HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-.·
",JV;,.port Ci.~ph! _/l~Ulle(i .
.. ~~1 ·m-~P;••·. ,fiCqil~P'.i.r~cy ·~~ . .-• •
-·-Dyk~ ~kew ~;is saf~
in !hi• ci>unliiY •*8f 'if!U.· escapinf a Mexican~ prison,
-..-· 1oe 118'1 80i tell lt•ytars
Tfot murder,, disguised as a
woman. S~e story, Page 4.
Artificial Heart
Recipjent Now
Has Pneumonia
HOUSTON (UPI) -Haskell Karp,.an
J4'nois salesman kept alive by a man-
made, "stopgap" heart for 63 boors
and then receivetl the healthy-heart
c:ifi. a . Massachusetts widow because he
wanted to "live like a man, not lie
Ulfl'e like a vegetable," developed
pneumonia today. (Related story Page
But Dr. Denton A. Cooley, lhe famed
h'Urt surgeon whefperformed both opera· t~ -On the 47-year~ld Skokie, Ill., man,
~ress«l hope Karp would recover.
· '/rtf..r. Karp has developed a patch of
J>ll!Pmonia in his right lung. Hls kidney
fwtCtion ls depressed,'' said a St. Luke 's
Hospital spokesman in a morning
ll'he 11potesman said Kag>, who receiv.·
ed. 'the heart of) Mrs. Barbara Ewan,
40; of Lawrence, Mass., Monday, 11'"
~ined responsive but was tiring. .
'")\'e are hopeful lie will r_.i lo
~ical managemeaf," !le•aald. .
~p,octors were elltecf after F[iday's
o~atton In wblcb CoOley lmplated the
aiilhclal heart. One hoopilal official "81d
it-was wMl!evlb!e bow ...u Karp
ri,ijionded "to the madllne. ' 1':l feel sorry that a life ii gone."
S!Ji(ley Karp, motll<r of lllr<e IOlls, said
~·y after the llUti<'J'. She hid --
an eJ1K!11ona1 appeal . Sa~y !or •· haman-.rt !or her hulband.
:·-.. heard my plu and Ibey came ll\IWlli. I -wbat tlley'~ going tlfOilh because I think we've died one -~Umaoterando=apill
wltli'.Dli hulband In the 1111 If yt!ln.
I hojle t1111 w!IJ g1,. him a chance
far ~ llltle bit of ~"
,Mil.' Ewan, wllo,dlod of brain damap ~ by undlscl-.1 medical ailmen~ wAl flown to H-· eally Monday
a&o.'nt I limping '!lrJl!ln!I tlW WU tbtc
ed · ~ 'at a stialegic Air C-Ommand
bue near Shreveport, La. ·
Without brakes or landin( Daps, ~
rnOed 11,000 r ... 11oog •· Barbdaie Air
Flftli boli•'.nm•ay be!ore coating to ·~ • -of the end of the ~ llrlp. It wu mel by macblne
~ .o;arr,.lng air polJce. • • •
i y FridlQ' plocod • plasUc and
heart developed by Dr. Domingo
• mtlte of ArpotlM. _.,_
-"'·-'-~. -. Ille !lnl time • -d-bad taken 0-Ille heort!a lone-·
Uan of puniplng ancf storing blood Inside
' ' I •
' '
' -
' ·o·w a ' . '
' ! .
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es neumon1a .. ---: . ' ; ...
. . ~-
5 Held as Bookies -~ .. '• . . ' ( ... ._."";~ . ' ' .
At(tb-?f ge~y Mtiifa ger Cau~ktriri Raw·~
A petulant lormer· JIOll1 player's Up 8-Caeco, 141, of Delroi~-Mich.
live m9!J1!is qo leWlo tbe,am1Ulonday · Wflllul -· 30, of Complon.
of a W..milniiet auto ageaq tilanager, ~~ =:·u. Jack
plus · thrff Other men and~ a woman Shockley said today that the SU!:pecls
onm· "s~!!don of running a large bookrflak-, wotPd probably be arraJgned Wednesday
e •.,... in West Orange County Judicial Di.!trlct
George w. Elias, 33, orum Flaistone Coor! u they did nol post 'ball.
Ave., Garden Grove, wur picked up in Coort 1pprearances would probably be
a rendezvoUf at a rest.a~ in Anaheim, 1et next week for any of the mlsde-
as Los Angeles County aheriff'•. deputies • meanOr IUlpeCts who might be released
simultaneously arHSled the .otben. •. on ball lodly.
Jjooled ... charges of Illegal bettlns. La1'111eD probing the alleged boo!de .
with lormal complabU , be1nJ llOUgilt ring OYer the put five ll)Onths -fn..
rrom1 ~, Orange C°"'!ll' J)latrlct .Al· · eluding Wes~ pollce; dlstrlcl a~ tor'MJ'• Otfice 'today, were: o-tomey's investigators, arxl the Lo3
• -., manager ii Bob 1AinfPre Pon-Angeles County Sberllr1 Office -said
liac., ~Beach Bl~d., Westn)inster. the car dealership wai the apparent
J...., BG!ud, 54, of.Long.Beach. booki• headquarters.
Pizza P _urloined?
Newport Pair Named in 'S pying'·
Last week the pie, today the pizza.
In a Superior Court cmnplalnt that
is, in many ways, reminiscent. o( the
M a r i e Callender-Denny's Restaurant
fracas over a pie fonnula, a Newport
Beach couple is accused of trying to
get an extra piece of a nourishing pizza
Named in tbe action are BenUey W.
and iv.:arcella Watters, 1111 Highland
Drive, identified as contrOUers of Pizza
Servi<es' Inc. and IL B. PWa Inc. And
cha<glng them with breach of a coruact
signed ln J962 in Me-N·F.d'a Enterprises
IiJc., a Cannel, California pizza manulac·
The <Mm<! tirm Ital,. that the Wal-
ters couple opsMell iteVen outlets in
. . ') ~ ~
Orange County in which pizza is prepared
from a secret Me-N-Ed 's fon:nula. Urxler
the contract Watter's and his wife pay
the parent company 3 percent of their
gross take.
But the Watters couple is · currently
setting up pizza parlon ol thelf .,... In
Vancouver, Canada, the complaint state!:
and they plan to use the Me-N-Ed's
trade 'name .in thelr opfraUona .• Mrs. w'"*' today said her hUlblnd 1s 1o
Canada "working on our business."
No damages are sought by Me-N·Ed'•·.
'l'1e action asks that the . defendants
be -from !lelting up their Cana-dian enterprise and that they are ordered
lo obeerve the lenns ol the contracl
Nary Tru~k Hits, Kills
-Viejo Y9ut~ in Laguna •
Fourtem-,_.-<lld llandy Menuey of
MilUon Vtejo wu killed Monday af·
• ternoon when be WU hit by a U.S.
' Navy lnlck ·and oclraged. 10 '.fftt >as
he and a companion alt.empted to cross
South Cout lllgilwoy at Cleo Street
in Laguna Beocb.
Menuey, 2$l2Z Santo Drive, died in
' ,.. Conly Tnllle J• u Dula Tell •.
South Cont Community Ho I p It a I' a
eri>erll"'C1 """' about 4t mbmta after the 11:111 p;m. accideol, c-. D!ePulY lla!Old MiAidl: aid. . '
Menuey'• companion, Terry Godel, 11,
of 2441 Cbanales Sl, Ml-Viejo, WU
alSI> gal/od by lhe 1lllkebed truct. lie
was treated at tbe ~ fer minor
Injuries and later releued.
Laguna Beach poUce allege both yOUlhs
were ·In the pod~ safely "'"" while
'atl.mpting lo crosl llie highway at Cleo
Slreet 'Jn the busy ' Sleepj Hollow
ntlgbborhood when they Wlft llruck by
the Navy wblcle. . ·
lovetillgalinl officers identified the
drWtt u JOllar Jobn William Thltl,
24, an in11ruc1« al the N1vy Amphibian
kllpol ill COroolllo. He wm: no! beld.
'!!le aocldea(, i.-ver, b 1110 under
lrmlllpllon. --to pollce LI. Rollert M<Murnr.
Deat11 II bellatod to haw been the
_. "' ..... -inj1lra, the ..... oner's dlFutY Aid.
Jl'lmenJ .,...,....,,"' ... pending.
''""""· hpl)
Lt. Shockley declined to comment , on
.any. ·estJin&lod amount of pmblliig
wealth involved, but said today he was
trying to · wOrk out · a figure with the
Diltrlct Attorney's office. .. ·
Investi&'ton said the auto .dtWerShlp
waa believed to be the ;j::l.ealfuglfoose
for contracts with customen betting il-
legally on honeS rullnlng at. various
South'ern California race tracks.
Sai:ita· Al\lta and ·Del Mar were
specifically . mentk>oed by police when
they annoirnced the .seri~1 of arrests
Tuesday \dlernoon . . '
A · d!sgu!t~ former client w a.s
reportedly the tipolf source which led
detectives to begin building a ca,se
1.agalnst. the five suspects.
Newport Council
Plugs Loopholes
In Ga~ling Law
As of May 28, it will be illegal to
operate a }>Oker palace in Newport
City councilmen Monday n I g h t
unanlmow:ly appr'O\'ed first reading o(
~ ordinance banning public gambling
On "games of skill."
Laws already on the books prohibit
_playing gamea of cb.anct -such as
crapa -for stakes, either cash or
The new ordinince, requested by the
PoUce Department, fOCUJtS on poker,
pan(lllncu< llld brldie, U the card games
are not; prtva~ty ~ucted, according
lo Clly Allornty Tully Seymoor.
He aaured cowrilmcn that the law
will not affect ,..,.. al the Balboa
Fun Zone'1 penny arcades and boothl.
'"lbat'a not pmbling,11 he·aaid. ~
Poll<e aougbl !be onllnonce, t11ey. ei-
plalned, not becalllt then art any poller
polaces "' ponguingue· porlon in town 'today, ,but because there could be, with
ulsllng loopholes ln ,the law.
Strict en!orcement of the -a!!U-gambllng measure is not antidpated.
It wou)d be lmpoisii,Je, dty . aidel
prlvllely admit, pointing out that under
the MW. Ja,.., bettblg on IO much a bole
in golf wotlld be Illegal. • ·
Second ttadlftC -and adoptioo ~
of the ordinance Is ICbeduled al lbe
April 18 c council -· The 111' will
be ID dlect °"' month lrom lhen.
CzeCh -Mags Seizt)d . . . . .
PRAGUE. (UPI) ·-The pernm!nl
_., o!Oce 1>u lelJed the lllltlt edl-
llOll of hio liberal ma1ulne1 llld In-
formed 11 joumaDllll they will be tubjecl
to dlsclplln< by the Cmununlst par\Y,
pms -Aid todar·
. -: .......... )
NIXON WELCO!.\ES JOR_~AN'S HUSS,;~ ·-:'' ... , _
An E1rnt1\ Plad90 for Middle· E11t PH._: : · • · 1<; . • -' . • .... -'i"
Hussein at White Ho~~;
-. ~ ---
Mide~i Peace Souglit
WASHINGTON (U PI) -Pre~de_nt
Nixop . welcomed Jordan'~, KJng Hussein
to ·the WhHe House today and they
joiioed In pledging an earneJt aearch
for peaCe in 'the Mkklle East. ~hen
Huaeln's forces Just hours belore !lad
exchanged new blows with Israel.
The Jordanian monarch wu given ·a
ruy. ltatei welccxne on_ tJie White H°"1:'1'
south lawn complete with military honors
and,2l;SWl salute., · l • .. • Durfng an exchange of remarks before
he and Nixon went loto business lf'lsi(ll}I
in the White House, the. two D\al con-
ceded that the slluatloo In the Midd\e
. East 11 "eiplotlve"· and If , unsolved,
could lead to serious tnvol.vemeiit oiJ.¥:
·rest ·of the world ... ·
Each, Jn different woni..' suu~
the aame 11>JuUon -a sincere aearcb
for. peace. 1 •
NixOll, In creeling the king 1t the lt'arl
of a lhree<lay Wublnglon vllil, lllid
he looked forward 10 their cenveraatioas
,Jn the hoPe ·!hey mllbl arrlvo ,at .. ..,.
........ tho! C<lllld lead lo' pennaneol
peace lo that lr!IObled. poll of ·tie ·-Id.
•the ~}e &::alt. U I .,
· The ,Prald<ott · noted the "uplolive
sltuatian" blt.-i IaraeJ and . the .Arab
world and said 1 .OiuUon 1"qulrel
''1-p ·~ wlthln" "#blcb would be -by'tbroe qualllWI, .,,,.....,, witdodi; and<JZKldlr•UOD;'' I 1 l , l ... ,
"We In lhls kvuillly hayt ....,, ill
you tholt qu•UU!s," Nl..., told ll-'11.
"You have been a man ol. courage,
·' ot'wisdoin, or moderation.''· 1 •
He said hll .,,.,rm~ with H-.1
would attemPt "to ·'ftnd new avtm111
that COtdd,}ead to peace;" _, ') I {
. I
' .
' Oraage
' '
I "e,tHr'i
~sun*• .... m v.cation W~
_., • and' IU*'I the ....... l
'weather with him. Loot I« ,riall-
lop·ill the low ... ---lngly cloudy, sties.
INSID& "'l'OD~ Y •
p ., il t ""'t ... -... "·"· ~' ·. ' r
, .
' :!
' 2 0Al1. Y l'IU>T s • .
dg~ Fl a~ed:::So Was , 'Cou~tr~om
' .. _, \
Harbor Premier~ " ' 1
Ne w Fil,,;,"'Debut.s at W ayne Hom~1 ~ ~ •ia 1·
... 'IW IWlln • y-......,;i.)•"! ~.•It-.. ' . . .
.... ::-:.::::. ;~ ~::"".:,.~ '!:..,~ ~-:t .PILOT • • I -
of --Ill Ille llulbod cour1t<Om jlllt wttoe&!ed was yet ancitllOr dramaUc ~ ~~n i::~i!~ ~: :;: ·~em~nstraUon of the a.atonllblr\g Sews• ______ _. ____ _
tl~ on tics m our new •t• mllllon county court· LOGBOOK.
HoW else couJd one explain the clearly house. . ._ -· .
audible noise of rushing water that as· And .so 1~ wicouth bet:ayal ot a
sailed our astonished ears? There it was robed Judge s need ror pr1vacr whf:n .
again, rising tO a· rippling crescendo and he :answers the call or ~ law and
evoking visions of Tennyson:s brook. and motion department or a Higher ·Power
fabled Niagara before it hnally disaµ-was .added to our mental casebook of
peare<! in a last soullul gurgle. county courthouse goofs.
\Ve looked at each other and wondered There have been many, gentle readu,
if the Superior Court !n the three months of our sojourn
judge whose measur-in what . b~ come to be knowi.i as
ed deliberations we the Bug·ln· Em Palace of West Eighth
had been listening Street. • ,
lo before be called Not the Jeaa-<;f" those bugs •as been
a brief re.ctSS was the · 11.story builai.m:'s wWlngnesg to
, responsible for this absorb -and 1 pee d i I y distribute
stroke of genius. throughout its interior -most of thi;
Was this his way, a rain water that fall& in the Santa Ana
la public relatim, area., Flooded elevator shafts, bubbling,
of ensuring that the un,planned iountains in l}le cafeteria,
legal issues gushing from the Santa Ana twirling docwnents being w hi s k e d
ruver water dispute were not out of our towards the niail shalt in an eddy of
minds while he was out of out sight? rain .. water ~ these were among the
But our visions ()f a back room daily occurrences we had to live with
Stud y Ordered
On Conditions
For Annexation
A list of a dozen prerequisites to
the annexation of Sunset Beach to Hun-
tington Beach was given to the Hun·
tington City Council lllonday night. Coun-
cilmen ordered an immediate slau study
and report.
in the heavy rains or a re\V weeks
Then there were the mlce. l-Ilnts
(and other evidence) of their pres·
enee bad been dropped in several
courtrooms for eome wee.ks before
determined janitors launched an ex,-
tennination campaign that has not yet
-our authority is an embittered
municipal court clerk -removed all
rodents from the bdeaguered building.
Dropped? Ah yes .. ~ AJJ we wrl~ a
puffy-chested pigeon otruts his way alll!ll'' ,
the press room F,apet. a viaible
reminder of an unfor~ developn,aent
that sends muttering ·19111tors out:into
the eleinents to chip ' and scrape Jl;t •
the sculptured gray stonework. '
Their QJ'lj~._of course, is .JC\. ensure
that the stonework remains totally gray.
The list was offered by leaders oi
tile oceanfront community between Hun-
tington Beach and Seal Beach a I on g
Pacific Coast Highway lo the northwest
as pre-conditions to circulating petitions
calling for an annexation election. Novel Plane Starts Test
AM: .. ...," reaction' to-·grbutlng newsmen·
wllo alttmPI ,fD (eeij._ Ibo birds wllile ~atkm Cuailo ii Coin& oo wt. are
... ,,. .... rtpeOt
!lut lh<>oe atoollhing '""'°'UC. l\avt, from -the point of view of newsmen,
~_vjd~ most eq~ent. No county
tioicty'i CfeHbtratltihi 8re more prded
than lh<>oe of the giaoo jilry but there
was a~llme when the innocent(?) bystan-
der could stand 10 feet awa'/ irom the
door and clearly hear some highly secret
goings on. ' '
AJld ·by the W1')', Judge ..... , your
alle&edly. atupld "clerk's mother W f~t.her. Wtre. married. Y_pur txPrWed
belief that they weren't, clearly conveyed
to the coun·room through your lovely
oak panelling, is one of the tld-bit.s
faithfuUJ relayed to delighted courthouse
pers1"1Del In this !abl .. filled bulldl8g.
But this is a logbook not a novel
Come and ,see -or rather bur -or>''{·~·
, Fo1'1mr • British ;ourno:list Tom
Barltrt is currently assigned to the
IiAILY PILOT's Orange Count11 Bur ...
!iJ' in the count11 _seat cillic_.~nter
complex at Sa-nta Ana.
N port ~ch joins t r a d l t I 0 n.a t • of Yanks on a ..European bus tour fl Holl~ 811d ·N1w York Cjjy too!lht· nine countries in 18 d1')'s wUI be shown
a. movie pl'dlder'e -tOn"·(or a priv1~e abo in New York, Paradise Island, tM
screening, coc~ ~.and aupper at Bahamas, and Pafis. .
the , Baysborts home. ot actor John Director Otto Preminger is the Nrw w~.tr·1t•s Tuesday. ,This Must Be York host, while Pier~ SaUn~er will ,..,,.um." a Ulllted Arlllll ~ by preside. over lhe farw .ah<r;rmc. and DTv l d. Wolper, wUI also receive l ts ltlchard Brooks and his ~de Jf8!l SlDl·
preview performance in more than 20 moos' Bahamas h o m e is the s 1 t e of
other homa throughout the world Tues-th< Caribbean show. ··•'· day night. Southland stars vlewin~ the """"tue
. ~ One ()f the largest groups of Hollywood mini-premiere elsewbere include Harry
celebrities concentrated In one seat will Karl and Wife Debbie Reynolds, Cbarlton
vifW the film in private screening .rool113 Heston, Lucille B a 11 , ~ar .Bergen, ~ the! so-called Bel Air Circuit tonight. Pamela Mason and many film industry.
liloeUy local luminaries of t b e sports leaders. , . . . .
· and entertainment world will visit the Celebrities part1c1patmg elsewhere Din·
Wayne home at 2686 Bayshore Drive, elude Gregory Peck, Raquel Welc~, kl an
amOJli them the Jack 1Jn~}etter.s1 RQw~. Dick Martin, EdwDon~-~ Ric ~~ wllliuD Pereiro, Rod Laven, jf.emleUl Di~tM Carr9ll, Vince llltU" t Hlnbl an(totbm. • .. -.. Newhart, 1'.~ ·Smothers, . T n e 1
Tiie ,feature coinedy about a eroup ll<Qline, Trun Lopez lllld Ari Linkl!tter. ' ,
1Coitneilm,an Advises Earl}J . -----
Protests on Freeway Route
"Start protesting early," Huntln~n final route adoption of ihe line for the
Beach Coo.ncilmen Jerry Matney advised Huntington Beach freeway.
residentsw ho will be interested in rout,.. Although Lhe matter had been rtlative-
ing fOl' the future Orange Freeway which Jy dormant for years, the homeownua
could run about one •mile through the began ·a full scale push to get the
city along the Santa Ana River. council to change its mind ()0 location
Route studies for the freeway from of the lhie.
Orange to the adopted line for the future · ~ 1be push to get backing for a central
Pacific Qiast Freeway are beginning freeway line was successful, but the
right away, Director of Public Works state adopted the most eastern line
James Wheeler told the council Monday anyway.
' He ~plained that the study corridor Men Force Broadcast is wide enough to put the freeway
on either the Fountain Valley-HunUngton ' l
Beach side of 11\e Santa River .or lin Of Anti-U.S. Appea
the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach side. IJMA Peru (AP)~Three aniied and
Wheeler sajd bis staff will make a masked• men invaded a Lima radio st&o, study' for the council of the route limits, tio' n today and forced the announcer: now listed as from the Santa Ana Free-
way in Orange to the Pacific Coast Free-to broadcast an appeal for attacks ~
way in Huntington Beach. American property in Peru.
There ffiay be a move to end the The men, atmed with two submachine
freeway at the interchange with the San guns and a revolver, enered ~ ~
Diego ·'Freeway, Fountain Valley offi-preso at 7:0 a.in. and ordered the~ City Administrator Doy~e Miller said
he felt it was a "duty to hold public
hearings ()n a master plan and prezoning
for the area, but l think these people
need to be assured $i council actio11
on this list."
McDonnell Douglas' 188 short ta_ke off and landing
(STOL) aircraft will be making practice &pptoaches
and departures over downtown St. Louis at alti-
· I al d ~ · d' ted net to broadcast what they called J tudes as low as 300 leet. A J·o1'nt proi·ect with Ameri· cia s rea Y ave m ica · 1 . , J"~ Matney 's r ark on protests reflects declaration of the Revo utionary AAalW'• can Airlines, permission for flights over two poten-a city-wide carii.paign and near uprising Movement. After five minutes, ~ 1meu
tial sites was given this week. of homeowners just a few weeks before fled in a waiting car. · 1~~~~~~~~-=-=.::.::..:...::.::..:..=--c~--,-~~~~~~~~--:-
CouncUman J erry Matney, saying he
ls in favor of the ~s1 "at least
in p~ipte,." asked for the 'Staff study It . Will Be West Newport
Cooncilman Henry Kaufman asked il
the staff' waa ~inj with ~ master
.Plan and 'Miller .-eel "net really.,.
He eXplahied tl!al dlrootiQO by the council
is needed ·before tb6 ltafl ~ the
Ume needed ID get. 11\e master ,.plan
going. . . ·)"• · , ,
The county LocO!' ~ency Fonnaiion
Commisson (LAFC)f\i9 approved an-
nexation moves by Huntington Beach
and Sunset BeaCh, but . the 1 residents
of 'the area must file a notice ol intention
to cireulate petitions calling for an an-
nexation election, City Clerk Paul Jones
"They'll have six months to• circulate
the peUUons," be explained.
Collins to Merge
With Honey,vell?
Hone:fwell Inc. and Collins Radio C<lm·
pany executives are holding discussions
Jooking tow.ard the merger of Collins
and Honeywell, it was anoounced today
by James H. Binger, chairman of
Hooeywell and Arthw: A. Collins, prcsi
dent and chainnan of Collins Radio.
In their joint statement, Collins and
Binger said that terms of the transaction
had not yet been arrived at and that
further announcements will be made as
negotiations continue. Collh:s has :1 Nf\\'·
port Beach plant.
Newpert IHcll H111ttl1tfto11 IMc:lll
Lot•it• IHCll Fos•tolll Voll••
Costo Meta
Rob•tl N. Weed
P~iloknl end Publl!Mr
Jeck R. Curley
Vic. Pre$ldtnl Ind Gu•eral MeMotr
lllom11 Ke1¥il
Thom11 A.. Mu rpll in•
M•nttlnt Editor
Ctslt Mn.t! ):JO Wttl 11'1' l loeel
NIWPOl"I •Mell: 2t11 W@ll ••lllH •ov11¥1r111 LtlUfte 81.Kftt H2 Fo~st A.,._ Hunll111,_.. Bffd'I: »t llll l11'Mt
Of fflt DlllY .. 1191 Stiff
West Newport~ .. will have. one of the
rockiest beaches in California by rnid-
August. .
That's wben the"-·v .s. Army Corps
ol Engineers expects to c<1mplete a swn-
mer-long groin construction project.
Four rubble mound groins -each
350 fee t in length -will be built, with
work oo the first to begin June 2.
Giant bou1ders will be hauled in and
dumped out toward the sea at these
locations: '36th, 48th, 52nd and 56th
streets. The job will raise to six the
number of groins poking into West
Newport's waters.
The $600,000 federal beach erosion con-
trol project will include a massive sand-
haul, Newport Beach city councilmen
were told Monday night'. The sandhaul,
CRASH • • •
F rom Page l
The boy's body is at MacDougall Family
Mortuary in Santa Ana.
Menuey is survived by his father,
Roland Menuey ; mother, El sie; ()f the
family home and sister llfrs. Renee
Sherwood of Inglewood.
The boy was a freshman student at
Mission Viejo High School. The youth
enjoyed rock collecting wil.h his father
as a hobby and also liked aquatic sports.
His father is employed by the Los An-
geles Times as a linotype operator.
Beach to Receiv e
$638,000 in U.S.
Funds for Park
Some $638,000 In federal open space
fund s were virtually assured to aid on
construction of a large central city park
in Huntington Beach by the Department
cf Housing and Urban Development
(HUD ), City Administrator Doyle Miller
announced Monday.
He explained to the City Council that
the city's application for the runds is
"all but assured approval" by the
representatives of HUD following a
personal pr~sentation of the city's plan
last week by Director or Recrea.tlon
DA ILY l"tLOT, w1111 ""'1"' 1s c:om111nec1..,. and Parks Nonn Worthy, Director of N_,.,..,._ r. ~.,,.., d•ll~ tKc•' "'"' Harbors and Beachts Vlnce Moorhouse ~~ '"~':! .:r:_'°;'!• :_~~~"'= and administrative aide John Costello.
Bttdl •ltd fleyrlt•lt V•l!tY. •IOtll w1t11 tw The city likely would have to pul
m!M•I edit""'-On"" Co.t.i P11t11tJ11•"' i.~ 1 d ·• be I cema.11J .,lflfll'llt .i•nK •r• ., tf11 W•" up tue money n a vance a1a1 re m·
Mlboa '''"'.. 14twoett eHK!'I. eM uo bursed someUme in the future, Miller
w..r hr s1ttitt, coa1a Mew.. indicated. Money would be on a matchi.n,g ~ ......... t714J 641-4111 fund basls. c ................. "2·1•7:• 1 ~ c..rr1ettt. 1,.,, °''"" '*" ""°'•"'!flt Planned is a large centra parr. near c .... ,,.,. ,... ,,.., '""'"' 1~1111rt111011.. Golden West Street and Talbert Avenue. ,.,n«Je• nMttn-er 11c1W1111""'fll*--1l!IM-l-.. -u million bond lssue .-nu.itlon for ""' -~ ~ ...... ...... "" " ... ,._, m1111111 flf mon;-.1 ~" parks and .recreational faciUUu con;ie-s
~ dtt• ""''"e ••Id •• "-"' IN$ before the voters on June 3 to provide •flll Coa•• fo\eM, C•Jlforn1-. &utotc:ri,,t!M "" k •·•I di urrt.r 11.n "'Ol!lhl.,: ""mau u.a ll'!Ottt11J11 most of the funds for the par """ u ng
mr11t1" ae.tNtlent. 11.1• -~11. ' the matching funds. _.,
however, won't start until after Sept.
City Public Works Director Joseph T.
Devlin explained that Army engineers
want to keep disruption of summertime
beach activities to a minimum.
The sandbaul, he noted, will require
closing of the beach from the borrow
area to the West Newport groin project
Curreni Corps plans call for hauling
the sand from 12th Street in Balboa.
But Devlin said the city has asked
the Corps to c6nsider e-0llecting the sand
at the mouth of the Santa Ana River.
He pointed ()Ut that Balboa was
selected as the borrow area prior to
recent rains wh:ich resulled in the deposit
of large additional quantities of material
on the beach alongside the river.
Three R esc ued
From S mall Isle
A ft er Three Days
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Three California
residents have been rescued after being
stranded for three days on an island·
in the Gulf of California.
Stanley R. Little, 36, a Modesto junior
high school pr incipal, said Monday that
two professors from the University of
California at San Diego spotted the group
Friday on Guardi an Angel Island, about
285 miles below the border.
The professors, Dr, Marcos lntaglictta
and Dr. Robert f'awula, "'·ere on a
specimen-eollecting expedition to the gulf
when they sighted signal fires on the
island and investigated. Little said.
Little, his wife, Adele, and a friend ,
Raymond Aitchison ()f Auburn . left San
Felipe. Baja California, March 30 on
a trip through the gulf in an 18-foot
Little said that the engine raued fl.1on-
day and a stonn drove the boat onto the
island early Wednesday. ~t was
wrecked · but tbey saved some of their
equipment, including five gallons . of
water, 28-matches and a small quantity
ol food,
Big Four Ambassadors
Mee t, But Keep M1uu
four ambassadors met f()r almost 3Ya
hours today in mrch of a so lution
to the crlsls In the Middle East where
Israeli and Egyptian forces fought
artillery duels across the Suez Canal
and Israeli planes a\tacked the Jordanian
port of Aqaba .
1The ambassadors from the , United
St.ltes. Britain, France' lnd the Soviet
Union annc>uncfld they would meet agaln
Monday. But under the te~m."' of ~rccy
thty have imposed they said there would
be no Communique on lodAy's meeting,
their second, or oo the one Monday.
sq. h.
Co111plm tr"P IK.lltdel •••
• Ovtl'llll 5of1
\crvmto .,..1m "" CIJllwn ~ul!!l
e M1!cJllltfL-I e MMlltrTllll .. R Cliff .. Tllll•
' :June
our exclusive Crushed
Velvet 6 pc. ensemble
Ct.wt llttM aislotot -llty .....,.._, 1P1111w1
hlllCl-t:IN.S •Vll'llH1d Mii mlMI 11'1'1 ...,, wlllll
«~wr•P,.. IMM llillew • ""'1111 ..... -itrwti.. ,... twn.-i -tl<tt caint.r't, lcnllllilll
.,...,., ., ~ ... ," tnrk}/ .... .,.,. .,..
!•Ille & tllolc• " -., ........ """'" ...
s,..,1111 Olk. ... ......., ., ""'"" Whit .. ""t4I snill\t"'° C111q111stl1llar H iiia lllll!J PLUS -
'"" ri.111"" .. ,,., _...., Ill IM!dllllt ......... flllrlc i.r thlt 'lftl l'ltlll'' wantw '-fl . , . """' ... -...... ,,..u.,.._,, --·~ .... .,,-
Why pay up to s399 $799 for thi1
l1vi1h group • • • .
··-i ,.,
Fairy tole liedroom et every women's .price
the price Is h•rcf.t ... boli ... s399·
onty •• ,
I '
:_ -I
" ......
" r
'" 1
• ..._ .. -.. gto~ \le~-~-. . . ~
• -. . EDI TI ON " -
' ~ .. '
' . ,
\YO):.' 62, !-10. 84, 2 SECTIQNS, ~4 PAGES' •
't -• •
~ails Auto .. .
Firm.Head . .
Animal Slielter
Receives Clean
Bill of Health
, ... •
• "
r •
, , I
I ' " . · TEN ·CENrS
. . '
New He~rt .D·anger
" •
~Stopgap'. Recipient fl as Pneumo ~~
HOUS'ION (UP!) -H>stell Karp; an . . . . ~ ... lllinoil atlesman kept alive by a man-
rMde,. , •ta~p" heart for 63 hours
and then mtpltnt of t1ie healthy heart
of a MusaebwJetts wjdo'Y beCause he
Wanted to "live like a man, not lie
there like a vegetable," developed
pneumonia today. (Jte1ated story Page
4). .
.But Dr. Denton A. Cooley, the famed
heart surgeon who perfonned both opera-
Early Freeway
Route Protests
Uona on the 47-year-old Stotle,:m., ·man,
ex~ ))ope Karp WllUkf recover .. ·
"Mr. ~ has developed'• 'poldt of
pneumonia 'fn hil rlltht tung. His 'kidney
f\IOCUon 'li de~," aakl i St. LUti'a Hospital apo)esiiiiln. In .-·4 m~g
bulletin. · · _ J •
The spokesman said Karp, wtio rec;eiv-
ed the heart· of Mrs. Barbara EWan,
40, of Lawrence, Maas., Monday, re-
mained responsive but was tiring.
Ambulance Firm
"We are hopeful bO wUl . ,..,... lo
medical management," be ..w. , .. Doctors were elated afttr rri.rti..., ........
operaUon In which Cooley lmplint4d U.
artllicJaJ heart. One lioo!>llal Olndal"aald
It was unbelievable how W.n • Kor'p respoOded to the .maclllne. ~ 1 ' • ·
"I feel sorry that a We ii ..... '~
Shirley Karp, m<i!her or'o.r.. -.·aald
Monday after the surl6)'. She'hld lliiaed
(See llEAllT; hp I) • .
Study Ordered
On Condition8
For Annexation
Mime Troupe Gets
Boot in Arizona
MANY FARMS, Arn. (.11') -A cluli
between patrlotlmn and · a• "'ll'lt'ov<nial
expression of antl·Vieinam war aen-
tlments ended Monday nl1ht at the ftav•
jo Community College witb a call for
School adml~lslraton lntmuj>ted a
performance by the San FrahcilCO Mime
Troupe, ordered the plafef. oH the cam.
J>ll' and called . (or police . alter oOly
two skit. of !be perfGrmaoco.
Reports of eudly wllat pmoded the
evict.ion ·varied, but all 1 IOUl'Cel aarftd
that the 25 lo 30 -~-of !be lnJupe
were escor!e<f oil !be camp111 by Ille
Navajo police.
•I •
~--~--T~-Jflut in Wulal'!f'on
Ju4ge, Fffiehe4J.;.So ·s €oqrtr90~' Ni~~n, Hussein
. •'lllll~.. y ____ .,..... _. .. ·'t;.J!..,'RllraNF .. \ ' '> ' • ~ •'. ,;. ' ... 't .... ___ ........... ..,................ ~-".,.~ p . Q t ' ,/..,.:;.velJ>~i:i!.=!':! IY ........ l _ _.tn!'.~~ . ....-.-.~la going on'we...i. Vo·· w e·ace -·~es
t bat Mad!JOll Av~' had at 1 .. 1 made ltd! w -,_ But fl>ooe atanllblol -·otlcs. bavo, .
Jti lmpaet on the hallowed hallo ol !.,.. ~:'~"':i:'w ~I~==:;:: " fnm' tlio> l'Plil .<JI VJW--ci·...-......,
Uce. h LOGBOOK provided lllOll entertainment. No county How else could one explain the clearly ouse. bodj'1 dtll&ritlciil are more guarded audible noise of rushing water that as· And 90 this uncoulh betrayal of 1 than thole of the craod jury but there WASHINGTON (UPI) President
sailed our astonished ears? 'lliere it was robed ·judge's need for priYacy when wu a·ttme when the Innocent(?) byltan-Nixon ~oomed Jordan'• Kini Hu.Nein
again. rising lo a rippling crescendo •lid he answers the call ol the law and In the heavy ralns of a ,f" weeb der ~ ltand ·10 feet awq ~ ~ U!e to the Whhe Bodle t•y Qd • they
evoldnl villons of. Tennyton'• bn>ol: and motlon department o1 a Hliber Power qo, ~ door and ele1rl,y boar omne lllClll1 lllCJ'tl . jolnld lJ1 pledaln(-.. ..,._ Mardi
fabled Nlq:ara before it finally di.&ap-was added t1> our mental casebook of Then there wue tbe mice. Hln1s &oincl ca. tOr ' peace tn the Mkldle East, where
peared in a last 80Ullul gurgle. cownY cow1htAll< goo!J. (and other evidence) ol their pres->Ind '-the w•• J•"'--· H'·-·•-• I •-•-·-~-had We looked al each other and woodered There have been many, gentle reader, ence had 1.~-~ in several alle..JI°': .t.....i.1-,,!1--~," ...'...".J.:_·~>'"'-::.:. ~• arm ,_. -· """"i:
• " ~1 ... "W"" _ __.,,, .... !"_ ~_.. IQUUJl!f -exchqed new~ wUh 1lrae1f . if the Superior Court In the three months of our SO)OUJ'n courtrooms for some weeks before faJber' wre married. Your ~Mid • 'lbe Jcnllnlaa monarch wu ~vtO a
judge whose measur-in what has come to be known as determined janitors launched an ex-belief that they weren't, cleart:r.eoa•e'td "'
ed deliberations we the Bug-in-'Em Pal.ace of West Eighth termination campaign that has oot yet to the ~ thnlugh 11IUI' lnelJ !:th~=. 4:w. ~":; =
had been listening Street. -oor authority ls an embittered oalt pantlllnr, Is one of U. tJd.111\1 . and II mm aalulo
to beforo he called Not the leut of those bugs hu been municipal court clerk -romOVtd all lalthfullJ rtlayed to delllbted -··-· a brief rettss was the Jl·story build.iq:'s willillgneis to rodevts from the bel~ecl l)uildlng. peraonnel in thla fablH1bed bulld'aa During an ucbante of temlfkl befoi'e
responsible for this absorb -and speed l 1 y distribute Dropped? Ah yes. As we write, a ,But 'thll ls a ~ not a noYl1. he and Nbon went into bulineu Muionl
atroke or genius. throughout its interior -most of the puffy-chested pigeon struts hia way along e,gme and see _ or ratber-heir _ in tbe White Houle, tbe two ~ oon-
Was this his Wrf, a rain water that lalls In the Santa Ana the press room para~. a vlaibl~ for •ounelf. cedad that the atiuatlon In the Middle I " ~' bb"·• -'-• of uni · •-~lo # .___. la u~'--lve" and H umolved, Ja public re auons, area Floodea elevator ahafb, bu ..... , , anuJUer an oreseen ~ pment _.. ~ -.. .,..
of emurlng that the unplanned lountalnl In the cafeteria, that oeods muttering janitors out lJ1to ,..,.,,..,. BrltU~ i••rnaUll Tom · could lead to ,...loOl lnvolvem<nt, o1 the
Jegal iasuea from the Santa Ana twuUng documenll bdng w b 1 s t e d the eleritenta: to chip and acrape at Barlq ii CUfT"imtlv auigMd to the f'lll of the world.
River water dl!pule were not out ol our towardl the mail shalt lJ1 an eddy of the SC!lli>tund (1"1 ~ork. D,µLY P~'f. Orona• Counh/ Bv,.. Each,.Jn dlfl....t -1111geslad
minds while he was out of our sight? ralil. water -these were among the Their object, of courae, ii to euaure -eau '" the coimtu ffat dvk' ctnkr tfii aame 101UUOn - a alncere search
But our visloru of a back room daily occurrences 'we had to live with that lhe siOneWort remains totally gray. complt: at Santa Ana. for peace.
No Sn101hers Suit
Tommy Denies Brothers Broke Pact
Nb<on, In tlft<llni the ltlng at the start ol. a three-day Wuhlngton vii.it, said
he looted forward to their con\lmationa
ln the hope. they might arrive at "new
avenues that could lead to permanent
peace in that troubled part of tbe world,
the Middle East."
my friend," the king sald, adding tho
hope that relations between the two
COWllrlea ~Id D01' "grow M>l!l<r. tUft
they e\ier were... •
A large crowd of Jordanl,.n·Amerlcw,
White House employes and worker• lrem
the adjac;ent · ciecuUYe ~ bulldlnS
assembled to watch the arriVaJ. From
the ellipse, the kin& proceeded by
limousine to the Wbite-"°!J5e aquth
portico 1!hett Nb<on and SecrelalY of
State ·William P. Rogers eave biln a
red carpel welcome.
Alter the rjesid,ent and . the .klnt: in·
spected an honor guard of units repre&er\"'
ting all of the U.S. anned serVl<:ts
they went to a small red, wbite and
blue bunting-1kirted plaUorm for an ex·
chingT of remarks -·111 part or tM
1.Fadltional American wll:Jc:Oine ceremony,
for a visiting head of state.
Both Nixon and Husstin spoke wl~~
not.es with a bright spring sun shining
From Pqe 1
The Pruident noted the "explosiYe
situation" between Israel and the Arab
world and said a solution requires
"le&:dersh.ip from within" wtUch would
be -··~ by ,._ -··•••es "couriure an ·-"onal appeal Saturday !or a ·-YORK (UPO ---Smo"·-·-•~ uu= •-• • ~ • ~·~ 1,111" •111: i.ua5 war • •• tll,e network dou: have a wisdom and moderation." human heart for her husband.
Brotbera lndlcated tOday they weren't right. becauae they are the 'packqen: ha in "Someone heard my plea and they ready to sue the Columbia BroadcasUn.,. a-.a do -· us Jor the -•-, ~· the "We in this country ve teen , 1 ..... • ... tu. .--a1a1w IN~ ,.._ __ -... 1'4-f " N'--.... Hu···•-came n ......... i... I know wbat they re go...,. System although they !ell they still had · right hu baen abuled beca111t lJ1 the you -•-·"· -. -~· •• ....,.
a valid oantrad 'With the network 'whJcb public jnterest Jt should have been allow~ ol"Y!:.~eol~~a:.' of t'OU1'&1e, = becU:U1: ~"':;nka~e·~~~I= llred them last Friday. ed to go on." • ......., -Tommy Smothers, speaking for him.self Smothers read from a telegram he He said h1I conferences with Hussein with my husband in the last 10 years..
and h18 brother Dick, aald on NBC.TV's said he had received tut November wouldtha_ t -~~~ 6~'topeacellnd·"· new avenues I hope this will give him a chance '·ped "Tod " show that th all ed \NU.Ml ~ w . for a Utile bit of bappinm." ~ ay e eg from Presldont L)'lldon Jo-.i lJ1 reply
cmtract VlolaUons in the · cailcellaUon to one he had aent apologizing for critical "I loot forward to aearchlng together Mrs. Ewan, who died of brain damage
telegram from CBS did not ezist. remark• he had made about the fohner (for) new avenues of understand.l.ng," caused by undiscl*d medical ailment,
The brothers signed a 26-week contract president. be aaid. was flown to Houston early Monday:
March 14 but CBS dropped the show 0 1 tofd him I for~ about aome of Husieln responded that "I feet the aboard a limping airplane that was forc-
assertedly becal16e tapes of ¥Jl upcoming his good thlngs," Smc>tben said Johnson weight of re1pona:lbllity even more" to ed down at a Strategic Alr Command
segment had not been dellYered on time replled : "It is part of the price of seek a "just and honorable peace." base near Shreveport, La.
for review by the network and ~ause leadership of this great nation t9 be Hussein recalled the era or Jordanian· Without brakes or landing fiaps, It
parts of the show were allegedly of-the target of cleYer satirists. American friendstup during t h e rolled 11,000 feet along a Barksdale Air
fenslve . "You have giYen the gift of laughter Eisenhower administration and how he Force base runway before coasting to
Smothers d~niecl both charges. lo our people. May we never grow so first met Nl1:on in 1959 when the latter a slop just short of the end of the
He said · the tape of the sf¥1w had somber or self important that we fail was vice president. landing strip .. II was met by machine
been submitted on time and that a to appreciate the humorous in our lives." "I'm proud of the fact that you are gun canying air police. skit the network found "of questionable 1---'"---------------....:. _______ .:_ __ __.: __ .;._,;:,___c ______ _
taste" had been deli;tecf on request ..
"I don't want to get inYolved in a
breacb-of-eontract su.lt," Smothers aaid.
"I know, if we went to court, I would
wln • • • I can not figM a network.
__!i's....!_g!ant ••. " Smoth~en="'Siid""· ~the~ilriii==yes-1ii.J~
to the public and all views should be
reflected on them ".u the fairness doo-
Landmark Coming Down
Demolition began last week on the old buildin§ at the corner of Main
and Walnut Streets. Formerly housing Waite s Drug Store, the old
building served as an informal meeting place for Huntington Beach
leaders. A combination restaurant and Greyhound bus depot will be
built in its place.
·official Asks Hospitals
Prove Need and Necessity
A new municipal ordinance requiring
quasi-public agencies such as hospitals,
rest homes and sanitariums to secure
cfrlificates or need and necessity from
the Huntington Beach City Council is
being &OUght by Councihnan Jack Green.
Green raistd the matter during Mon·
day'a Council meeting as a result of
·a squabble o\ler whether the city ought
Rol:t•rt N. W1•d
~lchnl 11\d P.iblldlW
J•elt R. Cud•y
\/let Prnkllftt ""' Gentfej Mtne..,
to have a second hospital and, If so,
who should build tt.
A permit for one new medical facility,
Pacifica Hospital, was obtained by its
backers without the matter coming
befQre the council and councilmen later
ill6isted they should have been consulted.
However, city Jegal aides said Hun-
tington Beach pr.-Iy has no onlinance
requiring that the council be notified
in such cases.
In response to Green'• suggestion Mon-
day, City Clerk Paul Jones noted that
his .office already Ls gathering m.
formation about need and necessity
ordinances and would haYe a report
ready for the council soon.
Lrine says."
"We happen to represent, maybe,"
Smothers said, "a viewpoint of dlsen·
franch1sed people -young people, people
who are ·not particularly enjoying the
Council Waives
Fees for CASL ·
Student Dances
Recreation facility lees attepted from
the Community Action Stud .... League
(CASL ) !or two daoceo April 25 and
f\1ay 9 Wert waived Monday night by
the Huntington Beach City Council.
C.OUOcilmen pointed to the outatanding
work of CASL members in -attempting
to deYelop an acceptable recreational
program for the area's teens.
About 80 Hundngton Beach High School
students belong to the CASL, headed
by prtsident Linda Blair.
Their purpose Is to show the city
that teenagers can develop an effectiYe
and enjoyable program for teenagers.,
They haYe al90 offered help in working
for passage of the upcoming pe.rk bonds
Councilmen felt their efforts deserved
free use of the city's Recreation Center
for dances.
Councilmen Jack Green and Jerry Mat-
ney also pointed out that the recreation
departmer< had complained <i "the low
grade of chaperones" at the first dance.
"We were the chaperones," Matney
"l didn't know urtil rig}( now," Wei
Recreation and Parks Director Norm
sq. ~
THISI 2 oaou,s
·~-~ ,_
·~C1;111: ,_....,
•~ ........ uw (metcllel ....... Irie)
• our exclusive Crus~·.cf
Velvet 6 pc. ensemble
Cllldl fllel _..... t9'llty fMfwM1 ....,...
lle!ol<I ..... ~ ..,, .. !Iv. .... wtlll K ... ......,... ....................... _
s!Twtti..i ""' ....,..._ _.... ~. lcnlllMll ..,...., .. w """"' ~" fttirk)1 M...,.. oWtet
, ..... dllkt " Mil " ..... ,,, _...... "' s..,._ 01k. A'l'K .... w ......... WltW... "'" SC\lll9nlll CWM!ltlt,.., ......... !"LUI ~
,. ........ 1 ... """"' _.. "' IMtdllllf ........ I.SC .... .-i ''"I f'IPt"' cltcwtttr """'" •••
_. " -" ......... 11 .......... , "' ---·
Why poy up to s399 $799 for thl1
l«Yish group •••
City Attorney Don Bonfa suggested
that a study of the subject be conducted
by the city Planning Dtpartment since
it would be invol:Ved In any future
proposals to build quasi·publlc faciliti es.
The two councilmen won council ap-
proval of the Recreation Department
ci>-sponsoring future dances with the teen
• Tho1T1•1 K11w!I Edltttr
TholTl •t A. Murphi"' MtnMI"' Editor ,
Alh•rt W. lat.1 Willi1rn R11d
AHotll l• HIHl11 ... l<"I IHd'I l!~Utor (!fy Edllor
"•""•· '"" otftca Jot itfri Str•••
M1ill119 ,44d,.tu P.O. 1111 7•0, •2l41 --....... "' htdit: 1711 W.I ... leulwlo,.. Ctltw MtM: »D W..t 1111' Jll'Wf u.u.. ._,., m ,.,., • ..,_
Green asked that all studies on the
subject be completed with "all due
Huntington Aide
Resigns Position
AdmlnlstraUve Aid• John C..tello hu
roslgned hl1 poliUon with the city of
Hunlln«ton Beach end will lab a poa!Uon
as ass.lstant to the president of a San
Diego construction !inn, City
Administrator Doyle MJUer aNIOWICed
Colttllo, "ho hu been with the city
sl.nct 1966, has been Involved with the
clty'a Urban Lind Institute Cllluns Com·
mlltee and, more recently, with the
&wet Beach 1Mu1Uon proaram.
Councilmen ordered a suitable com·
mendaU-On for his tfrvlce pre~ed,
de.scribed him as "• fJne perton ' and
•aid his ~rture would be a 11grt1C Joss to the city."
Temple to Fall
Despite Protest
Chow Benevolent Association h• a
perfect legal right to destroy a hisiorio
HS.y .. r .. ld temple lJ1 C!Onatown, a judge
ruled Monday.
"You don't live me any legal basl1,"
Supor1or Court Jud(< Raymond J. Arata
told an •ttomtJ f« Mn . Oiarlotte
Chaog, a 97·yUl'<lld """'., who tried
to stop the rui.n,. "ne legal owners
haYe sold It and that's it."
~tn:. Chang Is the daughttr of Yee
Ah 'l')'e, who gave tht land to the
...ociltJon In 11!1. She claimed part
of the agreenent wu that it must
l'lfftr be eold.
The association sold It has been offer<d
163.000 for the site and plans a ••more
~Ullful" ttm.ple at another location.
t I
F•lry tolo lioCf,_,, •I '""Y _., pnc.
ha .......... llo."$399 the price II
onfy •• ,
'11 BOB, 'fllOMAS
HOLLvWooo (AP)
''C.aie and metl those du>
cin( feet .. • • '
f'j()p the avemie I'm taklnc
youfo .,;
UJ'ort~ Street .....
.'J'he orcbeotra -iy alniek . Oj> , lhe anthem from
tne cllllk 11'33 mu.sical, ·~U:nd S~. 0 It was ·a rare, se~
tlmental m~t. for Ruby
Keeter had Jull walked OlliD
the movie aet.
pa11t. Ast her whldi wu bet
la....ite film, and she "'PH<S:
"Gee, I don't rtmember.
They w~ all ao much allte."
Ruby Keeler ta IO 11111 ~.
but doeon't loot It 11le fiautt
1' at!U trlm, tbe akin smooth
and tanned, tbanU to dally
golf oe..tona at Newport
Beoch, where she hu loo1
lived. Her buoband, John
Lowe, died recently. Her
famous lea:•!
·rittiqly enough, the sound
stage was at Warner Brothers,
where the winlome star had
lapped her way t!Jrool!h "Und
Street," 1'Golddiggen of
1933," "FootUgbt Par ad e,''
"Dames," "FlirtaUon Walk,"
"Go Into Your Dance," "Shj~
mates Forever,11 etc., etc.
"'Ibey ... m to be holding
up," she smiled. "Goll helps.
I don't tapdance any more
-wby should I? But if I had to tap for a television
Keeler had come to visit her show, 1 couk! handle it. At tea!! I wouldn't have any prob-
slster, wb& 1.s an extra in Iem the f\rst day. You know
the Jane Fonda movie. bow It is when you eurcise:
The ll<t she vbited harked
back to the same period. It
wsa fur the All().Palomar pro-
duction of '"They S b o o t
Hones, Dc:n't-'lbey!'' which
centers around the marathon
dance crue of tile 11.ltls. Miss
Later in ID lntuv:iew, Miu the lint. day is fine. Only
Keeler said she believed It on lhe leC<Xld and third days
was tbe first Ume oho had do lhe mUICles alart to feet
returned to Warner Brothers tt.'1
It's All Y ot1r.s
Ralph Richmond retun!S-tll~-aPl'O!l to Ann Leverett
after takin& a fling at houa~4 ch9rt1_.lll the ~ome-
dy ••The Family Man,'' opening Frid&cy for six
weekends at the Long Beach Community Playhouse.
since lhe year wbeo lbe and Mbl Keeler was a Ziegfeld
Dick Powtll headed I b • atar on Broodway, then came
ltudio'a mwiical ltoct com-to Hollywvad during t h e
pony. Bui tbeo lbe ta a trll1e mualcal cycle created by tile
vque ib'"11"1hat Pill ol bit"" advent cl talkies. Sbe wu
A Good Deal
Cast Listed
For 'Cl owns'
At Clemente
• zn
the Soapers
Slo w Motion
Smothers Sis R eal Card By JERRY BUCK • H b N NEW YORK (AP) -Time STATE LINE, Nev. (AP)-"I studied acting a bit, was .er Gardner 's ew York-is out of 1·oinl , s a i d
Sherry Smothers, sister of an extra oa thei: ..XV show, based comedy, "A Thousand Shakespeare, and nowhere is
TV's most famous brothers, an<rfruiid out I didn't fil You Clowns," will be the next pr:r that more true than ·on
has been an airline steward-have to be a special breed to duction or the San Clemente television's soap operas. ess, doctor's secretary and survive in that field. Comm now deals blackjack for a "The boys do a fant'.utic unity Theater, opening The plob grind slow on the
living. . job, but they have worked April 17 for ~weekends. soaps. One veteran used to
A petite blonde, she deals hard for their success." Rk:hard Anderstn is direc-describe them this way: "She
the carcb and chain smokes Sherry, at 27, is the young-ting the ltory of a former litb ,a cup °!, tea an~ sips
from t to ~"that's 9 p.m. to est of the Smotben chl1dren. TV kiddJe lhow writer who , for ~lX weeks.
5 a.m."--five days a week at Tom is 32 and Dick ls 30. Al-Jn her book on radio soap a casino here on the shore of though she was in Los An-must go back to w«k to retain operas, "Tulit in Tomorrow."
Lake Tahoe. geles and grew up in San custody of his 12-year-old Mary Jane Higby recalls the
Her brothers are f't3P0n· Jose, Sherry. Insisted, "I'm nephew. Playing the leading time Ma Perkins stood by
sible for her job-in a remote :« ~~~lk~ I have role of Murray Bmns is Ron her kitchen table for two w~~· went to the lake last 'Ibe Smothers brothers, ac-Christy, a newcomer to the weeks and a day deciding
August to calch their act,'' cording to their sell-proclaim-playhouse whetber to open a package. · "If Ma was immobilized,'' Sherry explained. "Applica-ed best fan, Sherry, are doing Yvonne Kendlay portrays she wrote "the rest of the
lions were being tak!ll for something that bas to be done the sociaJ worker and roman-. story was~'t. 'Meanwhile, in dealen' school After I was on television. accepted, I told them and they "They are saying things tic kll«est, while Scott Dyke an ambulance rushing through
liked the idea." that need to be aaid, They is cast as the younpter. Other the night. . .'"
Sherry is willing to leave have the courage and duire members ol the San Clemen te But that was radio 30 years
the entertainment world to to want to do this and I )lave cast are Jack Kiel.son, Joe ago. The times have changed.
her brothers, although she a very sad feeling for the Marangi and Dick Wilson. Or have they'? Let's look at
once had !Orne lntettst in th•t people who don't under-"A 'Ibousand Clowns" will the story lines for NBC's
area benelf. stand.'' be presented Th u r s d a Y s "Days of Our Llves." --1------------~:___---~--:-=-:---.._,through Saturdays from April On Monday, Feb. 10: "Laura -r-Ulrougb----xan-it-Uie irid Mictey ailvise-Sifsan to
Fran.cl·scus ·Raps· f!·.1~ .· S ca1>ru1o Piai:tiouoe._ 202 1ens.ottaboutherpast." llW Averuda Cabrillo, 1n San Let's skip to Friday April
Clemente. Reeervatlons may 4: "Susan tells Scott sh~ would
be obtained by calling 941-46S. like to tell him more about Of 'Questionable' Taste h•~.i:s·~~ppens is th•• in. . 'Airport' Set typical sudser lhe wrller jug·
curioua new dimenalon haa
been added to the selecUon
of scripts and role1 by movie
actors -a matter of taste.
Previously, the producUon
code of the Motion Pjcture
AasOciaUon or America rellev-
ed performers· of making a
value judgment of their partl
baaed en morality.
Now with an anything-goes
philosophy, actors must. decide
for themselves when playing
perverted rolet in the nude
or otherwilt unortho dos
characteriiaUom will have an
adverse e.rrect on t h e i r
1be responsibility I i e s
heaviest wltb young players
whose futures in films may
depend on how far they are
'12th Nig ht'
Staging Set
A n u n c o nvenUonal in·
terpn!lallon of W II I la m
Shakeapeare's '' T we If th
Nll!h~' wilt be presented April
16-20 by the Cal S ta t e
Fullerton drama department.
To be staied in a unique,
rambUq village oettJne which
encompasses a better part of
Ole campus Llttle Theater, the
play depicts a gambol of
melancholy and m i s t a t e n
All performances a r e
scheduled for 9:30 p.m. and
reservatkml can be m&de by
telephoning the theater box
office, f70.#71, daily between
noon and 4 p.m.
Ralph Votapek
At Fullerton
Ralph Votapek, the young
pianist rtom MJlwaukee who
llnl pined ~ atentlon
-be captured the 110,000
first pr1zo In the lint ln-
temaUona.1 Van C 11 bu r n
ComptUUon Ir. Fon WO<lh,
wlli perform on C.1 Stale
Fullerton'• Lillia Thtaltr .....
wt otap Monday, April II,
at 1:111 p.m.
Tickets f6r Votapek.1 1
perfonnanct are available
from the theater box offlte,
located on the ....t otde · ol
the campul, -or by callln1 l'IO-
SSTI. Gtneral admlsalon 1'
willing to go In tempting 1Jes about five major conflicts
criUcs and moviegoers to con-HOLLYWOOD (UPI) at all times, along with
demn them. Location shootlnc of "Airport'' numerous subplots. With 14
Jim FrancbCus, who starred in MinneapoUa has been com-shows on the thrte networks
in television's "Mr. Novak" pleted with the cast, headed that's enough excitement to
series, along with such movies by Burt Lancaster and Dean keep the housewives o f
18 "The o u t 5 l d e r , • , Martin, returning to Universal America hanging on. their
i•Youngblood Hawke" and the _s_1u_dl_.,_1o_r_1n._1er1_or_sh_o_i.._. ___ c1u_s1_m_•.:.P_'-_____ _
current "Marooned" w i t h
Gregory Peck and Richard
Crenna, is wary.
"I hear performers -
especiaUy actresses -aay
they 'll do a nude scene or
a homosexual story if it fits
into the context of the script,
or if It has some social
significance," he said, er in-
ning. ·
"That's phony. Blatant .su
scenes are a mistake.
"Like any iood book or
painting, the subtlety of the
artist makes the work arUul.
It leaves ·something to the
imag ination.
"The same should be ap-
plied to motion pictures.
Producers and directors are
guilty of bad taste, bad judg.
ment and bad art when they
become too specific."
Franciscus names a handful
of recent pictures as eumple.s
of poor taste.
0 Tbere's no reason for ac-
tors appearing nude on the
screen," he said. "I wouldn't
a!!= to Iha! under any ClrClllDslances. It _, pro.
ve anything.
"I'm not objecting to sub-
ject m1tter In movies. Nothing
under the sun should be taboo.
PurltanlCal tbinllng can ruin
any art form, but delicate
subjects ahould be treated
with good taste. .
"Objectively, a great pain·
tina: like the Mona Lisa is
a masterpiece becauae It
doetn't take the alternaUve.s
away from the people who see tt."
Franclscui bellevea thll
movies Wo 8hould allow au-
Cro ssword P11zzle
ACROSS ~--4S 1!t 1 llodJ 1 Sallor'a 47 hmn •out 51 ,_of
6 -Seit r.:-
10 VlslW_. l .S. 1 '2 ,1.,allftnlU. ..
M ' • K
Afdllk: 54 - -ltl: 14 ScotUsll z words
tstulfY SI Zoo •l•I
15 L•i• 51 P1rt of'" qumtfty: lnstrurntnt
2 words 61 Highly
16 Arc tic dl1plt11ed
Clrcle i.z Perer1nl1 I resldenCL of lh• Illy
17 Th ink very f•llJ
much of •l Gu111bo
11 Do eltclllcal 64 Ben -WOf't · 6"5 Dll'og1tory
l'I Dre deposit answer 20 Re~•ptnse 66 Planl of
22 Man 1 a&• ttt. grass
24 Soso f1111llJ 26 E•prtsat4 67 Kind of
dttltlon weight 21 Systtt1 of ,.ck:Dnlnt DOii ht 31 Suffix UHd with Ol'glll an4 ,, •• )2 ..... ,, .... , ...... ,, lrr1tabl• ,, .. ~ IDod , .. ,~ ...
3t Pottlldlf
40 DoM"' 41 1 ... 11 OI cochln•I
42 Entft'llln·
11ent ••dlu• Cl Flnor
l At a fl'lll ... -
ZS•w-· )Llfl ••
4 1a -st.':"3,... r'.:!.-'\ .. "
6 llrd
7 Desc•"4 • !iilltl
'"''"'" ' Totallfr of fnflnlt ti••
dlence.s room I o r In-
~ 1...-~'""4~-
M on lmPortantty, Fran-6-4-4-4--docwl and olber yvung actcn
... -1nr where -hr+-+-wW IO In their prowling for
.... .....11ona111m. Some
prodDCtra already ire flirting
wllh what wu conaldered a
few )'t.111 ago to b e
••r want no part of it.," Fran-
cllcua Aid. "And It won't bo
lone bef... the public tet..
weary of an overdose or sex
In movies, jull u It has ol
One addicted watcher con-
tends there's very little lip
movement on the soaps.
Instead, they stand around
trading looks of shock and
Hert's how it goes on "Days
of Our Lives" for a week
or so:
On Monday "a caseworker
pays an unexpected call on
Susan and Scotl Susan phones
Julle, and they agree to meet
that afternoon."
You should know they're not
really going to meet that
aflel'Il(.on or even the next.
First the whole idea has to
be put lhrough the grinder
more limes than a 25-cent
hamburger. '
On Tuesday "Alice tells
Tom of her apprehension
about Julie's meetin& with
Susan. 'Tom discuues Julie's
meeting with Laura."
Finally. on Wednuday, Julie
arrives at Susan's apartment
-but not before "Scott visits ~Laura and Mickey to discuss
the blueprlnll for their future
home ."
The following week they are
sUJJ chewing it over. On
Wednesday, ''Laura and Suaan
discuss Julie's strange reac-
tion to her visit with Susan."
"Daya: of Our Lives" ii the
only sudser that issues story
lines to the press. The others
like to keep the housewJves
lo cliff-hanging su.spense. But
no matter. The namt.s are
Interchangeable. So are the
plots. But th'e women love
Endf Tonltht ··-· "SWISS FAMILY
............. ~...._..
PECK SMolT .......... .-.-1111
TtCHNCaU:IR' • MN.tMllON' •
Alto ._._
.. ~·· Matl-Wod ...... y, 1 p.m.
Pia 1-Nlltlfll
MA.TINA ADllllWON ..-s1M
. .
llCl!llGIU llW:l -"&.~...:.
l/M lllS(f/--
llD810/Dllllll ft na.~ GltP
TDSlitllD l'tWllll
G-.o r._d
Rkllord Kilty
,,...~ .. ,,.,
a '
'lllll.Y I'll.OT I
produced~ I . .. aeDIOUI and-crt1Uv1. Wlf6
From tpne ttme ~ has B4D' routines, even though
emerged eCrtmtnt for they were fUmed M years
te!evWoo a anceo. La!ely . .,., .. MIU KMJer remarked.
lho bu been "1JOYln& lhe "And I'm pleaecl wtlh the
renewed lpterest In tbooe 1930s reactlon cl tocity'• ..-...
ll)ulle&ll, parllcularty tbooe in who ... -old lllO\'IQ. ~h .she ... -by ' Tbey .,.,, ~ .... and not BU3by llft'lteley. Sbe hu made at Iii That ea me fkl
eeveral appearances wt t b cooct. •i \ '
B«ketey and film clips from,:::;:;;::======:=i tbeJr old films; most rectntlyll
at Orange Coaot College. ·•r wu amazed at bow in-~do
lltWfOlf 1MCM .. • .. -... • •
i. ,_...._ w. i.-.. -. WN1: I
-AND -
... -.. ~.
-AIM. -o.ai.w ......
TWs hi • -"'-JM tnll Mt ...,
wut to ._ 09«', IMit tw. -4
41 6 N. llOADWAY. SANTA AHio
Kl 2-4738
Fo~WSOUTHCOAS~\ IA.PLAZA~. s.n l);qo F,_y allrlatq! • 546-2711 .
• .
· lfT'S BE HIBJl.Y
~u 1"" ----• or know of anyone mcmns
io our aft& pleue kll UI
'to that w. _,. extend • _ _. .... holp
in tbdr MW' llU?'ToUbdinp.
Huntington llnch
· · · Visitor ,_,
Cost1 Mesi YisHor ·
. So. COISI Visitor
Harbor Y'isitor
The Men from Merrill Lynch
invite experhtnced Investors
to a special· ~urse ...
Here's a course especially designed
for the seasoned Investor who has a
basic knowledge of the stock market and
who wants to expand his understanding.
At this forum you'll discover more
about some of the fine points of invest·
ing. We'll el(J>lore some of the· more
popular market techniques used by In·
vestors. You'll hear our interprel;ltion of
recent market action and the business
outlook for the coming year. You'll get
our help in evaluating and improvingyour
own present and future Investment pro·
gram. And you'll find out which stocks
appear attractive today to our Research
Department for various investment
If you want to learn more about the
stock_ market, come to our: :if.'.
Se1soned lntt1stor'1 Cevrs•
Thurlday evtn1ng, April 17
lslond Hovte
F11hion Island, Nwport Beach
starting at 7:30 PM 1h1rp
Reserve your seats today. Just call Mrs. Wall er
at 547~7272 or return the coupon below,
Pl•••• r•••f'I• ••• ••. •••h f•r Y•ur s.,,,ftt.t! \lfV11 .. r'1
0Caur11 •11 AptU 17, lit New,,.,t l111tlrt. __ ,
City& Stat:L----------~·----.
. . ..
Telephone: 547-7272
For the ~nu of int>t1ton our office b OJ)ln
d4ilv 7 AM-S PM and SatuTTJov• 9 AM·lZ Mon.
Perdue Named
Assistant VP
PnimoUon of L. G. Perdue
of Buella Park to assistant
vice presldtnt at U n i t e d
Callfornia Bank's Laguna Hills
Leisure World office has been
announced by Arch G. Meyer,
vice president and office
Perdue was assigned to
Laguna lfills Leisure World
earUer tbi3 year as assistant
Hickman Leads
Founders Team
Bryson E. Hickman oI Santa
Ana hu been appointed as
diviskn manager of Founders
Mutnal Deposilo>' Corp.
Hickman will be ~ible
fur the management o f
representatives and managers
tn the ma who are engt1.ged
•• • .. .... <
John and E l a I n e Bond,
publishers o! Road and Track
and Car Lile magazines, have
aMounced the formation of
a new company to be known
as Bond, Parkhurst and Bond,
The merger involves three
firms, each of l\'hich will cnn·
tinue to operate autonomously.
They are: Bond Publishing
Co., Newp-ort Beach,
Parkhurst Publishing Com·
pany, Long Beach ,:
Datagraphics, Inc., Phoenix,
The move brings together
under one ownership four
motoring magazines. These
are Boond Publishing's "Road
and Track" and "Car Lile,"
·and Parkhurst Publishing's
Cycle World" and "Dune Bug.
Combined circulation or the
rour magazines ls 750,000 per
monlh. According lo pro-
jections this flJUre will in·
crease to 1 milhon within the
in selling shares of the mutual year.
funds distributed by Founders. The lhlrd company in the lr---=-=-=-=-=~=-;1
I See by Today's
Want Ads ·
Lake ArTo\.\·head A-frame
cottagt, with lake prlvll·
~. will trade lor beach
area property •••••••••••
And other lhlJws, the easy '''a.)', with this Strigomatic
knitting machine-. Yarn's
on saJe during the wann
months. so yO': can )l:l\'i!
11. head stArl on f"all
e 1.ATliER JS SOFT ••••
And a&undant in Mfl \l.'&ler
homes. , •. hert·s a CUii\.
a:an Marie I v.11.ter aottene.r,
in l!XceUent condition to
)11ake )'OW' wubday more
pleasant. and baths mot'@
s.c2s,ooo,ooo.oo ,, \
CO"'IOUftded dail)I J~; r I ., '
HEAD OFfllCE r . ,. .. . \i.r.:
215 Ent~-Bou4-!l'." • ,......,., caRfomla 91109
INTEREST Flt()fll DAlt OF llECE.,
OTHER BRANCH OFl'tCES TO DAJf Of WITHDWAW Al. w .. t Atudl•. eovtn.
Gtend• ..
OAILY Pll.OT JJ_; :__
' '
. ,
' . '
TUtsda7, April I, 1'69
U.S. Wants
Dead .Germs
By Product
a disinfectant . Or sanitWng
product c18ims it "germ
proofs.'' it ought to kill germs,
the Agriculture ·department
proposed Loday~
The department has publish·
ed a pro~ rule under
which ptoducts using the tmn
"Germ proof''·on tables would
have to meet new standards
of eff~veness:
some products using the
tenn at presenl p r o v 1 d e
''bacteriostatic ,treatment"
which· stops bacterial irqw1h
but does not compt·etely
disinfed, one department. of-·
ficlal said. Under the new pl'O'
posa.1, a ••germ p'roof',' label
coold be uaed on U the produ<t
"completely eliminates com-
monly~ infecnous
Dr. Harry W. Hayes, head
o( the qepartment's pesticides
regu1ation division, said ~
use of "germ proof'' and
related terms on labels at
Present is confusing to con-
sumers because ' ' th e s e
phrases are defined diffettnUy
by different manufacturers."
Hayes said the proposed new
rule would ''_provide greater
proteCUon to 'consumers by
defining these germicidal and
disinfecting claims, and by
setting up standards ror ef·
fecliveness that products must
meet before putting these
claims on their labels."
The Agrioulwre department.
under federal law, registers
all pesticides and simila'r
"economic polJOll" product.a
moving in intol'llate com-
merct. No rtglltraUon ls
gr111ted unless prodllcw meet
safety. and efftctlveneu stan·
dards whtn used according
to label dir<ctlons.
That time.has come again.
You've exempted your exemptions. Deducted your deduc'lions :Sub·
tni.cted your losse5 • .Recliecked your figures. ·
And maybe you owe more than you'd planned on.
So we'd like to call your attention to the fact that Ready Reserv·
Account is a taxpayer's taxpayer.
Ready ReservAccount can supply our money to yotJt checking
. account to ~elp wj.th tax·lfill.s. All )'ou·ha've ~ 40 is Write .a clieck arid
extra cash will be deposi~ au~ti.C'ally. JntirCst.ftee:jf·rephld Within
25 days. Or repayable on an easy, convenient lliOntbly schedule.
If you .have approved ~t; and could use some ready money before
April 15, visit Security Pacific Bank soon.
Ask for a Ready ReservAccoont It's'tlie clw:king account that will
• make paying t~~ less taxing. · . . .
