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1969-04-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' ' ·' ... ' '4 . • • , '. ,. j "-· -a-. ' ' .. . .. . -"' . fl , ... ·,-:--, ,._~~t .... • • ~ .i..._.)..l-''1~· t , . , • ·~,,~ --.. ., ,.: . . " ' . ' ' . ~ ... " ·. ' ... ., . . . .. -. . . ' ..•. ·-~ ••,•1 ·' ' ... ~ " ~. . .. ,. .. ' . " . ' .. 1 { .:" ~ • • ' " .. ' ' f '* . ' . * * ' t -. .. , er * • . ' .. • • -. ' " " ' .. * ·*' , . • " • I ' •• --. •• ''THURSDAY',·AFJERNOOI'/: APJl~_ l7,, 1_969 . "'-.&.No. ..... IHCT .... S. JI P'KG~S .. • un '· i''·t i ::·:.:" a e,. • • : l . . -' .. . . * * * _AJso . -G-u.i,\_!y _ • l .. ' .. . ' .. ~ · .. '· .. ..... ~t • I . . I I -I' ,. •. ~ '1 ·, -, ... 8 ...... · .. "iflf.,' ._ I ':1""1:.'.'"j ·1n· · · ·ea · 1·' ',• ': ~ '' ' .l i , ~ I • ., .. • •. '-' 'l ! ';I'. ... ,. - • • I ' • 1 I DollLY Pll.Of • ra: ,, .. 11.l'M . ~-----------------------------------'-' . ....--.wv~~~----.UV~<UJ4-. -. What Jet Noise ·Can I Do ·for · You r ., ~ P. COUJNS . ., ............ , I tWU: k'I time lb.at IOl:JM'U!ll aid IOlllllldlC llico about Ibo ~ al ' Orllllt Counly Ailport. I Let'I Ill.ft with all that alleged nolie, Some people uy tt's too loud. 1llO)' ssy 11 · can ruin property values. 'Ibey 111 it'• drMnr tMn 111111. They say loot al Pl>ya del Rq. I AB rit~t. Ut'1 look al PIOYa de) Rq. Since tbo jum- bo jea -Into Loo AD(eJes lllte· m1looal Ali1>o". what'• hlppened! 'l'hiJ is wbat'1 happened : crime ill lhe -Is ill that comrnwrlty bas all bul disappeared. So hu automdlile traJlic. So hlYI mall o1 , : ,· ffinshaw Gets · . -•I s· . -.t-ii • : J.J: Q,f'pnnsers _ . For Prese..Ves -Oranp Ollmty -Andttw J. • Hinlbllw ub<J coonly supervllon kw - • and got -six addl1looal appralsen ad- ded to his staff at a cost of $75,000 a year "to cope with the heavy worklold • brought on by lhe agrkulturol Pl<"'"• status" granted to more than 100,000 acres of county land. lllnshaw told 111pervisors be 1111111 change the basis for usessmait ol the property. . "Previoosly we valued a 11 ha provements trees, fences, pipelines and so on " the assessor said. "Under tbe new. I -01.......la 10 setup, we must change our mll:WUU!a. Hinshaw said the flood damage pro- blems had further added to the: workload of his staff and that without tbe ad· · dilional appraisers he could not complete survey of tbe fann 1anda by the June JO deadline. The requeot was.,..-by a 4 to I - with 5uperv1s« -W. Battin diam-ting. · "This 11 adding Insult to Injury to tbo taxpayera <i Orange County," be argued. "We saddled tlfem With al1diUonll tues with the preserves and now add more U· peruse." F,.... Pqe l : ·spy PLANE ; •• . ..., tbo IJ.mlJe llr and ... 1imlls clalzn. . "" by Pyoogylng. . ~ ·· The Delmle Department Aid tbo U.S. "· ¥estroyer TUcl<er, 1<11t to the ocene fnm lls baoe 1n SUebo, Japan, found the lint r :bodlea. The Tucker and a slxler I d..UO)el', lhe USS Dale, w... leld!D( the aearch operation. together with two ,.Soviet llhlpo which quickly joined 1n lhe Operation Tue9day at U.S. request. • , Ofllclall beld out little hope from the l . .outad that any of the crewmen ~ have lived very long in the cold waters cl I tbe Sea of Japan, even H they mrvlved · 1he crash. Both the water tempruture , the air temperature were reporttd ., .• --40--aegree:s. -- ~ Just how close the aearch operatlona i might go to North KO<U wu unclear. I .. About three and one hall houn after an-- " --nounctng recoveey of the flnt bodies 17 : --mnes [rom tbe 1ite of dbcovery of tbe ! "first alrttaf\ debril, the Pentq:on i.aed • a statement wbicb aaid: l ~ . "We have been adviled by the INl'dl t. ·forces that aome ol the debris ii drUUnl j . fnm far out at 1ta toward tbe cout d ., 'Ncrib Korea." • , . ! :Bank Control Urged l : WASHINGTON (UPI) -'MleNb<on ad· • :.mlnlltrallm today came out 1n favor of i ~ federal control over banking con-t :&)omerotes, but opposed stronaer JegllJa. I -ttoo that would virtually ootlaw banb from engaging 1n non-bonk!nl adMUes . I ! i . ' • I .' .. ' . •• . ... ! . ; . ' 1: • • _. ". : .. • . . '. . .. .- DAil V PllOT ....,., .... . .......... ..... --_,..., . c-.- CAUPOlldA 01tN10a COMl PUIUtMIMO ~Nff ...... H. w .... ,......,, ... .._.. ...... JNl: l. C.,...., ... ,.,.,,.... -G-.• ....., n_..K...a ·-n.... A. M.,,..IH .......,,. ltl• -Qlslli .... t -.., ... ....., ......,.....,_im1.,., ..... .....,. L..-.-.-:m,.,.._ ........ -..ai••-- \ ' 1111 )llOlile.' PllJ• dll 1111 i..s., 11 a ton w1111ou1 ~ -... JG I« tbaL Without thtlr ootse, lt-1 bave been done. But there'a. more that CID be said fot jet nob<o. ror lml1111ee, It: -or-GUI boring cooveraallona. -11.-Ibo rinr ol unwantod Wophaoocalla. • • lfo!ra -._..TV_. -~lobaar. . --'-,.. """' bw1o( Ibo yalll " Jhll $tmlt ... .,. ... kid --lalJf lDlo .,.., pool So lei'• bear It I« Jet ...... Now, wbal aboQI Ille -a!Joce4 I""" blam -aD Ibo! fUtJ lbal -lo Ibo ground aftar a Jet tuea rm I Wnk _.. who compla!n abotll It c:ovtt1n( U>eJi grus, fencea, rooftopo and .•uh hung oot to dZ)' are overlooking PILOT LOGBOOK -.. mll:)ily lmporlaDI. JtlSlead of ........ It <ti-wrill8lttl It aui-4he1 abauld boWe ~ . t ... II II rnabs llollnr'TIT'I ... fhlnk- 11 cm do for the fasiillJ car. nere. I aid ~ Ike. about Ibo Jell. Maybe tl>lr will-Id me a fl« Air cat flllbl to San --• • • U there'• anything the Sirhan Sirb1n trial bu dtmoastrated, it.'1 t bat ' ...-"'""' ~ ~.~'") li"'' DAil T ,!LOT Stiff ....... Educational Weasel Lawson EvBJtJ, 10, fourth 'rad er at' Aliso School in Laguna Beach, and Karen Linden, 12, a sixth grader, observe Harold the Weasel, who showed up al school Wednesday. Harold was caged for observa- tion by studenll. Harold 11 doing hiJ share of .observing, too. Reds Want Military Win Over V.S., Claims Lodge PARIS (UPI) -Amhlasad0< Henry Cabot lAdge today accused North Viet. nameae Defeue Mlnilter Gen. · V~ Nguyea <ltap <i aacrillclng !00,000 Uvu in a fuWe attempt to win an American Dien Bien Phu ln Vietnam. He told Hanoi to give.up all bopea <i a mJlllary .Yldory. Glap ""' lhe arch1toct ol tbo Vlet-nameae victory over France in · the FreDCb lndoc:hina War whl~h endtd with the victory over the French forcea at Dlen Bien Phu in 1154 after RVen yws of flght1ng !bat devutated mOll of tbo couil!ry. Lodp accuaed North Vle!Dam of beillg pj]ty'of a large number of vtolatlom of Ihtematlonal agreement.I coverina Viet-nam. LOos and Cambodia and agaill urg. od llano! and the Viet Cool to lllart Im- mediato cJilcuss1on of lhe timu!Uneous withdrawal of foreign lrooJ>I from South Vietnam. •1Peace will not come to Vietnam as a rtSUJt of military operations IUCh u thole yw hive bffn conducling since the eM of February," Lodge aald at today'• eessloo of the Vltt.nam peace talks. "Your conUnued punull of military vic- tory can lead only to further fulJ1o loss of life and de5tructlon. '' Lodge took issue with r e c e n t at.atements made by Glap in an interview with the Italian .... tty Lew.peo. "From all appearances, your aide ii dUl punu1ng military victory," Lodge a&id. "Apparently 1 th.la ii the vtew of Gen. Vo NIU)'en Glap. In. a recently publlabed interview read by mlllloos of people around lhe world, Gen. Gllp ocorned the neaottaUons ill Paris and lall:ed Instead of llTfnl the United Statea a IOIJN! mllltary liuting." Lodge ssjd Gllp had cipenly d<ctared be -&ht "An American Dien B1"11 Pbu" though be had !Oii ball a million mea. Study of U.S. Defenses Slated WASllJNGTON (UPI) -- SecreUry ¥elvin R. Laird ..-.need to- clq piano kw a -.ii new llludy ol tho tntk'e U.S. ''defenee corrununl\f,'' cover-tnc beth ff.a "m!aioo" ml it I perfm:nance. Lalnl aid hi would _, nome a "blue ribboo pone!" to conduct the lludy. Laird, who had advoeated tueh a study when be wu a W1Jconsin coogresanan. aaid the panel woukt conduct "a thonJQfh. Independent a n d objed)ve atucly <i the Dtlenu community." Ill a inpor<d speed> for a luncheon ol Ille American Society ot Newtpaper E<titon at the Shoreham Hotel, Laird P'Ollllled be would e looo what ha8 been railed the Penl.lp's "c-rtdiblllty gap." 0 'I'h15 terTlble and futile sacrilice of half a million human belnp apparently doa not deter Hanoi in.JtS quot for vie-. tory," he Wd. "Gen. Giap Wd em- pbaUcally that North Vietnam was determlned to suffer and sacrUice u long as neca.aary, even as long us> yean1 to win complete milltary victory." South Vietnamese chief negotiator Pham Dang Lmn alJo attacked Giap'1 statement and joined In the accuaatlon Uuit Hanoi had repeatedly violated the Geneva agreements on Indochina. North Vietnari'l's chief delegate Xuan Thuy and Tran Buu Klem, ·~oreiln minister" in the Viet Cong'• National l.iberaUon Front, rejected the charies of the violation. They again contended that the United States presence in South Viet- nam wu the aole cause of the conflict. Supervisors ~K Welfare Branch °''"" County 111perviaora Tue>day approved a bid proposal to build the coonty welfare department's first new branch office near Magnolia Street and Westminster Avtnue in Garden Grove. Five proposals were received for the west coun_ty branch and the Real Pro- pertlea Department tmned only two of them acceptable. Winner was FVWG Properties for a 11).. year Jeue on a 14,000 aqua.re foot, one slCf'J' bu.Udbli on 50,000 equare feet of property, Parking for llO can will be provided. Rent for the 10 )'W'I wW be $30S,S40. Submitting the llOCOlld ae<eptable bid waa the Clock Company for a Ille on Edwards Avenue near tbe Sin Diego Freeway in Westmlnster. Heavy traffic in the area ruled out this locaUon. Air West Shifts To Long Beach starling Monday, Air West't Orange County operations will shift to Long Beach Munlclpal Airport for two weeb, jt WU announced today. The transrer will permit Air w..i to conUnue scheduUng 11 dtparturu a day f0< county pauengtn during repaving of the main runway, tpOkeamen for the Une said. Fllshts at COOnty Airport will ruumo Saturday, JllY a. Air Wtll pl'OVldH 1ervlcu lo Lai Vegu, PhotnU:, San Dlt!O and El Centro. It u ... both pure jet and jetprop aircraft. '"1doolov '*1 It, al beol, • loesoct -· -tlla aid d""' .. b •• P'Ycboloclall -to be -• .,, with IC!entlltl and ,_.alo? Now who do !" lupl lo for .,..,ID(ful ad•lco? · S1'!m1 OnwT, lllol'I -• • • 11Mn'I a Ill( -nalJf Ill( -pobr ...... Join( ... Jn ~Buch. And Nftpolt'a )IOllce -wlllft tt•t al. But · lhore'a 1101bJa1 tllaJ -do oboul It. Tl>e ...-: It'• "' a 'Jlrivale ploM. WbJch maUl 11 dlflbdl,... Ibo -.. -down the doon. IJ It ....,.. lo Newport Pftr or 11ar11ar lUgh's auditorium, thou&h,watch out. Tba1'1 today's aclualve. · ,, , ,lt.l J.@~ "'-" ...... .JIJ -i '""·~· Final Tallies Give Rodda, Keene Victory Final vote totala for Orange Coast Junior Coqege District todov -n~ .~ ........ ft_,,-~ -~-~ mm U'allll"p nvuua ..ir. Won i •ww·1"ll" term on the Board of Trustees along with Worth Keene, who wa1 unopposed. The final tally showed: Tnistee Area 1 Keene (elected) -12,93t. Tnuloe Area I Rodda (elected) -12,571. Jofm L. Vauctm -1,538. Results were sielayed unW workers at the County Schools Office could COWlt the ballots themselves. Orange Coast Junior College official.a had hoped their votes woold be tallied by Huntington Beach Union High School District election workers, but it waa not. Partial returns were available Wed· nesday "ifrom the Newport·Mesa area where unified acbool dlstrM:t autborttie:a bot lhe junior collele COWll wbile ta6ulating their own balloU. Rodda, «. Corona del Mar, is an in- cumbent who has served on the board two JDOQth5. He was appointed to succeed J. O'Hara who lnadvertenUy moved jll!f. outside the juni<W" college dl!b-ict botJn. dary which does not jive wilh dty or ~ school district boundarf<s. Keene, ol Seal Beach, II the eurrent board president and bu aerved two previous four.year terms. Vaughn. wwho ran far tn arraan of Rodda. ii an 0ranie Coast College stu· · deal ho his been ptlb1nJ for • Students fO< • -· 9odel1 (SllS) cba!W oo the campus. African Chiefs Meet MONROVIA (AP) -African ebiefa of states gathered 1n IJberla today for a summit meeting on the Nigerian dvil war amid signs that teeellloniat Blafra wants to tall: peace. 'Play's the Thing' "· Faf'·l!~el 'ri"S!oter'Mt\'811a• 1116Cki•feJloV'li11!!{ j>l11yed by CryltiJ Payne and Jane Koehl er with reaction to punishment in this scene from "The Cradle Song," to be staged by Huntington Beach High School thespians at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday in school auditorium. Student players visited convent to prepare for roles in play. UC Regents Face Student Limitation, Bond Issue BERKELEY (AP) -Problems of tho University of California's crowth, the pcw:lblllty of a new bood laue or even. tual limits on enrollment faced UC Regents today. The university'• governing-board open- ed a two-day meeting on the Berkeley campus with discussion ICbeduled on future growth in the face of budget llmlll. The board al3o prepared for a renewal of an attempt by Regent F..dwin W. Pauley of Los Angeles to remove from campus chancellors the power to hire profeuora and associate professors. UC .v1<1o Preaid<nt Elmo R. Morgan ~·!"regents tolfay oo tbo nlne- c;ampua sjltem's building program. Gov. Reagan'• 1969-70 budget sliced the university's T e q U e II t "°e d construction budget from $96.8 million to $34.4 million. "Either our stated policies and long..uJ.o ed 1tandar(is are greaUy in error, or we are beaded for a day of reckoning 110me two or three y~ars hence," said Morgan, vice president· for physical planning and constructklll. ! "II Is Important to keap In mJn4 that the effects of 1989--70 funding are not really felt unW 1'71-72." Last month, UC Preaident Cbarl" J. Hitch told the board about some of the poaible alternatives that could be used to nm the university w[thln budget limits over thf: next several years.. One wu more control limits on enroll· ment. The university'• enrollment is about 102,000 this achoo! year. - Regentl decided to consider the pro- blems of UC growth' this mooth. Regent F.dward W. Carter of Los Angeles sug. gested the poaibWty of a bond luue aolty for new UC med.teal, facilities, a major project~ under way. Phone Rates to Jump ATLANTA (UPI) -Many telepbone sub!cribera can es:pect a five to 10 per· cent increaat In local rates ln the ,near future, a~g to the chairman d. the board <i tbo American Tet.pllooe and Tel"i'aph CO. al JJ. J. (Jarrell; 'J' RANBCEPT -drfinltivt <M-""'l' fvmituro from Htdrago A mphilticlttd ntw HERITAGE collection.eontemporary In mood but with tht rich nstnhtt af trtdltional deslvn lnflutnct. Tr1mcept was d1Yeloped to capturw th1 took af today's homn In style, fin ish and t1xture -1'1ook sten ln ttit contmu of aid bride, c4d1r stm-. rough 11wn lumber ind othtr natural nw1wliel1 ot contampoJary trChittctUrt. TranlCIP'-mt1ns "c:h1nglng kt-. .. In our lntlll'JM'tUtlon of this GOf'CtPt. we'w ulld Olk 10llds and PfCkY'PIC#'.,... ,,... with Pffdm ICCtnts tn pltalng combin1tiom of Plfq\ltt, htrrl~..,. pl1nk Md ftuttd PlltlmS. You'll apprecirt1 th• ridlnm of th• woods and the luwou1 finish -tht warm and Inviting 1tmosptltr9 that TraNCtPt win provide. You lhould eon.ldr r,.,..,,r for your homa S. our dltp/1y of thil irn- "°""1t ,.,,t:Oll«tlon aoon. H.J.GARRETT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INTUIOR DES16ND.S , 1111 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF • 6411-0271 Hll-0276 I I •I 1 .. I I . . . .. •' ... " .. • • ... ~~-·--~ . • -............... -A ... ~ _Uontingion Beaell . • EblTION ' • ·, N.Y. Steek• voi:. 62, NO. 92, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PA'7£5 THURSD!A.Y,'APR~ '17, "1969· • ' ' % ' . I' B9"1tington Ganfiglat ' . " 2 B.ank_!to~he.~y_ • • Suspects Nabbed By TERRY COVILLE Of 1t11 D.il1 f'lltt Staff After a brief gun battle, Huntihgton Beach and Foontain Valley police, Wednesday captured two men suspected er armed robbery moments earlier ol the Bank -"-A'merica at Brookburst Street and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beech. Police said l'atrol units quickJy block· ed ott nearby streets and spotted the auspeeb aiong Ellis Avenue.in Fwntaln Valley aft.er the bank robbery alarm was aounded at 11 :50 :t.m. Fountain Valley detectives Fr ed Noone and Jack TroU gave chase and followed the pill' into a new .resklential area weat of Ward Street and north of Ellis Avenue. During pursuit, the suspects fired at Mystery Veils TV in Beach the Fountain Valley detedi.vs, hittin& their car once near a spotlighL Sgt Nourae rdurned the 1;,.,, hitting lhe suspects car twice, police said. Arrested were Raymond A, Vigneau, 43, ·a janil<r lrom Lomita, and pnosenUy a federal parolee, and Kenneth R. Werner, 11, of Long Beach, also a federal parolee for a previous bank robbery in Huntington lleadt. · Both metl Wen! finally captured at San Carlos Street, near Ellis Avenue and Ward street in Fountain Valley. Nourse &aid, "It Jooked like they were getting ready to take off again wrtil thole bullets hit their car. Then they stopped." Two Bank of America tellers, Mrs. Lucy McAndrew and Mrs. Ann Moore were brpuJht to the scene of the &rT'l!St, where they assertedly identified the men as lhe paJr who robbed lhe blnk moments earlier. Mrs. McAndrew also was a vicwi\ (If lhe Feb. 25 robbery.~i\he Aid lhe two matcbed the descrjplioo ol the men in- volved in that crime. "Tbe ooe wbo siood in the door did more talking this tllJ\e but they wereo 't M • . ·ff · nearly as polite," she said, I ~e .~-e~e .ti~ • ..i:_:.ii ;:.: ~ . lnlci4'•!;.,,DIY~,.loday ~,;!ha "2!'.es.!1¥.:11,~i:a~~l:i m;1\t ' ----;·:d···· ~ -,..; -tliiii~~ ...... allil !~·follo;ria( -el~ clrallt ~ 'I ' "' ' '''.;"'!' .~1.0 I -~--~--~!Jld.ati · . P'.lllkie mi ·t11e1 ·,__ .• 111 ,cf-,-lliiiilliiil~Mid~iaan<eslitumiieol" a!01en .....,.,. O,k11<slo<kinl ..._,;, ' Pon"irtiplllc nl.tiriala ,;ere .i\.o lilt ol pOllce·radiQ ilpal calla, two bom '1let<dlJ'·'<Oallacal<!I at the EiiecuUve ol extra llDDluoltion !or a ,4t' caliber .... , Salon sauna -·kir,' 1704 Belch aulomallc pialol, two llolen U.... plat.. ~~. . ~ riaed , .. ~ ov<r •uiOtJnlplatO., fd. lJec!i>esdaY IS del<cti,.. arrested and•the suspecta' porole papm. . 1rnee--, ="el jP1g women wer. charged Both auapecta ...,. booked into Hun- 'With .. oi~iiln'el pi'ootltiitlon ml Deleo-tinglat Beach city ~I .., char... of tt.. Sgt -.t' RhliielWt sald ~ armed .-y, P'euiiai• Valley poliee thit adi:litiooll complaints rday be are expected to file adilitional.diarsea of b tbca1rlinio • .: · o tlee GVNPIGlfl'; hit 'I)· Camera equipment taken from Uie . • 1 istabllahment• Will be'1 examined by In~ . 1..ugators 1rom the 0nmp eoupty Nauy in Contact With Brother of l'istrlct Allorney's office lo delmnlll.-· T' whether its use may have been criminal. Arresting officers said lhe video lape- aqulpped instrument WU booked to cameras overlooking the individual stalls where the three suspects did whatever was done with customers. Patticla M. Shelton, 27, of 7791 Slater Ave., Loil Masters, 21, of al7 11th St., both of Huntington Beach 11ddresses, and Betty J. Cootello, 19. el 1""" Beadi, 81'1 au free today "" 1315 bait Arraignment for the· masseuse trio Is tcheduled April 22 at 9 a.m. in West Prange County Judicial District Court. Per800llel at the sauna-massage clinic owned by Mrs. Emma Van Buren \old i• ve>tiptlnl officen lhat the equipment wu med to make !lft employes coo- ducl'!f themselves l""l"'ly. "We will be ta1kmg to the dlatrid •l· tomey concerning the entire operation of the sauna ~rlor," Sgt. Rhhlebart u1d io. (S.. MYSTERY, Pap I) Plane Victim Navy o!flcials cootinue lo keep·ln cloR coolacl willl a lluotlnaton Beacb man whole ,brother wu GJe al 11 crewmen abporo • u .s. IJJY plane abot down bf N...U. Koreon flibtm. Mn. Edwanl w .. c..m.r, 11161 Baitlell Lane, Wf''1th1rN&VJ ii ·~'eeplq111y bu&:. -well lnl<nned liloul lhe llle1dtat. but "" m unable. lo ...._ lll)'lhlil1 Giber. tllan· -illfilnnallon ... hll background ••• Tiie vicllm. 11.,.ur old A1btrt Greiner, bad been ln lhe Nl'J -1115 ~ WU , nioocl lllil educated !II' Iowa. 'Illa cumnt rankilA\'latlonElectridin'1llaM?l!'• Tiie plane, a propol!lr-cnl\ WU abot don _., thia -.... lhe Grelnen, Iii nat el .... ---b7 Na,Y alllciala TlleOdoy nlibl: SIRHAN GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER Jonlanl•n 'Convicted f»! S.natar Ken~y'1. D•i11Jth . ~·k . P4~11!m,-.. ... f _ •v·:·. -.' l·'" ' .Riw~~;,W:;)rkef:..~~~ . -· W 6f:rien, '!Vegro Pt.qgress By TilM BARLEY Of .. o.itrPllM...., American women, and this nation's black people have a lot JJ;eommon when tt·comea·to·a lho'rough affaljsis of variods forms of discrimination, civil rlghb worker Aileen C. Hernandez told League ·1 ol \\'omen Voters convention delegates Wednesday night in Anaheim. She brought some .500 banqueUnc, LW:V workerS to their feet With a standmg ovl.· lion wben she declared that "American WQmen have made very little progress towars true equality since the 19th Amendment was paased." , The Los Angeles industriaJ consultant, ·a former member of President Jobnaon's Equal Employment~ portunUy Commission, warned her GriJ\d Hotel audience that very little progress woukl' be made until "such organlzatiom u )'llUl'I take a )ead in forcing Americab WfJnM!n to face illues. ''We're pretfy goo4: at sloganizing," she said. 'BUt ifs one 'Wng to say you've come a lq wa, baby and ll's another lhlllc lo lake a long hard look al l1ie laauea and eumine ~lo lhe polnl lhal women will be ~ed lo take over the role U.,'Ye """ but ·'!bich lhey donil aeem lo lla -lo Implement" --deploi.d lhe failure " women.., t.a thdr place Jn the nation'• pt!l'blDeDl ail aD levels. "We have only three womm ln-wi Ritt assembly and none In the senate," lhe said, "and It i!n·t uniil y00 get dmni tO Ult 1eve1 of our boards of education th.it you 'flnd wOmen rep~te(f in 11\Y strenith at all. · · "One reason I'm given Is that women shrink frlKll go Ii tics 41 -.dirty business," Miss ltemandei said.' "'nllt rriay well be but we mustn't al!<fr it to pre-.;em 1u. !roll), c ..... ipg.our ptace Jn~ ~ctUl"I al poUtlcs. "We· mllil ·assault · the8e · bastions of. male supremacy and 1et our &el inlo governll)ent," &he declared. "We are in. I.he posjtion of being the obj~ of male aUectiorrbut not of"lD6le·reBP.CCt and this woojt do. "Just like the b~k J>e91>it,~' she aaJd, "our talents and eneflles. ar, being con- fined in namtw BIJ!BI and tba\'s tbe way the men want it: Work all you like baby· but not where tht wt>Uc can see you. '' Al)d' qain_llke 1he black peopk, 1' said; Miu Hemandei, beneU a Neg:rq, ''We want true equality,-we w.ant our place in1 the sun. We can '.t atald back.and wait for Lhe implementation that iii alwa)'!'-pro.- nllsed but never appears. . , • . .. . "If we can just get into the political arena," the speaker said, "we can play a ltontendoulp'fl Ip. V.en'. dllferenl mail' ntr lo lhe tradlUonal me-cm~ by men. "Too manytb,en toe the party line,,. ' (See Gui, ,,.,. I) " .. Dunn to Resign As Chamber Head County Nixes Apartm~_nfS · • ') ' ' RFK' s Assassin LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan was found guilty todar_ of first degree murder for the uaaulnation of Sen. Robert F. K~. 1119 jury DOW must decide on ~ent -life or death. ' l The seven men and Ave women, wfio deliberated 16 hotir1 and C2 minutes before reaching their vtnllct, lo'!"d.th~ Y.OUDg Ar•b W¥ ~ta!· Jy capable of mature meditation belore. lhootln& down the ·~tor,lut Junes. , . When tbe verdict wu announced Sirhan, who had been nervOUJl.Yi chewing at bis fingers, ~ straight ahead and showed DO OIJlC>- tion. After; a one-day recess, the same jurors will ~eat ll!guments u to whether SirbaD.'s fate abould bl Ufe Jm.. prlaonmenl or a ... i-lo the pa dlamber al San · Quenlln. Tiie pinalty W-ls ezpected lo lui only I "" doJi hi contnst lo lhe 15-weel< trial Tiie prooecullon alnady bad - ed it would not ... t lhe death penalty Bodies of Two On Attacked Plane Found· but would tell lhe jurors either aenleoce . , . woiild be j111t. • WASHINGTON (UPI) -The bodles el Jury foreman Bruce D. Elllolt handed tl\'O of lhe·l1 crewmen el lhe U.S. reco1> the paper wllh the verdict lo a baWlf nalssance plane shot down b7 N...U. .who showed It to Judge Herbert V. Kore&n MIGs ·~ recoVered tnm the W alw and then puoed it lo Mn. 'Alice sea today. The· White Houae noted aharp- Nlsbibwa, the court <Jerk, who nad lt ly lhe .plane wu unmlstakably In 1.: as the -2$-year-old Sirhan lls~ .in-ternationll air space -at the1lme d the tent!)'. attack.' (Related stories, Page 4) The jury •• .find the defendant, Sirhan' President Nixon's · preu . ~ Blshara Sirhan, guilty of -in vicila· RooaJd Ziegler !old reporters In tba ftnt tion of SecUon.117, Penal .Code:. • felony substanUye Wbi&e HoUll"qmroenl ~the as charged in c.ountl ef.tbt.indldrolnt. incid~: ~ ; ~ , • W•'1urlliei !!Jiii tt. lo 1il. ~·a .... "lllert could· Ila .. -• ...... on lint degree," ahe mtoned. •• • lllo. _,. "' ilia !(,...• -/l!f lo .. ~ also ·WU faund ~lty el ,.,_.10CaU~ili'u., ~ ......... KW noi . ,,~··· .n:,:.;::.~1~ tl!e= ~'ft~_.., JD, el ... tlllJ p~·-.... . .... fl ... --· .Qi.,' "'""ln tbe pantry -~-~~· . ·-. sador HOtel lhe nlabl ol Kennedr'• U . illll!i<l -·-·- victory ln lhe Caiilornia Jlmidellllal. 14 ilimle. .. ;/~:;:. l:!:.i: prini.11}'· -~ lil inrOrbauoUl aJr -·. . ' · 'I1ie 1'two bodiei tA. the creWmen Wm. P>~ty Residen~ Ma·y Get Bi:eak On Tax .Deadlj'ne' , . • ' f• t' • r · A glimmer ol hope appear.;.. mi tbe, horiJoo , today • fbr t nearly 111·1 i;I1·11 homeowners who failed to .irieet this. week's deadUne fl¥' applicatkm Gq '10 property Lu relun<I• being pu1ceq_ad. !IY• Lile county assessor's office.. ''t• . i , Assiitanl Cbiel Depuly -Gary Cottrell aald leaillallon , ls lleinl• In- troduced in Sacramento wh,ich would. ~' appl'Oved;exlend. lhe ·applica\iOll ~ lor I further 45 day1 from the Api'U )$, deadline. • ' And he.ha! been lolormed. he uld tliat Los AngeleJ County ."*-P,bllllp. wwoo ii ailO :a.klnl <i"•· llOntld Reagan to extend the filing period. 1n eltber event, Cottrell llid, It will' give ' a ~ chance *9 118,• homeowners who did 1IOl "'binll thelo 1968 and 1989 property la• redllctloo claln11 lo·bis oflloe•Hil final anaiy'"! "?;' day..<eye&!ed' Iha~ d IH.'11 l\lfllll ""1" ed to counly realdanla, stlll,511 bad been rettll'fted! . . • . ' • ' • A51ea5or•9 taidel tftake DO • ltCfet of • thOlr dlaa~ at lacl: ol public ' -lo a tr-publicllY•W!'-palp by tbat oll!ce lll Ille ·-k before; deldllne." I ' , . They .,. ~~ disappolnlod al .tba · reo-·by N-for 1989 -.iptiool • ln propert7 ..... Of 111,511 claim '"""' ' mailed ln tba countt ap, or •·-t of ---· lllOd -COllJllietad . dcbamam wMb Utt county JtiJ ! II gr-· · R ,II e_...i tbat fJO cbeckl. wl1I ba • rilalled ·tb._iaf• ~·by t11a1 ~ ~·· ollloe ln late J-' ',,,.._In ...... -f-Illa IJeibWUn'• .... 'to 1reQlmt -OV9I' • auMribtd 11111 -'la toaa la tba public ln' lhe -el property lu ... llal. Thal reUol will ba .mndod'l<fl• .... ~ perty Ines in the form ol a l'llO - men! .. ~· • ". IO\lild· ln lhe Sea <i( ia)iop bf•,. U.S. dem.'yer and the ¥......., -~WU vitlu&lly oo bope ol flndlar any Of the men aliv,. 1 . )'do<. plecea el, wreckqt. Ule jockels and other. dabril !nm lhe '""""""'" plaht aflo were _.,~~· SiJml ft·~ Wll laid , lo be drlftii>i lowird NortlL ~ Coaital Wa'ters. ; . ' ~~~~~.r--~1'(.~:· , Ni4oft r-wijl IPtlk oat, on ;Ula ..,Meet. Jtinwlf J'ridly ·at ·an I:• I&' PST1 -l conlennce, lo be .......... Im •< ~ .. and radio.. -·~· • Ziegler reported tbat NiIOa cmlernd: until well •aU.·milloilbl"" tbtllfd. al- t'.ack -hll cb1el W!>!if·Hm.-lonlp P'l~ ~ ..... Dr. ,ijelrf A, ·~. and the two continued lo -.... Illa. day. The first bodiea -.,,. of an ~and . one el"an enl~l••hnaa-·were;~ picked up 17 mllea north ol lhe lite wbere tfie· linl' appiinnt' irfec&p "Irani ' die plane•wu·-~ nlll!I. .-a houri an.r ··-ahl;t down~ • ; ·~centoreltbe ___ _ tO be about 110 milaa r -'ftwal tllo I North Kanan · -...i .e1 Cll'<!Olllo •bur. lhe ~-JlepartnieS Uld.0-~ d;bril lrom lhe loot plane WU • closer lo l1il -~ ..... IN...U. K.,_ -!mlil a booatlnl efj ~Illa,..,. mtor. ~ " lflh¢11 ~· clljmo;j " it .• IJ'ld vlola&d the c..mmin11t' colinlrJ'•· illr Tiie ~.IP! WeUeod07 "ollf 'e '' Jn...-b pllne WU jl1f 1Dllel a u,an tiDm -.,..._. j _( ... IPt PIA!IBI l'llf I) l0r..,. ,ileuC I • • .. ~ •• ~~· .... t ··: I More el Illa -··tba -,.,.,,.,...,,,, ........ ·-·· ..-Wiii Jalr ... part- "" the momlnc .doads and ~ -rangln& fnlll • akq Illa 1-lo It !urtae' lafaad. ' • ... ' , •• . • ! .. ~~~ ··.-~! ... , . . , lo~ ~=~*t.~.f '.00! I ' j t$1M lift prt~ jlo • ""'clll' I • "'!'t''V !'"!"pltUf. !'oft,'· ' : ~ . --"'·•' ~I ........ , ...... 'a ~ ___ .. . ~ .. =-.!!!!!!' ' • =: : -·--~-= ..... ·\--!>-.......... ' ., .. ~ . f:t':! .• , :: -1-• =---'~ . ,... ' ~. A..w 17, 1'69 .... \ ~ , What -' • l . . . Je Noise Can Do for !You BJ .IE1IOME F. COUJNS ........... I 1111n1i 11'1 1boo 11111 ., __ ,.,. llld j -.tbinl nice 1bollt the ouperjeb al • orange COunty Airport. 1 ~·~=~t~too~~~=~i ' can ruin property values. They say II'• ; drhlng them nuts. They oay look al Playa dtl Rey. I ''All r i 1bl Let'• ; look at Playa de.I ! Rey. Since lhe jum- : bo if:i1 moved intO I Loi • Angeles (nter- natlGaaJ Airporl, what's happened! This is what'• happened: crime ln the streets in that community bas all but disappeared. So bas automobile tr~ So have most of Hinshaw Gets Six\ Appraisers For Preserves Orange County "-Andnw J. Hinshaw uked county superviaon for - and got -six additional appralrera ff. dee! to h1a staff at a caot ol 175,llOO a year "to cope with the heavy wurkloed brought on by lhe agricultural preserve status" granted to more than 1001000 """" ol county land. , Rlnshl" told supervJaors he mast dlange the basiJ for auessment or the property. "Previomly we valued a 11 Im- provements trees, fences, pipelines and so on," the assessor aald. "Under the new r;etup, we mutt chanie our methods." Hlnlbaw lald the flood damap .,.... : blems had further added to the workload : of his staff and that without the ad- t cUUonaJ appraisers he could not complete eurvey ol the, farm 1andl by the June Ill deadline. The request wu passed by a 4 to 1 vote. wllh Supervisor Robert W. Ballin dlJsen. 11!\g. "This la addlnJ 1mu1t to Injury to Iha tupayen ol Orange County," be UJUtd. "We addled them wllh addiUODal WIS with tbt preserves and now add more a~ pense." Frot11 P .. e J v SPY PLANE ••• , . . . . . near the fS.m1lt air and -·Jlmlb claJm. ,. eel by Pyoagyaog •. 'Ille l>efense ~ lald the U.8. destroyer Tucker, tent to the acene from lb bale 1n Sasebo, Japan, found lhe fin! r bodtes, The Tucker and • ·tilter t destroyer, the USS Dale, were leading Ute' l search operation, together with two t Sovie\ lhlJ>I wh1ch quickly. joined 1n Ibo I operaUon 'l'l&aday at U.S. nquest. . • Olllcials beld out little l\OPe fnml the ! outlet that. any of the crewmen eoald • have lived tery long 1n the it>ld waf&'I of l the Sea of Jepan, even U tlley 11ritftd 1 1 · ~ u..~1r~:.::rw:.m= about 40 degrees. Just how close the awch operallooa I rnlgbt go to Nortli Korea w11 unclffr. Abollt three and ..,. ball hoon alter an- llOUllclq recovery ol the ftnt bod1el 17 • miles from the 1lte ol dls<:overy of Iha • first aircraft debris, the Pentagon 1aued '! Ii statement wblch said : "We have been advlled by the teareh J krca that nne of the debris LI drlftlnt • fnm far out at aea toward the cout of ' North Kore1." I, Bank Control Urged WASIDNGTON (UPI) -The NIIon ad-! mlnllkailoo today came out Jn favor cf ' eome federal control over bankin1 ~ ! .--. but oPpoeed llronpr le,W.. t.1on that would virtually ouUaw bankl from engaglnJ 1n ""'-i>anldnl adlv!Ues. • • • ' ! ' ' I OMLI 1'1101 lM.rt N. Wn' • "**"' ... ,........., '1 ....... c..i.. VlGt,.,...... .... o.-al ...... • "-•• kff'tlil ' t ' ' • """ 1'-i .. A.. Mitr.t.I .. ~1•11tr IJ'Mti W. ,, .. , Wlllitlft l1M ~ Hvlltllll1911 ---~II-City 1-'tw ............... Oflllee Jft' .... s.r ... w.in.., A4tlrn.1 P.O .... no. !2MI --......, l .. CfU ttll ........ ...,.._. c.i..-1 ... , ..,. • .,., ...... ~., ... .-_ ' ~~lo,atbst,an-~.., ..... 11 ..... "= -Ille JOro ,.,; 111111. WI • I lbolraalllilleoaldll\_ ... .._ • ... ... ... ' l'ILOI • ._.... q,. old dayl,. when • • " ........ lo be heroes, ..... But there's mon lhal can be aald for jet noise. For lnlt&nce, II: · · • wlt11.Hl..,IUl&.