HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-14 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa- •. I " " • f • • • .... r" . . . . ~· " .._ .,.._.,;. ! ,:. I I ~:~-Jet . Sita~·.~~1N~•At--~1;~ ... ... .. . -. . ~ -· ... --' . ..::. ... ;~~se~, f_~r~ ~~~~·r :••·nW. :~"_,..1~g . Q .. p ~ !" ' .. ' -·:· , .. ~. MQNDAY. A~RNOON, ~PRI!; :t4, '"69 VOL a. MO. It, 1 S•CTIOMS. II Pot.Gl!S ' . ·Oliver • ID • .&ANTA BAR8ARA (AP) -A SO-year cW..w•.....,nee man injwed lMt week· fia a -apli>lion at !be Uniftl'lllJ of -.-.... b<ft died Sunday night llli( .111or1ues aid Ibey ...... ln- liilillyq Uielr lnvallptlon. -o. 8blr) hid -...... mr IO pemnt of bis bodf. a lrlclurod rilbt. lee lad bl)urla to a hind and eye >then the bome-rnade Ume bomb ex· !*>lei In his alms early Friday at tho fooulty chm, wbere be Uved" He died at Goleta valley .po.p!tal. Town . . .. . -' . ' . ' ... '\('"I""""' " ' i:.: .. . Conaervalloal1t1r Ilic! ·bird wllicl> , 1ers. are 1~ cit .a :thin& they CaU "natural habital "·: And yoil•doo1'hln to. be Jlllld( of.a .._ wllldlor to' l!IOll' tllilt:" Illa llniltlo . Cclut' II 11ie - tabltati of 'MICDe of 1tbe1 Dltkm'• fanlieR. Cll'loclllltl.1 ,J'ouod la Iba looOl -tf·~ liD<l'I -.,.__ ... '°" 1 lnl<r-tno, Did<·--.... ''tl!o ...... -· lllrlilOflleer • Wort Inn all of thtlr prvllllc _. __ ,... __ _ -to ~la lie.DAILY PILOI'. ~ '*'· ....... l..tpdc 'N ..... ~ .....,. plllll ,._, -~.wm-~ ' ,e,v'l'Y doy. Moodq ~ Sil-·utclaY, m Ille DAIL P\Ulr. Tbe , flnl <11< II COi Pace 1 todlQ'. , ! • . I " . . • ·.•tr "• lfor .. ~ ,, .!... • ' '\ ' ,, • • • ., '.• • ..!. • I .. -·-~-. "" .. -·--1 :_ .. ~ t . _ _. • -- ( ~ •• 1 • .. , -- •'' • ' • • \ . ' • I ' • I I • I -·-"'1"' Nixon -s .ends Top ~O .Propo·sals r to Congress ' ... .. , . . . . ' . . Introduction to Sunny California . ' PILOT -- LOGB"lll . So did the other .,.._wcnblppen. Bui there WU a difference. becl"llJe tbeJ wen !aliel and I WU DOI. 'Ibey ....,, .. irlnmpbantly Ill their tnmb aDd bw.ia and loobd _., .....r0ruble. I rucbod . for .., worllsblrt ml -llarel ol iD<mlulity. The wind lncruJed in f...._ · I Jay down, llloicalJy griWn1(my lee1h qaiMt the on•'•ritd You will get. a LID, l told myodf. I lldgeled, wialllnl for a -or . . All-.... ~-piacelull)' .. the ..... portldla er tbeit faces. It was vsy quiet. I °"1!11111 ol Iba -I 11,.i -wlMft lruopo <i ........ 1111 llNdliil(, lite lemminp, bdo the Pacillc. I waited for .. ,....,. to do iL NoboctJ did l"1 lettb "'" cbau.rt.is .... .., lop luiilliiliiie --.., -• lllJ. Callfmnla.tnade lildlil. Tbe*Jlumodclortir, ml 1.-1Gr -bod!' to lea ... llGlludy - I could -It no ....... 'lbr"'•'"•"bC"' pride lo the winda, wblcb bod..,.,_ ed Ill milel por hour, I deler1ed. and ........ly cJaml>end"' Iba --1 bid '° blithely ...-down a k •a r before. My car was ltill bcnerinl a .. peclaully. M I atnJalod back illlo the' knot ol tnflic, .I Joolced al tho people .. tho beach. 'Ibey llepl, ......... tbal Ille IUD bod. Im! come out. . . Harvard Showdown Nears . . -. Mesa Traek Meet Official Hit by Discus Stu.dent.s Occupy Dean's Offices at Boston U. Ill' ~ ..... lliinatloml A-lllrib -Ille -..... II illmlrd '~ todlJ. -llOCllpied .. -ol two deanl 11 aearby -Uniwnily. A dedored _..,_al llarHnl ftl ID .ita third dQ' ad Atems ,..... 9CWited to meet to decide wbttber to -It. A IP'JI dleck ol c1-s at .......... -l"'7 --11 --,,,. lllrib II Bonord -oalled to pms tho -ol ~ poJleo lo ...... ...,..m. ol .. _.. acl- --'""""oc>laltl -..,,. -Carp., ....... ..,o1 .. -.i. lmled. a ••uBc °"' tbt veetmd tbl& if Unidentified Man Hit ~Y Train I.a l"N'AIAlfted ~ 'el 1ftld betwea -• ml "yean old, .. l:llled S!m- ., --by • ·--fl<iPt train • be wilted a ttMi Santa Fe ..-.,-llllleAtwood .... neor ~and Jll&l>IM!d a ....... , Ille ~ Caml7 OamMr'• Office ..pcir1ed f<lila1. . C<noor'• ~ aoJd the lden- llf!cat!m ol the -.... -be at-..... .,. ...... '"'""'"- Witr ~• attiw:ted by tbt train'• 1ir h:n aoJd the mu appottOIJy did DOI -the tnlD '!! .. allonlatel1 walked cm tho -aloogsld< them. EnP-° w.,.. SWIWOll, 57, of Los ,..._, told mutfl's dtputia be tried In vain to llap,Jllo ""'"' lr<icbl train bound Ina s.. .. __ .. 141 AnpJa. DA ILY PILOT ....... ..... ···~·· ..... ----C.0-. c.u.MOIN ... Oll4.iit<.a COUT PUl&.ISHI ... ~AN1' ..... M.W-' • • ~ ... ~ ...... J.d: .. ~.., .,.~ .............. -·-·-l1t.-A..,Msr,hice -- fOClllod ee -...is for on ...i lo llOTC .. eampul -... ol the Uy -In tho 11............... . Boycotta, Iii.ins and other demo••• Ucm · ·w.r. p1"""'1 al other · odloofo ac:nm &be Datloft today II ci-i°.rau. ed lolJowlDi the -which ... l<mlpted the first -ii ol campua 11111<11 aftu the Eute-vaeation poriod. Antiwar demonslraton wbo maintained their-CICCUl>Otiee ol Sloalanl Uai...U17'a . applied electninlcs Jaboraay lhn>u&b the -Ill-* todo)' lo oprud th*' protelt tD ~ tbe 4Ulltfd ~ad Ru uada tlllltitute wt.e malt cf tbe ldw:d'• dwffwl mDltarJ -Is corTied out. Negro Track Star Freed After Plane Bo;rib Scare LAPAYETl'E, Ind. (AP) -A Pwduo "It mode my wife ID and may b .. e -~-bmhedloao·....,·-· cauood a relalhe'o;-ollack," be ............ _ • __ .,,....,.. said • bomb ...,.. tbal ............... """"" ol s.;.,e ol the -who went .. court a tract meet.. WU re.leued without with McCutill marched from the cam- cbafl'S todo)' all« a gniup of black pua in a driving rain. slnclnl. "We Shall students marcbfld °'!City BaO. Otat(lUe." MOil rode iD can, boftver. David J. Ooaoe, Tlppeeonoe ~ °"'"" told lhe IJ'IUp. all« ..,_.....,. Jl"*CUlor, told about 100 N-ln the no charge bod been Wed, "If I do !ind <111 "'""'"'"" -be eeeld !ind ee ID-onytbing oppllrable tt could be that I diana Jaw lo mpport OU)' charp against ....,]d Ille OCllll<lhflli later." tho athlde, Erie McCaskill, :a, of Newport N .... Va. 'lb!re. ... dia&rf!emeol .. lo wblt McCaskill said SOtunlay allor be ns told his moustache violated • Purdue ruk re,.. quiring 11 athletes to be clean ahlven. 'Ibe abaving order aJ90 WU given to other N ..... tnc1onen -Mel Horris, Newport N .... and Jimmy Jocboo, ~ 11.Y. McCoskill aid Monday tbol what be said WIS, °1'beft Gagbt to be a bomb CID the plan<." ... only madt a stltemmt. .. be Wd, ''but as.mt.ant tract cmch Racer Kerr beard about it al made It into a tbreaL .. ,,,. atblote, who -Pun1ue•1 indoor tcack recon1 in the '19-yanl high bunlles. 1'U omosted by campu1 polJco and FBI -ts but .... released immediately wx1 .. m --The tune ... cleloJed by • -ODd Im track .-al Ian ... postponed. McCastiD said be wu Fine to talk to a lawyer a.boot a possi"ble suit far falle .,... rest .... defamotloo ol c:barod<r. "'-P.,.e J RACEWAY .•. Damages Sought In School Mishap, -Nomed-lhe di<lrid udeltndont In the action flied by Ronald A. Splcber, -.cmnran. Ill -Robert ...... of 8usbanl Elementary School. Ktsner'• -llllegecUy led lo Stott Trocy Spid>er helping to Jill a l~ table whk:b O\"el'turned and fell on lhe boy. Spidier cJaima that bi! llOl1 ..u....i """" lojorles In the illddent. Bil claim bu beee r<joded by the--- Thieves Get $275 At Harbor YMCA A Colle Mesa -lloj>M- -... definitdy • _. Satoidq-lnl the ~ .-ol • <111- -tnc11 meet a1 Ell..V HIP Scllool, po!loe aoJd Uldoy. Siie ... bit in u. --ol-l!clallna · Mary A. Roby, :a, ol .. W. Palmyra Ave., Orange, WU tnocSed •10..-:ioal --ill !be backol lhe-117 ooe ol the mi..O., omo.r 1'nalt Jen.. .... -Holly wu llfll eol c:m¥·byP. _Ire_ CJn tbe IOeDe .rt.er the 11: 1S LID. ac-- cidellt, but wne lo before bebC tabn by amhil•nr:e to Co1t1 Mm. llemarill Hospital. Shi! ... -all« 'bolol bold o~ Salunlay for_.._ and Costa lfesa R«rutloo Di-.r Keith vanlloll aid today tbol lhe bu not filed • wriUen report of the -. He aoJd a younpler ......... to retrioft tllmm -wu reportodl)o .. tumln( fmn the downlleld area ml threw tho object -to .... "' the event, hillllll -Roby ..._Dy. The vlclim, • dty-<lllpioyod -.. leadtr, .... belP'nc lo oflld• .. tho ·-... yuuaplen ill tbinl u.uap eicbih ....... Joan Baez Says Ske' s Expecting SAN JOSE (UPI) -Folk llr>l"f Jcu Baez b expectlng. Tbe .. yeaM>ld -<rUladfr WU wildly --lhe lllmOWl<ed the impending bir1b to a -"""" Ilda put ........... It will be ber lint cbiJd. "I mlg!>I u well !di'°" now boca .. tt will come out anyway," Mia Baa llid.. "'I'm prtgnUll." II" husband, David llonia, wu DOI aroond to hear the lnnQIP!(•l!lfl•L Tbt former studtnl body ,.-.1 et Stao- f<rd UntftnllJ •• portidpallac ........ la at bis alm.I mater. llanil,IS,bubeeneee\dctodoldnft -and. ........ .......i iii -In bigber eoart, will probollly ............. a three-year wnbwe ID JUDt. Armstrong Gets Apollo Position SPACE CENTER, -(UPI) - Neil Anmtlwc, • ..n...-. a;-...W cmu.n Ml a, ril 11 ' ''1' a. Ille first -.... "".a. -the space --..,_ \. -Ar---oltm~ BurJlan °'"' a. ---Into u missicm .-will -a. flrll U.S. the aec:utlve dllt<s ol the Newport · ~-~~.... ~ -YMCA .... -SllS la °"" ...... -... WW -~- """'.desk ml tiling-al~ to -"' .. -..... cnll - Poli<e said the tlldl ......... bet•-July Ill, --..... c.... Frlcby niglj and ....... Satui:doy. ,,,. Law, -ol u. Apillo -· ..... Joos wu dltco>-....1 by a eleanloc mn gram aid. 111ho entend the Y It t a.a to Onil b of• . Air fart'll! Col Edwil •Bma"' JJdrta fiao doar pritd open. . • -,.·,11 1·-n-blm a ._ •'lllllll -' -1'be thk!\'U found k'fl In • desk af the. . -·~ • -· omc. and ~ • lllinl -.... solo lo WI. loke tho mooey. poll« said. Ar-... Mil Allklll will 111111 • U. Tbe omtes are al -thli\..nlty Dr. .,_ .. u. "'""'1lli' --.... "'idow Recover~ ·' U1'00~ CUPll -LoclJ Clementine Cbun:hill. 14. widow of Sir.--!&lay mode furlhtr .....,_ la ber ...,_.._ tioa fr«n • fradured th:lctl. • Weotini"""" Hospital "'*"""-said. . - apoDd two houri •• mloul• nlklol ......... u.---...,... within a -lot-loot radius ol lbelr l.o: dlng c:nfl.. Anmtnllll ls.~~ -"""' ..S a 1t!t pilot for the XIS rocktt plane projo<L Tbe .blood. bluo-<yed ""1maut sbnd ~fed u -taD oad n!gl1s 19 pounds. MfLYPILOl ......... Do Y-Believe? ; Hinll of what may aime were left behincl when the Teens for Christ departed Hunlinglon Beaclt for Tucson, Ariz. In front of their old headquarters at llO Main Sl, little Melanie Miramontes, 5, tlrinb It'• all very colorfUI, but what does it mean? • 61t!Jirm.tm of. ·oop Urges~ Involvement With Youth : WASlllllGTUli (AP)-Bep. Ros<rsC. ol Americam lo we eely u a subslitlllo B. -(!Hid.), utaed Jleplbllcans for failure! ' todoJ to .......,. -ln tho pro-"I, for eee, will DOI occepl !or the bloml ol youth and the minorities lest v-·•"··· P·-... I of . . . tb1J bcame the "spare tire" of p>litics ...... ~ ... •J w.-:: ro e spare tire JD -•""*c al«ticma eely , w b e D Am<rican poliUcs." Domoalll ~ lo abedclinjr their role u a mincrlty Morton, replacing Roy Blill u notloool party. Morton said, ~blkana mu..t cbainnlD. told U. Repihlican Nation.al become "massively involved w i t b COmmmee bluntly tho party wee Jut milliOD! of young people. with mlliiomr of year's preaklential eiecUon mcn became black people, with millions cf poor peo- of dlaolllfattlon lllDOll& the vWn Ihm pie, with Ameri<an Indians. with natlooaj eath"'ern for the GOP ..... uc11te and ethnic groups, farmers, 1tDiai "lbe ~lo," be aid Jn tho teJt ol citizenlr and city folk . a talk at a doled -ai.. "are u a "We must care about their JWOblems. political party ~le of attracting new their hopes, their frustrations and ....,..tlom, capable ol eslablishing dreams," ho said. ''They are not polltic:ai fOY'J1UDml .In our own rf«11t. c:apeble d. commodities to be dealt wilb in bulk or in winninc eledkm be mm cf what we are blocs. They are part of a creat entitl and bow wt perform. which Is America and all that it stands. ''Or an we a standby for the m1jority fer." ' Jn his prepared remarks MOl"tou made UCL Youth Hurt By Plate Glass A UC lnloe -.......... alonlf a Balboa -_, .,..,,,... tripped ml !di tlnaP • late irJaa -. IUfltrilll a aeoael1 ail arm. Police aid Glum Earl Frlebertsl>a ..... d -Slnlll' Aft., 0>sta Mesa. WU -at llM( Manorial llOlpltal all« the! ............. A -told pollce the pair -. nm-'*'c airo1 Eoll Bay A-when the -lrWed ... lell lloroaP the -""' 11 llll lo Bay A.._ rrteba:......... .... rdeaed aft.tr tn-tnwd. Laguna Boy Hit By f.ar, Citation A !..,__old 1--boy wu -l!y • -Saturday and then ciltd ~-: ~ laillrw lo obey • -aid !be )'OUlb ..ir....i tuts and -.. 1111 ..... LI. R*rt MclfllroJ Aid the boy waa a-., SOutb Coat ~ In a awwaB; near Park Awnue when be --byac:ardrinnby V.. Ann -.., JI ol 11411 Monler<J 5'., South lAI- Nixons See Bio oms W ASHINGT0.'1 (UPI! -Presklent and Mrs. Nhon tool a stron around the Potomac tidal bulD 1"cJay lo look at the cherry b-.U. .. no reference to ihe controversy over tht· Safeguard antimissile system wbicll. President Ni.ton has ordered deployed, - Committet a.ides said thert: were no in;. dicatioo.s that the group -id act ta formally endcne Nil.on 's deciskJo. But individual members sakl ~ •• strong approval lor the Presideol'll 04! Uons. v Morton sakt that the new eommtt:I leodtnhip has been promised that " · fu~ . m~le . of a RepubUcan nunutralion will be going for us." i BliJS, who presided OV<r the commJttel In the SUC<eS31ul 11165 ml 1181 ~ "" fon:.d out of the ~ 11 make way for a new leader more adelf in public ...... talion ol tho ~ viewpoint. .. • Weekend Traffie-• l Kills 2 Countiani 1 • C..a17 'l'rolllc l• It 'leotll ,... di serlouslY lnjurtd. He Is In 5'. Ju.t. llospltal In Funertoo. c On Sunda y, at 11:• '"""'* Ralph B ol 11 • a u , 34, of G1n1om Cro\-e wu tilled when his car wed ..a of _... and hit Illa ...... cUvldlr ., the Ganltn Gro.t n..."1 De a r Mancbes!er Awnue. JU. ~-Plzylllo Dun, .. Lone Beocb, Is In critkol -la Orn"lt• County Medical c.....-. c _, I r I ......,,,.......,..-.. ,-,.....----·-· • . Ho niington .Bea~• • -•· ' ' -E-0.l'TIO'N ' -• .. - vor. ~2. NO. -~~~~~~~~"':""~-;:--;-:-;::-:~:;,-~~::;:-"::":':::::::;:;:::~=-:::;:~---:-~~·~·~~~-T--~~· --. • _.;..... ---..---_. _. _, Bitter I School . ~ . 'BJ WILLIAM REED Of .. .,.., ,. ....... One .. lbe ~ IChool -cam- paipl in lbe blot<ri<i Huntingtoo ll<ach .-iDlo lbe .....,. boob Tueaday IS vola'I· within lbe ._ mile high -dlltrii:t .... five elementary scbool dlltridl cboose:&.Ulleea. Polls.open at T a.m.i and dole al I p.m. At state are 11 ad:s on 10iea1 school board& There ire • uplrants to lbe -· Most of the action bas bttn in the race for three seats in the HWltinpin Beach Union lllib Scbool Diltrict where in- cwnbenls John Bentley. R a y m o n d Schmitt and lllcbard Wilson are trylng)o . &lave oU the bids oi 1 Dine oUlel' can-didates. --. ·Ell'ly In lbe campoilJl lbe maln·""1e WU an appanolly loss ci faith by the voters ln the diltrict. Tbe issue was er.· • pand<d wh<n' tlie finance offlce of the district ll!IDOllDCed lbe poosibilily ... 11 .3 . - . -Campaign . Probe Looms .. District Us ed School Tim e, Challengers c_laiming, Backers of three candidates for seats board incumbents John J. Bentley, Ray· on lbe Huntington Beach Union High mond Schmitt and llidlard WUsoo. '!1le Emergency CommlU.. for Ef- factive Education Is hacldng lbe can- didacies <i Dn. Jollp.Keot.and Sltl!!ien ~ md li(rs. CarolJp MitdJdL - School Di.strict governing board said~ Wi.J.soo immediately ·denied a n·y day thof will ...i.· an invatigatioo by the . lmwledge <i •1•an1ctivities. Bentley and diilrlct attorney into' campoign practices · -ooQld not · Ire· ~ 'for com· Jeadine up to Tuesday's election. ment this morning. · Tlli! c0mni1u.!.01• cbatles <i caniJialln Improprieties came during a last-minute flurry ol campaigning, In the ~ mile high school district. This year's ochool boanl c.unpalgn, fn, wf!ich 11 CID• didates ·are vying for •thrft seats on the five-~mber governing body.. bas been ~ Emergency Commitu:e f~ Ef. District Superintendent Max Forney fective F.ducation announced it wtll seek denied that the admlnlstration bad in· an investiga~ ~me, ~ttee volved it.self in the c&mpaign at all He spokesmen clalDl, the district ad-said he W'OUld wtlileine an investigation ministration has used school tiqie and and urged ~ factims to "go materials in the campaign Oil belialf ol abeadandliletli\iirfGnMlcbarges." · Cyclist Killed In 2nd County T1;'ac~ Tragtyly · • --llJ-Jt..VINSl!ll )I ................. ~ A .-C7clill ia~ 1111.ld ._, <i Jlle day irll tilled llunday wh<n 1 hurled head first into a fence at Orange County. lnl<matiooal Raceway, the aecoocffataJi. ty then! In • lour-day period. Davis Gaines, 26, of Los Angeles, was dead on an'ival at Santa Ana Community Jjo&pital aJt<r 11:40 p.m. accident, during a wannup sesslm for the 1969 Grand Prix 'cycle racin& season. 1 Raceway spoklSmeo. said Gainee ap- -pearod to 1... "'l"trol ol his Yamaha 250cc machine . OI}.. the tract's tower then = his balance momeo--curve, , lJrily before the · • llill out from 11\idU him. I The victim WU I~ into a barr~ of hay bales and ~ ~G.Xfen fence albnc iht tract's tower ~e, near the conttol Wwtr and in goOd view cf trKt: oupervisors. Gaines' death s...iay followed tho Wednesday dragster l atality of Gillert A. Nielson, 18, of Non:o, whose modified lts5 Chevrolet went out cf control at • mila,-per-bour and rolled several times. NO determination Has been made yet about what caused Nielson to lose control of the car on his first amateur night run down the raceway's drag strip, reaultin& In the ltCOnd latality in tts·~. '!1le accident Is still J>tlng. investigated by raceway officials end nperts frvm the Natiooal Hot Roil' Assocl>tion, who ...,kl Dnd no lnltW 1¢1cation <i the came. N"idaon died at Sanla .Ana Community Hospital about one lMiur after befnC thmm from the sedan as it rolled over, following a sudden veering oa the llrip. -'!11e fint Orange County lnl<mallonal _, J\acn'ay fatality occurred in December d. 1967, when nationallJ tnown ractr Mike S«otfn'1 radically built drapter exploded Oil • Jd&b-«pee«' nm. Gaines' cluth Sunday mlmd the open \fig of the track's 1!111 Grand Prix inotoreyde ......, for which lbe 'cyclilt wu pn<licinl when killed oo his last lap .. c:nmpetition. • CoUUioil Cuts unusually -· ~ •--.. -:wt~ 'OLIVER' ARRIVES FOR ACADEMY -AWARDS SHOW ::...--- YOU111 Mori< LHtw end F-Miko Moko Trip F...., Entlo,!!!I·- • lt!'s Osear Nigi.( Show Streamlined, Moves to L~ . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The-Academy 8llllOllllCeci ihe "1nner. Annis, mhm pemmlal master ol Also ahsall will .be the W..-- ceremonies Bob Hope, tonight will debut Inc !fA)b tO the POdium by Ille Wlnllon. a llreamllned venoioo of the tradltionat _ lh fad, the usual-pr'actlce ol hlvhc Oscar in-tallom. llancl-lm accept ~ for ·-Gooe will be the tradltinaal routine of wtnmn will be tllmlnated. lntroducfnl a Pair <i atata bef«e eacb In ~ <i Hope and the llriDC <i award, wbo tbm ,..,-i lbe auled en-"l*wiion" will be 10 notable llarl velope and, after a IUlpeDICful -' (Boa a.:ARI,. hie I) ' ' ' Backen ol Ken~ Herman and Mrs. Mildlell char(od that' lhelr c:andldatas have been tbe victims of. "abusive. polltlcally-mollvaled --Is by ·hill> school olficlatt," and <i"hlghly partisan smear type litei'ature" dlatributfld to bilb . school lludenta on campu1 durinr - hours by teacl!en and - "The lhocklnc lmproprlety'<i -and other abaaes of. public trmt have made it necessary for us to prepue appropriate (lee C&llPAGIN, Pqe I) I J.ow f..f;,st HPUS.ing DiscU88ion Set Wild Chase Short No Changes • Ill Marina -Dress GOde ~ ~ - I ' t I i ' I J DAILY mor " ' . . ·"""'· ~ ~·. ,,.._ .s -.-1rop · 1fl~po.-sals ·to Co~gr ~; ..... m~~~ ' 'l'bt-it '!lla!b!idJale ldloo",-1& 4ncl!l!ld awl ·~ o~ that wW plua loopholes used by ..,d,. o1' '!be Pnildftlt madt ' apc\ijo -for~!. Nixon e ti ._ tf · "W Ill _. ' '&AA Ii...,.., i • · .. Po!~ -~ .. 1 ·i.'e ..:_..~· _:_~ the wealth)' lo escape heayY tu delaytllc Ille aubmlaalon °'bb legtslatM:t: •1t --lW MI locltl llc:udl;J boo!fJla ~--=, .. r~--po,ymmi11 and ''""tually rovite the eu-demanO. ' . ., ..... ollt -. -II .. .-1t•ztr C Ila rillDC eOlt II !Iv' 'a •i:z,. tlzo '""""'"'ity lo lift tu........._ will Ill Ibo ~II .:..:·t 1111 ~----lllJ 'ldlM ~iii.I r "J....:i... ~ lidlll ~ '~ zelt.. , • Sl'lrjt.-'Ol?ll= I ii(,_. _1"!..._,.,_-,;;.. _._I! ' ;,, ----·~· _·, •• r ... ,-.. -~ ...... t..GaJ· : J ...... Pill Olke .... 't •• I bapiMD li •f ~-.... •:;m: .:.: .!.':!*'.' .:-~·qa:;.•it;.,;'!. ... ~. '"·'" ~ ~-·,l.o al ,rs r11 ~ . ,..........,,..-.iilely,udjOll .thll "wotncii--'-·~~· .... 11 ~ , -·-• ~ 11••, .• · . ~ , , · 08 • ••ct1acre11lo'la l placeineal~ , 'beoottaet·tawl~-Ole....-·-.n.. "Mere-fl Union -ho -llliapalad -New ~lo can\liot crpnbed • ••-lloa far Ille l>l*1cl ol 'Cillmn--S 4evel0pment of alTpOrt Jy nlaldic pjoopola1I "tam only .. JlllJJl. lie Mid loday'a 1ft1(1ew iu lo -.-J•lly. ,...~..,.In&. , bla. . • and ~ ..WU.. and mu. transit typeW11ter; "!"'line ~hie ~is: Ueu ol ID:b am........ d1lnc and pontOlnlpby. · -A U..year tar Nf..-m program ay11ema. · takes time. We bave la"f' lhlll'"'"'·'.' ; ---~ ------.,... ---. .....:._.~ . ~ . . ~ ..-------------------------..., -.-. --------"-----------------------------------------"""----------------------------- -• -... ~-!i Pilot School Choices The DAILY PILOT recommends the following candi- dates in school eleclions on Tuesday, April 15. H.;,,lnvtan i.och High SchNI Dl1trlct . -John Benlley, Incumbent X Ralph Bauer X Robert E. Dingwall X Hunllnvtan lleoch City lll~ary) SchNl Dlatrlct Jack K. Clapp, Incumbent X 1van E. Ugltt, lncum~t X stephen Holden, Incumbent X OcNn View SchNI Dlttrlct ~ Robert Knos; Incumbent · x R. James Shatter, Incumbent x Mn. Allee Medina x S..I lleoch ScfM!o1 Dlatrlct Jack T. Calms, Incumbent x Ruth H. Duffy, Incumbent · x Cyrus W. Shepard, Incumbent x F....ial• Valley School District Harold E. Brown, lncumbeat x William E. Crane, lncumllent x Shella R. Meyr1, Incumbent x Wntmlftat,r School Ol1trict Matthew Weyuker, Incumbent x Neomia Willmore, Incumbent x Roderick e, Cruse x Oranp Coaat Juolor Coll• Dlatrlct Worth Keene, Incumbent x George H. Rodda, Jr., Incumbent x '7 ' p,.... !' ... J SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIO N I I I ,. ........ J CAMPAIGN I •• allklavita and set in motion a com- prebmaive investigation of this matter," the~-· S1m1t.r • ciOniplalptl ..... : lodged lut wee.t aga.iDst -aii ~'mip)oye of the ,Hun-~ Beach City Dlstilct. Olfld11s ol lheelemenlary district admitted that one of their employes bad been in error and Aid they had taken steps to make sure the incident would not be repeated. V061l COMPLAINS Another high school board candidate, Fred Voss, complained today that some teachers and ~ on the Marina High Sdlool CllD~ bad been dllltributlng UW'llure-dlioillloi that ·aB ,lllt four'""' · didatu for the boud' W<JU!d, il '1ec1ed, reduce dlWict athletic programs to In- tramural status. The alleged over emphasis on athletic Jl'CCfantS in the di!trid bu been a favorite theme of high llChool board member Jooepll Rt'bal, ,.;ho ~ fre- quently been in conilid with other board membon. O~llY PllOI leb•rf N. W.H .... ...,, .... hbll .... ' J•c~ l , C11rlty VICll l"fwi..it """' ~· .. M9nl- n.-•• x ..... n l!dlte• Tho111•1 A. M11rphifle IMnltlllt l:dUer A!Mrt w. ••te• 'Wlrn-..... .-.-111i. ftWll"""9ft ._,. lfdllOr CPy lfdltw " ............. OMce JOt ltt. St...•I Mellllflf A4tlr-1u P.O .... 790, •2Mt ·--.......,.,. Medi: tt11 wn1 lflltlM ..,.....,.. c;.tt .... ; ;m W.t Say Slnltl ~ ._,., m f.,. • ..,_ ' Bnmt, penonne1 oecuUve; William E. Crane, incumbent; David B. IJraela:ky, en~, and sheua R.. Mey~1. bt- cumbenl · BmitlqtGO -CllJ -Jaclc K, Clapp, Incumbent; Stej>ben F. Holdeo, Ip, cumbelll; Ivan E. Liaett, tncnmhent~ WD A, Tiu~ leacher, ml Belle B, w1~ Jr., pniject -lal'. Oceu View~ -Kenneth E, Ellefson, general llWlag!:I'; John E. Jordan, busineu executive; Robert A. lcnai. incumbent; George G. .Login, at- lonley;' Carl M"Uemann, te1dier; James D. Mason, aerospace engineer; Alict O. Medina, and R. James Shaffer, in- cumbent. Seal ..... El-tuy -.Jlclc .T Cairns; incumbent; Ruth H. Duffy, u,. cum.bent; John J. Reed, university pro- fessor, and Cyrus W. Shepard, in- cumbent. Westmln .. IQ.emest117 -MarJOn P. ~; D1m01 F. BqliQne, computer systems ~; Earl JI. Cartoway, corporate euartlve; Roderick B. OUse, publications analyat; Barbara DePriest, aec:retary; Nathan Felmteln; L. Jean Lester, houaewlle; I>orou.. 11oddwn, bous4!Wife; '!Uynion•I' M. "schrillll, In- cumbent ; Matthew L. Weyuker, in- cumbent, and Neomia Willmore, jn. cum bent -~-w~~~-~~:i Introduction i o Sunny Calif o ~p •a :~ By JANICE BERMAN Of 1t11 Mir Pllll ...... Afla' two months II I lrlJllPlanted eutemer, I decided to become a bona fide Calilomlan. I bit Ille beoch. NOW', It lboald be "11'1.ined thol ht tho eut,ooe .. not ~ blt the beach .• Jn. atead, you make a day of it, and, call it of the car and end up lo tho ocean. You doo~ need all Ille utra atuff. Just aometblnc lo sit .... allber. -... .mboud, depeodlnc m )'OUf thing. You d"1~ need ntra -· --Calilomia II bthny ~ lbe 'time, So ~ I na Ille atber ,,.._ at Mllibo. Or rather, drlvlnt up ml down the Coe!! Highway Jooklq I« a place lo park. I finally found • pelfoct l(IOI, on ~ ' :; magulne. AU arounii1.me, le _,,,. d!Wn& peacefully~-Ule parii<:Jes;:· flitted over lhtlr f : • It w very quiet. r ( ~bl ol the • . v' I had' teen,:~ where troops of C9 headlong.:-.-: 1iU lemmings, inlo: 11>e P c. I waited • PILOT. l.OGBOOK . Califomia·mactF_bikini, , : ,. going to 'the beach. You -pack a lunch, a change of clothes in case It gets cold, a ponable radio « TV, book5 and mq. ....... .. the edge of a aiJ-foot drop. 'lbe M1e .. moved closer to the wbeell u I spun So did ~ _orshi_.. But there difference. because they "ere-1 was not. They s:nyed foe aoroeone lo do Jt.-Nobody did • : ,My tee.th "ere chatt.er}ll1 aDd my leas ·'! turning Uie IU'le shade;f aqu.a u mr..l Tbe sky t~ dartu-; I waited for .. ~ somebody to 1.,e No y moved. • I could alllJlf ·no 'J<i\ger. Throwing : pride to the witlds~ hittr bad now reach-... ed 20 miles per hour, I deserted, and sheepishly clambered up the aaroe bank l ... had so blithely dashed down an h o u t"' l before. My car was still hoveriJm: ex· Hert, it's a different thing. If you get tired of driving along the Coast Highway, you stop at a beach. It's easy, because you're "'Irina: your bathing lllit; you can pWl up rigbl oert lo the aand, ..U out them in the 11and. _ I produced the requllile blanket, alnce boards are DOI my tblng, and ICrllllbled down the precipice lo the beach, bitting 11 at 2:17 p.m. At 2:18, the IUn vanillhed, and a chill wind whi5tled in from the ocean. 1 prop- ped myself up on one elbow, and looked around. The Dodie was perched where I bid left I~ and it awQed ln Ille ""°"'· ' triumphantly ln their lrunb and bikinis ml looked very COinfortable. I reached for my worbhirt and noticed stares of incredulity. The wind increased in force. I la y down, stoically gritting my Leeth against the onslaught. You will get a Lan, I told my11eU. I fidgeted, willbing for a book or pectanUy. ~ As I struggled back into the knot o£ traffic, I looked at the people on the beach. They slept, unaware that the IUl1 bad ju.st come out. --. --~ -------------------~----------------------------------------....,J.,_ ---------... ----~-~~ - --~~~~------wc.m-.. ~ p,.... p ... J OSCARS •• I who wW distribute the llatu.U.S. '!beat holtl and bootes"' Include Funk Sina, tra. Jane Fonda, Sidney Poitier, Steve McQueen and llurt Lancaater. The traditioo-brealter II Gower Cham- pion, mastermind of 1everal Broadway hit plays who is directjng the ceremo- nies for the fU'S( time. Although Hope is not muter of ceremonies W,, year, he i.! expected to appear oo. the show. Katharine Hepburn could become the fll'St actress in the 42-year history cf the awards to win three Oscars. She won Jut year Joe "Guw Who's Coming to Dinner," and tor 11Moming Glory". in 1933, This year she was nominated for "The Lion in Winter," which also ii a contender for best motion picture of 1988. Also in the running is Barbra Strei· sand, w:ho wu nominated for "Funny: G~I." j)ie !~II ~ ohe ev.r llllde. PaliiclA Neal' fs I ~"favOrite 1n "The SUbJect Wu ·lloMll." Sile our- lered three OW'-!1til motes three ye1t1 ... but fou&bt bock lo ..,.... her auCCf&ful career. Vanessa Redgrave was nominated for ''Isadora" and JoanDe Woodward for '!Raebel. Rachel." . Only·t"o ol the nocqlnees, Mill Strtl- atlnd and Mi6S Wood#ard, were expect- ed to attend tonight's prexntaUons by the Acadeply of Motioo P,k;ture ,,Arts and 8cienets. ! ~ The contenden for best .ador are Cliff Robertsoo (a..rly), Roe Modify. (Oli- ver!), Alan Arkin (The Heart ls 1 · Lonely Hunter), Alan Bates ('I'be Fixer), and Peter O'Toole (The Lion in Winter). ··'Ille awards wW be televlled !ABC-TV 7 p.m. PST) and will be held for · the first time in the Dorothy Cband1er Pavilion at the Los An&eles Music Center. The major contest for best pictun: is between "Tbe .. L1oa ... in Winter" and "Oliver!" 'Jbe latter rectlved 11 nom· inations. The other three contenders ate "Funny Girl," "Romeo and Juliet" aDd ''Raebel, Rf?L" ·. ·. Harvard Showdown Ne ars ~ -· I Students Occu py Dean's Of fices at BaJton: U. ~ By Ulll&ed Pma bteruUcul into}~ ott.lces ol deans Staton R. Curtiss across the ~ tod~ a1 cl1sses resum-~ A stude.nt strike reached the abowdown and 'llemard Meckel. ed followUJ1 the weekend which in.:: st.age at Harvard Univerlity today. CU#Jss said the sitter.in were there terrupted U, fil'st weft of campus unrest :, students occupied the afficel ol two when~ deans came to work. "We -:ere after the F.pter vacation period. · ~ deans at nearby Bolton Univenity. ;3~ed;,POlltely to leave and we left, he AnUwar !femomtrators who maintained== A declared three-day •trike .t Harvard u~ at e 0 1 t 0 n University hai thei~ occud,Wtion ~r stanford University'• · • wn in its third day and ltudentl were fOCllled,on demands for an end to ROTC applied electrorucs .laboratory through-: scheduled to meet to decide whether to • ol ''"A " . . the' weetlild planned loday to !pread continue jt. A spot check ol cld9el at 00 ~ -one ....:: &ey tnues in the their proRst to i.nClude 'the affiliated _ midmorning showed they were JPG'lf:IY Harvan1\dispute. Stanford ·~search lnstitllt'e where most · attended. BoycoUi, &i~lns and other demonstra--of~~ .i school's classified military~ The strike at Harvard wu called to tioos wtl-e planned at .other acboola r .carried.out. ;- ~t ~'*'of du~ poUce to . ;A.. ~ ·"' k)G t~~ • . . ~-·... . . ~ .,,_ .... .. occupatloe ol tlie -.ch0ol'1 ""' \ ~~ =~~~:£"~ Chhirinllln-of ~GfJP '-l!Jl-ges i -buildlni Oil ... occupilol lt ,...;Jd recommend ·::":e SIS-year.old Ulllveraity be ·-· The ocupatim ol the ... .,.. -at Boston University came }ea tbm I wetk aft<r'lludentl bad taken..., q.e ocl19ol'1 DMncllf · aJd olllce. Today, a-IDll -ti .under the leadenblp ol Btudaatl for a Demoaalic Sociely -pertmla1 -lq>lup ol ...,. pua ,.voh ammd Ille COUDtry -moved -FNMt P .. el DRESS CODE I I principal who qreed that the trend for hair styles b -Ioicer Ill! cbarp( lhll euealve leoatli ll lo be avoided. "Grldualllm II what we .,. talkloc about, not totalilm," be cbarsed. A lludent In Ille audlenee then decided that the time bid come to apeal: up and challenge Ille ---... points ol beauty. BUl'Cll UGLY "Wf1'1f, l find a butch haircut really UI· ly," be uid. "~I'• ue. lo aee tboae liUle opikel_ out ol • .... •• bead," be la.id, to Alliltant Principal Owen er wbo wu wearing a crewcut · -• · Even thouib the 111kfen11 loll the finl batUe, they "111 try •lain April 30 when they will make tbelr recommendaU0111 to llmi1ar committees fn>m the other thr<e high oollools. From that -a alngle dress <Ode will IO fcrward to tM Board of Trustees for approval tw &be 1119-70 scbocl year . Damages Sought In School Mishap Damages of llO,ODll .,. belni claimed by a Huntlqton Beach man in a Superior COurt lull whicll charps the Fountain Valley School District willl ._,.ibWty for injuries sufferm by hla It-year-old 10•1. • Named with the dlltrict as defendant in the action filed by Rmald A, Spicher, -ComwaD, II teacher -Km. .. Busbanf ~ School. m-•1 adions allegedly led lo Scott -rr.c,· Spicher helping lo lUt a I~ tlble whicll owrtumed Pd fell "' the bojl. Spicher claims that bb ..., IUfl- M:vere injuria in the lncldtnl Hl1 elatns his -.. jectod by the ICbool dis\rlcl , .. Eight Die in Fire . Inv lve~n t Wi th Youth ' WASlllNGTON (AP) -Hep. Roaen C. B. MOl14D (II-Md.); ~ Republicans today to involve ·tbemlelves in the pnr blema of youth and the minorities lest they become the "spare tire" of politic!I -winning elections only w b e o Dem0Cl'll1' disaffect. f. M0114D, replacblg'Ray Bliaa 11 nation.II chairman, told the Republlcan National Committee bluntly the party won la11t year's praidentia1 elecUon more because of diuati.sflCtion among the voters than <Slthuslaam for the GOP candidate. 11The queatlon is," be said In the tei:t of a talk at a cloeed session, Man we a poUUcal party capable of altracting oew 1enerations, capable of establishing government fn our own right, capable of winning elections because m what n are and bow we perform. "Or are "e a standby for the majority or AmerlCllll to use only u a aubstitule for failure? "I, tor one, will not accept for the · Republican Party the role ofsp>ri tire in American politics." In sbeddln& their role as a minority party, Mortem said, .Republicans must become "maaively involved " l t h millions ol )'Ollllg people, with mllllons of ' black people, with millions of poor ~ pie, with American Indilns, with naUonal and ethnic groups, farmers , senior citizens and city folk. "We must care about their problems, the.ir hopes, their frustrations and dreams," he said. "They are not political commodities to be dealt with in bulk or in.- biogs. They are pa~ of a great entity which is America and all that it standls for ." In his pttpared remarks Morton made ... • no reference lo the Controversy over the • Safeguard antimissile system which President Nixon has ordered deployed. Committee alcies said there were no in. dications that the group y,·ould act to • fonnally endorse Nixon 's decision. But - individual members said there was . strong approval for the President's ac- tions. · Morton said that the new committee • leadership has been promised that '"the full muscle ol a Republican ad· tninlstrallon will be going for us." ;. Bliss, who presided over the 't>mmitte&! in the successful 1966 and 1968 elecUons_; was forced out of the chainnansblp io·; make way for a new leader more adept;: ~ pub~c presenl&Uon of the Republicmf Vlf:WpOlnt. :t " ,==========;:::============il i Animals Talking Back CcnservaUonista and bird •atch-- m an big on a I.bing they c:aU "natural habitat." And you don't have to be much of a humcr wttcher to know that Ille Oranp Cout is the natural habitat ol aome of the naUon'1 f1umiest cartoonists. Found In the local nest o1 puncl>- linert with pai.ntbnJlbes are the lnta'landl h!lnl, Dlclc Show a..i "the animal man," &d Norzqer. 1'~~ 11AI~'( 1'11.oT WILL CA~ •Jl~IM~L~ic '? HoT POG! .. • .. tjou 'i°Mulcl erc~e the e~pr~ss iOI\ .. • • • • • I • • • • l l . ' ' I . • • • -i • . • . No Polhatlon Here WOODLAND. cam. (AP) -El&lll. memberi " a Sacramento River 1ttrt: (ann family died ln a f1llh nr. that - l\ll!led their IJed rrame -SUnd"l' Jllllll Two of the ..,,,.. children In the Work from all of their protHic peos his been published from lime lo llme In the DAILY Pnm. Slartlng today. however, fAcunatlc KolEiftl''1 alngle panel ftature, ANIMALop:, will appear a1mo..t avtry clay. Monday throu,ii Sa~ urday, In the DAILY PfLOT. The lint one b "' Pqe I loday. • ~ - , Two surfero late advantap of the debris-fret conditions al HunUnf' ton Beoch city beach over the wtekend. Pollution from recent noods _bas fon:ed ~~ of the Jlffrll7 1tata beldl, . ' ... bilrninfl -manapd to Dee. TbeJ wtr1 lo cr!Ucal cnndltlnn at• boopital to- day. : -. • • -,__~~~~~~--~~~----.J: ' I IJ(; Irvine •Fandango: . . ' . . ~ " Old CaJifornia Spring Carnival Theme • • -.,Y, April 14, 196'1 -DAILY moT JI Los Alamitos ·Bookie Draws ¥ear · in 'County Jai~ ~ .... ~ l4'l ,\LAMITOS -A Loa ~ ,Ccflirl ~ u d c.e ~'• CGm""'1oll, Elmo Lakewood, tbe third llltlllber '""'· Alamltoa man mull ....., ""' llliw~ C. CalnorGn 1blndod F. Scbetle, &, 'i Anaheim. ol what pallce llld wu a wd Mn. Y-pin Id Piil' month In Oranc• County Jail the fall lmn '11nuldaf ·to -a !May jail torm 10< hll orpniud belUnc lwlneu, 11 belon Judp --~l0<~hl~s~bootm~~a~kin~glo~pc~r~a~tl°"'~jJo~....,~h~·Bom~~bo=l~a,_M:::_· ~ol:_:!OC:_· -]>U'l~~ln~the~!bookle~:J'~per~a:t:lon~.J""""'~;)Uy~lll'Ylnc~~a~lllx;"""'~~th~~·nd;muat~~ .. ~·~•~aa~oddJ!lma~==• IRVINE -"Fandllilo" has ·d\Jcted "Unkamp project to ' organl?ltlonl.'pma and con·i· cl-Ose to'lho nearby ricetra".l:. ~Drive. G1or1a Y-,' ~O_. Of Jail'~ !or tbe aame ol· threo,.... proll-• been telected u the naJl'lf for provide a 11.lDUDer camp e.x. t e 1 t 1 , r I d e 1 1 m u 11 c • the ""'~ annual l!>Pnl peri'l"'e, Joe disadvantaged relrullmenll, and a barbecue carnival' !'! ~ ',hekl at !JC children ~ Orange Cou!lty. dlbner. Many parllclpanta wm Irvine On SUn1il~. May 11. ..,,,e The Carnival' last year rUed wear coetuma o1 ear 1 y theme will be the "okl 11.200 far Ibis purpose. California. California ranchl." An •dditioaal sum will be 'lbe canUval will be held on Studenta and embers of sought thiJ year to co to campus at the intenection of community · .fl PIPS Biafran relief. Bridge Road and Campus have begun 'Plannltlc decor•· Scheduled to begin at 11 Drive. Decorations w 111 Uons and activitie.s for the a m. and to conclude wi'tb oJ!k_ Wnulate_an_earJy. -Calll<nla - day-long event. -aoor iiitertliiiifiiiit -m -the -pueblo, with a ca.nlina, corral, Primary beoeficiary o( the evening, the "Fandango" will Spanish arches and a fountain, eveot will be ·the sludent<0n· feature booths sponsored by and a "bandJto's hideaway.•• Fair Gives Building to Retarded ¥ outh's Trial Reset In Skull Death Case RIVERSIDE -Trial for the one remaining defendant in The Orange County Fair the grotesque Elsinore skull Board is turning over its rah-murder case discovered last year by three Cmta Mesa rab-bit eil\ibit building on the Col-bit hunters has been reset. ta Me.sa [airgrounds to the Rowland J . Berry, 19. o[ Orange County Association for 3014: Toland St., Santa Ana, Retarded Children. will return to Riverside Coon- The building will be con· ly Superior Court May 26, on a verted to an It-month-a-year motion to delay, made by the defense. training workshop iDr men -He is held . in Riverside tally or p h Y s f c a 1 I Y han-County Jail without bail. dicapped children and adults. Berry has pleaded irmocen~ During the month .cf July, by reason of insanity to the the workshop will be used {or execution shooting cf Kent D. Davis, 21. of Hayward, ap-agriculture eihibits at the an-proximately one year ago, nual county fair. while two Other suspects About 20 h a n d i c a p p e d originally charged have been children and two supervisors released . . Initially will take part in the Authorities believe Davis came to the Southland a year lraining program, tentatively ago carrying about $800 for a scheduled to begin May 15. major drug purchase and was Workshop hours will be 9 a.m. murdered for the money by to 3:30 p.m. alleged suppliers who never Persona wishing to inquire planned to de1iver. about tlle training program Hls scattered bones were ' may call the workshop found below Railroad Canyon traintng center at 835-3511. Dam near Elsinore last fall , I 1'11111 hlllkl l MvwrtlM,,....t VOTE APRIL 15th . • FOR OUR CHILDREN'S SAKE not long before record winter rains would have eradicated all evidence of the murder. Seals Aid Oeft Lip Children Fair. Adds Two Entries ..... "9lltlell .....,.,.., ... , ' VOTE I TUESDAY APRIL 15, 1969 " • ' • • QUALITY EDUCATION WITHOUT ''GOLDPLA TING'€ ,, I X Fred W. V 0 S S \ . Huntington B11ch Un ion High School District Board of Trustee-1 lf you have a liking for pigeons and guinea pigs, you'll be pleased to · know . that categories fot bOth these en- tries have been ~-to! the - li st of events for--.thi:,_19111 Orange County· Fiir a'ria ,EJ:. position, set for July l}• at lhc Fairgrounds in Costa ?\1esa. I c-,.11• Ce11t•lttM fM Ptff w. v ... Chelrmu: C..lp M, leny, '4l1 Slit• Clrcl•, H.-t..,_. leech Anybody in Calilornia who breeds cavies -that's a fancy word for guinea pigs. -may enter them in the judglDJ. But · only Orange Catmty Pf&eon people may enter their birds 1 for judging. WANT INTEREST . ON TOlJR BANK CHECKING AC:COlJNT'l .. YOU CAN'T GET· IT BtJT WITH PACD'IC'S SWJTCB 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yn 111 •• ... at• •D 11y btfia1 a lat i.. ... .., ia ,.. ll I Fl J El 11 Zl .. a lit -ii 19 Pacific Iii f\I II Ilk ~nut a• attlfdilll 11111J llllCl .. flltl • lblll ••·•· ...... n•l'J' dollar earal weq •~r It Is la · J'•ar Pacllle Anoant- even for jast oae daJ'. • .,, 111illly .. p ....... AccHlll _,.. .... ••ly nd 1/4" 111- lltiollll 01 *9l-y11r h1111CCMllll 111 111111111· nllL Sni111 i• yen oce111t 1t ,11111(1 11• tint Ira• t•• 11t of llJ ••llllt """ 'llC1i1d lry , .. 101•. • • .,, ' ~ l GRAND OPENING OF 'fVERSON'S 'NEW PAD! • -• • • ..,.. ' '. .. '... .~., ' 'to-• lt'afinallyheppe'nedto Newport Beach (•ndtothe ·' · world)-a' genuine, hOnest·to-aoddneu BWG-A• BA LOOI Nobody' a ever had 0"!' befqre but, It waa bound ' to happen, and Iverson thouaht of It! Iverson'• ''pad'' is his brand new Volk1wa1en . . building which is the largest and most beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, it 'houses the very latest in service and diagnostib eq~ipment,l'8-nct is a perfect sh'Owclise 'tor diS; playing the latest changes in the Volkswagen line· (that is, if you can spot the changes). ·, "'/.. FREE BUG!' , . .. Durina the. world'..-fir1 t;° BllG-A·BALOO, lveraon will give -.way_• aparldina n~w 1969 Volk•-aen (otherwioe ·k.riowii •• "The• S\11"). ~II y0u ,,.,,. to do is pey us"a viSlt. If you've ne11er.been ,..,,. BUG·A'BALOO, now· is your.opportunity to. lie'. amongttlefirst! At\hii'BUG-AlBALOO, you•ifsee the lote•t In Volk.Wagons and Porschea, within a • .lo. • -"! layo";' lhe llkeeot~ich you've -_,,before! BUG·~·BALOO .refreshments await tho•• that · CARE to -aomething different! Now'a the time to put a "Bug" In your house! • Th• h1rbor ...... only outhorlnd vo11ww.,.n d .. 1 .... • I I J I Ericson Breaks Ground at Irvine Erlicson Yachts, lnc., bullder ,Ji ~ 1ta.u sallboOt.s from 'Ill to G !O<t, recently brolce :tr.unc1 \II U.. ln>fue Indu>trial firm wia fcitndcd in HIM. It ~as 11'irtbas«I; In'llil by a COfPO<•\IOO · eomppsed of .Mar- qu.l& &. Pitman, Jr., president, and Del Wilton, vice lft!I· dent. ll«<nllr It became a -my cl PacIHc ~ lndullries, Ille. of ·'Pa ..W.1es. .. .. .. -· . . " .. .. j , .. .. • '. . . •· ' • 11te Ir o u ad.break la 1 was· held at the Aston and Deere·Street·stte. From a $300,000 per year , ~fiioo three years '&IO, ·Erlclon Yadlt.s hu "°"" to $3 million in volume wilh distribution natlonwkte and in EufoP'. "Our new facility should enable u.s to upand to 1 year· 17 ·.volume or more than .. .milUOn.'' Walton predicted. "A feature ct the new plant will be the Wes\ ec.st's only ··-~tank," he added. ' : ... you, tao, ·:will just /we ' California Thriffs Giant 6% on 12-month futl paW lltVfflment Thrift c.tiftcat ... Um our handsome 5'>S:"• an,.....,_ Ac:cowies IDPl!lllll for any •rnot.ftt. Withdra•ts honored 1mlftllll8ttfy on -...nd. can CaJ.Thrift, We'M be. hlllCJY to tell~ more .-rt our proud reputation. How we cll'I _., benefit"YDU-'YfJW family. And how ._ c.an h1nd&e .n ~details of trlnsterrin& yciur praent fortdt by phone or rnlif. remel1iJer ••. Invest by the 20th Earn from the 1st ~ c:Q L • llll·E. Ulh St., Cost• Mu., '46-504S Now ~bminl • dlctdeol _,....,. ...._ ...... ':_, dtils·~ C.lifomi.. llDllCI: AMEltlCAI NDUlnM&. 111111(-ASSOCIATa I eAIPOM5A NIOCIAnolll tf IMIUSntUll lfWI to..,AN1($ • • • Y•ur Money's Werth ... Control Wages, Prices? Never 87 SYLVIA PO!ftml Suddenly, rumort 1 r e l!>mding ·-· "" lond that the Nixon . Admlnl,str1Uon is conaidering a reqll<SI for wage-price controls -because 1be anti-inflation W'e a pons we 've tried so far are simply nol working. The arrument being beard la that Only the "aledgHwnmer" approach ot legal limits on price and wage increases will effectively curb today's spiral 'l1>e reaaoning is )hat since both ""'"-pro- fits and labor paychecb wm be curbed, the rntrainll Will be accepted by the natloo; dirttt CO!ltrols a r e un-- derstandahle and ohvioul; the restraints worked in World war Ir and the Korean conflict allll will-t qain. No! 'Ibis would be economic Insanity. WAGE-P.JUCE cont r o Ii; would attack .the symploms, not the causes of inllat.ion and thus would help only to worsen an already dangerous inflation psychology. (Wben you have a fever, you don'fcure it by put- ting the thermometer in the freezer.) U an aI1-<lUt emergency e.x- pbled in the U.S., ii Is con- ceivable (barely) that" wage. price controls would work for -a short whlJe, for th e emergeocy probably would . bring lprih an out-pouring of YOluntary cooperation a n d compliaoce. But it ii incooce.ivable that these controls would -work against the. bacqround of 19119's detested Vietnam war and widespread c i t i z e n rebellions. NO. SHORT of the explosion -and what forecast would matter then? -wage-price controls will noi. be requested by the. Nixon Administration any more than they were re-. quested by the Johnson Admini!tration. To give you a brief e:iplanation : • 'J1>e Vfr'! lhnll al Ule. "'°" trots would speed up today's 'tf8ge-price aplral to a hor- rifying degree. n-who con· tend the controls worked dur-. ing World War II and Korea have either nt\ler studied what actually happened or have forgotten. To illustrate : between the ootbreak of the KorUn war ln June, 1950, and the price freeze on Jan. 25, 1951, whole.We prices toared 15 percenl ~ for World War u, -it flnally -and Ulldtr-tbe.counter illegal in- creases could again b e r<pOrted legally, retail prices sllyrocketed II.I -in months Some ''freeze ,, And u,,;l is only !hi~! -The conln>ls could not be enforced without an army of pricing policemen, a hor- rendous bureaui:racy in Washington to administer the restrainll and strangulating red tape. We are not prepared to setup lhlJ bureaucracy; we haven't the manpower to run it. -EVEN AN ARMY of pc>licemen would be able to price only a limited number of essen!W ilems. History knaw> that manufacturers would im- mediately cut the production of the controlled (and relative- ly unprofitable) items and concentrate on uncontroUed profitable item!. This would lead to shortages of essential goods. -A rationing system "'oukt then become the only answer to distribution of scarce goods. This would necessitate another bureaucracy to enforce ra- tioning, put even greater strains on our manpov•er and add even more to under-the- counter pressures on wages. -Meanwhile. a general deterioration of quality of many products would develop as businessmen tried to p~ tect their profit margins by skimping on the quality of controlled items. -NOW, LOOK what you have : shortages of controlled items, general deteric;>ration of quality, nightmarish red tape. -Black markets would by this Orne be popping up all over the land, for it would be in these illegal markets that controlled items would be priced up in response to sup- ply and demand and contrulled wages would be matched up in response to employers' bid· ding. The threat of penalties wouldn't work ; it never has throughout more than 1,000 years of experimentation with 311ch controls as these. The way to attack inflation is at its foundation -which is the supply of money and Ma ••ler credit in \he economic stream -and this we are doing. Rodney A. Lewis has been named assistant secre-LEGAL CONTROLS go far tary and manager or the beyond guidelines 00 proper Costa Mesa facility of wage-price policies. If you want to change our entire Glendale Federal Sav· economic system, face up to ings. Previously he was and admit it. For that is loan manager at the Tor· precisely what you favor when \-.,============================::::::::::==:::::==========:::::=:-::=-:-~======''..,'.''.'.'.anc e ofiice .. ~-:c::====:=====y=O\l:::as==k =w=a=g~==pn=·ce==co==nu=ol. _1 CDllt ........, In tett fort11 ound. IJdQ Jllilftd' ilt ..., i'flt'lt hind corniw • ._,. •lliOit& it1 chlmlll' _,"-cl .up !'} Mint ol tiemn .... wNcti, h tt.. ~ of S.lbal 911 Club tod,y. I IE•E•BEI IEIPDll ·· ll411 ' -fl)is ts Newport 1946 ... the year tho~ L .. ter, Ryons & Co. opened their orisinal offices in this city as the first·brokerage firm In the area. Today, -,. ire proud to be recognized as the larae.st regional brokera1e firm in SQuthem California wilh 15 offices throu"1out the Soulhland. new offices feature the finest in electronic communication$ equipment. including a computer·directed 1ekltype network which allows rapid direct contact with the New York and American Stock Exchanges, as well as direct telephone lines to the Los Angeles main office. w, talce pride In announcing thal-.•e"h ... mowd our Corona Oel•Mar .ffdlities to a new location: The Financial Ptm, Newport Center. These The entire staff of Lester, Ryons & Co. facilities: •• L EBTER .RYON S & Co. • No""°'t Financial Pl ... 550 Newport C...ttt Driff fl'Yino r._, No. 1 N_.t, c.tl!Gmla t2'60 in\lites you to visit thei r new NAMED PRESIDENT Henry L. Roth Roth Heads Beneficial ~-f. •• M.F 11111 2A :=.r1 .. r. M MllU• JI ...... 1 ... Mmlr•I AmlelH 1A Allllrr• C• Air Prod .:rob Allt9 Cp .JOI AiuMlu I.If Air Pd pl•.1~ 4 Jlndvatrln 41•11:ectTn 1.10 Al"-l ud 1AO AllHLud 1111 l Al ... P• 1.21 AtlldC~ 1-70 AllO IMlft A Anlaiilo\111 J~ AJU14 PO .• Alio.tStr IA AMltdSl.>11 M AH11 CM .... A,lpNPC .10. Am.111$1'9 l M AM8AC ~ AmerE1 1.lll NMl"iMll l AAlrFl"r .ID Am AlrUn .IO Atn en ... 1 Atnak Nolf 1 Am8<1<1t 1.611 Am Oft 2.20 ACICI pf 1.1$ Am C.,, M A CNln lAO elec Am eo... .1'f Henry L. Roth was ted """'"-';' .t11 president and director of the = 11: Beneficial "Standard Life ""°"":~ 1~ Insurance Co. at the annuaJ ~11p:·~ board meeting in Los Angeles. ~ 1,.a 1~ Joseph N. Mitchell , presi-AE'.1.:.~ pfA• . ed AmHolll .71l dent si~ 1958, was nam A Home 1 .... chairman <JI the board, and :~~ "".J Edward D. Mitchell, founder, ~:::~F~', 1:~ becomes honorary chairman. ~·1M~lcitt0 Roth who JO. ined Beneficial AmN•tG•• 1 ' · AmN....,l Standard when 1t was founded AmPtio1 ·°"' . ""· held t All.nrch .:lk m 1940, ,...., managemen ....., Seit 1 positions in almost every ~ ~11 ·'° di vision of the company. He ~fil.'' ,.;7.. was elected vice president in ::s~ld J,.n 1950, and senior vice president Arn sreru ... and agency director in 1966. ~~~:i~s He is a member of the ~5t'£,p11..to" Balboa Bay Club, Newport ~~' .J Beach, and w~s recenUy f~ l:r;: tli elected to its board of Am z1"' governors. lncorporati A .... ,....,. Ametril: wl Amt..;l<"IC .to AMK Co .JO A.MK Pl3.2G AMK. C• pl J AMP Inc A Amoe>! C«11 Amsted J.60 Am!tl .21 MM:orld !.>Cl AnchHG 1.loll M C T ""''"' •.M a y tit ax :w,.~~~~: .t..rthD1n 1.60 Arl1PubSv< \ F D Arllln1 DS .?0 Or Oct Armco SH l ors t~:>",,'t',, Arm Ck 1.ol09 .t,rmll.ub 1.611 LOS ANGELES lUPll -~~;n'O:-~ -~ Doctor, lawyer and dentist in~~~:~'° C l·r . k d AudOG I.XI a 1 orrua may soon ta e a -AWSPI i.:iott M,.il r1n .40 vantage of a new tax shelter ~soc1nv 1 • ..o Aldlli.on 1.60 incorporation for pro-Atcri11 p1 .50 A11(!y£1 1.lO ressional persons. ::1.~"'P1~:1f A state law passed last :U11.~" ~.J N "" . h A!lel Ch .to ovemu.:r wd out great fan-At111 CorP f 'ls f . ls t All1CP 111.2!11 are perm1 pro essiona o Auror1 P11' , l d th h AutSl>ktr .!;.!~ 1ncorpora e an ere y save Au1<1rntn tnd money on U:icome taxes. ::~ ~11.lo :io ~ . I A-nryP~ .J' 'ue sa\1J.ngs coo d, of course, "-vntt inc .40 be passed along to the patient Avon Prt 1·111 -but there is nothing in ,e~1>ck . w1.J6 the law to require that. ~:~1~e1r1 : · ll!IG llfll• ~ One source predicts that 11a11r; ptC• most or the state's 25.000 t"..;;~~p1t ,'° phy~icians v.'ill incorporate ::;~~11: J .• 1r, their practices within the next :::l~ ~~',Jg 18 moilths. There are 11,500 l!lr 1~Jv denlisls and 30,000 lawyers ft!~t:'t}: :~ who also may take advantaue lllYvkCi1 50 " llt1rltl9s I of the new lav.·. 11e11 Frts 1 8"1 F~• pl ~ United Professional Plan-tg;r~ 1., ning Inc., a business manace-tr:t~f l: ment group which serves eeldHem ·"' . h 11.11 ........ 60 more t an 3,000 physicians, ee11 ~!!!:-'"~ . Bfffl\,..... l.-dent1sts and o t b e r pro-e1m11 eo .. 1 fessionals, has been h9lding l:~11r1n1·~'° seminars to acquaint its g;::pF ,::.:;: clients with the advantages =::=; in of incorporation. It is said I:~~ ~1:p that a person must gross at Rr:'Tl'l.!:1 ~= least $40 000 to make it ettct.Dk 1. 2 • ' llH1t Ll llf 1 worthwhile. !~~·11 1.50 ~f Bflr.I Under incorporation physi· eoi-!c":.. 'jo$b cians. for example. v.·ot.lld t:'s1":!1-~ become employes and would BookMth , n Borel~ I.XI serve for regular salaries. In eor1w1• '·" dd.,. t 2S t f Sorm1nF .ICI a 1 ion. up o percen o &M Edi• 2.ot such salaries could be fun-~~w ... ,:"'.so ne.led into profit-sharing and l~l:ru~ t~ pension plans. Th e. con. t1.;!,MJ,:' tributio~ are deductible by G~~1>11~J the corporation and are not :: t: pf taxable to th e individual '".,. Sh•'f 1 employe -at least not im-:= 1;1! ~'"l I eut1u11111 .7t llJQlld. e y. eucEY• 1.lt evdcl Co _. A corporation also may pro-~in 4 vide insurance benefits -8~• ~I:, • Bllflli ll:1mo health and accident and life 1un1111: ""·'° -without cosl to the 8~~";9 .:.0""' emp!oyes. I~~ i::, • lhhVnv "l.,ll Another .saving -lhc first 1111t11r1S11 .10 $2:i,OOO of corpora te income ll r f I C.tiot C• ... ca s or a lax o on y about c11 Fin•~• 25 percent -much lower than g!!::'rt"t ::?! the com parable tax for an C•"'!'So 1.10 )dnBrnr .olO individua l. ~~ ~:~ ~ 3 Thirty-six states in addi tion ~ ...... i:..d -~" to California now permit pro-~ 'f: f · I•-· •11s11M ess1ona s w incorporate.. •roPLI 1,0 . To illustrate _potential. sav~ ~ 1:: mgs, Karl L. Wiley, pres1deot ~...!'.. i\: of United Professional Plan-:W""Ji · ning, ciies the cue of a three-,~~1;:: man m e d i c a I partnership. ~?. .... 1.21 which might have had a,..... • •c.~ income in 1111 cl 1310,0!I. t.,i Alter npenaes, net income ~ ;11 would be .,m,MIO with each 9i'M \1.• partner recelvinc $ 7 I , ! 3 s 11:tl-'.Ji gl"OU; and '51,500 net. II~ \;?1 ll'lCOrporaUon wwld mean a f::~ • .: net ·of $0,700 for eaeh ln-1• .111 dividual after ta1ea -less ~'~ fhan undtr. lhe partnership -~~ but th ts would be mort than =r ·1 A offset by ft'lngc bcne£lts and c= ¥' woulci actually give ea<:h tn-=v ;J divldual $58.100. or $6,600 ·"" v~y 1:: more than w i t h o u t in-8::.::' . .; corporation. ~r"sJ",. Oflntllts are not yet permit· 1111115:'".,r led to tffe ldV1ntage of Ult /,.~ ... new law but the board of ~l1e1"~,. dMtal aaminen b expected r~lt f.~ to pam a regulotioo permit. l:ll'E::~ J Ung them to do so. ,~cvr 1•0 -- ·A· , . i : ? • • l'.,\ .• • • ·~ t : • • • • • • ' ,, •• • . . • " . • .. • • • • • • ... . , ... • i ,' • . '• • • • ' • • • ' • ' • • .. . • ' ., ' • l • .. ' • • : , ; . : • ! • • : ' • • • 1 • Monday's Closing .·· Pric~ <A>nipleie 1 New York ' American Stock Exchange List \ ' • OMLV PllOT u. s. .• LONDON (UPI) -The glunlng inlellJcmce nporta United states lost Ila edge in from around the -id. :lnnitary ~ .9Yer Russia ~1r.ras lor"'1JI acdd"'lal 1ii'tbe pUt year. aJaiic wtih tile that tile end tl the:Arne~ ~a..in; end .obility to be ~ -~ol>tlltJ to be the world's dominant power," a "'univq:_'lal dombvt po:'fl!I' Brittah institute said Friday. ·sbould wiill'!lo .. llit ti The Institute for Strategic ·~ yeon ol .i--111 Studies predicted the Soviets rul.'I" the "'l"'Y said. • ~ overtake the United .• · 1bl lmtitute aaid the lJhiled States' i n inter-continental States inRrnalional role in tbe ballistic . missiles (ICBMs) lrlOI could---become th e by .rnid-1969. But it said tlle smallest _JiDCe berore World United States would keep its War n . overaJI lead in n u c I e a r It saicf thett was in lJ:ie weapons because ol its greater United states "an increasing aibmarine and air (~ sense that the rewards ol The Wlitute made l t 1 American global responsibllity . assesmient of the rtlalive were by no means com-~ ol the two powers in mensurate with the costs. It ~ ks latest ''strategic survey." sald • ieceni expe.tienc:es at The institute is a center for home and ! abroad bad tx· Cle:feme and security research, hausted the Americans' "con- ' ·Others on lneJ;"ease Non .. public Sclwols DrQp WASHINGTON (AP) Catholic elementary acbools Enrollment in Roman Catholic declined between September elementary ~ secondary 1967 and September 1961 Crom Schools has declined this 70,'15Z to 6&,224. academic year, an Indication In C a t b o I i c secondary schools, reJ.i&ious imtructors that ~public s c b u o I s dropped from SS,126 to 34,214 throughout the United Slates in the same period. in Catholic scbool .emollmentl, Jw beeD atlrlbuted in part to dislocations camed by Urban renewal projeds amt by the encorachment of trr dustrial a D d institutional establishments on res.idtlrtlaJ areas. are losing pupils. Another problem, decreases The figures, released by lhel.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;-;:";::~==~------,1 National Catbolic Educationll , • ., J'9lltDI M-tt1112r1 Association -NCEA -come C O R R E C T I 0 N I al a time when public school ' • enrollmeot hall i n c r e 1 s e d more than one million. T h e y are considered a significant indicator that non- public school enrollment is dropping off in the United States since most nonpublic schools are Catholic. The U.S. Office of Educalion is scheduled to report in full next fall on the enrollment silualion in nonpublic schools this year. In the meantime the NCEA. which has compiled figures on1y for Catholic schools, reports that 3,902,847 children enrolled in Catholic elemen- ·tary schools in September 1968, compared with 4,143,150 Children in September 1967. NCEA reports that 1.080.080 studenb enrolled in Catholic secondary schools in Sep- tember. 1968, compared with • On April I Oth th• Deily Pilot cerried en ed which steted in•dv•rtently th•t I w•s in fevor of sex edu· c•tion. I believe the mistelte wes due to hum•n error. The •d should h1v,e ind iceted th•t • vote for m• is • VOTE FOR A SANE APPROCH TO SEX EDUCA· TION. Addition1lly, ple•s• r•member t h1t • vote for m• is e vote FOR IMPROVED READING PRO- GRAMS, FOR CURRICULUM CONTROL, AND FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING. 1 '~7-:S:/~;:;~-;,; b-i VOTE 'TOMORRf;)W on reports from 1 O , 3 3 a •---•· •"•!i· ~ ....... .,!!l!!--"""';,,.--,_•4•, ..... ,.. Catholic elementary schools in · · ~ ... · I ~:~~~?.:t'.~ H~:r L~ONE~ 'X;.· far by parochial schools whicb:r-:::~::!;!~!~~!!:~!~l:~I were forced by adverse finan.. cial circumstances to close · · down in the time since the ' 1967 survey. The number or Catholic 5econdary schools declined fron'l· 2,351 In September, 1967 ti:! 2.,248 in September a year ~ter. -:A recent Associated Press sUrvey disclosed that many Catholic schools are closing down because of an inability to cope with sharply rising a;>sts and a diminishing supply ol. teachers from religious ...iers. Religious instructors t 11 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE •• re-S.ummer Sale 17.50-~.5.00 ,. BEAUTIFUL HAlll lllECI PEllllAIEITS 11>1. 35.~50.0Q. Sl'lt hall 01 lhis ...,, cuslomiZ!d and hilh quility ~ waw! lb blelllod ~•d· ienls actiwly nit lo "oluce 1 lruly satisfyini pro!mi"111 cnlili,.loc 111•nlll thal""' l111001h ~ 11111--. And, inclldld will'"" I"' 5 I I iS'Wtf ... --.i illiJQib! 8'>aty Shldio, 1llolns ""'II 111ririo Talia adlMfliap 11 lilllla' -~ lllft\'plan; llzllcns • N1-• Fociab • Eloc:tolysis ( ' ·Bufjinns· -...rt c.w .1 , ....... ,,.., ...... -....,Tllurs.,m .1f:W ml t.x Oltltr DIY1 lo:«I t111 S:30 -- ' . i ' 11.97 LEATHEll HAllDIAGS llEDUCED :Ror.1s.oo.2.0.oo. Sel.,t coif, Jllfa~ oetrich or Jizad.pinod call in a wide variet;y of dre110Y.or.tolknd 'll;Jlel. -... all .. ,. '. 8.97-20.97 IOllEll'S DllESS AID CASUAL SllDES Ref. 14.ro;JZ.QO. AA ....n.mt oeltictim . . . or-. -'lnmdnedoaod-""' resolar stock. 0.-a-all- 1l;ylet ud foiildOll colon. Sboo SBlon, 1 9.97 ~0 UI PUllP .SALE Rq.19.00. &loct -a peat -or cumm l10flll)-. co1-io thia low hoe! fubim -Al thia DNd,y liOll ..U.,, )'DO -aD'lld lo ""two pair! '5boo 911111, Dowll.lown LclaJ Beech, Santa AA<. -· PalooVeide• ' Soviets· El£CT " '' Q.· JOllN ·1CHESSELL 1' ••• TUISDAY, _..RIL 15 -MES/;. HEWPORJ SCHOOL BOARD ~ .... Comml!f<'" H.odquiimn;,315 AlvorHo Pl. B•lboo I " ' ' \ ' \. I 34.99 Wool knit suits specially priced Rer. 46.00Gl.OO. Seo -colleclim fll --..W., iocludin1 .... ~ r..., Hq.!Cmc-Ciooio""" fatorite •Irle in flool;J pafeJa er wbib!. Jn onlid ailcr•1 -CCJltruting trimo; 8 to.2.0. l)eeit Sbop, Monday, all stores open late • . ' Ne1vp~rt rl fashim Island Newport Center • 644·2200 •Mon ., Thuts., F1i. 13:00 till 9:30 OO!er days JO:OO till 5:30 • I ; I I I I • Founiai·n -YaHey • VOL. 1>2, NO. 19, " By WILLIAM' REED Of 11111 DW1r rUlt Slafl One ol the bittettst school board cain- paliJIS In the bi.tory of Huntington Beach 1oes , Into the record boob Tue<daY as •ote"s within the ~ mile high llChool diJlrict and U.e elementary school districts choose trustees. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close·at I p.m. At &take art 11 seats on kical ICbool boards. 'Iller< are 41 aspiranla to the ... ts. . * - - . E!UTtO ~ ,. Campaign Probe • Looms . District Used Sclwol Time, Chal~nge.rs Claiming, Backers of three candidates for seats on the HuntingtoP Buch Union High School District. governing bo&rd said to- day they wW seek an invesUgation by the d~ attorney into campaign practices leading up to Tuesday's election. The Emergency Committee for Ef- fective Education announced it will seek an investigation because, committee spokesmen claim, the district ad- ministration has used school time and ipaterlals in the campaign on beball ol Cyclist Killed In 2nd County Tr~ck Tragedy, lly AR111Ull IL ~ Of .. ....,. ....... A motorcycliJt takinl hil la!I lap of the day was killed Suoday when hurled head first into a fence at Orange County lntematlooal Raceway, the second fataJi.. ty •there In a fllW'<lay period. Davis Gaines, 26, of Los Angeles, wu dead on arrival at Santa Ana Community Hosp.ital after 11:40 p.m. accident, during a wannup session for the 19119 Grand Prix 'cycle racing season. Raceway spokesmen said Gaines ap- pear<d to lose control ol his Yamaha 2SOcc machine on the track'• tower Qll'Ve, then regained his balance momen- tarily before the bike slid oot Crom under him. : The victim WU thrown into I barricade or hay bales and a wooden rence along tbe track'• tower curve, near the control lower and in good view of track IUr,>m'isors. , Gaines' death Sunday followed the Wednesday drag>ler fatality of GWerl A. Nielsoo, 11, of Norco, wbme modilled l95S Cbeviolet went out of controi at 80- miles-per-hour and rolled several timrs. No determination baa been made yet about what caused Nielson to lose control of the car on his first amateur night run down the raceway's drag strip, resulting in the second fatality in its history. The accident is still beinl investigated by raceway officials and experts from the N•Uonal Hot Rod .woclalion, who cook! find no lnilial lndlcaUoo of the cause. lf,elaoo died at Santa Ana Community ,llospilal about one hour alt.r being thrown frcm the sedan aa it rolled over, Jollowinl a sudden •eerinl off the lllrlp. · 1'he flrit Orange County InternaUonat Raceway fatality occurred in December .of 1967, when nationally known racer Mike Sorokin'• radically built drapter exploded on a higlHpeed nm. Gaioe3' death Sunday marred the open- itng of the tract's 19111 Grand Prix inotorcycle season, fer which the 'cyclm ,wu pnc:ticing wbeo tilled oo hil last lap '"' competilioo. board incumbent& Jolin J. BenUey, Ray. mond Schmitt and Richard Wllsm. · WI~ ilDD'lfltliately denied ii n y koow!e<lle ol ~ •c:ti\'\llOL Belltley ml Sdmiitt could not be _.-rOr' "'°" ment , this morning. · District Superinlendent M11 Forney denied that the administration bad in- volved itself in the C•llQMi&n at all: He · said he would welcome an investigation and urged complaining factions to "go ahead and file their formal ~/' Backen ol Keo~ Hennao ond Mn. Milcllen dw1led 'that their -candldalel have been the victims of "abualve, pollUcolly-U•Med slatenietits' llJ hlP achool offlclall," 19d'of "llilhlY partisan smear type lilarolure" dillrlbuted to high sdiool'-Oii Clinpul diJrinfl lboool· boun"by leacben· and odmlnillroton. ''Tbe abockln1 lmproprlety "' -one! other ·-or publi< tnllt ha .. ,,,_ it necasary for us to prep1re appropiate (See C&MPAGIN, Pap 11 Nixon Urges New Tactics Fo~;,J.Aitina.· ,' • 'i..t • •,.,_ t-'·~-i I ', '' '(' • •·. 'WAimR!JtUnl~ -'111111 • ~ It lbt'''l!ii ... !l(W fl w ~ . ~ . .. .. .,, thl.1ril1• .... -Praldeol Mmn aald· ·~ new .,P..o.mei are ... ' .. -.... -·"'"'~· 'OL IVER' ARRIV1_$' l'Qlt'. ACADEMY !\WARDS SH?W ~-=-_ YOUllll Mork L-r:~ l'olhtr Mlb !""b Trip ".rarn'l"I~- lt~s Osear Night Sho w Streamlined, M~~ _to L~ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -llle Academy Award!, minus perennill master of ceremooies Bob Hope, tonight wUJ d<but a strumllned venion of the tradiUooal Oscar pr'e3elllatiON. Gone wUl be the tradlUooal routine ol inln>ducing 1 pair of llln before eacb award, who then opened tbe 1e1led en- velope and, after a· suspmaeful pause., announced lhe winner. Abo -will be lhe t~· . q wolb to 'lhe ooclimn by Ille W-... In fad, the usuol pnctice ol havinl atand-inl accept Olean for abaent -will be ellmlnaled. In place "' &Pl! aod ·the ·~ ol 11preeeater1'> wDl be 11 notable Un (lee OICAllB, Pop I) ' Deeded to LltJD· -·· probfen& lie ¥icf .U.S., polic)' toward Lllbi notions would em~ 1m1tUaJ c0opentlon. ·hi bis first ' mojor lpoedJ oo Lltin' Ameico, tho Pr<sideot lald out no apedflc·deta!IJ or hil J>Olley but told the 2)n annivenmY. meeUhg d t h e OrphlUlion « Amerlcao Slalel (OAS) that ~ be-the Uniled st.tes and Litin Amettea "118.. b,ee n sjnOlbered wl!h'flne llloi1111 li>d, beauUlul retcftocts." · · ' 'lie llid the Allionce !or , Piocrea, IA lbe ." .. """" "'-'"'"'· itiOn ' ..... ~. '~··="""" ' ·-··~ ..,,. ...... ed ..... ..,ad ~ but thal the cwet'lll pidute, wu one of "dllooncerting rtaults." lie hid the qlleltioe of U.S. Policy is "not w,hat do we .do for Latin America bot' ..,,.t do ... do with Lliln Amerlca, Whit dp we do torether'!"' , . He)old i cmrcf GI'"°" than 3QO per· """'• , hicludlnl' !lil>lomola, 1t the Holl of the~ al.'tfit Pan American Union buiJ4in(( neor the Whlle Houae that the ovtrall rate of srwttt In Latin America WU Jea thaa thal inllOIH:lllllllll Asia Cid ..., than1he rote ol lfOWth ii eom. monlat Eu! ll:uropt. To """1111 thla, be llld'hil polley WU ... wblcb Would look 1t lbe problems with open l)'tl, Open ean, in opm mind, ond ... . Jieirl;' . -- Low f.o.st Housing . Discussion Set . ' .. . ' --. -· - Do . YO.. Believe: -) t; .; : • • • • • • • ' " • j • . Hints of,w)IB.I qiay,C'1111e were left ·belilnd·wben th e T~i fur l;hri~t de\>arted HunUngton"Beach Jor,Tuaon,.Ariz. In frpnt of thejl'old ',headlluarlers al 1lO ,Main st.; Ull!~ )lelanie Mliani~, 5,. tl$il . i~s·.U very colorful,but :wbal d ... it IJl.,n! . . , · --;~ ' ' ' ' ' , ' { ' • l ' ! ; ' County .Mr ·'fqgl;tts: ~ok ' ' . ' , ' ," I f o 911~0 Landing Site • ..'The ~rllne now has,~ f!14Jib o.: d pntario to San Francisco and Sin Jose· Oakland. ' Thomis Chandi<r, Oru,e Cow>ly .... ·tton manager· ·for Air •West, .... this morning that uae ol an 1llernlte lirpbr1 , 'durinfl the local repiirl be8iJ>nll!l 1oprU '11 for IO'dil;Js ii Mmfl aepillad.by tho airline's Son,.,......,._ ofllcO. 1 4jWe,hope-'to 'lmlw lomeWng definite before the daY ii over," CJumdler aid. I He. u ld. Afr w-• WU 'diiappbinte)d at' the Navy's d«:Won Frjll§. c • • • "We Md Oeen opWDlstic that clearance • could be -r.. the ... ol Los Alamltce:," 'the airline necutift said. ""Ewything ,polnlecl .. ,,. fllr!y aood operatbt there." 0ri1.,. :·· .~·,·"\.• ........ Collision -Cuts Wild Chme Sliort No Changes • Ill Marina ,Dress -,Code . I pitcby.cbXI.( .. Oft ~'I I bor1ton for tile onap ~ but moolly 1R11111Y -wiD -ID uthe~boldilintho middle 80'1. ', • A bilb speed -Sunday olihl in Bunti.qtl:m Beacb wound up with a col· lialon between the.-ml the -ond • llUsped belnl ........., .n 111t m1 run and recklea dtlmc .._. Thomll Rolph Wood, \25, ol 5071 Skylark DrlV<, Jllnlinllon llucb, WU booted In ()nllle ~ Jlil·ol IQ;IO p.m. Sunday tll boUI cbllt.., ofter he · 1Ilqec!IY dmt bis lnrl into 1 police car, then fled cm fool. poUce said. OOk<r C. F. DudleJ ft'jlOl'led dwinl • ..,.pect into 1 delokod -II tpeedl 1n..-o1•mpb.The..,.-1 tum at the end of. Red Roct Circle, tam-iiiid caiii<l>oCk 11 tlie police unif, dip- ping its t ide, then IU llWIJ, .aaid Jlud. )ey. No ..,. -IJtjuted. • Wood WU ...... -wolldq •Iooc Graham Street. near Warner Avenue. i ' t I .~---'------------L l ~--- . • ·-aua.vPll.OT " .....,,..,.14,19 Nixon · S-~ed~: iJFop. 0 ,-Proposals -to Co~gr,es.S I . ~ wASJDN<ltOJi (lJPJI Pmldent Nixon Miit .. 1n1onna1 State ol the Union ........ lo c.oci-todl)', Utl1nl Im- --... 10 major propooall ln-dwlll Mi LR t lpalll...., t lk ................ , ............. .,.,.. ud locol pemroenll. ....., .... ..,i., w·-D..i ~. 1:bt It .,. edlate.adi..~ propp1t1i 1 -lncrwed -omploymenl op. that,•lll plug loopholes Uledll>y ..... of 'l11e President made no •J>OlnlY 1..:S •-•liflrillr!J•!I •l1wlll ·writ 1 ltlOd•\llllon: """""1· •. · · ·' the1 •ealtby to eacape liet'l' taa dtlafinlthelUbmlsllonofhillegillaim::i illllll~·ia!weatl -lw atl lodal 8ocurt!J """'1il -.ltas_lloallve_..,almed ~ 1DC1 eveatually ,..lie the ... derJiand,. ·l I~}. ~ ~ •. ol ...... _ at.tit 1-tlll·~ IOI! o1 u... al :':!1111 ! 11 a 00111111111111J In . tin tu 11ruc1urt-• -...;.: '" •2 ' ii ,.. --2G 11•~• -''edCS• ila.-::'s•P.f, a''tal11tt.t11••¥...,..,..,, I--·-'.. ~ ""' ~· ~'"" 11r., . • ••·-•tr ' au-' ·n~ 1111 •• • ff .~,_... ;,.,,.·~ ~ "-'~-~ . ' ...... --' ' .,,.:, • 4 ., .. .~ • It Tbe _. "'8nal«I the Ont brood· ICP -ol the Presideot lo spell out. domelllc.........,for~ ...ctment thll ....too. lie advilod the "'' --·"!'S'l"l'lliJ.lts I ...... ltc•I Dttlf'tt • ,1 ' -unernplqJmlat~Mfety~and• .. &bat•lan•ten~erecuteonce .: ..... -..... ,,.,.-.~olO.. II til h ~w•W•t•1re11lonal • p~~v-•-t of.~.~ '~.>.•m"°'a,,.1!:'.''thl~.· •. ~·on1"MY~ Unloa _....aftior i;r';, lnaq1traled .::iiew IaWI to c0mbat orpnJaed crime" ~ for the llUtrici of Colum--o~l'I*""!' ~!etu,...~, -.-• ., -.. Y ~ >s;' Jui. ;ID,.He .,.id:loda¥'a proytow wu .In espec:lally racte~ pircolfca ped· bla. IDCI .., facilltleo IDCI ma11 tronalt t.i'l>owriter~...,i::c;" wGrl<Hle ....,..UO:l · Uev of llUCb am....,.. d1ing ind pomograpby. -A three-yw tu ..rum program l!Yslt~ tut. lime. We have token thll lime." ;;: Pilot School Choices Tiie DAILY PILOT recommendJ the following candi· dates In school elecUons on Tue;sday, April U. Jiuntlnvton leoch High School District John Benlley, Incumbent X Ralph Bauer X Robert E. Dingwall X Huntl ...... kach City (Elomontaryl School District Jaclt: K. Clapp, Incumbent • ' ' X Ivan E. liggett, Incumbent X Stephen Ho1den, Incumbent X OcNn View School Dt1trlct Robert Knox, lncwnbent X R. James SbaHer, Incumbent· X Mrs. Alice Medina X S..I luch School District Jaclt: T. Cairns, Incinnbent Ruth H. Duffy, Incumbent Cy?UJ W. Shepard, lncumtient Fountain Valley School Dl1trlct Hari>ld E. B..,,.,;, Incumbent . x x x . Introduction to By JANICE BERMAN °' ........ , ........ Afttr two moot.hi: u a transplanted eutemer. J ~ '° become • bmia fide Calllornlan. I bit the belCb. Now, It abould be exptalned that In Uit of the car IDCI end ap In the ocean. You don't need all the-·-· Juat llOIDelblni lo lit oa, eltber a blaollet er a llUlfboard, depondlq oa J'Olr thin(. Yau doll\ need -· dolba, --Calllomia ta balmy all the lime. elJt. One doei' D a t bit the beach. ln- llead, you make a day of ii, and call it going to the beach. You pact a lunch, a change of clolhes in case it gets cold, a ' . So there I -the bther wed<eod at ltfallbu. Or rather, drlvlq up ad down tile Coast IDghny looldng !0< a place to -~ I finally found ·a' !*feel ·opqt, on the edge of a six-foot drop. the edge moved closer to the wheels as I spun tbem in the und. portable ndio or TV, boob and mag- azines. Here, It's a different thing. U you get Ured of driving along the Coast Highway, you 11lop at a beach. It's usy, becaU&e you're wearing_ yoor bathing fllit; yo11 can pull up rJibl nezt to the land, roll oo1 I produced the requjllte. blaoket, lince boaol! are nal my tlllni. ad ocram!Jled down the precipice lo the beach. blltlnl ii al~:17 p.m. .(t 2:18, the sun vanished, and a chill wind wbiaUed in from the ocean. I prop- ped myseU up on one elbow, and looked around. The Dod .. was ptrched where I bad left I~ IDCI it IWIYed in lbt b,...., California l -• ' ' PILOT LOGBOOK So did the other tun·wOnhippeiz. But there wu a dlfferebee, because they were tanned and I was not. They swayed tri~tly in their trunks and bikinis and looked very comfortable. I reached for my worbhirt and noticed ala.rel of incredulity. • 1be wind increased in force. I lay down, stoically gritting my teeth against the onslaught. You will get a tan, I told myself. I fidleted, wWling for a boot or . .. ,: mqatine. All around .me, people wre:• dozing ·peacefully as ·the .and partltl":t flitted over ~ race.. It Was Ver)' .quiet;! I thought of the movlea I bid oeen,'.; where troops of eollqilns run beadloq •• like lemmlnp. into the Pacifl<. I •llted • loir someone lo do ii. Nobiidy did •• My teeth were chalterlna and my leP. • tumlng the same shade of aqua aS _mY,-: California-made bikini. ~ The sky turiied darker,.and l waited for ; somebody lo leave. Nobody moved. I could 11tand il no longer. Throwin& i prid·e to the winds, which had now reac)). '. ed 20 miles per hour, I deserted, and sheepishly clambued up the same bank l ... had so blithely dashed down an h o u r"i before. My car was still hovering ex- pectantly. As 1· struggled back into the knol of traffic, r Jooked at the people on the beach. They slept, unaware that the 111n had just come out. ~ Willllln..E. Cnute, Incumbent Sbeila:R. Meyrs, Incumbent Westmln1ter School District MaUhew Wey,iker, Incumbent '.X x x x· x x. .,,.... P .. e I OSCARS.·~ Harvard Showdown Nears ~ Neomia Willmore, IDcumbent Roclericlt: B. Cruse .. . ' Oronge CN1t Junior Coll .. • Dlotrlct Worth Keene, Incumbent x x who 1rill dlatrlbW the llatuetta. Tbeoe boll& and -inelu'de Front Sina-tra, Jane Fonda, Sidney PoJtier, Steve McQueen IDCI Burt Lencuter. Students Occupy Dean's Offices at Boston U. -- George H. Rodda, Jr., Incumbent '!be tradiUOl>breolrer ii Qower Cham- pion, mastermind of. ieveraJ Broadway hit play1 who is directing the ceremo- nies !or the rim time. Although Hope is not master of ceremonies this year, he is expected to appear on the lbaw. By United Pnu lntuaatlooal 1',.... P .. e I Katharine Hepburn could become the first actress in the C.year history of the award! to win three Oscars. She won last year !or "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," and for "Morning Glory" in 1933. This yr.ar .she was nominated for "The Lion in Winter," which also is •· contender for best motion picture d 19&. A student strike reached the lbowdown stage at Harvard Unlvenity today. students occupied the offlca of. two deans at nearby BOiton University. A declared three-day atrtte a Harvard wu in ita third day and ltudenta were ICl>eduled lo meet lo decide 1'he!ber to ccmtinue it. A ipOt check ol. cll9ll:S at mldmoming showed they ...... _..Jy SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION ••• ,,,...._p .. e J CAMPAIGN ••. affidavits and set in motion a com~ prebenlive investigation of this matter," the commltlee ukl. Similar llOlllj>blota were lodged Int week against an_ employe of tht Hun- tlnlton Beach City District. Offidals of the elementary district admitted that one ol thtlr empk>yes had been in error and said I.hey had taken steps to make 1ure tht incident would not be repeated. VOSS COMPLAINS Another high school board candidate, Fred Vou, complained today that some teachers aDd coaches on the Marina High School campus bad been distrlbutlng literaUn cbargiflg that au but four can- didates for the OOard would , if elected, reduce district athletic programs to in- tramlU'al status. . The alleged over emphasis on athletic programs 1n the district has been a favorite theme Of high school board 11lf!lllbtr Jooepb Rlbal. wbo bas fre. quenUy heen ill ainfl.ict with otbt.r board membenl. DAllY PllOI OttANGI COAST l'UtlllHIN• C.OM,.ANY lobort N. Wee4 ...... ldlnt ..,.. "'*' ... Jock l . C111rkv \llm li'fwlOlf'lt Mii ~-IM'°",... Tho'"'' Ko....U £titer no1t1a1 A. Mur,lih10 MalWfl ... Edi!