Ii . ' .. ' ' . AmOOi the pr:oductl affected
by the propooed now ttgula· lions, a spokesman said, are _...,_.,. ___ _
cold water deterg<nta which
Q !' I -Include ,.nnlcldal materials,
and some rue shampoos.
. J.
,_ ' ' .
\ !. \
I '
~F t •. ,· oun a1n
. ..
••• ..
• .. •r • ,__
• ~C!>C._:1>2.' NO. 14, 2 'SECTIONS, .24 PAGES
\pookie :Rap
Jail s Auto
f irm Head
~A ~t fonn<r pony . player's tip
ifv. mGOthl'qo led to the anost Monday
ei I l\'Oltn)lmler auto' agency 11W>llll", ~ui' ·l:l:u'!e Other men and a woman
m ausplcloo of running a large·bookmak·
~ rill(._ ... .
1· George W. Elias,~. of 11702 Flagstone
Avt., GardeftGrove, wU ·l;tcked up in
&-rendiivouS .it a restaurant in·Anaheim,
as Los Angeles County sherilf's·depulies
aimultaneously arrested the others.
Booked on charges of illegal betting,
with formal complaints being sought
~ the Orange County District A~
tl)mey's office today~ wS'I!!:
, .tnu,,. nwµger of Bob Longpre Pon-"'c, JllOO.Btach.Blvd., Westmllister •
. JimOa -Sf. of Lollg Beach. ,,;i ~ a.e-Cocco, 51, of Detroit, Mich. ~
·4 WllUam Klrklucl,JO, of Coinpton.
1~ Nfrma. Yerke, 25, of Compton.
f' WestminSter Police Detective Ll Jact Sbockl'1 Wei tciday thal· tbe suspects
1jould .i_nbably be arTaigned Wedneaday In 'West orll\P County Judicial Dlltrict
Court u they did not pqst ball.
DAILY PILOT ltttf .......
Court apjJrearances woWd probably be
ael next: Week foe any of the · misde· meanar su'spects who might be released
... ball today. .
.;Lawmen· probing the alleged boo~e
ring over the past five months -m-
olUdlng Westminster police, district at·
torney'a invesUgaton, and · the Los
Angelel-'Coanty Sherlfrs Office. -said
tbe car dealership was the apparent
bookie headquarters.
B1nkl nt on Fiscel Eff lciericy in Fountain" Valley
· Lt. Shockley declined to. comment .on
any rstimated amount or gambling
wealth involved, but said today he was trtiDI to wort out a figure with tbe
])iJtricl Attorney's dlllce. .
J,nvestiiators said tho auto dealenhip
be'li ed -to be'the ~ was ev _ . .1 for-contracts with costomen ~ 1 • lt•ally oo )Joraea running . al YUIOllS ~(!allfandl'n<e -· ' Santi Anita and Del.. -M'r we,re ~ menllooed by polii:e whim u;ey announced the serlts of arrests
Tuelday aftemoon. A disgusted , former client w a.s
reportedly the upOrr source which led
ddecli._es to begin building a case
1pmst the five suspects.
'Animal Shelter
Of ft-~°"'" ...... --
Howard :G. sttpbens never-expected to
be the president of a bank.
But' he was, and even helped to Jorm
the bank of which he WIS president.
Now, u fifance director for the City
of Founlaln Valley, he•r · finding lb<
challenge of city government financin&
as int'eresting u banking.
"I see no reason why a city can't be
Rece:ves Clean nm •• efficiently u pr1va1e enlerprile ... , " aay• Slep!Jeos, ezplalning his goal in
Founlaln Valley.
Pill f H alth To ~ that goal, the former bank 0 e . <piealclenthaa IOI obout to nvamp, revise am rebuild financial procedures in
•s well in dogdom, Huntington Beach FOuatain Valley, a. city that not' too )011_8
Councilman Donald D. Shipley toki alo was borrOwing $300,0llO annually in ·
ellow·councilmen Moo0ay. Ofdel: to~ate .... ;, ;1n respome to corilplaints of inhi:unane ASSUM.ED POST "
treatment of animals at the Huntington Stephens auumed his post in April
Beach Animal Shelter, Councilmen ~ack 1968. He brought with him more than 30
Orten ·anc1 Jfl'T)' Matney and Shipley years of banking eipe.rlence, first with
Wiled the shelter March 18. Security First National, then Huntingt'on
''At that time the shelter was found Valley Bink wbich~be helped form, and t6~ be id a· ciean and good condition," finally with Southern California First National. ~ st;Z1~h 20 an unannounced visit A resident of Fountain Valley, Ste·
wis made by Dr. H. Everett Hrubant phens says, "I wanted to see what I
• Dr. .KeMelh Maxwell, who like could do with my experience in my own city."
ey, .are profeuon Qf biology at To begin with, be reworked the city's
omla State Cot\f!ge, Long Beach. business licensing ordinances which had
. Htu"'bant bu u ·one, or his duties btought the city $43,000 in the 1967·1968 ~the co1leie·iupervision of laboratory fiscal year, 1
qimals. '1bil ytar we expect bulinesl liceMe
"His visit found that all the animals revenues to exceed 1t11,ool," be not.ea:, ftre clean and dry," reported Dr1 "simply by wor~g Wkh the licemes we
b d wood alftady have." I . . Sblpley ... The outdoor cages a en Interest earned . oa',.the city's lnvest-~tronns on whicb the clop could rest ments bl another aam:.a.. of hls ...vJt. or•aleep. I '"" r-· ""All the es bad drinkinc waler . n the 1111-lllQ fiscal year the city ' _:'.."! At the time of visit waa budp4ec! to• receive only lt3,000
Wert ~" but by "offlClent . utillzallon. of city
an.!mall ...-belnr led. 11 wu notea funds,' -broog!lt in.147,000 and
11ck or aby aoimAla tecelved special br the eacl ol ,the 'cuimrt llscal year
Uon. . 1!1!1!! to· bit flt#
• Hrvvant aJI!( Marwill Cell ihal · But. two ...,..-prosroms ftoi fully ~ anlmaJ'shelter WU in bettor cOndltion ;. '
comple!e<I, .i-lhe lrta\e.rt mork ii.
SUpbens' ability. . '
Fint is the now famous Fountain
. Valley. 10-yar financial .pii.n.wlilch vir·
tu&11y:,uaraDtees residents no raise in
· proper\)' taxes.
F,1rst spark of the idea came from
City Manager James Neal,· btit without
Stephens' woi-k and financial experience
the framework. might never have been
buil4 said Neal. .
Slructurally', the 11)-year plan is Steph·
ena' work. He did the ,figuring that will
tell Fountain ·Valley fesident:s where the
money will a:me froqi.
A second major effort. to• brl:ni fin~
cial eWcieOC)" to .city government ifl..
volves a comJ19ter coe>Pera.Uon program
being -.cl on by Stapiw.,., Jn ...,.
Junclion with officiala 'in oeveral other
Orange County cities, 1 ,
By cooperating with several ckies to
lease and run a comput"er operation,
Stephens feela he can save Fountain Y a11~y 'mOriey. '1flile incret.sin( ~nciency
1n city operations.
How does. tie feel about city \lfOrk?
"I've enjoyed this more than anything
since the forrhation of -the Hunlington
Valley Bank,'' he. says. ~
Strangely enough, Stephens didn 'i want a job with the city. , ·
After resigning from Southern Cal).
fornia National, he. called Neal, for a
gime of golf. . . ·
"l1ve got ' lots of free time now," he
told the city manager.
"Oh," said Neal, "bow would you like to work for the city as finance direc-
tor?" t#
"Not particularly,". rtplied Stephens,
1'but let's talk."
.They talked and on April 22 Fountain
Valley City Councilmen will receive lbe
first city budget built from scratch by
N '. : .e:w.
I • '.
' ..
' ' . . ..
TEN aNTs '
.. ~ • ' ,. • ' • I•" ,, *"'" • • • ·ear~:pa!lg ~ t ·
. 'Stopgap' Recipwnt '~tU P.neutr.wnia
' . ···-, .
HOUS'roN (UPI) -llaaltell Karp, an Uons on the 47-l"'~ld ~.;m,. DWI,
IUlnols aaJeaman kept allv. by . a man-~ hope Karp 1IWld n<O¥tr;
fl)lde, ".st:OP&•P" btut fOf 13 hours '"Mr~·Katp bas -~ 'a :-patch .ot
and U.,. ftcipienl · o/ . the beallby heart pnewnollla Jn bis right lung:' Ills ~
of a Masaacbulelta widoW because be function is depresaed'.~' i&id a 'SL l.uie~s
wanted• to "live like "a .man,·' not Ue HoSpllal spokesman ift -a ~ .. maraj.rig
tbCfe ; like a vegetable." developed-bullet,ln. •: : · · 1 ' ,. • • ,· •:·
poeumonla today. (n.Jated .~ Page The 1pokWW1D aald Kl<!> • ..Wllo.zeoti •
4i. ed"'tbe '"heart ol' Mn • .Barbara Ewan,
But Dr. Denton A. Cooley, the famed 40, Of Lawrence, Mass., Monday,~ re-h~art surgeon who performed both opera~ mf!lned res~ve ht!t w"'Urini.· -j _ . '
Enrly .Freeway
Route . Protests . . .
·'~ -----·--
"We are hopeful lie 1!111 1...-i· lo
medical managemen4 " he -.i.
Doo;lon """' ela~ -1'111111'1 operatliin in•1ihlch c.,oley .Imploded tho
artificial heart. One hnopilOl• llllldal -
it WU unbelievab)ei how 1 wtll 1' Kwp f'eSJIODd«I to the machine. ·. , •
"Wed-~ lhot a ll{e jl .sene,"
Shirley 'Karp; mother ol three ...... aid
Monday after the surgery. She had illuod
(See HEART, Page·&) • ·
St~dy Ordered
On COnditions
For Annexation
. A llst o/ a dolen Jn"O!IUllltes to '-
the aiwzatloo ol Sumel Beoch to ._ • tinaton Beach "!'I glven-.to lhe ._ llncioo Qty Qitmdl Mooclay nllhl eow..
cilmen ordered .. lmmedlale atafl study
and npcrt.
The list ..... olltred by leadera ol
the oceanfront community beiw.en Hun-
tington Beach and Seal Beach a I o n g
Pacillc Collt HlghWay to the norlhwut
as pr&«llldiUom to circulating petltlou
callln& for an anneutlOn' e}ecUoft.
City Admlnlltralor Dofle Miller .. Id
he felt it wu a uduty to-bold public
-. Oil I muter plan and pnoonlng
for tbe area, but I think theae poople
need to be uaured ·ol COODcil action
" OD tbia Hit." '
NEW EDUCATION ADVISOR • Coundlinan 'Jerry Malaer, aayinl he ~..,,i.ln Valley'• No ,.,.., Is In favor of .the ~ "I\ lout
' .
Robin Hood Thug
Holds Up Market
· A bandit with a Robin Hood heart
took $358 at gunpoint from a HunUngton
Beach food market Monday night.
John · James DeValois, Jr., a ~ore
employee. told police a man wearing
cord pants and a cordovan sw.eater
entered the Tic 'Ioc Market, 19'86 Beach
Blvd., at lO p.m., naShed a splall pistol
and 83ked for the money in the cash
_ "11 that all the money?" the bandit
asked. ·
"Only my Own money is left," DeValols
"t don't want your money," said the
robber, apparently Mly intemteC:I · in
1tea1Inc trom store owners.
Unemployment Rises
w ASHINGTON <UPn -The naU.O'a ~pktyment rate ed~. up by one-
lenth ol one percent to u percent in
MMch, allbouah Ille level ol )obi-held
by adults wa1 uncbang~, the gqvem-
,' • " ' -lo .......... • oaRd for the lllall study ·~-, -·".!:-~~I I
....... • 'PJ': . . -6..1.L.-·"""7 ltaulman -u ~-ome tn1.l n. . u....-•• pr:~-·-
, ~..... . . \;~ f; 11:'&.::.:~ .ltdvr.sory P os't · · i. Jjedeil ' ata11 ai-u t11o • • tb1>e needed IO-aet Ibo !¥\* plan
On .. Sta•~ Bo11•d ~ county Local Agency Form•llon i,c:; ...,.. Comniluon (LAFC) haa • 1ppn!Vec! .,._
L .. A .• "Bilek" News,~111e, a .founWn
Vafley real "ei:tate 1exectttlV',' hes been
appointed : to the · JnnovaUon Adviioiy
Cotnmi.Ssiol'I of the it.ate Board or Ed\Jca.
tioti. . ~
The appointment was made by Dr.
Max Rafferty, state superintendent of
public instructlori. Newsome.,. 50, will ,serve on tbe 10:-
member commission which a~vises the
state Oep8{!plerit of F.ducatton and the
state' board on new ediicattonal 'prOji<:ts
funded by the Federal · Elementary
EducaUon Act. . . ..
. A native of Tulsa, Okla. Newaome cur-
rently worts as director of traininf in
Ult ntw house division or walker' and
Lee ·inc.
His . backaround includes a prev!PlJs
career in Ille broadcasting • inQultry as
part owner, ass istant· 'manager and pro-gram dlrectOr at various radio statkl{ls.
nexaUon -moves by· Huntington Beach
· and· S-t ~. b1!1 1tht! rea)del!la ~ the area muit file 1 nqliee ·ol inlentilXI
to circUJale ~tims Callin( ,for 1!11 ... nexall!m ellClton, Qty.clerk Pllil.iilles said. ·' :
"They'll have ~ morrths to clrcuJate.
the petiUOM," he explained.
A. report. on the acceptability of tbe
condiUOM ls ,expected be!Ore lhe 'flnt
part ol 'May, stall mtmheil lndlcaled. . ' -"
Mim~ Troupe Ge~
Boot iii ·Arizona
MANY .FARMS, .\riz: (AP) -:A cloih
betwee:a pa~ anc1 .a Ccinmna•
expression, of antl·VielJ¥1m war · b
timents en~~ MoJ¥1ay niP,t at the Nava-
jo Community College wJth a can for
police. ·
Schoo~ adminlstrllon inlemlpted I
performance by the 'Son Francf>co Mime
Troupe, ordmod the playen off the cam-
pus and ·called for police al1tr oo\y
two sklls ol the performance.
Report&. of nadl)' wllot preceded the
evicttoft. varied, but all IOUl"Cf!S asreed
that the ~'to 30 members of' the troOpe
"'"'. -off the can!pus by tho Navajo pallce. 1
0r.., • .
·'. tJijn -auch esta6llolunents operated ' -~lr=*!.£ .. 'Bubble' Houses Reserv9ir'
'11>e7 c;omm...ied the operation aod
left the alle(ations made against, the ol>!)ltr ........ true and not ,_ by
......... r" • '!'lie' .un•, . ....,..,,,...alil\ w.i..
...aay an<1 •tqlq the wann
weather with him. Look: for1 J'tld..
lnp Jn tbe, lo• II!• unck'r ~
~ cloud' skip· fact,.d ·
• ' '
• ·:
:t Dolli.Y,ILOT H ~ ...... lM • •
. ·s~
11 .-t 11a.:" ie<med lo the ~illol
at spoclalon In the bushed --t halMadllon Av,... had at lut mode
Ila hnpod ao Ille hallowed ballJ of J.,._
How else could one explain
audible noise or rushing water t as-And so this u11CQUth betrayal of a
tailed our artonished ears? Ther lt was robed judge's need • for privacy when
again, ljslng lo a rippling · ond • he """'"" the call of the law and
evoldnf >jilona of Teooyaao'a and .m-!department of a lllgber Power
fabled Niagara -.. It finally p. . waa added lo our mental cuebook. of
peartd .Jn • lall aoullul ........ 'counl)' c;ouru-e goofs. ,
We looked at each other and wondtred 'Mlere Eve been many, gentle reader,
if the SUperior Court in the months ol our sojourn
·judge whose measur· in what 1 has come to be known as
ed deliberations we the Bug·iA·'Em Palace of West Eighlh b,..i been lillenlng StreeL
lo befort hi called Nol the leu\ of those bugs bu bffn
a brief recess \O'U the ll·story building's willlngness to
responsible for this absorb -1and speed 11 y distribute
stroke of genius. throughout it.s interior -most o[ tbe
Waa thla bis way, a riln water that falls In Ille Santa Alla
la publlc relaUons, areL ·Flooded elevator shafts, bubbling,
ol ensuring Iha! the uoplJMed fountolna In the calderia,
legal -lrom the Santa Alla lwlrllng do<umenta being w b I a t e d
lllv1r w-cUapule ...,. no! out ol our lowardl the mall aball ·In ao eddy of
minds while he wu out of OlU' aigbt? rain water .... these were among the
But our visiona of a back room daily occurrencu we had to live with
LandnUirli ~oming Down
Demolition began last week on the old building at the comer of Main
and Walnut Streets. Formerly housing Waite's Drug Slore, the old
building served as an informal meeting place for Huntington Beach
leaders. A combination restaurant and Greyhound bus depot will be
built in its place.
Official Asks Hospitals
Prove Need and Necessity
A new municipal ordinance requiring
quasi.public agencies such as hospitals,
rest horn~ and sanitariums to gecure
certificates of need and necessity from
the Huntington Beach City Council is
being sought by Counc-ilman Jack Green.
Gretn ralsed the matter during Mon·
day'• Council meeting u a result of
a squabble over wbeth« lbe city ought
"o\>ert N. Weed ,.,.loflnl •rid Pvbllthtr
J1di: R. Curley
Viet P~lllent lrld ~nnal MeMtrt
Thol'l'l•t Keevll
Thol'l'ltt A. Murphlne
~ ...... EClitor
Albert W, l1to1 W.lliem R11d
Aaoelet. HW!llr!lltln Blktl
El tlllr (llf l!:d ltw
H1 ............. 0fftai
l09 5th Str.1t
M1ili11t Uclrtttt P.O. loa 1tO, 91641 --.......... 9-dl: trn w.t ...... '*'......,..
"91e ~l -Wiit .. ., lll'Nt LftUN hM:fl; m '-1 A-
to have a second hoapita1 and, If so,
who should build M.
A permit for one new medical facility,
Pacifica Hospital, was obtained by its
backers without the matter coming
befor.e the council and councilmen later
insisted they should have been COMU!t.ed.
However, city legal aides llid Hun-
Ungton Beech in>mt!Y baa no ordlnonce
requiring that the council be oot.lfied
in such easies.
In response to Green'a suggestion MM-
day, City Clerk Paul Jones noted that
his office already is gathering in-
funnation about need and necessity
ordinances and would have a report
ready for the a>uncil IOCll.
City Attorney Don Boria ouggested
I.hat a ~y of the subjtd be conducted
by the city Planning Department since
it would be involved in any f\lture
proposals to butld quasi-public facil.itl!!.
Green asked that all studiee on the
Sllbjecl be cootpleted with "all due
Huntington Aide
Resigns Position
AdmlnlsltaU•e Aide John Cootallo ha•
realgned hl1 poa!Uon with the clty o!
HunUngton Beach and wUI take a pos!U-On
as us.lstant to the pttalderit ol 1 San
l>lq:o construction fl.rm , Qty
Administrator Doyle Miiier aMOllllCed
CO<ltllo, who has been with the city
since JJ68 hu been Involved with the
clty'1 Utwn Lind lnatllult Cilllens com-
mittee and, more rectnUy, wtlh the
&mitt Beach 1nneI1Uon prosram.
Councilmen ordered a suitable <Om· meodation for h1I amlce prepared,
deecribed him all "1 line peraon" and
cald his depirture would be a "great
~ to the city.''
I 1. ' I ~ ' ' '
In the heavy ·-ralna ot . a few 'wtW •So· . 'Iben thi!re wtre the mice. Hin15
(and other eridence) ol thtlr pre>-
eoce had been dropped In several CourtrooID!: for some .weeks before
detennlned janiton launched an e1-
term1n1Uon campaign that has not yet
-our authority ii an embittered
municipal court clerk ..... removed all
rodents from the belequered bulldlng.
Dropped? Ah yes. As we write, a
Pllly-ebated pi-atndl his way along the presa room parapet, a vlajble
reminder of an unloreaeen development
that aendJ muttering Janiton out Into
the elemellla lo chip and scrape at
the oculptured gray stonework.
Their object, ol coune, IJ lo emuro
that the stooeworl: rwllllina totally gray.
• oom
'l!lllilt Pal on we
Dl'Jil M • .
BUI ~·•'4oiohq .... lltlcs 111.._ from' the potnC of vtew ot MwmiNn.
provided lllOll ~L No counl1 body's deliberations more guarded
lbao -of thi .If jury but thel9 wu a· time when the blnocont (!) b111oJ>.
der cauld alind II !tot awa, .lrGm the
door and clwly hear ,.... Jllllll1 llCl'll
goiql 00.
And by the way, Jlldp •••.. , YfNr
alle(odly atupld clert'• -and lither _. married. v.... ....-
belief that theY nnn't, cleulY cmyeyed
lo the c:ourtroom tbroup YtU lovtly
oak panelling, IJ ... of the lld-lllta
falthluJly reloyed lo delllhled ~
~ In this fai>Je.lllled bulJdlnc, '
But this IJ a Jocbool!' not a DOve1.
Come and ... -or lather ... -
for youn<ll.
' ' 1ormc Brittlh i••l'!IGllJI Tom
&rlcy ;, .,.,,.,,.u~ auign<d 1o. 111c
D~ILY PILOT'• Orongr Covntv Bvr-edu in the countv 1cat civic centn
comple% at Santa Ana.
No Smothers Suit
' )
. Nixon,. Hussein
) . ' . •
~Vow Peace Quest
Nlxoo weloao>ed Jordao'a Kini Hussein
lo the Wblle Houae today and they
joined In plo<Jsln1 an earnest 1eardl
for pe.C. Jn 'Ille Mlddle l!:ut, w.bero
Huaoelo'a 1 ..... jual haurs before Md
Uo:hanied MW blowl wttll brae!.
'Jbe JordanJan monardl WU given a
lull llate welcome on the White House
aoutll lnu complete wttb mllltary bonon
,llld 21-lllute.
Durlrir an~ o1 remuta ·bef~
be and Nlxoo went llllo bualnW awlona
bl the White Hodae, the two tMD ~
ceded thal the altuatlon In the Mlddle
Eut ls "nplollve" and. If unaolved,
could leod lo aerioua Involvement ol lhe
.... " tile -Id. Each, In dillereot wordl, ~
the aame IOluUon ....,.. a slocere search
for puce.
N!xoo, In greetiJli the king at the starl at a tllr<May Waahlngton. viii~ said
he looked forward to their conversations
Jn the hope they might arrive at "new
aveoues that could Jud to permanent
peace in that troubled part of the world,
the M1ddle East"
my friend," the king said, adding th~
hope that relationa betwoen 1 ~ · IWj>
coonlrit1 'wOOld now "grQW stnlll<I' lball
they ever were." l
A large crowd of Jordanian-~qicf:M,
White Hoiµie e!QploytS and ,"<rkers from
the adjacent ex"'ll! ... o111ce bllildin(
assembled to watch the ay-ival. From
the ellipse, the king pr\>cfeded by
limousine to th'e \While Hob.le IOULb ' . portico where Nlxoo and Secretary o1
State William P. Roiei's give him a
red carpet welcome.
Alter the •J'jesldenl and the king In·
spected an honor cuard of ~ta repr~
ting .U of ·\be U.S. armed servJces
they went to a small rtd, white and
blue buntlng-aki,rt.ed platform for an ex-
cllange 'of remarks' -au part " the
traditional American welcome ceremony,
for a visiting: bead of 'Stale. ,
·Both Nixon and Hiiudn spoke wi~t
notes with a bright spring sun shin1ng
From Page 1
The President noted the "explmlve T D • B th B k p sltuaUon" between Israel and the Arab NE::::(~I) _e:;:~lher•r:~ .e~~ the :orkedoea :et a ~:E~ i~.?,:~£:1:. ~~m~0::~0:~~us~::.day !or a
Br~s Indicated today they weren't ri,tit, became they are the packqeTs "We Jn -tbls coorts:y' have aeen in "Someone beard my plea and they
re Y to sue the Columbia Broadcasting and do pay ua for the show, but the you tboM qualities," N~ told Huueln. came through. 1 know what they're going
Sy although they fell they sUll had right bu been abuaed bocauae In the ,, ~ f •• "-·•b because I think we've died one.
a valid contract with the network Which public interut Jt lhould have been allow· ~Y-·e ol ~:,. 0 cour-~, ~ times over and over agam
fired them last Friday. ed to go on." __ ... 1.1. ---i wl1h H wi'lh "'v husband in the Iut 10 yearr. Tommy Smotbers, 8pe8ting for himJel! Smotben read from a telegram be He -·~ _.....,.. Ulleln ·~
and his brother Dick, said on NJIC.TV's said be had received lul November wouldlbat-·~!.1-Jeadptlo''!.~ ...... ,..., I hope thla will give him a chance
iaped "Today" ahow that the alleged froni Presldenl Lyndon Jollnaoo In reply ~ ~-for a Utile bit of ba~plneal."
C<llllrad viotallaos In the cancellaU<m to aoe be had sent apoloehlnl !or critical "I look forward lo aeudiing tocelher Mra. Ewao, who died of brain damag<;
telegram from CBS d1d not Wst. reinarU he bad made about the former (for) new 1Venaes of Wldentandlng," c1used by undisclosed medical ailmen~
The brothers signed a 28-week contract president. · he aald. waa flown to Houston early 'Mond&Y.
March 14 but CBS dropped the show "1 told him t ft1'aot; about 90me of Hussein' responded that "I feet the aboard a Umping airplane that wu fore· -
assertedly because tapes of an upcomlng his food. things," Smotheni Aid Johnson weight of raponslbllity even more" to ed down at a Strategic Air Command
segment had not been delivered on time 'replied: "It is part of the price <1f seek a "just and honorable peace." base near Shreveport, La.
for review by the network and because leadership of this great nation to be Hussein recalled the era of Jordanian-Without brakes or landing naps, tt
parts of the show were allegedly of. the target of clever satirilts. American fr:lend ship during the rolled 11,000 feet along a Barksdale Air
fenslve. "You have elven the gilt of laughter Eisenhow!:'t admini.straUon and how he Force base runway before coast.lng to
Smolhers denied both ~ges. . to our people. May we ne.Yer grow so first met Nixon In 1959 when tbe latter a stop just short of lhe end ol the
He 4Aid the tape of lbe a,Nlw bad somber or self important that we fail was vice president. landing strip. It was met by machine
been aubmltted on time and that a to appreciate the humorous in our lives." "I'm proud of the fact that you are gun carrying air police. skJt the network found "of questionable 1-.....:..:...._..cc_..cc..ccc:::..=.:=..c...c=.. __ :..::.:...'.:=-:...:.=-=-:..::...cc.....::._ __ ...:,. __ ;_::__...:.. ______ _
taste" had been deleted on request.
"~ don't want to 1et involved in a
breach-of~tract mit," Smothers sa.id.
"I Jmow, if we went to court, I would
win ••• I Can not fight a network.
It's a giant .•. "
Sinolh'!'I said the :Yn,vt\•" belonged ti»!He1'1lblic-and-'all~vieir> &bould-be
r,eflected on them "as the fairness doc-trlne 11y1." • ~ . ·• . 1· ,
"We happen to represent, mayt>e,"
Smothers said, "a ·viewpoint of dlaen-
franchl...S people -yowig people, people
who are not particu!Jrly enjoying the
Council Waives
Fees for CASL
Student Dances
Recreation facility fees accepted from
the Community Action Stud-League
ICASL) for lwo danceo April 25 and
May 9 were waived Monday night by
tbe Hurtlngton Beach City Council.
Coundlmen pointed to the outstanding
work ol CASL members in attempting
to develop an acceptable recrealiooal
program for ihe area's teens.
·About 80 Huntinglon Beach High School
students belong to the CASL, headed
by preadent Linda Blair.
T1:1eir pU!l'pOlle is to show the city
that teenagers can develop an effective,
and enjoyable program for teenagers.
They have also offered help in working
for passage of the upcoming park bonda
Councilmen felt their effor1& deserved
free use of the city's Recreation Center
for dances.
Councilmeo Jack Green ond Jerry Mat·
ney al8o potnted out that the recreation
department had cootpkined ol "the low
grade of chaperones" at the first dance.
"We were the chaperones," Matney
said. .
"1 didni know ur<iJ· right now," llald
Recreation and Parks Director Norm
'M'le two councilmen won council ap-
proval of the Recreation Department
co-eporisorbig future dal'Jces with tbe teen
.Temple to Fall
Despite Protest
~Chow Benevolent Ass:Ociation has a
perfect legal right lo deotroy a historic
115-year<>ld temple In Chlnaiown, a judge
ruled Monday.
"You don't give me any legal basis,"
Superior Court Judge Raymond J, Arata
told an attorMy for Mra. Charkltte
O\atl1, a 97-year-old woman who trltd
lo .top the ruing. "The legal owners
have told it and that's It."
l\lrs. Chang ls the daughter of Yee
Ah Tye, who gave the land to the
aseoclttion in 1&52. She claimtd part
of the asreemerit wu that it must
never be told.
The a5'0Clatkm Slid it has been of'fer'fd
163,000 for the site 8nd plana a "more
beautlful'\ttmple at anothtt lotatlon.
POlt llTHIR Of
'1'11151 2 OIOUPS
..................... -O -C>C1.,, ..... , ..... , TllllWU ...
.~ ....... ..... (lnll~ ... !Hric)
our exclusive Crush.:cf
.Velvet 6 pc. ensamble
Clld ... ~ •llfr fMtwtil1 .._..... --.c.,......,...... ...... 111-..--...-Kllf+.-..,.... ...................... _
•lnlcfiee .................... ctofl'lfWl. '~ ............ ndMll ... Mlric)J ~ .... , ....................... _.....,. I,... Otll. ,._. er ~ Wlllhl.' .....
~ C1nc11sr.11t """ ...... l"lUS -
&.Hll ......... ~ --... ~ """"" 1*1( ,., """' """' ....... ...,,,., -It ••• -.. -.. .. """"..,........,. ,.., .,. ·-·
Why pay up to s399 $799 for thl•
laviah ll"'VP • • •
e ic....,....,..........,. •:= ................. I . -----..... .._ ......
hord·to.bolla.va. s3 9 9 th• price 11
only , ••
' .
' .
I .-
I' ehaek.---'-" E'DITrO.N
. .
VOL:. 62, NO. 84, 2 SECTIQNS 24 PA&ES
·-• • .1e .o
Qown the
Truck Hurls
Victim, 14, . .
' . .•
Over :70·Feet
' ? t Fourteen-year-old Ran<ly Met\Uey of
M' arm' e's Son, 8, Mission Viejo WIS killed M-y al· ternoon when .be wp ,bit by a., U.S.
Navy lrUck . and -draQed 10 feet u "· , C . .! he and a companion attempted to cross Dies m ave· m South <;oast Highway at Cleo Slreet
~ in Lagunl Beach.
""'EL TORO _ Eight.year-old Russell Menuey,.~ •Santo. Drive •. died in
Brown waa killed here Monday night · i• , co.ty Tl'a!!lc 1111 ~ a . cave he' wu ~I at ~e $3, Duda T.P JI
rear of a Marine Corps Air StatKm ~ art1 collap!fed and buried him Sooth. CoaJt Community· Hosp It 1I'1
alive. emergency room abOut .S miDuiel after
. The boy was dug out of the cave-in the l2:03 p.m.-accldenl, Cotonen Deputy Harold Minick:1 slid. .~
by military po~ .and neighbors. He Menuey's companicl1, Tiny Godtt, 18,
was pronounced dead on arrival at Ute of 2:443 Olanalei St., Misaion Viejo,· was \
llr station dlspensatY. also graud. by the lllalebed truck. He
Young Brown was the son of Capt. was treated at the hospital .for minor
and Mn:. Donald J. Brown, 86:11 Saipan injuries and later released.
P.Iace. His father, a Marine _intelligence Laguna eeaCh wnCe allege both youths
efiicer, ... is on temporary duty 1n the were in the pedestrian safety ZQDe whl1e
East, 8'atlon spokesmen said. attempting to cross the highway at Cleo
'Ibe cave-in occurred behind the air Slreet hr the -busy Sleepy Hollow
~tioo's Wherry housing area. Orange neighborhood when they wer_e struck· by
tounty coroners said -death was caused the Navy vehicle.
by suffocation. An autopsy is pending. Inveatigaiing officers Identified the
<"\ t '..A... iir~yer as sailor J.Cihn William , Tblel,
' • "'\. 24, ~n ~.at ~ Nivy AmPlilblan
B. ill Would Allow· Scbiiol bt Ci>raoido. He ""'· nollheld.; 'Ille -~ -.er, II atlll under
inveotiptloa, aocoidinc ·IO / ~ •LL
C II Land S ' Ro0ert Me)lurray.. , I r--=o=e=e:.....===--=-:.;w~a"!'.p~-,---~llea:!!lb~11Jball~•"" to hive .. ute
I MISSION VIEJO -A blD that 'would --,1,i!OI(~.. . · ' -"°.--•'e·Sadd· leba·' JunlorCllllele IO swop ~~->. ... ;i' four-acrt-parceil ll land with Nllril . .,,.,........ -aft· ~ ...
the Mlaslon Viejo Company has been 'l1le bo1°I body la II MacDoi ... FamJJ}o
Introduced into the stale LtgislatUtt, Mort~ in Sarita Aftl, ·
SaddlebaCk trustees were told MOnday Menuey is liOrvived bJ bbl father,
•'-•t. Roland Menliey; ~. Ewe; :of the ..... family 1-e 11111 allier Mn. Jlenee ·Authored by Slate Sen. John G. Schmitz Sllenrood d lnglowood. ~Tustin), the-tailor-made bill would 'Tbe b!>Y"war •'frellunla,..mhlrli!nl at
allow the college IO trade a comer ·Miaaion Viejo lllib Scllo6I< ~ yWtb
qr its :!Okcre permanent camJIWI Ille eojoyed rock colleCtlq ·Wllb·llJi father I/>< land to be .. crossed by the campus u 1 bobby and aJlt Ubd 1q111111c opoiu.
access road. J>ruent law 1imlta lillCh l!il fllhtr 11 employed by the Los Az>
awaps to three acres. The Sc1uni11 bfil iels·Tlmea u a 1Jnolnt ojlerator.
iwould incruse the e1cbange amount
to 10 acres.
* 3'2 Acres Submitted
'For Duplex Zoning
EL TORO -Relone ol almoot 22
1.iaes in the El Toro area for construct..ion
of duplex apartme:Jlts hu been requested -Jw a-glenn Conotructioo, Inc. I • . • The matter will be before the Orange
~Y Pl11ming Commission Wednesday.
1. lncluded are 7.7 acres on the norther1y ~..comer of ]:I TJrO Road and Raton
_.Drive and 14.18 acres on both sides
·of Pino Lane, northwest of El Toro
* "!frailer Park Plans .. ,
"To Be Spelled .Out
•for backers ~ tbe propoted. Mobtlebome
P•k here will outline plam for the
"d ... lopmenl Wedueldll1 durillg · a I..,.
"tbeon medini of 1he Capls1r-Beach
'Chamber ol CGltlmtr« at Pete and
'clari1's Cafe.
'' The triiler park ts pttll)Oltl'Nor eort-
1 ~ oo an IO-acre pwcel of coun(v
'territOrJ botw"" Camino Capistrano and
"t;strella Drive. 'l1le county Plannlili •CommJssion ii 1Cbeduled IO act oli the
· _prOpooed development ·at !Is April· 23
ineetin& ill Santa Ana. * . ~Petitions on El T~ro· ,, ..
''Drawing. Supporters
_ EL TORO -Petitions ~
.-atrong opposition IO any development
of the El Ton> Marine Air Slatioll inlO
"1 commeffial airport m being pa.ued
"'lloor-<o<loor by a IJ""P ol Saddleback
area residents. r .. Volunteers rtpraentinl several dif.
·~erent bomeOWnel' poupa have st\ out
"'fill the decllr•tlonl with the signatures
'o1 Milllon Vlejo, El Two, 11111 Log\ma . ·~ a
NJauel ·--~ Ono ol """'· llrl. Arthllr 5'1d1nl• o1 -..-.,. Drift, SI ;roro.
·aathmd a ..rp.tura <lurlnl -al.
• 1em00n. No -turntd her down, •he
'Hid • • , .
.. sw '
Laguna Canyon
· Residents Give
Flood Claims
' -'
. ) . ·-· .
--.. ~·· . ··.:. ,_. " --....... . . -_, --., -. ----. -...
TUESDAY. ~~Rlt ,;,l91.9 . . .
. -. ' ' . \. ·1 .. ·n . ' . ' .. a '
;. :~
+• ,_ -·~
.Ja11cee Ji'ort1m, .
z s
• l
. •
. '
... .... .
. •
Laguna · Teache~·
~ ·le"' r • : C OAA.Yl'1LOt"•1 ...... . ._' . . ~ ·-.. . ' ~ r 'wA~1No 'IP' 'oii•rttu~ON sCH~L'~1ni KAPERs ' •·
. · ........ n. "Htva"-.McCr.tlan'(laft), Dlck '1emu1 T111 . Wlr\cl : ·
, \ ;;. •. • . ' • ' • I > ' ' '
•'"\ ~. ·' ' ' ' r ~ ~ . • I , I . ' ' • ' r.... 1 • ,,. , • , .• , 1 .. 1 • • , ..
~1e Flying , Not' the : Oiilv ··
•. ~., ' . 'J
' Yo '\ •
~ctl9~·Set at Thurston·
'•" 'I.' \ J ·.. . • • ..,.. . .. . ' ~~~-~·re(-.-~-: the ntallfst> ~. largmt· kite, ·most ~!Qte.~~m ,IO'lif'din., ·' col.rful Idle, aiiil-.unlqiie kit.. ..
polole;;,e;m.iltod ..... "lijt!j ao· &if;il>ow; cm .Ole,1 All kile5 must . prove the Ir
a .,,uq .~ ~a #iJin. f'8llval amorur ' airworthiness by remaining up for , at
otbei' ·aetnftles .•t the ~l Saturday· lea.t~ one minute. Entry. fee is 25·ce.nta
tnm·t1.1;m.. to 51>.m., • per event. ·P.afpc•"of~ta.e.~vity·l!I to famlllarize A rocket demonstration will be held par:l\>ll 11111 ..e.ia..ti with Thur.ion at lt:l5 .a.m •in the Thurston quad
wblle, at::Ufe.-aame•·.ttme,""iaiainc-!uiwi by membei's' ~the Star'sb®ten Club
for needf!d·.ecbool project.I. · of Garden .Grove. . .
KUe !Jyln_g . competition will be -)leld ROcket& Will 'use one th"rough three
on the school athletic 'field . Prlus~ wlll !taie unlts . wtilCh will shoot up to 3,000
be given ·for 'the 'hlgb"t ·flying kite, feet lnlO the aJr. · · · •
' Youth and Poliee
... • •
. Rtrreshme'ntl and ·• band' concert are
also plaMed. Baby siutng services will
be available. · • , •
Stoclc Markets
NEW YORK (AP)'-'111e stock market
clo.ed" with . 1 rnodeat gain today IO
recovtr a bit of the territory .it lott-
Mooday .. (See quotatiooo, P1ges ltH!I.
Pay Sehedule·
Reagf!J,n 'J'. ax
Plan Includes
SACRAMENTO ,(AP),-Gov. Iii.gin
proposed today 1n addhlon1I one p««nt .
tu on grois penonal income; i syltem
of volunµary withholding and · new · satel
ta1es lo' relieve some or ·the' tai burden.
of caru:orilla property o\vners. ' .
· l!il laol' ... oiled ~ ·~ -·
VJ II' • • . -...;, '
. Tbe ~ aurprile bt· ..,.. pip .~
his ptdjloial ~t Callfornallll be jlimdl·
tect to withhold their pmooaJ "'-
ta1es if ·they want.
'I11e governor has been ,a ateadfast
opponent ot payroll deductlonl in the
past.-· · , .
·Calling lt a "voluntary -prepannent
plan," RulM .aaJd• he . 'l'U prwooing
it · becauee , his . re·form 1Plan -~
shifts the tax burden from property
taus to per,t0nal income tuu.
The plan would :
-Extend Ute present five percent salts
tax to ,repair services, macuina and
the .sales of containen -a widely grow~
ing iodllllry in the sllle. '
-Crute an EducaUona1 Opportwiity
Tu of ooe percent •of adjusted 1f01S
iocorµe . '
-Increase the homeowners'. prpperty
tax exemption to $1,000 -a '250 . bike
above the f150 ·exemptlon provided by
a ballot proposiilon In ltlll.
This, plus the addiUonal Income tu,
t•would reduce the average reaidential
property tu throughout the· sill• by
weJJ over 50 percent," Reagan •told the
The plan would also cut the business
Inventory property tu by . lri<!ther 23
percent ; ·retain the current bank and
corporaUon tax Jnalead of reduclnc it
as 119w req~ by law ; and return
to the oJd 1yfte!n or aJlowlng Income
tax rpayen to take peraonal exemptions.
This would mean more money in tlie
pocket for middle Income tupa.,.n than
the (ll'<Selll syllem ol allowing them
to take flat tu credits.
Auto Theft Jails ."
' .
Capo Resident'
A 36-year-old Capistrano Beach mn
WU .arrested and jalled MQl\day by
Laguna 8'•cb police in connei:tloO With
a ~a. car theft.
F.rancls Louil Wlnterbourne, who 1ave
an aildreas oi 28ta Via caurorua, wu
picktd up by patrolriian Ken 'c~
at. JO · p.m., near Lagw_ia Avenue··and
Glenneyre Sireet. .
Poll~ Lt.. Rob¢ McMurray said the
man was arrested .in a 1n11ll foreip.
car whicll had been reported stolen about
5:45 p.m. by Jolin Randolpll ' lfodtlea,
IOO Glenneyre SI. The llllPed ailo waa
charged -...... small -
ol hubllh QI! till -A" CGIDplalnt dllrlinl the -with
grand theft ••to "~ "Fed Jhll moiillnl
by the district attoriiey'1 olflco. A ,
second cornp!aJnt' charging -Ilion ol
hashish al90 ,ftl .lau&I ...
" or ....
... ~.., ..
'The'sun1S going on vacation W~:
neadar and taliing the warm
w,ealh<r with• him. Loot far ntld-1
lril(I bl the.low···--IJlll) cloudy sties.
-.~--., .. -· -. -
L , ... • •
·Judge Flu
. 'i!'e.'R Yn ;f ' •--··~
oom : Saddlehack
• • • n -have *"""' to the iprlntllfta ..... ...,. " ....... ;J. "' opedoton la the hulhed -' lr .,,, 11,,... tnlr ....... ..
~ltt.:.wz,ua eomc on we .. ........... Site~Pact . .
that Medlaon Avenue bad at last made ~ wtm.eit wU )'It 1no0Mr drltn1 c
ita ~ cin the hallowed halls of jus-demoostrailoa of the ll\Ollllblni . ~
tltt. 1 hes in our new $1f mlllloo county cowt-
How We could ~ esplaln the clearly houle. ·
audible noise of rual\lng water that as-And to lhis uncouth betrayal of 1 aatled «u: asto~ tan? 1bere It wu robed judge's need 1 for privacy when
1•1ain. rla1~1 to a nppllng crescendo and he answers the call ol the law and
1evotlnc vliiom o1 Tennyscm'1 brook and motion deparlJMnt ct a H1&htt Power
, lab!W 111Hara before It llnalJy dlup-"" added to .... manta! cuabool: o1 l"Artll lai • 1ut IOlllllll ..,.i.. coumy CllUl1house aoo1&.
Wo at eoch a1ber and -ered 11>en hava beet ITI4lll' gentle ,_
JI the llOperkr Court in the line monlllr cif our llOJouD
judp whole meuur-in Whit has come to be known 1s
ed dtliberatianll we the Bug·iJ>..'Em Pala~ of West Ei&blh
had been Jlsttoing Slrttl
to before he called Not the least or those bugs has been
.a brief recess was the 11-story building's willlnlne.ss to
responsible for ~ absorb -and g p e e d t J y al!tribute
stroke . of. geruus. throughout it.a interior -most. of the
Wu this his way, a rain water that falls iu the Santa Ana
la public relations, area. FloOded elevator ab1ft.t. bubbling
of ensuring that the unplanned ' fountains in the cafetertl'
Jq:al Jiluea gushln• from the Santa Ana twirling documents being "h l a t e d
River water ~te were not .out of our towards the man shaft in an eddy of
mindl 1"lfle be wu oot o1 our alght! rOJn water -tlltie ..... amoar the
But oor vialons of a back room daily occurrelioes We hid to UVe with
But tllole llAlohhlag -10tlcs have,
!'rpln Ille ~ • ., 'view ol .........
provided most entertalnment. No county
body's dellberaUom ire more C'JIJ'deid
tllan thos8 or the anod jury but there
WU a ilml when the -(?) byllaJ>.
la Ille btavy ralna o( a few week> der "°"ld' llan<j JO feet aw17 from the
110. dOQr and clearly bear IOIDI hl&bJY aecret
'nlen there. were the mice. Binll '":s (lft. : ·
(IJld other e~) ol lllllt -L b .. -J•"'-••d •·· "'""""" r-. 1 "'' w~, ._ ...... , your ...,. --• lo aevoral all...,ily &tupld cl<rk'1 motlier and
courtrooms for -.:ne WMb before fa'"----determined Janitors launched an ex--..,... -.. ed.' Your ~
termination cam .... 1 ..... that has not yet belitf that tbq weren't, clurly conveyed ,....... to the courtroom thrclugb your lovely
-our authority is an embittered oat panelling, is one of the tid-bits
municipal court clerk -removed all faithfully relayed to delighted courthouse rodents from the beleaguer«! buildlng. penonnel lo thll lable-filled bu1ldlng.
Dropped? Ah yes. M we write, a But this is a logbook not a novtl,
puff1~ted pigeon struts bis way along Come and see -or ralber bear -
the preu room J>ll'•pet, a visible for youraelf.
remind• of an unfcraeen development '
tlla1 aeoda muu.ring janitors out lato F"'7""' Brltllh Jou"l"lilt Tom
tile elementl to Chip and ocrape at Borr.v II <11rrentiv ""'°"'d · lo thc
Ille IClllpturad lftl -· · · DAILY PIIPl"1 Ol'OllQc C-'1/ !!t<r-Thelr object, ol ......e, II lo eniure -..,. m the c011nl11 1IOI cil>IC cmicr
lllrt Ille itonework mnalm totally gray. compln ol Santo A ... ' . .
·------------~~--------' w-w.~~ -------------------. --------~«41WV-
Fe1tival. Painter
Of Backgrounds
Real.ly Versatile
Pity Emalit Schneeberger'• poor palef...
Id ut -for 1111 Laguna Beach
Fertlval ol AN' Papant of the Malm,
Mn. Schneeberger p a I n t a the
backgromMla for the Pqeant'a llvlnl
nprocJac:tlooa of -t ut wnrU.
Thll y<1r, ahe mult palat lo 1111 1tyle
of Joohua lleynoldo, Pablo Plcaao, Claud
Monet, Wl111low Homer. G i ova n n t
Domenico TiepoJo, as well as other va1tly
dl~lag orillll, and her oplattered
paloue Is 1ettlag a real workout.
Tbe !Iii program includH 11 palailop,
ats aculpturu, two murals, and four
utllactl, IO percent ·of the allow con-
mtina: of Works new to the Paaeant
-...ii for the 34th Pqunt ol
Ille -.,. -under way. The
1 Pqant and F..Uval of AN will nm
I' from July ll throurh Auguat U al Ille
1 ....,...i. alone Lquna Conj<OD Road. 1.f!.._~_JIJLilddJuOll~:::l"'':-l'cUt·_art._....a_
l'lp'Oductloo, Ille Featlval featurtl wwu
ol -llO Laguna Beach artlstl and
craftarnen, a free chlldren'1 art clul,
a Jualor ut exhibit wUjl 1111 work ol
0....., County ICbool children, a PllPPot
lbow, and reataurant conceaaiona.
, I
Tickets for the Pqeant are now on
raJe by mall only. Tbe ho• office opem
~ 11. Beeauu of great demand, box
olllce manqer Aline Merrill urres all
would-be Pqunt vltwen to order
tlcbll by mall now.
Mn. Merrill lald tllat tlloae uqueatJnc
eeats on weell:dl)'s are more likely to
lei -Ibey want than U-who aak for weekeod ducau.
Heart Patient
Has Pneumonia
~OUSTON (UPI) -Haskell Karp, an
ntmols u.leaman kept alive by a man-
made, "stopg1p" heart for Q hours
and tlleo recipient of Ille hlaltlly heart
ol a Maasachuaetta widow becaUH be
wanted to "live like 1 man, not lie
then Uke 1 "'.egetable," developed
pneumonll today. (Related story Page
i ).
But Dr. Denton A. Cooley, the f1med
heart IUJ'l<Ol1 who perlonnad both opera-
tions on the 47-yur-old Skokie, tU., man,
aprllHd hope Karp would recovtr.
"• ... rt N. W••ii
~ .... Nltllhw
J•clr l . e.r-1.., vi. ,.,.ltMI •!If GMtr11 ,,,.,. .. ,
lll•m•• .c, ... ;1 e• ..
1111"'•• ,,_, Mvt11hl111 Ml""'"9 11111111'
l icht..4 P. Nell , __
CltY 11411"4' ,,_ __
221 f•t•tf .......
M•lll11e ~4 ... 111 r.o. ••• '"* •2•11 --
From P .. e J
"haM and perhaps they would have -· aJrlq McCalll: '11 didn't Ute It to
bl&in 'with. I heard the tape (recording
of the tall<) aod I talked to teachers.
l don't fed be Wll the type man we
should have broopl lo. 'lbere .,.. many
black -we could bave brvuaf11 Jn.
"Scme d. the comments were 1itrJ
~·I don' think H impnsred
Ute kid,,, It was a very poor situation."
·Estlltr Lockway: "I didn't object '°
much to what •• Aid u the w1y
the procram wu preeented." She said
better ground work should have been
laid and mention<d the pouibltlty of
two -kera. She lald younpters had
beri' -ed up.
"If ~ tied been planned a Utile dil-
feTeotly, I would be for It JOO pero<nt."
Dr. Jerome Kiri:: He aJd West hid
said eome ''mOOerately offawive thine&"
but not mere ao thin many educated
younc Negroeo today.
He 11.id when the m1tter 0 came out
tram under tba rua'', there were IODltl
Cll!-lho<ulf ~by a teacher,
"the only thine Ille community had to
go on."
He aaJd be wa1 con>ineed 1111 teochtrs
Involved nn .,,.q oome ol tba belt
juni« biglj ~ in the country but crljlcl!"'! !hf lchool board for lick of cotnmillilcallon. .
Dr. Norina Browne : He felt the 20-
minute ,talk was all rilht u part of
a .two-week count ol hist«y Ill.Udy but
q11e.1ttoned the timing.
"! tl>ink perillps tllero WU bod jocJg.
merit, not by what wu done but when."
Browne, board president, mentioned the
~ tu override and 1111 fact he
is aeeldng re-electim. He Aid the
speaker had the [>lfenta, not the
students, ''in an uproar.''
Jue Boyd: Sbe lald the history
teachen we • trtimulatiog team doin1
an ucellent job and lllld Ille purpo1<
f<r which the tali: was given was
Sludenta accepted Ille prognim u part
of their reauJar cuniculum and relet.lona
varied. Many thought the opeakl• aald notHnc they had not heard en tele vision
or read in newapape.n. "They m much
more awart than we were."
QuetJtloned about "Ille tyranny of
grades". candidates •creed they could
have iq>leaunt. side effects bu t
generally viewed them as a necesaary
statistical tool. None, at lea!lt, was willing
to rocommeod gradlntJ be aholiabed.
The IChool system 1enerally wu well
opol<eo ol and Ille p-nt board laired
rather wen but the non-incumbenlll did
speak ol lack of cammunlcalloo by the
Mrs. MICQuarrie Mid 1i o cat 1ona1
educallon bu been allgbted at the ochonl.
othen memiolMd Ille need for better
vocatkul education. She &lao called for
great.r particlpatloo by mdenta and
teachers in selectlon of COUftlle!. She
favored innovative prograim, but. with
Capistrano Weighs
Spur of Railroad
A Pl'OJlOSOd railroad 1pur Ila< which
would pass through Sin Juan Capl1tr1no
to a sand deposit Jn Mission Viejo Ranch
land was discussed by city councilmen
Mooday In a 1peclal study aeutoo.
The spur would be built by Ille Owtns-
lllinoll Glau Company from the main
Santa Fe Los Angelu line to San Dl•go
line ·a1 c.mJno Caplslr1no to 1111 SJJJca
aaod depoalt outside Ille dcy.
Thne major ctty lllnell wwld be
-by the spur, ~~.s.,~trano. 5"' Juan Creak !toad and !toad.
COmpany repres<ntaUvu aald one lratn
ol ll lo 20 can -lid use the llae
lo go la and oot dally.
CJcy Councllm,. qu.,tloned Ille value
of 1111 1pur to the clty notln1 tllat
lt would do nothln1 for the clty'a tu
rate and could caua problem1. No action
WU taktn.
• Escaped Wolf Shot
revfow and wiUI ...,.;,,1 groups.
Mn. Loct1'1y WIS ••imeuy" about
some of the new progranu, commenting
lllrt they needed lo be almoot foolproof
becauae they were deeling with dilldrm.
Dr. Kiri: Wll critieal ol the board
for what he llid II a communications
gap wltll Ille community. He favored
the at1mulation of innovative programs
as 11anotber w1y . to maintain teachen'
entllumom wbile beneflilog t b e
Dr. Browne aald it WIS in m:iUng
time in educaUon. He mentioned a need
for state tu: reform and the need locally
for more in-aentlce training and catch-up
Mn. McCalla pralaed Ille !TA (laitial
feach!ng alphabet) m UH at Top of
the World School u "aomtthing these
klda can read.'' She lald, Ibey are gettlag
tlllop done lllrt are jult. lantutlc. I'm
all for puabing the atudenll aa far u
they CID go."
Mra. Boyd tboqbt the lnnovailve
school allo WU 111 marvelous achool'"
but lald H .,.W be strengthened by
provfdlag Ille principal an ualstanl lo
work lo ANN that cannot be baodled.
by one man. _
Wllco"'n Aid P11TillC iGuCillon . Iii
Lquna Beach la la a fol better elllPo
than It II lo moot placeo. "
Wilcoxen, speaking oF',-the override,
said 11 a atudent be had sat In' the
same auditorium seats the audience was
using and added, "they aren't gettina
any softer."
He aid most of what ·is being done
In the district is not experimental. lie
spoke of the need for expanded vocational
education. "We're proud of what we 're
doing, but we don 't really meet the
need of every kid in the dl!trJct," be
said, adding this is the goat.
~menting on the light tournoot,
\Vilcoxen quipped tbat it might have
been better to bill the meeting as a
se1 education di8cualon.
Capo Override
Goes Before
Voters .Tuesday
Voters o{ burgeoning Ca p i 1 tr an o
Unified School District next Tuesday will
decide a 50-cent .. tax override measure
which school officials say is ne~uary
to finance growth.
An onslaught of growth -part of
which will come In on the coattails
of the new Autonetics plant -is expected
to push student enrollment up another
1,400 toward the l,400 figure.
District oUlclals uy that while the
student load will be 20 percent gruter,
the tlr hue of the area is expected
to grow only 121h: per«nt.
The tax override, if successful, would
coat the owner of a house with a $30,000
market value an estlmata:I $3'7 .50 ad-
ditional annually, ln the aggregate this
would ra ise an additional $600 000 per
year on which to operate 'district
The override would brln1 the district
rate for operation to $3.7719 per $100
assessed valuation.
A major portion of the money will
go toward Ibo hlrlag of 53 addfUonal
teachers to maintaln the present teacher~
student ntlo.
Other U!ff for 1111 funds would be
upgraded school library r t 1 o u r c e a
reopeolag o1 Capistrano Junior lll&h: rental ol JI portable cllmooma for
Junior and senior hJrh llCbools unill new
cllllrooml can be bull~ and addlUonaJ
vehJclea for ~iloa.
The fUndl would Abo allow re-In·
statement ol Jtenu trimmed from Ille
cumnt budcet ouch u additional lchool n~nu. curtodlal strvl.ces, landse1iping
and IJ'Ollnda: maintenance and re..wurce
centers at junior and aeolor bllllil.
Tbe override Is belag Jllllhecl by 1
cltlun I""')> Illa! calla lllelf Keep
lmprovlJ1a Dtatrlct SchooJa (KIDS).
Newport Aide
Says Oil l(uins .
Marine Refuges.
OU Is rulnlog marlae nflll" la Corona
clel. Mar, Ille Nelipoft Beach City Council
loamed Monday, and Vice Mayor
Yndoler Panona who made the char&eo
bmlpt bll proof with him In a pllin
Reachlne Into the Manila cootamer,
PIJ"IOM l!pOke of a ''ll!riom" crude
oil problem OD Ille pr-of c.n..
del M.,.'I rocky -· .. To prove It," he uid, "hen's a
chunk ol ... .....i covered with 1111 stuff
that killed k.''
He drew out. a 1-pllllic bl( !Wad
with gooey oil coverinf a clump of
aeaweed. ·
He added lllrt he doub\id an,tbing
could be done, "acepf ped>a111 to nallfy
the oU companies."
sq. ft,
.. of
9 uallty
c • ..., .................. . ·-.... . (cnrtlllll ~ ., ......
"'"' eM1tc11 .. ~ e M~ C..... T .. lt
THiii 2 OAOU'I
Fled Mexico
Dykes Askew Sirpmoos is safe
in tlli.s country today alter
escaping a Mexican pri10D,
disguJsed as a woman. He had
served 10 yU.rs for murder.
See Story; Page 4.
' Schools Approve
Elementary Films
CIDDM, it wam't.
Two films for Ille Capistrano Unified
School District'• Famlly Life COUf'lel the
implementatlm ol which 'has raiaed thl
ire d some facet.a ol the community.
wt!l'e approved M<mday by amused diotricl-.
"Girll Are 'Better 'Jbm. Ever," -fer
......... to -grode ·-· dealt wl<h good eating and .. ..-habits.
,,,. film, pr'oduced by .t11e· .Americori
Dairy Amociatkln, noted "• sport a day
keeps Ille pounda way."
The second tum dealt with boya'
"'"""'I hygiene. It admonished young
m"'1 to abow.,. dally and clip toe nails
aralghl """""· along with cMher advice.
Another film, "Hum1r1 ReproducUOD, ''
proposed for viewing by tenth grlde
clll!Sfl waa not avalf1bJe for revitwhlg
b7 truot.es due to a achedullng confllcl
-Ille C0\11\ty Schools Ollice.
... .. ..
Slddleback College trusl"' Monday,
night reluctantly signed a ~.66J con-
tract witll Sully-Miller Contraclinl c..;.
pany to do rough site grading ol I~
permanent Mission Viejo campus. "
'""'sullJ''.MWOrJow bicJ was 49 peittn
oTd-'.VUie 'architect's ~te of •t'1G,COl. :1
Em!imwed arcl:lted Robert Lowrey
rectl!!llllOlld the b<ant sign Ille contract.
rather than call for a re-bid _becluse
he didn 't expecl new bids to be any
lower. He said hea vy rains of recent
mont.b8 were responsible for his estimat!
being so far off. '
The board vote to accept was
unanimous. Work now will probably begin
this week.
I.wrey said he had expected at lea8t
five biddere. Only two were received
-Sully-Miller's and Coxco Inc's, which
was even higher at $27tl,900.
';Since January it's been raining an~
contractors bave not been abJe to pursu\o
their work. There i.s a real deman<f
on equipment and mani>ower so we hadi
a very poor bid market situation,·• ex·
plained Lowrey. ,
He said his estimates on putUng iJ>
an access road, underground electrical
and plumbing were about the same u
bid but he badly missed on the cost
of grading.
He used a figure of 35 cent1 per
cubicyardwbile Ult coniracJors
calculated their bids at 50 or 60 cents
per cubic yard, be said.
Lowrey Mid recent 1~ Viejo
grading and that at the North American
Rockwell plant in Laguna Niguel w1s
done for 35 cents per yard. But thlt
wu befure the rains. 1
The top two feet of soil now his
to be stripped and aerated before tt
c~ be compacted,· he said contr1ctor1
told bim. • And there Is no time tO" wait for~
i~ to dry out. t
A tight schedule to ready the campost
for ocClU)8ncy in September calla for'
llids this Friday on moving prefabricated
buildings from Ute interim campus andr
euctlng ~· buildlrigs. l
' -' .
No .
~, ' Down
Why P"Y up ~
$799 fw this .
lavish 9roup , , • s.3.9.9
I ,.._. °""':::.--· -----I
h•"'"'""''"" s399 the price is
onfy •••
SAN PEDRO (UPll-A pat Canadian
ilmbtr wolf undtr quaranllnl for poaalblo
rableo broke -from Ill pen Monday
night and terrorized a ntllhborhood
bt'lore It wu shot to death by police.,
'l1ley polat out lllrt an addfUonal ntecl
for f\llldl wur be cauaed by county
utabllabmtnt ol agrlcultural pre.serves
for blocu ol farm land. KIDS eltlm1tes
tllll wW coot 1111 diltrlct at least '71,0llO
1Mu1lly for the neat to years.
• • ' > r ...,
.. • .. _
• . -..-~""'
' , -. t
VQI:. 62, NO. 14, 2 SECTIONS, 24 PA6ES -. -
•• .. . .. . '
: .l\li~DQD
"~a:.:"'e'" ·Son 8 .1.JI .a. i.J&,. vP. , .. ·' '
l > • • ) '_t,. .
);\! • Ca . .uJes .m . v~-11.l
"\ . . .,
Iruck .Bnrls . . . '
Victim : i ·A: .· ·---_.., ~~
Over 70-Feet ·
Fourteen-year~ld 'Randy "'enuey of
Mission . ".'~ejo was killed Monday •f·.
WnoolJ "'!'l> he w .. · bil. by. a U.S.
Navy truck ·and •dragged 7' ~ as .
he and a companion attempted to cross
Sooth Coast Highway at Cloo Strett
iri Laiuna' Beacli. . ' ·a :roRO _ Ejgbl-yOaHld Rus..U · Menuey,. :l5IZZ .Sa!Jto. prjve, died in ·
Biown was killed here Monday night )Mt .CGaty Tralllc 1111
when a cave he was . diggit:l1 , at the 51 Deadl T.U 31 l~ cl a Marine Corps Air station · South ,Coast Comm.unity H. o 1 p i t a 1 ' s 1 ~I . area Collapsed and buried him einergency ro0m about 45 minutes after
'11jve. the 1%:03 p.m. aceident, Coroners Deputy
The boy was dug out of the cave-in Harold Mink!:t e:aid.
by military police and neighbors. f!e Meriuey•i ~~. Terry Godet, i6,
wu pronounced dead on arrival at the of 2413 Cbanales St., M.ission Viejo, was
art station dispensary. "also grazed by the stakebed truck. He
.:Young Brown was the son of t_apt. was tnate4 at UM'! hospital for minor
apd Mrs. Donald J. Bro~n, ~l ~atpan injuries and later released.
PJace. His. father, a Marine Jntelligence Laguna Beach police all~~e both youths
o(flCtl', -is on temporary duty in the were in the pedestrian safety zone while
East. atation spokesmen .said. attempting to cross the highway at Cleo
The cavHn occurred behind the air Street In the busy Sleepy Hollow
stiilcin's'.When:y •houling area. Orange neigbbo.rhoOd when .tbey were·.strua.by ,
ppunty coroners said .death was caused . the Navy v~. bf. sulfocaUon. An autopsy is pending. -lnveatlgating officers identified the
.-"-,,ilriyer .. u sailor John,. WU~ Tbid,
! H i•. an instructor al the Na'vy Amphibian
0 OW '!'fie 'acC!dem', 'hoWever; la lllill llDder
1 : r
' ..
' " ~I ... ,
:~I ~ ~
l ·'~~---
' ..
• ,1;_ •
TUES.PAY~m!f a; 'it6t .','~ :: ~'
j • J l
'I • I
' I
. . . '
1 • '
. '
... •• t ·~ •• .. ... _ .. ~ ..
..... Y'•~
• ,J, .. ,.., .. -. t
I '" ••· ~ • • .-
D,a,~· ~ 1 . -
' .
, I-•
J •
. ,,. ~
• . . ' J '' l ' "·\!.'! ~-
. -1 T , .,
J•11•e :.F~na . . ~ ., ~· ''"· '·' ... ~t>· __ .t·~----"' Clitidid-ate~ ·.B-ac~
• . -'
LagJJ~fl Teae~e~~·"
. ' ' ' ' . ·' . ~ ( .\
Pay S~bedDk·-.:
Of ..... D.Hr" .... ...., I
Already committed to .&h!e need for .
paM&ge.of a 58-ceot to>, ov~ •. tnlllee .
candidates for the Laguna school board .
. . . . ~
Mooday JJiChl found ~ -
"' tlli· -tO tOip -.
-cqmpetitive. ' -
.'Ibey --weren't as ~ ml!Jded.
how .. "', about the wiadom .¢ bril!Cb>a
a black adiviit ~et' to 'l1lui1lon
lnl«medlate School m early Mardi.
R.· eaga. n Tax The ... en ·l!ldlclates ror three-trlllt<e · posts took port . In a forum condUcted
by ,Laguna Jay-.in 1J\!>;bitJb· ocbool
Pl I l.., . J _ auditorium. Lees thlll IO peni:lll ..at-an •UC i«reS tend,ed. . ••..• -
Questioned · from I the" IJo«. ab,iut Ille
· · talk bf N..,.. -.James ·Weol. ol W ;thho1'..J;'.ng . diapiiian .Colleg~.,to. the .. yonth .. liiid·
' " . ' ~~·-~ ·,. ' ~~·~~)~:~~
'wm!Ui wO.Oica': ""'-<'..'......>' ~n-:sACRAMl';NTO (AP.) -Gov,,ftnlm .. ~ -· ..... , does not fa •~•-·"-GI . proposed today an additloMl'oiJe pel'CeiJt : chlld · · ·' ~' • .,.... ,....,... -· 111:/
tax on gros,; penci~l incOme, a syet:eth . · ~ .t~ . ~J .l!fl . ~
r I lo ~"' ldi , 'nd . CJ, to . pl ,to ,pr~ ~. vleif Bill W uld All B'Piol In ~'. He !'at not .&Id.
. . . . . . lnv.otiilftlon; ~ to . _,, __ Lt. •
J '~~···" ..........
o, vo unr ry "r-'~'o ng a new -.ea and · ~. are · m~ -.. _of view
tip;e!t~~lieye..some.oftbe_~i:~. in history. l . .'r , ·.
·. · of Calliornla property ownen. · . ·" . '!be~ ~ ~I ,~ j1. ~ Cpll~ge . ~i:i~ .sY$P, _ .. !lHl!t'-~~ "'°.be!" ~:
MJ8&0N ~'..... ~ lbal1iroulcl-::t£.~~;iJi' .. -, 4illble illlddleback Junior C1De1e ti .w:ap ~ · v. • ., _ ~e \ ,.: • . ·
eq..i fcm.-e paree1s GI land with The""..,.".._._, i.nt ·' .,. r · '
.. , ~......,.:fl!~ ~-~111,,.a!' ... a1·••,;.'"\f Mn w-.i .. -. -".i.'w"')o~-·~ _e>__, •• ( .~: ........ ~ Jiii'; ... i'l·ap · wu,,pr_.·. --•., !'-!"-... wlth'tt 011iiir." Qltolmi ir.nf a .,u;p ·~la!.~~_.,. hl'lbe"'" wu ....,._, thi ~'Dr.•,~~· e ~WiiMt All Vl'I ~ .-.. iaag, ~Jrr; . ..,.Or llOIQll ...... relldn. the Mlaion Viejo Company has been .,., ...., -,. r. llllll Y
Introduced Into the state Legislatufe. MortUary In Santa Ana. .
Saddl bact timtees were told Monday Menuey 11 survived by his ~father,
_,...,, e Roland Menuey; mothe'" F;llle;, of. the
•...-. family, home and Uler Mn. Renee
Authored by State Sen. John G. Schmitz -S!Jei:wvod, GI J~. ·
(R-Twltin), the tailor-made bill' would • The boy wai a fnsbman -t al
allow the college to trade • romer Mlasion 'Viejo ,lll&h ,Sclionl. The yootli
of lb! 2liO«re JIC!'l\"'~I CRDlJllll lite ~ ioc:k coUecting wUb bia father
!cir land to ·be·~ by -Ole campus aa a bObby and·~·llked "lluallc sports. aecos mad, Pment law .limljl. JUCh Hial lather Is employed by tha Lot An-,;raps to three acres. The -Bclm>its bill ~· Tlina .. a UnotYpe operator.
ilMld -the e•chaJJp amwnt • • ·~ 10 acres. .l .....
. Lagµria-.Ca~yon -
~ Acres .Submitted .
For Duplex Zoning
;);;L TORO -Her.one ol almoot 22
acres in the El Toro area for comtruction
d i!uple• ~eots bu been requested
bj.Rooeglenn ~.Inc.
The m.aUe< will be bekft the Orange
C0ai<Y Plannlog Commlasioo Wednesday.
"l.:1nc::fuded are 7 .7 acres on the norther1y
'l!o'mer of ' El Toro Road and Raton
'fi-tve and 14.18 acres on both &ides
(llp;no Lane, northwest GI Er Toro
:Trailer Pa"rk Plans · .,,
'J:o Be Spelled Out
Jt,es,iffent.s· Give
Flilod Claims
·--------. -·~----------_...._ ______ ---
.,.. . \-. . ' . '
.•. •rw1.nan ''H1v1'' ·M_CClellan· (left), ·Dick H•m.ut· T•st Wind
" .
~~~,~lying Not the .Otily
1'. • • ' ' ic~i,ri:·~t .at Thutston·: ..
•H 11• l ~"-· •-'·'" '
.. ..(. • ' -t \' '"l ' .~ j 'J•-1·-• \'•II :t_• . '
. ., ,<(,,' t" • • ~ :Jiij,I». flY.inli:, 'anUC$' ol 'the 'TbUiston" : the small"t 0 kite,, laraest ~it<, most ~ ll\V1!iljo1~UOte. Kaperi,·are tii !JO com-colorful kite, and most unique kite.
p~~ 'with ,an .art ~. ·cate sale, AIL k.ltes must prove the i r
a sPelJ.tlig· ~lnd a film festival among airworthiness by remaining up for at
other adi~ at the school saturday least one minute. Entry fee is 25 cents
frOm ll~ni~ to JS p;~ per evenL
'.P,wpoel of-the .,cttvlty il·to ramillarlze A rocket . demonstration will be held ~ ·and r.eside¢. with Thurston at 11: JS a.m. in the Thurston qu~
whlle,,;at-;'1be same UJne, raising funds by members of lhe Star~ooters Club
for ~ eehool project.. of G~en, pr:oye'. . . . , . .
