY SERVICE Prefer at kut one yur of fitt, CPJ;a)t)' or mulHple line r..tifW apericnoe. Pk&J ..nt ~ ,,,..i11:1 ff. Rntial. Excellent oc)portun- 1~ lor advanc:ement. • • POLICY TYPING Experienced or tralntt, mul. .... ""' poilcy typ;,t. •>+ accurately on the electric. TM kleal po11itioo for .:imo- one Wba 1ike1 to 1;ype.. EJccelltnt ffte, benefit&. Ptt- mal'll!llt. rtndy •'Ot'k. OUr policy ii promo&n trom within, Your futurt ia deter· mined entittlY by )'OU. Nl!W modem olfioe, friendly. pleasant atmoapbl!re. For Oetaill and App'L l '" Call r.cllect. PERSONNEL (2131 384-1213 UNIC.AlD INSURANCE GROUP WerkNeorHllnl TELLERS PositiollJI an available for experienced HUGH ES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Amwe N .......... ch. Calli. le~p)'OOU'pr.,eotjob VALUE $1095.95-FULl PRICE $529.95 ~"';_:.1 ;::~:::.•:.:; --· MOBILE Home 2UG,,,, while prtperlnz )'OW'llt'U for Of' fWl'ftl a low as $4.6' per wMk b!d. 8 lhwer m., ho I INh I. Yachts ~ bdrms. ·1% baths. aw.ntnis. ~'in" fulur.. Slart .. N llie OUr SIOni Chart• Plan or Bank Fln&nclng ........... 4 dre .... -· II FT. ~. """""' -· -· ...... Equal opportunl~ employer two.,.,:, ~!1• ~f:! O Fancy FroQ~ -.,. UT Quality Val~ lnside Zenith color TV, Sinltr Deluxe mod.el (aU . ~·•.~""'--------......... _..., sewing mach., Electro link Jlassl outboard. Olstom 64, 10XSO 2 Br. in quilt. Laguna leach I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii al Braidwood. Dl. No special center, 839-4866 snap dOtv1I cover. ai, wbeeJ adult piatk. $.\150 - Equal oppartumtY. employu-1" requirements to take this • " • ' • • GIBSON J.JI w1 tn.iltt. S100 or best otf· 548-868:1after5 PM M • F T ,fF J courte. Both grade school wilh Hardshdl case, er. Phone 64M68'I afttt T pm 12x5J Mobile Home; eatru, _ _ and colltre ,arads we've 12' BOAT •· •-"-wr l5 cor lot adu]t pk. 511 .9o. trained me top-paid opera-$320 new, $200 or offer • u-..~ Sulllva 5G-1GI MISsmcAGBICY .l: ~. ~ .. Luo> ... boo...;..~~~.'_u,. • ~:.~.,..;..:,:.:,"!'.:. HP_mo~&ft5 1===="'=5.A.======1,I vi tct:JNO«AS . ,.,_, = ~·con-ect ~=e __ ':,~~· -D"ectric T~te; ~(j ~~ Partnenhip in 35' Aldeo Moter.tt....,. • I '2 s 'JOI) c_,.. Or. • N~ """"' .... .., t11R.l uwt-F: .. P•id .t....,. tr;A::T~i'fl how tq ottrate-.aradeta. &lice) $1D. Both A·l. 644--0421 Yawl, recent!)' reblt. compJ 31' ·CONVERTED Bu.; ·m:rn. Exec Seety tnea:) •••• to $600 scrapers., . 4oz.e'n, ~le. Na-Fvmiture IOOO M.k.1Caf lntt. -1125 -equualippedal. q1!1<!!~ trade, ~*~RH)»~tableCI: J1lio: $ales1'mtt(nf:C) •••• to$eoolfyourattl~ia&oodanc1 Uonwide plaoemea( a&s.iat---·-----Misc.Wanted 1610 eq v ue,~¥ 4i ,...6G-529t ~ ~tary/P.R ......... $500 you are tM best there IA in -.nee. nu. training can be SPANisli Returned trom GIBSON J .51 -W···E···,··A y ·· MOR' E -~CEANooADlifiIAN~1S0£;{i[JNiNcG:"· ~··i========:..f Sec/Export (split) •• to $500 every catq°'?' from Junior your fnt step to employment 1.1odel Homes on II.le al with HanlsheU aasc, Available In 6 weeks! Metorcyclu . ftOO : Stcty tsplltl ........ to $500 ~~~nee.:: Ex: la the Heavj Equlpinent'In-less than who!tsale! Group $320 ne1v, S200 or oUer. CASH Schock Boal!, NYlpl 613-2050 ---'--"''--'-""'=I p . T. Genl ()ftice •• , • $2.25hr ve W')' . • dustty. M ldl coupon TODAY lncluedde9 beautiful 9 6 ' ' Erle, 675-51&1 after 6 Pr.·r '66 YAMAHA twin. •tr@et a ' ApplicMt Pays FM kee.per to Receptionist (Mth for Wurtrated folder. No quilt aofa .I: love stat, SallbHts 9010 dirt. 1;-0w m!W:. J4aiiy ac-~ typina:) • rve a areat poai-ObUgation. 3 Spanish oak deolntor FENDER 12 string elec. ceuones. Xlnt. $ 2 7 s. E.!a,.~:.::·:·:·:·:::i:: ~S ~"~...:' ~ ~~~TIIW~~.. ?:::::-:£. ;.~ "'"~i.5~~ .-. , ;~ :2.~ BARGAINS• :':"AMAllA ~ · ....... Nat Operator•••••• to $CiO Plu:se call for appt ~2118 ~· HUJ, Box.MSM; ~Y complete bN;l box q:rinp, Planot & Ortant 1130 pm:, stoves. rdrigeraton. . • l"ng, tires, braka. xlnt Girl Friday .......... to 1425.,.,....,...,._~ ... -... 1_ Une ~ oond. $Zil or bHt Clfu $407I~ ma .... _ ns a: boudoir • N • · UC\U""'"' sets, dinl!ll' room 21' JSl,ANOER ' =~rt·:::::::::::: $403 ·AC(OUlilliG-DEPT Name ................... ···· = ae~':t ~!~ 1 ~~~~":UR~ :tsti:!7ui. ~~~~': Ai ne1v.' Sips 4, galley ~l·,~:m-H-o-:0-.-=--.---...,.- at approx. $1195.00 ALL AU styles a: finishes. all Sunday. 2t' COLUMBfA ditiOD. $250. ' 410 W. c.oa.st ~ Accounts ,.,able experience Addreu • ••••·· ·· •· •· · • '' ••·· FOR ONLY ~. $2(1 down, American made, 88 note, de! 636 3628 S Salli. inboard, plus lots Call: 673-1238 Newport Beach '646-3939 Hours8am .4:30pm.-. $t00 per .. eek , out of w·bench &.tuned.Pricestart· • • ,more!···; ............ $99&) ,65 HONDA SO~ c:rull • City ••· ··' · ·••·· ·• Zip · •• • · • state credit OK. \V i I J Ina at $4!!9. 36 SLOOP helmet Xlnt cond $115 * TELLER * G•rrloon Mf9 Co Inc "'""'' fw quid< salo. :!>th ...,,.. """" opt to buy $ WE BUY $ Redlo, D/F, Jatho, 5 ""'· .,.,..16 , n.:...ltiOn available in our" . Zl2l. SSan~n! Aw.' State .............. Ai,<: • .. • ~~ =etuttB I!~~~ Wurlitier Organs $ FURN~TURE $ ;t;1~~~A~ ·~: '68 Hodalta 100, dirt. Mach. ~ , Neatt!!t Pborie ... , , •. •••• .• . G'arden Grove Daily 1~9. e NEW e APPLIANCES 3446 Via Oporto Ne9o>port perfect. bumper carriu A ............ ••~-.u:-for _..._ PART·TIME Exee. Secty. as •1 othe ak ... • ex•--••A ... "" .,.., .,.b'I ......,.. ... ,..,_ ......_ .,... . ' Sat 10-0, Sun 12-5 Comi! " any r-m l!S. ., ... ny 2t Hour Phone • , • , ~1510 ua>i. u .... _..,. ~ 19ft&ble, well-ll'OOmed lndt. Girl Fridal'ln ~retired atty. Hr&. ·Wkd:. from •••• t_'o ... • ln «call ""ti _,,_ """" styli!s & finishes, Prices Colo, 'TV's-1'1•11•'-·S .. r••'• C:Omlng CUSTOM DLX K .U '66 DUCA'ITI, 160 cc, strttt -••uat. T . ...,._ ~--now l:tle •lA. mkt, We re-,... ~ tart t ·~~ I p,·-H f II . ..,"' .,.... ...... _.._...... LIFETIME GI 5 a . ..-.. '"'"''' '11" 11 bikl!,$275.ortrade.--qulted. lll!arcb, cbart 1tocks. keep · ft, Furniture retllrned fronl dis-EVER\'TIUNG IN MUSIC CASH IN JO MINUTES O'Day Marintr CIB ___... ';..~""::i:'."'.::= ~~;:._~mo~•·· =:'.~ ... c,!1~; ~~~ .. ~~~m ... Beach Music Center • ·541.4531 • ~';;"~;;~~ Auto s. .. 1- am in pttlOft to Mr. Lewis LADY" To do houlekttplng 1 D d I v Id u a 11 y tutored Spanlala I: Mtditl!mlnean etc w A N T E D * RHODES 19's * & Parts 9400 er Mn, Nali!t I: IUpttvilll! I yr old pt O!.ilcoat 10 lessons typing RD FURNITURE Factory Sall!s &. Service , Fun Zone Boat Co. Ba1boa 1--'---'----.:..;.:;;1 Glenilile Feder1l Sawings 1m Newport 11..i. Cnt• MoH Noon to 4• Mon thru Fri. ~~ 113 Del Mar,. CM, Daily'12· noon 'til 9, Sa.t g.s 24• SLOOP, sips. 4. inboard EMPL•YEES.PX Own Lido ..no-~ 1144 Newport llvd., CM 17404 Beach ffivd., !Hwy 39) We lll!ed quality (no junk eng.,· cream putt cond., Slip 40,000 f!ll Polyglas famOUI 613-4956 ~r 2 Is I e · NURSES Aidl!I are nee<ted! every nia:ht tll 9 l~~ mi. So. San Diego F\vy. please), Furniture, c o Jo r avail., $2,990. a46-3365 after name .tires. 