* AllMrt W. lato1 WillJa111 lte•• -'-"lotto Mvft......., ...0 fdl!Or Cl\)' ftl"' H•lltt ......... OMCll lot ltli St,..t Moil\119 Add,..11: P'.0. h• 7t0, •2641 ---"' .......... 9-Clll tt11 Wetl .. ltlM ht!it'lfirC CM"° .... ; DI W"t kY '""9f '--..... 222 f ..... ,.,,..,._ Brown, peraonnel uecu.Uve; Wllllam E. Crane, Incumbent; Dovld B. IsraelUy, .,,.in<er, .~ ~ a:. M91!f1, ln-cumbenl . llladlqUa --alj. -Jack K. Clapp, Incumbent; St.pben F. Holdell, tn- cumlieol; Ivan· E. Lluett. lncumbenl; WU A. Trea~ teadlu, IDCI Belle B. .:Wllliaml.J< •• pnijoct coonllnolor. Oceaa View FJeme1tll:j -Kenneth E. Eile!aon, general manqer; John E. Jordan, businea: ezecutlvtj Robert A. ~:t,,..incumtient; Geor•e ~~~.at. tomey; Carl Manemann, -; James D. Muon, aerospace enPieer; Alict o. Mediaa, and R. Jamea Shaffer, in. cumbtnt. · · • Seal Beadl ~-luJ -Jock .T Cairns, lncuiilbeol; llutb H. Duffy, In- cumbent ; John J. Reed, university ~ lessor, aod Cyrus W. Shepard, In- cumbent. , 11--l!hmtatuJ'--P. Apirre; Daniel .. F. BqUqne, coullil•t.r rtstems enilMer; Earl 11. Caif4;ay, corporate ezecuUve; Roderick B.·Cruse publicatiooa analyst; Bart>ara DePriest; secretary; Nathan FeiDltein; L. Jean Le!ter; l!c>ulewf(e; Porolb:1 l)dham, housOw!I<; Raymond M. Schmltt; !Ji. cumbent; Matthew L. Weyuker, in- cumbent, and Neomia Willmore. in- cumbent. Abo in the running is &rbra Strei· sand, }fl'ho WU nominated for "Fumy G_irl,", the lira pidQro.elle-ever made. Palricla Neal 13 a 1<11timeDlaJ favorite in "'Ibe Subject Was RoRs." She suf· fered three near4atal atrom three yean qo but r.ught back to munie bet succesaful career. Vanessa Redgrave was nominated for : ''Isadora" and Joenbe Woodward for ''Raebel, •.Raebel." Only two of the nominees, Miaa Stref.. stand and Miss Woodward, wtrt apect- ed to attend tonight's presentatiom by lhe Academy ·of Motion Picture Art.s and Scienoes. • • ' · " The contenders for blsl actor aie Cllfl. Robertson (Cbatly), Ron Moody (Oli·. ver!), Alan Arkin (The Heart ls a Lonely Hunter), Alan Bates ('Ille FlJ:er), and Peter O'Toole (The Lion in Winter). The awards will be televbed (ABC-; TV 7 p.m. PST) and will be beld !or· the first time in the Dorothy Cband1er Pavilion at the Los Angeles Music Center. The major contest for best picture: is· between "The Lion ' In Winter" and "Oliver!" 'Ibe latter received · 11 nom· inlitlons. The other three contenders are "Funny Girl," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Raebel, Jlflcbel. .. -· The strike at Havard wu called to ~ the .... ol clul>rilnl!t>I pol!ce lo end .. occupatloa ol the. ocl!ool'• od- -lloo bulldlM laol -'Ibo Harvard ClcrR .. J11lltic 'b&dj oldie oobool, -• •orainc· mr lbe ..e.n..r !bat ~ anotbir buildil>I .., campui 11 ·i>Ccupled it '""11d rocommend that lbe JS3.yur-old unlv~olty be clooed. The ocupation ol the deanl' olflca It Boston University came leu thlD a weet alt.r .-bad lakeo over the llcbool'1 nmnctal akl cimCe. Toda1, about 100 -under the leodonlllp of SW.le I« • 0..-aUc Socletr -per<nnlll ~ of ..... pus revolt ammd the coun1ry -moved F,....P .. e J DRESS CODE • • llrindpal •bo agreed that the trend 10< hair lllylea 11 l"ltlnr io..., but cbarpd that eacesllve leftlth 11 lo·be avoided. "Gradualism II •bat ft are ta1t1nc •bout. not totalln," be charged. A llludenl In the audience then dedded that the time bad come to speak up ud cballenp tbe aidmlniltrator on P>inbl of. beauty. BUTCH UGLY "WC1ff, I find a butdl bair<ut reelly Ill· ly," be said. "It's grotelque to tee those little' splkea re= of a man'1 bead," be Wd, to A1111tant Prtodpal Owen er wbo wu 1'Winfl a crewcut. Even though the students IOI! the lint battle, they will try again April 30 when they will make their recommendations to aimilar committee. frnm the other three high acbooll. From that meetin( a Jingle dress code will go forward to tht Board Of Trustees •· for approva1forthe1969-70 school year • No Poll•tion Here Two 1urfen talce advantage of the debris·f!M condlUO!ls at Hunting· ton Beacb dty beach over tho weekend . PolluUOll from recent Ooods . W forced tjoaure of the 11Ul'b7 1tata beach. Damages Sought In School Mishap Damages of ISO,llOO are being claimed by a Huntington Beach man in a SIZJ)erior Court sWt which cbaraes the Founl.a.in Valley School District •Ith nsponslbillty !or injuries suffered by bis 11-year-old son. · Named with the dimict a.s de!endant in the action filf.d by RooaJd A. Spicher, MIO ComwaD, ls teacher Robert ltlmlr of Bushard Ei......tary School. iu-•1 actioos allegedly led to Scott Tracy Spicher helping to Wt a IQO.pound table . •hicb ovtrtumod aod ftD on the boy. Spicher claims that bla IOft adferC • lf:Vert injuries ln the Incident. B1I claim hasbeen reJecttd by the ocbool district. Eight Die in Fire WOODLAND, Calli. (AP) -E1'bl members of a Sacr1Jnt1lto Rl•er a.ru farm family died in a lluh nr. that ...,. -llUDled their aged fralnt -Suoclay night. TWo of the ...., cblldrtn In the bumlnc -managed to lltt. 'Ibey ftr< In critical condltloa at a bolpital to- day. ( Into tbe officea ol deua Slaton R. Curtiaa and BOmard Meckel. Curtiu Wd the litters.in were there when the deans came to w~k. "We were Wed politely to leave IJld we left," be oaid Unrest at Boston Univenlty bu fOCUled aa demands for an end to ROTC on campus -ooe ol the key iloues In the Horvard dlipule. Bnycotil, 1111-im al other demoroatr• tiooa •~e planned al Cllher lcboob . • ' ft' . :.. ~· ' ~ • across the naUon today as classes rtSUm.: ed following the weekend which in.1 terrupted the first week of campus unrest. after lht Easter vacaUon peri<ld. ~ Antiwar demonstr.ators who maintaintcf their occupation of Slanford University'I' applitd electronics laboratory througlt., the weekend planned today to spread, their protest to include the affiliatect Stanford Research Institute where most: ci tbe 9Chool'1 cl-.sified rnilltari reseorcb 11.carr!ed out. } ~ .; f. .• . 'CkAirman 'tif .GOP · Urges Involvement With Youth WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Roflen C. B. Morton (JI.Md.), urged Republlcaoo today to tdvolve; themaelves in the ~ blema ol youth ud the minorities leot they become the ••spare tire" of poliUcs -winning electiODI only w b e n Democrsta disaffect. Morton. rt:placlng Ray Bliu aa naUonal chairman, told tbe Republican NaUonal Committee bluntly the party won Jut year's presidential eJeclloo more beca- ol. dt•aaUlfactioo among the voters than enthttslum for the GOP candidate. "The quelUon 11," be said in the text of a talk at a cloled session, "an we: a pollUcal party capable of attractln1 l10W' generatkm, capable of estlbllahing gommneut in our own right, capable of wlrmlng elections because o( what we are IDCI bow ft perform. "Qr are 'ft a standby for the majority ol ~an.s to use only u a sublUtute fer fallurt? "I, for ooe, will not aceept for the Repobllcon Party the role ol opare tire in American politics." In shedding the.tr role u a minority party, Morton said, Republicans mu11L become "mauively involved w J t h milliom of n>UDI people, with mUlions or black people, with millions of poor peo- ple, with American Indians, with naUonal and ethnic groups, farmers, senior citizena and city folk. "We must care about their problems, l.he.ir hopes, their frustrations and dreams," he said. "They are not political commodities to be dealt with in bulk or in blocs. They are part of a great entity which is America and all that it stands for." In his prepared remarks Morton madi no reference lo ihe controversy over the Safel\Jard antimissile system which President Nixon has ordered deployed. Committee aides said there were no in-. dications that the group would act to formally endorse Nixon's decision. But individual members said there was· strong approval for the President's ac- tions. Morton said that the new committee· leadership has been promised that "th9 full muscle of a Republican ad· mlnistraUon will be going far us." • f Bliss, who presided over the committef. In the successful 1966 and 19&8 electi~ was forctd out d the chairmanship tl make way for a new leader more adept: In public presentation of the Republi<a( viewpoint. ... •. :; Animals Talking Back Conservationi.sll and bi.rd watch- er• are · big on a thin& they call "natural habitat." And you don't have ta be much of a humor watcher to know thal the Or.... ~ ii the natural babital of 1C1me o€ the m.Uoa'1 funni..t carloonllta. Found in the local nest of punch- lintta with pai.ntbruahel are the lntulandi i.Ins, Didi Shaw and ••the animal mu,'' Ed Nofziger. Work from all of their pnilllic pe111 has been published from time lo time In the DAILY PILOT. Stanloa today, however, l.agw>atlc Nolalger'1 11,.1e panel .feature, ANIMALo;it<, .in appear aimnlt every day. Mond17 thnJucto SI~ unlay, In the DAILY PILOT. Tho Ont one ii on Pap I todl)'. , ----------- • - • • -. . • ·sa.-dleha~k I EDiTION ' • VOL:. ~2. NO. . "' .. ecre. Down tlae Mission '. ' . Trail ' E• Toro Airport Fight ' Increases EL TORO -Mowrting opposition lo location of i commercial a.1rport at the El Ton> Marine Air Station by Sad- dleback area residents bas beep joined by, the Saddleback a.publican Assembly. The group, in a resolution, stated that although all legislallln reprele!ltlng lbe arei. are Republicans, the organiza.Uon would, 1'Reconsider supporting any, elected official who endorses any plan to establish a commercial airport at the El Toro Marine Bue.'' :e Badlaam Slates Talk I MISSION VIEJO -Assemblyman Robert Badbam (R-Newport Beach) will be featured speaker at a meeting SundaY: at 3·p.m. ol the newly formed Saddleback Republican Forum ·ar lbe Mlssioo :Viejo Inn. Badbam will review the c:ummt pro- gram before lbe 1981 legislature. A ques- tion and -. period will follow hi5 talk, acConlmc lo ~ 'l1molli1: L. -· TllO_._...,.,..,,,,,,fsa ~qanilallon r-"l!) ltwmOd In die fall ......,, aoulbern Qnngt County area. !(embenhlp ii _. to all residents ln lbe Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills and El Toro areas. .e Principal Eleeted LAGUNA NIGUEL L Crown Valley School Principal William H. Limebrook bas been elected president of the Orange I County Ele.mentary School Adminjstrators Association. The Llmebn>oka and their six childreo live in Capistrano Beach. . e Pirates Talk 'l'opie EL TORO -Saddleback College in- Jtructor William E. Hol5ton will tell about a pirates' rakl on California during the early llOO's at a luncheon of Laguna Hills Elcbange Club at noon Tbunday. HoJstoo. wbo teaches anllnpology, toClology and U.S. history, is author of :'Diet of Mountain Men," published in the California Histori<al Society Quarterly. The meetinc will be at Topper's Steak House in El Toro. e Trai""'9 Planned CAPISTRANO BEACH -Capistrano Uniflm ICbool cblldren will be taught inouUHo-moutb f'NQICltation and snake IBte treatment this and next month. captain PbU Stubbe of San Clemente city lffegu&!'de will visit all elem"1tary and junior high ocboola to teacb water ~ety and mout1Ho-moutb metbod or testorln& brutblq. CapL McCleary Gf Camp Pmdlelon Marine -will teach abolll makes and make biles. . The ~ safety prosram ls con- lliclen!d importalll by coonllnal<r Mrs. Madp Lan becaUR a:bool dJ!tricl midelltlal _.. are abutt<d by the OCUD on one side abd barren biDI on the -· ·• Sea MntU.. Slated SAN CLEMENTE-''Of Man and the Sea," a mmine ICience l)'IDp(lldum will be pruent.d by lbe Capblrano Unified · -Dlatrlcl !Gr tile puhl!c and -at I Lm. lilllnlaJ, April II, at lbe San Clelme Hlcl> Scbool. 7llO A:venlda Pico, San~. Elmn --m -to talk .;. ~ nriclnl -bablll al blue -to lbe capobllidoo al Kan ln lbe .... , In-. Ibero will be........,. al the 1ato1t ..... _pldc """,.-_A Su I.ah all'-11 aloo _.,lo .u. ~leefs'11w-and'1 r .. noo-4a•leda. e ,..,.,. AWe l¥a 11 llNI SAN a.l:llMl'S .-A -~ Own*alOodnnerotdb---~ ·--·pi-Gf a Fund eampalcn drawln( from coual ~ reoldmta at Camp Pendleton penonnel. ..Vero Overbaugh wu dlrecl«I by lhe san Clemente Cbamber Gf Commerce to let up the city'1 flf'll Unit.ed Fund ca~ palp ilter Marine Corps o!flclals said their q-collectl0111 would be added. •-•r t f:o. , " -\~~ · "" ' ·'OLIVER' All •VEJ FOR ACADIM't ".t.wi.iil!~ . . 1 Y~.Mltk L..,.._•nd-P1t11orr.,llio-Moh--:1r!I> .......... loM ..__ • . . . . • . .4.. . . . ~-· t' Ii~ s .. O~ear: :·:Nq\ii~;:·; . . ' , . Show Streamlined, .Moves to LA HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The Academy Awards, minllS perenoial muter of cemnonies.Bob Hope, torDght will debut a -venion or lbe 'tndltlolial Oscar presenlatiODS . Gooe will be tbe Iraditiooal routlnl of ~ a pair Gf stan 'beloro oacb award, who then opened lbe ....i.ci ..,. velope and. alter a suspenseluJ pause, announced lbe winner. Also alMent will be tJie. iimH:onsum· ing walkS to tbe DOdium· tiy·dlt wiinM!tl: In raCt, lbe U!Ual pr>clict of · having stand.ins accept Oscars for abtent winners will be eliminated. In place of Hope and lbe stdo( o! "presenten" will be 10 noi.blo atan who will distribute the statuettes. These llosts and hostesses include Frank Sina- tra, Jane Fonda, Sidney Poitier;· sttve McQlleen and Burt I.ancamr. The tradition-breaker lJ Gower Cham- pion, mastermind cl. several Broadway Laguna Boy ~t By Car, Citation hit ployJ who ii diftclln( the oeremo- nies ror tbe -ms timt. A,llboup. Hope ii nol. master al ceremonies this ,... • be ii upeded to11ppear·on the abow:.1 Kalbarlne Hepliunl ccu1d boc:ome the lirlt actriD ln' lbe .. ,... history al the anrds 'Id wln "lhr<t Oocara. $1<·- last • Jor:"Gueu Wlid's Cooilo&·tO D~ and !or ''MC>rimig Gl\IT'_ in 1!13S. "Ibis year abe ..., nomlnal'ed !or '"lbe lJon. in Winter," , which . alt9'. is-a <•rit.11der-for. --pldure of ll&li ' . Also in lbe -ls -i Stnl-sand. who was · -mated !or ''Funny Girl,'' the lint picture lhe ever m.te. Patrlda Neal isi • 1111iµneatal' favorite in "'Ibe Subject Wu Roses." Sbe IUf- r.....i three neM.fatal strolies • tliree Y::.:.:fo but fought back to resume her s uI career, Vanessa Redgrave was nominated for "Isadora" and Joanne Woodward for "Rachel. Raebel" . Ooly two Gf lbe nominees, Mils Strei· stand and Mill Woodwan:I, were apect- ..i lo atlead Ionllht'• praentaliom by . the Acodlmy o1 Motion Picture Arts udSclenca. Tbe contanclen for balaetor,are (!Jlff -.iaon (!llarly), Rm Moody; (011· •er!), Alan Azldl>.(Tbe lleart ·II a lalell.:"ter), Alan -.(TheTlnr), ud . O'Toole •CTl!t Uoa ID.'!ll!iWr) • S'-1c . Mafi,eu . , .1 . ............. ·::",.. Some yqters willtln the Lagun~ Be~ Uµlfj~ School ~ over the weel:end received · an . unsigned, ~id )'°""Ille calculated.to cast doubt·on the validity of Tuesday'a llkent tucm"' nae 'election. ' ' r •· l T ' · Respoii.slblio d!iuins should be most wary .of ~~' -· mous elicUo ... rinJ caJculated to disrupt the onlerly prcoc ..... <JI de- b!lte~ubq!W and <;ili!OD ~val~l!<!n • .!'1.!.al\.d ~!' !!' el~on campaliJu. · If the clandesUne broadside contained valid uiumenia;'.tlltre would have been no rtas<il) lo dlltrlbuje i! aecreur at the lllt.mo"!8"t before Tue.day's vote. Obviously, it was done this w•y lo cut dOiibt and escape public scrutiny.· ' · 1 1 • 1 • • ' . . . . Tuesday's Laguna school tax overnde has won ei>doraemimt . of many leadln( citizens who have clll=8"'. and .revlewetl the .it~ .. for addltlollal fundJ to properly support public educallqn. . I • . -Al! candidates hi ~e!\lay's Laguna tn11t.ee eloctlon«hn9'.,.. doned the tu ,override. They ~j~ whit ·m1g11t.'h•ve',h9!Jll ·tht- poliUcal temptation to .make. the money matter a campal(n•ti111t;· ·· . . The DAILY PILOT recommends a YES vole on the lkent override balie. · · . . . . . . . '· ~ The DJiILY PILOT also r~_mmends Ille tollowll!i--acboOl board candidates: • -. . .. , ' .. Daily Feature Starts TOday On Page-·8 . -·.· . .. • ·• ' "j . U>unty Employes ~king ~ay ~~e - An 1.25 percent 1eneral inc:ru1t in Oranp County employe Alarlea, el· rectJ.ve Julf l, lbd an .clllitlonalJncr•e ol I ~ ''14> --for tbe an-nual !allure to eliminate the lac time bet ...... tbe JIUllW')'. Alary --and tbe July I oliecllve dote ol lp- creut1,11 hu been requested by the County Emp!oy11,.\11oc:latlon. • . Tbe .tatal U.11 ~·)llcreue, .ii graated, -coll !be......, ........ .m1JUoa. Lut J'Ui"'eomatJ I 4lt;aipt .. ....,.Gtu.,.-.-._. tbanlS '-. . The .. ...-;..· a---aolary ... . 'I'd .. ~ .... 1• I'!'_ ff bookJtt ~·to ~·-'--• rl Dirtclcr WUUarn C. a..t llJ JD IL Snytr,.',.nJ·m•llW ff Ult WHA- tklll. . . . . • .t ;\. t ' ., . . ' ' .._' " I ··WV." ....:..;::u.~-- ' 'r . •• .. f . ' ' • , .. ~· • • • • I . ' ' I • ' Nixon ends " o.· -New laws to canbat cqanlztd crlml. ~ ni:~ •111tc:ot1c1 peel· dlloa and pom0cr1plly. _____ ._ l Introduction to .Sunny California Sl~OOO a . . -I Playhouse Name Gcime Solved 1 l • l ' . By JANICE BERMAN Of lllt DNlr Plllt lflff After two months aa a tramplanted eutemer, I decided. to bebome a boni fide Ca1Horni1n. I hll the bucll. Now, It should be •lll'lained lhll Jn the east. one does n o t hll lhe belch. [J> 1tead. JOU make I dly ol 11, Ind call It going to the beach. You pack a Juncb, a change of clolhel in case It ptl cold, a portable radio or TV, boob and mag- azines. Hert, lt'a a different thine. If you get lirod "drtvJnc lloq the COUl Jllatnroy, you stop at a beKb. It'• euy, becauee you'r< ftlrlq,.,... bltlllng 11111:,you can pull up right out to the lllld, roll clOl Adding Machine, Other Loot Gone In Burglaries With tu mum deadlines 1oomi,,,, a Laguni Beach man Friday dllcovtnd his 1 adding machlne ti.ct been Wched. Roland N. Greene. '2911 Queda Way, told poHct the m1cbine valued at $100 had been stolen from Deconlive Cra!ll, m J, [.eguna Canyoo Rood. Polle< Aid the burgllr brolo! a glall door -to reach In IIld unlock the door. An unknown amount ft. cub wu taken ollo. .Adding -w-\ tho """ -belnl stolm..., the ---Jim Da!ton. San Clemmle !!la-,J con- tradar, told ~ s,~ Ii!'< ~r' 1111 mlier had been lloleit "ll'ciii a ""' • , Nyes Place. Police aald '!lie milllD&' mli· er waa valued It tMO. Kirk w. AJmcbOin, •·wou1 llltn!, \old police Sunday Iha! frml ~ Ind tlm had.been stolen from his 111111 )'on. tiac. The 1oas Wll $!~Uce ~d \h~ front of the car had: Jacked up 1" Ilea! !he Ures. ' • Robert E. Stroud ol Norwalk told police -•Y Iha! his wall,e\ with 1175 Ind driver'• llceme bad ""'1 stolen from an unlocked ear p>rkad In: the 1200 lilock of Circle Way. Marlu Du.busakl, 147 Sleepy Hollow, i'rlday reportod !he lhefl ol 110 from a milk bollle. Slight Quake Shakes San Francisco Area .. BERKEL!l\ (UPI) -A 1lllh! wth>. qUUI """1t !he San Francisco Bay ... a Sunday evtnlng. but there were no ttporll ol damage. The temblor WU recorded at -the Un1'enlly GI Ca1llunla SelllnololY Sia: tlon at 1:11 p.m. and regtlttted S.3 Gn tbe Ricblor·lleole. 11 wu -livll mil,. soulheall of Berkeley oa the Hayward Fault near Laie Temt9Cll OAllV PllOI . ' ClltANGI COo\Sl l'UlllSMIN~ COM.P'ANY ...... rt N. W••4 ""-*"' .... l'V'!ltfw J••" l . Cttl-v Vb ior.ldlM ................ n.-•• K...,11 ·-T\•111•• A. M1n,hl11• ~Edi. Rldl•r4 P. Natl ---(:"' t•llor ---222 '-'••t Ava. Ma!rl111 M~t PD. ... 666. •2tl2 --c... --I -w.t .., '""" ,._, IM<tll 2'11 W'"' ..... ..,...,.. ............ ; .... ...... -Mei• • ol the c:or IIld end up In the oceon. You daa't need all the eltra stuff. Just something to Ill on. ellher a blanket or a surfboard, depending en your tlllng. You doo 't need utr• clothea, . because Californfa is balmy all !he lime. So ·there J was the other weekend at · Mllibu. Or rallier, drt\'lng up Ind down the COUl lllgJnray looklnl for a place to pUt. I llDally -a perl<ct ll[IOI, on the edp GI' a-ll:i:-lool drop. Tbe edge moved clOIU to the wheels u I -spun them in the 'und. · · I prodacod the r<qU!alto bllllUI, tdnce boardl.,.. no! my thln1, IIld'ocrambiad · down the pr<Clplce lo !he beoch, hlttJn& II at 2:17 p.m. Al 1:11, .U., """ vanllbad, Ind a chlD wind whistled In from the ocean. I prop- ped m,..H up on one elbow, Ind looked around. The llocl(e was percllad 1!hen I had lell 11, and tt na1ad In tbo breeze. PILOT LOGBOOK ' . So did !be ·o111er llDM•onhl_.. Bui thtA: wu a dllferece, beeauae they were &Inned and I wu not, They nayed lrlumphonlly In their tnmb .... hlkinis and ij,)t.d ·Very comfortable. I reached for my wcrbbirt and notlced at.ares of Incredulity. Tbe wind increUed in force. I lay down, atoic.U, ·gr1Wng my leelh again.st the aos)aucJrt. You will gel a Ian,, I told my9eU. I tidiet>d, 'lrilhlnl for a book or • i BJ TOM 601\MAN jactnt to the new Pli)'bouae when not~ mqul.ne. All around me. people were °'"" D9ltr ~*' si.w .._1 .... used ..., the p1.n--dozinc peacefully 11 the a.and particles Just how m.1ny names on the back of a ......... "~ ~ ""Y~"-= ·-• J flllled over tbefr laca. II was very qulel. seal wW a fllill bUy tlieae dayo! -Hanlon announclif lhal the clly hail I ll>oughl ol the mDflel I bad -. Lquna Pl~liouae direclon clarified "'1lsed uae ol ils parking IOI acl"Qll tho. where lloofJI of collegianl run beadJooa, Saturday Iha! 11,000 danora to the L.agun1 atreel to the Playholloe. l like lemmlnp, Into tbo Pacific. I waltod. Moulloll Pllyhoipe will be allowad to -The Finl Nlghleri ho .. Wd In lulll J fw tomeane to do il Nobody did have ODI: D&tne, a Mr. anil Un. am-for the .kitchen in.!tallation tn th~ My leelb -. chattering Ind IQJ' lep hlnaUon, ot the name ill an oraanlzaUon Pllyhouse, ace~ to dJlector Barrie\ turning the aame shade at. aqua 11 my engraved m 1 pllque to be placed on Uie McConneIL An Add!Uonal SM wU 1 co~: Callfomla·made hll:llil. · back of a ..i In tho Playhouoe. lecled from a Pol Luck ifiiiner, lea'"°" Tbe lky lumad dirker, Ind J waltod fer Tbe quellloa . wu bri>uabt up H each Dnly 125 more needed lot the abelvea. / aml>Ody to leave. ~ -~--name· ...-wilrllt-eI;atllJ;"'ar fl each-itat--=n;e 1ioanl iccepted' a .... llim or. I coold stand n no ......... Throwing WU worlll 11,oea, allowing for a llUlllber decorative Wes from Roy Clµkis GI the. I pride to~ winds,~~ now reach-of names. It's the 111t that's worth Pottery Shack. "We'll put them) ed 20 .mllel PfJI' bour, J de:lerted. ,UM! fl,000, dJ.rectora decided. A donor of somewhere," chuckled technical director lheeplahly clllDbered'up tba ume but 1 $.1,000, then, can buy three ae1ts. Paul Toft. ., 1 had ao ~tbely dube:d' dOwn an b o u r Dooon of $5,000 or more will be allow--Attendance for the first three n~gh -: before. My c:or wu lll11 ·~ ... ed plaques lhroughoul the rooms In the of "Wail Until Dark" ha! totaled 1%1, pedlntly. Pl1ybome. cording to General Manager a Aa I slruggled bad'. Into tbe Imo! GI Jn other actioo ' Nof~ger. traffic, I looked at the fJIDPle on the -Dlreclon are Jnveollpllng the poo--'!)-you!.! for the high schooJ..·drama beach..Tbey slept. llDIWare tbal tbo am rlbWty GI selling dwnpqna on certain scholarshlpo will be held Apri1 rT at I had just come out OCCllUI in the new Playbouaie. Baud p.m., It was learned. There are five ap.- Praident Geol!rey Riker II lool:ll!l lnlo plicants. . the liq1R llcome, but dlNctor Milt -Readinp · lat "Dylln" will he hi!ld Haosoa Aid tbt coat• of • licmle may April 20 at 1 p.m., according to Mrs ... make Iba Ille GI champqne tm· Nol.tiger, AJtbouDi the part for Dylan hu: ,. ...... p .. ,, J Staie Aid Bill For Saddleback Panes Hurdle proDtable. • been cut, 16 to 18 parts remain open. : -Jmy J!rqwn reported lhll he II -Four ..,.acl ploys will be preaenlect awaltlq ·• call from tho JrvlDe Faun-May 1, 2 and 3. They Include ''The; LAGUNA TAX BLAST • • • be lo provide aalarles Iha! comp1re favorably to other dlltrtda. Tbe piper challq .. !he pen:enlqe of budge! that -for teadier aa1arfea. Ullom . aald tho board bas c<lililtenUy been In the category GI paying 115 to 1111 percent d total bud(e\ for teaaher .salarlta. He 'said lhil teacher COil fG< Laguna was $CS.M per student lut year com~ pared lo "18.29 for Capillrano Unified School Dlalrlcl Ind IUI for Newport· Mesa Unified. Dr. Ullom abo said Laguna COlll should be compared to high llChoof dislrlct coota because ol tho hlgb percen- tage ol llllCODdal'y .tud..,..•ln Ille 4lmkl. COST tH,• He &aid molher need for puu:ge o( the ·-is lbe fact that 1-" tu baaad to agric:Ullural land p-eaerve llalul ·WW COll.lht dlstrJct !40,!1111 amwally. The aecrel override oppoalllon p1per talks about telcbe£ copunenll ~ DtWI lloriea after the conirov"flal b1aCk ac- tivl.!t speaker at Tlmrlton ·Intermediate Scboool. lJUqm,all:od JI tt II fair lo penaliq tho otudtiib Gl:a dlstrlcl and Ill <*>demn tho total staff when one diaqreet with one teacher'• eommenta. Referring to the llJ\GOYllllly ol the anu. ovaride ,papen,.Ullom llfd .ba ...W4 bav• -tho opportunlly to Ill down willl 'lbe oppoa11lon IIld -oal the flguret. "The people of Lquna Beach art auc.. cemu1 people," tho superJnte"'1Ea Aid. ~'"l'beJ 11a .. !'!!'I• pd -up lo 11111 time on qpon fli puil1c ICbooli. · "My belief ii lhal Ibey will coallnue to ,......,. p .. ,, J sOUTH COUNTY Ms;Calla, housewife, and Wllllam M. Wllcolon, lncumilenl. .Cqlllr-Ualflad -(Jllllrlcl 4) Wlilll!I. lncum-; (Dillrlcl I) Bandol1 , lncwi*n~ IIld Hun!, e n I .I n.I e r : (~ 7). Frad L. NeWbarl Jr• In· cumbml. Bio Jeaqala l!lemealaf}' -F.dwanf E. Berry, lncmnbent; Chlrlea: H. Boulan1er, ochool princlpal; Pat B. Brian; Robert L. J:Mmtnn. ""''"'"'· conlUllant; Vlncert A.· uvenu, Dwiineam>an: Robert w. Llrinpton, cerUfied public account.ant; j.,,,.. A. Nelaon, .,,.._, Paltlcll A. S&ratton. te.cher; John F. Unger, mgtnoer, IIld Loa YOUlll, boulewlfe. Tallfa Ualao HIP -Charkll T. Bell, coatrldOr; Clifford B. Boehmer. aerospace en1lneerinc mmqer; Oaltr G. Briner, Incumbent: John R. Broe, pycbololil!i Paul F. C 1 lb o u n, ;[ll>ormaclat: ,llone A. carl<e,, enclne<I:; Jkmld , w. •Fri...; co[lep ~: ll)llva Kata, pbfllclll: 'Arnold Kttnet, eaJes monager; Stanley L. l\oeen, al· tornt)'; Ralph L. Schiavone, business acf.. mlnlJlralor: Rowan! L. Selloc:k, junior college 'Uwtruc:tor, ml ·o. JllM· Smith, -KL Capo Must Face Money Prohlem8 demonstrate lhil charactarllUc. I fael they will suppcirt (Jllllfe GI thll over. ride. I am confident tbai the successful people of IA:guna Beach went 1bove IVUlgt.achooJs for their chlldren," Weekend Traffic Accidents Kill Two Countians T!IO ~ l:ow\ty ttlldenta wett lcill· ed in lraf!lc accldellta on !be -k'11<! • June1 R. Seaton. Mi, of Brea, lost hi5 life in-a two-car erub oe Brei' C.nyon Road 500 feel nmlh of the 0ranr• eoun1y line abM 11:46 p.llh l!rldu. . ' Tbe driftr GI the Other cir, Jmy A. ldhocin, 28, "' Pomona. WU ·.._ied 1.. ""Coanly Trallle. lMI 51 'lealll Toll 41 H!'loully .injured. _He " In St. Jude · llospllal "' Fullertoo. . t On Sund1y, at) 11 :28 p.m., Ralph Boiaaeau, H. of Garden Grove was killed whtn hb car went out of control ilDd bJt tbe cepter divider on the Glrden Grove }tee1!'11 n e a r Mancbester'A~, · · His -· l'lll'Di• Deon, 29, of Long Btadl; II Jn critical condilioD Jn !he Orange County Medical Center. Joan Baez Says She's Expecting . ' . . . SAN JOSI!: 'llJPl) -Folk •inler Joan Baez is expectlnc. The 28-year-old anUwar crusader wu , wildly cheered when she lllilOWlCtd the impending b1rth to 1 concert crowd this past weekend. It will be her :nm child. "l mJ&IU al w~ teli yow now because. It wilt' comt out ~." Mlu B1ei said. "I'm ·preinanl" . Her buaband, David Harris, was not around to bur \be annolincement. Thi! fonner student body president 1t Stan- ford University wu parUclp1llng ID a sit. in 1t hit alJna mater. • . • Hafiis, iS, las betn convicted of draft. refusal and. unless a rtvenal is won in hlrbar -'. will probably begin oerving a \hree-yw .ente:nct in June. Thurston Kite FlieFs Show Up ' Charlie Brown ~ O>ar)le lln>wn, w1-!allures al kite !lyJnr are legend, would have turned green with envy had be -!be 'l'lnnw Jn.ttaUonal Kile Kapen Saturday, Tm Idle fiylDg eventa ore held during the day along with educaltonaJ and fund raWn1 eventa al the lntermedl1te acbotl. W1nne11 ol !he l:lte ·....ua:•Pamela Nell, faribesl oat Ind Cbril Randol, hillleSI. In !he Elemertlary Grades )nvftalioaal; Al o.trafl, winner In Iha Pcents. Relatlva and T 1: a c b t ts Compelltfon. Also, Tim hylor Ind DIMJ Jacohaon, wlnn.,.. of !lie blllhest !lyahle l:lle con- lest; Raymond W!filoinl lot the moat c0t. orful kite : OaMy Jacob9on lor the farthest out kilt; Mike R1ub1 winner GI the Prlnclp1l'1 Trophy !or his prlan Idle: John Autry for the most vertical kite. Charlott• o.traff IIld Bobble Lualer • won the hlgbnl Idle C011leat Ind Cynthia ~boas, 1IOl' !he farlhesl out and back within ao·m1nu1ec.-·.:.: · .A:b!D that could provide .lt.1 lillllfm In 11vfnp !or tupoym GI .Saddlehack Junior Colle(• Dlllrfcl bas. puaed 'Its lint hunfJe In the slate Leg!alalutt . Senate BW II<» lul week clwed !be Senate Education Committee and now bas --lo a Senate Finance Oom-..-. Tbe hill is to provide slate funda for new junior college dfalrlcta In a ralfo ol Ill -' ~ afd.lo • -lacal tu money. - Over the ne:d. five yun: the Sad· dleback Dlllrfcl would be eligible lot lt.l million. That would reduce to $4.1 million the local taxpayers• cootributtc;m ol. coo- llrucllon cosla expected under the district's muter plan for the five-year period. Presently, Saddlebac'k receifts no state allt because it Is relatively rich in usess· ed vaJuaUon per studenl So are 1everal other junior college dlttrictl In the state with amall in!Ual enrollments. ·The nt.lonaJe of the bUl is to provide these new dlstricta with resources to build their campuaa. The only break gi..,, new junior collet!• dlstricts in fundinl now is exemption from payment of aeat tu on transfer otudenta aenl lo neJihboring dillricta. That aaving1 comes out ol the pocketbook GI the neighborfng· dlllrkt (in Sad- dleback:?s case Orange Coast Junior CO!lege Dlltrid), nol from slate cof!en. Saddleback Supt. F...r IL B""'er ·and Board President Micblel Collins were pruent in Sacramento at the F.ducation' Committee hearing to witness the. first teal of !he bill. The date has not yet been set for bear- ing by the Finance Committee. datlon ~1 .. -a ,.....;ble donaUon to American Dream " •·The· Maida " Ind· the •• ::.:::.-J..... --' ' P'""7-All earUer ietter read that cuttinj:s from "Torch Bearer1," and • request for , a '35,000 grant ia being "Two for the Seesaw." ': "f1vor1bJJ, conaldered" by the " Irvine -"nie Playhouse :Ind First filghtert'" ! Board ol .Dftctor1. will host a dinner .for 1 group of Navajo"' -Dirackn allowed the Scbool of Mt Indians Iha! blve ttlumad to Lquna: Ind ~ to me !be parkln& lot ad-with Danny Davey. ; • Cyclist Killed in Second . . . Fatality at County Track = i P1~~ A :nioli>rcYcllll tittdng llll !Ut L1i>_ql the doy l iiu ldlled fimidl1 wben~liW'led hdd ~ ID\o a fence al dran,. Ceudly lntemallollal Rae<Woy, Iba second fataJl. ly there In a four-day ·perlod. Davia Gaines, 28, of Los Angelf:I,-WU dead on ~ival at Santa Ana Community Hospital after 12:40 p.m. accident. during a warmup session for the 19119 Grand Prix 'cycle racing season. Raceway 11pokesmen said Galnea ap. pearect to loae control of h11 Yamaha 250cc 11111cltlne on the track's tower curve, then regained his balance momen- tarily before the bite slid out from under him. The victim was thrown into a barrfcade af bay bales and 1 wooden fence I.long tht track's tower curve, near the CQntrol tower and in good view of tract supervisors. Gaines' death Sunday followed tht Wednesday dr1g1ter fatality ol Gillert A. Niel.Ion, 11, of Norco, whose modified 1m Chevrolet went out ol control 1t ao- mlles-per·bour and rolled several times. No detennioation hu been made yet about what caused Nielaon to Jme control of the car Po bli flnl .. nl(ht nm! """" the ricewoy'1 chg l!rip, reaDlllDi "' tho·'"""l'!\'la!llilY Jt-111 hlllorj. • • Tba ard ..... 11 11111 being JnvOlllptocl hY raceway GIDclala and esperta froni the NatiCl'lal Hot Rod AssociaUon, wb6 could find no initial indication of the cause. Nlelsoo dled at Santa Ana CommunilJ Hospital about one hour after btln1 thrown from the sedan 11 it rolled over. following a sodden veering off the strip. / The first Orange County International RactWay fatality occurred In December of 1967, when nationally known r1ett Mike Sorokin's radically built drapter exploded on 1 higtMpeed run. Glinea:' duth Sunday marred the opm. lng of the tract's 1989 Grand Prir mot<rcycle 1ta1tJ1. for whlch the 'cyclist WU practicing wben killed OD his lul lap ol compelilloD. Nixons See Blossoms . WASHINGTON (UPJ) -President and Mrs. NiJ.on took 1 It.roll around the Potomac tidal basin today to look at the cherry blossoms. OA ... Y ,ft.01'.......... 1 .HIGH FLi ERS -Proud double winners at Thurs. Ion School ltlle Flying Contest In Laguna pose wllh winning kite, trophy and friend•. From left are Al OstraU, who won "higHesl Dying" award In )>ll!'eDll ~vision; .Lori Calkins, 13; Bobbi Lussier, ' 13; )fandy Doant, 12, and Cb arlotte Ostralf. a .' Charlotte and Bobbi used 1am9 kite lo win "high-•· est flying" award in atu.deot division. ll'• Char-· 1 ~~kl~ I • • .. i 1 I • I ' ecr·e. Down tlae Mission Trail El Toro Airport Fight Increases EL. · TOBo -' Mounting oppoolllon to locatloa-<"Clf 1 commercial airport at the El Ten lllflne Air StaUon by Sad- dlebad: . .,... residents lw been joined by. the SaddJebod< Republican Assembly. 'lbe l?'OOPt in a resolution, stated that llthaulll Ill legislaton ~ting the area ue Republ,icans, the organlzation would, "Reconsider supPorting any elected official who endorses an,y plan to estlb>hdt a commercial airport at the El Toro Marine Base." :e ....,.. .. Slates Telk MISSION VIEJO -Aasemblyman :Robert Blc!!iam (R·Newport Beacb) will be featured speaker at a meeting Sunday at i J!:m. of the oewly formed Saddleba.ck RepiJallcan :F"11lil at the Mission Viejo lnn.. y • Badh•m will .review the current pro- gram. before the i. legislature. A ques- ...S ·......,. Period will IQUow his ' ................ JWnn.o ............ ;L. ~~·~~~,.~ .. i:!.•;.:J&;,:~~.:: the fUt arowtnc .......,, ~ CGurity .,... ~b<nblp ii open to Ill reoiclents In the MllSioo Viejo, Laguna Hilla and El Toro areas. .1.a1 ... , ........... ·, ' I •, ' 1 •• ~. ... ' ,., . Nlglit ' :e Prlndpal Eleeted ~ LAGUNA NIGUEL -Crown Valley School Principal William H. Llmebrook' bu been elected president of the Orallge Coonty Elementary School Administrators Association. ShQw Stri!timlined, Moves oto .=LA:" Tbe Limebroots and their six cblldren live in Capistrano Beach. .e Plretes Telk Topie EL TORO -Saddleback College ln- at.ructor William E. Holston wlll t.ell about a pirates' raid on California during the early IllOO's at a luncheon of Laguna Hills Exchange Club at noon Thursday. Hoiston, who leaches anthropology, aociology and U.S. history, is author of "'Diet ol Mountain Men," pubUshed in the California Historical Society Quarterly. The meeting will be at Topper's Steak House in El Toro. • Trel11l1111 Plentted CAPISTRANO BEACH -Capistrano Unified school children will be taught moutJHo.mouth resl18c.itation and snake bite tttalment this and next month. Captain Phil Stubbs of San Clemente city lffeguards will Viall Ill elememary and junior high schools to teach waler eafely and mouth-to-manh -of reaUlring breathing. Capt. McCleary o! Camp Pendleton Muloe S-will teach llbout snakes and iOlke bites. The summer safety program is con- aidered important by coordinator Mrs. Midge i.aws because ICbool district reddeotial areas are abutted by the ocean on one side and barren hll1s on the other. :e See Mfttl .. Slated . HOLLYWOOD (UPI),-The Academy 'A wards,· minus pertnnia1 mastu of ceremooi<s Bob Hope, tonljbt will debut a streain1lned wnion Ol ibe tradit'ionat <>Sear. presentations. .. · Gone will, be the tradi~ routint f)f Introducing a pair of stars .before each award, who· then opened the Sealed en- ve1ope and, after a suspenseful pause, announced the winner. Also absent will be the limKoq.!Um- ing walks to the podium by the wiriners. In. fact, the wnial practice . 'of · bping- stand-ins accept Oscafs ·f<Jf' absent winners will be eliminated. In place of Hope and the" string of ''presenters" wUI be io notable· stars -will distribute the stsl\lett... These hosts and hostesaes include -Frank Sina-tra, ·Jane Fonda, Sidney PGl$r, Steve· McQueen and Burt Lancaster: 1be tradition-breaRr is Gower Cham· pion, mastermind of several Broadway Laguna Boy Hit Qy . Car, Ptation ' . .. ' A l~year old ~ Beach bby . wu struck by a car sl,furday and' then cited by police for allegedly fillllng to ohey 1 traffic Jligbt. PoliCe said the youth suffered cuts and bruises Oil his legs. Lt. Robert McMuray said the boy wu croulng _ South Cout lliibway in I crosswalt near Part A venue when he WU strud: by I Cll'dJ'hoen by Dee Ann Goodwin, SI of 31111 Monlerey St., South Lqunl.. • • ' ~ I h~· plays ,who ii directing -the ,_.,.. nlesi for tbe fU'IC timt, :AHhougl> Hope is not ,...ier of ceremorues'tlli< yo&r, 11e is Splcl0d'to,1ppeu'1"1 t11e:-. . · Katim1ne · Hepburn could lliccirne uie first •ctttsi iii t11e .c,~.h~,of.lbe a,wards \o win three OScars. · SW: .won lll!f. year f6r "Guess Who's Cmftlll•' to Dinner,"' aild for' "Morning (.(~~-in 1933. This year she lias nomJftafed for "The !;ion in Winter," .which .illO .is a contender for best motlon plcturo .<>f 1963. Also In the running is Barbra ,Strei· sand,. who was . nominated for "Funny Girt," the first picture she ever made. Patricia Neal .iJ· a eentimental favorite in "'nie Subjoct WIS Rosel." She 11111· fered three near-fats! strom · uu.e years ago but fought back to resume her auccesdul career. Vanessa Redgrave was nomlnlted. for "badora" and JOIDbe Woodward for ''Rachel, Rachel." Only two of !be nominees, Miu -~ stand and Mia Woodwonl, ,,.,. expect.. eel to attend tonight's presentatioos by lhe ACldemy of Motlon Picture Arts llld Sdenc:es. The contenders for best actor ue Cli!f Robertson (Charly), Ron Moody (Oli· "er!), Alan Artbr (The Hali ll' a ~ly Hunter),. Alan Bates ('llle . .Jl'tftr), ·Ill)! Peter O'Toole ('Ille Llail In .Winter\. Stee!Jc Mer.eu NEW YORK (AP) -The llodi.mnet ~on 1 krlter oote today• bl-. nlllnlllned a Clutliius -(See quolatlom, p-14-li). ' Trldlnc .... tbe ea! .... llow. The Dow J-1adustrlOl ...... ii l:llO p.m. w11.olf I.II pailltl II-~· .. ... • -:::.:,·-~ * 1i '"*· li:Eilltorl. •.. .. . ' > • I -. ' ' i • • --...... ' - tfllom Ra · s . . . . . ·-_p.' Be~~~ of Secret T~ctics; ~JU)f!-Y,inow· 'F' • _,...,...... ----..... • vote 'Y.es' on· override· llrOOdsUJ,e . Some :voters 'Wlthin th·e Laguna Beach Ullllled School ·Dlltrlct over · tJie ' weekend ~ved ' an unslgn«I, utidooumelited" brl>lidllde calculated.to cast.doubt on the validity of 'l'Ue¢ir•, ~ 'ta•~~; ride 'election. · · · · T •1~ -• ,M • . . . . l\espon&lblecltiz.Ons should be mootwuy.of:lut.mlJlule;ai>Ony· mous eleclioneering calculated to disrupt !h•onlerly_p~ses o1 ·de- ba\e, rtbultal.and . ci~ evlllu..liOll., <>t,vaJid IUWDlenta jD.·.lecUO)I campaigns. ' ''" ~ .--... ~" •,....: · ··'·""·· JI the clandestine broadside contained. valid argument&, !here would have been no reason to distribute it oec:reur at the tut moment before Tuesday'~ vote. Obviowlr, it was done this way .to c~t doubt . and escape public ~crutihy. . , · · ' . . . ·-. . Tuesday's Laguna school tax override bas won endorsement · of many ·teading citizens who bave dlscuued and reviewed the need for addllional f\lnd.! to properly support public education.-. · An candidates In TuUdO¥'• Iiaguna -trustee electkm ·have' en- dorsed the tax o.verride. They ~ejected whit-l!liglit Jl¥~t ,been ·the polilical temptalion to make the mone~}!1•!!•~•.c'!'l!~,it!1'•·.· The DAILY PILOT recommends a Y.ES -vote .on tile 58-cent override issue. T Tho DAILY PILOT also rec\.mmends tho ~· ocbool boan1 cindidatcs·: 1 1 • ~ I • ~I f . .. ~ . • . ! .. L~ ltoch UnlftOd Sdiiol·D11t11Cf WHJil!m wu..,.en, IQCllll\bent, . . X Dr. Norm'an.BroWne, Incunibeitt · · · · · X . . Mrs. Jane Boyd ' ' '' ,. . X ' • • , 1, • ;-;. • • • ., , , • ."' .. ;-t-t~..tr }. . .. J • . Ft-" , "" . . .. --r · .iii,i~1 •• .-.~-.- 1: _•',,.../-; .~ c. ~~.t~-~~ 'f .' f'°t ·.·~. ,1 I :: { '\I, , • 6 l I),. ' I ' • ·· U11c0~ota1 Mttd: Daily Feature Starts Today On Page 8 . ' . , ' Skill Diving . . Save<lFro~DMth • ' '" ' • ': >. I -· - County Employes Asking Pa·y· Hike ' ·-~ . . An 1.25 percent eeneral increase In Orange County employe salaries, ef- fective Jul)o I, llld 1n addltlonll increue of 3 perceiil "to co1npeooote for the ln- nual failure to ellminlte the lag time .ben!een the J1nllf'1 lllary "'"!!' dlte and·tbe July I effective !Ille of la- creues," hu been requeAed b)' the County Employes Allodltlon. • Tl)e total 11.15 perCent -. .If . . . .. . .... ' )._ .I ~~~ .. C0V£Rs MATERIAUJ . The adritlnlJtrat1ve budget. ·lie Aid allo covers wppllea and matertsll, ·i;;;-.J COits such ti electlona and employmerrt: of ~ Ill of whlc:h cost niore 1-of fnlfl'ijon,\ • . . .. '. Dr. Ullom llld the dlatrlct. daplto its sn)&ll ~ bu the ~ ~ of re- qutr.d ltate Jll)IO!"W<rk .. bll -11"1>. .. ~ Anii, with 1'1,liOO tliodents llld·• compu1'r. lie llld the smllJ. otze Js I help In t.achlng· bUt I hinderlDCe In PIP'< 1llWI< ch;n.s: ' -, . ~ aoonymous .fl:ter attacb.'tucher turnover llld talb 1bollt uoleilOiied or -~_..:_..i.teacberl • .. . ~ ' Mmi;;;,-.;; ..... ~' nel ...,.. bired iaSt year ·of· .wi:;: were administraton or ciounaeJoD. Bl llld the group'• total eaperlence, ..... tq_ m yean wblch av..ap better tbmi three,.... "1'111!._ -.-. · ·•An·~ Ill~,.... experlen<e flll', new itsfl meri1berl . would, m!lrifesl &ood hiring proc:Uces," the superin- tendent said.' ' Ullmn did teachlr salines in the Laguna dlJtrict .hav&•1Yenged leli, than the county· ...... ge. One ldminiltratlon objective of the o""'1de, lie laid. would (See TAX lllMI', Page l) . CeuC • .. SAN CLEMENTE-''Of lhn and the SN," a marine ICience IJDlpolium will bi preaeuted by !be ~ Unilted School lliltrfct ,.. the publle and sbldenta at I a.m. sturdlJ, April 11, at lbe San a-rte Hllh Schoo~ ,,,. A....ida Plc:o, San·1l'me11te. -optatei. In ocbeduled to lolk on wl>jects nlllinc from habits of blue tharb to the c&pobmiloo "' .... to the .... ·41 Seek · 14 · ·s. Cou~ty ... Boa~~-Se~t~ l. • .......... }'~ douds •• , oh ~·· boriloa r<w the ~ 'Colil, 11ot moatty ~ walller Will'(ftVall .. the temper1bn holds In. lhl middle .... • ... • In lddltlon, lh<n wlD be dllpb;yo of the totoll In ..,._.p111e equipment. A Sel Lib IC(.-.t ii .. -to -k. JlePlntlon foe ii '1 !0< II-llld '2 f.r- • ,._.. AWe 1"-etl ' SAN a.ri:llEllft -A -and Olamber of Commerce -bu -1ppolnlod to opearlleod ....,m.tion of I u-Fund campolp ctnwtns !tom c:outsl """"""'Jzy raidents It Camp Pendleton _..i. Vern Overhaucll wu dJrecled by the San c>emente Qamber al Commerce to tet up the city's first United Fund ca~ palgn after Marine COrps officials said lhcir quota collecUons would be added. l nlllnid """' ,· • . . J D&llY 1111.0T ----L •• Nixon . . -·•-14 Hit. --n~~· .T~p _ 10 _ Proposals to Cong~.es~ I . -" le'r-: +iwt11te \ .&.• sroplll6ll WMJ ......... > r J I 1oC111 ~ beollltl -• •t M' II .. <illol ODii V UY• ~~ ":!l'ri:1 ..... 'p ~ -New llwa \o combat qanlmd crime, -1aUY .... -.._ narco«CJ peel. dllnc and -aplly. thr•year tu reform procram • . • . . . Introduction to .. Sunny California SI,000 a Seat Playhouse Name Game Solved By JANICE BERMAN 01 Ille Del" P*I Slltf After two months u a lranspllnted wtemer, I dedded to become a bona flde CJlifornian. I hit the beach. Now, U should be eJ:plained that in the east. one does n o t hit the beach. ln- rtead, you make a day of It, and call it IJOinl to the beach. You pack 1 lunch, a change of clothes in , case it gets cold. a portable radio or TV, hooks a!"f mog- azines. Here, It's a dilferenl thinl. U you cet ta.cl al.drlviq aJooi the Coul lllCl>Way, ~ st.op at I belch. lt,'1 euy, becl"lt you're ........ """ bathfnJ ...it; you can pull up -right next to the And, roD out, 'Adding Machine, Other Loot Gone In. Burglaries With to return deadlines looming, I Laguna Beach DWI Friday clllCovered hia adding machine bad been filched. Roland N. Gre<ne. 1111 Queda Way, told police the machine valued at '100 had been ltolen from DecoraUve Craft!, '/'IS J, Laguna Canyon Road. Poll« -aid the burglar broke a glaa door pane to ~ch In and IJlllock the door. An unknown amount of cuh wa1 taken aiao. AMtnt machlna-weren~-lllly machinea being ttolen over the Jim Dalton ·San -Clemeflte . ooo- tractor, totd po!jce Saturday hla_ ~ mlstf -had been lto!eo from a Job at Ill Nyes Place. Police Aid the millinC mli· er "" valued at fS40. _ Klrt"W. AlmCliam, • 1-.t Dlf .. , told police Sunday that front wbeela ml ti"" had been stolen from hla IllS Pon- tlac. The loss wu .•110, Police Aid the front of the car bad '*" jacked' up lo otealtheU..... '. Robert E. Slrou!l <l Norwall< told poll« Sunday that his w.Uel with It'll and driver'• Ucente bad been ltolen from an unlocked car parted ·in lhO '1200 bli>ct ol Circle Way. Marlu Deabusald. M7 Sleepy Hollow, Friday reported the theft of 110 from a milt bolll•. Slight Quake Shakes San Francisco Area BERKELE\ (UPI) - A 1llgbt urtJI. quake llilook the s,n Fnnclaco Bay area Sunday evening, but there were DO reoorll of damage. The temblor wu recorded at the Untveiatty. of Califomla Seismology Sta- U0n at 8:12 p.m. and recJatered U 111 the lllcbttr scaJe. It WU <entered five mile9 --of BerbleJ .. the Haywanl Fault near Late '\'t">eacal DAllY PllOI Cll.t.MGIE COAST l"Ull.15"1Nt;. C0M"ANV' J.111Mrt N. W••~ '"""'"Ill ..,.. Jlulllllfltr J•c.li It Curl•¥ Vlof ,~ I M ~II #.tl'llltff Tkm•• r ..... 11 .... Tilo"'•• A. M1trJ1hl111 Mloflffl/11 1!411er J,ich1"4 P. Nill ,_,_. c"' ,_ ,,_ __ 211 F.r1tt J.w1. ' M1lll11t Ml .... r P.O. a.. 666, tl&IJ ...... --1 CMtt ,.._: MW..t t".,,... ~ teMii m 1 w.1 ..... ...,.._. ......... ....,.: __ __ I or the car and end up In the ocean. You don't need all~ extra lluff. Jut acmething. to llt oo. either a blanket or a surfboard, depending on your thing. YGU don't need extra clothes, because California Is balniy all the time. So there l was the other weekend at ·Malibu. or rather, driving lijl and down the Coul HilbWa7 looting for a place to pork, I 'flnally I-a perfect ipot, on the «fge .of a 11s::1ooi drop. The edge moved closet to the wheela u I spun lhem in the and. I prodboed Ille roqulifto blclket, .tnce boards are not my thlng, ml acrambled down the predplct to the betcb, hitting It at 2:17 p.m. At 2:1,, ~ IWl vaqilbld,_and a chlll wind wblstled In !rom·lhe-. I propo ped m7"1f up on one elbow, and looked araund. Tba Dodge wu perched wber< I had lelt-11: ml it ilwlYed ID, Ille - PILOT LOGBOOK So did lhe --tml--.hlppers. But there was a difference, because they were tanned and l wu not. They qayed triumphantly In their tnmb ml blkini3 ml look.ct very comfortable, I ffiiched for my ·wcrksbirt and noticed at.arts ol lncredulily. Tba wind tocreued In force. ( lay down, ltol~ crltllnc my teeth against the 111111laucbt. Ycu will iet a tan, I told my~lf. . , f lld&ded, wilhlnc for a hook· or magaUne. AU around me, people were doting peacefully aa the aand particles Oitted '1'if!t their faces. It WU very quiet. I thought of the movlea I had -. where troops ol coneatana run beldlong, Uke lemmlnga. into the PacHlc. I waited for .......,. to do It. Nobody did • My teeth -. chattering and my legs turning the 1ame lhade of aqua u my Gallfomia-made bikini. ne ,1cy turned dii\eT, and 1 walted 10< somebody to leave. Nobody moved. I could •land It !lo lon11r. Throwing pride to the windi, which bid DOW reach- ed :IO 'milea per' bollr, I~. and '1l<epilblJ ~the~ blllk I · had so blltbelr don an 1b o u r before. My car wu 11!11 boYeriq ••· pec:tantly. -. - M I atrugled back Into thl' knot flf tralllc, I looked at Ilia ....ii. 111 the beach. They alept, unawait tfiAt tba IUD bad jull come CUL By TOM GORMAN Of ... DWtr .. , ........ Just bow many names on the baci: of a "al Will a ·11000 liuy Uieae days? Laguna Play-directors clarified Saturday that lt,000 ~to the Laguna Moulton Pl1yboule wW be allowed to have ooe name, a Mr .. and Mrs. com- blnaUon, or the name of an or1anl.zaUOn engraved cm • p1-que to bl -placed on the ba<Ul a "'t illtbe~ -'I1ie q~ wu~brou&ht up lf each name wu worth tt,090, jll' _if each seat wu worth tt,000, allowing for a number of names. Il's the !tat that's worth •1,000, 'dlrector1 "declded. A donor of '3,000, then, can buy three seats. Donon of $5,000 ot more wm be allow- ed pJa9uea q.rougbout the rooms in tbe PlayiloUse .. In -action ' - ' jacent .to the new Plafboulle wbl!lft not _: bel.n1 uRd by the Playhouse. : -Hanson announc$1-lhit the city ha.r ~ nlfused use of !Is .parking lot' 1crosa tilt '. street to lhe Playbouie. _ -The First Nighters: have paid tn tun • for the . kitchen installation In the . PlayhOU!le, according to dirett.Or" lWTiet : McCormtD. An additional '66 Wll col-lected~from 1 Pot Loot' diMeJ. kavJnt ; ooly $25 more needed foi' the shelves. -The board accepted a doriation of decorative tiles from Roy Childs ol the Pottery Shack. "We'll put them Mmewhere," chuckJed technical director Paul Toft. ~- -Attendance for the first three nights ·- of ''Wait Until Dark." has totaled 422, ac- cording to General Manager Inn.a NofzJger. -Tryouts for the high ochool drama scbolmhlps wm be held Aprll ,l7 at I p.m., It wu learned. There are five ·~ plicants. _ • t • ' -Dlrecton are lnvNllptlng the JIO'I' lllbillty .of aelllng dwnpqne .. cerWn occulon. In the new -Playboule. Boord PreafdOI Geoffrey Rll<er ll looldq Into the Uquor •llceme, but -lllllt Hanson aald the COii of a llceale' may -lleadinp ·for "Dylan''·-wfll'be 'beld • April JO . at 1 p.m., aceording to. Mrs.~ Nofziger. Allboo.'lh the part for Dy\oft bas' been cast, 18 to.fl parts remain Open. : ' _ make the' Alo 'flf cham-un· profilabl" ,. Fr-P .. e J State Aid Bill For , Saddkback Passes Hurdle -J~ Jlrrii\ reported that he ii aw11~ a call b'om the Iqtne Foun- daUOh Concerning a p>alble donaUon to tbe Playliouiie. All earlier letter iead that a requat for a as,ooo grlnt Js being ''favcrably conaklered" by the Irvine Board fl. Directors. -Four one.act plays will be ~ed :' May ·I. J anif '3. They include ''The _; American D!eam" "Tbt M~11· aM ' cuttings from "TorCh Bem"U1, '' and • "Two for the S~w." : LAGUNA TAX BLAST • • • be to provide salaries that compore favorably to other diltrlctl. Tbe paper cballeogt1 the percentage of bud&el that goea for teache< -warlea. Ullom uld the board bu 'c:omiltenUy been In the category flf paying 118 1<I 118 percent of total bod&el for · teacher '8.laries. He uld thla teacher coat f<lr Laguna WU $423.lf per student Jut year com- pared to $418.29 for Capietrano Unified School District ml fW for _ l'lewport. Mesa Unified. Dr. Ullom also said Laguna cOlll should be compared to high achoo! district coats because ·o1 the b1gb peretn• tap of llOCOOdary .-1n the'clUlrlct. COST 141,M \ - He said another need for pasaMt of dleo ov"1'fide • tbe fact' tut lou of.~'buecl to •1picultural land PC'""' ,i&illl wW COii.the dillrld '40,0lll &MuaJly. , ' The secret override oppooltlon paper ta1U about teacher commenta in JltWI atorles after 1be cont{Qverala1 black ac. tivist speakef ·at 'Ibuntoo Intermediate &boool. Ullom uked if It Is fair to penalho tho • fl "' a dllirfct and to ~ tho total l!aff when one ~ with -&f.ac:her"• commenta. Rdurlng to the anonymity of the 1111U· ••er:rld• papen, unom Aid IJe'. would have u~ the 'oj>poi'tunlty 1e.o1&•'il0wri with 'the ~·mi tlirUh iut the figurea. "The people ol Laguna 8elctl are suc-- ....tul -le," the 1Uperiatendenl.uld. f.T!I07·h8ve made good c14tclalom up to Ibis, lime oo tUppOrl of public llchoolp. 0My belldJ1 tliat they wW -tnua to Fro111 P8fl• J SOUTH COUNTY McCalla, housewife, and William M. Wilcol!ll>, lncumb.tn'-. CoJ*truo Ullflecl -(Dlalrlct 4) Willpl, Incumbent; (District I) BandoU, iDcmnbent, and Hunt, e n a I a• t r ; (Dlltr{ct 7) Fred L. Newhart Jr .. in- cumbenl · Saa Joaqaln Ele.,.atary -Edward E. Berry, incumbent; Cbarle.t H. Boulqer, iicbool principal ; Pat B. Brian; Rebert L. Damerao. flnarrl.al cansultant.; Vlnctllt A. Lavertu, buslnessinan; Robert W. lJvingatoo, certified public accountant; James A. Nellon, engineer; Patricia A. stratton, teacher; .{olm F. Unger, engineer, and Loa YOUDI, housewlte. Tutln Uatoa Wp -Charles T. Bell, contractor; Clifford 8. Boe b mer. aerospace engineering manqer; Chest.er G. Briner, incumbent; John R. Broe, psycholo&ilt; Paul F. C a J b o u n , pbannadsl; Ilana A. Clr,ey, engi,..,.; -w. Fr-. c:ollego toacher; Sylv .. Kall. physicist; Amold Krenek, Ales manqer; Stanley L. Ro9en. at.. torney; Ralpb L. Schiavone, business ad- miniatrator; Howard L. Sellecil, junior colle(a lnalruclor, ond D. "-Smith, lloumrlf ~ Capo Must Face Money Problems An upensive double-he~der la ln st.i:re for c:Rn Juan Caplsttano City Councilmen , · 'r 7 o'clock"ll!t!'tlng ton!"1t 't City J • when they consldtt tM costs ol. po. Ue< protoctlon llld city ball facllltlel. 'l11e city ii faced with the necessity flf l!!:avlng the presenUy rented city hill flciUty by June. A commltteo hetdrd by Councilman William Bathgate has been investJcatlng possible city moves for 1boui a monlh and will report tonlahL Fees for the contracted counly Sheriff POllcin& ~I the ci ty rectntly qu1drupled · froio aliiiil 13(0!!0 jet,.., to Ultl,000; demonatrate. um characteristic. l feel they wqt 1Upp0rt J>Ullle Of. thil: over- ride. l am confident that the successful people of Laguna Beach want abovl!I average acbooll for their children." Weekend Traffic Accidents Kill Two Countians Two oranp €aunty. residents were kill- ed In traffic acddeols on ,the w~eod. James R. Seaton, ~. of Brea, lost his Jlfi in • two-ear c:ra!h' on Brea Canyon Ro,..JJ'! I~\ O!!f11t of the °''!118' County ~ drl~~'J} s:'~', Jerry A.' Mhoon, 21,. of . ~ wu ttperted JM 51 ,,. 41 teriously injured. He -ll in St. Jude Hospital in· Fullertoa. - On s·U'nday,~ at 11 :28 p.m., italJ)h B oi 11 ea u, · S4, of Gar<kn Grove was killed when his car went out of oonlrol and hit \he center di'!idor on $he 1 Gardeq Gro\!e ~ n e a r l>fancheoter Af-· · His -er. l'li).rur Dean, 29, of Long Beach, Is In oitlcal cond!Uon in the Orange County Medical Center. ·Joan Baez Says She's Expecting -s.IN J'osE -(UPI) .:. Fin< olnrer Joao Baez is expecting. 'M:ie 21-yttr-Old lnUWlr cruuder Wll wildly cheered-when Ille annOunced the impendlnc birth to a concert crowd this P.,t wewr1dq t will be her lint child. "I mfgbt u r..D teli you now becau..e it '\'ill come out anyway," Miss 8'.ez said. . "I'm pH&IWll" Her husband, David Harrill, was not around to hear the announcement. The former student body pre:sldenl at Stan· ford University was participating in • alt- tn It bis ihna mater. Harris Z! bu been convicted of draft refusal ind,' unleS! a reverul ls won in higher court, will probably begin aerving a three-year 1entence in June. Thurston Kite Fliers Show Up Charlie Brown • Ottrllt Btown, whole failures at klte ftyiq .,. Jq<nd, would have turned ....... with .. ., had be -the Tbantol1 Jnvitl.Uon•l Kite K•pen S.turday • Ten kite flying events are held during the day along with educaUonal and fund raising event.1' 1t the lntennedlate achoo!. Winnen of lbe kite events: Ptmel1 Nell fartheat out and Chris Randal, ~ ln the Elementary Grades JnvltaUonal; Al Oslraff, winner in the Pal'S\tl, Ri11Uves and T e a c h e r s • compe11t1oo. A bill that clluld er<>Yide II.I mlllfoe In AvtnP Jor lalpayen flf Sadditback Junior c.u.. Diltrlct 11u -palled 11a lint hurdle in the llate Leglalalure. Senate BHI lllil lut ..,k cleared the Senate J:ducaUoo CGmmfltee ml now has -111!111 to a Senate Finance cam. mfttee. The bill ii to provide ltate funds fO< n.ew junior collqe dlltrlctl id 1 raUo o( 15 percent ltate aid to :t& cent ,local lar money. 09et the next five yeara the Stid.- dlebaci: Dlltrlct would bl!I, eligible for '9-1 million. That wou\d reduce to $4.t mlIDon t~ IQ1;al laxpay~· cootrlbll!loo of coo- atructioo costs upected_ )mder .the district'• muter plan ror the flvt-~ period. ". PrelenUy, Siddleback ~Ives no st.ate ahl because it is relatively rl~ in assess- ed valuation per student. So are several oiher juniot college di!lrlcla In the otate with small initial enrollments . The ntlonale ol the bill' Is to provide UQe new diltricm with reeoarcea to bU1ld their campuses. The onJy brtak given new junior college di!lrlctl in funding now Is ezemptlon from· payment -Of seat tu on transfer studeot. seot to neighboring dlstrlcts. That savings comes out of the pocketbook of the neighboring dlltrtct (in Sad· dleback'a cue Orange Coast Junior College District), not from state coffers. Saddleblck Supt. Fred H. Bremer and Board President Michael Collins were prtSent in Sacramento at thl!I EducaUon Committee hearing to witness the first te21t of the bill. The date ba21 not yet been set for hear- ing by the Finance CommlUee. -Dlrecton ~owed the School of Art and , llealp to uae the parking lot ad· -The Playhouse ' and F~st J:lighlm :- will host a diMer· foi a group of N.vajo ·' Indians that have returned to Laguna :- with Danny Davey. :' Cyclist Killed in Second ~ -. F atal1ty at County Track ; • .1 ., il'UIUll R. VINSEL of the car on hla lint amateur nfgbt nm ; Alm .!.~,~~~;~ , dowir·111eroc ... ay•ilfial's1r1p, -,: \l**C)Cilsl laldng rus last 1ap ~I the In the ltC01ld fatllilJ in !Is ~. • d1y '~ tilled ,Sundoy """" burle,if . • occldml ls .... --biveali&aled: he'lf fir$, Jri!P a 1~:,;1Pr-. ~ 1. 'bfio•N oit\ctaii aO<i e%perls from : lnt«n&~rR&ctWay, th~ tee0nd--fal411-the National Hot R00 .Alaociation, who ' ty tbere In a lout-day period . could fllld oo Initial indkaUoo of the Davis Gaines, 26, of Los Jinplell, ·was cause. dead on arrival at Santa Ana Community Nielson died at Santa Ana Community Hospital alter 12 :40 p.m. accident, during Hospital about one hour after being • warmup session for the 1969 Grand thrown from the sedan as It rolled over,· Prix 'cycle racing Rason. following 1 sudden vffl'ing off the strip. Raceway spokesmen said Gaines ap-The lint Orange County InttmationaJ peared to l09e control of hi.a Yamaha Raceway fatality occurred in December 250cc machine on the track's tower of 1967, when nationally known racer curve, then regained hia balance momen-Mike Sorokin'! radically built dragster tarily before the bike alld out from under exploded on a high-1peed run. him. Gaines' death Sunday marred the open- The victim wu thrown into a barricade Ing of the track's 190 Grand Prix of hay bales and a wooden fence along motorcycle aeaaon, for which the 'cyclist the track'! tower curve, near the control wu praclicJng when killed on his lut lap tower and in good view of track' ol compeUtion. supervisors. Nixons See Bloss oms Gaines' death Sunday followed the Wednesday dragster fatality of Gllfert A. Nielson, 18, of Norco. whose modified 1955 Chevrolet went out of control at ._ miles-per-hour and rolled several limes. No determination has been made yet about whit cauaed Nielson to lose coatrol WASHINGTON (UPI) -President and · Mrs. Nixon took a stroll around the Potomac tidal basin today to look at the cherry bloS!oms. ' ; • • ' . . . ' [ Aho, Tim Taylor and Danny Jacobson, winner• of U\e highest flyable kite con- ttst: Raymond Wllliam1 f« the most col- orful kite : Danny J1cob!!On for the ( farthest out kite; Mike Raub, winner of the Prlnclp.al's Trophy for hl1 prLlm kite; John Autry for the most vertical kite. Charlotte OWaff .nd Bobble LUultr .-011 the hl&helt kfte contest llld Cynthia Scbaaslonow the lorth<sl out and b!>ck Wilhi'n inbdli; c:Gllf.Ml.. -• ,.,_. 4 I HIGH FLIERS __:Proud double winners al Thur!· l<>n School Kile Fly\n1 Conlesl In Laguna pose wllb winning Idle, tropby. and ftlend s. From !ell are Al Ostraf.f, who won ":~1r0e:l Dying" award in parenu dlv~ C , 13 ; Bobbi Lussier, 13; Mandy Doane , 12, and Charlott• 01\raff, 14. , Charlotte and Bobbi wed aame Idle I<> win "hlgb- esi Dying" award in student dlv!Jlon. It's Char· ' lotte's klle. -zG?&sranr a -<• -.c-.=------- l I ' • • ' l • l ' • i Donors for President Rep. James B. Utt (left).accepts·Orange County Press Club "Man of the Year!' award on behalf of. President Richard M:Nixon·as Laguna Niguel's John B, Lawson does the honors. p,.... club handed out an- nual headliner awards Saturday night. (See story page 12). .Scientific Headliner Professor Edward A. Steinhaus and·wife, Mabry, admire headliner award presented'to'UC lrvirle biologist by Orange County Press Club. ~Ne~ Beach resident Steinhaus was one of 17 Orange Co'untians honortd by press club for aChievemeilU.in 1968. (See story page 12). . . ' Nixon Urges Latin Policy WASHINGTON (UPI) -·With a swipe at the "disconctrting results" produced by the alliance for progress, President Nixon saJd today new 8pj,roaches are needed to LaUn America's problems. He aaid U.S. policy toward ·Latin naUons would emphaize mutual cooperation. In his first major speech on Latin America, the · ·President laid out no specific details of his policy but told the 21st anniversary meetirtg of the Organization of American states (OAS) that relaUons between the United States and ·Latin America "have-b 1 en smothered with fine slogans and beautiful references ." He said the Alliance for Progress, started In tbe Kennedy admini!ltaUon, had a treat concept and achieved some good results but that the oyerall picture was one of "disconcerting rt3Ults." He said U)e question of U.S: · JXluCy Is "not what do we do fOr Latin America but what do we do with Lalin America. ' Prosecution Lauds )lis,ice For S.irhan LOii ANGE~ (UPI) -The ~ti prosecutor uld at the cloM ol the Sirhan B. Sirllan murder trial toilar that "justice has beeo HrV«I 1o the nth degne" In !eying the Y"Wll Arab le>< the killing ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Dep. Dist. Alty. Lynn Compton told the jury thal Sirhan hid received un- precedented safegumb ol bis righb and be said that a verdict of murder would be appropriate to the ju.at.lee that ha been shown tllroughout the trial. With the case ~ed to IO to the jury later today, Compton summed ·up with what he described as a .,common aenae approach to logic," in the case against Sirhan. ''The defense team has lived up to the finest traditions of the legal profession in defending what must be deicribed as an unpopular cause to see lhat the system works," Compton said. .. The system baa: worked. ''This jury has been fUmished more evidence and background than poQibly any jury In history. The defense has ask· ed that you retllrn a· ¥<!nfic( tllit wfll prove in every hamlet in the United States and the world that you. can get justice In t9e United States. · "Justice dOes not mean any ,puticular verdict. What determines It iS tbe pro- cedure followed in reacltill& that verdict and In that the defendant bu eot justice to the nth degree." Compton liated a series of facta 1o ll· lustrate that point: -Tbe ""'1endoul effort of the aulllor!Ues to in-llil belnc ~ -He bu three ol tbe bat lawyen In the country. -H• bu had a battery of J>IYcholoillita and psychlatrl!ts who came to bla aid. -He had a. public trlll"with the media of the world here to report everything that went on. -He has had a jury trial -by 12 fair- minded jurors and an open·mlnded judge. "This was justice, and justice has been served and the system has worked. We think the verdict which we believe should be first-degree murder will also suve justice." A juror whose brother died during the weekend and who Oew to the funeral was replaced by one ol the alternates, George A. Stit:.e:I, a newspaper pressman. Hls name wu drawn by lot from among 1St.andby jurors who have sat with the r<gU]ar panel throughout the trial. 'Broadway Joe' Held as Drunk . MIAMI (AP) -"Broadway Joe" Namath: ttie ·New York Jets star quarterback" who scored his greaten trjuDlplf.ln the 'S\Jptt Bowl'here, wa! ar- ~ ,early today on drunken drlvln1 charges. Arres ting officers quoted the 25-year· old Namath as saying "You know me - you lqiow who I am." Patrolman Rfymond De Santis puIJtd Namath over at 4:05 a.m. on the '7llh Street causeway not far from the super Bowl hero's eatery, known u "Broadway Joe's Quick Service Reltauranl'' Despite his plea to ~. Namath was booted into Dade County Jail on chargu ol canl.,. drivln(, driving without .a valid liceme and 4r'UMen drlv· Ing. . Namath was releued on bia own !'ectlgniz..ance lea than one boar later. He was not immediately available for comment. 62.8 Miles per Hour Highway Average WASHING TON (UPI) -Motorlsll zip- ped along the nation'• interllite highway system at an average speed d a.I miles an hour last year, according to the Fedenl Highway Administration. The highest average lns1ent&le Jpeed In all c0untry WIS in l\anlal, the report u)d, wtiere the avtrage ~ay speed wu 68.4 milel an hour. ~· are. pr.oud ·O~ o.ur L~HJllft~ Beach Schools and know they give us an excellent 're'turn on our tax dollar. We have studied the . facts and believe the modest, two-year tax over· ride is essential to maintain the quality of education our students need. We E11coi1'Clt9 a "YES" Vote on The School Tax Override , BE · SURE TO VOTE ON APRIL 15th • GI-E. Vo<jdor Leroy, 8. Cliilch , oD • Vinton! P. c.irr , M;[). Moco~ley ROflp • · Mrs. Clifton T. Nichols .Co tiler.in• •MacQuarrie' '· M. T. "Red'"Guye; Jo•omo• Kirk John Kerr Dollos R. T urnor Robert l. Corne:iron Mr. & Mri. Boris Buion WiUi1m 1 D. Martin Shirley McCall• Joseph A. O'Sulliven R'oy J. Word Mr. & Mrs. Al Simmons John Wold Vornor .C. hcl: Jo .. F. Boyd Morrill Johmon Doug Schmiti 0 . W, Price '. Rav. Ellswoitk L Richordson Mr. & Mrs. Wo:tor W. Klt>slormon YES TAX OVERIDE . IX . LAGUNA BEACH UNIFlm SCHOOL DISTRICT ---------- -~-----r--• -... ·-· .... - Mondq, April 14, 1969 • · .L OMLY Pl).~T 3 ~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~. • I 'Meet History f Airline~ Eying Ontario Airport • Squarely' · Says Autlwr : . . . r John !lope Franklin, -kine 5111trd17J, . at a conference oo the !Mchb>( ol Mro-'·· American hlltory at the Uni....., <f .• Calflotnla-lrvlne, cabect upon Ainiiicon ~ to loot the nation'• hlllor1,i "squarely in the face,!'" to raveaI .~ ... tlces of tile put as well u glories. Sy JAIX •llOIAc'l . Of .. ..., .... fllff Air West and Air Callfonla, Orange County Airpoli'1 two commercial car- riua ''ldt up in the air'' br a Navy decision nt1lnl out -ol Loi, Aiamit.. Naval Air Station during repaln to the local nnriny, may 'jll&ht'~ at ODtarlo Inttrnau-1 Airpcrt Dudley M11ler' Air COll!ornia ptbllc relatlona npraent&U~ uld thfa inorn- ing tllat his firm is dill hoping the Navy might reconsider on the use of LQll Alamitos. · •. . "Dul it Ls doubUul. The Navy rarely 0'1erturns a decLsion once It is made," Miller ~id. "Howtver, our "presen- laUves are 9'ffi -~ ML ·dlltullslons with the Navy in Washington".'' Miller uld it the Navy faclllty II bot avaJiable, Air California will definitely use the Ontario lntern1Uonal Airport. He said current plans are to hive pauencer'I · check in at Orange County Airport and be bused to Ontario. The airline now baa reauJar flighta out of On~1o San Fnncl~oand San J.,.. Oakland. · Tbomu Chandler, Oranp County tla· Uon man-for Air West, Aid thil : dlontlng that Ult "' .. aitmlate airport during the local repairs lie(lnn1n( April 21 for 10 dl\YI ta being riegoliated by the a{rllne's San Franchco officti. Unidentified Man Hit by Train ~ An unidentified man, believed between about l5°ahd 70 yean old, WU killed Sun- diy afternoon by a westbound freight U-ain as he walked . on ·the Santa Fe ~ay tracks in the Atwood area near Orancelh«'pe and Higblud avenues, the Orange County Corone<'I Offioe npor1<d today. Coroner's deputies uid the iden-- tificaUon of the dead man Would be at. i.tnpted through fmgerprlnta. Witnesses attracted by the train's air horn said the man apparently did not hear the train u he alternately walked on the :track> aioollfde ,thefti. Englnttr Wayne Swanson, 57, of Los Angele<, told. lherUrs depuUe. he tr)•<Mn ·vain 1o •!OP ,die !kar freltht train boUM from San Beroanflno to Los Angeles. ' "We hope 1o 1lnow somethln( definite before the day IJ over,u Chandltr Aid. He said Air West wu disapPointed at the Navy's decfsloo Fridoy. "We bad been optimbtk. that clearance couJd be obtained for the use of Los Alamitos," the airline uecuUve said. "Everythlni pointed to a fairly good operaUon thert." Before the Navy turned down In Waohlnctoo, Major Geo. William E. Thrash, comm.anding a:en!ral at El Toro Marine Corps Air SteUon ' had refused joint use ol that facility for the· repair period. Waslliniton Navy officials said limited ramp space at Los AlamitOs could create air .tfaUic huard.s and ·present heavy !!li!iJl'Y lrol(I~ pi:ecluiled temporary use by lhe airlines. Long Beach Airport, another possible altematlve for the two local alrlinu, bas been ·all but ruled out becaU1e of heavy trafiic there and a current cUapute between the city and federsl ollicfals over increued jet Oigbta. Neil Armstrong Designated First Man on the Moon SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Neil Annstrona. a soft-spoken 38-year-old civilian astronaut, will probably; be the first American to set foot on the ·mOon, the space agency said today. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 m.isslo,n which will make the flnt U.S. moon ·!anding, will be the first astronaut to sttp df the mopn landing craft nelt July 20, und~ current plans, Georae L<Jw; bead ol the Apollo spacecraft pro. gram said. Air Force Col. Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin will foll~ him a few minutes later, Low uld. Armstrong and Aldrin will land on . the moon in the spiderlike lunar lander and spend two hours and to minute!!! walking around on \he lunar surface, . i;taying within a SG-to 100.foot radius of their Ian· ding croft . , · Anm~ IJ a veteran astronaqt who oap.. wu.•11est pilot for the Xti rocket pline /r•iflCI. The • blond, bfuH!/ed astronaut atinds 5 fttt '11 MChM tall •nd ftipl w pounds. Franklin, author of the histi>ry te.tbook "Land of the Free,'' whk:b a1'0Uled muCh~ controversy when it was adopted by the state ol California, aaid, "We must teach a history that ~s the work of all/ who work and· die to mate this COW1trfl tllbatftt "ls." . The chairman ol the department of history of lhe University of Chicago received a standing ovaUon from the· larrely white group of e d·U c a t or s assembled for the conference. He attacked the · Idea ol history that recognizes only the great moments of America as a fallacy, and denounced historians who descri~ history as a1 ' series of triumphs over natJom, and ovet technology ·with9td recognizing the role1· played bf N-slave andJree~ood. withwt recognizing "that barbarities and diltrimlnation are part of the na· tlod."I" 'hlitory. ~, ~ .At· the same time, Franklin called for·~ cart In the. development of plans to teach· Afro.American history. ' FraitkUn ~ the current upaurp1 ol lii!e...t · In. btaet studies with the' sciam* to tflteh Up to the Russians in . science courses when the flrst Sp\itnfk • waS launched. · · He noted that in the rush to meet the demands of black student& for etbniC atudies, some educators are sacrificlrc quslity for e"l'e<flency; hiring teadlm o1 · Afro-Ameri can studies wit.hoot cheeking their qualifications. Calling upon educators to teach blact- history in the context of America's put, Franklin said, "It takes a person of great . heart and courage to look history 11quare- ly in the face and tell It as Jl II. We must be willing to criticize the past, to put the -In the tatbooks." LBJ Secretary To Speak at UCI Rebert C. Weavtr, Prtsident Johnson's· secretary of housing and urban dev~lop­ ment, will speak Wednesday at UC Ivlne Charter Day ce.remonies. The publlc ii invited to Weaver's talli at 11 a.m. in Crawford Hall (the UCI gymnasium). Weaver, the first Negro to reach the rant of . fablnet officer, will speak on "Dilan.-. ol Ur1>an America." ~:J. u. held annually during tbe sPrinl on · UC campus In oblertance or the unlveriftY'l birthday. 1ldl itar'•' 11 the IOlst. FOR' EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION . ' . ' - THROUGH STRONG BOARD LEADERSHIP Dr. Ralph H. Bauer , TO BOARD QF TRUSTEES Huntington leach Union · High School Let's Put The PUBLIC Back Into PUBLIC EDUCATION 1,..11 ... .t.., C~I""' hr Or. 111"' H. 1a..,., ttt11 hfhft u-. HUfttlri,._ lt.tdt I llolll V I'll.OT A Long Island mother w h o lb<>U&ht· she was helping her teen. aced' liOllS with a hi&h school •cl· ence project bas been informed by police that she helped the bOys grow a crop of marijua~ instead. Jesse -lz•l Jr., 17, and his broth- er, John, 16, were arraigned on charges of possession of a danger· ous drug. Police said the boys had asked their mother to' help them in their "science project" by moving the plants from window to window .,, they would git plenty of aun. Aad that for weeks, Mn. Mentzel spent her day• moving the plants from one window to another. • Hawaii ltd othtr 1tatt1 in tM peruntaQt inc rt a 1 t of mar- ritrotl m 1966 and 1961, accord- ing to the U.S. Cmms Bureau.. TMrt '°''"' 13,113 marrioge1 in HcitDOii .during the two 11ear period for a 26.4 percent in- crtaU. Utah WC.! runnt"'P with a 13.6 percmt ;ump. State 1ta· tilticion Robtrt Schmit credits tht militart1'1 rtat and rtcrtation program in Hawaii for the in- creases. • It's finally come. Kiddie Kredit. But there's no danger of increased inflation if Steve P11eh•n'1 plan is followed. The cards issued to his two sons, 7 and 5, through the co· operation of the local Miami candy store owner. read: ''Purchases lim~ itad to 11 cents daily for each 10n. Mr. Pachan will pay at the end of each week." • lt'1 spriMQ agcin Oftd'Hatari, OM llf the giraffes at the Phot'ni% Zoo~ ap- pears to haw lost hU head over one o/ tlte ftm.ale oiraffcs at the roo.. Ac· tuaUu. he's just 1i.rino his htad to brmh a flu awar1. • The Bradleys' new nylon sheels look just lovely, but they build up such a charge of static electricity that Tom Bradley of Wembley. England, was nearly knocked down when be gave hla wife • good-mom· ing kiss. The company that makes the sheets advised Bradley to wear rubber-!Oled lliPf'!'rs the next time he kiues bis wife while she's in bed. Apollo II b scheduled lo land at Apollo 1adlal -II, • pa1nt.neor the equ-ml eat d. the moon'• center Une. Apollo II wU1 land at aome other site. ---~-- , 'lEFENSE MlNISTllt PROC LAIMEO AS '4A.0'5 SUCC ESSOR M .. T ... 