HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • I • ... f •• ,, •. , I , • ! • ) . ' • " • • " . ' . ; . .• . • . .. . ·:;·-«· • ' . , . ' I I .: •• I ' • , .., I ' • • (].. · i· · ·:a ·d· ·r· Y l • • , • ' I < ' I f \ f ata "lino . :a .. lo!#··... . . ' ., S"'.nlls Ou:t Cigarette Ads . . . . . . • . ' ' ; .. ' . " . • ex '' ' ''Osear • • i for f;harly . ' •Nixon Asks $4 -"·c·-··· ·-1 '• u • Ill ·Fe .deral VIClORV PART)'l'l'CIR 'CHARL v·s· ~SCAR <l!ff lt1hrt ___ ... Phlllpplnos llJ GENE llAND8AJ\ER HOLLYWOOD (,U')· -'J'lle--i;lle .. thot tl.,..... 'blokry al !be ~ Annis gives ~ lo --1llttn llnlUnd of "Funny Girl" andJta- IJetiN• al "'Ille Lion in 'If-" -ad .... ~ llep\>ID'll !be-.~ -· . Clllt Robertlon In "'" role of !be n... lallJ l'lllnled DWI '1!hom -two -pnrlly.ilto a genlul in ·"Omt," .... -boot -al 191111& _, ....... ..-.-~."a...,..., spedmcle bl..t an Qmrles Dickenl' '"()ljvi!t"Twist,0 wa "91..i !fie year'• bell plctutt., It '"'" In Off categoMes. Jncludlng ~ · dlrectGr -.& Sir Carol lteod wltli this; .111!· flnt JMM.ical, \ • • Far lllpportlng performances, !be -. ..... 1 lo Ja<t ~ .. !be ~ falber· In '"nit Subj«< Wu ---.-~~tbe-lio(' rwtati'"· ad parWdJO · wl1dl ID "Raler:nllT• Bib,." ' '1laoos In Ill tho top ca~ ,.,.. .-, lint !be aelectlon of "Oliver" 11 boot ....... onr "'1111 Lion In Winter" .. • Wfilw tow .. ,a;. 4'Tbe ... ,--111111--• ' d tlllt JIM',"-. WCera Olcar a lelllr M Bed. , IJlll'ld llergman." PIWWWI~ 1fii IM!lf ldreu Olcar I looked stunned Ind 'Un- • • ' • , . '. ·own ' B·11··.' ' 1 .. ion J • • . WITCHCIW!T PAYS .............. , ...... •. ,, ,.,... ••e 1 ~ ' I • 0~ . rJ_NNF.R~~ ! "' , . • . 1-• ~ ~. IT~"~;m:r-~ ~ · f ""' • lfldblrllo Jhpboro. ,,,. !Int .... !if -· ldclilJ Ltlnild.. Wll I!! ~. •Funii:J Glr1' was written when I wu 11 '*"tlna: on another film score. The yean old. Thank God II took so loq lo buabuCHrlle lyrtcisll, Marllyo and Al•• get it right. . . Ber-. accepted their Oscars. '1t'1 like when somebody asked U·l'ni. • Tbe Sotiet Union's &in-hour spec- happy. l said, 'Are yoa kidding? If [WU tacuJar, 0 War and Peace," collected t5e happy I'd be 1niserable.' I'd like to thank award for best foreign language film. It all the membera of. the academy for was presented •to the picture's beautiful, mating me miserable." dark.baired ~.Ludmilla Savalyeva. Asked about her comment.I backstage, Writtng winners were James Goldman obe aaldf "Maybe ...., people are for adaptation of his play, "The Lion lo bulcally hippy when they"te miserable." Winter'' aod comedian-scenarist Mel Sbe said the award wu ''really UDeJ.:~ Brooks for bill original screenplay of pected. I never gave It much thought. I .. The Producers." . enjoy the wort, and to get the award for The award to the gray-halrtd, ~ng it b: just whipped crtam on the cake." Albertson ca~ a long career ~g 'Ibere was no explanation of the tie from burlesque comedy to vaudeville, baDot1ng among the 3 CJO v o t i n g theater and supporting movie roles. members of the Academy' of Moilon Pie-"My entemal gratitude will ah!iays be ture Arts and Sciences. Vote tolal! are ~ for the man who made thia mo- never announced. ment possib~, Frank Gilroy, who wrote "WINDMJLl3" WINS "Ibe--Subject Wu Roses.' " Albertson For best son& the Otcar went to the & aaid. There were tears ill his eyes as he trlcale mOlody "'.Ille Wiodqillll of Your addressed the crowd of 3,000 lo the Music mind " RD& by Noel Harrboft tn °Tbe Center Pavilion and a naUonwlde 'l'boniu C.rown AffB.;ir.0 The Frencb com-televtslon audience. Midnight!'Js •Jt!'J Final T ax Filing Deadline To night ''This II It," ald a barTled ollldal al the: Internal Revmue Service. "Midnight tonlgbt .. the -deadlloe." All federal and state Income tu rtWrml must be poatmark.ed by mldnigbt ::.~~ u. i, ~ penallia ~ i 'a g a: a T d 1 can late heart tn the "-ledeo tbal the Slllla Ana Poll Of. nc., al Dll N .. Grand A .. ., will be 1p111 for -mnp Ulllll mldnlPI toolgbl. All tu fOl'llll nialled then by the "1tdliog boar wtB bear today"• poelmll k. The -~ .trUe Jc>! the bol 4n .fnm1 o1 the Fountain vanqilatloa, !UZI Slater Ave. Other area post offices will have the boJ.es cleared out well before midnighL The following are deadlines for deposits lo !root of maiD pool office branches only: <X>S'l'A. MBSA -1590 Adams Ave.: 7:15 p.m. lllllft'lNGTON RACH -1771 Warner Ave.; 10 p.m. LAGUNA BEACH -1'111 Glenoeyrt Sl r 1:30 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH -111 Rivorlide Ave.; 8:911 p.m. . ' •. .,, '·From Pqe I : ..,, r . . SEX ctASSES ~:l .• needtomowwllll!Dll<eoa-fan!. ly tick, and ~ ~ f<ltlnl mar- ~ earlier and eerlie:r U...days." • Obeerrinl: tbat "tb!s ii a 'no' crowd," I!.. Rev. -aald be would pw tblt about n ~ of. tbe crrialNmlty ;...iid favw the Wnily life c:lauel'llid ZS ~1 """1dbe~" : 'lbot'e followed a grilling I?" .,.,.~ of ibe Audience who Jumjled up ,I'! dlalko(e bla commenta from the ~ of a poll of bla cmgr<gation which lbow· ed a perctnt to favor ol . famlq life cia.les, &o statemmta tMt te:1 educaUon and family life education could aid lo redodnC unwed maternities. Plinclpal objectloo !tom members of the crowd aeemed to be a fear·tbat· the c1-mlgbl loYoive lelchlng ol a crttd ar moral valuea difler<nl !tom -held by the ipeaku ar the poteotlal student. DAILY PILOT ...... ,. ................. ----0:-.- CAll'OllllA MANOI COAST l'UILISHIMO COM,AN'f l.Mrt N. WeM .. ,....,.. 111111 """"'* ,h1•k L Cwley Ykl,......, ... ..._. .. MMl91r l'trtnl•• IK...R ·-1\aiw•• A. M1111hlna ·~ld!M' ' - .IJ>a&!Mloa, ooe -~ Hll!T)' Bops, freir ~.,,,. when be lhoutod, ~ are trying lo ~ theoe . ~ .... , from Ill (rlgbta of ponnta aitd chui-ch lo teach chlldru what they wtab). .. , aw tt In ~ At first no one aeemed to care wbeo they dragged the nelg!ibQr off lo Germuy. Tl>e!l lh<y all · weie . ~ ott. We can't Jet these Ilbel'iti do'this to us.0 · H'a Ilk~ ... educaUoo and family llfi · dUIJel to attempt at chicken bnedhi( •Ith the lotent of producing •US. "The hen just lill then arid all abe bu'l9.d9'.11 lay eggs." · ~ n.ld they "did not want our · children t.po.ed lo these free thloklng liberals." Mrs. Nonna Gibbs observed that "l · didn1 'mow grownups could be oo rude. No <me II .trying lo take the reoponslblllly away Jroin Jiarent.s." · SM -a chorus of groans when she said, "We can't talt to our children anymore w~ they get to . thinking for the~m at U or IS. If yoo nm ocared and full ol fear yoo are Implanting lhll lo tbe child." Con,"ay Nielson, of the HunUngton Beach StOke ol the Cl!urcb ol J.,,.. Cb¥. ol ,Latt.r-day Sainta, laid be op- pooe'd the cl-. "We (the dtur<h) feel lbla Is I moral Wu and lbla (leaching of morals) ta the responaiblllty ol the parenlo. We feel llron8lY about moral = from the cradle and on, but the billty IJ on the llhooldtrs of the par.nta." The iµeetlng deteriorated lolo abouta for ••coftsensus vote" and after tlie aim- mJttee:'a deadJoclr: vote of lU.t a lhow of hands lodicated the audlenoo aboul I lo I against au educalloa and famlq .life cla.ues. ., This foformatloa II to be .conveyed lo the Board of Trusteel at · the April n mtellng·al Marina lllch School wh<nl a large aowd II expected. "You ain't eeea an)'thlDc yet,11 shouted ... opponent lo ......... ol larpr op- JIO.'lijoq aUendMCt at 1 a b 1 e q u • o t m«tinp. Marrying Priest, Nun Costs Cleric His J ob PETALUMA, Calif. (UPI) -A ,.... -CatboU. !lriOll who -•led at -. Ibo ~ ol a Canadian prlall llld • former mm bu bteo rtUeml of his --,,,. prlal, the Rev. Ctr! Gnoplno, WU dttclplined for.t•lftach <'canon Jaw" by the Moll 8-v. Leo T. Maller, bilbop of Sanla Ron. ' I • • . ' " ,, ~ t I Coleman Computer ~ -Alive and_ Well . I I . • . ' : BJ TOI( llAlll.ft °' ............... ' 'lbot'e an -who --to macblDor7 and If ~ rtpl then • complicatod piece o1 caanty - bu WldoubtedlY "' ~ Clou&I Nloe feol- log -day<. I . ~ hml -11111'1 -foe 11 alnce II wu llnl ~ for Ille bf county -.. but tis ollldal -la Ibo Colenian EleclnlDlc Vote T.-, 111-. And the -ol ljl . cbec:llored career came late lo March with an adion that, lronlcally, drew as lltUe attenUon u the.-.. ..... mary Lant on I b e 11me agenda -:: the «derlog ol $21,000 worth ol parts !0< the l<lpblotlcated equlpmed. • Thal 1lllhoralded action "' county oupervlaors committed I b • m lo 80!Ilething they've never been prepattd Air Cal Seeks New .Service Out of Airport By JEROME F. OOLLINS Of .. DtllJ ,., ..... Air California today petitioned the state Public Utilities Commission for a boost in service at Orange County Arport. The locally bued lint wonta lo Dy 11' Boeing 737, three-englne jets t 0 Sacramento. Air Cal now providea flights between the county and Sao Franc:l!C<>-Oakland. It also bu a SaiJ Jose route. The latest appllcalton lo the PUC seeks a "certificate of public cooverllence and necessity" for two fOUDd..tri1>3 dally to Sacramento. One would be non-atop, the other would include a atopover in San Franclleo, San Ja1e or at Ontario International Airport. AJr Cal's peUt.ion In addition requests route certificates for two round-trips to Sacramento from Hollywood-Burbank aod Ontario. . Proposed f.,. for the Orange County service would be ~ one-way, tax in- cluded. The --· Wonld bike lo 311 the nnmber d lllgbta -15 lo and 15 out -Air car .... -.. moet day• al the county r.cnity. An AJr Cal spokesman aaid he expects tt to take at !east six montba before the Pt,1C condud& hearings on the ap- pllcaUon. Air'. Cal recently sought permission from the Civil A~utics Board for service to the Pacific Northwest cities of Sealllt .Ind PortlAncL • . NO decision on that route award Is ez. peclod lo be banded down by tilt CAii un- til oometlm&<n the falL Air Cal ta one of II llnea seeking the Pacillc Northwut awards. Most or the other Uoes propoee lo fly oot ol other !ioUthern California all]JOl'I&. Life or Death? Jurists Ponder Fate of Sirhan LOS ANGELES (UPl) -A jury of hi! peen pondered today whether Sirhan B. Sirhan is a mental case or a vicious a.....in who premedltatod the alaylog of Sen. lloberl F. Kenned)!. 1be aevetHDID and five-woman fury moved swiftly when they convened at 8:15 a.m. lo tilt Hall of Justice. They choH u their formean the most hlgb]y educated man llllOlll them • He ta Bruce Elliot, a Pb.D. lo electrical tnginetrln( from the University of Dllnota aod systems aoalyst beH for a large electtonia corporation. The panel tool< the caM for dtllbtratlon at 2:55 p.m. Monday after 15 weeb of trial. An hour later It retired lo hotel "'°"" for the nlghL The Junn ,,... tlpected lo retUm a verdict lbor\ly ol ellh<r first or -d._ murder. One carrlts the poalblll· ty of death ln the stale'• gu Chamber, the other llfe ln prlioo. ••• bellldeo thai ol the LDll Cburd>. Mtdlf!O aakl the final ded&IOD came after diroclon, ..... -Ibo bllheot organlu"°MJ le'lell ol the' Mcnnon Cbur<h, decided lo .. ahead -Oft strong .-..:. Iha! llDoklng II a health bawd. Ownen ol otatlonl WTOP, Wubqtoa, D.C., and WJXT, Jldloo'rillt, Fla., adopled a RMklrc adverllaemenl ban WI -t. dlawll!C pralle !i<m-the c:balnnan ol the -Comlunon Sub---"Thi• ta the ......i eumple ol volunteer tldlon lft the ta few dcya," uld Sen. Franl: E. Mou (!).Utah). "I hope we wW see more in the oear future." -( lo do -aclmowlodp the ,.m.....i .... lslenc1! ol Ibo .Col«mao l)'1lem and plan for Ila loo&-imin --, '.Ille $1.1111111100 .,-llal allracled almoot u m.mf.1'"'bal l!ulleta as1'>a!lota ln Ila~.~~~ WIK ~today lo be''""" hfcb 111 .. i-.w wave of cciwrty popularity bloebd by the •\Pl" qulifled ............ if County Cijrk WUllam St Jolm. JI W¥D.,'ahrly• the ease. Faced with S0JD0 ..ard>lq Grand 'ury questlim lo early 1111, the couoty clerlc bad lo admit that it wu time fur a Jong, bard-loot at lhe Colemao macblnely. It got just tbal by • cJWeni• group which must have come very near, tn ill ..-i ,,..,.,.. Gt tllii wle.4 I I• spdllng ao empbaUc and llCllHlectronic "finls" to Coletnan'• brainchild. Looting bact al Ibo~ ~er ol e.-.'aoct · complalblo they bad lo llft ,lilnluP K'• hanllJ surprlalog that they came WY nee to ending what WU reg:akied, ·in 1914, as an advenb.u'oUa pieCe of -eJ:4 per\menlaUon. n an added up to • 1"'fSllpllon which the Co!Oman --ter ...... 1, Pll,OT ounlved. Ill OOW1llea c;iUcl won held at bay for wba~ they <'Oolldtutly predicted, -be • ...., brief dllQ ol \ the funeral -· l ~OG.00., lt'• a vtry 'healthy -I!'&! ,..·u . ft find lo the Votm Reslab:alloa B-·to- ' day. And U wjll be luttber nv)tabed ,,_ • . wJlh some upcoming 41trwp•" of ,. Mort aboutlljal allar • llanct at the new, vitalirganawbeo·tbal"8,0Qlor<ler ~nrmance;,Jl!ll taonl lea .. .., the Is deUvtlrtil: · lnec:banlcal if the ""6<ow>Ung lt bu lllivlved n .. ,.,-s ol -t 'fifanl -·11s sol! and Ublullled tallylog of -both froin ~ caodldates votes in the 19&1 electlon and a and amious memben Ot<lbe public. U it performance Iha!, lo teni1s ol Ume, far bad beeo d~ aloog the way Ila pro. outstripped ita ballol-bundllog prow.,. lo poneota could bardl,v bav• blamed thole ~vioua elecllonl. wbooe prelSUl< led lo the abmlonment ,. Cmt 1111 t ..... ~··· ,of ,-of~µ.W('"Dt. , November, Ula, and the 1PJendid lta.llnal seal of approval to the f~ of performance of tbe pens which bad sent that or d fl for parts rabed bardl:J a St Jobo ..-,. for lbe phoat lo the , ripple ol comment lo the ....,.,..,.. earUer .. electkn. But tlwe .ftre IWW· mw bearing room. Perbapl the news ~ trooM" Irr the county dork .llld the spark a lit1le tube llOlllOWbero ln ~ ,'unbappJ•C»lemao Co. -llU -<the ...Uolcolla and--· brieflladol marking lol: wu lnl<rrupllog the vot. joy. counting proceas. There ""' !hose who like lo lhlol: ao., • • t Lost P'lane's·Mission: FrO.. P afie I SPY PLANE. I' ' • -;-, . . ,•· Spy on Russ, Chinese WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. teC01•.tssance plane bt off North Korea today ~ly was engaged in mor:dtcring Russian and Red Chinese communications in light of their recent border 1kirm.lshes. 1be area ht which the EC121, a Navy propeller-driven plane with 31 men aboard, went down i.s only about 200 miles from the Ussury River frontier where Russian and Chinese forces have been claSllng in recent weeks. '!be area 11 near the juncture of North Korea with Ila Communist nelghboca. It wu recalled here that the USS Pueblo, aeiud oil Wonsan by the North Koreana in January, 1968, bad been more :bl~ 1n mooitoring Soviet com-- munications and ship movements than Spanish· .12,000 sq. ~. of Top 9uallty Fvmlture those ol North Koru. In a pollUcal aeme, however, thiS new affajr Wldoubledly wu pegged lo North Korea's conUnued usertims that the: Unted States is patrolling lhe area with aggressive intent. South Korea, a firm ally of the United States, bu . complained privately to Washlogloo that the North K....,,. are becoming more aggressive, both along the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas and in air Md sea lanes, because they believe the United States ts ID ans:· ioua not to take oo another war In ·the Far East that It will ]Mil with con- siderable baraesmenl But it WU dear that the Slate Depart- ment was awaiUng result. ol Defense llepartma>l lnveollgaU""" and oearcbeo. ." .......... '-" . -e klPh,_. Cl 41111.._ Tt•lelt ... e c.rnt1tte M ...... ....... • .,.~ ...... ltbrlc) • • . '· ' .. . ~ Soviet Ambwa..,. Aoaloly F. Dobeynln to discuss the situation and to Dk for help in looking for the plane. Japan and South Korea also were uked .f,. aid. Last August lo acceptlog I h e Republican presidential ncmlnation, Nix· ·on was highly criUcal d. the Johnson ad- ministration's handling of1be Pueblo af. fair, saying it was time for new leadership when respect for the United States had declined to the point that "a fourth-rate military power, like North Korea, will seize an American naval vessel on the high seas." The North Korean broa dca s t, monitored in Tokyo, said tbe plane wu downed "with a single shot at high allitude." There was inlilal ipeculatioa that a missile was used, b11t a Pentqon spokesman later said the craft wu ti miles out to sea when last beard from. That ta out of raoge ol gr<Jlllld-lo.al mlssilea. No Money Down First Payment June 1969 our exdusiva 6 pc. ensemble Olla: .... -"""' ....... , ......... •-ca•••....,..••-lifw .... .. ........ ,, ............... """" .... -9'rwcftM ................. C""'-1. c-. ........ J, ................. .. .... ....,. ............... Olt. ---., ..,.,... ....., N-.. _...,.. C1n; I 1 •u ttMt ..... l't.UI cwnllW ............. _. .... Ill IMkMll 'llf¥tt fellrlt .... .... .... """' ..... ~ .......... _. lie 1""9(1111111 -...., "' -111 .....,,,,,. .. $799 for thl1 YOUR CHOICE $ ONLY Why pay up lo s399 lavish g roup • , , • POil llTMI• Of' THiii J M OUPI Fairy tale i;.droom el every women'• price AT .HA.DOI IOULIVAID ., USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS ... ' - ' • . ' :VOC. 62, NO. 90, 3 .sa:TIONS, "6 PAGES ' ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA • • • 1 y • TUESDAY, APRiL ·1 s, '1969 . . I ' - • • , ''~ I 4 EleC~ions Off to Slow Start • ·Ill West Courtiyr D,e1p1t. bot caiDpaip>ing and burning '-IA Wfll. Oranie Col!n!Y., acbool lrullae eiecli<N (ot off ID a aiow lllarl Ulia morning under brigbl ""'"1 lkia. Nearly,n,oooi·volen In five eleaientary ecbool dlatiicta., the Hunttncton Beach Union Hlgb School District' aDd the Oraoie COaal Juruor College Dlatrict are eligible to 10 ID • the poJIJ · today lo determine the fate of e candidates lot II pooitlonl Oii the Vlriour ' (Overning bolrdJ: . Leal than 2 pereent ol the ell(lble volen bad turned out W. Ulia morning, spot checU ol ,rlllljom ~ .....i. ed. Election ollk\81' predicted a heavier turoout In the ev'tnlng hours. Polls will remain open until I p.pt. . At Petenoa Scbool In the Huntington Beach City School Dli1rld, ..i, 'llbout three doten ol l,'l'IS rqlatered v ...... bad turned oot Ulia mmdng. Webber Bcbool In W-..iet 'bad a lurnoul ol 31 ol the l,?311 ell(lble. In Seal Beach at the McGaagh Inteimedlate 8chool 5lol 2,UI ell(lble had -.oted. In the Ocean Vitt SCbool Dlltrlct, It persons bad voted In nve preCJocts with a l<ltal ol S,ilO ell(lbJe voters. FOUlltaln Valley followed the paltem, with only a · trickle ol valen IOlna lo the polla Ulia n:, alftdaU In afi lix-tchool dlatrictl, lucllodlng. the blgb ICbool dlltr1ct, laid tumoub were "about ~ lo llow lot a lrualee election.'' PredlCllool ire for an overall turnout of 10 to 1$ percent. Scbool board elecllooa have not aparked heavy .-1n1era11n the paat, but there bu been healed debate this year on I-ouch u ,.. education, public - lldence In the llCbool diJtricl led -I finance. Foontaln Valley bu I IDlol ol IU17 ellcll>le voten; Hnntln(toa Beadl City School Diltrlct, 12,IJO; <lloln View, 21,fm; Seal Beach Elementary, U,4161 and Westmlnlter Elementary, 11,IM. Election returns are expected to be available at each of the ICbool districts during the evening. At the blgh llCbool U.S. Spy Plane.Lost . -. N.KoreaClaimsDowningCraft With31 said the plane was missing In the·SU ol Japan. MlUtary IOU?'Ctl in WUbingtoo and Ti>llyo Indicated It was a.ttackecf by MIG,jeta. · ',• ' Ufl'I ,_.. PLANE SIMILAR TO THIS RECONNAISSANCE CRAFT SHOT DoWN OVER NORTH KOREA? 31 Pe,..... .-rd. Rtported Ml11i111; Aerial SHrch Operations UndOr Way In Saa of Japan WASHINGTON (UPI) :... A U.S. Navy reconnslaaance plane carrying 3 1 crewmen was lost today on a mission off the North-Korean coaat and the ColJI.. rnunilts boasted they allot It down alter It violated their air apace. President N~ In bis first expctiellCe In the White' Houae wi!h aucb ail. In., Mirlne, was downed al l:IO p.m. l's1 MoDilay. That woulo be at l:i!O P.Jlo Korun Ume. .' ' · Tiie Communist broac!Nt did llOI .., whether the plane was downed by ground fire or by aircraft but a Pentagce spokesman sakl it wu too far from ~ ~ to . be within. raqe .o! SAM (~) mlaalles ..... lleoale Repiibllcan leoder Emett. M, Dlrtaen said on CaP.llDl'Hill alter a Wbl . . . · ternatiooal incident, was alV'atened wly ID bear the report. · . Sex Education Draws Furor The Defenae Department Insisted the foor-e11(1ne, propeller-drimi p\anc -. .., EC !21 -loaded with III tons <\(delicate electronlc equlpaielll for ~ gathering -stay..i IO mJlel· away from the Notth Kotean lhore. Tbe depailmellt A'Norlh Korean radio, broadcaafpicked up at 10:!0 p.m. PST pve·flrsl wotd of the lncldenL It said the craft whlci\ c:ar· ried a crew of 30 Navy men and one (See .sPY PLANE; Pqe I) . " • Noisy Crowd S1wuts Down Classes in Huntington Meet By WILIJAJI BEED -many of whom shouted from the·floor 0t ... °"" PMM ...,. -ooJy '¥1 were committee members. A noisy cruwd of IDCft than 2GO After one hour of bitter attacks on se:r penmu~ most cl. whom obviously opposed education, ~ with a few sex education and family life classes in statement. ht favor of the classes, the ttie ·H~ 1leldi Union HiCb'Scbool committee votecfD to·ll oo the question District eegllt 'lrled to shout ol wbelber to recommend ... educalion -. tbefilea ol llldl~ and ~Y life~. Tlleri;waa ooe· Tbo~--~-ol --. .-Ille fcll*'cl'io"''glliiiit' 6d\'loor1 '~ 1bt 111111 ...... dllb1d la llttemjianr ..-. • -~ ~.inlzodiice family lifo. """'"' ... • Pl the .,.... t11an • pei:po 1111 •"C · ~ 11111a at the dlttrict'i II•• ...,. puses. A faculty ccxnmiltft h ad ' developed the course of study and·lt bu been approved by the Boord o1-. A pert ol the courae Ciiis for partlclpa.. lion by the community in review md refinement ol. tJle curriculum aDd review of the ....... maleriall. , J(ooiloJ'• ine.llnl. held In tile hl&h ld>li>I i1!411orioim, ... ~ --Ille .............. It opened -!·'tile .... ' Boger~ =the bmtf7 lie , .. axa-P,..IJ Kate, Barbra Tie For Best Actress; RobertsOn Scores 1Vixon lJrges Congress . . . S~h Budget $4 Billion By GENE 11AN1JS4UR WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prelldeni HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'l1ie ll«Olld Ue · NiJoa today made pnbDc b11 ·revised In the 41-year ·history of the Academy bud(cl featuring ff billion In -· more Aw11J111 gives Oscars to both ~ lba!l hall·of them In weHare ooUays ·ind Streisand of "FUMY Girl" and~~ dlftDle ' . H<pbum of "'The Lion In Wllifu" -llJiil 'l'!ie'· ~· 1D1aJs $111.1 billion as rnak .. Miss Hepburn the first three-time ap1nst the $19U billion estimated )Vinner. '""'-' left behind by l'relident LYDl!on Cllff Robertson in the role or the men-......,... · d B.Johnlon. . tally relal!de<! IJ\lll· wbom oc!!'rs t"'!! The ff billion In c:uts Is aimed-ol pro- temponrily Into ·• :&!lll1U' In Cbarly duclng a fS~ billion budget surplus -the .m ~ bell ~iol 1961 ol Monday Jar,..t a1nce 1151. night• prese~. In order to reduce the .apendln(; tlie .. Oliver," a.mUlic.il spectacle~ on Nimo ~m1nl.stration c:ut.Soclal Security Charla DI~' "Oll~er 'fwlst." was progrmn tnCrwei,fnllll the 10,pen:ent voted, the YW: I beot ~~ It WOii In pi.nned by the Jobmon admlnlstralkln ID f1,.ve categOriel, 1ncluding best director seven percent. laurels for Sir Carol Reed with this, his Defense programs are stated for a $1.1 !int musical . · . billion cuL The remalnln( $1.1 bDllon In For supporting performances, the cuts are in a wide range of domatie ~ honon went to Jact, Albertson as the grams, administration rpokmnen Aid. blullorln( father In '1'he Subject Was Budget Bureau' Director Ilobert P _ .. and Ruth Gordon u the meddling • nelghbotl' and part-time wltcll I n Mayo 1late4 the followln( cuts for domestic programs: -~t $115 mJlllon In lnternaUonal lendlpg -ams:throu(l! the export.Im- part bank. -~early $3G mlDlou In .llricnltural and natur,t ,_..... .......,~uon pro- ~ $G0 °milllon cut In Poot Offke and ~ -em-1pendin8. -A $245 mJlllon cut In sales of veterans' loin&. -A It• mJlllon combined ·cut lot Atomic Energy coaunilllon and space _.,. spendln(. . Mayo u1d the "achlevement ol. a surplus ls a major factor" in the government's war on inflation. "'lbere ii a lact of apprecla.Uon throughout the country and In the business community that we mun buslnesl," Mayo said. ' .. GIRL VERSUS TAX' FORMS T-,._.,T~.Miqll. ..: ·:. 1' ,;· '.' ·• ;•.i :.'. -' .. 1 . ' : .,;~ . ' Airport -Meeting Won't Be ·Held Until Next Week ' I • • " • · ~iditilJh·t~s:.::~••~'­ FinaZ Tax F,iling De~e Tori.w~: · ''Tbis ii It," said a ban'ied ~cjal al ''COlf•··MIIBA .-1590 'Adariil .>.~r. •· • ~ lnti!!rnal Revenue Service. 4'Mldnlgbt f :ll p,rft, _ 1 \ tonight Is the abaolute deadline." ' BiiN'nNGTON BEACH -1"1;'11· Watner' ~I federal and state income tax Ave.; 10 p,m. · , ~ i- returno mUBI be postmarked by-midnight LAGUNA BEACH-570 Gl~Sl.r ''RblemlrY'• Baby." . -Races In all the top categoria were clole, but the selection of "Olirir" u belt picture over "'nle lJoq in "'1ter'' w1a a surprile, to some oblerven. ."The ecademy volen apponallJ n"!ed; enter· -Ulia year,"·one ~ o.iar Catalina's KBIG Breaks Orange County Airport commlsalonen will not -repeat .not -meet tonight to -.a a presentafton on the plaimln1 and comtluctlon 'of offshore· alrporU, a ..mmi..w. llP"kesman sal.d · this .morn- In( •. tonight, Aprll 11, ID escape pell81tln for l :•·p.m. late !lllng. i · NIIWPORT BEACH -191 Rlnnlde Lag1111rd1 can take heart ln'the Ave.; l::ll''P·m• knowled~ that the Sanle Ana !'oil Of; ,.-,-....,--"-' -..,---.,.---,· "atcher cc:mmented. "' Ingrid Bqman, -tlrl& the• be'!I 1Ctress Olcar' ,loobd sfbKned and un- believing u Ille opmed the envelope con- taining tbe winners' namtl and U• claimed: "It's a tie!" A tie bappened only once before, In 1132, '"'°" belt actor awards went lo boll! Fredric Marcil fa< "Dr: Jekyll and Mr."11Jde" and Wllllce Beery far un. . Cbamp." Miii HepjMJrn, ll, Ulia year became the· """"' -for Olcar namlnatlonl wtlh Jh Iler previoorawardl u bell -_. ft< nt ill ......... GJoi7,". lill. • alid "Gow _ .. Cmdnl lo Dbmer," lat ,oar. She II the Ont triple wimllr In the 1Hd actor .......,., either IDlle or female, and the tlllrd llar to' win twice In -U,U.• Jlalner and Spencer Tracy -pJIJli<d this In the llllls. . .Walter Bnnnan bal WOn three Olean flat Ibey _. for, "'llP><llD( t.1ee. -lfiiAmn, wllo -•the queenly -ol Aqld*alne in • .,,,. Lloa In _ ..... ,_ ... _.._ Jiot u' o11161D1111e • mr-·• (loO mc.uu, ...... 2) Cigarette Habit on Ads Aii Mr)ter con1mlsslon ~ment ol tonipt al the meetin& dale WU, WlUI( by one week, the spokMnu expklned. The .euion, to -Newport Beach, Costa Meu, · H~. lJ;eacb1 and prsident of the broldcalting ""' Lquna Beach ofliclall have been illvl\e<f. porjltion, In makln( the lllllOWICODIOllt will be held non Tueldaf, April :a, at 7 Monday. ---~-' The Cbnrch .of Jeaua Cbrlat of Latw-p.m. In the Board of Supenlaon -••I day .SaJnts teocbel complete abollnence room, lll'N.·S--, santa ,\!\a, from, UR al &oblcco al)d alcohol amoac "We dc:n'f. bow who pve out the, ·nee, at 2I01 .N. Grind Ave., wW ,be opeo lot maJUnp nnlll mldnlgbt IDl!l(bt. · AD tax forms malled lhn. by die wftcblng Dour will bear today1•.JIOlll!>ark.' The -·· bolds true ,.. tiie '"°" In frOl)I ol,the Fountain Volley sla!Jnn, Ulllll Slater Ave. , Other .... pool ofilces . will ht"! the !!ox• de!red '!Ill well befqre ml<lnigbl. Tlie following ap deadilnel J11<, cle~ts In !root ol main poll -br- only-: Ila membenblp. . "We'll suffer tcODOmlcal1y, of course. wrong.lnfonnaUon/' ukl a teertUry to ' ' and •we'll .bave to fill the PP with Counll' Avtauon Director Robert Poverty Film Slated IDUlethlng elle," Mldaen conilnued, BresnaJMn. 11'lba'e1 is no a1tport ,c:omo 1 • • , saying P<OlfUnt sponsor«! by the lobac-~ mee\lnlof any klod'toalPtt o11a For: H1intington .Ahle&, co firml will cooUnue. empb••tied. , , ' . 1 .. : 1 • • • • ' • -Radio )OllG (AM·FM), with Ne.t ,-k'•--will be made A tuin·depfctlog ponr11, pocRto ' .: lludiot In Los Angeles and a lnnlmltter by Charin· Lord and, Fomtl Ills, delonnlned by the , Coa!lplmllJ ~ bllb atop Santa Catalina Island, the ban rO!lfWlltlng the englneerln( flhn of Ooundl will be sllown Wednooda7 aU:a will allecl KSL::!\'1, AM led Fil radio, -...w. M. p-• Co. • H Un"'M n--• ...,~ _M_, •. SaJILeke c':uy,uwi; KIRC TV, AM and ._,... --· ·~ al ol ".m. \0 1111 •-· ~· .-r· ~1 FMradlo,SUUle,Wab.;KMBZAMand TlleywllldllcUA•~~ ~ In thc admlnta1raJlve,~, ... .,.., KMBft..FM JCanas City, Mo., and offlbcn f...t!tff.M Tbq•wJH. nol-.m> in Stl'<. • t i .> ! y,' t \-"''" .., ' WIIFlf, N.'V. on ~·-.WC Or-County-., The ·llhn • ls '1o ....... ~. -· !f "We do not upee! to drop ---'l'lli P•---fl -4oln( the cir. ere .....,U111d ......v·-· -"" bf the ~-panlet. , -wm for the state ol Hawaii. !ls pllrio lot • In• the hllpe tbal lllll"dlr-. -wJD 1M u -u'"' n Uplly able to do exl)lllllloo ol HoaolWu ~ be llile to aid ·In .,..-,. -ol eo, ,,. will fllodlo mdllwdals GUI," Airport Include a "'""'1 lo be Mlill cm a Ille Jl<ble~'CilJO ~ .Do711 H•f • IOkl. nofolfsboretbeilawaliaCllllilal. Mllierlalll -hned~· • '. Cas~ Your Vote Today---·· ' ' • i ...... . . 'll'eatlter · ' Some .lfl w.;lerly breeul' will blow lheoClbudi • away W"1neaday wblle II'" temJ!!!raturo biclip up, lo 17 ,alGlif the Oranie 'CGlll. . INllDB TOD&Y DemC!<"<\i. c:rpeet ID <eai> 111«1 .Ohirlt0ln4 of Ill«, tondslfdc .,,..,. •"""°1'• wllo',illcl hlto ofllcc 111 1964 °" L8J11 lno yoottG:ilt face U1c truth .i...4'1<1GOP-'ln1910. ~.7. ' 5..: ~ =:f',c ll!1J ,,.,: ..,.\_ \•• .............. ,, ,........ ' '" . ......... . .. ~ ...... ' . ....... 1'l --.. ' '8 pn1 ' ., .. • I· • I I I ,.. ONE FOR RUSSIA Actr•• Ludmill<I S.YOlyno Fna P .. e l OSCAR WINNERS ... . . . . ..-*' ~ f'" 'WOO. She was reported to be In New York. Robertsoo, on location In the Philip- pines, was another ahsen. ~Uss Streisand, the Brooklyn girl who "'°" with 1 rollicking pcrtrayal of Famy ~ in "Flmpy Girl," bf;r: fint movie, sald !run the Podlam: "l'm'V«}' -ta be in Socb magnifiNont company as Katharine Hepburn. 'lbe fir.it script ol 'FWllly Girl' WU written when I WU 11 years old. 'lbanlt God ii toot so loog to gel tt right. • ~ "ll'a lite w~ somebody asked if I'm lillppy. I said, •>.tt you kidding? U I was happy I'd be miserable. '"I'd like to thank all the members <I the academy for mating me miserable.'' ·Asked -her ClOIDilltllla backsta&e, • said: ·~be ..... people .... !wsjca!'1 happy when they're~" She laid tbe award WU ''really WIU• peded. I oever gave ii much thought. I enjoy the work, and to gel the award for it ia just whipped cream oo the cake." '"l'bere 1ras DO explanation of tbe tie llolldlag 0111011C the 3,030 v o 11 D g memhen <I Ille AcodeiD)' <I Motion J>lo. tare Arts anc1· &:ie'Ml'I Vote totals are never •w•mittd. "1llNDlllLi..I WINS Fer bell .... the Olcar went.to lbe ln- bicalo melody, "'!be Wu.tmln. <I Your l!lind.". IUllC by Noel Harrllon In "Tbe Tlxmls Crown Affair." '!be Frmcb com- poeer, Michel Legrand, wp in Paris. WU"king OD -fllm _., 'lbe huoblncl-wife lyriclats, Marilyn and Alan J!<rgmu, aecepled their Olean. . 'lbe -· U!lio!i'1 ,,~~- ... ,,. ...- tacular, "War and Peace," coUeCted tbe award fer best foreign language 'film. n waa ......,led to lbe picture's beautilul, dart-baift.d &tar, Ludmilla SavaJyevL Wtjting winnen were James Goldman for adaptation of bis play, ''The Lion in Winter'' and comedian-scenarist 1.Jel Broou f<r his original screenplay of ·'The Productnl." Tbe award lo the gray-haired, baldfug Albertson capped a '°DI career ranging from burlesque comedy to vaudeville, theater and supporting movie roles . "My enternal gratitude will always be reservec: for the man who made this mo- ment possible, Frank Gilroy, -wrote 'The Subject Was Roses.' " Albertson said. There were tears in bis eyes as he addres,,ed tbe crowd of 3,twXI in the Music Center Pavilion and a nationwide television ·audieoce:. Back.stage, Albertaon remarked that be won Broadway!s Tony 1ward in the play and that author Gilroy "insisted I do Doth the play and the movie." ENCOUIIAGING 'lbe ~-oil! Mia Gardon drew loud laugbltt by .tm!Wng lbe made her fUm debut In lllS and: "I can1 tdl yoo bow ~ a lhlng like lhiJ Is." • .i'o newiiDtii backstage she confided, "My bmbml llllld U I didn't win Ibis Ume be wun't golng to bring me again." She was nominated as a supporting ac-tress -In '.'Inside Daisy Clover," a UR film. She ii also a writer like her bus. band. Ganon Knln, and will> him was nomtnated f« meeaplays ol uA Dolble l.Jle" in JMT, "Adam'a Rib." USO, and ''Pat and Kite," JllSll., Service. Station 'Holdup' r . . . -. . . !Attewpt Eriils in Standoff '( v -" I ' ': ..... ,;;,.··~. I tDltlric4 ""-7'• ln-ljfiliu todq Wlltlns wllll'a 1-dclm In hll walltbood '*"""' lliii """ ... .• 1r.... and Emoelll Schnieder, :a, of 5331 I..,.ia -a gun-wavtnc W-Ave.,wllhblsi-tlnhlllmoutbandJr'>o iefvb llellan attendfal 1111( a IUw1led -OD bis mind. . ~ to delmDllle II "'1 crimes Sdlroedee told pollco Watkins pulled """' c:ommllted. • ' '.. Ille p OD him when be got out <I lib car stood today, lbe di Sonday In-lo lllreldl his Jecs. amounted to a --· w-·~· .... be f~ -~~­the'stittlon attmrtant" fM:red an .-.Nol~ ~~~~.was ._,_ "--• and ••--~~-Rlannlng a holdup, adding that he waa so ~-. a,_... u.: nlUWJ~' shaken be had to take a prescription pill concerned about a 8lldden attack of from a supply in his pcx:ket. • poi:9rx)ing. · A 1Jomla passenger With Schroeder 1 It all slar1ed al 4,53 a.m., a week...t • ....., !OOt when the wild cool Olllation Eitdllng hour for would-be aervice sll· -...... " DD • r on bandits: and John Watkins, ti, on du-~ md returned rib ~ younger . at 5911 Westmins:ter Ave., was hlXb man 1 .~ts at the same lime the Jaw ....me.t.and waiting. rolled up. • Holdupo have occurred .-illy In the Piillct officers calmed all ~.con-~ng western territory of the county. cemed -... sent them oo their way, but I· Suddeoly ·the Westmlnlter Pollce today Wed IJistricl Attorney Cocil A. DepM;meni dlsplldl« .....ived • call Hi<ill lo evaluate the matter r~ poosible tnm the -auitrt Walkins, "1lo said a oil.,,... COllllllltted. .. Jdop -In J>'<llll"SS. I Arriving OD lbe scene, patrolmen found DAI LY Pl lOI Rob.rt N. W .. d p,_,... w ""'':lher Jtclr: R. Cur!.v' VIOi Prelclld,.,... Geiwr.I Mlnft1r Tltom11 IC•••il e .... n.,..,, A. M11tphl111 41t"""9 Editor Albe,t W. a.m Wllll1m l\oM ~· """'''""""' ._.. EdllOr , City E4'1 ... ... __ .._ Jot ltft Stn1t . From Pagel SPY PLANE. •• House coofemlce will> Nlson and othd GOP leaders that MIGs tOot off from North~ 1\112:30 a.m. Korean time. -The-~ broadcast •said the plAne· wu· attacked "alter Infiltrating cteep· 11rto the air ll))lct of the republic." Some members of Congress uprwed concern over the new North Koeran ac· tion Jtss than 15 months alter tta !elsure <I the USS l'u!blo. which also wu on an Intelligence mlllioo <ii the North Korean coast. I M1tli111 A4lrtu1 P.O. 't.s 7'0, 92641 Nixon was reported carefully studying all details of the Incident while Setretar)t of Slate William P. Rogers called In Soviet Ambauaaor Anatoly F. Dobrynin to cllscua lbe liluailon and . to w for h<Jp In looklnc fe< the plane. Japan Ind South Korea allo were Wed for aid: - ""'"'oM.. """"'°" ktel\: 1711 Wftt ..... '°""'""' ' c.t. --.: -w... ...., '""' ~~12aFWutA- Lui Aupal In accepting t h e Republican pmldentW nomination, Nls- on was blgbly crlUcal <I lbe Jobnson ad· mlnistraUon'• handling of the Pueblo af. fair; saying lt was time for new leadership when m)>ICI for the United States bod decllned to the point that "a !ourtbttlo mllltarf· power, lllte North Korea. will teJle an American naval Vtslel on the blgb ·MU.n The North Kore'.an b r 0 I Cl ca It' monitored In Totyo, laid the plane wu downed "with a slnJlle shot at .lllih altitude. 11 'nlere wu lnltlal speculaUon that a missile was ued, but a Pent.aeon ll)lOkesman later lald !ht craft wu IO miles out to sea when Jul heard from. 'n\at ts out of range of ground-ti>air lnUslles. . ' -Coleman t· _,,_BAILSY .. ..., .. - ----~-­to DI* It > and if ~ rlglit then a ?"PP°"'"" pjeee <l~ty -•mdool!led11 pl CJood Nine feel· daya. have been many ~ far it doc9 ii was Ont installed fot Ule by mmlty volen but tta offldal ..... " lbe Coleman Electronic Vote Tally System. And the unith <I ils • checkered <>reef came late In Matth with an action Illa~ ironically I drew a! little attention as the widening of M .. mory Lane on the ..... agenda -lbe ordering of $28.000 worth of parts for the sophisticated equipment. . That unheralded actim by county superviJors committed t he m to something they've never been prepared . OBSERVES HANDIWORK B.lrans' Rex Fowler · ,,..,_ Page-·1 SEX ti.ASSES •• courae 1s needed 1>0:.rase, .''Youngsters need 'to tnow what ·makes a,decent fami- ly tick, ,ind youngsters are gdling mar- ried ear Her and earlier these days." Oblerving that "this is a 'no' crowd," the Rev. Betbworth lald h< would guess that about 7s·percent of the community wouki raver the family life classes and 2S perceni w.outd be opposed." 'l'bere followed a grilling by memben of the audieoce who jumped up to challenge his commenls from the results of a poll of his congregalior. which show- ed 88 percent in fav« of family life classes, to statements that sex education and family life education could aid in reducing unwed maternities • Principal objection from memberS of the crowd seemed to be a fear that the classes might involve teaching of a creed or moral values different from those held by the speaker or the potential student. In addition, one opponent. Harry Boggs:, .Vew strong applause when ·he shouted, "all you Uber~ are trying to take these things away from us (rights of parenls an'tl cliurch to teach children what they w~h). "I saw it in Europe. At first no one see.med to care when they .dragged the neighbor ·off in Germany. Then they all were dragged off. We can't let these liberals: do this to us." He likened eex education and family life claaes to attempt at chlckeri breeding will> the lntent of producing eggs. "Tbe hen just •I~ there and all she bas to do Is lay eggs." Others said they "did not want . our children exposed tO these free thinkl"I liberals." Mn. Norma Gibbs Observed that "I didn't know grownups could be ao rude • No ooe is trying to take •tbe responsibillty away from parents. 11 She drew a chorus of groans when she said, "We can't talk to our children anymore when they get to thlnkfng fot themselves at JS Cl' 18. U you run 8Clred and full of fear you are Jmplanting \bis bi the chUd." Huntington Doctor To Be Honored Friday Dr. Ralph Hawes, long Ume Huntlngton Beach physlw, civic and chllJ'ch lesder, will be honored Friday at F~ Part with the plantlng of a tree and unvelUng of a plaque In his honer. The event Ii iponS<ftd by the Com· mllnlty Servlct Coaunlu.e <I the Hun- tington Beach Rot,ary Club and wW begin al I p.m. ~. ~cularly those who Wttt ushered into the world by the doctor, are invited to attend the ceremonies. j ' ,, . . . Ca~p~ter· ·~1ive;~ antl-'' w·· l to•-·•* .......... ~ ... -"'""' 01£ = --ad ,... lot Ila hie •m -.. · ""l!-•.~ .. u-bu --.. ...., 1lolieU u biJlols 1n ill n ... ,.., hiltor)'.1111111-today to be riding hilb on ID lll1USUaf wave <I county popularity ba!d by lbe un- qualified -"' County Clerk William St' ;Jabn; , It wuni lhra11 tbe fut. ·Faced l'ith some learc:Nng Grand Jury· quesliona"in early llll'I, lbe CUW1ty clerk bad to admit that U wu ttine !<r a loog, bard loot at the' ('.o)eman mrhinr.ry: · It got just that by a citlzals' group w.bicb must 41<...e mme vay Dell', la· Jts verbal dismantllng d &be vote-a:>untu, to $pel.ling an emphaUc 'and. noo-electronic "fbtja" to CnJeman'a hratoohild IAoting bpct at tl!e bulky d<!aler of e~ !""' comp~.they bad to s1ll lhrongh It's · hardly · that Ibey came very n~ to · what wu regarded, in 1964, 'as an ldvenlurowl piece· <I e1- perimentaUon. ,, ·PILOI ~ -a;OGBOOK . ' "'1 ·at=:. ~ survived: Ill oolotleu crlticl were bold at bay for wllat, they conflclenlly otedlMf. )\'Oqld,be I vely brlel j(elOy <I ihe funeral ""'Ice. It'• a v'Wf healthy -Iha!: you1t find in the Voters Rea:IJtraUon Bureau~ day. And. II ,m be lurther m1lallJed with aome upcomloz "trlDIPl&Dts" 9r More abaat 111at,·o1ter a glance ·fl !be' new, vllal otgw whal that fa,OQO order P!'rformala that pal laui:eJ leaV .. OD pie 'Is delivered. ~ . ' •. J.echanicaJ1'roW-Qf-tbe -wte-counting · It bu l_UJ'Vlved ftve years ol J::! glanl -ill solid and unoullied tallying of cr!Uclsm both frol!I ....,....., c · votes in , the 19&8 dection and a and anxioUJ membtra <A. the pu~llc. U ii performance that, In tenns ti! time, far had been dumped alon1 the way )la pro. outstripped ila balJol.llundiln pro...., In i>onenta could hardly bjve blanied those previous eiecllonL • whooe pres1Ure led to the tbandomnenl Came lbe 1-..I eltciion o f ol the equlpment. November, .116&, ml ·tl!e splendid Its final oeal o! approval In lllelorm or perfonnapce qf the. peps -~~-bad aent, , that or.de r for part.I ra.bed hJrd,ly ~ St John reaching . for ~ llho¥e in' the ripple ~. comment ln the au~~ earlier erection. But Uaere were oow new hearing room. Perhapr1 tho ~w1 did lroUbles for lbe cowily c)ut and the •J!8lk ·a mue tube aomew~ In that 11$1ppy eoiemaa Co. -Ibis lime the mesh of colJs and wires -I brief flalll of tnarlling tht' wU lilterrupting the. vote Joy. counting """""" Tbere are those who Ute to lhlU so .•• ' . Freneh Ha'1e · Word for· It . .. . ' :And Valley High :Sttulen·u i SpT.eadi.ng ·the . lf ord ... .-_ ! ~ '-,. • ... . • .. • --.!' .~ ' ... By TERRY COVILLE Of .. Dlify Platt staff As C"J!!mpalgning for student offices at Founlaln Valley High School swings into high gear this weet, outside observers might feel the school wou1d be more at home on tbe left bank of the Seine. Nomenclature used in the campaign more ck>sely resembles a Freoch Republic -minus De Gaulle -than a high school student body. This week canWdates are campaigning for the traditional offices : president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, not to mention boys' representative and girls' representative. . Bui from what lotty post will they rule when elected -the chamber of deputies. And ~rs appointed to.oversee student Spanish· 12,000 sq. ft. of Top Cj)uallty YOUR CHOICE $ FOi: llTKIR OP THIESI 2 GROUPS acllvitle( _, be cbalrmon, no Indeed, Ibey are ..,...,,.,._ And wllal great body or repreaentatives wW be. formed to hold the high deputies in cbed:?. :An estates gefteral will do the job, elected a\ the begi.oning of each year with one student from each class meeting at 9 a.m. A Frenc)I theme has dominated Foun- tain Valley High School since its opening in 1966, but recently studeots revised the !Uucture, paring d 0 W D a bulky ccn- stiluUon from 18 pages to siz.. · The chamber of deputies also was overhauled, .not un~ among French legislative bodies. Tbe number of elected officials was reduced from 20 to 10 by placing the governors in appointed posi-- tiona. . .. ··'!'he prime · , mover ' behfii4 I h I • • rtCOlllltruction was vice president Rei Fowler,'• young senicr with an eyt'Oll a mathematiC! major at Harvey Mudd Col~ Jege. Rex' monumental work doean't mean · much to most people, but that llWe old French government at Fountain Valley hanclles nearly a quarter of. a mDllon dollirs annually. Budget notatioru: only reflect about $50 ,IXXl handled by the student body, but figuring ath1eUcs and many Bide ventures the higher figure at least passes through student hands. And if they have linanclaJ !roubles Ibey can only borrow from other schools, no banks or agencies. No MoMy Down First Payment :J1ne 1969 our ercJusive b pc. ensomble °*II ffltlt ....,,, llll'nly ,....,.I ........ ~ .--.. ...... Im_,, ... IC....,.wn,_ MM Jlli.w & ........... - m.ct"llll fW ....,.. ...... """""· .....,. Wiii f*kJ1 Ml ...... .n.. ....... ct-. .. IMX tr ..,_,.. co...._ .. .,..... 0., °''"* • ""'-WflW.. tl"9 K""'"1cl Clil Isl la•• t<llllt ..... Pl.UI nnNtW ....... 11,,. -...... Ito IM!dllnf ....,.,., t•llric fer ... "tllf "9111'• 11-llW *di • • ' _. .. -.. .. ·~fllll -... ., ""' -.. ......, ....... $799 for this ONLY Why p1y up to s399 lavish 9roup ••• . .................... ...... ••lllHI• ......... !111 .. ......_,,... ..... .,. ... a..... ..... j, ,.....,.,._. ~~~•a· 99 onfy • • • 1 ' . '. AT HARIOR BOULEVARD USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS I a I ' ... --- • • • , -, , > ., > -> • ' . -, , • • • • J :ro11, Aorll l!, 1969 OA!LY .PILOT! • Co.unty Pay Hikes to Cost $4.5 Million? I See by TOdey' s Want Ad$ By JACK BllOBACK Of ... Dlltr , ......... 1' SANTA ANA -Salary ln- creue1 aoua,bt by the <>ranee County Employes Association (OCEA) would raise the~ ty's annu~ payroll by •1an estlmated $4.5 million at the very least," according to county personnel di r e c to r William C. Hart. 1be association is asking an 8.2$ percent ieneral s&lll')' hike and an additional three pereent boolt "to eliminate ttie lag between the January salary survey date and the July l effective date of in· crease." In a lo.l-page book.let now being studied by Hart'• staff, John H. Sawyer, 0 CE A aeneral manager, argues that Meetings TU•SDAY V•ltr•nt of Wotld w1r t. •nd New MeM ••rr•dt• 12.r, Amerlc1n L"""1 K9U, Jt.5 W. llttl Slr"t, C0.11 Mts1, •:OD P·"'·• l'ot luCk. 11.olfr"I' CUlb et Newport Bf9dl, lnillW (,,_II CCIU!llf'Y Club, 1'00 E. CO.It Hlghw1r, oron. 11111 Mir, l :JO p.m. 05r. Mtl• -N.-f H1rbof' ltons Clutt. M •I I Vmle (_I.,, (lull. Corl• Ml,.., •;• •. rn. lllboe .. y LI-Club, Vlltl MlrlM, 1~ • ..,.1119 Drlvt, NtwPOM IMCll, p p.m. S..1 a 11 c It 1'11tlm.1ter1 Club. 10! II In ( II Ho~. UOD P'.c!fic (H51 HllllwlY, 7:00 1.m. Hllllllntlton BQtlt Elkl lo d t 1, Elks LcJd9e, ICM ac.tin Avenw, H1111tlnt1ton Be.ch, 7;3e p,m. S«lety ,.,. !hi Prnerv111or> 111d El'lmUr19ffntnl or ll1rber S II '• au.rte! Sl1'181nt 111 """'le•, NIWPOr! H1rbor Cl>lp!er, Cofll .. P&r~ Schllol. 2311 Noire O•me, Ca.II MllM, 1:4.5 11.m. Odd Ft!lows L,,..t No. lU, Ocld FeHow1 Temple, 22i Mlln Street, Hu11tf11111Dn B<!Klt, l :Oll p,m, l .0.0 .M. Moose NG. l!Sf, 05 E. 11111 SlfHI, CDll& Mlou, l :U 11.m • 8&1tio. Ski Club, NtwPOl'Ttr lnn, H- JIOrl 8tKI!, I P.m. Stl 1nd SI .. Audubon Soci.ty, Sp.ur. -n ltoom. $11111 An1 Llbr1ry, 1111 •nd llou Sll'eeh, S1nt1 AM, 7:lCI ..,.,, Or•-COUf!IY Cl>lpler DI llW Ol•llllK Auocltlklfl of Scx.rtMrn C1llloml1. °"'"" County HN!lll Oei>t .. 1111 Ind ltOill S!rtdl, S.nll Atte. I p,m, W•ON•IOAY Coste Mes1·0 r1niie Co&st l loru Club, Odle'1 212 E. 11111 St., to.II Mts1, I t .m, 8 llHI Fllme Toastm11terJ Club, MeM Vef'Cll Country Club, Cost• MIM, 7 1.m. Coste MH• Optimist Club, Coal• M.1• Goll tnd Coun!ry Club, 17C4 Golf Courie Ori.,.., Ce&ft N'ml, 12 "°°"· Hunllneloll lk'Kh E•clll,,... Chlb. S"Mrtron BtlCh Inn, Hunlll'Qlolt ktCll, 11 N»n. 4 Wutm!111t.r OPllP'!lltt Clvb. Kln1'1 T1b11 1tes11ur111t. Wntmlr1111r, 12 -· Coste MIM lttltN Clu b, Colli Mist, Goll •nd Counln Club, eo.11 Mat 12 ,_,,, • Fountal11 \111~ l;xchtngt CClub, Fr~· !Ill! 8e1e11 l lvd.. Hun!· ... lneton l ttd'I, lt:lf p.m. DEATH NOTICES DRIGESET lwr A. Orlottwt, Ate 51, of 2411 New. part ar....,., co.ii .v..u. 011e or H1u1 A11rJI 14. SuN IVl!d b~ wile, Dwjll; ....,., Allt11 J. I nd 0.nlel J, Or"""1 divvtl!el", M... 0 In n I Sltu1llttr1 brullwn. Ai111ur tnd Nomwon Orlt--11 •Islet', ~.. ltl'Tllct ... kl/ •lld 1hl' -nddllldr.,.,. Grtv"'llde Hn1ict1, Wld,_...y, l ;JO PM, Wntmm.r.r M• morttr Petit Mortuerv end Cemtkry, BEGLEY F"twdef'ldc E. llltltr. 2•17 W. Mtrt'!' ltnt, Slnll AM. Sunolved lrf wl~, V119lnl1 It. B"1tv1 1111>~11. Allln MC;Mtl1111 fwo 1lto-dt119Pll•lr1, "''~ ....., M"'° •l'ld EllMn Mlnamldei ~lt- 1•r, ICtll'llHn 111/ef'. F.mlhr '"'*'' lho!t wlllllnt lo meke ITll'mCW'l1I c-tribl.rtron1, ptt.11 (Ol'llrlbute ~ tr.. "'""10:.n Ctncfr Soc.!-1V. Senolcn, Wtdnl141r, 2 PM, Ftek Ftmllr Colo-11r.1 f uMrtl HM1'. HAUCK Fl'td H.lud:. lfl7 Hlgf\llnd Drift. N"""'""'t Be1cll, s.tvlc.s pendlne 11 W.stC'llff Chtpel Ml>r!u1ry, '"'41U. ROUCH eurrtnt ·Orange County .salary leveb do not eompare favorably wUb salaries in other countlu. Sawyer ur1es that county salary levels be improved by adopUon of a sallry...ettlng policy wbtcb: -Rerleets aMual trends set by private industry a n d leading public agenelea. -lncre8"' the aalary levels or county classUicatlon.t to 1 point where they compare taVotably wilh PIY levels in other leading eounties and private i!Wlmtry. -Eliminates salary in· equities. -Makes allowa~ for the lag between lhe January date or salari surveys and the ef· fectlve date of July l of salary increases ror county employea. Panther Sentenced In Attack SANTA ANA -A Y'lWll member of the Blact Panther organllatloo must sen'e three months in Orange County Jail for his attack on a S111ta Ana police oftfcer. (This IJ the rtason Sawyer has requnted 1n addillOl'lll three percent etneral salary increase ar,Wng that county salaries lag Iii to II months behind much ol the data com· prised in the survey). Customarily, the county Personnel Department con- duets 111 own salary survey which is used in matlna final recommendatioos to the Board of Supervisors . Final detum.lnaUon of any salary increase wW be made by the board t0metime prior to Aug. 30 when the final 1919·70 budget must be adopted. Jn the past three years, the general wage iDCtta.se granted by the board has fallen below the im~nt requested by the OCEA. In l~ a 1eneral increase of 10 perttnt was requested a.nd e.s percent rranted '\\'hicb added $3.3 million lo the COW> ty payroll. Iii 1967, the request was for I .I percent and f.$4 percent was gra.nled, hiking t b e payroll by $U' million. The employes association asked for a 5.5 percent Jn.. cruse in 196' IDd 1ot 4.61 percent which added about II.I millloo lo the payroll. The CUl'reDI COllDly payroll is about MO mll.lioo a ytar. Th.is year no salary hearings as such will be held because ·Of a new slate law which re- quires government represen- tatives to "meet and confer in good talth with recopllzed employe groups." Hart said negotiations were CAB OKs Hughes' Air West Off er W ASHJNGTON -A Civil Aerooautics Board exaniner recunm«>ded Monday ap- proval d. lbe acquisition d. Air We:S by a finn owned by billionaire Howard Hughes. The euminer, R05S I. April 1968, with the mercer of three loc:aHe:rv)ce airlines - Weet Cout~ Pacific a n d Bonanza. .. Air w~. largest of the na- tion's ttgiooal airlines, serves 9,000 route miles linking 13 airports: in eight s t a t e s , WllCi'Wll01>0WlRS $ Now. , TOP PRIZE Superior Court J u d g e Jioward Cameron handed that jaU term Monday to William Douglas Gates, 20, o( Santa Ana and placed the youn& man on three ye.an probation. A sentence or three years jn state prison was suspended for the probation period by the jurist. Pills Didn't Do the Job; W omari:Sues Newmann said the proposed $130 million deal would be in the public interest and wou}d not resuk in tbe creation of a mooopoly. Canada and Mexico. ,,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The examiner uid parties to11 Gates was convicted of at- tacking the officer following an incident at a city in- tersection in which Gates cursed the officer after being ordered to quit bloeking traf· fic. A confrontation ended with Gates punching the officer in the face, according to court records. Los Alamitos Names City Manager Air West, which operates out of Orange County Airport and serves eight wmtem states, Canada and Mexico, baa beea · in financial diffH:Ukies since its establishment a year ago by the merger of three smallec miines. BUENA PARK -An Newman said acquisition of. Anaheim woman wants $15,000 the airline by Hughes Tool Co. in damages from a Buena would nd "restrain com- Park drtig st<re in a legal petition or jeopardize another hassle over birth control pills canier not a party to the ac· that appears to be pregnant quis.ition." with J)OrMibilities. But, he Wd, the acq uisK.ioo ?i.frs. Cynthia Joan Green should be made subject lo doesn't know whal the drug several conditioo.s. store gave her in the way of a '111e conditions recom- retill for her birth control pill mended by N e w m a n n prescription, but she ~ generally deal with' the ac- know lhe·y weren't what the counting, trall.!fer of assets doclor ordered. and liabilities, the value of The proof is crawling around certificates, bookkeeping and the Greens' living room floor similar matters. -a baby born last July 1, just NewmaM said that all ac- nine months alter the druggist counts, record books and dispensed the pills, she elaims financial statement... of the A1r in her Superior Court llwsuit. \Vest Dlvisioo ol Hughu Tool LOS ALAMITOS -City at-Co. should be maintained torney Jack Parker has been separately from those of the named acting city manager 'Almy' Sets parent firm. f Los Alaml M Dal Hughes Tool Co. and Air o tea, ayor e \Vest asked the CAB in the case woold have fiYe days in which ~ file any exceptions in his recommendations and that briefs should be filed within...aoother 10 days. If the CAB approve.s the recommendation it will ~ a re-entry into the airline .in- dustry for Hughes, who lives in seclusioo in Las Vegas, j'iev., where he OWM several hotels and gambling CMinos. He once owned 75 percent of the !tOCk in Trans World Airlines but 90ld out ln 1966 for more than $500 million when faced with having to ap. pear in coort in a mismanage- ment suit. In his re<:onunendation, Newmann said that since the beginnina: of the merged ope!'aUon July . I, 11161, Air West had suffered heavy .financial btes MJd that one fl. the Jr(lblems was , lact -u unified ~ent and ~ trol. The examiner said he tound no merit in • contenti<m by Western Air lJnes, Ine.;tbat acquiWon d. Air w..i by Hughes Tuol, bm'n aa Toolco, would nol be in tile pul>llc 111-Kroesen aMOunced today. S ho d January for approval of an Parker will temporarily re-IDOfgas r agreement under which.==========, place James Smith who re-Hughes would buy the airline tereW. signed recently to become _ .. SANTA >J!.A -'!'f1e Salva-for about $M mllJJon and cil manager of Pico Rivera lion Anny will hold its ~v~Ut assume aome '40 million in Y · . · a nnual fund -raising Air West debt! and' obliga· He had held the position I o r smorgasbord at 5, I and 7 p.m. Won!i. more than six years. Friday at the Corps oltice, 114 Both parties au b ml It e d Kroesen said Parker w 111 N. Sycamore St testimony to the CAB late in carry on the office until 1 per· Tickets are $2.50 for adults, ' February and representatives mane.nt manager is hired. He $1.25 for children and may be appeared in a hwing lut BOAT BUFFS Al111011 l•cl 1h1v-i1 th1 1rily full -ti1111 ho1tln9 1tlif1, wlN'klnt 011 011y 111w11111p1r 111 Or1n91 Ctunfy. Hi1 ••· clu1lv1 ct••r1g1 tf h11t0 Int 011tl y1clttln9 n1w1 11 • J1ily f11hr1 of the DAILY PILOI . , WHITEWALLS FULL 4-PLY NYG•N' CORD1 said applications for the job purchased at the Corps Ufice mootti. G will be accepted until April I i;i•;•~d~va;;nc~·;·;;·~·;t lbe~;·v;•nt~. ;;;;;;;;;;;Air;;;;W;est;;;w;aa;;lo;rmed;;;;ln;;~~~~~~~~~ll en er al 30. "" ............................................. a..r.r • .-... .,.............., ....... .,.,... ... A consulting finn will screen _, "--. n "len." rou 1t1tor i.u,. Air" ,.,....c_.t tir. tHtllrM ..,, -.1111 ...... F-"""''c.ntt-,... applicants and make a rtc0m-lllt -.v.ii1, prot111e1111 rMwc:tcl l'rit" ••-• 4val trlllld ""'"" -.,. ,,_ ''' pr111c11 .. 1111ri11 "'"'°"''· mendation to lhe city council. A R.•tiJtrlllio• SUt•m,.t ,,/,Ji•z to 1h111 s,,,,,;,;,, •.i '''" ,illl 111i1h 1h1 S1ru,i1i11 "*" Extho1.1 Kroesen said he expeete(l a Com,,,i11i"" ••t Hi""'''''''""'' 18111iw. TIH1111rllrit.ia ••1 ""' 61 solt/11tlf '"1 ol1r1 I• ••1 *• new manager to be named by ,,,,p11i ,,,;°' 10 1/n ,;,,., th1 R1zhtr1111in SUU••"' ,,,_,, •l«tiv1. This Mvn1i11,,,11111hJI June 1. ""' ro111til•I• •••I., I• t•ll "' 1h110Jiti1•ios of.,, •In to h•111or 1h11JJ 11Hr1 h1 ""1 ''''of 1h111 11t11rili11 ;,, .. , stiUt i• t11hitJJ 11th of1r, soliri1Mio11 tr 11/1 1uo11JJ lit 11n/1wf11/ prior to 1Ji1 r1zi11r.iiolf H fuJif.t111io11 """" tH 11111ri1i11 '4u11 of 1111 Jurh 11.Ut . l'Oll COllPACY CAlll l'Oll -1111 CAlll ~Oii 9!0 CAllS Wlllltnl I!. lt<IUCJ'I. :UO Vktori., Cl'°'ll M111.1. C.!1 of cleellt, ""'II U. Sur· Vlwd by wife, Dorll'llly; .,,., 1nd d1Ufll!wf·ln.r.w, Mr. tnd Mri. Wlt!ltm lltoudl, Co1t1 MHt; dlutllttr. Riii ClllOINn. Oc"n11de1 two 1l1t.r1, Mtry Mt.Combe!", Sln!t Mlrt1Ull'lt1, C..tlf. tnd Yvoru•ie 8Hl'l!t, Sin BT\lllCI; ....,._, ai.rtn l!v111t, PlllO ltllb'"' ....i four trtndd'lllcl~n. lltaury, w.,,. ntte11v, 7 PM, Jle<1ut.m Miu, Tllur .. div. l :JO AM. llO'lt! II St. John - ltP'tllt Cltl!ollc Clluri::ll. Dlr.ctN by Wntcilff Cl\~ Mortutl'Y', ............ Home Society Names Aide A PROPOSED NEW ISSUE : 8,500,000 Shares 2$ FOR ONE TIRE 2$ 2$ FOR FOR ONE' TIRE ONE TIRE ,,.... Sl.JI. )!.'6 ARBUCKLE & WELSH Wttk:liff Mortaary 4%7 E. 17th St., Costa Mes• 14Mll! BALTI: MORTUARIES Corou del Mar OR S.Hst Coda Meoa llD f.%04 BELL BROADWAY ANAHEIM Mrs. Mary Buchanen W.ullin has been 1p- pointed public relations dir~ tor for the Chlldrtn'I Home Society o( California's Orange County District. • Common Stock ~"'''1 1'1 •~ t• Ta" '38 *41 fH,£•.T .. •uc:ll, '32 ~ ..... ~.,.. •!oO• ll "'"lh l4,~1ll,, !~brio,. whllow•ll ••-wlll••all !\IORTUARY 1 111 Bro1dway, Costa )feu LI I-Sm She wlll be uoponsible for tnfonning the eommunity on adoption service! available to natural parents, children and adopUYe applicants Uirough the society. Former assistant to the director of public relalions and travtl consultant. for Union Paciflc Railroad, she is a put preoldenL d. Los An(elel Advertiaing Wornen, lne. ($1.ot par nlue) Tir. JOtaOon euuret Wf9ftv.d.,...rand --.... ""°"' aalolJoc*k tor-· f.Mioo. lmbedOtd fclf91gn obf9c!1. /1 • Dw•lon .Wr for Jone, cut-,,_ li,. • f"9tglled ...... carMl-trut DILDAY BROTHERS Huntlaito• V1lley Momary 11111 Beacb Blvd. maatJattoa Beaell Mi.mi PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PARI. Cemtleq e M'"""'7 Da,.1 sat P1dfte View Drl•e Newport Bueti, California 144-1'111 PEEi: FAMILY COLONIAL FllNEllAL BOllE '1111 -A..._ ll'•stm'""'! -- IHEl!TEB MORTUARY Lapoo-O&-IJU 1aa--• SmTR'S MORTlJARY In Malll 5'. Ru~::-·~ \ Mrs. Mullin is married to James A. Mullin, an indulll1al engineer for Douglas Aln:ralt, and has four children. I GRAFml I American Eipresa. Special Fund, Inc. •• a dl•eniled open·tnd ln•eatment compan7 manaaed b7 Amerlcaa E1preta lnTeat ment Mana&tment Company. The Fund aeek1 ma1imum arowth of capital. Price $12 Per Share ,,., C11pi11 •I 1/J# p.,J;,,,;..y ,..,.,,_,,,., ,.,1 H 1lJMuJ ,,,,. 1H ,,,u,,.,;,,,H ;,. 1111 ""'' i• w/JirA ;, ;, ,.,,;,,..,,, 11 •,,,,,,;,,1,,,,,.;,;n .,,/;. wAirll 1H ,,,u.;.,.,, ,,,,,,tt•t Ml1 lr#fd1 61 'ittri6•'''· First California Company '355 Via Lido, Newport Buch, California 92lllO Pbone: 175-3940 Pltut MM ""' I PtdlfniAlrr ,,..,.. -tbl A..na. ~ s,.DaJ ·-lac. """'"'~~~~~~~~~~~~---'~~~~ a~·~~~~~~~~~--"•••~~~~~--'~1'-~~ 99~ SHOCK ABSOR* HELP PllOT!CT YO.U &p.11: IM1allatlon Of .................. ' GENERll TIRE JU w. lttti c .. 1. MIA ·-. • Ultt..,ith-41"9i0f'I ··-LIMa 1 DM. WHEEl BALANCE CUTS TIRE WEAR Sptclalilll Pf.Clillon bai•noe both front _.,.._lly ... _ .. UMll'9.,.,. tk'e ...,, .... thuftlplnf, AVERY GBIUL 1lf SERVICE ''"' ........... . H ......... - 3 tot '133 1 c1oz. 1or -.as 1m1.'4111 ......... MWTIO a4a 51J, M7·SUI M>GJf 111111111 AUTll tNDU,_ -AY ~ - I ' Je DAll.Y PU.OT H ., . , ... .. .. " •• • •• .. • ' • ... , j •• •• • • " .,,, .. ~ Investors Bet on Casin0s . OVER THE COUNTER TOP PRIZE . ' . •t A chance to win $10,000 cash every time you v1s1 any Standard Station or Participating Chevron ~ler . "• Pl!Rg ... ,..en. • ., Utl:n-11 llfllt How good would an investment firm ·have to be before you'd recommend it to a friend? • "' Over 100,000 current Dean Witter cll;rits came to us this wa); Consistently, our largest single 1outtt of De\V Dean Witter clients hi the poop of 1a .. 11on we an llmldy serving. We think we know why ..• Our clients are llCn'ed by our 1067 exceptional Account Executives-men o[ keen intelligence, imagination, and integrity. A.3 proof of their capability, "'' offer the over 100,000 referrals these men have attracted for the firm. As additional proof, we point to our lnvcsuncnt Training School for New Account Executives whose graduatc..'I continue to place among the top on the New York Stock Exchange Standard Examination for Registration. Each of lhcse men is 1upported by one of the nation's JiDCll rcscarch analysis teaml-a group which keepo our 14 6,000 miles of privale leased wins humming with quality investment ideas. That's why we say ..• You're clo1e to mt1t who know H'lttN ]Oil ini.of!Jt wit.It ••• DEAN WITTER. a Co. JNCDIU'OJltATSD Brtnton R. Ogden, Vice Pre,idrttt 881 Dover Drive, Ntrwpori Beocr1 Telephone 64'·6050 ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 HEA.D OFFICE 315 Ent Cotor.do 9oufev9"'d:" Pat11deM, C.lifomfa 11109~ ... I Bank 1'Janager H. Donald Eisler oC 1-luntinglon Beach has been appointed mana· ger of United Califor- nia Bank's ne'v Penin- sula Center office in Palos Verdes scheduled lo open on April 18. Presently he is ass is- tan t man ager of .the Lo- mita office. ·A· INGS • ·-i OTHER BRANCH Ofl'FICES Wnt An:edl• • Ccwlne Glencfai. ' I 71•; -... 74 ... ''• 30'• -'• "" -'" ?6 + '1 n•, +n;, JI'' + ,., ~·. -,, ri1 , -l'n 111. -'• .OO•o t LO •1'• _,., IG'l + I\ ,,, 19 .. 11 • -•• J]J, ~ •• ". Jf11 -" ]1'0 - '' + '· ,,,. -'• JO.lo ••• 19\i -'" 15'• + "• ,,., -,,. °'°'' 31'. ,~ .. -... ,.,, -~ 3'"• -•• lJ -•• 4fLO ... ''o lt'lo + ~­" . Sf'~ -•t, 11V, + -Jl•o ,~. _, 81'< .j. ., 11'. -'• ?Ho -'• II .L '1 ,,., . '• ?J -'• 21Mo + '• IJ -"4 )11~ -I " 16'11 -\ :If +l''o lll'1 -'• .,., -.. J~"~ + •• lS'1 + '" ~·· + ~­I J>1 -''o ]~'· + "• IJ'o \. ''a J(J + •• 60'~ -\I; "" " "" • ~·1 t :~ IJ'' •r:it. 61 • -'·• ,,,, tl\t "'' + ~-::\'t t ~ ''" -1\t. ,,"' _ ... ~":.:. ~ ,,.. -~ 411,\ ... nv. -\' 1~-'ilo -~ ·~ -.... ~::.~ "'-1'-· ·~ 'u +·u :.: ~ \'i -•• .... F -- ' ,.,..,, Alltl 15, tM H IWl.Y"1.llf JI Tuesday's ~osing I ·. .... ....-~~~~~~-'-'~~~--...-'-,...a.. -G- • l I I ( )1 Dolll.V PILOT Tutsdo)', Aprll 15, 1969 • --- ~ I ~ ~ ~ Graphic Arts Class Now Offered at GWC F« the first time next fall . Goklen West College will offer coocept from preparation of artwork on through com- pomion, photographic pro- cesses, to tbe press; bindery and finished product . · .a tWO-Yf'U' occupatiooal pro- : gram in graphics technology. · 1be program wilt include . IJ'lphlc arts, printing and : allied fields and will be taught in a modem grapbjcs laboratoiy now being finished On completion of the pro- gram the student i! awarded the essociate of arts degree and may transfer to a four. year college . to earn a bachel<r's degree in printing technology and management or in industriaJ technology. · u a new additioo to the col· Jep library and multi-media center. I 'I11e Jab will be equipped with bot and cold ~ com- posing areas, paste'up and stripping tables, a graphic ..U darkroom, ofloet and le~ t.rpresses, plate m 1 kl n g equipment and a bindery, Inquiries about the courses may be directed to Golden West College, 15714 Golden West SJ., Huntington Bescb. lnitlally, two courses will .be cft'ered, me in intn:iductory graphics and a second course in graphics tecbnology. PEOPLE Tliet'1 whit it'• •II 1bouf. On• of th1 motf popul1r dilly f 11tur11 of th1 DAI LY PILOT 11 P1 opl1 Sc:tnt. lt'1 t i! tbo11t ldng1, commoners, kooks •nd cherecfen -p•ople. With the new laboratory, ttudents enrolled in t h e courses will be able to take a ' Invest by the 20th • Earn from tbe 1st on 12·monlh lull paid Investment Thrift Certificates, • 511% on Passbook Accounts _o.n anr amoonl Your withdrawals , honofl!d inmediatelr on demand. Join the thousands who are moving t heir .funds to Cal-Thrift. Call or stop In. We'll gladly •ntwer your questions and tell )'OU how we can transferyour present funds by ~ or malt Without bothef' to )'OU. For '1fiW lntwtat't Akt move your funds ovtr to our slant I now! CALI FORNIA • THRIFTs-LOAN . ·170 E. .17th St. -641>-5045 CeletntJnC a dlcM of Mrvk:i tfith -.lo pr1nclpol cltltl ~ C.Jlfo,.~. -· MllWC*N ..,.,.,,..,.. U..... MIOC&Anoll CNWI M MIOCIATIOM CW tNDUlnlAI. L0M COWANIU I • ' . ' .. • .( • ' t ~ I '. •, • • ' 'I ' • > ' " ' ., ' ' ... - COLORS ARE"BRIGIT, SAVINC5 ARE RIG.IT 0N TO~, llNENS, BATH·RIJGS,' BEDDING DURING: MAY CO'S j I > h • . . . . -...... ·-· the Mo11tego beds p read, in ~lla1 1 q 'c910~• .... from ' SUnMlili ifmne·falblons .24.99 === twin reg. 24.99 li.99 lull:feit. 27.ll9 19.Si The erciron-t cl g~·Mon~~ Bay • • • coral llCliJds.~ne . wafers, exquisite orchids, ~XQ!ie bi:rdli. All these lush color.i · are fn our throw spreads. Luxurio~to-the-touch ace- tate beautifully' quilted over acetate. Gold with green, blue with !ilm; pink With red. Allow 10 days delivvry for phone and mail orders, '. \ \ . \ saYe •'•~Lady PeppeNll never-iron Jlose Tolle laxury Mii~ux@ sheets 3. 99 twin tOp or fitted . • bottom -Wal 8.'9 full top or fit bottom-was 7.49 C.99 · king top or fit bottom-was 13A9.7.99 standard cases. were 4.59 pr:, 2.99 pr. · king ccmes were 5.19 pr .... "'W pr. Perfect quality ~eels reduced b&-· c;!JUS9 It's pattern changing time at the mill. Balanced blend of 50% Dacron® polyester and 50% ,cotton percale. 'lbey gc;> from washer to dryer to bed Without ironing. Choose blue, yellow or plnl:: colom. Fieldcrest Bright Nights towels Pompadour bath rugs by Tenn Tuft 1.99 bath towel ng. 3.SO 5 99. sl•d" obloaig or . • CGatourreg.8.00ea. har.d towel reg. 200 l.29 Wash cloth reg • .80 .59 27x48': reg.1200 9.99 36%54" reg.17.00 12.99 Cuddl&d cotton velours in wann oombinallans lid cover reg. 3.50 2.99 of orange, yellow, pink -or cool ble!lrls cl blue, Vision" rayon and nylon pile, hCl).d-tied fringe. lurquolse and spearmint. Make up gift sel:I. Topaz, moSs. royal. red. blush pink Siamese pink. may co towels and~ ·ro.domestics 34. bedding 41 may co south coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm ' t • , \ • \ ' • " ·ifouniai;n " .. v ~lleY, .. . :.'«., ~2, NO. -.. -fDlT'fl)N ' positions 011 the various 1overnin,g boorda. Le,. than z percent of the ellglble voters had turned out late this lllOn\lng, • spot checD ol random precincts ,.veaJ. ed. Elec:tlon olflctail predicted a heavier turnout In the evening bciun. Polil will rei.naln open unW I p.m. Al Petenon School in the Huntlnglon Beach City Scliool DlstrJcl. only about three dozen of l,'m ~rod veler1 l!ad turned out this mornlftr. Webber-Scllool In Weolminller had a lumout of 11 of the 1,7311 elJclble. In SOal Beach at the McGaugh lntermelliate Sdlool 57 of 2,111 elllible had voled. • In the Ocean View, Scllool Dlllrtd, 11 persons had voted In ftve precincts with a total of 1,4511 eJlill>ll, voters, 'FOW!llln Valley followed the pollern, wUll' oaly a ' ~ ol volen aoln& lo the polls lhla ~ omcWi II> all ... oc.'iool d1"1rlcts, lncllldlna Ille hlpi ac:bool diltrlct, aald' ~ were t•about _ • .....,. to slow for a trustee election." ~ are for an overall turnout of )O to II percent. . Scllool board electlonl have "91-lltd heavy -lntenlt 111theput,1>111 Ibero bu been ,heated ·debate lhla yeor on ll ~-· -. .. , - l --, U.S. Spy Plarie'L~ ' ' ' . ' I { • ' "' N.KoreQ,C'lainisDowningCraft With'.31 ' .. ' . __. u, ........ PLANE SIMILAR TO :THIS· RECONNAISSANCE CRAFT SHOT DOWN OVER NORTH' KOREA? 11 p.,,.,,, Aboonl Reported . Mln!i!ll: Aerl<>I SHrch Operotlon1 Under Way in S... of Jfpon Sex Education Draws Furor Noisy Crowd Slwuts Down Classes in Huntington M.eet Kate, Barbra Tie For Be8t Actress; Robertson Scores -many of whom shouted from the floor puses. A· faculty 'C<l!Uldt:ilM h ad -ooly 31 were committee members. developed the course ot study and tt hu After one hour of bitter attacb ou su: been approved by tbl Board. ef.'l'nl&ees. education, interspersed with a few A part d. the eourte calls fw puticlpa. statements in favor of the c~ • .the lion by the communitJ in review mt COlllp1ltti<, voted II to II .. lllO Qli<OtlM reflnemenl of the currlculwn and m1ew of w~ to recopnnmd ~ educatlorl. or-the feacblne materiall. · and family life c1-s, 'J'lie" w• one M<inolay's ,,,..uni. bellt In· Ille bllh abslontlon. ' . -..--.~-l<>rtlie '!lie bllh scbool' ~ .;,. ~leml'!bol ~tteo, II t• 'lnlrodllee fi!nll1 Ill• cl8Wes "'I ·a: 1IQP!' 1Mllndt1lt ""' · vol~ basi< at !lie diottlct,, five dm· (Seo ~ Q,,1111118,,Pap U , : -. ' • Nixon , Vrges Congress : . I Stmh Budget $4 BilliOn By GENE llANDIHER )'IASlllNGTON (UPI),-_: Preoident Mayo lilted !lie followina cuts for HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The iecqid tie Nix<11I today IJ\Ade public lilJ reviaed domestic Pl'Oll'lllDI: In the U-year history of lhe Academy budget fealur1nc 14 billion Jn cuts, more -About ftis: mlllkin In lntemaUonal Awards gives Oscars lo both -· thin hall ol them In welfare outlays and. lending prosrams, lhrou&h the erport.im- ~ WASlfi!iGTON (UPI) -'I, U,S. Navy re<'<Jll!UllMMoe plane carrying 3 1 crewmen wu Ioli today on a lllilBion off µ.. Nortl> Korean coast and 'tbe Com- munllta boo!ted they sbol It down afler It violated Ute1r air apace. . The Jlelenoe Department lasllted the ,_~, Jiopaller-drl ... -plane -'" EC-~== Jnidecl_wttb_m lalil of dellc:ate electronic equlpmeot for ~ l!lllortiil-illayad.IO -· rir; tram .. ~Kai.an oboro. ftl dltlarlmant , -, Slreisand of "Funny Girl" and ~ <k!eose -ams, port bank. Hepburn of 0 The Lion in Winter" -and ' 'lbe De\lf budget totals $192.9 billion as -Nearly $345 million ln agricultural ' · ; -makes Miss Hepburn the first tbree-lime qallist the -11116.9 billion estimated and natural raourca ·cooservaUon pro-i ·'GIRL VERSUS 'TAX 'llORMS winner, the I f th budget left behind by President Lyndon ~ -mil1lon cul In Post Office and Tonio Po .. -Ti-Mind Cliff Robertson in horo •d?.,..ft,; ~~ B. John.son, .- tally retarded man w m ~~s ~" The 14 billion In cuts ls aimed al pro-lmlporlatlaa Pl'Oll'am ljl<llding. temporarily .Into a gen.iwi in "Charly" ducing a $5.8 billion budget IUl'plus -the -A $M5 mllliod1 cut in Illes of was ·nai!Jed best actoc of 1968 at Monday Jugeat since 11151 veterana' loanl. "'8bl'• 'pmentaUoos. In order lo roduce the spending, the -A 1110 million combined cul for "Oliver," a muak:.wJ spectacle based on NlJ:on admfnistraUon cut Soclal Security Atemie Enero {'«!mlgim and tpace Qrltles Dickens' "Oliver Twi!t," was , program lncHases fmn-the 10 percent program ljl<llding. voted the year'a best picture. It won Jn planned by tile JohMon administration to Mayo said the "achlevement of a five catqorlel, lncludlng best director seven percent. surplus ts a major factor" In the ~~;:calslt Carol Reed with this, his Defense programs art 1tated for a $1.1 government's war on lnflaUon. '"'"' billion cut. The remai;ning $1.t billion in "There is a lack of appreciation For supporting performances, the cuts are in a wide range of domestic pro-throughout the country and in the I "1' " . , r. , Airport-Meeting Won't Be ' Held Until Next Week hoaon went to Jack Albertson as the grams, administration spokesmen said. business communJty that we mean blusterlnc father in "The Subject Wu Budget Bureau Director .Robert P. busineu," Mayo said. Orange COOnty Airport commiulonen llooa'" 111!1 Ruth Gordon as lhe meddling will not _ r<peat not -meet tonlllhl lo ~~Bab:~time · witch · 1 n witnell a presentaUon on the planning 1tac<S In all the top categori .. were Catalina's KBIG Breaks and. •U,.:U.. of olf•hor• airportl, • clooe, t.it the selection of ''Oliver" _as commlJSion ipokesman II.Id this morn. bOll plduN over "The Lion In -Winter" Ing. wa1 a IUllS'ile to some oblervtn. "Thi An earlier eammiulon innouncement acodemJ volen apparenUy wanted enter· Ci H b. Ad o( btlllbl .. tlll·meeUn, date'"""'°"' =.::.:~:-meran _o.c.r . garette a It OD S' by..e...et.U..~apWnecl. IQlrid Berpnan, prtRllllni the \>ell The -. to which Newport Beach, octms Ooclr, loobd -.ed and un-Colla Mess,· HunUbilon . Beach' i!"f bellevlng u obi\--' the: envelope .... A Mormoo CllurclHwn.d corporaUon . prealdent of the broadcasUna C<>•" tom-Beach oHlciail have been Iovlted, tafn1nC the wiunen• names and et· · .-1uon, In -.. i.1 .... the announcement •--clalmed: "ll'• a lie!" with 11 'tftllml ~and televllion ota, ~ ·-• ..m be held next Tueaday, April u; at 7 A U0 happened only ~-before. In lions, lnclYdlnll Catalina llland's KBIG _11;:•~ of JOSUI Chrlll of Latter-p,m. In the Boatd of Sul"fVl-1 bearing im. when-best actor awards went to wu raohed to break it1 ~ ad-day Saints teacbea complete abltloence room, 515 N. sycamore, Santa Ana. balh .........._ llai'ch f,. "Dr. JUJlll and vertlsemeDI babll, eiecutlm announced from -ol f1>bocco and alcohol·-· "We don't ~ who aave -• ,._ Mr. Jiide>l'&nc! Wallaoe _, for "The Monday. -·-~ -w -• w• , . !i\: J " l•: .... ~». ' ·-.· .. ~ 'I : " . _, ~ , .. .: • . , • • ~··i: .. , I Mid.n~!lht!'• -'•Ji', Final Tax F~ng D~oo Tonig'lit '. 0 Thls 'Ji ,Jt;•• said a, hariied ~ at the Internal" Revenue Service.:"Mldniibt tonlght is the absolute deadllne:'' ' - All federal and state income tu returns must,be pootmarked by -midnight tordght, April 15, to escape penalUer for late !lling. · · ·- Lag card 1 can tab bear! In the knOwledge that the Santa Ana Plllt df. flee, al Utll N. Gnnd Ave.,_ w!ll.,be OJI"' for malllnp unlll mldnlgbl lonllbt. , , All I&< forms malled llMn by, Ille wlWKiic hour will bear todii'• poolmark. · 'lllO eame. holds !rue f..,, Ille bas 1n. 1 front of the Fountain Valley ltatlon,-IOll Slater Ave. . · Other area post offk:es will have the boxes cleared out well belore midllliibt. The following are deadllnel far depooill In front of main pool office t.anclla only: ' • IN818B TeMT a.mp." , ' The bu.., dpNtte ad-• 11 tt· ~~~'economlcally, ol coune, ,.;.... lnfonDauoO," said • ~ lo Miil lf'll!>um, 11, lhla,.... -tho _..... 