4 for $19. Rad~ -· Comp!, accred, trna: &: ;;Ob Wed., S.I. 1-SUn 'ti] 6 HWltlna:ton Beach 841-8536 TV's, 1tett01, appliances, & Pht als, wide ovals, mags, Indya. lnstitutl! 41116 W. Com· C. lftUPIW · \. · TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! KITE boat No. ?.02 "-rear bldg. 235, Anaheim. I J~o~llo;;~A~M=•~·~W~om.;;;d'~500~ I plcemnt. Nu~ TralninQ: 20 p .. _ ,_ _P_IA_N_O_& ORGAN tools and office tqulpme.nl. Sail On Autonetics Paridni Lot. moowealth, Fuilertoo. 1-520-3 ROOM GROUP BARGAIN HUNTERS! 531·1212 * . ...-dolly. 630-1253 • • 15Zl Orange County's largest EXCELLENT CONDITION J ,,,..,;c.=--'-~- lncludes: Uvinr room set · stock of new l: used 673-4362 after 4 Pl'\t 60 CHEV. parts. Ait-mn- GOING To Europe this year"? Brush up )'OW' Frl!nch r.onvenation in my dass. ........ tabio• • tam., • bedroom p;""" • 0rgam . FREE TO YOU KITE No 640, 1 yr old & :".':'1• writ. Ch" P • Rt • quilted mattress • ma-Spinet Pianos from • • S38S . trlr & extras. Like new. I========::: I pie dininc room. All for . • • Baldwin Organ , • , ••••• $388 U ~ U S U AL Siamtse--Manx $900. Bruce 61.J..2'm Tues-' $449 Cllckerlnz' Piano ...... $74.1 kittl!n Sla~R mkp. Blue Sat 1.5 PM. Trucks . tSOO r.. .... r•.;....i,_ n........ eyes, lail·less to -.....1 ' Si!l«ted applicants w01 be employed _imm«liUtty, bu1 will transfer la.~ to our new t.acuna HUia Leisure World branch, scheduled to open in May. UNUSUAL ---=-----=-·-"' em-=ploye-'-1 .. "-'ortunity • · a , • 1111! lndepcndent Ofde.r cl 1,,•1:'JJ A Fo ........ ·hav'W' ...... ! nl!W office in (llaftle eoun: MERCHANDISE FOR No down4 Pmtronty SU·mc. -~~~~ -tiomr:----~-........... CAL 29. barpin for qWck 1962 CHEVROLET F1eietside SALEJ'AND TRADE WSl'S WARfHOUSE s.;: w~~·~·u;~~ni: PM • ~r ~· tildtldeOu tb oara. ~~,.·--~.+---1·-1 +h. nd $2450. 713-849-6161 • automatic tr'llllm1uion. VI FUritltu""'"" ·'·· •IOOO samp es grea .. ,,. uced! AJ>?R.ABLE Long: hair kit· 'i 11J-ze2..661.6 eves. . engine, ndio, heater. ·lil1 Please call Mr. Slephel'). .,n, in Newport Beach, on 6ff.0113 to am.nee a JIU• aonal interview. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL IANK . EqlW opportunll)i i!mplofer 1 ACCOUllTING tua llM UT/ST ty. Require in~nt man TYPIS'"-' ·,· z; • so. eo1iea• ""' ..... , .es.sary. Sh o u Id bJve ex. Even.inp ·lhtft.. Experience pl!tienCI! In mtttin& public. dau.d. Dtgnllied life :tiJoc•,POlilloo. MARSHAU · , . COMMUNICATIONS 3519 W. WARNER Santa Ana, Calif, !12704. ln•i M0-2!20 Eamlne comrftl!Rcft Imm~ lately, Should be ln exceu of $250 ¥o'ttkl)'. • Telephone between 9 AM • l PM 1.fon. thru Fri. 9 AM . 12 Noon Slturdl)ll for ap. pointment. ' · • Nev.-port Bch, South C9U700 Costa Mesa, North J534.l101 .A position 11 n0w available An E<t:ual Opportunity ln our AfCOWltini _[)l!part. Employer m"I that ttq..UU aom• • • • • '"-'-L-' knowled.&'I! -or cxpl!rience ~ •<th """""· cuh ""''•" • Hoateues and ether related 'duties. ---------! Experience with a bookkttP.. inc machine such u Bur- rourtia or NCR would be helpful. Thia position offers a food aa1ary with attractive frln&'e benefits including fully paid for mtdkal a.nd Hie insur- ance CO\l'efQI!, lhree weeks vacation after J yeara, etc. Appb in Pl!f!O" at the DAILY PILOT RN DIRECTOR OF NURSES ConvalellCl!nt Hospital, Newp(,rt. Considl!rable responslbillty, authortt)' u earned. Benef1ts eX· cellent w:lth unlimited po- tenti&J to • b'uJ¥ capable Apply lft porson REUiEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Atl•m• Costa Me1a ,.., 60C W. 4th St., Santa Ana Low bank terms tens, grey with bl\Je"I& 1\lbber ·$995.' DWcr UEi 20 pc·, MODERN Opo0Dally1 .1 Nodownpaym'"t . ,,.. to ...... ho . : CAL25,SS,lullracin&.""!'• Beach.Blvd Hunt=.....,. Sat. 9 -6 SUn. u .• 6 Gould Music Company 893-6818 1 boat bath, many . extiis. S40-0fC2 • 3 R.OOt,11 G_ROUP DOUBLf ~d. \net. "°" 2CM5 N. Maio, Saota Aoa 9 GERMAN Shopherd Ready for E""'oede Rece. ,64 ' ·-······· •Pri""" ... mattrl!.,~. "0. So. of FrttW'"' 54f""O) . I ~ ho : J . Eves 646-22&9 • • FORD %. Ton Oat bed .,""'~: ,11pral 10fa I: chair .... oo "" .,.. . ...,, """" pies o 6uvu mes. vail Over! d ring 4 • walr.at tables • lamps · i~~=I='="====== I Open l\ton & Fri eves 'til !I Thun. Friday & Sarufda;y LIDO 14 No. 2217 All ac-.oa. Pwr•P 1• apd complete·bedroom with quill -Sunday 12 to S 646-1393 • • cessoril!s & Schock trailer ~· . Boom wt ~000 ed mattttss. 5 pc. dinette, Gar1ge Sala 8022 THE 'EST Dli;:A.LS LAR_CE Evergrtt~' !'-n d tneluded. $1100. 642-3713 MS-41~pu, 29,000 miles., etc. All for. . • GARAGE SALE On Pianos & Orians olher plants. U·DL&. ~ring CC:Coii'lu0omnbbil:io;--s5._.551Moi\_;;l;;re;, -1,.~S1~CHEVY~=~P-IU_Sal_e_or ' $277 ' Boys • &id• clotho•. toy" Are Always~11 '"'"''· Sal • s "'. F /G. A-l, •"""'.' ....... trade '51 or eut;er vw .. Ne; down. Pmts. only $10 mo. etc. Sal. 315 SO. Flower, 54~2004 · 4fi n 4. 792--Uil, 713· 199-ftm @qi. val. in gd. shape:. Must WUlf'S WlllWlllllfE S.A. Phone M2-5111 WARD·s BALDWIN Sl'UDIO GE~lAN Shep. t yr. old UDO 14 SAIL B 0 AT see to apprec. 2101 Oranai UA AllUIVU.I TEA Tbltatereo. \"'iga. ski 1801 Newpor1, CJ.f, MU484 Had &hob, likes children w/trailer. No. 2214 Cd. CM. 646-/:iOB ·~ pants .l parka. Clothes size ==='=-'=.,.c__:_::;..:,:;.. r. e e: d s a: o o d ho m e . cond. $1100. Pb. 6U-7844 roon Falcon pidrup, ,_ 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Dt.iJy 9 • 9 HAMMOND -Steinway •·1. u11 ~ .. , •rs •~ -10. 675-2268 Mon & Tues. ~ ',. 28' ·CAT. Choy c! I! s g n , Ne:w ... ;,.. tires It bnkeS maha • new .l USl!d pianos _.. • ., of all makes. Best buys in BEAUT. AKC fem. Beigfan Ensenada wl Extras. $800J I cyt. $38S. 61J..-0632 Sat9.I SUn.11.6 Applia nc• llOO . --·---7"'...C.. COhlPLETE liv. l; Din rm Spanish tumitw-e. incl. bar K E N M 0 R E Automatic stools. Will u.crifioe all eq. \Vasher. Xlnl Cond.: ~­ ly, no money dwn, T.O.P. _G_"-""'-~'ee<f_._8'_7_-llli_· __ Pvy ply, 1968 color T.V., \VHIRLPOOL Au!O. washer; Packard Bfoll, 1vill sell late model. Xlnl concl. $6(1, separatcl.y. Hot Paint re~. Guarantttd. 841-8115 ~ves " w Jc • e n d s • I 0FRE,::;:;=,EZ=,Ec_R::.:::..:ti00:..::..::.;l::b.'-c-hcst type, $125, xlnt cond. Elec. 7~t' 0 AVE NP 0 RT , 3 stove $40. 673-72ti0 cushiool. Perfect cond. $65. "w;::,,~Ec::-=='--- 1!125 Anaheim St, C.l\f, ASH R k Dryer Repair. 5C8-3'l'36 Xlnt-guarantttd 11! r v i c e Ri!as rate.!. M7-8U5 So. Calif. right here. Shep. 1 yr. Nds ls. t,ncd yd. ,•~al~·~"~c~l5995~--~n~41~89~,,_~lD19~ I~=:=:::::::::=:::::;;;;:~ SOBIIDT hJUSIC CO., Goodwatchdog&loYM diild. p C • 9020 t.......-9510 1907 N. Main, 53S-Ot23 415 ower ru1sers .. _,.. Saota""' MOVING to H•wal;, Slam•" .14500 33• c...,-";cc_eru_..:;,er=. '66 WAGONER \VANTED: Pianos&. Ori:ans. cal, chocolate point has 00. Good condition. SS 4 whf:ei driw, power stl!l!r-. Cash paid papers, 2 yrs old, adults radio, Fathome:ter, all ing, xtra, xtra sharp. Llc. • 636-3620 * only. 673-2475 417 ~ Ip m t 11 O h SVE 3Q ~:. :::ie.b::!s~ ~~aru:.11 deeps 2-6~ ~ • •-!