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1969-04-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
·Helicopter Noise Debated .. Wate.r, Water Ever~here. • • • ~-. ' . ~ • • . ; ~ :1 ;:r~ t I .:~ ' ' ' ' I •' ,,..., .. _,~><~'1:•.'1• : ... ,_·,. '"•<. ~ f '.(, But'"?t;~·~,fci.WiuMll. Tllat's t1w.'~.J·1hli + fu~'.~~-~ itP,011~ !Jll~~ ~~-~~ -~ ~ ltjv~; ftoiii fec~P.!.!1 . . ·--. ·of'HtlntlJi,ih.rBNicir*ho'fih4ilheseifliore llil!outofbow!ll!·bocauH . ·' •· ·• ·~ · 7 Cou ncilmen Decline Dance For Ne groes Faced with an invitalioo to rock out at a teen nightspot benefit dance for a Hun· tington Beach Negro family wqose ~e was fire-bombed, seven city cOupcilmen hove politeljl decUned. Gilbert Covell, owner of the Syndicate !IQOO, at 301 Pacific Coast Highway, is ho:rting the 8 p.m. U! midNght d~e Sun- day as a gesture ag8;inslraela1 bigotry. The CKy Council approved a resolution: condemning such acts of hatred and ~ll· Ing for respect of civil rights after the m· cident last month. They told Covell, who appeared Moo· day· to give · noUce of ttie benefit data. that their involvement in the issue would have to be llinited to the official resol.u· tion. Any city emissaries in th e neighborhood · of the Syndical• 3000 Sun· day "' the benelil aala will likely he the cu>tomsry types wtio travel by ti)ack.ond "'ilite sedalf inttead of midnight 1blue limousine. 0 \Ve are shocked at the councll's decision to do nothing," said Covell, in commenting on the lack ol. interest in at· tmding or supporting the firebombing benefit. -:, "Many of the young people in the com· munity want to make a gesture of apology that such a racially bigoted t¥ng ihould happen in their city," C:Ovell ~d. "We just wanted to prove that this is not a bigoted communlty," he added. Representatives of the N a1t ion a I As!loclatlon «or the Advancement of Colored People have indicated they will attend the function Sunday if it Is held on schedule. No one Is quite certain at this juncture whether the vict.lms of the Molotov cocktail attack lasl month "iU al.(.epd. \be beoefi(, sp~tly themJelves Included. "We don t know anything about it," they said when·Contaeted today .. . ' . Cardinal Mcintyre ~ ' . . . -" • • • .. ! Ca-t~h· f;.,51s Nabbed 'Prowler Sues for $1,000 By TOM BARLEY Of ... Dlltr '*" Stiff If Carl HenrichiJen is now resolved to let. prowlen prowl all they want in the vicinity of his Newpdrt Beach home , you could hardly blame him. 1be shots be fired II months ago ln protection of a neighbor's lawn chairs cost him $1,000 this week in Superior Court. . And Henrichlen has to . pay' lh<>se ·damages -scaled down fro.!" the plain-. Uff's firlt demand for 11111,000 -d"plte the fact .that the man who sued him was · convicted of petty thell.- Court rocords Indicate tbat Honrichs<n, 43;' was witching a late show in the earlier hours of· Sept. l?, 1967 when he heard suspicious noises near by. He told officers he went outside to iii· vestlg~te and saw a man Qtrowing a neigbbor's lawn chairs ~ver the fence. He· twice ordered the man to halt. But. Henrlch!en said, the intruder ran· oil, ti· nortnc two shots which Henrichsen fired Into the ground. A third shot hit the suspect in the face and halted his ptogress. Henrichsen's victim was William G. Sullivan, ZZ, of 1571 Orange Ave., Costa Me14-Sullivan latlr pleaded guilty to petty theft, a reduction in charges from the earlier count of burglary and served a weekend in Orange County Jail. Sullivan then sued Henrichsen for assault and battery on the grounds. that he had been hospllalized as the result of his injuries and that he continues to suf· fer from headaches and toothache. A Superior Court jury gave him $1,000. Costwise, Henrlchsen's late show wdrks out at about '15 a minute. Or you ~Id say .that the lawn chairs he retrieted retail .at '250 1apiece. · Either way, shooting. a prowler cost Carl H~ l!,000. Choppers 'Scraping Roof s,' . Newport Leaders. Declare UCI Student Hiring Plan Disappro ved By TIIOMAS FORTIJNE Of ni. DallY , .... ,,.,. A proposal lo let students do their own hiring of 10 percent of new Wuvenity pro£essors was sowxlly defeated Thurs- day by the UC Irvine Academic Senate. The one-sided faculty vole may inspire new student protests. Student objections to UC hiring and firing practices began last November when it became known that three junior faculty members had been recommended for termination. The studeTit biting of faculty Proposal was only ohe of seven on student pfll'licipation, in . tradiU'?flal laculty mat· ~· . . Of the others, three were relerred back to committee for revision and three were p;iased by heavy majority of the 1~5 pro. , lessors· present.· Appioved was Inclusion or two student members on all academic senate stan- ding comm1ttees, with efforts to be made to secure an exceptjon frOm •university policies to allow the student.'ln.embers to vote. HEEll CHANPEILOR Abo ov~he.lmingly 1pproved was a .... ·-ft-. ~" ~ o1 ·100 1~ allitude. prof>0¥1 lhat all academic ,departm<nta u, ·~-~ • · ~-~ heed Cbanc<llor Daiile! Aldrich's -uest °'"" ._. '"",... "JctJn Klllefer, whose home overlo6ts· ·~'I N___..Beacb lircraft ool8e foes are the ocean in Corou del Mar, can kiok that lhey lay plans far student evaluaUon ._.l"". in nothe 'of faculty teaching. , . . tUl'linc tble!r· eyes ·and en 1 r down in their coctpltl when they come How<ver, It wu the defeated """posal clir<clloo -toward Moflne , heUcoptera flying pu~'"sald Pll'IOllO. "And Kllleler that Iha 50 or 80 studenll pre.:.;j most f1ytng owr Ccnna del Mar. doesn't live any toO feet up." Tiie ""'-"• 1111 N<WpOl'l Vice · Gen. Thruh, wbooe cmunand •~1..... wanttd to see passed. ·May« IJnds!ey Pll'IOlll, .. f1y1nc toQ the u,1111!r Tba Air Facility m"iw-;; "We col!Jlder this the most Important loW · -, .qllles mrtbetlt ol ONnge County · propoial," 1aid itudent repr:eseotative to 11Ttiey·re . 3C'ripln1 the rooftops;" he Atrport, conceded there hu betn an in· the Senat.e. PatU Nelson. "It Is the only alleges. c~ tn helicopter flights over the com-~ way wp can get facultf members . But Major General W. G. Thra9h, base munity. who are exceptiohal leactiert. Moat· pro- -r:ll' El Toto'Mll'lne-ai..po Alt · · ·: · • · • • · r.-. ·-·ncrulted beCause of the · Station, denies It, . . . NO llOtJTE CHANGE &raull thei: ~an king to )he univeraity." In a .ltltl!r ~ to & -Plai!ll· . But tlwe ~ heeo. no dilnll' In what , She wu unillljlHSNd, by fllClllty l&rff• .....ed ..., the cit• •"". r-. '"-aoh In-the Marines cill the "P&lisaciff Root•" -t to Include -ti qn comm!U.... ~ "'·t .11o11cQp,';;.,;,P;;~ out ol pajl<rn, he Hi!L -•• --·. She 'said' 1tuden\I wm being "sucftd , the sJt >:.. 1Ja1Ur Tllon Air F~ty · 'Ille route -ovor )he...-edge lo.· You put., qn comm1uees so you con .,. Mfdlng to•"a pa!Ufn ·altltude MW· -«Mewpor~ ltalso-rellUvely oear pat yoonelves on the back," n told the · reet mean sea level outbound an:S 800 feet prwtCe Cc1untJ Airport and ~I. profeuon. "You let us sit in Ute senate U d l B F -d · inbound." ' Bec11• the . ./ route is to cloee to and tcrwn and yell but thfncs doo'L rge 0 a~e UD S 1be city iso't boPPl' wilb the 1eoeral'1 developed areaa, the general <XJ>lained, It , change. . --' had --.. -">111 .. poalble in ~..... • LOS ANGELES CAP) -A Calbol>e • tbo [1111. Moll o1 the helicopter tr~ TO..,. BnJllE!m laymtn'• group has urged JamesFrll!CIS · ztt'nr:r·UP n ... -the 'El Toro Route. Thil -1 "This dowl11alve our problem. W.e'n! Cordlnal Mcintyre to reveal the financial "Ill the Bi;m tal>llYlaloo (Harbor View near Lellure World and llllsloo Viejo. token ltud<nll. We have no j)Owet holdlnp and resourcea of the Los,AngelOJ Hilla) they'tt flying 09tf al between 200 Bot recent mcr.u.s In Vietnam-bound wllOtaoever." · ll'Cfldlocese. 1 • '· and 130 !~" said 1P11m.'1 know •-tfll#IOUlolEITwocompelled Th< seven proposals conaldered were n.. Loo Angeles ASIOcllllon or they'rt ooly 200 feet up Di the air at a heavy 1bilt' ol chopper 08f1aea to the wrltl<n by a three-ltudent, three-pro-, Laymen aald In a l<ller to 'the Cardinal Corona del Mar, where f Uve.'' Pallsada Roule "lq U. lntettst of Olgl\t r..,... oommltt" oo stildent .partlclpaUon made public 'Thursday, "one of the ParlOOS said when the train.Ing craft nfety arxl orderly flow of air traffic," IP facully promoUon and tiring. ~re rimssary steps In achieving participation hug the coutllne, they're' only 50 feet said Gen. Thralh. were four other proposals, lrom a list of In church life is knowledge of the church ~e the water. Panon11 Jn a bitter tirade before his· 111 the aoademk: N!natt -dldn'L p\.,,to as a physical lnstltuUon." lfe ocolled at Gen. 'lllruh'1 1.....Uon (llee CHOPPERS, Pap I) (llee UCI FLAP, P11e I) J I FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRii:· 'II', ·19,9 VOL. .... H.4if.,4 1Hl ........ ......, _____ -t • Son, of. Balboa Anihor Turns In Draft Card r Faee Drug· Charges Leary • Ill Court By Next We~k? . . . . . ,_llA Hopiug~~·:Sb .. _ .Dls\riCt att0rney'1 doputl<I tocflr Slid they hoped tO have Dr. Timothy Leiiy. and his family in Superior Court O(I drug charges "late next week, poalibly 1bara-- day." ' Obvlou~y delighted with the, Ol'anll' County Grand Jury indlclmont .the o!llce has been pushing for, deputies are now coocem«I with getUng the LSD cuUlsl and his wife and IOa Jnto court "u IOOll as posaible." Endorsed by the Grand Jury '11ltll'lday were charges of potsesaioo of marijuana again.st Leary, 49, his wife, Rosemary, 33, and bis son, Jobn Buah, 11. Mn. Leary Balhoa Author's . ' 18'-year-old Sori R~fu~ Draft Tad · Hall, ta.year~ld son of Balboa noveijst Oakley Hall, Thursday refuted to be di'afted .and turned in his Seteetlve ServlCe card. ·Hall, 18, malled the card'ln to hl1 ck.aft board· in Auburn, saying tl\at he felt the , United States "11 coriunlttlng war crimes . in Vietnam." . Han•; mother, now staying at the family's otbef'. home •In Squaw Valley,• said calmly this U?OrnlJ.11 th.at tJ:le )'OU~',~ actions "I{~ bif declaJqn .•. hem~ it_. . Hall ii a student at UC Irvine. Hi.I ac• l:' ~~.!'!J'sai to !!'Ply . s!.rces Slid Hall told hil draft board ~ "a peacel1me draft violates Con- alifUUoOal guarantas of I~• &nd ·~an<f'the'"yJi!Dain ·w · 11 •u.n'{~-. moral.'' '-' • ~' .~~ ~.'r!~ · Hlo cao0 Is being reVlewed ' ~ the Aubllm 'drift board. Reluul to be In· dutltd'k:'.li-fedifal .olteJisO lllbidf cotdif resuK ~llOa ·~ Jall'tenh.. . · ' Tbe J!llllh'• ~·ti . Ille' autllor< d . "war~,.,· •eo.:pu. o1 Joe:'Ba11ex''~1and : · l''J'tiil P.leuoN Garden.~/';t ;, r,1 ·~. • I . Mn.·'Jlill• Mid." w ~ ;.entlr<· Kiii ' fimUy expected tO · niove to the PenJn-, sula · home IOmetime next week. 'I)le cider Kiii p,....tl, ta otaying Jn Ba1bOa. • • ~ . .I I &'4 liolry'1 IOI -i!lo ta.e cqes. fl pCll~Sakln ol LSQ. Deputy Dislrict Attorney . Everett Dickey conllnned ~y that hil of. !~ .¥ _bec!me 'impatient ·•if;h !•u. tensive delays"' al the·munlclpti·court levO! ' .and IOU&ht the grand lm'l' fn. dictment as a mea111 of "getting some actioo" against the Learr trio. The Leuy Ille has been held' by the lower· courts for more than three mc:mths, Dickey noted! There have Deen frequent poatPonements ol the~ preliminary hear~ Ing in l.al/una Beach Municipal court since their arrest fast Dec. 28. .Laguna Beach police arrested ·the Leary lamily and cqollscah\<f wbot Ille>< , claim wu·10 ounces oIIDarii1~nir,' and i> LSD Ctlp;Ufes lriim die lamll'Ts'"bat\ired '. station wagon. That arrat has been described by the • founder of the Lea,Ue of · Splrituai '· Development (LSD) U "an example ot '· continued police provocaUon aDd ~-· -~ 8$!Dlent. '' The fonner Harvard cllzil.:1 1 ~cholofist contends his cit wu h!p:Dy · parted at the, Ume of arrest and offfceril ~ hid no auth-Ortty to detaln hfmaioJI or bi. limJ!y. . . ' ·'l'bO .trio ta free•on 12,500 ball eapb. Tf)O · • graod Jury lndiclmen) Uated lbefr )1!9ient ( a~ as Star RoUJ,e .N, MoUntidn - Center, RITenlde County. · • ~ti-ci~Jte ,Mar~ .,. ; ST. HELENA, caut {UPI) -A ~-noo-sm~ng .stbdenll ahct facu\ly members of PacillO Union "coll!'ie . e.l a nJne.mlle . ·~ iod •:rtllt. ·.C .,,.to ~ . . • r..;. .•• J·~· -~\'. l s .. DAILY l"llOT PMfe .., ••I HIMUll:tlll INERT BOMB FOUND IN BURNING HOUSE Huntlnaton Fire C•pt. M•rtin Checks Pr1ctlce Explosive Bomb in Burning Hous e Only Practice Device 'R'ith smoke pouring out of the bedroom d a Huntington Beach home Thursday moni.ng, a fireman mopping up infilde discovered a three-foot Jong mllitary bomb. He handed the device through the back F rom Page 1 U.CI FLAP .•. before it adjourned at the six o'clock din· ner hour. One or the proposals sent back to com· mittee for revision was to include atudents on review committees that coo- 11ider raculty promotion , hiring or firing. Another was to give faculty members the opUon of requesting review by a student committee. At °'"' poinl, Dean ol Ibo College of Medicine Warren Bolttck said, '"nlese decisions affect the careers of faculty memben. The student is a passerby who doesn't begin to have u much at risk." "Nothing at rlsk," retorted Miss Nelson. "I might polnt out we're risking education. All you are rbking is money." SERIOUS CONSEQUENC&'I Associate Professor of Psycboldgy John Wallace warned, "We can expect. serious consequences when we extend the facade and illusion of power to students (but don't give them any real power)." BosUck also argued that univeraily ngenta have given academic senates greater and greater responsibilities over the years and if faculties abrosate thtir responsibility it could cause "very, very urious reperrussions." "Dean BosUck's argument is heard whenever extension of suffrage iJ under discuaion," said Assistant Professor of PoUtical Science Dean Neubauer. The special committee on student participation was formed a month ago as a peace move following a faculty breacb over the question of reconsidering the fir· trigs or anlstant professors of Englbh Stephen Shapiro and Donald Brannan. The case of a 1hlrd faculty member rec- ommended for termination, assi.stant hi.tory prolessor George Kool, lJ pend- ing. window to the waitlng anns of fire Capt. Don Manin, who gingerly placed the charred weapon ootv a mattress outaide ttie home. Men from the Naval Bomb Dispoeal Squad in Seal Beach later determined it to be an inert MK 76 practice bomb, aimWµ' to a noo-explosive type now being used in tbe Vietnam war. Huntington Beach firemen· who earlier gaUleted around the back yard to have a look at the device took no chances, however, and doused it with water until tile bomb ~ truck arrived. Capt. Martin, who carried the bomb frun the wlndow, said be was most anx· ious to ge.t it out of his hands because it was "awfully hot and awfully btavy." 'lbe fire occurred at 11 :51 a.m. at 3221 Elrnlra st. u tile result of faulty wiring and caused an Htimated $5,000 in damage. When flmnen arrived at the resld<nce, lhoy lbougtit the occupant Mrs. Beverly Coker, was rt.Ill j n side and dispatched several men with breathing unti.. to rucue her. 'I" One cl. the men, fireman J ack Lee, was overcome by the smoke and was taken to H~ lrterwmmunity Hoopii.al for treatment but was later reltaaed. Ac· cording to fire departnient officials, the race mask on his breathing apparatus bad not bo"1 ,.aling properly. Two engines and a ~kel unit, man- ned by one squad and ·two battalion chief!:, had the. blue under control by 12:03 p.m. 19 Girls Seeking Seal Beach Title Nineteen lovely young Seal Beach girls will be rtsidents of Leisure World from 2 to 3 p.m., Sunday in the Leisure \Vorld Amphitheater. The girls are competitors in the Miss Seal Beach contest, and one will win the t!Ue April 17, when they all line up for final Judging. Sponaor of Sunday's meeting ls the Know Each Other (KEO ) Club of Leisure World. Entertairunant will be provided by the Al Hart School of Dance, Long Beach. Re~s Start New Attacks \ . Ill Offensive SAIGON (AP}-iJn!MlhllJ thti beaV. lelt obelllfti ol South v--towns and allied -In ll>roe-. thti .V~ Coog ~ today to baff opened a new and more vioieol pbNe ol .ttl seven. week.old spring olfenaive. Jtocb(a and --lilt man tlaan G towns and bases during the night. The Heaviest attacks were made on provin· clal capitals on opposite sides of Saigon, Tay Ninh to the northwest and Viuh L<ing to the southwest. At least 21 persons ,.... killed, 200 were wounded in the two cltlel and about 80 olben were missing In Tay Ninh. Some Americans wero IDlOlll lho wound- ed, but no American delths were reported. The nipt's attacks wre among the most devastating of the olfenslve which hogan Fd>. 21 and the beavleot since the night o1 March 20-21, when a ,.,,.,pi and mor1ar attacks ftre 1!~ REPLACEMEN'!ll During the past --"' the shell· ing had dropped off to between 10 kl 20 a ttacks a olilht. U.S. military analysts said earlier ibis week the alfemive wu in a lull while the enemy received re- placemenll and supplies after lllfferbii heavyloua. . But the American experts predicted an increue in enemy activity 1hls week· end and eald mmt ol the attacks would be "by fire," meaning rockets and mortars. South Vietnamele sources said more than 100 mortar rounds hit the marke( place, a prlaon and Vietnamue olficen' mess In Vlnh Long, a dolta city 15 mUo south....t of Saigon. lnlttal ""'°"' said 15 -were killed and 106 were wounded, including 96 Vktnamese civilians. On the other side ol Saigon and clooe lo the Cambodian border, more than SJ rocket and mon'.ar rounds •lammed into Tay Nlnb, blowing up two ammuniUon dumps, destroying 100 buildings and causing at leut 101 casualties, offlciAls reported. J.BLOCX AREA Officials •aid much or the barrage was concentrated in a three-block area containing the provincial government and military heldquarters1 a aector head· quan:ers and the ccmpound of the U.S. milttary odvltory team. About 15 rounds landed In the Amer· lean compound, mwhing bulldlnp and causing moderate to huvy material damage, the U.S. Qmmand said. A spokesman aaJd some Americans were wounded, but none were killed. Half a dozen Vletnamooe beadquart.rs buildings were demollJhed, along with several ban"acks for South Vietnamese militiamen. Elsewhere in the dty af 100,000, uplodlng artillery shells and mortars crushed buildings and llorna, set them afire and apparently buried some of tile victims alive. DAILY "ILOT Sl9ff ...... SETTING UP SHOP IN .NEW FOUNTAIN VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Police Move Into $63,000 F•clllty, Leave Temporary Home •t Fire D•JMirtment Fire Station Relieved Valle~ Officiall~ Opens Police Facility-At East City officials opened the brand new Fountain Valley pollCi! facility at 10 a.m., today, taking a heavy burden off the fire station. Police personnel had been sharing the fire department's building acro.u the street from Fountain Valley High School. completion. Fire Department personnel will con- tinue to use tbell' pment building. Blast Rips Club At Santa Barbara Real activity . started Thursday as JlOliCi!men rolled up their sleeves and bepn moving equipment into the new headquarters, the lhird building to be completed.in tbe civic center complei:. 1 SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An ex· Esthnated costs for the complete plosive device ripped the University of 1 talns California at Santa Barbara facu1ty club building are $63,000. t con 4•700 today, l'ritically injuring a mairKenance square feet in which to house a 24-man and causina an estimated fl,000 member police department. --o U the pending budget is approved at ~~·Sharp, 551 was apparently trying the next city council meeting the d~part· to dlsann the timed gallon jug of flam· ment will add five more personnel for the mable liq uid when It exploded , university next year. officials said. He suffered burns over 80 F rom Page 1 CHOPPERS ... council colleagues this week, declared tha t the increase in local helicopter rughls is another strong reason for mov. ing the entire Marine establishment out of the county and to Camp Pendleton "where there's plenty of room." "There are other uses for El Toro, .. be said. "It seems to me that the military is jealously hanging onto a lot of coastal bases that should be phased out." He said he is "dismayed at Gen. Thrash saying nothing is wrong." Turning to Councilman Paul J. Gruber, he said: "You've got your problems with jets at County Airport and now we've got ours with helicopters over Corona de l Mar." At Parsons' urging, the council unanimously direc ted the city staff to file another complaint, this time in.slitlng that the helicopters aren't mainta1ning 600 feet altitude. "H they still don't believe it,'' snapped Hollywood moviemaker Parsons, "I'll take films of them as they fiy over my hou.se." Admlnlstrative As s I s t a n t Jim percent ol his body and was underg<i.ng Hollywood pointed to the facility's ex· ""'l!erJ at a 1oco11-11a1. : Lally Ch.urchill ·Shows panslon poten"UaJ as one of its best University officials could give no ap- feetures. parent mctive for the bombing. The Jut 'Sli. h J ' "We can nearly double the slu of the trouble oo the campus occurred Jan. s . g t iliprovement building when the need comes up," he .ex-when fire-bombs were thrown at ROTC plained, "several ol the walls are bu.Hdings. LONDON tUPI) -Lady Clementine movable, for expMSion purposes, a fea· Today's blast oceurred about 6:30 a.m. Spencer-Olurchlll, 84. showed "slight im· ture designed into the building by civic near large gl~ doors tn the faculty club provement" today in her recovery from a Woman' 45• Di' es center architect William E. Blurock." patio seclion. Sharp was reported alooe thigh fractured in a fall, doctors at ,,. The first two buildings completed in the in the building, but the explosion was Westminster Hospital said. civic center complex at 10200 Slater Ave., heard by students and campus policemen Lady Churchill , widow of Sir Wirulton I F Cr h. were the city hall and the library. A large nearby. Churchill. has been hospitalized since ll r~.eway as communJty center, CUITently under con-Ao investigation was begun by universi· fracturing her thigh in a fall Good Fri· struction, is the next building in line for ty,poUce and the sheriff's office. da y, just three days after she became 84. A San BerM.roino woman was lcilled l----------------'----------------'--'------'------- early this moning when a ec driven by her husband veered off the Santa Ana Canyon Road and struck a parked trac- tor.trailer. Jayne Louise Sowers, fS, Wll de.d en the eceoe, the corooer'1 oftke reported, Her hlJlbam, Jack, WM tabn '°'Martin Luther Hospital In Anaholm for treat- ment of a possible concu.don. The Califumla !Ughway Patrol •Id the .aecident occurred at 3 a.m. about one mile .... t of the Orango c...nt, line. Ethnic Studies Added SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Sacramento State College officials have dtcid!d to establi.sh an ethnk: lltudles program with a staff of 11 new instruct.on and 30 new "'"""· The P"'i'am will bqln In the fall DAILY PILOT .....,.,..._. H•I ............ Harvard Students Demand ~.... ;.........,.., c:-.- CAUfOINIA OAANG• CO.UT PUILISttlNG COMPANY lteMrt N. Weed IPrwlldenf •nil '"""'1111111' J1(k a. C11rl1y VICI .. ,.lfllfll Mii ...._ ... Me~ Tlie11111 k11wil .... Th1rn11 A. M11rphi111 MlntllMEllllOI' -C•tl ~t D Wat 1rt l""9t HfWflN'f ...ai1 nu wn1 .. ~ &oultVtl'f L•-19<.tt! m ~ ..,_ twnetnra.I ...... -iltl , .... Boycott to Protest Police CAMBRIDGE Maa. (AP) -Chanls of, "On rtrlke, ahut It down," rang •Cf'OSS Harvard Yard today u an apparently growlng number of students urged a classroom boycott to protest a police fOray that broke up a sil-in at the ad· ministration building. A rally on Wektener Library steps heard pJedfes to go on strike from Law School students, design students and othen: of the JO graduate schools. Mort1 than t ,000 penons milled around in the yard on the aite of the bloody police clash with atlld-. About Ill plckelJ, organl2'd by Studenta for a Oemocr1Uc Society, paraded in !rvnt ol Sever IUU, only on< ol JCOreJ of buildings the unlvmlty bas. Softr Ball, cholen by SOS u the focal point to ten their boycott, was entered repeatedly by sludenta Ignoring the plcktt line to attend clos,.... But classroom attendance In lhe bulldlnl: ap. pW<d ..,_. thin nonnal The ... ...i ol stud-outside moved from the Ubrary to Manorial Orurch. n-thn!e buildings stand around tho grauy Centenary Theater, the broad quandranaJo "'-fourth side holds University Hall. This ls the ed· ministration building from which 200 studtnta wt.re evicted at dawn Th ursday by 400 police officers. Students entering Sever Hall puaed shouting, irate t!lrlml. one 11111--... tering the building ripped away a paper sign thrust at him by a picketer. The demonstrators bopn to cluster on the front steps, narrowtna: the aisle throuch which those lltet!dlng ~ ...,. forced to walk. Meetlnp were acl>ochlled througbaut the 15,-l univeralty, oldest col- le1e tn the naUon, u crlUclarn grew of the unlveral.ty'a action in calllnc in police to fr .. Unlvtnlty Hall. Shortly before no o ~ a chanting, placard-bearing file ol IOO atud<nll ltl oil a march around the lNfde perimeter ol the Harvard Yard w1llcli lJ ~ed by a brick and Iron fence. At the rally on the library ll<pr, a stu- dent told the crowd that the police act.Ion was .. lhc corporation'• mcwe." He reftr· red to the Harvard Corp., a unlveralty g9vernlng body. The SDS spokuman said his lfOllP WU "not trying to capltall,. on the onlk:op senttment." He aakl the war, Rem: and the untvenlty'1 npin1lon plw and lack of student partidpatlon In po II c y decisions wtre "tht rtal luues." The crowd grew to more thin 1,000 as the rally cootinued. FlNlSHID IN MIMOSA nu.ow Ol. -· -DICOIAllD IN CHA11 WHl1I ••• GLASS SHU.YU AND TWO INTDIOl U.HTS. $79 9 IT DllXIL. THI MOST nuS11D NAMI IN PUllll1VU. ---·-- EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENllEDOH -DREXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEUST -LONGER TERMS AV All.AILE ON APPROVED CREDIT 7.1.,, -fe NEWPORT BEACH 1721 W-1111 Dr., 642.2050 OPDI PllDAY "71L t I INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 NoMh Coott Hwy. OPOI MIDAY "l1l t 494-6551 • . . , I -.- :VOL 62, NO. 87, 4 SECTIONS, <10 PAGES . " ~GE oo;J~.' CAUFQR~i~ ·-::"::'· ' ' -.FR10AY, APRll,,IJ', 1969 -T ' TEN CENTS Coun cilmen ·Won't Dance At Syndicate Faced with an invitation to rock out at 1 teen. n.ightspot benefit dance for 'a Hun- tington Beach Negro family whose home was fire-bombed , seven city councilmen have politely declined. · Gilbert Covell, oWner ·of the Syndicate 3000, at 302 Pacific Coast Highway, is hosli~ the 8 p.m. to midnight dance Sun- day as a gesture against racial bigotry. The City Council approyed a resolution condemning such acts of hatred and call· Jng for respect of civil rights irter the in· cident last month. They told Covell, who appeared Mon· day to give notice of the benefit dance, tbat their involvement in the issue would have to be limited to the official resolu- tion. Any city emissaries in the neighborhood of the Syndicate 3000 Sun- day at the benefit gala will likely be the customary types who travel by black and ~1lite sedan instead o( midnight. blue limousine. "We are shocked at the council 's decision to dO nothing," sak! Covell, in co=.!fotlqg on the lack ~ mier..t in at- (endlng or supporting the firebombing blnefil... ' ., - "Many ol the young peoplo in the coqi- munlt7 want to lrulke a e,e ol apoJoiY that such a racially b . . lblik lhould bai>pen In their city," i!U:lild. "We just wanted to prove tba~ .this Js not a bigoted community," be added. Representatives of ~ N at 1 o D a. l Association for the Advancement of Colored People have indicated lliey will attend the function Sunday if it is held on achedule. No one ls quite certain at this juncture ·whether the victims of the Molotov cocktail attack last month will attend the benefit', apparently themselves included. "We don't know anything about it," they said wben contacted today. Badham Measure On Oil Drilling Passes Committee Special to tlte Dally Pllot SACRAMENTO -Newport Beach Assemblyman Robert E. Badham 's bill compelling the state to botlfy cities in ad· vance of proposed offshore oil drilling passed its first obstac1e Thursday. It won approval from the Assembly's Natural Resources and Conservation Committee. The bill, aulhored by Badham and fellow Republican Sen. John Schmitz of TusUn, next will go to the Assembly's Way1 and Means Committee where JitUe opposition is expect¢. Badham, citing slrpport from Lt. GoV. Ed ~inecke, said the bill will have "no trouble" in becoming law. Specifically, the proposed legislation would compel the state Lands Com- mi>alon to' -Notify coastal agencies SO days in ad-- vance of commission hearings on offshore oil exploraUon applications. -'Notify coastal agencies 60 days iri 1ct. vance of hearings on tidelands ou~1use (drilling) applications. -Compel prospective Jewes to submit detailed plans on subsidence and pollution controls and to include the controls among lease coodition1. Reinecke, who sits oo the Land! Com- mission along • with State Controller HOUiton Flournoy and Finance OU.Ctor Cl9pll' Weinbd(er, said ieveral· weekl ago be fa...-ed the noliflcation idees. He said "il necessary I ....id tali!) in flYor o! Auemblyman Badham'a BIU." The propoo<d law iJ a direct result o! Orange Coast protests over Landi Com-- million approval of test core d(iDlnl off Nepport Beach and San °""'"· , nie Land.I Commission Iai.r wtlhdttw 111> pumW!on, an»ted Jan. 3, to •Sboll Oil Co. to sink -Int boles oflsborO. Local ag<ncles were not notlfl<d In Id· vance cl the plans by Shell and aeveral collaboratin( oil producen. lxcept !or two tedlni<All and routine emendmentl the bill wa1 approved t1- 1ctb' as 1Ubmitt.ed, a spokesman for Badbam aakl. several amendment.I aua:- gested by lhe City of Seal Btach were left intact in the assemblyman's blU. " ' ~ . . ' -4 ... -• .,. -.. . . _. • . ' -:;:-.r.;'~~·,,-_ . ..,_.. . ..,, .. ' Coast's Chot iner Named to Trade Counsel Positi!>n lly EVELYN SHERWOOD Of IM DlllJ PllM ltafl . WASHING TON -Loog IJIOCU]alion over the rol.e N"!POrt Beach .attorney Murray M. Chotlner ,.uuld plafln ·the ad- minstratlon al Ilia Jeoctjme ."'1 Rlch&nl Nixon is ~ver. • The veteran ol 31 yws In low-begins wort today in·a new office .•t.1800 G· St., as a federal trade ·negotlator at a..quletly ral5"d sa1aQ' tllai111100 per year. ' "I'm very .pleued ud amlout'to pt started," Cbot1ner aald ·todlY. It was aimouqced 'i'llUriday that ~iner, squeezed out of a command pool with the Republicon NaUonal eom. mittef:, W&I nanlfd general counsel fot the ol'fioe with the rank of ambassador. Trade Negoti1tloni. It abo was lljDOUnctd Carl J. Gllberl of· Dover, Mps.,·WU •AP~ htad. of the office irlt hthe rank ti ambu!ador. Gilbert. :d!alrman ot tlle"GIQelte P,. <il·' ecutive ~r,~te1,1Wllllam M.,. 'D.J~ ....... ~ -t .. ,,J -' ·" ". -.RU\IJ. • " ' . ~ ..,. t. .. • • •• The ftlte itodlO "'-"-'' GtJberl'. • . ' . . ....... _ ,..,. poin--~ Ille" olfic:e, will r<main part ol the Preoidenl'1 uecutlve. olllce; Nlton recenuf quubed • a inoYe to transfer It to the Departmint cl Com- merce. . a.ot.iner'a appointment w11 announced by Theodore R. Gate., actJni bead of the office IUperVialng ind coordlnatln& moot (l!et~Papl) Marirul Beauties Dominate: Race · . . . For City Qu~Ii ~ . . • I r . . ··e·'·._w .. · ' . . . . ' . , . . ' . ' • . I t. ' I • > } I , I '' l 't-) .• ~ "'· •-=-• .. • t-•• '• Boycott Urged at. Harvard . CAMBRIDGE Maa.-(AP) ~ Cbanla of, than 2.000·peroonl milled a.round In the "On strike: .shut. It.~" -ran;, across yard on the ~le or tbe bloody police Harvard Yard today u an apparently clash with sltidellts. glowing· number of ltudenta urged a . , Abou~.M pl~~ets; .organized by Students clll8S'OOl'll bOyco'U .to protest a Police for a Democratic Society, paraded in foray that broke up a sit-In at the id· front of Sever Hall, only one ol scorea of mlnlstniUon building. buildings the unlvmlty hu. A. ~Uy a:i 'Weldener Library steps Sever Hall, chosen by SDS as the focal :,heard,P.led&es to go on strike from :Llw pelilt .to test their boycott; was entered School itudeJtls, design students and · npeatedly by otudentl Ignoring the . othen of the 10 graduate acliool& Ml'!" (i!et l!Al\V ARD, Pap Z) wm th. ~~ r.i1u HunUniton hi. t · · a girl from Mlriol lli&b -? Rlgbt -that's a lltld cbance. Eicbt ol the nine tntranlli-ID tbe come.t .,. (,, Marina atudenta ...t tlle __ nhJth, Ka~: s.. ......... ,,_ • .,~ .... f . Bui -IDla tUll 'llna <a Chan« to ·'· enter. Applicatlonl Diil' be aubmltted to the Women'• Dlvillon cl the Chamber o! .Commerce unUt Ajlrll' 17. OriiJnal deadline WU-todor, 'but bopin( to·allracl more girls tJle deldJlne WU utended: A new Mill Han~ Beaclr wtn be . ,.iected May I in the H1mtlngton Beach IUgh Scllool auditorium. Current queen la MJss Je!fye Blackard. 1 ' . ' ' ' , • ssau· S . • ' ' r '· 45 ·Towns ' . ,· ' . . Bases Hit;. . . 21 l{illed . . . • SAIGON • (AP)-UnJ,euhin( tb, 'heav- iest shelling of South Vietnameae t°'ns and allied baleS in three ~ •• Ille Viet Cong appeared today to have opened a new and more violent phue. of Its 1even- .. "Old spring offemi.v~. • .ftOCte(!: and mortars hit mote than 45 towns and -during the nllhl The heaviest 8(t.ackl were made on provin- cial capitals oo~oPPQ.llte sictel Of Salgop. Tay Ninh to the north-and Vlnh Long to. the southftlt. At lwt 21 persons were killed, IOO were. wounded in the two cities and about ao olbers were missing in Tay Ninh. Some Amerlcam were imong the wound- ed, but no American deaths were reported. The night's attacks were among the inost devastating of the offensive ·which b~an Feb. 23 and the heaviest 1~ the night of March 20-21, when 1$ rocket .and mortar attacks were reported. During the past three weeks the llw!ll· ing' h8d dropped off to ~tween 10 to 30 attacks a night. U.S. mDitary a'nalysts said earlier this week the offensive was in a lull while , the. enemy rece~ved re- placements and suppliel liter sufferln1 heavy losles. · · · But the American e~rts , predicted an increase In enemy Acuvity Ibis week· eml'·and said mott ol the ·atlacu would be "by fire," melP,in&' rockets ~ : .. ~. ··-If!.·"· . ,. 'Practice' Bomb · Scares Firemen At Beach Home With smoke pouring oot of the bedroom ol a Huntington-Beach ~ °ll1unday morning, a fireman mopping up inlide dl!covend a three-foot Ioo1 mllitlry bomb. He banded the 00-k:e throulh the back window to tlie waiting ml1I o! lire cap1. Dm Martin, wbo gil)gerly placed the charred weapon ooto a mattrea outside the· home. Men from the Naval Bomb Dis~ Sqllad. iR Seal Deach· l,ater determined it to be an ~rt MK 71 Pl'.acib bomb, similar to a 'non~xplosive type oow bein& uMd in the.Vietnam war. Hll>tilllton Beach· f1remen who earlier · gathered around the back yard to hive 1 (l!et PWo, ..... Z) • South Vletnameoe _,... oild !}fiitfi tllla IW'-ttRlr'ttr" rcxmdl hlt1tit'nil:IVr - pl.Ice, a prison and Vietnamese officers' ta VIM J-. "delta cit)' Iii miles llllt o! Saljon •. reports· ,.aid 15. penons were and IOI were wamded, includl"I 11 Viojnamete civilians. On the other side ol Saigon and clooe to Ille C&mb<idiin bordeJ\ more than llil rocket and mortar rounda slammed inlo Tay Ninh, biowUlg up two '1lllllllllltio duml", d .. troying 100 bulldingJ and cawang at least 101 casuaJtier, offlc.iab: reported. Officials said much of the bCt'tft was concentrated in a three-bloc~ cootalnlllf the provincial govemiftem and military headqUarters, a sector'htld!o quarters and the compoo.od rJ. the U.s: military advisoey team. .. 12 Lifeguards Get Arrest Power .. · Twelve Huntin(ton · Beach lif'IUll'lla can now be comidered 11 an dfidll put ef police Chief John Selt.zer'a "Sandmen." Chief Selt1er officially apPofnted the 11, u ~lal officers to ltlllist in en-- lorceme.nt of city ordinancei vtolltiolll ill the barbon. and on city belches, 1ivin1 them the power to make llm!sll. Before._ their appolntmenla, t he llfegu...,. received 27 bouncOI cJuareom iMtruction on a variety of subjeda cover- l!)i report writing, 1'ws anlt ~ cl arrest, city ordinancea, court procedureS and juventlt Jaw. A comprehensive teat wu edminiltered 1t the end rJ. lbe coune. Imtructon wtre regular members of jhe Hlmtinolon ·Beach Potict Deportment who hold CaWomia vocational teaching ~nUals. 1 • • ' 1 Orange · The ~10\HiS wW roll ••ay about.1 midmorning Saturday, paving the way for a SUMY. weekend with temperatures bitting 16 on the cout Uc! up to 74 Inland. ' INSIDE TODAY I I t llAllY PILOT H Writer's · So~Mai~. Draft Card Tad Hall, 18-year-old aon of Balboa novel!St OOiey Hall, Thursdll' ttru..d to be drafted and tumtd In bla Selective Service canL . Hall, I' malled tbe Cll'd In tobla draft board In Auburn. uyin( that be !tit tbe Ualted Statu "b cooiimlttlll( war criam ja VJttnam." Hall's mother, -stayin( al tbe family'• other home In Squaw Valley, uid ealmly this momln( that tbe yoolh'• actioos "art bis dtcWon ... he made it." Hall ls I studtnt It UC Irvine .. Illa ac- tion .....,_ Imm bla ftluaal to apply for a student deferment. Soo1<e1 said Hall told bla draft board that "a peacttime draft violates mo-- sUtuUonal guirlJl"'°' Of IUe and liberty and tbe Vielnam War 11 llkpl and Im- moral." \ llil .... Is being ttV!ewed by tbe Auburn draft board. llllUlaf to be Jn. ducted Is a federal nlf..,. whlch could result In a fine and Jail tmn. Tbe yoolh'a fa'"" b tbe autllor of "Warlock," "Corpus of Joe B&IJty" and '"Jbe Pleasure Garden." Mn. Hall uld !Oday tbe enU.. Hall family expected to move to the PenJn· sula home aomt:time nest wttk. 'lbe elder Hall preaently 11111¥inl In BaJbna. Floating Meeting Policy Slated Trust"9 o! tbe Homtlnrkln Beach Hlati Schnol Diltricl will bold their .-p at eevonl hlafi achoolt in addition to tho board room for tile nmaindtr ol the' cur- ....,t adlool yeor. Included In !be mfttln( IC!ledule are Marina High School, April 11 ; Weotminlter High School, May fl, and Foonlsln Valley High School, Jome 14. Reason for tht change is t h a & the trulltees wish to improve lines ol ~ municoti<ln b<lween tbe dlslri<t olltc.s and dthens In tbe variooa paria In the di8lrict. Opinion Firm To Adyjse Beaell Opinion Ra<arch, I Long B<adl fimi apodallrlng In public opinion and hlllNW survey .. bu IUbmitted a COit propooal to the Hunllnllon JWach lltah School Dillrlct for Iha f..abllilJ nl ..U· Ing a bond electlm. . I"' 1 ~ Acconling to Iha !Inn, II would· ""' tbe dlalricl $3,710 '"' lhe llD'ftY, lnd1!'l1!ti ataliltical and analytlcal work u well as Clllllultlng aervt .... '!'be dillrl<I contocted lhe aurveyors·· earlier tb..11 ytar to see when the beat time for a bond election · would be' IDd bow mud! ahould be ulced !<Jr. No adlon haa been taken yet by lhe board nf iruale<J to bire lht firm. Blast Rips Club At Santa Barbara SANT A BARBARA (AP) -An ti· plosive device ripped the Univenlty of California at Slnta Barbara faculty club today, c:riUcally lnjurlnl 1 mahMnonce man and c1wlng an estimated ,1,(IO(t damage. Dover Sharp, !S, was apparently tryiri.g to disarm the Umed gallon Jul ol flam· mllhle liquid whea it exploded, univenity otficlats said. He suffered burns avttr IO percent of hia body· and wa~ undert<ina IUl'gery at a local bolpttal. • University offida.11 couid 1lve no ap. parent motive 1..-lht bombing. '!'be laat trouble on the campus occurred Jin. 5 when flre-bornhf ....,.. thrown at ROTC bulldlnp. I 01.llY Pl lOI ou.HGI COAll l'Uk""1 ... ('(IMWJfT lt•t..rt ti. w.M f',.,.lifMI W ..... lhtlw J1c.• It. c.,,., Yim ,.,_kMlll -GMw" .. Mii,__ Tii11t1•t IC11wi1 ·-TA.1t111 A. M11rphiftl IM-"'9 .Etlllw A1"1rt W. l1tn WIUi1111 lt••4 A...cl•te H""'1 .. lool •ffdt Etlllor City Edi!# " .............. OM-. iot 1tti str •• t M1TR111 "",.,,, P.O .... no, tJMI --~~:mlw..t ............ C.... .._I -W.I ~ •""" L...-~.DJ, .... A..._ -~.-..... £ ··~ •• "'";'t,.iz::::;;;:Jii'>¢ d 4 --· -' . . -- . . c~c~ ~reasy ~M~pliyi 11nd His. Wild Yarns Certif ing • ' 81.!!'~':.'=9 . W ~~· ~ iwb . • ' ' ' "I-ad. tli.m' on companlea want to . . Y.. · .!:im~ ~~ad 111 lllit ~-:i:-.:~~~f = PILO' ,· 'tf.:; c:';:~=., ~u!t',~~.: Bid B iait. yoo•vi .... -~~ "~ over.~ golf ICOre-oc oomelhln''-Ol' what· .• like me aln~ bardiy cot a ch..... . eaten the reaction to 1 co1wDn ltem "I "' .ever. "What I was tryin' to do 'tl'U to drift a back referring to the "11• n1 Dr• i.J~~-Greuy beard Ilia! the fichl. probably 1ooc .wt bole from ol' llunlin(too .over Bauer tehool boon! caniltdate hi Hun nccurred In Florida but went 'on lo re-Loa•ooK lhrou&ll' Newport Beach to Iha! nllshore ington' Beach. t-late how he hears that some city bigwig Ill pool them big companies wu so nice in "Those Ba -..n .. · wu just finishing his Jtmch at a coun-find.in'. All this can be dant from abore. The president of College Teachers GuiJd, Jay Zi.mmtnnan, has lost an ap- peal to the Orange c:oa,.,t Jwffr Colleae District board to hclp defray the cost of Certifying Guild membership. lhey•" be J.'J:i'"""' pt lo }'<lll. didn't Uy dub when his lop lieutenant came Mikes me think lhat wbOt thl.s counl<y .. y 0 u Aid ihat . wa~erip' in alter a rqund « two o[ know much •boot. aqythip.r., '.J'be old ~ is a good dictator, and beUeve me Ralph waa umried &olf~on a nice afteruoon. oilman bad a (ew thlnp to u.y about all there's pleolJ of volllllteerl in them oil to Connie when \"Why that chief wu ao' durn mad .that those ~ Who want to stop oil drilling compaola.. ya.sir." Zimmermll told OCJCD trusl ... Wednesda)' CPA certiliclUon of the num- ber ol. members wUJ colt $50 to '100. He propo5ed tbe guild pay tbe lint !ZS and the board the rest. i,.. be'I marriedreat,; ' one of bis 1ineit would be oi.J.t playin' golf off the coast, however. or Greuy allO told the story of the Olarleoe. Connie is wblle supposed to be on ~uty ~t be just "Well, if there'1 oil out tbere you can C(Kllm•mlty rtlatlona d1rtctar ol a H~ really married to jumped up and pop~ him one. ' bet &0me oil company's goin' to try and tington Beach oil company and a pro. Ron Bauer and it's Well, at that pomt 1 stopped Greasy get it. They all say it's just developin' a minent realtor judiing a beautification However, board member Robert Humphreys recalled that is was the guild (Local 1911 of American Federation af Teachers) that chose to certify mem · bership rather than present a list ol members D&Dlf.S. Darline fc:r Judge because. he is ~ noted for his ability to natural resource, well there's a kit of poster recently and after admiring the Baa.'• wife keep things straight or to tell the truOi, other natural resources what should be drawings of the plants in the picture, ••J'IJ bet~ bad but he swears that be heard lhat the fight developed first. were Loki the plants really are mari· beck . a really happened somewhere. ''I'm really surprised at all these oil juana · of.~ ~ explainin' that to all thole "Some of the people there claim the fellers. Where I come from the idea is to In ~&iltion. the oilman hid to ui: why callon, 01 GIUIY said, referring to gnUer really wu oil-duty and just sort nl . drill a few bot .. and pump lhan and a student would Include a plctutt nl lhooe ;i::.~k o! you -called to tell me Iha! hit lht 4eck when tbe chW looked_ .,..i, charge u higb a price u lht -ket will "bOautlful apartment bulldlnp" to con· The board asked for such • li!t or certification. of numbers so lMlees would know bow many college instruelors guild officers speak far. "And :J!:: ~ :.~· uid ~oliiendalmlhecbldshowedhimseU bear on a=unl lhtre ain't much oll 1ru1· a w<rking oil well. Tb• "I bean! the•--• ' reaay • ., ... , apry." comln'ootollht(l'OUDd.'you-like "apoi'lmenta"attlhedlagulaedtowenln •~<It ~ while I was _ W!ll, agalJI 01' ~uy dO<ID'I really -lbem !here dtamoad people do In Airlca. Loa& Buch harbor. ' • I • SEnlNG UP SHOP IN NEW FOUNTAlN VALLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT HEAoOUA·;,.rRS- p,.... r.,e J CHOTINER .. • • aspect.a of U.S. foreign trade policy, in· eluding trade negotiations. 'lbe Nalional Archives' weekly com- pllaUon of Nl.J:Oll'S documents reported earlier this week • UWe-noticed, one- aentence executive order Nl.J:on aigned April I raising lht pool o! general coun.el from a dv~ aervice job paying 131),2)0 to a presidential •ppolntment pa y i n g Zimmerman sti.d members ol the guild don't want their names publicized because they feel it would be an invasion ot their privacy. He argued that certification cost is the result of board policy and should be partially borne by the junior collega diMrict. He said that would be guild members' idea of a reasonable policy of re<:Ognition required by the California Government Code. But board members did not see it that · way. p,..,.. r.,e J HARVARD ... $31.000. picket line to attend classes. But The report alto included in small type classroom attendance in the bulldinl ap- benealh the text thla aentenct: "Ex· peared lower than normal. ecutive Order 11463 was not made public The crowd of studen ts out.side moved in the form or 11 White House press from the library to Memorial Church. These three buildings stand around the release." grassy Centenary Theater, the broad ChoUner, 59, has no previous ex-quandrangle whose fourth side holds perlence in the field of intel'naUonal University Hall. This is the ad- trad.e, but said he is looking forward to ministration building from which 200 learning about trade agreements. students were evicted at dawn Thursday He has been ~g a Nl.J:on ad· by 400 police officers. ministration pOlt since Rep. Rogers c. B. Students entering Sever Hall pused Morton of Maryland, chairman-designate shouting, irate strikers. One studtnt en- of the Republican NaUonal Committee, tering the building ripped away a paper edpd bim out of a top committee job. sisn thrust at him by a picketer. The ClxJtiner' bad Jet it be known be ,.... demonstrators began !o cluster on the .. front steps, narrowing the aisle throuah pected to become executive director oC which those attending classes were the committee, doing organization work forced to walk. while the pew chairman made the Meetings were scheduled throughout 1peecbes. the 15,000-student university. oldest col~ But. Morton, Nixon's floor manager at Jea:e in the nation, as criticism grew of " , the 1988 GOP National Convention, said the university's action in calling in police he • woold ·riot · taie the committee to f 11 · ity H II Valley.,,d_:_Pi' ... or."l."1•''c' ,. e 1·n New' Home cbairm&nship ilCboill'io!tW\.stnacorn· Sh:lyru:: .. :o~n, a chanting, Police Move Into $63,~ F•cility, Luve Ttmpor•ry Home at Fir• Dtpartmtnt mand post. placard-bearing fi1e of 300 students set off a march around the inllde perimeter of the Harvard Yard which is surrounded by: .. "· .: .. -Ethnic Studies Added a brick and iron fence. · City officlala opened the. -briiici;Jiit,r flatura.· ... " were the cily hall and the library. A large At the rally on the library steps, a stu- Founta.in Valley police facll~y at 10 a:m~, .. ·· .t.'W• Cin"nearly double the size of the community center, currently under c.Jii. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Sacramento dent told the crowd that the police action today, ta.king a heavy burden off the fire 6ulk11ng when the need comes up ," he ex-State College officials have decided to was "the corporation's move." He reier- statlon. . , plained, .. tcveral of the walls arc struction, is the ne1t building in line for establish an ethnic studies program wit11 red to the Harvard Corp., a university Police perSOMel had been 5harlng the movable! for ~ion purpo.1CS, a !ea· ~j~e~partm· ent ........,,nnel will COD-a staff of 11 new instructors and 30 new go,::rntn, a:wboc:ld ;;,w to more lhan 1,000 as . , . ture desiaQld mto the bu.llding by civic ..... -courses. ... .,. fire departments building acfou the center ~ect William E. ·Blurock.,, tinue to use their present building. The proeram will begin in the fall. the rally continued. street from Fountain Valley High School; The first ~o buikliogs completed in the' r--:;;;;;~;-;;;;;;~-----i;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;ii;o;iiliiilii1iij9;;;;;;;;.;;;;~;;~;. ... ._~=-- Real acVvity started Thursday JS Civic center complex at 10200 Slater Ave., ( -ZS U ' pollctmen 'tolled up their steeves and \, q, a beodquartera, the third building to be Lady Churchill Shows began moVtng equipment into the new l C01?1Pleted in the civic center comple1:. 1 N Estimated i:osi.. for the complete 'Slight Improvement' .N'l, o"' "I • bulldlnc ar• 1&3.ooo. 11 contains 4,700 · Of'-,,,\.\. ''o.., L.1-2 aquare feet in 'whlch to house a 24-LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clementine "" 'L'> member pollct department. Spencer-Olurchill, 84, showed "slight im-"I: U the pending budget Js ·approved at provement" t.oday in her recovery from a the. neit.clty coune.lJ. meeting the depart. thigh fractured in a fall, doctors at ment will add ri ve more personnel for the Wutminster Hospital said. nut year. Lady ChurchUI, widow of Sir Winston Adml.nistraUve Ass ls tan t Jim Churchill, has been hospitalized since Hollywood pointr.d to lht facility's ex-fracturing her thigh :in a fall Good Fri· pansion potential as one of Its best day, ~t three days after she became 14. .. "",. ,kOT ..... ., ... -~ INIRT MIMI FOUND IN IUltNINO HOUSI! Hunt!"""" '9ro Capt. Martin Checks Practlu Explosive Pl IN lllllllOSA TIUOW OI ·-· -_,.11D IR CHAU: WHm ••. ~ -WIS AND 1'WO INTDIOfl u.Hn. $799 1Y Dilll8, ,.._MOST nUSllD NAiii DI PlllllllVIL ------ IXCLUSM DIALERS FOlt: HINR!DOM -DUXEL-HERITAGI 90 DAYS NO IN1'IUST :.... LONGER TUMS AVAILAILE ON APl'ROYED CRIDIT . ?eJ.. fe NIWl'OltT llACH 1m w-n11 Dr. 642-2050 OPIM flllDAY "T1L t I INTlllOIS LA-A llACH 345 -Coal! Hwy. 494-6551 OflM .... , "nL t - Earns Wings Alter earning the silver wings of an Ameri· can Afrlines stewardess, Miss Cherryl Joy Peter- son is assigned to flight duly out of Boston. A former Harborite, she is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Pepperdine College. She also received an RN certificate from Pasa- dena City College. Good Buys Available Alpha Beta f'i Alumnae are making final preparations for their annual rummage sale Monday and Tuesday. April 14 and 15, at 110 W. Chapman 1ive., Orange. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, clothing, h o u s e h o I d items, dishes, glassware, toys and games will be sold, ac· cording to Mrs. Ro n a I d Barnett, ways and means chairman. Proceeds from the sale will be used for the sorority's philanthropies and for the ez- pans.ion fuhd . An y member or anyone wishing to donate items may call Mrs. Barnett, 545-1279. New Officers To Be Chosen New leaders will be named when Coast \Ii.omen's Club of -.. ---- -DAILY 1'1.0T JI Teacher ,_ Betrotha·I LEGAL NOTICE LllGAL NOnCIC 11EGAL NOTlc;E ' ~, ~. •' MOTtc• TO CltlOI,.. .v ...... &,. _, lll• LEGAL D. 1 d ~u:;-ce:r.::: c··~~~=~NUS c•·v-~~r=--·" s::.~::~"I To-Marry ISC ose .,.. COUt(TV °'OU.... tllt .. ,....... ... ctrtlf'll lit " Ttilo ~ .. "'m, .., -MTIU' .......... ., """""' ' 1 fiJt• If 'L.IANOA GOODWIN, coMvct:,.. • IMIMu tt tN1 a.11 andu(11N • ~ et .. WW ,_ ...... H W WfU" 69 1J01t --·--· ol • -urtl Dt«IMd. s.......,. (1".le. ·-..... C•llfonllt, CMll H ...... w. ....._. ••• ( 111, L9"ft.ltS 1'1nA.MlllfTAltY Theado.sla flertl ... of Corona ,_, eaga ~"' .... ' Nollq " .,.,.,., ~ ,. ~ """' "" fl<tftlOll• flllll _.,. of M C.ut.nll• •. VNIW rt. fkthttw ..,.,. -,..._ .. ll~flf(I: llLIUatTH u'6 Smllh and Paul £llls has bMn ........ , .. .,. "' ......... 111" ~I . M INVESTMf:HTS .... tflel llkl .. "AJrfYTMIHG ~ ... ""' ""' ...... ~" ---. dtl Mar will man')' Marine 1st 11 ft1t .. 111 ci.1tnt 111 ._ ~ " """11 ~ of 1t11 ff!Wlrlt "'"""" :;:.11 __.,.,-. flll,.... --· lfOtKe 15 M!ltft'f orvtN flltf LL Dtavkl. WarTtn Nutt.tr ol an..,..-..-1 by Mr. a~ Mn. !flt. OH\. " ·,.,. ,..,..14 """"· "' w110M """'.1n Mi "" •itc. " l'ftlftfttt -.. 111 ...,11• •11111 •"'-• IKuritY '.c."k Net~• --. , N•lilMI ............. ~ .................. ' ..... 111 .... oltrltd 11 i.=· ,...,..... -.. flll ..... t.. ..,.... 1-Notlttlon ... fllM ... Hope, Alaska, pending her Oa\•ict V. Sqlith or HuntJngton ;:. ::int..,~ ;: ...... '!";!" 1t1t-. 0:··~ .. 1.,..,... cw~li ,::;., r.o.:.. "" ~1• "f:',.,!,ffHdl. C:n~: ....,,..'f ,.. .. ~,. ·" wm '""' .;, fianct'I 'return from Vietnam. Beach parenls o! the bride-Lot -'*~ c.iH •.... n1c11 tttMt ~ .... Mt•dl 11, u... o.t11t Molrdl u. 1Nt. ="" ... ~' .. '~~~~ --b I'• •lect da ghl o( ' office !Ji "" 1LM:1 Ill bin~ " 111t 1'1lomls !. ~II TflootN1 C.,M'I' ~ ··-Jfl'Ci r utM: • u er elect UMtnltMd 111 •M '"'""'' --.1n1ne s"" o1 c.111ren11.1, °'""' c...,.,1Y1 ....... ,,. c.,...,. ...... wi.r.. ..,. "-f * ~..,, Mn. Leah Herring of Costa . to wlll •t•"'· llldl u.1""' "'"' 1"-°" ~'°' 11, lNt, """" ""· • 11• "' Cttlfetftl .. 0r.,... c-tir1 ~ fl/I ,_,,.,.. ._ -'* ~ "' M--~ ~-late Mr. Cla<A-Tbe couple plan to be mar-__...,.,. "'°",.. _, 111 11iw • .....,,, l'Vltllc 111 IN • .,.. .. " ,,,.., °" Mamt ts. 1w. Mflft ,,.., • _,,:=.. "., ~~': ,:,:";• : .::: -.iiu WJ1; ;-• ""'"""'"' • ...,_If, wt1Mn few --tho _.,Mt "'*"" f , MtxWI "'-"" l'vbllc II> ""' l'llr Nlf It•"'· fferrU., is In alumna ol ried during the unmer of lfllfltt11 lftv tl'lt fWtt MllctlioM "lflWlll 19 flll • M lllt _._ 11141-. ..,_llY ......... T'*""• _. llWrlY rt:;";.,~=::: c::r::i.rw· Ill ... u--H'"' School 1-ltlh ,,.,,'9, -.. "*"""'" to "" Wllflll> ... C.NIW .,,...,. IO ..... lo " ,... -Dt.., Aloft! lo. ·, ... •'""'•..-~ . .... ;o1v. 0.11111 Mlf'dl .. TW. 1tnl!Mnl .... KMOWltdffd Mo tM<Vlld ..._. ~ •rf Wlktllllll '-tllt W I ST JoHN Ctwll't (ltfll and ffumh...1.U state Collt:-M" S I h I -•· Fou ta" Cllt•llt M. "'-" .,.. .. ..,. """"'" lnt!rvrntnl ,.,. ..UU-ltdltt4 -~ T ..., • • ...._ • ~ ·--"" m t at e1-... n ID And °"'"' J. Miiier, (OFFICIAl Sl~L) • ••ttVtH ltMt •.vnt. .~',..,.. ..,... ,,,.... Arcata where she majored 1n VaUey HJ•" r-"'ool and her E11-cvton 11""' wm J-It. G,..,. t0F•1c1AL IEALI ..,.. ,,.__ ,,11 edUcatioo CUrTently lbe is ao• ~1 • et .,111 dKMIM "°''"' 't.1M1c>C1R1Wt1i. J-• N. MtM ""' "-"" C•lliwwft •n ·--~:-g . •• F-"'U Ill'"" fianCt son oC Mr and Mrs. CNU:L.WS M. AUK Df'atlll ~ MollrY l'i*Uc-C1llflltni. ,.,.., UUI .,...."" ~oua1 JD V\IUU 6,. • • •tt ....,_ HI• Slnlf My ~-r.1rn l'rlncl111I Otn<1 In ,..,.,..,.. W hit!_. School Tmtin. Paul J. Ellis of Westminster, ~....::':" 1':::: "'14 l'ullllii:J' 'o..:!.: CQllit P•llY l'l1t1, ~,'7'-~ E-..rr.. .!~1 :-1 ,, 1'?"',-,..• ~ Dll!Y !!..""'.,· · d 1e r F---·-1n ~aietvt MM-di ti. • .... """" "'11 •• ,., uu. IM' 21. "11 ·--=·~~· "i-·:·°"c:-~===-=-:; Her ftance, aon ~ Mrs1 Har-lS a gra ua o uwu. .,.-11.nM °'.,... c11tt Pll'IJ' l'iiet. l"vM!t!IW °'.,. c11tt c.n., .,11111.1-LEGAL NOTICE ry LeGar of Ancborq;e and lAURIL SMITH Valley High School and at.-Mtrdl a 111111~H 411.11. i.., _,,... LEGAL NCYI'ICE •11411, •Lu. 1"' ...., -~====~==~ the late Mr. Warren M. Nutter Summer 0.te te~ed ~~ge. Coast College LEGAL N011CE L EGAL NOTICE C••T~~~TT.::' N~:"'" is a graduate of W e 1 tl;=============~P~·~•or;ta;1~0~1ru;:n~g;the;~U~.S;·~N~a;vy~.~/-"1if:r::-::~fi:f.:if.T::f-· / c••T,'!:!,'•,1.~,•,•,!'L','"•ss •·-cc!i~1~!"':.i:• .r"~11, Ill 1.:1 Anchorage High School and su1'1•10• cou11:T o' TH• ... " -" 0 ~-Slate u . . '----ST•TI Of' CALl,OllNIA ,Olt TPlt 11r<"tol1N111 dou (•rlllw w " .... ,n. ... C•mil'ill ,,,,.. HIWl!Wt letd'I. v~gon hlVers.lt)' W1iue THI. COUNTY O~ OllANOf. condllclln, • i!Wf-II IOU Bell" Cl•Tl•.CATI O' lt.lllNl lS C•llfornl•, llnller ~ llcllllll!ll """ n-he affiliated with Chi Ph! A TOIJR TO NO. A '1Mf Chlct, Hu~t!tticn lttcfl. C•llfo<nli , lllCTITIOt.ll ,111M NAMI of GL.OlE ENfEltfltlSES ""' W.t I • • • NOTICI OI' SAL.I o• •rAl llftcllt Ille !klltkM """ n•.,,. .,., HUN· 1'1W ..... ltllld don """'"" HIY .. Id flml II _,,,._.., " "" followl"9 fraternity. The brkiegroom-to. HOLYLAND l'1tOl'11trv AT P•1vATI' SAL.I! T1NGTON GA8PEHS cLEANE1ts .,,., ""' ,.. ~' ~11,.. , ilbtC:'"' :;~ .:-:-...!:. l\IH .,.. ,._ be is a heli""""er pilol with IH THE MATT£• OF THE ESTATE ... , Mid """ I• cempoMd fll ""m1f!VfK1vr1nt ..,...,_ ., 1502 H. "''"'· Edi! w T'*"" ·1~n c;,....,..., '-">" OF JOHN MANUGOFF , O«t•M'll. fl:lllowlnt l'WIOll. ..,,_. -In 11111 Stllf AM C•IHwn!1 Hl'U. lll!Oer It. 1' • " U. Marines. SCANDINAVIA l«ltlCE IS HEltlElY GIVl!N, ""' t111 111c1 1IK1 of rftkkflU 11 u fl:ll'-t.: nettt-firm "'"" llt ACT 1 0 N l 1 Mlrlde. Clllf(l(nLt. UllCIH'Sltnld. II hKVtth: of~ !1!111 Ill ·-'· Scttnittt, W • Fulll'llLI Cil'Clt, FlllEllGL.ASS 1M !hat 1tld ti'"' 11 DilldEA.P.Sjl t: JOHN MANUGOFP', l>Kt•lltd. wUI Mii .. Hvntlngton ,lkKh. c.ur. cam..i ef ""' fl:lllow'"' ..noon ......,.,. . . II Library Displays Artworks AND EUROPE Pfh"•fll 111t It 1111 11111""-t 111111 best bllt-P.ted Alrll I, Ifft ~mt In fvll •M Jlltl f/f rfilNntt STATE OF C.ALIFOltNIA ) dV, -1119 .. ...,. end eonGitlanl ROii I'. kllmlll II It followJ, io.wll: OltANGE COUJi1'V J ts ._<'fnsft.r !Mf!til>ntd, Ind 111blKT II> Ille 'TATa OF CAllFDltN1A ) AL GQUL.0 llf~2 Heidi, Gitdtfl Dtl APtll t, IHI, bt!ort 11'11, • Niel..,., Cfllll'll'mlllon .,. ... au-1or CtoUrt. on OltAHOE COUNTV I •• o~ CtllfGl'nlt nut 'ullllc lt1 •fld lot Mid 51.tt, ..,...,...~ ltd by PASTOR "ANDY" ANDERSON Al'rll )0, lHt, It !tit f\ovr f/f lt:OO A.M., On Alr!I I lflf btfert"" • Hot.ry WITNf" y 11111111 11111 2Slll dly _.,ed 1Ed9•r W. T'-"• t-lit' .,. "'9tMlllr, wtfJ!ln lhe l;nll l llowed b<li' l'utlllc: I nd tw' Ill 51 I ' • m .... lo be fN .. ,_ wlMIM - of the Prince ol Pe•c• luth1rtn Chu rch Ir#, 11 t11e offla f/f FltAHK A. HILL.!--rH" ~-,.." Sdlm'ttt'' :,::i"to fl/I Mtrdl. 1:'o..,. 11 1\lbscrJbed· • "'-wlllltn '"'"""""" INGElt, teutlld If 2'71 Wn t Ttrttnai mt lo be ...... ,_ Wflott n-STATE OF CAL.l,-DltNIA. ) INl~lldeed ht lll«Vl«I 1111 NIM • •• Da J •1 ... L J ly 1 • Bouleltard, T-. C..lttornl1. 1n IM 11 wbscrlbld .. "" wllfll I ' t CDFFICIAL. SEAL) r \ 'fl • 0 • Ulle • °'"J" U & "9hl, title •tld lllflrnl In 11111 bt1te af Ind ~-.,.,... .... lllKY~:. ': (:01.:NlY OF DltANGE I ff M1,.,•K. HentY . JOHH MANUGOfP', Ptce1Hd, 11 Ille !OFFICIAL SEAL! • ON THIS 1.stl'I .. y <If Nl1fdl, A.P. Hol•tY l'llblk-CtHtoml• Th ..... ,-.:.;:..,,.~ ...... Finl c•--Ho•ek 1111'\1 !f Ill• dHlll, II reoulrld llY _,.. J11t1 L JObll , ... Wott ,,,., llC1w .. rtleft, • ""'"' Ptlndo•I Offlttl In ""'"'" _., -!Ion of l1w « tlflerwlu ~r 1111,., or fn ' 1'11blk: 111 end !or !hf Mid COlln" a...,.,,e Covnf'r ThrH Meals a "-Jet TtOllS--'-addition, lo tNit of 111d JOHN No!•nt l'vbllc·C.llletnll •nd $1119, rnldlne llltr1rn, duly com-My CCWftfnlulon Eorrw _, • • • ............. MANUGOFf .. "" llrnl af !111 do111!, In ~ ... ~=·~~· In mluloned Ind ·-... .,.,_,.llY' ·-••H Nov. 2'-lfn A.Ir CottdltloAecl lusn , , • Gufded Tours 1nd 1o 1111 rMI ,,_.."' d11crlbld 11 M~ Commlulon l• 1 At Gwld. k.nown to "" 1o bl !ti. l'ubllsl"H o''"" eo.11 o.n., P iJqt, W ks r b G don A 1o110-: M1tell I lf73 " rtf --wllolt n•me II IUb&c:tlbtd "' Al•ll •• 11. 11. ts. lM Uf.ff or o art y or n-COM"Lm FOR $l,lt• ... No 1~., T~ &:1st 79 ffft of "'' west :n1 lftt l'ubll"'9d 0,~~ c 1 0 11 ''"'""' w11t11n 1"''"'"""'· •fld .i.-ledtlld d Ill ·-hibit . .. ... af ,.,. Soult! 1'1.S fffl ti l lodl: nt, ,,,.. Oii • ' to "" 11111 ... PKulld ""' ,.,..,., LEGAL NCYI'ICE rew w i.r.: on ex 1n TOWN OF HESl'ElttA, '' Hr •Ill Al•ll •• ll. ll. lS, lfft •11°'9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ....... the Center S treet Library, C>:ll for com plett tour inform•tion •nd r•s•rv•+ion. 111"""· l'ICOted In eoo11: 12 et ,,.,."· LEGAL NOTICE htteVnto ""' ,.,., hand 1nc1 .tti•ect ,..,, NOT1ca o' l'UtL•C SALi Cos th nth ...... " lo 11. ln<lllltw, ncord1 of .. 1c1 llffkl.11 -1 lf\e ISIY •11111 , .... In lhll 01" CGLLATWllAL ta Mesa, d uring C In0 r_.9 05"1 549 •7r_. COlln!Y". Cef1111ate 111'11 1bcrn ..,1~. CALll"OllNIA COMMlltCIAL COOi ol April ) ~ • 4 or ·• ~ More commonlY' ktlown 11 ,,... lfw SUl'lltlOlt COU•T «>" THI: StATI (Offld•l -k•O SICTION ,.._, . O•k, H~. C1lltotnl•. Of< CAL.ll"OltNIA K1v l••llltt NOTICE IS HEllElY OIVEN tti.i • The artist. a member of''============================'I llctl or.,.,,,,.. ..... hwllld,.,,. stld -llOlt THI COUNTY O• ORI.NII Moll,., 'ullllc. CllllGl'tlll ""bllr ....,i.. of 0'11~! ... ~I Wiii bl "'"' Oii Co M Le h ]· llfrlv •nd mU'lf bl 111 wt lll"' Mid wtll bl! CAii NUMlllt 0-14Mt Dr•n!H! CDUnlV llW! ll rd d•., <If APf'll, ,,.. •I lfll hour et sta esa Art agut, as r..:tl-., ,.,. ofllu f/f FRANK A. SUMMONI My CGmm1 .. 1on IE~•1rr1 11 :00 A.M. It UOft Gl nlm G~ 11v11. chosen a . gallery of seascapes, 4 HILLSINGER, Alton!IY lot MAREN SA.NDltA 15. LEGER, 1'1'1ntlft VI JEAN Sot. n. lf11 (Uy .,, O•r<Mn Grow. CoilnlV of or ...... " JEAN FOWLElt, or mlY bl !!~ W!lh !he c. lEGElt. D""""•nl. lt0tllt1' M. QAL.LIVAM 51111 of C•llfornll b'I' Htmltton Thrift • still life and landscapes in ~· s I I Cllrtr of lhe ·-lor Cwrt or dt-llY•r«I l'ED,LE ~ THE 5TATE OF Alllrwrl' It Lew LOlln Heured Nrlv .. ~ tfld '41f'Sulnt .. ail, a,_,llC and watercolor for w1msu1t hi llld 1nOl'MY Plr'IOl'llllY' II In., Hme CAllFOltNIA to ttie ~ l\llTIMt DtfM. Ul'I WtlldNt Pr., Sllllo! ut Ill.II Art.Ill ltWl'ltv 11-1 mtdt M _, ·. -lll!r "" !Int ~!Ion lOI' "'""'' o1 ant: ~ ....,,, f>111ttn111 "-lit di., of Oclobl!f', IHI b1 atwrly J, the display . lllli Notic. 111111 """' lfl•klne lllr. Slid YOll ............ y di•Kted .. tllr T•h mo Mt~M Tr•_.. dOt: Sovtllllnd. Andrew has been a resident ~ :=::.:h~~.,!-~!~,!! • wrllht1 plfflllnt In ·-kl l"vbllllled o,.,. C0111t Otlty !,I, ..... • sJ.~E ~~i~ OF COLLAT!lt.t.l. "TO •• F h • sh '69 drtd Poll.I,.. IU,111.111) °" "" Fir.1 TM! 1111 ¥etlllld COll'lllllnl of ,.,. •blrn ,,..,., ._ 11, 11. u, lfft .. I l.f$1!1Ptd ..... •IHddtd Arlnrlsl. 1 of Orange County for 15 years as 100 ow Dtld PIYll>M lo Cltlfott1I• F-rll $1•· """"' 1lllt1lllf wllh th<t (llf't of llldt 81r w/81/ll!lrl Ctti1"'1S. 1 Wllt1t11 and retired ear ly from a '"'' '"" L.Olln AnK1111on. Slid .. 1e wm 1111 •llovl tntltled court 1" 1111 ""°""' LEGAL NOTICE Bo• w1c--r. 1 c1111 • ....,, 211 ~ • Ill tl'Cfl¥1d -Ulh """'· The rlOhl .. llllllttd •ctlon bo'-111 -"•IMI '"" Tlbltl. lt " s.v. ... •/Formic» TGl'I." career in Tea) estate. r~ lo riled -•nd •II bids. In w ld (OUr!, w!ll!ltl TIEN din l'llW l'-Ullt ' ' Ch1lro, Gold Pt<IOM SMll • IKtll. 15 H · · ed ?' PATED: A1>•111, 1"'. .tlll llrYICI on YOU of Ihle 1Vmrnoni, NOTICI OP' DISSOLUTION O' Gold tar SloGl1. I Tllnt c.m..rtment e was c omrruss1on \ /1/ MAllEN JEAN FOWlEtl; H ttrvtd wlH'lln I~ lbo¥e nllT'ed l'AltTlllltlHll' ANO ClltTll'ICATI Sltlnlftl 51ffl 511111;, 1 ,_ ..... '"' recenUy to paint for Ser vices _ , __ Saturday Apri'/ 12 f'•P·ut•I~ OOU111¥". or wnhin THtRTY din 11 o• AIANDOMM•NT o' l"ICTITt0us 0ro11 ._ Pl-•, 1 FIW CMit--:... ol Ille E1t1t. of llfrwd tlMwhl•t . l'AltTliltllSNll' NAMI 11rfmenl l o!lle CDGllt, I ..,_,. Oetk. for the Blind and designed ".,)._.!. ..• Jolln M•"""'· [>((~·~ ,o!ou JO··~i:'""': n:.~:~ n:::.:,~ Nollt:ol II ""*' t !¥Pn ....... u.nt lo DATE.• '"1"••"" ... ~"AH\I, '""· a sumOOJic wo rk for the -,ltANIC A. HILUINGllt . s.ctton lJOJU ... 1111 Cor-•tlonl Coft o\M L .. T~ltl .. LOAN J'" .. ""' ... 'At LI• p~I .... 11fd plllnlitl' wlll ··-I ludll-al Cttlfwft11, llM! ""tenfl' .. Hr'lne<'"lhll' .,: aover.1 c. H•llrY organization. "111 , • ..,, ,.~-·..... .............. """'' for .,., _, °' d .... •fl'I fl/I JOHN GILLIS ...i L.VL.E •• PEltlY. Ul:MK: T11Tlllal, C•lilwMI "'" eetn1ncled In the wrltlld RlmPlllt1I _.1 ... rtlllf'"I ""'''Id In bin!""'" l'ubll•hed Or•t111 Cotti Pt!f't l'Jbl, Andrew currently studies at Be s urt to •fttnd th1 ~r1view Ttl: 12131 :ne..J1" ...,. 111--HJr " ••lllnt1 -contr1c1. or w111 • ...,,., In tti. 11,11 o1 cii11on>i. n In 1111 ""'u n, ,.., ,,.., the Laguna Beach School ot f b l"f I ·I · t 1969 Al'•,..••""~"'"""' lo Ille (OVrr for '"' oiner r•lltf COWllY of Dtenge UflCltl' Ill• n1me l-------------- o e•u 1 u q rr 1 '" e Pllblllhed Dt•-C0t1! 01n, 11iot. ~;•"!';'~ 1" ,:: ,,.;,'!1",~:":11~11· •fl <If GILLIS a 0E1111Y M1r1ne contrttlo,.., LEGAL NCYI'ICE Art and Des ign. Alr!I lf, 11, 11. 1Mf '77..Jt tl!cirMr on '"' ,..,,11,, tOnnKlfd wltn wllh ns 1rlnclp11 •IK' of butlM11 )-------------- Swim1uit Story on the ll>t c:amplalnt 0, lll!s iummona. $uth •I ac» L.111v1!11 Aven.,., NntPOrl lt•th. IA•·UU Golfers Called Laguna Beach Countr y Club 's Women's Group, busy with plans to host Western American Golf Association's ann ual meeting in the club M ay 9, offe red a loomament today. H r I c I " II LEGAL NOTICE ~llorMY 11\ovkl be consulted wllhln IM C•11fom1' Wll dluolYH 11 of Mirth SUl'ElttOlt COU•T -TN• un inq on en •r ma • • • time rlmll 111r1a 1" 11111 1ummo... hlr H, '"'· 1nd "''' 1111•ul!1r no ""°"' STATE OP CALll'OllNIA l'Oll IA• • U74 flllt111 1 wrll~ Pleldlftll "' !h. (llfl't.l'lllnl. hid lfllhorlty lo l~cur •nv tbll<i1l!Oftl TKE COUNTY ff OllA ... I Three daxzlinq shows, n.. followlflo _, of wnot:c.·•. '"" Dl!Mt Febnl1,., ,, IMf for Mid fl)l'flllf llrm, Ind 111•1 Mid Ml. A..Jllll I 2 2 " orltl111I of ..._.d'I •M filed lot rtt0rd w E ST JOHN lln'l'I l bendtnf'd "Id fld lllWI n1me NOTICI 01' HIAlttM• Olf l'ITJTION no0'1--p .m .--""t p.m . on Mt•cll 1], 1"' In "" ottlc• el cit..· ft d Mia di~. TM ... ._. of •II •o• l'•OIATI o• WILL. AND 110• latest fe1hions for beech IM lteocorder llf °''"'" co u " . '. 11r I'. c. ''Oii" 111rtMr• •fld •heir relldl11r•1 ''' .. Ll'TT•1ts 1'•STAMINTAllY Ca11fl:lmll, 11 ""' to 1"0ll lnltll'llldl a..vrr Cltrk lollewl: Ell1l1 of SUSAN H. WOl'ICINS. Ptcfft- and poolsidt from your family II lfl tlllfllnlllon "' 1111 tltlr lo t•ld WAL.SWO•TK, SllDIL. .. CllAll JOHN GIL.l.1$ r11lalng II JOJ 10th f'd. I th. I l'nl$1 pr-1°f' ~ YOU '""~ l>e,.. U11 WK!CI H Ort.,t, ktltt Hf Stl"ftl, Co1!1 Mu1, C1lll. NOTICE IS HEtlllElY GIVl!!N TI!d c 0 1n9 Ctn er. 1n ln~rest ln thl 1'11tlM'I .. in pro-,......., .. ICll, C•llfw"I' nMI L.VL.f: •. DIERIY rullllfll II 2C?l2 M•r•I• H•1eri Mtlxlleld T•lt ""' ~lld CHdfn11. Ttf CJHI IU-f+ll J<ll.+!12 Soulll Wist l lrch, S.nll Anl Hel1hl!I, ,._,.In I P91111on for '•obtlt of W111 '"" Free admission in the TITLE INSURANCE AlltrMYI fllf l't.itl!HI C.llfoml• ''" 1111.MflQ ef L.1111t1 T., ........ ,, " ANO TltUST CC"MP.AN't" Pulll!M'ltd D••-c-1 P1UY ,,lot, 0.11111: Mtlrcll tt. 1"9 '•llllonff. •tfll•lllCI ... whldl Is rnedll •ir conditioned mill. M Tt1111tt Mtlrdl 21, tt •nd Alrll., 11• Ifft Sol3..Jt GILL.ts • PElllY tor turllllt' Pt•lkull,.., •nd ""-'""If"" Elmlr W. Heln1'!• Jo/In Gllh •nd JllKI of ll11rlno tlM ••mt !Mii ....., G irl Wetchtrs Socie i·r Tn.r1tee 51 .. Off k•r LEGAL N011CE L.,le 8• Dt"<b<ll' 111 ,.,. ~11 "-1"'· 11 •:• •.tn .• "' O>rona del Mar meets in Mesa );::==========.! TS '7-# WAUWQRTM, S•IO!L. AHD CllAll.. 1'111 _,,._ el ~rlrrMll Ht. :I fl/I Welcome! Ttu11ee•1 111'1 Nvmber A......,.. It'--uld court, 111111 w. Elthlll Sfnlol, 1n 1111 NOTICl o,-O•,AULT AMO ELECTION l'·DMl 1'1J W•cllfl Or1vt. City Of Slnt1 Atll, Clllfllfnll, Verde Country Club Tuesday, !"IL l'olllkal Ah. Apr:il 15. • Afterward the group will be entertained musically by 20 s tudents front ~t@cia High School who will perform under tht. direction of Jerry Olson. EL E·C ·T· GORDON C. MORROW M ... ·Ntwpert Schoel INN Huntington Center Beech &-Edinqtr • c.-11t11 N._n .. ,,,. ce.,.... N.1. during Udoff'• . . HOME FURNISHINGS Deluxe Satin and Sheer I DECORATOR FABRICS I Valu es to $2.95 Yard 1.50 YARD An out.standing value on new, luxurious antique satins with 36 Cashion-wise colors from "•hiclt lO choose! Tes- turtd or pllin--Quantities unlim.i~panion value Cot those underdrapes-Dacron. Dacron fr: Cotton. Anlron Sheer! in matching or conlTas ling colors! All Perfect-- AD top quality-Buy NOW and SA VE! 36 NEW SCINTILATING COLORS '~.;:i. ··~ -AND MANY MORE - I CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • FABRIC AND LABOR INCLUDED • FINEST CUSTOM WORKMANSHIP INc;l.UDING: • Full SH Double tops and Mttems • S.Om w•lghtecl • Jtl90tecf to e11:oct wtclths • Tab~ t9 exact ltnttht • ,,.uod •rwl ready t. ha~ 40'' wide!! 61111 Wide Iii" ~'100" Wide "' ~ 7.IO IS.IS I ..... 21.?r ·• 1.50 !US I 17.00 ..... 45··~ ••• 16.Cli I II.ID ,.... ~ lt.• 17.0Q I .... 27.00 a·~ J0.80 I ..... I "-" 2'.00 ,, .. -~ U.50 11.25 I IS.00 ... 1$ .......... , 11-..... I -·" 33.GO t0·· .._..I 13.00 2LIO I aoo IUO . ~ ..... ..... I 17.IO -.r.: 121 11 Wldi I wldthJ " _,, ".~ •.20 •. 00 ..... .. .50 "' ... ».oo t1 .10 ltO" Wide 7 widtba "·"· 11.75 -17.IO -I ..... .... ., ... ..... Iii" WlCiO ·-"-" -., .. ... -.... _ ... U.IO ... •f San D.i•g ... t · Huntinqton Beech 18011 Widl I widthii 31 ... ..... ..... fl.00 Ill .. _,. . ...... ..... ..... 39.$0 «I.Ill _ .. ..... M.IO I ..... a.oo -... IO.IO A -$ILICTION OI' cunOM ANO llADT MADI lmSPUADS WITH NlaS ST...,_ AT $24.SO ?Oii U. 111D I I Ucl~~ So1th Cont Plaza, Costa Mesa l ri .......... -oi..e ,_.., "S'""' ... -s.r.1..- __ ,, TO 11&.L. UNOWlt Dl'IO 0' TJtUIT Cl•TIFJCATI S.llot NwJilllr.. Pt lld Mtlt l . ltM NOTICE IS ·HIE•EIY OIVE!N: .l lo AT ICNOW AL.L. MIEN lY THESE .._,,.,, Mtcfll, C•IHll'llll ftfft ·w. IE. ST JOHN, TITLE INSUltANCE 1"11' TllUST CON·· PRIESE NT5: Ttfi ffHI ......,.11 Count\' Clertr. PANY, I rorpottllon 11 dui'-1 80!l<'lllled Th1! !hf 11t1dtrolgned ~l>Orlllon l'llttby l'ublllMd Otlnlll CNst Ot!IY 'llol. lltNllT J. SCNAQ, J• • T•'\lllH tinder • P9ed ot Trv~I llllM cetl~llS 111•1 II II lf"lllll(flflll Ill' P•-11 April ... 11. "· 2S, .... ..1.,, OUllYWA. CAlll'IHTllt • IAltHIS All!IVll lt, 1"5. 11t1Culed bY JANICE hi ffll'l&I(! llll•lflHS In Ille Stile .. ., Pntr Drl..... . M. ECkEltT, '' Trvl!or, ltl U•:urf C1IUornt• undtr the 11c11tlovt n•me OI' LEGAL NOTICE "'--1 hid, C•tfftntl• nrt11n oblltl•llont In f1¥0r of S~lilLE" Allt SPEED SYSTEM.Si •nd !1111 lllt Ttt: 11141 6Q.1't11 ANN NIPP, I 1lnelf: WO"ll~. 11 1orl11eff11I Pll« ol bll1lntu fl/I w ld tor• AllwlllYI tw l'tntlll!ll'. benefkllrr", teconltd lf.1"'5, • Jn. IOrllllltl In Ille Sii~ of Ct11fomll II l'·J... l'ulllhl>ed Or-C1111I D11!Y l'lfot, 1truml!'ftl no .... In boot 1617, gffe fo(1lld It Df Eu! trootslllrf, In !ht C•RTll'ICATf 01' IUllNlll ""'II .. J,. n. IM ...._ 111, o1 Dfflcl1I ltKOl'dl In 1111 01/lc~ Cll"I" of Ori""' C.,t11¥" of °''""· •tCTITIOUS Ma.Ml af the Rtoc1tcler af Or11'9t Count/. DATE M•rcll '· 1Mf, ..;. the. wnde~i.ntd do Ct rllfY ll'ln' ,,. LEGAL NCYF1€E C•ntotni1, dllcrlblnt l•nd 1'hlf'eln Slkl COlt,OltATION SPtlENEFF, INC. crindudt"' ' bVlltlHI •! 1'01 Ttldtwlnoh Qbllg•llons lndudlnt -nolt lot 1111 pr!n-(SEAlJ L-. NIWIHltl k1dl, C1lltoa•l1, und9r)---:;:;;:::c=-=-:::::::C:::-OC---ci11tl 111"1 f/f M.M thtl ttie benefkltl 8v: 1t lch1r<t C. SP•ll'l!ltr, l'rt1. !ht netltkllil llrm nlfl'tl flA ECLECTIC NOTICE TO CRl"tllTORS lnl•reit vt!Clei-sUCll Ptld or TtUJI viii Ille STATE OF CALIFOllNIA I DESIGNS lNC. Ind 11\11 Hid lltm 11 SUl'lltlOlt COUltT 0,-TNW oblltl•tlons sec:urld ll!lrtbY 1rt )tlll'nl" COUNTY OF Ott.ANGE J 11 _.,...., of t111 lollowl~I .,.,,_.., w!1oM STATE OF CALll'OllMIA •Olt 1111d llJ' Ille undlr1l1nld1 lh1I t brt'l<fl Ot1 lllls 2nd dlr of Mtrch, Ifft • .....,.. In II.Ill onc1 pl1c•1 of rakll-Me TNI COUNTY OP' OltAMel of, end d1lla11lt In, 1111 obll11tlon1 !or btfo.-. ,,,., Vtrnon M. C..rltr, Holl,.,. •r• •• tolfowl: *· A..JUM w111c:t11 IU(l'I Ot..i " Tr111l K -I" l'l/llllc In 1nd .... Or1n11 COi.iniy, St1!1 DAVIO WILLIAM STllATTON E1l1tt of GLIPYI I!. llEUI.. ~-. 1111 ocwrred In Jhlt Nrrn.nt l>IJ ocl of C1lltoml1, rtsldlfll lll9r1ln OulY o:om-1901 TTldewlndl L.-. N.I . Hot k1 II MrltJr t l"en lo cttdflws l'llY- been mildl of: lfllulontd •nd ...om. Pt"•son1ll'-I 1-1nd NINA ANTONl!TT! STllATTON lr>t c11frn1 11111111 lhe t lld dtcoldlllt "' The. Ptlno:i...t """ wl'l!dl bee-ltlCHAllP c. Sl'RENGIElt, Hrllll'ltllr 1"1 Tr.0.WI'* LIM N. Ilic ••Id dlll'M '" !tit oflk1 of lhl tltrtt t!ue Octobn" I, IHI, lotelhfr Wifl1 kno•fl lo rn1 lo be the Mid P1r111n Otltd NoY9mblr lC, iHI" ' ol "'-1tortwkl c.,,,,"' flll Pt-'~ /nl1r1:1I clvl ,.....__ wllOll l'llrnl II Jllbtctlbed lo lllt fcfttolne · lo !ht uncltf'l,lontd II t1'1t Offlc» « "Tl'lorw@. 1111t 11r ,_,_ !h.rlaf, tl!9 vnc:rtnlt nH. CettHluole DI Tr•t1Mc1lon ol ll1111t!t11 D•¥1d Wllll•m ''""°" Sulllv1"' Cllnnln • WorVnon, All SWlfll ....e1en1 bellll'ld•,., undlt IUCll °"" Vnder Flctllloul Nlmt Ind ""h 0 Kin• ""'°""'' Stritton Slrlnt sin.r, Stil t. 100. l1111!'lt ott fl/I l..ot at Trust, 1\11 PIKVltd •nd dtllverwct •etnowl«ltfd lo me Thal hi t•Kuled STATE OF CAL.IFOltNIA I AnHIH. C•llfornl1 f0011. wtild'I it!lw of• lo Mid dvlY' 1H01nttd Trllllff, e wtl!ltn 1111 11ld IMltum•nl. COUNTV DI' OltANGE I II , fltl II !ht plen of bVll-of the Oeclltlllon el Pol•urt •nd Ottnlnd !or lt1 WllnlH Wllereol, I h1¥e h•r1U"lo On Howrnbl!r :Ill, lffl ,befo,.. mt, undlr1ltned 111 ell rMn.rf Mtltlflirl9 19 s.i.. '"" ti .. dft>olllN will! Mid dutr 11tlxf'll mw hand Ind Offlcl•I "'' 11111 • Noltnt l'Vbllc: In end lot .,Id SI•"'· Mid 1:1!1tt-. 5udl cll!m" wllll the •-lflled Trwttl. ludl Pied of Trust 21111 oStv tf M.l•ch, IHI'. l'll'IOll•llY •-rid D1vld WHiie.., S!rlfo t!KftllrY \'Ol.lci'll,.., m111t 1111 nlld t<' 1nd •II doalrMflll ..,lcMftclne obllltlklfls COFFtCIAL. SE.All loll l fld Nini Alltonortll 511'"tlton k_, Pl'ISlllNll 11 1!ortwld, wtll!I" '°"" llCIU'ld """'"'· .... "'' decllml ond V1"*1 M. C•rler ,. "'' lo be lfll PIUOfll ....... "'""' monllls .rter "" ""' Mffutllwl -1111& doll f11ntJr dldt,. •II -llCU•Mt Hot1ry 'ubl1c-C1llfornl1 IM'I i.ul!Krlbld lo tlll within lllllfl.llMlll noflc1. llllrtby lrnfrWdltt.IY dill U111 Nr•bll' Dr1nto11 Caunty Ind Kllnowlldtllf IMY ul<Vted !h. 0.ted APt!l t, '"'· onc1 fin tllk"tM 111111 don "-l'lln' 11Kt My Comml1~lon IE U lt" Ul'M. Mlt.1.._ It. Kiter 111 U1111 1"-lnlll ,,_..,, It bl! PK. 22, lt11 !OFFICIAL. SEAL) E~tcvtrllt ol Ille Wiii •Id to MlftlY 1111 ob!l111i-MCI/red •· C. OALAI Edm11nd M. 1'1rtw1 DI Uld dlCllllenl "'*'*'· All_, "" CIVlllllN' Nol•" l'vblk·C•lltornll ""'"' 1.,11 ....... C~lllll• .. Wlf't'm•• SHIRLEY AHN WAITES lvl .. 1'2 l'rinc:IPIJI Olflc1 In 4M 5'ilrlll Strtlll SI., 141111 1tl Fotmttl' 4'JI Cl-t IDl'IY9 Ot•11<t1 Count\O' ......... , ..... C•lff. "'11 SHIRLEY ANN Nll'I' T•h 11141 Mt-11ts Mr Comml11lon bP!rH A1tttnty1 fir l111C1t"l1 0.11.ii Ml!"Cll 11. !Mt ,,..,,_. IMdl. C•"fltt1l1 Hut Alrll U, 1'11 l'lt·2t1V. l'vblflhld Or•• Cont 0.11'-1 Piiot. Pub!11hecl Or-C.0.1! P1llr "IOI. l'ubtllhld Ortntt Cots! Dilly l'llol. Pullolllhlcl Ot•nt• C011l P1ltv l"llet, Mardi !I, 21 rid """" .. 11, UH Ml..Jt Mlfdl 11, H 1N1 Alrll l . 11, 1'69 5'17 ... APrll 4 II, II. ,,, 1"' "1J.H APrH 11. II, '15 ""' IM~ I, 1M '""' LEGAL NCYFICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NCYFICE LEGAL NOTICE In 1111 oftkl ef !h. C-ty lfKOl'd!r Olilrkl Mii • .., al fhl Cll'Y of I, C. IC PltlEST, Cit¥" Clftk of of ••kl Cflllftty, with • llM "'" Cott• MfW II "-'"" •meMICI b'I' "" Cfly al Co.I• Ml11 ""' t"X>Otfk .. 11 p1r•llel wllll •nd dl1t1n! weslt'rlY' IM tdcllllon lhtrehl '11 Thi Cl.Cl' Cltrk Of !h. C!ly Cot/KM 11 the Cl!y "·" ttt1, me•wrH •I rltht -I• ere• dtK•lblcl In Sldkrn 1 Mr~. ol Coll• Mell, ht••bV ttrll!Y" lllM /ram lhe Cini~• lino af Httllor Jl.CTION l. Thlt Ontlnlll(.I 1h1H t1k1 1111 •bovf end !oteoolnti Orclln1nc. No. 8ou!tv1rd, w ld center 11M blln1 lhe ~IKt •'Id bl In """ force thlr!Y" ff.I w11 lntr~ Incl Clnlldlrld *• •ltll!flY line of Mid c1rlllfl p1rur flll) dlYI from 1nd lflw II• Hiw vt. llon bot IKllon •I • •etYllt n'lftllwt IO Kaulredi lhl l'ICI llOnt ,..Id Pl•~llel Ind Pl'lor to rtie 111,lrtllon o1 !lflMn ol 1111 CllY" C-11 fl/I !h. City It 1!119 Soaulll 1° 10' n'' W1111, lU.17 (UI 4'n from 1111 '"'"' llMrftl't C111!1 Mn.a, llltd on tht 111h ..... tftl lo • l•noent '"''"'' conc1w 1111111 be M tlll!lll tne11 In 1111 OlltAfotGE fll Mtrcn, INt, •nd ltler••tlll" H..,. notll!Wtlltrt"I' •llCI hlYlnti I rldllri CO.UT OAIL. v I'll.OT, • lllWINPlf •fld tcloPted " • wlloll .. ' ntUllf" el 1".llO i.11 """'' IOll!h'#ltlerl'-I of .-el cltarllllon. ,,.lnted tM '""""' at llld CllY C-11 IW!td M •font .. Id ClttYe "'"""'" "" -le lllVbUlllld 111 1111 Cll"I" of CO.ti Mn.I, 1111 1111 Mr of All'll. 1,.,, Irr lllt of IDf" II' '15", •fl ire df1t1nce fotelller wtlfll !tit """'" at 1111 fl:ltio-1.,. roll ull wit : of m.:i. fllt; 1hfiw;:1 Nortll 'Tfr Jll' '"""°"' af It. Clf'r COvMll ¥Olint AYES: COUNCIL/i"EN wn'°"' T\l'dllr, a • Wiit 250.-40 fefill ll'!ttKe Nflflfl lot '"" lttln.i 1'M ..,,... SI, Clllt, Jorden, l'lntlt"v ~, ...... OS" w111. 61.10 fff!: 1h.nu PASSED ANO .ADOl'TED ttill 1111 dtr NOES: CDUNCllMEN H-NOl'lh '5° 20' 'lO'' W11t \:IG.i. !Mii el Alttll, JHf. AIUEHT: CDONCIL.Ml!N NOnl llMI-Harlh U' 21' tr' Wut, •U.t1 A L l'INllCLEV IN WITNESS WHEREOF I MW fffl It Mid llOl"lllftt'r tine. lhlftCt · llerlunhl let m., ti.end INI tf'llJllCll •lone 11lcl nM'lhertr Hn1 loo\llh "' :·~.:::. Cltv !h. Sttl of KM Cl!'F f/f CO.ti Mal, i.• fl" ht!, lllJ.l' 11Ct .. flit ATTIEST · Htll 1111 di., of -'P•IL '"'· "'111 f/f ... lflnl .... loOtftltr wlllt tt*f ' C. I(. PltlEST certl lll KCal •ltl'lts 11 Mkl tlllltt C. IC. l'lt!EJT CllY" Ci..-rt Ind n:-olflclo ._.. KWlrtd .... ••Id dltd. ~n: ;:-~: z. ~r of""~..., SlCTION I. I'll""""' to tflll """ltlot\t STATE DI" CALlfOltNIA I CJIV of COll1 Mew of s.ctlon HlO.~ fl/I 1111! Mun!CbMI COUNTY OF OltAHGE ) $i l'11bllslled Dr1ntt Cot1I PtllY' l tlof, CoM Ill flw Cll'Y of C5'11 MfW. CITY OF COIT.A MESA l Aptlt II, 1Nt ,11 ... Ill • Ill • ----_.c., .. I " ' i I ' I L -· B/9 • • • I • • l '" llAllY l'llOT • ' H frldq, Altll II, 1'69 LEGAL. NOl'ICE SAN FRANCISCO - stockboldenalTbeManil Pion (baldln&J CO. wlD be ..... ed to ~ tbe name al the comP1D7 to Mo rl 1 o Pldllc C..,.. at tbelr 11111ual company with !ta lllbsldlary Ralph N, LlnOO, ....went and cbalnnan of the board of dlroclors, said the chanp was being recommended to avoid confullon of tbe boldlnc LEGAL NOTICE OVER .THE COUNTER ·A· • • ' . • .. .~ Friday's C10sing Prices-Complete New \\ork =·-.... , ..... . . Stock , Exchang~ L~t 'It I~ r-' ! \< ~:::-~ 1· .. J n· ll -····· ~ ... JJ:" ..... J 1 1 11, ..... : .. """i:so 1Jt 4 I 1"'0 .,,.,L• .. C_.. ... • • ·~ -- • • . I 7SZ77 ; 4:::c_._ --.. n 3 Olympic Champions t 1 ·Upset at Long Beach By GLENN WJllTE 01 fht Dolllw P'I• SI.it LDNG BEACH -Coosklering Uuit three 1968 Olympic gold medalists were upset at Thursday ni«bt's round of the National AAU swimming and diving champiooshiJll, it's not too shocking that Sour Orange Coast area splashers did not do particularly welL It all happened at Belmont Plaza °'ympic Pool, here, where competition colttinues tonight., Saturday and Sunday. The Coast area's quartet accoonted for one medal-Greg Fink's sixth place In the finals of the 500-yard freestyle. Fink, formerly ol Coro .. de! Mar Hlg!J, got out okay but Jaded badly his second 100 and was never in con~ntlon there- after, coming in with a 4:41.37~1ght seconds slower than tn h1s morlling heal. SulJlrise winner of the event was Ger· many s Hara Fassnacht, who erased Mark Spilz'e AO'lerican record o! 4:33.2 with a 4:32.99 as he upset Olympic champion Mike Burton of UCl.A (4:33.21) with a surge the final SO yards. Probably the maist shocking upset or Masters Leader Will Casper Fold As He Did in ''68? AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI) -ls Biily Casper for re al this lime, or will he blo1v the lead in the second round of the Ma.sters gol( championship today the same way he blew it last year~ Alter an opening-round siJ:-under-par 66, Casper, the man with the neat swing, the positive brain, and the unusual diet. stands exactly where he stood one year ago -out front in lhe Masters by a single stroke with the chance to take command in a tournament which has defied his many talents. Right on his heels this time were Bruce Devlin, the Australian ex-plumber, and George Archer, the 6-foot-6 skyscraper of the touring golf pros. at 67, and tourna - ment favorite Jack Nicklaus at 68. A whole bunch of other stars were within firing distance, too, after an open- Osteen Hurls For Dodgers Under Dome HOUSTON (AP) -Two of baseball's hard luck pitchers tangle tonight when the Houston Astros host the Los Angeles Dodgers in the second series of 1969 for both clubs. Coincidentally both hur lers wear No. 23. Claude Osteen of the Dodgers faces Denny Lemaster of the Astros in a battle or left-handers. 'MlC Dodgers seek I.heir second victory Dodger Slate ll-Oo<111er1 •I 12-000Qll!'i u Ho1u ton. S:H p.m .• kFI HouJIOll. $:7l •• m.. kFI in three games; the Astros are looking for their first triumph of the season after three defeats. Osteen was 12-18 last year, the first time in five seasons he was below .500. But to h i s credit, he hal a 3.06 earned run average and pitched well in most of the 18 games he lost. And in his 18 defeats, his teammates scored only %'.! tot.al runs for him. Lemaster, 10-15 in his first season last year with the Ast ros led the Houston starters last year "'ith a 2.81 ERA and struck out lwice as many as he walked. But in IO of his 32 starts, his mates got him no more than one run. He lost one 1-0 game and tv"o by scores of 2-0. ing day on which 23 players in the 83-man field broke par 72 and seven others matched it. Can Casper hold 'em off? The 37-year-old Bonita, Calif., putting whiz who has won 'em all, including two U.S. Open championships, but never has finished better in the Masters in 12 tries th.an his fourth place in 1960, think s he can. "f have always thought I can win here," C~per said quietly as he con- le1nplated the task before hi m. "I regarded my chances pretty much of a question mark on Wednesday," said Casper. "Alter that 66, my game is no longer a question mark. It's here to stay and I hope it laSs for three more days. If I can keep it going, t can win here." Certainly there was nothing in Casper 's first roun6 to hint that he is headed for a disaster like last year when his opening round 68 was followed by a 75. Playing simply to "get it up and doY:n and not to gamble," Casper rattled off six birdies, 12 pars, and nary a single bogey. Playing conservatively to the green, Casper cashed in with what he called "probably my best putting round in a long time." Highlight was a 30-foot putt for his final birdie on the 17th. But, also if the first round is any in- dication, any slipping could be fatal tor Billy's chances. What the stars did to the lush Augusta National course was a cau- tion -213 birdies and two eagles. Nickla us got one or those eagles -on the par-five 15th where he hit a 31$-yard drive, plunked a four-iron on the green 22 feet from the cup, and then rammed home the 22-footer. That put golf's "Golden Bear·• in busin~ss. The tournament favorlte is tinkering slighUy with hls game, ad- justing his hitting somewhat, and says he still has made complere "mental and physical'' adjustment to the change. Devlin, Like Casper, has a second· round memory to banish. He would have won last year's Masters if he had parred the par-four 11th hole on the second round . Instead he took a horrendous eight. And he admits he'll be thinking about that when No. 11 heaves into sight again. Bruce Fleisher. the ~year.old national amateur champion from Hialeah, Fla., was one of seven golfers who had 69s in the first round and defending champion Bob Goal by, the most overl?oked def en· ding champion in many years -even by himself, surprised by placing among four goUers at 70. Tommie Aaron. the unhappy fel\O\\' whose slip of the pencil last year pro- duced the incorrect scorecard that Roberto de Vicenzo signed and thus cost himself a title tic, was arhong eighl golfers at 71. i !{nicks Erase Memory ' By Bouncing Boston NEW YORK (AP) -The Ne\li York Knicks, trying to erase the memory of Wednesday night's debacle, succeeded just the way Walt Fraiier planned it . •·we had to come out swinging," sa id I the star guard of lhe Knick.s. who scored 26 points in New York 's 101·91 victory over Boston Thursday night in their Na· tional BasketbaU AS50Cialion Eastern Division final playoff series. "The big difference of course, wa s our shooting. \Ve had everyone in dO\lble figures." Dave OeBusschere, shut out Wed- nesday night, v.•as particularly salisfied after grabbing 13 rebounds -the Knlcks outrebounded Boston 6-f.45 -and scoring 13 points, four more than he had manag· ed in the first two 1ames. ' the evenlni came Jn the women's 500 '-le· . Quadruple Ol)'Dlpic rok! medalist and amateur athl~ ,Of the year Debbie Me)'er was shocked by teammate Vicky Kins. a plxie-like IDS-pound girl who barely reaches MW Meyer's shoulders. The 16-year-old Miss King stayed with her rival stroke rw ltl'Oke. then won by a couple of inches ln 5:00.6S compared with S:00,70 for Miss Meyer-live o~ hundredths of :. second apart. Miss King said afterward that she wasn't sure she had won the race-even as she walked to the victory stand to get her gold medal. Miss Meyer told the DAILY PILOT, 1'1 didn't hear the gun for the last Jap and wasn't kicking as hard a.a I could tiave. I had a lot left at the finish and I believe that if I'd have beard the gun l could have pulled it out." The two will meet again Sunday in the 1,650. Miss King said her only strategy was to swim all out and hope for the best. She said she had a bad last turn off the wall. The other not.eworthy shocker was in the heats o( the men1s JOO breaststroke. Felipe Munoz, the man who sent all Mex. ico into wild celebration six months ago when he won the Olympic 200 breast· stroke, finished out of the money in the JOO breast. placing 14th oveiall. Janice Allen of Corona de! Mar upset old teammate and bousemate Toni Hew- itt in the 100 butterfly consolation flnals. Miss Allen turned a lifetime best of 59.8'7 to place second while MiS;S Hewitt, an Olympian, was fifth in 1:00.87. Miss Hewitt said she took water three times during the nee and felt dead the last 25 yards. She comes back in the 200 fly Saturday. Kim 1bornton of Corona del Mar swam out of the money in morning heats of the breaststroke, turning a 33.0. In other events Thursday night, Rancho Alamitos High senior Gary Hall snapped the American record in the 200 backstroke. 1be Garden Grove youth did a l :52.0 to erase the previous mark by 2.2 ~s. Susie Atwood got an American mark in the women's 200 back with a 2:07.51 and Brian Job got a U.S. st!lndard in the JOO breaststroke with a 58.11. Other winners for lhe evening were Sharon Wichman (100 breast), 1:07.6; Ellie Daniel (100 ny ), 58.39; Ross Wales (100 fly), 50.5'. Lakers Begin West Playoff • With Atlanta LOS ANGELES (APJ -With three superslars, the Los Angeles Lakers are favored in their National Basketball Association final Western playoffs start- ing tonight at the Forum yet the Hawks have shown great balance. "We're not a big team," said Atlanta Coach Richie Guerin, "but y,·e're fairly slrong." The Lakers' Bill van Breda Kolff added. "I wouldn 't call them a great out- side shooting team. They like to muscle the ball and work inside. "They don't make too n1any mistakes. They won't beat themselves, that's for sure." Jerry West paced the Lakers in scor- ing v.·ith a 31.8 average for six game,, as Los Angeles won four straight to beat San Francisco 4·2 in their opening s e t. Wilt Chamberlain, who joined \Vest and the Lakers' other superstar. Elgin Baylor, this year, hauled dO\•:n 141 re· bounds in that series. Lou Hudson paced the Hawks scoring \Vlth an average of 22.8 in the 4-2 series victory over San Diego but Zelmo Beaty and Bill Bridges weren't far be- hind at 21.0 and 19.3, respectively. Ex-Laker \Valt Hazzard and Joe Cald- \.Vcl l, expected to st.art at the guard spots, had 16.8 and 15.8 averages for the San Diego series. Guerin made some offensive adjust- mettl in the fltial games of the season 10 install a speedier attack and many fig- ured that strategy was aimed at just this series. In height, the Laker front line holds the big advantage over the Hav.·ks. In the adjustment, Hazzard Seel more action to take advantage of his speed and field generalship. Following fonn, the final se ries in the \Vest matches the teams which finished first and second ih the division during the regular season. The top finishing La.kers host the first two gan1es, tonight and Sunday night and then the series moves to Atlanta for the third and fourth games next Tuesday and Friday nights. STOPPED AT THE NET -Oakland goalie Gary Smith had his stick in the right place Thursday night on this scoring attempt by LA Kings' Bill Flett at the Forum. Ha mpson blocked the shot a nd the puck fle\v a\vay from the net. Oakland's Ted Hampson is at right. The Kings won, 4-3, to even the NHL's \Vestcrn playoff series. 200 Attend Funeral Stiles Would Approve Of Last Resting Place INGLE\VOOD -Jack Kent Cooke's sports palace, the Forum, wa s y,·ithin \Valking distance, as was Hollpvood Park race track. And so it seemed fi tting that Maxwell Stiles should be burled in lnglewood Cemetery, near sports centers. tbose two And as you stood at his grave si te Thursday, you knew that if Max could speak, he would approve of his final resting place . It was an especiall.v...peaPT' spot, in a meadow . facing a pOna.-- You also kne"· he'd have appreciated the turnout of 200 who came to pay last respe!!ls to a man who gave 49 years of service to the field of journalism and the reporUrlg of sports. Among those who came to say goodbye to the 67-year-olp writer were prominent !t ., ,.. Gl.El'll'I \llrHlTE ***'•**********"' WHITE WASH *********'*** .... personalities of sports and journalism. Too. there were lesser known figures of those fields. Then there were family friends and relatives. Max would have been grateful to all y,·ho came, regardless of their station in life. He was that kind of man. He was eulogized as a man who spoke his piece , if he felt something had to be said. And he was described as a man or great accuracy -he even once carried the nickname of "factsy Maxie." Yet when he did make an infrequent error he wa s quick to admit it. \.1-·hether privately or in print. . . As you sat in the chapel hstcntng to ''Vaya Coo Dios, La Golandrina and Home Sweet Home ," you realized that there was more than a man in the copper colored casket. Also be ing burled was an era -when a ma n had to learn to ride a bike and serve as a messenger to get his foot in the journalistic door and had to struggle for survival with meager v•ages and few, if any, fringe benefits. For the Jong, thankless hours he toiled. W.:ax Stiles gave his life. But that li!e served a purpose. entertaining. and in- forming many, inOuencing a fev.·. * * * Oat Ward, ez·foolblll coach 111 1he Uni ver11ty of Col(lrado, underwent braip sur1ery ~looday 11 New Orleans and I• sli.11 In extremely critical condilion. Want, &%, was \•acationlng In the Louisiana city with bis wife when be suf- fered a stroli;e and was rushed lo the hospital. Mike Edelstein, former Orange Coast College and Westminster High hurdler, is sparklirig at Cal State (Long Beach) with a 14.6 in the 120 high barriers and a 54.l for the 440 intermediates. Don Neugebauer, ex-Golden West College and Weslml111ler High baseball whiz, Is Siu.ling at Cal State (PuUer10n). He leads the Central Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) "'Ith five triples. He 's seeond In RBl's with %5i, second in total bits witb 3$ and seventh in hitting with a .327 average. Against Orange Coast last yea r he bad a triple, single and home run lo drive in live runs in a 7-0 victory. All-A1nerican Finale Set JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -Amateur Nancy Richey and pro Billie Jean King set up an all-American final Thursday by defeat ing British opponents in the semifinals o( the South African Open Tennis Championshlps. Miss Richey. the No. I ranked amateur in the United States, faltered in the first set and then trounced Virginia Wade in the next two for a l-6. 6-3, 6--0 victory. lt w3s the same for ~frs. King, the top female professional from Long Beach. The California star, seeded first in the tourney. overcame Mrs. Ann Jones, the British pro, ~7. 6-3, 6-0. Billie Jean. hit· ting sharply and accurately, swept lhe last night games. ~1iss Richey also gained the Mmen's doubles final . She and Miss \Vade beat South Africans Pat Walkden and Annette du Plooy, 7-5, 6-4. In a mild upset. Californian Pancho Gonzalez and South African Ray Moore, toppled second-seeded Tom Okker of Holland and Dennis R a I s t o n or Bakersfield. 3-6-6-4 , 1-6, 6-4, 6-4. In another match, South Africans Bob Hewitt and F'rew McMillan downed Australia 's Richard Crealy and Alan Stone, 16-14, 6-4, 6-2. Kings F~rce NHL Playoff To 7 Games LOS ANGELES (AP) -Oakland 's Seals planned a trip (rom Los Angeles to St. Louis but instead it's back to Oakland as the Stanley Cup hockey playoffs with Los Angeles goes the full distance. The Kings evened the count al three games apiece before 7,846 at the Forum Thursday night with a hard fought 4-3 victory . If Oakland had won, the Seals \\'OUld have left imediately for St. Louis to meet the Blues who blanked Philadelphia in their opening set. Now it's the Seals and Kings again Sunday with one of them going to St. Louis Tuesday nighl. "We gave up the game with poor passes ," declared Oakland coach Fred Glover, whose club had whipped Los Angeles 4·1 just the night before. Los Angeles built a 3-1 rirst period lead. lost it as the Seals evened the count before the s t a n z a was over and then \l'ent ahead to stay on Coy,•boy Bill Flett's first goal of the playOffs. It came at 15:12 or the second period, Goalie Gary Smith went down while blocking a Bill 'Vhite slap shot and Flett flipped the puck over hlm into the net. Los Ange les battled defensive ly in the final period and, remarkably, the Seals had only ty,•o shots on goal. Coach Red Kelly of the Kings de c 1 a r e d defensemen White, Brent l1ughes, Dave Amadio and Dale Rolle all played \.\'ell and added the back-to-back games on consecutive nights had helped his club. "'\Ve're young and always seem to play better on the second night.'" he com· mented. "Noy,• the delay until S~nday \\•ill help Oakland.·· That's especially true since c.-enters Bob Dillabough and Mike Laughton must recover from injuries. Top Gymnasts Compete Tonight In UCI Event New York wasted little time, jumping Into a 28-19 first-quarter lead, and Boston never caught up as the Knlcks closed within Z..l Jn the be:$l of-7 series. "We knew we were better than last ' night," said Willis Reed . "\Ve also cot a few of the Boston guys oft tonight. Crowds Small, Halos Still Optimistic The finest collection of American gym. nasts since last summer's Olympic team trials will be on hand at UCl's Crawford Hall tonight. The oocasion is the Wayne Crawford >.tem~ial Gymnaslic!I Meet of Oia.m· pions. SLarting time is 7:30 p.m. and adull tickets priced at S2 wUI be on sale at the door. Student tickets will sell for 11.23. I',. ···v~~I P'lt,..lft TIMlrMtf't ilt .. 11111 11 ......... PM\ .... ,ltwlll """ Ytftl !fl. "°'""' ti. eotlon lftd) Msl.-1·7 .. lft, ).I l"~•Y'I Olll'lt ""~_cw~~ltll ...... ., o\!Wnl• .. U. ~~'J:,;.. _. llf'll4to, '"'In ..... _,, KllN-il!!· ... ~~ttf..t~lfl•ll Htw Yerll It~ Df'lrW.. l"llO.lll ,.tl.ftlt& 11 l..m ~ lttl'f"'.l'!S ~~= kM!ud:' 1». lftditlNI r1r. K.ntw.11, ....i, "',...., -"'-"' .. ~ ,.....,..,.. '"· M-=;2. l10:n11-• luttt tor-et·' -~ J.I .,,..._ DI-HM!! °"'"' '°'· o~i,,.,. 1•. ""'..,.r -~ i.111 ,., f»...:tJ ~~J.i' Or~ lM. H"" Of...._,. i..t1 til'fl T••f~ ••- •• ''""' KlllCl...i.. By EARL GUSTKEY OI tlll DlllY P'llilt ltnn Despite the fact only 17,277 people have 6howed up at Anaheim Stadium for the r.eason'a: first two gJmes, Angel general manager Dick Walsh remains the eternal optimist. "Certainly I'd have lo say I was dlsap- Pointed with our first two crowds (11 ,930 opening night Tuesday and 5,347 Wed- nesday ), althouch I was quite; happy to tee the tllLhful fans who \urned out ~~pite the threat of heavy rain \Vtd· aesday," he ny1. "But until Sob Chanct: stepped up and dro.,.·e in tht1l run for uit, T was afraid they might be gtttlng ready to run us out of town." \Valsh wlll be eyeing the turnstile anx· lousfy tonight whe n the ti1innc.sota Twins visit the Big A for the first of three games O\'Cr the weekend. Old Angel Dean Chance pitches for the Twins against the Angels' George Bruntt. ''Our llcktt depar11ne.nt tells me Ole crowds should pick up for the Minnesot·a series. \Ve're expecting 15.000 Friday, 1 little more Seturday and 20.<KKI to 2$,000 Sunday Rfternoon for our Disneyland pro- motion." Walsh says nothing will curt an 1tehin1 4ale like t winning ball club. "If the club sUrts to play 1ilc:e. it did \Vednesday night. people will con1e sec us play." Unless the Angels come up with a win- ner this year . the club figures to dip 1lJ1g el Slate o\tlf, II ,..m n Mlnrti-.olJ, J:U P·"'-' l(MI'( PIG!. "'"· 1)-Me.11 "" M!Mltoln. n :u '·"'·· ICMPC (110). belOw the million mark In the attendance for the first time. The 1966 figure, the record, \\'ilS t.400.- 311. From there it dipped to 1.317,713 In 1!'67 ~nd still further Ill 1,tm.956 h1.~t ~11snr.. Ton igh t's foe, 1111M~. I.I the pre- ~eason choice to win the A m e r i c a n League's \\'ei;:tern division tlllt. The Angels were 7·11 with the Twins last year but hold an all-lime edge of 72-71. Slugger Harmon Killebrew has hit more hQmt runs against the Angels lhl!n any othtr balSmen with 34. He Is ttcond · In RBI's ",.ilh 77. topped only b)' Detroit's Nonn Cash with 80. Salurday nl1ht '1 pitchers figure lo be. Rudy May for the Angels and Jim Perry for ti!inne.sota. ~tay was extremely in\· prcsslve. in a relief performance Tutsday night against Scattfe. Featured performer tonight '\\'Ill be Dave Thor of P.1k:higan State. 1968 Olym· plan and NCAA champion. Hc·i1 favoffit to defeat the dozen entrants in the decathlon-style competition covering all standard omnastics events. OlhenJ eipt!Cted to bf: on hand are two time NCAA champ Richard Grigsby Japanese Olympk team mcmbtr MinoN Morlsake and Chatsworth HJgh xMation Steve Hug. The event, named for the lal~ UCt at~letic director \\1ayne Cra"·ford. ii bttng held to bc:ncfit the. UCt athl ellc p~ gra m ; ) I ... r .. •. "T" . . . VOL. 62, NO. 87, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES • , . oRAN&E 'CpuNTf::c~FoRNi~:: .. FRIDA¥; APRll Jr, 1~69' Councilmen Won'tDance AtSyn~cate Faced wilh an Jnvitation to rock out at a teen nightspot benefit dance for a Hun· tlngton Beach Negro family whose home ·was lire-bombed. seven city councilmen have politely declined. Gilbert CQvell, owner ol the Syndicate 3000, at 302 Pacific Coast Highway, i! hosting the 8 p.m. to rnidnigh~ dance Sun-· t • • • day as a gesture againsrracial blgotry. 1 The City qouncil approved a resolution condemning such acts of hatred and call· tn1: for respect of civil rights after the in- cident last month. They told Covell, who appeared }.ton· day to give notice of the benefit dance. that their involvement in lhe issue would have to be limited to the official resolu· tion. Any city emissaries in l h c neighborhood of the Syndicate 3000 Sun· day at the benefit gala will likely be lhe customary types who travel by black and whlte sedan instead of midnight blue limousine. "We are ~ked at the council's decision to do nothing," said Covel~ in cOljimGlin( ., lbe lack-Jil,llt.rtst ii al· teodiilc or wppor!ing Ill< flrebombinf bendil . .. •• . ' . . ' . ,I • ~ .. • " ., '~!>••:~ ~\ ' • • • • 4.. . • ' . . ' ' ·-· , . '. . '.-~ . ' . " . . ,.. . \ : - . ' ' -·· I . • '· . . .• ·e·w-·. . .. .. ' . ~ ~' '· "Many of the young ~ 1n the com· muhlty want to make -a liittirj of apology that sucli a racially bil\ited lhinl sllould happen tn their ciiy," Covell a id. "We just wanted to Pft1Ve that this is not a bigoted community," he added. 'w•w~:~~~.: '.fit,~,&~:,:·;~·:;·,.! h •· '1 ::>: · ;· · · · ··,! ... ": ·:, But not.• drop to·iwun IA-That'! !ht !ani~\l!f ~ vi.lt0r to Iii• slllds · ol·p;,llulion irlished down the.Santa Ana River from t"t.ent ni:,a,: · · of Huntington Beach who fillds the .._..,on,~:Out:oM>c11ndsMCJuae ~ . ; Representatives of Ule N a t i o n a 1 Association for the Advancement of Colored People have indicated they will attend the function Sunday if it is held on schedule. No one is quite certain at this juncture whether the victims of the Molotov cocktail attack last month will attend the benefit', apparently themselves included. "We don 't know anything about it," they said when contacted today. Badham Measure On Oil Drilling Passes Committee Special to the Dally Piiot SACRAMENTO -Newport Beaclt AsSemblymari Robert E. Badham's bill compelling lhe slate to notify cities ill ad· vance of proposed onshore oil drlllinC passed its first obstacle Thursday. lt won approval rrom the Assembly's Natural Resources and Conservation Committee. 'l'b• bill, authored by l!adbam and telloW Republican Sen. John Schmitz of Tustin, ne:r:t wlll .10 to the Auembly's Ways arMI Means CmnmiUee where lltUe opposiUon is upected. lladham. ciUng support from LI. Gov. F..d Reinecke, said tbe.)>ill will' have "no lrooble" in becomintl law. Specifically, the-proposed legl1lation woUld compel the State Lands Com- mission to : -Notify coastal agencies 60 days In ad· vance of commission hearings on olfsbore oil exploration applications. -Notify coasta1 agencies 60 days In ad- vance of hearings on tidelands oil lease (drilling) applications. . -Compel prospective lessees to submit detailed plans on subsidence and pollution controls and to include the controls among lease conditions. Reinecke. wbo sits <tO tl)t.L:ansb ~~ ..-n along . with State Controll<r . Coast's ChOtiner . . . Named . to ·Trade Counsel Position Marina Beauties .. . : ' Dominate-Bace · Houston FkKimOy and Finance Dlrector • I • c • • , - Cupar Weinberger, sakl several weeks F . : • Y...•ty' • Q( ' . .i ' ! ' ~ .,. he r.v....i •he notili<ation ideal. or -u .ueen.. - He said "if necedary I waaJd leltlfy in , ••• · ., • • · ·, : • t 1 1 t, favorofAssembtyman.Badham'aBiU." , ... , •• ., ... ~ '!he propoled law Is a direct result ol Wiii !he nn! Mm Runun.tOn ~ 0. · O!wlge Coast protesll over Londa Com· a girl lrom Marini mp -.ii -1ppro•al o! test '°"' drlllinl off Right -that'• • ~ --Eight Newport Beach and San Ooofn. ol tbe nlm ....... la t1a -.,, • '!he Lands Commis!ioc later withdrew Marim .....,... Cid tllt ~.Jtat!IJ Its perml88loo, ll'•nted Jan; 3, to Shell,' 8'....,.., II a ......... ol llai1u. • . ,. ' . ' . Boyc.o.tt Urged -at Harvard 'Practice' Bomb · Scares Firemen . . At Beach Home With smoke pour1!'1 out ol ~·btdroj>f\l ol • .Huntlililon Beacb lalle Tli'1"48Y mCl"lling, a fireman mopping up lnsid~ dl!coverod .• threHoot· Jong millllry ·bomb. He handed Ute ~vice filrOl!gb !he back "window to the waiting ~-ol fjie C)lpt. Don Martin, wbo gin1erly pl'!Ct'f .the charred weapon onto 'a mattrtaa Cut.am the home. Men from the Naval Bomb Disposa l Sq"uad in seal Belch laln detmnined it to ,be an inert MK '1• pridJce bomb, limilar tp 1. non~:iplosl.ve type now bting Uled in the. Vietnam war. Huntington Beach fll'tmen who earlier gathered """'1d the hick yard to bavo a (SOe ftM, Pip II·· ;;~.to,~ co~ t.st.boies oil~. Bui other lfrll 'lllll MY_! a ~to ,._ l.atl!ICies were not"!llifW"lh •l!<I-enter. Appllcttlobo 1111)' l>i •.,bl!>IUod.to '""' o! UiO plana by SIM!d·iitocl iomrli · tbe W'"""''•·~ o('.iht.~'<11' · <Ollabor1ting oil Jiroc1u<er1. , Commerce UMll April lf.-·'iirtp!at' ,,, Except le.-two ~ IDd ""'Une deadline wu today,'bOI h9l>fDa to 1ttract amendments \he bill wu approved ex· more &ir .. the deadline Wu atended. •d!J ar submitted, a spokesman for ·A new Mia Jhmtlactcm 'Btedl wUl ·be Badhmft.ukl. Several 1meodment.1 sug· selected M_,-2 in tht.HunUncton Bea~ gested liy the City ol Seal Beach were High' School audltomnn. Cumnt q....' left intact In the assemblyman'• blll. Ls Mm Je!fyo B~ -· __ ___..__ ___________ _ ., t . .. .. ~,, .... r • ,. I , ~~fl ,,""·~; ' ,.~·· 1 '.' u . . · ,,,. ~ . . ' . --· -· • . ...,. • • TE CENTS ' . s ' 45 Town_s, . . , B~es Hi~. . . ' ~:1 l(ijled . . ' . SAIGON (AP)-Unleashinf Ole belv· test shelling ol Souiti Vietnamese towns and allied ba.les in three . .,..P, the Vlei Cong appeared today to have opened a new an~ more ~iolent phase of its seven- week-old spring orr~. · l '. . Rocket's ·.ind mottan, bK tft thin 45 towns and bases during the night. Tlie heaviest a~cb W'U'ei made on prvria- cial capita On. ~\e sides Of saigoa, Tay Ninh to the northwee:t and Vfnb Long to. the .southwesi~ , · , At least 21 P,ersons werf: killed. 200 were wounded in. the two cities and about 80 otben Were missing in Tay 'Ninh. Some AmeriC&ll! were among \he wOund- ed, but no American deaths were reported. Th~ night's attacks were among ~ most devastating of me offensive whicb b~gan Feb. 2.1 and t~ heaviest shd: the night of March 20-21, when 65 rocket and mortar attacks were reported. During the past three weeks the sbel~ lng had dropped oil to between ID to 20 attacks a night. U.S. military analysts said earlier this week the offensive was in a lull while the enemy recei ved re-. placem~t.s and supplies arter sul~ heavy losses. Bµt lhe AD}erican ex~rts predicted an iocreue 'ln ene111iy:1.ctivlty'lhls.wetk· end and uki moat 1of ... the .. u.w woukl be "by fire," mea~1r rockets and mdttah . , .. f':l' . ' . ·South ·v1e1nameae•.o.r... aald .mo .... than ·100 -· r~ bli oethe markeC ~a -and \'.letnamese olfkonl ~ lao V!Qh LoiJg, I delta clly Ii mila liltbwest cil Saigon. . 1 I ·"1i!laJ •njlOl1a .aalil 15 -....,.. tll!ed and IOI were wounded, includinl 98' Vietnamee:e clvillalll. On the o~r side of. Saigon and c1olle to the C1mbodJan border, mqre than m ~et and mortar roundl slammed into Tay Ninh, blowing up two · ammuni.tka dumps, destroying 100 buildhlp and C!l15ing at }east 101 cudaltiea, offlcills reported. Officials said mucb of the barrage was concentrated in a three-block area containing the provincial government and·mUltary headqµlrlen, a leclol; beOd- quan'ers and the -pdlmd ot the U.S. military advbory team. .... 12 Lifeguards Get Arrest Power l • • I Twelve HunUngton Beach lilealllrds can now be conaiderecf u in offlciaJ put of police Chief John Seltier'a "Sinctmeo.. ·~ Cblel Seltzer officially appointed the·l2 a• special officers to aasl~ in' en. lorcement ol city ordinaoce vtolau-In the harbors and on city "'aches, llvtni them the _. to make mesll. Before iheir appoinlmen11: I h e lifeguards received 17 houri ol claaroom iri:atructlOn on a variety of subjects cover- ing report wrlUng, laws and mei:hanlcs ot arrest. city ordinances, court procedU?el and 'juveoill Jall. . ! A~· tat ~Madminlal<red 1 •t the end ot Ill! --lnatructon were regular members of fhe, Hlllltqtoa BolCb ¥olios ileporlment who hold California vocational teec:bl.n& credentlaJs. · · ' · • J 0r • .,. ft'.ea&Jter , Tlie cl\)Uda. '!'ill, roll aw~. 1bool midmorning saturdjy, pa\oing !he way for a ~ ~ wftkend with temperatuns hl!llnc Ii on the coal! and up to V4 Inland. ' ' IN~mB TODAY OppOlitlcm lo Pr<Jidcnt N~ ot1'1 Saf<f/11Gf'd anUbolliatlc ~ .ftJe i,1Ccm fl becomfno o//W:fol ·D<mocratic P<'rtv policy. Pao• 1. (. • I • I 'f l I I I Wtiwr's ' - . SonMailS ,. ' : Drflf t Card Ttd Hall, IS.year-old IOI\ ol Balboa novdlJt OUk)' Hall, Thunday rerua,.t 1o · be dratted and tumed In his Sdeclivo Servtcocanl. . . Hall, 11, ~ -iJI lo bia dnlt bolnl In Auburn. uylnl that be felt the f,lnlled llalol "II cammlllln& WU crmm Ji Vietnam." : Hall's niotller, now staying at the family's other home in Squaw Valley. llid calmly this morning that the youth',~ Actioas "are his ~ ... he madt it. Hall is a student at UC Irvine. Hll .ae- tion .........i '""'1 his refulal lo apply for I ttudait defft"IDl:Dl SourctS llid Hill told his drift board that "a peaceUme drift violates con- • sUtutional guarantees of life and liberty and the Vldnlm Wu II' illepl and im· moral." Ria cue ls bting reviewed by ~e Aqburn draft boud. Ro!usal lo be 111- ducted Is 1 federal ol!ense which could result iJI a line and Jall term. The youth'• fathtf ii tbe author of "Warlock," ''Cof'PU.' of Joe Balley" and "1be Pleuure Garden." Mrt. Hall said t'oday the entire ~l family expected to move to the Perun- ".!Ula home 1G1netimt next week. 'lbe elder Hill -Uy 11 ltlYIDI In Balboa. . Floating Meeting Policy Slated ' -ol the HIBltlnlfm B<lch l!igli School JMrlct will bold lhetr ..-p It . .....-al hl&h -In -lo tha boon! r-. for the ...,,alnder ol the C\IJ'o iontochoolyev. · Included In tile meetlnB IChedule are . Muina Hi&h School, April 2 2 : ' W-lfllller Hi&h Sdloo!, May fl, and FOW!llln Valley High 5chool, June 24. Ralon (O< the chllll.. is I b I t the · ltuotMI will! lo lmprovo lines ci com- m-on between the dUbict olllces ;· and dliwll In the vark>us puts in tha - Opinion Firm To Advise Beacli Opinion -· • Long, Bead! flml • apoclalblng In publlc opinion and bulinnl aurvryt, hu sulmitted a COit lo the H1l!llhlgtan Beaph Hilh . -.Jt:.°" .~l)',al· call· J>and. . . ACOOl"dlnC lo the llnn, II -.Id COii the diotr!Ct 13,llO for 'the IUl'VO)I, lncludlq 1tallltleal and analytlcal work u well u CIX1IUWDc aervlca. The dlltrlct COOlacted the surveyora earlier UU1 year to· see 1'hen the be1t time for a bond election .would be and bow much lbould be uked for. No action ha• bee. taktll yet bJ'· lhe bolnl of trustee> lo )llrt the Orm. Blast Rips Club At Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA <APf -An ex· plO!ive device ripped the University of California 1t Slnta Barbara faculty club todly, critlcally injuring a maiJM:nlnce man and causing u estimated $1,000 daml ... Dover Sharp, 15, wu aPl)IRlltly trying lo disum the tbned plfoii iuc o1 film' m>ble llquld when It exploded, unl...,ity officials aald. He suffered bunui OVtl' ao percent ol hi• body and ..... under&oinl aurpry 11 a local hospital. University officlalJ could give no ~P poreot motive !or the bombing. The lu( trouble on the campus occurred Jan. S when !lre-bombo ,..,. thrown at RO'IC buildlnp. Ul.llY PiiOT J:•\tri H. Wff4 Prllll~ W ·hW!lllw J••lt a. C•ttft V1c9 ,,_ld9ftt .... O-J MliMIW Th•,,.•• r: .... u ..... Th•m•t A. M•r,hl11• Ma""1111 '"for Alt..rt W. lal•t WUli•M •••4 ,._,.,. ""'""""'" ••d'I ldtl9r (lly l!:dltw Hdtf ......... Offlle JOt lttr. Str••t • M.1n,.. ,..,,,. •• 1 P.O. ••• no, t21•~ --......,. lhMJl1 12'11 .. , ....... ...,.._.. Qlll MtMJ -w..f ... ,,,_ L1M1M ._,.. m ,.... .,..... · C~Ch~ ~reasy .1\fu;rphy a~d · Jlis Wild Y ~rns Certify~~g . <. ... '·. L 0 ~ ~ t • , .. W!QIU!\Ulj) • .... fllt tit'"' .ell JI~ -.. " "flllltad, ~m oil compaNel ~t: • -.,., __ ..,,...,. · ~{Ii_.. Ill, .ii -1 IU flPI draw ..i ever bjaotod drop u M• Bid · B ii.a.-~ ~ In thl• ...... btr .. bet•e<tt • ~I· cof cop& P. IJ.OT . tljell y CIJI al~ i:.li me~ ~~pendent . _·eaten marnlng ~Ith the wildest collecUon of over a golf score or somethin' or what-li~e me n r f a-~"· ctri' U tales you've ever heard begh\nlng •Ith ever " · ''What I wu trym to do wu to 1 the reaction· to a Colu~ Jtem a while , nr'easy heardJhat the fi&ht probably , .Jqn1 s!ant bole from ol' H~~offJ:: bl.ct referring to the wile of Dr. RaJph occuned in Florida but went on to re--LOGBOOK through Newport Beach to .,. .. t .e Bauer, 8Cbool board candidate in HWlt-late bow he hears that &Orne city bigwig pool '!1-:m big companlel w~ IO n:,. m lngton Beach. was just finishing his lunch at a coun· flndln • All ~ can be done rom e. "Those Bauen really 1ot to you, didn't try club when hia top Ueuteaant came , . Makes. me think ~t what thll _eountry they?" be .Jabbed. · wanderin' in after a round or two of know mllCb about any~. 