&lld.1olierais1 • . iOGBOOK .!:1"'""c1o ,..111111 to for -1iu1 -Drowns out borlnt coaverutlou. -Mullleo the ring ol unwaJ\l<d leleJ>l>o!le col~ -Makes llKlee lncosanl TV com- merdala ~Ible to bear. · ~ ;roa· from bearJni lhe Jtlll of • , that dainb ..i,hbor kid when be falll into ,.......i. · So fel•1 ._It for jet nolle. Now, wllat aliout the other aJJopd pro- blem -all lhat fuel that lloab to the (rOllltd ofter a jet lakes off! I think people who complain about Jt covertai their grus, fences, rooftops and wub hung out to dry are overlooldni . .. oometh1nt ~ ~ Instead of ICrlPUlJ .\!,q!l-or ~ lt out-Ibey ahould •• ,,,,.;l . ult makea ~ itr• '°' thlnl: what 11 can do for lhe llQlllJ qar. . 'll>ett. I llld llOmdll1ng nlce about the jets. May~ this wUl get me a free Air Cal !Jlgbl to San Francisco. * * * II lbefe'1 anytblng. the Sirban Sirhan trial hu demomtrated, lt11 t h I t Sydney Omarr, lhat'1 who. * * * There'• a blc. -naJly blc -poller 1ame going "' ln Newparl Bqcb. Md Newport'• pollce -Wlitr< It~ at. Bui there's noth1Jll Ibey can do al>Gut 11. Tbe relllOO: it'• in a privale pltca. Which males it difficult for the cops to bust down the doors. U It moves to Newport Pier or Harbor Hlgb'1 lllllitorium, lhougb,wlldl OUL 'Jbat'• today'• exclusive. ~~ CAILY PILOT II.ti', .. ._ Educational Weasel Lawson Evans, 10, fourth ~rader al Aliso School in Laguna Beach, and Karen Linden. 12, a sixth grader, observe Harold the Weasel, who showed up at school Wednesday. Harold was caged for observa· lion .by stude!!ts. Harold ii doing his share of observing, too . . " '. . . Hmttingtori Girl;'l8~ Held In Attempt to Steal Syringe An 18-ytlMl!d Hunllnlton Beach i!fl was ~ Wedneeday at Hoa& MenmaO!ospltaJ ofter a11e1,.ec11y lrJln1 to st.al bypocl<rmlc syringes wbile Ming lttal<d 1n the eJll!Jpncy room. The <encl charge agalnJ\ P&lrlcia llulcaglla, o110102 Crallet Drive, ii drug l!ltozk:atlon. however, bued on evidence un1queJy recovered via lllomach pump, pol1ce sald. A nune who add abe 'flW what ap- pearocl to be a syringe lhell atltmpt call· ed Newport Beech police and Patrolman Mlkt' Mulllnt wu diapalohed to the ICf!lle; where Miu Buscqlla'• parenll ...,.._,i. Suddenly, another•-uw lhe girl -who wu to be treated for an Infect.ion -lrY1nf lo gulp red capoules and attempted 1n villi wllh Officer MullllUI to stop her, lnvaUgaton lald. A doctor pwnped her stomach and Supervisor.s . OK W eliare BJ,'anch Orange Oounty lllpervfion Tlleaday approved e bid P'-1 to build lhe ceunty wtlfare department'• flrat new branch. olllce neat" Mapolla Simi and .w.tmlnster Avenue in Garden Grove. . Five proposals were received for tht wat county branch and the Real Pro- pertlel Depu1ment termed only two ol them acceptable. Winner wu FVWG Prvpertles for a 10. year Ieue "' a 14,llOO OQU&nl loot, one story bul)cfing on I0,000 1quare feet of property. PukinJ for 150 ctn wW be provided. &nt for the 10 yean will bo $llll,3111 • Submlttlng Iha lleCOlld ecceptable bid WU the Clock Comp1111 lb< a Ille on Edward• Avenue near the · San Ditto Fneway lD Wellmlolter. Heo'J tralllc 1n lhe area ruled out th1a locaUon. FNtll P .. e J LEAGUE .... ebe sald. '""""'• too much ol lhe 'my Did WU I Democrat 10 must 1 be' 1n the malt approlCb to pvm:muenL "And men, llnlll<e -pnlor to k1D ldeu wttb IUftl," Mia Htmanda nld. •·w.. are much men dJspoeed '° llaCeo lo what the Cllll<r 111&11 bu to say. "What .. -1n th1a malo domlntl<d toeletJ," Mm Hemanda uJd, 1i11 ,,_ wllh the gub to llland up for the tlUfl Ibey believe ill and lake steps to ""'1'<d wllol 11 -.ily a raclat iocl• ty." IOl'ne partially dluolved tablets believed to be teconal were removed, while the groay patient herself was removed to Orange County J all. r ..... r,..e J GUNFIGHT ••• assault with Intent to commit murder and La 1'irada police to file auto theft charges beeaume U;>e get-away car wu stolen there. After the money wu returned to Bant of America officials, both men were released to FBI agents for arraignment boltte the U.S. Commissioner 1n Santa Ana. They are being held 1n Orange Coud.y Jail on $25,000 bail pending ar- raignment 1n West Orange County Municipal Court Friday, police lald. CapL Earl W. Robitaille of. the Hun· -Beach Plllke Departmeot lald boC1t men have been tertatively iderititled as the 81!11• peir that robbed the same bank ol tl,llOO on Feb. IS. . Huntington CofC To Hear Baker Who needs the county? The answer to the qumtlon ls to be oupplled by Orange County Supervlaor David L. Baker to memben of t.be Hunt- ington Beach Chamber of Commerce dur· Ing the noon luncheon meeting April 30 al lhe Sheraton Beach Inn. • 'Ille talk 1• bllied by the chamber u ... provocative discussion on local gov- ernments, their relationships and costs." Clamber oUlcilu said that reserva- Uona are necessary and can be obtained by notlJylng lhe c:homber ollice (P.O. BM m> by April 28. Luncheon caot Is '3.25 per person •• The chamber offices art on the HCond floor of th! Town and Counlly Shopping Center, Beach BouJe. vard IOI.Ith ol Ellis A venue. UN General Assembly President Succumbs GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (UP!) -Foreign Minister Emilio Arenalts Catalan, 45, dltd wl,y toda in a prtv1te hooplbl In Guatemala City. Arenales, pmldeot al lhe Unit.cl Na- Uona general 1ssembl,y, underwent two operaUons ln New York In late 19'7 for rfrnOVll ti lll&liln&ncla lrom hla arm and hf.a brain. • r ....._ r ... J. MYSTERY •.• Clay, ''but1ao other eomplalntl have been iuued.0 No bnpllcatlGn WU fouod 1n the porlor ol any wlder pniat!Mlon operation, lald Rhinehart, notin1 that Iha lnveatlpUon WU dooe IDlely by h1a mea. Prior v1ce raids at auch ellabllshmenls have Involved help from lhe Diltrlct Attomey'1 ollk:e, wbich often 11.Jpplles pJalnc1otbel lnveatlpton !0< c:onlldentlal )l'Ol'k. Police Aid !hey will uk Huntln&ton Beach City Altomty Don Boala to c:oo- alder wlthdrawal ol the E>ecutlve Sulte aalon'a sauna lleease 1n 11Pt of lhe ar- rests. The ellablillunent opened 1n llD under lhe ..,.. Ad&ma Therapy, but changed ownenhlp and name In !Mii, accordlng to ~ -authorities. - Air West Shifts To 1.-0ng Beach Slartlng Monday, Air West'• Orange County operations will shift to Long Beach Mwlfclpal Airport for two weeks1 it WU announced today. 'Ille lrwler will permit Air West lo continue scheduling 11 departures a day for county passengers during repaving of the main runway, spokesmen for the line llald. Flights at Oou!1ty AJrpott will· '""""e Saturday, May I. Air West ~vides semca lo Lu, V-, .Pi-ls. San D!qo Uc! El,C<iitio. It uita both pure . jet' and ietp<op alrctall. African Chiefs Meet , MONROVIA (AP) -Alrictn chiefs of alates gathered in Liberia today for a summit meeting on the Nigerian civil war amid signs that lleCU!ionist Biafra wants to talk peace. 'Play's tlae Thing' Pat Bethel as Sister Marcella shocks fellow nuns played by Crystal Payne and Jane Koehler with reaction to punislunent in this scene from "The Cradle Song," to be staged by Huntington Beach. Hlgh School thespians al 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in school auditorium. Student players visited convent to prepare for roles in play. . Reds Want Military Win Over U.S., Claims Lodge PARIS (UPI) -Ambtssador Henry Ccibot Lodge today a~sed North Viet- namese Defense Minlster Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap cf sacrificing 500,000 lives in a fuUl_e attempt to win an American Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam. He told Hanoi to glve up all hoper of a military victory. Giap was the archHect cl. the Viet- namese victory over France in the French Indochina War which ended with the victory over the French forces at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 after seven years of figbtlng lh&l devasbl<d moot ol Iha cotmlly. Lodp MCU8ed North Vietnam of being guiltJ-Jl<Jilarge llWllber of vlolaUom ol fnterDitlOnal. agreements covering Vieto-nam. Laos' and Cambodla and agaln urg· eel Hano! and lhe Vlei Cong to etart Im· medlate dlacusslon.•of lhe slmultan<oua wlthdrowal of lorelin irooJ>I fnml Soutll Vietnam. ... "Peace will not come to Vietnam u a result of military operations such as thooe'Jou have been conducting since the end February," Lodge Wd at today's IU&ion· of. the Vietn11rn pea<:e talks. . "Your continued pursuit of mllllary vic- tory can lead only to further fuWe loss ol life and destrucUon." · Lodge took issue with r e c e n t statements made by Giap In an Intenriew with the Italian weekly Leuropeo. "From all appear&nci!s, yolU' aide ls still pur!uing military victory," Lodi' said. "Apparently, this is the vie"' of. Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap. In a recently publlshed Interview nae! by mllllom ol people around the world, Gen. Glap scorned the negotiationa: in Paris and talked -of giving the UDll<d States a ..und military beating." Lodge said Gl&p had openly decluod he sougbt "An-. DI~ 'Bien Pbu" !hough be.had lost~ a mlllloo men. "Tbla .ferrible -aJld luUle llCrillre <I ·hall a r.nJIUon. bu/nan beings apparenlft does noi ·&:ter.ffanoi in !ta.qi.If.It for vie> tory,'' hti -aald. "Gen. Glap aald em- p,hatically that North Vieb)am wu detennined to 11uffer and sacrUlce u Jone as ~1 even uJq.,..IO yean., 19 wln complete military ~t' 'JRANSCEPT ..,,,,i.W.tontMl-ponry fvmiOJfW from Hrri1>9<. • A 1t>phinlcattd new HERITAGE calltct.To"• conmnpor1ry Jn mood but with the rich rwstrllnt of tr1ditlontl disJen fnflu.nc.. Transctpt w11 dtvtloped tcr upturt the look of todly's homn Jn nyle. flnllh •nd texture-a look atn ln, the contrats of old bf'fck, ctdw ahak-. rough lfWn tumbtr end other natural rrwtttills of cont1"'°"ry ahltacturt. Tl'INCtpt "'""' .. c:hentin1 ict.s. .. In CM.Ir lnt......-.ion of this conctPt, W.0\11 Utld Olk to11dt and pleky-peean ve- -wllh poldlo -11 lo ~ comt>notlons of porquet, herrlntboM.' plwi.k Md fluted pettthL You'll apprwciltt ihe rkh,,_ of the woods ll'ld the lutttous finilh -the wenn and hwltlng 11:'"°"""9 that Trtl'\tcept will provide. You lhwld cOfJlldlr Tilrnapt for your homt. S.. OCJr ";"!JI"'! of dlft into -·--"""- H.J.GARRETf fURNrpJRE ' ' PROFESSIONAC INTE.RIOR DE$1&NE.RS 2211 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 646.0116· I I 11 I Star at Work A Study in Movie Stattis By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Today, cl!\Ss. let us con- sider the prerogatives of motion picture 5tars at work. A star may be singled out by the number of status symbols provided in bis or her contract; the set of rules set forth for weeks or months ol work at a studio. Most important is money. A worthwhile star will command at least a quarter million dollars with the number of working days stipulated in advance. If production runs over schedule the star is paid ever-in- creasing amounts for each day's labor. Assuming no one knows the star'$ exact salary, there are other fringe benefits that sets him apart from feature players, supporting actors and other spear carriers. The star has a small apartment on the studio lot. usually complete with kitchen, drawing room, bedroom and makeup room. AdditionaHy, there is a portable dressing room on wheels on . the sound stage, air conditioned, of course. THE STAR HAS his own wardrobe and makeup specialists. Lesser performers are dressed in wardrobe buildings en masse and made up in drafty corners of the· stage with everyone ·looking on. An important perquisite is a studio limousine loaned the star complete with driver to fetch and deliver the exalted one from home to so und stage. The star also uses the car to go from stage lo dressing room on the lot. Another extra is the star's right to have the studio commiSary cater private lunch in his dressing room. Fciiling that, the star can reserve a table in the ultra-private dining room usually reserved for studio executives. Most important of a star's prerogatives, however, is the call to work. At the end of a day on the set an assistant director tells each player what time he will report to work the following morning. FREOUENTL Y S U P P 0 RT I N G players and character actors are called in every day, whether the schedule calls for them to appear on camera or not. The excuse is, "just in case you are needed." Often they spend the entire day sitting around waiting. The star is never signaled to work until tl:ie director makes it clear that he or she \Vill indeed be in a scene at at a specific time. It is, therefore, not uncommon for the star to have a call for. say, 11 :30 a.m. while the rest of the cast is in makeup and wardrobe at 8 a.m. standing under hot lights while the camera and sound equipment are readied. One of these poor souls -sometimes several - is a vital concession to the star: the stand·in. The stand-in melts under the relentless i lare of the lights, taking the punishment for the Golden One who relaxes in air-conditioned splendor. FINALLY, AND aboslute proof of stardom, is the actor who argues, screams or otherwise blows his cool on the set. He can blast the director, damn the producer and bestow curses on the studio president with impunity. The star figures they all need him more than he needs them. Tragically. the star Is right. Directors, producers and even studio chieftains are faceless nonentities to the public. But the star, by Caesar's ghost, sells the tickets. When the picture is completed. the work done, the star returns to a baronial mansion in Bel-Air or Beverly Hill s while his subordinates head for tract houses in the San Fernando Valley. That is how crew members and lesser souls of the acting. fraternity see most stars -through the \\1rong end of the telescope. But it gives a very clear picture indeed. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4S Ontario <I" Y ntttday's Pntlt Solvtd: l Simul1ltd 48 Ga1111tnt 6 Gambllng lnfot111I gllllt 49 And othtn: 10 Record 2 words l4 Quick in 50 Co11pus movtmtnt point 15 Makes a Sl City of boo-boo Europe lr. Notion SS Bad 17 Flower 57 Color 18 Kind of 58 las gre1Uy writer concemtd: 19 Fotwarlf 3 words 20 Toole It tasy: 63 Kind of 2 words lnvtstment 22 Kfnd of 64 Utah rtsort business center place !iS Avoid 23 Fom or fulfi ll ing wattr 116 U.S. pollution playwright 24 Surmount 67 Pleet of with Insulation so111tlftfng 118 Toot to lht 26 In good station: shape 2 words 29 Useless 69 ···do-well 31 Professional 70 Dtcoratl •t 111tn's group: case Abbr. 71 Virwpolnt DOWN 7 NibUck, for ont I Fonnula of belief 9 Common suffix 10 Ent!rtalns 11 Perftct lZ Callartic drug , ll Kind of saall chest .U GelllS of . swans 22 Half:Prefia: 3Z Ont who h.,,,. '""1id 34 Conductor's concern ZS Container Z6 fll ove about 27 Isla-id off ~Man's ScoUand nlctnMI zs Insect 4/17/69 36 Grttk god 37 ··-potm 40 lntelltctuals 4 l Move to so11u action 44 Kitchen lt1111 411 Cathedral StcUon 47 Htavler. thart-alr uaft 51 Kind of 1bodt 5Z 0XJ'9fl)'S relaUve Sl Kind of movement 54 Fanfare 511 Quebtc ClfJ unimslty 59 N. Pacifi c 38 Ltnpth onlt 39 Glrl s nlctn1111t 41 S. Pacific food staple 4Z Study: 2 ••• Calltnlt )0 r-11 •• J Garmtnl ~ ... g "" Is land 4 EllJah nplortr 60 Miss Tumer 12 I Z words 5 Tale away 33 491h parallel, Iii Ancient god ht places: 6Z Enca11p 6 Rtprtsenta· Z words 64 Presidential Uvts JS Btoldwaytolt nlcln1111e ..-,.,-,..,...,.,., ..,........., 11 .. .. ' B•rrud's E1e Vletc Animal Series Captures Prime Time Video Slot • D1nc1rs Alfredo Orttg1, K1thy Yurtnka OCC Dance Students Stage Annut!l Shoiv The theme Is "perpetual motion" and il promises to be just that 1,1•hen nearly 100 members of the Orange Coast College dance production staff present their annual concert Friday and Saturday in the OCC Auditorium. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to students in the form of dance scholarships, which will be presented Saturday night. Winners will be selected by a vote or the directors and Huntington Tryouts Set For Comedy Tryouts for Peter Coke's comedy ·'Breath of ~pring," the final offering of the season at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, will be held Sunday and Monday of next week. Ruth Dorward, who staged ''Born Yesterday '' and "Champagne Complex" for the playhouse, ""ill direct the British farce. A cast of three men and five won1en is re- quired. Readings will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. T\tonday in the Barn. 2110 Main St.. fluntington Beach. Ron Lambert is in charge of production for the show. "Breath of Spring" will be presented for five weekends, opening May 30. w i t h perfonnances scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays. membe rs of the cast. The program will be divided into three parts each nighl. The first will consist of seven short dances , each choreographed by a different student choreographer. The second and third sec· lions are suits. The second will be entitled "Pinocchia,'' and "'ill include "'No Strings," "Pleasure Island,'' "Monstro" and "True." The th ird Is en· Net.......OIM Sltewl11t Eack 1 ...... At 7:15 Al"l~7:11 Flyl11t MKlllllB-t:OS CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT.' SUN. FROM 11".M. titled "Stills, Somersaults andll~~~~~~~~~~I Headstands." and is based upon a painting by Bruegel en· }!ltl!i--, x tilled ••Games." It will feature ~ IPJ()I several members of the OCC ----·::.II football team in demanding NE•,o•t 1EACM • 01:.»J5i:I roles. The concert Is under the direction of Lynda Davis and Dorothy Dudd ridge of the OCC Dance Department. Student choreographers will include Diane Varney. Jill Sweet, June McKee, Peggy Lewis, Stephanie Wright, Lin· da Genoway, Amy Stoddard, Jerri Garrison, Cindy Scharmach and Ruth Manley. The concerts will begin at 8: 15 p.m. Advance tickets for 75 cents are on sale at thel OCC Student Store, or from ' members of the dance depart-I ment. Tickets sold at the door will cost 11.50. I Alec Recruited HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -- Richard Harris talked his friend Alec Guinness into playing King Charles I op- posite Harris in the title role of "CromweU" for Columbia Pictures. • M GM p1.,.nt1 the John F1dnkrnheimtr • Edwdld Lewis Product<in oil the fixer Bdstd on ti-it P.Jitzer P1izt-wming na.id ty S.m.,d Mol•mud. l!I 0 """"'°"' -.. ---_..._ ·--..... " W1'I "HOT MIUIONS" I 1> • ~ ';![ > '• PAULO "_'"........,. fer Mvml AcHtmy Aw1rd WIMtt STIVI MtQueen "IULlln''-M Georgi Pepp11111 "HOUSE Of CAIDl"-M -. I ~~:r ····-.. •w ...... I J01111W Wooch.,1rd "IACHIL. U.CHIL"-M Allfl Ar1llfl '"THI HUIT IS A LONELY HUNTll" All ColOI' Sllow ..._ •. ., ..... • M7·l5'1 Dffn M1rlln ··warCKINS. CllW""-M TuesdlY Wiid "l"llTTY rolSON"-M 1Ri~"1a:~ I ·---.. ..... I ~d. Aw•rd I nt SllJlllOl'llng Actrn,....1'11!11 Gordon "IOSIMAIY'S IAIY"-M I J1ck L1mmon I "THE ODD COUPLI" --..... - ..................... ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! CLIFf IOUITSON lo "CHAILY" SElMUR PICl\llES in r:ollalronlioft with Rl!BERTSXI ISSOCIAT!S Pl""ls CLIFF ROBERTSON . CtfA~l)f · •• -CLAIRE BLOOM -··-· ,-G-tit, ... -~- ALSO PLATIN• ---~----- ACADlMT AWAID WINNb JACK ALIHTSON S.ppoltfot A-le , "THI SUIJICT WA\ IOSIS", ELKE GAA'f SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANCE DIEYDUIEm ROB us WU& J .,:-.i~ Fo,d ., B1\Hb\1Hfl \ GINA LOLL08R161DA SHELLEY WlllTEllS Pllll SILVERS PETER UWfllRD THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM All THE BIGGEST HIT IN TOWN! ACADEMY A WARD WINNER 2nd· Co-Feature •• .= ,, "Coogans Blull" Stne Mc'!) .... lo "BULLITT" '" Lee M.,.f1 Also At· 1N THI! W!.9TMIN8ttlt Cl!NT'Klt lo "POINT BLANK" __ . ..,., _____ _ ftllWlrl .,.... ...,. ' ... -""" HELD OVER AGAIN ,.,. w ..... , .... ACADEMY AWARD WINNER .... Cl111 ,, .. ,.,., & ... c ...... hllp lllAmf/UMl-/11100/lllW!!ll/JlllllOO!' ROMEO .?JULIET ~---"BEAUTIFUL" 2 HIST IUNS SHOWN TO.mtll fOI THI 1$1 TIMI t . .. \1' , .• PWWISltllt • lCClllCOl.OI• ClilC C!J ... ..._CL_ ___________________________ ~---~---~----~---- • \ I . , .......... .. ··~· ;', .... .. 0 ' -• • 'I ' ---~·· ......... --· ....... ~ • • OAll.Y ~llOT H Vines Named , ... Co1itinental Requests CAB Reverse Nixon OVER THE COVNTER :Vice Prexy •• "'1: A former .resident oC Costa NASO ll•tlng• for WodnHdoy, Aprll 16, lfft MeP, L.. G. VlneJ. was WASHINGTON \AP) recently appolnLed vict presi- dent, manufacturina. Douglas Continental Alr Lines asked Al1traft Co. of Canada Ltd. the Civi~ Aeronautics Board Vines btgan a 2:8 year loday to let it Oy a Pacific • · ...,S50Cl&tlon with o o u. a I a 1 route to New Zeal•nd and Alrcran Co. at Long Stach In Au!itralla from E~t Coast and ;. 1942 aa a planning lead man. mldwestern points. He was executive ·engineer Former Prtsident Lyndon al the Long Beach plant when B. Johnson had approved a he was transrerred to Canada Continental route to thoae In 1966 to take over the dutles oointa from the West Coast, of usist.anl general manager, but President Nizon canceled manufacturing with the newly that and other J o h n s o n rormed Canadian ocunpainy. awards. Nixon directed last Vines is now a resident of week that the route should be Toronto. originated in the East, where ~=-----~~~-"-------~~-, .. .. The Man from Merrill Lynch ' looks at the stock market and tells you what he sees Make your forum reservations today Why monetary policy will be the key to the business outlook for 1969. From an econom ic standpoint why 1969 will be a year of tran sition . What the outlook is for military spending. For housi ng starts. For cor· porate profits. How has the cu rrent speculative boom affected the stock market and what bearing will it have on the market's future course. What is the liquidity of major buyers of stocks and why this is an important market indica tor. To find out wha t Merrill Lynch thinks about the current econ omic and market outlook, which stocks they consider at· tractive at this time, and what kind of an investment strategy they suggest, come t o our: Marlcet Outlook Forufti Thlll'Sday evenin9, April 24 Sheraton Beach Inn 21112 Ocean Avenue Huntin9ton Beach, California startin9 at 7:30 PM sharp Th•r•• no ch •rg• or obli9•ti on, of course. Sirn ply c11I Mrs. L•vi1h •t 547-7272 or mail in the coupon shown below. ~---------------------------------------------~ ,1,.,, ,,, •..•........ , ••• , f.,, 011 i'lpri1 24, 111 H u11tin9lo11 111,ti. , Address------------------- ' ! City & St1te-------------l •P--- ' : Phon•----------------------' ' ~:.9 MERRILL LYNCH, . PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH INC ' • IDOi NORTH BROADWAY. SANTA ANA 92702 ' 1 Telephone: 547-7272 : r or Hie convenience of investors our office is ope11 : doily 7 AM·S PM and Saturdays 9 AM·12 Noa11 . ' ' TEACHERS ONLY • How : end their spouses) much income tax did you pay ye1r? for list •-How much would yo u have saved with invest· ment p:annin9? • What would you have done with the sav ings? . , __ ,. "'" '"(·,:~·~ ~" Come here ebout -TEACHER INVESTMENT POWER -and how some 700 teachers have already participated in TMl 's mutual fund concept to real estate invest- ment. INVESTMENT SYMPOSIUM ANAHEIM Saturday-2 P.M. April 19 Dis"eylud Hot~ Pacific Room 1714) 171·0415 or 17141 494-2446 SPACI. LIMITID-l'HONf FOlt •ISllYATION --- !'O"l Hlll'lwlY ln 1eft lott1ro1.1nd. l ido l•land In Jower ri1ht hind corntr. Llrp Mllboltl In d\•nntl •r. lied up 1n front of b8rr.n •re11 wtilcft Is ttte loation of la1* Bay Club todly • BEllEllBEB DE•PDll · 1141? ,. •this is Newport 1946 ... the year that lesler. Ryans & Co. opened their (f'iafnal offices In this city as the first brokerage firm in the area. Today, 'fl are proud to be recognized as the largest regional brokeraee firm in ~uthem C.llfornia with 15 offices througllout the Southland. new off ices fealure the finest in electron ic communications equipment, inc luding a computer·directed tflletype ne twork which allows rapid direct cont&et wit'1 the New York and American Stock Exchanp s, as well as direct telephone lines to ths Los Aneeles main cfflce. "8 take pride in aooou ncine that we have moved our Corona Del Mar ,facilities to 1 new kJcltion: The Anancial Plaza , Newport Center. These The entire stalf cf lesler, Ryons & Co. invites you to visit their new facilities: ... ' ,, •• LESTER.RYONS & Co. N•wport Flnantlal Pfua 550 Newport Cenler Drive Irvine Towwr. No. I Newport, C.lilomla 92660 ----------------- -·· ............ - MUTUAL ·FUNDS PHARMACY TOPICS lty TlllY 01.ANT, I .Ph. Smallpox vaccination, xtart- ing between 12 and 24 months of age, shoUld be rr- peated ~cry 5.7 yean till there ha,·c tx>e n three suc- ce:q;ful \'&cci natlons. Th11t'3 all -unless exPQfil!d to the dl~uc, or unUJ he &tarti; lravelln1: round the:" "·or1d . • • • People "ho trav~l across ttv~ral llmt-J.O~ often f~I Ii~ irritablf', and low. They arr sufferi ng ('ram ''Time Zone FaUrue·• unut the blolorlcal elock NI~ lim<' to readju.~t. • • For lht' m&n '"'ho ha.~ t"\"t"J'Y· thina:; " llt\v bartt-nd~r ma- chine-"'hich <'An mi:.: and bottle 12.000 2-ounCf! m11r- tinl$ per hour, • • • For modf!rn atl"\ire with old•f&ahioncd co1.1rl"Y, brine: your pttleriplont to: ,ARK' 11DO PHARMACY' U1 H_,lt.a-ReM N.,,,.,. luc:h 142·1SH -·--·· ...... ·-. ·A· He<kW1t , \IO H111Prt 1 .-;. H1lllburt 1 O.S H1mW1t 1'1 H1mn1Papl 1ot1mmM 10 H1Mlmn 41 H1noH~r ~ HtnasCp 90 Htnn1 Mll'JI J H1rtourt 1 llll1nl1 Int 1 Hence C1 1 HtrtSMr-10 H1tv Al 1..1D Hat Gofll' A Hl'WN El 1.20 HIY" Alb 1 Hti:eltlM (p Htclt~ 10 H1in11 .. C u t::lr"CG11 "':. Hd"rWE '° Heim.Pcl5 1 Htlmr(l'I 11» HtmlSP/I C11 Here lnc I HtrWIFd 110 Hns Ol.C. 30 Hfoubltln 7S HewPIC); 70 ~11~~:,; Hike lf Hob9rt Mf 11 Hoff Elttlrn HolldYIM olO HollltA l 10b ~:V~'it., ~ HcntYWI I 10 Hoov Bl 1 x.~ HCll Intl JO Hoteot (p """ Houd IM IO Houd l>f 1 7i How Miff to Hoo.rtef'IF 1 10 Ho<nF pit M) H111nF 1n1' Hc11S1LP I t H0111INGs IO HouG• pf1 so HO* J!>n "'9 H,,.,,..,...! 70 ~~~"~.? ·~ ld1t'IOPw 1 '° ldul 6•51( 1 Ill Crnt I 50 111 Cen plJ •o 111 Pow 1 80 Ill PW Pl110 tmp CP Am l.N,._ Cp 1 .io lii<orn1 C1<1 t lllCCum "" lndl1n Hd 60 Ind Gent ao lndPlsPL 1 !O lnElMc• 111 Ind BU1CP 71 11\fffltl..cl 7 lnJRd Pl? Ji ln141nd sn 7 lnmontCP 16 1....._, Pl' so lns!lcoC~ 0 ln1llCO plA 11 ln•1>rC011 2 10 lnlf!'CO I tn1erncs1 1 10 IBM 3?0 1ntFl1Fr .IOI) Int H8rv I 80 tnlHokf ~ 90ll If!! /nd11•1 ln1 IMI p!Awl Int Mlnf!' so ln!Ml11., J>/ ' In! M"9 IOI lntNld. 1 '10I Int P•P I 50 In! PIP Pf ' lfttl Recllt '"' \•II I 40 Ill! &T tS lntT&T o>IC I lntTl.T o>IE 1 h•IT .. T pffol' :~,; .. ~11 ~~j lft!T &T p!IC• I ft TT o>!L J $C Int U!ll l 40 lnl U!!I .. lftlU!ll P!I 31 nfrn>ett l tnt"l'U pt 5 '"' B~k@r 'O lnterDStr 60 lnl!nPw 1 it law• Beel l•E!LP lJO It Ill Gt 131 lawtPLI 1 ff lowtPSv T l1 IOC<> "'°SP JO ITE Imo SS 111'11; CorP ... ·--- Thursday's Closing --------· ..,....._ Prices Complete New ~ ...... x .. ~~·-'""••· .. ~~ .. ---...... ~-~ H DAILY PILOT 3J .. York Stock Exchange List .. List " I I ! -··----------~------------------------- R DAILY l'fl.OT "' ~ Thursdl)', .i,.1111, 1%9 Yo...-Money'~ Worth '" ,. \ A tufl'S•t .. COU•l' ff TN• MOTICa ~alqt'91tt LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NO'nCI! """' °" u.uN&Mta. '" ,,i~r~LS:,\oJ~~~' °"' •"' "-,_ CO.TT ... OU.IMI ~ fif ltdllflll •ltt ...-•111 9' "=• -. iMIJfl ""' U11lforM ~I C... .,_ .,. • W li!Ultl .. Ofl •ITITIOH fllr9" llOllflM •1 folloWt: "-098'Ta W WILL AMO HA Tr_,.,_. It tllolill '9 _.. t .,._,.,. "9'TTMI TIPAMINTAaT IM 0 i. fllt ~ltllOMI U11~ C•~ ...... attlll. ''-"""· "' ...... '" .,. • 1..... " Clll'f'~O C, HUll!A, 1\ltlll~111i.1 ''" ot tl'lt """"'"' -.11-. ......... ~ ---llweflltrf', .... Home InAurance I lllDTtCI IS HEllll!IY Gl\llN Tl\.11 MU~ ti hi Hrll lli .,_,,.,, kNwn .... ~lr!M lrtl11 hM llltlll lltrtlll I ti Mt;rt.1 \11111. fll ef W!lldl t. IOUIMI -' """'"" for ,,_.M ot Wiii IN fw JOI Avot* &fr.... 't:otlt Mele. -.,_ ot Ltlt.I'• l•fwMlllVY M '*"'l)o of °"""9, Qll ...... ~. ,...,._. "' wtlldl .. """" .... JIM ---.,, -""' ....,... -mv• ... 11111 !Mt ltlll """' alld M l-ed*tMfl ., IN Tri,.,... 11111 ~· ti! ""-""" 1'flt -llff ...... w! Tf-191'tit ''' 11 ftl ...... 1 Getting ~verhaul 87 SYLVIA POllTEll ., frw M9' t. IM . II t:• 1.111 .. la "-lJIANSFEJIOll -Jllld\' A.-~ 1.lD ewm-of 0...mMJlf NI. I If ••Id H-lfll~ Clrc:le, Nf'lfflCW't t I I c fl , _,, 11 .,. w"' l1tt11t1 S1rwt. In ._ C111for11J1. • You -"•bl •··•t ~--It Cl"' wl SMtt Ml. Cl'"""'la. TllAHS,ftll:lE -U11I,_ C1llfilrftle rvva 1 VVU &DVW • °'"" ""'" 1L 1Ht. ,,.., tnt w. c~1 Hllh'lflY. HtwHH bul your homeowntr'a tn-w. 1. ST. JOHN, 1uc1. c.11ttm11. aurance policy Js la the f."; Ctullf't' Citric.. it.M ttMr M l-... met ...i Md ....... MUltWITL MUlll:WITI;. AllO ltlMllt, lltM ... ,.. Tr•Mrtrft" wtltllll ""' """ ctSI of lta flnt m a 0 r 411 • _, ,...,.., '"'' '"' ''''· • 1'' " ~ 19 ... overh•ul tn 11 ytars. At no ........ 9MCll. ~ T•-'-'"· ···~ ,,. ........... Coll• ~' 17MI.,.... ,.,_., C.1Honil1, coat lo you 11· .... 111·•"t -.....,..,. ... ........... "" Ill.Ill tr1111ttr """' -=---... . ., .. in.; ... , .~ .. .. ~M....-Or ..... Cotti Dlllr •1111. ,, UIOTEO CALll'Otll:HIA IANI(, tn2 w. btnefill art being added; ~ '" 11. ii. 1•• nut co.11 H._11W1r. ,,....,.,, ~. 1Mrh11n aoma "old" benefits art beln• -----,-------· IOffkt. Covfltr ti! ·OrtnM. c11l1om11, Oii • • ~AL N,,_..,.. • 1nw ~Y u. ,..,, changed or eicluded; 1 new -u VII...... 0.IM I ...... H ,, Ifft, i. ... I UNITl!O CALll'OllMIA MNIC scu~uu e of deducUble.s is P-lmf . •r: w1t11tll'I •· Hlkll<»<t permitting big ~1um -t CtJITILlllC.t.TI Of" •UStMln Aul. hcrtt.ry r• -·· "'"" PlctitlMt ''"" ,.._ Tr111tkr" aavlnp. Tht """'"r1'9nd <10 ,,.,_ ctrtltf tlllf U ...... C111ftno .. 111111: 'Jb """" ·~ COl'dudl._ , ,.,1 ....mo r-. V.:!!1'--' ...,......, e overhaul was proposed •• w,i,..., ,.. C.P'1111'1ff1' .t 1111 ..... '"*"""' f'aMt late list year by "-Multi ,._, loultttrd, C..I• M .... ' P'~ld!td °".,.. CHI! D1li,. P'llD!, WM: -c.111w1111o, "'""' "" 11ctt11o111 11.,,.. -.-.,,,11 11. ,,., •JMt Line Insuranct ~ a t i n g ::J ~~ l~l~O~AJ:_Y ,:'io!: LEGAL NOTICE Bureau, w.hicb advises state __.... ~ ~ in w11 .,,.. •'-«t ,..1m4 insurance departmenta o n « Nldtflce ... "tolloWt. ,...11: ""''DAVIT o• co.•o••Ttotl To rates. To date, 44 ltales and "'""" G. Dluli1ldl. 12MI MollM COtlDU(T IUSINISt UMOlll View .. i.e.. Sf\111111 City, C•llfo,,.1•. •tCTITIOUS NAMI: the District of Columbia have a.mu.I •• Sift•~ ... ,. wtlttwwtll I. THE TIMES Ml•JIOlll: COM,.AMV. approved tbe ch d the Drlvt, lo-t Ant1!n, Ctlltornl1. 1 Ctll!Of"llo C'Ol'IHM'lllon II 11!1 .Oif, anges an M.1v111 Ntwm•n. 1ou v .. -AYlllllf, ......, of 1 Mina. ...fiidl 11 ,. 11t remaining atates an ezpected V1t11C11, Cillfornl1. ~ llllHt ·t111 r1c111r--11111 to follow '"""'n. . All new OllM APrH 14, lNf. .t 1111 Melt .. Mf fortft bflolw· · ..,.,.. H,,.,.., G. 01u111-e11 s.11 c1tmtn11 c1111t 11k-..1t1oo1 co.. homeowner'a policies a n d S.1111111 I. S.frtn 3005 5ov111 El C.mlllCI ill:MI Sin t II ITATI: ;,IYiL=~... 1 c11m1ni., c1uton111 mn • nlOli po cy renewals in these COUNTV 01' LOS ANGELES l .. c!:n.!: ~H of Thi T!ll'ltl MltrOI states will automaUcally in· 0n ... U-th ••• of ..... 11 tttt. btfer• Tl-M1 ...... s-••· Lot Mltln, elude the new provisions. '"'' flll Ulldan~ • H9tlrY •lllllllc. 18 C•lltOnlllo tOeSt --•• b' .. 111 st.t., J1:ncM1lr •-* s.. n.. llllHl'lllt11ed offiurs o1 Tr.e IF YOUlt policy will expire Mttvln w__,,.,. kn<rW11 ,. "" to "' ,... Tlln" M!"or c-P•nr 1tt '"'' 1\llhor\1. in the fairly distant future, --1Wf'IOl4 """" It 1ut.crlllfd to t11t fd ,. ••twit ,,.. fl~ ll'llt et11d1¥ll Wlthlrt lrlstr-t er111 ~ltdttd 111o11 •!'Id ftc11rt _,... "'111,., 11111 1111 though, your best bet Inly be .,. eaeevttd 1111 MIM. for"°"'9 II ""' 1nd corrKI •-h 11 Ued WITNESS,,,, heM.,... t«1ei.1 ..... DATED· Mlrctl 14 1'6f • w ave your po cy cance (Ol'Fl(IAL SEAL) THE TIMES ·,,.,111!to11 COM•ANY and rewritten at no extra cost Edwlnf T. Gor"'9n 1¥ llOIEllT F. ElllUllU b Nott,., L11u1111c-e:11110l'!l11 vie• "'"ldtn' Y your insurance agent or ,.r1rte1111 Otflc• In '' 111:01E11T c. Lo10ELL broker. In any event, chtck l" ,,,.,.. ... Counf'I' Aul1lllll S.C:rtt1ry Mr c-luloll E••lrn STATE OF CALIFOIUtlA DOW with your insurance agent July t, lNf COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES l II f fl d t b Jh nd how .STAf"E OF CALll'OllHIA On M•~h 14, 1Ht. bffof9 mt, "" 0 n OU w e er a CIO(JNTY °" OUNGE. • undtr&111ntd, • No1••¥ ,.ubr1, rn •rid the new ru1e1 affect YOU. Cl!