·. Gulbransen Console Piano AS NEW 499-3814 altf!r 5 &. wk-ends HA~fMOND A 100. walnut, perfecl cond. Prt party. 490-lll9 home, good w/chlldren. 22' CABIN cnliaer, nl!ed.s LrAl1le MS-8993 -419 .90me work, a rea1 buy at PORTS : Lov. or/wht 1tripl!d fl!m. kit. $250. Call: 60-4350 ten 6 moil, very friendly. TOYOTA·YOLYO' 63J.8542, 532-1997 4/8 S~-Skl llooh 9030 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9"11, Anllqu~•-1110 Sporti119 Goods ISOO BEAUTIF1JL kllteM with 6 SPEED & Ski Boat. slrlp 1967 BRONCO ----'--------'-toes! 320 Fuile'rton Ave., shape, first faittst $500. 4-WHEEL DRIVE 330 We.i Bay Sll'ttt, C~I Ask foi-Mrs. Grftnmlllt or call 6U-U21 for an lrltervll!w ''°''W:·0030 SCRAMLETS ANSWER· Lu<• 9 drawer d""'" mo- * GIRL FRIDAY * rot·, 2 bedaide stands, king 17 Pc. King Size ltd room ANTIQUE SKI boot&, size 8, good con-Newport Beach. 642-3161 4-4 Appt. 613-4044. Miigt..mQyi&l' Hardtop. Red with white top. SHOW I SALE ditlon. doubt~ boot $25. \Vasher, needs ne'v pump. -~. Radio, heater, rear aeat 80 Exhlbitori 646-953!1 Dble. bed mattress & box loat Maintenance 9033 &qi Sharp! 1'1AKE OFFEfl PART TIME WOMEN 11 AM-2 PM Toucey -Batoo -8e(ol -.,,. heedboard, hme. qulll- Slela:h -80111 EYES _. -.......... bi··•· F01 succ;eas!Ul Real Eslate From Comic Dictionary: .,.. ma.u"'-· ,,.....,_ aua· Broker UI Santa ~ area. "lit'• so croswyed he can l!IS, etc. Prefer )'OWlC ambitiOUI rh:1 took throua:h a ftyhole 11ith ~.;:m~l~h •illinl to assume responsi-BOTH EYES." •wt>""'"'"" 1mpomn11._..._i;i;iii.._. ... ..,.. All Foor $249 u v.-ell u menlal duties. • No do\\-n • Pmls. only $9 mo. =.:."~.; ~: SAW e WEUl'S WAREHOUSE April 10,· ll , 12 & 13th Mlfcallaneous -8600 sprlna:a. 54~2302 418 . . Can be .tttn at The DAJLY Thun, Fri, Sal 1·10 p.m. NEED~ •-· 1 •-· l\IARINEh' Electric~ (or PD..OT parkinr )ot on "''eek. SUnday 12~ p.m. •'"· '"'""'· or IN"· pure lrt .. Compli!le "llQI1nr ot days bf!twttn 4 pm It 1 pm. CARPm"S, Vinyls. Till!s. lat. btd. sm. tan fem. Boxl!r ,rewiring of boats. Insfru. or call B794i088 Ana.helm ~ e1t 1tylea a.nd colors. Com-pUp 3 Moe. old. 847-9811 ment Installation. No ""b • · 8Q) W. Katella Ave. Jal • R··'• tial. Ex ~ •= ml!rc • '°""'en • \VHJTE &: black. s .... ~. -"-too large or small 60-1510 ~ a · Across !rOm D~yland _... '--"-"-tJon. ·~ -~ hp~-""'' ma...u. about S months OW.. Free to · ~ ...,.,V)' V-8 "2-""3 5411-1262 good homo. 546J945 415 Merl.,j, Equip. 903S ALL NEW -Vu! stock Arntt/Eur fum &: clocks. L.any Morgalf'Anti- quies. 2.:11 Nwpt. Bld., C.M. UPHOLSTERING -tEun>-0 . -• . T P SOIL 25 HP JOHNSON in ~ -------'-pca.n craftsmen) Free est.. 11.....,.. C 9 MACOONAU>'S. the lart:· est Cany.Out Restaurant OWn. otfft1,, an excellent ~'1 for neat, alert women to 'NOtll: al Mac()m. aJd's of Harbor, Costa Mesa. MONDAY lhN FRI- DAY U AM • 2 PM. Thie: pmnanmeQ.t year around . ernpioyment ln clean, plea- sant 1unoundlrca. w l I h moll I: un1Jcnn tumlshed. Cont.et Mr. Mc<lanabatl or Mr· .Dlniu. at telephone voice. 5 hours Wholesale UQ:htine Flxture dally to start, but "ill in. Showmom. Sali!a e:o1perienoe crease to lull lime as •hil· net. Sa}ary plllll comm. 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana -Opeo Daily 9. I Sewi119 Mochlnn '1120 dt>~ pickup, 2l5 Main. HB Laiunf Beach 494-1171 cond. $150. Call afttt 5 pm. lrfUMrs 520 Bemard '• Uphol. ~ r l RE w 0 0 D . uncut . • 962-3951 * 1.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 ,MACDONALD'S OF HAlllOR , SIG IWUIOR, CIJ EXPERIENCED e ESCROW• SECRITAltY UNITIO CALll'OllNIA IANK • J141 E. c...t Hwy c.no.. 4ol Mir < 0'241 -..i owp ... 11......,., ily Pl'Oll'Ulll!I. ~ resume to Box M 658. Daily Pilot. Ni9htim1 Coc:kt1il W1ilre11 RBJIEll £. l& • 547-4351 • -EXP. t..nd1c11pe u.les111ffi ot tra.lnee. Salary + comm; ~illed leads. t• r I n 1 e benefits. Call 546--0846 HOUSE full of furnltu,., leavl~ 11tAll!. Xlnt buys. Come • IHI Kl S-2403 BLUEPRINT SHOP requlree blue!lne trlmn'lf'r op!ralor. ,.,..,,, 151 E. CNtt Hlthwoy Newpert leach SJ~fMONS Hide a bl!d, brown Recept""'lat -=-$'2wk rn·ttd, Sl~ cond. Yow:w growlns elect. com-_ _ _ pall)' ~ tor rull)' at· A'W:I" Men a tnctfw front oftit'e &kl No ' r11 eXJitr\tnoe ntte.UU)', foe* .,,...n 75~ lfX1' I.I smile. £lee. Seely (fee paid) •• $6.10 GAYNOR Sll!no m.lnee lfee p1;idl $too ............ Af•ncy Ok typist (ft<: pa.k.ll to $400 m E. J'IUI Stlec:t Rtctption.lst (rclm. feel $360 SMta Ana !MJ.'ml rte Bkkpr (fee Jobi .• S5I)) HZX.P NEEDED-EXP'O. A('COUntant (retm Jn) $1.3K PAllT-TIME SALIS .......,. .. MMulaclrlm' S.lflml' Cleo lobl .... MOO •• ........ N.a •• Cf.nt1 labor (fft job)••~ To wartl ewnlrws. wOJ traio ====--=--,---tmpctr. ~ta:r. (ftt Jobi to $7fll .., ~ M)'s. W~ A w om a n ()pi!l'l9to12:l0Saturda...v _,. 1"!10; 11 I~ -~ MWf C<!fl'o:< Shop. Morde1oh Per-I -.-...... "' ...... 11 ... II. -Blvd., c.M. ...!>CY A.M.. di I .... Stan Rot-BABYSl'ITER: •po.in, 1:30 2043 \\'t •lcllft Drive btxfl !<Cr ...... llNtoi. -AX ., 11 .ul. m •""'"""· c.-r l'llh • frvtne '°"'" -· ...... &U."'11) -- ~at. 9 -5 .sun. ll . 6 ~.;Sew!~ Ml.chWs; QUAL. Kng Size bed wt n'd11·ood. etc. 00-1949 4ta · ·• CAMPEI. quilted mattrl!ss, comp. OLD tumlture, good for Bolit Slip Moori~~ Sale1 • RMtals ' QUAL. Knc S11e bed v.·/ do everyting wlthout al· quilted ma~n. com p . tachmenlll. Bankrupt stock. Never used $98; worth $250. Bn<nd new 1969 modl!l& 141..().W& Portable• $40. Oonaole1 $61'.I. Newr used $98; worth $250. reupholstering. 546-7629 417 BOAT Dock limited to U'. Autllorized Dealer ~ , M7-ott6 • $1.50 per ft. Yl!arly. Near El&ndo • Fout • VACUUMS-.-PETS Ind LIVESTOCK N•wport '"'· .,."""" Win>h. Scotsm .. R!~:b~~ •v::U~ !:'of!' 1125 Boat Services 9037 ap,ooo ~~~ CaJnPtt 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Incl\Jda: QIJilttd 110fa i. chair -2 end tables e cof· fe'\ bble -2 tamps -dress. er -mirror -headboard - qUilied bOlt 'SPrin;: &: molt· reg -5 pt, 'dlning room: l>ble It: 4 IU·baclc chairs. COMPARE AT f'i49.s;,, $399 No do'M>-Pmta only S16 mo. WEUl'S W ARfHOUSE a W. 4th St.. SUta Ana °"'' Don, ~' . Sal M Swl 11.S SIMMONS HIM a btd1 bnlwn fY.'Md, $100. lOOtf eond. 64:1-ll<O HOUSE Full ol tumll'W'f!. leavlna state. Xlnt bu.)'I. O>me I att! Kl 9-2«» t'LAC£ 'fOIJll' •'fdll Id wtlltr.- tt<)' ... --DAJLJ PILOT d...illt<I tcum• Tcrmi;. 2j yr auanntee. 4!&J828 anytiml! tor home trlal P, & J . J.&tncy Mu1lcol Inst. __ l::.;1""25 333 E. l?th, C.M, 642-1500 ALASKAN Malamutes, for - -Theada,. , •how or ,..,,u.,., AKC Or1n11 C-Morine IOllNS FORD BRAND new adding machine regiStt~. hea1t'"'. Black Complete .darlne ~'"T'VtCU f6 l, Sm it h Corona •v by·~ ............ ___.. 'ln.I. .,.....,, ua.i....-81.J I: \Vhlte · colorlna $75 · ~t""• "'"'"""""• • .._ ..._. ~......... ""'· Guitar Headquarttin lypeWfiter SZl. eli!ctric $8S. and up. •92-357J • • Qualib' ftlarlDe Personnel. Costa Me:sa MUOIO e NE\\' and USED e 642-28SZ e Haul oub, safl I: pOWer l:l!!!!~-~""'""''""'"";;j Ftnde1 • q(f.