1o ..... a lllO,llllO per '"'"' 11111 we11 u.e 1n fill the PP with Comity Avtallon Director R ctb er 1 · Poverty' Film Slated .......S boldoC foe Oscar --~ by, Ila -llUmalloeal l<>tllOthln& else," Madlen conUnoed, Brosnahan. ''Tbefe. II no alfporl com- lL ·11.r JltlYI'"" awcnll ai --, c.rp,, or abOul 11,.-o1111 ..-..,. oaytng programs oponoorod bJ' the tobac· mi-meeUna o1 any ldnd toruaw." lhl For Jiuntin..ton Aides ,,...wnttn ~GlllJt'' ita. · -1 re•--. co firms will continue. empbutvd. • · ~· and .. ~ -·· Comlll( lo Dinner," J ... I II Uli -dale, ,wboll --Radio KBIG (AM·FM), with Nm -i.•a prtlelltallan will be made lul yeor. Slit II Ille fin! tnple-In .,_ -~ -t.i-o pro-stadioo In Los Angeles and a lnQl!Qltter · · Ille lffd actor ca4o(<>ry, either male « duoll...........,.. will no lonpr be.,. hllh atop Santa Catalina llland, the ban by Ollrlel Lord -and Famsl Sta, female, and the thinhtar to win l'll'ice lft cepted lo< -over an area en-will affect KSL-TV, AM and l"M radio, ';.~ the i!nglneertng "flrm ol --Luise Rainer and Spencer ~Oveweotanulal••· SollLUeClty,.lltab; ~TV, AM and -.rt;y'!;i~=~poeral<lOllCtplol Traey accomplbbed this In lhe 113111. Memben of the corporaUoe'• board of FM radio, seaw., Waob., KMBZAM ud ~~ ..... ..,_ _will no1•..,, 111 Walter -Im """'-Ooclr1 direclon have -CGll5iderin& IOCh a KMIR-l'M r--at)' Mo and ~ ~~ •-, 1111tt11ey.,..,.for111pport1ngrolea. ban kr . ....,. time and 'reached Its WRh!,'N,Y;..--· ' '• . on1111-.WCOr111PCounlylocajlons. Mia Hepburn. who """ a the ~ declolon . over the -a I I e I" "We do DOI I'!!*! lo drop IJl'tlll'mnl Th< P.--11 II -doing ~of Aquitaine In "'Ibo Liao In . evalblUnc lalal ..,,..nmdilal ~ ~,by •lba·c:laonli! CGlllponiel, -fotlheotate'olllnlll.lllplwf.., -. "ft bas bOosf a.maller ol ~ _,._ , .,,.,.. ..ur~..-~ ; ~-out,~' ~. a~ lo lio lialll oli a {llltOICAU. .,...~. toaarowmlhip,"aij1 LJhd'¥. v...,1..w;:_ ·1•···• _,.,._1, r ~ W idL itlll'D4!WW\.....W•· 11' ·-. IC_.... ,. .• -" -. --. .......... . -A' I • ._ ... ,. .... ._., ,, -M ·-~ '} j-'. -" ,........ .._. ,. ............. .., --. ........ ''*-'• -..... . ...., ............. ,. -'" -.. -· . ...... -.. .... --· .. 00~~··· ... ~.;i::i.:.::=.; vH>eolth" mtb.' · • ' " · but a aoooJ1we'an!IPllTobletodo ~aci:! "'"?"lulu ~ t • , 1 , •.'l'l . 5 '• '• I • '•" , .... ,. J?O;~S · QP~n: Tn1 ·s pm •• ' . . -. I • •• • • • ' • ,y , -· \ i I. " . ... .. • ... • JI, ..... -.. to .. -..... !" .. .. 10111•Nn ·:..• -syr11' .. ",,.....,.~ I , ..,. ,·~~~-... ..._-·-·· : ... -....... ' J .... ,, .. ~ ... .-''· c -------,, • """'-~-• · ~ PILOT survived. Its QOQnt!•• P'Wca wwe bald .,_ .. llMlil wbo ui:dlii _._ • far Ill "9 •• -· · , at bay for ,""'•' thov .-.... tomac!Dlr, ind 'ti.111eyr,.np1111ooa ,,,. ..... ~ hu oUr · ... , '· .., <Omplicated pieco of counl)' med>lollin a1mo11'u -v.Wl.bullels Ii ballola -----------~ ~) 'ffiy brlel -Of hu Undoubl!!dll' gol the ~lciud Nin' feel· In Ill o..,y .... '!l*'ql"!l 11-!Dday LOGBOOK 'It'• • •lfi,beJllhy cOrpoe Iba You'll lnl theae day1. . lo be rldJag hip 00 08 unusual ..... ol find In the V~s R<oglslraUon BipUu lo- 'lbere bove been many names for It county popularll)' ~ by the ,.,. day. And It , 1'111 be ,further r~ slnce It WU first installed for UH by qualified ~Of County Clerk ' ' ,.. ' ' ~ ,:fith some _~)'trlrllPIWI" of county votere bul ii. oflicial name lo Ibo WUUam ~ .IWm. -· , · · More O!>oul that after • &lane~ at Ille MW, Yitai orpm·wbal lhll 118, cqer Colemen Elec1ronic Vole TaUy S)'stem. _ It wun't ~W"1' thio •-Faced "Ith pel'formanoe'lhat pit IaareJ leavol 111 the Is deUv"*' · , I< And the unlth of ill · some ~ Gnnd'Jurt qu..Uooe In mechanical broW of Ibo vo~Ung It bu sdiVlved ·five Y....• ol constant chociered career early 11111, tho couJ\ly clerk had lo admll glanl -Jlo solld and unsullied Wiylng of criticism both from conctrned candidltes came late In 1.tarch lhat it wu Ume for a lcmg, bard loot at votes In the 1981 t.JecUon and a and anE.ous members of, the public. U it with an acUon thal, the Colema!I machinery. · periormMce lhal, in IAirmo cl Ume, far had been dumped alcmg the way Its pro- lronlcally, drew as II gol just that by a clUum'· group oublripped Ila ballol-bundling proweu in ponento could hardly 11a .. blamed \bole little ~Uention ·as wbidl muat have come very near, iD Jts previous elecUona. wllo5e pmsure led to tbe abandclnmslt the widening cl M.. verbal dismanUID1 of the volHounter, in Came Ibo aeneral eleclion o I of .the <quipolenL mory Lane oo I be o...iun. 1n emphatic and llOl>eledronlc November, 1116, and lhe tWendld Ill final seal cl approyal In the·fonq of same egeoda -lhe "lhlli"~to Cc>ifman'a brainchlld. !Aol<l"I! perllll'lll"""" of the peni which bad aent that or d er for parts raised fwdlY a Of!IE · FOR RUSSIA """"' Ludmili.. Sovolyovo onlerlq of $21,000· ~·at Ibo bul)): douler cl mse-and Si ;oho rO.chlnf' for tho 'Jlbi>oe lit 'the ripple of commenl In· the ~· worth of parts for comp1&1ni.1he1 hid lo aft IMlugb ii'• earner elecllon. BUI .lheie ~ -..... hearing ...,,,, Perhapi the l)tWI did the sophisticated equipment. hardly ounrlalng that. lhef came veiy lrooblea lot lhe COIJlll1 ,,iert · ancl 'the spark a Utile lube oomewbere Jn that Thal unheralded action by counly noor In~ wbot .... regarlied, in °unboppy"Colenian Co.:.. ,lhlo lime the meshofcoi&andwires-abriellloobol Jll'OJll Pllfle I . supervbon committed I hem In 1911,' as an adventurous piece of ex-·marting Int was tn!erruptlnJ lb< vole joy. - :sumethlng they've never been prepared perime.ntaUon. -counting-process: 11lert are those who lite to think ..... OSCAR ·WINNERS •.. . .. ~ ~ . . ~ . • won. She iris rtported .. ~ \>e hi NeW York. Robertlon, on location ID the Philip- pines, was another abaen.tec. · · • • Miii Strelsand, the BroOlci'yn girl ·,..b(, _, with a rollicking portrayal of Fanny Brice In u~ Girl," her first movie, aald from the podium: -"I'm nry honored to be In tucb magnificent company as Kalharfne Hepburn. The first script of 'Fm:lny Girl' was written when I was 11 yean old. '!bank God ft took 10 long to get ft rtcJrt. "It'i like wben oomebody asked U I'm bappy. I aald, 'An )'OU ldddlngi 11 I wu baooY J'd be ~ble.'. I'd Ilk• lo thank an· -the m~ ol. the academy for making me ~~le,.. . · Aaked .-bar. commoni. backstage, lllle aald: -·~bo ..... people .,. baalcal!1Ji~ppy wben Ibey~ miserable." Shi aald. the 11'ard wu "rully unex· pectod. I nrever gave ll much lbougbL I enjoy the work, and to get the award for it lo just whipped cream Oil 'the cake." 'lbm'e WU DO apl.enNlcm of the tie NDdJnr • ._ the ·a,me v o I In & ._,,.. oUhe AcOdemy Ill M-Plc- lun Ario ...i llclenca. -... -""' never D!IOQnCld "WINml!LU" WINS . ~---tho Oocar went lo the In--~. "'Ibo Wlndinllll <I Your mind,~ .... bf Noel Hlniaoa In '1'hO Tbomii Cron Aflalr." The French ..... _-, 'Midlel Leaand, wu In Ports, ~ cm lllOllier rum ll<lft. Tbe -· lyriclstl, Marilyn and Alu ~ ooceplod. tholr Oocm. ·-Ttio Scmd Unloo'o ·~-~ ' ' t4¢Ular: •twir and Puce," eoneCted the award for belt foreign language film. It was 'preeentfld to the picture's beaut!Jul, dark-haired star, Ludmllla Savalyeva. i"'writing winnerS wefe James Go1dmau for adaptation of his play, "The L.ion in Winter" and comtdlan-sceoarist Mel BrOokB for his original screenplay of ·~~n:."· . The award to the gray-haired, balding Albertson capped a loll& career rangl.ng from bur)esque comedy to vaudeville , theater and SuppOrtlng movie roles, "My enternal gratitude will always be reservK for tbe man who made this mo- ment possible, Frank Gllroy, who wrote 'The SUbjecl Wu !loses.,,, Alberi.on said. There 'Were tears In his eyes as he addressed the crowd of 3,000 in the Music Center ·Pivtlion and a naUonwlde television audience. Backstage, Albertson remarked that he won Broadway's ·Tony award In the play and that author Gilroy "insisted I do both the play and the movie.'' . . ENCOURAGING The n-H.....,ld Miii Gordon drew loud l11igbtet · 9ilm1 aha made her film de~I· In Ii and~ cani i.n you bow ~ • thlqc like lhli la... - Te _..... bactalqe Ille conllded, "My ........... oald U I didn't win this Ume be wun't golna lo brln& me again.'' Sbe WU DOQlinltod u I supporting '°' trea ln ."Inside Daisy Clover/' a 1965 film. Sbo ll,aloo a writer Ute her mi.. . bind, Ganon Kanin, and with hlm wu noinlut.ed lor,acreenplay1 of "A Double Lilt'! in oo. •'Mam'• R.16.'1 1960, and "Ptt and 1!fike," 1161. . ' .. ,. . . . ' ' Service Station 'Holdup' :·.: •'. •l if,i « MM,:w; ftl&Atl., ... ,._ OBSERVES KANDIWoRK 8e11tn1' Rex. Fowl•r • -·--· -~·-. .,__ p I I -,_,., '· .. .....,. flfl.e lAtiew ·' irEifds--m_ 'Standoff SEX-l:LASSES • -· I ... ... p _.., _,.,..a;; ..... ~ •·~ • t. -· •· I ::: ~' • ' :--..• ,.;::!,;: ;._ • ,' •"-, ~· • ,' · .... -:r.-· , ""; . .-~-··· courM ·li needed ~e. "Youngsters ~ :..•·• 1n...ifliiron toc!i::: Wolkfnl Jil!ll'ii tioodguo 1n bl• wall!l!and ··• need.'wl-whal .,.i.es a-aocep1 ram> .. ofllilni&31ii. naort 11 a 1rw ooc!~~. n , of W\J;Oyola -ly uct,~imd youngsten are .;et11ng mar· ~~~ a _.vlnl IV~ Ave:, wlllilila-ln hll .,_ind I""-ried ear'!ler and earlier these days ." 1tat1on •U,•dnt_ • a ltK'tted aecutkn..on bil mind. ! · Obeerv~1 that "this i1: a 'no' crowd," , lo delermllle:;lf any crlmea-~ told police Watt& 'oull'«I lhe R<ov. l!etiR'orth o<ld he would gueas J'ft commMted _ ••· " I lie iiuiiiii<blm wflen be gol oul.cl lli>,Cir that aboul n perceol <if the communlly Al It otood lodjf, IM wllil Sunday .fn. lo olreld>ldo lep. • would lovor'the family life cl.,... and 2S ~~ ~f=~ W~ said be f~ Schroeder was percent wmitd be oppused." beet aitack and the motorilt p1anrung a ho_ldup, adding that he w.u ~o . Ther~ fpUowed a grilling by members ned boul liUddtn attack r '11al<ea he hod to lake a prescrlptloo pill ol the audience wbo jnmped up to Zi, a 8 0 from a supply iR his pocket. challenge his comments from the result.s Jt an stan!d at 4.:S3 a.m., a weekend: .· • A 'lll:IMn pt11Senger with ~r tlf a poll tlf his congreg~tion which &ho~· ~itching hoJn' for would be tervice ... • 11eci an -when the wild confruntatlon ed a percent in favw of family life J.ion bandits and John w•kinl 48 on ~ enipRd ai:Sd returned wMtl the. yoonger cla511es, to statements that sex education iY at 5911 Westminster Ave.,' w~s both ·man·s.Pl!'~ts at the same time the law and ~amlly life educali~n could aid in l'OITied and waiting. rolled-.up.. , reduClllg unwed materniUes. I Holdupl have oocurred recenlly In the POllce ~cers <aimed all .paitlei' con-Principal objection from members of bu~ western territory tlf the coonty. cerned aDd sent them oo their Wa)I', but the crowd seemed to be a .fear that .the 1 SQddoialy the WestmlMter P<li<e today .uted Dislrict Attorney Cecil A. cl._ mlghl ln>olve teorhlng cl a creed l>eplrtmeni: dlspatd>er received a call Hieb k> evaluate the matter Cor possible or moral values different from those held fram tbe dilltraugbt. Watkins '!Fbo aaid a offen15es committed. by the speaker· or the potent!Jll student. holdup wu tn progrea. ' · In addition, one opponent, Harry Boggs, 1 Arrlvlnl cn the scene, patrolmen found !Jrew atrong applause w~ be shouted, 1 · ,trom Pflfle -J ''all you Uberalo are trying to lake these DAllY PllOT OIWHll io.ut PUll.llHINO CCIMl"ANY Tli•m•• Ket•ll e ... ne4'l11 A. Mur.hl• ~ Edllw Alb.rt W. l1t.1 WIUl1JJ1 R•-4 ._.... . ""'"' ...... '-" l:d,.,. -(lty ldllw H•_W_ Jot &th Strfft M1Hl111 ~,..,., r.o._1 .. no. t2641 -- SPY PLANE . •• H~e conference wJth Nlson and tlthd GOP leaders that MIGs toot Off from North Korea at 12:,., a.m. Kurean Ume. · The CommUnist broadcast'.-uJd the pJaM. •al. ittacted ''after {ftfiltraUng deep ~to ~ air space of Ute repubUc. '1 Some memben tlf Congress expmaed concern over the new Ntlrth Koeran ac- tion Jess than 15 months after Its seizure of the USS Pueblo, whlcb allo wu on an intelligence mJsSlon off the North Korean coast. Nixon wu reported carefully studying all details cl the lncldenl while Secrelary tlf State William P. Rogen called lrt Soviet Ambassaoar Anatoly F. Dobrynin to di!cuss the altuaUon and lo ut for help In looking for the plane. Japan .00 South Kott.a allo wen asked for a.Id. Lost August In occeptlng I h e Repabllcan PfesldenUa1 nomlnaUon, Nb:· oo was highly aiUcal cl tho Johnson ad· mlnlstraUon'a handling of the Pueblo .r. fair, aaylng It wu Ume for new leoderahlp -nspecl for the Ulllted Slates bod declined to the polnl Iha! "a fourU>nle mWW)r power, lite North Kotoa, will oelu an Amerlcon no vol vtSatl on the hl&h· stu." The North Korean b r tl ad cast, monJtored ln Tokyo, said the plane was downed "with a slnole shol ot high a?Utudt." There WN lnltial apeculaUon thit a mlsslle wu Ulfld, but a Pent.aeon •tmnan Later aald tbe craft was 90 rnUet out to sea when list ~eard from. Tho! 11 out cl range or 8l'OUJICl-l<>alr mi11ik!. \ lhlngii aw,y from us (r!gb& of parent. anti· church to teach chl!cirin what they wish). "l saw it in Europe. At flt'st ·no one seemed to care when they dragged the nelgbbor oa ·tn Gennany. Tben they all were dragged ()ff. We can't let thesti liberals do this to ua." He likened aex educaUon i.nd family lUe claase8 to aUempt •t chicken breeding with the lntenl of producing eggs. "Tbe hen just slls there and all she has to do ls Jay eggs." others •a.id they "did not want our cluldren exposed to these free thlnlclng liberals." Mrs. Norma Gibb> observed that "I dldil'I know arownups could be ,. rude. No ..,..is lrytng lo lakeithe ™J10nslblllty away from parents." She drew a chorus of groans when she said, ••we can•t ta1k to our children anymore when they get to th1nk1ni for themselves at 15 or 15. lf yoo nm !Cared and full of fW you are implanting lbi1 ln the chUd." Huntington Doctor To Be Honored Friday Dr. lla1pll ~wes, long lime Huntln&toe Beach physldon, dvte and chur<l! leader, wUl be honored Friday at Farquhar Part with the pJanUng of a tree and unvtiling of a plaqu• jn ~ls hooor. The evenl la opon.....i by Ill< Com· munlty Smlct Comn\l!l<e of the Hun- tington ~ !lotory Club and wW bqln at I p.m. lleslclenls, partl<lllorly lhoso wbo were usbered Into tho world by the doctor, are invited to tttend (he ctrcmonJts. ' Freneh Da~e Word for_ It l.4 nd Valley Hig.h Stwkn ts SpreaJ,ing th e Word, By TERRY COVILLE Of .. DMfr , .... Iii.., Al campaigning lot studenl offices at Founlain Valley High &bool IWings Into high aear this week, ootslde tlbservers might feel the scbool would be more at home en the left bank of the Seine. Nomencla1ure used in lhe campaign more closely resembles a French ReJM>Hc· -minus De Gaµlle -t.han ·a high school student bOOy, Thia week candidates are campaignin1 for tbe ·tradl~ offices; president, vice preakleat, aecretary and treasurer, nOt to menUan boys' representative a.Ad girls' representaUve. Bui from whal lofly post will they rule wben elected -the chamber of deputi ... And leadua appointed to tlversee student Spanish· 12,00o sq. ~. of Top Quality aetivlllel woni be cbalrmen, no Indeed, they ale lovunon. And what great body m representatives will be formed lo bold the hip depulles in cbect? An estates 1eneral wlll do the job, elected at the beg1nninJ ol each year with one 1tudent from each cl&sa meeUn1 af 9 a.m: A French theme bu dominated Foun-tain Va1ley High School !ince its opening in 1966, but rtcently students revised the structure, paring d o w n a bulty con- lf.ituUon from 18 pages to 51%. The chamber tlf deputies also was overhauled, not unusual amona: French leglslotive bodies. Tbe number cl elected officials wu reduced from 20 to 10 by )'lacing the govemon in appointed pcxs:l· tiOlll. -' ·~ ........ Ceo- • lnplhwM ClF i ':I ... T•IM9 YlllJ .,...,...,.. ............... (/Nlfd'le$ '"'" f1brk) The prime mover behind t h 1 s reconstruction was vice president Rex Fowler, a young sen!~ an eye on a mathematics major at ~ey MU'dd Col- lege. Res' monumental wort doesn't mean much to most people, but that little old French government at Fotlltain Valley handles nearly a quarter of a million dollars annually. Budget' notations 'only . reflect 100.,t $50,000 handled by the student body, but figuring athletics and many aide ventura the higher figure at lea.st ~s through student hands. And If they have financial lroublet Ibey can only borrow from other schools, no banks or agencies. No Money Down First Payment :Juno 1969 our exclusive 6 pc:. ensemble CMdr --nlflttft ... ""' ,....., .......... ~ .............. 11111 .... -1. ...... 11:-... ..... ,... .................. _ lfr'K*" Mr ~ _,.. Cfll'lftrt, ~ '''"' f*itll ~ -.. ,... • dlelQ, .. ... ...... ,.. ........ ''"""' 0111. ,._. " AllnWt Wfln.. M ............ C• ••1 Iii r , ......... '1.UI _..... ............ km, _.. .... .. matdl"" ......... t!llrk fer llllf .. .... """"' ftc#tlw i.wtl ••• llWlf ..... .. ... '"""'"" -.., ... -.. ....,., .... _ $799 for this YOUR CHOICE $ ONLY Why pay up to s399 li1vilh group ••• FOR ltTMU OP THiii 2 Glt.OU H Fairy tole liodroom ol ovary woman's price AT HAllOR IOULEYARD ------- .......................... ··=-I rr 1 ... ..., .. ,.... °""' ....... , ............... h·~·=-s3· 99 , tho jlrieo Is · i Oftfyooo I ' USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS • - \ I ,. I I [I • • • • : -· .. • --. Saddleha~k . ' . • • • EDI TIO N VOC. ~2, NO. 90, 3 SECTIONS, 46 fAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI TUESDAY, APRlt:· 15, 1969 JEN CENTS . -. -. • Lagbnans Turn Out Slowly • Ill Scho.ol Voting A]loot 10 percent of t.guna Beach Unllled School Oi11ric1 -n bid turned out tllil lllll!11iol lo elect tine lnlltees from a fiell:f ol aeven and ~ the fate <t a Skent tax override. Ao early check of all 14 precll>c1s show- ed tb&t 954 of the dlatricl'• 10,m r<glster<d ~ had cut ballots. The temPo of voting wu upected lo • Down the Mission Trail Capo Concerned About Smo g SAN JUAN CAPISTRAml -Smog from El Toro, the Or81!f.e County Airport and Santa Ana Is steadily creeping down mo tbe San Joan Capistrano Valley, the City Council was lold Monday, Rey Wheeler, a Dana Point investment counsel«, laid he. lbought the couneil ahouJd. 11call their atterU!on to their -·. and ... tb&t llODl<tbinl Is cjone about it. He said the valley he about five 1--befort it is ll!llOfl'd-111. • SU Juan Mayer Edward Chermak said the oaly way to control smog Is to ellnilnate all g,qoline powered engines. Mayor Chermak is an electr:lcian. :• Summer School Set MISSION VIEJO -Summer iicl>ool wUI be held on the Miss.ion Viejo High School camplll from Juoe l& through July 30 for eighth grade graduates and t1tudents now enrolled in the Tu1tin Hl&h School District. Registration will take . place from April 21 to 25, Classes will inc1ude . E n g 11 a h , mathematics, fine arts, home economics and vocational courses. A m1nimUm m. 24 students per class must be enrolled or a 11ptcUic class may be dropped. Students may earn a maximum of ID units for . summer school courses. TraNPortation must be provided by the 1ludtnt.J. Regular school dress regul a- tions should be followed. :e Art GuUcl to Meet DANA POINT -The Dana Point Art Guild will hokl its monthly meeting Mon- day, April 21, at 7:45 p.m. in the Com- munity HOU!e at 24642 San Juan St., Dina Point. Guild monthly meetings include p~ giams sbowb]g art in action with p~ feuiooal and amateur artists and craftsmen in the audience to of~er sug- 1est1ons. said Mrs. Edmund K1erman. IUild president. e Yout h Glven Donor MISSION VIEJO -Ronald Honsberg- er Saddleback Junior COilel• freabman, 11 'ooe of all SoU1henl caDlorola youths chosen lo allend t he NUjooal .J~ 5elence and Huinanlllis SympollUlll m New York April JO lo May S. Honsbef&tt, uni Allpu St., San Juan CapiJlranO, wlll join 2iif other outstan- ding youU>s from 1hroqboul Ille nation at the New York symposium. Hll scltnee resean:b project dull with charllng ofl-.Jtol.e ocean cumnts. • IAuMI GI-.. Park SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Two and ..,. hall Kftl ol bnpl"'ed'tand nur llail J\JID er.el< llood and ean_. Stroel have been ollend lo the Clly o1 San Juan Capistrano roe IM,'llO .. a publk: pork. Of that llDOUll~ out-<>1-poc:ket COii is '47 ooo with Ille rest lo be grant..i 111 park fee' c:rodlll, moaeyt be develop<n pay by law lo a city ""'°""t !or me· In buylz\g public park land. The CllJ OouncD Monday loOk no actlon .. the Hem lallowinl ..... coa!ualon u lo -the c:redlla could be ir-r......iio-~ ahauld pitolnl ...... Colo and ltQll>el -not lo dmlop odJactlll land. pick up 111 Ille !ale allamoon and evening. Despite a ralhee lipid campaign by candidates for trustee j>olll, voter In- terest wu livened by an IDODYJDCIUI mer circulat..i 111 Throe 'Arch Bay over the weekend. '!be unslglled lhre&jl&I" blast qalnst the override crlUciied admin.lstraUve cost.s, teacher lumover and teacher or ea Capo School Vote Seen As Normal Scattered early school election returns for the CaplJtrano Unified School District indicated that about 1 pereent of lhe district voters had 1one to the polls early today. Nine of the district's IZ precincts reporting said morning voting activity was very ll&ht. Polls will remain open un- til 8 o'clock touilbt. Volarl of the dlatrlct are being asked lo Cqe S c ... 1 Ret.rn• .Retunu in the fa¢11rcmo Uii/ied School Dillrid •lccliolt. io<fall mct1 be obtalud by celling dlltflct officei at 496-1215. ~Uow about ont hour a/Ur B·p.m. poU cloiina /or meaningful re· turns. decide the fate of a 5kent tlx override for the dlslricl, elect a Saddlebaclt Junior COiiege trustee and a scllool dislrlct truslae 111 Ar<• .. Election olliclall said voling appeared lo be about nonnsL They predicted a 40 percent voter turnout lot the Caplllrano dislrld Election returns will be COUDlad follow- inl the c!OIUl't ol Polls. * * * Saddleback Vote Reporte~ Slow In Early Hours slat.emenls 1bout a controversial black activist speaker 2t T h u rs t o n lntmnedlale :;chool. The advisability of such a talk lo seventh and eighth grade .students wu - late in tl)e campaign -the principal issue. Gandidates dillered. Some thought the talk ahould not have been. Others =~'i..t Ot~1~ l~':_ld have In-public cilecuaafon, the seven can- didates -•Uy •Pok• well ol the iicl>ool system. There were differences .. of opi- nion about whether conununication wlt.b residents wu adequate and about the need for conlrols in experimental tead1t111 1ituaUoo.s. The tncwnbellll ran chiefly c tbelr -and the need lo """'""" lo b!!ild good educsu..t. They .m William.Wiicox- en and Dr. Norman Browne. Other c:apdida\el ars Mn. Jano Boy~. ~ Elll!er Loc:kway, Mn. Catherine l\faCQumle, lira-Shirley L. llcCalla inol 0r; Jerome Kirt. . · owns .. ,_ PLANE SIMILAR TO THIS RECONNAISSANCE CRAFT SHOT DOWN OVER NORTH KORlA? 31 Por...,1 Alooord Reported Mlulnt; Aorlol S..rch Oporotlon1 Under W•y In-SU et Jopon Teens View Police Dimly ' Lawmen Counter~ ¥out lde~_Durin.r-~1'anf11 Jn-~gmui-• A ...iortlJ ol Lq1mll Beach ,_.,. rqard lawmen u armpn1 oenecuton. but this faction merely p1aces il!elf 1bove the basic statues of American Society, acrording to viewpoints In con- fllct Monday night. Spokesmen for youth or the coastal coriunWllty and represenlaUves of the law which is to be applied equally to all . club;es tn 1 Lagw'la Beach Coordinating Council panel discussion. '"D>e ·kld.s believe the police are eg-., Power hU1111Y. They 1 .. 1 superior with tbelr suna and unUonns," charged t.guna Bea¢ High School stu- dent Eric "Slodder. . ,stodder w-. Gne of four youthful paiiOIW .. !Iii-.~:« ..OopjliDb In after ~ ..ad .... , , the t.guna tledoral Srllnp and Loan · "'1llal olllcer Ian\ here lo dtlend coolerence l'llllllli and said 80 percent ol blmlell qainlt thole allacks," the Judi• thme asked in a sample poll support his 1dmonlsbed. ' ' claim~ He alfd il woold be Ull!alr lo make Police Chief Harry LahroW, two other char1es 'Jn public that cannot be policemen aod a municipal court judge answered by the in4J~, and neither held the opposite poslUon, 111swertng the Chief Labrow or bis · men who were charges with theories based on ex-present llempted refute 111,Y specific perlence In law. charges. During discussion, student Graham "There are ~ when p;>lice -as Wrlght InJtlated char1ea ot · harassment the kids aay-'lole their cool'." admitted nami.Dg a Laguna Beach policeman and Sgt. Norman Babcock, "but WI Is -a present..i 15 signed affidavits fn1m the minority. It takea • lot lo have people Oran1e County Peace llld)fuman Rights call you namtl and take.IL" CouocU concerning IUCh ads. Tutn1ilII lo stallsllcl ctt..i by· youof Judge Richard Hamill90 lnlerrupltd (llee PANEL, Pac• I) Catalina's KBIG Brooks Lagunan Fights Gas Station Expansion Plan . Cigarette Habit on Ads ~-Vete Ru1llts .• .• school' o/fidal3 will li<Wi "'r""""' tiOtr._on retuflll in todaw'• 1f.eetima.1 GI tllq are counted aftd. aMilablt. X. tunu for bot~ the ccncjtdata and the ovmidi taz will lie coollablc lfU1' IM poU. 'c!o" at ! p.m. Cqll ~. --- ane 31 Miss~ On Crafi; Hunt AskedI " • WASHINGTON (UPI) -A U.S. Na1 reconnaissance plane carrying I '1 crewmen waa lost today on a misaion oU the North Korean coast and the ~ mum.ts boasted they shot It down after H violated their air space. The Defense Department !nlillad Iha !oor-engine, propeller-driven plW -aii EC W -laad"1 with six -ol delicate electronic equipment for-·tnteIDaence- ptherinl'.-stayed 50 mi14 ~.Y from the North Korean shore. Tbt department aaid the plane_wa1 missing 1n the Sea of JaPIJl. MilllarJ' llOUrCU In Waablncloa and Tokyo indicated It wu allacted by !lllG jell. ., • '-.t lllHn. In ~·ant-lea In . the While ~ 'lrilh . 119"~ .. ln- ternat.lonal incident, was 1,w~ e.rty to hear the report. ' · • A North Korean radio broadeasl plcted up 1t 10:30 p.m . .PST save first word 'ti .the Incident. It .. !d the craf\ wblcb ear- rie;d 1 crew of 30 Navy men ~ one Marine, was downed at 8:50 p.m. PST. Monday. niat woula be at 1:$0 p.m. Korean Ume. Tbe--1 Communist broadctSt. did not N.J whether th< plane was downed by ground fire or by alrcratt · but a Pentagdft 1potesman Said it was too far from ~ cout to be within range of SAM (slirhce-to-air) mlssll.,, Senate Republican leader EYerttt M, Dlrk1en said on Capitol Hlll lfter a Wbitfil House conference wlth Nixon· and othet' GOP leaden that MIGs look off !too{, North Korea at U:IO a.in. Korean -- The communist broadcast said tho plane was attacked "aft.et tn;Dlfratmc_ d"P lnlo the air space ol the N!'Jl>llc." Some members of Congress expnued concern over the new Nortll Koeran ac---- tion less than 15 mon'lhs after its telzure ot the USS Pueblo, which also WU OD In'" (s0e IPY PLANE, Pap I ) • Early elecUon turnout for the Sad- dleback Junior College District indicated that between three and 10 percent of the district voters went to the polls·early to- day, a spot check of precincts noted. A Mormon Qrurcb-Owr.ed corporaUon with 11 w'estern radio and televlslon lla-- tlons, including Catalina llland'a KBIG has resolved to break its smoking ad- vertisement· habit, ei:ecuUves announced Monday. Corp., or about 10 percent of its gross an· nual revenue. Planning enthusiast Jame1 Dilley has asked· Laguna Beach couricllmen lo overturn ·their planning commission's de<.ilJlon to allow a guoline ltl.Uon to ex4 StoeJc Marke~ . • Volarl of the Tustin Union High :;chool District, Capistrano Unified Sc h o o I District and Laguoa Beach Unified District are caslinl their votea for Sad- dleback trustees. The Saddleback race Is for one board seat now held by Patrk:ll: J. Backus of Dana PoJnL Geori" w. Ballew,.James M. Knapp, John E. Kruse, Paul Sayre and RooaJc1 $, Steelman are.competing for tb&t sea~ Polla will be open until I p.m. There .,. 51 pn!Cincts in the Sad- dlebaclt dlslric:t. ~ tbls m«ning in- s..ldleback Coll<ge ei<ctian rctunu mov b< obtalud tonfoht by c:alltng diltrict o/jk., at 8J1-9100. Allow pt leaat one hovr afttr I p.m. poU clos· fllfl U... /or flnl rctum1 lo be avoll- abl<, The ban on cigarette ad accounts ii ex4 peeled to mean a $250,000 per .ytar sacrifice by the Booneville lnternalional Arcade Sought On Main Beach June 1 Is tht cutoff date, when con- tracts with major American tobacCo pr:o- ducts manufadurtrs will Do longer be ac- cepted for broadt:ast over an area en- comPuslng five western states. Members of lhe corporat,lon'1 board of director• ha.Ve been cilnsidering such a ban . for a;oqie time and. reached its decls:lon ovu the weekend a f t e r evaluating· ~flat JO><rnmeotaHobacco- vs-bealtb re.earcb. . .. , "It has' been a matter of deep concun to our ownership,'' alld Aldi L Madsen, Rather than a hotel and convention presideiit of the broldcUUng CQr'· center on an end of the Main Beach, a Llpma. woman bas sugg:ested a cracent poraUon, in makinl the announoement of arcadNlyle &bops ourrounded by Mond1y. Oower bed&. The Church ol Jesus Chrtsl of i.atter- 11Je Plan of Mrs. Betty Heckel, 219 day Salnll teachet complete abatine.nce llolphln Way, is addreased lo city coun-rrom ""'ol lobl<co and alcohol am""i cJ!men 111 1 letter scheduled lo be taken ill manbenhlp. up Thursday nlghL "We'll su1rer economlcally, ol cour1<, Councilmen have already authorlz:ed I and we'll have to fill tbe llP ,wJth 110,00 r ... lbllity sludy of tho pnc:-somelhlntl elle," ·Madam "1llllnlled, ticaUty ol erecting a hotel and convenlloo sayin( PfOlraml l[IOll...-.d by the tobao- center n<ar the Hotel L&(w!a. c:o llrml wtl1 copllnue. dkalad !hit -_,t <t Million Vie-Mrs. Heck<! llUCIW fuofead a tiring Besides Radio tal!G (AM-FM),. with Jo and El Tani •olerl had been lo the of shops from t.guoa Avenue lo the Shell sludiol In Loi ADceltl and a lralllmltter polls by midday. Election olflclals ther< . Stllion O[JPollla the terminus of Fareat high atop SUia Catalina Wand, the ban said the volln& wu.very very slow. Avenue at South Coast !Ughway. The wilt aflect UL:!Yi AM and FM radio, Capimaoo area voters l1lo were voting: plan alao mc1im a band#m:t. Salt-Lan CJtJ, lltlb; KIRC TV, AM and in Ugbt numben tllil morning -tleclion "It would give UI citlleol a strol1lng FM radio, Seattle, Wub.; KMBZ AM and ofliclals said about eeven percent had place durlno the -· lO be.abartll al .KMBR-FM, ,-, . at..,· Mo<, and been lo the polio. weekends wTtb out <t -who mil( ' WRFM; N.Y. ·I'' ' .. -~ . . . In Lquna Beach, abeal It pen:ent <t stay for t'-lnl ind dlnln(," obe ,-· '"W• 'do; nOl.aiilld lo 'droP'·~ the-'•npieftd,.-s,hod-. Mn. Heclot1 ......... "'l'be tnla)ded . spoOoor~ bl'· ll,lo•~ -......-... EleCllon'"""'°Y!lbi~.itha • ~i''elel ·will( convention : boll04-•.,.ar••11iall1-1o• junior eollep'-~ tba 'clolun!' <t ' fadlltlel cmld IUnlly lie bunt In the so, we ,Will ~ -Gui," am polls. 'boll! row' belwt61 Lellon !fnd Creal Stl. . Madsen said.' ' ' • J j • ' • ~ papd ... In bis cooUnuing right. 'l!ainst the automobile, Dilley asks the ~ _ by . letter lo appeal lo itoell the declslori lo anow expansion of a Un!On OU station, !JO lo 140 s. Coast !Ughw1y. 1'EW YORK (AP) -'l'be.llock ~kif 1 ck-s .. the downlide loday .. -contlirued 1o '.kfft> 11)'°1 1nves1on, .. the • side!i!les. (See quoistions, Pa~ l~U). . The Dow Jones indusfiial averqe al l ,98 p.m. WU off l.16 at llOJt. ~ Couocllmen are acbeduled to take the m1tler up 'lbunady at 111 'l'fiOllmed meeling lo . begin at T :Ill p.m. Tht na.i.r1y ldieduied ' Wedneldiy -Ung led advances by about :11111 ..... ' . ' will not be held. -The staUoo Is lo· en!arp '5 l!d onto properly' tb&t ronnerly oerved a W1l1'b Clerk'• shop and the ota LaUn Quarter restaurant whlch burned. Orange Weada.-In sranUng tbe oil comPan7 a con- ditional use permit lo apand, plannlnr Som• sWI ~esterly lnaea will comllllsslooen made permlsolaa IUhjec\ blow Ifie clouds .,,.., w..-., lo estbetic cooditioal of-landocaplng, whtle the tempe<atur< Jncbeo ap lo shielded upllhg and keeplnl eq111pment 17 a!Olli. the Orlllll" Coul. and parts. undercover.. _ • • Commluloner Jooep,h Tomehak bp-mysmE TODAY ~ Ille coodltlonal .... permi~ • Qemocrati '""'ct to reap u.. Dilley,-""° favors • mall lr"'1 buch whlrf1Dfnll of thl ·fotodlUoU -= ~::.:::: ~: •••<iton who 1lld .. lftlo olfkt )ft Basin 11 llnlUllnl roe"-ourv.i•al. , 11164 on LBJ'1 long coallaflo t- "U 11 not coJy that tho -ud the '"'th-and GOit-ho 11110. ownentbenm:lva11ecoafrontlnc Poat 7. econoulic diaaster U the eutomoblJe Cf.It-C.NM!llil I """"" • gellion Jnctealu,1' Dllle1 ttata. ctlMHIM tl•U MlffVll ...... • __. .... --.. CNl'lla 11 ......... ..... .... "ltllallQ.lhatWel-ls~---11 --, • ,, b)' tho~-· dirt, -a{ld .... -...... -.... . ~.~ of 'the·~-a..•-. · · · · · .' • ....... ,.... • """ ..... -.... I Ill~ ~ • .............. • Midi ........ ""' •"It il;:=im · t frOm •tll: .... ...a-.1 .... 1 • ::="",..... .. .,, iJ~n • ,......._, ~ ~ •" .. -.-.... ' a.rt . ,, u • """"" 1• • thlt1 a ~ ~n. the .rnacbl• m ! • . '~, __._.. • . tiellalllotpeople be titoN-. '!Ills.... =·::-'l . = -: poi>pll'I pr"1lom 'lo fllt'llrlleal' -"lf I -t tbe 1s'ID." • Cast Your Vote Toda y Poll$ Open .Till 8 Piil · ,. ' ------· ·----------- I I I ..L I ) • • .. J DMl.Y rrurr L Tuaaq, AQtlt 15, lwtJ -....:..._ ~ -------------~.1.--~ ---"'..:...._ --......---------...!..._ -----------::....._,... __ ._ --------- -P~~-...--~ M.W-GUJL.UJLWV~«;417M.4~~ww-w-_____ -·-···-..,. -1 ... -~ ' Coleln:an ,.COiopnttft. Alive · and} :Well . ' GIRL VERSUS TAx FORMS Tonio Potorno To-Mlrid 4 HOURS, 5 TRIES LATER HiallaCho No. 4115 Strikas Mort about that after a glance at lhe perlomw>ce tbal put laurel leaves on the meclwllcal brow of the ,vote-cqwitinc giaD\. -It! oolid and .1111.sullled lallYll>i Of votes in the 1968 election and a performance that, in terms ol Ume, far outstripped Jts ballot-bundling prowess in previous elections. ' · Came the general e~lon o .f November, 1961, and the splendid performance of the pens which had 1ent St ·John reaching for the pboae in the earlifr election. But there were now new troubles for the county ctett and the unhappy Coleman Co. -this time the martin& int was interrupUng the vote counting process. DAILY PILOT,..._ .... ""*' YIMel TURNS FIERY PROTESTOR Rolle! Only T omporuy . ' .. Froa Pagel PANEL ••• Midnight~s ' .Z!. ' Stodder, Chlel Labrow said' It must ·1>< · borne hi milld tbal figurea can be !1anled Final Tax Filing Defulifne 'Ponight to auppor& wbatevu viewpoint ls held by '"Thi~ is it," said a harried official at the penea In question. the Internal Revenue Service. "Midnight "'11>ere ore many arnsts hi lhe ·Cleo tonlghl Is the aboolute deadline." Stleet-S~ Hollow area,'' be said,-men-. .... ~ -All -federal and state income tax Uoohlg ·'-~.~v~ .•1'4,1. dtug ·arrest1 returns mus.i be pootriiarked by midnight ID oalY eight days, lrivolvliig U juveniles. tonight, April 15, to escape penalties for "Na~y o...wlll be more, officers ··!ale Sling .. ID !bot area, riitillfng hi a ~· chance, o o: L a g g a r 4 s . can take heart In the ol b<llJg ~}he cblef ... e<I. ;.::·knowle<lge tbot-tl>O SaDta Ana Post Of. "I'm nol willlllc·to obey J!l&nY ol tllS.:.··fice, at 2201)i:Grand Ave., will bt"'!i>en Jaws thats.you ;l*)ple to subscribe to,'P for mailings-until midnight tonight.:._ , said hon-Student Jhn Underoofler, a Can-All tax forms mailed there by the )'00 ~ residtni, ~ding. that laws wµ<:bj.ng hour will bear today's postmark. contrary to penoqaI cm'l/JcUons are for The same holds true for the box ·in ·-·•'-· . . . ... ~ ''"' front of the Fountain Valley station, 10201 Slater Ave. Other area . post oUices will have the ~xes clear~ out well before ~g,ht. The following are deadlinea for deposits iii front of main po6t office branches only: , COSTA 1 MF.SA -1590 Adams Ave.j · ?: 15 p.m. ' , , lllJNTINGTON BEACH -fT/1 Warner ' Ave.; lo p.m. LAGUNA BEACH -570 Glenneyre St.; 6:30 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH -191 Ri verside Ave.; 6:30 p.lil.. 1"'I'bete are certain higher laws · and persOcal morals to live by," Underoofler oald. -Saddlehack Teachers Get VIOLATE RIGllTS. "In other Words, we're tlolaUng your rlglits by ellfon:btg the Jaw," said Deteo- tJ.Ve /Jex Jinllnez. 1 '"l'liert are laws higher than those of lhls governmen~" Vllderoo!ler replie<I. "llley really thilJit they should be allowed to use marijua.na 11 they see fit," Sgt. Ballcock explalned. Boost of $2,000 Apiece . ,• . ..• Pl'I. raises; even larger than tnstfuctors hod lllllled for were given Monday mght hy Saddleb<ck College trustees. feature "gives us an opportunity to go anywhere we want and recruit top petr ple." n oil odded 1QI to .... ,lllvutlpt~ .... ~---It . '""•lo!il llli -crlttca -bekl at 1111 ,lor ,....., they conllilently ~ • ...,.rd be a very brief delay ol tl\<' ruMral seryl~. . . • It's a· v.ery bealthy' corpee lhat ~ou·u !ind in the Voler• ~atloo BuruuJo. . day. And it will be 'lurtbtr rtritalized with some upcoming "'transplants" of new. vJtal organs when that $28,000 order is delivered. Jt has survived five years of constant critlciam botb from concerned candidates ·and anxious members of the public. If it had been dumped along the way its pro. ponents could hardly have blamed those whose pressure led to the abandonment of the equipment. Its final seal of approval in the form of that or d.e r for parts riised hardly a ripple of comment in the superviBors' hearing room. Perhaps the news dJd apart a little tube S<Untwbere Jn that mesh oI coils and wlres -a brief flash of jay. There are those who like to think so .•• .From Pagel . . SPY PLANE. • • intelligence mission off the North Korean coa.sL Nixon was reported carefully studying all detaila of the incident while Secretary ol Slate Willia!" P. Rogers called in Soviet Amba.swJor Anatoly F. Dobrynin to d1scua the situation ,and to ask for llelp In looking for tf\e plue. Japan and South Korea also wm ute<I !or aid. Lui August hi accepting t h e Republican presidential nomination, Nlx- on wa.s highly criU"'1 of the ,Jo!!mf>n ad· mlDlslratloo's bolldllq of the Pueblo af· fair; '"llJ,fag it wu time for new leadeislllp· when respect for. the Vlllled Statel had declined~to the, polnl that "a fourth-rate military power, like North Korea, will s~ an American naval vessel on the high seas." The North Korean broadcast, monitored Jn Tokyo, said the plane was downed · "with a single shot at hlgb altitude." There , wu initial speculation thit·A missile was used , but a Pentagon spoke!Dlan later ·aild the craft was 90 mJles out to sea when last heard frorri. $nanish- . ' f J. 12,000 sq. ft. of Top QuaUry ly Phil lntw- • 'Look At Them Down There in Th1lr·lfklnl1 -and I Don't . R~oS1niz1 a Single F1cel' Rossmoor Leisure World Sold for $30 Million Sale of the Rossmoor Corporation, headquartered in Laguna Hillis, to the Crane Company for more than $30 million was announced Monday by Rossmoor President Rosa Cortese. The sale includes Ulisurf World com· munities and other developments in California, New Jersey and Maryland . Cortese, repuled to be one of the world's largest developers, is principal owner of the Rossmooi' Corporation. He has constructed more than ~.ooo residen- tial units, most of them in Leisure World communilles ln Lagwia Hills; Seal Beach and Walnut Creek in California and in New Jersey. The Seal Stach Leisure World was sold about on year ago. • Under development In Laguna Hills ls a regional shopping center adjoining the San Diego Freeway. Major department stores are planned tenants. Cortese will continue to direct the Rossmoor Corporation out o! the Laguna Hills headquarters. Crane Company is a world wide manufa cturer of fluid control equipment, valves and pumps, water treatment equipment and plwnbing and heating pro- ducts. It is headquartered in New Yort. Largest asset of the Ro a 1 moor Corporation is the Leisure World retire- ment community in Laguna Hills where more than fi,700 units have been aokl. It boasts a popu]ation of more than 12,000. No M-y Down First Payment :June 1969 our exdusive 6 pc. ensemble Cll~k 111-clllfMll ~-Illy ...,.,..., ...... llllllf>CI..,.. ~--..i1 ... ""'-tMt, Wtlll tC011f.wr1ptlll lltH ...... """" .... -llNCllOll ............ -11 .. Clfllftrt, antMt .. ,11, fNrbcll ~ ....... ..... • cMlc1I ., tlu: ., .... " c.mel• .. , ........ Oii!, "_....,. ., """"• WlillM. ..... ~ C:-..ll!Mw ._ .. 1-"'9 PLUS ~tell ...,.. ..... ,,., _. •1'111 .. ll'llkh... ~ ldorlc .... !Mt ..... rlfllt'~ ..,...., ~ ••• -' .. -• M IPl""tC'-hill -wllJ Ill CMll 111 ......,, ..... "This Is just a stort,"-declaftd panel mo.ieru.r11ev. &bert CcrnelislJn ol s~ Mart• J;:placopal Church, oaylng more IUdl dJaiolues are l!Oeded. 'Ibe average salary increase for next llChool year is all110Bt 12.000 per ln- •truc«or. · Much of' the lncrease is the result of giving ruu·1Cred.it for prior te.aclllng ex· perience. at'. other junior colleges. That was the idea of board member Hans Vogel, not a proposal by the teachers, Stn!tdlhlg the cdllil« on ezperience, be said, will keep good teachera In the classroom rather than f<rdng them to go ~ private busUiess or become ad-YOUR CHOICE $ ONLY Why pay up to s399 $799 for this l1vish group ••• DAILY PILOT OAANGI!. co.AST PU!ll.ISM1NG COM,ANY Robert N. W••d l'raldlrl 1~ PUbl1$1\tr Jeclt R. C•rl.y Vb ,,..kllnl •l'ld G«llf• M111111"r l1t••• K11vil ·-TkM••·A. M•rphln• Mll'IMl~I Editor ltchanl P. Nill ._ ..... '"' ....,, . ---221 '-'-.. ;...,,, Mf:lll"f Mdre"' P.O. l•a '''" t261J ' .~· .--• C-. "'-1 J» W•I • .., It ..... ~ llildl: nu w.1 .. ._ '""""""' llJAL IS I llNOU .. Miii '"'"' · In fact, teachers suggested 'only one change In a liberal salary 8Chedu1e developed by Vogel and readily dropped thl!ir own ~ hi which th<y bad asred/w ..,... -, Tbefe 'are eeveral unique feetures of the V'okel lllary sche<lule be sald he <X· peces other junior college districts "are got.og to hate UI fw.'' One feature b the full transference of aU pr!« 1"'J'S experience. Gentrally, .... ly a limited num!Mr o1 years experl<nee are transferable and inst1Udon l'ho have taught a Jeng time elsewhere are plugged bJto 'tbe new oc:heduJe -less years than Ibey actually have. • A llOCOlld unique feature Is giving in- cretn<l1tAI pay ni ... ol !480 <OCh yeor f<r up to 30 years with I doctohate ID'wl Up to :IS Y'"11 Without. 1n other ochool districts instnKtora roach a ceilinC after about JS )'eln uperience, "This Is to the besi ol my knowledge al>oolutdy unltem! ol," Vogel said ol his plan. The dltrd.re111ture. V0&el said was put In .. to avoid a hmte.'' Js tO give an annual -ol living tnaeaoe, Olllerwlse the .i..., formula II Id with $400 In· cre1ltlltl far ucb addiUonaJ year cl. ex- perieuce and $609 incrtment.s for Nch step locrease hi training, such u acquir- ing a muter'• decree. -Frint Sdam>ta, chairriian ol the fl<lll(y lllary commlttto, oo1d ll .. the lntmtlon ol ........, to adh<tt IO lhe l«mula plus -ol living Jncreues and negotiote hi the Mure only fringe baleflt$. yogel said the lull tr....!« uperi<nce ministrators. · "Without a doctorate they can get $20,000 -more than m a n y ad- mhUstrators get," he said. "WiUt a doc- torate they can get $22,000." 'Mle base pay for 'a rtelf· teacher with jum a bachelor's degree and no ex- perience will be 18,000 per year. At -ii .. fl,200. The new salary schedule will ccst the jUJli<Jr college dis111ct '75,567 m«e lhan It is spending for teachers' salaries this year. • Arizona Indians ' See Ocean in Laguna Visit Imagine seeing the ocean for the first aime in your Jlfe as the 28 Navaho girls ol the Cbtllle Junior High School Trtble Ciel Cbolr did Monday. "It's all lite a big mysterious world to tbem,":Sister Jooephioe, Cbtllle English tach<r and choir mentor, said. Clllnle Juolor High Is a public school In Chillle Arizooa. Although the girb had ntver been away from their reservation before and had certainly never seen anything llke the Paci1ic Ocean · beton-.; tbq were toon lr1!ii<king hi the ·Laguna surf. The Chair, or\C!naUy !orme<I by slsttr JosepilllJe to tokh •the ifrls comet E11ilish articulation, 'Will be perlormmg !or lhe public at 8 wn!ght hi the Laguna Btacb Hlgb School Auditorium • ... '01t llTHER OP THiii 2 GROUPI AT HARIOR IOULEVARD •( , ....... -......... ........................ ................. ,.. , ...... °"""' ...... , ...... .._._ I MM!!•• .•• """ ...... h~~~399 onfy • • • USE YOUR CR.DIT CARDS ' I I Laguna Beaeh . • • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . ·- -. . - . • __ , • -'J'e6y'•-fJ•I I • • TEN CINTS .. Lagunan.s Turn Out Slowly in School Votirig • Down the Mission Trail Capo Concerned About Smog SAN JUAN CAPIS'l'RAftO -Smog from El Toro, the Orange County Airport end Santa Ana ls steadily cnepln( down Into.the San Juan Capistrano Valley, the City Cooncll was told Monday. Rey Wheeler, a Dana Point Investment coonoelor, Aid be lboogbl the oooncil lhould •call their atteolion to their ._ ... end ... that IOIDdhint ls clone about It. Re said !ii valley has about five yeon belor• it ls .....,..i.in.· Saft Joan 1111,Jor Edward Cbennak said the only way to control lmOI ts to eliminate all -gasoline powered engines. Mayor Cbermat is an electrician. ·• Summer Scheol Set MISSION VIEJO -Summer lldlool will be held on the Mission Viejo High Sdlool campus from June II through July 30 !or eighth grade graduates and 1tudenb now enrolled in the Tustin High Scbool Disb'icL RegistraUon will take placo from April 2t to 25. Classes will' include En 11l1 b, mathematics, fine arlll, home eoooomics and vocational courses. A mtnimmn of 24 students per class mtisl be enrolled or a opecilic class may be dropped. Students may earn a maximum of 10 uniU for summer school courses. Transportation must be provided by the .-nts. Regular lclml dress regula· tions should be followed . •• Art Gtllhl to Meet DANA POINT -·The Dana Point Ari Guild will bold its monthly meeting Mon- day, April 21, al 7:'5 p.m. in the Com- munlty House at 2464% San Juan St., Dana PoinL . Guild monthly meetings Include pro- grams showing art in action with pro- feuional and amateur artists and craft.mien in the audience to of~er sug- gestiom, said Mrs. Edmund Kiennan. guild presldeol e Yovlh Gl.,en H-i: MISSION VIEJO -Rould H-Wg· ., Saddleback Junior Collqe frelbmao, 11 'one of 111 Southern California youths c1K>oen to attend t b.e Nallooal Junlm' Scleneo end Bumanlllea Sympo1lum in New York April ill to May S. nomberJe<, 22'lil Atlpu St., San Juan Capi!lrtm. will Join :so other -ding youtbs from~ tbe oatloo al tbe New York l)'lllllllOium. 1111 actence rwwwdl -project dealt with charting oil· ebore «tall cwnnta. e r..114 Gl-.. Park ' . SAN JUAN CAPISl'HANO -Two and -ball -al lmpi .. ed lond -San Juan Qeet Road aod CaNpoa -havo been olfmd lo tbe City al Son JUD Capillrano for-!11.7IO u •public .,.n. Of that ---tet cost ls M7 000 wllb \be rest to be gronted in park f ... credlla, moneyl he deftlopm ...,. by law lo a cit)' account for uae in buying public part land. Tbe City COuncll M<lllilay look DO llCllon .. lbe lltm followlni --.. .. -tbe credlli could be tram!ernd lo ...a.er ciewloper ahould -...,,.,. Cole and Kolbet -';;'~'d...lo, ao-t 1anc1: • . pict up In lbe lale aftemo11und evening. llespile a ralber lepid campaip by caDdldltu for 1nlltM posts, YOter in- terest wu Uvened by·an anonymou1 ruer circulated in Three Arcb Bay over the weekend. The WlJigned tllro&pqe blast againat the override criUcized admlnistraUve costs, teacher turnover and teacbe.r or ea Capo School Vote Seen As Normal ScL early school election returns for the Capistrano Unified School District indicated that about 7 percent oC the district voters bad gooe to the polls early today. Nine of the district's 12 precincts reporting said morning wting activity was vuy light. Polls will remain open un- til a o'clock tonight. v pten al lbe dlllrict are being asked to Capo SeJaool Ket...,.. ltctvma: m the Capistrano Unif~tcj SclaOol Dlrlrl<:t 11<ctio1o toc1ow mor be obtained btl co!Uflg dl.rtriet •ffict• of 496-1215. AUow about one flour ofkr I p.m. poU clodng for meaningful rt· tvrm. decide the fate cl a 5G-cenL tu override for the district, ekct a Saddleback Junior Collego trustee end a l!dJool diltrict trustee In Area I. Elecllon oHida1I sald voting appeared to be about normal 'Ibey predicted a 40 percent v<W turnout f<r the Capil1rano d1strict. Elect.ion nturns will be counted follow· Inc the clooure al polls. * * * SaddlebacK Vote Rep0rted Slow In Early Hours Early etecuon turnout for the Sad· dleback Junfor College District indicated that between three and 10 percent of the district voters went to the polls early to- day, a spot check al preclncta noted. Voters of the Tustin Union High School District, Capistrano Unilied Sc ha o I Dis1rlct and Laguna Beacb Unified District are casting their votes for Sad- dlebact trustees. 1be Saddleback race is for one board seat now bdd by Patrick J. Backus of Dana PQint. George W. Ballew, James M:. Knapp, John E. Kruse, Paul Sayre end Ronald S. Steelmall •aro competing for that oeaL Polll wDI be _. unW I p.m. Tben -5t procincts in the Sad- --R<pci1s tbis morning in- Sall.Ue•.ek Retvnu Sa&Ueback College election returns .... , "" oblointd tonight btl colling diatria 0~11 ol 11741700. AU... ol lees! one llovr ofkr I p.m. poU dol· Ing Umt for flrit "'"'"" lo be ovafl. able. dicated lbot Uree per<enl al -Vie- jo end El ,...,, votm bad been to the polls by midday. Election olliclals there saJd the toting WU very Vf!ry slow. Captstrano area -allo wore voting In light munben lbll morning -electiGn offidall said about oev• perceol had been "' lbe pol1I. Ia Loguna Boacb, abaul 10 ,......i ol the area'• nsl*red ..c.r. bad ..c.cr. Elecli<n nlurno wDl·be a'flilallla at tbe junior cOl1* loUowtnc tbe clolure al area pol1I. ' l . . . stat.emeots lbiut 1 controversial black activist ~ at Thurston Intmnedlate School. The· advisabWty of. such a talk to seventh ancfeightb grade students wu - late in the campaign -the principal issue. Candldatea dlffertd.. Some thought the talk abould not have been. Others favored tt. Other. said II '1>ould have been bandied In dillerent fll$bioo. In public dlscussion, the seven can- didates generally spoke well of the JC!lool system. There were d1Cferencea of opi· nion aboo1 whether communication with residents was 1dequate and about the need for controls in experimenlal teaching altuatioos. 'l1le b>cwnbenll no chiefly 111 tbelr rl!CClf<\I end tbe need to caotinue to build good educallan. 'Ibey are Wllllam WDCOl· en afl!I Dr. Norman Browno. Other candldatea are Mn. Jane Boyd, Mn. Ealhlr Locllway, Mn. Calherlne MacQuarrle, Mn. Sblr!ey L. McCalla ml Dr.J ...... Klrt. ... _ PLANE SIMILAR TO THIS RECONl.IAfSSANCE CRAFT SHOT DOWN OVER NORTH KOREA? 31 ParlOfta Aboord RlpOrlod Mlulnt; Aorlal Souch Oporotlona Under Woy In S.. of J.pt11 Teens View . Police Di.mly ~wmen.,.l;ouJJter ,f.o.uih,.IdeaUJw:ing .Banel in ~una---. . -. . rqud lawmen as arrogant peraecuton, the Lquno F . Yl!IP llld Loan ' "'l)lal ofllcer illll .bero to 4'ftnd A.majorjty al i.qU.. Beacb 1omag.,. 1>0Mlillolltllle.ge alj .... pMola lo 11,.,-Wrtgh!·read °"'' · ' ·1 · but Ibis factlno merely placos ltsell oonl......,. ,_,, d 11-pen:ert ol hbn~ll qalmt U-attaca," tbe judge above the basic statues or American those Wed in a ma poll aippcrt his ~· _ · · · • Society, according to viewpolnb in con-claims. He sa(d It would be 'unfair to make fllcl MMC!ay night. Polico Chier Harry Labrow, two other cbarJ!es in public tbat cannot be Spokesmen for youth of ·the coastal policemen and a municip8l·court,Judge anrwerecflby the lndMcfuaJ,.and •nettber comm.unity' and representatives of the · held the opposite position, answering the Chief Labrow or bJJ : men wbo , were law whlcb is to be applied equally to all charges Wllh theories N:11~ on ex-present atempted refute any specific clasbes ln a Laguna Beach Coordinating perience in Jaw. ' • charges. . Council panel discussion. During discussion, !tudep! Gi"aham ''There are instancerwhen pollce -u "The kids believe the police are Wright initiated charges of ·harassment the kids say-'be their.cool"." admttWd egotists. Power hungry. They feel naming a Laguna Beach pollclman l.J'ld Sgt. Norman BabCock; "but this is • auperior with their guns and unilol1Ill!," presented 15 signed alfldari~ ;f!om the minority. II tllea 'If lot' to ba'" people charged l.agtma Beach High School stu-Orange County Peace and Human Rights call you namea and take 1l" dent Eric Stodder. Council concemlng ouch act& Turning to statllllca died 'br youog Stodder was ...,. of four youthful Judge RJchanf Hamilton interrupted (See PANEi. Pop 11 Catalina's KBIG .Breaks Cigarette Habit on Ads A Mormon Church-owned corporation with 11 western radio and televtalon Ila· tloll!, including Catalina Island's KBIG has resolved to break its smoking ad- vertisement habit, execuUvu announced Monday. The ban on cigarelt.e ad account! ls ex- pected to mean a $Z50,000 per year sacrtnce by the BormeviDe International Arcade Sought On Main · Beach Corp., or about 10 perctnt of its gros.s mo nu.al revenue. June 1 is the cut.of( date, when con· tracts with major American tobacco ~ ducts manufacturers will no looger be ac- cepted for broadcast over an area en- compassing five western states. Members of the corporation's board of directors· haye been considering such a ban for IOITle time and reached its declsion over the ' weekend a f t e r eval,uatlng Jilesl '°'""°""la! toba«o-v&-l)eallb rosw'cb. · "It has been • maUu fA ,deep.CODCfJ'D to our Ownership," sald 'Arcb L.~. Rather than a hot.el and convention president or the broadcuUag car· center on an end of the Main Beach, a pgraUon, in making the announctmen.t Laguna woman bas suggested a o..nxent ol an:ade-style shops sunoonded by Monday. flower beds. The Church ol Jesus Christ of Latter· Tbe plan al Mrs. Betty Heckel, 219 day Saints teacba complete abolinence Dolphin Waj, is addressed to city coun-from .,..a1 tobacco and ali:obol among cUmen in 1 Jetter scheduled to be liken its membership. 141> 'lburaday night. 6'We'JI suffer ecommlcally, of courie, Councllmen have already aulhorlm:I a and we'll have to fill the gap With $10,00 feuibillty Jtudy of the prac.. aomethlna ebe," Madlen cootinued, tlcallty of erecting a hotel and coovoolloo saying proifam1 sponiond by tbe lobao- center near the llolel Laguna. co finna will -· Mn. Heckel suggests instead a string Besidea --KBI!l (AM·FMI, wllh of sl1opo from Laguna Avenue to tbe Sbell sludloo ht Loo Ancelel aod a - Slalion opposite the terminus of FOttJI bigb atop Sanla Calalloa bland, the ~ Avenue at South Coast Highway. nie will· affect KSlrTV, AM· and Ji"M r.Uo, plan abo includea a bandstand. Sall Lake CllJ, UIM ; KillC TV, AM ud Lagunan Fights Gas Station Expansion Plan Plam!lng enlbualast James Diiiey bu asted Laguna Beach councilmen . lo overturn their planoing ·C<llJU1!lnlon's dectslon to allow 1 guhline llalion to ex· pand. In bis continuing flght agalnal the automobile, DilJey ub the council by letter to appeal to ltleli lbe decilJon to allow espansiar\ of • Union Oil lta(m, 1lD to 140 S. Coast Highway. Councilmen are tcheduled lo tau the matter up TblD'SadJ 1t an adjourned meetln( to begiJ! ,at 7;IO ·p.m. The rialilarlY llcbeduled ·w-.y D*lil\i will rnot -be held. .; ! ' Tbe atallon 'is tO eniaiP .. , .. Cltlin proj,erty that foMnerly lm'4 I 'Walllll Clari<'a abop end the old Latin Quarter relltaurant which burned. In granting the oil axnpany a con- dlUooal use permit to apaod, planoing cunmluloom made pemllilfoo aubject "' -condlllooa ol Iandicaplilg, -llc!!Unt ml teeplnl oquipmenl and parts uiidercover. C9cnmluloner Joseph Tomc:bal: bp- pooed the condillooal ... permll Dilley, wbo favon a mall from beach to caoyon mouth and a IOad nirtlng the . -art.a, statea that Iba Central Bain is llnlggling for ohMI: """1vaL "II is not. ooJy Iba! tho ~ and owners tbemleJYet an c o n f r • n t I n I economic disaster ti lbe automobile -geot1oo lnc:r.a.e..," Dilley ila!<ll. • 149•-Vote Re111U. ~,C/wol of/iciall wm h ... infrmntl; time.on r(tum1 in toda11'1 electimu d tMj art counted and atlOilob?e. Re<> tunic for both th< """'""""• """' Ill• .-. ..,, tolll l>e tltltrllablO sjtn th< potir clo&e ol 8 p.m. Coll 49HS4& --- ane --. --. 3.1 Missing . -- Qn Craft;. Hunt Asked·- WASHINGTON (UPI) -A u:s. Nl'1 reconnalssance plane carryin& S l crewmen wu lo.st today on a miAlon off lbe Norlb Korean coasl end lbe C- munisll boasted Ibey shot it down alter ~ violated their air apace. "!'be Delenae Department lnaisled tbe four-engine, propelloMrlven plane -a . EC.121 ,-loaded wllb aix -.ol~lAI eleclronlc equlproeol for inti!~ pthtrlng-stayed 501 miles aw.,1from the NOi'lb Korean shore. The department said the plane waa missing in tbe Sea of J-Mllltary, llOUfces .. ln Waallliljg1oo &114•:'.l'pkyo ilodk:aled it . WN· ~ br MIG jell. , ., ' " J'Ji~ NJxoo. in bP bnt .. m-.-;;.,.,.- lo lbe Wlilfo llou>e. wJtll ·-41! Jn. temlional -en~ WU aw-iarlj fO bear lbe roporl. , · . I . A North.K...,.n·radlo ~ plc_W up 1110:30 p.m. PST 1•v.e. llnl -al lbe, ipcldeat. ll si!d.the cr,tl, '!hJcb air· nea. a crew , of 30 Navy men apMJ· ~ Marlile, was downed at 1:50 p.nt. PST Mondiy, 'Mlat WOtJkl be at J:51 p.m. ·Korean Umt. 1 The >Communist br<>adciost did DOI A1. wbelbet lbe pJanC WU -by gJ'Olllld fire or by almall '"tiut a PCap spokesman said it wu too far tram the coast to be within tllll" al SAM (llUl'face..f.o-alr) mlglt....:. Senate R<publkan leader Eventl JI. Dlrnen said on Capltol Hill after • While House conference with ND:on .and otbef. GOP leaden that ·MIGs loot off frooj North Koroa 11 ll:lll a.m. Korean time. Tbe Communist broodcut ~ tbe plane WU attacked "after lnflltratln& deep into the air space ol lbe """"'1c-" Some members of Congress ezpnued" concmi over the new Narth Koern .oo. tlon less than 15 months after, lt.t ltlmrl of tbe USS Pueblo, which a1Bo Wll.Cll an (Seo llPY PLANE, Pqa I) Stock /lfarlceu NEW YORK (AP);_ 'l1le afO\* 1Daitet cloOed on tbe dOwNlde today 11. -coo'Urmed. to keep many lnveltiog oa tbl lidellnes. (See quolaUOl\S, Pa!l"l.!0.Jl). '"1'hTDow Jones Industrial •ftl'llP: ·1~ 1:31 p.m. WU ofl 1.11511930 ... llocllna led advances br -• 111ues. CA•li Weal.Iler Some sUff westerly breeMt trill blow Ibo cloods a..,. 11'-&)' wblle the,temperpture lncba •to n a1oag the oranee eoui. ~SIDE TODAY Dtmomila -ct 11> t"P lhe tDIUrl!Dfftd "bf Ute faftdlWI-wlllio .... tor ....... alfd -Of/IU .. 11164 all L8J'1 IOllQ coottmJj foco the fnlh -ond G-OP -ill lVTo. PtJQt 7. C.11,.,_19 I """'-• CIMNftM 11..U Mlli..t ,.... tt Cllll!Clo tt ........... M -. c-c ~ ---~ ' ._............ t ,_... .... 1).\i I "II would give us c1tiUM a atrolling FM rodlo, SqtUe, Wub.; KMBZ AM end placo during the w..i:, to be &bared at KMBR.FM, ~ City, Mo., Ind -with out al town<rs who maY. • WRFM0 N.Y. . · stay fer ahoJil>lnr aod dlnlnl." she wtQte, • "We <lo ool . ._t. te 11n>if'.J11'91R!U Mra. lldel sugiatl, .,,...,._ '.__, lw •• lllt:dCllf1tfai'mnpaolel, .W...n hotel wtlbr ~ 1.bill)I0-·,.,.,;~1Jepllr.-·tedo facllllleo. Clllld "!00 l>e .ba!ll lri lbt -. we wDI •!Ock --..i, • "II is allo lbat llle lllell fa endeec"" by the amrhle '"'°'' dirt, .-aoc1 . murder of·tbe1macbine.... • •... · • I "I( 11,i!llPf!r~U)'!l•(ropl·all. ~ · I lbal , .. l'lllOO:t• ~t l!io =fa to ~:=.• ... ' ~. ... I ·~-~-~ .. a: 5~1M.:11 .. """"...-.; •• f1 • • ,, ) •• .'f:.'f1J •• ·, · ·r,· ':.:•=t· • J I ..,.._WwwLop,allldere.'llls. · Jl-Joold. · · . • .. '' : ' l ' I ' . beflill.al-leb!etola~ a ,_..-... ~to .. __ ., I tbi--." l , . ' . ~~ :--... .. 1 f,,.. • ' I I C~st Your Vote Today . 8· -l • I Z IWl.Y PILOT • ------il. -- -----..l.._ -----_1 -- ----------- - -----~-...lO..._ ------........... ·~·~WWL.--~~ Colem:an ~ C0-mpdfir, Al·iv e· and· We ll · GIRL VERSOS TAX FORMs T..U. Palomo Taua Mind , 4 HOURs, 5 TRIES LATER HaalaCh.a No. 4115 Strjkes • t LOGBOOK Atore about that after a glanoe at the perfolipance that put hurel ltave• on lhe mecballlcal brow of the v~Unr giant -111 oolld and unsuilled lallylnc'of. votes in the 1968 eledlon and a performance thal, in lums ol lime, far outatr1pped Its ballot·bul_ldllni prowess in previous ~ectlons. . . Came the general election of November, 1968, and the splC!Ddid perforinance of the pens which bad sent St Jofui reachlng for the pboD<! In the earlier elecUon. But there were now new troubloa la< the couoty cletk and the unhappy Coleman Qi. -thia Ume the marklnl ink was interrupUng the vote counting process. Fnt11 Pqe l PANEL ••• Midnight's ) -. . .. ' . Slodd8'; cmet Labrow aaid II mlist be borne in mind that !fiurea can be llm!t.d ,. ..,, "'I .. Final Tax Fili ng DeMUni: Tbniglit lo auppcirl wbalev<r viewpoint i. beld by "Thi> h it," said a harried official at the pe!'IDft 1n qoesUon. tbe lnt.etnal Revenue Service. "Midnight '.'Thm are many ~ In the ~ tonight i. the aboolule deadline." street-SJeepf Holldllr"ll'tt1 .. he aaidom,en-' AU federal and slate Income tar llonlnC I .,.,.., WIV~ OI ts ,dl'llJ .wms relllrlla mu.st be postmarked by mldnlghl in only elght days, involvfug 11 juvenllei. tonight, April 15, to escape penalUes ror "Naturllly tbm will be more'Ofllcers '.)it_e Sling. · lntbatarea,~in.abe:Uerchance:·.; .. Laggards C:!l.D take heart tnthe ol..., stoppe!!,~:J!ie cbit! eq>lalned. •. ')nowledge,lbal 'Jbe Santa Ana Posl Of· "J'ln not Wiflllit1o obey lllllllY of 1111',. ·flee, al 2201 N. Grand Ave., will~~ Jaws tba~»people to subsctlbe to,vr· for mailings until mldJUght tonight . said non.student Jlm Underoofler, a Can-All tax forms malled there by the yOn Acree resldent, -1dinl that laws wit.cbing hour will bear today's postmark. contrary to penonll convtctJons are for · ~The sail!:e holds true fOC the bOx in breatlng. . •. ... : fr~fii (,r ttit Fountain Valley station, 10201 Slater Ave. Other area post offices will have the . boies -~ .. out well t>efore midnight. The following are deadlinea for depoalts in front or main post office branches only: - .. COS!.\jMESA -1510 Adam& Ave.; _7:15 P.·.m<: . HUN1111GTON BEA~ -6771 Warner . Ave.; l(J.m. LAGOO BEACH ~ 110 Glenneyre SL; 6:30 p.m. NEWPORT BEACll -191 ruverslde Ave.; 6:30,p.m. •"'J'tiere are cerlain hlgber laws and peraonal moraJs to .live by," Underoofler aid.· .. Saddlehack Teachers Get ~OLATE BlGllTli • . "In otber wOrds, we're vlolalin.K your rli!>ll by enforcln& the law," aaidb<teo-. D :.r<= live i\leX Jimlnei. •, • ouos t "There are laws higher than \hose of .. .• • . · this gvvernment," Underoofler replied. . •· ;,. of $2,000 Apiece "They really think they lhould be allowed to uae marijuana tf they aee fit," Sgt. Babcock explained. •"l'ia1s 11 ju.st a start," declared panel ,,,..,._Rev. Robert ComeJbon·ot SL Malt• Epbcopal Olurch, aaylllg more such dialogues are needed. DAILY PILOT OlANGI: COAST PUBLISHINO C0M'AN'I' 11.oMrt N. W••d ,.,....., .,,, Publl.W J•ck l. Curlrt VQ Pn.ldtllt •!Id 6-111 Mtlllllti' n._.,, K"11l1 .... 1"N• A.. .M•r..i.i•• Mtllllllnt Editor licit, ... P. Nell ~E::i' '--·-f til ,..,,,. ,...,., MellJat M4teM1 P.O. ,Ii>• '''· t2,5J . ·--~ ... , .. , ..., """' _, ltldl1 "11 W.t "lllo.-le<•IWINI .. ...... .... 1Nc:t11 '°' ... '"""' PaJ:'raiseJ.even larger than tnstrudors had a.tt.Jor were given Monday night by Saddlebaclt College trustees. 'Ibe .average salary increase for next ocbool year l.s almost $2,000 per in· ~· . · Muc;li ol .tile increase Is the J'esull of giving full credit for prior teaching._:e1. perieoolf .at · other junior colleges. That was the Idea of board member Hans Vogel, not a proposal by the teachers. In fact. t.eadlers suggested only one · dwige 'fn a llt>erat salarY achedule deyelopod by Vogel and readily dropped .lh!ir ."l\'11 propooaJa in whicb .4he~ bad ... ~leis. . . 'lben · ani oeveral unique 1 .. turi!s ilf the Vogd salary lcbedule be sold be ex· pects other Junior college distrlcb "are going to bat. us !or," One feature ts the full transference or all Pr1«,..,. ~. Generally, .... ly a llm!ted num&er· Cl years aperieoce are transferable and mstructorl 'Who have taught a big time elsewhere &re plugged into lhe new lcbedule wlli loss years than Ibey. actually have. · A -llllique faoture Ill &lvfna in- crem...W pay rafaea ol !400. eldl YW. for up to 30 1'11'1 with a docUlrete &114.up to ~ years rihout. In oilier llChool districb mstruc<ors reach a. celling aft.tr about 15 yt&n upertence. · "This I& to the best of my lcnowledge 1blolutel7 unhHJ'd of," Vogd said ol his plaJ\. 'lbe third feature, Vogel said wu put in •lfo a'ftlld a buslt.1' b io live 1n 1nnual COii ol Uvfna lncrUle. 'Otherwise the Mlary -i. set with tl!IO In· criml!llla.for ucb -yur ol ... per1ence and llOO Increments for .. ch step -In lralnlng, sue1I ., ocquir- ing a masla"'• degree:. feature "gives us an opportunity to go anywflere we want and recruit top ~ pie." stnlcllln( lhe ceiling on uperlence, ht said, will keep good teecben in the classroom. rather than fcrcing them to go hU priVate business or become ad- mintstrator1, "Wltbout 1 doctorate they can get $20,000 -more than m a n y ad- ministrators ,1et," be .sa;d. "With a doc- torate they can get $22,000." The baSt pay for a new teacher with just a bachelor'• degree and no ex· perienco will be 11,000 per year. At ·preoenl it'·il f7,200. ' ' T11e new salary schedule will <.'OSt the junior college dlslricl 175.M? mor< than It is spending for teachers' salarles this year. Arizona Indians . . . ' See Ocean in Laguna Visit Imagir>e: teeing the: ocean for the fil'!t alme 1n yuur life u the 28 Navaho girls ol the Cblnl• Junior Hlgll ll<bool Tr<ble Clef Choir did Monday. "ft'& afl lih I big nzyNr\ous world to them," SllW J"""""'"' Cbink English leach« and choir lnl!d«, said. Chlnle Jumor Hlgll 11 a pubUc llcbool In Chlnle -Although the girls had never been oway from their reservation btfore and Nd certainly ne~ seen an)1.bing like the Paciiic Ocean ~ •• ttli1 were IO<ll frollcklng In the Lqual. aurf. n oil lddod .. 'to .. lllvHililliOn .-a.Q>!omm--..... 11 llD"llftd. lll~i.. cr!Ues""" bold , oi liq Jar wllll, Ibey confidenllJ prillleltd, -'cl bO a very brief delay ol lhe funeral ..,rnce. 1 It's I very beaJtby -that IOU'll !hid in lhe Voters Rqlmatlon s ... au to- day. And It will be lurlher revitaliud with aome upcoming "tranaplanta" ol new, vital organs when that $21,DI order i. dellvered. It bu survived five y.-1 of constant . crlUcflm both from concerned candidates and anxiws memben ol. the public. 1l il Juuf been dumped ·aloog the way Its pro. pooenll .could hardly have blamed those Whose pttasure led to tbe abandonment , of the equipment. Its final seal of approval, la Lbe>fotm of that or d e r for _parts raised hardly a ripple of comment in the supervilors' hell'l.ng room. Perba}JI the news d1d apart a lltue tube aomewbtre in that mesh of coils and wim -a brief flub of joy .. There an those who like tp think so .•• ·Er -P .. e l SPY PLANE. • • intelligence mission off the North Korean c...i. Nl.J:on was rep:>ried carefully sludying all detaDo of tho Incident wbile Secretary Gt 6111< William P. Rogers called in Soylet Amb•aaaor Anatoly F. Dob_rynin to dlocua the altuaUoo and to l!k for belp in looking lo< the plane. Japan and South Korea a1ao were uked for aid. Lui August in ae<epllng t h e llepubllcan preaidenUal nomlnaUon, NII· OD WU biilJly critical ol the Jeilllloo ad· mlnfllratlon'o b.,.rll111 of the Pueblo al· fi.ir,. saying tt 'tfU Ume for new leadenjlip when respect lar 'lhe United Stalea had declined lo the point that "a fourth-rate military power, like North Korea, will selr.e an American naval vesael on the hlgh seas." 'Jbe North Korean broadca st, monitored In Tol;yo, Mid the plane was downed ''with a s1n.gle shot at h1&h altitude." Tbere w.u initial speculaUon that ·a missile wu used, but a Pentagon spotemian later lild the Craft was 90 mlks out to sea when last heard from. Spanish· 12,000 sq. ~. of Top 9uality c ....................... . • O......IQ ,.,, • (Cnn!llll llt"'91 ti' Cl.IS""' ....,iu1 • M.ttcltllll \.-' I Mlllllt•n 111 """9 Ttllll YOUR- CHOICE $ r o1t 11TH11t o r THiii J 01oun Fairy l•lo liedroom ly Phl l Into~ --I" .~ 'Look At Them Down There In Their l iilnls -•nd I Don't . R-nlu a Single' Foco l' • Rossmoor Leisute World Sold for $30 Million Sale of the Rossmoor Corporation, headquartered in Laguna Hillis, to the Crane Company for more than $30 million was announced Monday by Ros.smoor President Ross Cortese. The sale includes ·Lcisure World com- munities and other developments in · California, New Jersey and Maryland. Cortese, reputed to be One of the world's largest deV~. is principal owner of the Rosa:moor Corporation. He has constructed more than 25,CMXI residen- tial units,, JilC!St of them in Leisure World <'OOl!llunillea In Laguna Hllls; Seal Beach Ind walnut Creek in Calllornla and in New J~sey. . The Seal Beach Leisure World was sold about on year ago. · Under developm'ent In Laguna Hilla Is a regiooal obopping e<nter adjoining the San Diego Freeway. h{ajor department stores are planned tenants. Cortese will continue to direct the Rossmoor Corporation out of the Laguna Hills headquarters. Crane Company is a world wide manufacturer of fluid control equipmen\. valves and pumps, water treatment equipment and plumbing and heating pro- ducts. It ii beadquarter.fd in New York. Largest asset of the Ro s s m o o r Corporation is the Leisure World retire- ment rommunity in Laguna Hill:s where more than 6,700 units have been aold. It ~ a population of more than 12,000. No Money Down First Payment :June 1969 our exclusive 6 po. ensemble Cftldl ,..... '""°"' .-1tty .....,_, ........ ftln6-(:I,..... ,_,,lull ... ... ..... -'< wflll «M11-wn,.,.. ..... 111*-a """" ... -•lnldllll .............. _,..,. ewrofen, '*"'" •••• '*"''' ...,.... ..,.. '"" a dlMc• • .,_ w .,...,. --.. 111 s,..i.11 Olk, ._... .,. """""' Wllltt. H..-.......... c .. _. • ....., ,..._ .. ,.. 'LUI ctlTlllettll ...... 11111 ..... - -In 1Mldlft19 ......... llllrk .... fllll ...,... "'~"' •-tw ~ ... .,,.., .. -" 1M 1WK11t• -_,., Mt -111 ,_.,, ,.,_ ONLY Why pay up to s399 $799 for this l1vi1h group • , • ............. .,.... ... Mt"'-................ I M1•l a1 IA.,.... ..... ...... Q,\19( ...,.,.. .! ..... ._ ......... .................... h•rd·, ..... 11 ... s399 lh1 pries i. onty •• , ,----- ' ~ ---- ' Prant. Sclarrota, cba~man ol tht ,_, lllary.a>mlnlllee, llld II lo lhe In-ol -to -. lo the """'1la plus coot Ill Uolo( -Ind nepale in lhe future onl)' lrfnio bmellt& Thi Chair, orlCloa1IY formtd by -J°"""11oo to taadl tbe llrll correcl Engilal> arlkuliitloll, wlll bi performing for the public al t tonlglll In lhe Lquna lleocb llJah School Auditorium. AT HARIOR IOULEYARD USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS Vogd sa1d tbe .lull traNl<r experience .. <· , . I ·-· L ~. Aptll 15, 1'6'1 _ It~s and Rarll.ra:, '•' ID Plioto Finish . • • C·Iiff Robertson, • ,, ... 'Oliver' Winners • ,, By GENE HANDSAXER ' HOl.L YWOOD (AP) -The second tie in the 41-rear history of the Academy Av.·ards gives 03cars to both Barbra Strei.sand of "F'Unny Girl" and Katharine Hepburn of "Tile Lion In Winter" -and makes·Mlu llepburn the ttrn thrff..tlme winner. . Cliff Robertson In the role of the men· tally rel.an:led man wbom doctors tum temporarily into a genius in "Charly" was natned best actor ol 1968 at Monday night's presentations. "Oliver,"'a musical specta.cle based on Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist," was voled the year's best picture. It won in five categories, including best director laurels for Slr Carol Reed witti this, his flrst muaical. For supporUng performances, the honors .went to Jack Albertson as lhe blusleri.rig father in ;-rbe Sobject Was Roses" and Ruth Gorikn u the meddling neighbor and part·time witch J n "RQsemary's Baby." --said from the podluin : "I'm very honored •. to be in euch magniflcenl company aa: .. , Katharine Hepburn. The first script of :,.. 'Fun.qi Girl' wu written when t was 11 .., yeari"Old . 11:1.ant God It toot so lQna" to l.l get it right. • " "It's like when somebody as.keel lf l 'mlt happy, I said, 'Are you kidding? I( I WIS!J'. happy I'd be miserable.' rd like to tbank :o. all the members of the academ'y for • mating me miserable!' u Asked aboot her comments b!ctstqe. • she said: "Maybe some •people ·are basically happy when they're miserable." ... She said the award was "reilllY UnH·o peeled. I never ga\'l! il much thought. I enjoy the work, and to get the awacd for .- it ii just whipped crum Oil" the cake.•• There was no explanation of the Ue . balloting among the 3,030 v o t i n g $ members of the Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts and Sciences. -vote totals are never announced. tlWINDMJLUi" WINs . 'HALF' AN OSCAR FOR HER FIRST ROLE Barbre Streisand C•wiMer for 'Funny Glrl' VICTORY PARTY FOR 'CHARL Y'S' OSCAR Cliff Robertson Celebr•tes in Phlllppine1 Races in all the top categori'ts. were close, but the selectloa of "Oliver" as best picture over "The Lion ln Winter'" was a surprise to some observers. "The academy voters apparently wanted enter- tainment this year," one veteran Oscar watcher cornmentf.d. FOr best SOl)I t,he'osear' went to the in-· ~ trlcate melc'xb', ''The.Wlndm\lls of Your ?. mind," sung by Noel ,Htriison in "The j Thom.as Crown Affair." The Freonch coroo · poser, Michel Legrand. ~as in Parts. 