1vntl, 75 Lin Pi10, 70 China Defense Minister Named to Succeed Mao HONG KONG (UPI) -The Chin<sc Commwllst party today announced adop. tJon of 1 new consUtutim thit spedfically proclablll Defalae MlnlM Lin Piao, 70, as the succeuor to 75-year-old party c:bainnan Mao TS&-tung. It was not c:!ear tmmediately whether Lin would take over the po6t now as ruler Mag azine Sto ry Reveals Pike Leaving Church ..,. U•llllll l"rtM lnt.rMtltMI James A. Pike. former Episcopal Bishop of Callforriia, said today he is leaving the cbW'Ch. The SS-year-old Pike announced his break with the church in an article writ· ten f<ll' Look magazine. The Rt. Rev. John Hll'les, )residing Bishop of the Episcopal Church, nid in New York he had received no com- munic:alion from Pike and knew nothing of his decision until he read the ma1uine article. Pike was a Roman Catholic in hi!i youth, then was an agnostic: for several years before joining the Episcopal chnrch in 1944. He has developed a k~n interest recently in spiritualism, and tiublished a book reporting on con"ersalkms he said he has had, through a medium, with his dead son. He said in the Look article that he and hia third wife, Diane, are not ":starting a new church" but llave eat.abliabed an in· stit.ution which they call ''The Church Alumni Foundation." Atoms fo r Peace Meetings O~n VIENNA (UPI) -U.S. and Soviet of. ficiall today opened tali.I to share for lhe first time information on the use of nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes with smaller naUons. The Ruaailns said the negotiations will benefit all humanity. The atomic: e1perts will talk for three days or more on how carefully controlled nuclear explos.iona could be Ul8CI to divert counes of rivers, build dams or harbors or dig a new Panama Canal. Today's meeting marked the first time the two 11uclear sianta got together on the quettion of the peaceful use ol nuc:leu exploolons. Each aide 11rwed Iha! Ille taib ...... purely technical llid woald concentrat< on Ille ellecb <i .........,..i nuclelr e"IJ)lotlons . for pelClftd •P~ plications. oI the world '• taraest country or would just wait in the wings until Mao dles or steps aside. A draft constitution circulated a few months before the party convened its tth national concreu contained a C:laUM declaring that "Comrade Lin Piao is Mao Tse-tung'• close comrade-in-arms and successor." A communique issued today after adop- tion of lhe revised constitution said the new document coofirmed Lin as Mao's successor and elevated Mao's thought to a level with .\farxism-Leninism as the theoretical basis of the party. The action came as nO surprise. The frail, bushy-br~ed marshal who called himself "Tiger Cat Lin'' became Mao's heir apparent at a meeting of the party's <:entral committee in August, 1'66, when Lin emeried as the sole vice chairman oI the committee, It was that session wblch marked ~ be&hming of the end for Liu Shao-chJ, the president of the republic and 1 vlce paty chairman at the time. At the same session, Premier Chou En-lai, Marshal Chu Teh and Vice Premier Chen Yun also gave up vice Chairman.ships they had held since the ath Congress in ttM. Today's announcement was the first Snee the tth Congress began its semisecret sesson April I. Stanford Asks Identification Of Protesters STANFORD (UPI) -Two dozen votunteers, derided u "piglets" by dWidenta occupJinc a Stanford Universi- ty lab, moved into the student-held building today to Identify individually the antiwar protesters. . The flCIJlty and Ital{ members asked eaclt of the 250 demooltrators to leave the applied electronics laboratory, which \\'as seized last Wednesday night. When the students refused, the volunteers. working in tw<>-man team.1, uked for identification. Many of the pro- testers answered by saying they were "Lhe April Third Movement." The individual identificalion was the administration's latest step in applyin( campus cliaciplinary ll1WUl'a againll the demonstrators. Uoiveralty olflciall said earlier they would not can police to campus while the protest remained non- violent. "Tho preoident (Kennelh S. Pllllr) ud I an coalinuing to deal with lhll dJIND. tion by Internal mllDI." st.antonl -1llclwd W. Lyman Nid In ... 1'0UllCln( lhl Individual ldtntlllcatioo plan. 12 Mississipi Tornadoes $100,000 T ivister Damage R eported by Mount Ol ive C•llfonll• It ...... "'-'1Y tullft't , • .,. wlrti -Clo\ldl ttii. "*""" ..... -~ ..... forliwlrt. ,.. ...... llt'lte '-'-llfllf'I die-..... ~ 0 11< ,.,,,,.,. u n UNCt ,_. rlf fM WIM Tuete.y. In l• "-"" .. ,. vklnlly n ... , IM9tl'f ,......., 1'111'11 ,_ cloud lntn ,,.... illl COll'I. n.r. ..,., uni. ,...,. .......... <fl:t<M• wltti 1119 tii.tt ,_,,. 11,. 12 w .............. lllTllN' ~5. "'..,,.. """ -11. 1'"9 4lr l"ollvtltn Cll'ltrwl District --...... -In "-.... Ill. .. , ........... " __ .,..., IW Clwlh lnkl It '"'*"""""" Hiii\ '-Nrl& -. -"9 wltll -'" Tiit-"*11Qlfle -,_, .. 1111 Iii.Ill ,__. .. " ... -11. II "'" _... In "-.. ..,,._ ..,.... ~ ...... ~lllrtfM'1f>t -•O•••• Utttt.11 '""' "'" ,......i. ., " """'"""1 . ......,. "" -~ '!I ... -. ,....... ,...,_,. ........ -"''' • In "" '-"' """'*-"'-''°'"""''_ ..... -T ..... t lllttu aM TllHISton -o9dlll ....... ..... .. leci.t llll1fl4fn ~ llwlltJes i..tluM: L-. ·~ .... Jlt.7Z. S.n11 M9'1~ Mou. aur-.,._ n•1'-~' wn-''"'-,.,,_ .... ,.,.. •""'"* 6WI. ...."" ~ ..... 8Kenfletf ,.,,, k'I DN!M •"-..,,,, ltf'tlier• n.n. t.C1 AJfOILft AHO VIC:INtTY -IUNllt' .,......,.. Mo.Tty clrlr '°"ltlll ""' .-tdW .... ftitttt ... ,...,.... """' .............. c.lwfi..t. L-""'""' ·-·-~1J, COMfAl ANO INTtltMlOtATI. YAU.IYI -._.., .._., ,..,....,.. ................. """' .,,. •""" ,..... ... p "If· llflllilllr .,.,"'. .... .... lAilll ....... ., ........ ....,.,. ,...., n ,. n. CHltlll CleuofY tllil """"1111 wlltl tlffr\1'11 .-, ~y. Wll'lfl .,..,.,.1y, I to 11 ""°"" Tt*Y't tllefl. a tt Q. y......,.. ..,,........_ , ••••• ,,_ I llltfl et • '9 I ltw If l.t. 1,...,.. lwl•w•-••..,. w.1 n •• !f. TIM weltr ............ ,.,,,.. "''' J.U ... - _,_ -""' TUISDAY 1.:12 "·"'· •• 1iJ.S ,,,.,, $.• ,int '°"' ... f:'2 1.111. I.I ,1,11 lllt ll ... ....... . •;13 1.111. ,, ~ -.............. !:••·""-'" S«OIW "ltll ......... 1:11 '·'"' .... --...... •:1' ...... .. .. •:• ........ •n Ill• 1:3• 11,f!'I, SI" f:» 1.m • -~ .... . ·:-:· 40 ...... '°\j•u•t v.s. S••••r• MllSbtlpltl wt. tt1VCi! ~ 11 11111 II dtltfl """°"' lullillY. fW>tlW .,.,._ ..,.. I'-* Mtvrw, A -_,.. """" -ln.t lhrwtll IN MH,.111 a11te _..,... ,.,.........,.. "'-' """"' ,...,. ,....., "°"'"' ,... ._.. -Ii-... -l"IOtH ll'MI, HIP'lleli 1111 Wb 1111 Mollnf Olin . Min. 1r11, wlllf• •' 1e111 ltlr11t _.,.,. 1w;.1en ~ -·· A low 11rntu•1 1nltm In Jiork1111•1 1001y •rM<I rein ~ 1<1tloffM lllvfl. ~"'"· ""'' • 11 .. 111t l ttl ,...., Jiii Gtlf CN1I '11 lllt lilJrMr M~I. HeeYy r1ln1 tonllflllN 11tlY Hilllf lfl N111 II Mluh11N! llf\lck I t rlli frOfo ~ .,.. ""'""' .. _ '"""""· A cl'ltl ~· •lrtcier 1t Meu"t Olin Mid rt ""'"~ 1~ Cllh IM ..., "''-lft"'rllit 1nll --ft "''"' 1 """" 1n1u. I J ·--.._. .. Alltlf!fll llkM'ttllld llWlll,«* ··~ •u.., Cllk l"°' ()11(11\""tl C:Mllllll .,_ .......... """'' • Evl9t1 ~ort Wol'f'I F,_~, ...... ·-· -... ltlftw1 Clflo LH V ... 1 1. .. MlllM . ..... Mltwt'*e. Ml~il Ni" Drlelnl Htw Yort: Nwftl l'lllte ...... ...... ..... J!Nll!I l'lllllf&Wtll ..._ .. l'lmllvl'lll l'Oflltnll • ..... C:lly lhd llufl .. ~ S1tt1-"1ot ~. Lli,ii. Stllfll' Silt Ltlt• City Stll Oltto S•ft F•tl'lt!.Cft S•ftl1 l1..-..r1 ..... lllelklllt fh•~ \.HI ...... n " U ]I II !' ... 1& ., ,, .. " . ~ . .n A.\ .... 11 J1 ,n .. " ... ,, .11 Al 411 .S1 M '-' ••• " n " . " ~ u " ... .. u .. '' .JI a u • u ,. 1.1 ... . " '1 " . " " . ~ .. II '' . .. " ~ .. . 11 JI n 11 .Q n • ., .. .t) " " " . u II .n " . D ... :: : i I --~---.~------_._. ____ _ _._ _( Flood C1',ses North Dako ta American Platoon ' • Univensity Trapped, 'Cut Up '' U•ltllll ,,._ 11,.,.MtitMI North Dakota Siate Unlvenhy tnd hilh ICboola Jn Farao. N.D., were closed today '° 1tudenb could help bottle the rlslnr Red River of the north. _ North of Fargo, the river rose 4.7 feet at Grand oFru Sunday; to 44.6 feet. Tile blab durizl& lhe 1915 floods WU 4U. A crest of between 45 and 47 feet wa1 ex- pected TueBday or Wednesdoy. Al least 9,000 perlOll! were beinl evacuated from their home.s 1n the Midwest as rivers -fed by water1 nm-ninl off winter's hua:e IDOW pact - gnawed at dikes worked on constantly by flood fighters. North Dakota had aome 4,500 perlOl'ls homeless because of floods. Mlnnemta had •• lea!l '·"' bomele>!, Soulh Ila· kota had I.000, Wisoonsin had fOO and Iowa had about to. North and South Dakota and Minnesota had uked helident Nimn to design.ate them ........ ~. eublin& flooded comm1.6tHies to uk for federal aid. Aut.boriUe1 feared damaae total for the Dai:otu and MinnelOta would exceed the llO mIWon tiaure fur lhe-1915 floodl , - SAIGON (AP) -All ~ -pla&oan md air cPalry 1tlnb«Ml4IU ..... pinned .down ud .... ., llodl1 by ··---SUnday,. before lanb and -~ wrler• cruhed tllroqll lbkk jUJl(le to reacue ·~· Mlllllry opotesmen said 15 "-icans were ~ llld II '""' -..uncled in the !our-llaiir baltlo In lhe -of Black Vtrpa Mountain, 46' milel ncrthwest of Salp: Tbey rave lhla occaunt A-a meu fnlm lhe Ulh Armored CaVllry Reel"""' aiade a hellcopte:r Ian- din& Deir the mountain to c:bec:t the r""1lb <i, a 852 llrtb. Tbey 1.0lllid one enemy bodJ and 'D ruined buDUn, then got lnto an undamqed banker area and wen pinned down by Nwth Vietnamese machine,._.. Two Americans wer.; killed and four were wounded in the fint few '1Dinutf4 while the rut <i lhe pla-di"" for cover. Wheft a compar11 cl. 1st Air Cavalry Division troope arrived to rtin- force them, it, too, w• pinned down. Sil more meri were killed and BeVeral· were~ wounded~ ,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SAVE! \ at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • / wtm or WHEAT • so FRf5H! WHITE OR WHEAT 16 OZ. LOAF! ............................................. Peanut Butter ......................... 59' Grape Jelly ........................... 39• Skippy ••• c:roamy or crunchy! .•. 18 oz . jar. \Vclch's ... pure fruit goodness! ... 20 oz. jar Kraft's Pa~ay .................... 4 lk s1 Schilling's Cinnamon .............. 29~ The famous nUM •.. margarine of quality! Kids love cinnamon toast! ••. rtf. 37c 1izc. Applesauce ..................... , ........ 43¢ Chocolate Quik ......... ~ ............. 79- Seneca .•• with cinnamon ! , •. bir 35 oi. ju Nestle' a ••• for quick energy! Bir 2 lb. ai.te. Me nu Makers! St • Ch•. k URGE SIZE 39c· ew1ng 1c en ........................................ • Compare the size and see that the value is greater: Plump, meaty .•• And fresh ... ll! they should beJ Fresh Baby Beef Liver ...................... ~ .................................. 59~ There'• 10 much food value in bee! liver! •.. at El Rancho'~ price, shouldn't you serve il often! Pastrami ....... ~1 .. ~~. ~~ ........ ~1.09 11. J ust spicy enourh to be navorful ! Super fresh produce ! ~~:f~~~p 5c I pound J)&ckap ! I PMtu ifl. effect JIMt., TM.U ., Wtd., April u. 15, 16. No ..i., to d<altn. Sliced Bacon ...... ~-~~~--... 69:i. A littJe thicker ••• leaner ••• more flavorful! • • • l • 1 I• ' i I t i • • • • ' r l I i I I I I I I r Gala Spri .nkl~-, . . . . .. • Phooe bells are rln8ini for Laguna BMch Eblll Club IMDlbers who are ~for tho -11111U•l"bonel!t Cllepy ~.11111 nu1 ~ in tlio Jialbo& Bay Club. . · Fi.Dal touches are being rende.Ud by 'various coriimittees under the guidance ol. b\lll e<><:halnnen Mrs. Lincoln Grilidle iD!I Mrs. N,01 Amsden , lor the affair, to begin w:lth .cocktails at 7 p.m:, followed by ilinner at s:;io p.m . Guests and members wiU enter through a giant pagoda Into the din~ ing area, which will be transtormed into an oriental wonderland, complete · with dance music supplied by Ronnie Brown' and bis band !tom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ~ ' Big and litUe trips will be among the many door pi:izes presented by Grindle, master of ceremonies. 'These will include two tickets to Hawaii, paid for by clubwomen, and two tickets to Catalina, a donated gilt. . . The.club, led this year by Mrs. Larry Hunt,' supports sev~al philan- thropic causes including~ worth of scbol~ps-to.Lag~dleach High School seniors. South Coast Community HospltaJ:,,American.Field Service and the Boys' Club also bav~ gained the group's. atipjlort: Pll>ceeds from . the }all, along with contributions from pattoos ~<dilnon, help· the dub caf/y on these proJects. Honored patrons include Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Eai:ty·8l>d Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick Proctor. . Patrons to date are the Messrs. and Mmes, GllglielmO Cini, C. A. Painter, John W. Solomon, John Weld , Adrien Pelletier, Tulley E. Brown, Carl W. Bull, George A. Gade, John B. Lawson, Sian Gill, Edmund Fair· child,_Dopald H. Teetor and "'8rry~Hunt. · -, ...L. Others are the ·Drs. and Mmes. Vincent P. Carroll, Keviri Carroll, William 1,Jllom, Robert J. Ralston and the Mmes. W. E. Rutledge,.Alfr~d f Payne, A\irian M. Ackerman, Andrew S. Hall, Glenn Mathis and M·aiy E. Maxwell. . Donors to date include the Messrs. and Mmes. Lester Boyle, Cecil Dewolf, Charles Dean and Leonard Brown. Blllinesses donating include Dean Witter and Co., Inc., La'guna Federal Savings and Loan, Acord) Market, Beach Constructioo Co.,·'CoJ::llelia Bigelow Gowns. and ·Sportnrear, Laguna,> Beach Lum tier Co., Lagwi8',~et Shop, Securify Pacific Nation•! ' Bank in Soµtb Laguna and South Lagunii'Hardw,re in Mooarch Bay. . others· are Ann Clrl!man Real h~~eW&y· ~· inc.; .BW Lambourne Coast Realty, MCCalla P , .ManllalJ ~Ropp ,~ •Estate-and !llSliranCe, Allen OldslllObil . · 'c,'.IDc. llid . .BIJJ ~s Cameras. · . ~ ' . · ·. ~ Mrs. Howard. Wilson of Three Arclll~~ ~·1• ~~t the affair, and Mrs. Alfred R. Hastie of Silieralct Jlay> Will pt sultaln- ing members. ., , · . .> • • ·~•'I.· '• . Committee women ass~ting the ca-cbainMn include the Mmes. Thornton Boswell, Rlcbard Racich, James Agnew, '.Winfiejd 'Shiras, Don~ld Knapp, Paul Chisman, Jay StOne, Gordon Brpwn, William .tongfield; AJ,dol'\. Clark, Eatl Steer, Clarence Carson, Robert Kellogg, Jack Snipes ancf \Villiam Hinwood. · • • • CHERRY BLOSsOM TiME-:}Vith the. Cherry.Blos- som . Ball ju5t arouna 'the comer, Laguna Beoch Ebeil•C!Ub·~--e&l'.e busy.d!ridlng,just what to wear; Mrs •. Larry(Hunt, club president (above) . · sho:ws her _huani(llif ~~e:~gfit for thepc- f estiv.it.ies =,·1Laun'.ched ' ' . I ' I I ! ' ( ' • ' • ' I ' J EAN cox;--.;.»-du .. 1Ht ~1 ..... 11 casioo, .blit· bis .Ull'tjoq ·-·to•lle focused on the ' bill. A!i!b <voc'WAed·1ilul\:~'(beiow, Jett to 1 Ofighl}flj!rs •. J~1 ri'; -~dvice ,fnin . ~rs. JIG.wan!. Wllfo\n .OJ!d Mrs, Bernhard Andenoil. The' Ebeil's 36tli iumoal bitneftt will begin with · a 7 p.m. 'cocktail hour• in the ·!lalhoa ,Bey Club .. . ' ' , Before traveling. to Balboa Bay Club for the .. Cberry Bl05aom .Ball next Friday evening, many lnerryniakers will get a bead start on f .. tivi- .ties at prtb.all. parties hotted by 11everal Ebell Club members and their husbands. '· Ball co-c.bairmen, Mrs. Lincoln Grindle and Mrs. Neal Amsden and their fiuStiaiilft,':Dr.""G~~ ·~na-Dr:-Ams11en-;-are-comblrlllfg force; for a party in th•. AJi.'~e~s: ~~raid Bay Home. , ...... I ' GUN~:Wfil',Incl(lcl~ ~· Drs.,·8lld ·Mm0s. Fred Smith, Robert Wood- ,vl)Jff, TliollW'Maulo; JW! Cfti!io, !lWJard Riddell and Frank Andrews. Also ,.,. invited art J4i's. 88~ ... Gt,.f ~ the Me$srs. an.d .Mmes. Si Painter, ' G~d'Bu(J'lll, 1l•l1ert:l:fci;lowen' lijid.1lalph Stokes. . ,, Mrs·'. Llrry1 ~unt;. CJ\lb 2tesid~t, and her husban4 will en~ert.ain sev- er-1 gueot1•in'llleir La&\llUI !ll!ach home. ThQse attendlng will mclude the .• Mj!ill'I. iobd' Mmes.Jolili Coooer,' l,O\l)s Zitnlk, James Arrqstrong, Willi&m Wikoieii 'iRd ,Dr. "!"I Jitra;· I!:a"'~'il Nell. Df. ~'Mrr, 'l!eriiiiant 'A.iiderson's Emerald Bay home will be tho aettinc, loJ' another ~y'1rliJCh' Ille couple \viii co-host with Mr. and Mrs. William Hin Wood· an~ Mr, .~1 ,Mis. Gordon 1~orbes. Guests • expected include Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Outmans, Dr. and Mrs. Ross McClure and Dr. and Mrs. George Bryant. · ' ·... · ' . Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fryer of Lag,una Beach will be busy entertaining the Messrs. and Mmes. Bill Lana, Harry Delaney, Jack Delaney, Jerry Goldenstern and Andrew Price. Others combining guest lists are Mr: and Mrs. Macauley Ropp and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson who will greet guests in the Ropps' Three Arch Bay home. Among those toasting the club's 36th annual benefit will be tho M~srs., arid Mmes. Fenis Borden, Harold·. Odmark and Jell Townsend. Alio prelent will be Dr. and Mrs. ·Joseph TOmchak and Col. and Mrs. Boyd C. McElhaney. ' . Guerll in·D'r. and·Mn. Stanley Eichstaeclt's ·La~unita home will>bo Ute Mesan. and Mmes. Fred Che!, Joseph Pedrotti, CliJ!ord Stanton, John \Yllllama, Robert Koop, Gilbert Hodges and, Bob Hurst. A preball party which Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knapp are co-hosting In their Emeral4 Bay home with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steer will include the Messrs. and Mmes. John Albade. E. Reese Allison. Frank Buck , Hal Strat- ton and Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Stellar. Frosted 'Bac .helo.r' Has ~ 'No .·Lo ve ~fo K ~ep Him Warm I • : DEAR ANN ·LANDERS: I married I a widow with a "JOIMlid ...,_ Sbe ' ... fine person. 1dmired by Ill who i-bel'. We had planned a two-week ' haoeymoO!I, but cut It to ei&ht da71 t becallle her son Ronnie cried on the I ~llphone every night. After every con- ~Uoo she criwt. too, which didn't • do much for our honeymoon. • ' -When we returned home Ronnie in-f listed on sleeping with his mother u he 1lw111 had done. Sbe oald the hoped I wouldn't mind "juA for one night." , According to her, the 1tpmtion wos I • tnU11111ic <'xperience !fir Ranni• Ind lhe wanted to reassure him thlt he badnolbeeoablndOned. Ta days haYe paued ~ the ·boy I A NN LANDERS ~ ts still In bed with his mother. I'm getting ohort on paUence. Liit nicht niy ~Wife calied me a .e1 maniac - immature and inconalderate. Whit do yQUee here! -MARRIED BACHELOR DEAit BA.CB: I tee a ..._ .... doesa't •••t to be • de. ne 1 • dtp•lelcJ wWtJri ............... .. ... ..,ftlsl1 ____ _ Awldowwklllowoi.'1•'4111• ....................... -ud"illlle_._ __ wtle pl -.ltllq 11 _., 8'<'1 hq ... m.. DEAR ANN LANDERs : 'n1is fs Oot 1 juicy problem olDd will problbly be c:onsldered dull by --but pleue prini 1t M)'Wlf~ \ # My hulband b 3J. Burt ls I nke 1ooldoc ..... but the '.)81'1 "".. not beeo kind to his body. Iie bu put on too mucb •"'111. his stomach 1Ucb out Ind llll olloulolen ... from cony~ the ut.r• load. Burt looltl at leut' two Incl.es "abO/ter because al llll llOIX; ~ . J•,am. litJ< Ind tln!d al ---11 ay, "Stand atraJ.ght. Sit 9111, pall J'OUI' ahouldOn beck. Suck in .,,_ bll lat 1111 •• • ." Ind ~ · leor ,.ntoel reminders. Plesse, Aon, help me 'find w«dl !hit will do the job. -BIG BELL Y'S WIFE DEAR WIF!i: Ever ..... ol lddt wlle •re '<me&iMr MllT'' T ll 1 • e ,...,.,. ...... Mc-. • Metil I led ..... -....... tulllle)' ... , .. ....... ------· I Alpecl )'OOlr -It - llOt "' llllrt'• -,.._ loll -..... _ .. a.fl! ...... n._. clll d -· &.-. -llllloo '· .. a eaultW ud' lean wUt'1 really ..... ~Jtl.. • . DEAR ANN LANDERS : ·How can I cet ttl1 u-mother~law to let me run my own We? My wife died three )'W'I aao and our daugbtert: are. 19 and· 21 ~ bmlly bibles. The , 1~11 ment Grucbtlt '1 t.Ue-over Uictics aa much u ' I do, but there seenill to be M way~ to pt free fl. this well·meaning but opprt.llive woman. Three lime! 1 week she comes to the house to coolt dinner. Wt go to her place every Swday. I fee.I IOl'TY !fir her (JllJ wHe -her only da .... I«) but lht • demanda more or our lives •thin wt WIJll to livt. ii tlMn I Wlf out! ~ CC!NNEX;'!'IC)JT Y ANICEE Dll:All YANK: y,. -1111 ,..'11 bYe I Tel .., ... Pio> wul ..... - llMlr ,lrleodo• .. -.... ,.. ... ... , 10 Ille ~ Cllk·lu .... tlf. Oo<e ,.. -!bl ,. ..... ,_ Uvea wW be 111r ew11. •When romanUc 1lances twia to warm embraces is It tove or chem.Lstry? Send for the booklet "Love or Sex and How to Tell the' IliH"'"'Ce," by AM Landd Enclose 1 loog, stamped, 1tU-oddr.- envelope and 35 centt. in coin with J'OLif request. -r;M'tinden will be &lid to b11p you with your probloms. Senil lhllla to her In care ol the DAIL T Pllhl', encl0$lng 1 lllmped, •H...wn..d envelope. ' ' -________ _... -----• - ; Getting Acquainted Over Coffee I Faculty Wives of Orange Coo.st Biid Gdden West , co11-wtn get llCq1l8lnled '1'm coff~ee ~tlJ"~~-. :z-llame al l>r. and Mn. James ......... ..,...... i , AprtJ 19. Mn. Laurence Carl.ocln, Faculty W ves president, and Mn. Robert M00<e, wife o! ··---.~ ... ------..-.. -----·-··--. __ ,,,., ..... ,. occ·s ·pieaillent, will pour, ......iiJll: to Mn. Brano lee Hubble,.dlalmwl al the nent. lln. Fred Gan:la (left), greets Mn. Car11oa (cenltt) and Mn. Moore, first arrtva!J. HoroscoR8 -. . ~ -. . Aquarius: lnve'ntiveness ·Pays 'ruESDA y gracious without b e 1 • 1 in< mtr<ly -ume. Good ll ta fO Iii« K. Sollcll aid · maudlin ,_. received In COllllt<lioo of Tnnl lndMclual. APRft 15 CANCEa: (June Zl.July with heallh, emplQ)'PIMt. Do IFTODAYISYOURBlR111· IJ' llYIJNU. OllAJlll :!2): Maintain...,. of humor. IOlllel!lo( nloo I« .-tote, DAY you llke com!ortJ of ao(•••u TIP Clear You receive reward fer job co-worSAGmker.Ann~ (N 22-home. You are daring and well done. Someone may try .ruv~ ov. could succeed in ctealive ....,...; .. IJlllet. a.ck to claim credll Light touch Dec. %1): Fav~able IUJ'l:81' areas. Reward due for past ef· N1etJ ..,__ 0., ... J!: is required. U you laugh, you ,atiPf:Cl Wd_ay ~ with forts, U aingle, marriage is on ---~~ .. ,,.~,';J~a.___ win romanUc mterests. Good horizon . ..---. relat10ns Indicated w I t h rla&hd ............ eopae to LEO (July 23-Aodug. ~):_ cbildresi. -You gain .through In To~ ':'~ ·~11• ·~~~r. l~.J..~ -wltt l&Ut U.. *' arnqe ~lunar aspect .t ay c0:m creative endeavors. Give and ~n1',.!nd11oo;~:;,'S~ "~ia ud ~. Lair ,..W... tides with vacation, travel you also will receive. !;t.91!! 1:"lfA1~ 2\rOf. ::!'!;..l em..... des U.. of plans. Be aware of details., CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 2~~4mfi.~"'''' 'il1r~' Mew ork> vllioL Gel r14 of dJllt«. Check fine pnnt. Be suro of 1.,.. F" ·~ ••· tha b · costs, budget. Then you will .• ,. U1J;:1u ra"' ... ': n . egin. be well prepared. Ultimate ·Tate long:range view. Fine fo,r pleuure u reiull. ~ecoraUng h?me, be~.li· AJUl!:s (~21-AprlJ 11),· y.,.. appemoce ll dwbly Im· poriloll )'>d4Y. A..id aloppy -.You~aln-illy -ftnmw:ltJy it dlpper;Deal ' CJde llllb. Opportunlly : . ~. Proceed rib con- t fidmce. You're I wilmer, TAVIWI (April »-May •>, . Whit 1'a.s 1'arfuJ Js trwform- ' eel to·ramantlc area Means you' ... lnlrl&uod today with D1Jll«Y. Break thruup to new enterpr".IX:I. Cycle.Js on way up-a:et ready. GEMINI (May lf.June 20)' Wonderful hrr winning friends, lnfluenclog people. Your In- tuition ii: sharp. You can be at right place at r i a: h t time. Surprise gilt I.! clue. Be VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. :!2), fYUll SljtTOUll(lings. Fa11uly · hannony can be restored. ~ate, parlnes' lhowi acumen 3'lle.atep1 ill that direction. m money·ha1111lmg. Sland back AQUARWS (Jao. :Ill-Feb. a n d ~ an oblerver. G 1 in . lll). EJDMa.Hs on ideas short shown 1! you of>are "l'OWght. · ,....... • ~eenl doo't try to make all journeys. N~w contact pro~es tbe decis:klrm. Legal affairs -valµable. ~ plan which show Improvement. . fOUld speed suwly of >~ UB(\A (Sept. n-Oct. 22): it.em. Be creatlv~~ If tnyenlive, Al!Cel.t 0 n partnenbips )'OU galn needed captta:I. afireemMts, rel_,. with P~ (Fell: It-March 20)' mate, partner. Key Is Gm indicated. m ~$>ns, diplomacy. You gain by mak-cash. Money picture br1ghteps. ing intelligent concessions. Follow through on h.unch. You You Jose through an attempt can get what you need. Key to force issues. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): See persons, situations in realistic light. Wishful think- Young Artists Placed In Gallery Spotlight YOldh'1 ~to art will be op<AHptm llalurdayl aod SundQI darinfl the month of April ln·the Costa Mesa Art ~ ~allery, 51S Center St. Leadership 'Dietated' Orange ~y llarbjlr Alu Leg<! .Secretaries will select new leaders when they meet nm Wednesday in Feliciano's rem&urant, Newport Beach. Cocktails will be ierved at 11 p.m. with dinoer sche4ul~ at 6:30. Reservatiol\9 ~ being taken by Mrs. Michael Bartlett at 646-0593. Fashiorn Still the Same Sb.ldent members of the teaaue will uhlbit their work from 1 to 5 p.m. wee1kend3. A beginner's cJass tor adults will begin Friday, April 181 from t a.m. t'o noon. taU.ght by Mrs. Biel. Classes are open to the public and there is a $3.50 fee per class. Clyde Zulch will blStrucl in- termediate classes beginning Wednesday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Covered wnt be landscape, marine and floral painting. A fee of $5 per class will be charged. Feminjni.ty Stressed The young artist!:, ranging tn age from 9 to Zl, including beginners under t b e in- struction of Mrs. Donald Biel, will show works in oils. acrylics, pule!, ink, wood cul!, photogriphy and ceramics. CAROL PALM To-Say Vows Troth Told In Candle Ceremony Chi Omega members lea.m- ed of the engagement of their sorority sister, Carol Palm to Millard Ray Muir during a · tradiUonal candle passing ceremony. in the sorority house at San Jose State College. Miss Palm, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Bernhard N. Palm or Fullerton, is a graduate or Newport Harbor mgh Sdlool and is a senior at SJSC, ma- joring in recreation. She recently was selected for "\Vho's Who in American Colleges and Universities." Her fian..."e, son or Mr. and flirs. Howard K. Muir of Tacoma, Wash .• also attends SJSC and Is a jwrlor majoring io physical therapy. No weddlng dale baa been chosen by the couple. JOIN THE lllDGE FUN AT MAT COi lllllG&.lllADI WY! ---·'"' YllGINIA llAGAN ACll. Ufe M•"' Ac.c.r. Mm• .W.• THcher will c:onduct a 1erie1 of 10 weekly lllDGE WSONS FOi IEfilNNUS AND IAFFUD INTUMIOIA TU. "l'LAY-As.TOIMIAIN" ,. ... Id , ........ No Mlof IKlw• ••. OM---· MAY CO TIAIOOMS 7:30 • f:OO ,..... c... ..... ,... .. ,, $_1.00,. .._ ......... e eouN l'OINT COUNT ffATUllD SMm wfflr flf M"*r, Aprtl 21 call far ~Uom l'llV c• ••yf)\ c11•f ,1111 1111 4 i11• frwy 11 ltrhtel, c•tf1 1r1111 Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it choice." Designs h a v e n ' t changed from last year. The costume look dominates. Skirts are relaxed or pleated. Wallts, back where nature 1ntended · them, are belted or not. Hems still are above the knees and are predicted to sl.ly there for aome Jhne t.o come. ·.'.JI' . ~- Scarves continue as the big accessory news and are worn as scarves, beadband3: or belts. Heavier COllume jewelry - inootly In chalt white -Is returning:" And, evenfri& w e a r sUU lights up with 6eading, sequins and crystals. Featufed will be Mark Tbomu,. 12; Bobby Foss, 13; Emily Cainol>ell, 11; KaL~y Sylvia, II; Kenneth Mount, I; Keilh Platte. H; Carol Lopez, 15; Greu Hay, 13; Bruce lllctmao, 11:. Call>! ffi1:kmao, lS; Bob F1anapn, 11; ·suu.n ll-pert, 18,, aod Leon Mon- !apert, ZI. . . Bartlett-Eidson Troth Told · Also an display will be wood canlnp by artist A 1 Femhart. May Rites Scheduled Sing-in Sounded Harborlltes Chapter o r Sweet Adelioes, Inc., will participate in a Sing·in tomor- row in College Park School, Costa Mesa. Oraoge County chaptus will each present a COltumed ren- dition of DWDbers prepand for the recent regional com- pelltlon. The Newport Beach men's cbapler of SPEBSQSA will entertain and the evening will be eonc!uded with a nburaal for the forthcoming Harmony Day at Knott'•. Berry Farm and refreshments. Soroptimists Soropclmi.9C Club of Hur.- tlngtan Beach gathero II LZ : 15 p.m. the aecond and foorth Tueedays in Francois reataurant. ' for 2 days; Hilo, H1w1ii, for 1 day, and Kona1 Hawan,· fOJ 2 dlys. Plen1y of time to Sit ~I Htw~I. without 1flt bot!ler of chln&tiw hotels. If l'"' hM IO dlys, Wl'll lly you out to Hmfl 11111 bllCL II JOU ""' 2 ""ks toke 1flt IJJrllno I" fivt alalloul.,. et sea one-way lflll fly tllt otll« ...,. ffilelt'• a portlcalarty sttrscti>t fh fw !his l(lt- clal 15<111 pllnJ Thi ultimate in~~" Is !ho full 2ll<loy crulst vacation far -""' on jay tllt nnat In holldly IM111. F"" be1ln II $437 for th1 10-dey lnterislond cruise. Book with us noW fOf' the season's rr11test Hawoilon trml DllPOrtunity. Coota meoa :lrave! Agenc" 230 E. 17lfl St., Costa Mesa -Phone 646-4431 SAJElY INRJIMATI<ll: SS llrtlao,. ~Ind hi !ho U. S, mtlfttillly -lllllnlltionll Slloly St11idl11!s for now lhilll dm~ In 1960, ond meats t1le 1966 flrt Slltty Reqir;r-m. _ Anyone wishing information on classes may call the league president, Mrs. Richard In- grant, 549-1667. The league has scheduled a three-day uhibit and sale. May 8-10 in the league gallery. Procffds will be used for the building aDd1 ch ol a rs hip funds. Art Le119ue You don't have to look twice to see here's something really new in wedding sets. All in 14 karat te xtured gold. Clockwise from top left: $495. $450. 8250. "$295. ·SLf\.VICK'S ~t'll Since 19t7 .It F11hion hl1nd N1wporf l11ch -6+4·1 110 .. Lake Part Clubbot&se ts the setting for meetings of the Art League of Huntington Beach on the first Wednesday j or each month at 7:30 p.m. ' YDllr Chll"ll• Account W1kome -8•'*"mtrk1rt:r. M•1!.,. Ch••g~. '°" 01*! Mond1y, Frld1y 1.1t1tll f:Jll p.m. Lile-like FULL COLOR ' ' . portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per subject, two per family. \April 15th thru April 20th ~ 6 DAYS ONLY! l PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS: 110011 11 I PM .DAILY• SUN. 1111 S PM WHITE FRONT ....... _ .... COSTA MESA 3081 BRISTOL AVENUE I l r I l ' I ' • ' t ... ' ... • • • ---'-·--"':' .... 't-"' • . •ltor EDIT'ION' VOL'. 62, 'NO. 89, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PA6ES . , -.' I ' TEN~ ' . -. - School, OCC Races Go Bef o~e ·Voters ·,T1ltSd3y . • ' . . " . Twelve ~ are -king 1aur with !netl!nbeal, Warth Keene.ana_.i leililen, the Rev. Mr. Henry·E .. J..,..ud Tbo•·Dlllrkl f ·eanlal II bet,.... ln- Newport-M... Unified Scbool Dillrlct and -o.p_H. Rodda J•. fl<-Alm F; -· . • -Lloyd E.. Jllo.,,... Jr. Mil l>oatd wll lo be·decid<d by IUrbor Atta' lnC ""'1• tho ±a"eop ..t oelf~ Mn. Lllly-bHr1Jty ,bU · -· m ber GOnlml C.'M-.: volersTuaday. lluda>l,-Jalln!.oVa\llho. ..-U..PaloroJ-:boredoWn.-'~~to!ID'an•uiielpired A1!o oo the baUol Wfil be llne can-Al in the on,.. Coal cailelt, tbe m•allfced. CClllCfalmel>l;Of plaDi ,!if -=-~ ;co, ~ ... lr~Dililm'ye i:i.: dldalalorti.o ... 11mtbeOraiiaeCou1 Newport-.nc, Is 111 dlalrict,.wlth ......-, wbil be.caJls'poor ~ '-'-"" ---~ Junior College Dlatrict 'boan!. candldala cppcllin( only thole who Dve reoullJ and need 10< a dlJtrtct 'fileitlooil be a ·....,.Jedpable boon! 11"""ber and Polls wW be open from 7 a.m. unlil I In tbe same -ajlble ...a. How .. er, blih ocbool. Bender ~in tbe .._, he he now Is ~to ....,_ ""' 111- p.m. -thnlulbllut•tbo ld>oOJodlltrlet vot. · uys, becauie be 1s 'd~ wlth tlie · wltnient In Perl"cirmance:'ik"1s 1;; at. Most interest has centered On the for one candidate In flltil trustee area. -performance <>f flexible scbeduttng at torney. · Newport-M ... raoe. The Orange Coast • District l 'incumbenl l'h:L EU..beth M. Colla Mesa mgb Scboo1 where bis, -MO<>eW, a· lOnrier -·""° Junior College race bu been lackluster, Lilly ill beiq dllJleniod 111 two ...,. and daucbinr .aUend. recall,J .._ builneoi, !>is called tor • '· ' . . . ., .... v ....... alio ... Or-. °"""* ~ Oollip candkl•. ti"• -Oa: t t rt. · nif7 W. llajl.ls ,,-.. at. UC~ nr~.John w~4 Cb•r:t•u.·a, v..a~xr; sp _....,._,Jaw..,....., ... :f&"::~~ lliolllo'lilm ... ,·lo -7, '--. H. Vll*A!!an le ........,... by•a,- PnLS. ~r juol • Jw:.-,faar :JOUI ... . . ' e:;uss-~ ... ' .. Nixon Sends Proposals 2nd . Track ~ ~.De'.ath To Congress Cyclis.t Killed in 8(1,Ceway Cr~h WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prealdent Nixon aeot ·an informal State of tbe Union message to eoogr... today, llrlihl im- mediate action on 10 major proposals in- cludini lncreaaed Social Security benefits and federal revenue sharing with the stat.es ,00 local govenup.ents. The .message ' signaled the· nm lxoad- scale effort· of the President to spell out a domestic program for congressional en8ctrrient this session. He ai:lvised the House and Senate that detailed messages Of tbe 10 top priority prvposals wW be aent to Congress startlnl this week. Nixon also indicated a number of longer-range iegislltive recommendltif.llS he will ~ke la!er. Nlxoq observed that he had decided to fo~go au.tJmitting a formal Sta~ al. the Union mesaap after be WU inauguraited Jan. :Ill. lie' aaid ·today's preview WU In lieu of ... IQCb: a mauge. Tlie 10 ~..-... odlon" ~ -were .... ,.,~·.·-·~: .,,. -In<:rri'liC! 'Soda! ·-1 ·llaieflt< aimed at.<111"'1iol 1111 "'"" -ol u.. ' .. ,. ' d-' -BeClnnin1 piam "" ~ r ....... rtvenues witb state and· l 0 C I governments. ' -New laws·to combat orpnb:ed crlme, especially racketeerlni. narcotics ped- dlln& .and poi:nograpby. -Jncreaaed equal employment op- • ~~·credit incentive program aimed at enlisting tbe businela community In !Ocial wellare and antipoverty proerama. -Reorganhatlon of the P08l Office Department. . -Home rule and:t .o n gr es s 1 on a representaUOD for the Disirict of Colum- bia. -A three-year tu reform program ~ that will plug b>pboles used by some of ~ the wealthy to escape heavy tu payments and ·eventually revile lhe en- tire tu lllruclure. ...,Stepped.up llbor and manpower pro- crams including hnprovements 0 f 9nemploymenl insurance. llfety, and job • , llcement progrun!. ~ . -Stepped-up development of airport .and airway faclllties and mass transit 'ystems. f. I The ·President made no apology for ' delaying the submissim of bis legislative i , demands. "Jt will be the goal of this ad- ministration lo prOJlO"' only legislation that we know we can uecute once it becomeS law." the message said. "Mere- ly making proposals takes only a typewriter; makln& workable proposals tates Ume. We bave taken this time." _ C.Ollege Custodian Dies From Boml:) It!}s · Oselir Night: Show. Streamlined, M®es to LA. . . ' HOJ:J, YWOOD (lJPI) -The Aeademy Awards, minul perennial master of ... emon10.. Bob lfCIJIOl'toril&bl will.-t • .streamlill<d ,....... ,of 'the tradWooal Oscar ~tkms. \ ' Gqoe, wiil be tbe ,1r,dlUOQ11l .n1111ine ol Introducing .a .pair of stars ll<far~ .each awanl, who then opened tbe ltaled en- velope ud, after a , IUipenseM pause, announced the ~· A!llO ablent wilt be 1he tlme-<jmsum·. tor walks lo the pOdlum by tllt wldn<n. In !act, the usual pnitlce 'ol , having 1tand-lm· actept Oscars fqr abeelrt winners will be eliminated. In . place ol Hope and tbe llring of ··~nters'' will be 10 notable stars who '..w·dlstribute the sta\\Jettes. Theae boo11 and hostessei.include Fronk Sina· tra, ,Jane J'ooda;. ~ijlney roiilB, Steve .M~and Burt Lancaster. ' Tbe ~ 110.-'C!Jlm. pion, ~ ·of IOVerp )l"'""'y hit p~ who Is directing-the ceremo- nies !« the tinf.time. Altbougb-Hope ii . ' ' . ' I not n\utft' of ceremofties this year' t he is expected to appear on. the show. • KaUWine 11epbulli· ""'1d beconie . the fu!i actress hi the a.year hill<>o> of tbe awards to wm· three Oscars. Stat 1won last year for. ~·~ Who'•. COmlng to Dinnef, ,; and tor "Morning Glory'' .in 1933. 111iJ ~ ~ was nominated for "1be Lion in Win~r." which abo is a coill<nder for best motloll· plclnre ·of 11111: ' A1so in the running. is· Barbra Strei; sand, who was ·nominated tor' ''Funhy Girl," the fb-st ,picture abe evtr made~ Patricia Ne.al •is a sentimental favorite in ''The Subject Wu Roses." She sur~ fered ·three near-fatal-strokes thl'fie ~~ ':r:~bt back to reaume her Vanesia, Redgrave wu nominated for ••tsadora" and Joanne Woodward for "~Raebel" . Oaiy t.o ol tbe -;-, Mia Strel- stanil and...-w-....i, wore~­ ed to altencl toni,rht'• pnsenlltlom by the Academy of Moti'"' Picture .Art.I and SclencO&. At Santa Barbara. C.Ounty Employes GOLETA (UPI ) -A ~~ear-old CU!lo- ~~~~). ~ aci.f°oodf fJ~! vi!r!), Alan :Vkln (The Heart Is a Lon<ty lftmterJ, Alan Bates (The Eber), and Peter O'Toole (The Lloo in Winter). By ARTHUR R. VIN8F.L ot ...... , ....... . A molnrcycllol taking hJi last lap Of the day WU ' 'killed SUbday -lnlrled head !Int Into a fence at Or111111 County In~timaJ.RaC.Way,'the teconcl fatall- ty there In • fOllN!ay pertoi!.• Davis G.iiMI, 28, of Leis Angelei, WU dead 111 arrival at Santa Ana Community llolpltal after II• 16 p.m. accldeo~ during • warm.up aeaslon "for tbe 1961 Gram Prll 'cycle rldng .....,., . Guard Saves . I , Unc0nscious ' 1.s • ~ .. kiq ·l>iye ~~~. ·1 t ,iii' f <,w1 .. ;,/ 1:-l'_,.._. .... , • . ' , ·a :q,,ur..,, Vaa'Nuya -""'! wu •t> 9Jb:c·C11'•-SUndlJ•u ~all!J. ~-;:,;! .~lb ,_,_.,. -palled-...... "*n the .... um .-.,i a .HflllliiiltGe llarl>om: man'.•. 3Uoot ~bl~. Gilbert P'!'leY Of 5640 Cb"ter S-. "u pulled,Uoard 1be 0 Pl.umate" owned by Jean Armind, 11141 w. Cout HlgbWay at*""' p,m.,li111>day. Armand Immediately radioed for ·Coast 1Gtiard assiataiice. A Harbor Deportment "'...,ni boot air.trod· the, call and met the Pllymate at about ~ Point o!J Corona del Mar. The dlVer bad been. picked up o!J Pier Rock, just north of Lacuna'• Main Beach. ' ¥ter ~rfency_ trea~I aboard tliO llf~cuanl boat, ~m:stey :wu taken to Ho il g ·Memortil Hoopltal · In Newport Bei.cb wbeie he1 wasrreleaaed .ifter treat-ment. l, • ''I would say that Armand was In· strumental in · 11v1ng the man's life.'' -Department Sgt. James Za~ta said.· . Joan Baez S~ys She's Ex~cting SAN J06E (UPI) -Folk slnier Joan Bau Is expecting. • The 28--year-old antiwar cruaader 1t'U :;.~.::i,·~ ::-~::: past week<DCI. II wW be her first chlld. "I mlcbt a,rwen teli you now becaUst it w1U cocDe.oUt aniway," Mill Baez aaicL "I'm pftgnint." ' Her husband, David Harris, wu not around to hear tbe. ~t. The former student body presJdent at Stan- ford Unlvenlly WU partlci~tlng In ···1~ in at bis tlma mater. Harri.I, 23, bu be:tn convicted of draft refusal and, unleu a reven:aJ ill won in hlghor court; will probably belin aen1n1 a three-year tentence in June. Chairnµfr~~of (WP 1Jrg~ .. . ' . ; . \ Involvement~ With · Youth , ; '< •• . ; r·,f;., t I , ... ,. "~ :s ! •·t":.' ·_; ,. ~ '•~( ' • _ I 1 ' l'., ' elillndfjrlM ~~:1"..iwcb B.··Morlal -(B-Md.), ~·. .. . . N!ml •hH-~; JodaY·IOliifOlve-·11 -~-· Oldoollldllllro-.111bto blolnltiyouU>m11Jll; . ' • .. Wjtliatlbi' -itl ·~·to Ibey·~ k -"-llN'r .,, ' j deelll60. But ~ 'wlnninl 'elec!lona ·o.JJ W.b·lli lilil Mt 'wis Democrall dllalfect. . ~ I~ m the Praldent'I ..,. Morton, noplaclng Ray Biiai u ~ · lliins; . cbalnnan, lold the RepuljlcM~ .-.-Did that-tho --m!llM CommJtlee blwilly' .the ~ ,..,,... i.t· ~bu -pmnlaed that ·"Ibo year's pruidentlal electloo men -fuD 1ilUlcle of a Repubttc111 ad- of dissatisfaction among the votn thin minlltratlcin will be aotng for u " enthuslum f~ ~ GOP cmwticlate,. BU., who pr.iiieid over the.oinollftee "Thequellioa ls,"'he,sald:b\·~lial-!" lil'tlli li......rnt 1• ind 1111.._, a talk at, a closed 'lt.Mian, 0 ar.t ft.;,a wM ·lotted Out ot_ the chairm.Whtp· to political party ca~ble o( 1llradlac -man way for a new 1tader more adepl generations, capable ol ~ Jn publlc pruentatlon of the Republican government in oor own rill>!. capal>jo .o! TiftpijiiL. .. · · · · wlnninl el~ns-.,_ ~ whll ri-an · 1¢ ho'! r.~ perform, 1 , / 1 , , , "Or are· we. standby for.Ult~ w· k d T ffi ., ~"!e;i~ to .... only .. ~ ·.~tyta : ~ e, J;J. .• · rQ .· e for failure? · · 1 "I, for_ °'!'; wiJI nOt ~-!~ ~ Aceidell'tS Kill .Republlciln Porty tbe role of apare tir1.bi American politics." In lheddlng their role u • minority .Two If' ~unti·a· ns ; party, Morton aald, 'Repi!blicanl ·....t \..Al become "muaive1y iavolved w J t b million! of young people, with mllliml of black people, with miDlool ol -•peo. pie, with American Indians, wttb national and ethnic IJ'OUpo, ·farmers, ..mor cllluns and city ·folk. • ' , ••we must care .about their prebkms. ·their bopa, their ·lrustralionl •aod dre!ml," be said. ''They ft not pollUcal commodlU., to be dealt with In bult:"' IA blocs. They· ate · port of ·a gfeat . eoUty wbicb· II America and all that It ~ for." In bill prepared remarltl•Jolortm.- no rererm:. lo.the cootr.vmy•.,•rthl " . NEW YORK (AP) -The llncli ·-clOIEd on a klwer note toda)'u .. lm-.W malnta!Ded a cauiloue fltllude. (lloe quotations, Paga lt-15), Trading near the end wu alow. Tbe Dow J-industrial •-al'l :IO p.m. WU ol! l.M polnll at lllOAO. TWo 0ran11 Qiunty noldents ...... illf. ed in !raffle acctdenfa en the --. Jama R. Soaton,. M, of Dru, Jell bill life Jn a two.ear crub on &tea CmvOll R""!l I09 feel narth of the Orqe CGualJ .line about 10•16 p.m., ~·. Tbe 'driftr ol the ·-car, Jerry A. -..•.o1--._w I•· ' Coaoi)o Tnllki 1• a:' .,.,... 'hll 41 aerioiiii.Y lnjlnd. lie Is .. SI. Jude ilolpltal In FuDortm. On SU D day, at 11':21· p.m., 1Jta{pb ·~ pt.s 1 e·a a •. U. of Gaf.den Gnrvf wu killed when his car went out of -· -bll 11» center divider Oil the--Garden Grote rriri'ay n • 1 r MancbelterA-,·. His .poaeiier. Pllj>Dla Dun, 21, ol Lonr·lkach, Is In~ condition In the Orinp Couiit1 Medloal Center. ....... dian at the University lJf California at Askin p ffik Santa Barbara tiled Sanday nlglll from g 8 y e injurlts and buma auf!ered wheo a Ume · bomb exploded In the lacully club Friday. An 1.25 perceet r-raJ tncruae In Dover o. Sharp died at Goleta Valley Orlllll• County .einp1oye salaries, el· eommunlly Ilolpltal where he was being feclive ~-'" J, anil an addltimal lncreaae truted for bumi om 'lO percent of his ~ Harvard Showdown Neats ' .... . Pl\lcll1 --~ .. 'l'llelday'1 horta!D fiir the ~ ~ bnl 111111111 -WI II will _.ii • the tempnma, balda In tho body severe laceratiem, u eye injury of 3 percent' ••to (;1)JUpelUie far the an- •nd mu!Uple lractum ol the right band. nual failure to ellmlnate tbe lq time He had been In "vwy critJcal" condltion. betften the Janulry 1a1ary oaruy date ' ( _ ~ -~ olplckedtbe -~•.' ~:·. and tbe July I t!!,.,U.0 'c!afO ol· in-;;;; ; kii'.i.. go .. ~ ... School al· ........ -b9!I -~.by the By Uallii ,_ _, . ... bulJdlnc ... ·camp., ii ocoopled It fic1als said he "~ examining t!"' """' Counly Employd AllOclaUon. A student fllrike mcbed the 11>01"!°'"' ""'1d recommend that the llS-yaaNld Students Occupy Deans' Offices at _Boston: U. !liner ,.ben it exploded. The total · 11.25 jltrtent tncruae, U stage at Harvard Vni•erally · today. unlv,.llty be cl*. u!'°o1bl:_si:::,~"f..1:1'if.; .,!Dtec1,would-~tupa1m'51o11 Students occupled/Jl!.e '~'o<~}~· ~=/~;"~~ .. ~ alldlnt glus, doon et the club and char-mllJ!on. Lu\ year. '1."'.lf employU ·''.'\ · deOfl!I at ne~ ~'1-~~" · , · · :a!IV ito<!'N Jiad ld(oo civer tJi!o ""'91'•: ~ lbtwalls, ' ,. ...,_,., l~ ...,,...~ ooo!lnc_i•!o'~ A ·declareclllltee'dhil!r!t<•ai'~ linindaf~'•· •. ,, _. UCSB olllc1als llld Ibey had no lbal1 lf'lnJlllon. wu In fll third day Ind stuiltall ...,.. Today, about lllO studenta-Wide!' the auapecta In the -bing. Campuo Fire 'Ille employee -tioa salary ~ ICbeduled to meet .I< ~ ~ lo !-~'<! Sluc!ents for a Demdcrlllc Qllef Arthur T. MeGarry Hid tbe bomb quat Is pr-ltd In a ,.._ "'""1 --IL ii. ll'ol<~ GI -·•t • Soclfl1 -~ ~Jµas ~com- consllled al a balf-caDon wine itil filled -!Ol wmded to <bmy Pa-..i mldinorninl ...,..,. 1;11ot;.\rve 'l*10lY pus moll ......,.the C<Ndrl -mom with IOll\e .-1e liquid -perhaps DQedor WWlom C. Hart Ill' John. R. attended. . ", '. · ~tbeolllcesof-~Olrtlsl p!OIJ...-.ab<-lndl~~ packed Sawytrf _.t -er of the a-i.. The llrlie at ~WU <alleil a ml~ lhiCllal. , '. witll an uplollve , •• Umlnc Uon. pr<>IO.t the • of ~ Poli!:o'to Clli1lso llfd .. ~ .... °""' device ml • bollery. In • coverinc teller .. Hart,' Sawyer end ... _,.u..; ·.,;-., '""'°"' ... ~ -·· -~lo'wwlt .,, • ...,., ~ ,..,.. no _. ln)ni., and clalntl that "lalary levels for .......,._ rnlniltratlon balldW, ;!Ml"•...:.·• -~ ~· " .,,. ..W..lill;•.i, dam age to the club was estimated at ~cltaific"Uona In <nnp COunty continue Hlf'Vard C«p., ruMi--i&t:r11f HiCMM.' ufd. f ' • ,.-~ •• -1·: 11,000. tolagbehlndotlo<rleadln(countles." lulledawwnil>Jover!he..-lhatil Um'Wt at B11t1n Unlvvalty b9!I II • • m&ddle •'s. w • • - .. - I I IWlY ,l'llOT • Monday, AJlril.14, 1'69 • ...._ -------------------------------------........_ --------.... ..... ----------------......---...... ' --~-' «..WA4-«.w.~---M,-WJ41W.!l.U..~~¥LWV----=-~-~l~ ";-{ -._-l ~ ~ ·~ ... ,,, ' ... , ~.0·~ s~: ~ol .~9ices ·, · : .. i.~ir. -~--.·.11.c_:.tion· . to Sunny. :(}ali,~nii2i. ~ • Tiie DAILY PILOT HComm&ndl Ibo tOIJo.rtai ,M•dklltN Iii· . • . " -• 4 'l,'lleadl,Y'S 1ehool elecUons. • , · • r. , _ • _ $'. ·.' N;,.port-Me.0:-U..111..i w..I Dhttlct ' • ., UNiCl ll&llllAN ofdioc1r~-lotheocean. ·' mqulne. All ll'Olllld •people~ • , • -Dlotrlotl •. . ... _...,_ . •• Y•lllrl1-llfibtillrallali.hirl • "" --~"Ill ' ,._ '-~:ElliitiOt!iM.'Lm,.,~-::-. ..-\ ---=··· uil••t "" ........ ~··blab!•• PILOT ·'· ' ~iiu;"ft~ ~~...,J · Dloirlct 4 ~ · '" "'--!.~::..t.. l ~ j, ..... ~tlolila · •0 ..... d'll l!oc,an yow-thine. Yoo · "here tto.p 1 ,, · .' run-~ Gordon C. Morn>w X -lilriw~ · ..,, -ntn· clolbe., because O . 'k'. like Jemmlop., n .. lhO,i.,.Uk:. l w J. Dl.lrlct 5 Now, tt lbould he explained thll la the C.Ulomla ,11 balmf oil the time. · LOGB O ' •for•..,,_ to do>lt-'!,'loi>pCt.y did "' ... ~ OQI -• 0 I So lbere I .... the olber .. -II ii; leelh ..... dlatla:lni and my lei(! Donald A. Strauss, Incumbent " · · • X hll the bead!:' In-Malibu. Or rather, drlvln( up and down , turning the same o,l\Odt p1 ·aqua u /il:f' Dlotrlct.7 .• itead. you mab a the Coast Hlg~way looting for a place to Callfotni.mlde bWnll . , :f Roderick H. MacMillian, Jnc'uriiJient -X daf ol lt, ud call it park. I finally found a perfect spot, on So dld-'Jlie· otiier Dl•Wonlllppers. Bui The sky turned ~r, and I wal'lli! ~ 0,.-_.... c .... 'J~nlor Coll•. Dlllrlct. toloir· to the beach. the edge ol a llb:-foot d(<I!>. The edge thort wu a dlff-, becauae they somebody to l"!"t. Ii~-· _;.i ·• -_ , , You pock a bicll, I mov'od dooer· to the wbeele u I apun • , I could stand IM1q'loN~r. ~~ Wot1ji Xeene1 Incumbent • •· , X ~.ol.~ In lhem·ln the und. were tanned arid I wu not..,.They awayed pride to lhewlndl;1'blohliad·-- George H. Rodda, Jr., .Jncumbeii_t X cue it (tla <old, • I produced the requllite blanket, lince triumphantly ln ilieir tnmu and bikinis ed 20 miles per .bout, I des<rttd, °""' portable radio or boards are not my tblng, and !C11Jnbled and looked very comfortable. I reached sheepishly clan1bf.red up the same bank '- TV, books and mag-down the precipice to the beach, bitting it for my worDhirt and noticed stares of had. so bljthely ~ .d:<)wn an I\ o u ,f. -· at 1:17 p.m. . . lncndullty. . ' • . -before. My tll' '\'ai 1t111 lioV.tlni ea;, 4 ,. Here-lt'1 a difftre:r4 thing. U_~ pt At 2:11, the sun vani.ahed, and a ch1D. Tbt Wind lncnued ltt force. I Jay· pectanUy. ·. 1 • ' :; !Ired of dr!vln( aloog ,lhl C!llll llltllWll', wind w~tled Jn from the ocean. 1 prop. down, al<ically. grilltng Ill)'• teeth' qalnlt Al I otrugg!Od back 'lhto the l!l>ot ~ DAILY PILOT SI.., ""'9 Peter Pan Boatlift Built by Mr. and Mrs. Les Crawlor'd; 2989 Milbro SI., Costa Mesa, 3'-foot ketch "Joumeymon•:-·embatked. todl,."on_ 'cthla_tlal >0ya1e out of bockyard, bound for launching Tu .. day In Newport Beach. "It's fabulou4 ~ see it. gOWg this way," said Crawford after 11-ton VOi.Sal passed ,afaly over"home. Crawford1•1'0rked weekends • and '11.cilt!fllll on ~°l'g!tl?Dan'I· Now they"bav..: a'new pMtime: yachting. ". f 'l1 q 1 ' :".I.: " N egro--ffrcrek ~Star ·Fre-ed -.... ~ . After Plfane ·Bonib Scare ' LAFAYE'ITE, Ind.-IAPl. - A Purdµe Negro track star, invo1Yed in an alrpla'M bomb scare ~at caused postponement of a tract meet. was released without Charges today after a group of black atudenta: marched on City HalL David J. Croul!le, Tippecanoe Co~ prosecutor, told about 100 Ne~s in the city courtroom that he could firKI no In- diana law to support any charge against lhe alhl<le~ Eric 11'.CCasklll, 22. . of Newport News, Va. There wu diaagreement 11 to what McCutDl Aid Saturday after he waa told h!1 modltaCbe violated a Purdue rule re- ouirlnl! U'-llthlelta to be clean maven. The ll:ilvini· ordli a1IO wU given· to other ~ trackmen.-Mel llll'rll; NlWpiOrt N.,... Ind JfnWiy Jaelclon, Bhlokl:lft, ' DAILY PILOT Olt.lMGI COAST ,VILISHING COM,AN"I' R•b.rt N. W•M '"'lltln' .,... "'*'btitr Jacli R. Curley VIClt l'r9kfwlt •11111 ~ .. Mli111 .. 1 1\11r1at KM¥11 .. ,., Thom•• A. Mu,phl111 INlllll ... Editor J1ro1111a F. Colli111 N-r'" 8•1cll Ckl'f hJIOI' Ne ........ OfflM 2211 Witt lalbo• loul•••rd M1Ui111 AHN111 ,,O •• h1 1171, '2441 --~ ..,_, llO W•I In Sff'9tt L ....... IMCfl: tt2 '-1 A-• .......,......,.! ... ,'"'" -N.;Y. . . ~ . McCl•kill' &aid Monday lhat 1l'lilt he said was, "There oulht to be 1 bomb on ~e plane." ut Qnly made • statement,'' he. aald. :·~t assista~~. track CQach Roi~ Kerr helrd aboul tt.iuid made it' Into 1,dl:Ool. • · '11te athlete, Who hOlda Purdue'l~lodoor track record in the 'TO-yard h1gh hurdle!, wu arrmed by camp.11 police and FBl qtnti but Wai r<luaed launodlately • under $300 bond. Tbe pllne wU delayed by a aearch and the track meet at Iowa was J)O!tponed, McCa!klll aald he was going to'lalk to a lalvf.er about a j>ossiblt ault for ~Ille ~ : ftll·IJ>d defamatlon·ol cllaracl'I'. . . "'It made my-wile Ill and may havt camed a relative's heart attack," ~be sald. . • Some of the studentJ who went to comt with McCukill mardled from the cam- pus in a driving rain, slnging, "We Shall Overc,aie.." MOii& rode 1n can. however. t:rocile ·told the .,..p, a1ter . .........ins no charae bad been filed, "U I do find anythina: applicable, it could be that I would file something laler." UCI Youth Hurt By J?late Glass A UC Irvine student running along a Balboa str~ Saturday afternoon tripped and fell through a late glass window, sufferln& a RVerely cut arm. Police oatd Glenn Earl Frieberlabauoer . ·o1 28'lO sertn·« Ave., Costa Mesa, was treated at Hoag Memorial Hospital after lhe 1 p.m: mishap . A friend told police the pair wert run- nJng along Eut Bly A venue when tht victim tripped ahd fell througb the wh\- dow 11 119 E. Bly A vt. FrlebertibaUaer wu: released after treatment. Eight Die in Fire WOODLAND, calJI. (AP) -Ellhl members of a Sacramento River aru rorm family died 1a a nw fir< lhat con- IU!Oed their aged frame ho111< Sunday nlPt-Two of the aeven ch!ldr<n In the bumlni boule mana,.i to a... The1 ...,.. lo ctlltcal condltlon al a bo1pllal to-.-, .. 100atop,11.1 bolcb. it•a ·-· hecauoe ped myaeU up on..,. elbow, and looloed the oolfaqbt. You ·w1111el 1 tan, I told' traffic, I loo~t\I at ,the people .., tM' ,....,. _..,.., ,...-ballllai aull: you arcunct The Dodge wu pen:bed wbero 1 myaelf. beach. They 11ept, 'unawore t{!at the au¢' ... pull up rllbl -to the aand, roll ool had lefl l~ Ind it 1Waytci-lo the i.m.. I fidpted, "~ for a book .. had ju.rt come oul. -' ' • Estancia Kids Experiment With Mo1Jies Movl•lllllllnJ la P*Yini olf f" Coeta Meu.'1 &!t.ancla HJgh School students and t~ NOWporl·Mesa Unified School District. • Estancia'• Ulm program helps the studenta to understand the new medlum, . . . and helpe the dlatrtct:etplala Ill edoca-· tlonal programs to atudenll and to the community. Funded ·by a comblnaUon of federal and district money, lnclucllng 1 epecill '500 "bot idea" grant from the district, the program Jnvolves freshman Enilbh classes and lhe audio.visual -televlslon (AV/TV) classes. Said teacher of freshman Engll!h John Greeley, ''Today, kid.I apend ten timea u much time watclilng movla as reading books. They should learn what people are trying to say through the new medlum. u- 1'Jnsteld of going to movies jUBt to see the sexy part8, kids lhould be looking at films analytically, to see how or U they communicate," said. Greeley. MAKING MOVIES To explore the problems of com~ munlcstlon through film, tbe students are making their own movlea. , The blggel! -~ffcrt right ,;;,,. Is toword 1 fllm lhat · iiln expWn Eaancta '• llx elective progrlml to'lnccmlnf lrellhmen, ln order to wlat them ln pllMlng their """'"'m . , ...... .., .... ~"· -·· . . . ... , . Featurtiig ~ acttvltles a the deport; ment ol home ec<momlcs, the llbrll'Y, and . buainell coones, the film aegmenta are ; doai ;tm,lftly by Encll!h and AV ITV ,llud<:nts. ' .. ' 'lbe atodents ln ''Gteetey11 Ens~ clma plan the ahots and the timing, and !he AV /'IV •btd<nts ~vJdt the leclmlcal -cineinatomm. llChtlna .. m! ~IJni. Later, a inellitjer ol ·toe !acuity will dub ln the ocript: ' Fer Greeley and his 1tudenta, thJ1 it • firat venture. "But the beauty of this ta )'ou're not trying to turn out a profession.'. al' product; you're trying to communi~ ~.·· He noted that the movie-making pro, iram ~ lncreued atudent Interest In Engllah, even among student!: who are not college-bound. The AV/t'V departmenf. include! a closed-circuit televialon System. Stud~ts in Greeley's elm who uatid to bilk, at giving oral book reports now go to the library and . ·deliver them to tbe1t claamatu '.liver cloeed-clrcuit .. T, V , resulting In Ill uplurge of ln!Oresl-6n lht part ol both· the apeaker and hJa 1u· dlence. · ' DOCIJMENTARY Directed by AV/TV teacher Jun .. Daley, a former newapaperman, the AV I TV c1a .... 1re f1lmln& a docllmentary1or. U\e d~trlCt on -eciucauon course!. The 30-minute film ls entirely the work of the student!. Another film, for the physical education department, showa the wort of modern dance student. at Estancia. Film-making, say! Daley, is an ex~ acUng buainesa:, oncfl the lnlUal ex- citement has worn off. For this reuon. most of his student! are in the upper grade&. Film is expensive, and the shots are carefuly studied and plumed in advance. Although making movies Is an ex- ploralGry adventure for .-of the atudenll, a few aenlort ere plannlng to 10 Into comm~c1Uons ppOii graduaUon. The student.I are experimenting with short fllm.s on &heir own, on a wide rangt of toplca -from a poetry lnlerpretaUon to a otady of boatera on the bay to I story about 1 boy wbo falls Into a f1oocl control channel Ind I• r<scued ~ hlo doc. An.Ytlllnl ,..., aay U\e lioch.n. One boJ 11 ckdnc an animated cartoon. Movie-making In the NOWporl-Mesa District ....,. to he the comJnc thine. Other film proirams art Involving stucfents Imm kindercarten on up througll the e1emtntary rtades. Widow Recovering LONDON (UPI) -Lady ClemtoUna Oturch!IJ, M, widow of Sir Wlnlton, toda7 made fllrlhtr PfOll"" la h« rtCUpera. lion from a fractured thlih. a Wesllnlnoter Hoopllal 1pokeom&11 oatd • '' ' -' ' ""',, .,~ ....... ..,. LIGHTS, CAMERA. 'ACTION -E~ l\'.!: $cboo; ~dent.-;; .. • pare filmmaklng project with Oe!t to rlCbt~ McDonald, camera- man; Christy BllU\C, script girl; and Gail.Carpenler, key gri11. Ju~y Cadnum (foreground) Is director. -~,_. P .. e l RACEWAY •.• ... ; r . . -, lM Natio.,l Hot 1!ocl .(aioclatloo, !'ht , could find no initial tndlciUOn Ct' th6 cause. • Nielson died at Santa Ana Commun~ Hospital about one hour alter being thrown from the sedan as it rolled over, following a sudden veering off lbe strip. The first Orange County International Race'way fatality occurrei'.I in Decelnber of 198'1, when nationally known racer Milie Sorokin~ ndlcally · built dnpteo: exploded on a bigh-speed l'IU). l Gaines' death Sunday marred the open;., Ing O! the -traek's 1911 Grand PrlJ' motoicycle -. for Which tlie 'cycllaf wu pracU•lni wben killecf.., hla'laal la! ol compefiUon. f ( Missing Jewels ; . Found ill Tn1nk f ' ~ The lOl)i ""'"~ the low reached h)to #I C'!f \nmit S.turctl)' and solved the C8lt of' a Newport Beach woman's · milijnj overnight kit containing f400 ln jewelry=;_t' , Costa .Mesa· Police Officer . ' ~eld said the 28-.year~l!l wp ?eported the items stolen while her call; wu parked overniiht In the 100 block of Shalimar Drive. -;, She wu· · a · ·bii .chagriped, but allci ........... ~. ""'-a..ifeld found till i;N';'m_ ~'&unkriftd cloeed tbt -~: .... ·~i';~~:~·~~ ;7,J:1<-tt .. \F • t-.; • .-, • , Nixons See Blossomsi WAsHINGTON (UPI) -Prelldent and Mrs. ·Nllon toot a ltroil around the Potomac tidal basin today to look at the chenybloaaoms • School Races Wide Open 30 Candidates in Tustin, Joaquin and JC Contests Forty-one candldat.es art aeeking 14 board aeats .in five touth Orange County area school board races to be decided Tuesclay. . Polls will be open .from 7 a.m. until I p.m. Tuatln Union High and San Joaquin Elementary have the moet wide-cpen n ces wlth 13 and 10 candidate&, respec- tively. There are three seal!! up for graba on each board. Seven are running for two Saddleback Junior College board .seats and aeven for three Laguna Unified seal.I. Three r Jn- cumbents in Capiatrano UnlfJed are on the ballot with one lone challenger. No sharp lssuea hiv4f developed in the Laguna board race. Aij of the candJdate.s favor pauage of a 58-eent tax override and competltive salaries for dl!trld teachen. The two in- cumbents William Wilcoxen and Dr. Norman Browne have pretty well run on thelr reoorda and contlntdng a good educ.ttional program. ' \ Candidate discusalon ha! covered bet. ter communication with distrJct residents and how far tnnovaUve teaching ahould go and with what controls. CrltJclmt of the school district by tbe non-incumbenta ' ha! been rather bland. The Saddlebact College race ls for one board seat, that now is held by Patrick J. Backus, of Dana Point, who is running again. Hans W. Vogel, from the TUatln area, I! unopposed. The one contested seat ln Capisthno Unified Ls between incumbent Marvin C. Bandoli and Bob D. Hurst, Hurst's chief campaign issue is to give r<preaentation to Laguna Niguel. Bandoli Is from Dana Polo~ l1ao r<presented by Board President Thomu J. Wlncet. The San Joaquin l!Wncntary race also haa taken on some overtones ol. re&ional lntertsts with . a University Park lf'O!lP b>cklnc candldat.. wbo bappea to live outside Mlslion Viejo. Mainly at Issue in the 1\1.ltln Unkm High race b th• question ol publlc conflclatee In the ochool dlltrlct. An almost continuous tat incteaMi battle of the last several yean has ca\Jled biller community dlv~lona, and Supt. Robert Dlhlber& hat ..,lped undtr fire. Followln1 m Ille candidatel: ,' Saddleback Jllllor Colle1e -(Dllbict 4) Backus, Incumbent; Geor1e W. Ballew, school custodial supervlaor; James M. Knapp, engineer; John E. Krute, U.S. Marine pilot; Paul Sayre, publlcaUon.s consultant, and Ronald S. Steelman, attorney ; (District J) Vogel, incumbent. Lapna 'Buch Unified -Mrs. Jane E. Boyd, housewife; Dr. Norman Browne. incumbent; pr. Jerome Kirk, university professor: Mn. Esther C. Lockway, housewife; J..trs. Catherine MacQuanie, library consultant; Mn. Shirley L. McCalla, housewlle, and William M. WUcoun, lftcumbent. Capl1tr-Unlflild -(District 4) Wlncet, Incumbent; (District I) Bancloll, lncumheo~ and Hunt, • n 1 I n e er ; (District I) Fred L. Newhart Jr., ... cum bent. San Jot111.afn Elementary -Ed~ Btrry, incumbent; Charles H. Boulan.-, 1ehool principal; Pat B. Brian; Robert L. Dameron, financial con.sultant; Vincent A. LaVertu, busineMman; Robert w,. Llvingston, certified public accountant, Jame! A. Nebon, engineer ; Patricia A. Stratl()n, teachtr ; John F. Unaer~ engineer, and Loa Young, hou11ewife. I Taltln U.nlon 111111 -Charles T. Bel11 contractor ; Clifford B. Boe b mer :· aerospace engineering manager; Chelter: · G. Briner, incumbent: John R. Brot; p!Y.Chologlst; Paul F. Ca I ho u n .i ph8nnaclst; Dana A. Cltkey, engineer,. Ronald W. Fraeae, coJjege teachtr';! Sylvan Kall, phj>lldst: Arnold Krene~ sales man11er; Stanley L. Roeen, a . tomey; Ralph L. Schiavone, buolneSI mlnlstrator ; Howard L. Selleck, Juniot college in!trudor, anJ D. June Sml~ -f•. c ~ Animals Talking Back Con.ervaUonlsts and b1rd watch- ers Ire bli on a thlJIC they call "natural habitat." And you don'L have to be much of a h..-watelter to !mow lhat Ibo Orance Coast II the natural habitat of 101De of the naUoa's funnleat cartoonllls. Found ln tile local neit of puoch- tlners with pllntbrush.. ll'O the ln!erlandl twlna, Dick Sha• Ind "the animal man," Ed Nofzfpr. Work from •ll of their prolUlc -hat batn published from time to time In the DAILY PILOI'. Starting today, bo.....,., LqunaUc Nofd(er'1 lill(llo pinel feolure, ANIMALoClc, will -llmoat OW!t1 day. Mondt)' thrnu&h Sa~ unlay, In the DAILY PILOI'. The fltal ona II on Pqe I today. • ,• I l , I • J • ' i ' ' • • ' • ' r { I . ,-- I ,, 11 1 l i! ' ' ' l • ! . • t f ' .... • 4 0 0 0 •• -• (,. ' , llEA ANDEliSoN, Edifor .........,. """" 14, lNf • ,._ 11 I . ! ' ' .. , ~ ·l . 11 ' lb I~ ! I I " ;· ' j ' • 1 t . I t- ! . MOTHER·DAUGH'fiR MANNEQU INS -Modeling two of the many ensembles which will be offered for sale nei:t Saturday are Mrs. Orval Holman and her daughter, Mary Kaj wqo will parade with other mem· beni and daughters of ~e Junior Auxiliary? Newport Beach Assistance League during the Spnng Boutique, a funding event. Bargain-hunting Buyers Beckone~ by Bou tique Next.to-new clothing will be1 taken from the racks of Newport Beach Assistance League's 'nlrlft Shop and modeled during the league's Junior Auxiliary be-nefit next Seturday in.the shop. Billed as the Spring Boutique, the event Is the annu~I m_othe<-daugh· ter fashion show given to entice buyers to help the orgamzat1on complete its own spring cleaning project so more donations may be shelved or hung on racks. · · While emphasis is on selected women's and girls' fashions, other bargains will be offered as well. On the sunny patio will be a display of good, used lawn •.nd P.•tio furniture, while in the shop browsers will be tempted by bar&am-pnced men's clothing, gift items and furnishings. _ Mother-daughter mannequins who . \Viii show fQblon1 from :10 a.m. to 2 p.m. inalude the Mmes. Hanns Baumann and Katy, John Cashion and Lisa Orval Holman and Mary Kay, Jack Rlchard10T1 and shelly: James Peters Jr. and her three daughters, Christa, Lisa and Stephanie and Clinton Hoose and Mindy . -Kin ·g N.ep·tu ·ri~~~.~rn ·erg .~s ' ' ,.L '• .' I : ·: ~ . '• . Ttie bail Is over, the decorations have ~~ p1W •" ;ering hosled by Mr, ·and Mrs. Wayne J. Subcasky, away:, and mernor~es of a beauijful ev~'J1Di .are ·, }.:.bln: ch~an· ~hd:•her husbend: . treasured by'•ballgoe~I-·: ' , • ,;\lio recelwng i'nvti.uons to the Subcaskys' .. Pmiaps•the.fond~sf memory of the Q@!Lwill be-~I were, lhe.~dsrs,, and Mm.es. Tim IJ'hoin~s, ·1~g' iO the ne\v King N.Ptune, Dr.' Allen'll'.' JleRoy.,. ! !Um 'B1ll'balllt, L. W. Pickens, Richard B, Dickson; "'.ho.was crow-.d.ldiig as ti>• highlight of the 8llll1,illl ·1?b!ijips Earun~n ji., J~es R. Fralllts, Waller G,. ~eptune;Ball,.o! the-.N~rt Harbor Spastic. L,#ague. .. LIJ\dberg, 1l9n J.. MAt•hl!ll and Dr. and Mrs. Tom " '. •. JolpPig a disting\Ji'sbed roster of past k!zw, who. ~·· ~Inson. , , , . . · hi!e.,peen .. so-.;bono_r~ ·Dr~. 1:-eRoY was ~en. to :·,,, Mrs: Rufb.Joliitsoftor NewpOrt Beach also enter-~lgjl l!Jis· YMir beeau~e of hts devoted service to falned bef6re,'the ,lliill,. and . on her guest list were handicapped children. the . Me;srs:';8Jl'd·,?4mes. Bert :Coffey, Roy Klott" An orthopedic consultant for 11 years at the Carl Chase .Burns •• ~h Butcher, WUije Longyear, Rb!).: 'Harvey Cerebral Pa!Bey Clinic .in· Sa.nta Ana, he ert Garl1son, Jll/4 Mrs. Betty 11''e Hall. . .. bas helped thousands of children m their quest for a The ,Bay Club was changed Into King Neptune 's better fl.fe. t undersea world" 'With table decorations of ships an· He is a member of ·the -Orange Coupty Medical chors of shirtmiering sea-blues and greens, held high Associatton 'fellow of the American Academy of with ropes of gold. Each anchor was cushioned on 8' Orthopedlc , Surgeons, member ,of the American sea of flower!, including carnations, babjr'~ breath Medical Asl!Oc!atlon, past president of the Nicholas and birds of paradise. Andry FoundatiOn, and has practiCed orthopedics BaJioons ih the color scheine accents floated in, Newport, B~b .. for the past 12 y~rs. above the tables, cre!lting an underwater ma4ical : ~o?e gues~ entered the .undersea scene filled effec~ and turning the party scene: into a mystenous With·treasdres·tfi:atwas the ball setting in the Balboa and submerged world. Bay Club,. they soctallzed in several locations. ' The suspense of the announCement of King· Ne~ , Tbe·lee11ue"jlreeide11t, Mrs. W\Jljam E. F:i,h.er, 'tune's Identity mount"!! Ul)tll ia.p.m~ "'.hen all,acti- and her husband, opened their ShorecliH home 'l~r-Viti ceased. A fanfare helgbten,ed: the escltenient of a preball cocktail party. Their guest list Included the announcement' of King NOP.tvrie's name, and Dr. the Me""· and Mmes. J . L. Stamp Jr., W. A. Les-Le!U))l received· bi• crown amld)lageentry. ter, Ward Baxter, S. Otto Christe"1'en, William Lapp . Plenning the annual ball was Mrs. Subcasky, O'Bryon, George D. Buccola, Henry J. Johnson! and and assistin:g her were :the Mmes .. Robert p. Wood· J?r. and Mrs. J. 0 . Wy~e_, Dr.~and. Mrs. L. G. 'Nelson · ward. invitations ; \Villiam P. Thomas, reseyvations; indi-Dr.'.:nd·Mn. Warren Myers. William \Vil~on, programs; Robert Dennis, decora· ThenewK.ingNeptuneandhiswife, unbeknownst tions ; Philip M. Coholan, door prizes, and Edward to .anyone, were among guests at a Bay Club gath-Fretz, spo010rs. : A continuing project of Juniors eath Saturday·ts the. Red Carpet day 15aJes for wise shoppers. Proceeds benefit numerous chanties . • ( ' Frosted 'Bachelor' Has No Love to Ke ep 'Him ' I DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I married t a widow with a f.ye&Mid 1011. She ~ la a fine penon, ldmiriiil by 111 Who l -lier. We had planned a --k I honeymoon, but cut it to eight dlys • because her ton Ronn• cried on O»e I lllepbone evory nl&ht· Alter every coo- : VWllUon lhe cried, too, which dktnl do much for our boneymoon. When we rttumed home Ronnie fn. lllled on sleeping with his mother as ht always bid done. She said she hoped r wuakln 't mind "JU9t for one nJgbt." According lO her, the separation wu a tr1wn1tic experience for Ronnie and the wanled to ruasW'f: hlm that he had not been abandoned. Ten d1y1 have passed · ahd the 'boy • • ! • ·~ ti Wrtll etelrtl frw tUt 0 1f ..... ft~ -. ' Inches aborter btcause ~'Of. hill pooc , :w~ • .~Hlor _. lfara ,.-IW'• reaUy pooture. ~, 1'"· I, ' i ' ' I ' ,• J .am,1ickandtiredo(hearin1mysell DEAR ANN LANDERS , How can I Tdl lltr •llo pts ·-1 to IOI wffll uy, "Stand Waight. Slt1up,1pull your get my eJ:-mother-ln-law to let me run tMJr· ~ ..... tflel ... ,-Mt • ahou1derl back. SUck in ;,Your bi& fit my own We? My wife~ three years ~ ...... .., .... ,~ ~1111111.,. ANN LANDERS ~ ts Stm 'in bed with bil mother. I'm cellinf llhort on paUence. Lui ni&ht my wilt called me a 1e:r maDlac - immature and inconsiderate. What do you aee here! -MARRIED BACHELOR DEAR BACH : I tee • wema1 wM thell't wut .. • • wlle. ne llfU1lde depeldoaey w•lclo IM ... I-la ... ..., flt• t. wllll ........ -.. A wldew wk allowl lllr .. ,_ - .. ..... ... ""' " .. deep -· and 10 Is lfle ehlkf. Sallftt ••t ywr WU. Ill< e111t111t ..,._ •·• 1-t ••a..._ 11\1 • • ." and -. leis genteel qo and ..... daugiUra ... 11 and ,Ji . .n, °""' ,.. ,.... .. ~ ..... -rem~~· -~ly babies. The glrll r...i im. wtll )e ,_-. Gtandma'sr tQe.ov., *tics u much Pleue, Ann, help me find """11 that u 1 do, but there . _ to be no When romullc' f)anca tum to wama DEAR. ANN LANDEM: This · Is nol s W1F -·~ -~--111 ~-""-'"'-! -wtn do the jOb. -BIG BELLY' E ""1 to get free «: W. ... u.mean1ng ~~ I w•••or -~·-, a ....... -and wW probably be but oppr-·'ve .. --I« the ....... ~ ."' •ve o< Su and How ,_, r• D.EAR WIFE: Ever Mani ., tlU ~ .,.....,, · ......,..._ .-r ... ....1.-comldend du1I by -llGdardl,, bul , ... Tell the Dtff..-," by Ami __ ,., wbt 1re •'mother dtaf?" T•eae 'l1iree times 1 week she comes to Ebek»e a kin&, Nmped, .U-eddl1111t pit-. prtnl tt ~·' 1 }Mqllcn .. ve become M -ed the hoUse to •cool< dinner, Wt fo to Of\Vtt°" aad 11 -lo colo rib JWr My bulbancl '1s IS. Burt is I nice lo,--·· ••utal *81 lloeJ doa'I lier place every Sµl)cioy. l Itel IOO'JI request. , 1-'"•• "'•" but the yeara have nol Har Hr. B"urt Ua bcc.rM "wUe c1tai..t' fot her (my wife wu her only da"pltr) --. ··~ , • buL she demands more of ,,., llvu Ann ,Lander• will be siad lo tiei, been t1nd to his body. He bu pul 1 .1u1pect 0your lrritadOI 11 caused· than w~ w•nt to gtve, .. 11, ~"'•way you )'i'iUt your ~ 111111 ..... on ... m.',weicht. his lton;iach sticks not. ~Y Bun 1 "°" pt1Wre Mt other out!-CONNECTICUT YANKEE to bet ·in care of the rDAILY PILOT. out~ hia sag from ~rrytruc. lhln1.1 lc11,e,17 to talll:.about. The e.1~ · 1 , • , • , enclosing , a .Jtan)ped, self-addr2111 d the ;utr• a.' Duk looks 1l le1st •two e1ll lt tub1lltuUon. Explore your leell111s DEAR YANK1. Yes -INt )"lll'll lla\le ~ erivc.Jope.. ' ; • \ I . • i ' ' l Getting 'Acquainted Over Coffee Faculty Wivea of Oran(• Cout llltl Golden W11t coneg .. will 1et-.cquatnletl ovf1' COHM In the New· port home ol1lr. lllicl Mn. J111111 ll'tlqerald Satur- day, April IJ. Mn. i:.am-e cci-, bCC FaClllty Wiv.,. pre<idllll, llltl Mn. ~ Moore, wlft of OCC'1 !lnlident, will pour, 8CCOll'diDJr lo Mn. Brown- lM H~t, c:llllnnan of !ht -t. :r.Jn. Fred Garcia (lelt), ,.-Mn. Carllon (center) llltl Mn. Moore, 11m u11v111. Horf:?scope ............ --- Aqua ri us: Inventiven es s Pay s , TUESOA y gracious without be In & 1ng mettly wastes lime. Good " lo So ~vidH. 1SOllcit .nl · · maudlin. ntW'I received m conne:cucn . of ,..,,.. ~ ua · APRIL 15 . CANCEi\: (June II.July wltb l>ealtb, employment. Do D' roDAY IS YOUR BIB'l11· · 11J IJYPNEY OMAIIR . 22): Maintain 1t01t ol hum«. ,....,..g nice for -·· DAY you Ille comforts ol llOOllBOW TIP : Clear .W..t aUe space. Cleek 111111 -·Day -p1 .. --lie lulDf. c..-t•• • e~ appeal. Meu-..,.. cmpllmeall come tt .. n. tu.et tlme to UTU1e -'!i,i ~. Lunar poaiU.. · r"" clear Hae ol GM rld ol clutter. ARllCI (March 21· April It): Your appearance is doubly im· ~ tnday. Avoid sloppy ...._ y.., ~a In emotionally iDd ttuncte ly if dapper, neat. ·c,da bl&IL Opportunity beckoal. l"roceed with con- fidence. You're a winner. • T41mll8 (April ~May 20): Wbat wa learlul 1' transform- ed to romantic area. Means )'OU .,. lDtrlgued today wltb J11111erY. · Break throog!t lo new tillap-lsrs. Cycle is on Way uP-lel ready. , GllllJNI (May 21.June IO): WODljerful for winning frienda, .. lnftumctnl people. Your In-tuition ii abarp. You can be at right place at r i g b t time. Surprise gift is due. Be You re<"eive reward rot job co-worker. home. You are daring ~nd well done. Someone may try IA~AIUlJS (Nov. Z1-could succeed in creative tO claim credit. Light touch Dec. 21): Favora~le lun:at areas. Reward due for past ef· Is required. II you laugh, you aspect tod_ay C<incides with forts. U single, marriage is on · romanUc mt.art.it&. G o. o d horizon. wrn. relations lndk:ated w 1 t h LEO (July 23-Aug. 2!): children. You cain through Good lunar aspect today coin-creative' endeavors. Give and cides with vacation, travel you also will receive. plans. Be aware of details. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. Check flDe prlot. Be ..,. ol 11): Flnltll ratber Ulan begin. eostl, budget. Thea you, will Tab long-range view. Fine for be well prtpll'ed. Ultimate redec«atlpg home, beauU- pl....,,. lo -11. fy1nc IUl'rOOlldlnc•· Faml11 VIllGO (AU(. ~ II): hlrmGoy can be reol«ed. Male, Jiu1ner """'' acumen Take llepo In that ~­m money.lllodlii(. Sllnd back AQUARIUS (Jon. SO.Feb. and be an -...r. Ga In "'>· Em""·~· _ ldeu M«I shown lf )'OU are apotllaht. '° · ,....... -' Meani don't try lo make all. ,joumeyl. New -Jl"ClVtl the -: Leaal llfaln valuable. Diecull plan which show · lniprovement.. coGld opeed lllPP1Y <JI haury LIBRA (s.¢ D-Oct. 111: lttm. Be creotlve. ll tnveouve, A . t ~ " )'OU pin neede<I capital. .=...m:. n ,..i1::"'~ PJ8Ca (Feb. _il-Marcb. IO): male ,,.-r ey =1 1 Oain Indicated In _..ion., dipioinacy. You '1a1n by mat· cub. Mcoey plctuN! brightens. ing lnteWaent c:ooce8Clls. Follow throUgl> on bunch. You You 1oie throu&h an atteinpt can 1et what you need. Key to fon:e issue1 . SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21): See peraons, situations ln realilltic light. Wishful think- T• tlnd out who'• 11/Cl<Y Jor5 ,-"' monlY INI lovt• ~r Y NV ""'-rf'• boll'll91, ''Wt•I Hin!• loo' ~ enc1 w-e.1 ." Send 111rtl'ldrit. Ind SO UA!J It!. f;:t'" M!r~• t1, ... f?'OAIL y ILOT, I OI( • .... ti Itel .... -· Y, 1. , Leadership 'Dictat.0' ~ Cood1 Barbar Area Local Seo;l~ will - -Jladan -~ meet DOii Wod!-"7 ID Jl'alloiano's r'*m•~. Nnport BeKh. O>c1tlallil wfli be aorttd at I p.m. wllll dinner acbotlltled at 1:30. llelervatlaDI "" being taken by Mn. Michael Bartlett•!-. Young Artists Placed In Gallery Spotlight . YouUl'a approach lo art will be opotllpted Saturdays and Sundayl during the month of AP!ll_ID lhe Costa Mesa An. Lequa Gallery, 513 Center St. A ~· clua for ldulll will l>Orln Frida¥, April 18, fnim. a.m. iO ..... flUCbl by Mn. Biel. a-are -lo tbe pUbliC and lhml II a 11.110 Fashions-Still the Same Student memben of the Jeque will uhibit the.ir work from 1 to I p.m. weekends. fee ·per clua. Clyde Zulcb wlll lnatruct ln- termodlate cluaes belinnlnl: -:~Feminin .ity Stressed The young artists, rangi.nj: ln aae frvm 9 to 21, lncludiJta be,mnen under t h e ln- atroctlon of Mrs. Donald Biel, will abow works In oUs, acryllcl, pastel, ink, wood :!!'mf.!olography and CAROL PALM To S•y Vows ·Troth Told In Candl'e Ceremony Chi Omega memben leam4 ed ol tbe engqement <JI their aororlty sister, Carol Palm lo Millard Ray Muir chnillJ a traditional candle p a a 11 n I ceremony in the IOl'ority house at San Jose State College. Miss Palm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bemblrd N. Palm of Fullerton. is a gE'ldu1te <JI Newport Harbor Hl;h School and is a senior at SJSC, m• joring in recreation. She ,recently was selected for "Who's Who in American Colleges and UnlvenlUes." Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Muir of Tacoma, Wash., a1so attends SJSC and is a junior majoring In physical therapy. No wedding date bu -obosen by the couple. JOIN THE IRIDM l'UN AT MAY COi UIDIH·MADl-IASYI Mtell ltrWI ..... MMltty VIRGINIA REAGAN ACIL Life -Acer. Mador ..... TN<ll1< will conduct • ••rie• of 10 we•kly I RI DGE WSONS FOR •GINNDS AND IAFfLID INTllMIDIA TIS. "?LAY~AS-YOU-LU.IN" •ltll•~ ............... -..... Owe 1 .... Hdi week. MAY CO TEAROOM$ 7iJO. t :OO ...... C....M,.,'11111 ... p $1.00 ,.. ._ o1111•• • eouN l'OINT COUNT l'IATUllll ' -WHlr "' MoMor, A ... II call for reserv&UOT\5 1111•y c• •••+ii c•••f ''••• .... tlltt• f,....y •• Withl, ... , •• "'''' 146·•12 I Gloomy Gus Tells it .as You See it choice." DelllDI b av e n ' t Scarvn conllnue u the big cb.u.pd from 1ut year. acceaory DIWI and are worn Tbe c o1 tume l oo k· u ICIJ'Vts, headbandl or dombWH. -... nlued belll. ll'aatwad will be Mark Tbamal, _IJ; Bobby Foss, IJ; Emily Cllnpbell, 11; Kathy Sy!Yla,-11; Kennetb Mount, I; K.tltb Platte, 14; Carol Lopiz, 11; Gng Hay, 13; Bruce JOcknwi, 11; Carol Hickrnu, )I; Job,,.,.._. II; S..U M~ 11, mid Lei>o Mon- Uplrt, 21. or pleated. Walltl, baclt where lleaTter coatume Jewelry - natun lnlendod them, are mootly In dtalk white -II belted or not. lllmt otlll are nturnlnc· . abote tbe lmla and are And. malu& "e·I r aun pndlctad lo a1ay Ihm for 11,ii11 up with lieadln1. tequlns aome time to come. ud crystals, Aloo on display will be wood carvings by artiot A I Bartlett"Eidson Troth Told Fembart. May Rites Scheduled Sing-in Sounded E -............... -............. A Whelber you have 10, 15 or 211 days .. can book you inln llltsan's 'Hotel' SS Lurline. This l'lf!d hotel his~-"'°""' lntemationall1 famous Cllfslne. Headllna enleltainment Continanlll serv- ICI. And ft llolls. Whit other lrlt1d hDllf tloas 11111! The 1-lolJOlll"llCltlon Wt11 bt IOtlfortl"' days cntfsfn( Iha lsllnds wllfl Illa SS 1Arlln1 a your nthlllvaty l1nt cllss holet In tfttY port. You'll unpeck just once, thtn visit Honolulu, Oahu, for 3 days; Newlllwl11, 11.!uai, for 2 days: lallllno, Miu!, Harborlltes Chapter o t Sweet Adelines, Inc., will participate in a Sing-in tomor· row ln College Park School, Costa Mesa. Oranp County chapters will each present a costumed rtn- dition of numbers prepared for the recent regional com- peUUon. The Newport Beach men'• chapter ol SPEBSQSA will entertain and the evening will be cmcluded with a rehe&rl&l for lbe forthcoming Harmony Day at Knott's Berry Fann and refreshments. Soroptimists Sorvptlmist Club of Hun- tington Beach gather:; at 11:15 p.m. the second and fourth TuM<iays in Francois restaurant. for 2 days; Hilo. Hawaii, for I day, and Kon1, Hawaii,. for 2 days. Plenty ol lima tD ,., ti! H•wali, without the bother of chanlini hotel~ If you bm 10 day~ we'll fly you out to Hawaii ind bd. If you havt 2 weeks take the LtKline for fivt cl"ious days at sea one-way and fly the ot!Mf way. IThm's a plrticularty attractive In lot this fllO' c~l 15-day plan.) The ultimate In Hllllil -~ Is the fun ~ cruise vacatioo lot ttioso wlto en)OJ the final In holiday livinf. Fa11s btfln ti $437 for the 104ay intar-island cruise. Boal with us now for th1 season's rr11t1st Hawaiian ttovtl Oflporlunity. Coota ffleoa :1rauel _A'}'!nc'! 