> A'rll J. lttf, btfor1 ,,.., 1 Nol1rv for TM u ld St1~, H•tot1•llr ,_,..., Pwlllk In IN for ukl Coul'lfY IM SI•~. llOSEJIT F. ElllUlll:U. kllOWtl M ..... Here are the key chan~es: --llY ,_,,.., """"" •· S11r111 .. !It 1111 Vk• "rttldMt, ......._.OIEllT (1) You will now be a le to """""" .. "" to bf 1111 ""°" wllOM C. l090ELL. know11 to ,,._ " 1:11 TM -1s 1Ubsct1"4 tre "" w1111111 ,,.. .t.u1111nt Slcrfl•rv "' Tiii Tlmls Mirror elect a higher deductible in ex-ttrvmtnt. 1nl Kk-lldt..:I fe me 11111 Comp1nr. "" CatPDrlllOrl tr111 1xtcvttd N ••tcUftd 1flf 11rne. 1111 •lltl ln 1n1tri1m ... 1. know11 te Inf change for significantly lower WllnllSI '"' ~ 11111 lffl. fo bf l~ H•IOlll W/lo IXKUIM "" I ·-T ill l t (Ol'F1CIAL SEALI "'""'" IMlrumtnt °" btt\111 ,,, '"' prem um cos~. 0 us ra e, a WllFl1m M, Sdwnldt Catl'O'llloll 111re1n nlmld, • I 11 • typical three-year premium. Nllhlry Lllllllllc-C.1111111,,.11 ~1e.!tfd to""' 11111 lid! C.-Mrtllori wilh the " Id" $50 d du tlbl PrlllCIHI Olfltt Ill tXKllltd 1'111 Wllllln ln•lfll-nl. 0 e C e, Or•"" c-l't' WITNESS mv ll•nd Ind offk!ll utl. used to cost $200. By' doubling My CC111'1"11Ulori f~plrH HAMCV H. EWING No¥. 11, 11n Not1rr Pu1111c this deductible to $100, you cut STATE 01' CALll'OJIN1A, Publla/111 Dl"lllft COl51 O.llW Liiie!, COUHTV OI" LOS ANGElfl, SI. Mlrctl 1111111 A•tll l. \0, 17. !Ht Sii.ff LEGAL NOTICE On Air!! ll, lM. btfort ""· 1 Not1ry1----;;;;,-;;-;;;;:;;;;;;;;---ll---=-:.::::::.:::.'.:.:::.::. ___ , =.:~ •=!er:.:·~.~G-·i:;i~~·:i: LEGAL NOTICE HOTI<• 0, lllTIHTIOH TO INOAll ,,_ tre -tot• tt11r ,...._ ""-l·------------1 IN THI JALIE 01' AlCOltOll(. NfN 11 tublcrltled to "'-wlll'll11 11'1-... nMJ •EVlllAOl!S 1tr\lfMl'lf. '"' ICk-ltOll• -'"' ""' ALllfr:IOA'lllT Ofr: co••OUTtON TO ""rU 11. ,.., lie llJllCIMd flll 11m1. CONDUCT IUSINIESS UllOI& TO WHOM IT MAV COMCfllN: Wl'"'H rnt lllnl •fllll 1111, flCTITIOUt NAMI Sub!td to l11UllKI cf Tiie l!«n1t 1!0-IOFl'JCIAL SEAL) 1. 1'Hf TIMl!S MlllJIOlll: COMPANY, 'lied tor. llO!lc• 11 l'lllrebt 1lv111 1111! th• l•ll'V JMn Fox I C1llfornl1 COl"POl'lllon, II !ht IOle ulldt'1'1'9,... ,,._. kt Mii Mllltlollc Hot.,., ,.ubllc-C1llfotnlt ewner of I bvllnet1 wl'oktl II fe bf titv.r-• .t ltlt 'r•mlln. dncrlbtd ts ,.,llKIPtl otllol In aindrxt..S uM•• "" t!clltlolll M!'IMI 1fllll follows: t .. A11tti.. C-tv 11 IM addrns Ill forth· lltlow: 400 N. M91n Sir"! My (orrlm!ulOI\ EltOlres Tuitln C.blt TV eom,111,, ltOCll· ll11t1M!Ntwporl •11dl Mtt. 10. 1'7il E111 •Ill Strttt, S11llt c. T111il11, ,.u,..111nl to 1uch ln!~non. I~ u"° 1644-0C Ctlll0t11lt f'l680 ~ .. i.ne11 11 IPPlrl119 "''"" d•Hrlmtnl"' DA'lllD S. UltTH, All'f. t. Tl'llt 1ddr ... 'Ill Tht TJmu Mirror Alcollolk ltver"I Control for lllUIMI 111 Mtll ~Iv Drift C011111n1 It: Irr 1r1n1l1r ol 1n 1k:ol>o!k lllY•r"' .....,,., Kl*-Ct.,.,111• T!f!ln Mlr,.,r 5'1u•r•, LOI Ant•lft. nct'lllt 1or llctratt) for tr.e,t •ren1IM1 1$ l"vbllll'lltd °'""'"" Cols! Clt111 ,.lie!, C1llfornl• 90053 follows: ,f\itril u. 14 11111 MIY 1, I. IHI 73Wt 3, The ~Mlersltntd cfllctl"1 of TM On-Salt 01ner1t LEGAL NOTICE Tlmtt Mlr,.,r CtomPtny lrt d11lr tulllorlt· (1911111 Fldt P11bllc Eo!l111 ,.ltcel td to ••KUlt Ind flit 11111 trflH¥1! A"'°"' Oftltlllf to trotnt '"' lllUUl(t .u' •• IOR COUil OP Ttll aM dtcll•t uncltr H•l11rv lhll !ht of ludo llctllM(tl !MY 1111 1 ¥tr~ l'I'• fenllllllf It true •1111 corr«!. It'll w1111 111'1' ofllct of lllt Cle111rt,,..nt of STATI OP CALll'OJINIA l'OR DATEO : Mltel\ 14, !Mt. A1Cllho1lc lln1r1v• Control, wltt\111 30 Tiii COUNTY 01' DJIAHll THE TIMES MtRJIOJI COMPANY lltt\ of 111t llttf lhl pr-tel P"mlMI lllOTIC':'o' .. "'m. Of' ,,. 1109EllT "· ERIURU -· llrll ~sltd, 11111111 •rovnlll '°' ,ftll:IOlllAL ... O,lllTY AT Viet Pralffrrt denlll IS 1novklm bv 11w, Tiit 1r1ml>11 ,lll'llATIE SAL• 11¥ •OtEllJ C. LOIOELL lrt now llc1Mtd for lllt 111t of 1k:ollollt It,,'. of K£\llN II, c KT I[. STATf Ao~ltllitl;g:':rz I ;:iero:;;;ritd Th•1r:m ,":..,.w;:~'ic; "';; FOflOEll:&lllJOIEN 1t1 KEVIN ill:· COUNTY OF LOS ANGl!LES I it Oe111r11Mf>I F 0 It Cl E II 111 U 0 EN lkl KEVIN On Mtrc/I U, IHI, bllor1 mt, IM OAVEY'S LOCKER, IMC. FOROEl!liJIUGEN, Dtu•std. ulldtrsltnH, I l'(ol1rv 11Jbllc In ind PFllllo JI. Tolfr', P'rPI. NOTICE 11 lltrftrt tlWfl fflll !ht "" Jiit HI• Sl1!1, Hrsontllr IP,..rtd fl ullllll'ltd' Or•ntt C1111t D1llr fll~I, Vtldff11"'8111 Wl!I Mii It ''1¥1tt Mii tt tllt 11091!'111 I'. EJllUJIV, k-to me ""'11 17, \Mt 737 .. 1 1111111111 bkUer -!ht lwmt 11111 CM-to bl lllt Yiu Pr"ldtnt, •lld lllOlfJIT dl!Mll• Mffffllf' """"""""' 111111ubltd,. C. l090ELL, knoO¥n lo me fll llt LEGAL NOTICE clll'lfltm1!loll bv 1t1t Covrt. II Ille ltw Of. 111t Anl1llnt Stcrtltrv of Tiii 11_., ____ .::_.::_~-----·i fkl of Gtl¥1n R. k-. AlferlllY II Lp, Mirror Con11pnr, !hi Cor~r1tloll tti.1 "" Nortll Newtorl lolllttllnf, N~I t:xttllltd lllt wllllln rrutru.......,t, kllown •·ZMl7 &Mell. CtllfDl'llll, Oii" ""' tht h i lllr Ill .... fe bf tht ffl'llOll1 wllll tllf(llit(I CIJIT1•1CATE 0, tUSIN•s• el' M.11, 1Nt. 111 tM rltlrt. tttlt, lnllf'tll, lllt plll'lln lnttrllmtnl, °" blflllf o! flCTITIOUI HAMI "' 11111 nt.lt of lllt •~ ~ tM ~ofNftlhlll Mrtln n1mtd. •M Tht ul'Mllr1l•ntd do clflllr r 1r1 11 lllt tlmt tf hit lft•lll. 1nd •II rltM 11111 1dc11C1WlrdMd la ""' 11<111 1\ICll CorMrlllM conducl!"" I blllln•H 11 nu 1'1trv!ew 1nd lnl'l<'nt !IMI 1111 tslllt Mt. lw o.tr• llJ!tcvttd "'' wllhlll l~lrvrntnl. Ro1d, $11111 I, Costl Mti.., C1Ufornl1, llon f1f llW or O'llltrwtw, Kt111rtcl o!lllr WITNESS m¥ lltlld lrld '1fl'lcit l Ill~ U~ ll'lt llctllkllll firm lllml of tJ'l4.ll w 111 ldCllllOll to 11<11! ol""' dlcediffll NANCV H, EWING Oii.ANGE COAST DENTAL X-lllAY ~I 1t!1 tlf!ll o1 1111 °''"'' In 11111 M t11t Nol1rv P11blk. LAIOllA TOllV 1nd 11111 Mid firm II COfl'to follOWl"I dtlcrlbld Pe•IOllll "'°""" PulllllMCI Or1111t C1111! Dtllr Pl~! PDJed 111 flll flll~wl"" ""°""'' wlloS. tttu11tic1 In "" Colllll't' el Or-. Slllt of Mlrtll 21 11111 AprJI J, ie, 11, 196' ..; nt-• ln full tfllll 11-o1 rnhltllCt •r1 Cilltornl1, 111rtku1trly ltlcrlbM •• ti folklw15' C ''''' •"YCCI< H 1o11ows. to wit: LEGAL NOTICE JAME · ev ' " . llltltll ""'5lc tfel't ltll11-Ctnduc1td EVE"ETT, t3102 C1v1n1uth Rold, El lllr ,... dllcltdlftl uMv !Ill 11111'111 " loro. C1lllomll. lllbDI 11111111 Music Sfort. ,, m 1'·mJ1 01t..:I ,f,prll 7. IHI. M1r1,.., •tlbol bllond, C.lttomll, tn-CIJITll'ICATIE OLll •USINISS J1-C. f\'INUI cl\ldllll l'llOd WIH, 1.....,,fet"t" "'11lpmerrt, FICTITIOUS HAMI' P~vll" H. Evtrf'll flxlurn 11111 ~Id 1fl Hid ltfrnll". TN: ulldfrsltnttl do ctrl!tr 111W 1r1 STATE OF CALIFOAN lA lldt fl' lfll"I irt lnYlftd W !ht p~ cllnductlrtf I bvll11tt.1 II 73341 C:rtn,Jiew COUNT'I' OF OJIAMGl I u Hrl'¥ .not -'"' 111 ""'"""' '"' wm M loulrl•rd. Tet .. nc-, •nd Or111111 <:ou111y, On Apr!I t. 1Nt, lltle•• "''· 1 Noot11'1' rectl\lld ti the L...-Oftlcl If 0..1.,,.,, II. C11llor11l1, 1111d1r 1t1t f!ctlllout !lrm Mrnt ,ubllc In 11'141 for 1111 Sl1N, ,.,IOtlltll' K-. AtferrllV 11 liw, II 414 Norlll of WESTElll:N LAND •NO OEVELO'· IPff••td J1me1 C. l!vrrell lnll '°~¥Ilk M. NIWl'Ol'I loulrllrd Nt-r! INth MEHT CO., I Ptrtntrsfllp Ind 11111 Hid l!vtrtll 1tllCIW!I to mt Ill bt lllt HrM>tll •1 ., ' firm ls tom-td of Tiie fo!lowlnti Mf'IOllt. whOst n1mes 1r1 1ubtuftled !{I l~t wUMn C1t1111t11\1, •I •11Y t"" lfttr 1111 "I'll w"°'t ntm" In t~ll 11111 llllCH of IMlrumtnt 1nll 1ct11owlllc!9K they P· oullllUtlon "'""" .,,. blfort dlN " Hit, tnlOtt'lc• ,,. II !allows: tcUltd Ills Mmt Ttr"1t 11111 CID!lllllllolls ti! Hit: ulll 111 Dl¥1d I', DI-. 11'1U l'-rt (OFFICIAL 5EA.ll l1wtul _., 'Ill !I'll Vftlltcl Siiis ol tll:Old, P11ol Verdn P1nlnsul1, C1HI, 11C11' Jot•t>ll E. C11v\1 Amtrlct Ill" well credit ftr!TI& *' .,.. ,,.. llOl'llld S. Sc.II"''"· ld4 w. 2llrll Not•rv ,ulltlc-C1lltor11l1 Provtd bv 11\t ""'"""lltcl 11111 tt11' •~ Sfrttl. Torrin«, C11!lornl1. Pr1ntloal Ottlct In •llll!ltcl Court/ 1°"' -' t11t "'l'CllMt P't'k.I 01'" April f, lHf. Or11111 CounlY ~ llt ... 111 ., tlll lltrll .,, '"""'"If'" "' Otvld F. r:11-,,,, c-lulert E•PltU ~ ,,.. ll9111KI Ill c:enllrF!ltflon OI .... 11-111 $. Sd'IWlll Junt 21. 111'1 br "" COvrl. Sii .. "' C111torn11. LOI Anttll'I CovnlY: L'ublltl!N or..... Cotti 01l1Y .. 11111, TM rltfll ll•rn•rved"' rtl9cl Ill)' ,,.. °" Aptll '· Ifft, btfol'T ""· I No .. rv ... ,.1110. 11. ,, Ind Mir 1, , .. , "°"'" 1tr lllds. Pull!le In 11111 for 111t1 Sttlt. ,..,_Uy Dctell: Allfll 11. lMt. IPMll'ld 01Yld F. 01wn Ind 1111111111 S. LEGAL NOTICE K111'11f'1111 Ill:. l'ordtl'btVttll kl'lwtil:I ~-to mt Ill bt 1111 ""°"-I---~..::.:~-~=-=='°"' I •s Mmlnl1tr11rtlt fl/I flll E1l1lp ""'-,..,.,.. ltl t\lbt(rlbtcl fo llW! wltlll11 flf Kf'flll •ldlltr Ftrftrtlr"""° lmlrumtlll Ind Kknowlldl..:I thtr Ill• MOTICIE OP lNTIN'flO!' 1'0 llllAOI ~-· ~ tcut.t ftll Him. IN TMI SALi o• ALCOMOLIC l•l'rM •. 1(.-(OFFICIAL SEALl l lEVlaA•IS """"" .t l.l'W JY1nll1 /4 H1mmone Aprll u. 1'ff •M """"' """""' """WIN Mot•rv "llllllc.C1ll!Ot11ll Te Wl'lorft " ,,.,., c-rn: .,...,.. ...... C.lfw'Mt ... ••lrteliotl Olflct ·~ S\lllltcl "' luul"'• "' '"' lktllll ... T ....... , cno ...,.,111 LOI AMtlll C-l'f •!ltd for. notlCI " ... ....,..,. t lWfl !IMI "" A......,. "'..-.1A11l1l1•hl.I Mr Conwnltllorl Eulm un11,.,11Mo1 ,_ to tt!I 1lcol'llnc Plo'bl""*' Or.-. '°'" Dt llY 'lie!. Mimi l. 1m bl¥1f1PI II "" ''""'I"" dll(f\llM •• Aptll u. 17, ll, lNll 71t.., J&M.OC lol!Owl: ------------MtcCA•I', •IOll•t, ••1TZ I '" Jo. COi$! Hlthw•~• Ll•Ufll le1dl, LEGAL NOTICE ll:lllll Ct HI. Alltrlll'(I II ...... Lllvr111•nt lo •UCll lnttnllotl. 1111 1111- lltlt cr-lllw -.Wif,¥•1'11• der1J1111d II '""I"' lo '"' 0..1r1Tnltll SU1'1:11109: COUlll:T OP Tiii TWftfOCt, Cilllt""'• '"'4 If Alcohelk lt¥tr ... Cont,.,1 for lss~Mt STATI: Of' C.t.LIPOllNl.t. •O• .,..llHll (tll) nMJU-UlS) m-41 .. " fl'l"tlt• "' ... •ICllhollc bf-"t fMIE COUMTV O• OUQI[ PuM!lllftl °''"'' COis! Olllr •llDI. He-(at ll<lllM$I for l!leM 'rtmlll! II NO. A fl... APrll 11, 14 •nd Mtt 1, t, !Nt nut fotlclWI: MOTICI Of' SALi O• lll:Al OH-SALE GtlNEllA~ (IOlll 1'161 ••cw1aTT AT 1'•tVATI SALi LEGAL NOTICE P11M1e: 1E111,. •11c11 IN TtlE M.ATT1!• OF THE ESTATE ...,,,,.... d .. 1'11'111 t. P"'lell 1111 1..WMt 01' JOHN MAHUGOl'I', DlcMMd. of llldl ll(lftll (tl f!llY tli. t "'ffl..:I,.,. NOTICE IS HEJll!IV GIVEN. ftlll 1flt •·ntM fffl wntl 1111 offlt9 llf lllt Otpt1"'11ttt 9t u~lltcl," l:xtellfm el' llM 111119 of Cl•Tll'ICATI o• CO•fr:OIATIO!' Alal!OllC ltvt"" Centro!. wllflln :If JOMH MAlflJOOl"F, Ofult,td, wm ••ti " Pot' Ttll:ANIACT+oN 01' IUSINltS .. n " !ht .. ,.. llM .,_., ~IMt ..,,.,.,_ lilt lot the 111tfoetl 11111 Mt ..... UllOI• lllC'TITIOUI NAMI _. flttl '°''Id. 1!111111 flWNll for :e....v::: tfll-t.""' ..... """ ... ,~.. THI VNDE•SIGHl!CI COlll:..O•ATIOM Mnl1L • ~ .,. i.w. TM l"'"'lt" . "'911 ..... ~· •v '""htrtW ct'1tfJ 111111111 COl'lducllne • •~ -11-W fir 1111 "" If 11cthenc Clllllfll'f!'lllloll ...,. flll S-rlor C.Vrt, '" lllirn• fl•""'"· floorco~trl119 •M 1n1o 111'11r1M1. Tiii fol'fl'I ol ¥etlfkllhln ""' Nttl .. ,,.,, ,, llM !lour " lftDD A.M.. --1111 ll11tlntfl llK1ltd •I Sl<lt·• bt obl1!'*'1 '""" 111r olfk• -"" f//f tfwf'MftW, wllfti11 lflt 1:m1 lilowH '1Y C1tor1nt S11"11t. l. .. Alt"'U°" C11lforlll1, DtHrtr.\tnt, ll'W• ..... efllot l'I FllAHI( A. Hill ... uflllllr !!It fklllleul llrm -l'I tSEALI ll'fOIJI, .. ,..,. •I 2271 Wnt llffll!O 111:_,,,.. "•cNk c .... rurti.o c.. Mil SAOOLIE9AC.k INN, .......,.., ,.,.,._, C1lllor'lll1, IM Ille lllll ll'tl ,.._ 9t Mi.I c:er-1tloll Ind 111 _ l!\lffftl C. fl1n(IO.no. "I"· "9111, tffi. ... lroltrttl ·ln N1111 Ett11t ol lf'l11Cl,..l 1llct of Ml""' 11 It tre1111ws: ttrft!I A ... ..._. Viet P ... .... MANUGOl'I', OKtlledt II 1'flt llOQn'IOOr 1'Klflc Conlltctor1, Inc.. Clllr ... I. DrtY•r, SK. T1N1. """ "' lllt ... 111 ... '""''"" VI' --.1.. c11111111 *''"'· LOI AIMii-•utin...... °'""' Coest 0•1" ,lit!, ~ o1 51W « .iMl'Wllf .,...., 11'1111. « In Cillfwni. AprH ,, !Mt 7..., ~ ,_ lfltl .. 11141 JOtjN s·-•:::::_:::_'.:;_::_ ______ _:=_::I lfl'ANUOOF• l'I N t1froe of 11i, """'· !ft 1.:ITHES "' htlll ltll• flh ••¥ti ""1L•• =:. tllt rwl ..--rl'r lllKtielell '' • 11:-PecJlle Ctntritt!IA. LEGAL NOTICE TM 1 .. t n Mt of TM wnt t:I ...., Inc. NJl·lm "' "" ..... 1.,.. fllt .. llttt ,,,, ,,, '°'""' s. V••-r. ~'"'""' NOTICI to ca1:0110111• T0WM Of t+UPlllllA. ti ,.,. 1111 IT.t.TI! 1J~ ~t.~•:;Ahcrtll"; IU"t•IOll COUaT OP TMI! __,, ,........ ...... U -' ""-tT•TI OLll CAll•Otll:lllA ,011 your premium to Sl80; at S2fi0. ~ alasb It lo J60: and with a $500 deductible, it will be only Sl50. But you must inform your insurlnCe agent if you want to take advantage o( lhis p'rovbion. ; (2) Your coverage for ptrsonal property is being automatically Increased by 2$ percent -with no hike In your premium -to as much as 50 percent of your policy's face v1lue. U your house ill Wured for $30,000, up to $15,000 in loeses of personal property - imtead of $12,000 -could now bf covered. (I) COVERAGE tor theft of the "disappearance" type - i¥"olving ''loss or property fltm a known place under circumstances where a pro- bability or theft exists" -is being m8i:le part of your reaular homeowner's coverage inltead of being available only u'~an endorsement. This---is 50 S S .. _ •••nil you cannot prove the lJ. • hip .-,eaves Malta the.ft. (3) 'lbett of property from American Navy heavy guided missile cruiser USS arrived in the 1'.1editerranean to join Soviet squadron an unlocked car will be Columbus sails out of Grand Harbor at Malta at already in area. The Colwnbus is part of a NATO covered -If you have sur· about the same time seven more Soviet navy vessels force conducting maneuvers through May 2. reQdered your keys to a ------------------'------------.::._ __ ..c._..c._:....:. _ _::.c...._:_ __ _ garage or parking Jot at- teDdant. You'll also be covered for property left in a stolen car which is not recovered within 30 days. Under thfJ old rules, you had to prove that a thief broke into your car, an obvJous impossibility if your ca( had been stolen and not reqovered. (4) Coverage is being added atwno extra cost to you for peraonal property while you ar" in the process of moving to i~ new home, for a 30-day pe"-~ -a welCilme ex· pals1on. (I) AIMI ADDED will be coverage for damage to your hoMe or property by "self pro· pelled missiles or space craft'' -in addition to ordinary aircraft, a gesture to the futllre in space. (I) Fees pa ynble for fire deRartment service charges (11till being made in many parts of the count ry) v.•ill be raised from $100 to $250, to reflect ·the rising cost of fighting fires. (7) You will be able to buy homeowner's iosurance for a home or other bu.il<ling under col'lltruction -including in· 1urance on the building for up to its expected value on com· pleUon -as well as liability if you are negligent in ei!rlain specified cases. (8) THE LIMIT on losses of jewelry and fur s is being sluhed from $1,000 per item in any one theft to a tota1 of $500 for all such items. However, you may buy a special endorsement to cover any iDdividual ite~s valued at more than $500. (9) Liability coverage is being ,specifically excluded for damage or injury caused - away from your own property -by any recreational vehicles you may own. This includes snowmobiles, motor skooters and go-carts but not golf carts you use for golfing. Insurance Banquet Set The Orange County Life Underwriters Association and the North Orange County Life Underwriters A!soclat\0111 will hold thflr annual • ' L i f e Insurance Week" and annual banquet Friday noon, April 25, in the Anaheim Convention Center. The luncheon will climax a week of activities aimed al providin~ a b e t t e r un· derstanding of the life in· sur1nce .Industry, the ecooomlcs of the naLion, and individual · careers as a p~ feselonal life insurance un· derwtiter. t John P.!cKay, USC football coach, will• be the featured speaker. \I Ticket sale!! are oelng na.ndl· ed by II-• Walker. state ~~~ri~~~i.~:=.Co. of Huge Antenna Readied Intelsat Link Widens Communications HONOLULU (AP) - A huge antenna that can snatch a space whisper and turn it into a loud message gets plug· ged into a global satellite network next Monday. The antenna, taller than a JO.story building, will lock O<J· to any Intelsat 3, a com· m e r c I a I communications satellite hanging in orbit 22,300 mUes above the Pacific Ocean . It will forge a new major link in overseas com. municaUons between Hawaii and the U.S. mainland and Japan and the Philippine&, Thailand and Australia. AddWon of the huge antenna Y!'ill make Hawaii's Paumalu earth station the world's largest for -comm ere la I satellite commuiUeaUons. The antema, 97 feet across. will pull ln the faint signals from the Inteliat 3 and sort them into a telephone call or a color television program. With it, say tJie expert.!, a Hawaii resident telephming Tokyo will hear t~e voice at the other end as clearly as if it were coming from the house next door. The big dish also \\'iii handle signals Ulat will keep hun- dreds of teletypes chattering across the wide Pacific basin -all in a fracti<Jn ol a second. The second Intelsat 3 satellite was launched Feb. S. It is part of a series that began with the world'a first commercial communications satellite, Early Bird, which new into space from Cape Kennedy in 1965. The ty,·o Intelsat 31, e.ach Radio, TV Commercials capable of handling 1,200 two- way voice circu.its, are five time:s more pov.·erful than their c ommercia l predecessors. · Hawaii 's Paumalu ew:th st;a· tion, the largest, is one of the si x U.S. stations located in five 5tates and Puerto Rico. lt :sits on a bluff overlooking the ocean about 40 miles north of Honolulu. The mainland s~alions are at Andover, M a I n e , Brewster Flat, Wash., Etam, ,V. Va., and Jamesburg, Calif . They are jointly owned by communications firms under a fcrmula set by the govern· ment. Owners of the Paumalu earth station include Comsat, Hawaiian Telephone Co., RCA, ITT and Western Union. Anti-smokeBanRuling Due AMA Official Cites Youth Drug Usage WASHINGTON (UPI) -A spokesman for the American ?\-1edical Association (AMA) estimated today fivr: out of ev· ery 100 college students have tried LSD and probably 20 percent of high school and col· lege-age youth have experi· mented with marijuana and other hallucinogenic drup. Dr. Henr y Brill of New York, representing the AMA'1 committee on alCQhol aDd drug dependence. gave the es- timate to a Senate subcommit- tee inve,o;tigating drug abuse in the United States. "Drug abuse has become a worldwide problem of epidem- ic proportions which demands a correlated research effort by public and private re- searchers," Brill said. Physicians are called on I~ rreasingly to treat drug ad- dicts and to counsel parents of children takin g dope , Brill · :said. An earlier witness. Dr. Al· fred M. Freedman, chainnan of the department of psychia- WASHINGTON (AP) -A try of Ne\v York 1t1edical Col- a g a In s t governmental pro-Congress. lcge, testified medical doeo- verdicl on the government's hi bilions on ~·hat he wishes to lf the justices turn their tors were generally reluctant power lo force radio and say, but also again s t backs on the broadcasters and lo get involved \vith problems television stations to use an· governmental d·1cta1·1on o f lhe tobac-people refus1· of drug addiction. \.V ' ng tismok.ing messages co u Id Sen. Harrison A. Williams f th S what he must say." even to grant them a full-dress 1 con1e rom e upreme h . . 1 Jr., 0-N.J.), has introduced Court, perhaps v.•ithin the next The object of this spirited earing, congressiona pro-a bill aulhorizing a $350 mil- few weeks. attack is the FCC rule that ponents of a n ti s m 0 k in g lion attack on drug abuse, in-. measures y,·ould b e em· \Vhile c 0 n gr e s s con· stations carrying cigarette boldened to drive ahead. eluding grants-in·aid to help templates new legislation, the commercials must provide "a train medical researchers in court could guide the significant amount of time for However, if the juslices set the narcotics field . la'Amakers by ruling on the the other viewpoint" -the the appeal down for a hearing Brill cautioned against the claim that the Constitution"s viewpoint that cigarette smok-next term, the effect likely go\·ernment taking over the broad guaranty 1 g a i n s t ing can be a hazard to health. \\·ould be to restrain the more \Vhole fight : government censorship can be Successful in court so far, adventurous legislator11. A ''AMA does not believe the used as a shield against the FCC has moved on to pro-very real prospect of court federal government :should regul ation of radiD-tv ad· pose a flat ban on all cigarette disapproval \\'ill have been assume sole responsibil ity for vertising. commercials on radio and raised. multifaced research programs The tob ncco and broad· television - 'vith the possible The FCC, for its part, has on d r u g abuse and depen· casting industries are banking eX"ception of cigarettes "low in brushed aside the 1st Amend-dcnce. heavily on lst Amendment tar and nicotine and related ment argument and pitched its ''''l ilh adequate funding, It freedom of speech and press filter &!peels." case to protecting the public can prov ide the needed impe- guarantees as they try lo cut The fate of this stiffer rial against ''the pov;erful blan· tus for such programs under down the 1967 Federal Com-probably rests as much with dlshments"' of ci garette both public and voluntary au- munications Commission rule _th_e_s_u_p_re_m_e_c_o_u_r1_., __ w_i_th __ •_d_v_er_u_·s_in_g_. _______ _csp~i_ce_s_. '_' -------- requiring · an tl smoking messages. Their appeals, p e n d i n g before the Court, areue that lhe broadcasUng lni:Justry has been sirigled out unfairly-and uncomtltutionally; that the gover'nmenl could never get away with this kind of ref!la· tion lf it tried to apply it lo newspapers, for instance. "Are broadcaster• dlst~ishable for l*t Amend- ment purpoaes?", the NaUonal A510CiaUon of Broadcasters asks . The tobacco manufacturers, meanwhHe, have reminded the justices that they held loog ago the Ist Amendment "protects the citizen not only ,... t1 ft IJ, ~ r~ w1 ~ COUNTY ~ LOS ANOl!LfS l M TNI COUNTY O• OllNlll • c:.u.itf OH THIS fl!\ RY of APtl~ A.O., 1Mt, ftl. A""4H • 1 t • , 1 e •. ,,,_.· <*'lllM"" k-11 It IJtU llvt bt!OI• 11\f lflt ulldtnttMd, 1 Mo1ttY t!sltl9 flf OO•A (, HUl'l'MA,N, e Ollt. ....,..51, C.lll9r'lll1. Pu~l'c ln fnd fllf "'" C.v"lv •"fl Sl1tt, o.cttltt. • ........... '" '""'l!ed .... Mi.I ... resltlnt lhtf91fl., 4lllY ~lplonN .,.. NOTICI! IS HElllEIY GtVfH fe !tit • ..,.., ..., """' M !JI wrlllflli '"" wtM lit ,_11., ,..,..,.11., tOH••"' Jowtfl I . cndllllf'I If "" •lllln 111m" Ill~ • • ....rliOPlll tf Mt ..,,_ flf PaAHlt A. V..-vtl W A. J. Dvr•11 1tllCIWft tt .... lio 11111 1M !Nl'tOlll IMl~IM clllfrll "111111 1 • "ILLllMOllll. AflitrM'I' .... MA .. 1111 "' 1111 1'fllldlftt '"" ltf,rt11ry "'"°" 1111 Hlf Ote""" •rt '"vlrtd tt !\Iii • • .llAN '°"'-Ill•.,._, .. Hlllf with 1t1t ""'"' II !ht C'tf'Hf•llon ll'lfll •••tu!M ... ll\tf!I, wltll IM ntuJHrt \'OIKl!lrt, Ill 1 • ~ flf "" ....,. Cwtt ., ffUw.,., wlltllft lfll!r\ltntllt tn ...,,,11 .t 1111 COi" 1111 tlf'lm .i 1111 cttrtt ti lhl '"°"' • •• tf ..w ....,.... ,.....,..llY .. -!!IN "'llt!Ofl ""'"'" """".cl. t l'ld •CkntWltlfl-ff'lll1i.-cwrt, w tre '""'"'' ll'lfrll, wtth 1 .... -fllnl , .. ,°"*' .....ut. ...,,,,.1 tf .. " -""' well _...,,.,IOll tllecuttd "" _ .. ,, ftll<Mrs. .. !flt -• • ,... NflliCit .. ..... .. .............. .-. """"" " !bl tfflt9 .. Mr llferntn. • • ..,...,,,. .. "''°""•rM 111 the_, II IN WITNISI WHllllOI', I llt'ft IA lllO Al'IO IAIJIO, 4'1t l .... S11<11 • • --,,.. Tlw.rlerMI """" Hun· 111rtuftlit wt,.,,, """" 11111 "''•" ,.,,, of· 1iv.1 .. Slllt. A. L-e .. dl, C1tl"'11l1 • N 11 WA LI( 0 N f' • ..,., 01111>r1 (ti.MM) "' !flt ''"" TMI nct1I .... 111t •11 ...., Y"t Ill 1111'1 llOI01• """kl! It Ille Pit« If 11111111111 f etaf -I • °"" Mir .... M C1111Wni. I'~ ....,. eto"llfklll flrtf *"' Wl'lfttft. of 1111 "'"'"l'llltN<I Ill 111 ,...,...I'll • WW\ • .._ Mii t.Mll .......... '*-llW .. II wtll CllALI Hrt1t11111t .. :W.""~ Of Mid 9tctdtnt, • c s 0 , • :;:T-='==:-11\:.. ...... ltl ~~~.'!.'";., ::':i':::r1tt. ,,....,..11,., ...... kl-! ommuter erv1ce : ;T : Nf1! J, ,..., M141 c-f't' 11111 St.i. 01'1111 it.lltll 1, lNt • • : ,_, MAlllM JIAl'I f'Oltt't.Lll .... t.OC A, levt11 'r111d1t11 • .. W.oiw/J: ....... "~ .... k1N. AttrL t:r«Vh'l• • • .... lllM .. ., -wtlilllll'I ........,., ..,... JIN of "" Wltl " ~ : : ...... MMwftflf, ~ ................ ~ ,_ ·~ "'"""' M.'IOll • • =A. ""'°".... ....ltllel °'""' C-.. 0.1" P'lll!, IAl•D AND IAllll:O e e N UW Mtt1 t1. 21 '"" ,,,.., I, .. IMt 7M_.. ~'?!'!"!!:! lf0 "' .. ' • • n .._........... _., .................... l•llt • • ~ .. T """'" 1 L..,. •-11. ~tlferlll1 ... , • • JINUI --tn-• DAILY •ILO CJMtllllf •flt rt11 (111) mom : : ~.,, ,.._., f'MOl'tl AllwMn.., •-1r11 ~call your Tr1vel Agent or AJr Cll\fornla (71~) 540~550: ~ er.f1!1f c..pt Dt•r Plitt, fC.5f'j1 Putl+ltfttd Ori..... Col•I 0.ltr P'llat • , I. , e e e • • , e 0 11 •1 e•11 e •. •• • p,. , , e t •• • 1••1 • • 1 e ote ...._,. ... tt, U, I• W.ff -l'Ofll lt. U, H lllf Mt' 1, Ifft ,,,.., • Serl011s Busi1aes• Fishing is no Jaughinf matter to George Dumm and Mary Jaechel s, angling under cloudy skies o Newpo rt Beach for persnickety denizens or tbc deep. For some people, the Ush must first nibble before they thcniselves can have a bitt of supper. And that's the trouble ''1ith fishing even if some tznok \\lal tons en- joy the pure sport or casting a line • 1 I J ' • • . - ' ., J Foontain Valley •OITION VOL:. 62, NO. 9 ;rEN CENTS, .. • j . . ;· ' Bantittgton Gunfiglat • RFK' s Assassin ~ 2 Bank. Ro~hery -.Gets ~1st~ Degree .. . . . ' Suspects N~hbed . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan e: Sirhan was !ouod qull!y foda~f first "clegl'ee murder for the asw&lnation of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. jury now must decide on pqnlshment -We or death. • · The seven men and ·fixe women, who deliberated 16 ·hours ·and By TERRY COVILLE Of tlle OMIY l"lllt Sti ff After a brief gun battle, Huntington Beacll and Fountain Valley police, Wedne9day captured two men suspected of·armed robbery moments earlier o€ the Bank of America at BrookhuM Street and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beech. the Fountain Valley detectives, hitting their car once near a spoUight. Sgt. Nourse returned the fire, hitting the suspects car twice, police said. Arrested were Raymond A. Vigneau, 43, a janitor from Lomita, and prtsenUy a federaJ parolee, and Kenneth R. Werner, U, of Long Beach, also a federal . parolee for a previous bank robbery in • minutes before reaching their verdict, found the young Arab was menta1- IY capable Qf mature medltatio~ belore •shooting down the atnator last J~~ . . . When the 'verdict wu announced Sirhan, who had been nervouaty chewing at bis fingers; ·stared straight.ahead Wld showed no emo- tion. Bodies of Two ' . .. . l ' Police said patrol units quickly block· ed oU' nearby street's and spotted the auspects 'aiong Ellis ·Avtnue io Fountain Valley after the bank robbery alarm was 1ounded at 11 :50 :t.m. • Huntiniton Beach. , · After a one-day recess, the aame jurors will hear arcents as to whether 81rban'1 fate be life hn- prboiunent· or. -to the ... chalnber al :s.n Quentla. 'Ille penalty pbOM le expected w·1u1Ol!IY1 few clays In cootrut to Iha IS.Wed trial. . ' OnAuacked Fountain Valley detectives Fred NOW'se and Jack Trott gave chase and followed the pair, into a new residential area west of. Ward Street and nocth of· Ellis Avenue. During pursuit, the suspects fired at Mystery Veils TV in Beach ' . ' M'-8~e Ht>use. lnlri&tiinl ~ lod•y """'"""""the reason for tbe medilDl1 in the DlUAIF parlor ,iJo~~~· seizure of cloeed ~ircuit televt&.ion clmer.u during a vice raid at 1 Hunltngt.On Beach sauna establialiinent. Pornographic materials were also allegedly confiscated at 1be Executive Suite Sa1on SIUna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., Wedneada,y as detectives arreated lbree .,.,...,... The trio of young "omen were charged wi.lh suspicion ct prosUtuUOn and Oetec· tiv~ sgi Robert Rhinehart said today thM additional complaints may 6 e fortbcomlng. camera equipment taken from f..be establishment will be examJned by 1n- vestigatol'3 from the Orange Co~ty bistrict Attorney's office to detemune .!.y·1ether its use may have been criminal. / Arresting officers said the video tape- equipped instrument was hooked to cameras overlooking lbe individual stalls 'where the three Suspects did whatever was done with customers. Patricia M. Shelton, 27, of 7791 Slater Ave., Lois Masters, 21, of 607 11th St., both of Huntington Beach· addresses, and Betty J . Costello, 19, of Long Beach, are all free today on $315 bail. , Arraignment for the masseuse trio is 1eheduled April 22 at 9 a.m. in West Orange County Judicial District Court. ' Personnel at the sauna-massage clinic 'i:lwned by Mrs. Emma Van Buren to14 in- Testigating officers that the equipment ~as used to make sure employes con- ducted themselves properly. "We will be talking to the district at- torney concerning the entire operation 61 ,the" sauna parlor," Sgt. Rhinehart said to- (See MYSTERY, P ... I) Dunn to Resign :As Chamber Head • ,. Dale L. Dunn. manager of the Hun- tington Beach Chamber of Commerce •!!Ince 1966, today announced his resign&- ·iuon from the chamber effective June 1. ' Dunn said he will join the staff of Jntemational Securities Corp. as a finan-- ial consultant. The Los Angeles·based ftrm which will be moving . its bead--quariers to Newport Beach this year, bas offices in Hunttngton Beach. Chamber uecuUve board memtiera ac- cepted the resignaUon thi9 momlng and direct«• are being notilild of the action. A special meeting ol direc\crJ, is ex- pected, to detennine how Dunn's sue· ~ will be aelecled. - .. After serving rour communities in three atMel dlD'inl the pa.st· l& ytan as a cbamber manager 1 Dunn said be will con- tlmie w li~ and -~ In Hunllnpon BelCh. . . . • St.ck Markets NEW YORK A(P) -The atock market Cloeed on a fairly evtn kett today after a)vin1 up rouch of the snail 1atn It had }loatod Arliar. (See quotationo, Pages 30- 11). The Dow Jones indllltrlat avcraae at l :IO p.m:, Wll up 0.81·11'11:Ut. I ' BOth meii were finally captured at San Carlos Street, neai-Ellis Avenue and Ward Street in Fountain VaUey. Nourse .,.id, "It looked like they were getting ready to take off again until those bullets hit their car. Then tJ;iey stqpped." Two. Bank of America tellers, Mrs. Lucy McAndrew and Mrs. Ann Moore were brought to the scene of the arrest, where they assertedly idtntlOed the men as the pair who robbed tht bank moments earlier. Mrs. McAndrew also was a victim of the Feb. 25 robbery. Jibe said the two matched the description of the men in- volved in that crime. · · "The one -.!IOod .in the door di<j more talking this timie but they. weren 'l :nearly as ~t ·: ~ lfid;..1 . • ·1f'.:t~~.~·~-:i,= glbves,'treDch coats.aad.·...W .. mx'a' ,, ~ .. ~ UJO 111on<y oUl "' the clililer» boiel ltitA Jolt la a ........ oald poliet. -··,., P.olie< said they recoveted $4,700 in stole!! mdney, nfioo 5klck!nc me1b, a list of police ractio ~al calls, two boxes ol, extra ammunition for a .U caliber automatic pistol, two stolen licenee pl.,_, rigged for placement over existing plat~, and the suspects' parole papers. Both suspect.I were booked i:JXo Hun- tington Beach city jail on charges of armed robbery. Fountain Valley police are expected to file additlma.l charges of (See GUNllGHT,·p ... I) Navy in Contact With Brother 0£ Plane Victim Navy officiaJs continue to keep in close contact with a Huntington Beach man who8e brother was one of .ll crewmen aboard a U.S. spy plane shot down by North Korean fighters. Mrs. Edward W. Greiner, 1"41 Bartlett Lane, said "the Navy ii keeping my huJ.. band well Informed about the lllcldeilt. but we are uni.hie to release anything other than smne information on hll background." The vlolim, 31-year old Albert Greiner, had been in the Navy -1905 and was raiJ<d and educated In JciwL lfil cumot rank ii Aviation Electrlclan'~ Mate Chief. · The plane, a Pl\>peller.