1 working on another film ·score. The ;~ husbahd·wif-e lyricists, MarJl:rn •. and Alan 'il Ber1111ln. accepted:.the'it.Osears; 1 • , ~ Nixon Reveals Budget Featuring $4 Billion 'Cut' WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nii:on today made public bis revised budget featuring $4 bill.ion in cuts, more than hall of them in weUare ouUays and defense programs. The new budget totals $192.9 bf.Ilion as against the $196.9 billion estimated budget left behind by Presid!!nt Lyndon B. Johnson. The $4 billion in cuts Is aimed at pro- ducing a $5.8 bill.ion budget surplus -the largest since 1951. In order to reduce the spending, the Ni:J:oR administration cut Social Security; program increases from the 10 percent planned by the Johnson administration to seven percent. Defense progran1s are slated for a $1.1 billion cul. The remaining $1.9 billion in cuts are in a wide range nf domestic pro- arams, administration spokesmen said. Budget Bureau Director Robert P. Mayo listed the following cuts for domestic programs: -About $185 million in international tending programs through the export·im· port bank. -Nearly $345 million In agricultural and natural resources conservation prG- irams. -A $420 million cut in Post Office and transportation program spending. -A $245 million cul in sales or veterans' loans. -A $1-IO million combined cut for Atomic Energy Commission and space program spending. f.1a yo said the "achievement of .a. surplus is a major factor" in the government's war on inflation. "There is a lack of appreciation throughout the country and in the business community that u•c mean business," Mayo said. WrTCHCRAFT PAYS OFF Ruth Gordon Wins . ONE FOR RUSSIA Actress Ludmill• S•velyeva Tun,,,ey , to Seek Senate ' The son or former heavyweight boxing champion Gene Tunney. elected twice 1 California Congressman, announced Mon- da y 'in Anahelm_ that he will Challenge U.S. Sep. George Murphy in the I970 politic~ ring. Rep. John Tunney (0.Riversidel disclosed casually at a Town 1-lall of Orange County meeting that be will try to unseat ?\-1urphy CR-Los Angeles). answer· ing· a question from a member. "You can consider me a candidal'!,'1 said .the son of the famed boxer, who must win. the Democratic nomination at the June primary election, possibly fac- ing t"'·o strong opponents for the bid. He mentioned semanticist S. J. llayakawa •. acting president of San Fran· cisco State College, and Stanley Mosk, state Supreme Court Justice. Rep. Phillip Burton {0-San Francisco} is another possibUity. Tunney has received !Upport from Sen . Edward Ke nnedy .<D-htass.), in his prior political matches and predicted t.tonday ~at Murphy will win the GOP nomina· tion. The former Hollywood show business personality has already declared his in- tention 'lo run for another term. Tornado Hits Dacca, K.i.Jls 165 Persons NEW DELlll (UPJ ) -Al least 165 persons were killed by a tornado which struck the east Pakista n capital of Dacca and surround ing areas Monday, radio Pakistan reported today. Suzie Lea-ves for · Home Little V ietnaniese Heart Patient Leaties Tears Behind Orange County's most famous heart patient left for Vietnam Monday night to the accompaniment or popping flash bulbs, television cameras and rapid fire newsmen 's questioos -the kind of background music that the now fully rte0vere<i Suzie has come to accept as par for her 2-year-old course. It was a scheduled bon voyag'e bash al Loa Angeles International Airport that became a tear stained parting of the Ways between litUe Nguyen ThJ Thanh Phuong and tile Childr~ UO<pi~ stall abe has come to know and Jove. With her at the airport were nune Lin- da Henning, public relations director Verda Mackay and Mrs. Eugene E. Pentecost of Anaheim, lhe wife or a Childrtns Hospital doctor who cared for SuzJe at her home foUowing the child 's release from the hospital two weeks ago. Suzie will, au being well, be back in the arms of her mother, Le Thi Lan al Saigon alrpcrl late todq. Pao American assigned Tra Thieu Duong, a Soutb Viet- Dll1le&e air hostel! to the Boeing jet that ts' speeding Suzie to the Asian nation's '"i>ltal. Tom b} concern for Suzie and her duly fol<ant.t a baby'°" llVlng with his latller in.SaJaon, Le Thi Lan lefl lut month ror Vlet.nlm. Bul she left 1uw-ed thal Suz.lt. w~cund ind that all sht needed w1s a · li le more Ume for convalescellCi!. . lithe and lovely Vietnamese woman llas been in constant touch With those twTOUOding Suz.ie slnct her return ... HEADING HOME He•rt P•tient Susie to Saigon. Ch.lldrens Hospital doctors have pro- nounei!d the heart surgery they~can1ed out on tht ailing child to be 1 complete success. And the infection that plagued t.btir famous patient for six anxious post· opera.Live weeks is very much a thing of the past, they have assured Suzie's fami- ly. · ·Watling at Saigon with Suzie's mother will be her Anny olfker father Nguyen Kinh and Dr. Douglas Henning, tile U.S. Navy physician who sent Sut.ie to the United Stale! from the Oa Nang Navy h:lspi~l at which mnny Vietnamese chtfdren recetve treatment. Nune Henning ls his wife. She was assigned to take care of her celebrated paUent ,throughout Suzie's stay at the Orange hoopital. Suzie's reaclion Monday night was mainly that she has displayed through her many prtSS conferences-; a wide eyed stare, breaking out now and again into the IWfft smile lhat has captivated 90 IDlllY of tile hoopilal Ital! and the absence of whiCh bu, in the words or one of Suile's surgeons, ''left 1 hell of a lot ol lone ,..., In our holpltal.:' But Mn. Ma<:kay·a warnings that the child mlsht be upset by prolonged pobl\<11)' bort fruit Monday night. Suzle lapsed Into tears on two occ8!ions but w•s quickly comforted by the Cltildrens Hoopllal dele11Uoo which brought her to the airport. Mainly, however, the lltlle girl seemed delighted by the role she was playlng. She h•"PPlll' poled for picture• and h•ld countku hands Ill the prt-take orr i>reu <oolettnee. • VICTORY TOAST? Triple Winner Hepburn Ingrid B<flDWI, preoentlng the beat actres.s Oscar, looked ltunned and un- believing u abe opened the envelope con- taining the winners' names and el'- clalmed: "It's a tie!" A lie happened on1y once berore. in 1932, when best actor awards went lo both Fredric l\farch for "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and Wallace Beery for "The Champ." Miss Hepburn, 59, UU1_ year became the record holder for Cbcar nominations with JI . Her previous awards as best actress were for work In "Momlng Glory,'" 193.1, and "Guess Who's Comtng to Dinner," last year. She ls the tint triple winner in the lead actor category, either male or female, and the third star to wln twiCt: Jn succeulon.. Luise RatnU' ahd spenoer Tracy accomplished thll tn the 1930s. Walter Brennan has won three Oscars but they were for supporting roles. Miss Hepburn, who won as lhc queenly Eleanor of Aquitaine In "The Lion in Winter ," didn't attend the ceremonies - just as she didn't the other two times she won. She was reported to be i.n New York. Robertson, on location in the Philip- pines, was another absentee. Miss Streisand, the Brooklyn girl who won wltb 1 rollicking pcxtrayal of Fanny Brice in "~y GirJ," her llr!t mqvJe, The Soviet Union's . 1\2-00ar spec-'· tacular, "War and Peace,'' collected the '1 award for best foreign language film. It: \v&s presented to the picture's beautiful, i dark-haired star, Ludmilla Savalyev1. d Writing winners were James Goldman a for adaptation of his play, "The Lion in : 'Vlnter"-all(i comedian-scenarl!t , ·Mel 11. Brooks for his original ·screenpli.y d. "The Producers." 1 The award to the'gray-halred, balding J Albertson capped a long career ra.nging 1 from burlesque comedy to vaudeville, ~ theater and supporting movie roles. 't "My entemal gratitude will always bl • reserve¢ for the man who made thla mo-'i: ment posslblt, Trank Gilroy, who wrote 'The · Subject Was Roses.'" ~ :i. said. There weu tears In hiJ eyes u he addressed the crowd of 3,000 in the Music Center Pavilion and a nalkmwide television audience. Backslage, Albertson remarked thl.t he won Broadway's 'I'Qny award b'\ the play and that author Gilroy "lnl!iisted I do Doth the play and the movie." The 72-year-old Miss Gordon drew loud J~ughter by admitting she made her film debut in 1915 and :·0 r can't tell you bow encouraging a thing like this is." To newsmen backstage she confided, "My hU>band said il I didn't win thb time he wasn't going to hrlna: me ~·ti SAYE $ $ -WIGS IY YANCE PEPI -SAVI$$$ -WIGS' 1.T YANCE PEPI - > m .. .. .. I :( " • .... .. "> z " "' ..... l ~ G'. "· .. ... > z . " .. SPECIAL PURCHASE IOOY. Human Heir WIGS WIGLETS 99 . CASCADES $14 99 First Com• -First Serv•dl l i m i t One P•r Cu1tom•rl Worth Much, Much Morel WHILE THEY LASTI ALL SALES FINAL REG. 29.50 100 7. HUMAN HAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURl LONG. REG. 39.50 100 ~. HUMAN HAIR. LONG, THICK. BEST DEAL YET I Mini-Fall~ WIG STYLING ·SPECIAL $2999 REG. 49.50 100 '/, Human Htir. Must Be Sien To Be Appreciated! WIG CASES ...... ,. 5.95 WIG HEAD 69c WIG SPRAY 1.,_ J.M 1.50 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: R09. 7.50 Wig Styl;n9 Reg . 5.00 Wig Cltanin9 Reg. 5.00 Conclitlonin9 Reg . 5.00 Wig Trimmin9 llf Ntct•••ry) Re9 . 5.00 Alt•r•tion e nd Fittin9, if n1ce111ty WIGS BY VANCE-PEPI 46 FASHION ISLAND . e NEWPOllT llACH 27.50 v.lu• NOW ONLY • 644-2682 • Shop Mondey Ir Fridey Nite1 'Til 9:30 - • I ' l • ' J • I l ' I -~ 'Ibo Univenity of Call!Ornia's f Wten • troubled Berkeley campwi 1.1'vas the scene of a gripping-though peaceful -squat -1n Mon"ilay after· nooo. The confronlaljon pitted !>oo'9 JtJum,r, vlco presldmt of Bette- ""ley's st.Wion! government, ~I Student President Smt WMollldt from the Davis campua in the Uni· versity's annual cow-milking con- te8l • ti Hll'lrl Delarw, winner of a 15- n lnilo w~ race in Paris, raid ha wu ju1t dOLDg what comes natur• ally. Delaruo is a foot patrolman for the Paris police. "': . ..• A claJ1ifitd ad in. tJiit Wftle1· edition of th e Chitttnanoo- Bridgoport (N. Y.J Pen nu Sa•er delcribu a problem o charit'*" mindtd houitwift might ~ t<r. "Notice: W4uld th< party who left tht pair of men'• trour- '' ers tU my bo<:k dooT for the OES rummags lol« to bt held at U&c Gnmg< Hall in Chitl<Mngo April 11 • IZ pleOI• call and uplain to mv luuband... ' • • Al a wedding in Catania, Sicily, the bride wore wbite, the !l1'00lll ·a dark bu&lness suit and the Ilona '!lliY growled. Lion t1mtr Armondo •Rog11m11 and Tripe .. Artl•t 1.i. "V1nd1 Sbl1ttro were wed in t&it »•lion's cage -complete with lions. ·~ . . ; This UtUe male peccaru (IDUd pig t for non-zoological rtatkr1) oeta OM r of f loe dally f«dlng1 from • ke•p<r I iii the nursory of th< St. Lauh Zoo. : Tiu: bBbr. one of t1ao newborn pee· i cariu at the too, weighs lts1 than a ; pound and • half. • • ' A group of young attorneys in- ' advertenUy played host to TulJa -~ achoiol Machen. 'The attorneys, who : just passed the Oklahoma bar eum1nation, were being sworn ln befote the stata BllPreme Court. l The association had coffee and ; d<>Ullmuts waiting for them outside -the courtroom but a group of TulJa teachers, here to protest a pro- posed teach• r retirement bill, thought it was a Capitol "welcom- ing cOmmiUee." They ate t h e doughnutl and drank the coffee. • Cactus is not nonnally found in ErlJlland , but P. W. Cr<ilt of Lowe- 1 sto!t has a plant whlcl> bao adjust-· t ed to the cuslh1111 of the country. I Croft says the cactus plant in bis • living IOOln has grown to tho eight- ! foot coiling on a diet of bot tea. Class Disruption 'Ftied at Harvard CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (VPI)~j\ "1llll group of otud..X. attempted lo dlarupt 1 class at lllrvml Vnlvenlty today to discwls the t.uues of the student strike-- now in its fourth day -but left peacefully u police ,..... swnmooed. The students entered Prd. Samuel HW1Un,gton'1 a:overmnedt elm 1 n -Hall and weot to the blct of lbe roam. About lO lludeni>-leu tbu ball tbe nonnaJ number -were Jn 1Ue1d.tnce u ---of tbe untlersl'ad-uates atayed away mm clasa. Wbm lluntlnftoo -to recooinlze tbe prvteolen, tbeJ 'll'llked to the ln>nt of tbe room and uUd him to otop teoch- 2 Police Die; 3 Others Hurt In Shootout CHICAGO (AP) -Two policmnen...,.. slaio in 1 lhootout with a former Marine IUIJ1ICled of plutjnc 1 number of bomba ln public place.I, ... of wblcb liflled I ......., 1 week qo In a deportment store. Flrlllc rtfla and platojs and burlln1 hcinMinade bomba. Frank Kullt, U.yur- of<!· .~ of flihllni lo World War II ll1il !(Aria. barricMfd blmJell Monclly in bi>~ 1111 M the city's SoalJ> Side to boljl a« police IOeliaa lo qllllllon him. The bullekiddlfd bodleo ol Ibo polJcemeo ' ..... found on I third.floor porcb -Kulat IUITOildend. Two Cilher pollcemfO ml I dvllJon ...... wwndfd lo the proloopd ezdwii• ol ~ and several othen were Injured by lalllni,clebrll lrom the 'xplOllons. Ku1at lold police that be wonted to ...... _..the bomlr of WU. Before bl wu liken away In a paltol eor, Kulat ,WU uUd wbj' be did IL "Woll, lbeJ <llDO II me," ho llld. "'l1'e pollce, that'• wJ>o. They ean>11 lfter ...... 'lbe olep began when three policemen went to Kullt'1 -about s p.m. to qualion him •bout oevenJ -.i South Side bomblnp. lncludJnc on exploalon April 7 at a store in which a woman wu killfd ml eJchl Othon Injured. U.S. Base Repels Red Wave Attack Near Cambodia SAIGON (UPI) -Communist IOldiera crept into South Vietnam from cam· bodian bivouacs today and In buman waves attacked a U.S. outpost whose derenders turned them back with "beehive'' artillery rounds, tHUna a Reports lnrn Ibo batUejp'OWld 33 miles weat-nortbw..t of Seigon said that U Glo died and three were wounded in lbe b&t- tle for patrol bast Diamond J, built Moft. da;o 1,1100 yarns lrom the Com1/<>dl'n border. LeveUnc their howlizen, the llO Amertc-, caitoumbend ~. uole1-1 barrop ol the dart-Med "beehive" rounds shotgun-style ln(o the waves Gt Comunist troop!. .. We .knew they were comini. We hid Ibo oeartllllibts ready ml turned them on," an olficer at lbt hue nld . Divebomben and helicopter sul1Sblpa swept in and battered the exposed suer· rilla nnk1.. U.S. 11th · lnlantry Division aoldlers pushlita out rrom the out.post the sire ol a football fteJ(l after dawn found 198 Com· munlat bodleo l10Ulld Ibo berbed wtr. defense ring:. 1., v--i .. b!atorf and dllcuN t11t ..,_ of Ibo lludent atrlte. llwltlO(loa Ul;ed I lludent to IUllUllOO pollco, but Ibo .-Jell. At Ibo ml of the cl... perto(I, Ibo llud..U atood outalda the bulldln& and attempted to aplaln tboir actions. 'Iller later .... t to the -Id stepo of neori>y Widener IAlnry and coaduded I fonim .. the boyoott of .. v.ra1 bundnd allldeDta. A mld<norn!O( cbectof "'-obolred the -Undln1 empty In IDI01 -and lo --..., lllllllJ cUtera rl. llUdeots were 1n 1ltenct.1DC1 It WU utimlled that •bout -.third of the l,IOO llllC!qraduata ibowfd up for -'lbe lf:ite, Jn ila fourth day, WU cailed to P"olat lllecfd police violmce In dec-inl the 1Choo1'1 admlnlliratloo bulldinc ol 1 mlllWll occupolloo force. '!be force toot the bulldlnc over lo ... lore• demands that llorvard'1 Reaerva Ofllctn' Tralillol Crpi _... be ellmlolled. On M<Jllday 19 campus ,_.papers '""" the -aald they ..... I>lamloll ed.ltorlall trumpeting the H a ·r v a r a student&' · poellfon of the -ttm ol ROTC. * * * Stanford Sit·in At Research Lab Enters 7th Day STANFORD (AP) -AnUwor aWdlot pn>tMlon and Stanford Unlvenlty ofll- d•lo ... tlmlfdau.mpta to a.old,,._ down U I Ill-lo U the Applied El- les lluUdlb( went lolo !ta -day. Toda1 meeUnga and rallies by student ml foc:ulty llOOPI on both llldeo were gearod lo the major questfGa: What should hli>l>en to tbe famed Stanford Reaeardt trittltute? But there WU DO at. tempt to oust the Intruders. A IJ.member foc:ulty-ent com- mltt11 came up Mooda;o with 11 leut two poalbill~ ~ 1 m-month study: sell SRI end ,..trld cortaln types al wor- nlaled ........., whether the unlveraity . relllrui or ~ of the hiltllute: SRI ia: owned by Stanrord, but operatet Independently with headquarters at nearby.Menlo Park . A teven-man majority report noted lhll about IU million or 10 percent ol SR!'1 toW wort hu been lo chemlal- blow,tc.I warfare or cou.oier-Utturgency • n callad for allmlnaU., much of thta meuch whethet done by the Institute or on eompus. OM IUQelted .,luUon would have the unlvuslty make a 20-to ZS.year loan so a renamed SRI could buy the insU.tute. • Oil 'Tighteiiing . Bill-Approved SACRAMENTO (AP) -A k e y Assembly committee has approved a bill which v.·ould mate oil companies liable for all dam.a.get cauaed by oil spills dur-- log drllllq operations. The "*""' by Assembly Democntlc leader Jesse M. Unruh of Inglewood wu approved unanimoualJ Monday by the Judlcl811 'Comm1Uee and wu sent to the lower hcMl9e floor for a vote. Uoruh'a bill is one ol several prompted by a masslve oil sUct which blackened Santa Barbara beaches earlier thlt year. The leak developed at a Union Oil Co. platform on a federal lease in the Santa Barbua Channel. An oil indu.stry · 1potesman, A. J. Schults, said the Unruh bill would make the companies liable ''rtgardless of an act cl God" and woo.Id dilcrl.minate against lhe oil Industry. Storms Dampen 37 States • Severe Alabama Windstorm Destroys Coivarts Fence Callforala ,,,._y '"°""" ... " .......... t:•"·""··· ""*" """WiMii.iNY 1=11 ..,,.,_" ,tnl '°"" ............. ., 1:6' I.I'll. •.• """ """ ............... •=• ...... u 5KWlf -............. ·~" '·"'· •.• ....... flllft ..••••• 1 •••• 1:a,,M,l.P 11.s. S11111111aru •rtef11•1t1tllo'I r-lltlnt .,..,.. """' ....... .,_..,, .. -"" t1.,,.. ..... ltm'Tnf Ml Ill 1t '""' Mr1¥ ,_,, °"'' L .. W-, ..,.,,......,. .. Wtw Mtw1(9 Mil h l'IOl'1ll Ari.M\t rf'flon ~ JM -...... utM. Tiie ............. "" .......... " ... ~ .ettYffy In Otwtlt '"" A!HlirM. M-. Wit!! en ~ ..... I ~ "' P9lll .... If '~'-' l!ld AIMM. 0.,. ., flrty 1'tMf, A -... ,.. .. .,. ... ltrlldl; ~ HI-Aloi~. bloW!nt -I '*'V'I' cfttlnllM ""'°' In lllt fllW!I fl (-. I.tally ,...,,., """'*""""" ., .. ...,........ "' ... """"""' "lllM ., ........ M.oMI• 111ttrt •11111 tlrwncfl. .. ""'.,.. lritt ..... Ill fl'lt "'""" Mlfwttl, tt.. 111W -~ ld4M ......... •lf'NlfY .......... ·-· •• "*-"''" ll,lot-.i•-.~-~ .. ,. .. ..... .. ...... ,...., . -r- '.l'enaperat11rea ·-· Antl'IOl"9tt At11n11 ltkllnfitld &l1m1rdr; ••M .... M C~fc:iloo Clnel11Mtl C~1od ...,_ Dn Mol1M1 ..... Eu'1'11t ... _.. ·~~ ..... -· ... ICt "'" CllY lu \le.it l• An ... 1t Ml1ml le.UI Mllwt<Jk!l'f M1-lk Htw ert.t"' Htw YWll HOl'lfl 1'11nt ...... """"' ..... 11: .... .... ,_ -· ,_ .... ......... ll:tl'llf Cltr lltllf lf\lllf -a..o.1••" It. LDC.111 Stll* S.tt Ltkt Cit; 1t11 Oltte S.11 llnlt(;l.ct '""' l.rMrt ...... ----· W111f1""1tll 61 '9 1.11 .. " " .. " " .. " n 41 .SI M " .Q: " " .. ,, .., .n SJ 50 .JI •• Jt ... " .. ... n " " .. ~ .. " .. .. .. n " " .. H JI AS R .. .JI M Ml •• • R .. " n " " # . .. .. .. .... " . " .. .. .. .. II ~ .M .. " .. .. " .... .. 11 ... . " .. ~· ·" .. " " " ,, " " " .... .. " " .. " ---- - Uil\1 ''"''" is,11t '' '·"'· \10111 .,,, -·- UP, UP AND AWAY! with the biggest Sporting Scene in the Newport Harbor Area, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 17, 18, 19. Come - and enjoy sports activity in it's entirety -something for every sport, male or female. SEE-ALL 3 DAYS! (Plus Sunday 10·5 p.m.l * Golf and Tennis Denwnstrations. * Scuba Divers in Action. * Trout Catching Derby. * Fiahing-OceOll and Stream. * Baseball and Arc/1£ry Diaplays. * Waterskiing and Gy11111aSti.c Dtnwnstnitions. * Gun Diaplays-and mort. FREE PRIZES -Beautiful Alrlina HOit-in atfJ!nd•nce. * Hot Air Balloon Aacension with DON PICCARD from Cenblr Mall all~ days -Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. Be a good lpOl't- come oil up and join the fun at ••• FASHION J ISLAND XDWPOKT 011:trTl1B Peci&c Coat Hlihway bctwttn Jamboree a.nd MacArthur. Freeway minut• a..,-. ·j I I I I J I '''. '~\' \ ;.'!} \ : ' . .. .. .. • l • J EAlj COX, 4'4-'466 J ., '""*'· ....... 11. \Ht L , .. 11 . Fold Wi·dened F.or T res ·· Osos Superstitious friends "o! Children's Hospital of Orange· County may rest easy for i t no longer is sup;rrted by 13 womens groups. A 14th has joined the fold -Tres Osos Gui! . · ln,.1'5t--growini Mission Viejo, a handful of women began meetirig Jast ·January to organize tlie guild. Since then membership has blossomed to 22 active members anti 12 associates, and the first officers, to be in- stalled at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 1, have been named . Mrs. John Yeiser, a resident of Mission Viejo for the past three years, will take the post of president dnring. the luncheon and meeting in Mission Viejg lljll. . Other cbarttr officers installed will be the Mmes. John Martin and Jack Dershimer, first and second vice presidents, and Hersh Hoopengarner and •Tom Reeder, TeCOrding and corresponding secretaries, all of Mission Viejo. Mrs. Robert Doss of Laguna Hills will be the guild's first treasurer. Mrs. Charles Bauer, treasurer for ali the guilds, has been asked lo iristall the officers, according to Mrs. Yelser. She said members will decide on a ye~rly fund-raising project during the June meeting, the last before . they go' inactive for the summer. The ne"' gi'oup chose its name, which in English means Three Bears. to cOnfonh to the storybook quality in all guild titles and capture lhe Spanish atmosphere of the community, explained Mrs. Yeiser. 0 In addition to Mission Viejo, we will have members lrom Laguna Hills, El Toro, Lake Forest and San Juan Capistrano," the new president added. · Each year guilds, with more than 1300 members representing every city in Orange County, spe,nd hundr~s of hours in fund-raising events to benefit outpatient clinics at the hospital. • FIRST LEADERS -Tres Osos, Spanisli for Tllree Bears, is the nanie of the 14th •and newest · iuild supporting Cliildi'en"s HoS'Pital of Orange County. .., Chatter officers ready for instailation are (left to right) 'the Mmes. John Martin, first vice president; Robert Doss, treasw:er, and John Yeiser, president. Since the hospital opened in 1964, more than 17,000 inpatients have been cared for, while more than 100,000 outpatient, visits have been re- corded. The hospital maintains an active and expanding outpatient depart- ment with 28 specialty cli~cs for children whose parents cannot meet the full cost of medical care. ,, ' ' The Laguna Line Old West Remembered By JEAN .COX Of .. Dllb" ...... Sttilt Traditions ol a put. erp, when Ciilifornia cattle barons ·could ride oo their own ranch empires for days without meeting a soul, were relived by more than Jal(J people re- cently. The setting was O'Neill Ranch, also known as Rancho Mission Viejo, and the oc- casion was a day-long cattle roundup and Mrs. Marguerite O'Neill's 90th birthday. Mrs. O'Neill's husband, the late Mr. Rich- ard O'Neill , at one time owned Santa Mar- garita Ranch, a 240,000 acre spread which encomp&ssed Camp Pendleton. Currently the ranch, located on the south- ern-most point of Orange County, includes some. 521000 acTes and is owned by Mrs. O'Neill'• •two children, Richard O'Neill who lives on the ranch, and Mrs. Waldo Avery of Westj Los Angeles. · "Each year," e.q>lained Anthony Moiso (r.frs. O'Neill's graridson and Mrs. Avery's son) of Newport Beach, j•we have a big roundup. This ~ar the party took:'on added meaning because of my grandmothers birth- day." Hosts and hostesses ·were Mrs. O'Neill's two children, with James West, chairman of the Missloo Viejo Company's board of direc- ' . ' tors, and. lr1rs. Avery's son.s,, Anthony and Jeri>me. Moiso and Douglas Avery. .According to 'Moisof the day began when a few early, starters rouha~ uj> eoo head of ca.tlle. "Most people arrived about 8:30 a.m. ·and all mo ming we roped •and branded , CJ'ttle," he reported. Alier burning up all that energy, partici· pants were ready for lunch which included beef, cooked underground for 24 hours. The cook was Gratian Bidart, manager cd the neighboring Moulton Ranch. Burros brought in fro~ Knott's Berry Fann were ridden and baby calves provided amusement.for children. A 100-piece mariachi band played throughout the afternoon. When night !ell, Moiso reported, the group carried festivities into San Juan Capiltrano. Guests included Mrs. O'Neill's friends as \Yell as friends of Rancho Mission Viejo and Mission Viejo Co. "" Moiso said his .randrnotber s e e m e d "especially touched' when the band played ''Happy Birthday" and some of her favorite old songs which include "Mexicali Rose." Mrs,.. O'Neill was born in J.,os Anseies in 1879 where she lived until she mamed and came to her home, which then sat on what is now Camp Pendleton. Ann Landers Still Has Faith DEAR ANN ALNDERS: I'm 1 middlt- qed square wbo "°"Id like to know your oploiGn on the ...,..., C1111PIJS upheanls. -·· beblnd lllls JMH:alled alienatloo ol GI ,..U.1 Ra9t w. botched things so bad- ly tMI every11>1nc ought lo be junked - .....,lne·Gllf unlvmlty.system! rm horrtfted by wbat t read In l h e newspapers and see on TV. ts there an1 jaslllicaUon for these campus rtvolu- tiolll? Do college atudentl have the right 1o \'irtllllly clooe down our Institution.I GI bl&l>er IW'llingl I've alw•yo been a clwnploo ol yoolb, bul my faith has been shaken. Please, Ann Lindert, upress yourseU. You've ANN LANDERS been noticubly silent on a subject ol enorp!O\JI IOCJal llRJ>lficanc<. ·-BEWILDERED DEAR BEWILDERED' Wtl-• lo t II e dlb. I, t.M, ahJaJ'I Uve W snat ratUi la ocar yoa•. bd I still UYe. ne,. an brlptu CU. we were, more uaertlve, more artlnlate, ud ~,. possess • far deeper eommttme1t lo social )ul&lce. Tbe YQI m1jttlly ti .._, kids ...ar:e..ilecat.,Wf•Wdbl& ddletl1 wbe nnt aa ed11e1Uoa. Alld Ulil.1 t. wht makes ""' -rltll•& .........,iw.. Tbe llelkllten --"'° -beu ~......,i., ,..,..i, ud -u., l•lll<e -... dearly la ... mi-tly oa ..,,. cam,.1 Rere dltrt hi bte1 lttable. 1n • rret society. cltitea1 have tbt ' ' ·. ' . • ' ' .. St. Bernard's Serviees Solicited fo r Party 1 San Clemente-.capistrano Branch members, Ameri- can Association of University Women (left to right), Mrs. Palllct O'Brien and Mn. Jon Auguston press Surfer into service for their upcoming win .. tastirig party, to take place from a to 8:30 p.m. at San Cle· meote Mll!licipal Golf Course. .. the Younger Generati0n ·' ' • ripl lo di.,..~ IO expre11 oppoallloo to pracUctl -~ tWJ Cl rH-11.)ut. Bl.t ·wuto. delll'ldlem ti p;cJll'tJ, rUJ. ... ., ru., ~ Olllep ,.. ••••• .... f-11} __ ., .. __ It ls law*' •• ud mllt Mt be toltrtled • I ...U.ve 1•1 Its" wlll ~ die law -be'""" .. -· Tbere ....... llMQy..UOylq, • llilly<lolly· fli1, DO •alt, .. 1maeR7 ......... Wlte:a ... ""' ..... --ti Ille -ind rew1nl erlmlaal tlt:dcl, we e• CGOrage «Wt IO follow tlletr l<ad. Wlla we k11eklt slMler te rltWI wM spit h1 the race ti ritltority wr are 11eJn1 •afalr it atoden\I wM wut Mt le1f"I, lo laxpayen and a1um1I wH ..,,...t tlaese ICM*, aid te Ule t11lllUletl ftallty memllen ud Nml•IRrllwl wM .... sp 1t ... IDtl"C)' " ........... Ullea ,.. lab a firm dud apJut --. ... ,ti-an Pit eY9 ....... .. • ,..,, .... sf ta 11al!r t 11a. we will "' ta _. tt tile ulYenlly ud Ille blrlll ti f-. CONFIDENTIAL TO BITrER HERBS AND ASHES IN THE MOUTH: II bu been uid that a man, like a tree, is bell mealUled after he has been cut down. Pleue reserve judgmenl Time will toften your views and dirhfnlab your anger. Remember that hite, llki! acid, dool 'more um.,. •to the v....t In ~ ~ ii -than lo the objecl «1wtddoflls-ec1. r.....,..,. .. ,.........., IO _,_, 0.'I lot ,_ -.. n.,-.11,... __ ,_ '-'•I,·-.~-­II Elped." Io a f .,. ....... lo '-._la eaN ti .ia _,.. _ 11rg11.-1a ................. . ..., sec ••••• •wllfe. Au Linden wm be 11M It W, ,..0 -·,.., ""..!.I - -.. Mr II CINI et we. DAILY PILOT, e.clttic l tell ............. .. ..... < tnve"'I"". I 14 DAILY PILOT Ho,lywood-Fanel Ii . Names to Be Linked ' James B. Hollywood of Seal Beach, assls- tan city manager of Fountain Vauel'.> wUI claim Glni ~elll as hlJ bride during a June wedding In SL Matthew'• Caiholic Church, !Ang Beach. Miss Fanelli, daughter of Mrs. Joseph H. Fanelli of Laguna Beach and the late Mr. Fanelli, attended Orange Coast College be- fore receiving her bachelor's and masters degr~s in business administration at Cali· fornia Slate College at Long Beach. While attending the atate college she "'as vice president and pledge trainer of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and was affiliated with ~i ~ega Pi.· an honorary business educa· lion organlzatton. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hollywood of Ossining, N.Y., is an alumnus of the same college where he majored in public administration. He affiliated with Sig· ma Pi fraternity and was on the varsity 'vater polo team. Horoscope Leo: Important To Advertise WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 By SYDNEY OMARR NEW MOON IN ARIES em- pllul.zes 'grOOmlng of hair. .S&re11 up-to-date style. Won- derfll1 for purchase of hit to go with new look. ARIES (r,larch 21·AprU 19): You could find yourseU in spotlight. Stress personality, appearance. Tonight th er e could be financial surprise - or pleasant variety. }{Jgblight the new. Utilize pioneering in· stincts. TAURUS (April 20-May 20]: (:ircwnstaaces are more favorable to ycur efforts. Ad- ditional light is thrown on puzzling situation. You are beneficiary. Know this and proceed with confidence. GEMINl (May 21·June 20): a lesl. Be sincere. Say notbinc you do not mean; truth gl\'U you confidence. Doo't alp any agreement unless tboroughlt. familiar wllh it. · SCORPIO (Oct. :IS-Nov. 21): You bear of new dlel Qeck first with physician. Avoid es• lremes. Key today ii moder• tion. Conserve strength. You'll need it for new asstinment, added duties. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22- 0ec. 21): You can succeia(uUy complete important project. Recognition g a I n e d for creative efforts. ClaJm. credit where due. No time to be sby. Speak ·up. You deserve success. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be specific. Avoid beating about the bush -applies especially to Io If 1~· range agreements. The place where you reside commands at· tention. Adjustment Js necessary. Take a more modern view. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be receptive to sug· gestions. You become involved -· ....... i .... ~ ••• --· .. .. . -··~· ... _,-... Philip Norton Claims , • Bride • Church Rite . Pblllp Slanley Norton of Corona del Mar claimed Clrolyn Grace Combo u his bride durlnc double rio( nup- Uall performed by the Rev. llamuel Hall In SI. Lub'I Eplscopa1 . Church, Lo DJ Beach. ~ The bride, daughter QI Mr. and Mrs. Frende Willll Combs of Long Beach, was given 1n marriage by her father. She wore a long organza 10Wft with appliquea l( alencon lact. Her full length mantllla was caught to a lace headpiece, and she carried a Vict.orian basket with white blossoms mi.xed with blue delphinium. White peau de sole gowns with powder blue chiffon bod.Ices and baskets o f multicolored spring fiowers were selected for her en. tour age. · Mrs. Carl Chamberlain of Meridian, Miss., was ·the matron of honor, and other at~ tend.ants were the Mmes. Michael Nolt of Long Beach, Norman Vinson, Vista and Ray Sparling, Los Angeles and Miss Jackie Prandi o f Manhattan Beach and Miss Diane Jewell of Los Angeles. Al>out JOO guest& atl<ndtd the ' receptioo In a.., the bride's parentt· MOlhlj' and hil: playtd. . Followinl: I Ht WI I I 1 n ~ the newlyw..U will eolablllb !help lint home In c..,,.. del 1'lai. . The bride' ls a graduate of the. UnlvonUy of Soutberri Ctllfotnla where sbe was afJ ftllated with Delta Gamma. Her husband, also a USC graduate, ta a member of Phi Kapps I'll Day Care Available W«tlng parents of preschool cbildren constanUy fa c e the problem or finding adequate care at reasonable cost for their children during the day. A new opportunity for low-in- come families to have care for their preschoOlers 1 s avallable with the Children's Community ~ursery School in Orange, sponsored by the Orange County Church Service Committee. County Altrusa Clubs Mark 52nd Birthday Aid forthcoming from friend you helped in past. Be versatile. Your humor, talents are doubly appreciated. You get real chance to com- municate. The result is profit, possible acclaim. CANCER (Jtme 21·July 22]: "'ilh neighbors, relatives. Key MRS. PHILIP S. NORTON is to keep open mind. Some Corona del Mir Hom.e The bridegroom, son of Dr. and 1.trs. George Stanley Norton of Santa Ana, asked his brother, David Norton. to be his best man. Anyone interested in the .. school may write to 171 South Orange St., Orange, 92669. Cost ls ba.!ed oo the parents' ability to pay aod ranges from $5 per week to $20 per week, the full coot. Members from five Ora8'e County Altruaa clubs will celebrate tbe international .rganlulion's 5 2nd an- niversary jn the To w e r s restaurant, Laguna B e a c h 111ursdoy, April 17. feature a talk o n Czechoslovakia by Mrs. W. L. Spawr of Long Beach. Accent oo career potential. Welcome new assignment. You get going in right direction. Important person takes you under wing. Check f8cu, details. Then surge ahead. around you may appear-----------'::...:..:.::::: _____ _ foolish. Remember, you are Serving as ushers were Tom Tucker, Balboa Is I and ; Stewart McPherson, Santa Ana; Gregg Johnson, Tustin; Bill Lawless, Los Angeles; Loguna Beach Altrusans will host cl-ubw omen from Anaheim, FuUerlon, Newport Beach and Santa Ana coming to,ether for the Founders Day Dinner. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. will follow a social hour and will Mn. Spawr will relate her observations, formulated while visiting relatives in Czechos1ov&kia during several trips, about the living con- ditions behind the Iron CUr- Lain. Completing the picture, A1rs. A. F. Whitener, vice president and program chairman of the Laguna Beach club, will tell about her trip. Courtesy Officers Lead Chapter's Party Night Stations will 00 filled by II COUl'lf:ly officers representing I! cbapteri when Laguna Belch Chapter, Order of the Eutem Star celebrates on.,. Coonly Party Night Frldly, April II. Mr. and Mrs. Norman auutemen. aaociate matron and palnln, will host the gala Tea Brewed ~ CUlle Chapter. of the Briillh booting' the 11111111al lel -'lbunday -I to J:IO p.m. In the N~ Beoch home ol Mr1. -w. Sdlrum!ll. ~ will a1a tlie Brlillb a-ta sterra Mam. evening which will begin at I p.m. in Laguna B e a c h Masonic Halt. La Habra, Newport Beach, Garden Grove, Anaheim, San· ta Ana, Whittier, Yorba Linda, Huntington Beach, P I c o Rivera, Brta and Downey will be represented by officers. Mn. Allen Bailey, general cba1rman fat the function, will be usJmd by the J\lmes. Arnold Kobis, Charles Pan- nier, James Barlow and Jesse Malcolm. LB Women Exercising LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ne\v moon posiUon today coincides with chance to enlarge horizon,,. You gain opportunity to publish, advert.lse. Your cir· cle is wider. Opportwtity is greater. Important to com- municate. VIRGO ((Aug. 23-S<pt. 22): Patch up family differences. Accent diplomacy. Don't give up something for noth1ng. Realize one who has been ralthful deserves the best. One who makes promises may be laughing at you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Some relatiomhips are put to America Saluted A program of music Is plan· ned for the,'Jbursday, April ,7, meeting of the American Aswciation of Retired Persons, Newport Chapter W. The Harper SchOol chorus will perform a selection of sonp depicting IHe in the Unlltd Slala•, directed by Mrs. Al Wasser and ac- coinpanied by Mrs. Terry Phillippi. The J p.m. program will rollow a noon luncheon Iii the Harbor Senior Citizens Recreation Center, Newport Junior Section members, Beach. Members and guesta Painters Meet not void of foibles. PISCES (Feb. Ill-March 20): UtUize more than one method. Means: don't rely on past pro- cedures. Key is to modernize. Obtain hint from Aquarlu mes.sage. Be flexible -and 'heed advice rrom young person. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY your perceptive qualities make you sought· after individual. But, in ae- tuality, there are few persons you can call real friends. P~ pie want to hear what you have to say -but they don't always listen. A change is about to occur. It will make possible greater freedom; rea· lite your own worth. To orclff' SvdMY 0""9rr'1 ~" boolclet. ,.~ Trvth AbOU! AllrO v. 1end 10 c~nts to Omlf• looklel, DA.JI. v Pll.OT. Box :i:uo, Gl'lld Ctr1-tr11 Sllllon, N-York, N.Y. 0017, Club Bills Familv Act ' l\1rs. M3rjorie Tayloe and her five children will entertain Woman's · Club of Laguna Beach during a meeting in the woman's clubhouse. at 1:45 p.m., Friday, April 18. A harpist and folk singer, Mrs. Tayloe will lead selec- tions from various countries and centuries in a number of languages. Mn. Tayloe had her own radio program for aiI years and has been a soloist with many symphony orchestras. Mrs. George Barne.s will host a tea following tht pro- Scadb Cout Federated Cbtna Palntera will meet next 'lbunday in the Newport Belcb home of Mrs. Donald gram. will bring sack lunches and South Coast Club of Laguna beverages will be provided by Beach will try out equipment the refreshments commi.t~, in Lquna Beach Health Club, chaired by Mrs. E s t h e i' the setting for their next Estridge. tMWWMWWMw;;iil meeUng at I p,m. Thursday, Lloyd E. Morrison of Coron1 1' -· April 17· del Mar is president of the WORDS Mr· and Mrs. Tim Adams. chapter which is one of more who have owned and operated than 500 in the United State& the club for more than a year, with a total membershlp of CLEAR wUI -'ve a demooltralion on ARE •• 1,eoo,000. Anyone wishing in-Secreta ri e1 the u.uge of ei:ercise formationonthechaptermay WITH machJnes. call Mrs. Ruth Johnson, 64&- At 1:30 p.m. every second In between exercises, 9849 Ml I E • Tburlda7 women of Bahia Juniors will elect new officers . r&C 8 ar . Ch apter of Nat 1 on a I after a committee, beaded by • Even in Church SecnWtea' Aasoclalion Mn.DonaldFeehrer,presenls Century Club Inta'MUonal aaemble in dlf-the alate. • Even in Movies rertot b:ationa to attend Reservations and further in-Twentieth Century Club of • Even in Meetinqs meetinp. Mrs. Saille Fleming -formation may be obtained Huntington Beach gathers at • E . G at l7M3llO m1y be telephoned by calling Mrs. Jack Weber, 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday ven in roups _1or~.::add=::1&Nt::::_:1Mrma::;:=_=: _ __:•::R<::S5:54:;1:_. ______ _'.In'.'..'.:Lak:!'..e.'..P:ar::k_::C:lu:bboo.oe:::::::_· --ll • Even with TV STEREO SENSATION! Ille colifl'fal sound of Oran1e County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .. ~ From Fashion Island . Newport Beach • ~ust EVERYWHERE WONDllfUL HIAllNGll COSTS SO LITTLE COMPARED TO WHAT YOU RECEIVE Thou1onds of people or• .. ••cretly using them succ.e11fully fllE HOME TRIAL DIMONSTllA TION nt!PHONE 547-4171 COMf IN-M.41l-l'HONf ACT NOW 5(1 HOW Mtl.AClMAl CAH HR' rou ! SEND NOW t :•-"" ................................ 'Cl" .. 1.1~ ........ n., .. : ····-··················-·· Gary Brooks, Long Beach; ----------Parade of Fashions To Follow Ceremony Jay C. Horton, Los Angeles; John Gay. Corona del Mar, and Chris Upham, L o s Angeles. We Cover Boating Best in West Island House in Fashion Island will be the setting tomorrow for a fashion show and installation luncheon for Balboa Harbor Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta Interna- tional Sorority. c o r r e spond.ing secretary; 1t;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;o~ Lamar Hill, recordiag secretary, and James Hanley, treasurer. Members will enjoy the fasbion parade, which will be commentated by FI ore n c e Smales, after luncheon. YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Potential Unlimited We oller Iinancial assistance Mrs. Robert Cramb, vice president, has a r r a n g e d refreshment.!I at 10:30 a.m. followed by the installation ceremonies. Taking offici! will be the Mmes. Kendall Foster, presi- dent; William Page, vice president, social; Rene Caron, vice president, membership: Mrs. Cramb, recent delegate to the 1969 Southern Calliornla Province convention in Les Angeles, will present a sum. mary of the meetings. The Balboa Harbor Alumnae Club supports area philan· thropies and the a c t i v e chapter at California State College at Long Beach. Any interested alumnae may con· tact Mrs. Cramb at 833-2806. R1 i1• g•nll• odorl1t1 Chinchill11 in your hom•. Sm11! lnv•d· mini. Comp•I• tr1lning progr1m. Won't inl•rf•r• with p••1•nt occ1i1p1tion. W. F. Macinnes, vice p~i­ dent, program; Gerald Ryles, on your choice of three Touch &Sew zig-zag sewing machines bySinger including the Golden Touch&S.W* · machine ... in either the ''Copenhagen" desk or the 11Barcelona"cabinet. off n;, -price SIND THIS AD FOi NII llOCHUU- Universal Chinchilla Breeders 1120 lat A .. StrMt, f11llerto11, C.Uf. C.11: 17141170-106J er c.llect: ,7141 IZ1·2161 MAIL THIS AD ASK AIOUT OUR CREDIT I'lAN DESIGNED TO FIT YOUR IUDGIT. fw .6.1..-.1 of,._ -'"1 .,... '".,,.._...-fl,-.. llololi ...... S!NCCI COMMNf 1t1to1i lltt9 p .,.,,,,_ Is ti S I NG I R todtl1!' '• T11C1•111••~ ot THE $lNGllll COMl'AN'f SINGER i SANf'-ANA XU W. •!ft Sr. Kl 7)t•S -·-COITA MllA l r!tllll " 5U11llow1r ....... ~·11 (otll ,.,.,. HUNTINOTON llACN Effnotr 11 IMC~ nl.lGO t1vn11n01°" Cl"ter I UIHA "A.Ill' IUI On TM Mall TA l ·JUI 1..-"•rt.: C9"tlf' O•IOIH llOVI 'm Ol•lll'!lt" SJl!•«IH 0rl"'9 COllr!l'f '"'' - conA Mt•" U01 l-IVflDf IM. ICl .. lltS ttlrtlof C•lfl' - I I I - I I • • ~~-...~.,......~-,-,,---c,,,..,.--,..-~-.,-.,--,..-.,......,...~~......,-:-,;:r-~.......,~rr;:r.:-::;:~~~!'="~~~"."l""!""!~!'!"~.~-!"'",:;·~~~-...--~~"!".'~~':1~ • . . 1 I • Ne~o:rt Derito .. . . . . • vot:. 62, NO. 90, 3 SEcllONS, 46 PAGES • or ea Sclaool Election Moderate Voting In Early Tally A spot check ol precincts al noon today lndlcalnd a moderate turnout in the -Ana for Newport-Mesa Unified (5" Photo, Pogo 2) and Oranl< Coast Junior College school lnlsUe eleetlons. By noon~ from two to seven percent of Toro Airport Study Ordered By Supervisors Despite opposition from a rOomful or Soo1h Orange Counly residents, the coun· ty Board o1 Supervisors today, In a :l-1 ~ate, ordered a llludy ol El Toro Marine Carpi Air Station for P*IJ>le jdnl me by the _,. !Gr .. Interim period. Supervllon David L. Balter, Robert W'. Ballln and WlllWD Jllrslein ouppor1ed the move after more than two hours al. •iptlpionJ and lpir!lnd debate In a pael<d 11ear1n1--. An ollenlottve motion by ~uperv~ ~ Allta lllal woold ..... ~ the itudJ to seven poaible regional airport lites was killed. * * * Air Cal Requests Boost j n County Airport Service Air California lnday petiUoned the 9lale Public Ulllitleo Commislloo for a boolt in -al Or11111e Qlunty Arport. no Jocally bUed llne wants to fly Its Boefnl 737, three-engine jets t o sacramento. Air caI now provld<s flights between !(le coonty and San Franci!C»-Ooklan. II also bu a San Joee route. The latest application to the PUC seeks a "certificate of public convenience and necessity" for two rouncJ...tripa daily to Sacramento. One would be non-stop, the olbtt would include a stopover in San Francisco, San Jose or at Ontario International Airport. Air Cal's peUtion in addition requests route certificates for two round-trips to Sacramento from Hollywood-Burbank and Ontario. · Proposed fare tor the Orange County 1ervice would be $20 one-way, tu in- cluded. The increaaed service would hike to 30 th< number ol flights -IS In and 15 out -Air Cal now makes most days at the county factlity. registered voters bad cut ballotl at poU. ing pla<es c:oclacted. Final ..tor turnout fer. the IChool board elecUons two years a,o was 11 percenL Early returu !ndlcalnd K may be somewhat higher thlll year, but not much. Premctioos based on early voting, ol course, do not inciude the period of heavie!t voting, in the evening hours before polls close at a p.m. To be decided are four Newport-Mesa board seats and two seats on the Orange Coas t Junior College board. Winners will serve tour-year tenru. By midday two months ago in Newport- Mesa's school bond election more than twice as many had voted. Final turnout was tl.5 percent. Here is what the spot check at noon to- day showed: Conoa del Mar mp....eo voted out of 1,185. c.r..a dd Mar mp -41 volnd out ol UociberP Sdlaol ti voted out of ~IS. Newport l!lementory -<!ti voted out of 1,481. . LLodbeo p SeMal -It voted '!"t of 115. cm,. --ti· Oia4 out of t i!. __ ..... _out oftl), --_,_.voted odl ti! 1,077. B•r"9r V•te .Ret•nu For up-to-the-mfnutt' Newport-Mt!ui Uni/itd and Oran.gt Cocat Junior.Col· lege tlection retu~.s tonight ttlt· phone 84.S-0600. School pn1onntl will man tht phonet ofttr the polls clo1t at 8 p.m. Firlf returM art wot npect«d until ot lta1t 1:30 p.m., pouibl¥ 9 p.m. Tht social hall at Ntioport Harbor High School ;, ihc place for in-pro. press obsn't'Otion. of clccdcm rtturn1 for both ihc Newport.Mesa and O~e Coaal dis!ricts. '.Arches Overpass Really Crowded Does it seem more crowded when you drive on the Arches Overpass along Newport Boulevard? It ought to, because. it is. So says the Newport Beach City Traffic Department Traffic counts sUU under way show the overp&S!I now hu about 21,000 vehicles each wffk day using It in each direction. "That's what we used lo have on busy Sundays jmt three yem ago," noted a city aide. "In fad, the count we made laat Thun- day ;, what we got on Ille Fourth of July in 11165 ••• Catnlina's KBIG Breaks Cigarette Habii on Ads A Mormon ChurclHlwr.ed corporation with 11 western rldto and ~vision sta- tions, including C.lallna liland'a KBIG hu resolved to break lts smoking •d· vertisement habit, executives announced Monday. . The ban on cigarette ad accounts ls ex- pected to -· • !250,000 per )'<at -by tbe ll<Jnnevllle Internattonol Corp., or about 10 percent of ·tts lf'OSS an- ooal nvenue. June 1 ii the cutoff elate, wben ...,. tracts with major American --dQCtl m&1ilfacba&i will DO Joaaer.be ac> eepted far l:romicllt <1ver an aru ~n­ dllJIP'Mln( five western stat.es. • Members ol the corporaUon'a boanl ol dlrecton ba .. been ...-.inc IAICb • ban for eome time and rucbed Its decl&ion over the weekend a ft e r evaluaUng latest governmental tobacce>- vs-health rtsearch. "It bas been a matter <I deep COQCern to .... ownerablp,. u1d ADclt ·L. lladlao, president ol . the iw..ilcalUnC ...... poraUon, ht mOfnC the ........,.,.... Mooday. 'l1le Clllrch ol Jeu Cbrlll ol Lalla'· clay Saints -......... ·-from uee ol lot>occo and alcobol -tu manbuablp. " . • OR:ANGE .COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -. ~· ·OWilS ·ane GIRL VERSUS TAX FORMS Tonl11 P11t1mo T11xe1 .Mlnd 'H0QR$, s 1'.RIES LATER HoO!locho No. 4115 Strlkos Midnight's -- • D.t.ILV.PILOT ....... W Alfllur V ....... TURNS FIERY PROTESTOR Rollof Only .Tomporory _ ·31 Missing :on. Craft;. Hunt Asked • WASlilNGTON (UPI) -A·U.S. Navy reConnala:sanee plane CllTJbtl 11 cmtTDen was IOet today on a mlPion off lbe North Korean c:oasl and lbe Con\. mllllista boasted they shot tt down alter ~ violated their air spa~. r The Defense bepartnient lnal..., lltt four.ugine, propeller-driveri plme -• EC 121 -loaded with six tona of. delicate electronic equipment for lnteDlgence- p thering -stayed .50 miles away from the North Korean ohQre. Tbe ...-i said the plane wu mlsslng ln the Su of Japan. Military """""' in Wuhington and Tokyo indicated lt was attacked by MIG jets. President Nixon, in hi! first experi~ 1n the White House with such 1.n in- ternational incident, wu awaken:ed earl)' to hear the report. 1 A North Korean ndlo broadcut picked up at 10:30 p.m. PST gave first.wtf'd ol the incident It said the craft Which cazi.. ried a crew of ao Navy men and ate Marine, was downed at l :liO p.m. PST T T-' S · •' h Monday. That would be at 1:50 p.m. nere s a.. witc : Korean ttme. 'nle·Communlal broad"'51 did not "1 N p • wh<tber the plane was downed by ground Final Tax Filing Deadline Tonight ewport rruses =k.:;,:~~'!~1:'!~~ coast to be within rangt; of SAM ''This ls it," said a banied ·offidal at ~~~~~~ Ail. f'!!in! ,.. --In -·-lie~,,, .,l.wg111 ' toolgll~ April U. to elcape peno!Ues·for late !lllnc· · L1c1ar d 1 can take heart in the idiowledge !bat tbe Santa Ano Poot Of. fiCe, at 2201 N. Grand Ave., will be open for maillni• until mldni&bt tonighL AU tax fom>JJ mailed there by the witching hour will bear today's postmark. The same hold~ true for the box: in fronhftheFonnts1nva11ey11a\joa,111101 Mesa on Freewav .<aur1ace-to..ir> m1ssu .. , ~ -' ... ; .. ; -· ........... ~' i !I~· rilr~·.m:io\'r:lfil.~ IMu. deorad Gq& ~(~ Newport-B<acll CJty .• ~~ ll(mo ""'""""'"-'lfilh N_, ad'otllef :-=~-=~~ ~(tt':.:;i=·~" ~~.1i;i=.::.:rlfine- only.' . Bui It It iomewhat ~enteo _a 'l1le Communist ~~ aid the .;......,, · , . . plant , WU attacied · "after lnfllltolinC N~n~RT BEACH -191 Rivernde resolution from the Newport Beach City deeylntothoairspaceol.therllJlll>lic." Ave.; &:30 p.m. Council prliliing tbe Coota Mesa City Some meniberi ol Ccingreu eipraaeci C05J'A MESA -1590 Adams Ave.; Council for a freeway deci!ion. COl)cem over the new.North Koeran ac-7:~U~GTON BEACH_ 8771 Warner · Delivered to Costa Mesa ·city Hali (~ lion leas th~ 15 m'ontfu;'atter itl aeizure Ave . IO p day it halls Costa Mf;5& cowlcllmen for of the US{) Pueblo. which also wu oo an LAGUNA~·EACB -570 Glenneyre SI.; ,..,;mmendlng a realignment . of the iSee srv PLANE, Pap I) . 5:30 p.m. Newport Freeway west of Newport Boulevard. c Offshore Airport Meeting . . The Costa Mesa Cbuncil voted S.I lo favor of the ac>caUed Red Route, a tfK>.7 mllllon allgnment !bat. Is the fartbeil w .. t ol IMle llve proposed by the.DJvf. Reserve Officer In Crash Cited Not Tonight, Next ;week oranp Q>unty· Airport "'"""lulawrl '!ri1I not -.. peat not -meet tonight to witneu a ptt><ntsUon on the ptannfng and constructloo ol off!hon! airports, a commW:ion spokesman said thla morn- ing. An earlier ·commission announcement of tonJght as the meeUng date was wrong by one week, the spokesman explained. 'Ille ..,.1on, to wlilch Newport Beach, Coota Mesa, HunUnglon Beach and Laguna Beach officlall have'·been Invited, will be held nm Tuelday, April 12, at 7 p.m. In the Boord ol Supervisors hoaring room, 515 N. Sycamore,,Santa Ana. ''We don't know wbo gave out the wrong Information," aald 1 secretary to County A viattoo Director R o b er t Bresnahan. ''There I! no airport com- m!Jalon meeting ol any kind tonight," lhe empha"wd. Next week'• pre!elltation will be made by Charles Lord and Fomst Sir, rtpreseaUng the engineering firm of Ralph M. Panons Co. They will discuss the general concept of offshore faclllUes. They will not zero ln on any specific Orange County locatloni. The Parsons company i! DOW doing wort for the state of Hawaii. Its plw for NEW YORK !AP) -.'111e atock market cJooed.Clft 1114 dowrilllo today u caution ronUmed lo bep many lnvalon on the aldelhtel. (llee ~tlolll..P-10.11); 'nle Dow 1-lndllltrlal,avmoce i,at l :•p.m. •• o111.• a1 ....... Dec:11Ms. lad"'! ...... ..,. -• - expwion of Honolulu lntmatlonal Airport incl~de a nmway to be built on a reef offshore the Hawaifan capital. Cortese Sells Rossmoor Corp. For :$30 Million Sale of the Rossmoor COtporaUon, headquartered · in Laguna llillls; to the crane eoinJJG\Y' for mdre than '!30 mWlon was ...... 1im1.11onc1af.'1>y Rosomoor Pruldenl~ Cortese. The· aale•liicludes· L<lsun· World com- munities ,IJ!d other developments In California, New Jeney and-MarYwxt. Cortese, rqu\ed to be ooe of the world's lar1est developers, la principal owner· of the Rossmoor Corporlation. He has "comtru~ted more than 25,000 residen- tial units, rqost of thenl I~ Leisure Wqrld commuplUea In t.a,1una HJl!s, Stal Beach and Walnut Cree~ ,In Calllomla and tn Ne• Jeriey. , The Seal Beach Leisure World wu sold about on year ago. . Under development In. Laguna Hills ii.a. reglonal· 1"'1PPll!r center adjoining, lbe San Diego' Fn<o.,ay. Major depaitment •tom. .. ~ teoants. . eart.-wlll• coot!nue lo dlJocl · .Iba -Corpi!attoo out.of u.; Lapna . llllls budqulrU:ra. . Crane Company Is ' • -1d -llWllfactum ol !1ll1d cobtrol ~ valris •Iii! flUl'1po; ·WlllJr' ,.,.... .quii-nl :=· · mnb1Ji1 and llMltJ!f.t'o' • c!u<ts· It !I ll>llt'f'l'Git. • ' j I ~ sion ol mghwaya. The lled'Reuta wlpeo out""""°"'"" many·ol them aparlments, !ban any ol the other rriutes. It also cuts lhro\llb fewer commercial areas. ljewport councl1men adopted t h e resoluUon of praise unanimously. It pledgeo !bat tho Coota M,.. Council decision of a month ago will receive the ''full IUJlpori" of ·Newport before the state 'Highway Commi!lion. The commission haS yet to set a date for re<:OMideraUon ol the route question. The present adopted alignment ha! been on state maps since 1944'. NewpOrt one year ago urged that hearinp be held to change the alignment. Neither Newport nor Costa Mesa want to see Newport Boulevard wiped out ·U 1 major local artertal llnltlng the two cities. '111e adopted rout> ts superimposed' over Newport Boulevard ·an the way to ·ttie coastline,· · The Red Route swings west ht • Cotta· Mesa and then cub Wt toWard SuperRir A venue,· Wiien! tt ·would connect' with the ' Pacific Coast Freeway adopted· 'aUgn· menL ' · Meet on Irvine ' . ' ' . ' P r ojeets Slated An extensive presentation or\ ruiure Irvine Co. projects will highlight 1 sunrise bull stslton Flriday1 IJ>ODIOl'ecl by, the Newport 1llrbor Cbamb!r ol Cain· merce. BID Aldrich, dir<ctor ol public rola~· l<r the""~· wfD ~·tMjno gram ollUininc projected ' gi'owlh . and . =~::r=~· BeadL Tba meelfn( will ltarl at:7:30 'a.m: al lbe.B,llboa Bot Clib. " llu~oi.•~ at. II.Ill• p.r Pol-ii«. lnui1lfllil· • . .-...U.blt tllnoich ' the cban\W lllli!ll al Ml-1111. .. F-or Misdemeanor Traffic lnwoligaton u1d toda111141 no felCit\y chirp will be broog!JI apJml a '' f<riter Newport Beach,_.,. po1lco af. fleer charged wilh hi~and.nm by • Ooota M~ 1-wman. Officer RiChard Johnson, 231 .auftend only a painful jarring in the .cakleut· Thursday on NeWport Boulevard at 11th Street, when his smf!ll car was flipped over when hit from behind. Mi!demeanor hil·and-run Is the offme which police ~are asking In a compllint , against Leonard B. Yerkes, '23, of Orange, who wa! arrested by Newport 4 Beach pallce shortly arterward. The Orange Coast College student wu ~ relieved of hia pallet reserve Utus, pen- ding outcome of the case. Orange ... I Weadaer Some sutf westerly. breezes will blow the clouds away Wednesday while the temperature inches up to 67 along Ille' OrlllP COaat. ' INSIDE TODAY ' 1 . ... ' l : DtmocrqU txpe~~ to 1'eqp !ht whirhof11d oJ lhe landllid< 10hr11 .1enators ioHo slid 'frito· offict In 1984 on LBJ'~~ c0otlidla Joet the trMth -end GOP ._,,. 1970, Pago 1. . . u ., Cast Your Vote Today-J>Oll.s ,«:>p~'.Q. f ill 8 pltl : ' • ' .,.. .. ,., . . ' . . . .. ~ . . . -... · I I 1 Ballots Aplent11 • DAll,,Y ,.tLOT st.n""""" Mrs. Judy Pitts, election judge at Kaiser School ID Cotta Mesa stacks ballots for anticipated late surge of vctlDg this evellillg ID 'orange C!>ut Junior College and Newport.Mesa Unified School D!Jtrlcts. Light voting In school board races this morning followed lackluster campalgn. (See story, page l .) ' 2.00 Try to Slwut Down Huntington Sex Clnsses By WILLIAM REED Of ... Dllt»' ,., ... lteft A noisy crowd ol more than · 200 -. ll!oot of whom obviolllly oppooed eex edocstion and family Ille clalsu In Ille Huntington Buch Uni<>I High Scbool Distrld, Monday night tried to shout dawn the Jdea ol. boldbl&" IUCh cl pres. The meettns wu bU1ed u .a ICllllon of the district's Citizen> Advisory Com· mittee. Of the more lhlll 200 persons attending -man1 of whom ahouted from the floor -only 37 were committee members. After one hour of bitter attacb on sex educaUon. Interspersed with • few statementa Jn fl.vor of the classes, the committee voted 18 to 18 on the question of. whether to recommend &eX education and family .life cl&Sses. There was one A tlanti~ Research ·~':t';i, school district 1s attempting to introdpce family life classes op a Gets Navy Order volun!ory ba>ls at the district's five cam- puses. A· faculty committee had developed the course of study and it has F P I B been approved by the Board of trustees. OJ". .atrO Oats A part of tha course calls for partlcipa· ' · · · lion by the community in review and A contract to .. j)ul.ld 10 cople.s of a refinement of the curriculwn and review revoluflooaly. II<"'. llilal Cfplble 61 lifgll of ilie teacblni ma1 ... 1a1s. opeed combat oi>eiationi . with pl Monday's meeting, Mid In the high otab!Dty In the 1"'1« ha._, awanted a ochool auditorium. wu the oecond for the Costa.~ -by tile U.S. Navy. ' =~!.u,~ ":I~~~ Float 'ccinlract nlae WU not dilcloied """"" iJ needed -"Younptera lo the ·11ititoomcement· 'i>r· 1\ 11ln11 c need to koow wbal makia a decebt famJ. :Research <;Orp •. 1333 ~ Blvd.; i branch of the sprawllog 'Susquehanhi · ly llck,. and .yOUl1(!Mrl are Kellina mar· Gorp.1 Mlsalle ~ Dlvbfon. Ced earlier and ~lier these days." · CcnstruCtlon :C!Cbe alwninmn hulled, .... !..Observing that. Mthi.s ls a 'no' crowd,'' ~foot craft..ji\liiilities at 9W Pom~ .1tie Rev. Bettmarth said be would guess St. Saola .(n.:C Will begin ifumedlatelr. ".,.;lhal abou\-1$ )Or'Ctnt ol the comply a~~ It. '~\rande Vrede, .general':-: ·wou~ fav~~ family life ~!asses 'lnd 25. manager. · · ~ · -· ~ percent wciUl~ !>e Opposed. : The utility boata.. !~l.urfi a V-shaped ~ followed a grilling by m~bers hull, .will be powered by._t~ engines and of ~'the audience who jwnpe4 QP ~fq are capable of carrying-heavy payloads.'. challCge his comments: from tbt risutts· The boat's prototype~ the ... 24-foot·long, of a iOO !of.'JUs congregation whfch sh<\W· Seablazer underwent e:ttenstve sea trails ed ~ percent in favor of.. famfly life off the Orange Coast l.ast year ~ ~ ~f.SR.1, to statements that sex eduaaUon larger model is based on that high· and family . llie education, could ai4 in perf«manee craft reducing UnWed maternities. · 'One member of the technical team was · Prlncipal Objection· from members or Injured during a higlHpeed sea trial and the crowd'seemed to be a fear that the had to be evacuated and brwgbt a.shore cla&iel "mlghi b1vo1ve teacbing of. a creed for medical treatmenL or rriotal values different from thole held Authodtles filed a report ol lhe loddenf by the ·~ or the potenilal sluden~ at the time inenUoned tho n1ture of the In eddltloi1, ooe opponent, Hany IJoCgs, mft lovoived In the quietly conducted otrew ·llrq epplaula wben be ...,lied, W-.... cru!Jes. · "all you liberall are trying to take U- Tbe doslgn combinalioa Of hfib IJIOO<! things my from U1 (rig)lfa of pareots aod oteble maneuverability lodlcate& the &ti cburcb to teach cblldren whet they 10 boats miered by the Navy would be wish). ldeal,fcr coutal pain>! duUes In Vletoam "I "'" It lo Europe. At lint no one watrn. seemed to care when they dragged the neJghbor ott In Gennany. Then they all were dragged off. We can't let these DAILY PILOT OU.NG! COAST ltUILISHING COM,.ANY Rob•rt N. W••d J1ek l. C111ltY Vitt Preslckrot Mid 0-11 Mlfllol:r 2211 w .. 1 l•l'bo• ... t .... '4 M1ln1111 A4~,..r P.O •. fn 1111, t!HJ ..__ \!• liberals do this to us." He likened sex education and family Ille cluses to alt.empt at chicken breeding with µie intent of producing cgJS. "The hen just sits there and all she has to do Js lay eggs." Oth<q Slid -they "did not WlU\I OUT children .~ to these free ..Wnkinc libe.rala.1' • Mrs. Nonna Gibbs observed that "I didn't know grownups could be so rude. No one is trying to take the reaponsibility away from parenta." She dmr a chorus of l'OlllS when she ·said, "We can't talk to our chlldren anymore when they get to thlnkhig for thelll9elwo al 15 er IS. U you run ocand and run of'fear you are lmplenllng this in the child. II $1,524 Stolen At Newpo11er Inn A bookkeeper Monday discovered a $1,5%4 tht!ft fn cash , coin and chtckl from tre ofrlces or the White Horse Inn ....U.UTant In Newport Beach. The the/I, po1ict &aid, O«UJTed ~· Sundoy night alter closing. BurilLlrS 1ppmntly hid In the rest1ur111t 1t Sfl5 N'ewport BOlllevttd, Sunday nigh!, then prit!d open an o!Elct door with a acrew driver. Thi! cub. wu In a brown clollrba1 In the -dr.,rer ol owner Georp M. Ollon, Ii, ol Newpo<t Beach. Cbed> "" fln«er1rlntl bJ oolice yield- ed on\y one print, that of a glov. mear, police &aid. . ' " ··---r • ~-------------------------------------£-~_IL__~---~<¥~-CJLWF Coleman ·~owpuier Alive "1antl Well . "' ' . PILOT LOGBOOK More about th~t alter a sJallCe 1t the performance that put laurel leaves on the mechanjcal hrOw ti: !lie. volO'<ouatlng giont -it. llOlid' ol>d tinsuDled Wlylns of votes in . the UM electlte and a performance. ttiat. )JI iem>s J>f'tlme, far outstripped ita ballol·bundling prowess in previous elections. Came the gtntral eleclion 0 r November, 1966, and the splendid performance of the pens wb1cb bad sent St John reaching for tbe phone in lhe earlier election. But there were now new troubles for the county clerk and the Wlhappy C.oleman Co. -this time the marking ink was interrupting the vote counting process. 11au ·lddod,.1oaa-... wbJch tile OO!oa!• ~ ~ t.anwl,y survived. ltl countJ• crttlca were held al bay for "!/&'• ·they conlldenily predicted, would ,~ a V"7 o/!el <ltlo1 ol the funeral service.. , , ' It's a vuy healthy ®'PIO thot you'll find In the Votus Rtgistrat!on Bmau to. day. And It Ifill' lie further revltallzed with """"" upcoming ''tramp!-" ol new, vital organs wbeo that $28,000 order ls delll'tred. I· It hu aunrlved five years d constant crlilclml both from coocemed candidates and anzJaus members pl tho. public. U It had been dumped alOPJ the way Its pro- ponents could hardly have blamed those whose pressure led to the abandonment of the equipment. Jts final seal of approval in the form of that or d • r Sor part& raiMd.. hardly a ripple of comment in the iupervbors' hearing room. Perhaps the news did spark a liU~ tUbe somewhere in that mesh of calls and wires - a brief fl.uh or joy. There are those who like to lhi9k IO ••• -w-:...~------------------------------ • • loioWcet>ce mllslon oU tile North Kortan cout. Thanks From Vietnam -Abrams Lauds Cookielift • NillCll WU nporled c:anfUlly llyllyiog all delalls of the loddeol while 8ecrelary of State WIUJam PAo!::f;ra called In A thlbl:·)'OU note bf the highest Army heroism In Vlelnam during earlier duty and three-pound cw, cushioned by pop. Soriet Ambaasaaor F. Dobrynln officer in Vietnam and a visit by ·i recent tours. corn and the entire aated CIJ10 mailed to dlscuas the situation and to ut for winner of America'• highest medal for Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley sa1d Monday he under special. rates, since the military help In looking for the plane. Japan and South Kac;u ~ were Wed for ald. wa; herolsm hJghllgbt the week for the has talked to SgL Hooper and the visit is cannot accept in for fre~ shipment. Last ~ in ,accepting l h e Harbor Area's We Care Cooklelift militia. confirmed, but the o:act day he plans to "The contribution that you and the Republican jlte:DdenUal 'nomination, Nis.· Gratitude was expres!ed by Gen. drive down for it has not been set. olher fine people of Newport Beach and olfwu hlg.bly critical of the Johnson ad· CreJPtoo W. Abrams, ciµef of the United Volunteers packing cookies on the Costa Mesa are making to our effort ia miniatratton'.• handling of the Pueblo af. States Military Assistance Command in a fourth floor of the Costa Mesa City Hall greatly appreeiated," wrole Gen. fair. -RaYil1' fl w11 time for new Jeaderahifl· wbtri nspect for the UDlted note replying to a request about the mOll have plenty or baked goods and other Abrams, v.·ho :suggested directing dona· Stites 6-Cf~decllned to the point that ••8 efficient mailing method . items to mall, their'· chief said Monday, tions to unit chaplains. fourth-nili mUU.ary power, lite Norih Sometime later in the week , U.S. Army but they need more cans. He included addresses of the chaplains Korea. wtll seize an AmericJn naval Stiff SSL Joe Hooper, recipient of one of Mrs. DarriJyn Oliver, oL 'Jl1rl Yukon for a number of front line combat out.llta. vessel .OD the bigb seu.11 --· the~nnt three Medal of Honor awards Drive, Costa Mesa, ls spearheading the 1'te North Kore.an bro 1 dc411, made by President Nixon, Is due to vWt morale-boostJ.n& drive, which )ta 1 Mrs. Oliver's own Cookiellft mall call monitored In Tokyo, II.Id the plane was Cociidillft lie8dquarlerl. snowballed to a point Involving large and h1onday included a note fro m downed 0 wtth a lingle abot .at high The San Fernando soldler and two .amall buaineases, school dilldren, service Congressman James B. Utt (R-Tustln) alUlude." There was initial speculation other Gis were decorated earlier this clubs and housewives. praising the project, but also dashing that a missile was used, but a Pentagon year 1n White House ceremonies for 'Ihe donated goodle.s .are packed in two hopes for military shipment assistance. spokesman later said the craft was to 1-'-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~..:...~~~~~..:...~~~-=~::....~~-'--'-:.;,_ miles out to 1ea when lul beard fnm. While the Communists dJd not explain the "single shot" claim, they have Soviet· built MlG21 jets carrying JO.millimeter cannon. The MIG 21s have two cannons each,· firing .shells more than an inch in diameter. One shot -or burst -from a sm,Je,plane'o~n co)lld !>&JI~ d'<!" !ht U.8. ~llllO. · . ;r," "'i • ' .. "•;-'"'~f 11 ~ * ~· . President Briefs Top Republicans .On .PJane :Loss WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon was awakened "early" and notified today of the loss of a U.S. Navy recon- naissance plane with 31· persons'"aboard "after detal11 and confirmation had been obtained," tbe White Hoose said. A spokesman said Nixon's national security adv_iser. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, informed him of the incident but did not say at what Ume. In a terse comment, the White Hou9" said, "The President will be kept in- formed of this m.attei throughout 'the day." Republican coogresslonal leaders, at a regular weekly meeting with Nixon, got a fiD·ln on the plane Incident. HOU!< GOP leader Gerald R. Ford said "several op- tions" are open to the President with respect to a U.S. response. However, Ford said no decisions would be made unUI somethlng more than "fragmentary information" b available. F.ord made the statement In reply to a question recalling criticism by Nixon of lack of Johnson admtrustraUon tta:p0?1Se to seizure of the USS Pueblo by North Korea which he called a "fourth rate power." Sen. HUJh Scott (R-Pa.), ano\her or the participants in the White House con- ference. said all indications are "the plane did oot violate (North Korea's) air space" as'clalmed by the Communists. Sen. Gordon Allott (R.COlo.), third on the GOP Senate leade"Shlp, said the reports: indicated the plane was 50 miles di the North Korean coast. '1 am ~ disturbed by this actioo," Allotl oaid. "becouoe appmntl\' the North Koruns !tit that they had -·.....,-ulprecedent with tho Pueblo tncldeol. We mull !loci ways lmmtdiately of copiq with U- a<ts of lnternallonal piracy and ... great.on." Sirhan Depicted As Hero by Arabs BEIRUT (UPI) -Posters depicting Sirhan B. Slrhan II • heroic guerrilla leader have started appearing on streets of c1pllals In the Middle East, Arab sourw said. An e1ample--outalde a lltlrut moUon picture theatre today carried a picture. of the PalestloiaJl.bor SJrt.ln 11\d the Word$, "Sirhan Bilhar1 S1rhan, a com- mando not aa 1uallln." Distribution ol the pootm bu -bandied bJ the leading Arlb guerrilla gRlllp. the Palestine Uberallon Organlia· lion (PLO), Spanish- • ' -.~·<r·J· I -:· -12,000 ... - sq. "· of Top Quality Fumlture YOUR CHOICE $ '°" llTHIR 0, THiii J GltOUl'I ew...-.1ws..r• -• -·=-: .. , , ...... TMlllUW ·~M ........ lMrl• (fNlldla IOI• t1llrlcl ONLY AT HARIOR IOULIVARD •' No MOMJ Down Fint Payment ~ ... 1969 ~~7:. ~~! ... s399 lavish group ••• i--.JI USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS • '· ---- ' ' ' ~ ---- 11' l , 1 ~ r 11 ~ J' ; I I I I I I " . I • • • .. • I . BEA ANDERSO":E.ritor ' , ..... .,. AiwM 11. "' Iii , ... u ., . ----..4.. • • ~··¥ " .;:.~~ .r,_ "'""' ..... ~ ... 1~:(· .. ' BIDDER'S BARGAI N -Bringing in another "find" for their fund· raising auction are Mrs. Jean Fussell, corporate member of New~ port Harbor Art Museum (left) and Mrs. Vlack Gothard, incoming president •of the museum's. Junior: Affiliates.· Maiiy:unil,sual salf objects have been collected for the-black-tie auction -and party Saturday, April 26. '· · ,. Museum Members Th ink Big Auction Turns Spectacular Want to ~y a thoroughbred filly yearling for racing and' breeding, a new Schock Sabot with sails, a 1969 Pontiac Firebird, a dune buggy, bicy· c1e, ar a design from the col- lection ot Georgia Bullock? Or a weekend in Mazatlan, Palm Springs or San Frao- ciseo? Or a catered gourmet dinner, an antique, season tickets to a sports event or tickets to a cocktail cruise? The Junior Affilatu ind corporate ~mbers of . the Newport Harbor Art Museum decided' their membership and guests would fip.d these bargains of interest and lhe challenge of buying them at . auction fun, and ~t about to . .TOUPd up ·• whole 'tfeUur6 chest full ot tantalizing finds to ~u. Having searched the county over far objects boih artful and unusual, the museum members will put their finds under the auction hammer SaturdJly, April 2', in ,the Balboa Pavilion to nlse funds " • '' -"')~ -·I South Coasters' Funds Flower . for Cli nic South Coasters, a c9uples group which has been or· ganized to financially supp!>rt tl)e Child Guidance Center o! Orange County, will gather in·Meoa Verde Country Club al 7 p.m. llflxt Saturday to "do their own thing" which is enjoying ,a dinner dance while raising funds. In . charge of arrangements are (left to right).Mrs. JOiin M. Rau and·Mr, and Mn. Leslie Ha¢soo who ate worklng with-Rau, Mr. ·and·Mf1. William Laing 8Dd Dr. and Mrs. Robert Moore. · Ann · Lander·s Stitl .Ha.s Fa.ith DEAR ANN ALNDERS: I'm •a middle. aged square wbo would like to know your apiJJlon on the cwnnt campus upheavals. Whal'• behind this so-called auenatlon o( a( youth? Have we botched things t0 bad· ly that everything ought to be jun~ - including our university system? rm horrified by what.. I read in t.h e newspapers and see on TV. ls there any justification £or these campus revolu· tions? Do college students have ~ right to virtually clor;e down our inslituUons ot higher lwninl? t've always been 1 champion cl, youth. but 1111' faith bu been llhaken. Pltase._ Ann Landen, e1press yourseU. You've ' ANN LANDERS been noUceably silent on a rubject of e.normous social siplficance. -BEWILDERED l DEAR BEWILDERED' Wekomo to t II e cl•b. I, tee, alwa)'I U:ve W s:ttat f1I$ • Olr yoadl. Md I stlD. ... e. 'l'My IN t.riptef &Ua WI wtrt, .... •-nltt, men. ardellate, _. tlttJ '°""' •. ,.,. tleeper-c• etbewmt .. IGdal )<lllco. I T1tc vut majority of campa1 ldd1 are dece11t, llw4Wdl:q chtieai wtte wut u. edacatlOll. Aa4 iM1 11 wbt lilake1 the ~ riollnl nprdM1stble. Tlle heD....t.en -~ wM Uve bee• ""*""" .. .,my .... -·· lllllke--~· ... -11 -...,., --......... --· la • '"' lldoly, -· loave ... for lhe art museum, during an evening affair. Admonished to "think big," the committee planned a big evenln1 to 10 'aloog with the auction. The Junior Affiliates have. planned a gourmet dinner to prw;edeJhe •1Jdi<!!l, and.""~ commissioned Pasadena florill Jilcob Mane Io decorate the tables with larp silver emdfllllru fiDed with Flemlob boqqoaU d Ul- fodlls, hil, lllllpo and .. by'. llftth1 for a spectacular set.. ting.' Af~r Uie banquet 'and auc- tion, the guuts, in blact-tle attin, will enjoy dancing to complete the unusu,1 evening. Other auction items waiting to entice bidders and buyers are weekend trips to Las Vegas. a thoroughbred horse trained for showing • n (I breeding, ticket.s for fishin& cruises, fashion designs by Bert Gei&er-Campioni, Helga, Peg Power of Laguna Beach, Nelly's of Puerto Vallarta, Elilabetb S t e w a r t and Attlnaonl, food proviaions, decorating services, landJCap- ing and furnllure. '"lbinldng big" to plan the event are the Mme!. JUcliard ILW1n$1or,-S,Barnu and Cbe11er E. Bf•byn, "°' cbalrmen; Pearcey D. E""'1ef Jr. .ind Gerald F. Madigan, aacllon party; Ward E. Jeftll, remvations; B)J 1.ovqren, , travel and vac. Uooi_;, John >., E. Buchanan, services and 'parties; Georse P. Yule, hqlase aJtd garden; Luisa Glannlili food and . ' bevera .. : Manhan Daffleld, anUciuts; Henry IC M1clr:el, oddJ and endl; William fl. Mead and Gay ·eoie, fashion and acceuorles; H ·a r v e. y Somers, boating and 1ea.r, and Miu Mart Alice Kief, publicity. The aucUon is qpen to the· pubUc by anled bide. Anyooe wishing bid f0(111a and cala- 1...,.. may·cill lbe ....... ....... COME FILL THE CUP -Responding to thl.s ~vitation have been new p&troDesses who have made $100 contributioTis to Copa de Oro Chapter, Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian Auxiliary. Hol\ling the cup of ' gold is-Mrs. A. ){. Jorgensen who will !al<• over leede~p tomorrow, while donors are (left to right) Mrs, Jack M, c;hriatensen and Miss rt 'Tonit Atone. ' ~ · '" " · ' Gold Rush Assayed, Nets 56 Patronesses One or the biggest' Hfinds" of 19ij&69 ls the virtual gold mine un- covered by Copa ~e Oro Chapter for Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian. Like miners· of more than a century ago, these undaunted womep. searched nook s, crannies: bl;lt mostly_ Harbor Area homes for claims which jumped the patroness list by 56 names, and as Mrs. George A. Cox turns the gavel over t.o :Mrs. A. V. Jorgensen tomorrow profits will assay out at $5,000 for new mE!mbership alone ·· The change' of leadership Wjll take place during a tea in the Dover Sbores home of Mrs. Rhoda Lin~r .when Copa members will be hOflOr.eci by the hospital auxiliary board, headed by Mrs. William E. Langston. - Mrs. Philip S. Doane, tea chairman, has.,1elected ·gold toned DOral arrangements -a lilting color to express tJ.i:e 11nancia! SUJlPC1r! of the "cap• of gold" chapter. . '. ! · · New members to be honored include the Misses Toni Acone and Marian Evans, and the Mmes. Robel¢ ·14~ Allan Jr., Edwin A. Barnis, Sid•,, ney D. C8rnine, Jack M. Christe111~; ,Vilan E. Couch, William J . Cc!wan,• Allan H. Crary, Harold Dike, Fred .E;lJis, Herbert Ferguson, A. C. F!tal, Rawson W. Foote j George Friedl ~r., Nonnan A. Gamble, Theodore" Cil· dred, James S. Gilstrap, Stepherl 'Gii.Set, Paul Gruber, Ernest K. Hartmab. and George A. Hooper. Others are the Mmes . J. D. ijeikes, James W. Hines, Edgar F. Hirth, Max Hurwitz, Naomi Fern Jones, .Allen Katz , H. Ralph Ladd . Dana Latham, J. Robert Lawson, Kenneth Ll9bf(, Linder, Les Littlejohn, Martin J . Lock- n·ey, Ben F. Logan, Shirley Mes~·.e; Ewart.S. Miller, Gary L. Myers, Paul ·A. Palmer, William Rabbitt a George R. Roehm. . Concluding the list are the. mes. Edward L. Royal, Mercedes Ru:;. se ll, Thomas R. R.Utter, Marlin c: Sheely. James B. Sloddard1 Fred Swen- son, Robert M. Thomas, Harold B. Wickersham, Hoi'ace S. Wilson Jr., James R. Winston , Sterling H: Wolfe, Jeannette Button, Torrence Dodds and Chari., Whitlflead. ,_ ' ' 1 f , th ·e Younger Qe ner atio n . . • 1n rl&bt· .. -~ .... _ _.itlGo .. pndlce< -..,. ctl!llder •Jut. ftai WUl'°9 dettncdtm ff jiQllel &y I r;lll: ""111 ma, -flala& ct11ep ,. ...... b and facalty memWn It Mt YIJkt·prtlelt. , tt ; l1wleu11es1 aDd mas& not be toleil.ted. I believe st.dents wlle llrtak tk law -................. TWe mut .... M1117.a.Dylq, .. 