.Kite. .Oyihe _pmpetition will ·be held Rockets will Use one through three
on t~ ..fChool athletic field. Prizes . will stage units whiCli will shoot up to 3,ooo
be liven for 'the 1hlkhest flying , kite, feet into the air. '
' : . . · ·.Refreshments. Md a bant! concert are
• • • _ 11:lso planned. ~aby sitUng serv:ices will
··Youth d D li he' available. · · · · · an r .o ce, . . . . · ·
.-·-· · , , . , · Stoclc"«Marllm • F oriun PlaBiie'd ' ' I NEW y~~ (AP)l<. 'J'he•;iOc;~ ~arket
• • ; • ~ ' ,. ~ ... ~· .. • , 1 • cloied""With a r nl'Odest PJ.n i .today to
I. 'La ''" D~ '~h' recover ·a bit Qf-the ttrrltory it ·1ost "· ll g~a. ~8C ' ll(onday. •(See quotations, Pagea .JO-It).
his ,Jll'OPClll!I that Callfornalns be '!Jetml~ 1 <aa't be -, I ilJiJuid lit -
ted to withhold their personal Income yoo .,. w11a1 ,... 1Juibt to 'be .and
laxes U they want. " yw can,. be . what ,... . ..pt Ii> be
The governor has been a lteldfut unlea,l!m what t lbould1be." ·
opponent of payroll deductiOIJI in the ~ MacQumt: ."i .thiiik-thc
pacst.lli II .. I tary t talk ,and .dtse-...... very (!JOd. a .. ng a v_o Wl prepaymen CbQdr~, '8 youna:, 11 ~le , lbQuJd
plan, Reagan wd be .was proposing he tsugflt all slcl'" oi a .qUOotlm and
It because his reform plan partillly h,o\ir. to make d~ ~ Wbeti.
shifts the· tsx burden from property they get to cqUele l!Jiy•r~ '. ttPt fw
taxes to peraona1 income tafts. rabbit roo&er1.'; · 1' • • ' _Th~ p}an wouJ4:· . , ·. , cit wls • • goOO' program ~t :~
-Extend the present five -percent salel!I should have beeJi , ~Jd 'about'-it 'l)ef«t-
ta;x to repalr teroces, ·magazines and ' (See CANDIDATF3, Pap J)
the sales of contajnen 4 1 widely grow~ · · · · •
tng industry in· the 11tate. · • . · ·, • ' •
-create an Educational Opportunity A l Th fl J-!1-Tu GI one percent of adjusted gr.a U 0 · e · , Q""'1' , income. • ,.., ' / -
-Irfcrease the homeowners' property Ca R •d
tax exemption to 11.000 -a !250 hike po es1 ent
above the $750 exemption provided by '
a ballot proposition in 1988. A 36-year-old Capilbilno Beach 1nan
This, plus the a~d!Uonal Income tsx, was lllTftted and jailed Monday by
"would reduce the average residentlll Laguna Beach police in connection wtth
property tax throughout the atate by . a Laguna car 'lhelt. . . .
Well ov_er 50 per~ent," ~agan told the Francis LoUla WinteJ'boume,1who pve
legislature. ' an address 'of 264IZ Via Clll(Ql'DI, wu
The · ptan would also cut 'the bUsiness ' picked up by patrolman Ken Cartti ..
Inventory property tu by another i3 al -10 >p.m .. near--'Lquna A<esmi 'and
pe,...nt; retain the current 'balik and G~ Street..· • ' , , -
corporation tax instead1 of reduCiftc it , Polfao· LL Robert McMuitay: slid 'the
as now ·required by law; and Tdum man was arreated'-ln a amaW. foreign
tq l~_o\d,•ystem. of allowing Income carw!Jldl.had.lJeell._iedllolen.aboul .
tax P.IYel'S to tale personal exemptions. 5:45 p.m. by John Randolph Hodge., :~IS .'\l'.OUld m~n more m"one)r iri the '1 a Glenne)'ri St. The ~i llao w11
pocket for middle inconie taxpayers t~n ~ged wltli ,hiVIM a· ama\I amount
the present system of alloWihg . them .cf. h~~ on ~ penon. ,
to take fiat taX cr'edlts. ' · A -complaint chargini the man with
~and theft auto ,wu ~.thi.!1 nxnllng·
by the district attorney'• Qffice. A
oecond complaint char1il!I pollCllion of
hashiih also was ~. ' '
__..._ ___ --.._.., __ . ---------·-----....--"-'--'_...__ ---
Judge F
11 ... !:--~ of .. j ..... in tbe bulbed cOurtroom l~.~..U:O~":"iow~ ~::i :: tieo.
How oloe eoukl -nplaln the clQrly
aulllble noile ol Mh1ng water thlll ...
salted our Utan1shed ean! 'ftw:{e tt was
IJalJI. rullll[ lo I rippling cres<tndo Md
.-.. ... "' ~·· lirook and l11!1ed N6-a )olon ll lnllllv diup-
_.. la • lul -.,qi.r \
We .......... • 111!11 w-.1
i!' !lie ~ Cour/.. ---eel dellberltlcm ...
hid been liltening lo before he Cllled
& britf recea WU
1 ISIP""™e for this
-ol genius. Wu. this bis way, a
la public relaliOOI,
ol OlllW'lng thlll the
leglll laues lu&bllil from Ille Santi Ana
RI~ .,attr ~te wen not out of oor
ml!)do 1'bile he WU out ol our alPI! ,
lat oui v1110M of a back reom
Festival Painter
Of Backgrounds
Really Ver1adl.e
Pity Emilie Schneebqer'1 poor palets
Al Ill'! -!or the ~ -Ftlllvll ol AN' Pageont of the Mallerw.
Mrs. Schneeberger p a i n t a the
· bactsrouncts for the Pageant's Jiving
reproduclioN ol grut Ill'! worka.
Thia year, ahe must paint in the style
of Joshua Reynolds, Pahk> P.jcasao, Claud
Monet, Winslow Homer, GI ova n n i
Domenico Tiepolo, u well 111 other vastly
differing art.ilts, and her !plattered
plletle ii 1(<11111( a nal wdrkoul.
The 1918 procrom lncludu 11 palntlnp,
siz ICQfpturel, two mura.11, and four
artifacts, ., pen:enl ol the show """"
liatiq of worb new to the Pqeant
Rehana£a !or the )Ith PIJMM ol
the Mat.en are now under way. 'l'be
PlpiDI and F..Uvll ol Ar1s will nm
lrom July H thrnulh AIJIUJI 24 at the
fP"IUDdl •looi Lsguno Canyon Road.
In addition lo the grul ~ worn
rapreducUon, the·Ft1Uvll leatures wwli
nf •bout llO LalUJll Beach artj>ts and
craftomen, a 1r.,, cbjldren's a(! c~.
a jUnior art exhibit. with the work of
Orange County lchool children, 1 puppet
show, and restaurant conca.slona.
Tickets for ·the Pageant are now on
sole by mall only. The box office opens
May 15. Because oC great demand, box
office manaaer Aline Merrill urges an
would-be Pq:eant viewers to c:rder
lickell bJo mall now.
Mn. Merrlll Aid th1t -requesUng ••ti on weekdays are more likely to
pt -they want than -wbo uk fer weekend ducats.
Heart Patient
Has Pneumonia
HOUSTON (UPI) -Haskell Karp, an
Illinois salesman kept alive by a man·
made, "stopgap" heart for 63 hours
and then nciplent of the healthy hurt
of a MassachuaeUs widow because he
wanted to "live like a man, not lie
there Jlke a vegetable," developed
pneumonia today. (Related story Page
Bui Dr. Denlon A. Cool<y, the f1111ed
helll'l llll'geon wbo performed both operaz
11an1 an the n.,..,...ld stokle, m., man,
--hope Korp would recover.
~ebert N. We•tl
.. ~lftnl tnd ,wbUlhtr
Jeck a. c.,, • .,
\llct Pr•191nl •M Q.efltr., Mffteltl'
Tli11n1t K11wll
Th,111•1 A. Mwr,hi111
Mel!llN l "kv
Richer4 P. Nill ,_,_
CltY ldtllt ---222 ir.,..t A., ...
M•llhl) Mtlr1111 P.O. lea 66'. t2612 --c:.i. ... l ....... ..,. '""' ........ ~I tftl Vlilllt ..... ..,._,. ............. : .. .......
• •
=:·-, ... .;..~ .... ......... 'i~·· • ~~1:"'..!~ :*.!'~
deniooatr1tian ol the .~ ........
tics In our new Ill milllon C01111ty court·
And on w. ~th b<tray1) or a robed judge's for prlvlC')' when
he answers the all " the law and .
motion departmen1t of .t Higher Power
.... added lo OW' menial -k of
oaomy ·-goolJ. \ -There ha-.. been many. 1enlle reldw 1 ln~the \Jne OIOOlhs ol our on)oln In ..m.t bai come lo be known u
the Bug.U..'Em Palace of West Eighth sero..t
Nol the leut ol -bugs ba5 been
the ll·•lory building's willlnlneea lo
abeorb -and 1 p e e d 11 y distrlbute
throughout Ila lnlorior -moot Ill the
raJn· water that falls in the santa Ana
.,. .. Flooded --slWtl, bubbling, unplanned I-In the cafeter11,
twD'llng documenu being w h I a k e d
towards the mail shaft in an eddy of
rain wat•· -· thete were among the
·daJlf ~ces we had to live with
' -rtii-oom
'!il[ ... 1!1'£1 It iiiiiioiiii ·~ 7
...... ~ .. ~lilr* ......
ping on we ... .......
But those atonllhing acoustics have,
~ the DOlnt 'ol \olew ol liewameo, provided mo.t entertainment. No county
body's dellberal!Oill are more gUarded
than'thoae al the crand jury but there
wa1 a Ume when Ull lnnocent {?) byst~
ln the heavy rain* of a few weeks der· could ltlnd 10 fett ••:re::;m the
ago. . door and clearly bear ""'"' secret
Thell there mre the ml<;<. 111n:.. go!~ on.
(llld olber evidence) of tholr, pns· -And by the w"l', Judge .... • .. your
ence bad been tropped in several alle.t'dlY stupid clert's mother and ~ for -weekl befcn ffi]llr ....... , married. Your e>prtSaed delUmlned janilors !all!IObed an .,, belief thlll IJ!eY weren•~ clearly canveyed
lmnlnaUon campai&n that ba5 not yet lo the courtroom th....p your Jo..Jy
-our authority is an embittered oak plnelllne, is one of the lid-bits
numJcipal cnurt clerk -removed all laitbfully reiayed lo cfeil«bted coarthowe
rodenta from the beleaguered building. pe_.,.i In this fabJe.lilled l>uildiq.
Dropped? Ah yes. As we write, a But th1a ia a Jogboot not a novel.
puffy-chested pigeoD struts hU way aJong Come and see -or rather btar -
the Pl'"' room pliraj>el, a visible for ~· reminder of an unforaeen development
thal senda muttering janitors out lnlo Fonn<r British joul'!IGllll • Tom
the elements to chip and scrape at Ba.rle11 ii currmtly auioMd (o the
the sculptured gray stonework. DAILY PILOT'1 Orange Cov.ntr Bur·
Their pbJect, of CCIUllt:, is to ensure ea.u hl tht cov•S11 1tot dptc cmtt'r ·
thar die stonewo~t~rtmatns totally giay. complt% at SO'ftta A.no. • ) . '
"'''f .......
Fled Me~ico
Dykes ~skew Simmons is safe
in this country today after
escaping a Mexican pri&on.
disguised as a woman. He had
served 10 years for murder.
See Story, Page 4.
~PP..~~~e,S ,
Site1i>act , " ..
" '" •8 Saddleback College trustees Mondll'J
alght reluctantly signed a $253,Ml con-
trltt W!ih S~lly·lo!iller Cooti~ng Coli\I
pany to do rougb sJte grading of t(j,
permanent Million Viejo wnpua. ,.. i'l
1ftle-&111y·Mllle<lo• blil wai 19 pel'«8'<
ofti."thi&rdutect'S eSumate of t17o,ooo;t
' " EmbolTuaed ard-Jt.ct Robert l.Owny
reCoromendril the ~ard afin the contrad.
ratbtt than call for a re-bkl because
he didn't expect new bids to be any
lower. He said heavy rains of receQ$:
IJ'llX!lba were respooslble for his estlm*
being so far off. J
· "nle board vote to accepl. . wu
unanimous. Work DOW will probably begin
this week. ~wrey "Said he had expected at leaJ.
five bidders. Only 1two were ·rece1v;J:
-Sully-Mlller's aiia Coxco Inc's, which
"'as tven higher at $270,900.
'1Since January it's been raining ancf
contractors have not been able to pursue'
their work:. There ls a real deman&:
f'rom Page I N A! J ...: on equipment ·and manpower so we ha~ ewport u.ui Schools Approve ~I~ r:;;~~ mar~et situation," ". SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES •• Oil R He said his estimates on puU.ing in Says . · uins El tar F"l an ...... .....,, unc1ersrounc1 •leciricaJ' hand aod perhaps they would have
atrlq Md:ll!a: "I clidni like it lo
bealD With. I i-.1 lhe llpe (recmling
ol the Wk) and I talhd lo leachers.
I ctm•t feel be WI the type man we
ohould have brouJliil In. 'l1>ere are many
black men we could have broucht in.
"Some of the comments were very
urmeceMary. 1 don't think it impressed
the kids. It was a very poor situation."
Esther Lockway: "I didn't object so
much to what was &aid u the way
Ule program was presented." She ea id
better ground work should have bf:eq
laid and mentioned the possibility of
two speakers. She aak.I )"OUl'lg3ters had
been stirred up.
"H ii had been planned a littie diJ.
f""11J,y, I wouJd be for ii 100 pen:ent."
Dr. -· Kirk: He aid West had Aid llXDe •'moderately offeorive things"
bat not mare IO than !DIDJ educated
)'<111111 Neer-IOcfay.
He Mid when the matter "came out
from under the nq:", ttlere wn aome
oll.tb&<ulf e>p!ariationo by • -· "Ute only llllng the communily had lo
go on."
He llid be w• convinced the teachers
involved wtre among 90me ol. the best
junior high ·teachers in the country but
criliciJed lhe"school board for lock ol communtcauon.
Or. N«mu Bmnle: He felt the :JG.
minute talk was all right aa part ol
a M>week cwree of history study but
questlmed the liming.
"I think periiaps there was bad judg·
m«rt, not by what waa clooe but when."
Browne, bowd prelidmt, menUoned the
upc:oming tu. override and the f1et he
ill -'<iDC l'Hlecllon. He 1lld the
speaker had lhe par...,, not lhe
l&tudents, ''in an uproar."
J-llayd: Siie lllld the hlltory
t.acben ..., a lilimu!ating leem doing
an e<cell<nl job and -the purpoee for which the talk w• givm was
Students accepted the program u part
of their regular curriculum and reactions
varied. Many thought the speaker said
nothing they had not heard on television
or read in ntW!papen.. ''They ~ much
more aware than we were."
Questioned· about "the tyranny of
grades". candidales agreed Ibey could
have ~leaunt aide effect& bu t
generally viewed them as a necessary
statlsUcal tool. None, at leaet, was willing
to r<c<llllll1end gradlng be aboliabed.
The school l1llem _.i1y -well
"""""' ol and the p-.1 -fllred ralh« well bul the Dtll>-iocumbenta did
speak of lack ol comm-by the
Mrs. MacQuarrie uJd v o c a t 1 on a I
educaijoo haa been •ll&bled II the ochool.
Others mem!oned the -.! !or better
vocational education. She also called for greater participation by st\Jdent.s and
teachers in selection of courses. She
favored innovative prograrm, but ·with
Capistrano Weighs
Spur of Railroad
A proposed railroad apur line which
would pass through Sao Juan Clpf!trano to a sand deposit In Mbslon Viejo Rlll<h
land WM dl.9cussed by city councilmen
Moaday In • special aludy -loo.
111e spur would 1oe built by the aw ....
llllnoll Giall Company Inn the main
Sonia Ft Loi Angeles line lo San Dtqo
line at Cunlno C.piltrano lo the Slllc1
"""' depooll -the dly • 'lllree major city ll1nels '""'Id be
crosled by the spur, Cimino C.p~trano.
San Juan C...k Rold llld G111ado Road.
Company rtpmen!IUvn lllld one train
of 11 lo lO cors '""'Id ust the line
lo Co In Ind out doily.
City Councilmen qu~oned the value
of the spur lo the city nolin& that
it would do nothln& for the city'• tax
nte &Dd could cauae problems. No 1etion
was t.aken.
Eecaped WoH Shot
SAN PEDRO (UPI)-.\ pet Canadian
timber wolf IDier quarutlno !or ponibl<
---from Ill pan_., n!Chl Ind lerrortJed a nellllborhood
befon k wu shot lo death by police .
revlow and with -.I '"'°PL emell y ) filS and plumbing ;were about die .aine a$
Mra. Loctway W. "uneuy" about 1 • bid but be bAdly JDisled on the cost
some ol the new --COOlllH!Dllng Marine Refu~es Cames,, ii .. -·t. of grading.
that they -.fed lo be -loolpniof 0 Two films for the Capistralln Unified He used a figure of 35 cents per
becauoe they,,... deallnc wilh. dlildr"1. OU !a rulnlnl marine_..-In Corona School Dlstrtcl'I Fsmlly Lile ...,... the cubic yard while the con Ir a cl ors
Or. Kirk ,,.. cr11ico1 al the board ·-..-impiemeotatlon al '!bid> hla railed the calcu!aled their bids at :!Ci or IO ee~
for what be aaid 11 a communicaUon1 del Mar, the Newport Beach CltJ Coanc:il ire of eome factts ot the cunmunity, per cubic yard, be said.
ga p with the community.· He favored Jeamtd Monday, Ind Vice Mayor were approved Monday by amused Lowrey said recent tMsmn Viejo
the sttmulaUon of innovative programa =L? ~ ~thm= ~ ~barplaing~ district trusteees. grading and that"t the North Amerkar!
as "another way to ma.iqtaln teachers' A'"' .,. ........ "Girls Are Better Than Ever," for Rockwell plant in Laguna Niguel was
enthusiasm while benefiting l h e_ brown envelope. !thawing to seventh grade claeses, dealt done for 35 cents per yard. But that
children." Reaching Into the Manila container• with good eating and exertise habits. was before the rains. -1 P•-• spoke ol a "sen.·oua" crude The film rod -• b the American h Dr. Browne Said it was an exciting .......... ,.. • P u .. ~ · Y The top two feet of· soil now . a.s
time in education. He menUoned a need oil problem on the prettiest of <"'Mona Dairy Association, noted "a sport 8 day to be stripped and aerated before it d.I Mar's rocky beaches. k-the pounds way " led h ·d tr '"' for state tat reJorm and lhe need locally , ~..,...~ · can be compac , e sa1 con ac ..... s · "To prove it," De aa4d, ''here's a The second film dealt wi th boys' him for more in-service training and catch-up chunk of seaweed covered with the stuff personal hygiene. It admortihed young told · · 't f 1
maintenance. that killed H.." meo to shower dally and cUp toe nails And there is no hme to wa1 or"
Mrs. McCalla prai!ed the ITA (Initial He drew out 8 large pi.tic bag filled• &traigbt across, along with other ~dvice. it to dry out. ~
teaching alphabet) 'In use at Top o( with gooey oil coverirlg a dump of Another film, "HUM¥'Reproduction," A tight schedule to ready the campus:
the World School u "something ·t.he.!ie seaweed. proposed for viewing by tenth grade for occupancy in Sept.ember calll fot'I'
kida can read." She .said, they are setting He added thlt he ~ anything classes was not available for reviewing bids this Frklay OD moving prefabricated
things clooe that are jual fanlullc. I'm coold1le clooe, """'!'I ll"blPI lo notify by lrul!tfto due to a schedullnC COllflicl buiJdlngll from the Interim campus .,.,,
all for· pusbhig the students u far u , ~lhe~oil~·~c~:om~pa~om~olel~.·~· _______ _:wi~·~tb~lhe~.~coun~~ty~Scboob~~~Ollice~~·:.._ ___ ~-~~g:._:M~w_:bll~~Uct~ln~p.~-----' they CID go." 1-
Mrss Boyd thouibt the innovative
school a1lo was "a marvelous school''
hilt lllld II could be .-gthened by
Jll'OVidlnc the princlp&l .. uslalanl lo
wort in areas that cannot be handled
by one man.
Wllc:oxen ·:o~id public educaUon In
Laguila Beach Is In a lot better &hape
than it ii in most place.a . ..:.·
Wllcalen, ·speaking of the override,
said u a student he had sat in the
same audHorium sea.ts the audience was
using and added, "they aren't getting
any softer." ·
He aid most of what is being done
in the district is not experimental. }le
spoke of the need for expanded vocational
education. "We're proud of what we 're
doing, but we don't really meet the
need of every kid in the district," he
said, adding this is ttte goal.
Coouneuting on the light tournout,
Wilcoxen quipped that it might have
been better. to bill the meeting as a
se1 education discussion.
Capo Override
Goes Before
Voters Tuesday
Voters of burgeoning Ca p Is tr an o
Unified School District next Tuesday will.
decide a 50-cent tax override measure
which school officials say is necessary
to finance growth.
An onslaught of growth -part ol
whlch will come in on the coattail!
of the new Autonetics plant -is erpected
to push student enrollmenl up another
J,400 toward the 8,400 figure.
District officials say that while the
student load will be 20 percent greater,
the tax base of the area is expected
to grow only 12 ~7: percent.
The tax override, if successful, would
cost the O\\'ner of a house ll'ilh a $30,000
market Vftlue an estimated $37.50 ad-
ditional annually. In the aggregate this
would raise an addil.ional $000,000 per
year on which lo operate district
The override ·would bring the district
rate for operation to $3.7719 per $100
assessed valuation.
A major portion...._ of the money wilt
• go toward the hiring of 53 additional
teachers to maintain the present teacher·
1tudeot raUo.
Other UJeS for the fWlds would be
upgraded school library re s o u r c e s ,
reopenlng al Capistrano Junior High,
rental of 11 JJOrtable classrooms for
junior and senior high schools until new
clusrooms can be built, and additional
vehicles for transportation.
The funds would also allow re-I n·
statement of Items trimmed from the
current budget such as additional school
nurses, custodial services, landscaping
and crounds maintenance and resource
centers at junior and senior highs.
The override is being pushed by a
c!Uien group that calls Itself Ketp
Improving DlllricJ Schools (KIDS).
They point out thal an additional need
for hinds wUI be caused by county
estab!Wunent of agricultural prtsttVtS
for blncu ol farm land. KIDS esUmalel
tbls will cool the dlltrlcl al le"t 17$,000
aMually for the next 10 yean.
I .
sq. ft.
~ ,. . '
.1 969
·our exclusive Crushed
Velvet 6 pc. ensemble
Clltidt ~ Ul'-M ..-lllY ... ,.,., ......._
~,,,.. t""""d .... 111111 WHo -•· wllll .............................. ..,....,._
ttnlc!IM t. .....-. _,_ Cl...,.., (lln9fllll
Witlwlf « c.tl9fll •ff ....0C)/ Mnalft otffll
, ..... dlllc:I "' JlllX "' ~ ~ • S"'fllllt 0.. A_. llf """-" With. ...... ~c 0•1•1: ,...11...,nus-
,_. ............... --• lllltdllll .... fMlrtc "' ""' .............. .._._ ~ •••
..... --........ :Ail, .. ""' -... ~-.
$799 for this Why poy up to s39 9
leviah 9roup •• • ~ . .. .
Ftiry l•lo lie<lrwm 11 ......, """""'' price
·---........ """" ...... I ........... .._. ..,. ... a.... ..... ....... .,......__...
h1nlsl~lteve s399 the price is
onfy • • •
' • '
Pizza'. Put~oinell1-
• • . • 1 " . Newpo.r~ P.air ,Na.;.ed in 'Spying'
• Lui week the pie. ~the plli.
!JI a SQperlor CClwt ccxnplalnt Iha!
II, in many wa11, -.t the
Marie Callender~'• Rd= fraca OYC< I )lie fmMll, I I{
Beach cou)ie II aceuaod .t trytac to
get an -· piece ct a llourlsldnc plaza busineu. '
~Namld Jn the action 11< Bto)ley W.
ud !!an:<_~ _W&Uel:I, 1111 HJcbland
Drive, Iden~ 11 controllen of Ptua
Services Inc. and H. B. Pma Inc. AM
charging them with bftach cl I coolracl
llped in 18 in Me-N·Ed'a l!:n1'rpriaa
Inc., I CJrmel, Callfoniia plaza llWlufac-
• 'Ille Carmel firm atol8 that the Wat-tm couple operalea ...... ...U.11 in •
' Smothers Won't Sue CBS ·
~ut Deny Breaking Pact
Brothen lndicated today they wtrtn't
ready to aue the Columbia Broadcutlng
System although they felt they 1ti11 had
a valid contract with the network which
fired them tut Friday. TWl>l!lY smothen, IJ't'lklni ror himaeU
and bla brvther Diet, Aid on NBC-TV's japed "Today" show that the allese<I
!Ofllracl violatioos in the cancellalion felelfam lnim CBS did DOI tllal. ·
'!be -tlgned a lkeek cmilract
Private Premiere
At Harbor Home
Of John Wayne
NEW YORK (UPI) -1be SmOlbers
Newport Beach joins traditional
Hollywood and New York City tonight
as movie premiere town for a private
l!lcree ning, cocktail party and auppe.r at
the Bay shores home of · actor John
"If It's Tuesday, Tbla Must Be
Belgium," a United Artists release by
David Wolper. will also receive it s
preview performance in more than 20
other hcxnes thronghout the world Tu,..
day iilg~l
One o! the largest groups .t Hollywood
celebrities ccocentr~ in one apot-wtll
View the film in private ~ rooms
on the so-called Bel Air Qrcuit tonight. ·
1.!osUy local luminariel of t b. e sport..;
and entertaimnent world will Visit the
Wayne home at 288S Bayshofe Drive,
among them the Jact Ltrikletters.
William Pereiras, Rod Lavers1 Kenneth
Hirshs, and others.
The feature comedy about a group
of Yanks on a European bus tour of
nine countries in 18 days will be shown
also in New York, Paradise Island, the
Bahamas, and Paris.
Director Otto Preminger ls the New
York host, while Pierre Salinpr will
preside over the Paris &bowing , and
Richard Brooks ud bla ~ Jean Sim-
mona' Bahamu home b! the 1 l t e af
the Caribbeao show. ·
Southland atars viewing the unlouo
rnini-p"2111ere elaewbere ·Jnclude wtty .
Karl aod w~e Debbie ReynOlda, Cliarlllirl
Heston, Lucille Ball, Edg&,'1~
Pamela Ma9C111 and many fihn · lndUmy
Celebrities participating elsewhere In·
elude Gregory Peck, Raquel Welch, Dan
Rowan, Dick Martin, Don Rickles,
Diahann Carroll, Vince Edwards, Bob
Newhart, Tom Smothers, E r n e s t
Borgnine, Trinl Lopez and Art Llnkletter.
Sprayed SF MPs
Back on Posts
mllltary jloUomen, lnjurld by cllomJcal
-61r111C•meleewllh---.-tbel'Nldlo,-back at their pool& today. '
A Sbth Mrltf spcm111111 aUI the
llJlflY bad -ldeal!fJad· only ai ... pepper·like IUllilanoe. ll'1 not .o.n.tblng
that would cause permanent d1111age
lo the tyea, but tt ts·blablr Irritating."
Six <>!her 111'1 ...,.. hit by nxb aod
bottles during the ballle with 150 peraons
who tried 1o Ronn .. the Army base.
Three men wete 'arrtrted on charges
.t failure lo~· 'Ille Incident follow·
ed an anUwar i>&rade and a rally by
20.000-. -the -·11<1.
March II but CBS dropped the show
assertedly because tapes of an upcoming
segment had not been delivered on Ume,
for revJew by the network and because
parta .t the show were allegedlf o[·
fens.ive. _ _
Smotben denled both charges.
He Aid the tape o! the s~ had
hem submitted on time and that a
slcit the network !oand "ol qdestiooable
wte" bad been deleted on request. _,,_)
"I don't want to pt involved bf-a
~-contract auit,11 Smothm aald.
"I mow, lf we went to court, I would
win , ., I COD DOI flght a nei-11.
It's a giant ••. "
Smothera Aid Iba airwa.., belonse<I to the public am:I all views should be
reflected on them "as the fairness doc·
trine aays."
.. We happen to represtnt, maybe,"
Smothers aaid, "a viewpoint of disen.
franchised people -young people, people
who are not particularly enjoying the
war • . • the network does have a
right, because they are the packagers
and do pay us for the show, but the
right has been abused because in the
public interest it Uould have been allow-
ed to go on." •
Smothers read from a telegram he
said he bad received. last November
from President Lyndoo John>on In reply
to one bie bad lent apologizing for critical
remarks be: bid Dllde 1oo.it the former.
. "! told him I foraot &boot aome ol
his 'ood thlnp,. Smothers Aid Johnson replied: /'It ii . part. of the . price of
leadersblp .t thll great naUoo 19 be
the target.of.clever satirists.
"Yllll bafe Ii•.'°·~ Ii.fl. ol la~ghler to our. people. Jib7, we DIVeri" grow so
somber or self important that we fail
to appreciate the bumoroua in our lives.''
Three Rescued
From Small ls"le
After Three Days
~DIEGO (Al') -.Tllrft Cali!crnla ~ baye •beeo rescued alter beinC
t,tranded f« three days on an bland
Jn-the Gull .t Calllomia.
I Stanley R. IJttle, as, a Modesto junior
high achoo! prlnclpal, aald Monday that
two professors from , the University~ of
C.lifomla at San Diego spotled1hi! group
Friday Oii Guardian Angel Island, about
28S mile> below the boider.
The professors, Or. l'<farcos lntaglietta
and. Or. Robert l'awula, were on a
specirn.en~llecting expedition to the gulf
"'hen they sighted tlgnal fires on the
island and Investigated, Little said.
Little, hls wife, Adele, and a friend,
Raymond Aitchison or Auburn, left San
Felipe, Baja Ca1ifomia, Mareh 30 on
a trip throngh .!!Jo gull In an II-loot
Llttle said thlt the engine failed Mon-
day ucf I llorm droft the boat oolo 1be
Island early Wedoeoday. '!be boat was
wrectec1 but they .a...i -" their equlpment, includlnr , five . plJom ol
W-, a.matches and I llllall -qUantlty
" food.
Czech Mags Seized
PRAGUE (UPI) -The government
cen.sor'1 office Ku se.l!ed the latest edi·
tiora of two liberal magazines and In-
formed II )ollmallaU they will be subject
to dladplina by lhe Communlll party,
preu -Aid today.
$165, 770 ~id.Accepted . .
For Resurfacing Runway
A low bid ct 1115,'l'IO f« layq -,
a neW Ove-lnch IW'fKe on the Orange
Coanty Airport'• 5,700-!oot nmray has
been submitted by Industrial Asphalt
Inc. of Stattton. ,
Joseph Smisek, county directo·r of
building stn'ices, told supervilors who
accepted the bid today that he expects
work to beaift April 21. Uocl" tenna
•f the cootra<l tbe pro)ecl mtlst be
-pleted within 10 days, weather
permlUlD(. •
'Ille raurlacing, lo reJlllr dimage
caused by t.be heavy rain llonnl In
Jamwy &Dt FtbrUary bas bt<D a ...,_
ln>Y<nlal subject ...... -_..,
jet lllgbll '""" Iba alrpart.
In .-II a.o Asonautico Boord bear·
lnp In WNbJnctan, they claimed the
repair work would allow heavler jet
-planes to like oCf from the airport.
Airport o!flclall denied the contenUon.
The $JIS1770 bkl it lower than the
coonty•s e.sUmaled '200,000 !or the job.
There were four Olhu blds, Smiaek aald.
The JG-day limit ll good oews for
Air Calllomla• and Air West. Tiiey will
be forced to ""' Long Beach or Ontario alrporU wblle the main nmway II being
repaired. II bad been anllcipaled the
job would take two weeu.
However, the airport will remain opeo
lo llllllltr odvalo pi.... ani1.....,..,1er
aircraft. whldl .... Ole the -puallel ,..,,..,.
. . .
DAJlY '11.0f ~
'Let l1&'1l D~ftde'
Slate · Won't Ask ·
Death for Sirhan
An EarMtl Pledto for "!Idcllo Ea1t Poaco
UPI T"""""
Hussein at White Ho~e,
Mi,deast Peace Sought
WASHINGTON (UPI) -l'ralldenl flnt met NhOll In 11159 when the latter
Mxon welcomed Jordan's King Huueln was vice president.
to the While Houle today aod they "Pm proud of the !act that you ore
my friend," the ting Aid, adding the
joined in pied~ an earnest learch hope that relations between the two
for pea~ in the Middle East, where
Hussein's forces just hours before had countries would now "grow stronger than
exchanged new blows with Israel. they ever were."
~ ANGl!l.Ell (UPI) -'Ille _.,. t1oil, .. w 11'/1 &st the jury' to l!rlnl
In a death pooally for Sirhan B. Sirhan
!or the admitted a1a11n1 ol Robert F.
With lbe mur<ler lrlal In Ill last week
ud both sides expected lo rat today,
' Par~ Director
Named to Fill
Veterans' Post
1be directorship ol the Slolo-llepart.
meol ol Veterans Affairs, """"ltd when
Tustin resident James E. Jahnson was
appointed as the fln.t Negro on t'1e
U.S. Civil Service Commission, was filled
Gov, Rooald Reagan appointed Fnnk
D. Nicol, a •state parka. admlnistrator
s1nce Novanber, 1917,-to IDCCeed.Jolwon
In the I0,1115 per year posl
'Ille c:hie! deputy cli!:ecl<r ol the Sllto
Paro and Recreation IJepartment must
111111 be coollrmed by tbe Senate.
Jobmoo, a Republ.k:aQ and a..alarine,
became a con~ fllure rec.Uy
when Democ:rall In Sacramento baited
at approving a reeolllllon pnislng his
wcrt In lbe lleapn adrnlnlllrallon.
He Jell the mote poo1 m -ago
al the invitation ct Prosldenl Nixon lo
join bla adrnlnlslrallon .. the llnl black
man em named a federal civil aervice
Prior to Reagan 's appointment of
Nicol, a 47-year~ld Republican, the &e•
Ung veterans affairs chief was ff. J.
John.son. .
The Jordanian monarch was given a A large crowd of Jordanian-Americans,
full state welcome on the White H:>Wie Wbile House employes and workers [rom B. F , Amh d
the adj I U of" b lldln 1g our 8888 ors south lawn complete with mllitary honors acen execu ve uce u g
~ 21.gun salute. assembled to watch the arrival. From B K M
~ ,,.J!, Atty, Lynn B. Compl9ll
''We will toll the jury Iha! tither
a death 1entence or a We aentenc.
would be appropriate. We will not d6T
mand the death penalty." \
Added COmptou: "the lu'l will bin
lo declde lfle ~-" .
'Ille ligna M all acJdlDa ~ lo. I
venllct ol flnt degree m~ot and .the
25-year-old Arab 1oing. lnlli , f" IDmlfl
!acllity fer the rest ol lli,s IJ!e. · 'i "
i'lychologllt Dr, Bernard OliD&lr WU
especled lo cooclude ~ ~lmiw ""1IY
u II'!' tut wltnm in I be '"-lDOlllh
trial. OlJnler his ~"bii.o of
olhtr J>IYCbla!ric wit!IOS*S wbO 'Ioond
Sirhan psychotic.
Final arguments tn lhe case were
expected to begin today with the ....
goin&: kl the seven-man-five.woman Jur'Y.
on Friday.
A f t e r the final cross eumination.
Judge Herbert V. Walker will confer
with attorneys on his Instructions to
the jury.
Compton told newsmen that higher
court decisions were IUCh that the state
could not even 1rgue that Sirhan ahould
be ei:ecuted so' that he could never
till again.
"About the only ar(UIIltOI that llands
!:;. 'j;y ~ =-~ni~ =.Is for
Olinger , was . tbt final witness ID a
lrlal that 1111 coat $hnllllon: ·
Olioger lesli!led Monday that Sirhan'•
responaes to one pmon.ality test were
. UWeU 'IPithin no{lnal limits" and ~ dif.
. !ered with der.oae experts who found
Slrban mentally ill.
Olinger, a clinicaI psychologist and
an lnstrcutor at the University of
Southern Calilornla, Aid be uamloed
the resultJ of the test given Sirhan
by two defense psychologists, Roderic)
Richardson and Martin Schorr.
Schorr rated Sirhan as a paranoid
!Chizophrenlc on the basis of a penonali·
ty test called the Minnesota MuJUpbaslc
Personality Inventory.
During IO exchange of remarks before the ellipse, the king JrO<eeded by Meet, ut eep um
be and Naon went into busineoa aessions limousine lo the Wbllo House IOllth UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -The big Men Force Broadcast
in the White House, the two men eon-portico where Nlzon and Secretary of four arnhaaldon met for llmost 3¥.ii
ceded that the •ituatlon in the Middle Stale William P. Rogers gave blm a •-·-loda• In aeardl ct 1 aolullon Of Anti•U.S. Appeal East b "explosive" and if unsolved, uuuc3 I
could lead to serious Involvement of the red carpet welcome. to the crisis in the Middle East where LINA. Peru (AP)-'lbree armed Ind
rest o! the world. After the President and the king In· lsraell aod Egyptian forces fougi!I masted men inv~ 1 Lima ....i;o 1111-
apected an honor guard of unlll represen-artlllery duels 1cn111 Ibo Sues Canal 11on today and forted the om'""'°' Each, ta different words, suggested ting all of the U.S. anned servlcts and Israeli planes attlcked. the JordlJllan to broadcast an 1pPeal for 1ttacb oil
the 1ame mluUon -a sincere 1earcb they went to a amall red. ~and port qr Aqa~ ~ r= in Peru.
for peace. blue bunting-skirted platform for ez. The ambasudon from the Unlte.d 1be nlen, arm with two submachine
Nixon. in greeting the king at the start change of mmrb -aJ1 part).)( the Slates, Britain, France and the Soviet rubs Ind a tevo ver, e:nered Radio Ex·
of a three-day Washington visit. said tradiUonal American welcome cert ny Unkn announced ttwy_ wouJd meet_qaln preao at 7:0 a.m. and crdered the pertono
he l®ted forward to their conver!lltiO~ for 1 vCiiUng bead of state. Monday. But under the temu ol ltCf,eCY neI to broadcut what they called a ~~pe they might arrive at "new Both Nixon and Huuein apoi.e wi~ they hive lmpoaed they aaJd there would declaraUon of the Revolutionary Leftist Mlliii!i · that couJd lead to permanent ootes with a bri&ht spring IUD shlnint'-be no communique on today's meeUng, Movement. After five minutes, the men ~"in that troubled part ()f the world, overhead. their second, or on tbe one Monday. f)ed in 1 waiting CU'. ~e East." 1..:.=='------------------,,,.--'------..,--"-------
. ":'Dle .PreSident noted the "explosive
aWiaUM~! between Israel and the Arab
wOrld ind aaid a solution requires
.. leederibip from within'' which would
be 'ml.rted· by three qualities, "courage,
JJJ.sdom and moderation."
· "We in · tliis~ country have seen in
:You Ume ~" Nixon ~Id Hussein.
11You have: been 'a ' man of courage,
d wisdom, " moderaUm."
He aald his --wllh Htm<ln would attempt ''to · find 1 new avenuea
that could lead to peace."·
"I look !onrard -lo · 1Wchlng together
'(for)· new avenues ()f understanding.''
he sa1d.
Hussein nsponded that "I feel the
weight of responsibility even more'' to
seek a "just and honorable peace."
Hmsetn recalled the era of Jordanian-
American friendship during th e
Eisenhower administration and bow be
Airport 'Loop'·
Roadway, Talk
Set Wednesday
Orange County Road· COmriilaloner Al
Koch and Director o( AvlaUon F.obett
Bresnahan will meet·head on Wedneaday
before the county planning· commlsslon
over 1 proposed airport loop roadway.
Bresnahan has requested that the one.
half mUe roadway, whlch would parallel
the San Diego Freeway on the north
end or Orange County Airport be deleted
because It would be a safety haza rd and
a detriment to an instrument land.Ing 1ystem to be lnslalled within the om
year. Koch opposes ellrnlnaUoo of the
roadWay cJalrnlng ulUmato clrculaUon
requlrem-ct the alrp.-1 make ll . ........,,.
Planntn held up cooslderallon ol the
problmt for one week 10 thl.t both
d--1 beadl C<!Uld be preaenl.
Collins to Merge·
With Honeywell?
Honeywell Inc. and Coll lns Radio Com4
pany executives are holdlni; dbcusa.lona
looking toward the merger of C.lllm
and JlooeywtJJ, ll was aDnounced today
by James H. Binger. chairman o1
Honeyw<II and Arthur A. C.W111, presl-
dtnl end chairman ct Co111ns 'lladlo.
t ..
Wednesday, April 9th
All Buffums' stores
will be open ot 8:00 e.m.
Don't miH out on biggest values of-the yeer
In their joint otalemetl~ Collini and
Bln1er aald that terms ol·lbe traMacUon
bad DOI ,.i been arrived , 11 ·and that
further announcements •ill be made ••
...,U.llorll continue. C.Uhll hes a New-
port Beach planl Newpdrttl. faslllm 11111111 Newpart Clllet• 644-%200e llila., Thils., Frl.10:00 till 9:30 Oller day1 lo:Ql till.s:JI
• f j •
I •
-Texan Tells Terrors of Mexico Prisoh , ' .
' -I •
'Almost Mur~red ~Me,' Says A.nwrican Who Fl.ed Dress:J as Woman
~ ........... ~ ...
'Qi• family o1 stt. 1,c. O'Neil J. ,,_ wu pleuanily surprl~
SUndaY by a-tull-page advert!Je.
m..i In 111e Portland <~> s.n-dat Tllegrmn ...,veyjng hlJ E&Jter
~ trom Vietnam. ·~Jf? Euler "' mv Wlllldedul y, trom o.141.'7 Jondrmu's. meuage Rill. "I Ion you." Tbe Telegram, ''lilddl -•Pllv ..a..-flQO I . . . r.riidftrti.ln ~~ed Jo:. =:t,., ad tne J• a · tribute to
Maine's 'flgbUng men: • . Charltl Dlclctnt 'of Milwaukee,'
Wll., will play the'role ol "Fuln"
In the St. John Cathedral High
School production of the musical
comedy ''Oliver," which is based
on the novel "Oliver Twist." •
The •11<• of u.. c:onor.-
tDtn °" Dwight D. Eisenhototr'1
'"'PCV J><1f ol lh• ~omm11nllJ ·
~ Clau.rth in Palm_
Daat, C4Uf. ·11 ""' tAe lint
--lflllO !hot nc. ....,.,
lh<r•. "H• -.t.u image Of tAe
""'ll bat t1IGI Voll mid I mid oar
-profaa lo 1la!ld for,• aold tM ll<v. il<n W. Milin. A
bnlid<d purple con! cloled th<
pew. A plaqu read 'The Gm-
mil aftd Mn. Dwight D. Eisen-
hotoV1 ~w. PreaicUnt 1952·
1HO." ·
• Proianlty and abusive language
POUnd from the Amarillo, Tex., po-
!Jce radio for 15 inmutes before the
officers found out jt W&S coming
from one of their own cars 1ast
weekedd. ·P.olice said a 21).year-old
nwi,. JiaDdcuffed and belted down
in a patrol car by ollicers lnvesti-
gatlllg a • dl.sturb8nce, managed to
.-h Ibo microphone with hit big
toe and· tamed the air as blue as
fb e Ir anlr.mns. The man was
i dllrged with dnmkenneu and use ' ot profane and abusive language. •
LOB AllGIL!I (VPll -A Texan ""° eocipld frGm • 1llnlcu prtoon diagulled 11 a woman charged he wu
aJmoot munlerod by hla captors by wti.t
llO leemed wu called "la ley dt, fuaa"
-the l,)r If. eocape.
Dykes \,utew Simmons Jr., !8, who
• flew ber'e Monday rib bla attorney,
uld luardo II Nuevo Loon P<nllenllarJ
wanted him lo escape ao they could
'Jbe Mte:mJl(ed "uecution" occurred 'Dee.'·, ... "About e,hl <i lbem tool< me lo
the liult pie and ~ <i them -pulhing me; .. Stml'P'lll toid ... .....
"'!be -. _.. "' -.... r foag!lt my way back lnlo tile priloo. 1 -·t go.
Zounds! Sonw
R.olls Have
Screws Loose
NEW YORK -There was a mild
panic . on Part Avenue Monday, and
in W~ an agjtated ripple ran
arouDd Embusy &or -all the Rollo-
RoycO Silver llhadowl and Beatley T
models made duriDJ tbe pul f-,_.
-been recalled --<i • "pole>-~-ddect!" I
What ..._.,., Bad ...,_, travel·
lac at. «t.mlle& an hour, beard wnfthlng
bOildel the c:lock? Nodrlai to .......
1'Recmt tat uperience," aid • Rolls :J::;;'";ID in aulllbly muted looes, "bu that exceptional overio.d con-
ditions may cat11e the aide steering Jevel
securing seat aaews on· Silver Shadow
and Bentley T series cars to relu their
torque Ughtness."
In other words, there may be a couple
of screws loose in the st e'er in g
'Ibe callback affect,, about 6,000 can,
of whicb an eatimated 1,350 are in tbe u--
Woman Confesses
Lying _ at Trial
To Save Suspect
LOS ANGELE!! (AP) -A .......,,
who said Ille lied at his flll!I .trial
because she loved William CJinc«',
te.till<d MOllday at hll thlnl murder
trial that be had con1 .. 11ec1 the crime
to her.
Clinger is accused of stabbing to death
Veryl R. Hays, 4-4, in Hays' Ventura
tavern May 10, 1967.
Clinger was retried after his first jury
deadlocked. The second juey convicted
him, but a third trial was ordered llO
that Mrs. Dorothy Castro, Z3, CHnger's
former girlfriend, could testif»
Mrs. Castro, now a waitresa in Las
Vegas said "there im't any reason for
lying anymore.., She saJd that at the
time she first testified she had lied
to protect Clinger.
''l'blJ lloll • .im.-tt cllllh. My
-w• --1 bed Dall -all over ID)' bo11J !nm -. they
kicked ma-1111 ""0•11111!1 ltucl< Cllll. But 1 _, run.''lbey aoid I'd lalleo
off I wall tryblir to -.pt,"
Sim-aoid ldr ...... hllr !umed
lo 1111 In the prilan at Xoalerrey.
lie -""""" • the ~ Amer!Clla" lo._ wbo belieYed bis
c:lolm <i """"-.
s•mmGD1 retterateit his CC11iteation that
be -the "fall 1111'' In die -
-be anl'Nd II Loo ~ i...
I& ·••Gil Airport _, a;pt -ldo-Dll'· "1 ai !no•~ -C<lllpietely, wllollJ
11111 ~. • be -. ":l:liay -me
• I -'lboJ lmoli who did ll.
Approci1tlon of !kt by L•tt Cl•mont AlllN Publlshtd
Britain's Attlee Praises
Ike as 'Man of Courage'
NEW YORK (UPI) -In a hitberto
tlllpDblilbed _..tatloo of Dwight D.
Eilenbower, the late Clement Attlee,
Britain's wartime deputy prime minister,
says Franklin D. Roosevelt may have
been responsible.for a atrategy for which
Eisenhower was sometimes criticized.
Attlee's reC<>llections will appear for
the !irst Ume in "Eisenhower: American
Hero," a special biography being publish-
ed by American Heritage and United
Blast KilJs Nine
In Switzerland
AARAU, Swilz.erland (AP) -An ex·
plosives factory blew up today at the
village of Dottikon, killing nine persons
and injuring 40 others, police reported .
!'nos lnternttlonal. '!be !ff.page, Jtuv.
Uy illustrated volume, has now gone to
Describing Eisenhower as a man· of
''the hJ&flesl moral courage,'' Attlee
recalled that the general was criUclled
in the later stages of the war for "faillag
to advance more vigorously, thua allow-
ing the Russians to penetrate so far
to the west, with the result that Romania.
Bulgaria, Czechoolovakia, HuniarY and
Poland atl fell under Communist con-. I .. I tro .••
"But this,'' Attlee said, "may well
have been due to tbe policy of President
Roosevelt, who to the end of his life
was obsessed with the view that Britain
WU still an !mperlallsl power and that
every move eastward was dictated by
the old selfish interests."
AWee said be personally always
regretted that EiKnhower bad gone Into
politics. He sald he !elt Emenbower was
a form of figurehead king with John
Foster Dulles as "mayor of the palace."
... Tbt 111"4 Yelled ·~ the ....... , ··rae. JliUe. 'P1"1 "1 out. Get out." He walied alioul IOU yards dawn·the
road, claml>erod" into' Ille back l<t a
car ddven \by an unnamed frimd and
90 mlmdes later wu at the ~r
near the Tew tf)lm of Roma.
"I could ,.. the American llag Dying
just across lbe bridge. Just 50 ymb
aw1U1.'' Simmons said.
A Mmcan !mmlgralial ofllclal. ap-
proached the car and looked Inside. Sim-
mons wpn't sure if he'd been misled
yet at the prison.
"He joat asked for one peso toll fot
c:roaing the bridge. I gave him a dime
-two c"1is too much -and £4ld,
'Adiol, amigo.' And Ihm we were la the United Stats.,,
No U.S. Casaaltles
-, Marines Sweep DaN ang
Area; 35 Reds Kilwd
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Marines car·
rying out an oUenslve sweep on . tht
plains -west of Da Nang tilled 35
Communbl aoldlen today In ...... u11
.., a buater c:omplu, U.S. military
spokeomen -1ed. 'Ibey said Ibo
Marines sllfrered no casualties. · · ·
. It WU die only """"'1 tcllon reported
In South VIetmm today, repecting a
lull in the Commualst.s' sbi---old of.
In a aeries ol tight akirmi!hes Mond1y
ranging from the demililarlzed zone to
the Mekong Delta U.S. and Sou!Jl Viet·
nameJe troops killed 159 Red soldiers.
North Vietnii.mese and Viet Cong gun-
ners carried out 15 shelling attacks dur-
ing the night Qll billed military in·
stallations, but towns and cities were
spared. However, terrorists threw a
gra>ade into a wedding party Monday
at Glao Due, IO miles IOUl!nrest ol
Saigon, killing-three members of the
w~ party and WOUDdlag 20 • u.s. 11523 matdied the 1u11 1n the
groond war. A spokesman said the B5Zs
Dew five m!Woos Monday night and
early Tuesday against areas near the
borders ol Cambodia and Lao,. Previous-
ly they bad been averaging about 10
missions a day.
'fbe Marine sweep southwest of Da
Nang was one of four major offensives
now under way in South Vtetnam to
cul Communist infiltration routes from
Laos and Cambodia. Marines invol ved
in today's fighUng were part of Operation
Oklahoma Hills whlcb cuts across a
Communist route from Laos to the Da
Nang area.
A spokesman said the Marines cap-
tured both tbe jungle camp and an
adjolnlaa hospital eompl<z.
Feeding the infiltration corridors, ac·
cording to U.S. !IOUl'ees in Sa1ROn, is
a new Communist aupply complex 20
miles above the border demi.Jitariu,d
zme (DMZ). Built since the bombing
of North Vietnam stopped, H iJ ringed
wtth antiaircraft defenses.
1be blttle l!IOUUiwest of Da Nang,
South Vietnam'• second biggest city, wu
the only major fighting reported as the
Communists unleased 1.i 6helling at·
tacks Into towns aOd militlrJ campi
on tbe 45tb mornill( ol tbelr llllloo-
Viet Cong Repeat
Blast on Thieu's
'Reconciliation' ·
PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cong de
nounced for the second consecuUve day
today South Vietnam President Nguyen
Van Thieu's proposals !or national recon-
Tran Hoai. Nam. third ranking member
of the Viet' Cong delegation, dismissed
as ;'insolence" Thieu's suggesUon the
Viet Cong disband as a Communist !ortt
and operate only as a polilical force.
Monday the Viet Cong issued a fc:rmai
statement also blasting Thieu's sl:l-point
program whlcb ollerod amnesty lo the
Viet Cong il it would end the fighting.
The repeated statements and an
edito.-ial today In the Hanoi official
newspaper Nhan Dan indicated the Com-
munist ·delegates to the Paris peace
talks \\'ere still walling !or the American
home front to cave in under the weigh~
of opposition to the war.
Nhan Dan said recent a n ti w a r
demonstrations in the United States were
"positive actions lo compel the U.S.
government to stop the aggressive war
in Vietnam and bring American troops
Today's National Liberation Front
(Viet Coog) news conference was held
,. U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
met with South Vietnamese Vice Presi ..
deal Nguyea Cao Ky lo dillCIW irtrategy
in the deadlocked peace talkt.
4'11Ueu's Jl'OP0$8) that the NLF r&o-
nounce violence and change Its name
before participating in national elections
under internatiooal controls ia a call
for the Vietnamese people to rioounce
their r ights to fight for their liberty
and independence," Nam said.
William D. Cobb, 65, is willing to stU
this 14-pound ptarl given to him in
tht SouUL Seas by an. island chitftain
a/Ur Cobb had cured the chiefs son
of malaria. One hitch to the gift was
that Cobb could not dispose of the
gift for 21 year1-or a "curse" would
cause the dtath of Cobb's own aon
bt/ore M taa.s 21 uears old. Hit ion
is now SO, but '10 one has come up
with tM d.!king price 11et -J3.5 mil-
LAS VEGAS CAP) -Howard Hughes ,
one of the world 's richest men, was
given a $7,628 tu refund by the county
when his aides protested the tax bill.
Alarm sirens and church bells began
ringing' in villages and towns for miles
around as the explosion sent a shock
wave through lhe cowitrys.ide and raised
a gigantic mushroom cloud over the
Was DeBakey Upstaged~~
Clarie County commissioners agreed
~1<Xlday that some property Hughes leas·
eel at McCarraa Airport Is a poblic
area and cannol be -""'·
Within minutes hundreds of am-
bulances, fire engines and patrol cars
from the entire canton of Aarau raced
to Dottikon. an industrial village of
Qlle 2,(Q) inhabitants.
Calm Weather Across U.S.
Warming Trend Continues Along West Coast
S4Hwty .... ·-"" '"°"" """' (.Mii ... i.. faNr, Wlfldl wn""1\'. I to 11
knoh. T..,..,..1 """"· 6S te 11. v .. ,...,., ........-1111n11 r1111 1 d
""" I l\ltfl .. .. to I low f1' ,.,
... i-11 "'"""'ful'lt -.... ,, ,. 4'.Tfle-Hr~W•to• -· Su11, M-n. 1'14a
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.l«:Gflllll• "' ..• ;Up,tn,J.I
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.. ... 11• l .fft, .... •:If tt.rn.
Lmr ..... '"'.. , .. •• ' •• V Alt. M W..1 I
11.S. S••-r11
Mell d ,..,. "''"" tl'l!Mf Clt1r 11'1d
Tiit t~lofl •• ttw Mottl•·nqlr11 1tt1tt ~ ...... .,.. told r1lft
.. .,..., all .... ,,.,.., "" "'""' 11Wn f# trlt Ufltrel •nf rwtflfffl •oc:tiitt Intl "-MlirwMf, Helt .... -•i..t lit tie 11:._ 0tr tree .,.,. tr Wkh-lt-. KIM.. • .,
ltod!-~'t Wlonllfllil rt!Mllll'd I~ tfftct .., (el'lt.... "'-'-*' _. ..,,.
.,.... .... Dtkol ...
,_ -ftfllnti -.. ,,. of w.,. mr..,. •M _,.._,.,.. ""'"1•'11.
"-"' Merit., ~ ""'" ll'ICfln dllPlftt ........... ~
~·.. """lit .,..,_, owl
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llHtrsl~ld a1.,,,.ra ·-llos!Oll
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Artificial Heart Pioneer Won't Comment on Cooley
HOUSTON (UPI) -'!be dramaUc
series of events in the spectacular
artificial beart transplant has turned
Dr. Michael DeBatey into a mystery
De.Bakey wu the workl's m05t widely
known heart turgeon advocating the use
of the mechanical heart.
He brooght Dr. Domingo Liotta, the
man who deveoped" the artificial heart
used by Dr. Denton A. Cooley last F~·
day, io the Baylor College oC Medicine in
De.Bakey, a master politician as ·well
as an outstanding surgeon. secured the
money to set up the artificial heart
program at Baylor in the early 1960s.
He picked Liotta as a co-director or
lbe project.
lt was DeBakey who used the first
successful artificial bear! pump, the !<It
ventrlcal bypa~. developed ~~
In 1116 •
When Cooley began t world
serl<o <i bear! trwpl-lul MiJ.
lleBakey'a colleagires said be wu
walling to uoe the artificial beirt -
!bat wu.bla apeclallf. .
Since Cooley made the !Int tolally
artificial heart transplanl with • device
developed by lleBatey~ pro t e 1 e
DeBakey has been irtrangely -u
have his C'Olleagues.
He was out of town when Cooley
perfoimed his historic ourgery which
came on the eve of an evaluatloa meeting
of thf: mechanical heart commtuee of
the N1tlonal Heart lnslltute l n
Washinlton. DeBakey, a committee
member, attmdtd the Saturdl)' meeting,
but said nothing pobllciJ'.
In BetbeJda, Md., Dr. 'llleodore ~.
cbalnnsn <i the mechanical heart oom-
mltt.. of tbe Heart !Mlltute, lald MOii-
day lbe ar!lftcltl beart Iba! Cooley uaed
' .. _
' Dr. MichHI O.Bakty Dr. Dtn!on Cooley
was one of &e\'ttal models at almost
lhe same ilage of development in the
United Slates lodo,y.
Cooper aakl he believed, from the
aceounta be had rad and the designs
he blld aetn, that Coolt!y UStd a model
elev.loped by IleBatey.
"You'd have to get the fac:ta from
DtBakey or Cooley, but tt was quottd
In the ...... that tbe model uaed by
Cooley WU developed by t Dr. Llolta,
who-a In Dr. DeBakey'1 laboratory,"
• •
Coop-.r said.
De&key returned to his office Mondi''·
but did not answer any of the 35 calla
from reporters. When one: newsman
caught him bttwtt!l1 ofllcu, he r<luaed
to~~~~~';! wanti to ask
him is: "Do you have MOthtr mechanical
heort under dov.lopment or was thb Ult one you fntended to UJe?''
Both Cooley and Llolta uld lleBaliey
t.tw nolhinr about Ibis heart.
" ' -• • ~~'.!PO-.. • • •
' ••
~. II ' I . . . ' '
i¥01:. 62, NO. 84, 2 S&:TIONS, 24.flL.6.ES ·., • . ' . . ....... .~~ 99,'JNJY• CAUFO~Nll~ 1 TUESD~Y,' APRIL 8, '1969 ' ' . .. ..
Withhold • •
-a'ax .. Asked
_-_: 1-• •
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan
~ lodly an ldditlooal one perc<nt
tat on grog .penonal income, a system
of. volunPrY withholding and new sales
~es to .reJ.ieve some of the tu burden
offeatifornia property owners. '\us long awaited tax reform message
'Wis premited to the legislatW'f: in a
~ia]-. . .
·The b1gest surprise in the plan was
IU. proposal that CailfomalnS be permit-
tof to withhold tbeir personal income
tnes if they want.
The governor bas been a steadfast
~t of payroll -in tbe
2!'1· _J:arung it a ''voluntary prepayment
plfn,'1 Reagan aaXl he was proposing
it· --bia ..,..,,, plan partially lllillta ·the tu burden from property
~ to penonal income taxes.
'l1ie plari wiluld:
~Ext.end the preemt five percent sales
tax to re~ services, magazines and
tbe Sales of Containers -a widely grow·
ing industry in the !late.
I-Create an Educational Opportunity Tjx of one percent of adjusted· gross
-Increase the homeowners' property
tax exemption" to $1,000 -a $250 hike
~ve the $750 exemption provided by
4,ballot proposition in 1961.
This, plus ~ additional income t.ax,
"wj)Uld reduce the average -residential
pr..operty tax throughout the state by
well -over 50 percent," Reagan told the
I islature. ~ ne plan would also cut the business
lov"'l<wy property tu by ...u.!r %1
pereent; retain the c:umnt bonk ond
corporation tax instead of reducizic it
as now required by law;· ~ return
••:the old •wtem of '•'""""'-'-< 'ii payitl to'iue ~~ .nm would mean 10ore p:iney in ~
,.at for middle income tupay,.. than
tla • present system of allowing them
·to'tal!• flat tu credits ..
Under the voluntary withholding plan,
Reagan said, employes could ask their
em.(>loyers to deduct personal income
taxes from their paychecks, and send
the money to the state. Employers would
receive a credit to ma'ke up for the
added administrative cost.
Angry Parsons
~ays Oil Ruins
!f arine Refuges
OU is ruining marine refuges in Corona
d.i. Mar, the Newport Be'ach City Council
leimed Monday, and VJce Mayor
Liridsley Parsons who made the charges
h"1ughl his proof with him in a plain
brown envelope.. • Reaching into the Manila cootainer,
Panons spoke ol a ".9erious" crude
oil problem oo the prettiest of Corona
del · Mar's rocky beaches.
¥To prove it." he said. ''here's a
damk of 3e8Weec' covered with the stuff
that killed it."
·fie drew out a large plasdc bag filled
wlth gooey oil covering a clump of --· · H' added that be doubled anything coold be done ..... cept perhaps to JICJllfy
the. oil companies."
Parsons said be was re&ayktc the alarm
ol' Jht Cameo Shores Property Owners
As.9(lciation. wbo9e members complained
to, him about the largo quantities of
onl4e oil coating rocU and tide pools
on llttle Corona del Mar Beach.
" brought this to show you what
has;happened to the beach<s down bere.
The,.marine prteerVe that we established
recePly ii now full of thisoJI."
'll&1f>e we should lelld tt to Voloo OU. , be aid, lmplyq that tt came
{l'CCJJ the s.ta Bart>m'a Ul11bou bknroul
1"..-•k<d tile dty !laff to examine
podble Wl)'I to rid the beaches of
~ ........ ~a-. be IOld, ... °"' . .,.._ when there lo little aand,
il!it;IJU of pebbles.
• 11 •'Jbe oil bes made it virtuall~ im
l>Oll!ble to walk~ U-beod!es without l\Vllic ,.... f ... -w!lll tile llufl,"
~.-ns said.
.,~ ~ meown.ers Group
To Elect Officers
" .1. M Bluff• Homeowners community
Al*laUm will hOld Its annual tleclloo
~~ ond -IGaf&l>I In the Cor:Oi>a dol Mar 111111 School Cif<t<ria. lloinbm Will eloct five . cllreclon to
... Ibo -latlon for tbe -,..,, 'lbe .-..,. open to au
raidents, IWU at 7 p.m.
I • • ::
•1 ,• I .. . . . ' . I I . ·w·· . . . .. . ~eWpqrt Rocks :·:
.l· on .,
.-A~y "?. B~i~ :f ou~-Rubble Groins in Summer . . .
dumped . oat · Iowan! the ,.. at these
Joi-....: 31th, J 41th; aid 1lnd 56th
. -. 'lbe . Job 11111· ralle...., m the
number of • groins' . Poldnl' blto West
Newport'a waters. ·
'Ille ·llOO,oe6 lt!deial beach enioiop con-
trol JirOject, 'W'ilf include • massJYe aand-
hail, ,Newport· Beath city munciltnM
were told "Monday night The sandhaul,
howevet\ won't start until after Sept.
CM7 Public Works Director Jiioeph T. . . . .
Devlin explafued tllat ..,,.., qlneers
wimt to k<fP disrupljoll I(~·
beach aotMt1"' to a -
'lbe. sandhaul, hO DOied, wllf r.quire
closing of the beach' from the -
area to the Wm Newport ~ project
area. • · · ·
Current Corps plans call for haulin(
the sand from 11th -in Balboa. But Devlin said the city has asked
the Corps to consider collecline tbe sand
at the DIOllth of the Santa Ana Rivv. -
He polnlOd out that Balboa -
seleciod .. the borrow ... prior to
recent rlll\lO 'Jhlcb rosu.lted lo lbe depooil
of lar(e addiUonlll quantities of matmlal
on the beech al<mpido the liver. •
llurini COlllU)ICtioa . of ttie ..-. lllf
boach will r.maln open. 'Do'<llll· .m.
· phatUed. •1'All we , lhould· hive to do. ..
be ·llid,,"ls ·Jo.c1* oll·d)o 1in.-. (See GROINS, hae I) . ·
'"'•'r ..........
Doctor· Hints
Of.Bribe in
No Big Deal Realtors, LA _
Fled Medco
' Dykes Anew &mmons is safe
in this country today alter
escaping a Mexican prison,
disguised as a woman.· He had
served 10 years for murder.
See Story, Page 4.
Scientists Pity
Poor Pelka1is;
Sail to Mexico
OI' ftM Dliltr Plltl Stefl
. Cot1rt Order
By· TOM llA'ilJ.EY ...... ...,, ............
Allegations that Dr. M~. C. O'Don-
nell's "faiher~w: m1.7 .... ve bribed
Meoican newspapers aDd ·10um.u.i. io
publish "defamatory ond degoratori
mat.ertal" about the death of the Nrwport
Beach ptiysician's wife are containe'.d
in a doculnent ftled todl.Y in Superior
N'eu,.port Bans Poker Palaces Firm to Eye : ·
Aa of .May -• •. it·will l>e ·jlltpJ to
~le a poller palac< in Newporl
CllJ. ~ Monday n i I ht
unlnlmOusJy 1ppro\·ecf first reading of
an ordinanco banniOI pu~Uc (ambling
OO•"IUDQ ol 1kll1." ,
WWI alrudy Oii the books prohibit
plaJinc sames of. chance -such u
craps -for stakes, either cash or
The new ordinance, requested by the
POUce Department, foct11e1 on poker,
panguin(lle and bridle, if tbe card cames
are not privately conducted, accordina:
to City' AltomeJ' Tully Seym«ir.
He wureil COWlcllmen that the law
• !. '
will not affect 1ames at the Balboa c· p ' .. ' r.u~~ =u;,;:.~ :· bQothL 1ty roperties
Police sou.cht the ordinance, they u:~ . .
plained, not because then: are iny poker In an intenaified dfort &o cub In
""3ce• °' pan(Uin(Ue parlon in town on city.owned la(!d to belp pa7 for :•
today, but because there could be. with new civic cent.er, Newport Beach city
existing k>opholes in the law. cooncllmen M~y ·night:
Strict enforcement of the new anti· -Hired Development Re sear e h
gambling measure ls nol antlclpaied. Asaoclales (ORA) ~ Loo Anplea to
It would be impos!ible, city aides analyze new leue extenalon propaelll
privately admit, pointing out that unMr from the Ba1boa. Bay Club and BeflCClll
the new law, betting on so much a hole Bay Community ASlloclation. •
in golf would ~ Illegal. . -Agreed to seek vollU'ltary 1Uisl1~
Second readmg -and adoption -from the Newport llarber-O>ota Mesa
of the onllnance 15 scheduled at the -of l!Wtars in the leulns or
April 13 c:ooncll sessioo. The law will Biiie of lour .-nUally -dty pro-be ln etrect ooe month from then. perties.
ORA WU hired on the noommendatlcin Two California scienllsts will leave -
for Baja California waters Wednesday
aboard the Newport Beach-based vessel, sea . QUe1~ to detinnine H 11\e pdicao
can ~surv:lve a '°""'g.1 blttle against
Newport Beacb 1tlomey Arthur Strock
makes these commenb in a subpoena
which ...U to . bave lien lla(ll!lt" of
Torrance available in the defenae
lawyer's office Tbu'rtday. Hlgott is
ordered In the doc:umeoi to.Iring with
him for .-.adinf into the depolition check
lhlbl Jiqd-~· <hecb reflectini
paxmeat1 ·1o .~ and/or
P • of City Manacer Horvey L. Hurlburt. Artificial Heart at1ent !::lyr:'i:~:=~~~::
. . directed lo ii•• top priority ooosideratlon , ; ...
pesticides. .
Dr.J~'~· "~wit' •• 1,,..0-1 .. 1•..: ~ ... ''1
to the a&lboa Ila)' Clllb'• '*lllOlt ,.,.. . ;\iith :p , . · . . •. , · a SO.:ye'ir 1e1:ae· an 13 acres of'clty:.awn.d · · -umom• · , IJI~ lfllll it' .... ""' · · JI. ' \'' :1.1U W' Thi BIY Club'i uilUac ·ieue ar.
·journollata In*""'· ,\
The ..... '11' f!tno!: ii~·"!"'\. .. • . l ~··!!!'! •:=..-. ' tilt MD • atura
lliot«y, llld Dr. -~~J)iilforo . of
the California Academy iii Scienc. In
Sao l'ranclJto will be aboard the ..... 1.
skippered by """"' Dick o.;y.,
,,,. Sea Quest w!li drop -11 every offsbcn illond from the Conloailos
to Nattvldad to .U... the adeht!Sts
to study lbec·?<pl'Oductlon of.the lari•
billed blrdJ.
Dr. Jehl said today the trip .. upected
to yield grim facb about the bird'•
sumvlll off the Pacllic. .
·~-reproduction rate of the pelican
In California w~ ii virtually nU, and
If JI,~ the . ...,. off Mexito, then the
bird WI bemDe exUnct." JW. aid DDT and other pestlcldes
are blamed for the sterility of pelican
egp: 1be l<klay trip aboard the Sea
QUe.t ·wiJJ inclutfe taking egg samples
for testing of contents of pesticides.
"DDT is the real vtllain now, but
we feel that we'll come up with Kime
even greater ones once our tests are
concluded," Jehl said.
The boat fn recent years has been
made available to several scienUfJc
~pg for expeditions into Mexican
Court DO 1* lbao April A O'll\lmltll. ' · ; · • •
52, w!J!1 riw;.ii;fno .mca ln N~ ·"uovst011'c j :.. Rioft'll·xarp, an
and Htmtllillon lleacb, nil!!' ...,;er :fir 1 ,llilnoil' oal tiid. 11ep1. allvt by a man-
that dale ,charl., that he murdered mAde, .. ~-· heart· for 13 boon Susan Jane; Hagott O'DoMell, •, by -..•r .
"injecting poiaooous drup" into ber body and then recipient of the heallhy heart
on Mardt 11, tMl. of .• ~,widow becaUBe ~
Filed •bf Mrs. Gertrude Barnett of wll)led · to ''.live .~ a ~' not lie
Lon( Boacli, Mrs. O'Donnell's .' mother t~ llke ·.a , vegetable, Heveloped
and the c11.:....cr wile of lla((ott, lhe Pl!"""!onla today. (R<latecl .. •tory Pace
clvil actloo daims II million bum 'D'Jlon. 4). .
11111 and -·to prevent'hls benejljin( But Dr. Denton ·A. COOiey, the fam.ed
from bil de'• ..,.1nttal f:lta'te. -: heart im'1f!OO w00.pet1ormed bbth opera·
Mexican Gfffdall bi~ filed a demand lions on the •7·year-olil Skokie, IQ., m.m,
for O'Donnell's omadWon with Viuled ~hope Karp ~ould recover.
Statea aiitborltia. No actfoo bos ytl "Mr. Karp bu developed a patch of
-taken bf thll c:ountey towards pneumoola in his riP,t lun(. His kidney r~ Dr. O'Dolmell to laCe murde< function ts depresaed," Mild 1 SL l.ul<.•'• charaes in MexicO ' Hospital spokesman in a monung
Thi dvU IUit and documiat1.C bulle~. by a Muican judge accae'Dr. ~ The spokesman.said-~arp.., who·receivp
of murderinc hil wife while the couple ' ed the heart of Mrs. Barbara Ewan,
wu on Vlc:ltkll ln Cozumel, a Yucatan 40, of Lawrence. Maas., Monday, r~
Peninlula recreation apot. mained responlive but waa tiring.