<Jrivai crlll wM shot down earlJ W. ,...k and the Gr<fnen. his DHt of llln, were nolllled by Navy offldell Taeadl7 ulibt. . SIRHAN GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER Jor.cllini•n .cOnvict~ •of Semitor Kennedy'• Death ... ' . -·~!@@@•it••~ .. t 'i!i•;.i'' -,Bigl1ii . Worker Shows -' Women, Negro Progress By TOM BARLEY Of 11111 o.llr l'UM Stiff Atnetican women and this nation's black people have a"1ot in common when it comes to a thorough analysis of various forms of discrimination, civil rights worker Alltel C. Hernandez told League ol Women Voters convention delegates Wedneaday nighl in Anaheim. She brought some 500 banqueting LWV W9fken to their feet yt'ith a standing oYa· lion whtn she declareOil'rit "American women have made very little progress towars true equality since the 19th Amendment was passed." The Los Angeles industrial consultant. a former member of President Johnson's Equal Em p Io y men t Dir portunity Commission, warned her Grand Hotel audience that very little progress would. be made·unql "such organizations u )'OW'l .take a lead .in forcing American women to face .iSlues. "We're pretty good at sloganizjng," she said. "But it 's one thing to say you've come a long WaY baby and it's another Ulif!& to take a long hard look at the jaues and examint them to the point that ......, '!Ill be persuaded to take over tl>e role lbey've _, OOI which Ibey don't aeem to be able to implemenl" Mla li!mandez deplored the failure or women to take thejr place in the nation's ,..a mWJJt at all 'levels. "We have only &br'll women in our ~te assembly and none in the senate," she said, "and it Isn't until you gel, down to the leYe.1 of our boards of education that you•. find women represented in any strength at all. . • "One reason I'm given is that women shrink fr9"1 politics as a dirty busine&a,'' Miss Hemandez: aaid. "Ttiat may well be but we mustn 't allow it to prevent us from carving our place in the structure of politics. "We must assault these bastions of male supremacy and get our sex into government," she declared. "We are in the Pos~Uon of being the objects of male arfeclion but not of male respect and this won't do. "Just like the ~lack people," she said, "our taler:its and ener~es ar1e .being,con· fined In narrow .. areas ~ Ula.i's tbe way tile rt1cn want Jt. Work .a11 )'ou like. baby btit not where U;le 'public can See "you. 0 And again like the black people," said Miss Hernandez; heraelf a. Negro, "we want true equality, we want our J)Jace in the sun. We can 't atand baCk and wait for the lmplementaUon that ls always pro- mised bUt:neVer appears., "If we can juSf gef ihto 'the pOJitical arena," the speaker said, "we can play a lremendpus part in a very different man- ner to the tradltJonal metbodi employed by men. . "Too many men toe the .party lioe,:' · (See LEAGUE,-Pase I) Co~nty Nixes Apartments· The ,._..1100 .•tread)' had ......,.. ed It would not ,..Q tbe dealh penel!y but would tell the jurors either aentence would be just JW'Y foreman Bruce D. Elllott banded . the paper with the verdict to a bailiff who showed It to Judi' Hert>elt V. Walker and then passed It w Mn. All« Nishikawa, the eourt clerk, who ttld I( as the ZS.year-old Sirhan listened in- tently .. • ,. The jury .•. find the.defendant,. Sirhan Blsha<a s~luu( gulltJ olmw-<\er in vloJa.. li~n of .Sec:Uon 187: Penal rcOOe,,a~elony .& chargiod In Counl ~ ol tj!e lnotk<meill ·~ Jliil It 'tli. lit.""'*'"'· ... 1rst ~egtee'.1''ih' ~"f:!~· ~ . Sirhan allo w11 found-1Jllil!J d 11- saull will> intenl to klll in tlijl .......iti111 of nve oUw pmooa ldt ill die fe"tl ,, qi elghC shot! the 'tlnl Polallnlu-- grant fired in the PaD1rr o1 !be Amb.aa, sador Hotel ·the nllltit OI Kennedy's victory in the Calllornia presidential primary. County Residents ' May Get Break· On Tax Deadlinp ,- A 1llmmer or hope appeared 00 the horizon today . foi' nearly l $ O , O O q hbmeowners who 'fal1ec1 to Meet Uilii week's de{ldline for appllcalfon& ·on f10 proper!)' tu rerund• being p'~ bf. the county assessor's office. Assistant Chief Deputy A!le8SOl' Gary Cottrell said legWaUon ls be)ng in· troduced ln Sacramento which would, If approved, extend t~e application period for a further 45 days fro.m the APfi.1' ~ deadline. ' ' And he has been Informed, he slid' that I..os Angeles COunty' Assessor '?hilllp Watson is also . aaklng ~v. Ronald Reagan to extend the nung period ..• In either event, Cottrell said, at wUl give a second cha.pee to 148,080 homeowners who did not aubmit 1 their 1968 · and · 1969 property ' tax reduction clahm to his office. Hls final ,analysis t~ day ...vealed that, or 5M,f71 forms rnalf. ed 'to county residents, 318,591 had been retunted. . ' AsseMOr''s aides make no secret of their dlsapp:lntment at )act of p.iblic responae to a trerneodous publldl)' cam- paign by thl.t oil!« In the ' 1'ed. before deadline. . , Plane Found .. ·• ' IVASl!ING'l"ON (UPI ) -The·lM1dJes ol two of tfte SI crewmen of the U.S. recon. naissarice plane shot down by North Korean MIGs were recovered from the sea today. The. White House noted aharp- ly the plane was unmistakably Jn b- ternationaJ iir I Space. at the' ume of. ibe attack~ (Relatod atories, Pase I) .. f>:esident . l'{bcon'a, ...... .aecretary Ronald Zl<gler told reporters in !he llnt lnlbatantive White House comment on the incident: · : ' 1 '1'Wt could ~ ·• qo ~ on the part of tile North Koreans n to Iha 1-·~llle·airerofl-·lllloll·MI beeq 'n~ wu itm .~ythinf but m. ~ alrspice;"' . . Aslced il the \\'bile H-WU .. ,1 .. the ·conunbnilt ittaclt. wu unpNvOUd, Ziegler replled :•"Well,.lt wu an un~ ed plalle on a rouUne reConnaiuanct mJaalon .in international &it ap1Ce. t• ' The· two bodlea of -the crewmen were fotind· in the sea of .Japan by • u.s~ destroyer and the ·Pentagon concedfil:1 there wu virtually no hope of finding Aft)' of lthe men aUve. More pieces 'Of wreckage, Ure jackets and other debri.s from the "fcxzr..eQline plane aLsO were recovered. Some ot. it was said to be drilling toward North Koran coartaJ waters. Ziegler declined w diec4111 detalla lllch as ilie drift ot debtia. ' 1 · Nixon wlll speak out on the Incident him9e1l Friday at an ' 1:30 i.m. PST neWs coru.renc. to be carried u... .. televis ion and radio. · Ziegler reported that Nixon conf"erred gntil well aflm: tnfdnlght oo the .Red al· tack . will> lils chief Whitt House forefp "policy 1advJ.ser, Dr. Henry A. Klainger, and tbe"lwo'contimJed to IJ)eet durinc the .day. • The first bodies -one of an officer and orle oC. an enlisted man -'Were ftparted picked up 17 miles north of the site wbe!'8" the first apparent. 1wi;eckage frem, ·the pl,!qe was !OUJ4!1 Tueadly nlJ!.hl, about :Ill hou(s .. after It WU shot dQWnr . The center of the search aru wu uld to be about 110 miles awey rrom the North Korean lelporl d Cb'oncJln but Uie Defense Department saJd tome of the debris -from the lost plane was drtftlng closer w !be North Konu coast. North Korean '--uta la boulln( d downing lhe plane durlni .. intelllaence- 1alherlng mlealon, claimed II bad Violated the Communist country's 1 ·~ space. The Penta~on laid Wednesday "all evidence" i{lillcatod" tile pf.ine WIS at least 50 mlleS out at all tunes -nowhere (~ SPY Pi.ANB, PIO II Oran .. They are.equally ,dllaP11Dinted at the T'5poqse by, vet'1-ant for 19"' exft11ptlOl'IS in property tu. Of I0,118 claim l'?""' malled in the county 38,524, or 15 percent' of tliooe contacted. Died ,\h<lr compl,ted, documen\a will> !be CGllP!y .......... B S B h C. le M B 1J · lo d A .· . 11 i•·e~ that 1'111 check! will be ut .unse. t .. ea, c omp x ay e eve pe ' nyway . malled to ..CCeu!ul .appycan!S ,by the ' • state controller's ot'Oee In late ~une. , ' t By JACI. BROBACIC PactficEleckicrJght-of.wayhasbeenthe ror the cominunlty lnd .'the 1 developer, The1 tu refund stems from the . 1 ,. ~ea~r ~ , °'""'Delft""*' subject of .,even bearings be!.ore the that the onJu real diff~ between the Leglslature'1 declalon tq return aq ,over, More 'or '"e ,.· me i. the . outlook l)' PlaJin'·· Commies! d tin ha k ' · IUblcrlbed $2IQ mlWoo id Ulxa to the "' M The county -or &lpervleon coun ••. on • g c bulld<n .and the plannm WU buildllig pubUclnthefoimolproperty'Cn·itllef. 'roe F:rldey, .. fi e tbe beam!nJ Wednesday unanlmooa!y denlelt a pro. to Ocl. 2, 1111.J-ot,Feb.13, !be com-h<lght •ndlhltlhow~terllnd-er--a•-ue1~n· bl~-~.totlll, -wealberman, will> [air altiea "'"" . pooal to develop a mlJe.loq. •fo«.-mlaiGn turned ddWil'the requat of ' • I -" r• uo ,,. •• -·-r• .<-, ·-· strtp In the cen1er d -Beaclvua Carltoo 8ullden10 erect ~!fupleJ ape1'-blema can be IOl-\ed tiy elllier netP,bor-perty tuea In the form of 1 !1$0....,.. In( ""'momini cldudl and ttmp. plallJl<ll «<nmullJl)I ....,ivtrc for tile meal -oo tile 10 acret _.._ I Ing 1Wnlln(tori18Hcb or ~al Beadi. · ment exemption. 1 eratures ranging from 111 ai«I( the moment, 1 matter that baa baC. belora ~ "i<l 4111 atnei..u a "piann&l 1 wdia,11al.t ·Jie'.d.u~ that Huntington • beach to 70 !-Inland. county ofllc!ala fat·-two',...,.. C<immll!Uty, • • I ' -CoQ)d allonl to~bue ~ prp, ' • t]$i'.' .. ·. INSIDll TODAY Bottt-ntatinsoflhedeftlopm, The deyelOpon W"'-l-~1*!11'1 1 ~.._~~~liflAira~p.t)dpf no' N'"' ,SI. £/.;, I carlton Bulldeh ef •Bev•IJ Hilla Jn. -Wedneadlybftore'dleiJGltil.~1 •""•..,i>e~sllOOld:lloe +" • ,;1.~ :A.'ll..,,,a:~;;oq.11~1~ ~_;.~~:e:.:··~~:jc~~~;.~~111':,;'!i>,\~I t,~1 '·~ .... .:;;-ta '.COJ:;Olt "'TY' . .' · . :r1'::11,.,,... .. ,,,.~a;:~·;,: wr/. 11 they dlepllrenUUed w1111der "i!Mded'"" Uie fliiiO ~· filid. ror..., ci1J', the.,.. .hall.~ , v ~ .• , . ' ' . c~tr pamp~~ Page 3. • current duplex aoo1nc. both for and apfnll the I blema .. ~ 1111,. " .w...sw~· N N (Urtr;u Th& l'ub~a' .......... . ' . 'lbeflm\h<tdukedfor1che,.etoa County Plmll,. ,ro~at woujd 11!1, to. RUlll> hil;'IA>14JO!ar'lelevblon. ~-• -' " :..-[le:n~"pl~~= =..-andaa111..:..-~~~~,"~~. :t~~·..\Wi0. rcr=r~· 1 ·~;::;':J!J:t· 9.:... 1 ~.;_s: ·~ alol)' bulldlnp. hancm .... propoaed lncmili'~ol,1bo(lt ·~ i -~IVI ,r. "'"'l"""'!I'!! I !P .r..itlllcin ' . :• ·I,. .· ' -' = _, .... Secood Distrl<t SUpervlaor David L. per«nlmpi1pllolloo. • ~~ ! ii ........ ,~,.~.~ »j .r;N,p)ll 1n·~~·~,N.Y •• ·': ::l:_.".:l' J ~ -::~=r:;i::.i~~d;:! v~1.~'~f."~1 ·,11clllD1''u _, ""'=~-~ --~.-=~~umJ::,~) ·l ~ il = 1 af land one mile IOlll and IO feet wlda Weatmmmr prMmlted" ...-• .,.1 !0i' • di .,... 1'lr """ 'bo the Jdmum sar t .. _ • :0~"' •:...., ,: doo not fit planned community criteria. Corlton Qolldefl, He. .,pec1 that tile !be tradl IWHlor)' btilbl Umlta-• va ma • '"'°"" · , ..,..... • --.. The project to develop lbe former planned C01111Jlunlly cilDcopt wu belttr ' UJ>41. I~ 1 7 ---~ - ! . l!All.Y Jiii.OT " Wliat ·)et. :Noi i · 11J JDOMZ 'I. COWNS i ·----. 1 lillt l'1.1flle tlalt MI I llld I ~ nice lboUI the ouperJtll at Or1111e County Airport. Let'• Uri with all that alleged ...... Some people uy ll '• loo loud. 'Ibey 11111 CID ruiD property YaiUM. 'Ibey •J Jt'I driving lbem nuta. They uy loot al Playa dd Rey. I All rl1h t Let'1 took at Plll)'I cltl Rey. Sllce lbe jum- bo JeU moved into Loo Angeles lnler- nallon41 Airpol1, whit'• happened! This ii what's happened: crime in lbe streets In that community bu all but disappeared. So . bas automobU. tralflc. So haYe -ol • -:>#~ • . :ei"'~ ite-.i,.. ..__ ..... tt., ....... ,. ---· I 73 ............ . Bui """'' -tbat ... bl laid for Jtl ...... .,.. lnitmico, It: . -Dr-iillt borlnl coovenallolll. -Mullloo \the rlnc ol unw111ttd lllepl.-- ..... tbole lactulnt TV com- ~ b24111lble1Dbllr. -ir..;. ,.. !Ji>m -Ille yellJ of thal dumb ... _ .... Mif;;bijjlbe lalll Into your pool. So 111'1 -ti for Jet Mlle. Now, what about lbe otller allepd pro. blem -all that fliel lhlt tloall to lbe ground alter a l<I tam off? . I lblnlc people who complain lboUI II covtrlng tbelr er-. '-roaltoi>o llld wub hunt 1111 lo dry ,.. ...,-., . Can ,Do LOGBOOK -fllln& mlPIY lmportanl Instead· of scrallbtl 11-bli-« ~ ll ~they lllloul4 .l!iCIW It. 7 .. U II inabo BoelJll '111'1 10, lblnlc what II oan do flir lbe fllllll:r car. Tb<re. 1 Aid "'1Detlilllg nlco about lbe jtts. Maybe !ht. will ,.i me a free Air c.J flighl lo San Francllco. * * * U lhen'I lllYtlUi the Sit!llll Slrban lrll1 hal clemomlrllod, ll'I I b 1 I ~· • i You ,, ...... h" -"' o1 belt. Ill lqenct .., ••• , ~ II ~ I , 'I • ell! da7o, whoa 1!111 • ,, at I \-:::... '*-, alaq ' wl1!I -·'"" ! . Now -'ct01wo ilnl ID for ll!llnln&fUI adv~? ~yby Omar;r, lhll'• who. . • • * There'' a blJ -rully llii -poUr pme 1o1oc cm In N...,...i Beecbi And .Newport's pollce know when ll'1 al Bui lliere'I ootblq Ibey oan do lboul It. The reuc:m: lt'a in a private place. Which makes It dilllcult for the copo lo bust down the doors. If It moves to Newport Pier or Harbor Hiib'• audlt.rium, thoqb,wlldl out. 'l'blt'• today'• adullvt. ---------------------------------------~ ~~~-..---....-.-------------~~~--- Hinshaw Gets Six Appraisers · For Preserves °'IDie County -Andrew J. Hinshaw asked county llllJ>UVlloro far - and gqt -m additional apprallm ads ded tO Ibis staff at a cost of flS,000 a yeat "to cope with the heavy workload brought on by the agricultural p.....,... statps" granted to more than l0010Dlt acret ol county land. Hinshaw told supervlsoni be must change the basis for assessment ol the p._ty. "Pm>IOOl!y ,.. · valued a II bJ>. provementa trees, fen~, plpettnea and so on."' the assessor Aid. "Under the new setup. we DIUlt change our metbcm.. '' Hlnshlw Aid the flood damap -blems had further added to the workload • of his lllff and that without tho ads • dltlonalapprai<enhecooldnotcompletl . lurvty of the farm lands by the Jllne IO deadline. The request was ~ by I 4 In I -with Superylsor Robat W. Battin dilRn: ling. ''Thia II addiq Insult to Injury lo the tupaym ol Orange County," be Uauecf. ''We llddJed them with 1ddltlonal lull with the praerva and now Ide! more u- penae." ' . ,.,.... r.,e I ··.SPY PLANE ••• . . near tho iJ.mUe alt and ..i itmi11 dafm. ;, ed by Pyongyang. , . The Del-lleplr!ment Aid the U.S. destroyer Tucker, amt to the 1eene from ) Ila bale In Saaebo, JI-found the flnl I bodies. The 'l'ocker and a lllter l destroyer, the USS Dale, were leadln& the , 11<11Ch operation, · logetber with two ; Soviet lb!Jll which qulckl7 Joined In tho I operaUon Tuooday 11 U.S. requeol. Officiall beld oot littll hope from the i outaet that .IDY of the crewmen could l b8'e lived very loq In the cold walrn of • lbe Sea ti Ja-even If Ibey ....med I the crub. Both the water --- ! and the air temperabn were reporlad about40~ . • Just bow close the lelrch operaUona l• lnlcbl go lo North Korea wu unclw. About three ,and c:me half boms after an- .......,. ncovery ol the flnl bodlet 17 ! mllet from the ate ol dhoovery of Iha , finl aircrall debris, the Pentagon llsued • a statement whicb Aid: ! "We ha,. been advlled by the oearcb l fJJkta lhlt IOIDt ol the debris II drilling tram far out at sea tOward the coast ct. • North Korea." ! i Bank Control Urge~ t i I j • • • ' l I ' i WASRINGTON (UPI) -The Nlnn 1ds minlstratlon today came out In favor of 10mt federal control over banking con.- glomerata, but ~ llronpr loglll• Uon that woukl_ yirtually outlaw banU from engqlng li!'non-banklng ldlvltlea. DAllY PllOT •.Mtt N. Weff ---,_, IL ewi... Ylct ,,..._. .,;,/ o-tlf ...... "••t k••wll IE•lflM' --A. .. ,..., .. -·· AINtt w. ...... Wili1• .. .. ...... .... ..... .... .... ' (,., , .. ............... OM. Jot ... SffMt M.m.. ,.,..._, ,,o. a.. no. t2'41 --......., -.00: 0'11 .............. ...... -~:•w..• .... ..,.... ..._ liMdla m ,.,.., .. .,.... . ' DAILY PILOT ltaff ...... Educational· Weasel LoWIOll Evans, 10, fourth "ader at Aliso Scbool in Laguna Beach, and Karen Linden, 12, a 111:th grader, ob.serve Harold the Weasel, who 1howed up at 1chool Wednesday. Harold was caged for observa, ·tion .by ltudenu. H4l0ld Is doing his 1bare of observing, too. .o . ) ···ltuntfugton Girl, 18, Held In Attempt to Steal Syringe An IS.ye1r-old Huntlngton Beach girl waa amMed Wecloeoday al Hoii MemorW HoopltaI alter allegedly trying to steel 11,ypodlmlic IJ)'tlnges while being lreated In the emergency room. · 'Ille eucl charge q-Pllrld a JIUacaglla, ol !Ollll Qoallel Drl,., 11 drug '1'tap:aUon, howevw., bued ~ e~enca uniquely ..........i "'' -pump, polico laid • A ,,._ -aid 1be saw wba1 ap: ptar"1 to be a ll)'rlnte lheft attempt call, eel Newport Beach police and Patrolman Mike Mulllna WU dilpltdled to the -. where MJss Buocqli1'1 parenll were preaent. Suddenly, another oune saw the gtrl- wbo was to be tttated for an Infection - lrylng·lo gulp red caJJIU]u llld attempted in valn with Officer Mullinl to stop bu, lnv.,llgalon Aid. A -pumped ber llomach and Supervisors OK WeHare Branch Orqe County 1UptrVlaon Tuelda7 approved a bid proposal lo bulld the county wtlfare department'• flrat new branch olfJco near Mqnolla Su.et ml Wtslmlnmr Avtnue In Garden Grove. Five proposall ...,. recelvtd for tho west county branch llld the Real Pro- pertl., illplrtmal tarmed only two ol them occeptable. WIJ!ner wu P'VWG "'-l1<1 for a 10. year leue ca a 14,009 lqtl&rt foot, one story bulldln& ... I0,000 oquare fed of property. l>ark!nc for Ito Cll'I will bl provided. Reot for the 10 YWI will be '3<11,HO • Submltllnc the -ICCO#Ahl• bid WU lbe CIO<t ComJllll1 for .1 lite on Edwardl A.,,.... noar tho 81111 Dillo Froow111n •--· a .. ., 1rafllo In thl area niled out !ht. location. ,,_ r.,e J I.EAGUE ••. .... Aid. '"l'hln'• too much "' the .,., Dad wu' a Domocral ao rnuol I be' In tho mala approach to IOftfMl<l'll "And mn, unllte-prefer lo till ldw with ,...., " Miia Hernonclei ,.Id. ••womea are much more dilpoaed to llatft\ to what the other Miii bu to Ill)'. "\Vbat we oeed In !ht. mile domlnlted ebcltty," MW He:mandu &Ud, "It "°'""' with the gull to lltll1d up for the thlnp tlle1 belilYI In llld tab steps to «met whit II ballc1U7 a racist llOCl6- t1." ICll1io (lll'tlally disaolved 'llblets believed to be aeconal were remowd, while tlie groll)' paUent herself waa removed to Orqe County J all l'rffl P .. e I GUNFIGHT .•• assault with intent to commU murder and La 1'lrada pollce to file auto theft charies becAuae the &et-away car wu stolen there. After the monty wu returned to Bank ol America olncl&la, both men were released to FBI agents for arraignment before the U.S. Commisslc>ner in Santa Ana. 'l1ley m being held In Oranre C<.mty Jail on 125,000 ball pending 11rz rai,,,ment In West Orang< County Munlcl(lll Court Friday, police Aid. CApl Earl W. llobbllle ol the Ht111: Ungton Beach -Doportment eald both men hive been taatively identified as ~ •m• pelt that robbed the same bin!< ol $7,800 on Feb. 15. Huntington CofC To Hear Baker Who needs the county? The answer to the quesUon ls to be oupplled by Or1nga County Supervlsor David L. Boru lo members of the llllnt, lngtoo Beach Chamber of Commerce dur, Ing the noon luncheon meeting April !O at the Sheraton Beach Inn. ... The talk Is bllled by the chomber as "a pro'IOCaUve discussion on local 1ov· emrnentl, their rtlationshtps and cosu." Chamber olflcllas eald that _,..,, Uom are ,,.._,, llld ... be obtained by notifying the chamber olflce (P.O. Box mi by April IL Luncheon cool II '3 211 per penon. The chamber olOe<s are cm the leCOnd Ooor of the Towo llld Country Shop\>lnif Cenl<r' -BouJe. vard llCath tl. "Ellls A venue. UN General Assembly President SuccQmbs GUATEMALA CITY, Gu1tem1la (UPI) -Forelp Mlnlsttt Emilio Arenales Catalan, 48, died early toda in a prJvate ho.<pital In Guatemala City. Artnalea, snsldent of the United Na· tJons gtntril auembly, undtMftnt two o~aUons In New York in late 1981 for ''""ml of mallgnondes from bll """ and his brain. 1 \ Fna P.,e I MtS~ER¥-.. i!ay, ''but DD olbor ccmplalnll have - lsluecl." No lmplleltlon --In the perlor "' any -l*'Ollltullal Gf*ltlon, Aid Rblnebart, nollnJ lhll lbe lnveotlpUon .WU demo IOlely by his mtn. Prior vice ral<ta at ouch eotabllabmenta have Involved help from the Dlltrlcl Attorney'1 ofllco, wblcb often auppll'" plalnclolbea lnvlllfgaton for confldenllal mrk. . Pollce Aid Ibey will Uk llllntlngton Beach City Attorney Don Bcllfa to ...,, aider wltbdr1wal of the Ezecutive SUlte aalon11 uuna Ucenae in ll&bt of the ar .. rella. The at1bll-oPened In 1111 under Ifie~-Adami Therapy, but chaqed ......,lbip ml name In 1111, l<COrdiJJi to -... Air West Shifts To Long Beach Starting Monday, Air We!lt'• Orange County operailons will !lhift to Long Beach Mwlicipal Airport for two weeks, it WU announced todaJ. 'Ille lrllllfer will pmnlt Air West to continue IChedullng 11 departure$ 8 day ror county passengen during repaving of the main nzDWll)', opokeomen for the line aid. Fllibll at County Airport will rmune Saturday, May S. Air Wiil provide! µcvlcea lo Lu Vp,. Pboeltb, San Dlego and El. Centto. 11 U1U llbth pure jet llld jetprop aircrllt. African Chiefs Meet MONROVIA (AP) -African chiefs of states gathered in l.Jbtria today for a summit meeting on the Nigerian civil war amid 1111!11 that ......tonlll BWra Wanta to talk peace. 'Play'• the Thing' Pal Bethel as Sister Man:ella shocks fellow nuns played by Crystal Payne and Jane Koehler with reaction to punishment in this icene from unie Cradle Song," to be staged by Huntington Beach High School thespians at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday In school auditorium. Student players visited convent to prepare for roles in play. Reds Want Military Win Over U.S., Claims Lodge PARIS (UPI ) -Ambassador Htnry Cabot Lodge today ~led North . Viet· namese Defense Mlnister Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap of sacrificing 500,000 lives in a futile attempt to win an American Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam. He told Hanoi. to give up all hopes of a military victory, Giap was the artbitect of the Viet- namese victory over France in the French Indochina War which ended with the victory over the Freoch forca at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. after seven year1 of fighting that devutated moat of tho country. Lodal.~ North VJetnam of being gulley~ a large number of vlolaUons of tnternatlonal agreement! covering Viet- nam, LaOI and Cambodia and again urg- ed Hanoi and the Viet Cong to start lzn.. mediate dlscussiOn of the simultaneous "'lthdrawal of foitlgo troops from South ·Vietnam. "Peace will not come to Vietnam as a result or military operations such as those you have been cxinducting since the ·end of l"tbruary," Lodge said at today'• aession· ol the Vietnam peace talkl. "Your co ntinued pursuit of military vic- tory can lead only to further futile losa of lile and destruction." Lodge took issue with r e c e n t statementa made by Giap in an interview with the ItaliM weekly Leuropeo. "From all appearances, your aide 11 still pursuing military victory," Lod&e said. "Apparently, this is the view of Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap. In a recmtly pobllsbed Interview read by mllllool ol people around the world, Gen. Giap llCOCned the negotiations in Paria and talked instead of giving the Unltad Slltea a sound rnilituy beatinc." Lodge eald Glap bad openly declared ht sought "An American Dien Bien Pbu" though he.bad lost· half a million men. "This terrible and ·futile oacri!lce of hall a million human beings 1pparen~ does not deter Hanoi In lts qual for vie> tory," he Aid. "Gen. Giap Aid efDo phaUcally that North Villlllm w11 determined to suffer IDd llCl'lOce u Jong ·al neceaaary, even u Ions u liO )'W'I, to ·'l!n complete mllltarJ vlctorf·" A «tpf'listklttd new HERITAGE tclleetlon, comempoqry In mood butwhh 1ht rich rwtr1lnt of tradhlonll design lnftuwa. Tr1Neept wn dMloptd t1> cepNrt the look of today's homa In ttyle. finish tnd ttxtut1 -• look ..,, lrt 1ht contrlltS of old brick, ctdw d\akll, ~ awn lultlbtr and o\htr Nltur1I m1t1rlal1 of conttq)Otlry lfd'lhtcture. Tnintetpt mNM .. c:hanelnt 1-. H 1,. o.w lnt"PtlWlon of this mnctpt. wt'vt UMd oft IOUdl and pedc:y-pean "'° ntn wllh peh:IM IOClnts lft, pf-"'11 oombln1tfona of perquf't. h1nlntb0n-..· pldc lf'CI flutld PltttmL You'll appncllta 1h1 ric:hn• of che woods Ind the l111ttOU1 finish -tM werrn Md Inviting etmotPf'ltn thlt TrenteePt will provtd• You lhould awk:Jfr ~r for yu home. S.. our"'.,,''""! of thll ~ -tntw«>llctlon...., H.J.GARRFfT fURNrpJRE PROFESSIONA~ INTERIOR DESl6NERS " 2215 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. M6,Ql7S M6:0l76 • I I • • s ddJ 1L ·· .k ... ~.-·~· . ~~~~ . E 0 l'T I 0 N . • • • " -, .. · · ' -·• · , t r • >'Ol,i,62.J,IO. 92, l ·SECTIONS; 38 ·PAGES "'._ I • ·, .' I .'• _..., • . . . • .DOWla the Mission Trail ' Ne'v Civic Center Work on Schedule LAGUNA NIGUEL -Work on the new ~th Coast Regional Civic Center here is on sdledult and the $876,000 structure !Muld be completed by fall, contractor W'..1 J. Burke Construction Co. of Anaheim reported loday. '. 1lie 12,000-square-foot t w 0 • s to r y ~ bul~ng will house four court rooms, judges offices, a marshal's office -1 a jail holding facility. Jt joins a fire station which was com· Jieted last year in the La(Wla Niguel ctnter located at Crown Valley Parkway ar,t the' planned Moulton Parkway. Even- taJlly then will be a municipal court of- fic·e, public library, county buikling department offices and a sheriff's sub!la- ~-The ciyic, center will serve El Toro, M18slon1 Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point and San Juan Capimano. e •G,.111 CadJllac' Set . MISs!Oli' VJb~ebacJ< College tbes~ will b'ead the . boards for the first unle tonight. Their comedy vehicle: '"Jl!e Solid Gold Cadillac." , Tlie play, alio scheduled Friday nigh!, will belin at I p.m. Tickets for the public art •t. a-Ya lions 'Will b< needed. The ~tlonl will b< b<ld "in the college muac . room. vmt play. is directed by Miss Bonnie Cogbill, drama instructor. It is a spoof of corponle ahenanif13DS. •. Princlp•I H,.ored LAGUNA NIGUEL -Principal William H. Llmebrook of Crown Valley Eliinentary School in May will take of-fi" u president of the Orange County ltfementary S c b o o I Administrators A,Moclatioo. ebrook is the first administrator Capistrano Unified School District d the position. '" ·•· l'l/o Mobile Honacs . iSAN CLEMENTE --Councilmen ap- pf!tnUy don't want mobile homes looking d<Mn the President's neck if he should p)Ck the Cotton Estate: here for a summer "fJ!Ie howe. ~cilmen Wednqday unanimou.sly riltCted an appeal from planning com- nitssion denial or a 234-unit development. 'Ilie development would have overlooked U. Municipal Goll Course and the Cot~ Estate where President Nixon stayed reaently. 1Councilmen said lhe e.iclusive residen- tial area was not the proper location. f ... • E•rollment Drops • iMISSION VIEJO -s.ddlebact College f'$1rollment for the spring quarter is 1~ .i.ctents, only about IW<Hhlrda of the IJI' students enn>lled lut fall, The enrollment ls almost evenly divid- ,ji between lull time day atudenls (&Zll aftd ·evening students (527). jOne hundred twenty-three daytime Es and 32 evening course, are being eted during the sprinc quarter after I were dropped because of imuffi- c~ enrollment. , . .,~ e Kolb to IRcrc .. c .... ' '.CAPISTRANO BEACH -A 20 percent etiroUment increase in the Capistrano • ified Scboo1 DWrict Is expected next )'J!IT as the re.suk of the opening ol the ~orth American Rockwell plant In 1f1iUna Niguel. When completed about tie end of the year. tbe plant will employ abcut 7.500 people. fBY Jw>e, 1970, Di ... ict Sllperlntenden\ !.'a!'les F. Kenney said, enrollment 1:· d increUe by 1,400 high, inlennedl- i.nd element.ary 3Chool 1ludentl. , Bucher Gives 'Heart' • l'o Slain Crewman . ' Tax Refund Extension ~-~ _· -·---- hi .Offing A glimmer ol hope apJieared en the horizon today ·for nearly 1 5 O , O O O homeowners who failed lo meet this week's deadline for applications on ' f10 · property tax refunds being proCessec1 by the county assessor's offict. Assistant Chief Deputy Assesscr . Gary , Cottrell · said Iegfslation is being irl- troduced in Sacramento which would, if· approved., extend the applicaf.ion JIU)cd_ for a further 45 4~s {rom .the April 15 deadllne. . And he has'been infonu~. he 5lld that Los Angeles Cowity Assesaor Phllllp Watson is also asking Gcv. Ronald Reagan to eneiid the filing ptri.00. Jn either event, Cottrell' said, it will give a second chance to '14a,OIKI homeowners who did not submit their 1968 and U169 property tu reductioo claims to his offict. His final analysis to-· day revealed that, of 5.14;671 farms mail- ed to county reSidenta, 386,591 had been returned. Assessor!s _aides make. no secret_ of their disappointment at lack oI public · respcnse to a tremendous publicity .cam- paign by that .office in the week befi:>re deadline. · · n.ey j,e equa11y ~1"~tad:~. lb< ~~~;r:t~·c mfiled In ti>< county 311.;at, er Iii ~t of ~ !'Jlltacted, filed their C!Jlllpleied d-OCUJrientl wUh tbe ~ 1111 !'1 ', It is dpectod 'that ·no ;cbecb-will b< mail~ to suocessfut' itPRUCints by the s.tate cootrollet~s office ill late June. Chil.d Survives Near Drowning A year.-okl baby fell into an Irvine Cove. swimming pool in Laguna Beach and-remained subMged •for ad. un- known length of time before her mother pulled her from the water this morl)ing. Cloe Drake was rushed to. South Coasl Community Hospital·-·feUowiat • ttie ·incident. She is the diught.tr o( Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake of 2490 MOllaco Drive. Irvine Cove. The child was given emergency treatment and has been admitied in fair coodiilon to the boop!tal 10< _,,.atlon, aides said. Police officer Dave Clelland, at Ute scene cl the accident, said u~ child appeared to be respooding to ......,,.. cy mcuth-to-mouth resuscitation when the ambulance arrived. A neighbor; ·who wished her name no! b< u.ed, had given the baby mcutb- to-mouth resuacitarton before the Police-man arrived to ,take over. • • . • ··- • ':floday'• ~ • . ' N.Y. Steeb ' • TEN CENTS : RFK's Assassin ' ' ,• LOS ANGELES (UPI) -·Sirhan B. 'Sirhan was found guilty of 'the maximum verdict of first detree murder Thursday and now hit jury will decide on ~ sentence of life or death. . The assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy did not speak a wo,.i or move but he pressed his1 lips tighUy together when the verdict was read after a trial that bad· 1asled for 15 weeks. · After a recess for the weekend, the seven-man, five-woman p&nel on Monday will begin the penalty ' pbase of the. trial in which they de- cide on a sentence of death in the Bod• f T gas chamh.er, or life imprisonment leS O WO with the possibility of parole after seven years. · VERDICT ANNOUNCED On Attacked Two ballitfs ind a private inves:tieator . P·lane Found for. ~ defense ~tood with~ inches of Sirhan .after the ve'rdJct was pronounced 1ri anc'lclpation ol another' wild cuttiunt whlch•previousty bad marted lhe trial. B)JI Sirhan; dreSled In an ope1H:Ollartd W ASlfiNGTON (UPI) -Tbe bodies of blue shirt with no tie, p\ade no ·move. two· of the 31 Crewmen of the u.s: recon. toward vto1ence' ahd jnmped 'uj, qUlekly namance plane shot down by North ' Ind almost' ran out of the cOurtroom u Korean MlGI were recovered from the the jury was ei:cused. . sea today. The White Home ·noted lbarpo ·The juron had delibefated 'almost 17 lf the P,lane wa,s . unplilta~jJly: in tl- houfa: after rect:1vlng the cUe late Mon-ternational air space at the time of the day. They appeared grim and llOmewhat attack.· (Related 1torie1, Pa1t 4) Si!!HAN .GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER Jordani•rt .(:onvlctecf· of S.~•tor Kennedy's Outh unhappy,, the prooPect of a furtherdlrlal ~eot Ni>on's preu -.ry which, pr'obabty _ will last• '"era!· ayi. """"'.d Ziegler told ttportera In·~ flnl During lb< time ther'frill -~ be .,...,... ... locked up. at ·nilbt u they. h&ve •for the substantive While HCUlt comment en the past .everai. mOnUia. ' . ~~ Could ha;e1 been no rntat8ke on . . . . . La.gunilJ, Co·un~··z, ' ' ' ' ~ f~i;l'-1 ~;f,ifll ' . . . ~ . , Slrhan's ~er Mary-and his two the part cf the North Koreana u to the br1Kber1, Adel ,and M~ • all wept 'Yben lccaUOn .of the aircraft beca\18il it had nOt they were lnld the .Wdlcl" by Untied been . . · ~ ~··~al. 'nti~ftJ!llliiMll (* .. ~ nor was , 1t, ~,_an~DI ~ m- 1' • !htif Paildena:~c r.l.d'Wm nOl"fii'the t.rnaliona! atrspaco. a . ome erdicl Asked if the WbiLe HOUie WU M1UW On · P~rking Downtown courtroc.n far the readln& of the v the ~ attaci: wa.s unpaovoted, f OICS •BOU ' .i ·. ,. ' ·~ npUed : "Well, It WU an Wlll'lll-"';tJ~ tfd ~le abM .... 