( • Standel KlRBY Vacuum <leaner. BASENJI . BarkleM d 0 I s • 24 Hr. Eme~ncy ~ct INT'L. Vu camper; s1 e GIBSON • ~1ARTJN 1909 model. rk"\l'er used. from Afnc11: odorl~~. •MM · * 61'>2460 * 4: O:lcv. V·I e:nt Aue' e \\'U.SON e YAfllAllA fl{O\\"tr Ii. desk. pri\.,le par. hair: AKC Chlln1p line, •1.11 W Bays.kif' Dm~. Ni!wporl !rans. Compl. bl~. b~ Orum Headquartert ly, aacrlftoe, a7-M64 ronsldt"r trade: 1rni 1 · 67>2460 et ~260 littfi: rvls. oulllkte P&int e NE\V and USEJ> e KRAN tCH & Bach Piano. SU-43.JO eJli. worll .. $600. S48-6o2l ' 1.UD\\1IG. ROOERS. AST'RO $35ll. Rattan table It 4 AKC black Labrador INf.Yed;t •PAM-TOPS, an ii eel l..ar'l't selection with new • lJlviYCI chli.I.... tI2a. Anti,.... Re~-e.r pups. bmt lo Charten 903' lhells. Saft ' ren.ah. Sl"' •a and .. ~•-tart ,.., ,.-. bunt, '9t-6W ... """" ~"'"" Q pc. se:.... eym ..... s · chain, sn.3858 _,. 6 ...., ~ DY •.-n.1.TER ~··TERS :~Buy factory dfl"ect. 1010 in& at 198.50. Ptdm. hl.f\Jb ==~~=---""' uwv .. ,,.,. '-"'"""' ;3U. Harbor SA -~ ,. .. -.. t~. All ..,all ROYA!. i.iec. lypl!¥oTiltr. l t.nrtw ail or ,..lef boa.ts. ' • · "'"' -. '"' ~ ~-IO ~~ AKC Toy Poodl.8 pupplu. 1961 CllEV S pe.rts, att'1!t131Jria 6 Q'!Dbab .....,. .. ~ addi ... machint, i-blk male $60. Chocolate llarhor crullelf.,art fl.sh. · Po r I• v a" In stock. $15. Both xlnt cond. &C2-2882 female $7S. M1-1081 Dllb • Weekly * 645-900:) Oeha:e, l(g. auto, ~ EVERYTifTNG IN 1ituSTC e FIRE .l Bur;iar Alarm ===-=='--an!. Pvt pf,y. $2800 Belch M ... ;.. Center 5ymm• '"'tailed .. low .. BASSETT .. ,.,,.. m • t • • Alrcreft ti 00 -= . ~ a c.n 642-3490 AKC. .:hlmp\on ttns. All shotJ, 4 1'1onthl old. $SQ. J/5th ov.~p or Cessna Campe ....... ,... 9522 ~ctory s.Jn It Service OQ\ly 12 noon 'Ill 9, S-1 M 17404 &~ch Blvd .. IHwy 391 l!t ml. So. San Dii!;o rwy, llUl•lll".&'lon Bl!ach 847.&136 THE Qlila<ER YOU CALi. THE QUICKER YOO ""' UPRIGff1\frttier. xJnt tond ~. 170. Ca11 •fter6 - S50. Culligan "'"ater Mil•ne.r, OOBEk~IAN Pu:p AKC, 10. • ~ OOllCl.,! • TRAll..St xlnt cOnd. $130. S4.)..(173l '"k.~. RancllO Dobe'a cbam· ------. :\l:::NTALS 800-1' SQ. fltexican mt clay pion fl:lock $85. 1161-1431 Mobile Homa 9200 l~ ~ oo rr1' lo male& paOo Ille. l2e uch. 3492 AKC Rec. P.oodlca. 'l'oJ'• 1 N£:Ul ~h~ ~ M . ld~ys! frtl or ~ Hol. SN.brtt», Cd~L 644--105.! Mlnl'a. S&O up.. TO)' stud Sl!r. S x ct+ IO'x30' 1'000l. $2triO. WEEK·END OR W!:DCLY White tlephanll! DimH-.lll'lf "'1-385& or 5'1-9$tl 64$-JT53 £\'I! or fJcncb 5fS.mlt ' ----------'---------~~-------- ___ ""_ ....... £' ..... '£~------·----------,-..-----.---..,.---..,..----:----:--;---~-~~~~'!'!""'-!It, ' TIANll'ORTATIOM TIWISPOITATIOM TUNSPOITATlOH TIAHSPOITA110N TllANSPOllTAnGN TIANIPOllTAT10N T~TA ~ lu•I':", ·• ·tsu lft!pi!W A-:-~·A..a, "HOO~~""* ,...,..,,_;,~-"'°~·Ci.id"~ A;f~.! ~=,::.=~·~ JAGUAI ~ ~HI • QB.... •" 1,115f.:·::"-~a,-= 'I in-. "'"745. 1961 JAGUAR llD ' ... ......... ' Iii - -. •, ..... *t. I 1111 ..... . Manx VW: xlnt 1 Au-ti<, AMn-,_ • to .,_ !tom • _.,.. p THI · • -..i. ( .. ~· ;oond., lop, bitch,....,,''" a1r -~ •Ire 1111 _.,.. ·-l!ltl& , OP IRS SI , ...., -a,_. .... ...., moo........, Ete -•~ Beeutlflli trts lw ~·llOll&L! .zm· AU. OUTSTANDINe IPICIALI 1 -v.-.... 111.'" :!.. ":i: 1 THE CHMOLIT ~~-""~ ~-· Cor.QN. D ..--" ..,.,.., .... ., ...... , •• · > ~ ,_ ~m111rt .. Autw 9'°° .. ulln .., ~ -~ ..,1 .......__._.. W' • ~ II.a. M/11. .. -'-8 • ,_ 8,300 mUeL Dealer. 188:§ v on ewry ~. ·u AU5nN, HWJY ~Bl~ HuoL ~· ,, -... $3~ .. ~1899 > Auleo Wan!"'l .. 9700 : FAI LOUS 1: :::-~ 'Aillfll C · i • J.IOJl4Jl,·X!CZ °""'· ,..,.;; . · -Ill PAT •. , • • • 111 -· . i_to"---'~' =~: .. : .... P.:.:.'"'.' ;~ .. ::.1:"~; .... -:: .,.,.SH . ·.OPEL ... Lo·~.~ ... ,;:., )dlift"f·.:l;·14;lllo mllllf. AM-1'14 radio. Ill: mo. ll,00 w. eout JSwr .• lf.9. s,..1.11., llricM 1m•ool ~~··1a11:'.' .. C::!,"':f::; ~ • .• mL~= !!I.... . -. -··~ 11111' low .mw.. IGtjll se.1111 ... llL t -..... ~. • .. , ..,..~. M .. "" ... --·A --• .. ditVi' ·-= ... i ~"° •"' MU It ... l>etJer, 1lfs5 • Mthorlzed MO Delle-llk, atw. VTS 17• e ..... & C•---r1 ..a• ,_ • 1 \ • ;~ .. _...'.lo .. ,..,.. J~rlU~1Ll\ I JI I 1 I ~I \I ! ! ' Beach Blvd H t lle&ch. • .,.,.. -• '" --· Gil'S ·dr """·top. !WI, P/!, ., un. '61 ....,. -SHtt 'M YW hi ••••.. S14tt GROJH CHMOlfT • . • bkt stats. $150. 519--2W 540-0442 '68 PGrsche 91! $1111 roof. A.cl lo. I KDltlt I Ro11ttcr bffy. IFXZ 1151 • • ... CHEV •·1 "· ' dr '63 MARK X._ Pb/1, air, Sportomatk, Dunlap SP titts. .,. YW ......... '''" . I ...... .....-, • 1.11to' tn.n., &: ~ 4i1c butlWdY, black LDt. •• ~ '67 ....... t1J Mtft t ,,, .. ,., lHQl.t121 A11r 6:1r !11R ....... 8 • • PIS. P/B, air, xlnt trt.aa. brk1-4 whh, xtnl cord. •es Pureche 912 ··•••••• $3995 I ,,_. trt ... FM .rt41~ 'M YW .. ••• •• 1 117" 11211 a..dl llhd. • . . • • 1 . $10!11S. _.. 6?5-3682 ,68 Porsche 911 T, 2 to cbooee chronie whooli, etc. VOY· bti110 tHrheletl In OYt ffunUnc1Da Beaeb ARE .=· Cout Hwy.5!i~ ......................... -... ,,,, IOSL 0471 Kl a.sm : : CONTININTAL 1.,,,A'°'uthorlml,_..,'"°"MG,...,.Daler_,,=-1MDCEDES llNZ ::S.,.~ ~ 8 blacl< htte~ CHJ(X IVWOll I( W( PAY Wlf • • '!8 CONTINENTAL 2 .-;A=~~~. o..'!.~':. Lie. ""·~i&M'Maiisimo . VOLKSWAGEN.'• ~!... FOR YOURCAR : . HERE • ~...::.~:.:.: ,.,_ Ruby red with blad< to-SVE 991 · llllft --" • " • a YOU WON'T • urtor, ni rodlo .., .. ,...., teriar • 6,1111 mUa. MIPI $2995 Gudtn GnMO Bvd. at Beocll • Wll· 1907 H ...... 11"'1 .. -a -_ "'1l'~I • CONN·" a ... _ -B ••• t ll a I ... and""'" to.....,, ·n 220 4 Door <11 .....,, ou.22U -• IEIJM • · ~ .. "'1oW o1t> - 11flll'lL'i l •• • !l111po11 ~. . 3iQ1)1'1, c...t j!Wl'., N.B. -• ' 541).11'1 " Authorizfd MG Dealer '81) A.H., rblt q ., -""'•· """ -· ---DATSUN Relali DiwisiOn Ltc-,rf,; 512 OPEN SUNDAY TRIUMPH VOLKSWACJEN ~~o~ a YOUR EYES a lee!¥' "''""'· 12995 • .su·•·u a..--• . . • • ::;:~ .. LMJUi .... __,;su;;..:a~-A"""1""· u-1:~ :t~~,., · -.. win 1Uy : '"COME • cOIY..--· '6' Tlt.<·FVa.m • "'1-coAVAJR.M-alllo '6' spttO,. OXU.all .,_ v.-... .. -• 'IN -ndto. -· ,A a. P81 too -Pald tor •. •• $550. 6.13-IBBS LI..,; I HAR R or ""'-Olli Ralpll 1000 w. 'c .. ri Hlthway WllO VOLKSWAGEN, INC. 673-1190 • TODAYI • ~ORVElll u':°oowport50 * ~ach27•• -~":"'s.~ • ·l>iPOli1'8 fiAiffti) ; ,; '9 CORVErl'E, rut Badr. ----0rup (');aQdN e • 1att modtl, OT cu-In. ea BRAND Now '18 Subuu. UR llarbor 1g~TA-= 18711 Beech Blvd, I0-44!$ TOP S llUYEll a bp, -blueprtntod by ' . HOLIDI. RAMBLER IN COITA lllllA '=· Mii ii" FRI · ~c;~.-ar,.d ... ·llANONIW • '69 AMX laAND NIW .,, ,,.. .. " li1 •111lr1•, Pion ,,1 ... 1r1•••t $,316 llAllD- '69 Ramllllr "It ...; -4 4 1i1 lj.P. Ohler tM-f. ' $2043 , Loavtng town • tab awr ' .,, y W BUn 8ILi. MAXIT 'lm'OTA a • • PU!'• automottve. Set up pymots. <0> ml p!J 5'5-<l!& '61 TR4 -' · ~ Ulll -Blvd. • llAND NIW I W · "'"' er -· Bladt IUllD lllW' -====='====111511 ""8lll1 Guuanteed, ready to IOI If. Beeeb. Pio. lll-'11111 '" IU~K • ocrlllle -· ... "· '> '69 111111 1969 DATSUN 2 0onr. o.mo. Radio and BS TOYOTA~_ '5f TRIUMPH TR4 # ~ v.w. BUG ~~~ ..... No"t -'18-~ •. $24•4 • =· ......... ~•.pm n. ,..,i. ~ .. 