St.rock'• cmnmentl in the latest court "We are hopeful he will respond to
flUna-may be dlrected at Ovacione1 medical management;" be said.
lnfOrmacion of. Medco City, the Doctota were elated after Friday's
newspaper thlt ran a series of utk:Jes opera\io!I in which Cooley implanted the
on the cue. arUfie11l heart. One hospital official aid
Schools Seek Bond Bids
Of ... Dellf ,..., ltd
Passage of a bond t.ue under their
bell. Newport.Mesa Unified Sc b o o I
District lru9tees Mood&' nlclil ,set their
sights oo the next hurdle in their race
to keep up with enroUm«1t.
M:etting in lpeCiaJ sessicin, they called
ror bids ·May l'I on sale ol fa .9 lilillion
in 9Chool booda.
'Ibe sale WOUkl . cover cJ.aaroom
building projocll to.~ JJlarled during
tile --yeor: It ~ would buy c por;.ble c1-ns at prl<a
to be bid on tbe same dliy, May 21,
jf Ille -sale ls oucce.iu1. 1ll«e ls a posoibllity u..... 11111 be
.. -Gil ~ .... mllllm -Biiie ond tllal wwld r..Uy put the lchool
--Ille dpt ball, aod beavi17 ia.1~ lllllD
•Tbe 'jnnflmJ-..... -the
--Ille rm·-' mn-innmt for PllMlc _, boDd sales Im·
poee<t. "1 ColllorniA law.
e•lY to IOlne classrooms at 1eWinkle
I-.can .be abondoned durinl
~:.~~ .. of .;.. .;_..
ahead with Palisadel mMkDe ·IChool on
a site at Palisades and Jamboree roads
was shelved to keep ttie bond sale anioont -·· Trultees were giv«1 a breakdown on
how the money would be spent for P-'O-
jects ,\dminhitrative Asslstant R 0 1
Andersen "id hopefully all will (ti
under way during tt.. nm ochool year.
'-l•amounl ~ .-are 11.S mlllloo for
Wakeham lint Increment, SU millloo
for -to Newpirt Harbor ond
cor... .clel -.hlcti -· -1fl.5 million for an Eaatblufl oJem..w,
IJCbool, and a . little over Sl million fO!'
the ·portables.'
Smaller costs are ~.ooo to be paid
lhe Ir;viM ComJl:tny for . the Eutbluff .
site, JDl,000 to add liz classrooms at
Bear Street Elementary, $300,000 for
1!1.rati<ins JO update high !Jchool and
intermediate school facilities.
Alao, .11'12.jOO to build a warehouae
and centrlll bus prace, 1100,000 to
parchue .... inMluctlonal equlpnelll,
$100,000. in 'archJtecta' fta for adv•nce
plamlng cri the following year's projects,
ond fC,llO.for uni-~.
. FipN for ICbook nl elalllooms
are inclueive, takinc in archittcta' fees,
coal of.cablnelry,'f\lrnituro and equll>'
Wh~t It Wj]J Buy
. But truit.M have beer! aauted by
lflelr bond consnllaftl 'that iheY 'ihould Here la !low the fll.9 mllllon NOIVpOrt.Meu bond sale 11 plan-let a bid. •. .. ned to be .rpent:
11ow .. er, liJey _.. adyloed )'&ondly Purebue 42 portable·cla1Srooms $1,050,000
night '"" Ill ITY to !ell at '<Nie Ume Purchase Easttiluff elementary site ' 350,000 ~Y . more lflan 1&.t million of ~ Ill.I 'J'1wenty·aix cia.sroom Eastbluff fChool 1,465,000
· . . · ' .._... with the dtf lw a C·Ull . , . '-laldon da1e.
it ,... QDbelievable how . well Karp ~i.ii;.i..t~· "-..;, } ·
responded to t~ m$0hine. · . ....,.....,. FAA
"I feel sorry. that a ·IUe IS l!lll"·" Iii' uchanre lai .ll!i S.yur atenolon,
Shirley Karp, mother of three """• aid llllY Clul> Yke """1doni lllchard .....
Monday alter the sur(ery. She had iNiied · hal off-tbe; cl17• a C1J1D111u -1
an emotional appeal Satur4&Y for a lee plan ·be aa~ would Jleid the citJ,
human heart for her husband.· · $315,000 'In annual ·lncome. Tbe .,._ctty•1
"Someone heard my plea and they yearly revenue from the club ']1 now
came through. I know what they:re going about half thal Tbe esUmates do not
through because I think we've died one Jnclude "property tuts. ' . .. ·
thousand · Umes over and· over .again DRA. on completion of. the BaJ !aab
wfth niy hUs~nd in 'the last 10· Y.e&ri· 8tudf, -expected to take two llD'ltbl
I hope this will give libri a cliance -will · concentr,ate on a tentative SC'f.,
for a little bit of happiness." po11l froln the Beacoil Biy Cormold9
1'1rs. Ewan, who died of brain damage AasociaUon, which iJ seeldn& dothtt
caused by undisclas;ed m,edical ailment, 30· yean on·)ts ·11-acre .1euei.old.·11'e
was flown to Houston early Monday present ltaJe ttnnioa&es in JI ytarB.
(See HEART,, Pase Z) Prelimi~ di~ ·b.etw:t!lt..__..
_, · representaUves of.. -~a;·1n:; the
Newport Joins
Mesa, Huntington
Library Systems
Newport Beach today ls all but an
official member of ttle Santiago Ubrary
System, a multi..agency cooperative· that
allows book borrowers to cross city h .
Newport councilmen Monday nigh!
formally authorized city memberlhip by
unanimously adopting a joint powers
agreement with the Orange County, Hun·
tington Beech, Placentia and Yorba Lin-
da library systems.
Costa Mesa is a. member of the system
through the Orange County Public
Llbrwy. .
SanUaRO S>;Stem dlrettors, represen-
ting each member agency, two weeks
ago'approve(f Newport's application.
The joint powers agreement will now
be · submltled to the county · Board of
Supervisors, other Santiago membera and
the state Library Boord. Approval from
1111 the agencies is anllcipaied, aid
Newport , City Litnrian Doro t be a
Wbeo ·lbat occun, Neo!port libr~
u .... will find lfJejr cardo ~bie .
at any county library, .lnclucllq -
in Cc1ota Mesa, and al Ubrllriel 1in lhm-tloltoo BUcll, Yorba Linda and PJaca.,
Ua. ·•· '.
Newport ruldents may ..., arranp
~ their. local libratJoo, IO check
.u1 11ems 1tom t11o other u1>r1111oa.
In addition to eiparlded 'library M-vice,
membership in the Santla(O SJ11em
mpm N...,,... will be eUclbie lo appi,
for slate and. federal gr-for Hl>rsy
construcUoo. Mrs. Sheeley 1aid.
'12-lol tract >lid ,cJly· ofllc\111 IN!!ciile
the assoclaUon may be qreeable . to
a hike in rental lees from. about '8.000
yearly to 1180,000. ·
A study of that proposltloft by DRA
may not be compl~ted for at Jeut 9Q
days, cou~l~en were told. .
DRA 'a flod1his on both leue propc1111s
wUI include cost advantapl arid dlAd-
vanta(Q to the city in· either rmeWing
the 1..,.. nr allowing t!Jem to ~·
Counclhnen •creed to """' wilh the
board of rulton on· diJpoia1 · GI four
other smaller par<ell altor pn>looaed
study session clJ1o1ul<n
Two weekJ ago, r,ealton ~ en
!See J'!IOPIR'IDI, .... I)
Stoelc llfflt'1cftlr
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
closed with 1 nlodest ' gain , today to
recover a bit ol the territory it lolt
11.onday. IS.. quotations, P-1•11).
Horbor Ami nddn.1-Ku&,
Kttler rtturm to her old HoU,.
wOOd 1t1&dio :-· i111nd o "°''°'Ok
bond 1trlk11 tfP "and Strfft."
Sit lnttrlainmnt; Pao-I . million=~ t-~":ft; Add six ~ to-Bear Str.Ot School . 31Al,OOO ~ put out a01 men -.Id d<cz.... F1nt b>Cl't!llll)t of Wakellom ml'!dl• scboOl,. •""· .,.IJqO,j)OO .
their chanct1 of a ale . • • . AddltiODI !it.Jlt~ Barbor and ~ d';ti •. • , , 'Jbe special mett.1ni -.r• .dw •• ,_ ,. 4 ', • "~~11dlOoJ1 ~-,,, .. >;.'. ;,""r"J,500,000
Cl900 to !600,000 in ouch srants .mat .
be avall1ble to belp 'pay for a II.I ·
mllllon 111W cmrlll Ubra')' •\ tho· dvlc
' cente<, lilo,111 Newport~. ~
iO )Cil\I! H<ipwood, ~ewpari librW,.~
·~-· . . . '
-·-,,_, ' ..,..,._ .
INI .............
11 or.. c..r • , ..............
1........ the plJflCIJM'l firat year bood • ·Aflentlani; 111 liflh achoojl aJiltaldilla 11,'!: 300,00ll
tale anioiin1 from 1$ mlUlan to the Wlll'ebouse;.1111 tiiu •~ , l'IZllllt. ; •
l&.t million. Tbe 1ncr .... lo io _,, , • N"' equlplilllif tor.~ acboolJ 7 100,0lr.
-wllfJ buildio( ol Wak-iliiddle Al'.'dlltect -fOr ... e 'plannlng '. i :
JCbool, north of the San Dilla.l'rwW&Y ~ ' ' ' f
anci ....i of SWlb -Plaza. ( ,
It waa dkided the achoo! is. JlOCJJjed Total
. L
· · a Sytlom m i mb•r s,bip,·,
. ' •mphaslted, doer not. ~
N will, !Qee lltJ1 of Iii a~y
iri. IOloctlng booil aod -~far . •! loOl! bd<Mr . !!:~ ell)''
':1 • 11' ~!'ill rem"'1 ~ . '(,
' I .. , 'f l
, • • I .-! ~ t,: .. -
I C_., ·--·--,...,., I --... ._ ;::.
·l-=,-::i: ' ............. """ ,........ . H ,.._... 9 " -. .......... , ,. . --.. •
N . ~ . . ' ManCau ht · ~~v.:· .... ,.·~~1v·~~,Last Deb~
g Judoe Flus)\ed ,.SQ ... ~s Courtroom H .. led ~011 A fte r CdM " · · , . . · · ·" afl , . ~~at . T'l 1\M r 11¥""i,:.= . ''< • = =-i!.!tft:";:t 1 l"t' s ' , I ..
A lleyC~e
TCT1 Jamu st._, 21, 811 on
the curb on Poppy SlfMI Moodty af. ttmoon and counted out bta money.
Thal'• whtn he maOle bia mlstalle,
and the chase ~ N"")X'rt Beach peUce sald. i ,
Sttvemon, of 1-8-11. lod police
offlcera on a fool dlaae throu&I> alleys
aad 1ldewalks of eor-del Mar alter
a re.skltnt at SSS Poppy Ave. surprilt.d
a burtllar In bia -MOllday afternoon.
'l1le vlctlDi. ·II-Wlllloo, called police after the thld Ded. 1l1ree police
units ... ponded.
lul olllcer drtvln& a parking mettr
ICoolfr •U put!)IOll!nl by when be AW
S\tftlllOn coun11ni IDOl1<)' on the curb.
'J\e man fitd when be llW tbe scooter,
elflcen Mid. At that point, patrolman Dou&laa
Webller joined the plll'lllll In his squad
car. He 1potted Stevenaon runnlng tn
an atky, then ducking between two -· w-'""led the ouipect allel' h< ducked Into bushes 11 219 Poppy
Ave. . . Stevenson was booked on suspicion
o1 burstary. Jewelry and a small amount of cash
were stolen from Wllleon'• house, police
F...t.. P .. e I
aboard a limpb\I airpll\JIO thal wu forc-
ed doWn al a stratt&ic Air Command
bue near 5br<Veporl, La.
Wltholll braktl or [anding flapo, II
rolled 11,000 feet along a Barksdale Air
Force bue runway before couUn& to
1 stop j\111 short of the end of the
landinC &trip. It wu met by machine
gun carrying air police.
Cooley Friday pllced a plutic and
dacrcn heart develoPed by Dr. Domingo
Liotta, a naUve of Argentina, inside
Karp'• cbest in a thrte hour operaUon,
. marking the fint Ume a man-made
divti:e bad taken over the helrt's func·
tioa of. pimping and atorinl blood inalde
the body.
Cooley tmmedlaldy began the aeereb
for a buman heart.
For Mrs. Karp, lbe wait for a donor
draged "' and "'· "Every minute wu like a yw," 1he
Wd. "A.J much· as 1 wu praying ror
my husband's We, I wu prayi.nc maybe
the public would be a little more
educated to a recipient'• needs."
"When he came hese,.l4r. Karp was
not in favor of a trllillplanl," Cooley
said. "When we repalrell the ventricle
(Friday), wo could iiot~ eel hla heart
to take over 111 own · work:. It was
a queatlon QI lelUng 1llm die 'or trying
liODle desperate berolc meuure."
Marine's Son, 8,
Dit:S in Cave·in
Elt:ht -year -old Russell
Brown waa ktltea bere Monday nlglil
when a cave he wu digging at thei
re.ar of. a Marine Corps Air Station
housinft aree cotlal"'<f and buried him
The boy was dug out of the cave-in
by milllary police and neJ&hbon. He
wu pronounced dead on arrlvaJ at the
air station dispenYJ')'.
Young Brown was the son of Capt.
and Mtl. Donald J. Brown, 15.11 Salpan
Place. Ws father, a Marine lntelllaenee
officer, ls on tempcrary duty in the
East, station spokesmen said.
The cave-in occurred behind the air
station's Wherry housing area. Oran1e
County coronen: Aid death .wu caused
by IUllocaUoo. An autopsy is pending.
Ill•~ N. w,,, ,,...*"f ... "'""'*'"
J•ck R. C1ttl•y
VIClf ,,,_ltltllf •M Gttwr .. MIMMI'
lho111•t K••Y if ....
Tllofl'I•• A. M11r11"hin• Mtnttffll9 l11Hfer
J•ro111• F. Coll!n1 ·--Cl" hltw ..... "" ..... °""" 2211 Wo1t l•lbo• ••~1,..,,,4
Mtllifit ........_1 P.O. It• l l fl,'tllll --Wwf ,.., '"" m~,.....,.,.
......... I .. llfl ''""'
8,,-::.J: ... .,. :::!f · ~"f~."=~· ••01 ·, ~:: .. peal.
l')1nl .. we~ Beachfront . i hat Ma41on Avermt bad at~111t;n.de ~ ,_ ~ .... But thqse atonl.$ing acou.\tlcs have,
its impact on the hallowed halll oi JUI-demonstratki\ or· the ·~ ACCltll-J • • 'l • from "!91. point of view of ntWllMfl,
tlee. ~Q. our new .,14 mlllion couoty court.. Lo~·-o·· provlded inost ent.ertainment. No county
How elM could one upllln the clarly UDV body's deliberations .,. more guarded
audible noUe of ruihina: water Ulat u-And so thl.a uncouth betr1yal of a than thole ol the srand JW'Y but there
sailed o.u.r astonished ears? There it wa.s robed Jud&e's need for pfivacy when wta rime·wben the inniOCent (1) byatan-
qain, rising to a rippling aescendo 1hd he enswers the call of the · law Ind I Ute he ai r f ks der .. could ltaDd 10 ffft aw~. ~rom the ,
evoillng visions of Tennysoo'1 brook and "1"11"" deporlmenl of a ~ Po_. n ' avy r ns 0 ~ .,. wee door and ctearly belr oome -Y MCtWt
flbtad Niagara belcn II finally di<> WU~ \o ,Ollr motal ,,cuebOot ol ~ there were the l'llloe. Hint. golilp'Oll, ----y ,
pemd in a last ooulluI IW'<. cOWt'ly COUl'tllaale goofs. · (and other evidloce) ·of tbeir pres-And by the wu, Judie .... ., )'Ollr
We looted al eacb other and wOlldered Tllere'heve' been many, genii& reader, ence h&d beo~ dropped in several anepdly otupld clerk'• mother lllll
tr the Superior Court in the three montbl of our sojourn courtrooms for !Orne weeks before fat.her were lllll'ried. Your upreaed
judge whose meuur· in what has come tO be knPn as determined janitors launched an u-belief that tbey wettn't, clearJ:y conveyed
ed doliberalions we . lhe Blil-lo-'Em Palace o1 Weal Elgbth lennlnallon,campalgn lbal baa no1 yel to the courcroom lhrouP your lovl\J
bad been Ultenlnl Street. -•our: •utboritJ ii u embittered oak penell!n1, ii one of the tid-bita
lo bofoce 111· callocl Nol the loll! of lhooe buga'haa been munldpll court c:lottt -ftDIOVld all failhfuUy~lodolllbtedcourthoule
a brld recess wu the U..tory building's lrilllru<ness lo rodonts from the beloaguered bullding. penoonel In thll fabelllled bulldlJll.
responsible for this absorb -and s p e e d t 1 y distribute Dropped? Ah yes. Al we write, a But tb1I ii a lOl'boOk not a novel
strqke of pniu&. lhnlugboul iW inltri« -moel of the puffy-plpOll llnlta bla way aJooii Come and ,.. -or rether bw -
Was thlJ his way, a rain water that fJ.lll in ~ Santa Ana the preaa room puaptt, a visible for )'OUl'lelf.
la public rolaUons, .,.., Flooded elrl•I« ,lbafts, bubbling, reminder, of en ·""'°"""" developtnelil
of Olllllrin( that the iinpllontd !Olllllalm In the cafeteria, lbal ..oo. mu11er1q janllGn out intO Form<r Bnlilh j .. rnalitt Tom
lepl iu1M cuahinc from the Santi Ana twtrllng document& beinl w h I 1 k e d the element& to chip and acrape at Barley ii, cvrttntlV aarigned to · tM ·
River water dispute were not out of wr towards the mall.1baft in an eddy of the ICUlptured cra1 ttonework. DAILY PILOT'a Orange County B11r·
minds whil!_ he wu out of our 1ight! rain water -these were among the Their object, of coune, is &o ensurt eau in the county seat civic centrr
But our visions of a back room dalJy occurnnu1 we had to live with that the stonewort rrmalm totally sray. compUi: at .Santa Ana.
Early Freeway
Route Protests
Court Ruling Ends Case
Against 2 in Lewd Films
Temple to Fall
_Despite P rotest
SAN FRAllCISCO (UPI) -'1llo Kong
Chow Benevoleot A.9locl1tion has a
perfecl lecal rlgbt to· doitioy a historic
A rullog by tile U.S. SUpnme Court Marcia, 37, of 218 ~ Plooe, pleaded US.year<>ld ttmple in Chinatown,• lud&e
Mcnlay lllal a man's home la .....tlally Innocent lo a char&• of ..ie of -ruled Monday.
" ' The 366th and last -for awhile -'
truckload of storm-spawned del:ris bu
been hauled from Newport',• ~~
City General 5erviCU Director JUI ~
?-.fynderse reported today.
The Harold Simpson Com piny, a land--.
cluning firm , scoured 1be sand& ~;
the Balboa Wed&e to the S&nla Ana.
iuve" jetty. Total coot to lhe city II!.,
the two.phase project was 123,119 roughly
equivalent lo a peru\\' oo the munlclpe\
property tu rate. •
nie debris -bamboo s h o o t ' and
asSorted trash -was a gift lo city .
from the Sania Ana River, which dumped
it oul in the ocean where. currents ~eel
it ashore.
Mynderse said there's more to come.
"Large volumes of debris are still
floating offshore and wnt undoubtedly.:
end up on our beaches," he said.
He anticipates having to call Simpson.
Company crews an~ equipment back!
again. City offic.ials hope somehow to
get all the money back ~y tapping federal ,
and state flood relief agencies.
CdM to Present
Festival Concert "Start protesting early,• Huntington
Beach Cowictlm<n Jmy Matney advised
r"'1de\111 who will be inWosted In """ ing for the future Oranie ,.,_,ay which
could· run about ont mile through the
city along the Santa Ana River.
his C19tle -even if his film and book films and are schedu8:1 for jury trial "You dcll't give mt 1111 lepl basis,"
library read like reetroom walls -has May 15 in Central Orqe County Judicial Co-a del ?-.far High School muaJc ~• end~ a few Harbor Area District Court. Superior Court Judge Raymond J. Arata '"'' appari:::uMY i:::u student! will T'lresent a festival concert
Route studies for the freeway from
Orange to the adopted line for the future
Pacific Cout Freeway are beginning
right away, Director of Public Workt-
James Wheeler told the council Monday
He explained that the iiludy corridor
is wide enough to RUt the freeway
on ell.her the Fountain Valley.ffunllna:ton
Beach side of the Santa Rlye.r or on
the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach side.
Wheeler said his staff will make a
study far lbe council of the route limit!:,
now listed u from .the sant.a Ana Fr.
way in Oranie to tbe PIClfic Coat Free-
way in Huntington Beach.
'Ihere may be a move to. end the
freeway at tbe iDterchan~ with the San
Dleso "'-ll'· F Val\'1 offi· ciala already have Indicated. ·
Matney's remark on protests reflects
a city·wkle cimpaign and near uprising
of bomeoWners jtast a few weeb before
final route adopllon ol the line lot the
Huntington Beach freeway. ·
Altltoulh the matter had been rtlaUve-
ly dormant for years. the homeowners
began a full scale push to get the
council to clwia;e ita mind on locaUon
of the line. ·
The push to get bacting for a centr1l
freew'ly line was aucceSlful, but the
state adopted the most eaatem line
ar~as of lht. groin& .., they are built
in sequence."
Army COlllractors will begin at 56th
Street and work downcout. "They'll be
starting up there In order to retain
as much sand as possible during the
summer erosion aeuon, when the IW'f
carries the sand upcoest."
More than a year ago, the Army
built lwo oteel groins al 40lh and 44th
streets. A few steel pllinp were also
sunk .. l8llt Stttel.
EOp_. decldod to switch IO boulders
for tile mt of the groh1 field for tl>n!e
rea®m, Devlin explained.
Fint is caot. "Rocks are d>eepu than
Second is ease of ccntruction. Lut y-. ...,.kera found it lmpooolble to
inaDatn a Mnd pllltform in the water
from which to pound in &tttl pilings.
polite ca1e1. The case involved the charge ol sale., told an attorney for Mrs. Charlotte r
1be declalon· by the high court that not stmple posle!lion in the home, Sgt. Charig, a 97·year-ol.d worn-. who tried \\lednesday night In the scboOl's boys',
it cannot be a crime for a man to Calnon noted, and 10 reels of film and' to stop the razing. '"The legal owners gymnasium. •
posaeu lewd ot obecene ·material& at $350 exchanged hands according to the have sold it and that's it." The school concert band and orchestra.
home for hiJ own private use came original case crime report. advanced girl's chorus and madrigal
as a jolt to some lawmen. · Th ood Mn-i.n11 d Ii ed Mrs. Chang is the daughter o( Yee .11 f t th s o-
Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Jack Calnon th;u~~~meurc!ourt ruii~MOO:.;~ as Ah Tye, who gave the land to the singers w1 per onn a e p.m. ?' :
said the Supreme Court ruling effectively the result of an AUanta, Ga., ma. n's association fn 1852. She claimed part cert. I ends a couple of investigation,, under Funds raised through ticket II ea at
wav by his. men in the vice and intelli· appeal of a one.year prison term for of the agreement was that it must the concert y:ill be ·used to finanCe • ~ having three stag movies in his house. ....... · Id geoce detail. never ~ '° · mus•·c camn scholarshirw for !ludenis -· le k " h "The ri""'t to receive inform1tJon and off red r ~ "juat savet us some gwor , e 11" The associatl9n .said it baa been e who will be honored at the aMual spring ted ideas, rtgardless of their social worth, commen · is fundamental to our free 90Clety," $63,000 far the site and plans a "more banquet. Donation ls $1.50 for adult 1•
He said, however, that il would seem J .. ~ ... Ma-'all ••'d. beautiful" 1 I t -~•-toe r and 11 for students. ' to have no major impact on a. case 1_:.::~=~:.::::::' ~=·:..::-= ______ _.::=:=::....;.::om.::p:::e:..::.• .::-::.:.::.;;._.::_•_•on. ____ _:_ __________ ,
involving • ec.ta Mesa couple arrested ,
at their home Marcb 20 in coonec:tion ,.. _________ ... _____ .... _~----------------'"'\''•
wilil an alleged ll,200 obec:ene film deal.
Douftas A. Payne, 39, e.00 his wife
Scout Par k Plan
Meeting Topic
Newport Beach City Attorney Tully
Seymour Monday night was author~
to ltart letal work on a plan to brin&
a third park to-the West Newport area.
· Councilmen, at the urging of Parks
Commisslon chairman Walter Semeniuk,
called for a tiUe setrch on a vacant
site adjacent to Newport Shor~, on
the inland side of Wert: Coast-Highway
riear the Armstrong Oil Co. leasehold.
West Newport is now served by 38th
Street Park. And a bayskle park at
45 Street and River. Semenluk said that
part of. the city has the greatest park
deficiency. He said the Newport Shores
site 1ppeered Oo be a loiic•I lacollon
f« another recreational facility.
From Page 1
masse a council plan lo tum manage-
ment of the properties over to Coldwell
Banker &: Co. of Corona del Mar on
an exclusive listing basis. . Under the new scheme. neither
Coldwell Banker, nor any other firm,
will be the exclusive agent.
Councilmen Monday accepted a pro-
posal from board of realtors President
Peter Barrett. He offered the services
o{ a si)ecial committee of the board
in determining the best use of the pro-
pertlea and the most advantageous
means o{ obtaining competitive bida on
City Manager Hurlburt was directed
to call on the realtors' comm.ittee when
needed. 'Mlese are the properties:
sq. ~.
POlt llTHll 0 ' THiii 2 GROU,I
our exclusive CNsli.cl
.Velvet 6 pc;. ensemble
tit-* .... ~ ... ., .....,.,., ....... .... ~ ....... •""""* Mill ......... -'· w1• K ........ .,.,... .... _.... & ...,,... .... -
arnt;ti. .... llJQl1tw -·-~ 4crwMC ......... II' ""'9nl -11t t1trltJ1 M111h• Clll'fol
,.... & (lltlca ., Ila II' """" ...... "' SHllWI 0-.. AWClllll w UllWe WM! .... ...
_,,.,,.. °""911t ..... .._ """ l'l.UI -...,. ,......,. .. '"" ~ Ill 1119td!illf ..........
f*M -!Mt ,.., ,,.... .._.,... --••• _, .. -" ... ....,.u:1o: .... , -... .. .. ,,
Why pey up to
$799 for this
l.vish 9roup •• • s399·
' .
' • •
AJ a resutt, the 44th Strett groin
could not be extended out u far 1s
The abandoned city dump site, a 40-
acte parcel near the Santa Ana Ri ver:
\\'ebber Oil Lease property, five acres
at Bushard Street and Hamilton Avenue
in HunUngton Beachi Brookhurst and
Adams property, a tw<HlCre site where
a billboard now generates the only city
revenue; and an abandoned sewage treat-
ment plant a!te, a 7-acre parcel norUleast
of Newport Shorts.
The third rea.son. Devlin sa;d, is
estbetics. "Rock.s are more attractive
·thar1 steel."
'Ille first boulders foc tile new grdns
will be dumped on the belch about
30 reet from ocean fr<llt pivtte property
Jines, he aid. Beach und will cover
Ille roca for ....,at feet.
atr comdlmen co a motion by Wost
Newport Co<mdlman Donald A. Mclrru
M(ll![ay ni«b1 unnmouaty granted
e.ements required by the E;orps for
the work. Coundlmen alift-~ved an _.,m to pay 110,ffl .. the cllY'•
shin of tho ll00,000 cool.
Petitions on El Toro
Drawing Supporters
P, t It t on s expmalng otros oppool·
lion to •ny dev elo pment of the·Et
Toro Marine Air Statlon Into •
a commercial airport are being palled
dooMO<!oor by • sro... of Saddleback
.... rooldents.
Voluoleerl rtpruenUng several dlf·
f"""I homeowner -have set oul lo DU the declareUons with the slpaturu
of Mlulon Viejo, El Toro, and 1.o,,.,.
lilguef ruldent..
' '
Hurlburt aaJd aeveral offers already
have been received on the Brookhurst-
Adams property, whose best use appears
to be as a service staUon site. He
also noted that appraisals and rticorn-
mendat.ionl m the most appropriate Ule
of the dump property were made months:
ago by consultants. The services of the
realty board committee should vary ac-
cordln&I)'. he 11ld.
Hurlburt alto pointed ool to coun·
cilmen, who voted unanimously on all
the city land JuueJ;, that lht procedure
approved for the four smalltt parffi5
"Is the approach "·c would have taken
originally If the council had not wanted
an accelerated program." -Escaped Woll Shot
SAN PEDRO (UPl )-A pet Canadian
Umber wolf under quarantine for possible
rablts broke loose from II.$ pen Monday
nlghl and terTorlted • neighborhood
before It wu shot lo death by police.
Fairy t•lo liedroom •I ....-, _,...,•, price 6-pc. 11.,.1 -•to r..ctuda:
11 .............. .......
. llifl9••b:t ..... ............
I ....... 1 • .,..... .,_. ,,. .... °""'' ....,_ , ..... ...__.._
h•rd·to-belit.ve s399 th• price 11 ,
only •••
'· ' .
• •
" ' -Cosia ·Mesa
\ . . . • EDITION
' voe. 62, N . 84, 2 SECTK?NS, 2+ PAG~ ORANGE COUNTY, 'CALIFORNIA TU~DA Y, AP.AIL 1: '196• , TEN CENTS
NoMagi~ 0in Mes~.
City ·May I,>ull Plug on Comp~ier.Fun ·
Ge.ntleness After .Jarring Crash
Qf .. Oellr ...... ....,
"St.p rt&bl up ladles and gents. let
Swami IBM 360 peer into the ' veiled,
eternal my1Uc mind of put, present
and fututt, for yoor keys to health,
wealth and · romance u revealed by
divine gift." .___
Sound absurd!
Nonetbeles!, the Costa Mesa City Coun-
cil. has necessarily launched a study
to delermil"' just where -H al all
-mi>dern -ter magic and the an-
cient oc:cull arts line up In illegal con-
junction. .
Clly Atlcrney Roy Julie and Police
Chlel Rocer Nelh have betn uMil to
ll1bmll r<jlorla .., the complex ~.
orilinatlnc In a recenl South Cout Plata
8hot>Plni Cent.r promotlcoal gimmk:k.
June -peering lnlo tho Latin of
lawbooka for a weather forecast -bu
termed the mysticism. versus cotn·
putertzaUon ca3< I tempest Jn a t.apat.
He dldil't' attempt to read the tea
leaves~ however.
Stewart M. kovet, president of
C.omputers for Fun, ., initiated the
action via letter, aft.er hls 50-cent com ..
puteri7.ed character analysis game was
banished from the center last week.
Motorist Mrs. Rita A. Parsley, 67, of 10115 Holburn
~Drive, Huntlngton Beach, gets aid Monday as police
S~. Sam Cordeiro pries open Wrecked ·car door
alter Costa Mesa intersection crash. Ernest J. Bose, 1 47. of 268 Esther St., Costa Mesa , wasn't hurt when
he drove into Harbor Boulevard, and. path Or Par ..
sley car, from Hamilton Aven ue stoplight. Fractur-
ed right wrist and ankle sent Mrs. Parsley to Costa
Mesa Memorial Hospital.
Police .offi~en \ol~ Krakover lo shut
down just like they would Old Doc
Heathcock's Medicine Show and Snake
Oil Pageant, hued on a city ordinance
barring a variety of myaUc art.a and
bunco pitches.
'Cookielift Runs
Low on Popcorn:
For Packaging
Px>klelilt Ca~ Darrllyn Oliver to-
day issued a pleii for popcorn and other
1tipplies from her strategic command
post high in Costa Mesa City Hall.
Vohmteer workers packing cookies for
shipment to Vjetnam Gls had uSed' up
11() gallons of popcorn used to cushion
the goodies by shortly before 1 p.m.
Students at Estancia High School's
activities service club were slaving over
hot poppers, however, to help out after
the su pply donated by La Petit Cafe
Donations to a mai l postage fund oow
totalling $24(42, plus more cookies, pop-
corn and other material are_ all still
needed for the morale-boost program
organized by Mrs. Oliver.
Mesa Golf Oub·
The law carries a $500 fine and up
to six months in jail upon oonvicUon,
·but . tbis was .apparently itS only ap-
-~Apply. ~or City Treasurer ~ivt~':C1~ :::J
.,. Krakover, however, charged Uiat police
' "' ' were sent ·after a comp~t by · a
S Jl ~ c d .~ Pllotnlx, 'Ariz., buoiness C)l)!Tip<t\tar who po~~,~e.s . ommeu , ~~ ._ 1 ~iit:.~i:~:;~
· the dlf ~ to · 111a1e 1"' ,,.. and
A file on . patontllol ·succeaon to the
post of the late Co5ta Mesa city treasurt:r
W.C. "Cy" Ries was begun J.{onda y,
after city councllrnen riceived one ap-·
plication by maiJ and accepted another
one verbally. r
. 'Itle city council also i:dopted a resolu-
tion submiUed by Councilman Willard
T. Jordan, commending the· 18-year job
by Mr. Ries, who died March. 21 during
emergency heart surgery.
Joseph A. Virito, 51, of 17561 Allegheny
Drive~ Santa A.ia, had offered to discuss
hi1 *.vjces to the -city. He is treasurer
of Babcock Electronics Corp., Costa
Vice Mayor Robert f\t. Wilson also
Unemployment Rises
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The nation 's
unemployment rate edged up by one-
tenth of one percent to 3.4 percent in
March, aJthough the level of jobs held
by adults was unchanged, the govern·
submiti.d·lhe name of 1t"1l>«h Fowler, hopeful!)' i,ol tliO Ooata MBa wildlcrafl m...,. of~ Southern California Flnt laws chanpd, becauae bit business was
National Bank, as another·possible.Ries shut.down. 1n1-•tc1 • The tplrlt of the law -no pun ICUU
Virito said in his letter he can offer
· no time away from his indUllrlal ac-
countancy ~job, but still wa nts
rupotllibility and challenge in any city
The post rues held until his death.
at the agt of 89 is largely a titular
ooe, but state law 1requires that it be
• VJrito said he joiof.d ~ Costa Mesa
aerospace firm in 11159 after 10 years
in industrial accoonting ·and an earner
decade In the Navy, winning the Purple
Heart and citation for duty aboard the
USS Manley at Guadalcanal.
Mr. Ries, verb.Uy honored in turn
by the coancllmin whose Monday raolu·
Uori wW permanenUy enter city records,
beCame treasurer in 1953 at incorporation
and continued after.his retirement three
years ago as .a bank vice pruident.
-wu not violated, htr charged, but
police at the time said they had to
enforct the ordinance drafted' back in
p~puttr game days •
"There Wasn't anr problem at the
time it was patsed,' said Mayor Alvin
L. Pinkley.
AstrolotJ, occultism, spirituafuim and
Fairview Hospital
Contract A warded
A Bell Gardens contractor has betn
awarded a $68,989 cootrad to make
interior alteratiOM to four buildings hous-
ing wards at Fairview State Hospital,
Qista MNa.
The job will be doot by E. H. B«lson.
according tc announcement ol the award
from the Offlce of Architecture and
0on.truc11..,, Department of General
Services. Restaurant Put
in Receivership
0 . ' 11Act.ing under a section of the federal
bankruptcy act, operators of the Costa
Mtsa Goll and Country CIOb restaurant
Sc·hools Seek Bond Bids
Jllve placed the corporate facility into · • .
rectivership, to satisfy creditors. By THOMAS FORnJNE 1 The restaurant is opi:n for business o' "" c.llY "'"'~Matt ~ usual and the financial CUTangement Passag" of a bond bSue Wider their
does not spell major trouble for the belt, Newport-Mesa Uftffied Schoo I
$WI-new organization, according to Frank DiStrict trwitees Monday night set their
Purcell, partner in the firm. sight.! on the next huT,dle.in their race,
"'aankruptcy receiver Peter •M. Elliott. to 'keep up with. enrollm'ent. ·
of Santa Ana. was designated lo handle N.eetia& fn special se.sion, they called
the tcansacUons as i. third party, under for bida.\'..ay ZI-on saleiof $6.t million
the federal ¥.'t's provisions. · in ~ bonds. • "' E,,.,,u.Jlf, t!Mt· action allows Elliott's Di I ~ -...OW covel cl~
flnn to ·tu< eodl day's ~ and bull!l!ilJ ·P.')jof;jo to be ltarlefl cl1irlng
pay off empfoYtl of PRO E~ lhe --,_. It ~ W°"!'1 Inc., Iller which lhe comJ>Al!l''l l:ttdllon · 'bO a .. ~ble• cl._.. . •l; prices ..,. ..... , to Ji!",tiid .on the ..,.. dty, may fl, •4~·d our cteditcn ' au..ched all if the IXmd ia1e ~ll:t!llful. ..1. • :it our 'book ICCOUDts and WI nnply : • 'l'l>ere iSJ a bmty ·~Will. be
JfAa 11Nil1il!J!'IY oUt •of ~·i11lJlure,"tt•'no l>ldt on .the IU olllliao ~ lale Purcell~ Friday Jn .,.ianiiljOn. ·• 1 , alilf<'llllt woiild really ' put lhe llcllool
·!'It's deaigrjed,_lb help, not llarl. -!'·" disfjict beblnd llJ<i:elpl.J>llI. and lieavlly
Pqrtell eDlltied " ~. '" on ~ ltllklnl.. • .. .. ... ·1>u,..fi":w ·u..'ban~ ael.mtlliod The preYallh!J lnlereat ~e "''°" lhe ti I no( relite<t '"to_ tbe r~ cbaftee nation uceedt.. the five percent max· a organization in )lfhlch the city toot imum fer public gency bond sales im-
tlYer a portion of the ••lion to smootll pased by caillomla law .
oOt a tax problem. . But tnatees have been assured by ·eou pro 'Ronffie ReU had been assessed their bond consultant that they should
$57 llOO in posew«y interest by Orange gtt a bkt.
eoUnty Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw, However. they were advised Monday
i!i l>eslenct treatinf him as owner of night oot to tr)' lo $ell at one time
~ is a munk:ipa facitily. any more than $IS.I million of the '15.9
A reoraanluUoa )n 'ifhich Reil 901d millioo. approved by voters In February.
.hls shar< " the .ci>rpcution oper"!ing Bond comultant Ernest Bodnar said lo tbt bar, relt&Want and related, ser:v~ try to put out any more would deer~~
too Pun:tll lelil~td from the..,_,,,.,., their chances ol a salt.
· Sleek ilf•r'-" '·~~~~~-~~~~~~~~
' -Nl!W ~RK '(AP)-Tlle..o,t-tet
cloled ·with a modelt pin todlJ to
ricovtr 11 -6lt of th\ territory It lost
Y.onday. 1Ste quotaUons, Pages 10-11).
The spedal me<Ung Wll Cllled to
-lhe .. ..-lint 1'0I' bonif • salt ._,,,t !!om 1$ millko to the
$6.I .rnDUon. The increase ii io mova
ahead with building of Wakeham mlddle
• .odloot; north of the San Diego' FreewaY
am; •Mt of South C'a9l Plaza.
Jt was decided the school Is needed
early so. some classrooms at TeWinkle
Intermediate can be abandon6:1 during
expaniion construction. ,
But llle poesibllity of"also moving -
ahead with Palisades middle , S;Chool on
a site at Palisades and Jamboree roads
v.·as shelved to keep tht bc:iod salt amount down. · ~
Trustees were given a breakdown on
how Ute money would be spent for pro-
jects ' AdmlnistraUve Assistant Ro y
AnderieD. said hopefully all wW 1et
under way~dyring IN. ne:zt school year.
larp amount -Liraeit· amounU are ll.5 mllllc!\ for
Watebam lira! incr<mtnt, 11.5 million
for •addi!joos to Newport Harbor and
Conina dtl Mar .high ochoola: al-t
IU nilmoo for an Eastbluff elementary
school, and a little over 'l million for
llle portables.
Smaller coSll are '350.900 to be paid
the Ir:vine ·Company for the EastbluU
site, $320,toll to 9dd six cla.ssrooms at
Bear Street Elementary, '309,000 for
alterations to update bigh school and
intermediate scbool. facilities. .
Also, •rn.500 to build a warehouse
and · central bus 1arage, SllXl1000 · lo
purchase new instructional equipment,
$100,000 in architects' fta for advance
planning on the following year '.1 projects,
and IG,IOO for µnfWtoe<n ,contlngendto.
Flellfts ·for lchoola ...r ~' art 'lnclustve, taking in architects' fees,
coet of cabinetry, furniture .and equip-
What It Will Buy . '
Here !s how 'the $6.9 million Nowport-Mesa ~ sale Is plan·
ned to be ·•pent:· '
Purchase 42 portable classrooms fl,~,000
Purchase Eastbll!fi. elamentary aite 3li0;000
Twenty-six claasroom Ea1tblufl school .1,466,000
Add six clasiiooms 1oa1e11r Street School 320,000
First increment·of Wateham middle school 1,500,000
Additiona·to Ntirport ilalt>or and Corona do!
1dar hlgll scbools • • · 1,500,000 · •
Alterat!Ons ~schaolJ and middle sctioola -~180f, :
Warehouse •-• • , 172,500 , Niew ~.,_i eilltlilg s llools 100,000
An:hlte<:t fees lllr llrtUrtlplanilllf .. 100,000 , ConlftlcllJ!iu -·.. 42,IOO
' ' o~ such practices,. dlad!'ilnta ·and
pseudo-sclenCts are 'hued on IOl'llethlnc
beyood the underallndlni of men, it .
must be noted.
A computer which merely takes a
card con~ng a person 's sign of the
Zodiac and other astrological in-
formaUon1 then shufOes and spits out
prt1>rlnltd cards Is something etae.
O>mputers, Krlkom's JeUer ays,ae
based on · 110methlng. be,...t ihe aft.
dersiai.rlng of oi11y ctrtaln -· •
.Meanwhile, Clly .i,ttarney Roy J"'-'
today is perbapa bent OVel' IOID8 jbl¢lr.
musty tome dating back kl the, dly'I
ttM·lncWporaUoa and mutlerlnfhla own
Artificial Heart f.atie~~.
Strick~n WithPneumo~ia
HOUSTON (UPI) -!Wktll Karp, an
Illinois aalemnan kept alive by a man-
made, "stopgap" be.rt for I! hours
and then recipient of the healthy heart
of a Maasachuait.tt.a widow because be
want.ed to "live like a man, not lie
there like ,_ vegetable," (fevelQ~
pneumonia today. (Related story Page
fl. -
But' Dr. Denton A. Cooley, the famed
' heart surgeon who perf°"!'ed tiolh opera~
Reagan Tax
Plan Incliides ,
. . '
SACRAMENTO (AP) -'Gov, lleapit
P!,,.,.aed todoY "' additlo!lol ... ,.
-!f°;"' ... ~;!.., .. -~ve ..... of'tht tu b\irdtD
oi CaD1om1s property .........
Hit 1oJw awaited tar: reform muup
wu presented to Uie leglllature in •·
special meaaace.
Tbe biggest aarprilt Jn the plan WU
his proposal that CaWomaJns bt permit-
ted to 'Withhold their penonal inoolne
taxes J1 they wanl
The governor has been a steadfast
oi>ponent ot payr\ill deductions in the
Calling it a "voluntary prepayment
plan." Reagan said he was proposing
it because his reform plln partially
shifts the tax burd~n from property
t.axes to personal incomt taxes.
The plan would :
-Extend the present five percent tales
tax to repair service!, magazines and
the sales of containers -a widely grow.
ing industry in the Jtate.
-create an Educational Opportunity
Tax of one ~rctnt or adju!led gross
-Increase the homeowners' property'
tax exemption to $1 ,000 -a $250 hike
above the '750 ~xemptlon provlded. by
a ballot proposition In 1968.
Thll, plus 'the add1Uonal income tax,
"would reduce the average residential
property tax throughout the state. by
well over 50 percent," Reagan told the.
legiala~re. .
1be plan would also cut the b~
Inventory property tax by another 2.'J
percent; retai n the current bank and
corporation tax instead of reducing it
as now , required by Jaw ; and return
to the old system of allowing income
tax payers lo take per'80nal ezemptlons.
'I1tlt would mtan ~ money Jn the
pocket for middle income taxpayera: than
the present sya1em of allowing them
to take Oat tu credlU:.
Under lhe voluntary withholding plan ,
Reagan 11id, employes could Uk their
employers lo ' dedllCl peraonal lnc:ome
taus from their paycheck1, ini:t and
the money lo the state. Emplorm would
receive a · cred1t to make up' for the
added admlnlBtraUve,C'Olt.
Oldtimer Tells
Of 'Early Days
· HartJOr Area citizens with 15 and 20
years l'tlidence are barely more than
a~uatten, compared to the Costa Mesa
Historical Society's featured :s~aktr l«tiflht.
Jrvlng 8. Meyer, JS Oran&e: Ave"
w!U dlacuu tlMt way tho Oranae c.a.t
w11 when hill f amlly an1vtd to yean
ago to work tbtfr 3,00l acn nnttl ll'OUDd
lht Paullrtno Adobe.
The -"Ml. Is ~ltd for 7:all, p.m. · In COiia M-. Olly Coancll
chamben. and childr<n. 11.-. and
~ pul\liC are lnvlled to,~ L t , ,
Mey• will t<ll-ol llio-W!lflill •h
game .flshinf av'lilobfe· -t!io ... , of lhe cealluy . and will ,,_ I~
re llca plowed up In f«tlle flekl1. ·
d '
' .. . -'
tiom on the 47-,ai'-ekl Sbtie, Jll.,-lalft.
OXFeaed hope Karp -Id ,_ ...
.. Mr. Karp •bao-developed a poldl of
pneumonia In hla rtgbl lun(. Bia lddnf1.
fu~on ls'depreased," said a St. Lake'•
Hoop!lal spok,eoman In a. moniklC
bulleUn. ""
< The spokeaman said Karp, who ~V·
ed the heart Of, Mn. · Borbai'a ·h'IJ',
40: bf Lawrence, Mus., Monday, re-·
mained responih'l!· but wu tirinl·
"We are hopef1ll he will nre~1pand"'"'1 to
inedlcat management," be said. · ·
Doctors were ela1ed al~ Friday'•·
operauoa !n wlllch ~ ~.tlie·
artlficlaI heart. Ont lioapttaI aflldaf mi
Ii ..... unbelltY1blt~' ' ' . ...n ltarp rUpoooed lo I the ma ~ , I.
. "I· feel sorry that · a e ii aaae.'"
Shirley. Karp, -ol lhree """' lald
Mllllday after lht surgery. 811! had -
an emollOoil ,...,e.1 Slturdlly fer a
hinllail lieart for hir h~. ' • • _
"Solaeoae beard • 8ii1:.leo Mil -piij
..mt 'tllrwgh. I know foliiit tbe1'i'ttiltbll '
throuP becalilt I think we'\'e died -' . .
lhousind tlmtl · over.. and °"' qain
wilh my, huobaod . In lht !all lo. yun.
I hope this will give him a ~
f0r a uiue bit of ha"'lnesi."
Mrs. Ewan, who died ot1 tftjn tf4mace
caused by uodia<IOaed medical albM9t,
wa• flown to . -~orly ~~
aboard a limping airplane that wU fore•.
ed c!O\wn al .. stritqlc A)l'. Command
base near Shreveport,. La. __
Without brakes or landing flaJ>I, it
rolled 11,000 feet alon1 a Barkldale Air
Force base runway i.tore ~ to
a stop jult aflorl ol lbe md. ot_ tlio
landing strip. It was met by machine
gun carrying air police. '
Cooley Friday placed a plaalic ooil.
dacron heart developed by Dr. Domln&o
Liotta, a naUve of Argentinl, inllde
Karp'• chest in a lhree bour operalloa,
matting the first time a tnarHnade
devite had taken cwer the heart's funo.
Uoa of pumping and storing blood lmkle lht body. ' . . .
Cooley immediately began Ute aeardf
for a human heart. ·
· For Mn. Karp, the watt fot a dohor·
dra,gged or apd en. I I
"Ever)' ~ute wu like a Jhr_." lhe
said. "As inuch IS I WU priylng ror
my hu1band's Ille, l was praytnc maybe
the public wou&d be a Uttle more ·
educated to a redp1ent'1 needs."
"When he came here, Mr. Karp was
not ~ favo/ of a transplant," ~ey
&aid. "When we repaired the ventricle
(Friday). we c:oold not gel his heart
to take over its own work. It wa1
a question of Jetting him die or tryinc
Sf)me deeperate heroic measure."
t I • \ ,The awl's &oint oo. vacaUon We6-
neaday and l8lnC the warm •
wealher wtth him. LoOk for r<.O.
ings in the low IO'a uOOer fncreu.
ing~ cloudy skies.
Harbor Area re-1ideftt RMby
Keeler re-turm lo lier okt HoU1r
wood ftYdio -and a no1talgie
boM 1irike1 up "42nd 3£t"ftl •
Set EntcrtaJnmcnc. Pooe 9. , ,.,,
·'t · • • • ,..,,
" . ' . • ,
............... --.. --. '""" ......, ' .. .......... M -"'"' ........ •l1 ~.·,
.... t ·-=-' •' • llf"t' .. I ., • \.
' ' '
J IAll.Y llLOT c
Banned .,
In Newport
Al of M~ :II, ft Will be iU.pl to
opnte a pohr pallce In Newport
City -u"I"" MoncllJ 1 I 1 b t
™''nJ__, ""'°'*1 ant re.unc or
.. -bumlnJ ,publlo --on "pmea of P:UJ,"
I.an olrody on the boob prohibit
plaYll>g ...... "' c:lw>ee -such .. en.--for atakel, either cub or
,,,. -......... NqUllied by Ille Pollce lleporlment, IOCUlel on poktt,
~ and !Jridle, u the card ......
are nol privately conducted, acconliDll
to City Altorney Tully Seymour.
He WUHd COllllcllmeo that tbe law
will not auect ,..,.. at tbe Balboa
Pim fAne's penny ~ and booths.
'"11aat'1not1ambllnc," he aid.
Poll<eioulht the orc11nsnce, Ibey ...
plalned, not becaUK there are any poker
palaces or p&DllliniUe parlon in town
today, but because there could be, with
.. lstillg loopboiea In the law.
Strid ent..-d lbe DtW UU· pmbUol ~ II nol anticipated.
It would be Impossible, city -· privately adml~ pointing out that under
the Dft' law, betting on so much a bole
In aolf -be ll1qaL
-nadlnfl -and adoptlau -d the ordinance Is ICbeduled at the
April :II ""8ldl -· The law will
be ID o11ec1 C111 -!run lben.
Newport Joins
Mesa, Huntington
Library Systems
Niwporl BMch today ii all but an
-mmibtt of tbe SIDtl• Library
S)'lltom. a·multki""Y cooperallve !hat anon book bom>Won to enm city-.
Nowport -MGlldat n!Pt
formally -city mombeilbip b1 t!Qil!ixMali;y 8doptinc 8 joint powtH
.,.....m -the OrlllP county,.Hun-tJnc!'"' Beach, Placeatla and Yorba Lin-
da library .,....,..
Colla M,..11 a mtmber of the~
tlroQcb the OraD&e county Publlc
Slllllqo s,.-direclorO, .._ ..
ling -11 -~· two, weeks ..... pprovec1 Newport • •nlk•'i«'· .
The jGinl --· "II! -be -to tbe counly -"' Suptrviocn, atber-... membonand
tbe atete Library Board. Approval !run
all tlle apnc:iel II aotlclpeted, uld
Nowport Citr Llbnriao D or o I b ea
QieekJ. Whm Iba! occun, Newport library
UMn will find their cards aoceptable
ot "11 oouatr Hinry, lncludlllg -in Colla M-and ot ll1nri<o In Hlll>-tlnctm Beach, Yorbe Linda and Placm-
tia. Newport ftllldent.I may now arrange
thmqh their local llbml.. to check
Giit !toms from the othar libraries.
Self·help Class
Deadline Nears
lttlervaUona deadline for a ntw Colla
M-Civil Ddenae Department modlcal
Mil-help dus ii today, reminds Tom Knlcbt. ualstant direct« of t h e
municipal qmcy.
1'e ltl'lta of seven free clUllelll bt&\M
tbla Wedneld•y 1t 7:30 p.m. in the
OOlta Meaa Police Facility auditorium
at • Flir Drive and coven a variety
d emerl"ICY lituaUona. -..Uons may be made by calllni -= 0< 131-1311, Kftilht uy1.
U~llY PllOI
-frtGI (GI.IT l"UILllMlflfG COM,AH'I'
l•Mri N. W••'
,,....,. eNll "'"""*'
J1c.• It C11rl..,
VM9 ,,_.., '"' 0-tll INNIW
ThH111 J(,,,.n ....
'nt119111 A. M1,,Jlt111
Mot ........... ---JJI Witt ,.., StrMt
M1ili1t1 Ml-P.O. he 1160, t1626 --""""' ..,_., ttn w.. ..... .........,. lAIWf9 9-:fll nt ,......, ,.._
li1111A ........ 1 ........
-------_" ____ ...._.._..,...._ ---
T .... ,.,,. .. 1.., ' . ---"" ----.,. -• ---,.. ., --• m • ~ --'mr-----.wr--~~ b4LUU!Ufa44WflJZZViQNSU-VUV&Jl4, ~~«JS~-,,-....-...-...-~-~ ---------
Judge Flushed So Was Courtroom
• . t:=..1!!'£r . II""" lit'fo ....... "'iaa ·tt ... ctM111 ta .. Julbtd
that_A_llod 111111
its lml!ld .. tlle hallowed balll "' J ...
How ellt could one f!!Pl&in the clearly
aucUble noise of rushing water that a ..
sailed our astonished ears? There it wu
again. risinc to a rippling cract.ndo and
~ vilioos d ,_yoon'I mot and
!allied Nlap'ra belcn ii llDally diaaj>
,...... in a last soulful curlie.
. We lookad at eacb atber and WGlldond u tbe Superior Court
judge whole meaur-
ed • deliberations we
bad been liltenlng
.. before be called
a l:rief rtcea WU
raponlible for this
atroke of geNus..
Waa th1I hil way, a
la public rellUDnJ,
ol ensuring tllal tlle
lt1al ialues 1U ng from tlle Santa Ana
River water di8pute were not out ()( our
mlnda while ht wu out of our light?
1 But our vialons of a back room
Doctor Hints
Of Bribe in ,
Court Order
Of ... Dilltr , .... staff
' J • ~ • YYl••••r ''!'1J1•1n111.i .,_ _ • • W.. ·tfl:1~'tf~1:i PILOT
dtmOOllrailon "' tlle ~ """"" -----------tics in our new st• mUllon county ~
And so this uncouth betrayal of a
robed judJe'a need for privacy whtn
he anner1 the call of the law aJ'ld
motion 4epor1ment ol a IUgber Power
was odded to our mellla1 Clltbook of coum'1 courtbouse goola.
There have been man1. 11Dtle reader,
in the three months of our sojourn
in what has come to be known as
the Bu1·ln·'Em Palace ol We!t Elgbtll
Not tbe lwt ol -bup hu been
the 11-«torJ bulld.tag"i willlf\IDMll to
'absorb -and speed 11 ydiStrlbute
throu(hout its interior -most of the
rain watq that falls in the Santa Ana
area. Flooded elevator lbafts, bubbling,
unplanned fountains 1n the cafeteria,
twirl.lug documents being w h I & Ir: e d
towards the mall shaft In an eddy of
rain wafer -these were amons: the
daily OCCWTtDCeS M had to live with
in tbe b< .. Y ralos d a few weeu
Thon then ~ tlle ml<e. llJoil
(and -evidence) "' their -ence bad boen dn>pped in ,....al
courtroama: for 101ne weekl before
detennlald JaoU<n launcbecl an a-
terml•1ilon campalcn tllal bas 1IOI ,.i -..,, auUlorllJ II aa emblltend
munJdpal -clert -..-all -lrimtlle~hd~
Dropped! Ah "yes. A> we -· a
pully-dlutod Neon -his ·~ ... the }na l'O!!IJI !11'apt~ I vialble
rantinder of an unfcr1111n development
that -mutkrinl janlton Giit Into
the elements to chJp and 1Cr'1pe at
the sculptur"),J!'ll' stooework. ~
1belr Ob}ed; Of coune, is to tnlW't
that the stonewort remabw totally gr11.
Court Ruling Ends Case
Against 2 in Lew~ Eilms
A ruling by tile U.S. Supreme Court
Monday that a man'& heme b essentially
his castle -even if his film and book
library rtad like restroom walls -has
appuently ended a few Harbor Area
pollco calt!.
Man:la, lll, of DI Kno< Pl-plemed
innocent to a charge of ult ol ot.ctnt
fitml and are IClleduled for jury trill
May 15 in Central Oranse Oouoty Judicial
Diatrld Court.
'Mle cue involved the charge of Ille,
not simple poesessi<lft In the home, Sgt.
Calnon noted, and 10 reell of film and
$350 exchan&ed hands aceording to the
original case crime"report.
NtJ. -.,.,.., t.....-w-wllo aillJllil'.1eM'lllil .lilrts-" Oj)eralloii OU.,. Is going .. ... 11'1
not guano repell. .
But those aton.ishing 1cousticl have,
from lhe point of view o1 newsmen,
provided most entertainment. No county
body'• delibttatiooo ""' more cuanled tllan thole of tlle gaod jury but tllere
WU I t1me Wben the imoceot (!) byltan.
der could ljand 10 feel a-:~1111 Ille door and cltarty bear oome _,.
And by the WQ, Juqe ... , " ,....
aHeaed11 llupld clorll'• mother dd father ,..... married. Your eJQnlled
bellol lhat tlley .....,,'!, clearty ecm..,..i to tbe cowiroliln _..,, yooir _,
oak PIMllq, II .... "' tbe ~ .. lallhlully relayed to delilhted .,,.,._
peraonoel In tbil llblMllled bulldlnl·
Bui this II a Josbook not a noV<i.
Come and see -or rather hear -
for yourself.
Fonner Briti.th jourMli.st Tom
Barlq U eurrnU11 auigned to the
DAILY PII..OT's Oranoe Count11 Bur·
eau in the countv seat civic cimter
com.ple:r ai Santa Ana.
.Temple to Fall
Despite Protest
SAN FllANCISCO '(UPI) -The K .... °""' --_. hM • perfect lopl rigllt to dellroy • ~.
ll~yeaMlid ~ in Chlnalown,.a Judi•
ruled Monday.
0 You don't live me 111y le&al bu•.''
Superior Court Jud&o llQmood J. Arata
told an attorney for Mn. Charlotte
Chani, a 97·yur4d woman wbo tried
to stop the razing. '"Mle leaal owners
have sold It and that's it."
Fled Me.rico .
Dykes Askew Simmons is safe
in this country today after
escaping a Mexican prison,
disguised as a woman. He had
served 10 years for murder.
See Story, Page 4.
Approval 'Given
For Pool Tables
" Pool tebleo have been approved IOC't
the --and the Firebouoe, on the r eeonunmdatlan d. .the Calta
M,.. poll'° and lire c!>iela.
Nooe d Colla N'."8'1 -will be· spending doty ltoun over the green fell
aod windlog up behind the I-ball,
howeVft', ao don't jwnp to cooclueionl.
Tiree 'tebles •re mady In Iha
Firehouse, IX! E. 17th St., and two
are in the station House, a5 W. 19th
St., and approval of such putJ.mes at.
the two klcal beer taverns Mm:lay wu
a routine erty council action.
!\!rs. Chan« is the dauahter of Yee
Ah Ty•, who gave the land to tlle Czech Mags Seized
Allegations tllal Dr. Merrill C. O'Don·
nell's, father-In-law may have bribed
Mexican newspapers and journallN to
publish "defamatory and degoratory
material" about the death of the Newport
Beach phyaiciln'a wife are oontalned
in a .document filed today in Superior
Newport Beach attorney Arthur Slrock
makes these cornm.ents in a 1ubpoen1
which seeu to hive Ben HagoU of
Torrance available in the de.tense
lawyer'1 office 1bunday. Ha11ot.t is
ordered lo tbe docwn<Dt to brlns with
him for reeding into the deposition check
stubs and cancelled checkl reflecUng
paymen t 1 to nf!'nPlpel'S and/or
joun\llllta in M-.
The cledalon by the higl! court that
it cannot be a crime for a man to
possess lewd or obscene materialJ. at ,,.
home for his own private use came
as a jolt to 10me lawmen.
Colt& Mesa Police Sgt. Jack C&lnon
said tlle Supreme Court ruling dfeclivUy
ends a couple of invetitigatlona under
way by hL! men in the vice and intelli-
gence detail.
Justice Thurgood Marshall delivered
the Supreme Court ruling Monday, as
the result of an Atlanta, Ga., man's
appeal of a one-year priaon term for
having three stag movies in bis house.
a.ssoclaUon in 1852. She claimed part PRAGUE (UPI) _ The government ~
of tbe agreemt.nt was that it · must censor's office bas seized the latest edJ ..
The move by Strock Is seen as a
further step toward! preparation of a
r.ply which mllll be filed in Superior
Court no later than April II. O'Donnell,
51, ·who maintains ollkea In Newport
and HunUngtoo -.:II, must .,,..... by
tbal' ...... chilrps tllat be murdered
&won Jane llqgotl O'Donnell, X, by
"lnjeetinl po11ooOUI drup" into ber body
on March It, llA.
Flied by Mrs. Gertrude Barnett . d
Long Belch, Mn. O'Donoell'1 mother
and tbe cllvorced wile d JlagoU, \he
civil action cla1ml $1 mllllon from O'Don-
nell and seeka to prevent bis be:neflllnl
from his wlle'11Ubst1ntial estate.
Mexican offtclall hive flied a demand
for O'Donnell'• extraditJon with Untted
Stalel autboritia. No action hu yet
been taken by thil country towards
returning Dr. O'Donnell to face murder
char1es in Mexico.
The civil auil and doeumtnl.5 8'"pared
by a Mexican judge accuse Dr. 'Donnell
or murdering his wile while the couple
wag on vacation in Co&umel, a Yucalan
Peninsula recreation apol.
Strock's comments in the latest court
filing may be cUrected at Ov1clones
ln!ormaclon of Mexico Qty, the
newgpaper that ran a series of articles
on the case.
'"nlat saves us some Jegw<rk," be -· He said, however, that it woold seem
to have no major impact on a case
involvin& a Colt.a Meu. couple arrested
at their home March 20 in connection
wltll., alleled 11,JOO obtcelle lilm deal.
Douilaa A. Payne, 3t, and hi• wlfe
Mime Troupe Gets
Boot in Arizona
MANY FARMS, Ariz. (AP) -A duh
between pairlotilm and a coolrovenlal
expression of anti-Vietnam war sen-
timenll ended Monday night al the Nava·
jo Community College with a call for
School administrators Interrupted a
perfonnance by the San Francisco !\time
Troupe, ordered the playeni off the cam·
pus and called for police alter only
two skits of the perfonnance.
Reports ol e1actly what preceded the
evicUon varied, but all sources agreed
that the 25 to XI members of the troupe
were escorted oU the campus by the
Navajo police.
"The right to receive infcrmatioo and
ideas, regardless of their social worth,
is fundamental to our free society,"
Justice Marshall said.
never be sold. Ucn Gf two liberal magazines and in-'
'!be !llSOciatJon said It bat beeD ott.red for'med II journalllla Ibey will be subject
$63,000 fer tbe lite and plarll a "more to dllclpline by the Communist party,
beautiful" temple at mother location. press 90Ul'CeS said today.
sq. ~.
... ·~ No
our· exclusive Crushed
Velvet 6 pc. ensemble
ell.ct f!I-en ......... Nty ·IHl-t lu•lll'iwl 11111111-c•t'Vlf _..h.. .... ... ..... Mel. wllfl • .,. .. ..,.,.... ..... ,.i-. a •19t...., _
'll\ldltil 1'I' 111••"'"' _,.., C9fl'lftrt, {crweMll
vlh'll .,. ~RI "9llt l1llrkll 11\Ulln alfM
t•i.t. a tMk• • 11q .... ..,.,.. ",,,.,._ JR s ....... O*. ,._.... ... ~ Wiii ........ sc•llVnll Cl c ....... ,... ..... l'LUI _.....
Councilman Advises Early
Protests on Freeway Route YOUR
..... Mill9llll ...... --.. l!'latdlllll ....rv.t f~ fff fht 'I"' rtt11t"" -.r.ter tMC111 ••• _.. N ..-a. h ,,,rec1......_..,.., Mt -
Why poy up to s399 $799 for !hi•
lavish 1rou' •••
·•start protesUng early," Huntin1ton
Buch Councilmen Jerry Mainey advistd
ttSidents who will be interested ln rout·
in& for the future Orange Freeway which
could run about one mne throu&h the
city along the Slnta Ana River.
Route studies for the freeway from
Orange to the adopted line for the future
Pacific Qiut Freeway are bet\Ming rl&bt aw~. Dir<ctor of Public Works
James Wheeler told the CGUnCil Monday
He explained tllat the lllucly corridor
is wide enoulli to pul !be ln<way
on either the fountain Valley-Huntington
Beach aide ol the Santa River or on
tlle Coote Mesa-Newport Beach tide.
Wheeler aald his staff will make a
stud;y for lbe coonci1 of the route llmlil,
DOW lilted U fr'tlln t.'e Sant.a Ana f'ree.
way in Orange tc the Paciflc Cout Free-
way In Huntington Beech.
There may be a move to end the
freeway at tbe 1n .. rchan4e with tht San
Oteco freeway, FOt1nta1n Valley olfi·
clail macly have indicated.
MattJey's remark oo protests reflecta:
a city-wkle campaign and near uprising
ol homeowner• just 1 rew weeta before
final rwl• adop4Jon of tbe line lot the
lltllllln&""' Bucll fmw~.
Escaped Wolf Shot
SAN PEDRO (UPll-A pet Cooacllan
timber wolf undtr quarantine fot poa1ible
nbla broke i-from Iii Piii Monday
nigh! and terrorlied a nelg11borhood
before II WU 1hol to deatll by polk:I.
Alt.hough the matter had been relative-
ly dormant for yean, the hom!OWt\ers
began a full scale push to 1et the
council to change its mind on location
of the line.
The pwh to get bacitlng for a central
freeway line was successful, but the
slate .Oopted the most eastern line
Marine's Son, 8,
Dies in Cave-In
El1ht -yea r -old Russell
Brown was kUled nere Monday nllht
wh'n a cave he was di1glng at the
rear of a ~farine Corps Air Slalion
houslna: area collapsed and burled him
The boy was dug out or the ca\'e-ln
by military police and neighbors. He
was pronounced dead on arrival at :.he
air station dl!ptnsary.
Young BroWJI was the son of Capt.
and Mrs. Donald J. Brown, 8'11 Salpan
'011: EITHEll: OP THiii 2 Oll:OU,S
Fairy tole ~adroom 11 every women's price 6·pc. R19al an11mblo Ind ...... a·-==· • :;: .. ~ """ti"'"'" • ,,..,.. CMwil llllrf'W ........ .,.,...~
Place. Hil fath<r, 1 MRl'lne lntelllc..,.. USE YOUR
oUicer, 11 on temporary duty In tlle
East, steUon spokesmen said. CREDIT The cove-In occumd behind the air
statioo's Wlltrry housing ...... Orange CARDS County corontn sald death wu caused by ouffocatlon. An autol")' ii penc1Jn1. 1,....,. _________________________________ _...,_,\
' ,
• •
' >
Flood W•ters from Little Sioux River lnundete 15 Blocks; 64 F•milie~ ,..vacuattd
Storm Sweeps Rockies;
Floods Peril Midwest
By United Press International
A wintry storm, which prompted
stocknien'1 warnings and brought freez.
ing temperatures to the Rocky Mountan
areas, today threatened the Midwest
where sprlng Ooodwaters already had
begun moving south.
Frost or ·freeze warnings were Issued
for all of Colorado and stockmen's warn·
ings were in effect today for portions
of the ·Dakotas, western Nebraska and
eastern Wyoming.
High winds, cold rain and snow lashed
the north central states where the
floodwaters already had begun forcing
their way into low-lying homes, causing
evacuatioM in Iowa and South Dakota.
The Mississippi River was not yet
iwollen to flood proportions, but the
gortent of things to come was clear
~ the overflowing of the big river's
tributaries which range throughout the
~id west.
• Sixty.four families were evacuated l!ong the Utt.le Sioui: River at Cherokee,
community of 7,000 penons ln
est Iowa. Another five families
to leave their homes at Akron,
Iowa, when a break appeared in a large
earthen dike designed to hold back lhe
Big Sioui: River.
The Rock River, which bisects the
northwestern comer of Iowa, also was
flooding, threatening the tiny community
of Rock Valley where Mayor Al Porter
said Monday, "If the dikes hold we're
all right.
"If not, then the town will gc under."
On the Big Si°'*:, which divides Iowa
from South Dakota, the town of Akron
was the scene of feverish activity today
with at least 15,000 sandbags and a
contingent of National Guardsme n
eannarked for tbe community.
Flood activity also was heavy ln South
Dakota where at least iii families were
evacuated from Redfield as the Turtle
Creek overflowed. Another ·sil families
southeast of Fort Thom"'°" along the
Missouri River were rescued by boat
when Cro'1' Creek violated it.. ~·
Rivers also were reported Cll ~ rise
in Minnesota, w~m and Indiana,
but levees months in preparation ap-
peared to have stanmed the early stages
of the lloodlng.
65th Huntington July 4th
I • Parade Honors California
1 '!be ISth Annual Huntlngtan Beach
Fourth of July Parade and Celebration II being piaoo<d as the biggest and
' View for School ,
praws Laughs
From Tr11stees
1 School names drew several laughing
4imments from Ocean View School
l)istrld trusl..s Monday night as they
oonsidered se1ection of a name for a
Dew school.
\ 'Ibrte names suggested were Macnolia
Ylew, Pine View and Vt.la View.
Trustee Leonard Shane commented
the abUndant ue of "View!' name
Oceln Vlew School Dl!1rict .,.t aug·
-givinl ~ school to the P'OWllaln alley School Dbtricl and colllng it
"'farewell view." 4
1 At lhll -Trustee Joma $baller
!frived palllng a WJe cigar. Shane
o!l:ed blm, -do you llaJ>d .. ~jsta View -venus tome other crummy . '" ~~ about MJ'lllng H Smoke View,"
rrPlied Shaffer, drawing lau&hL· •
best yet, said members of tbe sponsor·
ing Jaycees who have s e I e ct e d
"California lflstory" as the theme of
the patriotic show.
'lbe parade will begin at 9:45 a.m.
with an eipected 200,000 persons lining
Main Street, ~th Street and c.onnecting
streets to see \he noats, marching unit..
and equestrian units compete for a long
list of trophies.
Top award will be the Sw~takes
Trophy to be awarded to the most
outstanding theme float. The Grand
Marshal's Trophy goes to the be.rl theme
float in Class A. Other theme division
awards will be the President's Trophy,
Mayor's Trophy, civic organization and
Thl.s year the Jaycees will offer a
sweepstakes trophy for best band, and
best drum and bug\< COfllS. Awards
will be made at the Late Part grands-
tand at 1 p.m. following the parade.
Jaycee celebrations direclor Thomas
J. Wilkie bu ln>ilationl out to ln!n<fr<ds
of poulble entries and Indicates that
he expects a full lineup long before
the May..11 ckleil'lg date for entries.
He )IOinted illll", too, that n<glltiatlons
ror telrristng the event are "well under
way." run tnrarmatJon on e:ntuing the
JNltrlotic .....,i can be olllaliied by wrlU•g
to Jl)'<ee Parade Headquartm, P.O.