1 ~. ed tPfane 00! a rootme ·reconnaiuance Adel 11lcl,hll volce,!""llinl· •.WI dido I m!D!On In lnlematlonal air space." expect this verdict. . , . ._.:.:. -1be two bodies of the crewmen were I ' j · Laguna 1Btach councilmen tonight will take ue downtown rarkinc recom· mendaUonSthat include: · -Replace 3'i .OfMtreel metera. -Establish the wTie limit for pai'kinc nn streets at two hours. Parking on lots is already Be( at two hours. -Establish the rate for the use of parking spaces at ten cents per hour. -Provide infonnalion on the me1'r that advises tfie uSer that two houn is the maximum time· alloWed for parkirig in order to re-establish the anti-meter- feedlng.,.enforcemenl .-&stabUsh a special fund into whi~h the, revenue Jrom the inrreased rates In excess of the operating costs of the ci y would be placed to be used for assistance In providing additional off-street parking in the dotmtown area. The r:eccmmeodatlons are a joint brainchild of lhe Downtown Business Steek llf•rlcct1 ' NEW YORK A(PI -.The stock market clceed on a fairly even keel today after &iving up mucb~of the small gain it bad ,posted earlier. (See quotations, Pages 30,- 31). ' ' Association and city .'~ciala. Downtown merchants woi.tld be able to buy tokens rrom the city to provide shopper1 free parking time. i The gr00p report, to cotincibnen admits Jt It not a panacea : " ... It must. be recognized th'.at those persons employed or work!ni In the dcwJltOWJI area 8r! the ooa I most af- fecied by lhe meter-feeding ~..00.ent Procram, wllhOOt ,any atte\npt lo P,.,vide for their obvious needs at tlUJ Ume." ' . . West Indians . Rout · Scotland Yard Agents PHILIPSBURG, St..Maarten (AP) - An angry crowd cf 300 .persons barred three Scotlan<fYard. ag~ from landing Thursday on th11 Welt .lpdla island in Search of a ll'O!lP',of 'youths au~ted of s~lpp!ng arms to nelirl\y Angullla. · The British agents took the neit boat back to Anguilla, occupied by' Scotland Yan! police and Britjlh para~• since March 19. · , 1 • • Def .... allorn•y Grant.B. Coopir..., · loond In the Sea of Japan by a us that he did net feel it wculd be necessary destroyer and the Pentagon conced~ to call many wtlnew;es fer the penalty there was virtually no hope of findinl an7 phase of the trial, Jl:OUIUn& out that the ol the men alive testimony ol psychiatrists who aald M 1 · . . S. baa . tall Ill . already a matter ore P eces of wreckage, life Jac.kets 1r 11 men Y 11 and other debris from the four.eigtne or court record. . • plane al50 were recovered. Some of tt It was a sclld victory for ,.chief pro-was said to be drifting toward North .seculor Lynn Compton and his depuUea Koreari Coastal waters who had portnyed Sirhan 1" a liar ~g Ziegler declined to discuss details aucb to duck .~ gas cham~ fqr the 11ayi~ as lht drift.of debris. cf Kennedy last June 5 Ill a pai:itry at the. · Nixon .. will speak put on the Incident AmThebaaaaj dorjhot.iedl. th . d~ehaecon•a..UOn himself Frlday at an 8:30 tt.m. PST ury te IC . e . . ,::"'l', qews conference to be carried live on that Sirhan wu so mentally 111 ·.'°"t he television and r.a<Po. · 4Jd not have~ capa'* !O.~r· ~1'1; "!P"rted tbat Nil<oo coaferred and maaarely pre~ltate.a'pcf~~ unUl~Wtli after mkinilbt·cm the-Bed at.- th._niurdef of the young &ena\Ot WhO bad lack.with hi• .chief Wltlt. H;,..,. foreJcn just won. victory , .1n the Caµt_omla policy adviser, Dr. Henry A. Kiaainctr. D<mocraUc p...idenUal prlmory., and the two continued to·meel durlac the A buuor sounded three ~ .In the day. . . · fQrtress-llke courtroom at 10:f7.·a.m:, 'nle first bodies-one of an oUl?f and algnallng that• verdict bad beeD r.each-one· or an enllsted man -were· reported. ed. picked up 17 miles. north of the site wber9 At the lime Sirhan wu in hil lborts 1it-the lint apparent wreclage from ·the ting on a chair in his cell and wbel he Plane wu found Tuesday night, about JO wa11 tOld a verdict Ji8.d been reacbea he hours after it was shot down. aald, "that's fine." Th'e center of lbe search area wu said When ht entertd jht: courtroom; hazy to be about 110 mites away from the with smoke from the •mci't. than three North Korean seaport of Ot'ongjln but dozen newsmen wailing in the room, he the Qerense Department saldrtome of the · (See SIRHAN, Pase I) debris from ·the Jost plane wu drlfthlg closer to the North Korean c:out. Sao.· Weezel~, PATRIOTIC THIEF ·,. . . ' ' . ' No one coti1d see by the aflernocll'I light Wednesday, the' 'Slar-spaJll]ed Ban. ner that U!Ually fliet prtrudly over New · Spelling Describes , Experie1ice .. By RHONDA ' VINEYARD the educat<r aald. wum uj,m a Uem •a~a ~~I and Proctor CGnF,e.d the 'eyklentlJ tame it wuz at· Aliso School. It scaerd the yard weUe.l '.-wild we·asets are touah teecher and it WUJ scaered too , IO wuz ie, customers to be reckoned with -usina a but it wuz the 1C1mtist. ' file ubind and 1 convenient will. * Tlien ·he let down a lllllHided cage • By JACll. CRAf PELL Harold pbl!gqly zipped Into aolliary Of .. .,..,, ..... "'"' • CMftnemtnt. Once upon a tlme't llW a story writttn Soon, tbei weutlrnamed for an •A.l.bo about 1 weasel that tw'9td up 1 at Apao, School teacber will be taken to the SPCA School ind sclred the y~rd teacher-shelter, •Ith llils ·uJUmate deltinllion a. once upOo a Wednesday in:ild. 1 ' De* home or a IOO, but·in tbe meantime . It 'wu ~ ~ I'.{A. '" tbl .~ If>. he la~ ichool'1 ~r ta'.cbJnc ·ullstant. Itia\ T~ ~~ . , ' . . DWni ~yon chic~ tkl~Its, ule ·~ , It aclfad,n:,• ~· ¥1\1 ~up on Uve.11ll9w1,oll !Qr tbe childnn, ""°'did , 1he 1 ""'"""tionaf ~ -•I put , prod ......... Uwly proae'al>Olll him, ut- tO(ldher·!il van."'!--U... lo mab' i"l_lh/' ITA IYS!ept .of PJl\llnl letters Inl<Y !~~-~~~--··· -~· :-,,,, . ,: ' . : ' . ~{-t. in ""A: . . , ! , !~"iftl~n. ~,,,_,__.Int tllal ,£ni!lal11 1 · ,J';''\Nll! µ•· ,_ , •r. )\ala.charKm"·OL~Olmflftllt oil to ~ who """"'.:.Wf~ • •. ,.P!lha for fll'pilf W ,...Ju¥> 'pit-l,1J<j,Pr09«•1 omo. ~</,If &.; • !!l'f .twl~ 10 ibiCtr.a4llicM!, Laguna Beach:s Helt:ler Park. . Someone toolc ii. Police are inveaU,aUnc the case, but have no clues. .. 'weadler More ol the 11111t II the' ouUoot fo} Frldly, AYI ' t.he beanUDa: weatherman, with fair sties pan.. ina the morninc clouds and kmp- eraturu ranaiat frv&n II alq tba beach !<> 711 -Inland. . INSIDE 'IOD-' 'Y .. ' .;. A llc!mll c:rab Jl(>iftlt lite ...., to ~ ·°""'OI COG1t'1 ""' "io,ri!'l, 11/< llfOIC""'I HI a 'l?'fal I count¥ pcnnplllc~ ~ 'J. . ' .. ~ . . . l e...,.. 'A li...._ " ( .......... ~ ........... . ; c-.ia ,, ............. .. c:""""" " ... -~ • ~WELL, Ore. IU Pl) -Cmc!r. 1.loJd Buclier. skipper of the captur<d UM Pueblo, viJ!ted this Uny Oregon !um· ...,q and farming community !Oday to P!l1 tribute to one of hit mt'n. . 1le preienied the Furple Heart poolllllmousi1 to Seaman Duane 0. llodfel, 21, llilled by lite from a North Ktrtan au.nboat when Ull Pueblo wa• ·w·~·--.&ilp'aiii~: ~~by~~p1~·.t•· , .. --..... ~--:lite,".' ·fli;ctor'.tatd ~.~~ ol u:!.ri.!-:~~~l!M ~ WIASIL TE,\CHES -Lawoon Evans 10 and xann" ' '" of>. ~!!!!':f?.lh ; ialt .t ~~)~ 'l'°vt,,. ~ llpa lllld -il1 l1llmlllfoc• -.,..... ..... ' ............ . ' ........ lMI •tllttnll ..... • ._.. ... ..... ,. .. ........ »*' ..,..., Jan. l!, 11111. / serve Jlarold the W.easel . who showed 'up 'at AUao:Sc '1na 1 1 .,'!.__.~ ..; u~i(, id ~ over .tie iww •rJ&lA&. ·1 ~ " t ~:;!' 0~:::~~-~%.observation by students. Harn!d gu~ 8 .'.J.._, ''I 11""~':':~~~1 • •=1~~l.,.~~~\t 'ur~\ ·;,,d'. ~ ,af ( , .-J f ill! DOpl't .ie WU1 ~too. ~ -.. , , , ·' ~ I~ ' • I t ~-- ,..._ »oh .,....,... D ......... 14 ,,..... • I Allll ~ 1• ·-4 M .. lf 4 .... ._ • -...... ' """'...... .. • 1 ., ! ' \ . ' ,..__ ..... ,._ ... . . ' .. ' • 0 ,.4 .... ,,. ..... ·-•• . .. -.. ,. .... • ' • L_ ' -- DAILY PILOT What Jet ' .. Noi ~~. San J oaqliin' s Precinct --------~~------- Court Has Berry at Top San Joaquin Elementary Schoo 1 District voter• returned I n c u m b e n t F.dward E. Berry to office and elected t.o the other two open trustee positlou financial consultant Robert L. Dameron, and negineer James A. Nelson. Berry topped all vote getters ln the district with 1,840 vote!, followed by Dameron, 1,808, and Nelson, 1,1H. The other seven candidates recel.ved the following votes: Ch a r I es H. Boulanger, 1,049; Patricia A. Stratton, 853 ; Pat B. Brian, 541; Hobert W. Liv· ingston, 447; Vincent A. Laverty, 380; Loa Young, 385; John F. Unger, 155. Votes by precincta for the various can- didates were: UNIVEllSITY PARK• Berry, 122; Boulanger, 402; Brian, 51; Dameron, 316; Laverty, 2tl ; Livingston, 70; Nelson, M; Stratton, 359; Unger, 18; Young, 36. llALPElllN RESIDENCE, Irvine: Bel' ry, 15; Boulanger, 74; Brian, 11: Dameron; 65; Laverty,!; Livingston, I ; Nelson, 7; Stratt'on, 88; Uriger, 3; Young, 4. mVJNE SCHOOL, limy, 24; Boulanger, 4; Brinn, 8; Dameron, ~1; Laverty, 4; Livingston, 4; Nelaon, 16 ; StrattOn, 4; Unger, 2; Young, 13. LAGUNA BILLS, Clubhouse Z: Berry, 309; Boulanger, 93; Brian, Cl; Dameron, 312; r..verty, 12: 1.Jvinoton, 37; Nelson, 136; Sir-, 11: Ullt'I', 11; YOW11, It. LAGUNA 111LL8, Clubhouse 2: Berry, m; Boulancer, IZ; lJrlan, 54; Dameron, 324; t..verty, SI; Uvtnpton, 12; Nelson, 282; Straiton, 71 ; Unger, 17; Yotmg, 11. LAGUNA lllLL8, Clubhouse 1: Berry, 284; BouJancer, 105; Brian, 57; Dameron, 2$4; Laverty, &t; Llvtngston, SS; Nellon, 17'; Stratton, 83 ; Unger, 101; Young, 35. LAGUNA lllLL8, Clubhouse I: Berry, 204; Boulanger, If; Brian, fO; Dameron, 196; Laverty, 17; Livingston, 18; Neloon, · 114; Stratton;fO; Unger, 18: Young, 25. LA PAZ 8CBOOL: Berry, 225; Boulanger, 7f; Brlan, 111; DamerM, Ul; · Laverty, 30; Livingston, 67; Nelaon, 125; Stratton, 59; Unger, 17; Young, 72. OLIVEWOOD SCHOOL: Berry, 71; Bqutanger, f7; Br~. 61; ~eron. 51; Laverty, 33; Livingston, 51; Nelson, 31; ·Stratton, '2; Unger, 13; Young, 41. O'NEILL SCB_OOL:. Be· r r yy, ttl; Boulan1er, 11; Brian, 11; Dameron, 11 ; Laverty, 32; I.Jvlngston, 12; 'Nelson, 13; StrattonL411; Unger, 19 ; Young, 32, GATES SCHOOL: Berry, !!O; .Bouianser, 11; Brian, 31; Dameron, 12; Laverty, 44j Llvipgston, 27; Nellon, 36; stratt.on, 21; Ungtr, IO; Young, 23. -........ ~. .. -... . . ------""~ .... ----------- ··~~g~t Faee~· • • • .. I Tustin School Control Changes poJdio!oo todlJ .lfl ~ best, an lneuct A c~~!l.v!.!actlon apP.µa ,..,.. to , .. ' .' ""'-. 1,. • -. ":. -. MW~:~ II _p.;1'16i 1*in P .. 1 .,,_ 1111 'Ga" fa1t, wh••~ iap ""°" ~li•P•rl-, -a )!nit, ail; • ~._!I'll;, Caru~; 1'rii11. , 100, KnDli:, I ~ 4';~ i lalllct.JM:lln*h • • -,,;;·..;;,,..,.;,,...,_,.....,_,.~ · 1111<~ ... ,ta be hen>eo, • alon1 . John Blrcll Socli!J•"""ber and ~ ~ · WUIL eclC.U. .fd·pnuals? · candidate who rn 1t'lth hhn on a .- 2'7. ~ LAGUNA HJ!.r.s, Clubhou&e No. ,2 -, Briner, i•: Btll, 128: Boehmer, 17; Broe, 1; CalhOtlp, 185; Clrkey, U; F,,_, 12; Ka!J, !ZS: Krenek, 12; -· 41; Sclllav,, 17; Selleck, li7; Smith, LOG.'&OK N who dO lllrn io 1 ~· uJ were elected TUetdlly. V ·· ""; • ,we or Elecled wer. Paul F. Calhoun, John advice . !Jlttber from Santi Ana ; Mrs. D. June oomelhln( mlghly Important. Instead of scrat>lllJ! II <tf-ar wrbicing It out-they shou1d l>ouW·lt. · ' • t . , .. u 11...-Boeing nr.1·10, think what 11 CID do !or tlw familJ.~. , There. I qfd so~ nice about the . jets. Maybe '1hia wll1 pl· me a. U.. Air Cal filght lo San FranciBco. * * * U there'1 anything the Sirhan. Sirhrin trial bu demonstrated, It's I '. Busy Cat Bnrglar Gets $34 'lin Laguna Thefts A cat burglar hit lour Laguna Beach homes and tot: away with '347, most taken during early morning hours while relfdenta slept .Police today uld the ume cat ts believed to be responsible for all four tbells TUeaday. Et.In 0 •. Smith, fO, or .559 Cypress Drive, loll l200 In cull to the burglar wbo apparenUy tneaked in the front door of the retldence while Smith was uleep. Alan M. Eddy, 28, ol QI Clif! Drive, IOll !40 when the thief took Eddy's wallet lying qn • bedroom "-· Katbr)>n Pellovllch, 4'1, ol f08 MontereY Drive, rt'P<>rtad the theft ol lfO cuh ap- parelllli tabo whlle she wu uleep. Harriet Bender, 47, of &a SUnset Ter~ net. Llguoa Beach, r.ported the af. ternoon theft or 167. apparently taken while lhe-was. away for a Bbort time walklnti her dog. Bank Control Urged WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad- mlnlstraUon today came out in favor of some federal control over banking con- glomerates, but opposed stronger legisla- tion that would virtually outlaw banks from engaging in non-banking activities. Sydney Omarr, that'a who. Smith, .of ~n. who ran on the slate * * * with Ca~. and m~ate incumbent There's a big -really bif -poker Cheoter G. Brlner, .or 263)1 Turquesa cir. I~ going on In Newport Buch. And cle, Mission Vlejq. N~rt·s ~11ce know where 11•1 al. Bui Tbey join holdover board memhen ""r r , 1 Robert BartholOmew, another Birch there's nothing ~Y. cen dO abool 11. Soclely member. !11<1 Jolu) ztsch, ai.o a The reason: its m a private place. conlel'VaUve who has taken st.ands for Which makes it difficult for the C1lpl to tighter economy and tighter discipline. bust down the doors. Mrs. Smith, long active In school, U it moves to Newport Pier or Harbor church and service organizations, df!W mgh's auditorium, though,watc:h out the greatest vote of 3,419. Calhoun rece1v· -;· -~·s today'1 exclusive. ed 3,202 votes and Brloer 2,9:41. ~ In squabbles that have Split the board, SIRHAN-•• -. ,• looked cool ind amlled at one ol his 'Briner has been aligned with William C. Hayward and H. E._ Blbner-to f~-a moderate majority. ,Qu.t qe:ither 84yward nor Balmer chose to run for reelection. In recent rrionths Supt. R o b e r t Dahlberg has resigned under fire from ZillCh and ~Bartholomew and Ziscb hu been formally ceosured by the moderate board majority. Mrs. Smith and .calholm ran i;trong lawyers. througbi>ut the district and rectived con- AIU>Oucb tbe jury. wlll .. doclde on the siderable vote totals in Laguna Hllls, El sentence of lite or death -and it must be Toro and Mlsllon Viejo. .. ---•--·-u wu ~.:-verdict _ there However, University Park and Irvine uwwull\Aa MAJ voters turned out to be mavericks of the appeared ai'tat doubt that• Slrban Would school district. At one polling place in ever be exlcuted. Irvine, Mrs. Smith received only one vote Not a tingle convicted crlmlnal hu and Calhoun two while a slate backed by been executed in the United States In the local residenta rectived 73, 68 and 61 past two years and there are more than votes. so persons in San QuenUn'• death row In the 13-candldate cootest 20.6 percent who are awaiUQe sentence. of the registered voters cast their ballot.a, If the i·ury t1nd! Sirhan .... nty of first a better than average number for school 6.... trustee eleeUons. degree murder and sets the penalty at Early returns indicated a heavier vote death In the gas chamber the sentence _.a: ti I automatically would be reviewed by the leading to an erroneoua prli:UIC on o a better than 50 percent tally. State Supreme Court. Votes for the 10 unsuceeseful can· Chief Defense Attorney Cran1t B. didates were: Howard L. Selleek, 2,848; Cooper aaldhe U the state court uphe d thtoe Sylvan Katz, 2,678; Charles T. Bell, 2,65fi; Je11tence would appeal all the way Stanl L n---1177 °--'d w nl Court. ey . ~n. ' ; ~ . the U ted States Supreme Freese, 884; CUffodr B. Boehmer, 747; Cooper, who said in bls final ar1:;ent Dana A. Carkey, 491; Ralph L. that he felt Sirhan llhnuld apend retl Schiavone, 420; Arnold Krentk, 409; Jolln of his days in the penitentiary, asserts R. BrOe, 310. that American public opinion will see to it Votee cast in the UtUverrlty and Sad- that the a.ssusin is never releued. ·The dleback predncts were : \ 211. LAGUNA J!ILLS, Clubhouse No. I - Briner, 106; Bell, 11; Bottu1*, 21; Broe, 2:· Calhoun, lN; Cwkey, 17; Fr.-, 13; Katz, 70; ltrentk, 9, \ Rosen, 11; Schltvme, 7; Selleck, 215; SmJth, 112. LA PAZ SCllOOL -Briner, lie: Bell,. 12.'i; Boehmer, 37; Broe, 7; Calhoun, IM: Carkey, 23 ; Frae&e, 42; Kati, 125: Krenek, 19; Rosen. 46 ; Schiavone, 14; Selleck, 60; SrniU>, 80. OIJVEWOOD SCHOOL -Briner, '9; Bell, 42; Boehmer, 32; Broe, 11; Calhoun, 3S; Carkey, 17: Fraeae, 21; Km. 4S; K:renek, 8; Roeen, 37, Schiavone', 2&; Selleck, 33; Smith, 54. O'NEILL SCHOOL-Briner, !JI; Bell, 88; Boehmer, 75; Broe, 2f: Calhoun, &Cl; Carkey, 51; Froeee, !8;-Kati. Q ; Klwwll, 14; Rosen, 31 Schiavone, 14; Selleck, 41; Slnith, 55. GATES SCHOOL -'Brinar, 4'1; Bell, 30; Boehiner, 24; Broe; ts: Calhwn, 26; Carkey, 21; FTaese, 18; Katz, 26; Krenek, 7; Rosen, 21 Schi'lvwe, 7; Selleck, 30; Smith, 45. Robert Wilson Funeral Friday Funeral service for Robert E. Wlleion, 3", ol South Laguna will be held &110,30 a.m. Fridey 'In the c!lapel ol Sltl!ffer Laguna Beach Mortuary. Mr. Wit..., 30802 S. r.oast Blchway, w1.1 kllltd Tuesdey in an automobUe &c· ddent. Interment will be in El Toro Cemetery. A Navy veteran, he had been a reel.dent of the COldy seven yeera. He was employed as a fry cook for the Yard Sandwich Bar in C«otla de! Mar. St.l'Vlvors include tis mother, Dolly Lee Wilson of the 1 a m e addreee; four children and a alsler Louise Wileoborn ol Deover, Colo. lawyer Sa.Id the on1y circumstances in UNIVERSITY PARK -Briner, 88; whlch he couJd foresee Sirhan'• relea!le Bell, 78; Boehmer, 61 ; Broe, ti; Ca~. would be U the United State! were to 70; Carkef, 17; Fraese, 336; Katz, 312; "trade" him for some' American in cap-Krenek, 41 ; Rosen, 292; Schiavone,_20; Air West Shifts tlvlty 1n an Arab state. Selleck, 64; Smith, 71. The jury filed in at 11:12 a.m., subdued HALPERIN ~WENCE, 18752 Via and solemn. Superior court Judge San Marco, Irvine : BrWler, 16: Bell, 14; T T _ B h Herbert V. Walker asked jury foreman Boehmer, 3; Broe, 4; Calhoun, 2; Cwkey, 0 J...A.Jllg eaC Bruce Elliott if they had reached a 6; Fraese, 68; Kati, 73: Krenek, 2; verdict. Rosen, 66; Schiavone, O; Selleck, 3; Starting Monday, Air Weat'a Ora.nit "We have, your honor," Elliott sald. Smith, 1. County opetatlons will ahlft to JAnc BANDED PAPERS IRVINE SCHOOL -Briner, 15; Bell, Beach Municipal Airport for two weelll, Bailiff Willard Polhemus handed the 5; Boehmer, 1; Broe, 1; calhoun, 17; it was announced today. papers with the verdict to Judge Walker Carker?,i Frae.e, 2; Katz, 4: Krenek, 2; The transf~"'will permit Air Weat to Roeen, .\8, Schiavone, 2; Selleck, 14; Un '-"·"--1 d-·~-, •• who passed them on 10 the clerk, Mfl. Smith;'!!. con ue IC._... I -..-·--•...., Alice Nishikawa. Mfs. Nishikawa read: LAGUNA lllLLS, Clubhouse 2 -for county pasaengera during repavfnl ol. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER B~ 167 n-u 11• ·~-30 the main runway, apotamen for the line "We the jury. , .find the defendant, 1n1er,• ; uo:-, "; vua11uer, ; aid Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, guilty of murder Broe, 10; Calhoun, 216; Carkey, 29; s • BY. TOM GORMAN } LAGUNA 'tl!ENS loot ..X In one lalUe ~ election ~ay, but they may have won i in another. . -: The overrtd'e, so badly wanted by the f students at LBHS, didn't nceive much I sympathy in the community. But that's all in the past now, and there's no use i crying over It. • But the electlon of Mrs. Jane Boyd to .; the board may be a stroke of eood ' fortune fbr the· young people on Part • A venue. One of the main Wues In her I campaign was to realize "the need for : participation of youth in the detjslon .~ making process." After being elected to the board, lhe verified wtth this column that she will push for the addiUon of a non-voting member to the board. Thi5 new seat would be filled by a student of the high school, In a step to increase . conr munication between the students and the decis ion-making board. .. No other candidates, to my knowledge, • publicly supported such a move. Students in high schools and colleges DA ILY PllOT OltANOIE COAST PUil ISHlfrl(; COMIAH't lttMrt H. W114 .. ,...,.,., .... Putoll .... . J.,. l . C1rlty Vici. Pl'ftklfnl •ftl Gt11tt .. """""° lh•111•• K"•ll t•Uor TH""'' A. M1•~l111 Mlollalln• l•ltor i ithaN '· Hell l-IHel'I City lfliot ---222 hr•tt A••· M•ifiRt Ad4r•••1 ,.o. ••• '''· t2•s2 --c.11 ..... ! -.. , .. ~ '"-' ..._rt kMll: "" Wtfol ............... HllN..._ IHdlr ., • ltnet • in violation of Section lS7, Penal Code, 8 Fraese, 34; Katz, 84; Krenek, 10; Rosen, Flights at County Airport w1l1 rerwne 29 ; Schiavone, 31 ; Selleck, 215; Smith, Saturday, May 3. Air Weal providea 1e1ony as charged in Count 1 of the in-271. · services to Las Vegas, Phoenix, Sin IM><Jahoul tile llllion have mllltalilly pushed for such a move, to involve )'Oath wllh ld>Oo( bciards ln the decWon-maklng dictment. We further find it to be murder LAGUNA JIIlJ.S, Clubhou!e No. 1 -Diego and El Centro. It UH&. bot.h purt seniors will be ~\·assing Laguna to in the first degree." Briner, 165; Bell, 116; Boehmer, 41; jet and jetprop &ircraft. raise donations for Biafri. Senior Class -=-='---'---"-''----------'--'---'---'--------'----'-'--'----------· 1bank Cod· IOmeo!W! In Laguna spioke up in time ao this tnmsition C"1 evolve peacefully. SENSIT!VE, AND INSECUllE toens will probably make the scene at Cliarlle Brown's party Friday night at Laguna High. Tbere might even be a psychiatrist's stand there, with lllss .1an Friben (a counselor) playing Lucy. The whole thing la the climax to Peanuts week, complete with a peanut · popping contest and elections for the best Charlie Brown,' LlnUJ, and the rest of the gang. Respecting Lucy's dominant personality, TOm Tabor, Joan Mahon and the other aoclal bugs have declared the dance a glrl-aak-boy affair. TO PICK UP the pace, 23 schools will Invade Laguna Saturday when LBHS bosta a small schools invitational track meet. The event, tabbed the Laguna Beach Trophy M.t, la one of the oldest such conle!1a ln the llOUlhland. Ap- proximately 1500 trackmen will do their thing on Guyer Field starting at 1 :30 p.m. Members of the senior class will do their t.hlng nut week. too. More than 100 advisor Jotm Brenot bas connections with the American Friends StTvice Committee located In Togo, who will forward aup. plies to lt.arviJlg Blafrans. Donation! may be sent to the Senior Cl8!s Blafran Fund, 625 Park Ave., Laguna. Speaking of funds, things have slowed down with Susan Mazze, the 17-year old Villa Park Hlgh School student who will undergo the county's first Jtidney transplant any week now. She has recently developed a mild case of hepat.itls, and wag In surgery three times to eliminate a blood clot In her arm where the blood Is pumped out twice weekly to be cleansed. To date; about $1600 has been raised by the high school and Youth Councll. A lot more Is needed! Donations can be sent to the Susan Maize Fund, handled by Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 222 Ocean Ave. Maybe a drive should be spearlleaded by Dr. Ullom for the school district. What are you going to , say when 2,000 klds come to your door? "Come back next year," I hope ·UJey can wait that long. Reds Want Military Win Over U.S., Claims Lodge PARIS (UP!) -Ambusador Henry Cabot IAdge tod•y accused North Viet· namae Defente Mlnlater Gen. Vo Nguyen Clap of 11crUiclna 500.000 Uva In a .futile attempt to win an Amtrlctn Dien Bien Phu ln Vietnam. He told Hanoi lo gtva up all hopea ol 1 military vkl«y. Gtap wu Ille ardlllect ol the Viet· namue vlct.ory over France ln the French -blna War which ended with !lie vt$ry over the French forces 11 Dien Bien Phu tn. 11$4 after eeven yeara o! 'filhllng that devutated mOll ol the country.. . Lndp accuaed North Vietnam of be1"" gWlty or 1 lqe number ot violation1 ol lnW!tatlonal qreemenll covering Viel· Ram• Llot and Cambodia and again ura· ed Hanoi and the Viel Cona lo 11111 Im- mediate dtacualon ol the llmultaneoua wtlhdnwal ol rcntin troopo !rom South V1elnam. 11 Putt will not come to VJttnam u a reeull ol m1Ullry operaUona such 11 lhoM you have been conducting aln<o the eod al hbruary," Lodge Mid It lod•)''I I session of the Vietnam peace talks. "Your continued punuit of military vic- tory can lead only to further futile loss of We and destruction." Lodge took issue with r e c e n t statements made by Olap In an lntervltw with the Italian weekly Leuropeo . "From all appearances, your aide la still pursuing military victory," Loda• said. ".o\ppai_'tlrtly, this is the view of Gen. Vo · Nguyen Giap. In a recently published interview read by millions of peopls around the world, Gen: Glap scorned the negotiations in Parts and lall<ed lnsteed of giving the Untied Stites a sound military beaUng." Loda• raid Glap had openly dtclar.d ht sought "An American Dien Bien Phu " though he had lost haU a mUllon men. "Thi! terrible ind fuWc acrU'ice or half a million human beingJ apparently doea not deter Hanoi in its quut for vie. tory," he Aid. "Gen. Gtap said em· pbatlcaUy that _-North Vietnam was determined to auffe:r and sacrltlce as long J.I nect$Sary, even u long as 50 yeani, tn win complele mlUllry Ylcl<lry." al JJ. /}. (Jarrell~· A ""1llotlclted n"' HERITAGE collottlon. _ _.,.,In mood but wit~ tht rkt\ tlltnlnt of trldltional d• lnflu.ra. T••llCllPt wu dMloped to· captut'I tht took of today' a horflll in stYlt. finilh tnd texture-• look •n In the eontr11t1 of old bride. ctdw tNkta, ~ aewn lumber and othtr nttural ft'llttrltla of conttmponry IR!hltletUf't.. Tnnapt ,....,. .. chanting ld111." In our intsprttat;on of thll ~ we''ll Ulld Giit 10lkll end pecky'91C1n ~ ..... will! peldoo -rn pl•lftfl iombtneti-of _ ... horrlngbon ... plink and flulld .,.._ You'll -'"" the rich.-of tho woods Ind the lustrout flnflh-tht wwm Md irwitlnt 1tmolpheit 1htt Tramctpt will pn:widt. You lhould -~t w yow -I# DUI difP/1y of rhil ;,,,. _,_"" __ H.J.GARRETf fURNffURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES16NERS . 2211 HAOOR ILVO. COSTA MiSA, CALIF. "46-0275 644.027'' • ) Laguna . B~~elt _ ' . ' . . Down .t'lte M •• 'lSSJOD Trail New Civic Center Work on Schedule .LAGUNA NIGUEL -Work on the new South Coast Regional Civic Center here is on schedule, and the $876,000 slructure ahould be completed by fall, contractor W. J. Burke Corulruction Co. of•Anabeim rFported today. 'Ibe 32,000-square.foot t w o -s t o r y courthouae building will house four court rooms, judges offices, a marshal's office and a jail holding facility . It joins a fire station which was com- pleted last · year in the Laguna Niguel center located at Crown Valley Parkway 8:nd the -planned Moulton Parkway. Even- tually ·u>tre will be a municipal court of- fice, 1 public Ubrary, county building department offices and a ·sheriff's substa· tion. The civic ~nter will serve El Toro, Mission Vlejo, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point and Sail· Juan 'Capistrano. e 'GoW. Cadillac' Set MISSION VJE.i~di!hacli College \tlelpiMll ·will <trail tbe boards for the first ume totiight. t'hf.ir cOmedy vehicle: .. The Solid Gold Cad-" 11>e play, also sd>edilled Friday night, Jlill befjn •t l.p.tn. T!Ckets !or tht public ire •t . Reservations will tie needed. 'I'tle productions will be held in the college music room. The play is directed , by Miss Bonnie Cogbill, drama instructor. It is a spoof of Corporate abtlnani;&ns. • Prilldpal .u--ored LAGUNA NIGUEL -Princ ipal Wllllam H. ,Limebroolt of Crown Valley Elementary School in May will take of- fice as president of the Orange County Eteme.ntary S c h o o I Admini.stratCll's Association. , .. I Limebrook is the first administrator from Capistrano Unified School District tO hold the position. . e No Mohlle Home• SAN CLEMENTE -Councilmen ap- parently don't want mobile homes looking down the President's neck if he should pick th! Cotton Estate here for a summer ..-hlte house. · Councilmen Wedntsday unanimously '!'ejected an appeal from planning com· mission denial of a 2.3f..unit development. The development would have overlooked the Municipal Golf Course and the Cotton Estate where President Nixon stayed r~Uy. . . Councilmen said the exclusive residen· tial area was not the proper location. • Enrolr..-t Drops ·EDIT•IQN T~_l{efl;llld Extension hi Offing A glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon today for nearly 1 S o , o o o homeowners. who failed to meet th.ls week's deadline for applications on $70 property· tax refunds being processed by the county assessor's office. · , . Assistant Chief Deputy Assessor Gary. Cottrell· .aiif · Iegl&lilion is· being iii- troduced 1n -s.q...,en'!'·whlch'w,M!ld! ii approved, u:tend the appUCation' ',tnod for a further 45 days from the April 15 deadline. And he has been informed, he said that Los Angele.s County. Assessor Phillip Watson is also asking Gov. Ronald Reagan to extend the filing period. In either event, Cottrell said, it will give a second· chance lo 148,080 homeownen who did not submit their 1968 and l~ property ta1 reduction clainls to his otfice .. His fiu,al analysis to- day revealed that, of ~_,671 forms mail- ed to county resldeu~ 31is,5il-had betn returned. ' · . Asseaor's aides · make DO , MCret of their• disappointinent .at I.Ck . of JlPblic· response to a 'tremendous publjcity cam.. pali!I ~Y that. of11 .. :1Ji· ""'· 1'ee• bet ore deadllnt. . : • ." • . . • 'I'tl«lY 'are equally diaappoirited at tbe · !""!""'" bx vetnos l!>r Ull .uemptions ill ~Jox,·OI ·--~lorm1 mailed in lhe -131.iM. ". ;.rcent ol ~ ~. filed theit' IOl'lPleted documents with the county ...,.... It is upected that flt cbe<U will be mailed to suceessf1i1l .applicuts )ly the state controUer's office in late JU:ne. cli.iuf .Surv,ves Near Drowning A yW~ baby fell Into an Irvine Cove swimming PoOl in Laguna Beach and ·remained sttbmerged for' aft UD• known length ol (lme • before l1<f mother pulled her from the water this morning . Cloe Drake waa rushed to South Coast Community Hospital -following the incident. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake of 2490 Monaco Drive, Irvine Cove. The child was given emergency treatment arkl bas been admitted ill fa ir condition \o the holpital far observation, aidf!I• said. Police officer Dave Clelland, at lhe scene ol. the accident, said the child appeared to be reaponding to emergen- cy mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the ambulance arrived. A nei&hbor who wished her name not be used, l..d given lhe boby moutb- to-moulh -before the police-man arrived to take ewtr. ----..-... ~ .... 'SIRHAN COUil TY OF FIRST D~Ci\\IE MURDER JOn!Onl.,,·ConvlciMI, O! s.;..,.;, K....,..y', DMth . .. •• ~ : !, \' I ._·r:,i~ ~:.:~ ;. I w. ~ •• Lag:ufla tJ~:utwi . ~ f 11-" -.... ' On Parking DoiVntown .. Lliguna Beach councilmen toniaM will talte up downtoWn parking recoin· mendaUona that include: • • -Replace.3M on-street meten. -Establish Uie time limit ror pirkinl on streets at two hours. Parkin& oo lots is already st<i II two houn. -Establish the rate for the use of parking spaces at ten cents per hour. -Provide information on the meter that advises the user that two houri ·ls the maximum time allowed for parking in order to re-establish the anU·mete.r- feeding:.entorcement. -Establish-,a special fund into which the ~venue. from the increased rates in excess or the operating costs of the city would be placed to be used for assistance in providing additional off.street parking in the d6wntown area. The recommendations are a joint brainchild oC the Downtown Business Steele ·Market• NEW YORK A(P) -The stock market closed on a fa.b1y even keel today after givina up much of the small galn it had polled eorller. (See quotations, P•ges :IG- ll). Associaticlt and city of!lclals. Downtown merchant.I would be able to buy tokens from the cl!J' to provide shoppers lree parking-. ' The group report to councilmen admits it is not a panacea: ' .c .