230 E. 17ltl St., Costa Mesa -l'hone 646-4431 Wm INFORMATION: SS Lurline, re~stered In the U. S., Sli>slantial!y meets lnternotionol S.felJ stondards for n!w ships dmloped In 1960, snd meets the 1966 nre S.lety Requiremenl• Wedneaday, Aprll 11, from IV a.m. to 1 p.m. Covered will be Ian~ marine and floral painttnc. A fee of ~ per class will be charged. Anyone wllhlnfl lnloqution on clamel may can the Jeape prealdlnt, Mn. Richard It> gram, 'Mf.11117. 'l!>a leque hu ocbecluled I -alllblt and. ule M11 f.IO ID thtt 1eque pllery, You don't have to look twice to see he,.·1 aomething mlly new in wedding sets. Pr-will be Ulld l<r tlie bui1dlnc 111111 c b o I a rt h I p funda. ~ · Art league Lake Park Clu-fs the 3etUnfr for meeting• ol tbe Art Loacut <JI llunllnctoo -Cll the -w-., <JI eadl mmth at 7:30 p.m. All In 14 ke,.t textured gold. Clockwl11 from top left: $495. $460. 8260. 1295. SLAVICK'S ........ 5'flCI 1117 11 ftalril111 hl1M N-poti h11h, -"'4·1ll0 Lile-like FULLCDLDR ' portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGESI Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99eper subject. *LIMITED OFFER! Ono per sqbject, two per family • I April 15th thru Aprll 20th ~ 6 DAYS ONLY! f PHOTOGRAPHERS HOUH: NllaN It I PM .DAILY• SUll. 11 It I PM ..... WHITE FRONT .................. .....,... " COSTA MESA 3088 BRISTOL AVENUE • • 1· I I l I \ l • . . : .TJN CENTS .· •. 1 ' -,;. 1 .. • .• School, (lC(: ·Races Gh . Bef~~ Voters ,T~~s~ay Nixon Sends Proposals To Cqngr~ss WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Pnaldent Nixon sent an i:nformal State of the Union message to Congress today, urging lm- znedlate tctim on IO major proposals in- cluding incruled 5ocW Security beneflta and federal revenue sharing with tho stales and local govemmenla. The -llignaled lhe lint broad· ICale effort of lhe Pmldeot to spell out a domestic . program . f<r congraa:iooal enactment. tldl le:ISlon. He adviaed the Hoose and Senate that detailed meaages of lhe 11 top priority 1fi110A11 will be sent to Congiwa starting Ibis -i:. Ni1oa also indicated a number of Ioncer-rana:e leg:ialative recommendaliona be will make later. N-.oblerved lhit be bad decided to fonp .. bmitting • formal Slate of the un1 ... message after be ..., Inaugurated Jan. m. lie Aid today's preview ns lo lieu of such a m~ '"" a "bnmodlate aelloo" .,,_is were llJlllmlltr,eii 'u foUowl: -l~11tld Sadal kurJtt llmtllt& aimed al ofhotlinl the rlalDj -of liv· 'ldil'!'"" ...... , .... ,. ,._ ~ _....,,.. .. , ]>lam ... al!nlnil - revenues with -. ...i ) o,o • governments. I . -New laws to combet orpnbed Crime, especla1ly rackeleering. -ped-dling and pomograpb,y. -Increased equal employJntnt op- portunity. -A tu cr'tdit incentive program aimed at enlisting lhe ~ community lo aocial wtllare and antipoverty procr&JM. -Roorgan!Jation of lhe Poot Offict Deportmenl .:...Hbme rule and congre11io na representation tor the Dbbict of Col~ bia. -A three-year _tax reform program that will plug loopholes used by rome ol the wealthy to eacape heavy lax payments and eventuaDy revise the en- Ure tax structure. -Stepped-up labor and manpower pro. grams including improvements o f unemployment instaance, safety, and job pla-ent programs. -Stepped-up devel-ent of airport and airway facilities and mu,, transit gystems. The President made no apology for delaying the submission of his legislative demilllds. "It wiD be lhe goal ol this ad- mlnlslraUoo to propose only legislation that we know we can execute once it ·becomu law," the meaage Aid. "Mere- ly rooking proposala tat.. only a typewriter; makina workable proposals laket tbne. We have taken this time." f.ollege CUstodian Dies From Bomb At Santa Barbara GOLETA (UPI) -A S5-year<1ld custo- dian at the University ol California aL ~anta Barbara died Sunday nlgbl fnlm lnjurtel and buml .ifffred when a lhne born)! exploded In the faculty dab Prlifay. Dover O. Sllarp died at Goleta Valley Community Hospital where be wu being lreated rOr bum.a over 70 perce'nt of his body, sevtre laetrations, an eye injury and multiple !rac!tns of the right ~ Jle hid beeil in "vq crllicll" eoncUUon. Sharp hatl picbd up • cordboard bo• on the patio of the club, where he lived, u be ldt to go io bruk!llSI. School of· ticiall said he wu examjninc the con- tainer when it exploded. The blast sbook the entire western por. tlon or the campus. broke four Iar1e &lid.in& glass dOQl'I at the clu'.b and char· red the Walls. I UCSB Offidall aaJd Ibey bad no 1W1pe<11 1o the bomblna. Campus Fire Qilef Arthur T. McGmy aaJd the bomb C<lllaiated of • half.gallon wine Jul filled with aomt volatile liquid -perliapo ruoline-e min<h lqlb c1 .ti>e podoed with an exploatve compound, a tbDiQc de•lce ud a bltlerJ. Therl wm no o6ler lnjuria and l!amago to the club ••• esllmaled at II.GOG. • J • Tllo -· ·•.<eoteot ·wb.tw.m m. cambenl Lloyd • E. Blailpled · Jr. ud Q«doa c. 'Morrow 4 ' · JllA>led, appobted to flD•an .-plred ,..t three yeara a&o; 1171rYOten bl\'e.tn. -tlple ud -ilr lrllnjn( b1ln to be I knowledgeable boanl member and he now is pfepared to nturn tht in--t to l>erf-. He' ls ·an at- torney. Morro.W. a former. achooJteacher who receottY entered·bolsineu; bao called for ... - v..,,.,, a1ac-Or-.~ Jmlo< Coll!Ce CID4l!latt. ll. Ill ooc - TenJ"lr. ~II a.-al UC lntno. Dr. John W. Cbr•rD, ·IS, ti 'me· .... •·•111 ·witb' a: law ........ e4 lit =:::·=r.::.:.i ..... ~--la~ '· ,,., .... Radlilcl H. M.CllDltan Is ............. by -l'UI ·l, 1 ""*7.-jull .., bt wlHoar --. -.. -... .. -" :;;:_..;;.-...;;..;._,,._ ..... ._ . - Girl · ElectroCuted • ·Freak Accident Kills ·M:esa Y ou.ngs~r Bath-lime entertainment c:ost an 1 l· yur-old cOeta Mesa siri'• Hfe Sunday night when her older Jilltr opened I door wblch knocked a radio into the tub, elec- ltocutlng the youngster. Rebecca S. Dl.vidsoo, 11, or 3004 Grant Jtve., died ·in Costa. Mesa Memorial ll<lopltal at 7:30 p.m., approximately O!le hour after lhe freak ai:cldent. Young Rebecca and her aister Deborah, 15, wtre being cared for by their Mesa Track Meet Official Hit by Discus ~~~r:.;,-r~.....-.!:4~ hl!r·U. ...,.._,,. -ol • city· wide Ind< -fll l:ellDcla High llcilool, ' . .. ' pollot ..... toc111. • ....... ;,; . She .... bit In lhe bOW ' lt!llW .t. fu:lalinC. It~s O~ear Night Mary A. Roby, 11, of .. W. Palmj'ra Ave., orqe, WU knocked UDCOnlCioul wti<u allucl: In !llO bad< of the -by one or the 11\iJsiles. w~~7: !~'::ldJ~:i:;:: :"' .:.: on ·the acene . after the 11;15 Lm. ac- cident, but came io before belnl liken by ambolance lo Colla. Mesa Memorial Hospital. Show · Streamlined, Mopes to LA · . . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The Academy Awards. minus perennial master or ceremonies Bob Hope, tonight will def,:rut a streamlined verS'ion or the lradftional Oocar -latiolis. -... GOne ·Wlll bithe trldilloMl·r<iutioe~I lnlrnduclng a pair ol irtars' b<lore 'each •wan!, who lbeo 9fJOIM!C( lhe '.sealed •en: velope. &II(!,, after a· .ispeM<flll p..,., annciunced tbe wmner ~ · . • , Also ~ :wt11 be the' tin!e,<:onsum· h.!B wllb to 'the· pcxllum ·by !be wbmen. ID fact. the usual l)factice · of having stand·im ICC'ept · Oscars for · absent winners will be elbninated. • . !JI plaoe<of ·Hope and ·the-.g·or "preaentien" will be 10 ' notable: IW1 =. ":t ~..:.!\:.:.~~ Ira, Jane FCXlda, Sidney Poitier,, Steve M~"and Burt Lancaster. The tradltkin-brearu Is Gcftr· Cham· picm, mai!teriolnd of ie"'ia,i BrOadway hit playi ·~1:'Jln ·the , eettm!" Dies f• <ttie ' • ~ Jlope IS not muter of ~ this )Ui",.'M: is es:pect:ed W11~ on the show. KatbarinO'lie)iioirft coold became the first actms in tbe-G-year history of the awards to Win thne Oscars. &ae won last .,,_, for "Guess Wllo's r~••• to Dinnu," anc1 tar , .. Mornite GJ017~ in 1133 •. This :reu lhl ..., ~ for '"Ille lJon in Winter," which also is a contender for best mot.ion picture of 1961. }Jso in the running is Barbra Strei- sand, who was nom'inated for .. Funily ~irl,'' the first pjctµre·lhe ~ever made, l'atri!'ia Neal Is a ~r Uvorfte in ''The ~iect w~ Roses." She ~Slfl­ fered three near.fatal strokes· · thrft iu~loL ~~ b~ to mum.e ~r Vinessa·Redgrave was Ml1,linaitd. for "Isadora" and Joanne Waodward for .. RaCbel, Rad>t:L'" . : Only two of lhe nomliws, ldilS stnl· sland and ,Miu Woodward, ...... expect, ed to attend tonight's presentatiQDS by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sc~. ' The contenders for best aclor .,.. Cllfl ROOerllon (Charly), Ron MoodJ (Oli- ver!), Alan Arkin . (rhe . Heart is a Lonely Hunter)1 Alin Batet (The Firer), and P<ter O'Toiife"<nie Lion lli w1otei>. Sfeefe Jlf ... J<et •. ' NEW YORK (AP) -1be stock market .ctoeed on a loft? note•today u invest«a maintained a caut1oua: attitude. (See quotations, Paget 14-15). Tr~ near the end was slow. The Dow Jones mdustrial average at. 1 :38 p.m.•wu off 2.11 points at t30.IO. SlJO WU .. !Wed after being· held overnlgbl 5atu<d.V for oboervaUoo ·and Costa Mesa Recreation Ditector Keith Van Holt A.id today that she baa not filed a written report ol the 'l.rx:ident. He lllid a younpter assigned to retrieve thrown ·dilcuses was reportedJ:J returning from the downfleld aru and lbn!w the · otijecl back to speed up the event, hlWng lllsl Roby unintentionally .. The vktlm., a•city-emp}oyed reautlen leader. •• belpinc to-ollid1te in the ....i for youngstcn lo third lhrougla eighth sradel. Body D~vered In Mesa Motel The body of a Colla M .. 1 motel tenant dead ol a. (UDlhot wound wu found shortly befOl'e II 1.111. today and pollce aaid the caae was an apparent IUiclde. ldentificaUoo ol the victbn fouml In the Don Qulliote Motel, 2100 Newport Blvd., WU Wllhbeld pendlof notification of relaUvu. ··'Rodeo Rider·~ Corralle·d W~n•legged Driver -Damages .Six Cars ·in .. Spree Hanging onto the wheel and fighuna with bis lep -a adod one and a wood one - a Calta Mesa car aa1esman rode - bit maverick llldan aroand• Dk:k'• Honesboe Bar Friday lo a wild, Im- promptu, 1111omntlve rodeo. Wjlen_ the dust, paint filkea and one 'aitbii111o Vellldo bad ltllled, m cano IUf. I--1$IDl)or.wn., I mot«!lt and her dMJpter --lojund and &berl E. lloomlog Sr. wu ll[ lmlble. .. I'm IOfT1," he told Officer Cbri& Btll. lloomlog, 1111 PlaCeJtla A ... , Aid the brdtl fatled and the -•tor alao jaiamed • llt lill lhe ta-. portlq lot al -N...,...i BM., durtrc the early afternoon houn. He .llid the U51 ledln w.a out of cocto- trol trom Ibo momeat ho let <oot In It, ·y _, to a pOllce report ~llrtJ llie Downfq, banilna on for dear We, coo- multiple-car ""11ltoll al>o lnY6lvtn& a -down th< side -toward the -pole, IJillil -rd and I tr.e.· ""'1· boulevanl .whicb he WU about to 'Jbe cbaln of ev-. aaJd' Downin&. la enl.er with I omub. Seftl'll; lo fact. dilllcull to de9cribe, but trofllc In-His car crubed Into aootber parlled ...Ugatora and wt......, put It about auto ·lleloolloa to' .stanle1 H. Bmm, cl like this' . 10114 MorilltOWii'J.ane, Colla Mela, lhl)I The oar ocreecbed In a wide •• "'°"' went aftor movlnC pmo lo Ibo lil- lbe IOUlh side of the btr ""' Ooito Santa -· laabel A venoe, cllpplnc two -He bit a car dt!Yeft by Mn. Arlene J. vtblcla parted in the lot. s-... of :11111 Vh1lnla Placo, They belon&ed to -Grau. of m ~ MM&, aeodln& II -""' lnlo • VIiia 11111, Newport Beach, and La!TJ tree. 11 T · P. Shaw, of IS! Cllarlo a. COiia -Mn. s_.. ud btr dal!ghiet Linda, "I looUd oot and the Flfd ~ 15, went' to COila Maa ll-itl •(ShoW'I) WU fl1flc ·~ tho ,a1r,r'l!Oopitai ,for tmlmlnl of 'Cllla and llld Mn. Mildred I!, ~of Ut r.a. . -ud ........ -.. . . • fnctoni.-,wbowaclDill(bifwalhtna ·' Ona ~·time~ _ _.. nearby laundromll, · ' • ' (9ae II , Pip I) ' ~ whl1e·the lirlf~ l!IOlber onil llepfatber, Mr. and Mn; _lloQol4 Jlo>. cheoon, spent.a....-away. Colla Mesa Pollce Olllcer lllcbard Johnooa lllld·Robecca ... betlllntr•llb. small, tube-type radio' altlD&'· cio Ibo end of the tub, pluged.bilo a wall ..Cat I« power. ' The radio fell llllo the tub u lbt older girl entered, •I -·lhnl .obe ,~ o<reamlnc for help, bul her ii-llll1 alffered a fatal lboc~ . .: ........ :: . fin aatoplJ ... being performed by tho on...~,·~~ lroc:olloa la lllted u ·the cauae'd llealb al Ibis time. • Ip.-.. i.r een -., Aid l<Nlay that ~ . .._1a:· ..... ~ pendlnr'the m= of ·Mr. and Mn. lluldmoM~~ A\Jihorilla did .i/ot ..., when Ibo .... plo ..... ,....,. __ lbelf • ...,. .. ...... ldllld. . • ' ::-. ~ .. "'. :. . Cyclis~ Ki,~d in Sec.on4/ Fatality at County Tr.ack . I M . ' . Mesa armes .. FunerBI Slated . . . . ' ..... A fune.nl service for a Coltl. Mea. W"O<r Marine~ ofllcer ldllod.Ajlril1. when· Ns hellcop&el' wu· t1iDt an. In So\lth Vietnam Is ocbeduled ,._., In the cllapel at bll lal) ~ lloa- llltel fiJr Mlj. Leroy I. -p, •· . Will be beld at IG a.m. In the Cbapol'Cf U. Marino ~-Air ·Fad!llJ,·-· Ano, · wttli' burial 1o rort -. .. -Cemetery, San I>Jt&OJ •I ' t• _. I Moj. Blankemhlp -ril ~ft !ftlcer of Deaf)" 'Mirlne ·lieliCojili' ·~on 264, serving on his 110CC11111 Vietnam duty lqlr after IS years ID the.ecr,a when k!ll- ejl ID -~ )l!Jolllll 1111 Ill( dlioDel'. ' ll'e lea• .. ·hli wt16 Liven, mi b6ito Ave .. •lon&.wilh a IOI\ Davlcl1 .. and a d..pter Barblra, \I~ « the, liaie addms. C.ounty Eniployes As~g Pa.y· Hike i.n r 1.s5 .~·· generai lll<;rem In ~e eou&IY em~ 'sillrlOf../ d· fec:Uve July 1, and ~ ,.ctdiUOl1Jl increa1 ol 3--1 "to --ta I« the - nual failure to ~ the lag tlnio ---the JllUIAlil' lllary·-.. and Ibo July t <llectlft date cl· in'- creuet," bu been requested by tbe """...._.E_..._ -atiun --,,) ....,....,,_ ' . The Iota! l!.2$ ·~~ ..,,,_, If ·sr..,aad. would cqot the wplfen 1$ t.11 mllUoa. ·wi ,.... c:ounlyr ..,..,., pit an irimMe of;u ·poian1 COiiin( man tb1n 11 mUUao. -· • Thi· empiora ,,_1.11an alin'f .., 'q-.'ll~'ld•~-­-~ ·fCNwaded to ~ P-1 Dfrici<r WlllliJii c. Hart "" .John H. SrirJV, ,.....r.i rn..a.<r of'llle" aDclcia-Uon. ·.. .. ' ,. ~. Jn a coverinc letter to Hart, Sawyer dalii., that "lllary leftll for ...,,...... claulfleallonJ In Oranp County - to lag behind «ber. lead1n4 counU..." .. _.... n..,.. • ~ ·..: ;:..·= .. ..: ;::;;;""' .. ~ .. = -.. ........ 1 • .... u.. --" = -!'.!!!!!~ ...... --'l =-=-. ~' ...... ·ni .. ": sw-.: I ...... ~, ~ ,.., .. - . -. ' • • ' I ' ' I - ' " ~- I O&IL 'I l'llOT • c Miodq, lprft 14, 116' '--·. ---.. -.. .. '"""-• -~;c ; .......... _ .... ~----""'· ••• ····-·· • ' .:0 44; F> u \if t !. ' Y ! , 1 f .-..J ' • I ..._ ---.....l ---... ---......._ ------------------------------------------------• ----------- ------.... ----------..... • ~ ~nµv~~~--~wcwr~=-~~......-.-->-..-.j Pilot Seh90l Chpiees " ·lilfr -~~etfQn lo SU'ttny 't:11lif6rnila I · Tiit DAILY PILOT 1 ~inm;.,da tlle follo'll'.fiic Caa&llitffl ~-· -• ' . . . .. " . -; tt\tes,day'a tchool elec~ns. • ., "' 1 :; ' • 'N.Wport-Ma,. U~lflod ·School pietrld "1 .f:!'1~ !~ ti. the car and ..i,. lo the acun. mlfllllie. All .,,,.nd me~ "'":: • Dlatrlct 2 " • • _ , .• -I.. Yeu dan1 -aU Jfla -• llll!fl. Just -r -= = 11 ti. pallldMl Mrs.E!Jia.'J>e!hM.Llll1.1ncum~ i ,· x ; •-•111111 •~ ·-· .. i.1~-.e111wa.,.. ... a-PILOT • , : 1~·.,:.~·:r:::~, . 'DI! rict ·• ~ -." .::, ~~: •• :','~1 ::.~-a flu ~.,..ln&;onyaurthiq. You · ·• • wheretroapsol~1nmbeadlonJ,;i ' ' •• Gord"!'> c. M,omtw x Now, n lbould be explalned lhli In the :~:.:;,m!i,.:; all=.. bee.... L·o· aao···: ·" '·li!".!";o~~.:.r;~= I waited~ Dftlrlct S __ • , X wt, aoa doea p • \, Sa tbe<e l w11 the other. weekend 1t .' V . llY leelll·.-..~lnl and my Je11.!i Donald A. SLrauss, Incumbent hit tht beach. In-Mall~u. Or rather, driving up and down "\ t...inc ·~ _. l!hade Of aqua u my:l • , . Dlatrlct :,. stead. 1W mal!o a lbt·Coast Hlchway looking !or • ptaa. to ' Calilocoia·made llQ!iol. , . • :! . : Roderick H. MacMilljan, Incumbent X da1 ol H, and call It park. I finally IOuad a perfect spot, on So· did II>• other IWl·•orlhlppon. Bµt Tbe sky turned ihil"m, ;.Id I waited fetzl' • l•inl to lbt ·beach. the edge ol a m4oot ·drop.. 'Die <di• there wa a difference, beclill4 they aomobodY·ll>_....,~,llabaltJ inoved. · , --;. Or-C004t.Junlor co11.,..Dl1trld You paclc·a·tundl, a moved claoe< to lbt wllltls u 1 opun were llumld and 1.,u not. Tbey .,.ayed I ~ siiad I\ na latj(er. T!\rowlna: Wt!rth Keene; Ineumben~ "· ' x chaq• ti. ·d9tbea In tbem In !he llnd. . • · •• ~· . • •• • pride 1o U.wfildl. wh!eb ilid -.....,..; George H. ·Rodda, Jr., Incumbent X cue It, lela. cold, a I produced the requtaite blanket, since triumphantly In their trunks and bi.ldnll ed 20 miles per hour, I deoerled, and~ portable radio or boards are not my thing, and scrambled and looked .very comfortable. I reached gheetilshly c1amberid \IP the same bllik I~ TV, books ud mag· down the pndpioe to the beach, hltllng it !or my wor~ and !!Oliced •larlOI of had. so blithely dasheo! Jlilwn an ~our: u1ne1. a1 2,17 p.m. lncredulltl'. • belare: My tat *" .111!!' •"'I"' ·u·: Here, It'• a ·dll!ereit.thlaJ, U JW pt At 2,1,, tho SW! vanlohed, and a chlD Tbe .,Ind lncm&ed In loroe. I lay. peclantl)'. ·. ' . : tlrad of drlvinJ ,iong Iha Coul lll1Jhw11, wind wblstled In 1rom tho aoean. J prop-dawn, Btoic.Uy gnltlng my t0eth agi!Mt Al I -aled bact •into' tJie Jmol ol • yau stop at a bUch. 11'1 Oii)', --ped myaell up an one albow, and looked the arialail&bt. Yau ~ get a tan, I told !raffle, I looked . at tho i>iot>le on lbe ' yau'ra nariq your bathloir wit; you around. Tbe Dodge wu pm:hedwbero·I my,.11. · . beadL Tb<y',Jept, 'wmiiit lliat lhe sun· can pull up ~t aext to lli11aad, roll out bad left I~ and H nayed In the brem. I ·fidgeted, wlJhinl for a boak or had just coma o¢!. , · ; ..,.._~ ---------------------------------...;._ ----------------------._, Estancia Kids ---~- Experiment With Movies .. Movte-mUinl·u PIJ1nl oa for ·co.ta Meu'1 Eslanda Hip· Sehool &Indents and the Newporl-M .. a Unified School Diatricl. Eltancla'1 film program hclpo the 11tudentl to understand the new medium,.. and hclpo lbt' diJtrlcl upilin ill educa- tional programs to 1tudenta and to the community. , Funded by I COD!'~inl\ion or federal and district money, Including a special $500 "bot ld~a0 grant from the district, the program Involves freshman English classes and the aud.i~visual -television (AV/TV) cl.....,. Said teacher of freSbman Encliah John Greeley, "Today, kidl spend ten timea as much time watching movies u reading book!. Tbey lhould Jurn what people ~ trying to llY throuah Ult Dew mediqm." Pe(tt Pan Baatlitt' "lnsltld of 1otng to ,movies just tO tee the sexy parb, kids should be looking at film& anal,ytiellty, to ... how or ii they' COllll1llll1icate," said Greeley. Built by Mr. and Mrs. Le~ Crawford, ·29611 Milbro St., Costa Mesa, 3&-foot ketch 0 Journeyman'' embarked tod$)' on cele!tial voyage oaf of backyard; bound !or ·launchirig Tuesday in 'Newp0rt· Beach. · ''It's fltbulous to see· it going this way," said Crawford after ll·ton vessel pused safely over hciine. Crawford; worked weekends and vacili9ni on Joumeyroan;. i)T~'\' they li~ve ti ·new pastime:· yacbttng .. MAKING MOVJE.'1 To • explcte the }'l'oblema o( com- munication thnu&h fUm1 tbe ltudenta are malttng their !1Wll movi'I· , Tbe big,.t eflorl r!lbt naw •• toward · J,hat win 'Up:tatn' EWida1~ &ix " ,...,......_s to·•··~•ng ·rre· 1•-·n, •• ·..,r,; •• r,•; II:' l''"&'•U• un..vnu. WIR: F""" P .. e I Jn order to ·us11t them In planniq their ' · Weekend T~af.fic.. -7.~ •Ucb acUviU.. u !h. depart· RODEO menlll.bomeecmamics, the library, and .. ,~~·· • . · .. Accidents Kj)l. ::,-~i-~.=,~,;v lrol car' struck, """"""'g....,. drlwn bt · ~ -· . : : · .--···: . atud111i!5."~ ' ' John T. Zisko~ 29, ol 1?9111_ Alladenil Two 'COuntians . . . Tbe "ll1identa In Greeley'• Eng!W\ Drive, Tustin, into a traffic signal stan· clutea plan the ahots and the Urning, and dard. " · ~· the AV ITV otudenla provide the technical . And wham: Dowiilni'• awn miverick Two Orange Caan!J. reslden)! !"!" ~ cinOmatojrapli\'. lifhtlnf and editing, . . . ed In traflic acddeols cm ~"-'! ... 1.a•-a m-~ o1 thl -"ty -ill du' mashed a fin hydrant and stopped. Jamea '!\. Seaton,' 14, al -IOlt· ,.. In ·U:.,' scr1~'.--" • ' The apologetic motorist was not given W:J0 S:, ~:.::f' theon ~ =· For Greeley and his students this 11 a a balanct test during hll field sobriety tu. ·about lO:" p.rn.,. Friday. ..... {il:&t venture. "But the beauty 'o1 thls ~ etamination because, police noted, hi! . The driver of the other car, JtrTY A. r.iu're not trying to turn out a profession- hip-length wooden leg would 1tack the Mh9on, 28, ~. Pomoni. ;wu '!parted 81 product; you'n trying to communl· pdda against him at the out.!et. Cite." Suffiei(!nt reuon wu found by Officer lie ~ · C..ty .Tratnc . : :l.81 He noted that the movie-making pro<. ~n. however, to arrest Downing on SI '>ea~ Toll 41 gram hu increased student interest in iusplclon ol. felony drunk driving and he aeriously Injured. He is tn St. Judi Englilh, even amona: 1tudents who are lltill sat In~~ Cil,y· Jail today, 'Hl'!l'i!f!.~ Fullerton · · nolcoUeae-.bolJJ1d ...... , , awlliUng arralgiiineliL . On' 11uilCFay',' at ·n :is' p.m;, Tbe ·Av/TV depalllfteilfCJncludes a Ralph B ol 1 1 e au , 34, al Garden clooed-clrcult television Syatem. StudWit& Nixow See Blossoms • . WASlllNGTolf (UPI),.-Pmident and Mn. Nlml• ~ a ·-..n around lbt Polomac Udal basln.today to look al lbt cherry blossoms, 01\ILV PILOT "· • OltANGI COAST f'UILISHINO COMPANY Rob.rt N. Weed Preklenl el'ld Publl.,..r J e(k il. C111/ey Vic. f'rMklitnl end Gtntrel M..Mfll' fllefl'lel l(eplf E•llW JJO Welt .. y 5fteef . ' MeHi111 .Mi,...1: ,,0 . le• 1160, 9262' --""'-1 ._.1.an • ...... _......,. ~ heetl: :m ,.,... ... ,,....,. ......... 9Mdl1 -.. '"""' Grove was killed when bis ear went out In Greeley's claas who used to balk· ai of CODtrol and hit the center divider on giving oral, boak nporla now 10 to U.. tbi· Garden Grove FreewaJ · D •a r Hbrary and ·· deliver them ·to, tbeii Mancbeater Avenue. . • claasmates .over cloeed.ctrmit TV 1 •lllJ pusen1er; fllyllia lleln. •• ti. ....UUng ID ID up111rge DI Interest' on the Longlleach, ta Jn orit!cal eoadllloa Jn Iha ~-o(. bOth the 'lt'lktr and . Ills. :I U• Orange County l\ledicll Center. _ Thieves Get $275 ' --' At il~rhor YMCA Burglar11 over u,e: weekend broke into the ei:ecutive offices or the Newport Harbor YMCA and stole 1375 In caah from a desk and lilin& cabinet. ~. Police said the theft occumd between Friday nilbt .. d 4 a.m. Saturday. Tbe . Jou was diacoVer<d b7 a cleanln( man ·who enleNd lbt Y at 4 a.m. to !Ind ID DI· fk<:-prlod open.. . " . • Tba thleva IOW>d keyi In a desk ol 1111 ollioe and opened a fUlng cabinet ult to tal<e the money, polloe oald. Tba olllces "' al ml Unlvenlty Dr. UCI Youth Hurt By Plate Glass . f. UC Irvine IWdent l'Ullhlng along a Balboa ctttet Saturday afternoon tripped and I e 11 throu&J! • plate glus window. aullerlnJ a Hverely cut arm. Ponce said Glenn Earl FtlebertsliaWJer ol mo Serens Ave., Colt& Meu, was !rated at 11<111 Memorial Hoepltal alter the I p.m. mishap. A friend told poUoe lbt pair wm run- llOCUMENTARY Directed by AV/TV teacher James Daley, a former newspaperman, the AV I TV .W... aro lilmiM 1 documentary lor the · ·tUltrk:t on ~11 ·eduCation counies. The »-minute fllm Is entirely the work o( the students. Another filmJ for the physical education department. shows I.he work of modern dance students at Eatancia. FiJm..making, aays Daley, is an er- acting business , once the initial e1· cltement has worn oft For thl11 reu:on. most of . his studtnts are in the upper gradee. . Film Ja expensive. and the shots are carefuly studied and planned in advance. AlthouCh maklnJ movi" la an e• ploratorj 9dventuni for most of the aluden\S, a few ltll.ion JN planning to a;O into communications upon graduation. Tbe student& are experimenting with !hort fUma: on their own, on a wide ranp of topics -from a poetry Jnterpretatlan · to a study of boaten on the bay to a story about a boy wbo lalla into I Oooif control chonritl and b rt9c:lled b7 bis do1. Anythinc·r00s: uy the t .. chen. One boy b doing an animated cartoon. ' Movie-mating ln the Newport.Mesa Dillrld "'"" to be the coming thlq. Other fllm procrama are· involving atudenb 1rom ldaderrarten oe up throulh the elementary grad ... Widow Recovering nln1 aJooc Eut Bay A-when lbt LONDON (UPI) -Lady Clemmtlae ..\.'ktlm tripped aad lell tllrouC)I the -Oturclllll, II, widow ti. Sir Winston. tod.V dow at Ill E. Ill,)' A... . made f\lr1llor Jll"'CrW In her rte11pul- 1'rlebmlbauser wu rtlwed alter tion from a lrlcl\lred lblp, a ~-.. t · ~,.11ma•uld. Chairman of GOP Urges Involvement With Youth WASHINGTON (AP) -Rtp. Rogers C. B. Morton {R·lvld.), urged Republicans today to involve tbemselvea Ja the pro- blems of youth and the minorities lest they bec.ome the "11pwe tire" of p::iliUca -winning elections onJy w h e n Deniocrala dlsaflect. MOrton, replacing Ray Bliu as national chairman, told the Rtpablican National Committee blunUy lbt plrty woe last year's ·_presidential election more btcauee of dissaUstaction among the voters than enthuaiasm for the GOP candidate. ''The quest.ion Is," he said in the text of a tali at a closed 11ession, "are we a poUti.;oJ party capabl< ol atti:acting new generation!, capable of establishing government 1n our own right, capable or winning elecUoti.s because of what we are ·. and how we perform. ror." In his prepared re.marks Morton made no reference to Lhe controveniy over the Safeguard anUmisaile ·system which President Nixon has ordered deployed. Committee aide11 said there were no in- dications that the group would act to formally endorse Nixon'• decision. But Individual · memberk aald lllere wu strong approval (or the President'tl ac- tions. Morton aaid that the new commltiee leadership has been promised that "the full muscle of a Republican ad- ministration will be 1oin1 for us." Bliss, who presided over· the committee in the succeasfuJ 1966 and 1981 elections, was forced out of the chalrriwtship to make way for a new luder more adept in public presentation cf. the Republicu viewpoint. Joan Baez Says She's · E~pe~ting ; SAN JOSE <in!h' -Folk s~ger .ioan Baez is expecting. . The 28--year-old antiwar crusader wu·'.q; wildly cheered when lhe announced the impending birth to a concert crowd thla past weekend. It will be her" first child. "!might as well teli you DOW bec.t11141 It will come out anyway," Misll Baez uld. "I'm pregnant." .• Her husband. David' .Hanis, wu not: around to hear tbe announcement. The: lonner student body . preoident at Stan~ lord University was partlcipallnJ In a S: in at his ah:Q:a mater. :. Harrll, 23, bu been convicted al dral\'. J"efusal and, unleu a i'eversal ii won in' hllJher CGllrt, will oriibably ·begin ""'In( a three-year. 11t11teiite in Juoe. .: Motorist Hits. J;toadway Rail Missing Jewels Found in Tn1nk ; • .· The long arm of the law reached into a car trunk Saturday and solved the cue of a Newport Beach woman'• mlssin& overnilbt kit contaJntnc !400 In jewelry. Costa Mesa Police Officer DeMil Ho.ssleld aaid the 26-year-old woman reported the items stolen while her car wu parked avernilbt In the 700 black ol Shalimat Drive. •. She Will a bit chagrined, but al~ thankful when Officer Hossfeld found the luggage in the car trunk and closed lb~ cue. Crowd Stones Police SAN FERNANDO (AP) -A routln• !raffle arrest triggered a bsmge <>t rocb and botUes from picnlci:m ~ Bronefield Park Sunday. Police said about 300 per110t1s wert' dispened by 60 officers from severai police divisiOM. All San Fernando Valier. police division• were placed on tactical alert during the late &ftemoon fracu. ~ "ot &re we 'l standby for the majority of Americans to use only as a substitute for failure ? "I, fur one, wW not accept for the Republican Porty the role ol _. tire In Aniniah Talking Back American politics." , In sheddin& their role as a minority party, Morton said, }\epublicans mlllt become "mustve!J 'tnvolved w I l h mllllons or YOWll people, wflh mllllona ol blact people, with millions of poor peo- ple, with American Indians, with national and ethnic groups, farmen, aenior cltliens and city folk . "We must Cl.re about their problems. their bope1, their lrultrations and dreaml, .. be atd. '"J'bq U1J not politlcal commodlU" to be clealt·wlth In bulk or In blOC1. Tbey .,. part al a sreat enUty whlcll ta America and aU that It lllndJ Eight Die in Fire . WOODLAND, Calli. (AP) -El(ht members ol a Sacramento River ar~a larm limlly died In a Ouh fire that ...,. llWlled thdr qad frame bouae SUllday nlli>I-'l"tlo " the ....., cillldren In the burnln& -lnlllllad lo flte. 11iey wen In crlllcaJ c:oadltloll at a bolpltafto. d•Y· •• .. Conservationists and bird watch- '" lrl big ... a thin& they call "natural habitat." And you don't have to be much of a humor watcher to know thl& the Orange Cout ta the natural habitat of some ol. the n1Uon'1 funniest c:artoonllta. Found In the Joell -ti. punch. liners with ptlntbnuhes are lbt lnterlandl twins, Dk;k Shaw and "the animal man," Ed Nofzlpr. Work Crom all of tMir prolific ptM bu been publiahed !rem time to time In 1bt DAILY PILOT. Starting tod17, however, Lqunatlc Naldgtr'1 single panel r.,ture, ANIMALocJc, will appear alinasl tvet'f d'Y· Monday throacJt Sai. unlay, In the DAILY PILOT. Tbe ftrlt one ii on Pap I •. ' I - M-. Aolll 14, 1961 :. $ DAILY l'ILDT ~ Recall . Leader Score -'Doubts'· • Many Citizens Want Councilmen OustRil, Van Dask Declar;a By TERRY ()()VILLE Of .... NllJ , ...... ' Eugene Van Dask, leader ol a move to recall Ute mayor of· Fountain Valley and two councilmen, today iisuied a rebuttal to the "doubts about biJ motivea" ...... rted last ..... by Mayor Robert ... Schwerdtfeger. Van !>ask polntell out that even thpugh he initiated the reCan campaign, "a sutman.Ual number of citlztns have U· ~ pn!SO<d )l)elr desire to recall th< three · 'Honors for President ' ' Rep. James B. Utt (left) accepts Orange County Press.Club "Man of the Year" award on behalf of President Richard M. Nil<on as Laguna 'Niguel's John B. Lawson does the hooors. Press cluti bar\ded·out an- nual headliner awards Saturday night (See story page 12). DAILY I'll.OT...,.,,._ Scientific Headliner Professor Edward A. Steinhaus and wife, Mabry, admire headliner award presented. to UC Irvine biologist by Orange County Press Club. Newport Beach resident Steinhaus was one of 17 Orange Countians hooored by press club for achievements in 1968. (See story page 12). Nuclear: Powered Suh Launched VALLEJO (·AP)· -Mare Island Shipyard has launched its 15th nuclear· powered submarine. The ~ Hawkbill , a 292·foot. 4,500-ton Ctaft manned by 12 officers and a crew of 95, takes her name from a·workl War 11 lltb built in 1944 and decommissioned in 1946. 'Ibe original Hawkblll was over~ul~ eel in 1952 and now bi the "1.eeteenw in Ute !loyal Netherlmls Navy. • The new sub was launched Saturday. 62.8 Miles per Ho.ur Highway Average W~~GTON (UP l J -Motorists tip- ped along the nation's interstale highway syslem al an average speed oC 62.8 miles an hour la.st year, according to · the Federal Highway Adm inistration. The highest aVe.rage lnsterstate speed in all country was in Kamas, the report said, where the average expressway speed was 68.4 miles an hour. men in qu,esUon." . The mayor, and Councilmen Donald Fregeau and Joseph Courregts, Wued printed answers in a press conference last week to deny allegali~ of "conflict or interest". and "misrepresentaUon" made , in the recall charges which item from a c,onltj>versjal decision on a amall lot tract plalined by th< j.arwln Co. 'M~t History Squarely' Says Author John Hope Franklin, speakin& Sll.tunlay at a conference. m the .teachlnc of Afro. ~ hlli<n at the Univenlty ol Callfomla-lrvine, called upon Americln hlstoriaN to leek the nalloa'• blltory "squarely in the fact," to reftll injus- tices ol die past .. ...ii .. glories. Franklin, author of lbe blltory tntbook ''Land of the Free;'' which aroused much controversy when it was adopted by the .state of California, aaJd, "We m\M teach a history that recognlJts the work ol all who work and die to make this country what it is." The cbairman of the department of history Of the University of Chicago received a standing ovation from the largely white group of e d u c a to r 1 assembled for the conference. He attacked the idea of history that recognizes only the great moments of America as a fallacy, and denounced. historians wbo describe history as a !leries of triumphs over nations, and over technology WiUtoul recognizin1 the role played by Negroes, slave and fret, and wtthoul ncognizing "that barliarlUes and discrimination are part of the na· tion'• biltcry." ~ the same tiine. Franklin called for c/u< In the clev<lopmeot ol plans to leoch Afro.American history, Franklin compared the current upsuree ot -In blaclr. .W.illes with the scr~ to. catch up to the Rusllians in ocience courtes wl1eil the first Spulnlk was launched. He noted that in the rush to meet the demand.9 ol black atudepts for etbnlc atudJea, sorqe educators are sacrificing qualllY for ezpediency, hiring leachora of Afro.Am<riean studies wlllloo( checking their qualiflCallons. Calling upon educators to teach black history in the contut ol America'• put, Franklin said, 0 It takes a~ of great , heart and ccurage to loot bistory aquare- Jy in the face and tell it as it ii. We mult be w11ling lo critlciu the ,put. to put the wrongs in the textboob. Sex Class Study To Be Revealed Will there be a m: education coune at Huntington Beach hilf\ school• nest year? Parenll will find out al 7:30 p.m. tonight as a citizens committee reports on a llM·page tentative c:Ourae ouWne in the District Board Room, 190l 17th SI. Members of lhe committee have been studying th< contmonial -1 over a month· now and wUl decide whether the course will be taught in its praent form or il lt will be taught at' Ill We are proud of our Laguna Beach Schools and know they give us an excellent return on our t .ax dollar. We have studied the facts and belle'Ve the modest, two-year tax over· ride is essential to maintain the quarity of education our students need. We Encourage a ''YES" Vote on .T.he School Tc.x Override . BE SURE TO VOTE ON APRIL 15th I .Glenn E. V1dde.r Leroy. B. Childs Yincent P. Carroll, M.D. Macauley Ropp Mrs. Cli~on T. Nichols . Catherine MacQuarrie M. T. "Red" Guyer Jerome Kiri< :John Kerr Dallas R. Turner Robert ~-Corne:ison Mr. & Mrs. Boris B1111n William O. Martin Shirley McCalla Jo•eph A. O'SuUivan Roy J. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Al Simmon• John 'Weld Verner C. Beck Jene F. Boyd Mem11 Jolinson Doug Schmit. 0 . W. Price Rev. Ellsworth L Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Klosterman YES TAX OYERIDE LAGUNA BEACH UNIFIED SC"OOL DISTRICT m&tlll .._ ..... ~fet '' .n... _....., •f ........... IMU hlW WINI lhttkt.l Today, In a lolWr to tho DAD,Y PILOT, Van· Duk cballonpd the mayor's dabn that be offend to talk with Van Duk "under oath" to anawtr c bar I e.1 reglll'dlng b1J actlcm u ....,.., Van Duk admltted lbe ....,.. called him req-un, .. accommodltloo lead- inl lo a withdrawal ol the neall, but oald, "It II not true that be oll<Nd to leslily Ulldtt oath nor la It true that be oll<ftd to -his tu ataWne!ds." Mayor Schwerdtlqer -Wed-neaday hll prtmarr fear In the· rtcaU mow was. "the harm it would do the ci-ty." • The primary llaue In the rtcaU move- ment bu been the clty'a llJll>fOYll ol the proposed small lot Larwin Tract, IOO homes on JOO acres with 2s' Jiemmt of them to have 5,000 square foot Jots. Tbe principal raaltor In the Llnfln . -II lbe mayor who publicly -bk C<lllf1lct ol lnlerelt -the ell, c.inicll approved a """' chance af. fectin( the -· Tbe mayor did not vote Oii the .... chall&e lasue. Van Duk conltnds that the mayor's declaratleo afl<r the """' chance was ll'anted In fact -wi.. no decla'atloo. Schwerdtfeger I Oft the other hand, (.'Ofto -tha1 ti ho bad told councilmen and ()ilnnlng COllUDi.stooen ol b1J In· ·volvement • befcre the zone chanee it woold bave . .,..,.Uluted an "undue In· nueoce on their decision." Van Duk odded that lbe Larwin Tract, 0 ia not the only reuon for the recall ~ ceedinp." lie blamed poor treatment ol citizens at·COllDCil meetings and a desire on the part ol the ...identa of Fountain Vall•y to see ~preseotative government, a,, tbe Taxpayers Told to Look For Mail Pickup Times POlllal paU-ma!Mg tbeir fedora! and state income tu retaml 'l'Uelday Me Wimed to .observe the coUec:tkiD time schedule on moil;boz,. belon depooiting their mall. This admmltioo. Wal issued by Hun- tingtoo Beach and fumtaln Vllley Poetmasten Pete Difabio and Hector Godinez, The Fountain Valley Poot Office, located at 10201 Slater Ave. ·will observe tile "1l'Jlar c1oQg time but mall will be c<>llected fnlm lbe curblide collectloor bex In front ol UJe pool ollice .. late u mJd. nigllt. Last c<>llectlon at the HUDtington Belch Army Gives Boot To GI Editor FT. GORDON, Ga. (UPI) -Tbe Army tod1y dlacbarged u llllllealrable the editor ol an .-""""'1 newspaper critlcll ol the -and gbvermnenL Maj, GeJ1. Jillln C. F. TllJaen m, bue commander, apprvved t b e recom- mendallona ol a ~ 111111 beltlng board and ordered PFC lltrmia lllvll o1 N.W York City "eljmlnated from tbe oervice with ari undenlrablt diacharge." 11 days berore the scheduled end of his two-year hitch. . The Anny cbarged that lllvll, :16, pro- moted disloyalty and unrest among aoldJm in his role u editor of the salric.ol undergramd -'"lbe Lui Har-," dllb1bated at Fl. Gordon. Main Poot Office, localed 111771 Warner Ave. wf11beet10 p.m. List mail haul at UJe Beach ollice, located at Main and OHve SL will be at 9,30 p.m. All mall poated at these k>catiom prior to collect.loo wUI bear the April 15 poolmark. In addition, several locaUorui: in Santa Ana have vending machines and col- lection boxes which will provide service up lo midnlghl. They ar" Main Poat Office, DI! North Grand Ave .. Spurgeon StaUon, 115 N. BUBh SI. Self Service Poetal Unit, 1129 W. 17th SI. Sell Service Po.stal Unlt, 220I E. 17th SI. B~ch Stake Arts Festival Slated "Let Beauty Fut the Earth," la the . theme for the fourth annual HunUngton Btach Stake Arts and Cultural Festival, Friday and Sllturoay al lbe Htmtlngton Beach Stake Center, 14191 Locu$I St., Westminster. Presented by the Church of ' Jesus Christ ol Lall~ Day \lllnls, the fm!va\ will feature mm lhaD 100 local artists and I Friday night ~ by the Hun- tington Beach Stake Singing Mothers Chonrae>. Tbe ptibllc la Invited. Donation ol fl ls uked. sparb behind lht -movemeftt Fttgeau and""""-'""' allO dllr&· ed b1 lht v.. Duk llqll)Orltn with ... noring.lbe mandate ol lht cll!Jons. Both ,... voted to upbok! ~· conunil&l«I IJll>fOVU ol Ille Lmrln Traci In two opec1al -Unp bdd In -1be mayor abltained on all action c:m- ceming the matter because · al hb de<lattd <onflict. Contention ol lbe three men In quesllon i.s '!lat all actlooa. taken by µ.em bav~ been oPtll and.-and that tho type cl planned development oflered in the Larwin propoul is a much bettt.r tract than JIO"ible Wider the city atandanl ol 7,200 SQUln! feet J>Or 1ol. They also feel the pending recall ocUon will only damage the city's' reput.tlon, reganllesa ol the""""""'· Van Duk feell otherwtae .. HJJJl,tingt,on City Beaches Report 'Water's Fine' "Come on. in, the water's fine.'' This is d:!:e open lnvi1'Uoa to. an)'Onl who would like lo go to the beach In Hun- tington Beach and fears· watet' pollullm. Hantlnglon City Beach i.s open dally and the water's fine. Not so, however, with ftunUng\on Beach State Park from Beach Boulevard to U>e Santa Ana River. ne waters are closed to swimmers, surfers or bathen. Botsa ouCa State Beach north of th9 Bluffs is open and in daily use . The city beach not only i.s not cloled; but ;, 1111likely lo be closed bOc:aule of the contamination from the Santa Ana River• ac<onling to olllciala ol the ~ of Beaches and Harbors. LBJ Secretary To Speak at UCI Robert C. Weaver, President Joblllon'I secretary of housing and urban de'f<lopo ment, will speak Wednesday at UC ]vine tbarttt Day C<ftlllOllles. The p.iblic is invited to Weaver's tal~ at 11 a.m. In Crawfonl Hall (The Ue? gymnasium). Weaver, lbe lint Negro to read! the rank ol cablrlel officer, wlll -1< on "Di1emm.as ll('U!&n Amerlca.1' · Charter DaY Is lie!d' armually durtac the spring cm eKb UC campus 1n oblervac• of the Unlvenlty's birthday. Thll year'• is the tOIJt. FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION THROUGH STRONG BOARD LEADERSHIP ·ELECT Dr. Ralph H. Bauer TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES I ~ . Huntington leach Union High School Let's Put The PUBLIC Back Into PUBLIC EDUCATION • ,,.,_._, '1 ClttnM hr Dr. R•l,t. H. lauw, 1ff11 Win I.•~ HVfl"" ..... IMch A Long Island mother w b o lboopt sh• was helping her teen- q ed Joos with a high Jcbool sci- _,. project bas been informed by pollce that she helped th• boys -a crop ol. marijuana 1nstead. J..,. Mmtnl J r., 17, and his broth- er-John.. 16, were arraigned on clwg• ol possel!ion ol a danger- ous dnig. 'Police uid th• boys had wed their mother to belp them In their "science project" by moving the plants from window to window so· they woolcl get plenty of sun .. And that for weeks, Mrs. Mentzel spent ... ber days moving _!he plants ~ from one window to another. • Hawoil ltd othtr 1taU1 in the J>tTcmtaae in er c • 1 e of mar· riage1 in 19" cmd 1961. accord- ing .to tile U.S. Cen.nu Burirau. That: ton't 13,113 marriage1 in Hmoaii during t h e two year period for a 26.4 pcctnt ift· crease. Utah waa runnenip with a 13.6 percent jump. State •~ tistician Robnt Schmit credits the military'1 rest and recnation program in Hawaii for the fn. cr~es. • It'• finally come. Kidclio KncliL But there's no clangor of increued inflation if Steve Pachan'1 plan is followed. The cards Usued. to his two ...,., 7 and 5, through the co- operation of the local Miami candy store owner, read: "Purchases lim- ited to 11 cents daily for each son. Mr. Pacban will pay at the encl of each week." •• 1r1 .pr;.. .... ""' llalari, .,. of the Qirotla at'IM Pllonis '°"' crp-pcan to ,._.Ioli lilt IWad ..., Oft< o/ the 1~ .'QiraJ111 at the roo. Ac- tmlly, ht:'I ;tut wing hi.! htod to brush a ffJI GIOOI/. • 'llll: Bradleys' new nylon sheets look just lovely, but they build up IOCh a charge of static electricity -Tom Bradley of Wembley, England, was nearl1. knocked down .. when be pn hla wit. a good-mom- ing kiss. --rhe company that makes the &beets advised Bradley to wear . rubber-soled llipP_81'• the nest time be kisses hi& wife while &be'.s in bed. • Apollo 11 la -lo lond at Apollo ]ondlng -n. • paint -tho equtar llld -cl lbt -·· -Uno. Apallo 12 wm land at tome other lite. 'lEFENSE MINISTER PROCLAIMED AS MAO'S SUCCESSOR Moo T...iun,, 75 Lin Ploo, 79 China Defense Minister Named to Succeed Mao HONG KONG (UPO -The Chinese Communilt pally lodlY -ldap-tioa of a new ccmtitution tJl,lt speclficaJly proclaims lld .... -Lin P!Oo, .... as the succeaar-to 75-year-old plrty chairman Mao TIHung. 1 t was not cltar immediately whether Lin would take ewer the Poli now as ruler Magazine Story Reveals Pike leaving Church I V UlllJW l'ru1 lll~Ul""4!1 James A. Pike, former Episcopal Bi.lhop of Clilfomia, said today ht is leaving the church. The 55-year-okl Pike .anoounced his break 1rith the dmrch in an artidt writ- le'il for Look magnine. The Rt. Rev. John Hines, presiding Bishop of the Episcopa] Church, said in New York be had received no com- . munication from Piltt and .knellf nothing of bis decision until he rt:ad the ms&uJne article. Pike was a Roman Catholic In his youth, then was an agnostic for several years before joining the Episcopal church in 194f. He ha s developed a keen interest receriUy in spiritualism, and published a book reporting on conversations ht said he bas bad, through a medium, with his dead .son. He said in the Look article that ht and hia third wilt , DiMe, are not "starting a new church" but have established 111 in· stituilon which they call ''The. Church Alumni Foundation." Atoms for Peace Meetings Open VIENNA (UPI) -U.S. and Soviet of- ficWt today opened ta1b to share for the fint time information on the use of nuclear expkmons fc:r pem:eful PurJloses with smalla-natioM. The Ruaaiam said the negotiations will benefit all humanity. The atomic uperU will Lalk for three days or more on bow carefully controlled nuclear uplolicm coold bo 111111 to divert counes of riven, baDd dams or harbors or dig a new Panama Canal. Today's meetine marked the first time the two nuclear l)lnil &ol togelbor on the queslion of the puceful use of n11Clear explooloos. Eacll --lhal tho talb ..... purely technical and """"' -.1e on lhe tffeeU cl.........,.. nuclear erplosians fGr peaceful ap- plications. of the world's lar~t country or would just wait in the wings until Mao dies or gt.po uide. A draft constitution circlllated a few months before the party convened its 9tb natiooal congreY contained • clause declaring that .. Comrade Lin Pito is Mao Tse-bmg's close comrade-U..arms and successor.'' A communique issued today after adop- tion of tbt reviled consUtutioa Aid the new document confirmed Lin as Mao'• successor and elevated Mao's thought to • level with Marxism-Leninism as the theoretical basis of the party. The action caine as no surprise. The frail. bushy-browed marshal who called himself "Tiger Cat Lin" became Mao's heir apparent at a meeting of the party's central committee iD August, 1966, when Lin emerged as the sole vice chairman or the committee. It was that session which marked the beginning o( the end for Liu Sha<H!hi, the president of the republic and a vice paty chainnan at tht time. At the aame ses.Soo, Premier Chou. En-lai, Marshal Chu Tcb and Vice Premier Chen Y101 alto gave up vice .cbairmambipa they had held since &he 8th Con~ in 1951 . Today's ~ent was the first since the Ith Congress began its semisecret season ~I 1. Stanford As ks Identification Of Protester s STANFORD (UPI) -1'Y:o dozen volunteers, derided as "piglets" by ~ti occUpyinc a Stanford Universi- ty Jab, lDO\'ed. 1nlo the student-heh! building today to identify individually the antiwar prolesters. The flCllllJ aod slaff memben asked each or the 2IO demon.strators to leave the applied electronics laboratory, which was seized last Wednesday night. When the students refused . the volunteers, working in two-man teams. asked for identification. 1i1any of the pro- testers answered by saying they were "the April Third Movement." The individual identification was the administration's latest step in applyinc campua disciplinary measures againlt the demoMb'ators. University officials sa id earlier they would not call polior: to campus while the protest rt:mained non.. viGlent. "The pr..ident (Kenneth S. Pillll') and I .,_ COD.timiing tG deal with this dilrup- tion by bd.emal meam," Stanford -llicbanl W. Lyman laid In ,._ nouncinl the individual Identification plan. 12 Mississipi Tornadoes $100,000 T wister Damage Reported by Mount Olive Ceutal ONtv Iii!• _.,.... ,.;1111 <...,IN .. ~._.. .......... 11 kMft. T...,......, • • .. T ........ --·-• r•111t41 , .................. ... 1""9N .......... ,..,.. .. n • 9 . ,... .. ,.., ...,.."'" -jf.J .. -Sw•, M-•· '.l'Wes _ .... s.c....i ..... 1:• ........ . s.c.... """' ,~ •• , ... , S..• TUISOAT "'"' 1tw .,., • t ;O) •·"'·I.I '!f'll l'lltl! •·•·••••· • ''''''"'' ,, s.c..111 11W .•• ,, •••••• , •• l:U •·"'•I.A hailld l>lltl ••.••. ••• l!U •·"'· M ""-.... .t:" •A tlfl •:a .. M. ... .,.. ,.,. '""' .... •:• .. ,.,.. IJ.S. s ...... .,, MIMIMJiiiltl -.tTVC1I Irr 11 ~ • ...... ....,..... 5'111My. ,.....,. ___ _,.. .......... " ... --""""' -" """""" "" ~ ""' ........... ........ h t ~ """ """" '*"'*" ,_ ..,_ --'"'" fJ\i(I -~ llftl. Mll'Oteilt 1111 Wiii ~ M11111t Ollw, Min.. ..... _.._ •I """ ""'• -··-.... Iii.~ IW<fted -· A low l•ft"''• 11'11ft!'> lft At\•11M' 1o01r 111tffti rtlft ...,. Kt t.....,,. """'" d~ «1'91• • 1141•1w 1ru lrwn 1'11 Gtlf C•tt '9 "'-ll:oiftr M~I. "8e¥1 r1l111 cftflluMI ••IJ ~·~ Ill ""' Ill MIM IHIWI 11~ llr lllt IOI' ~ ..... lllu~--"""""· A cl'IH ~ dlrlC'fer 1t #tollnt ..... 1'1~ 10 __, ·~ ~ .. tlllil .......... lllM1l:t .,.. -..... tld I .... ti ltfrlO.. ·----.. _ . .-.... ·-"" ••M '"'"' "'-Cll!Clf! ... 11 ,_ ..... ... _ ........ lurek1 'cwt worl!I ·~~ ...... ·-· ,_,., ~I (lfy l•t YtNS .... _ .. M-Mll-*w MJ.--11 New °"""'" -· .. -·-.... _ ..._ , ........ "'flMttlllli. ..._ .. ·-... ""' .. llCI 11:•11111 (lfv ll:t<I I ll.If• ·-Mct•l'Mllll SI. leu;. s.n,.., itlf ~ (lly 1111 o• S.n li'r111Cllc& ""'' .. ,..,. ~ - Hltlll L .. ,,..., n " ., 37 61 !I .N . .. IS II ~1 31 ... 5t •S ... n s• .It ... ... ,. .. , 11 4 .JI ~ " " . " n ... ~ n u l'f .t1 .. ~ ... •• .ti ., " . ~ ,. 71 .. " . .. IT 11 " " ... .. " ... • u " ~ .. ~ n 51 JJ 11 ,ea n " ., 4 .., " . " 4 " _. .n " . p ... !: 2 ~ : .. » FWod Clos es American Platoon ·North Dako ta · T d C ·u U'niversity rappe ' ut .P ., """"" ...... "'"" ......... North Dakota Slate University a~lll&h achoola In Farro, N.D., Wlft clooed lot!fy so .-i. could help battle the risln& Red River of the north. North of Fargo, the river rose 4.7 fett at Grand oFrb Sunday, IO ff.5 feet. Tl\< hlib during the 11<5 flood3 was ff.t. A . crert of between 4' and 47 feet "as e.t- pected Tuesday l)f' Wednesday. . At lea.st 9,000 persoos weri be.in& evacuated from their, homer in the Midwest as rivers -fed by waters nm- ning off winter's huJe snow peck: - gnawed al dikes worked on oonstantty by IJood figbtm. Nri Dakota had some 4,n ~ homelm bec•Ult ol floods. Mi...e..t. had at least 3,011 homeless, Sooth Dll- kota had 1,000, Waconsin had 400 and lowa had aboot 60. North and Soulh Dakota and Minnesota had asked Prtlident Ni:ion to designate them d~eter areas, enablln& flooded communities to ask for federal aid. Aut:horiUes feared damage total fGr the Dak:Gtas and Minnesota would exceed the $50 million figure for the 1985 floods. SAIGON (APl -An ..._..., -· platoon ud air cavalry • ...,.,,. .. ............ -aod cut-up bodlJ by •• ..., ---SundO)' -. tanks and annorod pam.I can1ln cruhod tbnlicb Wei: Junllt lo ...... them. Mlll1"7 .,....,.,. Aid LI "-leans """ lllllod aod II W<n -.nded In the f-bollle in the -of Black V~lln -..., <5 miles -ol Saipn. Tiiey pye lllll accounl : Amil ...... -the 11th Armored Cavalry JbWinm made • beliMIW' &an- ding .... tho -· lo -'lhe multlclaJm-.,,,., __ enemy.body .... 71--. then got tolo .. _...,... --and wen ....... 4own by Nartll vfdlion- madlino -Two Americalll were .killed· add four were lwounded in tho flnl mr lillnula while tho rat cl the ~ dived for cover. When a CCUlPll1 of IA Air Cavalry Diviiion ~ anMd to ....,. force them, H, too, wu pinned dGwn. SIS· more men were tmecl and tem'&I were wounded. Allllllry, di-and -Inc belloo]>ten kept tho ..-y from """'1lllllln tbe. lnppod -unlll I.bl cokmm af tab ad amo11d peramo nd -aniWd llld -.tt.r tho ..itenched North -llovm .... -.... tilled but tho -·lied belare ""'-· SpokMMn taid.11--...... found ....... .,..._ rartber-.-amn.mih Sai&cxt, troopl tram .. 1116 t tel w. Wloo cl the U.S. M Jnlaall7'JlMlioll tmell J4 Nortb· Vi&srim in·• ca -.... Citadel, -!lit Ca ....... --Spoil-..... _""' ...... enpny 1-lhetlolt at-SS-ID a fight Friday -,,..,.,. cl Ibo -Americm bda8m in tbe 111De Jiic•HM• The "-Icons were UlllCalbod -timta. 'lbe U.S. Ctnrmlnd Aid t b r e• helimpt.n --81 don Sunday, ..... inc to 2,SH the number cl clloppn loot -in tbt war. 0oe WU a rccket-firlnc Cobra .,-ip lhet aubed 1$ mllell -cl All Boo, killlnc both the pilot and ""' ......... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket wh·ere the price is right! • • • • • • • • • • • SAVE! \ •/ • SO FRESH! • • Wlm OR WllAT 16 OZ. LOAF! \ WllTE or WllAT ··················~··-······-················ Peanut Butter ................. -· ...... 59¢ Grape Jelly ............................... ~ Sk ippy ••. t:reamy or crunchy~ ••• 18 oz:. jar. \\lelch's ... pure fruit goodneM : ••• 20 oz. jar Kraft's Partay ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 111s. $1 Schilling's Cinnamon ·······-~-29-. The famowi name • , . margarine of quality ! Kids love cinnamon toast! ••• ref. 37e size. Applesauce ······----····-·······-····· 43• Chocolate Quik ···----·····-·----.... rr Seneca ••• with cinnamon ! , .• bir 35 oz:. jar Ne!Ue.'a •.. for quick energy! Bir 2 Jb. aiu.. Me nu Make rs! St • Ch• k UR6E SIZf 39c· ew1ng 1c en ........................................ • Compare lhe size &nd gee that the value is ,-realer! Plump, meaty ••. aod Jresh .•. u they should beJ Fresh Baby Beef Liver ...................................... ·-··-···-----·· 59~ 'There'1 ao much food •aloe in beef liver! ... at El Rancho's price, r.hou}dn't you 1erve it often! Pastrami ........ ~.~-~ ........ ~1.09 ,~ Sliced Bacon ...... ~.~ ........ 69~ Just. s picy enough to be: navorful: A liWe thicker , •• leaner ••• mort flavorful! ' S uper fresh produce! Super deli valu es! • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ~~~~~,:~~~·~ 5c l pound package : ~~:~!li~~ .. ~~s 3 ~ $1 ~ o( rertMar 39c. varieties! R I Prict1 ;.,. ri ft.et Jlow.., T'uu., Wt:d., April H. 15, 16. NolOla uUakro. ·' • Hearts Father Jean-Marie BooJogne (lop Ji>olo), the oecond long- est living heart transplant patient, is helped from motor launch as he arrives a( Ben- dor Island near To u 1 on. France. The French P'i<sl flew from Paris to Toolon 00 bis lint loog trip &iooe bis successful operation last May lZ. Carl SbeaHer, (bot- tom photo), plays with grancl- daugbte, Bonnie Kaye Sbeof- fer. during bis first visit to his Coos Bay, Ore., home since h~ Oct. 26 heart trans- plant So far Sheaffer bas managed a salmon fishing llip and baa renewed old friendships. He will r<!lurn lo Palo AJto to continue regular examiDatioos and data-pro- ducing at Stanford Univer'• sity Medical Center where the operation wu performed. Give New Re Subs to Play Har ssment Role? LONDON (UPI) -The Soviel Uoloo lw the ""'ld's biggest submarine fleet and bu deployed it widely for ap- parent worldwide barusmer.~ In eaae ol an East-West crisis, a British defense authority Aid today. Alalstalr Buchan, director ol the imtitut.e for strategic •tudles. made the assessment tn a delenae analysts ~ed ""J'be so v t et 'lbrut to Europe." (See llddlllonal Story Page 16.) He sald the Soviets have about 380 submarines -more than the Uolted States and its North Allantic T r e a t y Organiulloo (NATO) allies. combined. Eigbty-<igbt of the Soviet submarines can fire part ol tho nurly !0<'-1 Sovltt !leet """ ci'ulslng the .... lo addlUoo, Buchao'• ll!udy said, the Soviels have .bout 100 submarine.I ill the Far East, 70 iD the Baltic, 40 in. the ~lack Sea.for poalbie deploy- ment In the lnd1ao Oceu and the Mediterranean, and 110 In the Arctic Ocean for poalble deployment In the Allanllc. . · missiles from under water. Just whal alratejlc role this : very larg• !or« is designed lo play bas never been clear. ~ Soviets can hardly assume the possibility in the IUlCleat age of a prolonged warld war in whlch the strangulation of world shipping, as In the past wan, might be decisive, I.he study added . Life UPIT....._ "'Ille dispol!Uoo of the Soviet IUbmarlne fleets sug- gests that they are designed for a worldwide harus1og role 1n the event of a. prolooged crisis with the W es t , • ' Bucban's study said. The assessment was releas. ed as the Soviets assembled the biggest submarine Deel evu in the Mediterranean. comisting of lf submarines as The study Slid Russ.ia's real interest in the Mediterranean appeared to aim at establishing itsell as the "protecting power over the Suez exit to the Indian Ocean, for the canal la becoming a vital communications link ln relation to her growing In- terest in the security of India. as a bastion 1n the con- talrunent of Olina." M-. April 14, 1969 Hussein Meets Thant UNITED NATIONS (UPI ) -Km& Huoaeln o! Jordan brought bis Middle Ea!I peace mbsloo to the United Nations for a meeting with Secrttary General 'lllant today OD the eve of the third big four , meeUq: on an Arab-Israeli seltlemeDL H-in and bis top aldes were Invited to lunch and a private lt8Slon with Thant. The U.N. ambasaadon of th< United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France1 prepared meantime for their third Mlddle East session, this one 5Cheduled for t b e residence of British Ambasaador Lord Caradon. ·Battle Across Suez Heaviest in Weeks BJ U.W Pr.-Jaltrullooal lsr..U and ECYP(iaD jet plaoes, tanb and art!Dery battled ...... tbe Suez Cina] today In the boavlQ! outbreak of fighting then In weeks. Each aide ttpOrlod It bad - down ooe ol the other'• plaDes In • dog!lghl The ~y accelerating series ol --between IJrael and Its Arab to all WRITERS in this area ••• You charge gas. You cliarge clothes. Queen Leads Briwns Preservation In Farewell to Ike Of Organs LONDON (UPI) -Britain said goodbye lo Gen. Dwighl D. Eisenhower today. Prince Phllip, Queen Mo- Elizabeth, Prime Mini 1 t er Harold Wll!on, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Michael Ramsey; Rom a n CatbolJc Cardinal John Carmel Heenan, gentlemen In bowler bats and girll in mlniJkirts massed Into Sl P a u 1 ' s Cathedral for a memorial lri>ute lo the American Loo- Wanted: 60 Stnokers BOSTON (UPI) -A Harvard research kam ls looting for 60 heavy smoters aged 21 or over to take part in an aperhnent designed to condition the tobacco reflex. Dr. David Shapiro, a psychologist at the Harvard Medical School, and Bernard Tursky 1 an engineer, believe heavy smokers light up on cu-tting up, drinkiDg col· fee, going """ewbere In the car. They plan to substitute cues ol their own -1'Betps" from an electronic paging device -and instruct their subjects to light up only oo signal. The sJinais will &tart out at the freqoency of the sub- ject's smoting and drop gradually to four or five a day. "By that time, the volun- teers mAy wish to consider whttber lo stop smoking en- Urely or whether they wish to maintain minima.I smok~ ing," Shapiro said. Financed by the Amfriean eanc... Society, the program atnu' to find out if the smoking habit can be broken. '"lbree-pack people tell us they no looger eejoy dgore- tes when they smote 1Il the time," the researchers aakl. . ' doners P*ibly loftd mare than' any othor. Passes Test 'llley came 1t the req...t ol HOUSTON, Tes. (AP) -A Queen Eli7.abeth IL She cannot preservatlon chamber let vl- by custom attend a nonroyal tal «gans bu pw:ed iU funeral with -in her wol'ds first test with lunp and a -the "one exceptioo of Winston Cburchi.IL" But she heart from a hmnan being, assembled at St. Paul'• -bepi.ng them alive for 22 where Orurcbill's rites were hours, docton: at Methodist held and where Britain's H06pltal report. greatest w arr i ors are The chamber is designed to remembered in stone -· the allow transportation of the pomp and circumstance or empire. She ordered all flags organs to any pert of tht lowered to ball staff. w o r Id for pogsible trans· The dean o! St. Paul's put it plants. It can also be . used · into words: "We are inet to keep organs all~ awailiDg · together in this historic church transplant. , . to commemorate 1 great man, Doctors placed the heart to thank God for bis life and and lungs of. John HlcteyJ 27, work, to commend his soul of Lawrence, Mass., in the and to iray !or those who are chamber Friday nigtrt. Hickey bereaved by his dealh. died from a fall in which be: "We pray that the spirit or 15\lffered Irreversible b r a 1 n unity between our nati001 may damage. continua.Uy grow and that we The chamber was opened may always be united in tate Saturday night after the loyalty to the great ca111e of Junp provided oxygen to the freedom and peace." heart, which beat during the St. Paul's belonp to British test. . . legend. In that great church Dr. Edward B. D1eduich, atop Ludgate. Hill are the ::0: :·1~u~~.:i-;.iw stone memonall to Lords ~ • .__... Nelson Wellington and connecticm between the ~. 1o the admirals and h<mrt and lungs are retained marshals who made Britain m the preservation chamber. several empire.3. Here took ~ ~ was tested place O!.urchUl's funeral. But previously with organs ol today tht music w a s a nimals. American. Diethrich r em o v e d the Terrence M. O'Neill. Prime heart of a. ~ last YMT at HM•~--of N~·-Ire'-· -bolp1tal and trans-~~~ ~-~.. -~. pol1ed It -40 miles in the Duke of Gloucester, the the chamber lo Housloa. The Lord Mayor. of London! women heart then was successfully with 1hoppuig bags in band implanted tn an«her dog. ~ memories of tt;ie war in 1be fira:l object of the test their minds -joined In Friday and Satunlay was lo singing the h)'lllllS t b a t aee bow the heart and llllli' Eisenhower picked !oc his !nxn a d<od per.IOll meted farewell. to the chamber, Dietbrich 'l1ley gang ''The Batlle said. Hymn ol the Republic" and He said the preoervatlon "Onward Cbrtstlan SOktiers." chamber must be tested u A )'llUll( Brltsb trumpeter, not often as pcisslblc before It ts yet alive when Lmdon made needed for a human organ Eisenhower a freeman of the tramplanl Mooitoring devM:ea d ty, sounded tapo from SL outside the device keep trick Paul's American memorial of the heart waves and bkiod chapel. pmsutt. TOP PRIZE You charge dinner. • • Now yo u can one with new BONUS BALANCE checking. BONUS BALANCE checking means just what it says. When- ever you need extra money, you've got IL Right In the old checking account. Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use IL You're not forced to borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you have to. It's like writing your own terms on your own penional credit card. It's not only cheap, It's convenient More conven- ient than credit cards or other simliar bank sys.- terns. Instead of writing even more checks, you pay back your loan the sensible way, You sim- ply .make a deposit in your checking account. And you get only one monthly statement to cope with. It Includes· your checking and Bonus Balance transactions-all on one piece or paper so you know exactly where yeu stand. There's _a built in security to Bonus Balance. In the event Of the borrower's death, the money used from Bonus Balance Is insured. The outstanding balance la paid off In full with no obligation to the survivors. Bonus Balance offers a bonus too. A United States National Bank Courtesy Card. Use ft to caah checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Use it like cash. If you need eirtra money for two or three ~ be- fore payday-or two or three months or more- don't live off your credit cards. Don't spend tJme fumbling through a wallet full of plastic. Just use Bonus Balance With low United Statea National Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient • Bonus Balance makes it all a little easier . UNITED STATES Nf11RirNAL ~ •• ....,.... ......... c .................. ...... • ,,L_-=-=======-=~-=--===-="'"""' ...... ._ ....... _________________ _ I • jPMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE i .. Sqift~~g and Shuffling Tlle\"Groat Tu Reforill SweePotuea" ii about la bis apparent deep dlstnut cf local government -of rtllCIY for the ~C in $ilcramento. Th•• latest -the govemmenta moat dJrecUy reaponslve to the peopl e. though clearly Dot Ole lhlal -t!ntJy lnlo the field waa While paying lip service to "local control," he has in add~ Iaat weei ill the fonn,cf tbe gove!J\l>r's tu paclt-fact proposed stronger state controls over county gov- •I•· · ' ernment and oth~r focal agencies by setting ceilings on The admlnlslratton tax rel~rm mesaage got mixed their taxes. He also proposes an arbitrary 80 ~eroent n!actlon, r81111Dg from the usual "for the record" pro-majority vote be required to vote local taxes, uutead nounceme.ats of ••abock and outrage" from the Demo-o1 a simple majority. era ta to mild approval from some but not all, Republl· The most promising sign, however, i• that the gov- c8D!. The 1"8CilO!l-I surprised no one. emor bas made It plain that his pacltage will be The plain fict is that HtaJ: refonn" basically is a negoUable reemmgmg of the tax burden -tho rodlstrtbu~on of But, ciearly, the prospect for some Improvement In the tax bites to dilferent portions of Jobn CIUzen • ana-state and local tax aystems ii the brightest it has been tomy. • in many years. Boll! parties know that if they default As the governor was qulclt lo point out , Ibis process this year the 1970 election year will find them In deep of reshuffling and redlstributing does not reduce the trouble with their own partisans .. well aa with the need for tax {evenue, which iJ 1et by the cost of govern.. independent voters. ment services. Reform may ease the pain here and So the odds are much improved for John Citizen to there a bit -but the dolJ8;I'S still go. , finally come home from the Great Tax Reform Sweep. The general reaction to the governor .s tax message stakes as a winner of sorts That is if you define win· is that whU~ it. pro~bly con~S·little stal'Uingly .n~w, niD;g either as not losing, or losing St a slower rate-. and does contain things certain to stir bitter oppos1t1on, Which, Come to think of it, is about par fQr most the governor bas now cleared the ,!W,ay to get into ser· days at ·the race traclt window or at the tax collector'• ious Jegislative work on tax reform. window. Baclters·ol various tax reform ,Pl'QllO!al• agree that the time h•Jcin~ COii!!! for Wring most o! ti!• bur-den for financing school! and local governments o!f the property tax. . No one pretends the altemate sources of income proposed by the governor -doubling the Income tax- 8nd broadening the sales tax -are particularly pain- less. The qqe~tlon revolves about how to achieve a more equitable ~g syatem. The governor'• proposal ol. some form o! withhold- ing tax bas the prospect of removing one big roadbloclt that has separated most other tax reform proponents, including his own Tax Advisory Commission. One disturbing aspect in the governor's proposals Uncle Sam's Big Bite Speaking of tax reform, taxpayers beading for the '!"'llbox to meet the state and federal income tax dead-. line tomorrow aren't likely to gain much comfort from this thought: Of the average $1,350 each Californian pays annual- ly in taxes, $840 goes to the federal government. Even the most perfect, the most equitable taxation at state and loc~l levels, based on lowest possib1e spending would still leave taxpayers hurting from the federal bite. I ~ ' 'Change It Tomorrow, Malcolm ' Dear Gloomy Gus: Soviet SS-9 Only a Second-strike Weapon Remarks that a student rebel gets tired ' of hearing: "Change the world tomorrow, Malcolm. Today you have to stay home and mow the lawn." "We can't issue any mort manifeslos unle51 everybody oo Ibo commlU,. chips in two bit.a apiece ao we can bay aomo more ink for the mtmeograpl:i machlne." "Oh, oh, here C01D05 Ibo cops. Now I guess we'll get our lumps." "It looks like rain today. ~·t we call off the demonstration until tomorrow?. There isn't much point tn demonstrating If there's nobody on the street to watch us." Will the lamed Illh·vlhd accent disappear now that the Harvard campus has been infected by the rowdy, violent SOS revolutionaries? -B. W. A. Tflll t.11\trt ... llfcll l'ffdtrl' ....... Ml llKHHrlfll tlltll llf 1111 ..._.,,,, Stttd YIUr Pll -'11 19 OIOM" Oua, 0.111' l"lltl. ''THE MAYOR SAYS be Is too busy to see your delegation, but be said be.'d be glad to treat your whole bancb. to a fJw lee cream aida on tbefctty.11 ', "No, I_, lake oneol your bandbllls. young man. J lblnk what you an -ta 1 ; good spanking." . ~ ··u you came here to pt ID educalton, why don't you just go to class ar.l get It?" "It isn't lhe generalion gap between us that worries me so much, Malcolm. It's the common serue gap." "Change the world tomorrow, Malco1m. Today you have to stay bome and wash the windows." ''ALL YOU KIDS aeem to want to do is to tear down e\-wything il has taken mankind centuries IO bulfd up. Don't you clean up America by wearing dirty ahirts.'' "l don't see how you can lead the human race to salvation, ~talcolm, when yoo .... can'l even find your way to the barber shop." "The president of the university played a dirty trick on us. lle gave us a permit to hold the rally." have any constructive ideas about ''WHAT'S THE USE of holding so anything." many proteal marches against the ROTC, "What are ft =now, Malcolm? · Mak:olm' The way it's going now we're We're against '°'-tblngs l forge\ walking io miles more a week than lf we what 's on the Jrigram hate today." · joined the corps." "U l agrft to raise your weetJy "U these kids are the hope of tomor~ allowance by-two bucks, Ma\colm, you row, may the good Lord help us the day won't spend it all co bombs, will you?" after tomorrow." "Hut comes i1alcolm, the boy "Wouldn't you be better off if you spent malcontent." a little more time studying history and "Do you know that mother and I have Jess Ume trying to make It?" decided to gtve you for Chriat.mas thia "Malcolm is only 19, but he has already year, Malcolm-a brand·new soapboz !:d embarked,, on 14. cruaades. Or is it 15, your very ori ':' ' ' 1 Mllcolm 1 "You can hold a ait·in 1n the dean'a ~· ~·tiever mind trying to get us out of flee as long aa )'C!U want to, boys. He hia Vietnam, son. If you want to protest )UBt left town ilft ii two-week trip. He left eomethi.ng, why don't you stage a protest word for )'OU· tD ,mate jOW'11tlve1 com-march against the income tax? I'll carry fortable." ' ' · a placard in that one -and get all my mlddl~aged friends lo march, too." "l'D LOVE TO attend the protest m«ting with you, llafcolrn1 bul the <IP' lain of lbc basketbatl team nas asked me to be tus guest at the game." "Change Ute world tomorrow, Malcobn. Tod~ t want you to slay home and help me with my sprinc boulecteudng." "I don1 ... how lbea kids upect to "FORGET THE millenium for a \.\•hile. What you should be collC!ntratlng on no1v ls flndina: a summer job." "Change the world tomorrow, Malcolm. Your faiber said that If you want to bor· row the car tonight, you'll havt to stay at heme today ll1ld pollah IL" As Others See It Cllll*tu, Texu, Reporter : "Guess we're old·fashloned. naive, a n d everyt.blng else that isn't modern, but It la bard for us to understond wlly anyon· who Is an American, who has ape.nt h11 life here, who bas read ud lffll condWoas in other countria - can, for evn a mlnutt, live ta to the ctvll ctisotlei'_.. octurrfn1 1crou the 1111c1 •••• FrM-h! Y .. 1 But wllhla the boundl" ol decency and respect (or a DIUOD Uult baa nurtured and cared for us I« more than a hundred )'t!IJ'I." Wetlltlll, <*Jo, Te:Je-iram :"lt m91 IJlt'Prile 1ome readers to iearn that 1'e lor1<at alilgle tndus1ly IA the world ~ . is the travtl Industry, and that all developed countries have a travel deficit. Will other countries follow tho U.S. le1d in restricting travel to the United St.ates? If 10, it would defeat the purpo1e ol the U.S. tax on travel to Europe." ZJ01, DL, New1; "ls Congress a toothlua watch doc ot. th e Treasury? Who paued all the spending bills which are being denounced? Well! Old watch dog you'd better start doing aome watching. People are getting fed up with a Congress which lays olI its responslblllty to the e.-ft!Cutive branch of the government." ABM Argument Ignore~ the Facts WASHINGTON -Even aa reasonable a man as Sec. of State WlHJam Rogers has apparently been taken in by the Pen. tagon's hard-working propagandists on the subject of the SS.9, or Soviet "supermissile," as it is now being called. The belief of too many Americans that "bigger is betier" is helpful to Secretary or Defense Melvin Laird and the generals in the campaign to make the SS.9 into a new and frightening reuon why we should spend '6 tq '1' bUllon -for openers -on an ABM i)irtem. There ia no doubt the SS.9 is big. Secretary Rogers, at hia recent press conference, referred to it as a. "25-- megaton missile." This is a far hlgher estimate than that made by the CIA. which estimates it to have a warhead capacity of S megatons. But there ls no need to argue the point of size. Probably the SS-9 has a bigger warhead than anything the United States now deploys -and It ls still far too small to knock out more than one ICBM site, of which we have 1,054. TliE FACT IS Iha! the Ss.t is not a first-strike weapon, no matter how many grisly (and already public) details the Pentagon ''declassifies." It is not design· ed to destroy the U.S. ICBM system and cannot do so. Jt is, instead, a large warhead designed to destroy large "soft" targets, such u cities. It is -in other words - a secood-strike weapon, and that's all it is. Thus, it does not change the balance of terror in any way or give the Russians some huge and mysterious advantage which should cause us to e.sca1ate the anns race. Secretary Laird and the generals in the Pentagon have chosen to ignore UWi !act -for a very good reason. The reason is that the Safeguard AB~1 as proposed by President Ni%tlll is not intended lo protect large targets, such u cities. It is in- ltnded to prOUet our ICBM alloo. And It Is • tenable propo1al only JI Congress and the American people can be perauaded that the Soviets have a mWUe eapable of destrQylng tbe!e silos. Tbe ss.t. being large, meets the needs of the argument so long as the argument ignores the facts. THE FACI'S ARE these: llJ order to threaten only the U.S. tand·based second· strike capability, the Rus&lafui would have to bulJa ;ooo SS,9s, al a I>!!! ol 125 million eaclt Such a program,.WOQld give them a n>ljllmal chance ~lroylng t,000 w:,IUr Mtnuteman,.built!il•a c:Ost.of $5 to ii', ?nm.ion · each. 'Ibe're ~ 11 .no evidence.that they are. emb~~g ·on any such rldlculou! course. J And if they did it would still threaten nejlher our substantial fleet o f submarin~bome missiles nor thOse car- ried by U.S. strategic bombers. Ever since mid-1968, when details ef the SS-9 were first made public in the commercially published "Jane's All !he World's Aircraft," it ha s been known to be Inferior to the U.S. Minuteman in boU1 reliabWty and launching time. Indeed, it is most comparable to our Titan I missile which we are now in the process of discarding as obsolete. To resurrect SS-9 now, as a reason for starting an ABM program, seems very close to downright deceit. FOR FAR LESS money -say about $2 billion -the United States could "superharden" all of its Minuteman sites, Roughly speaking, a superhai:dened site is five limes as strong as a hardened site. Thus, in order to maintain the same counterforce abiYty, the Ru~ians would have to do one of the following : (1) in· crease the warhead size of the ~9 by a factor of 11; or (2) dooble its accuracy. Either of these is a far bigger order than penetrating the "thickest" ABM system . In short, the much·trumpeted SS.9 is not a breakthrough in the balance ol ter- ror. It is a weapon of great horror -but of no greater horror and somewhal le ss efficiency than many of our own. It ·justifies neither panic nor the ABM. By Frank Mankiewicz and Tom Braden Income Taxes in the Co·mputer Age ("The purse of the people is the real scat of sensibiltry." -Thon1ru Jeffer· son, "1Vritings." Vol . X, p. 59) ~fartinsburg, \\'. \'a., is bracing for a flood of magnetic tapes. By mid-April some 110 million tax returps of all types will have been mailed olf to branch of· fices of the Internal Revenue Service. Slightly more than 7S million returns will represent about 107 miWon individual in- come ta:icpayers. The mnainder will be reports of corporations, partnersblps, and the like. This is the third year in which col· Jectlon of individual income taxes will be thoroughly computeri2ed. Returns are routed to seven IRS automatic data pro- cessing (ADP) centers -in Andoyer, Mass., Atlanta, Austin, Ctn c 1 n n at i , Kansas City, Philadelphia, and Ogden, Ulah. TllE REGIONAt computers transllte the returns Into metal tapes. These are sent to the huge com~ complex in Martinsburg, W. Va. -the Martinsburg ~tot\Ster -which ~s the new in- fonnatlon againSt muter Hies for all taxpayers. Every return is checked for errors in aritl\ml!:t.lc. This limplt mathematical check recouped about '$2&6 million last year from tlspaym who had trouble adding M<l ·•ubtracting. Al the same time, about $175 million was returned to people who had overpaid. What's your chance of ~ ht for a Jurthtr check - a detalled. txamtnaUon. or audit u the lRS caHt tt? The odd! are aboul 2S to 1 In your lave<. About I million ol the 75 mUlion returns will be audlled. II the oompultr plll his lhumb on you, you •n at Mast 1tt •a Jetter askln,g for clarlficaUon of certain Items on your return. Probably you'll be called in to the nearest IRS oftlct. SOME RETURNS will be audited that have not bctn spotted by the MarUnsburg htonster. Sheldon s. Cohtn, former Com· miS5loner of Internal Revenue, points out: "The Revenue Strvlct 'eyeballs' the returns. too. just to spot odd or SW1plclous things.