11111y-daD7- tq, 11 4111111 M lllUltlt)' pated. WH1 '""""'°·"'~-..... -.. .......... m.tMI t8dltt, ft .. --.·--'*--.. b.cilo--·--.... 1o111e1 ... t1-llywt __ , .,., ..... ---.. lean, lt taxpayers and alumni wlto ..ppori . does , more damqe to the vessel lrt these. 1cbotlt, and to th«! Ulbettltd which .Jt ia aton:I lban to lhe object f1cu.lty mtiaben and admlnistl'lton wllo on:wbldtll ii potfted. wind up at the mercy of roughnecks. Unless Wt tolr:e 1 Hrm 1ta1d agalntt these. 1n1rc~ts, many of Whom are .IOI .s.. -·" loot """""""" trtlllle-·ken, W6 wPI lff: at ad It ~e &ul.lvertfty ud Ute blrUI or fasclsm. C(>NPIDENTIAL TO Bl'l"rER HERBS AND <\SHES JN THE MOUTH: ll bis been aid thlt • man, like a tree, Is bat -after be bu been cul down. Pita.,_,,, JodlJ!l<ftl Time wW ""'1n '/f1llr •lewa aqd dlmlni!b your ancer. Remember that. hale, like acid, Toe mlJI)' couples go lrom. aatrlmoay to acrimony. Dto't let )'otlr marrttae nop btfore It lttl sWted. Send' fw Au I 11•rr1' ........ 'jMlrrtlt:e -WUt te EIJedl," S t I • ,..., ,..St It Ma ........ bi ca,e" ~ _,,.,...--. "" .. -la .... _ ....... ..,.., 1tU,addrnlednftlope, .U. •.11den ,;.> Ille .... ti W, ,.. -,_ ,.11 . -... to· lllr la an If .. IWLT PILOT, ~ • ltlf·1•1111t, ..... envelope • l , ' I I , . ·~ ··-·--- ' J 4 DAii. V 'fl.OT Ho//ywood-Fanel Ii Names to Be linked • Jomes B. Hcill.Y'Woocl of Seat Bead>, a11ls- tan city mao111er of , fouota1n Valley, will claim Glni Fanelli at ~i• bride during a June wedding in SL Matthew'• Catholic Church, Lona: Beacb. ~ Mist l"anelli, daughter of Mrs . Joseph H. Fanelli of,..fAtuna Belldl !lnd the late Mr. Fanelli, •lt•l!!led Orangt. Coast College be- fore recettfing her baChelor's and masters degrees In business admlnistl'ation at Cali· lori1la State College at Long Beach. While a~ the state college she was vke ~111t p~e trainer of Alpha Om1ci'C1D Pl aorority "" was affillated with Pl .Ol!ieP Pl, an honomy business educa- U... orpnlzatlon. . Har llance, oon of Mr. !lnd Mrs. James A. Hol\Ywoocl of Olllnlng, N.Y., ·II an alumnus of the tame college where he majored In public odmlnlstratloo. He affiliated with Sig· ma Pi fraternity and was on the varsity water polo team. -Co unty Altrusa Clubs Mark 52nd Birthday v-. from flve Orange CounlJ -clubl will .. -tlMI loternttlollll orpnllolfGI>'• !Ind an- ntverury Ill the T o w e r s rtltaurllt, Lquna B e a C b Thundll', April 17. Lquna Beach Allruw>s will host c lubw o men from An•httm, Fullerton. Newport Beach and Santa Ana coming to,ethtr for the Founders Day Dinner. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. will follow a social hour and will featu're a talk on C:UchGllavakla by Mn. W. L. Spawr of Long Beach . Mn. Spawr will relate her observations, formulated while vllltlng relatives in Cuchoelovakia during several trips, about the living con· dltlons behind the Iron Cur- tain. Completing the picture, Mrs. A. F. Whitener. vice president and program chairman of the Laguna Beach club, will tell about her trip. Courtesy Officers lead Chapter's Porty Night SlaUom will be filled by 18 courWy of!lcen -ting U chaptm when Laguna B<ocb Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star celebrates Orange County Party Night Frldoy, April IS. Mr. and Mrs. Norman auistenlen, usociate matron IDd patron, wlll host the gala Tea Brewed Corilbl<ob CUtle Chapter, llaulhter• of t1M1 British Empire Is booting the annual 1!:nctiah tea next Thursday from 1 to 3:30 p.m. In the Newport Beacla borne of Mrs. Elmer W. Scbrumpf. Proceeds wU1 aid the British Home in Sierra Madre. Pa inters Meet south Coast Federated China Painters will meet next Tbunday in the Newport Beach borne of Mrs. Donald Schoenmehl. Secretariea At 1:30 p.m. every seeood Tburtday women of Bahia Chapter of Natlonal Secretaries' A11ociation -.-mble In dlf. fa...i locations 1" attend moellno. Mrs. Baille Fleming al m4ilO may be Ulephoned for addttSonaJ infonnaUon, evening which will begin at 8 p.m. in LBIURI B' e a c h Masonic Hall. La Habra, Newporl Beach, Garden Grove, Anaheim, San- ta Ana, WhittJer, Yorba Linda, Huntington Beach, P i c o Rivera, Brea and Downey will be represented by officers. Mrs. Allen Bailey, genei-al chainnan for the function , will be assisted by the Mmes. Arnold Kohls, Charles Pan· nier, J ames Barlow and Jesse Malcolm . LB Women Exerc ising Junior Section members, South Coast Club of Laguna Beach will try out equipment in Laguna Beach Health Club, the selling for their nei:t meeting at I p.m. Thursday, April 17. fl.tr. and Mrs. Tim Adams, who have owned and operated the club ror more than a year, will give a demonstration on the usage of ei:erc lse machines. In between ei:erclses, Juniors will elect new officers after a committee , headed by Mrs. Donald Feehrer, presents the slate. ReservaUw and further in· fonnatlon may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jack Weber, 495-5541. 1lle colorful sound of Onn1e Collnty Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM Horoscope Leo : Important To Advertise .. - Ph ili p Bride • No rton Claims Church Rite About 31111 llJella oltendtt<I !be ptdeo NCllllloo In 1ltt -ol tlMI brfde'i . Plr<llti! whero Joe Moohay IDd hlf wchestra pla.ykl. WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 a test. Be 11ncere. Saf nothing you do not mean; truth fives . you confidence. Don't sign any By SYDNEY OMARR agrefment unleu tborou;ttly Pblllp Slanley NOrl4o of Cotooa del Mar cl.aimed Carolyn Grace Combo N hi& bride durlnf double ring nup- ilalJ performed by the Rev. Samuel Hall in St. Luke'• Eplscopal Church, L o n g Beach. The bride, datJihLer of Mr. ~ Mf!. Frende Willia Comb! of tong Beach, waa givtn In marrtage by ber father. She wore a long or1ani.a jown with 1pplique1 of alellCOll loce. Followtn, a Hawaiian honeymoon, the newlyweds will establish lhei.r first home In Corona del Illar. ' familiar with it. ' NEW MOON IN ARIES em· phaslr:es ..arooming of balr. SCQRPIO (Oct. ~~ov. 21): Strett up-&o-dale ityle. W• You hear of new diet. Cbect derful for parcbue ol hat i. first with physician. Avoid -. 10 wtth new toot. tremes. Key today 11 -· ARIES lllarcb tlon. C-rve alrenith· You'U ( 21-Aprll 11): need It f~ .,.,. uslpment, Y cu could find 7ounell In added dulles. SJIOl¥L Strm peraonallly, appearance. Toolpl there SAGl'lTARIUS (Nov. U. could be fiaanclat IW'Jlrlse _ Dec. 21): You can succeufully of pleuant variety. Highlight comple1' importanl project. the U""·-pt · 1-Recogn.!Uon g a I n e d fol" stinc~· ~ onemng ""' creative effcrts. CJaim credit TAURUS (April 20-May IO): where due. No time 1" be Circwnstancts are more shy. Speak up. You deserve success. favorable to ycur efforts. Ad· dltlonal light is thrown on CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. puzzling situation. Yoo are 19): Be specific. Avoid beating beneficiary. Know this and about the bush -applies proceed with confidence. especially to Ion g ·range GEMINl (May ll·Junc 20): agreements. The place where _lier fUll length manUDa wu caught 1" a 1oce hea~. and she carried o Vlctorlan basket with white blcmoms mhed with blue delphinium. White peau de sole gowns with Powder blue chlffon bodices and baskets o I multicolored spring flowers were selected for her en· tourage. The bride la a graduate or the University of Soutberq California where she wu af· fillated with Delta Gamma . Her husband, also a USC graduate, is a member of Phi Kappa Psi, Day Ca re Ava i lable Working parents or preschool child~n constantly f a c e the problem of flndin~ adequate care at reasonable cost for their children during the day. you reside commands at• Aid forthcoming from friend tention. Adj us t men t is you helped in pas:t. Be versatile. Your humor, talents necessary. Take a more • modern view. are doubly appreciated. You Mrs. Carl Chamberlain or Meridian, Mlss., wu the matron of honor, and other at- tendants were the Mmes. Michael Nott ot Long Beach, Norman Vinson, Vista and !lay Sparling, Los Angeles and Miss Jackie Prandi o f Manhattan Beach and Miss Diane Jewell of Los Angeles. A new opportunity for low-in· come families to have care for their preschoolus i s available with the Children's Community Nunery School in Orange, sponsored by the Orange County Church Se!'vice Committee. get real chance to com· AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. munlcate. The result ii profit, 18): Be receptive to 1ug· poulble acclaim. gestions. You become Involved CANCER (June 21.July 22): with neighbors, relatives. Key MRS. PHILIP 5. NORTON Accent on career potential. is to keep open mind. Some Corona d1I Mar Home The bridegroom, son of Dr. and Mn. George Stanley Norton of Santa Ana, asked h1.s brother, David Norton to be hiJ best man. Anyone intuuted la the school may write to 171 South Orange St., Orange, 92669. Cost is bu~ on the pai'ents' ability to pay and ranges from $5 per week to $20 per week, the lull cost. Welcomenewasal~nt. You around you may appear-------------------- get going in right direction. foolish. Remember, you are lmPortant person takes you not void of foibles. under wing. Check facts, PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Parade Serving as ushers were Tom Tucker, Balboa I s I a n d ; Stewart McPherson, Santa Ana; Gregg Johnson, Tustin; Bill Lawless:, Los Angeles; detaU.s. Then surge ahead. UWtie more than ~ method. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): New Means don't rely Oii put pro- moon posJtion today coincides cedures. Key i.s to modernize. with chance to en I a r g e Obtain hint from Aquarius horizons. You gain opportunity message. Be flexible -and to publish, advertise.. Your cir· heed advice ;tom young cle Is wider. Opportunity is person. of Fashions To Follow Ceremony Gary Broob, Long Beach;---------- We Cover Boating Best in West Island Hoose in Fashion greater. Important to com. IF TODAY JS \'OUR Isla nd \\'ill be the selling Jay C. Horton, L<ls Angeles; John Gay. Corona del Mar, and Chris Upham, L o s Angeles. c o r r e sponding secreLary: 1~;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:J Lamar 11u1. recordin g yftuP O'r.'~' nU SINESS n:iunlcate. BIRTHDAY your perceptive tomorrow for a fashion sho11· vmGO ((Aug. 23-Sept. 22): T qualities make you sought· Patch up family diUetences. after individual. But in ac· and installation luncheon for Accent d.ipl~macy. Don't give tuality, there are few ' persons Balboa .Harbor Alumnae of up something for ,nothing. vou can ca!l real friends Peo-Gamma Phi Beta Interna-~al.lie one who bu been Pie want to hear \\'hai you faitbtul deserves the best. One have to say --but they don 't who makes promises may be always liiten. A change is Jauahing at you. about to occur. lt will make LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): possible greater freedom ; rea· Some relatlombips are put to lize your own worth. tionat Sorority. f\.-1rs. Robert Crarnb. vice president, has arranged refreshments at 10:30 a.m. followed by the installation ceremonies. s:ccclary, and James Hanley. I \lllJ I'> 'Ill' n1 !J . treasurer. 1 Members will enjoy the Eomin~ Potenfia t fashion parade, \\'hich will be commentated by FI ore n c el U11l'.rrifed Smales, after luncheon . Mrs. Ccamb, recent delegate .., We offer to the 1969 Southern Calilornia Province convention in Los financial assistance Angeles. will present a sum- mary of the meetings. R1i1• 9•11tl1 odor!111 Chin,hill11 in your hom•. Sm1ll ;,..,,,,. mint. Comp1!1 tr1inin9 pro9r1m. Won't interf•r• wilh p1111nt o''up1fio11. SEN D THIS AD FOi Flll l l OCHUlE- Univenal Chinchilla lrHders 1120 I d Adi StrMt, h tlert••• C.llf. C.H: 1714) 170.1061•Celled:17141 1Jf.J1 61 America Saluted Club Bills Fam ily Act Taking offict will be the Mmes. KendaU Foster, presi· dent; Willlam Page, vice president, social; Rene Caron, vice president, membership; W. F. Macinnes, vice presi· dent, program; Gerald Ryles,. The Balboa Harbor Alumnae Club supports area philan- thropies and tbe a c t i v e chapter at California State CoUege at LOng Beach. Any interested alumnae may con· tact Mn. Cramb at 833-2&16. MAIL THIS AD ~ /. program of mualc is plan- ned !or the Thursday, April 17, meeting of the American~. Association of Retired Mrs. W.arjorie Tayloe and Persons, NewPort Chapter 121. her five children will entertain The Harper School chorus Woman's Club of Laguna wi ll perform a selection or Beach during .a meeting in songs depicting life in the the woman's clubhouse .at 1:45 United States, directed by p.m., Friday, April 18. Mrs. Al Wasser and ac-A harpls~ and folk singer, companied by Mrs. Terry W.rs. Tayloe will lead selec· Phillippi. tions from various countries The l p.m. program will and cent.uries in a number follow a noon luncheon in the of languages. llarbor Senior C i t i z e n s Mrs. Tayloe had her own Recreation Center. Newport radio program for six years Beach. Members and guests and has been a soloist with will bring sack lunches and many symphony orchestras. beverages will be provided by ~1rs. George Barnes will the refreshments committee, host a tea following the pro- chaired by Mrs. E s t h e r gram. Estridge. "i"w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j Lloyd E. Morri!on of Corona'~ del Mar is president of the chapter which is one of more than 500 in the United States with a total membership of 1,600,000. Anyone wishing In- formation on the chapter may call Mrs. Ruth Johnson, 846- 9849. Century Club TwenUetll c.ntury Club of Huntington Beach gathers at 7:30 p.m. the thlrd Tuesday ln Lake Park Clubhouse. WORDS ARE CLEAR WITH Miracle Ear• • Even in Church • Even in Movies • Even in Meetings • Even in Groups • Even with TV • Just EVERYWHERE WONDIDUL HIARINOll COSTS SO llTTLE COMPARED TO WHAT YOU RECEIVE Tl\ou1ond1 of peopl1 ore 11c,..tfy t.i1lrig them successfully Fifi HOMI TRIAL DIMONITRATION Tlll,HONI 547-4171 COM! IN-M.4.ll-'HONf ACT NOW Sii HOW MltACLl-IAI CAM H&P YOU .. _ ................... : ....... . .................... .. on your choice of three Touch &Sew xig·zag sewing machines bySingar including the Golden Touch a sew• . machine ... in either the ''Copenhagen" desk or the "Barcelona'' cabinet. off , .•. · pric e .--~~~~-~t--~~-::--NO_W_$_6_9~88~•~-";:-,• ~ONLY . , '" TWO SINGER'VACUUMS ,f SINGER UPRIGHT has triple !' a ction vibrator. 0.p \ cleont, oirwaahts FASHION MATE' 1i9·109 sewin9 machine by SINGER withcaae Sews bullol'lholes, buttons; do ms, mends, monograms without ottothmt11ts. F6SHION M6 TE ' sewing machine by SINGER In ''Lexington" cabinet Enioy smooth stitching on oll fobnc~. forward and revent. Stores in Early American cobinet. corpel5, n.igs. AND PQ!CH'N PA no· vocuvm Ms five gallon 1tHI confainer, 11.1ptr· powtrful auction. Us• ~---•indoors ond 011t .. ASK AIOUT OUI CllDIT Pl.AN DESIGNED TO FIT 'IOUI IUDGIT. ,_ ...,_., ef ...... _. ,_ --.41+i.,.... ,,J ,.-.. ~ ..... s1NG1:• COMMNY . (, ftftj MW /llr,....,..,.. If 11 I I NC I It ,.,,,,. •A T'ld-lt elTH! llHOIJt COMl'ANY S I NGER : I • From Fashion Island, Newport Beach . c:"' ' ..... ,,... ... -... h .... . IANfA ANA Jl'I w. "fl ''· Ill l·W4J conA M•IA arll10! 6 $vn1''8-... ,.,, MUNT1NtTOlt aaAtlt ~•lllt•' ., '"'" "'·llUI IUINA PAIUC 1111 6'I Tiit 'Mii TA .. JMI 11\lfNI "•I'll C.tMff •AllDlN ••ov1 '111 OllP!'ltft ....... o. ...... (eut"tt)' , .... «llTA M•IA 1*Htrtlff'llW Kl t-lltl Herwcentw Dll""'l!I""' '°"'"' (tll•f , .. fl H""''"'""' c .... • ' , I I I C!osia Mesa· EDITION voe. 62, NO. 90, 3 SECTIONS, '46 PAGES I \ . or ea Selaool Election Moderate Voting In Early Tally A IPOl dmcl: al irlClncts II ~ today Mnttttl • modtiDt turnout in the -AIM fir NewporHI.,. Unified (S.. ""°'9, , ... 2) lDd Orange Coul Junl<r Colltge acbool -·-By noon, from two to seven percent of registered voters bad cast ballots at poll· Ing places cootacted. Finl! voteriurnoot for the school boanf Toro Airport Study Ordered By Supervisors : DooPte i>ppolillon from • ,_iui of Soalh·Orup County residents, the ...... ty Bomd al-5uperriJon today, In a 1-Z vole, orcloncl a otudy of El Toro Marine Ccrpo Air Station for poosible joint use by lhe i!1M!tf far ao llltorlia period. ' •• 5upervl!on David L. ~er. jloberl W. llatllR aod Wllllam Hlnteln ilUPPOMI the Move after more thin two hours of testimony and spirited debate In a packed hearing room. An alternative motion by Supervisor Alton Allen that would have broadened the study lo seven possible "Tegional airport sites was killed. * * * ~ Cal Requests Boost in County '.Airport Service Jly JEROME F. COUJNS Of .... Dalfr Plllt Std Afr Califmlia today peUlioned the slate Public UUliUes Commiasion for a boost in oerviee at Orange County Arport. The locally based lioe wants to fly its Boeing 737, three-engine jets t o Sacramento. Air Cal now provides flights between the county aJKI San Francisco-Oakland. It also hu a Silt\ Jose route. The latest application to the PUC seeks a "cerUficate of public convenience and necessity" for two round-trips daily to Sacramento. One woukl be non-stop, the other .:would include a atopover in San Francisco, San Jose or at Ontario International Airport. Air Cal'• "pettUon in addition requestl route cerUl1catea for two round-trips to Sacramen!AI from Hollywood-Burbank and Ontario. Propooed fare for ~ Orange County aervtce would be PO ~l.Y. tu hr eluded.' The increased service would bike to, 30 the ~ of flilhta -15 In and 11 out -Air Cal now makes most days at the coonty facility. • An Air Cal apokuman said he eapects It to take at ieul olx moothl belon the PUC -bearinp on the ap- pticaUon. Air Caf r<C<lltly sought pennl- tnm the Civil AeronauUcl Board for -to lbe.Paclllc Nriwest dUea of -and Porl1and. !lo dot lo6 'at thal route awan1· 1a ea- pocled to« banded clomby 1be CA8..,. tD -!me In lbe fall. Air Cal la ,.. al 11 llnea aeetiDI the Padllc N- awan!J. -fll lbe olbe!-lfnet ~ to 111 out " -Southom Calllonda afrporf&. eledlom two ,..r8 .,. WU ll peroonf. Earll nturm lndlcatod II may bl somewllat blgber thla yur, but, not mucb. Pndldlom based oa urly •otlng, o( course, do not include the period ol heaviest voting, in the evening boun berore polls close at 8 p.m. To be declded are rour Newport-Mesa board seats and two seats on the Orange Coast Junior College boaid. Winners wilt serve four-year terms. By midday two months ago in Newporl- ~1esa's school bond election more than twice as many had voted. Final turnout '4'as 41.5 percent. Here is what lhe spot check at noon to- day showed : Corona del Mar Hlp..-6) voted out of l,185. c..... del Mar mp -• voted out ol UadbaP Sc:Mol H voted out of. 115. Newporl -larJ -• voted out of 1,41L Llllclllergll Sdoool -If voted out of 115, ea,. Sdoool -SJ 'Voted out of llL MortMn lldlool -A vote\! out ol IOO. M ... :V--~ 31 votod out of 1,077. B•hr Vete ft.Canu Fat s~thl·mlnur. N~N Unl/W ioid Orange t-t l o~ ltgt clt'Ction returns tonight ttlt- ph.., 645.IJ600. ·School . personMl will man the phOMI after tht polla clou at B p.m. l'irat retuTM are not' txpeckd until at least 8:30 p.m., palribly 9 p.m. Tht social hall at NiWport Harbo'I' High School ii tht plact for in.-pro- areu observation of eltction returns for both the Ntwporf..Mtw and Ortmgt Coaat districts. Planners Play Waiting G8llle, Delay Decisions Switdilng backward and forwaid oo the agenda In conslderlnC various !Wm, lbe Costa Mesa Planning Commission played the waiting game Monday by delaying ac- tion on several matters requiring study. The most potentially controversial mat· ters, a rezoning request and zone ex- ception permit application for auto agen- cy parking facilities in a residentiaJ zone \li'as held over 30 days. Ray Slansbury, owner of Poole Buick Co. Inc., asks to challJe the zone on pro- perty at 245 Cabrillo St., from single family residential to perking UR. He also asks in the zone a:ceptioo pennlt to use Jots al m and 13'1 Cabrillo St., for customer lel'Vice parting and storage o( damaged can. nie ~ at :us CabrDlo st., would be fer new car dllplly. A IQOe e:1cept.ion permit for a major ·~ projed of HO unlls at 5Z5 w. Victoria St. waa alao delayed and lbe plaimlng commlll1on let no time to bring the iropouf by May« Construdloo C.., . Downey, back onto Its ageuda. A secood apartment development zone eueptioo p er m I t asked by Newport !leach partnen I. C. Miieir and I. B. FredericU for 117 W. !lay St., WU held back for jult two weeks. A recommendaUon for citJ council ·~ proial WU aUacbed to I D:Jne acepUon permit~ by Newport lleadl _)XO football play« and dmloper Phil Spiller to. ....... Ibo old Elite Sa11111, 1111 Newport Bhd., u a J>rivate IJ!D club. One Item r<femd bock· to tbe ~ department earlier bj the dly """"'"''°" furtllor atudy, • 111-1 by l4dia v. Pens. lltlll i'l..&iua A ... , for a ...,. cbauee, WU apln JllOOllMd. lle!Jlal la lllll lbl --.uon ... Mlaa -· nquM•to "'-lncDlrlal land in ID already apottlly developed """ to aportment lllllln(. . . \ \ . '. . • • • .. . -owns· . GIRL VERSUS TAX FORMS Tonie P•t•rno T1xes ·Mind ' . ' 4 HOURS, 5 TRIES· LATER Hoaffche No. 4115 Strlkea ~ --... ----- OAILY,PILOT ....... .., Arllwr Vlnll TURNS FIERY l'l!IOTESTOR Relief Only Tempor•ry Here's a Switch: • Newport Praises Final Tax Fil-i'~r.g Deadline Tonight ~ont of lbe Fountain Valley sta~ lO'lOl M~ I OJt.; f rec.way .. ~ _ . oJll,~ l!m,~ -. .,,,~ ;llucll C!IY Aui-r 'j\lll)' '''n11.s Is it,'' said a harried off1cla1 at ~~ Jte""'9•ic«"ll~' tiioll#.IB ti!' absot~" All ~ ... ..... ,hJ\:!llM I@ ~ malt lie poolmarked bJ ~gbt tonlpt. APril 15. to escape penalties for late !llin(. La11ar_ds can take heart tn the knowledge that the Santa Ana Pos~ Of- fice, at 2201 N. Grand Ave., will be open for mallincs until midnight tonight. All tu fornfs mailed there by the witching. hour will bear today's postmark. The same holds true for the box in ~-=~~ .......... .,., ......... £ ,,..~ in rl017.I( main :..i o1ftte bnridles ~DJ, ft fm,l!~ lbeL ' . only: Bill, It la 10mewbat llnprecOdenlOC: - a COSTA MESA -1590, Adams Avt.; mollitlon from the Newport Beach City 7:15 P<m. • : . C.uncll prai>ing' lbe Colla 1 Mesa City NEWPORT BEACH · -191 River!ide eoUncll ror a freeway ~tcJaion. Ave.;. 6;30 p.m. Delivered to Costa Mesa City Hall to-HUNTINGTON BEACH -1771 Warner · Av.t.;"10.p.m. . . . , day, it halls Costa trfesa councllmel) for IA GU NA BEACH -570 Gle!11leyre St.;· recommencllng ·a reallgllment of the 6:30 p.m. _ . · · N~wport. Freeway · west of Newport ' · Boulevard. e Cookielift Gets .Thanks Tbe Coota Mesa Coun<il voted H In favdr of the IO<alled Red Roule, • ll0.7 million olJ&nmenl lbll la the farlM&I wm of ..mi. five ·pn>pooed· by the Dlvl• From Abrams, Viet Hero A lbaot-you -by lbe hlabesl Army offlcet In VletJwn and a vl!lt by a recent winner of Amei1ca's blgbest medal ror war bero1sm. highlight the week for the Harbor Aret1.'S We Care Cookielift militia. Gratitude was expressed by Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, chief of the United Slates Mll!tary .Assistance Comman<l\fn a note reply~g to a request about the most efficient malling method. Sometlme later In the week, U.S. Arm"/ Stall Sgt. Joe Hoopl:r,µtjpient ol me o( lbe first three Medal of. ,llonor awards made by Presidenl.Nb<on, la due to tlslt Cookielifl beadquarten. The San Fernaqdo IOld.itr and two oll!er Gls were decorated earlier thla year In· White House ceremon!es for Mrs. Strandberg Funeral Private A private funeral service for a 95-year- old Swedish-born Costa Mesa woman who died Sunday will he held Wednesday at Pacific View Memorial Park Ouipet; Corona del Mar. Rites for Mrs. Selma C. Strandberg. of 2925 Ellesmere Ave., are let for 10 a:m., wilh lnurnm<rl~ to follow at MalllOleum ol lhe Pacific. · ' She. la llll'Vfved ,by ·dauPl<n, Mrs. Fred•lfl:Cllml olJlll ~Aft. ado -and Mrs. CGonle FUct, of Marlpooa; -GecJp c, 8lrandbers of -·and Jlalet<lt. Slrandbor'& "of San Glill'lel; II l(rlldcllfldroa, and 11 ~ heroism In Vietnam during earlier duty tours. Mayor AlYil'I L. Pinkley sald Monday he Jiu talked to Sgt. Hooper and the visit ii CQnfirmed. but Ule exact day be plans to drive down for it has .not been set. Volu"nteers packing cook.its on; lb~ !ourth floor ·of the Costa Mesa City .Hall have plenty or baked goods and other items to mall, lhf:ir chief sald Monday, but lhey need more cw. : Mrs. D~n Oliver, of : W17 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa, la .opearbeading lbe morl~ arive, ~hich . h a 1 anowballed to a ROiftt involving large and ::: =~cbt~,:*':'1~ Tlit ,doaita11i IPOd!a .. .,packed !11.tWo •Ill·~. "'"'"~·by pop-_.·~ndi"llie' "'-in crated earsq•malled und<l"«;.;..,.i.t ,r-.stnce ,lba,mllitiry can1ior~·1n for rm· 1111 t "'111• eontii11u11on lbaf ;:"' ancl ~ olber fine ~· of Newport Beach and Costa Meu ,are makln1 to our effort ii greatly l'PPJ"'Ciate.I, '' · wrote ·G en. Abrams, who suggest~ ditecting dona; tions to unit chaplalns. . ue·included addrtaes ot the chaptains ror a number1 of'front line corhbat" oUtf.11.s:, Mrs.. q~ver'• .own .<;os>kiellft. mall qll Monday 'inclW!«I 'I 1note from. Con .· emnaii 'jaines: e.: Uti. (R·Tuslinr ~Ei:::. the .proiec1,: 1>U1 'alio.oilalhlni. i;;,p;.1« .mtDlal7 ohlpment aaaJNpce. . . ' •Ion of !Dgilwaya, , Tbe Red Route wf P., out lllOf' horn.., many of lbem aparlmelltl, jhan ~1 al th« other routea. n Ibo .cu1a •tluoagh fewer commercial areu, Newport councilm"1 adopted I be resolution of praise unanimously. It pledges that the Costa Mes.. cOuncu deciJ~ or a "1onth ago will ~Ive the "full " support" <I. Newport before the state HlghWaY Commission. The commission bu yet to set' a date for reconsideration of the route quesUon. The present adopted alignment has been on state maps aince lff4. Newport ooe year ago urged lbat hearing> be held to ch!l~ge lhe alignment. . Neither "Newport nor Costa Mesa wint to,.. Newport Boulevan! wlped 'out u a major. local artcrlal'llnkln( the two cltla. 'l11e adopted route la superfilipooed over-=c:: blevard i n 1 ~:·.•aY:1 to ~ Tile· Red llDuta ·Ain(l:weoti In '.Colla< MMandClbl~ cull eall toww&iperloi" A venue,. where it would connect 1rsith the: Pacific' Coul ·Freeway · ac!Opted •illn- meai. · . · ' · · • . ' Reade Says ·He'll . ' Stay. on. Board • ~ I • I Coata ]ofesa l'lannhfi· tommlasfon Chairman Note Reade, whose term ex· piros la 11 d1ya, ""'la'to s\IY:iJo.tbe.JOb ' for anoCber four ynn:. , .. : . nie Mice atallon ....... "1d cb>mh<r o( ~·-N)'I .In • !!\l"'W! lhe dty eaunc!Ubit he woufd•lflie.to.llo named to Wlber tonn on· the adTfoor1> ~I ' • ' .. < • ,...... 4 \ lleada •la1a ftleran·ol·mani-.J'llr1I m · Ibo J>l-mt'-.ila 1•· ..... -all rieea\lyltoilal .... Colla -• United l'und, alter which he , •• ' apo · polntod'llt ... --apla.· • • f ··-·4• -.--. ~~­... . . • 1 • • • N'~Y. ·1•a'k• -·-----. J. • -· --=-..-s' ne . ' .) --n --·~ -.;:; ' 31 Mis.s·· ·--.... ,... _w-g --. . . . On Craft;: . -. . . - Hunt Aske(li l't'ASIUNGTON (UPI) -A \J.S. 11"'7 recoonaisaanc< p1ane carr11n1 a 1 crewmen was lost today on a Ddlilon off the North ~ coul and" Ibo Com, munists boasted Ibey shot II down alter ~ violated their air space. Tbe Defense Qepuimtnl lnslaled the four...,gine, prop<!ltiMrlva ~--an EC 121 -loaded .11th .1!1 -of dtlfCata electronic equ.lprnent for tntelll&ence> galhering -stayed 00 miles-away from lhe Narth Korean shore. Tbe deparlmenl said Ibo plane .... mlaSln( In lhe 6ea of Japan. Military "°""'"" in Wahington and Tokyo indicated it was attacked. by MIG jets. President Nixon. In his nrst experience 1n the While House with such an in- temaUonal incklenl; ,was awakened early lo hear lhe repor\. · . A North Koiean radio broadca.st picked up at 10:30 p.m. PST pve·flrlt word of the lnctdenl. It sald the craft which. car· ried a crew of • ·Navy men and cee Mar!ne,wd -.at lilO ,p.m.PST Monday. Tbat would be at l :IO p.m. Korean lime. The Coromunilt broadcost did not uy , (lee ·lln' l'LANB; Pap Z)c * * * Dµ.ksen Reports 2''.M:1!;s J>Qwiied. ... $1 .. • u·;s, Spy Plan~ .. ' . ' . ' ' WASHINGTON (Ufl) -&in. E..mt M: Dirksen '(R·jll.), said lhla lftemoon the White HOuse : Informed ·~Ucan corf&ressioilaJ leaders thlt two. MIG jets .shot down the mi!slng 'Alherlcan recon- na_IJsance · plane off the North 1Korean cout. ' ' · · Dlrllaon said lbe briefing waa given by Dr. Henry A. 'Kilolnger', the l'r111dent'a national security alfaln .......... "Evidently radar ~ mull bave shown that lbe MlGt taok off about a haU·hour befcire the attack," Dlrbm Wd ntWll'{ltn. -T.be senator aald lbe downe4. pa "suppaOealy 1ol 110 cl-1!-11 •«Jllfles to. ~ Nolih Korean c0ut. If was evfdeelly ~ In an ellf~ patt<rn." He said &here .bad been ,.... or olglll such :fllahts ,made pr<Vlooisly, ''pe!hapl two a month." There wu no dlacUlllon at the White House meeting ol what the American response might be, bt Aid, "~ lbe details were so ste!cJ:sy ... Dirksen also said there wu a reference at the briefing to "twc Soviet lhips1golng to tbe scene of the alt.ack'' arid another rerertnce to "survivors sighted." tllui. he couKl add .no details, Tfle Dllnois ~tor sa.Jd it wu too ea.r- Jy to discuss what the United · States ahould. do about the attack. Negotiations, rather than military retaliation. lhoo1d be the first approach to be comidered, be oald. We~ .. ' Some sUff weslir!Y -will blow the clouds , "llY l't'edneaday while the'temi>er•ture lncMs up to 81 alOlll the Ora..., · Coast. ' -·-\ . INSIQll ,TOD.t.Y · Democ!Ju etMc!' to r••P UM! ' whirlwind,;,_ llM' Unldclidt--'~ w)IO\_illir'ml9:o!ilti !ft 1964 on LBl'I Iona eoottofll fau lhe truth -cmd GOP-fn 1970. Pcge 7. . . ' Cast Your Vote .Today ..... P.911~· Qn.e.~: ·Till ll,~~pm ' . • r A • " - c ' . BaUo~ Apfentt1 .. . .. : DAll;Y PILOT'lhlft,.... Mrs. Judy Pitts, election judge at Kaiser Scbool In Colla Meaa, lllacU ballots for anticipated late surge of ·wtinJi 111!1 eveninC In Ol'lllge Coast· Junior College .and Newport.Mesa tln!fled School Dlstricts. L!ghi ·volihg' lil school board races thla morning followed 1'"'1duster campaign. (See· story, page!.). Rossmoor Leisur~ W orM " SoM for $30 Million Sale of the Rtl5Sm00l' Corporal.ion, headquartered in Laguna Hlllla, to the Crane Company for more than $30 million was .announc~ Monday by Rossmoor PrafdeoL Ross Coriele. The aaie incbles Leisure World c:om- munitlel and olber d<V<lopmenll In Callforula, New Jenq and Maeylazid .. Atlantic Research Ge\s Navy Order For Patrol Boats Cortese, reputed to be one of the world's largest developm, Is priJldpol owner of the llolsmoor Corporalloo. He lw conslhlcted more than 11,0llO mldel> ilal unita, m..t ill them In 1.elaure World commun!tl..-11\.Lquna Hil!J, Seal ll<ach and Walnut er.a: In Calllornio and in New Jersey. . • The Seal Beach Lel!ure World wa.s .sold about on year a'°" Under denlopmeilt In Laguna Hllll ls a regional lll9pplng · ceultt adjoining the San Diego Fretway. Major department stora are planned tenanta. eorta:e Will · continue to direet the Rossmoor Corpo[alion out of the Laguna Hills headquarters. Come -Qmlpany j.s a world wide manufacturer of fluid control equipmept, ~ val~ and pumps, water trutment A ionirad to build JO cop.es ·of;• equlf"Mnlmlplmnblngandheltingpro- revoluUonary new boat capible of lllth ducts. It ls heldqusrtued In New ,York. gpeecl combat operaUons "with "glut Largest auet of the Ro 11 moor otabilltyin the wat.r bu ""'1 award<d • Corporali9o la the Leisure World retire· Coeta)l-lil')ll by the U.S. Navy. ment cmununltJ. In Laguna Hllll wh<re Final coalrac\-9alut .wu DI'! dlscloRd more thlll l,'lllO unlll have been eold. It 1n lliO-~ · li1" ;1. 11 •ii nc· · boa& a popu1111on of more 1111n u;oao. ~ Corp.,..3333 Harbor Blv!!,,. a .. lnndl Gt the sprawling SUJqudlinna 3Woot craft;J:a at tlJl P,m:nona.:! .• ~ _ - ~s~· ~ ·bulled,_;Mesa tg Begin St, Sonia Ana,. begin lnimodiat.li;:. ~ . F' S f hr :i':!!:g:i:o J!·. :;.yande Vrode, cener~'°' .[' r.ee· ·: U'e 8 e.._J The uUUty boat&. fealure. a V-shaped rt;., __ 1_ f H ,. .. hull, !rill be powenid_ by:!~ e,ig!nea anil uli:cA or omes 8N! capable of C8")'lnjt.Wvy payloads. ",' · · · • · ~ boat's protolype, ,the 24-foot-I~. llon\e l noPecUon for po le n i I a·ll y Sea~r underwent enenafve sea trails disastrous f~ hazards wfll begin soon in .a lbe Orange Coast last year and the Cosla M · !argot model is ~ qa Iha! .bJi!> "Don'te;:i:,. Fire a Ploce to s•·~ " Is perfonnaucc craft. -. ., One member of the leclmlcal team was the program's slopn -5nd watchword, IC· lnju...I dUrlng a hig!Hpeed sea trial and eonlini:.to Costa Mesa Fire Chief John had to be evacuated and brought ashor1· Marshall, .,m urges citizen particlpallon for medical treatment · In Uie :free,.,voluntary pnltlTIIn <!<signed Autllorillea liled a report of the lllck!ent to save Uva. and property. . al tho llme menUonecf the nature of the "1'9 liOj>e you will welcome lbe c:ra!I Involved In the 'quietly cooducted unll-.cl llreman wb<i rlnp, """ obake!lown cru!Sea. -bOll aomellme during. the oomlng The. destp comblnallon of high oi-t wms.'' lhe chief .1111, addln& that May and stable maneuverability tnrtlc•tn the 12 b the opening date. 10 boall onlered by lbe Novy wOuld be Chief Manhall say& that fire Joos ratts Ideal !w coutal patrol duties In Vlelnam In U.S. cornmcmllles "'lanhed well waten. enougll lo olfer 11111 oerv1ce c<Niateall; show a:towor figure than clUes wlleA It is not available. DAILY PILOT Robert N. W•td Prt11kl.m n ;wowr Jee• ... c .. ,1.., Vlu p,_fdlnt •net G41!!WM ,,,..,.. .. , . Thome• k•••il ...... c-.-.-. JJO W•1t l•y "Stn.t t.ft?i11t .AAd ... •11 P.O.~· 1160, t2626 --........ ktd!.1 m1 w.n, .. ._ ...,.._., • U1M1t liledl: m ,..,.,.. .., __ • """"""""' a.di! .. 11111 ..... • \ "A cbeCtup u!lng the eyes arid know· bow of a trained f.lrtman might uncover possible clan,.r apota unnoticed by you, the layman." the chief added, "Each d'!Y, throughout the United SLat.e:s,.J,500 dwelling fire,, occur,'' Cblef MlinhWl.-COllUDaied, ''and just remerober, there ti .... iuch thing .. • ndlloc' lire L----~:l~~ •• ,-oazara; ._ ~ •. • Few ~ would store 1uoline or other inflammable compounds nt.11' a ·sauree ot heat such as a furnace, he aakl, but.DWI)' other d1111ers may not ...., • UirUt to 'Ille untrained. "Most Gt lbl haJln!I dllcoftrod .,. taJll1 mnodl!'f, H be aald. • Ne~n, Hardy._ -. Apply for City : Treasurer Post ' Two Joncllme Costa Mesa public. .... tee fllUnl --n lhelt hals In· to the rfn1 for the lllle ol city treos..,.r, vlCalOd l>J.lbo.40llla.lalt moath of W. C. ·~'.-... ~~ mlTlfth Dlatrict Cow> IJ'~_Clah M. Ntl-. an ti.. --with olllcos al 1113 w. ltlh It., -~ the clV council to consider l>lbl • canitlldlla. Colla 11-a.amw Gt Comrusce looderllon HanlJ, a ce1lfted Jd>llc..,. coomUnl with oillcts at ISOO W. Adami Avo., has alao applied !or Illa mainly tlWlar poet. T {;ofeman Computer 'Alive'. ~ariB ·Well .... 'k ' • . ··''~i:f .. ·~ .... • •ill• .to.ti,, ......... ~-·. ~ ptw ol oounly -has .~ "" the Cloud Nine led· 1n1-dais. 'lbtr1I have been many namea I°' It ~ ll WU firlt lnslailed fO< use by COUft11 Wien bul ils offlclal name b the ~ Eltclrenlc Voto Tally 5Y1tem. '° • -• b ,, ..... tbl pumaalDl q .. .... ol tlll o,·-,,..... ... Illa •Ht'ne .. m-. :. ,._. .... -~ has altrlCted -• -•ilt>ol bulloll .. batloll in ill fl ... 1'0' !lw..y but It _,,.today to be rldln1 high .. , .. unuaoa1· ,..,,.of I count,y PoJllilarlty oacked by \ the WI' qualllied ~aement cl. ~ .Clerk WUUam SI John. T _ \ ' \ • PILOT ,LOGBOOK • II· all. -. .. -IA .._ ~ WMeli ... OllJS?E ......... Ml•IJ IRJl"llliod. Ill COU11Uoa <l'lllC!I' were belil at bay for ·w1ta~ the)' · eoofldently predicted, would bO f V$'Y J>rlel dejl.Y qi Lbe faneraJ lltl'Vtoe. ' , > • ll'I a very.bullbJ cortl&e li>ol.)'OU'D (ind in the Voton Re~allon Bureau f<>. d~y. And it will be further revUallsed with 'IOMO 'upcoming "trln!planll'' of new, vital organ. wben that tz81?" Order Is delivered. ' And the aenltb ol Ila ~...-.­.-lat. In Mardi with a action Iha~ troPk.ally. drew as Utile ' atlenllon as the widening of M .. mory Lane on t h e Jt wam':t always tbe cue. P'aci!d with '°"" s_ean:lllng Grand )ury q~ in I tariJ l9'T, the q>UDIY clerk bad to admit lha&:tt wu.tlme {ff 1 long, hard IOOk at "the 'tolmnm m.mJnery. · . Mo" about that alltr a glance at the performance that pol)autd lpves on the mechaoh:al' brow' Gt ibe volo,Countlng giant -\ts IOlld• and unaullled tfllybic of votes ht . the ltlil ellc:Uoii'"' ;and a performancli lhlt,'ln lmni Gf'tlme, for . outstripped jts ballot-bundlini prowess in previom elttUons. U baa survived five years -1' constant crjlldsm both lrom concerned~ arld anxious memi.er, Gt tbt,.Ublle. U it bad beG dwnped alq ~·way it.I, pro- ponenls could hardly have blamed lhooe whose .pres.!Urt kd to the abandonment of the equipment ·-qenda -the ontortog of $18,000 worth or parts for the oapblstlcaled equtpm<lll. '!bl uoberalded aciloo by county ,.,., committed I him to torMthlic they've never been Jl(epar~ .. l'rot1t POfe I SPY PLANE. • • ' ' Whether the plane WU downed by pound fire ... by alrcrafl IJut a . Pmtqon ljJOkeam&n uld It WU .loo far flun lbe coast to be wttbln n1111 , If , SAM (~) Q!IDIJOI, • Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dlrbeo aald on Capitol IDU afltr a While House eanference with Nlscn and othef GOP leaden that MIC. look olf flun North Korea al,12 :311 a.111-.Korean llm<. The _Coatmualll -said the plaoe 'WU attacked Hafter tnflltratlng detp lnlo lbl air apace Gt the republic." . ll IOI just that by a citizens'. group which must have come very near, in it.s verbal dJsmantlin1 of the vote-count.tr, to spelling an emphatic and ndn-electronic "finis" to Coleman'•: brainchild. Looking back at the bulky dossier or evidence and complainls they had to sill tl!rough Ws Ing that they came v<ry I what WU regarded,. in l~ adveqturoua piece of tr• penmentaUon . _, Came the genera I election o f November, 196&, and the splendid performance of the penj.,whlch had senL St John reaching for the phone in the earlier election. BuL there wen now new troubles for the COtlllty clerk and the unhappy Coleman Co. -this time the marking ink was lnterru_ptlng the vote counting proceu. , • · Catalina's KBIG Breaks Cigarette Habit on Ads . Ila final seal of approval in the form ol that-·o rd e.r-for.-partl. raised • .baidly. a ripple of comment in the supervisors1 , hearlng room. per~ps the ~ws . 4id spark a littit tube somewhere m that mesh ol coils and wire! -a brief !Jasb ot joy. There are thaSe who like to think llO ..• "I Reserve .Officer ' .. In Crash· Cited · For Misdem~or · ' 1 Traffic investigators said today th.It no A Mormon OnzrdHnrned corporation ban for 10me time and reached Its felony charge will be brought against a with 11 western radio and televiilon ata· decision over the weekend a ft e r fonner Newport Beach reserve p>Uce of. tlons, including Catallna laland'1 KBIG evaluating latest governmental tobacco-Costa --• b--"' l ...... w.... d vs-heaJth research. ficer charged with hit·and·nm by a has ·-ved to ·~ ts ....,,..... a • Mesa lawman. vel1ilenieat habit, uecuUves announced "It has been a matter cJ. deep concern Officer Richard Johnson, 23, s,!iffered Monday. to ou,r ownership," said. Arth L. Madsen, The ben on cigarette ad accounts ls ex-president of the broadcasting cor· only a painful jarring in the •ccm: pected to mean a $250,000 per year poration, in making the announcement Thursday on Newport Boulevard at 1 sacrifice by the Bonneville International Monday. Street, when his small ce was flipped Corp., or about 10 percent of tta groa an-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter· over when hit from behlM: Some mcmboro of °""""' .. pmaec1 CCl1Cel1l over the new NOrttt' Xoeran ac· lion teil ~)I montha alltr Ha oellure ol lhe US8 PUil>lo, which alao wu on an lntellfpoce tiillljotJ off the Norlll ltlnan null reVenue. ~ day Saints teaches complete abstinence ?iiisdemeanor hit-and·run is the o!f!nse cout'; -June 111 the cutoff date, when con. from use of tobacco and alcohol among which police are ulting in a complaint NllOll w~ reported carefully ~ tracts. ,,.uh~ American tobacCo,prO;. ils membership. against Leonard B. Yerkes, 2', of all detallt ~ t'9e incident while Secretary ducts ~ac:turers will no Jonaer be ac-"We1ll suffer economically1 ol course, Orange, who was arrested by Newport of State WW1am P. Rogers eaDed in cepted Irr broadcallt over an area en-and we'll have to fill ·the gap with Beach police shortly afterward. · Soviet AmbassaG!:lr Anatoly F. Dobrynin compassing five we.stem states. something ~.·• Madlen . conlinued, 'lbe Orange Coast College student •• to discuss the situation and to uk for Members of the corporation's board of uyin& prpgrama sponsored by the tobac-relieved of his police reserve status, pen-- h.ip In looting fw the plane. Japan and dire<l\n hav' betn.comidering such a en~ will CQ!>linue •. · ding outcomo ol the case. Sooth Korea alao were asked for aid. j;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'Ibe: MIG 111 bave two c:mmom-eadi, · - -·'-- firing shells more than an inch in dJameter. One abot -or bunt -from a sln1le plant'& cannon could have brouSht down the U.S. plane. Until Next Week . . °""'" Oomlty Airport cornmlaalaners will not -repeal not -meet tooljbt to . . . 'tritness ~ presenllti~ 111 tbe planntq mid constrUct.lon of olfs!Kn airports, • commtaloa spokesman 11ald this mom-. ' tng. An earlier commission annauncement of tooight u the meeting date was wrong by one week, the spoiesman ei:plained. The sessl014 to which Newport Beach, Co&ta Meaa, Huntington Beach and Lagwta Beach ornc1ih bavf: been invited, will be held next Tuesday, AprU zz. at 7 p.m. in the Board of Supervil!<ll'S bearing room, 515 N. Sycamott, Santa Ana. "We don't know who 1ave out the wrong Jnformatloa," l8kl a aecrttary to Coanlj' Avlallon Director Rob er I lmsnaban. "'lbere Is no airport COJno mlallon meeting of any kind tonight," lbe empb11lzed, Nat week11 Jn:M!Dlatlon wW be mldt by a.ari.. Loni and Forrest Six, repreaenUnc lht engineering firm of Ralpb M. Pll'!Olll Co. They WtU dlacuJa the general coocept of offshore faclllUes. They will not IOl'O In on anY specific Oranae County locations. The Parllon! company ts now doihg work for the allte ol HawaU. Its plw for aparuilon or RonoJ\J.lu Intefnationa.l Airport lnc;llide a rutnrl)' to be)ullt on a reef offshore the Hawaiian capital. It's 9th Inning FQr Ticket Sales l Spanish· ' '"1 ~· , -. ·-' •• • 12,000 , • sq. ~. of Top 911C111ty Fumiture c ..................... . ·---(Cl'VSIHlll wtwt er cw'°"' '11.11111 e Mlfdtfllt l.....t •~c.rr.T ... YOUR . CHOICE $ 'Olt llTKElt 0' THiii 2 OltOUPI ONLY Fairy l•I• bedroom •I avery woman's price ". ......... S~ Dr9..-CI , • , er "''"'"' YW ,... tt .. _.Mo ......_ -....... • lilUtsT ,...., ... .-• ..... ff .. ...,....._ ... el .. W'1 I.Al.a Nl(ID '"""' .......... Llnf • , • M .,.., VI .. ~ .. tt ... 1111 Tlllt Mii""' ............ , """"""" ll'lt. ,, ......................... ; •• ....., IQ.-. ,,_ • a rldl,.,.._. .......... 0. I~ -~ wlltl·_,k _....,_ Mf9'Hnl. Cl al:IOCI .. " ....... ,..,..__ ' ,.,. ........ itMt4lte ........ , ~ -•• = .. , ...... .........,. ........ l\lll'f -ef -............. ~ ltAfll ........... KlllllpMI ... ...... II 'AllN .... II ........... ., KAllD wM If 1 IFlwNI -"' .... fff.._, Mtl"*9 ••• • ,, ' l'fo Money Down First Payment June 1969 " our exc1uiive 6 pc. ensembl1 Cltldr ..._ Cftltlft "9911tr ,..._, ....... lllM-<1"'811 .,..,.11111 ltf• Miii lllve -·· .... f(00.l-Wr'"911 IMu llillllw A ........ _ •tnldlltl ....... ..,.... -11 .. ~. nllMI .. llt f~)I ~ cefl• , ..... A cMke ti Ml ........ ,., ---.. ~ 0.. ..,_.. .......... """"" ............. ~ ...... ,..._ """ l"LUl ~ .............. _. -.. mddl"" """' fllirtc ,... "" .,.., rlltlt'• -...... MCfl ••• -i " -It .. ~ ... -., ... -.. .-.y1 ..... Why pay up to $799 for this lavish 9rovp •• • ' s399 . ' l,1 I Suzie Leaves , for Dome Little Vietna1nese Heart Patie1it Leaves Tears Behind ' , I Orange County's most famous heart paUent left for Vietnam Monday night to the accompaniment of popping flash bulbs, televWon cameras and rapid fire newsmen'• queat.lon.s -the kind or background music that the now fully recovered Suzie bu come to accept as par for her 2-year-old course. Jt wu a scbtduled ban voyage bash at Loo Angeles lnternaUO<Uil Airport that became a tear stained parting of. the ways between litUe Nguym Thi Thanh Phuong and the Childrens Hospital staff she has come to toow and k>ve. With her at the airport v.·cre nurse Lin· da Henning, public relations director Verda Mackay and Mrs. Eugene E. Penlecoti-t of Anaheim. the wife of a Chlldrens Hospital doctor who cared for Suzie at her home following the child's release from the hospital two weeks ago. Sutie will, all being well, be back in Uie arms of her mother, Le Thi Lan at Saigon airport late today. Pan American assjgned Tta Thieu Duong, a South Viet- namese air hostess to the Boeing jet that Quarantine Set On Shellf isl1 la lpe:edlng Sude to the Asian nation's capitaL Tom b)• concern for Suz.ie and her duty towards a baby son living with his father In Saigon, Lt Thi Lan l<ft last month lot' Vietnam. But she lelt assured that Suzie wai cured and lhat all she netlded was a llttJe more time for convalexence. Ttie lithe •and lovely Vietnamese wotnan has bttn In constant tollCh with t~ surrounding Suzie slla her return to Saigon. ChUdrens Hospital doctors have pro- nounced U1e heart surgery they carried out on the ailing child to be a complete succeu. And the infection that plagued their famous patient for slJ: anxious po:st- o~ralive weeks is very much a thing of the past, they have assured Suz!e'1 laml· ly. \\1aiting at Saigon with Suzie's mother will be her Army officer falher Nauyen Kinh llrld Dr. Douglas Henning, the U.S. Navy physician who sent Suzie to the United States from the Da Nang Navy hosplti:1l at which many Vietnamese thlldren reclfte treaimes:!. I Nun&~ la his wUe. She Wiii/ 111lped I<> . leloo. care ol her celelnled pallent tltrOqhoul S!We'• Ila¥ Ill thi Oraose boapttal.. ' Suzie's ,....Uon Monday nl1ht w°' mainly that' she lloa displayed thlou*'I her many .,..... COlller!flCtl; a w¥• eytcl stare, breaking out• now and again Jnt.i Ute swttt smile that has captlv~ed ICI many of the hospital •WI anif tl1<I abseoce of whit$-has, in ihe words bf one oC Suzie's surg*11, "left a hell of a·Jot.ol long facea in our hospital." . \1 But Mr&. Mackay's warnings that~ Child might be U!>S<l by ~ publicity bore fruit Monday nl&hL s· lapsed into tear& on two occasiom_ bufj was quickly comforted by the Chll~, H06pltal delegation which bf1)UJtit Mr "'\ the airport. . Mainly, however, the little girl S«:med delighted by the role she was playing. She. happily po.sed for pictures and betd countless hands in the pre-take off press conference. S·unset Apartment Plan Ho11ie fro11i the Sea Tl1rougl1 Summer Goes to Supervisors and feet wet, fishermen lug and haul, buoy ed by knowledge that inside boat lie products of full day's work on a bountiful ocean. F ishermen and beachbound helpers struggle lo roll boat to high and dry landing near Huntington Beach Pier after long day .at sea. 'fired, muscles straining ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- A quarantine will be placed htay t The controversial plan to bu 11 d IJ1roui;h Oclober 3L on all shelllish be-apartments on U1e forme r Pacific Elec- l 11·ccn Nc11•por't Beach Pier and the tric Railway right-of-way in Sunset Beach northern boundary of Huntington Beach public parking, add seven new cross ' streets to the existing three. They would' eventually dedicate 40 percent of the pro- p~rty to the county. I Huntingto11 Asks U.S. ·Funds for 2 Laboratories Administrators of the Huntington Beach Union J\igh School District have applied for federa l funds to add stenography and language laboratories to the distrlct. Steno laboratories would be installed at Huntington Beach High School and itarlna High School, with a projected total cost of $13,634. Some $7,000 of lhis amoUnt will be sought under the Voca- tional Education Act. Westminster and Huntington Beach High School have been tabbed for the portable foreign language laboratories, which will cost an estimated $13,600. Fif· ty percent or the cost v.·ould come from funds supplied under the National Defense Education Act. if the district has its application approved. Valley Students, Parents to Talk Over Dress Code Are miniskirts too much (or loo little) for girls to ~·ear lo Fountai n Valley lligh School ~ How about beards, sideburns and long bair for the guys·~ Al 8 p.m .. Thursday, students and parents will sit down together in room 330 at Fountain Valley High School for a a;erious discussion on these issue1'. Under the leadership of Ch ris Sinclai r and Rex Fov•ler, a student Committee has spent the past few weeks sampling student opinions on dre~s code regula- tions. Now they 1vant the parents to speak up and th e roun1ain Valley PTA Executive Board will take part In Thursday's discussion as p a r l of the regular board meeting. ' l•h,. f 'orce Michael A. Horan, 24 , has join· eel Huntington Beach Police Department following gradua· t ion at top or 39th class of Orange County Peace Orficers Academy. Horan also served as president of class. State Park at Beach Boulevard, accord-comes up for a final showdown before the ing to the Orange County Health De-Boa.rd of Supervisors Wednesday. partment in Anaheim. After seven bearings dating back to Oct. 2, 1963, the county planning con1- Tiie shell fish, potentially death-missioners Jo'eb. 13 turned down the pro-- dealing, contain a !ype of plank(on, an posal of Carlton Builders of Beverly Hills GWC Buillli11g Expa11sio11 In opposing lhe rezone, Planning Di.rec- tor Forest Dickason pointed out that the' dev elopment would Increase Sunset Beach's present population of about 1,Dl by 525, almost a 50 pen:ent Increase. ocean mlcro-organl sni, that carry a to build 75 duplex apartment structures p1ralytic poison. The number of poison-on the JO acres of land extending for one ous plankton can increa~e suddenl y dur· mile between Anderson and 4th street!!. ing the sun1mer. The property is located in the hearl or 1\.1u sscls n1ay be used 011ly as fi sh bal l. the rcsidcntlal district of Sunset Beach, P1·oject Wins Boa1·d's 01( He said present water and sewerage systems were Inadequate wltbout the ad- ditional population. He also noted that the Sun.set Beach general plan, adopted by the supervisors in 1967 includes a two- Story limit on residential buildings. ' Golden \Vest College's third building increment - a $3.5 to $4 million project which will radically ell'pand and change the Huntington Beach campus -is a step nearer reality. Approval of v.·orking drawings for a ne'v technology building,.telecommuni ca· lions ttnter, gymnasium and physical educalion complex, as well as additions Original Films Library Display Original 8mm films will be on display Saturday in the tluntington Beach Library's first film feslival. A free invitation has been extended to lhe public to view the best from C<lm· pelition in the library's recent contest. The showing will be at 3:30 p.m. at the Goldenwest College Forum. Included in the showing will be "A Day with Timmy Page," a film vis.it wilh a 12 year old who lw 20 films to his credit. Two award winning films in the San Juan competition held by the Orange County School System will also be featured. Awards of rperit in the •luntington Beach compelilion wlll be made at the end of the afternoon. Teaching Interns Slated for Beach Teaching interns from C a l • S ta t e Fullerton will be manning class rooms in the Huntington Beach Union lligh School District beginning next fall. The program, funded through fed eral monies, will allow the interns, whc are working on their master's degrees, to teach at the schools at no cost to · the district. Teaching interns participating in the program will concentrate on mathematics and science. In addition to their classroom duties, they will also take classes at the Fullerton campus. Each teacher from the college will be screened by tbe school principal and the district personnel office. I Clan1s may be eaten, but only if they bel\1•een North and Sou th Pac If i c lo the 1nalh·science building, men·s and are cleaned and 11,asbed thoroughly avenues. women·s locker facilities 1vas granted before cooking and all dark nieat is n.csldenls of the community are divided last week by the college board of trus-discarded. on the issue with petitions being filed tc Sy1nptoms of the shc\Ui9h poisoning both for and against it. es. , the d onginate in nervous system, an Further c<>mplicalions have been add~d It is expected that the project v.·ill go include prickly lips, t'ongue and finger· by Huntington Beach's proposal, now in to bid in a month and construction will tips, followed by numbness, difficulty process, to annex Sunset Beach. Officials start in June. Target for completion is in walking, and poor muscle coordina· of that city have said that i( the arr fall of 1970. tlon. Death from respiratory failure can nexation is approved they wou1d C<>ndemn r .11 b d 1 result wlthin two to 12 hours after the the property and develop a public parking Some 1::0,000 square eel wi r 3 r · n1eal. and persons \\•ho experience such lot for the beaches. ed with the new project. symptoms should get to a doctor immc· Carlton Builders have requested a 11le technology building, a tv.·a.story diately. rezone from the present R4 ·(suburban facility, v.•ill house eight large laborator-"People don't understand holv such rcsid:?nlial) to PC (Planned Community). nice clean sand could affect shellfish," Jes for drafting, engineering and archi-sa id a health department official. "but The county planning department staff, The Carlton plan calls for 60 ' three·. 9lory duplexes and 15 two-story. If the developers were to go ahead under the present R4 r.oning they could build 145 dwelling units under the two- story limit. Testimony before the com- mission indicated that financing for this type of development would be difficult to achieve. Carlton proposed to spend $175,000 to $200,000 to impro\•e the water and sewer systems of the area but commissioners thought this amount would be inadequate to achieve the Lask. tectural technology. they don't realize that the sand has feeling that the developer's plans did not The telecommunications center w i 11 nothing to do with it: It's the plankton." meet Planned Community c r i 1er 1 a• RltSS La cinch No. 279 house a 350-seat lecture hall, l\VO tele· He added that signs will be posted countered with a proposed rezone to R-3--. I 1g all bn'd d · 2900 (apartments). Both plana were even- vl.slon stu"'os for use 1·n instru ctin0" Stu-n OI ges an piers. ' So 1 t Unf w Jn addition to the local quarantine, tually turned down by the commi&sloners. MOSCOW (UPI) -The v e on dents in production and to pipe educa-a quarantine against mu~els all along Carlton Bu11ders proposed, in addition today launched another of its unmanned tional programs to classrooms via closed the Ca\lfornla coast will go into elfect to the apartments, to devote a strip of Cosmos earth satellites, No. 279, the news circuit. It will also contain radio broa~.1 t~M_;a~y~l~a~n~d~l~ast;;;a~t ~le~a~st~u~n~l~iloi0c~to~b~er~3~1~. -~p~ro~pe~rt~y,i500~1~e~el~l~on~g~a~nd~OO~f;;ee~l;;w~id;;e;;IO~~·~g;;en~cy~T~a~s;;s ~re~po~rted~.~~~:o:--, cast control control rooms. I y y A H c E p I p I _ It wlll be connected lo the multi media SAYE $ $ $ -WIGS I Y YANCE PE Pl -SAYE $ $ $ -WIGS .. center in the college library by a sec-> ond-story bridge, creating a large total < media complex in the centra l part of '" lhe campus. The math-science addition, also two stories. will include a 92-station audio- tutorial laboratory, a group lecture area for 100 students, seminar spaces, equip- ment and instrument rooms. Teen Council Member Sought Applications are being accepted for a seat on the Westminster Teen Club Coun- cil from teens who are students at Foun· tain Valley, Westminster, La Quinta and Bolsa Grande high school, or resld6Jlts of Westminster. Teen Council members select club ac- tivities, establish rules and policies and select bands to play at the club's Satur· day night dances. One member of the council will also be elected as teen representative to the Westminster Receration and Parks Com· mission . AppUoations are available at the parks department, or at the dances, held each Sat.urday. at a p.m. in the C<>mmunily 1UV!ces buUding of the civic center. For additional information contact Karen Glass, 893--4511, extension 261. .. .. .. I :E " .. • ·-JG SALE 20o/o 40o/o 60o/o OFF 01~~:~:Ts ON ALL REGULAR MERCHANDISE Dl~~:~:Ts SPECIAL PURCHASE 100°/, Human Hair WIGS WIGLETS 99 CASCADES· $1499 Firt+ Com• - First Serv•dl l i m it On• Pe r Customer! Worth Much, Mu,h Mor•l WHILE THEY LAST! ALL SALES FINAL REG. 29.50 100.,,. HUMAN HAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LONG. REG. 39.50 1001. Homeowners at Sand Pit :E " .. HUMAN HAIR. LONG, THICK . BEST DEAL YETI On Own Says County Orange County wUI not be mponsible for dam.age to homes that might reaun from continued erosion or the walls or the BWTis Sand Pit, members of the Lower Levee Homeowners AsD:lation o f Anahdm have been told by Chief AMis. lant County COunael Clayt.oo Parker. There are «JO hornet north and west or the threatened sand pit area with about 7$ located directly on the pulmeter of tbe sand pit's nine pools of water. Parker Wd although the pit la In coun- ty territory tt ii on private property and oot under county jurlsd]cUon. He added, .. tht onl7 reason the county has moved to corred the continuing erosion of the waits la that It was declared a menace to Ille Md property by the Board of Supervlton." The county has spent more than $fi0,· 000 on I.he pit to date shlCt February pumping water out of the pools and dumping fill onto the aleep eroding ilop- cs. ·• Floyd M. McLelland, county build ing and safety department director, on Feb. ZS issued a citation to the pit lease, Mn. Marjorie Townsen~, and plans to issue similar citations lo owners of the prop- erty. The citations allege that "a men- ace to life and property is being ma~ talned." Parker said the county Intends to sue the pit operator aDd owners for funds spent in stabilizing the walls and pum- ping water from tbe pools. The controversial 68nd pit Is located aloog the west side of the Santa Ana River between Ball Road and South SU..l Lul Wedntsday, Mrs. Townsena filed a $19.5 million damage claim against the county, the counly waler dl!trict and the county flood control diatrict char&inl them with responslblltty for a "dangcroua situation," in the mile-tong pit. She alleges that the county's operations havt led to the danger t1nd th1U the f:mergency work has beeo negligent. -, Mini-Fall REG. 49 .50 $2999 I 00 'Y. H'm'" H1;1, Must Be Seen To Be Appreci1ted! WIG CASES .... '·'' 5.95 WlG WIG HEADS SPRAY .... J.ff 69c 1.50 WIG STYLING SPECIAL ' HERE'S WHAT YOU GET : Reg. 7.60 Wig StyBng Reg. $.00 Wig Cle1nin9 Reg. 5.00 Concll+ioning ' Reg. 5.00 Wig Trimming llf N,,,,,,,.,.1 Reg. 5.00 Alter1tion i nd fitting, if n•c••••ry 27.60 V1lu. NOW ONLT Reg. s.so W'91et Stsllllf •••• .., .. Reg. 7.50 f'.U StSll"f • • • • S ... Reg. 9.50 «:taeae Stsll"f •••• s ... II WIGS BY VANCE-PEPI E J 46 FASHION ISLAND e NEW'\°RT' IEACH LAYAWAYS • • Shop Monday & Friday Nite, P -SA ,. • I • ; ' \ • ; . ' I l ' "t (~ 1kr ... Deir Plllt lt.ftl • J -The University of California;, r.inen . troubled Berkeley· campus · Nru tile scene of a gripping-though peaceful -oquat. in Monday after· llOOll. The confrontation pitted °""fl urMr,. vice president of. Berke--· ' y's student government, against Student President Steve Woodside ~ tile Davi! campus in the Uni· versity's annual cow-milking con- test. • ~ Henri Delarue, winner of a 15- vtSi.ue walkini race in Paris, said J:ie was just doing what comes natur- ally. Delarue Is a font patrolman for tile Pam pollce. '-1 • A classified ad in this week'i edition of the Chittenang~ Bridgeport (N.Y.J Penny Saver dtscribe1 a problem a charit11· minded housewife might encoun- ter. "Notfce: lVould the party who left the pair of men's trous· ers at m.11 back door for the OES rummage sale to be held at the Grange Hall in Chittenango April 11·12 pita.Se call and e:rplain to m11 luuband." • At a wedding in Catania, Sicily, the bride wore white, the groom a dark business suit and the lions only growled. lion tamer Armando Jlegauonl and TropHo Artist Ida ''Vanda Sblatero were wed in the lion's cage -complete with lions. • ' Thi! little malt peccary (wild pig for non-zoological rtadtri) gets UM of fivt daily fttdings from. o kteptr in tht: nursery of the St. Louil Zoo. Th.t baby, ont: of two newborn pee· carita at the zoo, weigh.! lt11 tllan a .1 pound and a half. I • A group of young attorneys in· " advertenUy played host to Tulsa ~cbool teachers. The attorneys, who "' ]Ult passed the Oklahoma bar examination, were beint sworn in before the state Supreme Court. The association h&d coffee and doughnuts waiting for them outside th·e courtroom but a group of Tulsa teachers, here to protest a pro- posed. t e a c h e r retirement bill thought it was a Capitol "welcom: ing committee." They ate t b e doughnuts and drank the coffee. • Cactus Js not norm~ found in England, but P. W. C of Lowe-fi stoft has a plant which has·adjust· f ed to the customs of the .country. Croft says the cactus plant in his · living room has grown to the eight· · foot celling on a diet of hot tea. Class Disruption Tried at Harvard CAMBRIDGE, MUI. (UPl)-A 1mall l?OOP cl lltud-allempe.d lo diarupt a class at Harvard Unlveralty today to dlscuss lhe lllUel of lhe atudent strike-- now In Ila low1b day -but lelt peacefully u polico .,.,. MlmJllOllOCi. ~. students eotered Prof. sJnuel Huntington's government cl._;1 .·, n Emenoo Hall snd went lo tbe back cl the room. About IO atudenb-leu than half the nonnal number -were in attmdance as about twe>thlrds cl tbe undergrad· uata llayed away from clua. Wbeli Huntington refused to recognUe tbe pn>test.rs, they walked to the INlllt cl the room snd uked him to stop teach- 2 ·Police Die; 3 Ot·hers Hurt In Shootout CHICAGO (AP) -Two policemen were slain in a shootout with a former Marine SUJpected of planting a number of bombs in public places, one of which killed a woman a week ago in a department •tore. Firing riflell and pistols and hurling homemade bombs, Frank Kulak, 42-year· old veteran of fighting in World War It and Korea, barricaded blmseU Monday in hl:i third-floor fiat on tbe city's SooUt Side to hold oil polico ,..king to question him • The bullet-riddled bodlea of Ute policemen were found on a third·floor pordi after Kulak surrendered. Two other policemen and a civilian were wounded in the prolonged exchange of shots and several others were injured by falling debrlt from the explosions. Kulak told poliee that he wanled to show people the horror cl war. · Berore be was taken away in a patrol car, Kulak was asked why he did it. "Well, they came at me," he said. "The police, that'a who; They came after me." The siege began when three policemen went to Kula.k's door about 3 p.m. to quesUon him about several recent South Side bombings, including an expl0&lon April 7 at a store ln which a woman was killed and elght others Injured. U.S. ,Base Repels Red Wave Attack Near Cambodia SAIGON (UPI) -Communist soldiers crept into SouUt Vletnam from cam· bodlan bivouacs today and In human waves attacked a U.S. outpost whose defenders turned them back with "beehive" artillery rounds, killing 238. Report.. from the battleground 33 miles \\"est-northwest of Saigon said that 13 Gls died and three were wounded in the bat· tie ror patrol base Diamond 3. built l\fon. day 1,000 yards from the Cambodian border. · Leveling their howitzers, the 2SO Americans, outnumbered three-to-one. unleubed a barrage of the d~Uled "beehive" rounds shotgun-style Into the waves <If Comunist troops. "We knew they were coming. We had the aearchlights ready and turned them on.'' an offictr at the base said . Divebombers and helicopter CUMhlps swept in and battered the exposed guer· rilla ranks. U.S. Z5th Infantry Division soldiers pushing out from the outpost the size of a football field aft.er dawn found 198 Cont~ munist bodies around the barbed wire defense ring. tni V~elan bbtory and dbcuu the Wuet the student strike. HunUneton asked a tudent to summon police, but the stude~ J~n. At the .~ of the clua period, the atudenta: stOod ootside the building and atteml>ted to explain their actions. They later fwent to the sun-basked steps of nearb1 Widener Ll.brary ind conducted a forum on the boycott of 11tveral hundred ltudenta. A mid-morning cbeck of classes showed the desks standing empty in many cll.!llJl'OOm.S and in others only small clusters of students were in attendance. It was estimated that about one-third of tbe 4,800 undergraduates showed up for inltrucdoa. The strike, in its fourth day, was called to protea alleged police violence in clear. ing Ille ochool's administralion building of a militant oceupation force. The force took lhe building over to en- force demands that Harvard's Reserve Officers' Training Crpo program be eliminated. On Monday 29 campus newspapers across the nation said they were planning editorials trumpeting the H a r v a r d students' position or the elimination of RCJrC. * * * Stanford Sit-iI1 At Research Lah Enters 7th Day STANFORD (AP) -Antiwar student protestors and Stanford University ofn. cials continued atlt:mpts to avoid a show· down as a sit-in at the Applied Electron· ics Building went into its seventh day. Today meetings and rallies by student and faculty groupa on both sides were geared to the major question: What should happen to the famed Stanford Research Institute? But there was no at· lt:mpt to oust the intruders. A 12-member faculty-6tudent eom· miUee came up Monday with at least two possibilities arter a six-month study : sell SRI and restrict certain types of war· relaled research whether the university retains or disposes of the institute, SRI Ls owned by Stanford. but operates Independently with headquarters at nearby Menlo Park. A seven-man majority report noted that about $6.5 million or 10 percent of SRI's total work has been in chemical· biological warfare or counter-insurgency. It called for eliminating much of this research whether done by the Institute or on campus. One suggested solution would have the university make a 20-lo 2&-year loan so a renamed SRI could buy the institute. Oil TighteniI1g Bill Approved SACRAMENTO (AP) - A key Assembly commiUee has approved a bill which would make oil companies liable for all damages caused by oil spills dur· ing drllijng operations. 'The measure by As!embly Democratic leader Jeae M. Unruh of Inglewood was approved 1D'lanimously Monday by the Judiciary Comnllttee and was senl lo the lower houH noor far a vote. Unruh's bill ls one of several prompted by a massive cil slick which blllckened Santa Barbara beaches earlier this year. The leak developed at a Union Oil Co. platform on a federal lease in the Santa Barbara Channel. An oil Industry spokesman , A. J. Schult&, said the Unruh bill would make the companies liable "regardless of an act of God" and would discriminate againat the cit industry. Storms Dampen 37 States Severe Alaba1na Windstor1n Destroys Cowarts Fence Calllorada co .. tal CIMr llklw Ind ,,..."'*" 1'm- h1Nt IW IM -ti ,...,, WI* nw!llMl!tttr. ll to :tS kntla. T..S..,.• "r"'· .-"' n. YllaNm.,., ""'-"'!u"" r_,.. """"'~"'···--... "" t111111__..tw1 __ n .. .. n.. .............. twt ....... ~ TVISOAY 6lfCOlllf low •.••......•.• t:n '"'"· 0.1 StCMll """' ....••.••.•.. 1111 P.11'1. ... WIHftDAY l'lnf hllr , .............. l 1M '·"'·I ,( ""'-flltl'I •••••••••••••• 11» '·"'· -.J '"-"' ... .. •••••...... t:• '·"" •.• llealllcl hi.Pt •••••.••••.. l!•1.m. t.1 V.S. Summar11 iJ'~lll'ltlllel\ N"'9J"' ff'Olll -tit 1111"1"' """"""" .. ioc.1t-, """'1 ... •tre'I• ftll Ill " ''"" """ ,...,, Or!ly L11Ul•l1111, Arli:11'1W'-N"" Mt•IA tl'Od 1111 llOP1ll Atl9fltlc NtJgri n c:ePtCI IM *°"" -llllftlt, Tiit llM"'"' Nin. -lllM ti!""""'-"" Ktl"f'llY Ill 0.-.11 ..... AletNlrn.. M.r1o 111111 1n llldl ..... 1 llUl l1w ti rill\ ftH t i TlllCllooM .iii All'llM. 0.., .,. ......., 1rliill"f', " .. -Wlndll'Wm 1trvc:t -~ HllWll Altblrrlt;, llol11W111t .,.,. I ""-""' dl1l11U1* flolq Ill Ille '°""" ti '"'"'""-. 1.flCIUY ,....,., ff!Wrlftrt"'""'* 11W clt...i.... Ill ,,.. MUllWn\ l'lllM "'"' lllt MOlltt't' """' .... d~ Id "" lf'M '"" ........ In lllt 11..., M,._tl. 11'11 -.,.. a.111Piell HWll '"-......... •!"'""' ff0od41oiltd 1tf'tt'"" 11 "'°"' ttltn 15.0llt -'* .... """" ,. f"f'lt> \Ill• 111111' "°"*' .. tlCIPt ......... floolllnf. Tenaperatures Albl.Nlut r•ut " .. AflCtlortle 4 " A!l•ftll " .. lltkeol""kl .. Q lllW11rtk • " '"" ~ " lost an .. .. (ll!Clto " .. Clnc!nnttl ~ " Cltve-lt f\d " " D•WK " .. "" ... _ " .. """"' .. " Eurftt " " Forl Worffl " ~ ·-~ " ~ ·-~ • Hou1I011 " .. K1n111 CllY .. .. Ltt Vfttl " " L• Afltll't" " .. Mltml '"°' • n M ll-.i!IM " .. M'-lls .. .. N"" Ol1Mr. .. p """ y.,. .. .. N-111 Ptl llt " .. °"""" .. .. """"' " • ,_It .... .. .. l'tlllldtli111'119 .. • Pll09ll!• • " .,,_ .. • -.. • R...W t !IY " M ... llrilff .. .. ·-.. • """""" .. • "· lallf .. • ..... " " kit L ... City " .. ... _ .. D s.n .. ~ .. " • '-"'• .,..... " • Sfflltt p .. .... "' " • , ........ , ~ .. W1'11hwt1111 • " I •.n ·" ... ... ., •• .. .. .. "' ... .. ·" •• .. ... ---- \\ai\1 \l\\0011 t,\t\\\\ \' '·"'· \tGlll lt\\ -. - UP, UP AND AWAY/with the biggest Sporting Scene in the Newport Harbor Area, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 17, 18, 19. Come see and enjoy sporlB activity in it's entirety -something for every sport, male or female. SEE-AIL3 DAYS! <Plus Sundayl0-5 p.m.l * Golf and Tennis Demonstratwns. * Scuba Divers in Action. * Trout Catching Derby. *Fishing-Ocean and Stream. * Baseball and Arcli£ry ·Displays. * Waterskiing and Gymnastic Demonstrations. * Gun Displays-and more. FREE PRIZES -Beautiful Airline Hostesses in attendance. * Hot Air Balloon Ascension with DON PICCARD mm Center Mall all thn:e days -Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. Be a good sport - come on up and join the flm at •.• FASHION J ISLAND NEWPORT OENTEB I ' \ I ' I ,. I I I I -1! ' -- ,\ IRS Gets .'Single' Cripe·- WAs!UNGTON (tJPl}-Mfll Vivian llllema bu ~ lha'.1*1)11 --that "" Is "'I ..... ,, .. ,., her Income tu .... .., Ille IRS ~-tPJm1 11ng1e-. . In, an aid. note to Tr11WM Secretuy Dovld M. ~ which wilt Ondeor her to ..... gle pe!lClll all over 'the-COllDo :;. ti:t.l!l:"'..i.i -Ke!- • .,,,.,.. Is .. law dill -. single,. )J09ple mmt 1!11 a higher m. 111en nWrled people. Ooqreas ..... lw. nor does It da1'<. -111cb a Jaw: even thJa Supnime Court would have to declare It u-COOltttutlonal. .. . " ••• U you can tu me becauae 1 am llJici., yqu can tu me beCauae my eye1 are griy, my blir lli'1'hite..or I am 72 yean old, I have Do m"'l.,~ ·O'f:f!' those CCII> diticm dlari I hive over niJ marital etatus." "How 'many eligible, aingle · men qed n or th<l'Oaboota do you know!" the uked · Kennedy. Ml.as Kellems, ot East Had- dam, Coon., Aid in her letter to Kamedy: "Today I have mailed Fonn 1040 ci. the Internal Revenue Service, Andover, Mass • • • I have signed th.is fonn but l have not paid the tax. "Nor am I going to pey any more income taxes until you have returned to me the swn of $73,409.03, the amount of income taies, plus e per .. C9lt inlettst, illesally taken from me over the past 20 years because I bave no hus· band." 