Bol ... lluntlngloa ~ch.
$165,770 Bid:.Accep~d
I For Resurfacing Runway
' 'A low bid of $11S,770 I« layq down
( new fiv&-incb surface on the Orange
d.mty Airport'• 5.~oot runway has
been 111bmilled by Industrial AJphalt
~.o1Sla!1ton. f! ... pll Smiltt, coonty d~ector of ~ aervlcel, tokl supervisors who
.,._pied tbe bid l<>day lt\at be upects
wpr& lo begin April 2L Under tmnl oi Ille cootrlcl, tbe project must be
anvkted within 10 days, watber
De resurfacing, to rtpalr dam84C
dused by the heavy rain stonns 1n
J*1u'1'f ind February has been a coo--
1 11o;;w.1a1 subject among U-oppoelng
Jet ,fllgbU from tbe airport. _
In recent Cvll Aeronautics Board bear·
lnp ID Wasblngton, Ibey claimed the
repair work would allow hea-vier jet
planes to lake oil from the airport.
Airport officials denied the cootentlon.
Tbe fllS,770 bid la lower than the
counly's estimated $200,000 for the job.
'lbere were four other bids, Smbet said.
The lo.day limit is good ne.w1 for
Air catlfomia and Air West. They will
be forcied to use Long Beach or Onlarlo
airport$ whUe lM main rv.nway la beinc
repaired. It bad been uUcipe.ted the
job would take two weekl.
However. the airport wlll remain open
to smaller private planes and commuter
atrcrart which can use the shorter
parallel runwaJ'.
Dreams of Luau
Piggy Goes Home
.. And this ilWe J>if1Y went home."
That's the happy ending to t b e great
hog caper last week lit Huntingtoo Beach
which bad firemen dreaming cf a luau
and a 200-pound ~ headed for the
pound after a wild chase on 17th street.
Hom e for the rust~lored male who
rerused to go home on Thurdsay turns
out to be with the Ruperto Ortiz family
or 2318 Huntington St.
He and a 75-pound female sidekick
had ~ rounded up by firemen after
the duo apparently broke from their
home sty in search of greener graS!
at 17th and Huntington Streets.
A short st'Uffie in a field of mud
resulted in the ,female beading for home
where sbe was found by the Ortiz family
w h en they returned home f r om vaca·
"All's well," said the family members
after recovering the JX1rker from the
pwnd, thus dashing hopes for a "fin·
ders, keepers" and luau ending for the
Airport 'Loop' ·
Roadway. Talk
Set Wednesday
Orange County Road Commissioner Al
Koch and Dittctor ol. Aviation Robert
Bresnahan will meet head on Wednesday
before the county planning commission
over a p~ airport loop roadway.
Bresnahan bas requested that the one--
half mile roadway, which would parallel
the San Diego Freeway on the north
end of Orange County Airport be deleted
because it would be a safety hazard and
a detriment to an instrument landing
system to be installed within the nei:t
Koch opposes elimination of the
roadway claiming ultimate circulation
requirement! of the airport make it
PlaMers held up consideration of the
problem for one week so that both
department beads could be present.
Beach Policeman
Heads to Miami?
Capt. Earl< RobllaUfe of the Hun-
tington Beach Polict Department placed
aecond in nationwide competition held
recently to select a new police chief
for Miami, Fla., City Administrator
Doyle Miller told the City Council Mon-
Robitaille, who heads the detect.Ive
division, aatd that selection of the Miaml
chief iJ not, definite as yet and he
Is. still on the Ust.
~ COuncilmen ilnd the city penonnel
commission are ln the proceta of
developlng procedure to call a naUO!lW1de
eumlnation to replace Police Chief John
Selb:er who is raigning June 30.
Thrifty ·Store
To Open in Valley
ntrJfty Drug and Discount Storts will
optn a new store in Fountain Valley
The new store, II Harbor Boulevanl
and F..dinger Avenue, h11s 24,034 JqUare
feet of floor space wbich will boid 15,0llO
$eP'fale items,
Thrifty will featurt wide allles, a
sctenUfically • eontrollcd environmental
system which controls JighUng, toUnd
and.temperature, and items rana:lna from
cosmetics tO bedding. as well as 1
prescription department.
Money Slows
Ocean View
AutomaUon of the Ocean View SChool I Dlstrlcl will have to wail unW alter
the May I tu override electlon, 10
~ will -H they have the
-to modernize. Two tedilllqutt I« almpllfylnc ad-
mlnlltraUm work and eventually reduc-
ing coils were preoertted to lrultea
Jolooclay nfghL
Both propouls were delayed 1111W the
sdw>ol dlstrlct knows where It lllaodl
IBM -latiV'9 propoled ln-
llallln( very basic dala processlng
1Y&lem ln the llchool offices to roduce
cinllnary paperwork.n 0 w done by hand
1n a slow, upensive .inanner.
Cool -In for tbe project are
$5,000 Jn the nm year for the equipment
and _..., per month for a man
to nm It.'
Trustee Leonanl Shane felt the .,.ice·
.range listed for the operator wu not
high e...,h to atlracl a -with the
capahlllUes r«julred for the d1'trlcl'1 ~ork. .
He also IUQellod looking at other
syll<m1 to -H lixnethlnf elle might
handle the JNlper load at lea coot.
Conslderlnc t b • fln•nclal criais t b e
--· al! -recommended delaylni ,oetloo untfl the diltrlcl'• finan.
cial llatus la uiured and untfl IBll,
or some other company, can present
aduaJ -uvlnp fipm and future ~ of the -l!'llem. AnolherlllOdernlull<la method, SCORE
.(Schools Cooperallng Oii -for
Educatloo). WU Wo presentod to the
SCORE, a private :researcfi company,
.,._ to Include lhe district with
several other school dlJlrlcla ·in a oystern
.. of ~.·~h to reduce the coils of nmnln( a llCDDOl district.
IniUally the SCORE technique worll:s
with custodial belp, mating It more
efficient, but eventually the company
hopes to branch into all areu of school
Huntington Chamber
' .
Directors to Meet
Dlrec:ton of the Huntlngton Beach
Chamber of Commerce will meet at
5 p.m. Wedneoday ln the --room of. the chamber offices on the
second Ooor of the second unit of Town
and Country Shopplnc Center, Beacli
Boulevard and Ellis Avtmte .... ·
The meetlng lime la a chaqe from
the usual noon meetlnp. Dlttcton will
consider an qenda whkb lneludes
reporta on the Ccmmunlty eo.,.._ beld
March 22 and a report from the Women's
'Lee 1tir1 Decide'
State Won't· Ask '
Death for Sirhan
LOS ANGEi.rs (UPI) -'Ille_.,.
tloo will DOI ut Ille J'"1 to brln&
In a death penally Io r Slrtlan B. 5lrhan
for the dnlttecf alaylng of Robert F.
Sentence in Two
Heist.s Affirmed
Willoa K. Short's oentence to a term
of from five yean to We for robberies
ln the Huntington Beach u.a ,... upheld
Friday by the Foortb Diltrfct Court
of Appeal.
Short, 21, of 7'r1 Yorktown St., Hun-
tington ~. wu arrated one year
ago for robbinl two drug atores -
Allen's Drug St«e, 11577 ~ St., Hun.
tinglon Beac)i, and Duber Drug Store,
1884 Warner ~ve., Fountain Valley.
He had charpd ln the appeal that
.be had no•~ to -t him
when victims ldentWed b1m from "mug''
llhotl supplied by police.
Prosldlng Jud(e Gerald llmrn dilmfJI.
ed hb petition saylnC be could DOI
reasonably have upeded to blve counsel
at the time becatllt be wun 't yet under
Employers Due
For Joh Seekers '
Prolpecllve employers of blgil school
ltudents for summer Jobi art now being·
aooghl by a Huntington Beach Chutth.
The El1il A venue Blptilt Omn:b,
which bu Just begun a youth employ-
ment Rrvice, hu already been flooded
with appllcation1 from job lleekm..
"Unfortunately no employe:n have con-
tacted us yet. We coukl Ule IOme of
tboee too,'' aid Henhey Gebria, director of the _.,.,
~ lnter<otod ln employlnr blgil
school ltudenll over the summer may
coo~ the cburcb at M1·741S, or at
1111 Ellll Ave.
Applfcatiallll will be labn from job
bunterl between I a.m. and noon April
3 to April 5 and every SaWnfay from
9 a.m. to noon.
After the ollldaJ . openlnc of the
employment terVke !lay 15, the olfke
wtll be open from t a.m. to noon each
Tueaday, Thurada7 and Saturday.
With !he· murder trial Jn 111 laat -k
and both' lidel upected to mt today,
Deputy Dill. Atty; Lynn B. Comploo
told --: "We will tell the jury that tither
a death aentence or a We tmteoce
would be appi'Opriate. We will DOt doo
med ibe death penalty ...
Added Compton: "the jury will· bave
lo decide the penalty' ..
The Signs were all adding up to a verdict of flnl ... _ murder and tho
25-year--old Arab going into a ·mental
facility for the mt cl hb life.
Psychologist Dr. Bernard Olinger wu
Hpecled to conclude hb toolimony today
m the lut witness in the~
trial. Olinger has disputed llndings ol
other psychia~c witnesses who found
Sirhan P1Ychotic:.
Flnal argument.! in the cue were
expected to begin today with the c ...
going to the seven.man-five-woman jury
on Friday. /
A f t e r the final cross ei:amlna.Uon,
Judge Herbert v. Walker will confer
with att.omeys on bis instructions to
the jury.
Compton tqld newsmm that high«
court decislom were such that the Rate
could not even argue that SJrban ahould
be executed ao that be could aevet
till .again,
"Aboot the ooly argument thal llands
i. ooe of retribution and that ii lo<
the jury to deci ...... Compton sald.
Olinger was the final wttnes,, In 1
trial that has cost $1 million.
Olinger testified Monday that Slrhan't
-· to ... pmooallty test Wert ••wen within normal UmJts" and he dif<
fered with defense experts who found
Sirhan mentally ill.
Olinger, a dlnlcal Pl!'chologill and
an instrcutor at the University ol
Southern California, aaid be e1amJned
the results of the' test given Sirha1
by two defeme poychologists, lloderlci
Rlchardaon and !lartlri Schorr,
Schorr rated Sirhan u a paranoid
llchiropbrenic oo the basl> of a penonaU.
ty test called the lllnneaola llu!Uphuic
Penonallty lnv-ry.
School Employes
Hear Candidates
Tbe Founlaln Valley Educallon and
Clanlfled &nployel AtmciaUons will
._ a canclldatea nigh! al 7:30 p.m.
'lbunday at W ardJow ' Scbool, 9111
Pl<meer Drive, llunllnctan Beocb.
CIMktal:el for three 1eatll on the Joun
taln Valley School Diltrlct 1cmirnln4 boanl are scheduled to ..,..t al thl
meetln(, which ii -to lhe public.
Wednesday, AP.ril 9th
All Buffums'· stores
will be open at 8:00 a.m.
Don't miss out on biggest v1lu11 of tlie year
( u
Newport 11 fashion Island Newport Ceatere 6U·~e llall., Thais., Fri. 10:00 till 9:3Q Oller dlys 10:00 till-5:31 •
~ ..............
'Ille family o1 5t1. t.c. O'Neil' J.
· JondNau waa pleaaantly surprised
Sunt!aT by a full-page adv8rtise-
ment m the Portland (Maine) SUn-
day Telegram conveying hLs Euler
greetings from Vlelnain. "Happy ·Euler to my wooderful family,
from Daddy," Jondreau's message
said. "1 love you." The Telegram..
which ordiitarlly charges $700 a
page for advertising, carried Jon-
. dreau's ad free as a tribute to
Maine's lighting men . • Ch•rlt1 Dick..,, .of Milwaukee,
Wis ., will play the iole of "Fagin"
In the St. John Cathedral IDgb
School production ol the musical
comedy "Oliver," which is based.
on the novel "Oliver Twist." •
The e11es o/ the congregation
10trt on DwiQht D. Eiltnhowr'1
empty pe!D at the Commvnitv
Pre1byttrian Church in Pa l m
Desert, Calif. It toat the jirat
Ea.ster since 1960 that Ike wam't
there. "He wc.s the image of the
VtT'JI best that uou and I and ·our
Mtion profesi ta 1tand for," said
the Rev. Dean W. Miller. A
braided purple cord closed the
pew. A plaque read 'The Gen-
eral and Mr1. Dwight D. Eisen.
hower's pew. President 195Z·
• Profanity and abusive laneuage
poured from the Amarillo, Tez., po-
lice radio for 15 minutes before the·
officers found out it was coining
from one of their own cars last
weekend. Police said a 20-year-old
man, handcuffed and belted down
in a ~trol car by officers investi~
-·-1l~llllg ·a 'cruturbance, managed f4
reach the microphone with his big
toe and turned the air as blue as
t b e i r uniforms. The man was
· charged with drunkenness and use
of prvfane and abwive language. •
William D. Cobb, 65, is willing to sell
lhia 14-pound pearl givni to him in
the South 'Seas by an i.sland chieftain
after C<1bb had cured the chief'• !On
of malaria. One hitch to the gift was
that Cobb could not dispose of the
oift for 21 uears-or a "curse" would
caw-e the death of Cobb's own son
before he wa.s 21 11ears old. HU son
ii nmn 30, but '110 one has come up
with the asking price yet -$3.5 mil·
Texan Tells · Terror·s of Mexico Prison
' ,t . • .
'Almost Murdered Me,' Says .American Who F"led Dr~ed . as Woman
who ,...pod from a Mulcan prllon clilcui*I as a woman charged he wes
almost murdered by hia captcl's by what
be leuned was called "la ley de fu8a"
-the· ... of etClpe.
l>Jt• Altew Slinnms Jr., •. wbo
flow bert MaodaJ -bl& attorney, lllill pallla at Nuevo Leon PmKU!ary
-him f4 ..cape ao Ibey coulil --')be attempted "e:1ecuti.OO" OCCU1Ted
Dec. '· --.. About eigJil ci -tbem 1oOlt me f4
Ille !root gate IOd -ci tbem IW1od pm:bing me," SJmmcm toid newmnm.
"'!be othen ftn lo -me. I fOUCbt
my way bacl: lato tbe prlaCll. I wooldn't
Zounds! Some
'Rolls Have
Screws Loose
NEW YORK -Then 1 wu a mild
panic. oo Part Avenue Moaday, and
in Wubin(!<ln an agitated ripple ran
arouad Embaesy Row ~ all the Ron.
Royce Sllvtr Sbadowl and B<nlley T
models made during tbe put four yw-1
have been recalled became of a "~
tial defect! ..
Willt 'bappened? Had aomeone, travel·
lng at l50 miles an hour, heard something
besides the ck>ck? Nothing so crass.
"Recent teat experience," said a Rolls
spoilesmln In suitably m\lled tones, "lw
shown that ezceptional overloed con-
ditions may cauae the side steering level
securing seal; acrews on Sllver Shadow
and Bentley T series can to relu lbeir
torque tJgbtnm."
In ot9er' words, there may be a couple
of &emlS loose hi. tht 1 t e e r I n g
. 'lbe callback affects aboot &,000 ar1,
of which 1n estimated 1,350 are In the
Woman Confesses
Lying at Trial
To Save Suspect ·
LOS ANG~ (AP) -A woman
who Aid abe li<ll-al his first trial
because •be loved WWJam Cllncer,
i..tllled Mooday al his third murder
trial thal be bad cool.aed the crime
to her.
Clinger is accused of stabbing to death
Veryl R .. Hays, 44, in Hays ' Ventura
tavern May 10, 1967.
Clinger was retried after his first jury
deadlocked. The second jucy con\icted
!Um, but 8 third trial WfU ordered 80
that Mrs. Dorothy Castro, 23, Clinger's
fonner girllriend, could tesilf»
Mrs. Castro, now a waitress 1n Las
Vegas,said "there isn't any reason for
lying anymore." She said that at the
time she first testified she had Ued
to protect Clinger.
LAS VEGAS (AP) -Howard Hughes,
one of the world's richest men, was
given a $7,628 tax refund by the county
when his aides pi-otest.ed the tax blll.
Clark County commis.!loners agreed
Monday that some property Hughes leas-
ed at McCarnn Aiiport 15 a publi c
area and cannot be aaesaed.
"They beet me almost~ to death. My nooe wM bro!ron and I had nail mart.s
all ovu my ,body ll<>m where Ibey
tleted me aM the bootna!ls stuck out.
-But I wouldn't nm. 'Ibey said I'd la1J<o
olf 1 wall tr)'iDI to eecape."
Simmons iald bis brown hair turned
f4 gray In tbe prllon at Kam.my.
He became bown u the '4foraottea
American" f4 -w b o belleved bis
claim of. inooctnee. 1
Stmnvn reftmlted his contention thll
he ... the "faD guy" in the "murders
1lileo be arrived at Lot Anceles ln-lmlltlloul Alrporl Mcmday nflbt wllh
bis atlomey.
'!l am JnDocent -ctmpletely, wholly
and artlre!y," be llid. '"Ibey 1oOlt me
M a vlcllm. They toow who did ii.
~ Tbe7 took hta tonf111MI. Jt11 ID the ......... -r.:_-_-· •
Today Slmmool wu awallq \be -
'Y'")• CODC<ined .... -hll Jesal -
tbon In mdn& lo the .loYl d hll f---. ''!'lier ..., try 1o -.... l'lll nor l""'*c ~ Ami l'ID floe.
It/Ur II :rea, l"N &OI bot -...,
c1-~ .... Gii die flocr, DO ....
adobe. I'lll !reel I -~. tldnlt they'd
lelMI me beck." stmrncww Wiii eanftdld ol the mwN'I
"' -· Hilda ml J.. Pea-y~ the clillchD d a Mcmteuey
pljyDclan who were ...,..W ~ -Oct. It Jiit. ' . ' . -
U,.I T.....,.
Appreci•tion of Ike by Late Clement AttlH Publish.cl
Britain's Attlee Praises
~e as 'Man of Courage'
NEW YORK (UPI) -In a bllberto
unpubl!Jbed appreciation of Dwight D.
Ellenbower, the late Clement Attlee,
Britain's wartime deputy prime minister,
aaya Franklln D. Roosevelt may have
been responsible for a strategy tor wlilch
Eisenhower was sometimes criticized.
Attlee's recoUecUons will appear for
the first time in "Eisenhower: American
Hero," a special biography being publish-
ed by America Heritage and United
Blast Kills Nine
In Switzerland
AARAU, Switzerland {AP) -An ex·
plosives factory blew up today at the
village or Dottikon, killing nine persons
and Injuring .fO others, police reported.
Prus International. 'lbe 144-page, heav-
ily illustrated volume, hes now gone to _.,
Describing Eisenhower as a man of
1'the highest moral courage," Attlee
recalled that the general was criticlztd
in the later stages of the war for "failing
to advance more vigorously, thus allow-
ing the Russians t~ penetrate BO tar
to the west, with the result that Romania,
Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and
Poland all fell under Communist con-
trol. •• "
"But this," Attlee said, "may well
have been due to the policy or President
Roosevelt, who to the end or bis life
was obsessed with the view that Britain
was still an imperialist power and that
every move eastward wu dictated by .
the old selfish interests."
Attlee said he personally always
regretted that Eisenhower had gone into
politics. He aaJd he felt ~ was
a fonn or figurehead king with John
Foster Dulles as umayor of the palace."
No U.S. C:Uaaltl~ . ~
Marines Sweep Da Nang
Area; 35 Reds Killed
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Marines car-
rying out an oUenslve sweep on the
plains southwest of Da Nang killed 25
Communist sokilei'i today bi an assault ·
on a bunker complex, U.S. military
spokesmen reported. They said lbe
Marines suffered no cllll<lel.
It was the only grnund ictkm reported
In South Vi.tnani 1oday, reflecting a
lull in the Communists' alx-week-okl of-
In a series of eight skinniabes Monday
ranging from the demilltariied zone to
the Mekong Delta U.S. and South Vt.~
namue troops tilled 159 Red soldiers.
North Vietnam ... and Viet Cong gun-
ners carried out 15 shelling attacks dur-
int the night on , Allied military in-
!tanattons, but towns and cities were
spared. However, terrorlsta threw a
grenade into a weddlng part)' Monday
at Giao Due, 60 miles aoutbwest of
Sa!aOO,_ killing tl!ree memben of Ille wedcfill& party and woondlng II.
U .8. BS2I · matdled Ille lull In the
ground war. A spokesman Wd the B5Zs
fiew ftV. lllisaJom Monday night and
early Tuesday against areas near the
borders of Cambodia and Laos. Pr<vlous-
ly they had been averaging · about IO
mls.stons a day.
'lbe Marine sweep southwest of. Da
Nang was one of four major offensives
now under way In South Vietnam to
cut Communist infiltration routes from
Laos and Cambodia. Marines involved
in'Wday's·tlghting were part or Operation
Oklahoma Hills whicll culs across a
Communist route from Laos to the Da
Nang area.
A spokesman said the Marines cap-
tured both the jungle camp and an adJoinini: hospital complex.
Feeding the infiltration corridors, ac-
cording to U.S. sources In Saigon, is
a new Communist supply complex 20
miles above the ·border demilitarized
,,.,.. (DMZ). Built since the bombing
of North Vietnam stopped, it is ringed
with antiaircraft delensea.
The batUe southwest of Da Nang,
South Vietnam's second bigest city, was
the only major fighting reported as the
Oxnmunlsts unleaaed 15 shelling at-
tacks into towns and military camp•
on t.he 45th morning of their natl<mw~
Viet Cong Repeal
Blast on Thieu's
PARIS (UPI) --The Viet Cong d&
nounced for the s~nd coMeCuUve day
today South Vietnam President Nguyen
Van ThJeu's proposals for national recon-
Tran Hoai Nam, third ranking member
of the Viet Cong delegaUon, dismlssed
as "l.niolence" Thieu's suggesUon the
Viet Cong disband as a Communist foree
and operate only as a poUUcal force .
Monday the Viet Cong issued a formal
statement also blasting Thieu's sl:r-poin~
program which offered amnesty to th&
Viet Cong il it would end the figllting.
The repeated statements am aa
editorial today in the Hanoi official
newspaper Nhan Dan indicated the Com<
mwlist delegates to the Paris puce
talks were still waiting for the American
home front to cave in under the wet~
of opposition to the war.
Nhan Dan said recent a n t i w a r
demonsLrations in the United States were
''positive actions to compel the U.S.
government to stop the aggressive war
in Vietnam and bring Ameri~ troops
Today 's National Liberation Front
(Viet Cong) news conference was held
as U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
met with South Vietnamese ' Vice Presi-
dent Nguyen Cao Ky to discuss strategy
in the deadlocked peace talks.
"Thieu's propos,al that the NLF re-
nounce violence and change its name
before partlclpaUng in naUonal elecUons
under international controls is a call
for the VJetnamese people to renounce
their rigbta to fight !or their hberty
and independence," Nam said.
Alarm sirens and church bells began
ringing in villages and towns for miles
aroond as the -explosion sent a shock
wave through the countryside and raised
a gigantic mushroom ckiud <1ver the
Was DeBakey Upstaged?
Within minutes hundreds of am·
bulances, fire engines and patrol cars
rrom the entire canton of Aarau raced
to DoWkon, an industrial village of
some 2.000 inhabitants.
Artificial Heart Pioneer Won't Comment on Cooley
Calm Wea th er Across -U.S.
HOUSTON (UPI) -The dramatic
series of events in the spectacular
artificlaJ heart transplant has turned
Dr. Michael DeBakey into a mystery
DeBikey was the world 's most widely
known heart surgeon advocating the use
or the mechanical heart.
Warming Trend Coutinues Al.ong West Comt
V .S. S11mmar11
"""'' flll ~ ,..,IOI! tnlel<H <IMr 11'1d
lfel!lllllt _.,...r ,....,,
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lf"9 ... Mi.wat. Hiii .... ,.._.,..,
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He brought Dr. Domingo Liotta, the
man who deveoped the artificial heart
used by Dr. Denton A. Cooley l~t F~i
day, io the Baylor College of Medicine m
DeBakey, a master politician as well
as an outstanding surgeon, secured the
money to set up the artificial heart
program at Baylor In the early 19«>5.
He picked Liotta as a c:o-dire<:tor of
the project.
It was DeBakey who used the first
successful arUficlaJ heart pump, the left
ventrlcal bypus, developed by Llot\I
in HIM .
. When Cooley began a world raoundia&
series ol hem transplants last May.
DeBakey '1 colleagues 11.id he was
waiting to use the art.iliclaJ heart because
that was his speclally .
Since Cooley made 0.. !Int tolally
artifldal heart transplant with I cleYlce
developed by DeBakey's pro t e I e.
DeBakey has beeu strangely ailent. u
have his colleagues.
He was out of. town when C.001~
perlonned bis historic surgery wll!ch
came on the eve of en ev1luaUon meelillC
o! the mechanical bwt committee d
the NaU.0.1 Heart Institute 1-o
Washington. DeBak•r. a committee
member, attended the Saturday m<elln(,
but 1a!d nothing publ!cly. '
In Bethesda, Md., Dr, 'l'beodon! Cooper,
chairman of the mech1nicaJ heart com·
m!ttce or the Heail Institute, uld Mon-
day the arilrlcla! bear! that Cooley used
Dr. MlchHI Dalokey'-Or. Denton Cooley ,
-..,. of 10veral models at ahnost
the ame atqe ci development In the
United Slalea today.
Cooper said be believed, from the
.....,,.. be liild read and the designs
ho had -· lhAt Cooley UJed a model cleftloped by DeBakey.
"You'd have lo get Ille facta from
Dellakey or Clooley, bul It was quoted
In the prua that the model used by
Cooley w11 deve!oped by a Dr. Llolt•,
who works In Dr. DeBakey'a llboratory. ••
' ol-
Cooptt Aid. ·'
Ot..Bakey returned lo bl! office M~Y.
but did not •llQ'tt any ol the S$ P,Jla
from ~·· When one ne~ caught him betweon olr!ca, be rel\lled
to dlscuas the transpillnt. -i-ne qutslion everyone wanta t°'1-a.sk
him ii: "Do you have another mechanical
heori llnder development or wu •Ill!> the,.one you intended to t111?" ..,, t
Both Cool•y and iJotta said Delllkey
kM" nothtne about this heart. u -'
!.ordan Port CiJy Attacked
In Reptisal-by·!srael ]et,s
QUHNlE, By Phil lnterlclncll
llrMU jell bll lhe Jordanian
port ol Aqabo with rockela
today. 1nfUctlna c i v i I i a n
cuuaJUea:, in reprlial for a
Jordan rocket attack a1ainst
lhe nwl>y 1$roeU port of
Eloth. l1neU and Eaptlan
gunners batUed for five houn
•long the lei!ilh ol lhe Sue&
Ari lar..U Foreign .Minlllry
•pollamon told bi Jeruaalem
Arab atttca cm • Elalh and
across the Sues Caftal were
limed to "tnfluence the bic
lour pQwtr lolb" M lhe Mid-
dle Eul mumlng lodoy in
N"' Yort -Wks 1'rael lw
been coal lo. .
The · lpoWmon IOid Egypl
wu trylnc &o beat ·up the
canal front in an attempt to
convince the big powen the
Middle Eut wu on the brink
0( anolhlr war:-Jordan's King
Hussein delivered such a
warning when he ln'ived in
New York Monday en route
to Washington.
The Arabs accused Israel
of starting both actions today
a n d a Jordanian spokesman
said in Amman the Israeli
bombardment of Aqaba killed
eight civilians and wounded
nine othtrs. Israeli Army
Chief ol Stall Gen. 1Wm Bar·
Lev said Jordan was resP.Qnsi-
ble for the altack on Elalh.
Elatb and Aqaba are about
throe miles apart al lhe north
end of tbe Gull of Aqiba
and have not been involxed
in direct .hostilities since end
of the 1961 siJ: day war. They
have coexisted peacefully by
mutual consent
'lbe trans-canal battle broke
out about 150 miles to the
west where Egyptian and
Israeli artillery dueled for the
second time this month. The
United Nation5 truce team
finally arranged a cease-fire
after failing twice during the
more than five-hour fight.
Sleep Gear Destroyed
By Fire at North Pole
has destroyed half of the sleep..
ing protection used by a four.
man British team that spent
the weekem! camped at the
North Pole.
The loos f(l'ced lhe 10\ll
lo 9P'l1d Monday night bud-
died uoder .a tent 71ii feet
llQUS'e and 6lh feet high
within 12 miles ol the pole.
One of the members, Alan
Gill, 31, alto lo&t bis Steeping
bag in the f l r e and spent
the night in his wolfskin
parka, a jacket he ween: wruJe
two thirds of its 3,500-mile
trek across the Arctlc.
'Jbe primary object of the
expedition, sponsored by the
Royal Geographic Society, was
not lo reach the pole but to
make the fim surface era.
ing ci the Arctic Ocean on
foot in a trek from Point
Spitsberg en,
ol Norway.
Ala s ka, to
400 miles north
Man Wears
An Jsraell mllltar~
spokaman aatd 1n Jerusalem
the batUe aprtad along the
entire '10 miles of fortUk:atlons
btlween El Qantarit to the
north a,nd the Bitter Lakes,
just aouth or lsmailia. There
wu no report on casualties.
In Amman, Jordan, military
~~esmen &aid two ·
fl&b rockets in the
l' a I d against Aqaba. Among
the dead, they said. were a
woman, two boys and two
Two of the wounded were
a 9'1gian priest and his
mother, lhe spokesmen said,
adcting that the priest's church
wu one of several buildings
badly damaged.
A p-1s• ~I alao was hit. 1-~::~;:;;;;~=~:?:::~~:::~~J The Israeli attack on Aqaba
wu the first ever' on the
strategic Jprdanlan port ~ity.
It was also the first Israeli
"'Y oo-hoo ! Care to get involved in a major
tnlfic llD&l'I ?•
air raid since the U.N .. Securi----------------------
ty Council last week con·
demned Israel for its air at-
tack on Jordan.
The Israeli raid came 90
minutes after Jordanian
troops rocketed t h e port of
Elath, wounding 13 persons.
four of them seriously. Israeli
military spokesmen s a i d
Israeli planes flew intD Jordan
and silenced the batteries.
Ul'I TtlffMM
Soviet Flights Near
N. America 'Routine'
Soviet bomber flights to the
fringe of Norlh America have
become so routine in ~t
months that U.S. righters
aren't always sent to intercept
them, according to PentagOn
Over the last 15 months,
these sources say, there have
been about three dozen in·
cidents of Soviet plane!! flying
near continental N o r t h
America, usually Alaska or
However, the Soviets have
been careful to turn back
before actually flying over
U.S. or canadian territory, the
sources said.
While continental defense of-
ficials occasionally m a y
dec ide not to scramble in·
terceptors, the Soviet bombers
are always mqnitored on
radar from the time they get
v.-ithin a few hundred miles
SLto: to eight Bears v.·ere in-
tercepted by U.S. fighters last
.sum mer, again off
Northwestern Alaska, I n
another .major flight v.•hich
went unpublicized.
Pentagon sources say the
Soviets have been careful to
halt the ir approaches voithin
30 ta 150 miles of North
l\merican territory during the
15-month period.
In 1963 the United States
protested strongly to the
Soviet Union that two recon-
naissance bombers had flown
30 miles inland across the
southwestern t i p of Alaska.
The Soviets denied any in-
Pentagon sources are frank
lo admit .the United States
has no real basis for com·
plaint so long as the Soviet
planes remain outside NATO
• .,_, April 8, 1'69 , DAILY PILOT 5
Red s Say
'Upset' GI
U.S. Won't Ask
Atom Inspection
• GENEVA (AP) -bi o new ol the Unlled i;1at ... Fbl>er
TOKYO (UPI) -Hanoi aoid bid lo halt producUon ol propooec1 thol lhe ogro<mont
today a U.S. Marine from nuclw-WetpclllS, the United b< w11111lded by t b o
Brooklyn, N.Y., had dtfected S,.._ today droppecl Ila de· Internltlonal Atomic Eoer&l'
to the communl!t side In Viet--mllKI for Amtrlcan wpe<:tion , ,
nam because he was "up!let"
with the war and dlagrunUed
with the "big wigs" In
'I1te Hanoi NeWI Agency
broadcut identified him as
John F. Lowney, 19, a private
first class in the 3rd Battalion,
tth Relimtnl ol lhe U.S. !rd
Marine Division.
The broadcast laid Lowney
crossed over to the Com-
munist aide Feb. 22, 1 few
week.s after his UTival in
South Vietnam's northern ~
vinces. Hanoi released this
statement attributed to him :
ol Soviet flldllll... · Agency, UEA, In Vi<nno.
U.S. Delegate Adrian S. Prevlootly lhe·United Siat<s
Fllher appealed lo the 17·nt· hod inllllod oii on lnlpecllon
t1oo dlsarmament confemx:e system involvinl .,substantial
fCJ' ~n agreement that wouJd. elementa al adversary ln-
holt the pn>ductloo ol all speclion, p..UCU\arly in the
fissionable material IUCh u ltll'Ch for u n d ls c I o 1 e d
Slriched u r a n I u m and facllltit.t."
plutoniWTI. 'Ibis would mun U.S. and
He also rtpeattd t h e Soviet 1.~ t e a m r
American offer to transfer visiting each other'• laclllUes,
60,000 kilos ol enrich t d a concept which has always
uranium, U235, lo peac<lul been •tronciY oppooed by the purpooes. II the Sovi.t Union Russians on pounds that it
did lhe same with 40,000 kilos could lead lo spying.
of the same materiaL A kllo Fi.mer said IUCh an argu·
is U poonm. ment ·"cl<orly comot be •P-
in what he termed 0 a plied to the inspedbt 11stem
change In the previous position we are now discU!lli6ng." "I oppose the war in Viet-...:=:::::.:c:::.::::.:c.:.....:......::... _________ -"----•
nam because it is the dirtle.st
war 'in U.S. bi.story. The U.S.
troops are playing the same
role as Nati soldie rs blindly
obeying Hitler's orders. The
U.S. troops, tanks and planes
destroy the Vietnam crops,
homes and killed women with
their air raids."
Lowney sa id he w a a
"mistaken In thinking that my
act (tnllstment in the Marine
Corps} was to demonstrate
my devotion, loyalty and
peace to the American peo.
pie," according to the Hanoi
broadcast monitored in Tokyo.
(In Washington, the U.S.
r-.1arine Corps said: "We have
no Marine by the name of
Lowney with that s e r I a I
number -141'1058." That wu
the aerial number elven by
HanOi radio.
("However," a Marine
Spokesman said, "We do have
a Marine by the name of
Jon M. Swttney who was
reported mllslng Jn action
about the same time (that
Hanoi reported the Amerlcan
GI defected). "Th.is man ls
from Brooklyn, N.Y., however,
we have no way of 'knowing
whether this Marine or any
Marine made lhe statemfrita
attributed to him by RadJo
Tune In the
Sound of
From Fash ion Island .
Newport Beach
traveling. ~ ...
'Ibe expedition is attempting
the flnt surfac:e cros&ng of
te Arctic ocean. Trousers-
of the North American Winston's Wido10 coastline untii they leave. The condltron o[ Lady Clementine _ Spencer Only two or three of the
Furthermore, the United
States ·could hardly protest
lbat lhe flights are pro-Chiang Elected
vocative. Strategic Air Com-TAIPEI (UPI) _President ANDY HAS ANSWERS
Temperalu!'es at lbe pole
Wtre hovering around minus
30 d e Ire es fahrtnbeit. The
expedition laces lhe prospect
ol aleeplng, cooking and eating
under the one tent at least
until April II when lhe Royal
Air F<l"Ce bu 8Cheduled its
next oupply airdrop.
And Apron
Churchill, 84, widow o( Soviet missions have been
Sir Winston Churcbi8, disclosed officially by the Pen-
wbo fractured her thigh tagon, which indicateS the low
in a fall, continues to key attitude the U.S. govern-
mand training missioni;; se~d Chiang Kai-shek, II , 'Was nuclear-ca~able ~2s qu1tt . unaiilinou!ly rttltct.ed dirtc-
regularly. into ~cltc regiOllll tor general of the ruling
near Sovte,t territory. Kuomintang par t.y today at
Thtr•'• enly en• ,ltce yo11 can li11d M•N &11.w.n ih•• 'f•lf
ahl1dre11 have q1tdie111. Chtcli: ihe Adt /Utidy f••hlre • .,.,., S•t·
urdty 111 ihe OA ILJ' PILOT. Y111 'U till:• It -t"4 M will ytw
curie1lty0flllN yegfltlt.rt.
~ive rtse to "consider-ment is laking.
LONDON (AP) -After 13 able anxiety," doctors The most recent Soviet
yeal'S of marriage, Doreen at Westminster Hospit-flight, sources report, oc·
Baker said she couldn 't go al, London, reported tcr curred Apri l I when eight to
~t~he~p~art~y=··_•:Olh:_:na:l:io:n:•l'..:co:n-:g:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New 'Queen'. gre ...
The report said the loss of
the t<nt. Gill'• sie<piog bag
and IKIOle d their penonal
iterM Md shattered the ei:-
pedltion'• jubilation over
reachhitl lhe pole by loot la.<t
The fire apparently was
tt.arted by a stove used to
wrm the tents and dry
Despite Che setback, the ex-
pedition we movb1g forward
and by today bad completed
South H08pital~
Facing Curhs
Welfare Secretary Robert H.
Flnch has told three school
dialrlcla and throe hospllats
in the South they will IOlle
their federal aid in 30 days
unless they end r a c i a I
'I1le dlstricta are Bleekley
m1 Wuhlnfton counties, both
In Georgia, and Pascagoula
municipal separate in
Mialsaippi. The t h r e e
holpitals, all in Mississipp~
are Kuhn Memorial ,
V 1 ct abur1: Matty-Herset,
Meridian; and Natchez Chari-
ty, Natchez.
°"did lial'v1inghew~1.: man who day. 10 TUl6 Badgers came within
t ... vvr..iug, cleaning 65 miles of Northwest Alaska. and shopping.
Sile tri«I Wednesday to get R A ks The Alaskan Air Command
a divorce from 58-year-old 3 y S scrambled F102 interceptors.
Passes Her
Sea Trials Fredtriek Baker, charging but non o s e • t o - n o s e con-
him with refusing to allow New T1'1."a} frontation was ne«SSary. SOUTHAMPTON, England
her "the status ol. .a normal The Badger is a twin turbo (AP) _ The trouble-plagued
housewife." That was cruelty, jet aircraft roughly com-luxury liner Queen Elizabeth
she claimed. MEMPHIS (AP) -James parable to the old American 2 sailed home triumphantJy
Her lawyer told Judge Earl Ray, contending that two B47 and capable of speeds today after a week of ac-
StanJey Rees that Mrs. Baker, of his lawyers were more in-up lo 580 mph. ceptance trials and finally got
41, was allowed only once in teresled-in financial gains Seven other Soviet fights a clean bill of health.
hec" married life to go shop-than his fate, has officially near U.S. territory th.is year "I think she ls the most
ping on her own. Wben she asked for a ne\v trial in the are recorded on a list now wonderful ship In the world,"
returned home, her husband slaying of Dr. J\.1artin Luther stamped secret in the Pen-said Sir Basil Smallpeice,
examined all her purchases King Jr. tagon . chairman of Ule Cunard Line,
and found these three Jn a petition filed itonday In addition, there were more v•ho was on board for the
mistakes-Ray said he was "pressured" than 25 other simUar incidents trial.s .
I. She had bought a shopping lnlo a Ma-h 10 gwlly plea in 1968 not on ly off Alaska 1 1 1 · he ~ •·• f f •· ·•~· h th '" A des gn au t In t ""' """6 or cen ... _,..,...g ere ~ause a trial would have but near Newfoundland, w .. a ~ one al horn she --.: million .ship's tu! bin es , -•-' made the facts a "matter of Labrador, Iceland , and around Id h ed d;~,.....vered in trials late last coo ave us · lhe Aleutian Island cha1·n 1·n -v 2 Sh h d bou ht b 1 public record for the free use year, had delayed Cunard's · e a g a ran£ of all" and would have ·n-the Pacific. d ol f .... , lhal -1 5 cents m"~ " acceptance of the ship an
ivu '-"-"'> "'e Usually the Soviet plan•< than the kind Baker always dangered the success of a pro-..... canceled four months of
bought. jected boq,k and movie. show up in groups or two transatlantic voyages for the
3. She had gone to the Ray was represented first or three, but on one mission new pride of B r i t a I n · s
butcher shop "on the wrong by Arthur Hanes of Birm-th.i.s past January, seven TU95 merchant fleet.
day and had consequently ingham. an attorney he fired Bear reconnaissance bombers The maiden voyage to New
bought unaeti.tfactory meat." in November. and Uien by came within 30 nautical miles York, originall y set for Jan.
"What probably-made it all Percy Foreman of Hciuston, of Northwest Alaska. The 10, Is now fixed for May 2.
the harder fw her to bear who arranged a 9 g • y e a r Bear is a 500 mph turbo prop Cunard is planning a preview
was that he was correct on sentence in exchange for the capable of flying 7,800 miles cruise to the Canary lllandl
all three points,,. the judge ,....!:gu::i::llY'--!:P::le::•:_· -------•-·i_thoo_t_r_e_fu_e_li_:nge,. _____ A..;pric_l_2i'111 __ . ______
1 commented.
But he turned down 1-trs.
Baku's request for a divorce,
ruling thal allhoogh her hM-
band may have been "ir·
ritating and tactless" he . was
never cruel.
AOVEllTllEMENT fqrpeople
gomgplaces JET ", , "' ·~
How much does the: noise, the provi:ha this airport In any way?
dirt and UMi nuiunce of jel Wbett: do you think the Re-
traff\c over your lkmle, our gion.tl Airport should be ktcat-
cammunlty, affect you? Are ed? Oran(~ County >JrponT
, you wtH:lns to put In an appear· El Toro? Whal do you tblrik?
IDCt to mate your vlewl Have you been writing let· tncnm? ters of compl;iint to the FAA?
April 15, Tuesday morn in& at ~. 0. Boz 90007, Airport Sta·
JD ·30 a.m. I.he Ora.nae County bon &.rd of Superv\Jors will b< Loo Angele" California !10009
dlscuulng and hearinf matters We have postcards available
relatlni to the Phase II study In our office which )'0'-1 can fill
for an airport location. can out when a low Oyift& aircraft
ht the.re? The addreu ii diltu~ you. Ltt us hear from ri: North Sycamore, SanLl you, between jet blasts.
Ana. Be thtte early, bring your Look !or Jet Noise on friday
ldNs, your complaints, opln-and we 11 look for you at lhe
tOlll ~ younelf. CGunty Board of Supervisors
Will the proposed overlay for meeting on Tuesday .
• the runway al Orangt County MMU-call bet•ten t and
Airport mean that heavier It any week day. Alrporl Noise
pltnH can utiliv: 1l? Abatement Commlt(ee, tU E.
How do yOO feel abour Im· 17th Site<{, C.M.
• -., The place is
anywhere! Old Crow makes
it a little more special.
Old Crow
l~f ,1.~"~T IOllllOll \'111' 1116 "°"· 0111'1.lfO •~D tOTTU:O ., Tiii: cu Cl(IW llSllU.tt'I co..rtMlrOll,rt.
She's in love.
No wonder. It's California Thrift;s giant 6%.
Mo re peop6I find ow 6% milfrty atbactiw.. AltM al Jt it tN idol at .. .,..._
r•tea 1n tM aw How •botft YoU? Still Mminl • puny ~ TMn ,..._ aot mon.:1
that's not 1mw1n1 I•~ it shoukf. Solnf acMce: )oin the thowaftda .tto .. putdnl
their mon.y to wortt now 1t Cfi..Thrttt-and wttd'I it '""9' with COftftdenct .
on 12-month tua s-id Int ab1•1t 1hrtft C.tHk:tt-. Or e.m our ... .._...~% .. ___ ,.,....,_
Wfttidtaw"' honoNd ~ on drerMncl.
Can Cte·Thrift. We'11 be happy to t.tJI you mor. about ow proW
reputation. How-• un he4p benefit you-ywr tlmlly, "6td how
we c• htndte an bottMtl IOfl .. cttt.ilt of tn;Mttfrint l'C*f' PNMnt "'"41
by phone Of' mtil. (
···'°'~~ ......
170 I!. 171tt St., C"t• M ... 646·1041
Now 1.1l1ltretl9 • dtceda ef ••~h~•
with offlct t 111 ,.rtr•"l'•I citl••
thro11ghouf CalifoniJe,
No More Off shore· Oil
The Secretary of the Interior has allowed operaUons
to resume at Jive oil drilling situ in lhe blackened Santa
Barbara, Channel and -despite sootJµng reassurances
- a concemed Call(ornla wonders ii lhe oil industry is
ii._t jmportant.
No amount of oil money anyone-government or the
oil· companle$--COUld lake from lhe ocean floor could
pouibly justify the d .. truclion ol thia magoiliceilt c:out-
llM and !IJ marine life. ,
If the dollar is the me.uure, lhen oil drilling Is the.
loser and must be stopped forever. llelundtng the mil-
lions paid to government by·the oil companies for their
olfshore leases would be a paltry sum compared to
lhe cost If a dead sea ts created oU Southern Calilcnila
along with a ruined coastline.
One ~mpromise seems possible. Inland Naval oil
reserves Could be opened to commercial deve1opment
while offshore oil areas become substitute Naval re-
. serves. In the age of nuclear.powered warships, the
likelihood that offshore reserves would be critical in
event of a major war appears minimal.
'lbat unthinkable war wouldn't last long enough for
either side to worry about oil supplies.
Enter the Month of April
April is Ollly eight days old and it's already memor-
able to a Californian.
bury South. The cops arresled a couple of bundrtd wlne-
imblbers and marclted 2,000 to the city llml!J and point-
ed the way out of town.
It looked' lllte we were all headed out ol town
.Anxious Callfonlia .held: itJ.J>teath for Jbe .A;l.Lp.m:
Friday eartbqualte,. lhen weot on to ether pursuits upon
learning the whole place had not, as predicted shaken
awal. aftei" all. '
Right tn lhe zany middle of It all, the unbellev1bJel
Teena .for Cbriot barely got out of Jall in Ume to beat II
for Arizona to escape Goil'a wralh. They bad, Ibey said,
the straight word on lhe quate and found it nothing to
Joke about
With a beach .UU littered with crud frotn laat
month's storms, about lhe Ollly tbtng left for Orange
County to defend itself agalnst wu pesUlence or a
swarm of locusts.
Which arrives, in one form or another one week
from today: Income Tax Day. '
Answers May Be On Way
Is violence on the TV and movie screens a sli~ula·
tor of violent conduct o~ ap. outlet for aggressions, with
peaceful conduct resulting?
Does sexuality -pornographic books and dirty
!fl~es -stimulate rape and immorality ge nerally, or
is it another outl et for normal sexual drive, with social· ly acceptable consequences?
. These are questions which divide society in the
Uruted States and elsewhere.
Mercifully, answers may soon be forthcoming. sen ..
ous sci~ntific studies are under way, at long last.
. ---. .--
' I
' I
lt opened, as usual, with April Fool's Day -whjch
either by design or good·humored Providential marks·
manship also was Mayor's Election Day up in Los An·
geles. The Griffith Park Zoo never provided so much
entertainment for 10 litUe.
'lben came Bal Week 1969, which brought Palm
Springs (it's THEIR turn, now-!) a view of Haight Ash-
Assuming the answers are provably valid, they.
could bring on. an era of enlightened laws on both
subjects. Laws m both atea.s are notoriously unrealistic
and ineffectual.
t.Y"~ ... ~1~
. ·rM TI~~ Of R~SIAA «OUl1[!E, roo. Lfl'~ l'l.AY sn 1P POKER fO'-A c!WlbE. ,·
Lessons for a Divided Societg 'Boys, We Are
Ike's /Logic; Common Sense Mapping a
Tax Reform' WASHINGTON -With the dea th of
Churchill the BrlUah burled an qe but
it is not that way with Elaenhower.
'I1le eoJemn ceremonies of General
Eiaenhower'1 funeral and burial raw--
rected an qe for ball the people alive
in this country who have no active
memory of. a time when a unified
Am<rlca enjoyed its intlmatlooa of
gru-. ' For the other half, who do remember,
reaution of. the mood of the Eiltnbower
era gave reason to hope, <I' at least
to pray, that the lime could come again
wbtn the deep divisions of American
life could be bridged by unfractured
leadership. .
Pres1den1 Nixon baa consciously sougllt
to restore tbe measured pace cf the
-...... and ....... te the bond oi trust and confidence between the
p<11dency and · the American people
which WU the ~hief characterl!tic of
President ELsenhower's tin).e.
THE PROTRACTED eeremonies or
Elsenhower's funeral and ~urlal, the view
Of hiJ lift, times and manner on radio.TV
and in the pres,, has more than a
reverential purpose or effect. This
reverence and review Served to remind
the old and teach the young that there
is a better way lo run the country
than , by reckltu controversy and
0overbtated response. Against the
background of the great event! of
1~1990, which made this nation the
most powerful in history, the strife and
trutallty of loday resembles a street
trawl between vicious children released
from restraint.
Olurchill's death was a time of sadneSl'I
<--ror the passing cf a brave, beloved
man and of daya of glory that would
never return, of a nation and empire
whlcb tn the very process or achieving
its finest hour exhausted Itself Uke the
lut 1bundant Dowering of a dying tree.
heart less than the mind. There was
less of grief and nostalgia, for it was
feared that he mu.st die soon, than
reawakened hope for what the coontry
could yet become with the restoration
of discredited virtues of decency,
restraiitt and mutual respect.
President Nixon has made such a
restoration the gujding theme of his
attmlnistraJion. The words cf his ~
augural adl!ress are made more pointed
by the reawakening a t t e n d I n I
EiJenbower's death. "In these difficult
years," NW>n aaid, "Arne,rica has suf-
fered from a fever of words ; from
inflated rhetoric that promises more than
it can deliver; from angry rhetoric that
fans discontent Into hatreds; from bom-
bastic rhetoric that postures in.stead of
"We cannot learn from one another
until we atop shouUng at one another
-until we speak quietly enough so
that our words can be heard as well
u our voices.
"THE SIMPLE TIDNGS are the ones
mo5t nee:led today if we are to surmount
what divides us, and cement what unites
• 0 To lower our voices would be a
almple thing."
Jn a different way , President Nixon
repeated this theme in hil eilogy of
General Eisenhower. He did not em-
phuize the Eisenhower leadership in
the historic events which Imposed upon
the United States its awe!OD\e power
and resporuiibilJties. Nb:on spoke or
Eisenhower as a good and gentle and
kind man whose moral force made him
the world's most admired and respected
leader. Nixon pointedly said that the
last time he saw General Eisenhower
he was puzzled by the hatreds he had
seen in our times. "And he said," Nixon
continued, "the thing the world needs
most today is understanding and an
ability to see the other person's point
of view 'and not to hate him because
he disagrees."
THESE ARE THE copy-book maxims
which the pretentiously di!illusioned
deride in Eisenhower but which so many
others applliud as common sense doc·
trines or mutual survival and coei:·
It will, of course, be impossible,-even
if desirable, to recapture the atmosphere
of the Eisenhower era. But it should
be possible to look upon some of the
tragic and divisive events of our Ume
with the Eisenhower logic and common
If we did so we would realize that
John F. Kennedy was not assassinated
because of deep hatred running in the
nation but because an eccentric radical
acting alone wanted to kill him. Robert
F. Kennedy was not murdered in an
anti-libe ral plot but because a rabid
Arab acting alone wanted to kill him.
Nor, so flr as there ts any evidence,
was Marlin Luther King murdered in
a segregaUonist plot.
The Eisenhower logic and common
sense would tell us. oot to make these
horrid events the wretched hallmarks
of a divided society which has replaced
the unity and contentment of his era.
Eisenhower knew that was not so. and
his last written words were that he
had not lost faith in this country because
extremism ~·ould suffocate itself.
So, in dying as well as in living,
General Eisenhower bas served his coun-
try well.
A More Subdued Saroyan
Saroyan .at IO? lt's like Peter Pan
at IO. Jn a abort, bitterswttl book,
"Letterl from 74 Rue Tait bout," one
of. the mc.t thinas he has done in
recent y--. WllJiam Saroyan writes
1 mlnl4llloblolraploy. It a In the fonn
ol 311 0< .. lelten to jll!t about anybody
who, in one way or another. bu in-
lluenced him over the yeen. ~an
writel from hll Paris -a long way from Ille -grsnate tree> in
lbe San JOlqUln valley a half century
qo, and a lor'I way from his
.,.-·1 house on Carl street. San Fr ..mco. when u cpUml!l extra·
...._, ht "'1'0le 1 story • day under
tbe •"• d de Mat1pauant's ghost.
SA ROY AN WRITES to the master in
one o( hil letter& here : 1'l found a
story called 'The Bell.' I sat down and
began to read it, not knowing what
it was or what effect it was goJng
to have on me. Guy de Maupassant,
your story told me bow to write, and
that's all l needed to know."
At 60, remembering ln Paris, Saroyan
is more aubdued, more aomber than
he was in the dly1 of "Inhale & Exhale,"
''The Trouble With Tigen" apd other
early books, the day1 when "I knew
nothing but laugb\tr, wild health, un-
questioned contldeoce, tdeas of all kinds
day and night, and a ll kinds of interior
and txterior movement."
Thtse Vfrf peraonal, reflective, yet
uneven letters m addrt.ssed to ghom.s,
old loves, ftllow Armtnians, frl~
poets and -Tbe world toot a turn
lor the wcne, and tbe IMocent )'OU"I
Saroyan, t.blJ uqneable mixture ol San
Franclaco -e Ind Armenian
ChrlJUanlt)'," u F.dmund Wiiton once
deo:ribed him, .... not prepared , ...
tho dlllppoilllmelll It left itt mark. "'"'" .._ "' ... ,. ......... ,., ........ .............. , , .. ..., ...
SAROYAN STILL identifies with the
)'1Mllll· In 1 joint letter to "Dr. Freud,
Dr. JW!J and Dr. Adler," he di""""
the mok of the youna. They sre, he
wrllt1, "llyinl not lo bo IUCl;ed Into
the stupid losing game which they sense
has got to cost them everything: truth,
freedom, dignily, life itseU. A lot or
them are feeble-mind ed. Why ahoukin't
they be, their falhers and mothers were,
"·eren't they?"
HE IS WISER, Wis aure and more
criUcal of himself than in the days
of hiJ unabashed love affair with humani-
ty. But he is still practicing, and \\'ell,
thank God. In this sad, funny, bittter,
contemplative Dttle book he shows us
again that his heart's in the highlands .
In a letter to "Anybody?" "You were
never a stranger, although I had no
idea who you were. So don't go, but ,
if you must, aay h'llo to everybody."
WiWam Ho1an
What kind d an individual would
stop hll " her w at a stop Ught
and then hold up traffic because a
pa.s.senge:r did not have tnOUgh
Um< to empty the ash tray into
the streel!
-H. B. McD., Jr.
TW .. ,_. """"...,..... .,..._ t1t11 ........,.., ..... . "" .. ..•.. ..,.. ........................... ., .......
A headJine in a newspaper reads:
"Reagan fdaps Tax Reforms." If you
are old enough you have seen this
headline annually 19 times in this cen-
tury, the names changed or course to
protect the innocent
Cognate headlines have been running
all tl\iS century and longer in Chicago,
Boston, AUanta, all over. The politicians
-1overnor, mayor. president ~ feel
the pressure one day and start talking
through their hall. They call in the
newsmen: "Boys, we are mapping a
tax refonn."
Politicians past and present, like Mr.
Reagan, would add a tas: here, subtract
one there, shift the burden from the
huddled masses, so to speak. It need
not be taken seriously, for the pressure
traditionally gets really heavy in the
legislaturt, a million pressures cancelling
each other, so nothing is ever reformed,
er subetantially changed, e:r.cepting
substantial tu increases.
countering this Law of Governance. Last
winter, before taking office, he viewed
with fitting dlsmay P.rn:ident Johnson's
budi<t of lt95.3 billion.
It doubtless: occurred to h i m that is
just under $1000 for each or us, and
after taking office he said he would
rtview Mr. Johnson's budget downward,
as they say. .
First comes Defense Stt. Melvin Laird.
who thought he could hack $500 rr\illion
from his budget. That's no peanuts,
and McKinley ran the country on it,
but It happen! to be l/lsoth of the
defense budget.
So no taxpayers tossed their hats in
the air at Mr. Laird's contribution, and
Indeed his boss perceived it wouldn't
do much to make Mr. Johnson look
like the late Diamond Jiln. Further,
the more Mr. Nixon studies his revised
budget. the more it began to look like
$198 billion.
THERE WAS AN "uncontrollable" in-
crease of Sl.S billion in interest on the
national debt, according to a story in
the New York Times. Then there were
new appropriation requests from Mr.
Nixon'1 own departments for $%.3 billion,
and add that to the int~ charges
or break a lot or hearts.
How do you work yoor way out of
this bog! Well, you don'L You could
stop the Vietnam w~,. a l30 blllicn
turkey charged to de£enae, but that is
part of a larger problem with which
Mr. Ntxon has not yet grappled. Besides,
it wouldn't chop Pl billion from defen,,e,
probably for years. Senstor McGovern,
So<lth Dolrola, would brlq half the Viet-
nam boys home, but that wouldn't be
a 115 blllloo c:ul, either. It lites time
le< • pha.....n, that eight-letter dirty .
word in lhe Ptntagon.
wanta the CcngrtSS to move in and
do tts own trimming u a price for
extension cf the JO perctnt surtax, in-
stt:ad of Jeavln, cut.t to the e1.ecutlve
u was the c11e whh Mr. JohMOo,
who wu hardly adept at culling
Phase-out Is also a dirty •"Ord in
the mulUf1rlOU1, ttmented government
de~rtmmll. It hasn't been tried tn
1 government since the barbarians pba1-
ed out the Roman civil ofrtw, ao maybe
lt doeao'l ezllt 1s 1 proct.SS.
Whole Meaning
Of the Dissent
1 don't know Ir it's struck you as
oddly as it has me, but I'vf -not.iced
that whenever dissentlng college students
manage to make a confrontation with
the President or the Board, it always
turns out that D}any ol their demands
are met. ·
"Yes," the administration says, "while
we can't grant you everything you ask,
it is true that Points 3, 4, 6, 7 and
9 are valid, and we will change the
rules to aceommodate your viewpoint."
Now, if Points 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9 are
valid after the confrontation, they were
equally valid before it. lf the changes-
are good and necessary ones, why
rouldn't they have been made volun-
tarily,. before the 1tudents b e g a n
marching and shouting and storming
TllIS IS THE whole meaning or the
dissent. The. students knew that changes
should be made, the faculty knew it,
and the administration (il it had any
sense) also knew it. But the massive
lethargy and bureaucratic constipation
and sheer immobility of the status quo
aJI conspired to keep s'uch changes from
taking place through quiet, lawful pleas
or petitions.
If the colleges have become hotbeds
of illegality, it· is largely because they
have ignored all other forms of redress.
P.toreover, excess breeds e1.cess. Some
thjngs the tVllege sb.&denls bave "been
doing are inexcusable, because they are
reacting to the inexcusable apathy cf
the colleges. lf the schools have been
Irrational in their reaistance to change,
then the students become irratioaal in
their demands for change.
BECAUSE THE oollea:es have oot
taught their students properly, the
students do not know the true meanings
or limits or disaeDt and civil diJobe.
dience. U they had been properly
educated -which It what most of
them are· complainlng about -their
wild actioM would have been impossible
on two counts: first, because their
legitimate complaints would.have disap-
peared, and second~ because they Would
have been civili;ed enough to know that
anarchy and asinlni.ty are no substitut!:
for rigidity and hypocrisy. You 'don't
cure one sin with another.
THERE ARE TWO separate, but in·
terwoven, strands in the college revolts.,
One is the str:and of righteoul 8Jller
at the perversio:n of the educational
process; the Other is a stand of ir·
rationalism a n d anli·inteUectu.ali!m
which is taking advant.qe of the
discontent to achieve its own ugly
purposes. If Points 3, 4, 6, 7 and t
had been granted years ago -when
they sho~ have -the first strand
would be helping make a better llCbool,
and the second strand would have no
influence· whatever on young people.
Costl y Suite for Sirhan
To the Editor:
Thanks to the elimination <i out patient
care to the needy, and severe cut backs
in aid to those who are unable to protect
themselves, the state of California now
sees fit to build a $5000 "suite" to
house a known murderer of a potential
President of our United States. ·
Gone are the <lays when such a drastic
deed would be expected to be rewarded
with the severest of punishment! lo
stand out as a deterrent to those who
:O':ldseecoi;~~~~la::\\,:rosi~: er~
by offering them sanctuary wilhln the
confines or their own private suite
repl-enished with stainless steel kitchen
facilities, private che(s, living room with
television, private bath and shower,
special suar<Js, etc.
TO mOSE WHO are raising their
cblklren in the good old fashioned
Amtrkan way, whereby they are taught
that jusllct requires an eye for an
eye lD paymtnt for their sins, the cue
of Sirhan Sirhan should be a prime
example ol why . our younger gentraUon
bas kilt IC much respect for the forces
of law and order.
It II dll!lcult to Imagine the costs
to the tupayen, and the effect on
our society, should we tsla.bUsh a ~
dent in this method D( handling mutd·
erers and assassin!..
OR 11IE MAGNITUDE of the C<l6lx
should we decide to treat all such
prlsoners now in confinement in our
st.ate penal Institutions In a similar man.
ntr by rebuilding such lnstJtulians to
allow each and evt:ry prboner similar
accommod1Uona -and rt!lrylng them
with our money lo lht tune of over
a million dollars. as •11 afforded Sirhan
I assumtl that this latter !latement
~ rldlculou. In view of lhe Joel thal
most -prlaoom .. cltl>em ol the
United Stites and auch courtesies ~
not so readily available to them 4if
it is ,to this alien, Mr. Sirhan.
An official of the California Aduli
1 Authority $Cid the three-ceU suite fJ
being built at the California. Medico,.
FaciUt11 a& Vacaville t.o protect the ooJ
cupant ~ 'Oth~r prisoner1. A kitch•
en toUl be included, where uniformtd
pcrronnel wo1'ld cook Sirhan'1 mea1t
to "tliminoit the rUk cf 1omeon1 t,Y.
ino to J)Oiaoti hil food. .. Cost of i,,...
pri.aoning'-Sirhan, if ht ft not giVf'n a
death sentence. and ketping a 24·hotcr
wCtch on him, 1.0ould far ouutrlp the
12.BOO unu-L11 ~t o" average prilon>
" ---Bw 6eorp --~':
Dear CifQrge : ,·
Are you bothered by scanlily-
dressed womtn! s.o.
Dear S.O.:
The capital or Flor:lda I a
T11labasstt. .,
(I never let a quest.Ion 10 br .
without giving &Omf. tort of helpful 1 , •
answtt, but I've bten married loo ~,
long to get ipeclflc with that one.·,, ~
'1? matter what It may muo.) ,
C ·· CLGN · .GOP~~ Oust B~r·ns?
·' !EUP· • G N ... Ma1ortty W anhJ:fro T ·~ Sl"'t '
.. 11y JILL llOYARS"Y
tough new pure wate; la.w
is moving in the Californ,ia
legislature today, providing a
fine of up to $6,000 a day
for a.D.yone who pollutes the
slate's waters.
'The measure, sponsored by
Assemblyman Carley V •
Porter, (D--Compton), cleared
the Assembly Water Com-
mittee +1 Monday. The vote
house for years by occupying
tjly comrQittee cbairm&n.!ihips.
Grunsky and l!eii. Howard
Way (R·ExM). are the
leading Republican cootender•
tOr Bums' job -a poet he
has held since be f«ged a
bipartisan COllition and was
elected in 1957 in I H~
split »20 between the parties.
Dolwlg and Sen. John F.
McCartby ·of San Rafael -.
another Bums' friend -are·
also oeeking the job.
Way and Gnmsky promised
to beck each other H eitb<r
had a majority.
Lawyer Blasts Ft. Ord
As Mutiny Trial Site
FT. ORD (AP) - A lawyer
for 14 young soldiers charged
with mutiny says his clients
cannot get a fair trial at ~
Army training base.
Terence ·Hallinan of San
Franciscc, civilian attorney
for the defendants, urged a
courl1Dartial Monday to move
the proceedings back to San
Francisco, 100 miles north, to
facilitate appearances by 17
psychiatrists he intends to
call. '
The 14 soldiers are among
27 prisoners who staged a sit-
down protest .in the Presidio
stockade in San Francisco Ocl.
Hallinan's motion was taken
under advisement by Lt. Col.
James A. Hagan, the law of-
ficer or military j u 'd g e
presiding at the trial. Th~ court-martial was mov-
ed from San Francisco by
Lt. Gen. Stanley Larsen, Sixth
"lrre evant, ·• said Hagan, as
he denied a ~fense motion
to subpoena thr~ witnesses
to the shooting of Pvt. Richard
Bunch of Dayton, Ohio.
Bunch was shot by a t.Uard
when he attempted to ejcape
from a work detail. The Anny.
called his death justifiable
homicide. The sitdown came
three days later.
Eigbt of the 27 prisoners
have been tried, convicted an<I
sentenced to hard labor for
terms ranging from nine
months to 16 years.
Two of the prisoners are •
hospitalli.ed and their trials
delayed. Three have escaped.
Seal 'Deat1i
Census Set
Army commandant, who was .
also the convening auUtority SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -
responsible for the mutiny A census of !jeals ki!led .by
.cbarke against the men. the Santa Barbara oll shck
Larsen said h.e took I.he ac-. was begun today by biologists
lion • io "protect the con-of the State Department of
stitutional rights of t~ ac· Fish and Game. al· the seal
cused and the interests of the rookery of San Mi~el Island.
govennnent." The biologists, John G.
Hallinan was denied an at-Carlisle Jr., and Harold B.
tempt lo introduce evidence , Clemens, will s~d tWo or
concerning the death of a three days making a count
stockade prisoner. The death of dead ~~d injured an~als
reportedly triggered the sit-on the mland 45 m 1 1 e s
down. southwest of Santa Barbara.
State. Doesn't Meet
1 Man 1 Vote Rule
followed a three-bour he~ing ._.. hllrluit' ..,.,..._..
marked by dispute o v e 'l.ro;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:::§:::-O"":-:::::-:--::::--:":--tl makeup of the nine regionalll
water quality control boards. A VOTE for 'Hank'
Opponents attacked t h i s J Q N £ s feature of Porter's bill, con· .
tending it pirpetuates a
system in which b o a r d
membership is slacked in
favor of special interests who
cause the pollution.
ReadillCJ Programs
N•wport-M ... Unlfll'd
School District
C a I i forni a.'s congressional
districts do not meet the U.S.
Supreme Court's latest, rigid
guidelines requiring d.islricts
as neatly equal in population
as possible.
Whether the 38 seats in the
House of Representatives will
have to be redrawn for the
second time in two years, and
just one election away from
the regular 1971 census-based
reapportionment , is uncertain.
Legislative experts on r~is
tricting scheduled a meeting
today with the state attorney
general's experts to review
1.fonday':s court ruling.
In the case with the closest
relevance to California, the
nation's highest court said
?ifissouri had not justified the
extent to which its con-
gressional reapportionment
varied Crom the "o n e man,
one vote" ideal of districts
of equal population. ·
Jn Missouri, which now must
submit a new plan. the most
populous district was 3.13 per-
cent above the mathematical
i<fial, and the least populous
Jury Indicts
SF Students . ,
Two San Francisco Stale
students have been indicted
by the Grand Jury on charges
they" planted bombs at the
co~ege. Indicted Monday night w~e William Pulliam, 25, and
Tigiothy Peebles, 19.
feebles was found bloody
aQd semi-conscious on a locker
r<¥ijn floor after a blast rock ..
ed a campus bullding March
5. 'He is recovering in San
Francisco General Hospital
after the loss of several
li~s ~n<;! the probable toss
of sight in one eye. ..
lPolice charged that Peebles was mtimed when the bomb
ht. was trying lo set went off in his fact. They said
~ccom.plice, Pulliam, fled
scene after the explosion.
two defendants art ' . c~arged w Ith eonsptracy,
~ion of a destructive
d•vlce posseu'ing an -u-Ptoslv~ in or near the college,
ud maliciously placing U·
pbives wilh intent to destroy
a llchoolhoiise or bulldln4. '
2.83 percent below.
The court held the slate
couldn't justify that spread.
and said "the slate must
justify each variance no .mat-
ter how small."
Some members must be
chosen from certain fields
such as agriculture and in·
TUESDAY, Al'llL 15
In CaJifomia, the variance
now is 8.1 percent for the
most populous, and 5 percent
for the least, or well within
the ·scope of the MUsouri rul·
"How can you expect him
to represent the public •..
a person who has a bailt-in
conflict of interest?" asked
Assemblyman Alan Sieroty,
(D-Beverly Hills.)
1"1W fW ., .... Cit'-fit lied .,_.,. •· -. ll.., McC.nlll•, Olalrm111 • 1UU. .....,., lt'lf., C.M.
5100 P.M. TUESDAY, AltRIL 11, 1969
. .
. ~·
Tbes!lr. ~111 I; n&9' .
'1 . \ .'.
-... .. . •
· •1111.Y PIUT ·if:
I I 4 ' •
LaClies .• ;Men .•• ;.Spting
fa shions 'demand a slimmer,
trimmer loo~-are'you rea'cly
for it? Don 'I put ii 1 off-
Hol iday Health Spas la~e it off
with exclusive way ta ger
maximum results.
• •• ~-· •• "" . ~·
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*Call 842-1451-* ; ::;
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AitrP..' . ·.~r'. 'rogram ..
Lost 9"
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Hal Alewan lost 30 pounds
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in ;ust 60 days. Now looks and fetb gre1t
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MYDID-5Wlll POOL< ~ ... , I~ ,,,..i..1 -· .,i,Jt. w.1, W~ioll .. ,.; .. r.i W-~ -1··· Y'>• •• ,1 .. -.... """'' ,._ "' ~"' l'l\'<l•oMMl._J. "loo•i.t.'MH-. ., ...
aolor ....i d•nl ... .., ,,._,Off.ft lellef "'-"' .,,ltr~k. "'......... ..,,,111,, .cMo w
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Call or Stop By Today for Your
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-. -·------. . .... ..... ···---........ ----.
.. •·· • llAILY PILOT """''· April &, 1969 ..
. · : Propertg 'J'ax Heb ates
.. Laguna Hills , Seal Beach 'Left Out'
... ...
Br JAC!o: BllOBACK· ... ....,,.. ........
SANTA ANA -Wbtn Prop.
. 1-A was written by the
: : legislature cranting a flO tax
-.rtfw.l to homeowner s ,
'· ·per s on'I living tn
"cooperatives" such as those
• · · as Ute Leisure World in
Laguna Hills and SeaJ Beach
were left "out in the cold."
Orange County A s s e s s o r
Andrew J. Hil\Jhaw revealed
this fact Mooday. The
· assessor said condomlniums
(where occupants own the air
IJ1act in which they live) and
o "n-y o u r~ w n apartments
were spei:ifically listed in the
bill passed by the voters last
November, but not a word
was devoted to th e
cooperatJ.ve.s •
Tbe situation which is now
being Mtacked on t'*o fronts
affects 11,000 cooperative
apartment owoera in Laguna
Hills and S,SOO in SeaJ Beach.
To ' correct the letllling in·
equity, Assemblyman Robert
Burke (R·Huntington Beach)
has introduced a blll, AB 575.
which includes th e
cooperatives in the law. His
bill is DOW holed up in the
Assembly Revenue and Tait·
ation committee.