·• If you have ever hAd your rel.urn audited and found in error. you can prtt· ty well count on a c.lost check from there on ou t. Not that lRS necessarily suspects you or being a cheater -your Income bracket or the probability of error Jn your job pattern may nominate you for sptt.lal scn.iUny. Last ytar IRS ~mputers turned up 1.5 million t.t:cpayerl~bo owed an 1ddltlonal $2.9 billion. Conversely, an audit caused the return ol $177 million to 1.S million taxpayen who overpaid. THE IRS DTIMATES combined in- come tax collectiom from individuaJs and business this year at more than $1.22.5 billion, an increase of $25.1 billion from the previous year. More than $84 billion will C1>me from indlvidual taxpayers. Even Woodrow \\'ilson, who advocated the first modern graduated income tax law, admitted: "The tax collector is never esteemed as a lovable man. His methods are too blunt, and his power too obnoxious." Yet another former IRS Commissioner, Mortimer Caplin, has said: "The American fulfills his obliga· tlon or citizenship with integrity, 8 deep sense of patriotic duty, and a better will than taxpayers anywhere·else." The Martin1bUrg Monster makes the taxpaying proCess accurate, if not painless. As Tkius Caesar ttplied to certain governors who p r o p o 1 e d burdensome laxes: ''It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock , not flly it. .. Powerful Tax Collection In our credit economy, lawmakers have made laws to help crtdltors collect bills and debtors to protect themselves. But the UnJted St.a\el is our common creditor. We owe tax money, When some-~ne doesn't pay, Uncle Sam can col· lect his bill as no other creditor can. Your tax bill arises from self·assess- ment on your tax returns, lhough the government may usess you itself. Jt Jn4Y audit your books and deny some of your deducttons, or add items you may hive fcqotten. Quite often, believe It or not. the government fin<U m!Jtakes in your f1t0r, and returns money to you. UNCLE SAM'S collectlon weapon 1J the tu Hoo on JOlll" property. ll exisll from the Ume the tu ii asseMtd. 1n some ·---•• GflOrfJfl --- Dear George: t have been a member of the Secret Serviee for several years and rectlved thM promotion:s. Unfortunately, 1 hive aomewhat ot. a problem. I don'l know what I am suppooed to be doing. Can you -help m<l ANON Dear Anon: I wish I could. Anon. bul li ~'OOld betray a confidence and the other guys would say I couldn't ketp a .ecr«. Just mingle with the cfOWli and quit be.ing '° nosy. - ( -·.,. I I Law in Action . _ _. ways it is a "secret" lien; it need not be recorded, and few people know of JL Yel the lien ts still on all property. 1be federal government can claim the lien or enforce It later. The Uen applies to everything -wages, life lnluraoce, intangible interests, etc. Exemptions under state law such as homesteads do not limit the federal government. u the rovenunent c1oe1 not recon1 the Uen, the lap pn>leCtl mortc-. buym, pledges, and Judgment cnditors. But other cttdlton must take their chances that an earUer tax 11eo dor.s not give the U.S. fll"&ler rtcbls- IN ENFORCING Ila Ueno, the pv.m- ment can oetae IDd ..U property, cfooe up 1 buslnesl, « give nollce IDd Ile up prop- erlJ. II ,... bu1 Ollt 1 ~ mak< ,... tba_t .1"" will not hive to Jll1 lhe !lellet'1 ~toe&. federal or state. A buslnua er I tuPl)'tr who a;oes broke muJI pay the laies before be paya seneral credlkn. Nor can taxes, unlike olh<r dtbll, be discharged in a banilruptcy oourt. . Note: CGU/on1ict raw.,cra o//tr thit cozuwrt IO WOU moN knolO about 01.1r f(!t.Oj. .,J,'~'l> 'Tklt won't ~• necesury. llr. Th••••.' Quotes P. R. \\'. Paris. Hawthorne -Das &hen ever been • man In oHlct - Democrat or Republican -who ha! not been accused of doing 1be job fo r 4powtr'? Cou:ldn't be be doing It for &he simple faet that be'• alncere In wbat be bellevea?" Douglas M. Temple, Berkeley -"It's not the presence of police on campus that ls tragic, it is the fact that they are needed al all." -----Monday, April 14, 1969 The' edjtonaJ po~c or f/1e Dailp Pilot Heb to tn torm and s~ lllat• rrad.rn b~ presenting thLt ftet&ipaprrr'a opinions and com- ..,ntaftl on topics •I l!tl<fclt one! llgnjtlcancc. bf prooidlng a '"""" ,., lh• • .,,,..u1on ., our rcodtrs' opinioni. and b11 preae-ntmg Che dt1>trst ornu- poinU of in/ornitd obttrt1tr1 and ipokt.nnen ort toJ)(cs of I.ht dor . Robert N. Weed, Publisher • Hijack Warning Posted WASHINGTON (AP) Airlines officials throughout 1 the country are (U.S.) display· Ing the new government-print· ed. posters. warning or t h e penalties for aircraft hi- jacking, as fasl as lbey become available, the Feder31 Aviation Administration said today. The posters, in several dif- ferent sizes, are b e i n g distributed by FAA regional offices, and made lheir ap- pearances in major airporl.:5 early this week . As the supply increases, they are being displayed also al-airline city ticket olfice1 and in large travel agencies. Ultimately they'll be on view at all airports -on terminal walls, on ticket counters and wherever they might be useful. They are available in Spanish as well as English. FEDERAL CRIME The first part of each sign, in black, says "Aircta!t hi- jacking is a federal crime punishable by death. (El atraco de las aeronaves es un crimen federal que pucde conllevar pena de muerte.) Next, in red letters: "Car- rying Ctlncealed w e a p o n s aboard aircraft is punishable by prison sentences a n d fines." (El llevar armas ocultas a bordo de las aeronaves puede conllevar multas y encarcelamiento). And in blue pri nting; "Passengers and baggage are subject to search." (Los passajeros y las equipajes estan sujetos a inspattion). Meanwhile. the second week of FAA testing of weapons- detection devices, at various airport passenger boarding gates, was completed without incident, and in most cases wilhout passengers suspecting they were under surveillance. TESTING PROGRAM The FAA started the rield testing program at some ma- jor eastern seaboard airports, placing l he equipment al a fe\v boarding gates u s e d by Eastern Air Lines. If any of the three devices under test detects a metal object such as a gun er knjfe on a person passing between the boarding stations,· a tiny red \varning tight fla shes on ta signal a possible weapons carrier. The FAA has been using test subjects to find out how sensitive and how reliable the devices 1vere, and t o determine whether they could distinguish weapons f r o m other metal objects such as cigarelte lighters and belt buckles. The FAA is keeping the lest resul!s secret, and has not identiried the airports whtre studies are under way, except to acknowledge that some are in the \Yashington and New York Cit.y areas. An FAA spokesman said the average passenger does not notice the test equipment. and !hat few persons working at the airports are aware of It. EASTER1' Cl-IOSEN Eastern "'as chosen because ll. has the greatest number of flights to Florida and has been the 1nain target of hi· jackings to Cuba . One unexpected resull of the lest has been a mild protestl by some other airlints that\ lhey are being discriminated aga inst. . "Some people seem to think that there's less likelihood or being hijacked on an Eastern plane. because of the testing, and we may be losing some customers that way," one airline representative said . I "T\1aybe we should install rl umrny detectors at our gates, and give ou r passengers the impression that .,..,c·re testing too." Herbs Luncl1 Sche.dnled Herbs of the Bible will be the theme for a luncheon at 1%:30 p.m. Tuesday at the ,_femorlal Garden Center on the Orange County F 1 I r Grounds, SB Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. Gucsl speaker will be Or. Glenn Walker. pre1ident or the Long Beach Herb Society. The luncheon 11.•jlJ real.Ure herb-seasoned food, with door prilC."'I and literature on herbs and gplces. For reservaUons. can 541· 3'86 or 53S-it4!. I lC>A_I _>'1\TAY SCULPTURED POLYESTER CITY-SHIRT 16.99 Reg. $33 Our shirt-shift Clrosses up in a bffutlfully t.xtured Fortr.13 ·polyester knit that's wrinkl .. shy, ti.nd-woshoblo. While witk black trim, si10s 8-16. Misses' SporlsWffr Drones, 12. .. ANNIVERSARY SALE ' • SWEATER VEST SPECTACULAR 8.99 Rog. $11 ·$17 Great buys on tho sportswear sc...;p of the year! We show only one from tho group: belted ii 00'/. wool ribs, ivory, blue, coral, y.ftow. Misses' Sportswear. 40; -~ ' . " JUNIORS' PRINT SWIMS POLYESTER KNIT SEPARATES FAMOUS MAKER PANTS 7.99 $13·$16 valuts 7.99 -8.99 Rog. $16-$18 5.99 -12.99 A famous label togs this snuzy stripe bilinl with drawstring bra. We 've others, tool E1sy..c1re collection includes pints. tunic tops, skirts, sh irts. Soli~1. stripes, •itos I 0.16 in group. MiHIS' Sportswear, 89. Exciting values in group of solids, plaids, print. In tho latest stylos. Como ,.. them olU Junior Sporlswoar, 97. Missel' Sporhwoor, 78. _,.. ,_ , .·• ""'.:.. ·• ,... ' • Ja · • .~m· .. L~ • •' :r . ..-!:.. • A . JL ANAHEIM NEWPORT HUNTINIHON llACH 44'4 N. Euclid 535-112 1 Mon. thru Sat. I 0 a.m. to 9:10 p,m. '47 Fashion l•land 6'4'4-1111 Mon. thn1 Fri. I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sat. 10 a .m. to 9:Jb p.m. • 7777 Edi119 tr Ave . 192-Jll 1 Moo.thn1 .S•!· I 0 a.m. to 9:10 ,p.m. 1 I , l II ""\LY PILOT ~~~~,---.. ~~- By Phll lni.rfondl • Railroad · Sl1utd0Wll Averted 1 MIAMI (UPI) -A cool e ~"~! ll<wanfeis bu Id li be·known ~~'r.; that hijackm d°"'t rate free drlnb on nonscheduled flighb • ~·•••pl111· to Havana. • D.11t•I '·-'~ Janet Hoffman was one of Jutktil\f the hostesses aboard a Pan ,...,_ ~, . . .,,...,.,. '"' But ·~ot lh;i.rt~ ~ .. •h•~ Sdiool . of a.Siiiss , WASHINGTON (AP) -'Ibo roilrood Industry and tho 1Jpalmen'1 union, negoUating under threat ot government intervention, have rQChed agreement on a new contract, averting a crippling na· Uonwkle nll strike. With the Nixon ad- ministration poi.sed to seek a congressk>nally imposed set- Uement In the event of a strike W·~--.. -- American 7r1 jet which was SO.l7S3 et ~.1 . 11 1 diverted to Cuba by four ann--~~~~~::::!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ed men Sunday during a . ~ Puerto Rico to Miami bop. .; When one of the hijackers . , negotiators for the indUJtry --------- and tho Brotherhood o I ordered a scotch on the rocks, r;be made hlm pay. "fie iave 'her-. dollar and she gave hbn 50 cents change," aaid Capt. George V. Dix, the pJlot on FUght 4'0. Railroad Signalmen announced Sunday they had agreed on an JI-month contract. 11le announcement came with less than a day to go before today's t a.m. strike deadline and after around.-the- clock negotlaUon session.s. The cootract actually won't go into effect until raUfied by the union's 10,000 members, who vote later this week, Details of .l _ CJ • D the agretmenls were not re- A l\.l'lll y auns eserters fe;:e:· sJrJke had been called and the other rail unions N Ag • t v • t w refused lo cross signalmen ot runs le ar picket lines, it woold have been the secend nationwide WASHINGTON IAP) -Op- position to the Vietnam War moUvated only a relatively small number of the American soldiers who have deserted to Sweden \n recent years, ac- cording to an Army study. An Anny study of the 116 soldiers listed as deserters to Sweden .says more defected because of disciplinary pro- blems than as a protest to U.S. involvement in the Viet- nam lighting. The report said of the 116 cases, S6 soldier& .deserted because of disciplinary pro- blems, 39 defected because or · opposition to the war and there were no known reasons for the remaining 21. the more highly populated shutdown ol the industry in ti ta tea. could not adjust to two years. .Anny ll(e; and was a The 1967 strike, called by six disciplinary problem before be rail unions, resulted in Con- defectec[". gress passing a law requiring The document omitted the the two sides to reach agree. names of the individual defec· ment in 90 days or faee a con- tors while summarizlni the in-gressionally imposed contract. formation from the files of Labor Secretary George P. each·one them. Shultz indicated last week he Amoo1H!"'Jli!Ciplinary<pro-would .,... similar legislatkm blems, invoMiiJ• civilian anCI. in the event of a ~e t~ military offemtl' ~ -than , year. '"The government simply deser1Joo, Weni re.,·e·ated isn't.going to tolerate a na• AWOL. dpJI abase, in-tionl.l . railroad strike," he debted!iess' anil:Nall~ . ·said. . . W ars~w-Pact 'Games' 1be study used the files of • p T • ~~\~6 :rn.1o,~!F~; Raise rague ension deserter in Sweden. · 1st Nuclear Satellite Put in Orbit Dix said he was about 250 miles out of San Juan when Miu Hoffrilan called him from the alt (back) galley and cald, "A man bere1 wants to go ·to Havana. I th.ink he bas a toy or something.!!- VANDENBERG AIR "Bring him up and let's find FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) -out," the captain told the The first U.S.· satellite design-itewardess. ed to take a three-dimensional The gun wu no toy. took al the earth's weather It was the second hijaeking patterns rocketed into orbit lt>-within 48 hours, the 22nd of day around the pol~. the year and the 14th involving The Nimbus 3 satellite car-U.S. airplanes. For Pan ried instruments for seven American, it was the first or research projecta designed to the year and the third in the develop a system for ex-airline's history. endin 11. f t b An Ecuadorian airlines DC6 ,t g wea,,uer orecas s y was rui·acked iaSt Friday dur· up to two weeks on a worldwide scale. ing a night in South America. The 1,269-pound, butterfly-Dix described the gunman shaped sapcecraft -heaviest who. entered the cockpit as yet in the U.S. weather eye short and stocky and unable to program -was launched late speak good English. SW1day night by a team from "lte kept waving his gun the Air Force and the National a r o u n d saying, 'Havana, Aeronauties ·and Space Ad · Havana','' the pilot added ... ministration. "'Later, he bummed a match ~ ConfirmaUon that it reached from me to light a cigarette ? 113 686-mile-hlgh orbit was and said, 'Thank you'." is reeeived at 1:45 a.m. PST to-Three qther. hijackers re-· day . mained in the passenger sec-The Nimbus 3, the first lions. · · · nuclear-powefed w e a t h e r "They never pointed the · •' satellite, has two '500,000 guns at us," MW l19ffman 1 • plutonium-231 react.ors in said. "Initially they were very t"'·o -by -six -inch m e t a I nervous. They would change capsules. The power packs the guns. from one hand to tbe , will extend working tile of the other. They appeared to be equipment_, to more than one congenial with everyone." year. , One of the hijackers read a Hungary and Western Russia The polar orbit a:ives Nim-Bible inscribed "To Ramon," as well as "other countries" of bus 3 a look at;all the earth's stewardess Merrill Potash weather a:s the s)obe.nvolves said. "He js a regular Ar~ PRAGUE <AP ) -New ·soldier, nearly 23 years ol~warsaw Pact ml I l tar y and has had three years of maneuvers oJjening t o d a y high school. ' . . . heightened t.eNion in Prague "He is single, had 'DO civilian over the crisis in relations ocarpatlon or skill, came from ·with Moscow. the Warsaw Pact. the Soviet nu., ' b"l "He kepL tell•"ng me about :i~ns~id~e~the~~,.~~~~~~"'°'~·~·~·:_~~~:...'.~~'.'.'.'.'.~::...::~..;:.==~--~~-,..:...,.--::;-";J"~-:;>-v;;~-':"-;~...,...:"~T:--:7~~~~~~~ Bloc military alliance. The _ Warsaw Pact, the Soviet bloc military alliance. The Warsaw Pact also includes Ea s t Germany, Bulgaria a n d ' ~ The e:rercises, announced by {.~<~Defense Record NJrr ·~:iri· to run throogh •• ,f· ~. the eve of a WASHINGTON ( f -A ineel\lll•-"''1tlie ' lllknember record U million ~are ~~·Communist par. attending c o 11 e·g-p -. and ;tr'"~~. Committee at unirirlities in th · tJnJted , --~ and pro-MGOCOW States, according Ao th e ~91tiftl are expected to Depilrtment of Health, Educa-o • elaih. . · . . tioo 8 n d Welfare. If~~·tbe· ' , 'Jbe~.ment said the enrollment figure for fist. f&µ ":"•*8 would . t e • t a~­ was an 8.7 percent iDcreUe 1 t1atrcraft def e.n s es 1n over the previous yeait 10fd!tislovakia, Po 1 a n d • CallPSA I for del~ We detf\fer fresh daily. 900 fligbll a week connect 50uthem •nd northern Califomla. Mora thin any other airline. All jets. Lowest air fares. Clrt your travel agent or PSA for prompt home delivery. · ., .. Romania. It was considered likely that Bulgaria and East Germany also would participate in the maneuvers. But Romania's Communist leaders oppose fortign troops on their soil. Their party newspaper Scienteia condemned t ti e maneuvers in an article Sun-daf, saying it was imperaUve for European countries to "'refrain from any demonstra- tions and acts of force, in- cluding military maneuvers on foreign territories." The new maneuvers are the second Warsaw Pact military exercise since .'": .. t~ ... new Crechol:lovak-SOrit'r dl r I s i s bepn.'.lt'WU set off by anti- Sov\el .demonstrations Marth 28-29 after Czechoslovakia's ice hockey team defeated the Russian team tr. Stockholm. The 'Soviet Union rtacted angrily lo the demonitralions. The Kremlin rushed Soviet DeCense Minister A n d r e i Grechko ,and Deputy Foreign Minister-Vladimir Samyanov to Prague, and the Czechotiovat party's Central Committee announced new press ~ntrols, disciplining of journallsts and titrengtbenlng of PGUce forces, with the anny ,,. to be used when necessary. A week ol Warsaw Pact grwnd maneuven was held In . Czec ho slovakia, East Germany Poland, and reports lated that the ')JJ-~.,n Soviet occupation orce tn Czechoslovakia was being increased. Czechoslovak authorities on Saturday announced that ad- diUonal Russian troops and equipment would arrive this month. but two hours later the 1overnment canceled the an- nouncement with a n ex- pl&n1tion of • • ch a n I e d circumstances." This has not been ezplained. TOP I PRIZE I •\ .. .. , t .., • . ~ ' . -·- takes your easure · as serio ··as We do. ( A lot of hard work gl)es into making Chevrolet driving I soft job.} On4l of the reasons you can take off in a Chevrolet with hardly a wom in the world is that we have BOme pretty rood guys to do your worrying foryau, They try; to anticipat:.e just about' any driving problem you may face, and design Chevroleta in such a manner u to leave you one up. Here are some enmples. S.,... $effP for tho Camaro As engine temperatures escalate, &0doee the need for air. Hence, Super Scoop, a good-looking addition to the CanWoSS or Z/28 hood shovels up cooler outa.i.de air and shoota it to the carburet.or to boo6t performance. And get thia. The door of the scoop is power operated so it le ta in more air whenever you need it Sid• GU1rd Door Bum Ever drive along a freeway and notice that heavy guard rail in the center that separates you from the · CID~ traffic? Weil, now a new Side Guard Door Belln is in every full-size Chevrolet- Capric:e, Impala, Bel Air, Biscayne, Kingswood Est.ate, Kingswood, Townsman and Brookwood. It puts a guard rail on either side of you-inside the doors. And not surprisingly they look a good deal like the ones you see along the road- heavy bars of corrugated sl<>el HlldllPt-r Face it. Into each vacation a little rain will probably fall, and it's going to meM up not onlY the window glas.5 but the headlights of your car. Chevrolet has a alick device you can order that washes your headlights as you drive. You just push a button 1nd pulsating jeta of washer-solvent flush the grime and road dirt off·your outboard headlight leosea. A great foul weather friend. Antl-TIMlt Lecll S,.tlftl There'• nothing quite 10 distres,,.. ing u coming out of a.restaura.nt in 1 st~ town, heading toWaro your car and discovering it'• rone. Which is why we've made the '69 Chevrolet ouch 1 tou(h cu to •teal 'Vhen you take your ignition key witA you (1nd we have a buzz to remind you to do jW1t that) you lock not on!J. the ignition but the steering wheel and transmission selector lever ii welL Blq1r1nd-...S.1nPtis To keep you outof.t.roubleyou need an engine that's u quick uyour reflexes. That's why Chevrolet instaJta t.he biggest st.andard V81nd Sb: in ita field on it.a full-size models. By the way, these an the regular gas base engines we're talking about. If you want to order the most power. ful V8 engine in its field, period, Chevrolet'• got tba~ too. lt'1 one of many choices you have in Chevrolet'• Sports-Recreation Dept. • Now that you know about.a few of the ways Chevrolet assista you, why not stop in 1t your Chevrolet dlalet'1 and learn about a lood ~ IDOlO. Nobody i! going to spru youi IQOd ' time, if Chevrolet bu 11\)'lhiD( lo.., about it. • . Mo ...... • . ~ ., j • ·• ,I • · i 1 ,\ ' " ' ' l ........ ·-.. ---• • •' ,_ .. ,·. M~,_j,,.11 · !4,J~. _ _ •• _ • JN!l:Y ,..,. f ;• = l• ~Colonial1.·s:m ·1 Ag, airt? Elks Install New9ffiteri '.~ Newport H1rbor Elks bavt knlPli Mlrt He11dl •., Installed new office.rs fot secretuy: a--111•4, Lodge 1767'a Hl69-70 year, aid-lteasurer. Art JCromiaC. 9:• ed by put Qllted rultrs,from • quire. ~ :· .t • ~TIUMaNT r •• 1 :; , Ne,w' Wqy :-Found . ~1;_ \J() 'Stop i HGir ~Loss, . Grow Me>re Hair ' , J OVSTONl l'ew -.--:lf; But. il ·7'1 .,..,not aiready yOti don•t·.utter bom IDalt bolil, ·•· tM-1'il .,., _ p~ttern balcliiess,. you clln wbal. is ac1uaU)> Cllllloc. fOur now stop your hair Jou .•• balr kllll! Eveo ·il blJdneu moy . arid l?'OJJ ~r,~. .~ . to "ruil in yoUr family,''.·1--------- P<t Yer ~llieJ • ...,. k . ~ :li,.'"91.'l\l.Qt< ' ' ' . ' . . " cotldn't:bi )~ ............. . -~ 'YCM;Ji. •.. ; ~ I ~ . I • • .. , ~":~· ccM811nta · .... r __. .. ~. -.._...~rmetB'Wm hU ,...,. a·-lfJrbalrloill:.No -..wblcbciie · .. : , . ~ ·-J:;I.-tbal la ii Wlllnc ,_ lialr lcm, If ,... ' . noii...,. . hair iou ••. wait until ,... .,. dick bald .a.i In ProJ' ect but .. ~~ balr! ,.... balr -· ... dead, you 'lliey Jim ..... u t you to bt}'Olld be!p. So, U roq ll!!ll late. 'tblfr'· for JL If they have any' hair on top of "yoUr ..El 1·b-t . Cost a M e 1 a bdl~ ~ •lhl treatment wW bead, ~nd woold like to .top agr!cultilre studenta have been he)V ref-' theJ Invite yoo to try ~ hair 1..S anil I""' balr • • . =iJ"1'l,, "':t' i~i:,: ~~ .. ~~ ~ rlst, and ~ !I' the lhile.lo,do ~ P'lnn,n 11 America project Naturally,' thef ,;'.,;i.. not cl-ilboUi 11 bel«eAC1.too Jal<; . ~!,!<>n a~ b y rer· thil' no-risk trial unleu Qle Loesch Labaretory Consult-=It~ ·Pacific Natio n.a I treatm~t worked. However, it anla., 'Inc.,. will ...oki;.. you .Wi.tti •-I -bl ... ......, 1be., winners, chosen 1from "' Jhpossi e to help everyone. treatment for 3Z 'daYt at their ntJJ"lf 1100 eligible students the , ~t majority of ~-• ii tiler' bdlev :.... ~ t tlriJ.._• the county, were cases of excessive hair fall·~ e ~~· .Mca -&""""• al\(l li'li!dne11· are '!ht. begtn-ll1<0l wW help_ you. ~ullt .. nc1 = c:;a ·.tba~~ n1pg-aJ!4 moni fUIJy devel-lbGn the,lnlormatioq !i!fal , llbtle)'land HateL : • , oPed. stagu of D\alt pattern low,-All mquirles are anawerid ; r,,c)l l'!"ject involved crops, \lal4nen , and ca-.t be caolldenlia!ly, by ~ and iritl> , livestock or hortlcu!tun. h_olped. ) out'°'!llPtion. · -• ·<\!jv.. Gold· certlllcate w In•• rs .------"° G91.JQATIOfll couJ'ON were · Barbara Frick. David To: 1-"' ~-C-.., ID<. Eyr_~ Hari,vtg and BW L\lpi.s. If b 6f01ft.,.Jl l' ...... ...-:&. Winners, o f s,i l ver ~TU. 77Gp6, -. ', certlfJcates were Leon a rd . l:PI ~ ...... -~ f=i.tormation with the under-De~ BuCkley, TonyFretfnan, ~ dw it·\rilC .. ·tiip( coafidealial ud that I '"' Terry Scbafman, Mite Spears • uadit' •-Clbftaat'oo. w~ .. l.JtOW b1vie or have had the and Qebbie 1berese·Talbert. lollOoriq ......... , . -· .Do1'ou. ha.,. 4aodtd! fl1 if. clry! __ or oily!·--- Does ~ .ICll; ~·-.C~'~ othct irrititiOfta!,_--- Dea your fonlac:d 1*.onie ea1y or lfCUY1•----- l>oa '°"' .ICalp' ilcll? When?, ____ _ How )Ofll fl~ )'GUI' hit bet.a thianiaa1'•------ Do you atill tiaw hair?-« fua?-0a top.of your bud. How lonJ is it?: '• it dry,' 11 it olly'l, __ _ . Attodt .. , -mt..-,,.. fod a\ay l•icbclplul., NAME.---~~----__; _ _;_ __ 'ADD~•E~-"~---------~--~ ·.'CITY " . • .. " " , ' . PUT WK •IN · YOUR POCKET , Sell unwanted ·items with a DAILY PILbT Classified Ad. PHONE 642-5'78 ,..., '-litkM·.......,_,,_, ' Historian Says ~ U.S~~ 'srael Doin,g It I ' ' LOf(DQlf (AP) -IDSWl'Jan renunciatioq 'Of her" mandate been more numerOus • 'lhi11 Arnold· J. Toynbee ..Ys ·the for the .~dmlitlstratlon Or ~~·s, 1.1 Toyn bet Mid. United <Sta tea ud Israel have Palestine wu followed ~ · "Ill 0;1. · yeir ·lllfil the stantaneously bY' \he-pro-. /'to-· · • taken up I.be art of coloniall!m 'clari\itiOn· ot .tile· -·state Of -,µ~tfd S,tates bas ~ 1n ex- whf:re the European nations Israel on Palestiniln>Arab ter-iltence:, 193 years as compared left olf after World War U. rltory." • . ' · with Israel's 21 years, LJke To~ depicted the Viet-· While the Amtrlcana h8d!fto· '~ael,. ~United Slates came nam conflict and Israel's run-Intention of evicting the Viet-'8to existenc.e .~h vlc~ namese and replacing them m a war -and this against with American' setUers, "the the same opponent, Britain." Pale!tihiln Arabs1 and also &ll ··HAYE £Xi-E81ENCE nin&· war with the Arab slates as colonial wars. "For a brief moment it k>ok- ed as if the end ol European c:olonialism were going t.o be the end. bl colM!a11'1n itself," he wrote in hi• new book "Ex-· pe.riences" published Wed- neJday, RUSHED IN other Arab 1 peoples within Israel's reach, had a mill Now, sald Toynbee, the greater incentive to resist than United States and ·Israel were the Vietnamese had," be ~id. mtttinc wilh the experience ~ "an Wl8.ctustomed one for FIRST VICTORY them" -of f I n d i n 1 "Io l9h U>e state of lsr.ael the'mseli'ea being frustrated in Is only 21 years old: yet Israel war. has already fought and won "Israelf -colonlafism ·since "But, since the close of the four wars, ... Toynbee wrote. the establishment of' the state second World War, the "Israel's Urst militiry victory 'of lsrael i.!' one of the two Americans and Israelis have was won over Britain before bl'ackest.. cases· in the Whole rushed in where West. Euro-Brl,4iq's abdication of her history of colonialism in the peans now fear to tread." mand!Tte for Palestine in 1948 modem age; and it!' blackness Toynbee said the "recession and before Israel tierseli had is tlirown into relief by ifs of the French wave of col· been formally co.g.sptutaj,as a .. ~" be sa_id . "The East onialism in Vietnam was state. European Zionists have -been followed by the onset of the "Israel's other three Wars t:iractising-colonialism i n American wave, and the u .S. that she has won since then Palestine in the extreme form war in Vietnam, like her' have all been won over the oI evicting and robbing the previous war in Korea, has Arab states: the first in 1948, native Arab inhabitants at the been part of an attempt to the moment after Israel very time when th.e West build an American colonial herself had come inlo ex· . European peoples have been empire in ·eastern Asia ex· istence, and the other two ln renouncing their l~mporary tending from Japan through I~ and .1967-. . . . rule of non · Euro p e,a n South Korea and Taiwan The ·v1ctor10Us wars 1n the peoples." CF.arm~) and Sooth Vietnam U~ted States' ·hitherto un-r;:i;::::;=======oll to Thailandf and ab: including · broken. series of them have Australia and New Zealand, which, in the pertinen · Who Can Read J I geographical sense, are East US Asian countries." One 'Peanuts'! : GORooit t cMoRR-OW I C-11'111"9 ........ ,,,. c ........... . The British liistorian climed that in its present stage "this American colonial empire" has taken the form of an American protectorate over states that remain nominally independent "but have ac- tuaU, become U.S. sa_tellites." ===~~-"' M...-.....,.,, ,, ..... ··-~ I STAGE FAMILIAR 'Illis stage, he remarked, "is familiar to both the European ex-imperia l peo pl es themselves and to t h e i r former Asian and African sub-· jecls." I Toynbee said Britain 's THESE COMMUNITY LEADERS ENDORSE AND SUPPORT INCUMl.ENT FOR ff~flT·MES~ SCHOOL 10~-D ~.uu ,1 • .. i. . . . . ~ Daniel Al~rich, Jr. , , Agnes 81omqui.t Chi1olm Brown Mrs. Joseph Beek Dora & Ned Hill Hugh Plumb, M,D. Hans l.orenz Isabel Pease Hancock Banning Ill Jay Stoddard Paul. 'A. Palmer Jim Wood BUSINESS DICUftYE CAl'AILl- FAIR·MINDED- . RE-ELE:t;F . , Robert Duey, M.D. Dt. Arn·old Beekman Jofin Nettel J. Herbert Brownell Joh'n Maeleo'd G. William Grundy DaYid Nielsen , M.D. Donald C. Duncan Ira N. Frisbee llGHT YEAlllS SCHOOL IO~RD ,·SIRYICE INTEGRITY- EXl'ERIENCE- • . 'I "" •. ' • y ' • DONALD .. A. S·TRAUSS FOR SlllERIOR .EDUCATION AT A IEA$Owu COST • Anaheim lodp ~·-!SU. The Al.so,SteYe w-.11; iisl lncludel: !ant etq11ft; Ed L o,1 • G.1larry ~., <!Ulteif ri\Jer; chylaia; ~ l>tto, , Len ~1• lUdtng kiiflhl; auard: Ro b e r t Tn•· • 1 ~ •• Stan Panek, lDyal ·knilbt: tilet, and David Ror011: ,... Robert~ ii, ~ year~-' .,. . ' ' •: .. ... , • • • 'Old :World "ediierran.ean' ' · Swinuh· Furnitlire I _9i,u . $1•,• '1N\i,ENTORY· ' ' •TO CHOOSE. FROM DCCi::liATott• CAticlLLATION M4 ano1~·'At~o:f~O:~:OMu~ DICOltATO.Sl_ DllAM HOUSE OH OISPl.!AY Jlems as. touOws: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with sepjll'ate loose pillows with . helv.y oak trim decor and matchiDg ~· ,_ J 3 m~tchlii'g C!l!k ·occasional tables, (2) 51" '.,i, tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag · ; larilps in wrought ir'on~ .an 8 piece kTu.g size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean-style with top.iiuality i&)'.I" ~ \varranty king size matfress & box spring~s. · • Spanish decor dining s.e~etc. • . ...., . Whol•_HouMfuJl w" l'Olvl•r ... 11m.11, ... -:-~:fo~~~l-Fl_'.'._E ____ ,_ 5698.0o ,: : , A•y Piece C...h ~ ....... llr " · Tenn A.w1Wt9' -N~ .. -c.lf.. ,: Cradlt Approwed ,1-odlotoly ': ·r /,f '/) t:•rit1t1we ~ At Harb-or Blvd. '1844 Ne~ BIYd. Coste ..... 9111f _ Evory ~lght 'Ill 9 -Wed .. 511. ·& s ... 'HI 6:· • • Pll)9 ~ . - aboard ... ln"ba~ . look ·sportSwear , • --:A. D.e~~•ly l1llortd of whitoo ootton LanO:, th ls top slops ihort, barittg your trim wai•t...,,. • ·now·-.,~ Sizes 30-36. $8: 8. Dashlng ·raYQn IW'lll nlrt log pants, bol~ aashed with prJntl Hm them In whife , nevy'~ or black. J~nior sizes 3·13._ $7,: C. Crisp white cotton/pol)ltster top crop~1 end 1ltd CJIUlll)', but quilt disarmlnot¥ Slzila 3Q..36.. • $IC* • 0. smisn1"91ypilntod~ltonh0mnpuntl:'-! leg parrtl, 1Uhtd«1tidly, cnooiotrom~• in junlilf *-3-13. J E. eto"'6 'ffhil•· polyrltttr/r¥>f! top, 1 , l~ln I ·-·~ aj bib.,,.-· ~,; .... _, ...... :ia.... . . ..... --,-, .. ~ F.Uftlo.1)1Tf1 -llg .... -... lh1~ In Whitt, tht c~ Wlltt.ft pdntto" aasheeMblueorntd!._ 7·14.. • , .. / . I -. • •• " , ( ' . ·~ .. .,,, ' .. .... ,,. .. ..... < Cholrman M. A. Anolel'IOft, 916 Vla Udo Saud, Nawport loach COSTA MESA iHar~or --Shoppi"? Center) NEWPORT BEACH {FtShion; 1.i.nd) .HUNTINGTON BEACH'~ (Horbor Sliopplng Centet) : j t ~ • I • • • • ) J OAILV PILOT Mom11, .... 14, 1969 " ,, ti H . I . Demos Agree on Bigger .. Voice for Minorities SACRAMENTO (AP) -A stormy weeken d of soul searching has left Calilornia Democrats agreed on giving minortlies a bigger Vol~ in the party -and split over how to deal with campus mil-· Hance. whe n he refused to let one of them interrupt the panel to make a speech attacking the party and California educa- tion. SF State · Outdoor Rallie s Ban Ends SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Emergency rules banning: out· door rallies at San Francisco State College ended today, ac- ting President S. I. Hayakawa amounced. Police will remain on cam- pu!I, he told a Democratic Party conference on education in Sacramento Sunday, but will be "diminished." Permission still must be ob- ~ne:,eto li~~:es~i:s S::~i mean .. people can hokt rallies in the central campu!I area in- stead of being limited to in- door rallies and nllies in the athletic stadium /' he told newsmen. Outdoor rallies were banned when classe6 reeumecl at the campus Jan. 6, but QDt were· held anyway and resulted in some of the most violent eon· frootation.s between students and police since disturbances began oo the campus jest fall. They ended Mardi 20 when a tentative agreement was reached between studeits and the administration. Hayakawa later rejected part of it, but the strike did not resmne. "We ~ going beck to work," said Hayakawa . "because there baa been pea<e on the campus SUlCe the begin- ning m tile -.r. " d-n branch d the col· leae. pooaibly to be locatod ln the Old Mint bulldlng. Hayakawa said, "Peeoe on campus b not a t'Oflllervative or liberal demand~ Pe.ace on cam~ li a universal caU1e. Radicals have tried to make you believe that the ooly peo. pJe who want peace on campu.s att oGv. Ronald Reagan, Max Rafferty and I." Rafferty is state superin· tflldent m public iootructioo 5 Bodies # Removed From Crash "Those who would make ~ believe that peace on the cam· pw i2I only a Republican cause would hand the election in 1970 to the Republicans with a little ribbon tied around it," said Hayakawa, who ls a CUCAMONGA, Calif. (UPI) Democrat. Fl h Another member ol the -ve c med bodies were panel, Speed Ross Jr. of Los removed, Sunday from the Angeles State College, acclWd wreckage of a light plane that the 250 Democrats at the f!rashed into a mountain slope meeting ol "flunking out and burst Into flame. again" by rQ relating to the needs ol 9Ludents. A member or the search When Haya kawa answered a party said the twin-engine question from the audience Cessna 3!0 rammed a large Ross objected and said: · pine tree on the west fort of "~'t campaign here, doc-Cucamonga Canyon and was tor, Just amwer tbe question." "I'm not campe.igning fer a hail melted from the "terrific damned thing," r e tor t e d impact and extremely hot Hayakawa. fire." "Yoo're cam~•-•·g for Th ~-e plane was en route from govemcr," charged Rosa. Another • paneli!t, M a r i e Albuquerque, N . M . ' to . . ... .. -. ~ ... ~ .. -- ") ' ' Stiff Qliestioning Expecied 1 FORT ORD (UPI) -An Hollinu clolmo the army The 'def.,,,. att~rney al90 ~ Clpta1n was ICheduled ~" about lbe demomttaUon wu expected to ask Lamont lo tallfy today bow be read befOI'<! it OCCWTed and could why be didn 't read the the mutiny aec:Uon of tnilllary have tak.en ltepe to )tevent Jt, prisoners other sections of the • Captain Lamont hu already military law Instead of the one I a" t O 2 7 1 l n It n C stated be reoeivtd a pbQne call dealing with mutiny -a demonstrators tut Octobei' at on Oct. 14, tnforming 'hlm the charge which carries a max- the Prealdlo military bue in sit-down wu eotn& to take imum penalty of life i1n- San FraoclJco. place in two hoi.n. prisonment. C&ptaln Robert S. Lamont, The captain 11id he ordered Eight of the f7 ha ve already who WU in chirp al the rqular prooec:lum; to be been found guilly and received Presidio stockade when the followed and then "went Nck sentences rancini from nine sit-down demonttraUoo oc-to sleep." months to ll yeaT!I. cumd, ls ezpoctod to face •!================== tough croswuminatton from Terence Hallinan, defense at~ tomey for 14 aoldiera on trial at Fort On!. The defendanls uid they were protesting stockade con- diUons and the llhootlll( death of Pvt. Ralph Bunch by a guard, who 1aid Bunch wu trying to ...,.pe. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • TOP i PRIZE • • • • • • • • Dominated by political fol- lower.i of the late Robert F. Kenntdy and Sen. Eugene Mc- Carthy, a conference on party Tielorm voled Sunday to in- clude Negroes and Me1ican - Americans "at every policy making Jevel." An~r public official, San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alio- to, made it clear he was in. ~~ested in moving ahead po- ht1cally, probably by running for the Democratic nomina- tion for governor next year. He wu apf>lauded durlhg a banquetsp.Odl~tuliiliY)ll•ht and then mi1:ed for: mlft than an hoot with. delegates It his He said he hoped to have departmerU conc:entrOOng 00 Negro and MeDcan-American 3Wdies by next September, but charg<d -militants had delayed realization of Utls by their disruptions. He also sald he iB trying t.o raise funds for a n e w Loordes Baeia, a Mexican. River!llde, Calif., Saturday and American, aceused Hayakawa landed at 0 n t a r i o In- o! saying "I, r, I, when it ternational Airport to r efuel. should be we, we , we are It faded from radar screens striviilg for this. The headlines minutes after it took off in you have made recently do1_he_a_:vy:_ov_•_n:_•_•_L ____ _:c._::=. ___ ~ not indicate that you are part .- The minority repreSentaliv- es should be chosen ''by black and brown leadership," t h e conference decided. hospitality room. • • Alioto nit,rated to • news. men that he hadn't decided whether to run. But It Was 1eamed that two· prominent San Franciscans, hotel m a n Ben Swig and Walter Shoren- stein, a real estate man, have set up a "Friend!! of Joe Alio- to" orga nization to raise funds for his political career. GOP Sol-On·~:::""" A . '" C 0 l w hh ACgS~S~~~.,, But the meeting turned into 1 shouting match during a pa- nel on the political effects of campus disorders. likely to be a major issue In the 1970 election. Advocating a strong law and order stand, Dr. S. I. Haya- kawa. President of San Fran- cisco State College, ran Into opposition from two Negroes and a Mel.ican -American on the panel, and from delegates who insisted student! grievan- ces were justified. "What have you '~ to make sure b1ack and Mllican- Americans a.re a total part of the college instead of being asked to play football and win J?ames for America," asked a Negro delegate . Another potential candidate for the Democratic J!OVemor- ship. Assembly Minoritv Lead- er Jesse M. Unruh o( lngle· wood , talked to the delegates at a luncheon Saturday. -Oil Firms Don't 'Car e' I ' !Sa ys Unruh apito it old-in S~CRAMENTO (AP) quires withholding of hlCome With a jibe at Gov. Reagan, taxes from die .salaries of the Republican chairman or those new to the state's econ- the Assembly '!! ta1: committee omy in an effort to catch today announced a heariag for some so-called "t1x chea ts" Tuesday on his bill to establish who don't file returns. payroll withholding of state in-The governor said Jut week come taxe!I. he is u op~ as ever to "On tai: day this Tu~ay, compulsory withholding such April 15th, we are going to as the federal system. have a 'Withhold-In' at lhe But he said "f lee nothing C a p i t o I , ' • a n n 0 uneed wrong with giving the citizen Assemblyman William T. the right to pay hi1 taus in Bagley of San Anselmo. the way that is most con- Bagley invited Californians venient to him, 11 long u you ••to come to Sacramento pay dont' force him to." their !!late income taxes J~ one Bagley said today 1n a 1tate- lump sum, inform t h e ment the people are deman-. governor of their opinion on ding the convenience of state withholding and attend" the income tax wltilholding. Advocates of student Jk)Wer were in the majority in t h e audience and they shouted their anger at conference chatrman G.W. Holsinger Revenue and Taxatio n Com· T h e M a r in C o u n t y SACRAMENTO (AP) -Ma-miUee'!I hearing on his bill. Republican took over the jor oil ~ were ac· Reagan says he still opposes withholding bill fo11owing the -~ b •-•1 M' · resignation ofJohnG. -.:~ Y ,..._,uru Y 1norlty mandatory withholding of ,·n· V M Auto Noise Chec k Set eneman, odesto Republican Leeder Jesse M. Unruh today come taxes from paychecks Assemblyman, to be c 0 m e of betng determined lo corr although hia new tax revi!lion Pr e !I id e n t Nixon's un· tinue ' offshore d rt I I i n g program propoaa a voluntary dersecretary of health, educa· 1'9pr'dless of the hirm it does _w_ithho __ ld_1n& __ P_l_m_._1_t_a1J_o_r_•· __ 1i_on_an_d_w.:.'~::."::.:.'·-----I to '-bes, bird• IOd fish. "U these companies are allowed t o c o r:tinue The Daily Pilot Cove rs Boating LOS ANGELES (AP) -A team of Calihrn.ia highway petrobnen starts t o d a y measurq the noise 0 f •-1es zipping along the highway. to determine if lhey ore vtolotiog the st.u Code. urtlampered m their wanton;--~~~~~-~-~-~~~---~-­pursuit m Jtl'Ofits. tar-.olked feet will be a far greater danger to future California beach-goers than sunburn," Unruh declared. His remarks were prepared for an ~mbly conunittee hearing on his bill to make oil com panies liable for a 11 damages resulting from future oil drilling disasters. Such a1 the recent well leak near San- It limb 80UDd to a max- imum of 82 to 92 decibels, depmding on the type of car nr truck and speed limits. Of. ficers say most passenger cars will be limited to 82 decibels, about the noise from 1 pne:wnat.lc drill. • ta Barb'lJ'a. 'Ibe patrolmen are using a lboeboi:-fllled meter ~·ith a cable to a microphone on a lour-loot-high tripod placed SO feet fnln the center of the riill>t-hlnd lane. To Mart, tile team js operal.ing in Los Anples, Ventura and Orange c.w<ies. The · Inglewood Democrat said "it should be obvious to ('veryor.e by now that tht di companies are detennined to continue haphazard drillinc even if it means de9troyin1 most or Southern CaWornJ1'1 beaches and thousands m seals, whales. birds end filh." JANE F. BOYD FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION LAGUNA BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT Mr. & Mrt. Deen Whit1••r Mr1. l11e1 Ge.4' L.t Mr. I Mr,. E411'1t1ll4 l. Mr. & Mtf. Ger4e11 F,1b11 Mr1. J1ck I . C1U1w1y Mn. M•r~ri• 0, fer111l4 Mr, & M". W1 U•r• L Cttr~tly Mr. 0.11 Tobi11 Mr. I Mr1. J1flrty II.. Tewn11n4 Mr. J•11t•• w. oa1 • ., Mr.hlti. f . Glib.rt Mr, &Mn. l•iMrt M. Coll•1eU Mr. I Mr .. Jlec•w•ll Tho1np1e11 ,.,., Helt11 1 • .c,,1,., Mr. I M". Do111l.I H, A,,..,111 v.11 b•1o1••11 M ... H.,.,1.1 W, l•ll, Jr. Mr, I Mu. l•r11tt1!1 F. S.,1111 R••· Rob•rl l. C•111•l1••11 M•, I Mu. Roy W. H•lm 01. Riv C. 6 •ry Mr. lo9•r C•rt•r M". Elll1b.th N•i•w•iwi1r Mr, I M,.. C11l R. H1w•l111 Mr. I Mtt. Rob.rt l. Wil1y Mr, I Mrs. P,t. K•••r1t1.W Mr. lr1Ul~11 L Ch1Pf11111 Mr, I Mn. Cff•ffr.v W, Ri••• Mr1. ,,_,.,,, !!:•IM1H1•U1t. VOJE BOYD JUESDAY APRIL 1 STH ' ,, 4--' .. , f f119919'1 ~ C.111-,ilttff '" ... ,, ... , ..... hy4 Mn. lJtte «••wiu1..a. II ....... i. IL, 1.ef•H l••tl• '-\ The prettiest summer 'dos' get a head start with a La Maur budget penn 8.50 Childl'tn'• cut 1.98 Sh1mpoo ind set . • • • • • • . $3 (Mon., Tuts. and Wed. only) W• •PKloli1• hi rN CIOl"t ef Jedi;... wi91. NO A"OINTMINT NICOIARY •~U.1.lill:TON Or•ntef• rr i;lnltr !l'llflttl'.t'1~ HUNf!NOTOff l l A(H H11ntln•tot1 Ctlllff l'llcl "'°"' .,,.,," lflWl"Oill:T 11 .. CH F•lllltfl t111..e 1rWI ,,,..,, tu--UlJ COSTA MESA IH •rbor Shopping Center) Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Thro'1gh Saturday ' Make your new wardrobe now! Save on fabric , ' ' Dotty w many •F'rina prinh ••• whil•, cilnln, horizon blue, red, li111• le• •nd block solids. Tlwy'A all wosh 'n -1 (,,.,' Special Purchase! Fashion right voile blends! \ ' I ' ' . I I I 77c \\ Polr-st•r/coHon voil• prinh \ and IOlick in no¥elty~! \ L•~ 'f°' im•oioolfon rw1 riot \. •loninv yotr -cir-ob.! I I I \ · ;Bellweather' is Penn Prest• 1.59 ,,. ' ' ' ' ' ' Poly tsler/collon bltnd tha t needs no ironing! Whitt, citron, / no.au ond r. ..... tolidi. / You'll love our ' 'Skillet' cloth prin11 1.98,... Eleclr le scl110r1 take the work out of Hwfngl 4.99 111'd of ........ """' .. -""" --. ""-1?.\Wi•tt..., ..... ~~ ...... 1 ~,,,1\,,IJl1111 1!,, 1 •• NEWPORT BEACH IF•sh ion lslond) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington C.ntor) - m. 1ont the the one a 1ax- im· ad y ved 1ine •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• I • DAllY PILOT JJ S-atisties .' 'Of . · Oran·ge Coast Area Marriage Lleen1e1 ' ' ' • enne••t IALWAVS FIRST G.UALIT;t· . SHOP AT : • • ' ~ 1 HOME!: Call .collect (714) 523-6511 ' ' • WE bring samples! •FREE consultaUonl • FREE estimates! • NO obligation! ' r ~ ... • • . .. • _, \ .. ~ ' TOP PRIZE Save up to 50% on our drapery and slipcover fabri ·c·s! Beautiful custom draperies and slipcovers made just for you ... redecorate for spring at tremen- dous savings on our Fashion Manor custom fabrics! Give your home a whole new look with drapes of beautiful antique satin, open or slub textured weaves ... lovely harmon- izing slipcovers in cotton· prints or solids! Expert custom workmanshi p ... re11ular low prices! S~ve now_.on our wall-to~wall carpeti~ r ' ' ' ' . ' Take ~Rom,nce'I lllls Is • a 1us11., KodeJe polyester shag pile thafs so long wearing! 15 beautiful colors! j Reg. 8.99 so. vo. NOW 7.49 SQ. YD. '. Stirring 'Galaxy'! Creslan• acrylic/ Veref9 modacrytlc sheared pile in 12 g'°®l(S1Xllorlf I .. ~ : • Reg ~ 7~99~.:0. . NOW 6.49 so. YO. Tweedy 'Spectra' is a continuous filament nylon pile .in 1 Q beautiful mutti- level loop style tweeds. Reg. 6~99so. YD. NOW 5.99 SQ. YO . "-Sculptured 'Pen·Nyrl Multi-level loop DuPont 501• nylon carpeting In 7 solids and tweeds. Reg.· 7.50 so. YD. NOW 6.49 SQ. VD. [ Service available in greater Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties. ~ t • - I I , I I ! I ' ' ' ft DAILY PILOT Nixon Man of Year Leuure Wor.ld Tax .Relief Dlie? " President Tops County's Headliners ' ANAHEIM -NwlJ 1,000 Nixon's civil service cem· Calllornla Federalloo o I . . '11 J~ llROBACK ,.....,.. a1m11ar to llorte's . ..-aod celebrillol 1111nded mtuloa. lie ls the lint Nqro Republican Women, IOI! COWi-•"' ~ ""' -He .llilod ~ ., -&On ihe 11.tth annual Oronp Cowl-to bold either pqa!Uoo. ty pr• c Inc t organhaUon ·SANTA' ANA·.:;\ '.....1-'.·"ve . Gecge Jle!Wnejlln (JI.Loa& ty 'Pr<sJ ·Clall Re1dllner Henilln-DeplityThoma1 chaltmlll and• m~ber of rellf.f flir .""-"~ly BelCb), r~e R. ~- aWlf!ls dinner dance Satur-SealJ of Stantoa,1 a memtier of .the Calllomla RopullUcan Leisure World~ who ([).San h~) aod-;:m;: day, boooring Orange County's the Orange Oowrty Sheriff's Slate Central Committee. were left out in the' cold \by Maris (a .... ....__,_). most oulstanding clt1"'11S for lleplrtmen~ waa honored 10< Public Service -Mrs. Prop. l·A may ho IOf!hCoiplng '"""' f'- lbcir pel00!1&I ~levemenlJ in bis attempt to &ave the Ille ol Gloria Khn of Santa Ana, !or aooner than anUclpaled, ae-The .....,, l>ad preY!oaaly and for lhe cowity in JIU. • 10-year-old boy wilbout her work with the SER ---1in to • ....____ been informed. that t be President Nlml wu award-regard for bis own safety. Organb.ation, with Its aim of ""'u g county ~r 1 ed the club's "llan ol the l!Wlllllitatianls -Mn. bringing "people 1o the jobs, Andrew J, Hinshaw. Asaembly Reveaue IOd Tu- Year" honor. Born In Yorba Wllllam "Donna" Zlchocbe ol IOd jobs to the people of the Hinshaw said he "" in-ation committee would not act Linda, Nixon is the lint Or1Dge, IOd Danny Dovey or Barloe.'' Mind Test formed by sourca l n on Burke's blD unlll May 15 ln 0r1n1e COUnty clUsen to ho Costa lleaa. Mn. Zlchocbe ls Real Estate -Philip J. Sacramento that GovJ!fllor order to determine If Ibero b elecled to the presidency. a -ol the Orange Cow> Reilly, MI 11lo8 Viejo Rooald Reagan baa Indicated enough stat. money available Congmaman James B. uu ty Heart Auoclatlon , developer, for his work in Ordered wllllngneostolelthepr<pOMd to extend relief lo the accepted the awanl In the dllirman ol lta cemmy care belplni to l0<m more than 20 property tax relief measures PrWdent'a abrlena. un1t committee, and supsvil organlutions destined to be beard before upc«ning cooperatives. Gol~lated He a d J J n t r ing nurw: at the Orange Coon-alleviate possible problems F B he budget bearings. In the meanllme, hedging awanls were presented to 17 ly Medical Ceator. brought on ~y rapid com-, Or ar r The county assessor reveal-against the poulbillly lhal the Orange County residmts for Davey, a United Parcel mwUty growth. ed last Mooday that peraons Legislature will not pau the otitstanding contributions in a Service deliveryman, ba s Sci Dr Edw-~ A living in cooperatives such·as remedial law in time for this wide range of field&. They devoted bundrtds of boun of s~°:. Pro.fess;~ or GARDEN GROVE -'those in the Ltisure World year'a refund Id for June 15, mre: hill spare time. to gathering biological sciences at UC Psychiatric eiaminalion fu retirement communities in Long Beach attorney Wllllam Aviation -Douglas "Wrona food. toys and clcthing to tend Irvine, for his work in Jden-Atascadero State Hospital has Lagima Hll1a and Seal Beach A. Williams acttng for Seal Way" Corrigan, known f« bis to Hopi and Navajo Indian tifylng insect viruses and ap-been ordered f Gard were not included in the pro-Beach Leisure World la pJan.. #1 llloht originally charted ........uom at Tbanispving pllcalloo o(·paibo ..... u an or • en visions 'ot Prop. 1-A which ning ceurt action to lorce taU·laim. from New Yark to and Cbriltmu, ad ii ·cur· alternative to-tJie•l Ule"' of Q_rove barber accused of set--' grants homeowners -a f10 compliance. Beach, but actually en rently trying to establish .. hazardOU& diemicat POottcides. ting r ... to bis shop. I rebate on this year's property His titigaUon will lake the _ tn Dublin, lrelanCI. lDdian IDWJeUDJ. Sports _ Silver medal noMtd Edw~· Rm, 3S, was tax bill and a $750 exemption form of a "mandate" to the · -Business -S. F. Eyestone, Medicine -Dr. Joseph award winner Ed Carulhefs, on their 196t-70 property awssor to accept refund ~t oC Autone~ and a David -and Dr. ·William Kin-Olympic high=. Jumper w h 0 committed to the at.ate facillty asseaments. claims from c ·0 0 p e r a t I v e ,.,v~ prtSident of North cannon, for their teamwurk in cleared the seven-foot mark Friday by Superior Court Affected are about 11,000 apartment owners and force ·)American Rockwell, w b o trt.atlng gastrochisi!, a rare more often than any high jum-Judge Robert Gardner. He rul-cooperative apartment owners the state controller to pay the =~helped establish the world's and often fatal birth defect. per in the history of track and ed that\Rill was incapable of in Laguna Hills and 6,500 in claims. computer center• in Their efflrb aaved the live:i: of field, won the amateur award. understanding the nature cf Seal Beach. Anticipating this a c t lo n , Hills. Eyestone wu six infants born last year in Winner of the profmlonal Now slated for early con-Hin.shaw bu, with t b e recenUy named metropolitan Orange County. sports citaUoa wu Dan his offense and must remain sideration is AB 575. ~ ~aUCX!. of Sal Beach city ~ for the National Poiltics-Mrs. Pat·mft,."for Gurney, race driver, ttctDtly in the hospital until he regains traduced by Aslemblyman officials, delivered 7,000 r• ~ of Bus1nesmMn · ln her elfor!J on behalf ol the appointed captain ol the his sanity. Robert Burke (R-Huntlngtm fund claim& to Seal Beach !:!lr"'1n1on.e Counly b. 1 President R •Pa b 11 c • D party in Mercury Competition Team, Rill was arrested at bis ahop Beach) which mates tM Uisure World. ~' Calllorola. Shi ill ·prealdart of tlv ""'bl I th :1'!' CommunitJ Service _ Dr. the 0ranp: County Federation and winner of the Riverside 1ast Feb. I and charged with coopera es e'"'6' e or e William Price, a Newport ::.-ilhelm de NljJ, lounder and of a.publican Women's Clubs, ~ car ·nee· lour cen-arson. Only minor demage taxm:::'~ts~ ho had also Beoch attorney, npreoen~ ~ident ol Services fir the on tht baartl ol directors of --ve ,years, 11113 through was caused by the lire, ol-been inlormed that three stale ~ ~~~il:or • .,. :~~ loc., Santa Ana. which tbe IOlltbern dtri.skm d. the 1961. ficers said. senaton had I n t r o d u c e·d ,,--, ...,... ~,..~7 blind person,, for pro-~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~"-~~~~~-=::.:.:::::~~~~~~-=~~~'."...:~..'..::~'..:':.'.'..~tion~.~-..,-~~~~~-JI t~~~ ~1: .. All Penney Stor•s Open Ev'ry flllght Monday l rough Saturday ~erton Junior Collep, .. . ~ucator for tbe put a years. OI Entertainment -, J 0 b D '"' .;;waine. actor, ~ and "'direcloru..Uu•o..tt,. ~panllnlocal ~ ~ce projecta. He lives ln ~ewport Beach. :•111 Government _. James E . .:i~obnny" Johmon, put cfirec.. ·P!tor of veteran affaln for :~vernor Reagan and cur· ~tly a member of President -.~ ;<JIEA'l'B NOTICES . .,... ARBUCKLE • WEUll -W01tcllll llor1aar1 ~ 4!7 E. 17111 SL, Cooll Meu ' -I : BALTZ M01111JAlllEI :.C.nu .. IMar OR._ :p...M ... HIWO& BELL BROADWAY " MOR11JARY I B.......,, Colla M- LI l4llS DILDAY BR0'111!311 ' Bnntbl-Valle1 • Moma, '· 171U lludol!H -Rnntlqtn-• IO-Tl'll • PACIPIC VIEW JllEMOlllAL PAIU[ Caletery e Ma -, Cllapel --vi...om. N...,.i-, Callhrola -• PEEltrAMILT OOLONIAL J1'lJNEBAL ROllll: 'lift -Aft. ...... , ... , --i&DiD MOtmJA&T ---.. a1m1at1 -· .. 111ii'l11'1 MOR1iJAllY • lrl-8'. • .. ~.-I '11 M-\: ·cc' •••lllYJ M;anm t0 a..tlfully. A wahly cl'lltlwocl, dark oak tlnW., .,,.. I • ttcud i-.S.lldded pol)~,.llhcza foam '? 11 lladr: ~ *11 11F•aldnf, • _,,. .. _.,_Sol .... Moh had: ......... had: dtalr, -11011, - ta1o1o..i2enc1-. ~-------------- REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! 7 pc. 'EL MAGNIFICO' family room set Reg. •691 NOW 4iolG hg, $219 NOW •lfJ Hihadccli<*--.,.$119 NOW .. OS Lwliackclonlr .... $119 llOW .. ,, -. --""""' $39 NOW • 3S c.r....... .... $611 NOW • SI Enil IDblo _ ........ $15 NOWS 58 $ Pq • llltle • $21.75 per -it NO MONEY DOWN These additional pieces also available SAVE $19! • ... $159 NOW .. 40 llOCl.A.UlllllD Olho ~ """' -............ polyvrothaoo -D.t ..... ,wood -........... ... $149 NOW fl34 NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion bland) '62 Rog, $169 NOW ... , lOVI SIAT-W pol)11otl-,._ ~llod cuohbw, ..... iW ...,,. ...... II")' ...i hanlwood - HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ... .. .... Hewpart·Mesa Unified School District School Board 1.'-'e1 ,ffenry E. J,ones * Knowledgeable ' *Dedicated * Responsible _.,L.._ 'Hank' tak .. a· stand on: CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES The School Bo.rd should rot1in fui 1uthority for approv•I of representatives to 1ppe•r on campus t.o present their views on controversial i11Ues. TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS A vel"(simple formula should l>o applied: Obt1in the best Demond the most Pay the highest CURRICULUM CONTROL The scholar 1hould be challenged end the non- scholar 1hould be trained for tho world of busi- non ind lebor in ·1 well-plennod VOCATIONA~ PROGR"AM. ~ The nMcl for moro remediol reeding cl.sses on tho high school level roveols I weokneH in tho ro1ding program al the olemont1ry level. Im• mediate step• MUST be token to correct this weakness. TEX1'BOOKS AND SUPPLE.MENTAL MATERIAL Tho School Boord MUST provide daring leader- ship to insure that proper taxi book. ore mode av1il1ble. Al minority groups should be con1ider- ed when selecting 1upplement1I material. SEX EDUCATION Tho School Board MUST supply ••no objective leadership in tho 1ccopt1nce or rejection of 1 curriculum for sex education. This includes care- ful comideration of ALL point. of view. The 11nc- tity of individual conscience and religiou1 con- victions mutt be re1pectod!-· The following concerned citizens are just • few of those who ~•v• pleged their support to 'Hank' Jones. Mt1. Mildr,d Fi1fi•r Mn, Wilhelmine Red11u111 Mr. I Mn. Owen Ankeny Gl•dy1 L1ud•11Mrt•r Terry Ttmp1e Mn. D1phn• M. MuMY Mtt. leo111 M. TownteN Mr. I Mn. Hud1011 I . S•ffell Dr. I Mr1. Dick Ul!de ..... ood Mr. I Mn. Do111ld R. leen Dr. I Mr1. ReNrt JI. h••c• Dr. I Mrl. William R. Ki11t Mr. I Mn, Will i•111 D. Ki"t Mr. I M"" J. H. Sericlen Mr. I Mn. Jo1eph E. Thom11 Ch1rte1 M. L..u .. enbert•r Mn. Em1111 J, Ch•rriley Robtort 0. Ch•lflley Mr. I Mr1. F. G. lutli1t9heffl A11ejee11 Lu1k Rey M. Reiff l1111Mrt W. Roliner Gle111t W. Crok Nonn111 Mein RoJ,ert L Wilion Mr. I Mr1. Ale11 L Alldeno11 Ray lellman Rev, J,.,,,, llaln Gl11111 C. Beiley Mr. I Mr1. Roy R. McCtrdle Roger 0. Wellt Richarcl l. Ov1rly Joh11 Smith At+iana Simaltit Sa111 Cra.,.forcl Mr. I Mrt. C. F. Colat.,.arlh1 Mr. I Mrt, Cfiffo,.f rarlti111 Mr. I Mr1. l ill1 Sti111 Mr. I Mn. G .. ,., lall Mr, I Mrs. Waltar Rica Mr. I M,.. Hawar4 Paga Mr. I Mrt. Fra,f Gaa11a11 Mr. I Mrt. A. 6 . Cariar Mrs. Joh11 Rawli11t Mn. Frtnltll11 Ha.,.Jti111 Mr. I Mt1. D. J. Raciti Mr. I Mn. R. E. l11r111 Mr. I Mrs. ~ilip Pilta Mr. I Mn. Mi•• Ryan Dr. Joa lip1co111li Do1111i1 P, Schol1 6aM'f• H, Satlltr, Jr. Mt1. C. Will!all'I Woo,f Dorathy Du1111 Mr. I Mt1, E,f la1111att Mr. I Mn. loacl S. t:. Froftaf Mr. I Mrt. l'eny LarMI Gary D. l1te1 Hain1 Wa11arm11111 Mn. L R. Marti11 Mrt. E. Atch Mr1. Mary ratar1011 Ytctor s. c1 • .,. Mr1. Chari" M. far9v1en Ecl ith I 6111f1va Volta P11tor Anclro.,. C. Ancfat1011 Dr. w,,.. R. Elter Dr. J, Calvi11 Hol1i119ar Ill Joyce Martl11 Mt1. l'olcli Si1olalt Mn. lvrton A. Wil d1r MrL l..ollaNl I. Hyltoit Mn. Richarcl Moeller Mn. C1ll101111 W, Sumrell Mn. Fay I, Rober Mr1, A1111abel S. Ment,omory Mn. E. D. Danner Mrt. Wilbur Jaclcf111 Mrt. Alan C. Stena111a11 Mn. Nail V. Parry Col. I Mn. Willi1"' Jon11 Mr. I Mra. lob Dut•n Mrt. John Hop.,.ood Mr, I Mn . Ralph Waholt Mr, I Mn. Tvclt Rabbitt Mn. E¥1rclaa11 J. Vari Sloota11 Mr1. Hetty I. 1,,,,., Mr1. Shirley M. Jacquet Eclwarcl J. J1cq1111, Jr. Mr1. l1rli1ra W. Adams M,., Grace Stow•rf Mr1. larbar• lun••t Mn. Etlitti Raricl Mr. I Mn. Ed. H1nlo11 Mr. I Mn. Willia1r1 I. Smith Mr, I Mn. Laon Froncis Mu. Garv l1t11 Mr. I Mrs. Ricltarcl Howlancl Mrs. 6abriall1 RafllOI Mri. M1r91r1t McF1rlancl Mra. Auclray Eg9la1ton Mr. & Mn. Marvin Gib1011 Mr, I Mrs. 0 . Paff Mr1. Kathrvn Aclam1 Mtt. Don ll1sli1111 Jr. Mr. & Mn. Cft•rla1 A. lac• Mr. I Mrt. c;..,. lattJ1toni Mr, I Mrt. lofll Gilmor Mr. I M11. HalN'Y Rutt. Mr. I MrL 011ano 6 . Pipit Mr. I Mn. Roltorl Howa..4 Mr. I Mr1. J. I. Sau11clorto11 M.,... Catlierlt1• HaNJto ... e ' \ Mr, I Mn. WoMro.,. Pitt111an Mr. I Mrt. Herbart l 11rnha111 Dalt I Mtrla11 Storll11t laonarcl I Fayo Ki119 &11a1t I Jaa11att. Q11lro• Mr. & Mtt. Ray S. Cr•11 < Mr. I Mri. Clayton la cM\ie ~ Mr. I Mr1. Jl1111 l'arltor a.i. I Dorit leaN1ley Mt. I Mrs. Rett Da•i• Q.roW £. Key L .. n-1"011 Mt. I ~,.. C. w: Kir~,_tw1.­ J1y ........ toy G .. rp ltlcltia Mr. I Mrt. Slt.W.._ Kirl1111atriclt Mr. I Mrt. Ha,..W•M. a.,.... Mn. lt¥arly Hl Rltt.rtaffl Mr. I Mrt. TM 1kMett Wu4 I RMa11eo &re.ttt.ff * * ELECT M,.., 0011 E. Rohfelclt Mr. I Mrt. Ro11alcl S.llintar Mt. a Mrt. tt.,er W. ~1tr1tt Mr. a ~r .. J. D. MitcMll, Jr. "' Mr. I Mn.·I, C. Da11-·• t.y, I M"• lo1b Mottal4tt litr. I M,... JaJt11 W. Cal11 M,._ J9MI A. C..,..- 0... a M r~ W1r1. S.i,fol Mr. l Mrt. J. J, 1,. .. , Mr. I Mn. M.. l.. Carrico Mn. l..wrMtca A. P11to11 Ot. I Mn. K.A. Trr-ff Nate lo•ff " * * 'HANK' JONES VOTE Tuesday, Aprll 15 HINRY .~ JONES ' X ·1 ' I 1 I ' ) ! UC Irvine 'Fandango!) ' Old California Spring Carnival Theme t ~onday, .\prll \4, 176'1 . Los Alamitos Bookie Draws Year in County Jail LOS ALAMITOS -A Los ~ ~· J u d g c lkimbola's ...,,puloo, Elmo Lakewood; the thin! membtr fenM, ' \ . • • JRVINE -"Fandango" has been selected as the name for the steGN1 "~I spring carnival W be held at UC Irvine oo Sunday, ~ 18. The theme will I be the "old Califomla ranchero." ducted Unicamp project to provide " """':'~ A)Jmlloe __ mllll ..,... ooe ~ C. Cameron handed F. Scheele, 46, o1 Anaheim, of wllal Police selcl wu a well Mn. Yea• ~ l"lllY mdoth Jri Oraqe County Jail the jail tm\i '111ul'1day lci drew a l~~ term for his organized botlln& busln..,, is befcn Judp llollorl - for hls·boomulng operalions Jooeph Bombola, :14, ol l04I part In the e, operaUon. current!Y -ini a ~-month and l1lllll,.... u ...-1 orianlaalloN, ...,.. and ...,.1~c~losc~lo~th~e~neor~!'!by~r~a~cetr~ac~t:_ • ...:·~"'-~,..~~Dr~iv~e.:_ ____ ~G:loria~'.,_~·Y~-~·:_~I_!•:._• ~ol~!Jall~'ocnteoiof~~· !:'~f<r~lbo~-~~DO~of~·:_:U~'lr~ .. ~,..,.~'.)P'~•~•~-~-~:_,....- t e 1t1, rldu; m111lc 1 -. .... -.,,._. ~ pu;jcjpooll wlQ Studenls and ·members of community support groups bave begun planning decora- tions and activities for the day-long event. Primary beneflciary of the event will be the student-eon- per• r~, chllili<n from·Onnp y. The carnival Jut , raised ll,200 fot lhil l""P""!. Ao addltklUll llllD.1 will be SOIAll>t this yell' lo go to Biafran relief. Schedulfd lo begin al It a.m. and to cqpcble with out- door eolartaimnenl In the evining, the .. hndango" will feoture bootha·~ by wear ~ of early ClllfOrnil I Tbe ..;.,a1 will be bald .. I C&mp!I II the --cl Bride• Rood 'lDd ,,_. Dri.,, ~ will simulola on -11 "'"'-'• puebloWlthatdna;- s;;;;w,ardleeand1-ln, W a ''bandfto•s hidflawty. ·~ Fair Gives Youth's Trial Reset Building t~ In Skull Death Case Retarded ~VERSll>E -Trial for the one ft!ID.linln& defendant In 'l1le Orange Comity Fair ·the ....,_ Elainor< skull Board la turninc over Its rab-~ murder · C':'8 ~erect last . -year by thiee,Coltl Mesa rab-t11t exhibit huild1ni.on ~ CO:f-blt·hunten has been reset. ~a Mesa fairgrounds to the Rowland J.' Bttry, 19, of Orange County Association for 3014 Toland St., Santa Ana, Retarded ChiJdren. will return to Rlvtrside Coun. The building will be coo· ty Superior Court PU}' :z:e, on a verted to an IJ....montb-a-year motion to delay, m1de by the defe,nse. training workshop for men-He ls held in Riverside tally or p h Y 1 I c a l l Y han-County Jail without bail. dicapped children and adults. Ben-y has pleaded innocent · During the month_ of July, by reason of imanity to the the workshop will be used for execution shooting of. Kent 0 . Davis, 21. of Hayward, ap-agriculture exhibits at the an· proximately one year ago. nual county (air. while two other suspects About 20 h a n d i c a p p e 4 originally charged have been children and two supervisors released. iniUaUy will take part ln the Authorities be1ieve. Davis . came to the Southland a year training program, tentatively ago carrying about $800 for a "schedu1ed to begin May 15. major drug purchase and was Workshop hours will be 9 a.m. murdered. for the money by to 3:30 p.m. alleged suppliers who never Persons wishing to inquire planned to ~yer. about the training program His scattend bones were may call the w o r k s h o p found be1aw RallrQl,d Canyon ,training center at 835-3511. Dam near Elsinore last fall,I '•141 hlitlcel Mff•tl-1 VOTE APRIL 15th FOR OUR CHILDREN'S SAKE Fred w. V 0 S ·5 Huntington Be1'ch Union High School · District Board of Trustees C•111,•it11 Cen1111lttH f•r Fred W. v .. Ch•lr ..... : C..lyl M. hrry, 6411 Slit• Ci.ct., H11.tf .... lffch not long before l'tCOr'd whiter rains would have eradicated an evidence of the murder. Seals Aid every 750 of the more than 22,000 babies bom in Orange County tlli!: year will enter the world burdened with a cleft lip, cleft palate, or both, ac- cording to the county's Easter Seal Society. The society is attempting to . assist these children and their families with programs of diagnosis and therapy in- volving the parenUi as well as the cllild.. . - The rehabilitation center Is treating an increasing nw:nber of children In the cleft palate · program eac'h mon,th. Parents and doctors know· ill& or ~ft-palate-llp children needing help are invited to telephone 633--7400 or visit the ti!nter; located a~ la:KI East La Veta Ave., Orange. Fair Adds . Two Entries lf you have ~a· lj.kh~i" fur pigeons and gul.net pp, you'll be pleased to ' know that categories for both' these e tries have been 1C:tded to the list of events for ·the · 1969 Orange County Fair and Es-, position, set for .July 15-».l at the Fairgrounds. jn Costa Mesa. · Anybody in C8lifofnra who · breeds cavies -lbat's a f~ ' word for guinea Ns -mAy enter them Jn the" judginc. But only Orange Coonty pljeon , people may enter their birds for judging. WANT INTEREST ON YOUR · BANK. CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU CAN'T on IT BUT WITB PACDJC'S SWITCll 'N SAVE ACC01JNT Yn C111 do •ut • Wiii llr .. 11i111 l1t ... ••-la ym1•11r 1•ca t .. 1111t_.il,...P11mcn~ lilll Accalllt mnl Mildlilg •llJ ... IRd ftltll • lflll •"' k •. ., .... eveQ dollar earns everJ daf It Is la 7oar •••• .Aeeoaat-nea for 1ast w dQ'. i1111r'lf HP h•A11 • n ii • Jill el •a t•r .... II • ... WiM 111&. lnill• la'"' 11111• It ....... -fnll 1M Ill If"' •ltil .._ n111• .,. ft, ' ' R. E. (BOB) ' \ " I " VOTE I TUESDAY APRIL i 5, 1969 ' " ,• QUALITY EDUCATIO" • ·• • • . ' •• ---..!-.----, . .. . - ' . WITHOUT "GOlDPLA TING',:~ COMMITTEE TO ELECT l . E. DINGWALL, MR.. CIUS C. CRIS, 1621 ADAMS, HUNTINGTON IEACH It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine:. honest-to-goodness BUG·A· BALOO~Nobody's ever had one:before but, it was .pound to happen, zind Iverson thouaht of it! lver90n's '11pa'C" is his brand new Volkswaaen buildinc which is the largest and most beautiful in .the Unitec:t States. Cor:'lceived with an zirtistic flair, it houeeil 'ifl•"19:rY )iit;st in !"'rvice and diagnos!iC' eqUipment, and is a peHect showcase for dis· pl1yl1111 the la~est changes in the Volkswagen line (thet r •. If ~u can spot the changea): ' . . A FR~ ·BUG! Ourinl tile world'• first B,UG·A ·BALOO, lve...on will chle 8W8Y a 'apetkling new 1969 Volksw111en (otllerwiM known as ."The 81111"). All you have· to do is pay us a visit. If you'w never been to-e BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to ·t;e among'tfie f irst! At'the BUG·A·B'ALOO, you'll see the latest in Vo lks~agens and Por!ches, within a layotitthe likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A·BALOO refreshm~nts await those that CARE to see .omething d ifferent! Now's the tinie to put a ''Bug" in }'6ur house! " ., ... ,,., .. The harbor •re•'• only a,uthorized Vqlkaw•pn d .. ler. ' . l ' j r • -------~---:----------~---------------------------------- l4 DAILY PILOT S Mood.,, AP<•I -., ., •• Ericson B reaks Ground at .Irvine Yo ... M••~y's Werth Ericson Yachls, Inc., builder Complu for its new --f~m was found<d in ·11M. ll Co~·b;;.z Vla.:__ g' "ne· 'of fiber glass sailboals from quOf!m offk<!s al!d principal wa. purcllased ~I by a I ffl •v W · ' ~, 2.S to 41 feet, recently broke West C.o&St ........Auction facilin.. corporation com · of' Mar· · • . • ' I. • · 1 ' r-"""$ l ' '!' ' I ground in the Irvine Industrial Now Jocated in Oraftl!'~ the · qui.s ,F:. Pitm;M. Jr., preaidel\t, · , ' • ' • ' • ,' . 1 -=-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~ :1.~~i1 :.:s: Prices?-Never .TAB 111,.. ..,... ''"••••• _...,... ..,.1u • sublldiary of. Pac tf i c --· , -" · ... .. P'-'9 c .. .,.,. • American lndwtries, Inc. (I( , , • 1 . -More doch>r1, d1nti,h, 11t1otMy1 11!MI P">tt•tio1111I ' ~Angeles. , • # " By SYLVL\·PO~f 'J11e-vtry qlreat1of the con- • P••~'· .,,,. TAI b•c:•u•• tl1•y ~" d1pt11d '" r11i11Dl1 The gr o u"n db r e•a k j n g -suddenly, rumen 1 ie trots would Jpeed QP today's 1•rv•c1. I ' Was held at the Aston and spreadfuaacrosa.tl}f'..1'atlll:tUt wage-price .~ to a :bor· •. LFOOWR AASS $)4 MOPNERTH • Deere Streel aile. t!ie Nli<i\i ~1"11 rifying degree. Tbole 'lllo'con-From a $300,000 per year COlllidering a ~ !cir tend the controls worbd-dur- • • operation Une years ago, wage-price controls.--~ ing World War U and-Korea • • , Erjcson. Yachts has grown to the anti-inflation Wie.a ·po'n• hatteitberneverstudledwtiat' $3 million In volume with we've tried so far are ~ , , distribution nationwide and in not working. 1be -~ actually happened or ~ve' • • Europe. being heard is that only 'the forgotten: To i 11 us tr ate :1 "Our new facility sboold "sledge-hammer" approach of betw ... the oulbrtal; of' the • • enable us to expand to a year-legal limits on price ancf'wqe -Korean war·ln Junt 1950 and -• ly .volume ·ol more than ·1& inllreases wiR,effei:tiveb' c;urb • ' ' • . ' • -milliOO,",Walton predicted. . tqdfy!s apirM-·The ~I ~ pricehol!~ ~ Jan. 25, t ~ • "A teaNre ol the new Plant • is Jbat since bOtb busifle\ll p-o-1951, w ~ prices soared I •. • .•. ·• •.•.•.•.•• : • will be Int West Coast's only fits and labor paycbttkl1 will µi percent. M. for World War . •.• · wpter~~ tank," he added. be curbed, the restrainls, wlll-U. wben it finally ended and ;:;::======'========''=====;::;;;,;=::;;;;;;;::=====.i be accepted' !>Y the J\lllion; • under-the-<oonler illegal . in- ~ .• you, too, will just Jw_e_ California Thrift's Giant 6% on J.2.month ful ptid lrrvestment Thrift Certifiaites. Elm our hanctsorm 5':h:% on Paulxlok Accounts CIPf"ICI for any •mount. Wlthdr ... ls honored imrnecf"11tely ort demand. Call Cal·Thrift. We'I be happy to 14111 you more: mbout out proud '-· reputation. How we can help benefit you -your family. And how ...,. can handle all bothersome details of transferring your prewnt funds by phone Of mail. remember ... Invest by the 20th Earn from the 1st • direct . controls a ·re un-creases COU1d again b e derstandable ·and obvious; the reported l~, mail pr~s ~ wor)ed in WC!'ld Uynlcketed II.I percent m· w~ n and fbO Korean c"'1lllct ~.Some "treeae. :· ." and will •Ork qain ... ': An<ffWllO!Jl,.the beginning! -Nol 'Phil~ be ~---~ c:ailmll couJd.not.be inaanity. · · enforceci'.1'Hhout an mny of WAGE-PRICE c o n.t r-o 1 a pricing ~men, a hor- would attack• tbe ~. r~~ bt1;1~reauc.~acy ~ not the causes of inllatiOO: and Waahinllai to admlnisler Ill" thus would help Only to .woilen restrainll "Ind .Uangulating an already dangerous ~tion red tape. We are not ~ psychology. (When y:ou have a to setup this .bureaucracy; we fever, you don't cure it by put· !'11ven't. the manpower to. run ting the thermometer in the it. freezer.) -EVEN AN UM\' of If an all-out emergency ex· policelnen would be able to ploded in the U.S., it is con-price only a limited number of ceivabIC (barely) that wage-~sential items. History tnOwB price controls would work for that manufacturers would im- a short while, for t be mediately cut . the productJon emergency probably would of the contro1led (and relative- bring forth an out-pouring or Jy unprofitable) items .~ voluntary cooperation a n d concentrate on uncontro(led · compliaoce. profitable items. This would But it· is inconceivable that Jead to shortages of easentiaJ these controls WOllld work goods. agaimt the background of -A nli«ling system would 198t's detested Vietnam war then become the only answer ·and widespread cit i z: en to distributkm "-scarce goods. rebellions. 'Ibis would necessitate another NO. SHORT of the eXplosion bureaucracy to enforce ra· -and what forecast would tioning, put even greater matter then? "-wage-price strains on our manpower and controls will not be requested add even more to under-the- by the ,Nixon Admini~ation counter pressures on w&ges. any more than they were re--Meanwhile, a general quested by the Job il • o n deterioration of quality of Administradcn. To give .you a many products wou!d develop brief explanation: as businessmen tried to pro- Rodney A, Lewis ha& been named assistant secre- tary and maDag!'f o!'the Cosµ. Mesa facility of Glendale Federal Sav- ings. Previously he was loan manager at the Tor- rance office. tect their profit margins by skimping on the quality of controlled items. -NOW, LOOK what you have: shortages of controlled items, general deterioration or quality, nightmarish red Lape. -Black markets would by this time be popping uP all over the land, for it would be 1n these illegal markets that controlled items would be priced up in response to aup- ply and demand and C011trolled wages would be matched up in response to employers' bid- ding. The threat of pena!Ues wouldn't work; it never ' bas throughout more than 1,000 years of experimentation with such controls as these. The way ·to attack inflation is at ita fooodation -which is the supply of money and credit in the economic stream -and UUs we are doing. LEGAL CONTllOUI 10 far beyood guidelines OD proper wage-price policies. If you want to change our entire economic system, face up to and admit it. For that is precisely what you favor when you ask wage-price control. ' NAMEb P RES ID ENT Htnry L. Roth .~oth Heads Beneficial lkary L. Roth was elected pieaident and director ci! !lie B<Micia1 standard L I f e lnst...;t Co. at the anmiaI -·~In IA<'Allgol<o. Jooepll N. Mlldieil, prec;i- dert since 19511, was named chaimal ol the board, and Edward D. MiWiell, foonder, becomes honorary chairman. Rolh, who joined Beoe!iciol Sta-.1 when it w .. founded in 19!0, haa held management pcieittous in almmt every division of. Ult c.i:mi>any. He wu e~ vice JftSideot in 1950, ab! senior vice president and igencY director in 1966. He is a member-of the Balbo,! Day Club, Newport Beach, and was recently elected to its board of governors. Incorporati Ma y Cut Tax For Doctors LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Doctor, lawyer and deri.Ust in California may soon take ad- Vantage of a new ~ Wlter -incorporation for pro- fessional persons. A state Jaw passed last November without great fan· fare permits professionals to incorporate and thereby save money on income taxes. The savings could, or course, be passed aJong to the patient -but there is nothing in the law to require that. One source predicts that most of the state's 2S,OOO phys~cians will incorporate their practices within the next 11 rnontru. There are 11,500 dentists and 30,000 lawyers who also may take advantage of the new law. United Professional Plan· ning, Inc., a business manage- ment group which serves DlOfJ! than 3,000 physicians, dentists and other pn> feasiooah, bas been hohling aeminars to acquaint its clients with the adnntages cif incorporation. It · is said that a penon must gross at least $40,000 to make it worthwhile. 1Jnder incorporation physi- cians, for example, would become e.mployes and would serve for regular salaries. In addition, up to 25 percent of auch salaries cou1d be fun- neled into profit'5haring and penail:Nl plans. Th e con: tributions are deductible by .the corporation ~and are not taxabJe to the ) individual emp1oye -at least not im· piediately. . A corporation also may pro- vide insurance benefits - health and accident and life -without cost ·to t b e employes. Another saving -the first $25,000 of corporate income calt1 f« a tax of only about 25 percent -much lower than the comparable tax for -an indivlduaJ . Thirty-six states in addition to California now permit pro- fessionals to locorporate. To illustrate potential sav· lnp, Karl L. Wiley' Jhoident of Unlled Professional Plan- ning, cl ... the cae of a three- COllt HlifMIY tn kflfONlroUnd. Lido lsllnd In IOW9t" rit:ht hind o:rirner. Ltrp sailboets fn ettannlll ara tied up In frant of benwt w Wl*'9 fl et lcation G( Btfboe.8-Y Q&lbtodly,1 man med 1 c a I parb»enhlp, which might have had a gross IE•E•·BEI DE•Plll · 11411 ~~~l;f~~; This is Newport 1946, •• the year thjtt, Leslar, Ryons & Co. opened their new offices feature· the finest In electronic communications equipment, , .,.!~4; ~;:an ina CJri&inaf offices in this city as the first biOkef1ll't firm in the area. Today, including a computar-directed teletype nolwork which •llaws rapid direct dtriduol ifler 'taea _ Im • -pnlUd to be~ as the,J!qost reaionll brokeniee firm in contact with the New York and American Steck Elcchanps, as 11111 11 thon 'uadoir a.~-_ Sadhern California' wfth 15 officeG.t~ Ifie ·Sauthland. direct telephone Ii-to the Los Angeles main office, but tlijj •-"''be more than WI Wai pride in annauncinc thit .,_,,,_ . ...,,,..our Corona Del Mer ~ •.ntira staff of Leslar, RYoris & Co. invites )'OU to visit their new :,~~~l:'"!i, ":! rclfrlils to • MW locltklfi: The Finondll' P!aza,;f'lt1t>ort <;enttr. Jhese fac1tttoes: -151,IGO. "' !f,IOO LESTE R . RYO N S & Co. ;.