'Oldest' U.S. Heart Patient Dies Aquanauts Surface ST. JOHN, V. I. (AP) - Four aquanauts who hid been living and working under wat· er for 58 days l\ll'faced early today. "It was a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there,'' aald one. The four men were brought to the surface in a "peraonnel transfer capsule'' and then placed inalde a decompressed chamber. They were to re- main lhtrt for 1' hours. The four aquanaut!! havt been living since Feb. 15 In an underwater habitat c al 1 e d TekUte I, mapping the ocean floor nearby, conduct 1n1 1eoklglcal atudie5, lludyinl al(aa .,.WU. rates and tag-llni spiny lobsters w 11 h 1nNmlll<rl lo help track lhem. .... ~· n IC ~1 · ·-..... """''""" . ....... -..... .,.lhl-•1t1r111u• --------·--MIMATI lllTRllU'tOU.. INC.' .. __ .... T..t.N.T.1MM "-""",,... ~-tile I 111~"""" IM; ....... --Ill; ..... Iii J -------------------------------------------------------------.,.,-=- 2 Italian Floodjng Wreaks I Prisons I $5 Million Da_in~e l De~troyed· ., "'·--·-Al ,.,.._ N.o .• cood!Uom ! MILAN, Italy (t\P) -Two Minot. N.1'., Wtll cDopped In were complicated by ID ln- lhousand rebelllous convlcta t11oby Iha nmpalini Souril vulon ol rats fore<d from !were transferred ln.chalns lo-• /day from two of Northeni . River today and braced for their lowland lairs. Italy's b= prisons. Boll! new .floodwat.n 11PJ!11ni down Fargo high 8ChoOI lludellta were wr &>!Yond repair from Canada. were di.missed from cluaes ln three clfl'I pl rioting. Soma l,llOO lo I .pi!> residents lo help bobt.r the H·I k e 1 'as At Milan'• San Vtttore jail were 11\0Ved °'it Monday, flood waters covered the city'~ the last of 1,300 rami>aging j o 1n1 n I 5,000 per 1 o ns low areas. convicts raised lheir handa In fivaataled over the ,...iiend. North Dakota Gov, William surrender early today after a Flood ' waters tpd . taken L. Guy made a tblrd plea to itwo-prong assault by police eight lives in ~· lild President Nixon to declare bis who inva~ tbe prison tnra damage estimates .for five Nte a disaster area. cloud of tear ge:. More thait ltatel exceeded $5 tn1lllon. About 300 tom of· rocb and !loo policemen and about 20· Damage to Minot alone was 100 old car bodlea were prisoners were IJ\jured. eslhnaled at '3.1 million a&r -ped inlo the swlrlhJg Big More than 600 prisooiers had a 17-foot crest sent tbe Souris Sioux River, which wu' carv· surrendere<: at 'l\trin, leaving 1plllln1 Into the city of 31,000 Ing off chunks of Iha dikes al less than 400 convicts huddled populaUon. An upeded U. North Sioux City, N.D. All ol in the ruins of the prtson .loOt crelt could force even the city's 800 residents bad there. Police said they were1~m~ore~;••;•;i;cuai;;Uii;o;i;nsii;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;been;;;;;o;;;;;••;;;•~cu;;;a;;;ted~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mj surrendering aa fast as: of-1 ficers could handcuff them, load them. aboard trucks and send them to jails in Sicily and Sardinia. The holdouts wse expected lo be cleared out of the Turin prison by evening. to all WRl1'ERS in this area ~ .. Moon Men Spokesmen said only about 300 women and 1 few stet prisbners will remain In the Milan prison, which suffered an estimated $800,000 worth of damage. Officials said the damage at TUrin might exceed that figure. OnJy the women's If ,.. J,a,. a munuoript ... d1 (.., .i-t ,..o1y) for po],. licatio-. and wwld lib lo dixaa it with Ibis aec:Dtive, pl .... ielq>ho .. the nmlter ltelow, ,... of dwp. c.u between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and leaTt your um. and addreu. Y oa. will he contaeled later. Astronauts Neil Armstrong (left ) a nd Edwin sections at both prisons were "Buzz" Aldrin will probably be the fir st Americans un=~~Pnsonen continued to set foot on lunar soil, according to the Space a protest demonstration at the Center, Houston. Plans call for a 2-hour and 4().. Harassi jail in Genoa. They Telephone: I00/553·9550. This Is a free ml!. minute walk on the moon. Third member of the remained <>n a prison roof moon mission will be Col. Michael Collins. Arm~ o v e rn i gb t, warm t n g hpt. C:.~ ::~;.~~ ~-~'H'~ ;:~Y. 1I001 strong and Aldrin are shown using som e of the themselves around bonfires 1 • special tools that they will use to retrieve rocks and ~and~~h~ur~llng~ta~un~ta~a~tjgu~!"~ds~. !....!~====~:'.::'.:~~~~~~~=~ oth.er geological samples from the moon's surface. -"": British Warship Sen~ .. OnNewMini-invasion ·"l . ~;..,-. '• . ·-' TOP PRIZE El Paso Natural Gas is expanding its horizons Natural gas ls a big part of our buslne..-but II'• only one part of our buslneu. In 1968, El Paso Natural Gas company delivered a record 1.67 lrtlllon cubic feet of gas to cuotomere In 11 westem states. That's equlyalent to more than half as much energy aawas supplied last year by all lhe lnveetor· owned electric utllitl" in the Untted Statet combined. Fora copy of El P-'• 1968Annuaf.Report, wrlta: El Puo Natural 011 Company, El Puo, Ttxa 79999 ' And even ITIOl8 gu ·11 on the way. We're completing facliillH to deliver an additional 310 mllllon cubic feet per aay to Calllomla and the Southweat On top of that, we·re now taking steps to supply another 280 million cubic feel per day to these growing markel1. But that's only part of the story. We've expanded our actl'ittl" Into a wide variety of non-regulated fleldt-ln petrochemlcal1, mining, t1xtilH, synthetic fibers. agrlculturaf chemlcal" wire flbrlcallpn. plaallC9, oll and gu production, and In th• lndullrlaf UHi of nuclear explosives. In 1968, our aalH reached a new high of $821 million -with almost 36 per C9nl ot rwvenues derived from non- regulaled venturea. Eamlngs were ~ mllllon, up more than $4 million from a year Hltlor. Write us. for the etory of groundwDrll lald du~ng 1088 formo'9 growth In 11168and futu'9 ye111, EL PASO NATURAL GAs]lcoM.PANY • .~ $500,000 Of FAOUTIES FOR MEN ~ND WOMEN DAIL V I'll.OT § • . Celelaratlnt the GUND' INAUGURATION of our -... . Huntington Beach ~Ill 18585 Main at '-'11 842~1451 l I We've redvced .; for Spring •• 4 How .about yo~? ' Stop liy toC:l"Y. for you~ FREE lour of Orange County's most popular. Health Spas ·FOR LIMITED 'TIMt' Oii.Yi AnY. ~n• using their i~.f ~or · : i,\;,s1e.:chargi .;,rd "' P.\.rehas• 1heii t,!t'cilth.S\ia fitnols·program will ·-' raceivo ablOlul"i! FREE an Oddillonal r.1n .. s p;og""" for any I~ menibor !>! their famlly- •·p~o IN RJLLH SWIM & ~M •• ,BE . . MIA,LTH .SPAS CAii.OR STOP IY·TODAYFOtt A flDTout • ' ' Ill CO~TA MJ'\A " ,, ' . ' . 'l 4 Q l _ll')fl I \ OR tl.N C,f ' ' o ln l44 11 I • • 'I DAILY. PILOT EDITORIAL PA~l!; I Change ? What Change? .., lniand Orange Coullty clUes, and especially those · la the north central Hc!loa. Jaiivt been complaining about the Orange County Herbor District for a long limo. All the dissoluUon and abut would do would be to change' the· name and movi ).be are-1 harbor dlsl:lcl, tax to ·tho county's general property Ill rate. l!'mida thus diverted to the · general tax .fund mlJhf w mlgbl not be 1pent on parks 8ncl recreaUon. \ They have relwed ·to l'OCOIJllze Newport Herbor aa • i;el[!onal recreational f.ocillty for tbe benefit of Inland counly resldenla quite u muCh a• for tho10 who live In the immetjlate area. And they think having a separa,te harbor d~cl with separate ta'llng powera has been detrimen to .Inland perb development. As a ult, a ~ of clUes .,II! the county'• League of Cities h81 proposef dlsiioluUon of the district and absorption of Its funcl!ODI by an expanded County Parks Departmmt. Al tho league's reciuest, . the ~al Ageocy I<'onnatlon Comml11klll (I.AFC) will hold a hearlaf on the luue April 23. Over-all control would remain with th~ JloAnl of Supervisors. No change: The ellsllng Herbor Comin! .. slon Of five MOPle (one from each supervlaorlal ~q. Irle!) would .I\& replaced by a much ler&er Perts abd · Recreation Commission, allo responsible to the Board of Supervisors. No change, except to enlerge and pro- long tbe meellngs. If tbere is ' to be a dissoluUon of the harbor district, then Briggs' bill ,has merit -especially In mating It clear that-Newport Harbor la a regional recre'aUonal facility, to be supported regionally. In tbe meantime, Auemblyman John V. Briggs (R·Fullertou) bu In~ a bill In the Legislature on the subject. A ~~f,-liml foe of the 3$-year-old district, !'?.5.'s also lronl y douo't .believe in public parks, But as for the change i!Jell, It remains to be demo11- strated that it is anything better than pure ward-beellng politics · aimed al impressing Briggs• north county CoJ>o stituents without really changing or Improving anything. ' s tb'ey should charge 8dmlasloli. But he oays he Is merely reflecting his constltUents' wishes. He has also said that if the LAFC opposes the dissolution. and the League of CIUes gives up lu fight, he will withdraw his proposed legislation. Divorce Ref orm···Maybe A!sumlng tbe herbor district Is di5'olved, Briggs' bill bu the merit ol maiJJtelntng" the unique power granted the barb6r district as a county unit to operate within the corporale)lmlu of th.-clty of Newport Beach. 11 appean thls would 111ve 'cities Wlth •harbors under county control from being saddled with maintenance costs under the dissolution. California diVt)rce procedures have Jong been -the despair of both attorneys and litigants. At long last, relief is in sight from a system that has caused needless personal animosities and destruction of reputation, an4 has encouraged perjury by witnesses and principals. Sen. Donald L. Grunsky (ii-Watsonville) Is ·author of a bill . to Mmin,ate the ,tra!lltional ~unds of adultery and extreme mental cruelt}t and substitute a ·cow•t finding that the legitimate objects of the marriage have been destroyed. The bill bas won Senate approval On the other hand, Briggs' bill amounts to a back· handed admission that the proposed change from a aeparate herbor district-to an apanded county depart- ment bu only been a political ploy to make his Inland collllltuents feel better. (It also puts beach cities on notice that Inland cities don't want them to run Ille beaches.) If the Assembly accepts bl> contenti,on that his bill will work tow.an! reducing the dJvorce rate through marriage counseling, and will end husband·wife court- room acrimony .through ellmination of ftndings oJ. fault and other proVisions, California may well lead the way to ending the gross injustices which so characterize present divorce judgments. · Campus Mi li taats Endanger Program ROTC Is Vital to Defense 'This ls a Chance in WASlllNGTON -Top ' Penu100 of- lidals. are ·deeply cooca oed 'Abi>ut the i,_i d campus domooalrllloils and llludent umat OD procurmenl d )'OUlll olfi<ers far U.S. armed 1trvlces. smsmen hav{been c•ilinl loudly for a • A Lifetime' crl.ctdown on ln!tituUons which' tnt¢ere '""' Tbeir opeclal WO!TY Js the --ef. fectlv.enea ol raerve officer training ~ RC1l'C tJnlts, ~-colleges and aniventUa a'%'OU the nation, now supply moot d the-olficon needed each ye.r hy the military ..rnc.s. derllned hy Pentagon llaUsUcs. They ohow thal the Anny is makhi& tncr<asing denwiils on Jl01'c uiilts ·for Yoiiir of· flce!;l lo meet its urpnt needs. ' wllb ROTC and similar prograpii. In Jl'fvate buddies, however, PentagOo l1ol· flcials have been ssyln1 111<1 loch a aackdown is bard to accompliah wtUmut d~ the recruiting pro I r am 1 " In recml yqn llOTC JlfOlllllll have -.me a prime 1Jr1et for millWll .,..,..,..._ aod campus protal, lllDCh ol tt aimed at the Wll' In Vietnl!n. .,....,. to'IUCh ........, ... 1uthorillel at ...epmtip>lll collegos and unfvmillel -·act<d to cfowllgradt the sta~ ol JlOTC; RBllPBCl'ED lnltltullml such u Johm liooJdiio aod -Uolvenlty Uve .cted to wltbdraw academic credit 1or 1'8'11<1pifJon In ROTC activ!Ues. flin<itm Is ...... the lnsli~ ftl<h .. In ·tbe -of taldoi lhnl1ar ... lion. ' Defense Departmeot offldals an qulte eandf!I ' ·-the problem. .. fll recent l!enale lelllmony, Sec. of the Amr! lllanJeT R. Raor opote ol I he "aerioulnea with 'wbJdJ we must view the ..,.,....i cJllflcuiltel aod erltlclsm the ROTCprocramls~m­llDlvenfly.._. · "Clurly," the Secretary declared, "we 1111111 oot permit the qullity d the JllO' gnm to be ~ -Oil ·hr eutpol serlom'1 curtelled... . Racr'1 llalemtnt d conctm II an-- UBI' YEAll llDl'C progrllD! produced 14,D i.-ofllcen for the Anny, and the espected 4jUa lhil . yesr Is JS,400 • Non year'1 Army b!Jdget calls for pro- anment ol 17,JOO 0... offi=s through llDl'Cprograma. By cmnporiaoo, the Milllal}' Acldemy al West Point, even· with a rialllg enroll- men~ ts upecled to produce only 7lO graduating cadets lhla year. Army officer candidate ICbools are expected to com- mission 1,1GO second lieutenants. The !uture d !\OTC program•, Navy and Air Force u well u Army, ii oot the only cause [or Pentagon concern about on-campus officer procW"ement. The ~ CorJll too has had probleml wilh lts proci'llD d recrulting officer <"" dldalel at~ and unfvers!Ues. On eome. "'"'P'.llel Marine recruiting teams hive -•physically prevented from CODdlxtln& lr.beduled Interviews wUh ~ lludents. On occuloo, -ncrulliri fn~ to ..a -farcommlsstono have later been utoed tO 'lrilbdmr ln·the mldlt ol lludenl agltatlm. HOW TO CR.!.C& DOWN -Some COii• themselves. TJley concede that Pentagon funds could be withhekl .from offending educa·· tional inltltutions,...axl ROTC uni.Ls could. be withdrawn. One result of such actions', · the aperts aay, woo1d be to deprive the services· of able men and thus harm tbe recruiting__ - Moreover, 'the·~ rules for ROTC unit! have di!(ettcfmnong universlUes. A rew (including Fordham, for example) have never given any academic credit for participation in ROTC, but these unit!: have produced an annual quota of good Anny officers. CONSEQUENTLY, the uperta see lit· tie to be gained,. by taking away the ROTC units frtJn. campuses lt'here acldemlc credit has· recentl)' been withdrawn. Expetts concede that· new units, with academic credit, could be created in campll8e! where they do not now ex.Isl For a variety of reasons, however, they do not want to see ROTC dluppear (rpm. Jftlllge campuses. They lhlnll that would hurt the lmqe of ROTC programs and tend to lower the calibre of ROTCofflc:<rs. By-5.Allea aod Jtla A. Gotdsmltll Conglomerate Went Broke the DtmocraUc naUonat.convenUon, mo.rt agreed that tbe•new-found security and material wtll·be.ing were worth "tbeae • B WU on June IO, 19M -New FilCll Yeer't Eve -that Generol l!:verylhlns, tac., announced Its merger with the United Stalel (OVmllDent. 'l1'on wu, ol course, -oppol!tlon Jo 11U WI d the giant mergers. Old i losses. ,.....__. __ -' uniortunalely, In May of 1998, Iha (MhkMd Plbiota ICCUled the IOTfl1l"" thls newtal of. our subaldiaries. '' -llol "(elllnl psnlc:kJ and eel1in( Far Ibo. average clliun, life In lhe -. " And 1 om• General Enrythina: Caqkmerated states o[ America was ...,.._. polelted that lalt1ng over a a <binge for the better. n1ftmp .... cmctlll wttb ti.2 trillloo tn Lift all modem bu.sinessea, the •-waa far too rlll:J a venture. Coogkimmte•a bWlb aod welfare plans Bal ln hil hlllorlc DeclaraUon ol ...,. far superior to the old Medicare 11111:-mdlnce. General Ew:rytblac'I -a OEO programs And the retirement Pt I'll I, Grocbr Gmnmel,.polnlod out benefits ,,.... double tho.. of Social lllol ... ···-aloo had -Securlty . --~ llquld aod -• --~W- Tneodq, April lJ, 1llt "" ~ -., QI Dollr ~ -.. "''""" ad ------IAil ~ •tr• .... R& ass r • s '?' C10W1Jo Ff ....... .,- ............... 1"-...0 ,.._,. .. --., ., ~ Ojf .... nd,,, ................. ,... ., .,.,,. ..... ........ _..,at21 ........ ot~ .. R""9rt If. Weed, ......... l liCllOOL CHILDREN quickly learned the new Pledge of Allegiance to .. one COll(Jomerote, Wider llOUl1d 00..iness m.masemeat, Indivisible, with high cor· porate profits for all." Unemployment aDd poverty so on became a tblnl of Ille psst. For, as Pruident Gn:mmet aaJd, "Idle worlrtrs are a deplorable waste of manpower and rtpraeiK an increased cost factor of U pm:enl'J>Or ahlfl. Such lnelllclency will no loqa: be toleroted." The Cqlomerate built modun ~ Piro' hOOsfnc, modern company recru· llCln flidtlttet and modeni company towns for ill .. p1oya. And u •"'Y clUJ.en wu. an enploye d the Cooglomerate, all oojoyed modern compony living. ~ WA& IN VIETNAM wu ll- quldo!Od IS U,. aflfr the .......... -R1 iiaoll repor1>d that Vldnam .... at bolt, "• IDIJ'linal -l<r· r11oo1.· ,,,,, c.ot Accountin( cslculated lllol, It bolt, ti -id lile t77 yem lo-· ~le'• IMUal.., _Iii,...,_. Jn the war. So die •"91 ol The CClnllomerated stalel ol Anslca dwelt ln p<1co and plenty. And wtlllt -missed poets, Four1b ol JuJ1 psndes, hippies Ind ( Conglomerate became overutended In a Bolivian saltpeter mine, The resultant shock waves rippled through lts boldiqs. THE CONGLOMERATE'S stock plum- meted 93 points on the Conglomerate's stock exchange. President Grommet leapt from a window of the Washington Monwnent. And lhe Conglomerate States of America went bankrupt.. It was purchased for , three ctnls on the dollar by 'I1le League for Creeping Socialism. The League immediately nationallzed all private holdings, built modern govern- ment housing, recreation facilitJes and- towns, and re-imtituted government-run health, welfare and retirement piograms. Oddly enough, citiztns of the new Socialized States of America couldn't tell the d!fferenct. Dear Gloomy Gos: Wllllam Wilcoxen, Laguna llChool board mnnber and aUomey, seem. ·ed to swn up the wlloleoex educ. llon flu bat when he· Aid in your papot tho olber daf: "The trwble tn the aex education ma is that one man's truth b: IDOther man·'• pUt and a thlnf man'• Communist oloL" -R.J.B. h1' ,..._ tefltdl ,......,. .,..... .... lllC.WNf'tfy .... " flilt """'"'"'" .... WW" .......... ......, ... Oelfr ..... ' By JOI!! WING ---· l';EW YORK - A perfect •tran1er w.rote from North Carolina the olher day to malte this modeit proposal: 0 Send me a certJfied check for •100,000 and you can have complete rights ... to my column. This ls a chance in a Ufelhpe." It Isn't often that sud! a straighUorward proposition pops ui> in a letter on my desk, but I feh fairly con- fident nevertheleu in pigeonholing it. For ooe thing, the AP has nevei' authi>r!zed me to write certllled c:he<:kl for fl00,000. For another I had a feeling 'that the gentleman had overestimated the literary value of his column. ' AN EDITOR CANNOT always he lhat smug about his own declsions. He finds hlm5elf making tbetwrong ones too often. And he bas plenty of chances to go wrong because a third of the adult residents of thele United states have secret or. overt hankerinp to he newspaper columnists. 'I'hll'• my O'!fll estimate based on the fact that not a day passes but Cll'le or more hopeful COJmnnlst hundl,. up his ssmpJOI aod I hf pi them mf to Ille future desk of the AP: What an f.dltor always hopes for, of <X'.IW'le, ls a cohunn so well written, so original, so entertalnlng or ao informative 'that he doel Indeed find it lhe chance ol a llleUme. Btrr WHAT HE sees mostly are scripts b#nded ,to prove that the aspirant.a are funnier than Art Buchwald or Russell Bater, more profound than David Lawrence: or Jirnes Reston, or with more 1wtn111 lnlfaht than u'ai Boyle or Jimmy Bmlln. Doctors, dentists, lawyers Ind in- BW'aDCe uprut.s want to write colwnns about thtir speclalUes. Tbtre are homespun psychiatrists wbo are sure they can make Dear Abby Or Doctor Brothers take to cover, financ.ial experts wbo would love to give Mir}' Feeley or Sylvla Porter a run for their mone)'. Astrologers, drama critics, b o o t reviewers, coots, teachers, fasbiQn ex- perts, beauticians and hea1th faddists all want lo &el Into the act. AFTER AU.,. wouldn't you yoursell like to try your band at It? A columnist must live the life of Riley, writing two ar six pieces a week and spending the rest of his time in night club!!, or just lying around home, thinking. Thal'• what I thought until Ho! Boyle was abaent one day and I volunteered in my Ignorance to write 10me su&Utute columns for him. One lap around the course and I was winded . Three "'°"' and I had just ahoUt hid IL Finally 1 decided that I mlsht be able to turn out once a month a piece the wft editor wouict let hy U Boyle were definitely, po&IUnly unable to report for wort. The mere Jhou"1t ol 1 wrllfr Utt Boyle producing five columns a wttk for 2$ yqn hrln(! on that old ""'ict feelin( • So bow come all you people want lo write colmm!a! Shorts our Modern Dlctloaary: Juvenile Delinquency -actJnc Uh parents. • • .... -~. Need: New Kind Of ·Dictionary When they put me out to pasture, l hope to "spend &Ome of rDy dtt.Uning y~ars in wtj.Ung and compiling an "ups.ideitiown dictioriazy." ~e ls a great need for this sort of .reference work. An ordinary dictionary Is helpful ooly when you hear or read a word and want to look up Its exact meaning. But what ii you have a meaning in miJ;xl and want the word that describes It? There is. no way. on earth to look it up, except ln u. laborious roundabout fashion. · I receive letters every day from people engaged in such tortuOOs quests. A reader the .other clay wanted to know the generic, name for com Pound W1>rds ~e "hurly-burly" and "teeny-weeny", where the second ·part rhymes with and rein- forces the first. · THESE ARE C,\LLED "reduplicated'' words, and when •they change the vowel sound in the second word (like "tip-top") they are called "apoj'Jhony." A list ot them may be found in Fowler's "Modern English Usage," but the catch is that you already have to know what It is called to loot it up. Suppose, for instance, that you wanted to mention the kind of sentence that can be read the same forward or backward, like "Madam, I'm Adam" -how would you 10 about looking up "palindrome"? AN 11UPSID&DOWN dictionary'' could not be alphabeUcaJ, of co~. btlt. would be divlded Into sections hy 5Uhjed Ill"~ ter, like colors, shapes.. doctrines, forms of speech, parts of bodies, and IO CG. It would be immensely more difficalt er. ranging .than an ordinary dictionary, but equally useful, ii not more llO. Reference works , in fac,,.have not eftn begun to catch up with our knowledge-a· plosion of the last generation. Many, U nOt most, referenct work.I are outdated, cumbenome~ clumsily structured, ml of "the greatd"\J:Mf 'Only to tho9e! Wbo Jad them leasl lllSTORY BOOKS; for instance, rarely coordinate their subject-material so that the reader is aware of what Is taking placti in other parts of the world at the same thne -yet without thi4 synoptic view of history, the student ls jW1t l~ ing duU , isolated ·!acts without a framework of g]obal meaning or a true sense 'of historical time. Knowledge.input is still a lagging fac- tor in our society, for we have not devJ.s.. ed modern teclmlques for giving tht crdinary person access to many of the basic things lhe specialists already tate for granted. Scholarship may be 1 kind of priesthood, but it shollld be devoted to spreading the good word rather than hiding it from the profaoum vu.IJUJ. The Humanis ts ' Failures To Ille Editor: Spe.ilcing as one of the "erector-set" types so vigorously larilba!ted in Ch~les McCabe's column ·of March 31, here is at -least one other ,side of that issue. First, we ·do not ~Uy "like" !K:hool. It L! a problem to be solved, an obstacle to be SurtJlOunted, etc. to the great majority of. us. We do not enjoy the estra class-hour load, the long afternoom In difficult labs, and the midnight oil sessions with tough problems. MANY WHO ST ART a demanding cur· riculum such as engineering switch to liberal arli and join lhe "humanists." l kn<iW of only one student who went the other way during my undergraduate dayl. Second, we "erector-set boys" wonder how it ls lbat technological progress bu 56 far oqtstrjppe'.d, progresa in human re18Uons ii the humanists have been dolng their homework. tf the university and !M>Clety itself does become 2 giant comwter, It will be the direct result of the humanlsb' abject failure to produce vJable 10lu.Uons to modern hwnan probleml. THEIR ABSl!!NCE from Ille arena U... far has airtady JllY!11 UI a IOC!ety 11tnJc. lured by Its tscbnololl', lnst<ld ol a tedmology prOOuc:ed for the benelll of society. . Finally, without the -"!rode ldlool" ISpecll ol the unfvm!I)' aod the strolght llludeob wbo learn there how to malte the complicated .._, ol our IOclety run, not even the humaolsts would have lime to contemplate Plato. They would find lhemlelYel in a struale f0< ilh agllnlt all the oilier cavemen. J. M. VAND&RWALLE ·No PMl>llc Support To the Editor: Re: Article on March 11, 1989, "Race with Drup -Product of Era/' by Alton ..,~· ... ·~''"'""l"!'"~",r'"''"""""f'""•···,"'f,0-"""/"~"1,;; ' ~1,t·; t't-U~!~f~_:~.~ .~ ~ '. t~~=~··r ·. Letter! from reader• are welconk. NormaU11 writers ahould convey &Mir message in SOO word.I or U11. Th• right to condense letter• to ff.I ~ or eliminate libel is resen>t'd. AU Utt ers must include signature end mailinli addreu, but namtl fMf be withheld on requtst if iuffident rea- son ia apparent. Blakeslee. I lhiol: Mr. Blakeslee is doing • job that lw been long neglected. We, the- police, arJ well aware of the problems in- volved with narcotks today, but we C.. obtain no support from the 1eneral public. Mr. Blakeslet's articles are dlrectld to ' the parents, where l think, the moM nc- cess will be obtained. -Too many pattats are Ignorant of the preeent NrCOUca pro. hlems we are alt faced with ln pr-i times. The articles art an attempt to educate some of the pamn'.s; 10 pit .. keep up the good work. - sGT. R. T. ALLf!:ll Costa lll:esa Polfce Dept. Training OOJoer .---•11 "-•we --., Dear George: I don't tnow whll upllla me DIOll -the c:aostant llood d dirty -or alt the dirty movies. Whal ... I, as an ,lndlYJduol, do lboat this! Cl11ZEN Dear CiUsen: Quli readlnB dirty books and going lo dlrtJ movle1. RaYI you tried Jollinll !Write Jo George and Jura lhl volue of Sldowa)'I Thinking.) I ' I I .. Of Girls who.~Kiss . ' ' On the Firs_t })ate. .. 87 L. M. BOYD uWHEN 1 'MEAN sometblng ls correct, l Sf)'-it's 'oo tbp ~ -The dacbsbqnd la' noote.' A horse racing term. ·.ieWng more popular. Couple 'Tllht?" A.-M, sir, radio men )ein ago it ranted fourth on Started that one. ' When a that U.t oi. clop .,,glstend director wanted to '"""1 a with the • American Keruiel perlonner lbiougb tbe studio glas.s that a prograin was Club. Now it's third. The movins exactly OD schedule. beqle, whlch was thlnl, \a· he touched his forefinger to slipping, evidently. Too bad. his nooe. Fine dog, the beagle. Tbe DURABLE ~ Labrador retrlever is getting '·writes or. J~ph ~eek: ''ln more popular, too. It has the small towns of. an earlier replaced the buset hound in day when automobile "1'ecks tenth place.· were · not so commonplace, IF \'OU WANT to sff what everyl>Qdt on the street would slaves we are to habit, ,try follow the ambulance to the taklng.>;:U-cOffee cup in your doctor's of nee. J. made a rule .Jell and holding your that all the men.Should go out· doughnut In. your r i g h t . doors before they fainted, and SoutbpaWB, vice versa. , . . a11 the females bandy should WBAr nice disUnctions the put on gowns and ge! busy Word merchants make when helping me clean up the ~­ putting together their die-The femtle is much more tiooaries! For instance, the durable than the male in gory ''sneer" ls executed with the situations." mouth, the "leer" only with ONLY PRF.StnENT who the eyes ...• IT IS 'l1:IE CON-didn't use "l" in his inaugural TENTION of the dairy farmer address was T h e o d o r e · that the string milker can Roosevelt. . . . TODAY the ;queeze a cupfuJ of juice out Peruvian catches more fish · ef a lemon and the county than anybody else in the assessor can get another cup-world. . . • WERE YOU ful out of the pulp. AW ARE Otilo used to be part FORnJNE -Those old of Connecticut? Nor was I ... ~ public weighing mac b in es IN MR SHAKESPEAltE'S wherein you de~ a coin time. the. wedding · ring was to get a card with your worn on the thumb. . . . character analysis plus _your STATISTlCALLY it's the 35- . weight any of them left? As.a year-old: woman 1Who is,gmoSt _gaunt youth, I put a penny 1n· apt' to commit suicide. on,e once and the card read: LEVERAGE -When a bird "You are extraordinarily at· bend! it knees its toes lock in- tractive . to the oppo.~ite sex. to a tight grip'. So what? Well , Your weight: 924 lbs. a customer asks why a sleep- CUSTOMER SERVICE : Q. ing bird doesn't fall off its -"DOF.S your Leve .a~d War Uinb. That's why. man have any statistics on how many college girls are willing to kiss an first dates?" A. -He does indeed. Says his research indicates nawadays one girl in three apects to kiss her gentlemen friend goodnight an their first OC· ca&ion out, at least. .. Q •• - Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wht:rever pos· sible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, N<wport Beach, Calif., 92663. ·Another . Sol3l'. System . Reported by Scientist LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new neighbors or Jmow ot anyone moving to our area. please tell U1 ao' that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to become acquainted · ln their new 1urroundinp. Huntington Beach Visitor '61-4149 COiia Mesa VisHor 961-4149 So. Coast Visitor 494--0579 Harbor Visitor 494-9361 ' BRIGHT Thi DAILY PILOT m•••• lh n1w1 to¥1r191 1!91\t, tl9ht •n4 liri9ht. R11cl yovr h11t11tow11 Mitlo111 41ity •114 ••ioy th• • ·- DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -The s8id thls variation could best director of the Sp r a uJ ~ explained and-fitted inta Observatory 'at ·s.-arthmare ulsting scientific laws by con- College 11y1 he has the first ·eluding that two planets were "a 0 l l d evidence" of a _Jl~n~near;l~y~Cll'CU~-~lar:o:rb~lt~aroo:::•~d~~~~~~~~~~I planetary system outaide aur the star. own solar system. : Dr. Peter van de Kamp says the evidence consists of two '•p l a net-lite companions" prbiting Barnard's Star, about six 1;.gbt years from the earth. ut announced discovery af the first -now considered the first planet detected outside our solar system -ln 1963. 11te detection now of a second, he saJd, increases t h e posslbWty that other planets also exist in the Barnard system. · Van de Kamp said in an in- terview. at Duke University that the second planet was detected by addJtlonal observation and re-ex· aminaUon of more than 3,000 photos of Barnard'• Star taken (luring 31 years. Van de Kamp aaid he found the two planeta -invisible on e a r t h because they do not 1'lled enough light from the .star to be seen with ulsting Instnnnenta -by analyzing "wobbles" abserved in the path of Barnard's Star thrugh the skies. The wabbles couJd be due only to the gravitational in- fluences al o t b e r bt>dles travtling with the star, be said. Van de Kamp said the ex- pected pattern he plotted for the first wobble be observed turned ·out to have vari1Uons not explainable u the resuJt of just one • orbiting planet. He , LE,QAL NOTICE (' Trade all thoae billl for one eaay payment 'L' ""' I use our money! That's what Morris Plan money is for. You may borrow from $100 to $5,000, or more, for bill consolidation, taxes, medical expenses, any good reason. Paymenl1 scheduled to lit your income. You may have your money the day you apply-wllh no rel>")'ment for 45 dayo. ' .. G.RAND OPENING OF ·IVERSON'S NEW P·AD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world) .:...a genuine, honest-to·goodness. BUG-A· BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was bounCf to happen, a"d Iverson thought of it! lver'aon'i: "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, ·it houses the \tery latest in service and diagnostic equipment, and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the latest chariges in the Volkswagen line 'that is, if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG·A·BALOO, Iverson will live away a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (othtirwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do ·1a pay us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be emohg the first! At the BUG·A·BALOO, you'll see the l1te1t in Volkswagens and Porsches, within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A·BALOO refreshments aw~it those that CARE to see something different! Now's the time . ' to put a ''Bug" in your hou~! \ t1 • .. . ~LYl'llfY 7'. • ' [ ·11 •bil "11"' Nii. >i»' ·-. . .:~~ 1""1 ,,,., ''"'' "" nl J>od ""'' ""' ·--..... tOll ·JI . ,mtt · . ..,,4 "" ,.,'l! .,,.. • • . • ·1 :i;; ... ,.., oJ.a .JI • I ..i. I .;;so .... . . J~ ·111 ·llO I ·P '! 'l' ~J: .~ \ •• • : t 11r ...,, : ,. .,,(, ~"' f ~,, • 4 .,, "'' f~I 11• ,.., . ~l . ., .1- ·~"I ..... ·~ . ' .., . • l I • ' • • • • , I ' l I ' • f ' ·- • • f • I l ' i • . ,. • • • • ' • • •• I . ! . . • DAILY PILOT BW Gets Nod Divorce Revision Gains.Momentum SACRAME!i'l'O (AP) -'ll1e f0< tilt jud&t lo role that lhert t boa g b t M the 199. 1 re '• i r recon::Uable dlf- !etblalure will """' Gov. !er<nc<S" belw«n them • Req;an a sweepiJl& revilion of Uoder P.:etent law. a one- Callfomll'• divorct statutts year wfllting period la, re- hu pined .....,.i with the •I>' quired between the time the proval by .. Auembly com-partner ·accused ol fautt b mlttee o1 a major chin&<-IUVtd wilb a compliant and The Judiciary Commit1<e the time the final dlvwce • • gave the nod Moaday lo a btn ~ II grani.d. '! by Assemblymu J am .e ,-Hayes' bill cuta: the waltlq Hayes CR-Long Beach), which time to six Ql001hs 'lbe would cut in. hall th• wallloc senate . bill by llepo;bllcan ' : period required belln the Donald L. Gnmsky ol w.- QUUn -_, Ir Phill lnlwrtandf l "' i gnntin& o( • final divorce ville, would permit a fhW ~ Important !actor II divorce decree 12' da)'I after " tblt Ha,a' menrrre, Jlte one the Ir ant Ing d. an fn.. puoeil lut week by the terloculory • or prellmlnary • Smite, eliminates thl current decree. )rOVilkm iD divorce law• . Grunaky:• propoat b a 1 lt.!!:!.!:!:~=~=-=~~~=~~~~~!::::::J wblcll reqalre ~judge lo !ind drawn obi«;IJom lr<llll Lao • •-~•-three ---'•' I •-~ -·~-~ ~ ·1 a 00.band «wile at !a,,It for Angelea Comity. 'nie bill Cllll ....,...... ......-· """• --tilt DWTiage's breakup and for cqunties lo set up ...,. _____ d,_on_'t_PP __ ...,..ii ___ ,,,.. __ c1&_ya._•_· __ _ whether tbere wu miJeooduct clllation 'servicer for couples an the part ol either partner ftllng for divorce. Ila¥.,' bill des;,ned m ~ Jla¥es' bill does nol lni:llJcie lo ..., 11111 ~ fli!>b .... such • provision. He. Aid ii which marriage partner i. 1o ha5 been ..timated th a t biJD far the brlllup calls Gnmlky'1 propooal <OU!d coot • the-... _ u •11 Ex-Presidio Com mander Testifies j" FORT ORD (UPI) -'!'be l former commander ol the • San Francisco Praldio Stock- : . Ide said Monday lte Clllllid- • · end Ullni a fire -lo m1111oo for the conclllallon aervica. "It . b qustiooable that enough qualified prolalloaeJ pemmel with esperlence In COW>lellng in the --al . sci-... be found lo lllaff tbe family court system," aa1d Hayes. Sears Sued On ''Racis m' Oil Supplies Critical? SF State: Back t o Norm-al SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -"-·•-•--"'·""'·-that lttU ·"··t ·-•~ saa ---~~ -.....-. • ~ ers --· .... a command 'pool -,, . Franclsco Stale Colle&• lpllructloa ii not Solnl "' ., divldual teaclten." pollct d1lrlnl the -troul!I' bu rtlumed to noouaeraency norm.uy, lo whJcb dlaaffect.ed Hayakawa warned t bat ed pedoda wu vaca& • status wllb IW'Cdy a ripple ' llu-or fl<Ulty, ara not .. _ of apeech does not Ilayabwa said about JO per- on e&mJlLll. eooduellng courses in an ac-mean freedom to incite riol".......ctot of 500 student rule-In-For~ tint time llnce Jan. :fJ_8ble mrmal manner.'' he and sa.ld be would nOt. hesJtate fraction cases have been I, ~ l'mldelll S. I. Hayakawa nplalaed that [n. ~request police help if need-::V'J:~' .i:~ ~ Hayakawa proclaimed Mon-ltead d a tormal ttrike, There were no unlformed ol-S"""""clona and ~lllons day. outdoor ra"'-"' ••-dlJsldoa•-"may~•-'••·· In n Mond -~ ~ we .. ~ --.. cers on campus , ay and probably would be J ved. campuscommoaul'lalbutl~-----''---..C.:.=-:._==:.::...:::..:::::!C::.::::!::::'.,:'.::.....!'.::· ::::c..:::::.::.:~:::~- tbue wei-e no immediate re-- quesla for pennitl . "Jt w a s qulet," said a col- lege spokesman, uand it ap- pean our students art intent on their wort." · Jn racindlng mer,.acy regulaUons -Initialed lo ltelp cope with the 41h-mantb rtu- dent strike which ended in March -Hayakawa indicated a silent underground proteat continues. "There are rePorts coming to me from a variety of I A.HA•( CENTE~ (146-3419 • M,._S- w:i .. , .... .... _ --Mw+' •• -"" M- .TOP PRIZE -Mc6...., -Y•H-......... -~ .... I I -_llnU•r•clemomlra&abf • I --Anny Jl'180D!'I, : -later ...... diili'gecl ,.1t1t mutiny4 .. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -QUICK ' Sean, 11oebuct" eo .. and it. C.M ., •••••" .. 1 ... 1 Dr. Amin llananl, UCLA ~. of HI.._ sublldilry, Allstate Insurance ._..._ 11:114 y111t ...,.ct W l ••-r . J I Clpt, Rd>erl S. Lamo¢, _....,.._,,t ... -'ai' tfle OOIJ't.manw of H of the defeoduts. E!pt alroody have been coavtded aad ......... lo lmnl 1'1111· eo., ""'' charged wtth racial ·-'"h"''" h•m•'-°',: .1t -k ""'" "· 1 "'"' "'Att-'... . 1912 HARBOR BLVD·. (at 19th I COSTA MESA and ethnic discrimlna&n in H .... tM DAILY PILOT. • ...... , lnlnp & LMn, I.Int• A--17th a Newport Fwy. illlunmce sales m. 1100,oooi ~;;:::::::::::::::!!:::==·~·F~R~O:M~Z~O~R~O~AS~T~E~R=T~O~B~A~HA~·~u~'L!L~A~H~-~~~~·~111111111111111111111111111111111111~";·;·~ .. ;··;"~7~7 111111111111111111111111111~ .... ;:;~'~~;1~-;.;""~'~;·~; ... ;·~·;4~111111111111111111111111111111111111~ c1amqe lllit filed Monday mf U.S. district emirt·. • 7f l • l ~ • J ' j I i J I • : I • • I • • i ! i • I l ' f ~ I i • ' • • ! • ~ • • I • ! • ' • r • I ! • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • -- - I i.,f!an nine lllGtlthllo JI 1flll'I, three have MCQed, and """ Cilhm .... underio-fllC medlool U.0-. , ...... ialif lie -·! ... the lire -duriog the sit-dan ...... ation last Oct. H w•• the fire truck op-.,_ llid !I waa. agalmt ..-"'· .... the fire .._. "apimt .., person- ..... 'Ille caplaln Aid lte ---....... -padlncu1MW 'Ila -... -why he dl4 not -with the -. .... lal lo • circle alltPC ...--and .... fUsed lo -lo wart de-talli ....... 'l.'be Califcnla R u r 1 I A-League filed the action oa behaU of Flllllino Edralin, • Filipino-American, ond lfJCbolu Gomal .... --lean-~ AIJatate Wll accuaed ol of. ferill( an attraclin boom ond lower pmnium ntes ond other favonble c:oodlllGlll lo wblte lmurance applkantl but cleny!og them lo applJcantl fmn ~ groups. LA Officer Shoots Teen "The sltUldon 'W' I I not AN -.,.Vie ll"' did tt lend LOS GEi.ES (UPI) -A -lo """""""" Lamool Loo All&'!es polictmen fatally npllod. · llhot a ~d Negro JOUlh -, Attorney T.....,. wbo alletedIJ lried lo nm a H-maintains the dem-roodbloei'·!D a•l!folen.car Moo- --...... allempl by c1a4:~8!i tllo J7 ~ to dmr at-)l.claln, Los -to mlw!"lldPl CGOdi-Angeleo, .... Jdlledby·allqlo -al Iba -lllld the obol fmn Ole --falal .-inc of a fellow of officer Jooepb Parter at ~ who alleaedl1 triod '!'Ill stnel ind ·Ve r no a lo-AV ...... I,..._ 1ald he had pn-Parker and hll pu1ner, vlously lamJllarbed ltlmaelf Jama !epr, Aid McClain with the infrequeatly uaecl wu tr)>lac lo nm.Sepr down mut!ny article, which be rad at tbe Ume. """' • IoudspeaUr, after be;=±========== detected a "mood cbaaao" loUowln( lhe sbootinl ol Pvt. llicbant Bunch. Au.cl wby be decided on inutla1 chargea. ralhtr than inore common charges of failure lo obey a lawful order, Lamont ...,,Ued: "l don't know. It wu fresh ln my mind from readfn& 1od d.bcussing it. It LAST DAY BOAT BUFFS DEADL.INE HERE! STAT OUT OP TIOUIU,., , SAVI TIMI AND WOllY • •• let llOCJC ftn,_,. YMr INCOME TAI . At llOCIC ,.. ... """ _... __ .... ,..... loo .. • --lo •P'ft· H !n[!l!XS~o. A ._.........,, _____ Olllllo COSTA MESA. 1111 Ho-llW,. Ml IMI CDllCINA dol MAI; 2UI I. Cent ttwy., '7J.OJU -................ , ........ , ......... NO APPOINTMINT NICISSAIY 1 ' • I • ce, Your Service Representative's job is to help / you . So, if you have a question about your phone ~,..._,bill,ifyou'relDOYingtoanewaddress orwould Ijke an extension p~one installed, just give her • a $:8lI. She'll get nght to work on it for you • • Wllatever it ia. • 'h ' l • , • YOu can reach your Service Representative ; 11 } ·~-~local Telephone Businees Office.··:'· t" '· • we promi!e your problem won't go in me ear and out the other. · hdtlcra11,1111 @ • I ' . • • " '" .. • , .. .. '• ·-.. " •, .. ' • > > ' • • • , , • '• .. • ., • .. ' ' • DAil Y 1'11.DT County Pay Hikes to ·cost $4.5 Million? By JAClt llROBACK Of .. OlitY ,._ Sllft SANTA ANA -Salary In- .,......, soupl by the OraJlie County Employ" Asooclatlon (OCEA) would raise the COWl- ty's annual payroll by "an estimated $4:.5 mllllon at lhe very least," according to county personnel d i r e c t o r William C. Harl. The associaUon ls ask.in& an 1.15 percent general sa1ary hike and an additional thlU percent boost "to eliminate the lag between the January salary survey date and the July 1 effective date of in· crease." In a 103-page booklet now being studied by llart's staff, John. H. Sawyer, 0 CE A ceneral mana1er. argues that Meetings TUllDAY Vtt1r1r. ~ World Wit '· 1nd NtW MtM B1rr1clu !Uf, Amtrlcln Ll'9lofl 1-Wll, .MJ W, llllt Str~I, C1;11!1 MM1, O:CD 1-11'1.. l'OI IU;Ck. lloll,., Club of NfWllOl1 B.-c:h, lrvlM C~•I Country Club, 11100 I!!'. co.11 Hl91'1W1y, ctDM del Mlt, •:JO P.m. 0111 MH1 -N9W1'0f'I H1tbar Lions Club. Nf••• Vtrdo Country Club, (01t1 Mtu, &::II 1.m. ltlboa l1r Lloroa Club, Vlllt MltlM, ltd 111r110e Drlvt, N~ eeo;r., 1 p.m. $till It t ch T1tthN1ttrs Club, IOI R I 11 c h Houle, 14'0n I' K irk C.olll Hlohw1r, 1•00 p,m, Hlll'lllM!on ~.m Elk• Le cl I •• l!lkl LD1191, IOt ec..n ,C,,vtnue, Hunlillllllon 81ec:1t. 1:)1 11.rn. Sotltly for llto l rttervllion •nd fn(DIH'INIT!fllt flf lltrller S h o • OUtrftT Sl11111lno In Ariwt-lc1, N~ H1rtlor Clllpflf', Clllltff 11nc Sc:Mc!, 1Jll Notre Dime, (1;1111 Me11. 1:.U •.m. Ocld' F1llows Loclgt No. 113. Odd Ftll°"" T1m111t, ti• Mlln Slrffl, Huntl11tlon ltec:h1 1:00 1.m. l.D.O.M. MoOst No. lUI • .CU E, 17111 s""'· eo.11 ...._.., 1,11 11.m. l1lboa Ski Club, N1WPOf1tr Inn. N ..... POI'! lttclt, I 1.m • Seo Ind Stte Audubon S~ltlv, S~r· -11.oorn, Stnlt Ant Llbr1,..,., ltli Ind JIOU $11-etl'I, $1nll Ant, 1:30 ,..m. Or•n• County ChlPter cl thl Dltbt"" Anoel.ilDn of S.OUlf!ern Ctlllarnle, Or1n11 County Hulll! Dtpt., Ith 1nd Rou SlrHh, Senti Ant, I p,m, WIDH~IDAY (1;11!1 M1'11.0r1n~ Co11I Lions Club, Odlot'I 112 E, l11h $1., COllt Melt, I 1.m. l lut Flt..,. To11lm11ttr1 Club, N.tst V1nlll C•unlry Club, Coile Melt, 1 '·"'· Cotti MH1 O!>tlmlJt Club, Cost1 M111 Goll ttld C_.rv Club, 17« GGlf Couroe Drlvt-, Cosl1 Mna, 12 ,_,., Huntl1111IOl'I l11dt Exdltn~ Club. Sl!e1rlon BtKI! Inn. Hunllnglo<> 9"dl, U noon. Wnlml111ter Ollllm!1t Club, Klnw'1 T1bl1 l'lnl1ur1ftf, Wt1lml1>1ter, 11 -Cost1 Ml'IO llot1ry Club. Ce111 ,,...,, Goll •nd Count,..,. Club, COJ11 M1$11, " -l'ounftln V11iw E•chi"ft CChJb, F"ttnCo/1• 11151 Btt<h l lYd., Hvnt- \ntlon IMdi, 12:1f ._,,._ DEATH NOTICES DRIGESET Iv-er A. Drl0tsft. Ao. 5'. of 2QO Ntw. -' llvd., Co9i1 MtM. Dtle Of dN!I!, APrfl "· SurvlYtd by wife, ~llti son., Al~ J, •rid Dtnlel J, Drlgn-11 !Muohlllf', Mn. 0 oft n I $lo1111h1tri brvllt.,.., Arlltur tnd Normtn Ori. esel1 alsht!', Mn, lern!c1 Hold1 1'111 1hr t'flnddllldrlft, Gr•wsldot ,.....,Ins, WtdlletOly, l :JO PM, w .. 1m1n1 .. , M• mon.1 Ptr~ Mortu1rv t>ld Ctmetery, BEGLEY Fttdtrid 'E, lt1ley. 1'17 W. Mllrtr Lant. llnto Ant. SUrviwd by wlf'I. V!rvlnlt It. 1..,11.,, s~ton. Allen MC.Vln11 two 1~uohllt1, Ktllt- lttn Mtr" ond Elletft Mlntmlat; sit- ter, Kt !lllNn t11111r. F1mlly ~l'ftls fflOfe wllll!no lo m11t1 1Mn10rl1t con- tnwtlons, 1lel1t con1t lllu,. I'll n,. Arnt!ian C•IKlf S«le,.,. Sen-le"· Wldrlnd1J, 2; ~M. Fttk F1mlty COkl- fllt J l'"U'Mrt l tlO<nt. HAUCK FrH' Hl!Jdi., 1tl7 tll!lhlu•d Drlvt. "'--' le.ch. Servl«s ptlllllno 11 W~cllff ClllH! Mortutry, '*"""· ROUCH Wll~ltm ~. l'IG>Ch. :U0 Vlclwli, (o•I• M..... Dllt of de:•lh, April U. Sut• vlwd br w1t1, Doro!hr: ton tncl cltuol'llt,..ln-kw, Mr. Ind MtJ. Wlll14im l'lllUCll, CGll1 Mts11 dlu1h'11,. Riii ChtPfl'M~. 0Utn1l0t1 two 111i.-rs, Mary McComtltr, $tn!1 M.1lllltl'll1, Clllf. •nd Yworu,. lltlh11, S.n lnmoi ~. Cllirl .. EYllll, P1Mt l'l'*ltU ~ four 1r1ndchl~r1n. 11 ... ,.,, WtG- nnd1y, 7 PM. Rt<1Ultn1 M111, Thurt- dty, l:JO /\M, botto 1t $1, Jolln lt>9 l1P1'11I C11110llc Chu~h. 0 1r.c!M br Wtlfdlff Cfllpet Mortu1ry, .......... ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcllff Mortuary U7 E. 17tb St., Costa Mesa -BALTZ MORTUARIES Coroa1 del Mir OR S..NM Com Me11 1111 f.zot BELL BROADWAY !\IORTUARY I Ill Br01d•11, Costa Me11 LI~ DILDAY BROTHERS Buailncio• Valle7 Mortury 1'1911 Beacll Blvd. HuaUnito• Beaeb aem1 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAlllt c.melel')' e Mtriury Chapel UM Pa<'IDe View Drive Newport 8e1dl. Clllfornl• Mf.%7• PEEi: FAMILY COLONIAL FUNEllAL ROME '1111 -.... "-·-SBEFFEll MOBnlAllY LqPa ll<odl .._!US 1aaae .... 1e llMI• SMITll'S MORTUARY 11'1 Mala SC. Rntlo"'8-~ Liii MAI current Oranae County salaty levels do not compare favorably with salaries ln other counties. Sawytr urges that county salary leve!J be Improved by 1dopUon of a salary-setlin& policy whlch : -Refiects annual I.rends set by private induatry 1 n d leading public agencies. -1ncre.... the salary levels of county clwtncaUona to a point wbere they compare . favorably with pay levels in other leading counties and prlvale industry. -Eliminates salary Jn. equities. -Makes allowance for the lag between the January dlte of salary surveys and the tf. feclive date of July 1 of salary increases for county employu. Panther Sentenced In Attack SANT A ANA -A young member of the Black Panther organization must serve three months in Orange C.ounty Jail for his attack on a Slota Ana police officer . (Thls Is the reuon S1wytt has requested an additional lhrte pe.tttllt general salary lncrtue arguinc that county salaries la& six to 11 months behind much of the data com- prised In the IUl'Vey). Customarily, the county Ptrsonnel Department con- ducts Its own salary survey which is used in milking final reeommendaUom to the Board of SupervJ1ors . Flna1. iletenninaUon of any salary lncreue will be made by the board sometime prior to Aug. SO when the final lMf..70 OOd&et must be adopted. Jn the past lhrff yean, the general wage increase 1ranted by the board has fallen be.low the Jam~nt requested by the OCEA. Jn 1961, a 1ener~ incrtase Of 10 perct]l1 WU requested and 6.5 percent rranted which added $3.S million lo II:. caun- ly payroU. ln 1967, the request wu for a.a percent and t.34 perctnt was granted. hiking t h e payroU by IU6 mUllon. 1be employes association asked for a 5.5 percent In- crease in 196' and got 4.87 percent whlch added 'bout It.a million lo the payroll. The current county Pl)TOll is about '80 million a year. This year no salary hearinas as such wUI be held because of a new state law which re- quires government represen- tatives to "meet and confer in good faith with recognlud employe groups." Hart said negotiations were CAB OKs Hughes' Air West Offer WASHINGTON -A Civil Attmautics Board examiner rocmunenled l\iondey ap- proval <i lbe ac<jUlslUoo <i Air West by a firm: owned by billionalre Howanl Hugh<o • The ezaminer, Ross I. April 1968, with the merger of lhrtt 1oca1...mce airlines - Weet Coast, Pacific a D d Bonanza. ' A chance to win $10,000 cash nery time you visit any Standard Station or Participating Chemin Dealer. He pu~""' ntceM<Y u.....r ...... -, TOP PRIZE Superior Court J u d I e Howard Cameron handed that jail term Monday to William Douglas Gates, 20, of Santa Ana and placed the young man on three years probatl.Oll. A sentence of three years in state priscl1 was suspended for the prOOation period by the jurist. Pills Didn't Do tlie Job; WomanSues Newmam said the proposed $130 million deal vroukl be in the public imu'est .and would not resoit in the creation of a ~y. Air w..i, 1arg..i o1 the na- tioo's regiooal airlines, serves 9,000 route miles linking 13 airports in eight s t a t e a , Canada an:! MeJ:ico. The examin<raald parliea lolr-------------------------• Gates was convicted of at- tacking the officer following an incident at a city in-- tersection in which Gates cursed the officer after being ordered to quit blocking tr~~ fie. A confrontation ended with Gates punching the officer in the face, according to court records. -Los Alamitos Names City Manager Air West, which operates out ol Orange QJunty Airport and serves eight westem !tates, Caoada and Mexico, has been in financial difficulties since its establiahment a year ago by the merger of three -airline!. BUENA PARK - A n Newman said acquis;Uon of Anaheim woman wants t15 ,000 the airline by Hughes Tool Co. in damages from a Buena would not "restrain com- Park drug store in a legal petition or jeopard.lu another· ha.ssle over birth control pills clITier not a party to the ac- that appears to be pregnant quisition." with possibilities. But, be said, the acquisition Mrs, Cynthia Joan Green sOOu1d be made subject to doesn't know what the drug several cooditions. .store gave her in the way of a The c on d i ti o n s recom- reflll tor her birth control pill mended by N e w m a n n prescription, but she does generally de.al with the ac· know they weren't what the courting, traosfer of assets doctor ordered. and liabilities, the value o! The proof i. crawling around certificates. bookkeeping and the Greens' living room floor rim.ilar matters. -a baby born last July I, just Newmann said that all ac· nine montt. after the druggist coonts, record books and dispensed the pills, she claims financial statements of the Air in ber Superic:r Court Jawwit. West Division of Hughes Tool LOS ALAMITOS -City at: Co. should be malnWned torney Jact Parker has been Mlp81'3te.ly from thole of the named acting dty manager , Army' Sets parent rinn. { ' -Al 'I Dal Hughe$ Tool Co. and Air 0 ~ amitos, -" ayor e West asked the CAB in the case would hive five days in which to file aD.'J ei:ceptlons in his recommendations and that briefs should · be filed within another 10 days. If the CAB approves the recommendation it will mean a re-entry into the airline in- dustry for Hughes, wbo lives in seclusioo in Las Vegas, Nev., where he OWDI several hotels and gambling ca&inol:. He once owned 75 percent of the stock in Trans World Airlines but sold out tn 1966 for more lhan $500 million \\'hen faced with having to ap- pear in court in a mismanage- ment suit In his recommendation, Newmann said that since 1he beginning of the merged operation July 1, 1!181, Air West had suffered heavy !ioo.ncit.1 lcmes SM!~ one of the problems waa Jack <i urltfied managemai. ai>d co~ trot. '!'he eunUalr said he lound no merit HI a comn6Dn by Western Air Llnes, Inl~ that acquloitioo <i Air Wiii by Hughes Too~ -.n aa Toolco, \\'OUld not be in tbe public iJ>. Kroesen announced today. s ho a· January for aPJX'()val ot an "Parker will temporarily.... morgas r •greemenl under whlc h,==========.11 place James Smith who re-Hughes would buy the airlioe !<rest. signed recently to become SANTA ANA -The Salva-for about $94 million and lion Anny wltl hold its seventh a9SUme IOtnf HO million 1D city manager or Pico Rivera. a n n u a I f u n d • r a i s i n g Air West debt.s and obliga- lle had held the position for smorgasbord at 5, g and 7 p.m. Wons. · more than siz years. Friday 1t the Corps o!flce, 214 Both parties sub m It t e d Kroesen said Parker w i 11 N. Sycamore St. testJ.mony to the CAB late, in carry on the office until a per· Tickets are $2.50 for adults, February and representatives manent manager is hired. He $1 .15 for childrtn and may be appeared in a hearing last 'd 1· " r •'-·00 purchased at the Corps office mootb 58.1 app ICauOM or un;: J •I.a nt Air 'w~ WU ,. __ , in BOAT BUFFS • Almo11 loc.lioboy h tho o'.nly f11fl. tim• bo1tl11t oditor worldnt on ony .,,..,,,,,, In Oran9• Cou11ty. Hi1 ••· c.1ullvo c.ovoro9• of ti.oot- 1119 011d yochtl111 llOWS 11 0 °'oily fo1ftlro of tho DAILY PILOT. WHITEYliALLS FULL ,.:_PLY NYGU" CORD' t(Nni•n• 11 O•Mr•I'• p•ltnltd proc•1 nylon cord). ,viii be accepted until April/ i~i;n;•;dva~nce;;~•r~a~t~w;;;~;ev~e~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;·;;;;;~;;";;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~11 30. n..M«tte __ ............... A consulting firm will screen •1.,. .. 1ow P'i«•. " rou "'°' w 1• f'W ............... ~ .. - Alt A H,....• CN4t lir• fNlwn -,_, ""' ,, ...... 11\1111 ,_ n.-...... ,..., ............... 1.,..-..,,._,_..,._,eo1•111llw lor 111ro1•ello111 •••11111 ...._._., applicants and make a r!COm-1111 quMllf ,,odo.lc" ,, ,.NMcl P'ke' mendation to the city council. A R11iJ1r.iio• Stt11#M1111 ,,1.1;,,, to 1h111 1101ri1i11 hs Hn µttl ..,;,,, 1h1 Sicu,.;,,,, •J £.K,Ju•1• Kroesen said he expected a Co,..,isrio• t111 NJ "'' 111 tuo,,,, 1f 1r1iw. TIHs• 11r1'"ti11 ••1 ••' •• 10/t/ ""' ,,,,, of..-1 '' ••1 •• new manager to be named by ''''P''" ,,ffw '' 1h1 1i1111 11H R1:iJ1n1io• lutnttnt t1to••s •l«1iw. Thh """"'i11t1111111b./I "°' co111/it1111..,. 11!..-lo stll or tlH 1oli1i1111i,. vf..,, o/..-to ••11101 sh.ill 1hrt1 lt '"11.J1 of June 1. 11;,1, ,,,,,,;1;11 ;,, ,,.1 st.it ;,, fllhith ,,,,,, •8"• 1olici111ior1 ,,, 1.J1 wo•IJ lt 1111/1111/111 p1io1 /o tin r1ii11r11l11• ,,, f1tlliJtMio• ,,,.J,, tlH 11t111ili11 l1t1t11 oJ •~J J1tt6 JIGr. Home Society Names Aide ANAHEIM. -Mrs. ?\!ary Buchanan W.ullin has been a~ pointed public relatioo1 direc- tor for the C2tildren'1 Home Society of California's Orange County District. She will be relpOJWble for lnfonning the community on adopllon services available lo natunil parents, children and adoptive applicants throo,gh the society. F<rmer a.ssi.s:tant to the directc.' of public relation.I and travel consultant for Union Paciflc Railroad, she is a put president al Los Angelea Advertising Wun.en, IDc. Mrs. Mullin ii married to James A. Mullin, an industrial engineer for Dou,glas Aircralt1 and has four 00.ildren. A PROPOSED NEW ISSUF. 8,500,000 Shares Common Stock ($1.00 par value) American E1pre88 Special Fund, Inc. 11 a dlYer1ltled open-end lnTe1tment company mana&ed by American Espre11 lnve1tment Manatement Company. The Fund 1eek1 maximum &rowth of capital. •• Price $12 Per Share Cop11J 1f 1A1 ""1•1-1 ''''''"*J ••J t1 0•1.;,.,J fr•,. tA1 •r:J,,u,11d i• ""1 11111 ,. ,,/,,rli 1t it r1t/1tM IH •JN/tr ;,, 1rt•rifi1t nJ fe tJHrll riH ,,,t;,.;,~11roJ,ttl•l •'1 l-t-'11 l• '111rr'11111J, First California Company 3a3S Via Lido, Newport Beach, Clllfornla D2MO Phont: flW9!0 PlnM Knd me a Pttliirl.iiutJ Ptolpe<M • t.bt Aatk.u bJwel $pula.I f.nd, lK. """""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O~~~~~~~~~~--'*'•~~~~~...L·1P~~- '· FOii COllPACT CARI FOii ll•DIUll CAllS FOii 910CAllS ONE TIRE 132 l!lu•jl /~1"'11 • I•" ...-'" ,,,.. li.'111 • II ,.,.,.,., .• •"•t••"" ONE TIRE 1 38 ul"~ I' :?ti. jZ.l1. tJ .f7, 11.01r•<1.E1.ru• ~"'11.•llO• 1.1~1 II, l.l~··~l.J5•14, 1.n.n ... ~• -~11 ... 11 ONE TIRE 141 NO MONEY DOWN! f •• , ,~,.,0,11 "'f"""'" "~· ( ' . ':1' •t.< ·'· •• ROTATE TIRES FOii MAXIMUM MILl!AGE Tl,. retadon ... u,.. even tlllM ... , end _ ... _. Ei.-m Mt.tr-c:Nck ... _ ......... llN:lt4dtd fore)Qn objllCb. ' /1. 99~ SHOCKABIOR* HELP PROTl!CT YOU • MW, flmou .. rnaM ExPtrt lnat.llltlon of~ lhocll:~ ..... JOU • ~ rldt. ---· Sfi! JATO IUPER·100 GOLF BALLS • Dur1lon CO¥tr h>r iot'IQ, CUl·ttee life • El'lef'94M "Pl" c.,,"r "'°'" ,,.ee dlslMCe • • Utlrt..f'I~, witldlt'lf Llmff 1 hr. WHEEL BALANCE CUTI TIRE WEAR Speclall1t1 inctelon b11anc. both trom Wh•ll, ctyfttm1c111y and ICIHOlll), " auure 9'Veft tire .. ,r, .... thumsWiq. 3 lot tJ33 td«.forM..11 DON SWIDWHD COAST GENERAL TIRE ''"'-·~ tmL• SU W, lttft Hllftth•liW ._... lnte AIM c"t•~ 540-S710 6•t ff!' M74Nt ..,_ lllMllll AUTO lllOUl'!MI HllHWAY WTIY COMlllTIU . ' I .. • l I l I • I I I ~------· • J.• DAil Y P'tLOT s Tund>J', Aprll 15, 196? . Investors Bet on Casinos OVER THE COUNTER ·A· -4- ·-Ntl , .... , "'-ltw a.w (.~ •. AllH(ch .1141 • 1 .. h 1 1M -1 . ombE11 1.olO AmPho1 .ttw' 1' \)\l th t)lolo + lo r:lll ScOh 1.1& ~h' YORK (API -Wall Muta! funds .,nniu·eol.ly llnd Townsend Computer, al 1 o ""' Mil' AC1 • '\ un 141~ ..... omt$0/v ·'° l••• .. ~:~~~~:~~~~~~'.:'.~~~11",~~~'.:::--'•'"IL--------------· !"'" ue1 , , ll ,. + " ome or1.1e1 street. investcn -from the the :storks with gambllng spurted '7 a share t'.WI hl&her NASD Llatf-fer Mondav, .a.-rU 14, 1969 ""'-SOA" .11 .u " .lt\O v. + 141 E lf·4 ,,,,_. """° S11'1tl1 '51 .... :M\:i a· -1~ ~Elll t.:IO ..... -1 ..... t•* Htt AmSAlr 111 10 s 5o1 SI\~ ••.•. 01 ·'° -·· on m·•· slreet to lhe caslno lntercsts attr'"··Hve. At eamlnas and d.lsclo!llre that It •· 1w..J HI• u. tlMt tks. Am 11111 1 · n 4'\.'I •"' 4614 + 411 putk •10 ........_. aw '°"''"' --.. ---. .. bft ........... _.,,,... 11 ...,... • ..., t A.M. tr.. MAID. Amlld ""·!! U IJS 12' IU +I Dmlll mutual flJ.nd buyers -al'f: bet-least 13 mutual funds hold was negoUatinJ to lncrUH lt.s ll"ftu• •.., ....... ,... • ~. -'"'' • w ..,..~'""'-"NEW YORK IAP>. Moit1111v·1 CO<T1•1tt~ :t,~1'1 69". J; ~ :;_. m! = ~ ::.fc~'*.J "\ ew YOll:I( I p) tw York Stotll. E~ or1ut1 ~llfAi lil I 4N ,,,_. 4'41 +'" C• IEllll1 1.llO ting their money on stocks in-more than one n1illion shares Nevada holdlnp. The com-A ._ c.ii °"' "'"'e111r11v cv"' "'-"' N11G -u1~ 1•"' -A-Am ~-... 2!!l!~ 1t\.I 10 ... 1E'"l:J'I -!It foli.wtnll ~· '°"'!li.t 7ft t it. £lltl'OV lilt nil &11. NIUIQ.11 '1 Jt\11 41\o"J Am T 2 • .ie UO !l ~ + \lo OllEC: I volvlng gambling casino in-in s~h companie$, pany owns a Lill Veau hotel 1n111 •lktd ouot•· r11w1v o "'~ f1111 c;. 1-1"' ~I' t ~~ ~ , .... I Ntt ~WWk' ,I 1r, 14 ~~ ~"" + ~ ~F: Jll.tM terests and their luck L} Three ol tbt active stock! on and e:a:pecti to open a casino lhLJ.11=:11'1,-~ ~~ tL-tlt:t:.211 ~ ;l~.. Ableu• ..... '""J·1 ~·"'!ti! \Ir"'"'· AW ..,. .. 1:.il dOO 1N 11~t u1J -h 011Freia111 1 • •t~: Of S.cur'l!lei ~~.... 1rtrl II ci I u I A~IUID I 10 111 1lr' 12\.lo 131'> .• " >.'H i.liM l.Q l'60 1~ ,,, 25'l. + ,,., onN,IG :·u holding up. the New York and American m May, subject to Nevada ::;,1 ":i:i''1•111f;~ I~ abr vi ~r I· I I .. ACF 111111 2.IO '-' i.,.: .. s.v. ~ .:...,~ :~11!lcllC11 : ~ n .. Rv. ·.::· .. Ol\~Wwrp14:50 ~-brok _ .. b 1h I ~ 11 h be l ( al II-.,. '"' I W1ISV L B14 adr•f " ~-12 ~mtrkf r,: -...... .. -y. Amtltk WI l ])~. 31'4 31 ~. onlAlrL .w v in:c er ..ur1 uttd t' n· ex:o.:uanges recen y ave en regu a ory approv . r.-.n11 ~r. 1n1". rneo •rtino wP v 4 fi"' M'A,\1111 ·4! zz •~ •"'~ 1•u -~t Am1ac111C 1a 20 .sth st~• snl -lt on1 C•n 2.70 lerest tn these stock.!1 to the Benguet Coosolidated a n d Last year the reported grosa =•:.\s:l'J • 1 ::::=, ,'J , f:"s:~. 1 ~· ./1',h ~~~~ '1.~v \i ~\~ ~'~ ~t~ + ~ ~~ ~r3 ;o!iO 19~ 1~1ro ,g 1~ _,~ !'rd~°"Jh:1f "'~Id p;-• p· " ReS-Orts Jn••rnallonat wht' h E; · 11 Whkn "1t11 llll " " "''I'~ "1 1 , t Di Sc.In j "' '°"' 11)• Ith -{; I.MK c1 ·" 1 1 uo uo no _.. ont Cp 1.60 "'° en ....i !per "" ' c tncome for Nevada casinos •. ~." "'.tir.4<!:'!..~ !-•"T~ m 1"· ••• ~ ~ -,,•r,, ~ It~ ~~"·'l!!L·~ ,.,.... !I~ jO '~. '"~ -h AMP p ?' .0 3'1\ 40 +1~ ~l(p 1)11.jO millionaire indusLrlalist operate casinos in lhe • --_ ... ar 1ri-11• •~ ...... .-.-s 11~ ,,~ 11141 -111 Am11111 1"Cor':' 1os :ar. :1111 ~+tt tM~1•121 How-~ Hu.._ w•-has been Bahamas, and P a r' In -was $387 million, up 10 percent ~"l'r' ( •, int: M NJ.I 1ia I ! •ico ~1 1 J"c•~A '• ' A Cp :?: ~ ~ ~ ~/: +~ A""1"' 2..a ',' ,4t.~ ,•,s;• i11· + ., c:; o1t .10, ""''"' ti'...., •rv dM"J.r marl!_,, VIP U}i~ ~{!~lbs! Br •ll.I AlcMlA.lu l.10 t:IO Jl \1 31 \lo ll--11~~-2 !0 1~ Ulil SI-'~ s.-t-"ConlOll pf2 "'••Ing Up l.a.!1 Vena!! pro-DohrmaM, which has casino Crom the pl'eVlOU!I year. ell/""' lhrwoh-hrn t.:um 'Iii 1•L ~tlol> t 'f 24 ° 'h Pa< Aul mo l~ il Air f>cl 1'16.7) ' 121 12l 121 .. . . Ancf\HO 1 ;o 11 ll'h to\\ 11\.'J . , CO/If Stt 1 ~es. b Interests in Las Vegas. U0tel and casino operators n1,1;n'no1c11v~~.a; ~/! :fv. llt; ~r.li.:1tJ°iW~~4•1 ~=wot:: i~U t ~ :rr~rs'J~ ~ ~i! ~~ ~3t: ~ t°: :~~~y ,~ ,J ~ f'n:. ~ ~ 'i. ~:;.J•1oa~ ''Hughes is a shrewd man. Parvin rose nearly $14 last rea~ily concede the. gambling ~r,,~ °' com-"'IA! ~ 't~ I~ ~~f~'(~ 1?v. ~ ~:~~,rr..: tJ: 1~~:11!:1>:1 r.l~ 3\ r,~ m; ~~ ~ ~ :r: s'7.~""a.i ?J 1:r' 1:t"' 1:t" .=,'II ~:-W:...O:~J! so: when people beard about week to $121.50 a share; Re· profits pay the salaries of! ~1I l'~ u J1rz H•A m' t d~ F~ i'llll "\It 1"' ~tot l 1 Vt \1(~ AlillOCh ,f, 1~ ~\': ~l~ ri~ 1, ... tfi"p~~ .. f'f ,t ~ ~t~ r~ = ~ ~::;rn I.~ hOn buying everything in sorts International went up $12 stars as Frank Sinatra and :i"'t..:!!0 ~ r.~ WN J~ i.t fltt fi~'?!~k"/'1• ,ta 1 "" ~le ~ ,~,~ m; ::w_m:; :11 ~ J:," J,1>4 ~~ -~ t:= D$~1 ·r ~ ~~ IU: ~n: = tt ~::r Ji~.,; tight. they figured gambling to $41.6%, and Benguet rcse Barbra Stretsand, W!'O ke ~M~111 11~ ff:~ =~°"' Mf 4~ If '' $v~ 1~' ~ 1=~'-V:f l l'i '1. :m:ls~ 1~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' +1~ ~pf 1~5 ; li•l ilU ~ + t! ~=~= .'Ji: was a gold mine and followed more than $2 and closed at hotel engagements m such ... If:: s1111 2P.:. 21~ '"'on o 31:1 ~·.1o j)A•·~!? ~ ,.. ta W1ih tl~ \0 ~lw"'"cu, .!!' '' 11 1m 1~~ ··· .., Ck , a ,, .,. · m11 11 + ~ c-1Su 1 :io . A l.4 19\i ~ low t~ 10 11 jfbM " trl<'I 9" h" I :111..., 1130 '!!!, ~.~, ~ •• -V. ... ~:lluD j '° 24 U 471':1 l J•; ... C(ol'ln!hl!I .i5t SlHt, the broker said. He add· $19.75. place! as Las Vegas. Then A Br.-11\~ 1p,., o1on ~s1r 30\~ 11~• p 1u P•irts• 41 ~1P1>1•Pc .10. .,,,.. ~.. ... Ar c ·90 1 "'~ 1~i '"' --. "'" Pd 1.10 __ ,. 1h . h ls th bl ·~o ,..., ' 10 !elf" ll " RI r 1 ~ l Pt :r t 4l .. V: .. rn1 .... , 4'11 • ~ 32 32 + v. Ar~ 0:-~ .• 11 ~ ~1-i ~Vt -~\ CarGW 2.SO.. ed that his firm does not make Brokers _..... e action was t ere e money gam c r1 A " Ar,_o f·• 4\.i om 'T~ ll 11 i:i. ~~ff. 01 ,, 11 AMBP.C .jO 21 2!\ • u q u•1 -11• AJMO ciu ,_20 ~ 4N u'' "'" -~· eorone1111 .n any recommenclatiom on triggered by reports of higher spent 00 travel, food and Joclg· : p~ GJ h kW. .., A 2t, ~ s"f,:u Inc :r~ :t14 P~ilios bGI n,~ m; .::::1 1l~ rj l~ 1m: 1nt;:.; "-;( :-: J/'~ '1' g !.';! ~ !fi! . "': ?::l:t.i' _so -• ll1t8e stocks: because they are earnings. ing and other forms of en-:t::e:~l·~o fft1~ ~v. ::=:tr M'l: 2:,,. 'iv. · ""111':o .,.,. •ff"• >"'1o;1100f,J,11C ~~) q~ ~'li~W'i. ~ 1~ m; I:..~ Ir\':!-"' ... ~s ... 1.:iw ' si ~ xi ·•· g•,,., 'Mil A fourth stock, Lt vi n. tertalnm t Am ltDr 11\ 67'1< -1........ l'.I M "' Sd 11 p H1 NG lJ'I '°gll Am Bill.II' 1 '/'9 tt\'t 21'11i 211.ll -lj; A1>dTr•n "° •• ll•• ll\• 1-"" -~ OITll'Kft .... too speculative. en . Arn um ui• 12.\i On lliock ~1 ~ Hv. IW•t" In ''"' ~\1 ~lnktrln =' ... AmBk Nolt I .! ~~.. ?t... ?!. .. +' ,. ::(~:..· r: lr D~-: ~v. ~ ... = ~ ~~~~1111J~ ---'---------------------------------------1~• ~'"i I f,l? ~o'lll') on como, i't 101,1 rfffl Mr 'I ™ ,, .... , 0•,e 1 .~ > AmBda1 I 60 ~ -• ...,..,, _,... ,• .,,.,, • ·• tt ••> 10 111\t .. Crown cork .. rn "'tU -·~ ••Id :io ' .. r ... 11o su1 ~ •..-4 .. AmC1n1:io.11oti.?11J6l..~+1 • .'1.c;~Ell.3a .io1W0~'' +v.crcwnz.2.70 111iiiJEl>:~ ~:;: ~\R ~v. 1 meJ.a 2n_i. ~~ ~;-·~,..1~\l1f5\) ~~~·o;,K f~,~ n~ :~•n,.:_ 1/l l: ~ fl.: ff~_"' .1.11 1t1c11 1.to ,,, 114 11,... 111 -?• ~rn z 1>14.20 !: ~rnMr~:: i~l'i 25 Ju~ Cj._ 3?W, '?z~~ ~·w:· J1.ll 1:~ ~"" ~~&$ N: ~: II~; !~MC~ 1 ~ 10 l6 35'11 l6 + \~ AHR•~ p!J.7~ fl~ 1~ 1:~-,~~·~ :.:_ '~ cJl~h~Cll"~o .<IG ··~Gob' ·~~CYDrn c 1S 1 \'J •Udt "fch 'i u PS NCtro 1s;_ts\.o _,. ·'" 1•, ·.~~ 1,,"' ',t..-"'::1:c1~o1't-l ,,, 7•"· Tl'' 7"'i -'~CVClhY 1'11.?S ' " i ., I ·TOP PRIZE ., !. o\m 1G "' 12'h 1•Y1 0.!Mfl C u •; 15 Gu 1 lnl JoJ 1:~ Publ~hrs 2't• 30-" ~g"~ldtl 1:18 13 3f;z , ~·· ~~~ + ,~ .l.'T&• <.h .let l!lf :1':1'4 ~ ,. .. +-~ Cull1tan 21 A"'no Cp IP.• 1•~ nlft In 31"• 32\lo Gvradlr.t 1'>1 l~h Purl'Dac d ' mCfY u• '" ""''" ~ V. Al't~ C<WD 11A ~u <>·• ~14 Cumml11 lot> Anti.us..-.. \. .. ff nlY Mcb 161'> 11 Him c ,, :tO ! """!/' v. 61 \~... Y•11 1 ts I ="{l_ ..... L >L = ..._ '"''' ~.. 1•10 ?!Vi ,,,, .. 21 \tr -,',• CunnDn1•' .10 Ankt11 CF ~ ' JI O•qn ll\'l 19'h Hand 00 1 1 yr\lv r 161;, AmOI•! IAOI .,...., ..,.., .. "" · \' \i 1""6 C 11 w 1 1 Arc1lt N '4\'. ~ ls FO 1\lo 11 Hinov•r 5 'l\l 2f O\lo C•11 9 9\lr ADu11Vt .121 41 14\\ 1'\'o 14'11o + \~ Aur~r~ ~ ,.¥. ,.., ,0'·'> 'lll'ft + V. c~~I \tr '.., ! Arc. Ind ffll y Mir !6'11 271.~ ~'a'" /" ! Pu!norns ~'h 19'h AD11~t l'f.M• 11 11..-13'/1 llvt -1\ .,ulSJ>ll;lr ... a ""' u~ c ''''" M >" , ... 7 II ~ ''' -. ., •• •mil .. 1 •• '" • .,, '' .... +'Ii .t.utomt.. '"" tS .ui;, .Ullo +"', Uller t( 1.20 Arden Pini t V: 1 fll(t "j 10~ l Ulo fr.n~trlA,_r F i ~ Alns~ El 19~1 Am Eflk• ~j 16 )01,\ J(l"o 30~\ -1 Avcc (11 1 70 ,;If ,.~'4 35\I '~. \• CYCIOpt; 1.80 Ar~ MoPw 13 1 u•t Ch '4\.lo •5\, llhvn 231~ R1vchm 'h 23 Am eio lnd ?JO IO\I< 31''t 39\li +1141 Avco pO.l'll 161 '''" 7~ ?.1~ +l (yt>(ulM 1.60 ArPVI t( 50~ ~hi APtl ''i" t'.'• Helm EP n 1 Rovrnd~p '•> 3~1/:i Afxlnd pf~~ 1i~ 16\~ 7~Vo 1111:1 • . AllM>' Pd .l'. JO~ m~ ~n1\ 111•0 + ~i ATVlrla 11'\;l 9'/o I C•nT 1 ' 111,; a-rr ;,, · ll;l<OCI Q 61 'mHolSI 11: 17 19"• 11~ llti -''o Avnt t lu • ...; ITO ' 131 r7' -1 A1 Ct !lot 2' m ; t ln!!lr 2l' ll OU• Fis pl ,,: 11;,1111 r 3 ''I 33'h A Home 1 ,n 7t sr"i 54''-,.,,_ -t~ Avon Pd l.IO .. • Oa11 ll:lv 1.20 .l.1111 ~O 21V. 2'Y, 11'1'1 Crv HI/, )C uck U\• lji' Rllev Slk 19V. 31 A Home p1 7 6 BS\4 1.~• o 1~14 + v, -B-Dena CP 21.~2 AlllO I~• 31 Ml IC ""' •11 all!! l!ltY ?I V. H...; Ro•dw E~ S•\lr s~v. Am HOSP tt 9l7 3.4 :fl'" 3""' -t~ OIYUICD ..... ~~~~s' '~ Jt ~~ Y !l'~ ~r~:. n .. ·, .. ::e"~,1~ ~!\II ttH\I) ~~~·,•,'~ i;ui . 2• 211• 101 .. 10'>\ -~ l!l•bck w1.3' 1;r ~'• ;ti;! Mi{+~ &::..ePL,,•,• "" I "~ l'"" l!v Mid 331':1 V: UODt Pd lf'" n .. RcvDul p '' .. ,,.,.. ' ,.,, 74 1S'i 2J'h 21\'r -~ Dakr011T ~ 11 :u•• 3.4 ..i•.< OtlPWLI 1.0I l•bblll u I DB 2' 2"4 t~• I " E P;y1n Hml :UV. 3 l~ m "ors ..... "' ··~ ., ., ... 63•\ ~. 0 1lrd Al 17\lo I! Hatt 111':1 rl dt•I Tav ll'M ,t 51 Como Jl\11 191'> AmN11G1s 2 231 JI' ~ '.'l'V, -\~ Dal!G ofCA ""' 3.f>4o 3-1 M'\ = 'l tll1Alr . .0 Iker M 20'4 2 \lo n IJ;rld «IV. nc Prw nl tih dllsr 114 11 Am "'""' 1 )6 JI'\" 31'.'. 31~ -"" 11-Punl ·'° 21 •n• l.tl\O ~~ -J'," Del!ec Int wt R•I P11n1 'ii ' nkln D 2t nd Gl.W U Y, :Mo Im ln•I 21 19 B~ pf~ i 10 19\'I 6"V. -to &:;:~'.: ~ A1:1te I HU m w J-1 IU 1 7 11"'1" ~~ 1,1 lluu S:ov 37~ 'II. AM, "•'11 1·'10 1!\ ~,,•;, ro1.1o ~ t l~ f',/hGE_,~4.5' t:30 71 11 71 .••. 0.1 Mn1a 1.10 lsrwk~ µ,nv. ~'"' wlf°"' ~v. 2~ nlrlrfd u 11 j"f,111n El ' ''r. i:r111 ~lt3·.,0: 11:11 1.st1 oi 45~ +I\ De""!R~• °" ' 11\" v, 12"'" t on L!b 62 oil n!rmk J41h 15\4 nnlrl 2j~' 29~ 1!11tlc Inc .IO J l~l 1~~. 1,•,~!-:-!1 Dent , 1.:ioa l!l:::C1.'a"m l'-ltlocb II 2l 'j" '1~/B~1;-r'~ ~I') Ml'i ::'° \~ t.'! ll1slc pf 1.50 V: 1~~ •1\~ 11" + ;: DtolRGr 1.10 'e:le Is, V. j chK $vs 14 l nl Ntlr :lil'i ''"" II OM •l 6-11> !11le1 Ml• >Jlo ~~;! 51\'. _ ~ ~Ko r>I A . .1 Btlm 1 14..,, 1'\11 I Pua El 14 1 1111 /" l' n rloo• H 21 21 lllh Ind U 5.1\• o.reco Pl a A chance to Wiil• $10,000 cash f!Very time you VISI "l!'s~or l:W. ,,.. I •110 IE ,, 14\41 Int Yf a! • 20 crlo!o A t<i 10 MUTUAL 1u1dllb ,to tt 57 5.1\~ ·~\\ ••• , ~Sorolnc .9(1 · f\tr1h H •2 d I NII 21V.. 2l '"' T-lJ 1' aJrl~ of l~ 11\l s1xlrl ab 11 3'0 •Y1 •O 10., -+ \'. DelE<rls 1..0 any Standard StattOn or a ICI '" ... .,. UC • fll:uos w 18\4 11',lo KkoY 17 I Cllll(I Inc ". ,,,. elo (mo 31~ ~ 9e1rlnt1I 1 4 ~ ... Jlh 39 + 1'> Dtx1er .30· . p rt' ·pa1· g Ch-on "·aler ,. I Lib "Vi ll ~ Nuct " ~ Jnl•){! '~·· ,,,, EOCl"l 211' :n lltYukCltl .JO "'• U\'. "' De1 SI"! 6G llclnHlll ......... 911ly 111~rc11rSon 49"" 5i \i 11 .. -'!~ 10 , ..:. •• kU!lf l"l'o :to•· QV'~ " ;: 811! Fdl I SS ... ,. l5\~ l!'h . DltlFln1<1 .so "• P"'°""• 111te•••tf"J ~;;;:;;:;:;:;;;:;;; tck HIS lf.'; 3'~ C YI ~ V.. JJ:'oul~LC 11 .. ,',:~ t:'N)\o l! S7 g:~~:~ ':°'50' 1J rl'" ~ .• ~''o .:.;·.,., Ol1ml11/1 l .IO 1oow Er if\:: '"' I 0.11 '7Vt ff.. •m w11 31 31., lrmet11 H 1f 74 NDS !!Kl D!cic 30 y '1\> 4'h 40;;. -I~ OliSriam 1..0 a!\,,.B'C" ~JI~ EmP't°ad~\ 111; :~ J~b~ ljV. 1,r 10~1 1 •; ""' FU Btec:h Air 75 •10 11•1 31 »r, =14i gi:~h J6f~ .--""--------------------------------------------'=::::c_::._"'::_::::::::::"'_::::_"':'-'"' Jt•otn• 1 11 ° PftGD 16~1 16 RflCO Pel ·~ 1l5 :It'• 3''~ :ia, ... +l•I O!t!ao-" J iff\! Fdl ? I II U'• 1s•. II ldH ''° « 2n. ,,,. ,, ...... -- K•lwr SI 41 JJ'l" '", w,','1 ,1~~ ,r,1 0'011 .r",w , 60 ll6 n•':I 11"1< 11~ + \~ OIKHll!I Ab ic:111tf I l'll ~ ... .., ~ n 12,,. n 'll n i1 _ 1~ OiGIC11"9111 .10 K•l'll•r D 'Xiii\~ o "Ga• ~ 34'11 8tl1 lnhlrCOll 1' 6I 61· • p 1 OIGiorl l'f.U IC•~r .... T :n El $V 11j 19 r• .....--.,,,.,_ " Bt!T"th;Co 1.60 14 llh ~i? llli ~ ~. 0 !111,.gllm .36 "•llWO<>d 41~,,,, ''"' .., C1s Co l '!lo 11V, .. ,~ -~ Birmli Co WI .t ,,,. oll'.\lo .... + ..... Olllnt pf A 1 •-·••• 41 llC"l• M'llo l~'tJ Benell~ 1.60 ..,. • ..._ om~ •,, 1e;;.. Fib Z! ,,.,. Id lli1Dl11 ~ ''"'" Btnt Fl111 l 60 30. fj,. ~ ~n~ =1" Dll~Cos .5' ICtvst Cus ti)iv, ~ td Screw 1~ JS • INVIESYING \"VK B!>i lJ 51 U 7t Bert!IF PU :IG n .... JS'I• 3!" Dl.-sCI ,51)b kwst Pc 11" '! l1nH pr 1 ) 19\) (OMPANlf.S nvtsl Groug · Dtnf 5Pl:l50 zlJO ,,,, ,,,, ' +·\:. DISnf'f .:l!lb tfllWI Fl O' 1r1w C .SOV. 52 NEW YDR!c: !AP) IDS ndl 5 Q S.tl fttnt1Utl \Oil DI r•· J ~ l(lno lra.t 1,~ J,!7 bst TV 1:1J ~·· -1ht lo!Jowlnq oue> Mui 109411." Btnollt!I In ~76 11 11 1~'• .. 1""''9 · '!"lr<1n>• p, ,5,; ..,,~ ~<!<II l"d1 u •t, 1•·• lad<>n!, ~~g11l1eO DV ~·ock 21:ff ?J '6 BtrkfV P~o lit ?Ho i:i:. ~t =I 'Ill ~~~~ :: l:'n&o v001 '9\':I ,.,,.l !8b0 Fd 11~1 T'•o •h~ Netlon&I Assael· Selttl t l 911 Bermec (DrP 165 16 ,.,.1 . D0'1'1Fd 1.G]Q 11;.,,.~ 1~ ·· ;-•mo•~ 168 111 e 100 of securlll•1 V1r Pav 1 61 9 :it Reth 1s11 1111 1?t 33''• 3.""• · 0 tMC o,1 1,. 106, lf>lltr 11 '6 Oe~.erJ, Inc., are 1nv Reth •.91 S« DlgThret 60 14 41(i '1"• 41,,.. -1 Cl'nelltV .60 1nct '191! 30,~ jllDO•" soi;, SIV. !tie orlcts 11 wt.Ith 1~1 24 r• 81 B •c-011. 1 1 01 361 61'1> 61 + ~'o Dorr Oliver L1nd1 '" ~i' 1~' "flllf. 16 161,;, lhe~t 1..:url!le• "''' u 1617.U 811,~ Laue 1 l ,, '8'.• n~·. . Dever c., ,64 Lare Wd 71, • 1 T•v or W 67 i9 could have been Ivy l).04 11.G' 81 , e 11 1 jO 21 59'-' 59•/• 59'~ . . OowChrn ?.40 Lars /"d ll._t {~ Tex AmS+tl 13 U ~Id Ibid! or bOU<lll! Joh<1•l11 21 97 21 91 !lo'bbit' llrki 41 19·, l9'io I~~. + \lo DrevoCp lAI LtO, oat 1~, 'Therm Alr 14~ 1S (llktdl Mondav. KtY!!O<ll Fun('.lt B I 1 20 :I0'2 $(111. JO JO''• , Dre~!lnd 1.•0 LllJUrt G 51· '' Therm Air 14'1 1511 l id Ask ~tit 8 1 10.32 21 21 a::fs~' '>Jb 1)1 T.ll' 731;, 73\'< + "• Dre.•:r 1'12 ?0 •.v1n T 1~ TIUanv 17''11'.r. Abfrdff~ 163 2f' "12 11.j'"l' ~• n •s •~V.O 9J +''>Dr")' Pf B2 l•wl• 8';:: ,,.., 1• Titan 14~'o l67.1 Adviser> 1 •1 t 9 us ' 10 111 1 Bol1eC Dfl.•O :i;, 28, l8'• + 11 Drevu<Cll ·~ LI~ Eoulr ,..l!~~n Tr•ns Cs1 6\~ 1 Alfllli 1ed 90J !" i us K1 ti! t.9?,"~,Ms•r11 ,1, 5 11 ' 7.;: 1ro Duk~Pw 1.•0 LIUv ,,,··· ''Tr•~ G•s 19"' 19'4 All Amer l 16 11 u• K2 6 32 •90 oc tn 4 7•'0 .. -'--,, "••I• < L""law 4111\~jr•nsoM 15 lJ'•Aloh• 12SJ1lt9 u1 ll :1:13/20 618orden 1j0 1~1 J~'•• 29'• • .,~, · '" "., LOlr c1 ..... ~.~ 7\4 rtnd Ind ?4\'. 2S·.~ Arncao unav•ll u• ? 11 lj n 21 Bor9War 7S 174 31 JI·'• 11 -<-'• dt1 F'cnl t.2!q ! ""'" c"'' .. ~~ l"Yt Tr!co Pd 32~~ :Mr: Am Dus 3.511 JU UI J t I 1001 BormanF .80 34 23'.'• n 1·, 13 +l duPon! pfl..$0 M1r,O"lu :t:••3' Trldalr 11 1' Am Olvln 11.lJ l 11 "' 6.13 7l58osEd11 708 10 11'4 •1 41 -•OdUPO!\! olJ.jO M1<1 G.l.E J;, », Tui;wn G 1'\\ 16~ Arn Grlh 7,SJ 1.21 ol•rl• s.st ._,, eour"5 Inc JO 'S'• ,,,., 7.1'7 ··;·, DI.ta LI 1.66 M•'llr Cll .ii'~ '"" UnUtc 19 21 Am tnv 99'1 99'1 k<1lckb <IO l~ BranllAlr .JC 11' 111:. !,7'" 17~1 -•• D<1 •.1 11>!?07 M-1 !tltv 1,.,,Vi 3'0 .. 'I)_ UnArl TII 79\\ :lllV: Am M~f U1'3Vall l(nl(k Glh lf 31 l Orlog1S! 2 OD 7S !1'' ~ Sl -'' D<> 6.111¢1.05 M1lllCk! lll'l'L ,.., VII Oolllr lC\) 31 Am NGW l llj Bl La•lnal 1 11 11 Brlol llY 1 7ll lJ1 ~ 1>3••1 I>'''• + " Ouol! lof 2 MI Ml'fl At 8~ •7U. Un Ilium :M~ l!\~ Am P•c 71' .71 Le• R1ch 16~ 1,.6 BrlslMY pf2 24 'Sl4 '1'1 ••'• + ~' DYfM t<1 .YI M Brmwr :>'! :>!" U11 McGll t \o 101/0 Andoor Grovo Llbtr!V 1 II B.,..,., 11lle 1 6 31 lr-1 311'> OYNI Am .Oii Mii Shiro ;.. UI ~~Nc:e 71'~ 2' C•o t.1-110 7& Liie Sl k S SM Bwyl1~ pf .1.1 7 « .o•, 43\o -'!• 1.~1ver " 31'~ ,. u row" 9>.. IO!h G""1h IJ" u H Life In¥ 'oil I n Bk!ynUG I n II JI>'"• x;. J0'-1 . Ml"<! CC ,, lf'" U 11vel '5 27 lnw 9 19 IQ 73 Lina 1.31 t 11 Brown c 2 l•'i 14,., 1.flio + ~ £111ePc" .IO /Acr.it.i v 30~ 1\· U uo1r SC\~ S6 Fa I~• 10.a.J 11 jJCr::I• S.¥le1 ,<10. Brown C: pl I 19•11 19"' 19'1 -•; E111 Air J.O M ... •c H ~s Jt\'J u Trt.L 43'o.I .. ,. Auoci.ted I.JS 1.' 1n1d '° lt «l~lt B-Sh l 5 ?\>'a ,,.~ 21'0 + "' Eat1GF 1:n1 M.-tlrtlll( l1''" 17 Uc PtnP 16"• 2~ 111'.~ HOuohlP!I: loll lj.15 IJ U B-~J'f 50 t 50~ 5C'' $Ciiio -t~ Eli! S Stl .90 M~·-· •• 3~ Ut•h $hLd 11 1'14 11nd A I 1, I to Mut 1 .IO I IO "'""~ J J"-""'''" '''' Mtr1i';',,, .~ ,!~' Ulll Ind l1 • Uf'Vl B JG 11 11 o! Min~... , 9'/ • 7J .~~ ... ,.!~ ,o~ s 2 7 ... "' • '' EllSI VIII '.'II Mlllt•x ,. Vi Vtl LDev 14~ lS;\ Slod: 1.tS ''ff MI U Ff'Vl 1 I 94 1J ~ ''"" .•~ 75 '1 27\':I 21 .. -'!~ E: Kod1k lie Ml ..... t GT ,::., ' Vl!Kt Se~ ''" '*"" Sci Co 1.6.! MIH Glh 11·· '! , B~~Y'c 1 !!. 11 .,,,, m~ 79'"1i •• ' Eel<>nYt i.IO 1•111 It ~ ,,,~ v Y./oodwd 11\/o " l!lab...., 'DI "· MIH Tr I lS 1 a....... " .... 10 76-\0 tt'4 7'6'" -"' Eb.!i•Cll Ind 1 M~ls 8;, 2~~,.~ ~','' W•ddltl R 6.1 10 ilue Rid 129'11'. Miits 113 1. 