'l'h:e old ~~ 1S •loud dictator, eel.believe~ "You &a.id lh1t golf 01\ 1 nice afternoon. ollml,n haG a few thlngs &o. aay about all tbert.i'• plfmtJ ·of. v~1luateer1 m them oil . Ralph wu. married .. Why lhat cblel· llas so durn mad that those people who want to 'atop oU ~-,com.penlel, )'Q Sif, to Cannie ,wben real-' ~ one of bis finest would be out p)J,yin' golf off the coat, however. Ol' GrealJ' ~ told the alory of the ly he'• married to while supposed to be on duty that be just "Wtll, if there's oil out there you can community rt~ director of a Hun. Charlene. Connie is jumped up a.nd popped him one." bet some oU company's goin' to try and Ungton Beach o,U cc;>mpany and. ~ pro. really married to Well, at that point I stopped Creasy get it. They all say it's just developin' a minent realtor 1ud&111g • beau~1caUon Ron Bauer llld it's becall!e he is not noted for his ability to natural resource, well there's a lot of poster recenUy and after adnlll'l'?g the Darline for Judge keep things straight or to tell the truth, other natural resolll'Ces what should be drawings of the plants Jn the ptctur~, Bauer's wile. but be swears that he heard that the fight developed first. were told the plants really are mar1· ''I'll bet you had a really happened somewhere "I'm really surprised at all these oil juana. heck of a time es:plainin' that to all those "Some of tllle J!eORle ~ claim the fellers. Where I come from the idea is to In ldWtion, the oilman bad to uk why callln," 01' Greuy aid, referring lo goUer really WIS ofl<lul)' and just sort ol drill a few holes and pump them and a studenl woold Include a t>ktur:; ol lbooe aboul'liO ol )'OU who called lo Id! me that hit the deck when the chief looked mad, chuge u high a price u the market will "buulllul apartmenl bulldlnp lo COO· l can't keep my women stralgbt. . but othen claim tbe'cbiet showed bimlelf bear on account there ain't much oil trut a working oll well. T h_e· "And lllOther thing," 01' Greasy saJd, pretty ipry." comJn' out of the eroundt you bow, like ••IPU'bntnta" are the dissuiJed towers 111 ."I bean! the funnleat tale wblle I wu Well, qeln 01' Greaay doesn't really them there dlam!'Jld.Jl<OPI• do In Africa. 1-Beach llarbor. Nil Y ,ft.OT S'9ft ...... SETTING UP SHOP IN NEW FOUNTAIN VALLEY POLICE DEPARtMEN.T. HEADQUARTERS Polic1 Move Into $63,000 Facility, Leave Tempot1ry Home at Fire Departm.nt , Valley Police in New Home IJ'rot1I p .. ., 1 CHOTINER ... upecta of U.S. foreign trade policy, in· cludlna: trade negotiations. The NaUooal ArchiveJ' weekly com- pllatlon of Nb:oa's documents reported earlier this week a HtUe--noticed, one· sent.mce exec:uUve order Nixon signed April I ralsinl the post ol general OOllllSel '""'1 a dvll ltrVlce job paying '30,200 lo • prealdmllal appolntmellt p I y I n B '31,000. The .. port allo Included In lmall type beneath the tut lhll H11lel1c°' "Ex- ecutive Order 11463 was not made public in the form of. a White Home press releue." ChoUner, 59, hu no previous ex· perience in the field of intemational trade, but said he is looking forward to learning 1bout trade agreements. He has been seeking 1 Nixon ad· ministration post since Rep. Rogers C. B. Morton of Maryland, chainnan-duignate of the RepubUcan National Committee, edged hJm out of I lop committee job. CbotiDer had Jet It be known he ex- pected to become aecutlve director of the committee, doing orpnlzation wort while tha -chalnnan made the speechea. But Morton, Nixon's floor manager at the ltll'GOP N1UCil\1l Convention, llid he-would 'not take the corrirnittee chairmanship if Cbotlner waa in 1 com- mand poot. Ethnic Studies Added The president of College Teachers Guild, Jay Zimmerman, has lost an •Po peal to the Orange Coast Junior C011e1e District board to help defray the COit of certifyiiii GUild membenhlp. Zimmerman told OCJCD trustoe• Wednesday CPA certillcation of the nwn· ber Of members will COit tlO to $100. He propooect the guild pay the fll'lt 115 ud the board the rest. However. board member R o b e _r t Humphreys recalled that is was the gwld (Local 1111 of Americ111 Federation ot Teachers} that chose to certlly ~m bership rather than present a list ot members names. 'lbe board asked for such 1 US er certification of numbers so lrusle6 woold know how many college instructors guild officen speak for. . Zimmerman said members of the gwld don 't want their names publictled because they feel it would be an invasion of their privacy. He argued that certification cost is lhe result ol board policy ,and should be partially borne by the junior coll~e district. He said that would be gwld members' idea of a reasonable policy ot recognition required by the California Government Code. But boen:I memben did not see it lhat way . picket line to attend clanes. But classroom attendance in the buildinl ap- peattd lower than nonnal. The crowd of students outside maved from the library to Memorial Church. These three buildings stand around the grassy Centenary Theater, the broad quandrangle whose fourth side bolds University Hall . This is the ad- ministration building from which 200 students were evicted at dawn Thursday by 400 police officers. ' Students entering Sever Hall passed shouting, irate strikers. One student en- tering the building rippt.d away a paper sign thrust at him by 1 picketer. The demonstrators began !o cluster on lhe front step11, narrowing lhe aisle through which those attending classes were forced to walk. Meetrnp """' scheduled throughout the 15,0l»-student university, oldest col- l~ in the ·nation, as criUcl.sm grew of the '1flivenUy'1 Id.ion in calliilg In police to frff University Hall. Shortly before n o on, a chantint, placard-bearing We o! 300 lludenis ,.I.off a march around the inside perimeter of the lllrvud Yud which is llWTOUllded by a brick and iron fence. City officials opened the brand neW Fountain Valley poliet: facility at 10 a.m., today, taking a ~eavy burden off the fire station. At the rllly on the library stepa, a 1tu-(e1tures. were the city halt and the library. A large SACRAMENTO (UPI) _ Sacramento dent told the crowd that the police acUon · "We can ntarly double the size of the community center, currently under C.)n· State C.Ollege officials have decided to was "lhe corporaUon '& move." He ufer- }>()lice personnel had been sharing the fire department's building across the street from Fountain Valley High School. Real activity .started Thursday as poliC!men rolled up their sleeves an~ begin moving equipment Into the new headquarters, the third building to be completed in the civic center complex. Estimated costs for the complete building are $63,000. It conta ins 4,700 ·aquare feet in which to hou.se a 24· ·member -P.Olice department. 1f the pending budget is approved at 'the nerl city council mee ting the depart- mellt will add five more personnel for the ·next year. Administrative A .s s Is tan t Jim Hollywood pointed to the facllity's ex- pansion potenUal as one of ils best building Whef\the need comes up," he ex-struction, is the nert building in line for establish an ethnic stud.Jes program with red lo lhe-Harvaiil eorp., a university plained, "seyeral of the \\'alls are .completion. a staff of. 11 new instructors and JO new governing body. movable, for ,'e'J:pan.sion purposes, a fea· Fire Department personnel will con-courses. The crowd grew to more than 1,0CXI u ture designe4 into the building by civic tinue to UJe their present building. 1be program will beain in the fall. the rally continued. The first two buildings completed In the center archi(~t William E. -Blurock." r-=~~~~~~;;~~~----;i;~---~;9jjjjjjjiiiiijiiijijjj;;;;;;;:-·-------,~ civic center complex at 10200 Slater Ave., Lady Churchill Shows 'Slight Improvement' LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clementine Spencer-Churchill, 84, showed "slight irn- .provemenl" today in bet recovery from a thigh fractured in a fall, doctors at Westminster Hospital said. . Lady Churchill, widow of Sir Winston Churchill, bas b e e n hospitalized since fracturing her thigh in a fall Good Fri- day, just three days after abe became 84. • o.\ll'f ltll.OT Pllltl W l•I lillltllllW,I IN • Pl IN MIMOSA TIU.OW OI -· -DICOIA11D IN CMA1Z WriM • • • 61 ASS SHm.VD AND TWO INTDIOI u.ttn. $799 rrDlllllL, 'All MOST nUSllD -IN FUllCllVlL ----- NEWPORT llACH 1727 Wolle II ff Dr• 642°2050 Of'IN ffflAY 'T1L t ........... , ....... °"''""' AHllalt~~D LAGUllA llACM 345 -c..11 Hwy. °"" NIN. 'f ""' t 49USS1 INERT llOMB FOUND IN BURNING HOUSE Hun.t1"9ton Fire Capt. Martin Checks Pr•ctice Explo1ive !\ . . Saddll'h ack : . .EDITION . . . YO[ 62, NO. 87, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES • New Suit Filed By TOM BARLEY ot• ..... "•" .... Laguna Niguel Corp. today was ac- cused of engineering the ab&Ddooment of Salt Creek Road in a Superior c.ourt com- plaint that further charges the giant laJ>ol. owning company with deliberate evasion or the law. Tbe action filed by attorney Willian1 Wilcoxen, of Laguna Beach, dramatleally reopened a b.assJe that ended two weeks ago with the apparent temporary victory Down t lae Mis sion T1·ail Generation Gap Topic of Youths LAGUNA HILLS -Saddleback College slUdents Bob Yount of Tustin and Susan Killion al Capistrano Highlands will discuss the ''generat~. gap" ~esday noon at a Laguna Hills Kiwarus Club tuocbeon . Kiwanian Harry Alter will introduce the students, who will then answer ques- tions. * e F1111eral Rites Set EL TORO -Funeral services for Mrs. lttaybell C. \Vhisler, civic leader and retired trustee of the former El Toro School District, are scheduled for 1.:30 p.m. Saturday, Mrs. Wbisler, 7j, died Wednesday. . , !\!rs. Whlsier, of~· Qjerry ~.o.,l!l Toro, ~yed to thO-. area with her lat• ·hllsban3, Hiram, 1919. ™ couple owned and operated a ranch whicb pro- duced wheat, beans and barley. 'M)e F?" perty is now a citrus grove and 1s · operated by·son, Elmer Whisler. The El Toro pioneer was a member of the El Toro Women's Club. She served for 12 years on the El T~ro school board. · Mrs. Whisler is survived by her son. Elm.er; a ~ter, Ruth Millikin of Desert Hot Springs; a granddaughter, Carole lVagner of Anaheim and · four great- grandchildren. Services wil.t be at the Smith and Tuthill Mortuary in Santa Ana. lntennent will follo w at El Toro Cemetery. * e ·c 11a1nber o ll F ilm SAN CLEMENTE -. lf Los An_geles .Police Chief Tom Reddin can do it, 80 ·can Chamber of Commei'ce ~tanager Gilbert Essell and his board of directors. Essell says filming arrangem~nts ~~ ~ news presentation of the board 1~1 o~1c11l meeting _ showing purposes and aims of sUch 8 group _ may be ~ade b~ nut month Cable circuit t.elevis1on station ex-ecutiv~ plan to run the. film on Channel 3, reaching about 2,200 viewers here. * e Little Le...... Jtl eets SAii JUA>'i CAf>ISTllANO -A meeting for the parents: of boys playing in the San Juan Caplstrano Utile League will be held tonight at 7:'5 o'cl~t at San JUan Elementary School cafetena. Information about the baseball M:UOD will be given to the .parents, .Tom Davis, League president said. QueStions parents might have will also be all5Wered, he said. of Laguna Niguel. Judie Claude Owens ruled that Wilco"'9 hod not pnxluc<!f suf· ficieot evidence to halt the corpcntioll'a plans to wipe out tbe·road in its develop. ment of a 100-acre area surrounding the right.-of..way. Wllconn was told at tbat time that he would have to back his acUon with some allegaUon of fraud, if the court .were to consider baiting the develQpment. plans of · the fiMn and the Prudential lDluraoce Co. TRADE q)UNSEL Newport's C.hotlner Coast's Chotin er IYt!ID!fd, Y.?~·1~~~ ~lt .. ·~rl) t ..... ~ . ·~ . ..-.... 'f-~H Coripsel Position . ' f B7 EVELYN SHEllWOOD Of ... hllY ,, .. ""' . WASHINGTON -Loog ,ilpecWat.ion over lhe ·role Newport ~ attorney MUrTay M. ChoUner·would Play in the ado miostratio!I ol hit longtlnio pal RI-.! Nixon ii over. The v~an of 38 years br .Jaw begins wort today in a new office at tllOO G. st., as a federal trade negotiator at a quieUy raised salary of ~000 per year. "I'm very p~ and anxiou8 to &el started,'' Chotincf said today. It was anobunced Thursday that Chotiner, squttU!d out of a eopunand post with the Republican N a'1ooal Com-_ rnittee, ,wu. nam~ general coof!ltl far the office YJtl' Ibo rank' ol· ~assador. Trade NeroUaUons. · · . It also,,,.,., announced earl J. Gilbert of 'Dove(, M~ .• wu appointed btad of the ofilce wi( htbe rank of.ambusador. Gilbert, cba1nnan qi the GU!elte Co. U· ecuttve committee, succeeda William M. Roth. The White Howe reported Gilbert's ap- pointment and said the olf1ce will ttmain part of the President's executive office. NiJon recenUy . quashed ·a move to translor it to the Departmenl of ~ ......... Chotlner:s appointment wu announced by Theodore 'R. Gata, """8 head ol the offlce .soperviaiq and,coonlloatlq -a!peCbl ol U.S. fcnip trade pOl!oy, in- cluding ln!de'nopllatlona. , The National 'Ateblv .. • wtek17 cooh-~tion ol "2<>!'• docwneuts '~ .--tbta .week a litt1H1olkal;'..., ........ n*ull .. cinler,;Ntaon llpOd Aprll 1 nlalni'the poel GI s-al-1 1n>m I chi! -J<rb·J!OYlal ..... to (llol QIOl'INEll, ~ I) 1 J ! ,, • ORAN&E COUNTY, ~FORNIA . ' • FRIDAY, APRlt: H, 1969 on .s fi-lt "··creel{ Road Closure ' ,. He did so today, but all'linl ht hit Writ of ma'ndamus that act1oa. alaied at oblit0rat1ni Salt Cnet -.. • rilh~ of-way wu first com.idered by Laguna Niguel, on March 1, 1'61 ·-25 days beforo tHe counti &ull of Supervbora was asked lo ord• Jts abandonment. · He clilms that ' the supqvlsors took their •ctlo\i without being made fully aware li the htVlolate 1talus ol Salt Creek Road '!"' wl~I mumg any prolqed Inquiry htlo the httentlons ol LllUlla Nicatl eacutlves. · 'Ille altomey, act1n( for . Cap!Jlrano 11oY Park and Recreation District and fellow .U-y Michael .C. Sqar, -,.. eoonl1 supervllon -amoac them Alton Allen, who bacl<ed. the aban- donment -with .flllllnf their duty in ordering the ab8ndomnont ol the, tradi- tional ~are .. Whal Lqtina Ni111•l c«, Wilcoxen states, wu a'strctcb ol. land that could have -vallled at much .-. llwl U>e ll m1lll\1n palol for a mnal1er ~ ol ~In the Llfluna -..... And whit the public "aot, Wllco1en addl, •• U>e to.. of a publlc rtat>t-ol-way fn>m Padflc Cout lligbway IO Ille ocean that had been held for m<n 1ban 31 years.• He describel the taklng<>ver by Laguna Nf111el ol Sall Creel: Rood ., a "lift ol. Public )rOperty . ., WUoo... alao oll•<I the lntriauinl araument that Sall Crtek Rood ii Im- • Lagunans Seek Signal For 'Death Crossing' Strikers .. Ask :Boycott At Harvard · CAMjlRIDGE Mw. (AP) .--o ~ta qi, "On strikC:; a>nit it. ciown," rq across Hariarf Yarif today as. an apjianlilty sroWioc -d oM-.i:sn• ~t.~, ... ~ .. ' ~-. .,~·~~· ' m~"!:i~hu"~l•S;;,t: !Jbrarr ~ heard Pl<l\lies tofP.I ,_,...,. ... fn>m Uw Schi>ol "llilid<ntl ~w~ 'Ilic! ot1>en ol the It~ .,:&ois. M°"' than Z,000 peraoioo 'inllled ammd in the . . . . 1 yard ,oo. the · .U. . of ~ bloody polke club. with~1tudeatJ. • Aboot IO pickeli, --by Sludenta for a Deruocraijc: SodetJ, pended in front of Sever llall, oo1y one ol ""°"'·°' bW1diiip the milversfly ..... .John Opposed Rest Room Issue Plagues Laguna With one cOnlroversial municipal o,yould J)e a fairly Spartan edifice that ~ fina\JY nailed down, the ctty of shouldn't block anyooe'a view." tquoa l!Oach -laces a ama1I uprillng After a troublesome b1story, coon-ever .another. dlmen recenUy cleared the Creaceot Bay . Tllil1hne the midenta ol Anita Street restn>ora hurdle. "°' ~ the faclllty. thot Ii .to pro-. ' It had l>ffn l'OUl!nilly opposed by vl)le·~ comjol! at'lhelr beach end. rulde!lta of lhe . area who already lac• 'A ~ ~ the ~m. heavy !Wllllltr beach crowds. The city lipeil,'b)" 211 -·· will lo to coun-eompromhed AINI had ~ bulldJna cllin•n w•~.... . . redesigned ~·sc81ed down·l•colnlbrt.' ·The, coun<Jt ,._uy autboriJed an '!ben there wu a flnanc1a1 prd>l<m. ~?lib ,a\'dl(lcicl «;lorif '~ IO 'lWjce bids c~ Jn a~e. ~UOl)l! ~-£~"' ~~~·~~ .JI.Ji--I I MW *lf I~ Mid., t "~;,~Y~)'ll a .!\!!I Pl' \l!t City M.-...r J ..... ~ ,--C .. ) •u-.,.-l'*'fOl'D llVll • . ' , I" City Gets Tentative Plans F 9,r 'Jack in Box' Eatery Sever llall, cbooel) by SDS u the f0?.1 po1n1 to tat their boJ.cojt; was enlmd Tentativ• planl·for a Jack·ln-'J'he.Box npeatedty by otUdenbl' Jsnerlnc the restaurant at the preaenl location of It cwld be a maximum of 2ft.f'eet high wilh 150 sq~m feet of fronta1e. U the ~ w" 'our-si.ded like a box. each side coWd legally be lil·feel oquar:e. picket line to attend classes. But LICUni.'a Wheel HGUH restam"anl, 1201 s. classroom attemfance ht the bWldfn& ~p. . co¥t ~y , _.,.been 1U1!n!1t1ecf to ~ IQ,w<r than normal. I .,, , ~ • • The1cr6Wll ol ·lludelill': outside mon<1 Cfty,~W\ii<r·,,.~.:_~ _ _: . Ina!> Ille iqnry to·ll~ Cbar,i>·1 ' : ~ljald<tbe ·~1· rea(lerinp 'lbeae)lone bu11Mnla -aroobd I!" . J..'ftir·elty ..ul1*·-Uobw • ~' ol grassy Centenary Thuter, the ~ tenttilve 11111"". " . . quandranlk "'"°" fourth aide "hold• · n;. 164· quulion.-•· IP'bmini jack.Jn-Untvenity , Hall. Tb.is Is the ad-· · ministration butldhti fn>m wblch _, thH>o1 pole 1ip almllar to mea the cor- students wert evicted at dawn 'I1mrlday poratlon uses at other' locations -hu not by 400 police omcen. yet came up ~ny. Autry said. Students entering Sever Hall PJSlfd Howeter. the capability ~or auch a sign Jogally l!llsts wx1er ulating C.Z (com-shoutinf, Irate •lrikm. One aiudent ,.. ercial) ·-•-· al the location. tering the 1'1ildin( ripped away a p1per m ~~ .. aign thrust at' blm by a picketer. The danoastraton bep.n to cluater on the front -· DUl'O"il!J the ahle lhml(h whlCb those attending~ classes were lor<ed to walk. NEW YORK (AP~n., stock mar~t cloled • a fairly even keel today • the trOclln& pace llowed .... tho end. (llee qootatlooil. P-It-JI) . ,,., Oow ,_ bidultrfal ••eras• at I:• p.m. -111! LM al 113.U. Galnl led _by...,alloUllO- Little League Starts P rogram on Saturday . The Nalllioal Ltltlo • League Jlllnor league prol!J'llll beghu! Saturday at t . Lm..at..El,Morro, SChool.for el&ht-year- old tioY• ud bQy1 p« lli the oaJ0r leal"' prQIP'am. Unlfonnl will ~ illued to the minor 1 • .,.. ,.ildplllll. -day .for all &eima.. will .... e, place at. 10 a.m. tJle follawlnc llatunlaY, April It at El Morro. · However, if' 1 bea4,wu1 to iJfOtnlde from .tlte lbft',.thil w~ count on the frOottie·allo;llld the bol<• WO!iltfl!a~t"to . . ' be aomewhat smaller to 1 t a y with the srg.· frontap muilnuin. . Autry said be bu reCeived. ab(>ut 10 ln- qulrles trom residents of the ma con- cerned with e.stbetlCI aince a March %7 DAILY PILOT story 1bout the Wheel House be.lng sold to Jac~-In-The-Box Drive-Thru Cct"pOration. The rdtaurant is owned by Frederick "Party" Cosby, long-time Lagunan, and was noted for Jta aea food fare . Autry uJd >tontrola er1st on .landscap- ing lhe J!l'OPOl;IY ht the lo r .m ol an Arcbltectiiral lAnd UIO Supervialoo com- mJttee that reporlll to the planning com- mlaslon. HOweVei, 1uch review does not t:arzy OV<r to ofgm. The city p1anner said be doobled 11 company officials '"!Uld mort to d!e variance process for their sip. Viejo Lad's Tragedy Spurs· Drive By RICHARD P. NALL Of ... Deltl' '"" Slaff In the wake 0( the tragic cttlU walk death of a Mission Vtejo tad, Laguna Beach residents are petltlOn,hil for ttafUc control signala .., ScMh Coul HJPway at Cleo Streel . 'l'ho .P.'litien ~,~·-.u.. eilJ, wOri (tG convinCe me.i&l.te'~ of =~~lJ&!!!'m ~ ~ hive ·aeen about 30 accidenll la the vlcllQty wJthJn aoe yw:. CoUeeD O'Nejll, JIG\I Terry Rold, an emp1oye of Saddletilct IM; Js One peti- tion circulator. She said she bu aeeo many acddeota at the vicinity. anchnany .......... Mlsl O'Neill Aid she baa already ob- tained about 40 signatures and will lelld petiUon ·circuJators to intereated pel'IClnl if abe 11 called at eMOGL JOIO(lh Sweany, city public wwu dire<tor, Aid he bu altudy _,erncl with state engineers on the need for acf.. ditlonal aignah at both Cleo Street and the Boat Canyoa area. '1A petitiO!l an ._,_ llm!&the!> our case " he said.. o,;,J;i' Aid be""-·~ • '1 c'." · "' YJ:=.: __., 'the ._11 .,,..,,,.de,t....,.m.-o111eavy pecleatrian • traffic bi ' ~ ·ma coupled witb the vehicular traffic. · Generators· ol traffic lnchlite the beach, Taco Bell, KC!iltueky Coble!, ll)'lllc Arla, Albertebn's Mariel, !lie l!lb Lotfae and Saddleback IM. ' The state, Sweany said, hu al(eacfy agreed to a complete UJ!IP'adinB ol lhe •listing signal syatem alq Coul Hlghway. · The new signal system to include amatl computerized traffic IOnalng - (rather than time controls) will lot m. stalled tbta year at a COii ol $171,00!. 11la city wOllld fumiah 111,000 of tbta u. ill share. On the bub ol coolerenca with llate 'nflneers, Sweany said the city would probably hove to P8J1 at 1-1 hoH U>e co.I ol a Cleo stieel tnaJc control \_system. Sweany Aid that traffic 11Pta wouJd heJp but wouldn't solve all Of the Cleo Street probfeml. He nOted 'tbat tralllc in the four lane street mmt move dole to porfoed cars becauae bl(l!way wlcltb ii oo- ly II! le«. * e Cape Set• Fle•t• • SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -."Any scallywag caught on the streets :-1lhout Western or Spanish apparel ~unng . ~e week of April 10-14 will be subJecl to J&ll- tng by Al 'Awful' Jlm~nu and sente~ Jng by 'Hanging Judge John .Luhnow. Students Can't ff,ire Profs . . Autry will make recommend.iuom to the -i>ll!Y on the bull ol U>e pref1m1nary ' deslp. They coold '!hen prnenl complete piano f0< city ln--1Jon, Charlie Brown At Lagu na High Or••te So reads a San Juan Capistrano pm- damaUon for the annual Fiesta de Las Golondrlnas nell Saturday and Sunday. T<> develop the "°""" atmoophere for the n..ta. the folks will don W....,,, duds or tlle, said Sheriff Ji1Df:Dt1. * e Schoolman Ooaore• ~'SAii JUAN C APISTRANO - c.piJlrano Unlfied's Schoob S ~ Pt . Qlar)es F. Kenney baa recttved his se- gond award from the Freedoms Foun- UliOll of VllleJ Forge. - -award is for a 1111 ad- dttu to 4,000 naval ruervbt.s at Los Alamllos on thfl American way ol Hfe. Kennedy ts a ctplalA ln the naval restrvt1. Kt at.so "9fl aJJ. Amerkyln ·Educators t.tedal from the FttedomJ FOundaUon in tts.S. UCI ·Academic Senate · R ejects Plan; .Prt).~st Seen By mom! FOll'l'IJNB • Of .. ,...,., ....... A propdlal to let 811ldebta do their own hirt!!& ol 10 """"' 91 ..... unjvtntty """"""' ..... --"1 defeatod Thur> day by the UC ln!nl .ladeailc -.. 'Ille one-aided facully •• IDll' llllpite .... -proteata. -'d>joctiool to UC l!jrlng and.firinl pracllca-= hul Nomnber -k became · tha1 -J!l!dor ll!'U1IJ ...... had been i.Comniended lor tmnlnallon. The aiucfent lifi1nl' !if li\\!d!Y proposal was only one o( aevt:n on student plrllc!p1Uoa ht• traditional facully ma> ten. ! Of the otberl, -wm ..-.....S llock to comml.ttff for reyjslon Ind thrte were pwed by "-..if majorltJ ii. the 111 pi... • ftslOl'I ~ • \ - A._pprovtd WM tntlwlon of two student members on all ICldtmlc senate atan- ! " ·1 • r · • ' .. f' ~ .. J -. . , • ' ". . Weatller The cloud& wm roll away about mid~ S.Md,.y; f!lvin( the way tor a aunny wteli::end wllh temperatura hlttlnr 'a on the coul and. up to 7t Inland. INS~B WD~Y OpP.,ritlon to l'rorid,.t Nf:t. 01!'1 Safeguard oniiflollbllc mil· rife ~.,,. lo' beoom"'9 of/iclal llmocrotic: portf pollcv. l'o!I• 7. -· .. -. ,_ .... --.. I ~ -:. .. =='1!:' .... ; ._ 1 .. 11 -" ! .-.. ~ 11 ·-. -. -.. ' . ...... --~ --.. --. =~~=· =-::· ·~ = ': ............ --.. .. , ...... . ; ' . '.. .J ... ~}, ,. • ' -" • r ' '. I, ' Praises Thurston Mrs. Adine C. Wright, teacher at John H. Glenn school in San Angelo, Tex., pauses during tour Thurisday by nine Texas educators of La- guna's Thurston Intermediate School. Mrs. Wright and other Texans said Thurston's fierible computer scheduling system is known to and admired by educators in their &late. FnHll Page 1 SALT CREEK LAWSUIT ••• terut ln Salt Creek Road 1teml from its acquis!Uon on March I, lllM, of a leasehold interest on land dispersed througl\, the will of mlllionairess Ednah Capron. Plana were then made with PrudenUal Life Insurance, for ·the development of the area between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point int.o a modernistic complex which will ac- com{llOClate several thousand resident.I. Wilcoxen ukl the court to immediately haJt any further progre.u by Laguna Niguel towards development of the area Fl'OM P .. e 1 CHOTINER •.• a prealdcnUal appoin~ent p a y I n g '38,IJ!lll. The report also included jn ~ type beneath the text this 191!ence:_ "EI• ecuUve Order 11411 waa not madt pubUc 1n &he form ol a White HOUR pnas release." ChoUner. 59, hai no previoU! ex- perience in t~ lit!~ cf internaUonal trade, but sald he ta looking forward to learning about trade qreements. He has been •kine a Nixon ad- ministration pool lince Rep. R<l(er1 C. B. Mortoo of Maryland. chairman-dealgnate of the Republican NaUonal Committee, edged hJm out of a top committee job. Chotiner had let it be known he e:r· pxted to become executive director ol the committee, doin1 or1anlza.Uon work while the new chairman made the gpeeches. But Morton, Nl:xon's floor manager at the 1968 GOP NaUonal Convention, Wd he would not take the committee chairmanship if Chotlner wu in a com- mand posl Widow Recovering LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clementine Spencer-Churchill, 14, showed "1ltght im· provemenl" today in her recovery from a f.hlgh fractured in a fall, doctors at ,WestminSter Hospital sa.ld. OhllY PltOT OMNGI COAIT P'UIL .. MIMG COM,ANV l•'-t N. W"4 ,,. ........ """"'*' J•ck lk. Ciirl•Y Viet ,, • ..,, tM CkoMt .. MMllJW n .... ,, 1<""" ..... lh•111•1 A. Mlirplii11• Mtl'IMll'ltl ·~lltlr •i ch•~ P. N•ll L-9 hKf'I CtfY lfltor ---222 f•1•1t A••· Mtill"t Ad4rtt11 ,,0 . It• 661, t26f2 --C•t• Ml.111 m Wiit In' 1""1 """'°" ... d'll tt1 I W.t ... lkr.i....,.. Hl#llllflltefl IMcfl I • "" ...... in quest.ion. He asks for an April 24 hear· ing on the issue. NULLIFY ' ACflON . If granted, Wilco:ren's petition will lemporarily nullify the tentative trad map recently approved by the Orqe County Planning Commission and ap· proval would again nullify the county's abandonment of Salt Creek Road . Laguna Niguel Corp. lawyers have argu~ at hearings before Judge Owens that the absence of the right-of-way from county plans indicated that it had always been undisturbed, that the road did not exist u a public entity. Wllcoxen's arrument is that the road became a public enUty when It was deed· ed to the county by the It.Ile In 1933. Leary Indicted On Pot Charge; DA Seeks More District attorney's deputies today said they hoped to have Dr. Ti~thy Leary and his family in Superior Court on drug charRel "late next week, Jl'.OSSibly Thurs. day." Obviously delighted with the Orange County Grand Jury indictment the office has been pushing for, deputies are now concerried with getting the LSD cultist and his wife and son into court "as soon as possible." Endoned by the Grand Jury Thursday were char1es of posses!llon of marijuana against Leary, 49, hiJ wlfe, Rosemary, 33, and his son, John Bu.sh, 19. Mrs. Leary and Leary's son also face charges of po.!Se8Sion of LSD. Deputy District Attorney Everett Dickey CDnflnned Thursday that hil of. lice had become impatient wlttt "ex· tensive delays" at the municipal court level and sought the grand jury in· diclment as a means of "1etUn1 some action" against the Leary trio. The Leary file has been held by the lower court.a for more than three months, Dickey noted. There have been frequent postponements of their Preliminary hear· ing in Laguna Bt!ach Munii:lpal court sinct their arrest last Dec. 26. Laguna Beach police arrested the Leary family and con!I..:ated what they claim WU 10 ouncis of marijuana and 40 LSD caJ55U1es from the famlly 's battered ptaUon wagon. That arrest has bttn described by the founder ol lhe League ol Spiritual Develapment (LSD) as "an ei:ample of continued police provocation and bar· assment." The former Harvard cllnial psychologist contends his car was legally parked at the time of arrest and of Heers had no authority to delaln hlmlelf or bis family. The trid'js free on $2,500 ball each. The grand Jury indtcunent llsted their present address as Star Route A, Mountain Center, Riverside County. Laguna Urges Spring Cleanup b: your lhnlbbery over11fJwn from the rain? Are your weeds unabated? Hlvt pocktll of tr•sh collected In the(.,..,.! Thll would be 1 good weHend for 11prina clllnup In Lo""" Beach. 1hl city ll making Ha aMull 1prlng of. fer to cart away unlimited quanttUes of lubbl!h durin1 the coming week pro- Yldlnc the bundles «11form to alu and welpt 1peclncattons, Truh will be coll<C1«1 at the ngular tubbtlh coUection times. Weight Umlt., an to pounds per container. Dimensional tlmlt of bundle• Js two-by-one-by.four feet. -~-...... ---- • ' . ~-~-~ • A Little Bull : About Ei Toro's Store • • ' .-......... . D.t{l,1 :'1'itt.: .,. .. Toro'• cnenil Sim_, a countt1 landmark, lodoy ..., doomtd by · a land 1dtvtloptr'1 hoU3ina proj· ect.'" That ii-the tact; thit ii tht fable. Tho old man 1.!.ed huv!IY on bil cane. It ooll1paed. J oae del Fue10 slowly picked him· self up from the ground. >.. be did so, he brushed uide a tear. 'lbe tear WU trick· ling from bis good eye. It threatened, thought Joae, to ... gull the gnal, Pep- ito, who WU mortni fitfully on Jote'I right check. Unloriunately, JOH'• bond not only brushed aslde the tW. It aiao crushed Pepito. Red Shelling May Herald New Offensive ' ' ' J9 t1111 Ml•· n -jull u wtl1 • lcr tm,.a -.bid enough foe JOit do1 ., ~ hi1b," .~d ;,.., "they art clos-'. PILO'J lnJ In OD qie 'onnat tr<fl. ------------"No, I mun.the bouW they are cJoo. In& ln OD the hllla ... He stared aadly with .his good eye at tbe El T<l'O General Store. Jose had lo>"'11 aood )Imes there. "Bui !be, 11«t," said J-to a perky DAILY PILOT girl reporter, "she is going. The windows they are broken, the roof sbe leaks. El Toro Henen.I Store will &OOD be m more." Jote see{Md to speak the truth. At lhat moment, the ground shoot. The earth parted. Orange treta collape<d. The girl reporter dropped her pad and pencil. Her ganny gllWt,cl fell olf. Bart J. Progresa, founder~wne:r of ProgreSI Land Dtvelopment, Jnc., had arrived. He was · behind the wheel of a %50,000-ton bulldozer. American Flap flew from the sidtl of th• KJgantlc rig. On Ill front and back wu puted tlle slogan, "Support Your LOGBOOK Local Police." ProlJ'MI, mortfng, aaw Jose. The old man wu again on his hands and knees. Thia time be was helping the girl reporter find ber pad, pencil and granny glalSes. 'l'bey Wert in the roadway between the bulldozer and the El Toro General Store. · Progresa accelerated the machine's vut black engine. "Make way," he . roared, ''Io r Ptosreu!" "Carramba!" said Jose, rising. "We are standing 1n the way of Progress!" The girl reporter by now bad found her sranny glasaes. She quickly 1lipped them on. She was unaware that both lenset had popped oul. League of Cities Okays Airport Land Vse Board The Orange County League of CiUes by member Airport Noi&e Abatement Com· SAIGON (AP)-Unleashing the heav· an 18 to 3 vote went on record Thursday m.Jttee. ~ory drew the aUenUon of lest shelling of South Vietnamese towns in favor of a seven-member Airport Land Newport oliiclala to a new state law and allied bases in three weeks, the Viet Use Commission to replace the present . permttUnc auch a commlaslon. Cong appeartd today to have opened a cowrty Airport Commission. · The land UH commiuion, as outlined by new and more violent phase of its seven· Newport Beach officials Jed the move state law, would have two members ap. to set up the new county •i"""rt body potn~-' """' tft.. .......,"ly n--~ of week-old spring olfeneive. -..... _. .,, .. .,. .......... P\Hl.lu arguing that cities affected by .. i---ws, Su--'-two by ci'tles bordering Rocke'-,--• --•--"t -·-than 15 ~ """ .,-·-·· . ~ ~N ·--• ~ -·· partlcularly thole Ulllig jel alrcrllt, atrpoN, two by public airports and a towns and b11e1 during the night. The should have a larger voice in airport seventh by the other 1iJ: members. heaviest attacks were made on provin· operations. Leap President Dean Shull Jr. said cial capitals on oppo!lite 1ides of Saigon, Establishment of an airport land use the propoaal would be forwarded to the Tay Nlnh to the northwest and Vinh commtsakm was originally suggested last BolJ'.d Of S\ipervilora. Long to the 111Jthwest. July by Newport Beacb atrcrlft noise foe Severil weeb ago the present DvHnan At least 21 persons were killed, 200 Dan Emory, chairman of the 2,30Q.. airport commlsalon, appointed by county were wounded in the two cities and about supervllora, went on record u oppoiiing 80 othen were mJsslng in Tay Ninh. Bl Ri Club the land use group, They contended that Some Americans were among ~wound-ast ps land use problems around airports are ed, but no American death!: 'ftfe already <:1>ntrolled. reported. The night'• attacks were 'm<>lll the At Santa Barbara The 1eague representativ•• •'" ... mort devaatating of die offmalve which dorsed a move by the supervisors to ask ~gan Feb. 2.1 and the heaviest alnce the state Legislature for a ln.ttnt in· the ntght of March 20-21, when 65 rocket SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An ex· crease in the Orange County Flood Con- and mortar attacks were rtported. plosive device ripped the Unlver1lty of trol District tax limit. During the put three ,,eeb the shell· California at Santa Barbara faculty c1ub However, the league resolution differs Ing had dropped off to between 10 tO 20 today, critically injuring a maintenance from the supervisors' proposal in that the attacb a nl&bl U.S. mllltary uazym man and ca.using an estimated $1,000 increase would terminate completely at said earlier this week the offemlve wu damage. the end of three years. The supervisors in a lull while the enemy received re-Dover Sharp, 55, wu apparertly trying propose that, alter the three year period, placemenll and suppllea after lllflerln( to dbann the timed 1allon jug of flam-a 5-ceot Iner..., In the pr"'"t Dood con- heavy Io&ae.s. mable liquid when it eqloded, unlvenlty trot district »cent rate to be conUnued But the American e:xperts predlcted olficlals said. He IUffertd burns ovtr 80 indefinitely. an increue in enemy activity lhis 'Mk· percent of h1s body ~ '!''' undergolna The county league also paued re!Olu· end and said moat ol the attacb would surgery at a local bolpita.J. tions calling for the full-Ume staffing of Ile "by fire," meaning rockets and University officials could give no ap-the Local Agency Formation Commission -. • J. • ... Do~not~f11t, 01lt man,• She uld to Jose. "I wlH ~ you." ' She reached down, groped about and picked up an ar,ange that had .dropped from one tJ.. the collapslng trees. She hurled it mightily. "Ouch! You hit me in my good eye," said J0ee. · Progreae:, witnessing lhe scene, cackled hyatertcallf . He 1 .. t control ol himsell. And, •haldng with mirth, he twnbled forward from his seat and into Uie path of the bulldozer. Driverless, the huge rig rumbled over the lau1hing form. The bulldoaer's engine then sputtered, wheezed, coughed twice and died. So did Progrw. "You might even say," aaid the girl reporter u she removed an orance seed from J05e'1 eye, "that Progress has ground to a haH." "El Toro Heneral Store," said the old man, "she is saved." And a joyful tear fell from Jose del Fuego's eye. So did another orange seed. From Pare 1 UCI FLAP ... opt.ion of requeating review by a student committee. At one point, Dean or the College of Medicine \Varren Bostick said, "These decisions affect the careers of faculty members. The student is a passerby who dpesn't begin to have as much at risk." "Nothing at risk," retorted Ml&s Nelson. "I might point out we're ri.!lking education. All you are risking is money." SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES Associate Professor of Psycholdgy John Wallace warned, "We can expect seriOUJ consequences when we extend the facade and illusion of power to students (but don't give them any real power)." Bostick also argued that university regents have given academic senates greater and greater responsiblllUes over the years and if facultie1 abrogate lheir responsibility it could cause "very, very seriO'JS repercussions." "Dean Bostick's argument is heard whenever extension of suffrage is Wlder discuMlon," said Assistant ProfeSIOr of PoliUcal Science Dean Neubauer. The special committee on • student partlcipaUon was formed a month ago as a peace move following a faculty breach over the question or reconsidering the fir· lngs of assistant professors of English Stephen Shapiro and Donald Brannan. The case of a lhlrd faculty member rec· ommended for te.nnination, a.s11stant !tiSf.ory professor George Kent, 1s pend· mg. Ethnic Studies Added mortars. pareni motivt for the bombing. '!be Ju( (LAFC) and for legislation which would South Vietnamese sources said more trouble on the campus occutTed Jan. 5 authorize the LAFC to initiate annexation SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Sacramento than 100 mortar rounds bit the market when fire-bomb.• were thrown at ROTC of unincorporated !!lands completely sur· State College officials have decided to pla"ct, a· Prlson and Vietnamese offlcera' buildings. rounded by cities. establiah an ethnic studies program with mess iD Vinh Long, a delta city 15 miles Today's blast occurred about ll:IO a.m. The teulon was attended by 52: officials a ataff of 11 new instructors and 30 new southwest of Salann. near large glass doors in the faculty club from 13 of the 25 inrorporated cities in couraes. Initial reports 0 ;id 15 persons were i--patio-· :;aec;tioo;. ;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;thmeiiicouiillinOil~r ·iilliiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9ijiiii1;;;;;Tbe;;;~pr·o~gr;am;;;~w·lll·be·g~ln-ln;the;;;fa:ll~. _ killed ·and 106 were wounded; includ.ltll II Vietnamele civilians. On the other side of Saiion and clooe to the Cambodian border, more than m rocket and mortar roundl 1lammtd into Tay Ninh, blowing up two ammunition duuil", destroyinf 100 bulldinp ud CIUlllll al leut IOI cuualtits, offlclal:r r.ported. Officials said much of the barr1ge \Vas concentrated in a three-block area containlnl the provinclaI 1overnment ond mtlltary heaaquarten, a aector bead- quarien and the compowid of the U.S. military advisory team. Capo to Study Spur Railroad Line to , Viejo . A committee to atudy a propooed private spur rallrold line nmn1nc trcm mJd-San Juan Clplatrano . to 1 Bind deposit Oii the Mllalon Vl<jo llancb wW be "lecled Mond01 by the city c:ounctl. ,Mayor FA Qermak ordered the ttem placed on the agendo . Prevloualy, the rouncll hu met in formal study seulon to consider the controverslal 3.5 mile line. The spur would be bUJit for an esttinated ll00,000 by the OWent.llllnoll Company, which _provtd~ 1.Uica sand to glass manufacturing companies. The line, to be used by one train of 15 to 20 cars daUy, wou.Jd croiS three major San Juan CapiastrlllO llreeta: -Camino capist:rano, Ganado Road, and San Juan Creek Road. Concern 1-been voiced over lhe .,slheUc Pl"bleml of the line, potential danpr to children and trlfllc caopat1oo. Pr<ponenll 11r the line could open city 1re1.s to lnduatrilt development and would belp lroaden the tu bue ol the cJ. ty. However, the und mlnln( will nol be wtthln the city and no tu bt1Mllt will a<> c:rut """' ti, •ccordlllc to clty ofllcJall. Company repmootaUv• uy that U the apur line b not pmnltled, 40 truck- lolda ol llDd would bt Cl!Tled throu&b the city dally. Anti-cigarette JUarch ST. llELENA, Calli. (UPI) -A thou51nd n<J!MlllOktn& atudenll and faculty memben of P1clOc union Colteae •llged 1 nJne.mlle mll'Ch and rally Thursday lo prot"t akalnot clpntt••· flNl$Hlll IN MIMOSA nu.ow OI --• IWU> PICOIA TED IN CHAU[ Wlfl1I ••• GLASS SHll.ftS All1I TWO INllltlOI l.MHTS. $799 IT DlllXIL. ntl MOST TIUSllD llAMI DI fUUITUIL _ EXCLUSIVI DIALERS l'OR: HEN RIDON -DRIXEL -HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO IHTUEST-LONGER TUMS AVAii.AiLE OH APPROVED CREDIT 7N1., '"' INTDIOIS NIWPOn llAOf PNf111l1nel lntwt« LAGUNA IEACH 1727 W-ff Dr. 6'2-alO Dool••• )45 ""111 C-Hwy. 494-6551 --· 'M • Annollla A-ID -,.,.., 'Ill , ..... T• flw .._ fll o...,t C...,. M .. 1JIJ - • I ' 1 I I • I t • l t • - I ' -~-- • .. ' ' <?ltA~&E 'f;(,14.Nff;, ~U~RN~ _ • ' . I FRIDAY, APRIC1 ·ir, 1969 TEN C&ITS ' ·, . . ' . ' New Suit Filed :ori ·-·Salt ·c ·r.eek Road Closu,re . . _, __ ._ By TOM BARLEY OI tllt 0.llY f'li.t ll•rf Laguna Niguel Corp. today was ac· rused of engineering the abandonment of Bait Creek Road in a Superior Court com· JJlaint that further charges the giant land· O\Ynlng company with deliberate evasion or the law. The action Jiled by attorney William Wilcoxen .• of Laguna Beach, dramatically reopened a hassle that ~ed two weeks ago with the apparent. temporary victory Down the Mission Trail Ge neration Gap Topic of Yo uths LAGUNA HILLS -Saddleback College iludents Bob Yowit of Tustin and Susan Killion of Capistrano Highlands will jiscuss the "generation gap" Tuesday ilOOn at a Laguna Hills Kiwanis Club luncheon. Kiwanian Harry Alter will Introduce :he students, who will then answer ques· lions. * 1· F une ral R ites Set EL TORO -Funeral services tor 1'-1.rs. Ray bell C. \Vhisler, civic leader and :etired trustee of the former El Toro )cbool District, are scheduled for l :30 p.m. Saturday, Mrs. Whisler, 76, died IVednesday. Mrs. Whisler, of 23!0 Cherry AYe., El roro. moved to the El Toro area with her iate husband, Hiram, in 1919. 'lbe couple 1wned and <>perated a ranch which pro- iuced wheat, beans and barley. The pr~ perty is now a citrus grove and 1s tperated by son, Elmer Whisler·. The El Toro pioneer was a member or the El Toro Women's Club. She served for 12 years on the El Toro school board. Mrs. Whisler is survived by her son, Elmer : a sister, Ruth Millikin of Desert Hot Springs; a granddaughter, Carole Wagner, of Anaheim and four great- grandchildren. Services will be at the smith and Tuthill Mortuary In Santa Ana. Interment will follow at El Toro Cemetery. * I Claa mbe r 0 11. F lin• SAN CLEMENTE -Ir t.os Angeles Police Chief Tom Reddin can do it, so can Chamber or Commerce ~anager Gilbert Essen and his board <>f direct.ors. Es9ell says filming arrangem~ts ~o: a ntws presentation of the board 1n off1c1al meeting _ showing purposes and aims of :i;uch a group _ ~ay be. 1!1ade by next month. Cable circuit telev1s1on statio.,n ~x~ ecutives plan to run the. film on Channel 3, reaching about 2,200 viewers here. * . 1 Lltlle Leag•e ltl eet•, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -'A meeting for the parents of boys ,i.ylnt; in the San Juan Cipistrano Little Lea'°'." will be held tonight at 7:U o'clock at San Juan Elementary School cafeteria. Infonnation about the baseball sea~n will be given to lhe .Parents, .Tom Dav1s, League president said. Questions parents might have will also be answered, be said. of· Laguna Niguel. Judie Claude Owens ruled thl\ Wilcoxen had not produced sut· ficlent evidence to ~lt ttie corporation11 plans to wipe out the road Jn its develop- m_ent of a 100-acre area surroundfn& the right-of-way. Wilcoxen was told at lbai time that be would have to ~ck his action with ~ allegation of fraud, if the court were to consider baiting the development plans of ~ firm and the ,PrudeDtlal Insurance TRADE COUNSEL Newpo rt's Chotlntr > • Cou1isel Po~ition By EVELYN SHERWOOD ot. ""' o.llF ,.1111 ...... WASHING TON -Long _.,1ation <>ver the role Newport Beach attorney Murray M. Cbotiner would play in the ad· minstration or bis longtime pal Richard Nixon is over. The veteran of 38 years in law begins work today in a new offtce ai ID G. SL, as a federal trade negotiator at, a quietly raised salary of $36,000 per year. "I'm very pleased ahd amiou.s to get started," Chotiner said today. It was announced Thursday that Chotiner, squeezed out of i 1command post with the Republican Natloool Com- mittee, was named general C(!Ul for the office with the rank. or ambassador. Trade Negotlatiolll. It also WU ,atlJl(lllllCed Carl J, Gilberl of Dover, Mau., waa: appointed head of tht office wit bthe rank of amb11sador. Gllber1, cbairmu of the GW.U. Co. ex- ecutive committee, succeeds William M, l!oth. The White House repcrt.ed Gilbert's ap. pointment and said the office;WiU remain part of the President's e~ecuuve offJce. Nixon recently quasbed a move to transfer it to the Department of Com· merce. \ .f, I iplj1llrJ IDto Ille lnttnllonl r1 Lquna !lljpael aocullves. ·. 'J1>t '•!lomeY, ·~ for Cap!Jtrano. Bn Put and Recmtlon Dlatrlct and fellow ~ Michael C. Sa1ar, · dal&"" ,county auperviaara -._ them Allon Alleil, wlio boclted tbe •bu- dciomeot -. with falling · ltielr duty ·in ordering the ·--" tbe lrodl· tloool thciroUibf11re. • · · . Wllat , Loiuno .NICUtl rot. Wllcoxen' slalel, WU a lllrdch rl find that could ' have been valued at much more than the mune from abanclonrnd 1woceeiUnp by IS inlJllOn palil for • amaller aOc\!oo of Ill statui aa tldelandll. He -!hit II shoreline in tbe Lquna l)each ...... qualillea for lhia addltloaal proledloa And what tbe public rot. Wilcoxen ' since It is clearly influenc:od by Podflc adda, was tbe 1,.. oh public r!IJ>t-of-way Ocean tides. from Paclf~ Cout Highway to the:'ocean In any event, tht attorney argues, tUs that bod been held for more than 36 Ing over of the thoroughfare by '- yean. He delcribes tbe taklng4.er by N irueJ is a direct violltion rl tbe pro- 1-Niloel of ~R Cftek Road u • tection ' of public rtcJ>ts-ol·WllJ • I "i/11 r1 public property." declared in the stai. Conltitotlon. Wllcoxen also Olfers the WrlsuJng He alleges that LquM Nlpe1'1 tn- &rlUID'llt that Salt Cftek l,\oad .ii in> (S.0 SALT ClUIU, PICO I) Lagunans Seek Signal For 'Death Crossing' . Strikers John Opposed Viejo Lad's Tragedy Ask Boycott At ffjir:vard Rest Room Issue Plngues Laguna ".40 • i Wllh one controveraW munk:ipal restroom flully nailed down, tbe City of Laguna BeMitl now faoea a anall uprilin& over another. Thia ·thnt'tbe resldenu r1 Anit. sar.et ""' ~ lbe' llCjltty that Ii lo ..... vldepubllc """1l<lft at their budl end. C• .. aruooD·•-11 •1.a1 .. "'--J A ·JJtlltton ir-inl Ille ·r-, · ~ • ';'"5 " ... ~_,-...__w, •~''-'JO•'..on.N will 1o·tli ·-"Ott,'l!f!k0 ·11i!!':.l\~('<r~ ..-,., <-7·7 .' '.,·, .. ' ~:¥~-.~· .I • • ' I • . •. ly lilliQjM,.._ rr;wm; nut11bir''rl' lludlliu wiid, • I iol;ilioid With. tect 'Cbrli Ai>CJ lo ~=··~~at!~·.-;· ~~~~·' ' ~= ... "'!!'.,...,, l ,· ~· · :n-.ts ~lf'!iii I fl'.!i!'o 1114 A '.fm ~-~; '. Oil;' MWaw 3 !'· WbWoo. "II would be a fairly Spartan edifice that shouldn't b)ock anyone's view." After a troubleaome biltory, coun- cilmen recenUy cleared Ute Crescent Bay l'fStroonl hurdle. It bad been rouslnaly opposed by rtsidenta of the ·area Who already face heavy summer beach crowdl. The city -PfOll111ed and bad tbe bllUdinS redulanl<f. -"a led down la·l"!l'f!'!l'- 1' ,,_~fiid,~u --~·~, 'l'wice Mdl: Cllle In <tliOve ;~~ and"!" rejeded. (}<w"""bM! fut. week . qreecl on • -.c:tbr mld R lbeft woulil· '° a 1111 cin Ute tblroom ·frollL . heard, W IO • .._llrlk, Jnllft• • I ' " ~ School ' ' dalp---aild : ' :"1.:.u;.:.~:i:=".,~ Ci"7. 'Gets T. entative Pl~.ns yard on the •ii• of 'ill"' bloody'JfDllet . ., J clllh with •tude/119· · · · · ' · ' · About eo picietl, orcaOitecl by 8tUctolill F 'J k • n· ' E ' for a ~ Society, paraded in ' ' or .ae. ' in ox atery -" Sevlr Holl. only' ... " -., bul~ the UDIV<l'lly bu. ' ': Sevii Holl, choieo by SllS u the t.Oal Point lo tOit 'tl>elt lioyCiiaa, ..... ·-repeatedly by studoota ''-'"I , tbe picket llnt lo atteod •~-1lut ctauroom. attendance in the h1ncunc1• ~-l ' ,, pearoct, • ...,.. "'!"" ' ,, ,. ~ The i>rori fll -CIUlalao•'!"'-td 1rom tbO library to'M-1>! C1lurdl. .' Theoe -bulldinp stand -life f!T'USl' Centenary Tbuter, Ille ·~ quandrlnl)e whose fourth aide "'1lds University Hall. This ia the lld· ministration buildinl fnlm which ~ atudents were evicted at dawn nua.q.y by 100 .police ottJcer1. , Studtnts entering Stver Hall pallid shouting, Irate strikers. One student en- tering t~e lNilding ripped •way a paper lip ·thnilt at him' by a picketer: Ttie t,:;n:;~~1:r;1: :..= Little' LeagueSts,trts wl1lc:b ~ ' lll<Ddlng ·-~ 1_.i 1o nlk. · Progra pi .on Saturd1,1y .. ' It could be a maximum of 15-leet hilh· with 150 aquare feet of froo ..... II the llcn wa fOUMlded lite a box, each side could lefally be siI~eet oquare. : ffQWeVer,, if I head WU' to protrude '""" tbe biu, th/a wotlld count on the frontage also. and the box would have to be somewhat smaDer to 1 t a y with the aign frontage maximum. Autry oal<I be hU received about 10 in- qulrtes from · residents ot· the uea con- cerned wUh esthet1cl since a Marth rt DAILY PILOI' story •liout tbe Wheel' House beiii& aold to Jack-In-tbe-Box Vrlve-'J'hru eo.porauon. The restaurant ii owned by Frederick "Parky" Cosby, long-time Lagunan, and wu.notecf for tts sea food fare. Spurs Drive By RICHARD P. NALL Of ... Del" ,.,..,. "'" In the wake of the traaic cross walk death of a M.laslon Viejo lad, Laguna Boo~ ~l!lenll are iielltiel\lnl lo.r plllc Ctjntrol ~gnala on SOoth' Coall HJPway at Cleo Street. 8 ~ " ' The ,eri\lon 11lty .J>olllei' -"" .... wort'·td ~ ~Stai. -~· ~ thlli ·tiiuli 'fllbla .... --at the busy intersectiln. -• There have been about XI accidents tn the vlclnlty within one year. Colleen O'Nelll, 2965\1 Terry Road, •n employe of Saddleback Inn, is one peti- tJon clrcu1ator. She . aaid she hu seen many accidents at· the Vicinity and maDY. near misses. Mlsa O'Neill said 1he has •lready ob- tained aboot 40 1lgnatute1 and will lelld peUUon circulaton lo inlfmled person1 if sbe, Is call<d at UHbll!. · JOseph Sweany, city public works director, said he hat already conferred with st.ate enginfers on the need for ff. ditional signals at both Cleo Street Ud the Boat Canyon .area. "A petition can 6nly llliengtlien our case," ·he said. Sweany '11Jd he tJioucbt the signals are needed because or heavy pedestrian traffic In the area coupled with the vehicular traffic. Generators of lnffic include the beach, Taco &ll, Kentucky ColoneJ, MJIUc Aris, Alberllon's Market, the Elb Lodp and Saddleback Inn. The state, Sweany said, has already agreed to a complete upgrading of the ~xilting stanal system alona: COut Highway. ' The new ~IJDB I system to include small computer~ traffic sen.sing !)'Min (nther than time controls) will be Jn. stalled' this year at a cost of $1711009. The city 'wotlld ' furnbb 1511,iloo of this ai lb share . , On tbe buis of conlettnees with st.ta ChoUnet's appointment was announced by Tbeod°"'ll. G.tes, llCling beod rl tbe o(liQI ~Jt!4-~till moot .~ ;,t u.s:~Aillk pilk,, 111- .cJudiD( &ado ~ The N1tlonlll A1dll..,' ~ com-NEii" YOlll(-lAP>-'l!le stoclt !')Ill'~ Pllatioo ol N"'"''' clocu-. nparted -Gii • ~ .... llloel lo!io7 a '"" • .The Na'""'1 Little Lnpe minor !up pn11111m llqlna · Baturdoy at I .i Et Mm khciol for · M ... ~. Lift.. --" _...,_,. • Old bOyl and ~ ..... tbe nlojor leque' Autry said c:ontrola exist on llnd!cap-lnc the ~ty In tbe form of on Archttecluntl Land Uae Supervl!lon com- mittee that reporti lo tbe planning com- mlllldn. However, llUCh review doeo nOt wry -lo llilJl9. ' . Tbe dty pllnner uld he doubled 11 compony olflc:isll would rw11 lo die' van.nee procea !or their lip. engineers, Sweany aid the city would probably ban lo pay ii laall ball tbe cost of a Cleo -lnllllc: control syst.em • earlier th/a ·Weet Ii. UlllHIOll<ed, ..,._ lrodlnf -lfo,Wod Mor tbe ..i. (See sentence ueclitlve mler Nbrm llped ~. P-lHl). Apttl rtalslhg tbe poot·of p.er.! ooumel .. ·Tiie Dow --lldmtriaJ .'•-I" from a civil servk:e job paying ISll,IOD lo .l:JO p.m. w• 111' l .M·ll m .111. Goltla lid (See CBOftND, Pap I) -lfi 111'1 -• -· ~.::.;,. will· be ""*·to tbe minor '-~pinto. ~ ctey I« oil tiarill' WUi take •place •t II .:m. the ~ollowlq 'Ba!irdl1, April II at~ Morro. Sweany said that traffic lights would help but wouldQ't solve all of, the Cleo .Street probl<ms. Ho -that lraffic in the (our lane street must m<>ve close to parted can beclUM blgbway width Is on-ly IO feet. • I Capo Sets Fiesta SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -."Any scallywag caught on lhe streets ~1lhout Western or Spanish apparel during . ~e week of April 10-14 will be subject to 1a1l- lng by Al 'Awful' Jimenez and sentenc· Jng by 'Hanging JuM:e' John Luhnow." Students Can't Hire Profs • t ' •• \ • ~ Autry• wlU IDUe --enctellona lo tbe toqlpuy .. the bula ol the prellmiJwy deslp. 'l!ley ' could then pment .complete piano for clty m. ~ Charlie Brown At Laguna High Oranfe So reads a San JUM. Capistrano pro. clamation for the annual Fiest.a dt Lu Golondtinas next Saturday and Sunday. To develop tbe correct atmolphcre for the. fiesta . the folks will don Western duds or el6e, said Sheriff Jbneoez. By ;HOMAll PORroNE ............ A ~ lo Ill -do their-own hiring of • 10-,....,. " lit:" anitenltj pro!-. wu:tlflUllC!l1 dtl-,,.,. day by the UC lrYlne Aademic: S...te. The OOMided fecWty ..te ""7 inlplre new student protests. Student objections I Scfaool•c" ff-reol . j:;.~:,,'1.r ~=::;, s.<li JUAN "CAP IS T·RA'll 0 o": ,'111!1'11hr$t!>.Juo!lnr,'1Koll:J .-ben l*f CapWano Unlfltd's School> S Iii!> t • been~ flr~Uoo'- • Charje< F. Kenney has received his SC· The student iurtng of foculfy pl'OIJ(is.I tond award from the Freedoms Fouo-was only one ot: ·le\'tn on IWdtnt d.atlon o( Valley Forge. PNUclpatlon in trldlUonal facuhy mat- Hll most recent award is for a 1961 ad~ ters. dress to 4.000 naval reservist.I at Los or the othttl, thrte were referred back Ala mitos on the American way ol life. to commlltee•for rem.Jon and thrtt ~ Kennedy is a capta.iZl in the naval passed b)' heavy majority of tht US~ reserves. He also won :in American lessors pre&ent. t::.duc•tors Medal from the Fretd<>ms Apf:.ftd was lnclu.slon of two student FoundaUoo in 1965. mem on all academic ttnaW atan.- ' Good Grief! It'a • whole ICbool lull of th-.llmenlloul Peanyll characten, Charllt ll<own lllil the -'l'llt wlD 11oC'--Ill ' . t ' .. ' Wea .. er Tbe clouds will roU away about ~ Salurctey, pavfn& lbe way for a IWtey weeted with temper•lures bltUng 15 on the coat and up lo 71 lhland. INSmE TODAY · OppotltfoK to l'r•lldrnl Nil> "'"' SOf•flVOl'll anU1>41lflllo mu· rile '1/flrm II becoming offlcfal Drmocrallo pa•'1/ poUcy. Pog. 7, ' ..... ti ........... .. Cll~ ............... ... ~ ~\>1>"5-• ·~ \M•~z.-.r .. ~ I ----t ....... 1"11 ....,.,.. ........... . ... II I ~II T....... • ....... ·~· ,......,. . ......... It......., t A#L_.., U ......... • --' ........ ... -. ... -.. • I • I ! I t • ' • .• . CAIL~ PILOT 11111 PMl'f Praises Thurston ~frs. Adine C. Wright, teacher at John H. Glenn school in San Angelo, Tex., pauses durjng tour Thursday by nine Texas educators of La· guna's Thurston Intermediate School. Mrs. Wright and other Texans said Thurston's flexible computer scheduling system is kno wn to and admired by educators in their state. ,.....,. P .. e 1 SALT CREEK LAWSUIT • • • terest in Salt 0-oek Road atems fnnn its acquisition on .March J, 19'1, of a leasehold interest on land dirpersed through the will of milltonairtss Ednah Capron. Plans were then made with Prudential Ufe Insurance, for the development of the area between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point into· a modernistic complex which will ac· commodate several thousand residents. WUcozen asks the court to immediately halt any further progreas by Lquna Niguel towards development of the arta l'rot11 Pqe l CHOTJNER •.• a ,presidential appointment p a y I n g $311,000. ~ '• ,,. ftport alto included In small type .. beneath tlie text this nntence' "Ex· ecuUve Order 11413 was JWJt made plbllc 1n the form al. a White House prm release." ChoUner, 59, has , no · previous e-.· peMence in the field of lnternaUonal trade, but nid he 1-lookin1 forward to learning about trade aareements. He bu been ieeking • Nixon od· ministration poet aince Rep. Ro(en C. B. Morton of M1ryland, chalnnan-desl&nate ot the Republican N1Uonal Committee, edged him out of • top committee job. Chotiner had let it be known he e:z- pected to bectlme ueCuUve dlrector or the committee, doing organllaUon work while the new cha.lnnan mid• the 'speeches. But Morton, NlJon's floor manager at the 11181 GOP National Convention, 1aJd he would not take the committee chainnanahip if Cbotiner wu in a~· rnand posL Widow Recovering LONDON (UPI) -Lody Clementine. Spencer-Oiurchlll, 84, showed "llilllt im, provemenl" today In her recovery rrom a thlgh fractured lrl a fall, doctora at Westminster Hospital" aid. Dhlll PllOl OUNliE COAIT ,UILl5MING ~~,ANT RoMrl N. w .. 4 ,,.."'"' -"*I ... J11k R,. C11rl,y Vlot Pl"91dMt lfttl Olrlel'lt MMI"' Tttomes Kff¥il Ediler . Tho"''' A. M11rph i"' /Mftlfl"' Efl'°'" Ricoh1r1' '-Nill L_. 811ch City Efhw L.9pM1 .... Offkll 222 For11t A•o. M1lliftf Add•tt11 P.O. 1111 646, 92612 °""'°"'"" COIN Mnl' DO Wal tw l""t H....., ... d'l1 ml wtst l•ltlll teulf'ltrtl Hi.d!Nton h.0.1 IOf 1111 lfr"Wt in quest.ion. He asks for an April 24 hear· ing on the i5$Ue. NULLIFY ACTION If granted, Wilcoxen's peUlion will temporarily nullify the tentative tract map recently approved by the Orange Couaty Planning Commission and ap· proval would again nullify the county's abandonment of Salt Creek Road. Laguna Niguel Corp. lawyers have argued at hearings before Judge Owens that the absence of the right~f-way from county plans indJcated that it had always been undisturbed, that the road did not exist u a public entity. Wllco1en's argument is that the road became a public entity when it was deed· ed to the county by the state In 1933. Leary Indicted 01i Pot Charge; DA Seeks More District attorney's deputies today Said , they hoped to have Dr. Timothy Leary and his fami ly In Superior Court on drug charges "late nert week, possibly Thurs· day." Obviously delighted with the Orange County Grand Jury ipdi ctment the office has been pushing for . deputies are now concerned with getting the LSD cultist and hlll wife and son into court "as soon as possible." Endorsed by the Grand Jury Thursday were charges of possession of marijuana igalnst Leary, 49, his wife, Ro,.,emary, 33, and hlll" son, John Bush. 19. Mrs. Leary and Leary's son also face charges of possession of LSD. . Deputy District Attorney Everett Dickey confirmed Thursday that his of- fice bad become impatient with "e1· tenst~ delays" at the municipal court level and sought the grand jury in- dictment as a means of "getting !Orne f.ci.lon" against the Leary trio. The Leary file bu been held by the lower courts for more than thrtt: months, t>lckey noted. There have been frequent postponements ol their preliminary hear· inl ln Lquna Bi!:ach Municipal court oince ~ arr .. t last Dec. 26. . Laiuna Beach police arrested the Leary family and confiscated what they. cla.bn wu 10 duocu of marijuana and 40 LSD ea.psules from the famlly 's battered muon wagon. • 'Ihlt melt hu been described by the fouhdlr bf the League of Spiritual Development (LSD) ·&s "an oample of continued "police provocaUon and har- assment." The fonne r Harvard cllnial psychologist contends his car was legally parked at the time of arrest and officers had no authority to detain blmseU or bis family . The trio is free on $2,500 bail each. The grand jlil'y·indict.men( listed their present address as Star Route A. Mountain Crnter, Riverside COUnty. Laguna Urge8 Spring Cleanup 11 ,...,. shrubbery overarown Irom the ralft1 Are your weeds wt1blt.ed? Kave pockets or trash coll<ded in lh< garqe? This would be a 1ooc1 weekend (or spring cleanup In Laguna Beach. The city Is m•kinl Its .. nu.I spring of. fer to c1rt away unlimited quantities of rubbl&h . durina the coming week pro. vldtng the bundle• con.form to size and wtl&ht specUicatlons. Tnish wtfl be collected II the rtg11lar Mlhbilh collection times. Welaht limits are eo pounds per cont.l.intr. Dimensional lfmll of buncllu I• tw~y-one-by4our ! .. L Red Shelling May Herald New Offensive Local Pollee." Procreas, m:rtlng, saw Jose. The old m·an wu again on his hands and knees. This Ume · he was helping the girl reporter find her pad, peocil and graMy glasses. They were in the roadway between the bulldoier and the El Toro General StOre. Progress" accelerated the machine's vjst black engine. "Make way," he roared , ' 'lo r Progres:; ! " "Carramba ! " said Jose, rising. "We are standing it) the way of .Progress!" The girl reporter by now bad found her granny 1Iasses. She quickly slipped them on. She was unaware that both lenses had popped out. League of Cities .Okays • -~ Airport Land Use Board The Orange ~nty Leque of Cities by member Airport Noise Ablttment Com· SAIGON (AP)-Unlellhing the beav· an 18 to 3 vote went on record Thursday mJttee. Emory drew the attenUon of lest •helling of South Vletoamese towns in favor of a seven·member Airport Land Newport officlals to a new state Jaw and allied bases in three weeks, the Viet Use Commission to replace the present permitting such a commiulon. Cong· appeared today to have opened a county Airport Commission. The land use commlsaion, al ouUlned by new and more violent phase of it.s seven-Newport Beach officials led the move state law, wouJd have two members ap- to set up the new county airport body polnted by the county Board of week~ld spririg offensive. arguing that cities affected by airports, Supervilors, two by cities bordering Rockeis and mortars hit more than 45 particularly th~e using jei aircraft, airporta, two by public airports and 1 towns and bues during the nl1ht. The should have a larger voice in airport seventh b>'tht other Six members. heaviest attacks were made on provin-operations. Leaiut Pru&dent Dean Shull Jr. said clal capitals on opposite sides of Saigon, Establishment of an airport land use the propoaal would be forwarded to the Tay Ninh to the northWest and ·Vinh commission was originally suggested last Board of Supervl.90r1. Long to the southwest. July by Newport Beach aircraft noise foe Several weeka ago tbe present five-man At least 21 persons were killed, 200 Dan .Emory, chairman of the 2,3()(}. airport commialion, appointed by couoty were wounded 1n the two cities and about supervilora, weot on record a11 opposing 80 others were missing in Tay Ninh. Bia Ri Cl b the land use group. They cont.ended that Some Americans were among the wound-St ps U I d bl und · ed, but .no American d~ths were an use pro ems aro airports are reported. already controlled. The night'• ••tocks were unong tbe At Santa Barbara The league representotives .1., en· most devastating of me offensive whic.b dorsed a move by Ute supervisors to. ask b?£an Feb. 23 and the heaviest alnce the state Legislature for a JO-cent in· the night of March zo..21, when gs rocket SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An ex-crease in the Orange County Flood Con- and mortar attacks were np:Jrted. plosive dtvice ripped the Univenity of lrol District tax limit. During tht put three weeks the abell-callfornia at santa Barbara faculty club However, the league re90lution differs Ing had ~ off to between 10 to 20 tod&y; ""1tically injuring ,a maintemnce from the supervisors' proposal in that the at~ks a t . U.S. military: analyats man and causing an estlmated $1,000 increase would terminate completely at sali! earlier is week the oflem.ive was damage. the end of-three year11. 'Ibe supervisors in I. lull wblle the 'tnemy rtCtived re-Dover Sharp, 55, WU apP&z:erKJy trying pfJtpose· that,.after the three year period, placement! and supplies" after aufferin& to disarm the timed pllon jug of flam-a 5-cent increase In the present flood con- heavy tosses. mabie liquid when it exploded, university trol dlslrict 20-cent rate to be continued But the American expert!! predicted officials asld. He suffered burm over IO indefinitely. an increase in enemy activity this week· percent of his body and was undergoing The county league also passed resolu· end and said most ol the attacks would surgery at a local hospital. lions calling for the full·lime staffing of bt '"by firt," meaninl: rockeU and Univenity officials could glve no aJ> the Local Agency Formation Commission Progreu, witnes.sing the 11Cene, c11ekled hysterically. He lost control of himH:U. And, shaktng with mirth, he tumbled forward from his seat and into th~ patlt of the bulldozer. · Driverless, the hu ge rig rumbled over the laughing form. 'J,'hc bulld.ozer's engine then sputtered, wheezed, coughed twice and died. So did Progress . "You might even say," said the girl reporter as she removed an orange !etd from Jose 's eye, "that Progress has ground to a halt." "El Toro Hener11l Store," said the old man, "she is saved." And a joyful tear fell from Jose del Fuego's eye. So did another orange seed. From Pa9e 1 UCI FLAP ... cplion of requesting review by a student committee. If At one point, bean of the College o[ ~1edicine \Varren Bostick said, "These decis ions affect the careers of facult:f members. The student is a passerby who doesn't begin to have as much at risk." "Nothing at risk," retorted Mis.s Nelson. "I might polnt out we're risking education. All you are risking is money." SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES Associate Professor of Psycholdgy John Wallace warned, "\Ve can expect serious con5equences when we extend the facade and illusion of power to student.!I (but don't give them any real power)." BosUck also argued that university regents have given academic senates greater and greater respmuibililies over the years and if faculties abrogate their responsibility it could cause "very, very serio:.is repercussions." "Dean Bostick's argument is heard whenever extension of suffrage is under discussion," said Assistant Professor of Political Science Dean Neubauer. The special commlttee on student participation was formed a month ago as a peace move following a faculty breacti ever the question of reconsidering the fir4 ings of assistant''professors of English Stephen Shapiro and Donald Brannan. The cue of a 1hird faculty member rec- ommended for termination, aulstant history professor George Kent, is pend· ing. Ethnic Studies Added morta"rs. · parent motive for the bombing. The Jase (LAFC) and for legislation which would South Vietnamese sources said more trouble on the campus occurred Jan. 5 authorize the LAFC to initiate annexation SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Sacramento than l~ mortar rounds hit the marke' when fire-born~ were thrown at ROTC of unincorporated islands completely aur.' State College officials have decided to place, a prison and Vietnamese offlcera' buildings. rounded by cities. establish an ethnic studies program with mess tn Vlnh Long, a delta citf II miles · Today's blast occurred about 8:30 1.m. The s~ was attended by 82 officials a staff of 11 new Jn.structors and 30 new southwest Of Silgon. ·· -· riear large gl111 doors in the-faculty club from 23 of the 25 incorporated cities in courses. Initial reports said JS pel'SOM were' l"p<_u~·o:"";· U;on;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;;'he;;coun;;;;;tyiii,iiiiiiliii;;iii91iiiiii9illiiiiii•••Themp;;r;;ogr~am-wjlill;be~iliinjiin;;th;e;!a~ll:. _ killed apd -105 were wounded, illcluding 91 v~-civilians. On tile. other side <A Sa!&mt Ind cicioe' ~ to the Cambodian border, more than 80· rocket' and mortar rounds.· •lammed into. n Tay Ninh, blowtn1 up two ammunition., ~ dumps, destroying 100 , blilldlngs llld ~ . o'il causing at least 101 casu'ilties, officials 0 \. "l'Orted. . "' .. \. Officials said much or the blrrqe was concentrated in a three-block area containing the provincial government and military headquarters, a Sidor bead· quarter1 and the compoW>d d. the U.S. military advisory team. Capo to Study Spur Railroad Line to Viejo A committee ' to atudy I prcpoMd private 1pur rallroad line 1:unnb1a frcrn, mid-San Juan Capistrano to a sand deposit orr the ·Mission Viejo llonch will be S<Iected Monday by the city counclI. Ma}'tlr Ed Chermak ordered the Item placed on the agen<j1. Previously, the council has met in formal study session to consider the controversial 3.5 mile line. The spur would be built for an estimated SS00,000 by the Owens-Illinois Compeny, which provides silica And to glasa m1nufacturlng companies. IN The line. to be used by one train of IS to 20 cars daily, would cross three major San Juan Capis&t.rano streets -,Camino Capl.sltano, Ganado Road , and Siii Ju.n Creek Road. Oonctm has been voiced over the atllfhtllc problemo of tbe line, pott!llU.l elm..,-lo chlldm lltld tnfffc con..,uon. Proponent. 11y the UM could open city· mas to !ndastNI d .. tlopmont ond· wOllld htlp brooden the tu bue of the ci- ty. PINllHID IN MIMOSA 'IBJ.OW OI Cil N. HAHD DICOIATID IN CffAut WHITI.,. .. US SHILYIS AND TWO lllTlllOI LMHn. $799 ffowtver, the sand mining will not be within the city ...r no tu beillllt wt11 ""' .,,,,. from Ii, occmllng to city olllcla!L Company repraentattv• A.Y thlt U the opw' line b not ponnltl<d, 40 trudt· lood1 o! 11nd wooid be WTled tbrw&b the city dally. Anti-cigarette March ST. 1!1'LENA. Coll/. (UPI) -A thouund --.nokln1 lltudtnto ind f1cull)' members <A Poclfic Union COllqe 1taged • n1 ... m1i. mucl! •nd nllJ Thursday to protest qolnlt dpr<ltu. "D•DL THI MOST nuS11D -Ill l'UIJlnvU. - EXCLUSM DIALlllS l'OR: HINREDCIN -DUXEL-HIRITAGE '° DAYS NO INnltlST-LONGO TllMS AVAIL.AILE ON APPRDVED CREDIT NEWPORT llACH 1727 W..iclllf Dr., 6112·2050 °"" ..... , i1L t ------ INTlllOIS P1 ofuwlonal lftfertor Doll_. Avonu ........ !D--HSID LAGUNA IEACH 345 North c.,ot Hwy. 494-6551 ONN NIDAY 'Ttt ' , ------------ OAIL.Y Pll..OT ,._.. '1 T9M r.ntr Water, Water Everywhere.' •• But n<>t a drop to swim in. That's the lament of this visitor to the sands of pollution flushed down 'llie Santa Ana River from recent !loods. of Huntington Beach who finds the seashore still out of bounds because ·• Sirhan's Attorney A-sks Life · Cooper Says Suspect Killed Kennedy, Must Be Imprisoned LOS ANGELES (AP) -1'\Vhether Mr. Sirhan likes it or i\ot," thundered Sirhan Bishara Sirhan's own lawyer, "he deserves to spend the rest of his life in a penitentiary." Ignoring Sirhan's hurt gaze, Grant B. Cooper looked intently at the jury trying his young client for murder and said : "We are not here to free a guilty .man. we tell you, as we always have, that he killed Robert Kennedy." Cooper thus began 'Fhursday the last part of a three-man defeme summlilon in Sirhan's lengthy t"rial. He resumes the summation today. ''I for one am not going to asK you to do more than bring in a verdict of mur· der in the second degree," said Cooper. The penalty for second-degree murder in California is a sentence of five years to life, with the exact term and parole · eligibility determined later by the Adult Authority. The state is asking a verdict of first-degree murder but not necessar· ily the death penalty, which is the only alternative to life i? prison. The jury makes the choice on a con· viciion or first-degree: murder and a prisoner sentenced to life is not eligible for parole for seven years. SAVE 20.00 ON OUR FAMOUS MAKE POPULAR LIGHTWEIGHT BLAZER •• reg. 60.00 For the second lime in ten years,. our 81! oz. famous make blazei is offered at a reduced price. You'll easily recognize the maks of • • this fine w®I and Orlon acrylic blend blazer. And, yuu can choose from so many handsome coloss in regulars and longs. VarSity Shop 1'I wouldn't want Sirhan Sirhan turned loose on society when the psychiatrists tell us he ls geting worse and be is going to get worse," Cooper said. ''There: is a good Sirhan and a bad Slrhu. aud that bad Siman is a nasty Sirhan. "I have learned to love the little good Sirhan." . The dark, curly haired Jordanian, pallid from more than 10 months in a sunless prison cell, smlled at that. But his face became sullen again when Cooper quoted now·familiar passages written In Sirhan's diary before the !lay- ing, uktng MCh time: "Is ~t mature think1ng? Is that meaninful thlnkinJ!'?" Motive, said C.OOper as he launched u ms~ into a lengthy e1planatlon ol. the law, "Is not an element of the cr-ime charged and need not be shown," but .can be consld· ered as a circumstance in the case. "Can there be any question in anyone's mind that Slrhan's motive was pollt· ical?" he asked. "Though the motive was political, was It a healthy motive? Obvl· ously the motive in killing any human being U not healthy, but was it a mature motive?" , That, he sald, Is "tile guts of the whole case"-whether Slrhan's mental capacity was so reduced that il affected hi s ability "tp form any of the follqwing speciflCs-l~ent to kill, ·pr'tmeditatlon and delibera. t1on and ••• to reflect on the gravity of his contemplated act." I • • . • • ;lb FridlJ, APl11 ll, 1%9 L OAILYnLOr 3 14.~s · of April Beware, T~ Deadline Approaclie1 WAS!DNGTON (UPI) -'lllll weekend about elgbt · mUUoo Amerlcw will e.naa&:e in <111e of the tradiUonal rites of ..... ,.. -,lr)'lng to b •• t the April 15 deadllne foe filing income tu rtlurns. Tile U.S.. hi1ema1 Reve11ue Serme (IRS) warns thi> last miauta ruall multa ln iJej&Yeff Hfunda and ~ COltly m!Stak!S In flgurlng o\11 tons· 911ed. Tho talk la compllcalecl ~ thls·7ear by \¥need lo, figure O\!I w)lot .the new 10 eer~enl tu surehacge wUI COii. . lRS officials say thal. despite warn- ings and pleas I~ fl 1 e early, April l brought the customary flood of returns. The heaviest per day load is still to come. In 1968 nearly half of the ~.s ntJWon returns filed arrived at 1~ offices around the naUoo between Aprll 1·15 .. · So far, the trend for 1969 is right In line with previous years, the IRS said. Ai of· April 4, about 4~ milllion returns bad been filed. Of these, 27.5 million wUI get refunds totaling $5.( billion. At the same point In 1968 there were 29.1· mUlioo returns flled with 15.S bUlion cluelnnlundl. ' For U-lllfl-ling out the dlanof ~Uncle Sam hJa tba1'I lo< !Ml JUr. tbe ms caullom 1a w.n lo -a1ra care In thetc ..-utile -of mldnlPI. April II*"'-· The l'DOllf.'lm .... tmn in mUmc out a tax form 1 are ettber. mMJwnettee1 or juat" pJa1n omt.ttinc D Melll lll(f llJwir. IRS opokesmen saJd llj!arly I per<lll of the tax. fOrllll. flied hid a mlltab Iii ad- ding or 1ubtrlCllng. • More than 1ti inulion letl oft 1 opedal forgot to Include their Social SeeUrtty number. · • About five million forgot lo "811 thelt totllflll. Anolhet ~p :r 'to.'altach tile· proper fontll ftom, enployetl oo tues already wlthbeld. · More than I million 1<11 all a opeclal schedule oc llatemenl wblcb they .-led to complete their rell!m, ~ lllli 11"!'1· U a tupoyer Illes bio ret.n. "'4 then reallzeJ he bu made a mlatalie, ihe IRS bas a special form called 1040-X available for correct.1.oos. ~pcic~_ Jj:light Veteran . ' . ' " :To Direct .Moon Landers SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -A balding, 3&-year~ld veteran of two space flights will lead a three-man team on man's first attemp at true erploraUon of the moon. The National Aeronautics and Space AdmlnistraUon named Cmdr. Charles Conrad Thursday as commander of an all-Navy astronaut crew on Apollo 12, scheduled to bring off man's iecond lunar landing. With Conrad on the nlgbt will he Cmdt. Richard F. Gordon, 39, command module pllol, and Lt. Cmdr. Alan L. Bean, 37, tho lunar module pllot. Apollo 12 Is intended Woman, 45, Dies In Freeway Crash A San Bernardino woman wat killed early this morning when a car driven by her husband veered o(f the Santa Ana Canyon Road and struck a parked trac- tor -trailer. Jayne Louise Sowers, '5, w11 dead on the scene, the corooer'• office reported. Her husband. Jack, was taken to Martin Luther Hospital in Anaheim for Cleat· men! o( a pooslble COllCU98loo. The Califomla llJ&lrway Paltol llld the aceklent occurred at ~ a.in. about Cme mJJe ....i o1 the er..,. County line. as the flrsl or nine fiigbls of nplotallon of the lunar topography. Its Olgbt plan Jn. eludes up to 12 hours of crt.w ac:Uvtty out.Aide the space craft and on ttie moon'• bleak surface. Apollo 11, which is acheduled fbrlauncli in July, will allow cmly a few houri of qew activity on the IDOIX1. An oftldal once charactertud the Apollo 11 hmat h!nding u a "grab and go." AJtronauls on.tlull !Ugh! wlll.do'lltllo but plck up 50 pounds ol roek and leaff. In contrast, an official Aid, Apollo 12 will launch a fuller npJoraUoo. Conrad and Bean wW wait ltm"l1 ylrds away from the module during two lunar strolls. Officials had sald earlier that followin& the rnJUal moon landing NASA will at- templ a total of nine landlnp at dllforent nlltS on the mooo. Each wUI be devoted to uploraUon. Coor~ flew twice during the Gemini program. He was pilot on Gemini i and command pilot on Gemini ll, Gonion wu Conrad'• pilot on Gemlni 11. Bean is a space ~tie. The bOckup CHW for Apollo 11 lt all·Alr Force, II'• commanded by Col. David R. Scott and includes two rooklea.. Maj. Alfred Worden and Lt. Col. Jamee'lrwln. Ollldals Aid the ...... lot the plan- ned loot to alx month delay between Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 It to provide for ~ analylJa o( the lnltlal loDdilC al-' tempi. Earlier Olgbls In the Apollo pro. gram have been about two months apart. ' ' • I •• IT FASHION ISLAND • .. DAY, ntURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • I • - I • • . ' 4 DAIL V PILOT GOP Quits 'Kennedy TOur of Alaska .__.. ......... - Pot NI-says the pull suits IO papu1ar with many -..omen these aa)rs a.re "Not for me." 1be Pffsi. dent doem't like them on her, either. Attending bu !!rat fashion -1bow as Fint LldJ, Mrs. Nixon chose as her fevorlte cnalion what she described as "a lopg fioating evening gown with a little V-neck and UtOe aleeves.'' Actually, it was a layered trlcot negligee . •• I t'.r anotlltf' court dtfay f or Frtd Jackson , who's bten. iK ,a Detroit jail lince March IB, 1981 beaiu.se he an&ldn't po1t Jl0,000 bond on cllaf11fr of ·~ fi ve bou1 of cookies. The 27-year- old Detroittr had his court ap- pearance.postponed for the fifth time UU.. tDttk, iohn he d'9 manded a jury trial on the bur- glary charge. Ho~ver, unlike earlier lmgthv cteia:~1. 1hf trial ,,,., 1lat<d for Monday m R .. corder's Court TM prrviou.s de· lay• U><Te blamed by court offi· cicll on OWTCTowded dock«f.I and uncknncnflt'd courtroomi. Wbile riven fiooded m u c h of Minnesota, t h e state House of Repnsentatives at $1. Paul gave preUminary approval to I rajnmat. 111g bill. The meuure, •ponsored by Rop. Sam Borr of Ortonville, \vould permit counties to levy up to $5,000 a year for contracting with cloud-seeding firms. • Mini-tkirt.s tDfrt the topic of Ill< clay at Ill< Ohlo Senate Wtdne1dav whn 1tvn'GZ '"'°" tori objecttd to 10 Rescued, But U.S. Loses Five Choppers SAIGON (UPI) -A maratbcn ,_ ..-ln"'1¥lil( JIO U.S. alra"a!I oearcblllc ff/r 10 downed -In the I-.. jangiel WU disclooed lnday by informed u.s .JOUJ"CeS. All 10 finally "'"' hrouaht to aalely, ..... after bldinJ overnlgbt In the jt.mgJes, and cne after being l!lbot down twice. Five aircraft were shot down by Communi.!t ground lire during the 72· hour operation, the llOUl"C'H Aid. 'Ille reocue mlalon, belllved the Jug. est of tbe war, was never announced by the U.S. military command becauae ol the new1 blaekout on American alr atriies lo Laos. Soarc:el ssid U llllrted -a U.S. jet WU lhol down nceally while Clll a bom- bizlC -aplnlt • ·-ol ... flllratlon roadways Jinown ar tho Ho Chi Mlnb TniL A giant twin-rotor Air Fore< htlloopltr, di.opatched lo pick up the i-man crow WU turned hack by heavy ~ !in. Later, another chopper picked up ... pilot but WU lhol down mJmrta lalu. . M the operation grew in interuilty, U.S. warplanes from bases in Thailand and South Vietnam flew into the 3kquare- mllt ttarch area to attack the Com· munist posiUom. "Every Ume !hoy arabbed a downed pilot, the eoemy oeomed to bag another d our ptanu," the aoun:es said. '11be -lhlncJUll kept 1DJWballiJJc." the '" 0" t 1kjf11 wom by UPI Ital< hou.se repof'ter Bet· t y Work (ril/lllJ. Here, State Sen. Marigeno Vallqu<t. te and 11111 Work compare 11cirl i~u.s..._ Vallqwclle ,.,,..,.,._ mg she ms in far vor of tht mifti. skirt. The Hnak ctela11ed anu action to denu the report· er floor prioi· leges. itir Force Fines Colonel for Destroyi"ng Film STANl'ORD,STUDENTS OCCUPY RESEARCH LAB Somo Sloop an Tep ,,,, Slooplnt IM91, Othera Stroll About • WASHINGTON (AP) -'!Ila Air Force court-msrtlaled a veteran pilot lot destroying combat film I h 0 W In ( American planes atrallni a Soviet oblp In the North VlelnalneM port ol Cul Phs In l!le7, tho Peolagon bu dllclOBOd. U.S. Solons Visit Prague, HopetoSeeCzechFreedom A Dalias attorney is concerned about a state representative's ef· forts to repeal an old law empower- ing the Governor o! Texas to call out the militia to control Indian up- risings. In a letter to Rap. Richard A. Cory, sponsor o! tho repealer, the lawyer said, "My wife Is of indian ancestry. This pnivlsion in the state constitution pnivldes me with a bit of an edge aur1ng argu. ments -and I need all the help l can get." • A startled traffic policeman in Reading, Pa., flagged down a Cir coot.aining three nude girls at the city's busiest intersectioa, but al· lowed it to proceed when tbe teen' agers explained, 1'We're aotng to a nudist convention.'' "What· el 1 e could I do?" Patrolm"al\ Follie V. Stacherski asked. "The genU....,.. ly thing was to loot tbe other wey." Col. Jack BrolJ&l!lon, -retlrod, drew a !600 fine and ., admonllllment !or deslroyin& ollldal JllOporly ''with Intent lo doprtve the United Slatea pemmont of lnfonDIUon to wblcb tt Wll mtttled.11 A review poll<! later Bel aolde the ...,. YicUon but let tbe line lland .. a:d- minlllraUvo puoblnneot. . 1nitlalb'. the """""" llall;y doaled the Soviet lblp Turltatsn had been bit, but had '° hack down two weea later after hclflc camma:nder• turned up 0 new m. tonnaticll" m the inddeat. Pootapl olflcen confirmed thot Broughton'• court-morllal con9lctlon on July rt, urr, ~ on cun camera film taUn by U.S. jets In a raid oa memy weapona near Cam Pba. 1'Two ot my majon got trapped/' Broqb1on -quoted u uylng. "'!bay ..... mallnc-• guns and another bat- tery opened up on them." One ol the lour Fllll'1 neeled with IOmm caanoo fire "but appannUy there -~ In tlla .....,, .. JlrooPloa uld. "'lbere wu a bl( lblp tbero." PRAGUI!! (UPO -Fourteen U.S. con- ......... c:amo t o Soviel-oa:upled CzecbollovU!a lnday, ezpresaln( bopo that ClochoalovUs would -enjoy freedom u Americans do. '!'be U.S. delegatim, headed by l!en. Jolm J. Sparllmln (().Ala.), WU lmtled lo Pnpe ff/r ooe day by the .-i porllamenl. 'lbe tl&ht senators and sis nprtttn-- tatives came in a U.S. Air Force plane from Vienna, where they were attending Ill lnternational p;Jrliamentary meettnc- They wm to return Ibero tonight. ''People of America prize freedom,'' uid Sen. Strom Thurmond (M .C.), -Ibo dtloptlon srrived. "We hope to ,.. the people ol Cl8dloalovakla allowed a p-eatar· measure of fre<dom ao they CID aJoy f.reeodm 11 we do." lien. Ralpb W. Yll'broulh (0.Tu.), llald ba wu a oold1er wtth the U.S. 17th lnf&11tr7 Dtrtll<m the lut Ume Ila WU In Rains Flood Albuquerque Showers, Hail Pound Southwest From Arizona t,o Texcu c11111 .... c. "'-' " louthtt'!t c.l#W'll11 -.... ...,, lodly wflfl -"""' ............. _, for -•rlr "*'""' ...... •klfll the -'· n. wtloolt ..., fir • -"" """' bri9ifll .......... l..Oll Altifltln eftd •ktnlty _, mc1l1¥ ..-, bvt wit!! -IGw cltudl .. ny "'"'' It w.1 1U9ftlly "'rmet' Wlrtl ""' 111911 ,.....!,. 14 c-ilnll to ~Y"I ... TN •rflllcted low i.. """' wu a . n.n--no 1""9 llt !tit L• A~ ... .. Ill. Ttlit U.J. W..,,_ i4!N111'1 F .... 0.V ~' t.ellMI ,.. ..., .,.-.ri.11C111 • .., ~.... ..._."""" •• fltudl """"' ............. ..._ .. I.,.., INl'Plllll doud1 lfll'IMled -...0.. lluf cia.,_, lltfwt -· TN ... .......iv.... ..., ,.. •"4 ... ......... Jf. n. --"-...... ~ wllfl lllttl ....... ""'. hi ,,. .. .. ,_, -" .. ....,.,. '" ... ...,,. """' 111111 .......... _, • llt ... - ....... ,.,.. .. -.. 1111 ..,. ....,. ft-..,. .... ,,..,.., .... ,.... _............,. ~; '"-._.. '14'1. ..... --~ ....,,.,,. ... 14 ....,.... 1>11. ·~ ..... ,.... ~ ..a. ~ ... ,...., ... Dill99 ........... ,...,, -.. U)I ANOaU MID VIClfrHTY-__..,.. _,~w-• a.-,,.. Mlllt Ml -~ --. .,....~ ........... St,.., ''".._ .... .. COUTAL AllfD INTIUl.IOCATW Vi\U.IYI -Mllfff\t ,_.,.. .,._.., w ........ ,..,, .,., ..,,, """""" ... °"*' .._. ......... ....,, _,..,. ........... ..,..... .... n. .... ....., ...... . MOUWTAJlll ...... -..... Ml' ..... ..,,.,.,. ...,.,,..,, c-..1 "-...... .... • .. """""'9 ~..,... ............ ...... ........ ..., ............ ..... ........ It." .... ......,. ... ..... Y....,.... ...... ,..,.. r•11t1tl tr. 1 Miii • • ti ..... fl A ,,.. ....................... ,. ... Tllll ... ,, , ........ -...... .... •-. n.r. ...... ..... Niii ............. •i• ....... . ....... "" .......... , ... ll!N Mn> IA .. ""' .. ' '""',.... ............... J::# '""· ,_, , __ .... ·······--·········~ ........ ...., Miii "iiiMMY"' J:ti ,.m. 4" '"" '"' ............... 11:.i '"'"' •.• "'"' .................. •14 1.n: .•.• ...... "" .............. l;lt ~M. u ...., ................ J:U:t.m.J.I 11.B. l••1••r• ........ _...,......,_ ... ..., ......, ... -I .... ti """'*""•"• .... ~ ..... ..._ ... T .... ~ .....,., rel:I _. ..,.. flet •ct lill fllttt• ............. ---_...,,. ,._ ,,........ ....,.., 1:11 _,.. u ::11 T ..... '"'"* .... ltW9 • ""' ~ .. """..,,, -·· n.r. •• """' ... , ......... "' ""• " ............ ..,.,. .... .,. .....,..,.. .. .,... Thtlllly..,_.......,.,IM.,_ ~ ........ ..,.,.,. ,. ... --.......... ~._ ..... .... lllm ........ .,,,,., """"" '""' .,_ ~ Altlfttlc cioellf. •11n.. ..,,...__, .......... fwr ~ ., ·-1:11 I 1r.Mlit llWtlll Mt.I ,...,.,._ .... I' ........ ... _ ... _ n 4 Al " .. 1' M ,11 " .. .. " " .. " .. ., .. " " . .. " ... " " " .. .. " . .. " .. " M .. " .., " " ... .. .. . " 1' ,. .)I .. " .. » n '° ,,, '2 .. ~I .. . • • .. " n " JS Sf ,II u 51 .. , .., • .Of ... " . " .. " " ,. . .... " . .... '1 14 .II '' ,, .. " " .. .. ~ .... 1) ,., ... . \ Prague in May, 1945. "We bad to shoot our way in then," be uid. "We drove the Nalls blct -to PllM!." 'lburmond said he W.. had been hen with U.S. forces durinc World War n. Sparkman said the delegaUon CUM lo Prque for a friendly visit rather than a ficl-findjng misaion. "'l'bl.a ii a country whose friendship we prize and daire," he said. "It was con- venient to come here, and we took it as an opportunity to talk with officials or this country." In mpcme to a question, Sparkman said the United States st.ill had under consideration a Czechoslovak. demand for the return of gold confiscated from the Nazb here during World War tr. The congressmen visited the parlia· meat while their wivts shopped then met for Jundl with foreign correspondents hued bin and toured the capital before deplrtlnc. FTC Says Litton Industries Broke Antitrust Laws WASHINGTON (AP) -'!'be Federal Trade Canmlulon rejected arpments ill octlon would amneiy aflec:t ff/reig n policy ·and charted Litton lndollrtea t .. day with violatlnc antltflllt Ian by ac· quirlnC two Gemwl typewriter finnl . Tbe move WU the fin! llep In pro- ceedlnp -Bl llrlJlll[nc tlla ..... -alonma.t< o1 tba 'l'rtmnpW<Oer -bine, -Litton ""l'lb!d In a !St mUlion dee! 1111 Januarr. . 'Ille Slaio Dapartmanl had offered Lit- ton llelp "In -. JllOblems In Gmnal\f wblcb mq .-It" rrom the open bearlnp hold 'lbunda:r· The depart· ment wu nbolfod In • attempt to keap the bearlnp cloood, ntbrr llwi public. The Fl'C said the comm1ssJon WU turnlns down a propooad compromlle Hl- tlemtnt under wblcb LIUoa 'tllllli4 ooly bave to di-Triumph-Adler's U.S. operatlona. 'Ille acllon Wll tam by a H vote, 11'tth Commisiklner Everette Mactntyre di-.,· oo lllllUnda Litton should ht allowtd to coiitlnue nqotlaUOlll until April II. Utton. a II.I billion corporation that Is cne of tht naUon's Ingest military con- traclon, had warned that a suit for divestiture would crute an adverse reac· tlon throughoul Europe. _ __.._ -,deactlbadllememo 11...U.. ad-Ila had onllrad 11' dlotrlbuted to all ~rt1n1M41f llMlllbera. But, Bube'a ltatemeat I 1 l d 1 Seeoad 0.y "!!~ -pond !or Ibo -•· nel m-.• 'Ille Ohio Ropullllam uld ho badn1t·plaoed to dllnu>I Ibo tour. "( wu jult lod up. I ....U.. the notlv., -live in dirl)' aod • .. pu111ve eon· dl!*w. . but Ibis klod ol c:lr<ua 1'm 1 tho ·....-er." About 15 newwneu and photographers -J)lllll>d the ..... wblcb -,.,_Y and enda with a hearing In P'llrbanU tod.11-Allo Involved In the .,Ut .... a report that tbe ~ were up s et because tbry flad not been COlllUlted .. P'•nntnc the tour. .·Anti-military Lab Sit-in . Continues at Stanford ~ .sTA!l[OllP (UPI) -llellut lludeolo today oe<upled a Staalord Unlveratty electrook:a laboratory !or the ll<CODd day In • polite and orderly protest qalnst campus mllitMy ruearch. ..,~yed by President Kenneth S. nu.er'• promile outalde Police would not be -· militant otudenls and lacully members voted Thurl!day night to camp In the applied electronics laboratory indefinitely or unW the ad· ministration meets a demand for an end to mllilary-<XIOll<cted .......-ch. Aboot "° lludents remained In the two-story bulld!DJ near the heart or the Cllll· pus on the San Fnnclsco peninsu1a. Pitzer warned the demonstrator& their anUwar viewl!I do not exernpl thtm from campus dJscipline. and camera crews were 1tnt into the labcn~ry to take video plcblres. But the Stanford president later told the Academic Senate the ad· ministration would not call In outside assistance. "'We have decided to handle these pro- blems within the (university) com· munity," be aaid. A university spokesman said the warn-- Ing was the required first step under Stanford's dlsclplinary code. Students now can be cited to appear before student-faCUity boards for pos:1ible fme, •1ll(>ellaloo or expulsion. Pilzer'1 wsrnlng Bet no deadlines and threatened no immediate act.ion. The lab was clooed, but a low ol ils jO engineers showed up anyway and l!lpt'-• the day talking with the bulld!DJ's oc- cupant& Nixon• Discusses Defense in NATO Mini.sters Meeting WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nixon CliscuSM!d. East-West relations, defense matters lnd his decision on the antiballi1. tic missile at an SO-minute morning adtreDCt with NATO foreign ministers today. 'Ille Wblto House declined to go Into delalll or lo uy whether the l'relldent dllcula!d with the North Atlantic Trtaty Organlu.tlon delegates the question of participation .in a conference with War· saw Pact countries. The l'relldeat has 1 point ol Yin on the Warsaw lnvltatlon, press 1ecretary Ronald L. Ziegler said, but be gave no infonnation on what It ml1ht be or whether Nixon ou tlined his views at the NATO meeting. Ziegler said the President spoke "for quite a long time without notes" and then responded to question.s. Vietnam was not discuased, Ziegler said. He outlined the discussion bl'Oldl1 as relating to "strategic and polhicil questions of common concern to the allies." Nixon's sugestions Thur!day for the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Or· gani.zation met with mixed reaction in some delegations. Some members said the proposal! would duplicate in part current NATO machinery while w."teriog down HI original mllllary and polltletl pur- by uponding its role to Include social problems. l\luch ti. the talt at today's closing sessions ol the 20th Mnl.venary meeting continued to ctnta'. around the Warsaw Pact bid to open dlscum:lons bttWttn the Western allies and the Soviet bloc. "It wu a rare opportunity,'' aa!d lab directer W1lUam Ramo! uwe•ve been trying for years to get people to corm: here and find out whit we do." Ramo said the engineers could put up with the occupaUon "for a Joni time.'' He also aaid a amall percentage of the lab's work involves basic military research on electronic reconnaisance a n d coun· termeasurures. The protuten asaert that t b e laboratory ha ndles more Oe£ense Depart· ment research work than uy other cam- Pt.11!1 installation. ijowever, their ru1 pro- test is with the Stanford Research In· stitute. a Menlo Park organi.zaUoo con- trolled by the school deeply involved in Defense. Department research. ENTERS NY RACE Robert f. Wagner Ex-NY Mayor Wagner Declares He'll Try Again NE\V YORK (UPI ) -Fonner l\fayor Robert F. Wagner today became the eleventh major entry in the New York mayoral ra ce by ofrici ally declaring his candidacy for the Democratic nomi na· lion. Seven other Democrats and three Republicans, including Incumbent l\fayor Jcim V. Lindsay, have ann ounced they also will seek the nomination. Wapr will be aeeklng h1I fourth term for the job some consider second only to the presidency of the United States in number of headaches. Wagner, who will be 58 this month, is a fonner ambawdor to Spain and a prac- tical politician with a Joto{ savvy. 'Ibe former mayor, IOa and namesake ol the U.S. Senator wbo wrote the New Dea1'1 baaic labor law, ii a potent [lgure In Now York politics. His enlly into the mayoral race had been upected for ,.... time, and moot polltlcal observers regard him as the leading. Democratic - Delp Too Late Son Slain Fleeing Police SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Wben tbry heard their musician aoa was talking drugs and "needed help,"' Mr. and Mrs. Evmtt T. Osden ol Tuclan, Am., came here to help. Bui tlla day they arrived ha died In a hail ct balltll 111 a --police. °""" ud Ills WU., Betty, clung to eoch otl!lr In -dlll!tlltl Thursday at -.1!!11':'1.lltf Hoopttal as doc-tors ltl'Ugltld ~ty to AVI t.helr m, Larry Lewll Ogden, 17. hit twloe by police sliols. Only three houn belcn, the Ogdeos had sat quietly In a car wbUe a psychiatrist. from Mount ZJon Hospital and a policeman went to Larry'• hotel room with a warrant for Lany's psychiab1c com.mltmenl Soddenly, police Mid, Lany -l0111· haired and beanled -bolted out the reor or the hole! alter talllnc the 111011 ht hsd to go In tlla bathroom. He fled in bis car, polict said, but wu forced to the curb by a police car. He jumped out and fired five shots at two of· ficers, police said, and hit Patrolman Frank Martinez three Umes . 1tlartinei'. partner and three ol.he:r of· ricers pursued Larry, firing four wamtna shots before dropping him with two men. Martinez, treated for shoulder, hand and wrist wounds ,.,-as expected to recover quickly • P..fore thin a week ago, the Ogdens uJd, tbry beard lrom one ol Larry's friends that their son was taklns drup and "he needed help." Lany, a musician, had been ln 1 men- tsl hosJ>hal in Arizona. "We went to the m1yor'1 office, where we were referred to the Public Health Department, where we were 9ent to tht experta •t Mount Zion H°'pltsl Mental Health Center," said the lather. "We d.id everythlne we could." 'Smoke Screen' ------------------,,,.---,,----...,.,--.,------,-,-----~--------------~--• ·-. loll Center C:loslng -.. -- • g 4 • ' • • IWLY .PILOT & • ' ' $f ' ~ )' . · Israel Rejects ' Fea r ReplaCes~K~Q_Wtedge __ ~~ _, Hussein Off er Jaraell officials Mid loday King Hussein's sil•polnt M}d. die East peace plan WU I "smoke screen that does no& represent a genuine wlsb for peace with Israel." The rtjec- Uon once more empbasiRd the role of the Big Four pow- ers in see!tinJ a resolution. The Jordanian king outlined his offer Thursday in a apeech to the Nail"'>! Pr.I CIUb hi Washi!llton, D,C,· For the ltnt time. be offored ' • pubUc pledft io allow Imel \o .... the &... Calial, and lo roply lo questions be said !le ._. nlzed that "Israel II there and there to stay." Allhoogb some of the pohlll had been made before in a United Nations Security ~ ell resolutic.:i his offer-which . he s\ld had the approval of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser-came at a time of mounting frllstratlon for the Arab~ in the Middle East. r • Only today a prominent Egyptian editor, Mohamed , . 'Husanein Haikal. pleaded for "just one" military victory over Israel to boost Arab ' ' • • ST. toUIS (AP) -Slogans Andl'Olewiez said. rtason to U. We've alway• dol the walls of the St. Louis "I thought the Job Corps beeob-1lnour.reporli!!&.~ Job Corps Center for women. was 1n trouble, but not us," he • .. One of them re ad 1 : continDed. Tbt m1t per student bat,,. ' ••Knowledge replaces fear, so "I can't tee uy rhyme or ~about •·• Jiii' year. • doll' be acared. S\al't leanl-lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;,;,;;;;ii;;,;;iii;ii;;;;i;,;;;;;;;;i;;;;:;;;;;;;~;;i;;i;~;;;;;;; ... "iGCl" ,,Jul .wtlh !be iJminr •P- ........, -lo atop, muy d lilt .., enroUeea and 11111 ..--. ... --.... bewildered. The St. Loala Idly la one o! ss the lleparUMnt of Labor .. ,. wtU be dOled in a major shakeup ,d the anilpoverty Jll'<ISl'am. ••tt can't close," sa.id one trainee, "Boys and girls will be roam.lng the s~ts again," aaid another. Many'atudents feel sure the cent.er will remain open "some way."' Old World Medite"anean Spanuh . Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM .DICOUTORI CANCILLATIOH W llTUINI FROM MODIL HOMIS ALL llAND NIW DICoaATORS DltlAM HOUll ON Dll,LAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 .ft. custom qll!lted sofa with separate loose pillows wi.th. heavy oak trim decor and matcblng chair, 3 matching oak occasional table1, (2) 58'' tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece ting size ,, . • ·morale. Haikal ls edifor of Al ""· T ........ ~am, considered • scmioffi· MIDWEST FLOODING DOESN'T RUFFLE FEATHERS OF ...,IS GOOSE "The criteria they used is a mystery ~o me," 1 a i d Al Androl!wlcz, director of the eeoter. "I can only go by the crilerla the Offl<e • f · master b'edroom suite In pecan panelled Medilefranean style with top q..Uty 15 yr, warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. • cial !)ecause It often reflects . , . ,,.. , 1.n N_,,·; views. Bird•' Homa Althouth Mast Resodants of-North Sioux, S.D., Hove -Ev-..! Economic Opportunity -· Qd we were always rated • I ., 'UPI~ WOMAN IDENTIFIED Trene Proh•iky Sister Key To Identity Of 'On Mai' I.AS ~EGAS, Nev. (UPI) - The case of the woman with the backward name who couldn't remember her real one ls partially solved. She is Teressa Ann Probasky, 32, a mother of two from West Liberty, lowa. Be aaid the country's forces f "shoold inflict-an indl!putable m.llltary defeat on the Israeli army In one military battle- just one." Haikal's concern came at a time of mounting dissension in Jordan, frequent target -0f I~racli reprisal attacks that often foll ow Arab JUerrilla at- tack!. The Jordanian military cracked down Thursday on the guerrillas who attacked the Israeli port of Elalh. In rejecting the Hussein of· fer Israel said the National Press C1$ in Washington was not tht proper forum to co. duct dlplomtlc Delollatlons and deMIDded once more the Arabs engage in direct peace negotiations. Since the Arabs have re-· fused any such · negotjaUons attention f<K;USed on the efforts of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union to find some solu tion in their secret talks in New York. Diplomatic sources disclostd today the Big Four had set up a special working group 1'o discuss events between their wee k I y ambassadorial ses· aiom. * * * Ex-Iraq Chief In 'Coke' -Trial CiDnd or third." . Enrollees in St. Louis, Androlewicz said. stay an average of 9.2 months, high among the 17 Job Corps Centers tor v.·omen. The na- BEIRUT (UPI) _ Former tional average is 7.3 months, Premier Taber Yahya of lraq be~~t figures show 161 of .ir 11 Tiit "-"'" ,,... _ cause a breakthrough and in-will go en trial for allowing 176 graduates placed in skilled volunteers patrolled dikes undate ~ area. Coca-Cola to be bottled in jobs. Teens Help to Save Flooded loiva Towns through the night in Sioux Ci4 ·The yN•••~.·-pi.tched In •o Bagbitad, informed diplomatic 1'be percentage of girls com· ty,)owa. where the Big Sioux ~-ow.ao "' sources in' Beihit s&id Thurs-pleting the various courses, River flowed out of its banks · repair the damagld berrier day hight. -Coci-COJa· · l s about one third of t he and across three miles of land, and .no injuries reaulted from blacklisted by Ar_ab . nations enrollees, is also high among submerging homes or leaving the ~ken·P,S ~ because it has plants.in,Israel. .; ob Corp 1 Center•, rooftops eipooed like un,1F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;i;;i;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;ii;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dots· . The 200 volunteers were adults called out to relieve ~ore than 1,000 teen.agers and college students who were given credit Thursday for helping to save s o m e northwest Iowa towns from the ravages of ri ver flood s. The biggest fear among residents forced from their homes where the Big Siou1 flows into the li-iissouri River along the South Dakota and Iowa border v.·u that constant pressw-e on the levees would GAS DR.Y·ER· SALE 2 DAYS ONLY FRIDAY -SATURDAY HOUU: t A.M. te t P.M. hllr t A.M. te 6 P.M. s.m.t.y PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY AND NORMAL INSTALLATION ...,_ H~I •11. ,..urer S15JUI :'ro:~~·-~-~~---· $698.00 hf Piece Colt le Pll'Clmed 1..avt .. 1t, T.,.. A...n.llla -N-an te c:.Rf. Crodlt Ap,...... 1 .... -.., r-t'~ [ / Furniture At Harbor Blvd. . , 1 , • • • • <l • • l 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa OlllJ EYOry ni ... t 'til 9 -Wed. Sat. I. Sun. 'fll 6. ~~~9.A -' . \ • " ' .. •< . ·~. ·>< •• • ,• Police still were trying to flod ·aut bow she wound up be(e tn., Ii h o t e I with a bacll!i'llnl J111me, bound band lll!l~Jiiillji a tranoe. , • When "ille 'wu founll ~ the SaI1.S.,.ti ii.tel (Las Vegas apelled 'backwards) she was only able lo Identify berlell as Eno .On Mai (I am no one, 1pelled backwarils); Nixon Explores Plan With Egyptian Envoy SUNSHINE FRESH DRYING AT· ECONOMY. PR·ICES ~ .;·.' .. ' '• .. '· .; After' more than a week in Southern Nevada Mtmorial · Hospital, she recalled, the name .of a sister in Albu- querque, N.M. Po Ji c e telephoned the sister and she idenUflt.d the woman as Mrs. Prohasky, 32. Her husband, Marvin, 35, wbo owns a fertililer plant in West Lit>erty1 flew. here Thuraday with their two young chDdren for a bedside reunion with their mother. Mrs. Prohuky ll!ill can't remember any of her life before maid! discovered her· semiconscious in the hotel April 2. She was wearing a costume resembling a nun's habit aitbo<Jih there were fashionable clothes in the closet. Tm husband told police she disappeared from her borne Marth 31, and left a note uyinc 0 Don't try to find me." The ..me day, she reglltered at the Sal Sagev under the alJaa of G1il Gentry of Boonevllle, Mo. Docl«I treating her refused com1111lll on the cue, bllt Del: LL Doyle Hamilton repon..t they believe she Was the vic- tim of some sort of self -hyp- nosis and remains in a state of pol~C SUl(esilon. WASHINGTON (AP) -A bigb. Egyptian official ar-- ranged a farewell visit to the White House today, giving Priil:ident NiJ:Qn a chi.nee to explore a six-point Mideast peace plan offered by Jordan's King Hussein. The visit from Dr. Mahmud FaWli, Cairo'• repreee:Dtative to the funeral cl f<:rmer Presi- dent Eisenbowtr, came after Hussein wound up a three-day stale vi~t Thursday b y sketching his plan in a Na- Uonal Presa Club apeecb. Hussein sald he .w a s authorized to speak for Egyp- tian Preaident Gamal Abdel N.,..r In proposing the plan that would guarantee freedom ol passage throogb the Gulf of Aqaba and the Suez Clnal to the 1 h t .p s of l1rael and all other nations of. the regioo. In return for thls, HU19eln nld, Israel must hand back all territory it bu occupied since the six4ay war of June 1987. "The challenie that these principles prettDt," s 1 l d Hu.-ein, "it that Israel may have eitbor peace or terrlt«y -but aibe can never have both." State Deparlmellt dficiala could not recall that Nasser had ever given assurances such as HUS9ein's in any previous ~ fot a puce aettlemenl AOVEllTISEMENT JET "~ ·.-< NOISE I OVERHEARD "All yoo have to do Is tell "You mmt have a vry good tbem bow you feel about the u- alarm ckd:; you're always at pansion ol Oranae County wark on Ume!" Airport." "Yeah, it's called 'Air W-' ". "But I don't know bow to~ * * * to tbe Boo.rd of Supervlecn.'' "Are you...,. lo tbal Board "Jmt get up, state your.name cf Supervisors meetinig c n and address and say a few 1\le3day?" ' "Whyi I've never been to ..... ="51ee· JT~ want lo know bow -~<U I '" ,_ . wby ~ IO · "M be I'll M • --"Well, I bear lbey'n going lo all ., ay lq a llllfr ~- talk about the airport expansion ,;See )<lll lbere " and the pooslbillty of using * * * another site for ,,the temponry April lllil (Tueldayl ii the ....-i abport. day. The qenda lt.m coma up "I don' think I'll go to tb1a al 10:30 ... be then early 11 ooe. J'd hive to set a litter." Yo!J've been asking "What· c4n J ••'Jbere apperenlly are aohla doT'1 Chis ia 1 Ume tiJ do lo be a lot d -le from tiie El IOllltlhfngl See 1W there. 1""' area. Maybe tt ...Wd be a • • * good ldeo for the SllPG"llon to Stop by, write or eon ua at "' koow that we care here In Eul 17th St. lo Oleta M-• Newport Beedl and Colla M ... , upetairs. Phona -. We''" "1""' WGUid they koow I opeo dally a\ IO:OO. See JW wasn't from ·down there111 'l'ue&dQ'. I, ---------·--- - U.S. officials were wary, however. Ttley as 1 u m e d Hussein was speaking fer N user but there was no asidrance bow long this' rela· tion might lut between tlre two Arab leaders. The United States alao has queatlons <boul a resumption of U.S.·UAll dlplomatfc ties which Nuoer ... pped dlll'inl the Ara~IJraeli war. Board OKs Student Plan SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State Board of Education has approved a 11111esUon by state sohools clllef Max Rafferty tha\ a high school student serve u a non-voting, ltallon member of the board. "He would participate lo board discussions and clialofues dealing with student probfems of all kinda," Raf. ferty told the board Thunday, , .... hllfk.ll ...,.,,, ... ,.,, UTAIN U.OYD E. BWIPIED, JR. '•INCUMIENT Sc~loard APRIL II, ,.., PIOVlll AllLITY AND INTIUST IN SCHOOU AND COMMUNITY Lleytl L IUUIPllD, J"X' , __ .._. ' 11\I c ....... ,,,.., .. Lleytl L I~, Jr, ,... ....... ,_ Hyth L M,...tt, Chllrm11t 2t71 MlnHnM Dr,. c.M. GAS nooo DRYER WDH Al ROW DRYllGI •13995 This large capacity dryer has a high speed drying system. Porcelain enamel drum and t~p. Yarlaple time. control} Separate start switch. Fluff cycle. Four way venting for' ·, easy Installation. Big capacity lint trap ... All the feature~ ' necessary to give year round drying conveniently! '12 95 HIGH SPEED DRYER WITH PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE -.. -111• --""' -,.. -tho -·""' -°"" _ ,., _____ --- IUll 1111kllltMWfllllMd. ,,.....,-..... - -"..,. .. ., • 141!- GE CLOTHES DRYER WIT~· . AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL. 11o ·-...-""' ---lld - -111 llft lld f!lllJ""" .. -· ~tfd_I ___ _ tor ,.,...nt rm.. .... ,....~ ... ,,,.. -ft"""" -11111111 - -• ~I . '15995 516995 • . • ; , '· ~":.i'1 '., . .;_ ·' ··~ ., ."e r,~ ""' ':o f~ .. ... -; ,~; • ' ·-·~· -" ·~~ .... ~~ .. ' . .. '~ • " • ~ .1 ' ' '• < ' l • ' • •t ,. , ~ ' • •• • "1 TV & APPLIANCE Cl Nm 2300 HAUOR ILYD. -COSTA MISA , ,. PHONE 540-7131 ' ; '{ . J ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------t ·· I' • • • • • ' I I 1 • ' ' - 1 I I ' ~ . i ·- { \ DAD.Y PILOT .EDl.,oBIAL PAG~ I • , ( • • .. ; Wilcoxen, Browne, Boyd ~ • , • ... •• • < ' • • ·~ . ., • • •• • t • ~ . •• • ~ : , ' ( ,, . • ( ' ' . • • . ' ~. .. > • • ' ' > ' • '. •• • ' • ' ' t ' ,, •• ' • • • ' ' II may be dlliicull for resident.s of Laguna Beach Unified School District to choose three trusteu from among the seven candidates Tuesday • · The dillteuily iJ> mak!Jtg a selectlon for tbe import· aol pools relates to the fule caliber ot candidates. Ali have something to offer the community and lls cbildren. All back the lax override. CriUclsm of the present boanl and policies bas been relaUvely mild. All the candidaies have shown perspective on the quality of district teachers, programs and the need to stay com· petitive in teacher salarie& . No sharp philosophical differences seem lo have arisen in the pleasant-if-determined campaigning. More subtle differences relate to innovative teaching, the de- gree of experimentation and controls and need for bet· ter communication. The two iD.cumbents seeking re-election, ,William Wilcoxen and Dr. Norman Browne, have performed ably and deserve re-election. Both men have the depth of knowledge and the .flexibility to continue working for a superior school system in the Laguna area. Selecting a candidate t~ fill the third seat is diffi • cult. Each 'of the remaining candidates has desirable qualifications and none of them is bent on a destructive course . Mrs. Jane BOyd offers a widespread and solid rec- ord of community participation. She has been most ac· live in PTA work, both at the school and council level. and has served in such organizations as the Civic League, the Boys' Club, the Babe Ruth League and the Citizens' Town Planning Association. Mother of three, she has lived in Laguna Beach 11 years and has a ·repu- tation for getting things done pleasantly. For a well-roun'ded board of trustees the DAILY PILOT recommends William Wi!coxen, Or. Norman Browne and Jane Boyd. ' Bandoli Is the _Choi~ .. - There ts only one cohtesl in the Capistrano Unified School Distric!t board race Tuesday. Incumbents Thomas J. W-mget, District 4, and Fred rL. Newhart Jr., District 7, are unopposed • lo District 6, incumbent Marvin C. Bandoll, of Dana Point, is opposed by Bob D. Hurst of Laguna Niguel. . Bandoli has a solid record of trying lo .obtain wllal 1s bes t tor school children. More than any other board member he questions and prods the school adminislra· tion on curricuJum matters. Hurst has run a narrow campaign saying be would better s~rve the interest of Laguna Niguel by obtaining school sites for the area. He has spoken only in gener· alities of what be might do for the school district al large . The choice is Bando!L Saddlehack's Conservatives It wou1d appear that the conservative policies of the ~addleback Junior College District will be continued in Tuesday's school board election. .Districf·2 Trustee Hans Vogel will run without op-pos~~on in his. clistnct. Patrick Backus will have op- position from five other candidates in his race for Dis· trict 4 tr~stee, but it appears unlikely that any of them has a senous. chance of upsetting him. Both Backus and Vogel are outspoken conservatives. Both are seeking re-election on the basis of the board's perfonnance to date . Of the five men opposing Backus, Ronald S. Steel· man ~as waged. the stronges~ campaign . But even he ~as failed t? delin~te key issues or crystallize an effec .. t1ve campaign against Backus. (L) ' • y • Long-needed News C:overage Retaliatory Warning Net If No ABM ' , • • .. ' ' '· New Saddlehack Edition ' • • ·t o the Editor: : Congratulations on your new Sad· 'leback Edition. Our area has long need· *ct news coverage which would reaclJ all 'Jarts or the sprawling San Joaquin ~lementary School District. -: I was glad also to see the article con· eerning the .. Committee of One Thousand lor Better Education." The committee telcomes members who wish tO work together for quality education for all the ~hildren of the San Joaquin Elementary. and Tuslin Union High Sdtooi diJtrlcts. • .