•. ll muat ht rt<Ogl\lred uUit !host persons employed or W~I in the downtown area att the ortn': most af- · rected by the me!M-leedlnf'eriloicement . . ' program, without any attempt to provide ·for their obvious ·needs at· thi! ·time." West lndiani. Rout Scotland Ya.rd Agents r PRfL!PSBURG, SI. Maarten (AP) - An angry crowd .of 300 perao111 barred three Scotland Yard agents from landing Thur"1ay on this Wesl Indies island" in search ol a lf9UP of youths suspected of shjpping anns to nearby Anglillla. The British agents took the ne'.rt boat back to Anguilla, occupied by Scotland Yard police and Br1tish paratrooper• since March 19. I , ~ !f'Way'• Flul N. Y ~ Steeb' . ' . TEN CEl'll'S RFK's Assassin .. G~ts 1st Degree • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan was lound guilty al.the maximum verdict of first degree murder Thursday and now his jury will decide on a sentence of life or death. Th·e assassin of Sen. Robert F . Kennedy did not speak a w·ord or move but he pressed his lips tightly together when the verdict was read after a trial tbiit had lasted for 15 weeks. After a recess for the weekend, the seven-man, five--wbman panel on Monday will begin the penalty phase ol the trial in which they de- cide on a sentence of death in the B · gas chamber or life impriapnment odies 0 f Tw· 0 ' with the pqssibility of pprol& after seven years. VERDICT ~OUNCEO Two .bailiffs aM •'private tnvestiaator for thf. cWenae stood within incbis of Sirh8ri after the verdict was prono®ced ln am.lclpatlon ol anotbtr Wild outbunt which previously had marked lhe trial. Qut Sirhan, dressed in an open-collared blue shirt with no tie, made no mot e toward violence 'andJurnped up quickly and almost ran out the courtroom as the jury WU es.~. . The jurors had dtllberated ·afmost 17 houn after recei./\ng the case ·late Mon· day.-Thty aPt>emcf ,l>'.i!!!.1!!!i somewhat unhappy at the pro~ of 1 f~ tna1 Which ·probably ·win last· l!flwnl days ., During tht ufue theY l;Jn tontimlt'to be. locked •up 'lt'nlght aa they Have· foi' the past aeveralmoiitliir.--'~ : ~ , .~lrlw!'• ~er Mm"'•nd .• hJa \'!'• brotlili'j, ~'Bnd Muntr, all ftjl; l\O~ !hey w"9 lold lhe -"1 ~ Press-lnternalionll. They muinell 1t their puacf-,home and ..... ""°'" the courtroom for the readlnc ol the vmilcl. VOICE BROd • • r "Wf .r..i li!rrlble about the ' ~id," Adel-Ult!, bi! vOiee brutin1. "We1dktD't expect this verdict." Defense attorney Gt@\ )I., Cooper : liljf . that he did not feel it would be neceuary to call many witnesssea for the penalty phase of the trial, pointing out 'that the te.itlmony Of peychlatrlita who p_id Sirhan is mentally ill ia already a ~lier of court record. It wu a solid "~ for chief prc>- aecutor Lynn eomplon and his !leputle1 wh>.had portrayed Sirhan as• !!or trying to duck the gu chamber ~or lhe slaying of11:eiuiedy ~June 11n· • pao1ry.11 the ,lmhp-lidltl. . . • • . ' The !wt re'=" the.d.erense c0olenlloo thit S1rNni '. ' 10 mentally ID that hJ did'.not have Fapacj.ty to rpeaalngfullY and maturely jiremedltate ind delltierate \ti inurder. of the 'Young senator who had Just · won vklory In the 'C&lffoml• Democialic pr..Wepllal prU!w<'.- A buu.er llOUIJ!led three lin\lo. In the 'fortress-like ~ 1.\ 10:47 a.m., signaling that a verdict had1 been reach· ·ed . ' At the time Slrbin was In hla lborll •ll· ting on a c'halr in his cell and lfhtn' be was told' a v&dict had been reached he said, "tnat'I fine.'' When he enttted the courtroom, hlty wllh am6W from the more than · llttee dozen ~'waiting in the 'room, he · (See SIRHAN, Pap II 1 On Attacked Plane Found WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tho bodies of two of the 31 crewmen of the U.S; recon- nai.s.sa.nce plane shot down by Ncrtb ~orean MIGs wert recovered from the Sea toilay. The While Houao noted sharp. 11 the plane was unmlatakably in tt- temaUonal 'air space at the time 'of tile alt!tl . ...,(Related.atoritl, Pap 4')- Preaident ·Nllon's preu secretary· Rooild Ziealer tOkf repoc ters .in the .firat Subst8nUve White House commerit on the incident:. . : ' "There could have 6etn no inlatake on the \i8rl ol the North KCll'Wlll as to the locatioo al tbe.lllrcnfl __ tt had not been nor was it in ~ but lno ternoponal alrapico." Alktd If !bf While H°"" wu 111inl l~ Cofl!Ol~ •~ct was UDJl'OVOked. ·Zieal!er res>Utd: "WelJ, It was 111 unarm- ed ~ ..i • -l'f<Ollllli.sal ~.'In international air space." The .two bodies of the crewmen were found ID1,1the Sea of Japan by a U.S. , destroyer and ihe Pentagon conceded there waa virtually no hope of finding anx ol the men alive. · Mqre pieces of wrectaae~ )jfe j&c;ketl . Ind ·Other• debris ,_ the loor-<nglne plane also were recovered. Some of tt WU said to be drilling toward Nartll Korean tout.al ·w1ter1. · Ziegler declined to diactw detaila aucb as the drift of debris. l'jixon wn~ speak out ,~ the lncldent himself Friday at 'an l ;JO a.m. PST. lenews conference to be carried ll" oD le~b'lon and 'radio. · Zlegjer repor\ecf that Nixon conlemd .until well · aner midnlght on the Red at~ .tack with his, ch.let White uouie· rOreia policy adviser, Dr. Henry A. Kfaainler1 and the two continued to meet durin& tb9 day. The first bodies -one of. an officer and one of an enlisted mm -were repc:rted picked up 17 mlJes north of the site where the first apparent wreckice1 ftom the plane~was found Tuesday nllbt, about 20 hours after it wa1 shot down. ~ center of the search area m takl to be about 110 miles away fraD the North , Korean teaport of Cb'onijin but the Defense Department llid IOIDe or tbe debrlS lrom the !Oil plene WU drllliilg closer_ to the North Korean coast. MISSION VIEJO -Saddleback Collete enrollment for the spring quarter iJ 1,11$i sltldents, only aboUt twlflhirds of the 1,536 students enrolled lalt fall. ~he enrollment is almost eveftly dlvid· ed between full time day students (5al and evening students (527). '"le Snit W eez~l' PATRIOTIC XHIEF NO one could see by the .af~'s ~!lflt Wedneoday the Siar-led Bon- ner that Y1U1.Uy flies proudly ewer Laguna Be1cb's Helaltr Park.-One hundred twtnly-three d•ytime courses and 32 evenin& courH:I art being' offered during the spring quarter after several were diopped beciuse of inmffi· c~nt enrollment. e ' Rolls to Increase • CAPISTRANO BEACH -A 20 percent ~llment increase in the Capistrano U-nffied School District is expected next year as the result of tile ,optnlna of the North American Rockwell pllnt in Laguna Ni,guel. When COQlpleted about tile end of the year, the p~t will employ •bout 7,500 peopl .. By Jun<, 1170, District Super!Dteodent Charles F. Kenney sald1 enrollment vtould Iner..,. by t.400 hl!lfl, lnlennedl- ate and elementary school students. Bucher Gives 'Heart' To Slain Crewman -. , CJIESWELL, Ore. (W'I) -Cmdr. Lloyd Bucbe< &kip(i<r el lhe CIPl!ortd ~· PueNo, visited this tiny Ottgoff1um- bedlll and fannlnl community today to pay lrlbute-to .,.. o( 1111 men. Ho ,.....rt.d-~-Purple Hearl poolllunlCNli1 to Sioman DulM 0 . Hod!IM, Jr, llllled by fin from • North Korean gunboat whtft Ot1 Pueblo wa1 seized Jan. 23, Jl&I. t •• New Spelling Descri6es Expnience1 By RHONDA VINEYARD wuna upo11 a Uem •.siu a weer.el and it wui at Aliso School. It scaerd the yard teecher and it wuz BC1ered too, so wui le, .blJt It wuz the ·ac:aerdtat.-· · * By JACJ. CHAPPEU. Of 1111 De11t ,119t Stiff .J once upon 1 tlme I saw·• itory written aboUl a.' 1t'ialel that turned of •t AlilO ~ '•od l\Cmd lhe. ~~ \#cber- •onct upoo I W~ In llK!I. . It wft wr1tttn1 tnJITA. for the Mw lo- 1 'ltial Te.<hi~1 Alphabet. ' , I< .,._,. 4lt1.too, "''" .. "'9<1cbt"' 00 l 1 ~Lt ... :::.t! ~ "!"'!" ... ' • • • uw-.... ~~·l~bet,... put I rlOP.iM!r liJ;t...,_ tti)lblnaUom to make ' -... ... '' ,..,.,, I• In~ "~ "' • ,-"lllllin: . : . ily, ~ Vilieyar!l,Nld II otller ~ -}I! rfA ':'llit'siGrJ of Hor· 1d · eiitr, .;.,..~U..fllllo Prine!- ,,., l'roet<lr'• ollk9 r.cilJ. . . • J. ' .••••• -._.....lnlolheoJ. . ..,.,,_...., __ 1 ~'uld It-}'. C...W ' ... -f -'t iNtt' 'tale l"Of l to-oJ.e WEPIL TllACHIS -Lawson Evana, 10 and.)(~ l.inden JZ obi -• · I, 1 -con; strve llan>ld the 'weastl1 wbo_showed qp 'at Alfso School In Ujunf ·, •t ~: 1.!ind 'looked """'.._~ c{eslt Beach Wednesday for Of>lmoallon "7 11Udenl!, Harold 11 doing ldt-• and there ·We was · lookln1 ~ • - sha re or obstrvinf too. . this far (three Inches) f~om my DOit," ' ' Someone took K. Police are investigating the cue, but have no clues. Oraate I Ceu&J 1 .. WeatlreP ' ' Mme of the aame la the ouUoolr ; 1 ror Friday, ,.YI Ille bwnii1c weatherman, with fair Dies pm.. Ing the momliw -and temp-eralura rlflllnl !rem II llonc lhe beach to 70 ·lurlliw boland. .. ,1--------.l • • :t DAILY PILOT L Wliat Jet · . . . ...... 01se By JEROME P. COWNS Ot .. o.llr "''-' ... " . I lblnk 11'1 lime lblL -uld ~ nlol abo!ll the ·-jell Ill P.Orana• Coonty /Jrport. : Let's sl.art wJth all that alleged nolJe. : Some people aay it's too loud. They uy It : can ruin property values. They llY It'• : driving them null. They 11y look M : Playa del Rey. : All right.Let's look at Ptaya del : Rey. ~· the jum· : bo jets moved into ; Los eles Inter- : 11ational Airi>Ort, : what's ha_ppened? , This is what's ·happened: crime in : the streets in that . community has all ; but disappeared. So ·has automobile traffic. So have most cl ~ .· ... -· .,;J;...~.., lodl1 ..... ~ •• _ ._ ....... th.t. ""'• tiiolr ......... , -..--llul...,.... -w-bl'·uld far le\~ 'ht -· II: ~ out borln1 c:onvmalloM. ulflol the rtng of unwanted colll. lbl -1-aanl TV com· ~ lmpoalble to bear. -Kiepl yeu from heartng the yelll of tbaL dumb neiP1l« kid when be falll Into 70llr pool So let's bear II f0< i<t nol1e. Now, what about the other alleged pro- blem -all th.al fuel that floats to the ground after a jet takes off? l think people wlio complain about It covering their grass, fences, rooftops and wull bung oul to dry are overlooklni • .San Joaquin's Precinct Court Has Berry at -Top San Joaquin Elementary Sc boo 1 · District votera: returned i o c u m be n t Edward E. Berry to ofiice aod elected to ' the other two open trustee po1ltions financi.al corwilt.snt Robert L. Dameron, ·and negineer James A. Nelson. Berry lopped all vol< getters In the · di.&trlct with 1,840 vqtes, followed by · Dao>eroo. l,lml, and Nelaon, 1,191. The other seven candidates received 1 the following votes: Cb a r I es H. Boulanger, 1,049; Patricia A. Stratton, 853; Pal B. Brion. !Kl; Robert W. Uv- ingston, 447 ; Vincent A. Laverty, 3IKI; Loa Young, 365; John F. Unger, 155. Votes by precinctl for the various can- didates were: UNIVERSITY PARK ' Beny, 122; , Boulanger. 402 ; Brian, 51; Dameron, 311; I Laverty, 26; Livingston, 70; Nelaon, 18; Stratton, 359; Unger, 11 ; Young, 36. HALPERIN RESIIJENCE, Irvine: Bor· ry, ~; Boulanger, 74 ; Brian, 11; Dameron; 65; Laverty,!; Llvlngatoo, 5; Nelson, 7; Strat(on, '8; Unger, 3; Young, 4. IRVINE SCHOOL: Berry, 21; Boulanger, .f; Brill!, I; Dameron, t ; Laverty, 4; Uvingston, .f; Nelaon, lfl ; Stratton, .f; Unger, Z; Young, 13. LAGUNA 1111.U, Clubhouse 2: Berry, 309; Boula!>cer, II; Brian. ti; Dam<ron. 312; Laverty, U; Uvin<on, 27; Nelson, 23/l; -.17; Unger, II; YOUlll. 39. LAGUl!A llllLS, Cluhbouae 2: Berry, 343; Boulanger, IZ; Brian, M; Dameron, 324; Laverty, 51; I.Jvinpton, 5.2; Nelson, 282; Stratton, 74; Uqer, 27; Young, 51. LAGUNA llllLS, Clubhouae t ; Berry, JM; Boulanpr, 105; Brian, 57; Demeron, ?Sf; Laverty, 19; Llviopton, 55 ; Nebon, 17fl; Sµ-atton, 8.1; Unger, 101; Young, SS. LAGUNA BILLS, Clubhouse I : Berry, ~; Boulanger, M; Brian, 40; Dameron, 195• Laverty, %1; I.Jvtnpon, 11 ; Nelaon, JM; Stratton, 40: 'Unger, 11; Young, ZS. LA PAZ 8CBOOL: Berry, 225; Boulanctr. 14; Brian, 111; Dameron, 121; Laverty, 30; Uvtnpton, 17; Nelaon, 125 ; Straiton, K ; UD(er, 17; Youns. 72. OLIVEWOOD SCHOOL: Berry, 71; ~er ..... 47_; ~n. 61;_ Damtron, 51; Laverty, 33 ; Uvtnpton, 59; Nelson, 31; Stratton, 32; Uncer, lJ; Young, .fl. O'NEILL SCHOOL:. Ber r yy, 199; Boulinpr, 91 : Brian, 71; Dameron, 91 ; Laver.ty, 3:1 ; Uvldpton, 52 ; Nel9on, 83; Slnllon, 411; u.,.,, lt; Young, :12. GATE 8 SCHOOL: Berry, &O; Boulanger, 11: Brian, s1: Dameroa, a: Laveriy, 44; Livlnptoa, 17; NeQ, 36; Stratton, 21; Unger, 10; Young, 23. ! . . ~--.. -...... ,., .......... --- or ·· You . ' ·n·· h ~ ~ ' ~ 1g ' 1 ~i '~~-. Tustin School Control Cha1iges . , ~ ~ Iii Ill besL, an lnelact A conservall\IO faction appean now to ... i ·A-. !. ~ ,,.,. .. t1i1 4&:flr wb1a :==..~"'...:::'=: 1jroe, I ; Calhoun, 171; Clrkey, 17; -. •: IWI, ._,, ....-.11:.t;..,;:; G;ldlMWM,ft;8elllct,2M; .,. ... I · · t l 1 Plfdwi s1* ... to be heroes: along John Blrch 's;'iely-member and anotbtr """""' ___ ._ __ ..,_""°!'_,.. .. wWl'.C..U. ad plerals? candidate who ran with hlm on a 1late 217. LAGUNA HILL8, Clubhou9e No. 2 - ~. 111; Btll, 121; 1'<>ehrner, S'1; Broe, 7: Calhoun, t~; Cark.ey, i3; Fraeee, 42; Katz. 125: Krenek. tt; Rolen, 48 : Schiavone, 17; 5elleck, 157; Smith, 211. Lo' GBOOK. ..,,_ ...,0 i\<1-turo to for ,.. ...... ul were elected Tueaday. ·~v.,. ,.,,f .,... · • ..,_,.. Elected were Paul F. Calhoun, John advice· · Bircher from SMta. Ana ; Mrs. D. June something mighty lmP.lfllDI. fnst.acf of scraping it off-« w~g l1 ou.t'-they should 6otllo It: ~ If It mU. Boeing Ms ao, think what it can do for the famJJ:y car. • There. I aakt sorndbilic Nee about the jet.s. M1ybe this will get me a tree Air Cal flight to San Frane!JCO. • * * U there's anything the Sirhan Sir}.,1n bial bu demoaslrated, ii'& I : Busy Cat Burglar Gets $347 in Laguna Thefts A cat burglar bll'lour Laguna Beach homes and got away with '347, most taktn during early morning hours while ....ident.s olepl Police today said the same cat is believed to be responsible for an four ihtft.s Tuelday. Elvin O. Smith, 40, of ~ Cypress Drive, loot !2llO in cash to the burglar who apparently meaked in the front door of the resklence wblle Smith was uleep. A11n M. Eddy, Zll, ol G8 Cliff Drive, !Oii f40 wben the thief took Eddy's wallet ll_~ng_ OD a bedroom dresser. Kathryn Pelrovilch, 46, of 408 Monterey Drive, reported the tbeJ't of $40 Ca.sh ap- ~r taken wlllle llhe was asleep. .Harriet Bender, 47, of 692 Sunset Ter· race, Laguna Boaci>, reported the al· temoon theft of $67, apparently taken while ahe was away for a short Ume walking ber dog. Bank Control Urged WASJUNGTON (UPI) -The Nls:on ad- ministration today came out in favor of some federal control over banking con- glomerates, but opposed stronger legisla- tion that would virtually outlaw banks from engaging in non-banking activities. Sydney lomarr, that's who. Smith, of Tustin, who ran on the !late * * * with Calhoun, and moderate incumbent There's a big -re~y big -poker Chester G. Briner, of 26311 Turquesa Cir· g@DM going on 1n. Ne Beach. And. cle, Mission Viejo. Newport's police know w tt's it. But 1bey join holdovtr board membera . , . Robert Bartholomew, anolher Birch thens nothlni ~y cu do .about It. Society member, and John Zisch, alao a The reason: its in a private place. cooservailve who has taken stands for Wldch makes tt difficult for the cops to Ugh{er economy and tighter discipline. bust down the doors. f\1rs. Smilh, long active in school, if it moves to Newport Pier or Harbor High's auditoriUJl), thougb,watch out. .... -~·s today's ~elusive. SIRHAN· ••• lool!ed ·cool and ""'1led 11 one of his lawyers. Although the jury w1ll decide on the sentence of We or death -and It must be unanimous as wu the verdict -there appeared great doubt that Sirhan would ever be uecuted. Net a single convicted criminal has been executed tn the Utl.ited States in the past two ye.an and there are more than Ill persms In San QueJltin's death row who are 1wa1Ung eent.ence. If the jury !Inds Sirhan guilty of first degree murder and sets the penalty at death In the gu chamber the sentence automaUcally wouJd be reviewed by the St.si< 8uprane Court. Chief llefenae Attorney Grant B. Cooper aa!d U the ala!< coorl upheld the sentence he would appeal all the way to the United States Supreme Court. Cooper, who said in his final argument that he felt Sirhan should spend the rest of his days ln the penitentiary, asserts that American public opinion will see to It that the assassin Js never released. The lawyer said the only clrcumstanei!S in which he could foresee Sirhan's release would be U the United States were to "trade" him for some American in cap- tJvlty in an Arab state. church and &trVice organlialions, drew the greatest vote of 3,479. Calhoun receiv- ed 3,202 vote! and Briner 2,948. ln squabble! that have split the board, Briner has been aligned with William C. Hayward and H. E. Balmer to fonn a mod.era~ majority. But neither Hayward nor Balmer chose to run for reelection. In recent months Supt. Ro be r t Dahlberg has resigned under fire frOm Zisch and Bartholomew and Zilch hu bt>en formally censured by the moderate board majority. Mrs. Smith and Calhoun ran strong throughout the district and received con- siderable vote totals in Laguna Hills, El Toro and Mission Viejo. However, UniversitY Park and Irvine voters turn~ out to be mavericks of the school district. At one polliug place in Irvine, Mrs. Smith received only one: vote and Calhoun two while a slate backed by local residents received. 73, 61 and 66 votes. ln the 13-candidate contest 20.6 percent of the registered voters cast their ballots, a betler than average number for school trustee elections. Early rttums indicated a heavier vote leading to an erroneous l)fedictlon of a better than 50 percent tally. . Votes for the 10 unsucceseful can- didates were : Howard L. Seneek, 2,~; Sylvan Katz, 2,678 ; Charle3 T. Bell, 2,656 ; Stanley L. Rosen, 1,lTT: Ronald W. Fraese, 884; Cliffodr B. Bodtmer, 747; Dana A. .Carkey, 491 ; Ralph L. Schiavone, 420; Arnold Krenek, 409; Jdm R. Broe, 310. Votes cast in the University and Sad- dleback precincts were : UNIVERSITY PARK -Briner, 88; Bell, 78; Boehmer. 111 ; Broe, 23; Oalhoun, 70; Carkey, 17; Fraese, 336; Katz, 312; Krenek, 41 ; Rosen, 292; Schiavone, 20; Selleck, 64; Smtth, 71. HALPERIN RESIDENCE, 18752 Via San Marco, Irvine: Br9ler, 16; Bell, 14; Boehmer, 3; Broe, 4; Calhoun, 2; Carkey, 6: Frae!e, 68; Katz, 73 ; Krenek, 2; LAGUNA lllW, Clubhouse No. I - Briner, 106; )ell, 71; Boehmer, 21; Broe. 2; Calhodn, 1116; Cirkey, 11; Fr--. 13; Katz, 70; Krenek, 9, Rosen, 11; Schiavooe, 7; Selleck, 215; Smith, 171. LA PAZ SCBOOL--Briner, 1116; Bell, 1%3; Boehmer, 37; Broe, 7: calhoun, 185: Carkey, 23; Fraese. 41; Katz. 125; Krenek, 19; Rosen. 46; Schiavone, 14; Selleck, IO; Smi<h, IO. OUVEWOOD SCHOOL -Briner, 69; Bell, 42; Boehmer, 32; Broe, 19 ; Calhoun, 35; Carll:ey, 17 ; Fraese, zt; Katz, 43 ; Krenek, a; Rolen, n, Schiavone, 26; Selleck, 33; Smith, 54. O'NEIIL SCHOOL-Bmer, 126; Boll, 88; Boehmer, 75; Broe, 24; Calhoun, 69; Carkey, 51; Fraese, 38; Katz, 13; Krenek, 14 ; Rosen, 31 Schiavone, 14; Selleck, 49; Smith, 55. GAT~ SCHOOL -Bri •• 46; Bell, 30; Boehmer, 14: Bl'Qe;-U; <?alh~, 26; Carkey, 21 ; Fraese, 18; Katz, 26 ; Krenek, 7: Rosen, 21 Schiavooe, 7; Selleck, 80 ; Smith, 45. Robert Wilson Funeral Friday Funeral service fer Robert E. WOIDn, 36, of South Laguna will be held If( 10030 a.m. Fridsy in the cf1ape1 ol Sbdfer Lagtma Beach Mortuary. Mr. Wilson, 30802 S. Coaot Hlghwoy, was killed "Tuesday in an automobile ac. cident.. Interment will be in El Toro Cemet«y. A Navy veteran, he had been a resident of the coutty seven years. He was emplayed as a fry cook for the Yard Sandwich Bar In Corona de! Mar. Survivors include his moth«, Dolly Lee Wilson of the a am e address; four children and a sister Louise Wilenbom <i Denver, Colo. Air West Shifts To Long Beach The Jury filed in at 11:12 a.m., subdued and solemn. Superklr court Judge Herbert V. Walker asked jury foreman Bruce ~lliott U they bad reached a verdict. "We have, your bpnor,"·~ott said. Rosen, 66; Schiavone, O; Selleck, 3; Starting Monday, Air West'• Onnge Smith, l. County operaUona will shift to Loni IRVINE SCHOOL -Briner, 15; Boll, U.ach Municipal Airport for Jwo week!, 5; Boelrrar, 1; Broe, J; CaJhotm. 17; it was annoWJCed today. HANDED PAPERS Bailiff Willard Polbmnus handed the LAGUNA TEEN CORNER papers with the verdict to Judge Walker who passed them on to !he clerk, Mrs. Allee Nishikawa. Mrs. Nishlkawa read: Cark~ i; Fra..,, 2; Kali, 4; Kr<nelt, 2; The transfer 1'jll permit Air W..t to Roeen, 3, "Schiavone, Z; Selleck, 14; continue sc"'....a..11 .... 11 d-· ..... -a day Smith, 17.· ........... ~..-. ..... ..... LAGUNA. HILU, Clubhouse 2 _ for county pasSengers during rtpaVing of B · 167 n-11 115 n~ 30 the main nm.way, spokesmen for the line "We the jury .• .find the defendant, rtner, ; .Do:: • ; uuguuer, : said Broe IO• Calhoun 218· Carkey 29· • Sirhan Bilhara Sirhan, guilty of murder F • ,l K ' • .' K ,:..k 10 n'~--Flights at Co•,;_ .t.'-t will _,_,,, la of Sec Ion p al Cod raese, .,.,; a z, on: r ... ~ , ; ~n, ..... , nut"" ~-........ in vio lion t 187, en e, a 29; Schiavone, 31; Selleck, 215 ; Smith, Salurday, M~,. .3. Air West, providai felony as charged in Count 1 of the in-271. services to Lil Vegu. Pbotnlx, San • : ............................................................... ~ ............... ...,.., ........ .. I BY, TOM GORMAN dictment. We further find 1t to be murder LAGUNA RIUB, ClubhouR No. 1 -Piqo and El Centro. ·ll UMJ', both pure senion will be W1vassliig_ Laguna to in the first del!I""'." BrlneT, 165; U.TI, II!; Boehmer, 41 ; i<t and jetprop o,irerafl .. · raise donations for Biafra.. Senior Class ·~r==='.::::===============:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;- ~ LAGUNA TEENS loot a In ooe luue fhroughout 11141 nation have mll!Wltly ~ elect.ion Tuesday, buL they may have woa pushed for ~ a move, to involve )'tJUtb. ! to another. with ICliool'IMianr. ln the -.making !• The override, so badly wanted by the proceal · students al LBHS, didn't recdve much 'nwlk God ~ In t.agU'na spoke '' sympathy in the community. But that'• '=1P in time IO this tNmJUon can •volve l 811 in the past now, and there's no use JIM~Y· _ ; crying over tt., ill~ AND lNU:l('Ul!E !"P.'u i But the elecl!On of Mn. Jane Boyd to w Jl'Obably make the -.! al Cliar e • the board may be a stroke of good Brown's party Friday night at Laguna ~ fortune for the young people oa Part Hlib-Tb ere m I & ht even be a • • •-poydlla!rilt's llland there, wltll "Jlll Jan ~ Avenue. One of the main iaues m ucc Frit.sen (a counselor) pilylng Lucy. The ~ campaign was to realize "the need for whole thing ts the cUmu to Peanut.I : participation of youth in the decisl.on wee. • complete with a ........... popping ~ making proeess." ... ............ .. . conte!l·abd elections for the best Charlie : After being elected to the board, she Brown; UnUJ, and the rest 6f tbe gang. ~ verilled with this column that she will Respecting Lucy's doin.lnant pert0nality, ~ push for the addition of a non-voting Tom Tabor, Joan ·Mahon and the other ~ member to the board. This new seat social bugs have declared the dance a i would be filled by a student ol the high gtrl..ut-boy affair. i school, in a step to increue com-TO PICK UP the pace, 23 schools will : municalion between the students and the Invade Laguna Saturday when LBHS , decision-making board. hoW a amall schools invitational track ) No other candidates, to my knowledge, meet. The event, tabbed the Laguna . pubUcly supported such a move. Beach Trophy Meet, lJ one of the oldest · Students in high achools and colleges -such contests in the IOUthland. Ap- proximately 1500 tracltmen will do their thing on Guyer Field starting at 1:30 p.m. DAllY PllOT Members of the senior class wW do their thing nnt week, too. More lbln 108 advilor John Brenot bas coftnections with I the American Friends Service ~mmlttee located in Togo, who will forward sup- plies to starving Bia.trans. Donations may be aenl to the Seniot·Class Blafran Fund, 625 Park Ave., Laguna. Speaking of funds , things have slowed down with Susan Mazze, the 17-year old Villa Park High School student who will under90 the county's first kidney transplant any week now. She has recenUy developed a mild case ol hepaUtls, and was in surgery three times to eliminate a blood clot in her arm where the blood is pumped out twice weekly to be cleansed. To date, about $1600 has been raised by the high school and Youth Council. A lot more is needed! Donations can be senl to the Susan Mazie Fund, handled by Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 222 Ocean Ave. Maybe a drive. should be spearheaded by Dr. Ullom for the school district. Whal are you going to say when 2,000 kids come to your door? "Come back next year," 1 hope they cao·wait that long, l•Mti H. W•M Pl'BIMllMll ......._ · J•c• l , C•rl.,- \'lu f'rnldttll """ GMtr.r ......., n. ..... , •••"11 • E-'tol" Tit,,..,, A. M•r9'1Rt MtNtllll 1:.iW Reds Want Military Win Over U.S., Claims Lodge l R1,ll•t"ll r. H,n ·--(tty E.,,... ---2.l? FeNtf AWi. M•HIRt """'''''1 r.o. a.. '''· •2•11 ~-Oltt• ,,_...; a W.I .. ., ltrwt ....,.., '""-"1 "11 "'"' ........ """ """""""" IMOl1 ., .. ..... • PARIS (UPI) -Ambaaador Henry Cabot Loc1p today aCCUM<f North Vlet· nameee Deftnte Mlnllter Gen. Vo Nguyen Glap of ucrillcing I00,000 1lve1 in I Mlle atfompt to win an Amlri<IO Dion Bien Pbu In \llelnlm. He told Bud It p ... up all hopes ol I military vktory. Glap -the udJ1tect ol the Viel· ...,... vktory ovtr Fronce In Ille fflDCb IQCfod>loa Wiil' whkh ended "1th the Yldory owr Ult P'renc1I forca II Dltn Bien. Phu in ltl5I after MVtn 1ears ol flChllnl thlt dt'lalllted l1IClll of thl country. Lodp ICCU>ed North Vletoam of be!D( auil1Y II • larp rmmber ol vlolatlc>DI of latln'latlonal qreementa coverlol Vle\.o Dim, Llol and ClmbodJa and qoJn Ur&· ed f!lnol and the Vial Call to alart Jm. medlaie dlacuulon II the 11mu11aneou1 wlthdrowlll ol forotan i,_ from South Vlelnllll. "Pelee will not come &o Vietnam U I mutt ol mll!Wy openltonl such u lho<e'JOll llallO bten eonductln1 ·~ the end 1ebnWy/' Lod&e aald at today's ( session of lhe Vietnam peace talks. "Your conUnued pursuit or military vie· tory can lead only to further futile Joos or life and destruction.'' Lodge took issue with r ece nt Utemeots made by Giap in an Interview with the Hallan weekly Leuropeo. "From all 1ppearanees, your side ·is still punuing mtlllary victory," Loda• a.Id. "Appa,i.-ently, this is the view of Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap. In a recently published ln!<rvlew rud by millions of people around the world, Gen. Glap ecorned the negotl•ilons ln P1ril and lalked Instead of givlng the Unlled Slates 1 sound military ~ting." Lodge said Gi1p hid openly declared he sougtit "An American Dien Bien Phu'' though he had lost hall a million men. "This imlble and fuUle aacrlll<o of hJlf a million hum11n be1np appartntty doe• not deter Hanoi in IU quest for vic- tory,'' he aald. "G<n. GI.op aald em- phaUcally that North Vieln•m WU determined to suffer and sacrifice as Ione u necessary, evtt1. as tong u 50 yeltl, &o win complete military victory." al J.J. J. A cpl\lttlCltld MW HER I TAG~ GOlllC~n, COf"IUmStOt'll'Y In mood but with . . ' . the rtch restr1lnt of ndltlomil dtlfsin lnflu......_ Tl'IPICIPt wu developed to capture the look of todly't holTllt Jn ttyle, flnilh end ttxture -1 look .. n in the contrasts of old btick, C9dW ... .., '°""' """ lumber tnd othtr ntt\lrel materilts of cont•nlPOl'llY' lfChitletUf'L T1•*11Pt "*"' "chtnoll'lt idels.H 1n . our lntirpr,tttfon of ihll conclpf. ••w Ulld oek 10lldl and~ v.o """ Wllh pelclao -In ~ -~'-of _.., herrifttlbon., plank end fluttd Plttmua. You'll IPPl'1C11W the r~ of tht woodl Ind tM lustrous fihhh -tht ....;..;., and ltMtfng IUflOllPhn 1het Tramcept will pl'O¥ide. Yoo ·lhould COltlkM TIWIKlfPt fol )'OW,,.,,._ S. our diilll•r of rhil im- PotUnt nfW co/l«tion »on. H.J.GARREJT fURNflURE • • PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2115 HARIOR ILVO. COStA MESA, CALIF, 646-0271 M~27• f ' -' \ ,,,,,,.,,,, Allfl! 17, 196? •I. • 'ILY ,ILOT ;} t"Jrab . Points Way lo Coast Preserves I . ' • I Brochur~ ·Tells Coun~y . ' . . " QI Mt;ir~™f Life ·.Refu~es By J!:ROMJ: F. 'COLIJNS I • . ' Arch R Of .. _.., "'"' '""' He's an uaiy . UUI• fellow. Asswnlnc be'I I be. ADd he's a sad 'ntue fellow, weakly crying: "Help!" , \V1llt he la, Is, a hermit cr:ib -soon to ' become the ~ looked-at hermit cf ab in Oran&• County. A •ketch of the tiny ·tidepool dweller appean on the cover of a brochure an· nounclng the county'• newly ert&blished marine life refuges. ·CDM REFUGE -II extends 200 feet aeaward of mean high tide mark between 'Poppy Street (Little Corona Beach) and eastern boundary of Newport" Beach at Cameo Shores. One himdre<! thousand copies of the -pltlel, detlgned by Newport Beach. and Laguna Beach city officials, will be · distributed to · ochools and co~egea , M1J18ier J~ DeChllne. will he pla<:td Lj\GUNA REFUGE -:H-.exiends 600 feet seawa.rd of mean high tide mark between McKnlgbt'Drive above Two Rock Point and Bird Rock throughout the county. In raca to be Installed at the marme Hundreds of additional copies, ac. ~ 81*:· off Heisler .Park. • ;.~ Bank Robbery Suspects cording fo Newport Auistant City We felt this was the best way to get the word out on where the. preserves are . ·'·· ' . Nabbed After Gun Battle By TERRY COVll.LE parolee for a previous bank robbery in °' n. '"11r l"li.t st•ff Huntington Beach. * * * County Calls Off Quarantine at Doheny Beach " After a brief gun battle, Huntington Both men were finally captured at San -._ t' h •-- n •• ch . II Carlos Street, near E!IJS' Avenue and i 1tt: quaran me as uecn lifted on oce.an Dell and Fountain Va ey police, Wednesday captured two men suspected Ward Street in Fountain Valley. swimming and surfing at Doheny· State . of armed robbery moments earlier of the · Nourse said, "It looked like they were Park Beach in San Juan Capi!trano, Or. · Bank of. America at Brookhurst Street getting ready to take off again until those John R. Philp, Orange County Health of· and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beach. bullets hit their car. Then they stopped.'' ficer has announced. Police aaid patrol units quick1y block· Two Bank of America tellers, Mrs. ed off nearby streets and spotte4 the Lucy McAndrew and Mrs. Ann Moore The health officer also had good suspects along Ellis Avenue in Foontain were brought to lbe..scene of the arrest, newsfotresideotsofthecanyonareason Valley ifter the bank robbery alarm was where they assertedly identified the men drinking water, but sai'd the quarantine sounded at 11:50 :'l.m. as the pair who robbed the bank or Newport Beach and Huntington Beach Fountain Valley detectives Fred moments earlier. s Nourse and Jack Trott gave chase and Mrs. McAndrew also was a victim or tate beaches must continue. followed the pair into a new residential the Feb. 25 robbery. She said the two Dr, Philp's Doheny Park statement area west of Ward Street and north ot matched the description or the men ffi.. said, "Daily testing of the ocean waters ~ Ellis Avenue. volved in that crime. indicates that the bacteriologica1 quality During pursuit, the suspects fired at "The ~e wh? ~ood in the door di~ is now in compliance with the State of ' the Fountain Valley detective.s, hitting more talking. thts tune ~ut they weren t Califom' Ocean Wat c ta 1 s ts ~ir car once near a spotlight. nearly as polite," she said . ~a er on c por Sgt. Nourse returned the fire. hitlinc Police said both men entered the bank ~ Regulations. However, a lagoon formed f.he_suspects_car twice, police-said. aL 10:45 a.ni., Wednesday, wearing near the mouth . of San Juan Creek re- Arrested were Raymond A. Vigneau, gloves, trench coats and stocking masks. mains under quarantine due to residual 43, a j3.nitor from Lomita, and presently They scooped the money out of the contamination." a federal parolee. and Kenneth R. cashiers' boxes then left in i hurry, said Werner, 41, of.Long Beach,, also a federal police. The water system suppiying Santiago, ---'--'----'--'-------'------------?o.todj~ka and Williams cany:ons:and a portion of Sllverado Canyon his now been restored to service, Dr. Philp said. The safe portion of the system in Silverado .. Canyon extends froin the moUth eutttly to'"''and ! includbir1 the cornmwufy of CabinJand. and what can and cannot be taken from them," DeChaine explained. The little hermit crab was drawn by commercial artist Mike Hardwick or Palm Printing, a Newport Beach firm that printed the brochurt. Hardwick said the creature Wall sketched "just for the kids." The COWlty paid for the $1,500 publishing project. Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder was instrumental in deSigning and draf· Ung the language of the pamphlet. It in- .eludes maps of the marine preserves, established by state legislation last year at the urging of Vedder and Newport Vice Mayor Lindsley Paraons. The preserves -·or refuges -are located off Corona de Mar between Pop- py Street.and Cameo Shore Drives; off Laguna Beach 'between McKnight Drive and Heisler Park's Bird Rock ; and off South Laguna, from Aliso Point to Tbtee Arch Bay. In the three areis' tidepools no plant or animal life may be disturbed , injured or removed , the brochure explains. The list of non-destructibles include s h e 11 fish, mussels, sea urchlfts, s e a snails, sand crabs, rock crab:i -and hermit crabs. Licensed fishing, now ever, is allowed. The pamphlet, especially designed for understanding by school children, warns that anyone carting away a sea anemone SOUTH LAGUNA REFUGE -It extends about one-ball mile down- coast from Camel Point south of Aliso Creek to Table Rock near Three Arch Bay. ., His Sack Tiine B1·ought Jail Time is violating a misdemeanor law. The Somebody's been sleepine in Gayle Patrolman John C. White said a former brochure doesn't say so, but that could mean a fine of up to·$600 and si:t months Faua' bed, .. l:he told eo.ta ~M• ·sio&e renter of the same motel room Robert J. in;e.·a;1 . .._. ·~ Tuesday, and it wasn't Goldilocks. Condon, 38, of 2S40 Ticonderoga Way, wu " . tit-. M to do," says the Officert were called to the SUMy Acres queltioned at a nearby tavern and ar-- b , "is ~rotect tltis natural Motel, tm Newport Blvd., after the rested on auspicion al illep:J entry. herWll!eJor lulurttenerations." . womar»arrtved home !.,.n wm-t at 1:11 He !lenied . being tlje bed borrower, Tap w~ter available in Silverado ea.st The I as t page pf the brochure· bears p.m. and found the,.,,,. .... door .......... .,., d--'te the victim'• idfntiflcltlon of him of CabinJaOO ii not aafe for drinking and another piclure of the UUle hermit crab, ............. ,.. .... _ ........ · · -· . ! should be bolled, the health officer Warn-still looking just ai helpless, but this Ume open and a moring, tm1uthorized visitor u the man who left lfter baina awaken- ed. ·'r,h~··~·~lllYin~~g~:~"~'l1lanksijiii~.'•'~~~~~~~in~m~·d~e.~'!!'!~""'~~~!"::~"'"~~ed~-~":':~~~~!!"!'!'!~'!"" ... ' Treated sew~e·is still Oowing into the 11 SantaAn,RlverfromoeverallOUrces SAVI$$ ._;,WIGS •Y YANCI PIPl-5AYI$ :-WIGS •Y YANCI PIPl- in Riverside and San Bernardino coun- ties, Dr. Philp report.cl. ' ; , U,IT ........ "S.Cteriological counta in surf waters, as determln..s by daily tesilng, remain high and the beaches from the Newport Pier to the northwest bound..-y of ·Hun- tington Beach State Park are still closed to swimming, surfing and shellfish gathering," the health oflioer warned. Mystery Deepens In TV 'Bugged' Massage Parlor Intriguing mystery today surrounds the .reason for the medium in the massage parlor, following seirure of closed circuit television cameras during a vice raid at a Huntington Beach sauna establishment. Pornographic materials were also allegedl1 confiscated at the Executive Suiti ~Ion. -..una parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., M'ed~ as detectives arrested three mu11&1H11. ORANGE COUNTY'S. 'SUilE' BACK IN' 'l/IETNAM ' HH•I Patlent.,2. lt•unlt..i With Mother "").In s...., . . The trio Gt young won1en were charged wttb l1ll(JlciGn of prootiwtton and Detec- tiff Sil-Robert Rhlndlart Aid today ·that adclWonal complaints may be l«lhcomJni .. . Orange County's 'Suzie' Camera equipment taken from the utabllahment. will be examined by in- l'dti&&toi'I ti:om the. ·Orange County District Attorney's office to determine whether lts use may have been criminal. . ' Back Home in Vietnam Armlilll oUk<n said the vtdeo Jape- equippal instrument was hooked to cameras oftrlookin& the individual stalls Llttle Nguy'° Thi Phuong, 2·year~ld f Vietnamese girl who was saved from im-· I • pending death tnrough a dr:amaUc heart nperation al Orange O>unty's Children's Hospital, is here. • It was a curious world at Da Nang airbase for Iler Wednesday as !he watch- ed without a trace ol amile u photolJ:a· , phers and televiston crews joctled for ' pictures. • Only when ahe arrlvtd al her sm.U I stucco borne on the Ollllfutl of DI N .... ! did she break her cool '11>en she t>etan Ii b!O'tring ti.,.. to the crowd when 1he wasn't saying "Hi" or "Bye, bye." i For the young charmer it wu a happy t homtCOming after four 'n)Onthl in &be 1 Unlted Sta.... When she, left DI Nang last Novtrnber' there WU conctm abe • might not Jive Jone tna1gh to come · home qain. 'l'bert was an opening between the two I mlin chambers of her heart, and one • vaiVe and one blood veaeJ was loo 1m1U. D<l1tors pttdlcted that she could not have 1 Uvfld more lhan • few months:. When Phuong, known 11 Suzie, became where the ·three suspects did whatever ill la.st September, her father took her to Was done with customers. a traveling medical clinic run by a pbysi-Patricia M. Shelton, %7, ol 'ml Slater cian from tbe U.S. Marine-Air Wing Ave., Lela Mu&en, 11. of rm 11th St., dispensary In Da Nang. both of Huntlnlton Beach addresses, and 1be l>hY•ician originally suspected that Betty J. Costeilo,)t, of Long Beach, are she siiffered from a cold but later all free today on $SIS bail. • di.acovered a congenital heart defect. Arraignment for the masseuse trio fs Such ~te 111tgery could not be . tcheduled April 22 at t a.m. in West performed in Vl<lnam. and a project wu °'""'"County JudJclal Dtllrlct Court. kicked off by u.11. miliWy pel'IOlme! to Ponaooel at the ..........,... clinic llel1d her l!lcl her Z.yoar-old mother, Le owned by lfn. Emmi Van Buttn told tn- Thi LID, to the United Sia~. •estlptinf alllctn that the equipment capt. Bruce SCtnunacbtr, a Marine wu uaed to mike sure employu con- chaplain who wu famlllu with her I~ ducted themael\la properly. 1...,, eantacted the Presbyterian Church "We wtU be telklng to the district at- in Pia-ua. caw., which agreed to IC-tom<y conc<ming the entire operation of 5 inlnd1l responalbWty for the tbe ..... parlor," Sgt. Rhinelw1 llid to- . ttay of the mother and the day, "bul no other complainta hive been • isaued." . A oommercial alrlin< made apace No lmpll<atlon wu found Jn the parlor ava!Jable for the IUllht and 1 team of of any •idfr pnetltutlon operation; nid heart"""""' at the Chlidml'I Hospital Rhinehart, nollng that the lnVtlllpUon in Santa Ana, agreed to perform the wu done aolely by hla men. operation without charge. The surgery Prior 'Viet raids at such estlbliahmenta wu completed Jan. 10 and Phuonc "wu have Involved help from the District like a new baby," her proud mother said. Attorney ·• office, which often tupplles "The American people wen very) very • plainclothes lnve.liaaton for confidential nice to my baby and me," she 1dded. • 'WOt'k. SPECIAL PURCHASE 100,-. Human H1ir WIGS WIGLETS 99 CASCADES $1499 First Come -Fint Servec:ll Limit One Per Custom•rl Worth Much, Much Morel WHILE THEY LAST! ALL SALES FINAL REG. 29.50 100·1. HUMAN HAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LON&- • I REG. 39 •. 50 I 0.0 -;. HUMAN ·HAIR. LON&, THICK. IESTllEAL YETI Mini-Fall WIG STYLING SPECIAL REG . 49.50 s2999 100 % HUm1n Htir. Must 81 Sun To 81 Apprtciatec:I! WIG CASES a.,.i.t1 5.95 WIG WIG HEADS SPRAY • .... UI 69c 1.50 I HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: Re9. 7.50 Wi9 Stylin9 R.,.. 5.o'o Wi9 Cleanint R-t• S.00 Condltion.ing Re9. 5.00 Wl9 Trlmmin9 llf N...M•ryl R .... 1.00 Alter••lon and ' Flttht9, ii neceswry • WIGS BY VANCE-PEPI 46 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT llACH 27.50 Value NOW ONLY EJ • 644.2682 • Shop Monday & liriday Nites 'TII 9:30 , r - r-========:=::::::!::·' -., ,~ ............ ..... H..,;y Orlmshow, 29, o! Wigan, England was lined $12 for eating potato chips at 40 miles an hour. A police patrol spotted Grimshaw steering . with one hand as he up- ended a bag to swallow the last of his chips. Aller paying his line Fri· day he told newsmen: ·"Definitely not fair. oqier motorists steer with one hand while they're smoking. It 1eems to be on~ law for tobacco and another for potato chips." •• Thlndor, ~ 17, 196? Soviet Help On Plane Welcomed WASHINGTON (UPI) -Nlx011 ad- ml.nlttratloa offici11I do not wanl to 1r.1 IO pqblidy, but privately they are lflteful for the Soviet ships' help in the Sea ol Jal'I" In ,..~ INJ'Vivors ol the downed American ECUI rtct>Malmnce plane. Officials point out there may be polttiul overtones to the Soviet will- ingness to assist in the rellC\le search. The Soviet mot.i.vaUon, apparently, would be to help eraae the bad impre•kln created in the West by lht Soviet bloc in- vasion of Cuchoslovakia. Anothu ruson might be lht Soviet Union's desire to be generally cooperative at a time It ls working with the United Statt.s on finding a Middle Eut peace aettlement .... -~· .. ~ .. -. " .. Bomb s Foil ' Communist Ambush Try ' SAIGON (UPI) -Six waves ol BU bombers unlooded 500 ...,. ol bqmbl to- day ti>rlhwett ol s·aigon. where tum of the U.S. f,;Armored Cavllry Regiment foiled a unist ambush attempt in. the third arp clash there in three dlf!. In SaigOJJ, the American Military Com- mand reported that !04 AmericaN: were killed in battle last week, the lowest 1ince the CommuNsts launched their spring· v.•inter offensive two months ago. South Vietnamese 106t 24fi killed and the c.om- munists 2,890, the ~nd said. Reports from Dau Tieng, 4-0 miles northwest ol Saigon, said the nth Armored Cavalr7mtn killed IO North Vietnamese .and Viet c.ag "-..t captured lix . al a loM of one AnMr1can dead and -wounded • The 1ituaUon 11 anomalous: the Sovitt Union II belplq ita major advmary -the -".plane u..t .... cattying ... t au~llllance on Ill North Korean ally and poulbly on the Soviet Union ilseU. Furthermore, by recovering certain ain:raft debris, tht Soviet veuels on the scene may put the Soviet Union in the position of helpin1 prove the American cue that the rt!COnJWssance aircraft with 31 aboard wu shot down well beyond the territorial lilnits of Com· munist North Kore.. .'Mutin11' in Action The battle rtaried anrund ' p.m. whln Qmmunists conceaJed in bunkers in a bamboo-hidden camp tried to ambUBh a column ol. U.S. tracked vebidel wU.b rocket grenades aDd small arms fire. Tanks laced the thickets with fire l1'ld ground troops charged into the thicket. firing so heavily they touched ol! fires in the bamboo. This is an Army photograph of the mutiny act being read to soldiers engaged in a sit-in~ and singing "We Shall Overcome" at the Presidio stockade here last October. The soldiers were protesting the killing of another prisoner. (See story, Page 8J. Why baa the cooperation come about? Stat. Dtpartment spokesmao Robert J. McCloUey was mked the question directly at his regular news briefing Wed· needay, but he avoided answering dlnctly. It WU understood that high State ~boent officiala have argued sue· ~ so far agai n st any ad- -rtatemeot of thanks to M(llCOW in order to avoid embarrusing the Russians more than is absolutely necessary. Nixon Promises Progress On Peace, Inflation, Law Director Ousted By Sierra Club SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The moot bitter Sierra Club board Of directors vote io the history of the respected con- servationist cro:up ended Wedne3day with the apparent Ouster of executive director David Brower. Some of the B52 bombs touched off secondary explosions of gasoline and am- munition as they trit the jungles in ar.eas ranging from 20 miles northeast of Saigon to 35 miles northwest of ths capital near the ca valrymen's fight. Today's battle was near tbe scene ol. two other clllihes on the ~ m.ilH ta Saigm from the Cambodian !rantif.r. Littlt dou Dean BUcan Imoto thai all tht acnd M's havingi 10 much fun with will soon bring mUerv to ~hou.s· ands of golftf'I. The giant 1and pUt, 4,1%0 tom of it at the Firestont Coun· try Club in Akron, Ohio, will bt turn- ed into ~6 trap!. And if that is"n 't enough, ten of tht 18 hole1 tpi.U pl.au OUt'T toaUT. • U>s Angeles motorcycle police- man Edward W. 0,losby got some- body'• goat this week. Oglesby sighted the goat grazlng along the Pasadena Freeway, and summon· ed. three other officers to help him herd it beck ·into ttie yard from which It had escaped. • London pop singer Wanaitk Rose, 19, wa1 so sure fte to0uld bt' disqualified from driving whtn M appeared in court on !JJttding chaf'Oes th4t he made the sWmUe journe11 from hil home on a h.or1e, ~aring a full set of bight's armor. The judat let him go uiith a $16.BO fint - ond Roit went homt on tht 1ub10a11. • A trolley-bus conduclrecs in the Ukrainian town of Belgorod has been· dismissed for entering the driver's cabin and kissing him, Moscow radio reported. But the party newspaper Pravda bas come to the conductress' aid, saying she should be reinstated. The driver in question was her fiance. • E9ldlo C1v11Jeri, SJI, is nosy. Really nosy. The Cremosa house- painter was named "King Big Nose of 1969" in an annual contest in Soragna, Italy, a North Italian vii· lage after showing thousands of spectators a proboscis 2-~ Inch es long and one inch wide. North Koreans Beefing Militia SEOUL (UPI) -A former North Korean army lieutenant who defected to lbt IOUth 20 days ago said today the O:mmunilb are pushing work on fortifications and stepping up military training for their militia. Ro K~an· Bong, st, 'a former platoon leader in the mi North Korean Army divi.!i.on, told new.amen, "The Com- munists are ping to arm the e.ntire North Korean population, the military u Jfell u the civilianJ," Ro aaid. "All men between 18 and a )'ti.fl of age have been bniught into the Red Guanls orgsniza· tion." WASHING TON (AP) -Calling them hia three ''grest iuues," President Jf11on has promlSed to make real progrea by next year toward peact, CUltlng infla- tion and rutorlng law and order. In his firlit appearance as President before a huge party 1athering -the 17th Annual Republican Women's Conference banquet, with 4,800 auests -Nixon said Wednesday night : "I ask you women here to hold me a.nd all my Cabinet colleagues responsible on these three things." He promlsed to return next year with a report that "we have made rul pro- gress. .. M. he U.tod IWi hilh priority items, the ooe most loudly applauded. was "stoppinc the rise in cirme and rHStablishing respect for law and order throughout the United States." The banquet was held in honor of his wife Pat and daujhters, Tricia and Julie, and lhe whole family received. en- thusiastic ovaUQns. Women crowded up front-to like picturea of the Nixom and had to b< urged back to their 1tala 10 the program could continue. Stanford President Calls Sit-in Academic Threat STANFORD, Ca!U. (UPI) -Stanford Univenity President Ktnneth S. Pitz.er, hil patience obviously wearing thin, to- day strongly criticized students wbo bave betn occupyln& a campus lab for £ight days. Pitzer, who hu repeatedly said he will not use force to evJct the antiwar demonatraton if their ~lest remains peaceful, .called the !It-in "an ugly, sometimes fierce, threat" to academic values. 1be president's criticism came after tha judicial council, a student-faculty group, completed a lengthy ht.aring at which a researcher testified one of the protesters thrutened him with dealh. The council met to decide If a disrup.. lion uirts as defined by campus rules and what lhould be done. The croup. which ended its session at 2 a.m., without announctni a decision, planned to preatnt its conclusions to Plb:er later today. "Unfortunately there exists in certain iqments of the Stanford community an impression that tht demoMtrators are harmless:ly focusing attenti!X' on an otherwise neglected issue of principle," Pitzer said. "In fact , the demonstration is in- herently an ugly, aometime.s fierce, threat to and infrin,ement upon rights of reaearcbers to research. students to study and teachen to teach." Pitzer said war-related research fJ. Stanford -the target of the protest -is not the real iasue since "appropriate changes" are under way at both the univer&ity and Stanford R e s e a r c h !Mtitute. McAllen's 94 • IS U.S. High Fo g and Spotty Drizzle Shroud Eas tern Seaboard C•llfonala ...,...,.,. C.lilWl'll1 cont""*' '""''1" ..,_. ...,, ••< ........ 11-1 ll'llWlllM ... Ciklu41 ... fOf ..... ""' CMt!. T"'9ft wet ... ry tl/Ml'llM Ill Lft .t.ft• .... Ind ¥klfll1'\I" .. fttl ,...tt\IN d i""'*' le 74, ..... -II w.d"ff' ..,.., -•!mum. Tiie ~kt.d _ .. '""' '-~ 54. -r-. 'Ifft llttll lo modtf"•'• '""" ..... L• An,.111 .. thl, .....,. wt:,. _.,, wllh ""11 "'""· ,..,...,.... -· 6$ ... Wl lfr II Jt. ~kit •lllf ..m --·-¥ ~ ll'lt•llnllm IMnll'FY ttllltl,,.1 ko ""' ... Oii ,.... 11-et ...... , .... 1 .. , ,,_ ... Ille ._. ... '" .... .,..,,,.., .......... w ........ ., .... frlir«f,1t _....,..,, toc1tY trlcluet: L-Bf'Kll •M.. letoll ~ ,..,,, autWl'lll ~ .. "*"" WI""" ....... '•lrM<llt 1~ 11L It~ 71 ... ''"" Wiiiet .. ....... .,... ,, .... S.11 011'9 .... 9114 ..,... ....,. ..,.1'. Lot ANGl'Lll AHO YICllllTY-°""" .. • ... ''"" 11"' • !Mt ""' tlrfrr ~ ~ .... lift .,..._, L-,.,.... ii. ' "" "9 _,.... ,.,..,,,, Mitt! N, .-.... .u--. .... ,..., ... ( ..... ~. ...... ""' ..... ,.,..., Mwfl\1'111 ..... "' ........................... ""*"· HllfM ,. .. n. tHTWtt.MID'-'Tt: VAU.l.Vl -flt lt FtllJW ....................... .. Wl#fll ,.,...,. "* ,. tt .. NiOUMfA.IN ARIAi e11q fl,..., INTllttOlt A#D Dllatl1' a9010Nt .....,... "111rf • ..._... n • • ~ _,..,. ..... . .. . ..... """"' ..... ...,..... ........... 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" .. • .. .. n " " " " H " " " n ,. • " " " • " .. .. • ,. .. " " " .. " • ,. H .. .. ,. • " " .. .. .. .. " • " .. H • .. • ,. • ,. " .. • " " • " .. ,. • • " .. .. • ,. • " • .. • n -n .. • • .. u .. • . .. "' "' " "' 1.• "" .. •• ... ... ... ·" • • ... ... "' Earlitr In lhe day House Rep.iblican Leader GeraJd R. Ford predicted Nixon would end the Vietnam war and bring in- flatioo under control before the 1970 con· gremonal elections. If he does, Ford said, Republicans can win control of the Senate and make gains in the House. George W. Romney , the secretary of housing and urban development, urged the women to involve themselves personally in the problems of cities and r~cial discrimination, and urged a qa· honal women 's crusade -against obsceni- ty. "Brower and Several employes close to him will not be with the club In a paid capacity after our ne;rt board meeUng,'' i;aid Judge Raymond J. Sherwin, one of five anti-Brower candidates who handily defeated a Slate that supported the con- l:oversial policies of the 56-year-old ex- ecutive director. With mort of the mail ballots cast by 60 percent of the club's 72,000 members counted, a spokesman said the slate headed by club president Edgar Wayburn held a "big" ed1e. Miss Ma cRae to Marry Actor Greg Mullea vy ~1ALIBU (UPI) -Actress Meredith MacRae, 24-year-old daughter of singer Gordon MacRae, will marry actor Gres Mulleavy, 28, thi& Saturday. It will be the second marriage for Miss MacRae, who appears in "Petticoat Junc- tion" on television . It will be the first for Mulleavy, son of former Los Ange let Dodger baseball coach G rec o r 1 Mulleavy. -Your friendly Store OFFERS BARGAIN QUALITY! 'Two noor 12' 11.8 cu. I\. o Model TB·l2SD e NO MONEY DOWN e 36 MONTHS TO PAY WE DO ): ~n-r hoJdll up Ix> 91 lbs. Fw door lhe1-far * gal i"9 czaim. cartons. Am-lie a.imot 1cfliraalot llC'liolL l{u,e pon:elain-on.et veretable bia holds9/10 bu . Door stonre includes , deep shelf for * gal milk . cartom, tall bottlEll. H•rvt st Go ld or White OUR OWN FINANCING OUR OWN SERVICING OUR OWN INSTALLING APPLIANCE & TV " SALES and SERVICE 1815 Nr\YPORT BLVD. e 548-1788 e COSTA MESA I I I I I J I EDl'lilON • " ' ., . . ' t • • •• '\'\ •' 11 • .:. )J I • • l ' ' ~, ... ,·11.'···""-·"', J·, .·J. ?. :.'·~·· '. .. ,. . " J JJe.f'.e W.e Go Agai•• ·--Newport, Mesa In Annex· Flap By JEROME F. COLLINS CM .... DIU. Plltl lllff Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are at .it again. . A new aMexation squabble brewed to:. ,day with the filing by Costa Mesa of a p!Jn t.o absorb 40 acres of county ter- ritory• 09uth of Ckange County A~port. , a.ta Mesa's proposal, tagged "Bact Bar· ~u.n No. I," slasb<o riglit QnQgb a ·111.acre area Newport Beach ,,.m.. to annex. Newport CiJy Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt angrily denounced lhe Costa Meu plan. filed with"the ~ty's Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC). ''This is typical of Costa ~1esa." he said. "What they want effectively cuts our anne1ation plan to pieces. lt breaks County Residents Ma---Get-Break y . On Tax Deadline up a neigh borhood and very nicely fouls us up." Central to the Issue, ahhough neither city wUI 'say so !or,'0lhe recor~, ~s. poten- ttally : Jucr~tive ind11strial I.and 'on the western edge of CQunty ·Airport.. . Newport hoPes to .acqiFe-boundar-ies ' ' . . ~.u:.j:r i:::~t!ra.! ·. . ' -' -. -Mesa hopes to blook off "'Newport, so il can take in the former McDonnell· Douglas 238-acre pror-rty. The territory involved in lhe current dispute, if annexed by Newport, would place that city right across the street - Palisades Road -from the industrial land. The annexation area presently eyed by Newport is bordered roughly b y Palisades Road, Tustin Avenue, Mesa DriO'e and Santa Ana Avenue. It is large- ly resideli.tial. Newport city councilmen one month ag~ received a ~µlion -~ ~ in lilt.le inare than.a year -from ra.identl of the Pegasus..santa Ana Heights neighborhood Seekinc · armen~ of. the A 'llmmer ol hope appeared on the entire 131-ai:re:terntort, • .' . . . ho~ today lo' neady 150 ,000 ne~~~~~a:i 1~1 who Jaile!l I<> meet thi!. . Ille aroa, l<lklna in ~ d'l'!' "" week'• deac:Uine for applications on '70 ~ sfd~ oC Mua f>r.iff between Saa.ta pnJPOriy lu ¢imd' being proceosec1 by Ana and TuJ!ln i........ . .· 1 . t -, lfi Costa M,.. elllclals, , 1n thell-OR: the Ci?'JD~ 'aSsessor 1 o ce. plication tq tbe I.AFC, claim that peti- Asslslailt Chief Deputy Assessor Gary tions asking anoeialion to Costa Meu Cottreli said legislation is being in-had been submilted ,by owners of" per- 'troduced in sacramento which would, if cent of the ~roPertie~. within the "Back . eel __ , t•· lie tlon .00 Bay Annuauon No. l area. a~ , e4 w::1111 11,. •PP 8 pe_ri Last spring the two .cities fought over for a· further 4'5 'days from the April 15 the same general are.11. They submitted dei.dnne. to the LAFC overlapping annexation prcr .Alld'be. fias been informed, he said that (See ANNEX, 'Pqe 21 L<s Angeles County """'''" Phillip W'atlen· iJ al9o asking Gov. Ronald Rtagan to extend the filing period. In either event, Cottrell said, it will give a second chance to 148,080 homeowners who did not submit their J96S and 1969 property tax reduction ·claims to his office. His final analysis to- diy revealed that, of 534,671 forms mail- ed to county residents, 386,591 had been returned. 'Aasessor's aides make no secret of their disappointment at lack of public respoiue to a tremendous publicity cam- Pf,ign by lhat office in the week before diadline. They are equally disappointed at the response by veterans for 1968 exemptions in property tax. Of. 60,568 claim forms rrialled in lhe county 39,524, or 65 percent of those contacted, filed their completed documents with the county useMOr. It Is upected that $70 che<Jcs 'will· be malled I<> successlul applicants by the atate contruller's office in late Jurle. . Annual Pancake . Feed Set'by Y Don't bother fixing breakfast saturday, mom . The whole family can get it·for a dollar eaCh at the annual "Y" Breakfast. a flap- jack feed to be held on the Richard's Lido ltiarket west parking Jot. All proceeds will go ioward the Orange Coast YMCA's swlmmlni pool fund. The tiny tab includes orance juice, sausage, coUee and milk, •CCO!dinl to 0. W. "Dick" Richard, whose ~ has sponsored the event for tbe past 10 years. The hot cakes will be served up starting at 7:30 a.m •. Late breakfasters will have until 11 a.m. to Jine up.. Alio on the ?Q;ellU ~ door prim, a pea,1y cami•al and va r Jou 1 .a. tertainlnent, -Rid. , * . ,.. . ' • ,,,_ .. SIRHAN eUILTY OF ,PIRST -DE~lil MURDER Jord01ti1n Convicted of _..,. K~y'•· DM!f' . " .. .,. gag I I .... . "... . . '.· . , ·*~·:;;~ ... ~ ~~\ .. ·.~ ... ._~"f\'.t:·1"' ... _tt_i~f8· w·6rker· D'flnii3s Women, Negro ~rogtess By TOM BARLEY ........ Dlltr ·,_,...., . Ameri<;an women and this nation's black people hne a lot ·tn common when It comes lo a thorough aiia17m al verious forms of discrimination, civil rights worker Aileen C. Hernande& told League of Worrttn Voters convr.nUon delegates Wednesday night in Anaheim. She brought some SOO banqueUng LwV worker1 to,lh(ir feet 'filh a standing oval. lice when sbe "declared that "American women have made very little progress toward true equality s i n c e lhe 19th Amendment was passed." The Los. Angeles industrial consultant, a former member of Pres ident Johnson's Equal Em p Io y men t Op- portunity CMDmission, warned her Grand HO_ti.I. audience that ·very little progress \\'.OuJd be made uq_IU "such organizations · u yourc· take • lead in forcing America a womeo to face,illtles. 11We're Jlfttf.J1g0od at' sloganiz.ing," she aaid.. .. _ .U'1, ·ane chln;g to say you've come a Jc:ma WIJ baby and it's another tltq lo -a Jane l!ard look at the l ..... and examine them lo th< point that wome!n will be persuaded to take over the rOle they 've won but which they don't ~ to be able to implement." Miss H_..iez deplo'ed lh< failuie of women tO take thtir1place tn the nation's lovemrnent at all levels. "W~ ~ve only lhree women in our state ~bly and none in 'the sef!lle," she U:ld, "and it Isn't until you 1et down to the Jevel of our boirds of edui:ation 'th.it you find women ttpresented in any strenitll at · all. . "One reason I'm gi.Yen iJ that women shrink from politics as a·dirty business," · Miss Hernandez said. "That may well be hut we mwtn't allow it to prevent us from carving our place In the structure or 1191Jtics. "We must assault these ba1tions of male supremacy and get our sei: into government," 1he declared. "We are in ttte posiUon of betng· the objects of male iffectlon but not of male respect and this 'I do ' ' woo . ~ :; "Just like the blact peopl~" lhe said, t•our talents and energiei" ut belna ~ fined in narrow areas and that's U. way the men want ll Work all yoa.llk• bal!y 1'Jt not wblre the public con .., yoo. "And .opln Ilks th!.~l~..'.' nld Misc ~.~ .a l!!it 'lwe • want true equall , we wiid liui' ce in the sun. We can't back and alt for the implementaU .u.. il-alw11• ~ Di.ised but never appears. ' •·.u we can just pt into the political (See LEAGUE, Pqe I) . ' . OOllY WASHES ASHORE AT NEWPORT LIFEOUAitD tlEM>QUARTiJU-~,S. . -Moro High Wll9' Expoc~ Tonlihir Jlrl ...... N.W --·1-'lllrN I I ' l > -- • Totlay'1·.Fbud .• • II ' ~ TEN CENTS RFK's Assassin " Gets 1st Degree·· . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan was found guilty of the maximum vel'!iict of firllt degree murder Thursday and now his jury will declde on a· sentence oi·llfe or death. · The assassin of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy did not speak a word or move but he pressed his lips tightly together when the verdict was read after a trial that had lasted for 15 weeks. · After a recess for the Weekend, the seven-man, five-wOO)aJ;I panel on Monday will begin the penalty phase of the trial ,Jn which they d.,.. clde on a sentence of death in the gaH chamber or life imprisonmtnt with -the possibility of parole alter seven years. VERDICT ANNOUNCED Two bailiffs . .na a pi'ivate investigator for the de!eiise stoOO within inches of Sirhan after the verdict was pronounced In antlcipatioa of. another wiJd oulbum which previously had marked lhe trial. But Sirhan. dressed in an open~llared blue shirt with no tie; made no move toward violence and jumped up quickly and almost ran out of the courtroom as the jury was eicustd. The juron bad deliberaled abnoot 17 Qoun alter rec<iYing Ille ..,. late Mon- day. They appeared grim and 10meWhat unhappy at Uie·J!l'!l'll!"<! of a )!lrthu ulal which probably wiD lalt sevttal. days. ¥ni tlie time lh<y will cootinue lo be locked up a\ ~tu they have for ' the past several moriths. Sl,hln'1 m91hu. ,Ma~ all'! i1ls ·two· " · ,. "'~·"Cl. Mu.it an well! when lifGlhen, ~ ~ l l .. _.,~~.""' 1· ...;.i.,,~pt Presa •Dl,.. .......... a. ,,~,. , a Uietr-~«, bome·and "'!" lliit In the courtn>om for tho,..... If, lllO.-.i:. VOICE llliOkl . "We feel terrible ,about the -~~ict," Adel Aid bis nice &reaunc. 1•we clldn't eipect uJ. verdict." · Defen1e at\orney Grant .B. Cooper aaMI that "" did-not feel n would be neceaary to call many wi~ for the peqalty .. phase oi lhe ·ulal, polntini out thot th;> testimony of psychlati'Lstll who said Sirhan ls mentally Ill is already a matter of court record. It wa1 a 10lid victory for chJef ~ seculor LyM Compton and hia deputleo who had portrayed Sirhan 11 a liar trying to duck the p.s chamber for the slaying of Kennedy last June 5 in a pantry at·the Am bus«dor hotel. 'i:he jury rejected the defense contention that Sirhan was so mentally ill that he did not have the.capacity to meanlnafully and maturely premeditate and deliberate thii murder of the young tehator who had juat won victory in the California Democratic presidenUal prtruary. Bodies of Two On Attacked Plane Found WASHINGTON (UPI) -The bodies of two of the 31 crewmen of the U.S. reccm. naWance plane shot down by North Korean MIGs were tte0vered from the sea today. The' White House noted sharp- ly the plane was unmistakably in tt- ternational air space at the Ume of the auack. (Rel.ited stories, f;ai:e 4)- President Nixon's press aec:rtWy Ronald Zie(!ler l<lld rtpMlen In the lil'St substantive White HOUie comment on the .inc~ent: . . . ~· · . • ·: "Tbere could have been no mistake on u.e P8J'\, ot ~ Nortti II~ p I<> th< 1ocatlon of the &lrcral\ hecauae ft had not been nor was It in anythinf but ~ tematlonal airspact." Asked If the W1IUe House( was uyi111 the Comziiunlst lllla<:k was qnprovol;ed, Ziegler replied.: "Well, it was an unarm- ed plane on a routine-recoMa.Lsaance misliOri in lntemiUonal air ~." Tbe two bodies of the crewmen were found In the Sea of Japan by a U.S. destroyer and the Pentagon, conceded the~ wU virtually no hope of fmdin& any of ~ men alive. · More pieces of wreckage, life jacket! and other debris from the four~ plane also were recovered. Some of jt was· &aid I<> be dri!Uni toward North Korean coastal waters. Ziegler declined to discuss details such as the drift ol debris . Nixon will s~ak out on the incident himself Friday rat an 8:30 a.m. PST. news conference to be carried live on television and radio. Zieeler reported I.bat Nixon conferred until well after mldnlgbt on the Red at. tack with hlJ chief White House foreign poijcy ldvi...-, DI'. Henry A. KJs.in&ei', and the two continued to meet duriq .the A bui.zer liOuOded three Umes ln lhe fortress-like courtroom at ~ 10 :47 .,,.... •• signaling lhat 1 verdict hid bem ~ ed . . day. At the time Sirhan was In bls aborts mt. ting on a chair in his ceU and ·~ be was told a verdict had been reached he said, .. that's fine." '1 • When he -entered Ille ~ buy With smoke from the mon \ban three dozlen newsmen waiUng in the nam, hi (See SIRHAN, 1'111 ll Tustin Schools Now Controlled By Conservatives t The lint bodles -one al an ollku and ooe of an enlilted man -were reported picked up 17 miles norlh ol tile llto wbeJ'e 'th< lint apparent wreckage from the p-WU fowld Tuesday nighl, about 20 hours after it WU ahot down. The center al the ~ area was aid to be about 110 miles away frtm the North Korean -ol Cb'Of!llin but the Dtlense ilep«rlment llld .... ol the debrli from the lost p-was drlftlq clooer lo the North Korun rout. ,NEW YORK A(P) -Tbe ttock market cloeed on a fairly even keel today after llY!nc. up much ol lh< •mall pin it had )JOited Wll<'. (See q-, Pips 30- Jt). • ' Tbe Dow Jextes irw:hullrial averaae at 1:30 p.m., wu up o.a at at.St. 0r.., • .. I I • • ' ' ' • 1 • • • ' ' ' • • • • ' • . . ! '" . ~--- • 'Tloandlr, A,.W 11, l!M I',.... P .. e l -.. SIRHAN •.• ' et · .Noise .· ··Can Do · for , .·You ~ cool and smiled al dio ol lib B~rry T9R • • Vote Getter lawyers. -· IJll>ough the Jury wUt deddt on the "'!)!en? of life or death_ -""1.1~ ~1. f>e ~ ..,.. 