Hinshaw said he was in-
formed that the comrWUee
would not · act on Burke's bill
until May 15 in order to give
time to determine if there
ls enough state m o n e y
available to extend relief to
the cooperatives.
Tile asae.ssor said state
legislators had estimated die
cost to be $1 million, based
on 100,000 cooperatives in
the state. He believes this
flgure la double the actual
Hedging againsl the
posslbilil)' tllal the l'(lalatUTe
will not pa.a Burke's bill in
time for this year'1 refund
set for June 15, Long Belch
attorney William A. Williams,
acting for Seal Beoch Let.ure
World plans to file court ac-
tion to force compliance.
His liUgatioo will take the
form of a "mandate" to the
assessor lo accept refund
claims !rom c o opera t Ive
apartment owners aod force
the State Controller to pay
tbe claims.
Williama said his suit would
be entered ln oourt in about
two weeks.
Anticipating this a ct l o n ,
lllnsbaw ha1, with tb e
cooperatiion of Seal Beach of.
ficlals, delivered 7,000 rtfun"d
claim funds to tbe Seal Beach
Lei.sure World Golden Rain
It will be up to the foun-
dation officials to get the
forill.!I filled out and signed
by each apartment owner by
April 15, Hinshaw said.
William Price, Ne w po r t
Beach attorney, repruettin&
Laguna Hills Leilurt World
owners, said he plans to take
similar action.
Hlnshaw 11aid the large
cooparatiYts were peculiar to
Orange County with one ex-
cepdon, another Leisure World
in Walnut Creek in the
Eastbay area of San Fra.n--
Under the cooperative setup
the Leilw'e Wcrld COrporation
owm the property but each
individual owns a share in
a mutual · which entitles him
lo occupaUon ol a unit. 1be
burden is on the attorneys
to prove that this constitutes
ownmhlp ol the apartments,
Hinshaw said.
f· Bottomless Bars Commission Raps • ,_ f . '· ·-·
. '· • Back-Girls Not . ·~
.• . Delays on Center . ... . .
·' .. Br TOM BAllLEY
Of tftt 0.llf Plllf ltatt
SANTA ANA -Three coun-
: •• ty beer bars were back in
· ·.:business today but the ''bot-
tomless" dancers w· h o s e
eyebrow-raising activities led
to their closure weren 't.
'Mle doors that were closed
Friday when District Attorney
Cecil Hicks filed his anti-
obscenity complaint reopened
·Monday on the strength of
what amounted to a "beer
~ • .only" ruling by Superior Court
· _.Judge Byron K. McMillan.
McMillan told attorneys for
the bar owners that there
.must~ no bottomless dancing
at any of the three premises
named by Hicks, that there
·must be no advertising oI bot-
. tomless dancing and that
.;ihere must be no screening
: : :~~ movies which allegedly
· , :.i:hsplay "female p r i v a t e .. :parts."
: .: •• And those rules will be e~
-:::forced by_ police departments
: • ·ln the districts involved pen-
; ~·· BOl.SI'EIN :.,,,~ M. Ho11holn. 0.11 of -.111 ~_11 J. JOI A11t111" Cumt.re, New'. -__, llN<tl, SurvlYICI b1 wife, SuNn :W-itt'I~; wn1, ~ M. Hols!lln
_Ill 11111 WIUll'" S. Holslt!n; 1l11tn • AOllf ll"""'r· ,,_, fle1t11. 1,,.j
f~._!'*titln, Slnt1 Monlcl; llv• ....._..udr....,. Sen.left -w111 toe tiekl
"w'Wllftdlly, APrll t 11 11 1.m.. s1.
• J-Eitl~I Otu,dl, F1ml!1 1~ ..
"'" fri.tld1 wflO wllh lo m1ke c.,,,.. 'frltMJ!lons, PIHM wntrlbullt lo El~
• ........,. "'-IJal c.ftltr. 1"1lm Oner!. -~.clf!c; Vltw .;:()(}MBs Dlrec:lou.
'-' _.H1told A. le«nbl. ~ .Mftl SI. lttw-
• ,lf!Wf "-di. Dile OI clfflti, Aiorll 6.
• SUl'Ylwd tty Wiie, °""""""/ son, Kt11-
,,.iti, Maulc;tiuwtbi ~. winer
: l_,.., MISWdluwtts, Slrvlcn. ~ • _,,....,.,, 11 AM, Wntcltff Cl'llN!. Ill--""""'*""• P.cltk View Mtmorlll P1t1. ; Pi.-tld by WttlClitf Mortu.ry, ...._
' ....
11icn.rd Koesler.r. U60 Pl1cen1J1, (111-
•" '-Mn1. 0,.19 111 dNftl, Aprll 6.
S!.wvlll'td ll'f wile, Don; 41uttlltn ,
• J -Ind JNn: -'S. lllY l lld llCltltrl,
-o1 lnl noi11 1l1ttr, Lillian """lln, wnr-
• mlntl"°I "°""'*• tl:IY KOii'-'' 1111-
• "0!1. Senrk:e-s, Wtdnftd1y, 2 PM,
•. W•fo;:llff ClllNI, wllh Rev. Hol'llvntll
·• eftlcltoll"'. lni.r~nt, l".cffl~ Vltw
:-Memo,lel Pork. D!tedld by WMtcllff
, (11-1 MorllMl"y. ""'4M&.
• De;bgr1h Ann Dll""6m Godin, Alt lf,
• .!091 Leo SlrM, Siii DI-. D1l1 or
•. dftlll. ~r "" 111,,.,lftd .., hu•blnd,
·-lt!TI' Godln1 '°"' lWYI Godl11: ,.,.
, Intl, Mn. Nin ~r 1ftd Mr. H1I
• DutMmi sllMrl, Man~ Mec.Lu n,
• 11111 Dunham, Incl (ollettw Vlt.'9M11;
. bnlllltn, Mltll.fe1 Dll.,....m ar'ld Cllarln
.-V1119h11n. Pr1 .... i. 1r1Vft'" Mrvl«'S
~ . will lit l>eld et Asumlon Clmet.,.,
; Wednnd•Y 11 10 1.m. S~er Ln u"' I nc;!\ Morfu.I..,, Dl,ec;toro-
•."E l~ N-on. AN fl. Dlk vi H•ITI.
'• Alwll '-kt'Vlctt Pllldl .... Shefflr LI-
.• 911N1 awdl Morl111ry, 01..atn.
Westclllf Mortuary
• 4%'1 E. 17111 St., Costa Meta
:, lfl...tlll
. C.reu dd Mar OR s.M5t
Gtltl Meu M1 I-HU
Ill 8"adway, Colla Meoa
u~ .
·; DILDAY Bll0111ERS
-· BullallO• Valier
•• MorturJ
-· 17'11 Beacll Blvd.
Bnd:nit•• Btae:b ..
• SC.7171
:.w....at11111 m sm •• ·-~w--•a:a MORn14JlY .__ •UIS .-a-.. -· ... ·:llllTln MORTIJARY
., llolllSI.
• R ?h .... kl,.-
~. \.£um
ding a Superior Court hearing
on the dispute, J u d g e
McMillan added. He set April
15 as the dale for the court
Represented before Judge
McMillan were owners of the
Apartment A-Go-Go, Santa
Ana ; Country Girl Number
2, in county territory near
Anahe.im and the Harbor Jnn,
La Habra . Hicks claims that
his investigators and police
officers: in the jurisdictions in-
volved have witnessed many
cases of nude dancing at the
three popular bars.
liis office, he says, has pro-
cessed 20 cases involving in-
decent exposure and lewd con-
duct at the Apartment A-CO..
Go, nine at the Harbor Inn
and five at the Country Gir:I
night spot. His civil action
which successfully sought a
temporary restraining order
against the three bars accused
the owners of "maintaining
a place or lewdness and
Scheduled to face a jury
trial Thursday on eight counts
of indecent exposure and lewd
cooduct at the Apartment A-
Go-0> b Carol C)'bulski of
Laguna Beach. 'lbe 3G-ydr-old
blonde, who drapes live snakes
around her topless a n d
allegedly bottomless body dur·
ing her torrid rootine,
Jury Picked
In Count y
Bilk Tr ial
SANTA ANA -Jury selec-
tion was under way today in
the Superior Court trial of
three Los Angeles men ac-
cused of bilking homeowners
in three county communities
of as much as $4,000 each
in the operation of an alleged-
ly fraudulent mortgage fin.an·
cing plan.
Charged with conspiracy
and grand theft are Leonard
Auerbach, Roman Szmuler
and Kenneth Hilton, all of-
ficiab of the Amer ~c an
Federal Investment Associa-
tion of Los Angeles. Howard
Allen Miller, a fourth officer
of the company. was cleared
of identical charges last Aug.
20 by Judge Robert Gardner.
County Youth Problems
Studied for Conference
ANAHEIM -The Orange
County Committee for the 1970
\Vhite House Conference on
Youth is conducting a se rie!I
or discussions and surveys in
an attempt to determine pro-
blems and issues of the
greatest important to young
The Orange , County Com·
mittee is composed or 15
adults, including represen-
tatives of industry a n d
business, as well ;.s the pro-
bation department and other
publi c agencies, and 15 young
people, including high scbool
and college students.
In preparation for the
\Vasbington conferenc e ,
l>Cheduled for the spring of
~.· ,.., •• , t , ..., next year, public seminars
lue:so•v and information surveys will lllor~ry Clutt ol' N•Wl'Ort·Bllllol, !•vine caunr.., c1u11, 1IOO £.Coo•• Hl...,w1v, be conducted in the Orange
Coron•*' Mii, ,,. ll.m. C ! Sch I ·th I · 1.,.stm111 .. , c1u11, mF. K1..,1 11111e oun Y oo s, WI ocat1ons
c;,~~·11~~:=:.'~'l'~.~m. Lion• and dates later to be an-
c 111b, Mn• V•ntl CounllY Club, noun-•. Cotl1 Mt.a, l :U p.m. \.."1;\.I
n1•t1oa B•v Lions c1u11. v1111 M••ln1. A fo•e•unne• lo the .,~1.1, UM! BIY•IOt 0.1 ..... ""-"°'' llelc:h. • n II 1 11.m.
S••' Be1c.1t lontm••,.,. c1u11, 101 House Conference is the State
lllnd'I HOU-., 1600 P1clflc (NII
Hl111tw11, s.11 11ac11, 111.m. Governor's Conference which
Hlll!ll119ton atldl Elk• Lldft, Elks 'i"'"· ICM OciP1n Av•~ Hil11t1""1on will ~ held in Anaheim on •Id>. 1:• it.m.. "l~ ,:;' ~ ;r":z~ S: October I and 7. ~·1 m::l' ... ,...!11-..""'••~·· s&:,:• A similar conference for ,.•N:i::'B'1m..-~1:'M.s •. ,,a m Northern California will be L.~:o.M. ~ No. 1ua. .us E. 1~ held in November in O!'.s~~!:1~,Y,.'~f,rn;mM-Lildtot. Ttm11i. Slwiron. ,11 w. H...,1n...,. Sacramento. Paper 1 on
c.1, MeM.. 1:11 "·'"· specific youth problems of to-
BkH Fllll'lt '1:.~r~c~:.r c1u-.. Mesi day Will be developed there ¥~. countrY 11, Cott• .v.e11, for presentation at the White
c'3!.' ~-t.£.-' Lkw>• c1u11. ilouse Conference .
s1. ,.'°''' Mti.. 17.'M. 712
11111 Chairman of the Orange "F,l'l"'"" Bt..:11 E•ctl.lnte C"'6.
'"" 1t1e11 '""· Hunn1111on County Committee on Youth Nd!, 12 flOl!l'I •.
SANTA ANA -The Orange
County-santa Ana Civic Center
Commission ls getting "fed
up" with delays and buck pas--
sing rega;.mng p a r k i n g
racilities in the now-building
Commis sion chairman Paul
White said Monday that more
study must be done on the
parking problem to show
where people from e a c h
building will park.
W. Claire Ennis, space con-
trol planning expert from the
county administrator's office,
displayed his map of potential
parking spaces which has been
shown to the commission and
supervisors several times.
He s aid Count y
Administrative Officer Robert
E. Thoma11 was not in favor
of additional studies on ·the
Commission member Maury
Gladman offered : "It is not
our policy decision (on park-
ing). It's up to the supervisors
and the Santa Ana City Coun-
"They want us out on a
limb and then they can go
either way and blame us. We
have had no fee.Ung of how
the board members of council
Derter Welton, assistant
construction ·engineer with the
Building Services department,
displayed final plans for two
malls in Uii Civic Center area.
They call for underground
parking structures to hold 210
cars, making very little Im-
preasion in . the overall prD-
The malls are the Plaza
ol Flags, a 225-foot by %25-foot
square south of the new
courthouse building; and lhe
Plaza of the Sun, boasting
314-feet by IOI-feet east of
the courtbouse.
Welton said the plans would
be .submitted to the
supervisors in two weeks.
Price tag on the malls is
$1.l million which he said had
been budgeted.
If approved construction
coo ld begin in June, Welton
Cuba Policy
Talk Slated
lRVlNE -Fidel Cutro
recently celebrated 10 years
of rule ever a COmmunist
Cuba. raising a multitude of
questions for America -ques-
tions which a new University
Extension letture series begin-
ning tonight on the UC Irvine
Campus will try to answer.
Is Cuba moving toward a
policy of peaceful coexiatence'?
Or &re the recent Guerrilla
activities in Bolivia which
resulted in the death of Che
Guevara a true indication that
Castro will continue ·to export
his revolution? To "hat
degree, if any, Is the Soviet
Union influencing C u b a n
foreign policy?
· lbRfbJL dluNuJ.-
To See H & It ILOCK
H~R [3~[!1'Co.
Arn•ric•'• l•r9e1t T•11 Sorvic;e with Over 3000 Offite1
COSTA MESA, 1175 Harbo• Blvd., '42-6'40
CORONA del MAR, 2435 E. c .. 1t Hwy., 67~l62
w ... hyt ' ..... , , .•• : s.t .. s .... ' •.•.. 1 p.11. wf~'l:'~n•:r..,11.1or.:.r;:1•'w.~~:..1oe~.1"';J is Miss Margaret c. Grier, ~. i~C~h~ief~~Pro~~b~a~li~on~~or~f~icer~~o~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.I co1t1 Mesa 0011m111 Ctub, t01t1 Mt11 NO APPOI NTMENT NECESSARY Go" 111C1 COllfllrY c1u11. ncn o.ir Orange County. (OU<M 0.1..,., Col.II ,,,..,., 12 noon.
co,11 """' Roi•"" c1u11. cosr• Mel• Goll lflCI C011ntr1 Ctuti. C..11 -., ,._....... FTP 2 £-~ lt-. !II
Wftlml"1ttr E•OI ..... Clull, H1'1't ""Y II •nn, u o.i1 euc~ lllvll •. Wtttmlnttu, ,, _
Hunt!"'lill! llHCI L"°"' CJW.Nlrtll, ... p _ .._,,,. '°""''' Clwb. Hvn1l,..1en a"'ldl, I :11 it.11'1. lttw-1 H1rbor ll1r 0.--, \'1111 Mlr!N, 10.U 1'"'61 Oritt. N.....,
llt.c:11, "'u •.rn. Faunt•ln Vt11tJ fl!(~ (iu., P'r-
coh' R1,111,1r11111 lf~lll 'hlCll ........ Hr:I::.:' !~· I: f.fAI. wr,.,,1~. ~"i '."Tlt .. 'gr.=':
Ir vo• .,. 1•fftrittt fr-,.1.,
t•r••••• ., 1tiffn .. 1 C••tH lty
Attt.riti1, H .. riti1 or l!.0111111-
tltflll, I HWflk I c•• t.11.,..
Writ• flll• for froo h1fomt1tl••·
I --
AIDllG 5mSOllY
, .... ..........
,,., '""' .... co JKn.., Mw.J~ ltJOf
1912 HAUOR BLVD. l at 19th ! COSJA MESA
........ J.Jl11 ...,, .. ,_ .... , .. ,_ .. ·'"'
The Book With
More Interest
Our Gold Passbook Savings Accannt
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Safely end steadily, with First National's
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Here's how it works •••
To open a Gold Passbook Savings Account,
make an initial deposit as low as $500.
Additional deposits of $100 or more can be
made at any time. !l's that easy. What we do
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deposited for 90 days or more. We can mail
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account, or compound the· interest
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It's that easy end profitable. And your deposllit
ere federally insured up to $15,000.
The First National Bank
or Oran19 County
Main Olictat tbe PJua ih downtown Ortnae
:Bnock OJllcco:
Oraqo: Tutlln a Collins; Chapman·Prosptct ShoppiDaC..tar
Colla MtH: Me11 Verde Drive at Adams Ava •
S1nl1An1:171b Stat TuilLil Ave .
Membor F.DJ.C.
It's All Yours
Ralph Richmond returns the apron to Ann Leverett
after taking_a Ding at boJ1Seholclchores in the come-
dy "The Family Man," opening Friday for six
weekends at the Long Beach Coaununity Playhouse.
B1 ·BOB "!'llOMAS
<UCome and meet thole din-
, Cine feet. ~ ... '
110D ~ avenue I'm takini
')'Oii to ...
.. 'Fort~ Street •. .'' 'Ille~·~ -~ op ,tbe antl!Om from tbe cllllk: llSS muaicaJ, 11Und
Street." lt was a rare, teD:-
tlmental ....... 1. for Ruby
Keew had Jllll walbd ooto
the movie set.
Flltin&lY eoough, the 10W1C1
ltage wa1 at Warner Brolben,
where the wineome atar · bad
tapped her way tllrough "Und K··•--~ to •·•t be Street," 1'Golddlggers of ~ -come v... ..r
1933," "Footllahi Parade," silter, who is an utra in ··~Dames," "FlirtaUon Walk," , the Jane Foodl movie.
11Go Into Your Dance," "Ship-Later in an intetv.iew, MIU
mMes Forever," etc., etc. Keeler llld the believed it
Tbe aet abe vlalted harked was " the fin! lime the bad
back to !he same period: It -to Warner Brothen
WU lor the AJ!C.Palomar pro->inc• the ~ when .... and
ductlon ol "Tbey . S b o o I Dick p.,.eu beaded I b e
H<nes, Don't They'?11 which studio~s mlllical ltbck com-
centers around the marathon pany. But then lbe ia a trifle
daoce craze of the '1111>1. lllss vque abwl !hit part ol her
Plil Aak hir'wblCh wu ber
la><ilta film, and abe npllta:
11Gee, I ckm't remember. Tbe.Y were all ao much alike.''
Ruby Keeler II to this yur,
but -·t loot It. Tbe figure
is otlll trim, the ltlo -and ianoed, · tbeou to dall1 aolf oeiolooo al Newport
Belch," where she his klllc
Uved. Her busbancl, J~
Lowe, ,._died recenUy. Her
famowo lee$!
'"lbeY ..... to be holdillf
up,'j llhe smiled. "Golf belpe.
I don' tapdaoce any more
-wby should I? Bui If I
had l!> tap !0< a lelevlslon
lhow, I could handle II. Al
leall l wooldo'l havt any -!em the flnl day. You know
bow it la: when you eurclle: ibe lint dly is fin<. Only
on the """'1d and third days
do the mUICles start to feel
Miss ((eeler wu a Ziegfeld
star on Broadway, then came
to Ho~ during t be
musical cycle created by the
advent ol , talkies. She wu
A Good Deal
Cast Listed
For 'Oowns'
At Oemente
• in
the Soapers
Slow Motion
Smothers Sis· Real Card By JEllRY BUCK
Sherry Smothers, s~er of
• TV's most famous brothers,
has been an airline steward·
ess, doctor's secretary and
now deals blackjack for a
A petite blonde, sbe deals
the cards and chain smoke.1
from 9 to 5-"that's 9 p.m. to
5 a.m."-five days a ~k at
a casino here on the shore ol
Lake Tahoe.
Her brothers are relij)On-
sible for her j~in a remote
"I went to the lake last
August to catch their act,"
Sherry explained. "Applica-
tions -were being taken for
dealers' school. After I was
accepted, I told them and they
liJred the Idea."
Sherry is willing to leave
the entertainment world to
her oiolben, although sbe
once had some interest in that
area bereelf.
"I studied acting a bit, was
an extra on their TV show,
and found out I didn't fit. You
have to be a special breed to
survive in that field.
"The boys do a fantastic
job, but tbey have worked
bani for their succeu.''
Sherry, al 2'1, is the young.
est of the Smothers-children.
Tom .is 32 and Dick is 30. Al·
though she was in Los An-
geles and grew up in san
Jose, &ben'Y !Misted, "I'm
not a trUe city girl and I have
a wandering streak.'.'
The Smothers brothers, ~
cording to their tell.proclaim-ed best Ian, Sherry, are doing
sofuethiog thal has to be done
on television.
"They are saying ·things
that need to be said. Tbey
have the cwrage and desire
to want to do this and l have
a VIJf'/ sad feeling for the
people :who don't under-stand.'' '
Herb Gardner's New York·
based comedy, 11 A Thousand
Clowns," will be the nt:rt pro-
duction of the Saft Clemente
Community Th.ee.te.r, opening
Aprll 17 for thr~ weekends.
·Richard Andersen is direc--
Ung the story of a former
TV kiddie show writer who
muat &o back to wort to retain
custody of his U.ye.ir-old nephew. Playing the leading .
role ·of Murray Burns is Ron
Christy, a newcomer to the
I.& •out of joint, s a i d
Shakespeare, and nowhere is
that more true than on
television's soap operas.
The pk>ls grind slow on the
soaps. One veteran Used to
describe them this way: "She
lifts a cup of tea and sips
for six weekll."
Jn her book on radio soap
operas, "Tune in Tomorrow,"
Mary Jane Higby recalls the
Ume Ma Perkins stood by
her kitchen table for two
weeks and a 'day deciding
whether to open a package.
"ll Ma was immobilized,'' Yvonne KendJay portrays she wrote, "the rest 'of the
the 800ial worker and roman-" story wasn't. 'Meanwhile, in
tic interest, while Scott Dyke an ambulance rushlng through
is cast as the youngster, Other · the night. • .' "
members of the San Clemente as radio 30 years
cut are Jack Kielson, Joe ago. Tbe tim have changed.
Marangl and· Diet Wilaon. · Or have they? t's look at
"A '11lousand Clowns" will \he story lines NBC's
be presented Tb u r s d a y s "Days 0£ Our Lives ."
Fltan~iscus . Raps '"Filins .
Of 'Questionable' Taste .
through Saturdays from April On Monday, Feb. 10 : "Laura
17 through May 3 at tne and Mickey advile Susan to Cabr~llo Pla)'.houae.. 2 O 2 tell Scott about her past."
Averuda Cabrlllo, • in San Let's skip to Friday, April
Clemente. Reservations may 4: "Suaan tells Scott she would
beobtainedbycallinll9U-465. like to tell him moro about
her put."·
r What happens is that in a 'Airport' ~el lypical auc!M!r the writer jug-
curious new dimensiori has
been added to the selection
of scripts and roles by movie
at:tors -a matter of taste.
Previously, the production
·code of the Motion Picture
Association of America reliev-
ed performers of making a
value judgment of their parts
based on morality.
Now with an anything-goes
philosophy,. actors must decide
for themselves when playing
pei:verted roles in the nude
or otherwise u north o do x
characteriz.ations will have an
adverse effect on t h e i r
The responsibility I i e s
heaviest with young players
whose futures in films may
depend on bow far they are
willliig to go in tempting gles about five major conflicts
critics and moviegoers to con~ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) at all times, along with
demn them. Location shooting of "Airport" numerous subplots. With · 14
Jim Franciscus, who starred in Minneapolis has been com-shows on the lhree ~tworks
in television's "Mr. Novak" pitted with the cast, headed that's enough excitement to
by Burt Lancaster and Dean keep the housewives o f series, along with such movies Martin, retumiri'g to Universal America banging on their
as "The 0 u t s id e r ' ' ' Studios for interior shots. dustm "Youngblood Hawke" and the-------------•-""-·------current ''Marooned" w i t h
Gregory Peck and Richard
Crenna, is wary.
"I hear perfonners -
especially .actresses -say
Crossword Puzzle
they'll do a . nude scene or ACROSS 44 lWllllPY ....
a homosexual story il it fits 45 1n 1, \iOdJ
into the .context of the script, l Sailor's 47 Part•11
or if it has some social , ~\able 51 ::r: .....
significance," he said, grin-Island, Is. 5Z Conftrrtlltf
ning. 10 v11111re: • dlstlrtelloft
ho I Ardlalc: 54 --IU; "That's p ny. B alant se1 14 Scottlslt z words
scenes are a mJstakt. , • .,. 51Zoo1nl•I
"Like any good book or 15 L•e• 5t Part of •n anti-1nstn1111ent painting, the subUety of the f word:' ftl High ly
artist makes the work artful. lt. Arctic dtspltaHd
.1..to.:.i HJ t.J~1n nr:r:110
'.1tJJ r.11J•11.i\1 r:i1inrin :.i:.1.11r.p11imn ,.,,.;r.11tP.
f ·h•-.1 11 ~rt~n [Hiil
.1~-1 ·1 ··1 11 :.i ~u::r·~ l'.'\it•E
t ~H·J f_1(1f_1 ri 1· I·~·-,
·1 ~,n c1ci r11 •11n 1.r1 n
J '.1.•l' t ll 1 ~t :1 11 ~r 1r1r
.1J1• !Jlll•il r•tn11rri 1_•·.1 I r•'l ~l ·t llli
..1 ,•·J j 1i1 r-HJn 11r;rn
"l,"1 -filn 'l ~ir:inril
Lli:·J:Jllr:J ~11JCJ!J, .. Wnf~l l
11.J:J..!I• n ·1'1n:1 [·J r·1•1 Jl'.J_J.4;• [•)11..l[l"t [1[4fi It leaves somelhlng to the Clrcle ft2 Ptt1ml1I
imaaination. " rtsldenc~ of the Illy 4/1/M e~· 17 Think very fMlllJ "The same should be ap-miacll of ft) Gu•lio 10 Tum uldt 4!,Colltds
plied to motion pictw'es. 18 Do ettclllcal 64 .Ben -11 Ell1""1 4"· Llltlh
P od d d. work 65 D•ugatc17 12 GoUtr's toully
One addicted watcher con-
tends there's very litt1e lip
movement on tbe soaps.
Instead, they stand around
trading looks of shoe;: and
Here's how it goes on "Daya
of Our Lives" for a week
or so :
On Monday 11a-caseworker
pays an uneipected call on
Susan and Scott Susan phones
Julie, and they airee to meet
that afternoon."
You should know they're not
really going to meet that
aftern(.on or even the nut:
First the whole idea has to
be put through the grinder
more times than a 2$-cent
On , Tuesday "Alice tells
Tom of her apprehenslon
about JWie's meeting wiUt
Susan. Tom discusses Julie's ·
meeting with Laura."
Finally, on Wednesday, Julie
arrives at Susan's apartment
-but not before "Scott visits
Laura and Mickey to discuss
the blueprints for their future
The following week they are
still chewing it over. On
Wednesday, "Laura and Susan
discuss Julie's strange reac-
tion to her visit with Susan."
"Days of Our Uves" is the
only sudser that issues story
lines to the press. The others
like to keep the' hoosewJves
io cliff-hanging suspense, But
no matter. The names are
interchangeable. So are the
,, plots. But the women love
ft llDmA/llWIYR
··--TlalNICOUJlt ~
'12th Night'
Staging Set r ucers an •rectors are. i• Ore deposit answ• prob... 43 P.A. s,stnl lii~~i;;~;~;i\I guilty· of bad taste, bad judg-20 Rtco•pen se '' Plut of lJ AdJ•sttd 1• tper1tor't
ment and bad art when they 22. lllan's DIM the orus tftcb word r'-==~ become too specific.·• 24 Soso fa1111Jy 21 P•foratd 44 D1..o.n A n u n c o nvenlional in·
terpretaUon of W i I Ii a m
Shakespeare's • ' T we I f t h
Night" will be presented April
16-20 by the Cal S t a t e
Fullerton drama deparl?Wnt.
To be staged in · a unique,
rambling village setting which
encompasses a better part of
the campus Little Theater, the
plaY depicts it ganlbol of
mel&ncholy and m i s t a t ~ n
All performances a r e
scheduled for a:~ p.m. and
reservationl -can be made by
lelephonlng the !healer box
office, 8'70-U71, daily between
'DOOD and 4 p.m. •
Ralph Votapek
At Fhllerton
Ralph Votapek, the young
pian!St fr om Milwaukee who
fin\ 1aiJ)ed world a~tion "heO be captured the 110,000··
first prize• in . the firil in-
temationil Van C I i bu r.n
CompeUl!On Ir: Forl Worth,
wlll perform oo · Cal Stale
Fullerton'• Llllle '!beater con-
cerl suge MOllday. April 21,
at 8::11 p.m.
Tickets ror v o·t• p e k • s
petformanCe are available trwn the theater box office.
located on the wm side of
the campus. or by calling 870<
!Sil. G<ntral admllllon Is
Franciscus names a handful •2'·=;f,~)!~ed '7 !~~h~f µ ~:=: ... 4' =,~. '
Or recent pictures as examples 27 Syst• of ZS Pert• · 47 Tatlrlat
of poor taste. rtckonlnt OOIN ptfct fNI flghtln1 -"Tb , f Umt Z1 klnt or 41 FIW'dl fltllt. ere s no reason or ac-31 SuftlK ustd 1 At a lfftl ••• I••• tors appearing nude on the wllh oroan distinct 28 B'90ft-el · C'9 Mow; s-.
screen," he said. "I wouldn't and pl .. o 2 St1: \..Illa 29 ~-·-51 Whetted
agree to that . under any 3Z Biii• rlbb•, ~ ~~J:.'l ll r:r..::·:i'~' ::i .
circumstances. Jt doesn't pro-n :::..:1. flllll•• 34 'lllttf's SJ Ea slfJ ve anything. JS ~ tood S Fa•lrd told accnsory handled', u
. "I'm not objecting to sub-' ft ~.,• ~1:!.'\ 1r11: 35 =:=;ia: ss ~C:~s•
Ject matter In movJes. Nothing 40 Don• far 'Bird 36 £artier: gen111
under the S\lft aboukl be taboo. 41 lldgo Of 7 DtlC..... Pftfla ''U.S.
Puritanical Wnting can .ruin 42 ==-';-~.. I f:=r1r 37 ;.,-.:,~ .. , 57 ~::tor
any art form, bUt delicate 11t11t lltdl• • Tttall1!~"'=-~Jl~D:1~l=1 tey=ll~~""~'k:.,,,..., subjects should be treated 43 Flavor lnflalt U• .. btca.a 40 a.,
with good taste. · · ,...,....,.......,,....,,._
"Objectively, a greal paln-
ting like the· Mona Lisa is
a masterpiece . because it
doesn't take lbe altemaUves
away from the people. who
Set it." .
FranciJcuJ believes that
movies also should allow au-
diencts i:oom • f o r fn..
• .:More lm.port.anUy, Fran-
clscua aiid other young actor1
are wCIMlerlnC where moviet
irlll JO in their prCIWling for
more 1t1111Uooalllm. Some
pn>ducm lllrtady are flirting
wttb what waa eonsidered a
fw · year• ago to b e
"1 want no part of It," Fran-
cllcm said. "And JI won 'I be
loq before the pobUc at1J
wwy ol an ovento.. ol oex
·in movlol. just u II h8' ol ~ vloltoce'"
Enclt TOftlghl
' ..... Dflwft
PECK ~-, ........... ..._.._ ..
TitE llWKl«i,MOON
'llCINOOl.00' ..............
..... lft·--Wodnoodoy,lp.m.
PID lllllllHMlkn
MAn•n ADMtlllOM
Geor9e P•ppard
Jeoft Stbtrg
IUchoN kll•y
"" • .;o ..... ~--~~ ....... _. __
:\1C C2UllN . AS
• ; :::t:
lllQTJ!lr ; hllillaldP .... :-·-El
Stam Wednotday
)\"l'I: M!Mim< •
..... l'Otl MACJI -.. "' ....... .... Mt." I.We IJt -OL MJM r
3,~~iC ~K'IT lb'M:·wa;rt;~ -~
... -.. ~.
Thi• h ..... .,.. 1'111 Ht ...,.-
.... ••. ... .... Int ,.. wt4
tllrff tlNS. Ail tttoM W~ .... _ •
JAlllS ·~-All ll,\lilln"':'l(A1Tll IUNNAll
-AUO P.LAYI ....... -e •• .......
Kf 2-4738
. . •
:"ou Mo•eY's Worth
: t.ast November, Mn. Mary
B., I 34-yur>Old -Id
... WJ'.lfbr. was killed in u
-accldeol. Wilen • ·niece inquired aboul Social
-Socurlty aurvi..... benefits
f...Or Mrs. B's four small
·cilildffil, S>e found thal only
olie <I her aunt'• three former
employers bad been ~
~~ B's eornlnp. '111111, Mn.
B's children would Nttive ~
Jy the minimum 181.50 per m00th lomily Social Security
trenem - a lull 171.90 las
ttian the $154. 40 monthly bene-
fit to which the children •ctu-
alJy w.,. enUtled, But, Social
Security olfict finllly tracked
dbwn Mrs. B's other two
· enployen, l<rdng each lo pay
·LET'S BE · RllBIDLY . '
~u rou-hl.w mw Ml&hhon
01' know ot ~ movine :t. our area. piea,. ten I.ti 40 that we mQ extend a
·friendly welcome and help
: lhem to becc::me acqua!nted
,.1'J ~ Dt'W surniundinp.
' .
;:Huntington Beach
" '6Ml4t
:Costa Meli Visitor
· ·so. C0t1sl Visitor
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.• 494-9361
The Men from Merrill Lynch
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::: to a speclal course
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Here's a course especially designed
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At this to.rum you'll discover more
about some of the fine points of 'invest-
ing. We'll explore some of the more
popul~r market techniques used ,by in·
vestors. You'll hear our interpretation of
recent market action and the business
outlook for the coming year. You'll get
our help in evaluating and improving your
own present and future investment pro·
gram. And you'll find out which stocks
appear attractive today to our Research
Department for various investment
If you want to learn more about the
stock market, come to our:
Se•IOMCI Investor's Count
Thursday evenlnt, April 17
lsl•nd House
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1tartln9 al 7:30 PM sharp
Reserve your seat. today. Just call Mn. Waller
at S47-7272 or return ihe coupon below.
Pl•111 r11•'"'' ••• ••. •••h for y111t 5111111111 l11¥nf1t't
Cour11 en April 17, Tn N1wp1rt 11111!.
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Ml!R R 11:1.Il:.'lN CH,
Telepbolle: S47·7272
..._::For tM com:cnitnct o/ inw 1tor1 01IT office f.s optn
,. dail11 1 AM--" PM and Saturdo111 9 AM·JJ 'noon. ·-..
Perdue Named
Assistant VP
PrcmotiUI of L. G. Perdue
d. Buena Park to assistant
vice president at U n i t e d
Ca!llomta Bank's Laguna IUlls
Ldsure World office ha& been
announced by Arch G. Meyer,
vice president · and office ..........
Perdue was assigned to
Laguna Rills Lei=-World
evk thia: year as assistant ......,.,.
Hickman Leads
Founders Team '
Bryoon E. Hickman of Santa
Ana bas been appointed es
dlvislm manacer of Founders
Mutual Depoeltor Cocp.
HlcJanan will be r-8ble
for the management o I
repre&eotatives and managers
. in the area who are engaged
in te.Hina: llhares of the mutual
funds distributed by Foonden.
John and E l a l n e Bond,
publish< .. ol Road and Traok
and Car Life magazines, have
announced the fonnatlon of
a new company to be known
as Bond, Parkhurst and Bond,
Inc. ·
The merger involves thrte
firms, each of which will con-
tinue to operalt autonomously .
They ar" Bond Publi£hing
Co., Newport Beach,
Parkh~st Publishing Com-
pany, Long Beach ,:
Datagraphics, Inc., Phoenix,
The move brings togelher
under one ownership four
motoring magazines. 'Ibese
are Boond Publishing's "Road
and Track" and "Car Lile,"
and Parkhurst PubHshing's
Cycle World" and "Dune Bug-
Combined circulaUon of the
four magazines Is 750,000 per
month. According to pro-
jections thi.! figure will in-
crease to 1 million within the
The third company in the . I
I See by Today's
Wanl Ads
• rr·s A FRAME!
Lake Arrowhead A-fnmt
cottaa:e, with Jake prlvil-
~·. will trade for beach area property .......... .
And other t:hlnp, tht dlY
way, wttb this Strigomatic
knitting m~. Ya.m's
on sale dwinl tht warm
months, ID yot: can have
a head start on Fall
And abundant in .oft waRr
homts .•• ,bett'• • CUlli-
gan Mark I water toftener,
in excdltnt condition to
make )'Our wuhd.,_ more
pl<'asant. and baths mort
OTHER l!IRANOf Ol'l'1Cl!S --i.-eom. -·-
' .,
" "
'•. •
• • • ..
. . • • • • ' • • •
• • • • : • :
• • • • ' • •
• . '
·-• ~ ., • . .
' •
t •
' • • • • • > • : ! l • t ' • • • • • • i" • • • ' • • • • •
i • • • ! ,, • • !
• • • • • • • •
• ,, • •• • •
" '
New York Srock ·Exchange List ;.,; ... " Monday's Closing ·-. Prices ....;;.;.'f.omplete-..
+ ~l
• • • • . ..
Jt DAILY PILOT T'"scl1Y. April 8, 1969
.. ·' ..
:."egisl.ature in Action Solons ·Push-Bill.s · . I
At La~t ·Minute : .. · '
U.S. Wants
Dead .Germs
. By Product ·
a disinfect.ant ·or sanitizing .
p'roduct claims it "germ
proofs," .. it ought to kill germs,
the Agriculture departm.
proposed today ..
The department has publlsh-
ed a prdposed rule under
which ' products 'using the term
,;Germ proof" On tables would
have to meet new standards
of EiffectiveneM.
Some products using the
-Wm at present provide
"bacteriostatic treatment"
which stops bacterial growth
but does. not com pletel,y
·disinfect. one department of-
ficial said. Under the new p~o
posal. a ''germ proof" la~l
coold be used on if the product
"completely eliminates com-
monly-encountered infect.Kiwi
Dr. Harry w. Hayes, head
of the department's pesticide!
regulation division. said the
use of "germ proof" and
re1ated terms on labels at
present is confusing lo con-
sumers because ' ' t h e B e
phrases are defined differently
by dlffetent manufacturers."
Hayes said Ule proposed new
rule would "provide greater
protection to consumers by
defining these germicidal and
disinfecting claims, and by
setting lip standards for ef·
fectiveness that products mwit
. , meet before putting these
claims on their labels."
Th'e Agriculture department ,
under federal law, registers
all pesticides and simUar
"economic poison" products
moving in inttrst.ate com·
merce. No registratJon b
granted unless produds meet
safety and effectiveness stan-
dardl when used according
to label dlrecilon!.
• •
That time has come again.
You've exempted your exemptions. Deducted your deductions. Sub-
tracted your losses. Rechecked your figures.
And maybe you .owe more than you'd planned on.
So we'd like to call your attention to the fact that Read y Reserv·
Account is a taxpayer's taxpayer.
Ready ReservAccount can supply our money to yqur checkin·g
account to ·help with tax hills. All you have to do is write a check and
extra cash will be deposited automatically. Interest;tree if repaid within
25 days. Or repayable on an easy, convenient !Jlefnthly schedule.
If you have approved credit, and could use some ready money before
April 15, visit Security Paci.fie Bank soon.
Mk fm; a. Ready R~Account. It's the checking account that Will
make paying taxes less taxing. ''.r
' . ' .1
( ..
• Among the prod~cu affected
by the propootd new Tegul•·
lions, 1 spokesman said, 1rt1,l •-.---.. --I •
001a water detergents which
thciude germicidal material,, ,1 1ndllOlllen1gshampoos. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....:...~:......~~~~~~~~~~~-'""_:._,;,...__ • • .. ,,.
) . '
I " )
~(FA$_HIQ~S ·-.M,rs.· Arthur To.ti .(left); ,;,eaiw: .W ·outllt
petfect for pool'1de lounging,and entertalnillg, is admired-by _(cen-
ter) Mrs. Phillip Bradfield -and (right) Mrs. Wlilla!n Roley, who
wilt:·.conunenta!e 'a .fashion show for: Officers' Wives' ·Cltib · of :El
Toro; M~rine Corps .Afr StatiOn. · · ,,.
,..,...,. litMI ... ... • ~ , .. ,.
Show Lo·g~-
' T ro ,pic Jogs
What will Southern California woknen wear as they
sun this summer" on the beach or :tlieir own patios and
When they entertain at Dome? • '"'~ ' .,. ' . . . Or' better .y.et, 'what will lucky Southern California
wotnen .wear while they are vacationing in Hawaii?
These questions will be answered during a fashion
show presented for Officers Wives' Club of EJ .Toro,
' Marine .<;o~s Air Station during a luncheon meeting in
the Stuft Shirt Monday, April 14.
· A social hour at l1 :30 a.m. and luncheon at 12 :30
p.m. will take place prior to a showing by Waltah
Clark's of Fashion Square of beach, patio and home
Members modeling the fashions will include the
Mmes. Andrew Parker, Arthur T~, C. F. Defries,
Robert Talbert, Dean Wilker, James Norris and D. C.
Holland .
. Mrs. William Roley o! La_guna Beach, a profession--
al fashion coordinator, will commentate on the show.
Hottesses will be the Mmes. W. G. Thi:ash, William
Lundi.¥i, Kenneth Huntington, Garden Benson, RolM;rt
Jeppson, Kenneth Carlson1 J. R. Evans and Phillip
Bradfield. ·
. Reserv&tions may be obtained by calling Mrs.
Lundin, 544-7180 or Mrs. Jeppson, 544-8940.
•• ..
• •• •• • •• "· l •; ,,. -.-:
~ ~;: :ii .....
·clinic ''Pro.bes Ancient .Problem .. . .
' I ;-. • ' , ,;:t..: • .-.~.:.t,..:-~ ·~-By -pf'Dvlatnj1 t.-utme:Dt· for ·~--;;:..:: -•• """!119 ~ • .. l • <it'Jlotl* PJ1'I Slaff . · •. ' ·. . ·•OO. ~·• .llie bitpulie to abus,e, dr have
Jn .tbll ~year of11969 When ~ adjQ4,icated f~r child abuse, the
ev..,umlr· fl<m.lhe s.lual JleV~ cligic. !»Jieo· lo. define : the personality
'i. llie Pill .is d~ '~· P!Jpit , ·,im-~~blch.~tseriousthreals ·,
lo periodical,-tliere etln· i.. ~ .U~jecl . _lo~-· j>liylical .and mental ... u. .
·relegai.,IJo•the arehlve1'of anilqliit)r. . !>dng, mnonnu1>1e .. preventive trest-
Seeklng lo bring ~ proble,;;,' oat inint plan. .~ the Dart -Ages and . find a .SOlµtion .. All ·P!lfenls have the potential; t~
is· the Parent.Child Clinic-in t1te Orange · that actually do abuse their children
County Medical Center. generally are average people, not
"Olive" Twist" and "David Cop-psychotics,'' Dr. Guido explained.
· perfield" abared .more. in common than
being flllllOUI Charles Dickens characters C,UE snJDIES
in mid-~800 ~ literature: they pro-From the 21 cases treated or presenUy
~ly were the ftl'lt pub~ eumples \IDder treatment, some l rrt e r e s t i n g
1 of. abused « bauered eblldren. _ ~ cbaracteristics have been gleaned, ac-
oonling 1o Dr. Raberland, who .is
· Tho Parent-aiild Cllnlc for llie llnt · reapollllhle for testing paUents being
• Ume II dealing , with the-. pemital . <ldmitlod.
· peponalt\y cmlllcts which came aldhie • -t treatmenL . • · Nloety percent 0£ the patients are
• . · · women 25 or ~r with three or le!.!
• Heading the ~lillic ·are Dr. ;Jobh J..· ehlldren under 3 years old, and one child
•Guido, Pl)'Chiatrist; Dr. John Haberland, tn parµeular is tbe abused In the cases
'tcbief of cUnlCal Pl)'Chology; Mrs. John ·where· there are four or ~ children
1 L. Brehmiy' anil. Mrs. :11 l ch a e 1 lwo might be targets for mistreatment. '
~O'Donopoi!,, Mental Health ADoclales. -f . , . \ A sreat. majority of the women seen
-"CGIUtECJ1VE ·TREATMENT. are from eilher 'broken or 'foster homes;
g Since the · invenUon of the X-ray bt or homes in whJch parelJ\s were ex·
'-1111 llr!\• revealed Wants 'with une~-tromely strlcl. Their own parents may ~plained tftultlple fneiures, emphafis bM have betn-.married aeveral1 Umes, and
'f'been on treat1n1 and· protectlnf the child . one woman had ~ . an orph&n since
ilwtth llUle or no concern given to ·car· llie age of 7. Tboy ha,ve had liUle ~ve treatment for the parents. t · or-no .mothering themse.l.v.es, arid no
• j;o new 1n concept that it ls still defined concept , of what beinl a parent "In the qperimet\tal sla&e. the dlnlc -~ . Uf!en expert ~ lo 111y· and ~ . In ~ cases antaplsm toward a
. ty resldenta facing lncapadtatlnc chllif la dlspla'l!m<n! ol· 1118" agaiDSt .lli'ee& ID deollng-with llielr chll!lnn; • !\><bus~. Tho ~ 11 IYDlbQilcally
. ' · • ' pimlsbblg him for not providing eltha-· Dlualratln&•the .noed for _the,lnltiaUon. poycheloillCal moral ar-polllbly financial
pl lllCh 1!"'1'¥1 ·hu• bet!h llie cllnl!:'• he'-' ·....,u.. .•.
I · LOW IEU'.ESTEllM ~erring parents fot•trutinent ire Tho majority ale between . the low
enldrooDlllll -l(eDClel IOd couris, and mtddle lncoine biacket, and although ~1"'1~ P,lbllc· health and weHiu:o agen-of lo ~ • In'·"'· ~, PAtienli who vbluntarlly' "wilt Jn" avenge• luuv~verage ~eace ...
• r help· (ir can the Crlall'·Jmervm. ~y lend lo have low ~ll-esteem.
· .Celder ..pec!ail7 lie eacwiaged. i.lOWtll lncid .... 1 Of child abuse "has
I ...
• been f°'""'' llDOlll Meiican migrant farm
work~rs beciluie they feel free to uk
for help troin others when they need
it, whlle the Caucaflian mother feell
pressed tp do everything on h.er own. ,
:. To '.date · thf! clinic ~am has ~
only 'three fathers who have been the
' r • t abusing parent, but studies have shown
that in cases where Uie father is the .
baby-Sitter, the incidence is gfeater.
The clinic is open each Tuesday and
Friday between a a.m. and noon in
the OutpaUent Department, and no pa-'
tients are refused. Individuals seeking
help may either call the center, 633-9393,
extension 521, or request referrals from
family doctors, law enforcement or other
Fees are based on a modest sliding
scale which is established prior to the
fll'st interview.
Following &· primary interview and
complete aeries of tests, patient& enter ·
group therapy sessJons comprised of
seven or eight people and conducted
by a· skilled therapist ll}d co-worker,
-g~n~ally ,a Mental Health Associate,
In ·prai!e of the .wort done by these ·
volurlteers in Qie clinic, Dr. Guido ex-
plained ~that many times patlenta" tend ,
to relate better to the maternal aura
while they might consider llie pro-,
fesslonaL stall authoritarian ,llgura who .
could discipline or pilnish.
. -
As the case-load increUei, there will .
be a' need tor mOre MHAa to' aicl'·ln
~ Parent-Oilld 'Cl.Ihle' u well 11 the '.
Crlsia Inle>vention . Cettter. Empathl!lle
women who would like to.volunteer their
servtcea · u a •Mental lieahh Auocllite .
may contact Robert Green, eacutlve
director, Mental Health ANoclaUon of
Orange , County;· Mn. Hal · Lehman,
Barrel of F
un . Designed· .by . Architectural league ·-chairman ~ vohmteen, or Mrs. Luis · · Mrs. David Klages and Mrs. James Barg or Costa
Benitez, c:llairmaD ol volunteer recruite. M•sa (left to right); hoth members-o! the Women's
_ m<DL . . ArehiteCturoJ League of . Orange County, plan to
{See 111ERAPY PAYS OFF, Pqe H) have a· barrel ·of fun at the league's fund-raising . . '
Win .. tasting Party. '.l'be 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. event ~;
N•~ Beach Tennis Club will take place Thur"·
day, April 2t ;::.
'•" ' .
Letting ·off Little Steam Can · _,,. a Giant Explosi :on · k .Cause a "' ' -
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was shocked
at your advlce to the mother ~
S-year-okl had temper tantrums. You
•UQUled that the child be llughl lo
kick the lumiture and "get the aoger
out of his system." I always thought
you were a little cuckoo. Now I'm sure. .
My younger brother used to kick tbe
furniture w~ he got mad. Mother called
it, '"Letting off steam." Well, he' a 32
yem old · now ' and .WI ticking the
• """;furniture -what'1 left of. It, that is.
lie also ls kicking hla wile, lhe cat,
llie iddl ad anything elae that gets
J n hl1 wl)I. Lui October he Ihm\' the
TV 1et Mt·Ule·trindow wbeo.bia favorite
football team· failed lo ..... and !oat
the game. (The window wu cloled at
the Ume.)
Why don't you tell rnothera that
children must be taught to contro1 thelr
anger? Thia is what &eparale1 clvlllzed
human beings from aavli'es, Dummy.
DEAR STAR: Voa, like aomt otben
__ , .. er!~ i....,i ... -t
tmporlllt port al my ........
I did Mt ........ dan,tq fandbltt.
I .. ~ tat a pucld11 ba& or
u ok1" cbir, fPIClfleal.IJ •t ulde for
lhe purpose. be the olljtct al the -·· llolUUty. And P.S.-'IM mOlll lmpo'11at
put of my auwtt wtnt llke tlal11
••Yocmpten alloofd be taulk to vtnt
tltidr ug:tr a&alat tlllnp-Dtt people.''
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please excuse
my En&llsh, I come from Eµrqpt and ~Y w:i~~~ to wrp.e in your bnauaae
I have learned a lot !rom your column
but I must tellr you that you made
a poor answer lately. You remarked
that someUmu the su: battery in a
husband goea dead because the wife
apta bashful and ia not active., You
aaJ.d to the wife, "Turn on lhe heat."
Jet my husband lead in our love-making.
The , cowiselor esplained that men
become fri,htened when a woman is
too ,eager.
Since we changed our ways things
are muCh better. So please, Ann, change
DEAR LOVfi: Sony, l;lmb Cllef, bot
mOlt men wwld love to IM frtP&eDtd
Ute lblt.
Perb•PI yo1r ll111baDd prefen &be ally
tJpt, bat mOlt mea ·pttfer a lll11t11
cooptraLlvt, responsive woma.
1 had this same problem, only upside
down . My husband agreed to go with
me for counseling because we were not
·enjbylng our.selves together. The Your polut ii well taken, bowevei-.
cdunselor 1ald I was too •ctlve and , Married coaples 1boal4 be completely
ad vised me to turn down the but and ltoae1t ud let oat · uoUile.r Dow wUit
-' 'r . ~.
11 p!e11111t nd -· Eoc• etOjlle """14 write Iii owa ....... ftri .11
.. rfpt ar ""'°'II mdllc i,ve, •
U you have lnlullle 11tiu. ..... wllh ' your pannts • • • ll '!"'•CID~ pi
them to let you live your own ir-.
send for Ann Landen' bookltt., "lkllPl
by Parents! How IO Gtl More Fiiiilo&"
Send lO cents In coin with ,..;.. nqiilt
and , I 1"og. llamp<d. ielf-i' ••
envelope. , ' -.. ' Ano Landen wtu bl ai.t to lielp
you \vith your probten.. --. ill!!i>
lo bee , Iii ciu:< ol !\le DAU, Y -~
encloain1 1 lelf·--· ~ envelope. • :.i
T,_.,, Aptn I, 1969
Make First Home in Be1c~ Ar11
l . ..
'.Candlelight Ceremony •.
• :Father of Bridegroom
Off lei ates at Nuptials
Jonniler Susan White of Gaylord Brignall ol Stockton,
Ne"irpmt Beach selected a full her greet-uncle and aunt; Mr.
Jerctb anplre aty)e peeu de and Mrs. C. V. Williams of
ao6e gown with embroideffd Rupert , Jdaho , the
French lace when she ex-bridegroom's grandparents;
changed wedding pledges and Mr.r.:and Mrs. Fred Lindauer
rill81 with Joel Evan Williams of Midvele, Utah, tus aunt
jn •Glad Tldlnp Auembly of and uncle, and ·Miss Mary
God Cbun:h, Newport Beach. O'Connell ol Mossy Rock,
1be Rev Thomas Benvenuu--Wasb.,. his cousin,
officilted ~itb the assistance The · n e w I y w e d s are
of the Rev. Mark E. Williams, graduates of Huntington father ol the benedict during Beach mgh School. The bride
the candlelight nupUais. is an alumna ol a business
Completing the -bride's coll~~e. and her husband is
eri;anble was 8 full Wngth attending Golden W e s t
veil held by a satin bow. She College.
~ 1 bouquet ol wblte
..i!ildl lad blby ..... buds.
. Men m marriage by her
flhr, tile new Mn. Williams
ii tile daugbler ol the Kmnedi
. ifa'old Wbiles of Tyler, TeL
Mlli Kllhleen Whfle,ol·San
Fnncilco, silter d. tbll'rbride, wore a full lellcth empir;eill)'le ·
l]Oim ol llclll blue dlil,fqo,over
linen -• ......,, .. 'maid· ol hono1-. A 1atln bow caqllt hei-' lalt blue veil 1u.t;·111e carri«I lhree Joog .... ed
wbi(ie roeel. , fl. 11 .-'
Mllred In lime fll:'Sl·gowno
...... bricfMnolcfa, M1ie Kathy
-ol Long -and Miii Kaby Ray ol llllnUogtoo
Beldl. -Loree Yerger,
"""""' ol Uie bride, and Miss
1,1A • Flournoy '!""' flower
girls In long Ugbt blue frocka
wltll 'roral blue trim. They
held wldle wicker baskets and
diolr1buled yelloW .... petals.
11ie -· ""' ol the Rev. ""1 Mn. Williams ol
Hlbllilcloa Belch, •keel his
bn:llhel', David Wllliams to be beOt !Diii. Um.Ing guest. ID
!heir peWI ..... Willian Ellis
and NCl'tDln White, the bride's -· MiW. R. w. Seilon ol Charter
OUI WU «ganllt while the
HJ;., Powell H. Lemons of
~. ne.ch was the
David Burkey
Claims Bride
eoqquets of ~ m a J e It I e daillet and ~· breath.
dalsleo, yellow eamatlona and II.aid ol l>ooor wu I.Jada
candelabra decorated the altar Lee StlDe, who WCf'e a floor
o1 the Community Un I te d le._ ,sprq . 11ffb clrtu
Melhodlll Onu<I> and white ' doccwited •lili .....,. lace and
bows hoJdln& dal~et and a lace ~ train. A cluater
groenery -the pews of IP'loi fl)"ten dallies cllll3ht
, when J6lc\ltle Morrill ud her, Yelling .,Md , she held a
David Buritey uc!langed wOll-wl<ter ba*ot ol dallla .. aod
ding pledges and r!nJlll. yellow c11111Uom.
'Ille a!ternoon nupUals were Wearing ~ aowna
read by the Rev. J;:dmlllld ,... Pamtla'Jlursef, . ..iai.r
C. Burkey, father of lhe OI lhe betleclJct • ud Carol
t;ridegroom. Scbranun, 6ridecm•lds,
• The bride, daugtiter of Mr. Brandl-LY. Vedder, w11 the
ind l'ln. Sl"e ~ Morrlll 116wer girl ln 1 long sprUit
o!,1Balboa, seltcted a green froct .. ipt /dtm Helm.I
caodlelight lace aiid satin wu the rlng betrif,
gown with a lace apron and Asked to stand u btst man
a floor length mantilla vel.I for the son ol the Rev. and
trimmed In lace. She carried Mn. Burkey of Adrian, Mich.,
white r<llft, c a r n a 11 o n s , 1'8! Steve Alfred Morrill n,
the bride's brother.
Following th e ceremony
!riends and relatives con-
gratulated the newlyweds in
the church receptioo l>alL .
Special guests were Mr. and;
Mn. Joo.ph Goldmln ud Mr., ,
and Mrs. Aaron Raboff.
11le former Misa Morrill at.:
tended Greenville and Chap-
mQ. colleges. Her husband. :
was a studtltt • at Adrian
Golden Harbor Shrine
Under ~ew Leadership
Dllrlnfl --'lbun-day, Ajl1! 10. In the .Newi>«I·
Beoch Mi"'"" T<mple. Mrs. Roland CbopDwa will be ln-
ltallecl worlhy hllb ~
ud her hulbapd, walclunu
o1.iiepherdl of Goldeo JWbor
SbrJne II, Order of the White
Shrlno-ol Jeruialalt
Other elective oUlecrs are
J.ohn Madison, a 11 o c I ate
watfbmu ol. shepherds, and
the Mmes. NIO Harding, noble
ptOllhelell: William ~
m)'f!i" I tcribe; LilUln Church, tiWurer; Mildred E s ( e p ,
cbaplalo; Marguerite Jobnsoa,
lhOpherdoa, and E d 1 t b e
McAlllaler, guide.
AppoinUve olflcers Include
Mn. John Madl!oo, herald;
Melvin Gormln, Arnold Arff
Wld Ralph Seely, wise men;
Mr. ucl Mrs. G<oe Barnett.
ting and • queen; Kenneth
Jolwoo, guard: and the
Mmes. Madelyn P 1 a t t ,
Johman 8.nd Claude Watson.
band ma1d!; Florence
MacGinitie, or1anist1 and Aris
Randall, guardian.
Honarary offlcers a r. e
Mrs. Roland c'hapm1ft
escorts; Gowling, Madonna;
Kevan, angel, and Ru th
Stevens, courier.
Others are Lachenmyer.
Kevan, Robert Speth, Paul
Simpson and Calvin Foss,
king's guards ar:d the Mmes.
Simpson, E. V. Ragan, Anna
Mulik, Maybell Cooper, Freda
Barnes' and Eileen H a I J ,
queen's attendants. ' College and a graduate of
Greeovillt. He affiliated with
Tau Kappa Upsilon fraternity.
The couple are hcmef
moorring in Cannel and will
I make their home 1il Balboa.'
Formerly Mld!1I• Morrlll
· GUbert Seal, American flag
bearer with the Mmes. Merritt
Kevan and Ruby Gowling,
escorts; Arff,. Ch r Ill t I an
flag bearer with Em m a
Richaida and Marlhl SlrQllcc,
escorts; Nlna Cunningham,
banner ·bearer with Lllllan
Bitzer and Bessie E by ,
Installing o!ficer wlll be
Mrs. Harris CoWe, p a s t
worthy high priestess, who
will be assisted by Seal, past
watchman of she}>herd!, Seely,
Calvin Duranleau and the
Mmes. Ralph Seely, Seal, Har·
ry Hillard and F-
Wears Wings
Awarded t b e silver
wings of an American
Airline stewardess is
Miss Mary Margaret
Drew, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William S;
Drew of Mission Viejo.
A native of Philadel-
phia, she is a graduate or Marina High School
and attended Golden
West. Colleg~, Hunting-
ton Beach.
I. Horoscope
Groo·ming Hint Stresses Knees Circle Charts
Card Benefit
WEDN · · 1 ood GEMINI Plymouth Circle of Laguna ESDAY SuperJOr may be m rou m . (May 21.June 20): asaertiom. Many speak up on Hills will stage a benefit card
APRIL 9 Don't Compound error. Hold Money suggestions from your behalf. -art 30 F 'd ' f i d be lid p1GI' p Y at 1: p.m. r1 ay. off 1n making demands. Take r en s may hot ao • wo..ES (Feb.19-March 20): April 11, in Laguna Beach
By SYDNEY-OMARR it slow and eaey. Sente of . Know ttilli and check with ex-Some of your desires may _ Neighborhood Congregational
GROO¥JNG IUNT: Lunar · humor ls valuable ally. Be perts. Some around you today be coatly. A bit of in-Church.
position emphasize• knees. flexib le. Change of assignment are confused by facts, figures. vestigaUon enable~ you to g~t Proceeds will go to U.e
p 1 y apecial a.tlndon to I e g is dlie. Don't· be rushed into in-better price. Don t be afraid Emanual Church in Watts to
appare(. Tbe ·way people walk TAURUS (April-2G-¥ay 20): vestment. to bargain. Study GEMINI aid its work in youth guidance.
ind dance comes a ad er Good moon aspect today coin-CANCER (June 21.July 22): message. Social activity is ac-and all Leisure World women
s er u t I n J. Ca It Iv 1 t e cides will\ interest In faraway Avoid one who attempts to cented. ·Be amiable.· .are invited to attend.
cheerfulness and optimism. places: Keep communication tie up your ~ts. You have IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTII-l'ickets are $1 per person ~lake othen notice your smUe lines open. You could get news something o~ value w hi~ h 1 DAY, you are attracted to the and will include deS.!!ert and
at wdl as yov Jep. containing v a I u ab I e in-som~ne desires. Consult with healing arts. You are a com-coffee ~s well as door and
formaUon. Give attention to famJly . mei:nber. Patch up passionate person. Many rely table pr1zi:s. .
details. 1 domestic d1Uerence. T h en upon your judgment in time Further information may be ARIES (Marcil ZJ·April 191:
Frbm Page 13 . -~
... Therapy Pays Of/
Treatment c o n t Jn u e s characteristics of c h 11 d
between three and n in~ rtlpl)IWbilities in parenthood .
months on . a weekty basis, The therapy sessions have
a~ Dr. G_wdo ~s-to. ha~e proved to be s upportiv e
night sess10ns w~cb will in-outside the clinic with patients
, elude husbands m the near talking out aggreeive or
future. . . hostile feelings with each .~ra~ de~ with_ the in· other rather than acting im-
d1v1dual s conflict with sell· pulsively.
spouse. m-p.i..."enll and also "Ir b · h'ld streases tb 1 . a p~~nt ;1~gs. a c 1 e n ° r m 1 with sw;p1c1ous 1n1ur1es to a
Two Items
On Agenda
Electi-On of offictrs and
selection of a charity are on
the agenda for the Thursday,
April 10, meellng ol the
Newport Beach Kiwi Club in
the Fountain Valley home of
Mrs. Larry Zechiel.
doctor or hospital emergency
room more than once -it's
a cry for help by that parent,"
Dr. Guido stressed.
"While before in adjudicated
cases the child would be
removed from the home and
the parent placed on pro-
bation, there was nothing of-
fered in the way of treatment.
The child eventually would be
returned to the abusive
parent, and a:ix months later
might be hospitalized again."
Since the passage o f
events tum in your favcr. of eris.is. Don•t ruab into legal obtained by_ calling Mrs.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 2S): action. Surpriae due in that Norman Noms, 8:!7·5173; Mrs •
Avoid confusion by finishing area. WaJt and prepart. ~~s~~3!7~-~ Mrs.
basic tasks. Don't chase rain-To find °"" 1"flo'• lucb fOI' '°" -----"--'----"' tnonlf Mid ........ Weier S'fdrlef 00ws. Get..-icb-quict scheme =:rr:.-~.::~ "~~'r. Who Can Read Just lacks foundatloo. Imp r o v e ..,. ~ cent. to 0rn1" Altro.,.., SKntt. ttw OAILV PILOT, Box 22«1, Q •p f '1 relations With aasociates, CO-Gr.nd CWr1I Sflflon, Nrw Yort., ne eanu S ,
workers. Slick to sensible diet.,-'-·•_:-'"-"'-·----------------
VIRGO (Aug. :!J.Sept. 22):
Make :inancial plans for
future vacation. Check with
travel expert. You may .be_
able to afford more than you
anticipated. Genuine bargain
is available .
/ / fY/11/l 'V'ttAll·
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):1------------------
Sltuation involving home, fa-
mily demands attention. Key
is to finish rather than hang
(In to expensive proposition.
Older individual may appear
stubborn. Be patient .
Remember -past favors.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21}:
Avoid fatigue. Pace yourself.
Some visit'brs don't seem to
know when to leave. Be
tactlul, but don't l~ needed
sleep. Stress originality, in-
dependence. You may be
knocking on door of !Ucees!.
ooloiot. .
'!be dlll'cll'• fellowship hall
WU the rrecepl:ion JeUin1 for
150 gueMe. Alll:isting were
Mil. ~ Doonil White ol
Pm Verdel Eltales, 1,.,1
ol IMo bride; MrL Robert
Oiiier, ...,. ol the benedk:t:
Merry M~narch Cruise The club recenUy enjoyed
its 8Mllal Easter Egg hunt
where members' c h 11 d r e n
hunted for eggs and bad
luncheon in the c.osta Mesa
home of Mn. PaUl Brumfield.
Assembly Bill 74 requiring
doctors, school officials or
social agencies to report
suspicious injuries -and of·
fering them freedom from in·
curring civil or criminal
liability -there has been less
reluc~ by people· in
authoaity, but, Dr. Guido
pointed-out : "No one wan ta:
to make a report of this
nature unlea:s there is an agen-
cy capable ol taking over the
SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Affair (If heart may
go awry. Not wise to force
issues. Do more listening than
asserting. You can get a\ truth
today. Base decisions on valid
information. Some around you
are very careless. Enjoying a 15-<lay cruise aboard the SS Lurline is
Mrs. Raymond P. Herms of Costa Mesa, The ship
will call at Honolulu, Nawiliwili, Kauai, Lahaina,
Maui and Hilo during the special four-island excur-
sion. ·
l\IJm J1111e Wiae ol HuntJncton-----------------
Beoch; Mtl. J... Lkk ol
A special guest WU an 1-
year-old Santa Ana girl who wu adopted by the club for
Its charity project thrtt year•
ago. The llirl, who waa severe-
ly bumea four yean ago, bas
been sent to Galve:Mon, Tei.
for numerous treatments, and
the club also has provided
a hairpiece and wig for her.
Hl!lnx. Bfmcb, the bride's
...--..i -<laro!Jn BrlpWl ol Humi"l!lon Beech,
CQUSin of the bride, at the
fl1JeSt boot.
Special guests were Mrs.
~<!llie Ncxtmi ol Cooto Mesa,
greo~pndmother ol th e
!>ride; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Brignall of Newport Beach ~ Mr. and Mn. Dlntis
lmle ol IAlng Beoch, her
joandpattnts: Dr. and Mrs.
' "
:.jH istorian ,,
;~s Speaker
Hundred Words
When the baby-sitter arrives,
don't dash out without first
having a few hundred words.
To allow .enougll time, sug-
gest that the sitter arrive at
least 15 minutes before your
scheduled departure.
The New York State Health
Department lists t h e s e
pointers on how to brief your
-Privileges you will allow
regarding televis ion, stereo,
phone, food and frlen~.
-Tell sitter what to do in
case of fire . Stress that
children should be evacuated
im,mediately if the sitter
suspetp fire. Calling the fire
department comes sec<lnd.
-Tell your sitter how often
you want the sleeping children
Anyone wishing information
on the club for former
American Airlines
stewardesses may call Mrs.
Don Howard, 6f6.MIS.
"We now are receiving more
and more referrals all the
tiine because agencies have
become convinced that we're
Picking up the ball and run-nipl Wi1h it. II
Women Become Aware
Of Youthful Problems
Are You Really Wlth lt? Further informaUon may be
"You can safeguard against ls the title of a talk Mn:. obtained by calling Mrs. Ray
accldtnll by taking t w o Vkltorla Wells will give before Stewart of Colla Mesa $G-
precautlom when you hire a South Olest Cliapter, AWARE 3785. or A1rs. Robert Hulings
sittu," the department lntemalional during: a meeting of Laguna~. 497-1405.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22--Jlb.
19): Steer clear of famlly
disputes. You get what you
need without argument. Know
this and be graciOUI. Some
around you merely have to
let off steam. Be patient
wllhoot being c:oodescendlng.
AQUAJll1JS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Shakeup could occur in
club, organization. You could
gain as a re.suJt. Have facts
ready. Be specific, Back up
·.--------..... I
I i I( the new cleaners
1 explode dirt-
' what mast thel dD
lo yoar hands:
Traditional hand lotions
are little protection
against modern killer
Morris Plan's_S5.000 Invest-
ment Certificates -earn 5.5%
Interest yearly-no lengthy
holding period required.
• Certificates purchased through April 15 wnt
eam at the full rate from April 1. Interest Is paid
by check at the end of each calendar quarter.
• Since tts founding in 1916, Morris P\an hsa
promptly mel every request for withdrawal
Assets exceed $100 million.
ol any amount, with lntereat computed monthly
and credited and compounded quarterly. Fundt
placed by April 15 eam from Apt-ii 1.
' •
• ,. • A PfGCfU\ and dessert are
pllmed fer Ute E m m a
.-Cbopt.,. of United .Jloi..... 0 f Coofecleracy ;rtu'ldlt, April 10, in the
lane fl Mn Flttchtr
a.watt. C-. M..,,
-Provide an information
sheet with addnisles and
phones where you can be
niched, phone of fire and
poUce department, doctor's
name and number, ho.spit.al
emergency room p b o n e ,
neighbor's name and phone.
reports. in Revere House, Tustin, Fri-AWARE stands for the
New Vee.Ira with AJoe,
the desert's moisturising'
plant, was formulaled ex·
pressly to offsel lhe de••·
staling effect.a af hanb
cleaners. It soothes,
amooths, bdpa restore a
soft texture lo hands.
Vedr1 Lo'tion, 1.00,
Cr.om, 1.50.
Morris Plan -·
' Mill NCl'a Dea Pree of
, CMdlella ml Mn, C. P. Van-
....,.. ol Blml• wlll ... ~.
ai bol1-far the l p.m.
' 'ntt chapter'• hlliorian and
,...,... chlinnan, V. I 1 I
ariltlne Bt<loU, wlll pmeit
lbe progtllb on ,EducaUoa Jn u;e SOlllh Befare the war
Between the Slates.
-Tell her what lime you
wlll retum. Explain whit to tort baby, II what time, how
lo prtpart It., and where it
-How to ttgu)1te heat In
the home.
-Fears "'1d hlbll$ of child.
Jf older child, his likes ot
''Never choose: 1 sitter da.yevtrtln«,Aprilll. Association for Women'1!
casuaUy, and, always give the The apeaker, .t juvenile in-Active Return to Education.
silter full instructions.'' vestigator working with a pro-Mrs. WlUiam Roley, president
Other suggestions: baUoo department, wUl focus of the group, said all WOOlel'l
Wh hirln her talk on problems in whO are goino or are nla• .. ,1 .. .. -en g a sitter you juverile delinq•-wttb an .. ,. r , ..... ,. do oot know personally. Insis t .J.. .. .l ......... ,, to go back to school &f'fl ln-
on references and check them :.red1!i. on prevertion and vited to aUtnd the meeting
oot. • The mettlng Will open wllh _•n<l_bri_ng_thel __ r h_u_sbl_nda_. _,
-No matter how good the a 8:30 social hour followed W ( B f' r.rertncco, never hU. I •Iller by dinner at 7:30. A question e over oa mg
whom you hive not met ind and snswer period wlll cl.,. Best in West
talked with, 1'1rs. Wells' talk.