~ I MIGIIT POINT out lhBt uli! com- ~ttee has never been interested in ; trying to call the shots... The ~ is ttnited in a common concern for ecbaca- (ion, and decided to begin by encourljing qualified people to run for the office of t,rustee . It is also concerned that the itoards not be dominated by groupi whose inotives are political rather than educa· tiional. The committee encourages j~ Gependence and integrity in prospecUve trustees, and wants to inform the 11olets or these qualities in its endorsed Can- didates. · : IT SHOULD ALSO be made clear that Do organized group has seconded the en· dorsements of lhe committee. Various ~sidents of Laguna Hills Leisure World, active in many organizations including those of botp. political parties, hive ieconded individually the committee's en- •orsements. The League or Women Voters does not endorse candidates, and the fact that many of our Leisure JVorld supporters are league members inerely points up that they are active and • ' ' lil'lailbox r LtUen from reader" are welc~. NormaUu wrlt.ers shof.tld convey their ~ssage in 3QO words or less. The right to Condt1tse letters to fit space O'I' eliminate libel is resenltd. AU leturr mu.st include signature and ~ling ~r(SS, but names may be wath~ld on requ.it if 11tfficient rea· •on u appartni. . ,}D!ormed lodlviduals. ~ you aiain for your lelWfhy coverage of our · candi'dates, Fraese. X~U. ~ ~langer, Dameroo, and Stratton, and the Committee of One Thou- sand, and also for your fine new cover-age of our growing area. ' SHARON S!RCELLO Irvine 01Jerrlde Canapal911 To the Editor: A campaign is under way by the Laguna Btach Unified School District to increase school taxes by a 58"ent override. U we feel that our taxes are too I~, and our pocketbook is bulging, we wtll have an opportunity lo vote for an increase on April 15. Thls is very nice because most o( the time we get an increase without a vote. It's a privilege to vote so we should be well . informed. But' we should keep In mind the operation of private business is to make money, and is entirely different from public school business which is to spend money (our money) through taxation. EVERY CHILD is entitled to altend a good safe school and get a good education. Laguna has been boasting of this accomplishment. Jn the past, Laguna voters have been most generous in their support of better education. We have NO crowded classrooms, NO double sessions. NO unsafe buildings. and there has been NO appl't('iable in· crease,,,Jn student attendance over the years. Our new modern schools have been publicized nationally as ahead of the times. But don't get a shock. if you hear rumors about the need for new school sites. THE PER PUPIL cost (ADA) by Ille way, is the highest of all the unHied schQoi districts in Orange County. and we top the list in expenditures for salaries of instruction and administrative coots per pupil of all the unified schools in Orange County. (These facts from the Financial School Report.} Assessed valuation rising since 1957 from $30 million to the present $80 million gives our schools a substantial increase in tax dollars every year. 77.92 percent of public school costs in our district comes from local sources. In view of the above burdens, there has t.q be some relief through tax rerorm ; the only recourse is.... to protest througb our vote, otherwise relief may never come. THERESA YALE EAGLES j Powerful Fund M·anagers .. "There i.s a The11 out there in t11e market ... \Vho are ThtJ/1 Wtll, 2'hey arc lhe ~ople who move •tocks. They get tile information j irst, maybe. They even creaie the C1lformatian, and They are about .to f>ut the stock up or down. Thell a.-e mysterious, anonumous, potoff'/ul csftd they know everything. Nothing fazes f llcm. The11 are the poweri of the inorlc:etplace." -"Adam Smith;• The Money Gome ( 1968). ' ; The mysterious "They" refemd to by the pseudonymous Adam SmJth are She managers of what are called Institu- tions: mutual funds, pension and e. iowmtnt funds , insurance companies. JUght now they hold lbe immediate fatt ~ the Dow Jones Aveiage in \heir ~rtfolios. " By sitting on their hands -refl1$ln& fo buy stocks in any great volume -fie managers already have been In- • -----Frid a y, April 11, 190 TM <ditorlal !>0!7• ot lh< Dear Pilot uekJ to btlorn& ond 1ti• ; ttlate rcadera bv prtlffttino chil t n.ew1poper'• opiniona ad COt'I'> ! IMfttory cm topics Of htkrtat and .rignificanc.. by prooldmg • furum for IM ·~ of our reader•' opinlom, and by , pranting Ch.-clfoa1t iWll>o polnts of blfOf'IMI obi.,,,.,. , "'1d IJ'Ok< ....... lopla Of tM dog. : Robert N. Woed, Publisher • ·- .w· ·~'!!" v ,, ·~·-J_ f • • Edit~ri,ai 1.: . :R~srar~ll ""' .... ~. strume.nt.al In an I percent decline in stock prices ance the first of the year. lt· could 1et worse· if the gun slingers move from cautioq. to what the Wall Street. JournaJ describes as "a pessimism that prompts liquidation." IF THE MUTUAL FUNDS begin massive selling, they have a lot to unload. The combined assets of mutual funds belonging to the Investment COm- pany Institute (93 percent of all fund assets) stood at more than $53 billion in February, up a whopping U percent from a year tarl.ier. With sales running at an all-time monthly high of $87$ mlllloo in January, lite money manager• art under enormous pressure to put the money to work:. But the to-called cult of perJorm aince &1vt1 rise. to fears that the very structure ol. mutual funds is being undermlned. "While &~IO fund managers gleefully dbcard many of the old Investment IUldeUnes In the headlOlli rush for flashy pttfonnance." wrot.e Philip Greer ln the Washington Post. "they art also tossing oat many of the old conceptions of what a mutual fund should be." IN THE RISING market ol 1967, lhe imaller 1grtlllvt funds with an aettnl oa acdoc and growth rather lhan saret1 outptrformed the stoct market 1s 1 wbo.le. But tbelr in-and-out lradlng of glamour ltocks wasn't too successful in lJll. And the .. growth funds" have taken even more of a bealina in the chancy market ot l:l69. Federal Reserve BOard Chairman William McChesney Mart.in, Jr., shook up the mutuail fund industry nearly two years ago when he condemned massive speculation by mutual funds and other instituUooal investors trying to rack up short-term gains. "It seems to me,'' he said, "that practices of this nature contain poisonous qualiUes reminiscent in some respects of the old pool opera· tlons of the 1920s." . MAR11N'S SPEECH coincided with a major regulatory effort by the Steurlties and Exchange Commission. S . E . C • Chairman Manuel F. Cohen asked Congress for greater control over sales charaes and management fees in an effort to provide "a fairer shake" for the nearly five million investors who pul their money in mutual funds. The legislation received Senate .ap. provaJ in 1968, but died with the 9Clth Congress when the House Commerce Committee decided not to consider iL Dear Gloomy Gus: tr that kid In our Laguna neighbor· hood doesn 't stop tiyina to aet fire lo the bushes on the way to the school bus, the yoongster1s parents will be In big trouble. So wru our oeighborhood. -Miffed Thlt fbf11.-. "'"°'"'9 ,......, ...... ... ~ f"'-.... ,, ....... , ..... ,_ .. _ ................. a.llr ....... . WASHINGTON -Even if Congress s b o u J d reject President Nixon 'r con- troversial anti-missile defense, expensive components of the "safeguard" ABM system wiU be needed to alert U.S. offensive forces. That is the private word fr{)m PentagOn plannen. They say the sophisticated ear· ly warning equipment, planned for the anti-ballistic-missile deployment, is vital. even if no defensive intercept is to be atte mpted. In their view, the Jong-range radars of the "safeguard" warning net would be needed to alert the President tn an incoming missile attack and to ready U.S. missiles and bombers for a possible retaliatory strike. Perimeter acquisition radar ( th e acronym is PAR) gives the ABM system the ability to pick up incoming missiles at a range of about 1,000 miles. With related communication and data pr(). cessing equipment, the PA.Rs account for some $1.5 billion of the $6-7 billion estimated cost for a c. o m p I e t e d ''safeguard" deployment. THE RADAR ARRAYS are c o s t I y because of their complex electronics and their sl!e. The giant PAR antenna is more than 100 feet in diameter, and the equipment is housed in a building 200 feet square and 130 feet high. ABM critics have said the big radar Installations -the long-range PARs and other radars for missile control -would, themselves, be attractive targets for a missile attack which could quickly immobilize the entire ABM system. Military experts are saying that present systems are inadequate to give initial warning of incoming attacks, partly because the equipment has become outdated and partly because it is aimed to warn or rocket attacks from the North. The pre'Sent system ts not keyed to attacks from the nation 's seaward approaches. The Russians have an increasing ability lo launch that 50rt of attack, the military planners say, with great damage to missile sites and, especiaUy, U.S. bomber bases. TWO SOVIET WEAPONS develop. ments have caused the increasing con- cern about atU!cks from the continent's seaward reaches. 0 n e or them is t h e Kremlin's all-OUt drive to mass-produce missile-firipg submarine. of the Polaris type. -' Such submarlnes could take station in the oww: off the U.S. CO&Sta and deliver an 1tt.acll: on U.S. ba~ with intermediate range missiles fired from beneath the seas. Defense Secty. Melvin Laird recently told Congress that Russia now bu the. product.ion base to tum out one sub- marine for launching ballistic mi&Siles (SLBMs) <ad! moolll. Uke the Polaris, each ot tbt Russian subs can fire 1$ nuclear-ti~ mlssilei. The current Rem.Ian production ntt. according to Laird, Is seven or the Polaris-type subm.arints a year. Even at that rate, the Russians can look to malebJng the 41-ship U.S. Polaris fleet in tbt not too Wst&N future. Moreover, La Ir d ls warning that the Rtwians can ezpand their production but. once Che ont--a-monlh quotai is rtached, and build the subs even more rapidly. By Robert S. Allen ud Job A. Goidtml!ll , 'Either you go with me, baby, or you don't go at alL' Surgery That Isn't Necessary By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. The two most common operations particularly in the very young, ar~ circumcision and tonsillectomy. Although perrormed for hundreds or years, th ese procedures still are on a nonscientific basis. Ne3:rly 98 percent for all newly·born American boys are circumcised before they leave the hospital. No one knows why most parents, Jew and Gentile alike willingly submit their male infants to thi~ surgical ritual. One mother, a Protestant, explained it this way: "I thought it was a law ; everyone I know is circumcised." ~ JEWS, THE procedure is clearly relJgtous; symbolically, it is equated with goodness, purity and sancUfication. Further, circumcision s u p p o s e d I y counteracts excessive lust when the boy becomes a man. However, St. Paul, although proud of his Jewish heritage~ dissuaded early Christians from adopting ritual circumcision. For centuries, many cult11res practiced circumcision as a ritual for spiritual purilicaUon. In some i! was used as a pubertal rite, a prerequisite to manhood. mating and marriage. The r I t u a I strengthened taboos against incest and parricide, and tightened bonds between rather and son. Wl'nt THE RISE of modern surgery, the status of circumcision changed from a religious rite to a common surgical pro- cedure. Cutting off the prepuce, the sleeve of skin which normally protects the head of the penis, was advocated primarily to insure cleanliness, to pre- vent phimosis (constriction due to adhesions so that the foreskin cannot be drawn back easil y), and to prevent cancer. Usually the operation is done on newly· born infanl.ll without an anesthetic altilough most babies struggle and scream in manifest pain; some even lapse . into unconsciousness during the operation. Allhough rare, infection, hemorrhage requiring transrusion, and, jf an anesthetic. is given, even death can oc- cur. THE PREPUCE cannot be retracted in at least 50 pe rcent of all uncircumcised one·year-old boys, but only 10 percent have any adhesipns when 3; usually these can be broken without surgery .. In no more than two percent 01 males if circumcision ever a "must." Jf the uncircumcised male's prepuce can be retracted and is kept clean, he is no more apt to develop penile .cancer than men who are circumcised. Nor wil! he be more prone to develop a venereal d.isease.. More important, the un~ crrcumc1sed male is Jess apt to be im· potent or a homosexual. For many psychiatrists believe that considerable emotional damage occurs in some circumcised men who fear their genitals have been irremediably injured. fl;IOST. UKELY. in the quest of hygiene and purity, few have dared to question the value of circumcision. In his article, "Rape of the Phallus", in the Journal of the A.M.A., Dr. W. K. Morgan remarked succinctly: "Circumcision is encouraged by Scripture, the beliers cf the medical proression, the intuition of women folklore and health-insurance agencies.,; But it is ostensibly ritualistic surgery. Many physicians now believe that the prepuce or the male infant should be left !nits natural state. By hls third birthday. 1t usually can be retracted easily and cleaned during the daily bath. ~ AS HE GROWS, the boy should be ~aught to k~p that part of his body clean, Just as he 1s taught to wash hls ears. Since circumcision has few if any medical benefits. tens of thousands of un· necessary operations could be eliminated each year, along with the physical and psychological co m p I i c a t I o n s that sometimes accompany Utis dubious pro- cedure. . The 1978 Housing Goal In the far.reaching Housing Act of 1968, Congress declares that the goal of a "decent home anC:: a suitable living: environment ror every A m e r i c a n family has not been fully realized for many of the nation's low.income families." The act seeks to achieve this goal by 1978. In concrete terms, this Is expected to mean construction of 24 million houses and apartments plus rehabilitation or 2 million more over the next decade accordin& lo the Department or Hrmslni and Urban Development. TO DO THIS, the aMual rate of hous- ing starts (including new apartments) will b4ve to be Jlfled from the current rate of about 1 ~ million to about 3 m!Ulon In the mid-and h1te-"1tls. This l, calculated t9 requirt the investment resources by l1'le mid·lt?Os. Homebuikting nowaday1 1bM>rbs only 1bout 1¥1 perctnt or the nation's ~ucUve ruources. THERE IS NO QUESTION lllat we can build 2 to 3 millk>n homes per year U lhe government wants lo ram enough resources into the homebulkting industry to do tht job. But in trying to mttt this target, we will Rt1Ct551rily risk &training pro. ~ucUve c1~ty in the bomebuUd.lng industry, sendq priou of noosullsldized 1 ( -Guest Report homes. ~p even faster than th ey ha\•e !>ttn r1S1ng recently, and thus discourag. mg nonsubsidized demand. Monthly Economic LeUer Finl NaUonal City Bank ~--B11 George ---. Dear George : I think a lot of TV show~ like Laugh·ln and The Smo thers Brotbera and Gentle Ben arc dirty \Vho do J write to? · FOURSQUARE FOR PURITY Dear Foursquare : Jf a show offends you , write to .the nehtork or to the sponsor. Point out what you find ob- jectionable in Laugh ·ln, T h e Smothers Brothtra and Centle Ben and make your point briefly and with temptranct and -OENTLE BENl!l!ll RJp Off a hate letter to Smokey the Bear. lte's the (Int in the Pomographlc Seoul hal. !<I in :ised ·cent hese 1 no s ii puce le is ""'' will :real un, im- 1any able ome itaJs iene ition icle, 11 of •ked •ged lical 1en, es.'' the left iay, •nd be !an, :i:rs. any un- ited and .hat iro- l 1 "" ag- "' mk ' South Coast Garden Club bas chosen ·the first day of May for a • salad luncheon and card party to raise funds for cons_ervation and beautification projects. Flower lovers anticipating. a bright day for the spring benefit are (left to right) the Mmes. George Raw· lins, president; Mrs. William S. Philip, who will b06t the event in ' • Campaign Drawing to a Close Laguna Beach Community Concert Association will close its annual member- ship campaign at noon-tomorrow. Hqping for mor:e applicants when doon. of Adven~e Travel Service, campaign headq\l&l'ten, open at 10 a.m. are (left to right) rs .. Lawrence F. White, third-Vi~ presid~t; ·CM. William Roley, campaign Bj11Dan, and Mrs .. Florence Anderson, .Dr.st Mee presrdent. '. her Three .Arch Bay bomei, and Miss 'Jean Atkinson. Mis. George Cwmil!gbam ii chairman of the U :30 p.m. event. Tickets, at $2, may. be obtained by calling Mn. Dora llJ!Js. 4119-1150 or Mrs. Robb Scott, 4911-1220. A 1erving tray, designed by Mrs. Paul Kepler. will be awarded. . · • • Guild ·Opens F~oa Booth ' . . : ... ' l , . . JEAN. COX, MMH ''*'·Min.,. L ••H The Laguna Line · Play, easeball ,Earn Support By JEAN COX Of llM ~Uy ..... , Stiff A SPECIAL Premiere Night, lliarklng the opening Jilgbt of South Coast Choral and Ught Opera AMociation's presentation of "South Pa- cific" attracted about ISO Imm and D. J. AWnlon and Co. A WOMEN'S Auslllary to Mission . Vk!jo Litle Leque has been fonneid to raise f1mds for equipment, uniform1 and snack bar supplies. people. During the season the auxll- Spoosored by the. associa· lary,.led by Mn. O..vid Ochoo, tion's new Music Theater plans a caitdf da1ve,.bde u1e Guild, the evening began with and fireworks ltand.. Membln the muslcal and closed with also hope to offer a dance. danclnt and a buffet dinner . · in San 'Clemente If1!l where lntere6ted mothers an ast- guests wwe greeted by the ed to' call. Mp!. Ochoa during Mmes. George Grupe, ftcib.. the evening at . 137-7068, for ert H a n co ck and Ralph · furthe.r lnfonnation. Grassi. . ' Directors John Ferzacca, Eua:ene Ober and Mrs. Lynne Morris were honored at the supper along with board ~m bers and cast principals. Honor patrom, according to 'Ptfrs. M. J. Stevenson, public- Jty chatnnan, were Mr. and Mrs. Dan YeUding. Jay La-. tham, Mr. and Mn. Wayne Gilfillan, Reeves Rubber Inc., Freeman Fowler, Mn. Wilma .ALTRUSA CLUB ol Laguna Beach oUicers Mrs: A. F. Whitener, vice preslderit, and Mrs. Frank GottscbJich. pres. ident', will represent their- group at an aMual distrJct conference in Las Vegis next month. Aceording to Mrs. Whitener, clubs frOm HawaU, MuiCo, Ca.lifornla, Nevada and Ari- mna will participate 1n the four-day conclave. Hot "Dogs Se.rved ·~ for Goal Hot dogs and symphony mullc aren 't usually m~tioned in the ume brutbi. · However the IOUnd of col,ns droppln& in · the wt will be mllll« to C1pmnno Bay · Guild memberl,,Symphony Allociat)on of Orange County u they ..u hot dogo to hUJlllY · merrymllen durill( . t h e Swallows' Dliy Fiesta from 10' a.m. to 4 · p.m. Salurday, April 19. Tile plld, 1 lllllll lfOllp, dedded to utilize San JU>Jl Capistrano'• annual day ' o1 fm!vltles u a backdrop I••' a food ·booth. Its sole J~ eff«I tllii year. Fonned three , yean qo, the auJJd meell In private bom• the lourlb I"flday" morning of evf!rf month. la lddltloa to regular bulinels, roeelinp Include I""' gr11n1 of mulcal lnterat whlcl> In the past have 'ilicluded a tilt" by Daniel Lewll, COllduct<r of the -. .. Mn. Wllllom O'COanelI ol Dalla Point, . cumnt ~. ii lllllted· by Yice pnsidentl the -Jllllll -. Robert Hlllll and Jack Telaneul. '• llRANK TaST -With pl&DJ lo run a food booGl daring the Swallow,• Day Fiesta, Capi· strano Bay Guild membeTI, Symphony AallO- jicin .of Orange County. have become big bot . . ' " -. -... dog boooters. They are (Jell to· right) the Mmes. Donald Hillman, Robert Hillis, Evie Love and Jack Telaneus. r If the Shoe .. P:inches, .. H·ub:bies, You're 'Well, ·Heeled' DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I am the wife of a man who has had several torrid affairs since our marriqe 24 years ago. None of his affairs meant anytblna: to him. They were merely e1c; -. mootJy with gold-dJuers, Lut week I went to a lawyer to Jam my rights if I were to sue for divorce. I wu astonished at what a man'• chasins around can cost him If hla wife want.a to get tough. I can. literally tick him out of the house and he would hive to support me u Jong u I Jive, provkied I do not remarry. Ht alao wouJd have tit support his children until they are 21 -and put them through school. P""'" alwaya are liitereMI fli"Wbat ~ :..i.~ the~;;,. ~y bappenod" when 1 woII mown, aflluent and cblld lllppoi1. I bope nery - man gels a di....._ A few .......,., wbo Is foo1in1 ......i will nad 1lda !nJm h1I wife could -him. Tbe large letter and wonder If k wu -and famous firm be -u for would • r not 11111le kindly on 111 mcu\Ivt w1-by hi& wife. No chla, ,U. · -let . wJfe left him because or bil 1ama 'em nreaL with . a llUle tramp YOWi( eJlOUlh to _ WIS!ll NOW be his daughter. DEAll '11'18ER: lien's ,_ touor ""' I wonder ~ that cutie wlU ltili loot a ..,. to all •,.. leDows IOI ..._ gocid after the fU1 ii financially dralnod, w• .. ........, a Hiik. ,,._ ._, , ' ' . write _. Ilk mt •ul di)'' Ille leUtt when U.., learn ba bu 1 .-d, that'• U .., of ·,.. --~ -- --_I .. HI lolldq. JL .......... out !Mre w11t lo perf- DBAll ANN: My llllbml 11. 1 aoocf I make wry lood ,,_,. at ao e 1 ......,.i,.. ouvice,. plew write to -· wlio ldl Into bod comptny. 1 am troolcs pllllll and .,.. oldest boy (17)• .,. _. IOl' JOll wW tab • - n o I trJl"I lo wbllewuh the 1ttuatlon. turu over •Yf!rf penny from his ~-• ,._,, I pnmloe to -Ille ...._ ......... w ~1. v--·llll!e job, but 11,killl ."!I' ·illsboncl• '_. ... 111. ltupid lo do ...... lll•dld. 1rrlda lllal .. )Jn\"lllPPOCllOC llll llD1ilf ... Bui ti _.. unfair that· alter he ha l>Iea., Ami, tell 111 what to do. How will you tMw when the NI Jllld hll debt to llOdety be obouJd be lhing comes alollg! Ask Ann 1-L unable to pt • decent Job. I'm afraid -N.Y. WIFE Send lot her booklet "Lo,. or S..11111 If ~ doeln\ hire him soon he'll llEAll WU"B: T. • ,_ llldety How to Tell the Dill......._" Send a So beet wtlh bis old plll and ftd .. • •Flin._. •1•el•1t• l&arW _. cent.I tn coln IDll a i..c. 1elf.flddrz•1!1, up In prilon" qaln. ; ,_ "1 --lo Ille. -Ywt otampod .,,...,. wllll---'. ... ,,,. -.. 1111 11r-.,, ,_ .... -' For nearly I month, Buddy'• been Now Yort, "· Y., --..... Ami Laadm wll he •slid to helt .......,,the pavement, ...... r1., ads, ., ~ Ytll< -.--Ille you with your problems. Send tllenl 10 I n.1 to employment apncles, fl!IInc tllato ~t A.-CJ aed Ill lo her In care ol the DAILY ~ out forml 'and 1tt1I no job. lie'• no1 ~ ..W .,,.., h 11IU!11111 tncloeln1along,1tll-. llall\pol afraid ol -k. He'll do ailythln1 but _,.., n-•ldi. tnvelope. ·' • II I , ' ' I • I j I -· -- H910SCOP! • '"' •, Scorpio: Romance Featured ., ... .. AWARDS COLLECTED -The Fountain Valley W01m:J11S Club bad a monopoly on top awards last night at the Orange District, California Federation of. W0tnan'1 Clubs convention in the Dianeyland Ho- tel. coming out first in the division for medium size clubs. Admiring the club's scrolls and aw~ are the ~1mes. Robert Mos11 Laurence Erwin and CUrt Burnett (from left) • . ' · Orange District Honors • •• Fountain Valley Club First \• ., Anolber 'J9lr ol bard work '• liDd llCCGID~t-ii over, B woman 1 club members in lilo ~ Diltrict • r • ; • ..... Oii tbaJr laareb. Having raany laurell w ,..., -II Ibo Fountain Valley Wanan'• Club, which was top -In tile middle llzo dubs dlrillaD mxl rec e Ive d . ,. ---llllt nlPi 11 the annaaJ -... -' . l\':l* in tbe. Dilneyland Other Orange Coast clubs camjng home with prizes were • .._ the San Clemente Woman's Club, Westminster Woman's Club, Woman's Club of Hun- tington Beach, El Cimino Reil Wdman's Club, Woman's Club of Seal Beach, Woman's Club of Leilure Wo r Id (Laguna IHlls), Mldway City Woman'• Chib, Cout w ..... ·, Club " earma c1e1 Mar, Rancho Viejo Woman's Club and tbe OOlla Mesa Women's Club. The boaquet bepn wMh a pn>ce8lkrial <i Ibo II dltitrtc:t club presidenll, led by state president, Y.n. Edward D. Wylie ol Glendale ·and the di&lricl prelidellt, li:n. J1mt1 s~ McCalla. Ttie WClllllll'I Club <i llun- Ea<h presided -llve a U....., -w• cited for Slrand " -Jewell by lint p1-In v-... and Mrs. Wylie • 1be wu In-Foundltion P'uorl and a second troduced, In keeping with tile in Kolla! P1c:ture1, lladlp and c«iwntkm theme, A 1'rellurt T 1IevJ11 on . Mn. Ann Cbest <i Pricdea J.... A111borpe !OCdftd an ESO Mn. William a-,, !Int ••ml. vice praidmt and dean of W"'inning awards a1IO was cbalrme!I, pr-.ad c 1 ab the Wcman'1 Club <i Seal •-------•I awanla, incJudloC a opedal -· ---in awlftl 1'> the 1Voma'1 Club <i N-and Slalo 1.piattan Let.... World, for ..-and Oonummlly Improoement inemb<rship lntaU. .... -In Emblema and Fountain Valley Women'• Seals, Leaderlbip Develop. Club, middle she ch.ib winner, meot. Mental He a It b, was recogni.ud for firsts in ~:--...1.' .... i.. Comervation, Garden • n d .... 11.u.cu;,wp, H--a a d Let's Talk Girl Talk BeeutiflcaUon, Epoilon Sigma WeHare, H-~ Omicron Ind Library Fin&nctanda..:iio1r~--------•I Services, Public Edacatlon, tion and Family LMnr and Colored planten c:ontainin Enrerrained Women Brunch -~ simple but elepnt WI)' W etllertaJa - w1D be bljjbligbted durlnl tile natdemomtntioninthe Saatbem Calllomla Electric · ' lbbtc C e n t e r , HWltlnaton -New ldeu 1'> brl1b ten --oreuv -wfilbe~by Conlllolm,lmle-'"I . ' for tl!t Saatbem caJ!lomla ....... Owni*'O'· ' '1111 pulllle II Invited 1'> a~ _ ., tllad the demueratklDI which wlll .... plKe al 10 a.m. . . ,. . . ' ·: · Artistic Approach Ttie arllll'• aRftACb 1'> -arnqlng w1D be =:i-Mn.-of Lanca1t1r ..-CnaU.. Deslp for Ille Flonl AIU Guild Monday, April I I, at IO a.m. 8uttl Ana Woman'1 Club . w1D be the oetttnc for Ille · "twHaar program. whk:b wlll mm. rocb, weathered woods ·and malto!U !nm tbe . _,. •• -home. ·~ wllblnl Information .. the plld. wlllcb -the -llaadoJ <i -mootb, . ,. -Cllllln.C.11. -· ·,. , .,,_, tr Jin, C. L H• I" nlnP.4M-1111. Tuelday, April 15 ind D; anQ 'llrunday and Friday, April 17 and lf. Emling P'"l'lmS will be presented Monday, April 14 and JI, and W-ay. April 17, at 7 p.m. lncludod In the .......,. w1D be'the -" .. -dllbwuberand....Wbaia'. lleclpe -w1D be .,_ -attendlnl the .-..... -.. fnl" cbarp. Hats, Beauty Both Subjects For Aff i Ii ates Radio and Teievllion, Pna s~Camim RMI w .... ·• ~ •• bligbt.nJnc ~ aodPublidty.~6-Ji. Club .-..... -In -ol pattenU in th• MUllc and HOlne llanlge-S1anJe1 Coo•al.....t Hospital. meat. rtncce. Con a am er =.-1 H°"1m and N• Westminster. Tbe planta were Education and Family Li'rill(. gilts <i tile Busy Blue Binlt, Abo, Fonip Polley and The lllocho Viejo Woman's Hunllnii<Ja Beach, wbo vililed United N-. nw1t ed CbJb ncolved llrlil I n Ille bolpilal. Aid and _ _,, M· ~ and -·· The Pis allo are colJectini fain, Qll-111, Boallb ..i ~ and a -In Law hooJlel>old u-IDd baby Well..,~ l>mlop--and Crime clotilel for Ille people In -. Solllf, National Pn1-. SIJverado~ -ed U--Ttie OOlla Kaa Wcmeo'1 Portidpotlnc in -... smnp Banda, Slalm ol Clull -fin! In Mallal u.-..,. Cindy-, w-.-·1Bcm111..i iledb, the Com Women'• A1J1io IDd Lari-. ·Anne ~ Plttm.., Radio IDd Club <i Qnna dd Mar wu Copeman,. suale J>lcklnim, Tel..-_ lint In illdlan Allain, flle Kim Heinemail, Clady Honll, -plKe ...-... Mldny Clly Woman'• Club Sbert Jdmlon, Debbie J..,.., ..,....i 1!7 lilo -In Crlftl, WU -In V-and Kim Lal<ni!, s..Jt llcCJuA, Ballollnl, Ollldrlll and Yeath, the Women'1 Club <i Let=o TIDl!lly P b I b b I , Pam Armeli FCllOll, Ln -... World, LiC1"ll HIJl5, was ,.. Saatbolf, Tammy Sproq and meat and Crimi p,.,.-, -In Armeli FCll<el.. ltMlly Till. Pedea:atbl E:lfariMa aadr:==========='=======J F----y-loob and 11a1a w111 s.n ~ w-·•Club z.u::.~= ::.~~:me; Art -tb!, -In tile and I-IDd C1r1tunJ -~· at!Oam. Herilqe. N--......._AH •. and~-smnp ........... -...---Mn. Plmela -<i and H-and Wellan. HolJpoqd wm ~ a pro-• w--w-·· Clab .,... on health, youth and ncotftd !Int awudl In bea.-y for men and W<Uien Eplilcm Slpna Omk:nln and -1lltl!o. Library s.mca. If-Pit> lo oddltion Mia Ruth a.f. -· Rltllo and Telrrilion, f.._ Lquna -ta:tia, w1D Radio and Telerilion and N• dilcual tbe bllimJ ID cl taW -and U- dewlopnenl <i bib and fl. Stat. smnp - -her topic wllh dmo-Ttie W-lm'or dub loot lnp. -In tnftl, Lill! ...... The pablio 11 llnllotl 1'> ft. -. Safet1, -W:Dd. 'I1ckttl far DidJl4!Dbe'I El1lalm IDd ......... ara IO -a -l!l!O -.... Jin, Cini IT'S A ••• • .. • • . • I • • • I ! • • ••• THE PRICES ARI A SICROI slioW-OFF • 22 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH ' RING-A.OING WATaiES Wllatoouldbo_lor_ •LaC!>-a-ftldl 1or,...._1yp1 man. Thi MMlcM>x E-Autornatlc. Ulnn,ctilnd1r, 17-ftw91 LeCouttrl rnowment. GOlcMll1adew-1otant1-.$140. Thtl--Doep-•larmf ...... rfngl-tt'I Umo to IUff..t Staln•---~lt~· w•poof, calendar. tt'1tht only-olltoklndlntho-1d.ltl0. SLAVICK'S J••• Siflc9 1111 ............... .... , ...... _ .... ,,.. Y1W °"99: Ac-' Wt---h!lllA-lc.Mf. ~ ow,.. ... °"" MM*Y• ''*' ..... •:• .. M. II): JIGQO)' lranaac:llon -id blot be put olf for llllDlller daJ. Guan! --.bold lelf:deceptlop See perm, Ii __ Ip __ WWW (Feb. IMludl IO): Cyclebl&iLNew--_, Taft lnltlattve. Bo Independent In~ oc11on. A slip for see·flirougli feshions by Berbizon "The Flirt" is 1 dainty slip etched with emlroidery and scallops. It's perfeCt for peek-a-boo glimpses ~Oii lnler the new fashions.It's ide.!I • !lll!er knits too, bee&Jse it's made of smooth Taftedda , 1 special ' blend of polyester and nylon .. White, black or champagne: short 32·38, average 34·42, J.M. Lingerie c-Ill Min '1111• ..... t. lllflln1, hf'"' find yocr proper fil She will be in Otll Lingerie departm111t 1111 Saturday, Ajril l2lb In our NewpJrt stole. II mS' ...... ---~~------------------------------------- • ald ,... oid ... I): .... ~ 1111. I • t I I. . ' • . .Newport Barbo - . . i -EDITION City, Marines Clash Over By JEROME F. COLLINS Of -Dellr .... SW!' 'Newport Belch aircraft noise foes Jre turning the& eyes an«! ears in another direction -toward Marine helicopters flying over Carma def Mar. 'l'he cboppen. say• N.wporl Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, are Dying too low. "They're scraping the · rooftops," he 1lleges. But lifajor Ge!)era1 W. G,,_Thrash, base TRADE COUNSEL Newport'• Chotlner Coasts Chot~~r~ Nam t -_ rl'i'dt ' Counsel Position By EVELYN SHERWOOD Of -o.llr '"" '"" WASHINGTON -Loog speculation over the role Newport Beach attorney P.!Urray M. ChoUner would play in the ad· rn).Dstration of his longtime pal Richard Nllon Is over. The veteran of 33.years in law begins wwk today in a new office at 1800 G. St., .; a federal trade negotiator al a quietly riised salary of $36,IXKI per year. '.'I'm very pleased and anxious to get itl,ted,'' Chotiner said today: lt was announced Thursday that Cllotiner, squeezed out of a .command post with the Republican N1ti0Dal Com- mittee, was named general counsel for :he office with the rank of ambassador. Trade Negotiations. It also was announced Carl J. Gilbert o( Dover, Mass., WU appointed he.ad of the office wit htbe rank o( ambassador. :;ubert, chairman of lhe Gillette Co. ex· ecutive comniittee, succetds W~ ?.1. Rolh. The White House reported Gilbert's ap· pointment and said the office will remain part of the President's ei:ecuUve office. Nixon recenUy quashed a move to transfer it to the Department of eom. merce. Chotlner 's appointment was announced by Theodore R. Gates, acting head of the office supervising and coordinating most aspects of U.S. foreign tradt policy, ·in- ctudin& trade negotia:lons. The National Archives' weekJy com· jlilation of Nixon's ~ents reported earlier thiJ week a Uttle·noticed, one-- sentence executive order Nixon Signed 1 April 1 raisin& the j)OSt of general counsel trom a civil senke job paying $3'),200 to a ~enUal appointment p a y i n C ~.aao. 11M! report also included in small type bmeath the text thil seotenct: "Ex· ecutin Order 11 ta WP oot made. public in the fonn ~ a ·White Home pr!5I rtJeu!." Choliner, 59. has · no previous n;. perienct in the fittd of intem.atlonal trod<, but said ht is looldng forwsid to leamioc about trade agre!trlmt.s. He bu been seeking a Nixon ad· ministration ~ since Rep . Rogers C. B. Morton or Maryland. chalrman-<leslgnat. of the Republican NaUonaJ Commjttee", «!god blm out of 1 top committee job. Chotiner had Jet it be known be Cl.• p~ io become executive dittdor or the eommtuee, doing organiulioo work while the new chairman made the •pe<ebu. Bui Morton. ljlxon's Door manacer st tbt 1• GOP Nlltlonol C.0-lloo, ssld he would not take the committee cha.Jrmuthlp If Cbotiner was In a com- mand pool \ ' • I eommancler at El Toro Marine CQrp! Air Slotioo denlel tt. • I • ' In a letter ~ to a complaint lodged by the ci;y sWI, Gen. Thrash in- •isted that helicopters operatln( out al tbe Sonia Ana Lighter Thon Air Facility are sticking to "a pattern altitude of Im feet mt.an aei. )evel outbound and ., feet inbound." 'lbe city. isn't happy with the general's · response. . "ln the Breu subdivWQo .(llarboz' View Hllll) they're lzying over ot belween :1111 and 231 1-,'' Aki Pll'IOlll. "I ·Dow they're onJi ltlO feet up in the sit ot Sborecliffl where I Hve.11 ' Panooe ssld when · tllt trolning croft hug the ~. they' .. ooly 51 .... above the water. . • He scoffed at Gen. Tbrub'a .a.saerUoa of 600 feet altitude. +<John Xlllefer, whole home overlooks ' the . ....., In C..001 del Mar, eon look d?"" ill tllolt' cockpll1 -they come Cat~h Costs Nabbed Prowler ·sues for $1,000 By TOM BARLEY or a. o.ttr """ IWI H Carl HtnriCbleu ii now Niolvtd to let prowlon prowl oil they •1111 In the vicinlty or !)ii Newport ll<ach mne, 70U coold II.roly blame him. Tiie sbots ht . fired II maftths ago In protection of a neighbor's lawn chairs cost him $1,000 this week in S!lperior Court. And ·Henritbsen has . to pay thole damages -scaled down from the plain· tiff's first demand for $125,000 -despite tbe fact that the man who Sued him was convicted of petty theft. Court records indicate that Henrich.sen, 43, was watching a late show in the earlier hours or Sept. 17, 1987 when he beard S115Picious noi.sey near by. He told officers be went outside to tn- vestliate and saw 1 man throwing a neighbor's lawn chairs over the fence.. He twice ........ tile DWI to ho!L But, HenrlchHn said, tllt intrud<r ran of!, If-· naring two ·sbots which lienrlcllo<n fired into the ........ A 1b1rtt lhot bit the slispect · lo tllt ·raee Ind hollff hlS prici-·. vlclim woi wwi.m a. Sullivan, -12. :of '1571 Oranie· Ave., Colt& · Mesa. SWl!vsn bier ·pleoded CUiltY to petty theft, a reduction In cbargel from tllt oarll<r count of bllrg)sry ·and oerved • a weekend in ()gang6County Jail. · · Sullivan then sued Henrichsen for assault and battery on the grounds that he ·had been bospitall!ed as the ~h Of his injuries and that he continues lo iuf. fer from headaches and toothache. A Superior Court jury pve him $1,GOO. Costwise, Hfnrlch9en'1 late show works oul at about $15 a minute. Or you could say that the lawn chairs be retrieved retail at '251 apiece. · · Either •1111, ~ 1 . prowler coot Carllleorlcblenf!.•. OJlne poll." aid p.,_ "And Kllldtr .: doe111.1t lift "'>' •feet up." 'Geo. Tbrul>, w~ command Includes the" Ll(bter Thon Air Foclllty some two mllel -of · Orooge · County .<irpart. ---!hero hu been an ln- creue In tielicoptu lli(bll over the com- lilunlty. ' ... ·But thei'e-has been no change. in what· the Marines call the "Pallsades RoUte'' p>ttlh\, lie .sold. · 'Jbe ~te ~ over the wtup. ed&e Harbor Bill May Ease Qty Worr.ies ·A bill popped Into tllt leglslati\"e bopper by Aaemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Fulle<ton) could clear up 1 lot of. the muddy waters surrounding the Orange County Harbor District dissolution eon- troveny, Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall ind.Jcated today. The proposed Assembly measure, AB 2003, would assure that all of the usets and functlonl of the Harbor District would remain under the control al coonty supervisor&, in the event the district ii dissolved as a t.aJ.i.q llf.DCY. 0 1& ii my undcatandln& of the bill," aid 11111/W Manboll, "lhal It would cbonfe the poalbilll)' of the dl1 hiving to ...,_ DW\Y of lbe mpomlbl1ltla or Score ~~. · · · . . ~:=;:.._, t11t c1t1.m1g!it 11",l be • • • :.-• J • • • • • ' J Clbllqi,cl to:, ....... , • bli "'!"' Ol 1bt Harbot&ardcattdldates · -:m!!"!=~ .. :, 'u.· .... -I . .,.,.. • :. ' ~ ~ ~· ~ litN ..... }'WI.:' uni· ffr . . "iii . o~ ,, qtlll; ~ • ..,_... .... ~Ii'! w-am,· 'Up' iit Wt lTIMt1nu. -~:r ::== Candidlltt 1tb1J1 a lltll4 _... eui,. ling kt tbtir cc:mrnenta and more specilkaily directed them at their op- ponents Tbunday night at the lut can- didates forum ol !Iii! Newpori-Meu school boon! campaign. "It hos been a dl.iiervlcl~ tbe voter to have sts educatkll the ovttridinc JilUe in this campaign," uid tncmribmt Mn. Elinbeth -Ully, }l9inlf'li)' 4irec1iac Mr remaru to htr Di!lrict I chollelll!er the Rev. Henry Jones . Putor Jooes J;!!lponded in ldnf. Af1'r 11.fs."LJJty •Jiod "lllelitloned ~g !tit r...iJ:: the Rev. Mr. Jcnes uid1 . "Win or Jost I feel we hive made an impad alreody. Some·peopJe wbo,haven't been befcl'e ae OUIJ)' 1ne1ucuna lb their taln -lhal ~ brouibt lip .• AnOthec _. of Mn. Lilly, Alvin Bender, Aid to· the aUlilenoe ol. • at College Part School. "You'd better wake up to what's going on. 1b1I praent board isn't advising you." Incwnbenl Lloyd, Blanj>ied J r . , evident~og to bis Dlllrlct 4 Ol>' ponent M«Tow, Aid: lllJf I were naimc acaiut an in- """""" I would try to ltod -...._ But I have not 1" heud ar -..tant rai.8e a problem we wee not alrudy workinc on." . . - M-ssld he i..... lqislation to re-• ochool lu cellimgsdleduied to be liftal lo lf7L He noted two -ago the acbool boud drifted a leller to lqislllGn opjloelnc .... bill. Blanpled voted with a mtjority of the board to keep lqisbtioo thol will Ult oil the ju ceiling iD 1171. Di9trlct 7 incumbent l\ o d e r l c k ll.acMIIllsn Ind his oaly -at; Paul M111ey, were both ahlenl So, too, WU District 5 tnnnnbent Donald Straml. But .a.aae_ ame }ecal abtborit7 ibe di8trict now b11. Tiie mayor DOlod tbat In the event the Har1>Gr District is -ved Ind AB ltl0.1 is . ~ . by the leiiislaturt. tllt "poiolblllly would itill eibt ror 1 joint -qr!ement between the county .... the dly." Leary Indicr,ed ' On Rot Cliaige; DA Seeks More District attorney's deputies today said they hoped to have Dr. Timothy Leary ud bis family in Superior Court on dru( cl>aJ'IU "lat. nert week, pouibly 'lllun- day." Obviollsi)' delighted with the OrSlllt Counly Grand Jury Indictment t11t office hU 1-i pulhing I«, deputies are now -DOii w1111 settln( tbe LSD cultlll and bis wife and DI into c:omt "as IOOD ... pouible." E-...i by Ille G ...... Jury Tlruntdsy were cUrpl of..P.•m•km d ma.rijuiina ·aplall i.-y, ••his wllo, 8-nary, IS, Ind his -Jolm Buob, II. Mn. Leary and ~ .. -.... faOe ........ of posaesalon of LSD. · Deputy Dlstricl Attorney Everett Dldtey _,..,... 'll>undly that bis of. flee had -impotlent wltll ..... -delays'' " lbe municipal court 1""I and ......,,. lbe ·srand jury ;,,. dictment as a meana ol "cettln& tome ac:tJon" apiQlt the Leary trio. Such .. -ent. lhe aid, weuld ht requintd ii the dly were to shaft in con- trol ..... ~or the lwj>or." stie ssld ~ iru. one ~ of tile llrliP llill ibat portlOllsrly pleUed her. "II mau. tt.ctyatal. <!ear that the borbor jj • "-1' roclUliooal i.cn11y. •nd ~ illt . ~bllliy . of the ·-~-iij t,. ~. '. ' ' ;, ' ., , ; '. r , ,- NEWP011T l'OllTION · Tbot is s position 1ooJ held by Newport Bach. Councibnen, by unanimOUI moluUon, have urged tbe county'• Loco! Agency Foimation c..mnlatoo !I.AFC) and the Coonly Leque of cities to con.sider Ir• rangements by which N.wport would be reimburaed for any harbor Cxpenlel that might fall on lbe city as a result of di.strict dlaolution. Briggs Thunday emphasized that his bill ...Wd not prohibit the county !ntm turning over any harbor assets or ~to other agancla, llllCh u 1if"llt"PCl1 city 1ovemment. • • '11le I.AFC will coniluct a hearing on . ui..~ ~ April IS. The '-""" '"'" . .,..Doet,d by the County i.e-..111. au... • .. jority of """"' memtien want the dlltrict absorbed by, an expanded County Poru Department. NEW YORK rAP)-The stock market cleled tn 1 fairly even Rel'todlJ 11 the lrodiq pl« tiowed ...... tllt end. (See quolatlooo, Paga 14-11). Ha~var~ Boycott Looming . ' SDS Leaders Pr.otat_ ·P~~ Breakup· o~ Sit-in . • ,. • t ' • CAMBRIDGEMw. (AP) "-0Wttl1ol, polni to td uRlr1lloyColi, was eftterid ''!~· !De , ~tendlog .clwa ...,.. "On llrlke, lhlt.tt dan.".mi -·...med!J ·1ry-otude11b !.-Intl the farced 't,o walk. , Har.,ml Yml. tGdlll/ u u ."-'"f1Y pld.tt lioe' 'ti> lottend cC-.-But Meethtp wett ocheduled tlll'ouCbout -•--number ' ol lllldnb ......., 1 ch -:--In 11!1 bolldlog • lbe JS,tltlO-tludett unt....itv, oldest col· ~----·-pwed -than nonilll. • ' classroom boycott to """""' a police The """"' of -outside moved lip In tbe iiotloo, u CT!tlcilln tfnt Of !way that -e up a sit-In II the ... 1rGn the ll1tnr7 to M-1 Cburdt. tllt Wli~'s sctlon ill calling In police mlnlltntloa bulldfna. . ,_ -bulldina> otand '""""' Ille to r,.. '1alnnilj Holl • A nll1 oa -LiltrU)' ..,.. -en_,. '!beater, the bnOd Sborlly Wen n o on, s dtartti!Jit!, heonfpledgeolo10 .. otrlblmnLaw -qtlAllllrloCle --side._ ~iMIRl(Dloel:ltltl~;{f Sdloot lludeolo, dalp lludento Ind Unlvenlt.Y Holl. '1'1111 Is t11t all-a =--the ioalde . of othen of the II .,-i. ochools. Men m!nistradoo bulldlog fnlm which · • tlMt ,,.3ml "'*"Is ' by than 1,000 persooo mlllnll ll10lllld In the -w-f\'ictod 11dlwn111Undiy a' _.,.. ,.,.,., ~· ·" • yard on the site of the bloo4J police b7 a polJce Otlli:as. . 1 .u.'llW'wilb oo llte l!hrsry • ""' cladl w1tll ,._, • , -. titUbl knr llal ...-doal'WI .,,. ....... !hit the · octio.. Atwt • pldieli, cqanlttdliy ltudeota shctutliw. 1n1e lfrlin. One -• -''1111 F '' move. m for a 0.-atic BocittJ, --in l<rfog il\e bulldinf ripped llWfJ' ' pap!r . n.s lo !lie . c.ry., ·.uv..ity · frM_of Sever Ha!J, oni! -el ICOla ol llp thl'llll at blm. by a t>lcbtor; 1lie over1dog . I ltuildfnp the uniftnll] liat. dmMllllalu!I 111i110 lit .._, ., the Tbo mwd ,,... to more uU l,OOI oa. Sever Holl, choltn by WlS •• the focol fntot ...,., mmwtac the allll tftrou&ll . lbe '"11 -· . , ' t, ' ~Y'•PIDl1. . ' I . -... \ • ,. .TEN CENTS I . Helicopters of Newport. It alM paues retative1y near Orange Coonty Airport and UC! • BecaUle lbe route is so close to developed areas, the general explained, it had been used u sparingly u pcuible in tllt. put. Moe< of the btlicoplet trainees flew ow the El Toro Route. Th.ls passes near Leilure World and MlssiOn Viejo. But recMl increalel in Vietnam-bound transport Olghts out al El Toro compelled a heavy ahift of. chopper exercises' to the Pallsad .. Rout. "in t11t int.ml o1 lli(bt safet1 and arder11 no. II aJr traffic,~ said <lat. Tbruh. Parsona:, ln t bitter tirade before bis council colleaaues ·this,-· "d«land Iha! the Iner.... in loc;al lleliqlC flights Is onotber strong reason for .,.... ing the eoUre M~ estobli"1-t out of the coority Ind .0 Camp ,Pendleloa "where there's pltnfJ ol room.'' "There are other uses fqr El~." he said. "It SC!ems to me that the mllltmy ls (See CllOPPEIIS, l'lp.11 Draft · Refused Bal Writer's Son Mails Cara .Back Tad Holl, Il-ye11r-<>ld son ol Bolboa -Oakley Holl, Thunday refuoed to ht draltod and turned In bis Selective Service cm!. HalJ, 11, mailtd t11t card In to his droll boord lri Auburn. saybia that ht felt the United Stalel "b coiiimlttlng war crimes ill Vietnam." Hall's mother, now staying at the family's other Mme in Squaw Valley, said calmly this momlng that tht youth's actions "are his decision ... he made it." Hall is a sludent al UC Irvine. His ac· tlon siemmed from hi.s refusal to apply for a !iludent defennent. Sources said Hall told his draft board that "a peacetime draft vlollt. con- •lltutlonsl (IW"aniees ol Ille and liberty and tllt Vietnam Wor is illepI Ind im- moral." Ula case Is belni reviewed "1 the Aubont draft board. RdtDal ·to be In- ducted is • rederll ofr-wl!lcb could result in a fine and jail term. 1be Youth's fatner ls the author ol '"Warlock," "Corpus of Joe Balley" and "The Pleasurt Garden." Mrs. Hall said ioday the entire Rall family expected ta move to the Penin- sula home sometime nert week. The elder Hall presenUy is allying in Balboa. New Protests Ihle? Students Can't-Hire Pr~fs, U.Q VDCW!Y Pec\~es. • . 1-., '' • • •r THOMAS l"tlll'MiE. -~ .. f)j .,..., '"" ..... A prop9sal io lot ltiudent> do !!>*Ir oWn hiriDI oi II percent or new unl•U!lty pro1-. ,.,. ooundly defeated tbui>- dly by the UC Irvin< AC:adeiiilc Senoia. The ..,..sided faculty vote may lmplre new student prolelll. Student objecllortl to UC blrlng and Drlng practices began Jut November when It became Down that -junior focully memben had been -far tmnlnatioa. . '11le student birin1 of faculty Jl!Opolll wu only ooe of ttven on student parlicipaUon In traditional facully ma~ lerL or t11e othen, Ihm ,..,. mmed beck to committee for mrWon and three weni ~by heavy majorily of the Ill pro- r ...... rre-it. . Mltroftd wu lnclusi'* of' too -meiiiber1 on all academic senate· atan-- dlng commlUees. with efforts to ht made to leCUC'e an exception from university policiOI to o!Jow tllt lludelll members IO voto; A1lo overwbelm.inaly approved wu • propout that oil ocodemic departments heed Cbancelkr Daniel Aldrich's "'!uesl that they lay plans for student evaluaUoo of focully leaching. However, it was the defeated proposal that the 50 or JO students present most wanted to see pulfd. "We consider this the moot lmportont proposal,'" said studem ~Uve to the Senst. Pow Nelson. "It 11 the oaly genlllne way we can get !acuity mernben "bo Are ·ace1tUanal teachen. Most pro- feuon are recruited 1tecsuse of the grarrto they can briitg to the unlvenlly." She wu unlmpresood by flCUlty - ment to inclode studertb on committea. She said ·students were being "sucked. In. You ·put us on coritmittees JO yOu can pat y'ounelves on tllt back," ohe told the prole:s.son. "You Jet us sJt in the tenate and 1C1U111 ml yell but thirtp -cloo 'I change. "Thia: doesn't solve our prob"°m. We're Rites on Monday For. Rose Kehn Funerol tt<rYices are·odelulcd Mooday for a Ji<lind ilftport.Mtta ~ School Dllltt<I elem«lllry l!cbool - Mn. -I. Kelm1 who died 11\U'tdlY after a --Sljo ,u •. . · Illla for Jin. Kehn, of Ill E. lltli st .. Soofa .M ... .m be ot IO:IO a.m. In the Firil Metbiid\11 Qlurch, with the Rn. Richard Dunlip olllclstlog. 'Vlsilltloa by .f<leodl Ind funner -may ht made Sotllrday Ind -at Bell -..W"7 Mortull')'. Kdm lived In Cost• M.., !or 15 ' taucht lnim lei until !Iii ot , and-Woodland elementary , a!IO '°""" u a "'botltuto ;,,. ~.Od111"1rl her·nlll-,...... .. lddude lier -Qiarla. M-Ind Rlmoll, diugbten Jtme ' Junnt Hutton. $hb1ey HlrtnelJ, Oole .... Carol~, ....... !. Ind "'" .,..ii•i4dllltl-. ... ~ ~ . • f I token · stuMnts. We have no Jl'ftf wltatsntver." · 'IM .OVen -la ~ wera wrltton by a three-studen~ tbr<e-pro- 1,_ commltlee ... -participetictD in flcully ...-Ind firing. There were four other propou.11, from a Ult of II the academic .eoat. -·t pl to before It odjourned ot tbe six o'clock din- ner· hour. . One or the propooals ... 1 hack to cam· mittee for revision was to · inchlde students on review committees that con- sider fscully pnimotlmi, hlrlog ar Drlnf. Another was to give fteolty membm the option of ""IUesting review by • -.1 committee. • At one poln~ Deon ol the Collep of l,fedlcine Warren ~ Aid, ,...,..,. 4ecisloill o1rect tlie camr. 'of 1ai:w1y ........... Tlie·sfullent is. -Ill'-"'"' dOesn't begin to·~ve 11 much at rid." "Notbini ot risk," retorted Mla Nelson. •'f might potot out we're rllldnf (Soe .UCI FLAP, Pqe Z) Injured Toddler Out Q.{ .. Hospital A Colla Mesa tocldler oevorely cut In a traffic crub in Newport Beach WU releued n.nday from lloef M~ Hospital wbere ht received IO llitdles to close scolp laceratioas. Spencer Kirt Jobnstont 20 months, WU in a car dl1vm-bf bit motber, Mn. Jen. Biler J-. ZI, of IOI IOtk St., Colla Mesa. . The woman's small (orelp. eedan coJ. Uded with a car driven by Rona F. SedeJ, so. Doliney at Pacific Coast lllghw1111 Ind Newport Center Drive. · Only the baby WU hurt in tllt Wed- neoday evaiing crw. . ·-dlcr 1be cloudi will roll away about mklm9<ning S.turdlll/, poYIQs tho Wiii/ "" a -_.... with tempmluns bltllog 15 on the cout Ind up to 14 lDland. INSIDB "-D~Y Oppodlloio I<> ,.,..ddenl NI .. on.'1 'Safegvard cmtlbcU"tic mi.J. •U• 11111 ... it be-mg offidol D<moc:rcllc Portr polley. Pao< 7. :=.. ': ·-.... -. --. --.. --' u.:. :t: -.. " .... --J+lJ ··-i = -n ·-. -., =-'--" •; -. --. --.. -.. . .. ) l I: I . ! 1 -~~. •a; ' . ..,_ ...• ~ • -------·----- ,.2 DAl\.Y '1lOT ' ,,.. ... u.~· . New · ·suit · Filed on Salt· Greek Road Closure • • .. TCIM Mii&\' ............. ._ lllf!d Qlrp. today .... &C• '. ol ~the 1bllldonmGrt of 6alt c:red< Rold In a Superior Court-· plaint that lurtller chaJ1<0 the giant tand-...... OOOIJIOliy wilh dellberate evasion · If the ..... The aetJon filed by attorney Wiillam Wlloonn. ol LllllJla Beach. dramatlcalJy reopfl»ed a baule that O'Cfed two wttks qo with the lppattlll lealporlry Victor)' Guild Loses Certification Bid at OCC The pr<Sident ol Collqe Teacben Gulld, Jay ~"J'!IJI, 1111 .Jolt IJI IJ> peol to the 0ronce eout Junior .con.,. Diltrict boon! to bilp defray the coot of c"1llyinc Guild membenbip. Zimm""'40 told OCJCD ~ Wednesday CPA certirtc1tion of the num· bet of members will c0&t S50 to flOO. He pnipooed the guild pay the !Int !JS aod the board the mt. However, bo1rd member Robert llumphreys recalled U.at is wu the guild (Local 1911 of American Federltlon of Teachen) tb1t chose to ctrtlfy me:n· bershtp rather than present a list of members name11. · The board asked for 1UCh a list or certi!l.caUon of DUJDbers eo trusteu wmld know how 111.111.y college tnrtructor1 eufld officers .speak for. Zlmmmna -m<mber1 ol the guild don't w1nt their nam• publiciMd ....._ they 1..i u would be .. 1nvu1on ol their privacy. ' He araued that cerU(k:aUon COit i1 the ,....,1t ol boon! pollcy aod should be partially bome by the Junior coU.1• dlotrict. He Aid that would be guild membml' Id .. of a reaeon1ble policy ol recognit!on required by the Clllfomi1 Government Code. But board members did not set it that way. l'rom r,.,,e l CHOPPERS ... jealously hanging onto a lot or coa1tal bases that lhoukl be phased oul" He aakl he ii "dilmayed al Gen. Thruh saying DOlhlng la """'I·" ·~ to Counellmln Poul J. Gnlher, he said: 'You've got your problems with jet.1 at County Airport and nOw we've got ours with helicopters over Coronl dtl Mar:." . .. Al p.,.....· . lltllni. ' the . c:oundI llJlll1bnoully directed the city Illa!! to file ·-comploin~ thla Ume lnlilttng that the helicopters uen't molntalnlni 600 feet altitude. "If they 1tlll don'' believe it," snipped Ho1lywood movitmaker Parsons, "l1U take films of them as they fly over my house.'' Travel Agency Sues Competitor A C«ona def Mar tr.vet qeooy'I ownm tro .. led all the ny to S..perlor c.oun. 'Iburaday to filf: an actim Ulat dlqes 1 compeUJor wllh couaing "deception aod cooluslon00 -Ill cll«ltele. Named as defendants in the action is Bayside Travel, 1032 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach and its operator 'lbomas A. Dobble. And they are ICCUsod by Bly Travel, 2111 E. Coasl Hlgh.way of capita1iiing on the plaintiffs' long estab1iahed name. i Alvin and Sally E. Salt.Myer and lten- neth M. and Bonnie M. Stybotd « Bay Tnvtl allege that Bayside Tmel'1 prln· clpols have cooa!atenlly refused to c:honp the name. 'l11ey di! that the court cnler the Newpcllt lleKh flnn to comply. DAii Y Pll01 OJA.NOi Q:141T ,.,.,..llHIMO COM,ANY ... it.rt r-a. w •• , ..... '""' ......... "'* J•ck A. Cvrl.., Viet ""'"""' ..W ..... IMllffl• Th'"''' ic,,.,n , ... th,11111 A. M•t,hl•• MlnatlM E•lltl' J,torne F. C•lli111 N.-t t1tdl ClfY atllMr ---2211 Weit l•I~ lfflrrer4 Meilh11t µ4r•11: P.O. lb 1171, t266,l --c.tt IMM: DI W.1 9""""' L1-._,.i tti, .... A.._ IWMINMI liN<lll: • • .... I ' • • ......, lllt l!io ti "ee If 1- fttpll II 'iU• nt flllriiJ, ·ocUnl for C1pi.lln» ...,. ,,... ... -tlon Diltriol 1114 ''"°" ·•tlorney Mlcblel c. Sqlr, .......... <OWllJ 111porvllors -- them Alton•Al!Oft, wbo -""'•i.n-.. _ -with falllnc their duty in =~i:.:~ " the lrldi· Whit Ll8UJ111 Nlpl IQI. Wilcoun lllla, Wll a .llnlch of land that coold 'I' • \ ..... -....... -......... .... • llUilia ,.... ........... If ......wie ill the i...,.. llolch ... L , And what the pJhlic 1ot, Wilco'I"" adds, wu the losi of a public rlgbl-of-w1y from Pacific COut Higbw1y 19 the OCl&ll lcilat had been held for more 11\111 lG ;-._ He -Iba the lakJntooyer by Llguna Niguel " Salt Creek Road .. a "gilt " public prapmy." Wilcoxen abo ol1en the lntriguinc Ol'll'Ull•nt Jhat s.it Creek -is Jm. rw ,,_ .,_ ••••• prtc1 -•• "' Iii status ... IWeludl. 91 .,.... 11111 It qualUiea 10< tblr addlllonal prolectlon s.ince il is cJea:rlY influenced by Pacilio ocean tides. In any event, lhe attomt¥ argues, tak· Ing over of the thorough!an by Llguna NiKUeJ is a direct violation of J.he pro- tedion ot public rlghLHl·WIY a I declared In the state COQl!itution. ~~ l'rom P .. e l A Little Bull About El Toro's Store FORUM ... hum11I1ism for the last 10 years." ~ said. "Jn the Anahe.im District sex pro- gram they are teachlng immoral values as humanism." By JEROME F. COWNS Of .... DfllY '"" ., ... DAILY PILOT ...,, item: "El Toto'• Gtneral Store, a countv r.ndmark, tod4u ..., doomtd bu a lond dft1fl.opn'1 htnuing pro;. ect." Thal ii the fa.ct; thU ii the /•bta. The old man cane. It collapaed.· * leaned Jou del Fue10 slowly picked him· self up !rom lhe (p'OUJ)d. Aa be dJd 10, he brWlbed ulde a tear. The tear w11 trick- llna from his lfOOd eye. It threatened, thoqht Joae, to en· gulf tbe ,nat, Pep- heavily on hill ito. who wu onorlng flllully on J .... , r1glit •heck. Unfortunately. Joae's h1nd not only bruahed aside the tw. II aJao cruahed Pepito. Badham Measure On Oil Drining Passes Committee Speelal to IM Dtolly Pilot SACRAMENTO -Newport Beach AIMmbl)'lDl!I Robert E. Bldbam'1 blll corppalllq the stale ta noti!I' dtlea In ad- VlllCO ol pn>polod. offshore oil drll!lng paued its first obstacle ThW'lday. It won approvaJ from the A.s.sembly'1 Nablral Risourc.. IOd C<mervatloa Committee. The btil, ···-by Badbam llld ieDow llipubllcon Sen. Jolm Schmlta of Tustin, next will IO to the Asiombly'a W1y1 aod M .... Committee when lltUe opposition 11 eapecled. · Badbam, ciUng support from Lt. G11v. Ed Reinecke , u.ld the bill will have ."no Irouble" in becoming·law. Spedfically. the propooed lepslatlon would compel the Silte Wnds Com- misalon to: -Notify coastal 11encle1 IO day1 in ad- vance o{ comm111lon bwirip on offabore oil eiploraUon appllcatioftl. -NoUfy coostal qtnclea II d1y1 In ad- vance of bearfnp on Udelanda oil leue .(drilllng) oppllcoUona. -Ccmpel proapectlve -to IObmlt detailed plant on 1111blldenoe aod pollutlGn control& and to Include the c:ontroll among ltue condlU<m. Escopt for two tedmlc11 and routine amendments the bill wu approved eJ1:- actly u aubmitted, a apokelman for Badham aald. Several amendments IUI· gtstad· by Ibo City of s .. 1 Beach -e 1efl lnilct In the oaembiymln'1 bill. JON dld not notice. It WU Just &I well{ for thJnp ...,. bad _.., for Jmc de Fuqo. t•'Jte bllla," ~ Jt11e, "they are cloe- lng In on tbe or1111t tna. "No, I mean the boUlea they art clos.. ina: in on the hilll.'' He at.and sadly with hil pd eye 11 the El Toro General Store. Jose had known I~ tlmts there, "But the store," Nkl Joee to a perky DAILY PILOT girl reporter, "'Ille ill going. The windows thty are broken, the roof she leaks. El Toro Heneral Store will soon be no more." Jooe seemed to apeak the truth. At that moment, the ground shook. The earth parted, Orange trees collapsed. The: girl reporter dropped her pad aod pencil. Her granny sWs<o fell off. Bart J. """""'· IOunder_,,.. of Progrw Lind Development, lnc., hod arrived. He wu behind the wheel of a 250,000.ton bulldozu. Amerlcu Flap flew from the sides of the &lclnllc rl(. On lta !root aod bock WU pasted the •lotan, "Support, Your PILOT LOGBOOK Local Police ." Progress, anortlna, uw Joae. The old man was again on Ius hands and kntts. This time he was helpln1 the girl reporter find her pad , pencil and granny glasses. They were in the road'A'ay between the bulldozer and the El Toro General Store. Progrw accelerated the machine'a: vut black engine. "Make way," be roared, ''I o'r PN>areu!" "Cirramba !" said Joee, rising. "We are ltandin& in the WI)' of Progr'm!" The prl reporter by now had IOWld ber gunny aJauea. Sbe quickly llipped tOOn on. She WU unaw11t that both lenae1 bad popped out. League of Cities Okays Airport Land V se Board "Do not rear, old man," aht ii.id lo Joee. "I will protect you." Siie reached down, sroped about aod picked up an orana:e that had dropped from one ol. the collapsiq: tues. She hurled it mightily. "Ouch! You hit me in mY good ey~·· sald Jose. :; Progress, witnessing the scene, cackled hysterically. He lost control of himself. And, ShakinC with mirth, he tumbled forward from his :seat and into the path or the bulldozer. Oriverless, the huge rig rumbled over the lauJlbiol form. Tbe bllildoier's engine then sputtered, wheezed, coughed twice and died . So did PrQgrw. .. You mig1it even aay," 1aid the girl nporter u abe mnoved an orange seed from Jooe011 eye. "that Progreas has ground to a nail" . "El Toro Hentral Store,'' said the old man, "abe ii aaved." And a joyful tw fell from JOI< dd Fuego'I eye. So did another orange seed. "I'm going to say like right off I'm a radical. l'm the ·one she 's talking aboot." said Orange Coast College '1.udent John Vaughn. "I think we need humanism. We have enough technology and so lorth." LOWER GRADES He said he bas an idea for eman· cipation of kids. "I would star~ with the , lower grades and give them leeway to ex· periment," he said. "By high school lhty could virtually run that ch1s1. They 'vooldn't even need a teacher except as a moderator." Turning to Mrs. Martin, be said, "Then )'OU wouldn1t havi to worry about in· doclrination." 1. Another District S"' candidate is John Chesseil. He suggested the school di.strict eiplore private sources ol funding and seek out foundation funds. 1'1bc property taxpayer should be an avenue of Ia.st reeort," be said. Chessell said he would like to 1et an expanded program ol teadting law, rig!U and responsibilities of cit.iunstup. He -.id he thinb it would "materially Jeuen the activist problems on our campuaes." Also ruMlng against Strauss, a1«1g with Mrs. Martin, Vaughl and Cbeuell, is UC Irvine swdent Terr)' Hay. "Having come from Newport Harbor schools I can say the preparation is not 45 Bases, Towns adequate for the university," he said. TRAINING CRITICIZED He ahio criticized vocational tra~. Hl·1 as Guei·rillas ··nie system has not produced relevant P'oduct>,00 he aaid. "lt has concentrated on metal !hop and wOIXf shop, not skills R Sh llin in demand." eneW e g N.:rs. Lilly said the real issues are. not sex education but development of the The Oranie COUnty Leque af Cltlet by the Jand use: group. They contended that · SAIGON (AP)-UDJeuhini the heav· middle school and the ever-present pro- an 11 to I \'Cite nm an reoord 'I1wrldly land me problems around airports are lest ahelliq: ol South Vietnamese towns blem of financing. in favor of a ltVen-mtmber A1rpart Led already controlled. and allied bales in three weeb, the Viet She said that allbough the district 11 u .. CommWlon to reploce the """"' Tbe .1oqu0. reprelllllatim olao·... ea.1 appwed today to have opened a well above the state av..-a(e In rudlng new and' more violent ....>.-...... of its :seven-test results, board members are trying to cowrty Airport CommJllioo. dorlell a move by the 1Upervilon to ask ,......... finance a coocerted effu1 to improve Newpcrt Beach off~ll. led the move the state Legialature fi,r a lkent In· week-old spring offemive. reading. lo Ml up qi. ..., ~ airport body ., .... ill the.Orlnge.~ 1lood Con-Rockets aod mortars hit more than IS · Challroger Bender &aid. "One problem 1r111lng thot eitlel llfectecl by alrporta. trol llblrlct lu llm!t. . , towna llld b.,.. dUring the nigh!, The In particular brought me to lhis table - particularly" thole using jet almaft, ~. the Jeaau• n10luUon dlffers heavle.st attacks wtrt made on provin· the new modular scheduling prQlram at sboul. d have a 1.-voice ln. airport from the BU""l"Visors' proposal In that the cial capit.al.s on OWJSil• sides of Saigon. Costa 1'1esa High. We're pushing too fut ....... r-· It to do away with the old system. The operaUqna. increase would terminate completely al Tay Ninh to the northwest and Vin teachers weren't ready for it." E!tablllhment of an alrport land use the end of three years. The supervisors Long to the southwest. lie said teachers only work 196 days a conuni-1on wu on,mauy suueated I11l propose that, after the lhree year period, At least 21 persons were killed, 200 year and he suggested they be prepared July hv"N__. Bu h air aft nolae f a 5-cent increase ln the present flood con-were wounded in the two clUea and aboul to work a little harder . "".I\. .... ~. c er oe trol dia:trlct 20-cent rate to be continued Mrs. Lilly's other challenger, the Rev. Dan Bmory, chairman of the 2,300-indefinitely. 80 others were missing jn Tay Ninh. fl.tr. Jones, said he is running because he membef 1Jrport Nolle Abatement c.om. The se.ssion was attended by a officials Some Americans were among the wound· felt "the school board had in effect mlttee. Emory drew the attention or· from is of the 25 incorporated citle11 in ed, but no Ame~ican deaths were divorced iLself from the community. It Newport omdals to a new ltate law the county. reported. lack! le1dership. ]lmnltllng1111Cbacommlaloc. _1-~~~~~~~~~~~,.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Tbe tllld "" commtsolon, u aotllnod by . state law, would have two mmnba'I ap- polnled by the COUQly -al Superyllors, · two by -borderlnc; alrports, two by publlc afrporta lmd a sev~th by the other tlx menbln. League Proaldent Dun Sbull Jr. Aid the proposal woold be fonrmled to the llolnl ol Supenllon. . Several week• qo the preHnt five-man olrport commlulon, appoint.ad by county SUperviaorr, went on record u oppos1n& JlroM Page l UCI FLAP ... educ1Uon. All you are ri•kin& 11 money." .Asaocl1te Prof-ol PsycholdtY Jobn Wallace warned. "We can upect ~ consequence.a when wt utend the facadt and tilullon .ol power to -ta (but don' pvt them 1111 real power) ... -aJao ortuod lhll unlftrllty rq:tn\I have ,iven ac.demlc ltnltf.d lrtater aod sruter mporlllblllU.. over lbe ,..,. aod il llCUlties abro(alo tbelr JUpON!billty It could ca\111 "very, very striO'JJ rtperawions.'' "Dean Bortlck'1 argument Is heard whenever utensloo of suffrage is und er dllcuuMxl," said Auistant Professor of PollUcal 8clmce Dean ·Neubauer. The special committee on itudtnt participation w.u formed a month I.JO 11 1 peaco ,.... followln( a l&Clllty breadt Blast Rips Club At Santa Barbara SANTA BAlUllJIA <AP) -M tt· plco!vo cfeYlct rlPl)ld the Unlvmtty al Collfomil Al San{A Barban llCQlty dub todq, crlllcally Injuring 1 i;n•l-.C. man and cawln& an estimated tl,000 da!nqt. 0.-Sblrp, II, WIS lpparently tr)'lnC to dlwm the timed pllon lUJ of flam- mable liqukl when It txp)oded, university ottldall uh!. ff• lllfr.r.d burns ovtr II perctnl of bis body IOd WU undorlOiD& """'7 1t a local bospllll. Uillvenlty affldall could II" no •P-,._ motive for the bomblnf. '!ht laal irc:iubll m tbe campu1 occurrtd Jan. 5 -~ were thrown II ROTC bulldinp. Newport Judge Goes to Conclave Judse Robert Gardner of Newport Beach y,•fll be Orange County Suptrlor Court'• representative this weekend at a Beverly Hilb meeUng of the Conlmoce of Calllornia Jud1u. The veteran jurtlt will be a member ol one of.two panels aekcttd for d!SC'l1s:sion of recent developments in CalUomla evidence law and currtnt problems tn criminal law at the Bevvl)' Wlllbtre Hotet eoncl>Ye. Ju.Ill" fnmt throuChoul CaJJfamla will jOin un"""'1ty lec:ba. • Slturdl)' .... Sunday foe the IMllll conlennoo. Unruh Says Extremist 'Ready for Battle' SAN DfEGO (UPf) -Clmpus U · tmnbta "' "n1dy to bottle 1t the ... peMe of the resl of us,'1 Auemblr minority leader Jess Unruh told Mtta CoUtgt Students In an addrus Tharsd11. If• ur1ed studenta In dlooll ltad0r1 1\'lth rullsUc 10011. Unruh, ( l> • lnaJewood), died thruta ol additional vloltne< on and off campus and ,.td: "Th• for right Ind the -lclt aro erylng for _tbal bllllle. .. ' •• ·. . 111 M11I10SA TIU.OW 01 MEI. -DICOIA11D fN CHAU: W'lilft ••• "'-'SS _,_ AND TWO --ueHTS. $799 IT D1D11. 1MI MOST l'IUSTID NAMI II PllUGIUIL ----- IXCLUSIVI DIALIU POii: . HD RIDOH -DllJXIL -HERfT AGE 90 DAYI NO lllTUIST-LONOIR 'IUMS AVAl\.AILE ON APPROVID CREDIT 7.1,.,, '"' HEW~T llACH 17V Wllldlff Dr•~ .......... INTDIOlS • , __ I lntortw LAGUNA BEACH °""""'" ' 345 North Coart Hwy. A•al11•11 ~D-NSID °"" ,. ... , """ ' ..._ t• ._ .... 91 °'9lt C.-, Mf.12tl , 4tU5ll ( I I ~y it ,. :ic k· .. .. •• • .. 10 ,, n- "' •· •Y •Y a '" •· .. . , Jt ,,. .. .. la .d .. ~ 1, I· It d ~ 1t • I ' • e n • j " ' t t 'Smoke Screen' Israel Rejects Hussein -Offer U .... T ..... WOMAN IDENTIFIED Tresu Prohalky Sister Key To Identity Of 'On Mai' LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPJ) - 'lbe case of the woman with the backward name who couldn't remember her real one ·is part1ally solved. She is ,,....... Ann Prohaaky, 31, a mother of two from West Liberty. Iowa. * * * The 200 volunteers were adulta called out to relieve more than 1,000 teen-•len and college students who were given credit Thursday for helping to save s o m e northwest Iowa to\\'ns from the ravages of rive r flood3. The biggest fear among rWdents forced from their homes where the Big Sloui: flows into the ~tissourt River along the South Dakota and Iowa border wu that constant preuure on the levees would PolJc:e ll1ll .... trying to !Ind oul bo1' she WOW1d up bere in a hotel with a lllCPl!d' name, boond band Mil foOlud ill a trance .. • Wbeli 1sbe wu. fowxf in the Sar Sagev Hotel (Lu Vegas 1pelled backwordA) she was only able to Identify hmeU as Eno On Mal (I am no one, spelled backwanls). N.ixon Explores Plan With ;Egyptian Envoy After more. than a week 1D Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital, she recalled the name of a sister in Albu· querque, N.M. Po 11 c e telephoned the sister and she identified the woman u Mrs. Prolwky, 31. Her husband, Marvin, 35, who owns a fertllh:er plant in West Liberty, fle"' here Thunday with their two YOWll dilldren for a bedaide reunlon with their mOther. Mn. Prolluky still can't remember any of her life before maidl dllcovered her semieonscloU1 in the hotel April 2. She wu wearm, a costume resembling a nun's h.ablt, aJtboUlh there '"" fashionable clothes in the closet. The husband tcld polict she disappeared from her home March 31, and left a note aayln& "Dcn't try to find me." The same day, she regiltered at tbe Sal Sqev under the allal ol Gail Conley ol Booolvil.le, Mo. llocton iroltinl btt -commtnt oo tbe cue, but Det. Lt. Doyle Hamllktn reported they believe she was the vie· Um of some sort of self-hyp- nosis and remains in a state of post-llypnollc ~ WASHINGTON (AP) - A hi&b Egyplian official ar· rlpled a farewell vis.it to the ·White House tciday,' &1vin1 Preaident Nixon a cbiJ)Ce. to explore a llx-point Mideast peace plan offered by Jordan'• Kini Husaein. The visit from Dr. Mahmud Fawzi, Cairo'• resreeentative to the funeral ol former Presi- dent Eisenhower, came after Hussein wound up a three-day state vbit Tburlday by 1ketehing his plan in a Na- Uonol Proa Club ._ii. Hussein said he w a s autbor.ized to speak for Egyp- tlao Presidenl Gamal Abdel Nauer in propolinc 1lle · plan that would paranJee freedom ol pusage throulh the Gull ol Aqaba and the Suu Canal to the 1 h i p 1 ol Israel and all other naUom of tM reakn In retwn for thil, Hu.in u.kl, Israel must band bacll: all territory it bu oca1pied since the six-Oay wa:r of June 1167. "The cblUenp that thue princlple.t prMent," 1 a Id H-in. "Is 11let llrHI "111 bave either peaco or lerritGry -but abe can neV'll' ban both." State iloputmoot olllclall could not recall that Nasser had ever given assurances such as Huaei.011 tn any previool -1 for a PllCI -· Ily A OVERHEARD "All you have to do I! ten "You must have a very aood them bow you feel about t.be ex- alann clock; vou'H always at panslon of 0...,.. Couct7 wwk oo Ume!r, .. -AJrport." "Yeah, it's called 'Air W-' ". "But I dan't know bow to talk .. .. * to the Board ot Sqpenilon." "Are you ..... to tl>al lloord "JUll g« up; -,.... -of Super>il<n mtetlni on llld add,.... and llY a ~ TUeaday?" ' l'll:W "Whrt 1'¥1 ..... -to .... ;:'\'Mi~ .... to -..... wil1 sllould I .. ?" •1~ I'll 111 a litW a11or "W.U. I htlr tDa7'N ..... to all" talk about the alnJOrl ~ "Set you 1llere " 11111 the -11>11lt1 " ..... * • * another site for ,,the temporlr)' 'April J:;jh ~) II the ...-alrpot\. .s.,. Tbe ..-u ... -ap "I cloo\ thick I'll 10 to lhll 11 !0:30 ... be thert MrlJ, U ant. rd Jaa\'e to aft. <ter, to )'OU've been uklna•UWhat can 1 "Tllere aJllllnllUy are aolal dot" lhll 11 a t1mt to do to bl a lot ol -1a !run tiie El -W.11 W JOU Ihm. 1'lro am. Ml)'bl l would bl a * * * . """1 ldao for tho SUpenilon to 3top by, wrltt ot call QI 11 • too. that we Cltt hen In 1tut !Ith SL in Ooota M .... Nnporl lleoch and CoM M•. upota!n. l'bollo MM404. Wa're "How -Id the7 tnow I Ofllll dall7 at 11;11.. ae. JOU wt1n't from dawn there?" 'I'llllda,y. - • U.S. officiab were wary, how!ver. They as 1 um e d H1111ein wu speaking for Na.er but thtre was no UINl'anct bow long thb rela· t!on mlgbt Jiit between tile two Arab lea~. The United States also has questions about .. resumptkln of U.S.·UAR diplomatic ties which N_. .. ppec1 dlll'lnl the Arab-I .. Hlt war. Board OKs Student Plan SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State B01rd of tducation ha1 approved a suaestion by state ocbooll cblel Max Rafferty !hit a high IChool atudent serve a& a non..votinf, liaison member of the board. "He would parUclpat.e In board dl1cus s ion1 and dialOIUll dealln& with student problems of all kinds/' Raf. forty told the board Thanday. ''" ................... ,. UfAIN UOYD l BWIPIED, JR. •INCUMllNT Scliool Board Al'lllL 11, 1Mf "OYIN A&ITT AND 1Nraar IN SCHOOU AllD COMMUNITY c ......... f., Lleyll I. .......... Jr. ,.,. __ M"lh 1,. MyMtt. c11a1,,... Im Ml::• ..... Dr., C.M. • • • # DAILY PILOT ,~ lo~ C"nter Cl•lal· •. -0 • " F oo;r Replaces Knowledge ; GAS , DRYER SALE -G\SDRVERS =andgrt 2 DAYS ONLY FllDA Y -SATURDAY deal! HOUU: t A.M. t9 t P.M. hlly t A..M. t9 6 P.M . ........, GAS aOTHES DRYER wnH Al FLOW DRYllGI '13995 ' PRICI INCLUDES DELIVERY AND NORMAL INSTALLATION ' SUNSHINE FRESH DRYING -AT~ ECONOMY PR-ICES~ i · · Thia large capacity dryer has a high speed drying system. Porcelain enamel drum and top. Variable time control.I Separate start switch. Fluff cycle. Four way venting for·' " . easy Installation. Big capacity lint trap ... All the feature~ ' necessary to give year round drying convenientfyl $ HIGH SPEED DRYER WITH PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE ..,,... ....... ""* """_,..., lltlt ... ,. ~ tht PlfRdJit ..... ~ =-~--.:~~::: __ ,,.,.,. ........ 95 GE CIDTHES DmR WITH AUTOMATIC TEMPERAlURE CUNTRlll. "' ... ..-i ""' ...... - -----loll ::t..::-.. _ _,,_,_ --• ,....nt ,,_ ......... tlllfll 11 ...... =1--llllM .. _ -" HAR•OR ClllllR TV & APPLIANCE CINTiR 2300 HAltlOlt ILYD. -COSTA MISA PHONI 540-7131 • ! • J I j l I 'l '! ' • • " . ; ' ; I J " • . ~ . 'l •' .J .1 . .\ . t! • :J . ,·l " " l ; ,. " '.' • ' • , • I • I • I I I I I ~ I 1 i ' \1 i • I • ....... -·---- • . . ~ • g • • • • Four .Recommendations • • t • I • • I. .. t; •• ' ... -~ • • • • ' . ... ~· •• . .. . .. •• . '· ' . ... • • . " • . ... • • . .. • . . " • , • • .. ' ' Allor three years of adjusUnJ and reorganizln1 un· der unl!icaUon, the Newport-Mesa Unified Scbool Di•· lrict now ,gives evidence ol hitting it& slf!de. There ls an ettecUve, producllve working relation· ship between the school hoard and the district staff, and forwud-look:IDg program.ming. The community has re· spooded with a 75 ~enl voter approval for a major bond issue. Tberf: seems oo j sttf1caUoJl for &teat changes in the -Objectives and dlr tion of the diltrict at this time, nor lo the make-up of the school board . Some candidates s king tQ unseal incumbents have .run hardest on the top of sex education. Stripped of needless sensationalism, this is not the major issue some contenders would have it be . Ohe new' candidate stands out as oUering the pros· peel of adding new talents and broadened perspective te> the board. Gordon Morrow, a young businessman, has a recent background of teaching in Uiis district. He also would giVe board representation to the young par· ents ol the district. For alJ.around balance and continued good educa· lion, the DAIL)' PIWT recommends the election next Tuesday ol three incumbents -Mrs. Elizabeth Ully, Donald Strauss and Roderick MacMillian -and Gordon Morrow, to lour year !emu on the Newport-Mesa Uni· lied Scbool Dlstriet board. • -'Lindsley's Lumps' Newport Beach is now struggling with a Great Bump Controversy. It is ironic, for Costa A-1esa bas long been struggling \Vith Great Bumps. Newport -or a majority of its councilmen -wants to install the bumps in public roadways as a speed deterrent. Costa Mesa, meanwhile, for years has been con· sidering removing similar obstacles to smooth driving. They aren't exactly bumps -they're dips or reverse bumps. There a'l' few Jlde streets lo Costa Mesa wllboul them. Their ,purpose I.I to carry rainwater rullplfs. They were ioJtalled wben the city had too lllUe money· for undergrou~ ~tonn drains . ·Costa Mesa City Engineer (now retired) Don South- worth designed lilem. Hence, they are mown as "South· worth's Bumps." • lf Newport's councilmen don't change their minds, Vice Mayor #Lindsley Parsons, chief proponent of the roadway berms, may win equal fame. In fact, ''Lindsley's Lumps'' sounds nicer than "Soulhworth's Bumps" -b t a ,lot~ by any other name feels the same . Choice\: Ke~ne, R~dda Voters of the Oran~e Coast Junior Collefe District next Tuesday will mark X's by the names o two men. Worth Keene, now se.rving his second term as OCC board president, is running unopposed for his third four- year term as the board's representative from the Seal Beach area. Keene deserves commendation for his tire- less work in behalf of the junior college district. ,• He-is chairman of the junior college section of the California School Boards Association, member of a na- tional community college steering committee and an always-available counselor in OCC affairs. Two candidates are seeking the Newport Beach area seat on the OCC board. The incumbent is attorney George Ji. Rodda, Jr., appointed a month ago to fill a vacancy on the board. John L. Vaughn is a 26--year~ld OCC student whose name has become familiar in junior college circles because of his campaign in behalf of Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) al Orange Coast. Rodda has a substantial record of participation in community affairs, most notably as president of Ne\.\'• port Beach United Fund and president of the Orange Coast YMCA. Vaughn has no visible qualification for the position. (NJ .. BriUlant Perception or Fat.al Error: Retaliatory Warning Net If No A BM Viet Reds Deny Assumption ' ' : WASHINGTON -tn a way that may Wove embarrass.ing later on the Nixon Administration, like the J ob n s o n Adminislralion before it, hu gotten ttatlf oommitted to ce rtain result& in Vietnam Which it may not be able to realize. ~The central decision appears to have been made tnat the Communist side, 'fhatever its original intenUons in Paria, now does in fact wish to enter into a Jtgotiated settlement. >'.This could be a brilliant perception or a 1ata1 error. But in any case the Nixon ~lnislration is p~g as if it were possible to reduce the level of ~ ~ thereby reach a negotiated Ht~· . tlement calling for the mu ~u • I 1JiLhdrawa1 of all foreign troops. I <'lThe fact that the olher skie ea,.. t$iuously says that no such agreement is ipsiblc, and the required preliminary to ~negotiated settlement is the complete "f.ithdrawal.of U.S. troops, seems to be of no moment to those in the Ni1on · Administration who art proceeding on a &mtrary assumption. ' ' :tSLOWLV Bt.rr S~RELY, through ~ckground information or calculated ltak, the Nixon Administration is building ii> the idea that it has wbat Sec. of State ~gers says it does not have - a magic rfrmula. The point is rapidly being Jlt!acbed where the public will believe that tresident Nixon will have deluded and tricked the American public unless he ex-. thcates the U.S. from Vietnam in the 11ext few months. :·Secretary Rogers says the Nilon ~dm.inistration has a plan for a fair and Jeasonable setUemenl He is mysterious ~bout the secret talks which are supposed • • ' Wilson • • to be going on, saying that the other side wants IMXhlng said about such talks . The other side ••Y! that the U. S. government is trying to bamboozle the world into believing th.at progress is being made when there ha! been no progress at all. C ONSEQUENTLY, the Nixon Admfnistntiotr is rapidly getting itself in. • • pmlticlo of baviJIC lo produce results if it i1 to retain ill credibility as • peatt~ker. So C.ar as the ~c ~ of the Nl1on positioh ~_on nqolladan 11 concemed it does ·nor•P- pear to differ 1ignJftcantly from the Johnlon Adml,nlstratkm's approach. But we are "told there is a difference · in "mood" and it is too bad that Dean Rusk, \Valt Rostow and Lyndon Johnson, trying as hard as Otey ·~ in their misguided waya, could not produce this new .at· mosphere. When it comes down to specific things, like PresJdent Nguyen Van Thieu's pro.. posal to give the Viet Cong the right t.o vote and let them run for office if they forego violence, this is exactly what 'Jbleu agreed to a year and a half ago in Honolulu. When it oomea to bringing back 90me of our troops from Vietnam, this is what 'lbitu suggeste(I at the same time in the same pJace. Wben it comes to secret talks, this, too, was what Dean Rusk and Walt Rostow spent nlonths trying to ar· range. THE NIXON Administration is begin· nlng to learn just how hard il Is to gel out or Vietnam on an "honorable" basis, and how hard it is to change military strategy and get any helter results. The idea now is to fight better with fewer men. A fleeting - no more than fleeting - impression forms that maybe the Nixon Administration i.s trying to show that ·with the best of will and the most l'OO- structive of moods still it cannot get a settlement short of unilateral withdrawal. And if that .is the case, it will have to go a.head with the war in ita own way and explain why as best it can to a public led to believe that Nixon would get us out ot Vietnam . THIS COULD CREATE a very unhappy political conditlon of which the Nixon Administration ls certainly aware. So it must be assumed that the atmosphere of constructive optimism is not feigned and does not hide some kind of a deal wh.ich \vould be hard to sell as an "honorablt" settlement. Tttere may ·be reasons why the North Vietnamese now \Vish lo settle. Jt wa.s thought in the Johnson Administration there were good reasons why they should wish to settle. The war was a great strain on the Hanoi government with its fan- tastic Communist casualties. It was hard to keep Russian priority focused on the war because o flhe Krenl'lin's other prob· lems. These reasons are probably more compelling than a year ago, but not much different. In the end, if Nixon sticks to insisting on mutual, scaled withdrawal, the set· tlemenl of the war will be up to Hanoi. ; Powerful Fund Managers ' "T//ert Is a Thty out thtre itl t11e Piarlctt .•. Who art Tht11? Well, fliey are tht people who move •tockr. Tht11 aei the information tirst, maybt, They tven crtaU tht nformatiO'l'l, .and They arc abota •to put the itock up or down. Th.tr ~rt znysteriow, anonpiour, potWrfvl and they know cw711thinQ. Nothing fa:ts f ltem. Tht)I art tht potofrs of tht morketplact." -"Adam Smith," The ~lo11ey Came ( 1968 J. : The mysterious "They" referred to ~y the pseudonymous Adam Smith are the managers of what are called lnstitu· Jions: mutual funds, pension and en- flowment fund s, insurance companies. h ight new they hold the immediate f11te of the Do,.· Jcnes Average in their i)onlollos. : By silting 011 their hands -refusing tc buy stocks In any great volume -lhe managers already have been in-, --~-- f'riday, April 11, I• TM cdftottal -et IM Daar Pilot llt k• to "''°"" and •• lllok """"' "' prcmUillg Wr ft<10Jl)Clp<f'I opmlotu a"4 '°"" 1M71'4f'V on topia o/ flltatl'f • alld "9nfficoJI<<. "' providl1141 • : '"""" ,.. tho uprnsloo o1 ,.oiir rtodtrs' opi11f0ftl, and by Pf'lll."l:inO "'' dlNrll .. points of lnfomwd obi.....,. o!ld rpok<,.,.n on lopb •I IM dar. RDbert N. Weed, Publisher l .. .... ·- 'Editorial, Res;earela , ••• stnunental in an I pereent decline In stock prices atnce the first of the year. tt could get worse if the gun slingers move from caution to what the Wall Street Journal describes as "a pessimi5n1 that prompts liquidation." IF TIIE MUTUAL FUNDS begin massive selling, they ha\'e a lot lo unload. The combined assets of mutual £unds belonging to the Investment Com· pany Institute 193 percent of all fund assets) stood at more than $53 billion In February, up a whopping 25 percent Crom • year earlier. With sales running at an all-time montbly high of $875 million In January, tM money managers are undtt enormous pn!ssure to put the money to work. But the 11><a8ed cult ci performance l!iftl rise lo lws lhat the "ry l11ucture of mutual funds II being W1d<rmlntd. ••While PIO fund managm glee:funy dllCtrd m111y of the old Investment guidelines In lht headlong rush for naahy performance," wrote Philip Gr«r in the Washington Post, "they are also tos!ing out many of the old conceptions ul what a mutual fund should bt." tN THE RJSING market or 1917. the 1malter aggrffSive lund!i wllh an accent on 1cUon and lfOWlh rather than safety outperformed the stock market :u1 a wholt. But lhe1r Jn-and-out trad ing of llamour atockJ wa&-n'l too successful In 19'1. And tht "SfOWlh fund$" ha\-f! taken even more ot 1 beatini:: in the chancy market of 1969. Fed,eral Reserve Board Chairman \Yilliam McChesney ?tfartin, Jr., shook up the mutual fund industry nearly two years ago when he condemned massive speculation by mutual funds and other instituUonal investors trying to rack up short-term gains. "It seems to me," he sa~. "that practices of this nature cont1l n poisonous qualit.le3 reminiscent in some respects of the old pool opera· lions ol. the 192Qs." l\.1ARTIN'S SPEECH coincided with a 1najor regulatory effort by the Stturities and Exchange Commission. S . E . C . Chairman Manuel F. Cohen asked Congress for greater control over saleit charges and management fees in an effort to provide "a fairer shake" for 1he nearly fi ve million investors who put thetr money in mutual funds . The legislation received Senate ap-- proval In 1968, but died with the 90th Congre.ss when the House Commerce Committee decided Mt to consider it. Dear Gloomy t Gus: Jsn'L that big "Scienl.Ology Book Store" sign on the deck of that Ne.,,wt Pier area apartment house illegal? The "Sdenl.OIOI)'" cigns In the windows should JO, too. Unless it's okay to conduct a business in a 'restdenct, of course. -R. J, c. t•• ... ,_ •l'l'ltC1'9 ~ ........ ---.wn1, ~ "! n. __..,., kllll ,...,.. .... _... ,. •'-""' .... 0.11¥ ...... Allen-Goldsmith ,, WASHINGTON -Even if Congress sh o u Id reject President Nixon's con· lroversial anti-missile defense, expensive components of the "safeguard " ABM system will be needed le alert U.S. offensive forw. That is the private wcrd from Pentagon planners. 'Ibey say the sophisticated ear· ly wamlng equipment. planned for the anli·balliJlic-mlssile deployment, is vital, even if no defensive intercept is lo be attempted. In their view, the Jong-range radars of the "safeguard" warning net would be needed to alert the President to an incoming missile attack and to ready U.S. missiles and bombers for a possible retaliatory strike. Perimeter acquisition radar ( th e acronym is PAR) gives the ABM system the ability to pick up incoming missiles at a range of about 1,000 mil es. With related communication and data pro-- cessing equipment, the PARs account for some $1.5 billion cf the $6-7 billion estimated cost for a c o m p I e t e d ''safeguard" deployment. THE RADAR ARRAYS are. c o s l I y because of their complex electronics and their siu. The giant PAR antenna is more than 100 feet in diameter, and the equipment is housed in a building 200 feet square and 130 feet high. ABM critics have said the big radar Installations -th e long-range PARs and other radars for missile control -would, themselves, be attractive targets for a missile attack which couJd ciulckly immobilize lhe enlirt ABM system. Mllitary experts are saying that present systems are inadequate to give initial warning of incoming attacks, partly because the equipment has become outdated and partly because it is aimed to warn of rocket attacks from the North. The present system is not keyf!d to attacks from the nation's seaward approaches. The Russians have an increasing ability to launch that sort of attack, the military planners say, with gnat darnace to missilt sites and, especially, U.S. bomber bases. TWO SOVl.ET WEAPONS develop.. ments have caused the increasing con- cem about attacks from the continent's seaward reaches. O n e of them ii lb e Kremlin's all-OUt drive to mass-produce missile-firing submarines of lhe Polari:J type. Such submarine& could take st.aUon in the oceans off lbe U.S. couta and deliver an auacll: on U.S. basts with Intermediate range mis.silts: flrfld from beneath the seas. Defense s.cty. Melvin Laird .....Uy. lold Congrus lhat Russia -bas Ille production base to tum out ooe sub- marine for launching ballilt1c mJS3i1es (SLBMs) each month. !Jke the Polaris, icach of the Rus&an rub& can lire 16 nuclear-tipped missllts. The curttnt Russian product.Ion rate, according l.O Laird, 11 seven of the Polaris-type submarines a year. Evtn al that rate, the Russians can look lo matcliing the 41 -shlp U.S. Polaris neet in the not too distant future. htoreover, L a t r d is warning that t h c Russians can e.xpand lbelr production base, once the one--•month quota is reached, and build the subs even more rapidly. BJ Robttt S. Allr11 u4 JtM A. G<ldJmlUI " ------ , 'Either you go with me, baby, or you don't go at all' Surgery That Isn't Necessary By NORJ\1AN NIXON, tl-1.D. The two most common operations, particularly in the very young, are circumcision and tonsillectomy. Although performed for hundreds of years, these procedures still are on a nonscientific basis. Nearly 98 percent fer all newly-born Amer ican boys are circumcised before they leave the hospital No one knows why most parents, Jew and Gentile alike, willingly submit their male infants to this surgical ritual. One mother, a Protestant, explained it thiJ way: "I thought it was a law; everyone I know is circumcised." TO JEWS, THE procedure is clearly religious; symbolically, it is equated with goodness, purity and sanctification. Further, circumcision s u p po s e d I y counteracts excessive lust when the boy becomes a man. However, St. Paul, although proud of his Jewish heritage, dissuaded early Christians fr om adopting riLual circumcision. For centuries, many cultures practiced circumcision as a ritual for spiritual purilicaUon. In some it was used as a pubertal rile, a prerequisite to manhood, mating and marriage. The r I t u a I strengthened taboos against incest and parricide, and tightened bonds between father and son. WITil THE RISE of modem surgery, the l'llatus of circumcision changed from a religious rite to a common sutgical pro- cedure. Cutting o!f the prtpuce, the sleeve of skill wh.ich normally protect& the head of the penis, was advocated primarily to insure cleanliness, to pre· vent phimosis (constriction due to adhesions so that the foreskin cannot be drawn back easily), and to prevent cancer. Usually the operation is done on newly· · bom infants without an anestbetJc, although most babies struggle and scream ln manifest pain ; IOllle even lapse into unconsc~ during the operation. Alt.bough .rare, infection. hemorrhage requiring tra~fusicn, and, if an anesthetic is given, even death can re- cur. ' . -~ ...... ,. -· f • Everyday ! ' ! " .Prol)le111s· ' I .. THE PREPUCE cannot be retracted in at least 50 percent of all uncircumcised one-year-old boys, but only 10 percent have any adhesions when 3; usually these can be broken without surgery. In no more thl\n two percent 01 males is circumcision ever a "must." If the unci rcumcised male's prepuce can be retracted and is kept clean1 he Is no more apt to develop penjle cancer than men who are circumcised. Nor will he be more prone to develop a venere al disease. More important, the un- circumcised male is Jess apt to be im· potent or a homosexu al. For many psychiat rists believe that considerable emotional damage occurs in some ci rcumcised men who fear their genitals have been irremediably injured. ~10ST LIKELY, in the quest of hyg iene and purity, few have dared to question the value of circumcision. In his article, "Rape of the Phallus'', in the Journal of the A.M.A., Dr. W. K. Morgan rema rked succinctly: "Circumcision is encouraged by Scripture, the beliefs of lhe medical professicn, the intuition of women, folklore and health-insurance agencies." But it is ostensibly ritualistic surgery. tl.1any physicians no1v believe that the prepuce of the male infant should be left in its natural state. By his third birthday, it usually can be retracted easily and cleaned during the daily bath. AS HE GROWS, the boy should be taught to keep that part oI his body clean, just as he is taught to wash his ears. Since circumcision has few if any niedical benefits, tens of thousands of Un. necessary operatk>ns C1luld be eliminaled e.ach year, along with the physical and psychological c o m p 1 l c a t i o n s that sometimes accompany this dubious pro- cedure. The 1978 Housin g Goal ln the far-reaching Housing Act. of J96a, Congr'ess declares that the goal oC a "decent home and a suitable living environment for every A m e r i c a n family has not been fully realized for many of the nation's low-income families ." The act seeks lo achieve this goal by 19'111. tn concrete ~nns. this ls expected to mean construction of 24 million houst s and apartmentJ""'plus rehabilitation of 2 milll.oo more over the next decade, accordiJt& to the Department of HOU!lng UJd Urban Development. TO DO nus, the annual rate cf lious- ing atarta (lnc:ludlng new apartments) will have to be lifted from the current rate of about 1 ~ million to about 3 million In the mid· and l1te-'70s. This Is calculated to require the lnvestment re!!Ources by the mld-1970s. Homebuilding nowadays absorbs cnly about 2~ perctnl ol the nation's producti ve resourcts. THERE IS NO QUESTION that we can build 2 to 3 million homes per year if the governvient wants to ram enough resourcts Into the homtbuildln, Indus try to do the jOb. But In trying to meet lhls Larstl. we will ne«ssarily risk atratn.lq ~ ductive capacity In the home::~= indus try, ....iin& pr1,., of """"' Gue.st Re port homes up even faster than !hey havr. ~n rising recently, and !hull dl~oorag· 1ng nonsubsidized demand. ~lonlkly Economic Leltt.t Flr1l NaUooal City Bank .---811 George -~ Otar Gtorgt: I trunk a lot ot TV 1howi1 like· Laugh-Jn and The S m o t h e r 1 Brothers and Gentle Ben are dirty.· Who rlo 1 write to! FOURSQUARE FOR PURITY Dear Four.tqUan!: If a show of!tDds )'OU, write to the network or to the sponsor, Polnl out what • you find ._ iectJonable In Laugb·ln, T h e Smothers Broth'-? and Genlle Ben and make your pofnt briefly and wlth lemptranco 1nd -GENTLE BEN???!l! Rlp off • hale letter lo Smokey Ibo Bur. He's Ille ..,. In \he pomoanphlc Scout hat. I I -· j I in <d ~nt !Se no IS ice Is ~· 1ill !al In· m- ny >le ne ils ne on le, of ed ed al n, " !Jc •ft y, ld lC n, s. 'Y n- •d ~ •t ,. " I I '' ~osta. -·Itlesa -. EDITION . :VOL 62, NO. 17, 4 SECTIONS, '40 PA6ES .. .. 4 '4f - . .. FRIDAY,.APRIL 11, 196! TOtlay's·••••I N.Y. StOelr• .TEN • CEijlS I 'ffirA 0 ' .. Pi wn . I " .Te~chers Orum Warms . Up Plan Loses Cqndidates ClnSh in final Meeting -. . . ' BJ TllOlllAI FORTUNE Of .. D1Mr PllM.1tlff · A proposal tO let students do their own tu.ring !>f 10 .percent of new university · professors was soundly dereated Tmtts- : day by tile UC Irvine Academic Senate. • The On"t-sided--faculty vote may inspire new student protests. Student objections • lo UC hiring and fir~g Pf&~ces began last Noyember when it became known · thit ·three junior faculty members bad been recommended for termination. . 'Ibe student hiring of faculty propofial was on17 one of aeven on student participation in tradlttonal faculty mat- ters. Of the others, three were referred back to committee for revision and three were passed by heavy majority of the 115 pro- fessors present . Approved was inclusion of two student members on all academic senate stan~ ding committee's, with efforts to be made to Secure an excepUon from univel'.Sity policies to allow the Student members to vote. ~ Also overwbehn.ingly approved Was a proposal that all academic departments heed Chancellor Daniel Aldrich 's request that they lay plans for student evaluation of faculty teaching. However, it was the defeated proposal that the 50 or so students present most wanted to see passed. "We C{)nsider this the most important proposal," said student representative to Ute Senate Patti Nelson. "lt is the only cenuine way we can get faculty members who art exce ption.al teachers. Most pro. fesson are recruited because of the srants they can bring to the university." She was-unimpressed by faculty agree- ment to include students Qn C{)mmittees.· She ...iit sf¥dfo~ '\'"'." !>eiJ!I '.'~ In. You pqt ws on co~ so· you can . pat yoursel.ves on the back." she told the _ profeslOf'S. ''You let Mi sit in the senate" -· and 1crwn and yd' but 1bin&a don't changi:. • "This doesn't solve our problem. We're token students. We have no power what.soever." The seven proposals considered were written by a three-student, three-pro- fessor committee on student participation in faculty promotion and firing. There were four other proposals, from a list of 11 the academic senate didn't get to before it adjourned at the six o'clock din· 11er hour. One of the proposals sent back to com· rnittee for revision was to include students on review committees that con· sider,facti1ty promotion, hiring or firing. Another was to give faculty members the opUon of requesting review by a student committee. At one point, Dean of the College -0f 1'-1ediclne Warren Bostick sajd, "These decisions affect the careers of faculty, members. The student is a passerby who (See UCI FLAP, Page Z) Rites on Monday For Rose Kehn .' . CandlclMa bwn!e ·a little more cu!· tlni In .1 tbe{r c:ommenta and more "l!"'iflcalll ; dlrected 'tllem af tllelr op. pooeft!I 'lbundly. Olgbt ·at the list can· clldalel '°"Im. •of the Newport·M-ochool boerd.carnpaliJ>. · ••tt has beeb •·diasentict to the voter to have'l<x'educatloo lbe1f-1Jfg l!Sile In this campaign," saJd ipc\lmbenl Mrs. Elliabeth Lilly, Pointedly directing her remarks t'o her OiJtrict I cballen.&er the llev. Henry Joan. · Leagpe Okays l Airport Land Use Committee The Oranao Oounty League or CIUea by an 18 to 3 vote wtnt on record Thw'tday in favor of·a seven-member Airp;orl Land Use Commiuton to replace the present · county Airport Commission. Newport llUeh officials led tile ID<!Ye to .set up tile new county airport body Latest .Faslaion? u,, ,.....,. argutpg that cities aUected by airports, ' parllcular!Y ~ ..... jet aircraft, llbould l!a.. a larger voice In airj>ort • Mrs. Joan Kennedy, wife of Sen. Edward Kennedy (0.Mass.) carries a yellow construction helmet as she toura a rehabilitation WoJect m ' New York City. · · · eperatlam;. . ~hi~ el .. alr(lort land ... -wu.~qallledlut July I!; II~ Boach . iilft.aolla foe Dan ~. dlolrmU . (II "the , ... -11tr·~ 11..-Allllemem tam- Putor Jones responded tn kind. Arter W.n. Lilly had mentioned 1'9ading test results, the J;lev. Mr. Jones said: "Win or lose I feel we have made arl Impact alrea4y. Some people who haven't been before are finally including in their talks isspea.tbat I ~rought,up.!' • , . Ahotbil oPPonenrof Mr!.-tp.Jy,, Alvin Bender, said to the audience of 'lkt at Col~ge P~1~0Sch"'1l, "Yoo'd better wake up to wha,t'sgoh_1g on. nus present boatd jsn 't advl.$ing, you." . -. I ~h· s . . b ~ -mlljft. ~-tllo ·-el \,'.4 o.ppers lll'~iug~ofs,,, ~-=·iii~: · . -~. . . ---.:.---~-~p-"' ... -....-· ............ • -• . . ;am1ec1 . bf '_ lhii """'1y ·-~ .r ~ewpoH Leadef.i .. Declar~· -~=~ Co'1J t's Chotiiter · · i · !MP~ Dean Sbull Jt. uld By JERI/ME F., COLLINS 01 M Diii»' Jlllet Stiff Newport Beach aircraft nOise foes are turning their eyes and ears in an-0lher direction -toward Marine helicopters flying over Corona del Mar. . nie choppers; says Newport Vice W.ayor Lindsley Parsons, are flying too low. "They're scraping the rooftops," he •lieges. But Major General W. G. Thrash, base commander at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, denies it. In a letter responding to a complaint lodged by the city staff, Gen. Thrash in- sisted that helicopters operaling out of the Santai ~ Lighter Thin Air Facility. anr sticking k> "a pattern altitude of 600 : feet mean sea level outbound and 800 feet inbound." The city isn '.t happy with the aeneral's response. "In the Bren subdivision (Harbor VieW HiUB) they're flying over at between 200 and 230 feet," .said PanKmS.''l know they're only DI feet up llJ the air al ·~ws where I live." Parsons said when the training craft .. tlJO.proiioial -"" lorwinlid lo !be the Marlhes call tile "Palisades l!oute" Board ofllaperviaors. pattern, be said. ;Bevri -U ago tile pruent fiv"i!lan The route l'i"" over tile "stem odie a&port corOlnisllon. appolnUd by C!tlUJ>ly of N ..,......,.. It I I t' I superv_.,, went on record u oppc>aing .e"l"'1'' a i:o passes re a ive Y near the·lml ·me·aroup. They cootended that Orange County Airport aod UCI. lap/I 1119 problems around airports aro Because the route is so clOse to ~dy controlled. developed areas, the general explained, it .The .league representatives allO en· bad been used as sparingly as possfb.le in dotted I move by the Supervisors to ask the past. Most of the helicopter trainees tbe slate LqiJlaturt ·fvr a 10-Cent in .. fieW over the El Toro Route. Thil n11•us crtase in the Orange County Flood Con· ~-trol Dlslrlcl tax limit. near J,.eisure World and Mission 'Viejo. However, the league rPolulion dJffers But recent increases in Vletnam-bOund from the super:\'11ors' propoaal in that the transport flights out of El Toro com~ ini;rtaae would t.ermlnate completely at a heavy shirt or chopper exercilts to tile ~~ ~~l:!'ihr~ y'.= Palisades Route "in the intere!t of night a 5-ctnt increase in the present fiood con- saf_ety and orderly now of air traffic," trol district JO.cent rnte to be continued .said Gen. Thrash. indefinitely. Parsons, in a bitter Urade befol'e his The session was attended by 62 officials council colleagues this week , declared frwn. 23 of Ult 25 incorporated cities in that the increase in local helicopttr the ount flights is another strong reason for mov. c 'Y· Ing the entire Marine establishment out -0f the county and to Camp Pendleton "where there's plenty of room." Named to Trade . ' Couns el Position By EVELYN SHERWOOD OI llM IHll»' l'llM Jl9H w ASHING TON -Long speculation over the role Newport Beach attorney Murray M. Chotiner·woukf play in the ad· m~tration of his longtime p~l ruchard Nixon is Dver. The veteran of 3$ yqrs in law begins work tOOiy in a new offkf··at 11® G. st·., as a federal trade negoti,_tor at a quietly raised salary of $38,000 per year. "I'm very pleased and anxious to get started," Chotiner said toaay. ll , waa announced Thursday that Chotiner, squeezed '°"'t Of a command· poet wjth the RepUbll~llf NaU~l Com· mittee, was named genei'al counsel for the otflce with the rank ill •a.ssador. Trade Negot.18tiQM. ;:....~, Funeral services are scheduled Monday hug the tout.line, ibey'u only 50 feet I · above the water. "There are other uses for El Toro," he said. "It seems ,to me that !be military Is jealously hanging onto a lot of coastil bases \hat should be phased out.'' He said he is "diamayed at Gen. 'lbrasb saying -Ing ll WTOll(I." Blast Rips Club At Santa l,larhara .· 1Jt also was announcecl~arl J. Gilbert of Dover, M&s., ,w~ appointed head of the otflce wit1itlle rank of ambassador. Gilbert, chairman· of the--GUlette·Co. ex- ecutive committee, succeeds William M. Rotb .. or a retll'ed Newport-Mesa Unified He KUf!CI 8l Gen. Thrasb's userti.on School District elementary school teacher of 800 r..i altitude. SANTA BARBARA (AP) -An ex-. p!01lve device ripped tile University of CalilQrllia at Sl!Jta Barbara faculty club ' today, cr!Ucally Injuring a mamt.nanco man . lilcl cautln& an estima ted 11,000 Mn, Rose I. Kehn, who died Tburaday "J ohn Killeler,· whole home overlooks alter a brief illneu. She was '9. 'l'urnlng to CouncilmaniPaul J. Gruber, be said: "You've got your problems with jets at County Airport:and now we've eot oun ·with be~ ,ayu eo....,. de! The White H-r~ Qflbert's ap· pointmeAt and·aaid.the office will remain part'of the Presldtnt's execiltive office. · N1*Jtl reOtnlly quashed a . move to ~'It. to tile ~nt of COm- , Rite. for Mn. Kebn, of Z56 E. l9th St., tlle ·OCWI In Corona de! Mtf, CID look r~-M . DI be t 10:.30 ~ . th don In ltieir cockpltfwberi'fl!ey come ~~ esa, w a · a.m. "' e JJylD& plJt," said PLll'IOOI."'"°" Killeltr First Methodist Church, with the Bev. doesn'l .Jlvt'ab)'IOOfeetup~" ~, '-. , Richard Dunlap officiating. Gen. 1bruh, whose coiilmand inclQdel' w." dim11e. . •· : 'I!n.vii' Sharp, ~. If¥. a)ipareotiy trying to '"sum the Uined Piion jug of. nam. mable liquid wHen It eXpk>ded, university officials Aid. He .aufftred burns .over ao -t of bis body IJld was .-r,olng Visitation by friends and former the J,Jnt.ter Tban A1r Facillty 11;111\t two ., students may be made Saturday and Sun-&&> Seoelc llfa r lcets ·ctiotintt'a &PP.Oihtm'enr \If~ announced by Theodore Bl Gates, acllng'bead of the office su~vtsing and coonllnating most ._ll or' u;s: 1 .... 1gn trade pouey, in- cluding trade negoUaUons. day at Bell Broadway Mortuary. miles northeast of Orange COunty ------------- Mrs. Kehn Jived Jn Costa Mesa for 15 -Airport, conceded there bu been an .in· NEW. YORK (AP)-The stock market years and taught from 1955 tmtil l965 at crease in helicopter fll&hts over the cOm-closed QJ'l a fairly even keel today as the Harper and Woodland e J em en tar y inunky. trading,~ slowed near the end. (Sfe ll!"BOFY at a local hospital. · University officials could give no a~ parent ni«lvt for tile bOmblng. 'Jbe NaUonaJ Archives' ·weekly com• pilatlon . of N1'oi:i's documents' reported earlier' tbls weelt a little-riot.iced, one- sft!tence' e:reciltive order' Nlson signed · April I ~stoma !be pos1 or.1~111-1 ln>m a civil ·service Job paying $30~ to &ebOols. also serving as a substitute m.. But Qlere bas been no quotaUO;Dl:, Pag~s 14-15). &tructor during her retirement years: SUrvivors include her husband Charles. 10n1 Merle and Russell. daughters June ... Lovell, :Jeanne Hutton, Shirley Harkness, J,.oil Cole and Carol Andrews, plus 11 F andchildru and five great.grandchild-.,.._ j ur~d . Toddler- t of Hospital irA Costa Meaa toddler severely prt In a affjc cruh in· Newport · Beac::h was ~-"! Thtaaday from Hoag M'1florial lloopltal wbere be received 30 sUtches to ck>le ICalp laceraiioos. • Spencer Klrk Johnston, 20 monthe, was lo a car driven by his mother, Mn. Jen- otrer Jol111ston, ZZ, of 281 10th St., Costa loleaa. Tbt woman 's small foreign sedan col- lided with a car driven by Rona F. Sedcl, IO. Downey at Pacific Coast lllgbway IJld Newport Centtr Drive. Only !be baby was hurt in the Wed- nfsdl,J evening cra&h. I Harva d lJpycott L~otning a .,....-UaJ appointment p a y I n g $311,000 •. The l'O(lOrt also Included In small typo beneeth tile text thl~ sentence: "El· . SIJ.~ -~~~s P~o_~.s~',P.olice. Br~up of Sit-in £"£.~ ~~ ':t~ ~ i;: ~ CAMBRIDGEMllljll.,(AP).~Cbantll!I. J>Oll>l .to ~ tbdr·boycott, ---~ ·•tteocllnJ claaa """ Ciiotbm, ... bis .. pmtou .... "Pn llrllte,: •:11!:~"1'1111 -~X : by : fludenll , '-1ntl the forcod tn wait. · perlenee in tile n.ld· of lnteniaUonal · Harvard Yard-Wday u an _....,iiy picket line to attend ~w..,.-Bat · 1IOounp ;..,.. och'<lule!I ~ trade, bul aald hell lool\101 forward lo , growing number .of .iudenls m'illil a -~;r"~~oo!a111JeliW!dlqap. tile 1$,-'unlvor'!ty, ~col· learnlnti•~'trade.qreemenls. • classroom "boyciltt to Jl'olesl a .police , "nie crow· of iltudenll'.oillslde moved lqe In the natloo, as crlllclsm ....... of H .. bu Ileen IOcldng a• Nixon ad" I thet br·• ··~~ I ••---~-mlnlltratlpn ~ ajnce l'leP· Rog•l'1, C. B. oray -e up a u •• a •~ ad· from the Utnry to M~~1 Olun:h. 'the univentty'• ~In callln& In police M°"""' of Mi!<Yland,.chalniion-<lealgn'ate mlnlitratlon bulldlll(. • These tbi'oe bulldlngs lland around the to 1ne Unl-y lfafl: of· !he Republican NaUOl\ll Cominlttee A rally on Weldentt Library steps l'NOY ~ Theater, the broad 1 Shortly before .no.on, a . chantlnf, edged Jilin out of a loP <omm11t .. jOb. ' beard pledpa to ,.,on .irtte lrom Law • qulllldrali(lle -fourth tide boldl ·~ fllOol IOOllUdenll Ml of! ~·"-~ ._, "·t i't 'be ...:. •• • . Sc11oo1 ~ lllltcn a!udents and' Unlvonlty, Ham Thlt fl the ocJ. ·a .......--tile Inside perlmotor of · ~·--~ uNwn ·~ "" othen of tile 10 '1fllduate schools: More mlnlstrat!On buflcUll( ,..,., whlcb· • the llar\'ard 'fanl wlllcb ls ........Sid by p!cled. to bec<iaie executive dlleclor of than 1,000 pe....., milled around In tile stuclenls were eviC!eil Lil dawn TllundO)' •a lrilr ind lrm lince. . • tile comlnlttH, dolnC or1..r.auon work yard on !be site of tile bloody Police by ~ (lOllce ofll<tn. Al the liDf 00 the·llbmy stept, a•...,. wbfle the oew chairman made the club with •tudenlo. Sh-lo entarln( Sever •Han. p&MM dent tolcl Ille .....i thal the pollce lcll.., l()MCbta, About IO pickets. organized by Students shouting, irate 1trtan. Out tiudeOt -wu ''the -tlon•a mow." He ..r.,. llut Morton,.N-'a.lloor min...,. 11 fllr a llomoqaUc Soclefy, paraded In lclrJoc the bql~,rlppod a1'17 a .. per nxl to the lfarvanl Corp., a unl-y !be lflll'OOP National Convention, 'said ftont or Sever llstl, onl)' one of ..,..... Of sign thrust at• hlin by a !>icntcr. The :"""'111nf \>O<ly-. • • . he -Id not talte tile committee bui!dfnp the unlvetllty has. demonstraten belan lo cluoter on the : ll'he uowGP to mor.•than'l,1181 u ~halrmm)lblp U Chotlntr wu In a eom- Sever Hall, cboclen by SOS •• the local !root lllepo, oamnriDC the aille llnllCb •the rtll>'-• mand pool: ~ 1 • j Incumbent Lloyd Blan@ied J r • • .evidenUy referring 'o bis Dlatrict 4 op- pOnebt Gordon Morrow, said: · "If I were running agaJDSt. an in· cumbent I would try l,o fln(f""w-eaue..ee. · But I have not ycrbeard any c<intestant raise a problem we were not alteady working on.!' · ' · Morrow said ·he· favors lejii:latiofl ta reinstate a school tax ceiling scheduled to be lifted in 1971. He noted two weekl ago (See FORUM, Pqe I) . Red ·~he'1ffig May Herald New Offensive SAIGON (AP)-Unleasbing the heav· lest shelling of South Vietnamese towns and allied bases in three weeks, the.Viet Cong appeared today to have opened a new and more violent phase of its seven- week-old spring offerWve. Rockets and mortan hit more than 45 towns and b&SeS during the night. The heaviest attacks were made on provin- claJ capitals on opposite sides of Saigon, Tay Ninh to the northwest and Vlnb Long to the•.llOUthwest. At least 21 persooa wtte killed, IOO were wounded in the two cities and· about 80 others were missing in Tay Ninh. Some Americ::ans ;,yere among the wowid· ed, but no American deatbi were reported. : The night's attacks were .amDH tht moot devutall!11 .,i me orreif"-.h··' l),gan~Feb."1f'and the 11Uvi:t·~1;,;;; ~ lll&bl .el ~ .., ............... . and mortar attacks.. were reported: ~ ~ put Iii!:'!! ~;Ibo. abeJI,; .•• 1n1 !tad droiiPed off to between 10 io .II!: a.ttaclts a nlght. \J.S. milita,Y apaiysis • · said' earlier this weet-'tbe offem:IVe was in a Juli. while the enemy rece.ifed re- ~lacement.s and supplies after .sWferioc heavy losses. But the A'merlcan experts prtdicted an increase In enemy actlvily lhls week· end and said most of the attacks . would be "by fire," meaning rockets and mortars. South Vietnamese sources !aid more than 100 mortar rounds hit the market place, a priJon and Vietnamese otficers' mess In Vinh Long, a delta city 6S miles southwest of Saigon. Initial reports said 15 persona were killed and 105 were wounded, incldding 96 Vietnamese ci_vllians. T raffic Accident .Quiz Continues Investigation continues t o d a y Into a traffic acCident Thursday in which an off. duty Costa Mesa Policeman was llightly hprt and a suspect quickly uTesteil on suspicion ol bit-and-run In Newport Beach. ~ No c::omplalnt has been issued IO far against-Leonard 8. Yerkes, 23, of Orange, who was relieved of his Newport Beach palice reserve oUicer's badge •t tbe time of UTest. Costa M.. Patrnlman Richard J. Johnson, 23, wu not bospitaliied after his small ·car WU· struck from behind on N_ewport Boulevard at 119th Street •nd knocked onto ill side. ,Officer Johnlon Ls back on duty and fOrmer reserve officer Yerkes is fret on his own recognizance, pending final dJsposition of the case. ' Orange Weildier The clouds will roll away about midmorning Saturday, ,Jllvlng the way for a llWUJ1 weekend with temperatures billlll( 65 oo lbe -and _up to 74 inland. INSIDE TODA.'l' ' i ~ ' . ' ,, I I I t " . I • I ' f ' I . l I f t r.::;::::;;::::s;:::::::r::::::=:::::::::::o;::llQliliiiiiiiidOl>iii<i~;... .... ::;:::::::::: .~--~~ .......... ,~w·~-:.:.:.~-:~.~~~ .... .:.:;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;:..~.:-:~:::~:;::_:_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::---:i 2 lolllY PILOT C ,....,;A!fll 11, IM · Cateh .£oit~· Ndbbed Prowler ·SWl• for 1 $1,000 -,~~~ ; lf Oll1 Henr!Chlen II now reoobtd to let Jl"'Wlm P,.wl all they wsni ln th• vlcltLtty of his Newport Beach bomeJ. you could banlly blame him. nit ohoU he fired 11 months ago ln protedlon ol • ~bor'• lawn chairs cost him 11,000 tJliJ week ln Superior Court. And Henrichsen has to pay those damUa. ~ scaled down from the ~· Ufl'1 ·11n1 demand for 1125,000 -dtstlilo tbt fact that~ the man who llJed hlm wu COll"lcted or 'petty the(l ~records Indicate thal Henrichsen, ..,, WU watching a late show in the earlier hours of Sept. 17, 19f1 when be beard suspicious noises near by. He told offlcen be went outside to in-- vestttate and saw a man throwing a ne.igbbcr1 lawn chain over the fe{l(e. 'He.twice ordered tbe man to balt. But, ¥ • lltl!irldiMii WI, lliila.,_ ran ell. ic· :::!\. ~ w_r:ii1111ni~~i;: =:.:• 1111 -ud baited' bis lleni1dJlen's vlctiJn WU William G. SuJUvon. 11, of 1171 Or-Ave., Co!la -~VIII Iller pleaded cuJllY to ~Uy eft, a reduction in charges from lhl ear er counl, of buraluy .and served a week ln Oranae Coilll\y Jal!. ~liv then Md Henrichsen for uaault W battery on tht grounds that he hid be!!> 'hoopitallled u the result o( h15 lnjurla arid that he continues to suf. fer from headaches and toothache. A Superlor Court jury gave him $1,000. Costwlse, Henrichsen's late show works out at about $15 A minute. Or you could aay that the lawn chairs be retrieved retail at $250 apiece. Eithtr way, shooting a prowler cost Carl Henrichsen $1,000. • From Pllfle J . FORUM • • • the achoo! bolnl drafted· a leller to legillaWrl oppoeing the bill . Blanpied voted with a majority or the boor<l to keep Jegialati0D th1t will lilt o1r the tar celling ift 1971. District 7 incumbtnt R o d e r I c k MacMillian and hls only opponent. Paul Massey, were both absent. So, too, was District 5 i.ocumbent Donald Strauss. But all four cha1len1ers teeking to replace him were present. Mrs. Mary Martin said education bas become exorbitantly expensive. She tald radicalism is coming down from the col· leges to high schools. "The schoola have been pu.Wng bnm .. ilm for ~ Jut 10 years," lhe From P .. e J UCI FLAP •.. doesn't begin to have as much at risk.'' "Nolbing at rl!k,'' retorted Miss Nellon. "I might point out we're risking education. All you are risking is money." Associale Professor of Paycho16a John Wallace warned, "We can expect aerious consequences when we utend the facade and Wuaion of power to students (but don't give them any real power).'