~1:,". without in- • DentlSll are not yet pennll· I Newport Financial Pina led to take advantage of the ·. 550 Newport Center Drive -new law but the board of Irvine Tower, No. 1 dental e.zamlncrs is expected -Hewpott, califomia 92~ to paaa a rtgulaUon penni~ Ung them to do'so, -- 'Mo Listens To Lantlers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST ' "'=~ INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA \ • • • • • • Just About Everyone Does That's Mo . ' '• .... + ' You• Cen 'IJ~f•n' fci ~nn t:anilers Deily in Tht DAILY PILOT . ' I ' ' ' ' • ' - • I .. ...... r •• • ·.r, r . ' . ' ----·--~ .. __ . - WITH , .. . .. \ • • j 1' r •• . . \ IT'S EASY TO PINCH ··PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS "--~~~~~· ____ ....._"",-_. •i ~' . PENNY PINCHER ,, Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the ·11G action today! ' r ' -~ • • WA-NT ADS · NEW-LOW-RA .TE ' . J . LINES 2 TIM.ES 642-567:8·. . '· .. $· ..... _Qtl· .... .. • • ~· .. •• • f' ' • . . . . ' • • 11 ··-~ ' ' . . , . •, . · . . . . . . . • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' ' ' ' • . • ' ' • • ' ' . • • ' ' . • ' . ' • ' ' ' • . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . ; r . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' I , ' . --· i ~-13 ·~~· ..... I ~ . -r"' •• ""l ~ Just say: ''CHARGE IT!''i . .. · · LESS · --· ~ I· '•'' I -...... !North County, 540°1220, toll frn)1 .. :.. . ;·. ' •• EACH ITEM MtJSr ai ' PR)CED • • NO lr1i.1 'ovER '$50 .. NO COMMtRciAi/iinlMs '.e .. ,. • .-·:' I • e NQ COl'Y CHANI_ IS e 0NO· AlllllViA'floNS . e . ' ' ' . . I • " ' ~ ' •• • • I ' . . . . . . . • . c . . . . ' . . . . . . Let ' PILOT PENNY PlNCH.ER. :want Ads Work for YOU! I ~ t., (; '., . . 1. .... ., . ~- ' .. ~ . ' ~ ...... .. ~ . . ·g ,. '" ... V.• .. ' ' ' ' I ' .. •• ... • JC DAJLV PILOT MONl'1, April 14, 1969 . u. s. Losing Mil~tary E4ge ()ver Soviets .. .. • LONDON (UPI) -'Mle gleaning intelli&ence reports fident ...... ol JIU'PO'O and bolllll!c pt.1 ' , • lo l~' • ._ .. eC;Jldk:Ol plues. Mid w-. loncaU bad '\Jn!ted Stata lost iior edge in from around lhe world. . ability.• • ' operalkla u( ..... -, 'l!io Aid lbe Soviets .....,._ • •1 ICBM ~.A~Q.., Russia "It was largel7 accld~tal -GI her .-.m \ype mllolJe -~ ..... .i.,;-~ !heir ~M,, .elgbt Ibo J>!'il:lear O)lq wilh lhe . .that lhe end of the Amuican ~ ~.1 lllt , lllMttJ ,'_1,!!00' .,uea. · , 1 1 11111•---lo aequ1re lbe )'WI rn1 rdi om • cliliiii-iricl·-aliiljjy Ito be lbe desire Ind abili\y jo be lbe said, "lhe .... ltt IJ-mUlll. Scrilet ..,...,.n• ... w..\ tl;Ult_, lo ~ beyond : GI ahorl r-. ~ iru world'• dominant power," a ' Uoilros8l'!!"ldon>inant)l0ftr nowbe~·ualilllequal timi_dtl..,..111i1Alihil•:Jbllr~fpoallllyin"!P' -~ British institute said Frldl\Y. Sllould colndde with thoend'of in ~-L both GI ltralqlc de-t ·~· f11 a part fll lbe -X..mlln doc> 'l1lt -,~ t.p.n. WCI DR. JOHN CHESSELL TUUDAY, APRIL 15 MESA· NEWPOltT SCHOOL BOARD ' 'Mle lnslilute for Slrategio eight yeara ol :Democrat )loflt< and of her abllily lo hip~ 'and' -~i!-i. 1r1nt ol "Jl!n!ted oovmoici!IY" from P.ollna lalt. NOvember 'Sludies predicted lbe SOviets nile," lbe S\l'Vey said. . ~lrol ~.In lhe de•elOI>' ......,,, of a multlp!e l'Holiy in CoonnofOW;!hloo c:owllrile. I allo lndloated the ~,f.U. would overtake the lJni~ The.institute said.the United . 1ri'g wodd." r • vebJcle bad\be'eft tea~ '?be ~· ... l Qm(l'1 ..... '« 1n a .. taempted1Mmd&.af1a 'Stales In inter-<Olltineotal Stales intjorna~ooal role in lhe The ~al jitrengtb ol )lupiani ~ llepll.piGiluclog bu1141ap ·1'>-.1111, lhe "'1f'W1 f omall iatolll!f. (~fftlttw ~uarttr1, 315 Alv•redo Pl. Balboa ' ~ ·&allistic missiles (ICBMs) 1970s CQUld become t b e I both su , bowev(l', • • ·tiy mld-1969. But It said the. smallest since be.fore W.orld ~ ~d rtot mabled of them United States would keep its \War II. · to"bnpost thelr aU'tborlty com· -----------------.-------------; • overall lead in nu c I e a r \ It said tber was in the pletely on international events ·,. ftlporl!i because ol its puter United States "an inCreaslng in 1968, the institute said. 1" j_, fllbmarlne and air fort"tll4 sense that the rewards iJI. In spite of this tbe Soviet • • Tbe institute made i t s American global responsibility arms buildup contillled. 'Ibe ~ssment of the ffiative were by no means com-survey said ~ by Se~ ltrt:ngths ol the two~ in memurate with the costs. It tember, lMI, Rwsia had its lalest "strategic sUrYey." <aid rec<nt ex-penmc.s, at depl0)'.911 nearly 1,fOO ICBU., 11te institute .is a center for btme and abroid bad ez· brought the first .of a new defense and secur:it7 reseaich, bausted the Americam' "coo-class of nuclear.-potrered Others on lncre~e Non-public Schools Drop WASHINGTON' (AP) Catholic elementary schools ln Catholic school eoriillments. has been attributed. in part to dislocations caused by urban renewal projects and by the encorachment of in- dustrial a n d institutional establishments on residential ....... Enrollment in Roman Catholic declined between September elementary and secondary 1967 and September 1968 from lchoots ·has declined this 7o.752 to &6,224. In C a t h. o I i c secondary .academlc year, an indication schools, religious instructors 'that non-public sch o o Is dropped from 3S,826 to 34,214 . ~ghoul the United States in the same period. are losing pupils. Another problem, decreases 'Ibe figures, releJ.Sed by thel'j"o;;;_,_,_,_,_,~~:;:;o;::;:::-------11 "'National Catholic Educationll "•111 ...aitrc.i """-'1-• Association -NCEA -come at a time when public school enrollment has i n c r e a s e d more than one million. T h e y are considered a significant indicator that non- public school enrollment is dropping off in the United States since most nonpublic · 9Chools are Catholic. The U.S. Office of Education is scheduled to report in full riext fall on the enrollment situation in nonpublic schools this year. ln the meantime the NCEA, which has compiled figures only for Catholic schools, reports that 3,902,847 children • enrolled in Catholic elemen- tary schools in September 1968, compared with 4,143,150 children in September 1967. NCEA reports that l,080,080 students enrolled in Catholic :ieeondary schools in Sep- tember, 1968, compared with l,098,759 a year before. , The 1968 figures are based on reports from 1 O , 3 3 I Catholic elementary·sc.boois ip the country. 'Jbe xear befor~ J0.603 schools rewrfecl. Tht • difference of 265 ii flccounte4 for by parochial schools which were forced by advene f~ cial circumstance1·1to cloee , down in the time' since the 1967 survey. -' . The number of CatholiC. sceoodary schools declined from· 2,S56 In September, 1967 £o 2,248 in September a year lfter. ·· • A recent Associated Preas survey disclosed that many Catholic schools are closing down because of an Inability t.l cope with sharply rising costs and a diminishing supply of teachers from religious orders. Religious instructors 1 n LEGAL NOTICE ...., NOTICI: OP: INTl!MTION TO CRE.t.Tl SECUlllTY INTl!llEST Cl9a.. •111 -'"' u,c.c.1 CORRECTION! On April I 0th the Daily Pilot ~arriecl an ad which statecl inadvertantly that I was 1n favor of sex edu- <:•tion. I believe the mistake was due to human error . The ad should llava indie•tacl .that • vote for me is • VOTE FOR A SANE APPROCH TO SEX EDUCA. TION. Additionally, pleas• remember that a vote for ma is a vote FOR IMPROVED READING PRO- GRAMS, FOR CURRICULUM CONTROL, AND FOR VOCATIONAl TRAINING. YOIE TOMOaROW , .. ' ' " ._, • M()TtCE I\ OOeb~ gl~ la h Credlton DI THOMASEC MACHINE AHO ELECTlllC INC.. incl FRANK •J . TliQMASEC. Debtor, Whmt bu1lnu1 14- .... h 15111 Morin Stf'Hf, Wnlmln&ter, i Co\lolY DI Or_., Stilt of Celffo<11l1, hi 1 MCUrlty lfllerMI II 1bolll to be crNltd b\I 'DebMt" 11111 1r111ted KAllTFORD FlptANCIAL CORPORATION, S.CuN!I P.rty, _,_ butl-f'Cldnta h 101 N. U Im Avt., LOI Annin. County ot LOI AM.i.. 5!1te DI C1lltom11. I Tfll property In Wllkll 1'1'11 Sealrlty hltotrel wilt w crnl'ld. It In .,_,,1, 111 fllllillns ...i '""l"""i.t. fllrt1lturt Mid "'"""''"'' DI ~r coontln9 P"'"'1Y -locthd 1t Ulll Mo,.11 St!Wt, W.SllT>l111~, COlllltY !If Or•nte• Sltte of C.tlb'ni., ....., bllllneu .__ " ~SEC MACHINE AND ELECTIUC. The tfol'IWld .-.;urlty tranHdloll Wlh tie Ul'llllmmlled "" .. '""' "" 2bl -DI -.-rn '"" 11 11 A..M. •I 1t11 offlc" Gt ~ Mel VM'"11. 122'1 WHI First st .. L.-"-In. C.llfQrnla, Affllr'MYs :tw I ~ f'IITT. Notlctl t. tlwn "9f ' ' Ullow9 111111 "'""'"' -110! -. ....... wlthloo .... _,,. al Ori! t.- ktlooo )WO. I. aa !tr " ~ tt the Stcvr.i "•rtlr, •II IM!rln1 .._ lll'd Mdnnel UMd ..... .... ~ for tM tlw'H -!'I 5"' PMt, ''" ... ~ • 0.M .,.rlt 7, 1Kt. ,. H"llTFOllD FINANCIAL • COlll"OllATIOH ---~1 AND VllfTlllSS ..... I '°Int 1"-' "" ..._.... c.~. twM l'vblltfted OrlllM Ca.II Dlll'I' ,-uat, A.rll 14. 1"' ftUt LEGAL NO'l'JCE Pre-Summer Sale 17.50-25~00 BEAUTIFUL HAlll llEClt PEllllANEllTS l!tf. 35.00-S0.00.Sl'tt half "' lllis ""'· Cl!tail!d and 11111> qmlity pnmeot _, lls blooded iotie<I· lents actinly wcllll to troluce 1 lnlly satisfy in& iwofessi""I clllditionil1 pennanent lllat lasts tlirw1h sl1ampoo •11!! sl1ampoo. And, lnclllled withyoor ~rman01li> ooe of our lreautiful lrai~uts! . . : Beaqty studro, 111 slores except Manna Tale aimlalt. of aiffur1s' cmpleto lielu~ plan: Mlllicares e Pedicures. Facials • Etedlolysis Ntwf*I C.ntlf ,1 Ftlltrioil 11111111 • ,.._~OD Mon.,lllur1.,ril-.10:00 1111 t:30 Otlllf Dty110:00 11115:30 I ' '!. . . 11.97 LEA 1H Ell HAID IA GS REDO CED Reg. 15.~:il.OO. Sel~alf. ~. ostrich or~ calf in a 'llide variecy of dn>tooy.cr:lail-,q.Je1. Handbap, all . 8.97 -20.97 WOMEN'S DRESS AID CASUAL SHOES Reg. H.ro&.00. An ellCOllent IO!Oction or ram-.... brand• niduoed-our recuJar atook. ~ -all c"""11l 1tyle1 and f~cn colon. Shoe Silon, 1 9.97 Ail UI PUMP.SALE Jlal.19.00. Seloct-•.,.. _or cmmt -1s ccrlcn ia thia low liael laahim -Al. thia-13' Mll ....U.,, :ivu can afl\:rd lo 11'1 lwo pair! '9loo Salen, DoMitown L<mrBoaeh, SonlA An .. POOIOlla, Pa1os Vefdc1 , \ 34.99 Wool knit suits specially pric·ed Reg. 46.0000.00. See our eollcclion ·of fmJllB maker suits, includinr .._ i-'8 -Hmg K-Cbnooe """fawrite scylo in 110817 """8)a er white. In oolid eol1r1, oome ccnlruting lrimo; 8 to.:ii. Ifto• Shop, Monday, all stores open. late Newpo1l 1l fashioo Island Newpo1! Center • 644·2200 •Moo .. Thuis., f1i. 10:00 till 9:30 Olhei days 10:00 till 5:30 ' . I • • •' I •• I L I ' . • 4 ~· . . ' . r • • • . . • . '" : ' /'" '.~ '. . ' , - • ' . .. ' • 0 ..... JQDIAN HASTING$, MM321 ' _...,, Afrlt 14i; .Nt I P• 11 ·.Prov-i sionals Asce .ndirig · • ' ~. ' ... l -f:ooting.torwonl to graduation,day.are ""°'p~s of Tiara de Ninos Auxllial")'of the Cblldrm'1 Home Society. · -. Ori Thursday April 17 they will be honored ·during a salad luncheon in the liuiatington Harbour ·borne of lllrs. Joseph Ri~al hoot· ed by ihe board of directors under the direction of Mrs. Robert Ver· non, president. . · 'Ibe n.ew .. meptbers b'ave just lcompleted a six-month provisional training period. During their training they pi&Med and prepend the largest and most successful layette s~ower to date. The annual show- . er is the main 'responsibility of provisionals. ' .~. ' The women aJSo maintained' their ~um amount of hours to retain piembership in the auxiliary. and. asSist~ regular members wiii:JP'"tbe· ~nual spring goli-a-tbon, a..ma~ funding event spomored by the auxiliary. . They also helped to plan and supported the major project of tho group the recent Tiara Ball taking place in Mesa Verde COll!ltry Club. The "graduates" attended regular meetings of the auxiliary and three additional m·eetings for provisionals to tour the Santa .Ana facility and become better acquainted with the staff and purposes of the Children's Home Society. ' · Mrs. James Ripley directed the orienlation p,rogram for the Mmes. Alger Clark, Chic Clarke, Donald Croskey, _stewart Easterby, Don Ellison, John Forte, Paul Lower, E. J. Patnck, Robert Teddy and Ken Thompson. The chapte.-s.rpee~ regularl)l'1each ~ontb to plan ~nd carry out · individual services•and fund-ralsllig pro1ects. Both ~ct1ve and asso- ' ciate memberships are available, allowing each ind1vdual to deter· · mine her own degret! of particzipation. .. .... I '. I GRADUATION D~E -Provisionals of1 ~f~ de 'Ninos Auxiliary of the Children's Home,50c!ety,Will graduate with full honors and become aC'tiv;e. durtng a salad. luncheon in their honor Thursday, Apfil 17, in the ht!m•·of Mrs. Jooeph Ribal. Preparing for 'th_e event are (left 1o ··right)· Mrs. Gene "Patrick Mrs. Paul t.m.:er . aDjl Mrs. ·Chic Clark, ~aiited_.by, Mrs. James Ripley, who cooducted the auxiliary'; lljler- pretatioo program. · . l• . Anyone interested in volunteering to serve children within the community is invited to call Mrs. Vernon. The Cl:Pldr~~lll Home Society, oldest adopt:ion a~enc~ in the at.ate, is served by. f.he auxiliaries an~ chapters which-develop and en· courage publjc intere~t. understanding and support and raise funds to assist in financing its services. Monday.·;IAorning -Club Tunes :to Gypsy Music .. , .. - HaunUna IYPSY 1muslc jJril1 . -violinist,, will be Introduced b)r eatorWn memben and gutili Mrs. Ruisell Reill(. first vice of the Monday Morning, Club president and 1' r o gr a m -they met! at 10:31(1.m. .chairman of the cJUb. April 11111 the Sberat....ll<ach Kor.W: who made" his debut Inn. at 15, ws born Jn New York Mnrray Kania, I y p 1 y . of Hunilrian berilqe. He Friends Meet Best-seller R,eviewed Allen Drury's best·aeller, "Advise,anct-COnsent," will be discuJSed when Friends ·of · the Fountain Valley Ubrary gather at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, April 16, in the l!l>rary. Leading the fl'OUP discussion will be Miss Vir~ finia Kennedy children's librarian, and refresh- ment& wlll be Served. All Interested resident.a: are invited to attend. During the re&uiar meeting of Friends at 10 a .m . Friday, April 18, Mrs. Lylah Simmers will be the suest speaker. ?tln. Simmers, fonner teachef professional writer and a judge for the lB J!Oliday creative writing contest, will speak on the Problems of a Pretentious Poetaster. Mrs. Robert Cardinal will open her Fountain Valley borne for the meeting since the library still is in the final stages of remodeling. • Progr'8?1 arrangements were made by Mrs. James Dick, vice president of Fliends. The public 11ao ii welcome to alteml ti>• monthly meetlng, and n!rOBllmonts will be served. toured the country with the American Symphony under the direct.ion of Morton Gould. At the Carmel Bach Festival in l!MI, he appeared as soloist and moved to Los Angeles because ol commitments in radio, TV and recording work. At this Ume he began TtSW'Ching and arranging gypsy classics. Oo his third European tour completed recenUy, he made 64 appearances, some by royal command. Hia latest record album is "Gypsy in My Soul,'' and he currently is appearing In the Beverly Hilton Hotel with his Monseigneur .Strings group. .. Durina the business meeting cooducted by Mrs. Edward Howard, president, the nominating committee will present a slate of officers for election. Mrs. William Summerfield is in charp of table decora- tiOl'll for this meeting ol. the three-year-old club, and reser- vations may be made by call- ing Mn. Sherwood Olien be- fore 0000 on 1bursdly, April 17. 'Ibe pnnet CCIWng section w!D feabre ~ •Mexican lun- cheon when It meets at 11 a.m. nnnday, April 17. R<oervations may be made by calling Mn. Donald Snpler, chairman. ~I ' SMALi. WORLD -'Shrinl:ll!lfh~s'wttll under· standing·« customs in other lands are members of the American Field Service, and the public is in- vited to attend the installation of new officers of the . Fountain Valley chapter taking place Wednesday, ' April 18. 'Taking office will be (left to right) Chris- tine Weaver junior club presidenti and Mrs. Rich- ard Lyddon' who will head the aauit chapter. Re- tiring are Deirdre Shiu and Mrs. Lorin Lammers. FV Program AFS Visitor En.tertains Family We in South Africa and a view of the caonlr)' will be lllllltrated and delcrthed by Tammy Bonell al Johan- -I al the meelins of the Fountain Valley AFS chapte< taking place at 7:11 p.m. Wed- nesday, April II, ID the hip school. The public t.. invited to 11- tend the meeting and meet the vivacioua foreign · o:cblnai student, who will ~ answer individual •questions during the refreshment period following the program. New officers of the chapter will be lnsWled by AFS ·district representallw: Mrs. Flo Sl<Jddard during t b e meeting. New officers are tht! Mm& B.icblrd Lyddon, president; James Schendel, vice pres(. dent ; Roy Rowland, aect<lary, and Perry Burbeck, lreuwd, Special guestl will be the school's AFS Club olllcero headed by Chrlst1ne Wuver; new'pruldtnt and llnalbt pn> visional for the A F S. ~ Ab""4 PRll"lm who will be inotalled by MUI ' ' Au Honon, ICbool .... -. Frosted 'Ba ~he ,lor' Has ; ·No .. :·.:~o·ve to Keep ·Him Y-/a~ni D1CAJ1 ANN LANDERS: f married • -with ... ,_ ..... She b a fine -admired by all who -her. We bad planned a t ...... eet _,,,,..., but cut It to eight clays ANN LANDERS J~ , shorter because ~ bis poor wldl a C01U11tler,aad lean wlaal'I rtaUy a. wretl et9lrtl . ..._ diet .,spptulJe'" posture. ~I yoa. wtmU. . . I ani 11ct and tlred al baring niy"1f DEAR · Al!N LAND~RS: How can 1 Tell lier t111o Pis not ,. Ml - .... ... her .... -cried ... !be ~ eYtr/ niPI· After ..,.,., .,.... ts lltl1 1n bod' with his .-. I'm 1ettlng abort " Potience. Lui nilbl my wife ce1i.i me a -maniac - --ml -.1e. What do you ,.. here! -MA111UED BACllELOI\ sa!',tjt•~ sb'aiahl Sil i,, pull your get my e1-molher-in-law to let me run tllelr frteeda -. "'-... ,_ 41, sl~1 blc.k. Suet In four bi& fat my own We? My wife died three yean '-"• II u.i. ~ e11~• .. irut , , • .'lo and albe< · leu ;ented •Co and ...-claushlen ..,, 11 and II tll. Oocl ,_ --,..... J'S wife pt ewelils at~. •'• "'J · retrimdm. -hardly babies. The p-11 resent Hftll d •,.. .... -lbe cried, too, which didol ' do mocb for ..-bla'lij 1uoon. When we returned bame Romie in- olMd .., 1i..,lnl wllh bis mother u 1ie· alwaya bad -· She uld lbe hoped I WoaWni mind '1jult far Gae ftiPL" According to her; the oeporatlon . was • traumaUc aJ*1ence for RonNe and ' .,.. wanted to rwaun blm that he Wnotbeea.-.ed. DEAA IAGll: I tee 1 W1m111 dt -.. -..... w11 .. n.o<or"lllc ., •••• , Riel ...... ltlbnd .. die .., fttl Ill ... -... •t• ... A wtdow ..... aDon ... ,..,....... M ta ... ,. iltr ll<d II lo .... - ..... It tM -•-t tlllot )'WU ' ovak . My bulbud 11-41. llarl II a nice loekllg mo, but. the yws. have not a-. kind to, bis . body. He bu ~ .., 'too nuich "weilfil. bis" stomach 1tlcka out and blr<Bllouklen 181 from carrying IH Ulrl lood. llu\t lool:a at lealll 11"" I • I ' Grandma;I take-ovtr tacUel U much , .• PieUe, AM, help me lblll ,,_ that • I -do, but lhln· -to be no When n>manllc ,,_ bn ,. nnn ;;ruc/othejob.-BIG BELLY'SWIFE .. , lo rel free .. thla ...U-meaning embracs II tt "!ove or chemiltl1! - but __.. ,. 1 .. the -"Lon w SU and l!o!r, DEAll llln: Ef« _. ti .W. op,..-ve worn•. to Tell the llill°"""'," by Am t:.-.i. ------------- Encldrle • long. ltampfd; •lf-edlb 11111f envelope and If centa la cola with .,.., "'I-· Ann Landen will lie Pd to bo1' you with your ..--... -tlllll! to t.r in can cl !M DAILY PIDl'f _, • stamped, ..._,, ~ enveltpe. I ' .. -. ,,... . ' -· .... ~ ... -...... .. .. . . . .. .. . ....... . .. . . . . ·····--·-·• ....... -..... ·" " I• DAJLV PILOT . · Getting Acquainted Over Coffee • Faculty Wives of Orange Coast and Golden West • colleges will get acquainted over coffee in tJie New· port home of Dr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald Satur· day, April 19. Mrs. Laurence Carlson, OCC Faculty Wives presideot, and Mrs. Robert Moore, wife of • I OCC's president, will pour, according to Mrs. Brown- lee Hubble, chairman of the event. Mrs. Fred Garcia (left), greets Mrs. Car!SOll (center) and Mrs. Moore, first arrivals. Horoscope Aquarius : In ventiveness Pays TUESDAY ' . APRIL 15 BJ BYDNBy OllARll llOUIEllOtD 'I'll': Clelr -; ... -~ 111e11-. u., -.... ·--....... c... __ ""_..._ ..... Cl ... Fiiia ~ .. -·--·-..... l'MJ.Lalr~ cmplnrtw dw .. . ., """"-Gol rW" -· A1Ull ~ 21-April 11): , y..,. •-we II doubly Im· pmlagl today. AYOld llloppy dral. Yoo 11ln-._Uy and flund•lly K dapper, Deal Cyclo hlcb. Opport.unlty beck-. Procood --fideoce. You're a w&mer. TAVRVB (April 20-May llO) : \Vbll WU feorful 11 lrlnafonn- ecf to -..... -yoo .... lntrlruecf today -' myotuy. Break lbrough to MW ... prlse1. CJc1e ii -on .. .,. op -1.t Hidy. GllMllll (May 2hl1D1e llO): Wooderful for w1mllng lrl-. ·-Ing people. Yoor ln- lulllon II lliorp. Yoo -be 11 "'1111 place at r I 1 h t time. 8'lrprlte gift II due. Be gracious wltbout be l •.I Ina merely wo$tes Ume. Good maudllft. news received\ if! coanectlon C-: (June 11.July. with health, employment po %2): M&lntain Mme ol humor. eomethlng nice for associate, You recetve tewint fot job co-ftorker. , well done. -.. may try llAGmARIUS (Nov. zz. to claim crecflt. IJ&l>I toucll Dec. 21): Favorable lunsr II nqulred. JI you Jau,it, yoo , aopect IOdsy coincldeo with win. roipan\I< .lnteresls. G o o d LEO (July U.A0g. 21): relalloilo lndlcaled·. w 11 h Good 1-aopect IOdly coin-childrea. You gain: through cids with -vacMMm, tnvel crtatlYe endeavors. Give and Nm Be a~ ol detal.ls )'OU allo, will receive. !:beet IJnO print. Be sure oi , CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-JID. eoou . bud(el. Tbe! ,... will 11): Flnl.m nlher than begin. be ,;.u ~ Ultimate 'Tate Iong.ranae .;.,.. Fine ror pleaall'O Is ~ · redecorating home, bea\lli· VIRGO (Aul. ~. 21): !)'Ing surroundingJ. Family Mate ~ lhowa IClllDen harmooy can be reolored. in ..;..;~linl. Stand hack Take ltA!pa In that dir<Ction. ta to 10 llter k. Solicit aid of Tunt1 individual. IF TODAY 18 YOUR BIRTH- DAY you like comforts of home, You are daring and could, succeed in creative areas. Reward due for past ef· forts. If sln&le, marriage is on horizon. Lea dership 'Dictated' an d be an obeerver. G at n AQUARIUS. (J8!1· m-Feb, lhown ~ you are opolllgbt. II): Emphasis oo idelB, short Orqe COwity Harbor Area Meane: don't try to mate all journeys. N~w cootact pro~es Legal Secretaries will select the decfliool .. Legal affairs valuable. Di9eua plan whidl new leaders when they meet !lbaw' improvement. ~ epet<1 ·suppty ~ 1~ · next Wednesday in Fcliciano's IJBRA (Sept. J3..0ct. 22): item: Be creative. U ;IDvtlltive, restairart, Newport Beach. Accent o n J"l'bailblpa yoo llln needed capital. agreements: relatlons with PISCa (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): OJcktails will be served at g mete, ~. Key t 1 Gain indicaied.-ln poeeellk>ns, p.m. rib dinner scheduled at diplomacy. You gain by mak· caah. Money picture brightens. 8:30. Reservations are being tng inteJ.Ugeot concetlions •. Follow through on bunch. You taken by Mrs. M i c h a e I You Jone ~ an attempt can get what you need. Key Bartlett at Mf.-0593. to force lasues. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): See persons, situations in r..u.tic llgbt. Wishful lhillk· Young Artists Placed In Gallery Spotlight Youul•a approach to Ir! will be •J>Ollllbted Saturdays and Sundays cmJng the month ol April In the C9o1a Mesa Ari Lei/Ill< Gallery, 511 Center St. Fash ions Still the Same Student membera of the leque will exhibJt their work fi:<lm.l to 5 p.m. weekemls. A beginner's class for adults will begin Friday, April 18, from 9 a.m. i·o noon, taught by Mrs. Biel. Classes are open to the public and there is a $3.50 fee per class. Clyde Zulch will instruct in- tennediate classes beginning Wednesday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Covered wlll be landscape, marine and Ooral painting. A fee of IS per clsss will be charged. Femininity Stressed 'The youna artlltl, rang!ng In .,. lrml I to 11, lncluellng beilnners under I h e In- struction ol Mn. Donald Biel, will show worts in oils, acryllc1, pul<J, ink, wood CAROL PALM To S.y Vows Troth Told In Candle Ceremony ' JOIN THI IRIDM FUN A 1 MAT COi lltlDM-MADl-IASTI ............ ,...._. .. .,. VIR•INIA llA•AN AC .. Life M- Aca. M•1t ..... T..ch.r wlll conduct • s•ri•s of 10 we•ldy IRIDfiE LESSONS FOR •filNNUS AND IAFfLID INTUMIDIA 11$. ''l'LAT-AS-TOU-l.IARN" ,. ... ad ,___ No ltorlot 1oc..... . . . °""---· llAY CO TIAAOOMS 7:10-f:OO ,..,. c:..t. ... _ .....,. $1.00 ,., -.... ., ... e .ORI N POINT COUNT l'IA TUU D S..... .... .t 1o1-,, A,..tl JI ll'l•f •• l"fh C•Mf ,!au lff 41.,. f,..., tf itri1f•I, CMft .... co Gloomy Gus Tells it as You See it choice." Designs h a-v e n ' t changed from lut year. Scarves continue as the big cuts, p b o t o g r a p h y and accessory news and are worn ceramics. The c ost u me look dominates. Sk1rll are relaxed or pleated. Wailts, back where nature lntended them, are belted or not. Hems sun are above the knees and are predlded to rt.ay there for aome timl to come. as scarve~. headbands or Featured will be Mark belts. . Thomu, 12 ; Bobby Foss, 13; Heavier costume jewelry -Emily Campbell, 11 : Kathy mostly in chalk white -is Sylvia, 11; Kenneth Mount, 9; returning. . Keith Platte, 14; Carol Lopez, And. evening wear still 15; Gregg Hay, 13 ;. Bruce lights up with beading, sequim Hickman, II; Carol Hickman, and cryllall. 15; Bob Fl-an, 11; Susan Mantapert, 11, and Leon Mon- tapert, 21. Bartlett-Eidson Troth-Told Allo on dllplay will be wood canlnp by artist A 1 Fernharl. May Rites Scheduled Sing-in Sounded ett----e: .. ~!!-~-···-····-·--············ .. \1111lhtr you hm 10, 15 or 20 days we can book ,.. Into -·s'ltottrss t1rinl. This .,...i hold has Mlythinr.Smart rnoms. lntem1tionally famous coiline. Hudln. anltrtalnmeot. Conti""'!~ ..,... ~L And it floats. What otbor lflTld holll does 11111! The htsl of your ncltioo win hi 10 eflortlns days cruilini lllt lsllnds wllfl the ss 1.111ine as, youi sxduslYoly first class hole! in ewry port You'll u'4*k just ooca, thtn '11it Honolulu, O.hu, for 3 dlys; -iwlli Kauai, for 2 dlys; Uhalna, Moul, Harborlltes Chapter o f Sweet Adelloes, Inc., will participate in a Slng·in tomor· row in Collep Park School, Costa Mesa. · Orange Coonty chaplen will each present a costumed ren- ditloo of numbera propsred for the recent regional com· petition. '11Me Newport Beach me.n's chapter ol SPEBSQSA will entertain and the evening will be concluded with a rehearsal for the forthcoming Harmony Day at Knott's Berry Farm and rtfreshments. So roptimists Son:ipUrnU.c Club of Hun· lin8foo Beoch gathero at 12:1S p.m. tlJe """""'1 and foorth Tuesdaya in Francois rut.aurant. for 2 dlys; Hilo. Hawaii, for l day, 1nd Kona, Hawaii, for 2 111)1. Pllnty of time bl SH all Hawaii, wl1hout 1he bother of chlntlni hotels. If you hm JO days. we•n fly you out to Hawaii and bocl If JOU hm 2 woeks lake the Lurl ine f0< flYf (forious dip 1t sea one-way and fly the other Wf'1. CTIM<o's a porticular~ attmlive f .. for 1hls spe. c~l 1~ ~.,.)The ultim1te in Hmil YICllionini is thl fuU 2Gdl)' cruise ncalion for thoH who enjoy lht finest In holiday livinr. Firti bi~n ai 1437 for the Jlklsy inlerisland cruiSI. Book with llS now for the season's 1reatest Hmnin tmol opport11nity. Co~ta meJa :lravef Agenc'J 230 E. 17tll St., Costa Mna -Phone 646-4431 SNrrY IMIORMATIO.N: SS Lurline, refsltrlll In the U. $., s.ubstsnti1I~ meell lntern1~1l SlfolY StilOdards for new ships deveiopbr In 1960, ond meets the 1966 Fire Safety Requirement• Anyone wishing information on classes may call the league president, Mrs. Richard In- gram, 549-1667. The league has scheduled a thrft..day exhibit and sale May S-10 in the league gallery. Proceeds will be used for the building ands c ho I arsh i p funds. You don't have to look twice to see here's something re ally new in wedding sets. Art Le ague All in 14 karat textured gold. Clockwise from top left : $495. $450. $250. ~295. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Sinct1 1917 I I Foihlon hlond Ntwport Bt•ch -644· 1 l IO Lake Park Clubhouse is the setting for meetings of the Art League of Huntington I Beach on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. · Vcur CMt;t' ACC0\11'11 Wf,lc~ -ll1nkAmtrlc1rd, Mllltr Cl\1,91, 11111 OP"" Monday, Frl!Uy un!ll t :JO P·'"· . Lile-like FULL COLOR . portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! N"ot tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! ·Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per subject, two per family. ~ April 15th thru April 2CMh t l 6 DAYS ONLY! • l.i.-PH--OT~OG~U~P-HE-•s_"_ou_•_s,_"_oo_"_''-'-'-M _.0•_11_r _·_su_~_1_11_._._,M .... """' WHITE r flt~J ( COSTA MESA 3088 BRISTOL AVENUE • ~ Noon Nuptials Mesan ExchaniJng wedding pledg ... mid rings in the Holy Family CIU>olic Church-of Orange were Charlotte Louise Davis and Joseph Scott Vold of °'"lll'· '!be daugtiter o{ Mr. and Wrapped Up 9198 8-18 Brighten your busiest spring and summer days -slide into this defUy shaped skimmer that wraps and buttons to the back. No fitting problems! Printed Pattern 9198 : NEW Misses' Sizes I. 10, 12. 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34) requires Jo/4 yards 3S-lnch fabric. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS I n coins for each pattern -add J~ cents for each pattern for first~la.ss mailing and special handling; otherwise thinklass delivery will lake three wee.ks or more. Send to Marian Martin The DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West lath St, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AD- DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE N\JMBEll. DOTOUOWM A SIWIN• MACHINl1 WHY NOT A. lNITIN• M)CHINl1 "' .... Y .. lvtr T ........ AMwt Tlltlt WHY??? WewJM..n,..~··· l.Mlhf .... A.d. The KNIT WIT l'ho11.- 541·2112 SOUTH COAST PLAZA lowtt Mtll Acrott froM Woolworth's lrl1!ol ot tho 5011 Dlo90 fnoy. COSTA MESA Mondl1, Aorll 14, 1969 Becomes Mrs. Elmer Davis of Costa Mesa was given in marriage by ber father durinc the noon 1 nuptial!. She selected a floor length white orgama over taf- feta gown with scalloped necklin: and chapel length Bride Lu -Awdllary "' tl>c AMI-Leque ol Newpo<I Beach booored Its new pn>- >lsl«lals at a tea t<>CIJIY in the DoVH Shores home of Mra. Wllllam Qulmelte. \ The auxiliary leatur.s the Fr<neh Room' the lint nrur .. day ol the mdnth at the Tllrlft Shop, 505 ~ St., Newpcirt Beacll. Key members or the au:i- .lliary and league were i.. troduced to tho provisionals during tho al~. Alalst1ng tho bostw at the tea table were the Mmes. Helen Hull, founder; Robert Sborl, chairman : Cora Peagy Wallace, pub 11 c relatk>ns; Claude Pattenon, bospltallly; Robert Lang, aecond vice president, and Doone Lawson, treasurer. Also belplng_ out were the Mmes. Millicent Salisbury, corresponding """'tary; John Condon, sec:rdary; P. D. Endsley, second vice presi- dent; Richard Cutle, chapter advisor, and Colin Reynolds, chapter president. ' ' New provisJonala are the Mmes. 0. II. Calhoon; Arnold. W. Canfield, Arthur Coons, G. Paul KJrman, E. J. Lynch Jr., Victor Yact, J.mes Barry, DUARTI PEkMA~ENTS ••• 112 ra1c1' . · . T:•k• ~v.~ta9• ! of tfi•s• one• • .year sale · ptiCos ·and troat yourt•lf +o a .lamor+us .now Sprint) hairdo; . r • • ILICT In lh• SOion ••• 26.00, now 12.IO; 20~DO,. now 10.00 In t~·-S~J~i~ ~! .•. ls.do, now 11:so: 3o:o0, nOw 11.00 All complete with shampoo, cut, sot. Appointmonts not always necessary. HUMAN HAIRPIECES SPECIALS Chang• your hair color to match your mood in just a jiffy. All IOO Y. human hair. Wiglots, 30.00 valua, 11.H Scarlats, 35.00 value, 10.H Frostias, s.oo value 2.10; Hair spray, spacial 77c; Hairbrushes, SP.•Ci•I nc Beauty Salon, 60 I Appolnt111e11+. 1101 elwev• n•<••••rv Phone from Newpert '44-1212: fro111 H1111tington leech 192-JJJI: from Al'lthel111 1]1·1121 GORDON C. MORR-OW Mlsao-N_,.,, Scheel IMnl BY POPULAR DEMAND CONTINUED 1 WEEK Regardless of how much yoa llHd to lose ••• Again this week, April 14th, and until 4 p.m., SciJurday, April 19th ••• any-wll receive 5 visits free with any of Gloria Marshall's nNJUlar programs <regardless of how little you need to lose I. LOSE 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS TO ••• JVAh'-"'U1.JJ[aMk@;, ' . Based on our aetual records ••• our average Patron loses 10 mches within the first 10 visits frombips, waist; thighs, tommy and arms. RESULTS GUARANTEED in writing Gl.DRIA ~ sa,s: . ·-ren 1111· the drMJ tiize JOU Wllllt to wear, and we'll 12ll ,oa lialrJ111111 • its it will take and gamantee iD wzit. mg -that YOll will nad1 J'Oll?" goeL In 1aCf, so ablolut,elypclBiliw 111&1111 that you will obtain"yoor objediw, that 88 elated iD our gumautee, we will even Jet you have FREE OF CHARGE, ANY AND ALL tuRl'HER VIS- ITS, until you read1 your goal. It's posi.Uw B 11 QlllCJI that we blck"Up ~ guaxantee 100%. why is GLORIA MARSHALL No. 1 I Gloria Mamhall's didn't "just happen" to.become the wo.rld's Jeadinr Figure Ccmld System ••.• qaic:k, safe resulfa made it that wa;v. At Gloria Manb8ll's · yon'll lose more mches and pounds for less money than through any other Progmm. anywhere. Call JYJW for a free sample viait, where yon actually 1188 the special 1machiJW1 for rednclng and electroniC F&c:ial Con· wurinf. 'No charge ••• no oblfBatio.n. ' , nG1lBB OON'l'BOL ILUONI n. ...... ,..,,.,.., ....... 1 •• , _________ ... __ ... __ ... =;;."-.··'I .............. .. NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast HICJhway•--M642·36~ i. __ .,,,.._..,cw. \ . DAILY PILOT J9 -~ Malamud's JIOiol "The Fix~' launcbeS 1rom tt. Pull-Prize plal!orm to ... scrten at Newport 'Udo till Wednes<bly evtning. ~ Bates is in the Utle role of'th!s pawerful and provoc• tlve lllm that reveals a storY. of 'bigotry which doea convict a man of murder on mam.tfic. lured evidence. Viewen fee Bates u an imiiJi11k:an1 handy- man who rites to a berolc "'° estal becallSe hU •pirlt, his '!111 rel...., to accept tho eondein· natkn of aml-Semlllo is In Kiev prJor WW I. . Dick Bogard< pla)'> 1he o( a_Jawyer who is 9D1P1 to the much-maligned Jew w~rk~ his 'fia't up. intor a ~e. sponslble government ~ · · sitlon befort he 1 is betraye\d. Scheduled for opens with De , Fiser at the Lido this weti: ~ . be ~~' MilliO&U.. . . • ! Don't mils this chance to "" CUii ltoberUon with hla ruperl> role In Cbarly that brought him an Academy Award oomination in ''Best Actor." <lllarfy bowl out 11 the Lido tomorrow nllbl· MESA MATINEE IJ ttie U 1'> eoJol the Mesa the.tire's f lure ,rum for' a new w Jll'08Tlllll. The leatllfe II Siaii~ on Wednelday afternoon at o'clock. The whole progr Ilana with free n!IRISbmen forgueN. · ' FREE PASSES to the Lido the Mesa will bi malled tow. C: Brown. m Ina, de! Mar, L. M: Neleson. I Priacllla Lane, Newport B. K. Hall, 3651> Vldarl1, Mesa and G. M. De.Naut, 1 ()pol, Bal Isle. If you art no( ... of the l!\l tel who will be !M'll of SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543.9457 lure Peeb" to enjoy ~!Ina Ill • · II the -or Lido, di Ml gt SALONS ALSO IN: ANAHEIM, -LT HILU, COYlllA, CllllSHAW, DOWNIT, 6UNDAU. LA.._, LON6 IUCH, -OIT llACH, NORTH :xi hope. P.mapo your na HOLLYWOOD, ONTARIO, PASADINA, SAN D!HO, SANTA ANA, SANTA IARIAU. SUNLAND, TAUANA, TOlllANCI, .TC-"151111• WHITTID, •• ...:,. be rtad here --k ALSO HISNO, SAN JOSI, SACRAMIHTO, SUNN\'YW MID WALNUT, CAi.ol!NIA. · . ' ' ' • .J. ec-vw 1111 m.NJCor1lolJ.lllf. c..1-. •--_.._ •• .:.. -you II ll!e -·-. ,... or Mtu, that~ . I . I ... ~ .,.. ~ . . .. .. .. ........ MRS. MICHAEL TRENT REED C"t1 -· tuw R111d1neo First Baptist Church Setting for April Rites Tl)e Rev. Dr. Harold L. Fickett Sr. performed the dou· bin n,,, nuptlala linking In maniage Cathleen E d I a Moore and Michael Trel!t Reed of Costa Mesa. The First Bapllal Cburcb In Tustin was the 1etting for the ceremony and recepilon. ,.., 'Itle bride, given· in marriage by ber father, wore a Jong satin gown with train and veil· ing trimmed In lace and pearls. She Ls the daughter, of tbe Arthur William Moores of Hawthorne. Mrs. Waller E. M ..... tbe bride'• sister-In-Jaw from Cod.a Mesa, was matron of bcmor 1n a long blue gown dollgned In lace. Bridesmaids were Mn. F.dwant Dahms of Sanla Ana, Miu Kr ls Abernathy of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Earl H. Yates of Granada Hills. Jtifl Grass was flower girl and Johlmy Griffin wu ring bearer. The stepson and !OD of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Griffm of Seattle asked Joe Bowden to be best man and Dick Burke. Ted Sanderson and Moore to usher. Following the churcll recep. tion, Mr. and Mn:. Edward Dahms, the bride's BUDI and uncle, booted another party to hooor the newlywed1. Aaisting were her cousinl Miu Debbie Yates, Miu 5hauDa Dahms and Mias Rox- anne Yates at the guest book. Rivenide WU their hooey. moon desllnation and Calta Meea will be tbelr llnl homo. Tbe former Mia Moore 111 graduate °cit Hawthorne Hlgh School and ber husband wu a student at Cleveland Blab Scljool. 5ellUe, and will enroll at Orange CHA Collep -fall • Peering , ' Around MISS DEBI -GI Costa X-II one of 21 -Jlllllor voluntoen II 81. Jo 1t p b Hoopltal, ~-Tbe clr1I -the baopltal ... .,..,.. --l«lbe plllda. Miii. BAD!, en-.., _., ___ _ -• • .... -btrthdaJ pllt)>boolodbybor ........... lfn. Fr"1 Poiipect, and -Mr. udlln. -Wager, all GI Colli Me11. Foun..nlrlmdll<ledboron ber 'l1ltb ...........,. NEWPORT BEACB art111, Wade Zlnt eaptured the beet In show purcbaae award durlnc the Rancho Miraao Ownber of Commerce exbfbit. He won the -· honor last yur, SCRIPPS COLLEGE -.0 Wendy Aldrleb ol ln>lne bu --,,. Ibo Mademoloelle O>llege Board. She will -Oil Ille -Udil abe ~ ...... u.c ~ to tbe magadnt m ..-at bor collep ud """-'llng with ortlcteo and Ibo special eoilege Issue. MRS. ALEX & Okrand GI Balboa Island has accepted being a patroness of the & nual odtolarsbip benefit of Smith Collego Club of Loo Angeles, The even!, ..UUed An Altenoon With Cardinali, will be presented Sunday' April 'n, at the Beverly Hilla home of Mrs. ffarry Lewis. MRS. J, WALTER Heckman of Newport Beach, Wellesley Club president of the Newport Harbor aru, attended the 00 annual alumnae c o u n c 11 meeting oe lbe -campus. Students, faculty memben and admlnlslraton spoke oo Wellesley Today and the delegates a t t e n d e d worDbopa. MHa League La LeclJe Leacu< meet. the 1eCOoJ Tueaday It 7:30 p.m. Mrs. H. W. Moore, Ml-G59, will answer que1tton1 ::m~ocatloa IDd ._~9'1'HElt'S DAY: 11 MAT 11 0 Mic Mac ... St. Tropez . and now May Co. now open, new shop with fashions from the French Riviera . Jhe man: .Gunt her Sachs. Successfi,I filmmaker. Industrialist. And now aesigner. Tho place: St. Tropez. Super chic village on the French Riviera . . The clothes: Deceptively simple. With incomparable fit. As startling es en almost six foot stretch of silk scarf. As subtle as flared but starldy cut knit pents. Thot's Mic Mac. At St. Tropez. And now in Southern C.lilomia ot May Co. In e boutique ell white ond chrome. Ponts, sweeters, in navy, block, white, gold. Tunic in black, novy, groige. 8-14. ~-buttoned shoulder sweoter, 30.00 b. straight leg pent in rayon, 35.00 c. wool cordigon 60.00 d. knit flare wool pont, 35.00 e. double silk scorves, 17.00 f. tunic top in royon , 75.00 may co Mic Moc 7~Downtown, Wilshire, [ourol Ploa, Son Diego, Cosio Moie, Arcedio n., co soutll cMSt plan, 1C111 dlago fwy at bltstol, costa w; 546·9321 llicip ,lllOllClay tlnltli sat.., 10 -to 9:30 p111 ~ . • • • • . • . • · Matchmaking Big Business • • Computers Sp~ed -Love • • < SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - How would you like your ......... to be lna.m-1 to hor murlqo male by com- puter! Computer maldun•ldn& bu """"'lbto a llO mlllloo a yur lndllllry. 'Ibo estimate c<m11trom la trama tics Immlatioaal. Inc., w b I c b plaol to nplDll !Is -to liS by mid-Im 1111 pndlols the_, wUI be dolmc llOO mlllbl lllllll&lly wltbln five ,...... San Fnncilcoaloae-bu ..... -pellni """PoW ~ -!Inna, plis .. old-style lntn>duction 1 er vice wblch lll<adlastly r.i-to ·--de1"loped Jq qo In 111.,.., hll.torY. Tbe computer linn1 dMcie Into lho.se which dellberateq ADYl:ITll•MINT BRIDE AND GROOM Are the two moot Impart. and people In I weddina. If )'OU 're ready to wait down the llsle, get the "How to Plan Your Wed- ding" Gulde. Send ~ In coin to P.O. Box 38&, Hun~ mstoo -. Cal~. 926<8. _to_...,._ 1111---..,q to pmlde ------thatloft .. blind, 1111 the -ol anybody aw:rybl( IClllltlJodj' 1n111--11 llllbl. Al bell, ..,q me out ·of JO in a penaa'• qe lfGUp ... be cooolda;ed -llble. aay 80dolocfola quoled by Int:ramatica. ' An -c1!eat ""1' f-....... -·fllto""- --plrtlJ cm t 11 e .._ ...... ,.. ........ lliDI: ·-·--. m1·-. --.• loot. --rejectect. bee111• tbt ·odds ...... aiotdlln( .... loo ....... • FGr tbe -· tbe cllri (do._, ol·~ -ml lntemon l(IOcod ..... four -· 1111 .. ln-vmlptioa to.mau an loo lm't an a~vict er a dope addlct. 'lben the computer spews out 1Dtroductions1 Gil the average of. GOB nfr1 two to eightweeb.-wlll keep the -goiq unUI the cllent Is happy. 'Ibo -.... could tab up to live ,...... On the ........ the ..... puter matchers believe a client meets his or her mate on the seventh introducUon. If the marriage mn In -. Ille firm alien to -all-Otber --_..,... •rictl are._ tllbont.e and 1111 apomlvt, 'Ibo dating wYlcel, IOICh 11 Socl1I Syotoms A-.la, cllarge aa llllie .. fll. Social S)'lllma, let up by Muo de 'l'rllllo, ICloo of a wWllly flllDlly, Is I mail -ol!erlnc • penooollty lat footurloc quatlom com- ~ by Bllbop JllDOI A. Plte, lldlrcipolopl Albley M-.U and plillooopber A1sn W1ltl. "The computer will ellmlnlte boun ol leOr<blng and oonmtnc at boring cocklllJ pu1JH and chun:h IDCiall," 11Y1 W1tta. Blsbop Plte calls computer dlting "a way of bavtni a beglnnlnc fll -.,.._ . DOI ....... clays and 1 •• rt wilting to meet-le.• Do Tristan -DWTlqes !hat -n -Illa doting service ... u flnly • ' I u c t y dfridendl'' and not i t I purpooe. Bui Iha marriqes do occur, and be once Jost a-.,. In two -time to llWTlqe. "I dlcln~ even eel my fee," be .aid. 'Ibe computer 1ery1 c es· report tht1r clients are of a wide range of qea and include a large number of college llfldulta. Tbe young and bet- CPA Takes Rostrum A,.,,..m'1 Omlcr - -"'11 be tbe ..... 'lllundw. Apd1 17. wben the Oranae' County O>lpler of the American Soclel)' ol Women Accountants meet. for a 7 p.m. diMet. . Speaker for the meeting, which wlll follow a l :IO ooctal hour, will be Mn. Cblrlel D. Ealand, CPA, staff -ol lntematlooll T-and Tetegrapli's Fluid Jlaadll111 Division In Colla M-. Mn. Elland, -topic will be Accounling for a Conglomerate, la • -ol ASWA ud Calilomla State Society of Cer1llled Puhllc ,,,,. count.ants, and ii a former naUonal director of the Ametican Society fll Certified Public A"""111tants. Anyone wilblng lo 1ttend the dinner may coll Mn. Edna Stomiett, 511-5W, or Mias Virglnlo Martin, -· DAR Winners ' Atlanta Contest Coed Carefully Cooks Tonight Lll,e matblr, liU deuat,ier, Is a ooYilll tllot llolda true for J .... Anthony. II, IDCI her -.. Mn. Dovl4 J , Ar;- tbony ol Coota --Bolh 1lte lo coot and -are pad coob, and JIDet ii oetllo; •!>out to Jll'O'fO lllal lbe ....izy bu the -" pie... 1111 "'* polale. A '400 llCllolanblp 11 al state lontihl for JlllOI, 'llho will e<epell In • Dlllollll cookin( ---by Glril Clubt ol America In AtluU, In _.tioa with The RMder's Digest Fomr cloUon, Ibo S lo HF~. and Slmpllclty PMlem Com· -- Four nollonwlde - ' ll'I beq conducted II the lhr....i., Girls Club N111<nal Coot ....... 'Ibo cookin(, -Ing and ciUzenslllp wlmera will be announced tonlll>~ ud the C-Key College Scllolanlllp winner will be lllDled --nlCl>t. J~at&tuda m.h -Ille dlslricl oJ!il "8iDml -wilh ber Poi,.atan Baloed Chicken and ncdfec! Iha trip to AtWq ., her prbe. She bu been cooking since she . was 9 and frequently prepores dinner and - for her family -Include her porenb, one .bnJther and three sisters. 1 'Ibo talented J00111 coot likes to bake and decorate cakes and fll\ds caatr'Ole dishes a cblllenge to aute. S d N d Sile baa surpoued the role of tu ents · ame ~te:i'!.~11'Zi-= 1 of-It Ille Coola M-Girls Miss Janet Jlllsoo was selected by the Daughton ol the Amtrican Revoluticm u winner of the state award !or her essay on MoUy Pitcher, Heroine of the American Revolution. ScllOOi will be ~ I Cub. vohmm of "'lllllaric Spots In A career In bold ..._ CallforiM. • Tbe ceed II the meot is the pl of the daugbter of the l!Dy Jlllaool taleded ,...,, culliw)' arllll, ol Newport Beacb. who will grlduate at the end Mrs. Selah Reber, regent ol. IUIDDlel'. Moodl!', .a,.w 14, 19111 CM Auxiliery 'Ibo -'naldo) cl the -......., " lb• ="='-~~~ In ... Awwwbu Lope 11111, It Ip.on. Emblem Club 'lbt Ellla Lodto ii till ... - ti.. ,.. --" !he EaiWom Club •1 ,,, 1_.o -.-..... tho !Int ml '*ll ,..-, al I p.m. I . •l . ' '• I ; YES MAM ter educated are said to be Mrs. Robert. s p e e d , leis likely to -com-American hlstary chairman, put.en as witchcraft or a mere annouoctd that the aeventh novelty. grader·at Ensign Junior High "We pt an llnUIUll nmnber --~ of doctors," says de Tristan. of the Col. Willllm Cabell After atteodlng 0 r1 n g e °""""'' gave out 3 I Coast Collet• ahe hopes to cerllflcat<1 of 1ppreclation ir-r.r to Michigan State and awards during a n Unlvenlty and complete her ....mbly II Newport Elemen-major. tary SdlooL Appralmltely Wby doeo a ..._ In botel IOOO c~ from fifth, management appeal to Jantt? sixth and seventh gradee: were "It combines all my ln- judged In this divlsiooal coo-. terest.s -cootlng, 1ewlng, test. rneetine' people, l n t 1 r lo r Weight Watchers• helps you leam how to lose weight -.Weight Watchers• ia a world wide weight control organization, It provides a tolol service for peo- ple who want to lose weight and keep it off, Many thousands of people throughout the United States and other countries have learned how. to control their weight without pills, fads or slar- vation diets. Diooaver what this wonderful group can do for you! Clcmses start Tueeday, April 15th at 9:00 AM and 7 :30 PM in the Tea Room, South Coast Plaza. Registration 3.00, wkly. dues 2.00 W_e do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! ·ooN'S CARPET SHOP IJ_N_ol __ I 42' SOUTH MAIN ORANGE E:LECT ' • l!l"i "The internes work so hard they don't have the time to chase girls." Arlene Adams, operator of a noncomputer Introduction service for 30 run, com· plains that her new rivals are "'chancty." "lt'1 almost safer to 10 to • bar,11 abe llyt.. "At least JOU get In epportunlty to loot at the person." MAR,J M.ARTl.N - APRIL 15 NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 A Concerned • • • e PARENT e RESIDENT e CIVIC LEADER PLATFORM: * A Bo.rel responsive to community Clirection. * Keepi119 -school costs within bound• Ml by the community. * More emphaois on tire 31U. * G.uter empho1i1 of our American Heritage. * &!Nme care in the .. 1ecting and hiring of tuchon. * Hiring of the mod quatofied tuchen with 1&lorio1 comrnensur1t.. * A more CANful .,,(I mpon1ible 8oW •ppr•i1&I of an pilot prograrnl. DEDICATED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF HOME-SC~ l COMMUNITY c.o-111 .. le -_, ......... .-, Mn. Arlllw S. ~ '11 I-Cir.lo, ltowrwr ... ch Participating frcm lhe fllth decGrallng and providing hip. grade Were Tami Doblcm. pineel tor others," she ftveal- u.eue -· Dtam Clm-. ed. panoro, Kalblem 0...., Don1 If Ibo la as luoceooful In ber Lewis, Heather Crouen, Ondy career l.!I she ii tn the tkcben, Paulas, Duncan St r au 11 , she'll always have a full Phillip Tupy, Laura house. )bc(;rqor, Judy Bater, Vllerle J-, TUJI Snoody, LN-1 Jobmm, Dovlll Zlnl: and Robm Johmoo, owat'<I Wimer. Siitb graders were HUDier Hutdu.on, Jitl Wise, Calhy I.anon, Debbi J-. Monlc1 Myers, Mary Kot.of, Debbie Brook and Robert Kell, award wiooer. HB TOPS 00'• TOPS 00'1 fll HwXinlloo Beecb meet evory Tbunday at 9:30 a.m. in the C«nmunity -Oiurch, Huntington Beach. Mrs. Howard Simon at 968-1719 will answer ques- tims regarding membenhlp. -students from the seventh grade were Pat l.&wtber, Rebecca Pamu.o, Hllarie Moore, Heidy Lubl, Autumn Reld>ln 1111 Miiel a-en. PEN ET RA TlON may co llCIUtb comt pkaa. -. diego lwy. Cit ,. AWARDED Janet Jiii"'" Committee Reaches For Founders Day mue, silver and b I a c k decorations will follow the theme of Reach for the Stars when the West Grove Area Council, Be.ta Sigma Phi. recognizes Founders Day 'Thursday, April 17. Mrs. Norman Nieberlein, Fountain Valley, ts chairman of the event and Mrs. John Moquin, Huntington Beach1 is eo<hainnan. Serving on t h e ar- rang~ments committee will be the Mmes. Joe Walters, Beta Alpha Pi, Garden Grove; David Persons, Gamma AJpha Nu, Huntington Beach; Ken Kislhardt, Mu Upsilon, Garden Gmve; Lawrence Seerden, Xi Eta Pl, Garden Grove; John Huber, Xi Mu Mu, Huntington Beach; Dick Mobley, Xi XJ ' Rho, Fountain Vllley; Guy Hoose, Preceptor Alpha '!beta, sinta Alla. Mn. Nieberleln Ind Mrs. Moquin ·ore members ol Xi Xi Pl. ' Tbt Mariners from Marini High School, Huntington Beaeh, wll1 provide en- tertainment {or the evening. Grandmothers Al -every -'lbun-day the· ·Newport Hlri>or Grandndhers' Club meets In the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Mrs. llorotby Van Marter at 9S2-o237 may be called for m ore m:. formation . 11111 ~lmlID& I-•. 6:ttf • " d' e... CAl.FOINIA STATE · FAii i EXPOSI I ION "" 7 "''A "·"' ......... Jltb9 ........ ..., ...... ..-T "' ....................... ,.... ... _.. 1111 '-'* HI • .r. .. GIN 1111111. •...,.. ..W,..,,. .. ~.,UC tn,..... ....•• llllOU ....... ., elll6kr ..t IWIM ..... -......,. ..... ,., ••• •stna.udoal: ... btut&. ...... ....... ,.tln&. ....... _ .............. taO.•J/,11». tiu .............. -~·..., ... 1/) ... "LIG•.....,. ......... ---... Sod Oust Pllu lotl Wlrtt a.-c.-.1 Mt .,.. .. , ...... s.. .... """· c..tm Mftli, ..._ MMtt1 1111111'1 Ulllll llMll""" ' brlttorl. eo9D 1De9C11 MMJ21. shop mooday ... N1•rly n•ry•11• ,. .. , ... DAILY PILOT, h•111•I••• ....,. p•p., f1t tt.1 FtlHit... Ore ... Co11t. tbnluP flCdLUdaf 10 ma tit 1:30 pm. . . l!tSpl'illq \lal'ade of values ~ • 100% COTION ~ DENIMS i e PLAlr>S e STRIPES i e SOLIDS e Stu~ sportswear fabric for fun 'n sun wearing excellent color •elections to mix and to match 36" wide guar. wnhoblo 79c to 89c YARD VALUES 2 YARDS $} great for Harlow pents, 1horts or mini, mini skirts ea1y care, require• little or no ironing ' Reg. $1.19 Yard Values 7 8 45" Wide Guar. Washable · C ' ,. HONER PLAZA 17th •+ lll.ISTOL SANTA AHA ....... , I SOUTil COAST PLAZA HUNTINGTON CINTlll COSTA MESA t•ISTOL at SAtf Dll80 FWY. ......... EDIN~lli• 1f lL\CH HUNTIN$TOH llACH "7·101) I t •• • .• • ' n DAll.Y Pll.OT ....... 11 ...... ) . . " . ' 1 • , • , T)\e ~JnedicatiQn·that . · ·.le~to: a .Major Cause of Hemorrhoids .. < Now! Most complete 3-way relief! lrtti1'lliper\111t t11r1topm1nt .t1 llokt tmt.eat comes to ttw fiw )'llfS of scitnlik ---llot Olll! ... lfllOi<I" work by lwtlillC fist, ~ llf coatin(. sool!lq. ,,_. ~jind tissuo ... unlike _, o1!1or-rjoil Cultemoid also works I ..,. ' • Jhlnb to IR tldusM \fonnab jwith DSS10 Tll only Coun\trnoid pts to 1 1Njor cause oft.lllfnor· -hlnful hatd COlll\IPllioft. Wlthallt iritltin1 IDllM otloct. \Her1's lmw: In hospital l.ny tests doctors Mvt demonstr1tM Ui1t tilt-Counlemoil- l1tiiln with OSSJo penetr1t1s in' rninutt1 to the top of the·ftetal aru to soften the stool and HSI Ille Mwel-... nt. ' ' It is 0ii.~ue 1etion tllatdoeS • lllUCh to make natural ha1inc possible. So, if JOll /ive with the pail! Ind f• of recwrina: minor hemorrhoid trod!~ 1tl l.....,11J rel/ti witll medieally-tested Countrrnoid. · Ai:tuolly, used .. ~11C1ed, r.- terltoid offers the most complete 3-wiy relief you an iet without I pl't:Sefiption OI' without $Ul'JtfJ. • ht stainless crum or suppositorin . ~ At 111 drvc counteri. .,.,_ef_-u_ .... UCR Gets U.S. Loan The U.S. De(JlrWG d Health, Education and Wtlfll'e hu allocated fl,900 to the Universityol Ca Ii f orn la, Riverside, to provide loua .aiid grants for law eo- forcement students. Grant appllcanll mull be . full-time emplo7ee1 ol pub 11 c ly-ftmded law ~ forcement agencies, e1cludin& federal agenci~s. Their program . of study must lead to an under&l'adUlte or gr!Mfnate degree o r certificate in la" enforcement.· Studies m· related ·areas, .m., eluding >oclology <r · political . ' science abo qualify the ap-; pllcant. Grants art awanktd ori 1 quarterly basis and pay for ttlitton, books and supplies on- ly. TOP PRIZE I I ,..~ hlttcll Aft"l"lkc •••, ''The best ' . education for y~ur·tax clolla.rt * Only Candidate Who ls Former Newport-Mesa Educator • Local Business Manager Super Rocket Debuts in Sum.naer Six strap-on solid rockets fall away from more thrust than previous DeltaS and will go into opera- powerful version of. Delta launch vehide in this draw-tion this summer when it will launch a weather • ing of a typical nussion for the McDonnell-Douglas-satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base. * Parent· Homeowner built space booster. It willhave 150,000 pounds more ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~'----~~~~~~~~ E·E ' < 1 . LLOYD E. BLANPl'ED JR. INCUMBINT, TRUSTEE AREA 4 NEWPORT·MU• UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT • Retain sound, qu1lilied, proYen leadership • Don't substitute inexperience for experience • CommiHed lo sound fiscal policy and properly lax reliel • Concerned about juvenile and narcolics problems • Dedicated lo slrona, local control of schools • In Newport Beach since 1956, manied, 45 years old, and Idler of two high school students. • Aclive service to the community: Past President, Mariners Elementary School ·P.F.O.; Past Director and President, and currently on Advisory Board of the Harbor Area Gi~s Club; Director, Orange Coast Y.M.C.A.; Vice President of Men's Church Fellow•hip. LLOYD E. BLANPIED, JR. ENDORSED BY THE FOLLOWING CITIZENS: Mrs. Dorothy A. Adams Dr. Alan Andrews Mr. H•ncock Benning, 111 Mr. J•ck Barnett Dr. Robert Beauchamp Mr. Jim Berhhiro Mr. •nd Mrs. Alexander Bl.ck Miss Agnts Blomquist . Mrs. Velma C•rlson Mrs. Lois M. Chambers Mrs. Bomico E. Cianflone Mr. Giry K. Cloirt Mr • ....i Mrs. Willi•m D. Clark Dr. <ind Mrs. T. F. Clerko Dr. Nath.nit! M. Coh.n Dr. Chorlos A. Doleney Mr. Lewis Dinger Mr, Donald Don1ld•on , Or. James C: Ooy:e Mr. Tom Ev•n• Mr. end Mr'" David L. Fraser Bl1ckie end Soro G•dorian Mr. ·~d Mrs. Lowrenct E. Gat .. Dr. end Mrs. Joh• Gronzella Mrs. Margaret Howland Mr. and Mr,. Robert E. Johnson Mr. a~d Mrs. George H. Jones Mr. Vin Jorgensen Mr. •nd Mrs. H•rry M. Kal•o Mr. Ca~ L. Key Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Leith Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Lovig Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gurr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. WiUi1m E. Manning Mrs: Patricio C. Hadden Dr. ond Mrs. J, K. H•mel Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Horkntss Mr. Robert E. H1rri• Mrs. Robert J. Heyes Dr. and Mrs. Loren Heather Mr. •nd Mrs. H. V. Hilker Ed91r •nd Dor• O. Hill Mrs. 'R. Mary Martin Mr. ond Mr" Frank McNoe•e Mrs. Gleam M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Mynatt Dr. Ted R. Nehrenberg Mr. and Mrs, Bob Poley Mr. P. A. Polmer Dr. end Mrs. Donald E. Pinder ~LOYD E. BLANPIED, JR. INCUMBINT • \ Mr. and M,., Hadd Ring Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rodman Mr. C. R. Rothaerme l Mr. and Mrs. Jame• L Rubel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Russell Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Smith Mr. Tom H. Smith Dr. and M". Maclyn Somers Dr. and M,., Cha~es Sparkuhl Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taube Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Thompson Dr. Richard L Underwood Harry. E. W tslover Mr .. · Barbara Gill William• Dr. Gerald P. Winkler Mr. •nd Mrs. Jim Wood Mr. George L. Woodford, Jr. Indiana Now Won't Split Dozen Ways INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Jn. diana's local government chieftains have decided they'd rather switch than fight the federal government on time. So, on April 27, for the first time in this decade, most of Indiana will iollow the rest of the nation in turning its clocks ahead one hour to * Daylight Saving Time. But be patient, il when passing through.the state, you ask a Hoosier for the time of day and be hesitates. Ceiling On School Taxes • w~~~1:i'r:l.~.t;:; * Excellence In tim~s that he's c:onfused. ~en Education agam, he may Just be trymg to control his temper. Indiana has been happy for • years in . the Central Time * Respe~t For Law Zone until 1961 when the ' .. Interstate Coinmerce .Coor. And Order mission pushed the time zone boundary westward from the e Indiana-Ohio line, splitting 43 coonties into the Eas~ -* Higher Moral while 4.9 counties remained m the Centzal ''"'" Standards Each spring, mayors, city councils and county com- missioners watched each other until, by informal and unof· ficial agreemeht, they learned what the majority of their neighbots planned to do for the summer ar1d followed suit. 1be result was that a person traveling from the southeast to the northwest could pull out his watch stem and tum the ,hands back and forth four times to stay With local times . The U • S • Tramportation Department allowed Indiana to waive ob9ervance of the federal Uniform Time Act in 1967 and 1968 while petitions were peoding to move the Ume zone boundary again. In January, the department annoonced it would shift the " boundary westward again to place all of Indiana ' in the Eastern zooe. The lighting wasn't finished. But now local governments have withdrawn their horns and said they wouJd fall into line. Bill Seeks Atom Pact A bill that would petmit the fonnation of a West.em Interstate Nuclear Compact has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Chet Holifield (I> Calif.) and RA!p, Craig Hosmer CR-Odil.) The CO{Tlpact, formed by the Western Go Yer no r-s' Con- ference, has already been G d c ratified by the State Or On . Legislatures I n C&lifornia, • ; eo1ora11o, Idaho. Washington lx'I Morrow and Wyoming. H o ~ r • Congressional appi'6V>I I s fOf · needed beror. any lntentate pact -eHectlve. • Ntwporl-Mtt• Unlntcl • School Dl1trlct • School Board : , • . ' • t ) . - I I I ' I • I I 'i . • . ' . ' -. . . ' • . ' • I ... r ···----------------------------------------------------:--:-=...,.- • ·~·-·· • II! ..... , .. Ill IC> (90) MONDAY ~ • yy Miika! Olwt 0 "CALIFORNIA SINGS"! * Presented b · T'-lid"i1iT Robert Tayl • of talented · In a tribute I)' 'c'!!e¥!! . troduc:es tll1 "*'· ,,., IOr hoslt. • . 01 ... iCJ c.,/ i· m,., ~ ccf , 1111 ..... cCl nm .. ' @ (JJ Mer. Crlflill~(C) @.)WWI New? (30) OJ Muj.,. Sin Alltr aJ KPLM NIWS (C') fD N£T ltuml (60) "II l Don'l Agree, Mull 1 Go Any?" ,A study of 1 younc C.nadi1n -.n triio cltltlences est1bllshed 'at mores by livin1 wilt! 1 JOU rllmmektr 1:.10 D MIC "WMrWlcl <C> (60) GI I lM ..... (30) in the &st Wilt. ~ IQ .. _ .......... ~ ... ~ ... .... ... CCl (ll) ........ ..r .. CCl (30) '"""' ID Cil .......,..,.._ (C} ' dirt • """"' VIII in • -· , "'*411 lly I dlttp UllderlfOllllCf fllm 9 llldt o.t (30) "Thi Trio: pmch.al' (lullt Joe 'fl)'lln), tml m1q11. • Brttilh bellll'lt Pl'tll'lit11, a Cll IEI m m """ CC> to M Hit llktui'I to 11i• 'ritndl. UNWlrl that It ltu blln tdlttd 1:00 II as htnlnc News <C> C30> 1nio • b111J·P111t1 bur11Ml11•. U 4111 ANNUAL 0 -CCl !30) '"' ·~··-_ lit ACADEMY AWARDS m 1Z O'ao.t "'" llOJ brOUlht to ,("!'_ 2 Ill-•-• -_ EASfM.\11' KIJ.u"• CO. -u !Ill m • tl!lllllJ n. ''" ,.., n am""' -<CJ , .. , Wiii iiirii-~;a. ~ "' Mrthtfe lit •nd Flip Witaon ruell ~ ~..!"~"'"':: am.-<Cl <101 1.1 ,.,.. ~ 1111ttt t11e "Oaelr" o ft Cl> m ,.,.. Plea <CJ : -hlalt· ... frorn tlll Don:iltl Chi• (JO)Mtfihi MMI Set W.lke1 fllld ' ... ,..,ion of' .the .Loi Anrt!a Dr. RGlll' with ti!• unc:onciou• .c-tr Miiiie Ctirtw. ,,. Frtd; Dr. Niles 111d Al1111 dbcusS ' ·• th1 dltletM's rtPOrt; Dr. Mllll a~-· Mr UW (C), (3a) Willy 1m • Cl)I from lh• hoiplt11; Dr. ...,. tnin.-Rosal 11111 Mmlt1 th1t Fred's cori---m ,_. (C) (30) Bii h/11· ditlon it erltletl. diiet lftd CHI.-Afbtrt fllelt. (R) a M..W· D111M (30) ,. 0 Cil ....( MfN (C) "Tht fD TM C;._ War (30) "G1mblt.• Ollj: 61rdln." Otbo11h Kerr ind Thi 6tm11ns, · 1fr1!d of losln1 the Jolfn Miiii sbr. Wlf, 11Ulldl I dQPtt'ttl nstUJt. flD U• AWW (80) Ed MorMD OJ MRu hosts 1 11'11 dlltmlion ol Mllimn· Amtrlmn poiltlctl conldoutn111 llt'.30 ~ -~n. ~--fre111 the £lit Loi Afltlla Coll• l.1LI 1ill ,. ..,_... • '"' lllJdent lounf!. · ( l "T~ r, · Shld •lid Tira becomt lll'IOIVlcl In • plat 1pillll 9 ([) F•llilJ Aff•lr <Cl offlcl1[1 DI SMl'll fortltn COUii· tries while "' thtlr YICltlo~. m Calt's W.1111 (C) 0 lllwit: '"F1N .......... (drl•' m1) '62-SIM Md,1111111, Robert Wtan«. l!J Ntn (C) (30) ''"Dlll iJl "',,_ (C) (60) "Slocum. A· Bibl1-quatinf, moon· shinln1 11ncha1 1nd his four sons to runnint tor Marihal Dillon rtter !ht m1rsll1I is forced to kill tltt ED l•llO'ntien (3C) _.., nncher's lift.h son ID stop a saloon -.. "'" Si• Hitttri 1r1umelll with 1n unarmtd Iron· u;,o 1 tritl'!lnln. Dub Ta)'lo!', Will Getr - -(R) ll'!ll U l!J 111-... (CJ CJ a;, I Drt111 ti Jttn11l1 (C) (30) 8 Allred Hlkltctcl: "J11nni1 111d th1 Stat! WuPQn." J1t111nit chl11t11 Diii of NASA's Sf· cret ,, .. pons Into 1 toy and upsets lhfl milifllJ. 8 Liit 111 Spa (C) (60) Cl Mlffiol $ lkMt: (C) "'Ullll1.._ la If Clllrbow(' (m111le11) '64- m U.rs Cl• (Cl Rod Sertlnt hosts. Dick G111tMr, Rut1 lee, Ptltr M1nh1ll 1ml htty W~ite tuest. Ill Morie: "te~tn 11 DlllJ" {ad· venture) '41 -Don AmKllt, Joan Btnnltt. ·-Cttlarillf OtnlUVI, Nino Cnfel· :,. nuovo. · 11~ 11 Mwir. •Aft11111 lanes" (sus-,.. ID IJlltr.11' C1111~1191Cef (C) (JO) pense) '56 ->Den Cr1wfDtd, Clill ID PlllJ MllOI (60) Roblrbon. _ -0 ID (I) m Tonitkt SltlM (t) i! El CUartl MlftdlJniento -l:OGIJB)l s•IC114'I 331/3 Revol11· tion Per Mtnl!H (C) (60) The lJ Movie: "He1nn Only Knon" {dr1m1} '47-Brian Donlev1. Rob-ert Cumminp. Monbu 1pe1rlletd I Jsychedlllc O""' IT\ -Ntw1 (C) salute to the tVDlution m111 tnd W.I a.1 lill, • his music. MldtJ, OlvJ, Mlb ind m Uont• O'C.111111' Show (t) Ptter ire Joined by sptcl1I iuests. m Hml (C) (30) 12:00 0 @ (]) QJ Jo., liallop (Cl Eiil 1 "'t'I ailtaloe " ""U:2ll ID_, ......,..,, ~ i.r D'Allr 1 ( rom the Fl'llldl RJy. (sti·fi) '57 -P!ttr G11ves. P1u1t lttt In Autust. 1966, comes se· C..sll!. lected uctrpt\ tram 1 Jau lalivtl f11turint the :~~=:';. Ord'ltllrl. 12:30U)Actltl Yltlllrl: "Mirtfldl.'" &ri) Co•icos , ' l:ODIJSpelill& fr•IJ (C) 1:30 8 Qt (1) Htr1'1 Liiey (C) (30) Kim c1Wii0111 • sudden lntertst In hoU$thoW ~udtetl 114 thlnts do· mdlc. c:Mlnc LICJ' ti sulPICf .. -·-<Rl D C..-itr l0Hllh1 111141 (Cl ·U-(Cl , ·-· .... IC) (IOI "ltWi' In tM Mc••• T UES DAY / 1:15 .... "lllrt " Hit l'lllttnll" (il'ICl'fpt) '51 -Sheldon 1.twrenct, _Eric,..._ oz,m a .., -'""' ,_ tn)"41-Jottll lftlf, ........ WllD--~4 ..... l riN HlpMlm. "'Cndi:...,.. (drtme) '37_,.. Um. !:ti._ .. _(_ '47~ Enlln. Gle{l4I T1rrtll l:OOCJ ...... ,,,,...,. <'CC!llllty) l•&-tn1111 llfpl111, MM "'*'· 1:308 "1•...,tll llttllill" (1d¥trt- • hit) '" -Dl¥ld lllvtft. Sit ., ...... -... or: ("('· .., 'M -a...rt Nitdrlml, "" -"""""· ·- e JOB PRINTING Ull e PUBLICATION~ e NEWSPAPERS Qt1!1ty Pri11th1t 1114 Dtpett41Me ......_ ftr intl"I tt.111 1 Q111rter ef 1 C.11..,.,, MIWPOIT IU.CH • ' ' . DAllY Pilat ,P -;:;:;::~~==~ r~r;· ::::;::::=;p...::·l~y Cliarles M. Schulz JUDGE PARKER ~ •• :.. lEAUY, LUKE •• I THINK YOl'le 11.N CU.rYUl6 '«Jiil' PlAC.TIU..l LOOt,. IF llOI PON'T WA.WT 101'0 lf~.FOl6ET' IT.' I n40Cl6NT 'fOll EMJO'r'EO HAVIN6 ~ RIN .' UICJE OMT X*£ A ltmE TOO F1i1t •• 10 PINN£(. - LUICE ·UleO 111$1515 ntAT SME MAXE _,. .. f'ffC*E: CALL lO JtATMERINE '. MUTI AND JEFF -•"-" . I'M SOR1(Y. LADY! H.L HELP\>OU UP, IF I CAN· GORDO MISS PEACH LET GO OFME, YOU IDIOT/ I . ~- By Harald Le Doux l'U. ~M.. IT FOR l'OCI! l'lllT lSIC rCJt .t.l.AN! Ml IF SHE kNOW5 WM&TMEll! HE'S ON Mt~ WAY OVU lO PICK 't'OlrlP! IC LIKE YOU PONY IC»OW HE~ 60T A. WIFE ' •• ™ATYOll TNOlleHT YOU Mn mKIN6 1D Hl5 HOOHlcilra! lMBI HMl6 ff'! ACADEMY AWARDS0 .:.. Gregory Ped, aliove, president of the Academy, will preside over the itµt annual presentation to be telecast tontght at 7 p.m. on Channel 7. E:_or the first time the event, produc- ed and directed tiy Gower Champion, will be held in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Music Center in Los Angeles. · ' . r..dM r ( .,. _,, ... TELl;VJSION VIEWS / Dinah Shore .. Still Tops By RICK DU BROW_ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Miss Dinah Shore, hen' tofore a ra~er conservative performer, proved ,SJmt day night that ·she can go the fust;zany, -coJ\tem'pOr: ary musical-comedy route with the best of them. Showcased be8utifully by executive producer 1 Geor~• (Laugh-in) Schlatter and producer Carolyn Raskin, she headlined en hour NBC-TV special that was one of the most enjoyable variety programs ~ some time. HER SUPERB guest cast included Lucille Balli . Diana Ross of the Supremes, and Dan Rowan and ,1 Dick MQrtin of "Laugh-in." Remarkably for pel" 1 formers tossed toielher for a one.shot broadcast; I they registered with the aplomb and comfortable wi ldness o! a comedy repertory troupe that has beeu working together regularly. . . . . Much of the credit can be given to writers Chris Beard and Coslougb Johnson, who dashed oU a furiously q1uick, Ilghtfooted antl witty script that im~ mediately gave the hour a distinction few television specials can claim. · Their work, combined with that of the other rqolders <># the·sh,gw.,P.v• it-es a stage r•V)l• qµBlity. Not to ~.ovl!t\ooked/, r was the •pec1al musical material bi fhe alw ver Billy Barnes and Earl BroWh; ' ' : . .!{ > WITH MARC BREAUX directing, the hour wai _Lcross~tweeri '".Laugb-in"!sf}lfe setups, longer '. ·~etches and some notable Sliig)log by both Miss · Shore and Miss Ross:O -farticuJat!Y fine was a pro- duction .sequence in wbich the1yotlng Miss Ross of.i. · fered two splen~4 numberS' from the music~ "Hai~" -f?oth ·ha~g: much of .\be emotional ini· pact of the stage .show from which they were taken. . The best quality of Sunday night's hour, how-.. 1 ever, was Its precisely correct attitude of contemJ>' orary madness, camp and good nature -in regard to both show business itself and the basically absurd mateMal that was delivered. THERE WERE sketches, for instance, a bout a musical lady detective (Miss Shore) who broke up a hoodlum nightclub, a trio of singing sisters being groomed for stardom1 and a labor strike by Snow White's seven dwarfs in fairy tale land. It was, by the W3.y, a fairy .tale that no Disney advocate would recbgnize -feataring .Miss Ross as Snow White, 1'-fiss Ball as a ,beQlgerent, cigar-smok- ing fairy godmother. and•an .. ln-fli ght collision hf. tween "The Flying Nun'.~" and Mary Poppins. MISS ROSS, it shouidlio' noted, came very cla.e to stealing the show. In addition~to her effective and funny trio numbers with Miss'Stiore and Miss Ball, she also revealed hersell throughout as a surpris- ingly adept and droll comedienne. Dick Van Dyke and Mary "fyle~ Moore, wh.ose fonner television series was a hit for such a long time, were reunited Sunday evening in an hour cas.. TV speci al of. song, dance and comedy, and proved again they go together like ha.qi and eggs. The low-pressure material had a few down lzlolnents along with the good ones, but the basic ·,, ·of the star• with each other -and their ;;r;.-i~~· hie. individual talent -made for an ami- '~ ~ewing. tlae Menace > • • -----· .. ~--,..__ ___ ..____ ... ---------- • ~1 I I ., I I L . . ... • • P ·erDtane .. . and ·Prov .. • UCI 8ffers ~eeiures Complete Sc~dule of May Activitws nm lollowWr piblJc 1ectum w1D be· ollend by Unlvmlly of CaUfomla E:1ten1lo.n, Irvine, duriD& the moolll ol May. ... I 1 ' • . . . \ . ' . ... ' • \ 4 .. Reer~on Boating On Rise The· recreational boalln1r!n- d~ b lorecuting a c ... tlnued bullnu upowlng for . 19S9, even. surpusing a most impreulve record year· In 'II. - ~ al. boat!:, marine ertllnes, outboard ·mOtott IDd' · boatiq ··equipment rtached aJ!Olber all-Um• high . last yur. ,.,,. fad«y values ol . new bbl.ta lhlpped .,.u1 upl' l.t percent aDd the dollar value of. lhl.pmentS of marine accessories indicated an 1.2 percent gain. .·~ \.,. '. \'. • . . . . .. ., • •Jhdfdttrg 1'fie';~!iJ'·;;.~;...-iege'-. z.'.: . .. • , Industry l!OUl'CtS -~ that overall, $3,150,000,cm •pent on 1boallng during 19111 but rtlqa f}gure~includ.es fuel,: ~e and club ·fe•es , mamtenance, storage "a·n d repairs· u weU;u Jthe ,sale of. new and used boab ,and equlpnent. A!Jo flgurinf 1he overalJ ·oaJea l1gure -e boat trallen, water "JIOrls equip- ment and boating apparol and ~bandied bY local marine dealers. - I -• _, ' A 1,000.foot.long de!lvery•tunntl.t.iceo>•hape ln<'!'l'lle,City,-•·nrir·moiilitiiicin-, ter at the intersection-al the Santa.Alla·and Ganlen-Orov .. ·freeways Iii Onn1•~ .. Covering 200 acres, th1t center will combine retail stores . with . otfltt.. bul!dlng1 ; and 1,650· Iuxury apartments. . . · · · . · '· · .; Local marine dealer•. aided by expanded n e w 1 p a p e r Newspapers increased their advertlslng and other pro-boat page linage in 1968 ac-. moUon on their part, upped cording to the annual aurvey their annual average gross in-of the National Association of come by aome $25,000, ac-Engine and Boat Manufae- cording to the trade publica-turers and this was due in lion, Boating Industry. The part to additional marine "average" marine dealer had dealer business but there were a gross income of tzta,oeo other factors. "Plus business'' for 19S9, the m a g a z i n e accounted for nearly one--balf eatbnates, and one-quarter of the space sold in many zpeclal tlwi more aggrealve outlets boating sections with boat accounted for more thin two. fliuinahg in the lead both in thirds of the total buainw number of ads and &pace done by all boaUng dealers. 1 taken. -.. ' .. ,. 1- :•11.:- -•Gil· .. • I• .,, "' " • , . • .. • .;t· .~ ,,, J• . ~ .... ... ·~ .~· ... .... . • ' -.Ji ' . ' , _______________________________________ .. ,__ ________ ,_,, .. :.,...- • --· ....... ·-•Nrt1 --•Mitt NCOVr'IMal ___ ,.,..,. ,._fO........... +4; ..._,._...,. . -°' .. *'Q.we'l1 ~·-••• ....,,.,., .... NW\,...,. ....... ...,.., _,..,.... ·i-y ,,._~ , _. .. .._ ..... -:: aufD,,..1 . ...-ar.a• _...,.,,.. ... cmsw,._ .. l l l !''" ---......... -----·~t,&M21t~ t -Aal:f".'' .-< ~ "------------------------· ~~.,~----!----~--~·~,..-!. • "$ ...................... ~, .... -; . ·-----r ~·~" I'. •il•:tJ 1"s•AM.•···· I " l ·-" ... l ,, ...... .. 1 ~ .. , .. •• ·~·' ' • ~ -. . - • ·' . ..... • -.-·- ~ • -r"· ~'· ;""· . • . ~ ' ' ... .. .. - . -,. .~. I•, .. ~ .. • .. ·' ,. . ~ ' •• •• -------------~----------~--~~~~---------. ----. -----... • . • • r • ~ • By-GLENN WHITE t5ol0.l to win by~.4 seconds over Hans-. the ~000 froe 'wlth a t o21.7 Oil hlll wa~to At" New" 'Yo"r-k ot HM o.11Y l"llN s1.t1 • Fassnacht, the ~ German star who the 1,650 conquest. Fassnacht held the old. LONG BEACH -It was vindication upset Burton Thursday night in ~ 508 .' · . k oL g' :is o ' · ;.~~~~O= :ol~~ fr~~Hall,ase»ioratRancboAJamitOs ~:m ·M;~: beaten re··1Je•te··~1 y · '·' : ,~ Debbie Meyer of Sacramento and Olym~ High in Gardeni-.&rove was seCoDd in througboul the n'leet.,.c&mi throulb'in'Uit "ucisroN (AP)_ 'SUcbeu-bl'M:ll ~ pie champion Mike Burton of UCLA u 1&:09.2. J · 1,650 to equal ber Anlerican record ot -fidence _ and the Bolton CelUcr"'.'Wt: .y .,.re up for ..,lier ~!meals Greg Fink, tx-Oirona del Mar High 17 oOU In posting the victory. Vicky Kini, loaded with both ~. eot<' In llueo! of '!..'t,i.,,; l 'J • 1M•Natioaal AAU short coune swim flash, was seventh ln the eveniqg f4ials in h U ed u• .. M , · Th•-'•·' dllp:lpionsbips at Belmont Plaza Olympic 16 :47.2 bul was_ ranked 14th beca~ of w o.ou eu lWlm eyer U\ --T 1 an 11th National Batetball A'tsOCl•Uoo t• ~Poot, ttere. . • , theinclusionofrilomingprelim,cl~k~gs l~eU,fr~~A~wu1 seeOnd In 17:07.11 -•: championsbipinlSyean. · , ,_ .... • Burton smashed his American record in overall placement · u me uc:1~. t waa a bitter due until However, the CelUc:i are . not wain& 1n t!ie 1,650 freestyle Sunday night with a Burton atso-er~ the U.S. record for the last 2oo'yards when Ute viCtor pulled anything for granted. despite a· S-1 ad· : , away for good. ' vantage, in beading mio the bftb .. ..rn. of iJ Miss Hewitt was all smiles after her a best-of-seven series' With the New YOrk • SJH!!'tll, ·i~ . Brief · lmpressl'e !wtm in th< :MIO-yard butterfly · Kplcks In the Eutern \livl!loo's flnll ~ • • , . 1 . . • . Saturday night. pla~s. . · · .. > . . .Kin. -.• . . . 0. . . a· d N. And wen ;be mlghj be alter placln, ·'Ibero·· still .... to '"· you "" ..... ~ ; . ·. g· s n ! OU . . me; .. · ::: ~vf:.\e~uat II boon Wll<1: In the wlii.four," WU the Celtlca' w,arning ~ ~ 1 • "·· ~ ~ '!fJ,,.._.... Her 2:08,52 was i UfeUme best bY "5 they took~ fOI'. New York in ~~o' ~THE ~l{r -SiI'1ocit-:s1%~Giorge ~liiftli~ ~')1.i,P' i!' e long , ' · three-tentba of a second. Her llJvtt winding up the aetlel tootght In Mldlion .•putt 'Wllh silli\e body1En'Slish '8ilncray· bilf' si(tled·for • birdie at the Jave' lin Hu' rts C9µnt1· a',·n· . medal waa.the highest placem\!llt •)!'ard ~~~y def .... , led by P~-"13th bole. Arcbet. Went on to post a i2 and win th~Masters -his first she's ever earned in short course na-coach Bill Ruuell, wu the dllference:U major tournam~t~~_.~Filst'Pti¥:'J2Q;~ ·'";' ,· tionls. the Celtics edced,the KnicU t7..a& SunUy ... , She picked up a fourth 'in last yea1'1 200 before a crowd of 13,505 and a natiCihal ~ ...... butterfly -her previous high finish in television audleoce. i; n...:~.11••-. " OAKLAND -It's all over this year (or pr~ipal owner M tpe AFL clup, and his short CQurse activity. . Leading 9$-M, the .defeodin& l'.fB.\, f. Ot_.-~· ,,, ~~t :A_ "W&rds ·. .. tlfe ~Seals and Just begiMing for 1 wife were on a vaclbon. ' Miss Hewitt , two-time national cham· champion Celilcs· threw up a . tipt ::p · ·--• ._..Loi· Angeles King!, who drappeii the 11 pion, former world rflCQf'd holder and a . defe'ose in the c1osirta'25 ieeondl. :~ ·: Seals w ·suooay:·w ·~ the deciding 1 ..,.. ··"" """ t;J.S.Olympian.inlongcoursecompetion,_' -TbeKrlicbbroulbttbeball,iatoplay, I Gurney' ,., Ca' 'rut' fwrs Top' . gaDie of ilietr '100:. :West . iliraion .\ ba~R~~!.~.=~~~ of ~ii:.~";:.; RlOVed from .fifth to secollil the -109 lotendlng 'to .• wi.ri 'Pruler-tut .. I . • . '. . , . , • semillnal. , Celtlcs, •ot awtf from the tele\illon set yards, then held the runnerup spot fm-the sbo~ Howeviir,· Dier, conlroaied ·by For ttie ·Ktna., ti's oh to_S.t. Louis Tues-j "' final l~. John Havllefl ~ 't find ~-· c.~ ' lon1 enOU1b Suday for induCll.on Into 1 A. ' day fw the first game·of ahother_ t>est:-Of· l the 1'/altmUh Basketball Hall or Fam, e. She gained only slightly over ·.Ellie, f'0!001 "nd paiMil.'~ bq: WiW. Reid seven series with the Blues for the West A.~,f,.J;t-;)esame &be lf'UWnitM Danili!:l, · the delendlng short course na· _ free . throw lbie.' ;"J·' ; ~ Laver' Too -..n n_ . y, Hall D!vlslon championship and the right to P"' .... ~In blfJIOrY·;wlth the Celdcs, wu tional. champion and ,victor. In the ·100 Reed dkln'\ l!!!ve,pl!Y room eithft u 'lie 1 1 1.i{J face U:ie East Division winner fbr the Na· i' Ind ucted wltb.'!Adolpb Rupp of Kentucky, Thursday .. · Miss Daniel'! tJroe · wu· tutned to fa~·~ll. His f()ft!d ~ tional.HocK~ Ceague's Stanley Cup. Hank Iba of OkfahOm a State and ?!ympi~ 2:06.65. ' 1V83'short and·theW went otlt ol boundi ·• , , , The Kings .combined a' solid blue-line cbamploa I ,faae, Dutcb Dehnert, a In. QU¥!r Saturday a~on ·Susie Atwood oft a Knick. . , -~" i .•• : . • "Rod Laver 11, universally .. ....--.i as de:'-' with goal-gathering opportuhism membtr f1::1the original NeW". York of Lakewood broke the· ~ican r~ · Ff \\'.e .~··~ ball · .tA;r , o'1.,t!