3 &0'1,gtl 111 6' .jO n ,",,~ '"'" -:!.< Echll!>Mf .n ,~IH V•IG t•..., . v.•odw:h p ,jQ "f ondsl~ I.JO '0 M• h °' u. "" ""'."A l lo 3~ • m. -\~ Eclt.,,.dl>!I .28 ,.,., ~JCh 6•\'"'W AH!{f 111411 llo "'f S:~ 10.7611.lfMf. 1,fl 11 Bulov• ~ r,~ 1flz r,,~!~~.".-.··,m, I 1'""11'.,.. ' '"'-,5'• ~:~~h NG i5g1\ ~·~~~':!'st l~-9~ 1: ~ M Meo 1ir.! :34 l::;:t11; 111:W'!ll 1,, ..a :it'• ~·· .. EIMuslc· .cw. ri.:..";l ~ lj:t 1,r Wit Trmll , 14 "'"' eu~k 16 ,, 1171 M '• U.5 5.n 9~•1111111 lAI 1'3 37\ii l61i "16)'• -\lo EIMU> '" 111'9 Moor, 5 l f' ?l'J Webb ll:n ls:lll !'" ~G I'd 10.3111 22 Mori F . 011rlllllv 70 61 2f\.0, 19'1 ~\'. -l~ EleU A•ioc Ma•ch M 1~("j lffi Wtldlrn U'll 1'h anadlen 19 :IC 20 16 Grw!h .60 lj.,' l!lurrout 1.:IO 55 15'~ ?.%'-1 757<1 -6' Eled Si>« M~tar (I• b l\l 1 11,L W•lllf>Q. M :U 5~> ao\1 Inc 9 69 10 6, lnc:or11 4 61 3 Burr11119h1 WI 11,2 1!,. ••,,•,,· ',"',,',• -_ ,:1 EfglnNal Ind "'~rrMt C . •.-, W1I" Mloe tllo !0 101 Shr 7 68 161 l~sur 8 41 9.12 l!lst.U"'I 1 llf ••. , ., E!Pes.oNG 1 NI 8r~""' 1;~ V V.. VI Publl<h li'h '"" '"' Shr 11II12.91 MIF F :xi '6'U12 BU1ltr1$h 10 ' l1~~ l~ti 31\lo + \':! fl!r• Co 1.10 ••at F ,11 "1"' ~\) Wsln Sales l ~a<111lro<1 Fund•· MIF G 6lt 69:J " e N1! F~~d 3'1' , W"q W"I• , .... 19~. eale" ll 13 14 •6 Mu 0 G!h s 61 610 --C-Emerm,,E2'c, ~ N~I c~o • ), ,, Wl"'"'t" •3 '! Co-n Stk 1.ff 1.11 Mu Jn 11 .111,.15 "' . N91 lbh• ,;,L r.'~ Wwi°''' 44 ., Grw.h 1.6l 1.1' MUI hr$ ?1.lj 21.Jl CCoOIO 1, (p .60 'l ~··· 36\i 3''• + ~,, EmeryA\r .~O NII Sit<:• ,,.. ,. sc zz, 21-lnco~ 1.6' '·'' Mv! 2.1 '·" • ln1nl 12 11.., 11'1 11'·' -~• £mh•r! .30d N••ol p I ,.. • WIJW En 1u 1,,;, Spec.al 3."' 3.r.!NEA u 12n.l'i6~1lt1~M .7!! JO 25'.i• 1~« ~5··-••l"mt>O!sl l.i<O Neno G~ 2i ,f~ ~!d"~'.~ 'J .. ~ 22~ cht~d ioup3:_~l u .M ~:I ~K h:n 11~:fi c:~~~.,L i~io' il: ~;~ 5~:: rt;tz + ~: ~~~ih"~ln ·'.!g Fron! 106.65111.:18 NII lnve•I S.Ol .68 (dn Brew .40 IJJ 11'"° 11 :.. 11>• -1:. Eng M 11U 25 S~r~ld 13.61\ U,t J Nat Sec Str: (dn P~c 3 t 82'• IP4 8l'lt + \oo Ennl!Buo .'6-1 <:hernlc11 18.3420.05 8al1n 11 .•411.YI Can Poe tnl I 11 18 11 , E"ulG<lS ?.1~ .::orcn1n1: 69nd s.i1 '-'2 1aner"a 1 10 t 1S'~ 2•'• 7S'4 + s, F.SB IM 1 7ll Eau!tv S.•B S.'9 Oovl<I •.95 5.•1 8n!etn .0 AS 11\.o 11'·' 11·1• + '·l Es<111lrt ,30 Fu~d lJ.411 U.6• Pl $1 k ?.It l.'J ep c !dc•I 113 $,\:!{, 6.4:.,,, 6.'i~• -1-•1 Ess••lnt 1.?0 Grw:h 7.~J 1.f(J lncom S.t J '·'' C1rbrun I I.ti ' S1•1 Sl SI + •,• E.lhV tco .n 1ornm~rc 12.79 1.1.91-Sloe~ 9,5.\ lD.•S CarHilt 60 tS 77'~ 11'0 11\\ .. Ethyl all •O ornSI Bd s.'3 S.90 Grwlh 10.05 lD.9! (ITCPLI '1 u 1~ 36'• ldl1 l·~6 -·~ Euroflllll .Jo. On1t"no•.Wllh Fdo: ~·1 Wttl 6.SI ~.IJ C1r11Tcn •. .., I Jl1• JI'• :nv; -·~ Ev•n•P .6Cb How good would an .investment firm have to be before you'd recommend it to a friend? Caa Fd 11.IS 11.19 ~wrin 27.10 ' .IO CorrltrCo ·60 11' lt'• ll\~ 391• +1 EY11rsllerp :n:~ 11.00 11.0l ~ew Eno 10.75 11.62 Carr otJ 15 1\10 3~ 3Hi 37'!.lo -\\ EaCtllD 1.JS Sn~~I l&:fi ll :n N:: ~fcj 7::1'~ !::{; C•rrGn 1.S19 t :Wa 3' :J.1 -'~ Ft<:ta.rA I-lb w/11, A&9 1.71 1.&s New·on 16. 6 1~.l'J CantrW lea !t IS\.o 11"• 17'1 ->. FalrdlC :~ 1 ~ C&D 1.'2 1.01 Nore<ll,' 11.19 11.jl ~a$fl JI Alu. 5l lt' • 1~'• 11'• -~-Falrch Hll~r =~d 1i:~~ lV . .u ~·.:'!', ::~ 1~:1i c:1'1eCk, '.ta or ~f.! ~ . ., g._,, = :~ ~:\~~· ol 1 omo Fd 11.19 12.U ror'J!d 16.,111.ll! C1lttTr 1.70 3'7 Sl'• !Po !'1'1 +1 F•lsl"ff .411 ms!k 5.15 6,)9 101 Fund JO, I 11.10 ((I l>Vf'IOI 111 l('> 13 .. 161\"" 1< Fam Fl" 1.JO on<ord 19.10 19.l'O On• WmS U.Jl 16.11 CCI M ol1.i! ~2 41'< •l'o 61'4 +l•o Fans!~! lnoc ""' Inv ll.23 13.62 O'Htll H.n 19.31 Ceco C11 . 0 I 311'" lO :>D -•; F~r Wttl Fin on•m I,,.. S.16 6,:rt Ooc>•n~rn !.st t .Y C11tnf1"C' 2 m1 IS 6"'li; 66;1 + '• F1rahMf IOb """ SO( 10.6111.GO Ptnfl So f.23 •.23 Ct:en p/,>,4.SO '530 •s·, '5>, + •·, Fe<!M,. i.o .,..., LG u~ay,;!I Pl:ll• li.1J 1~alt Cenco Ins JO l6 '4t \1 51;. yi;. -~. FO<:IMO!I i.80 <1.rv (1g 1•.87 1&.111 Pllarlm 10.19 11.7S Cen1Fdv ,iQd 1S 23 ;; ?J '•lllo FO<:IPac Ele<: """'" w 1.12 8.8'1 Pllctl !·'' f.f' Cen Hud I"' , ?ll'o ~/To 11•. + ,., F Pee pll.16 Veoh M l•.ll> 74.U Pint St 1 .2112.'! Ce~ lllLI 1°JJ 11 26·0 ?5'a 7'6•~ + 1~ FedPtPBd I Dt<:at Inc U.691','6 P"ICl'eer 1'-'lj 16.I ! lllll pfi5C 1~ nl;, ~ 71'• +1 .... FO<:ISlgnS .60 R!lawere IS.3316.fS p In Inv 13.! U.77 entllPS 1"u l5 2141 ,,,~ ,, •• -... Fl!GOSI• .t s D'f~11~ ~r \:ij l~:J! ~~~ce Tl!; i~:;7 it!l tf'IMI !_w 1:,", U 19' 1 19\I 19V. + 'li FO<:I MIQ Inv §;::'Th 111 1.., j 10 Prcv!dnt S.J' 5 n t n ...ov• . 4 2611 26 7" -1;. Ftrrc Co 1.10 ' ' Over 100,000 current Dean Witter clients came to us this way. Consistently, our largest single source of new Deon Witter clients is the l'ODp of innston we are ohady ,.rving. We think we know why ... Our clients are served by our 1067 exceptional Account Executives-men or keen intelligence, imagination, and integrity. As proof of their capability, "-' offer the over 100,000 referrals these men have attracted for the firm. As additional proof. we point to our Investment Training School for New Aooount Executives whose graduate~ continue to place among the top on the New York Stock Exchange Standard Examination for Registration. Each of th.,. men is supported by one of the nation'• finest ftlCU'th an&.lysis teams-a group which kcCps our 146,000 mjJes of private leased wir« humming with quality investme nt ideas. That's why we say ... You're close ttJ men wlto kno w Hthtn yo• irrvtJt wit• ••• DEAN WITTER. IC CD. JHCOlt.PDaATm Rre11ton It Ooden, Vice Pre!tdrnt 881 Dover Drlue, Newport Beach Telephone 042·60.50 I ASSETS OVER 1425,000,000.00 ( • x,1 17:63 1 '.63 Purlt•n 11.12 lf69 ,•,•,!_t1U1 ,J!'D "' 141, 14 26 -''> Flbrtbrd .ID • fu 1 1115 '6 p ' F 1' OY ...... 3! 31'1 31V: J1V.. -.... Fltklc1M '·"' 'i: .. ~ 11:6-111:1oS "l::~~lf ur1·1'1· U.01 !rl·ltt<i .to 95 3J'i J:I"• JN -'• FUtrol 1 rw!h 13.69 14.9S Georo I , 1'.'1 i•HntAlr .IO ?I 11'• ~'' • ''' • -'" Fi~ FO<:leretn ntom 6.11 1.'5 Gr!" ll.ll j3.4P. Fl Sii .lo 51 15'• ?Jlo 1s::. -., "lrtttr.e 1.60 Solcl1l ll.81 U,16 I"'-'·" a.10 ,~edOrn Inc )I] l:n1 u:i.... 13 - 1'i Fol(~rf '·''' Slot~ 16.0l 1',41 "vfsl 7,55 l·" h1mpS l.:JO •7 3!l'• 30 JO'• t .._ FstNCy 1.10!:> EbfrJI U.7$ 16,13 Vlfte 12.711 .J7 Cher~rNY 1 11 5''4 51'~ 51'~ -~~ FstNS!r .1.111 !!ortl l•.72 16.00 Rfll T1ch 1-~5 6.6\ (h11e8k ,.70 1,•11 79·• i!.L 7~'• -111 Fischbch 1.30 £ner11v 15 . .SO U.SO R1vert 1 .!l 16.~' tnecke• Met ~. """' ~o·-. -•11 F"he•Scl 16 Entorl1t 9.9'/ ID.fl Ros.~lhl t.15 10.77 Chemtln 1.10 .u>;, 64 « -~• Fleming 5o i'"'•"G 10.69 11.5.l l chus!or 11tO19.56 C~mNY 1.t.11 t • 116'> 66 661' + l,~ Fllnll<o!e '1 cut lh 1v.os :I0.11 cudder Funds: Ch1mw1Y ?O 151 lS>; 15 1S''o -•,:, Flint orA•.511 sse• 17.07 .... Int Inv 17.•j 11.t7 "hes VI f60 1 •1~ 61~ "~ .. Fl IE (<M!JI BaNk 1'1 anager ':'ven! I" 11.n2 ll,60 Sotcl ""·' oiO ~ (ht• ot\!o "4 24 61\'o 67'~ 6& -u Fl• Ge• .60 l:.•olor ?1.5l29.1'J l:'ol 1~.~ 16. CntHbrC 91 32 46\~ 45-\• 'S<k •.. r:11 Pow 1 S? l'~lrld IJ.;5 15.01 Com SI 11 11, t h!CEISI 011! li 11 17 ,, -' Fl~PWLI l."81 J-L Donald Elster of F"'" eM~ 11.02 n .02 s~c 01v u . u . , !h1M11 stP,. 1 41'" •6•:. •1t, + ·• F'' sirti ~ Ftd Gr,h 1 n116 •' lee ~oull '·tt ,.17 hlMSIPP ~I ;o •6'"• "6 4~ -:--, Fl...crCp ; i!Jf J-luntington Beach has Ffa<;:.vi 1~·'>0 •4.0'1 "(tnv 1·7 •..s~ ~Ms1Ppfc1 2 "°,.:.! 10·..., 10·)-l'•Fl11<1•P<B J Fd 11n<I l),'119_,;, e'IC Aim lOKll.16 C"I Mo•k 1 l ....., '6'• ,,. ' ' '' JO b · t d Fjd Trf:I 21.37 2'. S ~1 SoecS 11.a1 1t.41 ChjPneu 1 IO I • -• tv G•r • een appOJJl e mana· F .se11e • Pr1"fim!'lJ 1c1e n·:' \1-ti h RI Piic 1: ~~ ~'t ;.'< :'. ~~ ~~f i'7.2Ji ger or United Califor· ,·-~ '.21 : fi~ri~ I 10.'4~ 10:41 ~A1,,"'1"w' ,1 ••1 llli n·~ -'• FoodFa·r ~ M~ "' 'ji w lnwes! 'l.24 11.01 .. Rt 'N• 21~ .. 17h ,,ll -~. F<Xlle Cs ~10 nia Bank's new Penin--F11 ,'" ~ ia.3611. .,, 1nv 1 .u11.:w ~~1,•,,•~.. 1 """ '1 v. "'" -•1 F<Xllt Mi" F~t " r t .5910 ' IFrm G!h ·" J.t!! "'""~ u . s. 11'Ao 11\lo ,,,~ +·~ FQP!e P1'2 'K'<> sula Center office in F~1 Mu• 'l·'• 11 . .n 111t s1 s .SO!J.JO hrl1 cr111 1 •, .s ~\" "'"' -.. F(ln!Mat , •o F~t Nil n t .11 teadm1n Fdt: Cit cvpf,10cl ~.~ ..Ai 63'Vi -1\11 FarMcK .is Palos Verdes scheduled F:e1 ~.., 9, ...• Ar.:! Ind 12.0 1J-!! rcm1u ... 11 ..... ,..,,., 60 ... F.Yoc:K on.ao to open on Apn'J 18-e::' I~ lJ-l iJ? re~ ::;: 1:1.l "'~'v'ir ,~.. ~ ~l~ ~ ~~ -+~ ~:F~ .ear: . Fnc1 1TI U111v11i st~!n lot l"u!lds: lnG pl!/S 1100 n~ n 1l _,,., Foxboro 6(1 Presently he 1•5 as si's-FOU<>6er• t .oJ '-'' f" 1'-~l'·:u 1n E ... ' ,,,. 65'\o '5ifil ~ +1,,., Frmstr " 37 Four1c 13.111•.SI R Oo f.«t l.«I lf1M u 1.-i. 571' 571' .. , FrttoSu• 1"to •·nt manager ol the , _ r=ran111;" Gl'Ol.ID: led< 1 •. ,, u .•1 "'SuTe1 ·, • ! c ""' _ •:. F~-nco ,._ ws utr Com 51~ 7.2t 1." Suo lnGlh 7.M 1.12 ITF!11 1 .0 ti >N :in. mo + 1. F • .,.. 1 ·'" mita off1'ce . ONT( IJ·" 141! ":!:.:Glh n . 116.l.1 IT , 111i.50 1 11•·-110 llt ' w-r>d . Ulll .JI !-0 tM Ao M '"·°" r:la Svc 1 "'5 """ I"' .:i11 +111 1---------------li= lf!C'Dm '·'° .t j~•c • 11. n .u 1s t;¥p11 21 1 lll 1 i Ill +11• G..t.C c~ 1..IO rffCm t.•1 J0.3:5 "ttlvll t.OI "t ff IY In¥ .lob 'lf 211~ """ ?Iii -1•, GAF (DIP 10 ~~~s;"' 10ao~!-~1 l~~~1 i:JJ .:~1 !!.".Inv of B2 " """" 45 1.5\0-'•GAF Pfl.,O Ca1·lsou Mo"es g~~'tk:15·1115·11 t:=:,<u11:2i:l1~:~ ,1~.~i~11 1:: ,;: ~ ~" l: +,~:g::;:~si.~,~,ri ., ~ ss,c '·fl 10.i tr•n J.•o 1·" 'I' lt~ll~ ,::J l~ ~\i :g ~\\ = ~ 8:::'~11"'1JO T 0 k I '"' Ad 1;·12 11!· ~Wtf'lz ~,:r -~ ' 11¥Etlll j·M "(SJ 31\'t 27\l,i 3J\\ -\i G•r wood O pte . ,-nc. ~~~ ~f, f f:CMu• l :;; I ~ 1111.:11!'1\.:t50 11~ tt~ fl tt'" :.:.··~ X:;~oc~~.o II bert ~UlrOn J; ~t!, '!t!td 1"1111!11 : orow .500 )OS 22 21 ?111 -'• Gfml"I C•p er E. Carlson has ~&C h"' 14: iln AWi! 1,,r 1.7! lutltPt• ·"' 1& m· JO'\ :io·~ -~. ~mlnln st• recently been appointed Ex· :~ i;r,: 1!:1 1 :gj !~:.." 'l:lJ 1t:f lvt"~1.f l ,: ~~? ~:-! ~;! = :~ g~~8l1 1~ (• VI Pr 'd l f lno\'tr , ·!2 Un.~d C111 Un1v1I l:IA pf Al.10 14 :13\'o 3?"' J2't +11 GATrlll ·1.llO f!CU 1ve ce CSI en 0 l r1W111t lS.5119. 1 v,(w L!<lt F~~d\: oa1t SI G•~ lot 40ll 411 "(tr., GA-f2 5C Optek Jnc., optical design and 111l.'!n... 14:ftl1:~-r..::1 L!<1 ::'~ 'i:H !!~' .. •,•:.!.' r 43'1 '3'1 •l'~ +4 Gen'b".~ :56 ' I ' i·M · 6 VtllCt I.DI J·~ · 0111 P• l 20 •• '" 49!, n i;1 -\' GnO!ve"I Mt ~ 'l! I> s ~ J -\ -•• Ml 70\, 69' > 6tlo + \~ G" Cablt 1.10 1n3nufacturing concern of u "'i:' o. 'j· 01 flt '· 11:·1 oc1 np 1.70 u li JO!• l01a + 1\ G•n c1o 1 70 Costa ~1esa. """/:t>e•• 1 -~ u:"r, ~:~~bl l:H~t ':: ol=•,1,•.,,•",:~ rl50 ,., "'' St'h -'' Gtno~nam 1 Car•-mo th , 4 v•1 ,,. .. p, 1 ,. .. v 11 4 '·1 41'4 4 + ·~ Glfll Elec: 1 60 ~n moved to Opltk nd · · 1{ "" · · ! nlli1d ·g '' .,,., iJ'l4 6Jh -~~ ~11 FlrtlllO rrom the AOM Division tif ~d9 'J:ll ,1':tt ~.11m '" 1 :. I : s m'':I \ il ~\% ~\~ JJ"" .: .. :~ 8:: F::.· ,tM ;;n."" t'·l1 1 ·n Wt 101on l ·:i 1 . If I °'' 1 3 •·· !"' ,.. Electto-Optlcal Systtms, lnc.11141l1~11C1 ::fl 1J:if ~w 1',~(1<1 1::1~ U:H :" ~ o11:'° , ls•; !\~ ~·~ =• '" E:~~r 1~ in Arc11dia "'here he was : J.J,~ •u .... in w = 21:;; 1: 11 ~f" 2:: ff~ r,R n:: ±,~ GM1 ~111:,1·~ d~tct of enrnnecring ""' ~Id 1~ ... 10.•4 \Y•t<P<I J.5o1 1. • o~• 1.• st .,,., •\ 1"• + "" Gtn Mot i• o• · '""' lr>dlC lS.H IS.ff War111 3 .... , .. oluPld .JOI 14' 311% l'o U \t +1' G Mot Sol" S INGS - OTHER BRANCH Oll"ftcES ·-i West Arc•dl11 · Covin• Gl•iidale I NO 'fllllMUM TIME' REQUIRED INTEllESt;FlOM D,t.11 Of RECllPT TO DATE Of W1THDltAWAJ. • -- Monday's Closing ' Prices-Complere New fork • I l l --------------~-------------------------------------------------------------- I ... List ... I I • I \ I, ' l I I j . ' I • ,IJ DAJl.Y PILOT --- Graphic Arts Class Now Offered at GWC Far Ille llnt time ntll fall Golden West Coll<ge will offer coocepl from preporatioo of artwork on through com- pooltioo, pbolqjrapbic pro- mises, to the pttsl, bindery and liniflhed product. · a two-year occupational pro-. .,_ ID gnphica lldmolotD'· 'Ille prugram will Include papbic .u. )rinlln( and ailiod fields and will be taught in a modem graphics : iahoral<ley now being finished On completlon of Ille pro- gram the student ~ awarded the UIOCiate ol arts degree and may transfer to a four. year college to earn a bacbel<r's degree ln prlnllng technology and management or in industrial technology. a a new addiilm to Che col- lege lilnry and mulll-media -... 'Ille lab will be equipped rill bol and cold type com- JXJling areas, paste.up and ~ tables, a graphic orta darkroom, offset and le~ terpr<aes. plate m a k i • g oqui-and • bln&!ry, Inquiries about the courses may be directed to Golden West College, 15744 G<>ldeD West St., Huntington Beach. Imtially, two cour1e1 will be offend, me ID inlroduct..y graphics and a ~ course ill graphla tochnology. PEOPLE n.r. wh•t ft'• all abou t, One of the most p•p•lar cl•ily f•efure1 of the DAILY ,ILOT !• People Scene. lt'1 ell eb.irt •i1191, 1ommon•"· ~oob entl cher1cft" -p•op/1. With U>e new laboratory, ltudent.s enrolled in t h e couraes will be able to take a I ' Invest by · the _ ?Oth • Earn from the 1st on 12·monlh full paid lllYestment Thrift Certificates . • 511% on Passbook Accounts on any amount Your withdrawals honored immediately on demand. Join the thousands who •re movin1 1hetr funds to Ctl·Thrift. Call or tltl>P in. We'll gladly •nawer your . questions and teU you how wt1 can tmtsffl'yoUrpresent funds by phone or mall ~lthout bother to you. For your intanrtt'a Nkt mawe )IOUr funds IM!r to our &lint 6 now! <IALIRORN.U THRI.FT&-LO.AN 170 E. 17th St. -646-5045 C.ietntiof a -cf-With offlcn ill principrlf dtitt tbf'oUlhoUt C.1lfornl1. ..... ,UIOnCNI neull'IUL .....,.. AllOQATIOff fW lJUJl/J .-UOCtATIOfll Of WKIUITIIAL UWI COfltPANIEI r • ' . • • • • - ' . . ' COLORS ARE BRIGH'T;SAVING.5 ARE·RICHT oN n:MRS, LINENS, RA.lH RUGS, BEDDJNG ·DtJRINC MAYCD'S • the Montegobedspreacl in Caribbean colors ••• from . . Sunshlnecllo.iie Fashions :24.99 ~a;ti=. twin reg. 24.9917.99 full reg. 27.99 19.Sl. The mcitsment of glani<ii<iuS Montego Bay • • • coral ecind•. blue watsrn. exquisite oicbids. exotic ·birds. All . these lush colors are In our throw spreads. Lu:mrioua-to.:ihe-touch gee. tote beauttfully' quilted over ocetule. Gold with green. blue with lilac, pink with red. Allow 10 days delivery for phone and ma!I orders. . . • save ••• Lady Peppmll uever-ircm :BOie Tolle . . . . ~· Iaxmy Miralux® sheets ~ 99~ttrl!l top or fittecl ~ bottom -was L'9 . full top or fit bottom-·was-7.49 C.99 · kingtoporfitl:iottom-wa.sl3.49·7.99 · ltandard c--. were 4.59 pr..UI pr. klngc:Cses were S.19 pr ••••• .3.9 pr. PerfeC:t quality sheels reduced be-· cause Ila pattem cbanglng time at the mm. Balamed hlead a! Sl% Dacron® polyesier and Sl% eotton pero:tle. 'Ibey go from washer i> dryer· to bed Without Ironing. Choose blue, yellow or plnlc color!. Fieldcrest Bright Nights towels Pompadour bath rugs by Tenn Tuft 1.99 bath towel reg. 3.SO 5 99 21""38" ohlozig or • contoar 1911. ·8.00 ea. hand towel reg. 2.00 1.29 Wash cloth reg . .SO .59 27x48''. zeg.12.00 9Jl9 36Z54" reg. 17.00 12.99 Cuddle-aoft cotton velours In warm combinations lid cover zvg. 3.50 p of otange, yellow, pink -or cool blends of blue, VJSlon•·rayon and nylon.pile, hanc\·tled frlnQe. lurquolse and speannlnt. Make up gilt se1s. Topaz moiai, royal, 19cf..blush pink Siamese pink. may co tawels and .bl'ltluugs • 31, domestics 34; b(lddlng 41 .. ' I ••• .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;::., may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 · pm ' ' •• " ,, ' ' ' . . ' Mq ms, iSons ' Make . Pitch Feminine members and supporters or the Ocean View Little League are singing a new soog this month. It's "Take Me Out to the Ball/' and the fun and fund·;aising event takes place Saturday, April 19, in Carpenter's Hall, 8302 Atlan- ta Ave., Huntington Beach. The Batter-up Ball, between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m., \Vill raise funds for equipment necessary to encourage the "Great American Pas- time" among area youths. . The event is open to the public, and tickets, at $2.~ each, in- clude a buffet supper and prizes which will be awarded during the evening. Centering each table will be a miniature baseball player con- sthtcted from papier mache centered on a square diamond. Flying above each "player" will be a pennant featuring the n~es of the individual teams. Other decorations will carry out the baseball theme in the league's colors~of red and white. In cbargf· of arrangements Ior the annual event are the Mmes. James Werner, president; Conte St.one, Jack Blaha, Bud Phipps, Harold Coulson, Hank Williams, James Skipper, Patrick McGinnis, Durlin Keller, Donald Clemens , Roger Hankey and Phil Mehaffey. Donating their talents to the league will be Those Birmingbams, who will play for dancing. April 19. Getting into the swing of things is Dad Biqningham, while catcher Mrs. Claude Creasy and. umpire Mrs. James Werner· prepare to make the occasion a real "hit." The group, compri$ed of Dave, guitarist and lead soloist, and twin!! Dennis and Dan, have the backing of their father, who has played guitar since college days. Their equipment Is highly advanced, much of it being specially designed, and their range in sound goes from sentimental ballad to psychedelic music . Everybody's Job C. I 'I I .~ 1ty s rna,ge Luncheon T.opic ''Beautification goes beyond flowers and trees ...... It becomes the, city's image to visitors," Calvin Stewart, director of Parks and Recreoi- tioo for the cify of Newport Beach.for th~ past 13 years, dlscuised the problems of litter, billboard.- and advert!Jlng benches during a kick-off luncheon. for April Beautification Month.in Huntington 'Beach proclaimed by Mayor Alvin M. Coen. Lauding the efforts •of the women's division, Stewart emphasized the need for organization to create a favorable city image. Pointing out that lots · of legwork must be done beforehand, he stated that the division must work closely with city government to accomplish the ultimate gohl of a beautiful city. "The city council and 'planning commission eventually become involved," he said. He suggested an annual awards luncheon to hon· or piesidents of.organizations, ~erch~ts and. in- dividuals for their efforts toward making Huntmg- too Beach a more beautiful place in which to live. "Beautification is not an easy road," he streased. 11'111.e key js to outline a program and thake plans regardinF everything that affects a city's image to visitors.' Stewart. was ~foularly concel'l!ed witli the problem of litter m ,beach cities. ', · "After a summer Sunday on the beach in New- port Beach, I'm ashamed of my fellow bumar: beings," be said. During the luncheon, taking place in lhe Fish erman restaurant, winners from the poster contes~ in Huntington Beach and Marina High Schools wetr introduced by Mrs. Charles Bauer, beautification chairman, and presented with a,~ savings bond. The winning entnts were'dl!played.during the luncheon, and all entries will be displayed Jor a week beginning Monday, April 21, in the Huntington Ctnter Mall . Plans for ceniral location sites for the pickup at large trash currently are being completed by the 119-llllllcaUon committee members. • I . , BEAUTY WINS -Honored al the beautification luncheon hosted by the Women's Division, Hunting- ton 'Beach Chamber of Commerce, were poster con· test winners fr0m Huntington Beach and Marina High Schools. Involved in making their city a more • beautiful place·to live are (left to right) Aleta Aloe and George Watson, Huntiilgton Beach High, and Susan Overstreet, Marina winner, with Mrs. Charles Bauer, beaullflcaUon chalnnan {seated). Officers Named Midway · Club Tallies Score It's orllclalt Election results from the Midway City Woman's Club are in, and Mrl. E. J. O'Don- nell bu been ae1ected to guide the club during . tho 11119-70 ....... She, with either m~ of Banq·uet ' Enticing Mot.hers and dau&hters will be honored during a banquet sponaored by. the Westmlnster Lutheran Church. the board, will be lnltalled during a noon luncheon ~king place in the Ha'Penny IM, Westminster, Tuesday, u ••• 13. ....,, lbe election loot ,place dur· ing ·a recent meeting id the clubhouse, , and ltlected to serve with . Mrs. O'Donodl were the Maies. James c. Badgett, first' vice president"' ' ' Kenneth Beho, leCOOd, vic9 president; R. · V, PtillHps, recording secretary: Wllllam M. Schmidt, corrapondlnc secretary, and Nell M~ treasurer. ' Preceqlng the b u· I i n t I I meeting and el~ lea wu served by llli·Mmeo. 1Jadge14 Ora T. Nettlelcln mh\lliert Floback. The ~nt was provided 'Ii; 'llie Rev. Robert LeWll, JohD.Welch'nd Mrs. Pat Teal frmi 'the Westmlnster Bap{llf <lnlrth. Mrs. Joyce Landorf, wlle, mother, editor and author, will speak during the event taking place at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May I , in the Weatm.lnatrr Acting as installln& Gftlcer Presbyterian Church, 7 7 O 2 for tho Msy meetin( will be Yt'eslD'llDIW Ave. Mrs. John Carl, and neerv• lions may be made by callln1 Mn. !'.andorl hu ber own Mrs. O'Donn<ll, I U-1111. radio ~ ''Hert 1 1 Tickets for the lunchean•wlll Joyce." ilnd II a oolollt on tho be ia.541. TV proa:ram, "World 0 f Youtb," In Los Angeles. Gomral 111fftinp of'the cluti • ~ ...... tho lle<Glld Tueoday Spimnd by women of tho cl ' wll month In th• church, t be banquet Uckets ~ • 1241 Bolsa Ave., will ba,12.15 for adults and II Midway Clly. The - for cblldnn., Blby..ttt1n1 will orpnbod In 1121, joined ik be provided, •e<onllnl to Mrs. Calllornla · Federatloo t I Robert IUelnleldL Wcalil'1 Cluba In 1161, Ann Landers Still Has Faith · in the Younger Gen.eration ' ilAR ANN ALNDERS : I'm a middle- ... lqUll'e ""° would like to know your ~an the current campus upbea•als. ~··. belllnd lh1I -allenatton "' cl j9aUll Have.,.. botclled thinp oo bad- ly -.& eneytbio( ClUl)ll to be junbd -lncfdlnl oui' unlvenity l}'Sleml J'm horrified by what t read in t b e newspapers and see on TV. h there any jwUflcaUon for these campus revolu· t.tomT Do colJeCe student.I have the right to virtually clool clown our inalituli<llll of hlcher iearnln&I I've alw•Y• betn a champion of youth, but my laith hu been shaken. Please, Ann Landen, express yourself. You1ve ANN LANDERS ' been DOliceably llilenl on a 1Ubject of enonnou.1 IOCial liplficanct. • -BEwlLDERED DEAR BEWILDERED: Wek:eWle IO I be dllb. ~ .... aln11 nv. ... pul faltlri la Mr yoatll. A.ad l ltlll Uve. Tbey are brlgllter G:aa we wen. more bltrlive, mon ortlcllote, .,. tllty poaen 1 far deeper eommltmea' to 110Cl1l jullice. Tbe YUi m1jority II ..,.,.. kids ut iieceM, .. ., .. waq d&beu"" .... , u tdaca.tloa. Alld *11 ii wUt makes ... ....,.. rlollnc reprdtenllble. Tbe ___ ........ ..... .. bljlll( ... .,.rty .... -thol Jullce -ve dearly la tllt mllorlty e1 every campu wben u.ere bis beeJI trouble. ' la 1 free toeidy, clU1t!11 U.vt the rlpt lo dlue•4 .. ·-""""'"" ... .....--...,. _ im)ul. Bii& wan&oa dettractkm el property, rifl. Ill( ti Illes, tlirWellll( colkce praideall .... foc:wlty -1ien ..... valid...-. It la lnla•eu ud W Ill .. toierllRd. to tarp1ye11 and alumat ftl ~ tbese scltool1, aid to die .... tued facultymemben ... ..._ ... wind •P at die merey el .......... UDlaa we tue • ftnn Rud .... tllae. aaarddlU, ... ,. " ... .. ..c . ..,. ...... ... .......... . I lileUe•• Rtm'• •·kelt ~ law b:llblnlaln1, we wlll • • • tt -.. _,.. "' lowloeum. 'l1itre tllt ulvenity ud Ille b1r* ti llldam. mut be .. _,.......,_,,• dllly....Uy. la&, ....... , 10 amonty _.... ftoo c;oNFIDENTIAL TO BnTER HERBS we ... IO 'Ille d-ti lh -AND ASHES IN THE MOUTH: It bu and rew•rd crlmlul t.edcl, wt en-. 1been, said that a man, like a tree, coun1~ othm le foDow ....., "*'· Wff1 is beat measured after he hu been we Uteile 1Her " "'*" de spl& cut down. Please reamre judgment. Time hi U.. face of 'altltorlty we are IM'-1 will totten your views and 41imlnlah your IM&faJr to 1Wdep&1 wlM wut it lure, ana:er. Rememl:Str. \hat bate, like acid,· -mon damall to the veuel In -H Is -thin to tho object on -II It pound. ,... ..., ~ ,. Itta ••1Jha9Q: .. ... _,,. Dlo'l lei ,_ llanllp ""w..11.---... ....... ... -.._. .... _,... .. ~·····-~loAa ··~trn .. antftWl.w: s•••..m.. .... -................. . telf s l fl lftlld .. ..... Aa l•n 1111 wDI ........ ..... ,.. wllll ,_ ......... -... IO lier la con ti tW DAILY l'ILOI', W~ I Mlf•.wr' IC, • $11 CIVow.r• l ' . . J f DAil V PILOT Hollywood -Fanelli Names to Be Linked • .. James B. Hollywooil ol 5eal Belch, ,assl .. tan city manager ol Foupllill Valley~ will claim Glni Fanelli as hiJ bride durtng a June wedding in St. MattlJO'll'•• Catholic Cburch, Loni Baach. Miss Fanelli, daugbter of Mrs. Joseph H. Fanelll of Laguna Beach ·and the late Mr •. Fanelli, attended Orange Coast 'Coliege b .. fore receiving her bachelor's and masters degrees tn business adrilinistration at Cali- fornia State College at Long Beach. While attending the state college she was vice president and pledge trainer of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority and was a!flllated with Pi Omega Pi, an honorary bwiness educa- tion organization. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hollywood of Ossining, N.Y., is an alumnys of the same college where 'he majored in public administration. He affiliated with Sig- ma Pi fraternity and was on the varsity water polo team. Clubs County Mark 52nd Altrusa Birthday Members from five Orange OM.mty AJtrusa clubs will celebrale the international organization's $1 n d an- niversary in the T o w e r s restaurant, Laguna B e a c h 'lbunday, April 17. Laguna Beach Altrusans will host clubwomen from Anaheim. Fullenon, Newport Beach and Santa Ana coming together for the Founders Day Dinner. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. will follow a social hour and will feature a talk on Czechoslovakia by Mrs. W. L. Spawr of Long Beach. Mn. Spawr will relate her observations, fonnulated while visiting relatives in Czteh~lovakia durlng several trips, about the living con- ditioDS behind the Iron Cur· tain. Completing the picture, Mn:. A. F. Whlteoer. vice preside_nt~ and program chairman of the Laguna Beach club, will tell ablout her trip. Courtesy Officers Lead Chapter's Party Night Statiom will ~ filled by 18 courtesy officers representing 12 chapten when Lagun.a Beach Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star celebrate s Orange County Party Night Friday, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Chrhtensen, asa:ociate matron and polraa, will bolt tbe 1ala Tea Brewed CariJbrooke Cutle Chapter, Dau&hlm of tbe British Empire is hosting tbe annual Engllah tea next Thursday from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Elmer w. Schrumpf. Procoodl will aid Ille British Home ln Sima Madre. Painters Meet South Cout Federated Ol1na Painters will meet nest 'Ibundly In the Newport Bach home of Mrs. Donald Sci-m<hl. Secreta ries At 6:30 p.m. every second '11\urtday women of Bahia Chap t e r of National Secretlriea' Aaaocla t ion bMrnltkJnal u.emble in dlf· t...m loCIUons to attend meetlnp. Mn. Slllie Fleming a l'IMllO may be telepbooed fer 8dclttkna1 Information. evening which will begin at 8 p.m. in Laguna Be a c h M.sonicHaU. La Habra, Newport Beach, Garden Grove. Anaheim, San.- ta Ana, Whittier, Yorba Linda, Huntington Beach, P i c o Rivera, Brea and Downey will be represented by officers. Mn. Allen. Bailey, general chairman for the function, will be assisted by the Mmes. Arnold Kohls, Charles Pan- nier, James Barlow and Jesse Malcolm. LB Women Exercising Junior Sectlon members, South Coast Club of Laguna Beach will try out equipment in Laguna Beach Health Club, the setting for their next meeting at a p.m. Thursday, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Adams. who have owned and operated the club for more than a year, will give a demonstration on the usage of ex e rci s e machines. In between exer c ise s, Juniors will elect new officers after a committee, headed by Mrs. Donald Feehrer, presents the slate. Reservations and further in- formation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Jack Weber, 4~1. --· . -· .. .. ---· ... . .. .... . . .. -·-·· ... --. ·-.. Horosc ope Leo: Important· To .Advertise WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 Dy SYDNEY OMARR NEW MOON IN ARW em· pUabes iroomhl1 of hair. Strell ap-lH•te style. Won- derful for ~rchue of bat •• go wllh new look. ARIES (March·21·April 19): YOU cooJd find younelf in spotllgbL Slreu penooality, appearance. Tonight t b e r e could· be financial surprise - of pleasarit variety. Highlight ~ new. UWize pioneering in· shncll. TAVRUS (Apfu 2G-May 20): Clrcumsllpces ' are m o r e favorable to . ycur efforts. Ad- ditional ~ht is thrown on puuJin~ situation. You are beneficiary. Know this and proceed with confidence. GEMINI (May 21-June :W): 1 teat. Be slncefe. SaJ notbln& you do .not mean:. truth alva you conlidence. pon1t alcD NlY agreemen_t unless lbofOUCblY. familiar with Jt. ' SCORPIO (Ocl. 13-Nov, It): You hear of new diet. Qaeck first with physician. Avakl n.. tremes. ~ey today ii moGer. tion. Conserve 1trengtb. You'll . need it for new ~pnient, added duties. SAG11TARIUS • (Nov. SS: Dec. 21): You can ouecelllu"1 complete Imporlailt, l'"lltcl Reco~tion g 1 I n e d for creative eirorts. Clabu credit where due. No time to be shy. Speak up. You deserve success. CAPRICORN (Dec. :a.Jan. 19): Be specific. Avoid beaUng about the bush -applies especially to lo n c·range agreements. 1be place where you . reside commands at- tention. Adju1 t ment ls necessary. Tak·e • m ore modern view. .Ph ilip Bride • No rton Claims Church Rite 1n Pl>Wp Stanlty Norton · ol ear... de!• Mar claimed Carol)'11 Grace Combo as his bride mai., double riq nup- tiaia perf()nM\I by tbe Rev. Simuel Hail In .SI. Lukf'o Epllcopal Clwrd>, Long Beach. '11>e bride, daughter ol Mr. and Mn. Frende Willh Combs of LoOa Beach, waa sfven In marriqe by her fltber. She wore • IOft& organla gown with 1pplique1 ol aleocon 1-. lier full lenatJ! 'mantilla .... caught lo a 1-headpiece, and she carried I Vlctorian basket wJth wb1te blcaoallJ mixed wltb blue delphinium. Wblte peau de aoie ,owns wttb powder blue chiffon bo4lces and baakets o r mulUcolored spring flowers were selected for her en- tourage. Mn. Carl .Chamberlain of Meridian, Miss., was the matron of honor, aod other at~ tendantl were ·the Mmes. Mlchael Nott of Long Beach, Norman Vliuorl, Vista 'and Ray Sparling, Los Angeles and Miss Jackie Prandi o f Manhattan Beach and Miss Diane Jewell of Los Angeles . About 300 f!U<Sll attend.o tbe ,_. -pt!Go la !If: bm>e ol tbe brlde'a parellfi( where Joe Moohay and ~ orcbeltra played. • Following a Hawaiian. honeymoon, the newlyweds wtll establlah their first home in COronll del Mar. The bride Js a graduate (1£ tbe University of Southern California where she was af. fillated with Delta Gamma. Her buabaod, al.so a USC graduate, b a member of Phi Kappa Pal Day Ca re Ava il abl e Working parents ol preschool chJldren constantly f a c e the problem of rinding adequate care at reasonable C08t for their children during the day. A new op~rtunity for low-in- come families to have care for th~ preschoolers I s available witti the Children's Communlty Nursery School in Orange, .sponsored by the Orange County Church Service Committee. Aid forthcoming from friend you helped in past. Be versaWe. Your hwnor, talents are doubly appreciated. You get real cf:iance to com· munlcate. The result is profit, possible acclaim. CANCER (June 21.July 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 26-Feb. 18): Be receptive to SUJ- gestions. You become involved witb neighbors, relaUv ... Key MRS. PHILIP S. NORTON The bridegroom, son of Dr. and Mrs. George Stanley Norton ol Santa Ana, asked his: brother, David Norton to be his best man. Anyone interested in the· school may write to 171 South Orange St., Orange, 92669. Cost ls based on the parents' ability to pay and range.s from $S per week to $20 per week, Ille fuU coot. Accent on career potential. Welcome new assignment. You get going in rig6t direction. important person takes you under wing. Check facts, detail!. 'Illen surge ahead. is to keep open inJnd. Some Coron• del Mer Home around you may appear-~~--------'-'-'-'-'-'C..:.: _____ _ Servlng as ushers were Tom Tucker, Balboa Is I and ; Stewart McPherson, Santa Ana; Gregg Johnson, Tustin; Bill Lawless, LQs Angele!; foolish. Remember, you are - not void of foibles. Parade of Fashions To Follow Ceremony LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): New moon position today coincides with chance to enlarge horizons. You gain opportunity to pubU!h, advertise. Your cir· cle is wider. Opportunity is greater. Important to com- municate. vmoo ((Aug. 23-Sept. 221: Patch up family ditterences. Accent diplomacy. Don't give up something for nothing. Reali1e one who has been fallhful deserves lhe best. One who makes promises may be Jau3hlng at you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Some relationships are put to America Saluted PISCFS (Feb. II-March 20): Utilize more than one method. Means don't rely on put pro- cedures. Key is to modernize. Obtain hint from Aquarius message. Be flexible -and heed advice trom young person. IF TODAY IS YOUR BlRTIIDAY your perceptive qualities make you sought· after individual. But, in ac· tuality, there are few persons you can call real friends. Peo- ple want to hear what you have to say -but they don't always listen. A change is about to occur. It will make possible greater freedom ; rea- lize your own worth. i.a!:1,~'dthe 5l~ f~l"\11~~~ sffl<I 10 cent1 To Ornetr &ookle!, •M OAILY PILOT, Sox l:NG, GT•NI Cln-lr ll l lallon. NIW York. M.Y.-1001 7. Club Bills A fll'Oll'lm of mulk: la plan· Fam 1· 1 v Act nod fol the 1bundq, April 17. . ·, meeUn1 of Ille American • , Aasoctation of. R e tire·il ~ Mrs. Kujorie"Tayloe and Persons, Newport Chapter 12L her fivt dllldren will entertain The Harper School chorus Woman'a Club of Laguna will perform a selection or Beach during a mfftlng in songa depJcting lUe in the the w~'s clnbl!<>use at 1:45 United State1 directed by p.m., Friday, ·Apr1l l8, Mrs.• AI Wa~ and ac-~A harpist and folk singer, companied by Mr.s. Terry Mrs. Tayloe will lead selec- Phll!Jppl. tiOM from . varl.ous countries The 1 p.m. program will and centuries 1n a number follow a noon luncheon in the of languages. Harbor Senior C l t i i e n s Mrs. Tayloe had her own RecreaUon Center Newport radio program for six years Beach. Members ~d guest.I and bas been a soloist with will bring sack lunches and many symphony orchestras. beverages wW be provided by Mrs. George Barnes will the refreshments committee, host a tea following the prcr chaired by Mn. Esther -;;gr;;am;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;i'I Estridge. , ~ Uoyd E. Morrison of Corona ·del Mar ls president or the chapter which iJ one of more than 500 in the United States with a total membership of 1,600,000. Anyone wishing in- formation on the chapter may call Mrs. Ruth Johnson , 646- 9849. Centu ry Club ~ · Twentl..n Century Club of Hunti ngton Beach gathers at 7:30 p.m. the thlrd Tuesday In Lake Park Clubhouse. WORDS ARE CLEAR WITH Miracle Ear• • Even in Church • Even in Movies • Even in Meetings • Even in Groups • Even with TV • Just EVERYWHERE WONDDFUL HIARINGll COSTS SO LITTLE COMPAREO TO WHAT YOU RECEIVE Thou1and1 of peOple are aecretly u'tlng them IUCC'eltfully Flfl HOME TllAL OIMONSTRATION Ttl.IPHONE S47 ... 17t COM£ IN-.!M.r~ ACT NOW Island House In Fashion J.sland will be the selling tomorrow ror a fa1blon show and installation luncheon for Balboa Harbor Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta lnterna· tional Sorority. Mrs. Robert Cramb, vice pre.sldeht, has a r r a n g e d refreshments at 10:30 a.m. followed by the installation ceremonle.s. Taking office will be the Mmes, Kendall Foster, presi· dent ; William Page, vice president, social; Rene Caron, vice president, membership ; W. F. Macinnes, vice pre.st-. dent. program; Gerald Ryles, Gary Brooks, Long Beach ; ---------- Jay C. Horton, Los /.ngele.s ; John Gay, Corona del Mar, and Oll'is Upham, L o s We Cover Boating Best in Wesl Angeles. · corresponding secretary; 1-.;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'i ;:,:;ary~;d ~.::.: ~:~l:y~ YOUR · OWN · BUSINESS treasurer. f~1:~~•d;:1~h~0!m t~ Earning Polenlial commentated by FI ore n c e Un limited Smales, after luncheon. r.in. eramb, recent delegate We off.er to the 1969 Southern California Province convention tn 1.os fr'nanci'af assis' I Angeles, will present a sum-ance mary of the meetings. R•i1• t •ntle 0Jorl•11 Chinchillas in yo11r home. Small in•••*· The Balboa Harbor Alumna e rnent, Comp•*• hainin9 program, Won't inl1rf1r1 with pr1tant • oc:cup•tlon. Club supporU area philan· SEND TH IS AD FOi Fill l l OCHUll- thropies aru:1 the a c t l v e U • I Ch. h.lla chapter at Calilornia state ntversa · tnc I Breeders College at Long Beach. Any 1120 f est Asli s.,..,, hllerto•, C.llf. interested alumnae may con-c.11: l71 4J 170.1063 M Col-.ct: (714 ) 5Jt.JIA1 tact Mrs. Cramb It W-2608. ..AIL TH IS AD off reg. .price on your choice of three Touch &Sew %ig-z.ag sewing machines bySinger including • • • the Golden Touch &Sew machine'" in either the "Copanhogeri"deslc or the "Bartelona"cabinet. ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ \S~~s69aa~ FASHION MA n· zig-109 sewint machine by SINGER with case FASHION MATE' MWing machine by SINGER in ''Luinston'' cabinet ~· '·TWO SINGER' VACUUMS ; • SINGER UPRIGHT has triple \, CJC:lion vibrator. Deep 1.: cleons, airwoshes carpets, rugs. AND PORCH 'N PATIO' vocuum hos five gallon steel conto iner, super· powe<IUI suction. U11 STEREO SENSATION! • $ff MOW MllAClJ.IAI: UH fflll YOU Stws buttonkole.s, buttons; do1ns, mends, monograms without attachments. Enfoy smooth ititching on all fabr ics, forward and reverse. St0<m in Eotly Americ:on cabinet. indoor• ond out .. Tiie colorlUI sound of Ora .. • County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach ~-~••c;;;-·· '1t ft. Mllfi. tMti1 A!11 . a=:=,l..":t::nr" : . ~ .......................... : .......................... ····-·········-······-·· A51< AIOUT OUl ClEDIT PLAN DUCONED TO flT 'IOUl IUDGET. ',_ ..W"" fl,, __ , .,... -ttllilt ~fl ,i-ll«ili WIClw SINGf:I COMMNY Wkt i ~p,,,..,_lt •IS I NCO I" t*t f' ~A T1•cle11>•rl of THl I JNG(ill COMPANY - tt UNTIMOTON SIAtN flflno« al I Md! ",.,.,,, Hllfllll'lttoll Ctt1• ' IU.NA l'A•K Ula On lh1 Mi ll , ..... ,~ ·-f'lrtl (Hlltf' I AAOIN GltOVa JUI ~pm1n .,...,. Or•'ltt tou111y 1'111• I SINGER MIAHSIM Sii N. LNrt i ~lctM*. -. ., .. ' -· • -------·------~------------------------------------------------------- ' TUESDAY APRIL 15 a 9 m • 1o1o cC> <30l """ lsM1111:sfrf\W Tllifts,• ArlrtfMllCI tsks Jult1 to htlp h• "'"' 1 hi- low ah• dodl't blow Is Jvlln bot-lritnd. Ketty Lllhr ind Doll Mir• 111111 auert. e Jl•111t ....,.. -. <CJ (30) Bud tnd Travis 1uast. '*' IJ "' •• -(t) ($)) Jo"' "'""'· D @ m11JhT ... 1h"'l<l {60) '1lii Gr•I Chm Gambit."' When • SAC bomber cr1shu ill Se1ln. the tD!t 11trll 4t¥lc. ttllt fOCIMls the in.di ordw llOl!t tht President •rid Judps lb •utti.rtl· tity dfuPPt•rs. •Jld M111'1dy Is 1• Sifl'ltd to r«w1r It. Mthtmlah Ptr· soft ruuts. am-"''"" cC> <30> e lflA Pb~tfs (C) (21,4; hf) Th• Los Matin l1kers meet tht Al· l1rrt1 Htwb 11 Cllict Hearn tails tM action, m M"' Crfftl (C) (90) m 1i11 ,., , .. urt <C> ('60) B 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE~lor * "SUNDAY IN NEW YORK" Part I. JANE FONDA! l<JllJ@(j)IJ!INICT-- (C) "'PresatptilG: .. ..,.. (ml"" llry) '60-Gtne B1rry, htlf F1lk, Kathtfine J11stitt, William Windo111. Mini Foch, A polict d1tecti'tt pein> bklng1y 1M1thes for 1 flnr ifl • ''perfect m11rdtf" uu In which a psychiatrist is $11Sp1Ctld of l1111nl his wife. (R) U ill O'Dodr: MwM:: ('C) "'Sunday II ltw fort"' Put I (comedy) '64 -Jane fond1, ftod Ttylor, Cliff Rob•rbon. GI ... IC) COii m.., -<C> <IO> m-m (30) IHI(})..,'"'"' l<l m....-1 Mtw? {30) "Juncl• Life.· Pert I. Muri Dtu$int 'ilSlls tht 11i11 fomts lllf Latin Amerb to study JunrJe flit. IEM ..... Sil Alllf m 11PLM """ (C) 0 ShoWCISt i (C) (GO) The Doo- dltlown Pipen ind Norm Crosby u htl• sprint on tilt umpu1 , 11 lhey tak1 1 musiul tour ti six umpuaes. l:30 D DIC Nn au•1ct ('C) (60) m Nn Flltinl <C> (90> "Bl1tok at TantltwOOd--Concerto for Qr. d1estni." A comrnemoratloti of 1111 25th 1nnlverury of thl Bartok wort. N£T compared 1 perform~llC9 of ttlt work by tll9 Boston Sym. phony Ordtestra wltll a rehtarsal by tilt Blf'ahlre Music Centw Stu· dent Orthestra. m I IMo U., (IO) mv.,q.1111111 ..._., .. s.. (C) (60) llJ l1J _......, (C) m ..... • , .. QIW (30) "'Tnchln1 Non·En1lish Spaklna Chl!dr., ... CitJ 1Choo1s tucher Vir· tklia Dominiutz dbcuuet 10me ol tht problems f1tin1 tht non-En1- lislr speekin( student in frade ""'°· la(l)IEIJ!llll•'"' ltl @I)Ch1Ct19 .lftllallet (C) >3Jl&aoo-.., m "'> • Bqal tig«, on th• loosl frGm a trnellnr camlval, finds his way to 1111 Wtbb ranch causin1 ptnle ind d110s until tht t1mil1 discovers ho Is as lai'M 11111 harmless •• 1 housecal l• IJ CIS Eminc Mew (C) (30) Walter Crankitt. B ll1lll>m••ro cc> oo> "Nathlnr Is Retl But tilt Dud ... Part IL S.manth1 Lipton ind JKk SftoeorNUr, Greenwich Vll1ap hippies who en Identify 1111 Illy• of Paul Ogden, ro lnta hidinf out of fear. (R) 0 ""' (C) (30) Ted Meyers. IB lZ O'aod Hitfl (60) UJI 0 """'• .., LiM? (t) (30) m-m <30l !!JOO-CC> IE "'1 fD T1lt Ft111di CW (30) Jurll tO':OO f) QJ (I) CIS Naws Sptcill (C} Child prep1rts tf11 m1in COUIM (60) "The Coll11t Ttm!IDil." Eric for 1 dlnrttr party. Swtreld, Hany Ruaoner tnd John 9 C1J Tiit Cood l111t (C) L1wrtnet ire jolnl'd by a panll to discuss tht collttt liNll:ion. m•-~ "'"' m om-m <"'> m ,,... • c.....,. <C) o @rn m TW• Lh (C) <601 8 A Nat'! Geo. Speclal- ik "POLYNESIA"-1pon11C1r&: " HAMILTON WATCH ind '1h• Honeymoon.~ Kl} Medford Pl•rs th• W"PJ mothw, Alan Kin1 Is 1 maitJ1 d' wflo fl'l1kes acid comments on m1nil11 11111 Robert Gou11t 11 1111 feeturtd attnctlon at IMn1 tnd Sophlt G~s llotll. (R) BRITANNICA IDIB OO......,,_,._ cJity ·Spld.r (C) (60) "Polynesian 0 MMl!ltl INllM (3()) @I) Mlfl1111 Adventure." An .,..itnesa 1ccaunt IJl:!JI ~ •--of tilt ..otic; South Pacific llla, bJ -· \"' "111t 1.-... lfMI 111 Allllrican family that l1vld ind IM Ceblll" (drlTM) '51 -Johll wortled 1t1ert Ill 111 apetitfttfll: with WIT!lli EillO MIG. natllrt. A11111'1111r $mlf1'r namtes. m .... (C} (JO) Tht broedast molvu 1rwnd the @I ..,_ ,._ CMllrw:I (JO) ye1r spent on T1hitt. 8orl Bors, Rallt11 111d T1h11 lsllflds by th1 fl> 111111 Sh .....,._ Stanton Wlttml111 familr of Prince- ""· NJ. "'"'IDBB!Jill!llll-ltl B9ffill!l""'"""l<l COOl OAJlndH-Ptttr lawford Ind NlllC} Ames ruest. .vt.r ttlt 11penln1 uip tnd m l.lln a.II (C) a comedy skit antitfed "Th• Come· dians," tilt show pokes fu11 It teV· er•I of tfle malor motion picturei nominltld for Oscan. ID MIN: "'11.-.r" (mysftfY) '50---oinall Sheridan, Mnnll Reed. Otfflll>lll""""' CC>COll . "A "Seat by tilt Window." Tilt 11:30 IJ M0¥1t: (C) "'Dnltf"MI flill" Squad Is split up ind mltnld to (tdvenlure) '58-louls Jourdafl. tflret ap1111t1 charter v1Cltion a ID(!) m ,_,_ SlllW (C) bUMS to hunt the slaJtr of 1 1111n found In 1 bll$ llation. Julie Grau ind Bo Hopkins fUesl a Willa tnd Tom. (Rtsehtduled) (:J MllllM $ Morie: "'At W1r Witb tlll Anl}"' (comedy) '51 -Dan Mtrtln, Jeny lewis, Poll)' Berpn. 0 Mo.i. -o-1 Ill' Mlzbt" (hor· rot) '.tZ---tilidt11I RedlflVt, Sallf Ann Hown. a @rnm-. -<<> m Don•hl O'C911Mr .. (C) ID Trltl « C1• .. •e11 (C) (!O) U:20 D Movie: "Rlllftlm'" (mysttfY) 111 '*" M-(60) '48-ZICllary Scott, Sidnay Gtlen· fI) CMdolt .. 11 Ian (30) ltr9el '*' m """ m <"> fl!)W..W-(t}(601 Ill Db:11thlpl1 1-'ri1 ""' IJ Qt (I) ... ,,_ (C) (60) M•ld M1rili11 (PltTiti Mun11I) pleb for90Dth (Skelton) -th• dumbtsl Merry M111 iii Shtrll'OOd Forni - to pose 11 her fiancci, Robin Hood, when silt le1ms th• Sheriff ol Not· linfham I• out to •m th• re•! Robin. llt tht Slltnl Spot SM!ton pall'tllmll'flll '1ht Sip Min." WtDNESOAr •l>o'mME MOVIES 12:.JD m Act1111 T1lutra <C> "Th• Collf· a110t1S Mr. P11111." I :OCI 0 0 Nm (C) 0 eo-unflJ l1111t111 lolf• (C) m r,.. •• 1111111. 0ut <t> 1:151) Morlt: "'J• 111 bJUtll"' (musical) '59 -Jo Momw, Britn DOil levy. i :30 m 11 Sunset """ • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Q111llfy Pri11fi111 and Dt1M11dt\I• St r.ic• for '"''• fh111 t Qutrftr of a C.ntwry, 1211 WIST IALIOA ILYD. NIWPOIT IU.CH .PEANUTS PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS Mun AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH "!MAT NeW LITT\.! ~SH GIRL SPl!AKS SO NIC&LY, rrs 6RATIP'(JNG-10 NOTE 11\ATYOU ~REt> UP l'NOUGH 10 COME HERE AND Ri;GEIVlo THIS SIGNAL. HONOR1 EllEI! DO YOU ~AVE Tl.\E ' MONEY TO~ IT? -'THIS 1' .A FAMILY •WI CAN'T UNDl'UTANO WHY, Wmf THI! 5M\11 LAN611AGI! }!)I/ BKmSl:I TAUC .SO .FNIG'/, &LIT WE DON'T .... By John Miles ~ ·- By Tom K. Ryan l'U. HAVE Ill' USUAL!.SHAY! ... WfW HAPPENEt> 1U THE RE6'!-AR E!ARTENDER? By Al Smith FOR.~E LAST MINUTE! By Gus Arriola - By MeD i I I I ------~--------------------- LIKE A NATIVE -Susy Watennan, above, daugh· ter Qf film.maker Stan Watennan, shares an e;r. .. periment in nature on 11Polynesian Adventure" t<>- nigbt at 7: 30 on Channel 2, a first hand account of a year-Jong stay in Fn!nch Polynesia showing the family working and living in close harmon)'. ll'l.tb natives. TELEVISION VIEWS Oscar Shows Real Class By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The Academy Awards finally came of age as a television spectacle Mon· day night under the guidance of that master show· man, producer -director • choreographer Gower champion. And as ABC-TV's annual presentation of Holly· wood's prizegiving benefitted from the Champion touch , so did it also owe much to the elegance of its new location: the Dorothy Chandler Pa.vilion of the Los Angeles Music Center. AFTER YEARS in which the Oscar telecast wa! inexplicably presented in a barnlike Civic Auditor .. ium in Santa Monica, the glitterin$" setting of the downtown music center -with its remarkable acoustics -gave the big Hollywood affair the glam- or and tone it demanded aJI along. Aside from the setting, the chief problem -or past Oscar broadcasts on ABC·TV has been to sus· tain interest between the chief awards, and, frank· ly, just to prevent the whole huge production from becoming a shambles in its lesser moments. And in the past, the perennial host, Bob Hope, was the chief buffer against these problems. CHAMPION, however, came in with a new con- cept, and it paid off handsomely. To begin with, in- stead of Hope aJone, there were 10 stars who shared the chief duties of the evening -making intJ'Oduc .. tions, reading the ·names of the nominees :and wjn .. ners, and engaging in light repartee. These stars were Ingrid Bergman, Sidney Poitier, Jane Fonda, Frank Sinatra, Natalie Wood, Walter Matthau. Diahann Carroll, Tony Curtis, Rosalind Russell and Burt Lancaster. Next; realizing that the chief awards need little help in arousing public interest, Champion focused heavily on the moments of the telecast' that usua!· ly cause a lapse of attention: Some of the lesser awards, for instance, were presented with theatrical inventiveness that made for delightful viewing. FOR EXAMPLE, costume awards were offer .. ed in the context of a fashion show, with music, fea .. turing designs from the films "Oliver!", "The Lion In Winter," "Romeo and Juliet," up1anet of the Apes" and "Star" -with the models dancing rock style. As another instance, mu sic nominees and creditlll were recited in song by Marni Nixop , accompanied by Henry Mancini, and the result was not only a happy sound for the ears, but also a droll, witty comment on the complexity of the nominee setup. itself. The mo st rousing and warmly.received sbow- manlike nwnber of the evening was another Champ- ion contribution - a charming dance of a "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" tune, with hoofer Paula Kelly, accompanied by the UCLA marching band, bring- ing down the house. IN SHORT, the show quite properly had a wide range of appeal for a wide range of tastes. Cutting its normal, annual fluffs to -a minimum, it had moments of high style. moments of barrelhouse humor, moments of nightclub intimacy. At one point, a chimp brought out an Oscar for John Chambers for hls makeup job for ''.Planet of the Apes." At--anotber. Sinatra.let insult comedian Don Rickles work him over in the way he did with such success on the Emmy sQow~ Dennis the Menace ,. . ' ..... THERE SHE GOES! -Dick stuart collects his first 1969 bit with this swing Monday night at Anaheim Stadium. lt \Yas a sevenlh·inning home run, a 37~footer over the rigbt-centerfield fence. The clout gave DAILY rlLOT fl._.. .... llldl&rll Kffflltr tbe Ansels a 3-0 lead, but the White Sox rallied for a big four-run eighth mrung and nipped the Halos, 4-3, before only 6,167 at the Big A. Lakers Gun for 3rd Win Podres Tests Hawks May Alter Strategy ATLANTA (AP) -Coach Richie Guerin bas prepared his Atlanta Hawks with some mental exercises for their third game with the Los Angeles Lakers tonigh t in the Western Division finals of the National Basketball Association playoffs. 'Ibe Lakers lead the best-of-7 series 2-0. having won the first two games in Los Angeles. Guerin says "mental mistakes'' were the causes in the first two losses and he has the Hawks on guard asainst them for me rest oi the &eries. He says be may make some changes in strategy tonight, but "we'll have to wait unlll game time to aee." One thing that's hurt the Hawks in the fir11t two games, he says, has been Zelmo Beaty's slump. "Beaty's probably our best or second- best ahooter. It hurts U! anytime he 's not hitting with any consistency." Sports in Brief The Hawks mentor also said. "Good Shooters sometimes have slumps, and ...,·hen you're fighting Wilt Chamberlain, well, Utis takes a lot out of you, too. But J'm confident Beaty wiU bowice back." Chamberlain, a 7-foot-2 problem for the On TV Tonight 6 p.m., Clla•nel 5 Hawks, has averaged 19 points in the two games. He's also come up wiUt 58 rebounds while Beaty has made only 21-of~ field goal tries. '!I still haven't figured out what's going on,'' Beaty said "I had the good shots, Wilt was not challenging me outside, but they weren't going in ." Beaty, who hit on 46 per cent o( l1is field goal attempts during the regular season, denied a report that he was Angels Option Rodgers; Purdue Drops Negroes The California Angels announ~ Mon- day that catcher Bob Rodgers has been optioned on a 24-hour recall basis t.o the Angels' Hawaii farm team in the Pacific Coast League. Tom Egan. who was on military duty last weekend, was reins~ted to the ac tiv• list, leaving the Angel roster at 25 players. Egan is a catcher. Rodgers, 31, played on the very first Angel team in 11161, when the club was in Los Angeles. He played in 15S games in 1962 with • .258 batting average. ln his last t h re e susons with th e Angels, however, he has had ttspecUve batting avttages of .236. .219 and .190. Last year be played in only 91 games. ., ., LAFAYETIE, Ind. -1'1lrte moust.ldl· ed Nqre athlete• • av e bffa dropped ftom tbe Pardue Unlftl'1Hy tncli: team 11 a plrlla1 dispute l1volvtn1 • tltu- tlllrfe rule, a bomb stare at tile Purdoe ........ aad a marcb of blacli: INdtl't:I •• ,_ Llyfa7"1f< Cffy Rall. Elie MtCaekUI, zt, NtW'port News, Va .. 1!168 under its original contracl, set for lrial, Fisher ord ered . will be BOSTON -Jim Lonborg, lht 1967 Cy Young Avt'ard winntr who :dumped to a 6- 10 record last stason, appears to be lost to tbt Boston Red Sox Indefinitely because of a sbouldtr ailment. Lonborg, a big rl1ht-hander "'hose career dipped sharply alttr a knee Injury sufftrt:d In a 1klln1 accldtnt and then 1boulder trouble in 1968, sufftred a rtcur- re.ace ol bis arm problems In spring lralnln& and •1ahl in the stason opener at Baltimore a week ago. LOUISVILLE, Ky. The C<Jrnpany which makes the famed Louisville Slug- ger baseball bal said Monday that pro- fessional players in dire need of bats will have a ehort wait before receiving them. A spokesman for the Hillerich and Bradsby Co. said ali play'trs would have their demands filled first now that the company is back on production. ll will take about... week for the bat lo get to the players. the spokesman added. hesitating at the top of his jumper, which implied intimidation by Chamberlain. In fact, he says Chamberlain ':hasn't been bothering me a bit." And the fact that Beaty took 63 shots, or about a third of Atlanta's 193, bears out that he's get- ting plenty of shooting room. As for those "mental mistakes .. , Guerin wouldn't say what they were, but Hawks' Captain Bill Bridges used the same term in describing some of the ac- tion. The Lakers' Mel Counts went over Bridges in the first game for a three- point play that won the game. And Bridges also said it was his fault that John Egan scored the game-winning points in the second. Bridges said he was supposed to challenge Egan on the drive. "And I didn 't. Mental mistakes in the closing moments cost us both gan1es," Bridges declared. Knick s Stay Alive With 112-104 Wi11 NE\V YORK (UPI ) -Age, like beau · ty, is in the eye of the beholder. The Boston Celtics continue to gro\Y old but they refuse to admit it. At times, though, not even the proud Celtics can ignore the ravages of time. Especially v.•hen they ntust play games on consecu- tive nights. That happened to the Celtics l\ionday night \vhen they had to face the Ne w York Knicks in the fifth game of the Eastern Division Playoff finals alter beating the Knicks by a point Sunday afternoon to take a 3-1 lead in the best· of-seven series. Ex-teammates 111 LA Opener LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jolmny Podres was a left-handed 23-year-old third-year National League pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1955 when midway through October he carefully etched his name in heart! of baJeball fans. He fashioned an eight~hit shutout and beat the New York Yankees 2--0 in the seventh game of the World Series and the Dodger Slate :r. iJ-OodqNS ¥S , .. Olt(IO, 7:55 1:1.m .. k~I " ' ·~· 16-0od!IUS .. '"" OleQD, 7:55 l),m., " , .. , ·~. 111-DodQers .. Hou•lon, J:SS 1).11">., "' '"" ·r.· 19-0od!lets .. Hou1ron, 7:55 "'"'·· "' (~4 ) Allt. 20-0Dclgus .. Houston. 11:55 p.m., KF I U'i!) Dodgers broke a 6:>-year losing streak \Yith their first world championship. Now 36, a llttle bald, lllightly heav ier, Podres is making a major league C<Jme- back w i t h the S a n Diego Pal:lres and he'll hurl tonight against some of his old mates as the Dodgers play their 1969 home opener. Podres, who sat out the 1968 season, won a 2-0 shutout over Houston in his first start for the Padres this year. He will oppose Claude Osteen (1-0) or the Dodgers. The Dodgers gol sontc good news ~ion­ day, learning that the injury to pitcher Don Drysdale was limited to contrusions of his right ankle. He was struck by a balled ball Sunday in Houston and was sent ho1ne for precautionary x-rays. Team doctors say Drysdale. 1-1, will be 11ack in action Friday for his regular turn. But that was about the only good news the Dodgers received Monday. Houston erupted for seven runs in the third inning l\nd v.·ent on to pound Los Angeles, 11-$, in the Astrodrome. l05 ANGl!lll .,. r ~ rt.I (tlWIDt"d, cf • J J J P1r~1t.!b J !Jl G11>tle1so11. If t o e o l'1lrly, d J e I o L,.reir.•t. lb J O l t Holler, c J O O o Sud~tlt, Jtl 4 0 0 0 511-t. oi l I J 0 Sut'°"'P 100 0 Moel ..... p 1 • 0 0 JMlllr r, "" l 0 0 0 O<rwln,P oooa Ml\~tl<tn. p o o o a Pop0vlc~. Pll ! I 1 a HOUSTON ···~'"'' J.AIDU, d M0t{ll1>. lb Wynn. cl """''· )I) l!lll'lar,, lb MM~~. SI C:elvt r, I! Edw1rd1, < Dl~r~ar, o Gllddh1g, p • I o 0 • 1 ' 0 j , l J S I 1 l l I 1 I • , 1 7 • ' 0 0 J I I t J l I o 0 0 0 D Toi.11 JS ~ t S T~•"\s ll 11 11 II LDs ""9!1"' OOI) 000 1113 -} "'Ou•ton 101 OOCI Ol• -11 E -oi.rtff OP -tlOUttOn 1. LOB -LO! lir.g!ll'\ I, H0u01on I. 78 -EOWe td1. 111 -flle'f1rv. Cr~wklnl. Hit -P••-•r en , 58 -Morg1"' W'f!tn, S -Olrrttr. 1!> H 'I l'ft 111 50 Su!!an IL,o.n 71 ' 7 I I I ' MMlltr ).J JJlll l D.•rwl~ 1.J J J l l I O .Y.l~-elf1n Ill O O O O o Olt•~er (W,l·IJ l ' S \ S J Gltddk\o ! 0 o O O 0 HI~ -by O~•wlrt l•ltflrJ I Wr> -Ol~r~tr. O.rw,, Time -J.IJ. Allrric!I MI -'·'°' Rig Raps Voss In 4-3 By EARL GUSTKEY Of .. P.111 •11tt ll•ff When It coma to phyalcal dl.splaya of anger, Bill Rigney ham'& been known to do much more than bounce a shoe off the wall of hll oUJce. He dld it with both shoea Monday night and threw • a chair to boot. The Angels had blown one. Leading Chicago in the eighth 3-0 and cruising, the Halos col- lapsed, 4-3. And the one man Rigney was irate at was the former Newport Harbor High and Orange Coast College athlete, Bill Voss of Newport Beach. The game's key blow was delivered in Angel Slate APf. \~)$ 11 Otk!l ll0-7:25 o.m,-l(MPC (110) • '°''Pf• \t-.t.nilel• 11 MlnneJ011, 11 :25 1.m,, KMPC 11111 "If• U-AnDtli 11 Ml1111t1Gl1, 11:10 1.m., KMPC 0 lJr. 20-Anwe!I II Mlnnnot1, 11 :15 '·'"·· K.MPC C7Jr.DJ,., :n-A11"9l5 11 Ch!c1go, 11 :55 t .m., KMPC {110) the eighth by the White Sox's Pete Ward who lofted a high, seeming routine fly that I a n d e d in right • center between rightlielder Voss and centerfleld er Jay Johnstone. Both oulfielder:S seemed to hesitate on the play and the tying and winning runs scored on Ward's poke, a double. Rigney 'A'as asked if he thought Johnstone should have handled the play. .. f wasn't even looking at the cen- terlielder, I'm looking at o u r r ightflelder," Rigney barked. "Hell, it looked t.o me like either one of 'em could've caught it without too much trouble." Voss, obviously distraught over the play, sat slumped in front of his locker. "I don't know what happened," he said. ''Neither one o! us said a word. We "'ere both there. The fault lies with both or us for not communicating with each other. Eltber one of us C<Juld have caught the ball. "I thought Jay had a better chance for Defeat It -I was playing clooe lo the line llgur· ing with a knuckleballer pitching (Hoyt Wil.tY.!lm) he wasn't going t.o pull the ball .. • RJgney had taken UJu Johnloo out of right field in tho Inning Ind dlapatch«I Voss to the outfield. "VO!ls has a better ann than Lou," Rig explained. "But maybe [ shocked him by putting him in. Those two guys looked like an Alpbonst and Gaston act out there." And so Voss, who fowld him.self the darling of spring training followers when he hit .444, found himself in the dogbousc as the Angels left today for lheir first road trip. Monday night's defeat ~as an ex· tremely painful on: for the Angels. Jim McGlothlin had a one-hlt shutout in the eighth when Chicago's bats came alive. The usually dependable relief man, Wilhelm, was even less effective. In 11. twinkling, the Angels were a .500 ball club-a station not unfamiliar to the.m ,, CHICAGO (.Mly, II Aoerlda ... Wlfd, rt LOc;~er. p Mell<M'I, lb P•vl<!rlch, c Hl>pl!IN, Ill &rHfOrd, cl HI,...,,, Zb w.w11111ms, pl! 8•rry, cl John, p JDieplli.Dll, pll Alorner, Zb '' r It rll! J 1 I I l 1 0 0 • 0 I Z 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 J I l 0 • I 'l o ' 0 • • 1 0 1 I 1 0 • 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CALll'O•NIA •• P II,.., J1111n1Jont, cl J 1 D l'r9110tl, H I 0 I l.Jollnton, rl J 1 1 llDs1, rl ' 0 • M•Utflmllll, p 0 t 0 lltk h•rdt, II 4 I I S1unrt, ID l l t Am1ro, 111 t o I C!Ynu, pll I o It A.Rodrlvua. 311 • o o Eg1n, c l o It IC.-p, Jb 2 0 D McGlollll!n, p J D 0 Wl!htlrn, p 0 O I 0.wlllllo, rl I 0 0 To111s l2 f ' ~ Tol1ls 'l'f ' I Chlca90 CICIO IOO 0.0 -4 C1llklrnl1 HID 001 100 -J DP -Ch k190 1. LOI -Chlc111a 4, C1lllornll J, lB -C. f~ay, W•rd. Hll -:511.Hort (1), SI - JllllnslDn•. S -Fregosl. IP M 'I Ell I• SO JOlln {W,2~J 1 • J l 2 5 lOCktr 1 00012 McGID1hlfn 1 4 J J 1 J Wll~•lm (L,0.1) I 2 I 1 0 I Mf11itrtmlth I I 0 0 l I S&~e -Loc:ktt, H8P by McOlollllln {C. Ml'(). WP -JDnn Timi -l :OI. Alttnd•M• -j,1',. A1aswers Board Candidates Oiler Athletic Director Offers Values of Sports EDITOR'S NOTE-An earlier column In tbe DAIL V PILOT sports pages revealed the po1iUon of two Hunlin1ton Beach High School District board of trustee• candidates Dr. Sttven Herman and Dr. Steven Kent-which In- dicated their opposition to blgb 1chool athletics. Today a· view on t b t significance of athletics 11 offered by Kenne\h Moats, athletic dlreCtor at Hun- lington Btacb High School. By KENNETH MOA Ts Athletics are a needed part of educa- tion and should be a part ot the education for every living person. Some benefils to be derived from athletiC! may bear repeating: this big ac- tivity is good for the school, helps put the OllNN \IJHIT& WHITE WASH school "on the map": It helps tie the school to the community; it helps to ge1 parents, especially parenls of athletes, interested in the school's athletics and then into the entire program; it helps build school spirit, and it provides an outlet for millions or megatons of energy packed into our too-...,·ell-fed young men and women of today. ,_.1any more good things could be said for athletics, but let's limit ourselves to this point : Athletics are a part of good education. One purpose of education is to help fit us for intelligent, harmonious living in the environment we are a part of. Participalion in athletics provides the best opportwlity to learn the give and take every agreeable human should have: it teaches proper respect -just low rate your opponent, and he'll whip the sox off of you. It teaches cooperation : an athlete learns early that tertaln assignment! are his alone, and must bave his first at· tention -if he can go beyond the ••call of duty" he may bt'Come a star; it teaches responsibility: he's nol just for hlmsel[ bu t is responsible t.o his mates and his coach. It teaches evaluation: you slight just one litUe skill and your opponent will capitalize on it and defeat you; and pro- bably the most valuable lesson of all : athletics teaches discipline -first, the discipline imposed by the coach, the of· ficials, the rules of the game; and then, what is even more Important, tliat self· discipline without which no man is a com plete man. In the hands or a leacher (coach) who dedicates his life to the highes t ideals of his noble calling no subject in school is more important to the youth or our socie· ty than athletics. You cannot legislate integrity. Integri- ty, fair play, and common honesty are personal qualifications and unless we possess them we cannot instill them Into the lives of our precious young people, we are failures. Until we can build our youth so solidly that they will not yield when temptation comes, '"'e will not have reached our highest goal in education -and a good alhletic program provides this necessary experience. * * * Charlie Si!ford, Tom Shaw (Doral Open winner), Jim Colbert (Monsanto winner) and Steve Reid (Azalea winner) will be at tonighl's grand opening of Willie Barber 's driving range in Anaheim. The range is located at 1501 S. Anaheim Blvd. and the public is invited to tonight'!t festivities. Kings, St. Louis In TV Collision ST. LOUIS (AP) -The difference of going through a grinder and being honed is the edge the St. Louis Blues h a v f! over the. Los A n g e I e s Kings, but it may not be as advantageous as It looks. WM releued MMdaJ from • $30t boM ..i a ,..Umlnaty c"""" of dllorderl)' • t rt wu tll1mllatd. Mc:Catdlll, a 1 ta r hlltdler, w a 1 .,.. ..... by cuopu1 pollee aid FBI qtal1 ~1 at tlM' airport after teme l&lt .... a bomh. 'J1le pine WU stlf'dltd Md a tr.ck mttt at lf'W• wu euctltd. Who Counts Drinks, Quips Namath The Blues had more than .a week tn sharpen their ska~ and their attack after whipping the Philadelphia Flyers in four games to reach the. NaUonal Hockey League West Division playoff finals. The Kings, however. had It tougher. It took them seven games to eliminate the Oakland Seals for a berth in the divi1ion finals. ., SAN DIEGO -The San Dieao Omprl football club wu onltred Mon- dq lo poy lbe ell)' of San DI ... '2\l,• in renl owed tor ust of Sin Dle10 Sladlum la 1118. 'nle onler wu lalu«t by Superor Court JUd&• Hup Fisher w·b o alto .. flucd to ,.,. an IQJunctlon 10Ught by the a,qers .,..i tho city In the dlsputo _. uoa 111 lbe 1tadlum. Odla' luuea bll'ore the court, Including ii,; -· -IJ League team'• liability r ... rcnlal of tho stadium b<yond MIAMI (AP) -S'per Bowl hero Joe Namath ldmJtl he ''cussed the cop out'' afiu his arrest on a drunken driving chargt. but cont.end• he hadn 't had a drink 1n two houri and only hid thrtt or four to bt:gln with. ' "Sure I cuutd the cop out and 1 WAS wrong to do It," the New York Jets' quarterback declued atttr tht Incident early Monday. "But I w11 .sobe:r." he said In an In- terview at the exclusive Pahn Buy Club, his residence when In ~1i11ml. "t had two lfere at the Palm Oily Club tnd either ()TIC or tw() at the l!nrhor Lounge before we left there abou t 2 a.ni. \Vho counts drinks?" About 4:~ a.m .• Namath's rented 1969 Cadillac was pulled over on the 79lh Street Causeway, a swinging nightclub strlp. by officer Ray De Santis of the North Bay Village Police Department. l>t Santis said Namalh "'BS .speeding <it iO milt's per hour. He charged the foot· ball star with drunken driving, careles~ driving and driving \Vilhout a v31id lictnst:!. "I got mad \\'hen he r11fu8()(f lo nll o\v n1e the courtesy of going back to the Pnlm Bay Club to get my dr h er·~ heensc. In PtnllS)'lvania they goc a perM>n 4a boors to do that. I could have done Jt in IO minutes," he said. Nan1atb'1 residence is on the mainla.nd t"nd of the causeway which links North Day VIiiage lo Miami. Halfway between is Broadway Joe's Restaurant. a quick :>ervlce eatery owned by Namath, De Santis reported when be stopped the i:ar, Namalh said "You know me. You know who I am." Namath"s atlornty. Lauren c r SchrOt'd<!r, said he ''had a few words'' with tho officer, In lhc t ar with him were: Lenny Perna. a nlghk:lub entertainer; Mllr.e Bite, an at- tomey; and a "young lady" who was Bite'• date, Namath said. Na.math was taktn to Dade County Jail at 6 a.m. where he volunteered for a Brealhalyier test. The device showed an a1cohollc blood content of .02 per cent, ooe·riltb the ltgal level for lntoxJcatlon. He wa.s released on order o f Metropolitan Judge Louie Bandel without posting bond about 7 11.m. In the custody or hi.I attorney. B&ndcl saiid lie did not know when N11moth's c11sc wnuld come to trial. Whether the long rest while waiUn& for Los Angeles t.o catch up wlll do the Blues any good rtmahw to be setn tonl&ht in their first game of the but.of·? series. Tonight's game wili be delayed teletast on Channel 5 and will immediately folio" the Laker-Atlanta basketball game, which begira at 6. On the record, St. Louis ha.s the edge. The Kings have yet to win thelt first game on Bluu' Ice In their two y~ars in the lea.gut. tn fact, the King• had trouble with tht Blues on their own Ice. SL Louis had 1 g. t-t rtcord aaalnst Los Angeles during the regular season. l Rustlers Play First "Night Game · Hoping to end a four.game skid, Golden West College makes its debut under the . . Dghts tonight in an Eastern Coolerioce ..• baseball game at Boysen Park ·1n · Anaheim against Cypress College. Opening pitch for the RusUers first. ever night game will be 7:30 p.m. Golden West, which hu been plagued by a suddenJy diminisbl'd ofrense and an • fnj ury-rlddled pitching staff CWTently holds down fifth place in the conference ,,. atandings with a 6-5 record. · Cypress, which is tied for ·1ast place in the standing with a 2-10 record, dropped a 4-3 .deci!ion to Golden west in the first round of conference play, Afternoon action featured Orange Coast at home against San Bernardino in another Eastern Conference' contest and Saddleback at Fullerton in a non-con- ferer!Ci! game. Saddleback: also is scheduled to play , Wednesday, this time at borne against San Diego City College. Latest statistics on the three Orange Coast area junior college still show Golden West third-baseman • R on Richardson leading in just about every batting category. Richardson is clubbing the ball at a .355 clip on 22 bits in 62 at bats. Ten of those hits have gone for extra bases. His closest rivals in the hitting derby 1.re teammates Noel Paulson and Myron Pines· who are carrying .328 and .327 marks. O•ANGE COAST •It r II rltl '"'· W1t11ko .S O 2 l .«Ml Conl1nt ., o I o ,llJ ,, • ......, ... ' 15 1 ,306 Kimpton JO I f 4 .300 LHdl 69 111 lf I ,215 King 4 0 11 .1511 Swaim 4 O I 1 .250 81llev 73 ll 11 19 ,U7 Wlll•tlf!r 33 5 I 2 .10 P1lm1r 73 10 17 ' ,m P1ul 81 ' II 10 .2tt Rt<1lrvw 36 1 1 J ,lfl .tetlk!n1 7111 15 l ,192: Seibert ll 1 .s 2 ,1'1 Pl11ler 20 I J I ,1$0 Dunktli.roer 21 2 1 3 ,Ul Sobolew>lli ~ 0 ' 3 ,\JO Morga" 13 l I a .011 Crlap l o o o .OOI) 28 -Billey, LMd'I (2 ~1chJ, PalmN, P1ul, C- iani, Whlllltr, Jenkl111, Kimpton, 8r1wn (I nclll. JI -PIUI (J), Lftd'l, Pllmer, 81lle'f. Jtnk!M. ltlmpton (I Heh), Hit -81Uey (l ), Br1wn (2), DU1'1k1lberger Pinier Sw1l111 (rl11> Meir CO!lltnt ~ITchlnf " .. u " c .. 14-213 14 ,.J/l I . ' 3'1 /3 5 GOLDEN WEST Nltflnt • .. " • • ' ' ..... 26 6-5 3 ,.. ' ., ' .. ' .. ' ,. •II r II Al IV9. Rl(Mrcl!IOll 62 10 22 I• ,35.5 PIUllOll ... I 21 S .321 PJnH .S211 17 7 ,327 GrUHll'I II 4 4 4 ..286 Ot-Geer SI 6 12 6 ,2lS HutchlSOl'I 10 I 2 O ,200 Marks S2 '12 4 .In HeMlrhlltl 16 2 I II .111 $Miine .SI l 9 I ,116 Tetee l5 2 ' 5 .111 Cornell XI O 5 I .167 a-l3 4 1 4 ,151 Russell U 1 2 2 ,141 Edler 10 2 o o ,OOI) P.v111er t 1 a o .OOI) WCllld ·5 t0 O ,OOI) Sommertl91cl 2 o o o .000 01'11 2 •0 a a .om ta -RlcllBn:llOl'I, Paul.on, Pines • .Sheline (3 1acllJ, l 11wt<1, Grlffltll (2 ladll, DeGttr, Cornell 0 11chJ. 18 -Rlcllln!IO!I (5), Grlfll!h, BoWltl, T~. Plus, H~tclllwl, M4rkll 0 eacll). HR -R1clllrd$Ol'I (2), , OeGetr, Sllellfll U ••ell). ' Pllchlne .. "• • HvtdlliOll Griffith P1v1111r w .. ,.. .. , $0mmerfltld " .. . " M " . " 2).1/3 26 20-1/J 17 •113 10 SAODL£11ACK Hl"lllS H • " " " " • •IJ r 11 LOl'IOM<:klr 51 S 16 Swetll1ncl .s6 • 15 SMIM SJ 10 15 8urkllclld1r 21 I 5 E891t 13 1 ' Derbyl.hl.., S3 2 11 Blackmon 10 0 2 NllOll 212 4 N1110ft 41 4 1 wrn111mt 18 2 l f'ffV'f I 0 1 ltlv11 10 2 I PtnnlllSllOll 21 0 2 Viet: 31 2 3 Awe ll 1 1 " · Plonone H 1 o " 28 -SWHl11!1d, E1gl1 13 11ch), ttubbt 12 eeehJ, a~rtt11older in. Pe11nlP1Slll<I ·~ •HW ··-f111r10!Dldtr P1tchln1 " .. ~ " 20-2/3 28 10-2/J 24 16 13 •vi ' • ~ " ' • • .. "' 16 2·t 13 •1 25 1-4 . ,. 13 2·1 ' .. ........ . ,., ' ,~ s .263 2 .238 ' ·"' .... . ·"" 1 .1 74 2 ,111 2 .167 0 .12.S a .100 I .O'tS 1 .Oi'9 ' ... . . .. Lona necker, llb W·I 211 ,., 7 \.~ 11 I>-] • • • ' ., ---.,.---. --~----------------~---------· - ------------------------------·------ ' Preparing tor Charity Event Santa Ana Country Club members and officials get tbe wheels turning for the sixth annual Assistance League charity gnlf tournament, slated May 9. Free beer, hot dogs and golf balls will be given away during play. Seen making plans are (from left) club pro Gerald Hall, Mrs. Samuel Weaver, Mrs. Dalton Peelle and Hartley Sears. For information on tourney invitations call Mrs. James Edwards (836-4077). Ram-4Der Clash Mater Dei Rips Pivotal Date Coming Vp Bishop Amat For County's Pro Future Tom Liegler, the man who runs Anaheim Stadium, says Sept. 13 is a pivotal date if pro football is to ha ve a future in Orange County. On that Saturday evening, the Los Angeles Rams anti San Francisco 49ers will butt beads in an exhibition game. In view of the county's so-so record of. at· tending such prorriotions, Liegler bas Ii.-.-.-, ... -.***.-.**' EARL GUSTKEY .~•············· reason to be amlous over the Ram-49er game. "That game will be played on a prime night, the weather should be good and Rams and 49era would be a strong at· traction anywhere," be says. "The fans of Orange County will have an opportunity to impress a lot of im· portant pro football people with a big turnout that night." The first major league pro football date at the Big A was Saturday, Aug. 20, 1966, when Jim Hardy -now the general manager of the ABA's Los Angeles Stars -promoted an AFL doubleheader that drew 36,038. On Wednesday, Aug. S, 1967, the Rams and New Orleam attracted 26,364 and the same two clubs last summer, on a Thurs- day, drew 29,505. Capacity is 43,000. You'll nbte those Ram games came on week nights. Hardy's twin bill pitted Boston and Oakland, and San Diego and Kansas City. At the time, the two pro leagues were still at war and Hardy was within sniffing distance of an AFL franchise for Anaheim. But then the leagues merged and the AFL lost Anaheim as a future base. The consolidaUon of the two leagues means Dan Reeves, owner of the Rama, bas ter· ritoriaJ rights within 100 miles of his club and anyone wanting to move into Anaheim would have to see him first and bring a checkbook. * * * GOLF -Colla Me,. Colllllry Clab'1 Ron ReH leaves this week for tH PGA'1 golf tour. H11 Drd tournament It tbe Byron NelaOD Clu1ic in Fort Worth April Z4. He's being sponsored by Doyle Baird of Denver, wbo also foota t.ht bllla for Dick Lob: and Dale Douglass. * * * Spikers, 77-41 LA PUENTE -Maler Del High School's ever-improving varsity b'.ack and field aggregation crushed host Bishop Amat High Monday afternoon, 77-41 in an Angelwi: League showdown. "'"'"' M ... Do1 j711 1411 • ..._.. Allllt T lOD ...! 