~ BosUck alao argued that university re1ents have given academic aenates greater ud greater reopona!blllti" over. the )>tars and U facultl<o ablogal< 'tllelr reapooslbllity it could cauae "very, verr 1eriO'JI repercuaalons." "De~ Boat/~k'• .argum.•n) la he<tt . wbtn.Ver nllllalon Of IUflrqe 1J under diacusalon," aaid Asa!Jtanl Pro!.-ol Political Science Dean Neubauer. The special committee on 1tudent particlpaiJOn was formed a month ago as a peace move folloWing a faculty breach over the question oJ reoonaldering the flr· lngs of aulstant professon of English Stephen Shapiro and Donald Br~. The case of a third faculty member rec. ommended for termination, usistant hiatory professor George Kent, ii peod· lni· Russ Mediterranean Strength at Record LONDON (UPI) -. A Soviet gulded missile destroyer sailed today from the Black Sea through the Bosporus Strait into the Mediterranean, bringing Russi,an gWded missile strength in the MtdJter .. ranean to an all lime high , defense of· fioials aaid today. Defense sources alos sa.id Russia hu 14 1ubmarines in the Mediterranean,. the greatest number ever reported there. They put Russian naval strength there at more than 40 ships including supply ships and spy trawlers. Most of the cruiJers and cleolroyers 1t1 equipped w 11 h rnisslles. , 0~11 V PllOT ' oaANGI COAST l'Ua\.tlHINt COMlllANV kekrt N. Weed t'IWi..nf ..... '""""""' Jeek It. Curley Vice ,.,...lttrlt ellf GWMI Mer..eet Thorn•• IC••'+'il adl•r Them•• A. Murphi110 "'-~ ltr .. r 3JO Wo•t loy Stroot Moilint AddrH11 P.O. I• 1160, t2626 .,__ . ,...,..,. ~I 1211 Wt8t ..... ...,,...... LOWN 9"Cftl nt ,_, A.......,.. ~ IMcttt -'"' ..... said. "Jn the 'Anaheim llillrict S<l J"O· grlJ'll they are teaching imm«al values as humanlsm." "I'm going to say like right off I'm a rRdJeil. I'm the one she'a talking about," said Orange Coast College student John Vaughn. "I think we need humanism. We have enough technology and so forth." LOWER GRADES He said he bu an klta "-for eman- dpatiOll ol lclds. "I would llari wilh lhe lower grades and give them J,eway to ex- periment," he Iii<!. "By hlgll ld!qol th'Y could Virtually run that c:)Mi. They Wouldni even oeed a teadlfr'euepl u a moderator." · Tumlng to Mrs. Mlilln, he llld, "Then you wouldn't have to worry · about in- doctrlnatiori.'' -. Anolher DIJ!rict 5 candidal< 11 John a.-n. He 1"811..ied the school dlstrlct explore private IOUl'Ces. ol funding and letk out loOnclation funds. "Tbe property taxpayer should be an avenue of last ruort," he said. Otesaell said he would like to see an expanded Jl"'sram ci teaching law, rlgllts and responslbillUea of citizenship. He aaid he thinks it would "materially leuen the activilt problems oo our campuaes." Alto runnlq: apinst StraUBS, alon1 wllh Mn. Mortin, Vauglm and Cb..,.11, is UC h'vlne liudent Terry Hay. "Havtni come froin Newport Harbor scbooll I can say the preparation is not adequaie !or lhe imlvenity," he said. TRAINING CBITICIZED He abo ~cize!:I vocational training. ''Tbe ~'h'As oOt ·'}trodticed "relevant products,'' he said. "It has concentrated. on metal shop and ,wood shop, not skills in demand.'! · 1w..n. ·tmy' Uld tHe rt al taNes art not sex education · but development of the middle school anc1· the ever.present pro- blem ol llDonclng. She said. that' although the district is· well .above the state average in reading test results, board members are tryill1' to finance a concert~ effort to improve reading. Challenger Bender said, "One problem in parUcul111 l?fought me ta this table - the new modular scheduling program at Costa Mes.a. .ffigh. We're pushintt too fast to do away with the old system. The teaehera weren't ready for it." He aaid teachen only work 196 days a year al)d he S!J&gested they be prepared to wort a little ~er, Mrs. Lilly's other challenger, the Rev. Mr. Jones, said he is running because he fell "the achoo! boon! had ln eUect diVort:ed itaelt from the community. It laCks leadership. Robber Suffers Conscience Pangs, Turns Self in After holding up a Garden Grove liquor store early tbla monun1. Jesse Edward Moore, 24, of Anabelm, had what police d•cribed 14 ·•·a twinge of conscience." Al 4 Lm., ~t two and a balf hours after !lie ,aimed robbery ci the B and B Liquor stare, 9812 Weatminster Ave., po'.ice n<?eived a call to "set the man" al ID41 A!dga~ Ave. there ~Y met Moore who cont~ kl the cirme. Alter tht r_obbecy, Moore and another man Oary Warren Viley of Anaheim had been ~ by Anahelln police for ques- t)oning but were released . ldocire later implicated Viley in the robbery and he wu picked up by Garden Gn1ve polite at 5 a.m. Albert Metr: 33, of Huntington Beach, the liquor store clerk, told officers Moore thrtatened him with a LUger type pbtol and forced him to Ue on the floor while he ri(led the cash register . )'ollee recovernd 1154 and !be weapon . Burglars. Clean lwo Mesa Autos C. bur&lln victllnlJed • lt<IH&• musician and a Wellnliml« boot rnodianlc ct the tool& ci their trade to the tunt ct llOlfl,v llOO. Ooelo Mesa police Mid fod«Y; nm-Sclimldt1 4324: Wlnttrawett Way. ln'tnt, atd a $l50 mu!lc amplifier was taken from hls car outs:lde a music $hop at S400 Bitstol St., while he was away onl~ mlnutet 'l'hundsy. M. Horak, 1472 Walt St., w-. said an~ ol tools valued It $IOO wu t.aken from his vehicle llClll:nh«e in CoMa Mesa wN.le he WlllJ llllkq a ,m., ci ..Ueoolonal calls. 87 :r&OMAI "l>R'IU!lil ........ ,..... . N~!Mo a,...,. m· lJlllltl!l WPf• *i• .'I •• .- pulliNl•wlliln idle ""'"· l!Oi-wanl Ullilled School Diltrict less lhsn a year ago. The Hayward schools are in -dtep tro\lble today. Teaclitri thiero are being· encouraged to leave the district and new teachers discourag. ed from ac:ceptlng employment. \' This eltrem.e tlei tic of a teacher ~Y1 cott against si~ng contracts for next fall is being-pushed by tlie Hayward Unl· lied Teac:ben Associ&Uo~ "Sanctions,'' CaJifornia Teachers Asso- ciation calls it. This newly-legitimiud maneuver allo has been employed else- where as teachers of late are asserting themselves in more militant ways. No one doubll that tt has potenUally dire consequencea for the community. And that appears to be Hayward's lot. By contrast, Cunningham now heads a school e:yttem that after a one-year ex~ Loss Is Mesa~s · ~ Magic perlinCe wltll tiallll ...aions .,.,,,. on ,. Ille ..... to ..... 11!111111 .,am. ,,. ............ ,_, bj Ille ~ laad>eri. 11 belni done ln ~ ~ . to plnillie a communlty lhal voted down 2~ to 1 a $1.SO tax override ~on.Feb.,lh · . Ironically, on that same date, Feb, ti, Dr: CUnfilngharn spearheaded pa>Slige of Ute $15.t million Newport.Mesa District bond el~on. ' 1 • l'he beldllne ln the Hayward Dolly ROvleJW t b e Jiext day told or the local school las !allure. But a second bead read : "Former Superlnltndenl SUll W~ ElecUOni.'' Neal Nicholl, .. ecuttve director ol Ille Hayward Telc)>era, Aasoclation, told me in a telephone convenaUon he does not beUeve Cunningham shandOned a slnklng sbJp. -~ "He · loft for a beUer. wsonaJ .P. partunity," Nicbola said. "You "can't blame him for that. It waa worth aeveral thousand dollars more in aalary." He ai!ded that "Dr. Cwmlncham was well aware of the dllltrict and told the · board on ~re than ~ occuloo they would have lo face a tax election soon." But that setmed to ·me to beg the PILOT · LOGBOOK crudal luue. Why wu lhe las request so large! A dollar fllty is quJJo.a lot to ask to he added onto Oil alnedy hlgll tu rate ol IUO. But maybe not unheard of. ·A 11.3$ tu h I k e ,.quell ill now pendii!s )n Garden Grove. ' Altyway, J asied., 1 Nicholl cooclded lhel maybe lhe board did wall too loog -ulilll the .ill<MiUOn became drsatie and !be inc(WO neOded too much .for votera to ftOmaCh. But HQward Ml a low wealth arq and it , was known there was a . general retiltance to ilicrwlnCtaies, he pointed oul. "Anyway,'' be said, "the .diltiict was a~!e to Ump along. Each yeer \ho atat,e Legillalure came lhrouch and balled 11 oul. UnW lut year." Cunnillghain say1 when he... hJ l fiayward ~hadn't even considered what ....... to &.He Ill" be!nS ,..w,1..m tliip .,....Jll Juot,...,,. _ _..1ietber he Would·bave,recommtnded to the board IUD. • . _ '""a don't lmow wbilt the thinking was. I don-t want to sec»nd' guess ·my 1uc· 'cMIGr." he said. · · l'n flve years as Hayward schools 11uperint.endeut, Cunningham was suc· cessfW in passing the only finance measure tried, a bond iuue. The superintendent showed here be is able to w o r k a salesman's magic. He studied the market and sold educatiQnal opportunity to the people who were will- ing lo buy ..... mainly the parents. - We aren't to rrnow if .we could have sold the people of Hayward. · Nichols, meanwhile, isn't sure whether the teachers' tactic is going to per:&Uade lfayward volel's to change their· minds. "The reaction has been mlud." ho said. "There seems to be more un· derstand.ing of the problem. But there also has:• anger. Tbere have beeA some subtle counttrpreuures from the school " admini.straUon. But nothing reac· " " uonar)'• Cunningham, of course, is &lad to be here instead of Lb.ere. -He f~ greener pa.stures. -l Guil.d Loses j Certification DAU, Y I'll.OT ftetf ,._,. .l -i Bid at OCC The president of College Teachen Guild, Jay Zimmerman, has lost an ap. peal to the Orange Coast Junior College District board to help defray the colt o! certifying Guild ntemba'ahip. Zimmerman told OCJCD trustees "Yr'ednesday CPA certification of the num· ber 'of members will cost $50 to $101). He proposed the guikl pay the first $2.5 and the board the rest. However. board membtr R o b e r t llumphfeys recalled that is was the guild (Local 1911 of American Federation of Teachers) that chose to certify mem· bership rather than present a list of members names. The board asked for such a list or certification of numbers so trustees \Vould know how many college instructors guild officers speak for. Zimmerman said members of the guild don't want the_ir names pubpciled because they feel 1t would be an invasion of their privacy. ; He argued that certification cost is the result ol board poUcy and 8bould be partially borne by the junior college dilt.rlct. He said that would be guild members' idea of a reasonable policy of recogriition required by the Calilomla Government Code. But board members did not see it that \Vay. Newspaper's Nissen Honored . Anti·cigarette !\larch Cpsta Mesa Chamber of Commerce President Jack Hammett (left) congratulates Mr. and Mrs. N. Paul Nissen during luncheon jn honor of retiring DAILY PILOT advertising director. Chamber hon- ored Nisset,i who joined. busine~smaD's ·group in 1949 and served as chamber officer and director for 20 y(!ars. He also received tribute for communi· ty service from Orange Counfy Supervisors during Wednesday luncheon. ST. HELENA, Calif. (UPI) -A thousand non-smoking students and fa cu lty members of Pacific Union College staged a nine-mile march and rally Thursday to protest against cigarettes. Court Rejects Mesan's Appeal On Drug, C,harge A Costa Mesa man's appea.1 against his Orange County Superior Court conviction on narcdics charges has been denied by the Fourth District Court of Appeal. The one to five years Sate prieon term Imposed last Oct. 26 on •rnomas Patrick Case, 19. ~ 252S Eklcn St. must stand, the San Diego appellate bench ruled Ulls week. It rejected tbe cootertkln of Depu· 1.y Public Defender James Goll that there Wa.s jmu.fficient evidence tD support fm. di,ngs that Case sold narcotics. .A police officer teatlfied It CMe'S trial that he paid 15 to 0ase for a packet of drugs and received about one-elglitb ol an ounce of metllampheWnine. The of(lcer le3tilled \hat he had ..... o\her persons take or buy the drug from Case M various Limes. Also rtjectf.d was Goff's argwnent that Ca9e had not sold a "usable" quamity of the narcoUc. The fact that Case had sold the drug {Qr use was .sufficient evldeoce that it was usable , the courl ruled. 'No Muss' Theh Voids Insurance? lt seems that the burglart who broke into Wayne F. Orr's Ooelo Mesa jewelry 8t4tl'e wwkl have done him a big favor If they'd messed the place up a UtUe. !ltelr brtiak·in• -achieved, accordlna to a Superior c.urt complalnt rued Wedne!day, with no mU.. or fuss -cost Orr · 17,uuo. And lhe refuaal of Firemen'• fnsurance Co. of Nevada to reimburse him for the bs led to the lawsuit. Orr. 333 E. 17th SI .. Is challenging the if'IM"nnCt cornpe.ny'a rulina that tht absence of any physical evkltnct of the break·ln last Jan. 18 dllqU&lifies hlm from ceshing in on 1he polky he hold!. Thlt reading ol the pollcy, soys the jeweler. places hlm "in an inferior b#falnlng pooil1on" aod the compr1ny shOuld be compelled to J>il'· And Orr wants I.he ,7,846.30 he cw.ms was taken by the tldJ prowlen -plus $201000 damages. ( 5 2 2 E 222 I \ . flNISHID IN MIMOSA YILLOW Oii GIDN. HAND DICORARD IN CHALK WHIR • , , GI.ASS SHILYIS AND TWO INlllIOll U.HTS. $7 1Y DlllDL.: THI MOST TllUSllD NAMI IN PIJINl'IVIL ·····-·····················-·· 99 EXCLUSIVI DIALERS FOR: HINRIDON-DREXEL-HERITAOE 90 DAYS NO INTllllST-LONGER TIRMS AVAILAllLE ON APPltOVID CREDIT ,.,. INTRIORS NIWPOltT lllACH Prof1111on1I lntorlor LAGUNA BEACH 1727 W01lcllff Dr,, '42-2050 Dllltntrt :US North CNll Hwy. 494-6551 °"11 NIDAY ,,, t Avallabl ........ 10-NSID OrlN FllDAY ~IL t ...... , ............. Or-.. c:......, 14f.116J [ ' ' I ' I ' , ' .• • r s ' f s • d t d •f ,. ~ r ~ • d d • • • • d ' a \ d • r l • ; · . • 'S111oke Screen' ' lo• Ceater C:l•lal ~LY PILOT §; ~ • · ·F~d~ Replnte~ Knmvledge ~ Israel Rejects Hussein Offer S'f· LOUIS (AP) -Slofl111W Androlnlo Nld. reuoo to IL We'vt 'Always: dol the wolls ol the SL Louis "I thqlll the Job Corpe "been ho.est ill'oUr rtJIOl1fq.'~ Job 0.,.. center fOt WOIDell. WM la trouble, bUt Id UI," be . -.. .t •• ..i ..... t '"·-a Ooo ·o1 them reads: -· ·~ cool ~ -~ ·-, lrU ..... .,...llllW 1•1 I Israeli olflclals aold !odor Kin( Hussein's •ix-p>lmt l!Jd. lo the Natlanal p,. Clull ID W~ D.C. k the flnl llme altered -~· !lllbHc· -· lo allow Ill'-fo ... !be Sue. Clnal, alid ID ...,..,. • ._lodte replacu !IOI', so "I caa1 seo any rhyme or beet\ all!lul ., .. par year. dm't be ICINd. Stul Jearn.l-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;i;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiim;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ JDt:I" II dlt East -plan -a · "amoke screen that does not represent a genuine wish for . peace wtth Israel." 'lbe.nJec-tloo once more emphuiled ' the role ol the Bii Four pow· er1 ill seeking a resolutfoi\., . '111e Jordanian king ~ hll offer Thursday in a apeec!b .,..,_ WOMAN IDENTIFIED Tresu Proh•sky, Sister Key To Identity Of 'On Mai' LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - The caae or the woman with the backward 'name who couldn't remember her real one ii partlally solved. She iJ Teressa Ann Probuky, 32, a mother of two from West Liberty, Iowa. to queotloDI be lllil be ._. nized that "lsr-1 II Ibero and there to stay." Althou&h ...,,. ol the polnll had been made before lo a Unllod NatloDI Securtty C- eil relOJutiOQ hll olter-w• he 54.id bad the approval ol Ell)'Jllian · President Gama! Abdel Nasser-came at a time . t:l mounting frustration for tbt Arahl ill the Middle East. Only today. a prominent EaPtlaJt editor, Mohamed • HmlDflin Haibl, p1eaded for "Just CJDe" miUtary victory ..... llrael lo -Arab Bal rib the . lwnillC .,. ponnlly ""°"' lo ....,, -<JI ti. 100 enrolleel and 1111 11111 memben are scared -.... bewildered. Tiie SI. Louis focllltJ 11 one ol a the Deportment ol Labor Sl)'I will be doled ill ' major shakeup ~ the antipoverty program. 14It can't close," saJd one tr-. "Boys and girls will be roam.l.og the streets again," Nlduolber. Mll!J' students. feel aure the CtDttr wW rtmam open "some way!' mciralt.·Halbl b edit'or ol Al ... _. ~~i. ... ~~ MIDWI" l'LOODINO DOESN'T RUFFLE FEATHERS OF nus ooOsl "The erfteria they Ullci Is I mystery to me," 1 a l d Al Androlewicz, director of the center. "l can only go by the criteria the OUlce o f Economic Opportunity used , and we were always rated ae- cood or third." N.-r's 'flewl. Bird ot Homo A1"'°"9h -·Rosldonts of North Slou,., S.D., Hovo -l!vocuated He aaid the country's forces "abauld ipfJ1£1 g ~le military defeat on the tsraetl 1rmy in ooe military battlc- just one." Haikal's concern came at a time of mounting dis•nsion in Jordan, frequent iarget of Israeli reprisal attacks that often follow Arab ~la at. tacks. The Jordanian military cracked down Thursday on the guerrillas who attacked the Israeli port of El>th. 111 rejecllng the fflmetn of· fer Israel said the Natlonal Press Club in Wl!hington was not tllf' proper fonun to con- duct dlploli>allc• netlOliallonl and demanded ance more the Ar&bs eniage in dirlct peace negotiations. Since the Arabs have re- (fused any such negotiations -.:attention focuaed on the efforts •6ol 'the United States, Britain, '·France and the Soviet Union "to find some solution in their secret talks in New York. Diplomatic sources disclosed today the Big Four had set up a special working group to discUss evtnts between their w e e k 1 y ambuaadorial tea. siom. * * * Teens Help to Save Flooded Iowa Towns Ex-Iraq Chief In 'Coke' Trial Enrollees in St. Louis, Andralewicz said, stay an average of t.2 montm, high unona the 17 Job Corps Centers for women. The na- BEIJ\UT (UPI) -Former UonaJ average is 7.3 months, Premier Taber Yahya of Iraq hea:::~t figures show lit of cause a breakthrough and in-will a:o on trial for allowing 171 graduates placed in skilled Volunteers patrolled dikes undate the area · COca-Cola to be \otUed . In jobs. through the night in Sioux Ci· The youngsters pitched in to Dagbdad! inf~ed ~.iplomatic 1'be percentage or a:irls com· ty, Iowa, when! the Big Siour . . soun::es in Bel.Mlt'~"1d Thurs· pleting the various courses, River Cowed out of tts bmlb: repair ~ ~ barrier day night. COca-Cola i·s about one third of the am across three miles of land, and no m1ur1es resulted from blackli!ted by Arab nations enrollees, is also high among sulmerging homes or leaving the broken 111-line. because it has plants in 1-rael, J o b Co r p 1 Ce n t e rs , roct""'8 ~ ~· 11ay;r.-------------------;;;;;;;i;--------------------dots. The 200 volunteers were adults called out to relieVe more than 1,000 teen-agers and college'Btudents who were elven credit Thursday . for helping to save s o m e northwest Iowa towns from the ravages of river floods. The biggest fear among reaidents forced from their homes where the Big SloUI flowa into the. Missouri River along the South Dakota and Iowa border wu that constant preuure oa the leveel would • GAS DRYER SALE 2 DAYS ONLY FAIDAY -SATURDAY HOUU: f A.M. te t P.M. Dell1 t .t..M. te I P.M. s.t1Nli., PRICE INCLUDES DELIVERY AND NORMAL INSTALLATION • . . Old 'World Mediterranean Span.Uh Furniture OVER $100, .. INVINTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOltATO.I CAHCILLATION IM llTUIHI PIOM MOOIL HOMll ALL IR,\ND NIW MCOIATOll DREAM HQUll ~ DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorseous I It. custom quilted sofa with separale lOOH pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matchlnf chair, 3 matching oak occas,ional tables, (2) '!!" tall decorator lamps, hangillg chain aw_ag lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece kine llZO master bedroom swte In pecan panelled Mediterranean style with ti'P quality 15 yr. warranty king .size mattrel• a: box springs, Spanish decor dining set, etc. WM!e tt.uMfvil wn ....... r SlnL• · ~:To~~RIFI~~···· . $698~00 Aoy l'leco C.. le ..........,. IMll>ldoolly Tlt1IS A¥Ollablt -Now._... to ~If. CNtlt A_ ... 1_, ... .., r JI J] F•rnit•re At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llvil. Costa Mesa Giiiy Every night 'Iii 9 -Wod. Sot. &. Sun. 'Ill 6. Gi\SDIMIS ~ tocburild get a tteauenfy · deal! . Polloe sWI were tryillg lo fll)d out bow lhe wound up bn bl a hole.I with a J>atkwlnl name, bound hand &D<} !Oq\ and 1n ~ lronce. ~ixon Explores Plan fith Egyptian Envoy SUNSHINE f RESH DRYING AT 1 'W2Ril ahe' was fotmd in lhe Sal Siiov Hotel (Lu Veps speDed backwards) she was only able lo Identify ~11<1! as Eno On Mai (I am no one, spelled backwards). After more Ulan 1a wed in ~uthem Nevada Memorial Hospital, she recalled the name of a sister in Albu- querque, N.M. Pol Ice telephoned the sister and she identllied the woman as Mrs. Prohasky, 32. Her husband, Marvin, SS, who owns a fertilizer plant in West !Jberty, flew her• Thursday with their two young children for a bedJide reunion with their mother. Mrs . Probaaky still can't remember any of. her life before maids discovered her semiconscious in the hotel April 2. She WU wearing a costume resembling a nun's habit, although there were fashionable clothes in the closet. The hu sband told police she disappeared from her home March 31, and left a note saying "Don't try to find me." The same day , she registered at the Sal Sagev under the alias of Gall Gentry of Booneville, Mo. llocton U'eating her relu,.d comment on the cue, but Del:. Lt. Doyle Hamilton reported they believe she was the vic- Um of some sort of sell-hyp- riosi.s and remains in a state of JIOll-llypnolfc IUQ<llion. • WASIDNµ~fl (AP) -A hfP Ell)'pllmr. olflciel Ir• ranced a farewell visit to the Wblti House . lodiy, givlni Pi'uldent Nixon a chance-to explore a ill·j>olnt Mldeut peace plan offered by Jordan's King Hussein. The visit from Dr. Mahmud Fawd, Cairo'• repre9mtatjve to the funeral ol fmner Presi- dent Eisenhower, came after Hussein wound up a three-day state visit Thursday-b y sketching his plan in a Na- tional Prus Club apeech. Musse.in Wd be w I s authorized to speak for Egyp- tian' President Gama! Abdel Nasser in propD<lng the plan that would guarantee frftdom ol passage through the Gull ol Aqaba and the Suez Canal to the s h i p 1 of larael and all other naUoos of the region. In return for this, Hullleln said, Israel must hand back all territory it hll occupied since the six-day war ol June 1967. "The challenge that these principles present," s a I d Hussein. 0 Js that Israel may have either peace or terTitory -but she can never have both." State Department officials could not recall that Nasser had ever given assurances such as Husaein's in any previous proposal for a pe.:e -· ADVEltTIS!ME'NT OVERHEARD "All you have to do 111 tell "You must have a very good them how yoo feel about the ex· alarm clock; you're always at pansion of Ora.nae County work on time!" Airport ." 0 Yeah, it's called 'Air W-' ". "Dul I don't know bow to talk * * * to the Board of Supervilors." 0 Art you a:ohtl to ·that Board 11Just get up, state your name of S~ meet.lni on and addre96, and say a few Tueoday! words. They wanl to know bow "Why? I've ne~ been to one, you feel." · why should I IOI "Maybe I'll 1et a iluer alter ' U.S. officials were wary, howtter. 'nM:y ·a 11 um e d HUJSel.n was speaking for Nasser but thtre was no assatance bow Jong this rela· ti.on mlgbt last between ttie two Arab leaders. The UJiJ!ed States allo has questions about a re1UD1ption of U.S.-UAR diplomatic ties which N.-r apped during the Arab-laraeli war. Board OKs Student Plan SACRAMENTO (AP) -The State Bolrd of EducaUon has approved a suggestion by state schools chief Max Rafferty that a high school student serve as a non-voting, liaison member of the board. "He would participate In board discu ssion s and d1aloguel dealing with student problems of all kinda:," Raf.1 ferty told the board Thursday. •• 1111 ............. '-' lllTAlN U.OYD E. BUNPIED, JR. 0 1NCU~llNT School Board ''Well, I hw they're I~ to all" · talk abo<lt the -upOnsloo "See you there." APlllL I .. IMt and 1he po&ibillty of uslni * * * PIOVlll AllUTY AND another stte for ,,•he temporwy April 15th (Tuelday) Is the · IHTIUST IN ICHOOU regional alr!>ort. day. Tiie .,_ ltom -up AND COlllMUNl'IY "I don' thlnk 111 go to this st IO:IO ... be there eorly. U -· I'd have lo get a llflter." ,... ... bee• esl<fnc ''.What Clft I L...,. L ILAMPllD, J-.rxi ''Therti apparently are going dot" Ibis ts a time 10 do lnc1111 ... :f IAI be a lot ol people from t'1e El something! see"'° there. --------area. Ma ybe it would be a * • .,.. ood ldeo for the Suporvtaon lo Stop by, write or coli us st 411 • w that "'' care here in Ea.st 11th St. in Oleta Mesa • ewport Beach and Co8tl MeN, upltalts. Pbofte MJ.M04. We're "How would they know ·r open _ dally 1t 10:00. See you asn't from down theret" 'l'utldaJ'. C.-nln.tw Li.,.I L lte..,...., Jr. t..lkllMllMN H"lh I.. MJMtt, Chelrm1n 2'71 Ml-Of., C.M. GAS CLOTHES DRYER Wl1H AIR flOW DRYIGI Select your own lllYN te111ptr1lur1. M 11ltctlon '"" 11111t _,, lllli>li'I .......... -- llold f-. 11111 -I~ •--'""° tor fllll!J--M-... r-.. ylotdlnc 1111- '13995 . . . ECONOMY P·RICES'! 1 ' This large capacity dryer has a high spe9d drying system. Porcelain enamel drum and top. Variable time controi.'1 Separate 1tart switch. Fluff cycle. Folir way venting for, ; easy Installation. Big capacity lint trap •.. All the features · n-ry to give year round drying conveniently! ' '12 95 .. HIGH SPEED DRYER WITH PEJMANENT PRESS CYCLE ' Wrhtln •re tumbltd out with proJ11rlr. conttolltd ht1t whtR J011 Jtleet the ,em1111111t Prtu C)'Clt. l)rylr stlrts ~ lfbir upa11te sttrt swlldl Is pntlld.. tto111 -~ -""' b ..... d. TIMi .,.. ...... NIWll lflKtltll of df'J'inc !!mt u, • 140 _... .. GE CLOTHES DRYER WITH · AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL Nt ,.. r1111:mtt Push ....tic lfledor lwttM 1111 _ ... -"'"" 1111 fllflJ -~ "' ...... _.r.,_.1_. __ _ ...----'*k-=i"'-mfotllL ill* ~I-~ '*IQ lo '15995 '16995 TY & APPLIANCE CENTER HAR8Ga CINTIR ZJOO HAUOR ILYD. -COSTA MESA PHONI 540-7131 • 'L-~~~-...!~----------------------------"--------....... ----------1 . ' ' < • " ' .. ' • • ' . " ' ' ' \ ! ' 1 • r t j I I I -• ·-• .. .. ·' • • , t ., .. • ' • ' • , ' . .. , .. • . ' . > , • .. • . . > . ' • . ' • , . • ' , • .. • .. .. • , . • ' • • • • • . • • • • • Four Recommendations • Aller lllree years of adJllJUn& aad reorganizing un- der unlllcaUoa, the Newport·Mesa Unified School Dls- tricl ..,.. gives ev~ of hittlag Its abide. There Is an effective, productlve working relalion- ahlp between the school board and the dlstricl stall, and fonvard-looklng programming. Tlie community has re- sponded with • 75 percent voter approval for a major bond lssue. There seems no justllfcatton for areal changes in the f>bJectiv .. and direction ot the dlltrict at this time, nor jn the make-up of the school board. Some candidates seeking to llll!Ul'lncumbents have run 6ardest on the topic of sex education. Stripped or needless sensationalism, this is not the major issue some contenders would baVe It be . One new candidate stands out as offeling the pros. pect of adding new talents and broadened perspective to the board. Gordon Morrow, a young businessman, has a recent background of teaching in this district. He also would give board representation to the young par- ents of the cfutrict. For all·around balance and continued good educa- tion. the DAILY PILOT reconunenda the election next Tuesday of three incwnbttlts -Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly, Donald Strauss and Roderick. MacMilllan -and Gordon Morrow, to four year terms on the Newport-Mesa Uni· lied School District board. 'Lindsley's Lumps' Newport Beach is now struggling wilb a Great Bump Controversy . Jt is ironic, for Costa Mesa bas long been struggling \V ilh Great Bwnps. . There are few aide ·~ ID Colla lojesa wlthoul them. Their p!UJ>OS&~ ta carry ralnY11ter nmoffl. They were inatalleid when the city bad too Utue mllney for undergrowid storm drain's. Costa Mesa City' Ena1Jletr (now retired) Don South- worth de1igne4 them. Hence, they are lm9wn u "SouU.. worth's Bwnps. u 11 Newport's councilmen don't chal1ge their minds, Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons, chief proponent of the roadway berms, may win equal ,fame. In fact, "f4idstey's Lump!" sounds nJcer than 1'Southworth's Bu'mps' -\ but a jolt by any other name feels the same. ' Choices: Keene, Rodda Voters of the Orange f.?••l Junior College Dislrict next Tuesday will mark X s. by the names ol two men; Worth Keene, now serving bis second tehn.aa OCC board president. is running unopposed for his lblrd lolir- year term as the board's representative from' the Seal Beach area. Keene deserves commendation for his tire- less work in beball of the junior college. district. He is chairman of the junior college section of the California School Boards Association , member of a na- tional community college steering committee and an al\vays--available counselor in OCC afiairs. • Two candidates are seeking the Newport Beach area seat on the OCC board. The incumbent is attorney George H. Rodda, Jr., appointed a month ago to fill a vacancy on the bOard. John L. Vaughn is a 26-year-old OCC student whose name has become familiar in junior college circles because of his campaign in behalf of Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) at Orange Coast. - ' /, . • ' • Newport -or a majority of its councilmen -wants to install the bumps in public roadways as a speed deterrent . Costa Mesa, meanwhile, for years has been con- sidering removing similar obstacles to smooth driving. Tbe,y aren't exactly bumps -they're dips o~ reverse Rodda has a su bstantial record of participation in community affairs, most notably as president of Ne""• port Beach United Fund and president of the Orange Coast YM CA. Vaughn has no visible qualification for ._'Either ;you go with me, baby, _or ;you_ d!Jn't 8'!_ at all.' • • • • bumps. , the position. · • • • ' • • BriDJant Pereeption or Fatal Error? "Viet Reds Deny Assumption • , ·;w ASHING TON -In a way that may ~ve embarrassing later on the Nii:on /iilministration, like the J o h n a o n "1ntinistration before it, has gotten itself c6mrnitted to certain remits in Vletnam ~ch it may not be able to reallr.e. #'lbe C£ntral decision appears to have !kn made U..t the Communist side. whatever its original intentions in Paris, nl}w does in fact wish to enter into a •gotiated settlement. ;Ttlis cou Id be a brilliant perception or a f4tal error. But in any cue the Nixon Administration is proceeding u if it-were pPs&ible to reduce the level of ~ a.d thereby reaCh a neg~ ..... tJ:ment calling for the m u tu a 1 ~thdrawal or all foreign troops. .it .. The fact that the other skit ..... ltiuoos\Y says that no sucb .,...-11 JJOS!ible, and the required pr.1iminary to (negotiated settlement ia tbe complete withdrawal of U.S. troops, seems to be of rio moment to those in the Nixon Administration who are proceeding on a c!9ntrary asswnption. · · :SLOWLY Btrr SURELY, tliroogb tllu:kground inlom>allon or cak11lalA:d Stak, the Nixon Administration is building ~ the idea that it ha! what Sec. of State Rogers says it does not hive -a magic ftinnula. The point is rapidly being ftacbed where the public will believe that trtsident Nixon will have deluded and kicked the American public unless De ex- tricates the U .s. from Vietnam in the J'lfext few months. • •Secretary Rogers says the Ni:a:on ,ldministration has a plan for a fair and reasonable settlement. He is mysteriow: i.bout the secret talks wblch are supposed , • ' Richard Wilson lo be going oo, saying that the other side waoil nothing: said about such talks. The other lide says that the U.S. government is trying to bamboozle the world into believing that , progress i! being made when there has been no progress at all. C O NSEQUENTLY , the Nixon AdmhUsb"atioo is n_pidly getting itsell in- .to a pmiticlB. cf-ba"*to produce results 'if It ii: t6 rNJn It.I credibility u a'( peacematrr. So ftrr as lhe public ......... of tbe N'Wlft position on ·1 r"•h II COllcemed it does not ap-:Pear to differ significantly from the Jolmlon Administration's approach. But we are Cold there is a difference in .. mood" and it is too bad that Dean Rusk. Wilt Rollow and Lyndon Johnson , trying u ~ ·11 they could in their misguided ways, could not product this new at· mospbere. When it comes down lo specific things, like President Nguyen Van Thieu's pro- poga} to give the Viet Cong the right lo vole and let them run for office if they forego vlole~ ~ is exacUy what 'lbJeu agreed to a'lur and a ball ago in Hooolulu. 'f{lltn \!comes to bringing back some of our troapl from Vietnam, this is what Thleu ~ at the same time in the same piece. When it ,:omes to secret talks, thl.I, too, was what Dean Rusk and WaJt Roltow spent months trying to ar· range . TUE NIXON Administration is begin· ning to learn just how hard It i.s to get out of Vietnam on an "honorable" basis, and how hard it is to change military strategy and get any better results. The idea oow is to fight better with fewer men . A Oeeting -no more than fleeting - impress.ion forms that maybe the Nixon Administration is trying to show that with the best of will and the most con· structive of moods still It cannot get a ' settlement short ol unilateral withdrawal. And if that is the case, it will have to go ahead with the war in its own way and erplain why u best it can to a public I~ to believe that Nixori would get WI out of Vietnam. THIS COULD CREATE a very unhappy political roodillon of whJch the Nixon A:dministratioo is certainly aware. So it must be as.sumed that the atmosphere of constructive optimism is not feigned and does not hlde some kind of a deal which ~·ould be hard to sell as an "honorable" settlement. There may be reasons ~·hy ~ North Vietnamese now wish to settle. It was thought in the Johnson Administration there were good reasons why they should ,.,,ish to settle. The war was a great strain on the Hanoi government with ils fan- tastic Communist casualties. It was hard to keep Russian priority focused on the ""ar because o fthe Kremlin's other prob- lems. These reasons are probably more compelling than a year ago, but not much different. In lhe end, if Nixon sticks to insisting on mutual. scaled withdrawal, I.he set· tlement of the war will be up to Hanoi. ~Powerful Fund Managers • , • ''Thert 13 a Thtt1 out thtrt in tlit fnarket ... Who art They1 Well, f het1 ore the ptople who movt •tock.I. The11 get tht information first, maybe. Th.tu et>t11 crtatt tht 111/cwmotion. and Thty art ab<M ·CO t ut tht stock vp or down. Thq ore tnusttrio111, ononumous. potDnftll. and fhtfl k1l0t0 ~ry&h.ing. Nau.mo fazes Th.em. Thty art the powers of tilt marketplace." -"Adam Smith, .. Tilt l fonty Canu: (1968). : The mysterkM.ls .. They '' re:lerred to by the pseudooymoua Adam Smith are Jhe managers or what are ~ In.stitu- lions: mutual funds. penmon and en- dowment funds. insurance companies. Right now they hGkl the immediate fa tt Or the Dow Jones Average in their porUoli06. • By sitLini on their hands -refusing jo buy stocks in any. great volume - the managers alrtady haw: been in- -----Friday, Aplil 11, 1• ' n. cdilorlal -or IM lloilf l'ilol ••kl '° ,., ..... """ -1110U ttod<n bp r•«Nftli<lg WI ......,,.,,.... opiniolll """ -...,.torv °" lopks •I ffltn"t nd lignifl«mt<, bp .,._,Ilg • '"""" for IM uprarloo •I ... , r<O<krl' oplnfou, Giid br prandftg CM dl'Hn• a_. poioll Of "''""""' ol>nrwn nd IJ'OM""'" °" topics of tu doJ. . Robert N. Weed. Publisher -· Editorial Research strumental ln an a percent decline In stock prices llDce the first of the ye.ar. It could 1et worse if the gun sllngers move from caution to what the Wall Street Journal describes as "a pessimism lbat prompts liquidation ... IF THE ?ttUTUAL FUJ\'DS begin massi ve selling. they have a lot lo unload. The combined assets o( mutual funds belonging to the Investment Com· pany Institute (93 percent of all fund assets) stood at more thin $53 billion tn February, up a whopping 25 percent from a year. earlier. With sales running al an all-time monthly high of $875 millloa in January, the money managers are under enormous pressure to put the mooe:y to work. But the to-ealied cult ol: performance 1ift11 rile to fean tb1t lht yery structure al mutllll funds Is belni -~While peo fund managt.n gleth&Jly d.llclrd mini of the old Investment guld<lines In the headlong rush ror flashy perlonnlnct," wrote Phllip Grttr in the Washington Post. "thty are 1bo touing out man.y ol the old cOnctptions ol wha1 a mulua.J fund should be." IN THE RISING market ol 1967, the sm1ller 1aresli\'t funds ,_.Ith an accent on acOon and CfOW1.h rathtr than saftty outperformed the stock market as a •bolt.. But their in-and-out trading or &I.amour ttocU nsn't too succeuful Jn 1111. And the "growth fuDda·• have taken tvto more ol a beil:lirtl in Ule chancy market of 1969. Federal Reserve Board Chairman \Villiam McChesney T\1artin, Jr., shook up the mutual fund industry nearly t'A·o years ago when he condemned massive speculation by mutual funds and other . institutioaal investors trying to rack up short-term gains. "Jt seems to me," he said, "that practices of this nature C9Dta..ia poisonous qualities reminiscent in some rtspects or the old pool opera· tiw .i the i!lios ... PtfARTIN'S SPEECH coincided with .a major regulatory eUort by the Securities and E:a:cbange Commission. S • E . C . Chainnan Manuel F. Cohen asked Congress roe greater control over .sales charges and management fees in an errort to provide "a fairer shake" for the nearly five million investors y.·ho put their money in mutual funds. The legislation reci!ived Senate ap- proval ln 1968, but died vi'ith the !IOlh Congress when the House Commerce Committee decided not lo consider it. Dear Gloomy Gus: Perhaps those adrerllsefl: can·t re· n1embtr my name but at ltast they coo.kl address my jW"lk mail '° ··titr. Occupant." -H. B. ~!. ,.... tMIW't "1IKl'I ,....,,.. ,.... - H<•UWllY """ lff ftrlt Pw•wW. s.f -.. -" ... ._, .... o.llr ..... (C) Retaliatory Warning Net If No ABM Surgery That Isn't Necessary I Allen-Goldsnu\h. , ' WASHINGTON -Even if Congress s b o u I d reject President Nixon's con- troversial anU-mis&ile defense, e:a:pensive · components of the "safeguard" ABM system will be needed to a1ert U.S. offensive forces . That is the private word from Pentagon planners. They say the sophisticated ear- ly warning equipment, planned for the anti-ballistic-missile 'deployment,. is vital, even if no defensive intercept is to be attempted. In their view, the long-range radars of the "safeguard" warning net would be needed to a1ert the President to an incoming missile attack and to ready U.S. missiles and bombers r14r a possible retaliatory strike. · Perimeter acquisiUon radar ( th e acronym is PAR) give3 the ABM system the ability to pick up incoming missiles at a range of about 1,000 miles. Wilh related communication and data pro. cessing equipment, the PARs account for some $1.5 billion of the $6-7 billion estimated cost for a co m p I e t e d ''safeguard" deployment. THE ·RADAR ARRAYS are co s t I y because of ~ complex electrorucs and · thelt &ixe. The giant PAR antenna is more than 100 feet in diameter, and the equipment is housed in a building 200 feet square and 130 feet high. ABM critics have said the big radar installations -t 'h e long.range P ARs and other radars for missile control -would, themselves, be attractive targets for a missile attack which could quickly immobilize the entire ABJ\I system . By NORl\1AN NIXON, rtl.D. The two most common operations, particularly in the very young, are circumcision and tonsillectomy. Although performed for hundreds of years. these procedures still are on a nonscientific basis. Nearly 98 percent for all newly-born American boys are circumcised before they leave the hospital. No one knows why most parents, Jew and Gentile alike, willingly submit their male infants to this surgical ritual. One mother, a Protestant, e:a:plained it um way : ••1 thought it was a law; everyone l know is circumcised." TO JEWS, THE procedun is clearly religious;. symbolically, it is equated with goodness, purity and sanctiftcatlon. ' Further, circumcision s u p p o s e d I y counteracts excessive lust .vhen t.be OOy becomes a man. However, St. Paul, although proud of his Jewish heritage, dissuaded early Christians from adopting ritual circumcision. For centuries, many culture3 practiced circumcision as a ritual for spiritual purification. In some it wu used as a pubertal rite, a prerequisite to manhood , mating and marriage. The r i t u a I strengthened taboos against incest and parricide, and tightened bonds between father and son. WITH THE RISE or modern surgery, the status or circumcision changed from a religious rite to a common surgical pro. cedure. Cutting off the prepuce, the sleeve of skin which normally protects the head of the penis, was advocated primarily to insure cleanliness, to pre- vent phimosi.s (constriction due to adhesions so that the foreskin cannot be drawn back easily ), and to prevent cancer. Usually the operation is done on newly· born infants without an anesthetic, although most babies struggle and scream in manifest pain; some even lapse into unconsciousness during the operation. Although rare, infection, hemorrhage requirirlg transfusion, and, ii an anesthetic Is given, even death can oc- cur. TIIE PREPUCE cannot be retracted in at least SO percent of all uncirC\UDci~ one-year-old boys, but only 10 percent have any adhesions when 3; usually these ... can be broken without surgery. In no more than two percent 01 males is d rcwncision ever a "must." U the uncircumcised male's prepuce can be retracted and is kept clean, he is no more apt to develop penile .;ancer than men who are circumcised. Nar will he be more prone to develop a venereal disease. More important, the un- clrCUll\Cised male is less apt to be im· potent or a homosexual. For many psychiatrist.s believe that considerable emotional damage occurs in some circumcised men who fear their genitals have been irremediably injured. ft.10ST UK.ELY, in the quest of hygiene and purity. few have dared to questio n the value of circumcision. In his article. "Rape of lbe Phallu.o;", in the Journal of the A.M.A., Dr. W. K. Morgan remarked succinctly : "Circumcision is encouraged by Scripture, the beliefs of the medical profession, the intuition of women, folklore and health·insurance agencies." But it is ostensibly ritualistic surgery. Many physicians now believe that the prepuce of the male infant should be left in its natural state. By his third birthday. it usually can be retracted easily and cleaned dur:ng the daily bath. AS HE GRo"·s. the boy should be taught to keep that part of his body clean , just as he is taught to ~·ash his ears. Since circumcision has few if any medical benefits. tens of thousands of un· necessary operations could be eliminated each year, along with the physical and psychological c o m p I i c a t ion s that sometimes accompany this dubious: pro. c<dure. Military experts are saying that present systems are inadf'Quate to give initial warning of incoming attacks, partly because the equipment has become outdated and partly because it is aimed to warn or rockel attacks from the North. The present system is not keyed to attacks frqm the nation's seaward approaches. The Russians have an increasing ability to launch that sort of attack, the milllary plarmers .say, with greal damage to missile sites and, especlall;.i, U.S. bomber bases. The 1978 Housing Goal In the far-reaching Housing Act of 19611, Congress declares that the goal TWO SOVIET WEAPONS develop-of a "decent home and a suitable living ments: have caused the increasing ~ environment for every A m e r i c a n cern about attacks from the continenrs family has not been fully reallied seaward, reaches. o .n e of them is th e , • for many of the nation's low·income KJ:'e~lln .s. all-out dr1~e to mass-prod~ Families." The act seeks to achieve this rruss1le-f1r1ng submarines or the Polari.s goal by l971. type. In concrete terms, lhl1 is expected Such submarines could lake Slation to mean comtruction of 2C mlUion houses in .the oceans oU the U.S. coasts ~ and apartmeQtl plus re:hlbilitation of deliver an atlack on U.S. bases wtlh 2 million more over the nnt decade. intermediate range missiles fittd from according to the Department (I( HOU!ing beneath the seas. .00. Urban Deftlopment. lleleose Seely. Melvin Lain! rectotly told Congross thlt llusala -bu the Jin>ductioo base to tum oul .,.. out> marine for launching balllsdc rniailes (SLBMs) each moolh. Like the Polaris, each of lbe Russian subs CID rin: 11 nuclur-tlpp@d missDta. 1be auttnl flwj,gjan produc:Uon rate, according 1o Laird, is Rvtn ol the Polaris-type submarines a year. Evtn at lhal rate, the Rusaians can look to matching the 41-lhlp U.S. Polaris fleet In the not too dlst8"' future. J.,oreovtr, La Ir d b warning that t h t kuMlans can expand their production but, once the OOH-month quota is relChtd, and build the aubJ !Vfn more rapidly. lly -S. Aliff ... Jab A. Goldlmlltl TO DO nm. Ult 1JU1ual rate of holJ&. ing start& (tncluding -1pvtm<11ts) will bave to be lifted froin lhe currenl rate of about 1 ~ million to about J million In the mid· and llte-"111!. Thi> l'l calculated to rtquire the investment rtllOUrces by tbe mid·lt799. Homebuilding nowadays •-bo only about 2\i percent of the nation's productive ttSOUrCeS. TlfERE IS NO QUESTION lhlt we can build 2 to t mJlllon homes per year U the govttnment wants to ram mough resources Into lbe homebuilding lnda.<try to do the job. But In trylng to meet UUa t.a.rgel, we will .-swtl)' rlak lllrllning pro. dt>ctlvt capacttY in the homebuJldlng industry, stndlnc pnca al nonsuboidil<d I Guest Report homes up ev~n fas~r than they have been rising recently. and thus discourag. ing non.subsidized demand. l\lonlhly Ecooomic Lel~r Flrst National City Buk ..----B11 Gn1'9e --- Dear George : I think a lot of TV show$ like IAugb-ln and The Smother 1 Brothers aod Gentle Be.n are dirty. Who do J write to? FOURSQUA/IE FOR PURITY Dear Foursquare: If a show offtnds you, write to the net work or to the 5p0n50r. Point out wbal you find ob- jectionable )11 Laugh-In, The Smothers Brtµltrs and Gentle Ben and make your point brieOy and with temperance and -GENTLE BEN ???!l l Rip orf a hate lelttr to Smokey the Bear. H<''5 the one in the pomographlc Scout hat. J 4 ) j ---------------------- or Sirhan sks Life LOS ANGELES (AP) -"Wbolhor Mr. irhan llkts It or not," -Sirhan Bisbara Slrban's 0 w D lawyer. "be deterVa to spend the rest of. bbl life in a penitentiary." Jgooring sµ-ban's hurt 1Ue, Grant B. Cooper looked inl<ntly at 1he iW')' tryin& his yoona client for Murder aDd said: ••we art not here to free a guilty man. We tell you. u we always have, that be killed Robut Kennedy." SPACE FLIGHT VETERAN TO LEAD MOON LANDING Cooper thus began Thur&day tilt last Chlllf Ch•rln Conrod with Rlchord Gordon •nd Rooklo Al•n BHn cl a tlne-man defense summation in Sirban's lengthy trial. He ruwnes the ummation today. "I for one am not going to ask you lo do more than bring in a verdict of mur- der in the second degree," said Cooper. The pmalty for secoocklegree muroer ln California is a sentence of five years to life. with the met term and parole eligibility determined later by the Adult Authority. The state ii asking a verdict of first-degree murder but not necessar· ily the death penalty, which is the only alternative to life in prison. Space Flight Veteran To Direct Moon Landers The jury males the choice on a ~ "iction of first-degree murder and a prisoner sent.enci!d to life is not eligible for parole :or seven years. "I wouldn't want Sirhan Sirhan turned loose on society when the psychiatrists tell us he is,geting worse and he is going to gel worse," Cooper said. '"Ibere is a good Sirhan and a bad Sirhan and that bad Sirhan is a nasty Sirhan. "I have learned to love the little good Sirhan." The dark, curly haired Jordanian, pallid from more than 10 months in a sunless prison cell, smiled at lhaL But his face became sulleD again when Cooper quoted now-Wnlli!U' passages written in Sirban's diary before the slay- ing, uting each time: "Is that mature thinking? Is that meaninful thinlriog?" Motive, said Cooper as be launched into a lengthy explanation of the law, "is no( an element of the crime charged and need not be shown," but can be consid- ered as a circumstanc.e in the case. "Can there be any question in anyone's mind that Sirhan's motive was polit· ical?" be asked. '"lbougb the motive was political, was it a healthy motive! Obvi- ously the motive in i:illing any human being is nol bealthy, but wu it a mature motive?" Tua~ be aajd, is "the guts ol the whole ease"-wbetber Sirhan's mental cai>acity -IO rOdliced tflat H affected bis lhiJlty "lo form Ill)' ol the following specifico- lntenl lo JdJJ, pmn-UO!! and delibera- tion and ••• lo relJec! on the gravtty ol his contemplated act." SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -A balding, 38-year-old veteran of two space flights will lead a threeman team on man's ifrst attempt at true exploration of the moon. The N atiooal Aeronautics and Space. Administration named Cmdr. Chaiies Conrad ntursday as commaoder of an all-Navy astronaut crew on Apollo 12, scheduled to bring of! man's second lunar landing. With Conrad on the flight will be Cmdr. Richard F. Gordon, !9, command module pilot, and Lt. Cmdr. Alan L. Bean, 37, tilt lunar module pilot Apollo 1J is intended as the first of nine flights of exploration or the lunar topography. Its lllgbt plan in- cludes up to 11 boQJ'S of crew acUvlty outside the space craft and on the moon's bleak surface. Apollo 11, which is scheduled for launch in July, wiH allow only a few hours of crew activity on the moon. An official once characterized the Apollo 11 lwi.ar Spring Carnival At Mari~a High A week-end spring carnival will en. tertain Marina High School students and residents of Huntington Beach April 18-20. The carnival will be held at the Marina football field from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. April II, from noon lo .u p.m. April 19 and from noon lo 7 p.m. April 20. Sponsored by the A!soclated Students at Marina ffi8h Schoo~ the event will feature thrill rides u well u boo&ha \\"hich will be staffed by .tnemben: of the school's variOUJ clubs. SAVE 20.00 ON OUR FAMOUS MAKE POPULAR LIGHTWEIGHT BLAZER • reg. 60 .00 For the second time in ten years, our 8ll oz. famous make blazer Is offered at a reduced price. You'll easily recognize the mak1r of this fine wool and Orlon ~acrylic blend blazer. And, you can choose from so many handsome colors in teilllars and longs. Varsity Shop u landing u a .. grab and go ... Astronauts on tflal flight will do litUe but pick up 50 pounds of rock and leave. In cc:itrast, an official said, Apollo 12 will launch a fuller exploration. Conrad and Bean will walk several yards away from the module during two lunar ltrolls. Officials bad said earlier that following the Initial moon landing NASA will at- tempt a total of nine landings at different sites oo the moon. Each will be devoted to exploration. Conrad new twice during the Gemini program. Ile ,.-as pilot on Gemini 5 and commnd pilot on Gemini 11. Gordon was Conrad's pilot en Gemini 11. Bean is a space rookie. The backup crew for Apollo U Ls all-Air Foree. It's oomlllfDded by Col. Pavld R. Scott and inclutles two rookies, Maj. Allred Worden and Lt. Col. .James Irwin. Officials said the reason for the p~ ned four to . six month delay between Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 ls to provide: for expert anaJyala ol the Initial landing .~ tempt. Earlier flights in the Apollo pro-- gram have been about two months apart. Montgomery Said Ill, Confined to Home LONDON (UPI) -Field Marshal Vis- coonj Montgomery ii ill and confined to his home, a statement issued at his home said today. The British World War II commander is 11. "Field Marshal Montgomuy reg,eta be will be: unable to attend the memorial O<TV!ce f<r Gen. (Dwight D.) Eisenhower in London on April 14," the notice said. Sunset Island Review Expected Huntington Beach city planners are ez. pected t.o review a new map to be sub-- mitted Tuesday by prospective developers of a tract on Sunset Beach Island. The City Council referred the matter to the planners Monday when George Shibata, attorney for applicant Nachazel- Leonard Corp. aaid hla client 1""'1d like to modify the plans for the tract' near Huntington Harbour. Planners bad objected to proposals for lots 3>feet wide and areas of 5,600 square ·feet rather than the atandard 60 feet and 6,000 square feet. The island is at the inland end of Broadway Street. The section of land is the subject of a lawsuit with neighbors claiming they actually own portions claimed· by the owner 1Huntington Harboor Corp. League Fees Due In Huntington The Huntington Beach Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting entries for Its various softball leagues. Games will be played Monday through Thuraday nlgbt beginning May 26 and contiouing through August 7. Included in the program art industrial, church and open leagues. Teams will be rated in practice games and ranked ac- cording to the team's overall ability and then placed in leagues of equal caliber. · Deadline jor applications is May I. Further infonnauon aboUt the softball program is available from the Parks and Recreation Dept. at 55-2573. " .. 3!; frl4'Y, April 11, 1969 S DAILY PILOT 3 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--" Ides of Ap.-il - Bewar'e., Tax Deadline Approac~s WASHINGTON (l(PI) -This woekend about •!&bl mlllloa Americant wlll ..,..,. la. eoe llf. the traditioool' Jiles ol spring -lrytog to b e a I the April 1$ del(lljne for flli"i ~e tu returns. The" U.S. IDtetnai Revenue Service (lllS) wuna tills las& minute rush results in dela7ed rerunds and aometlmea•<OStly milltakH lo figuring ~ tues owed. 'Ibe tut ii ·"""'Pllcated lurther this y<ar by the need to figure out wflat the new 10 petc;ent tax surcharge' will COit. IRS olDclals say that despll< wam- inp and pleas to f i I e early, Aprll 1 brought the customary flood et .returns.· The heaviest per day load is still to come. In 1968 nearly half of the 83.5 million returns filed arrived at ~ otficts around the nation between April 1·15. So far, the trend lor 1969 ls right In line with previous years, lhe IRS said. As of April f, about 4S milllion returns bad been filed. Of these, 17.5 mllliori 1illl get refunds totaling $5.4 billion. At the same point In 19fl8 there were 29.6 million returns filed wi1h $5.3 billioo due la-. For U... atDI aweaUng oat the dlore or paying Uncle Sam hls share for last year, the W cautiom tu: _Olen to uae extra care In their calculalloas u the boor ol mtdnlgbt, April 15 draw• near. 1be most' oommoh errors 1n making out a tai form are either mathematical or just plain omlt!fng an item altogether. ms apotesil>io said nearly a percent ol ~ tu fonna 6led had a mlslate la ad· dltig or•aubtractlng. More than eight million la:rpayers forgot, to include their SocJaJ .Security number._ About fjve million forgot to sign their returns~ Another group forgot to attach the proper,,fonris from their; employers on taxes already withheld. More than g mUUon left off a special schedule or statement which they needed to complete their return, the IRS' Aid. If a taxpaye"r files hJs retum and then realizes he has made a mistake. the-IRS has a special form called 1040-X available fOr'<omctJoos. . , -. Silence at Panmunjom ' -' ' As Two Generals S·tnre PANMUNJOM, Korea (UPI) -The American general and the North Korean general glared at each ether across the table. The only sound wu the wind bowl· · ing across Ute barren bills outside their qu~t hut. Maj. Gen. J~ B. Knapp, negotiator for the United Nations Command (UNC), was waiting for Maj. Gen. RI Cboon Sun af the People's Democratic Republic ol North Korea to propose a recess. They sat there, arms folded , for t in. hours. Not a word. _ Finally, Gen. Ri got up and walked out Into lhe darkne98 and roared away in a Russian-made car. It was 10:35 p.m. It was the Z89th meeting of the Korean Military Armistice Commission at the truce village of Parununjom and set a record as the longest such meeting ·since the Korean war ended July tr, 1953. The general had been there 11 hours and 3S minutes. Neither ate nor went to tinuing the meeting. "In view of North Korea's rude and un. warranted conduct," Knapp safd, "I con· sider thi, meeting to be terminated." Gen. Ri said there was no pclnt in con. tinuing the meeting. "In View of North Korea's rude and unwarranted conduct," Knapp said, "I cCllSider lhil meeting to be tenninated." . · The silence relJected the tenoion aiong the 151-mile truce fr<mt,Jliet ~ its way along the bJeatnees fl. the windswept Korean hills. American and ScNlh Komn 1n>opl have been involved tn le\ten ahoottng ln4 cidents with North Korean inftltrators along the line since the beginning o! Marcil. Before the 4'h hours of silence, Knapp called on North Korea to start a four· step deescalation to ease·temion along the Korean border. He promised reciproca. tlon with a similar UNC program. Knapp asked that North Korea: -Remove from the North Korean part ol Ille demilitariled :zone an . illegal weapons and unauthorized personnel. -Immediately quit all attacb against South Korean and UNC forces. -RedUce"what Knapp said was the ez:. cessive si1.e of North Korea's armed forces and discontinue ' ' po I e m i c , bellieo&e, war .mongering publie statements.'' "It is the U.S imperialist aggressors who create tension along the OMX,," said Ri. Whichever !ride calls the meeting customarily proposes a recess and it was. the North Koreans who called Thursday's meeting. Ri never did propose the recess. Russ Launch Satellite' For Communications · . MOSCOW (UPI) -Tbe Soviet Union' today launched an o r b It a 1 com.: munlcaUoos ~le whicb will be used" lo beam televialon programs to bolated, ams tn Siberia, the Far East and cen-· tral Alia, the news agency Tass reported.,. • f " • . • ' . . • JIEIFORT CEM IEJt • • n FASHICM ISUllD • • ll!MDAY, ll!UR.SOAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 OTIIER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30' ~ . I• I I I I I ' I \ : • I ·; 4 DAILY "1.0T • POIN'I' BAllROW, AlaHa (AP) -Sen, Edward M. Kennedy pr-.cl oo wlth b1B tour of Al&Wa'l'ill-t<lday -wlthout the R<publlcan memben of his 1111>- commltt-, wbo left the group ill • dJ>. pule over the ....,_ of the trip. • I • '"'" llepoo~J. splll ell 'lhlrlllay, w~· -and~ wllh'tlle tour . _....,.. the tour was bl!lli llage lie •• followed by s.... Ha>ry --llld that dflopl!" the ~ m•upd wU1i an eye to i«tiol pohllclty, llelmon, (R-Okla.,) aod Sen. Gear1e ·111111~ bt lll!<Jllll the trip w be I Keonedy pJd It -"lncred1ble" that ~. (R.C.lll.). Bellnlon called the beaellclll to AIMU. party ~ )lid tDtmd tnto the eoor. ITla a "publicity stunt." . '!be 19111 came Ille! dllciowrt o! a 'Ibo Maio ... _ Domocra! called the r Lanoci, llld be and Sen. Walter lil9a-~ ·tz.m Ii mombet o1 the aub- dopolturi .. ol tbe Ropubllc.._ "a dale, (0.lllnn.,) --·U. tour .,...,..... llaff odvflln( Kennedy to 1'Everythlng was geared for the news- reel press." 1be Ohio Republican said he hadn't planned to disrupt the tour. "I was just !ed. up. 1 reallie the natives often live in dirty and repulsive con- ditions, but this kind ol circus isn't the aoswer." Keonedy urlved hoft late 'l'hllrlldoy, after • i-bour dela1 al Arotle •lllaae, where llioner dilficultleo bold up thO l"'uP'• Air Ji'cn:e C-111 tronopcll'I. cll9nlce to tbeee needy people of M part ol 111 eflorl to give the Smale a ... pbullo ._ COVerqt of con- Alub." \ 0 rnliltlc and forcefW ):lr'Ogrim" aimed tnltl betnm I.ua BvJnc conditions ' Sen. wiw.m Sube was the !lrst to a1 improv!na the llvlq coadtuom of the aad ~ "'-of 1<1•ernment ln· About 25 newsmen and photographers aooompanled the tour , which started Tuesday and ends with a hearing in Fairballb today. lc-11111 "' .. D99r .... ,..., Pat Nixon aays the pants suits ao 'Ille Kennedy pu1y amvtd tn tlklerree temperature aDd a caravan of Indian """' macblnit and dog aieda -them from the airport to the village -' mile IWIJ. ' IMvt and his Waabq14n oll!ce lllter Alma -· Ml!a!kn." ' : lllued a ltatemenl aylng the Ohloon felt Sen. Ted Stev.., aod ~. Howard , Komiecly deoc1 lbtd Ille mcoo ii ~Uno Ille tour was a "sta(e .._ed acenario PGlb:k, (bolb Jl.Alub), not members of and -lle.lliod ordond ti' dlotr1l>ultd to -CGaCluAionl already reaabed by the Ktoiaec!1'• 111bcomlttee cioi JJldlaa edUe•· all 1111M>•1'"'• mom-• u b comm 1 t t e e befcre wt left , Uon. were invited to accompuJ the -. labe'r-ltl.iemest I• Id , Seeond Day Also involved in the split was a report that the Republicans were u p s e t because they had not been consulted oa planolng the tour. • popular with many women these ~days are "Not for me." The Prest- : dent doesn't lite them on her, : either. Attending her first fashion : .show as First Lady, Mrs. Nixon : chose as her favorite creation what : she described as ua long floating : evening gown with a little V-neck ; and little sleeves." Actually, it was : a layered tricot negligee. • • 10 Rescued, But U.S. Loses Five Choppers Anti-!!lilitary Lab Sit-in It's another court dtlall for Fred Jackson, who's bten in a Dt troii jail .Tince March 18, 1968 btcauie ht couldn't port $10,000 bond on charoe• of stealing five boxes of cookita. The 21·year- old Detroiter had his court ap- pearance postponed.for the fifth. time this Wt!'tk, when ht de· manded a ;urtl trial on the bur· glarJI charge. Howivtr, unlike earlier Wlgthy delays, the trial tDC& slated for Monday in Re· cordtr's Court. The prirviou.a de· Zaya were blamed b11 court offi- cial& on owraowded d<.!tktt.s and undtnnanntd courtrooma. •• '•While rivers flooded' much ·of J.finnesota, t h e state Houe of '.Representatives at St. Paul gave jireliminary approval to a rainmak· ·mg bill. The measure, sponsored .by Rop. S.m Barr of Ortonville, "would permit counties to levy up ./.<> $5,000 a year for coolracting ·with cloud-seeding finns. •• ~ Mini·ikffU were ·t he topic of the '.da11 at the Ohio Senate Wedneidav ~when aeveral ima- :tors objected t o ;t lie s ho r t skirts :.worn by UPI statt :11.ouse reporter Bet-:ty Work (rioht). :z.Iue, St ate Sm. ~arigene Valiquet- !te mad Miu Work. :Compare .skirt ~mglh>-wtth Sen. :V.uq.,.11< ,..,....,. ;mg 11ie ..., m ,,. :VO, of the mini. ~kirt. The senate ;teiayed any action :to deny the r~ft.. J!!T floor pnvi- jeges. • : A Dallas attorney is concerned. aoout a state representative's ef. torts to repeal an old law empower· )ng the Governor of Texas to call <>ut the militia to control Indian up- (isings. In a letter to R.,. Richard ~ Cory, sponsor of the repealer, \be lawyer said, "My wife is of lndian ancestry, This provision in the state constitution provides me With a bit of an edge during argu-rents -and I need all the help can get." • • : A startled traffic policeman In ReadinJ, Pa., flagged down a car tontairung three nude girls at the .tity's busiest intersection, but al .. lowed it to proceed when the teen .. •gers explained, 11We're going to a fludist convention." "What e I s e tould I do?" Patrolman Felix V. 6tachenld asked. "The gentlemaii-ty thing was to look the other way." . SAlGON (UPI) -A marathon rescue mWlon tnvolvln( 280 U.S. aircraft S:_e8.1'Chlag for 10 downed airmen jn the Laotian jungles was disclo6ed today by informed U.S .sources. All 10 finally were brought to safety, !Ollle att.r hiding overnight tn the jungles,· and one after being shot down twice. Five aircraft were shot down by Commllllilt ground fire during the n. hour operation, the 80UrCeS said. 'I1>e rescue mission. believed the larg. est of the war, was never announced by tile U.S. military command because of tbe news blackout on American air strikes tn Laos. Sourcea: lakl it started when a U.S. jet was shot down recen.Uy while on a bom- bing strike against a network of in· fitlration roadways known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail. A giant twin-rotor Air Force helicopter, dispatched to pick up the tw~man crew w .. turned back by heavy ground lire. Later, another chopper picked up one pilot but was lboC down minutes later. As the operation grew in lnteMity, U.S. warplanes from baaes in ThaJ)and and South Vietnam new Into the 30-square- mlle search area to attack the Com· muni!t pooitions. "Every Ume they grabbed a downed pilot, the enemy seemed to big another of our planes," the sources said. "Tbe whole thJng just kept mow balling." '.Air Force Fines • Colonel for Destroying Film WASlllNGTON (AP) -Tl!e Air Force court-martlaled a veteran pilot !or destroying combat film 1 h o w 1 n C American planes strafing a Soviet ship ln the North Vietnamese port of Cam Pba lo 1967, the Pentagon hu dlllclooed. Col. Jack BroughlDo, now retired, drew a '600 fine and an admonWunent for destroying ~cial property "with intent to deprive the United States government of information to which tt was entiUed." A review panel later eet ukle the con. Viction but let the fine stand as att· ministrative punl.shlnent. Initially, the Pentagon fi1Uy 6enled the Soviet shJp Turkestan had been bit, but had to back down two weeka later after Pacific commanden turned up " new In- formation" On the iDdde!t. Pentagon officers confirmed that Bruugbtou'1 court-martial conviction on JulJ 27, 11167, centered on gun camera fibn taken by U.S. jel.s in a raid on enemy weapona near Cam Pha. "Two of my majon got trapped,'' Broughton was quoted u saying. "'Ibey were strafing smne guns and another bat· tery opened up on them." One of the four F106'1 reacted with 20mm cannon rire "bat ipparenUy there was something in the way," Broughton llid. "'Jbere WU a bJa: iblp theft." STANFORD STUDENTS OCCUPY RESEARCH LAB Somo Slaop on Top of SI-Ing 8091, Others Stroll About U.S. Soloris Visit Prague, HopetoSeeCzechFreedom PRAGUE (UPI) -Fourteen U.S. con- gressmen came t o Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia today, expressing hope that Czechoslovaks would eoon enjoy freedom as Americans do. '[be U.S. delegaUon, headed by Sen. John J. Sparkman (D-Ala.), was invited to Prague for one day by the national parliament. The eight senators and six represen- taUves came in a U.S. Air Force plane from Vienna, where they were attending an international parliamentary meeting. They were to retum there tonight. "People of America prize freedom," aid Sen. Strom Thunnond (R-8.C.), when the delegation arrived. "We hope tO see the people or Czechoslovakia allowed a greater measure of freedom so they can enjoy !reeodm as we do." Sen. Ralph W. Yarbrough (0.Tex.), eaid he was a soldier with the U.S. 97th Infantry Division the last time he was in Prague In May, 1945. "We had to shoot our way in then," he aaid. "We drovf. the Nujl ba'ck to Pilsen." Thurmond said he aJao had been here with U.S. forces dllrinl W<rld Wat II. . Sparkman said the delegation came to Prague for a friendly visit rather than a fact-finding mission. ••'J'his is a country whose friendship we prize and desire," he said. "It was con- venient to come here, and we took it as an opportunity to talk with officials of this country." Jn response to a question, Sparkm an said the United States still had under consideration a Czechoslovak demand for the return of gold confiscated from the Nar.is here during World War II. The congressmen visited the parlia - ment while their wives shopped then ntet for Junch with foreign correspondents based bert: and toured the capital before de;>artlng. rtlains . Flood Albuquerque FfC Says Litton Industries Broke Antitrust Laws , ' ~lwwers, Hail Pound Southwest From Arizona to Texas . ' s-. ... -. ,..., "ltt0AY' IKft l'IJtll ............. •::11 '·"'· ..... ............ . . •• lhM•.m.1.• UTU•HY' "litf l\lflil .... , .......... l ift '·"'· I.I l'I"" tow •• , ............ lhN '·"'·I.• ...... llltfl ,. , , .l" l!OI ,.m. 4,1 IUMIDAT "'"' .................. !)! .. '·"" ••• """' """' ............... l t4 1.111 ... . '-" .... . ............. ':ti ......... . llan9 111t11 ............. 1iu ... 11'1. s.1 V.S. S••••rw ~ "' h muntrr tni.w-1 ......,.., ..... hf ....., tlO(...t flw • .,..... "' ffM!fwltw!M -Al1hllt, New Mli•b •llf T--. .. LAC..11'!' ........ ,."' •1111 -hill flt ll lot ""' "' ,,.._ Mt'llw w _.. tn1 IM -"""' Ttu•. l"n.ltftdl• ~. Ill ~Ml Ttu .. P9C!il'wW """' --" , • ., Mttilrt .... Mui' """ -.. T...,. •• """-M ii fltiMlrlt '" ,,_rtl f/f A~ut '"" 1'1Mf'Y 11\Ntf'I """* ... .,. •. Tht Ol'lff ..,_. -~ll•llOl'I 91' ~ M'MMt Cllrltli!H ef tell,.... ,.tll er ,.,.. _. lflf '*""-ltdlff •"" dlmlnb1'11119 ._ IC11¥1t>, '""° n. MIMI A1 .. 1111c; cou1. aiittt. MoM,. rtetlvtod fvur lfl<MI ., .,... lilt • .,~......,, ...,... fflQ """" ... l'-,IN!rtlt•Pn WASlllNGTON (AP) -'Ille Federal -·-... Atlani. lfftnll•ld t l-rtk ••• ..... Clll<•Oo Clncl"""ll ClrHl1fld .... ~ ... ..,._ Dtlro!t EUl"fkf Fort Ww111 ,_" .. _ -· .....,o~ , .. _ .... _ M19ml 8..ctl Ml,...,,,,," M-~ Hft Ortt.ns _y ... -...... ........ ....... "-Robla l'tll~ll -·· .......... _ .. ltllllll CITJ lttd l luff ·-S.Crt-10 Sl. Loull k l!ft•t S11t L•~-City S.n O\ffo s.~ "••f'Kl- S•n!• ll11bllr1 ... .. '"""" ... ,.,__, W1Mlillllon ~ '-1'fK. 'I'tadt: Commission rejected arguments ... :: "' its actlon would ldveraely affect forei gn : st .1s policy and chargtd Utton Industries to- u : day With vloJaUng 8ntltrust laws by IC• ~ ".. quiring two Gennan typewrJter firms . -.Cl! SJ :it Thi!: fnove WU tbe1 first step in pro- : ;; M ceedin&S alined at etripplng the huge con- n " g!omerate of. the TriUIJ'iph-Adler combine, ~ ~ which Uttan acqu1red in a '51 million i; ;: deal last Januaty. • '' SI 1be State Department bad offered Lit-~ ~ .u ton help "In meeting problems in " " Cennany .. which may result" from the : !: open beUings held Thtttsday. The depart.- 11 "' .w mtftt wu rebuffed in an attempt lo Rep ~ ~ the hearlnp cl~. rather than public. ?! '.:! 1·7' The Fl'C 88ld tbe comm1.!lion was '8 -,ll 1• c tumlng down 1 proposed compromise set-:~ ~ \!ement uodtr which Utton would only n ~s have to divest Trlumpb-Adler's U.S. ~ :~ :~ aperaUooa. : : •05 The action ••• tahn by a 4·1 vote, 10 x with Comml.saioner Everette Macintyre ~ ~ dlssenUfti on grounds Utton .should be '' • allo-wed lo continue negotiations until :J :1 Aprll 25 • ~ ~ ,01 Lltton, ll $1.t blllk>n corpor1Uon that is as J• one of the nation 's largest military con· ~ !! tractors. had warned lhat a suit for '' s' divestiture would create an adverse rtac-~ r, -M Uon throughout Europe. I Continues at Stanford ~ STANFORD (UPI) -Defiant students today occupied a Stanford University electronics Jaboral.ory !or the second day in a polite and orderly protest against camPus military research. Buoyed by President Kt:nneth s. Fiber's promise ootaide police would oot be lllJIJDIOlled, mlUtant students and f~ty members voted Thurlday night to camp in the applied electronics laboratory indefinitely or until the ad· ministraUon meets a demand for an end to mllltary-conoected meardl. About 150 students remained in the two- story huildln( near the heart of the cam· pu.s on the San FrancisCo peliinsula. Pitzer warned the demonltraton their anUwar views do OOt ~empt them from campus ~pline, aod camera crey.rs were sent in to the laboratory to take Video pictures. But the Stanford president Jater told the Academic Senate the ad- ministration would not call in outside assistance. "Wt: have decided to handle these pro- blems within the (university) com- munity," he said. A university spokesman said the w~ lng was the required !int step under Stanford's disciplinary code. Students now can be cited to appear ·before student-faClllty boards for possible fine, suspension or expulsion. Pitzer's warning set no deadlines and lhteatened no immediate· acUon., The lab was closed, but a !ew of it.I 40 engineers showed up anyway and spr ' the day talking with tbe huildllig's oc- cupants. r, · . '. ~ . Nixon Discusses Defense in NATO Ministers Meeting WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nixon discussed East-West relations, defense matters ind. his decision on the antiballls- tic missile 'at an SO-minute morning confetcice wtth NATO foreign ministers today. The W'.hite House declined to go intO details or to say whether the President di!cussed with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization delegates the question of participation in a conference with War· saw Pact countries. The Pre,,ident ha.! a point of view on the Warsaw invitation, press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said, but he gave no information on what it mi~ht be or whether Nixon outlined his views at the NATO meeting. Ziegler said the President spoke "for quite a Jong time without notes'' and then responded to questions. Vietnam was not discussed , Ziegler said. He outlined Lhe disclWlion broadly as relating to "slrategic and political qu estions of common concern to the allies.'' Nixon's suggestions Thursday for the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Or· ganization met with mixed reaction in some delegations . Some members said the proposals \Vould duplicate in part current NATO nlachinery while watering down its original military and political purposes by ex~ il.s role to include social problems. 1ifuch ol the talk at today's closing Se5sloos of the 20th aonlvenary· meeting continued to center around the \Varsaw Pact bid to open dlscusssiorui between the Western allies and the Soviet bloc. ••tt was a rart oppcrtunity," said lab director William Ramo, "We've . been trying for years to get people to con1e here and find out what we do." Ramo said the engineers could put up \Vi th the occupation "for a Jong time." He also said a small perct:ntage of the lab's work involves basic military research on electronic reconnaisance a n d coun· termeasurures. The protesters assert that t h e laboratory handles more Defense Depart- ment research work than any other cam· pus installation. However, their real pro- test is with the Stanfo_r_d Research In- stitute, a Menlo Park organization con- trolled by the school deeply involved in Defense Department research. UPI T•ltl>h91t ENTE RS NY RACE Robert F. Wagner Ex-NY Mayor Wagner Declares He'll Try Again NE\V YORK LUP~) -Former »'1ayor Robert F. Wagner tOOay became the eleventh major entry in the Ne1v York mayoral race by official!y declaring his candidacy for the Democratic non1ina- tion. Seven other Democrats and 1hrcc Republicans, includ ing incu1nbe11t Mayor John V. Lindsay , have announced they also will seek lhe nomination. Wagner will be seeking his fourth term !or the job some consider second only to the presidency of the United States in number of hea daches. Wagner, who will be 58 this month , is a form er ambassador to Spain and a prac- tical politician with a lot of savvy. The former mayor, son and namesake of the U.S. Senator who wrote the New Deal 's basic labor law, is a potent figure in New Y-ork politics. His entry into the mayoral race had been expected for some time, and most political observers regard him as the leading Democratic candidate. Help Too Late Son Slain Fleeing Police SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -When Ibey heard their musician IOll WQ talking drugs and "needed help." Mr. and ~trs. Everett T. ()Fen of TuCIOO, 'Ariz., carnt: here ttl hdp. But the day they arrived be died in a hall of bulleLI tn a -.t with poLice. Osden,,.,.i his -· 11<11!', clung to t:ach Olhtl' ln IWIMd disbelief Thursday at Mi.uioo Emersr:eney Hospital as doc· tors struggled valnly to save their son , Larry Lewis Ogdtn, 27, hit twice by police shot.I. Only three houn helort, the Ogdens had Ml quieUy In a car while a psychiatrisl from Mount Zion llospital and a policeman went to Larry's hotel room with a warrant for Larry's psychiatric commJtmcnt. Suddenly, pollc1! said, Larry -long· hatred and bearded -bolted out the rear or the hotel aft" ttlllna the men be had io " to the b<throom. I He fled in his car, police said, but v.·a5 forced to the curb by a police cnr. l~e jumped out and fired five shots at two of· ficcrs, police said, and hit Patrolman Frank Martinez: three tlmc.o;. Martinez' partner and three other or. ficers pursued Larry, firing four warning shots before dropping him with two more. Martinez. lrt:ated for shoulder. hand and wrl.st "·ounds was expected to recover quickly. More than a week ago, tht Ogdcns said, they heard from one of Larry's frlendS' lba\ their son wa s taking drugs and ''he needed help ... Larry, a musl~Jan. had been In a men· tal hosphal in Arizona . ''We wen\ to the mayor·s office. where we were referrtd to the Public Health Department , where we v.'ere sent to the experts at Mount Zion HOipi.tal Mental Health Center," old the f nthcr. "We did evtrythtna we could.'' .... ----------·---~----- 'Stnoke Screen' Israel Reject s ___ · Hussein Offer Israeli officials ' .ud todlJ King ~Iusseln'• s~~' )8d.. dle East peace 'plan wu 1 "smoke screen that does not. represent a genuine wt* for peace with Israel." 1be tt~ tion once more em~ the role of the Big Pew pOW• ers in seekinJ a resohltioo. . The Jordanian king outllDld his offer Thuradly in a sPfildl WOMAN IDENTIFIED Tre,11 P roh11k:f Siste r Key To Identity Of 'On Mai' , LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - The case of the woman with the backward name who couldn't remember her real one is parUally solved. She is Teressa Ann Proha&ky, 32, a mother of two from West Liberty, lowa. ' * * * Police still were trying to fiod out how she wound up here in a hotel with a backward name, bound hand arid foot and in a trance. When she was fowld in the Sal Sagev Hotel (Las Vegas spelled backwards) she was only able to identify herself at Eno On Mai (I am no one, 1pelled backwards). Nixon Explores Plan With Egyptian Envoy After more than a week in Southern Nevada Memorl1I Hospital , she recalled the name of a sister in Albu· querque, N.M. Po Ii c e telephoned the sister and she identified the woman as Ml'll. Prohasky, 32. Her husband, Marvin, 35, who owns a fertilizer plant in West Liberty, fl~ here Thursday with their two young children for a bed.aide reunion with their mother. Mrs. Prohasky still can't remember any of her life before maids discovered her semiconscious in the hotel April 2. She wu wearing a costume resembling a nun's habit, although there were fashionable clothes in the closet. Th~ husband told poll ct· she disappeared from her home March 31, and left a note saying "Don't try to find me." The same day, she registered at the Sal Sagev under the alias· of Gail Gentry of Booneville, Mo. Doctors treating her refused e-0mment on the case, but Det. Lt. Doyle Hamilton reported they believe she was the vie· tim or .some sort of ~ll·~YP. nosis and remains in a state of post.Jiypnotic suggestion. W ASIUNGTON (AP) -' A high Egyptian official Ir· ranged a farewell visit to the White Houee today, giving President Nls:on a chance to erplore ·a six.point Mldeaat peace plan offered by Jordall'a King Hussein. 'lbe visit from Dr. Mahmud Fawzi, Cairo's reprnentative to the funeral « fc:rmer Presi- dent Eisenhower, came after Hussein wound up a tbfee.day state visit Thursday b y sketching. bls pl1n in a N• tiooal Press Club speech. Hussein said he w I s authorized to speak l<r Em>- tian Pr<sldent Gama! Abdel Nasser in propoling the plan that would guarantee freedom· ol passage tllroU&h the Gull ol Aqaba and ttie Suez canal to the I h i p S of brad and Ill other natio1111 of tho rq!lxl. In return f<r thil, Huaein said, Israel must hand back all territory it has occupied since the si.J~y war of June 1917. "The challenge that thue principles prawnt," a a 1 d Hweein. "is thl.t Jar.el may have either puce or territory -but lhe can never hav• both." State Department officiils e-0uld not recall that Nasser had ever given assurances such u Hutleio'1 in .Pf'I inviqu• propoR1 for a pDce ..itie-. ~ OVERHEARD "All you hive to do Is WI "You mu.st have a very good them how yau feel 1bout the a - alarm cJock; you're always at pen sion of · Orance C o unty work on time!" Airport." "Yeah, it's called 'Air W-' ". "But I don't know how to talk * * * . to the Board of Supervilan." U.S. officiala were wary, bawtver. 'Ibey as 1 u m e d Huaeein WU speaking for N..er but there w~ no asu"ance how long um rel• ti<ll1 mlpt 1111 betwetn the two Arab leaden. The United States allo hu queltka about a rtlUDlption ol U.S.-UAR diplomatle U.. wblch N._ mapped durlq the Arab-llrlelt war. Board OKs Student Plan SA~ (AP)_: The State Board Of. Education hu approved a ~ by otate schools chief Mu Rallerty that a blp l!Chool IWdent serve as a non-vol.in& liaison member of the board. "He would partloipate in board d11cu1ai on s and dialogues dealing with student problems of all kinds," Raf- ferty told the board Thursday. Pllll Plllffcll ""'•11m:wl RnAIN llOYD E. BWtlED, Jl ~ \ f l~MllNT "Ar< you going to that Board "Just gtt up, lllate,.... nmie of Supervisors meeting o n and addrs, and aay a few Tuesday?" words. They walll to "'-bow "Why? I've never been to one, JOU feel." why should I go?" . "Maybe I'll 1<1 a lltttt a11er '$c.._a.I loard "Well, I hear lhey'no I-to all." - talk about the aiTpcrt ~ "See you 1bert • -IL 1 .. fM and the poMtbility ol uslll( * * * l'iOftll .t.alTT. AND another stte for ,,the t~ April t5th (~) la 111t ltiiMDI IM SCHOOLS r~ airport. day. The agmda tt«n -up ANO COMMUlllTY "I don't thlnlt I'll fo to lhll a< ffl :ID ... be then -ly. 11 ---------• one. I'd have to l<I a alUer." you've been Ukinc "l!hll ...._ J U.,O L l~PllD, Jlt.rVIX "'Ibert apperently are aolna do?" this II a Ume: to dO lwcu: *"'' IJ\.I to be a lot ol -le fnlm !lie El ~I Ste 1"" U.... Toro area. Maybe it would be 1 * * * good Idea roe the Supervl-to Stop by, write or can ua at • know that we care here In Eut J7th si. ln o.ta Mesa • Newport Beoch and COiia M•, upalain. Pbono -· We'no "How would Ibey -I oplll dltlf al 11:11. SM you wasn't trom down there?" 1'ueldl)'. een-lt .. .... L~ L ..... ,,., Jr. ..,,__ Hllllh L. MJNft, CIYINMn lt11 MhMl!IRll Dr .. C.M. ' HO.Ubi t A.M. tat P.M. Delly t A.M. ta I P.M, s.t....,. &AS O.OTHEf DIYIR wnH All ROW DRYll&l _ , .. , ........ -· ""' -____ "'_for __ . .. -1-11 --1 -'""for ...., --"" .... -.., --- • o.11t v •rtor 1 . .Jeb Ceater Clodng •• • • .-. . ' Fear Replaces ·~n~~dge : ' l'RICE INCLUDES DILIV<Y ANO NORMAL IHSTALLATION = I Old W(>rld Majiterranean Spanuh· Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY· TO CHOOSE FROM MCoaATOAI CANCILLATldN .... llTUINI PIOM MODIL HOMU ALL IUND. NIW · DICOIATOll DRUM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items as follows : Gorgeou a ft. cu<ti>m quilled' sofa wlth separate loose pillows wlth heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (~) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in' wrought iron, an 8 piece king ·~ . m8ster bedroom suite In pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty·ilng size mattress & box sprihgs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. Whole HevMfull was r91vl•r 11521.11 ~ST O~~~-~~~-...... 5698.00 A..,l'l_C:. ........... ~ r .... A•--N__..,. Ctilff, Cr9llt AppeRM I 1dl1ttfy . ....... SUNS.HINE FRE~H PRYING AT · ECONOMY PRICES! ' This large capacity dryer has a high ~peed dryi.ng system. Porcelain enamel drum and top.: Variable time contror. . ' . Separate start switch. Fluff cycle.· Four way venting for eas'i lnstaUatlon. Big capacity lint trap ... All the features necessary to give year round drying conven ienlly! s 95 -' ' .; HIGH SPEED DRYER WITH PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE GE CWTHES DRYER WITH AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL -.. -"' Will ~ Wlblllll 11111 ... "' ... thl .. -·· ""' .. DrYW .... .., ... ___ k_...,. - -"""h -Thli ,..._ -.. -., *""' *" .. " liq - • • HARIOR .CINTllt TV & APPLIANCE CINTIR 2JOO HAUOR ILYD. -COSTA MIU PHONE 540°7131 • ' l ' • " ! . - ' ' ' ·; " ' . I ,· • .. ' • -• • • • Election E.ndorsement·s· ·---- " '.'l • •• ~· • .. .. v .: .. ,. . , .. .. 't .. .. . , '! • .. J Elementary 5Cbool education In West 0l1lll&e ,Coun· ty ts big buainus. It ol!ecto nnrly 40,000 chlldren ond costs about $50 mllllon onnaally, Tuelday'1 trustee election is one calllng for carefll1 1elecllon of the men and womm who will govern th!& big bus1De11 for the nut four yean. . The DAILY PILOT baa queried each of the 31 can- dldates lor 15 truJtee poolllons In five school dlitricts. Reporters have peraonally covered the forum• provided by the League of Women Valors to gather the lnforma· Uon on which the DAILY PILOT makes Ill recommen- dations. These are those recommendations : Hunt!"'*" a..ch City School Dlalrlct -lncum· _bents Jack K. Clapp, Ivan E. Liggett and !jtephen Hold- en, akbough ~rvatlve almolt to a fault. have demon- strated their ablllty lo conduct dlllrlcl bmlness ln a llUIMlf the public has 1Upported falthl\llly with con- tinued. favorable vol.ea on bond and tax increase mea,s. ures. They deserve r&-electlon. 0..... View School Dlllrld -This elementary dis- trict in Huntington Beach faces grave financial prob- lems 'in.. the months ahead. Incumbents Robert Knox and R. Ja.mes Shaffer are well qualified lo face the troubled times ahead and ahould be returned lo office. A thlnl position is open ditt lo Leonard Shane's decision not to run for the office to which be was ·~ pointed. In the group of mosUy well.qualified amdi· dates, Mrs. Alice Medma, tireless worker in the Spanish speaking community in the city, has shown special knowledge ·of the problems of children from poverty areas within the dislrlct. Ktm1eth Ellefson alJo bas interest and ablllty to cope with the district's problems. Either of them would ·be welcome additions to the board . S..I llNd! ScMol District -Incumbents Jack T. Cairns, Ruth H. DuHy and Cyrus W. Shepard have been doing an excellect job for the people of the city and for the children. They shou1d be given another four years lo continue building the reputation of the district. Fount•ln Vall•y Scheol District -Incwnbents • Harold E. lln>wa, WUllam E. Crone and Slroolla R. U.,... en were HCh appointed lo llll IUllQbwl lenpi. Kadi has served for aliout GM1yur, not ell!llllb time for a total evaluatloa. They have coiilbiaed llie.polldtl wldch have brought IDtomatlonll attenllcn lo Ibo district ml d06erve lo servo 1\111 f.W-yur tenna. · w111mlnotor u-i Dlltrlct:.. Incum-."M.otthew Weyuker and Neomla Willmore have ..-.di. dnervln& public support. Each DUiy have lo mod!fi vlewa oil financial support from federal IOW'Cll lo meet tho d .. mands of the community and tho availability ol the programs. For the thlnl po<lon, the DAILY PILOT recom- mend.o election ol l!oderlck· B. Cruse. Choices: Keene, Rodda Voters of th• o.:ai>ge Coast Junior Co11e1e DUtrlct nest Tuesday will Diari X'a by the nama·of two men. Worth Keene, now serving hla HCOlld term u OCC board president, b runn1J1i unopposed for bl• !bird four. year term u the boanl'.1 repreaentatlve fnm the Seil Beach area. Keene deserv• CommendaUon for hla ~ less work ID behalf of th' Junior coUece dlatrtct. He is chairman of the j1111ior college aection of .the California School Boerda .Usoclatlon, member of • DO• lional community college steering Comnilttee ond on always-available counselor in OCC affairs. Two candidates are aeeklng the Newport Beach area seat on the OCC boml. The Incumbent II ottorney George H. Rodda, Jr., appointed a month ago lo llll a vacancy on the board. JOiin L. Vau1bn b a :z&.year-<>ld OCC student whooe name ha• become familiar in junior college .circles because of bis campeign ID· behalf of Students for a Democratic ·Society (SDS) at Oron1e Coast. Rodda. bu a sub1tantial record of parllcipotion ID communlty affairs, moot notably as president of New• port Beech United Fund and president of the Oronge Coast YMCA. Vaughn has no visible qualification for the position. Ill ~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· • .J ~ Hospital Emergency Service • . ~ .. .. • . •• ~ 40 Minutes to Get Doctor .. •lJ'o the F.i:fitor: '· k~~ C~n~teu:!e~ ·.ilospiw•s request to •lplllll lheir lacillt)( •Into a general booplW ha been d<nled. ,,). recent experience bu convinced me -Iha! Huntington lnten:ommunily 19 nol ,'papable of ezclusively handliq a city 'Ule size of Hunlington Buch. :C My daughter fainted at wort for no ;"~pparent reuon and the two registered ·Jl~ who were on duty where lht ~works were unable to revive her. They •. ~ed me and then called an am-1"'18"'e. ~; THE AMBlJLANC£ driver nfmed to .. ,ate her to the lmplta1 af my ddce, : -lalnlng lhal s1nco lbl .... UIJCOlllllllaul :ll WU considend OD ftWpncy and be ·:ltad to lal:e her to lhe neot<SI fadllly, :.;.hich happened to be HIH, ~-~pon arrival tbtre, I WU informed ,.,, lhe hospital Illa!! 11111 Ibey do nol .~ve a doctor on duty to treat emerpncy. ·-: llllt Ibey have a cloct<r ai eall :IUld be mus! be ~ lmn bis ;j,mco. In thiJ cue, ii look ll1m 40 ~Jnlnul .. to gel to the bolpital . " ~·-WHILE 1 WAS wailing, a nurM came •.put and tokl me what aht thoulht wu ~. bul thiJ really didn't help to .. jallay my fean bec1111t I don't feel ~t a nurse is capable d mUlnc a ~liiagnosis. :~ Fortunately, my daughter h I I ' recovered, no thanks to HllL But I ~.onder how many or our readen would -..iKe to be nWlfjd to a holpllal Jlllder ~imilar circumslances and wail 40 ..: ~ L""'9 ~ ...... --. ,..,_..,.,.... llMllN ~ fltll' -... ~ M _. • i.a, n. """ ti ........... llfftn • nt ._ • e1.-fl... lltllf b ~ All i.t1tr1 """" IMtuR &leMtw. 8M IMlllnl ...,._, ..... 11e-. lftl'I M wttllblN M lWMf If tufflcltftf ,_ If _,.19111. minutes to be seen. by a doctor? MRS. EMILY KORTKAMP l'ouataln V llllq Jlerall To the F.dltor : Jiben WU the Jas1 limt citlam of Founlaln van., uld to themlelv.., "l'm ....u, luckJ .. nv. under •• ._.atlc form al avvemmm&?" Perhspa Ibey woold ......,., "Whal kind al pslriollc mush ta that, we've problemt of our own, ,.. -· lllOlll al the lime. AA ror the pemri\ent, we don't care '° 1et involved, let the poUUciam bandit ii; ., moybe Ibey cio line their packel9 ,_ and then -you can't fiat! cily hall!" Or can you?. Mr. EQ(ene Van Duk and a group of coocerned dtlztns in Fountain Valley are provinc you can. By ualng one of the unique aat'quarda in our American l)'ltem of. 1ovumnent, three Fountain Valley moncllR)l!:ft have betn aerved with a nolice al lntant to ncaB. THE REA!ON U their questionable aclklns In. the whirlwind approval of the Lan.in Tract. Qmfllcts of interesl haft been declared by Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger, tbe broker for the We, and by Cily /\Uomoy Manin, whole firm .._led the seller of the pn>p- ert1. Councilman Fre1eau and eo.arq .. hold real eslate -and Councilman Coorreges would benefit from the speedy dev~enl al the lract. Approval of lhe trael was actually denied at a February 19 Planning Comm 111 Ion meeting mainly due to the Inadequate compensaUoos for the l,~CIOI lot 11.u ttduction. · ' .. ms DECISION w a 1 reverted at a hastily called special comm I 11io1l · meeUng with only three al the five pianniof COlllJlllslloom pnHD~ -a new ~ by the M-. p._. city proceduro requlno cleveloprn to file an appeal fer a revenaL Mr. Van Dask then llled a cfllsen'a appeal that wu heard at a opecfa1 Clly Council meeting Morch 21 bul the deallloc:k vote did not overrule the P1mming Com-- mission approval. Over 200 cltiztns are now formln& an orcanizaUon in .support ol. Mr. Van Da1k'1 elforla to help atablilh and keep representative aovernment In Fouotaln Valley. LUCKILY WE do live under a democratic form of aovemment that gives us the ncourae to demand that our city councilmen repraem. our lJl.. teresU, not theirs. lt ii now up to each citizen of Fountain Valley to decide if democracy means anythlnc more than a vote. Let'a atop leaving it to "Gecr1e," involve ourselves by olferinl our help to rmtore re~ve 1overnment to Founllln van.r. Wa CID fl&bl ~ball! MRS. JOHN II. llUD/\K ~ -: ~ ... -: •• ,. .; Powerful Fund Managers. ~ "There i.t a TMy ot&t thcr1 fn the "Nrlut .•. Who are Thfw1 WcU, :.:niev are th.t people ioho mooc Sl'}Jtock.I. The11 get the information ~;first, maybe. The11 i!Wft creat1 the "''informaticm , and They are about to ;;:iut the stock up or down. Thfu ore ~piysteriotu, anonymoui, JXHDerful and :'J'hev k'1010 <Vervthing. Nothinll foz<1 at"htm. Theu are the J>OlOf''ilh< ~·?Tnarketplace.0 -''A.dam Smith The ..::iironev Gmne (1968). .. -. The mysterious "They" ref to ·)y the pseudonymous Adam Smith are ~e managers ct what are called Imtltu-- ~lions : mutual funds, pension and en-- • }iowment fund&, iDIW'ance companies. • )ijgbt now they bold the immediate fai. ·~ the Dow J-Average In their ;)>ot"Uollos. :; By sllilnl on their bands -mi.Inc .Jo buy stocks in an:)' creat volmnt - :jhe ma....,. alrudy hs .. -ii> ";jlrumenW In an I percent decline In :jltock price• -the 111'11 al tk JMr. .. .. ' ----Friday, April 11, 1• """ --., flta llollr l'lloC ..... 1111-""" --..-,.. br ,..._fillf WI w..,.,.,., °""''"" ad .... WW I t ft topics ., -.... ,,,,,,,......, .. pnoidlof • I ,_ #fir fM Upt-., -..... oplabu, """ .. pm •nW • dt•1n1 ..,_ ,...... ., ,.,.,.,,.,., ob- .. 111au1.,. • topicr o/ a-. .... Rollert N. WNd, PUblllller • Jt could 1et worse U the gun alinctrs move from caution to what the Wall street Journal describes as "a pesaimilm that prompts liquidaUon." IF '1111: MlJTIJAL FUND8 besln ma.aaJ.ve aelling, they have a lot to unload. Tho combined ....i. of mutual fundl be1oniJn1 to the lnvulmenl Com- pany lnllitule (13 percent al all lund uaeta) llood II mon lllln 1$1 bJlllon In February, up a whoppin& 1$ percent ftte a year e1tller. Wtth sales running al an all-llm< monthly ltlP al $175 m.lllloa in January, the money manacen are under enormoua jnsaure to put lbe money to work. Bui the 111><:alied cuK al performanc• ""' me to lean 11111 the •"'1 llrUclure al m-1 limda Is belnr undermined. "While -...., .,..,_. rlee!ulQ> dlacmf many al the old 1- auld•llnes to the headlong rush for fLuhJ pa'for1nance," wrote Philip Gnu In the W aslllnctoo Peat. "theJ an a1'o toAin( oal ,..., al the old <Ollctpllons of what a mutual fUDd 1boWd be." IN 'ID lllllNG markel al lit'/, the smaller agrealvt fundl with au acetnt Ill ocllc and ....,.U. rather lllla sale!1 outperformed the ltoclc msrkel u a -· Bui their hhtnckut tradl111 of s1amour stocU wun't loo -.ii .. 1.•. And the "arowth rundt" have lakao even mon al a beaU1t1 la 1111 cfuollC)' -al lllt. Pedtnl Raerva Board Ol.tirman 'William .Mcebesn<y Martin, Jr., altoOk up the m-1 ...., lndllllrJ nearly two yean 110 when ilie condemned. muelve 1peeulatioo by mulual lllDlfa and other insUtuUonal Invest.on tr)'in& to rack up short·tenn 1ainl. "It aeems to me," be ufd, "that practicu of this nature contain poilODOUI qualities mninilctnt In -rtspecil ol lite old pool opera· lions al lhe 19208." MAllTIN'S SPEECH colnclckd with a major rqulat.q effort by the SecurlU... and Elcbange Commission. S , J: , C • Chairman Manuel F. Coben ulted CODlhJll for puttr control Ovtr sales charces and mana1ement feea 1n an effort t. provide "a fairer ahalrt" for the nearlJ five mUUon lnvutora who pul their -y ID m-1 flllldt. The Je1lttation received Senate ap- proval in 1•. bul died with the toth Concreu when the House Commtrtt Committee decided no1 to coosidtt iL Dear Gloomy Gua: If rd known I could plate 11'1 hont bell as near to HtmtJnctoo 8-lt u Weotmin81u all this Umo, l'd ban iaved a lo! al --and travel money ...... to the tract. -P. J.J. n11.,.,..,....,,....... ..._ • p I Ir._... • ... .... ....... ....., ... ..., ...... Retaliatory Warning Net If No ABM WASHINGTON -Even ii Coqraa s h • u Id rtjed Pn.sldenl 11-·· CCII• ttoven:lal anti·mlssllt defe111t, upem:lve componenta of the "safquard" ABM l)'ll<m will be needed to alert u .s. offensive forte!. 'Illa! la the private word fnlm Peltlqon plannera. They say lhe aopbisllrated ...... ly warnlar equipmelll, planaed for the anlf.balllallom deploymtat, la Yilal, .... ii no dl!Ollllve lntoroept la to bo attempted. In their view, the }q·ranct radan of. the "lllepard" wamlnc net would bl needed to alert the Prtlidenl to an lncomlnc mtasile 1tt1ck and to·rudy U.S. miailet and ....,...,.. fc< a pouiblo retaliatory airlke. Perimeter acquislUon radar (the acronym la PAR) II•• the /\BM l)'llem the abillly to pick up lncomlnf mlaila at a range ol about 1,009 miles. Wlth related COmmunlcaUon and dlta. ~ ceulng oquipmenl, the P/tlla accoun1 for eome ll.5 blllion al the !f-7 bilUon estimated colt for a c o m p l e t 1 d ''safquard'' deployment. THE RADAR. AJU\AYI are costly because al tholr oomples eleclronJcs and their atu. Tho llant PAR ant.enna 19 more than lot feet. tn diameter, and the oquipment 11 bouled In a bulldlna zoo feel aquan and llO , ... hlch. ABM. crllb have aaid the bil radar lnstallallonl -I b • Joni·r-P/tlla and other radars for missile -.i -""1ld, thamelvea, be altraclin ter(ell lo< a mi9sUe attack which could qulck!J lmmoblllze the mllre /\BM l)'atem. Mllllsry exporll sr• Nylna llllt present systema art Inadequate to stve tnlUal wamln( ol lncomlns attacb, partly bec1111t the oqulpment has become outdated and partly becauae it is aimed to warn of. rocket au.cu fnlm tbs Ncrth. Tho .,.._i l)'lf<m b not keyed to attlcltJ from the naUon'I tel.Ward approechrea. The RulllanJ bate ID tncreasin1 abliity to latmch that tori d attack, the rnllllsry p1annen 1ay, · with rrut dama,. to missile lites and, npeclally, U.S. bombar ....... TWO IOVIET WEAl'ONI dawlop- menta hlvt callllld the lncrtul:nl ~ cem about attactJ from the caatfnmt•1 SNwenf-. On• al thml la·lhe ltranlln'1 an.out drivt to rnaarp:od:llO& mlsalJe.flrln1 submarines of the Polaris type. Such IUbmsrinu could lal:e alaJloo In the -oft the U.S.-. and deUver an 1ttack on U.S. buts wl.tb intermediate ,..,,,. misalles fired from beneath the ..... Defense Seely. Mdvln Laird .....Uy told eon.,.. 11111 -· -hat the produclion -to -out -..... marine fer launclllnc ballistic mltallu (Sl.Blb) uch month. Lib lbe Polarii, each al the Ruaian IUbl ... flrt 11 nuclllr-llpped ml- Tbo current 1lmaian productloo rate, accordlq .. Lain!. la .. -al the Polar!Hype su-.-a JU?. Eno at lhal rala, tbs llualaN can look II> matdlhlt lbe tl.aJ>ip U.S. Polarls IJaal In tbs not loo -Mure. Monover, La Ir d ii warnlnc that th• Ruoslana can Olpood thtlr production but, OllCO the -& mooth quota b RKhed, and build the subl even men nt*llJ. ' ---~-· I Surgery That Isn't Necessary By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. 'lbe two molt common optraUons, particularly in the very young, are cln:wncision and tonsillectomy. Although performed for hundreds of yean. these procedaru still are on a nonscientific buia. Nearly 91 puceol f<>< all newly·born American boy1 are circumc1led before they leav. the hoopltal. No ·one knows why mo1t pareota, Jew and Gentile alike, willlnclY sulmlt their male lafanll to this surgical rilual. Ooe molher, a l'nlleltan4 op1ained it UJi1 way: "1 thought It WU a law; everyone I know ls clrcumdaed." TO JEWS, THE procedure 19 clearly religious: l)'Jllbollcally, it la equated with ioodnesa, purlly and unctilicatlon. Further, clrcmncision I U p p O I e d 1 y eounc.e:racts excessive lust when the boy becomea a man. HoweVt:r, SL Paul, although p<()lld al bis Jewldt berllage, disaulded early Christians fnlm adopllng rllual circumcfs1on. Fer centuries. many ailtw'ee praeUced circumcilion as a rllual f<>< spirllual puriflcation. In tome tt WU used u a pubertal rite, a prerequiltt. to mlllbood, maUng and maniqe. The r 1 tu a I llrenglltened tebool agalnsl ince8I and puticfde, and lilhtened boocb between father and .... wrm THE RlllE of modem surgery. the stalus 'al circumcfslon changed from a religious rite to a comtno11 surgical pro- cedure. CuUhJi oft the prepuce, the skeve al skin which normally prolec\s the bead ol the penis, was advoated prlmarily to Insure cleanllnw, to pre- vent phimolia (constriction due to adbeslonl 10 11111 lbe forukin wmol be drawn back' easily), and to prevent cancer. Usually the operation 19 done on newly. born lnflllll without an anesthetic, although mo8I bibles llruggle and 9Cftl.1D in manifett pain; tome even lapse Into -during the operaUon.. Although r1rt1 infection, hemcmlage requlrtna transfusion, and, if an anestheUc is given, even dea.th cau oc-cur. ' THE PREPUCE cannot be retracted in at least 50 percent of all uncircumcised ,...year .. id boya, bul only 10 percent have any adhesions when 3; usually these can be broken without surgery. In no more than two percent ot. malea ii clrcumcl..Um:I evtr a "must." U the unclrcumciled male'• prepuce can be retracted and is kept clean, he ii no more apt to develop penile cancer than men who are circumcised. Nor will he be more prone to develop a venereal disease. More important, ·the un- circumciled male 11 Jtsl apt to be bn· potent or a bomolexual. For many Pl)'chiatrists believe that considerable emotional damage occurs in some clrcumcbed men who fear their 1enitals have been irremediably injured. MOST UKELY, in the quest of hygiene and purity, few have dared to question the value of circumcision. In his article, "II.ape of the Phallu..'', in the Journal al the A.M.A., Dr. W. K. Morgan remarked succinctly : "Circumcision is encouraged by Scripture, the beliefs of the medical profession, the intuition of women, folklore and health-insurance agencies.'' But it is ostensibly ritualistic IW'gery. Many physicians now believe that the p.-epuce of the male inion! should be loft in its natural state. By his third birthday, it usually can be retracted tu.Uy and cleaned during the daily bath. /tS HE GROWS, the buy should be taught to keep thal parlol hiB body cl..,,, just as he is taught to wash bis ears. Sjnce cireumcl!ion bu few if any medical benefits, tens of thousands of ~ necessary operaUons could be eliminated each year, along with the physical and psychological com pl I cations that aometlmes accompany ULis dubiota pro- cedure. The 1978 Homing Goal In tbs fsr.,.achln& Houal111 Itel of 11111, eon,... declares that the (Oal of a t•dectnt home and a .Wtable U'riq environment (or every A m e r I c a n family has DOI been fUJly reallad for many of tbe nation's low-income (amJllea." Thi!: act seeb to achie~ this (Oal by 1171. In concrtte terms, lhis is upected to mean construction of 24 mllllon houses and apartmenl9 plus rehabilltation of J mlllloa mon over the nUt decade, llOCGnllnt to the Depsrlmenl al Houlin( arid -Url>an Development. TO DO Tllll, lbe annual rate of -inf slarll (includinf new aparlmenll) wtil have to be lifled from the current rate d about 1 ~ mUllon to about J million In the mid· and Jale."lla. This b calculoted to reoulrt lhe lnv..tmont ..._by the micl-JJ!lla. llonMbUlldinf ,_adayi abaorba ooty .-2\0 -t al the naUon'• pn>dur:Uve -.. , C TllE1U!: D No ~ON 11111 n can build I to I million -por yur if the IOftl'1Ul'Jftll Wl{lll to l'lin ~ reaourcea · 1ato tho hllm<bulldlns lnduatry to do the job. . Bui in teyin( in -thla tar11:1 • we will -b' rldt alr1lnlnc ~ dtlelin C&l*fl1 ln the """"buildlnr lnduslry, ~ prim al noosubtldlJed homa up evtn faster than they have been rlaing recenUy, and tlull dl.!Coorag. inf DC111Suhlidlzed demand. Mttn*ly Economic LeUil.r Finl NaU..al Qly Baal< .---B" Geo,.,,e --- Dear a.or,., l think a lo! of TV show1 Uke Laugh--ln and The Sm o l her 1 Brothen and Gtntle Ben an dirty. Who do J write to? FOURSQUARE FOR PURITY Dear FOUhquart: If • •how ofrenct1 you, write to the network or to the apoMOr Point out what you find • jedlcmblo in Laugh-Jn. Th 1 Smolhen Brothen and G<nlie Ben and make your polnt brleny and with tempera~ and _GENTLE BEN???llt Rip off a hate letter to Smokey the Bear. He'1 the one In &ht -aphic Scotrt haL I Friday, April 11, l%q Two D iffer on Ike ' t • ,. Bradley, Monty View WWII Decision ' • ___ , -" 1 . I I I High S~l'.tool ··Girls ~ 1 1 1 1 lj!W YORK (UPll -Wu admlnlioo for'Eil<l\)IOwer u Otripl D, ~ rJahl 11< a dlpat and coordinator ol wrenc when · be vetoed a a mulU-o&ilonal force, but ~rltllh plan to let Fltld rtMrvitloN about hb military Manh61 8 e r o a r d IAW • abllil)'.. • Who Bleach· .ffairi'.,., I ii '· '\1 . ~ 11 M~ "go lt 1lone" tn a 'T':'Wti'lie 1 had a tremendous aincie thrust toward Berlin aff~lon and admiration for lite In WWW Wt~ 11! · 'Elsebhowtr, and wUI always Ablqla.Uy rtpt, aa~·Gen. ·~acciarm hlm as a very areaJ Omat N .. BradM~, who •• a bwnan i)eing, I' find It inl· ~ cluamate of ~Mower 'at poulble to include him 11mon~ 'Wiit Point U!1 one of hb top t.be great captains ol hlst(lry,' commanders durina World Montaomery ,wrltes. "But this Wrr JI. , ctn be aaid, and in no un-By L. M. BOYD the)' smothered him In lhtlr .. clothinJ. Re~ly. By the Um< OPEN QUESI'IONS:. tiow his compatriots dug him Qlll \ I many CO'll'S could a strln& from under all t h o 1 e I I milker handle back when a garments, he was dead. No ~UI ' . j dairyman did his stint by more curious honorarium to a ~ I Wronc1 says Montaoinery,. cortain voice -nobodJ else now Vlacount Mortlgot'nel')'1 of could have carried the burden Al:tmeln; the-war ml&bt have of tuprtme comma0$lef In \tie bffn obottened ~ his plan had We1t in the way he did and been .adopl.ed. . . keep the natJons and warring politlcal speaker comes to ~~:d:rii~ . ~l;~~E~:t e:: m:m~tER SERVICE: ci ~~ still hi res only red heads to run -· uffow many A r m y ~ Tht1e dlvercent viewpoints tribes or cenerals and lir are set forth iii special articles marshal! working together to by Bradley and Montgomery the end. the old elev aton! ... ONLY ,_ and N d · " gcnerai11 avy a m1raaa '.r, ONE big city in the country is have. be.come President.s, of Ult -~::::::::::=~===::::::::::::::====~ thlit "111 a p p e 1 r · in· "For this al()n(! ~ world "EiAenhOwer: Ame r·t ca ri. '\\'ill always oWe him a deep Hero," a special biogra~y dtbt of gratitude.·· named after a tree, I'm told. United Stales?'" A. -Ten But which one? ... DOES generals, oo admirals. Hardly ANY high seh9(>1 t eac h seems fair, "'.hat? ... Q. - household appliance repairs?· ''WllAT"S the average price of .. \\'llAT CAUSES 1 man used cars· now ?" A. -About almost inevitably · tO look 11nnn I t Q ....,.,. at as report. . . . younger than i1 woman the "EVER TRIED avocado ice same age? ... IN S\VEDEN, -cream? Il's delicious." A. -• by far the most bank tellers Never have. Never tried s1veel nre women. In Nor1vay. by far polalo ice cream. either. bul the n1ost are men. \Vhy the understand suclJ there be. difference? HERE'S a report of a 126· 'OF BJ,.oNDF.S -'·Whal pound King salmon, caught by portion of the fair-haired high Earl OJuner of St. Petersburg, school girls now are bottlf Alaska. Little doubt. must be blondes?" inquires a client. the biggest. ... HEAR 0 . J . About half. That's the guess of Simpson. one of the most coin· the statisticians. They base pctent pedestrians in the land . their estimate on the proven just signed a $250,00Ckieal to fact that blonde high school promote Chevrolels .... NOW girls outnumber blond high VOTE the world's finest school boys by lwo to one. And cracked crab e m po r i u n1 , they dec line to take into ac· Dupuis or PQrt A n g c I e s . counl those lads who dye lheir \Vash., is up for sale. Man. ir I hai r. bt'!licving their number to weren't saving up for my lrout be inconsequential. farm. J'd buy it. "AS FAR AS voices go." WARM MILK -Are )'OU of .~ays our Nlllllc Game man: "I the school that always warms always expect a Hazel lo Lalk 1 baby's formula b e.r or e through her nose, a Connie to feeding some to same~ If so, chatter, and a Cheryl lo why? That's what Dr. Em mett squeal when she laughs." · · · Holt or Ne\v York university's "THE: PULL OF gravity dif-Bellevue Medical C enter fe rs in different places. Slight· wondered. The ref ore , a ly. That United States to\vn number of infa nts wfrf fed 1rhere you weigh the most is cold formula straight from the said to be Minot, N.D. The refrigerators . They slept as to1v n where you 1veigh the "'ell, ate as much, and gained r. least. Key \Vest. Fla. as swift ly, the doc t o r -' ltONORARIUAI -Did I tell discovered. : you how audtcnces used to ap- plaud in old Athens? If they liked a politician, th ey ·, ~meUmes removed l h e i r clothes and threw them at "' him. Take that a n c i en t ,, lawmaker Draco. for instant'c. .,. In about 600 8.C .. he stirred his constituents so migh tily Your questions aitd co1n- 111ents are wclcornect u11d will be used wherever pos· sible ill "Checking Up .. , Add-ress m a i L to L. J\f. Boyd, i11 care of the DAfLY PILOT, Bct.t 1875, Ntwpoi' Beach, Calif.; 92683. ' . U.S. A.riny Spe 11ding :'. In 'Japa1i lric reasi1ig • r being publiahed next week by'.. American Herttqe and United OWE DEBT Press International. In his recolleclions. Bradley Threat t o Nixon ~10NTY FRANK desoribes E i s c n h o w f"r ' s Montgomery's recollec1ion!I deciSion to go ahead with the of Eise nhower are frank on cros&-channel in\·asion on Junl' two score3 : Hll great personal 6 aa his most dlflicult one. Demos Making ABM Ma .in Party Policy Rich, Poor Both Have WASHINGTON, (U Ptr - Opposition to deployment of an antiballistic missile system (AB~i) has virtua ll y becoml' official Democratic p a r I y policy . Although support. and op- position, for the ABM is wide- ly dispersed through both parties,· the forthcoming na- tional debates will likely take on an inc reasingly partisan tinge. This became clear when lhe Democratic National Com- mittee labeled the ABM the "No. I" issue in the current edition or its official publica- tion, "Demo Memo." in voicing opposilion to !he ABA1. He made it a pa rt or his newsletter to Oklahmna con- stituents. Mah1utrition ''I think it is one thing !:1 WASHINGTON (UPI ) -A authorize further research And nialnutrltion expert said today development 011 an AB:.Ot that. rich and poor alike. 15 system, and it's a totally dif· percent of ndull women are rerent thing to deploy this too fat and all segments of the system which is obviously population suffer from b3d technologically undeVeloped. teeth. Bt!cause it is not technically Dr. Arnold E. Schaefer, a developed and offers littl e real v.•ho's ""ho biochemist who is protection. I think it ·is a chi cl of th r u .S. Public Heal th mistake to deploy i I . service's nutrition program. Furthermore, I think lt woultl said that well·t<Hlo persons as mak e much more difficult our well as the poor suffer from chances of an eventual agree· malnutrition. ment with the Soviet Union if · The afnuent have such pro-MAIN QUESTION we had in being and in p\acr blems as anemia, obesity and The committee said the such a system." dfnlal difficulties. Schaefer "centra l question" in con· LINE UP said in testimony and an in· sideratlon of whether the 1'1ost or the top echelon of tcrview. country should deploy the the Democratic party lines up Schaefer is directin& a na· ABi\I v.•as, would it help in with th e chairman : tlonal nutrition survey of arms redu ction talks with the Former Vice p r es ide nt fainllies whose incomes range Russ ians? It answered its own Hubert 11. Humphrey. the from 118<1 a year to more than question by quoting the ·titular head of "the pa rty: \Ve $42,000 a year. Of the Jailer Democratic party platform :.. ·should h"alt deployment of the group he said: "We do have "Another crucial decision .... Bradley adds. ""'as \l'hethcr or not we \\'Cre going to Jct Montgomery m11ke one single thrull n o r l h of th e Ruhr toward Berli n. Ike was under terrific pressure from the British lo let Monty go it alone. and he took a long time to make !,hat decision . I think he feU .., Montgome ry wa~ ''Even in tt\e present tCllllC Sentinel (Safegua rd ) system problems In them." atmosphere we strongly sup-· and begin , as expeditiously as Schaefer said that II per- port PresJ dent Johnson's ef-possible, negoti ations with the cent of persons over 10 years fort to stture a'n agreement Soviet Union on the•redlJC"Uon of age in the Test! nul.tition ( with the S:w1et Union undec of offensive and defensive survey rt ported · they were ~. ·,·' which .. both states w o u I d. weapons. unable td chew some· foods ; -?