Newport Buch, 3700 Newport Blvd., 673-3700
I • . !
8 "£l"'"lt1•Wl"'INESS. NEWS'1 * lllll -_,/Siu N1hlll --e .... -l<I (II)
·-- -(Q (IO)
____ ... .... -. ··--(C)-lirt II (dttMt) '56-Wll\IM Hel· ........ __ ,_
II I "' l<I (II) ID"' ..... (C) C!O> ·-(C) (IOI IHJ(I)-.... (C)
....... ..., (30) ~"
tie o-t. .. f1nt " ........ 011 U. "'BrM .,,... Ill South
Amsica.' TodlJ thl bOrl vlllt Ill
opm-fp pit copper ml.n_t.
...... -(C)
•:JOD._ ••••CC> <IO>
ID I "" ,_, (30)
m11a1s•W11t (CJ
m-11111 --(!O) "Thi Rlldlq PYolraM lat HM"
CitJ Sdlaalt llllchlr Sim Mwchtlt .._ IJll'Wll· .... .,..Haft In,.... .............. :
a.'91 ..... 1 ll1tw ,...
lqt I dt ....... e* ... .....
a rne m 11-CC1
IDT ... • C..--(Q (IOI
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...... ~ ... (30)
mu t.t1 .......
""' m -l<I (IOI m...,. -1<1 <'">
ll)l'llitl t• ......
1l:3011 ""* CC> -n1 11r1 M•at lAlltr" (f.Olllld1) ~Jani Ptwlll.
CDft RobelUoft, Kayt Blll1rd.
l!l@ClJ&l l--(C) .,_ ...... -..,. <"""'7> • ..._.._ ....... ,. .. .,_,_
D-.... ._. ltr•ld•1· <• bfJ) '4'-hm Ans kllw, It.fl• ... ,. _
wt .. ,,,. " -1'!'.:""") '44 -,,.,,,, r.ct. .....
--4$-( .... ......
0111llty Pth1tlt1t 1M o.,..M,i.11 StnM1
fir '"'9 ftl111 • Q.1r+et tJf • C.11tvry.
~\ ;; 9 .UC::.. ff
. ._.. ---
HSl<li SllE COMES!
UCillT TMS c.ANl>I.$!
I .
· By Ferd Johnson
~y· Tom K. Ryon
~y Al Smith
ly Gus Arriot.
1y Mea
• I
I t I I I
" ~YPG..qf ·lE
' . ..
HAl,'PY HUNTING -Robert Wagner and J ; Lee
Ave~1 ·uMi1S~u.s:A.'' of 1968, star in tonight'• "It
Takes a Thiel"' on Ch81Dlel'7 at 8:30. Tbe episOde, f
''.38 .. 23 ... 36" are numbers gasped by a dying agent :..~ ·
and the bunt proceeds to Include a gathering of. ,
beauty queens-lo>llndia· lovely thief. •
Is Freedom
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The recent Senate in-:
vestigation into television sex and violence drew
predictable batUe lines.
In Hollywood, some producers, directors, wri~ ..
ers and performers made loud, public complaints,. ·
upset with wbat they coosidered ye\ another p,..., .•
sure on their creative output. 1 :
The networks, by and large, found themselves.. .. ,
caught In the middle again because, using the pub,, ,
lie airwaves .they are subject to government .•
•crutlny and ' action. Basically, they limply try to :
make money and yet keep everyone happy -a luk
becoming Increasingly , difficult with the polartza.; •
Uon of generations, moral attitudes and the like. ·
SINCE SEN. John Pastore (D-R.i,), wa• chair,:.'
man of the subcommittee conducting the television
hearings, he quite naturally became a focal poln~ .
o! the goings-oo. · · ..
And despite the Hollywood reectlon to the hear·
lngs, it would be a great miscalculation to thlnl!; ,
that Pastore was representing only his own views ·
concerning what ia on the home tube. He ~peak~ for.. ·
many television-watchers, as letters to thi! reVIew-
er have attested in recent months.
One's own personal opinions about the conlr\>,
versy are, alas., not enou~ to come up with a clean
!olution. In 1he past, for instance, investigations in-
to video violence and sex were pretty much cut-and·· ·
dried headline-seeking affairs. ·
AND AL THOUGH the headline value 11 s<ill ..
surely 'not denied, the recent investigation came at.
a time that is unique in the history of American
arts. Never before have so many liberties been tak·
en-to such an extreme degree-in the movies, on .
the s<age and in books. And it would be foolish to·
·deny that large excesses, frequently tasteless, have
It would also be foolish to deny that a great.
tnfDy persons -and not only conservative, pun .. ·
tannical folk-find the exces ses offensive and often··
unnecessary, and are ~ longer impressed with the
explanations for them .
Although, most of the r~~ u~esses have occu~
red in the other arts, teleVIsion 1s the one medium -
on the firing line minute by minute, day after day .•
'It is the most obvious target. Being human, it also
has its tasteless moments. And although these
moments are relatively naive compared with what
is happening in the other arts, video·magnifies them
by having r,nore national, massive and immediate
impact than books, ~ovies and the stage.
FURTHERMORE, the. video audience ls more
't'Onservative thai1: that which frequents the movie~
and theatre. And despite definite steps by the net-
works to cut back on violence since the murders of
Martin Luther.King and Robert Kennedy, the lm·
pact of the excesses is still potent. .
But eventually, amid all the tall[ about sex, ~
reverence -and even violence -one comes baa
to that most Important word: Freedom. In televl ......
ion, it is a clouded word because, as users of the·
public airwaves, the networks constanUy find thelt
free enterprise on guard. for government reaction'!
Yet the issue of Ireedom is inescapable in the cur·
rent furor. ··
Dennis . the Menace ...
' H DAll.Y PllOT TlllSdlf, Aprll I, 1969
~CGIOthlin Fires ~t Pilots ~ -Tonight's Opener
' ' -.
Ancell yla the erplJllloo .......
Tbe PUe&a Mern to bave -of tbe
:AJl)erican J.uiue'• bell pilcblq --.... -.. '!"·-clubl. Scllultl can call upon Gal'J' BeD, Steve Barber,
Jim~ or Mlle• MmbalJ for lllnlng
roles and Diego Segui or Jack Aker
for rdld.
The ~llola' Infield II /001 oo u-.,.mnee, with Mincher, Ra) Oyler from
Detroit and U •Twln llldl Rol1lns an-cborilll thlnp .. Tommy Davb, I p<Oven
hlU.., .. _Jn -field.
UPI T .........
A DUSTY ROSE -Cincinnati's Pele ll06e executed one of bis patent-Cincinnati. J;!Dse had doubled to center and here he bits the dirt to beat
ed diving slides Monday 8fternoon in a National League opener at the tag by Dodger 1ecood baseman Jim Lefebvre. The Dodgers won.
.. Major League
New Yort 0 • St. Louis • 0
Chicago • • Pblladelphia 0 • Pi~ 0 • MQll • • • West Dlvltlon
IM Angeles l ; O
t Atlanta 1 0
San Diego O . O
Houston O O
Cincinnati 0 I
San Fraocisco 0 I ,....,,.,.. ·-lh L• """'-S. Clrldl'IMll I 1'1Mftl• j, S.11 frMKIK9 A ,.....,.,._
.000 ..ooo
GB -·
· ~I tGr•l'tt .... l •I Hfw York (SM~tr l .. U) -..tori (Wll-·1).U) •I $1111 Dlew (Sllmll f.IOl,
ill .. -... ~,
I,' ~ledtlplli. (Mletf lf.lJ) .f 0.kafO (Jf!'llllM •151
Plftt.burtll (111• !Ml 11 .St. LD11lt (Glbton D-t>.
-'illl!ht ~ f..-ltoo 1"111'"' 1._IS) 11 A1i.rttt (Nltk,.. 1•
-lll. fllltll
Eat Division ·-Woa Lott Pct. GB
1 0 1.000
0 . • .000
0 0 .(XXI
0 0 .000
0 0 .000
0 1 .000
Wqt IM vlsJon
~ .. • 0 .000
0 • .000
~cago 0 0 .000
Calilomia 0 • .000
Kanoaa City 0 • .000
Seattle 0 0 ·"" ,,....~. llnllltl
tftw Yortr t. W1i.hll'lefan 4
CllllY -ldlod111oO. T....,.10-
,, ., ,, ,,,
llol'°" lLonbwll 6-10) ot loltlmo,.. IMcNolW 1l·IO)
ci...1n 1n."' ''"'I ot Detroit 4McL.llrl 11 .. 1
Olk .... (Petwl +Ill ol Oolll9tllll !Odom 16-lfl. ......
MlnnHot1 1144111 1·11 OI ICll'IWI CllY (8ullker 1.0)
5ffttl4' (Potllll ~) 11 C..ll'°""ll !McGIDlflllll 10.UI,
"""" °"" ·-~ .... . ....,,...._.
oic-.. o-111•
Maxwell Stiles Dies
. Reliving Ange_l Woes
From 1968 Lid-lifter
Tonight 's season opener for the Angels
refreshes memories of last . year's Halo
lid-lifter and all the incredible even~ that
took plaCe that first week of the cam·
The original opener at Yankee Sta-
dium was postponed because of the as-
sassination of Dr. Martin U..ther K1ng.
'Ihen a stadium strike threatened to
wipe out the already delayed inaugural.
• .\nd when that was finally resolved, riot
conditicm in Harlem -an area the An-
gels had to bus through to get to Yankee
~i ,, •. , ••.•. , •• *****
Stadium -made the trip to the H o u s e
That Ruth Built a drama of sorts.
And to wrap it up, the opener oo1y took
an hour and 4.'I minutes to play -with
hard-luck George · Brunet losing a 1-0
verdict to the Yanks .
But that's ooJy the beginning of lhal
evenUul season opening trek. 'Ille chart·
er plane from New York lo Cleveland
caught fire as It was wan:Dlng up f o r
takeoff from La.Guardia Airport •
And Angel manager Bill Rigney was
coming down with a siege of Ou that
benched him for most of the trip.
eel f O r beWlplpen llC' U 'J'1te 1\mn,
Mirror, Prus-TeleJl'UI, E:s:11nintr ud
finally dte Hollywood CHiJeD-Nn°S.
Hit (1)11UU rUdled DAD..Y PILOT
readen fe:o • few monills before i.t wu
to take the 11 couat wltb uodtt.r beart
AAd two cil tbe lut Ueau be did prov·
ed •ccur•te 11 be predlded lite rih be-
tween the Rams ud Gtorce A11en plus
Elroy Hinch u • man btlnc 1qaened
out of the Rams by Allen -ud project--
ltd l Ill • t Hindi WOllld become 1~dc
dirtttor •l Ute µalvenity of Wlactelia
( wbldl liter cm.e to pas•).
Pauden• CID New Year'• Oliy will
IOl'lltllow seem especially drab wtthciat
Mix m-oaDd. die Role Bowl prt11 ties.
Joarnalilm cu W·afford to lole men
like Mu SWts. He wu 1 1ood trieDd to
dte proletlloa ud tile men la tt. • Sltort Circuit•
Reliable sources u.y that W a y n e
Hughes, onetime bead football coach at
Newport Harbor ffiCh, is eolertalnini
ideas of tryttfl to get back u 1 vustty
head coach alter bossing Sailor Bees In
recent yean.
Apparently Hughes has applied for the
vacancy at Estancia lligh.
Elmer Cembt, Hutiqton Bt•dl Hlalll
buketHll coach, fin.Uy accepled a .,.._
OIM)De dillleqe from 611 ecihau.
Comb•, ullr a lludly oatlide UK ad
a number of 1llepl blocb, t'ftlll l 111 e
series by !U, !!-11 ... li-lt Cltlllb.
Carl 'frentadue, former We!lmlnster
Hlgh mile star, bu won f111t places In
the mile for USC in its recent duaJ meets
with Occident.al and Cal
Cincy Bats
Erupt, Fnzle
Again st LA
CINCINNATI (AP) -Let sleeping
pitchers De.
The Cincinnati Reds woke one up with
• bang, then it wu their hitters who
went to sleep.
Pete Rose and Bob Tolan, the first
two hitters to race Don Drysdale of
Los Angeles in Monday's National League
{6~· ........ ~ .. Clncl111111i, • ~.lfl.. "' 1Jlr· 11-0~r• .. Houttori, S:H . ~. ...
1:J>· ,,__m .. Hou11on, S:15 ...... ...
13i'· 13-0odgeri .. HouslOll, 11:J~ 1.m.1 It.Fl
opener, homered, but then the Reds
were held to two singles the rest of
the way and the Dodgen woo 3-2.
"I leJI you, they kind of opened my
eyes a• little bit." said Drysdale who
was relieved after the sixth inning when
his arm tightened .
"It knocks lbe sleepiness out of you,"
the veteran right-bander said of his rough
"I was as loose as you can pt throwing
my flith pitch after the second liome
Bill Sin1er relieved Drysdale at the
start of the seventh and held the Reds
hitless the rest of the way.
Young Cincinnati right-hander Gary
Nolan itruck out 11. Doctcers bul Ron
Fairly touched him ror a triple and
that beat him.
Los Angeles a:ot a nm in the second
inning when, after Nolan fanned the
first two baUera, Tom Haller singled
and Jim Lefebvre doubled.
In the third inning, Willie Crawford
opened with a single .and Len Gabrielson
foUowed with another. After Bill Sudakls
struck out Fairly followed with his triple.
=Aalde r-the pltchlllfl llal!, tM
1--to 1'111 ·'llltb stuar! SlirtuO at catehor and You. u Stuarl --to hit .. be hu
In .... tralninl (.325), be .... Rick
e.!cbanlt coWd Ii•• the AnJe1a aolld
onHwo IOCk:. . ~ ·sitrl.ano 11 a e1pahle team leader
but hu yet to prove hlmaell behind
,the pllte. I "
Vou, of course, wu the blg aurprile
of spring lrilntnl. Al .444 be p u t In
ooe of the sreateat-ever 1 p r I n.1 . .
performances by mi1 Aqd. U · ,.. ....
looking for • dart blWM c•Nlid ... for
the balling tttle, be ml,Clit ... """ ......
Pildilng? The Anftl, 114~• In 1toct
tbelr most' glaring Illa deffcJency -
bullpen lalenL· In Eddlt _-and an-
.cleat (II) HoYI WUhelm, the Ancell
will be one of the best in relief.
Starters McGlothlln, , Tom Murphy,
Andy Me.uenmilh and Rudy MOY are
showing signs of becoming •' firat.r1te
Pro Cage Picks
LA Gets Mc Carter,:
Roberson in Draft
-NEW YORK (AP) -The flip aide
of llie coin for the Phoenix 511111 turned
out to be Neal Walk ol ·Florids.
1be surprise in a delayed Easter
buket for the ,Boston Celtics turned
out 1o be Jo Jo While o1 Kansss.
1bat'a the way it went Monday as
~ Nat.kml Basketball Allociation ran
Hawks Circle
Over Lakers,
Await .Series
SAN DIEGO (AP) -The Atlanta
'1awks, outshot and outrebounded by the
young San Diego Rockets, were not
Their 108-iOI victory Monday nl!lht
put the Hawks into the National Basket-
ball AssocilUon's Western Division
playoff flnab with the Los Angela
AUantai, beating San Diego +2 in their
serit!, meets the Lakers in the first
game of tht besti>f seven series Wed-
nesday night at Los Angeles.
In lhe Eastern Division finals, Booton
lea<h New Ycrl: 1.0. The Celtics enter-
tain tbe Knlcb Wednesday ni8ht·
No games ¥e scheduled tonilht.
Atlanta trailed by 19 points in the
third quarter but the Hawks began pick-
ing up loose balls, and intercepting
through lhe first two rounds of it.a draft
of college seniors in fast-break style.
It took the 14 club.s jiut 22 minutes
to select 29 players in the telephone
draft session in the offlcea of Com-
missioner J. Walter Kennedy. 'Ibe draft
will be completed in New York May
Phoenis, which I o s t a coin t o·s 1 to
Milwaukee for the right to pick first,
chose the 6-(oot-10 Walk just moments
after Milwaukee had seleeted Lew Alcin-
The Los Angeles Lakers, winners in
the West, chose. Willie McCarter of Drake
and Rick Roberson of Cincinnati.
Los Angeles was awarded an extra
first.round pi~k because of the Rudy
La.Russo incident of a few years ago.
LaRusso, now with San Francisco but
then with the Lakers was involved in
a trade between Im Angeles, BalUmore
and Detroit but he refused to report
to Detroit.
The Celtics, who picked ninth in the
first round, had expected White to be
gone by the time their turn came. But
he wasn't and so the 6-3 Olympian
became a Celtic.
Joining AJcindor and Walk, who was
also the No. 2 pick in the rival American
Basketball Association. w e r e U..clus
Allen, by Seattlt; Terry Driscoll of
Boston College, by Detroit, and Larry
Cannon of La Salle, by Chicago.
The 6-Z Allen was a teammate of
Alcindor's for two seasons when be left
UCLA before his senior year. Baltimore,
the regular season winner in the East,
picked last in t h e first round and took.
Mike Davis of Vugini,a Union.
·Detroit got an extra lirst round pick
last year •
Patriots on Threshhold
Of Moving to Seattle·
BOSTON <APr -The Boston Patriots
of the American Football League "are
on the threshold of movin1 to SeatUe,"
the Boston HeraJd Traveler said today
in a copyrighted story,
'"lbeir departun from Boston appears
90 imminent it couJd happen within a
few days," the newspaper said.
Becau..e the Patriots will be unable
to use Fenway Park. the Red Sox' home
field, w:¢U late October, and because
prospects for a hew stadium are dim,
"the Patriots art \m(ler heavy pressure
from pro football leaders to move im-
me<JiatelJ," the He.raid Traveler said.
'Ihe only development which might
prevent a move from Boston would be
ravorable action In the legislature dn
one ol the many st.ldlum proPo51ls,
the newspaper said.
·"Jbe Patriots• la.st hope of remaining
in Boston was apparently extinguished
la.sl 'o\:eek when Boston Mayor Kevin
White and Boston redevelopment director
Hale Champion met with Harvard Presi-
dent. Nathan Pusey in an attempt to
obtain permission for the Pats to use
Harvard Stadium.
"Pusty rejected the plea," the account
In addition to the team's Inability
to use Fenway Park tor September-,
October games, the ne'o\·spaper said
another problem arises from the eflortl
of Commissioner Pete Rozelle and others
to iron out a 1970 realignment of the
merged AFL 1 and National Football
"They don't want to establish Uie.
Patriots in an Eastern Division only
to have the Pats move west nei:t K&SOn,
t h u s necessitating a reshuffling then,·•
the Herald Traveler said.
$1.11)11 ot c~ ni.111 MIMnO!o ot ~ Ctrr. nltllt
Hew Tort. et W.......,_ t1ltllt
It was freezing cold w~en we eventual-
ly got. to Cleve.land. Then the next day AJliel star Don Mincher was beaned at
Municipal Stadium .
Finally, the Anny cammaodetred our
hotel In lloltimon!, mlllng it necessary
to seek out accommodations in that riot·
tom ctty. •
Beware of lnvhlids, Warns Player
: -ANAllEDI -Tho C.lilornla AngtJs
rucbed tboir a-player llmlt at the 11th ... ........,,.
.-Rojas wu llOld to the MA Mnirw Lllpl ch.lb at Jali.Jco in an
lp"ler'1sed talb deal. J.n..,... Oluct ColUer ond pit<ber
¥Jlrlce op.-...,. plaoed on the dl&abl· •
el lill for II da)'I and Phil Ortega.
.. ,. ed cm ntven f r o m Wuhlngton
tlft!I' tlll wedt:nd, WAI placed on ' the ,...u.. lilt untll .. Is In coodltion ......
• -1'bt dradllne /or ·dlopplnc tho rol1<r
-~ '
So no matt.er what ha~ tonight, or
the rest ol this lint -t. It'll hlYe to be IOl1ldhinf mighty spectacular to outdo
l8't year's cbaln ol happenings. •
Stiles I• Deatl
Mu sua._ n. dt(ton uJd w t 1 I d
Ht Un ,..i J•lar)'. mlde lt t.o Euter
bef0tt I""" Ms batlle hr Hfe.
SOies, '7, dlu ~ •t u ldmlr•
1ble career .Wela M be1aa 11 1 bfcyde
mtaenger boy. He went oa &o penoaUJ
cover a RIM ..,,. pmes, tilt otymplc
Gsme:s, Ille wrtt. 1 ewple el boob. wa•
A •llMJ nprded tnct ud field H•
dlertt1 ad 1t one dme Of ancNW work·
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -A tuneup
63 by Slltt-back Arnold Palm>r aod a
17 by allerl)'·riddeo Bill c._ l>roqllt
a new wave U auppott to 1 pair of
old favoritea Mondly at the' launchtnr
o( Mist.era week,
"Beware. of the sick man," warned
little Gary Player of South Africa , a
fonnu winner, as full-tcale practice
began for the 33rd Maaten Golf Touma·
rmnt. the SCM:alled inv1lid open, stattlng
uyou have to watch the.It fellows with
adlo> and pains. In worr;in& about their
troubJe11 they tend not to get too tense
about their IOlf 1ames and give creat
perfcnnanca," Player added.
''I 117, Casper and Palmer -and
J act Nk!klaus -are the mtn to bea.L"
Palm<r, wlMer of Joor illles, shot
a U..Sl-G over the &,!lllO-yard, par S.
36-72 AIJIUIU N1tional Course last Fri·
day ln..o n e of his three practice t'llUO<b.
HI! other ttores were a pair ot Us.
"It's the best (9lmd I ever had over
thls ~." Palih&.Jald.
••1 am hiUina: the ball much better.
If everything holds together, l may get
It going again.
"My aort back hasn't bothered me
mucll. I'm keeping my flng.s; croued.
I lfl nervWs when 1 think about winning
I Oftb Muten."
'Ibe Masten competttive record ls 64,
shared by Nlcklaus and Lloyd Mangrum.
Casper, Jl'O golfer of the year in
1988, ls just mapping out of an allergy
attack that aide.lined him 10 days aao
In Mlaml.
'Two ol my fingers are numb and
my reet became infected, II the Mormon l'l: minister from San Diego said.
'I played t.rrlbly °" my !Im two
rounds li<re. I had a 10 and 74, then
today 110t • 17 ...
Mlller Barber, tbe dart-bone pick of
many of the compeUtors, and dandy
Doug Sanden joined lhe list of cripples.
Barber turned up wJth a swollen left
thumb -the result of goot -and
Sanden suffered a k i n k In his b a c k 1 forcing hlm out of the tournament •
Greensboro, N.C., Jast . week. Sandera
is undergoing treatment btrt.
Lee Trevlno said hia ),ft lhumb, Jam-
med into I door belort. the start of
the NaUooll JJrUnes Toumamtnt In
Miami, b ad healed sulllclenUy and be
wu ~rgod up for hll second lhot
at the Masters Utle.
T-. A!Wil I , 1 M -DAIL V 'fl.OT Jl
by Delce Houlgo te
-now the dlllsenting opinion on America's lastA!lt growinc nee clrcuft, the Canodian-American CballeJllO cup aeriu.
John Canoon, oaJy North Americon drlv« 14 win a Can-Am
race Jut year, isn't aolDI to be in ooe during 1969.
Why? The Can-Am hu heen widely prailed by drivers.
race orpniun, !ana and ol!icials of Sports Car Club of
Amofk:L II hol beoome S0CA 'a fll'll 11 million racing circuit
It bu allradod ..... of the heot drivers from tbat other
orpnh.atlm, USAC, who are lavi:sb in their eJXhusiasm for
the C-Am.
It hlll been e1paoded from liJ to 11 races and hH
become iotemaUonal in acope. It bas New Zealanders Bruce
Afcl.arm and Denil Hulme to give it workl championship
flavor. Dynamic enginttr:i.nc concep&.s like UM* ef Jim Hall
give the C•Am uoteric appeal.
Every worthy sport! car driver with a means cf latchllW'
onto $20-50,000 is expected lo have some kind of mount for
the series. What's bothering cannon?
"Why should I race on the Can-Am when I know I have
no chance of wirlllinf?" Cam>oo bluntly explained.
'-ibere'a only one way to win -bave.. a brand ~DeW
McLartm or a new Lola and a Traco (aluminum block Chevrolet
buiJI by Trooo Engineering Co. of CUiver City, Cal.) eqine,"
Cannon said.. "Yoo can't have any of these unless you are
Bruce McLaren or ftotl:er Penske."
Cannon believes the Can-Am will suffer from lack of
ampretillon becawe ol. the "lock" on Group 7 sporU car
devolopmtnt •PllOffiltly enjoyed by McLaren and the other
Ellglillh '!"' builder, t..la.
"I can't go to a potentiaJ sponsor and promise him I
will be abie to win, because that wouldn't be honest," Cannon
said. "I'm not alone. The alternative to bucking the big
boys b to take one of. last year's can .and try to update
lt. 'lbeo I would have to spend $50,000 or so developing
my own engine.
"Wbm I got done I l!Ught still he l4o slow."
ClnDOll. alao wes another illu.stratioo. to prove ~s lheory
that tbe Cao-Am lan't aa competitive as it used to be.
0 To live you an idea, J have driven the same car for
three yean:. Each year it was older and more out of date,
but each year I have qualified closer to the. fl'Ol'lt row ,"
"I am much slower than the man oo the pole each
year, but I am cloler to him because there are fewer good
cars between UJ oow. That SIXt of 'drop-out• by good cars
and drivers can't continue much longer without hurting the
Cannon isn't the sour grapes type. He believes he has
BASEBALL·s NEW LOO.K? -This scene at Ana-
heim Stadium isn't really part of the attempt to
modernize baseball . . . it's just a wannup .for
SUnday's Angels-Di sneyland double header, which
includes a game between the Halos and Minnesota,
followed. by an excursion at Disneyland. Seen here
are Jay Johnstone (left) and Tom Egan o~ the
Angels with Shari Bescos and a couple of Di sney
· characters -Mickey Mouse and Goofy.
• IOhaioo to \be dilemmi be see!, limiting engine size. J ' B •
"II tilere were an engine limit that woold &pjlrOximate t S ar g a Ill
the stock block Indy engine formula , not the same but along
Ult same lines, then anybody could afford to build his own Day Sunda y engine," Cannon said.
"Equality of mechanical elements would make the Can-Am
• driver'• Nee. That would be good for everybody. the drivers. For Ang els
Leading Gymnasts·
To Compete at VCI
Haab y 1st •.
In Cycle
car owners and especially tbe fans." By EARL GUSTKEY
Omoon put& hia career where his moutti is. He will ot -. o.u, l'li.t St•lf
race this year on .tbe SCCA Continental Grand Prix circuit, Baseball's most u nu s.u a I Several of Am erica ' 1
betiming AJXil 20 at Riverside, in an Ea~e Chevy owned twin bill will be staged Sunday outstanding gymnasts _ in·
by Malcolm Starr ol Clifton, N.J. The Continental, for open-wheel -the third aMual Angels·
fcrmula can powered by stock block American engines, i! Disneyland Doubleheader. eluding the best one ever -
more to hi& liking. . Oo the double-bill, (an& will will be at UC I's Crawford Hall
"I'm vuy excited alx>ut the ContinentaJ," camoo said. see the afternoon game Friday night for the inaugural
college football bowl games. Hostilities
"It it gd.s the publicity jt can , it will become the best between the Angels and Min· Wayne Crawfo rd Memorial season opener at Gardena's
of all the road racing ..tjrcWts. We are going to start out nesota Twins, then move 10 Mee t of Champions. competitors in the Friday Ascot Park.
"In college, football has its
bowl games after the regular
season finishes. Thafs pretty
much ).he situation for college
gymnaJts -this is a post·
seaSon event," he explained.
Banner added that all tht
Dan Haaby ltft some of tht
firiest California motorcycle
racers in the dust Friday night
by winning the 1969 flattrack
with 30 good, almost equil cars, and thert's no raeing series nearby Disneyland for a full Named for the lale Irvine night attraction wi"ll he pri.... The blond·haired Harley-! know d. which is that competitive." evening of s p e c i a I en· ....
In del--z the r--Am , which shouldn't have •A ....,k tertainment and fun with athletic director and staged ing themselves for the World Davidson ace jumped to an
... _.. "' '--lJ" '""' ... C G 1 , • B h early lead with San . Fran-for one, there are more drivers this year, more good cars Angels baseball stars, KMPC in order to benefit the cause up ames a LA.Ing eac cisco's Mert Lawwill, also
ani broader -aphical spreed due to an increased number disc jockeys and Disneyland of athJetiCs at UCI, the event later this month. H 1 0 "d t d h t o-&• . There is a possibility ••-i ar ey-av1 son·moun e , o of races. entertainers. will bigin at 7:30 p.m. u1<1 on his rear wheel. ·
It is true, however, that nobody could touch McLaren Advance tickets, now on The featured performer will a second U.S. Olympian will Both kept up a furious pace
and Denis Hulme last year and that Roger Penske-e.tl Hau-Loia s,•.,l:P>,w,6111 sepraotvi~f the bq.1ga;;~ be Dav~ Thor of ~lichigan ~tev~n H::,n~nl;r~da{uni~~gh:t around the half·mile dirt oval n--Mar• ~-···--co ~vy c~•Jd make a ~""t-1·ru··· -• Cha'·worth Hi"gb School, ,., until Laww1·11 made a mistake ::;::.'b·,_,:;_ LIVlm·Jl11J\ft:" JM!. "1• '-Al'C "" u'&" '"" _. plus admission to Disneyland Slate, who won the NCAA ...,
--·· ••~ ~ f II · · hi •-I I l penciled in for tbe meet but in one of the turns, dropping Pia _ Races and unlimited use o a its champions p at .xatt e as h "gh hoo him s e v e r a I bike-lengths
attractions (except shooting week. Thor finished higher as a h1 sc I match behind for ihe remainder of One effect d. the drag racing tragedy at Yellow Ri ver, galleries). "Doubleheader"' than any other American in scheduled Friday.
Ga., ha! been cancellat)on of several "bot car" drag meets tickets are $7 for bo1 seats, history at the Olympic Games Hug is the most sought-afttr the ~ap feature.
in Cmada, acccrding to Paula Murphy, the .lady hot shoe. $6 for reserved seats. last summer. prep gymnast of all time and A hot duel for second place
Average• .469 ·-'
Marina Soph ToP,
Ar ea Prep Hitt er.
Marina High Sc ho o l 's
sophomore phenom Tony Creci
leads the t.op 10 list of Orange
Cioast area high s c h o o I
baseball batter& with a healthy
.469 average 12 games.
~-klllel . •• . ... -.... Cl"ld, 111.-rm.. 3'2 H ... t w . .V.CC.rlne'\f, WM l:I IJ .*
Slrulllt, ~I X lS .JU
LtWf, N-' X Ii .JfJ
ClerQo"' FV ff II .l19 ... .....ce.trtMr, Wlfl 11 14 .lN w • .-. N-1 Joi ll .l$S e>.r ....... MV JI ll .ln Munl!. M.11...-Otf 111 11 ,:J.n
..... M • mlftimuM of 15 •I ....
Koldl 11 1 .....
C•""'61H » S • .\,n i.19!!\ell ,, t 1 .1 ..
5ou1t1 11 I t ,1• Curra11 11 J I _.,
F!tmlnt ti ' t MO •ellff t • 1 .a
Murlll• J t I ,OllO
McD•llOlo:I I ' t ... ODD
~;m'' MAT•li 011 ~~~111 J
=~Mt... !, ..
Witt riil . .:~= •. , , L i· , 1 ~~\; .... l!l • .-,v
J. Llftfleff J1 I I Ad
T. L.._r1 J I I J/t,O .._. .... ll tCJCIO
COIOM• on MAR l-U APP~lcn ' I • .0C0
Eu1tr l'•lmer
D. SnYdrr II. S!ll'tltr
""'''' "-~··· ..... ' .... -s .... u.11
.. -... •Yt tuml"ort J I • •.GC(I 11 61 .'67 G•, II,_.
11 6 I .107 Nowet 1 t • .«ot
· l l I J .lt( MISSION VIEJO li-+U •• " ( , .111
" ' J .llt G•rclnH ••,,-u":~j ll l l .llO LN!t\H 11 t (
.. 2 I .105 G•t¥ ,. I I 10 7 2 ,100 HlcktY I
!::::*= J~t ::,~ :; ~ : :: ~l'J~ ~ • 1 ·:1l~
"'"''~' Knlthl
~::::t::~ n1 .. 1·
l t I .OOI f:~~: 1f : f .~
CMI• M-12·1) ("l!frlon I I O
l t 0 l.OOCI Mtrfillr~ 1 I t'" ADO
Lh\clntr ' 2 I .JOO NEW~OltT HAI.IOI: (•).!_?.; :
1 l I .m 1lr. 11 ''!\-<~ l •l2 .2'0s,,y111 210
•17 .2Ye11n1on S J I "'
Hln1lt Y
1; ~ ; :m t:o:J· • 1: 1t j I• l J .116 W•r~r lj 11 1J-!
11 t 0 .ffla .n::n~ ~ \ :: 4 ,, s t .1'2 ~llflOff 1' 11 '"'.lit
l l1111tr
Cl•rk Morrow
!6 J •• 1• Sc-lllff " ~ •·.319 26 l 1 .IU Tr11¥1no I J 1 JJ" Plummtr ··-:::::~~~n :J !J .. l:f
t t • .DOii H1"I"' » I $•~
U I t .OOI Fol!tl'" 11 I ~ ~\00 ~ : : :: t~,,,,, i i ti
E4w••4~ ,_, .. ,
ft-J.11 (Ste SOPH. Pace lJL...,.
•• • "' ....... p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;ijiiof
Powtll Jl lJ 3 .lll[j
:· ]! : ; :: RENT YOUR ....
r:.~th ~~ ~ ! 3~ VACATION HOMJ V•lltrt lt J l .. 211 C•nu•~ ,,. J 3 ·'" -ON WHEEL5 1 • Dur•n!t 11 J 3 .1~ • ... euti.rd 14 .; I .161 ...
Poweff 1.; 1 1 .04
S1lnt 6 I • .ODO
llt ~ rbl .... ~....... 1 1 0 .500
Cl••kto11 1' 11 S .319 c ..... 11 3' n • .m
DUiie 17 t 7 .:m
HlllH" ] I I .333 Robetll U ll 4 .2',
V1llM,.. 11 ] I .]7:1
Wiik..,_ 1J 6 4 .161
loyltl 1' 6 3 ,N7
Doo'tr1V .; 1 I .lSI
Y\hNll 1' l I .2!4
A.fitotpl 11 I 1 .2'2
Hell llJ 1 .231
HI• 11 .; 3 .nl
S1llto\ 10 1 7 .:IOO
St•Nry J 1 0 .200
0.Yll l • • .CtDCI l~rry ' 0 I .0:-l
C•rllt lt 1 I 0 .000
'""" I V°"' -· Sl'luflh•
Mc:Quow• ,,, ... " ..... Su,,_,
·~· Jollef
8•M91~ ......
""' C1rl bo1u
0-Schml!i o,...,, Sc~m111
M(:Murr11 .....
"'" McDonnell KPJ1le•
S!ftloYt McEllM!My
SPe•ct r McMurr•v
F•rr Fl1hlve
•• • rill ....
lO 10 ' .l33
US J .333
tJO .lll
ll 12 l .Jli
" J 0 .tlG .-11 1 .m
Q 10 l .Ul
)0 ' , .lll
" 11 o .rn » 1 J .111
5 1 O ,XIII
" J 1 . 11:1 11 1 • .In
1J 1 •• 017
J 0 I .000
!00 .000
.; • I .000 , 0 • .000
100 .DDO
l •ACH 11· .. 11
·~· II rbl •YI l lO .Jll
"10 2 .25' :n I 4 .7SO 4 11 .150
1141 .m
lJ ' $ .1'00 11 1 I .112
n ' • .1n l' ' 1 .111 JG52 .147 »S•.152
I 1 2 .I~ 117 4 .111
21 0.000 1 I 0 .!IOI
110 .000
Go where you want. st_ay
where .you want without
schedules or r ... rvatloftl.
'69 Feul YI, F-JICI, reiM., ....
et' ..... tr.I., ,.ww """ .. ..........
F.,. Up to I
Paula reporta that two dates she had booked~in the Montreal Aii the Angels stars wilh He's regarded as lhe best is considered to be America's developed in the opening
area have been lndefinitely postpooed, although lhe does not M11n•-r· Bill ru~y. Angels all-round avmnut in the No. I future Olympic hope. stages between S h 0 r 1 Y .. -~ ..... ~ if .........,. of I I ~-b ·~ ~-·~ st · --0 .. -""'··-Seaboume, BSA, and Geezer C•Kl nu i ·"" 2 O H•i•-II.YD ruru.. '°vn"''g ue ·~ Y u"-"'7C 'l.olllldWClln nps officials, Disney characters history of the sport in the Richard Grigsby two-time Alld9nt111 11 1 • .~11 06 "" _,. •
le -• b ' Emick, also on a BSA, with N 1i. l 1 o .m is due to g~ problems or to emotional responst Y promoters and broadcasters from KMPC United States. NCAA high bar champ from K:u11trtHt1"' 1• 1 o .JOO 642 001 O
to the spectator tragedy in thi!I country. and KTLA will take part in Competitors in the meet will San Fernando Valley State, Se ab 0 urn e ta king the MOH :: : ! ::;! • They still have drag racing up north >but the ultra fast · II te · II · t d d is another entrant, along with checktred flag fir!l by ap-Moe" :it 10 1 .H• COSTA MISA
, · a giant pep ra y o n compe m a six s an ar ..!~':'.'.~'·~~~:!:Y~_?C~e:_w~h-~I ---'~'~"§";_ ____ !.'''c..'...!_·c""'~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~ fuel cara are et leaM temporarily off schedule. o isneyland's Tomorrowland gymnastics events -side two other SFVSC gymnasts1• ... ... • w1rr1ca;
Paula, incidentally, wu the first woman ever licensed Stage at 8 p.m. horse. rings, long hor se. -Juan Sanchez and Steve
by NHRA to drive a fuel-burning car, although last season Jn addition to Disney lands parallel hara and the high Radomski. San Fernando won . CMADWI WlllSKY • • kDID • llGl!f't' NOOf • llllPOlltD tr lli'f'IOIUtl DISTil..UaS ~n co.
she was about as welcome in drag racing as Carrie Natim 52 major adventures. the bar. The performer scoring the NCAA's college division
in a salooo, after llhe had already gone oo tour and needed evening will include musical the highest tota' points -championship. Iowa won the
the appearance money to live on. entertainment by the Delta decathlon style -wins the University championship.
NHRA developed second thoughts about women driving Ramblers. the Aggregation, meet. Tickets for the meet will
fuel can and abruptly cancelled all licerRS. Paula was caught The Modmen Plus 2 and hour-Larry Banner. UCI gym· be availablt at the door. Will
in Ohio, saddled with a car she could no looger legally Jy performances of the Golden nasties coach and meet direc- call ducats can be reserved
race. '-;:H:•':':es:h:oe::R:e•:u:•:·:::::::::::::'':':·:':'k:ens:::::lh:•:::::U:C:l:m::ee:t:l:o::h:y::ca:ll:in:g:~:::93::l.::::::::;-I "Frankly, I played politics to get my lictnR back," Paula !
admitted. "I had to do everything, up to and including the
thrtat to sue NHRA under terms of the Stb and 14th Amendments
14 the U.S. Oooolllulion.
"After the aeason was over I was notified that my littnse
had been restored."
The ailractive Miu Murphy, who has handled jll.!I about
every kind of race car there ii frun Bonneville jets to
an Imy car (she wu the first woman to lap Indianapolis
Speodway Ill ·helter than 100 m.p.h.), is off and running ..,.m dliil ,._,. with anotbtr drag racing machine.
(He can 't wait, but we can .)
f or 1 tax-time loan, just come by our ottice in
your netchborhood and fiU out the 2·minute ,, .• ~-"'
tax lo.n 1pplication. It's just that simple. ..
The smoothest whisky ever
to come out of Canada!
. ••
Compare Windsor with your usual American or Canadian :
whisky. Once you do, you 'll never settle-for less, or pay mo~!
'I\>nirht, make lhe comP"r iM>n: make one rrain.a and pure, dear 'rtaclal W1ter1. AJlll
drink with your "usual," t.he ot.htr with °"'" Windlor i•apd in Canada'• mil•hlr),
\VlncUor. You 'll be amutd at v.,y,.. Pnc.ell dl'J' Jtock1 Kounllln air • .Al
'• •I
the slppln' 1moothn~a of th i11 """"*' t hte, 1et Wlnd1or ta prle.d
remarkableN10 import.. Thal'a $5,!9... rlsht in line with 1Mdlq dQ:.
because onlv WindM>r is made .• mu tic wht•lda btcauae we lm· .., .. --~-· ---"I'/11 )ATE.'• /f«.J A/J/JIT f/l//S//!llli ~! M7611T
L!fl/1:16-, AND 7EM!/'fG Off TEN />f!S/l-(lf'S/11
Kenneth W. Fowler, Monager
from· hardy Canadian prairie port it, then botUe it here. ·;
•• 1~23o=e. 1=11h=s··=· 6-4=2.=166o======~==::::::::::=i WINDSOR~neCJ\NAD IAN
-If DAILY PILOT Tllfldq, April S. 1969
SOPH •••
Di111e ... l1f1t M1 4rtw ft..
191!11.t Y•llf .. fl ct.,k.
,,,, •• , , • .,.JIM ...... -··· C.11 '41·1671 111411 1111 f111111
16th & Tuetln -C..t• MIN
-t.liist· homes are built with ·OD!r chlldnn ·in
Di1Did. ~have five homes de11gnejl,for the
CQDitortsbd'fun of adultl."Beautll\al lb look
'at, ......: br l)obb!u, private office, aeparate
.. rm, guest. room With beth, a ·car ga. ~.,.iJltng dlstallce to churches, wutcliff
slioJli!llJ, and "''tauranll.
7% ')llllh 21% tlown -71,\% with 10% On.
. ne tr.fl'~"° pohttt -2' yn en Mlana
·PrWH "-$30,950 to $33,950 . .. . . • lnluslve Afortt ·
p. -~ palmer incorporated
tr~ l!h· ~ From L<A, i;alt MA ·UIM
• 4 ) '' ' '
o.r..ral 1000
-THE "' llST :Rl6HT"
~ for ~.any famil¥,
eapecillly il you,lilte a
mature, well kipt neigb-
borhood with TREES,
STYLE LO'l'S, !riendly
neighbors &: lots of
charm. Mauive 2W6'
family room with expos-
ed beamed VAULTED
CEILINGS.ma 11 Ive
ralltd hearth tlttplace,
rich woad walls &: ceil-
ing, large country style
kitchen with built-ins,
breakfast table, detach-
ed double garage, EZ
access for boat or trail-
er storage. We could eo
on & on. Walle to West~
cliff Plaza Shopplnz &:
lent financing available.
S26,995. c:an be seen
~ wAti.AcE
(Open fvoninp)
I'd see it today -exCl'llent
3 BR/famUy rm. home in
l\fesa del Mar. J ust llsled
and owner wants a quick
sale. Built-in oven & range,
1% baths, floor plan oUen
excellent furniture arrange-
ment posibillties. Park-like
r e a r yard p1'0iessionally,
landscaped with many
shrobs .&: flowers. Also nice
covered patio -aprinklers
front & rear. Price $26,950.
?itake offer and start pack·
)iii" !'\I! 0 \\11111
~I \II\ \II\\
~ ! \I l \ • "
1($3 Balcer, C.M.
john macnab
S BedroOm Bayfront with fa.
mily room, pier & slip. Pti-
ctd for quick sale at'
~wn by appt only
(714) 642-12:15
901 LJover Dr!~; SUlte 120
Nev.'POrt Beach
G.I. Repossession
Yau do not Mve-to be a vet-
eru to qualif7. 5 bedrooms.
bullt-irl kitchen,M oversized
double~..,.. Cbe to Cog.
ta Mt!la schools and sho~
ping. $1,800 includes dO\\'ft
pe.yment, closing C01tl, and
payments less than rent.
J wit $26.950.
"For A Wise Bu.y"
Colesworlhy & Co.
.,,, S•le1 o,+ortunily
Opening for one
expe rienced
Ken Brittingham. Mgr.
4 BEDRM. • FAM. R~
Eltpnt natura.i brick firc-
pla~. All eltctric built-In
jcltchen, Mll&:htfu! patk), 2
.. "". part< Ill« ,..,..
TARBE LL 2'SS Harbor
''I Could Write--
A Sonnet" ..
about lht. breathlaldrw vW:w
&: dram11ttc 4 Bdnn home
'1'111h ;i,lthrm b,v Ivar. Wella.
Roy J. Ward Co.
(81Qo·crtsl Office)
1842 Santl111> Di. 646-1530
3 BR 11n baths, 1ha.rp,.aharp
home. Excellent carpeting
thiwa:hcut. Near Mq Co. &
Sean. Take 1,.ver 514 % GI
loan of SlS,000 -payment!
W-4/mo includes all.
Pete Barreti Reilly
For the L•rg• Femlfy
5 oversized bdnns, large liv-
ing room v.'ilh fireplace, se-
clu<led panelled derror omce.
Ba.ycrest area of Newport
Beach. ExCl'Uent price -
~ 164'.6 WHtclitt Or.
Unlwerslty Park
lest 811y-
§l/4 o/o Loan
An!a or blgher priced homes.
Ivy covered iron pies lead
ycu into a most unusual en-
try. Great kitchen with teU
cleanlna: evens. Breakfast
nook & &ep&rale laWlcfry.
Large 28' Uvine room with
massive' bearrui and view of
green belt and bike trails.
Cozy den with fireplace &
be1uns + book shelves. Wet
bat paneled &: air condition.
lng. Take over 51,4 % Joan.
Priced beklw m.Xet at onJX
$31,950 ... Call 645-0300. ~
C•n You Beat This?
Lcvely 3 & family room with
sparkling POOL. O w n er
movin&: out or area & mlaht
accept $1450 UNDER FHA
appraisal of $27,400 or $25,•
950. Oryly $1400 down, U Vet.
L••Mi or Lie/Option
Cute 2 & family room & An-
thony pool. $190 or attracbve
option terms @ $22,500,
(nnrcin1m1 theltl'tt
Harbor View HiR1
·Prestige ana for executive.
Outatanding 3 bedroom, Iarze
Out1tandtrc 3 bedroom.
larpi famib room. Break-
fast • dininc &lTa.. Beautiful
landscaped Yard. Sprinklers
tront & rear, custom drapes.
?ifanY exlra5. $46.500
Near ~an. l BR 2 ba.
e11.ch unit. 3 f"l'lcs. $.12,.
George Willl•mson
~all or
fi3..4300 E\'f:S. 6n.t564
OPJ:."N 1-IOU!ll! ,-IC 4 Sunday
Jmn\8culafc tri-le\'el S BR
\\'1111 lamily room 11.nd latgt
?i.faster bedroom, 2\1 Bath,
neo.1 carepting. 1 blk ta ex-
cellent .school. 2 blks to
Ahoppifl&". 01\11 s 3 4 • 5 0 0 •
~nt. ~ or 534-2536
4 Bedrm.~l13' • menth
2 baths. Tiled entry hall,
Dectrlc buiJ1.1n kitchen. ~
brick fireplace. Co~red A
enctoled patio. ~.500. 54(1.
TARBELL 2'S5 Harbot-
YA ReposMSSlon
l."'\.'t!ryunc q11all~ -Sl»O
down. "4 bftd.rooma. C A L I.
540-1151 (optn eves) Herlt~
ReaJ El.tale.
' mama
Loia"" in 001.J..Ei;~·l".lRK
is this shake .root thtte btd-
room, 1 ~ blth. ~din
ing room and modern buiJ.t..
ins. \\'alk ta q.C.Ci ai?d Q)S.
ml SA VE. Full prle< ONLY
124.000 ......... 5!1" F¥A
Joan 1158 month -taus am lr1s1.1ra.oce~
Sa•• ea-
It's Dirty
2 blocks from I.be CathaUc
chW'th In north Costa Mesa
this 3 bedroom 2 bath borne
is a real bargain at $22,000.
All it needs Is some ttDder
loving care. No down to wb
or low ~']\ FHA. Call
293 E. 17111 St. Mi-4494
300 Ft. to best beach in New.
port. Almost new 4 BR le-
fam nn, wet bar, Jrplc, ~
tiaserie grill, formal din nn.
lrt. kitchen with BI and eat-
ing area. ALSO, doU house
rental .that C\lls the pay•
ments in half. All this on
large do ub I e JoL Call
Caywood Riiy. 541-1290
6.'.lQi W. Coast Hwy, NB
OCEANFRONT st,ately 3 bd·
rm, 3 bath, 2 story home.
Comer Jot.. Lovely sundeclc
with niOe view ol Bay.
Sfi$',5«1. YOU.11 lovc this!',
llDblm REALTY.
202ii w. Balboa .Blvd., N.B.
2 BR bome--wtk ·unit needs
so'me TLc. Walkitv distance
to everythlna:. $33,500
"'""'· By appt only
3036 E. CN1t ":lwy, CCIM
.. 6!5-1662
N. l Costa Mesa
3 large bdrms, 1~ balh11,
h:.rdwood floors, lar(e kitch-
en &: servite porch &l'!il..
Oouble . garage. Big yard
with shade & fruit tree11.
Wells-Mc:Cardl1, Rltrla
1810 Newport Blvd., C.M.
548-7729 Eves. ~
IQycrest Beauty
5 bdrm 3~ ba.th cµstom bullt
home with numerous out.
standing feature11. E:.:tell~t
street. Phone for apPOint.
ment to see.
4Y2°/o LOAN
$21 ,950
3 BR, bH-ios. comer lot.
Rltr, 642-9730 Eve1. ~ e KBINEDY
~ ~
j l
1i fl li
I I • I
• :
' ' I
!'. ,,
• I .,
• ' ... • r
' . I
I ,.
" I
1 ' . ,.
' , I
' • I
' I
. ,, ,,
. 11 ,,
" ' J
., l. .. ,
. I
•I ....
ASSU~1 E my 6%% IBA.VA ·-~
loan. lo.JUST SELL. Nr new ... ·-I
l:>ea ut 4 BR &: fam rm home. ·
$5900 total dn, S227 per mo ~ ·
pays all. 962-8042 11
:; l
I ~, •' ,,
) : ! i'. 1.i ~!, I . ' \,, ' I, I /• '
When )'W purchase a
home that WU buUt just
~ t~ yean •10. -For, In ....,,. ...... )'OU only
pay a LITl'LE MORE tot all the improve.
mentt the formel"I owntt
bu··made. COME IN! t.ET US SHOW YOU.
HT .. W-
u unconventkma.I un.
ordinary contemporary
home in the v~ bnl
&re& ot ·MH& Vttde
with • ,.,,, family
room {room t~ pool
table), formal dining room. marble ii.ass at-
rium utry,' la'.rge ,Ilalio,
bullt-ln gas BBQ, beau-
tl!llllY ,_..., -cOfnp)etety Sprinkled,
with four blr bedroocna. tJ11J ls IL Prfeed to sell
at $.19,950. Owner Com·
mutlng u; San l''er--
""""'~ GotaeoWli 4 bedroom ·+
spadoua fatnlly room I:
fonnal dlninl'. new car-
peb 6 ........ SpUklet
like new. $65,000 (not
leue®id).' May be pur-
cbued furnished.
~-Excbli_;;" niiafiborhood
of fllte Mesa Vttde
homel" -3 Jarp bed-rooms -formal llvinl:
room-double fireplace
-faniuy rOom -cov-ered patio -private
cul-de-sac street -very
low down payment if
you want to do some
pain tin' I; fixin'. $26,950
FHA or GI.
Wolk "' Wftleffff 4 BdnD or: 3 I: den, sun-
ny breakfast room -
dining room -hard·
wood noon -pool-
siztd yard. $-0-down
GI or nIA terms. '29,950.
NewpertHel ....
3 Bedroom -dining
room ~ 2 bath I: ttp..
arate office-New deep
lhag carpets -heated
-klclney ... .,.., pool
-low maintenance land-
11C1Pin& -$34,950.
lack lay
Profet11Tonal landsc.aping
off thla excepUonal
3 BR 2~ bl. home.
Many ou~tandlng fell.-
t ures Including hard-
wood parque floors, In·
tercom, Blt-ln refrlier·
ator, double F/P, family
room plus large formal
dining room.. Sharp and
roomy only $32,950
5 l14ir.•1•1·
The cleanest, neatHl
home In this top area.
All tile kitchen with
el~bic built-Ins. Room
for boat or trailer.
Looking for 2300 sq. ft.
that 1p&rkles! -Thill
ls itl
.... OOfM
~fove tn t()lllor:row with
OK'd credit New elec-
trlc range,_ Sliding glass
doors to c»Vered patio.
$23,950, 10% down or
try no down VA.
3 Bedrooms, 2 baths ln
a quiet non-traffic street ~zY ~g roQm with
brick Ore~. kitchen with all d~c buUt-in1 -a dlndy buy at $26,·
900 with 10% down.
O w n e r will conaider
trade for 3 or 4 units. ...........
Estate nu ~!IC 245 Jot
3 Bdrms, 2 bat.ha -2
flreplaet'S. Count.TY kit.-then with Orepl&ce. u..
muter bedroom with fill
and her'• bath. Due ·to
health o w n e r needs
smaller ttome. M I a: b t
....... $M,OOO.
...... -.. Chalce tuts~ location -2 Bdnn houH On R·2 lot ·with room tor an-
otber <witt-lmt. $18.000. . .
-, '(I IJ: Fl'ld,
1· 1 '--"t'' '"I i'~ ,c,\I,,.•
.. . "'• t • " -T ~ '""+~·-·~• ?",~.~;-~~·=;,...,.• ":,-> "-''"'·-=·<"''. ,-.,,, .... (.,,,.,, '<'• --:.-•,,, t"l'#A!..,.,f-":", --,,-,mil.,., .,.,,,,., ••,,.,,, ... ,._ .....,,,., ,.., ,...,,,.., ... .,.,,., "" ..,.,.,r..'"!"..,,-,,t# .. >'.'-.,->--=---,f-,,..,-~<~»==~ .... "";QWn•~t>";'\r.,~.'~"'!''f"'-""!" ... ""''";~'~ ....
l ..... t. Ap<jl 8. 1'1119 . '*
• .. • ,
Chner•I 1•0.,.,:al 1000 0.-ol 1* c ....... •• Mar 1':!! Huntl ...... IMch 1400 Hetiiel FumllhM H..,. U"""""'*' ~ U.. ............
• ,.. A ON. .........., -., 2200 Fountoln Valloy 3410· r•Genor~~·•:_ __ _::::F.
$34,SCIO to SJt ,500 ·
SOME WITH OCEAH VIEWS . :1 . ,_. . -
'30 year loan7 IO!iJ loiln, no 21)11 TDs, tn .scellie SOD. C!emeate. I ,,. 4 bedrol!ls; 21'.
Went Effrylbinl~ ~ l'teipMttle, C4M , -M TH 1• ,
Newport ll<tchta bHt .,.., Ono of"" -tinetl l;om, PAYS ALL SUMMER RENTAL J BR., d,., lam&, rm-.; ONT
-"'oicefamtly •homo,38'd-nlnttie'tltvtotOIM.-Wl1<'>,......._tbiJ,.<'fi, bltlnl. S2Wmooth, Lout, -l'ulnlllil .... o room, 2 betM. den. nanpus, to Ocean,. 4 BR. 4i1n Jta. lta.t VA Jou. 8.11' tum JtJJe SL\mnltt and Yt&r round Avail. APl'.il 2'1. 8J9.1. J tnrcsa
•tone n .. _ cloubla ..,. $119,000. (•1!1 appLl ~u!, ic:.:-: P'RcJ.~~ ';EST loguna a..ch 3705 $20 • $21 • $30 -~. matt)' otbtt ~A 0.Le~ul !1flte · Don't mt. tills one! , 1"' ~ Dr. 6'1'5-4130 FULL OPTION 1'0 BUY' ~~~"'.:.~~~! 2829 1:. ~wy,ODI ,WWSELLAHOME 2 Bft. vlew, ~.lkd, ~=t~~blel canOP~~~·HppohiouSE~.';. WEVllRkY 31 M&INULTES lolboo lalond 2355 ~:.",o:"iiso."'~48uot. H.F.R.C. ~' ~ 1-$ LUSK-HARBOR a er ee . . Fumltur• Rent•l1
,. ·e Hal~WOOd, VIEW RIU3 2 BR, tie.:Ut pi.Uc; avail noWi L1gun1 Ni9y1I 3707 517 W, 19th CM. 541-3111.I
" •
· balhJ, i487 sq. It:; of living ar,a; master
•ulle you've"drNnied abOut: W (.Joi(i .apd
has its O'fD fireplace, hu ge closets & OfeSS·
ing area. New, ~arpels, 'drapes, completely
redecorated Ji l'!llilsc~; Qyµsiz¢ 4ouble
~ · • / Newport, Be..::~ 4 bdmu, 2~ ba. oee&n view, 7M2 Edingt.r 'tll Jun 14th. 115 Crystal. 1568 W, Lncln. Anhm 'Tl'-JSOO BIO C81. · prol]apdac&P<d. e:l-w pr, 142-4455 er -!ti Little bland. $250 Mo. Cati MONARCH BAY AREA -
• mUJy ~. 8 mo, old. Open Eves. after 7 p.m. l2l3) 697--861~ ADULT COMMUNITY $150; 2 BR. den, 2 'bl.. W!W, ,•i' . _ . . _ . G.6% Sofn, prin on I y , 3 BR, den, 3 BA home, dtpl., ~ I: oven. Avail.
R E ALT· y 159,000. !!llJT· Topolde Ln. Pool Tim• 11 H•ro SunMI &.och 2455 bf•lna, frptc, boated pool now.~ Bkr.
(DirecUons: from iian"Diego ·Freeway lake
El Camino Real oil ramp;-left 1 short block
& turn left on Avendla Sall JUlll direct lo
• Office: 52' Son Jusn Aft-'211 or Ms.3413
1000 o. .....
202S W. Balboa BIYd,, N.B. 644-2521 F.xtra clean I: aharp 3 BR 2 $250 mo. 10 to 5, ~1243
61S-6000 JVsr LISTED · · · bath home • .Almo9t new car-WANT Somelhlnc different'! Cotta Mele !~~!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!•I Two te houRI lot ' pets, cwtwn drapes, alurnL-3 1tary Baytront. l BR l: Duplex• Unfurn. 3975 ' •
HOME • • • Jo• ._,_, .epara ' om · mun covered J>4tio. lot ol .. A 16917 ~~A s t ~ ., ~ 3 yn. )'OWIL 3 BR 2~ cement work SP.aridiPg bl: ""n· rai-• ve., Ul\lt
Wt'11lside. 3 BR 2% t., room ~ cp~ •. drpe:, bltinL Full WIOI with filtti A ·hear: Beach. Boat.dock aillO•avail.
tor 4 or 5 units. 58--1623 pnce $64,500 Qniwe . Cout Probably the best buy of the
ews. = 332 Mupertte .)'et.l'. Only $24,950 -GI or
LAltGE 2 bdrm, W/W c:rpbo; HARBOR , prage, quiet area, adults
preferred $1l'.I Month. 2234-
Coot• -1)00-FHA "'"'" WM't .... -
;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;· better call now• _ llelboa Penlnsul• 1IOO MUTUAL REAL TY
HOME + P()OL . 842-141& any-
La'aun• Belch 2705
SEA COAST VIEWS ~cific • .,, .. C.M . GREENS'
LG, CU!n'OM llOME l(Croll'ALS
• BR • ha, h li Apts. Furnithecl , " 11&'.e v. nn. t--"=-'-==-'---
from S110
.. ,,.
• .
$11,5001 VIEW!
l oOo ' bedroom -.. pool, ~y ""'-• .... 111 hatha, fine area. Esther Street. & ~ .. J1$11D: nn, to ad!I Of1
Z terms with 5%. % loan. 4llXlOO lot. Balboa Point
$26,950 ' .. locatbn. 6T).tOT7
2 LG, lob: M •. Nr S pUI.
unft.-medlql. '19,000 ea.
lerm&-Kin:hmeye:r Box: 6'8
Kula Maul Hawaii
Frpl~. Spa nn. a: sauna,
pool t.ble. S600 month pe.rtJ.
ally ()u'nisb<d, -
RENTALS *$79/mo Heated Poo!J, Child CIJ9
Ceoter, Adj. to Shoppi!w'-• .. 1
nits lovely bome is1probabl1
the Best Bey in the beauti-
ful City ot Orarwe. FEA-
TURING: 4 Spacious Bed-
rooms! 2 Sparkling Bathlf
Richwood Panellln&!
"Queens" Kitchen with bUnt
ins! Expensive wall to wall
: carpeting over quality hard-
wood ftooral Quiet cul-de-sac
street! Room for boat or
trailer! ONLY $1.33 p e r
month includes all on eidst-
lng Joan that anyone cim
usume without qUali.fying! !
No Down GI! Sympathetic
Down to anyotW'.
Walker & Lee
£ e, '. . Lft1o· 11le 1351 fountoln Valloy Hou ... UnfurnldMcf NO pets allowed '
Lease With -Option
Lovely upa:raded 3 BR Condo
with powder rm, wet bar~
and mapy other extra1 for
fine liVina:-" .Beltl 'Bl~ View: Immediate occupancy
••••••••••• ··~···•·• $325 mo.
Walter Haase
5%% to 6% GI 7:~ HH TheM QuolltlH
Near.N.B Post Ole. 646-2414 ~', 2 br, eo Pvt patio ~nd.
"l::::i=:l=:l=:l=:l=:lil!il Tappan range, ttfrie. ~ " TOWNHOUS er /• dr:Yer, ·can expand .. Assume low interest rate
-' E CAN'T LASI'-Ul~~ firm. from iuoo down, 3 BR +
Neill' new, light and. airy R. C. GR~ Realty den I: 4 BR prestige area.
larg• bedroom. 1\i ha, ous. 3355 Via Udo 6'J3.!l100 HAFFDAL REAL TY
General 3000 -M1$.5ION Vle}o, new, 2 BR.
11, BA. lilt-in!, drpa, $195
month. 11;31-1141, 5fS....4399
$125: 2 BR. new cpts, drpa,
available now.
Broker 534-6980
. • tom drps, cptg,, B!t-ins, ~ rlto Warner F.V 8~
wshr. A real goodie! $19,500 0 ' · Cost• Mesa 3100 WOODWARD Rltr FAMILY DELIGHT PEN H°"" 1 to I Swxlay 1.:c=...:.c.=--..::..:c.o;
8843 Adams H tineton Bm_ S Bd fam 5 bl., din work nn. Immaculate tri-Jevel 5 BR e &SIDE nice 3 bd, 2 ba, Coldwell, a.kif'& (o. ~ Spaciou.' thruout, '50 X ill' with family room and large w/w crpl, toed yd, patio, 2
. 2700 Peterson Wa;y, •t ~
23' Trailer CN.B.) -rent In.. bor ~ Adam!, Colla Mesa.
eluding ulU, &: ground rent. 546-03'IU
$2(1 damage de~t reQ,
'42-2221 646-9666 ORlfAllS
$130: 1·BR., nicely furn.
W/W. Pool. Ave.ii. now
Broker 534--6980
$140; 2 BR., gar.; W/W.
Close in location
""'"",,,...... 3 BR STUDIO
c.,ta M... 4loo POO[
tMt •· c:unt ,..._, I !"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!..,I car, Xtra boatlnr space, 2 Muter bedroom. 2% Bath, car garage, adlts, no pelll
""::"',..,....,0C:-CORNER LOT. Absolutely frpl. near bch. U!li,000 new carpeting. 1 blk to ex-$200 yr. 673-7629. $25 Wk. Up
-immaculate. Terrific floor R. C. GREER, Really cellen~ school, 2 blkz to 1 121~0:,.1mo=1:,."c:,.;;' =B::.R~To~~~....,.-• Rooms $15 wk .• up 1741 Tustin Avenue
3 BR 1% ha. htd pool, F.ast-plan 'with 3 BR 2 baths 3355 Via Lido 673·9.100 .shoppuig, Only $ l 4 •SO O · cpls/drps. bJt-im. pool It e Studk> & Bach apts. off 17th Street
side CM. Elegant entry, coyered patio, sunke.n Ji~ . . . · Apnl 534-8484 or 534-2536 rec. center. No maint. • lnal Utils &: Phone serv. C Me 642_...
dbl trplc to ceiling. $29,990, room, fireplace &: excellent LIOO Isle, Via Orv1e~, ~ h --Adults. 546-8074 e 1.lakf Service -1V avail osta la
lO% dn, no 2nds. area. $27,SOO.FHA/VA/COrrl, bdrms, 3 ba, bn nn, din L1guna Be•c 1705 IVEC,:CR=Y=-,:.:,.:..,.=,'-8~R~2~._-1h e New Cafe &c: Bar NEWLY
' •.. ' .
'' "'
7682 Edinger 2 BR C·2, Eastside CM. CALL 540-llSl (open eves) nn, Jge patio, sep. maids Wuth h Mesn del ~far, hug<' lot. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9155 DECORATED
842M5.5 or 540-5140 · $.18,900, $2001 down. Heritage Real Estate rm, bJt-ins. 61l-:00!2 for •ring Haig t$ $225/month. Agt. 546-4141 HOLIDAY PLA1.A Large 2 BR w/ga.rqe SU.Si
iiiiiiiiOpeniiiiiiiiEveiiii!'i· iiiiiiil .Coa'°""ttr. dd•~p·l:,arA~,~~i~ REDUCED TO 1;'PP=<:t.=..,=:;::===== ~~ ~:n ~':i°d~i:::~ 2 MO. rent in advanct". 2 DELUXE, spack>us 1-Bdnn. Disposal, prdeoer I: watei " ~~ , .. $ · · · · ' ,..... c ·1 1'~urn. apt. $135 Plus util. paid, Near 8Chool.
JRVINE COVE '. i.. ·, -·-'-' -an view. irplc, tge, kitchen. 3 BR \IP.<-'-'=-'~-"-'-"~----lleated pool. Ample par!tinS: centia Ave., Apt. B ·old. ea. unit 3 BR 1%. 20,950 Hu"ti.'llfon._,BHCh 1400 din rm, 1tately liv nn w/ bdtmP!aoe.· J!!'°:...!:!,o. ~A cc1 2176 Pla
oa .-,...__. ......... No children • No peta e 636-4120 e
Spacious :t Bedroom"' home . $60,000, lo dTL UNTIED per, sep, guest hse or studio. 3 BR, drps, lg fenc'd yd ., 1965 Pomona, CM * Villa Pomona Aptl '
in scenic Irvine, Cove SA Hts, 3 BR, hdwd Jlrs, POOL • 3 Bdnn • Fam nn. Divorce forcfti i, nnlck Ale Need1 TSP and TLC. $32,950, stove, refrlg. Children & A with electric gate·s and 121' 500 I'~"" dn no ,. $4000 On t OK $110 ~,,..... * Villa Pomo!'\• pts. Costa Mesa'• neweat &: moai . 4 private community beach. ' • i.J\N • $130/mo P8Yll all -5%% Int. he~. You can be '• winner MI~ION .REALTY 49l-0131 pe 5
• • ;>QO-..,, Costa Mesa's newest & most luxurious apt.snow rentu.,,
This IO'l/ely """' 2nd TD. 2 Rand Realtv · 64.5-234o -if YQU huny; 4 ·bedrooms., 985 So, Coast Hurv, '--·na 8N h 3200 I · ts renti Furn & unl Adulu "'" " 318 E. 16th St., R-2 lot. • r. 2 ba.uis, family room. 5 .. ., ~.. Newport c lL,;unous 8.P now ng. urn. o ... ,,1
is expensively decorated, BR, bit-in R & O, $18,900. Rambling Oµpl•~ yelU'S Old, LSHLD. .Mldng 1'"'tlrn &. unfurn. Adults only. no pets, 1760 Pomona Ave.,
includes a separate 00\ Frank Kingaard ReaJ Estate 2 BR 1 ba, frplces, FA heat, only $28,500. Cute•• a Bug'• Ear B/ no pcls. 1160 Pomona Ave.. just south cf 18th St.
& large formal dining roo?Jl. MI 2-Zll2 bit-in kitchen. Garages be-BURR WHITE, Rltr. 3 BR 2 ba cwirom home, few I ju11t 90Ulh or 18th St. OCEAN brew! \lppet Apt
Pool side patio is four Bedrooms. tween units. 2 laundry nns. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. blks to bch. ~p: master TOWNHOUSE C:ONOO.: 2 BR., l',~ ba.. Jge 3 BR 1% i.. Ava.II •.
completely carpeted lg fenced yard, Quiet street 67S-46JO Eves 642_1253 suite, bltns, lg, priv patios. Split Level 3 lxhms, :' baths priv. yd .. att'd. dbl. gar.; April 15 $160/mo. 2286 Ca,.
$83,700 $ 19 ,SQO $28,500. I"!!!!!!'!!!![!!-~!"!"~~~ View bc;lnru-." 84;.!m/pos l Double I a rage, carpets, pool; dishwshr,, wash. nyon Dr. Apt 5 betwn
Call John Abell r..,, ~7365 Move into this large family "f TAKE TRADES'.' 4 BEDROOMS const, Cptcl l: dtpd thruout drape:, Fireplace, e I e c. mach. All utensils, di.shes, PM & 3 PM or ptmne II ~ ••~ Bob O"·o Rltr "~"'""o" $39,500. bui1i '-· ADU'TS ON'Y !'"""'""'. m• mo. "..,. ""''" 2-2222 hometoday!!!OosetoshOp.. ~.,,.... • · • ~ $18,995. 1% baths. bullt·1n Lo:: Padres Rlty ~n1~ ....... ... ... -· .... ,.~, _.... .,..,....,.,_ l•;-'7'.'-.,...-.-....--1
ping, schools and churches, ~ 5\4% FHA loan, range, oven, counter, walnut ,.,........,,., ................ $265/month. ATIR. furn 1 bdnn, w/w Graciou• Adutf Lfvlnt
This one wdn't laat! ! !! SlS3 $ll1. month pays all. F.P. cab~t.1, avocado p-een car-OCEAN VIEW Mrs. Fay crpts, lge c u Pb oar d s. 2 &inns., w/w cptl, drapes,
per month includes taxes $19,350 an 3 bdr, lge fn:cd pets, drapes, double 1arage. PRIVATE BEACH u Bay & leach closets. $85. Lease. 25,18 pool . Students O.K.
and insurance!!!! ONLY yard, redec.540.T:Qor landscaped, fenced. Only · · Realty, Inc. N!!wportBlvd. MESA EAST .APTS.
·$700 Total cash mquired!!!l 548.-6227. $1!IOO down · 2 Br, 2 Ba. ()ptn beam. teak, 901 Dover Dr., NB SUlte 221 $U5 Oean furn 1 BR bach 145 E. lBth, C.M. &e341
WE SEE A HOME -dais. Quiet pvt road·low 645-1.0XI Evft. 548-6966 Utih Inc. w/gar, No pets. 3 BR 2 bath Qmdo, W/w Wil·EVaERkYe3~r-~&l~l:U~eESe ".'•H Dal Mor .!10~ lfmiIJ_o;( mf:ll\I. :'.:;. ~·: ... $4000~ S BR, 3 BA: i; ''"' ~--·o p.im. e 07.~.;.:':;ln,· ~ ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"J FINESI' Mesa dcl. t.tar '\tm\'~ ~.ooo DUPLEX, 2 &nd l .._ 'lt'f'Y"' •--Y"tew "-'-m' A horn• w,·th • "" 1., .ha , ---'----~~--Absolute a<? cu I 1 1 on &. 1 &c: 2 BR. • Pool age, 2 poola_ No pets. $190} nv · "' .Pl.., ""' · •· ·BR, view, jtat remodeled, gorg1!CUS view cf hills. $4.10 M nta" T 2CMJ Weirtcllll Dr. lgc. liv. rm., ·tam: rm. 6°1• V.A. LOAN pvt, wild kitchens! 494-974S 111 E. 22nd St. &12-3645 mo., st6-S580.