11n111. htal<r. while wall tlm. war-~ • .., SL. Xhtt con--6M037 -· ,,_ w -"W I.;;;;;::;,;:=:==== I\ $2436 hDCl. Onb' dlUon! $(400 firm. can TOYOT' A _.... Guarantffd. Show room con. SliDl. M&--231'1 • 4nlnBIU4t •1 .. M&-2365 dltlon. !Je. UJD '19 • 1..-1a,. Del"-Y COUGAR $1595 ,67 MERCEDES 23t>S, 4 °'· VOLKSWAGEN $1395 New Can . 9800 • •1------ aodan: '6,IXI) w. l3:IOO HEADQUA!t'l'ERS '63 v.w. CAMPER .~ .,. COUGAR ~""""'° • ..,..tr=. -~~ES~· ::"", , •. ELMOR.E .,~~ ~~ .... u ,......,.. ORANGE COUNTY'S • • IJme ---.,.. DOT DATSlll ~ --~ ,.·vw aun VOLUME INGLISH • ·u ·~cu1r """"'ml ... _tlQolor. -.. $11SO. ~ " l.5!IXI 8em Bhd., •--. ' v FORD DEALIR • ~-• SlllOO. I'. -IG8I, J.8835 Jkach Blvd. P!ianl .._ Bue. GuaranteM 4: otra C.l••Y ,.,. w•t••· hll. Ev. llG-'lilM Hun~ Bet.ch 833-«>a ~ lharp. RCF 192 COMPLETE 1,....r, fect.rr. •Ir. llfk. ,. -i.1_: . . h• M•• BILL MAXEY $f95 SALIS .SIRVICI ••fli • ~ .... -I ........... ~ MG · HAR R ''5 GHIA PARTS CENTER • $2595 • Poll' ttr•~ --~~,..°~'.!.ui: .,,, MG !T!OIY~!TJAI vo:;=~NC. 5::r.. w;i::. b=, 111:: NEW. USED • . • :" ~ =..., too9 dlr, ~ ,.now, blek So1oo. !temee, Puto l88l BEA BLVD 18711 Bee h Blvd. "'2-443!1 PDl'981 ~.. • '64 IUICK • & 5 -............. hlator, Immecllata o.u,..., 1 • e . . $1:1f5 ROBINS FORD .............. """ ''"""•'''67,....,.co"u"'c"'AR."'...,,••"'•'"·-,.,.on"°d.,., _.~..,.1t1an11111m1. on. AU M<ldelo 1HmlunNt •. Be,,~'!_H~.7 ..... ~~ MONTSAHLEEND ,64 DOD<ll D•RT ""'" ''" 1owv1011 • !WI, vlnfl tap; 1o ml, bill tier-fld warr. Tab older ~· ., ~· "' 2tltltl -Blvd. • a , , 95 pwr, 1S1J On, -0.A.C. Pr. fot'eip Cir in trade of $175 ·61 TOYOPET aood mech. Wqon. I cyl., p/iteer .• auto., Coltt. Mat--. IC«D.O • • • ptf. m..am: t4M'm. eve. ca.!hdo1'. Wtllflnc:prtvprty. nd. cl ;,... oiler '65 v.w,,~u· air."""" oxtra clean. !Jc. ~=~ •• ~· 415 c II u.... co ' ~~1486 Guarantttd. reaa,y to &0 ! No. OPK916 -::::: • '6' OLDSMOllLI .. _ ;;;.,;;;~ ~ --Lio No. PJR3Sl $11H Auto LMll!'I 9110 • .._,. ·'"'" """ ,..~;,: · DODGI • '" DATSUN '69 TOYOTA $l295 '64 RAMBLER ., ....... , •• 2·· •2•"9' •5 121 • BS • dt llodp llm. R/H. -~ •• 11 -.-"100 w. c...t H"1., N.B. ''5 DATSUN American hardtop, 6 eyt., LIASI. RINT • 8 ey1. 'S.....: Lo 1111. Ollll ---. ~· -5«1-l'IM FROM $1770 ' o.. Sedan. 1'1,000 mn... auto., Ml!, bucloet ...... ALL POPULAR • eam ....,_dlr, 4 IPI. ndlo, ~ Spedal. !Je. No. !Jc. No. RBT3TI ..,_, ilWTM ....... ""' ttm, loldedt -MG Daler ···-.... 5 , $995 ~~~$ a ·u Ol.DSMOllU • .., Dodp v ... • --~ ...... ~llm ~ MORRIS La ... S.lectlon ... •o:'..'.1 •••. . " TDYOTA ----AUTHORIZEO •' ,_ H.T. F•d•>Y .1 •. s -aalD, r ........ llANDNIW '69An-ldor Al• •• 1t1 ......... ~ tn .. lllOJto $3216 ''6 .Dad .. WITATIOllW-.a, ............... ,..., _ ........ HDl1. .;;:·--.v ~-,. ---Immediate Dollwry-~6-' _.._, <:mmWiiOil,lWr,ltlC!i; L1••1-. • ,. -,.,'""""o• 144_.I t.•b•·•-lua--.-lllll. ----+-.. ,,. -"" .. . . SEE US TOOAYI I --on. 91., P ,...... ....wnv pl SllL . --' " ' • •. 1.11. YNlllllT. c.a a11or 111. ~ • DR ........ Minor. __ . . ...... .... -· ...... PIM""' .. ....... . svff9M2JA• • ··'""'J·•95 FA'·o-- ......!S.2.,.-~ ' . \ ·-...m.. , Good tran.ponatkQ~ lllJCi ·tl'.J it LfaJu cle&n. IJc. No.· OPK916 Gtt Our~' ., .. ,,.J .. jia • .... n •=-===-.,._,..-,..,, concf, MW434, 5'1-a:12 ~ • $1191 $14f5 . " I' l •• 9 Jil. .1---... ru .... -::i.,.,.,_,., -lli DATSUN 4 "'· xlnt . '64 IAlllK.IR ''6 DATSUN WACION ..•••. ii·, ·J U :IUICK 1880 l'A'll'001't'eood COUllTIT .... . "'6 Fard -condltloo. $13001 ". PORSCHE """"""' ~ .~ _...... I ROllNI ·-... ' . ' ' ' • tra••#~n .llfl).' ., -··~ ..... ~ ..... orequityTO.P 543--29!8 ST\11\I~ Amerlcan hardtop, I _,,,_, ~,...,...,. ater,w w, ~Ill •IJtd"t' c.,_, Fvll powtr, 988M.,. r _ Mon aft ~ Ul7JJ · . • .., · •uto Rm butkti •ti. ~k WI Y,P. CU tie. Lle. No. 2mO Hai'bS'r~ -fe-"ry''W~ · • · . 1" • .• .. ~ .':'"$' FEltltARI 'l:l PORSCHE Super '15. (2) , , TOTOTA-VOLVO !Je. 'II .. "llll1'3'7'r· • R9F913 cc.ta Me• •·· $, 195 • 5 , . . , . 66 '°· ~ from. Red " " rt" c 9610 ... '"v sw $1195 ' ; a .. ztiVk ~· . . • . FORD ,. - .IR••RI SUvor. All the ex tras. •pG aro ~ • • ~ • 'Hirt: 'D.fl·. •· · . .... Dtaler. 18835 1le&ch Blvd., -1500 .,..... Guaran!ftd a . ' WIA '111'1 '' '" IUICK • ·u .,. ........ r(, , Nowport -Ltd, 0... -L l!uclL 50).4!42 ALFA ROMEO extr•fih>rJ>. Lie. SIE461 , . '1:'·" . •wi""' 4 '"'' ""'"' lllll FO~·· PIB. '" up Coa:at;Ya ClllJ7 aufbor. '&fi POasau: f b "B' $1195 61 Cad Cpe deVlllt: filll JW'l', ••Ir e11te., ,,..,., 1t••rlllftll Ri/H, t _ ,.. tires ftt I ... ....... . t..a lloaler. . . FM· rom • • ''6 Alfa Sprint GT l'H TOYOTA air, vln>I ~ P,rlWD on!> .~ 1$VlCuOHI a-. sm. !fol. ...... .._ ,.... SALES· SEl!Vlce ·PARTS d"""' N AMI • ...:.. ~ One o1 a kind. #608942 Cl-own w .. on. RAH. '""'· 11,500 mt. 1.ol>ll ,..., 3' Iii · . '$2191 • roiill, · f • pao, aa ""'''' 1 ..,..._ IMl 311'0 W. ~ Hwy. ~ ew .... ,. ...... -$2595 economy, plus room. Stk. HARIOUlt . D10I la at "fl~ mo. 8 wqoa. O;mplettly ncond. 262.$ • . ' . ..,_:--11HJ.I'IM PORSCHE 1962 ca• 1500 L•...:• •199 $1495 VOLK~WAGEN, INC. ·~;:"..,W:~~ • '·'" TlMPEST • ru1 ~'Im IRl7r J2,.~ 1 . Autbellile41'1G Dtlltr 6\1.j)el' w/Mlcbelin x· tiru. I UlllG .,, GHIA Se.le!~~ 20,000 ml. H ~ ~. ·~ .e. ... 111 c~ •• UH, •vto.,• UNC' LN . mE QUIOCiR: YOO ~ AMinl $3XIO. 6'13-GtiS Yellow wtth black interior. IJnl Set.~ BIYll KUC.35 19'.82 per a,o.. · . · , P-S..-.~~lr. coMltlon.. • 0 . · '67 ~ nm ·~atDI YOU SELL CHARGE m IHPORTS Radio and • ....., utru. • · SOUTH COAST , . •1,,. u1011ll • I l i=:i======..:.:=====·==( TOTOTA-YOLVO Stk. P205 $1695 '61 VW Variant w...,.., xlnl CAR LIAllNG • ., 595· •'85 LlNC,P.LN CON· UllT4 onnd. M"'t ..U. Sacrlltoe, ., TINENTAL. ··J'ull ·-c..,., V1"i! •·~I• ln)!I!~ Auleo. MOOlm,,...,., Auleo bot, C.M. 6'&i3ll3 'U Y.W. IU6 $1300. Days 673-7"2, ,,.. 300W .. Cout.Hwy, N....... • ''I.I • oqulpmont and factory air '°' r'"'' UOltlt; ' ' ' I , ' ' I .. ~ .. • -• ,, - Guaranteed. Show room '9&-2UO • LUSE IJ • • 'U CAPllCI • "'"41-. !WTE!ll) .4$,.·-AUSnN HEALEY cond!Uon. Ue. UJD •19 '66 FABr back, b11M! with . me,.. ,_., •t••ri119, fact. Sl995. Caler. lA15 Buda l.;..;..;_;;.;,:.;..;_~;;,_:~-1 •tltS white·-~-,, m"•t IOU•••· ~-It ·•Ir, av••ll'l;trt!, ISIM171 I• Blvd., Hunt.~~ '67 -lOOO, R&tr. VHWlBS 'U Y.W. CAMPIR ··~~ -!1iiiO or ~ ........ $'2~95 • -CHICK IVERSON, INC. .,, . ...., "ON COAST HWY." Nl'WPORT BEACH '1-t 'Selection Of Ovtltandlftl u...i VW'• 0n The Gold c-1 Flnt1t S.lectlon Of c.,,.....,. Condition UMcl PomhM ''' ,.,...1 ... tutti·•• vw.. s11n CjH. Alnolvt.ly like new, btrt •htr,. Color rne .,,1. 'IWYWtlll low, lrFX•491 • " ,.,... t1J S4nt 4 ,,.M tre11tt11l1tlo11 12 t. ch .... tr.Ml CHICK IYERSON, INC. ' VOLKSWAGIN 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY , .............. , Mnnolf IU.CH 6no900 ::.:~~t~-l1~J=."~"'W~ ~-..... . ~·~,:~,1 : • ."1 • MUST,NCJ •so -a.,..,. JCC 385 , $1595 '67 VW, clean, OIWU'OOf. 815-2!12 5 ''7 RMllA •SHARP, !