-;-re~ai? dep~oying antimi~l~ 1 ~. -senate ·.ocmoct8Uc leader because or t We condltiori or l-; J1..' .:-t. sy9tems. Such a treaty would. 1 Mike Mansfield:· Deployment their teetb... " ·. }""" t : result in the savings of billions of the modified ABM wouJd be "Severe dental deca y'occurs ~ 'f' ~.,i of dollars and would create a th~ opening of another rou nU i11 all segments of th'e popula-7f~~ climate for further arms con-of nuclear escalation. lion." Schaefer. ~aid. ' ·:! · trol measures. We support Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Scha~fer testified .there h.as · co ncurrent efforts to freeze been little change in th• in ID-Mass.). assistant Senate · . . 30• TOKYO (AP) -U .S . ,., military spending in Japan is ,,.. Increasing despite v 11 r i o u s economy moves by \he U.S. Mil itary Comn1an:1. !he present level of strategic Democtatic Je·ader and leading c1dence of anem1~ the 11ast r .Japanese fir ms by U . S . \\'Capons and d f 1 iv er Y early contender for the party's years. with its resu ts 0 de fensf contractors. sy3tems, and to achie ve a · 1972 presidential nomination: fa~l~e. ll.stless~ss . and In· balanced and verified reduc· We must wonder what the ab1hty to achieve s har p Statistics on the Japanese .,,.. balance of payments s.how that this country's receipts • -Iro1n U.S. forces in Ja~n for lhe first three months of the :. year totaled $141 million, up 1no re than 10 per cent from a "' year earlier. tn 1008, aceording to the U.S. Commerce Department. rtirect spend ing in Japan by " U.S. armed forces rose to $5&4 '' million from $$30 million the ., previous year. This amounts to more th<1.n half of Japan's 1968 b11lance of payments surplus which total- ed $1.1 billion . The Con1merce Department's >J· figu res include pr ocurement of equipment and supplies f rom ,. Japanese companies. repair ,_or aircraf t. vehicles .~ and other equipment an d Part of the revenue is due to lion of all nuclear and ron· phy s I ca I and ""ental reaction of the Soviets will be , '" contracts and spending related venUonal arms." when, for the first time, we pe~formance. to Vietnam and part from VOICE OPPOSITION acknowledge that we inlmd to -~---------i regular spe nding lo maintain Sen. Fred R. Harris of deploy an ABM sy stem which Now i'n Our Family: forces in Japan to de fend Oklahoma, chairman of the has as one of IU prime Japan and South.Korea. Deltmocratic Na tional Com-purposej a defense against II Family Weekly m tee does not miss a chance R11sslan attack. Japan 's total economic gain j:;;;_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,._,_,_,_,_,;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;,-;o;,------..;;;;,,,;;..-;;;;;;;! from the Vietnam \Var is hard r ,,Ill h 11tic.1 ,,..,trtlMllNllf to fstim3te because it involves I 1 indeterminable benefits, such as incrt'!ased exports to coun·I tries such as Formosa. and South Korea, that are able to buy morf Japanese good1 because of their own foreign exchange earnings from the co nflict. Some estin1ates by Japanese and U.S. sources ha vt placed Japan's annual re venue, direct and indirect. from the Viet· namese conflict at more than $1 billion. I Lady Churchil1 1 Ren1ains Same I LON DON (UPI ) -The con- E'LECT MARY MARTIN APRIL 1 5 wrori1 from the nm. but be needed 'some blckin& on It, and he finally got iL from Ult American chief£ of staff. So we aClvanced on a broad front.1 l personally think' it would have been a great mistake to Jet Monty have his way. Sup-j pp&i they had bl~ blm in Ute nank with the 26 diviaion_s~tbey hit us with in the Ruhr? Ti\ey'd have ru)ned him.'' WNG DISPUTE Montgo~ry. conceded that hbitorlans will argue for years abOut the pn>per strt.tea for the Western allies folfowing their victory in Normandy. I "My, views h4ve often been expressed; they have never changed," Mo n t g o mer y writes. "Eisenhower did not agree. llr said (he whole Allied line must advance on a broad fron t. from Switter1and to the North Sea, unfil !he siJuation became clear. I pointed oi.it that our logistic resources1 could not nourish such a movement. \\le would nowhere be strong fflOugh · to get decisive results quickly; the Gcnnans would be given time to recover. and our ;1dvance would peter out ; the war would go on into 1945. wi th all that \Yould entail polilica!Jy1! vis·a·\'is the Russians _ad- ~ancing from the east; the ad-1 clltiona l los,c; of life would be \'arious other expenditur6, intluding most rest a n d recreation spending by U.S. ~oldie.rs V.'ho h3ve bee n visi ting Japan at the ralr of about SOO a week . Officials said the .st41li.stics rto not include Japan's recei pts from some other sou rces, such :1.s ~ubcontract~ awarder! Ill ditton ol Lady Clementine ' Spencer-Churchill, IM, wkklwl of Sir \Vinst.on, remained unchanged at. Westminster Hospital where !he is con!ined l' with a broken thigh bone. NIWPORT·MllA SCHOOL BOARD ~·DISTRICT 5 Clea rs stuffed up passages. • I See by Today· s Wan! Ads • Fair T r a d e; Electric l'lolhC!I d111er. 1:1.r pick up, sailboal, el!Ctrie add- 111&' machitw:'. Will tr1de for n1otorboal or van ":Ith •l'indov.•11 Ind M!ala, • Baby Bar&alna: \Vho doe!. rl'l rlfed a b&raain With a new bllby In th! hOUlt 1 Here a.re .ome of the need. ~ goodies ... bassinet w/ mAttreu, In beaulif'ul oo~ tl lt10n. Cost. Ki, '6iU .ell lor Sl8. High chair, Sf; tar scat IOr bucket aeat, almott new, m111 S15, llCll for S7. can today. e Bring A Smile:. To !heir racea, . ·"''ti houal!wlvts need~ tor pa.rt tlmr de· livery lot local dtnl&l lab. e Tradcl'·s Pa.rad~ , , . :I llT'lt'I!, 5 ttmei •. 1.ii ~ '-------------------~-~ ' PLATPOIM: • * A board ruponsive to community direction. * Keeping ou r school costs within bounds sot by the community. * Mort emphasis Ori the 3Rs. * Greeter emphasis of our American Heritage. * Extreme car~ in the selectin g a nd hiring of of teachers. · * Hiring of the most qualified teachers with salaries commen su rate . * A more careful and responsible board ap · praisal of all pilot programs . .. Big cor1 gel oround nicely on freewo'ys ond wide boule.,,ords. lut ju1t try ond 111oke one through tom• back alley ond set who! hoppen1. Monstrous trucks reach out at you, Menocing troth cons 'Ii• in wo it for one fol1e mo.,,e. Mi1judge by J(. inth;Then - ic ropt·ol-ond o fa ncy1tory to your lo....d ontl." 1 Vc1k1wa;en mokes ii tCny r • 1on everybody, •;pt<ioUy 1h1 " ·.bl1e1. . ·~ Wa ltullc:l our IUg 1 ~feel I norrowar than the' O'f'erogt dome1tic ca r. And obovt 4· feet 1hor1er, Gi•ing plenty of room fo1 hu mon error. That's why lady Volks- wa gen drivar1 fear no oUey. And they oran't the least bit ofroid of on lmpos5ible park· ing space . So while other cars 9fOW bigger a nd fo utr, we''' that our !ug olwoys ke eps Ifs glrllsh figur e. lrt this cost, it'• what sh• hasn't got th01 counh. ~ , DAILY PILOT 7 Elect Gordon c. ·Morrow 18] , Qualified * O•lr c .. d-. whe Is Former Newpert..M .. Ec:luctrtor * Local l1t1h11tu M--.lf * Parent • Home Owlttr Committee ,., ExcelltflCt I• ftl11qflell Relph Clock, Chtm. Peter R1bbitt, Tree1. Cad J , Kymla Frtd A. Howser William C. He••winkel John Perry Tom Corkatt Don Pitrselt Edwerd F. Johnson Brie n Zen• J ohn Coyne Williem H. Farnsworth Dr. Ger1ld McClelltn Mrs. Georg• Grif fith Elton H1llttt Milton Shedd Oe ve Carrol Art £irtcher Arthur Perry Andrew Morrow Mrs. Pet Walker Bill Corkett . ·' " Murrey l , Rabbitt .. Dick Bertet Relph M. Tipping A. W. Fournitr Doug Simpson :j~~'~i.mPson V:ttl. Ha:iewinkel Lindi Ha:r:ewinktl .Ben H•:r:ewinkel B,tty Ha:itwinkel Riak ·lngold ~Oh ')rownsberger Tuck Re bbitt Jerry Oickm en 'Jq~n. Curci •r•d Miller, Jr. Omer W. Long lw10 Ko91 Don Sm ith Bob ~ Louis Very Br•d H. Miiier Will1rd S. Vo it George Jon•• Steve Boice •Welter Boice Tom 01vi1 Bob Wolfe Jim Spurl in Alice Crook Everett Devis, Ill Tom Lenz i• Lew Goodfiald Wilt Keith Rog•r Clerk Raymond Perry Vic Welker Tom Jewett J im Condit Floyd Condit Hennth Nie4rick G1ry luch 1ne1'1 W. Buchen1n Oon Foall John Truablood James Olson Dev• Terry o, .... ltr1en "T"* 1 .. 114-loo Per r..ir Tu hller"' ' ' . .. ... Vote April 15111 Gordon C. • "" ·' -•. • .. .. ~ ' .. •• ... . ' . ... . . .. ., , • .. • ,., ., .. ~ ., ' .. Morrow (8) luslnessman Ce-'.._ H11tesu:1u .. Ctrirm. RAL~ CLOCK Jfff c..,.. ... JIJ. • j 8 DAILY P!LOT ._Dems Eye , =Hayakawa For Office .SACRAMENTO (AP\ Cllifornia Democrats, hoping . ,. rebuild their battered puty with fresh candidates, are tak· '.Ina a look at Dr. S. L . f;layakawa, the acting presi· • d,!nt of San FraoC:isco State :College. G. W. Hoblng<r, the party's • f'Orthern chairrhan. s a y a • Sayakawa has been mentioned }ily party leaders as a potential '" .. Candidate for the U.S. Senate ~or as an opponent to the : i t a t e ' s outspoken superin- tendent ol public ins,truction, Dr. Mai: Rafferty. ' • "Nobody has talked to me ·~.fbou1 it," replies Hayakawa, · 6%, who ~ame a nationally k.nown figure when he imposed ,hard Jine laclics against stu· " ttent dissidents. "The taJk so far has been • from the news media, and no .. politicans have talked to me," 'he said. Frldu, Aorn 11, 1969 BARRACKS CLEAN AND NEAT AT ARMY'S PRESIDIO No Evidence of 'lnhuni•n•' Conditions S-.n During Tour I . •stress Morality' Guidelines on Sex : .. Oae~es Accepted SACRAMENTO (UPI) '.111e State Board ot Education ra-omnitnds that instruction ' In sex ol Cafifornia ischool children from kindergarten through high school at .... morality and be conducted voluntarily. The posiUon Is contained in a series of guldelines adopted without ~nt by the board Thursday after a marathon daylong ~arlng. In accepting the guidelines to schoot.. proposed by Dr. John R. Ford, and San Diego physician, the boa.rd rejected appeals by representatives of the John Birch Society and some church groups that sex education be removed from the classroom. dergarteo through high 1ehool. But the board 5lres8ed that education in sex be vohaot.ary aud be: taught by l\ ''ttaln of quallfied instructor11-·~ n · sua:· gested instn.actJon Jia ~. reproduction start al age 9. Recommended a~'.'fU that local citizens commltleta - whose members I n c 1 u. d e d physicians. clergymen, police o!ficials, school administrators and parent-teachef-groups - first screen materials used in se:1 instruct.ion. Asse:nihly Goes2Ways Over 'Pot' ilolsinger to Id an in-p ,..:r p e de ;erviewer u appears that reili:I iii:! ourili:I re~I IO ··Mayakawa's popularity is •t> 131131 131 131 ~ About 250 spectatorJI jam· med the board's hearing room apd frequently broke into ap- plause and ~onalj~ u 30 witnesses praised or con- demned se:1 instruction in the schools. There was virtually no response from the audience when the board approved the standards on a voice vote. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Thel Assembly has tackled lhe issue of marijuana possession and gone both ways with it - proposing new sanctions against some offenders and lighter penalties for others. ··proaching that or RepubUcan :Gov. Ronald Reagan, who is ··expected to run for a second .term next year. Army Stockacle 'Spotless' Condition • in "He 's the only public figure ·.w.ho is a registered Democrat whose popularity aJJ>roaches ~ lleagan's," Holsinger said. Hayakawa. of Japane se -. ancestry, was a teacher and • internationally known seman- .ticist and author b efore 4 becoming a college president last year. He has never run for public 'office. Is he interested in seeking public office? "I haven't really had time to think about ij.," he , llays. : ··:Party leaders will take a look at Hafakawa t h i s • weekend at a meeting in :_ $acramento intended to come -tll> with · fresh issues and potential candidates for the 1970 election. He will appear ijtlrest and its political con- -twl a panel discussing campus ~jequences. .,.-.. Jn 1966 th e party was swept ~41t of all but one statewide of-~·lice by Reagan's landslide. In !;1'61 Republican Richard ~t. .. ~ixon carried the state in the i '#esidential election and the ..._GQp took control of the state ~&sembly . This year the :!iepublicans look over the :~na~ with .. win in a special :.:election. :;:''"In 1970, all statewide offices, ;fJus Republican U.S. Sen. ::~rge Murphy's seal. are 'up-·=I&' grabs. ........ •"•: ~-... ~~hooting Scene SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The guard in the "health and ('{lmfort room .. of lhe Sixth Army's Presidio Stockade has a handwritten, I.isl of names on his desk tillcil ''escaped prisoners." The guard sells personnel items at reduced prices to the stockade prisoners, including a carton of cigarettes for $1.85, and even g:ves them away free to prisoners without funds . That "escaped" list seems out of place. The stockade was in spotless conditioa when lhe Army con- ducted about 35 newsmen across its neatly trimmed grounds, through well· polished confinement barracks and into five clean but barren isolation cells Thursday. ..Generally, except for the restriction of Uieir free move- ment, prisoners live a more comfortable life than the regular soldier who performs his duties properly," Army spokesmen said . Col. John C. Ford, provost marshal, said morale and discipline are good, and the Army ha.11 several "projects in the mill'' to improve the stockade, which sits on a pleasant bluff overlooking San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Still, Ford said, the stoc~e guard force has been in- creased from SO to 89 since last October's "mutiny," There have been 52 sui ~cide .. gestures" which he said was 11n ''unusually large" number, and 29 prisoners have escaped since then. ~1embers oI Congress have called for an investigation of allegedly "inhumane" con· ditions in the stockade and I.he news media asked for a look - see. Thursday's tour was the first since last July, which was held because of what the Army c a 11 e d "conflicting stories in the press ••. con- cernipg conditions in the stockade." Col. Henry J. Fee said, "We believe that the Presidio stockade has b e e n ad- . ministered in accordance with prescribed regulations, that it can stand the scrutiny of any investigation by any level of authority.'' The stockade has a tiny four- pcw chapel , a library con- sisting or two book shelves, a barber shop and o t h e r amenities inside. There arc grounds outside for football and baseball, and in a separate building a ''Stockade Carpentry Shop," the only vocational training facility observed on the tour . "We give them little jobs like sanding pews and desks down," an officer said. "The ~!.fold at Inques t ""· Oil Interests Probed :>.:LOS ANGELES (AP) - 1J!arry Kimmons. 15, \Vas • .. fiitally wounded by a shotgun ;;Irred at point blank range. wil- :;rtsses say. ~!;Five ~ompanions of the "•f!egro high school y o u t h •• ..,.£esUfied Thursday at the cor- :lfber's inquest into his slyaing ::ith the Pepperdinc Colle_ge ~ampus March 12. Security ':CJard Charles Lane, a "l.&ucasian. has been booked by ~lice on suspicion of murder. LOS ANGELES IAP), - There mny be confl ict of in· terest in refusal of university oil experts to aid the state in -a suit against oil compapics. Chief Deputy Attorney Gen. Charley O'Brien says . The state filed a $500-rnillion damage suit for pollution caused by the rupture of an offshore oil well last January. "After o u r experiences." O'Brien told a news con- ference Thursday, ''We feel there is an atmosphere on campus that smacks of con· ::;: ON THE TUBE flicl of interest, and we're ,,,... beginning an investigption of ~For th1 b1t1 9uid1 lo wh11'1 · ' TV dTV It ... P•n1119 on , ••• EiC -di1hibu1.d with th• "Here are men at tax sup. urdty 1d ilion of th. DAIL y ported institutions drawing , • OT. their salaries rrom state cof- fers, and also · receiving bin "":f•' ... i~~;;;;;::;;;;;;~;;:;~~ sums as oul.iide consultants,·· I ""'""°"""""""-"'"" ·' . =="'~ ..,. Y• iegislature in Actiori ,_. he said. "I know other govern- ment employes could not get away with it." If oil consultants could ~ Investigated for conflict of in- terest the military might also. •·1t's a v.•hole new field ," he said . O'Brien said he had been trying for months to get cooperation from University or California staff members. "At last we got one to come forward," he said, referring to Dr. Robert Curry, a geologist from UC Santa Barbara. * * * Just Sleepy, Not Dead SAN JOSE (UPI ) -A r.oologist says the oil-encrusted sea elephants reported dead or dying on San Miguel Island in the Santa Barbara Channe l "were in a comatose sleep." Peter Batten, curator of the ·-4 ~..--_._ San Jose 1.oological Gardens. ....... •r Tiit "-MCl11M '"''" ~r l"ur.11c u1;1111~, com..,ilsion 1 said Thursday he didn't "kno\\'1 •• ..,. T"""H1, A.,.1111 Is-llllrmllt !or ln'r~ii.T~ 11l•>tll9' • bo " • .. •Ont wev Of s1tmmlnt1 vlole<K~ en air urrler11 AB J11. B&d~a"" i; what all the fu ss IS a Ut' -... 111orn11•1 c1mP<11e1, 1ccllflll11t 10 /olPW!>Of'! 11e1c11. regarding the reported dealhs l ........,.._'-,_ llclna 1hXllecl bv • 5pe. ll\1lttr•<Hc1 -ll:t•C1<1lr,5 oeraon 111 • .-1 .t.tSln">btV commnlft, -111 r.. 1.., m11prec11c, w it •~•insi doclO•s, nf nine of the huge mammals. ··'-Mrl'Otnltlc 1v1-1oro 04' dlwnfl-.1 nu~ 1nc1 o!l>er f"l'>e<llc11 ~1 •o Last Friday Batten ex-~Jtt --Cel'IYIC'!ed Of felonkluto I CIJ.. lilt' 5500 JUl'tt/ bond •• l«U•Hv '°' ........... n Nftl4.o 111111111 trlllc uv04'• '°''' Ill' dttt,..., wl'tlcll ""'" r... •*•ro· :imined a group or the sea ...wctorY "" lh '19111 111•ln$1 • c11Jlo•· ed u11ns1 "'" 111Jn11111 ..,, '''· Vtv· elepha nts covered with oil .. .Jll:l·Nevlde _,er tn1f\'. ,.,, lil·llr•wley, -.·)M $tl'lfo llollrd ot EM1t1en ,,,. 11:1:e1u1i1t111 AdtpfM from a leaking offshore well ... •-.e• """''Ion to.rt tell• c1111ar. 011 -urvn Pr111t1et11 and CClllt•c•· and he elaborated his findings •. :'Vt 9dlool1 Ml lo '-re. m«ll ,_, lo Qbl1ln P<"lor titre •PP•O~il al 0·1 ... )r -.di 100 mt.IC!\.'°°-· 1nc1 u s fxo1or111on or °"'~'011,...n1 Thun;day. "I think some of ... _ .,-™!~••-""• ,_,.,.,, •.N,.•l!Or>s o,n tl'Oer11 11nc1 ot1 1111-C•" the people have not seen too ,.~ '" .,...,......, .. ., rll COii ; AJlil II, Z"l!f'r1. :~ The nine un1._,;,., °' c1n1orn11 tllll>tu•I -ur'"'1 congr~s. ,0 Jn ninny ele phant seals," he said, ~-cre11t 11>1>rOP•!111on tot 11111"ou.i ..nu "and they didn't realize that • • •m• sis.,... c1111111 lo• INt.10 11K1l rt•• ''°"' '1""*'• -Ext~s tor two ~•rs ,,.,, 11.s mu11on 10 1:io mm1on; AJlil '1. they lie around like that ...-'lw 1tltW!tll 1 cornbttlllkwl et wtton Clulmbp, D-llU1lto. h th lh ' :'f9Clli •ncl r...il~s 1, ,,,_ 10 1~1 THI: SliNATI anyway. w e er ey Vt got ~""" !Mn • lftl; Al 1«1. """'' 1eo11. no •ctJon. oil on them or not ." ;r.'~wttv. ''t;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;/ '"°"""""" -...,,.ra.l"t1tt. ine,ooo 1011 '!;11'¥ _.1,,_ 11 st•,. -lortl .... ,..... ~::;~:.::::~~ YOUR OWN BUSINESS " 0 C'ilw fiflll M IUM 10 I boll ati/nt' -·-M ... ~· .. ""'"" Earn1'ng Polent1'al ~·I AS tcl2, OonMt,..1, D·L• ,:~ Tll~•:::::.LY Unlimiled ........ -On.ts ~ ... _,,, luclte .__." ....... _.,...r •-lfon °' We offer ·---,_,., -~· ... ....,lluc er ..,.., r1$1•kted di,...,_ -:-:':' ::;•.-: :.~.:: ::: financial assistance • ~ _ OIWt tovt1 ~mlnlOfl A1i11 91"tl1 tdorl"1 Clt1nchilt11 i11 y1u• lio/rl1, Small lnv11t. ·a ....._. .. ftlllfty ....,...n mint. C.1111p1t. h1f"i"9 pro9r1m, Won't iRt1rf1r• willri priitftl .... ,....lfn oA "*lllllN fj l• allll IM _,, •IKl'd on O«Upt Oft, ....... • e ~Ii ,_.1 Al in. z·. SIMD THIS AD fOl flll llOCHUll- ... ,, .... '!' .. '!'-'.!!. _ ~. ··~"''"~ Universal Chinchilla BrHders .... "~ tr.c!Q ..... ~nl'll~ ''20 , .. ,.... s~. ,..,..,..., C:.llf . .... "' .... C:..l~tt ....... ··~ ...,.., ..... u. •rtbctttlr. fil·"al-i:~~:::'.'.::::Col'.'.::'~· ~":·~·~·:·~,.~-~1~"~'~·~<~·~1i.c.~~·~·~":'~'~':'~··~':"~·~~~~I Cll'I" MAIL THIS AD .--..~ ~ -CaAIOll1Ms •IUdolrta problem is supervisioh. '' There was no one in the carpenter's sbop, and there appeared·to be no wood-work- ing tools. It looked unused. and was cluttered with old rusty combat helmets. The Army's "ground rules" for the stockade tour was a ban on talk.ing to prisoners or discussing t h e i r individual cases. "J think , we should have broken a few of the ground rules," an Army officer said. "\Ve should have been more car.did." * * * Mutiny Case Panel Seated FORD ORD '(UPll -A court-martial panel of two of· Basically, the guidelines urge local schools to include sex education as a "necessary part of our over-all educa- tional system" from kin- Ft. Ord Hit By NeivCllses FT. ORD (AP) -Three nel\' cases or meningoccal disease _ were reported Thursday al this Army training post. rais· ing the total·to 25 this year. Only six of the 25 developed into the more serious spinal meningitis. the Army said. Two of the victims died. The latest cases are Stephen B. Reynolds, 17, Canoga Park; Harry E. Alcorn, 2 0 , Bakersfield, and C a r I o s Casillas, 25, Santa ?\.1onica. The lower house passed on to the Senate Thursday a bill "'hich would suspend the dri\•er's licenses of ...teen-age m1>lorists and passengers con- \'icted of possessing marijuana or similar narcotics while in a c;ir. II also appro\'ed for con- sideration by the upper house a measure to permit persons convicted of po ssess ion between 1961 and 1968 to ask the courts to reduce it from a felony to a misdemeanor. It would apply only to persons initially paroled. Assemblyman Mike Cullen, (0-Long Beachf. said he hoped his bill to allow juvenile judges to order one-year license suspensions for 16-and 17-year-olds would deter teen- agers from using n1arijuana ~ "nothing is morel precious to kids in high school than their wheels." -CORRECTION- ficers and three ~rgea.{lt.S was 1 ,. _______ •~·~·~·~·~,,,~,u~'~"';;.;;ft~"~'~;m~~;';.,. ______ _ seated Thursday in the trial or 14 G( f>!.:iJOJ\frs chBr'ied )Vilh mutiny for j>articipatlpg in a sitdown strike at the San Francispo Presidio StocG:qe. The sergeants were ~ first enlisted .men to be seated'in a serie.s.oC fOJ.Jr separate courts mif'lial ia connection with the dernonStration by '1:1 inmates at the stoCkade last Octobe;r:. In three previous trials, at three different West Coest Army posts, officers. made up the courts martial p a n e I s. They convicted eiijht defen- ' J VOTE TUESDAY, APRIL 15 A VOTE for 'Hank' JONES IS A VOTE AGAINST SEX EDUCATION ELECT "Hook" JONES TO THE. Nawport·Mtsa Unified School District SCHOOL IOARD I Henry E. Jon., '.)(i Paster ~ dants and sentenced them to P'•W "' .., ""' c1t11•1 ,. E1«1 M111ry E. J-. 11:-r Mee.Ni., Qlfirlnln terms ranging from nine I"--------'~-•'•'•"•'"•"•'•~-··.'·.•.· -------..11:1 months to 16 years. 'Duty' Rul ed I In SJ<' Shooting SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -A white policeman who fatally shot an unarmed Negro youth acted "In the performance of l his duly," a coroner's jury says. And, the jury ruled Thurs- da y, the shooting of ti-year· old Alvert Joe Linthcome by patrolman Gerald Roberts last week was a "justifiable homicide." YES MAM We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP 12 llocb Net"t• •f fesM .. ~.,_.., 426 SOUTH MAIN ORANGE ACCURACY WITHIN A MINIJTE PER MOl'lTHI Butoom's Accutron is• new concept In watches. And they're as M~ •they are precise. Len to right:. Staln6erll case and band, $1 SO. Fourteen kant QOtd MedAc:cutronwtth calendar. $175 . Ouraxcfush-e design in 14 karatgokl.$475. •• SLAVICK'S JeMler1 S1~• 1917 II F11hiot1 ltl1nd N1wpctl l11 th -64.4-1 JIO 'rtvr Cn~rvc A(tlltlll Wti(Omt -fllnl<A..,...k trd. Mlll'tr Cllll'fll, Ill& 011111 /olOtll!Uty, Frld11 Y!'>lll t ):IO 11 m. .............. Mv-111••••1 ,., . Positive Voice ...... Newport-Mesa Unified School District School Board t\.ie1 Henry E. Jones * Knowledgeable *Dedicated -* Responsible Henry I. Jone• 'Hank' takes a stand on: CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES The School Board should retain full authority for approval of representatives to appear on campus to present their views on controversial issues. TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS A very •imple formula should be applied: Obtain the be•t Demand the l!IO•t Pay the highe•t CURRl.CULUM CONTROL The scholar should be challenged and the non- scholar should be trained for the world of busi- nen and labo r in a well-planned VOCATIONAL PROG,RAM . The need for more remedial readin g classes on the high school level reveals a weakness in the reading program at the elementary level. Im- mediate steps MU ST be taken to correct this weakness. TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL The School Board MUST provide daring leader- ship to insure that proper text books are made availab:e. All minority groups should be consider· ed when selecting supplemental material. SEX EDUCATION The School Board MUST •upply sane obiective leadership in the acceptance or rejection of a curriculum for sex e ducation. This includes care· fui consideration of ALL points of view. The sane· tity of individual conscience and religious eon· vi ctions must be respected! The following concerned citizens are just a few of those who have pleged their support to 1Hank1 Jones. Mr. & Mr1. l <>•d S. l. Freil•') Mr. I Mr1. P•rrv l•nd Mri . Mildr•d Fisher Mn. Wilhelmine R1dme11 Mr. & Mrs . Ow1n Ank111y Gl,dy1 l1udenb1r91r T1rry Temple Mr1. Daphne M. Muncy Mr1. L..on1 M. Town1•nd Mr. & Mro. Hud1on I . Saffell Or. & ,_, ... Dick Und1rwood Mr. & Mr1. Donald R. l11n Or. & Mn . Robert R. l111c1 Or. IM". Will i1m R. 1Cin9 Mr. I Mrt. Will i1m D. King Mr. l Mn. J. H. 51nd1r1 Mr. & Mr1. Jo11ph E. Thom11 Ch1rl11 M, l1ud1nb1 r91r Mrs . Emmi J. Ch1mlev Robert D. Ch1ml1y Mr. l Mri . F. G. l urlin9h1m An•i••n lu1k R1y M. Fi1ld1 l1mb1rf W. Rohn1r Gl1nn W. Croft Norm1n M1 n1 Rob1rl l. Wilu1n Mr. & Mr1. Al111 l. A11d111on R•v l1llm1n Riv. J1m11 B11in Gl1nn C. 1!11il1y Mr. & Mri. Rev R. McC1rdlt Ro91r 0 . W1ll1 Rich•rd L. Ov1r!y Jehn Smi th Ath1n1 Sim1ki1 S.m Cr1wferd Mr. & Mn. C. F. Col11worthy Mr. I Mrs. Clifford P1rkin1 Mr. & Mri. lilly Sti111 Mr. I Mri. G1er91 l1 U Mr, I Mn. Wi lier Rici Mr, I Mrs. How1rd P19e Mr, & Mn. Frid G11n111 Mr. I Mr1. A.G. C1rl11 Mr1, John R1wli111 Mr1. Fr1nklin H1w.in1 Mr. I M,., D, J. ll 1cifi Mr. I Mr1. R. E. lurn1 Dr. J11 Lipscomb 01nni1 P. Scholt G1or91 H. S1ttl1r, Jr. Mrs. C. Willi1m Wood Oerethy 0111111 Mr, I Mn. Ed l1nn1tl Mr. I Mrs. Woedrow Pitfm111 Mr. I Mrs. H1rh1rt lurnh1m D1l1 I M1r i111 St1rlin9 l1ot11n:I l f1y1 ICin9 Ern11t I J11111tt1 Ouiro1 Mr. & Mrs. Jim P1rl1r Bob I Dori1 B111d1ley Mr. I Mri. R111 D1vi1 G1r•ld E. Key L11 Thomp1011 Mr. I Mt-$, C. W. Ktrkp1lrick J1y l11 rd1l1y G10•91 llicki1 Mr. I Mr1. Sh1ld11'1 kirlp1!rick Mr. I Mrs, Har1ld M. l1nt1011 Mn. l1.,1rly H. Ritt1rr1th Mr. & Mt1.. Ted 111111111 Ward I Fl1r111c1 Gr1ml1t•ff * * ELECT Mr, & Mn. Philip Pik• Mr. & Mri. Miki Rv•n G1rv D. 81le1 Hein• W1111rm1nn Mto. l. R. M11ti n M11. E. A1ch Mn. Miry P1!1rien Victor S. Cl1v Mn. Ch1•l11 M. F1rq u1on Edilh & Gu1t1v1 Vel11 P•itor Andrew C. And1non Or. Wm. R. Ell1r Dr. J. C1lvin Ho l1in91r Ill Joyc1 M1rlin Mn. Poldi Si1ol 1k Mr1. Burton A. Wilcltr Mn. l1en1rd I. Hyllqn Mn. Rich1rd Mottler Mrs. C1lheun W. Sumr1ll Mri. F1y I. R1b1r Mr1. Ann1b1! S. Mont9em1ry Mr1. E. 0. 01nn1r Mr1. Wilbur J1dd•n Mn. Alan C. S!en1m111 Mt1. N11I V. P1rrv Col. & Mri. Wilti1m Je1111 Mr. I Mr1, Bob Du91" Mr1. John Hopwood Mr. & Mr1. R1lpti W1he11 M<. I Mt1. Tuclr R1bbitt Mrs. E..1rd11n J. Vin Sloet1n Mr1. Hetty I. B1rn11 M11. Shirl1y M. J1cqu11 Edward J. J1cqu11, Jr. Mr1. l1 rb1r1 W, Ad1m1 Mn. G<1t1 St1w1rl Mr1. 81rb••• Bunk1r Mn. Edilh Rind Mr, &: Mt1. Ed. H1nlo" Mr, & Mr1. Willi1m 8. Smilh Mr. & Mr1. l1011 f,,.,,;, Mrt. G1 ry 81!11 Mr. & Mrs. Rich11d Howl1ncl Mn. G1bri1tl1 R1mo1 Mri. M•r91r1t McF1rl111d Mn. Audr1y E99l11lo11 Mr. I Mrs. Marv in Gib1oft M•. I Mn. 0 . P1ff Mr1. IC1lhryn Ad1m1 Mn. 0011 1!1!1nin9 Jr. Mr. I Mrs. Ch•rl11 A. l11k Mr. I Mrs. Get11 l1Hi1leni Mr. I Mrt . Tom Gilmer Mr. I Mri. H1r1ry Ruth Mr. & Mrs. Du1111 G. Piper Mr, & Mrs. Reb1rt Howard Mr. I Mn. J. 8. S1und1r1011 Mr1. C1ih1rin1 H1rg rev1 Mr. & Mri, Rov S. Cr199 Mr. I Mn. Cl1ylo" B•l1embe Mr1, Don E, Rehfeldt Mr, I Mr1. Rona ld l1llin9er Mr, l Mri. Ro91r W, G1rr1tt Mr, I Mt1. Joh" D. Mitchell, Jr, Mr. I Mn . I. C. 0111111r Mr, I Mr1, loui1 M11t1 ,111 Mr. I Mn. John W. C1in Mrt. Joh11 A. Ceop1r Dr. l Mrs. Wm. S1 idil Mr, I Mrs. J. J. l"ne1 Mr. I Mr1. M. l. C•rrico Mn. l1 wr1nc1 A. P11t011 Dr, l Mr1. H. A. Tvr1ll N1t1 R11d1 * * 'HANK' JONES VOTE Tuesday, April 15 I HINRY •• ~~. JONES I x I DAILY '!LOT 9 < • Food Sramp Plan • Fund Switch Rapped • • ' ' Sought Ill County Sclwol Chief Calli Bill 'Strangulation' By JACK BROBACK 01 ... ~llr '"" ltllf SANTA ANA -A concerttd drive to activate a federal rood sUunp program in Orange County is under WB(I by a committee of the Com· rTiunity Action Council headed- by the Rev. William E. White. The Rev. White, associate minister of the F I r s t Presbyterian Church, Santa -Ana. told a meeting Thursday that he hoped to approach the Board of Supervisors on the food stamp program on ' April 22. Rev. White met with Gran- ville Peoples, county wellare director, Rex Castellaw of the county administrator's office, Ethel Kenyon, field represen- taUve for the State depart- ment of social weHare, and several others. · Rev. White pointed out there was no program in Orange County at thl!I time to provide food for d is advantaged persons. A. U.S. District Court judge Issued an order last Dec. 31 requiring all 58 Callf~rnia coWlties to prompUy activate either a food stamp or com- modity distribution program. Peoples said he bad been in· formed that only five counties in the state had not inquired on the program and that 17 counties were a c t u a 11 y participating in the program to date. Peoples said a r o u g h t!fl1imate is that it would cost the county about $75,000 to in- stitute the program for the first year and m or e thereafter. He guessed that there were about 4 0 , 0 0 0 persons in the county eligible for the program. The food stamp plan is a voluntary progra.in for low in· come families, either on or off welfare, which allows these MEETINGS F•IDAY ~r Viii• M•sonlc Lodoe. M•son!c Tomcilt, UOl 151!1 SI., N-rl v 8J1'~ 7:~f.m.ll)6, A111trlc•n lftl!I Hill, 5'$ W. lt!h St., COi.ii Meil, N t~.m. Arn•lfllr lltdlo S.Cl•lv, ~Krt•llon &tf·k 171• 81lbol &lvd~ u.';!:n' 1:"&.nc1i:. 02:m-H111. \Jnivtnfrv ol C.lllonll•. lrYln•" 7;JO o?i:-. CO.it Rv.111 Arch MtWll Na. 156. Hunt!natan 1•teh M1sonlc Twno!t._ l•kt 1oid Pl m, H11ntlnalon &t1ch, 1;» 11.rn. S1t11r•1v Chrl1t11n Bu1l11eu men'1 Commll!ee, 81!boll 81v Cl11b, New00<t Beach, 1;:111 1.rn. families lo !MU' food Mmll" at • d!ICount llld thus -llleir purchuing ponr. An example WU J.I""' A family of flve •itb • montbly Income W<lllld pay '11 but would received •1111 worllo ol coupons. ' The stamps are used In local food stores lo buy food at regular retail prices. Eligibility ol non-wellare familiei'ii determined. by an adjusted net Income formula whlch is the net income of all members <ll a household minus ha.rdshl.p deductions which can include excess ren-- tal cost, monUtly medical ex· pense, etc. Proponents of the program list as advanlAges a more ade- quate diet to boost.bolds with limited inComea, more sales of agricultural products, and in- creased retail food sales. Mrs. Kenyon said the U.S. "' Department oI Agriculture felt' lhe food stamp program gets more actual aJd to peQple at Purr-feet Specin1e11 less cost. An advantage, she This pussycat answers to the fonnal title of 0 Lochinvars Donagal," and will be said, was that people who are among more than 200 felines at the cat show scheduled Saturday and Sunday in the low income bracket use from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. stamps instead of going 00-------------------------------- wellare. Peoples said the g a p between county acUon on the program and actual operation would be at leut six months. He also noted that the pro- gram was not included in the tentative budget for h i s department for the 196!>-70 fiscaJ year. Anaheim Chooses Mayor ANAHEIM -Freshman councilman Ralph B. Clark bas been elected mayor of Historieal Documents Due in County Airport Orange Coun ty's largest city, bypassing the o u t g o i n g mayor's choice for the post . Clark . 52, a service station owner, wa s chosen over Coun~ cilman Jack Dutton, a longtime council member who has never served as mayor. Former Mayor Carl Pebley nominated Clark: for the posl Tuesday night. bul Cla rk, who was supported by two other councilmen, was elected on a 3--0 vote with Dutton and Pebley abstaining. Every council member hu served as mayor but Dutton, who wu elected In April, 1962. Three years ago . the council adopted ·a policy declaring the offi ce of mayor would be pass- ed to all councilmen. SANTA ANA -A Freedom Shrine display or 28 historical United States documents will be installed In the Orange County Airport t erm in a 1 building. Acceptance of the offer to lnstaU the display was made by the Board of Supervisors Wednesday. The Newport Harbor E1.change Club is dooating the historical documents including the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, the U . S . C o n stitution, Washington's Farewell Address, the Monroe Doctrine, the GettySburg Ad· dress and the Emancipation Proclamation. Give yourself a brake ••• Rep. Tunney Slates Talk On Far East ANAHEIM -Rep. John V. Tunney (0.Callf.) wlll speak on America's policy in Far Eastern aHaira at a Monday noon meeting of the Orange County Forum of Town Hall in the Garden Grove Room of the Anaheim Convention Center. "Present vs. Future U.S. The service club plans to hold dedication c!remonies on Thursday, April 17 e.t noon. COMPLETE· BRAKE RELINE . ~G ~"' $ 95 American ~rs -.----· ...... -..................... ' ., .... ..., .. , ...... ..,,.._, ....... ...... 1p11'1M'1,.._ .. .._,.._.._,_. w ••• ...,.. ....... 611 7 .... .... ..-r•1•s•m .-. ... ...-...... .. ................................. -~.......,.,...,.._ .... ..,. --· Ult! GIENllW.'S CONVINll!NT All'fO.CIWIGE PLAN · DEATH NOTICES Policy in Asia -More Viet- nams?" will be the topic of Tunney, who recenUy returned from his sect1nd trip to Asia in the past six months. Freedom Shrines donated by the club are now on display in local hlgh schools, junior high sc h oo l s , the county courthouse, city halls and other pro~ent locations. ~ , .. KERN ••e I. Kdln ...... ''·of 256 a E. 1fttl sr .• Cotti Mew. $~rYlvld by hus- band, cr..rleu two .-, Merle •rid 11.wutll Kehn1 live Glvehi.n, June Lowl!, JN-H..,,_, $h!r~y Hlf"k· nest. Loil Cale Incl C1rol Allllrewsi tour bro!~. llw 1l1teru nlrwtHfl 1r..-.ddolldrtn and flw 1rMl..,r1....tdli .. 11 ........ Sfl-1~ wlll t119 Mid MOr11111y, 10:l0 AM, Finl Me'lhodllt Cllllrdl, '""' Mns, wttri Rev. Richard Dunlap offk:Lltl111. Directed by 11111 arwctw1r MorN1rv. 110 arOllll'Mlr, COii• Mesa. mCKORY Dorothy L HIUorv. A .. st. of 9Dt PK.In $1., Huntlnt1ton -..ell. Diii ol dt!!ill, APr11 f. Survftlld by <11111111111rs, ~ Dlion, J•n!tt Gn111l11ttr tnd Nin~ J t rYli 1t"n"l'll111t11!f, Gr.ct Good- m1n1 tour brolhtrl, 111,.,, DwoM, Nar- rn1n Ind Al1n Maot•i sltllf, Mrt. Mut· lel Rtnfro1 1nd 11-.. 1r1nOclllldrtn. IMmorltl 11rYlce1. todlY, l'rldlY, l P'M, sm11~· cti.~I. l'ln11 rnllM Dl•W wtll tll9 In l'or .. t Hlll ,..,.,.ry, 0..... M'tl, Mlnnnol1. F1mlly 1UVV.:tlt friends w11o wllll to rnakt nmnor111 c:anlrlbutlOf!t, plffll contribute lo Ille Am@rleln c1nctr Society. Smltlll Ntor- tvuy, OlrKlan. ARBUCKLE i WEUIH W e1t.cllif MlfUlary 411 E. 11111 St., Cotta Mesa -llAL'l'Z MORTUAllIES Coreu del Mar OR S.Mlt Co1ta -Me lli Ml I-UM BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Co1t:1 Melli IJ l-3GS DILDAY BROTHERS Bunttaiioa Valley Mori...,. 11911 Beacll Blvd. Huntington Btacb 14S.'l'Tll PACIFIC VIEW "IEMORIAL PA!llt Cemetery e Morta111 t"apel Ull Pacific Vltw Drive Newport lleacb, Clllfonla 144-1111 PEEi[ FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL SOME 18h 8oba Ave. "·--- SMITll'S MORTUARY mMaloSL R .. llagton Btacll I.Ea.am He is an active member of the House Comnllttee on Foreitn Affairs, serving on its subcommittees ror Asian and Pacific Affairs, F o r e i g n Economic Policy, and Africa. He also is a member of lhe Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and has been working with it 1 sub- committees on Indian Affairs, Public Lands, and lrri&ation and Reclamation. Tunney was elected to the House of Representatives in November, 1964, and re- elected in 1966 and 1968. He has traveled at his own ex· pense in over 50 countries, in- cluding Vietnam, on study missions. Marriages BOAT BUFFS Al1111r1 lee••".., h tfie e11l7 f•ll • ti1111 "••th19 ..ia., wor•l119 •" •llT ,.,.,.,.,,, 1111 Ot-•11191 C11rtty. Hit 1 .. c.h1ti•• ,.,..,,,,, ef "''"' 1119 111d 71chtf119 ,...,. It • clolly f11hir1 1f th1 DAILY •ILOT. Laguna Teacher Presents Paper ORANGE -Mrs. Edith M. Schwartz of Laguna-Beach, an assistant professor of speech and drama at Chapman College, presented a paper on "Problem11 th Clinical Training of Speech and Hearing Person- nel" at the 17th annual con- ferenct of the Callfomia Speech and Hearing Associa· ti.on, held in San Francisco la1t week. Mrs. Schwartz directs the college's Speech and Hearing Clinic. She b a member of the California American Speech and H e a r i n g Associations, Council for E1.ceptional Children, and the National Education Association. , ... h llfk.ll .uv«t--• llTAIN LLOYD l BLAHPIED, JR. A.Pl.IL 1.S..1Nf PIO¥lll An.ITT AND INTDIST IN SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY LI.,. L I LANPllD, J•18xl lnturnltent COM'"lttw fw Lley4 I . 11.npt_., Jr. hr Schoel 1Mr4 Huth L Mrnatt, Chairman 2'71 MIM•naa Dr .. CM. --~~-------·- r' NEW! the fiberglass belted General GTW • General's long·mlleage high-performance hlgmnr tlte • Fiberglass hrln·bell ulld•r the • Two tu/I Nygen " cord plies • Sleek lhre1Hlng whlfew•ll ·G~netala parented-proc-.a "1fon c«d ' A SAFETY BELT ON WHEl!L$ Front End Alignment Our IPldtllllb: ccmct CHIOr, CMtblr, ~I\ !OHi.it. ln'll'(t _. ldjusl 1110tlf'C. • Brake Adjustment Our liflld9Mm .cl.Mt ---~br-llriinp, dr\llM ll'ICI t1'~ Adll Q~lty h)'dtwllc fluld if~ Wfleef I Balance Our~..::-"-...t:: I ..... I~- 3-WAY 'VALUE Don't let mechanical pro blems rob you of SAVEi costly tire mileage! • ~ , fNtvrlng the pro~•n l \ l rodlel for wt and . Gry weather-. Continental laP14 Radia1 'lb1e Your Pickl USED TIRES 600xl3 -6SO.U TIRE CHAINS PHONE ________ ... 646-5033 CCllPUTE w WE Don Swedlund Since 1959 Hours: 7:30 to t:OO Dolly 54o-5710 . ~. I • -.. ---• Je GAILY PILOT Fr~. Aprll 11, 1'169 FINGERTIP LINGTH MINK COATS 688.00 Fabulous buys on these luxury s.tylings. Natural Azurene•, Tourmaline •, pasfel and bleached white in the selection. Oyster wh ite dyed beaver coats, natural mink trim .................... 511.00 Natural mink capes and sloles .. 318.00 3-row natural blue fox capes . , .. 71.00 "TM lmbl Ml,_ I~' ....... J'\lf orlllhotll i.ti1tM t. ihow COUl\l•w .t vict.ft M l<Tmorl't<I NrL REGENCY ROOM DESIGNER FASHIONS Ori• $46-$176 29.99-89.99 Designer name fashions reduced from our own stock ... dresses ind costumes. WINDSOR MISSES' DRESSES $36-$66 Spring knits, famovs )f.tf.Jt.tt name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $26-$44 Polyester knit dresses ...... 17.99 $30-$60 Dresses, assorted .. SAVE 1/3-1 /2 MISSES' COATS Suede jackets, zip out linlng ..... 39.99 Suede c:>ats, nalural mink collar ... U .00 Lightweight spring coals ........ 29.99 Cashmere coals, misses' ......... 49.99 Cashmere coals, natur.-il mink collar 69.99 MISSES' SUITS Suit group, spring lightwe igh1s .... 19.99 Pant suits. nubby rayon ........•. 29.99 Wool knit suits, imported ........ 39.99 WINDSOR WOMEN'S DRESSES $26-$40 Summer dress group, misses, half sizes ................ 15.99-19.99 BUDGET DRESSES ...... Miracle Fabric dresses •.....••.. , .11 .99 Bonded acetat e jersey prints •••••• , 11 .H $33-$46 Double knit wools .....•... 19.99 DAYTIME DRESSES $23-$28 Dresses. famous maker for B'tween and misses' petite sizes . , ........ 1,,99 $11-$20 Boutiq ue cottons ........... 5.99 JUNIOR WORLD DRESSES S17·$28.0resses, ir. pefile .... 10.99·19.99 MATERNITY SHOP Capris, shorts, tops, 8-16 ,, ...... 1.99-S.99 Maternity dresses , ••...•..•....... 9.99 MILLINERY STJ.$18 Fashion mi llinery ........ , .1.99 $20-$30 Great designer label hats .. 12.00 HAT BOX $7-$11 Straws, spring colors .... 5.99-6.99 HAIR BOUTIQUES 24.95 Dyne~ modacrylic curly stretch wig ........• _. ........ 15.tt 14.99 Dynel~ modacrylic urousel.fall 11.tt Human hair side part stretch wig ... 3'.00 MISSES' SPORTSWEAR DRESSES S23-S33 Polyester kn it dresses ..... 16.tt $I 7·$28 Summer dresses, easy care. 11 .99 MISSES-SPORTSWEAR PANTS AND PANT TOPS R., •• $9-$1 5 4.99-8.99 From e famou s maker . Colerful print tcps and solid washable pants in miss.es' sim. $11-$18 Pants, famous mak•rs ··-7.H Coordinates, polyester knils .... 5.99-12.tt S7·$13 Shirts, famous maker .... 3.99-4.9' S12 Catalina khits ............ 6.99·14.99 S13 Cardigan s, lacy-look .......... 9.ff $17 Sleeveless sweater vests ••..... 8.99 JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR $11-$19 Catalina Jr. knit separates .................. 7 .... 11.99 ~11.$15 Blou"'· 5-13 .......... S.99-9.n .... -. . . . . . . HI-DEB SHO, $13-$15 Bra dre!>Ses, 5-13 .......... 8.99 llOUSES AND SHIRTS S6-$17 Famous lady shirrs .... 3.99-6.ff $7-$1.t Blouse group ....... 3-99-4.99-6.99 STREET FLOOR BUDGIT SPORTSWEAR S12 Acrylic cardigans, washable .... a.tt $6-$10 Separat1s, cotton knits .. 3.5t.S.tt SB Pants, double knit acrylic ...•.... 5.9' ACCESSORIES S6 Shells, assorted, acryl ics ..•••... 3." S6 lace mantillas, imported •.•.... 2.H .$2-$4 Print se11fs •••...•..... ttc-1." HOSllRY BEL·AIR PANTY STOCKINGS RPI· l.50 3.00; 2/5. 90 Agilon nylon bikini stieer demi-toe searn- lm. f1Ylion shtdes, proportiont'CI fit. l.6S ael-Air Cantr·tctS 11 nylon ttocldngs ..•.•... 1.29, 3/3.75; 1/7.U • I 5.9S ShHt support pinty stockings .S.lS $4 Cantrece• II nylon lace bikini panty stockings ......... 3.30; 2/6.50 l.35 Sheer seamless stockings l.09: 3/3.151 4.95 Sheer seamless support • 6/1.00 stockings .. , , ............ 3.69; 2/7.2S COSTUME JEWELRY DESli;tl'l_JEWELRY OrlK· $%..$15 99c-7.49 Necklaces, pins, ea rrings and bracelets for casual and late day wear. · $2-$3 Enamelled pins and earrings .•. 99c $2-$6 Earring bonanza, 111 types '9c·2.99 HANDBAGS $7-$11 Handb.-ig group ............. 3.99 Sl2·$1 4 Whites and patents ......... 6.99 Slft..$20 Handbags, casual and dressy 9.H GIOVIS 8.50-$12 Designer leather gloves •... 6.99 3.5().$5 Gloves, cotton or nylon •... 2.59 $3-3.50 Cotton gloves ......... , .. 1.99 PERSONAL LEA THElt GOODS SJ.7.50 Purse accessories ••.... 1.69-3.99 $3-$4 Fashion bells ....•. , ... 1.99-2.99 COSMmcs $3-$4 Sunglasses, fa mous name .. 1.99-2.99 S4 Glamour-Lash eyelashes, 6 .styles .. 1.99 $2-$6 Holmespr•y atomizers .... 99c·2.99 STREET FLOOR UNGIRIE S.t-$6 Sleepwear, permanent press 2.99-3.tt S4-$22 Lingerie, brand name .... 2.79·14.9t $6 Slips, nylon panel style ......... 3.99 • $2 Petliculottes, pr int or $Clid •. , .. , 1.69 CANDY 2.40 Almond Roca, foil wrapped Ht. 1.4t $1 Swedish gum fruit candy •.•... lb. 79c 2.50 Bavarian mints ....••.•.•... lb.119 80c Butter toffee peanuts, 1 lb. bag ............... 69<; 2/1.lt 1.95 Fresh colossal cashews .... lb. 1.59 FASHION SHOES DRESS SHOES $Jlf.J!J .. ., .. , '12.99 Mid, high and low heels in many colors and styles. .f~rri J:!:.' Joyce, foot Flair; Tr~ ind 522-$30 F1shion foolwear .. , • , • , ••. 16.99 CA$UAL SHOIS $17-$21 l ittl• l1MI 1.hoes 10.ff·ll.H $14-$ra, Casiials, ltalici~ 1nd Sbicc1 .. 9.99 S9-$12 Sportivo Modi sandals .. , .. 6.99 S 13 Musketeer flat for spring .•..... I. 99 BUDGET FASHION SHOES $8-$1 1 Flats, sand•ls, little heels ••. 3.H $12-$14 Dress shoes, Front Row •.••• 7.99 ~HllJ!!IEN'S SHOES $4-4.SO S.ndal1, f1mou1 m•k1r •... 2.H 510.512 Dress shoes ........ : .. 6.f9.7.ff $12-$14 Boys' wing-tip oxfords 7.H-8.99 ROllS, LOUNGEWEAI Short lounge coat, no-iron .......... 6.99 Culottes, 1hort1 , prints __:...._ 6.tt INfANTS' WEAi 4.50 Sunsuits end bubbles •.......••. 2.99 2.75 Crawlers, cotton seersucker ••. 1.t9 $3 Stretch creepers ... , • , •••••••.. 2.49 ,.50 Dre1Ses, 9,12-18 mo. . .••••••. 2.99 3.50 Diaper sets, boy or girl ..•••.. 2.49 ;.50 Crffpers, I & 2 pc. . ......... 2.99 4.50 Playwear: 2 pc., boy or girl •.•. 2.9'' $2 Polo shirts, cotton knit •....••• 99t 3.75 Curity gauze diapers· •.••.•••.• 2.t9 INFANTS' FURNllURI $27 Peterson stroller, deluxe, blue 20.99 $15 Pet"'50n car wt, blue, black .. 11.99 $13 Royol "''bed, blue .....•.... :. 9.99 $29 Port-A.Crib, natural, with pad 23.99 GIRLS' DRESSES $6-$7 Pant dresses, 4-6x, 7·12 4:4t-S.C9 S6-$9 Dress group, J.6x. 7-14 . 3.99·5.99 "Ascot" dress, print, sleeveless, 7-12 .. S.99 $6>$7 Scooter sets, •.i.x •. 7.12 .. 4.49.S.49 GIRLS' SPOmWEAR ' 3.50-$7 Tops, shorts, pants .•... 1.99-4.99 JR. HIGH SHOP 4'.50 Jamaica shorts, prints, 6-14 .... 3.49 4.50-$7 Tie-front crop tops, pants 3.4t-5.4t $9-$13 Swimwear gro up, 8·14 ...•.. 5.99 3.50 Striptd•tank tops ...........• 2.4t GIRLS' UNGllll The Broadway's' Young Crowd, 4·14, 69c-$1 Panties ................ 59c-ltc 1.50-$2 _Pettipants ._ .• 0.1...· !.'. ••• 1.9!-1:19 PAIRICS SS.$10 Double knits , .. , .•.•.•.. r4. S.St $4 Polyester crepe .......... , ... ycl. 2.H 1.50-$2 Dotttd Swiss ind ltno, Dacronti po}yester /cotfon .. , ..... yd. ttc 1.29-$2 Sportweight cotton prifllS y4. 79c 1,80 linen weave in rayon/collon ycl. 1.29 • ' 1.70 Worsltd w..ve riyon/1cel1l1 y4..1.29 $2 Toxlurld reyon/silk ....•••. y4. 1.29 1.5042 W1shablt r1yon printSr '2" wide .................... 14-nc TODDlB GIRLS' WEAR .... S0-5.SO Playwear sets, 2..4 ..... , , .2.H MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S FASHION SHIRTS "~·· i.SO 4.59: 2/9.00 Permanent press shirt wirh 2 button, cuff, spread collar. 65% Dacron9 poly- esterf 35% cotton in fashion colors or blue, grass, raspberry, brown or green. $5 Dress shirts, perm. press, ss 2.t9; 3/1.IS $5-$10 Wallets, secretaries, etc. .. 2.ff.5.99 7.50-12.50 Cuff link sets, famous name 2.99 2.50-$5 Tie tacs, famous names ..... 9'c 2.50.$3 Ties ............... 1.39; 2/2.lO 3.50.$4 Ties, ......... 1.7'; 3/5.00 S3 H.-indkerchiefs, cotton ....... 13/1.9' $4-$10 Leether belts, designer styles 1.99 $.t Pajamas, short sleeYe, knee length ... , .............•. 2.9t 1.50 Tee shirts and b~iefs, cotton ... 9tc; 3/2.75 $11-$13 Pajamas, nylo~ tricot •.... 6.tt $1-$2 Hose, famous desrgner .... , .... 79t $6 Pajarn.-is, summer styles, no iron 4.lt $5-$6 Night shirt~, famous designer • , 1." 54-$5 Suil!mer pa1arnas •.•... 3.59; 2/7.00 $5-$7 Paiamas, cot. ·broaddoth ..•..• 4.39 $15-$20 Luxury ~jemas, famous designer ............... S.9t $1 Athletic shirts, Swiss ribbed ... 3/2.00 1 • .50 Shor ls, cot. broadcloth 1.50; 3/3.SO MIN'S SPORTSWEAR $6-$8 Sport shirts, famous maker, ss 3.99 $4-$5 Knit shirts, mock turtles ..... 2.tt $6 Walk shorls, belt loops, assorted .3.99 SS Knit shirts, 1cetate, mock turtles . 5.9t $5-$7 Swim trunks, assorted styles .3.99 UNIVDSITY SHOP .$7-SIO Slacks, perm. press, all types .................. 3.99-C.99 $6-.$1 1 Knit shirts, assorted .•••. 3.99-6.99 $6-$7 Swim trunks, surfers • , .2.99-3.H $5.$7 Walk shorts, no-iron ........ 3.99 514-$20 Lighiw.ighl sw01ters .9.99·11 .n Coordinating tnit shirts ............ 6.tt IOYS' CLontlNG $5-$7 Casutl pant~ ISSOrted •... 2.99-3.tt Jr. & prtp suits .... , ....... 15.ft.19.H Jr. & Prep sport coats .... 13.ft.17.99 No-iron ieans, famous maker ....••. 2.9t IOYS' FURNISHINGS 3.50 Knit shirts, hi-crew, ss ....•••. 1.99 3.50-$4 Swim trun k!, 111 types ..••••. 2.29 54.,.so Walk shorts, mony slyles •.. 2.n 3.50 Short leg pej1mas .. , ... 2.St; 2/5.00 S«.50 Sumf1!er pajamas, long ~ , •. 2.9' 79c Bulky stretch hose r· •••.. -· .... 59c MEN'S SHOES S21 English Welker oxfords ...... 13.ff $25 British Bootmaker shoes, brogues 16.99 BEAUTY SALON Duart permanents at half price. Includes shampoo, cut, set, permanent. $20 Salon, n:iw $10. Reg. $25, now· 12.50. $30 Studio, now $15. Reg, $3S, now 17.50. $1S Wiglet of human hair •.......•••...•.• , .5.9t FOUNDATIONS M1idtnform 'SWHI Nothlng4 IRA Ori•· •4 99c A gossamer sheer, low cut all nylon n•t bra for the ·nude look. 32-36. A-S.C. 4'.50 Peter P•n contour cup br1, · Hidden Treasur1 .......•....... 2.99 $5 Youlhcraft nylon crepe tricot br1 .. 2.St 4.50 flexees nylon tricot br1 •••..•• 2.9t 4.50 Jantzen nylon lace bra, stretch straps ...........••..•.. 2.tf $9 Youthcraft girdle, firm ......... 5.99 $8-$9 Famous make panty girdle, 2 lenglhs ............•..... 4.f9.5.4t $8 Flexees panty girdle, panels ..•... S.9t SLEE¥EAR UNGIRIE .$6-$15 Sleepwear, famous name l .H -7.ff DA YWEAR UNGER II Panty group, 111 types .. 6tc {6/4.00) t. tk • Panly gin!le, long leg, lighlwelght .•. 1.n $4-$8 Petticoa t group , .... 2.tt..s.9M.9t Fancy briefs, femous mike •.•.. l.lt-1.lt MEN'S CLOTHING 2·TROUSER SUITS ltq. $l!S 99.00 Smooth 90% "NOOI worsted, 10% silk or 100~ wool worsted in • fashionable 2· button styling. • .. !~ . ANNIVERSARY SALE. $100 "Cenlure• 'troplcll 2·1rOllSt' suits ...•• , ...•.••••••••••••• 14.tt $85-$100 F1mous moker suil ~roup .74.tt MIN'S SPORT CIOTHING $55.$60 Sport cools •••••...• 44.tM9.n $23 Dreu slacks. lop quo lily 17.'9; 1/1.1.00 $15 Slicks .............. 12.tt; 2/25.00 $20-$22 Kimono robes ••..•••••••• 1U9 YOUNG MIN'S CLOTHING $110 Wardrober suit, coat and 3 ~ slacks ....................... 11.00 RICORDS Reg. 3.99 best selling stereo albums 2.97 Stereo al~ums by top artists .. Sp.clll 1.29 1.98 60-minute blank cassette tape ···"' 4.98 ten best-se lling diamond needles 2.t7 TOYS Reg . .t9.99 Super strong 6-leg gym set 44.99 Reg . .t5.99 deluxe steel playhouse •.. 25.99· 16.99 Gym Dandy space rocket .•..• 13.99 7.99 3' children's redwood picnic table ............•.•.... 5.99 1.t.99 Walkie Talkies, 4 trans •.• , •.. 11.tt 49.99 Magnus electric organ ....•.. 39.99 3.89 Tonka trucks, selected items .... 2.U MAJOR APPUANCES Two-Door FRIGIDAIRE 14.6 cu. It. S•i:• JO.DO 249.88 Deluxe. White, coppertone, 1vocado. G.E. 2-SPEED AUTO. WASHER s... l(}JJO 199.88 Mini::basket. Cycles for 111 fabrics. G.E. 2-door refriger1tor-free1er, S!Ve $40 ...............•. , .. 279.U Save 20.00 Frigidaire deluxe 2-speed washer ..........••.. 199.U Save 15.00 Maytag washer .••••••. 214.U Save 20.00 O'Keefe & Merr it t dooble oven gas r1nge •••.•••.. J79.&a HOUSEWARES OSTER 4-SPEED BLINDER R•I· 25.99 18.99 " Reg. 34.95 Contess.-i telephone ..... 28.99 Reg. 21.98 Water Pik® Oral Hygiene Appliance ..............••.••.. 16.99 131 .95 meialcraft dining set •••.•. 99.99 1~?9-~•I. !vocodo fry pan •••.•. 19.99 Oneid1 St1inless StHI Flltwart ,,9,95 .... ~. 6!-~. 29.99 Set of 7-pc. place settings plus six mosl wanted serving pieces. Forged hollow handle knives. 10.98 fondue dish in bright colors .... 7.99 Open stock value 40.30. Ekco Flint 7-pc. stainless cookware ........••.. 24.99 13.00 value vanity swivel chli r •••••. 9.99 4'.15 value 3-pc. stainless bowls ....•. 3.39 24.95 Flint buffet server, 6-pc. cutlery 13.99 GWSWARE Reg. 20.00 hand cut lead crys1al decanters ..............•••. , . 11.91 Executive tumbler set, special ••. , • , 7.99 CHINA Milt1Tttich Bn1ri1n Chin• ltlll' 75.00, Sl-~. Ml for I 39.99 Baroque shaped translucent china with large 101h" dinner plates. 8.00 5-pc. place settings ........ 3.99 12.5.00 95-pc. sets for 12 ...... 99.99 Reg. 65.00, 65-pc. set for 12, Imported translucent china .............. 39.99 6.00 Exclusive imported fine china, S.pc. place seltings , ...••.••.... 2.9t GIFTS Slainless Steel fondue set •...... , .. t .9t 20.00 wine dispenser ....•••.••••. 10.9t 30.00 decorator trees ••..•.. , , .. 19.99 TRMSIONS, RADIOS RCA or ZENITH Port1ble Color TV s ... :o.oo 369.95 18" di1. measuremenl, 180 sq. in. pie· ture, 90 dey carry-in service, 2 yr. tube warranty. Savt 30.00. RCA 295 sq. in. color TV console .....•......... 49t.t5 Save 20.00 RCA or Zenith 18H diag. portable TV and e1rt ..•........ 139.95 Save 20.00. RCA, Zenith portable color TV ......•••.... 270.00 Save 20.00. Lloyd >.>MM sterlO rldio 7'.9S UOADLOOM, AREA RUGS Sin 23% ""Extra lluvy ZEFKROM~ ACRYLIC IROADlOOM "••· 10.35 ... "rL .... 7.99 70" Z1fkrome9 acrylic, 301' mocllcrtl- lc pilt hi lo rendonl lheortd in solids ond'-<!~ '11· SllVDWARI Reg. 460.00 Wallace sterlino for 8, 32 pc. ....................... 271.00 Walltce "Waverly" quality silverplate• JI.pc. Tta ind coffee set, reg. 225.00 140.00 Serving tray to match, reg. 71.50 ... 47.00 69.95. 1881 Rogers silverplate "Enchant· menl" SO.pc. service for 8 ••••... 34.97 CURTAINS, DIAPIRIES SIYt 20%, "Roy1I Vic" Dr1ptrits Best selling rayon antique $-iltin in 430 size and color combinationsr 7 .50 48x4S" pr. 5.H to floor to ceiling, wall to wall size J92x95, 53.99. Also, cafes, valances and bedspreads. Save 10%·20% Sheer Fortrel polyester nioon panels ............ e1. 2.79-4.89 "Musicale" perrn.-i press solid color Dutch curtains, 66x.24" ............ , .. 4.29 SPORTING GOODS 42.30 val. Samsonite 5-pc. folding fumilure ....................• 29.99 38.00 val. Table Tennis table ....... 29.99 72.00 value Spalding Tee·Fl ite golf set 54.99 24.99 Arnold Palmer golf cart ...... 19.99 11.00 doz. Bruce Devlin golf bal!s dz. 7.99 7.00 doz. Eagle golf balls ....... dz. S.99 SAVINGS ON BICYCLES 20" Panther sport bike, three colors, boys or girls .....•........... 32.99 59.99 Hercules 10 speed racing bike, boys .....•..•.... 49.ff 26.95 Oversize 5-lb. Dacron~ po:yester sleeping bag, cotton cover 19.99 l.t.95 Washable 2-lb. Oacrontl polvfill sleeping bag cotton cover ... 9.99 NOTIONS Reg. 7 .00 lerry robe . , ............. 4. 99 Malching angel thread ............. 1.79 2.50-3.00 Tufted cotton corduroy cushions ............. , •.... 1.99-2.39 Soft side luggage ...••••. , •... 2.99-C.95 PICTURES 25 00.30.00 Framed picture_s ....... 19.99 ~10-$30 val. Mexic•n wrought iron icon•' .................... 5.99-19.99 18.00, 1h" plate glass door mirror, 16x68" with cl ips to hang ...... 14.99 35.00-150.00 European oil paintings, framed. sizes l 6x20" to 24x48" •t 20% $aVlngs , .... , , .27.99·119.99 --· .----- GOUIMn- fUlL OUAIT FOi PRICE OF FIFTH Reg. 5.99 Jim Blaney bourbon ....... 4.99 Reg. 7 . .t9. Royal Ransomme SCOtch ... 5.99 Reg. ~.79. Karenina Vodka ......... 3.89 Reg. 5.19. Vickers London Dry Gin •. 4.19 SHEETS, BEDDINGS . "MEADOW FLOWER" SHEETS T.win 2/ 6 OOF~ll Fit • Fit 2/7.00 DOWN PILLOWS Standard Queen King 9.99 13.99 17.99 STATIONERY ROYAL MERCURY TYPEWRITER Re1. 49.99 39.99 Less acceptable trade-in 10.00: ... YOU PAY 29.99 TrtOl-1" """"' bl l,l.S <nak1 Ir! _.kir,. <Clftdltion u111f•r JD vear1 •kl wall (ll•t. Reg. 1.00-3.00 Boxed Stationery SAVE l /2 Reg. 3.00. Nile lights ........... 2.39 LINENS FAMOUS NAME BATH TOWELS R~1. 5.50, i/ ~r/m 2.99 Selected seconds of thick, luxuriou! towe ls. Stock up now. 3.50 iacquard bath towtls •........ 1.99 2.50 print lowe!s ..........•..... l.69 CAMERAS Reg. $3-$6 Imported sungla sses .. 2.59 ''· 27.99 val. Sunbeam cordless shaver .. 11.99 Reg. 12.50-20.00. Springfield weather stations ...... , 6.99-13.99 1.59 Syivenia M3 bulbs or flash cubes 1.1 S CENTURA BINOCULAR SPECIAlS 59.99. 7x50 WA No. 631 ...... 29.99 27.99. 7x35 10· mA No. 600 ..... 19.99 10.00. •x30 Opera No. 102 •........ 7.99 FURNllURI Reg. 3.t9.95 Qui lled sofa in 7', 8' or 9' lengrh .... 219.95 Reg . 109.95-1 •9.9.S. Med ite rr1riean tablts reduced ....... 19.00-129.00 119.95 Baker's rack in antiq ue omn finished wrought iron. With glass shelves ........... H.95 129.9S Medilerranean recliner in bl1ck or grten vinyl ......... 99.95 SHOP 9:30 A.M. TO 9:30 P.M. SATURDAY ANAHEIM NEWPORT • HUNTINGTON BEACH SJS.llll '47 Fa•hion 11l1nd 7777 Edinger Ave. 192.lJl 1 .• ' South Coast Garden Club has chosen the first day of May for a salad luncheon and card party to raise funds for epnservation and beautification projects. Fi.ower lovers anticipating a bright day for the spring· benefit are (left to right) the Mmes. George Raw· lins, president; Mrs. \Villiam S. Phitip, who will host the eve~t in Seeking Solutions AAUW Studies ... Drug Epidemic "The Drug Epidemic -What Can Be Done? The Huntington Beach Branch, American Asso- ciation of University Women, hope to answer the question for members when they meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, in the Mercury Savings and Loan building. Results of a study by AAUW members, directed by Mrs. Michael Roach, will be presented. Mrs. Roach is chairman of a study group concerned ·with changing values in our society. Richard McGrath, chairman of the Police Science Department and coordinator oi Joint Nar- cotics Curriculum Committee for Elementary Nar- cotics Education. Cerritos College, will provide background information and identify different drugs with samples. He will discuss the intended purposes of the drugs and how their use is being abused, and will conclude his presentation by describing symptoms of people under the influence of drugs. The Teen Challenge Group of Anaheim will re- veal individual experiences while using drugs, and will describe their Christian approach in overcom- ing drug use. The group was founded by David Wilk .. e'rson, autlior of "'Fbe <::ross and Uie Switchblade." ,. her Three' Arch Bay bmle, and M11i Jean Atkinson. Mrs. George Cunningham· is chairman of the 12:311 p.m. event. Tickets, at $2, !ru!Y be obtained by calling Mrs. Dora Hills, 4119-1150 or Mrs. Robb Scott, 499-1220. A serying tray, designed by Mrs. Paul Kepler, will be awarded. Spring Swap Meet.~Brii.gs . 0 .ut ' Bookworms JOOIAN HASTINGS, -1 "*t• -.,. n. ,,. t •• 11 The Laguna Line Play, Baseball Earn Support BY JEAN rox .. -. ............. A SPF.CIAL Premiere Nigh~ morklng !he opening night ol South Cout Choral and Uj)lt Opera AmoclaUon's presentation d "South Pa- cific" attracted about 150 people. Sponsol'ed by the usocia- lion's new Mwlc Theater Guild, the evening began with ihe mwlcal and closed with dancl!li and • buffet dinner ln Su Clemente Inn where guests were greeted by the Mmes. George Grupe, &b- ert Hancock and Ralpb ~rassi. Dlrectol'I John Fenacca, Eugene Ober and Mrs. Lynne Morris ·were booond at Ute supper along with boon! mtm· ben and cut princlpols. Hooor potroos, 1cconltng to Mrs. M. J. Stev..,.., public· ity chairman, were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yeilding, Jay Lll- thmn, Mr. and Mn. Wayne Gtlllllan, Reeves Rubbe lnc., Freeman Fowler, Mrs. Wllm.a ·surf Sounds Imm and D. J. A-ad Co. ~ WOMEN'S AtDlllaJy to Mission Viejo LttJe Leque has been formed to nlle flmdl for equipment, unifc:l'Dll and snack bar supplies. During the ....... tho ....n. iary, led by Mrs. David OdlOI, plans a candy drive, bake sale and f11eworks stand. Membtn alao hope to mtu a duce. Inte1'lted -... ulc· ed to call Mrs. Ochoa durlnt the evening 1t 137-lUll, for: further lnfonnallon. ALTRUSA a.tJ1I ol Lquna Beach officers Mn. A. F. Whltenu, vie< pmidenl, ad Mn. Frank G«llchllch, -idem', Will repre1e11t tbeit JP'<IUP It ID annual dtltrlct conference in Lu Vegu nut. month. According to Mn. Whitener, clubs from HawaU, Mexico, Callf<rnia, Nevada and Ari- zona will portlclpote ID the !Gur..S.7 c:ooclave. · Inspiring Trip llJ JODEAN llAl11NGS ... ...,. ......... ' GOV, RONAU> REAGAN spent • ,..,. Ullld!eduled mlnula talking with 2 o members ol the Huntington Be-=b Lacue of Women Voten when they speilt 1 day ID llac:rlmmto ra:enUy. All the -'"""' tbal the trip WU wulh the pennies they had avod for ll Tbey had brlellq -with . lln. Ivy Baker PrleA, slate . treasum, victor V. Veysey . and &obert Burte, wemhlymen. Tbe -lunched with March Foa1 and Yvonne llrlthwalte, auemblywomen. Much credit for the IDIOOth arrangements ii due Evie Sallee, who preplanoed the viait, and even had mimeographed copies ol bills ready when they were to be clllclwed. tion does a great deal to stimulate enUwllum. a a d politJcal action in each in- dividual, and they hope to repeat the trip nut year. lllR. AND MRS. a.A YTON A. Beaton GI llludbiltoa Beach will open their home next Sunday to ceJebrate their 25th W<ddiDg lllDivenmy, 11te couple, married la Abercrombie, N.D., w 11 t r<edve 100 pelil Including Mrs. Beaton'1 father, J. c . Holkslad ol 1-Boch, and two members ol their -... party, Mrs ~ Harriet Fredrickson of R e nv I 11 e, Mlnn., and Mra. Maurene Ec- ge ol. Fargo, N.D. Aho planning to attend are Clayton's •Isler and brother· Jn.law, Col. and Mrs. Doaald Sor II e, Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Holkstad and Mr. and Mn. H. P. Holkslad. IT'S COLD In Amllcnllm! Letters .of invitation have been sent to members of area school board di stricts including Huntington Beach, Ocean View and Fountain Va11ey Element- ! ary; Seal Bea~, Westminster• and Huntington Beach Union High School. The progrlun will conclude with a question and answer period. All members are urged to attend and bring a friend, and additional information may be obtain- ed by calling Mrs. Roach, 842-7216. Supervised by the friendly bookworm, Mrs. James Schendel (left) and Mrs. C. E. Stewmon stock the car with reading rnatericil to deliver to the Friends of Lhe Fountain Valley Library's booth for the swap meet tllking place Saturday, April 26, on the Foun- taln Valley High School partlnJ lot. Priceo will be- gin at 10 cento for paperbacks, according to Mrs. Wayne McGrady, chairman, and the public Is in- vited to browse between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Blpal IUlpl'iae ol the day .... meettnc Mr. and Mn. Pall Jonea, wbo were on a two • dly Jlllll\ to nor1hem California -Paul, d coune, ls city clerk In Huntington Beach. There was general agree- ment amoq league members that actullly watching the proceoaa ol democr1c7 In ac· Thal'• the word -from John and Allee Smithen, ... Uve LondOnen now mating their home in Hundncku Beach. The couple are plan. nlng to visit frlends·and rela- tives while In England, and tour the ScandlDl.vian COUDo tries before rtturnlnc. Joba is the jovial manqer of the Huntington Harbour Bucb Club. If the Shoe Pinches, Hubbies, You're 'Well Heeled' ~ ANN LANDERS: I am the wl'e of a man who has had 1everal torrid afrairs .'iince our marriage 24 years ago. None of bis affairs meant ~ to him. They were merely ego- boo!ter1, mostly with gold-diggers. Lut week I went to a lawyer to 1earn my rigbt.s if I were to sue for divtree. I wu astonished at what a man'• chasing arow.:I can Olllt biln. 1f ' his wife want.s to get loQgh. I can literally kick him out of the bOule and he wou1d have W support me as Jong as I live, provided J do not remarry. He also would have lo support his children until lhey are 21 -and put them lhroogh Khoo!. ANN LANDERS People alwa ys are interested in "what happened" when a well known, affluent ~ pts a div,gtte. A few sentences IJl)m hli "1fe cOOld nlin him.. 'The large aDd famom firm be worts for would not 111\lle kindly on an executive whose wife left him because of his games with a little tram p young enough to be his daughter. t wonder if that cutic will still look good after the fllY ii financially drained, disgraced and on the hook for alimony and child aupporl I hope every man who ls foollng around will read . Ibis letter and 'wonder If it was wrtlien by his wile. No clues, please -let 'em sweat. -WISER NOW DEAR WISER: Here's your I~ ~at • word to all you fdlow1 oanthre •·bo are 1wut1ac • U&dt. PltMe ._,. write ... Ilk m1 wllrit cUy die leUer came rnm: I'm eot taWn1. DEAR ANN: My husband la 1 good man who got into bad company. I am n o t • trying to whltewub the 1ltuaUon. Buddy wu atupid to do wblt he did. Bur It seems \J1falr that after be bu paid his debt to llOClety be lhould be unable to gel 1 decent job., l'm lfraJc1 ' u -doesn1 hlr< hhn -be'll go bact with hll old pall llld <fw1 up In prllon again. FOr nearly a month, Buddy'• been pounding the pavement, answtrlng ads, co I n c to employment l(endea, flllJng out f~ and .UU no job. lk'I not llrald d ' -k. He'll do IJl1th1n( liut when they te1m he hu a .._..i, lhll'I it. I mat0: "'fY sood -i> 1t • Ille· lronlcl plant and _. -hoJ (II) lurlll ..... ...., -fnlm hla porlo time job, bat tt klill my husband'• pride thll he 1ani aupporllnc hla llU1llly. Pleale, Ami, lell .. -Jo do. • -N.Y. WIFE DEAll. WIRr T~•.r--... .......... p-4 ............. ra 1'J •-•!do fll .. -Yd .... 'Die ......... 1S&I ....... .,. ·Now Yort, N. Y., 1-. ,_ - .. I\<! Yd - --.. ..... E JfljU..C A&wJ .... ~wWmm1zr'11tr.WNll .....,_ u .., " ,.. kllid .......... ......, fiiLLlti 11 tit Ulere W'Ull tt ...... . • ta• •••••• lll'Ylce, ......... .. __ .., 1'" wtD -·-__ ,_... .. _ ........ How will you know when the real thlna comoo alq! All AM Linden. Sencl for ber -"1-or Sa ... Bow '° ~ the Dlffermoe." Smd • cents in cola end• loo&, lllf.,...r rr~ llllmped envelope wJlh your nqlllll. AM Landen will llo &lad to help you with ,..,, ,.-. Smcl -to her In core d Ibo DAILY PILOT enclollnc •tons. telf-eddr s'11d, Nmpel eimlopa. I • • ,._ i I I •• •• l ~ ' HCKOICOpe Scorpio: Romance Featured ' SATURDAY APU. 12 ., .... , ... AWARDS COLLECTED -The Fountain Valley-tel, coming out first in the cllviJ1'"1 for medium lize clubs. Admiring the clab'1 llCrv!IJ 8lld awards are the Mmes. Robert Mou, Laurence Erwin and Curt Burnett (from Jett), Woman's Club had a monopoly on top awards last night at the Orange District, california Federation oI Woman's Clubs convention in the Disneyland Ho- Orange Distrid Honors ·' Fountain Valley Club First Aoolher ,... ol hard wcrk· m:t aaxmpllilbmei.t· is over, mi WUIDml'I club memben in the Orange District a r e mtinlGD1heirJaurels. Having many laurels .. "" .,_ ii lhe Fountain Valley -··Club, which .... top -In lhe mlddle me clubs ~vision a:rxl rece i •ed DUlbdWi awards last nigtj at the amoal district awards blnquet in the Dimeyland ilol<l. Olbor Oraoge Coast clubs coming borne with prizes were the San Clemente Woman'11 Club, Westminster Woman's district Jftlideat, Mn. Jlmel starapma. Club, Woman's Club .of. Htm-McCalla. 11ae WCllDID'I aub o( Hun- tington Beach, El Camioo Each pr~esldeol....,,. W• cf-a Wi&ton -w• dlld for Real Woman's Club, Woman's · lltrand ol colond j<welo by !Int!-In V-and Club of Seal Beach, Woman's Mrs.. Wylie • tbe wu in-Fom:bdm Fund -s a lllCllDI Club ol · Leiaun W or Ip troduced, In keeping wMh lhe In -Plcturto, Bodlo and (Laguna llilll), Mmray City CGDY-Iheme, A,.,_. Tele•lll••· Mn. Ann Woman' 1 Club, Cout Otmt of Price.lea Jeni&. IJltlapt ·nceival an DO Women's Club ol <'GrGDa clel Mn. William a-y, !Int awonl. Mar, Raocbo Viejo Woman's viCe praident and elem ol 'lllnninc awanil ollo w• Club and lhe Colla Mela chalnnai, pr....i.d c I u b lhe Woman's Club ol Seal ---------1 women·s Club. awards, iocluding a speciaJ Buch, whicb took finta in The banquet began with a award to the Woman's Club of NatkmJ m:l state Legialatioa processional of the 36 district Leisure World, for greatelt llXl Omo11w+ity lm:jiOtmaeat club pre!ideol.s, led by stat. membenhip -~ ~-In -·~ ~ .. ~'-1-N'.rs. Edward D. F<IWltain Valley Women.'1 tw11 ~ .:.winau1 -.. _,,,, SW., Leedenhip Develop. Wylie of Glendale and the Club, middle me club winner, ment. Mental He a 1 t b, 1"SS reeognlz.ed for fints In Citi~' u.... d Let's Talk Girl Talk Women Entertained Cooaervation. Garden a·n d,...,..;p, ~ • n Beautlf'lcatioo, Eplilon Sigma we11.,.., Home ~ Omlcnlll and LI bra r y FiDanoe and C..WWW Educa---------•I Servlca, Publle --· ~and Family U..,. ml Colored pl-. _. ' I Radio .... T<lerilloo, Prw ..,_.,., !>,.--~·= .. Illa ... Palllldl;y, ~ 11pee<1i. Et Cmn1111 11eo1 w-·· ....., ., .......,, 1a ,. Brunch -a simple but elepnl Wlf .. eotertaln - will be bigliligbted during the nest ~udratioo in tbe Soutbem Calllomia -living C e n t e J' • HuntlDgtm Beocb. New ideal to brighten rauUnt breakfasts or early -will be p«S<nl<d by Carol Heinz:, home economist for lhe · Soutbem Callfomla Edboa Company. ' the public ii invited to at· tend tbre ~•tiorul which will lab place al 10 a .m. Artistic Approach 'I'be art.isl'• approach to flower arranging will be em1Mkwf when Mn. Mulne sutberland of L a n c a • t e r pwm emu.. DtlJgn for the Fkral Ar11 Guild Monday, Apil lf. at 10 a.m. Santa Ana Woman's Club will be lhe setting for Ille ho>llour pnllT8lll, which will utUile rocks, weathered woods and materials from t b e speater'a desert home. AD,... "1shing lnlonnaUon an the guild, which meets the ....,,.,.i Monday of each mooth, IDIJ call Mn. c. M. Achauer, l'IMm, er Mrl. C. J_ Hen- lllnp, fM.IJl3. Tuesday, April 15 and 22; and Tbunday and Friday, April 17 and 11. Ev<ning ..,.,..... will be preseol<d Monday, April II and 21. and Wedneaday, April 17, at 7 p.in. Included in the Jl'Oll'am& will be the use or an electric dishwasher and water beater. Recipe books will be ct- those all<nding the meelings, which are free of charge. Hats, Beauty Both Subjects For Affiliates Youthful loob and bols ..ru be two topics for di!cassloo wbefl Afliliata, Laguna Beach Art Asoociatioo, meet In Ibo asaociation's gallery at 10 a.m. Monday, April I~ Mrs. Pamela -ol Hollywood will pttaeol a pro- gram oo health, youth and beauty for men and wcmeo with slides. In addition Miss Ruth Chaf- fee, J:.aa1ma Beech utlsl, will discuss the history a n d development ol hats and il- lustrate her topic with· draw- ings. The public is hrvited. to at- tend. Tickets for nonmembers are 50 cents a persoo. IT'S A • • • Muole ml --·-~ ,_, .... a -In SlmloyQiofa1-•llolPlal. ~ni.::~.::.:u:i:: ::a.::.··1--N· =-:.:s~- -· ....... Palley ml 'Ille -Viejo •-•a 1lqnllnlf'a --United Nlllom, Tracie ml Clab ........., llnlt h fllt ......... Aid m1 --Al· llembenf>IP ..i -·· nw 11r11 a1ao .. oallodlll rm. Citiu..,.•b•, BeaJlh IDll Boob mil • -.md m Ln bomeldd 1ta111 ad lllb7 we11.,.., Leadenl>lp lloftJop---ml Crime -far a.. poafi1a In meol, Safety, Na lion a I l're><nlloa. ~ Cqan. D<ieme ... u--,,,. Colla -·-·· ~-... Sllvlop -· Slalul ol Qub .,.. !Int la --Arr-. , Women, !lll'lllrlan'1 Boob and Heallll, tilt C... ·-·• A111ia -ModGD Pldura, Radio ud Club ol CGrma dll Jlar .,... "-" 8mle Jllrilwe Televilloa. !Int In IDdlan Alloln, lie 11m twMmn, a.,,_; Second p..,. aw..., .,,... Midway City •-·• Club --. -,,_, ...... by lhe club In crana. ... -In' v-.., Kim ia.-. --. Bullellnl, Qllldrm and v-. lhe w-·· Club ol i-. Tmlimy PU)ba, Pm! Armed Fon:ea, Law Ellforoe-World, 1-·Bllll, .,... ... W, Tamm:t ....... md mm1 ..i Crime Prevmtloo, ccn11n Armed ron:es. 1:.1111 Tilt. · Federation Estemlaa and;:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Fecltra!IGD Publlca-. San Clemmie w-·• au w• reclplml ol -plac9 awanla In <Jallfornla _, and ,_ ... CllJtqraJ ll!r!tqe, National llefeme and u--Sa'ril!p Boodo, Fecltrallm! - ... lleallh ml·--Weatminlt« woma•1 Club .received tint n~ la Epallon Sillna Omicron ml Library SerYicet, -pjo. -· Radio _, ran.too, Radio .... Tehmaloo .... lf• -Def-and u- Slala Sll'ril!p -· The W-clubtooll -· In Crafts, Lltmlure, Bulletins, Safety, Federation Extenoion .... Mmbenhip. ESQ wimer wu Mra. Card RING-M>llQ WATQIES Whal could bo-Ihan I LaCouftnt alann watch for your ICtM type man. The Memovox I-Automatic. alwm, calendar, 17i1Mf L.couttr. rwowment. gold-li!lad -lalancl-l14CI. Tha--llooll-alarm-~ngo-n·a-1o1U11-1 ••• THE PRICES ARE A SECRnl ---.-.--1a1, wdlrproof, calendlr. It'• the only-ol Ila klncl In a.-11IO. SLAVICK'S SHOW-OFF l•Sb•• .... 1'11 . ....... .... •.. ,.. .... _ .... ,_ "-'a-.. .............. .....,. ............ 0.-. - 0,.. ~ ,,., ..... t:• ~ 22 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH • ' , A 11lp for •••·tlirougli fe1hion1 by Berbi1on "1111 flirt" Is I dUllJ slip tia.d wtt111allaldltJ ml IClflopt. lrs IZlflct for ii-• I llllo al .. hi 1111111 a.• lllfllans.H'1 ldtll -. laits 1ao, llKll• irs Mii of saoo111 T111edda •, 1 3Plltill ' l!IW of poi,mr Zll llJfea..lbill, MICk or CUaplp; !llort 3%,,., ...., .. 34-42, ta u..rte c. .. •n 11111111 lllls .. !lftlnl,....,,. find yaar Pl'llPll' fiL Sile will be In om Lill&llfie ....,._t m Salunlly, Ajril 1211 la cu lltw!llfl sllllt. ,, 1ms' Earns Wings .l\!ter earning the silver 1v i n g s of an Ameri- can Airlines stewardess, !vliss Cherryl Joy Peter- son is assigned to flight duty out of Boston. A forn1er 1-larborite, she is a graduate of Ne\vport Harbor l~igh School a nd P eppcrdine College. She also received au RN certificate fr()ft1 Pasa- dena Ci1y College. Good Buys Availabl e Alpha Bet<i Pi Alun1nac are making final preparat ions for tbeir annual run1mage sale M onday and Tuesdny, April 14 and 15. nt 110 \\1• Chi1pman Ave .• O range. From 9 a.in. to 5 p.n1. both days, clothing, hou se ho l d items. d i81es. g\ass"•a re. toys and games wilt be sold, ac- cording to Mr s. Hon a Id Barnett. "'ays and n1ea ns chairman . Proceeds fro1n the saie will be used for the sor ority's philanthropi es and ror the ex- llanSion fund. An y 1ne1nber o r anyone wishing to donate ltems may call Mrs. Barnett , 545-1279. New Officers To Be Chosen ---·-·--.--~ ---..·-··---·----t. r.td.,, ~pril 11, l %9 DAILY PILOT J :J Teacher Betrotfual LEGAL NO'l'lCE LEGAL N<YFICE MOTIC• TO aul'TOM · ....... • ...... =•T 01" , ... T M-D ,·sci osed IUl"ll ... -c:= cw TH CllTlfllCATt «NI 111111•••• ci11'1•Jc•t.m::. IUSINllS tTATI °" CAUHfl:NIA,.. Y ITAft .. CAUJ!fflttA .... ••ct•'JMUI .. ~. •1nmou1 MAMI .... COUln'V °'" CMU. ... 0 arr 1'MI COUIITT W ....... .t. -Ttlt ""°"!"i:.= '!r'~ 11e,.•, -'",.,',~'*' dt arm, ""°' en NO'nC. 09' 11':"..::'o .. PfTrftON -I. lmi. « ILtANOlt .oooow1... hrHe c: ..... ·-• MIMM •• ... WMI Mil NOMTI °'" Wl\.L AND !'Oii • The ........ .,emall... ot L&UreJ ~ .. r trc:lil. P'A C•l""111t. C...I H ..... r. N•-' ••• c:fl . • unflllll TllTA'411fTAal' TheadOiSia Herring (:It Corona --• Ntta " ._ lfv9ll t-'"""'" ~--""-.-i-!'~ltlout flf.m MINI ., M t•"forft'•' \ll!ll!tf t"9 11<11111JW f.Vm 1111mt ltltollt ., •lO..IHCI £ d.I M•• will m•-y Marloo Isl Smith and Paul Ellis has betn """ ... &1...-r.;,1i1.,.. tti. .. ~.....,.. & M-•N~•MINTI _. .._. N~ « ~ANYTHIN() oofs" _, """ ••Id SHUPI" ~ i.•~rtt ... .,. • It fl" M)d c:ltlinl In tM .irtlc. of lll'fl'I_ It cOll'IMMll fl ffle fllltwlflt ""°"' firm If C---' of tM follow in. "''°"'' • ' Lt. David Warren Nutter. ot announced-by Mr: and ••-,_ ci.rt1 "' ,,.. ·•loreulil eourt. « .,_ l*Tll'" flill •11111 •i.ct o1 ~~ W110w _,..... 111 tun ,1111 1iu. °' NOT1c• is HtRe:1v G1v1N TM! • taia. .... ,,,_. tt1tm .. ._ """'""ttnH ll tJ _. ... : nllldtMir -"fltllowl~ S.WrtW Ptiellk "'-!loMI 11/llr. t N•lllllWI Hope. Alaska, pending her David v. Smith °'-Huntlnatqo ,, .. tlHk• ., Cflk11111 M. ,NM. ,.,__ 1. Muwtn. "°' a... T11c1met ..... hWflY c.,.,..,. ot ::::r~ :,_~tftoti ...... ~ '11H111 ...,.,rtt • fiance's return from Vietnam I .. ....,., HUI """· "' ... ~ "' .. ,~ (lr(lt htrll fl1111. C.U!, """ strott. HIWWt lhtdl, C•lltort'lla. •• '" • _. '°" ' ' •ach parents of the brld IM ~ (•tit. -~ '""::'I _..,.., qtf9d Mtrdl 17, '"'· • ,,.". Mlltctl 1S. lHf. ·-WIHI~• "' L1"'1't T"ltm1111l1ry lo Piii· The brl.o. ·Ject daughter of -t • otflp " !flt .... fl '11111-ti' tflt Tlltmn IE'. Mt-I Tllo!Nt (af'nrf 1 • mw~ lo ""'IC.II It m.o. fltr ~ j elect. 111•.a.llll 'If! .w _.,,.,.... ....,...1nirlt "'" f/I ~llilmlt, °'',... c:....mri ,,,,....., Ctl'N'f' lut!PI« ""'Culfra. Md n.1 "" tlfM •I'd Mr$. Leah Hert ng Of Costa fO Mt4, •ltlt, '"' Cltlmt. wttl'I tilt Oii Mt!'dl' 11, ' I ... , ~ ~. t St• .. Ill Cllllfwlllt, Oft,_., COUfl'V: ti.tt ti JINrl19 lftt 1-llM Mll'I "'' Mesa and the late Mr. Cla·"on The coup1e plan to be mar-_..,., ~ _., a. nltd ., Nett,., •PuDotlc 111 '"' ,.,. Nkl s11111, °" Mtm ts. 1..,, ri.tw• ..,., , "' Ml.,. '· lMt, n '''° '""" 111 11'1• r• ' _._ •• ,.._I«. wlltlln feur MrtOllllll'f UH11rtd Tlloln• E. fMMwtll Noll,., "111:>llc 111 •~d for vld Stttt. Cllllrtroom of °"'9rtmtnt Ne. l of Mid Herring, is an alumna 1 af ritd durltlg the summer of ~"" ttttir t1e ,,,., Mllc•tfoll ., ~ i. "" i. bf "* •""" ....,,._ .--111>1 '""rw Tt1or11111 111d kwrl'f CtMc• '• '' l'Dt w"' 1ne111t1 sir,,1, 111 1t1• Newport Harbor High Scbool 1970• ' this Mllct. -' ""l'OI II "blcrltltd to . Ille wltl'llfl I• C••,,.,, knr#ll to ll'lt to bf .,.,. ""'°"' "'• S11111. "IUI, (•llftr11U1. Dtfltl MtrtJI M ltff. lfn.fmtt!I W .W-'-'"d lie U.Clfltd Wl!oM ,...,,_ t re •!Alltr1"" 10 the 0.lt4 ""'JI 10. lfO. and Humboldt State College, ,.:~-Smi"' atte·'· Fo"•tam· · c1uori.. Ji ,.,.,,. 111t """ • • w1111111 """"".,;· ~ •c.kfoowleclttd llltY w. E. IT JOHN, '°"",.,. c1er1r h J d . "~ I.II 11WJ .... And 0.•N J, Mlllff, tOl"l"lCIAL llAL)> ll(M:vt.11 ... -· T•)'lol' a ... ker Areata where s e ma ore m Valley w··• School and· her E~Kllfe,.".,,. wu1 """' .. 6'"fle C01",1c11.L 11.ALI ;ttn:-U,• "'., ""••'•'"" edacation. Currently she is · a-• • 01 ... 1d dle'Mlrlt ·~rY P<Jbll~llfof111t ,..,.. N. "'-""' ' teachl.ng at Foothill High fianct: son of Mr ·and Mrs CNAllLll M. AU• °'9MI c°"""' Noferr ,.,,1>11«:1111om11 r: ~;r;,"':;,;~':,,."''' Nita . , . · • '" ,.... *" ,,,._. M1 OWl't""'"lon '1!•1rn "•lnclHt OHltt 111 A~ra ,... """'-" School in TusUn. ~aul J. Ellis of Westminster, ~ ~ ,c::;:: "'1t ,.tJbu:/:: \;,:!, tMtt 0,11,, ,.11ot. :':~7..or.'!l:,, E»l•n Pubn~'*' o._. Cl)l11 o.uv """'· Her Uance. soo ol Mrs. Har-ts a graduate of Foqntaiq ,R~ MWCll 21. • ""'All•lf.4 n. lMt UUt MtY 11. itn A,prJt 11. "· 11• 1'6' w..i' , .n of h nd LAU S ~ Pllbll01Ci Or11Wt c-1 Dell'I' "llDI. l"ublltl*I Oflf\P• C.,.11 D•!l'f "''°'· LEGAL NOTICE ry ~uar Anc orage a REL MITH Valley High School and at-Mtrdl 21anc1AMI .,11, u. 1to SK..tt LEGAL NOTICE Aprn., 11, it."·,,., UMtl-~===;;.,_:,_::_;c_:_::,~ the late Mr. \Va rren M. Nutter tended Orange Coast Colltge CIJl:Tll'ICAT• 01" IUSINESI . ad l r w t Summer Date prior ID 1·0·1ning the U.S. Navy. LEGAL NOTlcE NMI LEGAL NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS NAME JS a gr ua e 0 e s ===============~~~~~~~~~~~~~1--;~'!!"2~~~~!E!i!!--Cllt'tl,tCAT• 0, IUllNlll T"' ulld•••lellecl "°" CIJrl!l't Ile "' Anchorag e High School and !r SUP!"llOR COURT OI' ""'" AC'n'TIOUS HAM• P·U. CCllld11Cll"9 • b\ltlntn al Sult• 190, Oregon Stale University ,w"Are STAYl Of' CALtHIRNIA t<OI Tiie 1111dtnl91111d Jloe• crrtl,.,. sl'le Is IAl·\Sll\ •500 C1mP111 Drf\lp, Ne..,PCrt l!IKl'I.. 1~ TK I COUN1'T OP OUNGI collducll,,. t llulll-•I 1'343 90!11 C•lllornla, urldt• tile f!cl!l\o\.ll fttm "-' he affiliated with Chi Pb.i A T"(Jft TA NO. A •""' Chto:., Hlll'tl119ton l•&dl. C•Hlo•nl•, c~~•'"i~:J,e ~:"' u,.'l~~ss of GLOl!IE ENTl!RPR•SES 111d th•' · • V V t • • • i.OTIC I! 01" IALI 0, RIAL undtr t11t tldl"-firm ll•ll'lt pf HUN· "" I Mld firm If CClm.PCHd of the l<lllOwl ... fraternity. The bridegroom·to-HOLYLAND 'ROfOl!RT't ·•T '•!.Y•T• t•L• T1NGTON GAlllDENS CLEANERS .ncr 111:r• :""~lu~~ ~e0~11»~;~~: HrlOfl. w11ote name 111 run '""' •'-t • be is a helicopter pilot with IN THE MAT'Tl!ll OF THE ESTATE ,,.,, uld firm 11 com-• of ""m•1111llC1Vrlllf bul1Mlt II 1502 N H••Pf'f ol f'lllldell(t I• IS lollowt: tlw M · 01" JOHN MANUGOl"I", O.C.•Hd. folloWIM -IOf\. whoM n1.rne Jn full s.ni. ...,.. C•Hfomi• '2701. ui.det !ti~ l!dt<lr W. Thom11, IS.It C1.I"'"""'' arines. SCANDINAVIA NOTICE IS Nl!!Rll Y'OtVl!H, lhtl t/11 tllCI •l•Q"' -"'"'" It •• !ollow1: fl<llllo<n firm ,,,..,. of Ac TI 0 N L• Mlr•da, C1U1o<1111. _UlldenltMd, It 1!>1«uffl• of''" Elllt. el ROlt fl. Scl!mltt, 557• F.,nl!Ut Clf<le. FIBERGLASS 1nd 11111 ... !d firm Ii 0.1'!1 April?, lfolt JOHN MAHUGOl"F. O.C...ed, wlll $111 1.1 11\illlll'lf!Ol'I h Kh, Ct!lf. ~td of IM foll-Int per1M, W/!01e E. W. Tl'lc,.,.~s AND EUROPE ttl'llh ule lo""' hl11tftl •net best bid· Cited Aprll l. tt•J ntme (n lull Ind Pl•t• or rHIG-e STATE OF CALIFORNIA L • b der, UPOll "'-hrmt 1.lld c;indltklll1 ltGJI P. Sd'lln!tt 11 '' tollowl I-Ii· ORANG E COUNTY J u I ra ry llt,.,.11111rNr mtnlit-ned, lll'ld JUbl~-d lo tht STATE OF CALljlORNIA ,1 AL oo°uLD .13''2 Hl:'ldl, Gtrdtn 011 APrll 2, lftlf, ~rP mt, 1 Nol1rv COl'.'flrrn.tlorl b'f 1'IW SUNrlor Cllurt, Ofl OlltANGE COUNTY J 11 G•-· Ct llf'"'n11. t26.IO Pul>lle In 111d for win Si.ti, ~UY led by PASTOR "ANDY" ANDERSOt'~ ""'11 '°• INJ, 11 ,,.. llOl!r d IO:OO AM.. On A•rll I, lH•, btlor• ""'' • Hot•rv WITNESS hand thlt 1s111 11 •-•·~ Ed111.r W. Tho~! •nown •o I h P · f p L h Ch h ot 111e,.ilhl', Wlllllll Ille 1:11'11 1!1-..:I lrf Pu~llc Jn 111d for uld Sitt• pe 11 !f'f f M .-.. mY '1 me lo be the Pt •Mln w!>oH: "'""' D. I o t e r1nce o ••<• ut eren urc. taw. 11 !NI ollle• " Fill.NI( A. HILLS.-iPi>etred ilo~ p, Sdimnt' -no':'n •"' 0 ir.,,, 'ri'Gould 11 1vb1erlbftl to th• w11M11 '"''""""'' I Sp ays INGER. ID<:•led ,, nn W.SI T.,, ... (19 me lo bf tile "rson wtlol me STATE 01" CALIFOIHIA ' •nd ICkllQ"'lftl•~ .. eit«.Vled ft. Mme. •• Day J 21 ~-h J I 12 BtuleYt~, Torr111e1, C•l!lom!" •II lllf ! bs I~ to !hi It/II • "' !OFFICIAL SEA,Ll r.. i • • • .... '"'"°"' u y rr,'"'' 1111• '•"uoo'",te'"' In 111d l!:lf•le of : .... ~~cir.~~wlfaotd lhe .~KU~ ... 1~·~=' co.','""',.,oF ORANG( •• ) H Mary K . HH!r'( J HN MA F, D!Kl•td, 1t Ille (OFFICIAL SEAL) · S 2Stll dl'f "' Mlrch, A,J), Noll'V P11b1lc·Calllornla A k Tht leit AccomodCltfons • , . Flnt Clois Hot• !Im• Df hi• M1tll, •• rtGU!rtd ~'.!' -r• Jun L J6bsl ,,.,, bffo•e mo. 1C1.y &1rt1ett, • Nourv Pr(Jls:iNJ Oflkt ,.., r two r S -M L Day J llorl .of llw ot ol!\IJl'WIM olllfr ltltll. or 1" No\1.rv 'Publlc·C•lllorfllt Public Ill lllCI tor ~ Yid County Oru111e CounlY I nree ea~ a • • • et TraltlpOrtatlOI alldlllo", to f!l•I of u!d JOHN Pr111dp1I OH lee Ill Ind St.it. rffldll'l!I lhtrel11. dvly l;Om· MJ Comm!Hkrn Expires Al C d ill ed I G Id •• T MANUGOFI" ,, , ... II""' of 111, de11h, t11 Or•"'" COUnh' mlulontd 11111 IWOfll, H•ton•11¥ ll>Pll.fM NOY, ''· ltn J r on on usn • • • u -oun 1rwt to tM rMI ,.,...,,.,. dt1crlbed •• M'f Commltshm Explr A,I Gould, k11e1w11 •o me 10 be Ille Pv11111te.:t ortnDt c.,.st O•ll'f ,.!lo!. \Vorks or art by Gordon An· 1o!low1: M•rdl ' 1tl1 e1 Der!Pft whoM """"' ls su~rlbed to .\Prll '· 11. It. 25. '"' '1M1 drew 1vill ~ on exhibit in COMPLm FOR $1, 1t6 ••. No htr• Gt T~. e~~s m.'s "..:· :i'.:kl ~ ~'t~~'~f' 11··.·.~ Cl)lsf Dlll'f Piiot :e,,:r:~, 1:'.'!'~:i!; ~ 1:~;ow1td1ed LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF HESlll!RIA,, ll "' •ltl r ' ' ' ' "' l?l.ft IN WITNESS WHEREOF, · 1 ha"" !he c~nter Street Library.1 C-11 fer tomplete tour informetion end re1er ... 1tion. fflereol. •Kfl•M Ill took lt of M1•1, hereunto UI "w h•lld Ind al!l~ecl "'' NOT IC& 01' "U&LIC SALE Costa l\1esa, during the month• P•"' 11 to 21. 111c1u1rw1, rwcor111 et Nld LEGAL NOTICE ottltl•I "'' "" 11 • .,. '""' Yt•r in tMl OP COLLATElllAL S49 0521 or 549 Z754 Counl'f, C••ll~ICltt llr1t 1bove wrltlen. CALIFOllNh' COMMl!'RCIAL CODI Of April. • " More COl'M'llHllY known 11 ISNI Ll't't SU,.l!RIU COURT 01' TMI STATI! (Ofllc!•I Se•ll SECTIO!f fSM·J Th li t be f 01k, HnPll'll , C1llltml1. 0" CAlll'OltNIA IC•Y llt rtlell NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN 111•1 ~ e ar S , a mem r 0 ''============================'' l ldl or e"trs tr• lmlfltd !Cir Hid pr°" f'Oll TNa COUNTY OP OIANell Nol1rv Publlc • C1llfornl• 1><1bl''" ·~I• of c""~'•r•' wilt i-., lle!d on Costa Mesa Art League, has I· "m •lld mu11 bl 111 wrlll"I t nd wnt be CASI NUMllR D-MMl O••n~e C011111¥ 1~ 23rd d•v of AIH'll, Ifft 11 '"" !lour ot h •KllVl!d •I fllt ofllct el fllANIC A,, SUMMONS MY Commission E~plrtt 11_:00 .lyM. I I 110l2 G.nlw.1 Grove Blvd., C OSen a gallery Of Seascapes , HJ~~~Sl~~i:llt ~llome¥,.~l~ed M1~:~11N SANDlllA 0. Ll!!Gl£R, Pl1l11Uff V• JEAN SePI. 1'. 1'71 c,iy of G~rden Grow1, Countv ol Or•119e. Sll.11 11·re and landscapes 1·n • r ml'I' w ' c. LEGl:fl. Offtfldtnt. ROll!ltT N. GALLIVAN State cl C1!11orn11 bv H1mltton Tllr!fl g. S • • Cl9rk el !ht SllPt'for Court or dtllv•red PEOPLE OF TH E STATE 0 F Attorllt'f el U "' LOl!n SKurl!d P•rlY vllde• •nd Pll<JU11n• lo Oil, acryJiC a nd ~·aterCOJOr fOT w1msu1t ~I Wl!..,•V°"""lr.I ~.:',,"f~ll'f(ot'l~!,~rn,tl!rr: CALIFOllNIA to !hi 1lloY11 n•med o.!1'11-Uf1 W"kMfl Or .• Sulle lJt !llat cert•ln wcurl!Y IGfff"1111t made on h d . I • '' ,,_ ~ « -· ""' lllnt· N.,..,..,, .... ,. '•lllotftl• · Ille Isl div of Octo~r. 1Ha bV leverl'f J, t e 1sp ay. :~.;!1~ ::;:..:"l~k;;: !~~Unt~ YO\I •r• fl••fD'f dlrK~ to 111e T•h (Jiil Mt.,qN Tr1wrt d~: Sovllll•nd, -• Andrew has been a resident ·P~l'O·i..,,~1y ""''"' Tl'lolM•rl !l•Yl!n Hun· • wrlth!n oleadlng In res11<1nse to Publf•htd Or•nae coast D•ll'f Piiot THE ITEMS OF COLLATEUL TO I E nr Orange Count" fo1· 1,-years Fash1"on Show '69 drell Dotl•n {15,l'00.00 ) Oii lfrle First Trull the Y•rlllld comol•lnt pf lhe 1bovt AP•ll •, 11. u, ?S, ,,.. .. ,...; $0L~LA/~;: _ _.. J Deed PIYlbto to C•Mfo•11I• F9c:ll'r•t s • .,. lllmtd Plllnlllf Wltll the t ltrk ol ....... ,, W/Olll<lt4 Armrut. 1 •nd retired early fro in a '"'' '" 1 •• , ,,--••••--. '''' -·• wm lhe •bove .ntllltd court In the •110v' LEGAL NOTICE Bick ''' w/Bulllln Cablne15. 1 Wilkin --., '"" -I rttlld 1cllon br ~hi I I llc>r W/Compressor, 1 C11h lt .. bflf', "° t·areer in rea l es tate. be recelvtd u"'°" c11h tt•ms. Th" r1t111 II 1; ••Id court within TEN"•'"' ,.,,,,"' Table1. 11" S<lua" wtFormla T_, 62 ••»rvfld lo 1'1!IKI .,,.,, Ind 111 bld'l. • •v• '!er ,..n1n C/1•1'1. Gold P1dded Stab .. IKb. IS !·le wa s commissioned DATED: .\Prll 7. JMf, tile M•YICI on '(OU of lh!• sumrr.cns, NOTICI! o.-DISSOLUTIDM 0, Gold ••r Sloal1, I Thmi Cornpel'lmelll d !1-' MAii.EN JEAN FDWLEl'I If llrved wllh!ll I/lo tbovt 111"'~ "ARTM••IMIP ANO CERTll'ICATI! Slillllleu Steel Sin•. I F011r I(.,, I T"t recently to paint for Services Satur ay Apr1'/ 12 F~•-.. lr•~ tounlY. ot wllhlt'I THIRTY ••v• If 0' AIAKOONMEM'T 01' l'ICTITIOUS Oral! Bfl!f' Dl1111mnr, 1 PlYO Ctm-ror the Br d d d . d or !ht El!•ft of r,erYl!CI tl~ewllere. llAR'TNIRIHlll NAME 1>•'11r>MI Botti& Cooler, 1 Weoc1 Dnk. Ill an es1gne John M•nueofl, Dl!ce1ied vo~°" 1e1'''u:"''b~ ':~':if! 1~!:.:,~~7!: Noll« 1, her•b'f 1rven 11~r1u•nt to OATEO THtS 1111 daY of Apr!t, 19ff. a symbolic 1vork for the l'llANI( A,.,•,tLLSIJ(Gl!R P!ffdlno. 14ld ol•lnllfl Witt l•k• ludg· Section 15035.5 of lhe Co•l>O•lllO!'I• c~ MAM ILTl"I~ T"IRIFT .. LOAN · 1· At'lltftl'f •• 1 1 of C1Ufornlt, ffl•I Ille 9ener•I Hrtneril'i.o Bv: Oo\lgl1' C. Halle'f organ1za ion. "Tl'I w ... i ... 0 ••• _ ........ ,,,,,. men Of •nv mc11ev er d11N1e1 of JOHN GILLIS nd LYLE l!I OEJIBV $tll-OC Andrew currentl.v s tudies at B t It , th · Twn_, C•llfotlllt ""'' dema11<1e<1 1" the verllllHI ccmpl•lnt 9ene••I 0<.u1ners • e11119e<1 111· busln~ Publl1hed Orantte C0111t D1l1Y PU01. e sure o • eno •~review T•t• tntl Hl..llU 111111 nf.7fl' •1 1rl1Jnt UllOll con1r1c1. •• wlll .i•PI¥ 1 ll'll Stitt o1 c n1o nl• •llCI in 11111 Aaru 11. 196' t1f.<11 lhe Laguna Beach School of f b t 'f I -I · 196 '"""' ... ,,., 11d11-to !tit court tor any o:n•• renei " • • •----cc~~-------0 ••u I U 91r Sin t • 9 p lll!!lll4 0 co.t 0.ll l'llot. dem111dM 111 th• Ytrlfltd comDl•f~r C11unh' {II Or•nDt. under '"' "'"'"'' Art and Design. A j1 iii 11 1~n1':.t Y 117.., You rn•'f -k 1111 1dYlce llf' 111 ol GILLISS. DERl!IV fMrlM Conlr1ctot1. LEGAL NOTJCE Swim,uit Story on tho Pr ' ' ' tltornev Oii •n1 milter CP11ne<:lt11 wllh will! ltl prlnclPll Pl«f ol bu1lnKS 1 ------,cc~------ Golfers Called Lagu na Beach Country Club's Women's Group, busy 1vith plans to host Western American Golr Association's annual meeting in the club lhfl eomp\llnt ot ffllt wmmt11J. Such II 2IOI Laf•'ftlle A,~en111, New11<1rt Beach. BAR·U17 Huntington Center Mall . • • LEGAL NOTICE 1 •ttoml'I' •hould bf ~111ttd wlthf11 tM Ct111om11 w11 oluolved t s o1 Marth SUlll!R1011. COIJltT ol' THE 1-------------""-· l llll'!t 11mrt 1!111d 111 fllll ""'"'"'°"' for 21, IHI', 111d !Ml lhe•elflN Ill Ptrson STA,TE OF CALllL'ORNIA FOR Three delzling s~ws, 12 noon-2 p .m .--4 p .m . latest feshions for be•ch end poolside from your f•mily clothing center. IAR • MN 111!!19 1 wrllltll 11le•dl111 m tM complt1nt Md t ulflorlty lo Incur tny cbll11at1011s THE COUNTY 01' ORANGE Th• lo11owlntt C#'f " "notice". tl>e O•ted Febru•ry t. 1Kt • tor ••Id former firm, '""' 11111 11111 No. &..tun orl1l11•I of wtildl w•t !flld for t-d W. E, ST JOHN flrll\ l.bllldoned ... Id fiCllUou1 name NOTICE OIL' HEA,RING ON "I TITION on Mttdl 13, '"' 111 the efflce ti Cltr~ 11 of Niii d•tt. Tiie n1me1 of ti! POil PlltOIATI! OF WILL AIOID l'Oll Ille RKO~er of Or1n11 Cou11 .y, llv P. C. ProulY Ptrlntrs l.nd IPlelr •Hldt11te1 tre ti LETTEllS Tl!'STAMENTAlltY C•lllo•"I•. II sent lo '(OU .... ,muell Deputy Clerk lolklWI: E1t111•ot SUSAN H. HOPtclNS, Dece11- ll 111 tx•mlnttlon o1 '°le till• lo s.+d WALSWORTH, s•1D•L a CRAIL JOHN GILLIS res1111"9 11 lOJ 20!11 !'Cl. lrv1I Pl'Olt•IY 1lwlW'I YiW m~I "'"' 1'11 W"lcll!f OrlYI, S•ll•"' S!tetl. COii• Mn,,. cam. NOTICE IS HEFIEllY GIYEN Thal en ln ltrtsl Ill 1"t lrvllte'f ... 1e1 o•O-New11tft lffdl. C111ftf'R11 fK&I LVLE B. OERBY "'sldlnt et lO'l'91 M•Yll• Ht•en Ma•ll•ld Toll h•s tllM CH<llnts. TIJI 010 "1.t+ll ,._..n Soulfl Wltll l lreh, $an11 Ant Hel9lltl, llereln b petition for l>rabl!t of Wll1 Ind TITLE INSU lllANCE Alht'".-,. fer Pl1.lnMlt Cilllornll tor luutnct of Leners THt1.._11rr lo ANO TltU$T (C'MPAN' Publl!lh~ OrUIM COMI Otll'f Pllol, 01ttd: fMrd'I ?I, 196' Pe1ltlon1r. rel.,tnet 10 Wiiie/i Js fl'>&de '\'cw leaders will be named May 9, offered a tournament Free 1dmi1;ion in th• eir conditionec( mill. Girl W•tchers Societ1 Welcome I "' Trutlee M1rch 21. 21 11111 A!lrll ~. 11, 19ff 5'3·6• GILLIS I. DElltBV tor lu•tllar particulars, •nd llllll !h• !!!Tit' Elmv W. lttlnitr Jolln Gll!I• and plact ol hearing ffle Sllll'll h11 berl Trul!et S•lf Officer LEGAL NOTICE L'fle 8, Otrbv 11et tar Ao•l1 25, 1969, lll 9:30 1.m., in when Coasl \Von1en 's Club of tCY.iay. Corona del Mar meets in ~1l'Sa l;==='==========;I Verde Country Club Tuesday, Pd. "olllk.11 Adv. April 15. EL EC T Afterward the group wi ll be Huntington Center entert,ioed musically by 20 GORDON (. MORROW BHch & Ed;ngu stodents fron 1 Estancia High Mesa-Newport School BCMird at San Die'"''"' : School who will p:?rform under , thr direcLion of Jerry Olson. commllltt Hdl!h ., 3tSO c~mtlWJ.. H.l . Huntington leach __:::_::='.""._".'::_:_:_:::_~~======---_:_::_ ___ --- SAVINGS OF Y, during Udoff's HOME FURNISHINGS Deluxe Satin and Sheer I OECORATOH F_tIBRICS I \'a l uc~ tn $2.95 "l'a rd 1.50 YAllD An outstanding value on new, luxurious antique satins with 36 fashion·v.·i.sc colors from which lo choose! Tex- tured or plain-Quantities unlimited-Companion value for those undcrdrapes-Dacron, Dacron & Cotton, Antron Sheers in matching or contrasting colors! All Perl'ect- All lop quality-Buy NOW and SAVE! 36 NEW SCINTILATING COLORS • FlortnHr>e : Avcc~oo Mauv• • C'l<>'•~I • U8!1~o~d • Pini< -AND MANY MORE - I f.UST0~1 MADE DRAPERIES • FABRIC AND LABOR INCLUDED • FINEST CUSTOM WORKMANSHIP INCLUDING: • Full S" Double tops and bottoms • Seam woighted • Pleated lo exact widtha • Tabled to ••ocl longths • Pressed and ready to hang rrw~;n=d"o=w,--40~\Vide 00" W"id'°e-,80"''rr''W"iDde,,_.l~OO~",-,W"1Dde'""-l20=~11rw=Jil~e-.l7.40~orw=idfl,,-~l~Ol~"~W~fclO~-.,..=•.-.Wi~ider--.,..,,,.,~W~Mll;,_- Site 2 widths 3 widths 4 widths S widths 6 widths 7 width& I widths t widtbs lt wWtbl n10-i· Long 1 :fe" Long I is· Long I s4" Long I .,,,-Liiog I fi· Long I ,.. Long I 91r• Lons I ~' JA>n.8 I 7.00~3.Ba I 15.80 11..~ I 33 .70 ..... n.a 21 .$5 8.5< I 14.75 I 17.00 23.25 I 2S .50 31.?S -~.1li 9.40 I 16.05 I 18.80 I 25.45 ""' IUO ,, .. 4UO 10.00 I 17.00 I ... ., 27.00 I 30 .00 S1.00 ..... . n.• 10.80 I 18.20 21.60 29.00 32 .40 .... -.. _. It.SO I 19.25 23.00 I 30.75 34 .so 42.25 . ...... 5'.75 12.40 I 20 00 24.IJ 33.00 21 .2ll '5.w -·· ,, ... 13.00 I 2l.50 26.00 34.50 39 .00 I '7.50 ...... .... 13.90 I "·" 77.0l 3'.7!: 41 .70 -·" --A TUMENDOUS SIUCTION OF CUSTOM AND ltlAOY MADI --..OS wrrN PllCES 5TAltTINO AT $24.IO l'Olt IONO SID •JO .42.IO ~ ---·· -·· ' 57.JO -...... ..... -. Udqf ff,~~L; .. ~, ~ J um_~,{,(SS ' 8 11tkA• ... le1rd e ••'"'° '?"Vfl e ntrlw l"tl.• e ••"• T- So ut h Coast P11z1, Costa Meu "Shop ot t40IM Senfc•" l~us:::. Slit Number WALIWOllTH, Sl:1DEL ANO CllA1L, ll'le courtroo"1 ol °""9rtment ffo. l of NOTICI! 01' Ol:l'AULT ANO ILICTIOM ,_,.., A"-" If UW tlld court, •I 700 W. Elglllh Sir.el, In !ht TO SILL UMOlll Dll.D 01' TRUST ClllTllllUTI 1f!J Wtskllfll Dl'lw.. City Of Santi Ant, C.!!tornll, NOTICE IS HEl.EIY GIVEN: lt<AT KNOW ALL MEN l't TH£ SE SUlll It-Hr ltt Dit~ Ai>rll l. 1969 Tint!: INIUlllANCE •• Tl.UST COM-Plltll!iSENn· IMWMl1 .. Mii, C1lll9rlll• ,,,.. W, E. ST JOHN, - • Tlh (7141 141+!11 Coo.t"t'f Clert. PANY, • ~·"°" .. clul'f •llffl n"t 1111 UNdtrtl9lltll ..... !lo!! hll'tb'f Pubrlt!IH Or1n11 CHll O•ll'f "llol llRNfST J StHAG JR Trut!H under I 0... el Trvif dlltd Cll'llfllt trill If ti' Ir-Kii,,. w • .._.. ""'11 4,. lt, 11 25 !Ht 4"114j DURYEA i:A1t,.EPiT1:it' & &ARNES AugUll 12, IMS, 111.:u'lld bf JANICE lo tr1nsect bllllMH 111 ... II•"' GI • ' Ml o.ffl Ori"' M. ECICERT. 11 TNsttr, 19 ~1!<':111'1 Clolltornl• under fl'l1 tLt11tl-"'m' ot LEGAL N OTICE NtwPlft BsKll 'c1r111 1 ctrt1l11 oDllOt lloM ill t1wor ff iHIRLEY AIR Slll!ED SYSTEMS1 .UICI th1I the Tll' OU) ~2.,;. 1 m 1 ANH NIPP, • 11Ni. wtn1111, 11 1rl11tiPll •lta llf buslMH ol 11.ld cor-An1r"t'fl ftr Ptlllllncr beneflcl1ry, nt:CH'dld 10-1..S. IS Ill-POrlllo11 In 11\1 Sl•te llf CJl!f«nl• II P·UIM Published Or111ge C~11I D1ll'f Plrol, 1trumirnt llO • .O.., In bOPk 1,.1, 1>111 louttd 1t DJ E••f l rookshlre, !ft 11'1~ CIRTIFICATI 01' &USINESS Allrll 4,. s, 11 ltff UM' JJJ,' f//f Otflt1tl Roconla In Ill• Ottlc.t Clt'f el Or•119-, Ccu111'f of Or1119t. PIC'flTIOUS NAME 1---~~· ~--------" of "11 Re<enft• ., Or111tt Countv. OJ.TE Merdt J, lHt, The ulldtrtl111td do ctr11fy lhfl' •re LEGAL c1ntornf1, detcrrbln. 111111 111tr1.l11 Nld CORPORATION tPRENe.''' INC. oonductl,,. , bllllneu •I 1901 Tradewl11d$ NOTICE obll1•flfll'll l11dlldlM -""'for'"" Pl'I• fSEALJ • LIM, lftwpor! ''''"· C•lltor11l1, ulldt•l---,=="'o-~~~~---CINI 1um tJf Sol,NI INf ll'le bfntfltlll BY: Rlch11'11 C . .!Prl""'' Pl'il. 1'111 llc'llllout 11"" lllml cf ECLEtTIC NOTICE TO CRliOITOllS 1nllr1st ullde 1udl o.cl Ill Trv1t tlld !hi STATE OF CALll'OlltNIA I DESIGNS INC. ind !hit s•ld firm 1$ SUlle11t10llt COUlllT OF TH~ ctl!Jgtllons •KllTM fllt...iw ll'i '>l'tllt!l!IV COUNTY 0 1" ORANG! ) tS cilrnlClltd of Ille loltcwlnt "r.ons, wP>olt STATI: 01" CAL1"011NlA l'OR Mid b'f "" lll'ldtr.19111d; 11\tl I bnsldl On this Jllcl d11 ol Mtrdl, Ifft, ntm•• Ill IUU end "'''" of rt!Sldll!CI TN! COUNTY OF OllANG• of, lllCI dll•ull '"' 1111 obll11ll0111 '°' btfot• ""' V•r-"'· C••ler, Not1.rv •• , .. follows : Nt. A,4UH wlllcll tlld! Dffd t# Trull Is ~url!'f l'Ubllc 111 111d for On"" Counl'I, Sith OAVIO WILLIAM STJIATTOH ' Eti.te ot GLADYS E. REUL, OtcUJIHI. lie• occurrtd In f!lll 1t1Vm111t h•• llCll of C•lllflrnl1,. mldlng !!Wr9l11 duly cont> ll'OI Trao:lr«lnds Line, N,B. Nollce ii ha•ebl' glveoi to cerdl!ort lltV• b1111 mtde ol~ "1fu1111td 1nd ,_,,, 111non1lly •-••td NINA ANTONETTE STRATION Inv ci.IM1 lttln'I lht •aid dl<:edelll lo Th• 1rl11cl1NI IUll'I "'htcil btUmt RICHA"O C, Sl'R!NGER. ptnon1t1Y l90l Tr ....... lndl L•ne N.a. Ille ••Id <:lllllU Ill 1111 olllee ol Ille Clerk dut Oc'lolllr I, I,.., tolltthar wllfrl kllctwn to "" to bf fl'I• Hid "l'IOfl Dfl!IHI Na>l4' bt •A it61 of 1111 ''°'"'Id CClllt1 • .,,.. to Prfllnt ""''" lllllf'ftt due r111rto1t. ~ 11•mt 11 ..-Crlbld lo th• '°"'"I"' '" r -· to 11'11 undl!nllll«I •I 1'111 Olflc:I ., ~. lllel "" ,..._ ""'"'· "" U"""""""· Ctl'tlfk9tt ., Tr-.c'lllt!I -'""'""' DIYld W!Hllm Sl••lloll SUlllY•ll· Clln11111 • Wotkrnon, a $«Ill' ,,,_, llllolkf.,.., ender tlld't Dold U"*' Fldlt!Dlll N1n11 tlld w 111 Nlnll A11le,,.ll• Strll'lo!I Sl>rln!r Strwf, Suitt 100, In the CHY llf los ., Trwl. Jiu ·~ecutect ltl'ltl d1nw r .. ~lldttd .. mt ""'' hf eQC:uftd STATI! OJ' CALIFORNIA l Antttln, C1!tfoml• f001J, wllldt l•llff of. to $tkl clul'f --'nttd Trwr.. 1 wrffttll t11t Mkl lllltn,m.nl. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I& llC• Is Ille Pitel of blnlflaf tJf Ille DKlerellofl flf Ott1111t W Dtmtlld !ti' 111 W"'-wtierMt, I "'"" hfrllUf'llo On Novembfr JO, Tt6I ,befon me. Ulldllr11tnect t11 111 m1"9r1 """'""'° 19 S.llJ, •nd 1111 ....,.llld'wltll Nici dlll'I tNlud m1 hl!ld ffld fll!lct1I M•I "111 • Not•rv Public 111 •nd lo• ••kl Sl1tt, sttd •sr.ie. Sue~ cl1lmt, with tt. -t1111d TrjltfM, 11/c11 o. ef lru•t 2fMI d•Y ot Mlordl. IHf. """°"''IY 1ppe1red D•vld wn111m Str•I· necen1•Y Y011tlMirs. musl bl flltll or 111C1 111 dtcui'Nflb 1wllltflcl111 obll••llortl COFl"ICIAL SIALI Ion 111d Nl11• ......,_,,, $1t1llo"· kMWll Pl'-1111 11 •lotneld. ..,,11111 tout tee11nd ll'tlrlbY, t!ld lilt dtcl1r1d •!Id Vernon M. C1rt1r lo mt lfl bfl ltll ""'°"' WtKIH 111mt1 "'°""'' 11rer Ille 11'11 pUbllclllOll of ffll1 .. _. _,.,. •!I -MClll'ed Npf1ry Pull>HC-C.ltfornl• ....., tubtcrlbtd lo ltll w1thl11 l111tr11me!ll riotlct . ....,., ln'llMllllleletr ... -H'ftbllJ 0.-°""'"' '1!d .O:nowledlld ,...., UKU!ld the D1ttd APfll '· 1969. Mill 1111 •~ .-._ .,.,_,. •IKt M'f QwnmtulOfl l xJlrts ••mt. M1rv R. ICltev .. OWi tl'll tn/\t '"'""" to bt OK. tt~ lfTI tOFFICIA,L SEA,L) Eiecvlri~ tJf 11'1~ Will .... ,. """" 1111 obl!Mtto. lllCll'*' •· C. eALAI Edmulld M. Perron Of ••Id llecedalll ......... A........., _, -...., Nel•'V Publlc-C•llfor1111 T...,,,, SulNv•11, Cll"111~ a werl'mtn SHIRLEY ANH WAllES 111111 lit Prl11clp1I Ofllt'I In •Y Soulll SJrl111 SI., Sull1. 10t Formlr1'f ... c''"'"" .,... o,.. .... Coullh' l.M A_ .... Clllf. tolU IHIRLIEY ANN MIP!l Tift ln41-Mf.1J'fl M'f Commlulon ~... A,..,...,., for ••et11lrl• Dlofei Mtrcll 10. lMf lfN'ffrt hid. C.lltlrlN ftMI A,prtl 12, 1t71 Plt·M1V. l"\lblldl9il QrlllOI CO.St Dell'i' "llof, Publl1htd °'""" C11111! D1ll'f llllot, "ubll11'1td Of•l'IH CO.JI O•llr "llof, PublltlM!d Ot1ntt1 Coa1t D1ll'f Pllol, Mlrdl !1, II ... APrll '4. 11, 1Mt SS\ ... Mlrch II, 2' Mf ,.,...II 4, 11, \Hf SO ... ,t.,prU (, II, lf, ,5, 1m llUt Afol'll 11. U, 25 ~ fMy :J, U•9 •tt-69 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEG AL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 111 1M Clftlct' Cll ltll C-IY ll:ICOl'dirr Dltlrlc:I Mtt1 M llf fl'll Cll'f el I, C, IC, PRIEST, CllY Clel'k 01 OI ... 1d c.wrr,., 1'11h I n111 !hit eo.11 Mtu .. hlnb'i' el'Wlldtd b' "" (fly of Cnl• Mitt .... f)f""llc:lo Is P•r .. 111 With 111C1 •llltl!lf W'tlltf'IY the lddltlo!I 11'11•9"1 Cll th• Cl.CP Clerk of Ille Cll'I Counc:U of lhir CllY 61.0I ,..,, mea1urtd ti rltllf 1M!fit 1.rM dncrlllld Ill Slctlon I llereof. GI COiii Mis.I. lltrebY ur1ffY th•t lrorn !hi """' llnl Cll lilrbctr SECTION a. l'llll OrdlMllC9 .i>1n l•k• Ille •bov• tlld foreeol119 Ordl,,.nce Mo. etultv•rd, uld <Mf1r lln1 bfln9 1111 •lftcl '""' ti. 111 tull fora th1'1Y ff4 WM l11trodllCld 11111 cqnslde,..i RC• -t.rlY llM llf 1.11d Clfttl11 "'ctl (JOJ d•'f• fr-tnf tfttr II• Nutte, 11011 lrf SK!loll 11 • rtou11r _11.,,. '8 1C11Ulrl'Cl1 lhtllc9 •lena :1.1111 1Nrlllle1 ind prior to 1fr1e v;plrtllon et uttee11 of IM C!l'I Councn cf 1tt1. Cll'I of llM SOU!frl r 21' SI" Wtsl, lm.17 !Ul 111.,.. frort1 1111 ,,1.,.. ltltreol Cotta MIM. h11d 011 Ille 11th d•v 1111 to • """'"' curve CClllC•vt sll•ll be PUblllhftl once Jn lht OlltANGE of M1rc11, 1969, •""' th•r•1fttr p1safd norltlwetterl'f tlld llt'f(flll I rtdl111 COAST DA ILV PILOT, 1 riew••Pfl' llld '.-ooJtt~ I S • "'hole •I I ntul"" of 2'0.GO ftll1 thtnot MllfflWflttrlY of 1e11e1•t clrC\ll•tlon, 11rl11tfd 11111 '"'"""" of u ld CllY Councn ~•Id °" •IOM Mid CllrW thrtlllh an _.. •ubllsl'tld Ill "'-Cll'f llf CC1$11 Miii the 7lh Ol'f of Mr11, 1'69. bv l"9 Iii ur W 2.5", '" ire dlslu•ce hloll!ltf' With ltll """"' o1 1,.e 1011ow1119 roll all Wle: l'I »3.3' flllt1 lfttl!CI North Jr 30' mtmlltrt f11 !flt CllY C-11 YO!lnD AYES: COUMCILMEN Wll..:in, Tuck•r• O" '#wt mA r.tt 1llO!IQI Not1'll ttr iftd "'Iris! 1f11 -St. Cl•lr. JOl'dlt!I, Pinkley •1'" .... ot• Wet!. ,2,10 lttl/ llltllCI "Asseo AND ADOPTED "''' 7th dl'I' NOE S: COUNCILMEN .. _ N(lll'fll· '5° .20' 20" We.t1 U0.11,.llll/ If ,_.,;r, 1Hf AISENT: COUNCILMEN ,._,. ltllllOt Ner'll W 21' 27' Wffl, •t•.11 A L. PINKL!Y IN WITNESS WHEW.EOF I ,...,,. fMI • Mloll riortlllrlY 11n1. tMnot · • lltlrwrrto • my 1111'111 ,,,.. •lfl•fd ... .... llOl'tMrlY 11... S«tltl .,. MIYOf of fM C!'V Ille St•I d thl Cll'f ef Cott• Mtst. S<I' '1" l! .. t, 1U3.M le1t le lht "! COJlt Melt 11111 Ith dav Of Aprll, 1m. fltlnt"' MllWllM, "'"""" wlrll "'°" AnEsT. c. IC. PRIEST Clrflln _. f'llfltt .... Id rl9'111 C. JC. PRIEST City Clerk •nd eir-ottlcfo ,.,.,. _.,.. ..,. 11ro -.cl. c,',! ,.••,~,,.,°! ~. Clel'I( 01 !tie Cll'f •• .._ COllllCll of ll!e l•CT10flll L Pu,.,erit fit 1111 11rOYltlOll• STATS: 01" CALIFOlltNIA I Clf'f of Cotr. Mn. el S«tlon f'Z)ll.4 of ll'le Mu11lc1HI COUNTY 0~ ORANGE l II Publt"'" Ort'l!ll Cotst Dfllly Piie!, CM ., h Cll'I flf Colll MtN, CITY OF COITA MESA J Altrll 11, \Ht 611·6' •• --------~ " • = ,. • • " " " " IU j 'U - -·-·----.. -· _ ....... , _ ___ ._ , .. --·-- 1 i l -• . .. ~ ._ ! r. CITY Of' COSTA WUl, tA1SOf91A ,,,__,. 1 ! I Jf IM.YPUf • I F.W.,, ¥1 U. IM ------ --------------------- MorriJJ Plan lloL1ing OVER THE COUNTER -A· Co. to Chnnge Name1~ ... NAS ..... D u.·"""-,..-llwnAy--... -lt ... ,,..--1 ... -~-'!:'l!llM SAii FRANCISCO - SkaWdtra " ne IWrit ' Pim (Wdiow) Co. will ........ ed lo .-.. Ille -ti the campeJ to )Jor la• -Corp. ot --· '*"l••O' dh Ila ...... 'T llaljlll 'If • ...._ ..-.... ....._.,Ille_ af direcl4n, said Ille ~ was be:lq 1"«*••1w•ded a. uoid '°'"'"'" cl die holclnc LEGAL NOl'ICZ I ... ' -· " • • -~------- Thursday's · Closing ----------------·-------------------~--~-·------- Prices-Complete New York Stock· Exchange List American ·Stock Exchange List · -------------.----~---------~-----------· .. ------·~---·-------------- J • DAll.Y l'llOf 3 Olympic Ch~mpions -' ' Upset at Long Bea~h ' . \ By GLENN WHITE or tM DllllV l'ltitt Slaff : J LONG BEACH -Considering that • 1 three 1968 Olympic gold medalists were "' upset at Thursday night's round of the NaUonal AAU swimming and diving J"t-r championships, it's DOf. too shocking that ' "'four Orange Coast area splashers did not do partiC\llarly well. " It all happened at Belmont Plaza Olympic Pool, here, where C<Jnpetition continues tonight, Saturday and Sunday. 'Ibe Coast area's quartet accounted ~ far oiie medal-Greg Fink's sixth place In the finals of the ~ya.rd (rCe$tyle. Fink, formerly ol Corona del Mar High, got out okay but (1.cied badly hi1:1 second 100 and was never in contention there· after, coming In with a 4:48.37-..elght seconds slower than tn his morning heal. Surprise winner of the event was Gt'r· many's Hans Fassnacht, who erased Mark Spitz's American record of 4:33.2 with a 4:32.99 as he upse,· Olympie champion Mike Burton of UCLA (4:S3.21 ) with a surge the final M yards. Probably the moiit shocking upset of Maste rs Leader Will Casper Fold ·As He Did in '68? AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI ) -Is Billy Casper for real this time, or will he blow the lead in the second round of the Masters goU championship today the same way he blew it last year? After an opening-round six-under-par 66, Casper, the man with the neat swing, the positive brain, and the unusual diet, stands exactly where he stood one year ago -out front in the Masters by a single stroke with the chance to take command in a tournament which has defied his many talents. Right on his heels this time were Bruce Devlin, the Australian ex-plumber. and George Archer, the S-foot.-6 skyscraper or 'the touring goU pros, at 67, and tourna- ment favorite Jack Nicklaus at 68. A whole bunch of other stars were within firing distance, too, after an open- Osteen Hurls For Dooger s Under Dome ing day on which 23 players in the 83-man field broke par 72 and seven others matched it. Can Casper hold 'em off? The 37-year-old Bonita. CaliL. putting whiz who has won 'em all, including t\1'0 U.S. Open championships, but never has finished better in the Masters in 12 tries than his fourth plac e in 1960, thinks he can. "I have always thought I can win here," Casper said quietly as he con- templated the task before him. "I regarded my chances pretty much of a question mark on Wednesday,'' said Casper. "After that 66, my game is no longer a question mark. It's here to stay and I hope it lasts for three more days. If J can keep it going, 1 can win here." Certainly there was nothing in Casper's first rounc:i to hint that he is headed for a disaster like last year when his opening round 68 was followed by a 75. Playing simply to "ge t it up and down and not to gamble," Casper rattled off six birdies, 12 pars, and nary a single bogey. Playing conservatively to the green, Casper cashed in with what he called "probably my best putting round in a long time." Highlight was a 30-fool putt for his final birdie on the 17th. HOUSTON (,AP) -Two of baseball's -'hard luck pitchers tangle tonight when " the Houston Astros host the Los Angeles ·"Dodgers in the second series of 1969 for :t both clubs. Coincidentally both hurlers t:·wear No. 23.. But, also ii the first round is any in- dication, any slipping could be fatat for Billy's chances. What the stars did to the lush A_ugusta National course was a cau- tion - 213 birdies and two eagles. Nicklaus got one of those eagles -on the par-five 15th whP.re he hit a 315-yard drive, plunked a fou r-iron on the green 22 feet from the cup. and then rammed home thfl 22-footer. Claude OISteen of the Dodgers faces ·• Denny Lemnster of the Astros in a battle .. oC left-handlers. ._.The Dodf:ers seek their second victory Dodger Slate 11-l>cdo~·· II HouslOn, }:ll p.m., ICFI 12-0odgtrl .i Houtton, S:1S p.m., ICFI l~erl 11 HouslO!I, 11:" 1.m,, l(FI That put golf's "Golden Bear" J n business. The tournament favorite is tinkering slightly with his game, ad· justing his hitting somewhat, and says he s\ill has made comple te "mental and "1ysical" adjustment to the change. Devlin, like Casper, bas a second-round memory to banish. He would have won last year's Masters if he had parred the In thr-ee games: the Astros are looking par-four 11th hole on the second round. for their first triumph of the season after Instead he took a horrendous eight. And three defeats. he admits he'll be thinkiag about that Osteen was 12-18 last year, the first Y:hen No. 11 heaves into sight again . time in five seasons he was below .500. Bruce Fleisher, the 20-year-old national But to his credit, he hal a 3.08 earned an1ateur champion from Hialeah, Fla., run .average and pitched well in most of "'as one of seven goliers who kad S9s in the 18 games he lost. the first round and defending champion And in his 18 defeats, his teammates Bob Goal by, the most overlooked defen- scored only 22 total runs for him. d' h · · Lemaster, 10-15 in his first season last ing c amp1on in many years -even by himseU, surprised by placing among four year with the Astros led the Houston golfers at 70. starters last year with a 2.81 ERA and Tommie Aaron, the unhappy fello\v !truck out twice as many as he walked. \Vhose slip of the pencil last year pro- But in 10 of his 32 starts. his mates got duced the incorrect scorecard that him no more than one run. Roberto de Vicenzo signed and thus cost He loot one l-0 game and two by scores himself a title lie, was among eight f imcks Erase ~:~ory I I By Bou11cing Bosto11 I • ' NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Knlcks, trying to erase the memory of Wednesday night's debacle, succeeded just the way Walt Frarler planned it. "We bad to come out swinging," said the star guard of the Knicks, who scored 25 points in New York's 101·91 victory over Boston Thursday night in the ir Na- tional Basketball Association Eastern Division final playoff series. "The big difference of course, was our shooting. We had everyone in double figures ." Dave DeBusschere, shul out Wed· nesday night, was particularly satisfied after grabbing 13 rebounds -the Knicks outrebounded Boston &4-45 -and seilring 13 points, four more than he bad manag- ed in the first two games. the evening freestyle. came In the wo~n·s SOO ·Quadruple Olympic gold medalist .and amateur athlete of the year Debbie Meyer was shocked by teammate Vk.ky King, a pl:lie-llke 105-pound girl who barely reaches Miss lt!eyer's shoulders. The 16-year-old J\.11ss King stayed with her r;val stroke for stroke then won by a couple of inches In 5:00.65 coi;npared with 5:00.70 for Miss Meyer-five one.- hundredths of ;. second apart. Mlss King said afterward that she wasn't sure she had won the race-even as she walked to the victory stand to get her gold medal. Mlss Meyer \Old the DAILY PILOT, "I didn't hear the gun for the last lap ~d wasn't kicking as hard as I could have. I had a lot left at the finish and I believe that if I'd have heard the gun I could have pulled it out." The twb will meet again Sunday in tht 1,650. Miss King said her only strategy was to swim all out and hope for the best. She said she had a bad last turn off the wall. ' The other noteworthy shocker was Jn the heats of the men's 100 breaststroke. Felipe Munoz, the man who sent all Mu· ico into wild celebrat'ion six months ago when he won the Olympic 200 b~t· stroke, finished out of the money in the 100 breast, placing 14th overall. Janice Allen of Corona de! Mar upset old teammate and housemate Toni Hew- itt in the 100 butterfly consolation finals. ~iiss Allen turned a llfetime best of 59.17 to place second while Miss Hewitt, an Olympian, was fifth in 1:00.87. Miss Hewitt said she took water three times du ring the race and felt dead the last 25 yards. She come.<s back in the 200 fly Saturday. Kim Thornton of Corona de! Mar swam out of the money in rooming heats of the breaststroke, turning a 33.0. In other events Thursday night. Rancho Alamitos High senior Gary Hall 6napped the American record in the 200 backstroke. 1be Garden Grove youth did a 1 :52.0 to erase the previous mark: by 2.2 seconds. Susie Atwood got an American mark in the women's 200 back with a 2:07.51 and Brian Job got a U.S. standard in the 100 breaststroke with a 58.ll. Other winners for the evening were Sharon Wichman (100 breast), 1:07.6: Ellie Daniel (100 ny), 58.39; Ross Wales (100 fly), 50.51. Lakers Begin West Playoff • With Atlanta LOS ANGELES (AP) -With three superstars, the Loe Angeles Lakers are favored in their National Balketball Association fina l Western playoffs start- ing tonight at the Forum yet the Hawks have shown great balance. "We're not a big team," said Atlanta Coach Richie Guerin, "but we're fairly strong!' The Lakers' Bill van Breda KoJff added, "I wouldn't call them a great out- side shooting team. They like to muscle the ball and work inside. "They don't make too many mistakes. They won't beat themselves, that's for sure." Jerry \Vest paced the Lakers inefCOJ'· ing with a 31.8 average for six gimes as Los Angeles won four straight to beat San Francisco f..2 in their opening s e t. Wilt Chamberlain, who joined West and the Lakers' other superstar, Elgin Baylor, this year, hauled down 141 re- bounds in that series. Lou Hudson paced the Hawks scoring with an average of 22.8 in the 4-2 aeries victory over San Diego but Zebno Beaty and Bill Bridges weren't far bf.. hind at 21.0 and 19.3, respectively. Ex-Laker Walt Hazzard and Joe Cald· well, expected to start at the guard spots, had 16.8 and JS.8 averages for the San Diego series. G~ ma<!e some offensive adjust. ments m the fmal games of the season lo install a speedier attack and many fig- u~ that strategy was aimed at just this senes. rn height, the Laker front line holds the big ad vantage ove r the Hawks. Jn Ute adjustment, Hau.an:I sees more action to take advantage of his speed and field generalship. Following form, the final series in the West matches the teams which finished first and second in the division during the regular se.uon. The top finishing Lakers host the first tv.•o games, tonight and Sunday night and then the series moves to Atlanta for the third and fourth games nett Tuesday and Frtday nights. STOPPED AT THE NET -Oakland goalie Gary Smith had his stick in the right place Thursday night on this scoring attenipt by LA Kings' Bill Flett at the Forum. Hampson blocked the shot and the puck flew a\vay fro1n the ncL Oakland's Ted Hampson is at right. The Kings \Von, 4-:3, to even the NHL's \Vestern playoff series. 