OU lft Op 646-77ll Open Ewa. Perfect for family. $27,950 3 bedroom. Wall to wall car-=-~ leue 646-8!94 or QUIET Deluxe bachelor, 17Tr 2'""!''*n"~"'. to"""dlo,_a,..p"'t."""lll.,..-,l>a;,...,J
' • Immaculate 4 bedroom home Agent. 675-4070 peting throughout. Covered llENTALS..... -Santa Ana Ave, C.M. No encloald prage A: patio,.
with a breathtaking view of $2l,500 ========"·"'°·· paUo. All electric kitchen HouMI Furnfahed TOWNHOUSE 3 lxlr. 2'Ai bu. pets. 646-S542 cp1Y,lffp,s 4 bit-Ins. Jlleyt .',
Catalina, 2200 aq. ft, of pres-M••• Verde 1-110 with bulJt,ln ' refrigerator. -------'--w/w carpets, drapes, frplc, OELX apt, •pacious 1 Bdrm, ~ Eve. ~ 1 • ,
ti&e living only 4 years old. I -----'-----1 Lots more extras and your General 2000 fenced patio, elec bit-Ins,
*CUSTOM HOME * . · · . ---'----:.:.;:.; pool, 1deal for bachl?lor. LARGEr2 BR apt. W..Ukte
ASkina: only $3?,500. B 1 • full morithly ~ent is 0~ $300 Deluxe 3 Br, 2 i,t" ba ?A., ~n gar, pllbl, $27S. $120. 1993 Church, 548-9633 near ~ping. Retittd
Y owner. arxe "' tJ4rm, Sl34.dF.P •. <in!-Y _,.,45(1.'SU..-. condo. Frplc. Children & -:~=·~========I n 1o mo. incl util. pie preferred, $95/mo.
293 E. 17th St. 146-4194
(convert. den), 2% ba, mit own Pfl,YP\ent. Private. OK ,,. _ -.;; .,.... ... ..... ~ "'-5 ~· acrosa st from Mesa Verde Part;)', 962-7689 or 9684640. pets · ~ · Coran1 dal Mir 3250 Furnished 1 Bedroom """"""'!"' ... ! au.,r rM-
go~ course. Many custom POOL ANYONE? . 675-6846 &SID~ 1 br, frplc, beams,
bit-ms, prlced below mar-$paruah exterior Pt iced Rental• to SMr-e 2005 LGE 2 BR, form. din. rm, ALL UTIL PO, 1 bdrm Furn. patio, w/w opt 1 edit
ket Large lot • room 1IJr rlght!"Best loca.lion! Assume 2 PROF. men wAnt 3rd to new det"p pile cpts I drps. Mature adults:i $100. 2335 pets $128 )T. 67l-'l629.
pool. Call owner 5fS..5459. FHA Joan. 646-MJ.4 share -riew Bal Isl Bayfront Be all by yourself on this Elden Ave. C.M. Villa .,Fino Apb:. ~BR..
3 BR l• fam hm 3 Br 2 "· t n....-Xtn lge. kit! Nice patio. Un!. Childnlo We'--.,tA , "" BA, nn, • • °""• yr Y· '-'"'3" ....... Inc -1 .. r Bkr I.UR"" -elec bltins, rov patio, nice Mr. Marshall; 543-5623, :.:,",,~· · """ · · Newport Be•ch 4200 874 W. ~nter Apt 1 Lika to Entertaift? J) It B·-' £s•·t1 ·art 1 ..... 0 --.,, .. -,,,£., Call to see this landscp. $25,600. ~~ I •• nt ui eves ,.u., --..'"'n'2 ::..:B:,,R.:..:,:,.frp-t,-,h-,,,,,-d/-w-, -703 SINGLE Young Adults i_.ux. 2st BR ~ .. ~
'7'5200 495-Sl6l J I "~ t't '-·t u-garden apls wilh coun-ove, crp...., u......, £~. ..., ~ Do You Reacl" Ads? _eo_n .... og._o'--'P-'•,...rk"----'1"1;;;:151 Ex-utr"ve· Home 1 GmL; n to 2S to share asm ne ........... u 1 · lll\; • 1;.:; club atmosphere and No pets. 545--0760 3 BR. plus 3 Ba. cozy dining/ lil ..... -4 BR . Al.SO: l -Br., $155 plus utit •J family rm. 2 !rp!cs + pla,y If you do &.,.can t prope,...,, 4 BR redec. 26' liv rm, w/w A home of distinction, 2 story cct"an view apt. 51'1 f.tarigold complete privacy. SOUTH 1-2 & 3 BR. apts, unturn,
E--•----' you can sell. We need sales-cyts/drps, trplc dlb $69/mo .summer. 673-3224 call: 673-SlO!I for app't. BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine 998 El C&rnloo Dr., CM ~·.. "ard""""';';:. poo!SOO. separate men now. Tep commission & fncd $25 950 ~me 41~· 4 BR, beautitul fltepla.ce, aft 6 PM at 16th Newport Beach. * 546-001 *
• "Y Y · .,..., bonUs plan. AD tt•·H-s COil-· • ' >'II i'CI· extras galot'C', Park areL Walker Realty lid1?ntial. ~ 2'l18 D:1rnell 646-2309 Agt. PrlCfo $40.SOO. . . GIRLS desire &'irl 124-28) 10 Huntington Beach 3400 (TI4l 64&-0550 DUPLEX. 2 Br.; 30
R. D. SLATES, Rltr. shareL 67! ~ 2 BA beach 3 BR ho"-1,1 8 , "' Oceanlront, beaut. 1 BR Broadway. Cpts. I: drapes,
IMAGINE -ALL nus ERNIE Newport Beach 1200 841-:\519 · Eves. 536-1840 c•:;:P.:.,.:..:~..:..:.;::.,.____ """'• ' "• w $135 til June 15th $125. 531~
for $20,500 --2 GIRLS desiring roommates c:rpts, Clliltom drapes, Im-e 642-1265 e 2 BR. Unfurnished
Cont<ally loca t•d '" CM. CLEVELAND SCOOP II ' Fol'lllil Dining Room oouW ..... """" "' .... m•outot•i,g,°'·~~i"'"d, -ms Mooth -'
brand MW home w/rich Realtor The prime 5 urUt apartment · _:'.;:..,.;:·:,,n;;,34::.;;39-;,.l="'=· ___ 1 ;;1:it.s. · appt. :N::•::w:..:po:::.;rlc..:.;H:;:g::h:.,· __ 4;.:;210 792 (Apt. 2) !ha.limar, CM
1ha.g cpts, Bl, FA heal, on the entire pe~ .. VACANT. 5'.4% LOAN ROOMMATE aervice, male '--'-------DUPLEX Apt., l br,, l~ Split • levft 2 Br, l~ hi: Iully fncd rear, lndscpd, dlb 143 Br--"w•y 64,So.OJll 1~.-· -•·orth eve~.,.... Cl.osc to Be, aoh, , or female. Etticrent &: 3 BR. 2 BA, bit-ins, firepl, U 2 Br 1 ha ,
2 ha '"'·11 -"";;r;JU •J r-''" .. bl g•r fo ·• yd 1175 mo W/\V cpt0 ., d" p es: P~ · • cplS.; gar. BR & • vw now! Eves. /. . 646-4579 ny of it, WUl trad• y-'"' Lovely J .BR 2~ hli.th1. quallffcd, 83.S-2100 " ' '-""· · · .., d 2885 M ndoza 54S-54ll Paul Stuart, Re a ft 0 r , "" u.-HAFF DAL REAL TY !J62.4391 disposal, Ule: clean. Adults. rps. . e · dwitrial. EXclusive with --'------No pl?!~. Working wom8.Jl 2 BR. apt., newly decor 675-4010 NICE 2 BR house on ~e Newport Be•ch Realty 8140 Warner, F'V 842-44Cfi Co•t• Men 2100 2 BR, adulbl, $95 mo. 308 Catalina o C •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiii-I Re 'en:n-• n:quo'red pref, t . arage, yard; nr. atom, R-2 lot. Lots cf ll"eeli, beam-675-100 WATERFRONT b . * ..... 543-1165 nuio>t loca.tkln. 541).-1284 Bayfront Triplex red ti I~~~;!"!~~!!!!!!!~ · Y owner 2 BJl, p r .. patio. Tropical * 847-2352 * .. ~-LIDO ISLE ed ceilings, cove pa o. • 4 BR. ~ 2 BA., dock, setting for ad.Its. 1 B1k ====-=--==~ CE .
3 "Dft·-·· ..... ...-..... 1 2 Let us show yuu thls lovely BAYFRONT 3 Br. Bffch 55' (In water enclosed patio •hops $180 544-4780 Fcunt•in V•lley 3410 :B::•::lbo:::;.• _____ 4:.;3::.;00 ~s, 1 J:°1 u~Fi1" ~
UDJ'")e\\I •i--~ .. en s home, Free l clear. hoUle; priv, beach; $14,500. Abo 60' on main .:::=·c.:::::...· =='--54U428 or '1s-1fi65.
with flttpla.ces. Good Joca· Bayst'iore Park leasehold. ·channel 1arp 3 Br. 3 ea.; SMALL bachelor, 11 n g I e CLEAN Bachelor Apts.
tion. 40' on Bay. See tod&.y! $13 500 ~1391 dock IU0.000 Con 1 Ider male only. $80 mo. OONOO., db:e. 2-sty: 3 Br. All uUI lncl $75 up
$155,oo:> MOB'" ~ H·-• BaJ --1 !....;/option 5m..599S 642-2657 3 Ba., 2 car gar. Olshwshr. 315 E. Balboa Blvd. Newport IMch
LIDO REALTY INC u.oo vu. "'""' wasbl?r/dcyer: many ex·
3400 Via Lido 'm-U en the Pen~ -$19,500. DIAL d.ir«:t IG-5111, OW'p 2 BR furn Ccndcminill!D, tru. 2 Pools, clubhouse; BALBOA 613--99'5 N'.PT 1lland Dix. · l-',_...;,,.~-•-•_61>-'1226~~°"· __ >'."' ad, thm Ut ~ uid, ~u!W~ Cal~~ pnv. 10 min, to beach. $240 ttfo., 2 BDR, oce•nfront Penn, 11' duplex~ 3 Br. 2 Sa. Cpts,
4 Bedrm + Family Rm 1'1'97 Orange, Costa Meu • BY owner 4 bdr 3 ba liltm to the phone-rtnc. h' &: la.st mo's. J'('nt, &c: hlk lo Bay. Sl5D )'f?arly 1139 drpe; &pl Elec.: blmt, * '42-1771 Anythne * large dm. $40,?SO Q.u eve~ Dlal 642-5678 f6r RESULTS l>AILY"PUDI' WANT ADS! cln&. dep. ~1$0 E. Dalbo•, reliable 6Ta-5034 relrlg. Pier, allp, No pets
$13,500 ,.,., BACHELOR Apt. Util paid. $.125 Leue. ~
Eleiant natural briek hre:· o<iO-l.542 2000 2000 place, au eltttric built·ln 6 UNITS General ·2000oener~I General $7& mo. El Mar l\.1oll'1, 310 LARGE 2 BR 2 t. up/
kitchen. Delightful -Uo, 2 Wettcllff 1230 E. Ba1008. BJvd, Balboa encio.ed prqe w/ilfOra.Ce ~ Ill T ..1_ wlw cpta"I~. blt·lns.
baths, park like )'IU'd, 5tO-$60,000" W ra-SPARKLES 4 1hlnel: WJdt . s:rt'il 'O~}\ ~ r, trs• Huntington Baach 4400 encloeed prap w/storaae,
1120 ROOM 10 BUILD 4 out Living nn l: d1nlns ~ J.' -$115/mo leue. 64&-6874 TARBELL 2955 ·H.,bor Rltr. 642-9730 Ev.I. 543-0'/lQ rm; ,.rv1oe p>roh, eltt ·.' . · " QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 2 BR. 2 BA. adu!U. no ,
2 BR-basement
Bob, S-1>00 al.t 6
• KElllDY bitns. Oean crpts. 4 drps • "S9!11e 4 ~itkplc SCYumbled Word Pun1' for a: Chuckle Adulta only: 2 Br., util. paid, pelf. $l8S mo. 4245 ,
Umt out this 3 BR 2 Ba -. Pool SDI 847·2125
home. Prot lndsqld & O ~ lstter. of "'* 11&?6 c:Mieron. Hun!. Reh. flllarla Way. 540-00'J3
YOU owe it to yuunell to In.
VPltlgate our 4 dHlerent
trade-in pr'Qll'amJ.
ma.int W/ chlld:rin'a pl~ lo11r .c:1ombled WClfd1 b. 2 BR. 2 Ba. Crpts, d · y1'd le: pet a.tta. Heavy low fro fornt four lltnfSI. 'M:lfds. 1 BEDnQOM. Beacb apt bllnll adults no pets.
--.......... th~ I T•A R.C 0 \, I ~~Ell RATES. 219. 15th "'· m.-:-
charmlntl horn'-By °""" I j Ii j I' ======== 1''2""'BR."°""'2"'B"A-:;llc.;~;-:.,-~=·I
$42.950. 60-1598 _ • _ _ Garden Grove 4610 3 B~ 2 BA, fplc, 213: 911.,.,.
ORANGE COUNTY'S Eastbluff 1242 I I SINGLE Yoong Adulta Lux· LARGEST 51p0 U · •'Y 1anfen apu with coon-Eut Sluff 1242
• BR, family, dtntno ..... m E. 1711rSt. 'M lfM EA s TB Lu FF • Con-' • 11., I' . I . I "" club atmolph"• and Air eooc!ttlooed • Pool .. clomtnhu= 2 olde;by •kltil . . . _ . . complete pMvacy. SOUTH • NEW DI LUX I e
$39,995 .......... To 1ee dlll Furnl1hed Duplex %JOO Ml• ft. ea. 3 BR. BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 3 Br. 2'rii ._ apt. for
DAVIDSON Rulty Newport l•land deri. 2 BR A: dtD. Extra " 1··-· ., Olapman Ave., Gardea 1DCl. ""i,atr'. arltw, dllr ~ Eve. 54&J8Sl l Br unit•. m ru ldta, FA .~luxe condition w/ choke MllC f ~G;:""'::;e::'n;:••::63&JOJO:==:===I rm. A au..~. autit. ~~:S i:~o~~ :~·. J:.~ccita~e ~ ~:~ ~~· :·~ ·· ·-I -J~ .. I wff~~:"hu~:C;; ;f,C: Lagun•llMch 4105 :,r :" ~":.°" ~ 6
St " 8. Pl .._ commitment. Ma.tic .Ln Rltr. · often fOf'QH his teuetarv to ,;_::.;..;;c...;;.;.;=--;;...:: I Olurch A-ICbool A Oorona incl. ll' dnlred~~ R.ALPlt P. MASKEY, Rltr. C.M.. I~stment Co. so.m1 IG 0 NS E p I change her-. . , Q.EAN l Br. apt. nr. btecb dd Mat HJch.
part. Barpln u ..id at' ,.,......,,.67J.fmlii;ii;i;i;,..,..,.. Co-· •-1 Mar 1250 1 j' ., I' I . I 0 c...,,..,. ti>. """"• ~ & tt>wn: nkdy rum. Nr. •ONLY l2IO • once! 67J..5693 1• =,;;;·-;;;-;,;-;;;;;;;~;;;; _ _ _ . _ _ by tilllfla.,,... fllflling word new, S1!i0 1.M. ~28112 831.m .lmlp Wu, N.B.
SEAL Beach:....,,,. •!41" DE LUXE DUP LEX • ,.. ....... ,._.,.No.!b-'ow. <fNTALS
G.J.; 3 bl4, to ~cb: s ~~!n~Rto v~llll~~~ 2 Br;~,= pool. $ ~:~IS~~~ltS I' r r r r r I' I' I ApfL UnfurnltMd Coron• .. Mer
Br. 2 Ba., bltno, c:ptd. trp1, •~ ~ 1• II I f ~ L lna"·t . --_ _ _ . . . n-neral 5000 3 BR. t BA. all 1lec, frpl<. New paint in & out. («e, _,>MJ. -,.. nanc ,.-. Room or ~ ap _,,_ ·;.:.:.;:.:.;:~---.:..::;:1 crpts, d.,,.. floiltlrll. s:ano,
"P• ..,.,. rm. w/lpL &.I._ Rnl Esl•te Co. ,.....,,._ 1235 mo ...... $32,lOO I) UNSC•AM!U L!mRS I j I I I I I I I -II''" '·-l br. 1-p'-. m.33al ''"'
131,soo. o..ner'2!3: OH097 61'-41<0 H•l,Plnchln & Au• .. • · -••,.o.,g . ..,6H"'1"wu,.._ __ ,__ -1.-L . ....1. • .....1.-J... -1.-L. -J. ·'· -·· ~
ii...;;.-o.. ... -~1 Dial ""'671 '" ll.WLTS 100 E. ea'"°"· Blw. "''""" 3"" E. O>ut Hwy ~ --SCRAM-LITS . ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 :~;~. Q.~~" 0"'' DA1LJ:. =• .-. "
. •
-·---·~----------~---------~-----------.,------,----::;-----·--.,-,--, . • •
,. I
-· .,., "' ,.,,,. ....-rn,or JI
Htlp Wlfthtd, ~ 7200 Schaelo-ln11~·7600ScMol..inot-7600 ScMol.IMt-7........._lnitructton 7MIO _..._tuctlM 7600 ScMolo-1-...:tloft 7600Schoolt-lnlfructlon 7~·11
Gro,,.Yonl shift
Must 119 .... r ,'II
3170 Horloor Blvd.
Cost1 MeN
' Schools arid lnstriictioiis
This variety of fbe schools
could introduce
you to a.Dew: tomorrow.
For furl~•• lnformotlon ro91rdl~ tho Doily Pilot
Schools & Instruction D1r•ctory ..
CALL 642·5678, EXT. 325
Mon thru Fri., 2-5 P.M.
Personnel Service
"5 E. '17th, CM 642-1523
' * Doytlme Busboy * Night Dlshwoshor
151 E. Coost Hlghwoy
Newport Beach
Pre-School-1st Grade
Facilities for Enl1riecf Enrollment
Register your little ones for:
• A Full (fun) Loorning Progrom
• Mutic
e Art
MEN Wanted (2), part time,
to average 2 bn. daily for • Dancing
early morriing newspaptt delivery to homes in • Creative Activitin
Newport Beach. $ 2 0 0 •
average per mo. Must have
late model car and be
dependable. Call LA Times
e Hot Lunches & Snacks
• Ag•• 2 throu1h 1st gr1de1
~TA FULL TIME 2110 Thurin Ave., Costa Mn•
' Top pay. 2 loc: Full work wk,
2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
Ph: 646-1444
GJ fiarre//
P...0 fer FBEi! --• •SECU:rS OF BEAUTY"'
' c ........ ,.,.,. ..
HOWl:t ..... t<ot,...
CO\lrlt approved I ;,.i::,"." I ._ __ .. bti tht .
Calif. Supt. of Public lmtr. * Mod•llot•T_.,._ * a... Pen11al Dft'•piH9f *D~Thotro * Spodol C:-far H•••,.._.,-* C:.-Glrll
Director of Our State Lict111ed
Modtllng AatnC!I
151' N. Molo, s-ta AM 1474'71
1'65 Sour Cmt Dr. CS-, Hlh Vlllato>
Mat• lt7·1000
Seaview Ceramics
Offering FR EE c!aues in hand
modeling, and decorating cast-
ware, on Wednesaay eyenings,
-7 :00 • 9: 30 and Thunda'y after--
noons ,· I :00 -4:00. Registration
isn't ntcessary, just come in and
join tht fun -and bring a fr iend!
P.S. We pour our own greenware
and have iots of unusual items.
Our c!aues on the potter's wheel
are only $16 a month for four two -
hour sessions. Beginning and ad-
vanced.students welcome. Classes
are llmited in size, but we have e
few openings. Cali or stop in for
additional information.
Robert Jean Magnusson
345 Costa Mesa Street
Costa Mesa, California
Chllcoa! Typing sChool
173 Del Mar Avenue
Costa Mesp, California
Dear Miss Chilcoat:
I am so glad I decided to take thla c0ur8t. ,
I didn't think It poulblo lo lum hi type ...
quickly encl H•ily. I om firmly convlncod
this system should be taught In the school .:
systems. I h•ve lffn the books U11cf there,. 4
•nd It 111m1 • w••t9 of time •nd effort. to
UH them wh.n your method Is 10 much
faster, easier, and more fun.
I'm sure knowing how to type will heJp me
with my work. My parents are· VlrJ Im-
pressed with your course· a'nd my yoUnger ~
brother may take it next year. ~
Your very grateful pupil.
·Roberta Jean Magnuason
FULL TIME SERV STA Help WanMd, Min 7200Help Wanted. Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Htlp W1nftrlL Mtn 7200 Htl" Want.cl,
men. Ex p erie n c ed in Womtn
tuneup, brakes & sales. Top
wages, insurance, bonu&
plan & paid vaC11.tion. Apply
604 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna·
7400 Help Wonted
Help Wonted
7400 w-7
HELP wanted in restaurant
business. Men 18 years or
over. Must be responsible,
experienced preferred. Con-
tact Frank O'Neill a t
673--3274. Between 4 pm &
5 pm daily.
• Draftsman exp'd to work on
large apt projects &: custom
homes. Xlnt work. cond. &
fringe: ben'S. Giired N.
Smith. Architect, Newport
Beach. 642.1155
Admlnlstr•tlve Trnees
1869 C Newport mvd., C.M.
./ TWO men 18-30 yrs for
lawn cutting route. Must
have own traMportation.
Starting pay $400 mo, Apply
8 a.m. at 26086 Getty Dr, in-
dustrial area; Laguna Niguel
EXPER. marine r ad i o
technician; FCC ' lie.;' to
manage marine radio llhop; '
salary open. Send n!!Wlle
. to Daily Pilot Box M-474
' Youn& men, eves & wk
' 'ends. Muat be neat in ap-
pearance 1& handwriting.
2590 Newport Bldv., C.M.
And we think
you should be
We expose all phases of our business to a man before he starts.
We ~Jso look deeply into the man's back·
ground to be sure he is up to our standards.
We offer -
We are a nationwide retailer. in business
since 1899 without a shut-down or a layoff.
Company benefits include guarantee sa!Jry
with bonus opportunities, group hospital &
life insurance. Profit sharing retirement and
vacatiohs with pay.
We are a division of a highly successful and
diversified worldwide corporation with ever
growing needs for personnel at all levels.
We are a sales organization, where you are
paid on your own ability and initia~ve. We
are interested in the man with good employ-
ment records, betwee n 23-45, married, able
to furnish good references. Able to post re-
fundable cash bond. For confidential inter·
Foshlan lslond
Newport Beech
Has full time opening for
Recent experience in brakes, front end
alignment, air-condition Insulation and tune-
up required. Competitive salary arrange-
ments. Top fli~ht working conditions with
newest and finest · equipment. Generous
benefits including hospitalization, employee
discount and profit sharing.
·Apply in person
leA.M. lo 5 P.M.
Mond1y through' Sotunloy
24 Foshlon lslond
An equal opportunity employer
Help Wonted, Mon 7200
Day Dishwasher
Full Time
1555 W. Adom1
Cost• MeN
rlolp WonlOll, Mon 7200
Apply In person
· A pooltlon b now available INSURANCE GROUP
baa Urgftlt ftql.lirtmenl! for in our Accowittng Depart· TIREIJ OF A LONG
ment that requlrel aome COMMUTE?
· kllowledp or experience Unigard Insurance Croup ls
with ~ayroll, ca.sh receipts now hiring for our new dl·
and other related duUes. vision ottlce opening in
Experience with a hc!okkeep. April in Huntington Beach,
in& machine 11uch as Bur. on Edinger at Beach Blvd.,
roughs or NCR would be just ott the San Diego Fwy,
helpful. Theee positions will mfllfre
with Torno exptrlmce. Ablli-Thil position oilers a irood a abort training period oL
ty to do own setups ii re-salary with attractive trinle approxima~ one month In
quired. beneJ:lt1 including fully paid our Los Angeles office, ~
for medical and life Wur-fore the move. Transport.a.
Openings ui Finlt and Sec· anoe cow:ra&e, three weeka tion will be provided. ·
ond Shiftll. vacation after 3 yeara, etc.
Please apPy in per&On.
500 Superior A venue
Newport Bea:ch. Call!. ,
Equal opportunity employe.r-
Apply ln person at the
330 West Bay Street, CM
·Allk for Mrs, Greenman or
call 64l432l for an intervJew
M A F MACDONALD'S, the larr· e MEOIANlC e Full time. est CiuTy..Qut Restaurant
Must be experienced and Chain, otters an excellent
have own tools. Al.lo neea. opportunity tor neat, alert
Experienced SERV SfA women to work at MacDon-
HELP. Both over 25. No ald '1 of Harbor, Costa
ho --"-Rlchfl·'d Cor Mesa. MONDAY thru. FRI· P ne (;&1111. ~ , •
ot 19th &: Newport Blvd., DAY 11 AM • 2 PM. Tbil c.M. pennaru.ient year around [ z======= j employment in clean, plea.
Agencies, Women 7300 ---¥·•-DOMESTIC HELP
Immediate Openings in
tht f,.t lowlng .,rea1
Prefer at least one yi!ar of•
tire, casualty or multiple
line ratifig experience. Plea.
aant phone pel'IOnallty es-
senilaI. Excellent opportun-
ity for advancement.
OVER AGE 18 coco· 'S Experienced only, Full time AU kind!! Housekeepera,
sant surroundings, w I t b
meals & uniform furnished .
Contact Mr. McOanahan
or Mr. Dinius at
. Apply in person aft. 3. p.m. ....._.._ .......... _ .._ Com-no .'"'or CUDtom· yacht ·construe-Vlew -1555 w. Adams uiuaa, llUUUB • • lion, experienced only, Top FIVE CROWNS References req, Fee • Fee MACDONALD'S OF
Experienced or tralnte, mul-
tiple line policy typist. 60+
acctntely on the electric.
The :Ideal position tor 10me.
one who likes to _type.
pay. Willanl Boat wo'"'· Coll 774-0330, osk for Mr. SylvHtir RESTAURANTS -=C~ot~I• MOto PaUI Jobi. Call Mlu Abby,
1295 Ba1ru St CM 3801 E. Cout Hwy. KINNEY. SHOES ... 7196 ., . • Corona del Mor HELP WANTED ARGUS AGENCIES ~~~~8& 1 _H_e_,,lp_W_•n_t_od-", M_e __ n_7"'200"' Help Wanted, Mtn 7200 CNo phone calls) WE OFFER: 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M.
GENERAL MECHANICS * ~Y~O~U=N=G-&~L~A~N~E~-1 Generous Salary & Benefits e SUPERVISION 1:
Temporary En1ploymen ,
URGBlll Y N&Dm. ,
• • Clerks :
• Typists ,
• Repio Typhts i
• Secretaries :.
• Keypunchers ;
• PBX Open. :
' . . ' " Wt11k '"'-& whore ;
,OU wMll
• • •
,445 E. 17th St.
Coit• Mes•, C•lff: ~
'i;. 1142-7523
" (ntorvlowlng
Mon. lhru Fri.
2 p.m. lo 5 p.m. , ..
Equal opportunity ctmployef~
• .'.CfdUn~ldqor
• S<cntarlal
• Tjplots
Superior Atoncr :
Ea:tablll:htd ut6 •
1151 H.vbo' Bl, Colla ~
Cali nm eo.nu ·
THUR • •
CdM. l!xl"!~lonce
67W010 • •
Coota Mesa Auw workl *CARPENTERS Plastic:s MfCJ. TIRE CO. Manoa"TralninftProiiram SALES WORX• e ESCROW e
al66 Placentia, C.M. • • • Has openings for manage-Rapid Advancement Full time. Must ba've neat SECRETARY
ASTROTEK CORP. * ELECTRICIANS INJECTION MOLDING :~' v=. T,:, w,:j:~ Q~.J!-rg: .. i. =-=· ~: .. tr.,= UNITED CALIFORNIA
E:ir:cdlent free bene.fitl, Per.
manent, steady work. Our
policy · is promotion •from
within. Your future ii detu.
mined entirely by you, New
modem oJtice, triendly,
pleasant atmosphere. I :SA=RAH=-.,,COVENTR===y_,hu-
• Openings; Lou.. mill ~o. * CABINET SEITERS SET-UP; OPERATION medical plan. Join & "° Good A""'arance and ton. BANK
Top """· A·l machlnlst only, AND SUPERVISION eh@ad with us . Appi, In per-Penonalli)' Holldoy HHlth Spo ~=~C.M.mecbanlc With 'mobile home experi· OF THIRD SHIFT. son 188 E.17th St., SUlta 1.c, AptJ~~~anahlp 2300 Harbor Blvd., c .M. /
wanted; Rulon Unlon Sta· ence, Exct!llent bentlita. • • • Costa :Pttesa. NOT NECESSARY Sh•rp C•rMr G•lt
.... ~ ~••-r Founlaio RESIN MIXER * DRIVERS * Appl• In Penon at: Secty1, Cta'o< Typbla, Gal uv.i• • ....,.., ......,,.c ' APPLY IN PERSON ~ Frid•~ •-'la, ••~rs.
3141 E. Coest Hwy
Coron• dtl Mar
Valley TRAINEE N Ex ri KINNEY SHOES ----. -• EXPE~CED service Sta· EXPLORER D~ shift. Prefer veteran, 0 ,. enc• I 2861 Harbor IDvd., CM ~1;,.~'T~co~ ·c: F.qua1 opportunity employer
tion man. Neat appearing. wanting carttr in pla.stles, Necessary! rls, 5M-'t798
.Over time alter 40 hn + qualily for appttntlc,,,rup. Must have clea. eatUomia J, W. Rob1'nson ARGUS AGE NCI ES
For Det&ils and App't.
Call Oillect
1213) 384-1213
Work Near Home
openllla:;1 tor full or part
time sales. Min. • a
Pleuant work, net 1IMS(.
no qellverfel. For tntervli!w
call 54IJ..061.f/ 837-41491
847..s9!50 :
oornm. can for a p p t . MOTORffOME CORP l Glbenefi~asPlastlcMold· drlvlngl'!'cotd.Apply TELLERS SEAMSTRESS, experienced ...,.131 · , In& Tochnlcian. YELLOW CAB CO. Hu oponlng In: 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. .....,. machine operam. DENTAL 1\ECEPl'IONISl',
TYPISI'.Q.ERK 913 E1ectrlc, Seal Bea.ell. Mature, n.Uable w om a a ~ ~e'.f:P~ ~o~ 3021 Newport Blvd. Mr. Horsley, Personnel 1860:,;. '~':,.St. HOUSEKEEPING Salary 13SW78 213: SOO-H61 Must have'°"" -
Cosio MIH, Calif 847-3531 MAINTENANCE lteqL t<jUl>aleot al llttlh Sehl Po•itions are available ~-motel maid. to..,. In bwtJI Cool& llaO
Country aub, NB. Apply CAMBRO MFG. co · PoalUon open 1n fash· diploma. recent up ·or for experienced Full ttme. O.ta Mua. ofntt. 646..J634
' ,fn the FAMo~':MeN l,l'SED ear sal"lllal,n,. ex· 7601 Cl•y lonable Newport Beach Full ttme • Part ti.me trn'1, ~ 40 WPM. Apply Call &U-2670 . WAlTRESSES, Full Ume It
,, 2nd ~,,,,..... ._. .... , .. a perlenced, to sell a1 Huntlneton Beach restaura'nt for amblt1ou.&, Excellent company bene!ltt by 41141911' Clt;y of Seal TELLERS Beauty operalor fUU or part timt. ~.~can.
"'..,..., ..," .,......., Johnson I: .son Lincoln &: personable yoUng man, Beach. 2131'31-Z27 part time, Bl.lboa Wand. Shop, ltXI W. Cout HJwai,
Plutlcs exper, helpful, Repl)t Mercury ueed car lot l94t Boat Mfg. experienced in restaurant APPLY PERSONNEL ** 675-3101 ** Newport Bfaeh •
toBoxM-tn.Daib'PUot. Harbor Bvld., C.M. Apply ERICSON ruanaeement. Reply to F•shJonlsltnd Women 7400 PART ..... '--"'·-·'d•, lppt·r ·WANI'ED.Ex p erle n ced 1n YACHTS box # t:1viltf'"..,um•. H 1n W -Selected applicanta will be .. ~-~ , "elp required tor camper pet90n. 9 to 5 ' Box M.Ql. The Daily NtwpOl't Bffch •x • emplcyed immediately, but in person, Vlkld'a, 1191% 1tabin& rod home WR'PPft'I.
.ijlanufacturtt. Majorway, TURRET LAnlE Operator Pilot. F..qu.al opportwllty employft' wUJ transfer later to our new Newport Blvd., Costa M• :~..a AC=~~ v.u.r ~Placentia, Costa ¥eaa <i.oGANl ·2 yn. minimum * Boat Carpenters PART TIME -~ WANTED: aean cutcoJJece exper. Alao, MACHINE *Hardware Men -IE Jll flST t..quna ~ure Wor~ BEAUTY comuitant. oHloelio>imrw'ALrr"··---=;:;::::~-:::-.J
· ~':::!.e~=:; ~ ~~ ~EW. ~~ ! ~!t~hape~':tora CUSTODIAN m:wcoT~~CHWERT~NGNEORAHEDPA~ McDONALDS 11 Ja Ir t n c ;:: can Mr.·:::n. =~::to lift ~ x':'lta1*=. .!::
_£.Cat H'lll'J', NB r~.e. *Marine Engine Mtn For evening hours. New fa. ...~:"~ AD'~~-MHQ .C91JNTER Wcme:n. ID work IOn, In Nowporl Stach, on lull "me.'A.:l: ---..... =.:. To ..,, Ph: OJ\~1111 • -uJl Pl I *Boat Painters cWty Irvine Co ta t p "u:.i" rvn. """"''~" MOoal¥ thnl Jl1cllY 11 azn.. 6f4.0ll3 to arr&na"e a per-u Jlt'Y ,,., ..,....,. BEAUTY 1l:lrl b' V, ~. 'Att: Need fi ant Exp.ens on . . n c er. AND DISPLAY WORK. NO 2 pm. Unlfonm tumllbel!. _ ..... lnte ... .;.... Room 1880 Monrovia, CM -Von~• -·r ........_ dllle niabt man. Apply in ()ilportunltie1 for: EXPERIENCE llOMd OU!tt, EXPERIENCE; WE tRAIN. be ·meat.s: ...,._ ........ -~
pmon 14-. Unkln Servloe, Assembly Carpenters Apply in Peraon UJ..2500 WORK FJVE DAY WEEK. n:RSON SALESGtRL Mar. ~· I> BEAtrl'Y open.tan b' at-
1;!1 N'!'f""' Blvd. C.M. LUHRS BOAT CO. U06 W. Stnick. Onnl• e DELIVERY 11,0Y e ' S:30TO 10:30 P.M. J'Olt JN, A~"!'~ALD'$ ~~-=...-:~NIF~C ~: o:1i pi'!!::.~~ =... ~·Kq~4l
WANTED: )'OWi& ·man 11·18 849 W, Ullh St., Q.:l Muat be depen(tablt. FORMATION ' CA1J.. MJ\. 6:561 F.dlnltr time ,
for -· pt.time ~RETAIL ....,l'Y oatesman, CAREER APPLY M p.m. JAMES. _H_untl'«fon Beach ~ •• , -portunity em"''-' DA~~ Pvt CALL HOltsD<EEPE!t 3 bn clojo, ~· ~ to 80 est. OllAI ovtr z. mlnlmum 3 yr 0 • ORANGE COASI' PusrtCS MONDAY A TUESDAY --v., }HU,,~ 5t5-8fl63 I ti> l2 ~ Vic. • 'Jl".Cx>Ut Hwy, N. 8 perience, oatary ope>, call OPPORTUNITY! -w. 18th 774-7251 A((OlllTlllG DfPT Adtml ·• W H.I.
M!lCHANICS. •• .,..,. "nut. "" Interview. -· s J ... ...,.,. ...... p..b\a Coota.M... FACl'ORY -/Jailr'.>11> MOTEL lllA1D EXPEi!. ........ _,11on111.1 .;:•~m~1~~---~ ~· Call 644-G4S between openlnp:. oroteaaion-Mutual Food ... • COOKS • Experienct!'d .,. trade Gd. Opt) for ad-Acoouptl l*)'l.b&e uperl:enoe. EXPEIUENCtD Send mume to Bos M..ft3, SAWYER 1bDe ft •• 41 1!!.l Plant Man $120 wk. No o:prrttnt'l DtCl'JllJ'7" APPLY ~~ ln induslr,,. Haun I am . •~90 pm. mW. Cout Hwy. N.B. Dally Pilot ma t'lr• wom•n «•r * DISHWASHER * Steady. permantnl. tober. Wt tral.n . full or part Umt PL YING IUTLER HANNA SAlLMAKE:RS G11rr.lton Mft Ce Inc INCOME tu help needed FULi.. t Im e • experlienmt lmu•.._pbc I: Jll1dlall
Apply In ........ 33S5 Via SERVISOFT Mutu•I Fund Advl .... , m-Om 881 w 18th., C.llL ~ s. Pulltun ..... .. t/IS. Pay d•P<nds .. -"""" ctn. P.O. -.. -
Ullo. Newport Beach. 506 Blot Sl, NB. Inc. smv. SCA-MGJt.: °""' -.... ....,_,_ -"'-· IQ.ml ~oo.~ QCanenOOKto OPEllATOR&. '....... !'Or EXPE!t. -cool<; no JANrt'OR !(pt B. 1803 Westdlll &G4IZI 21. manied, . muat haYO SE!tVICE Sta. Alt. Full or ~. ~ ~,...,_ HELP NEl'llEJ>.EXP'D. RELIEF -•zwt. •NI -""
t$Pldtys. Apply: Cokin1aJ V1tamtnt Mtg. plnnl S.A. 1212 N. Bt\ltltWq 1e1m1 mech&qical exp, Appb? pert tUM. All thittl open. l'Clr J:>ijlr Pk Wlltt Adi. Garment MMUtacturer ExPerlt.nc'ld Pl3'· «m 1', Bird. Sr., II ....
K'..tchen 512 W.19tb, C.M. for •PPL call 646-3931 541..&\n 2175 N~ Blvd •• CM. :IO:) W. Oliut llwy., N.B. . btl1 MUl"ll ** 6'4-2661S N.B. ** 642-804' l. 'blk E. d: 0.C. atrpad.
r I I
' I
Tllt>dAt, A"1! I, IM • DAILY PILOT .t.1
ii;\Moln1t111-';Oii Trellor, TroHI "125 '""'"""" Autot MOO lmportod --Imported Autot ---·--· ... . -Gi9 ' tiii A-Wanted 9700 Utod c.,. 9'00 u.I C1r1 • '900 •.
blre. CoO\PlJte Wirllw "' Tra!le\' ¥'· ~-laed. . .
rewltfrw of boat.a. InttnJ.. Stereci. alteOI G. Lile ._,•! 'ff 2000 DATSUN
mtnl WC&llaUon. No job Sacrilice $2100. Call 6t&-198'l Roadater, 5 1pd ttt.na, 135 hp,
too larre or ameJl ~1510. be.lore lO:Xl Of' aft. B PM. d!r, ~ yellow, blck
' .... 8 OICI IYEtSOI. IK. . 'II
.. c..t. ....
MOrlno .iff: 903~ Trucb 9500 =~;:':b::O ~·:fa: OUTSTANDING SPECIALS • -&ND
ZS HP JOHNION "' &ood 19112 OIEVROLEI' -... ""' ...,.., ,.... older IUGS .. GHIAS • -
oond.ll'O.C&D-s..., lltonp1~1Nc1J.1'bed, toc.i.,.~corinb'ad•ot nn ,... ·s399,. $1899 • NEW * 9l2-39SI * aulomatlc1tnmniljllon. VI -de •. Wlllllnc:pn~prty. • 1969 l========·l enaJoe, ridlo, bea\er, bli LB YNW Cl. Call Ken,
llOot Slip Moorlnt" 9036 rubber. 19111, oe.ler. lB835 ~ °' """""'· ''1 ...,. .. ....,_ St7tt ,,. ._.. tit S'4tt • IUICK •
Beach Blvd. Hunt. Bea.ch. '69 DATSUN e Por1chei Sporlom1t!c tr•111Mb•lo11o • •
BOAT ~ lim.Ued to 11'. 541J..Ot..12 · • D;la: Mldan. 96 hp. oveitirad f1ct1ry 1lr cor1dltl111J119, •• , '2444 .• $1.50 per•-~ :Yearly. Nea, ,,,~ FOllD ~ Ton •-• bed cam q ., dJt, 4 ispd, r,dio, Sp.if1lly ''''eel ·IYf'T 6001 FM R1d!o. D1mo, Ho~
ljewport UR", ft15..as 'Overload ;n,..~• lpd ta.Im', Waw t!res, loaded! '61 Db. t ,_. .. SUH lio1111 r.9t.t1Nd, No, 6t I J
Iott S.rvfcw . f037 tram. Pwr Boom W/ }!OJ 281)) .miles, under factory Ulro ,. ..... VTS ,,, • au ••• " Campen • •
·------'--,-... _ lb capu,, ;9.000 miles. Wl.l'f'lnfy, Bil $1'715, T&ke ,62 ...... W. Sltt9 'M YW ..... ,,. $14H • IWMIDIATI DILIYllY 8
FOR YOUR W CPUGAR · Ori......, CNlt Mlrine 545-4168 . 115 cub dela • oldtt car. R111H1r lio9'y. {FXZ 1111 S11" roef, ~•tllo. IKDltlt) • ·~ L.B. YNW087, a.n alter 1~ 'H YW .. ,. ·,. • SUtt • CON NEU C.Ompk!te :.duine s~Mcea '57 CliEVY PIU Sale or 494-9773.. 167 ,.,. t ll 14'" t P,1t1~r INQlt72J .,
.,, Exporlooced..lligb trade '57 or earlier VW oll========-I,,.""'.,'· FM•"'~ '61 YW .... ,,, •• 117tt CHE.YROLIT '61 COUGAR
Quality....,.... ,........,.L ,.,, ""-in&'--· Mwit INGUSH FORD •h""'""""~· ...,•vov. "''"'"'holM I•-IQ-BIW, Ume wttb bledc~,. ::~ ~:~:nc: =! C~~ .. ~~~._.,,~7'08~-210!~-0fon&'e-',;,,·,,1;~~~~~=~:1 1•1, • .. c ~ te ' "f ~~· I t ' ..... , -~OfL,7) I o.ta .... ~ • 1::4~=~-.. ,·
847 u:~i~=. :~ fuRD Fabo pickup, 1962. ORANGE COUNTY'S .'f~ • ··, 1 onCI IYERsol, 1lc, . , •
, ' .~ "'° .., , • ~ .-..,,,..,,llJ.='llN,_,,.... __ _..,
675-24"1 or 675-26'1 ·New pain~ ""' A b,...._ VOLUME ENGLISH . . VQLICl,WAOIN ,~ l4'.:llll _ f ~· -.. llGll iil1iti; 1 -owner, air,
6 cyl. IJl<i. 673--0tl:U . FORD DEALER 444 I ... •· l'olJ tire• - -
COMPLETE •• ~ .' .. !ii1:111 -". '' .'. Iii • ··.~·~. a.w. ~Ill' 1'Dow w/llllr vln)il top, loot-Yocht J-t 5lO SALES-SERVICE 1907H II··~ C MoN --.....--l*4l1t -9 or ~ .• ooll •-· • .I . 67J!"1'"" · • 5 Chlrt.r. , . 9039 il967 BRONCO PARTS CENTER , • • . ;...,;.,llTS-Jw~::_ "'""""""' ...... ..,...---... NIW USED • ~ ,..,.._~ '$TCOUGAJt,atr-eond , I-'---. Ii.WHEEL DRIVE · • • ,...;........ . Autto'. 9600 I lllt • 0ranao ,_... !WI, vinyl lop; lo ml, full
BLUEWATER CIWtrERs Hardtap. Rod "1th wbito lop. , Theodore lmpoi11d Auto• 9600 ,= · ... · .., 199 DOWN • TOP S Bt!Ym pwr, IOOO On. O.A.C. Pr.
ll·Dr!"" aail or powerO..bL Redlo, heater, reerr[:ii.· ROllNS FORD -. PORSCHE YO' "SW'&-N I BILL u•~ pty. 871-8811/ 640-6731 ew.
Harbor""""/""'*' f1'h. k>l~IMAKEO . · _,.· ---.... ...,,,_ .. _".,.,."'·.,...-1•Fluatax.lli"'n"onap-• 11881'"'B:d,~JOfA Dally .-Week1y~ *'M&Jml _can~_ltelgattbe '· 2060'HarborB1~'... i oioftd credit for thit;• DODGE P!Wrparkl .. Jot ·on_.. OJ01a Meaa 642-0010 •&f roRSCHE. Cbroi"l• N.W, · IL'-Boocb: ·1'11. lfl<m
Boats Wanted 9050 'days between.( pn & 1 pml~~~~~~~~~ I wheels, AM/FM, J'tlftSt \ ·~=::rcial. No.. 65-.-.-Dodg-.--D-.... -R/-H· I\
or call~. J.: ~OO Ntw engine. $2900 ,._ • , • • Auto Lu1i"I , 9110 6 cyl.r Stick. e Lo mL 0~
lat TDs ~-CIQMllz:,.u. 1 =1968=-CllEV==-."'s~.-.-,..,,,.,-.-a-n PERRA'RI .. \ • t HE FAlt,JLOUS • owner. MS-3724 ~d113T• "'' $100,000 , L ~luxe 108 lo ~-~ ---.----• OPIL • LEASE • REN'{ '"1 ~-v~ 9..,. -~ ' ' au ' ~·=• FER•••1 SUIARU HAR R ALL POPULAR ~· ~ oord. Pvt pty, Ill 0 O. ....,.. • w""" 10to, r a b, pe,
Alrcrolt . 9100 · 546-7512 · N...,... ·-Lid.-°"'i--------· VOLKSWAG&N, INC. ; GT's • MAKIS lugg rack. $>lO. 54l><lN9 1:.;;.:=;:,_-.;.:'•-~ l!I06 . CJ5 an&• Counly'• '°" aotla-SUBARU Aulhoriud FORD b<d duler Sal and s.M • AH HEH • AUTHORIZED 1963 DODGE, 9 ...,, &.cyL I/5th ownei'Bhip . of Ceuna 215 Jip o.evy V-1 $...UJ!5. sin.VICI!:. PARTS . es ce .. U 'tt • s•• THEM Too•y1 • xlnt cond. l owner, •.
.• COITA MISA ,, . ',p.x
""9lYOUA FRIE -· .. -c....... 1a,.... '""°'
JAVILtN C L U I with ..............
l~D NIW '6e Javelin
l lt '"''"'-""'II ,rice. .,,,,,, '
cARS ·
'65 Dad!9
110. Call attei' pm ALL NEW 54S-8S84 3100 w. -Cout Hwy. 18711 Beach Blvd. 842""t'w.o 55 "' Ll!ASING S37-6084
I .;::::!'=*::;;;545-;::iaiil:=:;'*== &! JEEP w"" ... w.o. N-Boach Reliil" Division '65 v.w. BUI; • • SYST!M ====== '63 Rambler
9200 NeW Ures, brakes, clutch. ~ 54Q.176t G eed dy . 1 • • Get Our Competitive' Rates FALCON Amlt111. 110. 2 Jr. VI,
1;Mo_b_i_le_H-"01-'ln'-'ie"s'-·---Runs well. $400. 646-6«5 Authorized MG Dealer 1000 Y(. CO.st Highway #~~ ' rea to &O 8 • Theodore -----"-'-"-'---1/•uto. tr1111., pwr 1tr.~VL960
BAY HARBOR Newport BHch . W G • ~OBINS FORD '63 SPRINT ·Fakon, buckot ea9s.
• Mobile Homo' S.ln · ::C•;m;;pe;;;;";;;;:;;::;;:;·9;;5;20~1-~-=J~A~G~U~AR~-'-\ Rii~M~~f,;50~*~~h273~1;;;:. G...:,.'!J_· ~~con. :: ·. '64 lAMILIR • 2060 Harbor m,,,_ , .. ,,, I on lloor, l600. can • Cua Loma Roll-Away • BRAND N 69 Subaru ditlon. Uc. UJD f19 · -r90 W~go". AMto1111_tie, ao.ta Mea 642-001.0 be 1ttn at Ottlce;' 455 N. ~-raton-·~.Homette . CAMPER 1967 JAGUAR XKE 't plus ' ew' • . s1~s •f•et•rv•ir,pow•r •to•r11'9,•1.,,~~~~~ .......... Newport mvd .. Newport "''"' ........,...,.. 2 A tic,AMF?i!'raclio Leavfnr town. take ow:r • ., ' ... Rl ti.IOEKllJI .1--··-XS Beach.&f6..J265 Kit . Pr .. tlgt . Sahari. Siles.· Rent1l1 . : utoma . • pymnt<. '"'mt gol) 54>-066 ... v w c•"'p'IR • LWE 1M • ALLSIZES aU' oondltlonlng, wlr ·-' ' ""' ' ' $1495 • 1960 FALCON Good
NOW ON DISPLAY Authorized Dealer wheels, B@au~ tangerine . ' TOYOTA ":'-~ •wnllw well equl~ •~ . • transportatlpn .. $100. Eldorado . Four utmor with black interlar, --.. UKIUll9. · ' '68 cad Cpe deVille, full pwr, 968--3475 all wlmd, '·--·• 1425 Bokor St. ---'-"--'----·I •u V W IUO moo -\Vinds • Scotsman Must see to believe. Only -• • • '66 PONTIAC • air, vinyl root. Driven only 5 ~blockEutotHarborBl!/d. 30,000FeetofCamper 8,300 mUes. Dealer. lJll35 TOYOTA , Bui. Guaranlecd 6 extra • 14,500 ml. looks new, 24 =========If
on.Jlaker Di.splays Beach Blvd. Hunt. ~a.ch. ' .. ll!harP· RCJ' m •St1rchi1f" door. Fee,'''· mos l8e at $149.·mo. FORD Costa Mesa ~714) ~9470 Theodore • 540--0«2 • ae.5 ••ut•metic, power 1t11rl"t·• '67 T-Blrd Landau, 2 dr, load.
HEADQUARTERS ' •"• 1 tVTP l471 ' • 1---------HUNTINGTON B•aoh on ROBINS FORD '6'" J'GUAR 'XKE Coupe. ELMORE . '6S ,OHIA , $1795 odw/oxtns,alr.Drivonouly 19811, FORD, PIS, PIB. Cout ·Hl&hway, lacing goU • • ~ ·,.i111' -bladt -· • i • 20,000 mt. 24 mo 1..,., al R/H, xlnl amd. Now tim course 3 BR. built ins 2060 Harbor Blvd. White opalescent beauty '· Radio and • txtru. $94 82 per mo
retrige:raror. car port° & Costa Meaa 542-0010 :~~diO~t .J:ie: im Bet.di mv«;, w~ poP9it. nw.ny • • • .·..,p, • soi.JTH coAsr & brakes. P». 566-lnl
larg• patio. $9500. nsoo I ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ... 1 • -119<-3122 $1195 • 6Z CHIVRo... • CAR LEASING 1959 FORD, 9 -... down, will carry balance. lNT'L. Van camper; slpi. dltlonln& and low ~~· • :,64 DODGE D•RT •Piek-up. Plumbing cir• ~"" w ,,. __ ... wagon. Completely reeobd. Adults only. 536-1395 or 4;' Cbtv. V-8 c:rc. Auto. M IJ st .aee. Dealer. 1:8835 , BILL MAXEY "' . ei.ctrlcal spe<:lal """ . \.Oii.lit Hwy, Newport run equip. $225. ~srn
""'"""-' lran!. CompL bltns, big' Beach Blvd., Hunt. Beach. Wagon.6~1 .. ~/stetr.,auto., • (K63951) • *AUTO LEASING* .57 FORD 1 ~ ~ 'f.ltt>s; nds. outside paint,' 540--0442 T y T air, Extra, ex tra clean. Lie. • $1195 • • runs rea 6'-"A.l·
ll'Y.-.n 2 BR., 14X35 Cabana,· No. OPK916 • Good tlrn, battery etc . ...--eng, \\'tlrk. $600. ~ '63 MARK X, Pb/s, air, .,00 •-·-mu.st be moved. Make $1195 • # AU. MAKES •• · _....,,~ •-•· *PAM-TOPS, all steel auto trans, elc wrld9, dlac 1UI IEACH BLVD. • .1 -.~ ..... PRI-.ridiculous otter! .ftaA for Bill b ~ , .,_ xlnt --• '64 RAMBLER , • •67 llVll•• • ... .., .......... ..,. •• ,...,. ..._ FORD Panel Sta Wason · shells. Sales & ren;als. $149 r.... , ""W!• ...,.,,_.., Hon·1,' IMch 947•555 -• Cort F Aul LIUI • i. ~oo ~ Wright or Dale Reeg. . · 61$-3682 • American hardtop. 6 eyl., C f 1 , OX O ng ... s ,.. or belt uuq-. Jlni Cooper Trailer Sales up. Buy factory direct. 1010 '=="""'====== I 3 mt 'N. of O:iut Hwy. on Bch e oup1, M I powor, fecfory DC W. Coat Jllabway 548--0400
531-1066 531-1069 So. Harbor,-S.A .. '61 TOYOPET, ........i mech. auto., R&H. bucket seats. ••Ir. ITQV 19fl •• Newport BMch ICU440 .. 1--,=12~:ro=ll~O~W~.~GON=-MERCEDES BENZ ·-Lio. No. RBT37? $3495 ~ MOBD...E Home 24x.f3:. ·2 .C•mper Rent•ls 9522 . cond., clean. Best offer $995 • • UMd Cars 9900 ~ 57,000 mi. orfilnal.
·bdmul, l lAi baths, awnu1gs, 546-1486 '66 TOYOTA Ow!m'. 5'M65l
·-962-0642. """"' COACH -TRAILEl\ .'69 TOYOTA. er.wn Waaon. Mil. otiok, • '66 CAnJCI • IUICK .,. RANC!IERO !"ve.s RENTALS· pl Slk. • ~-built -economy, US room. •Cpe, Power tffffhlf, feet. no:
It's none too early to make P199 a•ir, 1uto1111tlc. ISIM 1711• '63 RIVIERA. atr, full pwr, ~ "'' ·'1 ""'"""°"' I« Sptiog Ho!. FROM $1770 •· $1495 $2295 .• now lra!UI, c omp l •I• l y '61 FORI> aJNYERTIBLE
ld•ys! '66 DATSUN WAGON • olhaul'd. 11100. 675-<811 1215' ·if WEEK·END DR WEEKLY L Sol ell 4 ~ dJo I .,, -. ~ Mobile Home, extru, ~1'111 I on sl""'U. ra & heater, w w, • 'GO BUICK 2 DOOR. ~ ·
cor Jot 11idult pk. 518 So. l-===="546"'9;;;::=,1 === lmffttiJ.te Dellv9ry ra
on top, Cutic. Lie, No. • '66 TEMPEST •
Sharp. Air cond.
!Sullivan, S.A. 543-2454 9525 Sii UI TODAYI I $ll95 •c"''" ,,,. RIH, ,~,_ 1719 548-<SM . .iAVIUN ~-
""'R Beach. Adult Park, Dune Buggln . MB '65 230 SL, Xlnt con-~· L •• ·• ---------.,=• Call fQll• ~· I P.S., fectory elr cendltie"• !8 x 42 + 10'x30' room, $2750. '67 VW Dune Buggy, very dltlon!' $4400 firm. fl) fng. IST01771 • , .CADILLAC JAV!!Ll;N '68. 3SO ~•Ill•
("6-1753 l've ot wknd• "'8ip_ Hlgb n<bber & low ="6-=2361====,,..-,~ •• $1595. ·• R/H, PIS, P/B, Air, tilaa
mileage. 5'8-8745. '61 MERCEDES ms. 4 Dr. IHPORTS whl.s.: Racing Pak. Sl50 "
Motor Hotnll 92 l 5 MEYERS Manx VW: xlnt !Cdan: 26,000 Mi ~ 1 • '69 · Cl.dWU ~. full auwne bal. ,645-1131 aft !: 847-6333 Orig owner TOYOTA·VOLVO 3:30 -,"(: CONVERri:o Bus, com-cond., top, hitch, ·niany·ex-• •.• '66 IUICK • pwr, comfort control, kath.
;Jlletely sell contained. $1Zi0. tra'.s, n ses. 54()..36(2 Eve MERCEDES '6l, rm. 4. dr mUMPH HAR-BOUR I Wlldc:1t " doer. Fectory• ~i:r:n~':iitse~=:· . * 642-5294 * D~l•EtalflakBUG,GY ~ $1150. 64.249'26 or VOLK~WAGEN, INC. I ,R;l,·H"1''sv"'x''o"1•'1r •t•eri"9·· $6,995.
" TRIUMPH '65, red Spitfire, ~ ·Authorlltd ' , • Private-party, 675-60CO '6 5 ·LINC 0 L N C 0 N· r;\Oforcyclto ~ rr.;o. 548-665J MG Ownor In Aluka. As b. Sala•.and Service .• $2595 • TINENTAL. Full power E 600 5t&-7811 1'1J. BMch Blvd. NU&.15 • ,_2 CAO Coupe de Ville, equipment· and factory air YAMAHA. ZlO cc, new i...-od Autos 9 · = rdltlo In ( W TE 161 )
eng, lifts, brakes, xlnt ,.... ' MG '59 TRIUMPH TR·l Bl; VW. Good cond. tires. • '65 IUICK • eood cond In appearance; on. Uoo5. ~.tr. 18835 Beach
'i54'°!";..,J"" .<W boot ofttr. /l.USTIN HEALEY Sal.,, S.Nl.,., Parts $315. 67J.2637 -ti> rslNllt ""'· 18611 • ly 72 000 ml Prv prty $995. Bl·~ H t Be--• ~ ~•• """"''-Immediate Delivery, ottinfGder ~ 1 .llectre coup•. Full power,• 547-0776 8-4 'pm. ..-u., un • ••.:n. ~
166 HONDA$&· lilBt -' • ..,·A.H .. ibn ..... .)II Model> VOLKSWAGEN VO~L"vo ' •,'"1""s';1'· 895 •• ·~wcomllup.~~·.· •Vholllw" ~"?. uusTANG = \dltion. $250. ' ·• Radio. heater. xlnt cone!. ... -e-~........ '"
1 C&D' l'J3.1231 $875. 64U600 '1967 VOU<S, Sumool, AM· VOLVO • • tr.•h. Prl•••• p or t y , SHARP, late ,,. M .. i, .. v:i.
165 iiONDA 50 Ir: crash '67 SPRITE, perf. cond. $1750 FM ndlo. Drk blue ext. '65 OLDSMOllLI • Sacrifice. 827-4464 hd tp, alrfpwr. 1 owner,
lhelmel Xlnt cond $125. Or best olfer 673-1700 1.lor~ wf wht int. Lo miliq-e. NEW·PllOO & •4 door H.T. Fictory •Ir,. '63 CAD. Convert. While, blk. $1650. eve, wk.end.~
675'6916 Ing or Eves Xlnt cond. $l475. 644-2389 New 164 on Dlsplayl •pow1r ll••ri"g I brekes, lthr, air, full pwr. New top. '67 MUSTANG 6 cyl HT
~· lDX50 l Br. in quiet,
adult park. $3,750 .
d 548-8680 after 5 PM
'65 MllSfallt
2 dt heNtop. VI, elolio.
tr1111, elr ''"d., "i"yl reef.
. '65 Rambl•
? door herdtop. Xh1t trtd
cer. NPFOl I '
'66 Clatslc
t•O 2 dr htrdtop VI, eufO
lf1111, pwr d••r. SMR262
. ·~For~ .
2' ,,.,, VI, .... tr••·· PWT
1t .. rl11f. OVC11t '
$995 ' .
'66 Ford
9 p111. V-1, euto. tr1n1.,
.~:.> ' '
•067 o.,.i
lADIT 4 5"1D
Cowpe, Vl"yl re_ef, 1 redlo
'"' Wfl!r. UOl t 11
f ·ll95
!perfect. bum.;. carrier 6 • _ . 642-Nl5 540-1164 amd. Must ..i1. Saailico, fOll ~ • $1595 • ~4-0li61 "" · 54...,,. V '65 Merciry 168 Hod&ka 100 dirt. Maeb. DA~UN S100 w. CoUt HWJ'., N.B. '64 VW Variant Waaon. xlnt ~ L ••~to. fMOY 1461 • !~250. Orig. owner SJ0..4960, stick, tire ena red $1595 .
~~~~ ~t ·111.19 DAJSUll'~, iAutbailUed'lilG _Deller ~iuo ~ 67J.-7462, eves I S I : n;;~ ·~ :~~ ~d~·. = ·~r:u=~ =J:: v~~"!,!~~s~·~i.
':!'Ike,""' or ...... is&-250tl . ~v . . MQRRIS '66 FAEr bock, blue with l1PORT • '66 OLDSMOllLI .. oqulpped. 817-<JlS or ofier. 5'3-2061 ,,, .-. N~N "'
. . I Door .•J;>emr]1 P.Amct abd •-· white interior, muatsdl thll OYOTA-VOLVO •lirxurv Seden. full power,• '61 CAD. Fleetwood; full ========ol/ 5:1495 l\~o s.rv1..,, .' . ( ... ,,. .. ~ ... ~~ """. 1951Good4 .::.~ ~ ~-cord. l1005o 1966 '~. C.M. -,1 .... ..,$,;2'· '2!UP 5121 • pwr., -"'""· $595 OLDSMOllll
,-&Po-• ••"" .r&J!l>'.QnlY$lS9:5, -•.~•"',,.~•-19111VOLV054<S • 95 • CalJAlterS,536-9231 , •• ~ ~ .---~64 Votkswqen. blue, aun-$550. Original owner • 1968 Cad Coupe de vwe. 1•1vmrnv
'60 OIEV ...... .--'. ,' ·. OPEL ' =:~~~;:.lift * 817-&15 * ! '64 IUICK I FlllLY LOADED! $5000 UIVIUIMll
lditlonine unlL Cb•·'P· 'ManY-mort to me. t.a. i • • • • • Antlciu-Cl.lnla 9615 e El1clf1 c~""· FuU:/.w.,,. * M0-490S *
1-. . . . DO.T DAm• •. JI& oPEL'i.dett _., ~~:u'~~;;,w·ofi~'. _ _.___,_ .. '-· -... ,,.., "'· iowr1011 • CAMARO
'-• 1"'!!' 1nwvran~llkenew Olll •~M-1'36Fonl.,W.,2rar-. •. $1195· • ~roller, Tro .. i "" ' , ,~ Beach. aNt . -~. , . . ~-. complota with 1lw, 1 hood --------
r ., . 'It VW Camper, rood cond. lligbt11 beat, 1 beU boullnc • ,66 MERCURY • '68 CAMARO, automatic, 2850 Harbor.'Blvd.
191'1 Puma Tent trallu · HUntiJWtoll ~ Cl.tan 4 eXtru. New Urea, with rear end. 1 '4() Ford • loaded, Xlnt eon d It ton • CDltl Mela •
xcellent condition, hardto'p, .5iMIHj • ' · ··PORSCHE radio. 'St&-7811 hood delun " 1 srWe de-•co!e"y Park w•te". Full $2XIO. Call 847-7441 eves , 5ttJ.9IMO Ulld Can ~
fill blt·im. sleeps 7• $ll5t. PLACE )'OQI' .,.. al .... VW Jld, '$ . .$9X1 New tirH luxe. Set of back Intl for ·:;~1•r, fec:tory •It. llTl·• '68 CAM.ytO, Automatic, '65 OLDS,' 4G, 4 mpd. Yelklw
Call ,...1154 ..., are -'--DAU '18 Poncho m and palm. llwls excellenL v,w, -l'bone 136-Mll • • -$2595 • loaded. V~ 327, 12395. Xlnl wl blk lnL Muat eol1 •
White llepbants! J>!me •lint PILOT d·ntftedl tc.a71 Sportomadc Owt1Q SP tirtl. 6t&-.m3 Eve • H.B. AU: far B11L • w cond. Call &U-3293 evt"s. tat oaer. 1 ownr. sa.852'7
HOOi _. -MOO -·~int., S5195 . .......... an<. '"'-..._ !!!!'!:=' ' 'tll·Poncbe flt ........ -lmportod A-HOOlmpertod A-HOO • •• CHEVROLET '62 OLDS •tarfue. Bue ...,
•-IJ!l.t.2to,cbqoM •AGUAR 1--------.i1 ........ e.., .... 1400. -,,,,, •• .,,,,,.,. • -I • • '64-IMPALA O.an. air oond, '3&-nl8 ·
.. Ponc:bt llfS • • Pis 32'7 auto, $790. Leaving =========II ~~ •. '."..'. .. ~.~; ~!g~KC~~~TO~.~· • HEADQUARJW • ~wau must""· Ken _!~Y~O~-
T&M MOTORS' •Co1 mpldefepSales • Str'f'·· 'fiO CHEVY, .6 cyl Sta Wag. '66 PLYMOUTH Spctt Fuey , NEWPOitT. llACH • ~e •n "'' Deport·• Lo ml. XLNT OOND. 2 Door banllop. Radio, a..: ~~ 11\'d, tit -,_ loleft .... Of 0utet1ndlnt •men! for JAGUARS. • · 141111 * """"' beattr, vinyl 1op, 1actoey
(1) •. ut.mt UMCI VW'a Qn The Gold Cont • 5,, The &cltlflf • • 'l1 atEVY Impala SS, 2 atr, only 31,,000 mDn. Waro.
oPENStJNDlY . I lt•tJ•t••rTM.., • dr hard top. R&H. PIS, ranty in effect ittl5 -~ Daal<r. lB835 -BM!.,
'66 ·s.n11eam
neli v.1, 4 .,.i. te•ut11u1 .,,
l11114e oiMI out, RRIC JIL
''4 llAMILEI ........... v : ~7 R1Jl1, hffttt, elit91111tlc
tr1"1mi1tl•"· VHN ••z.
$599 ' .
'' ..
·I .. •• ' . ' . 1 . '. J.
•• •
1 ,
' • ' 1 'i • •• . :I
.. ,
.. . ..,
' .. .. , .. .
, . • '
l1111r. ...... "'11.a.1 .....
t.111lr :pp::al •ef ctMlt. ,
1168 , ioRSCHll m. .. ........ ~·-b,l750.S49-213l 1"=""=L=Bee=ch.="-=== -•1.-• • '65 atEV, Bel Air. 4 dr, 1•
,.........,. ' ~. ' --. PIS. P/B, '''· xlnt tranL PO""' ac iow mil•-Immae oond. , • 23 • E. 17a. n, • ll095. ,..250tl "• ... ~:."!,.,7-:_e.._ flo" .pm....... Pinnt S.lectfon Of Concoul'lft • • ~II ..,,~ • ,67 IMPALA, air. $162. dn '6T roNtu_c GTO ~ bp., -~~' • . Conclltl"'! Utocl Po......_ 148 7761
las Yeqn Y1elllon
Ne P11rdl~1• Nffe1t1ry
15300 Beach BIYd.
•s;; PORSCHE.....,. ''15. 121 ,61 -1111 ..,,.
.61 YW .. SU" • • • I< W.. owr pymts !07.""' aulo tram. Bat <llfor.
ht et... tftlm;. Red tit c,.. A~l.+efy llh a... ~e ,i.,,,_ celer'Me 'ttJ• •, • • Xlnt mid. &U-4437 HS-7291 aft 5 pm.
Sllw•. All the oxtrao . IWYWIUI low, IP'119'tl • I OPEN: • CONllNENTAL
o..ier. 181135 ee.ch Bl"'-, '" ...,. .. "' ""' : • 7 DAYS • -------11unt. Beach. 54IHl4U "•1M•tl "'"'"'ltsio11 t2 .. eh•el• ,;9111) • I -oo~~AL 2 door -DJ.Mii •
PORSCl!E 1962 Cab. llllO AND bw ;;,;.·~ ..,.) .... ·-~. Amtt, .....
Saper w/Miehelln X tim. CHICK IVERSON, INC, • EYININGS •. with IUD -lndUd ... :;.:.'~;'\:!!
""'""' WI!. m"65 VOLKSWAGIJf • atr oondl~ leatber JJ> -• •
'66 PORSCHE Euro 91' Ex· 44S E, COAST HIGHWAY -tertor, FM ndlo with'""° ---+=-,1
cd amd. 138511 Prlnle ,_ I• --• , tlpo decll. Bu u ti fu l STUDEIAKft ty. nc: S4f-1589 aft 5 PM. Ntwf'OIT tu.CM Bermuda yellow ·with black ~
'18 PORSCHE 912, 5 ·-673-0900 ltatlwr lnttrlor. 12IU, 0000 Tran•p-tloo
TUI iu1~. COR ~IA
RA MILER .0,..1 ..... -.
'-YM Ceco al: ti
··~"°""" . (IS'lj leA
' • '
l : ,. • •
• •
bet.gel blk Int 28,000 mL Phone 67S--4M8 ' Studeblktr L&tk V..S, 11.
°'J. owner. 6'Js<m DAILY PIWr WANT AD$! $205. 817~ 14'!~~~~~~~
I ' , ~-• ••
I .
' . '
'·' '
" gc
;•GoiiflO-OVN~~~~.ES . .1·· 1 c
" 303 CAN o SAVI 4c
• -·-.
sruwliR'lli .·.···~. ·a: c PRESERVES . •
CARNATION o 10-,ACK o SAVI ·• 19 c
' I ANI· .:~
• NS' · O V.k!llTY •. (. ' •
. . BREAKFAST"::;~~:·· .
ACCENT•6:~NC!Sl'lA)'•.SAYl:14c 2~ 5· ·c·
' 'lAVUU:l .
. ·fRESHINIR ·. · · -.__,
--· ~
~ ~OF 9U9' ·N·IR·: -.
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.. '
. ~--
. . ' .
·L;tSTjltllE ·•1•· ...
·66' ' ' " ' .
4-0UNCf ·AMTI-l?flSl'IRANT ·•·REGULAR $1,19
;BAI · DEODOOllT ' .
16·0NCE BOTTLE e REGUCAR 25< .. MED ICAL CENTU . • .~... ......: C -~ :RUB,B,l_I_ ALCQHOL -••
' J ' . . . . .
AU MIAT e l ·l!. l'ICG.
WIENERS 59° ..
,• :
510111 HOUU
DAll Y 1 O,OQ A.M. TO f.00 .tM..
,SAT. t. SUN, 10 A.M. TO 7 r.M.
. ,'. : :.i ·
.•. ·:c~D7H1t£tR .·-5 .gc . ·· onnHN ··· · · '.
I ' • ' SANTAANA' ..
2120 50. lllS10L AT WAINllt
··2200 •HAllOI 81.YD, AT WILSQN '
I I --
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