> -. .... ~ honor 'passed on to Caruthers -Gary to . the Seals in a raucous game that Celllcs, add ,;c huck Taylor, baske~all. in the 100 backltroke Wi\h • 51.96, ecllpto ' !Zler, _, . ded ~ ~ ~ the top tOOnis pl.ayer in ·~ wcrld. Mally a;ao, ·a "'"'ior at Raaclto Alamitos High saw nine penalties handed out in the first goodwill a~.sador... ing the previoua best ol 59.S hekl by Kaye •Jo~ out, pul Rivllcet..on F.ruiir -'Vod aperts, in fad, compare him with the ~l . nine minutes. ..Hall. . . _ _ . _ _ ,l;.!nt 1n ~atch S8*'.J..o-SQY~J8'.adJ.cY. itl--time·greet,, of the.sport. · •'.guys like * * * ...... Dick Rydze of Michigan won the men's Ila~lkek dKi a tre~ job,; Ol'.l ~ Tllderi, Don Budge and Liew Hoad. ..,.. ..,.. ..,.. · 000. ; · F platform diving tJtle, holding off favorite Frazier. It wu a key defensive play . . :~go a step farther and sey Rodney Hall,' like Carulhen, was a silver SANTA ANA -Bart Geao\'ese, to, was · gers 1•et Jim Henry, who had one p:ior dive in the New York then f~ former KtiJ:et '1fle.Rocket" is the greatest player ten-medalist in Mexico City, He got his lilted la favorabte condition Sunday alter · .-prelims to destroy his iold medal hopes. Emmette Bryant with m: 9eCOOdl lfift. iP im ever produced. And they just may award in a most difficult swimming be ran inlo a javelin: sticking out of tbe • He lost by five points. I~ an unusual move, the Celtlcl called ~:~~ '1tbougb .the comparison is event -the 400-mt'ter individual medley IJ'Ul·at a low angle Saku'dtiy while pra.> o D d } Brian Job won the mo breaststroke in tilne out to aet up more strategy, .the ly difficult (which encompasses 100 yards each for liclng'for a %20-yard rt.Jay run.~ eight· ver ' . rys a e %:07.34. after breaking the u .s record of ~t ~hat to lhlnk when ••• :At any .rate, Laver was the leading the freestyle, ..backstroke, butterfly and foot spear pused throug)a bis body, but • . 2:~.3 m the prellms with a snappy ~:06.1. called time," Bryant uJd. "Usually, thl niooey wlJlller pf> 1968 and bis year was breaWkoke). · milsed the vUal organs. · 1 Kim _Br~ .. t t took the: women 1 200 other team •--,·t, hop'·• to u~ •'· ldghlig!lted by wiming Ille ~ \<Mis Also M-the Hall broke th 1HOUSTON W'l .,... The. Los Ange es b st 2 :11 !4 al ··'· the ~ ,.. ~· ""' the f "'"'u16 year e ..,.. ..,,. "' Dodaers are hOping the injory sustained rea in :. · tu eru.uig U.S. shooter. Then aJl t bear wu 'After he .fu:r~n ~~~---. irst-ever :i:u= ': '::en~ \n~tiodf; SAN FRANCISCO -The U.S •. World Sunday by pit.c.ber Don Drysdale isn't ~ecord O! 2:2;5.0 wt th a 2:24.3 in the morn-makes his two free throws ••• aftef'1]6 Obviously with credentials like these, book. ~~soccet .~ teatotmh ~Iii .•nceuxhlbitlont se~~aTe .wass~ckonthe·riobtankle int=m~ the 700 n,:-m 1:52.53 to =~i~ ~·~t°::'~~ki;; vn•'d have to ra.te the Coron& del Mar Anti there certainly isn't any doubt <.c;) •'Ml, · e"""' orma ppers a I • · -P, De · shade Ros! .w. ales by five·-hundreths ta•;ru ... ".. . , " ,_ Balboa s~•• Sund by a ball Ott'the bat of the Ast:ros nrus ., .. ~.· &" ........ . 1 aQout bis 9f'aoge Qiunty residency. UIWWD ay. · ' · of a s~... Bryant-.then made the free throWs ~ .Atlyway; Gurney and Canihers are oe~ 1be .U.S. team plays Haiti next Sunday • Fred Ha~ood waa the winner in the nail down the decision. The Celtics let f6e *~ *, •• 1, * 1,, , ,.. ficiaUy the county's top sports headliners ~ ~:au ~C:l with a return game at Dodger Slate 100 b~ck with a 52.2 Mitch Ivey was se--Knicki,.ve a ,~ with two aecon(IJ (pro and amateur) for 1988. an ego ~ · 1t/{I. u ....... oq.,.. -'' H-'M.' ~~ ':"'• k~t C?Ood In ~.39. left., · .. I, -~ 'll78JTE ~ you've ~ t9 admit they cerUdnly The team wtttt.2"e total points will Jlj· ls--Oodeler• ,n Mn. DI"'" J·ss ""'~ k Ft • • ,. . r-.• , . • • f'. _-...,,i,..__, . ......,.. .. ~ • play A two-game :ieii~ with El 8alvador, C A~. l"-Oodgeri vt S.n Dl9P. J:sd p.m., KF n '" •"" :. WASH ;;;;;;;,.,-"':"" . aome nu ... , .•.w~•Y op--llll\I the winner of thal 'will go to Mexico ..... . • . T F an· w . 0' ;· lliiil iiiiii***' ~;t~~~ the WORLD CUp ~ntest in July .! )1enke. B!g b ~l the gam~ in the third . -win. s .. :·,~ in -: y . in, } ~. e,·, , ... -'•rl»er Opens ft•nge , , innlnJ and was.Jlown back to Los Angeles ~ . _. , _: ·1 , W~ BarWf-, ~ pr01at\Mela. • , ..... ..... ..... for ~UUOl)!ll'Y X·~a)is. " · , , r • j ·' ", , ... •U1•• ... ,.. ' . ' v~ "~'-'-'Cllabb ltt '~~ . II LANSING MIG. -Jolm Belll.a"°" "~ won the eontest ~2. I --.ient as a tremendous --'essional o;>l.'IC -'MIAIT u ~years; bukeU>all .COid. tit ' &tidllpn Sia.; f ston leam or1hopedill Harold Be... Whi s v· • . ".l _,~ L • . (> :.W.te. • .. -~==~~with u.r...11111 .... -•..., ..... iu., 1-~id!the •ll!n' appeared to be• . . te OX ISit 'lUlillteun:: -. Co tho-Orqe The .,.-e, with an adjacem . 9-bole . StlDdaJ 81 FAward W. BpuTOJf Hotplllll • ~-Ill ex:, pli=y t~alweek adbelore. ' • , ; '. ' , n...-. 1 ~"a i..rd. ""'dnic::b ·c-"& l• ••·t1 where lie was taken ~ r.:. .. .:aJOn , • ai e.-m e • · . . . ...__,. . ~ lllhJet. '· course, lS at 1501 S. Anaheim Blvd. You follewlaa: a heart attack. . '· • ; r : kllng. play.-ti).,.. and felt , . • !!_~~ ~r J" .goqe ;; take the Katella turnoff from the Santa However • hospital spomm. Nld· ,\it.iiethiog P.>e ln .ttli rrjloulder,. . ft look them a1moo1 a week, '"'11 the pitch fir' the Anttla. · ~ice fir !*t ct lm!t _., beis not' .\!)!,Freeway to get to Anaheim Blvd. Benlng1on n filD v..-y •lable~' .;_i Loo Angelel .laollloqsloo ~am tooight Minn<OOla l'o'lns flnallf wori their first Tommy John; HI, hurb for the While --"'--.._. ._..,......,. I ... ~-de! Good catches of yellowtail a n d ud mted ~onabl S....11 • ' 1' complefe"the tow pme llel'les. , game, and Mwaer B1Hy 14.rtin IJ:ri.he Sox. . ....... , us ~ "'"..... ..__ roOsterfish were recorded by ~ Robert co 1 i •• ': ~. ,I ~ "~.._":"~:.•:",.. ,"°""0! '• ,.,~ '1wouldn't ti,; uprisel:l if we bu8ted wldif '"tbi.1 ,Is a big-hitting clu b -*We Mar. !limns (Balboa), the W. S. Holsteins ..,.. ..,,. lft!. . !. ~ ~ ·d , • 2 • f ';ltlltAI, • rf .. ~ •· • 9.1 ~ b J-: · ' · · · .... f "'; • haven't·tcored more than thttt riiM In f~~ .::? = =·.: (t$iona 'ael Mar) and R. Jact Dalby LA JOLLA -Kathryn ~~ft'·oi ; =': : ! : : : =~'"eta : i ~ f Tue 'tlvlnl, faVored by 11W1Y in,;tM' ~ a em.e until today," M~ said. :"I ·-..,. , (NeWport Beach) on a recent fishing Pnl Brown of the Amer1cl6" P~ --~ " , • ,1 1 lllHtr, • ~ ' ' ' AmerlcBD" ~gµe's , Western 'Dtviik8:,· .,.:ii~ we're 1 ball1d.bti which should the Indianapolis $(f).mlle ' .race lut League Cuictnnatt R-. .II .if •·r:;t· ! '*~· 1• '! . .: ~.· ~lt(~rv •. ~b ' ! ; ; ;, lost their flfst rour prr.:1 ~ ..... , .t. .tba~m ff M~.1 n.... excursion lo La Paz, B.C,, Mexico. ~14u ta-... ~ :.'\. ~ ~.; ''!:'"' .,.~ , • •• bo b ... ....... -&AV· Dalby picked up a pair of marlin, died at Scripps Memorlll r"'trltaj,f~ · l';-r• .c. ";! ~ t:'i.'.:;~"'" et' : : : :> i!'I S~ ~ tt>lrd~t·of ~ \ ., . ,,; , w IS l9I G:e.,~i:.~~a~: ~-llD MIJ~~· .·~ ~, day.1st_tewas59. =., , , ~~r:~a t: :~o.w"'°"., '~~ • t wiUlCallforp1a ,.M. ·~r-':.J... ~,,J 1 t ")I '""&'A"" I Sia n....i....i..,iL· ; .... il,'1t does · • ' .. I .... -.., O._ ..Mn. Brown, virtually bi ---irl!.i ....... ,.f • • • "!' I· '(beAng~wind ·UPJUISm.'lamdti ·"~ "' ~ te . DIA;...,."' -t.irt.1 ~-•11, former Mater • D11 ,. diabetic condition, suff ,.iieiit ilb -,, • 1it f"' • • l ,·~~ stand with a sjna:le game~ · ~· f • , 1 ic., 1;• ""' .. u;c -.La,er.~ ~ 8'14: Ile ood. o'er ·mp-· f1 •.., Ullf•enll)' ti Ula~ lac~ln her sleep late Fri41)'nl&fll IJ1li• . ~. ,f 1-'1' · · , Oilcago .. J\m 'McGIMhlln.. ~14it .i,::;· ,.· •·';0!• • ·' ,u ..,.....i.c Ukethe~_OOQ, W~kpneof = f8!0tblll~1:~~. ~;~~~:::~ '.ahd ' ~~~n!-?~·•.'Ti =-!~17 s, ~f~~o~e~r~J~ay., ~::...;.:! .: ~' . the gnoll·i*idl"1 olll!Olt.:And-11 l/'I• ' · S°'lf'·-.• , ·~-;, "'r • " · · " · , .. \~,~"'" ' a W pitch Into comer, 1oW'~ pi..-. over t&IVC". ·i.. ... ~ ~ • ·•• 1 • ,?'· , '( , , ,. · • 1 • • •• , oU U. elpth :=~~~G6!i; ~ilt ·Has License -~t~; Mlirde:r-~·-Gu~r.in~·:.~ ~~·;~~ * * '* -1 "' • " . · ' • ,.~.. rllht down ... t'' ,· • I, • " •• • , •.: ~, f A....1 ,CY&o. ..... , ~-· )la).;. .... -.-ca!4'a1i .• .. ' ' ~ • . ' ' .J .J.., • \ •~ , •• , ,. I/.~ ~.~ .. _. All 91 a.· 1 ~· .., .. · , ~ Aff'l'~l.Pl ~ ~\IAIA ~ .. ed .. Jll hlm than the four which were ltallidi&om the bdmr·wberi 6e bkdfd inc: ef~rt of S4. poLats. by ·Atlaota'1 J(lt .;.1 . ._ .,;{.,~ CALIPo••1.t • ' Rlolle a... afled•ll'lllU'der. ·dlerged. a sllol flom a driv;•• Zelmo-Beaty onrl Caldwill;.lbefonnerAr-.....--'' ,..., •> • ..., · "'""' ..... lie~; -1'118llftr al .. t.i -.. ,":"'r' , W:f4 ;• 7 I j f 'IOM. rt ~ • I • -.la ._ -.qty· ~ · lllltCMlnlMirln'wbo killed the Hawu .:OJ. ~~n .:..iiw: ~-·~ ~ ~:-.....,..!";.U.• to ~ tho .. ~r.,m .. _-to c1o' ~~ :,-:.,~ --'llC" l':'{ ~~· .. : l : : ~ Jaap-a IDOlt Mletrlirdly effort. in the JeOOnd. CMne CJl thetr beft..of MVen , ... ...,,. I.."':~ ""':'"' · ~. -' · I '2 f lltM:lllrfi, tf ') 1 I 't lllll a py ...... •• T1I , 'J,.tl · -' · I\ ·'"' . . , the ~oilmr _.. they l4ct llMI '"'Fr1-• -~. ~ .-rlbuted the Wiml!ll nienCed. "We illould be ap two PP_ll:" • 1 , t •-" "'~ l • Lasm 8acl •• ., otJll1lic pkt ~..., Wd 1'11 hilW1ame r day night and.tf)4..t<Ji•ot1 Sunctay, just four • ~ dfl 11 llC."Otlds left. He 10ok"'• ATUfflA .... --· ·:~, • ! ~ : e;...=..: •... : meMl ill die dec1dlto. ud hrth u year. poinll but two lull pmes separalinl the pMS '1om West In !ront of Ute buket and • . • " , • -. § .. , 1 1 ~...,.., •, 1 , • ~.a.. -.............. ....... -.. ......__. So, with that cam-·-, the Loa • rivals. lofted a buu--JO.footer. .,...._ • ,.., ' ...,.., • w • ~ ' ' w-r-. c , • ,. 1 vvoupno .._...,.. --& N. •-...... llfl ,,..,._I ...,..T.. HUlhllfl • 14 11 HeWllt • 'j.,j .~ p, • • I llWl11 "" 1 • I -Toomey wu . ..t dDJldertd ~aat6 Angeles LtOn bet4 to At.lJnta with• 1-0 "I think that "'''my be!lt game or lhl • \'I-)\Isl NW lhe alley and headed f o r ... "" • , "" n Olll.......,Mi _.,, 1n T,Httt. , 2 •,. •flOOllll • 1 1 .. , 6er'lns,...MlllM••lallboufkle leadirltheirNaUonalBuketballAllocl ... )'ear."-commented the 7-foot t Cham. ·"'ff./' sakf the ~foot vettran, smallest ... ~Hfnt~ ,~ = ~ :;:. 4 1 ·~• :;. ~:;"1111p11::: ::!·: 1: ~.: LIP1;a1tillde9ef.'. ... ' ~'.~olf ·folf"1he 1~Dlvtston berla1nwtio.,.hadto\akeup ~1~.:uwo1~.u ... ·1~lf yoo play ror 1 1·1 ·•Cwllt. , ,., ,, ..... ,....1.,1 1• ~. , ...... Yettlaa .. -Udtroablettt·~ ... : diltmj>Jon&hlp. w"""bothJ-,-W. estand Elgln"""iot, tbelMlt&tOfthe•-.thechancu are > .. ., 'l'rlfll .. •.'• •!"f t •.M111w., • '' :t,E"""'·"' ''~ 1111:.... . .. ~-" .,..,.. _.,, ~ ........ Dlt'tll I }) I - ; ~ '91 1 t r ! M• t. • -•• Iii -IOt ea--i " LIWlJ' Cha_ mberlain has a UceMe to weru'L hi11'"';;. •• • • • . """''.,. _._ .. kt anlll tt. •: , ,, Tot•11 o 1 .. m T...i.tl: ..-~ * • , ,.. 1• 1 • -""17...t:.:.:..:· -,.... ' 'l. -... _,M , ...... .,...,... A•i.t1•• 21 ··n~9"-m ,."'"' ,,, 1 1t • ,..... • • • ~ .,~ltll..... llll el tit SoaU.. commit muider out there on the Door,'' -1be ·vif c.ur acored 2S JNU1t:1 to lead his . M It •111 Betty bed the final shot and L .. Anoe"" 17 21 w 0 _ "" A •• .,,..,.i ,.,.,.,.. i1nt. ._ ....,._ Cailft.w1 ••&f"I • ., .;' • ·~ decllred' u ·aft111 'Gucrln , Implying th• club'• scortrir and gt1bbed • reboU!ld!. • OllfttW1atn blocked tt. ...~..,..,. -..-. ,.._... .. ftn ........ tUhtlier .. ttle l.eker center should have more foub call· His greatest play Of the night came 11% The d!felt IJ)Ol.Jed t Carter high ICOl'· r~: = ,~::_" .. U. Met'-tt. ~== : : :; : ,, .. • . -'~~ •• ----------------------------------~----------- Bad Guy's Drive Duke Kelly, motion picture "bad guy," tests his driver preparation for Huntington Beach Country Clu b's May 3 celebrity golf tourna- ment, KelJy is the event'.s co-ordiiiator. Huntington Beach mayor ·Al C~n watches the shot. <;:elebs such as Mickey Rooney, Huntz. Hall. J im Backus, Don Ad ams, Max Baer, Edg ar Buchanan and Alan Hale are expected I'! play. rritons Crack Swim Mark In Easter. Invitational Six of seven meet r were broken . Saturday at San Cle ~ High SchooJis fifth annual Easter S)im Relays in an all-out assau1t on ~ • ~filrd books by host San Clemente, setyite and La Quinta.· high schools, ' evenls, getting a record in the 4 x 400 freestyle in 16 :49.0 •. The Trltons used thr~ sopl\Omores -Randy Smithers, Joel Hartmari an~ Corby Lloyd -along With senior ScoU Rtnfro in raCking up the r~d. San 9f!mente too t'9o of the Jinil f·And, San Cletrtente's 4 x 100 free relay ------"""-'-----: "·1qu artet of Srilithers, Jeff Locke, Tim \.i Springer and'Rerifro garnered that event PIRATE ROWERS ina33s. Highlight of the meet was La Quinta's WIN AT REGATTA Gary Feinburg, who turned in a 56.7 anchor leg in the Aztec 's 4 x 100 back vie· tory. SAN DIEGO -Orange Coast College's gwift junior varsity and freshman crews powered their way to a pair <>f im· pressive victories Saturday in the ann ual San Diego Regatta. The Pir-ate varsity didn't compete in the Regatta, which was highlighted by OCC's junior varsity eight. The Bue JV's pogted the day's fastest lime, 6:31, to win their race by more than two boat lengths and 10 seconds over second-place San Diego State. UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego and St. ~fary's fGUowed in that order. Orange Coast's frooh shell won its race In 6:38, nine seconds ahead of San Diego State. unofficial team leaders were La Quin. ta, San Clemente, Servile and Fountain Valley in the 12-school field. V1n;lty 4 ll 400 ltff -I. ~n Citm.ni. (ll. Sml!lter,, Htrtm•n, s. Rtn!ro, C. Llovd) 16:".a. CMffl rtcora1 2. SerYlte J. u Qulnl1 ._ Vtlencll. ~ • 100 bree•I -l. Le Ouin!I 4:27.2 (Mn l r«Wd) 2. S•r1ll11 l. Vel'f!Ci. '· Mortno V•ltl'f, 4 x 200 1 .... -1. ~r<'llt 1:02.J !Mttt ~··1 ' Sin Clem&n1-{81r1, Lloyd, G, Smllhtf'l, LOCll;t ~ Vll•ncl• ~. Lii Quint•. 'x 100 b.tc--l, U Q~lnt1 A:ll.7 CMllel •econl) t Founteln V1llev l, Si n Clsmentt tS11rt .... ,; 8rowM1lfl, Mclrlllln, S.bln) '· \'1ltncl1. ' • 200 lndo medley -1. StrYltt l:SJ.t !MHt ttconl) 2, FO\lnttln V1!~v J. !.In Clerntn!f (Bf'0\191\lon, Relkin, l'~"ley. H1rtt'Nnj '· Val.nt19. ' ll 100 ''" -. Sen C~tnll !R. Srnlthtrl, Locti:•, SorfflOtr, S. Rtntro) l :&l., 2. llfvl!t' :a. v1i.n-cl1 ._ FOU<lteln Vellt y. ' ll 50 tlv -f, LI Qul"l't 2:00.J (tnMI nconO t. Fountain Vt11eY J. V1ltnt.lt ._ ~trvltt. Major League Standings Na tiona1 Learue East DIYU:lon Won Lost Pc:t. GB ChJcago 5 1 .833 Pittsburgh S I .833 St. Lollis 3 3 .SOO 1t1ontreaf 2 4 .311 New York 2 4 .333 Philadelphia 1 5 .167 Wu l DM1ICM1 Atlanta Loo Aqtlea San Oiqo SanFrandlco CtnciMaU Houston 6 1 s ! 3 3 3 3 2 • I S ........ IWlb It. '--Ul1 S. N• Ytrl I CJtie-1, Moi'ltt'MI 6 P~ 6. Pllllld9""'1<t J At1.nl1 1·$, Cl11tln!lltt eJ Siii Ft-IKo S. '¥:' Dltlo l ..,.,.,. J. Los ,.,,.,.. ~ . ...,.. ...... .1157 :: .500 .Jl3 .117 1 1 3 3 4 ! 2\\ 21\ 31\ SI, Leult Cl rl)H ... , .. Montr11r IJttfl'f' .. 11 New Yortt IMcAlldrR ... , 11 fllh11Mlilltllt (l'ryft'ltln .. ,), """' Pl"*""" (VNi. 1.0) el ct>ic-(Hllrltnln 1.cll SM Frtlldtw flolln 0.1) 11 Ck'lclnnttt iMllDlllr Ml, l'liltlt ' LM A,..._ (""""" 0.1) ti ~ ID!lrbr .. ,,, """' ' °"" ................ American Le1pe El1t DJvla\on Boston Ba!Umofe Dclroil New York Washington Cleveland · Kansas City CllHor'Dla Seattle Oakland Chicago 1t11nnesota \Von Lost Pd. 4 I .800 4 2 .U7 3 ' .600 3 3 .500 3 4 .429 0 5 .ooo w .. 1 Division • 1 s 1 ' 1 ' 3 2 ' I 4 .167 ... .600 .500 .400 .200 "'"''" ll-11• be""11 •. Ntw Yort 1 Bel"'"°,_ M. Wllllli111l9ft M II ... ""' J. Cltvtltfld I IC.!1n'81 Cltv A..O, OHl•NI t.J Min-I• $, C•Ulornl9 4 Cllkffe 12 SUtllt 1 T ... r'••-. GB I\ 1 11\ 2 • 8111"'*" !~ll• Ml •t ll6lorl tcur. M 11 .._ bOrt Ml k.11"'" ClfY ttit.-.i M) -' a.ttr. ~ Ml n(tllt ' (fllt8" l.lohll 1'4) II Cellf9ntli. (Mc0-1.., •O, -. 0ni1 NIMS WledW .... AUTHQIU2'ED l'ULL SERVICE ANO PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES Swenson~ Hughes Nab 2nd Title~ Wlll'ITIER -Kris s..._, of Golden West College llld Paul H ...... of 0ranp Coast emerged u the 1,.. lop pu!Cll'lllltl in the Easlem Cont~ awlmmln& llld diving champlcmablps held at Rio - College despite an overw:helJnlng t e am performance by new EC champion •Fullerton Junior College. Swenson and Hughes were two of l h e · three double winners .in the three-day meet which was completed Saturday afternoon -Swenaon sweeping both lJut.. terfly events and Hughes stroktna b1s way f r om behind wltb t" o at1rrlng finishes. A> upeded, Fullerton eully won the team championthlp by more than 200 points with a total of 537. Oran&e Cout was se<:ofl4. with 320 while Santa Ana ed- ged Golden West for lhird, Dl\Wll'I. Swenson completed his dGuble bf whip. ping Pat CU.Ian in the 100 0y Salurday jn the near record time of 54,f. Carolan. who chased Swenson all the way, was clocked in 54.7. Swet)IOO jut miued the meet record of 54.0, but had tbe aatilfec· Uon of "tablilhing lhe ooly new record ill the 11M19 m..t with hill Z:OU ill the :IDO flY Friday. Hu ghes wem for his double in the llSO freestyle after winning the 200 individual medley on the first day Of the !Dffl Fullerton's Chi~ O'Rourk< looked W<e he had th• Utle in the bq with 1-than 100 yards lo go and a hall a pool length margin Over Hughes. However, the Pira&re IWbnmer put on a Lremendous sprint which enabled him to catch and pass O'Rourke by an ann'a length. Hughes was clocked in 11:03.f while O'Rourte wu credited with an 11:04.t . Bru<e Johnafon of Orange Cout also was a wlrmer on theJinal day, paddling his way to a 2:27.9 triumph in. tbe 200 breaststroke. 16H Pall - 1. H1191'ift (DCCI, 1f:O:t.l1 J, O'R1111r1te ti'), 11:04.4; 3. 1'1'1'9111 IF), 11:.U.7: 4. H1rvtr (SA) ll:U D; J. Sd 1ttRll9111r tGWl, 11:57.21 I. MclC1y (SA ), 11:00.t. . lte PRll -flODlrtlOll tCflJ, '9.11 2. ll1lldl (Fl, 502: :l, W.lt.11 (!') 50.t · .. 8!1Mhtt' tf ), Jl.2; s. Atibftellt,lOCC), $1~; '·fit!!~•-fl"), SIA. tot •ACK-I, M. Ntt.ori ISAI, 2:0t.2; 2. Rembelld lc111. 2:12.Jr· :a. MtLaln !Fl, 2,· 1•.21 ~. Plt(OI IOCCJ. :19 '1'; 5 • .Jtlcf'lmorid !Cl), 2:22.; 6. Sh1w IFJ_. 2:22.4. iii IRIAST-1. 8. Johnston (OCC), 2:27.'I': 2. Tll Moulin (fl Inell Dwl,..,_U (JA), 2:2'AI ._ Wl!lltr lU.) 2:2'.l t \.'iTUl'PIU (GW), t:~~' 6. Mtrtll'I CCII, 2:1.\.L t• p .~ -1 s-( w ,U.41 L c1re11n c Al, ll.11 a. m en, S.1.0, .. 1111. ,..11 s. M 11er (RH\, 51.•· 6. ASJIV (Chi, !t.1. J.MITI. tllVIHG -1. Llnfor ICH), :nt.15J 2. Sovlllwt rd CIUO, 321.00; J, h"''" (GW), 2'1.J01 .t,. OemM ·CCI), ..,,101 5. LMM (Fl, :au.«11 6. C- <O&)f1il:'J~Sk1LAY-I. Ful"""" J:•.s1 t. ONMI <~•j• 3:21.S: l. Chtffe'v, 1:27.2: 4. Goltll!l JIJMI, 3:JO .. 5. Senti AM, J:»-11 6. II.lo Hondo, 3: .1. P'IHAL TeAM SCOJl•S -I. Fullttton. W J. 2, O••MI• CMll no: s. Stnt1 AM Hlllo'u ... GolffN Wtst, 2117: S. Cllaff1y, 1141 •• Cltl'vl, 112.11 7. ltll Honcte, '2'/tr I. Ml. SAC, !'1 '· lllvtrtlde, ... , M. ~n 61r,..rdlno, Cl 11, CYlll'IU. 11. Pro Basketball At a Glance ~ r ., ·' .. . " .. ·' .1969 .Auld" ~ ... f?k2 S.W885 Avatl&ble w/AutomatJc Transmts.Pon. .OC.D SIAL USlll CAIS ftNUT SILICnoN OI' USlll Sl'OlT CAU IN SOUTHllN CAUl'OlNIA -'~l"llll'Ll l I i\ 111 ~I Ll l I ~' 3100 WEST COAST HIGoHWAY -NIWPOU IEACH J~rlllfll11 I ~I 111p111 I •, 642·f405 540-17'4 Authotl1o4 MGo e AUSTIN·HIALIY Dooler Authoriztd FllltAll DNltf, Solos • Sorrico i ' Retaru te Eagle1 Gaucllos Lose I . . Beplace8 Lowry_ _Heart-breaker I Brown . To Mesa, 1..0. ' As Estancia Grid .Boss J>i~""Jt: .:.i:." wrZ'. = 87 GLENN WRrl'E .... ...., ........ Plll1 ......,, .. y~ -· f-ll -at Glendalt C11J Collep..bal bo<n Dlmed ~· te bf.tndt Hl&h ScOOOl Pl cllMf Jabil Lawry, the DAILY PIL<71' 1-ned adullftly IOk)', Lawry ntlpe;I earlier 'In 1111 yoer lo -the -·football pool at AnWape Valley lll&b School b\ Lancm«. Brown 11 a lonner uslllant lo Lowf7. U. terYed M llne llld clef""1ve .,_i. at Etlancla ill 1115. But after tbal ....,. be -Jw*r collep rai>D. At ClflUI College In -be wu delemlve llld lfne -· plu.a bead recruiter for two ctmp.tp~ 1 'I'betl he DlO\'td to Glendale. 11 an .-.. lal\t. lie wwked In tbal capacity for oolY. me -then l1opped into the heed coocb'• poeilim lat loll . Hll team poiled a 3-1 conference rec:Ord, llnilblng lourlh. And it produced Stete CUrtls, a junior college AJJ. .American quarterback, plus two aJl.corr ference eeleeUons. Brown bad ooe other All·Am<rican lo hill credl~-<:entu BW Plerlon of Cltrlll. '!be -Ellancia boll. played.football, basbtbaD llld buel!aJI al Temple City Hip School. He ....... aD-leque honorll as a tackle in 1951 and that same year • ---lmpmod ~ ... Ille called "Tha LaOs ~· and tb!IO ----pnlly Wen im!l 11Jl tbl'l• M JWl-'UnlYenlty ·--lo baoUall _t.._Oolllp .. sperkll In-.. Tbe Goo,._ -lo -ilodi llraJlhl Jou ~. "'""""''a l• ttflr"Cni&1 !':.i":.t "::""an!!:. decilf• at b ome 1o .san,1>111o- 1.....,. ill Jlll.,Jn .1•1 bl .... -• ~ teem' aJ1.eob1ereDce .. a tale. Saddleback'I )>ilcbJna atall · bad 11"'1 Heallo ..... "-'"'"bonanfDtbe--'-up • "'"' In live -P!l<r• .l!J ...---•• . -..... . Sa-7'• ...-. but the Gweilol maldnf boncrable mention "' tb1 111t1t -·1 btll their did -Gnr Ptll-All-O>ut Guard teem. . • . 111n11on -led'a Ove-hllttt. I Brown told Ille DAILY PJ!Dl' ~'i. ·--the 1ame'1 GOly nm ln tbt decldod lo 1 ea•,• Uil ~ .-b· Iii'., f'!P of tbe .~ -It loaded the - bllll ocboal -.~,.r.., iw., , "" ~ !Incle and two llelder'• -reuona. . . . ' ·'j. ~. ~then~ In the rµn. J Ffnt, GllndiJo oC ....._,llOm ,llilJ, . -bad MVeral Chanell In three bllh 1Cboo11 -GW*li•HOotw, -; 18 -·s Bob Epolaln llhut lbe Ctwetla ValllJ and , GlmdaJO. 'l(tl ' dolt<' udi time. Jl!M Slubbl hid i. Brown'• lealDI bad lo· 'J>iq 1111 r..o; . --ill Ille llnl, but the .., Anae"' ja-... tblJ ilaft. olcitoolo --_[>Clllllld lU'-from wblcb _to .... taleat:. ..__ ............. 111 • ~(I) Second. Brown calla c>n.a,. Coan.IY .. r I "" •~ r II ~ 1-~•.tt ''the •~ '•ln .~...._,. _, "-• d j I 1 i S~ u ' 1 J 11 uuwau. ~ -""~ .,....,, M .. 1 t I N ...... a 4 I I 4 f team. I W-'-~-.ru.• Cflie. a .. I e t L9r11Mc:ktr, d l I I I or AW ,mswr ~ .. .... lfoMce> 1~ s • • • 1 swwt1t1111. c • • 1 .e Pasadena an anmeft:lful ~ and -~ • 3 I I I Wll119ma, If 1 e I 't P-•·•ena· 11 ~""""'"' •""· ~ tM••,.. bad Cot!Plt. rf ' f I 0 Dlftlnlll,._ II• S't e 'e _..., auuu.• W111i1 ._, -,. Sdlry, a 4 I I I lltle. a A I I t tn tb1I area." ~ c ..... \lldl;, " , ••• COlllM, c • • • • "-'"'""' , .. • • • Reprdinc Elta:ncia't outlook, Brown E ... i.tll. p 3 e e e nmalm cauUoua. "We'll hltt to watt Ul Tet11t » ~ ~ ,..'!:" • • s t after tprfnl practice before I can 11: " • evaluate U. playen," bl 1111: ::..= Miia : : :: : ~ : ; All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUTO CENTER 3 DAYS ONLY. Our tire life · saver special prolongs the life of your tires • SERVICE INCLUDES • ~I WHEEL ALIGNMENT • 4 WHEELS BALANCED• 5 WHEELS ROTATED• EXPERT BRAKE ADJUSTMENT • COMPLETE PIT BOSS INSPECTION Not iust a reline ••• but a complete Rel.iant brake overha.ul for your earl We 11111on new bonded lininga, rebulld oil wheel cylinders, reaurface brake clnnns, bleed and r9fill brake system, Npaclc front wheel bearinga, inltall new front 11- MOls ••• morel • ._ .... Q a :s I , _. 'i'lmolllloa• ••o•fllt "Yolbwalft ad •Dlt alu A111rlcn can 3418 ' ' Free br1b ldfustment for life of lining NEWPORT BEACH (F11hion lsl1nd) I HUNTINGTON B~ACH (Huntington C.ntor) .t 9o%tkg With Arn Id Raimer THE SQUARU TH.E CWBFACE, THE STRAIGHTER TliE SliOT Mcotgoll .. :wlll ..... be ..... C0111iltoncj'iflt..;....,1oy11oe ~ titian shown 11'1 illust1atkin 13. Tho -and bode ol tho band 1 ... • lfftlight 11 ... This ....i1y indicat• a~•clubface tbar w;ll p roG' u.c • ome.ally lttaight •hob, all oihorthlngsbolog....,1. Rangers Wrap Vp Loop CrO'Wn, 3-2 By GLENN WHITE Jobnsoo, who whippet! It Into Of .. Delly Pllf Stiff the net. LONG BEACH ~ The Coan Johnson scored 30 minutes . later on a head shot after the Rangers returned to their Rangers put the ball in play on familiar position of Pacific _J a corner kick. Soccer League c h • Jll p i on But then LoOg Beach cut following a one year's absence IOCl.'e, scoring from a corner from that customary role. boot and a fine ZS.yard shot to · They wrapped up the 1969 make it J..2 with two mimt~ and th . filth .,11 In to play. However, the Rangen crown eir .. e were able to hang on for the the past sil seasom by nJpping win. always toogh Loog Beach, 3-%, In the prelim, A If re.do Sunday afternoon at Heartwell Moran, Andre Comin and Park is thill city. ..., Haoa ·Gustahoa udl,-hw too '!bat,~ coup led witlt goalJ 1'!iDe Norm P'l~ut Riverside's 4-1 u...... o t picked up one. Bellflower, earned ~dwn. 'Ibis Sunday the cb&mpion piomhlp trophy for c o a c b Rangers travel . to Be 11 Brian McCaughey'a charaa. Gardem to.meet Lyilwood in a The Ranger reserves re-2:30 struggl!. 'J'be reterVes mained unbeaten by slamming are idle. Long Beach subs in the prelimin¥>' duel, 7:0, to boolit their season record to 18-0. McCaughey'a forces are 15- 1-2 for league and 21-3-1 for the overall campaign. The Rangers never trailed in the hard-fought contest, building up a 3-G lead, then hanging on against the fast finishing hosts. .,. Owen Gorman's. goal 10 .minutes into hostilities gave ;the Rangers a 1-0 lead unW 1$ ·seconds after lhe start af the 1last half. Then Steve Johnson, ,elevated from the reserves, connected on a 15--yard crack ~t goal after taking a nifty 30- 'Yard pass from Jackie Ogilvie. I The latter had worked the lball down the right wing, then rh;::; ·~:·~to l "t::r::'~":.?" .. l:'sl~,.•i;]w."'• !:::l'l:'J• ' ~: .~..:::: •r.w : 1!1111! v H Clef, St9Dlle!ls0n ~ , ; Wr IN I WI. 8~ 1'· !ft: Trvba tNH def, SCtt.utttn I ... CM'91Wi ... #.-011 1 (I) ........ y'""' ltetol (Cd~d_!J, R.,..lft ~V) n41 f'r-(CclM _,, Wnl IF' ) lll-111 «luewfr CC ) dff. HIMHm !" 7'·151 Ouflfl CCdMl tllf. Fvltoft FV -..:!; C11T'Olt lCclM) drl. ltledllft FV 11.fOi Co¥t (CdMJ WI'. McMlll9n FVI ~"::.,. _,. (17) "" """""" ROMllll" CM 7t. S4 Rlftd1t1 ICM! 76, 2..f. OUn!I ICM! ... 0-S W1lllll!JCMJ :!t N r-.;.~ .. ~'l°•t"' (t) '-- LIM mldllllf: Jim Ji-. T1 (HJ. ~ ...... 11~1'.H.. Jim 0-.. 11, H . ,..rt Sdllllfll 11. J.I. Gymnastics Summaries W•hnl!mlr CUii lDI La WI.._ It--1. R1lston (W) L Cole (Li l l.. Moroflt IL8l Timi: 16. ~ l'lcwM -f, Co .. (LBJ 1. T11 ~" Mcfevl IW) end Codr; CL8 J. Points• 33.2 • Tumblln!I -1, McFllVI IWI 2, S'-' (Lil 3, Hlf'dcat.. (WJ • Points: 17.t. Hlllh bar -I VonW11d (WI !, Jdlruoft IW) 1 Car. IL8), Polnl1: H.I. Floor u -I. Mtf'.ul (Wl L 1-l1rdc.1111!1 {W) 3. 5*per ( 81. Point" 11.!. Side ho<'w -I. Hovlndf (Liil 2, Swrnovr IWJ 1 '"'-rc:lllt (Lii. Polrlh: H.5. P1r1ll1I ban -·I. Cl! .. (Lii/ L lverlOl'I IWJ l. O'NeJll rwJ, Ponti; '" ll fnn -1. Iverson IW1 1. Mau111:111 IWI 3. Everett (WI. Polnt1; 1'.t. c ........ ~ ltn'il (41\'il ...._, Tumbllno -1. P, Wtlci.r CC) 2. Grlttr (C) l. llldr. CCI. Points: U.,. II:--I. J~ CNI 2. Smllh NI J. PttwMMi (N). Ttrno:: •.5. '~ ~Ill -I. ~-CCI I· '· Walder J. lllldl f • Po111lt: 2 -'• Hlah r -I. J. 1ldtr ICI 2. P. W•lder Cl ). Flmtln1 (C), Poll'ltl: 14.0. Fr.t •-1. P, Wtkllr~l 2. F~ "°~I l. Gratf ICI. 1. 1,.2. S hone -. 89dr. j . R11-(N) 1. J. 1t(lff fC). Polni.: I , P1r111r1 bin -I. J . w.iwr (Cl 1. Fttm111, IC) ). #JH (Nl. Polntl: IJ.1 , ll:IM1$ -I, J . W.ider (Cl l· Srnllh (N) l . .llCot.on IN). Pol11ti: I .1. ... ,,........_. 17Sl'll ( .. l\I AlllNll!t ltOPE CLIMI -ll:11iituo1 fW) 1. Ill l.,..r'10l'I (Wl 1nd W1t .... i. (A). T'lrM: 11. LONG HORSE -1. '°'"' IA.I 1. Mc"Ftul (W) J. J. JellRlon (WJ. Palrlh; ""'·•r\ING -I. Piel"* CAI 2. ~~.u WI ). Hlf"OC:Hlll (WI. Polllfl: 16.t. HtGH BAR -J, .klul90ll CW! 1. ~ IA.I 1 V-•ld twl. Polritl: 1'.1. llOE ttoltSE ..-s.vm.,w IWl 2, A'*'-t CAI 1. MovSM111 (WI. l"olfth: IS.!. Fll:EI! EXEltCISE -I. McF.ul (W) 2. PlttfoQ. (A) ). Solfie (A), Polntl: 17.1. PAftALLEl llAlllS -1. ,.,. 1-- IWJ ..... ::'7,.\AI l. T .. ~ IWI "'#1:~. Tfe = ~~ ...., G. Jal'lflloll (W) l.. ~ IW). hlnlu U.t. •• 111-. Apr!I 14, 1'16, DAILY '11.0T n_ Coast Area ,AC es Shine at Chaffey; Area Sports Calendar All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satunloy . AUli m CENEER FOREMOST• P.L.M. WHITEWALLS WITH DEEPER, WIDER TREAD ••• 4ND IOUGH .FULL 4 PLY POLYESTER CORD! 36 MONTH GUARANTEE WITH 18 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT white tubeless Fed. Sia Orig. tax 65().13 ... 23.95 ... 1.81 700.13 ... 25.95 ... 1.92 69.S.14 ... 25.95 •.• 1.95 white tubeless Fed. Size Orig. tax ,73.S.1 4 ..• · 'Il.95 ••• 2.06 77.S.U ... 29.95 ... 2.1~ 77.S.15 ... 29.95 ... 2.21 81.S.15 •.• 31.95 ••• 2.36 82.S.14 ..• 31 .95 ... 2.35 white tubeless Fed. Sin Orig. tax 85.S.14 ••. 33.95 ... 2.56 88S.14 ••• 35.95 ... 2.85 "845-15 ... 33.95 ••. 2.54 NOW ,... ............... ... NOW •25 ., .. ,... ......... Id~ .. NOW •21 plu1 t.cl. Jn •nd olcf tire FRR tiro rotation evtrf 5.000 milesl FREE tire mounting! REE puncjvre repair for Iii. of !Nadl FDIUIOST Tiil IUWllTlE Gurutlt ~ tnol """"t If YoW tir. wurs out <lu~n& the ~t half of the IU1rtntl:e panod, return 1t 'th ~ ·certificate and Will ,.,..._ ~ tire with • hat'JI~ JOU 50% less than t •!lfrl price lnc;/uding F'ldelll Excise Tel If )ICM#' tire wears out•clllrl" tllo ......, hllf, you PIY 25% teu u.n tt. curmit .. 1nnc price lncludina F~ ExciM Ta I ...... 'i9111rt fallrt If we rts>lece the tire dtl'irc the f,.. reptacement period, there Is no chirp; If wt: replace tht tire after the'-'"""""' -IOU P1Y 50% or 25% Mu thin the c:urrent selling price of the ti,. h"ll'.:ludlns 'federal Excise Tax. Co-Un This a:uanintH is void wttett pnsert- 1er ti res MW used an trudlst used for bosiness. or <lriwn OWll' 30,000 miles in one ye1r. ....... ... ,_ ....... ....... --.... pa ................. ...... ,.,.. ............ 1.11 ...... ...,. .............. ,,,,,,,.17 ...... 2 ............. : •••••••• 2W6 ...... • • • • . ;· •• 1 ,. .. .. ' -. -... ·. > •• • • ... .~ .. ' .. .. ' .. ... . . .. ' .. •• .. ' • • .. . • ' -. ' ' • • l 'I ! I --------,---... -- --------. -~-~~-..,._...--------------~~-~--._..,._........---·--·---------- , I DA!LV PILDf lilalldot, 1"' 14, 1 M CLOSE QUARTERS -Four Pacific Catamarans give spectators at Lake Hava· ""City's Nautical Inn a view of close Desert Regatta. Skippers ·of identifiable boats are Ted 1'fosber, l'acilic PaliSades in No. 333. Mike Lyoo, Los Angeles, No. 306; 8Dd ·Ricbard Knof, HUJJtington Beach, 233. Arizonan 'Scores Win In Regatta at liavas·u 2ad ID 68 Serles LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOl'ICE IW'::':PWTMI . . ........ MO'hU W ftlltfll't tA&A S . N . T k flATS--... ,QHWICA.,.., etllNIUftclll . .... fl<::.,, es in.a • ...... ....... ·m·~ _ .. """'_...__,.._ .. ,11 •• ,IMI.. WlSS· avy a OIOC .. ~ = ~u11 _ 'n4t u:o-n,:::~ ~'°IATIOtf :. ';.::' c=. = :::~ Hit CM•• Oil" MAM1 ._ """"" uitftfy ._, It 1• CIDiWcfllli t1 lffllL/.1111, ~· « -~ 11•19 I~ tht ,_.ttlw tlf A It THU It • -'• Ml!llq _. • l' .... 1M·ltliWld. ..... ttl CtlHwlllt. -1.t:Nktllll t,.yD IH- WUJ>OVlk'.I'_. ALICE VICTOk!A 9Mefl. .. C•w-... •.,.~-... fkl.•1-... \lqf~'!'T t;t>WANY, 1 ........ t!M . n . ' p . . R . ; I WLADOVSKT, MICMAI&. A«tHUR ,..... TYNfC lfiW"Mim ........ ,_,,....,., c~. . ' int ace Wl.AOOVllCY, llM • ~' ALl.i$H .. '*Ill ti r.=.-;;-·-... ltt I ,corw.tlofl), If T....... Vlldtr .. ana 0 Wi..AOOYUY, .._ a...il... ....... ;.•)Klt.. "• f°""""'I .., fll '"'91 utc:vlH br JOE I!. , • TIMI .... '°"*" '11 ~ W~. I ... ~NAIV-'WI!!-k.W.::~ MNllCI OIU,,ITH AHO ""'ltY ICAY'OJUfll"ITH. Allct vio.11 w~. ~ Al'l!Ur .. a...t. ..... • ' llwNnf w w1flf .., ,~ J- SwU. 'NaV)', a ,,..., Cal·lt skippered -~ Dlclt Dtavet ol 1Balbca Yacht ~lub, W.'tbe 'oVerall aod aa. D. Wloner 'S"aturd>y In Balhi>a Yacht ' Club'• Dana Ptln£ nee, tbe 1 secOnd feature 'of the 16 Stria. Tbe , ... WU sailed Jn llpt alts and overcast skies. Several ol the skippers and cmn open! the nlcbt at Dana Point but the. majority bad a rlued beat back home ·aru1er power and sail as the wind freshened soon after the race lini&bed. -Final resulla: OVERALL -(I) Swi6S ' W......,_l' Mf .ia-t AllM WIMWikY D•tld: HMfll .25. 1,., 11. "" Iii 1i111r. 1N7 "'" '*' '11 N Dl k Dea · B"C· (I) for -... tf -,_....,. ~ ICOAfl. 1aAt:) Offlc:i.I ..-.."!··;, 0,.,.. ~i... .,,.,, c .•r.r·,..,, HIM Ill ~. -Jt .....,. ""' • CAIUtAIY WIG!S C11.,.,..; ,._' ,.· .... ,. '" ..: lntermeuo, StabiWuuam.-and .... -naot!Oll t111t Ar1'M' ~. :=, ~. ,.. ... ,. .. "' "--< .....,.. ~ Bob SUmph NHYC· ( 3) =:::i. N•~:..i~..::=:;: STAT! (lllll w.wo11ttt1A 1 Ceo'H!lr ti', c.llfoni~. • -..r•t1ot1 Fineaae n. (!~. Yul~ ' Pbll ~-fllM :-.. ·.::':;~, .... '°"~"'.l:."' ... L°' #.NO~ew:..~ A.D ~~,~~J*':' .:.:. .:.~: ~-. --...... Ml,j; .... • '"""' ,,,..._.., hit. 'E"flllltVttt' Morgan, ~c. · uoo. At:tc-e vKTOtl•A t.Aoo· .... fw~~·..wi--:.i .::~.: ••i,.__., •~>Ill',_,., ni. CLW A-'(~ Intermezzo· MICMAIL ARTHUR LADO .... JAMEi .......... GI--. ~,r --to llrHCll ,,, c:tt1oll11 flblf .. ttoM ~I/Nd • All.Elf U.00, -fl ti* tlMi .,..klellt'tlf fM '*'"rlf!Oft Ille,.,, notlao ., wtildl -riUnllf (2) Salacia, om Cortett. """"· ,,,.,..,.,., " 11 11erw, .,.,_ ""' tllaeuttd .,. wt111111 1rw1r-1 '" o.c.mo.r .n.. !Ha.. ii'! ._ em. NHYC· (3) Prelude Jbn ~.:"".:rt.':"',.'".:::-~ MlllW., t11e eoo"'et1o11 """111 1111111d, '"'" 413. « ¥• Offli:1•1 ,1tt«fdl, ' ' (..wt Ill 0..,,.._. J .. flt'! 111111 ~1-...s '9 IM lllet IUCfl ,llllb" lArld 1-fl'llel\I °""""l'' I Linderman. BYC. M> ., ~ IM el •i» ;'dMlr A..J4,, °"""'llOfl -.mi11d fM .. ,.,.. eol'Hltllon • wUI llffl •I .,..,r.I( ,•l.ldlon ~ ••• B (I) F•-·-U ' 'tMw _,.. t111 WITNIEU fl'll' "-NI' end .. ,L 19 tlJe l!lflleel bld.l.r trr C11111.. ..... ,., .. ....~ -~ ; " =.'1---:... ~ .,t1::,_ .,;.Id (OFFICIAL SEAL) rn """"'I n'IOllfY .,, ,,., ·Ualtef $t1tff (2) Sl.nderllng, Mottle Kirk ::'lie • ......._ I!-'-""' 11 ""' tlnw 'If •"'" '!W1lflooJt 'farr1ntt (Bye) L n~ ~• (BCYC), It i. fllr"*' 0,...,.. 1f1ff 1 ~ No11ry "vtllk: • C.lllW11l1 ". fo mi.. ~1loli ., ~•llOM• • UVU .-uwt , fll ll ONtt lie ........... In ttll ,,llKINI Offla In !'i; lnM'"1 -~ 9lil -lletd (3) Vantage. Bob Truesdell, oiu.':loe COo'IT OAILY "ll.OT, • 1uHN1 t'!' .. ":r:. c.unt1 t:' .:If.~::::~ ..:i:!i ~~: VYC ---Ill' ...,..., ctrali.tlln, .r!fllM ""'""' • • 1111"'-1 t.i tt11 CITY -' ea.ta' MfM • lfl lllcl ~. " -.r ... Md! -• • ,. __ ...;·\,._ • • CLASS C-(I) Brava Jack-. tor ,_ '""'"'rw WNll• ..,...,. •••, •.;,c. ~ -·~ ... 1""'""' ,,,. " c•u"'11i. ' tit Ille -.Ver Nkl '*rlill · ... WI ..... _.,. • ...,..It, Hogan NHYC· (2) Impetuous t>t• 11111 Ult! ci.r o1 M.~ NJ a..~ C8lllr*,.. Lit ".llf tr.a ~. 4JU. as 'llOWn • • YC · ( >' ltl'l"l'Oflll ~ • ! . am« ... I ,.... ~ In IOllk lft. Chuck Glasgow, B , 3 ,.,..1111,. Jlllllt ''*letlld .. Qfl,... c.ur 0.111 P1101, ..,.. :n, M. 31 •nd n ., M11oe111n_,, Falcon Robert s-u" BYC " .. w Sia-1'191' C.Urt AJwll '· 1S. !l, • '!." • "°"' I M.tH. ,_nil " or ...... COllnt)', ' .... ...., • 5'14«' C1"'°'nJ1. ,.. CLASS D -(l) Swiss ca101te11t 1AW111:11:1111 LEGAL NOTICE · ffol' ltMI "~or , .. ,.,.. Gt111t111ro.,. Navy; (2) Volante II, Mike ~11114...!,..-Clllfilrlll,,.. ·-=:, ':.a"u: .,*::1";,u~:!: Hirsh BYC· (3) Helena Vince·,.,..,.... . ..,..,....._. ...._ · ~i. tr '""' llllder tM term. °' I ' •~ ' SL F, YC ' "ubllllhlll Or•-c:..at D•llf' ·,.1111. C••Ttl•ICATI Of" IUJ1"111 uld dMd, ''"-' fller-'"" n.i,'<lf.n. t W . t .ft.I l-igO • II 14. ti JI lMt • UMt lltCTt'l'IOUI MAM• tn Ul'IHkl •rlnc:il>lt af th• !!Ole m:urW . asn Mon... (ll ·Doi""'' .. Milt -'· • • 'Tiie ur.dlrtt!ilf>9d' diet certify "' .. tl'f Mld .... Wltll lnler"tsl th•r- n.E' -I"'...., COl!dlJdlnt I lllltlnMI 11 :116'5 Fortin lrM'I Ju"' 1, 1MI 11 Ill Mfd l'IOtl Allloot VYC· ( 2) Su· LEGAL NarICE 1tClld, LQllllll N1t119t, c:111111m11. unMr _. tw 11w •""'1111c1. N. I . . D ""•flctltlova fl"" -" CAllOL.IN! 0.... ... di t7.1tff lco as quaclous, Crag " 0 u g ltOtlC• °' INUILll,.., SAUi • SON OEVIELOl'MBIT COM .. ANY ~ IANKl!AS LANO Rastello LBYC · (3) Twist II, un1tN s11,_ Flclellty ....i °""''""' ""' flld fl"" Is cmlPOMcl ., tt11 INV!STMINT ~ANY, ' ' NHYC •••m-""''' \.. Wlrlwlns ~ Wllon n•m• 11 ftlu ., «lfJIOl'•ltOl'I . Andrew Morthand . ComP1nr. "~· "' "· '" W •*-" 91 Nlllllricl 11 11 followt: Oor!Ml'fy ""'*-1tv)q1ment .They Sailed ;;;iii;iii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; °' ........ "" •· c.v1 .. °"""""'" "°· """' ~. Jr .. ·1or1 ••I•. Ll•\INI COll'IPllly, • _.,.,..oenJ fl ..... B.adi, omor...11. Tn.i1tee ,, Ylrlue ot In llllCVTIOfl IUl/8CI Oii D•ttd Mlrcfl 11. 1Ht. ., 'H•rold G"""' $ ,A\lrdl, 1Mt tw Ille MunlclNI court, John C1rol1M Jr .. ~ k, ' vl(ia " ~ Lot ........ lff Ju1lld1I Dlllrld, C.Unty STAT!: O, CALIFOitNtA.. ) ;;s.,nc, r~ Yachts In Los Angeles Yacht 9 o1 1.os Ant•l!I. s111a ti' c1111orr111. o11:ANG!: couNTY 1 " ,.utin&lled Or•M• cour 0111., '"n"'. Club's San Nicolas Island race 0 :1::TE•D ''1T~~s 11t11eF,~E~~rv ,.~N~ Ori Mal"UI 11, :!• ~re kl '":t.1a' AJlrll 1, 14 21. JHt m.., "took an alternate route" Fri· GUARANTY COMPANY, • c:orW•tlon !~=.1;1111~~ JOlln C::ou111 •• tr'. · LEGAL NOT!""' N dee, __ ... •• 11/dtmirnl credl1or ltld "''"" lulOWll to m1 t11 M· Ille Hrson · Wllolt -"-1:1 day when t b t avy Ull~ 8AFECCJ PH1LLI, L DAVIS. ll!TTY Ill. DAVIS IMWll 11 sublullled .. 1'M Within "'":1-----~-~~---the island off limits due to a •• ludtlMlll dl!btl>rs. WwlWl"9 ' Mt str11mt111 w ~ 111 uecu1~ T-41nc IN-uR NCE i.1t1"G ., Sl.i.1.• act11111Y ,..,. "' 111e urn11. ttoT1c• to c11:101-ro.s planned rocket shot. g A Mkl ll!dtmenl Ofl "" ui. .. tt....,. (OFFICIAL SEAL) su .. 1•1011 COUltT 01' Tltl ITATl Instead of sallin~ around for specie! 111111na of .. w ueeu11ori. 1 "'" ,.., 11:o11ert w. l'•1neM ol" cAL•l"o1tN1A f'o11: •--NI··•-'-!-~ •acb"'" _., en "'* ,....,,,, t1ti. ind 1r!tWwt Not•rY 1\!Mlc THI' COUNTY OI" OlllAJMIE >MW l.V&a u ....... ./ WJ • ot .. Id ludtm•rtl tltbfOn il'I ttlf ~ Sl1" of CllHOt'ltll Na. A~ Were di._.._ .. ---·-.1 S--'· GOOD STUDENT Ill 11111 COl/nty " Or-..... -' ,rtnc1it•I <>Hl~ 111 Es111e " LORETTA M. Ill.OCHA. 113"~ .. l,IUUU .. ,,.. C•llfllml1, delcrlbMI •• folla:Wt: a-CO...nb' ~ •• Barbara and·Catallii.a islands. DISCOUNTS on Ltl lo " Tr•d No. 1m '"·Ill• M ... camm1u1an l!:qlres NOTJCE ts HEREllY GIVEN to 11111 ~--· B "·-Chv of CoJ11 Me5'• COIHltr 111' QnlllMi, A111. J), Jfn crtctHG<t of the tlloY• Mmtd decedent Overall and .... ~ Jl<llr I St"' of c1111wnl1, '' "' """ ~ ltOlll.T w, "lllfADO. •TTOltNIY INr 111 "'-h1v1111 clllm• "''M' dicap winner was W. your Fami y 1n 8ooll: 1cw. -•I af Mlsce!llMout; '" o... Drtwe. 1.n.. 1• .,,. uict c1rc.dent ,,, reciu1r111 ta 111. I n. ~. lft llw offlot .t tlle Clunfr ,....,,. .._.., C........ nMI ttltrn. WOii tri. Mc:elNl'J' ~. 111 Goodley'• Dlkar from De ni;y Auto Insurance lllea:ird9r., .. f<d Counll'. '"' (JMJ .. I.. "" office af "" clffll: ., fhl ·~ Yacht Club. Tott1111r Wllll •M '•"' tl1W111'r -111o """""'*'· or11111 •c..t ei.11v f!Uol, ffllJlllcl court, ., to ''""'' tlMlm, wlt'-hnetntntt. Mre<:ill111W1tt '"' .... Mir~ II Ind.,.," 7, 14, 21, "* ~ !ht llKOIMry YO!ldltt1. Ill lh• II,.. 1be final results: J1Urr-~ ttilreurrto blio.IM or ln ' dlr•ltlnod If lfll llfflco of SOEHLEA: LAKE °'VASU ~!TY -W'--· of ••· Ho"'· Cat OVEBALL-(I) Dakar·, (2) ·•nYWlll "'""''"'"'· LEGAL NOTICE " OWYElt, Attorneys, 12.50 Wlh.hl•• un °..,... UR: '!Ml' NOTICE IS HEltllY GIVEN tlltl llOl/ltv•r4, Suite SO$, LOI Allloles, Pat Carriker, 21, of Phoenix, Class w8a JOt Neale ot ·San Cygnus, Emit Chipman, on • ,,... ... 1Mt, 1t tt:ot o'clock A.M. •·Din c1111orn11 ·to011, Wiiiett '• ,.,. •Hie• Saµ~ Diegans Winners .of Collegians E J k II Ml ln Lobby, ClllrtllOllM, 10I "Wtsl el Ml"'H el lfll WldlnJ1IMICI \r\_1._ Ariz., ghosted his Pacific Diego. Ted · Headrick.son of San Diego State sailing skip-LBYC ; (3) sperance, ac etehlfl strHt, Cftol' ,,, Sin!• A111, COllnlY c11T•l~_!A.,,.'•.:F =~14111 tr1111w-s . Pll'l•lntn• 19 "" 911119 "' Catamaran.-· t•· fiinlsh r---•·1"-r•'u· filth. pers -•~• •~ Paclllc r--·t "L1"nklater BCYC · (4) "'°"'"''' stet.i f1f c1111om1 .. 1 w111 "'' Mid dtacl9111, wlthlll flu!''"'°""'* aner ..,,._,. ire '-"' .. uc !1Ul ~ "'"' ~ ' ' 1111 et Mlle WdlOll ta h tllelled TM unffnllned do ar!'ff'f ~ ''' llM! firs! PUbllcatlon of !hi• l\Ollc:e. line J....ri .... for all the world Tbe Sni .,... __ drew .............. cbamplonahip to their JM& na~ BlaCkfin, Ken De Meuse, St WdOlr tor ctt11 111 "w11;1 ""'*' of conc1uc11n1 • Min ... 11 1•171 H•rbor oettd ...,..11 , 1Ht ~ pe .... _ ......... -tlonal laurels Sunday "" FYC·, (5) su-•-·r, Ed .... u't.1"4 Sl9tW. 111 .... r11111. tit .. IDllllYlrd, FOllnt•1n V1lltv. C1llforn1.. UNITED CALIFORNIA IANIC, like a study in still life Sunday Southland veterans, includi:ac oq uuuwin: _, · ~ ·., u1c1 ludllMllt .....,.. under 11141 flctlllolll firm n1mo " PIZZA , .c.1a.,n11 ear-.11on to win the 1969 edition of the ..m-Tom Nute _, l!'A-t.... .. .i .... out five ~ ICboo1s Sundberg, eve. Ill the lbollto MK•lbld proMtfy, et' "Al.ACE arid lfllf Mid flNn " ~ .... : J. L Nlllrnl11o .. ....._ UI. QCUI -..W:i'.! CLASS A (I) Blac--IO mud! ......., • """ .. '*-'"' af 1111 followl"' -\lof'6tl l\tmft """''"' Vice PNtkMl'lt• Desert Regatta here. Diego, •Robert Maw, San in wr: Pacific Cout lo-. -a.f.lll ; 19 ""llfY .,,.. -"''°"' wlfll , -"" In 11111 1M Pl•~ " resldlnCI "' ExoMor of""' wur It Was Only a poor ---· ...... _)Dan -.. ~ N ·--"-~a·A ..!..--...:-·"'-al (2) n..-Walter n-" LAYC· lnhrllt •ntl -"· ... follo'ft: . . . of.""' lbaYI ........ .....,, ita,.VQU ... "'6u, -Cl~~. ewport. ~\.;VUIC K: UlO.fQ ............. r ..,...... ~ • Oltllll" .. .,,. ""*· C1Ufonll1, "''"·,· Alfred "· L ... 1n32 W11tciclurt Drlv., IOINLRlt • DWYllt place showing for Carriker, ~ John Verba. Woodland Balboa acht Club. (3) Baruna, John Mcintyre, ittt. L.IM, Hur1tNtcin MKll, c.u"""'"· u• wtlNllnl .,.,,.... ..... ., but his two first places on nn1-_ .. Jell r -1.A_. "--'lbe series wu sailed In LBYC Bob Pciley J1mes A. M~•kk. llOU f: " H•l'•· J7~~119' .._ AliNM. C•llfwllll "'" 'Jlll.QI, -&.eWJaJ",, li1&il • Dakar (I) ••-'IH · l.11141• untlnP:in 811 >'-1 '· Teh (flSJ 411<11'4 -Satu d had ·•~··"" -"-·" DJ -Fl"'•• Juru·o-Skippers Ed CLASS B (I) · ..,_ John c1e 11 H•yw ,....., OMw•Mr r ay ... _, UliJl;.I,. ego. .,..,. .... -• Colll'lly •Or•"'•• C•llfonll• L1111, Huntlntloti euc11, c.r11om11. A"'""",., ax..., ed the title for him and his s· local Butler and Tom McLaughlin, ey-1•; (3) Esperance. ly c. A. lt1M1H. Dorll JI/Ill .... ~ Ht'f9 tlm lfd• "lltllllllld or...... CMd D•llf' "U~I. 11ggest r~sentation ° .. -) "·-..... and Allociatu o-tr ...... ,..,. &.-HW11111111111 · ... cfl. c11tt. ""rt1 1. 14, ,,, :it, '"' ...., crew, I~year old rich Car· t the tta in the the l&JTlfl pair who won the na-CLAS.SC - (1 ,;ru.ui&llwner; AttDir11:10M. McPMA•uN • COHNlll ,,,,11. • riker, bis brother. On SaWr-a. rega was p. tional honors last year, led the (2) PeTicus, Wright &'Wyman, INSURANCE ~· 1n• D•""' M1rt11 • 1"' LEGAL NOTICE Cat Class. Orana:e County T 1 J •n w11t S111t11 1trwt Johr1 ,. 11 HI~.• day, Carriker's cnw was his k. M San Dlegans to the cham-LAYC; (3) orto a, amts .._ ~ Cdfwlil "'17 Dori. J\1119 •II tt•n NOTICR 10 ,., 0 ., 0 ., . T s lppen were Owen inney, ·A--\.: II the r· I eow· CBYC ,.aeltlt..,.. ... ,..... ··-.II HI.-. If.year old sister, erry. Ni k St I N rt B h Plvu;,uip as we as ina 1e, • 474 E. 17th St. '"ubtlalled o..._ CNsl D•flr l'llot. Alfrt11 F. L,. su,.R11oa COUltT ol" TN• Bob nA\.-of Redondo c ee e, ewpo eac : races of the Southern Series CLASS D -(1) Windswift, Aitr11 1, 14. 21. "" "'' stAT l!l °" tALIF01tNIA •TATI o" tAL1f011:Nr.1.· l'Oll --Tom Om9hundra, Costa Mesa ; I Tunbe CYC (I) . COSTA MESA COUNTY OF OltANGE J n TlfR (OUlfT'( 01' OIU.JMI Beach was the winner of the Ted M Balbca 11 d sailed on Saturday. Kar rg, : 11------------i 011 M•rctt 21• 1MJ, liefer• r11e, , No. Mt1'4 fi i il..tft;,.,. 'A" but hi omoe:, s an : Tlv ti Stan .. _ .. A_ftn ABYC· 642 6500 LEGAL NOTICE ~rv ""*lie 1n ,._,.for t11• sttte, E1111, d OILIA e. ltl!!ICH.,~. Ina ..... ""'II ma.ua, 5 R. Paul Allen, Dana Point; But a quartet of Orange 0 ' AUUll:l,,., ' • • ..,...,.,,,"' ,_,..,. ALlll:ED "· LEE. NOTtcE 15 Hl!!REev 01vEN 10 IM third and fourth place flniahes· Doug Mat•·-, Orange ·. Mi.ke Coast College s)tippers were 1~(3~)~0d~in~, J:a~m~es~P~ar~ks~, ~CY~C~·~;;~~~~~~~~~~1.--;;;;;;i•~-u~'S"~;;~::;-1•oss 111 11 HAYE, JOHN o. 11 M.lYE, cN(Jl1'orl ·lll' ""' a11ove "'"'" deCldtflt S •• ~. •·pt ~-f ~ h ClltTll'ICATW 01' CO•l'OlATJOtt W DOltlS JUNE M la HAYE known ltoil •ti •'"'°"' hlYlnll C .. llM "'11111 on ar.w.way -uuu rom Reed, San Clemente; Richard the overall winners of t e M+11111 n l DO&N• ·sus1M1t1· Ut1••• "-·•·Iii tt11 -..._ _ 1t1e Mid dtcocltnt ,,. .._1NC1 10 111e winnioa the McCuUocb Trophy Knof, H•rnH .. ~ .... Beach·, Alex Southern Series, despit e l'ICTITIO\is· MAMR •.r• ""*""' to ""· """""' '""'-' ""'"· w1111 t1M1 l'llCtsMrv ~. 111 for tbe fourth time. _..........,u finishing second behind San Now PoSSJ."bil.e'I1o Shrink .!:~~"J.1~":!, ~~:"~~ =--· •dcl'llWllTlllll ....... UIQI"" "" ~1c:..::. :::-.. c~ =.,, ·= The -H ... turned t 133 Laird, Corey Myer Jr., Corona o · St t . Sat day's • wll llull-,, ... flllh• leJIM IOfFICIAL'llEAL) !tit' lllCHMIY YDU<her's, " the ...... rta•-OU del Mar; and Wilson Snyder, 1ego a e in ur N.....,rt •••di. C111torn11i under ~ J1~J111• J. ~ dlrsllned 11 LELIA A. Aeeon, Cl• "trailer-aallon" who hauled Ne-Beach . finale. The OCC skippers were Painful· Bemorrhm"ds fld1t1cM firm IMllM ., vi.NCI ;.,.1 Ncit1n ,ir1111c-C11ttw~1· 1-11rwoo11. Soden &-Adk~. A"'°"1111'1 th · -n fro -~~·all ~· Joh •-· T B" ii IM,011.TS lfld lhaf tlll 111rn11 Ill' utd COU'llf'tl 111' Or-•f Lew, iSO NtWitOrt Cenhr Orlw. ell' ........ m vuw Y n .,.,;1uJP, om 1.sse , carpo,,tlol'I 11111 ft• .. ~incl'"'' •Ila 91 Ml'-'•"" .,1rn SulM 41, ..._,, IHC:ll, c.111en111, ev--i...t of. the MmNIS t.. 011IER SKIPPERS Henry Pa"'··-and Peter Con-.a._~ p _.. ='ft.-Ja.-1.! ...... _. • " fo11aw1 · Mlrcti '· lm Wllldl 1t "" 111ce ., ou.11111.1 ., 111o _, ...--.-~ ~ • • K...u ~ 1Wiij1UJ AllllllJITllDI'. Wa!CAiNAsY WJas' 1405 s.m. Mlnltl JOlflf VltTUI ul'ld1 ... l111H '" •II '"""'" Hrt11n1,.. cOmpete in the t b r.e •race Orange County Hobie Cat nelly. · ReJi D...'-la "'-~-' Miil llni. """'1u' Clllfort1ll .1ttw111 ... .i t.ew 1o 111e .. ,.,. ., ""-·llecMtnt, wm.r~ series skippers were Dick Bar-In Saturday's wi"ndup ol the eve.--..._ ~ 01,..d. Mlrdl 25 1;., u11 Wftfcl" Drlw. S•ll• • rocrr mon1111 1ftl!r !he t1r11 ""''g"'I°" • ICOlt; SEAL} ' N.-t a-11,. C1'"9r11I• nu• rll 11111 riotlct. • TWOCU&m 1· . zmorgun!' ~~~~ P:~Alpte~ Southern Serles San Di~go NIW''!.t. .. ~~Oll.:J?!..:~ t!_~1!!._fJml4Mmonlaoids . ~fu~~YS:~nl .!~,','""', .... o':!i!,-:'1~°''' 0,1*' ,.1iot. O•""'L,~i!~.'~J.o"J· 1111 P.C.ta werii lit into ; a State scored 26 points against enee .. u .i.~ • --.--. Pr"f<d"'' """ ....... ••• IMt &SM' xecu1r111 ., "'' e111t. ' •P tenon, Dana Point; Sandy 26 for occ and 38 for third wftll tbe aJrllltJ', la~ w 'nltwntls~P. stArE 0, c.1L1Fo11:NtA 1 « tr11 •bove lltmtd doeldtnt two clules. ~ claues Banks, Dana Point; Don place USC. -to prompUJ' atop 1tcld!l-C• 'I'llere'• •• otller f•nav.Ia couNTv OF LOS ANGELE& J 1s Ao LEGAL NOTICE :=;~ ... "AA•-were the revo~..,. Walton, Ne-rt Beach·, Ted -" ... -~--·-~",-~. ltteitlPnpantloall1.l10 on ttiis ""' .... of""'''"' · · "'........., C.IW ., ..... ··~ d \ · h p ·r "" --~ _._ 1Ht, blloro. rnt, 1 Not1rv "lllltrc ln ,.4*4 Stn. U4 ·-Hobie Cata, OUtrig-Hendr1-1 ••. n, Corona de! Mar·, Secon Pace in t e ac1 1c )lemorrboicll. 1ootla11 irritated t iU1111 an4 '"" w $•Id C011t11Y '"" s11tt, P01"1on1ur ci•Ttl'tc:ATI 0 .. •utiNiss --,_, , -Sn! --• 1n•··•·•--~ C t championship series '-~ -....1 ..... A.. "-'--~--..6.l-•PfllHN(J G1"",.. s.,.._111 known 10 l'ICT1T101t1 NAMR · " 11 gen, pes.,... --~· Pete Siracusa, N e w p o r t oas 1\lstl "'' -~ ~.EVTwu. -llUM'9 "'-._...,......_ me to tat the ,,...1den1 ot ""' cor111or111on '"' unff.-.tqnlll doe• r!'rtl"" ..., 1~ !"'--= (n.,.•1 .... 1111 Slturday's two races were B h J h H went to USC with All· tncusa:ft.rc:19ttw!dlermtlJ' laolataat:•r••Pf01ltorr lh•t •xtcVtoct"" w111i111 tns1n.imtnt Oii col'ldvdlt11, llul'-t ,1 MDO w. co.st.. .... ~xrow1r1x ··""" In _A .. --te 16-12 mile eac ; o n ogan. Dana American C1Jllegiate skippers -tt-.1"'• .... , .. actual l'lllv.ctSID form. btll1lf of 11141 eor,..,,1on tr11,.1" nl!MCI. HltPiw•v. Ntwitart 1 .. c11. c111fornl•, A "nu:'~~ 21°'!"':,.,c°'" D11tr ~1101, ~ ~· Point; Rod Primack, Dana ......, ... _......, •nd •rtMwl«llld to mt 11111 aucti tinder ""' 11c1111out firm n11111 ., THE • • · ••• W• per hour breezes wbicb re-pOIJI· t·, Di"ck Wandrocke, Di"ck Argyle Campbell and Tim cor11a•1t1on •XICl/fld 111e 11m•. HAlllOlt MAil. •N !flat nlll nrm lned •--~· ••-· ...... •t the H -,·rd 1·n the cbam · WITNESS"' ... "-""'"" -L 11 com-.ct Ill' tt11 •11ewr,. ",_· LEGAL NOTICE Jna _....., .... """6...... Neyenhuiii and Carl Wooc}. ogan. '" · -coF,1c1AL sEALI wllMI "•"" r" tu111n11 Piiat ti' ,..hlenc•J------------day. But on Sunday the lake N Be ch pionship series was OCC. e-llltth111 1," folklwt: Jt0Ttc1t TO c•ioiTU:s ~. llal milk lat-mansee, ewport a ; Ben I th YOUR OWN BUSINESS N<1111·v "l/bllc . t111fer"1' ••~ L. "r'wl'lf, »I Wntmlnslltr st1,.1t1tto11: cou•T OLll TH• .,,.as U 81 on a p Miller, Laann.:r. Beach·, Sharon School1 competing or e . ,.,.111C11Mt Ortlcl rn Ave., NN"°" ... ch. c,111, stATR OI' CALll"OltlflA "ott •-A-.11-... A'-1ppers ~ -•--p ifi C t Ch I nsh1·p Lii """let C01111f'r 011od Merefl ••IHI' .er auu llUIC...,, UN......... Alter, Laguri'l'Beaeh; Robert ac IC oas amp 0 IUCIRNI c. 11•CN IN 1111'11 l . YOU7-THI COUNTY 01' DUHi )roilad under a tO«tree I.em-McFarland, Ne-M Beach·, were San Diego State, OCC, . · · • I A'-t sTATe o, CALll"ORNIA. E•t•i. " ,:it •• ..,,..v•••TE • ...,. lure Winds n t -~· ucr u · it or s '·-·ng Pof•.a:... s..... 11M o•ANOIE couNTY: ~ ..... .pera • • were so a Joey Johns La Be ch USC, , ruvers Y an '9llll All• ._ w11P1rr1 ..., .. w1n1 0n M1re11 21 1,.. .,. m .. , 1C£CHN11!, o.cultd. '""·t tbe race tor three clasaes on. guna a ; Piego and UCLA. .... ...... Ila, Cellllrlll• ,.. Nol•rv "ubllc ~ and0 fol' 11111 SllM, NOTICE IS HEltESY GIVEN "' Ille ....,... Wayne Schafer, Capistrano U llnilf d tm« .,.,_,11i... '"""" 1t11p11 L. YOUM credlforl o1 "" •llDYW ~•mH •Cld•n1 cOuJd not finish the 18-mUe Beach; Geoffrey Prindle, San-Eliminations for the national n e "ubt!i.hed Or11111 Coa1I Dlllr "llol, knewl'I 19 mt to bl the lll'$otl w11DH th1t Ill Pll'Mfll lllvl,.. cl•lmf 111ln1t · within the Ume limit ill Aprlt 7, U, 21, :It, lH' 651 .. J n•rnt It IUbtcrlbld to fh9 w1111r11 111-trll ••Id dtcldenf ,,.. tte111frN to till ·course • ta Ana; Emrys BI a ck, collegiate championships w •lr'llment •l'ld •cJ1:110WJMsN h• uKllled 11111n. w1111 111e ·111t-rv wouctter1, 111 ::~ Tbe· P-Cats bad 5t entries, N t Be h Ea i v· k be held "1n M'·s·1on Bay Apr1·1 We offer "'' ''""· the effi(1! ol lh• clerk ol file ebove ewpor ac ; r IC ers, "' LEGAL NOTICE (Olflcl•I su11 enlttlrd c.ourr. er to pr111111 ni"", wflh 1dividtd eQually between Dana Point; Jofln Robertson. 26-~7. The top two teams will ' M•rv ic:. Htnrt 111e M«UITY YOUdltrs. tt tt11 11r1o ~classes A " B. The relatively Capistrano Beach.· n 0 n n a go lo the nationals "'hich will f1'nanc'1al •ss1'Sfl"'e ,~1u Not•rv ,. .... ,re. c1~forri11 a.,.,1,ned •' 1t1e ett1ce o1 1111 AttomtY• Hob. Cat 1·-bad 42 .. ·~ tlltTll"IC.ITI 01" •vt11t•ss "rlMINI Drfra In "''""""· Tleketltitt IM Jollntlol!, n7 ·new It ·-en--Johnston, Newport Beach·, beheldin SeattleinJune. ,, 1 Chi •11 1 • s u · t ,1cTITt0us .. 11lMttAM• Or•llffCallntr wu1 71h Strff!, Sult• Number 1100. Jries on Uri at;arting line. Next weekend USC and R•i11 ''"ti• eaer•u n1nl ••II y1ur n1m1. m1 •nvt1 · THEUNO!RSltiNl!0.,..111!..W-11· MYCefnmlnlln i!Qll•• Jloose~tll S1111c11.,.-, LOI An1el•1, __ ....... , .. '«!: ............ II Van Bagley, Newport Beach; '"'"'· c.111, ... tr1inin9 ,t .. r1111. W1r1't Interfere with pr111r1t ,, lhll "' I• col'lllucH119 • o.nera• Nov. ·M. 1"2 C11!1<>r11!1 llOll11. Whf<ll II "-PllC11 -,UICJ-.: ·1:--UI ..... a-> Rick Taylor, Costa Mes8 ; Stanford will compete in the 1ccup1tion. (onlr1dln1 bUtlMlt II 171! w C9"1dl!I Pub!~ Or11111 CO.st O•llY "llol, af tlti1ln1u ol' the lllldtrsle!Wd In Ill '--·-~i-~ and 1 11 Malibu Mik John F. Ken··•·· Memor·ial ND THIS D POI NU llOCHU-,.1., ""'' ""'· ciilfor1111 . .;ncrer 1t1e Mem. 11 •nd ,...1111. u. 21. '"' 6M># n1111e,. Nr111111n1 • t11e 1s111e ot .imer-t G r i f f e n , Huntington '"""J' SI A nctittoii. fl"" "'1'1'11 ., 11:.c.M. CON· · n1• ~"'· w11111n tou.. """' .. ''"' :~&bi.Aritrandbis Harbour. Regatta an Annapolis, Md. Universal Chfnch• lrffde" !,;.'!.suc~ONt1111Mfol'=.:'" .. '::.11..: LEGAL NOO'ICE tr11 ~r;:.;u:i,~'~,~~'* noflca. :!.,,e m'l'F J ......... --..i m· F••·r results·. 1121 ... w ..,_.., ,.._..., c.Rf. 111m• "' """ ""' itt•cm of ""ld•l'IC• u •• ,,. Gonion MH1tr MM1Cec1111i. ...... u SharaiD. !Nloll ........ i--UIG '* es hillOWI, to-wit: MOTIC c IDITOll Eucu!Qr of 1111 WJH '"•-u~•-r-1 dm, but only •-P·C"~' •,, ,,.-,:.n "'' <··••-. ~1~~iiiic~.n~,~m~4~1~1~7~1-~1~ff~l~•~C~o~li'!"~·~•~n~4~1=1~1t~-2~1~•~1~iiiiij/ 11:•r1 cra11 M11r11Mi1. T7U w. sv••·•,."•'°cov•", .. ,,.•. d lllt ....,,. nlmtd decodt111 .vie ~ x: kw, ·~-,·~·,, ll"'L THIS Al c1rnc111r1 "~· llllN .A.111, Cll!twnla · lf1W111o TICUtlwY IN ........... ~oble ed In ••-"--• •·· ' .,.. c --,_ c ... ...___ sT.1.t1 °' ut.woaN1A "°" m w .. 1 m -· ..,, .,, 11._ 'n tc0r Wl'I' UD&l "Wllf" om I.. °"" 1 (I tn Ol"OI (2) \l•u11>n OIMH'i, 5nclne1 {SI ~-.. -.. ., Tlfa COUNTY OI' OUJMa It • Wlllllle. ;".'!:-.,.. ~11;~~.~~11i:.udl1 ISi Hornt GllO!f Pr1nc11e, &•nte An•1 UJ Hobl• OHL Y 2 DAYS LIFT co"•v1•TYOFOFC.A~o1:~~FA 1,.. -1111. ,,..... ~ ..... C•llklnlll MlJ ,._..,ow P..C"T 8 -{1) M1rll11 Mtlbortl, Sin ::;~·~i;:111 &e.,:_dl~arl.~I Ttd Htn-ON JHI$ Ml! dtl' of ~rl! A 'I> IE•'9'9 If CH.£ HAHSOlf, Jr., o.c..ld. Ttt: ftlll , .. "'5 :;.,LACED 3RD. 1rm ~~~) !lFlr:~x l":ir:;i,11t:.,1n~w,:r SNIPE -I\) Tom Nutt. Sin Olqo: lfft, bilore ""'' Elllhlr •. A. •iittnoUr: NOTICE IS HER!IY GIVEN to !he A""-n ... ,_..... "I Robert MIW, S.11 Oltt11; (ll O•n ' Hofln' "vtllrc In •nd for Ille Mid credfter. af Ille •""-Mmod dlcadtl'll "ublllhtll 0r""91 Cout Dtlll' "tlot, ~· He placed third ~ 10th in ~:;:: c~,/t~" Gc,: •. del M•r; UI El Ion, NtwPOrl 811ch; (~) JM" C-!Y •NI s11i.. mldlf'<ll lfltrllfl. dlll\o lll•f Ill ""°"' ......... ci.lm• -lfllll ""11 1, .. IS. 22, •• , ...., • the two raceo Saturday for a MALIBU oul1tlGG EJI -(!) lluCk V~ba. Wooct111!d Hlllsi UI Jell ODmn\IUltntd 111111 •wom. -ii... ... the Mid Hctdlnl ,,. 1"Ulrod IO• flit Ptnnlnt1ton, P•cll!t Pt!IP<!n; (2) D•n Lotnhbrl, Stn Oltto. TIME'S ~ ltollert C. ~ ..... k,_ lo lltltn. wttll !ht _,... -"""• lnf------------- ' ow1h 09'fall. 'Jbe Hobies lsr••~ Vin N11Y1: 111 Sein Ho1t.nc1, 1NT ERLAKE -!11 SltYen Prtun. 1111 1'11 bl l1Mi WIOft wf1oM flllnl !ht dflc• Ill' tlMI Clfrfl -' Ille •boY• LEGAL NOTICE '"""'" hich Loi Alleelll; Ul H1 n1 Mllllrtall'. Mo.,, Arl!i!.J.ll f!! .. lltrt~l Mtt•f !• rublcrlbld i. ttll Wlltlln IMtniment MHllM eourt, ti' lo ~ hm. wtlh0------------- ·.Wetl one o( the c~ w :=ti:::-' UI RGWI .... _.., """ :~, ~w;;:\d. s:~.:;,"111._./:.,. :: ::::""""' to -tlllf lie 111tcut.i ::...~-:r;,,. ~ 11: A=-"::'" MW -·;.;could.....:_;_cnot __ llnlsb_' _Sunday' __ -'-•-race __ .l;;;;;;;";i0;i';i"i;;i';i';;';;-;;;;';i"i;;iJw;i;;;i";i";i"~·;i'~'"ii;;~';· iiw;i""ii;i"";i';;';i~i;;i~;i";;'i;i""·;;;;;;;;;;;iii UP IN wiTNESS WMEltEOF t 111 .... W111ace. '"""" """ Cl'lln. m ~ NOtfCR o' INTINDRO • l\ff'WU!ltf .., "' ... h1ncl .... ~ f'IW om.. s111i.. Nu~ "· Mtwiiert .IOdr. TltANs .... AND. L.RASOACI( • lllfltt•l -· tt11 dll' end Yllr lfl t11t1 C.llfor'llll, wtlldl II' the ollc:t of Mt!ltll Noflc:1 II heretn; •IYen 11111 0111;. MIL· COntinentai Ctrllllc.ff f1f$f 1tiro.... wrltltfl. !If fht vndertllMd lft 111 "''""" 1tr· TON l , ICLOTISACW, 'n'ltll"-• fl 11 • n Ar• You Think.int About {Otflclll ll•U 1111111'11 to ... , ..... ., ulll *-""'· ..... om., Clll' of loulh ........... Cll .. .:.11 • e-., ON YOUR eiti..r •· A. lt•ltnour wtllllft '°"" "*""' .,,_ a. fir• "'11>11c:.1· tornil, lnteftdl tt Mn ccrt•ln ""°"'' Rll I Buying A Priv•te Airplane? Noterv "llbllc . c.111err1.. "°" ~ """ 11011c11. ''°Mrt'I' "~ CArl'ITAL 1tEs1.•vE c:OR· Pr1flclPll OtflOt ln O.t• AHll 4. IMf. "01tATIOH, ll'ltericllct Tl'lnt"'"' ef tOI Or111tt CCllll'l1Y IEl'l'lll"I" I . HI""" N, Le Ir,. A .... -. CflY af 1A$ A_M, CAU JOHN BAKER 675-4440 My Commlt•llll bitlra IExeo.rtor .11' 1111 wm C1n1orr1111..,... ""' Mkl lnllndld Tr•• MIY 7, 1'1t crf Ille"°"" l'lmlll ~t ,_,... CA .. ITAL ltESlltVE COltl'., ~ ff yev • .._ • plrson Wllh ' 101ftll llvllnM.1, Inf In ""' lllltlntH yeu "lllliUt"'°"' Or1nr1 Cold Delll' PHot, .,,, ....... .,_ _, er:.., ..,_ 9' lllMllecll 19 Miii D• MIL TONI . "'" • "-,.,.,. • c ..... ,.. ,,,,. °' "~SllOrt•'""· """'" • .,1~... INCOME JAX ,"_"_'_'·_'_'_'_"_ .. _"_" ____ ..... __ 1::.;y:.~:... • ~r:=. !"::· ~"..: Rll aP.r,•1 ucvtfft l!rp""' will tit 1ll1o ~ bllllfln1. AA •lr-pt.ne 111 yo!lt M'--1-,...._,. __ , .. f' q ot Wlllcll '* .. """""' ti-WI!: A• Clll .. II •WllMI .. I !VPIMlttr, .,_. efflc:• tumltul'I, .... """1111111-LEGAL NOTICE . """'1911111111 .... • ~-1.21 •~llmO&lll. TIXWlll at! 1lrpl1111unllif111 11111111 .... '' ll'IY olllet flltnllll ,........... ~ C-' 'Dallr "1111, ,_....,.. ~i:= t.=''Mi• = oq~f lft yevr butfneu, I -Id 11111 II .,..,. it.. opp&rh,lnlty ta •It M'w!'l ,..... Mi· t, W. ilo 1'. 1W ~ Orlw, (llY Ill' 1w11! LI .... ~ lfld 11r.cvu tllx """"''"· afld lllltt .-v.,,..... ,. bl l'lld, """"" YWI' ClllTl,.ICATW °' COi,..,,.... .T _..AL NOTICE •nd 11111 "Id Mii Mf '"""'"* ~ tlwlnest .,...., ... ""' Ofim "rpi..rw. U11C'9 S.. wea't -OOfNe •in1MIH uttDla _ _..., t1Dn It IO W tlMlll'NntM .. h N .. ., S l'tc:TIT10VI u.MI II' Alf'fl, .... II It I.fl\,, 11 "" ...._ flt RIVERBID.E EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT VALUES -~ Ionp.f -I0111 '"' v•oa•t14••• ... ,. .. ,,.. .,...,.., ,.,., .. •l11•va co•-•TIOH,., h ~. -llOCIC .-...a1 doas lllrtlJY atr'tlf'll llllilt rt II ~nt , .etlCa TO U•DITMI .. H. I.I lrM ~ C~ 11f L.91 M-lntemll.,_._. Dwnwa,v vane te r~ • wig ....,_ ,, • ,__ ...,.,., ,.,.., .... cOVllT OP Ttll .. -. Qt"'™-. UUI-~ ., AntlClfW '"'-' • L-..,,,, ... ,.., kut .. ...... L• H•--·· C.ltfw1111 • .,,..r "" flctnllllli ITATI ., ~·u• Po• De!M "'" .... •ey If """'· ,,., ........ lal.f.flf--T-·-•-_, .. -•< --_," .... ,., •• , llU E. ...... ~ ~ lo f11m "ll'M ., WIGS IY VANCI ,..,.! 111a.QIUtnT •eaAMI CA!"ITAl. ltlll'ltVE ' • ' ,,,......... -· .... "" ..... .._, ... ,. , ITATI Intl lhel the -• Mf<d °'""""" .... ......... COttl'OllAflOH Advance Sale TtCkets s•. '°""' •tR" •lfjltrl. 'u'"' 11•· , .......... Nf'Jice f., '"" .,. ,r1nc1N1 .... " 11u11-11 ...... tf r•ou.... WILLIAM. WAI.LINO, .... J...tl J L""' -" fe11eWJt •1 ... W. Wllnnl. -ll. W. Welll•t .. C.ltll ...... c.;_ II •-.....L....1--1 .. 1 Ctli-lkvi.rw 1111111•~II"11111TICUl"'11,1w.,i1tt. •II .-afftlly lewcM. 11111 CAltMAIY WIGS. 1• ....... Mlfl!CI ~. M N. LI lfll Atll!M I ~~ II II ...,... wllll n tre ""'!pmtrlf, Srrw!I 00-. tt1.SO I• SAf(f $M llOCK Mtll, hllla MenlCI, t1llforr+le l'fl:ITICe 11 tta1t•IV e1V£M to !ht WI .......... """"* U" Oalod; Mtrdt H. I... ~ ti 1111 ..... -* Mc:adWll ............ i.,..,,,. •-.... 0•1• .... l,.J '°IW T'wlll C~" I I "" IVM JlllM, llfltvdl htlll, t.d-1 (COit,.. UJ,l) """ 11 ,._ ~ t:lll!nl 1911 .... ~ 1" IM _.... ' tutly IFR. 11'111 .-111\o INdld. Sl'l'llh""""' m.JOO _, ~~~~ CAltlfA•Y WtCil "" ..,. ~ 11'1 ,.,.. .. flt."----,,.,,----------•. F C ............ ~ 6UAIAlfTlll...... Ch,,_. s--nF """" W1t11 t111 __., ~ "'r t• r ~--. IN• Clulll sir,i.rte. • 11r1"' ""°""""' ""''°" oYert\111~ 1t11r w, 1w....,. _..,.,. ,..,.. .... et _,. ._ ,.,,,... tr """'lrltl!I "" eMet: ., "" dWt " "'9 •ttt.... LEGAL N-l'fEO Wll o .... -II•'*"' TT_, .... Otlwlf. l\fW, S llto Merk«. Ill.Ml -........ -.... -,.. ... -" into.d. STAT! 01' CALIFOltNIA I llltlWltil aurt, • 11.""""' """"-W1111,1 •• .._ __ -,.=",.;~~V_;:U=-=--- ftLl.ftllN COUHT'r 0# 1.01 ANtill.U 1 • "-..._.,,.. .....,._ '9 fllt -·· L-L ,,.. c.-Sk,..., ... "". -HAVfCCIM Onwll. Tetal "°"" .. .. .. z,;······-·· .... iii·••e===,,/). on "'" ""' ..., If """""· A.D ............. """ elllCI ....... ~.. llNITICI CRY Sim• ~ ••· "°'*' -· '--..._ ,.,_. ..,. • 11..._ =-JMt, ~ rM. a Nollirv Nbllc 1n 1;oet1tTSOM. HOWSU: .11to OAltlANo, .. ~'!" is Hl1t1av e1YlM ""' .._ • .... fOf .. Id~ ... .,.,., ••••llY -C...,. l>rtft, ........ hec;ll, ltlrM fll fowtd_. MWr1 ._.., .... 111_.. TllMftft--. "" ~ CMtllllt. °"" •....,. dlla ..... t • ..,.,.,. • ._..... ~ ......... c.aflll1llll ,..,,... wMdl .., • .... .,.. 11e" ....... 111 .,. ""' ,.... DllM,..... DUI J"\AN • ..,.... .. ,--.. "'" ..,...... ft II ...... W111111a ........ lll.9t [3~[I{c ""' ,_ W t111 ,,......,. _. 9-.,,...._, .. ........ • tfll U!!OtnllMll h 111 If .. C"' _. ca.t. MIN flW , ,,,_ .. : lJWl"'.!I",..·' ..._.... I« • a CO ,..., ~ .. wtt11111 1M11;;11.i1 • _..... ..,,.,,.... ,. ... ....,. ., .._" MMtY c•1-.n: Viii .. _ '4WWVUll ,.,,. e... t.-a,r-w, tae -.-..., 1• 11wrt TT. • W · t WllW 91 ... .,..,,. _.... ............................ """ ftMiflfl'll lil'llf Ill• ..,..,, WIN, .... Mlle, i11tac11 W...t to-.tnl • f\ ........ U-'"" ., • .,...,_ IU. ... o-llUc. l.N""""" Olt. ... lftd ldull#tl 11•1 tit fJ!rt Wiit llllCfil ................... fil·llll• 111111a. """' .,_ ""'* .... 11MrC1i; ..... """' WJI ~ 11WM ~1111 •fQitlfll 1111 *""" ""'91' ..... t. lHf M~ ..... ~. WI DON'T lltOKe• Alltl"tAJfl'S Af'ID lV' OWH w.v.T'WE ADVlltTIS(, ~· L...-, .......... wtrh ~SOCIO Offices WITNJIS""' "'"'-.... °""" •. ...... . lfOTICI •• PUltTHllt tlV&N ... If' 1dnltitxJ 213/4663553 IOl"l'IGIAL llALI ... ~ tlllfllnM ...... 111 ._., ....., .... .... Ills we HAVE ANOTH111:,. 1H sTocic: 1N ANOT"He11: LOCATION To "'°·• COSTA Ml~ a 1175 Harbor llvd., '42-6Mt IE"""' '4!refl"' • .,,......., ..._.. ., ""' ......,,.. WflfM --,,, ...._..,_•I ~ WelliT "IJM!c • '-""""' ~. 111 1111)'1. """"11111' .. I tl~ ti lttlll 11Un1 111 •wtUu.MI telllrtt lrewtl.,.. Altplan• 11"tt It,, Prlftt_, 0"1Clf In 91 1111 W11 f/I Ille Nfllla:, tlll tM1 ....... """ W11i1 In "" COR-.... , u ·R .... E c ... , H"wy ""' -... UI ""-* """"" ..... =.._., flil!Olr, If ................... Clll' " ." I I 71CMnt111 "'""' ~ , ... _ . ., .,_,,,..... llHllM• c. 11.a.1t1 •Olftnotl. ....... MIWD c.-..... let lflMdl -;lie~ --· ,_. , C:allorWrlteJoh11lalrer, 714/675-4440 =-::.i ='t:;:,r;. ·:::" .. "':" .. O::= ... ~.,·-w ....... t ...... t P.•·: Slit.,""' t ...... ,,.. .-WI"""' ..........,. ........ ~ ... CIATE01 Atlrttt 14 t-. lox 273, Corona clel Mar, Calif. Lei" ....... C.:1c,... :,:: ~ ~ .. rr,.Ne"l'Ol..1ee NO A'POINTMENT NECESS,-RY ,..,........, °''"" , .... D111., P11t1. ""*""'" er.,.. c..d O.lft ""'· """'"""" °""" c-lf e • .,,., "11et. AHl1 1. h.11. 2*. "" 1 Ul41 I P; 14. Jl, W. ltit 6lrMt *It U, Ifft 101 .. t ------------·--------·. -· ------------ -· . ' • • " ... ___ ,_ .. · 1Sears • ' M"'4ay, April 14, 1969 .., --DAILY '!LOT 11 Your'Money Back ~ •• ~. Silent · Guard Sealant,~ . ~ 40 ·Montli Guarantee Buy 1st Tire at Regular Trade-In Price of '37 5.0 6.SO.IJ Tnbel ... Whiteft!l Plus Fed. Exe. Tu And: Old T°ire• At50% Off ••• Get2ndTireforonJy ••• _ Automatically Seals Nail Punctures! ll,...i ... ..... ~. SIZE 1' .... ,.,,.. "" ,.,...;;;.,., ... f .f..T. ........ """T;.., :!ttdTi•~ ...... TUBELESS WHITEWALLS • 5 Jaminated layers of special rubbers form "aafety harrier" ••• help prevent air lo••· •Guaranteed by Sears from Coast to Coll!t. to wear a full 40 months 650xi3 37.00 735x14 40.00 '775xl4 42.00 825xl4 45.00 855xJ4 48.00 885x l4 51.00 ··-·· 815xl5 45.00 84SxlS 48.00 885xLS 51.00 900xl5 54.00 915sl5 54.00 18.50 18.50 20.00 20.00 21.00 21.00 22.50 22.50 24.00 24.00 25.50 25.50 22.50 22.50 . u .oo 24.00 25.50 25.SO 27.00 27.00 :7.00 ;?'l.00 l.9'l 2-19 2.58 2.73 2,Q5 3.l5 2.77 --!!.94 3.19 3.;l 3.31 We put 100 nails into a Sears self-seali ng tire, then·· drove it 100 miles ••• and didn't lose a breath of: air ! Isn't th is the kind of protection you'd like 13. have for the tires on your car?The full 4-ply nyloti'. cord body gives you superior proteaion llSainsc: impact damage, New with dual whitewall stripes." Hurry to Sears and save! ., .. 24-Month Guaranteed ID-WAY Special •Full4-plyNylon1ire ••• 1heper-I JBS" feet tire for low mileage driving . . ' • Guaranleed by Sears lo wear for 6·93xl4 PhwlUO ·• a full 24 monllJS Tubele,. ..... ,. ..... Blackwall <>ldtin> •• -. ,"f SILENT GUARD SEALANT 40-MONTH GUARANTEE TREAD LIFE GUARANTEE . TREAD '\VEAR.our GUARANTEE Ca~nlttd Asainfll: All failures of the tl!C Cuaranteed Aa:ainal: Tread wnN)Uf. resu..h!ng from Dorm.al ~ hawds or dcfccu 10 )'or How Lon 40 mOnthi. SIZE TJe!• f..LT. SIZE T;::• f.LT. AU.STATE P•••ea•u Tire GllH'llnlee Tu Ml-Bl11ekW1l1 Tabeleu Whi1--.ll T ... Mtu•G--T ..... 11'-0...C..-. G_...,_. "'"'-'' Ab f•ilo c ..... ., ..... Api .. 11 Tr"4 · material or ·workmanship. P For Ho" Loni: For the life of the original "What Sun Will Dot ln acbutge (otft ti~. ,read. r t'place it. cbqia,g attrent rtgulu atlliq price 'Wlut Sean Will Do: Repair M.il puberuns at p lu s Fcdtnl Eltix Ta lea ll:brtfollowin&allo• """" IMS 695xl4 ua 73Sx.14 IL95 775_,14 17.9$ L79 6$0'13 18.9~ t.96 ...... .... ~07 73b1' ... , 2.20 77Sxl4 20.0S 1.79 •rnrldwri,,. -i.L7,r,_ • ..,. ........... ...i....i•-.1tot .... 1.-1.96 om.I .. -a-hip. :t ............... n. ....... tl ,.,. "-.._, •• ., lift fl! _,,..or..,,. 2.07 .... oriti .......... ... Ml.._ ... .,.."'~ 2.20 ...... S.-'l'IR °"' 1.,.;r,..il fot rhc .;..,, ~l«e ;,, dm:li,. '"" ··-~ •• m.,.,..;.. no ch&rgC". In the case of failure, in exchange for •occ: 1he t jl'C', rrplac:e ir at no chargC', if failllR! occws Silent Gard Safaat-30% cluring ·fira 20 monrhs. If 1irc fails after this per· iod. replace ir, charging only 1be proporrion o( currrnt ttgl.l.lar aclli'1& price plus Fr:derJ.( Extise • Tu: that Npre~rs tread used. ! ' All 4 Wheels Only 2.9'~'-... a vo111.,.. ""•se•C.r. 'Ch ryilcr productJ having 6 ._,hetl cylinders and cars with disc brakes slightly higher. Anr ntttSWV a.ddiciona1 paris and labor ayaiJablc 1u Scars Jow, lowpria. iri:..,14 !'"'60xl5 JlSs.15 77!ixl5 Standard Mufflers INSTALLED 9~~ ' ' ' .. • ' '• l 'Fitt llur Fo1""'"1tK Car.: e ~62 to '67 Chny Jr. Cbevtlfe 1· • '61 to '66 J>od,rr, V•liant. •6t to '65 Ood&e. PlymoOth • '60 tc> "(13 )<'alcon, Comet, '60 Lo '65 Ford • '61 lo '64 Ponti ac • :61 to '6'11\1t rc1.1ry Don't gamble your life with a leaky muffler ••• the deadly, odorless gas from a worn-out muffler is even more dangerou$,dufipgthrrinterW!il:n you drive with yo ur windows closed. Come to Sears for a FREE muffler inspection. I Sean Hae Mufflers for Y qnr ~ar! 211.95 1495 IMS 17.95 -Nl'ttOl"°<horJit.1•"-<-.. ,. 82Sxl4 "·" 2.36 dfoil_ilt ....... fotlkurr, ,1. r....i bile Tai.. M -·· ..... Z.S7 ...,i.., ir, o.a;: .. ""''Ille pt ... 1..ii-.... 11 ...... L76 ,.,.._ "'.._.. ....,., ......... ...... G ....... .... 56h.IS 17.95 1.76 ~pl-~E.,oorTa tho< ll oe 2• .. , .............. -d. ~1 ... ~, 2.21 775x.IS 20.95 2,:!I NO MONEY DOWN on Seara Easy Payment Plan Regular 'l 99.95 -.•. --• IGI• 9e-. ; MM1t , an: ~ • • .. ' .. • Don"t ioffe1' thi1 summer. be prepand with this (ine·,.uln unii ·: •Thermostat automatic•lly maintain" tl1t. 1empt!ra 111 re ynu 1elt.rJ: . '" •Three-speed air-flow conttol and two 4·t••Y adju&lable lou,·ers for perfttt ~· draft.free air circulation • • Htndaome cbrome·pla:ted front panr.I : ·pam--..-.... Arrh'I c .. 1 "" ' ' .. 'Save an addilioul '20 i. on Regular $50 5-lla• lion. llariq thi, Sole • onlt $3Q wllli t•il Ceapon. ' a,r ... 1\<4 .. -•••••11111:• I J "------------------~· ---..-----------,----------------, ..... ~T.4 t ·•-00. J1t .. no• a ..._Q 14,111 ~ HI 1.01,1 11c:o Wf 1·~2•2 MW!-' H »t""''M"I0!1 ...., •mr I UIM;IOA.,,.._J40.fl6't ....... at .. ,°'4, 0 ..... 11 •'flll'C ..,. •2TI ~fl) ""4'· ~ t4t•t."" Mitt .. .,,, MOl«A fX •·'711 •M.lff'f'O , .... ,. """"'° ~ • ~ .. "1111, Hf 24f•1 MCU.'IWUOO tt0 f.Jt41 :::.r.4100 WITA MtA (1-7.,JJll \OUIN to.A.\l PUIA St0'3J3! Wf\ .. lfll l CO'llM Mf'fl ...,...,Ol • .JSJI ""M:Mt, ......... l '01UHU 54J.U11 , ~-~---------~-----~-------------------------~' "'SatilfoctlonGNaJ I 1j•JaurMw,hck" IM,6Hl9Mt...,Ml,.1t1h,.,._,NIAM.t11NIP.M. f ------------------------------------------------- ------.---.. ..., · ----·-• ~•·~••~•.....,.1o;~•..,, ·~•~•~-""''"''-~·7'>{n>~•,.1•tr.,.,,4t"'""· ..,, .,. _,.,..,, IT<1\'"''"''°'· '"'"'I·"''"'' .. "'"'·"'""'"°'• ,':".'T.j,-•,-;-•. '."7"'.""t"~·~··°"''°"•·"°"·'°'·""'=-==•~~-~-, .o;,.,a. :o,_,..-.--.-, -.-, •• ' .. .-·' • • . 'Clowns' ,Opens Thursda9 !;ion Christy, Yvonne Kendley and Scot\ Dyke (from left) lake the major roles in "A Thousand Cl<>wns," opening Thursday for three weekends at the San Cle-rnente Community Theater. · Backstage Cloak and Dagger Saves Maxwell Smart for TV. By BOB THOMAS : HOLLYWOOD (AP) -If S'f!O're looking for a cliff~~g­ffig adventure in telev1s1on- programming, consider the case of "Gel Smart." ··No I don't mean the on·the-• t.Ube 'capers of Agent 86, also "kiSown as Maxwell Smart, the fallible operative of CON- TROL. I'm referring to the real-life feat of comedian Don Adams in saving his television series from canc;llation. Like .. smart, Adams was · ~,·~most •' reluctant hero. . , . , You'll be seeing. '•Get ~art" for a fifth y~. but on· a different network.Jl,arely has a series s w i~~c·he d ' ottworks "My ~ .Soils," ~lfred Hitchcock, Il an n y Thomas, and "Get ·· Smart" 'affnost didn't make ~ Adarru: related the sequence . o f (Vents: "NBC notified us thtet'·days before the deadline that they 'wtft going to let 'Get Smart' .._. But they wanted me to llll1 on and sign for specials niJ:t season and my own 'Vlflety program the following Y,.... It was·:.a fantastic offer, and I was seriousJy con- llidering it. ::1 was in between on 'Gel ~.' In four years it had woo a flock of Emmies, in- eluding two for myaelt. · and I felt thal k had maile a real contribution to television comedy. I wa1 ready to walk away from it and go on to producing and directing features, which I have long wanted to·do." On the other hand, he felt a loyalty to ''Get Smart," and he was a trifle pttved at the way NBC bad used it to bolsttt" ratings of Jess pr~ misini shows. "For a lead-In they hid giVen us 'Pleue Don't Eat the Da.isies; whlcb was like 89th in the ratings. 'Ibm it was 'Miya, tbe Jungle Elopban~' ·.., wbat<wr Ille hell it was. Then •Adam U .' We "bad to fight for our au· d.ience every season. "Finally. NBC put u. oppo- site the second half-hour of Jackie GleUOQ. I don't .mind facfng the first haH-hour oC an hour show -but the secood ! Even so, 'Get Smart' manqed to get a respectable rating." News of the "Get Smart" "'""'llalim -tbrUllgb the executive oftices of t b e networks. ABC came up with a reprieve offer. but it wasn•t sweet """'Kb· Then CBS maile & proposal to take OVtt "Get Smart" and back Adams' pro. duction ~pany iri developm, .Garden Grove Group Slates Variety Slww A traveling troupe <JI Orange .. Gcunty entertainers wi1l set ... lllop in Garden Groft this ~with .a tWO·n1ght 1*{ormance of an original iiiOw called "Town H a I J Ttlnight. '' Included in the variety pro-lfam, scheduled for April 25 and IS in Ile Peten School OUdilorium. will be • ~ -I show, the kltcllen -from "Uncle Tom's Cabin," a one-act farce en- ttOr.d "'lbe Two PudClifoots" .... a lecture on temperance ---' . ,..._ • • combined with .a medicine -· M-<Jl.the caat tncJ1ide . W i 11 i am Rt'e bard ~on 1 Marygrace Joboson; James Summers, Kay Fortun,e , Shirley Siebel Hai' DeLoo and FA1na U.....,.. Tb: original c:rcbestrations b y Miss Grang., will be played by • lull .......... under !be baton of Del Weeki. · CUrtain time is 1:30 p.m. at Ille school. Ill!! Newbope St., G~ Grove. n-v-. may be mode by callliig 539-3347. ACIOSS 4! ~t . 1 Uniter SO F•liaillt- •lflltllc-I fll.e . lnttffity Sl l11d1i.U. 6 lwd M•d 5).P1rl of at· •UcHts • room· '.10 Fools 57 Kin"d af 114 Pollel' ~ver blottH · 59 Colw J entiy •a Ailor • , lSllSJ:etlmy L""--"''"· , 1• kind of h•f 61 Sol-·· 117 P•IS'ltt tlllog - 11 c_.,.,. •z Kari•• . ...,.,tllfa• asceMelf· 20·· ···-I 6J lord of 21 a,.-.. -·I ' disdain: 12 Dwess 22 F,_ Ills 64 SiwM ·lJ Act as ... 65"fll liuy1 llitl•s.afl "141'' ' 36 Pudding ._ .. )I .•• 23 ....... air tMt!•:· ·1• E.unus ZS ION . 2 wortls 21 TrulPOltl:-1 '#011191"°'1 , lloll mffhm 41 'lty:. 2.wonls ll Ro·•1n 2',Ntp-, DOH 21 ,.,..., 2''"'"" ,,,11 . .. .... 11. 31 Pw... , I Swolllot . bl!lfy: 32 Table stl· ' on •llf•ts S1111:9 Ung ltns: 2 Altltlatr. JS Ctoefttt 2...-1 of;\._. wort ""''"'' -ttc.-. 37 CTtJ OA l Air 2:, Unit of . tH Ota 4 C11*11 lllll!lilMl:I• ,. AllOUftl of lint '11 .ff .. n"s .. CS=vlat~ , c• v1rn1sh ~ldlent. 47 EntlUes ..... , .. •!;-! C•fetU: ,. .. 1o11a1100 """ ..... '!Ir . + 39 .Leftl •*• •lnlst1r· 21 R"'8rii• of'Ullrttd J Y-'CID• . .or IPP'OV•I. tfOUM prHYct 2' Civet wiUi 40,~...... ' .......... ''"' a sttat or Ottna 30 COllptlillM 4Z F.•~ characttt 32 For•il · ',•f SOM · , 7 ICin' of and ~ ' 11........ ,-,· .. 0 -1ri11r I Hne a ·n N;'ft. 44 Gilbert l fl:tndness for A•efica1 Sullivan 9 Ftaale riftr dlwu.ter anl•al 14 let·~ 4$ Shiiwlng 10 Colw ""'1 ohl igt. 11 "'GK···..r' lS ~•U.. • • Pia fll rid: 41.loislen •Iii '.Uttr 51 lfusie -.......... ....... 52 rr..;.Sition 54 RtlllO Vf . "-orn,e 55 lotlfltain: CO•b; fon1 5' GIOIMltt. • . ., •.... SI Iii IHiU.. -" ,...,, ... . . ' . ""' .. r " ....... ..., .......... .... ,. ....... ~.····~· 'Comtdy Co-Hit , .. :-. ' ....... :n., ... ~."' . '. ' .:.,Oi.us-• >~,~ ...... . >''SABO JOWA" . ' ' . ... "INTERLUDE" I lft ... "--6:41 ALSO -"--M-"HOMBRE" .... .. ......... ,, .... -.· ·CMf. S.. IS-.."-I~:. " PllYATI scampt•,~· -: ; TUDDAT N~HT ST AllTS WEDNESDAY . , ELKE.SQ1'4MER . · QID ... -....... -• : ------.-.·~· ...:. iliiiiiif,io fOl!iATUiit' !@.!Ellij. ·..::::~~f\ut..7 UI "lllAIYIK bl ''"flOIN(~Nr1 ......... J • .. -l ' " & • - ' . · .Ho M'aifer What It Ii . ' ... ' .. . ·. . . . ' .YOU · CAN ..... ·SEtL:·IT ' : • •: ' • r • WttH··A r· .,,:~ ""·i:l .LY . • I I t ' . . • ' ,I ~ .. . . . ' ·p1tor· :,: ~lil ~A -U9.' ;·u:~Mn ~1:J. . ' . ........ " . :. ·f'.l)J . ,. 6'1~5678 '. "';'. • I' ' .. ~ •• • ' .. I For the money, 2700 ~ .fl 5 hie BR., bi&" C1in1DI room.. .Brak· fut &f.H., Larre ·c1en, · 3 bath. , 3' .ahowus. It's · cornplttely car- peted; Ceritra1 air · condltionJns. Auto-. matJc aprlnkJfl'I and fndirttt outside lleht-lnr. DnperatJon Ale .$42,!500. . _...WO.WT• ...... A 21x30 Rumpus mt. wit.h a Glarit fue.. place and Bar that SH.ts 8 -A t bed-rOorn + taMuy room, 2300 aq. ft all tow- l!d. A 75'x200' IGt, A 20'x40' "'ork ahop for f29,930 -You C&n! 3 Bedrooms, 2 ' baths . in a quiet non-tra.We ,.,.., -..... llvin1 r;oom wlth4:rick fire. I.'!&«· kltdlen with au 'electric' buDt..Jne - a dandy. bu,y at $26,900 with 10% down. Own er will • aimidl!'!' trade for 3 ·.~ 4 units • I 3 Bedroom on ·corn~ lot_ 'With . i . ~ pr. n.d WotJclhaP. ~· alze PGQl wt dreulrir room A bath -New rdrl· itra!or • dJMwaab. •-OnJ,- .'l ics~I~,:.( b . ........ . Gorrtot11 4 . btdroom +-IPliCio\ll -family room 6 formal dtn· m..-=· ..... drapes. S n . ·Uke n e·w. 0:0 (not -ldl·~~~X _'.!' -............... O~IN 'TlL f l'.M. I . W.:111 · • . , l . I 1 ' ! ,' j ·'\), I' l . )·''.: "For A Wise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. &a.Tm 'OPEN EVES. CORONA DEL f/Ji,RE 1. DUPLEX Wdl llJca'~ "'°" to ..... ..,. . with i~bqo>e small Qertmtnt in m.r Home~ onto ------- · , , ·.prlvat&. patio cbarininc· llvl~ room 'With brick ftreplace even·a·b'md illnl:nc ~ a aoOd buy" at $42,500 CallX..t~Y · Res: 54().8812 ...~, ' ' • ' if. I -~ ,64u111. 1SMAU HOME ' . ' Oii 111 IUCH ---------- ~hn macnab ----~---------- Ideal pt for-boneymoonm:· cute and Q"ulet; 3 tiedniom! l~ bath dollhouae ntar end of peninsula point, Owner ""'""" S3M50. BURR WHITE, Rltr. . 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 Eve1 67U1D ' ' • • • • MOldll, HI' 14, 1.., =:..:..:~~ -=· -~ .rALS •11.nALS _. ..Mb. ~ lllNTW .;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::-~';;705;; _ _!l:!!l•!••~•~IWvnlloholl~~~!.l .~A~..._!!?:_!P!um~lol!!!\oiil!_;·;,.· .,:• •llNTALS ,.,.._ U ........... "• ~ .... ~!!!""~"'!!!!•!:-• ~··~·~·c.!1~400!! • llOll ~~ ~ 4 = ~~ ~-•1• l!