200 Attend Funeral Stiles Would Approve Of Last Resting Place INGLE\VOOD -Jack Kent Cooke 's sports palace, the Fonnn, was \Vithin walking distance, as was Hollywood Park race track. And so it seemed fitting that Maxwell Sti}es should be buried in Inglewood Cemetery, near those two sports centers. And as you sloocl at his grave site Thursday, you knew that if Max could speak, he would approve of his final resting plact. j It was an especially peaceful "spot, in a meadow, facing a pond • You also knew he'd have appreciated the t'Umout of 200 who came to pay last respec\s to a man who gave 49 years or service to the field of journalism and the reporting cf sports. Among those who came to say goodbye to the 67-year-old writer were prominent l "" GLENN WHITI: ................ WHITE WASH **'*"'""•*****•• persona]ities of sports and journalism. Too, there were lesser knawn figures of those fields. Then there were family friends and relatives. l\!ax would have been grate!ul to all who came, regardless of their station in life. He was that kind ci. mau. He was eulogized as a man who spoke his piece, if be felt something had to be said. And he was described as •man of great accuracy -he even once carried the nicknamed. "factsy Maxie ." Yet when be did make an , infrequent error he was quick to admit it, whether privately or in print A1J you sat in the chapel listening to 11Vaya Coo Dios, La Golandrina and Home Sweet Home," you realized that there was more than a man in the copper colored casket Also ~g buried was an era -\vhen a man had to learn to ride a bike and serve as a messenger to get his fool in the journalistic door and had to struggle for survival wi~ meager wages and few, ii any, fringe benefits. For the Ioog, thankless hours he toiled. W.:ax stiles gave his life. But that life served a purpose. entertaining and in- fonninC many, influencing a few . * * * Dal Ward, tx.foo&ball coach at the UoiversJly or Colorado, uderweat brain 1W1ef'Y MOllday 11 New Orltut ud Js still in extremely critical condition. ,. \Vard, 6%, was vacationing in the Louisiana city with his wife when he sur. fered a stroke and was rushed to tbc hospital. Mike Edelstei n, former Orange, Coast College and \Vestn1inmr Jfigh hurdler, is .sparkling at Cal State (Long Beach) \Vith a 14.6 in tbe 120 high barriers and a 54.l for the 440 intermediates. Don 'Neugebauer, ex-Golden West College and Westminste r High baseball whit, is siuling at Cal State (Fullerton). He leads the Centra l Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) with five triples. He's second in RBl's wi th 25; second in total bits wilb 35 and seventh io hilting "·ith a .~7 average. Against Orange Coasl last year be bad a triple, single and home run to drive in five runs in a 7-0 victory. All-American Finale Set JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) -Amateur Nancy Ri chey and pro Billie Jean King set up an all-American final Thursday by de£eating British opponents in the semifinals of the Soulh African Open Tennis Championships. Miss Richey, the No. I ranked amate ur in the United States, faltered in the rirst set and then trounced Virginia Wade in lhe next t\vo for a 3-6. 6-3, 6-0 victory. It w:is the same for Mrs. King, the top female professional from Long Beach. The California star, seeded first in the tourney , overcame Mrs. Ann Jones , the British pro, S-7, 6-3, 6-0. Billie Jean, hit· ling sharply and aceurately, swept the last night games. l\1iss Hichey also gained the women 's doubles final. She and Miss \Vade beat South Africans Pat Walkden and Annette du Plooy. 7-5, 6-4 . In a mild upset , Californian Pancho Gonzalez and South African Ray Moore, toppled St'Cond -seeded Tom Okker of Holland and Dennis R a 1 s l o n of Bakersfield, 3-6· 6--4, 1-6. 6-4, 6·4. In another match, South Africans Bob HewiU and Frew l\lcMillan do"'ned Australia's Richard Crtaly an d Alan Stone, 16-14, M, 6-2. l(i11 gs Force NHL Playoff To 7 Ga111es LOS A.l\1GELES u\I') -Onklf111d 's Seals planned a trip from Los Angeles to SL Louis but in~!ead it's back to Oakland as the Stanley Cup hockey pl;iyoffs ~'ith Los Angeles goes the full di:;Lancc. The Kings e\·cneU the count nt three games apiece before 7.B-16 a! the Foru:n Thursday nighl Y.'ith a hard fought· 4.3 Victory. If Oakland had won, tl1e Seals \VOuld have left in1cdiately for St. Louis' !o meet the Blues who blan ked Philadel phia in their opening set. Now it's thC Sf'.oals and Ki ngs again Sunday \~·ith one of then1 going lo St. Louis Tuesd:iy night. '"\Ve gave up the g:!n1c \l'ilh poor passes,., declared Oakl 2nd coach Fred Glover, "'hose club hact \\·hipped Los Angeles 4·1 just the night before. Los Angeles built a 3-I first period IC'<1d, lost it as the Seals evened lhe cou1~t befo re the s t a n z a \V as over and then went ahead to stay on Cowboy Bill Flett 's first goal of the pl ayoffs. It ~ame at 15:12 of the sccor;d peril')(!, Coa!1e Gary Sn1ith went down · while blockini;! a Bill \Vhite slap shol and Flett fl ip ped the puck over him into the nel ' Los Angeles battled detensively in •lhc final period and. rcmark<ibly, the Sea!~ had only l1vo shol~ on goal. Coach f{ed Ke!l.v of lhc Kings d e c la r c d defensen1en \Vhltc. Brent Hughes, Dave Amadio and Dale Rolfe all played ~'ell and added the back-lo-back games on consecutive nigh ts had helped his club. ··we're young and alw<1ys seem to pl<iy better on the sec0nd nig~!L., be coin-mcntcd. '·No\v !he dc1 '1y until Sun1h1y will help Oakland." That's esp ecially Lrue since centers Bob Dill abough and ;\like L:i.ughton musl recover from injuries. Top G ynu1asts Compete Tonight In UC I Event New York wasted little time, jumping Into a 23-19 first-quarter lead , and Boston never caught up as the Kn icks closed lrilhin 2·1 in the best of-7 series. .. We knew we were better than last night,'' said \Villis Reed. "We also got a few or the Boston guys off l<lnight. Crowds Small, Halos Still Optimistic The ~nest collection of Americtn1 gym . n~sts s1~ last sun1mer's Olympic team !ria ls w1_1l be on hand at L'CJ's Crawfqrd 1-lali tonight. The occasion is lhe \\' ayne Crawford f\~emorial ~ymnastlcs !\.1etl '1f Cham- pions. Starting lime is 7:30 p.m. and adult tickets priced at S2 \VIII be on saJa at the door. Studt'nt lickrls 1vtll sell for $1.25. 87 EARL OUSTKEY 01 t11ot IMllY f'Ofl lt.tf Despite the fact only 17,277 people have showed up al Anaheim Stadium for the season's Unl two games, Angel gineral manager Dick WaJsh remains the eternal optiml.Jrt. "Certainly I'd b•ve to say I was disa~ pointed with our first two crowds (ll1t30 openitli night Tuesday and 5,347 Wed· nesday), allllough I w8' quilt happy to see the r1ithful fans who turned out dtsplts the threat of heavy rain Wed· ne!Jday," he says. • "But until Bob Chance stepped up and dro"'e in that run for us, I was afraid they might be getting rtady to run us out of to14·n." Walsh will be eyeing the turnstile anx- iously ton1ght wbtn lbe MJnnesota Tu·ins visit the Big A for the nrst of three games over the weekend. Old Angel Dean Chanct pitches !« the Twin.< against !he Angels' Goorge Brunel. "Our ticket departmtnt tells me the crowds should pick up for tbe Mlnnesota series. We 're eipectina 15,000 F~ktay, a l!Ule mort Saturday and .2(),000 to 2S,OOO Sunday afternoon for our Dianeyland pro- motion." Walsh says nothing wUI cure in aching gate like • winning ball club, ,.. "tr the ~ub starts to play like Jt did Wednesday nl&ht. people will come see us play." · tJnless the Angels come up with 1 win- ner this rear. the club fJgure.s lo dip An9e l S late AIOI'. ll-A111tll ¥t Mflln-1•, 1:$.S p,m., K.MI'( (71~l. Aor. 1,,..,,.,,,." "' Min-.... l t:U •·'"·· ICMll'C: 11101. below the million matt in lbe. attendance for the first time. The 1006 figure, ~ record, ""'38 1.400,· 321. From thert it dipped lo 1.317.713 in lflG7 :ind still further to 1,025,956 l3sl season. Tonight's foe, Minnesota, I! the pre. season choice lo 'A'in the A m e r I c a n League's western division Utlc. Tite Angels were 7·11 with lhe ~·\ns last year but hold an all-time edge of 12-71. Slugger ltarmon Killebrew has hit more home ruM against the Angels than any other batsmen with 34. I-le I~ second In RBl's with 77, topptd only by Detroit's Norm Cash with 80. Saturday night's pilchers figure. lo be Hudy May for lhc Angels ancl Jim Perry for Minnesota. h1ay was ertrtmely im· pressive in a relier pcrforma.nce Tuesduy night against Seattle. Featured performer ton!ghl will 'be ~ave Thor of Michigan Sla!e, 1!~ O!y'in· p1an and NCAA chan1pin11 11c·s f•norcd to defe3t the dozen cntr~nt~ in 1hc decathlon-style competiti on r.ovcrul.g ,Jl!l standard gymnastics events. . Others expcclcd to bl,' r.n hrind are 1,v() time NCAA ch~mp nirharU Gngsby. Jap~nese Olymp1<' tenm n1cmber ~1inor11 f\.fortsakt and Chal!\1'orth lllgh !'iensallon Steve Hug. The. cve~t. named for th!" l!'h• urr athlt!tlc di.rector \\';i· n,. C'rn.,.-rnr•!. 11 be.Ing held to benrf,t the L'CI nthlttlc pro-grant. ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------..,---------------------------- ~Tars, Vikes Score ~ ' . ~ . \ ' . ' ' • . Loop S.pik~ Wins I --'·---... JM matP.l In '1111 IJl'Wt.'l'llurldoJ rill Davt Lacy .....,. bolll·lht Joo ul a and the Vlbt ·pul!ad out ~ --u-lplirt dtd.,_ a~Wetln J1!Cb. Newpri Harber "u' the OOly ot11er Oran&• Coul .... Sunoet w1-,,,_ d11 -the Tm beat hoot Anal1tlm, -· :w-loot .. JIQ"Wfl! .vU1,Un1 .santa !Jna, ""8, and boll Hunlip&loe ':Beach wu lr<lw>ced by S&nta Ana Valley, .-77-41; :: Lacy pulled "' a triple. Tbe ~· .bll\ :!":'P oprloler, Lacy WOii lht JOO in JG.I, ;;thO DO In n.a and the loil( jump at ~ ~~-... Newport WClll tlJht fint places to ·decide the iu\I• tn the Anabeim ~ Tbe T11111 otartad off wtlh a -two flnlth ln'the JOO. DareJ Blood wot In Jo.7 and Jle WU followed by Court --·• Huntinlton coach p1ul Wood was ::C.auned wtlh the •howtnt ol !Iii rlllng --,.ung 90phomcn middle -111111, • :Wamn Hopn. The houn&sttr <locked a SU ln taklng a lltCOlld tn the qtw1er ·mile. •· In the HuntlnCl4G dual, Clyde Emery wil a triple winner wtlh u IJld IU In the oprlott IJld 11-8 tn the loo( jump. Vlke•·PlotH•ff• . _,Jnm- ~ -'·.'-tll (M> 2, T. Vlllt1rnlltlt IMI LS.,.."' (W !..'"r,,).Ky'(MI 1. J, \'Wlthl'lltlll (M) S. T. V-t1191 lie (1¥11. Tllnt: tt.l ~ -I, H,Kfl, IWI t., hll .... (WI :l. J. Vtntlmlell• l1Wi ~'r:H';rA.{W) :I. Wiikin IW) :S.Ha" (Ml. Tim.! 'l:ll~-1 . f::.k .. r (WJ f. IMNn lWI). l lNml..-~~~'.1\ :~\tdt1 ('#) 2. leck""n !Ml ). "-"'I' HW-..:. 1~1·' .,.,,,_ (M) :I. Tur!llllr !WI l. Hlllh!I """' 1' fi~~ :ii.~-{Ml t. lute! (WI l. H11111n ltll~V -l: ~rlM. ~1 .U.l. ~MJ'•_ t1biT ... (MT'r'L~ i~·';, '"' (W). 112 rlitl(M) t. ltkllri\ln !Ml l. e mllm IWI. inc:•: V -I. c,..t (WI t. Wl!Mltf IMJ S. O'Hlr• Cl\1ii ~"-';/;., 1t.fi1 t. Dnllllna (Ml l. Clrrlllt (W). D!itl!Kt: Jl-lKr.' -MllrlM t1tl CIJI W9'1tnl ~ -1. ~:11afatn (M) 2. It-CM) 1. Wllttn !!_"f.: '·,~fatn IM) 2. Wltlan {Ml S. Wtltltln Tlmt· Y't. -I. ~i-{Ml 2. LMlnt IMI S. l( .. llMY IM). Tl~ .!_:~~wll tMI 1. W1ltw {Ml 1 llt•IW IWI. ~' r,~ :!_: }· .. NII., (Ml t. Av.m (Ml J. Mlrb I '"'..:... \ .Jiowtlly (M) 2-Avervt IMJ J. 1111111 IM:I~ "!" -, M4r11'11 .TlrM: 1:u .1 M ht~ , (Ml t. H•r111nft1 (Ml S. Sc'-Mr "!'J -"', 'It" tMl t , KtnMllY (Ml N• 1"1~-0llanet: f-j . V -l. 11.-n IM} t. kllofttr CWJ J. Wllbuk C J Hllf'~I· I ~ r. -. ;"'11tr CW) 2. J1nnl1191 (Ml J. SUlll•l'hlf C Ollllnc:t: a-4VI. <• MlrlM C6'1 n•1 W•ttr• 110 -ll M11ftiY tMI l. Hlllt tWI l. H•lmlnlelr (Ml. Tl(I:~\\ MllftiY (Ml 2. PIUftAI (M) l. Tl'/111' CMI. Tl'"P: ltj • ... -~ (M) t. HefffMll CM! l. I,._ CMI. 111",&i !:~. A•rmtc11tr (Ml l. S.t!Mt (W) l. lt"U cwf'.""11m1: SJ:•"- 1• L.H -I . l•'lllr CM) :l. Ot.Jlha (M) l. "'.11'11:1:. IW\. 'i' U~/ BJ -l.'l.fr-;i.!..~ Mr°i. t19"iiJ't~m.Ullr (MJ ind lttJ (~)· 1.•~.'1~ ~ilr (Ml t. l rll'lllln !WI 3- MlcMlten.1 \WI Dltllra: 1 .. 1\1. IMI Y "*~lrt IMJ. •t!*trt: 1N. f -• "ti"'---(WI t. downs J. .. -1. l'trtl: Ml t. MIJfrlH (WI S. .,,........r CM). D tflllKf: ~'6. T•r •.Colonw VtRltY ...... ,. (ff! C•I Allllltlm 11111 -1. ~loed' (NH) ' lttilMr (NH) J. Flt nMrv IAitt T.!_'"f; ·aTfi:a IAJ 2. AIMrN O'IHJ J. 1'1111 lNHI. Tl:::_!ljfli"ltottr& (NH) 2. llNd (NH) J. fr•MI'" fAJ. T~;::_Jl\.' Jtl,. (NH) 2. k!Mn:l,..r (Al J. Del-'/ ::T.11;,~~,.~~~ (NHJ 2. Chltllltn INHI l. LMMV ~I• -1· ~-· u-1 " ,,._ '""' 1 J. "1..2f~'H t!!_H : t:~ ~\Hi '2. L-(Al :a. McGwtl'I CA~. LH':_l ·.'·LUM {A) t. M(QUIMI (A) l. lt-r (NH • Tf!'ll9: 2\'-"'lly -• Mlhtl"I. Tlrn41: 4'.I. M I• lt•14V -I. NfWIOl't (AUmt. lttttn. a1t1tttl', •ltO!ll. TllM: ):22.6. A! ~-1:<H1vtn (NH) 2. t:ccl• (NH) I. Pr•tt I • Ht I: . -• Ctlllnt CAI 2. All•ma UtH) l. DIM.tr IAI. 0111a~: ~ ,.v -1. wril !NH) t. •1111« CNHI l. Gwn'lllll IA). "\1J~!:.1~Nth CAI 2. Klders (A) l. Alllri.IM INHJ. Dlllfllnct: •11A. · :.m -,_ ~ .. ·~MA\"rcmut~;:, 1 ArrNnd IN • Time: .I. - 1. ulh: OIHI !. ArlMl'lf 000 1. SNlll C~M '~'t11f1: INliJ t. Hffll..,_. INH) J. J, ~.~H : ,.:i:· 1'r.:ti:i1 '· It...,,_ 1""' :a. s. ( J. : J: • Tl1'fa :~7: ·~Ill l~i t. Welner (Al I. GIT( (Al. , =, -1. H""" (NH) l. Wt!MI' (A.) :a. em lli. mt: lU. Llon•·Salnu A rea S pik ers Entered I n Chaf fey I nvitational ,,,..,, Aflll U, 1969 11,ULY PILOT J7 VANG UARD TRACKMEN -Southern California College trackmen Ken Backman (left) and Ronn Nipper wort on their starts during a recent work- out at Costa Mesa High . Nipper holds ftve school records at the Costa Mesa college. J ust Enough Uniforms Vanguard Track is a Picnic By EARL GU8TKEY CM t11t Daltr f"Mlf ...,. When a high achoo! tract athlete breaks two minutes in lhe llO, it doesn't cause much udtement these days. 'Ibere's a half doren. who have done it this season in the Orange C.OUt area a loot. But trad IJld field btUI& what il Is at ~ Callfornla CGllege in c..ta Mesa, a two-minute 8') ii news-big news. When senior St'tve Regis clocked a 1:59.9 race recently, he broke the college record by over six seconds and that mark had remained unbroken for four yean . Nttdleu to say, Soalhtm Cal College wouldn't be anidend a threat to win the NCAA. track IDd litld championship Motorcyclists • To Inaugurate OCIR Season N«mally the scene ol.1,CIOG-hon.epower drac ndDc machlnel in actioo, Oran1e County lntemltiooal Raeeway will be bmllformld into a road race course for grand pr!J: mot«cycles Sunday. o..r JlO cycle -will be Clll band 1<r the tnck" ~ ol !Is 111111 lrand prll< cycle -00 a U·mllt road ra<:ine ctn:uit. Practice begim at 10 a.m. and racing at l p.m. Saturday niatt's drag racing program will feature A-fal 1Upen:harged can and Injected fuel draptm. Pre-qualified for Saturday's a: a .s supercharged coote!t, by virtue of. his win at OCIR three weeks aao, is Gary Demllwn ol Bellfiower. He'll be at the -ol !Iii 11123 Ford roadster. 'Ibo Ille modd """"-t will be led ..,. Sldp Hal, wl>o will be alter the track rooonldt.•-· Ht oamiwly mlao- ed Ille mart In his last Ortnt• County appMI' ID(.'t. OllMr top coolooders for the top ellmkWor prize will be the Zeller -· ot 8Gulh Goto, Emit Nicboloon ot Let Allfeloo, Mnltl Hemra and ... Emitr "· 11-llo. and John l.cmlwdo, N«wia. ' ----foraahot at .... etpt olartlbc -In ,..... lutl raclo(. P'lvorltfl f<r lhlt UUe an Win-- -cbam]ll Guot1n IJld Kramer from Vallndo, Callf. QuaHfyq Mrta at I p.m. and ellmtna- U... btgi! al I p.m. Area Calenda1· this year. But the Vancuards are the derendlng champions in the Golden s1a<e Athletic Assoclabion and that's recogni- Uon enough for coach Bob Reid's 15-man sptke juggernaut. Wtth JUst 260 male students in school, Reid, abo the school's athletic director, hu dlfficulty recnildng athletes for not ooty his team, but the baseball and tennis squads as well. "We have just two boys who are strictly trackmen," he Points out. '1be ttst of the team members also play either bueball or tennis aad two " -J!ll'ticlpilte ill all three. Some-timm we'll 10 1nto a track meet where, say, our p>le vaulter hasn't bad time to take me practice vault all week.." Reid ,,.. asked what kind of track ladlU.. lht coll<e• ha and hla "'ply hit the nail on the head: "Zero." "We have 15 Unl!onns and that's about lt. We work out over at Costa Mesa Hla:h Sdlool. The coach over there, Brian Sprtncer, lets our boys work out there but be hu ID many boys out for track we kind ot pt !oat tn lht shuffle. "And it'• cUMcult sharing pole vault and jumplnJ lacllltita with another 9Cbool. becltMe they're aeldom on the Sime traintna acbedules." Spaklng ol achedutee, the Vanguards' trick 9Chldule takes them to such out- post> aa Tait, AJusa and Victorville. Their m<tt with Cclleg< of the Desert at Pabn Deillert wu canc'elled laat month due to a sand storm. But in !pile of IUCh hardshli;., track and field at Southern Cal Colltae 111 by no means punishment. To the contrary, Reid saya h.ls athletes enjoy every minute of It. ''We have a ball. Ifs a picnic. We have no restrictions over how many events a boy can enter so we run all over the plate at a meet, tryin, to score as many points as we can." Indicative of the accent on veraatillty is the fact that one Vancuard, Ronn Nipper, bdda five ot Iha colltge'I l,rad: records: the hiJh jump at III lett; the triple jump at 4.l-7%, the SID lntonnt- dlate hurdlea tn 4U, the JIO lnttnntdlate hurdles in 21.1 and was a member of the school record mile relay team 13:31.0). Nipper, a senior, ill allio a track coach during lht day al Ambusador lllfh School In Downey and worb out wfih his high school athlet ... As a power in the Golden State Ath+ letlc Aseociation, ~d'• team ruW just a natdl below the teem that won the Jeque title Jut year. "We had two IS-foot pole vaulters Jut year but dley're sooe now," the eo1ch lamenti. "We alao bad a JUY who could put the shot 4S Itel and ht didn't c<111e back .mhtr. But In spite ti It all, I would uy Ibis Is lht lltCOlld ltn!l!prt leam I've had in my n" yeen hert ... * * * SOtrl'HERN CAL COLLEGE TRACK Rl!XXJRD6 1-...0.V. C..lntr 10.0 , .. HJ..-41:-NI,_., .. HM --,,, ... ~-Mlkt ~ ,,.. ... -----... . .. LJ-klll hdim111 11-1, :::: SP-JDfln 1Cr1lnti •1·11 ........ ,.... lt"l• ''"·' .... Dl--.Jelwl Krtlnti nt-1 . ... Mlle--Oll"lllll ,,,_,,., c:.ct.c .... Jlvtli-.Joi'w! IC,..lntr ,.,.. .... T~lle-J...., Murri~ 11:(16.7 , ... TJ..-41:-NlfM!' .... . ... 1• H~n ln'l1ter u.1 .... MIM llll~ MoNY l~H .. ,,. 1• IH-ll-N""' "-' IN• Jeftll '",,..,. DO IH-11.,.11 N .... 41.1 IN• It-Nl11Hr ... ltt-.JtrrY ltllll&tf' ~ .. , ... 0-lt Lll'MINY • Maj or League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE !aotDfvllloo W L Pd. GB Chicago 3 O 1.000 Plltaburfh J 0 J.000 New York 2 1 .867 Montreal 1 2 .333 St. Lou!> 0 3 .000 Philadelphia O 3 .000 Wat Dlvllloe Atlanta San Dle10 Los Angeles ClnclnnaU .i-Houston San Francisco s 0 1.000 l 0 J.{lllll I I .500 I I .500 0 l .ooo 0 3 .. 000 Tiit"*"' lttwlU H-Ywll '· Mlrlfl"ftl 1 Ctik-" l'lllltdtl(ll!llf t "'"'*""-" J, SI. LWlt 2 ...., D'-8 &. HlllliM e ON'/ .. mtl Kl!MulM. _,..._ t 2 s l I II II> 3 3 SI. 1.-.ib ((lrlhn l>ill 11 He" Yer-{~IHI , .. ltl l'hUllOt~I (...,_ .._., ti Pl!~ lMwM 1>11) MO!llrHI IMll'Mll M l tt ClllCIH (Nlellro !+.IOI Cl"Cln'ltll IMtfrrn ''"'" ,, Allenfl HIM II-It), ni.111 Lei Mftltt lOtlMll 12·111 ., l'lllutlll'I (l.MMll'tf' , .. ui. fll9l!t kt! 'rtric:I-llllMOI 11·111 .t SM Di.to (lt:lrtw ..,, ..... 4MERICAN LEAGUE !aotDMaloa W L Pd. GI Dtln>it 2 0 t.000 Wuhinston 2 1 .M'I 'h Boston l 1 .500 l Baltimore t 1 .$00 1 New York 1 2 .333 l'n Clevtlllld O 2 .000 I Wttt Dlvt1lon Kaoeu Cll)I 2 o 1.000 Seattle I t ."10 1 Oakland I I .500 I Chlcaao 1 1 .500 l California I l .500 1 Mlnneaota o 1 .000 2 Tllll,,,.,,, ll:MUlh W1'1'1i1111M f. Mtw y.ni, ' ••II!""'"' I, 9'M• I, II lnlllflet ~ Ii. Clfwltllll I Or!IY .. ..,.. Krlmultol. T ...... -lrttw YMI: lkrtltd'I N) •I Del""' !WlllOll IJ.lll Kft!Mt CIW I~ 1·0 If Otki.nd {Hlll'l .. r IJ. 111. """" MllWlllOM CC!llra ''"*'I It C.llfllr"'-ClruMt IJ.. 17), flllht Ollclll '"""""" ll-lfl .. INtllt ( ... 11-111 .. ,.,,. 111"""'11'1 1'"1> llt Ci.wi.M (S!Mrt 1" '" WadllllttM IMMtf '4) 11 l11tlmlno ,,..,. ..... U), n•t AUntORlllD FULL llllVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPOllTID AUTOMOllLES Pirates Win ~ I . 'J'wo Events ' In EC Test ' WlllTtll:lt -"Paal Hap. md Dall Schie-· " OrMP c-06a _... -11111 dl1 vtc-111 dio -Cooleience twltmDlnl -.. Rio' lloodo c.ue.. 'J'bund-, --· but Fullerton sribbed the uam lead • ezpec:ttd. The Hometa, who are stranslY fa- to nab lht team Ullo In Iha -Y m<tt, ICortd 113% polntt alter the lour evenll on opening day. Oran1e Cout wu a c!Olt _,,.i with 100% and O.ld<n Waet wu a SW']X111n1 but dl.atant tbJnl wttb 58% polnJ.s. Competition in lht meet """"'°' at t o'cloclc Ibis mirnln1 with qualllylns buU in six eventa and the diving competltkla. Finals got under way ~t S p.m. The clostlt race on Thunday'1 pro:. &ram WU the iOO-yard individual medMy which turned into a three • wQ battle between HutbeJ, KriJ Swenaon " Golden West IDd Mike Childen ol Full-. Hughu WU third iotng lnto. the final tip, but pt oil a great -to pull abeed of bis two rivals. He covered Iha distance tn 2: OU while Stftmon !lung on Jor an upeet seoond- plact finish in !root o( Childeri in l:OU. Cbilders WU Credited with a 2: DI.I. Schaumberg outdistanced tht field in the 50 free, an event which uw Ill area swtmmen earn points. Schaumberg'• wtnnln1 tlme of 221.1 wu hall a second better than teammate Mil1e Allbright IJld Phil Miller of Rlo H- wbo Ued for secand. Bili Luther ol Oraqe Cout tied lot' fourth in the race wblle Golden Walt'• Rew Hiii and Mark JohmClll flnWwf aWh and .seventh. Brad Smith of OC:C alao ICOred pointl in lht IO wtlh a JOlh place finish. .fl J. fer-. ) : ,,, .( 'JW'f 1-'1) I • ... -c. ii~ ,., ~ .. ,, L 'M' tlli11uw {GW J: 1 '-""'*""'"' . ''"· rl:i'"l -1• --"'fSI j'fH• '-~ ,~~t~µi°Ii''s. 111t1-=:i· 1~ \1tf~ 2: "il-'~·-x,,;;;i· ,l>\.'!~j!Jll.~1-nN.~.ll:'l: :: II w r"' 1lk:ltD. 't...rwadi'7JY. " ~ It\, '"' -" '"lr.r.': ~ /r..'r.'Z ~ ~.=,!.:~C.U,"\fi!At • ~~' L ~Vti:'~~-~J. I ~°l!l.JM.. Ii g:n.:1~ r.1trv.,..... I , 11~lflt1I • Renfro Paces San Oemente Swim Victory Scott Renlro, a san Clemente fflJh -bound f<r the Unl.entty ot (hp> 'nat year, broke 1 ICbool record and won _ two other even\I Thunday afttrnocll la aldtng !Iii Triton awbn team to a IW4 victory over vUIUng El Dorede. Renfro clocked a record 2:15.1 in the 200 individual medley, won the 100 free.lo 1:02 flat and anchored the Trttona' win· nina: 400 free relay team. San Clemente ls 1-1 in dual mee\I, but record ever for the Triton swtmmers. c ......... ~·~~~~"Tlc:l'!\O.. II I lmt: I: .L I rN ..,. ·a. 'rlT.*' (IC) 2. llNI (10) 1. Spr ndl~~ I~ ..:.1. ~~ {K) 1........:... I •~~ra"r~idj t'>-11<1 L - t ' -1-'lir.!n.. !ID) l. Id"* (IC) I. M. ..:!' .!1tii:.;;.;nse1 :l. K.,..., llDI S. Utorf 111oli ~:\;' ~.Ji. lln&JDI z. 11W111tM CKJ &. F1-n1N11 l!Dl '1111111: 1• .1 .~ "Frnc-I~":~ . IKI l. .... CKl a. ... Mo'"'t,.../ -I. ~IOI l. llttllo.111 llC) L lwrlt CSCJ Tlrne: 'I 4DD fl'l'H lltNf -• oern.tttt Tlmt: l:IUI ~-:,;_ 'rJJ!~, ' "'m'lli:'l"il! ... : I ey£..:._ \1.~-;;DJ l. Mlfhel llCf J. ......., .. 1u!M'mo..,,-_.,~ .. ···-,, i~:l~~~llilrntnriD)''f.Vsctc llCI J...,..... ~--r,f'lll9 C!DJ l. O.mtt llCI 1 DlltM I Lmt : 51 •. 1 1ck -l. Mlll1< Cll!"D) 2. S\ltfOll !SCI S. Mltttt. Cl Im.: 1·01,,, ,,_ -I. Miii•~ !Kl 2. Etm CIDI J. r,:tt -j-Lfttt! (l!D l. Kint llCI I, HllD~ mn CKI Tlmt• ,.41,1 • ,i:::"~~,,·~ 1. !t Dorldo Tlm1: l :•.1 . ' $1815 Ava.Uable w/Automauc Transmllllon .oi.11 SIA!. USIO CAIS NNllT llUCtlON Of um VOIT CAIS IN SOUTMUN CA..-itlA • _I ~ I 11·I1•11 i ii 111p1: I I ' llDO WDT COAIT Hl•HWA'f --llACH _l °:'t ILIL·111 _1 \111p•11 ! '4Z.MOI M0-17'4 A-M• e AUIT1N·HIALl'f - .......... NllAll -·Wes J ....... ' ' • I ll I ' I r I I I , . D DAILY I'll.OT !!lift Witt, Too Off Area Greens RENT YOUR VACATION H()flfl ON WHliLSI' , FV,,Mu~~gs N"~ Squeakei!s~ .) Hj k W' . c '()o Where )'OU wlftt. 1t•y : . . :,i . . :c a n y1 .. rns, u n_ :l':.dvi:.~.w.=,:tt.ovt , r :;r. C~st"IA'111LU ' • .L~;Jf ' !:'11:, ' ~· 1t, t u.ni R~ Sklllkll (II ptcQp 1 • • """1la;n V atlfy H I g b • Scbool'a vanity mlle rel1y ·j• u:i:~lft,~ =-"" 111e m"u 21~): Shirley eunu..ro <111. • CAMPER neodoy-.....' to «(lluto Low net llUlll was Roy 2M8) and Ruby Hultberg (ll._ .,1 ,... "'"'"""!":"I•, ..,. the -IMuol Men'• Club Moon with a qw.e? lollowed %1-85). ' • *' ..,., -.,.'I" -Pnoldlot'I CUp clwnplon-by the trJo ol Bill • Wallaco, Barbara Sbepard!son l1lok C -11 .....,. I ' obip ovv Garland Prlvttt at Dick Miller and Jack Frazier Dlght honors with tar 1-OR lea ... · ... -record In . the• llMI ..... ol tH day .. 1111 a,.l;IU lo live Ille Ban>ns a -~ -Loar• Hlgli Tbllnday ~ in an Jrvine Leagu'.e '1'.ack and fitld mfft. 1be victory keeps coach Matt Leonard's forces un- beaten in dual meet action witb Estancia. and Costa Mesa left on the league agenda belore. league finals later in the month. C06ta Mesa also relied on ... the final event -the mile rel-.y -to get past Corona del Mar, 67-6l, and Estancia had JitUe trouble ~etting b y Magnolia, m7. One of the top efforts for Estaocia was a 10:10.9 2-mile by freshman Jim Davidson, , Founta:n Valley won every individual running event with Phil Maas taking the sprints in 10.3 and %2.6 and his brother " Denriis .t<Wng the 44(1 in 51.0. Kevin Williams set a school record in the 2-mile with a 9:50.2 effort. The record-setting r e I a y ; team was composed of Dennis Maas, Bruce McAlister, Doug Godbe and Steve Christiano. ••tllldlo ,r.r:n, ~lllo lCIO -I. Wlllllmt (MJ 2. h l'flll'I 1r1 1. G1rrelt !Ml. Time: 10.1. 2211 -1. Go<doll (EJ 2. Wllllaml tMl 0 M PONfl. UCK INJO YOO.. SWINGI ~With tho holp o! -r.i..n ......... W:let, ...... Shltt .... fal~ w-...-~· ~-•-'faM1 1 1i1 l,...,....,.....topeteArMW~ln .... "~ . -Costa M ... Golf and CGuntry witli Sh, 7J witli Mary Grooe, Maxllie COM,LtiE'L '( Club. Joe ~ll .. J . Chapowo, ""'°""in second wltli l~ 's !LF.CONTAINED Hickman rucbed lhe linall Fi.cl Kell and. Lyle Graruw 11 and 107-32-75. OR wUb a ateodY ..-la Ille followed ,at ,70. • Carnell• Kennedy, Evelyn COND -lflnal• tUlq' a lour Ind In WOID<ll •club act~ Fn· Gonnan, Bety Jo Sleva and MOTOR dree .iam.;!Ga hOm ~ day in a match vs. par event ' Greta lane!Ji followed. HOME dllmp!on Jlull"Partce. on ~e Lake C-oune, Pat FiU· Here's a rundown on the FIMJI ll tbe belfMt ti Ute )Jl!triCk took ..\ fijght honors leaders in age groups for the For Up to I 6eJd ~ IC:brtllnled tor Satar-With a ~20--7!. annual Easter Junior lnvita· RESE RVE ,NOW a., wttb Jd Btackketter ad Secood went to ~ For-tional. ~ s•Hlloo po1rec1 di 10 Ille n!ste< (M-:IG-74) followed by lH7-Steve Roben>on and TO ASSURE ~fllilll.~ Dooothy O'L ea r y 1•14-76) Denni! F05ter 67 David Fos· DATES YOU WANT. KinJ Ind Diet~ Iii ioil Nadine Maze (16-111-76). ter 83. ' e the aec:retary-treuanr flicbt B flight honors were; cap-13-14-Lee McGowan 72, Jim and Enlll Duffield and Don lured by Joyce-CapljJ W!lh·het Janssen and Terry Knight, 76. REASONABLE RATES Alfredo In · Ille -105-IHI. Rita Englan<I and 11·12-John Cook 88 Bill • ~ 81gbt. • , Bev Batt~ !Dll~ed. , . Draganza 91. ' Pai Katama, GoJe Bout and Nma Dame'-, m C Dlght 10-{;reg Custe• 58 (nine COME IN OR CALL J ock Towle ICOl'ed 7" over competidon, tied . up fin! bole). ' TOOAY FOR FULL the ,weekend to aibare low place three ways with a 117-8-Robbie Gardner, 65 (nine INFORMATtoN • SS-&. Al$o in the first were holes. MHJle Pedersen and Betty Jo 9 (Girls)--Cathy Cook 76. ASK FOR Sleva. ' MR. MALCOM REID Maxine Assmus and Marion Vou fo1lowed. OCC T • THEODORE 3. G1rr111 (M), Tlll'll: 23.7. "' -1. G1lllr1llll IMl 2. ~kw IM) l. Me•111 (Ml. Timi: Sl.i Crestview T rack Action . 110 -l. HIUtl !ii 1. l•ll IMl S. E"ll (Ml. Time: 2:02,f. . In a tin whistle event on the emns Miii -I, Chlrlle HoYt (l!I !. ICr""lf' tMJ 1. ~nnll IM). TlrM: ,,,,,l. 'J.Mli-1. C~r' MO¥t (t) t.; cn i..n /Ell. ll111N CE). Tlrnll: 11:'7.1, 1111 HH -1. Wood IEJ 2. 1"*"91M !Ml J, SIU•rl (E). Tlm1: 11.h l ritons Trim ftival Lake Course on Monday, Fitz. ROBINS plirick.~ept the A flight with 0r1-c...11 tt1 <•1 111.,..,..,.. ao 5 26-89. Hazel Webster was C•ro cocci ci:i~'r~t CR!. ,.1, '" I ~..i With an 83-!'7~ aJnna o.()Q .. (OCCI def. Conw1• IRl. '-2..jj.l. • ~N T" <t: ~-Goellhlll COCC) d.el. Pe1roon CRl, 6-2, llO LH -1. Waoll ll!l 2. Stulrt fl!) 3. twlu (El. Time: 19.5. '40 R.i11 -I, MAOl'IOllol. Timi: ".7. Mlle 11.ei.1 -1. M.,nana. Timi: San Clem. ente Hi..+. trimmed l :Jl.l. au HJ -1. Blllk111 {El 2. IMMtl CEl s. Foothill at the latter's oval in J~ .:.~.1·11::;:(~~2• "'-" tMI 1 tract and field to highlight "I.I..'!.'"~ \9lc,T!r"io'i~·•· ,_. IL°B)l. f'.Ji.111'"lt8). T1"ie: \:$41.l. w ith Maze's 84-10-74. '"2Ht•IY !OCCl dlf. Divin• IRI. '"'· 6· Vi Hoskins followed with a o. BloQIUlllf {DCC) di/, Bl~l'I lRl, 6-(~l...\~1~.~'f.l\ 1'1:' ls.'ITl ~;! 8~1:_~5-~~th Martha 0·~.;i .. cocc 1 &::ii~' IRi. '-2. ..... 2060 HARIOR I LYD. :a. ~7nOiiU mvl':'~: n 'Jr." Belt B the B Ciro 1nd Ool• cocci 0.1. Ps•rson 642•0010 Mesa's Ralph Oea.'l \\'as a double winner in the 4-40 and 880 With clockings of 51.9 and 2:01.0 to lead the Mustangs to their narrow win over Corona de! Mar. sw1u tEJ. Dl11mu: 21.10. Orange Coast area schools in PY -1. s111ortt ce11. Slblt\I tMI 3. CreJvo'ew Leam•e act ion L<'tl•re1>1.1~I (Ml. Hllittlt: 1).6. :IL .. ~ 120 Ul -I. BJH11 COi 2. $........, Ill) 3. Glllllow (01. Time; IS.2. il40 RtllY -1. Ycrunl l ffCfl cs-v. Mo rr l1011, Ottmer. N•lllanl.onl. HJ -I. Whllf!tY !Ol 1. S-• 'l:l l.GlukO'W tO). l11loht: J.t. ,.. a1i.. -1. Tll&tln. T~· '4..S. Y rown won :=-v 1R11.t~..!."'· M'U.""-''"v~l. Tu ;11,',·, l "•'~,-·,· light wll.h a 93-%6-72, outdis· ... II Ind ";f"iki'•" COCCI 0.1. COSTA MESA " ' ~·~·· mlMI 8.~ ~t~c~Jji~·De•lne 3. mhH . H1 : s-1 •-tanct~~·~n~-H~el~e~n~C-O~w~d~e~n'_~(l~03-~..!!!~~~·~·~·~ ·'.":'.:'..:'.'.:.'.:'.'.'.:~~~~~~~~~~~~ L;J.:--1 Eis1.m CTI '·-t;'n (Tl • rr • • ...... 3· P'O"~lt.l.?::71iiti~~l't .\lftl\lnohlm Cdllf·llfe•• CMt• MtWI u1Y•r.if'~ c_. *' Mfr 100 -!. Kr111•!:cll!I) 1. DWnel lCMI l . Hvft1111 ICdM . me: 10.5. 220 -I K•-( w. l'lol•!T11m (CdMl l. $tot11ts IC l. Timi: 2l.f. +Ill -I, 0.1 CM~ •. 1·-· {CdMI ll R-l L me1· t.t) •-0.•n I ~-°"' • 'll, '"'"I· j'~' "t. •· c~rl.-hY ~1. T 1·2:.,MKL.er..s. 111 lfrf~::. "" .• "'!%, ft:: . 1,.z, hoA'HH -1. Duonln ICdMI 2. '-'F•n ICMI l. Joflnlon ICdMl. Time: 5.t. 110 H -1. DunlllO fCdMl 2. LeFwer ICMI l. Aar>ulft !CdM), Tl..,.: 21 .. J. ..0 Relay -I. Coron• Oel Mfr, Tl~~ 45ie1... -i c,,.1. MP!'• lltf'evtt. Stefl!.', NG(ln111. ONn), Tome: J:l4.7. HJ -1. Mlrdl~!lf 1f:l • 1: H•Y CC,~I.} -~~ ..... 1·c~1Clflt ~tin 'c;A() l. ~rffl ICdMI. Dl1llN:e: 2Q. 'py -I. EMIQn (CM~ 2. Wflt.11\S l'!t,l ~ PJ~l~~l;('~) hi,' ~- ICdMJ l. a.men (CdMI. Dillt1nce; ... SP -1. ~Ivel CMl 2. J...," (Ml 1. Thursday afternoon. AVIY CE). Dh!IN:e: ,7..1, DllCUI -1. Louftk (E! 2. illlYmond The Tritons took a 67¥~"591f.: (E) l. Fink !Ml. Olsl•llC:ll: llU\lo. victory. •• ••NIK'-1n1 \DI ,,.,.,...111 Laguna Beach, bow ever, 100 _ 1. N1Vm1n E . 2. Theim•• IEI look an --laci'ng at the 3. Growl' !E). Tln:ie: 10.L oo-.lil' 220 -1. Ne11m111 (El i. Grovll' 11:1 hands of invading Orange and J, l.&119M<k•r (El, Tlm1: ll.I. d ped ( 660 _ 1. 1C1ifff (El 2. c.rro11 (Ml i . Mission Viejo was um a BatOilrce (M). Time: l;Jl.I, Tustin by a }JS-8 SCOl'e, l:n<l -1. L'""°:'K>lm (El 2. B1tl (Ell. • Freemeier cMI. Time: 3,n,,. San Clemente's big wm was l:IG HH _ l. Hopolt !Ml 2. 5u1m•n ed b G M · • t · lEI J. c1•H11ter cEl. 11me: 16.6. pac y eorge a1er s rt-ie'?°3.'-t'o,;;~~:'°c\!t '#Ji.~· 15::.m•~ pie win in the hurdles and the -RlllY -1. E1t1ncl1 (Nlum1n, le a It K11l11r. Tran11, GrOVtr). Tlmt: 1:3'.4. po V U • HJ-1. He11irr cE1 2. 0nv1111 <MJ '· Rick Geddes added a double 511¥• IMI. Hllt~t: 5-4. in the ' JtJi 10 1 and u -1. o-1e1 1. ll111rn1n U!l sprints w a • 3. Thom11 lEl. Dls11N:1t: 11..1. 22 • Oii the 220 ~-'ghta-v PY -1. HaNr !El L Sc.llr1111 IMI 3. ·~ •H•<U w•.1 0U111111te tM!. H.ittit: 11... • while Mark Heumann was tak· 'f -1. wavner 1E1 2. sud111o11 (M 1. snvder ceJ. 01111nce: .,... ing first in the long jump with 011cu1 -I. Sucllstort (Ml 7. St1rle (El l. Smllll (E). Dl1!1nce: 103.7\'o. a 21)-0 effort . •111~ci. ii2f't1n MltneU. Laguna Beach's D a ve 1111 -l. P•r1<er <El 2. Gomnlft IM) Hustwick bagged tbe 880 3. Tia<' IE). TlmJ: 10.1. 1111 -1. 0ernn1nloQv ce1 2. 1"•11<11' a gainst Orange with a 2:00.3 1eki.-~=:,.~Je1r;~T~~1oav clocking while Mission Viejo's IE) l. Jove• 1£1. ~1-' l :n.J. Cee -tingent was settina two 1320 -I . ~ !El 1. Birton (E l .. .,., --o :i. wi1,..... 1E1. t ime: l :41.7. school records. 110 l..H -1· Goamlll jMl 2. Rtill M'k Ratta 3 27 0 . <El 3. Jov~ te i. t1tnt: •·•· t e y ran a : . 1n 4o1C1 RtllY -l, IE1l1nc:l1 11"•11<•. tJi !320 nd tJi "' j T!oar, Derlrn1nloaY, H•~nl. Time: e 8 e ~ re ay -I. V'tll~ll (0) 2. B\'l.le CLBI l. HN'lhtull !'-Bl. 01111111:1: 5. P\I -I. wetntr LI) 2. Norm111 '°I l. Kf'lllllllr.I CO). (Khoo/ rKOnll H•lldhl: ll·J~ . $P -I. Or"' 101 2. IUfflt (01 3. Chrl111M1n !LBJ. Cl1llFIC9: 42..1. (Tl J. HI"'' \ ""!ht· 14. •---------------------------SP -. P•u 11 I 2. n°ko..itl ITI 3. &~Iler (MY\. Oisl•n«: 4 1. OJ~vJ - . P•hn.llt If ) 2. Brtoclllwv (fl l. Fr1nc I (Tl. dlll•N:e: ll•Jl'l. th IJ Tlts111 ~.,.M}lllM Yle)IJ e t\ ff 100 -I. (T) 1· Gr•,_ (Tl Gr•-(Tl . Antvonv CTI l. Mluer l. Mui« C' • me: I .I.· 220 -1. i "~'llM: 2,.5. • • I YtnllY -1· Anlllofnl (Tl 2. EIOle ITJ J. g ,s:· ~~::.!:~ 1~'i'J2."~=~ :.!,,.,.;;-r:r.-,rnt,;,~.r-IM CTI l. Ori Ina . (FHl l. G1rcl• (SCI. Timi: 10.1. 120 HH -1. Jildr.• t7,I 2. l}'f°""'tl '.~.::.1.: ~1!~~1.~!';v'111r\~~l: <~~ 1jH~'l':9~~lJ.: T'r'i 1&Connett ·-· (M'if) . C11r1hlln (Tl. llftfj 1•.t . • %11-_ l. Miiier IFHl 2. Brown (SC) uo 111v -1. M ulon vltilv. Tlme: I ht l. ~~i .(~~~'r 1W'2•52,A~rson ISCJ I :~•·_ 1. W,<irilW 111 2. &111on ITl 1g 3. litlleY (FHI. Time:~···· l. ul~'( 1· Htlorrl'Wi.u°"'"' (T) l. J. 'r~ll (s'cJ~F~ JiF~~T~~1 J•ck1 Ill. -l.,,.;1: • •:l4.l. PY -\1 lllallw T 1. lll'Vln {Tl 2..Wle -1. LIMbldl (SCI 2. Pit-"°s~~·1. e ~1fn 2. ... ~ Ill s tch ltnon (FH) 3. Slefllnt (SC). Tlmt: l. LDn<1l•• T'M ·1, 011t•n1;e: 4'-tV.. co t:~··HH -1. Miler CSC/ 7. Bl.ctr.er cJ>Jf~~ se1o~ ~'r'.1.'fi1!~1nli: '«s.i1.:.~ (SCI 3. Gill tFHJ. Time: 5.6. C• 180 LH -'·Maler tSC/ l .Gau (FH) T1ull11~) (U) MIHIM Ylelf 3. Ai'1'e1~.,.(~li.TJ:~h1~1.·!r1me: .cti.I. Rl~o:.. (T1i. 1.::i'1o(~Yl J· Rlc.9 Tl l. now5 99 Mlle Rt l9Y -1. FOOfhlll. Tlm1: 110 -I. orclerv {MVI 2. RI« ITI l. ''sl:il.,._ •. ··-,,., '· ---•nn R~ (Tl' 1 .... , II.I. T " '"'"' ,.. .,~., 'M'ilo ,-'ft. u._..,, ~~··· ;Irr,' .. •-.. ~c~lll (SC l. 0 1vl1 IFHI. t+el~t: 5-10. ... I .-. -I. Hevm•nn SCI l. Mlller I - . Mcf: I 2 . llll'IY (FHI l. Mt;C1nct111 tFH • Dist....:.: :Ill-('1~ Q.G~Ho't' 1· T~,: l'~indf fifth I. PY -J. M91er tSCl 2. Smllll tFH) 3. ITI l. Hl.,.,..l~TI. Tlriw: u,.o. W•l-r \SCI. Hel9'lt: 11..jj, 4«1 Rtl•v --f.'M1il1an Ylelo. llf!ll: ($Cl 3. IC1Y1tr CFH). Ol1t1nc:1: 50-0. l . R1tlr1v tM\IJI H1l11hl: 5-•. Flelcher fFHj l. MuM11L (FHI. l. lllrv CMYJ dl1l1r"1C.1· »7. • ! • • i ' s . ' f ·' , . ~ 1.,r,611cu1 -l. lhrnen fCdMl 2. Jol'tn•on (CCIM) J. Rllllv /CM ). Dl1t1na: 1J7.t. Cftt1 MeM (U ) fR1 C..1111 WI Mlf' 100 -1. L01!1 C~\ 2. Mutt• lCdMI l. Z-1 ICdM < T me : lR.l. "'1 team clocked a 46.4 for the Hj -I. Bi rton IE/ 2. a1cti1rd• tE> ,_ Bu11ere11c11. !Ml. H• "''•"'w ··'• Diablos. U -I. ~lft (M 1. l\llllwo (El J. J11Yct \El. Olll1nc1: IJ.1"1. SP - . Munh•ll tFHJ 2. Humphr1Y 46i1J -I. Wkeeltr fTJ 2. Hlchol1 IT) USHER'S Ol$CUI (College) I . .U:lnt (fHl 2. ~-'· Ric• Tl 2. HIVflflWorth fTl 01111nc:e: 127·1 • -1. cunnln<11'>1m rt1 2. Ofl•ndo ON ,...;;"~'~"j'~'~'""';;;;'"~·~Mj:i:V'·~"~'~"J"~'30.~0,1!'.'.:!..':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'.:::::~::::~'.:'.~::::::! la• Cllnletltto 1221 1111 l'Mthlll IP -1. PlllO.Qll !Tl 2. Oouol•• JOO -1. 0.Lor...io IFH) 2. DINVin IMYl l. H•r•n 0 ITJ. Dlllll'ICI: d ·ll. (FH).1. Hldr.1 ll'HI. Tlfnf: 10.&, :!70 -1. 01Lor1n10 \FH) 2. Hid!• IFHI 3. llulftn !SC). Tlm<I: 2~.l. 220 -1. Mull« dM) 2. l.alN {CdM) l . Z1110tt lCdM . Time: 23.5. WO -1. Hnion l dMI i Y•_rn.I ICMI l. Knde!IMC dM). Time: i::JO.t. 1320 -\, ~ (CMJ 2. M"""'°' ICMI J. &el I. llrM: l:jll.l. 120 HH -1. vii jCMJ J. evltf' 1cC1M1 1. K1111 ' I" ~: u1o. , ~LH -• '!•r dMI .O.v1 ( l J. L1v1111r IQ.Ill. lrM_i. 14.•. P~'"" -I. (,or...., ""1 M1r. Time: t :l4.5. HJ -1. kvltr ICdMI 1. lirn' 1<f'r!...3·1~.A.C4'tlM~'~ ~1rrir lfdMl J. M1rslllll ccM1. Ollllna: If. PY -1. Rcml\ef' (CdMI J. 0.•il JIM COON Coon Ousted Jim Coon has been relieved of duties as athletic director at ti.1arina High School, the DAILY PILOT learned ex- clusively today. Coon, who has served as athletic director and varsity football coach for the past three year-s, will continue his role as varsity football coach. No replacement has been .selected for the athletic direc· tor vacancy. ~ -I. Bu ~dldt (Ml 2. H11" !El 3·5~0 ~1'1~· ~~,!;.,!!'·tel l. A~IO tMI l. Dr.111 (E ). Ols1111e1: J&.7. A r t l1t1-or•nge .,..,. J.tl] ~:rt'~~ had! I~ -. m •li:rtJ..DI lii.l~lnzlll 10) J.il~'f.'~ilrif"iO) 1.'1Coft1m 11..&I Y•"''"' 3· «ci 11~'1.10&i\1l'~-,\~~f· t. H1111wld< ,evnl•ln Y1llly (") UU l..Nir ILBl l Ml (0 T S'i 1 JOO -l. P. MH1 (FYI 2. B1en CL) ao ..'.. 1. 'U~jtw . ,r;; 2." 6-c IOI 3·fit'!_na :.L~. ~ 1:~·11. E•ln1 11..l J.,:,~;d~ 1(.D ii.Ji::: 1lil'°t l.lltr'llil9rt 3. Hulme tFYI. Tlmt: 22.•. (LB) 3. :i<l'>lde COi. Time,· ,,.,,l. U1 -l. 0 , M111 !FYI 2. Godbe 2.Mlle -1. Slmll"*tl DJ 2. 11.Ww (FYI l. Miiier (I..). Tlm1: il.O. !OJ l. Rtskl (1..8,~I. Tl•""'~-,· io:lt.O. .. -1. H1rdln IF\ll J. ftC!Mft'IUlst 120 HH -l . , 0 2. Dunuon (I..! l. R11mond (F\I), Tlm1: 2:111.2. IOl 3. Brown (01. T trll: l ,I, Mlle -I. ChrC1tl1no (FYl '· Funk 11(1 1tl -1. ':ri:rr "'~) 2. WUll•m• (FYI 3. H1lllen IL). Time: •:Jl.•. IDl.J.Ril:'vN!."1~ o$~nCie • .!fl'~e~:k.1 . 2·Mlle -l. Wlll11m1 CF\112. Hoon•n Mlle R•j•Y -l. l..IOUn• 8e91:h }~I 3. l..cNlre. {SC!IOO tfQlrdJ. IB1oltY.1 on11. Co1!1m. Hu1lwldll. r~'~A°~ I, 011P (Ll 2. Rod!1 !F\I) t1w1:_..:,~~ht1t11 101 2. SutDhln IDJ J. l M!dltlon (F\ll. Time: 15.S. Bltl!!Y !LB). t+ll!ill'll: U . ·1111 LH -1. HNil-Nd (l"VJ 2. Delp U -I. Geitner 101 2. Hllt (Ol :a. Ill J GIDW11!1 (LL Time: 20.S. ll1rne11 (DI. Ol111nce: 20-3\lt. o1.41 'R1l1• -1. L0tr1. Time: 4 .1. l"V I Mol•i• '~' I .,_ (LBJ J:-Clliistv CO b"J •ht: ·2 ... Miii RelBY -1. Founl1ln Y•lllY CD. $P _ l. Oltrom I . ila;ltt IOI l . M.11s. McA1!1llr, Godbe, Chrlllllono) Prock (l..1!11. 01'1,llllCe: '' • (School reaord). lime: 3:77.l. DllC\rl -), ol/,\:f°"' (OJ 2. Molwl Y HJ -I, °"'"' Ill 2. Clmll (FY) 3. (LBJ 3. Proel' fl . Dlst•nc:e: 12 .. 0. Mtt"2 !FV\. Htlthl: 6-1. 1..J -i. Trem•rne (LI '· McAH1t1r 0r1n .. cs11 u11 1..1111 ...... di IFVI l. But~r CL. Olll111C1: 20-11\lt. llXI -1. Wl!IOn (~l 2. Morrfton !01 P\I -1. SlmmoM (1..1.2~ lNrl 3. J. Lvnn !' ). Tll(ll: I~·-P111<1ftlOll (FYj Hel9ht : lk 220 -l. Marrtwn J 2. LYnn 101 l . SP -Huff lJ 2. T1Ylor CL! l. R· Sloue!r_~ •_Ol. T,••o·· 1,.5· .. ,, ''Ol •• RU1111I CL). Ol1t1nc1: so.tRll. U0 \ G'll C•l\ !J '" irtv111i111 v.1.:'1.u;i (ttl 1Hf'1 Mf,g•~ ?~,~~:2. W1rklM fOJ l. 100 -i . lonlM Ill 2. cr1a1 JFVI '· E1r:C UU·.2 'r.'fil:: J: .~l. 101 1. $tem1n k~I .!_'-l: c~'il~s \UL~· 2. Cr-(FYI :a. CL'U 1'uSaUln<1 ID , TllJ'!I : 11.t. Ol W1m1tler (FV). Time: 2'-1. le 1'1n: -I. WI -fO 12. MIYI I 660 -I. DonllVln ll'H) 2. Yilflll ll'I ISCl 3. Rutter. I~/· Tlfl'!I: l:ll,L 1320 -1. M1lllll Ht 2. iPCMY tl'H) l. Bl!Jm ISCI. Tt : l :l2.5. 120 LH -1. W1UlllTll IFHJ " Pertlln1 IFH) l. Ouv1U (SC). T m1: 1'i\o HH -1. ~VIII (SCI \· •Nr\lm (FH) 3, C11tll I ). Time: l .2. 11C1 R1WY -I. oolftlll) Time: 1:3t.6. HJ -1. w11nMn1 CFH 2. Enalrvm fSCl J. Melllll IFHI. Hlltht: M. U -l. Ptrlll111 (FHI 2. Dtl~ (FH) l. W111l1 ISCl. Dl1t1nc:1: 11-5. PV -1. Em-..1 IFH) 2. No Hccnd °'sit''~ ~.el~!!· (JCl 2. Lad\mlr (FHI 3. MclCllll'IOll CFH). Dl1l1nu: 11· 3~11CUI -l. M9'fr'koltr (fH) 2. M1'1111!1 tFHI 3. LM:llrn1r CFH). Oht1nc:e: fS.2. Cll h"~" can tMI •~n 100 -1. Et rt IFHI 1. Morrl1 ISCl l. C1rr !SCI. T mt: 11.0. 11111 -I. E\bfft (FH' 2. C1rr (SC) 3. Pztr~''f.1·A~ It, iFHI 1. A111tln 1SCI l. B1r1~1F~)1 Time: l:tt.t. ll20 -1. I IF.,) 2. G9rcl1 CSC) l . 11191 IFH . Tlmt: 3:'6.0. 120 LH -I. Moms (SC/ '· P~letderer (FH} 3. A,.,._ FHJ. Tlmt: 14.J. ' 4.tO RllflY -1,. Fr.111. Time: ••· , LJ -1. Ml111 FHl 1. P1lel0trer (FHJ l. l'1rr1rl (SC • Ol1l1N:e: IJ.l. HJ -1, P11tld1Ar (FH) 2. Allllen ·~ 3. MlllJ_ (l'H). Helvht: S... -1. Hotfmlrl !SCI !. G•M (FHJ 1. 1rulle (FHI. Hlittll: lM. $ -1. SPUn1m (l'HI 1. Andersm CSC) l. Ev1n1 (SC). OlsllllU: G·1, 660 -I. Wtldl (F\lj 2, C•nkr (l..l 3. 3.1ec11R':'/JO.!; l'~~.!!'.'T1m1: :1• L M\'~~ (f.VJn,~~ 1rfl: Gvrt•nklvs Mr;(;HJ -,\1..,~1~~~?:1 It"'•""""" o ! l. Y•"ltv fl! J, BerKMr !FYI. T m1: 1:11.s1. -. W1IJOn IOf 1. MOn'llOft IOI Tllilln !11t) 111 Mili"ll v.r, 120 HH -I. Sd>lrunon t LI ?. 3. o~lros !Ol. Olsr1nc1: lt-1'™'· '"' ''' ~'. Tl ' lh•l•r (I..} J. Hoffm1n (FY). Time: PV -I! M~Cll l 2. Fosler 101 l . lDO -1. 'Vi:' I . 1UV -Tillers 16;\f LH _ 1. Goto IFYJ 2. Y1m1kur1 IC~~~q:Ji;_,,,,: 1bMI 7. M1n1h111 Col NCf:ia~ j:X,~~;ctl1• Siivi !Tl 3. (FYI l. H1rn1t1CM1 (FV), Tlme:.U .ll 3. L-lor.·o~·~~ ().0, H~l~~iin T(~1Vl'i 'fi;bcol1 !Tl l. HO R911y -l. Fovnltln V1 lfoy DlKUS -I. I f• 2. M1ne~1tn !Ol Rllll !Tl. Time; 6 tEm•rv. WtrnPltr, Cr1ne. Ancl1rl0fl). l. H•rtmM 10 . I 1nc1: ff.nil. &llQ -• P••wd:l k 1'r11. M•nn (Tl ]. Tl~:_'',". ·e'••" ,~., •. •-,, •Fv• .. _ l~U3 U.UM Jff<tl Arie• (Tl. Time: 21·04,J! <n n4 •~ ~w ,_.,,.,, lDO _ 1. IJ':{f ;oo• 2. YllllOUIZ Ml'e -l , Riie• Tl ·A....._ '·1..'-J•..:.•i.HB~~:~ ~ 2. Emery (FYI 3. 10l.l..!~~,,iY!oi''~i ;r!.!inst.1 (0) 3'2~~ _:Mr.'·,~=!l: •:\~;'·,, '"*"t CanlH" Ill. DIJ11nc:e: lf·t. 3 Ve1•scruei 11 Time· t.I (Miil 3. Mllnw•rln<1 CT . rlmt: ID·1n.t. P\I -1. l..tmonJ (LI 1, B. 'Ml -J. _., C(B 2'. MorrliOn 120 HH -1. Edwt Tl 2. H uon Gurv111iou1 (l) ]. M, GurtlftlOUI (\.). ;;;;;iiiiioiiio;ii;;ii:iii;i;;;iiiii;oii;;;i~;;ii;;;;;;;iii;;;ii;;;_,.,;;~~i;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;1 H~l<lf!I: lM . 'J SP -1. ltw\I IFV} 1. SWtlliOn l 3. ffOllllltr IFVl. (Sd!ool rec:ordl. 01111nc:e: ••·10\lo. c.. FMnl1lt1 Vt tlly ,,,, !VI LHrt 100 -1 Martt (FY) 2. K•rPIMltl II..) 3. M1hulikl (FY). Time: 11.J. "'(') 1111 -I. Milrll (FVI 2. Kl l'Jlft .. 3. /Mllvlskl !FYI. lt.fi.l t. I (~ i"~•1111W/~. ~; 1:~ tm -1. Llldl (FY\ L Mlrlhm1n (Fiil J. O'Brl111 (FVI. lmt: 3:M.1. •M \" -'t Durlt !L) 1. GOt9 lf'YJ l. Cl•rll FVJ. lme: u .. ,, UO R1l1y -1. FG!,!nl!1" Vtlll Y (M~rtr, C1$l0, Mullullld, sm It>). Timi: "~J -l. C111C1 (l'YU. °"'"°" (1..) S. L~u~ 11'-lC::"f~I 2. •H11M tl'VI 1. M~~ 11."X/.;...~1tT~.1~!mn If\/) J. Slll!lt! \FVI. Htltllt:,•,•) t M .. SP -. Mvlllnl v . un ... r !FYI J. OvlrlOft (I..), D!1l•N:•: ~. BIKINIS ··SURFBOARDS -TRUNKS OPEN THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER A NEW PRINTING • HANG TEN SERVICE! • APRIL PRINTING SPECIAL • .... $3.89 • -c:..• Ill.wt c.,., N th-1 .... 1 Ma ll dttck and copy to : DAVID ROSENTHAL AND ASSOCIATES A COMPUTE PRINIJllG SEIVICE 24375 La Hennosa A¥HM South Laguna, Calif. 92677 , ......... ......., ...... PMONla 4tS.llll PICKLES EENI MEENI BIKINI SURF LINE HAWAII ALSO CUSTOM BIKINIS MADE TO ORDER SKI SALE Still In p,._,.... 111....., . .......,_,,., ----- ..... wt CAllT H O BIE SURF BOARDS . 1101 Wett c..t HIP_., NEWp0RT IEACH 642-1335 Here Now. Fords Cortina-$1,849* _Best selling car in Britain. Carl ina 's a whole bun dle of bright ideas from Britain. Ideas you won't find in the present most-popular import •.• and even some American compacts. Cortina 's inlerior is longer and wider than most imports. Its lively 67-hp en - gine gives you snappy response and true fuel economy-up to 30 miles per gallon. Its 21-cu. ft. trunk gives you room for all the family luggage. You also get great standard feature s FORDS THEODORE ROBINS FORD . INC. 2060 H•rbor Boulev•rd Co1ti1 Mt1•, C•llforni• like comforlable bucket seats, a new 4·speed stick. Aeroflow ventilation, carpeting, fronl disc brakes. and more. Cortina gives you big value in a great liltle British car. And it's all yours for only a few dollars more than the most popular import. See Cortina at your nearest Ford's Carlina Dealer now. • B•sld on rna11u1actu1e1'1 111gge~1ed re1all b1se once 111 Eest Ccatt P.O E .• •ncluding Fed•ral excite l•lt. SlM!e. locat •~~es. t1anspor1a11on aria any dealer p1epara11on charge~ tl:ldJ\101'!81. CORTINA' CORTINA WILSON FORD SALES 18255 Bt•ch Boul1vard Huntington Beach, Ctllfornia ~ __ ._ ---"'~ttu -•·•"". ---------'•Ll<"C..-'-~-'--''"-'~"""--------------------------~--~--------~------------------- I ---------------~------------~~-----~-----•• . ,. ..!. j ' ii • -. ,f ridaJ, April 11, 1969 -- A Complete Guide • • • to ga .••• -f I · -., I What to tlo • •• :.} .. . ' .. • r .-··~· [ Weekend Highlights FELINE SHOW -The United Cat Federation is presenting a cat show in the Junior Exhibits Building on the Orange County Fairgrounds in Cosla Mesa this Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to around 6 p.m. More Uum 200 cats will be exhibited in this all-breed show. Even the "Old Battered Tom" will come into his own with an award to be pre- sented during the show. CATUW CARMINA -UCl's School of Fine Arts dance company, c~ ... i.LI ar.d orchestra is staging Carl Orff's "Catulli Carmina" Saturday id.nu Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in Crawford Hall on Campus. This is-the first full-scale production of this work to be done on the west coast Eugene Loring has done the choreography ciiid Maurice Allard, conductor or the University Chorus, is directing the chorus and orchestra. The costumes and sets have been designed by Robert Fletcher, noted Broadway de- signer. ! CONCERTS -A choice of concerts presents itself again this week· end -all on the same night. The Orange County Philharmonic Society is presenting Lawrence Foster conducting the Los /.ngeles Philharmonic Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, in the auditorium at Orange Coast College. Alfred Brendel will be heard as piano soloist. The same night in the Laguna Beach High School auditori um, the Laguna .Beach Chamber Music Society is presenting a concert with the Alma Trio per· forming at 8 p.m. A preview of the concert will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. The regular UCI SWlday Night Concert will be perrormed: at 8 p.m. in Room 178 of the Fine Arts Building on · Campus. Works by Bach, Brahms and Bartek will be played. , 1. ! ' See Guide to Fun , Page %l Folks Babysitting Lagurm Beach Actress Seeks Oscar in 'Faces' ACADEMY NOMiNEE 8e5t Supporting Actress . Duke of Catalina In 'Crooked Man' The head ot the Catalina Island lifeguards, Duke Fishman, who ls more widely known as "The Duke of Catalina," has been cast as a murderous convict in "There Was A Crooked Man .•. ", the Joseph L. Mankiewicz Production for Warner Bros.-Seven Arts starring Kirk Douglas and Henry Fonda. The Duke has saved the lives of more than l,OCXi persons during 35 years as a lifeguard. "There Was A Crooked Man. • ... ls being produced and directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, with c. 0 . (Doc) Erickson as executive producer. r-:s=:s=:.!Es J Comedienne Marlha Raye will be presented wilh the Irving Thalbel·g Award on Monday night during the Academy Awards ceremonies. It is presented for special meritorius service. see story on Page 20. Hollywood Bacbtace Pace 2t Travel Page ft OC Philharmonic Pqe H Intermission Page 2t Out 'N' About Paget 11-U Gulde lo f'un Pase %3 Alma Trio Page IJ Cat Show Pqe IS J.Jve Tbtaltr P11e II Gulde lO Films Pap M Jn tile GaUtrits Page t4 Comics Page JS Queenie Page ll TV Views Pace !$ TtlevlslOI Log Pap ts By JACK CHAPPEL Llkt grandparents everywhere, Larry and Muriel Reynolds of Emerald Bay are being pressed into baby sitting service while mom and pop are out for the evening, and like most grandparents, they relishJhe_ duty. Not that they wouldn't like to hp with their daughter Lynn Carlin and her husband as they attend the Academy Awards presentation April I!. Lynn, who came to Laguna Beach at age seven, has been nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" for her role in John Cassavetes' movie "Faces." Although Lynn did have an amateur acting career in Laguna Beach and Orange CoWlty while living here, ahe was "found" for th~ movie as a secretary at the Screen G'e ms company. "Faces" was the Lagunan's first film. As a young actress at the Laguna Playhouse, Lynn had leading roles in "I Remember Mama," "The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker," "Bus Stop," "Spr~g Da ce," as well as many other pr1>- du .lions. he also played the lead in "Martine" pr uced . by The 39 Prompters, arid ap ared in Orange Coast CoJ]ege, and a Beach High School productions. "I couldn't be more delighted. We'v.e always been very fond of Lynn,'' Irma Nofziger, Playhouse manager said. ~ "This is our first Academy Awards nominee to have started at the Playhouse and it's very thrilling," she said. Since appearing in the film, Lynn hiui received several film offers and has signed to do a Metro Goldwyn Mayfer product called ''Tick. Tick, Tick," ai;id has appeared in a television production shot in LoMoo. The Reynolds family has in the past been active in Hollywood events. ~1$. Reynokls'was involved in the est.ab!~ rfient of the .Blind Olildrents Center in Hollywood, a project of many fi!ln celebrities. But. Lynn after being named Orance County Best Actress sever·al times 89.d the stints wiUt Ute Lagima Corpmunity Playhouse, had given up the' idea o[ acting after marriage to Edward Carl': an advertiaiog uecutive. Mrs. Reyno@! said. Cassavetes didn't know of her daughter's prior acting eiperience wlin he tabbed ber f« the part. Preas releasts following the nomlnaUon even noted that ahe wu an untried actress. ;. In Ute lllm, Lynn plays the wife In a family that hu become unburablt. When her husband stalks off, the wom4n auempU iuicide after a love affair. Mrs. Reynolds called lbe film ! a "modern day tragedy." Lynn.' 1 performance won accolades from film critics everywhere. ' ·, ' . ' PORTIONS OF THE TIMELESS COMEDY, "WHY WORRY?" STARRl.NG HAROLD LLOYD, WILL BE SHOWN NEXT TUESDAY LLOYD'S "SAFE TY FIRST" CERT.AINLY MUST BE RATED AS CLASSIC COMEDY • ·-' I Lloyd Come~ies Return The perils and predicaments o( bespec· tacled and befuddled Harold Lloyd ll\re again Tuesday night ·when the Newpon Harbor Art Museum atiows a rare movio, "Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy." The screening, al 8:30 p.m.-in Newport Beach's Balboa 'llleater. Is said lo be the tum '• first public showing . in America. Its only otber appearance was at the 1962 OOnnes Film Fetlival. Lloyd himseU has edited these film cUps from his silent corn«iel of the J9:1Ll's during which he became one ol the most popular comedians of his day. He "retired" -from the· -moviemaklng busineis in 1932. Admission Is $3 for oon-muM"um members. $2.50 ( o r members a n d $2 ftJr students. Reservations and In· fonnatioo are available at the museum «Uce, 675-lll66. Among ' the silent shorts included tn the "World" are "Hot Water,"· "Why Wl>l'T)'" and "Girl Shy." Talkies include .. Professor Beware," "Movte Crazy,'' "Feet Firit." and "Milky Way." Lloyd made the film co!Ject lon . available to the museum in conjunction with its present exhibition, '"Mle Movie Show -Seven Stages of. Hollywood From Silent .. Cinemascope." TI1e history of the cinema will be presented through film clips, SOI.Ind tracks, photographs, costumes, props, technical equipment and p e r s o n a I memorabilia at the museum. Loan or · mlich or this material was rrom ma;pr KtudJos and film personallllCll incl uding the coiled.Ion~ of M i r y Pickford, Oc<il II. DeMilll, Sol Lesser, the University of Calirornla and Metro- Goldwyn·Mayer studJos. Much of Jt will be on view to the public for the nrst time anywhere. · Covered in the "Movie Show" are com· edlans, .vamps, heroes, dramauc, musical and western stars wbo brought luster to the screen. FJOrence Lawrence, Thed8 Bara, Buster Keaton, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks will all be saluted aloog with the directors who im- mortalized them on celluloid. A rorty.page catalogue in th~ format of a Holly\Vood scrapbook has been J>llblish· ed bf lhe NewpO'rt Harbor Museum in con/unction with the show. It ahould be a rta collector•1 ·tt6n. 11-foviegoers alao' will have the op- ponunily to view the exhibit prior to seeing th• film , ., tile gallery. IOC.led in tile Balboa Pavllioo near Ute lhealcr{ wlll be open that night from I Ul1li • p.m. San Francisco - HeadtJuarters C.Oppola's Studio Francis Ford Coppola has 'si,gned~a contract with Warner Bros.-Seven ·Alts: calling for his services as wfiter-pfo- ducer-director on four motion-picturt Coppola, the bearded, 29--year-old: tor who was a cinema school stu t at UCLA only· ~ · few yea.rs ag9, ll start the conlract by making· 1 ~'lie ConversaUon,?' described as "8 s~ about privacy." He is now .writing :ttie script. · · : He directed "Jo"inian's Rainbow ":1or Warner Bros.-Seven Arls, W]'Ote and directed the studio's "The Rain People,'' soon to be released, fil¥I is scheduled in October to direct Bill Cosby ~in "Heaven Can Wait," a Campt>ell, Silvtr, Cosby production for the same studio.·: San Francisco w:ll be headquarters in the ruture for all efforts of CoppOla's o,wn company,, which he~ ls nagQng American Zoetrope. He wUl thus bec6tne San Francisco's first major studio. : • Coppola has leaSed Ute top· floot·of a warehouse .on Folsom Stree~ tn ~ihe downtown district and is converUnr:1i into a studio by ·eonstruction of OffWCs, projection room, cutting room and sliQ:e area for interiors. A recording suidtoo, separately owned, occupies the--:t• lloor. . • .~ ' 1'T~ Conversation" ·is scheduletf:_,, begin filming late in June. How~. ·~ first feature to go before the camErt! at the n~w San Francisco studio 3'bl be "TUX 1138," 14 be ditecled by ~e Lucas for American 1.oetrope Wame11 Bros . ..SCven Arts release. : The Zoetrope was an early-day o~ .. 1 instrument through which· viewers see apparent "moving picture$." . :-. :i ~ Beatle's Rolls -~! . ~ . . ·I ~o~:~DR~~:~:I'f Royce owned bf alnier Jobn 1.en8t ol the Beatlea ,. maklnr a dramat!o appearance in Warner l!ros.-Seven~ 'jPerformance," allhough n~ of Beatles are in Utt picture. '!'lie car, which has a film projed@r, recorder, television set and '"°"' rugs, b used 'in''"" 'story, .. lram@t arackets chief. . • Len""1! lo;u>ed the car to bis frlcilil, Mick Jagger, po(>lllar ringel'. who lt8a Jn "Performance" wilb James Fox. J• rer ts pla)'in& bit fl1'l draOIAllo part • -· ii .. -·-·•'"1:·"'-· , ..... -~..........-r-·----~---~----~--------~----------- ........ • SSfON -icket .Fees s;1 :.• 2 ~f Can <;pnfuse Out Like a Real ijion 'f IV ITAN D•LAPLANE . " . !) MORELIA. Mll(ICO -The firs\ \bing when -'I· wanted to go down to Mexico, I called Mexicana ,and asked for the round-trip fare, San Francisco. Mazatlan. The girl said, "175.20." And bow much $make it Guadalajara? "That's Sl90.60." That's 'l'bo<I--you can't drive ii for that. I said: "How about if I make it onward all the W to Mexico City?" She said that rounci-b-ip fare WU $190. I said, "How come it's 60 cents less for ping 400 miles more ?" 11Beats me," Me said. "That's \Ybal the book ~s." .. * 11 Well, hare's a curious country where ooe of the JllOlt popular enchilada stand.I shut down because, .. Too many people uked for them, Senor," !· You could try Morella before Americans come in b{ the "colony," cocktail parties . come every lJi&h and Time comes each week. . .· It's one of the prettiest towns in Mexico. A great 1 Cathedral in the sun. A flowery plaza. Arches over 11-lldewalb where you have morning callee and IJie Indians come down the street, burros loaded w)th brick-red pottery. * . . Villa Montana and Villa San Jose up in the pine tree hills are two of the finest in Muico. You're only •ix hours from Mexico City. It's high enough in the lake country to be cool. The Spanish Viceroys came here for the summer. Down in town you can live in the old palace, the Virrey de Mendoza. All stone and leather and wood doors, much as when the Viceroy lived here. Insist '!II. the front rooms with high ceilings and French 4Qors. 'rile back rooms mwt have been for the help. .. * •• ·"Jf w• mowd into• small tewn ln Mexice could I -'<t Anll wMt kind of joh ore tlleret" A foreigner can't work in Mexico. They're very stan:by about that. If yon retire here with certain lmmlgranlrlype papers, you can work alter five years. •. * ;: "Thlo will be our fll'lt trip -to Jopon. I "- w. don't run Into •ny str•nge cuatoms we don't U...ratand, •ncl is •ny prepar•tion ne1ded?" If I were you, I'd get a set of chopsticks (called Mlalhl in Japan) and practice. Woolem· style ho- tols will give you silver. Bui yon'll surely run Into 30me places where it's sticks or starve. :. * :, No lipping in Japan. (Except airport porters.) . You don't lip bellboys, doormen, walten, taxi cJri.. vtrl. Western hotels will have our kind of balbl. But i.tb• country they may be Japanese balhl. Dip hot : w,ater from the sunken wooden tnb with the wooden . bilckel. Pour it over yourself. Soap. Rinse off all : the soap! Then get In the tnb and soak. * : You will also get the most flhnsy towel you ever · : d1!· It's supposed to be that W1-Y to soak up water. : Wnng It out and dry with the wei towti. And sur· ' prislngly, you come out drier than with eur big Du!· , fy towels. * : ''What 11 the tfppi,. cuttorn lri 1 ... 1and?'' : _ · For the same services as we do in the U.S. bul I · ! TI61 so much and not ao often: Ireland ls a light Upp. I ~·~Jng country -10 per cent on a restaurant bill. You . :~uld m.ake it 12 in the elegant Gresham or Rmsell . : in Dublin. Very good book of lrish tours on your • : own j~st came out from Irish International Airlines. • : sµ Fifth avenue, New York City. : : . * • · ''Is it difflcult to drive In Ireland?'' : £ I don't find it so. They drive on the left as in ; j England. and you'll probably gel·a renl car with Ille . wheel on the right. No great distances to drive - : : from Dublin in the east lo Galway on the Atlantic .. : coast ts only eight hours with time out for lunch at : ; Athlone. . l * . ~ ;·· I was stuck in mud down near Killarney, and ; two farmers came aJong and pushed me out. Up in l Connemara, a farmer came out of his house in the .. N in and insisted on changing a tire for me. I've · i never bad so much roadside volunteer help. .. i * :: 1 It wilt puzzle you that Irish country hotels don't . ; give you a door key. But no more than it puzzles ·,; them that you ask for one. "Ah, they've all been lost :·:long ago.," the maid told me. "And a good lblng. It : : was a nuisance keeping track of them." :. :t : . CONDUCTOR LAWRENCE FOSTER lack from iu,.,..n Concert Tour New Leader Set In OC Concert Lawreoct Foster, who recently returoed fnm con- ducting In Europe, will replace Antal Dorati • guest con- ductor ol the U. Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra when the Orange County Philllarmooic Society presents its siith oooctrt of the season on April 13. DoraU was called back to Sweden on a n emergeocy. The 1:30 p.m. Sunday con: cert In e>rarwe Coaat College auditorium will present Alfred Brendel, pianLst, as soloist. The program will include Wacner'a Prelude and Good Friday Spell from "Parsifal'', Mor.art's CooC'erto No. 25 in C major, K. 503, featuring Brtndel at Lhe piano, and Bariok'1 Concerto for Orchestra. F o s t e r ha.s specially cbolen the Bartok work, which has brought him moch crit.Jcal acclaim during hi.! reeent European air pearanc<S. Lawm:a Foster, a 2&-year· old naliv< <i Lo& Angele>, became -conductor cl the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in 1965. He has con- duOt.ed many concerts in the Musk Ce!Ur, the Hollywood Bowl and while on tour with the Ol'\.'helltra bXh in the United Slate! and around the world. ALFRED BRENDEL Soloist at OCC summer ol 1966, Fosler received th e Kotmevit.aky Memorial Conducting Prize and the Eleanor R, Crane Memor i al Priie al Tanglewood's B e r k s h i r e Festival in Massachusetts. Allred Brendel , born ll years ago in Wiesenber;:, Austri•. is a pianist of iD- tuoat.lpnal acclaim-and the foremost int e rpreter or Beethoven, l\.1ozart, Brahms and Liszt.. Brendel, whose home is in Vienna, is alao a composer, workf.traveler, poet and artist . His extensive repertoire has During the past several been heard t h r o u g h o u t years, his guest enpgernent.s Europe, Latin America, the abroad have included concerts Middle E a st e r n coun(ries wkh the London Philharmonic, · ' and the English Chamber North and S<UJt A r r i c a • Orchestra in Festlval HaU; Australia. New 7aland1 and the Meloe Ensemble, the North and South America. Sin- Corarb Colome Orchestra of ce 1960 he has appeared a~ Paris, m:l the stutgart Opera nually at the S a I z b u r g as well u fttquestt broadcasts Fe&tival, and is also an annual for the B.B.C. soloist with the Berlin and Foster. made his conducting London P h i I h a r m o n i c debut with d>e Young Musi-Orch'6tras. For the past three clam' FOUDdlilUon o e b u t years he has held master Orchutra in 1960, and subse-classes for young pianists at quently WM its conductor and the Vienna Festival. musical dJrector for four years. For three years he was 8180date conductor for the San Francilco Ballet, where he conducted many gut!ll ap- pearancu of Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev. In the Tickets, at $4.00, are on sale a~ the Orange Coun ty Philharmonic clliee, 201 West Coast Highway, N e w ·p o r t Beach, phone 646-Mll or at the door if available. student titlels are 11.75. By TOM 'ITl'IJS Of .. Olltr , ........ tt lbe current UWe theater eeuon In Orange County arrived somewhat unceremonlougly, 'ith an lniUal bill of fare resembling a summer TV season of rerurui, it is pre- parln& for Jll departure much more vigorously. M the county's community playhouses head into the lMMll homestretch, their final offerlngs carry that re- freshln( ocent <i the unfamiliar. U not straight from the Broad"•>' twtmbly line, at least they are not the third or fourth version of a previous local production. OF THE DOZEN ahow1 mounUng the area's stages from now through the end of May, onJy two bave been produced loca.lly wit.bin the last five years. And, lo and bebok!, tbue illl't a Nell Simon acript among them (al- lholJ&b "Blftfool In tho Park'' ii still holding lottll at the lluntl"""'1 &och Playlloule). • • MortJOVU, they are lmllbly IC&Uered over an dghl· week period, with only one week ottering more than two oPtnlnu. 'lbat'• a welcome relief !tom the congested scliedulu ol. November and February which found three or four thow1 packed tnto the atarttng gate one week and nothing new under the tbeJ,trlcal lllDl the niert two. THE LAGUNA Pt.A YBOU8E ttarted it this week wlth ••wait Until Dark,., Orqe COunfy'1 first glimpse of the Frederic Knott thriller. Another Laguna "first" arrives on May 28 when Doug Rowe returns to direct the old play· house's tut regular season a:bow at the old building. "Dylan." War Work Cited Special Oscar To Martha Raye Martha Raye has been voted the Jean Hersholt Hwnanitarlan Award by the Board ot Governors of the .superlative aod distinguished service in tile making of m~ tion picturee. One award has been given for makeup in the peat -to William Tuttle for Academy of Motion Picture his achie vement in "The Arts and ' Sciences, it was an-Seven Faces of Dr. Lao" in nounced by Gregory Peck, 1964. president of the Academy. Three Specials Awards for Speclal Olean also were -choreography had been voted voted to JOOn Chambers, for before Miss White's : in 1949 his ac.Mevement in creating to Fred Astaire, in 1951 tG tbe makeup for moat of the Gene Kelly and in 1961 to cast of the picture "Planet Jerome Robbins. Of 1be Apes," and to Onna ·During the years 193S-1937 White for her choreography a regular award was voted ol "Oliver!" by the membersip for dance The A'WBJ'ds will be d i rector s. Since then , presented at the 41st Annual achievements in dancing have Academy A w a r d s Preaen-been specially honored by the tAtion Monday, April 14, in Board of. Governon, only tho Doccdly Chandler Pavilioo when In the Bo&rd's judgm<DI <:l. the Los Ancelet County ~ was a deeerving reci· Music Cert.er. Jllent. . Miss Raye, comedienne and Wimers of the Hersbolt entertainer, won the He.rsholt Award are: Y. Frank Award for her devoted and Freeman, 1953 ; Samu e I often dangerous w«k in enter· Goldwyn, 1957; Bob Hope, taining troops in combet areas 1959; Sol Lesser, 1960 ; George almost continUOUBly s I nc·e Seaton, 1961; Steve Broidy, World War II. The Award 1962 ; Edmond L. DePatle, is gi ven only when the 19'5; George Bagnall, 1966, Academy's Bolrd of and Gregory Peck, 1967 . Govemon had judged that an indivdual in the motion-pie-mnMnY WCI: STllCll: • £•1q• •t1110 ture Industry has ma de PI CKWICK fJ humanitarian efforll which h.ave brought credit to the BOOKSHO PS industry. ..... ""' """ ...... u 560-2111 Miss Raye was specifkally .~~-.• ~ f '11 . 11Q Mllll)'woM ..... Cl\.CU or her ' ve trips to ll9lb'wMll (,213) HO Nltl Vietnam, spending at }east -;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:::;;;; four months on each trip, I ... -, -· building morale and nursing the sict and wounded In field hospitals. She has been wounded three times while performing in combat areas." She is the 10th recipient ol the Henholt Award since it was establl.9hed ln 1956. The Special Awards were voted to Chambers and Mm White in accordance with the Academy's policy <:l. honoring SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. New J lee""•"' JU W. WILSON, COSTA Ml!SA foff Ftlrvlew Rd.. 5,.._7961 ln-G, R!venJct. Or. -Ntwi>ort lctd\ C be~lfld !I'll l"il41 Olllct l ....,Jll .. • • Four years ago .~A TbaaliM CllWM:" wu stapd what seemed Uke a lhOuwtd U-. lut. with Ult ts:ce~ lion of a recent teen·•erslon In Huntington Beach, counly audiences have bad a hreather from lhe llerb Gardner comedy. The San Clemente Community Theater breaks that spell next Thursday. "Room Service" is one or the oldest plays around, bu t It wW be nf'W to a lot of theatergoers, this column in· eluded, when South Coast Repertory stages its version of the 19.10's comedy on April !5. It replaces another chest· nut, "Charley's Aunt ," on the SCR schedule. BRAND NEW on the local scene is "Winter Will Ask," an original drama by UC Irvine professor Dan Stein, which the Irvine Repertory Theater will open May 7. TwG \\'eeks later the UCI players close out their ambiUous season with the French comedy, "The Madwoman o! ChaiUot." The only other comparative •'oldie" on the schedule is "Once for Lhe Asking," mounted twice in the past hro years on county stages. It's up next at the Westmlnsler Community Tbealer, opening April 9. On the same night, the Santa Ana Community Players bid farewell to the theater which has housed them the past several year& by opening the comedy "Ask Any Girl." The 1969-70 season will aee tbe ~unty's oldest theater group celebrate its golden anniversary in a new building. llARDLY NEW, but vastly unfamiliar to most local audiences will be "Peer Gynt," Orange Coast College's season closer and the swan song for director Lucian Scott, who will play the title role. This one opens May 15 for three evenings. "Sight Unseen" is an apt UUe for the comedy mystuy probably unseen by mGSt of Orange County. It's the Fuller- ton Footlighters' curtain closer, opening May 16. Bowing out earlier than their traditional June 24 sea- son closer, the thespians of the Costa Mesa Civic Play· house go on the boards again ~lay 23. The attraction is Paddy Cheyefsky's romantic drama, "Middle of the Night ," another oldie which will be new to local audiences. Also in the unfamiliar category after three ronsecutive shows on the other side of the coin is "Breath~ Spring," the season 's finale at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. The English comedy is scheduled for a Memorial Day openjng. TO SUPPLID.IENT this Orange County stage diet, up the pike a few miles are two Long Beach theaters which will keep active during the next two months. The Community Playhouse opens '411\e Family Man" tonight: Forum XI foUows next Friday with "The Lion in Winter " v1hile Community comes back on May 13 with "Harvey'.i• This adds up to 15 playhouses within a half hour's dri ve opening 18 productions in the next eight weeks. And mGSt of these shows will carry the additional appeal o( unfamiliarity, a virtue too often lacking on the area 's live theater menu. ONLY S DAYS LEFT IRIENOS, IOMANS, COUNTRYMEN, IT'S TI ME To File Your IOTH s FEDWJ. AND STATf CaflOr mat hint> in'f911!ed Im:• .. biil h9 didn't for. the '1eglon1" of complications •• ha,. today. ILOCIC wm help )'OU ~ th• WOfld of ~ came tox prabMtM ~ly and oc~ly. You'll often '°"'• moMY. roo. UP I"'!!!~--........,.. ___ _ W• (1UCn'ontee DCCUfllt9 pr9PGfation e1f ... ,., tax Ntllm. If -•ak1 any «ron thcrt COd you a ny penalty ot lnferert, -will pav tM pena or i11'9rftt • ____ ...... H•R[3~~0. Amnic1'1 L•rg•st Tix Service with Over 3000 Offic•a COSTA MESA, 1175 H•rbor Blvd., 642-4940 CORONA del MAR , 2435 E. Cont Hwy .. 675-G362 WMll D..,. t •.111 .• f ,.111.; S.t .. S.11. t •.M;I ,.-. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY '51 - .,. .~01..LYWOOD BACKSTAGE Jlelen Hays Happy in Rascal Role THANKS! FOR THE BIGGEST WEEK IN 31 YEARS OF PRODUCE RU AILING! f. BJ IOI 11IOMU ful role was Queen Victoria, which I en- ........... ftntl Wrltll' joyed becaust she was portrayed as a BOU.YWOOD -"Yes, I'm pl1yin1 a rather headstrong. willful and sometimes real nscal, and what a joy it ts. 'rile nict fo61ish woman. ; th\nl about btlnl a character actress is "Now I'm looking lorward to a new that you 1et a chance to play such fasci· career as a character actress. I enjoyed nallni porta." your recent column about the decline or Helen Rayl!t wu oultlng over what experienced character performers in lhe termed a brand new weer. She is films, tt gave me a hope that other pr<r- )*'forming ln her flrrt mov\e since "An-ducers might hire me." astul•" in llM. Her role: Ada Quonsett. Miss Hayes emphasi zed that hrr future the sweet Uttle lady who ls a proftulonaJ S\'Ork would be in films and trlevision Awll••Y ln i'Alrport." the alktar um. only. vtrll1 VVlkm at Arthur Halley's best--••1 have retlrtd from the stage," she ..iJlnllDOVtL declartd. When I expressed doubt that "A whole ntw Otld she would abandon the theater after de· bis opened up for me wilng Q of her A yttrt11 to IL, she said: "No, I'm tht<iu!lf>; I just can't talce the slnct I played In "The JOUUne of elght performanct! • week any Aow-Ofl' on the mart. I've done It too lon1. stqe,"remarkedMlu ••When I flnlshed up 'The Show-Off' in Hoy11. "! pllyad a rul Wllhlnfton, l made the announcement barridall In that one. I ~ if I announced my retlttment •• d IOdimcts IMd ln1111 the lloi' In publlc I would be too --·he-ublpltd l.o chln&e my mind later." • .... .... lltheabcnt· Sbe l•uee: as she recaJled a onetime .... MA\'b "'· anocla\t the tbtater who hlld a aevttt , .. Aad th, bow 1ov11y tt 11 1o 11e ui. to drlnldtll probl<m. During • brief sober .......... of ..... 1 chlrllder. '!be ....... !:loci, he llpied a manilesto denylni: Ille~ •tar-,.. art )'OUlll· hntelf and further uae of whisky. bra~ "" -. ly li ,.. .......... :!\: dy, btier, ttt., eonllnulng with evtry ai.. tallan tor updgl>lneu -Is lllal the "' .. coholla beveragt be could think of. Y"" ,.i lock dlrnen1lon. My most auccess· "But a week later he discovered an ob· .. l ' I ----- scure drink that wasn't on the list, and he went of! on a Lerrific bender " said 1'1iss Hayes. "Well. I have sworn 1off the stage. But I'm leaving the door ope.n for other Utings, such as movies and tele. I vision," .1 ' As has been her custom for other parts J\fj~ Hayes has been th()l'ough in prepar: I ing for her role in "Airport." She has bttf! assiduous in her diet, reasoning that " a thin J\irs. QuGnett will wring more hu- 1nor and pathos from the audience. She quoted the long-ago advice of her late husband. Charles Mac.Arthur, when he t noticed her putting on weight: ''Helen, }'OU can't make 'em cry if you 've got a big backside." She has also been paying atttnUon to technique, and she related an e.~ence t.bal happened on the ael the other ct.y : •·J was having a lot of trouble with a long scene I had to dG. l was so tense and ntr\·ous, so anxiou s to avoid the ex· aggoratlons that we use In the theater. th.at I kept blowing my lints. t wu 50 ashamed of myself. "Finally, the director. Goorge Seatoo. suq:ested taking the. scent from another angle, and I cried, 'Oh, I don't want to do this sceM 1gatn;' I wu certain that 1 had made a perfect mtu of ll. Latu Gtorge saw the scene In the rushu and Mid It comt out fine. I couldn't have bc('n more relieved.'' ... ) List we•k w• enjoyed our llGGDT WW! Thi ,+ore w•s j•mmecl, we miss•d bre1kfest, lunch end.dinner ... But w'e didn't mind, we h•d ch •ll'lp•gne •t 11 o'clock efter selling OUT of Eest•r Plents end Rower,. To show our •ppreci•tion e nd to then k',y~u for the chempegn• .. , look · at th••• •ptciell CLIP THISE COUPONS AND SAVI! ..........•..•.•....•......... - • ICllllO IOLID SANTA. ANA COACHILLA • I CRISP UTTUCE : SlRAWBERRlts : GRAPffRUIT : I : IOC... : 3 , .. $1°0 : S•... : Limit 6 • Limit 6 • Limit I • • With Thie c..,.., • With Thl1 ,..,,.,. With T1tl1 Cevpet1 .•..•...............•......... ~ COUPONS IXPIH ll'llL 16 Who seld it's lmposslble to get e goocl hembuNJ•r th••• deys1 You should try IOl'S llG IOT, SKIPS STUn SUll'O, IUIGD PANTIT, CHAILIE'S CHIU, THE SIDI.II:, Co1te M•••· e ncl, you've got the gr••t••t hemburger you'v• •v•r tested. lti•y buy Hie finest •.• THIY IUY NIWPOIT PRODUCE! HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? ------. NEWPORT PHONI: 673-8715 PRODUCE 0r .... Ceivftty'1 ,,.,... Ck'owlnt Pf'Muce Orpl'll.t&tten . .. uu Newpott ''"" ..... , ....... . -------~-----------------------------------------------.. r.w.,, Ajlltf 11, 1969 • . -- ' I N .,. NOD STANLEY ORANGE CQUNTY'S RESTAl:JRANT, NIGHT CL U 8· AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE And Now Lunch The Mexican-American reotaurant that opened in Corona de! Mar about four months ago -Ale- jandro's -has already bit so big with local diners its original dinner-only policy has just been chang- ed to include Juocheon service too. But don't plan on making it a CQUP!e of quick tacos stop. Instead, prepare to relax in elegant sur- roundings and enjoy an unhurried encounter with genuine Mezican cuisine. Many of the outstanding dishes offered on Alejandro's dinner menu have been included on the new midday bill of fare. And for those inclined to wait until evening to take on south of the border specialties, there's a number of salads and sand· widles well suited lo-noontime C0111umptjon. CHOOSE ANYWAY Mo matter which way you go -po pourri Mexi .. cano or shrimp salad -lunch here will result in a savory and satisfying meal. . Nineteen luncheon entroees -all served with soup or salad, rice, refried beans, tortillas and tos· taditas -lead ofi with two po pourri Mexicano, or combination, possibilities. A choice of one is given for $1.35 and two for $1.95 l>etween cheese enchilada, taco, dlile relleno, tamale or gordita. Six entrees tabbed at $2.25 eecb are enchiladas pollib> o came (chicken or shredded. beef), enchi· Jadas rancheras guac~ole, chiles rellenos came o queso (prepared beef or cheese), gorditas tapa- tias, tostadas compuestas, shrimp or crab salad. Others are tamales 'jde casa", res o puerco (Homemade, beef or pork) $1.95; steak picado "Sonora", $2.50 ; came con chile Colorado, $1 .95; chef's salad, $1.90; chicken .salad, $1.95; sirloin petty, $1.35; steak sandwich supreme, $2.SO; plank- ed chopped sirloin, $2.95; came asada abobada (but- terfly top sirloin), $3.95. · CALABACITAS RELLENAS One especially recommended item that's gain«I 1 well~eserving popularity with the restaurant's · if ra1eois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE Famous For FLAMING DUCK Op•n ·11 :00 A.M. -Clo•od Mond•y HUNTINGTON BEACH, c:>;UFQRNIA U 151 BEACH BLVD. 142;1919 Real Cantonese Food Mt here er t1k1 homt. STAG CHlllSf WlllO 111 2ht pl., Nowport Buch ORiole 3-9560 o,.. y .. ..._.hill' 1J..1Z -M. _. s.t. 'ti IL& OPEN FOR LUNCH ~~ 11:30to2p.m. DINNERS ~":.,.... 5.30 to 10 p.m. 9!:~~~u!NT 540 .. 3641 Ce,....., •••• ,, ........ ClllN .... ...... .. ....... .... 4t.,;1t11 •• DON JOSE' ----;.JAMIE AND ROBERTO LATIN DUO DirMI _From Tho Floflll"fl ~ In U. V- ENCHILADA & TACO ......••• $1.30 CHIU ~LLENO-ENCHILAD~ •• $1.45 e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adamt (If Mo9nol11) Hunt. Botch 962-7'11 ' regulars Is ·calabodtas rellenu, $1.91. Ordf!'· it and )l<JU'll receive zucchini split and otulfecl with ••· &Oiied shreddtd beef, jack cheese and ranchera sauce. The Ill!ich menu also provide; a wide variety of a la ~arte appetizers, salads, soups, rice and bean dishes, desserts and bevera_ges. Egg fanciers can choose buevos rancberos, '2, or torto ranchera (Spanish omelette), $1.,75. · · U you haven't tried Ibis fine establlslu'(lent yet, and can't make it for luoch, dinner is an equally good way to obtain your overdue introduction. Ex-cwtion81 food, service and atmosphere will be your reward 1n either case. Luoch hours are 11:30 to 41 Monday through Friday,· and dinner iS Served from 4: to 12 seven nights a week. Sunday bruoch starts at 11 :30 and the bar stays open every night until 2. Alejandro's, located at 32111 E. Coast Inghway, Corona de! Mar, also offers entertainment nightly except Monday. Playing currently ii the Intern•· tional Trio, a first-rate mariacbl group. Welcome Cousins! Maybe you're ahead of Out 'N' About's receipt of the news but we 're filing this one in the lea~ something-new-every-day department. Seems somewhere along the line, fellow cow- hands, an accord was reached whereby all natives of Celifo;nJa and Wyoming be<:ame kith and kin in a sisler stale relationship. If you find .that informa- tion old hat, your Stetson covers a storehouse of more than horse sense. Anyway, 'l'e're delighted to leern about the acquisition of all those kissin' cousins back in the hills, and we predict the new blood brother ties will cause restaurateurs of the coastal tribe to adopt some wild and woolly menu innovations. For several starters there's -onion gulch pota- toes ••• Indian auccotash ••. pioneer salad . . . son-of-a-gun in a ssck. l!_ut don't get the Idea such dishes are grub out of a Bret Harte dime novel. They're for real and constitute only part of the bill VALUABLE COUPON FREE .. ~!¥ .!'!! ... S-CPtflicetM -o.IJJ HURRY! ONl.Y ' DAYS ,:.::::-:.-:: ... Buffet Style luncheon (ALL YOU CAM LliTO liBIRAL YBl'S CHINESE RESTAURANT 1500 Mams Ave., Ced• Mesa PHONINlolflT .... T• ...__._.,.llllt' '"'"" ...... le ~ .... '*"" ·-·- "Where It's Happening!" .---.::".::LL:..;M;::A;::RT: ;I.NI COCKTAIL LOUNQE IJI I. Inti COSTA MBA Bill M•rtlnl Pre&ent1 DlrKI f,.,.., LH V19H JUBAL'S CHILDR•N For Yoar o.ina and Ustenina Plenure VILLA ROMA SpKlalblotho-DloMn HAVING ,A PARTY. A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our 'tend1rd •p•ciiil 1p.t9hetti dinner consists of our delicious m••t sauce ind ~ •• + hells, topp1d with im· ported ptrm.ts1n Ch.t•••, end includ11 our delicious 91rllc toast. Hi ~ll•ltt• +. •••h' witll •wr 'i•,•••llle thi1t1h111M co11f1i11tr1. N•..__.._,.,..,.._ 1H -$141.H 6 -Sl.71 11-72.11 4-.... JI -J6,H J -2.fl 11 -14.st I -1.41 445 North Newport loule•erd, Newport leech Open 4 p.m. -12 p.m. Ml 6-4929 CLOSED TUESDAY ' of fart two:iroups of loeal folks•will be-sitting down to neat wftt. . GOVERNOR HOSJS• WYQllllnf, in an effort tO become. belier ac- qualntlid with her sister .Ute, will stage-a couple of wtld came rendezvous dinners, April 14 and 15 at the Beverly HWs Hotel. Ho,ted by Governor Stan Halhaw~. the Natural Resources Board and Wyom- "" Travel Commission, the dinners will. fele South- ern Call!ornla governmental, Industrial, communi· ,catiOlll media and \ravel-directln& officials. JLD WEST Featming elk and moose as entrees, the din- ners reportedly will carry the "old west,. flavor down to the last detail in the son-of-a-gun in a sack deHert. Its Ingredients, we're told, are bread crumb's, currants, Sultana raisins, diced apples suet, molaases, sugar, flour and caramel or brandf sauce. W~'ve come a long way in our relations with Wyommg. and Governor Hathaway's fine food should bury the last trace of old animosities. There was th.at time aome years back, remember, when a Wyomm~ legislator .introduced a bill to have all ~'.'11furnla cars pasSlllg through his .shlte outfitted with loud !'hanging bells. Moving from a day they didn 't trusl our driving to a time when they pick up the tab for the eats is progrets indeed, And that's not all. We have a booa fide cousin With a cattle spread near WheaUand Wyoming who says he's not even afraid to drive oui here anymore, Josers Honored Chalk up another plus for Josef's, that honors .. prone h~e1 ot continental cuisine found at 2121 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Owners Howdy Means and Art La Shelle just re- ceived. word that the restaurant won a listing in the BAUOA BAY FRONT DINING STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB --BOBBY HOWDAY VOCAL-GUITA.llST Tua thru Sat. -t te 1 :SO OPEN DAILY ll:lO• .... lol:OO•.m. Dining with An Ocean View SEAfOOD, STEW AND GOURMET BllR&S * FROM $2.95 * Efttertalnment and Dancing l\'lght18 WAYNI GAllllL Gultarlst·VM•llet t:Jt .. 1:JI TueL thrv S.t. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI IJWlll 117 OCUN AYI. HUNTIN•TON IUCH OVIRLOOKI,_ "THI PACIFIC OCEAN AT THI Piil -JOSEF'S-· DIXIELAND BAND MlY NIDAT Al'ThNOON ROM 1:00 P.M. Drop ln Soon, •• We think you'll Uk• tbt "N.w Look" e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIG AV 1;-"--,-~ AT THE JAMAICA .INN IN THE LIDO LOUNGE BILL McCLURE DUO 5:00 • 10:]0 p.m. -Mond1y. thru fr;.d1y 1:00 p.m ... I :00 a.m. -Svndty LOU NORRIS & THE JERRY ROSS TRIO l :lO p.m. -I :30 1.m. -Moodoy thru S1turd1y M•b • 11ltht .f It -DIM 1• th ... ,tHttl MARINE RESTAURANT 644--17001 •xt llM for r11ervafiont .. llthe edition ot the Mobile Travel Guide; one of !~ · country's top.rated ~vel guldeboota. So tau a worthy how, gentlemen. · ->:< As ii Is, many of Jooef's Joy~ petrona travel .,_ CC11siderable distance, but this means they'll pro~ ably start rolling in from Massachusetts now. . ONLY 23,000 NATIONALLY - Over 23,000 restaurants, hotels, motels and rl!> sorts are listed and rated in the seven-volume na- tional fuide, which has been compared to the famed Guide-Michelin by travel esperts. The books will bi' · available at Mobil stations and outlets in May. · - To win a listing in the guide an establishment must be personally inspected by 'a impartial, tralri'' ed Inspector who reports bis finding to an editoriil' board. Mobil has '1ven complete independence to Ibis group in deciding on listings and ratings. •,:, lncldenloll)'. the next time you travel to:J...t'S, for dmner -w1t.h or without $uld• book -give tll9' palate a special treat by trying their broiled vw' sweetbreads, beamaise, prosciutto ham, $3.95. Or, just as good, the prime New York pepper. steak, &p!ced peach, chef's special, '6.25. · • ·.-. ·.: ART SHOW TOOi ;u Or •• ;. well, you select the entree since It's bard> to . ~· wrong with anything here. And dig th°"' onginal cartoons by Phil lnterlandl, Virgil Partch and John Dempsey that add an uproartoua note to the decor at Josef's. t lrvino's &"j ' . No, the ~ustaehloed, bespectacled, leering ; figure on the Signs Isn't a caricature of Groucbo · Marx -even though Groucho might find the re,, 1 semblance startling. And to the real person u weJl. I as the cartoon likeness. Look-alike to the entertainer in this cue Is> Irv!-• no Levin, proprietor ol 1rvino'1 Rlstoranles In Costa• J..tesa and Stanton. Mere use of the signs ind.ica-- the two gentlemen share wit in common too but diners hereabouts are fortunate that only o~e of them went into show business. : 1 Contlnuod on P• .. 22 .: · ntll~wersR-.. ~;;;~~~ e IUNDAY llllUNCtt,1 ··-llnAUIANr AND e U.TI su,,1111 ·'1 COCITAIL LOUN•I CINtNG • ·1•1 1(t South C .. lf'I Mwtlt, molt elepnt OCHnfntnt dlnlnt, 1top Towon Wint of Surf. •nd S•nd Hotel 1555 South CoHt Hwy. utuno luch, C:.llfoml!o· Ent•rteinm1nt Nightly Tu11dey through Seturclay , THE FABULOUS ' "' G~ORGE and LARRY DUO ' ' * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY. MEADOWLARK . ,,1 co•ntry club .,. &OMER SIMS, CECIL HOU:IN&SWORTH, C..0..11411n 1'712 GRAHAM snDT HUNTINGTON RACH for ·R ... r,.tlons C:.11 -1116 er -141' ,· • fAMILY STIAI HOUSIS HUNTINGTON llACH I COSTA .,. TOWN 6 COUHTll'f MILLOlllN ...... I-a.dl .,,,_, ...... 1 ·==L~r:c: =~ SPECIAL SlllLIR lllOCHITTI ................ -. ,._,,i., ,,., ''"" ,1pp1r, mwhnerns, Mrwd •n rice pllof, With roll & llvtter. TOI' SIRLOIN S'(EAK .••••• $1.lt NEW YOU STIAK •.• , ... $1.St , ... ..., •• ••"4 ., ,,.... ,,. .. ,........ a.a a tirttw. CHllHlll'I -.oll J>1 l'llCI 1-U Y-1 llAll MOl!aAY -'!Ma NlllLY _, ' '1" TOI' SllLOIN STEAK Only I • l111IH" hkff .., FrMth Fri ... PmfHI. a.n I a.ttw. CHI._..-· )>I l'llCI I~ U Y-1 L1•dl101 $iSpp1~cl=tlals•---, ll:GO f.M. TO' 5:GO l'.M. ~~~'! =' ,.:, ~.~.~ ... 79c ............ • " I I ENTERTAINMEl)I IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING ·MARY LOU· ' TUH. THiii SAT. PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST Nl•NnT You Will Enjoy Luncheon or Dinner OVERLOOKiNG THE VENmAN WATE~WAY , OF NEWPORT HARIQR • I ~Tuf(s~,·~Rt . RESTAURA~T . 2241 lV. Coast Highway NewpoTt B~af~ , (714 I 646-5057 I t!J.en .(illM FABULOUS RESTAURAitIT SUPERB ~ SUNDAY BRUNCH ~~~~:=~~.~:~: ...$3~5 Dancing Nightly with TH' NATURALS 31i06 'COAST HIGHWAY SOUTH LAGUNA • RES. 499-2663 ' Vina Harmer Trio Mond.y thru So1turd•y Dick Powell Trio ·--·~-· "'"i"f'"<....,.-'7 1""'1f'-J .,,,.,., '"li TO •t •~·-.-... -• ~.~.t~1r1 -·.~-•~:t;t~"-'"l~""'""'"'',-,,''"'""'"'",...,,......,.,,~,-•~·-----,,,_.,,,,--,,..,,-,.-~~,-·-·~·~•·-•=--r• ~· .,,...r__,..,,. .. rJ e - • WEEKEN•ER • 0Ulf . ' N ABOUT ................. ..... _ ... ..... s.-1 ... ....... -, ...... ........ ---1111• ----- I Ii COCICT AILS -Eflttrt•i,...,',,.f \ with loh lurf•fl \Ii lttufiful ltfl'IW•f lt.001111 I YOU.ll MOSTS DICK KAT1AllS -FlANK KISSUl lll!Sl!ltVATIOftl 11 ......... 1 tur.ett.aur.e 169~!~! AVE. Huntington l•ach ~ Hl.lflllKlllll !l!IOOI WAlllO ii Al&llllllUll •• ' •-Htl 611est Thomasine Hill;. Miss Indian Amerlc'a; will be one of Wyoming Gov· ernor Stan Hathaway's honored ~ ot two cllnnen=by the state of in the Beverly · s Hotel next week. . -. . ' ' C-fnm·P.,,.21 . ' • • • ' ' t • • JUST LIKi , •• lrvlno's often Italian food u anthentic u any you'll find traveling the motbir country from Milano tollitllli dl\Calabria. uttle wonder; elllie<, l>ecauae Iffiiio perfected bis ort oil ~·way from the San Remo in Nl!W'Yorlt'to Alfrtcloi In Rome . ·OUI /n· abc!uler · dropped into the Colla · Mesa Iocotlon ol 589 W. IJlti SL, at U..bor Blvd., where the Iaapo revealed. a -· tooch in ita pr.epar• lion. A too freq den Uy . oveppiced disb, here nf!r'/ incredlent was in proper proportion. : The plil<e is llllllll and un,.-tious but snug and comfortable. AnyWnf lacklnl In lhe way of decor i:J more than made' 11p for in the quality of the food. -. AUTOGltAl'HS I PerhaJlS the moat interesting interior leslwe l& the woll' where hundred& ol Irvino's loyal !ans have bMh allowed to inscribe their ·names-. Seems thls custom is a carry-over from the practice· initi· ated by student · customers i~ his first restaurant near the use cam pus. . . . II mun be stressed lbal Irvino'l Risloranles are not going to fill the bill for anyone looking. for cheap spaghelti to be eaten in a hurry. The pnces, actually, are quite reasonaJ>le, but the fact that everything ii cooked to order means an absence of the cut-rate quickie meal An individual spaghetti and meat balls dinner is tabbed al $2 and goes for $1.45 a la carte. Order· ed on the 1t>eclal dinntn for two. four or six ~ sons, the coot is $3.80, $G.45 and $8.eG, respectiv .. ly, and includes 1<1Up or ulad, garlic bre1d and lndi· vidu1l cheese pizzas. $5.00. Amoa1 side orders are >Dlipast.J, H-"; len· tl1 SOUP.. bowl 40 ceriu; lettuce solad, with blen or Italian dressing, 40 cents. A lull line of sandwiches include stesk, •1.30; submarine, 80 cents; grinder, 95 cents; hero, •t.20; putrami. 85 cents; veal and pepper, Sl.15; meat ball, 80 cents. OPEN SUNDAY The restaunnt is open Sunday through Thun- day from II 1.m. to 11 p.m. and until midnlght on Friday and Salmday. There'• a dlily luncheon spec- ial, Mond~ tbrougb Friday, from 11 a.m. to !:SO p.m. for 95 ttflts, which includes choice of soil "beverage. Additional ' lunch pos.sibillties are e~ont- parmigiana, u .eo; veal and peppen, $1.40; don broil (char-broiled steak 11ices) U.45. In Stanton, Jrrino'll is located at 9041 Cerritos, at Magnolia and another will open soon in Tustin. Alao; lrvin011 Groucho-like CC"icature may start popping up all over as Levin moves into his new franchise operation. ~ \Ve Get Letters From Mr. John E. Ray of Wrigblwood Lane , Huntington Beach, come tb~ following remarks and restaurant recommendation. "I have read with interest your column in the Pilot for quite some time. I have enjoyec;I your comments and suggestions as to where to dine out for fine food and entertainment. "I like your invitation for readers to send in comments. At this time I would like to bring to your attention a remarkable eatery in Newport Beach thal has somehow escaped your notice. 111 have spent a good: portion of. my ev~r• in dining out for pleasure and to entertain busme&s FULL DINNERS associates. This one place has become my favorite and the favorite of many friends. •O.woA i Quotiz\1 full dinner prices, some other entrees "If you have not had the pleasure of dining at ru:v I~ are monu a la Arturo {top sirloin of beef cooked Chuck's Steak House of Hawaii ·at 2332 W. Pacific tU:5TAultANI' in 1berry wine) $2.90; manicotti a la Edusrdo, *2·20; Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, tllen you have been veal and peoppen a la Judlto, $2.85; chkken caco· , . _,. . . ti Continental Cuisine atora a la Eduardo, $2.85i veal BCalopplDl marsala umng yours11n1 an InJU! ce. C.Cklolls ·a.,. Arturo, ••.so·, shrimp marinsra. $3.15; .fettuc-"This small bul very well-decorated establish-ua .., ment offers very fine food and beverage at a modest 'senmio cini a la SuzaMo, $4.30. price. The service and food would make many of the Luncheon and Dinttc!f' so-called posh establishments in the area blush Mondav lhr011(1h Sa111tdor. ~ with shame. Clo!td S•ndovs "Hope you will find time to try Chuck's and let -op..1tw· your readers know through your column what you PriMtc Pariiu O,U~ . 1 • think of it. Keep your column going, it is very All m-e available a la carte for &O ce.nts less, interesting." 571 s. WA:JN, OIANCiE W• •r• ioc•t•cl next ••· and are the only items 0~ the menu not included th• Mey Co. in Sout•1 in Irvino'a take-out department adjacent to the Many thinks for you" nict thought.s, Mr. Ray, and aw: • : S42·3-'9S C..st Pleu. dm' ,·ng room wt hope tht column will cuntinue bting htlpful to you. (a...I s.day) · No, wt haven't tritd Chuck's, but your obstrvatiom ~~~~~~~~~~ c... .::!' s. ...... 14 .. 1141 '' .;;;~Piua~· ~~co~m~es~in;;_IS~d~i«j~e=re~n:t:c:om;::bin;::ati:. o:ns;::,. t=hre=e=='=":ta:i:nl:v:mak::;::<:i:t :a:m:us::;:t Ja~t ~th=·-=·o~rf~iu'-:;t ~·ppo:-':~"=""-i=tv,;:'.. ~ ;;; dlllerent oizes, and ranges in price from $1.20 to P"haps w<'U ,., vou th<r< in th• ••"11 n•or futurt. SU NOA Y BRUNCH YOUU ENJOY OUR CHAMPAGNE BUFFET THE FINEST MEXICAN I< AMERICAN CUISINE MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY Served I 0 a.m. to l ADULTS $2.50 p.m. In The Caribe Room CHILDREN . $1.50 RESERVATIONS 536·1421 . 21112 Ocean Ave . (Coast Hwy.) -Huntington Beach Billingsley's GOLDEN BULL RESTAURANT STEAKS -l'RIME Rll -SEAFOOD -COCKTAILS S shows ' nightly Wod.-Sot. ot 1,30 Sun. from 7 p.m. JOHNNY . 'SMITH DANCING in the . and Ille ALPHAIEnCALS Gar .. lt.0... GJ)anlel'• FORMERL y ZACHARrs .<\ppearl•9 N'9•tls T...,t.•S11a. PEDRO ROS'E WITH HIS ltOMANTIC GUITAR & HARMONICA OPEN 7 DAYS A W&K 10 AM -2 AM LUNCHEON 11 • 3 DINNER S· 11 l'EAl'V.IUNQ EASTERN CHOICE S1IAIC PllMI ltll LO UTE It SIA FOODS Dinner From $3.21 2831 lltlSTOL, COSTA MESA • LUNCHION 11:.... • DINNll 4-Mhln)fht M-. Tlln1 FrL SUNDAY llUNCH-11:31 C.Clctaff ..._,.. o,_ 7 Nltlhh '" 2 AM Ehtert&inmt:nt NiJbtly Except :f.fondly 3•1 IAIT COAST HIGHWAY COlONA DIL MAa 67s-t47t . FOR ADVERTISING IN THE WEEKENDER PHONE 642-4321 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. JFM~ fine Oini1111 Since 19155 380l f.Asr 0JASr HIGHWAY' C.0.00A DF.1. MAI. CAUPOllNIA ~ (714) 675-1374 We're Planning Something New at MR. STEAK! W.'I stlll b. offori119 the Sime qu•rity food •nd s•rvico. Wo'ro koepin9 .. tho other rocent innov•tions you've indic•tod you tiko. But-stiD anoth. Of chonp! It's our now wHkd•y nd -ing b•nquot facili- ties. lot me tol you •bout them when you visit us this weekend HANK SCHIERHOLD OPEN EVERY DAY PROM II A.M. TO 9 '.M. ' 2267 Pol ....... C.11 - 642.0732 • -----~----------.,---~--..,..,.-------.,--.....,-, -------- 6VIDH TO FVN -All th·e Cats , Showing ·Off APRIL II· II ANG.EL BASEBALL -Callfornia Angel! vs. Minn. Fri. and Sat. nlgbb, April 11 and 12 and Siii\. aftanoon, April 11; Angela vs. Cbica10, Mon night, April 14, in the Anabeim Stadium, 200 Slate College Blvd., Anaheim. All night (IDlts are at I p.m.; day games start at 1 p.m. Tictets 1vailable at all ticket agencies and the box ol:fke. ~hone m.2000. APRIL 12·11 CAT SHOW -The United Cit Federation is Jft$enling a cat show at the Orange County Fairgrounds, D Fair DrJve, Costa Mesa, on April 12-13, 10 a.m. to & p.m. over 2Z5 cats of various breeds will be entered in the aJJ.breed show. Tickets, $1 for adults, 50 cents for juniors. Children under 1% free if accompanied by parent. Phone 545-1131. APRIL 12-11 . 'cATULLI CARAUNA -The University Dance Company, Chorus and Orchestra of UCI School of Fine Al1I will present Carl Or!f's Catulli Carmina on April 12 and 13 in Crawford Hall oli Campus, 7601 Irvine Ave., 1"!ne. Tickets for the 1:30 p.m. event may be purchased at 'tbl Fine Arts box olllc<. General admi&sion $3. Studenla $1. Phone 13H117. APRIL 12-11 HORSE SHOW -More than 100 riders will compete for trophlea and ribbons in the Valley RJden Open Horse Show and Gymkana at the Rancho California Arena, Sat. and SmJ. April ll-13. The event begins at 9 a.m. and tbei'e is M ad- mission charge. The Arena ii located oo Highway 395 midway between Riverside and San Diego. APRIL 12 ·II FESTIVAL OF SOUNDS -Over 100 youni SOuthland per- formers will present entertainment April lZ..13 in tbe FesUv- al of Sounds at Knott's Berry Fann, on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park just south of the Santa Ana Frteway. Shows are scheduled for 2:30, 4 and 5:30 p.tn. Sat., and Sun. in the Wagon Camp area. APRIL 1% -lt FILM EVl;NT -The Newport Harbor Art Museum la 1lag- ing an e:thibition tiUed "The Movie Show -Seven Stages of Hollywood from Silents to Cinemaacope," in the Museum at 400 Main St., Balboa , through April 20 .. The history of the cinema will be shown by film ell~. sound tracks, photo:s, costumts, props, technical equipment and personal mem- orabilia. The exhibit is open Wed. through Sun. from l to 5 p.m. and Mon. 6-9 p.m. No charge for admiasion. APRIL 1% -JULY %3 HORSE RACING -Thoroughbred racing at Hollywood Park Century Blvd. at Prairie Ave., Inglewood is &Ch«!· uled Tues. -Sat. through July 23. Post time weekdays 12:45, Sat .. 1:15 p.m. $25,000 Debonair Stakes, Sat., April 12. APRIL 13 CONCERT -The Orange County Philharm_onic Society will present tbe Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton or Lawrence Foster who is taking over for Antal DoraU who was called back to Sweden. Allred Brendel will be featured as piano soloist. in the 8:30 p.m. concert Sun- day, April 13, in the Orange COast College Auditorium. Tickets $4 at the door if available, or from the Orange Co!Jn. ty Philharmonic Office, 201 West Coast J:lighway, Newport Beach. Student tickets are $1.75. Phone Mf.&C.11. CONCERT -The Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society Is pre.senting the Alma Trio Sunday night. April 13, at I -p.m. in the Laguna Beach High School Audltoriam. Tickets, $3.50 for adults; $2.00 for. students available at the .door. Phone 494-5212. UCI SUNDAY CONCER1 -The UCI Sunday concert will present violinist Mary Speaker and pianist. Allen Greenberg performing works by Bach, Brahms and Bartolt on AprlJ 13; at 8 p.m. in Room 178 of the Fine Arts BuDdlng on Campus, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Admis.sion is free . APRIL II FILM EVENT -The Newport Harbor Art Museum will pre- sent a rare Harold Lloyd film on Tues., April 15, at 8:30 p.m. in the Balboa Theater, 709 E. Balboa Blvd. TiUed "The World of Harold Lloyd," this is the first time it has been shown in the United States. Tickets $3 for non-members, $2..SO for Museum members and $2. for students. Available at MURUm office, 400 Main St., Balboa. Phone 675-38MI. APRIL 15 • %0 AMES -NERO -Singer Ed Ames and pianist Peter Nero will be on stage at Me.lodyland Theatre, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, April 15 • April 20. Shows art at 8:30 p.,n. 'I'Ua. Fri.· 7 and 10 p.m .Sat., and 5 and t ::m p.m. Sun. Tickets $3.sO • $6.50 available at box office and tic,ket agencies. Phone 1·776-7460. · APRD.. II • It PADUA HILLS PLAY -The Padua Hills 'llltalre is pre- senting a two-act play, "Fiesta in El CanW," with authen- tic mUBic and dances from Durango, Mexico, through April 19 at 2:30 and 1:30 p.m. on Wed. and Sat. Adjoining the a seat air-eondiUoned theater is the Padua dining room where , tht playeri entertain during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food is served daily, except Mon. Padua Hills is located on Padua Ave., three miles north of Foodilll Blvd. in Claremont Phone l-62J.f288. APRIL 17 NOON CONCERT -A noon concert will be held Thurs., April 17, in Room 178 of the FJne Arts Bldg., at UCI! 7tO_t Irvine Ave., Irvine. Music for Winds, Stravinsky, 0 0ctuor" and other works will be performed by membm of tbe Uni- versity Orchestra and Wind ememble. No admiaioo char1e. Phone 113U617. APRIL 17 STORY HOUR -Every Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, 363 Olenneyre, Laguna Beach. conducts a atory hour for children two and one-hair to fi ve year1. It starts at t :30 a.m. APRIL II FILM BIOGRAPHY -"'I'tle Henry Miller Odyuey", ~ two- hour color film biography of Henry Miller, will be present- ed at 1:30 p.m. Fri. April 18, in tbe SCienct Lecture Hall oo campus a't UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Tickets,. *2:.$0 available at the Fine Arts bos office. Phone &1Ult7. APRIL It· CONCERT -Baroque Ensemble will perform work.I by Tlleman, Bach and BoiJmortler with Jaanna Bt1J11el Young on the raem!tt; LealD<JI'< Coral, blnlque OUk; T.,.... Bramel Ad1D11, Cello, and Wiiliam Holmes, llarplichonl. Room 1'71, FJne Arts Bldg. on UCI campus, 7901 Irvine Ave .• lrllne, at I p.m. Phooe -17. APRIL It roll EN8EMBLE -The Aman Falt Enaemllle, a company al IO amcen and dancer>, will perfcrm In Crawford Hall, UC!, '1W111 Irvine Ave., Irvine, April It al l :IO p.m. The lavllbly -8'0Ull ls not.d for ii. athletic: prtdlion and exubenlll 1Plrtt. 'l'lcbla, •uo at tbt Fine Art bos omce. ~-11. APRIL 11 ART11111 CONCEllT -s. Hurot wlU "'-Balpb voiipeii •• pianfat. In concert, April II at 1:111 p.m. J~ 1111,Lll!le ,,,..., California Stale Coller• al F\Jllerton, eqj' No. stat. c.11qO Blvd., Fullerton. Tickoll fl · IS. --1.m.UIO. • Friday,.,._ 11, 191>9 DAILY PILOT ll . TV, Flicks Are Wed· . . -. . ' . ~; :-. J' •• ' BYVBllllONllCOTf complete tllll pertlcularworld ·"11'1 a crime, .ld a way, • ' V111 ...,.... .,_ premiere ln 20 or ta days. to work from a o'clock in HOLLYWOOD-Motton "Eveo a low budget movie the momlng until 7 at 1 plctunl and talevlllon have goes 30 dayi." nigll~ aad thoo .-ne until : mated to form a llfbdd which Bridges counta bl m 1 e If maybe 10 o'clock. An actor ~,. II motloa-plmr.Hor-forlwlalo liecaUM both hit can1 do blJ bet! work under • teltvlalon. director, Dan Pettie, aad pro-those conditiolli, It la betwixt and belntn. ducer Jack Farren believe In "If they had a Pl'Oll'lm ----.ru-JI neither a ·rehears.a!, too. After the day's whereby th e • e movies-for· ~ :..~ .lbow fllmina 11 cmnplete, tbe cast television allowed a week's ._ atriet a.&IUOa. PSanetrtng and dlreCtor '" ntum to rehearsal in advance -even ii:. io~ bal be<n Unlvenal frMI dinner Io at minimum pay as tbey da ' ) Unlvenal. S&udiol and NBC-rebearte for two or three in the theater -then the -· .. :. · final relO!t would be better TV. Tiiey n.al!IOd lloelr. baby !>outJ. ... ••-~-"World ~ere. n "I really appreciate the care for the actors, uJlll wnK;wrt Now other ltudlol and and attentloo. these men have and certainly for tbe viewen." net-ti are nddJng 10< tbt beeo (ivlllf tbt 1 h ow ; ' • Bridges had to dub back same purpoae. The networks Bridges Aid. "But it brings to the set, another scene Wat ll:crue the product -uaually _•;;:P...;an=olher=-"prob:.:.:.!em=·'----'ea-'dy:..f_or_lllming_. ~· __ _ two houn la Jencth. The Studloo find -.elhlq to put .. tbelr ..... and to -abroad u -eL PubUc la VJUally llabbld la the bocl<. 'lbla two-hour famiat still ia In tis lnlJney, 1-tvtr, and 'ooe day doubtleu will reploce the low-budget movie, restric- ting thealan toJhe IUpet ... I· ouall (0 ll v er I) oc the )irurlent Utile art fllml which ' live tbt FOC the St. Vll\IS Dance. Ni tn-.g point of view lnvolvinc the new tn- tertalnment baby ia that of the actor's. In this ~. JJoyd Bridges who lllan wltb Shirley Jones in "World Premier: UNITED STATES BASED ALMA TRIO IN LAGUNA CONCERT Nomocl Afftr Mtnuhln l!llat. In Northern Collfornlo Silent Ni(bl, Lone'1 Niibl." Says Bridcel. "The key word to deaeriblng work In a two-hour televilloo movie ii frultraUon. If a property is good enough to be a movie for televlJlcm, then it abould -----~~-- Top Alma Trio Due in Laguna KWIZ's Sister Gets Wattage be a movie -period."' · A vetmin. ol. three video series -"Sea Hunt,'' "The Lloyd Br••-· Show" and The Federal Com· -.- municaUons commission has "The Loner" -B r J d g e s (iven KLOK Radio, Saa J.,., ~l:,!"~ W: ::! authority to -operate w i t h cipally became ol t be The Llguna Stach Chamber Music Society will present the Alma Trio, as the last concert o( the season, ·on April 13 at 8 p.m. in the Laguna Beach High School auditorJum. Preceding. the. concert, Dr. 50,000 watts of.power. r~arul time provided. northern California where the The station, a si!f.er station '"Mme ii everything to an lrio was formed in 1944. It of KWIZ, Santa Ana, is now actor," he said. "Time to is composed of Andor .Toth, operating with 10,000 watts. rebeane before a.boot J n g violin ; Gabor ~jto, cello, Newport Beach reaident an~ btginl, and time to work out and Adolf Baller. piano. pnsident of KWIZ and KLOK a scene befcre you do il Initially they played Ior Philip c . Davis, said he plans "Tbat'• the blr difference 'RUE COMPANIONSHIP ••• br;ng;ng people who their own ple8'Ure but at the to make KLOK "one of the between theae t e I e v J 1 lo n feel alike ond think alike togeth~r:. tl"t_ot'~ what suggestion of Yehudi Menuhin, showcase radio statiom of the movies and the oou they computer selection is all about. Nor is 1t 1ust for • ' ? , ~ • • • • • • } ' ' • ' • ;; . ! . • • .: ~ ~ .. ... :,! " William Holmes of UCl will offer a preview beginning at 7:30 p.m. The United Stat.6 based Alma Trio takes its name from the Menuhin estate in wkh whom Baller tourtd as West." releue to u-ten. We'll \N\1.-.n .......,..le. It works for men ond_ women_ of _oil accompanist, they turned toI-;;;==================,I •·-·• ~-• I I 1 h ps public performances. It ages who ore looking for mature, ost1ng. re a ions 1 • ~- In 1~ they toured the with members of the opposite se)(, It 1s not a slJb-. ;;! USSR playing 19 concerts, and stitUte f91' tke human .mind or emotions. You. truly a:· bl maL. tL• stlection because of the values you place • wen the first such ensem e -r~ I "' • invited to make this type of .. Shctts the audience with violtnt on a losting relationship, The computer mere Y !;: Cat Slww •-··. ·" h .. helps us find like-minded companions foster. It has ;_...! W\1.1 ~ ••• cusa-.tl t t 1m1t1. ..t... d ·11 k f ou -When the lrio is not on · L.A. Timft worked for mouscn s; ;1 W• wor or Y ,'., r~ Has Over :;aro;.,-::•:;~ec:':'~ ..... _ ~ .. ~.~L:::;: -.• .-" Coll ""' ""'"' .. "" o .. c •. ,.. ~ 200 E lttri.es Decca. Cellist Rejto heads the •·• ,.M. -T"110 "'' ™••ni• _ ...,,.. ~ What do a curly-cuted ~=?.~! U ~ e ~ir.~ .............................. -... -......... ~, HAN.I! ............................................................. ,................. ~ Rex, a taillf.85 Manx and a The program for the Sunday ;t; liUle lion Aliyssian have In concert will include: Trio in ~ common? A 11 ,_ d E-flat major, Op. 70, No • ~St.·~mnMan·-~· ar"efr ................ crrv ............... $r11rE . z1p ............. . They're~-ca~. an 2 by l!e<ltiOVm;Rivtl's K '3JIL _., 'Y ' ·""'V~ they're .all going to be at the Tr' ~ Tri · B United Cat Federation's Cat . ntmcr K>, auu o ID S major, Op. I by Bralu!u. Show, this Saturday and un-Ticketl are '3.50 for adult.s day from IO a.m. to 6 p.m. at and $% for students. Phone th e Orange County F a i r· grounds, 18 Fair Drive, Costa,::':91-4262==·==::::::::::::~111 Mesa. Ir More than 200 felines will be at the Junior Exhibit Building, including m a n Y rare birds-uh, cats. And at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. the not·so-rare call will get their chance to show or! In tbt hou!ehold pet show. Prius will be award- ed to the "m08t battered Tom." the eat w i t b the shortest tail. Live Theater "Bardool .... Park" A comedy about newlyw!d life in a walk-up apartment will be on stage at the Hunt· ington Beach Playhouse, 2110 Main St. Huntington Beach, Fri. and Sat. cloaing April • 26, Reservations -147-IUI. .. La Tutlta" f'. oew comedy ·will run at South Coast Bepenory, 111'1 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Ihrougb April II, Thun.-sun. Performances at 1:30 p.m. ReservaUons -&M -1313. "Walt Undl Dark1' A suspense thriller .about a blind (irl and oome thugs, on stage at the Laaun• Playbouae, 311 Octan Ave., t.aguna Beach, April 11 - April 21, Wad • Sat. al 1:111 p.m. Roservatlonl --1. .. A ........... 0.W." A comedy aboul a non-con- lormllll's bout wl1h the .,. tiblislunenl -opens at t b e Cabrlllo Ployhouse, 2111 Aven- ida Cabrillo, Sin Cllmente, on April 17 to nm thnJu8'I Mar I, Thun. -Sot. at 1:111 p.m. Reserva"oos -I • - ROBINSON'S St.AMP & COIN COlLKtORS ..... irilo-··--_"""' __ ,._,,_ -·-·--......,. __ ... _......,. .. ~. -··-ctrT-.._._, ........ _... ..,....,.,., c.llT....-, - -~-... -.• _urr _ __,. atOIN COl.LK""9 THI llSl ,,.AT coiff1M1NS1¥l '""""""' qwr .... ~-· --~--·_,..... ••-,,..._ -M,DOO •• _.., __ as.cioo fl.UllTMTt-,f,IOlt .. ,...__._If .,._.,_.,._ ,, _ _,., MO~-,llO -·-...-·-·· .. -.-·--· so -.-.. --··-T•n-~.w..ts. WOl\0 W11111'AaP OUJM .. "' ......... aca.u.T. -------n-~· -11.000.,._.,._ -·.-........-. ··----...,.-. _,__n _ _....,wo ,.,,_ -lilt_.., -MOU, .. _. .... ,,.,-.-· • ·--· -'" •1K Tfl • ,._ o:iu.1CT1 ...... t .tS. •*•us sr~,.,»VttW. , fUlllSMl90UMt9lT ... _ ........ ,.-,. ...... l-Oa~,, ••. .LN ly-c..~ ...... .... ,,, ___ ....... a.ot llANMIWS ···--,..,. 1,.m--:n-..-. GO.t---· 11• ""-"'"' -..... 00.-1). DISCOTHEQUE DINOS -RD uUoHs e UVI MUSIC -•AMIS e SIN•· ALON• wmt'SUDll e SllACll ,IJAI -JUICIS e naTIODT WD.COlllll fS0otothi~9 New ind DI/for..+ Te De l IVIRY' IATUaDAY NIOHT IM AMIL I,.._ .. M~ •.• • ADMllltON l1M 611 WIST 1 ... SlUIT, COSTA llllSA 1 ti Wacb Wett l't•port Blvd.l { ... .... ,,...,._ .. ,,_ *"1191 ., ..... " , .. ,. f'!iP') It Takes Two to Tanao, but You May Collect Stamp• Ill by Your- self. (We · can't tango, but we sure know our stamps. C'mon in.) l"HONI! ................ RACE ............... SEX............ AGE ,. ......... . I OC:CUPATIOt ...................... ( J SINGLE ( ) DIVORCED ( )WIOOW£D COMPRAMATICS FAIRCHILD STA:UPH 247-F Broadway• l.a1UJ1aBcach • (714} 4M.O!« Open Noon to j':JO • Cloltd Wednetd:Qt ii. SUridays Edmund Fairchild • Walt Memch. CWO USM'C Rec. 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92660 17141 547-564.5 -(213) 1611.2714 11AMto10 PM ENJOY BAW.AII'S MOST UNUSUAL 'BOTBI: TBE SSLURIJNE Spend 10 dlys ctUisin( Hawair1 beautiful islands with the SS lur· lino as your "'l'°""'Y first cialo . hotel In mry port; Visit Honol~u, Oal1u, for 3 dtys; Nnlliwlll, Kllltl, for 2 dtys; lahalno. Mau~ fer 2 """ Hll~ !IMI, for 1. d" Ind Kana, Hawlii, for 2 dtys. Fer a ~ J.wHk vlCllion, crul1< to and ~om tlle lslandsas pell, •midst a blppy, carefree atmosphere of informal al•&lllCI oo till .lurli<IL You'll unpock )ust-. Ulen rtlar and anjoy yw -1on to-ltla full. et!. FerasbecJn ot$MOforthe 20- day crui1t ~ ... Coli-por1L Departures, Moy 19, s.,i. 22. Oct 14. Book now for tllil 111)' Ind fill wrf to Yillt Iii till - I I. SOuthAmertca and th~ \ Galapagos I Islands •.. . I All Dlnal Cllln 0""""11 Oo Illy I 7 llltlao'a ~ Monterey . dtport& for • 2Ml7 .... to till ucllfftl polls of ~ ind Aapalco, lkllat; llIM, fitv.·6 ... """· -·9llbol,Cil\ll 1-; Taliop llllnd, """""'Ind 1 Sl>'- clll llllt la lho -Gallllt-.. llilltds..YOl'lf trMI ill axclv- lifttyfirsjcialo lllXllJwllilt-d -,,,, Jllll'll llM -time to IOjoy ..._ port and ... ..., !pt- clll -lltban " pnildlll(: All illCllslft .... liar! It $i,i11. Wa'll "" &fld to ,1.. )IOU .... ""'--· Take a 10-day "Supe.r Cruise" and stay at Hawaii's most unusual 'hotel' The SS Lurline $599 All lnclufl•• Spend 10 effortlus days Clllislnc amona the Islands with the m:tu. 1ively first clau Lurtiflt as your llotal lo ""Y Pof1. Y!Xl'O ui1pact ~ onct, then visit Honolulu, Otho.- for 3 dtys; Nmllwlll, Klual, for Z """ lalttk!I, Moul, IQ\-2 dtys; Hlb, ~ff. for I dor. and J(one, Hlwall, for 2 dlys. This ,... .. ,..·11 - plonlJ ti liml to ... all -I-out.,. hnln1.lo dltft(t 'f"" hotil. lt'i up to you. All.lnch:is i'• fete1 i>ffin et $599 from Los Attt•l••~ f'.or ell cl.+1i111 just contact us. WE1Y JllFOllllATION• SS Lrilt, 111llllnl io till u. s., ...... 1111111 -lllltt ntlloMI SlfllJ s111•t1s for-""",.,''' 11 ii 1980, and ....... 198' fh SditlJ....-. WIJY INfOllMi\TION, SS Uttline, rqlsllflll ;, "'" u. s. •tanllall)' -lnhmalicNISll1ty-, for now"""~ In 19!0,"" 111Hll lill 19641 Fn ~ ...... -II. RUIAl·YAT TOURS 67M140 • J21 lllAllNI A'flNUI IALIDA ISLAND, CALIPORNIA ..._~ A DIVISION Of llAHl,AClftC TO~ I~ "A NATIONAL WHO LlSALl•"-f ' -• • . . . -• . . . • . • . -• • l . -• -• . • • l --• • -. . -. --. • • • • • . . • ! • • • • ' • ; • • • I • . • • • . • I I f I ' 'I I ' ·l [, I I • "···---... ---~--~- ~ ' . • .. • • • c • • r • ' • • • • • • • " , • • " " • • • ' ~ ' • ~ ~ .. ~ , • ~ .. • • • • ' • ~ • • • ' • . •• •!4 DAll.Y PILOT IN GALLERIES Coastal Library Exhibits Abound LB. ART ASSOCIATJON-307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Bea.Ch. On exhibit in the }.1ain Gallery noon to 5 p.m. daily and 1 to $ p.m. Sun., California National Watercolor Society show. No admission charge for members arid. one guests. Others ~cents." ., UCI GAU.ERV -Fine Arts Building, 7601 Irvine Ave. lrvine. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Tues. through Sun .• closed Mon. Currently on-txhibit, major wprks of New York ~L!. Jim Dine, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Morris Louis, Ken· nelh Nolan, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Rosenquist, Frank Stella and Andy Warh9J. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -A retrospective show of paintings by the late Emil Kosa Jr., selected by the artists friends, is on exhibit at the Coffee Garden Gallery under the sponsorship of the Newport Harbor Service Lea. gue, 262.S E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. The gallery is open Mon.-Fri. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sat. from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. No admission charge. ' ' SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -f7f22 Beach Blvd., H;inli!lglj>n Beach. On exhibit during regular business houn, oil paintings by Fay Truxel. MARINER'S UBRARV -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit in the Jr. Ebell Exhibit during regular library hours, oil paintings and pastels by Jane Hill. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. CurrenUy on exhibit during RgUlar business hours, collages and serigraph.s of Carolyn Stallwitz.· C.l\f. ART LEAGUE GAUERY -513 Center St., Costa Mesa. Hours : Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit of art work in various media by Art League members. No admission charge. CHARLES BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N, Main St., Santa Ana. Hours: Tues. through Sat., 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed. and Thurs. evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. No admission charge. CurrenUy on exhibit woodcuts and draw· ings by Manue1 Hernandez: watercolors by Mrs. M. F. Bradshaw, and Orange County Art Associatioq's Designer- Craftsman Show. fitFSA VERDE UBRARY -2969 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. CurrenUy on exhibit tbrollgh May 8, watercolor paintings by Clarence Sorenson. COSTA M~A UBRARY -568 Center St., Costa Mesa. On exhlbit through April, watercolor, oil and acrylic paint- ings by Gordon Andrew. 'Ho.mhre'Returns-for Aduit·s (Editor'• Note:. Th It movle guide ii prepared btl the fllmi commltttt of Harbor Cwncil PTA. Mrs. John Cl.ark is president and Mrs. Hart Sweeneu is committee chairman. IC if intendt,d 0$ a reff'fence in dttmni11i11g .ttd'4ble ftlms for certam a g e groups . and will appe·ar weekly. Your views a.re solicited. Mall them to Mo- vie Guide, care of the DAILY P/LOT.J IO tan oVS' the W«ld. 0noo • liie, -the -lo ming gfon, Ule pict.rt by Welles allo tlanJ. , a 111111 lo ave ,P-laod th< u ..,_ Picttw C-'· llUl!oile: Temperameot.i. ~ ~-a~• u~-J.. ~•.,..• ' -· brilliaot condU<tor, devoted to .. _ ·~ ~ --Tllc ifo-Picttw< Code ·his work and his famlfy, * "' * ·And llGtmg l'r._ may be<omes Involved "ilh ·a Th< l<ltt<r i(lltntdlollly be found on the mo~on young jOOrnallot. O , k a r o/ler Ule lit!< i!ldlcall• Ille piavre JIOlll. Wtrn<f IDd Barbara, Ferris. ;::=· ~~~~-~=~~~"'=~:~::==11 l!eodalm IMI: An eo(!l'081-I !"p;~~i~in= ron. 'Dloi· HELo 'ovER the acquittal of a raRla<-.---• • Ac..i.my Noml- m u rd ere r on legal "twf'bntuc• • aMUlt' Cliff RoWtson teclmieal!Uis, finds himself chief amped in a doubl~ murder. George Peppard and * * ADUL'lll Coogan'• Bluff (SMA): Arizona S h e r lf f • Clln! • Eastwood, it sent to N.Y.C. to bring back an escaped killer held by the police. He gets drawn into group of drug ad- dicts before he completes his mission. Three In the Attic (R): The Rici\ard Kiley. Tlie Stalldq Moon (G):. Clli this last mission, an atmY. scoot (Gregory Peck) rescue8 a white woman captive (Eva > Marie Saini) and her half- breed aon from a band ol. Apaches, and the vengeance of her brutal cbidtain h ... hand. The Wrtek.lng Crew: Dean Martin u super-sleuth is sent to ~ to ~..B . billi"!I dollar 6hipment of hljaclted gold in this typical Mall Helm comedy~poor. TEENS-AND ADUL'lll Charlyi CIUI Robertson Is THI POIGNANT. INCRIDllLI STOllY OF A MAN WHOSI TVfO Jll'OlLDS COWDll ."'CtfA~LY' CUFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BlOOM ALSO OSIAI WllNl ....... UU. •n•rs {" .. :"INTERLUDE" ~ campus Don Juan divides his ·· favors among three girls on a weekly schedule, and tttey in tum devise a just ptlllish· ment in this · racy titillating saga ol sex on the campus. Christopher Jones, Y v e t t e Mimieux. Charly, a menlal)y retarded 1-. •• s..m 1:41 c.t. s-s.,-,,.. J r.M. young mai:i:, who with the helpli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll of a niglit schpol teachtt· MATURE TEENS psyd!ologist bas eX]l"'lmental AND ADULTS brain surgery cmd becomes Tbe Brotherhood (M): Kirk a thoughtful, brilliant adult Douglas in co n v I n c i n g with new and serious pro-poMafrl!'3ya11ofendsecon~th·generation blems. I 1060, er w1 his fami-HeWlgbters (G): John ly. but capable of the most Wayne roars his way through brutal violence in the line of this film as the head of an "duty." A dramatic exposure oil well fire control company. of the pld and new worlds The majesty and terror of of the Mafia. , the fires, and the technical BUilitt (M): Steve McQueen aspect or oil well control make is Bullitt, a San Francisco the story secondary even police detective assigned to though tenderly romantic. protect a CtUcago mobster Hell in the Pacific (G): • who is needed by a politician Abs<w'bing World War II (Robert Vaughn), as prime drama of an American flyer witness in a Senate crime and a Japanese war castaway, hearing.' who temporarily overcome Harper: A tense, violent their hostility in their desire • tl1e-rnesa T, ""8irr:: :::r i='1·'~ \ · /-.. __ -,: ·..-. ·irs N EWPORT AN r) HAR BC>R I N COSTA ~·.E s A 'TELEPHONE 548-1552 FOi INFOIMATION. Th~ Stalking MOon. To1dte ot 6:00 •IKI 9:45 TV's 'Julia' Will Present crime film in which a private-to survive on a desolate eye investigates a kidnapping Pacific Island. A cast of only and holding for ransom of two -Lee Marvin and we.iilthy woman's husband. Toshiro Mifune. Lauren Bacall, Paul Newman, Romeo and J u I I e t : • Janet Leigh, Robert Wagner. Shakespeare's classic becomes High Commisaloner: A vividly new with splendor, ex- THE An Oscar HIGH COMMISSIONER deteciivt is sent to arrest citement and staging of the A· u st r al i a n High Com-young lover's tragedy under mis31ioner, • key figure in Zeffirelli's fr~ casting and DiahaM Carroll, Br0adway lntemaUonaJ P e a c e Con· direction. Leonard Whiting ference in London, but and Olivia Hus.sey. I NATIOtU.l G8DAL l'IC1'\MU ""- GREGORY PECK· EVA MARIE SAINT ..... -G----ALSO THIS GIEAT NA.TURI PAUL NEWMAN -FREDRIC MARCH ~---Nomlnaiedb'.,---....... 7 Acad~ Awards , loctudl111: BESTPlcnJRE BEST ACTOR BEST ACTRESS Peter O'T oole + Katharine Hepburn JOllNE.LmNf-·/114/f/(J)EMWn°Al.M PaeR ~ JOOHARJNE 01001.E ;rn HEPBURN •""""""' 1H€ UON IN WINTER .,~ . ._-:: .... ..,AV(ID 1.11....-r - WUVED SUTS NOW AT BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL! OPEN DAIL'f' 11 A!l lllllwl tk"t "'""'In (--.. .. C...0 1tl417·1U* llOX OfFJCE I 11<MIJ Clfl •k -t Sa. CaR ..... 11 M..M Ct. f )I loo MJM ~ • "°°" 10.,.. • 11 .. 11'.ffQI ltt _. ...... 1 111111 .. 1 otff<t *"" ... O:ClVSrvE ORUCE COUNTY RESERVED SEAT EHGAIEMUfT Pfi•• l...,...atioa Call 11z.1toz T1111t11t 11 l :JI ,/Jeu;s Cf NTURY 21 T1mtrl"lw at J:Dt & l :M l".M. IJJtllO.IVCUDM.'llWll* .JJl·ltol ALSO AT UA 4·STAR THEAT LOS ANGELES Tltl1 is a moYil ro• wlll tot oaly want ta ,.. ance. b11t two ond thrff tim", Mk thoM who. ho\'e JAMI$ GAINl&-;..JOAN HACKm-WALTlR IRlNNAN -ALSO PLAYING- 'The Beades · • ~--;.;.. .... ......,_. ~-.. 'Yelkw Sobmari11e· · -· COlDI '"""' Un11ed AM1SIS Slfff: MCOUU:N AS ~f)UI I ITT~ Detective U. fran~ IJullilt·-Wmll flth11t.fdnd d Cflll. 2nd TOP FEATURE (e1cept Saturday) Georg& Peppard Inger Stevens "House of Cards" -AND- nd at 7:55 Onfy' 1CtfA~I))' and motion pictµre singing becomes his protector as a Support Yonr Local Sheriff star, has been named to the lively story of espiooage and (G): Hilarf6us. tongue in- cast -of the 41st Annual intrigue unfolds. Rod Taylor, cheek, almost nonLviolent, Awards Presentation of the Cbrist.opher Plummer and Li.Iii western with· James Garner ~SUGGi!itro r011 r.wlJll! MJ01CH1:t~lo TttUICOLOl•ftllM WllUllllS.·SOU am• Academy of Motion Picture Palmer, Joan Hackett and Waite~ I EYe. Show Storts 7 p.111.; C:.llti11N1 s.t. &'Sn. In• 2 p.M. Special Sahlrdcry P.T.A. Matinee "HOMBRE" Arts and Scie-, to be Hom~-. A white man, Paul Brennan. lr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jj~-;=::=~~~,~~~~:_::~_2~~::..;~---·I • ..,...., ui~ IZ:JO -l "IATMAN" -All Secits 50¢ directed by Gower ,Cbiµnpion . Newman, raised by .Apacbet, FAMILY Miss Carroll, as one of finds it difficult to adjust to Tiie Yellow. Submarine (G): "Oscar's Best Friends " will the white man's World of Spark~ng animated cartoon BALBOA WINNER 4 ACADlMY nmca•· 1w--G---l'lt .. join-other screen slan in-theirJ asterJLArizOf!_a ~ ~ 1880s. ___ fer!:~· ~-'F~/:e1 trumor OF AWARD roles of hosls and hoslesses House of Cards (G)' George a mustc-o .-a es;--as 673-4048 -Paxton~Quigley-is~a NOMINATIOig in presenting Oscars to the Peppard becomes the tutor o,_ HELD OVER winners. Already .aMOu.nced to the son o( Inger Stevens, For Advertising in 70t I ....... 6:45 . , , prjsoner Qf .love... .._. • .-.a:.1A~rt0es4'-i11111 are Frank Sinatra, Burt Lan· mistress of a Persian palace Th W k d "lllN '"'lnnfa caster, Ingrid Bergman, filled with Algerian refugees. e ee en er Jnd compl~y exhausted! Walter Mattbau, Nat a Ii e Tensions and tragedies ac· Ph 642 43 1 Wood, Warren Bcally and company them all as they 0ne • 2 Jane Fonda. are drawn into a military plot Bobby Heller has been nam· ed 'music supervisor for the event for the 15th year. This year he will work with Henry Mancini. Crossword Puzzle It~ ~-Ad•l111 R1tp11 Me*IO'~OLOR "THI DfYIL"S llGHT'" l"LU$-OOLOll "AN5DS flOM HILL" The program will be f.. ACROSS presented for the first time 1 1 Toothed in the Dorothy . Chandler device Pavilion of the Los Angeles S Re ll11ious body County Music Center on Mon-9 Poetic day, April 14, and will be prt11oslUon televised in color by ABC, 14 Rubaiy at's creator stations of the Canadian 15 Aaount Broadcasting Corporation and 16 Oft-heard will go to 32 other countries Joke under an agreement between 17 Kind of c:o.-11unlca1Jon the Academy and ABC Films, 18 Oath Inc. 19 State J-;::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;! borderlng Ir Quebec 20 Sh«t of -Cliff ROltlrtlOll In "CHAILT" "~ ''THI PIODUCllS" w1111t-~1e1 Ctlltlnuttl I__, t:a ""'° THE MOTION PICTURE R-llM14LLdell FM' Mufti! ,,_,..~OLOR •·1UUITT" ~ P*"Plr9-COL01l .. HOllSI OF CAltDS" I n.c:~,~~:~::~,, I Rttint Aclm lnittr•tio11 •)pll•1 ----' th• followln9 r•tlnt•~to \films ....... W • .t ._,. 4i1trib11t•d i11 tit• U.S. Pie.· • 147·15'1 t1t•1 r•tecl 6, M •r I ' 1llfy Otftlk Tllrlll! fet th• Coclt S11l. John W•~OLOR Pktvr•1 r•l•d )( da fl•f r~tl"• "HIWIGHHIS" t S•tl. Tit• r•tl1191 •pp\< to hill N......,.11--COLOR plch1r.t 11le11•d ,.,.., N.,i.m. "HAIPll" lll\lt:=.it~ I -·-· I W Marvl~LOll l .. HIU. IN THI PAClftC" 1tONtt Fvll..--all.Olt .... MAI COMMANDOS" --..... -.. __ ....... ~, 11•1111 ...... -cot.Ott "'THI Dm\'J 116Hr l'Uls,...ccM.011' "AM•IU PIOM HIU." .................. ~ .. btr I, 1961. Pict.NI ,.l••••d btktt th•t iitf• •t• 4•.i:rib· eel' •• prt¥iav1ly I ~ •nd/or SMAI. (il-Sv99••t.·d fer MNllAL ••cll•11t•1o • (IJ-Sv99•ttecl fOI' MATUll •vdl•nc•• C ,e,.11t•I Vl1° ct•flon •4•119'1 • mJ-lmttCTID -,.,~, vrocl•r I 6 11ot •clniitt•cl. \ln1i1t •cctmp111l•d liy p•r•nf er •clvlt 9v•"'· l•n. ~-··......... n.;, .,. fl• •lridf•n 111•1 M ltlth•r 111 c•rftln '"''· Cli•c~ f11t1tt• or 1d••rlltin9. funds 22 Full of llttle holes 2l Be member of a road co•pany 24 Window co111parblent 2S Canadian 11·1 ace 28 In a rlgOfOtlS manner 32 fll a•e Id Poe tltlt 33 ·"-··~· Wist Fools" 34 Golfrr's problM 35 Slithered along lie ''°""' 36 Act 111omtl1 37 Singer 38 ~-... ~ Jllghls SI " " '". BtrroOll" 39 Acq111te 4 • througtt • experience 40 Pro1nlses to P•J' 41 Hurry!: 3 words 43 Entertain 44 Soft fletcr 111aterl1I 45 Great nu•blr 46 Kind of .. , .. -4' W0td of welcome SJ Afiy 54 Cheer 4/1V69 55 Oerl'f'atlv.; 9 Polltlcal 31 Ferment1119 of arolllUt convenUon's agl!nt amine choice 33 Peculi•llJ' 56 Reputed 10 Bettle 36 Noted success 11 lllnt o~lng enter ta\ Ml' syJllbol 11 Bni\ch ol 1 11 Flt t09ethtt 57 Tr1nqUll1,_ deer's anUer 39 Dawdles 58 Nol oecuplld D Piy 40 River fro• 59 Tertlle attention! Victoria wcwters 21 Haying Nyanza 60 Hastened off little 42 Mine 61 lllss from"s sl!1\lflcance 43 Cut down po.ss~on 22 K Incl of road caloric 24 Juan lnlake DOWN Do1111lngo 45 literiuy ••••• for11 l Far11 anl11als ZS lesbMiaster 46 KIJ'ld of 2 Fall to u111e Abbey' nol!e 3 Daye ··-·: featW• 47 Rl!Ckon 01t PGA -.bet 26 S1111U 1"111 48 Noun endblg 4 Showed signs body 49Tmnlnal of life rt Rlse's Point of S Takt • partner a ra~ promoll•: 28 Slock· 50 Of India 2 wotclS broker"1 51 Nolhlnys 6 Aqog · word 52 Kind o club 7 Sheathed 2' Arlstoc19cy 54 Sports 8 Scatter for 30 Gltnclular olllcilr: drying orvao Informal " n 12 lJ ·KIRK DOUGLAS -..... .. __ THE BROTHERHOOD ALEX CORD il~l~lr&tl:A i!!e-ft MITIOIOt FUi-SOUTH COAST £111(Rll PLAZA THllJIFllS COlllllllllllll S... OJoco F.-y ot 11ritta1 • 546-2711 Acrn of '"" Parklnt ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY -IOX OFFICE OPENS •:45 - SHOW STARTS 7:15 20TI-I CENTUR'HOX PRE'S9fTS CHARDON HESION •" N!llU! P. WXllS- ~.= ROOOf M:OONAll· WJ.mI EVNlS _KIM HUNJa.l.·~ES ~JAMES !WY Also Comedy Co-Hit ... •••t11 - "DAZZLING! Once )l)U see i~ you'll never again pictuie 'Romeo & Joliet' quite the way you did before!" -LIFE !::-'-...- ~ZEmREW Roo-.o . 8'.JULIIT, Noordlnar:Yl<Mletory ... -- The Grandest Cinema of Them All! lilNT EAm\'000 • ·coocans BUJff" • I l • • • \ i . • • • • ' • f - • . ' • ' • ~ l • ' • •• t' • • l • • . • • . . . • I j..' ' I') ,• I APllfL 11 , ...... -(C) I ·4:30 ; 8 "EYEWITNESS NEWS"! 7'258"" Uo"".., tcl . · * Bill Bonds/Stu Nahan 7''°1-=-(C) ·. ~-=·-~-' 1:11 !::9. -.._ (C) (&Cl) .lerl'J' 7:U • ._.. ....... (C) : •!.W.:::"":: \<!OJoi L .. ,~.~11:,:•CCl(C) : r ..... "'" •1111 slnp llllllJ d hl1 ~. c..,.. ~ ow• cemPolitlw. •!Id "'lc:omu a C...... Cllilllll (C) Mtrll)ill and Al1n Btrp11n, wllo T• ti •• , ... wRlte the l)'ficl 1Df ttt. Oaclr· ......, n.tm .. ._ a~ i'lolnlnehi1 30rlt ''Wlndfllilil of ~ tftd "~ WllMJt," ''" "'""" "" Ill!(~_, ........ a 111 rci.et INN: (C)• '"'"" .. i1iS -_ ...... ' <•"'""") I H flf "" CCI '61-Mt1119111 O'H1r1, lrilll Kllth. I'"' (C) (ill) lff!IJ ··-(C) ,., car. (C) (30) lili! "'fttt ..... lii111<lo1 ... ,, ... ~ .. ...... (C) (SO) rtmt) 'M -DllllClll Mttlttt, Wiid'• hwf (30) "Soflte Mevn· MrilnM Coni. PliRKINS ' tain Clnina." A look 11 th• worllf's 1-J1rpst 1r1nltt mounbln, lotetld in bcllltl llMD (C) Geor1i1. Thttt )IOU'll llftd th• lair· t:ilO IB(I)~,......_ (C) .i.mr... i 1tulptllrt '"*· tJiifi: ~, •••• ~ {Id· MlljlrU Sit a-venture) 'SG-Oon H1mr, rormc 11\M ..... (C) • T or.' ""I·-·_.., CCI (60) a~e·~ .... (C) I LM LKJ' (JO) ....... """" ?<'r~ ::.-·-(3: :: '=• l&euiJ•· :.., ..... ~ic; ' • • ...... "'"' (C) 110rt of tM upco111 na 1uetkln. UJ f111Wc ~ ... (') J;OD • CIS &HJ;lil ..... (C) (30) : ''ThtJ Uw ~ Wit11r Crwlkih. Pt" and "A lklt'. a Girt Ind 1 I WW's Mr UM? (C) (30} Doc. .. -(C) (30) 1·-DDUI' Clallel: .. (30) An 1d:Jll lt:CIO ~Cl) 1111 .,.. ...... (C) ~ •ri• frtrn t1:1 Los An· Cl) m......, 1' llt Cal- , ... City SchoolL "'Youth Strtltas. N llr .. [lrll (C) ff 1-.b• w.t cc) D .,_: <t> -...n • '"' lM· JUDGE •ARKER '""" .. ....,_ (C) •••• (•dW-) • ., -.... "' 7:30 a am 111a wrw. w11c1 w.t ~ Dtll~~·f.,"(:'; §l•---1111J---111: (iCJ) Jo Vin flnt tlJttb IS a S111n· n r.tr.1i. J lJ*' stttilll trcoo11 1nll Jo1nl1 Strnmtra 10:30 ~(])...._IS.-.• (C) pt1p Mr 11cntll)'. (R) C1J 8a U ...... (C) Im HIP a.,.n-11 <C> C60) ... llllM" (actwtntun:) '44 Lall ii ~ (C) (55) 11 ~111r Keat TfYlor. \i)~,:r.=~·,,'::;cl::: ,~~.:=-... (C) boto, Donown. Godtnly C.rnbrllllt CIM"-'11 Ind Jo Annt WOiiey iuesf. ll:OI f51(1)"11 ........ ,...,.. =.!.,..~~ta~ HOit f'lfir M1111!11l. -Narnttd by Arth lbl:kl Mad.11111. f! (I) Cl ..... el IM » 1Tn6 w C..41111111111 (C} (30) lo-.ni Thin: '·"Dt1pet1doal ""1 .. _. (60) lit in Town" .._" • -(3C) ll:JllQ(l)i>e..-cC) E c..... Ml ....... (j) ID u .... ...,. (C) l:OI m -(C) (30) I '!l h ... . · SJ ...... -<"'l ""-Mlfflcvm....., '"""" . a!W ea:·mirllr Jim G1rt111d and his ( lMck Cillk flostL wif1 Kaztl tell and t1111 about life ""'* .,..,. II • ,_ 1 ... • In the dlJ'I whtn IM 111lon WIS (wut"11) '51 -sttrlln1 Kly6tn. malll\I to btconll 1n irn!IOl'llrtt _ lorca In th• mhits. ThlJ' llnr rnor. 1t:111 two dlrnn «WIP with hclsl hi• Sffpr, • .._ (C) 11:001 ! (I) ...... , (C) "'1:%5. WHdlrflf W.111 " s,.t (C) Ci) c -.... ,. )Ir 1111111 (C) 1111 San · l:JO 8 9 ()) '-"' f'yle ~C) (30) r111nc1sco Giants and th• San Diep • Liiati frenchpstt 11 • h1ppla. (k) Ptdru 1111.i: » curt GndJ and ' 81il(i)Vl!NI• If Iii"-Tony Kubtk t1ll 1111 tctloll. tCl (§O)"Tht Takaf." I"" ,_ B ·Acnsl "' -,_ (C) (30) 11:• 9 (I),_, -(C) •'nlr• Men on a Rill" llMtl! '"fh Niie ..... (•d· fJ GENERATION GAP-JOIN """"'lrrf.i,i.}'%':i.,"; i * THE BATTLE & FUN Iii -(C) , DtHHJ)m,_,... "' (C) ru!~ -llsstn: ., ... MOON MUWNS • (T0)1Jetin11Wl:o111 hon 1.0!aiClllllebr Did: (C) I ...... Crlffln (C) (90) llllM: (C) "TIU tit Hlcfl · ._, Iii OU. (C) (30) ,...... (adw:rltllrt) '53-Rlcl'llrll llKM& T.,.elu WldfMlk. Kart Mlldln. J l.--_;~llLJl__; • ? t·•mQl{IJCIS fridlf MtN· (C) IJM9rit; ...... Mn" (lllVlll· . ""'''" l"""'""""''> ·~.. "'~, "1-'"'l!'I!•·""" "'""· -TUMBLEWEEDS'-----ta1i1 Wood, Raallnd RuS11l1, 11.trl I Cllliii Tiii:i (Cl Miiden. Muiitll ltory of the lift =•f HIPffl* (C) ;,~"'..:·J.'/, (Cl (60) '''° tit~,:",__ CC) NAW •• MVGlR~ Bill r.otby, .lieil9 De Shannon, Z:OI al ....... 1t11 y..,.. COME IXlWN 'MTH M1rty lnpl1, .1tr1my V1rno11, Jim 11111 The dosllll rounds .« THE POX.! Brown Tha Taj M1hll IUISl tht 33rd Miiien Touma1111nt. Wltll I rm mm Lal'• M• • ..... • .11e1: r111d o1 1nt1r111t1on11 "°" (fo)MonlJ' Hill hosts. lmlor11I ind 1m1t111r plfm, la h• lor y .. Ufi (C) (60) broadcnt lodty and tomorrow. lpla&latic:• (60) ''Student • I.ICU Sprlq ~ (C) On Powtr Bruillin Style... ff"Ntll e1ns tilt 11111111 action ff. • Ill .. .:...,._ 34 1'"'" USC ind UCLA. ~.. tlJ c.rwt TllNb'IC "Allllllll t:JD D (J1) Cil (I) Tiii c11111 If Wll Town." S.n•lt m {30) "Th• P•rilh." I...., Criffl• (C) 0 MIWI (C) (30) Ttd Mtytrs. 2;JO Futar1 tm fadlnl In Mldrill lattl1 Cty 1:1111 m ••finlllfl &,lriae•' 1. J:oo a{)) cas c.er ci..ic m ~-(C) (60) "Ftlllnf: A Direc· A 11mlflnal1 rnatch. =-.: ~~'!:~·;· ~~· ::~~~ ~ '~ w <= Mun AND JEFF !.!~~~~~:c: <:, Do~ w.M 1£~ry: "* •· I'"'."::-__ -..,....,.--..,.--,,;.-""· -·==-----.··;;;-•·-----..· G1J (})al JvH flf ... u. Sa:llnl., ........ (C) (60) "TI:• Gita of Cart-3:31 c.111' .r-'"' (C) '1.nt of tt11 bus." Judd is lnvotvtcl in a •11t!e olllt1ns. b1twHn a dedietttd 1111n wha 4:00 8 Mwil: "T1rt1" , .... JM Tr_. made a film 1beut mental hc:spi· 11.r' (advenlure) SI -Gordon tali ind otheri who atttmpl to .._. Scott. Eve lr111t. piolt It. LM Gtanl. Sim W1n1m1klf, I~= ";1-ni! m Phil Bruns 1nd Martin E. Btol>b 4:XI ni '"""""" (C) il~a~:!1 Diiion (30) Oils U•lli Tiii NIW StlHld iC) (30) 5:0D aso •-(IO) ''"""' 8 "The All·American Collea• forec1stin1." * Show" 1t1rrinc Dtnnl1 Ill Mar!.1111 J1mn. Sponsored by u.• m "°"'' CC! ""' "' -Colpte Palmolive Co. Iii M .. leln" (do(urnentary) '12 II DOUT u.-.-c.a. -H1rr1ttd by WH!lam Pi.cock. illlw (C) Dlnnlt .llnt11 • I L...i;;:o:o;:o;c,. IB::: ~ ~~ e NEW TIME-ft'• Atadtmlc 11:001§0ID111!111-tcl * Excltinc. Fall-pated AJh,d """°"' High School Quiz Show. Lllfl Ch1i CC) Avi1tion, Bontt• ind lowll: (C') "llloW" (dr11n1) Rueda HllM compete • '4 rid MttMurrlJ, Anne Inlet. 'It's ~ (C) 'll:Jll ~ ~ "'"' (C) ... .,, .... _ ''""'' (C) 't:.i.00 f.''"'"-(C) @rJJctll<"• -- • rtr) '4~\!rt ~.~ (hit· 1=•• (C) 8 il1J IJH!I"" -<Cl ,...,_, (R) • hll•ll O'c.n.t ... (C) , .... s.cc. ltlOO iJ Mlllril:, "T'-Wt I.Mt" s:;, =...,. (C) (II') (-l ,.._.,, "°'" Cll NEW TIME-KNBC lt:li m Mt'lit,: "'Ltlt• 11 ~t1111:•11'" * NEWSERVICE (Tr•fl\I) &l-Jtck Hiwtml. with PETER BURNS GORDO H'Oara. Cilllllrttr lilfllra (C) Dk• Mar• ..f .. 11 U:1t Ill At!'" r•..-1: "Hell'• Fi~• I MIC Nl'ftllYka (C) (lOJ 1 1•1n-tCl '' ..... i.---------' ~ "D'lllOllll .... (#Ut· I TM Ill """ (C) ero~.u -Edwttd Arnold. Jun ti.~NCU (C) ; fllll: .. ll'llYf ht (Q 11t11.......i ..,. (60') (W) • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Quality Mtrtl11t 111• Dt,-M~~. s.mc• f•r '".,.. Hiaft a Q.att.r •!/• C.nhry. PILOT PR INTI Nf, Ill 1 WIST IAUOA ILYD. NIWPOIT MACH MISS PEACH -._ ...... I frldar, Apo(I 11, l'M • DAILY l'llOT " lyPhll ....... By John Miles l-l~ Ir-~-----:::;::, Ir TELEVISION VIEWS r, '.// Films Rare Of Volcano ••• •110 ! .. _________________ .. By Harold Le Doux By Ferd John1111 ""· -· 1111Y'W ly CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -In this era of the hour- and·a-balf or two-hour lhow, one of the rarest com- modities in lelevllion is the complete and wen. rounded hill-hour program. There is always a· need for half-hour shows to fill profram gaps. But CBS wblch dropped "Blondie'' at midseUon for ''The Queen and 1'1·- whlch hasn't worked, either -has the additional problem of trying to eke out the season with a mini· mum number of comedy shows in the new season.. THIS IXPLAINS the curious, incomplete form of Thunday night's "Volcano : An Island la Born." It wu a inews dl\•ision &bow, but conceflled an event between ' six and two y1ar1 old. While CBS got hold of some marvelous film footage showing the .enip- Uon of an undersea volcano that created three Islands, it had its trouble mald,ng the thing topical. BnN AAolllN<i f'()ll. The motion picture film of the eniption was truly aweaome and dramatic -vast jets of steam and uh lol1ed from the sea into the sky, streams of )5 MINIJT~S ANI> i NJ!r:~ ~ WlL~ WELL?I WOUU>'«IU WANNA CATCll 'EM?! By Al Smith By Mel f-,11 , molten lava running down the volcano sides like a slow·motlon liver. Since the film took up most of the' Ume, there waa not much room to develop any news theme. The script made a few references to aclenUsta racing to the ocene to study the birth of a land mass, but we never found out anythlnf they learned . In summary, the pictures were 1reet, the script, disappointing. · A'TIR WHAT must have been a busy few days In• the execuUve suites, CBS 'l'bunday afternoon come up wilh the name of the heir to the Smothers Brotn1rs time period and next season's opponent -of-NBG's-formidable-''llotwlla.-'''----..:..:...-----t-1 It will be a slight girl with a big voice, Leslie u11am1, in a variety hour. Viewers with very lone memories will remerit· ber Leslie from the days of "Nome That TUne" whan Ille was an appeallllJ cbl14 contestant. Later, of coune, 1he was a reruliu-on the Mitch Miller llnJ·aloag. and alter that starred In a Broadway musical. Present plans are to aurround the star with three other reflllars In the cast plus the usual per· ·ade o! cuest stars. Judl!lnf from .her pasL record: Ml11 Uuams may ldcl< up a .pleasant storm ~ music but it la unlikely that she .will make the kind Of wav11 that di1Lnaaed the network. MIANWHILI, CBS aWl has to decide What to do with the Sunday ni(ltt Ume period durlltg the warm weather months. MOit of the CBS programs will just be reruns a1 lllUal. Carol Burnett will have singer Jimmy Rodcers as a 1ubstttute; Red $lteltoa'1 will be Uberace~ Reruns of Jalt summer'• "Tbe Prisoner'.' will take over Jonathan Winters' spot -and "Th• Qu .. n and I," will depart to make room !or "Ani- mal World" reruns, tint seen on NBC. lllCOMMINDID weekend viewing : 8uDciay -Dick Van Dyke special, CBS, 8-9 PST, wl\h Mary Tyler Moore; Dina Shore special, NBC, t-10 with Lucille Ball, Rowan and Martin and Diana !lo18 with.out the Supremes. Dennis tlae Menace ·-~~· .. . . • I ,I , , ·-·------·--------·-·-_____ _lllL , ' • l ' ' • • ' ' ----. ---.. Altisailboat· Shuw Favorites Powe ~ Goes D owllward,-Upw~r<J j •• , Jn Havasu . ~-Don~ lie ~! ~J J~ and Evlnrud.-...h boardJ cost! olfsbore).'Twin 10•1 ,.,1 aboil1 horsepower ·comes down.~· ' ha,ven't 'built a tWo hlln<lttd bu ·a 20-pounder deUverihg ', A loot at tbe prlee tap IMO, whereas a single %t1 costs ampl~:· Chrysler's 5 hp wei~ Race Set "'""poW.:. outboard mot01 1.S poo! ... Cl>ryller marlrels · reveals Iha! the more bor1ts around sen. ' 47 Pounds: !hat's roughJy~o ! ' Plan~ed for Fall Ne.rlf too dealen, brokers aod nimu(actUttrS turned out • at the .. ·Disneyland H o t e I w~ nll!hl lo hear I Soolbero li(ornla Marine Amociltion outUne plans for \ Pnio><>tllw and staging ao al~ 1 sailboat show at Long Beach i Areoa -lilt. '!be !Int alt...tlboal show 1-w a 1 slarted in Long Beach Collegiate Sailors To Race Some of the top collegiate sailing skippers in the nation will be seen in action Saturday and Sunda.,v when tbe Pacific Coast Intercollegiate cham· pionshlps are held under the sponsorship oC Balboa Yacht Club. The regatta will start Salur· day with the sailing of the Southern Series No. 6. The top half ol this group will be sail- ing in t.he championship series on Sunday, and 'the bottom half will sail 1n a consolation series. Top contender is national champion San Diego State with F.d Butler anq Tom McLaughlin spearheading the el!ort. But a major threat is USC with Tim Hogan and Argyle Campbell -both chosen on the 1968 All-American sailing team -and Bob McClare and Bill Symes. Also in Uie running will be Orange Coast CoBege with such veteran tillennen as John Scruggs, H&IT)' P at 1 i s o n , Peter Connolly and Tom Bissell Both series will be sailed in Flying Junior dinghies. several · years ago by Skip Cregar, but 'was abandoned yet. Buldpn't bet aaiinsi iC , a 13.5 hp machine weigbliig , YoU buy in ooe lump, the How about motor weights~ pound.11 JX!(' horse. But e tth K Don:t the biggrst motors same coru.pliny's 105 hp m f Some . wag w an "'adding 2t pounds. let a'e f e fj cheaper they get. For e1-weigh tons? weighs 248 pounds and tha 's last year. • SCMA has Undertaken t~e ( taok of sponsoring ant! Pf.: rnoting the sbow In addition lo the Southern California Boat Show which K slftges in Jaftuary ~ February !!ach year. Ont'aJclpper In each of five . machine' and a head for ACercury and KcCulloc.b bo~· ample, Evinrude's 1.5 hp No. TJ\ey don't because as someth ing like 2 1/3 pouoSIJ clessea has been selected as ( i-g u r ea, computed tbat the C)ffer f-horse motor1;· motor.oeosu $140. That's ninety power goes . up, weioht per per horsepower. ·I fa vorite to wln the tille or ·total horsepower of all the Jl•s obvious that some out-od«f dollars per horse. But -''-',.:-...:;r:.:....;::.:.C...c::•:......_:__,;_ __ .:_ ______ ;- ohrall fleet chruhpion in thO·. '.oulboa(c.¥ at the 1969 NallonaJ board motor makers are· the company's U5 hp machine t 1969 De rt R tta t Lak · Boat Show was a shade over specializing. The,Y're not is tagged at $1,450 and that , se ega a .e • 2,100! , trying to cover the entire comes to Jess th8{1 $13 per SCMA 1s a non .. pro'fl't organiiatiQn dedicated to pro- • motfoo of tbe pleasure boat in· dustry in Cali!omia. The Long Beach sailboat show will be strictly an SCMA pro:luction using the same high standards of leadership and direction that has betn evident in 'the 13-years ol the SCMA·backed S o u t h e r n California Boat Show" said Bob Woodward. show cbainnan. H~vesu City on the Colorado nterer were over five bun: market .,rom one to 100. bqrse. · River this weekend. dred horse$.in the:~ engln~ Jiorses. \ • Motors ~ ln. the ' middle The skippers are : , of ·five manuf8c~s alone. ·· McCulloch for example, has horsepower -range cost under Pacific Catamaran -Bob Mekbry,'s ·biggest is 125 hp. dropped all 'Jts big Motors $20 a horse. Johnson's 55 hp Baker, Redoodo Beach; Snipe Johnson and Evinrude each afld is marketing only rig carries a price of $990; -Jelf Lenhart, San Diego; • offer a motor oC 115 hp. fl sh ef.man.cJas.s outboards Mercury's 50 hp electrjc Hobie Cat -Wayne Schafer, Chrysler has a 105 hp under 10 horsepower. starter is tagged $875. Capisttano Beach; Interlake rilachine, and the Fisher. Fishet·Pierce is sticking However, the-four-c Y·C I e -Stephen J. Pruess, Mesa, Pierce Bearcat puts out 55 with one engine which the Fisher-Pierce Bearcat costs Ariz.: Malibu Outrigger -hp. company has r ·e -named more per horsepower because Dan Israel, Van Nuys. But the most ca s u a I Bearcat. '"Ifie Gtganization's of its special engine. The AU are top sailors. , observer COl,lld see th8t the phllosopl)y seems to be to pro-Bearcat-55 carries a sugg~ted The fl eet champion ·a .Oe-big moblrs weren't lhe whole duce one basic ~el and con; list or $1,262, or aboot $23 termi.oed on an inverted scor-story, 'Far from it. Motor stantly improve it · per horse. ing ~stem that gives % of a makers have extended power F-P's Bearcat is diHerenf. Motors in Ute ten bp !class point (or first place, two for not only upward . bu t The 55-horse motor is four-cy-cost about $420, give or take second, three< for third and so downward as well. There's a c!e rather than two-cycle like a little. That's $42 per forth. new abundance of 1969 mini· all·other outboards. The in-line hprsepower. It's obvious, then , . All monies derived from the boat shows are 'Used ·solely to promote boating in California, according to Ed Nichols. ex· ecutive director of SCMA. Show dates have been schedul- ed Oct. 24 through Nov. 2. Deadline for space reserva- tions f o r SCMA members has been set for July l . Follo"'ing that date, space 'viii be available to tbe marine in- dustry at large. Positions are tallied \n all motors that are so poputar four burns stra'ight 'pUmp gas that it's more expensive to three races and the skipper for canoes, row boats and rather than gas.and-oil~mlx-use twln outboards to obtain with the ]O\Vest score is the small sailboats. ture. a given power (although it DTstrlbY11ot 1>~ l~• Alf11ot H•it Com~•~1 • 10 P1001 • 100~0 Gfl•" "'~'"' s~irus overall winner. Smaller Outboard Motors How much do lhe new out-contributes to safety ~1artv Jacobsen nr Los 'li-:~~~liiiiiiiiiii!j!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijliiiijiliiliiijiijjliiiliiiliiiiiiij~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiaiiiiimm!iimmiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiii\~ii!~~ AngeicS was the 1968 fleet/~ champion. ~ 'i!ll F t ( '·"' •• ' ~. or y-wo \.\o'omen are en· _,,.. o#' tcred in the Lake Havasu City regatta as skippers or crew and there are 14 youngsters ranging in age from 11 to 20. g ~ /,. A&W ROOT DEE R 28SS HAll:IOR BLVD. COSTA MtSA COME TO OUR HAWA II AN LUAU ! FRIDAY, APRIL 11th SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT • FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. MAIN ·SHOW AT 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY, APRI L 11th e AUTHENTIC COSTUMES e HULA DAN~ERS FOOD SPECI ALS!! HAWAIIAN HAM STEAK TERIAKI BURGER HAWAttAN CHE F SALAD TROPICAL DRINKS A&W ROOT BEER RESTAURANT 2855 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • Coming April 12 • .. ,. ' 1 ' • .. ... , • ' ' ... <fl"""'.4 ... , ' 'l )" .._. ... . ' ' ,, I • •' I • ·. ' . ' ·. ~·- . • r. .. ·• (. . . , • ·.' .... ~ ;.,·. . '. .. . ,,, -+ Dana Point Race End . ' Family ~ekly I Skippers and crews t n Balboa Yacht Club's Dana Point race Saturday will have the option of rendezvous at the new Dana Point Harbor Saturday night or returning borne under power, Because of traditionally light winds in the raet, the race committee has elected to end the race at Dana Point in- } stead of making it a round· ~ trip. '· The llarbor Department Is urging those who have n o t visited the new harbor to lay over for the night in an an· chorage near the west jetty. The Dana Point race is tbe se<:md in BYC'& 66 Series. Navy Fouls Up Whitney Skippers 1n Los Angeles Yadt. Club's Whitney Series won't know until starting time at 5 p.m. today whether they wiU sail around San Nicolas Island as scheduled or around SarV.a Barbara and Santa Catalina slands. h Tbe Navy has declared San "t Nicolas Island off Ii m i t s 1 because of a plaMed rocket shot from Point Mugu toward th! island early Saturday morning. , • • Tbe race -regardless of IJ. w'-· k I·• es -will be the !i!lh o1 LA YC's Whitney Serles. Final race of th e series w 111 be the San Clemente , 1sWx1 raoe April 25. ' PUT WH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted IWM wt\h a.DAILY PD..OT CW:al(jed Ad. PHONE "Z•5618 • How Jeane Dixon 1 Makes Her Predictio ns 1 This fascinating article reveals th e two separa te sources from which this famou s see r's prophecies emanate and tells the am azing story of past and future predictions. ALSO • FUNNY G1Rl1'-Barbra Streisand could win an Oscar Monday night and lose an Eltiot~(her estranged ·husband, Ellio~ Gould) soon. Gould tells it all in cove11 story. e HOW ANGRY AR' YOU? -Quiz enables you to check your ideas about anger against scien- tific findings. e MUTUAL FUNDS -An expert defends as "reasonable'• brokers' com1nissions '" h i c h range as high as 9 percent on your in vestment. All Coming Sa turday in lhe I '" .... -· ----- • • •· • --.!. ___ ·~- I GRAND OPENING OF IVERSO N'S NEW PAD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine, ho nest·to-goodness BUG-A - B ALOO! N obody's ever h ad one before but, it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought o f it! lverson's "pad" is h is brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and m ost beautiful in the United States. C onceived w ith an artistic flair, it houses the very latest in service and diagnostic equipment, and is a perfect showcase f or d is- playing the latest chan ges in the Volkswagen line (that is, if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the w orld's f irst BUG·A-BALOO, Iverson will give away a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG·A·BALOO, n?w is your opportunity t o be among the first! At the B UG·A·BALOO, you'll see the latest in Volkswagens and Porsches, within a layout thti likes of which you've never seen before! BUG-A-BA LOO r efreshments await th ose that CARE to see something different! Now's the t ime to put a 11Bug" in your house! BALBOA ls.LANO The harbor area's only authorized Volkswagen dealer . I ' '• ~-'-'----'---------.:.._ ___________________ --- t ... . WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD (Hiway 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH I OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M.-7 DAYS. I ORANGE CO's. FASTEST GROWING .FORD DEALER ·. J WAGO"N' y· IME'. • •••••• I ••• •·•.~ ••••••••••••••• ,~._ : IU~IW IHt $2298 : allND NIW 1169 $2188 I a .. a.b1. $388 Musl~ng $99Dow• I COBRA 599 Down 1 -,6-5-F-OR-D -Wp-.-f6-,. -:: _ _..........._..-.... : ~ ettJj ) : \t~~'::C':.o""Y~; 30 Mo. $ 8 8 8 I tvdet It ""' ctur ":Sttl IDment "'ii.::!: '*"" Mil *l'rodtt" bldl:-I oC2I CIO -IM, lour .....cl tctue .... rlllO) IMNll lt~111illl ~11r• ,.,.....,. tl\llV aulMlllloft Ind -----------------tr: clome ·.t111~11'".., r~... r':.ts. .... v ~.:; ..., ... ut'RI&. -'*' d1"1 -VY GITT lhockl llld 1Mlng1 ..... l•tt 1t1blllw bw, .... __. ,_. "*kl. fl'1111114 wJ• J""I .. ,t.i I ~ vii.en. wfndll'llelll wilhtB _.. .._ llf. w.1-w llrH, ,~ whk rim -11 W l!llb cws. hood -· h'Olll 111\d ... , ''""'"· -1.i "Ctbr1 i..tlll~ '65 ,~!~!=-~t ~:: $988 •••••••••••••• 4 ··M········ ....... .. ~67 :~;;;.; ~D• 1988. I BRAND NEW 1.969 $3998 I BRAND NEW $2 088 ••. ,...., --·~·"" $65 Mt. $ ' I Th d b. d $ I 19681/2 I = :;r,.~ •;; 36 rM I un er 1r 99 Down I MUSTANG ROUND UP 1 s.~~~52'-~~.: 1 CO~.!LN . 1 1 165 .USTAlll: $32 Da. $ 7 88 I I ?!;l.1,111: r~ 'l:'."l ·"..!o'!!~ $32 M I I •":'.:•if"~~. l!l!P'~.;:i;;-.~;;;i;; ~-~,..-~*'let 30 • .:: . . . ~;~~i:Dl!lo~1S I I :'~i~:;=::~*~~T~:rt.:lf!~:-'1"~~¥.s:a I e:~~~~g~J~$. !!9T~~~~·~~~~ I W}.~ $1088 I~::·~~·;·;""~·;;_·';;;_-·"' I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • -1 :::::: $18--88 GOOD CREDIT I ~RAND NEW 1969 $2288 I 36 -. DOWN PAYMENT A PROBLEM? I FAIRLANE $99Down$70.95-36Mo. I $45 Dn. $13 8 8 Utt one tf our m1ny finlnc1 plans. OIW lludg1t tounstlors will ~ I Fr~~~ ~~'r:,.l!U~~u=..:;:~ct;9'.'u"~~ 1114 '°"""' ~:1~n.:tr!1c~:: ':.:.'*11:":~,. VfMn. 1 $45 Mo. · you irringe payments 10 thlt you mitht wtfl 1fford the ur or t I ,.. .. M_.,•_• ._ .... _ .. _,. ,_,_._._'"-' --------- 36 Mos. tf your cholco. SAVE $101 ON FAIRLANE POP-OPTION SALE I !::::::;::::::;:::;::;::~;=;~;:= I • vlNn 100F • TAPE 5TlfPE • DELUXE WHm coms LIKf NEW$tt ~PEC~9Ls B TRANSPORTATION SPECIA!5 1.:.::. .... . --~088 : '66 ;~~~~~.~::-~·M: '59 ~!~!~·::, ~==~~~ $288 : F~~~~D! . $99Down$64.45-36Mo. I ...;:.'6..:..7 =GAL;,:.::.600;:;._ ___ 1...:;...8~8;_1 I ·--'". -"-...... --·-... 'h. """'"M -· -.... I :;:r•.~·;~:~·:::,~~ :;: E':: $ 1 '64 ~.8 ••• ~:..'~.rn "• ~~~~ $388 I •TUTONI PAINTSAVE$S!01~1~~c:i~~:~PTl~N!!li coY1Rs I ...,;;.;;_.::•u:,:;•F . .,::":;." ~~·----------~-....-_:;......_-_.------~-=:-:::-I • TAPl STRIP£ • COLOI mu WHEW • WPm I '67;}r:.r~ ~!~ $1488 '63~~~~ ~~~ $488 :BRANDN~1969 $2588 I -,6-7_.;.!.;..~;;; ... -!1111-.-, ... -, -::3-.:-M:.~-: -$-1~4':: .. 8~8~ '60 F,_oR. o_w. P_.·,_ finlncint $2 88 I!.~.!'~~~~~~!~ ...... ~~~~:;~~ ., : W.t t•ct •Ir cond •• Anllllllt I NIMlll•,. WloPlnslon. Frnl'I 1rr hffter & 11..iroottr. btdl·u• dome 1nd ~ 1111111 A~ '1111'1 trim.·""_.,; d!O,. "'"'· VJA tJl I'!.,,.... ITL In. u"""' ...,..., cl•"' and •lto'I, wlnclllll1)f wutw 1111112..,... wl,..,, I '_ 6_7~.WX~.,;:'£.,.=:;,l~:-'~J_.: _:36_:: ::_·.: -$ ..... 1....,.6~8~8~, · 62 ~A~~~~~c ~~~~ $ 2 88 : RANCH ERO $ 2 288 : '67 ! ... ~~.~.}~ '1r• :!~ :.Mt·". $16 8 8 '64 ~-ALAr-~1 ... ~:: • ... ··,·. finlnc1nt $ 4 8 8 II "'"'" "'""" '~~~~: """' ""·· .. ~. -· '~~;!~~~ ~ .,,_ I ~O:. "·'· R&H. vbO -,._-AnUallll mlrnw, rtm111 '°"tnl Wl'llcll mirror. llrltfi• mouldln11 -llW u1tt, '""" !Tim, COior k.., .. 1i.w rMt -TR-UC-K-DE-PT-. S-PE-Cl-ALS-l~PiiRT DEPT. SPECIALS IF~i"OO'. ~~~!! : '59 :.~!.!.~.. ~~ ... ~ $388 "'66 TRIUIPll ::::. $588 •• ~:'E:t:.t"!!-'.':~';;:;~rJJr~:.zrt:~i?~f. .... l}';l'l'll,:;,_~"'--j?;'=" .. ~ I _______ ... _-_....,;;;;...-.,;;::;.. __ :-:._r::_,~_,i:::_• _, .. _,. -2-4 M_••----~---""'' "~ ~~~~~;· ;;';~:;~w;-LORER':•-I '65 ~~-.... 00R.,.,D,;.,v-o.f,.~"--::.: $888 '64 Y W $4 5 Dn. $888 I e "l" Pocbgt e Spte!ol Ptlnt e Power 5tttrfnt I ....... -...::..... -Mto. . ouc._ 1~. ""111 ,...,. $4S Me. I e lritfit lotly MoldintS • Specl1I Tri'" • hwll" lnlcn -S'.iotr~""lflll M:.o ""'"" 24 Mtl. • lrltht Grill• • ''l" ,.... • '"C" ,Kb.. I ,-66--EC_O_IOl_U_IE _____ .....,...-;....,;;;_1 -,68--y-,;..;.SW_lg __ --,-5,-.,. .... _$_1_....7.._8_8_ L •.=th.:.:ev: .: :·:.-: -.: :. ::: -.... WM~.... $13 8 8 f:J~• ' ":I. '::ill $59 Mo. 5, !;:'.~, -... •· ,.. · 36 Mos. ADVT. PRICES GOOD TO 10 P.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 13TH. :'67 ~,!!.T ~1!8 ..... llMrw TGY II. Use °"' ti -many WIJI le flnlllCI yow -or asod c• or trvck Including lri ti A.wiu, Unitod Cllif. hnk. 0r Ford Motl'f Credit Corp. With your Approvod. Crtclit . . MAKE YOUR CHOICE AND SAVE AT WILSON FORD TODAY HUNTINGTON BEACH IHIWAY 39) • 1825.l ·BEACH BOULEV.MID 842-6611 tUl~P:i:r;.,. T-:.~~o;.~PJL 5 92-5 511 I .. . . . . . ' .. " . . " HOUSIS ,OR sALE. . HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSESFOR~E HOUSIS ,OR SALE Gener ii lll0Geller1I. l!f!! °"'*"' lllDOO-.ol 171 , TAX WISE ,. Glimpse OPEN SUNDA y B /I B /I 1be e>!C'~ '\'orld .i 1·5 BALBOA POINT! Nl!W LtSTINGI 22J Polnsettl'o, Co,..,• dol Mor THE MOVING SIGN 2711Wt ...... r, moat exd"""' iwden• 23'5 TUSTIN AVE. Two story. older home in good Iocatlon, ! ~t.,,. .. lbe Bad<~· <l"'' So. of s&nu. Iao.JJ bclrms -z baths -large rooms -good 1nwstm•nt1 w)th $119 ,aoo . Co,.... dot Mar -$19,HO Hard to Ond Broad!noor trl· ltvel 4 Bdrm -Family Room Home with decorator line wall- paper & drapes, Large formal dining room, harbor & ocean view. Sparkling new and clean, ready to move-in to. E·homeof~"-n....lofplaln...._!Come fl 1 La t' ed om lov;n• 4 bWm&., 3 "baths lo: see this plne panelled 3 bdrm oor p an. rge pa 10 -ne s s e ~ t'OalJ': ~ itttam· 2 bath holiie witb 2 family care. Asking ..................... -'45,000. • tile-ftocr ~• tf'«beabd roofn! + l6le35' heated pool Eve. phone -67~7999 TAX SHILTER$ One 01 the••·-f!n••t Homes give yoU a lot .,...... .... ,.. 'V" ot satisfaction at in the heart of Corona· del Mar ~-AQ tttls, &. an 'Un-Only S40,950. obstructed view of the Back Roy J. Ward Co. Bl:Y, too, (Baycrest OUiceJ ,!!.E. Salespeople \Vanted 1842 Santiago Orr. 646-1550 SEAL Beach; uaume 5%% Roy J. W•rd Co. G.I.; 3 blks. to beach; 3 (Baycttst Offioe) Br. 2 B&.. ~tns. cptd. Frpl. ~ Santiago Dr. . ~1.SliO New paint in & ouL I#. sep. party rm. \l.'/f_pl. DAILY PILOrWANT ADS! $.17,500. Owner 213: 430-4091 ,.Open Houses THIS WEEKEND KM11 tt.ls hlndy dlrKtwy with. yeu this week· 9ftlil u 1'"' to tt.u....huntfnf. All tfM locatlOftl llltM ....... ,. described In tr•tw fft•ll _,. Wvtrtlllnt •hewhere in tOll•y's DAILY PILctt WANT AtiS. Patl'ltftl lhewlnt °"" hou• fw Nie Of te nttt .,. V'IM to Jltt SllCh lnhfma. tlM 111 thll column .. ch Prltl•y. (2 Bedroomj 417 Belvue Lane 673-l-077 (Sat & Sun) •1100 While Sam Way, Corona de! Mar · 644-2244 (Sat & SUn J.2.4) (2 Bedroom & Guts! Apt) ••m Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 673-0305, 675'3243 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom) -511 Avenida Campana at Vista Del Oro (Bluffs) 675'60QO (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4821 Cortland, (Cameo Highlands) CdM ; 673-2222 . (Sun 1·5) 4909 Bruce Crescent Blvd., NB ; 675-4130 (Sun 1·5) 254 Driftwood Rd., (Shorecliffs) CdM 3715 Seashore Newport Beach 675-4.130 (Sat 1-5) ·•2510 23rd St., Newport Beach • 64o.3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Din) '.Z569 Oxford Lane (College Park) CM . ; 540-5566 .. . ( s,1 .& .Sun 12-41 1126 Gcldenrod .(liiirbor View Hills) CdM 673-2222 ' , (Sun 1·5) . •3414 ~a breeze, (Harbor View Hilla) CdM 64&-3255 (Sat 1·5 Sun IIJ.5) 2127 Leeward ~ne (Baycrest) NB 648-3255 (~t 1-5) 2043 Calvert A'{)., (Mesa Verde) CM • 540-3081 .,., (Open Daily) 1318 Estelle Lani (Harbo~ Highlapds) NB 642-5200 ' • (Sun 12-5) · •2395 Tustin Ave., NB 648-1550 ,. (Sun 1·5) )147 Gleneagle.,Coslli Mesa • 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroomj '1415 Santiago, (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sun 1-5) . * 1227 Highland NB .. 675-4130 (Sun 1-51 -363 Vista Baya NB ,' 675-4.130 (Sun 1·5) , •1233 Highland Dr. (Westcllli) NB 642-8235 Eves: 644-0762 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Don) .2065 Flamingo Dr. (Mesa Verde} CM · 540-4905 (Fri.Sun 1-li) 3807 Topside Lane, Corona d.el M•r 644-2521 (Sat & Sun 10-6) 2021 So. Capella Ct., (Mi•a Verde) CM 545-4025 (Open Daily) .8072 Driftwood. Huntington Beach 67>4630 Eves: 642-2253 (Sat & Sun 1-5) . .223 Vla Quito, (Lido Isle) NB 673-8830 (Sat & Sun 1·5 1 •429 Isabella Terrace (Corona Hllands) · CdM, 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) .'322 Cabrillo, CM 543-0688 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1354 E . Ocean Front (Balboa Penn.) NB 64$-3>QO (Daily 1-5) ••1380 Santiago, NB 64U2S5 (Daily 1-5) .1412 Serenade Terrace (Harbor 'Hilands) , NB. 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1417 Mariners Dr., (Harbor Hilands) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) *18'2 Santiago Dr .. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1560 !Daily 10-5) ·'**225 N. Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 675-2000 !Sun 1-5) ,2341 lrvine (Back Bay) NB 540-17:111 (Daily 1·5) (5 BeClroom & Family or Don) •2118 Windward Lane (Baycrest) Nn 642-2698 (Sat & Sun 12-5) *2788 Mendosa, Costa 1\.1esa • 67Ml30 (Sat & Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (I Bedroom) 'llo1 Channel Place, Newport Island .. l1s.«IOO (Thurs-Sun 1-5) • (2 Bedroom! , Oeean lllvd. Corona del Mar, , en.a (Sal & Sun 1-5) I ' TAX TIME' -9nly steps to the Main BEAUTIFUL CONOOMINIUM Plan 3. 3 bdrms. 2 baths, double garage, Upper Bay area. Pool and shuffle hoard ban· dy. Yard maintenance. For exchange.or sale. Equity ,14,000, .................... '41,500 • Bea~h or LitUe CorOJla. Lara• c_,o·del.Mar' '!r"!.S!>adiicl_lot with Badmln· 2nd bl.de ..... Cout Hwy. ton Court. •. B4rnll, 4~ bath• 2 Bdnn. homo ''"' 1 Bdrm. plus Captains Cobln lomily A.¢. 2 tai:ce single pragea. room complete with Pool Nut A aean. Price $35,960. Ta~e & Bar. Ol 1 ANCY Rf Al fSTATE Eve, phone -642-3287 •Col'OM del /Nr ' Easy walk to Shoppin&. Own. 4527 Tremont, 331 Cherry Tree L•no, AnRACTIVE DUPLEX! NEAR oCEANI 3 bclrms upper, 2 bdrm & den lower. Swedlsh fireplaces, Owner anxious ............ $49,500 Eve. phone -642-3287 · eMCCUpled duplex. 2 Bdmui· ~ . ea unit Excellent eondit:lon. Cororwi del ~r -$13,SOO 2 Car Gi.rap. Price $43,500. Bdrm &: den Beauty in exclu sive Cameo Shores. 2828 E. COAST HWY. CORONA OS: MAR Newport Beech -$55,500 More Home for the money than can be found anywhere! 5 Bdrms -4 Baths -Family Rm plus huge Game Rm. A MUST SI 1 fiJr the large fam- ily ! One Block From WATERFRONT OUPLEXI PIER & FLOAT! Attrectlve incGme property. 2 bdrrAA,.ll>atlls each unit. Many extras, Shown by appt. Call Big llHchl 2 separiite liouses • Cornn Lot 45' wide, Front: 3 Bd· mu:. 2 Baths; Side St. home: 4 Bdrm.s. 2 Baths. Good in- come record! $89,500 SOLD . 173-3778 Mrs. Fay ........................... $87,500 Eve. phQJle -543-6966 1Nt aALU TO DATI .......... BAY AVENUE OUPLEXI BALBOA! Bay & leach --------~~ ... --. ----------- BUllt by Kephart! 2 bdrms • 2 bath lower uit!t, 1 bdrm • 1 bath upper unit. Try 10% down ................................ $39,500 Eve. phone -548-6966 · INCOME PROPERTY Very close to City Hall and Lido Shopping Center. 3 bedroom house w/fireplace, plus 3 bedroom apartment over garage. Only 8 years old . Real value at only .......... flS,000 Eve, phone -54~966 OCEANFRONT TRIPLEX! Corner in best rental area. 1968 income over $7,000 from 2 units. Owner occupies third. 3 bdrms in each unit, 2 units furnished. Par· tialJy booked for summer. Always 100% oc· cupied, Full price .................. $110,000, Eve. phone -54~966 NEWPORT SHORES! 3 large bdnns, dining room, spacious living room w /stone fireplace, many extras incl u-· din~ additional 600 sq. ft. Might exchange equity for larger home in Orange County plus some cash. . ...... , ................ $32,500. Eve. phone -543-6966 OPEN OAILY l·S P.M. BALBOA PENINSULA! 1354 E. Oceanfront. New 4 bdrm and den home, many extras, electric built-ins, lush carpetin,a, wet bar, two fireplaces, one in master bedroom ........... , ...... $98 ,500. Eve. phone -543-6966 ,. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 221 , Newport 8e1ch 645-2000 S4U'66 ---------- Gener1I 1000 General 1000 ! ~ i ; New In Westcliff!! llRI K COLIAL A truly charming home, load· In fashlonable Blcycrest ed with extras. A large at 1801 Tradewinds Lane bright living room with Builders O\l.'n home with beamed ceilings and mas· real quality throughout si•e used brick llreplace. 3 Bedrooms, 2~ baths. Re11lty, Inc. 2407 ~.Coe.at Hwy., CdM 17~ SQUEAKY CLEAN $21,5001 This lovely home is l'f'Obably the Best Buy in the beauti- ful City of Orange, FEA- TURING: 4 Spaclous Bed· rOOmsl 2 Sparkli.nc Baths! Richwood Pa: n e 11i11·1! "Queens" Kitchen with built ins! Experu;ive wall to wall carpetln&' over quality bard. wood floors! Quiet ~ street! Room for boat or trailer! ONLY $133 p I'! t month includes all on exist. ing loan that anyone can assume without qualifyina! ! No Down Gl! Sympathetic . Down to anYone. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edl111er 842M55 or 540-51«1 Open Eves. NORTH COSTA MESA $20,995 l BR 1 ~-baths, sharp, sharp home, Exce!Wit carpetinl throughout. Near May Co, & Scars. Take .. ver 51;i % GJ loan or $lb.ODO -payment.:s $114/mo includes all. VA REPOSSESSION PETE BARREn presents IRVINE TERRACE. DeliibtfUi c4 bdrm 21> bath home plus dining room, 2 fire. places. great enclosed yard for ptivecy &I or children. 1412 Seren•d•· Terrace 0,... Sot/Svn 1:5 BOAT LOVERS Anl!NTIONl Fee slm· pJe waterfront. Out of state O)VDer will· ing to talk price. See this Custom Con· emporary 4 bdrm home. Larae living room with walls of glass dpelii to a lii6ll designed patio for outdoor pleasure. Pti· vate pier &:: slip. Plus many more bonus features. LARGE ACTIVE FAMILY? You can UJe this rambling 4 bdrm 3 bath home, sep- arete dining room -extra large game room with fireplace opens to a pool - sized yard with family orchard? This home is sunny, cheerful & spacious • ex· cellent condition. Price $58,900. Baycrest THIS WARM & INVITING executive home Ii located on a quiet street in love- ly Baycrest. Be proud to own & enjoy Ibis lovely fresh home. Formal dining room, cozy panelled family room with fireplace, large living room overlooking pool. 4 bdrms, 31> baths· not lease hold. SEE IT! OFFICE OPIN l•t. & Sun. PETE BARREIT REAL TY 1605 w .. tcllff Dr., N.11. 642-5200 ---------------Nice family room looks out book lined family room. to lovely enclosed patio. opens ?nto private yard with Bright .!W\ny kitchen com-expensive mn:o~ry and plants plete \\tith oversize service formal dining room Grab your paint brush & Gen1r1I IOOOGener1I 1000 fix up this vacant 3 BR 1 ~~ llijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ be.th home. Built·in 2..oven11 nLnie, hardwood Doors, tire • place. Excellent location near all schools & shopping, Only $2'.?,000 lull price. Easy to qualify, room. Huge bedroom~!! Ex· ~ovely living room tra large lot for privacy. A \v1lh n1arble tireP,la1.-e home with lots of charm and OPEN HOUSE nus WEEKEND wannth. Qur. exclusive. Only $63 950 $41,500. SUbmit your smaller can K 1 mnisJ home on out guarantee sale en Rey . 540-88l2 plan. es. WE 5ELL A HOME EV!RY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee COMP' ANY 1• \I 1 '' r 11 11 ~I \I:\ \II\\ Fl I \ I I ' ' 200 Westclil! De. REAL TORS B•ycrest ... uty "'6-mt Open Ev.,. 613-4400 5 bdnn 311 bath '"'tom built $21,450 Full Price ·---EL . £.Cl . _ homo with nu""""" out- 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Go/a V.A. $19,900 • NEAR BEACH standing features. Exeellent loan to as.sume. Carpeting 3 big bedrooms, 2 pullrnan street. Phone for appoiot· lhroughoul . Covered Patio. baths, elegant fireplace tn me11t to see. MODEL "T" HOME But loaded with "CADILLAC" a~ pointments. Just listed. Popular T-Plan with separate "OWNER'S SUITE" separate living room, load- ed with accessories & all in like-new condition in one of Costa Mesa's finest areas. All f0< only $29,9i!O. BAYCREST 4 bdrms, formal dining room, fam· ily room, service porch, large pool & yard. 4 patio areas. 2450 sq ft custom home. Ideal tor family living & entertaining. JUST REDUCED, NOW ONLY $60,000. ()all lot more details. Lots n1orc Extras! F u 11 large living room. Built-in Amold & Freud monthly Payment U34. P.1-t'Wlgc .t: oven. Used brick ~~:::.1.~P:;:":='v.=pty=,=962-=7689':=:'.•:':r'=:'pa~~A~0·R~'i~e~~~·L~t 1~·4~j"0604~· ~-~R!!:oal~ii!'""j>,i!!E!!.~11th~S~t,!!!~~7'1$~I . COATS & WAUAa IWTOIS :: . 1491 llAKER STREET O.ner1f 1000 General 1000 Genor11I 1000 546-4141 COSTA MESA. CALIF. S©llon1A-.!£t-trs· Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puulc for 4 Chuckl~ 0 l!t0rro11g• Mn.-s of ffi• ,,,-....._, fov, tc:rornbled words b.. low to form fovr .simp!• word1, IMPD1°1' I' I I IZOTAP I 1 • I I ITUCO 5 ' I I' I Definition cf o chiseler: He likes fO ea t his coke and -, lfYILER ,-, 't·•I t--.-1 ..,l,.....,_l--.l '.-.... lj-1 ° '-""' .,. •""k'• ...... d by fUllna 11'1 rti. mialflO words . you develop frO'!I 'tlep No. 3 below. e rt i~J.~~;~~~-rs I' t t 14 r I' I' I' I •»~~~\fl'' '°'I I I I I • I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION BBOO -------------- General 1000 Gonorol lOll -------ff You W•nt PtfltkJt U¥l114J an unconVt!ntionlt unordin-Miii ~~ ary contemporary home in ,Tnt1Y an eftCUtivt home, 3· lhe very be1t area of Me• gipJitic bedroom.a, 2 1owb' Verde with a Iatre family bl.tba, tropical i.ndlc&p-'1111 l'OClm Croom for pool ta.bl!), 1utTOUDd& the pool, ~ formal dining rorun, martilie waterfall addl atmolpbere to claas atrium entry, large pa· the fe1Uvities Qf )'OU?' twn- Uo, bUllt·in 1u BBQ, btau-mer even"-: d1Mtr pardtL tllully landscaped and com-The added tam. nn. 1111 a pletely sprinkled, with four cabana penonallty wUb P big bedrooms, this ii IL 8 •tool bu and pool ~ Priced to sell at $39,9.50. PaOffl!ltter built for SCl.950. Owner commudna: to San Fernando. 5*0313 64&-23lJ Prime Commercl1I Comer l91h &: Pomona, C.M. next to l8 story bid&. Fl"' stores fully teated at $1006/ mo. Pottntlal unllmited. lllMOO F IP • 21"' down It owner will cury 1.t TD. Genco Rlt)' Co. 642M22 ORANGE LARGIST 2'3 E. 17111 St. 14' 4IM "3 llEORM + ;AMltY RM, $21,900 Most SOUA:ht alter locaUoo - walk to Swim Oub A ttnnll courts. 2 baths.. Dream kltch. en • bUill·ln appliances. New ..,..,.._ 1nv1111w 11repu, ~palnled. TARll!LL 142..1691 llOOGoMral 1000 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 46 foot of ll•yfroilt wllh pier •od float. 9 lloill'Mm, s loth hol'MI WouW you belle .. $111,000 Full Price I ExcluslYO wllh BALBOA BAY PROPERTiflS 1 OI McFllCklen Place, Newport Beith at the Newport Ocean Pier 173-7420 673-9127 ~ -·• llOI Gonorol 1000 Immediate TAX llURDINI? Occuponcy Can be rtiiewd by th@se new unita Jocakd in E/S C.M. EASTSJDE. 2 B e d room lZ • 2 BR uni, bltin kits w/ home. $1,500 down, full dw, cpta/d,tpt!, priv. patic;>s. prtce $17,fiOO. O\\·ner wants ... 11.. action. Grouing $22,000 ann.......,. S ial Can .. delivo... at 711 x laycrest pee Grou, For show and eicctl· f Bedroom, pool h om e, lt'!nt return on cuh invested $45,500. Corona del Mar High + excellent tu: abeltera. To School. "' u.. .. un11s. 0' tarrer JEAN SMITH, comptexes up to 36 units, CALj. TODAYc Rffltor CHIL T RO.INITT 400 E. 17th. C.M. "'6-3255 REALTOR ~ Wbi~· d~! -Dlme-a·Une ----·-·--- Gonorol tDOOGoneral. 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFIRS: Open Ho111e -Dover Shorts S"""iy 1:5 225 N. Ster Lone Custom Spanish Design, 4 BR's, din rm, fal!l rm, md's qtrs. Upstairs living rm. View, Pier & Doat • ii ....... ii •• $129,500 . Mrs. Raulston ALSO Spacious tw°'"story 3 BR waterfront home. Formal entry hall w-c!rcular stairway. Dining rm, Paneled den w-frplc. Pier & llDot .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . $155,000 Mrs. Raulston SpC1cious Custom Home Executive home, great for entertaining. Lrg formal din rm. Paneled den w-fire- place. Fam rm w-view. 3 master size bd· rrns. Garden entry ........... ii .. $87,500 Mrs. Harvey A Nice Woy of Life Live on the waterfront. with your own slip and pier., Cbarml)lg 2 story 3 bedroom (muter BR has 555 sq, ft.) 2 BA's plus cute 1 bedroom apartment .•. , , , $79,500 Mary Lou Marion A Real Swl114Jer The finest Bluffs 4 BR 3 bath home with view, Ungraded be)'ond belief with custom cabinets, Roman bath, Bar etc. •• $52,500 Waller Haase · Westcllff c:tiw m•l 3 BR + lam rm + pool + sep fenced play yard. Beaut. decorated & lmmac condl· lion. Min yd main\. Owner leaving area • ' .... ' ... ' ... ' ..•• ' ••..•..•.•.••. $48,750 Joe Clarkson View • Pool • Dover Shores Thls nWng la a dream of beauty and de- signed for effortless hospitality. 3 BR's, convertible den, formal dining, 3 car gar· rafe, Unique pool w-water!all, • Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY · NEWPORT llEACH -Kl f.USI . -·-·-----------·----------------------------------- l:H:-O_U..;.SE':"S'-F'-"0"-R;;..;SA=LE=-..:H~O:.::U:::.SE::.:S~F:,:0:,:R~SA:LI!_ HOUSES F.OR SALi o_,.11 IGOOGenerol 1000 1-------- FINER HOMES CAMEO SHO!\ES. EXPANSIVE VllW 4 Bedroom, s baths, family room, dlnlnC room , healed & flltued pool, large pallo. Wonderful home for entertaining ..... $8G,500 Coll for Appointment . OOVER SHORES. FINEST LOCATION This large 4 Bedroom, family room, fonnal ~ircular view dining room, needs "lle(Orat- JDg. Save '25,000. As is !or ............ $115,000 OPEN DAILY 1380 5antiago IRVINE TERRACE -Magnificent view ol jetty, harbor and Catali!la Island. 2 Bed- room and den, S'h bath!, lciMnat dinini r0om. ...........................•........ $82,500 Call for Appointment ------- ClonoNI IQGQ 61r191 & Workshop ' Lara:e double caraa:e. tool· aJted. 24x25' workshop ilreD- ~ for lll!CODd' story. Cover- ~ abd enctoeed patio • bot.I 1~ area from paved aJ. ley, Three Bedroom, I w o bath home with extra spac- ~ QlUtu bedroom and private bath. Well k e p t pniperty in NEWPORT HEIGHTS &lft.. Full price ONLY S!?.SOo • CALL FOR HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSES FOR SALi i/Juccofa ; ~f;,.gfuf. . Ul/ir~ \ . , 16th I. Tustin -C"t• - AOULTS Most homes .,.. built with only cblldrtn' In mind, We bave five homes deslgntd tor 14• comforts and tun of adults. Beautllul to look at, ·room for bobbi.,, private office, separate dining rm, guest room wit.ti bath, 3 car ia· rage, walking distance to churches, WestclW shopping, and restaurants. :r;. with 2t% clown -71/J~. with 10-/. Dn. no !nds -no points -2t yrs on INl•nce Priced from $30,9"50 to $33,9Slf Exclusive Aeent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Troct Ph : ~TU From L.A. C11l MA s.1134 . ' --------------·-==== 1000 c .... Mtw 1100 HOUSES FOii SALi -· v-lllf * CUSTOM HOMI * By owner 11rJe 4 bdrm, i-·~). ·~ ... acroec It ·~ Ml• Verdi ~ OOUl'Be. Mu\V. eUltilm blMnr, '"""' • !>elo!" p111' ktl 1.&rp' JOt .. ftlOm tor ..... Call--. MESA Ve;de Pactil'ttft, 1· Jewl, < BR, Ip -den ; .ep. ~ uea. Quiet at:reel Yd. fWb' fnoit: A. beautifW!y lndlicpd. By ownnr. $36,450. 56-tlt5 '""' So. Capella Oourt A'M'R.. 1 Br. 2 Ba. A rfam. mi. $25,900. Allw:oe i~ ~ t; ownu wUI take !nd. 324$ New York Aw. 546-1170 3 BR.. l'li BA, l>m rm, -hWm. °"' "'"'" me. -·--· Frid>f, A,i1111, IM OAILY'JiUr 19 H~IS ~OR ?~!!.I ,...uali• KIR Utl iiWiB P& WI ,..• ~ .. ~r • IUI C-4tl Mir 'ltll' H•1*'8'•t ...... Ma OPEN HOUSIS SAT a IUN M l'M • llH ~ H•iiitr ~ liHI~ 1 . NIW,LlnlNG ' Vltw home, 3 BR f? tam mi, Ip. poOl lllld patio. ....•.••••.. \ .... , ........•.•. '81,MIO SAT I. SUN"l,S f'M __ , ..... LUXURY DUPLEX, 0ctan View. . SUN ONLY ,;. l'M 41'11 C1rtllllil, c-H ........ 3 BR, Ocean Vl•W.• Don V. Frllllklii, lealler 3250 E. Coast Hwy. CdM m.n:n ' I'.'=======;:=;-=;;:=:======== Ctll ... """ 1111 1 ; ... ;;;-~""~·~·~ .. ; ... ~· ~i-~'-; I;·~-·;:;'"~· .. ~ .. ~·-;~ .. ~~I e OPl:N HOUSE e u to,~ s.t: ~Sun. IEACH HIDIAWAY l'Klf.lc --lly H ....... ltnltHll .., .. ""' 0x1.ni 1..&no: , BR.., "' St..-"""' 111>. ....... aJ>d LOYI NEST DOVER SHORES llAYFRONT -Beautiful ~ Bedroom home with pier and float, lar1e b~>:side terrace, handsome uteiior, f~al dinmg room, sunny breakfast' room with, vie\\', large Master Bedroom with walk·in closets. . ................... : ....... $142,500 By Appointment Only >\PPOINTMENT.. I iiiiliiiii!iiiiiiiiii.iiii!iii• I,;;===== CDM. cOTf AGE cozy ba., tam. rm., frpl. New ~~~~-For Ideal lpot. 6* honieymoonen; wJw cpts, drps; loveJy true ft80l't ... ~ ..... 2 BR in-cute ud qalet. 3·bedNom, patio I: 1arden. Del. pr. YUtnlent opportunity, Pric-. 1% bath dollhol.i.se .ear ad Auume 5" 'SO nu. T op ed to ple.ue. $36,9:50, Only' ot pen1n,,rula ,Oiat. Owner UNTIED ------- BEACON BAY -Immaculate 3 Bedroom home in this desireable community. Private beach, community pier and float, tennis courts. Apartment may be added. Asking . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . '59,500 DOVER SHORES -Glamorous 2 story view home, large family room, 3 fireplaces, 3 Bedrooms and den, room for pool .... $84,000 OPEN SUN l·S 1511 Anli9u1 G1n1r1I john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suiftl 120 642-1235 1000 General 1000 C•n You Be11t This? 3 B~ 1 % ba, htd pool, East· 111de CM. Elegant entry, dbl frplc to ceiling. $29,990, 10% dn, no 2nds. · 2 BR C-2, Eastside CM. $18.900, $2(0) down. 'OCEAN v I E w nr Catalina, San 0.f'mente and almost Ha,\'ll.ii, it'a 1ptt. tacul&r and It's only 4 )'tan old, an immaculate 4 b«l- room home in a real pre~ tia;e areL It's a "mwst see'' at $37,500. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2tJ E. 17th St. 646-4494 Lovely 3 & family room with aparlding POOL. 0 w n er moviJtc out of area Ir. might accept U450 UNDER FHA appn.i.sal of $27,400 or $25,- 950. Onl,y $1400 down. il Vet. Corona del Mar spacious, $21 l:M attr. duplex. only 4 yn t"'9 6% Loan ol,d. ea. unit 3 BR 1~ Good corner home with room ba. partial ocean view. Sharp 3 bdrm 2 bath Cond~ $00,000, Jo dn. minium in eboice location for boat, camper etc. Has SA Hts. 3 Bo hd\\'d tlrs, across from pool &: cl_ "b C nice bdrms + family room ,.._ ho Call f t. 2 BR home w/inc unit needs some TLC. \Valking dbtanoe to everythln;. · $33,500 • """'· By appt onl)' CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Co .. t Hwy, CdM 675'16'2 N. E. Costa Mesa 3 larJ:e b<lnns, l ~ baths, b:.rd\11ood Ooors, large kitch- ~n l: service porch a.a-ea. tlouble garage. Big yard with .shade il: lruit trees. $22,950. Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., c.~t 548. 7729 Eves. 644-0J84 1""' Sales Opportunity Opening for one experienced salesperson. LIDO REAL TY, Inc. Call Ken Brittingham, A-Igr. 67:>-8830 CORNER COTTAGE shape. $24,900. ~ dow{l. tmdout. Ql,250. OWJOER 5IO<i>66 , l'ROPIRTllS WIST IURR WHITE, Rltr. 4 BR redec. 26' liv nn, wt• ,_ 2I01 Newport Bhia., N.R --. 61>-41.10 ·-.. -1 ... ·-•1n Ht>tc's a bright livable home crts/drpg. frplc, dJb pr, .. --... -- with roo1n to ad<l units. fnOO. $25,950. Assume 4%"· aose 10 17th street shop-2278 Cornell H;.2309 Act-DovU-vn1.-2 ......... ~ ,IAYVllW ping, Three bcdroo1ns, h\'O • ._., "'-1 Nth.~. Lot 90' x 150'. 'n1' Newport Be9ch 12M :WAdllf? .. ,_~~ Olncfwn· ~l!Qud~JBcL $35 OOJ • "u.. . ....., mo. % ba, two car prqe patio BUR.R WHITE, Rlt,, I"'· · ... I taxes. 2 bdri, 21• ... ""'•• loir• ONlidock. u1ot ~ .-,,_ pt.tio, ltn4sc•Ptnr. dbl ear, ID exp.nd. $36.~ 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. _ia;>4 .,_er'6'wr pool. Mahal f1S. Owner R. C. GREER, Realty. '75-463o Eve• 67Ul59 ""'} , Bier. 1111-1911 3356 Via Lido ..,,._ """' MODEi; Home, 3 BR + den, $20,950 Sharp 3 BR 2 bath honle com- plete with large eat-in kitct\. en, tie\ll sha&' carpets. Ir double i&ni". Oversiz.ed yard with 16.x22' patio, good landscaping + 15' Doughboy pool. Close to all schools. No down lo Vets or Jo\v down FHA with payments ol only SI 79/mo. including taxe~ & ins. CALL LARRY 540-llSl (open eves) H~ritage Real Estate 1J"'61,.•r1 w #6- #,_,-~ JI_,,{ -Fresh on the Mtirklt GJ&morous Newport 3 bed· room split IeW:l home with large poot. Formal dinlhC room, h~ wet bar. :run houae for executive who en- tertains. A must see for yuu special people. -· ln<IKpd. Iii% mtc. l ll£DJUr, 2 Bath, G.,..., Poalltenrda eta. 133-4319 · · Nearb nt•. 30xJOO Lot No broken. Seen b)' appt. only. Newport S-1220 '13-UlO ownor. 4 , BR. 2% BA. Nr beaeh, club house, poob. Ju.t tedee. Perl. cond.. · Street lo 1troet. $32,500. 6C-ios6 BY Ownor 2 II/'· )I! ballu, Jee. pa~; ~. to add on ~ lot. Balboa Point location, 673-4077 1351 ll1yc-1223 Lltle llllo -''---·----OPEN sAT • SUN. 1-5 5. BEOROO!.I 223 Via Qui .. 31,; BATHS -POOL Bic family home_., BR. S Baym!st, lv&n Wells Wilt. BA. tam rm., 1arp patio. Dtl Pilo entry, Jee llv rm lmmac Cdldltion. X l n t w/frpk., tonnal din rm. terma. See thb weekend! tam rm, lat k I t ch e n · J71,!51» w/table &rel, util nn. 2.car LIDO ·KEALTY, INC. prqe, cuatom dJ'PS A: 31X1 Via ·Lido . m..IS30 cipts. ~: 842-S98 .. • &: best of all • a 6% GI Joan $21,500 • $1300 dn • no U!le. now or appom that you can take over with 2nd TD. ment to see. DUPLEX no increase! Only $157/mo. l18 E. 16th St.. R-2 lol 2 N ~ 3 BR , .. FORCED SALE ~ 4 BR homt with near new iha.g carpeting. c u s tomized kilehen, huge family room I: excellent residential area. Assume 5~ % loan • U6S mo. Including taxes. Full ptice S28,95V. CALI.. 540-ll5l (open eves1 llerilagc Real Estate (145(') IGS,950 -cllff. 1•-.NoM lvtr;yth ... t . ----------' Wee an lmma.Culate . 3 mt, s~ ba borne, 2 frplC!I,. din/ 3P AllKLES " abines inside 6% V.A. LOAN ., s ~ ~all to wall, petln&-BR bit · R • o $18 900 ear V\,..:an. ~ . includes taxes & insurance·. • -in • • • b ·1 3 ~• ·~" SPANISH HACIENDA Frank King rd Real Estat eac uru . • 't"cs . ..,...,. -PllOPERTl!S WIST I il out UvlQa nn A: clinlnC nn; ll!'Vice po&'lda. elec bitns. Oean crpts a: drpa thnJ: out thU S ·g J Ba rm + tam rm, :rr/sr Jot. Only ise.!loo. patlo.' All eJectrie ki Listln& ill $22,650 but owner Miaa 2-"MJ e 500. Plus rental, plus room for anxious to go to Oregon IO George Willi•mson more units. Woll<et Rit> 115-267& with built..tn retrizn'a Lota more extru and make ws that offer! I ,...,'!"",..,...,~..,..,,.., * '42 lnl Anyti Realtor 161 Mesa Drive Costa Mesa .. me * 673-4350 Eves. 6'/J.1564 Overlooking beautiful golf 1021 Ba11ia on .. (11•) m.4111 home. Ptvr. 1:ndlicpd 1.: 91 B.A'YFRONT. Finest bcb malnt. •I children's pby I: loc on µto. Will sell 40' yrd J: pet area Heavy or I>', ~ units. Ideal fer 1hake-1'00( co1npl~te!!: thl.9 I.JOME 6'. lNCOME. Drive channlna: home By Owner by :i.20 \'la Udo Nord, then full monthly-tis 113<. F.P. only $21.CWI. SALESPEOPl.E 'NEEDED LWE/OPTION Upper Bay Deluxe 3 BR 2~ bath home Quiet cul-de-sac 1treet. .Try $1000 for opfion le payments of $250/mo. V~cant & ready for your OC· cupanry. Newport •• Victori1 646.8111 Weslclilf Channer New England style \vith 3 bdl'm! 1~ bath.s I: dining ' room + other custom fea- tures. Sho"'11 by appoint- ment. 3.1.1 E. 17th St, C.M. 548-'608 Mesa Del Mar 5 Bedrooms 'Mte cleanest, nea~st home ln this top area. All lilt' kltehen with electric built- inl. Room for boat or trailf'r, Lookins for 2300 911, It. that sparkles? -This is it! &t&-nn 546-2313 Ch $22 000 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll!!!ll!!!!!!•I nd lak Aski NewportBtadl,C.tit.t26ft' . armer'. • Harbor Highlands ~.:i. • "· "" [I). •I Its got everything you ~d. Prime Ne\vporl Beach family $13,580 Devis Realty 642·7tl00 · mu doYin payment. Prt~1.I Party. 962-T68t or -..CO. 3 bE-drooms, 2 baths .• double location. 3 bedrooms and PINE TREE g~e, cov~red ~t~. large hua:e custom family room. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, double v ---SAJ,950. 642-159& · ·call 673-0305 or 67&-324.1 SpartiD119 .... s Fiitered Pilol ~. lot, Just .P!-mted 1ns:id~. A.s-1%. ba,tbs, separate &en'ict ~. R.-llot, close to 17th THREE -TWO -TWO sume ex1Sting 6% G~ Joan or porch, detached carqe. Street shopping. View trom your mlll:iter bdnn ~ living room in this 3 b<lnn, 2',1 bath home hi the Biutta. Spanish lnfiuenoe with many extras 1uch u 1\'et bar etc. $39,9:i0. Immaculate. Don't wait. -LIDO We, vi. Orvieto. s IKk ••Y 1240 .bdrm•. 3 ... "" nn, din ,... ... patio,· .... -With lots of decldnc to .., both.GleamUtc-~ tdc bullt-!na. 1S BR 2 bat1a1 S1a '° loan •• S'U.950. .... , !J. 0. SLATES, Rltr; no down to ~ mut down Close to Westcliff, &bopping Leon Vibert, RHltor FHA. Hurry. and Mariners School Fir:st S4s.«>8ti anytime Attractive triplex on quiet Eastside street. Good record -all filled. Only $43,500. BURR WHITE , Rltr, 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. IACK IA Y IUY' !m, 'bit-Ina. ~ tor t1me ottered. 10% c1n., anc1 I ............................. ... OPEN' HOUSE 12-5 ·appt. ~ely cu.!l:u bl!_~ty ~ =BY=""o=WN=E=Rc=-•=-:Br'"'" • ..,,....,.-.. , ""'am ce ., m&M.tYe •IUI.., frJt!c, bltns, pl.yrm &: ba. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN l.S PM 237 BROADWAY, C.M. 3 BR, fam nn, 1,. bath!. elec. kil. \\ith dishwasher, dblc garage on ~y. Ex· eel_ VA, FHA or Conv. JI· nancing. --ERNIE CLEVELAND only 134.500. "For A Wise BU)'" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-Tm' OPEN EVES. EXCLUSIVE- Excellent 3 BR 1 % bath home Euta~ C.N.. Cu~ tom built kitchen. Entrance lo f&Inily room fmm l:i!aO' patio, beautif\11 landscaped private yani . with Iota of llooA·m. 1860 Newport Blvd., CP.f rutr. 646.3928 Eve. 644-1655 * LACHENMYER -_,RHltor $33,000 Cl.Pe Cod with oversiY.ed gar. 143 Broadw•y 645-0111 age, 5 BRs. master suite Eves. 642~53 646-457' with w&Us ot wardrobe. Large living room with &late IMll Y $1650 DOWN ~ b"'" .... 1a.,,, 1orma1 sepante dining room. fam- ily room, tile entry, cenmic Ule kitchen, patio. 3 BR 1 ~ baths, electric range I: oven, dish\vasher, FA heal, 2 <.-ar gal'age, car- pele<I. Full Price $1',SGO TWO For Tht MONEY ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST m E. 17th St, - 300 Ft. to best beach in New. lmeglne .. AIJ Thia port. Almost new 4 BR I FO.: $20,500 Corona del Mar Custom Outlity Home Parklike setting; you own the Janel 3 BR, huge game room w/lrplc. A rare find at $61!,500. Don V. Fr1nklin, Rltr. 3250 E. Cout J-lwy, Q:ti\I 613-2222 OCEAN VIEWl- CUSTOMI $39,5001 '75<4630 EvH 642-22.13 REOUCEOT0- $20,950 POOL • 3 Bdrm • Fam rm. SlJO/mo pays alJ • 5!~ % lnt. Rind Rtolty 6-4S·2J.40 $26,900· 5 BR 2 baths. Built-in kitchen. 1'~~ place. E lectric garage door opener. Patio. ArtiaticaUy landscaped • Jr. EState alied Price reduced. $2700 dn. Lux. groundi. 54().1720 reatu.rcs. Jrg tam rm, hrdwd TARBELL 2955 H1rbor nrs, frplc, bltns, 2 BA. Xlnt prestige loc. 1 blk KiJly. Furnilhecl Duplex brooke grade schl. E. of Newport lsl•nd Harbor, N. of Baker. Prine 1 Br unit&, Bf gas kits, FA only. 13U Stonefidd. Own- heat. Just redec, in Xi.NT l :""·'°'534-=27~0l~~-~ cond. $39,;;oo, Have loan TRI-PLEX Nr College Park, commitment. • 2 BR each. kll biting., encl RALPH P. MASKEY. Rltr. gar's, income $340 mo. 67J..600J $32,SOO. Owner 642-9192 6 UNITS 5 BR, Near Catholic school. Take over 534 FHA, cash lo loan. wUI consider 2nd. 54!)..2103 8'!~ 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8 . 67UGOO M-3519 Ews. 962-ltple, S6 x 2'' frnt rm, atnls Best ·Udo b $44.SOO ""'"'L.2FAh..,,2\i ba. n41sr.-"" · '1Q·•f.JRA11111t. ' insulated. Good vaJue at • llLUll 642-1272 I~ Luze l ·BR 2 bath. Ni • l:·~ .... run1v.,,i1> Dr>. • ·'";;.;;'"°";;;;.1';,1•;."",;;;;;·;;;;;;1;;;1;;,SS · Only $23,950j·• OwMN!ro"'" . * LOOK *.. Jiork. N...,iy painted • . . HAFfOAL . REAL~ CHERRY LAKE Eollllluff 1242 mo womer, r.v . BY OWNER 1.;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;1DRIVE BYo $13• · p IT f , ""BR'•. •II ...... ""' c-·-.a•y .,10 Rub .... ; .... rm, 2 stone ftplCl!I, n e w Vl'll'UUllllftV a ~ _ J 3 b e d room. cr,it·r . Over 200 sq. ft ot Brand ...... ........ throurhout. Covered ' .6HT new, near -.;,. ~ All bll '--uA-• deck overlook"& fresh waler Inc 2 ator)' I.iv rm, lutb ·u~. .. ... .., more :::e~ lp=t~ ~ = 2qtaba, hSwedish 1$. 3 8dnn. = :;400.u:..P j,n-:.-" UGffTS . y•rw ' -·· ---.. -. ··-11etting; \vilhin % mi, of an -·-- Ba<:k Bay, Loan.,.. be... , , . 't16 ·a·uby WATERFRONT '• by .wnod • ownor w/ holp , $51 500 JI • < BR. -2 BA.; finance. $52.500. 646-3543 1 55' .m water encloMd. 3 BR ~ ba split I~ ~ J.u1e liv nn with 2 Unlts-$23,000 Oo9e to Beach. 6'. Ol.annd Uve in one l Rent one £~ .. "Trina'.' pw. at the fa1» beamed ~UU.. beaut 1rplc, S'l4,500. Alto IO' OD 1oUa ''B!uffl" community. pin den + f.amU)' rm, -. channel 1arp 3 8r. I B&tely used, lavilhly &P.-eluded p1;tio. Excellent cond. dock, $110,IJXI. Con• l • e-; -·-~. 1 .. ~. dally ~ JUlt ..... ., ... aJ>d -1,::leue;;;;'"-;.:;:~-=:i~-=t:i ~;;': ,_.....-~ ~ch. . 1 3 BR 2 '-th. ahalre · IHtWvff le11ty ' , w/w cpt1/drp.11 "~= ""'· ...._ 605 No. -·· ....... 'l!i"' . . . nu. loon • will fin. ,..t 7:: ... 1, l' Near NB Poat ore. 646-itl• E /i S ~ ,B LU.!' F ~ Con-Jayfront ·"'-..,.,.. ~iim· · $60,000 .. Will Trade ROOP-1 TO BUILD Rltr. 642·9'130 Eve11. 548-0720 e KEllNBIY "::!:i:::::::::lrf domhliums. 2 Pde by tlde. SALE or lease, East Ski~. 3 -·-----· • 2'J:iO 9'1· ft. ea. l BR Ir Wrm, 1~ be. Xlnt Joe. FEE comer Joi, ~st Joca-den. '-2• ·BR l den. Ema Large 5% % loan. $2i,500. Uon. $28,900 deluxe oondition w/ choice Expansive use 'Of sW» tn dips, bltlrw, FA beat. thU modern home w/ be.auU.. pr. $14.500. ~a o d w 1 r~ fµ1 view, on Bay. 2 ltm)>, 4 tialton. ts;t.JUl 4 Bedrm. -$13' • month 2 baths. TUed entl')' hall. Electric built-in kitchen. Red brick fireplace, Covered k enclosed patio. m.soo. 540. MJ Suaannah, 54&-1009 klcatlon .I:; Niew. $;>,,(di Ir BY OWNER • 4 BR. I~• BA. 3 BR I: lam nn w/POOL.. $!>7ji00. ~ lit' appt $•::• Lovtly family home, near rJUk W Ritt. . .....,. mo pays all, achooh and Westclitt Shop-C.M. ,InYe1tp\ent Co. SCS-1Tll • &l2-W70 • ========= pin&. $il2,500 --WALKER RLTY i75-5>IO c.._ •I Mir 1211 Mes• Del Mlir llO.S 1720 F1NEST l!.teaa del Mar TARBELL 2955 H•rbor hDnie. With 4 BR. 1%. ha, SCOOP II • LUSK-HARBOR. VIEW HllLS . 4 bdrm!, 2% ba. ocean vlew, FUURPLEX lgc. llv. rm., tam . rm. Bdrm, 3 ... den; + -tnc:om< •pt Huntll)llGn T13E.t.'i' CALL: -!SALISIURY m:ALTY '7,,_ ils Marine Ave., Balboa II. .......... 55' W'An::;RfRONT w/ 'dock. l Bdrm, 'dm, fam n,· nn 2 BA. Divotce $?2,000. 3392 Gilbert 141-mt :>THE REAL 1'\. ESTATERS tam rm, W!l bM, frplc, ro-Centrally located in CM. tWerie grill, formal din rm, brand new home w/tkb !3"1· kitchen with BI and eat. shag tj>ts, BL FA beat. mg area. ALSO, doD hou.te fUl.ly -fncd rear, lndllcp:t, dlb rental that cuta t be Pt.Y· pr. 2 BR 1: b&. Call now! ments in half. All thls on Paul stuart, Rt: a J I o r . large d o " b I e }ot. Call 675-40'1'0 'l'Y.'O bedroom each unit, Perfect for family, $71,950 builUn kitchen. w.w. carpet. Agent, 6'ffi.-40'JO ~ prime 5 unit apartment on lhe entire peninl\11&. $99,950 -worth every pen- ny of 11. Will trade for ~ d\lltnal. Excluaive wtth Newport lluch ltNlty prot Jandscaped. kar rar, --'-'ntaln Val 141 ....,. Wru, . I mo old. Huntl ...... l!Mch 1400 ~ :':'.:~':=:--:::::'-'~ U % Jou, prtn only. $IJSAMOHTH EXICUTIYI 1511 Dolphin Terr Spotless 2 BR, 2% ba, den. elec kilchen. PLUS h~ covered boat·por1, min, Jand- cape maintenance. Reduced to SG,!KXI, CURT DOSH, Re1llor 1730 \V.· Coast Hi&hway MU472 Ews. 6'J3.38 Rm find • $5',000 i .Newport Spanish Beaut lndacpd • .f BR, t•m 1 pn. 2 BA home on lar;:e 71 : ~ 120 corl)tr lot 2 lrp)ct. 1 cri>ta. drps complete, 2300 : IC(. ft W/ aU CWltom eXlraJ. Elimlnatt middle man. Call 54M507 ASSUME my'"~ fHA,.VA , laan. MVST SELL. Nr new btaul 4 BR A: tarn nn hame. $BIO total--dn, $%ll per me ~ all. $62.-8042 • drapes, patio, assume ex-• '•"""BR"°.""'2'"°"B7A.-O~P~EN="'u~o=uSE lstinc financing, walk 10 Nnilf decorated, Lo down major shopping. $31,500. $25,950 owner. se-1740 em. 642-9565 61>16<1 ~~.;. 3807 To,..ide Ln. HO ... IUYllS' -. ,AYSALL • ,_ --f,Nnco --YoU ._ 1hll ...a. WHAT .... do ,,.. W QUICK! 1--------- C•ywood Rtty. 541-1290 OPBI SAT/Sii BUILDERS ATTENTION! Choice' 35' lot at ll8 35lh Sl .. N.B. Plans k exll'M 63ai W. Coast Hwy, NB 2612 ltedl•ndi Incl. if deal.red. SUbordJnate -RAIN er SHINE Adult occupl~ 3 BR home. part. Barxain if sold at OPEN HOUSE Estale sited tot. $31,960 once! 673-5693 3 BR. .......... <11% loon OAVIOSON Rt1lly FOR SALE BY OWNER SAT/SUN 11-5 S4i-6t60 Eves. 549-1058 3 bedroom H'untington Bay ,,.,., RALEIGH sr., CM 4 lltdrm + F1milJRm CordombUum 181,9'1. """"' Rltr, ......,,., ""'· 54&'1720 $22.JOI ......., • llnllllllY "'£.St"'D"'E"'CM~2_,..,_.,.,-:, homo.,.,-....,.+ ll'f'IWM Elfzut natural brick ~ inc. Xlnt cond. 2 BR ea. Nr -..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ..... ' oil -built.., -·•Owner 5'8-1187 -kitchen. ~UUl patio, 2 PENINSULA POINT batlio, "°"' Uk• ,.,.i. 5'°' < BR. 311 Ba. MEDA!LION Paint. decorate tor charm! 1120 t:lectrlc MMe. Dover Shotts GoodlBJ\homooo60x100 TARBELL 2'55 Hubor .,.., 185,000. ,.._1991 L~~l'ii:2°c-. Ro,. .. ylront Homt c..t. Moso 1100 Prime locatlon near NHYC. m-OiO ""° 1o1<, 10' "'°""· ~ $20.JOI. 111% Oown '1DO E. Balboa Blvd., 8alboe. okfv JDbdon.t't)'le homt. New 2 bdnn hou3n, blt·lns. VA R-~'-Complot<ly tum. $300,000 """' landlcaped, 1181 • 615 ,..,___ Call llaal Joett, ANoc. Wttt Willon, $M-16G Em')'Me quaUfies -S9SCI loJla W. Brlas. Rltr. FOR We home + rcnbll down. 4 bedrooms. C A L L m.IJJI m.tml income l:J:l 500 Open 1fouw ~ ~ e\.'ft) Haita&e Fer Dl1l1 Plloc WMI Adi. Sii • 0Stm '1~~ 1161 , TuJtln Real Eatatr. Dial IQ.Sll Avt .• C\l, ~ Rlt.r. lanl V/i. Bir""" l\Yle Wo -tbe -Mesa Verde 1110 _t ' ----rn : Two-atory, tW bedtootn k1khen. 3 iarse Bedioome. We are cdtrq·GJ oi -------OUI, OUI MES AMIS liohie, llli C.0-Boadl. t~ Baths .. OW.red Palla. lH/i-. CORNER lot, 2-1tory, 4 BR Country ~h bl ll.fodem Ore-c'!: ,:t__..... ~n't mfa tbll ontl We bave &m 111 ft with : 2\.1 BA, den, din rm, lncd Ne\\IPOl'l axilce, euy care m " ~'!""-.. ~ •. ,.,......1.m..1,,_•..,,.1 WI SELL A HOME • 3orClldtma, fan:rl9'roca• pool play yd, "'Cn1ry Club, 3 BR/Fam, Mow-in IM· -~~·w .. ,.....,... IVIRY it·MlilUTll A l«mal -'°""' . many rxtras. Ava.ii July MEOIATEMEN'J'. •• $4100 on. Bl! 09.'ril!r; 3 'Bit .• ~ di!m.· 19' w lk ...... l we ...... a pool I • I l<S.500. Ownr. >4>-8519 H1I Plncllln & A11ec, ...... Ip, ,viow lot: 1vall I e. '· 1!11 , . e.e Wbo&e t""p~ • """'1' lot wttli; PRIVACY + la.ndleap'a + 3900 E. Coot 'uWy i7M392 Jiil; 1. SG.?.IO. 5a) DeAnz:a, u: 3 BR + den + tam + · Omtna Htchluxf•. 96243a1 7612 Edklier We haw an u:lltkw ~ • a111Ume mA al f177 mo. Lar .. View Let? (Call 1or t,fPOintmenl) Kl-tf55 .,....., law intft'ttt ..om.bit f Pfrl). Va!Ue at $26,SOO. Room for tennia court, ~ 41J .ACAQA AVE . Optn 2-., YOU 'l'l:LL \JS. ' ,.._.722 boat A trol1u '+ ..,. 'bod-2 ""7 Oolonlal. 31111..l !IA. Ol'IN JIOUll TllAOIWINDS RL BY O\VNER: Mesa Vttde room 3 ha.th, '46-f414 . Fne.d )'rd. tiutt ~. Mo • ~ U tD 5 ~ • or ~:~: ~.~ t!:i [p,11. !;:esiacJ :a·s ""~ :~::. ·~Ul(UlM HOME ,..., CalTert Av. ~ . -.... -hoii 'on 11>1 lot I , a! .41arp ~,... -•" l'UA. .... $ S1t. I REPUBWCbom<,l"""okl. TAXSHELTIR' Hwy. °"""· 151 .$01 . ~ADlt'WI •.J901 _.l• A"""'· 2 1tory, 4 BR, 3 BA. tam Duplex • 1 BR film, 1 blk ITMl• I , I M.L ••. "'"""Jleat(r rm, robut rm. 3 cat pr. .,,,.,.•bay, l3iilll I••:. (0.. VIEW . ,,... _.., J a So! R~A~~ ~ a $.12.900. By owner. $t0-490$ tt ~ tu dedoc) Ttrrlllc -... l/t !Mac nn. le I !~'I!;!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~ BY OWNER. 3 BR.. 2 BA, va1 ..... !31.600; IGUl2 --· Owmr II&-McVAY I' -..,_ "°""t C..,..led. ..,. o..n..tlkr. tlU , ., HI Mii lllo. 127.000. .......... I~ e BY owner < bdr, I ba, iilOiiiialiTl -· ! BR BY ~ • • -ip.19 DOPU:ll; VA. lnG Dalio< .. -I ..... don. 111),lSO Coll ovto I bol!io. F" ........ V-vn .. _ • sir, • -IR. -•- IS<I · l>m nn ~--Weit • -Needa~T Find tt witfl • Wtnl Id! ... $50,0lll.,llJ--_. ..;...,,. -$""· m. wllot lilt t SOCKITTO'EMI 5Widi.-wuta4now. 12t,ll0. t1Mm DAILYPDDr I I I ' frW,,, Aloi II, lM DAl"Y NM a.Mil~· ..... ,., , .. ,.... -....,. ,, I klU:li ' •• ..,, . ··~ NI-An IJ :'4111 SAi.i UNTAU ., . .iALI ~;.AU llNTAl.I RIAL llTATli RIAL ISTATli ·~ ~ ~ •• fMwll\IMW ..... ·~·•••....._. ' .,.,.,..... · Alfi. ........ llllM ChMrel ' ' "~l1 1 C'Mwwf '•:'!·= J?!! '.-. -. . ..... •• -··--· .... ·~ --. • ,. ~ · 1 ........... ... ,.:or:,., .. .., ~ -. • lliii1•w..,,..: -.. •100 , I . . ... :. t2&'" fdl, 2111\IM.Nll'""" ~ DllUlll2Ba2----lo\ ~I IU$; l Ill. 1\> • ~ l • ...... • o4 ~ pool, ..,, to 1ldll ___.... 6 IJdl ... I --Jeolllal' W 2 Cooisilr> illsb In JIH& Y-. I 1 •-'"6o: wi.r. · : , , -· 1116 IOolt, •• Ava,!! -tao. Oauflo 'I' BR -w/Plol.~,... ~ -. 213, 1}3-llPI -OJC. BuitrlWOI 'I«"""''-..... a.ut41 " II , JI ---Ill modlolo -•. nl~ -'6150 -wlw. AYdallio. ""' o:r;;._ ·llnhomllMI • ,..., Mir· Gill -"""• "" -• ...._ •'4!.·-iii!1 ! Ill. 2 "" w/;, -.._ , . -~ " , NB -......:...... ,_. lloiot -~-~-;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;! ltouAS "°' SAi.i . • .. CL~..... . i "'::i::..~ ......... -~ • -;i;' :·. '!. ~=-"""""' • . • 5000 Ullllt I llit i ilO ........ ........ • . • NCH . =a,~t-"~ .. : .. :' ........ ,m ,. .. °"-•·-.~ " ·.'!l,.., "U!-;---.--,.,...,.. JDUL ·1"r ·~,,,.... COUN11Y, ~" ··::;::::::;:;:. :: ~:~11 ""L ,.,.,~ .. ~:::::: • ~ ilfi· 3 ifil 11.5 iL --. · · e a ~ · • ""'" ctMl/&-p.., ~ en ct.J ~ Cotta Miil $12 • · ..-..r ................. u• tAN<N•I ........ , ••• ,:,'I BMmCALO llAY • Lcvtb a.; .. bltrw. rtfric, ~ •n "·· .MA." "'.. ~J "*'" urnltilrt: tit~,~_ •• , ....... , ttr"wk. ~-. 2 Puttlt, °"' ol 33 Uf'f!t at ... D .............. ::::c11•u1•••"u ............. ,. _ .. _. ___ !·-· •-tOJC.Bkr."1•11 .... 1-•w• szo UI s·o-, ... n'IO.-· .. -,-.• -,, ..... ... !'MIC ., .• ••·••••·"iliM 'CJIUeE ........ --;,,,.,, -.-• Tiii'~• ....... ,. ~ • .-. ""' • -• • • ...... • ..,_ .-• "'"'• -·t : 't.IACN ........... ,,, UICI: 11:\.SINOftl .......... -btdnn home with convtl'U-• Sllwk.;. ' DELUXE 1 llidrm.·• l ... ·-"?•!?!' ... 38 llael II SU0,000: ntlf T Mlt1Nt1'1 •••••.•••. 1 llSCHtT ~ltOf"lllTY ···•··· ,. • -• -~·u. ~-01110 BUY ;.:,._;...;.;.. -COYt• .......... tt\i oa""°1 co. P1t0t>~TY .. ,.. w.~1 2 bath• bWltln ·C..t• Miu. a111 •· -. 11 "' --·~ cpiU; drpl,.. bit·•· m · A. Wtklomar. '"1JI i. whrr1 the F-u ............ ............ ........ >iftchtn,vltw. ...... i.'oonvtn. ---l •UdVW,APboai".lltr'V, lR.eOiettalOc'fA~) =· N.ll. m a. ...... ,u·u bl· thorqhbnd rancbll TC••T ... ~., ........ ,.1. MUUN'rAIN& .... f , •.... 1 _,;,,,_, u --.~•••~>.> ~ •• •ft u _ ... ,,. • , -A.-.,.,... '6 -.. .. ..................... ,.,..... .... .... .. ...... ·JciWad $11,!l()O. "" lllNTAl: . -_....... •.• v-... • -• r TO LIVI IN . .,., ll .. utllul, -""" ' ..,...n ............. !!!. tlAL 111T1.Te sa•vtc• .... 51· l ,, .. , •New cat.~ lari' · ' · H.fl.~C. -·-,.,. Ft1' ~m•~·. Juot Stulh .61 Latce TC~ll'f' '. . ........ ·-t.E. llllC .. ANGll ,.,.,.... SDYICI 2:111 N w....... "'-5 ... & PllO --&·"' Ml ,.....,, • .s ........ ': •· 1. WANTlO .......... IRV·JNE t'OVE • Dran1allc · • ""P0&1 GIYa_ ~ ftumkvrt Aentel1 WMtcllft J~ ~ . Ell!nort· OI 38S: far. more .,.un.v.,...• .......... , 1 :....o.:.-. ~ ·1vith to ...... --a-•......., • To-w Uon pleue c1JI fltffl& ~.1 ··· ............... 1:1 BUSINESS and ~• ,l'I ~ ~ .. 7 , r -1 • ........ bll,,2 :U:7 W. lttb C.Pit MW4l1 2 BR 1\i bl. TowMoue, · vnn,-•••• omw. ·' 1ACk .,..,. · ................ l FINANCIAL 1 Di.VOi' EKtra hla:h b&thl lp.00 per mo; CIA Dll.tiXJ:, tpWaw: w,drm. lMt w. Lncln. Anhm. rrc-;s<io Drive alowll !'J ~ Oranp . Glenn Thori!PIOn with =:t"lt'Jt••c•'·;::::;:;;::::= •u•••Ess OPPott111•0111t ... ce~I . ~hout, t'&dia11t FWn. •"" .... ,. -.._ .-rm 2 .. e. . tncd t•" !..~i~.;; :a:i~~ Joo~~ Avenue (corner-MOnl• vi.. ~lckhoff .a A.alee., Inc. ML ................ ! •U•INllS WANTllO .... bea UI home' patio mar-_.. -r-u .... -· Pl:\o pr, pa.... ~. la)·.Y~ ,IH,t ddwct Wllts . 1111 W .. CN.pman Ave. :::••"~.: .. -::::·::: IHVllSTMUT .., ......... .iii hie entry, dininr nn for U, Healld poel Amplt,..... w/W. J\dc .. Avail. aow. ~H :'.~,ti onl)t. SUO/mo. with ~ roob, llreplaon ~-. caJll, •• ,,..,,,,,..,,, wl•Tto .. ~ .u No -'"""~-.No -. ~ ~ .._..,._ u, ..... • 1f:t1"05 .::::::::::;;:1111 MOJl•Y TO"°"",, ........... 6a te&li cablnttt , in klk:htft. OIANOI COUHl'Y'I ~ • di"" · -ac> , _ &. p1iva~ IUdtA palioe. 541..ml, ZVU.wlmds m-IT21 Ltoa 1.uMo · ....... l•i ~==~rvL~~':' :::::::::~!: ~ tam11,. rm · •IFP. a LARl.llT . ' ~ . c..te Mell 5100 lut llvff 5242 For dtllfll call Mr: Ferlu."'J;i;!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'.!!'!'f ~=~:::m: ~i~titll ·::::·= ~·\'4,J,.ltf~"& ·::·:::: II· l#dl'mi,"-.Fti&tl)i~ tieaiitlfql m •. 11th. St. ,. ""' t.. "'::.~./II-~~-' IOU QI" Mr. Kruter, 5:t6-23lS '~---~UMTAIM YALLIY .......... 1•11 ""'M•loP.__ ._ , .,,.. vltwa of ble.r:h 6' nrf . • • NIW Dll.UXI • ,_,......., 6200 n•L au.cw ··· ........... lUI MOflllT ~.. -.• : ., '* $115.,000 JMMEJ>, IA. TE POSSEiiiON Jilxurlom •"ts 11n ttl'I .. -. R • bl. ~ --·-~ W'"·-·a ~ .. ~s.r. .. •::~:1··:.:·::::.::-.:::~ AHNOUNCIMENTS T~r A..McNtes •BR. 2 bath~,.... tall: rm. 6 ~ Adlaltl; 1HI BOR 31.: !~ au':.'·•. 61 "b:kA ctbl:'i15o Pt;•A :J=" · ·:::::~:::::::·::: -4 N9flCES 1B2 No •• Cout Blvd. pet.s A chlet, all .bWJt..W. ' & Pttt. t'llO ,_,.. AV... nn. " dbl. prqe, 1• with' temU • No1 coullfTV ..•......•.. uM ,~•o c,_,... .............. I..asuna BHdl.· <1l4J •11n QWlt lttltl·A101mQ •. CAIL jail llNth et 11th 8t. GREENS d<»"" ..-...a. PICil ·A 4.7-ACRE ...-..... 1 ... Avocado UT 0' COUM'f'r ............. 1• LOST ............. Mh JACK HAMMOND Silt-US! ::t:US.: · ' '"""''"-""-&&ST BUY·Pt11J1l SeU! ,. ............. ,. UTO,tTATI. ................ WI NllSONALt ................. 'NWNHOUSE 2 Bll 3 Ba., rec ........... Kr. -~ 'u-·-. •••r.M lf09r inMOITOHUll.Oclap •W1"DN .................. t,U· ,, .. ~u"'olltttt ········~ ttt1 Income Unth Herltaae RMI t.tate .., ·""' It'd. .... , Oiurch 4 8Choal A: eoror.. .,,, _., --•-.. 29~ d ISTll\INtTE• ................ 1•11 OUITMS ·;-·'"'"' ...... '611 . -. p•Y. ;,-.... a u .... pr.;· 'IACHELOR . UNfVR,N. 1-J BR.~ aa. Bi. lot vl'C .. ·. ,., n. ~ IDWA'r <ITY ................ 1611 l'UN81AU ' \,) .......... .,'6lS ~~"'¥i' ~JI $210/mo 1ae 3 8R ~ pool., clijbJ)(>Ult. Oishwahr, 'frolll s11· 0 del Mar Jlleb. ' ,,... Ol. ' &.ll 0 ACRES oft Cow)ty l'Old. TA ANA ................ 1m P.t.10 "''llAIY ., ........... Mla LDC ,,, 11 -·"-bl• 1... ........i .._ aD uta-. 4 ...... ~ ,._,, • ONLY -• ._ W. tvt, L& Habra 113 _ T MTA ANA NG15. ............ lt::t PU .. ll.U. OllllCU«t ......... ,. •. Oft -W)'. ....,_._.,.., V"'U~ -• -~. "'1111"1\1 ... .., OPEN. (213) ~ . ........ emu. ' IANOI ............ 1m fLO•usn ............. ,. 150 )'di trom Beach., 4 le tte. center. ·No mtlnl 5$.3115 ALSO AVAlLABLf; 137..m. Ar'4leM Way. N.8. L7 ACRES with utilities. l~': TUSTIN ·· .. ::::::::::J::: ~~-=-"' .. ,,-::::: .. ;;12£! APf~Uillii,---Mido ~t A A4111fl. 5'MOT4 . ATTR. f\&m 1 txt,m, wtw 1 • 2 6 3 BDRM. * TIACHllS Sl.000 dn. Name your tettna. LV~~ooCAMvh ·::::::::::::: ~~~:::::::::..,, food 1ener1.1 cleihu,. fO. VD\Y Nan 3 BR 2 bath crp!f. lee cup board• c!:~A':1:;:':9-Coron•4tl Mer__!.11_! ONLY* l\fORSE 'MeOONALD, OUMAMILLS ................ 1 .. CllMSTll'I Ca'r,r• ......... till TEf'lTIAL ltjC01tf:£ EX-MtM cfel MIJ' hqae lot cloeeta. "5. Leue. JOOi . JteaJtor \:A•UNA 11...cw .............. 11'1 tlt•IAATHl'h ............... CEEDING $10.000 .1.111l1111AL. _;;; A.t '-"···~a · Newoort Blvd No pttl IDowed f unl11 on a trtt-shl.ded lot uo·So. Main, Fallbtook 1.A•UNA IOfUll ········•••• ,,.. Ml .. IAL PAAICS ............... L-. _.. .... .._ .... -:-i._···v "41'{.mon, .... M-«l . ·• ---~ ... , ........ _ . ""... : ... -' ................ ~~ (!14) ·-...... ~ ..... r;.::-cn~.T•i.io .. ::~:~~; ::fl.r.=t.-.'IK9=·:::::::::.: MI!srONUALTY ~ Sl35(MO. '· s1t. a.r.,., ii -NICELY ium 1 a ·;~;;Mamo.·c;...,-M~ ~ ~~~~~ $485·u;; ,_._., A'UTtAND 11.t.C ........... 1111 TltAYIL .... .. ............ 18.5 so Cotlt '·-... carpets. No chlldren. ptt! GI' lpt G1rbqe dilpl, drp& Stl-<.01'0 "'D,. ,,,.,. month $39 950 tull prlct 10 ACM;S nr. Palmdala vie. NA NIN1 .................. 1nt Al• TIANlll'tl,TATION .......... • • , ' ---bac•·~. ••• --• 5. No Pt'" Mlulla •"'"· •-t ... ~,,· 10•' .. n"·n Tta·•-rs' Lake l.ol . A!plts., M13t QAILSOAD ....•........•..••.• ,11 .. AllTO TltMIPOlt'TATHMll, .. ,,..Md ,,.._ • ..._ ¥• ~ '"'I .... """''u ·,,. qvw o;i"" · $3 ~AMSIDI ................... llli LISAL ltOTIClil . ..... .... ~smE' bd 2 ba ~-t • tut mo'• ... 2162 ON ---·-l!S r .. n Now.' . sell, E-Z. Terms. ,000 Ptr 01100 .. ,,. ....... , ... 1m OlllMAN a TllTO•IN9 MM I UNIT •• ll JI!,-, , W1w etp, Mll:lllr , ..... ~ ~ , Ae Owner B46-1.0l9 111101 couinv ......... 1 ... ShVICl'"DtllCTOllY _.A TMINT yd, patio, 2 ear rar. adlts, BACH. Apt., fUJl kltch., VIDiUUU t 1: 2 Bft J'UrD Ii: Unfurn 646-1171 ~2313 --=·=·======'°' Ill TO 01 MDYID ...... l .. ACCIOlfNTINt · .... that ... .,, ... I'-" N ' bath cit • !tr -W "·· ~-•· .. ltOOMlNIUM ........ 1•· ,..,.. .... .a.vie• • rwY wcu. r new no pets. poo Yr. 6'13-7e:B. :: i an• a . _., u . Frplcs I Jjrlv. pauua1rvuu. lt...rt P-rty 6205 DU•lUIS •Ofl SALi ...... ltH A""LIA..C• •IPAlfll. ·;.;tt· Qll t'Ond, close to all amenldee S BR 2 aa ,,_ ••. •-· NIOO pakl. IGa40J.4 AMS TenDll. Contnt'I Bkflt. put---c' ·=~""c__;.;;c.. fPAtTMIMTt '°• IALI . tM APML1 ow. ,._ of ait;y,.ProcftM:01"a GJlOSS ~ _,_, ... ., SIQ.B ..... • INTALS 1AUTO 1ti,1i1as"': .. :· -INaJME i $13 ntiehborhood. $250 ~ AOL 111t. for Y•om&n; tinl pen. FOR RENT rum ~1ammoth HouMt furnilhed AUTO. Itel ...... T-.. Ste. '* ....... _ • ,000 yrty. Call S40-42'T9 utU. paid. Carport; avail. 900 Sn. Lo.De, OdM 144-all Mou n t • I n Condominium, - IA1'1Sfnlll9 .· ...... Mlt ·-over 1.6% lo&n 6: own-· 4!l!1i U1 B'w•v ,..., ..... , .. ,_._...__ID' ""'--_. ffoh~) -•--l ~ .,_ ~N•tAL -HAT MAV'Tllll.UICI ,., .... ·• ._ .. .:u aid I• "'·~--the l-BR.. llv. rm., kitclt. &. • ._ • .......,... 3 BR STUDIO IM ~..,-'.._. ., ............ __ ' __.pg vi.........., MTALS 1'0 5MAll.1 ........ UIClt, MAIOMllY. ate. ......... "' •"I ,,...,.....,,.; 1;; •-• PD •·-• ' ' ========:I ottA MllA ........... 11M .us1Nua SPYKIS .; ...... • balan<:e at 7%. r u LL bath, uni., plils sep. 1 Br. i:. """'"""'u. , I bdrm F'Utn. POOL 9Wllnltll llentlt 6060 Ex-~--. ~-I. 6 • .., tA OIL 11\Aa ........... '111 IUll.Dllfll .... : .......... 6SJ1 ba. $150 54S-33lG MiSutt adulta. $100. 2J3iii LGE. 2 Jb'., fpt, eptl. drpa. -"" .- DA •••o-:~· . 111, ur•••• un PRICE ino,ooo. Elden Ave or bltns, patio; So. or hwy. • LANDSCAPE architecta ---"-"-----f Ll•I '" ............ CAIHllTM.t.&I ................. Loi Pldrea Rlty' 4K.aal3 3 BR. hse, ~ -••e, •"•-, ..-• ' ..,_ .... ...., -..... _.._, D~-~ .. -·-··• o•"-EIGHT uhits, all two WNllT o•ACN ············'* ua ... MTlllH ............. ,tstt ~ ""!"' -""• ADULTS ONLY -••-... 5 • &oo;I'~ ............ ..,....., ~T we11. .............. 211• cllMflftT, c_.. ........... Mil ·OCRAN VllW&I& ~ Jam rm w/ trplc, dbl 2 BEDROOM a..~t with pool, _ ap&et conunerdal or in-bedroom, t.-11 buildinp on ""°~'11"°'111 :::::.:·::: .. =: =~:tlJis~.:::::::·:.I: a:ar. $2'25. ~ eb!Jdren O.K. no pet&. 221.i lalMe SHO dustrlal. 2500 111 400) aq ·r.-11 1tpan,te lots with tr. y1a sN011u .............. un u1.in <LU.MIN• ..... MU l"RIVATI IEACH NICE 4 BR 2v bt. ho-.. , dbl ~Dr. 5'3-2104 1741 Tustin Avenue ft, Corona dtl Mar, Newrr.11 div.idual t1nanclne, all with :ntLI,, ............. mt u•,•T UY•G & alPAll "'' ,... "~ Qu~t, OOuu Bachelor off 171h Street GRACIOUS Adult Llvtn:. "rr builtin Id ht I • liw111rrr ,A•• ........... mr_ 01M11a1111 . . ... "6all 2 Br, 2 Ba. ()pell beam, teak, p'.r, all tilttns. $200 mo. Bkr. C -·-•• 41 ........ •-..... ... ,,, clo Beuh, Colt& Mea aru. te n,000w w "'>' Y ... I .. . . ............ Dl:MO&.ITION . . ........... .. &lass. Quiet vt road low ~7Uf . lm Santa Ana Ave., CM ••t• • ---uucU .. '-7 view .• pa UI LEASE--PURCHASE. Mr . and drape• $15, ~chanse ST ILUFP' ............. UCI 0 .... "1'1Q SltVK:I ........ 6&» •M p . Nd ............ .,., • ., --• 2 8R. 2 BA., "''"' in Dike, .,..,. i:t:.,_. n&,000 Mn1j+u Jor three !•v1t111 T1••.M:• ........... ,,. 11..1CT1icAL .............. taxes ...... ooo. $4000. down. ~ ...., -NEW GARDIN APTS. ~ ... ~ v DIONA DEL MA• ........... ml IOUWMINT" .... TAU·........... Shown by •PPl 6'2--0IM7. Meu v ........ -3110 F1JRN. Bac:lt., utll ftalA cloMtz, btautif\d. cupeta I; FREE DESK -.A"""' . 'bedroom ttsldence to $25,«0 !M.OOA ........... ., .. :ac..,1 'l!NCIMt ................ M# ....._ ....-. 1-BDRAI. Modtm ldlchen w/ ~ ........ riU .,._, Bolt slipo ...c ~ in ~-Coun•· B"-·~ -· ~~1~tfNoS '.'.:::::::::::::m: ~~:!~i'iiiP:AtlS;·i·tt:·::::·::: 2 BR CHARMER , LOVELY t M,.;... 2 >-.; + Adlllt only. Nr. 0 .C.C ranie ~oven, dtahwuher, ~--te~ta~Subtartne&n . omall lbQp in exchaJip for u ... ,.e v ,,..._...,..~ la.r" KU.No ., ........... .uu_ l'UtNITU•• 11ne111M redecorated, new .Ihle c-pt, -~--,... .,.., 5*-fi079 ete. Enclosed 1ar. Olympic puk1lia: 673-3l03 takine me~s, del, Call $60;000 TO oh 10 acres of 0~ :~~·.~. :.::;::::::::::::= •Aa~:::::1sN1N• ......... :: drapes. $27,950. own e 1 , =-~r~ !i bl~ 1 iii fu.n. all utu lncl •W. siu Poot B-B-Que 6' laundry 3 Br, 2 .... + den. $300 mo 5'6-U7I Eves. ocea.nvltw land for clear i~.~~M· iucti········ = o11111fto''*"Lc;11,_..., ....... ::I 494--8463 IUMf17 ~-AdWta 6 4 I-5 2 7' • fac. Elec A: water pd. From SPACE available, IOOd b:a-houee. 487~mo fDU .. TAI" VALLIY .:::::::::2•11 :ms NO, DIK.' .. ~.::::::::::: .... -5 -( -981--1740 $1JS mo up. Adultl only, yearly lea.toe. lion, ](W S. .cout Hwy. ·• I W f·' 6240 s11.\. 111icH ............ :we e111,. TMuMo ., .............. 1.. an ltmente 1710 New-rt • ..., riiS 2n w. WIJID.n. or "2-Mm. IU~R WHITI, ll.ttr. Laa:. Bch. Ideal for artiats ."" • an -· ....... , .. ,'o"uHTY .............. = 41.iN SlfO' ................. .ilt . r-l200 ; 1-BR. tum .. utll. pak!. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 0• -•umth ••• _,, .. H~AANA .... :::::::::::::,.,, HIALTNCLUll .............. ,,.HOME on -It course:.,__ No praae. SJ.nale Adult 67" ··-I ·~-.... • U<Ll -~.--w·NT TO SILL? "' TIO ••\i MAULING ............... ,..,,. •" o3ll.ll --..._ U• -~ Ytl !"'69~ --~ M MINI · ................ MOUSKLIAllflHe ............. ,,. Oemente: 5!i% mortp.ae· I/I -· .....-. ,,_..._ 3 BR l'.4 ba bl · Off •--· ' "!M~'.."1 io"n·::::::::·~~ ~:!i~aT ... i:cEco••T1~~.::~:::= Sale $37,500. (2Ul '31-5127 • EASTSIDE: Quiet 2 Br. I. oven. \Vith r.1:;~. Hunfl,..,_--INCh 5400 Ice AWnt.t .d070 Call. F&rfO!i and itart pac~ AL .............. r,: ,.°". Onlll!IMllL l:k. ......•.• ,. -TowNHousE Dec. hltm • .,.0o. Adultl -uouNA eucH ini:! : :~:~:L .............. i: 1•0"111• ., ................... '1. Cenclomlnl lf50 ,Split Levell bdrnu.. baths only. 381·.B n-•o. ec.m Wollt·McCar"-. Rltr1. .., .. __ .... ,, _-, 1..,1 ........... .,,,. 1N1uu.11N• .................. ''" um ...,..., ... EXCWSIYE -..---L1.M 11:'.lNO ....... ms 1"1u1t.t.Nc• ................... •rn Doutle & a r a & e, ca.rpets, BACHELOR Apt.. 1 aduJt 1810 N rt Blvd C.M , . ON i'URES'i AVENUE ~::~':le" ... ::::::.,. ~::~~~~i:l'"°· ~ .. :::: \VATERFRONT ~aut view, d-.plc, Firepla~. eltc. only. $80 ?.lo., utU. pd. 2llG-f'\V:S.ms " · ON·THE-l"&CH UMA '°IMT . . .......... 1u• JIWILflY ...... , •• Ilk. ......... 2 bdr 2 ht.. pool. boat llip, bullt-lN. ADULTS ONLY •• B On.nte Ave .. C.1\1. .,.. Desk lpCN aYlilabJ.t in er.,.. County'• ;~~~~=·.c.0:T~ :·:::::: .. : ~=~ .... :::::::::::::::::::: 001 m-5170 ~~ ••••••.• : ........ -~!month. • N···· .. ~·--. * Villi Pomo111 2 a 3 .... ,...,. ..... :v: 1oce:= ::::~ . L•r .. •t . MtMMI• ••MT•U ......... "11 MAIOMtY, oaM:IC ............... ;JIE~TA'S '"" ~.. 1 :--, s• r.-Pool~ Lwrur.f Uvln& to pleue tht I_.._,.,_ .... _.... • ... --"' 193· E. 17th St .... ·-· 'OllOOMINIUM · .......... ,..?Ht MOVIMe a ITDUGlll ......... 4"11 W' "' -·-s -n.. .__ --=no -........., --~ eu,L1••s FUIM ............ 1tH PA1wTiN1, Pa..-._ ...... iUI HovMI FurnlthMI lclY & leach ln E. 22nd St. IG-3Ki WM:1St dlleriminabnl· l'ID• tiootd. c<lttd. bl&l.IWW G~ ikO'er lrandernd lllto ~ENTALS PAINT1NO, s1ta ,. . ...... -.s _ tfi . Costa 1'fesa '1 newe1t &. ltlOlll available at "'°eled oarUtiooina-Two the area iieeds a 3 or-4 ; Houm UnfurnilhM :~~iUi>wY ": ;·· .... ::::: lettt1J1 te· Share. 2005 ..... Dov ".!!Y~.!.nc· 2 BR dlan. ~ Ih1>s. Din 1uxurioW1 apta now rendnc ""I ffgnfl-'"n entrUOea: hon. Mii• ·on BedrOom .... me · '""'t under elMIUL .......... ltlt PLAfTla1Ne. '•tell,, •••Ir' ...... ~ It..,.-., no Suite 221 Rm, Gu. Ex Loe. $155. Unfur. 1 l: J Bib. Adults •H "II.. Fore '"Y ,..,. A MllA ...... ., .• ·\'··:!!· '1.UMIJMG .................. EMPLOYED ~'"""' 0 eek •. f6.2G)O Eva. S0-1968 545-911? or unt nl.o ,st """ rear ~~to us.~· l will ,.,. m)' OWll .... DlL MAil . .. .... ....... II •IT•VltOOM.... .,. ~~ Ouy No pttl, 18 Pomona . 1 'Mtindpal piriina Iota, 1flO Cdlna. C&ll tn)' Braker:' 1st1::•::.ic: ... :::::::.~:·:1:: =:.:e:.z~clt,IN···:::::::.::::m home or apt. to lhatt DfLX apt .,.ciowl 1 Bdrm. Ave. just llOUth af 18th St. PICIHc m . Pl!!I' .llKCI~ ~ lip-.' DtM \Valktt' Let: at 14~ iwl"Ol:T •u.cM ............ SHI •uMP is1v1e1 ............. ffll w/~. beach ire a. BEAUT 4 BR ~~i bl bomt. pool, ~ tor bachelor NE-Y -·abd cbaili aftilabJe tor .,. 1wl"OllT MMn ............. 1111 100,111• ........ ................. 673-&W. eve1. steps to ocean; fully eptd I $13). l913 C"'•-\o 5tl-flG.l • ...-.. --IUSINliS$ ano 8Wf'Ol.1 SMOltlS .......... Jnl U.DIO. a .. in. •1t. .......... 1m G'"' • •-,~ ~ (••21) 10 drpd. 2 car pr. $(25 mo, .......... DECORATED ..._ bcal WWtrlD& FINANCIAL ' YSMDIOI .......... l .... ;uas llEMOOELING. •E,Alll: ... ~ .... iu: .... ..... ,...i., ,..__ $110 mo. incl uW. '·-e 2 BR :w/••--flt!:., 7U Ocean A~ .• H.J lletvicl •'f'a!lUle .... llO.•c_;.;;.""';;.;;."'-----·1 vl•·SMDHI .......... 'J' .... lb1 •OMOOILIM •• ICITCMllMI ... ... lhan 3 Uft 2 BA ...___"' ~·Y· ...... be turn. .__.& --~ <fu.ol ... .u1..i~ _.... . ·-11'.STCLI"!' ................ na sc1sso1s 1M••'1" ....... ,,u , 1 6tt ~-==-... .,.,. : , Propltrtiei ·we'if: .. F.uftsilhed ·t~ledtbom DilJ>Oll1. lardener.lt water ('114) a1cn ..,,.. u ... -"""""' &ftilllt Bue. Opportunltl• 6300 N1v1as1tv ,,a•K ........... mr 1tw1H .. ... . .... IHI ap . ,......_, l03I u--ide Dr . _ .,.,,. '75-al$ -t.1 N lcbool telepbona, . vY11:... .. ......... M,un s1w1N• MAcN1N1 a1PA11s •Nl ROO ~· ··~ _.... t1r -OIEZ o•-AP··~-s . DAD..Y _., fYp •.u•cK VENDING · IVIN8 Ta&llACI ........ \"7>.ms U:l'TK TANKS. a-a, •lc. .. "'9 M1.tATE service, male B" l 2178 Placfntla Ave., Apt, B n.u tu'-••.._~• .-""""'' 'I"'"" t01DN4 OIL MAfl ........... IUI TAILO••N• .. .. ............ ,,. or female. EUlclent II. 5 n. BA; " &ere. ·N· -..... 4•00 • • •• •110 .• .!234. Atlanta m FOltDT, AVi2«11! ROUTE AVAILAl'I JALIOA .................. >:• r1a.u11 CONTltt.. ............ ,, Absolute s~culilon 6 ~ • -LAGUNA B&Aal .. • ,.,., ISi.AMOS ................. Ult TILi, cartmle ... i~i..'"""··''M qUalified. US-.2100 . New 1·2 Bedroom.. h,v ~ , · . . PART OR FULL TfllE ,..oo t5Lli ................ mt TU ... L ......... -:i ·" ........ 71 aoiieous view of hill5. ~ SINGLE Youn& Adults Lux-OCEAN bnne upper Apt eltctric _... ..... ,,.Leo.t.11LAHD ..... _ ....... nu T•••·••••1e11 · ...... :i. ........ WORKINGalrltoaba.reJovo. mo on ltue '*'1N 'or _,......,, ts 1.. lt:e' 3. BJ\ l%. .._Avail. -'Y -~·"-''·---?.fan or.woman needed to "8Wl'OllT WllT .............. ms T•LIYlt~....,.. •k. "·'* ly •apt. w/aame· N-'t. •• 11 ·~ ,. ury & ... ._.. AP w .,, coun-April 15 ~~/mo. -Ca-536-.J927 or 536-mf 011,PICI' RINTAL »ervice . vendi""' route tn UMTllMTIIN OIACH ... .. ..... U,NOUTta : . .. .. "" • ..... ~-' -.. dub ·--• n d --p 'W ·-~ ... l!'flMfTOfll KAllOOUfl ""~--Wl:LOING '"' Bee.ch 66-03&4· M""6IOI . ..,, • .,. DO!o" Uuo::r>..,.,, .. n 3300 Sq, n. otftce bWlcllnc. your atta, complelely ~stab. iif::r:~c=AU~~ .. ::::t:!~:::'J JOBS & EMPLOYMENT . ' ~ TOWNHOUSE 3 Br., 2% COZQJlltCe privacy. SOUTH ~ 1 '}· p:f or S J::1' ~ Private Guqn All or .put. Suitable tor lisbed by oompall)', dlitribu- aolN ••ov• .............. 1111 Joo WJ.NTIO, ~ .. , ... ~····"°' c;;;-Mlle ''• • · ,2100 ba. w/w cpts, drJ!, ~-~y a.UB APTS. Irvine at z.-DELUXE 1 BR' blttno, cpb, medical, de.ntal, ltborttoey, tinr NUMBER 1 LEADD in e •IAC" • 2111 'oa W""TID. ,..._, ........ n» . Flied patio; elec. bltns, ~ ltttl Ntwport ~ ~ hit ..., la T •-HI t4uNTy:·::::::::.: .. :,... Jos wAAn:o. · ctr far, pool. $213. '42-mt (Il4J ~ G -. Mutt L. '"9 drpg, frplc, 1ar, Pfl,tio, W/D ~ •c-. w, etc. op"' !l\aclu and candy. Ext9lltnt ~~.~~·-· ················::; =•~?~==~P ·:::::::::::::::: '!:cfe3_~~~. J::w~~w ", 1 BR Oldl home firepl STEPS 2 ~ac / ti ;.. hlrup. Adults, no peta Nr ca~ incoroe part-time or tun. NO JDWl.Y CITY .:·:·:::::::::::::w1' AOINCIU. ................. n• • ..,, IF" r • . .• To bead\; mDd. 2 nna., w w C'P • ,.., Edwanb" \Varner 147-3353 FOX COi\IPANY SELLlli(G. Require• rell&bl~ to.11~•~"" ~···~.~.:::::::::: ::~r'rt:.':!-,.,,..._··:::::::·; 6, nn Rural Pr. f1S-40t2 aft hdwd 11oor1, nr Richard'•. Br-., tpt •• be1m ceu·a . .n i;•i~i:S~KAPTS. BR.AND NEW 2 &. 3 BR. m-9495 or 642-6999 local penon with 3-? 1»ur1 ~:tt:: :r:::L ·:::::::::::::=: :~1NcS._·Nt~~:::::!m J5 ~'::.or St.~~=-~~ !:a.i~St;, N.B. Yrb :-=:~ .)'l'Qo. leue 16 E. 11th. C.Al. 8G-347f :.:.'moN.r Cl>B•"·'"""··>,. ~~ ~~""'wmo.1 .. , =~·~~rx:an:t N CLINMTI ............ , .1711 oc-. <Nt-UCT OH . n, •"""'_. •-• 'fWf ,,.,..,,... . . .......... li'U """~ ''" 1 · .... 7• Tropical tttUn&: Jor adlls. 1 $115 PER month. Modem 1 3 BR 2 be.th. O:lndo. W/w Mf--3957 l'Olldl-..1 .... , ;...-.t..... " oec~ by inventO'l'JI. Wrltt: ,ITT .... llO II.ACM 21• JOO , ... ~, .... " . .__ · ·· 1... Ii . c.r.... .. Mtr nJ0 '-"'• _....... 5nrick1 J 71 Cua " '°INT . ..;:::::::::,, .. fNIATIKAL . .. ·-"" Blk &hops. 1$, 1$M.4180 -·-bdrin apt. }day lat to JW'lt earpettnc, bit-in Dvtrt, l'&llle sterttali&I MJ'\rict. • nc., 0 ·Linda ONOOMIMtUM .......... ,,,. MERCHANDISE FOR. 2 BR furn r--i.-i.i.-2 •• .....a __ •lw, _, 15th bttwHn Ooean A Ila)'. &. diabwuber, Double pflo 1 -· •-~-h 570. I OrMrt Comity Bank Blda:-PJ.ua, Suite 35, D.ilu Tau ... ~':t11a~:;~~"'.:::::::;::; SALE ANO TIA.DE poo1 • mft7~ ... ;~ 1:.:U:,-si'M:·~til. ~ * 113-NSI * a,t:, 2 JIDOh. No peta. $11)/ _.. ... ne ~ ' at E. 17tJt sl!ftt mta. IndUde ~ numblr. ~TALF> l-L-..1 ~:rJ:"'::lHirci1:1.··:.:::::: = Adulta. Call flC.Q5 AL!O: 1-ar .. $155 ptua utll. u~ If ...... ..IO mo. 546-55a0. 100 Cl;!~ ... DllVI Co.ta MUI ·~A PAR.TM ENT Sllrv1Qs Apta. urn -. 0'1'1Ct •• ,II.MINT ............. 1 --5l4 Martgo&d '"!!'r ... ,.. ... Split • lewl 2 Br. 1% be.; LUXURY •"1~/U1'l1JIUf 'Nl:WPORT CIVIC ·u:;f'fl'l<K butpieb. Ne~->' n i q u~ ,,.1 .... L .... 1To•• •ttU•PM•MT ............ ! ........... ,, -h -~ .. -~oe tor ., -u ' er ' "" y,.~ .. • ---' • 2 -~--•·-·~ tor ~ -M••• ~· OITA 11111"' · ............... ''" u.''· ••sTAUIAMT ......... • 4 ,,, ... ,.. """ ...... : .. ,....... I.PP • DUPLEX Apt., 1 k-., film. pper . • cpt!I, _,,,, -· uUK.,.. su ..-..... ,I" ..... __ ,.. .-. 'lltOl ··::::::::::::::::~n· :".~.·.·.··!' .. Moooo'"' .................. , CAMEO ShoNI Priv belch IV/IV -.. · • ••• drpB. 2U5 Mender.a. S45-54n lltpa to SboN • ..., mtrclal, Medical, Dental ftnanda1 putner. Wrt• P,. IWl'OtlT ''"'" ............ ttet ,_ . ......... • "• " r o ; Oceanvt fl'ODl Airocond., crpta. tlevator 0 . Box 191, CM IWPOIT M1110N1s .......... a:tt ~~·,.0~'i~m ·· ........... em SUMMIR RINTAL beaut ocean vltw. 3 BR 1: dlapos&J., till; cllan. Actults. 1 BR &fdn apt. tpJ, cpts, ew every Apt. !!.!!!'f~;,1~a•1 .:::::::::·:: ,,:~i'I.tte ... ~.::::::·:: ~unme~ and J'e&r ro~ fttm -i'm, Avail Ma,)' 7. $500 No pota. Wortdzlc woman drps, bltna, pe,tlo, pool, from S1SO mo up. leue 54~ PE~R~IT~... P ... ~omABLE 2· ~rattJr; Ulti'V11111TY PAIK ........... <m1 •NTiou1s · ·· i ......... 111e ruervatlonl belnc tWn. mo. inc rard. NO PETS. pref. 30I cataUna or. Ad.Its, no peta suo. ~163 tttC'19t · ,,.._,. uo:auty •hop. Good lease. c1tt .... ' ................ a. tEw1H• -..cw~ ............... 1111 PllOPlllTllS WIST Bkr. 873-2222 ., •• n•"' 2 BR. d•-i.. ... , -,,~ .• · BEA.iJT&iJ'L Atca4e l'u••--NeWpott. Tmns. 64$-408• T oL"~' ............. eu ;u11e.t.L ffflT ~MINT ...... 11u ..,... IN 2 BR. newly dee ,drpa, w/w ~ ..... ,. VlU"'1! NA o•L MA• ........... u .,,"':.gs••••• • ............ _,. urzt 11 .. ,-1.i. ...... ll"' ..... SPACIOtJS-W-..w 2 •• • cpl&, blt·inll. adult! • .,a. drpe:, palnt. 1 blJi'. tb bch. for renl 1511 SUlte C. Biker .•vn."'°'::==-.,,.,,.,..,,,.....,...1 " .. " . . ............ 4111 ,........................ '-J•Ne UI" ~ -,,,_ ~ lllL ... -~...... .... 214 P"alrv:I S' CJ.I HOK ··-.,,,_.,.-...,.,. ~ .., isu.Mos ................. Ult T•Ll\'tlON ...................... du)lex, re-ct&c, cots, dfl, ... ..-. 642-2550, evea 5t6-f71J tw St.. °'11: • ., : . · -· pc .-u. 'Y"''-"""": OU.ale Jiqum-00 itt.• . . ................ @&1 Ml·l'I ITllllO .............. tilt ... "..... refool.. .... _.. 494-IJ.fl; evt1 (1) m.s2l3 Ml).lll1 lletttai!, ~cOunho, IN. 1suN• ............ 4MS TAP• M'z•o1a~ .......... IHI I ••--I I _, 2:1JI ·-'&'"• ..... ·~ •-· CLEAN Bachelor Aptl Villi 1'lno Apta. 3 Bil . .v UNTINOTON OU.CM ............... CAMI• lfNI MINT .... = ..... . 1.... patio Adults, no )et&. Uale . Un!. Chlldftn Wt!come 1150 FOR nnt llC A' Newpot-t. can: MTAIM 'IALLOY .......... ~11 MOllY '"'''Liii .. ......... . -S2lO ITM989 All aw tnd m ap Dani Pelnt 5740 '""'"'""="'==-=--I L ·.·.·.',"• .............. ~ ~~::Ji~.~~ofist ·::::::::: 2 BR: beaut patio, avail now s . Sl5 I:. ISallloa Blvd. tt• \V, center Apt 1 m,ncom"'· .~ fbr lnsplourancet. ~~.vi:,L~~ SlkJn. ................. 111sc1 •• ·w 14th. ~-· BR.2bo.-~'~ • .-••• -A · --· 2••2• ... .1t..1--or em ymen . -qu1C111..,e . .. c;OVNN .. .. ........ ..... I LU. DUS ................. Jun 115 .... J..... ........... ... ~ ... ..._ 14 • 3 BR. apb, wdurn. Oft ----· l'IOm, U>, ~ ~:~:,_ .. ~• .............. :~~ :=.,:~=~~:..: ............. r~ LltUe blul4. 12:iO Mo. c.u· .. ttb1f. Lie. = mo. IMCHELOJt Apt Utu paid tM El Camino Dr., CM per OCtU ...WW 91t. peo!. 11enc1. Call Gklria-~7232 ...... CITY ·::::::::::::::: .. " ~~::::1 ~:-:·:: .. :.:·:·:·::·::·:::;::~~ after 7 p.m. (~) m.arn m-= Bkr. m mo. El ~ Mnl. 3Ji * 5tMKS1 * Sl55 Jew. • .. WATER.J'RONT ·omoe ~ . FllGIDAIRI A AM ....................... 8UIL01Nf MAT8alALI ..... .,... -.. n.1boo 91 • ..1 .,_,..___ 2 BR. ........ ._. •"t', 1" bo, JllAL ISTTTI tle1k U:ch. part time lfC. " """' NltoHTS .... ··· · 4'll SWAPS 1"' Lat1un1 ... ch 2701 Hwltt ............ S400 -~ •u. -··--711 ,.. lft'V. Yacht 8rk. o t f . JET ACTION ~L ··: i' : .:::::;;:::::::= Pl!TS •ml LIVISTOCK - --encl. car. l patio; cpta, Oener1I t7>1313 Friaklaire U min. cyde It •• :r.~;, ·::::::::::::::::: m: ~~~~ .... :::::::::::.::: SEA COAST VIEWS 3,.:!. 2,.11&.N.~':',.;,.~ Hunt!f!t!!• -h 44t1 ~: = ~ °""' R••l•ll W1tiltll SHO 3ii ~-''· Oftic. ~ ~~~' • ..'.". "" ... ~ ........... ,.c~'V,.~ .. ::::::::::::::m: =\11··:::::::::::·:::::;::.'.'"lll LG. CUSTOAl 1101\tE ~ ok. $175. ~ CON'tD4flOIWlY llV\PW ·DUPLEX .t Br · JO I IBM eo...._, ..... , _,_ • 2 CX>stA MESA . 6*omo ,-,.::,·-,...._. __ ...... ...= .,. .... ... Ill.*' ................ 4"1 1.IV9SflCX .... .. .. t 8R, 5 bl, hi.Ill! llv. rm. eves 1 &dn.. A Bacha. UPltaft. ' · " """•""u • ..-ww: • .., -., ... ,_ -.._,..,., .... ":~til' .............. .. CALlf~ANIA LIVING "°Ploo. Spa nn. ' ,....., I .eJ\: Condo. ~ts. ...._ ~,!"~~w ~~.J'~ :::.4;{~ A dnpea. ~ -~--.. ~ c_, t0U ~ : ... ~~.b to ..,.I • u -L.~.. MUllSlltlh . .., .... tfll pool thle. $900 month parU-bl -· ""' ' a<VJU -IV ·--.o; -,-Alttt.. nfuml.,... 1W1MM11tt l'MU .......... *'-•"" •-•·•·•. ~,... _.._ U.. whr/dr)'tr. patio, -....,_or~ round 2 mt. trnftlmbhtd· 4 or 5 BJ\. 2 or 3 Bl. ror.. , __ " ...,. ~ 11_1 Carden Grvvt, _ , Sarita AM. ilHAl .... ;ATIOI •.. ...... ... .,,, "'I , ... -..... ~ "I~ pool Adolto. SS'l-U hOme w -711 UL T\altin "'"'--..,.,. Mis.A .......... n• .•~_.'",,."'•• . ......... ..,.-• rlntil4. Aatnt SS-TO. m $125 Month 8*-044C or apt. w provide property wttll lm&ll otntt , u, ...... , -An&htlm "" ..... . ........... "" TliNs~llTATIOH .. . --· --Paclllc Cout H•~. "' (Apt. 2l Shaltmv, CM )ocal nta A l)Olt bond. To eom.,i,t .. • ,,_ with i Col11•0·Matic ••Po•1 •.,,CM ......... 1111 ""' rv Pevntein Vall-. J410 ~.n ltOO mo Unt or -tu-· ~ .... ., •• -. IWf'OltT Ml .. lt11 ......... It'll NATI o YACltfl ... •-.J vullT & 11.AUTll'uL &SIDE 1 br. frplc, *ma. fl.ml. ~ ' ,... lal'!!f P'"-_.._,. l!qufpmtnt. Inc, ,.,,,otT 1"°1181 ........... mt IA•LHAlS ·· " a 3 •i:t., den. fam-dln. rm-.: Ad'llta onb: 2 Br .. utl. l*hl patio, w/w crpt, 1 adult no ~ · -. . · 233414 W. VaJenela lf.:~k~';f, •A1111 ··--······ = POWI• c•1o11•••• .::::::::::. bl"--12151 Pool -I! 1128 673-1629 ·J\ESPOM'Stll.E rtlirtd cple. lnrifuttriaf ltentel 6090 r.. .......... , Ill·~-· mtAY .. :::::::::::,,.. ~:~°lt:it,~' ........... ;:: w... month. lAue. '-· N7-2W fie yr, · desll't turn, 2 Br. tnobOe r:UUll:'.-w • ,..,,lloNI ILUP'I' ............ IHJ IOAf 11\AINtl .. ANCI "''•'""' /\vau. April 20. 139-lE 1Tfff Cameron, Hunt. lch. * LRG 2 Br. Studio Apt. All .......... -• --N'-1 DISTRm ...... Jc eu=· DNA OtL MA• ........... mt •OAT u.u~ ... ::;:::::... hon)f, by June lal Oft yr!)' ... _... --• ,._., u I u, OJl,.c.:i..'I .............. •Mt MAtlN• 1 1P. = M 1'um 2 Bl\ apt, 222 3td !St. tlte. new;r dee. Near OCC. leue. Bl)l1Jde VWaae prd. off SU~ .f.W1 at crown WITHOUT lNVF.sl'MEN'.f: tiLAMDs · .......... DR 90<\1' ILll"o · '"•~:.::· •. : llllw1y~tty U16 Ne\\'b' dee. 1~6 blk OCl!an, $140. ~ 873--6427 ~" otll:IUDtr'Cil.l It. NatsoftoJ. ~tanulacturer '#ID J1L~UND .......... ·:: 1111\t r.· .IS ...... \........ -11 blk to to fl. call R .. _.. • • ..u I .. ,, ... ,Off ••• , .. ::::::::· ... ~T llfTAU ................. 2 BR. d\lllex: fncl,, ..... ' w \VIQIQ CLEAN. !pacioua 1 Bdrm 1 BDRM Unfurn A I m illdta. Dtlta Dec. P~Yl\le t"Omp ete Pl'DCl'llll "'" YMJ.l'r JOI IMlJ.T cllAtTllt ................ ~-l*ld: •toS'Moftlh or bot l:SO Mot. Sl6-C32'1 Gan,p $115 mo. 8"ch lor !.._. trlc. J,ltl,xl. • ,lll;.1400. E'ttl d11tribuUl1jl Ql1dy, drua • llAC.. .............. 't•"...",'"....," -.. " ................... -·-,...,. 2 BR. 2 BA, ···-. -·. • ·--• la•• . ...... 111'mo ,_,_ ' "' -fJR ' . novtJtv -l•ll••· -~~<:::~::::::; :~~~~~~;~:::~:::::~ NOW'S THE .--,,.. ~-=.:: ~~ -;:h 1200 # ..... ..;_ "'° :=:.e::.·.,1...,-: .. ;:: ., CrTT . .'.".:·::::.: .. : s.J :MIN• L& ............. tllll ' ~!IV!!...... __ :::o:::; .. rn -----·-_IU:lOM w/prfvatt b1.tb -- -Drtct . factor)' ODl\JllCttae '.:"•;om :::::::: :i:i~:~•,;:;:;;;~:::::!Si::: TIME fOI l.OVELY s. Lq\sha lilll'* .. ..,, o,... 4611 N'PT l• di>. dplx. 3 Br. 2 fftffftlll,y, a. tM ..-, VACANT ·LOT ,..,Jna hlab . d&O, cu• .. •' ' .............. .-. l\.l~•K CAU .............. l:iome, 2 BR. llii BA. MIMI'• BL Cpts. a.,,., tpl bttna, Oldtr Wllnets IDM. Ptdl. ~·a.di. 1Do x itr, comntiuiona Ind morifhl1 •M.0._ • ............ = M,., _.............. ....,., ""'· -tot. SINGLE Y ..... Adulta Lw!· nfrta, Pltr. .... No ln-1ae5, Mr . .._, ~l oomlr, f'alJr .... ~ -·~No ap limit bol a•:::I-\': ',':":'.·:·::::::;: =.:JS:::.:.. .,:f .. ~".'.''.,.".'.'.'.'. !Ill OUICll CASH ·~ _.. vltw. IZO...,, -· •pu with """' po!L $325 Le"'..,._ • [IJU!Li)ltDI • wflh s111nan., -,., mutt bo -bit. Part or .,,,. UoPllTUlfl -..-.. .,Ml leut.~RHs. •21m tl')I' lc:ab atl'rlOlpbtN and 2 BR. newl,y dee drp1,, w/w FREE RENTAL iEkvJcs tm • wtUIOet. hll 51)1 .fllU time. Write CffEX, Inc .. "!!'I_ ..... ;: • · '"""I I DD -•-, ~·•••, ewnlpete -· 30U'IH J •• 2 •• '~. - --'••a•u••• ...... ~., -2114 M. liltll St., PbllL, Pa. '1nAt1. ..... ~ -.:.::·:;:::: T 10 OH A ...:;.·;;.: .i~. llAY a.UB AP!'I· llloo 21s;-t;i.!031-·~ -=c_;;;;;i;_ Nia"""'Evt -:::!.!. lll32 ;...91..,.1 ta~u•• .:. .. :;;:::::;:-~::;:_:._ H U tll5. fllra. -. *"7U Own,&n Avt., C & rd• n .1 fR: I IA $175 A $115. 1 1&; •nl\a'n ...... ~ "91 · ~ CANDY supplf routt, pm1 or . "::::::::::::= ~"J.~~·~"-'":"" DAILY PILOT °""" 11141 -3 Ba. 2 BA. lplc. 1231. up to 1115. m4m ~ ~ -;'; fttll ttmo, clan'• .... R•llll .............. ou•• • LNllM........ rlf1 • _ ......... 4_ 213, tli-!03! YO•-·-· -· -wtt• -~ -~ A oolltet .... , """' colft . ut ·~·~·;;"!$ ~i;',\~:~:::::::5 ;"Altai IAY AllEA •..., •• _ .-n •-I iii 2 Ba. ,,., patiO; -...;;;v.,. ~ JJOI mo. UC! .. ~021.' -· ~:-· ;r.:a ':"'v1c-~o ltt Ml'=' "" ... , ........ , WANT AD ADULT <Xlll!llllNITY LGE.18ll d•plu, nr. vie. 1ar.w/1to1qt.NofO!ollA ,,..,....llM41' i ~GI ...a.. -IUI01"1&1 ~,... ..,.; ~ = t:;::.'-."Th ·::::;:::;::::· 3 8R. dan. 2 ~ ~. :"t '°!_'!f''~ ... "?;. pr. SJ25 424.1 Hilaria 'Ws.y, MO-OCl3 WAl'iiib:. 'Un furn • I bluff, pCllRfMe I et7. ·namt, addrtA "-l>~l'll! to t ~-l«Y "'! "" caot ""'"""'""' 14•.5171 blt·S....lrJ>I<, -pcd .2;• '!.-v' ~.,:r D.\ll.Y PUllr WAl<'.1 .ADI>. bod•-• 111 8&.,., Jll5. .....itea1 or -W1D •""111 ""'1 .. .lltpt., P.O.""" -:r~ ·;::.r'-4 :. ~~:g ~:-......... 4 .... ~ ,. $230 mo. 10 ID 5. aoo S)Q( rr 'JU 'EM! .BRINO RDULTSI c.~f. .,.,., ..,.2§84 lo IUll.,.... ~Im 92llOJ -. IUSINW -PINANCIAL ·~:=:L' · llRYICI DllKTORY t'*IJllll-•*!111111-11!,;•: -·:.--·;.--... * llRV1CI DIRICTOaY Fr14cr, A.,w 1~ IM .... °"''--....... °''~ ... , .•_,_._·111_._ .. _ .. ___ Wi_ COST.l MtM Pre-Scboal lookiac For A Wi11er? ~;.t'm"ii.."'::.''a IF do COJIPAJU:! -Y,OU , DOI WlDl lo bo a pio-t-and ClD l3M%31 rec:OIJllze the many advantaaes of UJUD>in& REP\lTABLI: ....,, ,,,. owner~p of Ill establlabed, prG!itable ope!' ., ......_ wtll -Mon &Unt francbiae store !ii a fan~tic pwth -rn 1 lo ~ • .....,, dal. • ana • •• This CO!lld be Ille oppOrtwuty you Ir• ""'81J. -!lave been looklnt for. amJ> ...... ""' ,_, ,_ IF ' "' ,.nr. .... -you Clll qualify ... you will join Ille· El ,.._hie rat~ a et L M ~ C19t Poco Candle I< Giii Shoppe store chain, which ...._ =r ~i':IFICATIOH l'O~ JS one of the Iara .. 