1. P11Uf 18 I 2. Dunn IMO} l. Frllllt (MOl, lme: 10jl. Tl~t-21i.l'rllot IMO) t. Dlli.n lMOJ J. Gloue !BAJ, T" U) -1. Muldoon tMO) 2. O!cltlOll (MO) J. ,_ fBAl. Tl"": 53.2. uo -• Mulclclon !MO) 2. Miidon• (IA) J. oowr. tn9 <MD). Tl1111: 1 :Sll.9. Miii -1. Jennlnt1 (MOJ I. KorOfMVff IMDI l. z1r.; IBAJ, 1sc11oo1 rllCOnl). Tlmt: •;~:'· u·~lr.,-, 't •Mc.Kf?n (MDI 2 ..... l\ll (MO) J. I .... u A • rMf t:51'.7. I~ ~ -1, H1 loot MO) 2. Long {MDJ l , L-l A , lm1: l't'· •' .LH ,-., ...... jMO) 2, Lano (MD) l. r !'f f.A). 1mt_4 21. , 18,_1_ H eifllt:v?: 11 I 2. Srtbold IMOI i. P.i"lli• 01~1!,;.,'·,'-l~erv (IA) 2. Lonr:i (MO) J. e.ro (flAI. ca~Y. H1li11t:'"1•::. IBA) 2. Lopez (BAJ J. Linger " -,J,)Gllney f8At_ 2. Mir.MU (MO) .l Her.-nu..v -, DJ1t1nc.: ,;'· Ml= ~ CUI ~:._._-Am1f ct.lm.-Tl-n.~1J.'t (IA) 2. llln (MD) J. J1duon Tl~: 23 l.i. lilcldol fllA t. lOJlllll 1 Mcl<eon IMO). "IT1,l.;.~,1:!i8A) 2. 111.tJl't !MDI J. McCt1,1ne.,. ,,1,. . TI~: 'r1't.,~ (BA) ~ CVvtll I 0) J. With 111' • 'Vi'rM:,1it.~~l" !BA) 2. Cucucilc (MO) l . Wolf• L11 ""!J!, TMJ\. ~r~. '1~1'~ i. J1ek1on ZM01 ,. HJ -1, DoUI 11 (IA) 2. MtKl'f (BAI J. No thin!. Htl!lflt: 5-4 (.", . -.,'· bowurw:i tMDI 2. JlcklOll (MDI .. Pluml•w A , t ll!ICI: 17-J~. HPV -.... 11r Ollual•• 184) 2. t1rrm1111 (IA) 1. •-~ llAJ: Htti hl: 10.0. 01~f.m?·u.10~11 (IA) 2. N1ttv lflA) 3. Hein (BAJ, Mltw Del 101 ~I l b"" A1119' 1J~.T1J.e,af1.1f.'" (MD}'"'2. Ford (IA) J. Hur11v 1i0 -I. 8r11cllrl (MO> 2. For-cl (8Al J. H11rle't fMDI. l ime: .lt.4. l."°,-,,1. H;f''!1~" (BAI 2. 311nd1U (MD) J, H1mlll0!\ ~o:. ""· 1.:12.2. 1320 -1. Lt•nu (M01 2. p11dwlll (BA) J, Htmand11 {BA). Time! a::M.4. 120 LH -I, H1rrhlan (MDI 2. Atulrre CllA) l . Po.ttoln (MO). Tlmt : u .2. HJ -lj Marti" IMO) 2. Hl-hllll IMO) ), Port• f;tn (MO . H~t: .S-4. ~J -I. Fl BAI 2. Po.lflltn (MO) l. Co111lnctt ( t• ••111nce: 1·/ )-• Cromw,.1( (84) J. MatllflO (flAI l. Polttk f • D •l1t'lct: .U.W. • TiltsdoY, Aprtl 15, 1969 OAILY PllOT J'l " . No Ulcer Pro'bhm • Anteaters'Wilhite· . . I for .J~pan . ' He·l:tds . . llvlC.UlbGUSTKEY · -·-· ... ,, •iw ..... After 1 u r v •.vi n & bouts with . 061eoa1Yelillt, ··~· and lcldney in-fec;Ucwi •. you'd $bink Bob Wilhite would be taking We wy these days. Especially after three years· of lfllel~ Ing competltlon at UCI where for each of1 tboee yeari:be was I.he NCAA colleie' division's· cbamP.itin diver. But tHe Z2:~yeaN>Jd Costa Mesan 1 has just signed· up for a three-month. pi:o- f esslonal tour of Japan where he will go on tour with· Aqua S~cular, a swim- ming and diving troupe. H"leaves Thurs. day. , •'Fortunitely, Japanese food doesn't bother my ulcers," uplains Wilhite, wiUi a chuckJe. "11ley'll pa)l me $200 a week over there and ~Y for my •trapsportation to and from Japan· so I-hope tO save enough money to open an art studio in Costa Mesa.'' Wilhite, a senlor at UCI, will ha ve two quarters to complete work' for his art degree when he returns in July. His signing a pro contract ends his amateur career and he was asked why he turned pro and $ave up a possible shot at tbe 1972 Olympic Team. "Competitive diving is really a grind," he said. - "I've been at it for quite a while and there are other things I want to do now. AnyWay, I've always wanted to see Japan and I have some friends living over there. I just didn't Want to pass up this opportunity." It was the raw-boned Wilhi te who took the pressure off UCI's swim relay teams at the NCAA championship i n Massachusetts last month. When Wilhite rallied from far back in the point stan· dings to win the champlonshlp for the third Ume, it cinched I.he meet for UC( and gave the university its first-ever na· tional championship. "It's really amazing that Bob has been such a great competitor," says his UCI coach, Al Irwin. "Bob has chronic diarrhea so bad that whe.n we'd leave in station wago~ for a meet, Bob would take his own car and leave much earlier than I.he rest o( us. "He's been through osteomyelltls, bad kidneys and just about everything else. He missed five weeks of last season LEAVES FOR JAPAN Bob Wilhite because he was'sick." A CIF champion atTCosta· Mesa Hta:b SChool, Wilhite wU proQitied a scholarship by Michlgin Stale. He went there ' from · Orange Coast-c.ollege, became ill immediately and spent four weeks in the hospital. He was flown back home and be enrollo ed at UCI in 1965. On the tour in Japan, Wilhite wilt perform the standard competitive-atves but he will also be called upon to uecute clown dives. He'll don his clown suit and perfonn "spaghetti dive.s" "The Bomb,'t and "The Hali-fried Enchilada." Those are routines Wilhite taught himself during 8Ummer working days as a swim instructor at Meaa Verde Country · Club in Costa Mesa: · · Also m8king the Japanese tour will be anothet Mesa Verde summer swim teacher, Rick Langdon, the f i r 1 t American to ever dive from the cliffs of Acapulco. Wilhite isn't interested in daredevil div· -ing. "That sort of things pays good money but it's not worth it """ you get too scared." Eagle Spikers Continue- To Dominate Honor, Roll Estancia High School continues to make its presence felt In the Orang'e Coast area by adding another name to the weekly prep track and field honor roll . Mike Stalons claims a share of first place in the pole vault with a 13-f mark along with Scott Wild or Newport Harbor to give the Eagles a share or outright claim ol six leading marks in the area. Rich Wood holds first virtually un~ challenged in both h<irdlea with 14.9 and " 0. J. Won't Sign INDIANAPOLIS -O.J, Simpson isn't ready to sign a contract with Buffalo or the American Football League but he isn't ready to sign a lucrative minor league contract, either. Simpson, last year's Reisman Trophy· winner from Southern Cautornlp., had been given a deadline of midnight Tues- day to decide whether to accept a $400.000 o f f e r from the Indianapolis Capitols of the Continental Football League. 19.4 dockings; George Barnett I~ topa In the high jump IUld long jump with f.314 and 22-81/' marks and Dave Loufek holds a commanding lead in the discus with a 1~ el!Ort. Only other double leader iS' Dave Lacy of Marina, who has a 9.11· and 22.4 to bis credit in the sprints. ...... tld~~ ;:l."~r ti~ Jn · v1rsriv o:imPttllllrl COflo Mo~ -,,Jj l.l(;'f' lMtr) f.I 2, 0.-.. CSGI 1fllf I'. ~" 11.0, • ~. m -~Lecy IM•rt. 22.4 2. P. Man t'VJ no. 1 J, V1ntlml11 !Mitri 22 , • .ucl -• 0. M111 "'' »A 2. Oiclbf (l'VI 11.S 2, M~~ 'f.'~l S~'·'1et 'i LBl 1l:N . ..C2. Mr:: (MDI t :S7.o a. p,..,J.llf c •not H•n:lln 1Fv1 2: 1o. Mlle -1. ~ Vtml (WM) 4:'6.7 2. Hon (WM} 4:21.l l . Chrllllano IFV) 1:11/. 2-Ml!t -1. OlllOn !WM) :•.I 2, l lneblctc {SC) 9:11.7 3. Vll'llll IWMJ 1, •. J. 120 HH -1. Wood { I 14.9 2, Blacker (SCI 1.S.2 J, 'Tl1-belWMll Maltr (SCJ, Stubblnf (H8), Wise (Hiil, •II 15.3. Ni.:ie~ (F~'l ";:a~ IEI lt,4 2. H1llon (MOJ' 20.4 J, 1C1 fi11'9y -I. M1r1M fGa1111htn, T. e ncl J. Ven-tfmlolla, Ucvl Q.2 2. Fount1Jn V1lllY '3.t l. Sill "ii'Snll 14.2. • R•/•'f -I , NeWllOrt H1rb0r (Ad•ms. 11:11111~ 8111~ , II~) 3:26..t 2. F01111!1l11 V1U"' 3:27.J J. E11tncll I: ·'· HJ -I. rnett f1\ 6-Jl'P t. ClllldJ !Marl, Lemm(lll IM1r), M lvnev (li0J, HIY'n (NH), &ak•tn IEJ, 1!1 ... fH'a') ft~\.\~lrr>1tl IE) 22~\lo 2. UCY (Mir) encl Wit• (C~ ii-o'.' Wllcl (NH) 1r>d Stalonf (El IUJ.Entkr,. ·· Barracuda, Bonito, Bass TROPHY DEPT. -UCl's a I I - everything water polo performer, Ferdie Massimino, was named as the team's most valuable player at Irvine's recent water sports awards banquet. J. s&r.i.11. 1~49!~8) ,., 2. McClnlS (WMI .f0.3 O!ICllS 'f. ;Mt -f~J. UU 2. JohlllOn (OIM) 1•11 t. Blrntlt ( J 131.f. : ff op Area Fishing Action The whopper& are sUll waiting for • • warmer water but fishing along the • · Or'ange Coast area remains good. "ll you want lots ol fun bring along fOlll' light tackle or even your fresh water gear," sayr Phil Tozier of Davey's Locker in Newport Beach., calches out of Davey's and Art's Lan- ding, also in Newport Beach, have been restricted to barracuda, bonito halibut rock cod and bus. Both landing• report frequent limi\$ '· bonito and bass. None of the fish being caught are particularly large -the barracuda ru,,. n1nf to four pounds, 1-2 pound bass, 3-4 pound halibut and' 5-f pound bonito -but there are plenty ol them. Genrge Newcomb aaya Art's Landini ii kffping a sharp lookout for yellowtall and will ochedllle special runs for the fighters if they appear in local waters. Newt0mb allo reported Art's LandiJll bu a new skipper, Jell TrOUXel, far lhe Frontl<r wblch leaves the landing aa11y at 3 a,m. on all-day runs. Tozier reported one unusual catch aboard tbe half-day boat out ol. Davey 's Locker. last week, a 1$-poUnd silver Wmon, which was booked off Salt Creek by Robert Brown ol Santa Ana last w .. k. Massimino strode to the microphone - ostensibly to receive the trophy -but dwnbfoonded everyooe by aDllOllllclng that he didn't feel it wu fair to Jingle out one player as being more valuable than others on a team that went 25-J. "I'm IOl'l'Y, but I just cannot accept. this trophy,'' he aald, and Iii down. * * * UCI DEPT. -Bulet1>all eoac• Diet 0av11 .. ,. ioe ... bee• told bJ n .. 1111• tcboe1 daadouta tll•& Utey1re a.dell for UC! ..xi f.0. - . 'Ille 1111 lllcladft Daft Mlany, M.,..U• (M); Rod Snol~ m.liop (5- 11); Gorrldt Barr, Avl•dto (W\I); 11111 Block, 'Toft (M\I), ud T .. -. !Aog -Poly (M). Snoldl •ftn(ed It )IO!Dto • I""'' for BiPop lat -.... Borr .... aJI. CIJl'er .i A""U•. .·Triple Event at OC Raceway • Supercharged fuel altereds, Injected tunny cars and supercharged gas coupea ' «nd tedalll will meet in three stparate o!ontt.sta at Or&111• County International --ay Saturday nlghL Saturday's AA fuel altered• will qualify · for eigbt starting btrtha beginning at Z p.tl. Etlmb)ations start al 8: 15 p.m. 'D9 injected funny cars and B-gall gupercharged entries will race touma- ment style, qualifying side by aide at 8 ' " p.m. and returning at I 1.m. 10 to race for pQSitions nne throolf> four. -A "48onnie and Clyde Jnvitation.a111 will be staged Suoday .rternoon, wltb 35-year- old can featured In~,...,., EUmiuaUons It.art at 2 p.m. Any car manufactured prior to 113$ ts e~bl< to compete, providing it -passes • aarety tn- zpection. ne most 1'1!Cent winner al Orange County is Don Enr1quei of M.lssJon Viejo, who unloaded a string ol throe 1111>7.IO IOCOlld runs Saturday night to beat all op- ponents in lhe injected fuel feature rac<. hip Hesa of Tmple City ,..., lop bonon In the A11u IOpertharpJd rone, who bounced bac-from a -In a semiflnal...,l.'OUnd •hen bis victor, Ron Zeller, wu unable to drive in the final because of. a engine trouble. u ... then def .. led ~ evtnlng'• to.. qualifier, Cary Otnatwn of Bellflower. Major League Standings , Na_Le_ EutDM- Woa !Mt PCL GB Chicago & 1 .157 Plltlburgh 5 z . 717 St Louil 3 4 .419 Montreal s 4 .ut New York 2 s .IM Philadelphia 2 5 .IM lint Dfvllloo ~Uanta f 1 IJw Ancel.. 3 3 s.n oiec• 3 3 San FranclscO 3 3 ClnclnnaU 2 4 Houstoo .2 S .____.__~~~ ,..,.. ...... Chic.toe • !"',,_,..., • Mofltnoll e, II, Ltull f l'hlllcl9i,!llll I. N-Y" I Htullten 11, LM Mtl"' S 11t1 _,-'tee If crncll'llllfl, r•lft Ol'll't ..,..., ICMdultd. .,....,..._ .llS7 .500 .500 .500 .!33 .IM 1 3 3 4 4 2\1 2\1 2\1 3\1 4 H-Ylr1l fGfntrv I.fl If P"Htcllr.lllt l~"*t O.I), n191'1t St. Loult {Wllllbunt •II .t Mentrt1t (Mo11811 H} PlttllMtlll {£1111 l .. I If Chbtt (Hi.lire M l atll FrltllCf-C.....01 l.f) If Clncl!Ntl IMtrrttt .. .,, ltl9llt • ArlMM (P .... l-tl If .......... (Otlffln 0.1), flllM Slfl .,.... , ... ,.. 1-t) It .............. 0.llM , .. ,, '""' ' American League Ea1t DlYlsloo Won. Lolt s 1 3 2 • 3 Pel.- .833 .600 .571 Boston Detroit BalUmore New York Washington Cleveland 3 3 3 4 0 s •. 500 A29 .000 West DtvJ1loo Kansas City 5 2 California 3 '3 SeatUe 3 3 Oakland 3 3 Chlcago 3 3 Minnesota t 4 -....r'iatwm lotto.-. s, 81111~ 3 ClllctfO 4. CIHlornll I KM$1t Cli't f, Sffttl• 1 K111*" Cll't J. Sffll1t I °""' ·-tdltdllltcl. TIAr'I •11111t .7t7 .500 .500 .500 .500 .200 GB t \I . t \I 1\1 1\1 I W•ef'lclne-lon (H_.,, I-ti .. Htw Y~ fP"'"°" O.U Ml"'*Otl IK•tt Ml tt Ollkltnel 1i,1111ttt 1 .. 1 °""II (Wiiton 0.1) It CltYtlllld IMd>owtll O.I) 1•1tllnore (Hlf'dlft 0.1) flt lollOfl fSlltWllrtfl M ) °""' ··-""*11,11ed, AUTHORIZED •. -,ULL SIRVlCE AND PARTS 'OR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES . •• . 1969 Aulda """'~ $1885 Avt.n.ble w/ Automatic Tr9nsml&&lan edi.D SIAL USIO CAD , l'INIST SILECTION Of USID sroaT CAH 1,N SOUTllHN CAJ.IPOIHIA .!.~L'lllfllll I j I 1 : I i 1 11 i i • JIOO WDT COAST HIGHWAY -NllWPOlT llACH J: [' t \ ~ t l I JI 111 r1 u 1 , . M2•MOS M0-11'4 A-ln<I MG e AUSTIN-HLUIY D- -ln<I FUllAal -· W.. • -· t· ------------------------~--------- • ' I • I I ' r • II DAIL y "LOT LelYlng town on busl11811 and ,.xit wlfJ ...S• ni. ear? W1M i1Ci19 t1i1t lllllYe you? Ne1r )'Oii' font Rent·A-Ctr Ctea~r. that's wherel Rent a ,... ford, Muttaing. or Torino ~r a day. -· °' month. Low rateo ••• Insurance included. I ~ . FORD RENT·A·CAR SYSTEM THIODORE, ROBINS FORD JNtH .... lih.I. c.tti M ... c:.tlf. '4.1 ... 10 . Seethe .. WILSON FORD 112lllMlll ..... H111ti11ttt1 IHcll, Cellf. 142·'''' Tournament of Champion8 ·La f.oata Country Club For the tfBt time ln Southern Califomia, see all the current PGA champions! Brina the family to la Costa. Watch the top !'GA. champs tl)Ola swing at $150,000 in prize money. Champs llu Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Billy Cosper, Leo Travino, Gene Uttler, and Gary Player goln1 fo'r Iha top prize of $30,000. Gannl Admiuion Prices April 15 & 16 (Practice Rounds) -$2 April 17 & 18 -$4 April 19 & 20 -$5 (Childran und<r .16, only $1.) A season ticket goes for $12 and lets you in on !ht IC!ion all six days. LACOSTA la Costa is just 27 minutes north cf San Diego at the Lt .Costa Avenue exit of Interstate 5. 3 Changes For Swim .Honor Roll High School Tennis Results 'l1lr« chan«N oe<:umd In tbe Oranp Coul al<& --roll with CoetA M• and M-hlgll llChooll 11>. volved in each event aiMe Jut week's edidoo. M ... '1 lWl8PPY' 200 ·medley ..,., team of Ron Mllloltk, •Jay Spohafl< lllri4 Gtmnion and Dove Mkor npllced Mtrlno with a fine 11 a.t clockln(. Ana,' MMI twimmer1 o...-Marfna'r Don Lip. pi>lal hi two lndlvidual e...ia. Spmrqle nvam • 1 :Ol.5 100 bn!ut and Wbllaker brned fn • 22.5 in &be so fm. · All three chanies came fn Mesa's wtn over Marina Fri- day night in I dual meet, .. 37. Uppoklt continues to <19mfno!• the honor roll with !ir8t place Umet in the 200 free, 200 lndlvldual medley, 100 back and 400 freestyles. ' \IWlllJ 2' OMMltY lttl•V -1. CDll• M11a WPtlltk.,l ~-Mllr1,_ 1 ;~.$ 3, Cor_,• dtJ Mir :Mi.!. 20il Frtt -1. llPll'llldt (Mir) 1:•.t 2. Whl\•Ur ICM.I 1 :50,, 3. Sctlwtr (CdMj :M.I. Horo oro -lhl"f' I fool fOl'-.... W llilly o~• oaclo _.i {p..t.ap you -dom a - -<I aol thot oli-you to racord tMo• ff-qulckly ..t concloaly): -N.-of 11-you .hol~ out lft two ahots ar I• '-off Iha o.-~o·dalar•l•a your chfpplng ...i pitching o!Rcloney). -N.-of o.O.. hit In -latlon Rpiiw to do- t•rmineyourahotmakll'IQ cc::ntmncy), """Jatlon flgyr11 a,. two 1trak• 1 .. than thti pot of the hole. --of~l....ayt hit and a1t.ad olflhotao~ dot•""'"" your dd ¥1no offlcloney). -Totol longth of oil puttl lllOdo, J..at add,.,_ to- golhor to .i,to ... 1Myouracanacy., 1ho.-. Yov con alro dMdo thir Idol l.y tho nulllbar of pulll ~ octuolly toolc, to dllormlno tho ovo-lrngth of putll runic. · SO rtt -1. Wl'lllalc.,. (CMI 2'.5 lj _!.J-.oldt fMllrJ :n.1 J. Dotl•ld-CMar .............. -........ '''-'"' 201 ll'ldlvlclutl Medley -1. LllloPOld't ._ __ ......;:...;.:;;,... ____________ __, ~MU) l:~l 1· WMtaker (CM) 2:1t.I J. 1~~1: -1'.1~~-I'"'' ... l " F•rr fCclM) .,,, s. v•• M•rl n .. 1(111 Jf,.. -, Wh l1ktr !CM1 ... t '· DOMldtOn IM1tl JO.J J, ll1d: !CllMI IO.I. st!:r•mMI \·:Ji~f'T.ldf,~N;'~11i!.1j 1:00 ... , .. 4:'~ (~rt:i:l.41MJhll:.~ C'-1':J ~i!:1t· -l '-"le lCMI 1·06.1. i:.k~l"°ldt IMlrl 1:07.J l. WllCIM iNHl a F"' ll:e l•'I' -1. Coll• MH• (Whll•kfl', Mis~, lll:tv. Gtll'llnlm) CJl :U .11 2. CotOM Otl Mir J;lt.O 3. M~~· !~f.;. ti lft v1rs\tv com- Ptlllkln Q)llllOfr~ honor roll. Area Spo1·ts Calendar Surfing Meet Oilers Grab Title l~~ ·~~·~lc!rt~t l1i -•t. Huntington Beach H I g h School's John Davis paced his team to the high school cham· plomhip Sunday 'fn thi West Coast high school and jun!°' college surfing championships at the Huntington Beach Pier. The OileJS won the team ti· tie and placed three surfers among the first five in in- t:111n.cll vf;j~•I ltllr• • •• dividu al scoring with Davis t'.!"'111 1!11i:ri; ; won '-1. "'°' "'· llhelln ,.,., 1-4. 1-4: -Ji'· first, Lonnie Buhn, fourth, and 11~~'ie.\ ~'i.li~ ' Mike Burch, fifth. Wlnttu •nd ern1rv !El will M. M i ,/ -6-4•2. Fountain Valley placed third liii;i;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ill lo team ecoring. ~itr.• ~ J9'i ,..,. C!IB' !!!*'~ .:r-· t111111 ~ Ill '-1 M. M. Ill. INN 'IOfll•Ht. Cllft l1•1m.. "CHARLY" ..... o...w ...... "INTERLUDE" STARTS WED • M G M J)l<S<nts th< Joh/I FianW.heimei· I Edword L<wis Production ol the fixer ALSO --••lttl•ll -Stn 01-,, $~!ebtdt U ·:ICll • ¥1111\11 -lJCI ti lll:flll1ncl:!I Ul. Golf -Colle Mn.I 11 LOl'I vs 0(1 ti V!ctorll l"lr~ OJ, E1!1ncl111 " •r.17191n v.u...,, T111lln ,, LIQl/MI 0\IC {botfl II 21. Evel Knievel ' Rides in LA Orange Cout College was runnerup in the junior college team race and Golden West was third. El Camino copped the JC team trophy. The four-year college cham- pion was San Diego State. UCI finished fifth. Cal State (Long Beach) was second. & 7 J.,.l&O ll1~ii~~i~~i~ll ENDS TONIGHT Ja-Gcmtet' • mmf11<1 . -H11nt1Mlon !tldl t i ~'V:r:: H•r)lar., Wt1trnlnsttr 11 • ~ \ll, lrvlnt L1111ue ~llms lltnc t (U . ,.,.. .... , TrKlt -ear-oet Mir tt M1or'.OU11 £1t1ric\1 !_I Pr,:nt1ln ~·ng :•io.. .. fe ll. L9:fe'J1mf;;11li ~~Nt tK f:rllor, :.'il.r!M I I i:n11 AM. = l VI S.nrl!t •I nirtH L•Clll 1dl 11 Ml111an ./1eto. f111lln ';! 11 Cltmtnll 111 11 l : 15!. Goll -COlll MIHI ti lolrt "l· eronlt -11:1.....,.11* 11 Galdtn WIHI "f· wlrnml1111 -SM Cltnltnle 11 T115t1n ca . .... l"r!Ry 8•i.tblll -Golden Wtll ti Cllrlll. occ 11 Mt. s"c lbotll 11 Jl, l"wn!tln V1llllY II EJ11rod1, Lt"I II C•tt 11le armual· Custom Car, Mortorcycle and Dune Suggy show will grow to IG0,000 square feet of. exhibitions for its ninth edition at the Los Angeles Sports Arena April 2~27. Orange Coast'• Fleet White was second in individual events, in competition with the four-year entrants. 'Ibe meet was .ponsored by the Western Intercollegiate Surfing Council and hosted by the Cal State (Long Beach) and Huntington Beach surfing auocia.Uoos. Prep Golf W1lter ,,.. ... "Support Your Loc1I Sheriff" A.Isa The leatla ''Yellow Subm1rln1" STARTS WEDNESDAY ENDS TONIGHT • .....,, hck "THE STALKING MOON" AUD P•ul Nnn11n & --ii • . ELKE SOMMER IHEY l'llllE 1U I ROBUStlUS -• ------·~ 2 OUTSTANDING HITS SIU'[ MCOUHN AS ~fiUWTT' .. The Doily Pilot Covers Boating ~=· ~n"H!~ll H~1nurm r'i'r"' Wti:f.MI" ~I ~-m, MOIW ,!,( I rYI~. I ~oden1 ti l• 1111 In S•n c emen 1 '' Mir•'°" ~r110 !•II •\ i·ui1 Coton• <It Mir 11 Maanol t /,:lO . Sponsored by the Tridents C• Club and Cycle World and Dune Buggy magazine , t1te event is the largest o( its type in the WeM. 'nle latest and more exotic machinery in the MWt!llfltltll (Ml Ill WnMflt llkldlne (Hll 71, "'!111, 6-0, H•r" IHI) 71. w!n1, M . Ernon IHI) ''· .1 ... ,, 6-0. Nt«'o tH!), '1, wll'll, •L Fln\tl' 0181 IS, ioits, ... ,. Academy Award Winner "HOMBRE" STARTS WED. : . First •1•r,•1! c1 -Newoort H1rbor el W• m 1111', U:UL • in its league~ ' • -. Jn taste.'ln qualiJy.'lo popuiarily;, A combination thal makes Seagram's 7 Crown America"s most-preferred brand of wh isl<ey.' Say Seagram'aand 81 Sure., --- '5" '1" 4/1 Qt. I /J h. • 10 • otallt1t1 CO., N.V:C. 8le~tdWh1ikey. 86 Proot , 65,_ Grain N"u\111 Splrlt1. custom, cycle and dune buggy o.ou•ll•· tHB) a:i, 11" w. ~~ will be unveiled at the ~ ~1Famed motorcycle daredevll Evel Knievel will headline the ~ j !:'\tm~eJ~~iliiir!°'~ 'C-lf:ta1"' , the ~JU attempt to hurdle . fl/I..., ! his cycle over a long string of ._ •• 154'1t" ~~!uyand~~ °:am; ·-~~-W just outside the west entrance to the Figueroa-Santa Barbara sports plant. He ii healthy once again after crashln1 hor· rlbly on landing after leaping the Caesar's Palact fountain.!! in Las Vegas a few months ago. THE •lll .. "'""' ---HIGH COMMISSIONER ~·--a.--- FIRST PUBLIC SHOWING! ONE NIGHT ONLY!! "HAROLD LLOYD'S WORLD OF COMEDY" Highlights From Grtat Afo1ntnts in Comtdy • , . Newport Harbor Art Museum will premier lhe first public performance of lhis rare film in conjunc· lion with their current exhibition, "THE MOVIE SHOW: Seven Stages of Hollywood From Silents to Cinemascope." Tickets ••• $3.00 non-members: $2.50 mweum 1nembers; $2.00 students. Call museum office for reservations l\1on .. Fri. (714) 675--3866. Tonight, April 15, at 8:30 p.m. BAL80A THEATRE 709 E. Balbol, Balboa Penln1ul1 JAPANESE MOVIES TONIGHT "CHIKEMURI GASA" ....... l :ll,... -l'LUS- "SABO JOWA" lhww -' 6:10 .ii 11 , ... -An C.lw Jhw BROADWAY THEATRE 416 N. BROADWAY, SANTA ANA 1 Kl 2-4731 ... Oflte o, ... , ... ------~£ ''CHARLY" Also Academy Award Winner JACK ALllltTSOH s11,portllf ActM ,, "THE SU8JECT WAS ROSES" •ltlt Patricio NHI .1 ...... Gar..., .............. ,, Another Major Attraction BARGAIN MATINEE WED. 1 P.M. Pltll ltlPltllHMINTS MAT. ADMISSION J.00 Write lo Uncle Len llllOi!Al Fiii-SOUTH COAST ~""' P'LAZA THllATftE ~PllRllllO Sari Dioi1o f,_J at Bmltl • 546-2711 AcrM el Prw Parklnt BOX OFFICE OPENS 12:00 SHOW STARTS 12 :30 20TH CENTURY·F'OX' PRESENTS CHAllJON HESTON •• NmUI P. llOOIS-P! 'MU ~"PIS Rffij{ !kOONALI: ~ EVmi KIM IUfilll·M l'ttliOOBE lMES lWY AllO Comedy C .. HJI ----- "-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' SJD'I:: MCClUUN AS 'U.JUJTJ" 2nil Top Action Hit Cl.INT EAmWOO "DAZZLING" _ ..... NllrAYllt•• • RtllllCet. .. CIC [i 2nd ACTION HIT '....,...,.~ I ~©aiml l -........ • • • All 1,000 of U·s· · Had a llusy Day Today I • . We created and delivered another fresh editwn of The DAILY PILOI: . . . TEAMWORK producea each day's Ill-new DAILY Pllm. Olten ~ isll like Thomas Fortune-(lefl), whole beat ls edilcatlon, work with a Ital! photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the .tory both In wonk and picture:i:. The staff shot 70,000 pictures Jut year to illu1trate the varied atory of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local 1torie1 we wrote. Not even ua . . CREATIVITY helps advertisers \ell their &torles aod sen tbeir goods In the afDuent market served by the DAILY Pllm. Gordon Crawford (lelt) of the display advertlslni departmeot watchel atafl artist Les McCray put final touches on an ad which will be rudy to appear in Ute newspaper ooly houra alter the art-ic II !lnllhed aod approved by the advertiser, a local retail merchant. QUICK RANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal platel Ultd to reproduce pictures) into page forms Ill the day's product begins to take lhape. Compositor Arden Malabury is only ooe of a platoon of printers who ''build" the news pagea under pressure of deadlines, work· mg againat the clock to bring readers the latest available lnformatlcll in each edlUon durina the day. DllLIVEllY ol the ...._ la a -apaed mnt,. too. eun • .,. btllt carry the pa~ through the mallroom wb<re they are automatl""1]J tied Jn bundles of IO and tossed to wilting clrculaUoo dlltrict ..._. (like Blaine Roberti, t!hown here, l'ilbt) who speed them .ta • ·-la fktl to carrlen 10< delj-my. Malln>m> foreman G<arp Arauz (1<11) and bll """cU ..... 111,000 H'litpeptl'l 111 !lour. .. VOLUME la--al'the eopy·oes~. DAILY P!Wr Copy Deak Chief Norman And..-(right) sided ·by Tom Titus (background) aiid other copyreaders every day sifts, checks and edjta more wire reports from worldwide ntwl services than the average wtekly news magazine pub- llahes. Editors acao "'10Ulh telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 2~ hours. Speed, bom ot experience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie JackJOD feed! them Into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which 111e1 a logic syatem to hyphenate words as It reads clu.racter1 at the rate of l ,000 a second and punchea: a new tape wblch wtl1 activate another machine for automatically setilng type at high speed. The mach1nel can let type at the rate of S,000 llnes per hour. MACIDNES haalen tbe _...., of preparing platea for prln!lng the pages of the newap1per. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and £d.. ward Quinn operate a casttnc machine which mold1 curved plates to fit ooto high speed pr<aea. The DAILY PILOT keepa In stock more than 40 tons of type metal which ls med, melted down and used again In the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. MODEllll equlpmtnl belpo the ac<OUDtlnf dtpaJ'lmelll keep up will! the '+today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. EV8n u the day'1 newtp1per ll being oped· to Ill rtaden, Bonnie Chauvin bellns leedlns flt1aa Into • computronlc boollieplng machlna that helpo keep track "' bllllnp for Ilda and aubocrlptlom. The machine, lorenmner ol • brace ol compulerl _, to be added, handles 1,000 accoanll a month. • RAPID -mwdcaUcn·ll the name ol the pme. SUpot Oilot Jlfinlti and her crew ~ "ad·viaon" handle 1,000 tranaactlons a week-by resulting in publicaUon of 5,000 cluslfled ads -words wbJch help buy, sell, rent or le 11 e ••. even find lost d-Op, Many of the DAIL . PILOT'S 100 phone Una are plµged In here, the cllllilled adverUainC cfe. partment, borne of 11Want Ada" and Dime-A-Lines. · PIC'l'l1BES, too, get the benelit of akllled, efflclmt handling bf mmitlr cralllmen who ~·ph them and then trwler the lmageaa• aenaltized metal plat.a which are uaed to reproduce the photc:. as er1 will see them in the newapaper. Hert, Chuck Ryan takes a y' cloee loot at a neptiv~ wbicb will be used to etch the image' on ~ metsi plate. . · ,. I FINllllED PRODUCT b checked by Elwood Andm, prua·crew chief, even u hlglHpeed preuet continue to roar at I0,000 lmprealam per hour completfn& the day'• nm on preu unitl whlch repre.ent an investment of '3.5 million. Eleven-man preu crew will feed Into U-machlne1 the equivalent of a roll ~ paper one pqe wide and 110,000 mlltl long In printing the DAILY PILOT t.hll 1aar. The ·~ow!) Newspaper for .tlll The .Co111111uniti~s Of The Growing Orange_Co~st .. ~ I I ' • " ' ' , • I' I . ' •lOUSES fOlt SALi ponoral ,- WE ARE SEUCTIYE AND WI THINK YOU IHOULD 11 It ts our obl.ip.tion to help you be aeltt:Uve in the service you ~ the home You want, the financing you need and -.J'Ult call .•. "The Good Gwy1" 546-ZJlJ • 646-7171 +' Pal., aad S..t l!:xcluslve ntighbor- hood ol fine Mesa Verde homes -3 1 a r a: e bedrooms - formal living room- double fittplace - .. family room -cov- .. ered patio -prive.te ~ cul-de-sac street - very low down pay- ment If you want to do !Onie paintln' &. flxin'. $26,950 FHA or Cl o~.c-•··~ IMttst HOMe For the money. 2700 sq. n. 5 bi g BR., big dining room. Break- fast area. Large den, 3 bath, 3 1ho'>'·ers, It's complet.ely car- peted. Central air condlUontng. Auto- n\atlc sprinklers and indlreet outside light· Ing. Desperation sale $42,500. ,_.Would You ' ltlltYt A 2L"30 Rumpus rm. with a Giant fire· place and Bar that _,, seats 8 -A 4 bed- room + family room. 2500 sq. ft 11.IJ total- ed. A ~x200' lot, A 20'x40',York shop for $29,950 -You Can! .. • • W*Tnodt .... 3 Bedrooms. 2 ba.UlS iri a quiet non-traffic 1treet · -C02Y living ; =:. wi:c~~~k :~r:,; all electric built-inl'I - a dandy buy at $26,900 ·w Ith JO r,, down. Owner \viii co{lsider trade !01· 3 or 4 units. _.MesadtlMor 5 ltdroornl The cleanest, neatest home In thll top area AH tile kitchen With electric built· ins. Room for boat or trailer. Looking for 2300 sq. ft. that spark.Jes? -Thi! is it! 4 ........ ....... $23,950 l\1ove in ton1orrow W i th OK'd credit. New electric range. Sliding glass doors to covered patio. s~.- 950. lO'i'o down or try no down VA. Ntwpo<I -..;~ .. Pool Home 3 Bedroom on corner lot with 2 car gar· , age and workshop. "Olympic'' size pool \\'Ith dressing room & bath -New refri· gerator &. dlshwuh· er -Only $28,950. ltoUtthl ..... - laycr•t Gorgeou11 4· bedroom + spacious famlly l'OQl1l 6: formal din· lnil:. ne\v carpets and dra~. Sperld~ like n e \\'. $65,000 (not leueholdt l\f a y bl! purchued furnlshed. -"'!~~· 2 .. I Lot J ust a f~ 11,ps to new euta!de park A: ahopplni. Completely ttmodeled • carpeted A draped. l)o)n't mlu this at $29,500. OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. 646-7171 Olt 546-2313 -, rlll l'l:Al. I· ···."··il'l'RS '\. . . . ..._ HOUSU l'Oll IALI! HOUSIS FOR SALi -··---·• .. • •' ~H;,oOU.;oS;.;E;;:S..;cF_:O::::R_:SA:;>l::;E:_.;.H:::OU:::;::;Sl::S:..:f:..:O~~lt:..:SA=LE:;....._(:.:HliUz:.::.:l=E::f..:.F..:O::;R..:SA::;L:::E !IOUSES fOlt SALi! , Gonorol • ltoO Ge~ral IQC!O 1110 c:.r.... 4el Mar ·129 •• ~th & Tustin -Costa Mesa AOULTS , Most homes are built with only children in mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adull.!. Beautiful to look a~, .~m for bobbies, private office, separate dipmg rm, guest room wilh balh, 3 car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, Westcliff shopping, and restaurants. 1-;. with 20"" down -71h% with 1r;. Dn. no 2nds -no pointa -29 yrt on Nlance Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclusive Apnl p. a. palmer inc~rated NEW 'IN WESTCUFf!!!! A truly ohannJna "°""· load· ed with extraa. A large brL &ht living room with beam. ed ceilinp and ma.aaive uaed brick firePlaCe. Nice family room 100ka out to.k>vely_en-, closed patio. Bright sunny kitchen complete wlth ·over. size sel"Y'lce room. H~e bed-· rooms!! Extra large lot for privacy, A bomf: with lots of chann and wannth. Our e.,;clusive. Only $41.50:>. s\ib- mit yOur smaller borne on our guarantee ~ plan. WE ~ELL A HOME EVE.RY 31 MINUTE.$ Walker & lee olighlon JlnJen, Realtor N-porl Helgnts Three bd. rm., bath home In lovely neighborhood · in Newport Heigbl.!. Hardwood. flodrs, nice yard. Listed * Spac/LIW. nn, din/area * 3 K1na slu BR, 2~ ba * Li"f v.·&lnut P¥}fam rm * Ideal for entertainlnr • Professionally deco1'ted • Lu.llurioul crpa·1:.drapes J -.. - :.:N::.:••:i:'P"::.:rf.:...:::l•=oe1=h,_·_::·12=00 :c:z==:=mll 6 UNITS * FRY COOK * FULL TlME DAYS * Must be over 21 and d~nd­ able: Good pe.y & be~ts. Apply ln penon only. HUNTINGTON JUllt lltted, 9 yn okf, 3 bllal to beach, wlJq: dllt. to ID llhoP.S and storn.. lncoml $IMO mo. Orongo Coast Pr-'Y 332 MUJU1!rite 6'Tl:l!liO S~CLIFF LUSK-HARBOR VJEW •HJU.S .. • "" ' . ~ .. • .. .. " ' ' : U77 VIA LIOO 2613 w .. tclill Dr Tract Pb: 540-.5113 From L.A. Call MA. S-ID4 646-7711 Open°Eves, $29,500. Owner trans- ferred, mBke offer. LISTINGS NEEDED • Wet Bar, mirrored doors * Loads ot CUpboarda * Maey custom features * Walled patios' Country Clu!> 1 bdmu, 211 bL ""'"" vltw, 3000 Pelm Ave., H.8. ,...i· JaJWCapod, 3-<u pr, mall)'-extrM. 8 mo Old; • • ;_ ~ JUSTLiST,EDt U%. loan, ·pr1n only ••• " ., ' 01'1Ullatlc' 3 BJl 2~ ba COD-$59,000. ·3fll'7 Tupeide Ln. ..._ Pele Barren Really 11'--Pl-en-,y- 0 ....,t'-sq-. F-,-.., Presents Plenty of sq. ft. in ' "for A Wise Buy" . loOo General 1000 General , ------""-' Colesworlhy & Co. * Nl', Pool &·Cabanas * Priced be-low Marke t Ul,000 • ePQC1 t,rms 644-llU -U Eves. dominium . Located on hiih-.-.... = ... .,..., ... ,..,..., NJ point in' the Bluffs, 320• view of ~ and oCean. Nu. meroW1 deluxe appointments. $47,500.' Call tO see. Delancy Real E1t1te " TRIPlEX Three bedrooms, two baths and sundeck PLUS two-two bedroom units. All units are carpeted, have forced air heat, fireplace, gas built-in appliances and private pa. tlort1. Shov."n by appointment only. PRICED TO SELL AT $42,500. * * * * * SIX UNITS REAL PROFIT PRODUC ERS on ·~ acre within walk- ing distance or the new Yll1CA on NEWPORT UP- PER BAY~ THREE, two bedroom homes each with private patkis, play ya.rd and attached garages PLUS TRI· Pl.EX, all bonfered by Jawns and shade trees. What a joy!! $628.00 grOss n1onthly income and tax shelter too!! Your opportunity for MA.\'.J. MUM LEVERAGE with a $6,00J Initial Investment: ov.·ner will help finance - Value Packed at only $59,· 500. We have the key HURRY! Evenings Call 673-6116 Corona del Mar Ba,yfronl, Sandy Beach 3 I: Fam, near Yacht Club. S25,000 Down coRifrJl DEi MAR4 this 4 .bdrm., 2\.> DUPLEX C,istlnguished Baycrest bath executive 642--Tm OPEN EVES. Well located close: to shops 3 Bedroom home with 1malt apartment in rear Home opens onto private patio charming liv\f'C room wl!h brick fireplace even a form.al dining roon1 a good buy at · ..,,500 Call Kent K1n&*Y Res; 540-8812 LWE/OPTION Upper Bay Dclu.xe 3 BR 2\i: bath home Quiet cul~c--sac street. Try SHOO for option & payn1ent:1 of $250/1110. Vacant & ready for ytiur oc· cupancy. Newport ,, VictOria 646-Blll 3 bdrm 2 bath home h 0 me. Excellent '111th all the extras! Sep... floor pl an, giant fam- aratl! formal dining ily rm: Very litUe room, large panelled game room \\ith nre-yard care required. place, "'ell planned kit· You will take pride chen with breakfast and enjoy living in area & covered patio. this fine \Vestcliff, Call for infonnation N e w p o r t BeaCh ~ 1605 Westcli!f Dr. h~me: $49,500. NE\~RT_ BEACH SELLING? · CALL US ~ . 642-5200 l)\_-----'1 Re.c(y-Move In =:::::;=:=:=:l=:=:=::l)Freshly painted, va- AN ADDnns Of cant and ready to KU move into. Three bd· I WTll\U rms, 2 baths & sep-D STI"""'" arate dining room . Built-ins include dish In Ne\\'}lOrt Beach -Solid washer. ~ear Orang 3 BR home, hardwood floors Coast College & only -2 baths -lovely spacious living roOm, has fireplace -5 minutes to San Di· w/w cpts & ~rapes -&tep.. ego Fwy. $23,500. sa:1 .. er kitchen -service l\-"'---"'-----1. porch· -renCed 'yard plus LIST WITH covered patio. Low price at LlNDEN $211,;oo -1\.'::========~ NORTll COSTA . MESA This SpKe Reserved To Sell rour Honie MEMBER OF LOCAL BOARO of REALTORS S·T-R.£-T.C:H 0-U-T Nttd more. r o o m ! Check this GlANT! 2 story•, huge recreation room, mass.lye covered pa.tio, concrel• boe;t or tn.Uer storage yard with E-Z acceu. ·Panelled wall.!, w/w carpeting &: WOW, Better see it! All for only $30,500. VA or FJIA tenns. COATS · . " WALLACE REALTORS --546-4141-'-- (()pen Evenings) ----·---· COUNTY LIVIN . Rare · Find Custom bull! kitchen. East· side, C.l\t." 3 BR 1~ bath, dbl .garage, lene covered patio for eritertal~ sur- 673-JTIO FEE comer lot, best loca· tloo, $28,900 rounded by bu.utltul &imJ.bs 3 BR &: tam nn w/POOL. & noweni. Excelle-nt financ-J,.ovely family home, near ing avaiiable, · ' sChools and Westdill Shop- 1860 NeWport Bl\'rl., 0.1 plna;. $52,500 RI.tr. 64&.3m " Eve. 644-1655 WAµ,Q;R i:tLTY *LACHENMYER iz:m==iE=--=:z:=-:I 3 BEOROOMS SCOOP II 1 & 112 BATHS The prime 5 unit apartment $26,500 on the enUrt peninsula. Nice east.side location, car-$99,950 -\\"ortb every pen- ptte, drai>cs, 11replace, h'Ont ny oI. 'It, Will ira.de for in- court yard, and huge back dusti·ial. Exclusive with Yard. Hu""". this 11.·on't last N9Wpor.t Bt1ch Re•lty Jong! ••,J • ' ••• • 673-1642 JEAN SMITH, ' Realt0~ NE\YPOl!T ISLAND 1-"urnllhed ouf,lex 400 E. 11th, C.M' .. Sf8...rA5 In th!J; unusual 2 BR ho1nc 1 .. -...... -..-.. ... ..-..-ii"ii'GEiiii-• f with addiOOnal guest roont I • -Diu... over 2 C&l' garage. H i i h f S nwNnf . . SJli,500 3801 CHANNEL..PLACE _ OPEN \VEO thru SUN 2 • 4 or call: Don Bohler, A&t 673-6000 beamed ceilings le knotty ·Attr'a.ctl.ve 4 BR Baycl'("SI pine interior. HUGE 58 x home with fonnal dlrllrq; 203'. lot with mal))' largJ? room & large famUy room . tree•. Approved plans for 2 Owner moving East, Wanta more unl!Ji; included. quic'k &air. $26,500 . Arnold & Fre11d ~ 388 E, 17th St., Cl\! .Re:al!Ol'S 646-77:.5 [Pei:l~ON POO.L & TEN.MIS? Plti:rtY of .room."4 bedrooms 3 bath l fbrt:ver view of Back Bay. 646-4414 $2 I ,4'50 . Full Price .&•11• ~ fstatJ . , . , ~ . , 3 bedrocim, 1 bat..1, 6~ V.A. ""ACK B'Y "-·to 4 ., .. _ 3 * 641·1771 Al'lyti'1M * loan to auwTie. earpeung °" · ft ....u. m DW-, .,3 • Ji'•r-~,-:i • . lhroua:hoµt, Covei~d Patio. ~-·firm, din, trpl c. -CvMu ·~cYB"ATG·--Eh LolJJ more Extnui! E'ull ~=~: r::~·'TSJ· D monthly Payment $134. P.I .• 2 BR home W/inc unlt needs T.J. P1iv. P,ty, ~·~ .. or 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 · 80me·ri..c. Walking distance .::.......,::..::::._·_~---Balboa Cove. $ 6 Q, O 0 0 . to eve\.o.•thinfl' $33·500 ------. ._,x:: •.. ·--Prefer·trade for acreage or te11JU1. "' --~; ' Cost1 Met. ' '1100 will cOruilder other. 548--7771 By appl only $1000.,DOWN Libr•ry Room!. ht CORBIN-MARTIN C t u_ · POOL 2 bd•m. 2 ba, doltw """'°· enhances this 1g , 01. • miss• -. Iriimediate po 1 s" 1s1 o n Newport cheerful home. High REAL TORS The thlna:a that take priority 642-3497 ilin. famil m 303' E. CNst Hw,y, CdM in a busy famUy'1 Ille are I:=~::;;---,..,-......,-ce gs, Yr ., BY ow,er· •edu•ed 675-1'62 easily atWnablt with a pool, • .. 3 bdrm& and 2 baths 5 Bdmu, faml,IY room, and drastically; 1pa.c. Cape Cod and located in West-------T---3 baths In this Costa ltfell 4 Br .•. pool,. Call after .. S ef , Victori• 646-1111 clifi. If you want N E.. Cosf · M ho $39 950 PM; S48-94TJ john macnab 1 ....... ~"'!!"'""""""!!!! your own library. or. . • I esa ,,;);'· ' . MOBILE Home, .Bay Front 4 •--'rooms large office room in PROPERTIES WEST ori the P•""""'8. $19,500 . OOVER SHORES . FINEST LOCATION This Jarge 4 Bedroom, family room, formal circular view dining room, needs redecor. .., 3 W... bdnm, l 'i baths, Your home, here it is. 1028 Bayside Dr.· fi75..4130 675-3808 or 61S-3Z16 + Pool d h:.n:l.,,,_-ood noon, Jarie kite~ -;=:=:=:i=:'cz::z;: N-·· Duple•, ~i -· St. Owner purchase .an-l!n &: eervl~ porch . area. • ".. ... .w .uiiu + FamJly Room other home .. Vacant L>ouble garage. Big ya.rd Open sBt & sun 1 to 5 tastefully dee, w/w crpts $23,300 ~ome see! with lhade &; lnUt trees. 4t6 Esther st.. $5.1,tnl. By owner.:_.~ $2'l,9'";ii. See thll pool le 3 BR hon*! ating. Save $25.000. As is for Sl/4 °/o Loan LIST WITH WeUJ..McCari:lle, Rltrt. A mce, quiet 11trttt; E-Z Call .....•............ $llS,!Xkl Ra.re value. DelightfuI Jiving \.EIGHTON JBlO Newport Blvd .. C.AI. term1 wllh.Jow intere1t Joan Bayshorff --···· -1225 for appointment room wtth plush carpets and I\!-----~--'/ I SU-7729 ' Eves. 644-0684 $26,950. BAYSHORES '> TAX SAVER " 2 Br~. sw~ntiiw poal ;,"I Room for 2nd apt. lnstal'lt income. s;i35 mo;.~ ••• $3Z.5Cll ,,, H•I Plnchln A As-. 3900 E. Coast Hwy 6T5-l3ll Bollooo. ,Penh11ulo • 1300 Oceanfront Buch and the Pacific at at your front door. 2 Bit home owr triple l&n&'I R·l mne -$59,:iOO 9:®~ ........ . IEALlY Near NB· Plll!t ore, &i&-Xlt . LOVE. NEST ' ldee.l 5pot for honeymooona; cute and qui~t. 3 bedromn. 1% liath'dbllhouae near end of peniruiu!a point. oWner. an:dOwi, $38.250 • BURR WHITE, Rltr, -2°9(ll'Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 Eves 673-5122 BY Owner 2 &. 11,i bdhl. "' ' ··• ... .. ... .. ' . .. " • ~. patio; nn. ta add on 40Xl00 lot. Balboa. Point .. ,~1 location. 673-4077 Lido Isle 1151 ' - NEW ili.V LISTING ' • So; Beach w/pler slip for ·; 56' boat. Spacious !i Bd, 4 "'I , BA: 2.Story w/Janai, din., ~~ rm. Garden· view. $195,ftllO 1 R. C,. GREER; Realty I • 1 335& Vla Udo • mm> " I :·,~ UDO Isle, Via Orvieto, 5 "' bdrm!, 3 bl. fm rm,.din nn. . Ire patio. aep. ma1d'• rm. blt·inll. '673-0482 for apPt. -Huntlntton -h 141!9 *Be•ch llqy's Borgolnl v try smart t;ieach Olien. ted 2 BR .with beamed ed.· """ • cualom --·t . °"" 171.000. .Terms... Eva. 546-1322 •• 001 Do(71410~2·8283lt ....... drapes, cozy family room Coron• dtl Mar 9:.;. ' 675-4392 Anytime Nver ri.ve, we ~ \vUh beam ceilings. Four You' own the land, a v;, .. '1.-.,, ewport Beach bedrooms. Sparkling heated BAL BOA 'JI-......... 3900 E. Coast Hwy. pool. Covered patio Take Corona Highla nd ar· PENINSULA POINT : I A LT y .Pacfftc Shores ReaJtr 2 BR, 2 bath, 2 patio, family home, newly decorated and a "must see to appreciate" S4~;soo. 646-6475,0wner. • -OOYou Read Ads? -Can You Beat This?-over 711 ..,_ loan. _,c,. th;• ea of nice homes -3 BR home In quiet area. --:-:---Huntingtdn Beach A {II £IU.UI\ ... • Near NB' F'olt Ofc. 1146-2414 wwcllff 12.30 847~ we need salesmen nOw. Top Lovely 3 le ram Uy room v.•llh wllJ last long?? Call immed. some ocean view· Painting &: decorating will -'-'=="-----"= ...,,~=~~=~==I commiuion le bonus plan. spatkltng POOL, Own er lately. Forest E. Olson Inc., Thi'ee bdrm, clean, .pd charm! Lot SO .. ~ 1~ ft. ----SPARKLES 6 shlnN inside A· WHALE OF A BUY AU replies confidential. movihg ou t o( area le might Realtors, 64$6'J03 comfortable and Large patio, Room, to ex· SPANISH HACIENDA &!·ool Llvin& nn 6 db11n& 8eauWul 3 Bedroom home Ft accept $1450 UNDER Fl-IA LAKE AR.l?.OWHEAD charming. Asking un· pand, Tr)' offrr. $42.500 Phu rental, plua room for mi; service porcb, elec with LARGE ad'ded 1amfly .. -a E NIE""-• 1 appraiM.l or $27,tOO o~ $25 .• SHOW PLACE. ~ A· der $40,000. Make of-Balboa Real E1tat1 Co. more µnili. bitn1. Clean crptJ ~ drJ)I room. 2 Baths, Campi*I¥ CLEVELAND 950. Only $1400 down, d Vet. f'T'ame on lrg k>t. Exclusive (er. as little as 10% . Jotephlne Webb, Realtor · 161 Mesa Drive ="·out~ 3~ S: =· lotCUI~~~ BAYFRONT Bil beautlful custom built 3,tnl IQ. It. 3 bedroom home on!y 7 years old. Dock for 60' boat. Pr1oed ·at $139.~. llDOlll: REALTY llllS w. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 67~ ~ Am! A·l, fixrt'-uppet. Santa Ana Hel&Jds., DAVIDSON ltu!ty -Evn.-WESTCLIFF f BR, I tam. mi., 2'ii BA. Nat new carpet. I dnp- .._ Fine eame:r kicatioa. $Sl.lOO LIOO ltl!AL TY, INC. 5"" VI& Lido 61>alO NO DOWN VETS. 3 lk<lrooms. -Kltchm Ntw Carpets. Covert d Pallo. Hml.... Floon. 121,900. Wall<tt a I.ft, 56-f<91 .•. ftnd great bilyt tn '°' dqs Cuslftl!d Ads . SALESPEOPLE NEEDED North shore area. Slip In down. Immedl.ate OC· 700 E. Bal= !!.,1Vd:, Balboa Overlook.In& beautiful pr rllaint. w/. children's p1••• ""'"'boat or cam-..,__ brand new double dock. v1-.i ~ J~ ,..... Hugh liv-<lin nn w I cup&J\CY. /1 ---------1 courae and lakes, Askifti" yrd It pet area. Heavy ty &fta. MUST.SEE!! Prio-ma.ulve trplC. Centra1llr--------11 --4 .BEDR~--~.<XXI. snake-roof completes thls ed at only .$24,850. Gt DO heaUng &: an utll. Beaut. PROFESSIONAL FAMILY RM Di1Vls Retil ty 642-7000 cbamling hQme. By OWner down or 10w down FHA. tum. Desirable fOr year SERVICE n sparkles! 2 balhs.. !.:1cgant --_az_ . ~2.950. 60-15911 ~ .we SELL A ~OMI! round living. Will comider l\L-------.'I natural brick Iirtplaoe. AU REDUCED TO HUSll:\'1• m.r~ 111 EVERY 31 MINUTIS .,,,.,,~~~~~'"'!!!!I trade for holoo o( com-8onu1 Room electric pusb button built-$20 950 t:uwn. Tbl DAlLY PD.DI w ··1k & L ACTION parable value m Nowpon. Ample space !or bU· '"'· Dellgh!ful polio "'~~ a...ui.o -. s,.,. a er ee . CdM area. Price $6'9,500. liards or ping pong in )ooklng_ a. park like yard. J f money, I.UM • ef"1n. '-.clClll , 1681 F.d.lnpr 846--2916 bonus room. Home 5f0..l720 ~!!! U2..fC55 oi:'MO-Sl.40 That'1 ,whal Owner wanll R f' d sr• 000 1·n Mesa Verde with TA.Ra.ELL.~ Harbor POOL. 3 Bdrm. Fam rm. HOME • ft..2 lot. Ii;& Ope E 3BR2bath are In.~. $130lmopay1alJ-51'%lnt, Wl'lt8hfe.3Bk.2W.ba."room "vts., NoWpOt1 Height. ••.• 127.500 4 bdnns. den & din· DUPLEX. Rend RHlty 645·23-40 for 41 ofi s. un1f1. Sl$.1S23 PRICE ltEOUCib OAVIDSON RHlty Newport Spanish Ing. "Mr. Cl.ean", · • OWNER BAlLING oui' .... ,. ~' \" Oreim. Wu at.-~ Eves. MS-8584 condJtion. Profession: Near Ocf'an, 3 BR 2 bL . Brl.ng your paint brush. -000 -Now ~.999 -Gt DO YOU owe it to )ltlltself to in. Beau! lndtcpd • .f BR, fa.m ally landscaped. Too each unit, 3 FfPlcl. 152.· $axl(I moves you tn, low In-!-l!!!!~~,!:Y 'ark :i.. 1237" do"".n. ,ieller P&Y1 PQiDta. 4 wst:lpte our 4 d!Uererit nn, 2 BA,.home on WBe 77 large tor present 500. • , teres:t loan • no loan fees. 3 . BR. 7200 ICf n Jot, ,_. trade.In pnwn.ms. x l2q comtr lot 2 frplcs. owner and ready Ior O.Org• Willlamton BR 2 bathl, e.11otllent are•. P.0.. TraH..OOlf ~uo, buUt.rn double °"""' 1 crpts, drps C!Omplett, 2300 you "I 000 Realtor CALL ~ll51 (open ew1) .ShOppinf-UCl•J ~In. 1'91'C.,, fireplace, FA lat, Aq. tt w/ all custom extra&. !Ir--·_ .. __ ' -·---·.JI f1M350 Del. f'7S.1984 Hetlt.o.i.te Real Eltate t ~ l;r Jly room .... Ul.900 c~tl. 4~P8, ahUe n.t, Ellnllnate mkldle man. c.au BY OWNER 5 BR fam nno 3 BR. 2'ii bl., 2 atory •• $24,950 cuJ,<1~ lot. Man1 atru. ORANGE COONTY•S _, IO YEARS lmotlne ·All This Wint.'°.hdlOd nn. patio. 3 BR, al-........ 171~ • IN AREA For $20,500 trple, ,ctrps. Newt)' rtt0n-2 BR, den"' tam, •••• $32.Kal> --- LARGEST 1 ............................. 11'--------'\ I C."""'1 ·looaltd 1n .CM, ditlonod. ''"""· 123.500. 0out Joy RE W4IM ' . P!'T1PTI 2tJ E. 17th St............. ''PRIDE_OF__ bra.Dd new home w/rlcb 309a Fernheath Ln CM, =11 , -6-UNITS-. OWNERSHIP" fl I ..... cyb, BL FA .... ~ 54S-35JJ • hotbluff. • 1242 YA NO D WN . "0$ .. OOWN $24.950 ol..eiahlon --..... -111• 3.BR, 'BA HALECREST: E.AStBiUFF c.D. ot'.auum..S~<' ....... Texas siled be\h 1)1 2 ii pr. 2 BR Ir ba. can nowt Aaume 4~C# GJ ot no dn ..__,WI·-· " ....... .... .......... 2~ .... lfp."ltd5'· .ram ..... $60,000 -WlllTrade · ~r, Paul Stuart. Realtor. d ,.. •• .....,11 ... ,_,..,. .. _ "V --. ROOM TO BUILD batha. 1'MlY '"' JVd-cit ck m."1IO to Vita. Low " > ~ 2lOO oq. ft. -. 3 D a iWed o'plo • Pa1ot V-543<m0 landoapod to ....,_ , -ii&;;..iiiii ____ , 123.9!0. Ownor/.... "''" d<~ 2 BR a don. Emo "'"" <:Ul10m 11"'1,,,.. a. rutt. "'""'° """-""" -...,. ,.. ""'... tn n, • PO .-a del.,.. UllldJt1on .. , -deoors,•et .....,. -• .__, alon. No -. GJ. Mt>ln> PENINSULA lllT BY OWNER J BR llomN. '°"'!Ion 6 ....... :--A .. rml. • TY llUlnW T'ltBELL -• l<c A Paln~ ·~for dlorml -~ 9a .. u ~~~-=---1·~~==-~~=--'H .... '".'-""'~-Good 3 BR bomt on 50 x IGO M:. ...... 2-W ....... ..., IG.---~u11. RIAL A Prlv•te GllmPH ASSUME ""'6!4% mA·VA ea lor ft. lot.~ lo.: $42,lOO lrw -1oono &II· Marl! Leo liltr. 1117-lm ·--of the moot ucl""l"' Bad< -· MU$T SELL. Nr ""' · 8olloM fl.Ml i -C.. 111~. Need ..... 14&-~ C.M. ,_Co. IWl-T!ll -3 Bil 2 ...... abAli; -. a., ttlridenUal tectSol11. bNot•BJtAt..mnnhonw:. JIS7HarborBlvd. m-4lt0 5BR.Byowner.5W.%rnA ~~-;_Jflw e.pta/dl'PI ~ new outJtandlnr 4 BR home. $6900' total dn, U'l1 per mo Cost'• MeNI 100 £. Balboa Blvt!i, Ballx.. )Qil:jt"'":Nllptteen4.500 ~( __ ._._ , eVl'!l'Ytbttv, Amun\e '"'"' . Roy J. Ward Co. P8.l-'I aU. 963-aH2: conslde:r 2nd. $4t-2103 ·SHOl;tEQJFFS. -a BR ntA IOU ~ wtft n11. "" 181,ycrest Office) DAILY PlLOT WA.NT ADS '41·7141 socx rT TO 'DI! DAILY. PlLOT WA.N'J" ADI' 2 btlhl. J'et e*mple. Unrte1 of $3100 '41!)', a..l.507 1842 53.ntlagu Dr, 646-1550 Di11 6'2-6678 OtARCE yoor •tnt-ad now. BRJNG Rtsm.TSI $JO.IX». By tw."ntil't.h1681 ~'t!hi• '°' .. ; 1· , .,.. .. 11 ... ,, t • •' ' -~ ,. . . DAILY I'll.OT T.....,, Ajwtl ~. 1969 IS FOftSALI! HOUSES FOR SALi! RE:t~~ RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS REAL ESTATE " _.,,... -1400 LA ..... awh 17119 """"""'-I Apl9: '""'"""" ~ Uttfunl-• Aplt: lllofurftlllholl G;wr1I ,._. Tlmo la HoN c.to -1100 C.--, 4100 Gonoral 5000 1aot IJuff 1242 --fftt . DAILY PILOT CLUllRm INDIX ,.., ............ -·11• •IA£ ••m 10oH1• ._ - 1 = = ,_ """° I BR 2 8.1. -..,.. -~ "!,~= ~ -UNT e NIW DILUU e PRY nn ID llc'd -• • ~ =-llBQ. .... .,-. Hai~...... .....,__ lllO - -.... -.--. • ·-· ....... ~-s Br, "' "' .... 1or -............ -· .... ·-...... ~~ -Lie. .. °'*-•• °' llw)'. Olll .... ·---• llW8tTI ~ ........ -.M-.... _,__ woaian. -.. ™ '-~. l!O>* --• IJo ,..,.., ___ ..,. $20•$25°$30-. ,...-~~;.-, ,..,,-__ , mu ar . room. L&rlO -loC com-Apt. unlls, - -• llEDJXX)ftATED 2 Bii-..,. ., ...,. 1111-,1,..,_ • •-•--· N-_.., .._.,.I ....., block -·-aaod --... PQ. ..... utflitloo pd. y_.. --cllltll It. l'llLL OPTION ro BUY - -•"11. Pool • ·--· Lrr yed HOUS!S l'Oll SALi .. ,,..,_.. ...... .. .... .............. v ..... TEN'lliL fNCOl<IC'EX--• s--a; Cll er1J&j PCAiA ~ .t.vailUlal ,.., ,_ Nr. ~ patio. .t.vall mw. -:.T.ttai&."~.:::::: :e~m-~:= C£EDENOU01«IOANNUAL. Ntw; lhac carpet. drape11o DELUXE. Q'lldtw 1-Bdnn. Nodtpolfte.a.c. ~~~.Oar.-lneom. ,,.,.rty 6000 !.!!'.~u;..,. .. ::::::::::::::::H: ~C:"~~.~~.:;:::::::r: tmn1 -won•i lNt! Elettfr ,;.~~ = ..am. ~.!'~ ~0 ~ Fum.Hu._. ~ '!"~1! Fum~h,',.·R~hlla • ONLY s:ro • iiiU'. DIL MAil •••• ,,,.,,, ••. 1HI IAMCMll ......... ,,,_,,_ .. •lit call now .. _,,, • •Q> ,........ -.,_....,. 831..a'Zl AmJcos Wiy, N.B. r:r.::•::.,r ·.".":.:·;;:.::.::1ll: mi•=.:IOYU..::;.::;:.:·:::: . .:l MUTUAL Rl!AL TY 91& So •. eout, Lqww. 3 8R 2 ba Como, <Pta. ~~lldren -~o pets T w. l9tb C.M. &MC ::=:i ::=n·:::::::::m: ~"::·.•m ·:;,;_;:::::::= ac.1418 IQ1tlme SANDY ANKLES • will be ~~ fl'!!.lb, w .. ~ ~-2 PomoJw., CM 1* w. ~ Anbm 1T"2800 c:..,... .. ;,. 5250 April 1 Slh Bluest : : : MIAO#. COftl ............. lllJ ...... co. NOf'PTT ......... -)'OUl't wt.II"°" arrive home ..................... mo W'\N'"\MIV CHATEA.U l& ·POINTE •rMOll~ .-.u ........... :: OUT 01" ""'' ••o;; ........ = BUY LIKE RENT to this 4 BR, i bl. plus Re,.. FOR Leue 3 Br. 2 Ba. hua:e LDYelJ 2 Br. tum. .,pt; Pf;lol CQlf1 MM. 5100 tt;:.111 ·:::::::::::::::::::1m ==~~ e:J: , ::::::·;..,, 3 Bedroom Raftthero with 2 tal Unltt. 11.t bl lo btacb. WlCtd )'ard. uz. , carport; adults, no pets'. ., IPO'IU 11'IOlll ............... 1127 llli.L. llTAT•1••YK8 .......... Baths, Delux. Carpels I: ' 7-can 6t2-6294 Dn Pomona, c M ~·., wanu.1'' ............... 1111 t.1. 1xc11Uo .............. = Dra st.on. Flrepl&ee Units will pay $15,000 of • . HARBOR .., =~=;,~~~ .. :::::::J: t. L WANT'tO ............... ' Hic~ecrea&n Room. ci )'OUf mortaaP toil Total ~ -2 BR, Cloae to al;opp. Partla1t)' ~ 1 BR .apt.. .. on• ~':!'\Av·:::::::::::::::::: .. :: BUSINESS ind No money down. $176 per price $40,000. lrJg.~tsalt. 5 :ms:=~ JIU QBE.ENS. 1A1Te1.U"" _.1 :.: ............... bd FINANCIAL month includn all eo1ts. Lat Padttt JUty 49C-8IS3 • pm. ON TEN ACRES t•v•• Tl•-• ............ , .. •UllNIM Ol'POl:TUlllnJn. -~ ...... _ _. ......... t lut at 621 So. Oout Jiwy, Lal Bcb DF.LJC apt. apadoua 1 Bdrm, 1 ... " B!t. rum 6: Ul>Alm u•OMA 01'-MA• ........... 1• 9UllNlll WAllTID ~ .,..v,....... aiiu "-N leach noo •• ... o. :::•WI.A ......... :: 1..v11TMINT ous ,..:.-;·;::..,,. this price. OCEAN VIEW awport pooi, Idol for blcbfkir. BAatE!.OR . UNTtJRN, )l'lJlct I prtv. Jli*Hot/Poola. ~ ... • .. ::·::: ... ·:::::-..::,. =~M:oNr:.tr~~.:·:.:·: .. :: WE SELL A HOME PRIVATE BUCH iuo. 1993 Omrch. 548-9133 from $110 TtMla . O>ntot'l Bktlt. put.. ki't°~.u.,;··::::::::::::::lft: :::~m"'~~· :·::::::::::!: EVERY 31 MINUTIS 2Br, 2 Ba. Open beam. teak. 8/1 ruRN. Bach., uW. paid. tla& ll'Mn. MuNn•"-·~~.u..·· ..... i• ,0 ... ,, .. , ,~.~ ""W lk & L .. 1...... ,... ..... , _,. road-low Adult only Nr o c.c Al.J!!l .AVAD.ABI..!: IOO SN Lue, CdM 6"-J&ll NUMTld'l'CNt ~I--..... i• 1UL11TAT11f:.G1·::::::::u. a er ee ~· """"" r;;_,, TOWNHOUSE . . . l . 2. 3 BDRM. tMac:Artbur nr. Cout UW)') N*lfTAt(ll YAU.ft .......... llll MM:TU.llS. T,.. ....... f.MI taXel. $32,500. ........... down. ~llt T ~-1 3 "-h-... batbl 546--5019 Het.ted Pooll, adld CUI llM. UACM ................. l. MOM•Y WUTIO ... 6* Shown by apvt. M2-00f1 • .._ ...,..~ ........... l BR tun, all tll incl $135 1ulllft llACtf ............... 1• ANNOUNCEMENTS 7682 "Edl.nset Double 1 a ra11, carpet&, n.....• .. .a..i•-u116 _ • • 7, ·, CenterN.0AdJ ..... toallowedSboppiJW :-u.1n:• •ltO'll ••••••••• ., ... 14'!1 $35 (OJ nrTVr..,,. 2 and 1 .a..... n -1 .. -I ~ .1U.114L1S 01 • v I.OM a&tot.M ········-· ... • .. •1• and NOTICES M2-4455 or 54G-514D ' ........... ........., 111. ... ~ ...... _, 1 • c. 968-1740 ......_IWOGO ................. , .. ,.. -n-.. EveJ BR. view, ,_ mnodeled, bullt·inl. ADULTS ONLY :.· --,'°"',---=..,.._,,__12700 Patenan W-.y, at ffar.. ....,._ toulll'T't ••••••••••••• ,.. "ou•o '"'-....., •···••·••·• ..... .,.... · pvt, wild ldtcbensl 4M-9748 e N ... u -~ e bar • ...... _. ,..__. • .,..,__ XLNT 1oc near QUna Cove 1 BR apt. Frpl.c. $115 mo . leue. ~aft S pm . Start ptannlng rlsht now for oe'll;t )'Ur'• WI ahtl· ter by lookina •t thia Jharp ''COSTA MEM DUPLEX'.'. With u ttt. ue .u 10% down, the incomes f r om these unltl ....w pt)' all e.X• penan with a lltue 5eR over. P'uII price $28,500. JfjJa,,., COA n ~WA~CI •IALTIIU 546.4141- (0pon -1- .. OUT~cou'"" • ... ·, .. I.OST · ...................... , Bl R1••--s r 1 •••··••·•···•••• •t DXlllth. ..-.......... .__....., ....__ OUT CM" ITAT9 •• :::·:,;;.,,;_,,.._ 'EllOMALI .................. ~ Utl ~ pK • Mn. 1' • 1 6: 2 BIL . Pool ~ ITAlllTOft .................... 1611 ANNOUNCl.MllfTS ............ :::; lnvttina l5x30' pool k>ada al iENTAt.S . 11. 1-E. ~ s• ·--·· ••ST••lflfft ......... -..... 1t11 a11TMt ... .................... tlo' • 8 u_ .... ....; Purnllhed 9-& Beach •1 u.iu ... --.-.;o 5300 ""'ls~m"'o'!:ll~T~r"'a'!:ll~or"'l!P'!f''"ar"l"~'I : · BalbN ' flllDWA'f' CITY ................. Ml• ,UNEIAU ............... ,.'4\t deck1r1g;encl. pa • .. tory ~ _, Dtlle wld mobOe bom u .. .. I.MITA AM .................... 1• PAID 01nUA1Y ·· ·,.· .......... ~11', f oo "-tile are&. Bll·ina -Ra•lty, Inc. e e ~~ ORLEANS IANTA MA MtTL ............ ,.,. ,u,.•UL 0111CTO .......... -~ ,,..-. • Rent•ls to Shi,. 2005 to Oct. Adults only. Compl OUNl8 ...................... 1&11 •L01.t1T1 ............. ,.64ll cpta/d!'PI, fUlly la.ncbc. AJ,. ICl1 Dover Dr., NB Suftl m ru1T1111 ........................ 1 .. CAID DI' TMANICI ............ r,1,•, ::\lri 5l4% GI loan owner EMPLOYED Woman will 645-2000 ~--. •--furn $150 mo 543-2438 APTS. CHITM TUSTt• .. -......... 1661 I• MIMOllAM ,................. -°""~ ~ JU.Ill• ··:.-~~!." .......... NII C•M•fWn"• '°",., ................. ~,•,• w· _ help fin. $35,500. share ..,., 3 BR. home Bach Apt. men only $67.50 llLVlllADD ...,..,.._ ......... ,. CIMWT r•• ........... p I J R It ·-BEACH HIDl!AWAV Vuy nice 1 Br trir. 80 00 u.1UNA Mii.LS ................ IM CIMITll'f' CIYPTt _.,,, ... 6411 au Ol'l91 •• Y w/same; P1'.lmona &: 19th. ~ • .,~ .. ,,;, .. 3 BR STUDIO I.MUNA 11AcM .............. 11'1 e11MAT01111 .............. we 847-1266 Eve 968-3167 CM 548-8824 Steps fro m n ... , perk le. re-U2 W. Wl.l.soD. CM ono-w .. U..UlllA •.Ult. ........ _ .. '"' MIMOIW. PAllCS ........... tut . • ~ POOL ~= f~::iwrmuo·::::::ir.: :r.zTa:: tiiV1U"::::::::::t:: Bonus Room Speclal ROOMMATE 9el'Vlce; 9lale creaHonaJ tacWt1es. 2 BR Newport Buch 4200 11ru•o •u.cM ......... u'll ruvaL .................. '4h ONLY $24,950 or female. Ett1dent I: hMst/oppty. pr 1 e e d to 1--~-------1 NA f'OllfT .................. 1n1 All flA•IPOltTATIOM ........... •~ ·u•,-I -~ ...,,,.1111ed s:JS..Zl.IXI pleaae $26,950 • only ~% SINGLE Y~·-Adu! .. •··-.ADULTS ONLY CAltUIAD ............ -........ ,. AUTO TUMPOITATIOllll .......... ...-_,_rpr c-'i._.... • On ~ w t w-......... IANllOI .................. ,,,. 1.IU.1. MOTIC•I ...... f BR 2~ batba, walk to park -· •• •v~...... ea . ury aarden apta with C'OUI). .,,.. 01110 ................... 1m ••iuu.• • rrnot1n "'" ,.__,.1 u---2100 1028 8.ay&lde Dr 6'lMl30 ...., cl b ~·--d 1741 Tustlo Av .. uo 1r11111• COi.iJm" ........ ,,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY &: st¥>PPlng. _., ~ · .. 1 u a .......... r•.:.i"' a n -~ GRACIOUS Adult Livtng. Ocean a Ba)' vieW. Spacious 3 BR. 2 BA., walk in closets, beauWul carpets 6: -· Pool. Boat '"" tor t.nanli ~ parking. !'13-3003 s Br,'2 ba, + den. $300 mo )'i!arly lease. BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B . 675-4630 Ews 642-2253 MOUlll to 11 MCWS• ...... 1• WllTIN9 -. HAFFDAL REAL TY 5 BR, 3 BA; " acre. oom~te privacy, SOUTii off 17th Street our~:1~1 'iAlii':::::::::m: ~~": ft~::·M· = 8'1f0 warner F.V. M2Mm 2 BR., gar., patio, quiet. .At.olute • e cul 1 Ion A BAY 0.UB API'S. Irvine at Coste Me1i1 '42~1 Huntington leech 5400 ... NT.,"A'""Ls roa.,..... .... 11• ~MALT.• ................ ... $ 4' p I T I TBnipllc ~.etSl~ ~~ta. 1 rorgeaut view of hills. $450 16th Newport Beach. A1rt1> 1nA111 ............. M'9 I 3 O<>U)'9· • mo on leaae 6f6.819t or enc> 645-0$0 Hou.-F lthed AUTO. s-t .... ,... Ilk. -• • • • • ~1550 um -aA1nm1fM ......... '55t3 b edroom. Ca.rpetina: 2 BR furn Condominium,,,.,=,..,...--,---..,.,--,-1-&. 2 :ea. pool, $125. Util. 3BR 1"-bl., blt-in ranc• •111t111AL ~..... ............ IOAT ,,...,.,.....,*' ........ .., I " -atlonal -.. ·-NEW bo 1 H·~ " With 1150 ••MTAU TO 1MA1• ......... -•1ttc:K. MtollOMl'f', -. ....... llNf throughout. Owerrd Patio. poo • '"""" r•••· use or rent .. -......r J)d. .ALSO Bach. $105 Util. a: oven. raraae. · COITA MDA .................. 11• •Ulfflnl Nl'l.Cll ........ &Mt All blt-lns. Many more ex. .6dults. can &t&-3265 View homes. 1807 Port pd. Mature adults oncy 2ll5 := ::~~,1 ·"·····"·· .. •1• ~:~~= ................. .4171 ttu: $21,61. F.P. and you C'harl!S, 3 BR. fam, 2 BA; Placentia ~2407 W1115-'McC•rdle, Rltrs, co1. .... 1 'AllCM ............. = CA•1•1TMA1C11111 ............. •own the land Priv Pty Newport Beach 2200 $300 mo. Ruby L loyd .,.,. •••• 1 BR. ni'-ly •·-. lBlO Newport Blvd., C.M. NIWl'CMtT, ......... ""'"'"""mt CAl"NTe11• .............. UM _., -~ ~.n . . 213·. ,,n...,,.. ~ '"" ~WU .,~ .. _,. NEWl"Olt .............. co1•T. c-'11111 ............... _...n,••'" or ~ ,,....,...... elec bit-ins, w/w crpl:!, ...,..,,_ NIWf'OllT IMOaU .......... mt :.1.a CAI .. u-.1 ........ INll . SUMMER RENTAL i""""'""'~"'"'""'""'""'""'" WJif::1~i~::::::::::::E ~~~.:.~·~j~i;~:J !~r!~~4:':~°!': SUmmer and }'Ur rowxi ~~1~0~tz.3 C:~: ;;:. ~ ~~ w~~~ s. * Villa Pomona UNIVElllTY ·-........... nn OtAl"lllll ........ .,...... ..... ......_.."' • reservatiorul being takea Fncd patio: el~ bltna, 2 FURNISHED 2 BR. y I 11v11a ........................ mt D&MOLITtDfll .................. MD fireplace, carpet• and drap.. PROPERTIES WEST poot $715 142-1219 ear y. · u1T •1.Uf', .................. nn 01APT111t11nvtc1 .... -... ·"*' es Will FHA or GI 00 down car pr, · 1~ Blk to beach. C.Csta Me•'• newnt A mo1t llVINI TllUCI ........... nu ILKTlllCAL .................. "4e . • 11128 a ... ...l .. _ Dr. 675-4130 --1 or •• -JllXUJ'lowl apta now ren"-CDIDNA OIL. MAit ...... , .... -IMllPMltrr 1"'1'AU .... ,..M!t $24,950. ~-C d J Ml 32S0 t;1o~ ;;no-vi;,i ..,~ IAUOA ........................ nee.., "'111e•t11 .......................... R D SLATES Rltr oroni • r --1 BR. Ulll -1d. Want oidor Unfur. 1 "-2 BRa, Adults 1.100 Ill.I ................. .,,. "LOOI.I ...... , ........... "'5 • • ' • _. niy N 17-p •AY 111.AMOI ................ -•U•NACI ••••1•1. Ifie. ..... WI 847-3519 Eve1. 962.7369 Bal'---2300 2 BR., cpfJI, drp1, frpl, O/W. single man only. $99.50. Call 0 0 pet!. uu omona •A'-'°" Iii.MD .............. DU rua111TUt11•rto••• -N ta ~M Incl ill. 703 It 5 .. ~ .. _..... Ave lust south or 18th St EXCLUSIVE ON·THE·IEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom Apt. Luxury lMng to please the in.oat dilcrim1Datillc· NW available 1t The Hunlinglt1n Pacific RB 71l Ocean Ave., lLB <nf) 5.16-lfB'l In Cost• Meu With 2 BR house. Spend $170/ mo with $17,000 dawn • $80,- 000 total price. Hurry? lli% financing. -WALLY McCOY, Realtor &l2-&f81 Eves. 56-4412 ' *NEW FOUR·PLEX* Near Be•ch, HuntinltOJl Beach. $15,900. 8'7-3957 Butl._ Property 6050 HIGH TRA~FIC: COMMERCIAL O>acae from 2 ditferent C l zoned pruprmiea on blah traffic strffta in $.A. 1. 1919 W, 17th st .• mWl air-cond. cace or tton, good parking, oncy $l5..000. 2. 1920 w. 17th St. • I.up 61.5 x 255' lot {with older hoUBe), Terriftc loc&Hon 1or good 1rancbae or trn 1 ing at.o~ or ottlce, .Most be sold • priced under mufcet. Rlclt Ald~tte. Rltr, 547.&4!19 Buslneu Rtnt•I •An 11.ul'P .................. nu • 11111li11M•e "" HOUSE+ JOURPlfX 0 Pl' • ,.....,., • u a • 11"1_....,, ' · u.c• IA.Y ....................... 1A101NINI .......... INIO SPECTACULAR Ocean View Jasmine. 6'13-S109 2 BDRM, 2 ha,•·-apt. ulll ''THE GABLES'' •ACK UY .... ................. ....... ........ ING lW-ll FREE DESK SPACE ;" 'u.Tllll-N llACM ......... Mt ......... Peninsula Point 4 BR 2 3 BR 2 ba t./•-~-pd $165 u bJk .... -'-2 BR 1" N w/pdv gar CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS w ,ouwTAiM"v.tLL.IY .......... Mii IUOfttlo,DllCIN9 ........... MIS , , cp """"' l•uv• , mo. 711 to .... au.. · 7111 · · · all ho in nchanae llAL •l.t.c:lll ,.. •WI .. ~ .................... .ue AU lari:e 2 BRi. $50,000 -bath. $185/mo. 675-S660 .. refrla:. Lee. $2.15 mo. f!M-6189 Adlta; cpts, drps, bltna, prlv. 8234 Atlanta ~~-'-• P ................ ·-111111 TMUMI , ....... -..... •1to $~do ! e% I t'·· SI'" Now 1-2 n~---_Pay~ uuung meuqH, de!. Call r:::::ro:m·• ............... IMIN IHOP ................. "11 1J<N '!JD· • oon. 2-STORY 3 Br. 2 Ba.; ~22'.l2 Bkt. pa~ ....,, .Da4<\1Ullla 546-44 SAlfTA AlllA ...... :::::::::::::1111 ::~t[,.", nv•• .............. ::;: Pi1ul Jon.1 R•1lty winter; by bay; washer; no XLNT loc near China ONe 3 Coron• d1I Mir 4250 2439 Ora.nre Av~. electric only I :'":'"78,;,:Eve;:•=.==== nnMt111rT11t ................ Mll 1tOUllCLU.11t1H"'.:::::::::::;,,,, M7.J266 students. 546-957f Br. 2 n . -•-. -mo • 636-4120 • 536-J971' or 5J&..2'121 1 · MIDWAY (ITf' ................. ••1• llfTlltlOlt DICDltAT1N• ..... "11 DA. ~ ·~ -SMALL bach uni' utll ...... t.4 Pool Wuhe Deyen: OfflCll Rant1J 6070 sAJtTA AKA Ml .. Mfl ........ ...,. IMCDMI TU ............. •u• BY OWNER 4 Br, bltns, --lease. 673--5224 &ft S pm, " _...., NEW GARDENAPTS. -~ AL · · ·· · ··•· ............. .,.. llDfil ~ ~ '"' t ---• -• H D I n Fum 2975 no pets. $8l mo. Call -· Private G~• LAGUNA 19• • u.•1111A IUCM .............. 1111 1e .. i111 ........ ,1ss e .... ~. Duk:n 11.ven area. up ex · -... _ 1-BDRM. Modern kitchen w/ r -~~--~~-~ -CH l.MUllA MllUIL 1111 .. ••••• ........... ••· 5881 T · Dr H Bch. Huntington Buch 3400 VhJ-•......, BRAND NEW 2 .t 3 BR. Air CondltlOMd =J:='~~·:·::·:·:~ i;t'=~~:.'~'.".'..;$ emer ., ntg 8;~ i:tOI. ;-.~ N+ -~ .. =lbN======43=00-.I ~g~n~;:n·,:•ho~=~ from mo mo. Cpts. drpt, ON FOREn' AVEMJS ::.-:::::, ~~~.:.:::-.::::: 1~'lt:~~fliiiii;·iti:';:::::: Huntinbogto• l40 Den nr. Oce~l4~· ~~~£: ::U~I size pool. B-B-Que & laundry dshwshr. Nr Beach. 847-3957 Dnk IPKtli aYIJlable tn :.rJ~?:1tc:3r'm ·.:::·;;: .. : u.MD1CA.f'1111 .................... Har ur 5 RENTALS docit. Lew/ Hon ~ • a..EAN Badliek:ir AptJ. !le. Elec Ir water pd. From 1 BDRM apt with pra.ge. new..c ciac9 buDdbts at IUMMI:• alMTAU lrli 1..oc.::ms ....... -........... op -Mo. .All uUl bx:l $75 up $135 mo up. Adults only. Carpeted 6: dn.ped. prime b:a.tion ta downllMD . COMODM"'IUM ...•• ::::::::: ..... ::V1w:~ ~~·····:.::·:: •. ::WATERFRONT. by owner . HouMI Unfumished S92.-5998 m E. Balboa Blvd. 241 w. Wilson, CM 642-5401 * 84J..57£6 * Lquna Bncb. Air cmiti- OUPLPES "sUllt. ........... .Jnl PAllfTI ............... " ........ 4 BR. • 2 BA., dock, 55' on , BR. condo. Crpta. dJtll, BALBOA 6'13--S!K.'5 UNF 2 B ludlo 1 timed. c&rpeted, blqtlful !NT~L PAllllTI,.., .._ ............... M.U water enclosed patio $14,500. GeMr•I 3000 bltns, wshr/dr)'er. Patio. , r. a ; % bl., ch 5 paneled putt H-Unfvrnlthecl ,ATIOS ........................ "61 .... _ _. al -·----· ~1. Adu!'-537 '""°" BACHELOR ~ Util paid. W/W cptg., drps. bit-ins; Laguna ... 570 tkmlnc. Two f'NDT'Ollt,l.l"lf't_L:~"··· ..... ..,.. IUaJ .,.., on m n u...1 .. ia ruu ..,.. ._ Adi ,_..., entraneM· 1'nmtlat ee HlflltAL ................... -PL.UT11••1. .._ ._. . .-. lltl'l 3 Br 3 Be dock, $1.'lS; 3 BIL 1~ be. t'nboUle. $15 mo. El Mar Mottl, 310 $140 Mo. ts. ..__a lOO CLIPP DRIVE F': • COITA MIU .................. II. PLUM91111 ..................... fl UI 000 r .' "d 1" I Stow re tr 111 W/W 3410 E. s.Iboa Blvd, Balboa Fountain Wa:!j West (\Vibon CX'ell An., l'lll' ~ to MllA oaL Mt.a .............. :n• •n lltOOMt•• .,. ........ . ...... 1111 er ease op-• '• • Pount•ln Vi1ll1y c-~-n Ap'·) cw. 01 T,_ ..... _ LUXURY ruIUf/UNFURN Mw:actp&l pertdDs IGla. '50 MSSA Vlloa ................ 1111 POCM. ll1tv1e1 ... -......... mt tion 59'2-5993 Children & peta OK. Bkr. aLU<:: "' naa-uu& tb b COi.LiM PA•W: _1 ............ 1111 POWI• IWllPIH ........... "'• · 534-6980 Hunti..-...-INch 4400 on Wllaon) Ye~ Lease. l A 2 Bdrm&. Pfr men Ill**-DeM : NDf'OflT •1AC11 ............. PUMP lllVICa ............... ..,. --3 BR., den, fam~ rm·.: ......... ~-~-~~~~-•tePI to Shott 6: SboPa and chaJrs •Yallahl1 ... ss. "I"'°"' .... NTL ............ lllll llOO,I ... w ........................ fountain Valley 1410 ttar<:., 4 BR. 2 ba. fncd yd. bltlns. $215/month. Lease. ol'V>. .. ......,..,..v..RARY u-·-. Greciou• Adult Livi-"----view ~m ... ~ Ap• Blllii»sa .. __ -II Wf'OIT I eaa •• , ....... -IAOIO, ....... mt.............. ......., \..V4~l.:.m.r-v .,.,6 ''• '-"'""'11 "" ~,, l. ...,.,.. IAYltlOlll ................. 1111 REMODILIHQ • llf'Alll .,._ -Frpl.., bltna. w/w. Oilldrtn AVllll. April~-SJll..1665 1 Bdra. Ir. Bacha. u.....t .. i-. 2 B<lnns., w/w cpts, drapes, from $150 mo np. leu. aervtee IVIJJUle b' UO: DDVll 1M0111 ............... ..., 1or.1>01L111t1. KncH1M1 .... ff41 EXECUTIVE & l! Broker 534--69lkl t"'-0 1 Stud t 0 K All HU._ -u ••m1.111fl ................... = 1e11.011 1u.aP1• .......... •ffl pe • • All newly decorated plus poo · en " · · stn-t6t u .-map!: ~~1,.1·~~. ,.,,.~.:;;;:::;::: ... ~-=~= MACMiN·a·9ii.iiAi•t:: HOME BUYERS $150; 2 BR. fncd yd, w/w, Laguna Nl9ual 3707 tttan view, b'Om $100 to •5MESA EAST A~J!!; 2 BR. duplex; new cpl.I., telephone, · 1Jtv1,ia 'RllAC• ............ 1141 HPTIC TUIUo ........ llc. .. ftd stove . .Avail. now. Family MONARCH BAY AREA s;D'.I. Summer or year round l" E. 18th, C.M. ~74 dt'p.I, paint. l blk. to heh. DAILY PILOT COIDlfA Olt. MAt ............. TAILOlllllCI .............. 1t11 WHAT elae do yoU WANT! cl Bkr .,. -•-•· •-t •~2570 • ..,.. 222 F0R£n AvmtJJ: ..... 1.IOA ......................... fl:IMIT• CONTltOI. .......... 1t11 * We lowered the price w oome. · ~ ADUL'F COMMUNITY ttr!Ullll. ft6"n ~ • -.. 1-BR., priv. patios: all !'!le<:.. 214 Fairview St. Daya: lAY llU.•DI ................. aa TILi, c:...k ............ -... ffH iroi; 2 BR ~ yd 3 BR. den, 2 BA borne, Pacific C.oa.st Hwy cptB -'-s ca"""'rts priv & .,, ..... -., e·-• UI •~5233 LAGUNA BEACH LIDO tlL• .................. Iii! T11.1. &.-..... • MwMe ...... •nl * We are otferin&: GI or ....,; .. ........... ·• gar., · • ... ., • ~..... ' · """'1-0.lOO ... _.. ..._ IA.I.HA 11\MD ................ Tiii s11vic1 ............ .,.. FHA terms Stove, rdric· Chlldren I: bit-ins, frplc1 heated pool QUIET&. BEAUTIFUL quiet. Responsible adults REAL ESTATE •IWf'Dltf WIST .............. 11111 nLIVllll•1.1t•lrt. ate. ....... 0 K. B~ ••• --l.O t ' ........ Adul nly "-ill. Only $110 MS-1322 MUlfTUtlf'CN9 •IA.Cll ........... UrtiOUTllT ............... ''" * We have 2500 sq ft wtth pets . ""'er~ _...,mo. 0 ' ..._ ts 0 ; 2 --.. Q. paid. . . Genttll MUMTlllllTl>llt MA•IOU• _ ...... WELDIMI .,,. 3 4 Bdrm.I f:aml1y s Pool $200. U?-2125 1 BR grdn apt fpl, cpts, "ou'""'" v.•u•Y .......... 1111 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT or d '1... l'OOm CMto -"100 l<t:N I AL 1-Cam·-· Hunt. "-' d-bl~-. patio, pool. 1u.&. •1A.C ..................... JOI ANTI Md ""' & formal 1n .. ,. room • A.pis. Pumllhad 1<;110 ......... 001. • .,.... u"' ~'1\:' .. ~.::::;;;:;;:;·:= IOe ;AltTI:: .-·::::::::me * We have a pool BACH. apt. furtl.; water & Adlta, no peta $120. 546--5163 :::n~.:::::::::::::t: :: .. -.~ .................. ,.*We have a corner lot with Fl.EE RENTAL Generel 4000 ptpald. Adult cnJso. $15. 918 &SIOE l br. frplc, be&ms, Pd~~ ;-11~ ~ 2BRda':!te~ llTMtNn'll ................ 1'1t OOMllTIC Mll.P .............. 11» boat gale SERVIC.I!'' Palm, Hunt. Beach patio, w/w crpt 1 edult nn MaDWAY crrr ................. ,." AlaMc111. ,,_ .....••• -..... 71• *We hav an eX1.t1 .... 'l:'U.l ·Ii $155; 2 BR. AU new turn. "'""' .,,._ .... ~...,........,. pe•-$128 -. ~ -. C.M .. N.B., or H.B. areu, IAllllTA AllA WltlWTI ......... M» NIL.P WAlllTIO. MM ....... ,,,ntl e "U0'6 .-,....., ..... ~--2 ..........,,o..,. ...._.,;,,;, ""' ~· v1.,.10.AO> 1 • .,.;.,,. J lit Will COAITAI. ................ tnt AMlllCllL ............... n11 low interut asswnable for example, 3 u=i;VJJ.111t w/w. Available now. 1 ....... '6 wie • pay U.IUlllA au.CM .............. ml MILi' WAlfTIO, ...._ ...... ,.. loan bl.tlll $225.00 per mo, Call Broker 5lU980 2 BR. 2 BA. dlhwht, pool, I.GE. 2 Br. 8plit !eve $150; up to $200 mo. Call fi45....1966 LMUllA!!'.!'•" ............. mr 1':.~~,__W.:-...M.i""'~ v'ouTELLUS 1~ !BR. I t billards. AdUlts, no pets Upper2Bt.$135.Nopetl5 1 BDRM u-•--Apt In Lllll Cl.I-· .............. 1111 ····,.., . . , lw; -w w, n cely n o:: -..,,,_..... ~..., .,.,..,n .....,.. M nd uo .,_ wwu CAl'llT•AlllO ................. .,,. ICHOO&.S 1 1t11snUCTIOM ···· T8 •DEWINDS RLTY •·-Ulll. ••'d. A·-"·ble •.l.Oool· ,......,. ~ .... iua ...,.,..,.,,,., ~ e oia .............., Beach .. _ .. for emplo·~ U.PllTUlllCI •U.CM ,_,.,.,,.8"1 J09 f'll!f'AltATID" ........... JMI ""' • ~wu. _. ,.._ -~ :!....,. Do\11.A ..... , .................. .,. TMPTllCAL . ........ ""84Z-5o01l or M2-50J.2 now. Bia. 534-6980 G _._ DELUXE 2 BR Studkil. lady up to $ 11 Of m o . ''"-"''""-~Ii.""""'.,. MERCHANDISE FOR oa•NGE COUNTY'S =======-==I •~n Grovo 4610 Ctpts, drps, pool. 1 child 64U<l!li .... ~ ....... ·,!!!~~ ... ·.·.· ........ ·.·-M• s•LE AND TRADE YA l A II bl ~ · oK ~~ u ca11 "0 ·-=~---~--,.,_ " LARGEST Co.ti M... 4100 SINGLE Young Adults Lwr· ·' ,....., & p. t;l'I""'""'° ROOM w/prlvate ba th ·~NT.AL,• 1~L.-~ ::~~u:~IN1TU•1",','.'.'.'.'.'.'':: oan YI a e 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 \.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~\ury prden aptJ with ~ Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. preferably. By the month. Urft ..,_ Ol'l'ICll IOUlf'MllNT ......... Nll 527 50 Wk u try lcub atmosphere and Unf. Children Wcloome $150 Older business flllin. Refs. •1• ..................... 1Toi1 IGUtPMIMT .......... ten (i(lrgeous !S BR 3 bath home. VA Repossession • • P comlpete privacy. SOUTH 874 W. Center Apt. 1 675-1095, Mr. Jordan. COSTA MIU. ................ :.•1• CAl'I. lllTAUIANT ......... Nl4 Many exb'all Call now' =VlllDI ................ 411t •A•u •OUl,MENT .... -....... MU C ·II • Everyone qualilie1 -$950 e Roonu $15 wk.,tJp BAY CLUB APJ'S. 13100 2 BR, l 'ii Ba. Patio, ~1,, 2 ~--••·-s I-~-for 3 • JtT •U.C:M ............... Mo 11t1DLD 9000I .............. o11t n• • Studl &: Ba h ts Cham ........ i:.Jle\:uu... ...........,. 'nOllf t1111ttT1 .......... alt u.uo1 IA.La ............... ..u rn ~ 66 down. 4 bedl'OOINI, CALL o c ap · pan Ave., Ga r de n drp1, bltna. Adults, no pets. BR hoUR w/pool. Prefer im· MIWPOl:f IMOlll ....... , .. ,,... l'UltNITY,• .. • AllCTIOM ........ ltll 536-3 . 13 540-llSl (opien eves) Heritage • Incl Utll1" Phone Hl'V. Grove (n4J 636-3030 $140. Avail May 1. 548-4506 media" --•• ···1n1 --·· WllTCL.l"P ... . . ........... 4m Af'f'l.IAlll ................ ,11"'''!!!B'!'!'!!'!''"!'!"''!t'~""" • l\lald Se-•-TV aJL 1e _._ O.J.J-l:ll>A uMrt••1m PAllC .......... 4U1 .,NT1ou11 .................... 11111' 1 TH Real Estate. .-.. .... -.. ~ IV for Bud. •ACK. Y., .................. : ... •••1110 MACMINI _:.J.'. ....... 1110 NOW 5 E ""'0/mo .... BR "'---"-··-• New c.Ie A: Bar LilgUnl a .. ch 4705 Newport Be1ch 5200 ~~~=~=~~ EAIT tLU'll' ................. 420 MUllCAL tNSTIU"'8111.-...... llU "'""" oJ 1vw1ullJU.'""' 23'16 Newport Blvd. $4l.S'l55 e LANDLORDS e COltl>lllA OIL .............. Wt '"'"°'. OtCIAMI ............ 1uc cpts/~. blt-ins, pool &: L.GE 2 BR duplex nr Vic--·-lALIOA . . .................. .-1Ao10 ......................... aoe TIME FOR · · • · 2 BR newly dee drps v.1/w FREE RENTAL SERVICE JAY 11UJllD1 .................... r11.1vn1011 ................... lttl rec. center. No malnt. tor Hll(I0'1· frpL gar $225 • • • LIDI> 11... .. ............... "*'' Nl~I & ITllSO ............... alt Adults, 5£8074 SUS CASITAS Mo vrJy ~ • 3 BR, 2 BA. fplc. $235, Broker 9M!lll2 ...... ..... ................. •••• ,., ............... ·"" QUICK CASH ., ,. . 213, 981-7039 - J1UNT1 ... T011 •UCM ............ tA.M1u1 • 1ou1f'MIMT .... uoo VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath R!NTALS ~~~---~--Roome for Rent 5995 f'OUllTAIM VAL.UY .......... 4411 HD•aY IUl'~l.111 .. ............ FURNISHED 3 BR 2 Ba, pvt. patio; each Rent1l1 W•nted 5990 PR.'VATE omcE with reception room $U5/mo. 4 t"OOm l!Uite $300 I mo, Air coDd!Honins. puldns Ii necretarial S6'Vice. Orange County Bank Bkfa. 2.'XI E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 64J..148S NEWPoRT CIVIC CENTER Otticet suitable fer Com mercial, Medical, Dental; Air-cond., crpts, elevator 35c PER SQ. rr . SU-5032 OR 615-3t&fi FOR rent 18U A Nmport Blvd. Ideal for tn.urance, income tax or employment agency.~ • 300 Sq. Ft. Offlco OJSJ'A ~. 646--2130 Comm1rct1I 60IS FOP. Leue " acn of M-1 property with small ~ . Comple!ely fenctd With 2 largt! gate&. 548-a:M ~ \f'~':. ·::::::::::::::::.: :O~":::O.r°'u ·:::::;::: THROUGH A :;:;:a:,l :~ lot ]-BR. & Bachelor Apt•. _A-'-ol_L_u_._1u_m_1 _____ ,aar. w/1~. Nopeta$185. PRIVATE Room &: bath NB IMLUtll COUlrt'T ................. MllCIUAllllOUI ............. INtl 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. Gonoral 5000 424.5 Hilaria Way, 54o.oo93 area. C8l1JDrl. $13.50 wk. lndustrl1I R•ntal U.IDI" MDYI ................ It llllllC. WIJIT•D ................ lilt 3 Br House $175 Medallion by H -Int WISTMnnTft ................ 4611 MACMllllltY, ltc. ............ t791 DAILY PILOT · · mo. o.,... ---'------DELUXE 2 BR. 2 n• cpts, 646-6216 after 5 p.m. llUDWAY CITY ................ 468' t.."111111!1 ........................ ,.. 1944 Pomona Ave. CM alter UAt WfTA AMA ........................ ~1,~~r:. w:n~·w.s·::::::·:: 3:30 pm. 1-BR. Comp. rum. Maturi! Philadelphia. Moenline, ail>-drps. bit-Ins. s1ss. Mo. $50. Lovel,y rm, pYt home. ulfTa ANA MlllWTS ........... IWAJll WANT AO ~~~=--=== 1 f!'Ple. or 1\"0m&n Jll'l!fm'ed. leue 2 BR 2~ ba apt. \Vuh-lease. 673--2370/MB-2873 Emp sentiemu or colltre , ............................. -PETS . nd L"IVESTO .. CK Dial ..,..,. for RESULTS -U1 "°""· .... -·--~-·-·-~~--· E ~1~· CGAJTA&. ...................... 471t a I'========~========""-=-======·~=== tt, .... I "'• ....... .., cp-. .... .,", N'PT Is. d1x. dplx. 3 &. 2 ,,;".,;:,'-='"-'7-ve-'-'--'-'C.'~"'"~ t='"" :=:._ ............. :!: ,.n ,.uw11AL .............. -r all uW C.M. #5'8-5700 alt 6 Ba. Cpta, CJrpa, tpl, bltns. kooMS for r'l!Jlt. I u I l y EUR lease Laguna .Niguel, oU San Diqo Fwy at Crown Va1ley, new mmmerclal a. lndusll'ia.I units. Dl!Ha Eiec. t:rlc. D&ys -831-lfQ).. Eve, ~~~.,. .::::::: :::: : .4nl ~ : : : : : : : : : : : :: :: :: : : : : : : : : : :,1.c;Go.c;.;no"-r;.;•:.:1 ____ _;2:.:000=....:°"..:.::"°::.':.;•:.:l ____ ..;2000:.::;;;:°"::;:."°:::;"::l~---_;2:;000:.:: 11. m. refrta'. Pier, aUp. N o iurn\Ghfd. 675-763.1 =:-:.x.-. ·::::::::::::::·:::: ~~~~····:::::::::::":·: ·=1-$150: 2 BR. G&r, tncd patio. pet£. $32S Leue 6CJ4Z 2212 W. Ocean Front, NB DAILY Pll.or WAHi' ADI RENTALS .................. CALIFORNIA LIVING w/w, ranae • own. rnARGE )'O'lt want ad now. WbJ te Elepbantl' BRING RUULTIJ · U L-1£L.-.I NUISlltlES ............. lfll C.rt\li'O Jl, .. -/)'C ~a.· Broker~ ___ _._r~:;;;~~=::::::::::::::::::::::::~;:~~~::;.-1 1 -- Aid&. nrvrn NJ9U SWlllllMI ... POOLS ............... \:)\!::a" J..'Qt,J ~).. ~ p (/.-;J t~tJ:L1tr· :::::::::::::::::.:: e~A~:..~·:::: :: :;.: :;:::::::::: So Ive a Simple Scrambled \Vord P1wle for 11 Chuckl~ ._ •••oo ................. flll TRANSPORT•TION ,........, IUCM ............ -"' •RNl:T MlllMTI ,.,,,.,,.,ftll .oA"fl & YACNTI ,.. •IWHitT INCMl:IS ........... -JAIL•OATI , , .. :::::::::::::mt nmLlll'P ....... , .......... ,,.. POW•• c1u11•1t• ............ ,.. ....... "'" r"AllC ........... n:p lfllllD-Utl '°'" ............. ... llldtiAV • · ................. , .. -IOAT TtAILlll .... , ...... tat ilAtT J.l.Nl'S • • · •• ,, .. , ..... ,IM 90.t.T MAIMTlllAlfC8 _ ...... ton com: DIL MAa ........ , .. -&OAT UUllCMI... . .......... ttM .............................. 1 ..,,, tl)I y .............. , ..• ,.,,. • .,.,I* IOAT It.I;,·---··::::: .. : .. ki,00 llL81UAW0 ............. ·= ltoAT ll•Ylas .............. tNI -~~ . Wit""""""""' ""T llllTAU ............... ... t'OVlltTAll V~T •• , .. .,,.Mli IOA.T CIU.tTal ,., ..... -..... "1t I t~M -......... PllMIH '°ATS ............... .... • ··• ............... _ toAT MO\'lfM ................ wu . . .... -...... '°"'" ll'OlMll .... -........ .... • .. .......... ::: IMn WAlfTU .............. ... ""'*I ,,..,., ...... .lilt AtlCtA.PT ,,,.,, • .,., ... ,ti. ,W,IOW,t.'I CITY , ....... -, .. • ..... P\.'I ... l.qlOlll ............. '1• U#fA ..... .. ............... MoatLI NOMllS ............... .. A ......,, "'MiWii. •00·-· _. ~ ttOMas ..... -......... nu ·-""" ~ llCT'C&.al .............. ,.1121 1~ •• ............ ~...... ....-mic. CAU .............. l'HI .- ........... , .... ,,,.._ .. Ml•t 11.-.. .................. nn: .................. .,._ MDT09C'l'U.•'t ,, •• ,,,, ...... tMI ..... _..... ~ tJ:M a.1 .. in~ ....... g AlfTO 11n.c11 ... a.n·::: ... N.:t' _ ...... AltTO TOal A llctVll' ..... , .. NII •••• 1sT•T1,........ .... ...................... "" ....,.. ... ftAILll't. _,...,. ............. .... -,.1 CAllNQ .................... "" ......... f1tVCQ ....................... ... .. ...... _. __ ,, .... ,.... ~·· •• ' ............ ffl"t IUM ........ -....! u.Mlt IQITAU tb1 AlltTle '""""" °""" t ~II '9Jl .. ..,. ........... ...Tl. AMTtl ............ .... ILIJI _.,. "'1 ...... a.Miit& ......... 'NII D '..:..:...i.:.:.:.." ... a!' (AU .••• , ............ 11 .,. I CMS. ............ , .. ffH ft AWT'O l\'lltTt ........... ,.,.,H U 0 R«ITrDl'lgtl lett•ta of Iha lour .c~ml:tled words be- low lo lon"ll four if!Tlfll• 'NOrdl • IKOTPEC '1111'1' 1 • I I INERHO' I • PllNT NUMafllD r l ETTttS l'rl'l'l'l'l'l'I I I I IR I • I I I I 1tn ····· .... = =r'u'::"'~ .. :::::::::::::::: '::.~ml' .. "·::": ...... ;::: ,_ SCRA~1·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 ., .. .. l!EAL ESTATI ; Genlr1I Lefa 6100 wilAll.E watchlna' oee.nvlew ...._~-h.IM!O With small down p.a)'meDL 487.Jalt ·~al ...... -' pmibl• • lly . ~ or epbt. Will build to sulL 536-3555 R.nch• 6150 * * * . * * * ANNOUNCtMENT.$ and NOTICll found lf-Adel '400 MUTE German Shepherd II* Fomale wllb -chain. Hit by auto at Harbor & Wilaon. 4110* MQ' bt picked up a\ -Anlmal Hosplf&I, Horblr Blvd, c.M. GIRLS 8lke. Vic. P\nehunt 6 Summerdale, H.B. Call to idtntify. 847-7611 • 4 5 SERVIC! DIRECTORY Sl~CE DlltlCTOltY JOBS & IMPLOYM_ .w .. •" llM~LOJMi/"'1 £_on1ructwr1 66211 Janitorial _!_~ Hele w ... ...,, -7200 Htlll w ........ Mer. 72llO ADDmON~RtPAlRS SPARKLE Jenl10rlal lllrv. REMODELING W)ndows. rtaid.0 c o tn c 1, Designing " Pl&nning --.... -IS!. Kitchens.S.tbs, etc. 9684891. Lle'd & Bonded. -ut. I======== A It 8 <X>NSTRUCl'ION LANl.-..1 .. 1122-CM. = • Ml-4911 * LANDSCAPIRS 6110 ADD-A-Room. eP1, units, ATTENTION *nn ltOllOAllS J, c. ,....,, Co. l'uebJoo lelend NewpaflBtacb lw FULL TIME ' openings tor * ' OAllY I'll.Of 2 ',.. "'"''' 1,i NI• Wln'"'1. Men 7200 ., CITY Of' NIWPORT BEACH •NEEDS BUILDING l'LAHS . ll~IP'iCTOR A,IDI ,· RANCH COUNTRY 2 Pa.reels, ODf of lS 1.crr1 at $2,250 per acre: ·the other 38 acrra at $120,000; near Wlldomar, Thil la where the big t!lon>Urhbred ranchH are. Beautlfu!, rolling fann C'OUlllr)', just South of Lake Elsinore on 395; for more information, please c a 11 Glenn Thom(llon with lckhoff & Assoc., Inc. Whadcly1 Wint? Whldclya Got? S'ICllAL CLASSIFICATION 'OR NATURAL BORN SWAPPIRS Spoclel Rato 5 LlnOI -. 5 tlmOI -S i...dcs TOY poodle, mal•. eba.rcoe.1 py. Vnlvtr1lb' Partc. lden- IJl>. 833-2817. FOUND Jpt B!&Ck ~Sta­ mete eat Vic N .8., Red eol- lat. &12·m:l. cw.~ home.. two 1tory I need ~. fJld wOJ spec:lallat, tree I a you t , ~ a 17 ft out.bot.rd with design. J) Yrs ln the hie wbett traDtt for )'OW' bus1nesa. Padtlc Co a a t ael"\llCM. t.etl set toptblr Bid.a. 675-1U1. Wetkdaya:, befoJ\ )'Out buv ltUClft. Sat&: SUn at )'Our service Phone IU4I? ~!,;; ~~ .. ~ Par,::'rhentlnt Knowlec!Je fl bulc - on niq. Frank M. Barden ~I ntl"f "50 !:ie:. to three years ceX· AUTO SERVICE SPECIALISTS Recent uperience-ln brakes. front eD4 aUanment, air- condl&o lnitaUtUon and tune-up requlttd, Comt>eU.. tlve salary arn.ngements. Top Glabt ~conditions with newest and nnest @quip. ment. Generous benefit.I in-cludina holpUalhatlon, em- ployee dilcount and profit $605. to '""· ,... ,.,... Newb' c:nattd couoi.r ,..,tlon In ll>e 8"~ Dtp~~-...i in plan~ rt.qui ... .. high ed>ool ,d~ and either 2 yeen qt buildin& 03ftltruation Gl' inq)ecUon expetftrlce or '2 Yfart of colltie ~ ... In enal-or architeoetutt. Apply at thG Penoonet ow~ · 3.100 Newport Blvd .. Newport Btach, Qi.Uf., 9'l860, nt- 673-66.13, before 5 p.m. April :12, 1009. RUlEI -o\O MUST INCLUDE 1-wri.t '°" .. 111 "'d9, 1-~ W'Ol.t ••M Ill tr--. Lost 64411 Constr l.'D., 1-639-1466 art PAINTING Int 6 Ext , · 1-'l'OUR ~ •n«lor "*"" -.! llMS °' lcl\ltrls.lnl. ~HING '9 R 5.t.ll! -TllADE$ ONL YI 4 pm ~:st cootracled prices. Scee Luke WOOd LARGE REWARD! PHONE 642.5671 small brown A. wht mutt, w/ red collar, Vic N, Newport Elect clothes Dryer, car, Blvd., NB, Call 642-3222 Cll' pickup, Milboat, eltc add 2225 Canyon Dr. #l, CM. mach. Wlll tl'l.dce tor motor. PLEASE llnd our dog. Shq4 boat or Van with window• A a BlkJWbt male c:ocm eat.a, or ! 660011 Spaniel. Wear'c flee. cOllu' Der WienceI'IChnlbel, 1951 only, Vic Sturpon I: 20th Harbor, CM. Land A bldg. S.A. Ans "Duke'.' ReWard! Income $500 mo. ntt. $45,000 54i-52T9 aftnl or eves, Addtior.s * Remodeling 1 Fully Ina.' Sl.tllfecHon IUIU'· Fftd lL Ger.rick, lJc. Free ceat CaD Jim Weeks, COLLINS • To Place Your Trlder'1 P1r1diM M 61'3-600 * 549-21.70 673-1166 • - }818 W. Chapman Ave. . O.n.ria:e, c.Jit. MJ.-2621. --538-6127 Have 5 bedroom Balboa Peninaula home, $79,500. Want 3 bedroom, price $30- $35,00J. Newport Beach Realty, 61'5-1642. Have small R-4 lot good area. Oose-ln L.A. Value $18,000. Want R-1 lot beach ll}ACRE Wllderne:n with area or boat, &Jlprox cequal Cl'ffk 4 cabin. $750 Per A 1 :val:::-:":-'·---,-_..., __ . __ with terms. 17 Ft. outboard for 1tation f.7·ACRE producing Avocado wq:on or auto ol ceq\J&I vat. grove :In Morro Hills. Ocean ue: Phone ~ t'~· 29% dn. '6200 llJl ACRES on COW\ty road. $13,axl. Tmns. 1.'t ACRES ·with utilities. fl.500 dn. Name your terms. ' MO~E McDONALD, RealtoT '·'.flO SO. Main, Fallbrook . (711) mMot Resqrt Property 6205 Lovely desert home with 6 acres at 29 Palms. Take mobilce home, income prop. erty, T.D. or ?7?. m.1331 $16,500. 1 acre homce sltce. Covina Highlands, fenced 4 hortefl. Nr. So Hill C.C. Trade for dlezel boat, · * 644<ll6I * -------FOR RENT Furn Mammoth Tustin area 3 BR 2 ba, fam. M o u n ta in Condominium,· iJy room homce, large covcer- iilffps I. 675-U30 ed patio, fruit trees, $7500 I========"° equity for t>each trailer or ? ExchaftfOI, R. E. 6230 Canon Realty 675-3581 $60,00J TD on 10 acres of Palm Springs. large equity j)ceanview land 1or clear in 12 units for home Bel Air, house. 497-1210 Beverly llllls, Brentv.·ood, ======== Palo Verdes or l...rge yacht. 6240 Ruu_ McCrea, (213) &17-5883 R. E. Winlld --------HAVE: Beauty ·Shop in WANT TO SELL 7 Coot& Me ... 4 1tationo, WiU Call Farrow and start pack-trade for Camper or what ing! have you? -Orange County'• L1rgest 2'3 E. 17th St. WM494 BUSINESS ane FINANCIAL 839-5632 or 646-5253 BAYFRONT &: dock, 3 Br. 3 Ba., val. $89,500, FOR T.D.'a (consider lse/opt, u trade for ? ? ?) 2 Balboa Coves. Owner ~l * * * lus. OpportunltlOI 6300 BUSINESS end FINANCIAL ~INORE Weit marina, 1hl!: onJy operating marina Bus. Opportunltin 6300 :a.tter the tremendoua flood --------- ·waters Increased the depth VENDING ot the lake 20 fl Over 4,CXX> SPARE TIME INOOME ·ac. No competition. l KEEP YOUR PRESENT JOB ;mtllion ""''°" '""'""' CANDY -SNACKS lbla yur. This 111 a modern Reliable man oi womiln with Ult to date park w/ thee car to collect and fill macb. .1.lnelt taci.lltles inc. 100 in~ manufactured by our :""ta .elh' trailer •-s p a c ce s , own company rl.iht here in • ~ un.c g ramp o.: rnany con. Orange County. .oeu10ns: food, d r l n k s , NO SEWNG. Exei!ptlonally ·grocerie!I, games Ii rentals. . . W 1urn· h WiU ll all pert Pro high income. ce can 111 IM! or • p. ti guld includ-consistl of 28 ac &. fee ~oc:a ons, ancce, "and Lake Elsinore use 1ng your reCQrd systems and 'permit from the St.ate of trelnlng at our factory, to :Callf. Firm price $560,IXXl insun your sUe<:ce58, Ciuh Also have additional INVEST WITH · 1000 ' 1.c. ftJr second homce REAL SAFETY bldn within If.I mi of ROUTES OOMPLE'I'ELY rilarlna. Will consider joint SET UP FOR YOU venture in the development . il,495 CASH . 'of both prop. Our cequlty Wntce or phone for interview two million. Write Dally at factory. ·Pilot BoX M.filk. or phone TRANSIOO~ C<?RP. Owner. 54Hl30 Vending D1vis1on ME INCOME 851 W"t lBth., St. SPARE Tl Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 equity for loll, Baek Ba,. '°'I.OSI'="': -Chll="'c!Nn=--.,,=...,,.-,--, 6'JS.6130 Samoyan Huakie, white, 2 lndUJSt. bldga on Placen-female, t mos. old; vie. tia, CM. Value $150,000. Fountain Plaza Condo., F.V: Trade ~ of $95,000 eqty 1or Re"'.f.l'd to find~r. 968--38§2 ' prop. anywhere, % TO or LOST: Blk. min. Poodle, ? 548-1542 ans. to "Brandy": child's 17 Ft. ftbl!r glus outboard pet Vic. Fairview, CM. and big wlictl tilt trailer. Rew. 545-1!81 Will trade for Jandseapln&. LRG Oranp coin purse, vie PHONE Center St. or WestclW area. 644-4687 Return sentim'l contents, OOUNTRY CLUB home keep money. 548-54.11 near Vista. 4. bdrs, family LOST: · Glrla prescription room, ~ acre, $27,000 equi-glasses, vie, Woodland Sehl. ty. Want home In or nea.r Costa Me:sa, 64.6-3680 Loguna. Bia. 494-1330 ========-* TRADE: 12' Glass boat _P_e-'rs_o_nu...;l:;.• ___ ...;640;;.;:;:5 & trailer FOR Doughbouy 7% INTEREST surface swimming pool. Write for free brochure : describing 7% in tee re 1 t church bonds, befna told by Fun In sun plus Income, Valley Baptist Templce, P.O. Desert llot Springs Duplex. Box 5002, San Jo a e , 2-2 br~ $12,000 eqty, For 2 California 95150 br hoUJSe nr shopping Coste --~L~l~C°"E°'N"S~E~D-- Mesa Area, S42-32lf. Spiritual Readings, advice Lovely View Big Bear lo~ on all matters, 108 s. El cabin size, year around Camlno Real, San Oernente. open st. for wagon or car f92·9136. 10 AM·lO PM up ID 68. Will take or give SPECIAL $2 READING difference. 54().52m! Attr1ctive Expert \Vant used Porsche, have 2 YOUNG WOMAN bedroom home on R·2 lot. dancer wW teach you a.II Ea!It!ide, Jean smith Rltr. latest step!. Call Ardell 646-3255 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM * * * COUPLES, singles_; lonely? New in area? Join the swing ID fun &: pleasure • 6.15-9291 • Carp+t CINnlnt 6625 PAINTING 6 P..,... hanging. Int • "''· q\lallly . . RADIO C(). Carpet • Upbol Oeanlnc work, he est. Morpn U !i;'s done right. • • • ~T2 'IM• W wa·-r It's "OUNN·WEIJ.."1 e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE S-• • .... Free Estimates ••• MiasH JOB. Xlnt work. refs, tree ente Ant, C1llf, efit. JIM. fifl...4669, M&-3749 Cerp+t Laylnt & INT. & EXT. Palnttnr. All Equul °'"""""'"' omplo,.r Rtp1lr 6626 seUOll rateL Fret est. llc'd l""' Call Charllo. -·--------C'.RPETS (eylom, woola.in;;;;;;;-:::..,,--,,,==: polycester.,) Vinyls and TU-INTER or Ext. PAINI'JNG, Lat ' h·J and -•· IMMED. SERVICE. Local ~i.1~~tW: ref. FREE eat. SfS.1671 Expert tn&tallation. -PAlN'J'ING, Papertnc 11 yra BLANKINSHIP 11.00RS In Harbor arN. Lie 6 bond- 642.1'1l1 !l<t).7"12 ed. "'"' turn. sb.2356 G1rd1nlng 6680 Pl•sttrlng, Ropair 6880 ANTHONY'S Girder. Strvlte t«-1941 e PATCH PLASTERING. All typea. Free celtimate. Call- The best. costa no ·morel Plumblng 6890 Prune ... Plant •.• Prepare -~----- Monthly Maintcenance PLUMBDiG REPAIR Exp. Horticulturhrt No Job too amaU ALLEN BROS e 642-3128 e GARDENERS STUDENl'S PLUMBDiG REPAIR \VOrking their way thru col· DRAIN CLEANING lege. Experienm.., licensed. 546.zm or 540-7217 REAS! fi46-@)3 TAKATA Remodel, Rtp.1lr, 6940 .JAPANESE NURSERY ----.... 546-0724. Complete aardenlnl ROOM A D DI TI 0 N 6 service. Hceadquartcers tor remodellns. A t t r a c t I v • an your nursery need.a. pricu. FrH utimawa. Call e JAPANESE GARDENER 548-0846 Maintenance & Cleanup IS.:=ow==,.=9=====,960=:( Call MS.2572 - JAPANESE Gardcer.er, com-• DreumaJdna-AJtttatiom plete yard service, free CU.tom Dealp11 esUmatces. 54()..1332 * 6f6..6446 * Reliable lawn RrVice, Alttr1tk»nl-642·514S mow, edgt, trim. Neat, accuratce, 20 )'n. cexp. * 531:14M * -~LA-WN=""s'°'rn=. '°vi=CE=--1TrH Service 6910 Mow-edp-vacuum ESI'ATE Ma.int Tree . Serv JANITOR EXPlltllNCED ~ EJ!:ctllent EmployH 8onollte APPLY Ptr1onn1I . Office Third floor The Broadw1y NEWPORT BEACH 47 Covrh of F1ehlon FASHION ISLAND NtwpOrt Btach AD Equal Opportunity Employer . TUitRET LATHE MACHINISTS Experienced Jn clotce tor.. erance with ability to make aetupa, Stead)' em- ployment, 9 hour day .. 45 hour week. Pro!lt shlJ'. Ing. J, C. WTER CO. 671 W. 17th St. BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL =Ll::C,,'-8-56<6~_a!_lor~6~P_M,,__ 1 Removal a, trlmmtrip. tne ALCOHOUCS Anonymous EXPER Japanesce Gardener est 642-6300, go..2993 Cost• Mesa 54'-3421 APPLY IN Pl!llSON lD AM lo 5 PM · --h-Satu"1&y J. C. PfJlllEY CO. * 24 F1thlon l1l1nd An equal opportuni'Y emplo)Tr *Busboys . *Dish- washers Apply In po.- REUBEN'S COCO'S USS W. Ad1ms Cost• .Mt11 SALES * Executive tvD• National Wea orz.iiCutto11 hu opcenift&1 in thil ue1. Age 25 or ovcer with' sales backeround or pllbllc con- tact. Will train 1or rnanap. ment po&ltion. Send brief rt!- 1ume to Dally Pilot Box M- 3'0. * CARPENTERS * CARPET LAYERS with motor home eX{>trience. Excellent co, benetlta. APPLY IN PERSON FRY COOK • !-fut be experienced 4ppzy ln penon DBINY'S No. 121 12924 Baach Blvd, Garden Grove * Oaytlm1 , Bu pboy * Night Dishwasher APPLY IN PEI;tSON REUBBI E. lEE 151 E. c .. st Hl9hway Newport l••ch -IF-YOU Can manap men and up to $500, per week (and more) doesn't scare you too much, call Mr. Kaplan (U4) !!7.SSOO. HElJ5 want~ in ~1tau:rant business. Men 18 years or over. Must be responalblce, experienced prete?t'l'd. Con- tact Frank O'Neill at 673-3274. Between 4 pm &: 5 pm dally. COOKS: Saute, broiler, relief & prep man. See Ernlce Brock. ToWeni Restaurant. 1555 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach bcehyeen 5 A 9 pm (closed Tueaday) B Op 11 6200 Phone 542-7217 OJ.' write to l\.fonlhly .erv:loe, rcea1 .i =========I ..2.!.:._ partun t 11 P .O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. 832--0705 or ~7867 Upholstery 6990 An equal opportunity EXPLORER • Plant Expansion CANDY SUPPL y 5ERVICI:: OIRECTOJl y JO.HNSON'S.Gerdentng-Serv. CZ Y K 0 SK l' S CUetom employer Opportunities for: Y.OUNG MAN futercsted in learning trade. Must have good references. Good pay le beneUts, steady employ- ment. 646-rm HIX SQ N METAL FINtSllING . ROUTE FlJ'Jl!st equip. expert )'&l'd Upholstery e Europe ftUf COR A111mbly Carpeni1ra (No Selling Involved ) Appll1nce Rep1ln care! Reas! 962-'135 Craft1m'ana.hlp 100;1 . MECHANIC e J'ull ttme. MOT.oRHUl'I P. LUHRS BOAT. co. Eboxcellent ~~~~ 1t0or kw P1rt1 6510 Cut & Edge LL,';_wn _, Financing. 642.1454. 1831 Must be cexperlenced and 301l Nowporf II-~., 849 W. 18tll St., CM urs wee....,. ww.. aya or Maintenance, "'en~ Newport B!vd., C.M. have own tools • Over 25 ~u evcenina:sl. Refilllng .tt col· 5}!'P= :~: ,! MM&i11/MS-2310 aft 4 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Also need Exp'd. put tlm~ Costa Mt11, Calif. : 'i:~~: lecting moncey from coin op. Tom. 546-1363, 547-6691 AL'S Gardenln& S ce r vice SERV, STA. HELP. No erated dispensers in Costa Lawn maintenance, garden-Job Wanted, Ledy 7020 phonce calla. RicldSeld, Car. --------Experlenced, mature, good Mesa &: surrounding area. D-i...-ing &: clcean ups. &ts.-3629. of 19th A Newport Blvd., CAREER pe.y, benefits. Schock Boal.I, \Ve est. route. <Handles 1.-_•..:,:.r•l;,;.tt;,;.ln:;;t,_ __ .;:6::5:.:50 ,;;;;,;,;:;;;:::==:=~::I CONVALESCENT AIDE C.M. Newport 67J.20SO name b' • n d candy & CX>STA M•oa l'r<-SCbool Hsullnt e730 PRAC. """" or <"Ompenioo ·l"-'.A"R°'O"U"S"""A"'O"'E"'N"C"l"'l "'S-OPPORTUNITY I EXP Service •talion at-&nackBI. $1450 cash requir-IJcensed. Ages 2-6; open 6;45 -available full or put time, tendanl, must know tune-up ed. For personal interview to s:4s; $lS Per wk. GENERAL HAULING Jor\g or abort tum. Bonded Aecountant1 Jolo IOdaYI tutelt Jl'O'f'IDI &: brakea. Union Station. in Costa Mesa area, send COMPARE! 548-9803 & CLEANUP and Insured. Credit M1n1 .. rs profeuloo-Mutaal 1'md aaln comer Warner le MaanoUa, name, addreq & phone num-838-52.1? $lO per load. Free prqe HOMEMAKERS 547-6681 Admlnl1tratln TmH1 No cexpertenee 11ecea&a.r)' HD. ber to Multi-State Inc., 9075 cleanup for Ullble Items. Fl.OORS •tripped A waxed. CALL BOB, 5fl.71D8 W• train · tun or P•rt tim• FULL ttme porter, 5 dayll a E . Imperial Hwy, Downey, ClilLD 'Care for mothen: 962-6846 after 3 P .M. Cp't cle'""1 .. ~. Walla waab-JJet C Newport Blvd., CM. Mutual Pund Advl11rs, week, 18 or ovei", App\y Calif. 90242 who have to work A don't '"'"''6 Inc. =r==,,--;.,,.-~ . ..,.-~. want to leavce their children HAULING, General, Top, ed. Guarant~. 5!1..o567 DOORMAN Desmond•, No. 3 Fuhlon ~~-o.RDER Assooate/m-just anywhere. 646-8662 trinl, remove trffs I: i!OUSEWORK. 4 hrs at $2 hr, PARKING ATTND'T Npt B. 1I03 Westcllff MUCZI Isle. ~w~~· ~:.~ ~ BABYSI'ITING 1n my home, hedp1. Big John~ ~~ ... ~n!Y. Fullorparttime,daycirne. S.A. u:i:.r.miB:oactway MACHINE SHOP TRAINEE Bu!h Sa.nta Ana mot' Harbor &: Victoria, CM. ~ 18 or over, He. Calli, driv· Startlna: rate S2.00 per. hr. • Reasonable. 546-8093 Houseclunfng 6735 CLEANING or pat n t t n g, er. Neat appearance, refJ. * DRIVERS * LOK·FAST. INC. 864. W. Bus. W1nted 6305 BABYSITIING, my home, CARPETS. Wlndowl. fin: thoroughly exp g 1r 1' · c.n '*1700• at 555· 4 to No Experience lGth N.B. "1 M Ila ' G t R-~den or Com. ,.•1'. RefcercencH, 536-8069 8 pm. EXP.'O •· agno • ar!l•ltl, "· = · ' •"°"'CARPENTERS====----Nece......,I SET UP • LE ~ Pc~AJ"!n ~ym~ ~0·: F.V. S82-643B ~"Orie Reas! Refs. Doft,"tle Help 7035 •FOREMAN Must have ~ ~ for P~lc mold: pta.nt. ecutivce ability to invest in BABYSITI'ING In my home, · e FIBERGLAS LJtADMAN driving record. Apply Ph: 546-3370 bet. S am le 5 l'lcew QUALITY FOODS DI-SALES EXECUTIVES )'OUr buaineu. Write in $4 daily. FLOOR Cleanin& -polilhlng Chinese Uve-lna. Chettful n.., or Nl1ht·lhlft YELLOW CAB co. pm. . ~ii:;. ::a i:ur:e~~~ complete confidence to Dai-===;""""':=====-I apecia.llstl. Home I: In-Permanent. Expcerlencced Apply 186 £. l&tb St. FURNITURE Delivery man, _, .. 1,~,ed. ly Pilot Box M -470. :' dustrlal. FREE etl Far East A&eney 642-8703 16.11 P1acentta. Colla Mesa Cnata Mesa. must be abte to drive truck. cn41 642-SOOl/(213> ~n9 : :Otrt:!i":. ::~!t 'd.., in-AND MiJIAGEMf·NT Brick, MaMnry, etc. 6560 ~edii~tenance Seer. George Alleen Byland Agencyl•s=E"RVI=CE~~, .. -tton,;-.o"m""-oc;,:benle"'" Mt.st be reliable. Prefer ex· 'Ve11tmentof$2f00requlttd to Reil E1t1tt Loans 6340 ---------'-• Employer Pays l'ff w/ managerial ability a1IO LEAD MAN J)(!rlence. 642--:kl50 start. Immediate hiah ce~ BUILD, Re:nodcel, Repair WllLlAMS Qlll'G, StltV. lCJ6.B E. l&th, SA 547-0!95 Exp scervice sta attend11nta * COOK Jr "'"' .. rvlcing tnaehln" Lookiog '"a"' limitation Sattler Mortgage Bl'lck, block, co ncrete , ea..-IW'n-C001Pl. ..... for new Shell trwy ... -CABINET SHOP sREAKFABT·LUNCll vendina candy and snacb to career, and a future with crpntry, no job too small and apt, clng. 00-8164 Help Wanted, Men 7200 137..e&35 Excellent opportunlt)' for ** 8.17.SOOO ** company @!tabllabed ac-pt1Wlh? Any background Compeny Inc. Lie Contr. 962-69'5 e HOUSECLEANING e SERVICE STATION SALES. ri&ht man, Experienced ln ==========::! : counts. Absolutely no selllnl. you might have in sales, 336 E. 17th St., C'o&ta Mesa. Excellent work, $2.50 hOUr. y ftCJ Fry Cook MAN. 25 Yceara or older. trailert, campert, m 0 t 0 r A_g1ncl11, Women . 7300 For information and inter-public relations, manage-Scervina; Orange Cnty 20 yrs, ~..!!!.!'!~I 6590 C&ll M&-5995 OU Full time, rwtnc ah1ft. See homes, Apply RV Industritl View appointment, s e nd ment, aeoounting, or book· 00.2171 545-0611 .=;;.;::,;;::;;;,=====I or D.Ydt, 2S80 Newport mvd., Inc., 222o E. c.emtos, Ana. • • • • • • name, address and phOne keeping would ~ a particu-Eves. 673.7865 642-11S7 CARPENTRY Income: Tu 6740 Kit-'"-T I Costa Mae.. helm. 6.134402 Head omce Cashier •••. $450 ·number to: Jar benefit to you. Men and MINOR REPAIRS. No Job '-----------tiinW'n fa nee · Exp'd, hotel or 1lznilar. PACIFIC Vt'Omen we att seeking will Mortgiges, T.D.'s 6345 Too Small. Cabinet tn pr. RF.SPONSIBLE preparation BOAT Carpenters, Cabincet DISH MACHINE Bondable. Fee refmbutfed INT!RNATIONAL makei15,000.to$25,000.per ages&: o thcer cablncets. &fillJ11of~_,1!~Putbt~ Permancent.fulltlmejob. Mwak~~lr:A F~ew•1116alhs OPERATOR FrontOWce(Mfg.) •••. $540 year or more. ca:JJ Mr. Kap. NEED $16,00Cl-$19,IXXl will 5'15-8175, if .no anrwtr leave returns by 11...ClUU""' c Oianc• for advancement or~-.. pp: 11v • • Union scale, HotpltaJ, sursf. Cd. flip, SIH prtf. Sm, ofc, INDUSTRIES . t Int t + 1 ... 23 Accountant. Available to c M , II pd ~. Flrlt Street lan all day a n d everung pay op eres po nts; msg at _,.. Tl. H. O. __ .. 1 ,..~-· · cat, medical, dental ,plan, Fee , .,3 cempl. ' 354 Twt:nty. (714) M-r-8590. 3 yr pay oU. Prime Lido Andenon serve the ,_,,., 0 ....,....,ra. APPLY lN' PE'RSON • CX>OKS ' Jtxperlenced pUt vacation, (Mir time p1,1. . Fee Jobs Al.so AvaUablt l--O";aldand;;;;,:•-;C&l,..lto.;9461:l;;--· I --C~A~N=D7Y~S~u=p=p~L~v-· t lsle bayfront 4 BR home. c"'ARP=~ENTR=~y~-. -.,-put-n-·-1 Uons. , amalland ~1~':tn:-APPLY 4 pm • 12 thlft, Apply in oer-J. R. Pierce Anoe. Aace~ FRIGIDAIRE ROUTE ""'""'val 1120 ._ooo . a••'I fix u. Quall'• ...,.1c. ttrprli" 1 ,_ ·~.~-~~ Bob's Bit Boy FLYING BUTLIR eon. Ul8SN•wport,CM. 1112 .. no Present l!It. balance $58,00J. n~n Jett ....... , .. v, Your comp c ...... ._UUIJ ~ .. A E 17th s·-t --Ho d' It I I JET ACTION (Part ur Full Tim.) . ~ ~ ls 1._.. ....,.. . u~ •1-11 wer I es 1ur1n BKPRS-SECY'S.TYPISTS Phone principal pr t y RE.... cuaran '='· <l>lta ,Men w Frtaidaire 18 min. cycle is Excellent Income for few G73-MU rAIRS, ALTERATIONS OOhPORATE EXPER'D. parts men a 4001 • C.0...t HW)'. NB Worth Mort? the futest In the lndU1try. hrt. weekly .... ,,rk Cd~ CABINETS, Any aize job. IMPROVEMENT mechanicl; martne txpel'. Poiltton open in tub-Call or send reaume. Al] Info 30 Frfgldalrts do the work or eves.). Reftlling and $2'7,CXX> ht TD, payable S270 25 Yr'5. exper. 54U713 COL"NSELORS ftlYTfM£ preferred but not neceuuy. tonable Newport Beach confklentlal •. Our •rvic• ce~ of 40, 30 min, wuhers, Find collecting money from :to~9'-~73 yn, 10% QUALITY Repairs • Altera.. • 642-9937 • Utl Box P-480 D&U7 Pilot na:taurant for ambltloul. tablilbed ovtr 20 Yf'I, can out bow easy it .is to own Coin ()peraltd Dlspen--,,~cc--=c-c=--,.~ ,._, Ne'' <"Onlt by hour S 'I T S • COOK, RELIAiiLE. penonlbl• ~ man, hdp )'OU eam mortl • pay ... laundry, .. n "' C..ta M ... and ii5oo '" TO, •% due 3 .;;c.~lntel, 646-sro mi ey II llYlte Exp'd all en>Wtd. Small Din. --in........... Superior A9oncy Garden Grove, Santa Ana, surroundil'JI' a re: a. No )'ti. 10% discount.. KIJOIHI HBP HouN. apUt ahlfl. Call eve1. manaaement. Rceply to 1857 Jlarbor BJ, Costa ftfe:sa Tustin, Ora.ngt, Anaheim aeUtna. (Handle• name 497-1210 ~~~.,,~e_r·ft!4 .... r-. ESl'ABLlSHED 10 YEARS -•-673-1722 box # rtvirw resume. c.ait tlm &U.n41 Coln·O-Matlc brand csnd>' " 1nack») ~~ -~ ~~· -Reasonable r ... -App\y ~ -llTEREO " llatllo lnstallu. Box JI-GI, tbt D&lly Sl650 tOt&l cub required. Money W1nled 6350 &42.6409 or fi3B-3!kX> . 230 E. 17th St, CM (SUlte 211) bltwetn lM M.l&lt know too 11 • ~ Pllot. , Help W1nt.d Equipment, Inc. For mo re Jnlonnation REPAIR. Partl&na, Smlll <Ort.rwt County Bank Bklz,) porb.Wty p 1 u a . ANH EXPERCENCl!D Trte 01£ Women 7400 233414 W. Va1encia and detallJ, •nd namt, CALVARY Cbapcel Orurcb ii Remodcel, etc. Nlte of dl,y, 2411 Marsaret. Npt, Bch. AIKJBCT' MAR•R llllb'wnen&I, 1749 Newpcrt tm needed in Bllbop 1 Calit _...._ _____ _ FUllerton T14: 52S-TB33 addresa and phone num· ottering 7% intcercest on 'ftll Call KEN '40-t67'9 W. A. SMiLEY CP.A. Blvd_' Colta Mtaa FArn tJ,00 hr. 87S-4lJ9 ·HANCOCK STATION for ber to: scc:ured notes. For more in. 646-9666 anytime 642-mt •---. N-Bea.Ch. Good "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" to. call 0Ulrlce11 Smtih. CerMnt C rwtt 6600 26o7 W. (Nit Hwy WANTED: Construction or. * DWIWASHER * ..,_ •"•''". 54~2121 or 642-6783, After • one Walttr H. FlhrtnhOls: P.A. N1..,...: INch nee Engtneer: lhop draw. Apply 1n penon, 3.111 Via ~~~e~': P. 0, Box 3846 8. • t'U&1'0M PATIOS • , lncomt 1'u SCvtce l!fl~!jl-llll•llitilill•ll tnc. u-ntltY IUIW)': n. ~ ~ewfort J!etcb. U II fled A -· dlOlef -North. Aneholm, CalUomta -WANT 121.000 d>lllt ... l lowl "'"'"" ........... -al 642-QM .. 116-!3'1 ... ...., 114, per'd. lAC\111& 8e&cb .-. llEllV. llfA. MGR.: °"' n m . gency ~---ft~ •vallable DISTRmUTING BUSINESS with $50 000 TD on JO ac:rn Statt Lie. e ~1(110 INCOME Tun prepared IRICSON 131 .. 1073 21, m&rrltd, ,mµ.t have to..ec 1.1.w.t.. - ....,,.,... C 11 Nwormtto-~~,.~0 .. _ __,,:1 ocoa<94- 113 nvtew 7 ' hUlh>p Jand, •CON,_.,_E .. -'-......_. ..... YoUrbomt,lo111 tormcom· YACHTS •At.mnlATIC TRANS-aomtmecbanlcalexp.·AllPb'""' ~v ••• ,; •• , ..... .....,,. with sood Cl"ldlt. • uu. mallU-Ul '~ ~" ~' "Uf ... """'~ blnttd , •• _,, 71 . Secretary ••••••••••• ,.nio 5.13--13'7!1 provide t0mplet. prorram k lie. Coac:rlte u.wtnc. _ • ""' MISSION SPD:tALt!T &Lio 21 ~ Blvd., C.M. Secret:Arfe• (2) , •••••••• $4..13 _ CANDY llq>Ply route, put or dia:trlbutinl candy, dnte • PAY 1D9' INT. on well Phillipa c.tmebt 548--6380 6755 * Bolt Carpenten GENERAL .aax:HAHlC:S • YARD MAN tor plumblr\I Dtt3 ~r , ..... to $450 · tun ttm., dayaltvt•. Refill novtlt1 QltCiallrts, .n.clc atCl.lnKI Joan. $100,000 Cement Work-an kind.I 1'°"1!'! * ~~W:: ~-Coll~ ~~ !,:!° lhop. Kn o" I e ~I e or Comes MUll.lllne Rater •• UXt ' a, colJed money !tom o>ln fOoda, •tc., to 11.vtrna. ~ FrH 'Eatlm1.te HAVE All a1tedin: wW tUe: Woodrgabl JiteD • mattr!all H1tsfi11. Cal~ Dtnlal 'Req>t ........ ,,eo U25 optt. 01.rpeiwm In Cblta rntaunntJ, .U type •tol'et. ANNOU"CIMINTS * 6.16-<1374 * few more 1$ and .20 M-15M per * KE N NE L HE LP '46-«i29 · ' Letal ·Ste Trnte , ,, •••• ,$37!i Mna 1: vie. No tr!l!nc. O~t faclm'y ooontet.loo and NOTICIS CEMENT Work, no Job too J lt I ' 1 6 ..,=. * ;8~U:nlbop WANTED, male. 1\111 ti.mt, I kENFin. MAN', O\'ft'" 3'. O:ldtr/Keypuncb ••••••• ;U41 $1£50 Total cash req. Send Mttilna high daily cub •mall, num1ble. J"rece , •~..!.!..!_ 17"! •Rudder lnatalltrs WrlteB«M•UDall)'Pllol live In Lquna. Apply ln Cle!Y •••••••••••••••••• paa """"'• -t. phone to: commluloot and montb\y Found (F-Ads) '400 "tlm. ff. $tuntcl\-WMStS EXPERT Janitorial -EXPERIENCE WANTED: S.rvlce LiiOft --. SPCA, :ml Luauna · Route Dtfl~ P .O. 8ox 3846, ovtr'M'ite. No ase limit but _..UNO n. ... '"-_. -·=··-.. -•-i .. in Pinon Gravt)'Ud mcen, U pm..8 CU1JOll Jtoed 4.U E. 17th St, SUlla 224 Anahetm 9'l803 mut be bOndable. Put or "u • "l!i '"""' • "'1c. Ch HJ Ca 6610 lndust. • commm::. _..,., am. ,Muat haw aptt1mce. ruu. ""-lft'\ISCe dldon Colet. Meta ~t?O Nll time. Wrilt oa:x, lnc.. Mcl'adden a Bolsa Chica N 531.1131 ar MS-11N 18 W. StNclr.. Ora11a1 ... ,"'" ~,,,. 9i::A.'!J'~ 1110 N. t8thSL. PhJl&., Pa. Rood. Im. m-M EXPER. tobt.bylu,.....,.. rr•wOl<l>EUULlbem&lt) ASTROTIK CORP. ~c~:.i:'~t·;.. ~ A= ~ ;•J~ ~:;m' ..... ~~~ "WI""' -91,. 19132 BLACK " Wllllt Doc Vlo. "'"' cblld. ·R>ftr, ... u. 1nt)'S Qt eppllllte<I ,.. !Ind Oputllrci: Leibe mill WI---........ C.M. !S0-1Jltl . dq ....... r.v. - mcecr, tllM 6 tttort. L0011 WANTED: otr..it Uquor Uth 6 Tuat1n NB.~ Fncd 111 )'IJ'd, hot lunchn, ln U,. CluelUld Ad .. O..":tf Top pq. A-l nw:htnllt onl;J. EXP'D. COUNTERMAN · Dtllwey Ir Warehoultman d£NDW. ottleti ~ 5(1. noW'l 11 ltef.llle, Ohfl&t Counf1. DON'T J\1S'1' WISH tor~ Wilton A Pomona. CM. them aowf l2f1 t.opn Av, CM. * QTY AUTO PARTS * CaU '°;_appalnfmeDt Good on Uw ,.... )"l>fto elepftanlll Dim_.... Call: MUU9 lltlnc tn turnltb ,_.borne W-!MO DAILYPILOTWliif ADst Dl&l -tor RDUllll lin2 l'lut!>ll&. C.M. _.,,.. • ..,,_:mo _ -- Abllllles ' ------------------------------------------·--·-----------------·-----~------ ·~ ··--~-... ,,,, ---...oi. -..... ,..r-_____,,___. ___ ---. . --- • MlllCHANDISE FOii MEllCHANDISI! FOii SALJ AND TRADI SALE AND TRADE MEllCHANDISI! FOi MlllCHANDISI l'Olt SALi AND TIADE SALE AND TRADI Pumltvre IOOO Fumltv,. IOOO ............. .1 DISNEYLAND STENOS SECY /ST·ENOS TYPIST CLERKS l?' ... s::::_~ FU RN ITU RE ' " :;th! MlnufAdu,..,..1 T I 0 N a· w:::~~'i-::~~~·:::.; chalr A U C . : or Jove seal 5 Pc Ocbtgon dark oak din set , w/blaclt or avocado framed ch.Un; 8 Pc BR TUESDAY NIGHT set 9-<ir Mr. &:: Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish Work when A wher. you wantl 1714) 533-4456 Ext. 678 10 A.M. to 4 P.M •. * HOSJfSSES * Tuesday thni Frldcry INlfRIM. MALE oak design with matching box sprlng.s, mat-• ~ & fr•,:;. Sold lndivlduallr ' 7 p .M. SHARP! ! : Shop A-.und -Befort you buy -US I • FM Nafotl>bla VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 ' DAYS An Equ•I Opp•rhl11li., E111plo.,., nEltifftllllEI fl:ftYl(E NIGlfl'Sl !!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'~!!!!l!!!!!!T-!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~I rguvnnu, .KA Admln Tl'ftM to $750 2 years collea;e, sharp 4 q- &rel&ive. To train 1n ad- mlnistraUve or engineerine or"""' a 1-as $4.66,... -k lmpec:t EARLY U.. OUr SIOl'e Charge Plan or Bank Financing . ' AVf'll,y in pn'3Qn Halp Wa-Help Wen!M w-7400 w-445 E. 17111 St. No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Valuea Inside As We S.U 9UICKL YI REllBI E. lH 1-;..;.;;.='------ 151 E. Poclfic Cr.t. Hwy. * CIBIK TYPIST Newport Beach ·--------Immediate openifW in sales EXPERIENCED STENO ' department Must type 50 wpm on IBM electric. Di· versified duties. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK S029 Harbor Blvd. C.osta Mesa 546.2033 Equal opporlunlty ..,...,.,. SECRETARY II $451 to $557 Two ~ 1teno e.q>erlence, £all ,..._1"'9pt. (7141494.9401 TELONIC BIGINHRlllG CO. Lquna Beach SH-90 wpm. typing 45 wpm. . U.S. citiz:e.nshJp. Apply at: ~ opportunity employer Wn!minsto~ '--School District 1'12l CEDARWOOD CITY OF WEml!NSI'ER, • NEWPORT BliACH NAT I 0 NA L C-orporation d"'1'es •" '• •""'"""'· POLICE CLERK I well qualified e x e c uth1e &ecretary for Vice President $452 • $Sf9 per month Sales a: General Sa.ll!'S Mgr. for new offices opening in Newport Beach Financlal 7400 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH Coit• Mesa, Cal1f. 642-7523 lntervlewinv Mon. lllrv Fri. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ne"". Williqi to -.,.,.. • • • • • • AOK Commission Gallery : Applicant P"Y1 fM • nn GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD Ma in! Mach to $551.20 1 Block West of Beach Blvd., off GIG. Frwy. : 2 years exper:leoce, main-, , : • • • • tenance ol plant machinery. I ~. 'I Know electrical trouble l ~I hu an immediate ope.nl.ng Equal opportunity employer ahootlng, ·have own tools. "iilii'":"'~:iii'~iii:~~~~~~~~~~! I Musical Inst. 8125 Miscell1neout l600 1Dr an EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper military complete. Joes a EMPLOYMENT Furniture 8000 ACCOUNTING CLERK with General Leda:er and Ac. counts Payable exPericnce. 1'fust have recent industrial experience. Pleue apply in person. HUGHES to work in Art Studio. I: Stockroom Man $500 .Jobi Men, Wom. 7500 -------- handle all papeQVOl'k me. Know Ford truck &: tractor SPANISH Returned from collectiona, payroll, sales parU catalogue, Military REAL ~ATE. Shouldn't Model Homes on aale at tax keep tab ol stockroom. complete, good p h y 1 1 ca 1, you be 8elling the hottest less than wholesale! Group typ~. nm ~~· Oc-dependable, ar@ll Huntington Beach'!' includes beauWul 9 6 • • cas1ona1 partiCJpatiOn. in Call Phil McNamee Village quilted IOlA & love seat. product ion. $100 wk to start. Electric Technician Real Estate 962-44n or 3 Spanish oak decorator llanch\'l'iltcn resume to Box $606.67 54&-8103 tables, swag or table lamps, No. P-62'.! Daily Pilot Know wiring A: cable m. BAKERY sales lady, eve wall placque, king, queen, • ASSEMBLERS atallaUon, dril.ling, light con-2 to 10. m Marine, Balboa or full siz.e bedroom suite • FIBERGLAS TRAINEES struction, wire p u 11 l ft' c , Island. 673-8686 complete 1ncl box springs, Apply military complete. mattress, llnem A: boudoir 1631 Placentia, Costa Mesa Agencin. Men & lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc NEWPORT BEACH BABYSlTl'ER tor 2 yr old. Stock Clerks $ICI wk Women 7550 dining '°' priced olsowbere • •" to 12 .. _ .~. YOWl8 ·high school grads, at approx. $1195.00 ALL 500 Superlcr Avenue Newport e .. cb, CaJil. :""' noon,, awu Ull"\I clean Ir: sharp, willing to FOR ONLY $399. $a1 down, Fri. ~ per wk,. mu.st have start 1n warebooae and IP'OW NE£D(D $4.99 per ill.eek: ," out ol own trans ID College Parle. with company. state credit OK. W 111 Equal opportunlty employer-C.M. 5t6-601T Oerk Typist, (fee pd) ••• $360 separate for quick sale. 3Jth M·A F EXEC. Sec. If Gal Friday, Foreman $700 Secretary (tee pd) ••. to $5.50 Century Furniture, g 7 7 2 tough job with top pay. F.xcellent opportunity for Gal Fri (nego fee) •••••• $400 Garden Grove B 1 v d , , ---------1 Resume &: refs re q • d . qualified, shop supel'V'laor Leg8,i•Secy'(nego fee) to $550 Garden Grove Daily lo.9, Located in Irvine Ind. capable of assuming full ~..sir. Bes (fee pd} to $13K Sat ]1).6, Sun 12-5 Come Complex, N.B. 714: 546-2414 responsibility for long and Accountant (fee reimb) SL.* in or call (?li) ~ DEBURRERS POWER. sewing machine short operations, pre plan-Draftsman An::h. (fee job to opera ton for long establish-ning tool innovations and • , •• , ••• , ............. $866 ed sail making company. maintenance. Prod. Wor~r (fee job) st. Guitar Heldqu1rten e NEW. and u~ t: Fender • Vox e Stanilet e GIBSON e MARTIN e Wil..SON e YAMAHA Drum Heldquarters e NEW and USED e WDMG, ROGERS, ASTRO large aelection with new 4 pc. sets and cymbals start· ing at $99.50. Pedal&, hl-hats and sets repaired. All small parts. acoeuxies 4 cymbals in Block. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC COMP. Paint spra,y rig, b). dust coinpressor, .2\i pl pot, gun, new hole1: $3® Value, $175. Hea'.vy duty 1;4:• drill $9; Saber NW $8; 10" Tbl. saw, motor It ata.ni;I, xl:1t. $110; grinder w/mot« &. stand $16; heavy alum. con.at wheeJbam:tw; hvy. duty Milwaukee Sander $71) rotary mower $10; 4 Wht all steel trlr. $25; misc. band tools, etc. 215 lfitb St:, CM. 646-7634 Beach Music Cente-r New Jewelry Store Early 1969 Model CONN ORGANS Solid state, an types perc., WANTS TO BUY U1ad & Antique Jewelry Silver or gold, Ph. 675-JOll or come to store. 3419 Via Oporto, Lido1Isle, Nwpt Bch. , Plaza. N.B. Wrtte c/o Box No. 352, Daily Pilot Hanna Sail Makers, 861 W. Camera Repairman ••• ··•· ·· ·•······ ·· .. $369 18th St r~. M Merchants Personnel ., '-"'DUI esa. $4. hr up chlm'5, L<slie Speakm. * AUCTION * Spinet & tbeatel' models at If you will &ell or b"" • great savings now! ....., t HOSPITALITY HOSTESS ii looking tor mature women to welcome newcomers to the community. Mllllt haft typewriter I cat and be bon• dabie. Appfy 28S E. Main. Requires 50 wpm typing, high schoo! diploma, one year cl recent experience in typing and/or general office work. Final filing date April 18, 1969, For application and further information contact Per- aonnel ~. ~ New. port mvd., Newport B e a c h,, Calif. (714J m<633. We have • few openings for experienced power tool deburren. Duration of employment 3 to 6 months. Day thlft. J. C. CARTER CO. Agency CLEANING woman % day Mutt have 3 yeln ex· 2043 Westclill Drive or one day wkly. Own perlence in all types of Corner 17th It lrvine transp. Refs. East b I u ff camera repair. G4S.mo_ 545-5685 area. 644-2834 SALF1iLADY, full time, age 20 to 45. Children's aton. 650 D Stttet, Tu!tin Finish Carpenter $4. hr up newport . personnel agency 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sola .l chair -2 end tables It cof· f~ table -2 lamps -dress- er -mirror-headboard- quilted box spring &: matt. ress -S pc. dining room; table & 4 hi-back chairs. Once a Year Sale give Windy a try WURLITZER PIANOS Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. Low terms. no down pymnt Windy's Auction Sam Open Sun 12 to S Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat't 1.fon & Fri eves 'til 9 ~ Newpoprt, CM ~ Gould Music Company CARPETS, Vinyls, Tiles, lat. 2045 N. Main SA 557-0681 est s1yles and colors. O:ln). 1 Suite T, Tw:tin, Calif.. -, * NURSES AIDES * Nawport ConvalalCOftl Wl.ORER MOTORHOME CORP. · Center NEEDS ~~H:.i"':.r"':. ~ * ASSEMBLERS * DOMESTIC HELP Excellont lrini• benollta, .. AD kinds! Houaekeepen, nre 1nlunnce paid holidays, Coolot, -·~ .... • Reterencn req, Fee a: Fee Paid Jobs. Call Miu Abby, '43-71!16 ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Sharp C•reer Gali Soctyw, Oerk Typ~i.. Go! ,.,.,..,., l!eepts, Bkl<pn, APPLY IN PERSON 3021 Newport Blvd. Costa Mau, C•llf. EXPERIENCED RN•.&: LVNa. Both fee• fee e ESCROW e :::..~;.,;;°" co'it c.n SECRETARY ARGUS AGENCIES UNITED CALIFORNIA 1869 C N"'Pm'l Bl,.., C.M. BANK SARAH a>VENTRY has openings far full or part time sales. Min. age 13. Pleasant wurk, no invest, no deliveria Far interview 3141 E. Coad Hwy Corona del Mar 67J.9240 call 540--0614/ 837-4749/ _81_1.-"'-''------IEqua! opportunlty omptoyer NURSES AIDE 7 TO 3 SHJFi PARK LIDO Convalescent Jiospit.al 144:i SUperior Newport Beach 642-2410 EXE<UilYE SECRETARY ASSISTANCE T~~~:~~ cf:i Need 2 ladies fol' special shorthand A: typing, and at work. 12 Houra weekly. S60 leut five years of experi- pu wk. Call Mrs, Nelson ence u sectetary required. at GG-8560 between 2 and 4 Contracta backarowxl desir- for pettOOal. Interview. ed. FULL TIME i.llterlor a: ex-Pleue write, gMng full de- tericr boat cleaning & lite ta.ill of employment hi• RC)'. work. Deck band tory tncludin& salary to Box Service. 66-0085 M-823 The Daily Pilot. ' BlTI'Qll2t to US ln all Bridal Consultant depts, mil mkt. Npt Hl:r. Attractive woman, ambit· • Op. &Jn. Bax MG !laity loos, good pmooallty, ""' Pilot or car. OVtt 21. Some eve• PART·'nme HOlte.Seet:)f. ~re.ferred., Average part New homff• must 1ltU'k time $59 week, full time S124 .w.kenda. s6s-199T 11 To 6 week. No experience neeea. • PM: 5'5-tl05 Alts g PM. Ar)', For interview call Mr. EXPERIENCED Whitney 544-8550, WAITRESSES A'ITRACI'IVE Woman to 671 w. 17111 St. Cost• Mesa . 541-3421 See BeU1 Bruce at mi.i6Gxec Agency for Career Glr11 410 W. Coat Hwy., N. B. By appoint. SfG..3939 GENERAL PRODUCI'JON Apply in pert0n 1987 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa TELETYPE Operator with exper. for bro~ firm. $400. Please contad MrL Alward. 673-7005 Crowell Weedon • Co. Corona deJ Mar GENERAL OFFICE Jobs-Man, Wom. 7500 * HOTEL DESK CLERK- CASHIER Heavy expe~ on NCR 4'00. Good Alary, 5 • .,,.. Apply in person, Ool)'. experienced need apply. THE NEWPORTER INN um Jamboree Road Newport Beach 644-1700 Experienced or Qualified Trainee * 1llllR * Immediato 0pening. Typing SECURITY PACIFIC "" WPM, !itlng, ""'' :MMO. NATIONAL BANK Opportunlt1 tot ad· vancement. Call for ap- pointment 646-Tl57 uENTAL RECEPTIONIST 196 E. 17th St. Co"4 M"" Mature, reliable woman. Equal opportwUty employer, Mu.st have good experience to work in busy Costa Mesa l--------- ollice. 64&-2634 NOW IS HOUSEKEEPER • child care, live-In; priv. rm. &: ba., reJ's. $50 Wk., 5i,i. day wk. 540-9212 THE TIME GIRL Friday· apply in peraon ~12. Mac Gregor This product not only sells Yacht Corp. 'Wl Placentia, itself, but b non-competi- CM tive! If yon think $250. per HMALE CLERK Apply In Per1on Drive In liquors 706 Pacific Coa•t Hwy Huntlntton Beach PBX Answerire Serv. need1 wo- man ow.r 30, 2 lo fi PM, 5 days wk. Exper, onJ.y, &f7. 7111 week is big money you are In tor ~ shock o1 your life. (That'a only part time) Call Mt. Kaplan all ~ • evtn- ing Cn4> 537-8590. • Cooks • Hostesses Apply In par1on * • 54S-63ll3 * * train aa Figure Counselor. REUBEN'S COCO'S .. ORTHODONTIC •-•---• Mllllt have slim figure, like COMBJNATION, Shal'fl Bar ~ .... ., to work with public, G'ii Maids .\ Go Go Dancen. .. part time. No eQ. req. hours per day, 2 Sat. per Top ~·ages $3.00-$3.50 to 1555 W. Adams caD Sf&.9728 mo. Starting aa1ary $270 mo. start. Ph. for Int. 545-RJ Costa Mesa ' SECY-Lim BKKP'G 40 hr Call for lnteNlew """"6311 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor', • WAITRESSES ' wk. Int-_._ BEAUTY COUNSELOR, Im-;-C.,-,M«.,_,==~-.-- • as.3175 tr 525-3381 med.lat. opening for LADY hnsionu, • h •re • BUSBOYS WANTED. .lppl.y In Jltl'IOQable wom.ah. No ex· home for light houi(okee~ Xnlt working oondltlont. Apo • penaa; 1703 S\1p!rb' Aw., pnience ?lll!e!llUy. FleidbJe Inc:· campe.nk>nshlp plua. ply ln perton eJltt I pm. Top notch eabinet man. Must haw own tools, exceptional company •. Gardlflars $2.50 hr Ournce ~ join growiag com- pany, Some experience in ~·good ,.,..cal Quality Control $600 up Professional Service for the employer and the applicant 133 Dov•r Dr .. N.B. 642-3870 549-2743 2 years experience in QC "Schools-Instruction 7600 systemg & methods, capable --------of performing evaluation ot LI FETIME Gt t t, procedures & methods. typewriting. Ch t Id re n, Shipping Clerk $525 Need experienced shipping and handling paper work, ex· cellent work conditions and benefits. Main! Man $3. hr Higb scbool grad, ex· perienced in manual work in- cluding electrical know how and may be substituted for edUfltlon. FEMALE Fn reimbur•ed Secretary to $550 grandchildren, or yourself! Individually tutored Chilcoat 10 lessons typing scb:>ol. 173 Del Mar, CM, ,,..2859 NURSES Aides are needed! Compl, accred, trng & job plcemnt. Nurses Training Institute 4016 w. Com- monwealth, Fullerton. 1· 52S-7S21 GOING To Europe thit year'!' Brush up your French r.onversation in my class. .......,.. e VlOUN Teacher, quali· tied, exper. Enrollment spec ttrls wk! 615-5328. COMPARE AT $749.95 $399 No down-Pmts only $16 mo. WElX'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Dally 9-9 Sat u Sun ll-6 MATOllNG Pair beautiful garnet red old Chinese OrienW rug11, 9xl2, very thick, like new. Large cof· fee table-cost $150 sacrltice $40. 20' TV, Misc. Sil--5056 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: Floral aofa Ii chair • walr.at table• • lamps • complete bedroom with quilt ed. mattress • 5 pc, dinette, etc, All for • , • 5277 No down • Pmt&, only $10 mo. WElX'S WAREHOUSE Used H1mmond mercial &: Reaidenti&l. Ex. ORGAN SALE pert installation. B-3'1, RT-2, C2, A·lOO'S. M-642·1403 546-'1'2t2 lOO's. L100'g, M-3. A I so e RUMMAGE SALE e . many pianos • Steinway, American ~n Hall, 215 N. Wurlitzer, etc. 15th St., NB. Thurs 2 til r. Open Sunday 12 to 4 Clothes, books, j e w e 1 r y. , HAMMOND food, plants & Misc. : tn OORONA DEL MAR NEARLY new G.E". 2854 E. O::iut Hwy., 673-8930 American& elec .stove; ) HAMMOND • Steinway ''i.. ovens It rotisserie. 1965 maha • new It used pianos Yamaha 125 cc, xlnt CIOlld. at an makes, Best buys in 642-4616 a1t 6. So. C.alif. right here.ST ==ER=L'"'IN~G=-ru-·C'vor-.-.,,.--.1 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO .. 1907 N. Main, piece place setting • unused Santa Ana • Etruscan pattern, $25. • * 494-9822 * THE BEST DEALS e VACUUMS e On Pianos & Organs SlO up. Repaira &: parts:,. Are Always Al a..,. .... ,._ eo..1 vaouwn, 333 E. 17th, C.M. 642-1560 · WARD'S BALDWIN ~IO QUAL. Kng Size bed W/ 1801 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 quilted m a t t , , complete FENDER 12 string elec. Never used i98; worth $Zill. &Wtar; beautiful cond. 847~ Sl.95. 646-5302 EARLY Amer. couch & chr, 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana AKC, REG. 2 end tableB. copperton! ()pen Daily 9 • 9 Dachshund puppie!. Red. Frigidaire, mod. tables &: Sat. 9 . 6 Sun. 11 • 6 $50 * 548-2080 chair, etc. S4&.ai53 QUAL. Kng s;,, bed w/ ==========::. UPHOLSTERING • (Euro. quilted matt. , complete Pl1n01 & Organs 8130 pean craftsmen) Free est, PIANO Lnsons: The very Never used i98; worth $250. <ff>i. pickup, 215 1.1ain, HB Shorthand 80, type so, five best in instructions. Call 847-0406 e New Pianos e Bemard's Uphol. 53&-6405 year work experience, prefer 644-2639 "LO;;;VEL=°"y'°'s"'1"'1 "'°"ta.=-=ne=wr==U5-\VURLITZER & BRADBURY GIBSON J.50 electi:orric marketing 0 t MERCHANDISE FOR ed, quilted Doral, K'llt· All styles & finishes. all with Hardshell case, ~~~~~van~~~ SALE AND TRADE chguarded $1l5; matching American made, 88 note, del $320 new, $200 or offer -'',,"="-;;•t,,1,,.75.,.="='='"""'=--=='=..,. w-bench & tuned, Price start-Eric, 675-5160 after fi PM. capable girl. Furniture 8000 ·• LIGHT Oak formica table & ing at $499. Bristol Plywood Fee split 17 p K. s· 4 chairs. $2.5. Pianos rented opt to buy %" 4x8' Doug. Fir. pl)".vood, Secratary to $500 c:. rng tie • ,, .. ,,.. * Wurlitzer Organs 18.95. "'"""'· 3030 e,;,1o1 Type 65• shorthand 80, front Bedroom REFRIGERATOR, Din; n g • NEW • C.M. omce type. No work ex· J..a.rge 9 drawer dresser, mlr· tbl & chairs, 2 rooms of Many other makes. 1.tany SEARS Exercycle, like new perience necessary. ror, 2 bedside stands, king bedrooni fum. &U-3324 eves. styles &: finishes. Prices $45. site headboard, frame, quilt-NYLON carpet approx J4xl6. atart at $595. Call aft 5. 4M-9509 FH by Applicant Bkkpr/Glrl Friday to $450 Post rile on Had1ey to tria1 balance, type ~ 0 , COr• responclence 2 days a •-eek. Good advancement potential. PBX Trnaa $300 Light typing, filing, excellent opportunity to advance. Coding Clerk Tralftff $325 Figure aptitude, 3 month training perlOO. Ex"cenent o~ portunlly for older \lo'Omf'n. Dant•I Recpt $400 Front ofilce ex per I e nc c Good with poople, koowledgc of X-ray1 helpfUI. Clerical $364 Type 50, tiling, use dic- tapbone, brlaht mature pl, elf mattreu. &beets, blank· Good oorxl.ition. $45. Call EVERYTIIlNG lN MUSIC BEAUTY ~l dbl mattreas '"' ·~,. c1 Spanish ::c"'"' .. "'""'~===== Beach Music Center ~ ... ':,, ......... 1ramo "' M"' s 1e office Furniture IO fO ' "=~~-~---or erri ty •roRo ~.~. 4 ~ ---All Fo 5249 Factory Sales & Service i •-uu.. ~ ........... , r · INS. Group disposes of: !'!!eel Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 mission ·60 or '64, $50. n~ No down. Pmbi. only S9 mo. desb , chain, tables, files, 17404 Beacb Blvd., (Hwy 39) t:ric meat slicer $50. ~ Ell('S WARruNtrE .shelving, lockers & drafting '' . So W mvw room fumltu.... b nu. · San o;,g. Fwy. REFRIG, ,..Uow, "P """" Mr.Aiahan's 772-8450 Huntington Beach 847-8536 dr. $100 White dreuer a: nife 600 W, 4th St.. Santa Ana 1830 s. Anaholm Blvd.. In MOVING 'A· n •land, $40 646-5276, -mo Open Daily 9 • 9 Anaheim (alongside S.A. ~ W SI"EEL guitar $35, Sail1l:J 1 ~"'Sa~t,..•---'~-&Jn."'°"'_u,, • ..,',,,.1 Frway at KatellaJ paddleboe.ro $35. Furniture returned from d~ EJ.ctric Organ Assoc 536-2683 play gfudios, m~el homes. ~~pli1nc" 1100 GULBRANSEN ORGANS decorator1 cancellation. UPRlGIIT }"'reezer, S 7 5 • merging with Spanish• Mediterranean etc Kenmore Classic Ga.s Sl.ove, Be1ch Mu1lc Center RD FURNITURE 11.,. 858 Vic•""'· Apt B, WURLITZER 1144 Newport Blvd., CM c.r.1. l74£M Beach Blvd, every alght ttl g "w"°ASHER==,....,.4--=---,-=n.'",-.,,~. . Huntington Beach ""''3 " All organs & pianos rnarlled Wed., Sat. Ir: SUn 'til fi Xlnt.guannleed s er vi c e down drastically!! s E E • 20 Pc. Maple Reas ntes. 847-8115 BURG steremi, used pianos Oup k organs. 1 New • 1 Used 3 ROOM GR Antiques 1110 RIALTO. -*~T-.-o-""'S_"_C_u-.-.e-333 E. l71h St., Com. Mess e FIRE A: Burglar Alarm System.1 installed u low al $99. Call 642-3490 Solitaire diamond and v.1!ddlng band 1et $100. • 54().. 7'212 • Misc. Wantad 161'0 -WE PAY MORE : o.ta 11-. boon. "' '""""'1ng. c.n ~\;,,, "°!, .';;.~ "' d 1 THE FISHERMAN RELIEF COOK be ... 10 am ,.. altor 4 pm. Cemtru Opar $395 Experienced M1..a&l6 DRAPERY open.tor, np'd.. at the Pier, H.B. Two Incoming llnrs. Cnm- J.adodel: 1JvirW nom .et • tables • lam,ps • bedroom let • quilted mattras • ma,. pie ~ room. All for , • , $449 ROLL TOP DESKS Un beck ol~ HOUM) ANTIQU£S AMPERSAND 2624 Newport, CM. &U...n9 Vut stock Amer/Eul' rum &: clocks. Larry Morgan Anti- ques. 2428 Newp. Bid., CM. GIBSON J-50 CASH . For aey near new or med furnilure, appli&ncew, color- ed TV' •• &tereos, plm>I, • ia.ns. stoves. tttripratbri., bedroom ~ts. dinizw rooiD •ts. oWee fu:m!turt. 1 p'e09 at' housoM. 0.,, mpc " SUndAy. &&UOM DENT A LCba I r-alde & tablet. Classic Draperies, e COOKS PM1 wants tQIDeone that bas . '*", ti -Atlllttnt. Elp'd. IL8. OF· 3853 Birch St. N. B. e WAITRESSES been trained by teiephone , ,.,_. me. ape l1CE. * St&-14.11 * •BUSBOYS com~. """"' -clcrlt. P.O. Call 9D-3!a EXPERJENCEO -P-ElqJori<nced •: .. lOtl Sell°""""" .,. want..i; 1 11q -1< lo BarNll's CoffM SMp Mall_,, Clark $367 IAll'AID nl&bt.. MAVER-DlSHWDl.ygASHER N~ homt. Pho 11 e 2273 Harbor Blwl, CM Mettt ou~~ mail, •rt In- , JCS 1728 Nrwport:BIYd, C.M. nos W. Ocwtfroot lAcnlu 8J.3.2818 HOSTESSES: <X>CKTAlL comlnc, will tn.:in on PBX .,., alttr I p.m. "°"'Pitt .l Dory Tleetl EXP'D. PRESSER WAITRESSES: WMTER: for ..tlcl. IWD <Mr 30. -· BAR 11A1DS. Full -. Sporuweor 1'11c... Kini:"• Row, «II w. t<atdla Typist $350 fillt U... I da,YI I wet. mstlta. Mmt be ftll&blt. * * ~ N.13. ** Av .. Anaheim. Calil. Type SO. prw1ouJ. atnt:l'l.1 of· SL• .... 4M-l52l App. Knottt Rec· 6f6..89IO NURSES AIDE . De.)' "'•W. S?ilALL RNtau.rut lWds ftce experlfnct. cut •lencil& Ti£iPiiii& Anlwrins CM. shift. Expmence prtlcrnd. mature ma.a or woman, No i!own. Pmta. only W mo. WBl'l WARBIOUSE ax w. 4th St., Santa Am Sewing ~I-1120 Open n.Ily 9 ' 9 '68 SINGER. Zi&:..qg. 11uto. Sat, 9 • 6 Sun. ll • 6 with W1.lnut cabin!!. Tllkc witb Hanlshell cut, $320 rrw, S200 or oUer. Eric, msl&l.alter 6 PM PIANO TUNJNG & llopair Expfrt. ~ble! Albert Aamcu 6T~ Sporting Goods 1500 636-3621 FUU. IJ\te Longboy box over S p}mntB. $7.25 lnO. llPing, fMm m11tt & frame, Call SJ>.6616 anytime. Xlnt cond $2!5. M6-6919. :========•I ~~-S.11;._ t'.' om PI e t e , Luskey eru..crou Dlrfrlc- Musfc1I lntt. 8125 .-vuu.. riv Model Wilton toriel. Nnport Beach. s&n SOFA ~A 2 larp Uv rm _ -----at.an) 8 lrona. v.~ A: put-Oemente. 492-t337 c:ho.lrs, sz. t'I· Xlnl rond. F EN D t R Ba s a m II n te.r plus larse bag Ir. new 16 l 8MM Movt Pro'-- Both fet br •r.llclnt 1_,c.,,,1,,,1 ,,,,....,....~-·---.=-i JlmphOri: :Z..l2'' Jen • en goU au1 $75. 545-0900 e r0 .. •v•~ e d f I d r Co-ROUND ---dlnl-·" •~Al C Also1111"it'IC Affoldln1 n • p ..... ,.......... "' • .., l'.pe,..,.t-rz ..,... !10 lphcT MOYER SUrfbnard 9 '6'' ; 675-.1788 • ....._ ~ tnm. SAWYER Jtome n e e d a 494-8175 OYft' 21+ ~ 5C5--!ll63 ""' .,... H'J.l05r2 mat a f e w om• n for BeautT opr.rator full or MIODL&AG&D coup!e for -aam.1:11 -,,., • pnctlcat pvt timo, Bolboe l•tand. ntght """" c!m. Apvt- IOCS JT TO 'Dll ~. "6-671.G •• 6'1W701 ** rnent A: aalaJ'y. 499-D'.>5 pany positions. table t\ chain:, $51'1. Rn11t11l hlw ~11.r Ulttl nt'\•'150 or good conc"Oon. t40 -:=;:_.,.....,_-....,...,.... tn.ble wllh leaf SlS. 54o-86.l1 both tor S275. 6(.1)-091)5: 67>185: Nee.a • Gartin1tanatet rtnd h with • llfU!t Id! ' 1-, AP'l! 15, 1'69 DAU.Y PUf B IAIRCHANDlll POa TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .TRANSPORTATION. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 11lAJiSPORTAT!ON TRANSl'OlTATJCIR SALi AND TRADI_ SOlllloats t010 .._, '510 ........... --........... ...... -NW Con --._ •'~u....="'c...o;..;;===--1;u:;: .... ::7:c.n;:::--"T.:=.l • Mlle. w...... 1610 =--- : . $ WE -IUY S BAR~AINS! ; ii:".:_~ EHGUSH FOID ~!u:~ ,, :;~~::~~"'.--i; .. ;-;coi.rW:c=o':' ~ " $ FU RNITURE $ -V. -· ORANOI COUNTY'S .J--•t; -APPLIANCES 21' IS LANDER _, ........ a -VOLUME I NGLllH lld&lr, dlr. 4 -· ·-"-w-.., t7W ~ -. Col, Tr....._... ... .,_,.,N•'• As new, alpc t , pliey 13115 air, tibtM ....,, l'll!W rub-FORD DEALIR ::m-p.;~ all~ : n , p;•f' .. • s1 , ."T Call'°, !I ;;:;;...a_"•' • ~ ... w Ho.M P,11 2t' COLUMBIA bet, nolio ~ -r. ~ COMPL ITI Xlnt concl, 115 cub deb or • HAND ~ nHn•n•-' CASH IN II MINUTES 5 Sallo. lbl>oud, plus ltlb room ""1Clltlon. Lie,~ SALES .SERVICE trwle. Lii RIV 291. (:lll Ka, • f' I !SH • 541 -453 1 • ::. :~~~~~-= ~-' ·~'.l ~:::· -;;.;;;.: ... -: .\':!; : --~-.. !:Jtf.::il FREE TO YOU ~~ .. ~-~ • . ' 1oli'Ns ... FoRD ' ·--. BUICK ...... "'armiit' .... ~.I ... ~ •. I ' . GROJH : ...... nr wtth tllflll VERY Health¥ Germ . M~:!.._la °"9J1o, Newport , -• ao·Harbor Blvd. •' • •2444. . -.. 1a•tlt1 I -.. nde a friendly ~ Pbooo ... • m.u10 a... Mua "2-0Q!O "--'"'-Bo11--with blodr lovff children ,. aood OJmlncCUS!'OM)lLXK41 • HARIOUR •• , ~ • Asil~=~ ~~-~· f2995, watd>dor; 1\1 yr. old m.I•; • O'Doy lr VOLKSWAGEN, INC, FER-;. •·•• . • ~-··~ mwt find aood b om e . DAY SAILER • , •• S1295. Autborll:td ·""""" HARi R • IMMI DIA'll DlllYllT • ffW'l~9#118-eb 'OI CONVERTIBLE, "1.te 53l-029'l • 4111 HOURLY RENTMS -.... _ ...,....,....F.EltWI ·-VOLKSWAGEN, INC. • • • WE PAY Wit .. beautlM red leather. vex;; Samo)'e A Pao& * RHODES 19'1 * ,l81ll ~ Blvd. HMC35 Ntwp;>tt lmporta Ud. Qr. Authorlzed • • Full power, tac air, stereo . blade A white, male, PJP Fun Zollie Boat, Co. Balboa '51 M.J.µtary' type jeep. New up Cow:df1 GIQ· _... Sales and Service 111¥1 ft MOWI TODAY tape, ~. Below book. about S ·mo·~ ...._ I Columblo S.S Metre -l """· ...., in xlnl !led dealel'. , • lB7ll Beach BIW. ll4U435 • • fOR YOUR W Prv pey. 673-8169 IDAY UM8LEI • CIOITA _,. · · AMXt _ -jAVIUN °'"'"°"~ . ·~· ............ t:°J'1'l'11N C U :i! ar pure,.._ ' I RAND N.W '69 AMX ' ' V-1, <4 tpeM. Fltlly f•t.ry 9111lppM. Ord•r tHr,. ·tt999 "1-<llB5 · 4111 FIG, A·I. -risbll ...... IWQ. Can .. ,... &\LES. SEllVICE . PARTS '66 DATSUN =~· Callco'Peniancat,3kittem, 28' CAT. aio, deian ,~.·:rm P1acenU.. ~-~~ ~~.,-... er, white wall tlrn, rack • 8 TEMP home, 2 wb, beaut tt4: ~ 213: ?99-0228 alter 5 pm wee lc d • y •. SJ.00 W a.It l:hf1 Station wagon._Radio, hd.t-CONN~. ....,,iy food, choice ol llttor .,_...... ..,t Extra., llllOli Clf. --'" on top. Uc. RGF 663 . CHEVIO . tlllUID NIW tree • ......., 4/16 vai. .. 158!1i. n4189>-1Ul9 vu·'*."°rr"'AR'"Y,,.....J ... =-."'Chev=""v"°4. """"'1'ed llG Dftl<r $lits • • '61 Jav.Ull •• BEAUTIFUL youn1 <X>RONADO 25 New llO x a~ Mal\)' ''4 FALCON • '2444. c:! ~· f,~ ..,1 .. , .,,..11 ....... S•·--, •-·•-. ~ ~ . • ~·•~ ~-·~ ,,_ ..-Will -HI" u a N 6 cyl., stkk •hilt, 2 cJoor. • . • , d · :!ll!'l!l••f( • ltt•t , .......,..., IQ>-.,,""" "' ~-v £o"Ot ... ~ , ~ Rad.lo, heater. Pttfect con-WI ._ good home. 6'13-522(, aft 5 · (213) a.3134 trade, MS--2380 ,63 HILLMAN Hullcy «) 000 ditlon. Come drive thla one. • • _, • .1386 pm. 4111 c,u. 21. ~·"···-~a-,. ,.__ · -20-• · uc. oxx s99 • e • COIYAll • ..,,_ ,_ • ~ ~-r _ .... ,. 95 mil" llhe new. $IDl cub. $7'5 Your v-,. ---------• CK Poodle, wry -""""'· Sa-<: Call alt S PM m.""8 • $ • •· need• chi Id re n for Call MUOS'l' · ' '64 MONZA 199DOWN It P11 top doUul. PUI b l96fi MONZA Omvtrt 39,.51XJ .. ...,,,,alu. 646-6216 or . CAMPER MERCEDES BENZ Coupe. Auto., radio, h<ater, • a ar DOI. Cell llal»ii adual ml, l owner, -mp IUND NI W '69 ....... 963-1140 <m ... t Slip -rl-__ 9036 S•l11 • Rtntels __ ;_;_~_;_ __ , Untod gius, whit• ~I •Plus tax• license Oll ~ . 673· 1190 rr.;o cub. 642-1550 _ ... tltts. One of the nicer ved credit r this •61 OORV AIR Station' waaoq ,F,,iR '11•, '. .. tff.t. Ill H.P. FREE to JOU· Large Bamboo ~.$Ila-A~ Autbol'iaed peaitr one1. $7'5 .·~:.. Buick speC:t No..• ~'I'S W~ MAKE 0•"1-l"''ER"""•="-I ~ ,, ft tall, ..... ~eat W \W' a.u. bCJ&i priced to MlJ. • rour ~ 433279'71:1YY.!A9. 0ranp O:Jumiel &16-4841 ()r 646-4842 .• ,. pllnil u d esired. -··-.... , , •. Willdlll· Jl!!>Pou' • ·u C:/IM~ PIC:~·UP,'. . ~ . 3 TOP I BUYER °''"'$"2oa MMllll .,.._,. .,.,. ' .,' : ·11.000 ho! ii Comp0r s.-.bOlc .. )!1Fi{ · . w. MAXl:ll' roYOT• . STURDY &rd--I . . . ' •• ' ' ... -·-~ -• 'THI PAIULOUS ' ' ,18881 ..... Blvd. COUGAR . &M~.-All-~;..... ' ' , .=.,-::..&_. . •• OPEL •• 11.,jloch. PIL 8'1-Ell! '68 COUG' AR ' ~ .. •a ' ' ....... ' fOH ) ml!IQ ' "" ... IOTl'iNl.S -· I · awtTERi • • ~~ . , · "8 ~illt!OIW. I . GT's . • Auto LM1lnt 9110 lJb w!tb black padded.,.. l ~A"D NI W '69 ~be! Th• P•op!!., t't..,~.!_1121 2. $.MN ==~:,.~~=~ ... --.. o°""--:Jw;M&me _ ... ~'61..:'.i. ·: t:i~~~..i:....iom =·-· All ND• : /LEASE 'EM, =t-~~ OOBEllillll ,.., llttl ~ _,_.... ' . ~ • -· ~ sn THIM TODAY!. r.mai.'Akc 1Nt to .... DoJlt.-, *Ill;:• "'°4.1~. .dMlll $12t5 a '68Cad CpodeVWe,""1pwr, -.. 'GenUe. -U!T loalt 4,_._, I ..,_ 1111 .ft', .. IOif4 Olllld. ''4 YW IUCO • • air, vinyl-· Drlvon only FALCON W ...... • 7VMI '1ltJD Prtvatit~ ....... MS.a. .' MG Real good tranaportaU()n. • 14,500 ml. Looks new. 24 ____ .....;,;_ __ P/GEIUIAN Sbepbmi l'U1>' • _..,. ·r ., Come drive thl.s. Uc. EMK-• • Q1()S lse at $149. mo. 'SS FAI.a>N Squire ata wq. plet tr.. ID pod home °""" 1ST TDs I: Ooea1I view lots. ' M I to $ Mon Uuu Fri. MG 607 • New '69 Eldorado, tun equip. Fully equip. 289 V-8 eng. ly. 6u-em 4!15 n-.de f()r tlOO,OXI cleai~"t. 65 FORD 1·-100 Vi auk>. Air SU.. Service, ParU $795 . • • incl air I: vinyl top. $220.87 38,000 ml. Xlpt cond. OJ1a • Whippet AKC male 494·ill7 Pullman camper. SUdiD&: Immediate Deliveey, '65 SUNIEAM IMP • '67 PONTIAC • per 01(), 24 m<1. lie. 11-'QJ ()wnef, $13Xl. 548-4667 aft 41 3 )TL to sood ~. Gd'. U'-3" Boston Whaler w/ =-Boot. $Ul)O. 6G-385l All Models Low mllaa:e and • rul lo1111,. Cpe. Fwll pow•r.• Eldorado U'19.40. PM . w/chlldren. 6tW249 4115 J~n or Evinrude motor. •, sharp car. Uc. RGY 948 •fi ct. •ir. IVJ14611 • SOUTH COAST • l.,=6l~FORO=~~Fal~co-n-S~ta-tion~ SERVEL Gas Refriacrator 673-'200 Camper Rtnttls 9522 ,67 orri.'hom •. $2695 a CAR LEASING w,...._ New"'°'· Worldnc a:mdltion. nda. door 300 W. Cout lfichway $325. · * 613-3179 gukel S4S..2B98 ~Aircraft 9100 COACH . TRAil.ER ·=~~n~r:1U:~r·s!: ~~ C:~ • :l .J64~·~~2182:,~N~•::;wport::;~Be=ao~h;;;I===;~~:=='=' l-SIAMESE, ',....; 'bik kit· I/5th ownonhlp of Cwna RENTALS predate. Uc. UKS 132 • ''4 IUICK LEASE _ RENT FORD tens, 6 wks. 615-1821 4115 170. Call after 6 pm lt'1 none too early to make OO W O:lU H N.B. $1Jf5 Wildc•t Cp•. A11to., PS .• CUTE. nutty kittens, 6 * 56-JSOO * ttservationa for SpJ1D& HoJ.. ~. t wy.S.0.l'l&f ''6 TOYOTA •F1ct: •ir. IOPJt44> • ALL POPULAR '64 FORD Sedan, v.a, auto., 4/lS idays! Authorized MG Dealer Crown Wag()z;i, Radio, heat-• $1395 • MAK ES very a:ood oond. $550 weeks old. 847-0691 Mobile Homo 9200 WEEK-END OR WEEKLY -~-· --~ _ er, white will ti.res. Lciw • FORD ~1828 BLACK .l White rabbit, --·~r ---· -546-0291 PORSCHE mUage. Room plus eecin· -• AUTHORIZED •62 FORD WAGON adorable ~l l/lS BAY HARBOR -__ ..;. omy. No. ~'1':t5 : '66 T·llRD • LEASING Sharp. 51,000 ml. orl&1"aL 3 KITI'ENS, box trained 2 ·Mobile Home Sele1 Dun.! BUftl~"-9525 .60 . PORSOIE l600, new @ Full pow•r, f•ctorv •Ir.• SYSTEM Owner. 548-6651 kme: haired. 835-7217 4117 Cua Lclma • Roll.A.way • ,69 ine · ti •1sLV4911 • Get Our Competiti•-a .1..... '58 RANCllERO ~-ton M H tte eng , pamt, r e 1 , .... .,.>qi RABBIT w/cage wtrlte rats .,.,..,ra anor • orne · re&90nable. 833-2369 • $2595 Theodo Rebull tramrnlaiOn !or peh only. M<>-76'9 "" &I · "":!'.'~ Dune Bu_CJC)ey .66 PORSCHE m. s ,,... • --: ROBINS FORD ~ - TOP SOIL NOW ON DISPLAY "h1eyers Manx Body" Road beige/ blk inL 28.00'.l ml. • '62 CHEYIOLU • 2CEO Harbor Blvd. '61 P'OR.D COHVatTtlLt Laguu Beach ~'.18 1425 Beker St. !~~Y ~~Uty~: =°"~·.,o·-=·,.""'"'==== HARBOUR ·~:~~ :=In& OZ"• O>ata hfeu. &COOIO ··A, . ~~ntl_LIVESTOCK \i block":'=borBlvd. Qmvcrtiblo top, Abooluloly SPRITE VOLKSWAGEN, INC. • CK63951l • *AUTO IWllG 'Gl'OklSJ'10ililllLW ... 1 Pob, General .. llOO 0... -• Cllil """"' liko new. Uc. UCY 910 Authorhed • $1195 • * cyl. ·-Qoo4 - tllul l969-20x52 SKYVILLA 2 BR. $2399 '67 SPRITE, pm. aind. $1,650 Sales and Service • • , • • • .., • .,... $ZIO. ...an aft t . RHESUS Monkey. Beau • Or best offer 67J...l7ffi M~ 18711 Beach Blvd. M2-4435 . Au.. ~ ::::::all &: excitie pet. $50 or best ()f. lrg ba. Completely crpt'd It 111&' or Evts 1967 VOLKS $mroot AM· • •67 llYIEAA • I COMPE"J'ETJVE PRICES 1 16Yl'u' •N f~. ~2638 drpg. Bltns, lJmcp'd. 1Ai blk FM rad!(). , Drir. blu~ ext. •c .... ,., full ... ,,, f•ctorr• Cort Fwox Auto L"tlnt '---":;;";..;.:.;.::::;c;__ to bch. $3,«JO down It take 224 Coast u1-" 1 · ,..._ ll20 ()\ltt payments or make SUBARU w/ wht int. Lo ml!eqe. ••ir. rTQV 1991 • N .Beach • ...,way J AVELIN '68. 390 AMX eng, i:-=•'-----'-"-' cub ottor. 5'&-1324 Xlnt '°""· 11<15. 64<-"'9 • $3495 • """'°" 84UttO Ml. P/S, P/B, Alr, mq · 2 ADULT Siameee cats, SUBARU '63 VW Sedan. excel c:ond. • • UMd Cin 9900 whll. RacinK Pak. $350 a:. altered. Cany1nc cue A ac-Motorcycl• , 9300 Rebuilt eng. New paint I: uswne bal. ~ll37 aft ceuorie1 S15 to a:ood home. upbolst. 675-2250 aft 5 • '66 CAPRICE • CHOICE: '67 Riviera bded. 3:30 642--7364. att s '66 HONDA. 338 Scrambler. 673-0000 Ext. 667 Relail Division ·65 CONVERTIBLE Cp•. Pow•r ••••ri1t9, ''''·• Xlnt c:ond. '61 Jlll\W' :s.1 ""'"="=-""-===.-.== 1-"======='I %. cam. new Barnett Clutch. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. F·. , • --.uent coMttloa. · •,1r1 •wttM•H1. fllM 11111 ltdan. AuU>, Ex: cond. Qt. MUSTANG Doge 1125 Fut back bar-!uter than <llSfA MESA 1000 W. c .. &t Hl• .... liv "h $llllO 'Ir a.2511 . I $"'2tl llce 838-7'94, home fl>.ll09 ' !'.:::!:.------"= the new 350 Scrambler. It-.. ch,.,..• '· -Ii a • · a , '65 Muatana" Conv. dllc ALASKAN Malamutes, for 842...QI02 MODEL-A Dune Bua:a:y , ~~ S:im~ · ' .~::tft,tJllinl•. ~· · ;I BUICK brakes, p/a, 4 ·brl, atierp ebow or brftdina:, AKC '67 HONDA 305 Scrambler shortened frame. Sharp! , 5'ltlllt .n.r t pY '" y•M,11 I . -car! $1400. 675-4967 Mon or reglgtered, healthy,· Black 1200 mt exint cond best of: Wi(I. 1701 Park St HB, SUNBEAM A= ; lhill _j I •aH . "' I IUJCK '64 Electra. Ht, Wed after 4, any t l me I: White colorlna: • • $75 fer ovt; $t00. 961-2731 ~2683 . JJl8 V'f/f,'&utt •Mm ._, I Ci.._ •'9t " • t " f/pwr, flair. Ori&' ()Wntt, wk-ends. and up . .m-3573 DUNE BUGGY "'8W til'lll Xlnt a o ft d , I'''" .... ~ •It •"4tt1e11•1 Xint oond. PFF 12 o. ,,;;67;:..;=M;;:U;;:sr~AN=G~300=--,.,,tlalt,..,.. CHAMPION '""'· AK C • Auto Strvlcu M•ill!lako BILL MAXEY llMM · • '"' CltDI 11 • · M0-30ll white vinyl .,P. "'°A tab. mlnilru.. Schna"""'· Mn. · __ &_P_a_rl_• ____ 9_400_ 1,l'l50:;;::-=====54&-665===·1 ''8 VW Camper with pop $1595 • '60 ELEX:TRA, cxoellen~ over pymnl&. Prtvt prty. &lU>n daye 54.7-9561 evee, I· ITlnlVIQITIAI top. Good C()ndltl()D. • • original condltm Nu t1ra ZTP~. ~l.2'19 494--3573 1556 CHEVY Frame • Imported Autot 9600 • a;;a.;._. ·-Reuonable. 962-97S2 · • , I etc. $395, LI 1-3587 '66 MUSTANG, R&H, atr CHAMPION1tock.AKC, 9DUd front axle&. steering . 1Ul1 BEACH ILVD. '63 VW Sedan, l()w ~. • 6' IUIC • '60 BUICK 2 DOOR. c:ond, Xlnt cond. Muet Rll! mln. Schnaur.en, ehots, tri& a:ear,. SlOO ()l' best ()ffer. 1617 AUSTIN HEALEY H 1 •---h •.A7 •sss Xlnt cond, pvt party, ~. •"!'lid~·· .4 do•r. F•ctory• Sharp. Air c:ond. ~7444 aft s::r> , mecl. g wb. sao. 839-{i140 Tustin St, Apt 1. Costa un • --... 646-1078 ,.,, •vto., po-r •'-•rl119, OOSH Setttr Pu AKC Mesa. After 6 Pfi.t 1965 AUmN C.OOper s. 100 ~ mJ N. of Co.ut Hwy. ()fl Bch • R&H. ISVX Ol•I • $279 54M651 '67 MUsrANG Conv. v..a. Qwnplon.u.d-J!dabots •WEBER45DCOECarhe~ hp, loadod, must .. n Im-TOYOTA VOLVO • $,5,95 .• CADILLAC ~~.C1~P.'l;.,~·ext 4 • MM789 raton: for TRl-C Compl• set-med. ~t offer over $1875. • MINIATURE -r up. Call ""'1S6"'" takos,<t. 673-"6l. $ SAVE $ VOLVO • '65 tUICK • CAD 1961 Coupe do Ville. Alr OLDSMOBILE Pap a: Sctu.uzer at atud. C S 1 • • • all pwr • low ml • •inde f-~;:;:;.;::;:.:.:::~;:;:;-caJI (213)3J0...6585 Trucb 9500 DATSUN , 'Executive Ir I • El•ctr1 coup•. Full pow•r, owner llqujdating estate IRA.ND NI W '69 Al!llla"4or Air celldlll,r'; V ... A11 .. ..... ,;1-. USID cos ~~ PA.YMIN1: '65 Clasilci 4 DI. SEDAN VI, f•c••rv ,;, ceitd., ,-wr. , •• ,,., r•dlo, h••••r. INU- 431 . $1395 '64 Ford ....... VI', •ufo. tr1n1., pwr 1t_.. 111,. ovc.tst. .!995 '65 Doclcie , ...... 'fl, ., ... tr•n1., pwr tt.•r· liCf, Hl 6'1. •1095 '65 Mustang J Dt. HARDTOP VI , •llto, tr•11•., r" ceM., Vi11yl ffff. NH.A 71. $159. '63 RluiiWlr -'MZA91'1-110, 2 4r. v1.~+.·tr•M., po••••••;L t6~. '65 Rambler 2 Dr, MAIDTOP Xf11t 2114 .,,, NPF OI i. 191 '66~ :r. J:..•zi:. ... ~-LI&. Tlll 111.~ ,, ••• Hurry Whllt They Leatl $ SAVE $ , • '"'''"' '''· • pry ....;,. Bnt cub otter 0i lllYERSITY . AKC Rea:". Pood1es. Toy'• I: t962 CHEVROLET F1eetnle L I c s I • $1895 • · MW'• l50 up. Toy Stud Ser. II ton pl<:kup !ruck. a• bod, '69 DATSUN fl a,.,; 1 Execut ~ ar • t 11400. ,.._76'6 · . · 5"1.:1851 or 5'1·9591 au.,matlc tranmrus.lon. VI SPT. PICKUP fQlt. WllO· Hurry Whllo They Laatl a • 1!16l· CAD Coupe de Vlllo, SALES & SERVICE : GREAT Dano Pupp~" ghow ongll<o, rad;o, hoaltt, big Low, !Ow, milos, radio, hoaC IMPORTS fi"''"'L•m:1 • '65 OlDSMOllLI • goodcondlnappeannce; on. OLDSMOBllf '61 Mfrcwy MAIA~Dll 4 ''· H.T. •uftolt .PS. '" 1lr. u.. N 016. $1491 quality, champk>n sired, nibber. $995. Dealer. 18835 er, 6 ply, dlr, olive a;reen. MU\ '411'8 •4 4,., H.T. f•ctory i lr,•, Jy 72,IXMJ ml..~ (ll'ty f995. _ , . fawn, 536-4758 « 637-1933 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. Take $125 euh deli, or take TOYOTA•fCn.¥0 lpow•r it••rlnt & ~r•k•••• !WT-IT'rl M prn, ilo ~ ...... 1 WA.Tm POB 540-0442 , trade. D 8025. Call Ken 494-1966 Hartm, C.M. • '*"1303 IHPORTS ••wto. fMOY 1461 • • '86 CA.On.LAC Convertftff, a.ta .._ 'TIS OPINING SOON '64 OODGE Van R&H, pond-9713 or""""' TOYOTA . 'IOYOIA.""'"' .• '$1191 l0,000 miles. Red •/bllc -u...i eu. - '6' Ford COUNTlY SQUlll · ·• crptd "~ Good -• . ·--~. CM. -, • • 1'!>. Loaded, xlnC oood. xlnt REPO. , . '65 ~---'-.88 ' Dr. T Tl.ON eu., • ...... ...., ~. •-Your Ad in our clauil!edaT ~ nanouo· ..,.,.,-..u.; TltANSPOR A l33-(ll12 eves. .. will . 1.1-b • • Un:e. &W-2171 led. Auto, tn.ne., air cond. f , .... vt, •ufo. tr•M., pow•r ttt.t. Uc. RPL 2J7. $1795 l --· -So'"""• be loo-~ ltEA~AR'l'llt• ''5VOLVOIMS ··u OIJISMOllLI ,.. 'a&iS:Cloo-'.Wblto hlk. Full pwr.: 45,000 ml. .... : ... fl & YKhts ~ VAN-RENAULT 1960. Needl ti. Dial Hl-5671 ELMORE .. Sport Co:lpt, 4 tpd, dlr, buck-•lnwry Wt,it. Full ,..,.,,. ltllr. all\' fllll JW. N...; tnp. ~· I>iQI:: 536la48; ewe- SCRAMLETS :U:*~AM. 3 71 DAILY~ WANT A.OS! -.t ..... lll'lft ·bla11Qrl $1S ·f•O.ty elr. llUP 1121 $1a Oris. ftDll' UMi91.1i I: weekends: 80-7085 WOO Beodl Blvd., 'w I $, ----........ • $2291 • Ill OE -'64 OLDSMOBILE - ANSWE ' Trucb 9500Trucb 9500 ,,_ -~la ... ~~IAI-• a, • '9CPl:.W; .... ...._ 88. CJrtolnal .....,., NeulY '66 Sunbeam TIOI R · Pocket -'Rainy·-Heroin -Radish -SPARE TIRE. Definition of an optim.lat: "A honedy that baJ'WI oa to the SPARE TIRE ol. an auto. mobiJe.'' 4-15 . 26' F AIRLtNER cab. cru1, -1hud, -· loelm, :It pl trnh water. Twin Oirys mar enc, nu 55 watt Slmpaon rad. Teak deck. Recent .:irveJ"• $m. OWner moving eut. mud all lull -17 FT. Perfon'Dlr. lllander De:luxe modll (Ill ~ flaal out-°"""' SlilP down cover. Bis wheel 11.t trafllr. PIO • m.t off· ... ~....-raftlr'tpm GUI' QllU3 Cnft. xim """'-Full ....... -..... ndlo. bait ..... - !Inn. u M6Jl3 . QIRIS CRAFl' 17'6 O::natr, 108 driw, 111 HP. W/ Am<r1oen tnlltr. T 0 P SHAPllfDJI. ...... ;:m I ~... '°" GI.All Ula!', -• ialJlrw. NEW """' • " IT.Ml5l2 * I• CAI.CA~. l'uli,. ba~ tened1 l30 Ill· ft. a.II : SDOd .cond. $615. m.-7162 SEE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRl.CES ! ' G l'vO C: 111 Ttll. LIADlll ' ' u~ . OLDIMo--•MC 2850 HAltlOll ILVD~ COSTA MIU. PHONI 540 N 40 '" -_,.. • • • Nn tram. &., batt'ry -...,. .....,. a . ftllff.fN ti ft£VO .. W: 'iliil 1111. • 'U MllC:UIT • -MMlft Allor I PM . .............; , A·l.-Noe<il _ _;;;;:.;.::..;;•.~ °'-'~ -* -. -C.lo0y ''" •:i-·'"11 iii Cid 5ii0 di VIiie _, npalr, lllO cub, "' '8' TR ~ mhrt -• ....... Mldlr I JI 5 0 • •r.;;" f,....., " I ua.. l'UU;T LOADEDI -. cnde&. 641-<m Must see to appreOat.I --• a tfl ·• • * ~ * ""'· ---· • 2195 .• '95CAD.Cpt.O.VD1o 2dr., PLYMOUTH NOCI lmpomd A-9600 :•••,!!••( ·=::.,. ";.i:"' xUsC ~ ~~M : IA.vAlt : CAMARO 1= .... =11111=mll=:;;:,;= nr;s"'1~nr.t . 11AD011W1RS • ,. CA>IARD. "·-Cle. uM1m ....,._, U~L:J~ •eomplotes.1 ... ,.,.,.. -~~~'II .._.*-,N ELMORE MOTORS •1 .. end Pert• D•rsrt·• -· ....... &lr<eori.t., o.;to; ""' ' ... -•"" ·-. -1N--·1Jn •m••t 1°' JA .. UA S. • ' CHMOLET 'llllno. lllO. ll4MIO ..,....n .., • .,. ,.._,,.. ••-•~ • S. ftle lielffitg I ' M.UJBD Convt. N a ,.,; J .... '"""I IT·ATION Wa aon; I f:i. ~~-mnd, ~ - _.. ....... . ..... ••••• P'Zl-1, 'G Cb••· ___......, "I' ! latpola. :m RP ..... -hiw 'II • na t11t • -• ~.1'b•"-·°"' -• "'E.1711 ST •• W'"' •1111 1---, .... -==D~- • 41 -·· • ew b &lilbi> M --!:!~:.._...._ • I ., , • .,.':i:ci..t_.., ... ootil.. T.-0 i.-. 1111 • .., . . ----.---..- VI, 4 ,,.M. l••ut. ••r lito ,w, 6 ••'· Uc. RRK JI I. $1995 '66 iambltr CLAlllC "° J 4,i H.T., VI, •11t•. tr••·• n,1 ..,, .• ". u •. s"'a 2•2 ""fll95 .. HOLIDA llS Veoas Vaclllon ) DAYS l 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO • Ol'IN: • loaded •textru. -· ., ..u -. Prvt ..., 7 DAYS n.,. ,,.._,m, "°"'" -, ;:11112;:11183:;;;~~_,=-..,.. .l "WUll •-, • • 6'75-lm6 1r. T-BIRD Luda.u. l'ac. air, ........... I .. IM ,. ' , N• P11rc••M N•CHUfY 15300 lelCh llhd. wes11111nster ' 194-3322 ON N7 DAYS • AND • '64 atEV. van. lib new !!pwr, dim-. -i\:,..,:;r:. • MNINGS • -....,,., ,.,.. ""' "-· Prl•"" ---• • 1515. ... llll5 '9 T-lllrtl, .......... HIM ._ '8' CJCEV. --C0-1<'.. IJWI' - GOOD llllAPE $"11. fl9iO. 1'15-'nll (MTA ... .. ll4tGU! " rra ---... WIA - l&Yt1t1tAdla""-' fl'll --· ... m. 642: 6023 --WCI! be lnoki"I !« D.t.ILY PllDl' a-• it. Dial --~=-=.,,..'.'.::..·.:.' ___ __.:~~~~.e~Si!Sii!:! !/>~BUICK H! ~,,, -~ • J>"<I• COSTA MESA ,, I I • f ~ ' T~, APl1115. 1969 ~ ' J ' ·--. - ' ' . TlllMll/l:Y IHSIOllllJ. · .? · SAVI/ISi t•t11 ··._. ·:·:- • "·D.IS·GOU NT: • iS ' and 1:op ' ' ' fAD e 12-01. 1AG .° , · - .T.;fu23c · ",ifiii·~: 2·. 9c .lfTUIEIT ~ r · '.iii'~MEATaa 59c ·, .aoLOHA ' . ' BEEF+iiiALES 1 O! . ,··Niula•KG. 29c . . ...,... __ -· .. _ I . ) ' . STORE HOURS DAn.V to.On" M TO ;,oo PM SAT.• SUN. 10 AM TO 7 PM I 5HAMPoo IN HAil COLOI: e 10 SHADES 2.fL OZ. OOlOt·• 2-R. OL CIEME LOTION -. llDETTES 166 OllLY ~~ SATIN l.A.tW SA10N.e HA.It UT SAYf:I: 100 I AafATI SATIN e flTS All PILLOWS PILLOW +cOLOIS 166 CASES a:.~w USDA CHOICE OR F All "TEHOSfUl • SHORT Rias·~ ' . USDA ~ OR ~ "Tl!IOE!fUI. • , ROU,ND. ' '' STEAK ' ' . USOA ·OIOICE OR FAii "Tf!l>llfUl" •UMlll~ ROAST • LEAN • DEPlliOA8ll ·QUAUTY Gro-.nd BEE' .~ ' . . 'GROUND PRESIMWLY RNSATIONAI VAIUI DECORATOR FLOWERS ATDISCPUllTl'llCIJ NEW SPRING AS.SORTMENT LIFE-UK! PlASTIC e ,LARGE c lb c lb c .. lb . ' VARIETY TO otOOSE fWOM. , ' . c FARMER JOHN o SKINLESS L I N K I-OUNCE , ". PACKAGE ·5.-AU.SAGE FAD Ol·fARMER JOHN 1-ll.'PACKAGE, . ' SLICID BACON c ri1c1i PMiioiil~.iiii.R: .69~. . . ' .· FILLET OF " ' . SCHILLING •·1~-0UNCE o JAYI 6c SPAGHETTI . SAUCE MIX 2:L1. PACKAGE • JAYI 16c GLOBE A-1 SPAGHETTI fAD·•'ll GAUOll CAITON o SAVI 17c IM·ITAIJOll MILK ~ DOV.ER SOLE "C lb. .c ;( c ' ! ·. ' . ' • I • l . 'j , ' \;J . ·~ • ' . • • '