&ta '18 'MU.is. v.._ ·~1 -3{Q) Rdatr. WIB7<1i 66 DATSUN WA60N maupunkt AM/FM radio, SOUTH COAST Cou,., fvll ""'•'• f•ctory• bd tp, alr/pwr. _ 1 owner, " l ' opeod, radio a .,.,.,, hoadert, 11100. -CAR LIASING •,,,, ITQV otlt • llQIO ..... -m"'3T ~.. 1...: I 'IJ;°;,~~G~ top. CUU.. '6' Vollmwqen, bl,_, ...,.. 300 W. Cout Hwy, Newport • ••495 • '67 MUSTANG . g eyl '1IT . WR WllO S1195 =:.~t.:0.".':3.:f"·lllt *AUTO IEASllG* • .,... • 1tl<lr,llroengnd$11'5 IMPORTS ~ ,, .w. ~ • •u CHIYIOLIT • ......,. · TOYOTA-VOLVO VOLVO ,, toMPEl'El'IVE PRICES ~ :1·"'.t"" "• OLDSMOllU l966Harbot,.C.M. llM3tl3 Cartl'aAuloLMlfftl. (K~) •1------- . MG VOLVO N~·.'::: ~ 8 5 $ 1 19,1 • 1111VERS1JY NIW PllOO A ··-· • . HARBOUR New 164 on Dl1ployl .... • . ·u· l'CSNTl.t.c: 5 SALIS A SlltVICI 4-00'o MG~~T to•-VOLK!~~· INC. I .~ • lmjlOr!M -, :11,.,., .. 4· Jee•. '""· "'• ." OlDJIQllf · .. from, all rndy to IO • low • Sa!H and Service Lfl1U ' IUICK -~~ ,..., otee•l"1·1 u µm, UJOll 18711 Bffch Blvd. 642-443!1 IHfai'TS 'II llzy1EllA, eJr, bill ''"" : <VIP • , 791 • 2lllO o!!:""'ll<iallhd. I._,_ n vw. Good cond. ttrn, TOYOTA-VOLVO newtn.m. eompletel7 • ....., Ull!CU.ll)lm LflDW .....,u,.. nbWlt ""· llllO 1t11 l!arbot, c.M. .._ """"1'd. l1lOO< ._ . ' a '64 IAMILD • 'SS OLDS. "2. ' ope!. ydJo.r ·~. ar beltofler. M6-4lll 01.\L darect K1-n. Dlllllt lj!tO Yf•t•ft. A•tom•tl~· W/ blk Int. M&alt lell • u·mrun I oi> '81 vw. m~. IWD"ODf. Still ,_. ... Ihm .. '** ... . CADILLAC fectory •Ir, ,. •• , 1tnrh••·• best c:Cllr. 1 owar. MM52T TOfOT~YO\tO ln wmuty. $1!50. 540-1919 ... to aw .... ftlrs:t ••&H. IOEK llJI aft ... 1966 -· CM. -'81 CAD. ,,...,....., bill • • , 495 Sllo'G=oLD1=-=-=--:11oe,.-.... .,. .............. "·'· ••••· 1.te, ff1111., PS, Pt. •Ir ...... NHN 016 .. . . -49,._. ---· '" ........ . ,.... ~· ·•· • ''"'· ..... 1r .. 1 .,, IMU$ •N .-t. ~Ilk Jtl ' 64,.- Dial IG6l7I tor RF.SUL r,,_rted Autoe HOO Imported Aut9 HOO pwr., l(IOCf cooL $595 • • • all d1x xtra. Best over MOO. ~""=~~====;;...;;;==;;; ' Call Alm' 5, 5!M234 .......... !m-JlO II CAD. J'loe-P/B. . -.1="'=======1\ '61C._. ... -ill.ui .......... ff•1tt. rs. , .... elt co114. VFU 1ao $44 .. - " 31 In ''Ciflk'-, .... """'" .,_ ,,....,. ,,.._, ..... •w"' 34T'• .._ ·-l>A .. ....., ... ,. ..... "f-, ..... ,,_ .,,_, OY• ~==- .. _ 0YM .... ....... ... T- ,,_ H~ ,,y...., ~tr t d "'"' """" .... ~= !l~ ~~ ltZ". 2ti= ~e:.. "II;: llf:!... " ,. .... r.i;.., ... =. .. To .. .,_ ,,,.. .. _ .... ,,_ .,__, t 1 UOO llllACH ILYD. Wll'llllllSTR 1M-1112. ................ 11.w. .. 1Mi11• • ..,,.....1 of ..... FllE-FRll I.ls Yet!IS VIClllot! J DA YI A 2 NIOHTI POlt lWO P/S. .... 1195. "' trade. ' • 'AGUAR PLYMOUTH * 981-2551 • • • • ' ' =====-== • ••-11-• ·i"Pi.nro1m1 ...... ;:;;;;. CADILLAC • -AIUUU I 2 Door -... 1ladlo, MAii'/ OTHD MAICU&-... -------ae-1 ,i,.t•,5!'."D' Servrt·• !:,~ ~~ ~ ~ Ice an •n• ·~ ,.. ranty in effeet. f1Ttlll"---••''"' ._. "'ltll COUPI DI· VILLI •'"•nt frw. JA&UARS, • n.ator. 11135 Beacll lllYd. -w ..... .....,, H --~ plwT&Ltw•-'60 :ad, I.Ir CGJd, • s.. n.. ...... ". • 'mil ---...... , ..... ...--.... CLEAN ti1o ltj! :!!'!!' T~ • · Piii, PIS...-aeats.· .. •••••••; PONTIAC * Mt-11•· * • 'fl PONTIAC Cl'O ISi bp. Oldlltao ...._._ 11i11 • 234 .E.17. ST.:----· · .. ---. • 1·&e-nllaftlpm. ' pwr, --· ,...,,. 141-7761 • ' :;..~~-:::: 5 • ltAMl'D ...-. 5 OPIN: a -.,,...,,_ : 7 DAYS 8!.::S-...::W•.;...,~ A"'D a -· sm ... ._ -· '11 COUPE do Ville. Y<IY I l' a - -HOLIDA AlllllCAll ...... . .... ~ ....... t Ifft 111 ....... ;ii::-' ·--.. y .. .. _ • B" "r.: ::.._ f 5300 lelC~lld­ Weslmlnsftr 19C-3322 :.... ""'=le '"':a~ • EVENINaS .i=STU:;=.""""D""m""·""m== COSTA a · 8'¢fl<o. .Ul-416' -~-. J:..., l''-'t SI~ -u a~. e::... ::e:t.. •• ..... .... tOOHwt • :i;.~ • Goo.I ®-()~ OPIN 7 DAYI • !P.(;o!P OUICK ... . . ..... ' Lu>IA MlSA iOCi ff 'fti 'tiif 642-6on • .. '" . .... .. I I ,. .~. ~11>\. · ... . i • . . I I l • " I ..-~ .. ---.. -...... -~· ....... ,. ........ ---~-........ ~ ... ,,. -_ ... _..._ -.... . ' , , I leaden of · this newspaper: Special · INlROD~~1'~RY; ,OFFER ,brings ·you as. much•• ' -. • ., • i • • ! •. l11· '"' •• I ; ·~·C ":e!:i< . '""'" " . . . --'* ., -..... f;, ~·· --:--~ ... · '""--:-m-~,,-u....Ti11.tn. ie. Pays up to $10,000.00 tax free cash for each hospital stay ·ie Pays all ·cash dire.ct to you (not .to doctor or. hqtpltal) " .. ' . . -, . . .. ~ . , r . > ie. No age llmlt....;no medical examination required ·ie Pays In addition.to all other coverage_ you have-.:. including _~edlctnf-~~ . ' -Pays you casti benefits that increas'e each year •• ~to a maximum of$1~0.00 -A-YIE~i<~.:at·no extra cost to you I ., · · · .. *Pays $100.00·A~WEEK cash each time_ you go to. the tiospltal ••• even up to 100 weeks '*No salesman will call ... .. . . . · .. ~ .. E~!'.~~t~Dlli!·1 N:Y .. R)0:¥!11H.-MONEY BiCK IF NOT""ll!O~ SATISFIE~! ~ . -·-·-, ~:· ACT NOW-YO.UR ENROLLMENT·APPLICAl'ION MUST BE MAILED BY MIDNIGHT SAT., APRIL ,2,_ OR IT CANrtOT BE ACCEPTED I: . '·-1•·---'-·-"---· •. ' " 0 ,..-.rtoftwo tuntU.. w1.11 U.....,.,. tn tbt holpftal thlr ,n'rl It coWd be'JOQ-or 10ma belo"4 membvotJ0Utt1mil1 tomo~·. ~ • -next wM ••• nut mo11th. Sad to ..., , '"l'J' fnr fanUDii ..... pywhere Mar eoouch eoftr.,. to maet todQ'• -mn•· holptt&l eosta. Tbeet eo1t. baq mor. than doablad In J\1lt a.'-• shut. Jean. Tbt1 are upeded to doubt. .,..m ill U.. t",.U.abeiiil. ~ ' Su,p tor a 'DIOmenL Thinlc how much r .t.r ta tbt holpital will eo.t JOU or a loved one. How woul e"r p&J tor costlJ, ht neeeeu:ey, X-ra19, doctor billa, dJ'Qp and mediciMI? What . WoulCI :rou dti .if JOUr pq.cbed: .topptd. but J~ upeuea. kapt sotnc era the ~ u ..,.er? Tilt aame rent, phone, food, .U tile d~to-day UPtRlff tlt4t nll't'er 1top. ~ What iii th• average breadwinner to do? We belinewe bafttba u.wfr.iD the famou1 Pretidtntial EXTRA CASH Plu ~ ••• ~ • • 1 · ,...,. you $I 00.00 • weelr tax·frff coM whn )'CHI So ta the hoapltal. - · New, ~identiaJ'• ffOl:llomr plan. enabletJOU toenJqthil pro.•. tectl~ Mad tha Earollmen~Appllcatlon today. Wa will •nd J'OU tM'...i poJiq to look O'ftt at home. No nuh. No apat will e.U or phone JOG. Talr:e 15 dap t.o dadde. 