1 in the specialty store cmlli ear. rw ,.....,. field. Two existin~ hl~tr ·0 0r..,.e Cilunty whO ., .. to ,.,. 6 'don't NATURAL IOAN SWAPPlltS &lores are avaUa b e edtateiy es well es want "'Jeovo U>elr dltldnm S LI-~~ 1 .,...._ other locations tbru ut the Weatem state.a. Jult ~. '41-16152 11:uL1a _ AO •un tMClr.- IF MOTHER of 3 c:hlktttn, New. i.-w11at .,... 111w .. t1"l. ....._.. ,_ went 111 .,...,, you can inut a.t,ISO cult and bep ·at Be·...... ...vou1t _.._ ....,.. ....... "-' ._ ., "**""' once call SU.W ,.., --...a emfidtlltial port ........ w1*hes to care ~KING l"Olt SALi -Tll.ADU ONl."l'I interview. ,...,_, for -.,. ...,.. <hlld. llHONE 642-5671 IO-Ull To pt._ Y-Tr-1 PorMlllO M • IF you preler, ,_ may 1!'rlle •t;t' " yo1 unelf XU<T'OUJd ""' _.,, "''" • In d tail --• ~..... , wke... ~ ~• ~•~···• IT Ft. .......... lor -.., 1T '"· ftb.r -4"dboqd e ___ _ph_....,, to : . Collop Puk';;._;;:;G -or•~lllal'""'1,w> .... -~-lflt lraf\lr. Uniw.,.1"-cli19e. ~;.~!MJe' · RN-WllL BABYsrr MY ... .,._ ~ ~~ Wltl ;• i:~-· 1617 WESTCtliiP-Diitvll SUIT. 21i HONE. ANYTWE. E. CM. W!I! hie Wit•"f">'w •:;, -NEWPORT llACH, CALllOOIW, IA • !IC-W A-Fnme .,.._ . .,.. , ' llABYSl'lTINGla""'bome, -~·122.llXI. -f T-'°'-""'11.""" P.._....llplir6110 II,... are · a eood ..... I'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!~ I ~ a: Vicloria, CM. for bea~h area • propert;,)', new J_ BR bioalel, Wettmde IDfD. and ~ant to :toll\ the ,, . (2U) --' a.... -flu}It-i...'.... ' -......... -Iva "'--..... ~z..t_ 4310 .._ ___ W .. --.. .a•-Reuonable. st&oal3 -~etc MM6C2 e P ATCB P1.4.S"l'EJWIO. ta this aru. call or wijb!: ·~·-· .. • .._.., --~,,._,, ... , = · All -,.... _,, ~-·1n·-~1o"·--• .., M bedrooms 1mcm equtt)' Trlde ·~,Cid& 11. 2 dt, HT cau ~ _. .,... ....~ .... -~ EUINORE Wm marina, CALV ARY a.pe.1· Cburcb is : Ali-.--y, lie. '560 Warit fu ·iota J:b ~ f1l1I pwr, a.it cmd. ma tires. -========ol 8'anco _.Cut OlrsteDJtn, tbe only ope,.tinr marina ofle .... 7°' In,._ on ...n Beach '....._ Balboa ea,. xlnt cood, .,. """"'· « PIUllllll.. 61fO .._ __ _, •-t after th! tremendous flood leCUred .IJOIH. For more in-BUILD, Retnodel, Resiatr Properties. '13:1«20 ~ 5.li-UU..... WVVll r.-, Recmt uplftnat in bnkel. -.... -~ .... OIMtUoa lllliaD&liDo &Pd • ~ in pertM :. REUBEN'S !! u o COCO'S -.......... 0..petl-1555 w. -· :: U.. aallry .....,..,._ Caito Mooe ,..,,,.......,. ........... 1 -~~---"-----•11 • w!tb_ ... _equtp. * CARPENT...,S " .... 0 w btnefitl ~ ~"-'W - t a "aht;,o. -. * CARPET LAYERS" pkooM • 1 lllt and profit : -APPLY IN PERSON 10All•5PM __ .. ......, J. C. liBllEY CO. * 24 fllhiOn hlond Aa .... opportunit)t _, .. -----=' -=---* with mot.or hame e.icprrienct. Ex~llent co. benefits. APPLY IN PERSON' ', . I EXPlORfR "' MOTORtKM CORP. XII Nowport a1..i.. c .. t1 MoN, C1IN. watiers ini:nueg the depth Jo, call Charles Snrlth. Brtek. biock. c o ncrete , ·Ha~ s bedroom Balboa Equities totaJ.ini $81: lrt Good lacentlwe! DAYJll of the lake 20 ft: Over 4,000 56-2121 er &.U-6713, after apntry, no job too aman. Peninsula home, $79,500. Motel, T.D. + home n P~,.· b ~ ::UAD\ •-t No I CAIEEI . :~o vis~ti~~ 5. Uc Contr. 96U945 Want 3 bedroom, price $3B. Custom homP, income CIC' • SC-31JI. ft5 w mCHBI HELP OPPOITUNllTI . I ANNOUNCtMINTS $35,00J. Newport Beach f !"! OWNER. J ~-·--, , this year. This is a modern _. NOTICIS luliriltl S."ice 6562 Realty, 675-164 W -21'4 or 613-5929 PLUMBING Jq:PAIR otn todl,YI ...,._,, , ' uv to date park w/ the DRAIN a.EANJNG • .Day DIMwaslaer _Appl)' m penon profeaion-Mutl&ll l'mld finest fadlltlea inc. 100 PHOI'OSTAT Service while Have small R..f lot rood '56 Ford, ~t T, P·Up. Bil 546-2Jit -:5*).Tll7 .. '-.ull ThM . between lo-4. No expeience Dl!Oelaf7" rtavel trailer space 1, Feu~ (free ~) .. )'OU wait Posttiv~: 5 x area. Oose-in L.A. Value window, 390 en& -uto. ========= APPLY IN PERSON We train. AJll or pat'timt launch'& n.mp Ii; many con-YOUNG black A: tan ~e 7, $2; g x 10, $2.50; 11 $18,000. \Vant R-1 lot b!ach litany• :!Xtru, trade~ RemMef, 11..,.tr; .,. AllCIEllJ MARIER MutUll Fulndnc. ~ I ce1.3ions: food, d r Ink •' doc-No LD. Could be·p.rt x "14, $3.50; 1165 Qranae, area or boat, apprm: equal Con-ette or '55. '56 T . REUBEN'S :roceries, ram.es I.: rentals, Do berm a f!. p i n I c be CM 64>1962 val~. 64l-0250 eves. 546-5889 ROOM ADD t T J 0 N a . Npt B. 160! W-uft 11 Will sell all Have land in BOOMING PalosVcrde!.Estates,Vlew tt""81tiw.A ttractlvt 2fOlW.Coe1tHwy or part. Prop. PetU&ree. Found Vic. of __....._-. ~ ·-,.., ~· COCO'S ..,=rt ... ch S.A. iz;.,.N;_BrMdwQ consists of 28 ac &: fee 22nd 6: .Newport. C'!rl. Carpentwiftl '590 LAS VEGAS. \Vant Bayfront pool home for waM:rtront ...... -~.--11..-u .._ ::; .,..,-o;w.,. and Lake Elsinore uae 6'i-4n4 or ~ · '---=:.: borne or duplex wilh slip. N.B. 3 br, 2 ba, frplc, lJe pennit from ... State of •• 'CK ~--" 1~·· <213) .,.,,..,., pla>rm, lam rm. 2450 .. ft "S w FRY nvw •-i.. Women n'it 1· Calli. Firm prl<e $060 Im -~er ,_,, very CARPENTRY .. 143 ooo equi1y 21J.J'llHM< ~·~lilt 6HO lu • Atl1m1 \Wft ...,.,_ ' , cuh. Abo have additl~nal ·~. Vic. •lOth st· & P,AINTING HAVE' n...•-:.._,.-"Sand· -,•---, ·Al-COit• Mt1• • .;_,_.. ...... _-....__.. Sh•rp C•rwr G••-". ; 1000 ac. for Sl!COnd home ,Beach._ South L_•·I u n a. SMALL REPAIR Trade D1x ofc, bid& in Gar. c ..... vc ,-, -· us _.,..._......, ._ bldrs within . ~: rrU at fiC..830;j or 499-3156 OR REMODEL den Grove for wtrlrnt res., piper" condo. val. $70,000 O.tom D.ni&n.• MAN, YOUlll', ambitloua, for , Sectya. Cert 'fypiata. Gii ! marina. WW COMider ""-int SM. Lone-haired tiny puppy, bch hrtl or submit. noo,ooo furn., $55,000 uni., clear. * ...uM * route u.le11 with expandU., Apply ht pel'la Frldaya, Recpta, 8kkpn. "" REASONABLE RATES eq can add cub. Mike Col \Vant home this area. Mr -'iii~iffi~~~SMi' I establl&hcd tervlce corn· RNs A LVNa. Both fee a lie I ventutt in the development Blk/Gry. Vic.. Hubor HJ S4f..2"3 ' • ' AtterM5en1 642-SIU ~a'--· ' -LI ""..._ Top co't ' ,._o f both 0 -• T __ ._ ~-Non. P Un., brl<r 537-5642 lnvtn, Bia', 646-9661 paey, _, 13,00"' + car DlllNY'S llo 121 ~ ~-, -' o prop. ur ~ ... ty eiu~ ~ ~ · .m. Neat. aceunte, 20 )'I'S. exp. n...:. 548-1196 · h\'O million. Write Daily ~ . CARPE.NTRY !::1Y.~"';rtP:."4-'!.! Have rood ru weldilW •· Alteratlont--64MMS ~~t!::.P~!~~ • AR'ousAOENCIES. · 1 1 1 ~:!r.Bo~~& or pho ~.triSa~ d~ ~ J.flNOR REPAIRS. No Job mobile home, income pro~ ';~ :Jtt b7ke1 :n!: Neat. accurate, 20 yn.. exp. tion. \Ve train )'OU-&tart al 12n4 IMch atW.. 1169 C Newport Blvd., C.K.'. SPARE TIME INCOME identify. rr~4 Too Small. Cabillet in rar-erty, T.D, or ?? ?. chana:e. T,.. •--i~ "'tlO :!,~· AppA!'.i1 9:30 15thAM ~!!!!.: G•ftlln 0N'f9 DOMESTIC HELP ~~ j qes ~ ot h er ubineta. 499-1331 * * ., . ., """" -· .. -• •""''· .,... · '""'""' ... 1.•-~-1 H-' FOUND, El Toro area, 10 -.....,._ ** Western Ave,, G arden """ ............ ! 563175, it no answer leave $16 500 1 horn * D•ytlme llu..., Coob. Maida 6 Com motili Ne\v QUALITY FOODS Di· Spd. derafler bike, Call I: tn!J at 646-2l'12. H. o. • · •en! e 1ite. Elect clothe:! Dryer, car, ESTATE Ma.int Tl'ff Serv Grove. * N...._ Di..&. _ .. _ Pl-. vision will be interviewinz idenfil¥, ·337-4468 Anderson Covina Hichla.nds, fenced 4 pickup, 11.llboat. e1ec add Removal .ti trimmings, free S •LES .... t -.we..,..r ~reJ~. C&ll~. ~: ~!_:, in this area dutir\c the ~ YOUNG Blk/Wht Cat. Pret· horses. Nr. So Hill C.C. mach. Will trade for motor. est 6f2.:6300, SU-2993 A \ ·) r -.i QUll 1Wu1 , m·o weeks for a ~. tJ'. Vista Dru& St•r •. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Trade for diesel boat. boatc:rVanwithwindow1 6 Executive ty... APPLY IN PERSON .. '7196 '·'" distributor. Modest cash m-: 5'1-§83 • ~~.Any aize~ * 644-«'t * 1eaU, or! &45-007'1 T•ltvl•ion_:..~epair 6915 National ales oraanf:.'tion RfUBBI l .'U i!R~~~~'::~~~: vestment of $20XI ~ to FOUND PipQn. banded. Vie. QUALITY Rep&in _ Alte:a. Twitin are& 3 BR 2 ba, lam.. Dtr Wienel"!!Chnltzel, 1951 RAINBOW TV Co. No Ser-·has •ninas In this ana. "' ~ =te h~= F.dJnier I: BOlaa atlCa. lions _ New l!!Dftlrt. by hour ilY room home, Iarae cover-Harbor, Ol. Land It bJda. vioe Oi&ra:e! Expert 1l"Cft, Ap' 25 w .wr wttb, aaJet ~ Help Winf9rll • ;~ vendinl ca.ady and snacks to H.B. C&ll 147-3482 er Contract. 51A442' eel patio, fruit tn!es, S7500 Int-ome $SCIO mo. net. MS.000 eo2or, blk ~ wht or itereae. ~ ar pbHC e<& 151 E . (Mat H ... w•Y Women 7400. , I equity for beach trailer or ! eqUib' lor k>ts, Back HQ. 546.3720 &Q)'timc! 1act.. WW train tor ~ Newport IMlh ~~~:Lad 6401 ~~-=":'. =·=~-=:...., ~"-bldp .. -. .. JOISl.EMPLOYMENT ==~·=;:: LEAD MAN Tlmporuy Employm<l\I mw appointment. •end LAllGE 'IEWAllD! Call Jell ........, In u unltnorboine Bel Air, ua, CM, Valao · llSO.llXI. Joli Wo•tod, Mon 7000 320. UIGBIJlY N&DfDi;~ 1 name, ,......, and phone small brown,; wht mutt, w/ ltEPAIR, Putttlons, Small Be.eriy Hiils. ~ntwood, Tl'ade \O•of 1'6.ooti eqty lor CO . * DllYEllS * CABINET SHOP ., ., number to; rid collar, Vic N. N•WJIQrt Remodd, etc. Nlte or da)', Palo Verde1 ort..rre yacht. prop. anywhere, % TD ar I.LEGE. student needs Ex lie t rtuni"' lot , .~.i Blvd .• NB. can 642-3222 or Call KEN ·540-4679 Rusa McCrea, (213) 847--5883 ? 548-1!>42 pan.time ' \\wk. Odd jobs, No Exaari9ftce ee n oppo 'J • Clerks ,,. ... PACIFIC -~--Dr.·~· ~·. -. "•· 1 ,.-"8ht man. Experienced la INTERNATIONAL ~-..,_. .,,...,..... c.,,....., Cenc...n 6600 HAVE: Beauty Shop in COUNTRY CLUB ham e John.~~~ ... c c. Necessary! trailen, camJIC!3, m oter • Typists INDUSTRIES LOST Sat befr EuM:r, Hntc Costa 11-tesa, 4 atations. \Vill near Vista. 4 bd~ tam1ly Mml haw clea.. CaJlfornla homes. Apply RV !nd~, .e R y-a.."··~ 3.74 Tu·enty·First ~ Harbour •.. 4\h-;,I~ r~red e CUSI'OM PATIOS e trade for camper or what room,% actt. $27,000 equi-.IH Wanted, &.Hy 7020 cbivtnc record. Appl)' lnc., 2"nO E. Ce.mtos. Joi. ~·;-epl'9 Jr"• ' Oakland. ·Calif. 94612 male sealpolbt Sia.IDHe. concrete •win&:" removal have you'! ty. '\Vant hmne in or near YELLOW CAI CO. helm. 633-84112 .,,• Secretaries ":' CANDY SUPPL y May "'"" .,,... mto 'boat Sia"' Li<. • 142-1010 ~ or ~ ......._ Bllr, .,._1330 CONVALESCENT AID 186 E. 16th St. Position -In faol>. • K _..__ " or v•orkman's tr u c k • 6) PRAC. mine or companion -Costa Mesa ionable Newport 8eadai I ey,_,,_ .. , • .. · .. ROUTE. Gene""" ttward! "6-1009 *, ll~~..C'.~!k, bo-~ 'A * * * * * .,allabJ• full "' part time, ttolaurant fw ambitious. • PIX 0-" . <Part or Full Time) GltAY I: wtdte· 1einale eat, P•hllll;• ..... ~L~•• '!:.:'•· )OflC or short term. Bonded TIJBE Bender O p e ~a t c r . nonable . r"-· -• ::·::l Excellent lnoome tor fe\v arq lavender ll ,.,.. ~ ~ SERVICi · DIRICTOltY and insured Jitust have expmenoe 1:. pe )'Olm& ma.u. · ,,,.,1 hn. wee,k:ly ·work (days ;:lh,...Vk. n-_,_cac.:n~ ·Cement Work-all kinda SIRVICI DlllCTORY Ho•.-r•••~"' u 1 .,....., knowledp In machinery eXpUienced in reataunnt '.'Workwhenlwhere"~ or eves.). ReHJlln: and Fair Grounck'."i:.ard. t2j . Free Estimate -s ·~·~ ""'-vua• operation. APPLY Tues, ~emel!_t._~~ta_ you-w.,,. ":i;. - collecttn: money troin Om\ell, cM 11S.1TSI * 636-0374 * G1r4enint '6IO HouaaclMliiUij ••,. FLOORS abipped A waxed. 4/JS. box # &:!vine resume. ,,, '· Co i n Operated Dispen. Ci:MENr Work, no ""'b too -FLOOR °"9 1 . Cp't cleantni. Walls wuh-JARDINE HEADER CO. Box M-621, The Dail)! llllEDIU _.,,, .. -in r-nta ~fesa and TEl!tltlER . ,., ANTHONY'S ,_,,_ n na: -polWtina; ed. Guaranteed. 531-4567 7565 Acacia st ' .PUo~;,t.=~~~=-i lnluurl •o ~ Sil ......_. . ._ .... amall, l'et.SIOnable. Free &pec......atL Home .I: in. . -YOUNG • •u1 ~ are a . No \'el'-fl'1" .... .., puppy, unl. estim. H. Stuflick. SU-86l5 Gtir4en S.rvk. dutrial. FREE est. DAY work, reliable, ~·· Garden Grow, 893-7S!M & _.... stUinr.(Handlesname Budmell~ .. (}Jlleae Park. ---·--'46-1941 Swedish Maintenance Ser-OWntr&J:l9.P art-l t •me AROUSAGINCllS TIR&GO.. 'MBtNlllftJfRYlli:'. brand candy ~ ana.cks.) re~'al'd! S.-1422 or $6.1139. ChlW C.re "10 The best, c.ta no mlft! vice. f15.Gll5l Housekeeper. SU-9863 Acc:eunt•nh Hu cpenirwa for m&r'... r~ ~ $1650 total cash req~. WST: ~u~ck· Poodle, Prune . , • Plant. ••Prepare e HO~G e WOMAN 'ft?lts housework Cretllt MaMfer1 ~t traintts. T.!_ ....... _ 445 E . 17th St. :., For mare information ms.le; ~._.uuv, patent col-EXPER. to babysit ywr pre. Maftthly Maintenance Excellebt work S2 hour CaD Saturdays, Sl.75 per .hour, Mntnlttr.tlv• TnMel ";dt~=· J';,-; I: IO (Ht• Mtu, C•lif1,.,, ::r:~ ~~ "::: ~i. ~~. ~~· ~ ~~.R:r·1~:!: Exp. Horticulturist ~ • . Call after 5:00 PM. 5'W7l2 CALL 11CJB. 51J.T191 ahead with us. Apply ti per. 642-752) .~ ·.; ber to: Wiborl I: Pomona, CM. TAKATA H OUSEWO RK. Go.od Ja CNew;ort Blvd., C:M. IOftJJIE.17th St.,&d&el.C. "ROUTE DEPARTMENT' ~~ ~a ll!!;ar'~ ~1940 JAPANF.SE NURSERY Inc.me T•x 6740 references. Own tramporta-USED Car ulennan, ex-Coslr< Mesu. lntervlewi"I P.0.Box3146 ?.V.Re\\·IJ'd!"962-109D "Centrectert 6'20 =·~=em: RESPONSIBLE preparation tlon.836-5766 attl PM -se~~. ~ J:!.n ~ • eSALESMENe Men.thruFrl. Anaheim, California 92803 LOST ladles dislnond watcl\, all )'Our nursery J1Hd&. .I: fllini of all Ir.come tax Dremenic He!p .7135 ltft'C\irY' Uled ear Jot. liq Utlusuai opporfunity wltb na. 2 p.m , te 5 p.m. . •• SDDNAR Saturday April Sth. 64&-Clo3, ADDMON~REPAIRS nturm by Certified Pub& H Bvld C.Jit A .... i.. tlonal c:oncem for mu with .... on Start-Bulld-Promate Your after g pm. Reward; REMODELING AU.EN BROS Accowitant. Available to Otlne1e tiv.lnll. ~ arbor ·• · "'rv entire 1ow1dry or ceamlca Equal opportunity emplo)'fli Own Business. S«S-1446 GAlIDENERS SI'UDENTS ler\l'8 the need.I of earpn. Pmnanent. Experienced ln pttlOb. 9 to 5 iDdllltry ~ C.ol· , :i !======="',=.~' ;.,....... 6415 ~:u:.~ •'Orlcinz their way thru ml. tiom, •mall ~119 ~Far Eut Azenc:y MU703 t TWO mm J.f-30 yn far .... salesorappllcadanel(.. ACCNIVTlllG nmir 1v1. W1ntld ~ Lic'd 1.: Bonded. Flft eat. le~. Experience-., Deemed. terpri&es and 1ndlriduals. Georie Allen Byland Atimc1 lawn, COtt1Dc .roate. MUil, ptrlence desired. ~ re-WRll u..&;IQl. J 7~ INTEREST A 1: B CONSTRUCfION REAS! 646-4203 Your complete satWactioll Employer P&)'ll Fee have own transportation. swne to P.O. Box 4'11-Hwit-. PRIVATE i-rtY has $10,000 Write for free brochure ll22 p ularlno AL'S Gardenin&: Se r v ice ts ruaranteed. l06-B E lGth SA 547.(1395 Startin& pay $400 mo. Appl,y Jnaton Beach, Cali!. A po&Uon Is llOW available cash down payment + eic-describirw 7~0 i n t ere 1 t * ~'*CM. Lawn nWnte~. prden--CORPORATE _ .. · ' I a.m. at mi Getty Dr, in. • MEOIANIC • Full time In our Accounfm:S Dtpal'(_, ecutive ability to i~ in church bonds, b!in&" sold b)' ina: It clean ups. 64i6-3629. BlPROVEMENT Help Winted, Men 7200 dustrial area, Lquna NWuel 1.oluat be . need and ment that requires ~ )"OW· business. \Vrlte in Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. ~A-Room, apt, units, e JAPANESE GARDENER COUNSELORS -e CARPENTERS ha expene knowledge or cxpmencf '"mpletc confidence to DaJ.. Box: c:M't San J o 1 e, CW!lt homes, tv:o story e &n-9937 e BOAT ra-... te-,.._ .. ..:..., a .... 1 .... , ve own tooli. AIM need. with payroll euh ·reoe.ipta Cal.,_7-~"'" _,,, .. 11_. ire I Jl.Iaintenance It Cleanup -..""n '"• '"-~-e FOn.o:.i;-.,,.,., Experienced SERV SfA ' lyPilotBoxl\.1479. ....,,,.. .... ...,.,, ·~ e ayout, Call 5«&-2a72 r-11 J Se • 11-laken It f iber1 la1 e FlBEftGLASU:AoMAN HELP. Both aver Z. No and other related dutJea. BEER BAR e TENNIS SEASON e :.:.. »Pa:: g'a a~ JAP~ Gardeur, eom-Miii IJ ii rYICI Workers. App: 776 W. 16th, Day or Niahl Shift phone callll. Ricbtield,, Ccr. ~~with a boo~ 1 Beach area. Private party. Join the fun! Tb!a ad worth Bids.. 615-1191. Weekdm,ys, plett yard lel'vioe, free' C.M. Apply of 19th • Newport Btvd. m N such u &r 21J.MA 1-37'3 after 5 SlO m new ri\f'!nbmhlps. Sat• Sun at your service ntlmates. 54.9-1332 F.SrABUSHED lO YEARS e <X>0KS e E)cpmtnoed 1'31 Pla\centia, C.OSI& Mela C.IL ' ' roushs ot CR would I-===~====.: 'C...na de! Mu T"'°" Ouh -Reuonable F .. • -APPLY AITROTEK COllP belpluf. lul Est• LNM '340 . e m.sru e ~~~ ae=.;;. ~· ~1,7~~s!:~i PLYING IUTLIR Opeafnp; 1A1t19 mm j.0, ~a:! ~i:n.:~•trqe LICENSED en tt<i. Frank M. Barden * 531°1404 * 24ai 11-lariaret. Npt. Bc!J. m.<1'11 Top PQ'. A·1 macbJnllt only. Alfl:y 1 benefits incl~ tuD,y S1ttler Mortg11e C-ny Inc. 33& E. 17th St., C\lsta Mesa Servin, Oranp Cnty 20 yn. 642.nn S6-06li Eves. B7865 642-1157 Spiritual Readinp, achiee Comtr Ca., 1014&1 aft LAWN SF.RVtCE W. A. SMILEY C.P.A. SERV. STA. MGR.: Over 12671.ocan Av, C.M. BELLAMY'S for medical and We ...... ~,~ matters, 11» S. El 4 pm Mcw-edae-va.cuum 646-9666 anytime M2-2'Zl1. n, m~.--~ll8t ... ~~ ,Ap.. ~ llllesman, 14'0 W. (Nit Hwr I.Dee~· 3thrft .ti> ....,,,..., Re.al, San Cement.. AddtloM * Remodellnc U 1-5646 alter g P}if TAX ~turn Spedal SIS. IOfne mecnmucu tfCP, ~v .,... 25i mhtbnum 3 'Y't. ex-Newport INch vaca yean. -"l' = ~ ~~ l"red H. Gerwick, l.Jc. EXPER Japanese Gardener Form 1040 A 540. )'OU1' home 2175 Ne~ lll'ld.,. p.M. '*11tl\oe, salary open: catl DOORMAN Apply In pel'80n at the -=-'--,.--,.~_;_;G;..... m.oti. • 5'S-21'11 -thly """"'· reu. °'our om.,., 23 yeua a EXP'D !:,!.,"'."'..,, ..,..,..,: ', PAllKING ATTND'T DAILY PILOT ,' A~o=."w:::':' C...,.t (•nlnt '625 m--0705Jopo-no«M5'0-GTl6o~----~ :~: ~U: for ~~c "~~~nl WANTED· cwtrDdion of. NI or.part tlmt, dQ' w eve. 330 WHt Bi.Y Stttet, Of· dancer will a.cb you all ..----dllallowed. 24 hour s.,, Ph: 546-33"10 bet I am I: 5 flee Encineer· shop draw. U or OYel', He. CtJJI,;. driv-Alie--tor Mn. G~ '. , Men,...., T.D.'1 6145 latest steps. CaD Ah:seD Carpd" uptio1 Clean.Inc ~· ~~ ... ~rvice! 6G-062Z for appt. pm. lna. q:IW!tib'' wrwy; ex-e:r. Neat ~ rer.. call M2-4321 lor an inte:rvliW NEED Sll,fm.SlJ,000. will 213: S81..£jill 1-}.t PM . u u·~ doDe ~I..:.; et-..-• T1M T•x Aclv1Hf"I SERVICE Sta. Atf; • .., 12, pitt'd. Lcima Bead! lftia,. Cal Ml.a, ....... 4 ta --------~ pay top Interest + paints; COUPLf;S. ~· looe.b'T n.:r~-WELL ~ General .Year .round ere. 328 No. 6 nlchll • wk. Awly in 131.1073 'pm. .llft Ma .~. l )'I' pay off. Prime Lldo New bi ..eaT Join 'n.e "1tta" • • · _ Servi.. "'2 Nwpt Bfyd, N.B. Reul perlOll 2180 Harbor Blvd., SERVICE STATION SALES. HELP wanRd in restaurant SMU 1111" ,,. Isle bayfront 4 BR home, to Ml A pleasure & HAULING, Paintins Mtt.Inc. Call .eotoCt·for 'appt. C.M. MAN. 25 Years or older. buineea. Men 1J )'t:al'S or ~- properfi>' val $12 O, DO D. e 6.\5.!291 e (irpet Liyl'l f "2' odd )obi!. You name it, ft e FEDERAL le STATE e Plant Man $1J) ~•k. FUU ~. swine shift. See owr. Mut be ~ Oullkle aa1es. Must ti.'" ::;:nt JJ~';8~~ ~~ 8:': c ·.RPErS ~ (nyJ: r woc11, do tu 64Wl9ll :S.~~iroo Sl;'adf·~~ 1t1ber. ?::·.~Newport Bl:'·· :;";::.pre::~ ~n-:;e1:~: ~::":. tm-&4ll P.O. Box mscC. Mela. pob.wten ,) Vin)1a and TU. thUll"f .. •7JO Waite IL l~hah P.A. 50I 311\ al,, NB. e REPAIKMlif e r~~~n ,,~ e level Ales, Muat ha~ Pt1;c1 $27.000 tst TD, payable S2'10 SlilVtCI:: OIUt:rOlll 'r es. Lat.t st¥Je1 and colon. GENERAL HAULING lnoorne Tu hviot YARD p,(AN· tOt plumbln, e FIBERGLAS e wardrobe, abWty to dell ITIOllth, 10% due 3 )'ft. 10% Commerdal and RtsldenUal. l CLEANUP &CGH t1t 545-13:91 ve shop. K nc wl e d c e of Experlenotd. mature, cooct PIMt l x,.,..ion wltll people, and a~. dlacounl «M-1137 A.ppflaMt lltwilin Expert lrwtallatiol\. e materlall J>dpfu.l. Ca I I pay, benefits. Schock BOiatl. ()pportllhitlel 1or: No aaJet upttienoe nectt. $4500 lat TD, 19' due 3 'l"•rta . '510 8LANKINSlDP FLOORS flO per load. Free prqe INCOME Taxes prepared 6t6...(629 Ne.port m.-m Auemltly Carpenters l&l'Y. 4"-.... comm OYer yn.. l~ discovnl IQ.l.al MG-7m dHnuJ for usable items. )'OW' home, loi1i form cam-J'IBEP.GLASS mo 1 d e r 1 , NEED 4 boys ):I .,.iat .ie. LUHRS IOA T CO. • above auar. salary. fllil) 491.mo SUPREME JltefricenHoa-A 962.at& a1tv 1 P.M. blncd. m. m.3422 labcnn. 1r ..-nw.r.. pitY rnamp:r attwr ICboal a Ml w. 11th St...CM per mo iuar. Fee Dtl. A.pplfanot ~· ..,_ llr llodrlal -Yard/-....,. ap, a.. MACK 11AIUU11 "" s.rv. top ..._ !Iii West 1'11h .. _.,~ wrtre Sb1t!ont 8MAU. ~ ·....-...._ MISS I XIC AGENCY Money W•-6SJO --s.-1 •. -~ lhmed, ........... "'1. dirt. ~ !ltll ..... mr ~·~ SL, C.M. C..-Jor, box .1.UI. flm1 ... ....... ... .. 411 W, Cout - tar, -boe, ........ 96a-C.N. -ta, !llloan J KENNJ;t. MAN. -i5; W-er, ~ ,lfloo J»Q'llJIL -Beach ~ Bus '"' fw ........... f ... ,..,..... '"' --lo"' MAlnl" 116 • INCOIO:' TAX • "" .. Lo-. -.. iOAT CA•,ljiTIQ ... Call ~·111 .... -' cll•ntele desUotl to -llE!Poi<8mu; -""°"· -HAULING, GennaJ. Tep. Done In ,_ homo penon, SPCA, :11!11121-.... ""'tonl';.... -lllo. ~ " •ILll l' COOK ; """' """ .....,. --.... __ .. A-~--·.. -trim, ......... .... " IS...... -ea.,.. --...... _ -. -L=. ,..,., -= --.·.· from priv lndivtdtl&!o0<... -• ......., ........ Blc J ... NM030 -• ~ -'"' ..,,,.. ~ ~ clal fW>tb. We.,,.,,..... !!!"'_....... ""'1.W.... ~ 6 •-La Ion •11-=.,. 6110 Dol1Yft1 6 \IC-"I'• )Vll!attf -"""" ....., Joi>, pod-., .... • dear prime ............ I ....,.., ~· ...,. wn II d I , ... =:. ~ -Call >or --Balor llt., CJl ' "°" -,.-fl ......,..., .. ollfce mllliOn dollar + -MOltlEit - -........,._, IJeenool l - -.. --LANDICAPllll 5*1"' ' ... DllllW-* ... II .,.. -..... ...... ..... •PP'L ""' '•' ata1'Jne•t •ith --.... \Ii ,I• -· -__ ZllO alt • CAilnTs, -an, ATTllNTION ' • DIJRWASHEa•. t::r In --Via '111UCX QlwF, ~ ·:s -. ~ :!:t!"~~-=:::.~ -·~ION~~=: .. ~--~ 1.::~a"'!°t::.: ~i_-6.1:"a."'a: *A~~~·~:..;.:.~-,.-'~ c1er1t. P.O. 1VANTS21,000collAtml.,_ 8.UlfS!ftll\G. ""' ...... care?lleu!l6t-llm MMlll hie ..... -... -DON'1.,.. I •-· lllMISS!ON SPiX:iAl.iii ,,_ Dr,tndable.-M ... DoxlOO.SanOomtnta with sso.<m TD Cl! 10 rdWI .. ....... • "GlrOald, COMlrtRClAL • .Domesnc WILUAla a.NG. SERY. llr'YlCCI. Leta pt fQrether cndck" CUft -.. .. • CiENERAL MEOWOCI • IDnlANICS. Inboard a -BEAlfl'Y cptn.fron ix' .c. CN:tanvlew hllltofl I a 11 d • r.v. La•1l 1n1int. Llwn a pn,1e four film cln be new aplnl btfor\ )'Ol1r bua)' .a.llOft. o.u, Pll9f want Adi Colta Mtaa Au.ta Worb: l!oan1 Call 6tf...4114S betwttn trac Von'• Shop's .c!M-ll31 9Dtcl cJMnup. 548-5819. Cinar I: npairlrw. 604154 PholJI .......-r f.0-5611 20lll Plact.ntia, br. t A s aakin. Cd Ka¥ S3&-4.U1 .. " , J I I I t I ----·---------:----------.. ·~--,:------:---;-.,......----,-------.-,..-----. , .. ·--... ..., .. ' . ~ . . . . . . . . . ... ' ... ~ .. ' . . .. • 11.1 • ~ • - - "'''' "' "'"" . " I "'~ . 1 t ~· I .. I :· " -. \ I '.- " ' , .. - "' ;...• .. 0; :-- .'-" .. ,_ .. : -···· ,, .. ~ ~· • ..: " '. --... " ' -~·· .. ~(·\ .. ~ l ... !.:ti a " 01 .. - • • ' ' ' In. •"It -";( "' ('.I~ ,, . ,... l • • -' ' .. ' t<: ---..,, " " --· OI .. -· --• -~. ..... . r.S.:: •• ~jJ,j ' ..... . ~-... --• r-... . ,_ • • • I ~ • ~• • --4 •• .,. - .. • • • f .. • ' - • -- WITH Don't . iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct; -• 642-5678 Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540.1220, Id frffl ' ' . ' • • • '. t , >i: I I ' ' • 1 .. ----·· - ' lT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS P.ENNY PINC.HEOR. -WANT-A -D5 NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! I I ------~~---------------~~·~~=--=·---------------............... ~_..._.,, ., .. _ ..-·~··~~-~-· ···~----·-. -~ -' ' JOBS " EMPLOYMENT JOU " IMl'LOYMINT Miii a llMPLOYMlm JOU a IMl'LOYMEHT MERCHANDISE FOR MEltclHANDISI FOa SALE AND TRADI SALl·AND TRAD.I ,,., ...,. i:,;;1·~ IMijjov~nM11RRlilAll:iii5iivnl'!Ul'iJ6i MllCHANDISI ~ filn" . . ""' SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TRADE ~Ip W•nted Ho~ w.-7_ Help W-Help Won'°" Womon 7400 --w-7400 w-7400 Fumlturo IOCIOPumlturo IOCIO ~'-llGO Pt.-& !!!J"." •llO w...i._.,11,.. l6GO UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP TIRED or A LONG 'COMMUTE! · Untgud lnsuranct!! C~p 1a now hlrin& for our ne... dl-- villott otttce open.ins ln April, in Huntilla:ton Beach. on Edinger at Bea.ch Blvd., luBt o11 the San D;.,,o Fwy. 'I'be9e p:>liUons will require ...... --or approximately one month in our Los ~ office, tie.. Jore the move. Tram:porta. tion wm be provided,. I mmodl•to Oponine• In the following •re11 POU CY SERVICE Prefer at least one year of lire, casualty or multiple line rating experience, Plea. sant phone. personality es- sential · Excellent opportun. lty for advancement; POLICY TYPING Experienced or trainee, muJ. tiple line policy typist. 60+ accurately on thl! electric. The ideal position for aoJllb. one who Ulre1 to type. Excellent free benefits. Per. manent, 1teady work. Our policy is promotion from within. Your future is deter. mined entirely by you. New modem office, friendly, pleasant atmosphere. For Details and App't. Call C.Ollect PERSONNEL 1213) 384-1213 UNI GARD INSURANCE GROUP Work Near Home EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. * OIRI 1YPIST Immecliato ..... "'""" dtpartroent. Jlult type. 5t wpm cm 18M: electric. D'- ven1fted dutlea. Coll por-1 dept. (714) 494-Mll TEL ON IC CITY OF NEWPORT BIACll POLICE CLERK I $452 • $549 per - Requires SO wpm typU., high school diploma, one year of recent experience in typing and/or pneral olfice work. Final lillnl date April 18, 1969. For applica.tio!I &nd further information coctact PeJlo. aonnel omee, 3300 New. port Blvd., Newport Be a c h, Calif, ('ll.{I 673<633. IN DIUCTOR . OF NURSES-I TB1fR -.... for ........ ble lndtviduaJ: with experieDOt or wUUna: to lea.rn. CALL lor ... pt. - . . k7 ~ J m LA11Gx .rr~ .... 1 .. • .. • * •uenoN * ~-Retrl1eraton. ~ ·New n•tl A • -SI• .u4 .,._ WUIUJTZEIU•BIW>BURY 'U ... wlll..Uor..., IBM MT /ST SpCialslt "'°" tree..,.. u ~~ All . ..,,.. n-.. iD 11Yt WllldY a 1ry npl T u-.M •pricllt ISC. W-.....,_ ....... • noto, del Auctlooa,Frtday 7,30 p.a. S ....... tenanean · .ioo .,,... IO", .111.11, """'""'•.-.Prtcu-Windy'• Auction a.m • i:v.n1np lh1fl. ExP<ricn« 8-111 Manufl<hl,..r'• Whirlpool• 2 -~ IW ,t .-. · a.t4nd Tolly' Bklr Klit'L ......... '69 Show-.......... ~ -. 2 -,,,.._ _ ..... ..,,, --~CM·- AIT_ ......,.._ __ -· ~ n;pJalro >W.titar °'91111;1-=;;;:;;;;;:-~==-1 APl'LY s• !Vood cuv~ arm divan, lg. man'• chair ~ ~ "'!'>~Im."« ·' · . • NEW • .,...I IED f'...,.~ or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dart oat din set ' $179. Da.........., ,,.._, J•-· llN ~ • • &!&-UM ,.,-v--IWI> MARSHALL COMl'flUNIC~TIONS 3Sl9 W, WARNER Santa Ana, c.lit. 92704 C'll.4) 540-2820 An Equal Opportunity Employer • • • w/black or avocado framed c!Wn; 8 Pc BR ·-· "·-. -"'FOR SALE set. '9-dr Mr. & lllrs. dreoser, If mlm>r, 2 REFRIG. 2 DR. ""' ~ otufal llfS. n.ma.ni.. ~ • Ml1I commodes, decorative headboard in Spanith r!, ~ ~ ~ ~ ZVD.rimNG JN wmc endl Sat. Onb'" 1 Lm. lo J oak design with matching boz spriDp, mat. -.1oo1<s terrtbl•.' Je.Ci' Mlsfc Ctnler ~"'-·°'"'"-tress & frame. -....n $50. A 11 . . CARPETS, V1nyls. 1'llel, iat. llOtM Sold lndMdu•lly ·.....,,-.Cub or terml. -Soles" -.., ¢'loo and colon.°""' Shop ANund -lefON you buy lff USI Cout Eledrl.c Service Daily. 121 MOii 'tU t, Sat " me:rdal Ir Rnident1al. b VALUE $1095.95-FULL PlllCI $529.95 Dept.,...__ 1T41l48eocll·Blvd .. !Hwy39! pert..,..natton. ortennaulow .. $4.66_p1rWMk GE Refriprator, bottom 1~ ml. Set.:'~ Diep rwy. IC-UOS HJr.T.1112 U.eOurStoreCbargePlanorllant""""f".Ji. -.... Flwt tree in lood Hiii• ......... _ 141-WHOLES.lLE 5 pl No Fancy Front ~ BUT Quality Valatil · e MCtlob. New comprwcr •.H4KMONI>.;........,. y,.. maraueritet $2.50 tL 15 pl EXPERIENCED Boo\rkttper unit 1 YMr cu~ on. ....... ..W A vied p1ano1 twisted junipers. $15. ea. to woril: ill Art Studio Ii: le&kd unit. Immaculatl',I ol1d ..._, Best laws Ill various other plant&. e & handle all paperwork inc. • • • • • ·• wbi~. Dunlap;., 1, 115 , Bo.,"CallL:dckt hen. 18th st, C.M ••• lie •...... 11-r1 •·nk cdlectiono. ..,,.u. aa1.. N--Colla M ,e... ICJllllD'O MIJll!C m. IO PIECES Waboo .._ "'"1 M IHI tax. keep tab of stockroom, 548-1181 ' l9m N. Main, Pattern Sterling flatwart, typing, nm errands. Oc-WASllERS •DRYERS llnfll Am. circa lSOO. ~ SS aou:ventt 5Suporlor A ... Newport Beach castonal participation in • • Sewra1 tram Model Homtl spoons, like new $475. production. $100 wk to start. Dunlap'•• 1S1S Nntpert Wie ' l200 546-8674 Handwritten resume to Box · • Colla Ma& SG-1'91· · · · " · MAPLE Drop leaf Cbl $95. No. p_.,, Deily,Pilot JOBS lo EMPLOYMENl WHITE 2 Dr; oldO bJI '"'le, "Z! "X:': ~ ,._..,....tor, Wblrl..,.i $90. * NURSES AIDES * TEIErYPE o.,.,..., ..;th . Fumlturo IOCIO Adntln1 • "b'"'"•""" Xlnt "1-0&in ii AVQ -..i .ii O'Keete ~ M<mtt ... exper. tor brokerage tirm. Schools-lnlfrvctlon· 7600 · • r cond;:iKMW-aflw.S l'M or bin4"""antemia. $30. ~l&:m •tove. c.onwmpo 3. Wa!t new $400. Pleut contact ·Mn. GOING To Euro this ., SPANISH Returned from Sun. , DrQI. 133--0t47 evea. S2!5. LI 8-1914 Alward. 673-7005 pe year. Model Homes on ..i. at WESTINGHOUSE Refrl1 r · BUILT-In dinhle unit $25. Newport Conv1le1cent Crowell Weedon I Co. ~:rsa:n· ~my~ lea than wbolelalel ~ lllCL' nu. 2,'. dr,, 1;4 . cu ft. T,......_ l205 Gu fire )Qcl JI1 Electric Cent.r Corona del Mar &U-6260 tncludet beautttul Ii •,• FrOet .. flft, coppertone , leWiilc ma. c h l n e $10. Good world.rw eondJtions and qWlted lofa A love 1e&t. $I.S5. MM713 .... ·M4QfAVOX 11'' Co Io r 642..fll'll ~--·~ 393 ~• Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7500 MERCHANDISE FOR 3 SpanWi ... _.... Sl9UO. Zenith 21" OD=~=~~~--~ La, Hospil&I Rd. NB SALE AND TRADE tables swag or ta.hie tam ' MAYTAG ru ctryer, x.tnt · (J'miptt) $215. Padwd Bell 4Xli HAND-Made ahaa: q , A'ITltACitVE Woman to wall •la pt. oond. SSS. ~ 11" 1i' • ..t.. •--otanae It whi~; "pd. $150 2 p """'· ..... _.. * ......... * ' . . -v ~< -·-· ... = -train .. "'""" Counlelor. * . rsEMBlfRS Furniture IOCIO or lull .... bedroom .... . ' . ' = eabWt w/ tambor doors. -·· .... Muathavellimfiptt, like Al complete lncl box ,prtnp. ELECI'IUC IU raaae. ·,·anne.auto cutrldae ,,, ... =·.,,..,----~,.....~I DENTAL oruc. Se<relary, to work ..;th publk, 61> 20 PC. MODERM matlral, linens"........., aputment lbe $311 •. 21U .tape ,......ier 110.95. EARLY Amer. COO<h A d>r, (Tustin). Se<retuial okills "°""mo.slarting"' ~;.!,~Lomo"r. Eleetn>.mochani'8!. as5'm~Y .• ., ROOM GROUP lamps, -... I pc . .....,.;,Lo,Q&.51&-111\1 ' ,DavJi.Brown·MS-!IM 2 eod tablo" --needed. Comprehensive _._., ... lnclud Id .............. _, dlnini: .et priced' ebewbere WASHER It Dryft' RlilU'· . CX>LOR -.;., .. GE il RCA ~· mod. tables " Imo i~-ot Call fer imervi.ew 6'2-3630 mg ~ ~· """'i"'ri. lnclud : Floral sol.a I: cbalr .. ~"' • chair etc 546-065.1 w~e the dental~ NURSES AIDE enced or will train. • __ ,'!·"' tabl•s. lamps . at approz. $ll95.00 Ali., Xlnt.auannteed1er·vte.e ·TraA:Se in'• Ir·~ k·==· =·:'C~~,-..,,--vironment Ii: patient ·netda wa.u... F0R ONLY $399. SI) down. Reu ntn. 1174115 -~ fn!fn I~. ful]y 9' QUILTED Sofa $60, blond are req'd. Minim.um. exper. 7 TO ! SHI:IT Call personnel dept. complete bedroom with quill . $4.99 per ""eek / out of G.E. Auto wuber, ~ cend, iUtl.ti~ .. Prtced ri&ht Olympic stefto, radio, TV, of 3 yra.: desire 5 yra. PARK LIDO (Jl4 ) 4,...9401 ed mattress· S pc. dinette, state credit OK. W·ill fUU&lltHd. for~~· Dl,mlap's, combo, good oond. Best of. or nxre. Must meet litua· Convaleacent Hospital etc, All Jor • . . · sepan.te tar ~ ale. ~ $35. * IC't-1115 lll.5 fitwpoi't; cu~sa.ms fer owr $100 KI 5-9194: ~th~~~ Newport1~8upfrior642.241o TELO.NIC Nodown-~!.?niySIO~. ·= =rureB1~~7.~ R.c.A.~e11ctr1c ~l--~e ~·,:::::=mm!::C: ~t penon. eau, ' HOUSEWORK in......... WElK'S WAREHOUSE ~~~~ ~ c!:; dryer $40. Mi-Ult -eoodltloil. iiW67• __ sso.~-~----- Do not take your Ume or in or call <nfJ S30-5:UO Antfq"!1' 1110 MAGNIFICENT . a··. *1'tO, GAS engine prden ~ mine ~u yoU have ENl'-lW:tnlNG (Q 600 W <th St Santa • .. A AM/FM, tape tlock. color .$50. Impleme~ts; plow, disc * HOSTESSES * ..r.r.nces . and willing to VllKUI • "'-n n_;; •• 9. 9 ~~ 20 Pe. Ma-I.. ANTIQUE TV.~~.-"..,..per, I'S. 64&<;186 worl< ............. ,.... v~ ~ .... SHOW .. SALE ,. • FIRE •• ~ •• ···- NIGHTS at$2/hr.Call'91-3892 Sat.9 -• SUn.ll.& 3 ROOM GROUP IOExhlblinn Ser?ll;.-.··. ·--.,,.:,.;u;.r;.J;;: Secntary/Glrl FrW.y Lagun• Be•ch MATCHING Pair beautiful ·lncludes: UvlDc room ltt • April lO. ll. 12 •13th $99 Call MJ-3C!IO ...._ """.... garnet red old Chinese tables • •---• bedmca Tb•--.. Sat 1·10 .. -. GOLF Set. : c O·Dl a I et e 1.=,~·'==~=---·I .r.,'tt.ce. ...... M:u:e:ti:,.J~~ Equal opportunity employer Oriental rugs, 9xl2, very .et .. qqil~ttral .. ma---. " • ., ..-~ (Pro"1~~W1J.lon 21" lONG+lawn mower I: thick, like new. Large ccf-pie dinh>e room AD for ::':'tm12-I~ ataff) I trom.• ~:1: Put· McOaJn ed&tr, $125. 466 =· s;;:m:;. ~·d~~ ----*-----1 ~~ '!_~l~TV 'M',~54'"1c;)!!ce . $44.9 • • • 800 W, Katella Ave. ~.~ ~«-".:!,;.._;~ E . 18th St. CM. 547.st&O, 3 5 onJy HOTEL .,...,. s.u • '""'· -JU,N ACl'Oll from Dilneylan4 ..,.... l:&I"• ..... ,_,...._... , WESI1NGH9USE Router 1S1 E. PKlfk Cat. Hwy. to pm • ~iOVING Back East-must No down· Pmts. only $11 mo. * Twe ''$'' Curv9 GOLF Qu1il, I .: lrcn. 3 oven Ii cabinet stand $25. Newport -h GENERAL omCE DESK CLERK-,.11 furn;ture. :ltJ9 Monte WElK'S w•ni:WlllfE ' -Ben ...... -Rot .. Broll ... n broiler 13$. REllSI E. LEE DAYS Apply in pmon Immediate ,openina. Typing Vista, CM. 548-7882 a.ft 9 am.1 -UJVU.J ROLL TOP DESKS ' man'• dubl; aocid . Jbapf; Like new! 54&-9674 * ASSENEEMBDSLERS * OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiOiilOiil• I ~ p~~ t ~i ~ ~: CASHIER am. !00 W. 4th St .. Santa Am ~1/F.'I~ ~ -ollor. 9G-El51 · ' ; MAYTAG wuhor, antique See Bet1;J BNce G vanoemenl Call tor ap-Open Dally I • I ~ ittWllOl". -SKI boota. abe S. IQOd: con-~range $15 each. Plants, m lx pointment ~T157 Heavy experience on NCR. 17 Pc. KfftCJ Size Sal 9 • t Sim. 11 • 1 Vut atock Amir/Eur flam 6 dltlon, doW:lle boot tzi. trees 50c ea. Et kb• rt Excellent fringe benefits, life insurance, paid holidays, •le. APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Cost• Mesa, Callf. EXPERIENCED · : • • ·~ DENTAL "™ 0N1sr 4200· Good Mlary. 5 • .,.. Bedroom · uSED Sota ~ chalr •ff·. u.. c1oc1ca. Lury -...,._ l4M539 · > trumP<t 137.so. ,....,..., """' • ., . ~ 11 Apply in peroon, Oniy: ed 5 ...... dinette,.,.-:.:.. .. pr. qlliiel, 2GI Nwpt. Bid .. CM. • PATIO arbor, table ,._ Ageicy for Career Glrll Mature, miable woman . experienced need apply. Large 9 drawer dreuer, mil'-.,.. ..,, Ml i•---·-l6GO • (lO w. Cout Hwy N a. Must have l'OOd ~ ror, :1 bedside stands. kine of lampt $90; ma.ttre11 6 1928 RADIO/record playwr, IC9 ...,_.. benchel $50. Magnavox TV 81 appoint. .. st6.39.18 to work in buy Cmta Mea THE size' headboard,'fram~. qa11t. IPrinP $22. H. F". R. C • bea.utlful tall cabinet. $50. WALNUT din. •t w' I'. JI '$5o. Phllcc TV $25. 548-3627 office. ~2634 ~ ma~ aheeta. blank· 548-3481 67S-49'i'I after S. cbaln. $80; btk. ~ C sultar A amp Wortc Noor -OVER l&-Babylln.r a NEWPORTER INN •ts. etc. . LOVELY s· IOla, ...... -. S.WI MMhl 111111 -din.·.,. w/_,,., Steel guitar 13:1. Sallln& ,e .~ mother"• helper, live in. llCJ7 Jamboree Road OlOlce elf Spanl..sb quilted t Io r a 1 ; acot· .. Me 4 dn. $t1); board $35. 531>--a83 e Se<retuial Call M, !i1W12>-a11-1. Newport Beach ar Modern Style ............ $115. Motcbllw 'II SINGER. Ill--auto, ....... $15' I' .._..;:. Train "~ HO ·-540-UO. -" 64+l'IOO All For $249 --tm.531-am with_, -,..... _,, ___ ' • on table, dual -e Typiats PaulartnG atta No down. Pmts. only $9 mo. owr 5 pymnts, $'7.25 mo. tble. $10; ~ , • 1 • Sac, $'75. 545-2929 S ·--A-u•~ -·~ -bi~ • Office Furniture IOIO Call-·-· $15• _.. n • CREDIT. ~"""iiiiy ';;;; ~ •• :; Cooks WEUl'S WAREHOUSE ....... 111: wlwtcbOtF• ~IM.=..': CHECKER 1!57 -m. ea.ta -Newport Shop, -,,. • Hostesses ms. Group•-"' •<eel Muolcol Inst. 1125 :klra-walnut ••'• :us. 00 oarr.n. CM ,i. I I ' r.n first 6Q..7V' e1aud but not~ 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana desks, d:atl'I. tabln, fl1el. , w/chalr '25; wrotllht , 1----___ ,_ -~ ~ -~Cill~ --· --open---nany 9 • ::i abelvinl,-Joclras_A _draftiDJ..l-GtJ ltarJleNl.11rten_ -6..aJaa_end_tble.~SlO· ' . EFRIG, yellow, aiep ir, .. ~ .. "'~·-t- UNITED CALIFORNIA • EXEC. Sec. A GU Friday, Apply In person Sat 9. 6 SUn. n .. 6 room furnt~. e NEW ml USED e end tble. $1; Ip. · ..--·· 'WlilfFill'HiU I: I.JM! BANK ftlltl!I MoMMan., 77241.lO Fender e Vaa e llanlel nc1c 11G. tu W. s'"'of.J~iland~~-~l40~646-67lll~~·~968-~lg11~t llUUl toach job -top pe.y. REUBEN'S Furniture returned from dia-1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., tn • GIB9)N •MARTIN S.A. 5'MMS: j t Holiday Spa Mem.benbip Reaume A ftbi re q • d • play studios, model homes. Anaheim (akmpide S.S. e wn.alN e YAllAHA -jiliii!ililii!iiiiiiii!iliiJ CdM. Experience Located in lrviM Ind. decorators cancellation. Frway at Katen&) Drum ..._...,..,. 'lie •·-I U...i $11 ~4 mo&~ Preferred Complex, N,.B. 114: ~2414 COCO'S Spanish&: Mediterranean etc Y Ir E atttl dab " chain. •.NEW and USED• W IWWV 'If .,..;11111 l;;;='-..·=moi-:.0::--'::73:;',:-. I , 67s.5011 DENTAL ---. RD FURNITURE mile. oquipL 8""1511 o< UJDWIG, ROGERS, ABl'RO 9Xl2 SHAG rug, -' Equal opportwtlty employer "'""°"' ... aniy. A&< 2!-35 15.!5 W. Adam• 1844 Newport Blvd., CM 830-1817 I.up .i .. t1on --·4 WANTS TO ·IUY ...._ with pad; - 2712 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach, Calif. 646-2431 BE THE FIRST McDONALDS is b I r l n I <X>UNTER Women to work Moncla1 tbru Friday 11 am- 2 pm. Uniforms turnlsbed. ""meals. APPLY IN PERSON McDONALD'S 6561 Edinger Huntington Beach EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY SARAH COVENTRY bu J'l"L Ph. 546-2UO btwn 1 Costa Mesa evet'Y night til 9 pc. .ell and C71Dblll.,.... ' 1,,,-~·~l100-=--·-83>-_l358 __ . ..,.-~ -tor lull or put pn>lO pm°"'>'· eGROCERY CLERKS Wed., Sat. & SUn 'til 6 Gange Solo I022 ... •I 19.50. Ped.i., hMlote UMcfl Anti.ieJowoh•t G~ Door, ..,.,.n -S5 time aaln. Min. .,. lJ. MATURE ...,,,.. needed to 20 PC. "MADRID" and _,. -Al omoll eacn. Dresoer, ..,,,.~ tloor Ple8Sallt wort. no iwt. t.b)iltt.. m;y heme oc-eMEAT CUTTERS LADIES Quality 1 u l t 1 , puta. aeceuc• 6 qma.J.. !Over or Sold. Pb: 175-lml pollaher $10 ea. 642-Ur no deu..n... ,... ..,_.... ...-i --year. •BOX BOYS 3 Room Group •weai.n. top, c 0 •" • in.-. . , ., .... 3'4!t vte 9· SOFA " mate,,... d>afr, call 5f0.-0614/ 137--474:9/ 5IMICa at dreuea, bloutes.· eaprta..me EVER'!'1111NC IM MUIJC or come Ille ., Wl!lttnabouae router A 847-8950 • ASSEMBl.ERS Sta .. r BroJ. Markets FROM MODEL HOMES 10 to ": Hata. . pune1, Buch Mask c..a..· r· Udo I J(wpt Bch. cabinet. 494.S146 -,====-===~-I e -"ll'DrT •EO .......... 1"tOE">~ "---.... .. f Bak • F ,_,,_ lDcludea: Quilted aota I. jewelry, diahn:, hair dr)w, VlllWI SEC'Y-RECEPT. ·~-·~·~ ~·-o er K •··~w clWr -2 eod table• a... ,,,..,_.% -71> N. Como BOY'S S"--3 H.D. Exercycle, .., lrplc far Orthodontic ottice. Buld-APro' . Costa Mesa 8 AM to 6 PM feo'!. tabl~ - 2 lamps -m... aee, come ll&h. Qnp, l'JU:torJ Sa1ll Ir Service Qf!ld. hand ~ Wcie lo(, Grey 6' couch. Webcor l&U Aaeentia. CoD Mesa Tue9day tbru Saturday er -m.irror-headboard -cheap, cbeq. AtL 4 PM o.ny 12 DOOD 'ti I, lat ti . new S25.. ilertJ duty ~ wire ttdr. 541).3283 nesa exp req. Dental ap not PRINTED CIRCi1lT BOARD e COOKS quilted box spring A matt-daily (except Fri), All day 1140I Beacb Bhd., <BW1 •>. bu 135 completR. Delta I SLOT car track 00.S.. ~~-~ ~ Exp'd. Sc2ftntn 4 toudH.lp • WAITRF.SSES ress -5 pc. dining room; Sat. 2<llO National Aw., lli\ ml. So. .. Dlilp nrf, Jointer ~~~· new 3:1nd acale; nr. new. • siris. Apply: 851 W, lBtb e BUSBOYS table &: 4 hi·back chaln. Costa Mesa. Hui:1tmcton Beadl MT-$99. RCA ~· n TV,, Make offer. ~13'15 salary. ""'826 St.ColtaMeu.. ~ ... -.i COMPARE AT 11-95 ··-UHF, walrlrt CHt Sl"IS,,I:::====-:-,;--:--~·-~~ ~. PATIO SALE-4 t.vnilin. QllSOH ,Mt Sborpl --Arold WROUGHTlron .. tlo-A ~HA.J:.;E.,: GIRL Friday-apply in Barrott'sCoffMShop $399 Maplehutch,\>moonpanot, withlWdobell·-· lamp,tumod-buollO. glus top table $35. Metal ~,. ts M,,,__1 penon a..12. Mac Gregor 2273 H•rbor Blvd, CM ,.y0 d-Pmts ·-'·~·mo. davenport, table, aamrtrd $3:20 new, -~-.tl.t!r. 64&--0Al typewriter table $5. 644-1352 ;:..~= Xint. -.!"'~ ""':' Yacht Corp. 1631 l'lacentia. SAILMAKERS • E><perio ... w'"' ElK""';"s WAR_EHOU_ SE baby 1urn;rur.. dnu .. nn, Eric. --• I'll •#• ~-I tor .USED Bricks cleaned • _, • CM M · cortlllle TV u ii• other """ a.u-.n •• w ·mo • • benefits. Call me> 137-2>20 ac:hine operators &: beOL"h Mille ittm1. 'Sat a: &in U-5. F EN o J: R Ba 1 am an mOll land toa1a b' cabinet centl' each U-Hau!, 9D-Cll8 Ext.261fcrappointment H=~~= ~KAp~~t~GOO W. 4th St., Santa Ana 2169E OceanB!vd Balboa ampl!Aer '"'12" Jenaen -mUlftc. l!'llna, .... etc. 8610 UNITED CALIFORNIA WAITRESSES Sboe SOore, So. c.. Pim. ERS,900LldoParkDr .. NB. Opon Deily S.9 673-mS . < 1:."=~1111 ~ ~ :"'...,,~~~~ MIK. Wanted. __ _ BANK Exoerieno<d, Ilea~-~ Mr. Pbolpo HOSl'ESSE& COCKTAIL Sal.. SUn 11-6 f HUGE •oo porch -both tor $275. ,aa W-Av e. WE PAY MORE 3141 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mir 67:1-9240 Excellent Salary I: Waddnc CAKE DECORAroR. Part WAITRESSES: WAi:TER: 2 CONVERTED kerolene tt. framel. doon. all $20. FENDER l2 ltdlll e.c. 541-105 j CASH Conditlona. $40.7200 or fW1 time. APP: I to Kine'• Row, 409 w. Katella table lamps.. 2 kel'Qltne Toy. bike, cacem. old furn. Cllltar; beautlflll omd. • VACUUMS • e WAITRESS : GoocJ 11 AM « call tar appt. Av,, Anaheim,. Cal1t hanging lam.pg. Antique gold chain, tables;clotblns, ==~Sl~.!15.~~·~·~5Xl'J~==I ,$10 up. llept..ln ·--penonalt1)' attracti•e Sfl..28flD«54&-303.1 SMALL RHta t needa ~af piano stool, excellent. ten!-gd cond. Sat 2151 .::: 21-25.F'llll'time,topRluy. PLEASANT, neat lady, Jor mature man u:n woman,~ still lifie o~ paintinc. lntine.N.B.646--4519 Pla,.&Orpna lllO ~~·~ac;:i-rcr Ulf DMr new or u..:J Equal opportunity employer LU PaiAfto•a. RunUJip:m Dln1lb Coffee Ga rd e n owr 21. dt,ya. 56-9863 Maple. hutch, JlUIC, 575 D PATIO Sale-Sat le: Sun 1-3 fumlture, appllaDctt, colar- Harbor. u;,.oe Counter. Attractive position Victona, CM. pm. Oothinl' man;y abu, F.arlJ Ult Model QUAL. X.. Stu bed w/ ed TV's, atereot. plaJm. er. WANTED Lady tar pneral ._. aenU-fttlred. t'B-2740 MAN~~ ~un~ BASS IN ET w/matlals, Jew toola, Iott of oddl 4 CONN ORGANS fOllted •·• t t •, .. caqiiete pm, atovel, refdCm,ll:n. bolJlll: cltamr. l day a 8 AB y I ITT ER matutt ~ ._ o:ma':eaa. 6'L beautiful. eo.t $4$. Sell for e.nda. 17391 Waal Ordt, HD. Solid ate.tit, al tJpN pttt,. Newr ulld $11: wartb S250, bedrooa11 Mtl. dlniJW l'IWJID Wftk. nida.Ys, lftllwted. woman, Dl1' hme.' 3 days . • $18. High chair SG. Car seat oft Holland Aw. chimel. 1AIHe ~ 111....-aiets, otftoe furniture. 1 pieot Rd.I. 16282 Santa Anita. .tr. Own nns. 5CS-899T alt OLDER part um~ Englilh for bucket seat, almotlt new, FURN., dlahea, tall men'• spinet-4 tlatlr modell al UPHOl.BT:EJUNG .. ~ • houlelul. Day, ldlbt ot H.B. Ml-1651 alttt 1• 5:JD JllD , =·~0pnvate Hi&h cost S15. Sell for $7. ~ clothing, Ip •bet, dolls. put aa~ now! pean enftlmen) Fne nt., &mday. EXECUTIVE i<RETARY PART·'I"lme ~ BAB'VSll Ji!lt A ~ • PAIR Modern uphol&tered lamp shade&, ot.htt twml. Oboe a Year s.le ·ct.\, pldcqp. 215 Main. HB ~ ll)e.8 To Genera.I Manacer 1.-g: New homel· muat ..,.k ! dlDdNn 1_,..18 mo Uve BAKERY &&tea lady, eves armless bright blue chain. Sat-Sun. 21>4 Miner, Of. WURLITZIJt PIANOS Bmmd'a UpbGI. a.Mm ..-.&U tracts Administrator, weeRnda. •• 11 TV• tn. .3UJI RoenolDe: i...' C.M. 2 to 10. 318 Marine, Balboa 675-7249 eve• 1;-wttkeod 548-1608 Low tmns. DD down nsmt OlllON .Ml shorthand. 6: t;ypllw, and at PM· 5tS-4lJri • ..._I~ ~ -· Ja1and. 673--8686 $35. ea. DINING table " -a..t-Open SUn 12 to 5 wtdl u..-..L..o.n $ WE BUY $ lout live ,.an al ....... • ~~ ·--. ~~ M A Fil .... 'di t _,..... -· ence u tleCl'etar)I" required. DRAPERY openllOI', up"d. CIRL l'ridrQ",to mia cien. A,encfel.. Men & QU~ Kng Su.e bed •/ ,breakfr9nt, aota, wr 11• W Mutlc c.m--$D0 Dl'W, $mO ar oa,:t $ RJRNtTURE $ Contracts bacqround ...._ 6 tebler. Clwlc ~ «lice ..... lo deftta1 olftce. W • , 7550 quilted m a t t • • "'!'"plete , otbor item•• 511 2513 20C5 N Main SA~. Edo, ~ -I ~ APPLIANCES ed. 3853 Birdl St. N. B. Good tnins • 1 • • n t l a I • omen Never used $98; worth $250. Elden, CM. • , COPPER.TONE aU rante Pl~ase write, &ivillg full de-* 541-lCtl * 5'&-2:1SJ. 847-0«IG GARAGE Sale: ~ wrt u.cl Hi~ . $50. ,.,. b:lod $5 3 blr c.i. 1V'-ri .... ·-s ..... ~. tails or employment ru. OPERATOR& Expd. Fer SALESWOMEN, np'd. tn il 3 PC aect, ome twd,, $12$. 3 nice thlnpl !mall tum, pieo-. • OIGAN IALI • .tooll. ZS" hlP '8 MCh. ciJ'.fjN~J~°MiN~~s tory lncludinl salary to Box _ .. ..., NI -Top -.. _.,. lllWJIOlt • pc """"" crnr ""' uo. Sat 1....., ..,., clothbw, mtec. B.s S. RT4; C2. .WWs. II--• M-623TbelleilyPtlot. ..,.4111!1r,-• ... N.B., Pu<-.Cll.-. llllftonnel bllold -dn 115. SatonQ<9to3.llM3&f 100'" 1-100'1, ~~u· FACl'ORY -camper 541-4531 • 1 blkE. GI O.C. afrpcrt. · SA*Xi'M>Y, tuD ttmt, qe ,...... S40-1817 GARAGE SALE =~ lilt thtll lar "51 Jtan:t.o '85, Lus1mJ Qia.O'Oll Dlftc. EXPERIENCED SAWYER ffom1 ne~da' a tct & Odldrm'a atort. agency OLD Vintage walnut dttk. Boye A ctrta dottwa_ toJI. o,.Su.,uto4 Lc.2 ..... •1•p•ax~~ torft .. Newport~Sen mat a re w 0 m. e 8 t • r B D 8lnet. Tmtin. -~ .. , need• to , be etc. Sat. S15 Sb.! • 11ow!n', llAJO(c»ID , l ..... ..._ ' ':"' 1 ' Oetnimtit. $4331 ' STENO -" )n<llca1 IWD 0.. 30. _.t ProhoulOnol S.rvlc. ttit...d, ind !ea..., cll&lr. S.A. -MUl11 -in roRON.l oa;.liMt . MIMNG·-. ...... ,...,,t=~======= ~. '*"11 ,.rt -. 1 "'11 /-k. for the omplrt•• Call 67>-tm, ""'""""'· HUNTJNGWll 'Bubo.or :l80I E. eout 11"1 ... ma. _, -obt:.~1.~';;;i;;;;;lno;;;;;ry;·;;;ok.;;;;;;;;mlO;;;;.j UNITED CALIFORNIA EXPERIEllCEll -$1.'l!I br• ...._ •nd the •pplicant DOUBLE box oprtng & mat· c.np;rote, _,,.. cl • -.-i; , ..... IOmj<~ BANK ., wan1ad: 1 ._,. -in lllZI> I -•I"* 1or port 113 Dowr Dr .. N.B, '"''" like "'" $30. 2Sll •tat.. AD ni;id to It'-, THE ll•ST DIALS' • - -APL A. °'" . ,. Tf'ORKLIFT SALi . Newport -· p h •a 0 -M""'1. 1oc1J deftta1 ~ 5427Q ,,.,._ Ln. CM. 546-1740 84$.Ullll IJ1 clay Sa-. 0.. Pi-I ~· ij');Uijiii ........ ..... 6.000 lb 1111. 14· 3029 Harbor Blvd. mau lab. ~-CEO khooi..1nstructlon 7600 ~ ouu't"'=.:n:"i:. n;s ~~~~.:.W. All AhrlJS At '-z~-.1m!. . · ~·;:·~ !: Colla MHa -EXP'D. PRESSER -~· CM. -~I.Sun, • • Equalopportunit)'tmi*!Ytt ~Marhc1my ,.,, .. rper. 4 bi's twtoe LIFET IM E Gif t >.1ntcond.548-8201 . WARD'SBALDWINllUrtO _,..' ··~·· KOOP•·•·········· WANTED Mature li\'Mn clUld ca~ hOU~. 5 d-.y Wttk. F. V. 963-C21t lkaut)' operator full ot part Um<, Balboa hland. .. .. f7$.3'lOl_ •• ** M2-W N.B. **' ~«tullda;1.Mt.«l9 ~~. Cblldre•n. SOFA &: atAIR • Nf!W, N U01 Newport. Clil. ..... :0.'E. Doatlk .. ; .... '= lift •• ~.~.~:.~~.7~ EXP'D. PRE&SER TIUPllONE--n,or-ltl ~-,m_~ oUrr. Aj!Pll•-1100 H.lMMONDAllO,-~;r,.4'11)-PI-Auto •leetrlt 15a1 lb SllOI,!-........,. -·Will tnJn. hdl•tduallJ tu-" °' ~·ORE A -· perfect aond. Ptl· -· -DC Uft .............. : ••••• JG5 * * .,.,..211151 N.B. **. For appt. Call ~m OiDcoat 10 leYOnl typing 1V, bunk beds, chests. c.«fee ~m u1D , -.1139 8N. Aft wtlclef-PrJtta Good nuu Aid lflb NURSE:S AlDE • llo1 • .... S£AMsTllESS. -· in ....... 113 Del ...... CM, table. -· &1>-177> .n • IAt• model. ltint -PIANO n!NlNG " ....,... 11' ....,. "' .... JS mm -or .... ltl.am shift. ~ prelurtd. alten.licn.; flltl er put • SCS.-2859 ' pm. Sat &: Sun. &Ull'lnteed. 1ll\ * MT~ Expnt. tw_.Nej 1 ~~~~~~~·,,,-~~~ ~!!!'!~'!"-......... -"' 4K-S1T5 time. 115-lXl White tlfpbuta! Dime+tint Dial 6Ga'll tor RESULTS Wbllt l!llpbantaT Albnt ~ m.mT DAJLY PU.or W.AMT ADSI atARt;r: )Ult W'Ull ad ..,... j ' ' '· ••"':-''ii •-.. ....,_..., __ orv_.,. ______ , •• , •• _.,... _________ .,...~_,.--... --_:;:._,.,... __ , __ , __ _ ... ... ~ ..... ---, ..... ' . ,..._ ... . . -. . . • Ftldor • .,,,.· 11, lM ==~~~::':°"'jiiiAijillilifiA~~~fiiiiis'°!ttATIOll 'RANSl'OllTATION TllANll'DltTATIOll --~-,~~~~~-1~~~1~~~ 1;..;;.,------19"11 a Yochls 9C1 -S.vl• f011 MW l llcea '271, Trlllor, Tl-1 ~;;::,.=:.--_;:;:::=~=:!:.....-....!.:=.. ,. ..... -2 1-;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;.\ , . -t -_ 1,.......1• ~ Celot --l(INl --..... ,. "ICIT ........ Trailor, lllllJ \'66 WAGON!R . --1 ol-_,., DAVID L. Pll.Ullt OoqW-.AarQ -:::" 4 ¥ 3 hp •-.: • ..U _, ..... -C, IJloe 4 wi..1 ......, ._,r_....,.. ~-,,,_ oil -• 31' P-..,. s. .... .-"" --. HIP """ 10<k !\halt. 1125. new, coll ...., ' ,... Ills ...., -"'"'P Lie ;a"lo•J• 10 toaetb•r l2 llltWr Sip nloe btlaw" •• Qmltrll&dDI Pwa 1 ~ MMU'1 svE • '• · llWTll <Ill ............ : ........ -• Hall -... -M I ~ -TENT TiWLiR I ~- PVPPWI, """""" ....... 31' 0-.,VlWI .. M Hr.-.------....... ' ... .......... .... ·• ·-~. n,ro A p:xidle. .U. a mak •••••••••••••• undll' $30,IJO * fa.HI * ~ 11&1 YAJUJIA 250 ee, new ~ l8Ml8S . Lll1U !'!'!'-= '=' ~ : = :. ·.:.:::.!2-::': NT= '!':i.:r-' ~. t1mt, -xlnt Trucb '9500 '"""""" • ..-. cond. S2!58 • tat o&r.1-.-"----...:.= I """"'" st., QI <Ill '"" ... v_.,., ......... 11<.oao Un..,._ s.IV...-' 519-mf '67 IUNCllERO YOYOT ... YOLYO MOVING Out ol Stai.. 2 fff Doi ...... Ill ~ $39.0llO -Jobi. ~-19115 TRMIP. H &S<l CC VS • 9tlck 1966 f!arW, CM. '4&"3ll1 m&JM cata. J dxed. put OWmbta 28, 3 aaD;. ~ 61-:;;;==:;;==:::;;;:;= PenWL 1 .... s ....... '""' poll>fu ........ -·~-~y~ -· """ ,.., Xlnt PI S, IWI, C • ~.n. t ~·--~--· ~--·•-II• -_,.. -coad. O'awlanl mtc reP&ir. T"" . Slwp! •mpert 9520 ·~ to I" o -·-~ --~-. -•-· a..-. --54M7<f Vl55lJ ••w ...... M6-lll< un CAIJ., CJlllCI[ .\V!:llY _, - FREE To Good ..... 1 3Gf ., .. Oportt. "'" ... t llUIEWATE!l awm:ns .... y ....... 171'-l -eh I •-!. CAMPER lid.. b1k. A white ~ ~ ¥* 4M.391S Ew9. tJ.Drive ..U er ~ boats. 9:1' KMH. New Cond.IUon Lrmie S•ln • R..,t•ll m.alamute. 6G-311T afttr I BartJor c:rW*8/IPOl't flab. with Q1Yu. $600. SM-.2511 Authorized Dtaler Jim: 4114 21' FAIRLINER cab. CIUI, Daily_ WeHl;y * &fi..9CllD '68 HODAKA roo.tt; only 140 ll1fOlTS Eidorado Foor --.....,., ... .... miln. ---•••• .:. GERMAN Shepherd, mW, 30 pl trelb water. Twin CAL M tar OIARTER SJ*FIRll. Mf,..1315 fOTOTA-YOLYO Wuu. -.xiotlman 6~ yn old, l'OIXI with dUld,.. Cllr)'l tlW' -..: .... 55 watt $25 4-,y. $150 wk. 1961 Harbor, .c.11. . 6t6-930\ 30,tn:i Fttt of Clmpu mi. vtcy playful, rood Sim1*JD rad. Ted deck. S&-2951 .. YAM.AHA 10, ' ua Displa.va watd> doc. 6C0891 4/1' Reomt _,. $!!1511. °""'" Wirt 700 ml .•• 1211S II ~!Er Fleolll!le ~ SMALL ....., tur1er .,.,. --. ....i ..u lull Alrcroft t 100 -""" ~ -11c .... ~ ~ ROBINS FORD dor, bad lhob:, tneodly, 56-0965 owntt .... of ~~· ~ ._ ri• · eQline, ndio, ber.ttr, big 2060 Harber BJ.\ld. rood ranch home . lT Fr. Pwhwww. ~ acall&fttl'tpm .._ .,-_ ___--Nbber. $915. n.ler. llmeo.t&Mna 6C-OOlO ~ 4112 ~) !""i-(111 ~ * ~. • ,_ -BMl. Hunt. e.ch.J~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO white 6 black ldtteN:, --·-....,._... ,..,...1-'51 Font· i-ctr, pod . -...a INT'L Van camper; llpm. 7 wk&. old. N!ed Id. hme. map down COIW. -...... ..... ....... t200 bod:>'.· &or llhttt trans.. no ... FORD "' Ton 1lat bed 4; ~v. V-8 erw. Auto. 546-6643 <Ill 1111 ........ 1700 .. -"" ..,...., .. ., r..s 2 dr,. m °"""""' -, ,... -0ompr. "'""' .,. STURDYCardhoonl"""""" or.--olllrfJ!al $10000 ........... bod1ud--Pwr -w/ 1000 -: ...._ ou--I: MoviJw cartOla. All ma. li n. Glus nmaJ:lod. ' Botb tr $!DO. Jlky Cam $300 lb capu. l9,0QO mJJea. q . work. SIDI. 54M02l. 541)-3821 50 hp, Evhlnade-, air, ·u· llftUE "51 312 T-Bird enaine $50. 56-4181 I 1968 VW Camper w/tent FEMALE German Shep. t CDWT. X1nt coad. .. ___ °""" '59 GI Lincoln eng. ground •57 Q1EVY P/U Sale or lmmac cond. l owner. Qm. Yr. old, had ahotl. Well TOMCAT BOATS and bal. cnnk. Ducal ~ tNde '5.7 er ur~ VW of 1!164 VW Bua, good. cond. tmt. 540-1080 4/lt 261.4 Npt Blvd, NB '15-HXt -OR -and $300 t1 parts for $200,. eq.L vat m rd. •hape. Must $ll00. Private JMU'IY. 646-a- ULAC Point SWnNe Cat, Ii 12%' BOAT • tralW, .15 $ls,Ooo Cub prioe9 firm. 548-1989 .ee to apprec:. 2107 0ra9, 86 9 to 5 ~Fri. mos.old,temale.Husbob. hp motor, CIDDp)' top, EMPLeYEES PX CM.64&-75111 * PAM-10PS, all •t eel 6£3701 4112 wlDdlhleld. X1nt Clllll. $«50. 40.IKll mi Pcb'&l&s famous GM li7 Pickup. Air. Custom Wl!a. Sales I: reni:ala. $149 FEMALE cat, callco, 1~ 9D-tl59 HQUlf name tires. 4 lor $99. Radi.-cab, etc. Ow n e r. $2395. dp. Buy fac~ diftct. 1010 _..__,__ * * 23• CABIN --'-, at.. wide ovals, mqa. lndya, Sll..nM or 633-3667 So. Harbor, S.A yrs., very ~ ....... tr. ~ o A tone"'-u.. ......... •-t 673-84711 4111 0Wem. RadKI, bait tank, Come l,n 1odQ' and lff IUX· n u ......,. • ......... ,. ......,.. '63 01EV PICKUP fUDy *P an tftilirr. $3lll0. 11r1 Uvinl at down to earth fHl' bldc. 235, ~-v Clean~ Lo ~ Camper Rent1l1 '522 FLUFFY bl.aci: kittem. 6 st>llfl days, 968-3090 ewt. prioH. EapedaDy mw dur· £D.1253 e e New~ .. 1 .. t I: .tires ~:z9a COAOI • TRAILER wteb old. Male ' lanale. u. r-"' ,,_ 67>'661 411, IS' 'MlAVJ;:LER. FamJl1 old, oil ::;..,, "'•=-~,..°" 111 .!,M:;t•YEES PX ''9 FORD Ranci>m> PU, RENTALS NEED rood home tor lq fi.lh1llc boat • H p lllic'ed to .U inllnediateJ.y~ ' ~ tamoua very clean. $395. It'• oone too· early to make . ....c-.. E\rinrucle. Xlrd: cond. ~ Pub valla mme tittl, 4 for $99. Jladl.. 96&-238I relel'Yatioos f« 5Prirw ~ haittd •--pip, SCl.lfl utru. ftS..«39 .: hie in all areu ah, wide avah, map, Ind;ye. ida)'I! ==,,..,~~~-4111-'-' CANADIAN S(IJNG Boy Horbor On Autonetka Parld>w Loi, J.... 9510 wEEK:END OR WEEKLY GERMAN Shepherd puppy, Avallai. in I weeks' · MM>ilt HoftM Sa... rear bldg. 235, Anaheim.. c.; 5464l9l 11 ..,.., old. F"""". Scbock ~k N~ m.-lfZ l!Wr St. 630-125l • • '65 JEEP FINEST,; SELECTION Of · PREVIOUSLY . OWNED r '66-'67-i68 CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR - 2 DOOR • D Dorados • Calais • Coupe de Vllles • Sedan de Villes PRICED FROM $3495 Some Carry New · Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN ...... _ -·-· ... rRANSPORTAT IOH 9525 MOOEL-A •Dune BUKIY• ,_...,, ....... SbDpl i:i;;o. 1701 Parl< St HB, ......... lmportod Auto• ALFA ROMEO '61 ALFA Sprint coupe, wry good condition. New paint etc. Sharp! ;895. 615-3334 AUSTIN . HEALEY '62 AUSTIN llEAL Y 3IXXl Immaculate condition. 11499 Tblnk }'18.1! Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Carden Gl'O\-e Blvd. $lJ3J , '60 A.H.,1 rbll eog., Radio, heater, xlnt cond. $875. 00.- '61 SPRITE, pm:. cond. $1150 Or best oiler 613-17(6 MorG- lng "' ""'" CORTINA 1967 CORTINA GT. R&:H, 4 srx!. Xlnt cone!. i l 0 9 9 . 962-5703. H.B. DATSUN '69 2000 DATSUN Roadster, 5 !Pd trans, 135 hp, dlr, OOney.gold yellow, blclt bucket seats, radio, heater, wsw's, less than 1000 mi. Un- der fact ~·arr. Take older foreign car in trade of $115 cash dels. Will tine priv prty. LB YNW 485. C a 11 Ken, 49t-9773 or 545-0634. ENGLISH FORD 5.'£.'489T 4-11 ._.._.., .. ..,. ......, % bkrl: Eut ot Harbor m\ld. '60. CHEV. ........ Air-con-- 0 11'-J.91T Gl•npu, • hp on Baker .-..-J.300 Pick.Up. 'cyt. 3 1peed. Dune.c..B_u_,199"'-1" ___ 9_52_50 1 T PSOIL Evinrude,muyextr a•.eo.taMeu. cn4>540-MTD ~~amt. Che a p . Runsa:ood..drlvtslikea.;;-VW DuneB ORANGE COUN TY'S Laauna 8*ch 4Kll'll M4--211m atber lPM IX50 2 BR., 1005 Cabana: truck. R28657 sharp. H1sh ru: :e~; VOLUME ENGLISH tCUTEkl-tre<m--.. ~ be-~ T II T--· $795 mil'8go.54U74S. 1150 SOUTH <;OAST HIGHWAY FORD DEALER OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC borne. ~l219 4/lJ S.llbuts 9010 ..,~, .. ~. Maire r• Ir, ' ._.., COMPLETE PETS .... LMifOCK -.. 11 ... All<"" 8111 "" ROLLS ..,.i """ I JOHNSON & SON MEYERS Mom VW; xlnl LAGUNA BEACH SALES ..SERVICE e ~1•1066 531•1069 Stereo, ideePI I. Like ~! ~Harbor mvtt. 642·7lli0 1-'-==c..:c;:,,:;:=..:=-NEW • USED BARGAINS' ~:::"b:.!"'.:=Sale, Trailer 16'. Sell.co~. Llna>ln»ler'""" =·j~ ~ ~ .,,. 494-1084 • 547•3103 PARTS CENTER aG0 Sacrifice $'2100. CaU 646-1917 MILITARY Jeep. Chev V-1. Fiberglus VW Bua::gy 1---·-----21'llLANDER ~'M_~Ki~~~ before10:30oraft.8PM. N~ no x JS 1:itt'· Moy lor*str;;i.;::rail Thtodore Pett, General SCRAMLETS °" ..... ,ip. ._ p.11ey 1311e 890 w. """ ..;. llM NB tr FIELD ~ stream '66; """" "'""· Will .,......,, -~~,;,:,.,..:__ YOUR AD REACHES ROBINS FORD 2t' COLUMBIA flush . toilet, P!felec. rel , trade. 645-23MI DUNE BUGGY 2000 Hatbor Blvd. ANSWER • s.n.. 1nbou11. '""' 1o11 Motor -9215 "'w """ ""'· """'· 11295• oo; 05 Metalllak< 68,972 HOMES EA' ~. H w· EEK """" M•,. 64uxn° · incl. E-Z lift hllcb &. elec. 28S bp Chevy v.a 1:";'°~·=====54s.66S~~I~=~;;;;;~;;;~:;=,,~~._;;~~~=~~~~~~~~~ • IDOftl '36~· Si.COP"" SW.O ,.,.· CONVERTED Bua, com-brW sy1tem. 56-«l32 AU. NEW 5'&-81 I ~~-Y=.-:t-Radio D/F fa.tho S 1111!, pleteb' lelf.,coatained. $1ZO. l967 Puma Tent trailer 5l JEEP Wqon. 4. W.D. =l·m~poiiiijrtjiodiiiijAjiu~to~·-·9·600~1~""~P~lft~ed~~A~ut~Oliiiiiiiii9600~-;.l~m~1po1iiiiirt~od~A~uto.iiiiii;;;;~9600iiiii~lmiiiiipo~rt~od~Auiiiiit~o•iiii~9600~ ~tlon of a chllfkr: He wbeei ~. try '.. S1J.5Q) * 6tU2M * q:crllent corxllHon. hardtop, New ~•. brakes, d utch. r ePAOFIC YACHT ...... _ ... rra 8-dt .._. time. .... aU blt·i.m, slttpe 'I. $1150. Runs wdl. $400. 646-6445 ~ to eat hil cake &lid ~ can 962-7854 Y'OURS. TOO WI Via Oporto, Mftipmt .. 1111 tlf4I _, .. ~ '65 C 5 J Jeep. 22,tw miiel, . 2f Hoar Phane •••• mmo DAILY PDDI' a....... DAILY PILOl' WANT ADS excellent $1350 YOUNG Tame Alricul lftY 0:1m1nc c.\JSTOM DLX Jt 41 IKtil:a NOW! AIWQS • Go.co! * a..:ml. * JMUTOt. nuent taIRr ace .:..""::"":4:$295==:·=:""'3=:ll!I=:;== New u· Dart ••• ••••••• II"' , __ ....., AulM 96001mportod Autos 96001m_...... Aul•• 9600 '." Sabot. ..... • II~ I';".,...;;;;;;;;;·-;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;,...;;;;;"-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ cit. ll20 Glou soowblnl ........ 137> II ·-------,..-. New ~ ••• , ........ . I . ·' ~ CAT.AKAR.AlrfS BEAUTIFUL p urell.r•d TOMC.\T BOATS -kl-. -· 2114.llpt-. NB \l75oMllO !""'• $50. -·-MIDGET OCl<All CRUDER S.IAMESE Sealpoint -I IJ' -Aux. Sloap "4 ....... l<mole. Tnillod;-m-~ 7 Bop' ailL .... 54&-2121 " -......... pwr, ~tel.. 90Ullder, dir. -· 1lDV Go, ..... @ . THIS IS NOT A . @ TIRED BUG ~ nu ........................ ....,,. __ ,_....__-,._.....:;;:::::; -emn1r.$2lll5C........ ..- ALASKAN -..... '°' 0'""1 -C/B ...... .. -AI<C Demo •••••• S.W l500 -'-'lllY. Block HOURLY llENTALS 1: White ~ , • m * aaooa •• * u11 up. 492-.!513 hi;~ a.t eo .. .._ BlSENJI Butitu d 0 I I SAIOT ...,,.. Africa: --. n_. bull, '*""' ..u. balr; AKC a.mp line, ...W. oars. Good cond!Hon ant cicmDler trade; tr m •. owntt. -5'8-l'JS,; ' ""4350 """-='°~-,.'-'~..;,...--11 ~==-,...,.---,..,-CAL :ll, borpln for qulclt OIAKPION sired. It.KC, ale, lndude ou t boa rd. mlallbft Scbnamtn. ~ $2450. (2J.3) HM2Cl da,ya, BobDD days 5C7-t561 eves ~ --49C"573 .... . c ................... . JRISll Srtti!r Pups, AKC FIG A 1 ~· a.m.pioD aired Had sbotl ' •• priced .... t! 546-4.nis 'll.4: 19M.141, 213: 1'9IMIZ2I • ~ ... -.... ..,. "±--28' CAT~ 0ioy de•1 n , .-U,&AlUl\.L ~IJVI' f)wmadfi \ltt £xtru. $8000 pqp a Sctuwtllft at •tud. vat. .ae $5815. n4/193-UD9 call (213}3.31)-651Y.J 3 )'I' old AKC Doberman. 23' STAR a.. Sailboat. No. 2>'10 w/tn.iler. · 1 9 a o . fl3.G75, evea ot wk.ends. 1966 TARTAN, 27' sloop, lnbd. --,. ........ ..,. __ 175-2136 Obectience Flnl ):Uee wift. ner. H>--2119 AFGHAN 13' METCALF w I r oa d ........ Good <GOd."'5. 11 mooth o&d tanale * rn.t115 * -2 YR oW tamale West UDO 14 S AI LBO AT w I trallu. No. 2214 Gd. mplandwhit!Terrler, c.'Ol'ld lllDO -·--.. Al<!: ..... $lZ Coll -' ' ·~ -·-I 'GLASS"'"'='"'SABOT"=~, --'""'....:..-. GQEAT Dono puppla, lawn, ullJnr. NEW ...... $95. ~:=E.~t~ * ~. AI<C Ros--........ -c........ -Klnl'L Sl50 up. Toy Sbld Str. MJ-3151. Cit 511-llill WA!'CI .oa EN'SENADA. Ria. Nn 4 l!'Tl;S~Dl'=l=N=INO==SOOH~~ """ Ille rott + -... Ir a..ned lf'U. Prv Jl'V. .... .. --·-Ii BP JCHl<90N ID -Q U ART I: B. lllJRll:S: cmL -Coll .n.r 5 pm. ~ i.::.:f, -:..-:rs II BP*.~ ~~ ... .......... .. ,, ' -..... ..._"'· '61 PORSCHf '68 vw RARE '68 VW sou••t aACll: CONVT. Wllill, ulltlfflllll """'~ ..... Mad< w.w. _.....i. l ... , •1th e11ta. Aif UIM., --°"""' tlm. ... .,.,... lie. Ne.. W'nd!S wl •-f1lll pr, l.K. lie.. 1011t wMJfm IM ,milt tlf"ft. -· """' lk-. 2 ,, ...... -·· _ .. ...... 114.tl .. 1:M.tl ... ..... . .... .. .... ...... ,.. 2416.ii Wl.tS .......... ..... ......... 2140,95 iAL 2116.95 IAL. 2261,95 IAL '63 vw '66 .!,~1GIA '65 PORSCHf HOTCM •.t.Cll: t• COUP• SI..., wtlll ~-w...r. 't'ellfW, Wad lfrtKlor. SMwt 111¥11', """' ~ lnMttor, FM racllt. lllre rnodtl. l ie. NII. *' ~ti& Uc. .._ •ictllt!lt '91'1. l it. .... "'11~ OYHm ''"·· l~tt.• Htt.• "·""' ""'* , ....... ,, .... ........ ... .... tm.w iEM 4141.W ........... ... .......... _.. ... _ 1077,95 IAL 1532.95 IAL 3641.95 IAL '66 PORSCHE '63 vw '62 vw flt CP•. .. ... IUN ROot' ··~ ....... ...... ...... llltt<I· ,.._ ..., .. lie, ·tt "'"' 11.w. .-. "" ifii ... ,.. • •::::.... "'l': -...... =~i'.t ~tJ::'9'· ., _,..... k: .... w.ns =, ..... ......,.l .... --.,., .• """ "'·" ... ... .... ....... ....... . ..... . ..... ....... ,,..,. ilKW ......... .. ........ tJll.•ta. .... 4170,95 IAL 1132.95 IAL 886.95 I AL BRAND NEW 1969 VOLKSWAGENS '18 7 7 PAI. '8 llOllTI. fllANCN AYAWU :.re:_,. ... --~INP-.. IL-11 .. .,_, --At let•••• ...,.., Newpeft .._. DAR old...,.. wtto c _..__,... 149.0-.INI •1i- -old ooll. ~ -1•·=;..;;;:::c==='-"-=;;: ~. _. ...._ --T Dodi -to IJ'. -· Alie S. IUt ... IL Yfllb'. Nev " liiiiiffii~ti .. i;; __ ....... 11<• ... tl•. - .-, T 1'" old. -WANTED ·-· Slt> ... Blc ..... -··, J • 21' aaillf. fCMl2I iOiiiw -•••• •··---... @ --·-Loll .,.i I 'It•_,_ .. ... ftt DAILT nor DAD..T Pll.OI' a ..... ...in 1~·~-~•:.:t«>tr::::~'---J!..----------------------------------------~ .. • VER.Y • INTERESTIN-G! ' GREAT USED CARS '61 CHEVROLET '65 IMPALA SPOUS COVPI V.f, A.T .. RI H, P.S. IW2J4l 51295 '6~ l'ONTIAC •.T.O. A.T .. R&H, P.S .. Factory air. lWIL 7121 • 52395 '66 CHIV. IMPALA t PUS. WAHN F11ll pciwar I •it. ISV& 1371 . 52195 ''1 EL CAMINO CUSTOM V0I , l•cho"Y •it, RI H. IXtJ. 4721. 51795 '66 CHEVELLE MAtllU 4 DL V·t , A.T .. RIH, P.S., F•c:t.l'y •it. IUK7094l • 51695 '67 CADILLAC COUl'I DI YILLI Fvll JKIW•r I air. I i",000 •c· tu•( 111ila1. No. 295151. M1lr:a offor. ... 7 7 ''1 T-BIRD H.T. COUPI V:11yl roof. Fvtl powor I air, IULC l l-41 . 52595 '63 T-llRD '"" 'i89§ ""· SPOln PUIY '65 PLY. CONY. v.1, Automatie, P.S., R&H. ~c MIV •••r; 5995 '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA S.S. en. A.T., RIH, flEI 061 1 51095 '66 BUICK WILDCAT CPI. A.T,. l &H, l'.S. Factory •ir. I llU 4621. 52195 4 ,,.H, r•dlo •"' Ma+.t. CHCE 4111i l. ' 5995 ''7FORD V1 TOM P.U • 51595 . '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DL A.T., R.&H, P.S., Factory •it, Sarial No. 111716. 51295 '67 FORD COITINA G.T. .. 1paod. RI H. !VEE35 7} 51495 '67 51MCA 4 DOOi 4 tpaad, radio, haatar, l ika t1aw ! CVUl 0141. 5895 -.• '63 COMET SlATION WA•ON V.1, A.T .. l&H, P.S. I FaJ S97 1. 5995 I.Ult FIW'tW5, Ud&i um AYAl.Aal. APP'IOV1D CllDn' co ELLC=~:~ET 2828 HARBOR BLVD.COSTA MESA ~ ~ • ,, • . • t • • • . • • • • l • • • . l ! . . • . • . • • . . • . . . . . •• .. -,.-----·------~,.,.~------.... .--·~ .... ~--..-.-------------~~~-~· ..... -----.---~-~-...----~----- -· •' ~ • " ' -• • • • • •, • . • • : • ' • • . • • • l . • . • • • . • . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . •' . ·, . ·: ' FMIJ, Apr!I 11, 1969 DAil. y JlltOT SS ! ow C:.li 9100 -c:. .. 9IOO NtwC1rs 9800 NtwC1ro 9800 New C:.ro. 9800 Ntw Coro ftOO Now C:.ra ' 9106 NeWC1r0 -' NCIO.-Clro 'Hllil ' GREEN ·- AT IT'S ••• PO.ER! You'll find that . your money has a real say-so you lop dollar trade-in allowance on your old leave your savings in the bank! when you trade al Dunton Ford. We give . car, and make financing so easy -you can ' Just Arrived • • • The A II New 1969 CORTINA * 7 New Body Styles * 7 New Colors * TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL 68~ ONLY 5 LEFTI HU.RRY WHILE SELECTION . 15 GOOD BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW 1969 FALCON 2-Dr. S.1Y1~i!9..M .. ~;P~. WJdtewall tires and wheel covers optlottal er and full factory equipment included. (White tires and wheel covers optional. J $99 $ 5 313 ORDER NOW Down Per Month $2 2 7 5 00 PAY BASED ON 48 MONTH FINANCING thto119h Ccdit. F1111dlltl) oa approved credit. Phl5 Tax and License ' ,, . . ' ·• 1r ·~, ... ~ •• '!'i 1J1· '.·~-: ':' . l .• ,.,, .;.., :: .. : . _1.• :t .. /t . •' '--· ..... '-·~ . . BIGGER STOCK! BETTER DEALS! Are all right here at Dunton ! Why look further w h e n we can sell you what you want on the terms you can pay. 48 MONTH FINANCING AYAIU.ILl tltro119h Collf. h11dl99 01 opprorff credit OVER 400 CARS & TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! HARDTOP or FASTBACK MUSTANG w-.. CO'llM .ct WMte .. 11 Tim Optto11al Whltewal tlr• W w••el coven optional FORD L.T.D. Wo hoYe • •• ..a.ct1 .. of Mntftfl wltfl opri .... _.. ... ,_.. 111 ttocl hr l•IMC!iato dell..,,., Stfll ~ ORDER NOW ca'• No. 1 sellbit &poftl cw. fiet yo11r fPftl-.I Do•IM • deGI today. $264900 $ O ... RNOW 00 ~·-~-2381 "•Ta ad UceMe Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 _im_po_••-•d_A_u_••_• __ 9_600/ ~-C•rs .... 9800 New Cars 9800 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 I 1 mportt!d Autos ' ENGLISH FORD MERCEDES BENZ RENAULT SUNBEAM TOYOTA TOYOTA ,, .TOYOTA ' ,. . ~ ;i ' l ' . . . . 1 " ' 'l I \ •I ... ' ' .'! j : I ·l "! '67 CORTINA --;:,~::-:2=2o~D~i~ts-e~l--l--P-R_E_O_P _E _N_IN-G~ 4 Dr. Air, Low milcio, Lie. '59 RAPIER SEDAN, good eng, tires, $135. HOLIDAY RAMBLER IN COSTA MESA . ' . " . ' '67 -2000 < dr. TYV-760 TOYOTA ---:.,::-, ::'.TO::'.Y::'.OT'.".'A--.,I .,'. '67 SpiUire UNB-159 Corona -i Dr " . 1600 4. speed • radio. Low n1iJeage, The de Jux model with bucket seats. WFV196 $1350 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-Mercury 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Qr.. ange County's only author- ized dealer. SALES. SERVICE . PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. NCW'!Ort Beach 642.94(6 SfG.1764 Authorized fo.1G DeaJer FIAT 61 FIAT llOO DcLuxe 4 dt , folding seats, room for surfboard .. Fine School car. New val~ $195. 546-5387 '62 Fiat w/Extra Parts 548-0088 eves & wknds. HILLMAN '63 HILLi\IAN Husky, 40,000 miles like new. $800 cash. Call aft 6 Pf..1 675-2568 SVE 991 $2995 '62 220 4 Door J..ic. Ol<V 5Tl $1495 NEW BENAULTtl ~~~R~ "WE CAN~~.~~OR OUR" • TOYOTA-YOLYO GRAND OPENING 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 / MG • MG Sa.lea, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Models J1 rluport 31111ports 3100 W. Coast Hwy .• N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized ?.lG Dealer '64 MGB 2 to choose fron1 Special this weekend Think Fiat? Think FREE RADIO INSTALLED 100 GALLONS OF GAS with purchase of any )';E\V RENAULT in stock during our pre-opening days. HURRY "Time Limit Q[fer" BRING YOUR, TRADE.JN TO OUR NEW LOCATION B&Z IMPORTS BENAULTi HERB FRl.EDLANDER 410 Main St., 9625 Garden Grove mvd. 894..333.1 Huntington Beach ISO Rlvo' 'TA '62 MG Midget; radio, w/w,1 __ =536-4=~292==-c= 968-42!:6 TOYOTA '67 TOYOTA CORONA SED. Auto transmission, whi te v.•/ bl ue int. A rinr compact at a mini priet!. ULY4&1 $1395 JOHNSON & SON Lint"'Olrt·Mcrcwy 194.1 Harbor Blvd. 642.7050 '64 TR· 4 2 to choose lrom $1499 Think f iat? Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 894.3333 NOW'S THE TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 1 _____ .. ___ good rood., 2 tops, $600 DAILY PlLOT WANT ADS ' ISO "65" Lux.Ill)' 2+2. Body ===='=7J.ll=l1l===l==B"'RlN°'=G'-RESUL'.==TS=!=~======= by Bertone, chassis by • A 9600 Blnan-in;, 370 HP by OPE .• L~--l;lm;oo:;::rl:;ed;;;;A;u;;;l°';;;;;;9;;6;;;0;;0 l;;;m;;po;;;;rt;;td;;;;;;ut;;oo;;;;;;;;;,;; Corvette. Air, AM-FM-SW, ---:: new x tires, Custom paint. '66 OPEL $4950 or Trade. 546--5387 JAGUAR Station wagon, Xlnt cond, 4 spd. dlr, radio, heater. Sea blue exterior. All orlifnal interior. $50 Clish deb. Will '63 MARK X. 1 Phis, air, fine pryt p:ty. LB SWG 416 auto trans, rl1.. wnds, disc Ask for Ken 494-9773 bl'ks-4 whls, xlnt oond. 5-3682 1968 OPEL Kadett wagon, -=675="""=:;''=:=== in WlllTaJlty, Hire new. Call · l<ARMANN GHIA ==962-<l="'====:ll '68 GRIA, chrm whls. AM· PORSCHE FM, nu pflint, 16,(Xl' mi. 1960 PORSCHE Super 15 1===67><119==all=G.== Roadster Immac thru-Out MERCEDES BENZ w/all accessorie1. Would .consider clean VW & cash. 214 LUgonia. HB. 642-507'8 1968 PORSCHE 912. Tangerine color, 4 speed, 1ow mileage. 1mmac cona. Must tee to appreciate. 548-G.'W7 After 4 pm. '66 PORSCJIE 912, 5 speed be\a:t/ blk in t. 28,000 mi. Org. owner. 6~ '65 PORSCHE, xlnt cond. Must ICU, drafted. 613-6936 After & PM am~~ ELMORE MOTORS 15300 HACH ILVD. WESTMINSm IM-U22 " AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY Offers you a FREE membership t~ Orange Countys largest AMX.Javelin club with car purchase. 1279969 BRAND NEW '68 JAVELIN 119 ... , .. , ..... , "'" $2386 1279969 PRE-CHECKED USED CARS '65 Classic j '66 Dodge ......... $1395 ....... $1595 YI, factory Wt•· Uc. , cilr co111d. I TRD 676. Y·I, power ltffr, rctdlo, Hatef. A•to ''"" PS & bf.tin. IHU431 . ' "' '64 Ford . !u~r;,o!!:. 599 5 pow., 1teeri119. OYC95f. '65 Mercury MARAUDEI $1498 lie. NHN 016. 4 Dr. H.T. YI, utci. P$. Pl, eJr • '65 Dodge '66 Ford 2 ..... $1095 ~:.:v."!"~1795 YI, auto. YI, A. .... ~ trons .. power Pow., .......... LI&. N•. ltffri1119. RRZ,,1,, ln2J7. '65 Mustang · '66 Su1tbeom "" H.T. $1595 t1•1A U.. $1995 YI, auto., N .. Ill Jl1 . .,..,. cih coltd., YI, 4 .,...., Ylll'fl roef.NHA.171. Mon.ur.1.W.•Mt. '63 Rambler '66 Rambler :~~~'~0;1, '895 ~~T~':a.5 1595 .. ,... ,,.... ... ...... -.. ~ ,.w" ''-'· IYl 961, f'S. l ~Uc .Sllt2U · '65 Rambler '64 Rambler 2 •·..,..,. s995 :=:!. ~599 Xl111t2Mcer. • ............ H,,111. ~ ••••• ,...._ . . ·~ "-' .............. ., ... ....,.; ... TIL ,_ J6 .... M ... 1au1• ......... ~ HD CAIPIT SERVICE · l'OR YOUR CAR HOLIDAY AMUICA.lf Mo1oU Siies & Senice OPIM f DAYS AND IYIMIN•I fOI YOUI COMINllNCI 1969 Harbor, Costa Mesa, '42-6023 •• .,., TR-6 SJC-681 $ SAVE $ .,,,, . R-H • '61 TR-4 FVG-892 Local Cat • '64 Spitfire OXU·9~1 Executive Car Sale $139.5 • < • ': ~ L Hurry While They Last! #TYXl57 V M emi6 ~M Ll.IDia ~-LtnJil 'l -Harbor,'~~~~::;~ • ,!r:.~Jo~YO • T~~f~~.~ .l NO matter wnat n 11, )'OU 1966 Ha rbor, C.M. 6~6·9303 1966 fl.arbor, C.M. 646-930S' } can se ll it "1th a DA.n.Y PLACE ;your want ad where '61 TOYOPET, good mech:., DAD..Y PILOT Cliwltied tt.e;y are looking -DAILY cond., clean. Best offer "' . ) ad. PIUYI' clMsified 642-5678 546--1486 , Imported Aut"• 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos Th~ J1ruor XKE 2+ Z Is longer and roomier dian our Z-place coupe.' •Enn bu 1 rear oul for the lddt. XKE 1edan? Thaf 1 about the size of IL · Jaguarl martuis nl•t•rs • ' 900 SO. Coast Higliway Laguna Beach · 49'4-7503 960d' . • l ·1 ' ' . ". ! • ·i " ' • • • ·I l ·1 • I • ' • ' I • ·1 I ,, • ' ' ' ' t 'I I ' ' t I .I I I . I I I ' . • " ..•. ,..-.. ·-·~ ..... ,.,_,,. _ _..; ________ . -·--~-----~-. .,...._... ...-.--... ~·" ·····-···.....,. ...... ,,,, ... , ... ., .......................... ..--• ·-··· ,,,, ,, ...... -.. ,. ,\1· ... ••• .~ ....... -.,. • • After-the-sale service is our best assurance o -asting value. ' El . . . , , • THIS IS WHY AT JOHNSON & SON WE PLACE PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE ON AFTER·SALE SERVICE. IT'S ONE REASOl!I WHY MANY OF THE CARS 01!1 OUR USED CAR LOT ARE ONES THAT WE SOLD ORIGINALLY. :ro US IT MEANS THAT THE CAR WE TAKE IN IS IN OUTSTANDING MECHANICAL CONDITION. TO YOU IT MEANS YOU GET A MUCH HIGHER TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! OUTSTANDING MERCURY TRADES GREAT LINCOLNj 'CONTINENTAL TRADES 1'67 COUGAR GT 1961 PORSCHE ;n COUPE A•9••n hron1• finish w/p•rchm•nt comfort w••v• •••h l bl•ck le•11tiful ct•rk 1llv•r 9rey, 1pecl•I f•ctory fi11hh w/ct.11h1m hl•ck L•11clet.1 top, Auto tr•n1, r•clio l 1lereo f.\pe, he•t•r, f•clory int•rior, 15 1ptN tr•n1mi1Jion, r.Mio, he•f•r. M•liculo1n c•r• i1 •ir, 4 flew E.71.-14 tires, PS, Power cli•c br••••• contole. A 1hown •nil Jriven only 16,000 "'ile1. be•utiful 25,000 mile c$259s PRICED TO SELL 1967 MERCURY CYCLONE GT 1967 COUGAR z ctoor h•rdlop, li9ht •qll• f.ni1h with !il•ck b11ck•t 1e•ts. An Attrtctive light Aque llue •ri•rior with m•tchin9 interior •nil origin•I b••utv with only 25,000 c•r•ful1y tfrlv•n 111ile1. A.T., con•ole. At.110 tr•ns, R/H, PS, F1cl ,;,, 4 11•w tir••· le•utifutly AlH, P.S,. P.I .. ChrolJle wicle wheels •rid tire1, 350 GT •n9f11•. 111einl•in•d, 24,000 ecluel mile1. TXU 190, Her•'• re•I perform•ric•. UVV 737. $2595 $2195 1967 COUCOAR GI 1'67 FORD LTD Arctic: whi t• Wiffl bleclr lnt•rlor l blaclr l•nd•11 roof. 190 Cl 2 ctoor h•rdlop. J•m•ic• v•llow fini1h with hl.c:lr interior ' •n9in• with he•vy cluty h•ndling peck•91, Auto tr•llt, R/H, f•ct l•11cleu roof. A.T., RIH, P.S., P.I ., factory •ir. l11y of th• y••r. eir, PS, pow•r cli1c br1k•1, wicl1 ov•I tirei, 1l•t•o t•p• sylfem,' 00114. •nd ~ilt 1teerit1g wh•el. TXS 154. ' $1895 $2595 1'67 COUGAR 1'66 IUICK WILDCAT 4 cloot. Silv•t mi1f finhh with bl1clr int•rlor eci ui pped with A.T., Um• frost •1.t•rior with Ivy 9old interior. Auto lr•n1, R/H, PS, RlH, P.S., P.I., fectory •ir cond itioft. Origin•! throu9hot.1t •nd f•clory •ir, 4 n1w fir•• I driven only 22,000 miles by origi111I priced for f•1I s1le. SMC607. SAVE $570 FROM KELLY BLUE ow11•r. TXV 522. BOOK. . $2595 $1795 1967 COUGAR 1967 MIRCURY COLONY PARK 1966 MERCURY S.H SPORT COUPE 1967 CONTINENTAL S•xony vellow fini•h with bucket s•ets, whit• l•ncleu roof. 4 Dr. Powder llu• finhh w/cl1rk bl11• le1ril•t inl•rior. F11lly In· Equlpp•cl with A.T., A&H, P.S .. P.I., P·wind., '·•••t, 1porb c.n• ury •q11ipp•d. Auto b •nl, A/H, P.S., P.I ., 6 w•y •••t, f•~f. air, 1ole, etc. 26,000 orl9in•I milot, looks '"' clriv•s lik• now. pwr, wi11dows. 4 n•w tire1. A r••I good •••mple of fine c•••· SYY 12J. TEY 961. $2195 PRICED TO SELL 1'66 TORONADO DELUXE 1966 CONTINENTAL l•eutiful Roy•I m•roon fi11i1h witfi m•tchin9 interior, Thh super 2 Dr. Hercllop, Beeutiful RuueH m•l1llic with p•rchlft•nt 11•ther cle•n c•r h •quipp•d with the fine1t. A.T., ll&H, PS, Pl, fi·w· interior, Equipment tho fin•1': Auto. tr•n1., R/H, P.S., P.I., pw r. P·•••t, P·wlndow1, f•ctory 1ir concl., tilt 1teerin9 wh••'· Showt window1, 6 wey pwr. l••I, f•ct 1ir, till 1l•1r. whe1 I, 4 n•w excell•nf one own•r c•r•. )6,000 miles. WYW 511. tires. ~ook1 •nd ru111 lik• n1w, Sll.W 4113 . $2695 $2995 - 196. THUNDERllRD 1966 CONTINENTAL L•l'lli••· Oriv•n only 22,000 mi. by one owner. le•11til11I powcl•r 2 Dr, 11.ich Ebony l lu• fini1h w/rn•tch. leather inter. l l •nd1 u blue lini1h w/derk blue interior I l•ncl•u top. luxury equipp1cl. roof, Luxury equippecl, Auto. pw r, 1e•t, f•c:t. eir, 4 n1w tires. AT, RlH, PS, Pl, P-wind, F•c:tory •ir conct. Tilt 1t••tin9 wheel. Thi1 b•1utif11I c•r is one of our fined. Mu1I 111 to 1pprecitt•. WIA 214. RPL 524. $3895 PRICED TO SELL 1'65 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 1964 CONTINENTAL l••utiful T•hili•n orchid fini1h w/bl.c:k int•rior & l•11cl11u top. 4 Dr. Allr•c.live silw1r bl u• m1t•llic with m•tc:hin9 interior. Fully Fully power eqt.1ippecl plu1 f•ctory •/c, AM-FM St•r•o T1pe • equipp•cl. Auto. lr1ns., R/H,.P.S., P.B., 6 w•y pow1r •••'· pwr. A very •ltr•ctiw• cer et e v•ry •ttr•ctiv• price, NCC 6)2. winclow1. Hert i1 • re•I buy. IOZ t.3 7. $1595 $1695 Popul•r lim• f101t erlerior with bl.ck i11t•rior and bl•ck L•iwf•u Sl•lio11 Wegon. Roy•I m1roo11 met•llic: finith w/111•tchin9 inter· top. Aulo1111tic tr•n1111i11ion, R/H, P.S., power cli1c brekes. F•<.· ior. Fully f•clory equipp.ct inclucl ing •uto fr•111., R & H, powe r tory eir cond, 4 new wid• ov•I tires. Show1 excellent c•r•. 1l••rin9, Pl, ctu•I t•il 9ete. l r•cled by ori9in•I own•r. TRH 193. TWZ211 . PRICED TO SELL $2595 1 '67 FORD GALAXIE 500 1966 THUNDERllRD 1963 CONTINENTAL l 1on1e mi1t mel•llic finith w/lt. bei9e int•rior. Loecled with 4 Or. Gold Mid metallic with cff wh ite l11ther interior, Full •quipment. AT, RIH, PS, Pl, P-wi11cl, 6·w·s1tt. F•clory e/c. power equipm•nl: St•erin9, br•\et, winclows, •••I, feet, •ir, R/H, auto. tr•n1. LGP 7711. SALE PRICED AT R•di1 0 J ply tires. Sup•r cle•n. SJN 579. $1095 $2395 1967 COUGAR XR7 2 door Herdtop. Attr11clive S•h•r• beige erlerior with two-ton• le•utiful \im• fro1I fi11i1h with cle rk Ivy le•lh•r lnt•rior. Auto 111etchi11g illl•rior. Auto. fr•n1., RlH, P.S., P.I., Driv1n only lrens, R/H, PS. F1clory •it, con1ole. F70xl 4 tire1, dri••n only 21,000 mil•• by ori9in1l owner. looks' •ncl clriv1s lik• new. 24,000 mile1. UOF 114. UZF 415. 1967 MERCURY MONTCLAIR 1962 CONTINENTAL 4. Dr. Pol•r whit• 2/9olcl b•i9• int•rior, •t.1to, tr1n1., R/H, P.S., 4 cloor HT. Ari1c: gold fini1h w/m1lchin9 lr1t•rior. AT, R&H, P.B., pwr. wit1d?wt, 6 w1y pwr, 11•1, f•ct. air, NYW 458. SALE PS, PB. f1ct, •ir. luy of the Y••r. TUY J/9. PRICED $2595 $1995 $1995 $995 e ALL PRICES _PLUS LICENSE l TAX e USED CAR DEPT. 540-5635 ... D [f;fil & lffi !% m 0 1 ~ lffi © U!J rm w 0 © ® lliJ@& oo I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD1 COSTA MESA I ·- lmportod Autos 9600 lmportod Autos 9600 lmporhld Autos 9600 lmportod Autos 9600 lmportod Autas 9600 lmportod Autot 9600 lmporlod Autos 96001mportod Autos 96001mporled Autos . 9600 TOYOTA TOYOTA HEAnQUARTF.RS ELMORE IS300 Beach Blvd., Wll:amltr · Phone 894-3322 TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL, QUICXER YOU SELL 30 E x TOYOTA TOYOTA TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN BILL MAXEY '68 TR 250 TRIUMPH '65, red Spitfire '63 VW Sedao, .xoel "'""· . Wires, overdrive, 11,000 miles Owner in Alaska. As is. Rebui1t eng. New paint &: @ IT@VIQITIAI Thi!!7~iat! 543-7811 ~p:s~~~~a::: WA) or 18111 BEACH BLVD. Thim. VOLKSWAGEN trad• for B.,.. 61 Lamb,.tta Hunt. Be1ch 847-ISS5 HERB FRIEDLANDER ------15th 11"11. 64.>-274-0 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bcb 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. 'fl8 VW. Perfect cond. ?-.fany ~'64""'V\"v"'eam=",."',c-,-cgood-,-,;-ro--,oo. HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN, INC. THE QUICKER YOU CAL4 894.3333 extras! 546-0357 eves, days -Clean & extras. New lites, THE QtnCXER YOU SELL Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS 831-1441 radk>. 548-7811 Authorized * SEE "FRIEDLANDER" Test a '67 VW, needs work on '57 VW, needs work on trans., otherwise clean: trans., otherwise clean! Gd. Gd, tires. $250. 642-411S tires. $250. 642-4115 Sales and Service 18Til Beach Blvd, &424435 '65 V.W. BUG '68 VW Camper, 16,000 mi. '68 vw. Blue, sunroof. Still Guaranteed, ready to go! XLNT cond. $2900 under warranty. $1650. # 806A 962-<185 * 54-0-1969 * '66 V.W. BUG '65 CONVERTIBLE ,65 V\V Camper. Xlnt cond. G~aranteed, Show room con. Excellent condition. $1.950. 740 8 r 0 w n c r 0 f t , d1tlon. Lie. UJD 419 SlaJO * 968-25l7 Laguna Beach $1395 '63 VW, sun roof, top cond, ,63 VW Sedan, 40,000 mi. . ;63 V."!". CAMP~R thruout, ~111: ... , 645-17!15 XI 1 _, 1 ......... , tt'W'I with awning '>'~li ~u1pped. "°""' n CO•KJ, pv .,..... • .,. <f.U.UV· L' URR089 '65 VW Sundial Camper ltiOO 646-1078 IC. · E $1500 ' "' ~ -~=~~~-~~• '66 V.W. BUG ng. . '7'1-MIUI tot us T s ELL! ] 9 6 8 Bug. Guaranteed & extra DAD..Y PD.Or WANT ADS Volkswagen $1600. Low shati>. RCF 892 Dial 642-5678 mileage. 540-9362 $995 Auto Services Auto S.rvice1 '65 GHIA I I l I I ~ & Pirts 9400 & Pam 9400 Silver with black interior. =iimmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Radio, and many extrall. • PDP981 $1395 T Fiat. R *1297 PDE/¥~ 66 MPG + SJO. itq•lp., 514.50 Freftttt, $49.00 Hn'11i"9 -the850 A Spider s at no extra cost ONLY $2178 T FRIEDLANDER~ FRiEIDLY FIAT DLR. _s_37_-77T7 __ FIAT TRADE-INS a94.3333 'II M61 'II '"""'' 'II 1J.I I '11 lall _ ,,,., '1111-151 WIN ....... Le 111llft. bdlt t" 0... GT C-?IOll' Wllllll tooi. ... s1499 s1399 s1399 s599 s1999 s2799 I,,__ 'II VOLVO '111111 'II flil 'II flll ~n =:f'";: '9; tlif s1f99 ~]99 HERB FllEDUNDER IMPORTS 9625 GARDEN GlOYI avo., GARDIN GROVE * U.ll!llete ~ Car Senlce * SEE THE PEOPLE .WHO · ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRICES! SEE THE LEADER UNIVERSITY _ OLDSMOBILE-GMC 21SO HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA PHOl!IE 540-9640 ' \ '66 DODGE DART SIJ90. +ta& Nc.tletlftf'ed • \\'agon. 6 cyl., p/steer., auto., air, Extra, extra clean. Lie. No. OPK916 $1195 "SUBARU MAl<ES SENSE It '66 RAMBLER American hardtop, 6 cyl .. auto., R&H, bucket seats. • Lie. No, RBT377 SUIAIU •f CALIF. llTAIL DIVISION 1000 W. CH&t Hl9llwcry, N•wport hlKll 645.oGiO * S40·27JJ $995 '66 TOYOTA . I 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos lmportod Autot 9600 Crown Wagon, RI.ff, stick.I---------"""°""· plus room. Sil<. VOLKSWAGEN Pl99 1--------$1495 '66 DATSUN WAGOl!I 4 speed, radio A ~ater, w/w. rack on top, CUtie. Lie. No. RGF663 $1195 ({//) '58 VW Bus w/Cotvllit eng.: fully '65 equip'd, lncl. all this brand new: 110 HP Corvair eng., fully syncro. trarui., pa.int job, duaJ ex· hauSUI, bvy. duty clutch, starter motor; rear brakes, other extras, wide tires & rims, buc:Jret seats. Walnut paneling. Koni shocks, 20 gal. gas tank &: gauge. rugs, 54M<!O HARBOUR '6:1 VW eonv.rt., must oell . VOLKSWAGEN, INC. New '""" tire• & batt'"'· Best oUtr takes, May trade •~ ! toi ata. wagon 54&921B S<t and Service' '64 Volkswqen. blue, su.~ 18711 Bttcb Blvd. a.o-t435-roOf, w id e trtts, air . Jilt '&9 VW BUS. new tnglne, ab>cks. Sl~. 642-3471 ~· Dr~~ .. ~7~ 1967 VW, Zenith Blue. XJnt Oft • -· cond. 4 mags. new llrts. CHAROE m Lol'l or exlr.u. Call 642--0349 '66 vw \Vhite \Valls. radio $1299 'I'htnk Fiat? Think HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 Garden Grovt' Blvd. 8'l.3333 1967 VOi.KS, Sunroot, Ar.1. FM radio. Dl'"k blue ext. w/ wht Int. Lo mileage. Xlnl cond. $1475.. 644-2.189 '64 VW Variant Wagon, xlnt cond. Must sell. Sacrifice, $1300. Da.Ys 613--7462, eves -199-2110 1957 Convertible.--' $SIX1 Nhl top & bkrks. Radio Call before 5, 968-?768 1~ SUNROOF. c hrome whetls. xlnt cond. $1100, prv prty. Call before 5. 968-3768 VOLVO VOLVO $ SAVE $ Executive Car Safe Hurry While They Listi tJr;~~ 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '6.1 VOLVO 544· B-18 Rtd, Xlnt Litts, radk>. S650 q . O~"OOr. ~ um VOi.VO 5« g ~i50. Original ...,,.,. * 847-8l1!i * DIAL dlz.ct 642-561l, - Yt>\lt' ad, the:n alt back ud lls1en to the phone nn,r r -·- . . I •.· ~~~ ....,.-~-<>·• ••••rv""--PP-•s-a-·-----------·--,.---------------·---:--- ' P'l1drr, Apt11 ll, 1969 O,(!LY PILOT flANSPORTATION TltANSf'OltTATION TltANSPOltTATION TltANSPOltTATIQN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO RTATION TRANSPORT A TIO TRAN PORJ ATION _ ~':'•'""'A llON lfl!!!•!!!!!!rW!!_~Aut91~!!!.,_!H0a!! UMd C.rs 9900 Uood C1rs 9900 Uood C1rs 9900 UIOd C.rs 9900 1 ....... ~=---Uood C1rs 9900 Uood C1n 99oo -C.n --CHmOLET CONTINENTAL CORYAIR 'I l ""VOLVO llllt '63 CAD '62 CAD '" MALJBU '61 UNCOLN '63 OORVAIR MOllA, ..... YOLYO CADILLAC CADILLAC CAMARO CHEVROLET '61 VOLVO... • • lttUST Sell clean '67 Camaro. '64 OiEVY ll atiUon wqon Buck t cod trw. radio he ter Al '69 Mid.II CPE. DE VIW CPE. DE VILLE ,__,,.,,, well canct '°'· IWllo "''"" automatk. ••• '.J':X";. =·· ioci CONTINENT AL ~. siws' . Authorlud Petta run power • Laci: air. A }'\ill power and facl, alr. Er· ~ :;.~ $1~ l alr ~I~. MUlt Re tO air, dla\ pwr windows, pwr 4 de. &du. ruu tact. "ulp. J;,,..,,-,;co"R.=v"ADt::==M;;:;OIWL::,.-11=1.L . • & S.rvkt beaut)'· -"'bite with white mine while. ·Drift• in style · appreciate, Dealer, :ms •tfft\IW,• IN', tow mileage, Leather int, Stk. #4%>-A • Dealer, 2026 Harbor Blvd .. ·IRAND NEW 1969 BUICK I '.Yevr Volvo O..l1r'' landau JOO$f1. 3NY91.5055 tor -'63 CMlARO, Automatie. Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Take foretan Qt or $15 cash $1095 Costa !11eu.. 64~18't2 • $995 ""'"'· v.ii, 32!, $2:l115. Xlnt 64>-1812 .. ~. LB UZF553, Call Ken , ,......,,, Friedlander '°""·Call &ll-3293 ,.... ...,.-,==~--~ "'9'113. JOHNSON & SON ,.., MONZA co"''" 39,soo • ..,_., ' , JOHNSON & SON CHB696 STATION \Vacon, 91;;;,..,.=;;;-=-;:,-.:;;;-;,. actual mi, l owner, new top • ~ e.a<h Blvd. (Hwy 39) JOHNSON & SON '61 CAMARO RS '°""""· .......... '63 ch. v . 'Ill OIEVY 283 Bi& 32'l HP LIJlcoln.M•rcwy l S1!oO C8'h. 642-1'60 • ' Mks So. G.G, Fw)i, 1 Linool.n-Mel"CW')' f Spd. Po.si-tractlon; x.lnt. Impala, 175 llP eng., po..wr heads.. 4. ~ 4U fta.r !Ml llarbQr ffivd, "2l'l050 • ~'* 5.17-6824 l&U Haroor Wvd, 642-7fli0 Llncol~J>.tercury SlB:iO. 494-1691 . 1 11teering. Private party, On-MWlCM! 4 apeed .All S.W. '66 CONTlN'ENTAL 2 door COUGA• • ,.,. • '61 CAO. .....!wood; foll l!Hl Hart>oi' mvd, 642.'MQ l9lfl CAMARO, p. .,.. ... , )y 165fl, 494-n68 .......,. ....... BJ>ck lat. tluµout ,Jwd .... .....,, """'-------.,.-"-• $2. 444 te!! C•rs 961 pwr., good """" 1595 '63 CttEY IMP. xlnt oon<L ..... aell! Beach Chrom• """'· mags.• see .. with full ,...., lnctudtng U68 COUGAR XR7 • . u.. -...... Ir VHWl"'"' Call After'5: 5JS.9234 '' SS CP.E Call 61SlJOT aft 6. '67 CHEVY El Camino, 327 Appreciate, .Make 0 ff er. air conditioning, leather ln-Coupe, 1 owner J9,(XX) origin-• i'll --· .n.ul · ""' B k t Ir od ........ ·~--. FM radio with oto-. tll -ISprite #62ai5 DUE lo death in fam, mLlilt ' ' • enr. uc e seats, 8 co " --.... ·~ al owner miles. factory air, IMMIDIATI DILIVll Y' • ..--. Rdatr RR' .,.,,, sell '65 gold Cadillac fully 327 cu, In. V-3, auto, P.S., CHMW, cu.st fbrgls tonneau cover. '63 OlEV. Impala \\'agon; tape deck. Be au t 11 u I radio, 4 ,peed trans, colar • ,. ~·~ ~e JCc 335......w equipped. 847-6315 ' \\'hlte w/bllr. Interior. In ~~~ .. " \\'/extru. $2Dl. aulD., R&H, pwr. steer: xlnt Bcrn1uda yf"llow with black me yellow with black vinyl • • '5f -lCD:I Rdlltr.,WIB706 •50 CAD. 4 Dr., real clean. excellent$rolnd0; 9 t1on 5 . OJS692 'Qi CHEVELI...E sta t \ o n ~1•026.no-1717, llome phone l'U.Mlng cond., clean. S795. leather interior. S 2 9 9 5. top & black leather ln!erior. • , • •-.z• _ Good ti.res l: NMing cond. atomatic, $1395.. Dealer, 2026 '64 ,IMPALA Clean\ air cond, '&:; CAPRICE 2 dr 396 tact '66 CONVERTIBLE, white • ' Wagon. Radio, healer , "'..-548-9736 Phone 61>4448 @ OIU¥1 IT HOMI TODAY Lf11111 .: ~~~ ~-= tuU JO)t~~~rc~ON ~~ Bl\11, C.C.ta Misa. r~• :!'w~ito~~~·sci:.-:: :~i:· J:' m!~~~6 car ~t ~~~1;~ ra~1r.1~°:; 0 ,~ ~ IMPORTS pwr., runs good; needs body 19U Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 49M509 tape. Immac. Below book. TOTOTA·YOLYO WO<k. ILIO. 673-27<6 1962 CAD eou .... Vilt•, CHEVROLET '56 CH~'VY. rcbtt 283. 3 •pd. COMET ""' prty. 673-81!'.l ~"'~•t''s ·: • Harbor C.M 646-9303 '59 CPE. DeVille; good oond. good cond In appearance· on. Xlnt mecb cond. New parts. '69 CONTINENT,\L Brand '~ p ' . New trans., tirn, batt'ry. l,v 72.!XXI ml. Prv prty $995. '66 CHEVY .f door Capri~. 546-7529 '64 Comet conwrt. xlnt ne"'• lease for $1~ pr s2444 Porsc"-28 to $380. 644-0ITI After 5 PM 547~6 8-4 pm. P/W, lac climate control 66 CHEV Bel Air f dr Fa.ct brakes month. Phone S a n d )' • • CL----1968 Cad Coupe de Ville. '66 CADILLAC Convertible, alt, nu tires, immac. 1o ml, alr, etc. Beautiful , com. ,_~!°'1u!· ~. 646-QlZi Sanden, lease Mgr. 64Z--(IOOI 67l-Ot00 !rt. 667 • : ,_.. FULL LOADED' ~::OM \ "'"" "•n """.,,. 1t70'HARIOR ILVD. • · y · __.. 20,IXXI miln. Red w/blk pvt party, 54S-3053.. $1625 642-52811 or ,,.,...........,., COSTA M.ESA • * 5<0-4905 * top. Loaded, xlnt rood. xlnt '"l CHEVY Impala SS, 2 '5.'i CHEVY PANEL v .. 3 CONTINENTAL ======== '69 COUGAR Brand .. w • $199 tires. 644-2871 dr hard top. R&H, PIS, spd llur:st , ne1v 4:11 rear CORYAIR I f 189 th ..t DAll..Y PIL01' DN'.E-A· case or pr mon . • DOWN • UN~ Yaa em UN them '63 CAD. Convert. Whlte, blk. bkt aeat&, $150. 549-7130 end. Birt M"ats. S.150. 96'l-6$8 '66 LINCOLN, immae concl. -Phone Sapdy Sanders, lease . _ ..;: ~00 W. Caut Hwy, fer jllSI: pami• a ~. Dial lthr. air, full pwr. New lop. NO matter wbat tt lS, you '62 BEL Air, 6 cyl, auto, Pis low miles, full p~T, $2995. '61 M ONZA, l speed l\tgr. &Uo-0981. or 540-5630 e Plus tax & hcense on •?-9 &12-5671 $1250. Orie. owner 530-4960, can aell it wttb a DAILY R/H. good cond, $450 or After 6. 6'4-2859 -~$is:;=· -*~'~·75-_t~"~'--i ~-------I.proved credit for th~ -. Newport Beach 540--1764 Authorized MG .Dea.I.er ~ 644-&1. eves PllDI' WANT AD!! M2.M'18 best ottl?r. 893-3666 aeytime. =Dl&l~~.......,.==~,.,.-RES==·lJL=TS White Elephants? OOCK IT TO 'EM! New Buick Spedl.L No.. I-"':;...~---~~-' -----------~---~-1•433279Z60034a ~ ''6 Alli Sprint GT Ont of .. kind. #608942 $2.195 ..v~ • TOYOTA-YOLYO . 1116 """"'· c.M. 646-9.lm . ltlce C1n, Rods 9620 MODEL • T Roadster, Stude ; VI eng. Aft 6 or wkends ' uytlme, 892..fl66. '51 OiEVY Wag, '67 375 hp Vett. .f spd. 1'1any extru. 2Ul598-S633 before 5 pm._ Aulol W1ntocl 9700 " R PAY ••• CASH lar med can a trucks Just call U1 for free ntfmate. &ROTH CHMOllT . .,; ""'""--l.B211 Beach Blvd. Hwiti.Qrton Beach KI s.3331 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHMOLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 Will Buy : r-folllnta.pn .. Poncht 1 a 1111 top dollara. Paid for ..... Call Ralplt 673-1190 IMPORTS W ANrFD °"""' ,_ .. TOP $ BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. , 8. Beach. Ph. Ml--3555 Ay!e Luslng 9110 I lWf 'EM I ~ 'II Cad Cpe deVille, full pwr, air, vinyl rooJ. Driven onl,y 14.500 mi. Looks new. 24 mo1 lse at $149. mo. ' •rr T·Bird Landau, :J dr, load- ed w/extras, air. Driven only 1),000 mi. 24 mo Je&R. al SM.82 per mo. · SOUTH COASl ' CAR . LEASING 300 w. °'"" liflhway 54.5-2182 Newport Beach LEASE· RENT ALL' POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Get OUr r.ompeHUve Rates Thlodor. ROBINS FORD "*' 11ar11or mv<1. 0....M... ......0 *AUTO lWlllG* I ALL MAKES I COMPE.TE'l1VE PRICES Cort Fu Auto Luslng 22' W, Qlut Hl&hWa)' N ....... Beech """40 UMd c... 9900 OIOICE: 'IT Rivif'ra loaded. Xlnt eoncl. '61 Jquar 3.8 Sedan. Auto. Ex cond. Of. nc:e m.79C. Dxne rr ..... noo BUICK 'G BUICK 9pec:lal deluxe 4 door. Radio. heater, automaUc. ~'U lteer\ns. $595. Duler, 2())1 Harbor B!vd., a.ta MHL M>Un '&O ELIX.'TRA, o:oellent. ori&lM1 condition. Nu tires etc. $311. LI M517 11165 LE SAl!fiE 400 Convt. Full pwr, xlnl cond. IJ35f). """"" 'IO BUICK 2 60011. Sharp, Air """'· 1211 ......SI I SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN , MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WllK FROM 1:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. '68 RAMBLER American 2 Door s1977 Radio. heater, automatic, white side 1valb. 18,000 miles. (WIB 2771 '66 VALIANT Y·200 4 Dr. $1877 6 '""""' wagon. VB, •ulom•h<. P.S.. RAH, WSW, 22,874 miles. {TBX 376) 'H IONNEYIW 4 D•. H-.ip $1877 llydramatic, P .s. radio, heater, white r;ide ""alls, factory air. (SBW 296) 'H MERCURY Parltlao1 Con. Automatic, radio, heater, power steering, white walls. IXUC 503) ''5 Tl-4 Hanltop Radio, heater, 4 1peed shift. CNNA 145) '66 YOLKSWAIHN Radjo, heater, 4 speed shift. (SBK 8491 '57 MIRCIDE5 lH·SL Radio, heater, standard shift. {TYU 4741 '61 CHIYROLIT II Camino V-8. Power steering, radio, hea l<'r, white wall tires, factory alr con- dition. Cill6.fCI 0 $1877 '67 PONTIAC CGtollna 2 D•. Hardtop. Y*8, Hydramatic, power steering, Ventura Interior, R&H, WSW, fact. air cond. CUCC 554) '64 THUNDERBIRD Landau. Cruisomatlc, P .S .• R&ll, white wall Um, pwr. windo"·s, fact. air cond. (MFV 0491 '67 MUSTANG Hatdtop 6 cyl., aut~tic, power stttr· Jng, radio, heater, white wall tires. (VGB 089) '61 IARIACUDA Fastbadt VS, automatic, power 1teerini::. radio, heatrr white side wall tln~s. (WAB 583J '67 COUGAR 2 Dr. Ha.dtop • VA, automatic, power stt'cring, R6H, WSW tires, mag wheels. (TRT 727) 20-1968 PONTIACS Flreblrds, GTOs, Tempests, Bonne- villes, Wagons, catallnas, Grand Prix's. AJI au in outatandlng con· SAVE dltion. ltfost with power and air condltlonlng. All are on SALE RIGHT NO\V! '66 PLYMOUTH larrauda 6 cyJ., automatic, radio. heatrr, white wall ti~. INo. T-392-AI '67 PONTIAC CatGQna 6 passengtt atation wagon. V..S, Hydramatlc, P.S., R&.H, WSW, factory air condition. (T JY 604 I I 51577 '61 VOLKSWAGEN "lut" R11.dio, heater, 4 speed transmis· &ion. (TYV Jl9J '68 VOLKSWAGEN Fa1tback Radio, hc&ler, 4 s1){'f'd tranRmis· sion. 10,947 mil!'!!. {VHN 616~ '64 PONTIAC GIAND PRIX Equipped "'ith I-lydramatic, P"'r. steer., radio, heater, white WBJI tires. {K!V 7051 '67 PONTIAC LE MANS 2 Dr, V-8, liydramallc, pwr. sl<'er., radio, heater, while wnll tires. lTUP 186J '66 PONTIAC IONNEVIW 4 Dr. Hardtop. HydrarnaUc, P.S., P.8., RAH, white wall tires and factory air condition. {SWB 296) '65 PONTIAC OTO 2 Dr. Hardtop. V*8, HydramaUc, pwr. steer .• radio, heater , white 1lde wall tires. (REB 5231 '68 PONTIAC GTO 2 Dr. J-fardtop. V-8, 3 1Pff(I, pwr. steer., radio, he at er, red line Urcs. <VTL 660J '66 FORD LTD 2 Dr, Hardtop V-8. Cruiaomatic, power .11teerlng, radio, heater, white wall tires. (RUY 119J • 51277 . " THE FAIULOUS • OPEL 9 GT's a ARE HHE ill SEE THEM TODAYI II POOLE 'S FINE USED CARS '64 IAMllER II W190~. A11toP111tic, •f•clorv 1i•, pow1r 1+11ri111, .RIH. IOEK t Ill • $1495 '66 PONTIAC •St1rehl1f 4 door, Fie. 1lr, • 1utom•tlc, pow•r 1+.1rln9. tVTP 1471 • $1795 • '6Z CHEVROLET Plck·UP. Plumbin&: ortf •etectrical special ii • IK63951) M $1195 ~ '66 CAPRICE : 9 CPf. Pow1r ll••ri11t. f11t~ ii'"I' •utorn•+ic, !SIM l71l!f • $2295 = • • • '66 TEMPEST II 8 C1nlo'" cp•. RI H, tut...._ • ,,5, f•etory 1ir ccindifion-111' 1 • ISTOl771 • • $1595 ~ : '66 IUICK -'-2 •Wildc1t 4 docir. f•cf~ 1ir, t ulo., pow11 1t••rin9,. :""$2595 ~ ' • '65 IUICK ' • E11clr1 coup•. Full p-•~I •f1clory 1lr. ...; : $1895 )I '65 OLDSMOllLI 't door H,T. F1cfory 1lr:. •powtr 1f••rin9 l brtk11, ~ ·•ulo. !MOY 1461 ' • $1595 : • a '66 OLDSMOllLI n• •lu11ury SH1n. full pn.,,,~ f1ctory 1ir, ISU' 1121 • I $2~95 ! e '64 llVICK ti • 1 El1ctr1 conri. Full 11•w1r., f1tfOfY ,;,, fOwY 7071 • • $1195 '66 Mi RCURY i •Colony '•rk' "''9'"· full 1 •pow1r, f1ctery •Ir, IR TR·I "" . : . $2595 • ·········: : JAGUAR Ii : HEADQUARTERS ~ •CGmpl•t• Sal•• -S•l'V'-~ •ice an d Parts Oap•rt., •man! lo• JAGUARS, • • S.1 '111 bettlnt I • lt•t J191111r lo41y • ......... ~ • • • 234 E. 17th ST. t • 548-7765. OPEN: 7 DAYS AND MNINGS • • ' • .. -· TltANSPOltTATIOfol .. ,,. ... t ltANSl'.O'"ATION nao-c.... --r-~· _., ,P··-..... TltANSP.<>ltTATION I . ADILLAc· .for .NINETEE.N SIX~TY-NINE- CRJlF13MEN ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! . . --'-------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------ 1967 CADILLAC This Jovely.8edan d_e: Ville has aU popular power tiliiata including power steering, power brakes, power win· dows, power seat and C8dillac:'s famous factory &i.r . conditioning. Very carefully driven and shows only tbe finest of care by its previous owne-r. !YPT397) I $3777 1967 CPE. DE VILLE Olympic bronze nremist with ~ddle leather upholstery. Full power, factocy air condition- ing tilt wheel. door locks, etc. Drive it -And )'O~ will buy j t ( ULC321) SPRING $3999 SALE • 1966 CADILLAC CPE. Hampton blue with matching ~uBarrr. in~t'r'ior trim. Full power, ractory air c:ond1t1orung, tilt wheel -all the options for the discerning bu,yer. (Serial No. 85991 SP.RING $2999 SALE 1964 SDN. DE VILLE Lime green/sand padded lop with sand Jeath· :er. Full power, factory air Conditioning plus every conceivable option for your driving pleasure. One in a thousand! (0QH280) SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1966 SDN. DE VILLE Str8thmore v.·hitc with silver tapestry cloth and leather upholstery. Full po\\·er factory air conditioning, tilt wheel, etc. Exceptionally clean. CSYJ0041 SPRING $2888 SALE SPRING SALE 1968 CPE. DE VILLE Normandy blue/black padded top with tiluc cloth and leather inlerior decor. Full power, factory air conditioning, plus riluch more. Lmv miles. IXSS785! SPRING $4999 SALE 1961 CADILLAC 4 Door Hardtop, Fini.shed in striking turquoise \\ith matching cloth and leather irlterior, Automatic transmission radio and heater, power steerini;:, power brakes pawer windows, po\ve1 seat, factory air conditioning. Only 55,000 milei;. Must see. (SVG267J SPRING $777 SALE 1968 EL DORADO Beautiful firemlst rosewood brown with brown padded top and saddle leather interior. Power steering, power disc brakes, power wiodows, j.)OWer seat. Vogue tyres, stereo AM·1''M rad· Jo, rear window defoa:a:er. power door locl<t plus much. much more. Must see. CXSR 304) SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1965 CONY. DE VILLE Samoan bron;i:e/belge top. Bronze leather up- holstery. Full power, factory Bir conditioning, tilt wheel, many extras. (0WN843) SPRING $1999 SALE • TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR 2nd ANNUAL SPRING ' . Come In T odoy! 1968 EL DORADO N0nnandy blueldark blue: padded roof with mat.chine houndstooth cloth and leather interior. full power, fac:tocy air Conditioning, tilt wheel, power door lockl, etc. t.ocaJ one owner, exceptional. (VTP094J SPRING SALE 1967 CADILLAC Convertible de Ville. lteige/beige top and san- dalwood leather. Full po\\'er including factocy air conditioning, tilt wheel, AM-FM radio. Low miles. (XSP692) SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Silver blue exterior with n1atching cloth and leather interior. Has pow- er steering, power brakes, power \Vindows. power seat, white side wall tiJ:es. Must sell now. ISRP.359J SPRING $1333 SALE 1965 THUNDERBIRD . ' Shimmering satin sliver with matching vinyl bucket seat interior. Fully equipped with pow· er steerlng, po\ver brakes, po\\'er windows, power seats, faclory air conditioning and White side wall tires. (PDP 4901 SPRING $1333 SALE 1965 CADILLAC ThC' popular Sedan de Ville modC'I finished in lovely burgundy \\'ith black vinyl lop and black leather interior. Has po\\'Cr steering, power brakt's, po\\·er \Vindows, tilt steering \\'heel, AM·FJ\I radio and factory air condi-tioning. This is a beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. fNQX5141 SPRING $2333 SALE 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 Oool" hardtop is fully cquippel with power steerbla. power brakes. J>OWfl' \vindows, po\\'er seat and Ford's famous fai:- tory air condition~. ~ bea.utif11.1 satin silver exterior y,.·ith black vinyl mtenor. 1lust be t>ecn and driven to fully appreciate! (RTU· 339) SPRING $1999 SALE 1967 EL DORADO green cloth pped with poW• er steering, power rakes, power seat, power windows, til d telescopic steerinir wheel, w.onderbar radio factory air condition- ing plus ma.n)' more cadillac optional features. <VXH 1681 ' SPRING $4888 SALE 1966 CPE. DE VILLE Exciting sable black with red leather interior, full po\\'er, factory air conditioning, tilt wheel. Looks and runs like new. (~714) SPRING SALE SPECIAL 1957 CADILLAC Fleetu•ood sedan. Sable black finish with matching: cloth and black interi9,r~_Jtquip~ ,,i\vith power s{eering, po\\'er 15rilltes, po~'ir ~f'ats and power windows. New premium tires. Exceptional condition. !VTP257) SPRING $499 SALE ~~~~~~~~~~-SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN~~~~~~~~~~- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, AP RIL IS, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY VISIT OUR 1COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALES I SERVICE CENTER • WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORIGINAL FACTORY 19UIPMINT TIRES. s37!,~ INCLUDIN• MOUNTIN .. IALANCIN• • ucis1 TAX • FREE PICKUP AND DEUVERY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 ' ' ' 9900 -----··~ UMd C1rs Used Coro 990lj COUGAR '68 COUGAR Lime with black padded top. Loaded and &i.r conditkinln&:. $2800. J '. Stotts 842-5.581. Eves. 962-7006 DODGE FORD FORD FORD '64 GALAXY 500 XL 2 dr.1 ---BODY 1t1en attention: '62 JAVELIN hdtp. Bucket seats:, &i.r, '66 FORD Gala.~y 4 dr. hd!p. V·8. PS/PB. R&H, Take o\'er c S • Auto., R&H , air-cond., gd, bal. ol contract. $1090. ountry quire tires, lo mi.. front end 548-7920 WQCJon damaged. Make o 1 fer, CAD 1964 Coupe de VµJe. Ail' With dual facing rear scats .• 96;"';7;4;5'\.'==-====" ·aflpwr~lbwmi·single E ·1 ltOl • . P S -quip , w ac., air, ... owner ~ liQUkiatbl& estate • P.B., power \\•lndo\\'So etc. DODGE DARTS prv prty. Best ca.sh oftl!l' of svxno ---------11~ ~ -$1995 JAVELIN '68. 390 A~DI: eng, 1---. ·-·---- ........... .., -· ~~·- FORD '65 ~'-\ ~ < d R/H, PIS. P/B, Air, mag Ocanest Sel~Uon Anywhere "a.ii· ane .-., r. JOHNSON & SON "'his . Racing Pak. $350 & Dcol" ...... 8 cyl. auto, P/S, bal "'"1137 af! B.Sirume , .....,.. 2Q26 Harbor Blvd., C.M. R&H. xlnt <:end. $750. Ori& Lincoln-1\fcrcw'Y 3 30 645-1872 pvt pty. 675-24lm l':"Ml~·~· .. ~ ... ~,~·~·~·~~,=~642~.7~""~1·=· '======== ·52 DOOOE Lanttr GT. Very 1960 FURO, PIS, PJB, ''5 FORD COUNTRY MERCURY MERCURY OLDSMOBILE '69 1.fERC. Marquis \\ilh fact. air. Brand ne1v. Lease $110 pr month. Phone Sandy Sanders, Lease l'.t i:' r . 642--0981 or ~ 1961 r..rercury \Vagon Ne1v t'ngine $27.> * 540-9362 * UNIVERSITY SALES I SERVICE OlDSf"OBllI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ==;-~-===~=·. I 540-9640 Ullt'd Cars 541).8881 MUSTANG ""6 OLDS Joist.,., wOi!o ----1 \\·/red interior, PIS. P/B, '65 ?t1USTANG Convertible, lacl"'il.ir, radio. New tires & PS, auto trans, I'l\dio &: brakes, like new, $1650. heater. clean. $ 12 5 O. 536-1668 cood end. XLNT 2nd car. RIH. xlnt cond. New tires SEDAN "'"-"" --19u·-o=Lo~s~44~2~ ·~ J\IUSTANG Fas Iba c k Good cond. 549-1688 alt 1:i Sta .,.q, dlr, V-B. pwr 1teer-2+1. 6 cyl, 3 s?d. Jmmac! =· =========-$400. fiiS.1'99 "-brakes. $300. 546-3720 tnr. Excellent condition. S5() '65 MERCURY Bcsl oUcr. &16-2812 or '65 ~ dr Ood&e Dart. R/H. 6 1009 FORD, 9 pus, ata. cyl. Stick. Lo mi. OM wqon. Completely rea>nd. owner. 548--3724 Full equip. S2'l5. MS-672'1 l========,I '62 FORD WAGON FALCON 1960 FALCON Good t ran• po rt at Ion . SUIO. 9151--3475 all .. icnd. Mon aft 5 '64 F'ALCON Futura 2 door. 1\adio. heater, automatic. $195 Dealer. 3)'J6 Harber Blvd .. 0osta M6a. 64.>-lm FORD , ___ _ '64 FORD P!CK·UP Exoriknt Ol)htitionl • !i!0-1819 • OW.-IG-Olarp ,.., od. -... -""' liJI .. to .. -- Sharp. 57,(XK) nti. OJiaina].. Owner. 548-fi65l 'SS RANCHERO · Rebuilt lransrniuion 543-E651 '61 FORD CONVERTIBLE sm 54.M651 'fi& GALAXIE 500, 2 dr. Fae. al:r, Pow/S. Low miles. 11710.6'&-0009 '58 HDTP <:onv, clean, Id trans. Sacrifice! 3 1 0 7 -do<Pl,CM. euo ••" ~, .... sma11 '°' Parkla-4 dr H T "°""" PLYMOUTH ei4ft ear. Fine prvt prf;y. $3!1 ,,_. • • • '67 J\IUSTANG Convert. Bi~ ?i.1ontb. LB UEV 484 OJI V-8. auto, P .S., P.B. and 390 engine. All extras. $1950 't.fUST Sell '68 Plymouth Ken. 5'l5-0134 or 494-9m. ract. ~ir, '!'Urq~ise blue \V/ or oHe.r. 548-:IOOl Fury 111 2 dr llT. R&H. --,63 RANCHERO ~a=::1:::i~rp~~~ete. '66 rt1 USTANG, R< air :: ~der~ct89~~1:4~l 0~ Owned by little '->le man $l 4SO cond , Xlnt cood. MllSt sell! Pl.I. trom Laguna. 3 spd, dlr, all 673-7#1 aft 5:30 .~65~P~L~Y~M~O~IJ11l=~~.--orl&ina~ paint ~ !nlerior. JOHNSON & SON '65 MUSTANG V-8, auto, r It 1-'ury 1, Ml Pll'r,'~:nll~~i Runs like a top. $50 Cash LineoJn.M h, _air, vinyl root. Xlnt cond.. Local car. Sell for low book dell;, pymnts $29.S6 nio. l9U Hubo BIV:~-7000 .Sl500. 548-3176 $950. Owner S36-8936 ,=.,.Call Ken. 4%9173 ., -,6;-,;4-,M""' ""ER""C.,U'"'R""Yc=-l -O--LD .. SM-·0--11·-LE- ''4 FA!RLANE "'"""' Sta· MONTC' •1R CPE Uon Waa:on 2S9 Vt auto I.Ii\ • trans. Pia. P/b. Radio. V-8, auto, fact, a.Ir, P .S., New tlr~s. Super clean. P.B .. etc. The 2 dr. H.T. 548-4140 model In fi ne condition. JOX167 '«I FORD Station wagon: 4 o... v ... au1oma1k , S!Zio °' $995 ~~?!'!!::.. ,..._ JOHNSON l SON '62 FordEconollne LlntOJn-M~rcury VAN. 646-1684 19.tl Harbor Bhid. 642-TltiO PONTIAC REPO. '63 D)'namic sg 2 Dr. '67 PONTIAC GTO 3:iO hp .• Bed. Auto. ttana., ah' cond. auto !"'-· Btst offer. f'ull P\\T,; 45.000 ml. Bes1 M&-7291 aft 5 pm. offer .. Days: S36-6MS: eves 1964 PONTIAC C 1 t a 11 n a , It .. 'tekcndit: S.2--?00:t Sport Coupe, perfect, $ll60. '65 OLDS. 442. 4 $1)(1. Yellow .~"-7--Sm~·-~-~~ w/ blk fnt . MUil tell • BRAND new Ftrebird. Best bm ofttl'. 1 ownr, 543-SS2'1 offer. 0 n l y 1500 mi'a. aft t . 1.mtving state. 545-GW RAMBLER T·llRD NE\V '69 Rambler, Full size '60 T·BIRD, very clean, S600. compact. $2043. Air. cond. Good con d , 642--4177 or 642--0480 T·BIRD '5,) T-BffiD T·BIRD F4. Air, all extras, etc. Clean! $1595. Owner. 541-2164/673-5929 Good cond. 3 Spd. stk. r.take "56 T·Bird, automatic, t'lUcr. 673-5129 !\-lust see to appreciate! 1957-THUNi>ERBIRD Very I $1650. 675-1788 gd. cond. v~ Stick.~ CHAR.GB yoor want ad now T-llRD .! ·T.-8-!RD--Landau, J967, ful~ loaded. 30,000 Mllea. Prl~ to sell $2300. Prvt prty 962-9683 . ' ~ T-BlRD Landau. J"ac. all', f/pwr, disc brakes. Jmmac'.. / Wrnty, Prlv Pt,y 963-3803 l 63 T-BJRD. Powe~, Air, etc, Vecy Oean! $895. Owncf. 541-2164 or 633-3661 ' I , I •I ' •I ,~ I' ' • , , .I, I " ' . f , •• f l' f ' i ' ' ~ ' ' ' ·' . ,., I I .I • . • t " ' .I • ~ ' t• ' ''·· '. I, I· . I• " ' • ' ' " i' ::..~ : l ' 10, " 111''! .. .. ;·-.. .. " ' ' " " ' ' ,,•, " ·~ ' ;,. i ' ' " ' . ' BRAND NEW 1969 Plymouth Valiant R1dio, h.e1t1r, fully f1ctory equipped. Uc1n1t number VL21A91149'19 $4254 por mo. for 42 "'°""''· omtl N I 11.li ftwn Piynttnt Includes ill tix1i, lic1n11f ind intt~st. • NEW 1969 P~!M!?r!'vTQ~PPfURY. 684-0 $4844 ,., mo. for 42 r-------. 'ng No. Pi2119DI '· Pyment $ months. Norm1I down p1ymont of y,, • It 8 ~Mlo~.· I' e and intertst. includes ill t1x11, icens j . .. .. . . · . N 0 TiOf "I. A tit••lic selectio1 of .,•M·1tw Clil'Ja-· lers & ,,,...., Piii 11111 ... , U'8d cars, ••err car is tlearfr flg'pd .. JIU cu see lie fallfasllo few fiw pr;111, Your . II Wings •re cltlrfr ,,.,, r.,..,, ' . • l\t6\1ED "J FREE 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE '1495 '88 FORD , 8ALAllE liOO 2.000R NAUTOP , •. ,.... ........ NI~ c.wlft'-'. WX~llL •1195· '84 DODIE DART 170 2 DOJR '795 OLDSIOllLE 88 ,.415,. HOLIDAY COUPE tactr1 ••· ,.... lltillw, lXU '8} traMrfllllllll. ..... vlllfl .. ..... ~ ......, ......... . -~239.5 '87 PL YIDUTH FURY ID C.000.. llAUTOP "'·--.-.,_,_ __ ,_ F::"" Alt Clftdltllll!riii, AlltrlrJ,.11c Trflllln--TAJ '1795 . ' ~ .... •ri 1ATSUll"'"1~· .. 1600 (OMV. _~to bri'*-1 9oocl. cl' I he•ttr, h1n11 P~ .( """169s-- '11. CHEVaour •a. AIR 9 PASSfHGa STATION WAGON V.f. ..... Hletw, ..., S-. ~.,,_,, hr XTo #I '1095 STATloH WAGON . . . • Aufwnet1c lrtn1mlMI,;... /'ff'lo & llMNr, COTW -.OJ ··795 . •295 °""' ,,,. 11.r '"' fi-.... ,. ·-"1dlt 4111-Illy <Ir In lfld:. CHRYSLER PLf/tlOIJTff IMPERIAL~ • ••• ,.1 I ' .. ,. I ~; .•. •• .. !! . ' ..... ' ~· ~· l!· .. ... .... • ,.. ' ' ' '"' :1 t .... ... "'" ~. "'' ••• .... ... "' ... .. .... ' .. , ... ;h;. ... .... "' .;, •. , ... " ... .... i: ~1 '" ;:: .,,. . ... I'!' ... "I• ... •• ... Ill !: ... •• ~: •• ... .. . .. :f; ii ,.., _.., :1 ·1r :ti .... =~ .. i :: " ... ... ~: .. •: • '" "" .. •• ... ... '~: , .. " . ' ' ' ' ' ' • .. " ' • . .. ' . ·- " f • • ' ' 'JUST ARRIVED! ENGLAND'S NUMBER ONE SELLER •• ; AMERICA'S NUMBER .ONE IMPORT BUY! .GT AND DELUXE MODELS READY, FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY.! ' ' . JOIN ~UR, CELEBRATl~N!!. SPl~~AI.· DISCOUN1S · ON . N~'ICAN'' 1969 ''~·· I f QR ·DS .•.. e tORINOS • t.WS1ANGS • GALAXIES • •fAIRLANES • custoMS • t·llRDS .' ..... • nts in 1 nlS . At trulY , Unusual Dis~tl•W 1969 fords t. ..... 1a1 cleal'ance Group ..,.-• D DEMD CARS LIMITED exec . .AN tER SAVINGS HOW AT EVEN GREA Sbe\by C\earance ; • 1968 Shelbys at All re111C11"1~tory l1111olc:e. ac:tual FUN FOR THE WH OLE FAMILY THIS SATURDAY-SUNDAY! CONTINUOUS Mod Fashion Show 10 A.M.-6 P.M. BOTH DAYS MEET THE MOD MODELS SAT. & SUN. FREE Pepsi & Hot Dogs For The Big Kids - Mom & Dad, Too! ' . VISIT THE FABULOUS' SQUTIQUE BUS HE RE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY A unique dress shop featuring the latest in modish botique items fr:om mini dresses to bikinis, sunglasses to tote bags. You may actually buy in this d ifferent store which is complete from 9uilded wallpaper to dressing • rooms. ALL REMAINING NEW 1968 ENGLISH FO RDS SLASHED FOR FINAL CLEARANCE! " ' ' MUSTANG SALE TAX REFUND DUE? 1967 FORD V.a TROC:i<-.; CAMPER . ' 11r .. ..,.,,., 1t & H, 1111w ...u1~ C£M. ·f 7JS12un WHY WAIT? TWO ACUS OF II~ Boat 515,. 211"-clow'll W -tr.di:. SU~ER • CENTER II .. chettH frelft, "l" & "I" cylii1d1r1 4 BUY NOW -PAY LATER $1195 ::~. $36 :.-:..:.: ,,. ... , 111tom1tic. Some with pow1r 1t1er-UIY flNANCIN• AIAILAIU USED CARS TO PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY '"' '"d 1ir co"ditienl"t· lt65 thr11 lt61 1Nd1I., co"Mrlibl11, c••PI• 1nlll 2+2 fest-''2 FORD FAI RLANE CHOOSE FROM! TRANSPORTATION srECIALS TRUCK SPECW NEW 1969 ...... EXAMPLES 4 Dr. Sid. VI. fUUy 9qlllflP.ICI. IFW!W) 20% doWll or -Now •vw:a=1 15 urs ~ .-k that F· 100 trade. can ... ntilll at wMt .... ,. the ll\fbllc 196S MUSTANG HAl\DTDP $4 9 5 .::."t. $21 =~..:.: IMt the dMlen °" tMM .w.r cars. PICKUP 1"1111)' equlP9M1, !WX~S.J 211~ down tr trldt. (12lWagon SaleC12l SAYE!! $895 PULL ·$31 NI JO PalCI MONTHS Fl1r11id1. 115" W.9., ] t pd. 1y"cro. nu PONTIAC HARDTOP '62 thn1 '67 Mod1l1. F1lco111-Country S1cl1111. '62 FORD F·350 fr111L 1055 F.1pri1191, t9S R·1pri1191, 'f7 MUST ANG. C11tilrlll, fl.Ill ....,., HID. llt.H. CGEMOW llw IOllll; Country Sq11ir1s-Chryil1r-Ford1. 12 fo choo11 St1k1 bOdy. VS. • llPd .. pow lift pre. {Yf1ll1) »'!lo 1tc. Prlc;I f11I »'!lo llOwll W trtllt'. clllwn or trt<11. !2-099 YI. evfo., P'I. tlCtory ,..,., a..i, IT!l:H4"1 JOT. $395 PUU $21 :"'...!! from. 6 cylind1r I a cyli11d1r. Som• with f11ll $995 ::~. $41 ... 24 tllMI or trlft, pow1r i nd f1ctory 1ir, $1.7-95 ~~ $4.l-... " PllCI Mo- M---r -·-, EXAM PL-ES -.__ '61 MUST ANG '61 FORD 4 DDOfl VI '64 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER nu CHEVROLET 'l•·TON PICKUP Ol.Dll TODAY I YI. """""le' "'" _.-.,,ry, \AIW ml ... (X$WOO,,I C:UJIOm. M 11111 .. wtonwllc,. blllck w/wtlllt !Op. ll.IJ1Z W11111n. ' PIH. F1ctory •Ir, 11111 pOWV. IUC.KOIJ l-be<:l ~c1111>. hurtr. 1n11JA) 81111 9"'* 11Ht • $2195"'~. 11•111 81111 lloDll: prtct uns. ~ down or trtdt. 20"lio dOW!I « lrldt. ' $139 5 ::~. $39 :.-:..:.: 20'11> down or trlldt. CAMPER SPECIAL! $59 "'" $1295 ~~~~. $47 :-:...:.: $1195 :~.'t. $43 :"'...!! . MONTHS BRAND NEW 19691 -F-250 PICKUP . ind 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL ''1 TOYOTA CORONA SCO'J'.SMAN CAMPER ... 111/y 1q11lp(ltd, NII po-, t lr coind. fULF17tl 111\11 '63 FALCON WAGON '62 FIAT 4 ODOR IOClt ,,.1c.. tl'1S 2D'llo clown or t•.cle. Dell,ni;t ' Dr, Factory tqUIP"ld. (SUYl :ISI lllVI lloDll: Fully tqUlpptd, (ISP7f7) 20,. down or l•lde. Fu1$11195•11:~Li T•x • Lki sel c1o2 o;;-;4 $]495 $995 :~.'t. $39 .::..: p1k1 Sl4U. 201'. down or lrldt, $495 ~~~~. $21 ::.: IOTH $1095 ::~~. '46 PM H FOi Me•fM PllCE MHtk lf"t. Ne. F251lE10tJll Scot11TW1n ClllnPlt' b compleltly lvrnlshed Wlltl . '64 FALCON WAGON kl bOx, 1tovt, tic. Sletp!. '· F·25G Pldr.110 hts '6' BUICK LE SABRE 1'61 FORD V.a '65 FORD SEDAN "6" XIII lft'lll., Imp I. oil IJIU!lft, 1'50 lb. rHr IPl'lfll!S Aulom.11k, rldlo. hffttr. tODT111l ~ doWll or {$) l .00x16.S l-f;>ly ~las tlrn, dlx. llH~r, 11\d "'II" f'OWW"• \ICIOl'y 1lr. 2 Dr, H.T.1(AfOM1611) '°"' ~ dr, au1o, ....... 1ltlrl111, rtdit • 11&1\ltr. IEM. , ..... ' cyl., 111!0,, Rl.H. (!.6l.JV129Mll. BIVI Book prlct t101S. Otfrolttr, ltc. M1ny ·to cltoos1 from 11 1!'111 do'll'l'I or trMlt. IJ5!24.lt1S) lllut 8Clde IN'lct '2S50 ~ dowtt II' trldt. $695 ~:~~. $27 ::..: 20% down or tr1dt. prk1I $1'695 :~'t. $58 :-:...:.: $179 5 ~~~. $49 :.-: .. : $795 :~,'t. $28 :--...:: Slv1 on Elclo•aclo, Fovrwlnd1, Goldllnt kotsmen. OV1r 30 vtrlld llOor plant Oil dbpley Ind rtldy fOr lmrnldi.1!, dtllvery. • USED CAR SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 48 HOURS UNLESS PREVIOUSLY SOLD -ALL PAYMENTS FIGURED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX AND .LICENSE. \ HAVE A CAREFREE TRIP! RENT A ROBINS CAMPER You 90 where you w•nt, stay whet• you went without sch•dules or res•rv1tions wh1n you rent • Robins D1Ju :ic;1 Pickup Camper or Condor Motor Home. Cell for r11son• •blo ro tes • , • RESERVE EARL YI LEASING YOUR NEXT CAR? ' -LET US GIVE YOU THE FACTS WITHOUT OBLIGATION. S1v1 on any popul1r mike through our Ford Aut'horited leasing Syst•m. Our l•1se experts will •n•yte your p•rti- culM needs without obligation. Come in or call today. • • ' • ' •