~!S~:E~:!!! ti C.... MIM' -.....,. Ml -.._ "' Hua•h•I• -•-........... Owliorl -·";;:==~;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;; I·--'----..,.. o -,,......., with 1,_,,. Unlit $2111/mo loo S 81! ,__ &llJS a!EZ ORO APAilTMENTs ' ,. IUSINISS _, -- FINANCIAL -~-­ELSINORE West marina! l •• lloma ....... -... Hand-ft s,..1.1, cpWdrpo, bl~IN. pool • $27.IO Wk. Up ,,, • ' tlZH Allanta r• 'i .. b. JaW)y dnperin. car-Loe. on Ocnrisfde ot •ffwy. ftC. ctftter. No ma1nl e ftooml 115 wk., up New 1·2 s.droomt. h1 ~ the only OP<l'Stlnc ....... afttt the tmn~ ftood waten: incre~ the: ~ptb or the lab Z1 ft. ~ C.CIXI ac. No oompcliUon.. 1 million vilitort expected this year. Thil ia a modml QJI to date park 'W/ the ftnest taclllt:kl lnc. 100 travel trailer t pace•. launch'& ramp It many t'Or>- ceaalons: tood. d r l n ks, aroce.nes. pmea It rental&. Will sell all or put. Prop. cons.lats oJ 2S ac le. Jee a.Dd Lake Elsinore use peritut from the State ol Calif. Firm prioa S!<0.000 cash. Alao have additional 1000 ac. for leOODd bOrne bldrl· within ~ ml of marine. Will """"1er joint venture in the development ol both pcop. Our equity two million. Write Dally Pilot Box :rtt-51)1. or phone • petiQI:. mA tmu ar VA. 1SO )'di tram Bt&Cb. ' tee Adults. 5tMOTt e StUdlr> a Bach apl:I. ORlWIS e1ectrie only I See • nooloe ottu. ~ un!to, nttds pa!M • _...; e ·1nc1 Ullb 6 Pltone ,....,. 53$"'821 or 538-:mf EVtt. 891-4191 ~~ = ~ N..,,..t ...... ....., e )(aJd lorilce. TV avail. Pool-Wlsben-o.,en l -lle(o 11o,..1ni ·~"~ •-'Calo·• ear 3 Bit STUDIO """"'"ca_. v-·-·· *'" on.n. CEED!NG no.ooo ANNUAL. I/I im,..,,,.,.. ·l!Ml. 548-ms . -·~ NEW • • l •• jeer 2-"sR:i'th bulned ~o. LY. Price 189.950. l•!"'!~~!'!m-Bl!~!!!" I POOL: ' " ' .. o""","' • r;>.Ch , ,._ a custom finilhed JllJSS!ON REALTY 4M47n TOWNHOUSE , * VIiia P-a Apto. =.~ Nr ":;.~~~i I . -ut . °"' 121.500. 9l!S So. °'""· Loauno Split Left! 3 -~ i.lhl Oioa ,..,, •• newm & mOlt ADULTS ONLY I Tmm:. Ewa. M&.1322 DoubJe·1•r•1e, cupets. luxurloul apt. now rentfn&, t...,,.1 IMch 57Q5 I I UNIT APARTMENT -.,, ,,_, •lac. 1'unt6 ,,,,-. Adult.lonll'-1741 Tustin Avonuo Whffdya, W1nt7 WhaddJo Got? Sl'ICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS l !hit pay• lot !!Mil N' ..,. bullW.O. ADUL'!l! ONLr .. no Peto. 11'0 -Aw., eff llttl $ 100 CLIFF DRIVE I cond,-.1o.uamem11oJ ........ :w;:_:·~ jualaoulholllthSt. c,.t, Mo5"' 1~1 =~~= ol dty. Prod""" a GROSS ~·· •~--L , JIOUJ>AY PLAZA • -l INCOME ol Sll.000 ~; • ..-.. D!:WXE, -1-lldrm. , Ol<pe to Shon • Sbooo 'hkt owr 1.6'9 Jou A' Ownf tty, 1M. , Furn. apl $135 Plu.s u'til. 3 BR 1% ba, blt·in ruwe Ocwrriew from nft')' ApL er will aid in ftnudrw the 90t Dover Dr., NB SUita 221 Heated pool. Ample parldnc I: ovtn. With ~-$150. · tram itsO mo up. leue • Sjloclol Rot. 5 Lin" -5 """' -5 lluckl •ULEI -AO MUST fNC\.11111 1-W"-t "" -. .. ...... ......,_ ""' .. .,, "' ,,..,... balance at 1~. FULL 162008 EYH.. 5tM966 No chlldren -No pets &NZ-Ht PRICE $110,000. ' 1965 Pomona. CM W•llW*C•nfle, Rltn. 2 BR. dUplex; new cpts., Loa P"'1u IUtr -5· BR. s BAI 1' oere. LARGE. clean 2 BR. 2 'BA. wo Newport BllOd., C.M. dt'pa, paint 1 blk. to bdl. J-YOUlt ""°"" .....,., .........._ ....... ,_., ...,.rna...., ~THIHO ro11: SAl.1-Tll:AOIS ONl.YI PHONE. 642;.5671 ' To Pltce Your Trlder't PeredfM Ad Ahdute I .cul 1 l 0 n • pool. uW'• 114-Sl«t. Mature 5M-Tl29 n4 Falrvieiit' St De,y&~ Padfk: Shorn Rnlty TOP or Mrld; ' Br. 2 BL, IOt1:toUI view or lillls. U50 adults only. 2115 P!acmtia """""!~!'"''!."""~.,.,I ,,;"';;;;;&11;;;;•:;,: ;•vu~~Ul~5a2-528:1;;::~ lT Ft. outboard for 1t1.Hon HuntiJleton Bea.eh family roam. Smd. down. mo on kue 6*11.M or Av. ~ wagon or auto ol eqtal val. · !41-:"::J. ~,.:1 $33.500. 846-1'00 192 • NICELY ltDil 1 BR. * Yi111•Ptmolf1 Dano Point S740 ... ,,,_....., 17 Ft, fiber &lu• outboard and bl&" wheel tilt trailtt. Will trade for landsca~ owner. SC5-S130 -• 4 BEDROOMS $35,IXX> DUPLEX. 2 and t NEW laaae tw ftnt Hatbar .,to Ciatlqll dilpl. drpL Cotta Mea. 'a newest " moat 2 BR 2 BA, dliWW' room, u~ ~~ S bedroom Balboa : 3 baths. 1704 1q Jt, kitchen/ BR. view. ;fut ~ VWw homes. l9J1' Pmt 1io pets_ adult. onb'· .lat per ocean view apt. pool. ninsu1a home, $79,500. , "family room combination. pvt, wild ldtcbenl' 4M$7C Ow-let, 3 BR, fam; 2· BA. •tut mo'a -.2962 {,~ :p~ ::. z::: $155 leue. 499-n.s Want 3 bedroom. price $30. PHONE 644-4687 '56 Ford, % T, P.Up. Big: window, 300 eng • auto. ].fany ~xtru, tnt.de for ·c.orvette or '55. '56 T·Bird. SPARE TIME INCOME New QUALITY FOODS Di-- vision will be interviewing in this area durin&: the next tWo wteka for • ouUtled 1 •hJ.11t.m nna:e, oven, dllh-• 1 SDI mo. Jtuby L 101 d &\CH. Apt., full kitcb., $35,£0>. Newport Beach ' · h, I 2l3· -~th '-·-• ttr --~· on1y No P'ta. 1100 Pomona REAL ESTATE lkalty, 615-1642· washer, llel'V)Ce pore lfle RENTALS ' ..... ~.. ...,, ; c._., a · .,...,, ".... Ave. Just south or 18th SL entry, livina: room with fue. HoUMI Furnllhld TOWNHOUSE 3 Br.. 2~ paid. 80-f01C NEWL y Gener•I Have small R-4 lot good pla.ee, sUdine el.u& doon to ....., bL 'fl./w cpta. drpl, tpt $110 mo. incl utll. ·-----atta. Close-in L.A. Value patio. Lara: e wardrobe. Rentalt to Shire 2005 ~~ 11:&tio: elec. bl.bis. 2 Fumlahed l Bedroom DECORATED Rent1l1 Wanted 5990 SlB,000, Want R·l Jot beach --------1 dis:tributi>r. Modest cub;in-51&"89 ltootll fut pool Carpets I: · car pr, pool $275. W.::r.m 675-6846 Larae 2 BR w/praae: $115. area or boat, approx equal I drapes, landscapin&. curved ROOMMATE .mce, male DUpoeaJ. prdener 6 water 1 BDRM Unfum Apt in value, 644-0255 eves. I driveway, double a:araee. or female. Ettident • Corona ••. Mir nso N....,.... leach 4200 paid, N'eer ICbool. :1 ~are:. f~l fo1r~ Have land in ~MING Paloa Verdes Estates. View pool home Jor watf!rlront N.B, 3 br. 2 ba, trple, Jge playnn, Jam rm, 2450 stf It $48,000 ~l;y. 213-37S-4844 vestment ol $2000 requiftd to st&rt. Immediate lrl&h eam. in&:a servicing machines vending candy and anaclc::s to company established ac-- counts. Abaolutely no~. For inJonnation and inter- view appointment, a end nam~, addrns and phone number to: l ~ l'OOf. $3000 bdow quallll<d. GS-%lll0 _ -1I 2116 Plae<ntla Aw., Apt. B 642-0066 LAS VEGAS. Want Bayfront I market • $27,900 fUll price. SPACJOUS-W/vlew '2 . R SINGLE Yomw MuJb: Lux· • 626-4120 • home or duplex with al.ip. Cotta Mesa 2100 duplex. re--dec, cptJ, dps, uey garden apta with COUJ). ''THE GABLES'' ROOM w/)Xivate bat h (213) 773-5282 '-~~-· rmiae. ,n fri&, tpl, pr, tey club at:mc.pbue a n d preftrabl,y. By the month. g..5 • -2 BR., pr., patio, qWet. patio J.di.1111, no pets. Lease complete privacy soum: 2 BR. 11,i ba, w/priv. 1ar. Older huaineaa man. Refs. I-----'..--- : Trobictl -~'Ir.Ir adlta. 1 $210. 113-4989 BAY CLUB API'S, Irvine ·at = ~:;. dtp&, bUnl,_priv. 675-1095, Mr. Jordan. Trade Dlx ofc. bldi in Gar. : n. Blut Ribbon Special Blk ahapl: $11'5, 5"-4180 2 ~ cpta, drpa. .frpl. D/W. 16th Newport Beadt. 2439 Orange A~. 2 Executiws looking for 3 ~ ~:. 1:b:!F~~~ HAVE Palm l>eSert "Sand· piper'' condo. vat $70,000 Jum., S55,<X» unI.. clear. Want home thiA area. Mr. Jrwin, Bia, 646-9661 ~ lnvlllitc l.Sx30' pool, loada ot 2 BR turn Qnbninh'?'-NO peta. $195 Incl. utiL 703 fTI4) 645-0550 e fr».4l20 e BR bcW w'/pool Prefer im-eq, can add cash. MiJte Co t. J deckin&. encl. patio. 2 Stoey pool I: retftltlom.l pnv. Jasmine. 613-5109 MODERN l·Br.; prlv. peJio, • · · mediate area. &J.1.1n7 ask lins, brltr s.17-5642 Have good gas wddina & cutting outfit w I tanks. WANT trail bike In a. chan&'- PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES t ·~BR. prallre ....._ BJM-. Adwts. Call "6-3>65 3 BR. 2 be, cptat.i,,,., ,.,,,. carport; adulta, m peta. NEW GARDEN APTS. '" Bud. f ,:pts!drpll, fully tandlc. As--refric. IM. $235 mo. $100. 2621 Avon st. 573-6006 l·BDRM. Modem ldtcben w/ 1--.-LAN--D-L_O_R_D_S_•_ ~~ a~~rt P~~-w~ 354 TwB!ly-Firlt Strftt Oakland, Calit M6ll ' . .ume ~ 9' GI loan • owner Newport BMch 2200 ~= Bkr. rqe I: oven,, diahwubr:r, FREE •~AL SERVICE N u...... 42 •---·--~ ~-pie ......,,........ mobile home. income prop. ·will holp tin, $35,500. IWporf ..,.,. 10 •~. ~~ pr, v vm Broku 5U6J82 ** &46-289'1 ** I -Poul JOftff Realty SUMMER RENTAL Huntlntfen IMch '400 -pool.Ra'lu<Uauochy '""· T.D." !??. 0 ,7 ~-.. ""'-....-o '"61' ""·--_ __. · -·-t --DUPLEX Apt. 1 br., fUm. fac. ~ 1: water pd, From G -_. 499-1331 "·uuv """"'· _....~ .,.........,_. ......., year ruw111 WATERFRONT custom: 3 WfW cpl&., dra pe"· ~,. -up. u u111 only. UOlt 5no tlona bef!w taJoen. .,,_,, ...., .nu $16,500. 1 a~ home site. i . $134. P.l.T.I. PROPERTIES WEST Br. 3 Ba. Lq, Fam: Rm., dbpoul. "'" clan. Adult.I. 241 W. Wilaon, CM 642-0401 PRV rm m llc'd hoa?d & Covina Highlands.'""""' l'.:lect clothes Dryer, car, pickup, sailboat, elec add mach. Will trade for motor- boat or Van wilb windows I: seats, or ? 645-00n SAW EXfCUTIYES AND MANAGEMENT [ bedroom. ~ l<m Bayside Dr. ~,u dock. Leue/option $600 Jilo, No peta. Wortdnc woman Greciou1 Adult Lfvlnt care home lor elderly am-horses. Nr. So HW C.C. ............ tit&-1165 2 Bdima., w/w cpta, drapes, --1 644-0064 I ~ihrona'-".t Covered Patio. ..,_,..._ 592-0098 ~f. 30I· Catalina Dr• bula'".:... man or ~man. Trade !or diesel boat. './Jl blt-ins. !daft)' more ex. WATERFRONT Irr l deluxe Fountain Valley 3410 . .. -pool. S~nta O.K. Nourlshina meala, cor1pnial * * .lru $21.450. F.P. and YoU 3 Br. dopi<x. ClwmeJ near CoNna dal Mar .j2Jo ME~ EAST APTS. '""°'P""'· L<-i YT<l & ru.tin area 3 BR 2 ba !am. =~or ~v. pt,y. ocean, boet dock,. lndry, 3 BR., den, ta.ma. rm·.: 16 E. llth.;CM'. 6f2..3C74 patio. A"'ll now. 548.s22S ily room home, Iarae ~r· pr. Avail Ma,y·Nov. 2 wk hltina. $2l5/monlb. !Aue. '145 SPAC. aeJe., trplc. 1 BR ..-.. ..... fpl, cpl5, ed patio fruit trees $1500 'I HOlJSE + fOIJRPlfX min. ~1861 or ~1751 Avall..April 2). 839-~ ~ ... va:.·,i!u ~ .. !'~ .. ~ drpa, •bz• _..patio. pool Income P!oPefty 6000 equity Jo~ beach traU~r or ! . ,,_ ........ v•-AdJll. no pets $13>. 5M-fi163 Canon Realty 675-3581 I All -2 BR<. sso.ooo • L1oun1 llo1ch 2705 L1gun1 Buch i1os lalbN 4300 ESJDE 1 br. 1rp1e, bff.ma, April 151h Bluest Palm Srrin&s • ..,,. .,.u;1, Der Wienerschnit:zel, 1951 Harbor, CM. Land & bldg. Income $500 mo. net. $45,000 equity for lots, Back Bay. 615-6!30 Looking for a no limitation carttr, and a future with &rowth ! Any backlf'O\ll'XI you miaht have In sales, po.bllc relations, manage. ment, aCC0W1ting, or book· 2 lndust. bldgs on Placen-. keepiJW woold be a particu. tia, CM. Value $150,000. lat benefit to you. Men and Trade ~~of $95,000 eqty for women v.·e are seeking will prop. anywhere, % TD or make $15,000. to $25,000. per ~ ~a~:~~ SEA eOAST ·VIEWS '::.~ ~ ~. = CLEAN Bacbtlor Apta. ::~~~~ult no start Plannlni right now :or ~~~lts.:1~~~: l 8C7-1266 LG, aJSI'OM HOME room, stow, retrlpntor, All uUl incl S15 up * LRG 2 Br. Studio Apt All next year's tax ahelter by Palo Verdes or l..r&e yacht. _,_,.._~_154_2 _____ 1 year or more. Call ~Ir. Kap. BR 2 bath. shake root. 4 BR. S ha, bu&t Uv. rm. sweeping ocean view. S2SO , 315 Ew Balbo. Blvd. elec, newly dee. Near OCC. looking at ttUs s ha r P RUM McCrea. (213) 847-5883 .W/w cp ti/ d r P 11 Nr Frppoollcs.:,.Spa_ rm. l:th sauna. leu!. Refs. 8-85 B.Alf04;) ~ $1~. 962-5050 "COSTA MESA DUPLEX". HAVE: Beauty Shop in ~~NJi~t!. ~~~. hf~~h~ everythlna:. Aaaume 5" 'At ally ~ ~parti.. 2 · BR. .-iew, mnoddled, BACHELOR Apt. Util paid. With u lit~ u 10% down, Costa Mesa, 4 stations. Will ....... , J'HA Joan • will fin. part plush cptg., bUina. Un1. S15 mo. El Mu Motd,, 310 Newporl Beech 5200 the incomes from these ~ts trade for Camper or what ~~Va~t a~:es%·0: ~'! lan all day a n d evening (TI4) 537-359(1. CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE ot $3100 eczb'. 192-lSO'f RENTALS $195. furn. $250. 494-r741 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa will PllY all expenaa: With have you? Hou.t Unfurnllhecl 2 BR, newly dee, drpa, w/w a little Jett over. Full price 839-5632 or 646-5253 Laguna, Bkr. 494-1330 (No Selling Involved) Huntington 1 ---· 1.11-....J 3707 Hvntl..,.. IMch 440C) 3 BR, 2 BA. fp1e-S235. '26,500.. _______ BAYFRONT & dock, 3 Br. * TRADE: 12' Gius boat Excel.lent income for few 11---------MONARQI BAY AREA CDNTD1P9RARY livinc, • 2 BR 2 Ba. pvt. patio· "each & T.D.'a (considtt lie/opt. u surface sWimming pool. eveniqp). Refilling " col- ·• HM'bour 1405 GeNral 3000 -.--•-.-213: 981-nm • COATS 3 Ba., val. S89.SOO. FOR &. trailer FOR Doughboey hours weekly v.·ork (Daya or WATERFRONT . by o9 1. $1~.3 BR. l~ bL t'nbouae. ... .... ~ .. · co~~ l BdrL I: Buba. upstain.. I •--N ' .,ec ., , CALL 1~ money from coin ~ .• BR. • 2 BA. dock, 55?.~ J, Stoft'; re t'r r,.. W/W. #OUVl4T ·-"'""''I. All nl!wl)o decorated plua gar, w ·--"""· 0 pets -. ·WALLACE trade for ! .. ) 2 Balboa era.led dispel!S4!:rs in Costa water endoeed patio J7cm. ~ ~ _pm OK. Bkr. J1!::, 1:ic.2 =~ ocean view, from $UIJ to 4245 Hilaria Way, 50«83 RIAL TOI$ Coves, Owner 675-433! 546-6008 Mesa , I: surrounding area; ""'° fl1 on main :JS· 534--Rl $250 mo. 111 .. 5, og.U13 $DI. SUmmer or year ronnd DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA, cpta, 546 4141-.& * * * * .* W• ..t. roul•. (Handin ~-3 •· 3 Ba. ~~ 2 ba. ftntala. Apnt 536--Zn>, c:I drpj, ' blt·ina.. $115. Mo. ("--~-l,,.U /J"l!!!!!!!!!!!!!ili!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!l!!l!!!!!!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!il!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ name b ra n d candy. & --•· =· , , ,w,; 4 BR. lncd yd. J --~· -...,.... 5 -$110,000. Consider I -.. W-FrpL, bltnl. w/~~<:'!..~ RENTALS Pacific Coast Hwy. eue. u 1,,....~1u1~<1<1•J &nacka). Sl450 Cash requir. 11on.59Ull98 & pei,.'B•U<., . ........, &~ Fumlohtcl QUIET & BEAUTIFUL REDEC 2 BR, nfllc, hltol •*-"''"E-•W-•-"F"·o"'u"'R'"."'p--"LE_X_*I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ed. For P<"°na! ;nl•nnew ....;..,.=·.;;...~;.;;;~;;;;;;;.. __ ,Adwts only·, 2 Br., utiJ ...... -... stove, crptl, drps. No pet&. " ,,.._ 1 G 1 in Coata Mesa area, send fount1ln Valley '"'10 $150; 2 BR. fncd yd, w/w, General 4'000 Pool. m . 847-2125 _..... ~ Near Beach, Huntington 1-...;-;.c..n.;.1_"c.....----· enert name. addres.H & phOne num- 1 •tow. Avail. now. Famil7 n~a h ·~ 900 841-1 Off R ~, -M""'S'-t In• --534""9flO .17176 Cameron. Hunt:Bcb. N'Pl' b.. dlx. ~ 3 Br. 2 uc c · """' · """"' Ice Rental 6070 esort Property 6205 ...., w wo.r .... e ... , JIJIJ -EXEcunv•~t-1 ' welcome. Bkr. -S~; 2 BR. All mew turn. BACH t ....... ......_ Ba Cpt.I ,_ !pl bltns E. Imperial Hwy, Downey, •HOME IUY!i..t $95; 2 .BR., ~yd., pr., w/w, Available now.· · ap • ....... ; wa=. I: fttrl, Pt';.,_. 111~· 'N; lutlMu Proper:iy 6050 FOR rent 1842 A Newport FOR RENT Furn ~tammotb Calli. 90242 ,.-cu· Stow, refliK, Ollldrm I: Bro1ou 53U11110 £U pa}d.Adultonly.f15.918 ,_ ~-.. -... • ,_;_ -----'--'--Blvd. 1deal far insurance, MountainCondominium, --C-------1 __. ... o.K. Broker 534.QllO I=~~~"--'""'=-·~ Palm, Hunt. Be•ch pe--....., _.......... ANDY SUPPLY , WHAT else do you WAHTI. t""-$Ito; l·BR. w/w, nicely 53&-t678 or '53S-C9'79 DELUXE 2 bdrm, 2 t.. HIGH TRAFFIC income tax or employment ,'='""" .. ='=·=615-4==110=== ROUTE I~ ~ :: =r: ri: ., Colt• Miu 3100 1um. Util. paid. Available 2 BR. 2 BA. dMwbr pool. cprts, drpg. bit-in&. 22T A COMMERCIAL agency, ~ Mount. & Desert 6210 CPart CJr Full Time) 1 FHA tmna l=""'=·=Bkr=.=:,..._="'==.-:=: bllludL Adults, ,,,; pets Prospect, N.B, 213: 2"'3119 ~ ~:'1tbi~ ComnMrclal 6085 Excellent Income for few I * We""" 2500,. ft with RlEE RENTAL ~-~a ~--4100 SllS. 2321 Florlda 53&-ml Weatclo'ff 5230 -SMALL Cabm near AR-bro. '"'kly wwk (d"' ...._, ..-traffic atrttts in S.A. FOP. ' •• •• " a-o1 M·l ROWHEAD 11500 ) "·filling· and 3 °'' Bdrma, lamliy room SERVICE I Ill! St small ~-~ -· . . " ...,,, • = .I; form.11 dlnlns room Partially rum 1 BR apt. G•rden Grove 4610 2 BR 1., ha To--~.... · · W. 17~ • • property with small office. 54&6068 collecting money from W •• pool f _,A .. ......., __ 2 .,. "'11""""" aiJl.cond •. office ot' store, c.cmplelely fenced with 2 :===='==== c I ~ t·' o· r * e -" a or exam-. • --~ EJdtn Inquire 26Cl SINGLE 'Y~ Adults Lull;-pa l to I ' aw t m Po o I • a:ood parkiD&: Ollly S3S 000 o n ._.....,ra cu J.Spe~ *We have a ccrner lot •;th baths ~OD ptr mo: Call Elden Apt 8. ury prden aptl with COUJlo eptaldnp, blt-lnl. No pets 2. 19'.ll w. 17th SL • ·~ large rates. S48-630C Exchanges, R. E. 6230 sen in Costa Mesa and * ~:an exlltln& nIA. AIL l1l'II. PD, 1 bdnn Funt. try lcub atmosphere and ~.;:ta only. $1.90/mo. 67·5 X 256' lot (wi~ older lncludrl11 Rental 6090 $60,oo:> TD on 10 acres of ~11g~:~:S en";.:~ • low 11*resl usumable Mature adults. $100. 2335 comlpete privacy. SOlJTH house). Ter;H1c Ioeation Jor oceanview land for clear brand candy & snacks.) , : loan. ORANGE COUKTY'S Elden Ave:. C.M. BAY O.UB AP'l'S. 13100 E11t Bluff 5242 ~-tranchile 0: me .wxL FOR lease Laguna Niguel, house. 497-1210 Sl650 total cash required. I· . YO.U TELL US. LARGEST DF.LX apt. sp1.cloua l Bdrm. Cham.pan Ave., Gar d en 1111 •tore or otficie. Must be oll San Diep Fwy at Crown c:;;=c...::.c.=:::..___ For m 0 re information : TRADEWINDS RL TY. pool. ideal 1or bactielor. Grove (TU) 636-30..1> e NEW DELUXE e Dd . priced under market. Valley~ new oommttci&I & --------and deta&, send name, f .. ~., IU'I 293 E. 17th St. ~ fl'W\ """~ ....... _ .. .,_ .... 9633 ~ 1 Rick Alderet~. Rltr. industrial Wlita. Delta Eleo-R. E. Wanted 6240 ad'-·-and ho or ll'U-OfU12 .....,, ...,""' .............. ., _. 3 Br. 2% ba. •PL 1u1 ease w.~ p ne num- VERY I 3 BR 2 .. th I --· llMch 4705 541-6t69 b'ic. D•.,. -8.11-1400. Eves c ean l ·BR., utll. paid; pool ==r= Incl. spac. mztr. llUite, din .....,~ WANT TO SELL? ber to: ' ' m<UTM HOME :. fi!: ~1r1'..: ~ :.=: l 133,500. Coutllne Realty :· ~ 531-13E& M•sa del Mar, h1ll' lot No ebll-<r peta LGE. 2 BR. dupla, "'· vie: rm. & dbl. ,,_, auto. MEDICAL ILDG. • ,....,.,,, "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" $210/mon. Ast. 5*-041 1801 Whittier St. 64s.ttl2 tm' Hugo's; fl'pL, pr. $225 door ~ avail. Pool & 'JWO SI'ORY. 1 unit ottU-1---------Call Farrow and start pack-P. O. Box 3846 S BR 2 BA, CTP.ta. drpa. ~ice BACHELOR Apt.. 1 adult Mo., yrly. 646-0732 rec. &rea. Nr. Catholic pied by denti.lt, l vacant ,L;;;•;;.lo:____ 6100 Ing! Anaheim, California 92.803 Ml&btmhood. $250 lease only. sa> Mo., util. pd. 2llG-Church & school A Corooa PLUS sumptuous 3 bdnn 1• FRIGIDAIRE Call 5*-ml C Oran&• A,.., C.M. D1n1 Point 4740 del Mar High. apt. Euy tonns. VACANT LOT 2 BR. Jireplac:e, n ewl y FURN. Ba.ch .. uU1. paid. 2 BR 2 BA, fult,y ~ ._!._ Amo~_:,,$270Way •• N.B. R. D. SLATES, Rltr. Huntington Beach. 100 x 80', O C , ~-idJa!ET1A8 C~IONyc1 1 deccn.~ $155/mo. 1 child Adult only. Nr. O.C.C Mated pool, next to yachf o;ii-ei.1. ,._ 847-3519 EveL 897-5465 R-1 comer, fully improved r ange ounty • "'•'6 re min. c e 5 ·OK A..+ &C-3936 540-3'759 .,_ ... Ul'On Ith _,, al'·· .. _ La rgest the fastest in the industry. ' ... ' ---.ii" bubof. $175 lease. --~ c •-1 U-s••o W llNeW ~, CUrun, £Ul-30 ""'-imda,·1·· do the WO'k • -•na •---h 1705 orona -""'' ~ B·-·-R1nt1I ,.,. ''"' util1·11'•• 110,500 293 E 17th St ,,. .. 1.. "-"' 1 ·06• '" .. -......,-___ :_ ____ 2 BR duplex; priv. patio, 1 BR fun, all utll incl $135. • · _. __, "" • • --~ of 40, 30 min. washers, Find OCIANVllW pr. lnWrt 0.1(.·'fl«I Pool. Adults 15 46-5276, RINTALS -FREE DESK . SPACE in BRASHEAR REALTY out how easy it ia: to own PRIVATE ·BIA.CH 142-2890 968-1740 Apta. Unfurnished .. v small abop in exch&ngt for 847-8531 Eve. 536-2123 Bus. Opportunltl•s '* a paying laundry. 2 Bt 2 Ba. Open beam, teak,, REDECORATED 2 BR an-e Nuau Palma e ""·--I •-..,~..,. taldnz me~s, del. Call WHALE watching oceanview DISTRIBlITING BUSINESS Garden Grove. Sant.a Ana, ..:i.;., ..... 'L..t -road..Jow *""-' utniHn pd. Vacant. 1 a 2 BR. • Pool -ra -Ml 546-f411 ~ kit&, Lqu1la Beach. $5,950 WITHOUT INVESTMENT: Tustin. Orange, Anaheim , t=;: i12.50J. ¥im. down. M1rno. «Kim St., CM 171 E. 22nd SL 6'J..3IC5 RENT =========' with •mall down payment. NaUonal Manufacturer will Coin-0-Matic ~ by .. .-LO ... --1 N .. · .... ~-........... .,___ ...... , ··-'"'--~•. ""-M ON TE.~ ACU:S Offlcti R•ntll 6070 497-Iall prov'"'e --.. 1 ... 1e ............ m .,..,...." ....,.._ -• • ""-is ..-.}"C ....... ~ ......... e ,,,_ •llUUl.M: uut.Qe ay • R f mltu-"' -..v·-r-.._--. Equipment, Inc. I -Mt 2 ha dbl to ~ • ~ .. ., only .....__. ., oems v • • I 6 2 BR. Fum 6. Unturn • VIEW ol -· -rne, d~ .. '-'buting -~... •-·· • DAD..Y PD.OT WAhT ADS! et, _.,, · · • a:ar. .....,,.,,, AUw • .......... t"O LAGUNA BEACH ..... _..., '"" "'u' .........., _.,. "" 23M11' W. Valencia !IRING R!SULTSI many doeets. $210. 548&16 tum $150 mo 5C8.2C36 $20 • $25. $30 mo. Fflllca I ptiv. patloa.IPool& Al ,,. __ ... bluff, Possible 6 sty. novelty specla.llsts, inaek Fullerton 114: 525-78.33 t OeMr•I • ! I I i • i l FUU,. OPTlON TO BUY. Tenbia • Contnl'I BldaL pu1-f .,,_...JffonM medical or apts. Will bulld loods, etc.. to taverns. 10000...rel 1000General 1000 <R.efripraton .Available) ttna: Clft1l. ON FOR.ES""' AVENUE to 51,1iL ~ restaurant&. all type stores. HANCOCK STATION tor No deposit o.a.c. a.» IN 1.anf, OW ~ Oat 1pace1 an.ilable fn,I,_,:,:=:=;.,:::=== Direct fa~ry connection lease, Newport Beach. Good S@t~4'ltA-l&i~s· Soloo a~Sttesl>ladWonl1'mlafor10.cilo (MacArthur m. O:>ast Hwyl DeWlllt <itSe9 buildint: •t Ranches 6150 ean.ing hl&h dally caab gallonage now, goes higher H.F.R.C, pr1nM location • downtowni,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; commissiom and monthly in sumdlu. Available now. 511 ~~'!"~:~~ Balboa 5300 =.a =•·AJr•= RANCH ~:~e-~.u~~ ~~:n~:U:U:v~~ 1561w.LlleJn.Anhm17~2!!l0 GBACIOUS Adwt Llvtnc. -'" part!-. Two COUNTRY run ttm" write CHEX. Inc.. wlth good <ndH. Ca II ~--• Bay ,_ S ._.. entranc:t.: Floatap an 2910 N. 16th St., Phila .. Pa. _511._ll19 ______ _ l'tllladetphia. MoenUne, llil> leue 2 BR ~ ba •PL Wash· er: itt')'tf, refri&', cptJ. drps, all util C.M. # 5CMl06 aft 6 p.m. $150: 2 BR. Gar, fncd pailO. w/w, ~ ~ own.~• Braker ·SSC-f191) ~· • v ... w. pac........ l'orell An ftar le.S. to 2 Paree.la. one or 33 acres ·~ 19132 2 BR. 2 BA., mlk In MUllCIJ>ol ~ Iota. ISO 12.250 .. ,. a<n:' Iba ot>er 1..:=------BUSINESS and clo&et:s. beautiful carpet. 6 pC!I' month for .,_.. Delle 38 ecrca at $120,000; near CANDY suppt,y route, part or FINANCIAL chperle:a. Pool. ht .Us-ud c:halrr anllabi. for $5 WUdamar. This la v.iwlre the tun time, dQl/evta. Rtflll --""-;;.;;~::..;:c..... __ ~I for tenants. Subtnnnean BUllnetl boun UIW.ru.C big thorouahbftd rancbn I: collect n;mney from coin lus. Wanhti 6'05 parking.~. lfl'VIC!t anlJl.b!e far $10. are. BMutifUJ. rolllrc Wm optr. Dis~ ln Colla _______ ...;.;..; 3 Br, 2 ba, + den. SJOO mo All atUJ!k9 ,md acept eountry, Juat South at LUe Meu. &. vie. No etlllng. PRIVATE party haa $10,000 yearly leue. telepl".ooe. , Elsinore on 395; for mor-. $1650 Total cub req. Send cash down payment + ex· BURR WHITE, Rltr. DAJLY PU.OT tnlorm1tion, pie~ ca 11 name, address Ir phone to: «Utive abilit;y to lnw1t tn c..t• Maise ~100 2901 NeWJK>rt Blvd., N.B. m l"OJ\ISI' AVQn]E Gltnn Thompson with Route Dept., PiO. Box 3846, )'00.1' buaineu. Wrlle in ljjiiiiiiiijiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 67$..4630 Eves 642-ng LACUNA BEA.at Eckhoff A Anoe., Inc. I _:A:::naho::::l:::m:..•::2113=.____ OQft\llletr amftdel'lct to DaJ. 11 ..... lBlJ W.OlapmanAvc. APARTMENT Se"1o:: 17PilotBoxM470. HARBOR Huntingloft leach .$400 PR..'VATE omCE ,.,. it h llt1 -""""' ~· Calif. bu.sl~u. New, u n I q u e • I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I reception niorn $12S/mo. 4 " ...... ._ ~~wtnds 5.18-6727 invdln&:. Desire $15,000 Real Estate LNM 6340 GREENS EXCWSIYE """""'11e $300 I mo. Ak ~~·Write P. condlllonlna. -.. .. A...... 6200 ON THE-IEACH lfel'ttari&J ~ MAIL ORDER Modlltfla. BAam.<m • m.7tJlllL 2 " : -~ &..M ~ County M m... *>ACRE Wlldernu1 wltlt "''°' wanl<d. C.M. ..... fnllll $110 • _,_ ..... ~ 230 E. 11th Strtet attk • cobln. 1150 PtT Ii. Add,... TAB. Bax 30, 8'JI 'Lmm7 OW. to ,.._ .. Colt& Me. &U--1485 with tvma.. Buah, Santa Ana 92701 Aim AVAru.BU! PDll ~-· f'e.-NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER C.7-ACRE produclnr Avocado SEMTNAR l -~ A S BDRM. a.....,._ at ~. OtftcM au.ti.able b' ())m.. grove In Morro Hills. 0oun on Start·BuUd·Prornoe. Yoqr R<tilll Pooia, Oilld car. lhll HllllllngklD merc1o1, -o.n111. view. "" dn. °"" """""'"'" ......, °"""'N· Adj. .. "'----,..,. """"""·· ..,,... devator &ll ACRES·• -road. ~ J • --· ·~ Sltller Morlpae Company Inc. 336 E. 11tb st, Calta liltsa' S.rvlJ>& 0...,,.. Cnty ,. ,.,.. ~11 -Eves. fil.716.5 642-USI' Morlllfll, T .o:a •us o pt 35c PER SO. {'I'. $13,D. Tmu. WANT.....,: uu-..e ""'tuor l'lllO Petmon Wt:t, ~t lfsr. Ille m 5Cl-5032 oit 615-2454 11 AO\S . W1th utiliU... l:lcene. Orwwt Cocul b'. $27,000 111 TO, OQ'allle sm bor • Adamo, Cotta M-PK . $llOO <II\. Namo -.....,._ Clll• ~ month, IO'JI doe I yn. IO'JI 54&43111 ' JIO Sq. Ft. Office MORSE McDONALD !>LACS - -.. ft8a dl"°""l .... 113T ............... c;>sT A MESA 32130 Real IOI' ' '"'··· '-M-0 , fty • THE IV--.,_1 m OollD Ave .. 1u .. ~ .,. ............ -"""" '4500 lit TD 3~ dlfff j SCRAM.lm .ANEWERS IN C' & SS uoo ~-••• c.w.. m11 p.11n <lll s.. Matn. Follbrook m.ar -Jll;.Sll ,,... ""' "~"" S.!:ir-'' -----~--+------'-----'---l!J!".~-'---.l:nlE=..:QQJ=CXER=:..Yl'!.:.::;i:..:""'=·::=l,l'!!!!!!!!!,;,;;,;;,,;;;;;,;;;;;,,,....!W\~~!!.!..;!..E;~~ 11\0 m.8401 -<97-t210 !.Z-41' • " .. ..._. " __ ...:..i.::....==---· I .... --~--~--~~----~---------~-~-------------------''------~~---------- ' .._,, ,,._ 14, IM DAILY Pllll' .JI. ··~~~':4, ;;111~1:::. DIUc:TOI..:. :::.c:.~.~\0 .1:::=-'1':: :'!~~ ;;= :::=:.~n: '::;_-:!!! -. ... , T.D.t 6345 CARPENTRY Al/S ~Service ~ "~ . • · ··-c * , " ' . ':;" ..;:u:."'11' ' d ~ ... ~+°"'po1n':,~~~~1:;: :::::..'_,~ ~:4!1.';2~. JAllGI· I '~·lllf .J.c.l'Uot7eo. ~c:°DCH ;.::=£rd J.i!' =..:· • 'i:;:'" i::.: ~,:, ~ :,! ~~ 0-11 Soni•• 6612 =~~ x1o1..,::_ . EXPIRllNCID · =.:-_:-.:i · = = ' IUl~LANS ~::'°:1-0::C:-,. a, ' ,..,....,, val 's120,ooo . -at 64M312. IL 0. a:-w.-,o.,.--....... ,.. of s , . " INl ... CTORAIDI 51,.,,.1a11y, . Ii .,_ntllt,balanca1$8,0Cll. Ando-,. •·. "• IL\ULING.Palnttnrhoodmr. PAINTING Int" Ext. 1-1'-tl ... ,. )'ffD-tOnoo·lo..fut· HvJ'lff'Tllll: ...... 1716.,,.._ .,,___ U.:.1~ Phone ~ Pr t 1 CAR.P~y • repa.ln: _ odd jot.. You DllDt i ,.. Lowest ~ prioa. x ..... _, m,. 7 trlft' or nlltltd tndUsu,.. ~· ti'• 1 , • 1 .. ..-m• • ........,,. m-91!2 aen1 lix it ~Uy wori<. dolt! -. ' Fu14'llll.Sa-l\W'. -~· fr<(<t<,..ri!bo-. '' . =-lad...--Job.-'-' 1~~~;::::::=7.~l~Cell~J~ett~61U164~~·;,.i•= -H•ull"t 1110 ~.~ c.ii Jim w"'°' AP'P'LY !':--•""'*.~~"°:'.!: AUTO SERVICE . 1a tha lbd!dliW :· .. w: ==·"! Money W1nted 6150 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS "'""+-. . . , Po'"""°I Offlco -m --~~qm 1 ,_..,,, -' CALVARY O.pel 0..-to 25~!:;. Mt obe~ GENERAL HAULING Plaaforfntl."R-i.''8tO Thl'll. flow ormtl>lllllV: Rec<llt~~~ ;:fl:.=·=-A;1nc1o1. W.-~ .oU•rln& 7\'i totenoot on ,..u · · . . i. CLE,ANUP _ n;it • .;.. • .a...IJ z;x-,.ia,, ml ben-!root dd o11c..-; iii.. ..,;i -J ,..,. of , ~TY~' 5l'CUttd DOies. Ftlr more In-QUAUTY Rep.aJra •. Altera. $10 per load. Fret p.rqe • p AT c H PLASI'ERJNG. ..... ...... at ~ CODdltiGn ' tnihP.Hiwt ancl I ~ ·~ or ' r ... lo, call Owies Smith. lions -New oonst. by hour cleanup for uaable ltema. J.U typn. Free •tlnY.!e. / · e · nm.up nquired. ~ ~tkln .expalenct or W¥fh • .al , S6--l121 01' &U-61!3. alter or Contract. 646-3442 96U8«i aftft' ' P.M. Call 5tQ..6S25 NEWP(>RT' BEAQ-( T Sthd r.nme and aalary t1ve Illar)' ~ [, ' ,.,. tA.. .... ~ on or ..,s ,....., ~ 6. -REPAIR, P""tions, Small HAULING, Genonl, Top, 47C-ef.fnhlfn ,..W.. ...... to, TopllJaht-....ittlone ""Iii' .,ct-Ins,. ~Dir~ WANT $20,0» collateral lout Rtmodel, etc. Nile or da,y, trim. lf!move trffa A: "~ 6l90 !'.~31Sl ... ·u:. wtth-...taadbNtequlp. arcbitecture.Amattht bii;',.....,'~ 2t Jll. · ~ wUb $50,(Q) TD 6b 10 &Cftl ~ KEN 540-C79 ~ Btc John tc-«!30 -;L""UJIBING REP ... "" ' ......,.,,_. • n. D!d;y Pilot mwt. C11-.:.lltiemftta fD.. Ptnonnt1 Ofaoe, 3300 . s!;~a.:r· 1 r .1 ooeuMew hillllOp la n d . ™"' Box If M.CU dudilw Wipttalbaftoft, tzn. Nftport BlYd.. Newport, • H&rbOr 81.. • '<ft .,..WT c-1, c.nc.... 6600 H-111n1nt •ns · ND lob '"° ..,.n ""Equol Opportunl'l' • . -... ,. .... ,..ai -. Calll.,-. n1-. = ~· ~ ....... , . nAY lD" INT. on v.-ell • so.3UI • Employer -l&llMIS. . llbmtlar· &'B41S33, ~ 5 p.m. ..,... ....-. .. -.. secured 1-flOO,ooo e CUSTOM PATIOS e CARPETS, W1ndowo, lln, PLUMBING REPAIR I AJri1 22, -, , 5*-5984 concrete sawing 4 removal ete. Raldtn. or Comc'L DRAIN CLEANING , . APPLY IN ftRION Heitt Wellfred Slat• Lie •• 842-lillO Xlnt -Roal! llalt. -.. M0-'1211 TURRET LATHE ' lOAIMoiPll w-· 7.Ml ANNOUNctMINTs ·.collc.N~-~ .. ~ 5IMll1 MACHINISTS PllSOllB Mondi> tbo9 s.-o· C· 'A. s-mAAY·B-and NOTICES ~~ ·-FLOOR """"•-pol"""" Romotlol, Ropelr, M ,... i ::-'"':-~"":-:-:-:-:::::1-Phllli~·~,.,<:Cemen~~t ~,..._~~ -"""" " ... · . ---J (. ptamfl (0 NOW ,HIRING $411 le $117 • Found (flM Adel 6400 Cemont ·Worl« all kiods .-W. FREE .._ llOOll ADDITION' a Experionctd too cloee to1-ACCOW>tan"-Sa-... A • -:£ • WI TRAIN / Two •,_. --... ~'°'41 Frff Estimate Swedlah Malntmanoe ~ ~Attractl•e erance wlth a~ to Qualltyo;.,tftllPerlon NOEXPERIEN~N'EC SH.9Qwpm.t;yplasCliwpa ' •VHITE German Sbephenl * i36--03'1f * vtce, 67S"'5l =-ra. -. .... Cd mUe ........ -.em-Morch-P'ortonnol 24 fllhleft lollnil * WORK wmi HYDRO-AIR U.S. ct-. -at: ~~~au:~ H= CEMENT .Worlc, no job too e HOUSECLF.UJING e ~!:_l hour_. t~:_ ~ w'!:: Driw An~~ * ~ ~ .!~D~lct • & Wlllon. 4/10/G May bo ..wt,,....,,.,.._ Fru Extellentworl<.$2bour.Cd !!'!!!! -----, ClorntrllthA...... * **DELIVERY WORK ..,_ ~·r , ' picktd up at BayahDre estim. H. Sturuck. 548-8615 546-S!m in&. "5.2TIO _, .__ * DISPLAY WORK lm:t CEDARWOOD t . Animal u .. ,1ta1, Harbor Ch1ide;; 6610 "="~~~-•DrP=~=-J c w:n:a co SAUS *· Bli.'sboys •ADVEllTISINGWOllK N~ : Blw, C.M. * G<6-tM6 * , , IUl , ·* ELECl,'iUCAI. .FOUND, El Toro ..... l0EXPER.toba ... -it"""''" ...... and .aPt.cinc.&G-llM Ex----r •• _.. o· h EQUIPMENT deatru ne,at.·a -,~ "'" ·--~, Alteratlen1 IQ.JM. 5 '"I W 11~ It _, ·rr• * II • TOP 11··RTIN~ p•y .,.. -••••" , Spd. derailer bike. Call & achl child. Refer. avail. 9# •• ... • • Natlonal .,,., -Uon "" ""' "" :.,,.-;,..... l identify. 837M68 Fnt'd in yard, bot lunches, Income Tu ~ Neat. accurale, 20 yrs.. exp. Cotte Meta hu ~In um-. * J'J.Sr ADVANCEMENT ;':'a!:!.""• Ml GIRLS Bike. Vi,. Pinohunt Wi1'on & Pcmooa, Cid. RESPONSIBLE preparatloo •-~ -5414421 Ap z ,. owr with llOla ' washers * trrART WORK AT ONCE lor ..., -_... &: SUmmmlale. H.B. cau to 642-1940 &:: filln& of all inc::Gme tu y,.. -"-6tlO baclfiround or pulllic con. Fol" 1ntervit'!' caD. Beub identify. 847-7S71 returns by Certified Publle E.WATE . Ma!nt Tree Sent An equal opportunity tact. Wlll In.in ~ nw.p-Mondq I: TutldQ ~ e. Wrlle c/O at TOY poodle, male, charcoal Centrecton 6620 Accountant. Available lo Removal A trtmmiQP, 1rte empkov ment pStion, Send brld ft.. Apply In Pl'*' 77~7251 No. 8. ~ p;f. • arey. Univenity Park. Iden-ADDmONS-REPAJRS = ~ ~~ at IG-OJQ.,.IG-2913.. sume to DaJb' PiJot Bar M. HOSPrrALrl'Y Btdl~ tify. '33--lln1. REMODELING ·-~-""' -l\IVllW: 3"'. REUBEN'S • • • • •• looldnc""' -....... FOUNDJetBJackPartSia-Designing a: Planninc y;;;;~te at1dactkm Telnit1on,lepelr'"5 IMllA'K * DlfYEIS * Hetldomot.~r •••• $450 to weleame ~ 1 ~.::;,~NB. Rod roJ. ·;/fr5::..'ti:~i~t "=~ ~17 ~No.:; llTOIEll HEIP Nc:.!!:-ri.n;e coco's =-~ 1:.~'·:;;:; =.::::.!,;.~ ~ Lost 6401 ll22 Paularino. CM. COUNSELORS coloi', blk" wtit er -. --r 15" W, Adlmt Gd. tw. Siii prof. Sm. oft, "'11< 1, Tlutin, c.Jil, * 545-4941 * 5M-mO a.Q)'tlme! APPb' in perw:m Mull baw d-.i. CIUlanalli (Mt• Maut % Fee pd. by empl. 5"-1125· < LARGE REWARD! e 6G-9937 e bolwffo lJ>.< *"°"" nccrd. -F/C-pu ........ Ml • AOO..A,J!oom, ··~ unit., Smil T '--1 JOllS .. IEMP'LOYMENT YILLOW CAI co. Conolnlctlan--· SARAH a>VEN'l'llY .. small brown • ..,,, mutt, W/ .... -two •tory ey ax Rll ce AllCIEflT·MAmR ,. E. 18th St. *'CARPENTERS r .. Jola .\IOo Anllal!le ........ lor llill .. ,.. oollar. Vk N. Newport --d ·. •,.-y lay 0 ulhel' ESTABLISHED JO ~•uo Joli Wlllletl, L..i, 7'02o c..ta M.,. * CARPET LAYERS J. R. P!m>o'-'-· .... ney Pl"':u:.-t ~ ..... Blvd NB Call 642-3222 or epgn. n m · ~......._. MAN y ambltioul for 1815 Newport. C.M .. NU'l20 ..... .., ~ 2225 ·~n Dr. #3, CM. business. Pacific Coast -Reuonahle Fee• -n.c>ORS •hipped a: waxed. 2'07 YI· (Nit Hwy • oa:n&. • 00 dellmies. Fer .. Bids. 67>-1llll. Weekdays, 230 E. 17th s~ CM (SUila 2111 Cp't -· WaBa ·-Nlwper+rt ....,, ""'':i:: with ""'"""""'' with motor ---· FRY rlVtll call IWO-Glll! 131~ APRIL 9, Newport Center, Sat .l Sun at your ser\..ice <Oranee County Bank BldJ.) ed. G~.5.1l~ esta leftioe CJOm· ..__ ........ "'· ~~... \VVI\ ~B47:::-l950:=:::_~---dlamond cllllltrr earring for J*D1• 8lluy $3.00 ·.br + cu ~" _...w _ piercedear.LlberaJrewardQUALITY re'!Joddin&• 24Cflldarpftt.Npt.Bch. Bo&tMf&. aDowance,f,,..bo,i1pltal Multbtexperienced NURllSAIDE ··· for return • no questions custom design sel'Vlce. Rehl W. A. SMILEY C.P.A. Dlrneltlc:ftelp 70J5 IRICSON inl., comm. ~ vaca-APPLY. m PERSON '?.TO 3 SHIFI' .. ...... .....,., on "'I· Frank M. Baroen ..,_,... anytimo 842-2221 OU--Oleaflll YACHTS lion. we.tn!a _....,.at Apply Iii...,.. , PARK ·LIDO LOsr: Female Slam~ cat, Comtr Co., 1..fi39..l46& aft TAX Return Specla1 $15. PermUent. ~ ence. Am 9:30 ~ OJllr, EJPUIER Convalncent Hmpltll ~ 7 mos old. Friendly. Vic 4 pm Form 1040 a: StO, your hmm: Far Eut ~ . lft.'103. * Boat Cu'}lel'.1tm TUea. Alri. 15tlL ... Jl!'.!O • nannrts llo 424 1"5 8Qpertar ,.._ 2ht St, CM. $48.-680 Addtions * ~mode~ng or our oWce. 23 yun a Georp: Allen Byland Ap:nc;y * Hardware· Men Weat«rn Ave., Garde a llllUWt I • I I, N@WJIO!'t Beach ""'1 Fred H. Gel'Wlck, Lie. tax consultant and ~ Empioyer PQI FM * nberslu LamiMtora Grove. MQJ()IHOtl (QRP, ~ LOST; Very tae. blk. P"°'te, 67l-60ll * 549-2110 a claim jo, deductions 1..,. E. ;tit>. SA "'7-*Wood -Ma LEAD MAN ltn4 -I .. ., ASSllTANCI_~· vie. Harbor & Baker, OJ; dlsallowed. 24 hour Se:rv · * Cablnet -..... I ;.,_ 11·....1 O•rtltn Grow Need 2 ladiH for ~ ! al Rewud. 54&-7887 -J02 ,..,-,...rt .,.., II em e. C•rpet CIHning 6625 642-0622 lor appt. Hel,. w....., Men 7200 mill men (Olfe Meta, C•lif. work. 12 Boars wetld:J'. LOST; Rabbit, very Igo., . • The Tax Advlto<a * Ruddn Wtallen CAllNET-SHOP * D1ytlm1 ll\olboy "'' wk. can -~ browni!h color; vie. Dahlia. Carpet 4 Upml Cleamna Year round ofc. 32& No, EXPERIENCE Excellent opporbmlty fer * NW.t Dfthw11her lat &a.-betwftn 2 and Fernleaf, CdM. 673-5009 If It's done right. • • • Nwpt Bl·~. N.B. Reu! Apply In Pemln .....--...__. fat' penonal tn~ntew. 11'• "DUNN-WELL"! ~ Jn -~ ~-right ...... -~-In CAUll Lost beige toy poodle, le-Free Estimates 548-8544 call 645--0400 tor ~PL * llS1 W. ---.... _.. tranen. ~ motor APPLY m PERSON FULL TIME tnterior Ir 4 mAle lewd 'coflar. N• Bae •'' -Wallu H. Fatuonbob P.A. .f TWO DMD Jl.30 yn !Gr _ .....,l!Vlnduetrlee QPl'C)ITUNITYI t.-boat dean ... • II !«" i:M. Reward.;...""' Carpattayt,.& ·" -Income· Tu -'IUIMftHK 1a--""'"· Mutt ...,., 2220 E.6o#too. Ano----..-aa-.... ~lH , ~;,.~••h•• R ~· 6626 642-GH or 5'5-1391 ew ILV1lllUlllU, have awn lnnlportaUon. helm. mND . . 111 -• _... _1_ UU9lill le -.xrYll:lll' Persontls 6405 •r-•r startirW pay $400 mo. APPb' .,..,,,., M mu.. • --ES 790 INTERESI' c.~ (nylons, wools. ~~:= i:::: .ILm.at2fiOllCetl)'Dr,ln. =~~~·ta =~:;· .. -=:.:. 151 I. COlstHIF••Y ~?!arra.N~ Wrila for -"'°"""" polya-I · VioYb ml T1I-bincd, $15 . ..._,,.,. * llS1 dllllrial area, Lqwia Ntiud --In ..........,, Mulwl funtl Aft....... tjewporl -£;:"'-., S"1u7 A W descri~~-7% interest es.Latestatylnandeokn. e INCOME TAX• •CARPENTERS operation, APPLY Tues. Inc. IF YOU Condltiom:.'612CIO ""~ Commerclalm!Realdential. e FOREMAN .,15 •-·-dUlrcb bonds, bolng "'1d by Etpert lmtalladon. Done In -bomo • * mT e FIBERGLAS LEADMAN J.ftoINE HEADER 00. llpl B. llCll '11'--BUTCHER to UI In Ii Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. BLANKINSHIP FLOORS $5 and up. 539-2!00 Day or Nllht Shift '7515 Acai:ia St. I.A. W N. B~ dept&, aml mkt. Npt. 1fb1i Bo::ir 5002, San Jose , .,..,1,_ ~-A-'·· ,.. _ _._ _....._. MT.a:sJ Op llwL -JIG-.;;;:~ Calu la 95•= -~ _,_ 6755 '~ ~ G..,,., --Cao ---ud up lo ' -,...._ om ~ _ lronl"t ~.~--of buk --. 1631 PltcenUa, Coola M... PART TIMI ~~~ Pilot SED ··~-~ ARGUS AGllfCill!S, • $<00 • ...,_ (ml,,,..., . I s:.lri.+' ... ~l"'f~ ~~,f G1rda;:.ONY'S 66IO ':!~=~ .::: ~:.lo -,...,. ... ~or..~·c!':'a:o. c!:~·=-J:O:~~li.~JE :U''"'..1.'"~ m~ P::·"::.., muat - camino Real, San aemente. Garden Service 25l·B Avocado, CM MS-822'1 See ~ WOOd Top pay. J...l macbizdlt oa17, Acfmlnlttretlw TrnHI OOUNTY, WE NEED Z m.-. nekmtl. ~mT ~ ~ e9136. 10 Alil·IO PM 646-1941 12&7 I.apn Av. CM. CAU. BOB. 1111-711& MEN FOR ADVEllT151NG Pllnl I Ion Pll: .....,,,. ..... I u~.n!NG Janitorial 6790 w•~. r---~ at ·-cw-m~,ru "~fj!SPLAYWORK.NO .,.... · EXPERl!:NCEll t SPECIAL $2 zu:.n.U'E ~ ~~P~~. ~ ~~ EXPERT Janitorial Service COLLINS ~''~;;--c1ra.: -·ooo·-·.-R· ... : ~ ~~D· WEAY ~-A.!::1y-::':'~,. •"•~** :, Attredlve xpert 1ai1. quanttty Mll'WJ;. •ex· ,_.,. ... v~ ,, • .c. ... _ •r-••• - YOUNG WOMAN Monthly Maiotooaocc ~-~ ·o~ RADIO co per'd. Lqwia lkacb ..... P'ARKING ATIND'T S;!QTO IO;!QP.M. ro11 JN. LUHRS -T co. ORTHODONTIC =rs:.~~~~ -~rti=t 6110 , .. • ::om:bo)'ltoauiat.W. r::::.tt:·~•::: =TIOH-CALt KR. i;.:;,~c: putll•~No~nq. .' 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM GARDENERS STUDENTS Llndscllplne muqer, aftft' IChool I: •. Neat applU'UIC'e, rm. MONDAY • roJ;SDAY .• f'JBERGUS • SECY-Ute JIKKP'G • COUPLES, '""''"' lonely? ~= =..::: LANDSCAPERS S"24 ~-!~llfr Sa-. WrllAI. Studeat 1Cd Mf.111JO, at 165. • to 774-7251 ~ ·....-, -' wk. ·1o!d--. " Newtnarea!Jolntbeswin& ·~~ .. , ' ATIENTION ente-..,-• Coumdor, box 2010 , pm. PtmttloD opm ln ~ PllJ,btneflt:l..Scbx:k'Bolts, 138-311Sotsz.3381 to fUn &: pleasure REAS. 646-0J3 I need landlcaplna, and will \Vatmlntttr, Calif. SERVICE di.Hon mt'Ctlanlc ktnable Newport Beach Ne.port m..a COOK WANTED. ~ ta e m.9291 e TAKATA trade a 17 ft outboard with Equal opportunity em~ * Atrl'OMATIC . TRANS. w/ manqirt&1 ehlltty allO restaurut ix ambldooa, EXP Service 1tation at. ' ,,_t ALCOHOLICS ......... _,.,,. JAPANESE MJRSERY .._ -... RtYiot st.a attendants ~; 1'703 a&prrim .... -v··-•--· Com .. 1... anl . blc wheel trailer aa· )'Olli' MISSION SPECIAIJST alto -.. ,pel'IOM.bltl JO&q man, todant, muat know tune-up Cm:ta' Meu Phone so.m7 ru· write to _....,,_ ...... te g eru~ aervict1. Leta set totether GJ!JlERAL MECHANICS * for new Shell 1rw;i station. experienced 1n "9taunnt 4 bl'aftl. uman Statlon, .::::::;,;;;:;;;·~==,-+I P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. aervice. Headquarters h befO!\ your busy MU>n. SERV. srA. MGR.: Over Cotta Mna Auto WorJca 837..fi635 manapment Reply' to comer w..rtrr A: Mqno1ia, RILIEI' COOK • • all your nursery needs. Pho ... --21, •~ uat ,_,. SALES. ,., # 11"'-HB. . ~-d N.B. Tennis Oub F&mil:y De .,.._, marr~, m XIS Plectntia, C.M. SERVICE STATION ~ • ..._ ruume. -.- Membership for sale. Best e J~ANESE GARDENER 21oome75 N-.~~~.· AC.~ BOAT Carpenttn, Cabinet P.IAN. 25 Years or older. BcixPllot. M-CJ. .';l'ht DJDy FURNrnJRE Dellwry man, ~ otter. call 644-2422 MamteC&ll."""". ~;;,eanup Peperhlnglnt .,.r.-• rnvu. 111 M1Jc:er1 I: Flbtrsla• Full t:nn., nrlna Jhltt. See musttieablelodrtvetrudc. rn time, apsim ,.. Peintlnt 6UO SERVICE Sta. Att; 4 ID 12. Workn. App: 776 W. 16th. <lldt, 2580 Newport Blvd., SERV. Sta. AH: ·Need full Ml.lit be relJ.able. Prtfer ex-terdor ftO'OW' dG'k. P.q. SERVICI! DIRECTO'Y JAPANESE GardM>er, """' 6 nl&hu a .,._ Apply In c.M. c..ta M-. -nl&ht man. A"'1 la -· -1!o< 100, 8tn Olom"" , plete ,yud M!J'¥b, fl'el PA INT IN G A Paper. penon 21f0 Har1xr Blvd., Experle ced lMtalltn <II' tratnea Pfr.:Jll J4ea Union ~. * cooK * BARMAID . nJchb. MA.Vi$ Appliance Rtp1ln estimatea. st(),..1332 hanglfl&', int a: ext, quality C.M. e moxs e n for CATV ayatem 2281 Newport Blvd. C.M. BR.EAKFAST-LUNOI JCK 1121 NewiWl8hct c.M. Perts 6510 Re':~.~~ =~ce, ~72 free est. Morpn Y= ~o.!ie:~ fLYl:"~.~llt * I0.3aO * OITICE rucblne rnechanic,' ** .,.,...,..** APPb' attalp.m. ·, SUPREME Refrileratlon a: cug e INT -EXT. ANY SIZE materlah t>elpful. Ca J 1 m.am Need a ~f 5 da/wk, t :JN. Salary .. Appliance Repair. Allk for * 53l·l404 * JOB. Xlnt work, rdl, free 646-Q529 MAOilNE SHOP TFW:NEI: nDd ft wtlb l ftld adt ope_~ -...i5 . Help W.... Mitt 1200 Help W ....... ~ '!'! Tom. 548-1363. M'l-t691 LAWN SERVICE M-vacuurn "t. JIM. -· ...._,.,., .f KENNEL MAN, °""' 35. Slartintr rate $1Jll ""· hr. Help Wlllletl, Mon 7200 Hallo Wlilletl. Mon 7200 11'-'lli"t 6550 LI ._ alt" g PM INT. 6 EXT. Palntlntl. AU llve In t.a;um. Apply In LOK·FAsr, INC. IM W-1;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ .,... seaaon rates. Free eat. He'd penon, SPCA, 20612 Lqu.Da ~l6c;th;.,Nc;'.;;.8· _____ lo OOSTA Mesa Pi'e-&bool EXPER Ja~ Gardener • Im. Call Cbarlle. 511-0W Can,.on Road -EXP'D 11 C lJcenad . ..,_ U ; open 6:45 Monthly service, re a•. SET-UP A LEADMAN to 5:~ .... fl"g Prr wk. m.mDS ot ~7867 INTER ot Ext. p~~; Delivery a: W~ lcr p1uUc ~ plant. G·~·-:-~-IMMED. SERVJCE. .._,.. Call for ,........t..tment COMPARE! 5eSll03 JOHNSON'S ... ~,.... >'3CL... rd. ·FREE ell 5Q.1127 --Pb: ~ bet g am & 5 838-6237 Jinest equip, expert yard 541-nM: pm. care! Reu! 962-2035 PAINTING, Paperlns 11 l1fl e DISHWASHER e """-------CHILD Care tor mothers tn Harbor ua. Uc 6 ~ DI.YI 74 See T'"7 * DISHWASHER '* who baw to Vt1ft: 1: don't cut• F.dc'e Lawn ed. Refs tum. ~2358 a-E. l7tb St. CM Appl,y tn ""°"" m Via want to leave thetr chfldml Maintenance, LiceMed D' "Y PlLOT WANT ADS! ~ Newport IJwlL juat ·-· ....-......a1!/64&mO alt 4 -Wbllt --DAILY Fi1bi' 'll'Aiff - MOTHER o! 3 cblldnon. New· JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & IMP'l.OYMINT JOas & IMP'LOYMINT tlltlllO ~ p:rt Beach, wishes to care tor one pre school child. "4ln w11"tect. MMt non· • .. 1.,, '''~-••""' ~ ..... J?nG Help W ...... Min 720D ~ W~ Men J9 60-15111 XLNT Qilld can ntrY day, wkemll .l your holklays. Colltie Park &ft!L 545-88 RN-Wl1L BABYSIT MY HOl\IE. ANYTD<E. E. CM. 61>-1510 BABYSITnNG In my bmne, Harbor 6 Victoria, CM. Ruaomble. 54«8l lrkk.M11rrar,etc. 6560 BUlLD,-. -, Brldl:. block, c o 11 c r • t e , , "'"'"" .. job ... ..,.n. ' Uc OoDtr. 9GIMS SHEET METAL MECHANIC "A" Needed immediately. High school plUJ 4 or more years experience In layout, lofting, fabrication, anti Ulllllbly ol sbetl metal pan. an4 aasembU11 In the alrcrall or miJsile field. Musi have ba- sic knowledge of minimum -radii and ben4 allo'11'811Ce1 anti of ·natarW speci!icatiom used In ahMI metal ...,rk. Can layout, plan, form •ort from tem- plates. Adept In Ille use of power llbean, power brakes, foot preue1, 1q11ea1en, and all oilier machinery anti oqulpmlnt used In sheet metal •ork. C.11 er Apply .. Piii H1Hrlch (7141146 -· Ext. ID I C11l or """1 ....... Hollrlch (7141 Ml -. •XI· ID : Jm -11"4., Cella lllleoa MhtAe tymm1 DhiiJ1n _, .,~-..... ~Hi ...... -·· CMll -• Atl1111e· 1-... h luon• _._ _,... Mla1lle Syttomt DIYtolen . 1 ~ I • PHOl'OSTAT -"11U. tll ATUITIC RESEAIOI Co 0 1· r.' .,;--1:-.. ~~~:5 ~ IC!' COIPOIATION . rp r1 IOI . , x 1~ SS50: ms o..ow.. ADlv.eftho ADlv.ef~.........,_c..,, CM M!l-"62 Su ............. «Mp. , f'ar Da1lJ P0ot Want Ada. J. At1 "••I •Pporlwt1lty 1111,f.,..,. M/P: "!., An t9J&1 O~t7 ~ Mfr Dial -.......... ~;;;;,,;;;o,;;;;,;;;,,;,......,;;,;,.o...., ..... .., 11,1!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!_..,.....,; __ ...,,.,.. IEC currently hea opening• in the following c.1t1gorie1: e 816111111116 llST. DESK& e fllD SERVICE 1IOllllCllllS • ElfC1IOlllC 1tOIKIAllS . ' e SOIEMAJkS ·DUFTSMll . " ' • llCIUICll · DUFIJIB, . -. • o c RST EGUIPMBll' um ' . e STOtK -AllBIAllS . ' l 'DlfWlliG ECUP. OPWD APPlY 'OR CALL (21 l) MA 1»9422 ' . ( 714) 722-21'1 I . . llJEllTATE ECECTIOllCS cdlt,OORATION .. A IUUIDIARY OP "-"'1"·1jiifttlilor IMp.1' _ .... l. All ~~l _,.,"'"' lllP'41P • ADMINISTRATION .« Pl-CODtad or 11..t npiilDi i. dlldlnc Alaiy ltlatory to; Lii KILLaY 17141 ..... . ma ,..,... .,.,,.,, c:-. -. c.llf. ............... & Allllllc ham ~ ...... A 11111• .t • 1111 r' a C.,. - -' ., _, • ,; ' • " ' • • • • ' I • • ' • . ' ( • • • • • . I ' • ' ' ' ' l • t • I , . t t I .... ' . • ,, _,_,_ . • SAlfS RIP Immediate Openings In the follqwl ....... POU CY SERVICE mM 1714) 533-4456 Ext. 678 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. T~ lllru Friday PERSOllllB. SllYICE l..,, .. ~~~A~·~ .. ,;,,··~'~o•'m''7"!''!'~!!!'!•!•1~~!'"~!!!!!!!!!!!!! own,.-• Jobe Man, Wom. 7500 445 E. 17th St. Jfi...:..:.;;..· I C<>sl• -a, CalH. ......... •COOKS 642-mJ r-• WAlTRESSES 1 agaocy • BUSBOYS lntorvlowlng 833 DOVER DRIVE Experlenc<d Mon. thru Fri. NEWPOl<I' BEAOI Bu .. tl's Col!M Shop 2 p.m. ta I ....... .,._ 2273 Harbor Blvd, CM MHCHANDISI· POa MllCHANDl$1i Niil MDCHANDISI - _ SALi AND TIADI ~LI ANO TlAOI SALi AND TllAO& . -~·~·..,..~ ............ ~-~.-.-~...;..--..;_ u~-·· -Puml._ -Mlomlla_.. l600 ~. ~:;1·, 11ew Jewelry SIOre .,--....,. Spanlllr -WANTS TO BUY Mecll1ena1an 8-ht Manut__.• u...r •Antique Jowelry 'fflhow.....s.mpr. Alt-·----~ .. ""'4. Pb. 615.1011 8' Wood ~ arm divan, Jg. man's chair or come "' """· S<l9 Via OI' I~• seal 5 PIO Octagon dark oal: dln aet °"""" Udo .... Nwpt Bch. w /l>l,aclt or avOCldo tr.mtd chalrl; 8 PIO BR oet. t:<!r Mr. ai J1Jn. c!rtaaer, lg mtrror, i * AUCTION * commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish U ,.. will ..n "' ""' oil: de.lgn wllh matching box springs, mat-&iv. Win<l> • "" trea & frame. A-. Frid4Y 7,,. p.m. · lhma Sold lndlvldually Windy's Auction Born Shop Around -BafoN y0u buy -USI Behind TODY'• -· Mat'I. VALUE $1095.95 .,-FULL PRICE $529.9S 20'lS\I Newpoprt. CM 646-8!116 .,. lwmo • lqw " $4.66 pol" -k Si.EEJ'ER..owr.b camper Use 0Ur..st<h Chane Plan or Bank Flnang,»J.i "' ftt GMC or O..V, II ton No FIJIC'f Front -JIUT QuaUty Valu.. e hide bod trocll. Hu """"· Ice bax a: •ton.ge space. Best otter. Can be aeen at MERCHAN01SE FOR SALE ANO TRADE '' Misc. W1nted 1610 --. -WE PAY MORE CASH . f'cr &Q)' oear lle'llr CC" used furniture. appliancel. color- ed TV'•, stereos, plabos, Ol'- pns, 1tove1. refriaeraton, ! bedroom sets. dlninc room •ti. oWce fUtUit\U'I::. 1 pjece I 1 or bouaetuL !>ay, nilbt • ' -· . 636-3620 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES C.let TV'-Pl•n•'-SterH't I Pl•c• .,. H•11 .. FMll CASH IN 30 MINUTES • 541-4531 • ' • • • • 331-B Victoria. C.M. L 7 CU • electric: refrigerator SMAU. travel trailer, sleeps $50. ~ excellent violins 22 S: with storage, i 9 5 , oaJ ri1le $30. 548-8503 Fumiture rack for pick.ap SLOT car track IX15.. . . . . . truck, make offer. 2382 3Znd scale: nr. nl!W. Prefer at kut cine )'al' al tire, cuaalt;v _w , multipk J..i.ne ratlrw el.Jlf!l~. Plea.. untpbone....-.Jlt>u- aential. .Exce~ oppartuo. l1>1ar.......,...... Equal opporlunlt> """""" FC Bklcp< $700 ~ _ Com"'"'y P"Y• l'2 he> Z!n1th, S.A. Hgts. (Ott Make ofter. 546-1315 REAL ES"!'ATE. Sbouldn't l~~!!!~~~~~~~j!!~~!!!~~!!i!l;Pallwleo~~~~Road~~) ~:::;:=: Luskey CriDOtJu Diftc. you be Rllinr U. tmt:CHt BEAUTY Rest area Huntington Beach! Fumltv,. · IOOO Antlquea ~ 81 iO dbl mattm. blde& ·Newport Beach. San POU CY TYPING HUG~ES """ ...... __ Call Phil McNamtt Village &: box apritlp, frame f15. Oemente. 492-t33'7 Real F.atate 962-M7l or SPANISH Jletumea ~ * Two ''S'' Curve Llndaweve while c r pt• g NEWPORT .BEACH 546-<llXI Model "°""" on ale at ROLL TOP DESKS lWJ .. extra pc $35. Beige Machinory, etc. 1700 lHI than wholesale! GJ'OQp ANTIQUES AMPERSAND cotton shag 9x12 $1D.1.;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;1 + budget ...... Xlnt -w/ top ~nefit&. ~ ot tra1nee. _pi.ul. ttple ... -typllt. .. + a.oeura1eb' aa the electric. 'J'be kleal pm:l&n for man. Ol'lt who lika to fne, bu an 1mnwdl.ate cpmina: lor an ACCOUNTING CLERK ExoeDtnt me btndlts. Per- maneat. -wmtc. Our policy ts ........... 1nm1 with Geoenl L<d&w ml Ac. within. Your fubho ia dttefl. m.mtl Payable experience. mined enUrely by you. New Must have ftC.'mt industrial -"""'· -· ........... p1eaanf atmosphere. Plew apply kl 'pet"IOIL i'Cll' Details and App't. can Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 UNIGARD i·* HOSTWES * INSURANCE GROUP " Work Ne•r Home ~YS ud NIGHTS------- ~ . ~ APOl)oln- 1' ~ RBl8I E. lfE ~51 E. PKlfic Cst. Hwy. ' , Newport lloadi t ./ ,. EXPERIENCED ~ STENO l!f"1TID CALIFORNIA-, BANK ' it ---· Mesa ~· --e-' NEW~-r:,. ~ACH POLICE CLERK I $452 • $549 por month RequirH 50 wi>m typing, hi&'h school diploma, one year of recent experience in typlng and/or ~~ office Work. Final fillnl dat. .April ll. 1969, For appllcation and turther information contact Pt!r- aonnet omoe, 33IXI New-· port Blvd., N t w po rt Beacb. ·Call!. (TI4) m-. ~-------· • "' NURSES AIDES * EXPLORER "' ~ Ellpetla>«d. AD -MOTOIHOME CORP. 1..wpO<t Convalo-• NEEDS· ~ c-r *ASSEMBLERS* ~--I-and '1enefttL !13 Holpital Rd. NB E:ii:celltnt trirlp ~ta, ill« inlurallce, paid -· otc. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH ~ Superllr AYl!DUt Newport Beach, Colif. "4IJ81 op-~ M&F MISS WC AGBICY ·FM Paid SaI .. 11'1> <noil .. : ... $650 Secretary • • • • • • • • • • to S6IJO Exec Secty (ne&) •••• to $600 Secmary {split) •••• to $500 Seciy/Purch (split) •••• $450 File Oerk ...... , .. • $346 up Appli .. nt Pa" FH Exec~ •··········· $600 Secty iLee-1 • ' •.•••••..• $500 Gld Fr1da,y •••••••• to $500 Secretary • • • • • • • • •• to ,.,, NCR Operato. ...... ., S450 Secretary •••••••••••• to $450 Gld FrVlnsut ••••• • to $425 Secretary • • • • • •• • • • • •• • $401 Accts am ............ Stm Geoerol OUlce .... .. • • $346 (IOW.Omt- N ....... Beooh - DEBURRERS -.,...., $625 com.,.ny """ l'2 ... Schools-lristrvdlon 7600 Brlght, quick to leam fnr at- -..,. """"· Sh. ""· ,,.. SO. no lepJ. up, req. Keypunch Opor. to $500 EPF* Alpha A Nwnerlc IBM', pre.. fer 2 )'l'I exp. llM Computer 0.,... to $550 EPF Exp .... + knoW!edge of la>' out, putap le Q'pe shes. S.Cretary $525 CRF l'lll'cbamqf, "'""' -with .... um.. Abllll> .. meet putilc a: work with men. . NCR 3100 Opor lo·$450 EPF Mlnimllm • 2 ·yn nper, S.rvlctt CHhlor ~APF AubamotiVe exp helpful, Good 8ppriiarulOI! + lite typing. Racpt Si.no $400 APF Knowledce of call ditt'Ctor. To wodc: with Ms div. of busy co. Ute ah. Coirl.:I Tllr.r to $400 APF MEN We-tan train you now for pay up to $4.Zl per hr, as HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Top wages and beat emploY. ment opportunitiea are in the construction industry. Plenty ol work for lkilled hea\I)' iequipJMnt open.tor. We train )'Oil on DOZERS • GRADERS • LOADERS • satAPERS • CARRY·ALLS • TRACTORS and ATrACH- MEN'fS, No need to intefl. rupt your pmeent job or 1ebonlh1&, Start ,at homl!' in spare timl!'. Then get two weeks' rnfde.1:1t tralnlnc at Braidwood, m. B u d c et terms. Natlomride pla~ me-nl assistance, Thill ~ irw can bl!' )'OQl' first 11tep to employment in the Heavy Equipment Industry. Write fur illustrated foldl!'I'. MAIL COUPON NO OBLIGATION Prefer b&nki.nl' exp. wm train gh1 wtth cuhlertng -NOimrWE:sr SaiOO~ - "'PRacept $S50 EPF Heavy Equipment Tnlning, A Dept, "'""'· -M555, ttractlve with IOIDI!' exp, Da8y Pilot with abWty to meet re:tmed cl~~. Ute. typing; NIUDe ....... , , .. , , • , , • ••••• Clerk Typist $S50 EPF For an lntell.lgtnt &irt hlttr'-Addft.aa ••••••••••••• , •••••• eated tn ~ and ad- vonc:lna:. Good typq akllt. Qty ...................... .. ..... ·• EPF, •mploytr IN'Y•·he . • APF,,applJc.nt " ,.ysfee • CRf, eotnfN'IY relmlNnas fee Zip ........................ . state ............ Age •••••• Neareiit Phone , ...... ., ..... Hrs. Wkd: from .......... to •••••••••• LIFETIME Gift, typewriting. C b 11 d r e n, crandchlldren, ot yourself! lndlvldually tutored Oilla>at ](t le.:ml typln:g school. 173 Del Mar, CM, 548-2859 lncludeo beaat1!a1 16" -· V..pertes beige """""" FORKLIFT SALE quilled -.. ~-,.., -Newport, C.H. 6'2.1063 9llx87 .... $1. m.21E3 ..,....,.. .. Towmotor 6,000 lb lilt,. 14' 3 Spanlab oak deeorator f SHOTGUNS, 4 ri11es. 2 mut .•.•..•....•. , ... , $9!1S tabla, IWB.I' er table lamps. Sewing Machines 8120 pistols, 6 hunting Ca!le Ford Tractor 9' mut. aide wall placque, ~. queen. '68 SING~ ZI to wi>tches. •55 Chevy Pick Up shift, scoop •.••• • .. , ..• $895 or full ~ bedrwu1 suite """ g-za,g, au • $175. 3 heavy duty CP drills Carle 9• or 6' mast, 3,000 lb complete ~tncl box sirlDP. with walnut cabinet Take 2 power banda.ws. 10 vien'.. mattras. linens I: boudoir over 5 pymnt:s, t7.2S mo. na regulators clocks nice ~to''~i·~~·1·;i~,'·i500~, lamps. Spanish oak 6 pc Call 526-ti616 anytime. 2210 ~ Ave., cM: · Utt ....... , • • • •• • • •• •• • $425 :00:...:!.,~Ke:~ALL Muslal lntt 1125 CARPETS. Vinyla. Tilu, lat. Prices Good 'Thru April 14th r.--............... • est styles and colon. Com-639-2691 or eves 897-2411 FOR ONLY $399. $20 down. Gull.,. Hoadquartara me..W & Raidentlal. Ez· i"""""""""""""""""""""""'' $4.99 per ~eek / out of •NEW and USED• pert lnltallatlon. atoie Cftdlt OK. W 111 Fe00a • v .. • Stsndel 64,_1403 ,...7262 ~~nd LIVESTOCK separate fur quick sale. ~ e GIBSON e MARTIN HUGE Moviqr Sale, tools, Pett, Gener1t 1800 Century Furnlhft, 9.7 7 2 e WU..SON e YAMAHA tome furn, )'Ol.I name it we - Garden Grow Blvd., D H SCRAMLETS Garden Gl'OYll Daily 10-S, rum Ndqu•rters ha~ it! 880 W. 19th St. CM. Sat IG-6, Sun ru eome • NEW and usm • M2-4558 in er call ('114) ~ WDWIG, ROGERS. ASI'RO EARL"""'Y;'Amer=::--::ooucb=,..,~..,,..,..1 ANSWER 20 ·PC "MA.DRID" w,,. -with ""' ' 2 enc1 tab!;., ....,.,....,; • pc. 1ets and cymbals start· Frigidaire, mod. tabln 4 3 Room "'roup Ing al $99.00. -b>hab ..... etc 540-0653 -· ---Noble -c:cWJ.!' ud "ta ,.._ AD mall • . !.arD>x -GARAGE FROM'. MODEL 'HDIEI parts. acceuorll!t 6:·-bW OOUQI, needs reooverlni It' ....... .,.._ho Iocludel: Quilted "~ •• A tn stock. --Naugahyde ttcliner $10. 1 ............ "'a woman chair-2 end tabiP,•:# EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Girl's 26" bicycle $6. :°a'~~•=a~J= f9'I table -2 lampa~ . ._. Be h M • C nf 5C8-31TI and cao't tee-a pair ol GAR.. .. -mirror -hMdboonl -IC USIC e er RUMMAGE Sal., Apr. 5 9 AGE <loon "' .... wide. quilted~~ A matt. Lm.-7 p.m. Me-thodist . ress -5 pc. dhq room; F"-<=tory Sales A Suvtce Oiurch. 420 • w l9th ~ Monkey. Beautiful table A f hi-back chairs. Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 CM. • St., & exotic pet $50 or best of. COMPARE AT $'76.95 17404 Buch mw .. (Hwy 39) ='"=· ;"'"='""======-! $399 111 mL So. San Diego Fwy. Sl'ERLING oilv" -°"" 6 '.:- Hw1tlngton Beach 841-8536 piece place setting -unll&l!'d Cats 8120 No down-Pmll only $16 mo. Early 1969 Model -Etruscan po.ttero, $25. -""-------'= WEIX'S WAREHOUSE CONN ORGANS * "'""" * 2s..!:~. :~::":' Solid state, an types perc., • VACUUMS • 5f6....t298 600 w. 4th st .• Santa Am. Open llol!y ... - Sal 9-8 San 11.a 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP locludes: l'lon.l .a " cbalr -walnot tabJes • lamps • complete bedroom with quilL ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, e-tc. AD for ••• $277 N<> down. Pmtl, Clt'lly $10 mo. WEIX'S WAREHOUSE 9JO w. fth St., Santa Ana Open Dol\l' t. 9 Sat9.6 Sun..11.6 chlmn, Leslie Speaken. $10 up. ~ &: parts. Spinet I: theater models al Reuonabil!'. Cout Vacuum. Dogs 8825 great savinp now! 333 E.17tb, C.M. 642-1500 ""'::;.. ____ __c::::1 Ono! a Year SaJe QUAL. Kn& Size bed w/ ALASKAN Malamutes. fur WURLITZER PIANOS qU!It"1 ma It., comple"' obow "' br<edin(, AKC Low te-rma. no down pymnt Never used $98; worth $250. ~ healthy. Black Open Sun l2 to 5 341-0406 le: White colorina:: • • fl5 Mon Ii: Fri eves 'til 9 ! . .;;""';;==~-~-and up. f9Z..3573 UPHOLSTERING -~ Gould Music C~p.1ny pean cralt:smen) Frtt est., CHAMPION sired, AK C, 2CK5 N, Maio SA 557--0681 dt>l, pickup, 215 Main. HB miniature Schneuzen. Mrs. Used Himmond Bernard's Upho!. 53&64m Bolton days 547-9561 eves ORGAN SALE GIBSON • •• '94-35'3 -IRISH Srllu Pupo, AKC B-3'1, RT-2, C2, A-100'1, M-with Hardshell cue, · 100'•, L-100'1, M.J. A I a 0 $320 new, $2n> at offer Champion sired. Had shots many pianos • Steinway, Eric, 615-:i160 after 6 PM. 546-4'189 Warlitzer, ete. FORD ...._ __ ,_ e MINIATURE Schnam.er Open Sunday 12 to 4 ~I-....;fl, 4 Speed trans.. pup a: Schnauztt at stud. HAMMOND mission ·m or '64, $50. Elee-call f2l3)330-6595 I roRON hie meat slicer $50. AG-5486 n A DEL MAR AKC Rrg. Poodles. Toy's A: 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-8930 REFRIG, yellow, ll!'p freezer Mini' •~ ~ Stud•--4' $l I .""" up, 1oy ~. HAMMOND • Stelnway ~· ,. • DO White-dreuer Ii: nlte 547-3351 or 547-9691 , DOMESTIC HELP ... ldndll --;Cooa. -.. Componlo.., ltefe:rences nq. Ft. I: Fee :'°'1 J'om. Coll -Abby, ..... 7796 APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Cost• Meu, Ci1llf • J. · C. CARTER CO. EXPEJUENCED Bookkeeper to work in Art Studio a, handle all papetwoak inc. collections, · payroll, u.Jes tu keep tab of stockroom, typinc, nm m'&Jldg, Qc.. cuiooal participation in prodootlon. $100 wk to start. Handwritten resume to Box No. P-622 Dally Pilot MATCHING Pair beautiful p.met red old CtiiMse Oriental rugs, 9x12, very NURSES Aid~ are needed! thick, llke new. Large cof· Compl, acered, tmg A job fee table-eoat $150 saerillce plcemnt. Nurst1 Training •An ""'' TV '"--"'I lmtitule 4016 W. Com· ""' .-· .. .....,... "" -5056 maha. Dl!\'I • Ulf!d planos &tand, $tO 646-Sm, 968-l74'G ==R=E~AT~Dane--Pu~p-pi-.. -.--- or all makes. Best bU)'S in BRISI'OL PLYWOOD quality, champion zirl!'d, So. Callt. rf&:ht ~. %" 4x8' Doug. Ftr. plywood, fawn. 536-4758 or 637-1933 SCHMIDT MUSIC ro_ sec. $8.95. 54.5-6280 1907 N . WATCH FOB t ARGUS AGENCIES ·l819 C Newpart Blvd., CK. 671 W. 17th St. Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 mo~-ealth, Fullerton. 1· MUST Rill All white king 52&-7521 &ize-BDRM suite; San~ ~ TV "°""'le, 'TIS OPENING SOON IV.. good condition, $50, EXPERIENCED e CREDIT e CHECKER Costa Meu 543421 ~ Sharp CarHr Gels """'"' om Tn>tsts. Gal 4'rld.,... R«i>m. -J'CN• A: LVNa. Both lee A 1" "laid jobs, Top co'1! CID """'" !118-71911 '•t===,_,,..--.,--...,,, '.ARGUS AGENCIES UNITED CALIFORNIA :::: ~.::: !"" C -Bbd., c.M. BANK $<00. p1e.,. contart Mn. '' COMPANION OR Alward. 673-7005 t CONVALESCENT AIDE 2712 W. Cout Hwy. Crowell Wttdon A Co. fir 1irwJe lady. Ute dutlet. Newport Beach, OJ.it. Corona del Mar l::_W er out Short err kq 6tS-24.U GENERAL OITICE ! No fee, F.qual opportan1V rrnployer Immedllte opening. TYPlna: Apply '° WPM. tiling. •-2l-40. ~ HOMEMAKERS ,..~ .. { l1!31E.l~"St.,S.A. Opportunity tor ad· nn · vancement. Olli for a~ '! .SEC'Y..UCEPT. EXPERIENCED potntment ~7157 is' C DENTAL REXXPTIONISr ~Orthodontic ottlce, Busi-e ESCROW e Mature, rellable woman . a.en=. r:t.i ~t:~~ SECRETARY Must haw good experte~ ~ .._...., to work In busy Coat& Mal ,.. •-·"· Aat Z"5. Top UNITED CALIFORNIA office . ...._ .iolu7. ..,...,. 1~·o. Med\eal lDlllll'&J'IOt BANK OVER 13--Bab)'sitter a: wuted. F 0 11 mother'• Ml.per, liYI!' In. * HOTEL DESK CLERK· CASHIER Heavy experience m NCR GOO, Good salary, 5 dayL Apply in penon, Only e:xperleoced. need apply. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Reed Newport Bl!'ub ..._!TOO NOW IS THE TIME --•·-· Co 3141 E. Coast Hwy Call .... 515-«lJi •ft " ,.,.. .... ,--..,.open. ntact Corona clel Mlir 540-6349. Bristol il Thi1 product. not only sells Bothe, Briltol Park Paularlno am. itself, bu.t la llCrft.O:mlpeti- edlcal "-· '122 -· 67>-9240 tlve u thihlt Mesa. 549-{1386 EXEC. Sl!C, le Cal Frid~, I YG'I . . $250. per y 'd Equ.l opportwllty employer '°""' job wllh ... ..,, ~ i. bla "'°""' YoU on ope-rator, ap · Resume & n!fs re q • d , In for the llbock ol )'OUr Hre. :!.!-bler· 0asmc Dn.plrie&. Local~ In trvlnl! Ind. (That's only put time) can .,__Bl. N. B. DECUTIVE Complex. N.B. '"' s.-w.4 M•. Kaplan on <1., a .,,. .. ' I * IMl-lGJ. * • in& (n4} 53'1'-8590, TOR!. £xpd. h e ASSEMBLERS ~'-'-_..;... _ _..; __ _ '"""'"--· Nl ..... Top SlQflARY • FIBERG~ TRAINEE8 ,;;;;: GU', Bird. Sr .. NJ!.. 1631 Pl Ila ~--.. • Cooks . t IA I'.. GI O.C. ailp;lrt. To ~ M&na(tt A ~ acen ' '--la ,.esa • ffoltlUH trodl -tar. Good GIRL Frido>'-apply In lhorthand il tn>lnc. a"-1 at Pf:rmll 8--12. P.'lac Gr"f:l'OC' ltut ll\'t! yt&rl ol experi-Yacht 0>rp. l&ll Placentla. --Home need1 ••t•t• W'Om•• for ~a I wp&Qs A: pneticaJ -14M116 enoe u aecretary requlttd. l~CM::;:;====,,,_-,..... Contrub backvound deslr-BABY S l TT ER, mature c:d. woman, my h~. 3 dlJll Pltut wrile, clvll\f run de-wk. Own lrana. 548-8991 a.ft tans of emplQ:yment hlt-5:l> pm Apply In por10n REUBEN'S COCO'S 1..;. 1nc1-Ala" 1o &x BABYSITmlCiii<iiiii;;;;;"""a....,._=-.. ,..""'= .. · I -Tht Doll> PiloL 3 d>lldnon 7~18 mo. u.. 1555 W. Ad.ms MAID OWr !O. pm'ft&Mllt ln. 3096 Roanoke LL c.M. Cotta Mita , pot< lime, ' do>s I wttk. 546-9218 BAKERY Mies lady, .- 1 AJtni • lll:1 a-"'" Sl.'15 .... 49M5n SAl.Em\'OMEN, exp'd. iii 2 to UL 118 Marini!', Bait.. IJ9n.. ~-Ji~ied. TELEPHONE AnlWerlnl ~.,.-.r6iPClllll...,, lala.nd. m-1688 ~ Smb. Will tratn. PU1 time. CM. $46.-)162 HC61£SSES: COCKTAn.. Sl'fTER.. HITES. Tutt-Tor appt. Call HJ..2052 SAl..ULADY. NII time, age WAITRESSES: WAITER.: GOING To Europe this )'ear! Bnlsh up )"UI' French ninversatkm In my claa. 64...,,;(} e VIOUN Teacher, quali- fied, exper. EnroUnlent spec this wk! ms328. MERCHANOISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Fumltu,. IOOO 17 Pc. Ki119 Size l.droom Larp 9 drawer dre191!1', mir· ror, 2 bedside •tandfo kiJW •lie headboard, fmnl!', quilt- eit mattrua. sheets, blank· eta, etc. Qiolce of Spanish or Modern styk An For $249 No down • Pmt&. only '9 mo. wnx·s WAREHOUSE Own ~don. WANTED Malun!i 11\'Nn I> to .ts. O.fldrtn11 &tore. Jttns't 1'bw, 409 W. Kaldla ,...... dd)d Clh ~r. fl 650 D Shftl, Tustin. Ay.., .A.r.t.tm, c.allf. IOC W. 4th SL. Santa Ana __ -• ~.. ""' .... 11. r.v. llM119 SEAMSTRm!. ,,,..... ., iiiAli: liiOililiilii' 1..o.k Open DaliJ • • • _... nn.t, Btlboe 1illld. BNMG RE5ULTSr altttaUonl: bill ar l>lfl. • matimt man « waman, Sat. I • • &Ill. U • I V *• m.m1. •* \ SOCK rr TO 'Ell! tinw. fnS.-1, f!Wr 21, d8,)'I. M5-88'f1 White tlepl'lantst Dtme+Une postapedlc foundation, lrg 12 drawer dresser, nlle tabln, &: tamps. MS-1798 THE BEST OEALS s.1&<077 On Pianos & Organs Are Always Al ELECTRIC organ $28; braid- ed rup $3:1; 4 dlninc chain $10: van se1t SS; 548-6388 USED Sofa &: chair $47; Us- ed 5 pc. dinette sets $27; pr. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO e FIRE A Burglar Alarm of tamps $9; mattre.. a: 1SJ1 Nl!'WPOJ1. CM, M2-MM Syatl!'m1 lnstalled u low u springs $22:. H.F.R.C. FENDER Baas man $89. CalllC-MOO 548-3481 amplifier 2.--12" J e n 1 e-n 62 CORVAIR 500 COUPE QUAL. Kng Siie bed W/ 11peaken $l5(1. Also Opher BODY $50 quilted m at t. , complete-bass guitar Ukl! new $50 or 642.-1828 Never med $98; _,,rth $Zi0. both for $275. ~ M7-0<06 -GIBSON J-5!1 1V. bunk bedl, chests, coffee tAble. Misc. 615-U75 aft 6 pm and Sat Ii: Sun. with Hanlsbell CUI!, $320 new, $200 or otter. Erle, &75-Sl&.J after 6 PM FREE TO YOU ll30 QUART ER HORSES: 1-White-face •/ wilt llOCk! $1.SO. 1-BuclWdn marking $150. Appaloosa Stallion, reg; very iood stock ;650. 897-TJSO TRANSPORTATION --Booh • Yachh 90C!I 26' FAIRLINER cab. crus, encl bead, plley, la!! ~ 30 pl fresh water. T'Wil:I Chrys mar eng, nu 55 watt Simpson rad. Teak deck . Recent aurvey. $3950. Owoer moving east, must sell fut! 545-0865 I • SEE ·THE PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRICES! ' !/JM.le BUICK ' '" ' " I '' ' COSTA MESA • . COIYAIR lJM MONZA Convert 39,500 arit:iaal mt. l own,r. new top ""' ...... 6G-l!ID 'U OORVAIR --MAKE OIT!:R -.. - COUGAa lllVBISllY ' IRAHD "IW ' ; '68 Jave!ln ... 11, """-... u ,n .... ... ,,. .. . $2386 -DNIW '69 lainbler FttU .r-... , .... 6, 121 H,. °"'• tM•y. "" $2043 ·u FOrd ·-VI', ..... tr•111.o ,_ lfMf· l1t9. OYC tit. $995 ~· '63 ... , ' AMIMIA- 110, 2 4r, Vlt eute. tr111t., ,._., 1teeri1tt• I'll: tto. $195 '65 lalilbler. 1 Dr. HMDTO, Xlltf Jl!J ••r. N,F 011. '195. • ' • '• • ' . '66 Dod.. , 441 ITATION WAOON ~ VI, 111to. tr•• .. PS, I brkfl u .. Tlb676. . ':. $1195 ~ '65 Men:iiry 1 M.UAUDU ~ " lllr. M.T. VI, 1ute., P'S, ~ "; ·'s1•;•·· ~ i' '66 FoN ~ couNt•Y ·nu1a1 :: ~ t ,,.,, VI, •'11'9, tt•M ,_,, 1tHf. Uc. t•L 2)7, $179 •.. '66 .... , CLUllC"' ,. , 2 .,. H.T., VI, em. +rent., PS, & $'1"i9s· "~ 'l •• • '64 lanllller ' AMlllCAN 4"' · Jt.41 .. 11 .... ,, • • tt• VHNJll . $599 HOLIDA ............. -· .... ... _, .......... . .. , .. c ., cs ' ' • •• 1,r ~--• T" ~ ,..-• .._.,,,_. "'" .-:·· • -... -· . -~-----... -:...:.:.... ------. -.... _ -----· --... - • ' ,,,,_ ___ ... .. ' t -.~~· .. • ' . ' . -.. . ----~ ...... a. • ~ ... . ... -• t. • ·~-· !""' .. -., I' • . ' ' I ' • .. ·· ~-· .~ ... ~. '11 .IE HOSPITAL WI111 .·~'EXTRA · CASH'.' IN YOUR POCKEI' ! .. , .. . r . -N·~w he·a.lth p,l·a~· ·R~l~· .. . . s1·0 ·0·. ~a week w~ri yo~ ~~~_,ho~pi~Jpi.~~, 1..xtra ·casti·dlrect to you-·--~ in ·additiQtJ :o to any ,.other s·75 a week wh.~n your wif~J!f.~~~~PJ!.~!!~ • . f, ! I l~surance--indiv.idual, ~5 .0 a ·~eek .f~r· each eligi~le ~~-~~~~~~~J!!~ ' eto~p «»; Medicare~ tax~ " ;-s35Q a wee~~dou.ble -ca~~-h.enefits-whe!' y~u and , fre,~ ... ,~ra, :cii'sh to : your wife are both ·injured and hosp1tahzed · U58:'81; f ()'U :m_easef <SHAll·F•ml~1ndHu1band·Wilep1an&below) . ' Plus increased extra cash for cancer, heart attack or stroke J,ltEGARDLE$5 QF YOUR AGE OR THE SIZE OF ~O~~ FAMJL,Y, YOµ 9At'. ENRQLL FOR ONLY $1,00. , I '-·---C-__ --.. -· . . .. .• ..,. 11o111m1-u.-----· . ' ' . . , , .................. Almalt" • ,..cu .. roU,._ .................... . •••Hra of wo•i' •••••r a1iftp1, 1t7 aalll•• t11e· l11:t0il••"t P'orai lt910w wit.II $t. Tll•re'.• •otlll .. •IH to 41.._ ... ,.. ... s1 ..... ,_a.ron ....... lotot t~oa Mldol1~t, April 117,teeel ---Hm .. • 'WDtldaftll'bem:fit, 'DO matta which plaa CHOOSE THE PLAN THAT SUITS YOU 8111$1' fa • • • SPECIAL EX111l IEN£Fm:• ~ ~It. Now, with a.~ rA. your-pen. you J. can hawi tu-free, b:pense.freo utra eUb 'pale! direCt·flrj(jil~ a·lbbdm~-Ot~ ~ hcMp.italius you or a covered man bu of your family! .And you mq enroll clraini this Ila:thcd kollment Period wi.Jlio11r htrVinl to 8'• a comJHllf1 niweun1ati11•·orul witho11t 11111 rd Upe w~11u. All yoo med oo· it mail the Enrollment Form belcnt __ ..,$1 W... lho"'"""°° dak.11'1 lllllcuyl -----.. AJAwTeClii. JI' et I -· ··-'" 61 boo!>ll>l-how --"'--~· will not cover cmythin&. Yon have to pay man1 "atrls• Otl1 of JOUI' own poctd-Ud it cu. add up IQ hundreds of dollan ill a frilfiteninaJJ llhart time,. Beat CYm If )'Ollr ordinarJ holpital iamf'ua COY• ea 1D01t ~ JOOl' medical ud llolpitl1 trills. nae _ ... loillolblthep-apll ..... , If Joa. • hlllb.td,, ftst'/ta -4 ·~.,. ..u-JJ ltoqllaJJud, your income 1CCJ111t ymr u. ,_ ao up. l!ft:D if you han t0me tind. cl. "Ula.ry ~it proWllJ wml cx::m. dolli te i..-. ... ,... fd.timl ,.,. , l/ '°"' wi/• " ""'-" ., .-... I;. • will .... -... -...... -, .... __ the dea:niq? YOI m1t' Jaatll to·1ab tl£m GI from J'OUr Job-« hire ~ II' ......... &ab are of. thinp u--. . lfouo/JO•~it ..... ~ ,_will certainly.,..• ..-..Yoo wwldcl'l cn:n think. ot the coec. If 1ollr• 011• U -4 m nlll4Mlb lioqboliad, ~fim•Jtfl.won'tp11lllcfJ'lllGl'bolpita1. Gfi •. •:MJJI~ , , ·lfllt~..U cilizml woa't .......... .,..,Jiiz;Jt .., ba\19 aba a li.fctiale to..,.....lua •• ,..,.W'lllttontaia ...... iDdepead11111:1 .. DOl ~.~-to llleir children or cacumnity. W'Jthout •an cub• mpr.,.--· •. alaCllpibl cmcr- sacJ' mey Jene fOQ with aaYblp .-, ~ yw cu.'t pa)', puce "-m.ied dlattered-cwm }Om' rcco'f'-.., .. .bc..., Mll,..i bJ --,.,.. ... ,,_.,....,._,.,_ Nmr, wilh h: tndcroe:-atra mb• J11'*1dic:aatn. Dodon Hospitlll l'lu JOO can ~*a worries b:a:Ule }'OU CUI be .and of ~ QIM ~ _. )'OQ. or any covered member Cf ,Our fmdlJ 10C1 to tbie bolpia.d. No matt. bo.r larp yOtr hJD. 1l7,ao mauetwb..11. yow qe or~ aJMl wida- Old tDt1 qlltlli/fcatiotu wlrllllorHr, you. caa ~ .., af lb8 four Jow-c:cet p1am.,... d rfahl to D*t JOUrLomily'> ~ _,.. Jn addition. to tbs •an cam• bolpita1. -..... ~ lll . .U limo Yal!W>Jo "'aDa" IPtn!"': JOU dioclle-almmtlibi.havinJu artra "'But~ couat • When )'OCr' policy is ilsued. JOOt imunDce provides up.., s10,ooo, S7.5oo, oc s,:,000-depeftd .. iq upOll the plan )'Oil c:hooec. This is '10Gi "Real(h.. Bank Acc:oaat." Thell,, ne'1 month your policy is in force, a sum ~qua.l to•your ttrular monthly premium (iDdudinJ Joor 9rst mobth) b tc1pall1 Oiided to your mu.i· mom! Wbea yoa. 11evc diitra, yoo.r bcndill a.re 1ub- tncted from ~ ~t. • It"• n:iu.cla like pultinl moaey iD aod\ltizij~it-Oul o1 a·bul llOCOWll. . ~~ ... -.For • lops • Ji:a lltl. uc1 eonUnne to pay )'OUI' prem.I..._ wt will Mys cuoel m: refuet lo renew your paliey for hialdl. ~ " parantee that we will DO?lt caned, modif1 or tumioate your polic:J 1lllla:I "' decline rtDlwll Cll' modifJ all poll· s~ ~ 1hil typo .la 1011f atiH etaie or i.i&til tbe mu.imum. CAUR ... ol.Bcndtl:) cl. )'oat policy hu bccD plld.. ' ' Toa~~~,,l!;\'"0!4 -.n. Dodan Roopitol 1'!18 Jli!'I ym In addUioltl to U1 other coqu.J'e bcahll fmmuco you cany~ aroup ar • ._. Medb;re-and. hcauee all JOQralraaah bndill are tu-free., JOO may leave d:le hoiPiil miD)' dolla:n ahead ••• mon,, 'lDll tlon't luw• lo occotu1t /or lo lllf1lm#-. Of counc. )'Oll mq bavo mill ma 1ikf piliq wilb. Ph)'lk;ia.Dt -'1 _,_°""" ~o1,... .... t1oo .... a1,...r.mn,,o1111e plaaJOlllllec:t. J0111d)'Qlll'6ntmoath foroaly $1.00. lf fOC dwcm the AU-Family PlaD-41.1 Year cli1t"ble c:hildra. (inc:lDtliq fDtur. additiom) ~ inc.lttdcd at Mutro-~ \oii .. JiablfGrlaw ...... ) Dll'l.=Pi111 l:w; . Al------Clll BO.Ma lmlplt:a1 pla Diii' to much for to Dttte? 'Iha a...-r is aimpil: W• haw Iott.., toca1 ales com. 'lho Dodan Hogiitlil Plla ii a ntU oiroll- l'llMI plM. AD bali.-ii colldoded bctftal you and tba ccmplllf bJ mail. No IGk.nnen or in'll.fl,.. ZolD1"I tllT ..... Jt all ~ up to rlfll MSVJnp WC aw.wilh,..llfslvimaJWhiP•"""'~ at lowCOIL . Olnll"'"61'1hulllllblll .... Dildllt~ 0 ,, Y<»rpolkyk 1loctld '111>•........,, hll<sri!Y IN! reputatioo oftbePlydc:ialu MMttull IMU011ce Com• JIOll1. "'the doctors CIOblpuy,• sptdaliziq in health. and ~ protedioD. for pbyUci1.n1, surgeom and detitisb for more than 6S yun. Dunne'• ~ Jteport., one· of tbe 1eadiq inlarancc Industry aa· thoritica in the nation, siws Ph)'llci1111 Mutual itl hiJbat poUcyholckn' ratinr of .. A Plus (Excel-' lent).• ~ h1lDdredl or th0!$Dds of policy. boWcn tbroo&haat thc United States direct by mail,, P~ Mulllif ha its ~~" in Omlhl, ll.1-..fAllllY PUii $10.000 llAXfMUM U yoars is a youq. srowint family, 'ft recom- mend the All-Family Pl&a.. All your chUttrea (U.. eluding future additions) between 3 moatbi of.,. and under 21 ITC includN at no utN cwt • loq as they uo unmarried aad live at home. You P1J onJj$7.lll a ........ ...,,.. .,. ____ ...,......, PAYS.YOU: $100 i.idy ' ($14.28 delly) utn ..... .....,,... ... .......-.$711-"'Y ($10.71 dlHy) .. JCIW ..... h ...... u )'OQ haft -dWdrm, • If )'aUI' childNa .. lfOWD and DO lonter depmdmt, OQ )'OU. )'Oil will want tbc H!Jlblnd.Wife P1aa. , .. ..., ............... ,.. . -.,.,, .. -... ..,, fJ.oof ' On an pl&m. )'0\11' ""atra cub'" bcocfi6t ue Plid from the wry ffed da:,.19u inter the bll\pitaJ. for as Jong-and for u many times..:• )'tKl ate bospit»- iz.ed, right Up to the mu:imum (A.urq.asc of Bcoo- fitr) of the plan you ldcii;t. NaturaUy, The Doctora HOlpital Pl1111. will COWi' any oew ~or ek:tnm.New ..:cidc11t1 ate«l'P ertd immediately. After your policy is 30 deys old, )'OU are COYtred for new QctDCWI which btain theroo after. There are only these minimum nccaaary ex- ceptiom! prcpancy « uy ~ueace; tbcnaf Nebraska, ud is llcemed and fntorporattd iD: that state. 11' Board of Direcb:ln is composed •nti.nl1 of . respected memben of. tho IDOd.ic:aJ. dental and imur" I.nee profcssioas.. t:.wtoElnll*l•I r1rnc.nt Dwiq thie timJte4 enrotimeit period l!tere are no other quali,ficatiom other th.an. to complete ind mail the Emollmcnt. Form below. We will illue your Doctor& HCllllital Policy (Form Pl12 Serles-) lmlMo dialt/y-th6 Wl1C daJ WC rcociVCI your form. Thia. !!!l!!!:!~i!!!!!!!!!!'~-1.?-:lmportant ·Questions Answered.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -:' .. .:._ -·"--ABOUT THE NEW. 'IX>CTORS HOSPITAL PLAN . \ ....... ~ llkbell flt ecd6mt Cft1d ltrih without nn.iil,.........t )'Ou•W DOI bl CI0'9'td 911til JOW poUq JI ... forcL ....... w •• far ...., .... '" ..... JOW" min4. JOO .., ..... ,... p&llcy •hhil JO.,. aa4 )'OW llAO d .. ,........ ia..d»tltf, ·e f~· -. : ... ' . " -~:,;,: II#.·"" _w:.! ,.- OR·PAIEllT FAMILYPWI $7,500 IUxDMI You P1Y....,. 11.H a lflOlldtt and ,_ ... __ ........ ...,......, lllllMDUAL PUN $5,1100 lllXIMUM P~YSYOU: $100-'f ($14.ado'11 -cab __ ,.. .. _ Jf JOU an 1Mna -..,. J(JO:l'lelf. ar if yaa. wilh ., COftt only Jaunelf Gr ODD family mc:mbcr• dioOlll G>o ladiridllli Plan. v.,.,...,. .... .....,, ... ,.. ... JllW Int ......... _,, $1.GOI: <• JClll haTe the All·Family Plan er the Hue- b.-.wife P&.n. each Ot ·"'1idi. coven matcniilJ alter the policy is in force for 10 months), war, mili- tary ecryjge, mental d&nnpment, alcoholi.!lrn or dru1 aldic:tioa, or coDd.it:iom CCMftd by wcdmea·1 c.ampmu•km oc F.mploym Liability Laws. You are free to IO to &DJ holpital o! your on choice. with these aceptiom aaly: nwlin1 homer. convalesce.at. extended-care,, or ecl!-care unita of ho&piuls; or Vc&cna1 Admiaiacra&ima fac.tlitft. Whkhner pr.i 1"" choo., "*Id: jQ'.lli INCREASE IN YOUR CA.Sii ~ • FITS ••. if you ot any member d. JOOI' f:allJ ii hOlpitaliz.cd fot C/llltCff (ine:l*'in&" J epkmla aa4 li"odstia's Ditcw), lull1f aJlock (llQde ~ jn!aictio11, cotOl1UJ thromboaie ud c--r oc:cluaion), er lll'Ok• (IPOPcxJ). . , lf JOJ.1. choo# Iha All·Fomily Jt1"" • du B• ll~W11e PIM~ joa tit in ad41doli: . DOUBLE CASH BENEFn'S ff ·bada. ,_ al yaoc wi!c aro injured IJld halpitllir.ed It the ,.. lime: You act tw;c. lb .mOMrt-$3SO A 'WEBl{.I Important: Ben ii 1D01ber real '"plat"-if ,_ haw been told thlt IDJOM ia 'your family fl .... imurabJe•J E'flll if one of yoar COftl'ed fmaily membcn lm lllff~ tnn clvonk ailmellta·ID ... put-ailmadl 1bat ccime Nd: qaia.Ult. ..... are Jikdy to nc:ur-79 wil ... ~ r. -· Jft'Glltlal ., ....... ,..paler ...... .. ,....., __ 79Sl· ·11 YQU AllE. OVER 65 1. Ema thoqh Medicate will p.,-IDOll ~ Jm!' i.e.· pilal Upftlsa it wjll DIX cow:r fill of )'OW' ...... Dm;.,dUllimikd __ ........ _ ____ ... __ ycan willKna t1111 qwl;ficatiotu ;ist bJ ..ms .. farm b<lawl It'll a fad: that people Clfet 455aoto1lolplalf .-. often and have larger hospital bills. 'lba1'a alldlf 'W:bJ the)' :IMicd extra. Wh prot.edioDI And·1hat'a ~ eomo bospilal -plans WOft"t 9CCiept. tbcm OI' tharll rata beyond their meana. But 'Iho Doc:tcn BOIPital Plan oot ·oo1y aoceptr you n:prd)ca cl qe. it P,. )'OU Wy-lo<lrrJ protection. that ii wiJhila 'JO"' mtfJ/U.U ycu are avu ~ oaw, orirrhcn you beCamie 6l,lhefo1Jowina--ld..__ •pPl.ies: Female on All-Family or ffmhud-W'de J'laft •••••••••••••• : ................... $2..51 Female on One>-Partnt Fam.i11 m lDdiYldull. .. Plan •••••.•• , , , •••• , , ................ !Jll . Male on any Plan •• , • ............ •• ........ , • "'9 , IOft whateomr yea. eht11111 yoai mW JOS NY Ttfltrn 1011r policy •ithi11 10 ,.,, a4 w• wUl promplf1 ntlllUI 1Dll1' tlolkr. IMPORTANT: We cu oaly ICCqlt JOUl"d1Fh?S1 if it a postmarked on or before tbo date lhawa boo )OW. But pkw don't w.it antil the lMt ......t., Tho aoooer w ncein JQUr fmm. the aclOliiir n. Docton Hotiliital Ptaa· Will CO'ftr JOO. Yoaltilk nothin1 by aeti:q]l'Ompt]y, Yoa may ia. lmnckldl of dollan ill "atra Cub" bcneAta lbronall ..._ ..,_Moil -"'!"'lmeotfmm-' P;llYSICIANS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 115 Sooth 4lad Saeer, Omaha, Ntl>ndo! 6801 Licensed by IM Siau of California ~ PiARENTS' - . SPECIAL UlrTm EllROl.Lllm PERIOD! EXPIRES MlDNIGBT,IPRil 27, 1969 -• J~IPORTAN'Tt Tllll RV'llll-,_ ..... I bl -it.I .. Mir ............... ~ SEIZCI' PLAN DmSJRED: c~• ... ... ' D~'"' C....._ ............ ( . APRIL 27, 1961 II' Al·,_., w .......,.'Ml\.._ .. ....,_ ...,.,.._.....,.. ti .... : DAD OP ... ..... _,,,, ble tD PHYSICIAN M 'I ' • I • I • I J I I I , t t , ' ( , f I I I I I ' • ' I , I I • I