8btrw the poi~ to a friead, • tarni17 ad•iaer /.r.t. You 1 ... nothinc it JOU iio11't want th. PQlicr'• But if 70u do want it, 100'n entitled to Pzuidntial'1 )ow ratea deacrlbed below. So loto, 1oo'll ftnd JOU ret protection. ,at • Pfb ~· juat a traction of what 10v'd uptet t.o pa7.!.i .. Y~~C9._M hHfltt lncreaN each fMI'-~ m no elitra cost· to you I -' T«areah benefttl automaUcallT. rill)'ear after year, Yatr set "peat.of mind IO JOU don't ha\rt to Wol'l7 about ri•illc COit.a. Your prGt.aetion aUtomaticallJ increua sa.oo • weak uch Jell' tor 10 ,...,... The ftnt JUr you ret Sl00.00 a .week. You pt $108.00 a 1week in thetee0nd year. Sl06.00 a week la the third,..,.. fl09.00 a week in the fourih rear:BJ the eltffllth )'IU', your poliq will \ht wortb a I all 1110.DO " tC11ek in bendt parmenta ••• at JM in-creU. m _. to JVU I This pne:rou1 ~ Naa1W prot,ection will l'W... t.,_f.ar u Ioar U ·JOU keep \he poliq. YoU can -that JOU~ .will ba worth lDUCb,...,. th&Ji the pn.nt '"t~ ... _..of U.. poliq. CertalnlJ, 01ll' incnuacl paJ!Dllrlltl to J011 will loolpbopp•willl rlsioc--u4 ..... ., ell... . IF YOU All 65 OR ova YOU Will COWCT$7o.oo.A-WllKWH IN ADD~N TO MmlCARJ llNEFITS Why '" amart folk• °""CS now· haatominr to protect ' themaelvta with the Praidential EXTRA CA'.SH Plan in 'additiow. to what Medicare 'Will do tor them? -Even thouch Medicar• i1 a r reat boon to folks'o'!er 65, it will not. of course; paJ all Uie bills that quicily pile up u a re1ult of illness or accident. aa9ardless ol your age, you 1till 11eerl _ oddltlonal health protection. ~ ·we haft deaiped thia' 11lan aa tha impc>r'4xl atlditin to what 70u re«i" tr-om Medicare -or any other health iD1uranc1 )'oil taaJ have. Remember, all cbecka will ba eent directly t.o 10¥ (l)Ot to the doctor O! bo1- pital), to gi'ft Jou •that 44utran .. Ip · jlllt wbd JOtl need It moat. U• tha t.u-frea ca1h IUlJ W&)' JOU see tit.. And JOU will bt clad to know tht ebeeks will bt big 011.11/ In addition to what ia paid by Medicare, Presiden- tial paJ1 you $70.00 a -.k ... F;VEN FOR 100 WEEKS if neceuarJI YoK e•• r1uiv• u wtue.k cu 11,000.00 /or ~each illn••• or iltiurr ttthfa lo•pitllliudl ·· HoW cozii.tortlnr it i• to knew' that=-alttr your 1taj bt tlie lio.- pit.al, if you'n 1-tn there three day• or more, you can -return home to recuper&te and yet not be a burdtn to your IOved ones. Yea, it your doctar bu JOU enc_ap a regi1tered nurte full time within 5 days after JOU CGme home, we'll 111nd JOU cheCJl:a for I/DO.DO• w•k-for u lonr U J9.U aet<I the na.rle-e•m up to·a. _10 wub. Jt"s like baTinr a ruerW of f6,000,00 cub to draw on 'When Tau: need iL Tbeee bebefl\a a.t.o increue MCh year tor 10 :run bJ ~-00 a wetk. Aoothtr~_t.tm..10• ...._witlt, Pte1M.ntiaJ • • . , · ,,.,.,_,,ooJMJ ........ .......,,,. •••• ,,,. -up' to JOO wffkt for eoch ltospltel stoyf Ordfna?'J' 'llospilu'ln•uraritt; ma1 tab care of put of -JOUT·u: .. 1 . ' low 1ates 11.W bi1ow! Bat JOG must act im.'IMdiat•I~. Ynr,,.. qne1t for thia w.on.derful Ii cOmot Pri*ction Plan inU1t bt ii1alled on the eori•en~nt Enrollmen~AppllcatioD below NOT LATE& THAN HlDNlGHT ot the date abon. ' I Thia midni&ht u:pirat.ioi\ hour .. 11Mt le •stmdtd. If JGUY enrollment forln ~ tnailed·t.-,ter, i& e.,uuit 6e uupUd., ' fh• Cr• the ONlY-excfuslontf-: · Your P!'fsidenf.!al pOlicJ PIJ'I dW'inr hotpital eonAnement tor ..,el'f kind of aiekneu or accident except conditionll cauaed by ~ar ~r anJ act of war; wbe!'fl canrili in a ,u.s. GovemJIW!nt hol-/ pita), mentaJ di .... er disorder: intoxicants and ·narcotica· P.reanan'/ as:eept u providtd ander the 1n1temltJ ben"9ftt proTi: 1ion: an, op.nN!1 ~ult.inc frotn.'&n)' sickn ... or injul"J' JOU had be!ort1 tM Efetliff Date of yoUf PolicJ ,,, durin& th• Grit 2 yeanonlr.·~.., ........ .-......... ""7'_ ---· --~,---·~ Tbi'i lut item .ia a ftal help i17ou alreadr ha..,. •health prob- lem. It JOU areeick ff/MW.JOU take.out thia polic1, 10u will~ be eo~red for that cqndltion alter the policy ha1·bten in effect tor. onl1 l 1e1n. Of eoana, IMt.tlwbile eTill'J' MW itonditioo ia "'""4diaUlv eo•end. . How can ,...,. •w .. I• lew .,..,., •ur • muchP You ean l>Ji:J ordinarr inlaranea at anJ time and PQ tha nca~ rates, if JOU wiah. Bat Pnsidential caa now pl'O'Vide JOU arid Jour entln f.mily with fl00.00 a week u.:r-free Income Protec- tion at low raw "only becauae wt enroll a Iarce number of JMOPle at one time--dW.et br wtail! Thja highlJ etllclent "llit.11 Enroll- mentn method cuta eotta to the bone-<11ui tM Mwillft •n}>GN'4 0" to rou.l Male:• YOur declJOft .. CC.NfUlly~-.· Think how cost1y a hospital confinement "ill be. Imarine/ayinl • for thoae indispensable x-rays, doctor bill1, medicineg an dru&• that are not covered bJ your pruent inaurance. Would JOU be able to afford the quiet and priYacy of a pr'iva\e l'OOm ·and a private nune.ahould JOU so deaire? Or a t.elephope to ketp in touch with loYedonn!Orthe·rerital of• TV Mi to l:w)p pW the lonely ho.un? 'Who ..,ould p&J'7otu bil .. ~ ~Oh eominr in at home? Mur-tolb liave lo1t their Jif•-A'tinga. their ean, . ..,en their llcmtS tryinr to JMet aucll UPf:Q~••,«Ard ao one know1·.,,hoa tum 'it "Will be nut.. -· · -l ·J · w11y,_....,..,..,.,.,,,._ ,,,_..;,,.ffHi 1+---~ . ..-l'h--•JNW h1Nfff1 ....e:to:yorot-no·extrs-costo' ,. .. ..., ,., ........... , __ ,r..w. .. 1o1 , ........ , _ penae•~w~you...10--to.the bol~tal to havt·-a baby.-But What poliq ean joa think of that~pti~-euli to hetp·buT' all~­ thiqiJJW .... 'fw_..·....,AMJw-T Now, it both bu1band and "lrif• artialand ill \h wondtrtOf l'•MilW Pl4a WitA. .V11~U, for, ... "'~ ,.rttcf ol d.. prerianeJ, yoa en ntra euh to ... 111'11 w'11'7ft Yu( lJ a P."91i!lliMJ', drildblrtll or llftll m1aeani-- age '-'!ti~ ta~ ~-f• HI da7, fbti daJS, 10 Un-cw ~~:' "fef~~ pt f100:t9 & ..-for •"17 da7.t ~ 1oro11--..,,,i1 ... olo• l~•.•,_.,._,_, 'Wll7 mut r.ou aa~tOri \bt deadline? s.c..ua, .. mieralloned abo.,.. we mu1t receift rottr enrollmnt form t4c enui m.. u d&Al •C.W.. in order t.o J>&M on•to JOU tM A-.illp that---~ ' m.t-P1"n p.-.. J'OU lib Wa W.,f What other Plaa ._.-..,,.. _...., ri1!oJ .U--In tho ,..,. Utad wtU.OU• ln.....U.r. ,.., '""'1!1.!'i! ... ........ ... alL ,~ 1peclol-~al KXTRA'c.4~ l!'jlO (RP llL-1067)-, f'!lys ,.. $ IOO.OO .. -weok CASH i or • f'e9'1fef'H '"''" et "'°'"•· '!'-.ta-...... ,.00.00 _, .............. ,.. ,.,,.. '""'Upital .......... , ,... .. -,.oo.oo ...... it "" ~ hu JOU ...,. a t.U.ilmt ,,....,... a1UM t.o kke cam .,,. .......... n•vs Up to $10,000.00 CMH "' -occident "' rftl illn111.stautln1tha~fint-lnthehospital. P.IAVS $1(!0:00-A·WEEK CAlll.,. ff,... Med • full· I\ I timt Ntl•terltd nurw -.n )IOU com• home 'from tht hospital -lf'P to '°..-ks. PAYSI $1.000.00 CXTRA CASH "' ....... , .. , ...... , -I PAVS up to s2,ooo,oo CASH 1or eCcldanW ,_ o1 _ 1 l 1 limbt or eye111ht. P.IAVS SI00.00-A-WEEK CASH'°' -P'Ol"•ncy. . _nl_ '#flen )l(lt.1 ao to the hospitel. nsumina berth huaband and wife have bHftc enroll«i in the · Family Plan Witll M1ternity. P.1Av5Jup to $5,000.00 1t th• ratt of $50.00 A wrE~ ft I Wien a cfli0>1oes ta the hospitll for any ace•· , dant °' illn& when you ar. enrolled in the • ,family Ptan.r __ ftAV51 you cash benefits thtt incre1se eactt year .•. , rft I to a m11timu/T' ol $130.00 A WEEl( ••• at no extrt cost to you P.IAVS you ush btnelits for hospitalitation for any I\ I accident immediately. Any sickMss is covered t1tCint1in130 de)'l aftet EffKtiw Dlte of policy. NO a .. ·limlt-no mtdkal euminatloft ,.qui* ' . -no salesman will can. . .. --~ '-· ,®...,.. llU f~tff 9dlol .... ""°''"· Y ... fa i.4~ .. t0' 1100,00 a WMlc f0r hOlipitaliution or $100.00+weelc .. terpltr blplft~ and 1100.00 a ...at tor • ,. .. l1teJ"td IHI~ ,,,~,,,J'OJ' ~ alJ tbJ1: · AUd~ ....... fl.000.00 rph to 7our family if death OCC:trl'I .,,ilhift 90 d.,. frtm •1'1 atcldtl~ injury. Think' of hpw bandy th~ ehltee•M·I• U"!f.t·a.iti.t~,. taQ_caf:t of b1Uial.ulltnld ..,.1thoat btrftritnc )'Mt 1..,14·en"' . , A.,....~ lillMlb Up &ofl.000.00 cu~ for accidental lea• otlimba or ~lchi. whtii Utt lcffl~rt anytime within 90 da11 of .tht accltti~ The I• ol _Jo Um~ et ~irht ia •terrible-thin&" Noth- in1 f'9} .,pl~ tJrf Jon, '"'t a chKk for fl,000.00 or f2,000.00 wi'J JtrtN s:rea"t pt&el't(•UufCfuriric the l!:!riod o!!_dju1tment.,1 AdW cull '"-"ft: Choo. .uMr Familr Plan ••• and 10ur eh04rn 'will'W ~ •1 Presidential P.•FI up to f5,000.00 ~tbM J09I' JO~CiltiW~' t.o · U.. ~f1tal ... tor ton1illti"' ·a dieltit.ar...,.eMr orinJtr.l'J' Y•.,.awillrec.ift' _· .oo ~ ... """ t01' .. ...,., .. 100 IOHb. if ·~"=';.,-,,.., pr•lftl•lltl -'•• you ore not oWe ;+,i • a ,,-e:1a1 eoulderatlon t.o JOQ.-tf J'oQ, f(l'llr 1poua or other lt Upendenta aN l101pitali.Md jut t W.U or more, .,0 pr. -um• tftat eomt dut, for UHi panon eonflned, whila atill ID the hH,pltal aft.tr thi• Ptrloil wUJ ba paid hJ PtwidlntiaL A"d )'qtt1' protect.ion continue• u if 701J w.. p&Jillc thl pmnl•m• .yOurMlll Then if Jou lea" the hospital and ma1t ntum tor the aame cond"ition 'before ;ou hav. ~ f\111 normal actl'fitie• for 90 djI 'P~ldJntial will again PAY ANY PREMIUM$ WHJ'LE OU RE Il•fTBE JIO$PITAL-ro A MAXIMUM OF JOO EK per.eoiiftumantl'Your tall ~t.ection. riimaina in fortt:1ov.. ioUHt ttp to tfO,()iJb.00 ,,,,, . ..,,_ ~I 'THIS UMIJIO · INllOUMINr -OlllR IHOS· SOOH ·:-Ailln"'9 low: . ..,.,~ Moo~di-.. -· · ~You ua now ha"JOllr tm110Dt:b11rvttdloo Mt&. ....W tnn11 proeeulna ,...., polkiff •• .u titM. . ne:;:;~ s:i950~~ ........ dgss,,... ........... ~.=9I0 ................ ~.965~_.ld961.' ......................... ~....... Sept. TM N• Terft Tl,,..._ J•ri. t. J Govt. firuru ieveel Joli.r pre1enl health protection .. , may KO Unt1•r proUet 1101' af4in•t tod4r'• tUi"' t1Wdieal eo1!.f/ Don't leav• your loved ones defense· less! Act at onea to add up to $10,000.00 to ')"our health protection. We mail JOU the policy u aoon u we receiw the Enrollmut.: ~LICENSE~ BY THE STA~_Of. CALIFORNIA, . Application. When the policy arrives. eumina It in· tbe princ7I ,,f JOUr Own home. Take a11 the time JOU need. It'• a nry lhort doc1:nnent, and 1ou'll be pltuantlJ aurprieed to d~ U..re. is NO FINE PRINT. Tben ... Mto if, 1/ rn .W4, to...,... >'!"' ln&lt. Perhapt: JO'llr lawyer, accountant or banbr. Better ltill-j •Mw ii I• J0ttr "°" -..,.."°' "'4" ••• nrn t.\ottf,\ M .. , ...,.., t111U ff wxirkiltf /.,. aAOtAM iutt1'GM• COM,iiCJft,, U he is a JMll'-j .-.al friead, be li.aa J'O'lt bnt int.rubs in mind: So,.. ean be-' )left him '!fhd be tall• JO'll tbtN ie no betier_)arpia rrallab)e an:rw•n -at any pries! r--------~-----·--------~-~~-~-----------------, t lllN'll••--1-......-, lH~~JSl_D,~~IJ[tJ8$11IAl(CE~~,.OfAMDICA I .,.~·r~cts: ..,.,.,.,.. la.,. you chcr,... yow•''"' 1 ____ ,.,_,~, .. ' .~'11,4t1~f:BLYD.P.llllJllPllllA,,PA.:ft\"~r , "'·~ ~ 1'I*-mail )'OQI" Euollment-A1'pllcatti:lll' &elew •• : iftti afW~JP.u fUMiH'the~ in ·J'OUr Own home.Pd . ..,ik it•·.,_.~ ·wkh aftFoM TOu wi•h •.• nen aftir .n thia JOU an.till frwto nt.llra U. poliq within 115 d•J• after JOU recli'fll it attcf "1ny Jlf'lltY yn pcid MU 61 "'""dff. .c OXH. Tlln will be DO oblica-tion whatever. · AAf!itltion 111, The Presidlfttill lift tnsunnct Company ol -<1, · Cllica(o, lft., lilr nt Prosidltltial itosflitll&nt P1ri. ... ==·~·----.liNi=------..,,,,,.,.;;;;,-:::.., .. ...,:;------;, .... ,,..----0·72S.0-40 ADDRESS---------~--..:;;:;-..-.--------~ -...... .,.o. Cll'Y-------------~J.~TE ___ ....__~Pc__ __ _ 1 _ _,=----,=-----o=--""E----$EX MlltD ,_D . ...... °" ·-. DCCUPA · I llso l1ir1llr.,.,, for -"' "" -""" ,.,.,, lillld -(1IO ltOT '"'""" -tllll --.) PluM llst lddi-...... ntl .. -11t ...... -. '~ ' ' . r' .a. . ..:L..-., ' ' j ' i ' ......,-...:"""" '.ilx . ' ' t_, -,. :" . l . ' ' c , ' .. . 2· .. . .. ' ' ' ' ·.r -. , ' 3, •' • . , "· j ' ' I. l • : ... I, . -. . ,, • .. ~ ; .. ~ :. . ,-~·,; ,., ' ': -L:' .. , . " ' -... ... --5 Ml[ ---' -.....,. ..... Mii . ..,,. 0---'1 I • t ' ' -------------·------------------ I I I I I l I Maanwhile, all du.rinc the 111 dars 1" an aakfnt Q yoor ll'lkid-JOQ'll be pmected bJ .fl00.00-A~WEEK axtra ..... ben• ft.ta jut u lf yoa had alnadJ' aaid ..,_ .. That'.1richt.1"1lwlllbe foll7 eonNd all tide time-for an1aecidiillwltidlpats1" in ti. hospital; ..... it JOU hal1J decida to rMra u. ~-ai u. ... _., ..... ...... 11-.-. ,... ... -.... -, .. ,_,,., ... will anl:r 1fr9t that Udl ill a traMndoo1 •al'*I and ,...;u want t. eoatln1t thll $100.00-A-WEJ.:K EXTli CASH p~ ~ tM llaa Ulat's beat for JOU. . , ll!LAN 1-INOIVlllUAUS) ONll' PLAN1 I I' r I II J'O" wAt to COftl' yoo,..U -er JOlireelt and ... • •ore M..it ffptlldnta (inclwdinr JOWr apoue) -\hea um 11 the I Plaafor JOG...E:aeb JMNOD aut be 18oro'ttr, and PAJ'9 (pvper-. 'I ->the nt&applieable to W., orh•r IC'· NOTE: Wber. there lhe monthlJ pNft'll•• for thl~•d•lb'til.I~-iii; J..CMM ~ I , ,.. ... art no ""9adutli,,t.AN I l' Ula_,. ~om:P,1 to thooee Thi1 entitl":l.: to.all~ai• .. ~11a.rt -•II _ · , ·tor a b~d «.\irfh( OT hnth). • ' .. ' -" • ~ :'.""I'. _... ••• ~l!:W' I' , "'-' .. , , ,. ...... -~l Ullt'J•_rrkd, qandel\t • ildrm ...,...Ul••-$sw el I~ I , • ,Acll tt'bron-1'11: llMthb' ~1... and V.WW:t9 Nrt'-..lit• '' ...... Fll&Dft~· '•lWNll' ~ ' 1-·-TIJll· ·-u-· '""' . ~ will'b.~recl·~~ ........ a.,..-.n,1t1·.,, wi...._.., ii' • ,1 ; -·~=,..~, ,;-· 40-49::.:::::;::::::· '\ ~='Iii~~~;;~~ ' •,~ .. ... .. }It ~cri. ~·-;; ~, ... ·~··'-*·~~·· .. ~, in~:·'*~ ... ~,.. ~ li~itif ' "' -·. • ' ' ..,, ,, ...•••• __ ' ' 1otal·:Q(:iii0.-.. t .,., .... I • .,.,..._ ••• ...,._ ..W ia; WIU. . ot <MW ... ,wt to' i,-' I J IAVSKVIMllOU (.,.1,.1) \f P'JlQat~ 1ta1f ""naU109r....mtd •• ,.. .. ttW&cl"!"l~cwU.191! ·• • ... fW·irfrtt,i1t......,......,.... potiq. f , •. , _ ~I ~~ 11ftdlr lt ~n .... fl"• liilpL• . -t · · "PlAllll-,~T=W"NMAJ-~·ft'----"'••--::: ~ _.__ -.:.-:-.t~:t:..i..-. • ' • ---,,...... ................. .. nwp1u "''-tlot....,_tUl ollllrn>wtnc.T•Uie•..-.·of -• ----•-"'., - •• 4 ~-). .~ ~ !:rr.r.,:,::··· ............... ~ .. ---.... p • ..:...!.. ---~--~---· ... -..... ill .... I j ......... ...: .. -=.-:..-:a::...-....... • ' ·~ .. ,. '•; • -< ·,~---··tot_.u...., ..... ....,. II! ....... Cash •.:.-. .!fl)O: 19 PU:-OI011St .l<tqoldilJI (No ........ will ..iL) °" UR r.. ,.._, SnNlllMft'-'.AnUeatlon iftto th• •aU ,..,.,_ wft.h ,_r tti1 -Ul'ii ,...-.tea Me9Nlt1f t.o the plM 1fl'I .000.. ........ ~ 11401 9'aai1•llt .._, "'"••lptM. Pa:. . n.. Piil 111 ,,.. I.* lww c.....,. 9' Amwta (ttefl:ltOMoic: CNeato. lllMla) ii ...... ., ,.,, ... and ..,,.. ......... .,....., .. ,./ "••lll~oe:.,..., I I • • ,... ·-~ ... -... ~-u~!:''...,wtll ._ ut .... Jt'd,.. M it ric''-ll!OW• I ... ,... .... -... dtot • .0111_, fl•1 TOO LAT& to..,.~ at..,-. ITU*'-"'1" ..... ,.." .a....,._,.,_,._,., .. - J .... ..,,...,.. ·, • ' I . " ~ < •• ...