'ltf \P .. °S k~ Un4nimoUI u wu Uie •tillkt -)here ==:·•'I. -ii.:;.:.; .., ....... snat ""'* .... --·' .... .... ... • .... be eaecul«I.. er._ ..... Not a stnale convicted criminal .bu L6l'I -.a ii' ........ ~ been executed In the United Stales In the llOmo ""°"'·"' 11'1 Iii""'"""., II put two years and there are more than can ruin ProPirt1 •ahlel. ftey 111 it'• 80 persons In San QuenUn's death row diivinl tlllm DUIL They AY leok al who are awaiting &entence. PlJ,ya del Rey. 11 the Jury llnds Sirhan guilty f1f f1n1 iJ.1 :i~ ~~Lt~ , dep<e munler and llels the penalty al \ Rey. Sblce lhe jum- death Jn the gas chamber Lhe Mfttence bo Jal moved 1..t .. automall<:ally would be reviewed bl' Ibo Los Aaploo· In~ State Supreme Court. , "· natlooal Alr]>ort, Olief Defense Attorney Grant B. trhat11 happened? Cooper said H the It.ate court upbekl tht i'l'bll ii what's sentence be would appeal all the way to happened: crime in the United States Supreme Court. the ab'eell in that Cooper who said in his final argument commwUty bu all lh I he r' II s· ha sh Id ,._ but diuppeared. So a e tr n ou spend "'~ rest has tomobil traffic So ha IDOlt ol of his days in t1le penitentiary, asserts au e • ft . ' . 111t ,....., ' ' JllYCh91oll' todoy Is, •I bell, on lneucl ._-.... l:fl'1 II a,.,.. .-• • ecltnce '1:1.-1!_~--.._,;._ :PILOT. -i ~ • ·~ tli ... ~ .. ~ •• ln.Jnnn••;n ... =.lt':"tliii--.-. · · · ' ~~to be ""-· alaq ~""""1. Ulll ~mla. ,.! ~~·"° ~.--" 1.o•aoo· •. with sdenlllls ond '"'""b! , -~~. °'!t .. ~rlnl g<OO~olnaunU.wnian .• .., U , Now 1fho do we turn to for .mwllngfUI San Joaquin Elemefltll'Y s c h o o t mwi~ ulll:' _, advice? \ Dlstri~t vottr1 returned I n cu m b t n t telephone callJ. Sydney Omarr, that's who. Edwar,d E. Berry to office and elected tG ....Matu thole lnctl1•nt TV com-IOIMtblnl mlpty ·important. lnlttad ol • * • the other two open lrustee positions merctall l._;ble to hw. oc:rapln( 11 dl..:..i wrlngin( h oul-thoy niu." a bl& _ really big _ pow financial <0111Ultant Robert L. Dameron, -Keeps you. from btaring the yens of lbould 6ottle It. game golnr on In Newport Beach. And and neg111eer James A. Nelson. Iha\ $mb llll&hbar ld4'wl>en he falls Into . U tt makes Boeing '137'1 IO. think whit Newport'• police !mow where It's I B I Berry topped all vote aetters ln the your PoOl. . it can do for the f .. -n .. -· th•-'s ~., •• ...._ ·do boua 1·l u district with 1,840 votes, followed by So C.1·1-llfcrjll no1ae.·· . ......_. .,. ·---.. _, can • t Dameron, 1,808, and Ne!llOll, 1,ttl. Now, wW about.Ill otbe:r ~pro-There. I said IODW:thinc ni<:e about the The reason: It'• in a private place. The other seven candidates received blem -1.D"that fut! Uiat fJOidl; to the jets. Maybe this will get me a free Air WlUch makts It difficult for the cops to tht following votes: Ch 1rIe1 H. ground after.a jet takes oft? cal DJ&ht to San Franciaco. bust down the doors. Boulanger, 1,049 ; Patricia A. Stratton, I think people who complain about it * * * If it moves to Newport Pier or Harbor 853; Pat 8. Brian, 541 ; Robert W. Liv· covering their grua, fenct1, rooftops and If there's anytbinc the Sirhan Sirhan Hlgh's auditoriwn, though,watcb out. ingston, 447; Vincent A. Laverty, 380; wub -U to dty Ire Overlooking trial bu dtmamtraied, ll'1 t bat 'nlat's today's elclusive. Loa Young, 365; John P. Unger, 155. Votes by precincts for the various can· that American public optnioll wiD oee to ~ that the assassin ii never· rell!:Ued. 'Ibe lawyer said ~ only clrcumstances in whlch lie couJcf foresee Sirhan's release would be if the Urilted States were to "trade" him for some American Jn cap- tiVity ln an Arib state. -------------=-------didates ~·ere : UNIVERSITY PARK' Berr):, 112: The jury filed in at 11 :12 a.in., wbdued and soJemn. Superior court Judge Herbert V. Walker asked jury foreman ~t;e EUintt if they had reached .a verdict. mv· · · "We have: your honor," Elliott aaJd. Bailiff Willard Polhemus handed the papen with the verdict to Judge Walker who pa!l3ed them on to the cJerk, Mn. Alice Ni.shlkawa. Mrs. Nishikawa read : "We the jury •• J1nd the defendant, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, guilty of murder in violation of Section 187, Penal Code, a felony IS cllari!ed In Count 1 d the fn. dlctmenl We further find It to be murder in the flrst degree." DAILY PILOT ' OIAMG• COAll P'UlltlHING COMPANY Rohorf N. Wo14 .,..kleftt •nd P'llblltller J1,lt R. Curl•J' Vice P'rtlldfrll 11\f Gt111rol Mint"' Tho11111 K10,il (dftlir Thom•• A. M•r,h1110 MlnMl1111 IEdltor J•t••• F. C.lliH ,...-! l•Kll CltJ' &lllor ---2211 Wed 111\01 lowlo .. 014 M1ill11t Adi11u: ,,o. 101 1111, !266J ...... .._.. LEAGUE •• -. arena," the speaker said, "we can play a tremendous part In a very different man- neflo·1he lridlUonil' methodl employed by men. .. Too many men toe the party line," sbe Aid. "There's too much of the 'my Dad wu a Democrat so mUll l be' in the male.approach to sovenuneaL "ADd men, unlike women, prefer to kill Ideas wttb guns," Mia Hernande& aaid. "Women are much more disposed to 11.sten to wlll.t the other man bu to aay. "What ... need In thll male dominated society," Miu Hernandez aaid, "ll women with the guta to ltand up for the things they believe In and take ·1tepl to correct what ii basicallJ a racllt sode- • ty." Air West Shifts To Long Beach Startini Moftday, Air Weat'1 Orange County operaUOlll will 1hllt lo Long Beach Municipal Airport for two weeks, ft WU announced today, ' The lrllllfer will permit Air Weot to continue acbedullng 11 deplrturU a day roe cowrty paaengm during repavinlJ of tho malo runny, spoteamen foc the line said. Flights al County Airport will reaume S•9''1!'1\'• !ol&Y, l ,Air Wet! Pf<!yidea s<rvltes lo Lu Vej!u, l'hoenl<, San Diego illid El C<nlnt. 11 USO. both Pin . i" ml jei,ntp - Goldhttg Announces Antl-ABM Committee WASHINGTON (UPI) .,.. Arthur J. Goldberg, former supreme court justice, U.N. amhaua;dor and cabinet member , announced today formaUon of a Natlooal Committee lo Mobillle OpposlUoo to the Safeguud ~ballisllc MlsslJo (ABM) System. ' . l,'".OM P .. e l TUSTIN SCHOOL VOTE ••• throUlhoot tbe d1ltrlct and rectived con--48; Schiavone, 17; 8e!Jeck, 167; Smith, otder1ble :~.~ In Laguna HiDI, El 211. Toro ond -Viejo. However, Unlvmlty Park and Irvine LAGUNA lllJ.UI, Clubhou!e No. 1 - voter1 blmed oul lo,be maverlcU ol the llrlner, !Ill; Boll. fl: BO.iimer, 21: Broe, school dlltrict. Al -pot!lnl place In I: Calhoun, 151; C&rkey, 11; ·r,. .... 13; Irvine, Mn. Smllll ncelved only one vote Katz, 70; Kttnek, I, Rosen, 16; and Calhoun two wbile a elate backed by Schiavone, 7; Selleck, 215; Smith, 172. local ruldenb recelved 73, ii and <IS LA PAZ SCHOOL -Briner, !<IS; Bell, voteo. 1n the lkaodldate contest :au percent 123 ' Boehmer, !17; Broe, 7: Calhoon. 155; ol the rt(lllered v<>ten caat their baliols, C•key, 23; vr..... c : Katz, 125; a better the average number for school Krenek, 111; Roeea, 41; Schiavone, 14; ---.Selleck, 80; Smith, 80. . . Elr!y retumo lndkalecl a heavier vole OLIVEWOOD SCHOOL -Briner, 69; . Jeadfnc to an eiiooeoua prediction of a Bell, 42; Boehmer, 32; Broe, 111; Calhoun, better than ID pe=ot lally. SS; Carkey, 17; Fraeae, 19; Katz, 43; Votes for tbe 10 unsuccessr~ ca -~nek, 8; Rolen, YI, Schiavone, 26; didales' were: Howon! 'L. Solleck, I aJ: Selleck, 33; Smlth, M. Sylvan Kotz, 1,1178; Charles T. Bell, 1:656; O'fmLL SCHOOL-Briner, 125; Beli, Stanley L. Roeen, 1,177; 'R<llaJd w. 18; -~· 71; Broe, 14; Calhoun, 69; Fraeee, ·au; cutfodr B. ~er. 7,7; Clrkey1 :11, Frae91!:, 38, Katz, 83; Krenek, Dana A. Carkey 491 • · Ralph L 14; Ro5en, 31 Schiavone, 14; Selleck, 4:9; Schiavone, m: AmO!d ~t; 409, Jmm sm1th, ss. R. Broe, 310. GATES SCHOOL -Briner, 46; Bell, VOlell cut In tho Unlveroity and Sad· 30; Boehmer, 24; Broe, 13; Calhoun, 2'; dlebact ~were: Carley, 21; Frae9e, 18; Katz, 26; Krenek, UNIVERSITY PARK -Briner 18· 7; Roeen, 11 Sc!Uavme, 7; Selleck, 30; Bell, 'II; Boehmer, 81; Broe, 23; eatboun'. Smtih, 45. 70; Cartty, 17; Fraeae, 338 ; Katz, 312; Krmek, 4:1; Rosen, 292; Schiavone, 20; Selleck, M; Smith, 71. HALPERIN REBIDENCE, 1m2 Vlo San M"I"', 1rv1ne , Briner, 11; Bell, 14; Boehmer, 3; Broe, 4:; Calhoun, 2; Carkey, fi ; Fraese, 68; Katz, 73 ; Krenek , 2; Rosen, 66; Schiavone, O; Selleck, 3; Smlth, 1. IRVINE SCHOOL -Briner, 15; ·eeu, 5; Boehmer, l ; Broe, J; Calhoun, 17; Cazr~, 1; Frae.e. J; Kall, f ; Krf.oek, 2; Ro&etl, · t, ~avone, ~; Sellec:k; 14:; Smith, 17. · , . • · LAGUNA mLLS, Clubhouse 2 - Briner, 167; Bell, 115; Boeb.mer, 30; Broe. 10 ; Cllhoun, 218; Carkey, 29; Fraese, 34; Katz, M; Krenek, 10; Roten, 29; Scblavone. 31; Selleck, 2l5; Smith, 271. LAGUNA ~. Clubhouse No. 1 - Briner, 155; Bell, 116; ~er, 41; Broe, 8; Calhoun, 176; Clrkey, 37; r.-, 21; Katz, 100; Krmell; 14; Rooen, ~. Sch1avme •. 27; Selkck.. tst; Smith, Study of U.S. llef enses Slated WASHINGTON (UPI) -Delenee Secretary V.elvln R. Laird announced to- qay piano for a thorouil) new study O! the entire U.S. "defeme L'OIS'llDunity," cover- ing both II! "miMion" and i t s performance. Laird said he would soon name a "blue ribbon panel" lo cooduct the study. Laird, who had advocated such a study when he was a WiscoMin congressman, said the panel W<JUld conduct "a thorough, independent a n d objective study of the Defenee community.'' From P .. e I ANNEX •.•• posals. The county agency tossed out both requests. . The LAFC told Newport and Ciosta 1ttesa officials to iron out their dif- ftrences first. Newport COWlcilmen last April ap- parently thought. they had begun to do just that. They endorsed a move by Costa 1t1esa to annex the Santa Ana Country Club area, noting in their resolution that the territory lies west of Sant.a Ana Avenue. Newport councilmen tmned Santa Ana Avenue "a logical boundary" between the two cltiu. EAST NEWPORT'S In other worda, evttything west of the avenue is Coat.a Mea.11, everything east should be Newport's. Costa Mesa's new annexation plan, however, leaps east of the avenue. It will be taken up by the LAFC on May 14. Newport councilmen on April 28 will consider both the Costa Mesa proposal and the petitions from PegllSW!l.Santa Ana Heights homeowners who want to join Newport. Hurlburt was asked whether Newport councilmen would protest the one and seek LAFC approval of the other. "1 wouldn 't be surprised," be said. Jordan, Israel Clash On Suez inl4th Day By United Preti lntenati°'al Jordan and Israel fought for the ltth consecutive day today across the Jordan River tcu,se.fire line. Cairo radio reported , a "strong" artillery battle across the ~ez Canal with Egyptian gum: trying to)mock out Israeli firepower. The fikhting Oared u the United Na. lions ambassadors of the four major powers held the.Ir fourth meeting in New )'ork in search of a soluUon to the Middle Eul c:rlsla. Only Wednesday, King H~ of· J,Ofdan warned them there wu "very, very IiUe time left" to avoid a general' war. · Boulangtr, 40'l; Brian, 51 ; Dammil, Jll; Laverty, 26 ; Livingston, 70; NelJoa, ~; Stratton, 359; Unger, 18; Young, JS. HALPERIN R&mlENCE, lrone: Ber· ry, 15; Boulanger, 74:; Brian, 11; Dameron; 65; Laverty, 3; Llvingston, 5; Nelson, 7; Stration, 68; Unger, 3; Young, 4. • IRV!NE SC R 0 0 L, Berry, 24: Boulanger, 4; Brian, 8; Dameron, 9; Laverty, 4; Livingsk>n, 4; Nelaon, ti; Stratton. 4: Unger. 2: Young, JJ. LAGUNA IDLLS, Clubhouse 2: Berry, 309 ; Boulanger, 93; Brian, 46; Dameron, 312 ; Laverty, 52; Livingston, 37; Nelson, . 235; Stratton, 17; Unger, 15; Young. 39. LAGUNA HIW, Clµbhouse 2: Berry, 34.1 ; Boulanger, 12; Brian, 54; Dameron, 324 ; Laverty, 58; Uvingston, 52;·Nelaon, 262; Stratton, 74; Unger, 21: Youn1, it. LAGUNA lllLl.S, Clubhouse 1' 'Berry, 2&t; Boulanger, 105; Brian, 57; Dameron, 2S4; Laverty~ 69; Uvings\on, '5; NelllOl'I, 176; Str_atton, 83; Unger, 101 ; Young, SS. LAGUNA HD.J.S, Clubhouse l: Berry, 204:; Boulanger, M; Brian, 40; Damen>n, 195; La.Yerty, 27; Livlngston, 18; Nelson, 164; Stratton, 40; Unger, 18; Young, 25. LA PAZ SCHOOL: Berry, ns:· Boulanger, 74; Brian, 111; Damtron, 121; Laverty, 30; Livingston, 67; NelJOn, 125;: Stratton, 56; Unger, 17; Young, 72. OLlVEWOOD SCHOOL: Berry, 73; Boulanger, 47 ; Brian, 61 ; Dameron, :II ; Laverty, 33 ; Livingston, 59; Ne~n. 31; Stratton, 32 ; Unger, 13; Young, 41. O'NEILL SCHOOL:. Berryy, 199; Boulanger, 91; Brian, 71 ; Dameron, 111; Laverty, 32; Livingston, 52; Nelson, &1; Stratton, 49 ; Unger, 19; Young, 32. GATES SCHOOL' Berry, 50;· Boulanger, 18; Brian, 31 ; Dameron, 12; Laverty, «; Livingston. 27; Nel80D, 36; Stratton, 21; Unger, 10; Young, 23. UN General Assembly President Succnmhs GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (UP!) -Foreign , Mlnistft' Emilio Atenales Catalan, 46, di¢ early todly In a private hospital ili Guatemala -!tty. ' Arenatoi, prealdenl of tho United Na· Uon> general W<l!lbly, ~ .. 1 two· cperations in 'New York In ll&t 1111'1 for removal of ll)alignancies fJ'Grii. bis arm and his brain. •' 1 At a news .eon!ertoct, Goldbera and Roswell Gilpatric, another Johnlon ad- minblraUon olliclal, aid ~new aroup WU stricUy non-polidcaf and bipartlaan. LAGUNA IDW, C1ubbou9e No. J - Briner, lJll ; Bell, 128; Boehmer, 31; Broe, 7; C&lhouh, 185; Carkey, 21; Fraooe, C: Katz, 1J5; Krenek, U; Rosen, al JJ. J. (}arrelf;. } YOUR COMMUNITY From its distinct ive cover, featuring some of ihe Harbor A rea's best lnown multi-storied building" right on throu gh +4 poges of feels, figures, phone numbers and phot.os, here is YOUR COMMUNITY. It pockoges end gift wraps the meny communities of interest in the Newport Beoch-Costo Me"' ""'" in • 'f'Ubkc.olion you 'll wont to keep hondy oil yeer long for reference. You con 9et1extra copies, too, for yourself or for a friend who isn't lucky enough lo live he"' (25 cents <Nor the counter •t eithe r the Newport Booch or Coste Meso office of tho DA ILY PILOT or 35 cerits by m • i I lo onywhe"' in the United S'tetes) •. ' 'Gift-Wrapped' By The DAILY PILOT I r----------, I o, .......... OllAN .. COAST DAILY PILOT I I .. .!!! :.;.:"..... 11•• ......... :., I -C.. tJ611 N..,.,. .._., Ce. tJM' I ................. ,... .. -1''' ........ TOUI I COMMINfTT ......... • 11 -• •• .. t _,_ ..................... I I An 111 \IHh '"'-wltli '"'"' ._ 11•M• olli oii,..t• I 1 ~ tli•f •f ,.., .... whM ye111 W•llf ••~•• ••11 .. .1 1 I . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I ~~ ............................... ··········· I I City -11, I I .................................................... . .----.. --·-... I , ...... _ . ...,....,... ·-----------' I, A tophlsticltld ntW HERITAGE eolltct5on, c!Ootte11pOmy Jn mood but with !ho ridl ..,,.Im of ndlt~ deolgn lnllptn<& T_, -d...,_ 10 CaptUrt th• look of todrt'• hOmll In styfe, flnllh end texture-1 look ""' ln •htt con-of old brk>:, -tNlcao. ._ _. 1..-ond othttr "'"'"' ""twilill of c:ion11n~ architlCtUN, T1•11C11Pt "*"' HchMti,. Id-.• in our w.,..,.,1on of 111~ -,.. ... -°* IOlld& Ind poc1cy._. - ,_. with poltloo -.. plllol .. --of -. holri ...... c: Pin ond flutod "''"""' You'n -Im ,,,. -of ,,,. -ond the kilcroUtftnWl-tht wm Ind kwltln(l 1~ d\lt Tr11*"1twfll provide. .Yw -Id -T111-.« fw "°"' -S.. «Jr dl,,.i.y ot rlli. Im-----. H.J.GARRETf fURNf]URE PROFESSIONA~ INTERIOR DESIC.NERS 2% 15 HARIOR IL YD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 646-0276 I ' ~-·-.,_·,~-~-~-.... -!""'·:::~~.:-:;.:;:;:~.~-:::--;-.-;::;;:::::;:;:;;:;;::::::::::::;;;;::;:::::;:;:::;:;;:;;;:::::::;::;;;::;:::::::::;:::;;:::::::;::;:,::::::::::;:;::;:;:::::::::::::;-:;::::;:::::::::~:;:::::::-::;:-::~~~~· • • • -• .. . . Cost" .. \U•e 1li\ l ·. • . . .. -::: . ·-EDITION -. YOl. ~2d'l0. I -'-• • • .. r , " • . " . ls -~No' the Word2'. . " . . : ~ ; ..... 'f • ' . • Mnrines Wttn.t ··'. ... . .. ·~-.----. -.,.,......,. . . 'Word · on .Toru ·' By JANICE BERMAN • Of ..., DallW ~n.t Stiff _J4rine. Colooel Robert Limberg said ·today the Marine Corps· .would welcome any opportunity to participate io· civilian ~!es· ~arding. possible conversion of Uie 'EJ Toro 'Marihe Cofps Air Sta'.tion to ~ 11Se. by, millt.¥Y . and· commercial iJrerj°c" .· At~t!;it same time, Limberg said lbe · ~ e9rPi does .not, believe El Toro . ~ .lie ·, P.qd facility · for combined ~ alld military use, because only ' filot Boy Cc,irr~ • 'Congratulations'. ' ... 1DAiLY PJLOT carrier ' boy Nick ~ WI! the flnl to congratulate Nick stoior when former Britom Nictr, .,xi , Doreen emerged from the county -.. 'Wednesday as fully fledged U.S. c!tluna. Mom arw:I" Dad now make the Hodges "1""'1• at m Governor st., Co<ll ~. an aD American househoid. LOng -bliahed Oag Oyill( Americans looting • ' '"I It the Hodges own pookerlll)Oll1 ~ are 12-year-old Nkk't brothtr arid lilter. Janet lO, and Michael, I. "11'• 1 very ~~ ~•Y f..-us," Sl!d Nick ir<I Dorten. • It'• aometblng that we·n· betn ia.Jtln( 'for for •, IOng ttme, and, fl COUf'lt; we wanted tht •bole flmily to be here-for the occasion." • •• r ~ • ' t ' . -.... ~· -:-OMl.;.f"~•~ ,.... ' . ~ -_,. .,.. HAPPY -DAY -•Nick Hodg .. Jr. congratulates fatfl~• ,I~ e!Mr1 Hodgu beca!n• U.S. cltlzeo Wedneaday. Other mll!lbOl'I el,'fmjl1ly are Micha•~ 8: Jane: JO, a~ Mrs. Hodges, who ;1!10 &ecame-dll20n. I Fo r more Oil new ... cit~ent,•He page lL :-... f ... . 1 v l I . ....,~~-, . ' . ' • ' R:Fk's Assassin Geis ·1st · Deg.ree : Bodies of Two · On. Attacked . " I • I l 2 DAILY PILOT c J' ..... P•1e l SIRHAN ..• loohd cool and smll<d al one of Ills 1a,,,.... Althati&h the jury will declde an the -of We°' dutll -and k mmt be · .,.-_~ . ..,., •0!49 P.'eQUJNI ~·'111:';'-:;u °llU llio v«;did --. ,,._ 1.-..:: = ':"~ II p.i ~ tlall llrl!iil ..... '~ l!loO -tllo .. eviilieuecuted. I~~-~ Not a &Ingle convicted criminal bu . Lot\ ~,~'-.!'JI'! ~1-.. been executed In the United States In the Some Pli>P1-lrf ii • fiO lcMI. Tho)' liY Ii c .. niln ptopll1y vallles. "Ibey .., lt'a put hro years and there are men thu drlvln& ~ null. They oay look at , 80 person> in San Quentin'• death row Playa del Rey. who are awa!Ung sentmc:e. All r l 1·b L Lei'• lf the jury rinds Slrilan guilty of llnt IOQk it PIO)a cld degee munler and aeu the penallY._ al ::Yj;,.~ ~ dellh In the , •• chamber the -Loi ' Aqeleo lnter- automallcally would be reviewed bJ the naUoul Atri>ort, Stale Supreme Cowl. ~~ bappenocl~t' ClUef Defense Attorney Grant B. happened~. ~ Cooper aald U the llfAle court u~d !be the streei. In tbat sentence be would appeal all the way to community baa all the United States Supreme Court. but disappeared. So Cooper, who said in hll final argmnent bu automobile tratflc, So hln molt ol that he felt Sirhan aboaJd spend the rest of hi5 days In the pen!lentlary, • .-rta tbat American public opinion will aee toil Lhlt the assassin i.s nevu releued. The Jawy.er said the only clrcwnstances ln F• al TalJi which be could foresee Sirhan'• ~ ,. m . . ' es would be If the United 8talfll were to .. trade" him for .10ma American in ca~ tivity In an Arab state. The jury filed in at 11:12 a.m., subdued and, . IQl~mn-.Superior court . JU!lie Herbert ·v. Walker uked "jury f«eman' Bruce Elliott if they had reached a verdict. "We have, your honor," Elliott said. Bailllf Willard Polhemus baoded the paptts with the verdict f.o Judie Walker who passed them on to the clerk, Mrs. Alice Nishikawa. Mrs. Ni8bikawa read : "We the jury .•. find the defendant, Sirbu Blsbara Sirhan, guilty of murder In violation of Section 1117, Penal Code, a felony as charged In Count l of the fn.. dictmtnt. We "fwther find it to be murder in the first degree ... DAii Y PILOT UUNGll COASl .. u.~ ISHIHO (OMIAH'r Rob.rt N. Wto4 f>rnldl!ll 81111 f'llltlletltt Joclc It. C11r/1y Vb l"tni.ent 111111 a.-.i Mtnllllf n-·· 11:,,.,n .... tu .... A. M11rpliio1 ~l(tllfrtr ..... __ JJO Wo1t ..., Str .. t Moi~tf AMron: P.O. 1 .. 116'0, H6H --..._. .. ..,, m1 *•' ..... ..._. L..--...o.:na....,........_ Hlll!"""8n aum; • Jiil arr.t~ l'JAILY ,llOl, wllll Midi It_....,...~ ~ ..... II lllltlllshld ••Pr t•u•• ....., •n Ill -ttM •ltlonl IM l...-9-dl. • ....._... llNc9'. OIMa '-9, Hrlftl-IM 8..m Md '"-ltlll V1l11Y, ,..._ '111111 """ ,........ ... , ...... Or-C...t ~ c-'"' or1n11,. .i"-11 .,, 11 nu wnt Bllbaa &Jvtl., IMW!llllrt a..oi. ... nt 'llN&I • ., ,...... CO.lo Miia,, 11' ,, ... 17141 642.4121 a..-.:41 u. .. lek, '414;611 ~·ltlll· ,..., Or-~ f'WlllM!w c-"'· ,.. -·•-, .. 11t1r111ont. ~=torNt -"*' .. .....,...._,. ""''"' -· .... ·--..u. .....,,. -le! -......... Ill ~·Ith! -· ~ "••• _ .... "" ti ......_. IMdt ...,, ea.. Mew. c.twtnll9. w.ri.t1111 1rr arr-11.1' _...,.,, ~ 1111111 ._. -"'"' .. 1111.,.., .. , ............. 7J "*""'"· Give Rodda, : . . ~ -- Keene Victory Final -totala for Orqe Coast Junior College District today conflnntd that Geor1e Rodda Jr. wan a four-year term on the Board of Trustees along wilh Worth Keene, who waa unopposed. 1be final tally -~: Tnlslee Ara l Keene (electedl -U,939. Trustee Area 5 llodda (elected) -U,5711. Jolm L. Vaughn -1,1131. ResuJta·were delayed until worken at the County Scboola Office could count the ballots themselves. Orange Coast Junior College ofllclals had hoped their volt! would be tallied by Huntinaton lltach Union Hlgh School District election workers, but It was not. Partlal returns were available Wed- nesday . from. the Newport-Mesa area where unified achoo! district author!Ues kept the junior college count while tabulating their own ballots . Rodda. of Corona de! Mar, la an in- cumbent who bu 1erved on the board two months. He wu appointed to succeed J, O'Hara who tnadvertenUy moved juat outside the junior college dlllrlct boun· daey which doea not jive with city or other acbool diatrict boumlaries. K .... , of SW Beach, la the current boordq 1reaideat Ind bu aerved two prevloua !~ lennl. VaUllW 'f.!'bo!Jar In arrws of RQdda;llla irl'Or Coast Colle1e atu-' lient 1111 flao l>iOn-g Iii< a Sl111feots for a Dtmocraflc Soct.,Y (SDS) ·chapter on the ~pus. , . ··, Rummage Sale Gets Under Way A three-day nmun11e Ale 11 under way at a Ooota M,.. sbopplnc cenler, organized hJ·moth<n of the Boya' CIUb of tbe Harbor Area Central Branch. · Donoled ilelno for tbe &ale in the Vic> hlrlo Mexa Sboppin& Cenlet, ltl5 Vlcl«ta Slo, wtU be acceptod througb Friday with hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. reduoe4 to t a.m. to I JUI!. Saturday. . ' . • • -Noise · '~= psycboloo today b, at bMt, an Jne:uct ft..:~·;::: PILOT: . ·./{ : T,t .. ·· .. * ~ "' '!ff..a ~,tow --. ltillllliln't """ --· ~ ... to ba -· oJW ·~ . Bat .tbft~ P.*9 thlt tin be llM fw _ . _ 1 .. . :t with aclenUsta ~ 1enerals? r-Je:_~~~ in:=·!venationl. • · t;O·aaoOK .!to~1wbo do we turn to for meanlnctul -Muffles the rint of unwanted Sydney omarr, th1t'1 who. telephone calb. -Makea -lnceasanl TV cotn· """'ethlni mlgbl/' fml'!"\anl lnllead of * * * merciw Jm-1!>le lo hear. scraplna It off-« wrinlina ~ O!jt-llicl '!hare'• • big -really bi1 . -poker -~J,llU'Jromll!eiiring the yella of'· ahould'lioltle it. game going on In Nawport Btach. And tbal dumll Detjhbar kld'wl!en be falla inle u It makes Boeing '111'• '°' think what N_.-t's police lmow where It's al But YO\U' pool. •.. It can do for the family CJr, thft'a nothing theJ can do about iL So let's hMr' U for jet noise. ....._ __ I atd "'-• · bout the The -··-: It'• in a private .J•ce. Now, what •bouti the other alleged pro-iucic.. s some .. ..,. ruce • ·-t'- blem _ an that tuel that floats to the jets. Maybe this will get mt a free Air Which makes It dllficult for the cops to ground after a jet t.al:es off? ·cai flight to San Francisco. bust down the doors. I think people who complain about it * * * If It moves lo Newport Pjer or Harbor coveri!!& their graaa, fencef, rooltopa and lf there'• anything the Sirlian Sirhan ffi&b'a auditorium, lbough.watch out. waib bunt out to dry Me ove:kloiing trial bu demcmtrated, lt'1 t bat That's today's achWve. . . Schmitz: 'Sex· ls Divine~ Senator Angered by Attack on Sex Education Foes S.. la divine, stai. Sen. Jolm G. Schmitz (11-'l'uatin) aald early todaj - with cerialn quallncaUons -alter a marathon committee s e s s l a n In Sacramento on his two proposals for curbing se:r education. A Scbmltz reaoluUon calling on school dlltrlcll to curtail all new tu educaUon progr;ams. unW the i.Ogtwture can study the statewide controveny about the issues Wu paaaed. The Senale !':<lUca1loD Committee did not act on a hw by Schmitz requiring paiental consent for a student to take a aex tdticaUori course and It was held for ·re~ · A clause stating directly that some clUsroom. material verges on outri1ht pornography was deleted before the com· mttee pused the meuure aimed 1t tem- porarily freezing new classes. E1ilting ae:r. education programll are Frotn P .. e I LEAGUE ••. the implementation that ls always pro- mised but never appears. "If we can just get into tht political not affected by ihe 'action ·concluding a long, pa!!.mldnight bearing In whlcb the chairman Sen. Albert S. Rodda (!). Sacramento) cast the lone dWenUng vote. Groans were heard at times among proponent. and opponents of sex educa· tion, who stood and aat in the aisles, but emoUons, for the most part, were restrained. Son. Rodda threatened at one point to halt the proceedings, whlcb featured a 11harp e:rchange between John Birch Society member Schmitz and a Long Btach paycbologlat. Dr. Ra1ph Eckert, president of the Southern California Council of Family Relations, charged lhat Jf any immorality is being taught today, it is among vitriolic attackers or sex education. "The distortion lw really frlgblened me. The most immoral thinp I've seen done lately are by opponents of this," said Dr. Eckert, specillcaUy namini two at-odds groups. He said organized oppoallion lo lhe Se:r Information and F.ducalioo. Council of the United States (SfECUS) la comong from a subsidiary of Rey. Billy Hargis' ultra· rightwing C b r i s t I a n Anti-Communi.at Crusade. The Tustin CathoUc Republican shot back a charge that Dr. Eckert was creating what he called a straw man by contending chlldrtn cannot have honest se:rua1 dlscuulons in the home. "It makes me furious when It's in- ferred or implied thlt" opponenta of sex educalion feel that sex is filthy," declar~ Schmitz, "se:r in the rtlaUonahip of human love is divine." The Schmitz resolution and bill do not affect e:risting programs. Mesa Planners to Vse Trip for Airport Talk Despite a low bid 13 perc:enl more Uwt the enJineer'• esUmate, the Oran&• County Bovd of SupervlaO<I Wedneaday apP!Oved a $204,552 contract to widen two br.ldltl on Adams Avenue·bttweea'Cost.a M~ll14 Huntington Buch. Low bidder was the GrUrlth Co. ol Costa.Mesa. County Road CommiM!ooer Al Koch, under questloning by Suporvtsor Wllllam Hln:tein, admJtted that the bid~ wen higher than expected .. because of hl&h water in the Santa Ana ruvrr." But Koch argued that the low bid was "not es:~ve." The projects lnclude widening to four lanes a 7.67-foot brid1• over tPe rivtr and 1 101-foot span over the paralleling GreenvWe-Bannlni Flood Cootrol cbannel. J'ro• P .. e J.. ANNEX •.. plication to the LAFC, cl11im thtt pet.I· tions asking annexation to Co.ta Mua had been submitted by owners of. Ill per- cent of the properties within the "Back Bay Annexation No. 1" area. Last spring the two cities fought O\'tr the same general areL -They submitted to the LAFC overlapplng anne:r1tion pro- posals. The county agency tOBlfJd out both requests. The LAFC told Newport and Colla Mesa oHlcials to iron out their dif- ferences first. Newport councilmen last April ap- parenUy thought they bad bqun to do just that. They endorsed a move by Costa Mesa lo annex the Santa Ana CounU, · Club area, noting in their reaotuti6n that the territory lies west of Santa Af'& Avenue. Newport councilmen tenMd Santa Ana Avenue "a logical boundary141 between the two ciUes. In other words, everything west of the avenue is Costa Mesa's, everything east should .be Newport's. Costa Mesa's new annexation plan, tiowever, leaps east of the avenue. lt will be taken up by the LAFC on May 14. Newport . councllmen on April 28 wlD consider both the Costa Mesa proposal and the pe_Utions from Pegasus-Santa Ana Heights homeowners who want to join Newport. Hurlburt was asked whether Newport councilmen wouJd. protat the one and ..U LAFC approval of the other. "I wouldn't be surprised," he aald. arena," the.' speaker said, "~ can play a A pair of Costa Mesa Plann!n1 Com-on·the-sea. tremendous part in 8 v~ different man~ mission member1 flying to Ohio for a na-"He has beet! retained by Uitte eastern Ray Bradbury tional conference Friday wiH make a side statf:j to explore the poeslbillty of _iier to tpe traclitional methods employed trip to confer with an ·Eu.t Coait.airport offshorei.~ays and airport facilities li:Y men., ·) 1_1.. ~...: expert on Orange County aviation pro-recently'tn ·the news," Htmmttt u-Speaks m· Mesa "Too manY.r.. ~en ·1-·the party, line," bl.ems. · plained. ahe said. "There's too much of the 'my Commissioner Jack Hammett, also Hammett and Hout are among many h president of the Costa Mesa Chamber of West Coast representatives attending the Prize-winning edtnce fiction writer Dad was a Democrat 80 must 1 be' int e Commerce, 58..id today lhat he and Com-American Soc.lety of flannlng Officials, a Rey B~. author of .. 11le lllurftted male approach to (ov~ent. missioner Don Hout have been granted three-day co"-ference In Cincinnati. Man," will ~k at Eatanda Kish School ".And men, unlike w~n. prefer lo kill ao interview wlth Dr. Abe Silverstein. "With all the controversy about ir. Costa M8ai iorright. tdeaa with guns," Miss Hernandez said. Hammett said Silverstein .is director or aviaton, we want people to know that The public is invit.'ed to tb.1 free 7:38 "Women Me much more disposed lo the Lewis Research Center at Cleveland-Costa Mesa officials are looking for p.,m. Bradbury talk following !be I p.m. Hopkins Airport, Cleveland, Ohio, and ls answers too," commented Hanunett, a dimer spoNKftd by the Frieodl al the listen lo what the othtrman has to say. currently studying feasibility of airports-pllot himself. LD:nry_ organisatlm. "~~we need Iii this mate dominated It"'=========""'==========================; socl~," Miss Hemattdez said, "is women with the guts to stand up for the things lhey beUeve ln and take steps to correct what ls basJCJ..lly a racist socie- ty." al .JJ. J. (Jarrell; YOUR COMMUNITY ']4" RANSCEPT -<kfin/ti,. <Dn'"'"Ponrl fumit11re f1tJm Harl..,. From its distinctive cover, featuring some of the Harbor Area's best known multi.storied buildings , right on through 4-4 poges of focls, figure s, phone numbers and photos, here is YOUR COMMUNITY. It pockages and gift wraps the many communi ties of interest in tho Newport Beoch·Coslo Mesa oreo in • publicotion you'll wont lo keep handy all yeor long for reference. You can get extra copies, too, for your>elf or for • friend who isn't luclcy enoogh to live ho re (25 cents over the counter et either tho Newport Beech or Coste Mesa offic e of the DAILY PILOT or 35 cents by m o i I to anywhere in the United Stote1). • 'Gift-Wrapped' By The DAIL y PILOT I r----------~ I c1111 .., ..., ..u ,., OlANGI OOAST DAILY PILOT I I ,,. w . ..,"'"' 1111 ........ ,..... I c..t. M-. Ce. tl6J7 .._,.... ...... C.. t1'46 I ................. ..,s. ...... '''' ... ,, fOUI I COMMUNrTY ....... ., JI uMt eacL I....._. I ...... "! ..... ...... f p;:jll 111 blt11•1 ltel•w with yt11r •-fltlll t aM •tldr••• I er th•t ef ptrttll te whofl'I yo11 ••flt cepie1 mtiliHl.I I ·-I I . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I I ~~.~ .......................................... I le1tr -z. I I ···~~;;:·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·· I ....... __ ..,....,.._ L-----------' J • A sophittielted new HERITAGE collection,conte~ry in mood but with the rieh rtttralnt of ndltion1l dla9' lnfl'"'"°" Tranac:ept wn developed to CIPtU1'1 the look of todlv'• homn fn ttyl' finflh and tntu'1 -1 look '"" In the conttlltl of okS brick, C9d1r lhlk-. routh ll'M"I lumbtr end other natural rnettrills of conttmponry architec:.twa. Trt111C1Pt .,.,..,. ''chfnginf iden." In our interpm,tion of this COnc:tPt, wt'vt UMd Olk ll>lkll and pecky-peean.,... nW1 wlth Plldao llC:Wlts in pl..i~ ClCM'Minetionl of Plf'QUet, herringbon•i plri and fluted Pttt•ns. You'll IPIW8C'8t• the rk:ttnm of the woods Ind th• lunrous flnilh -the wwm 1nd lnvltlnv atrnotphtrt thtt TrlfttC9pt will providL You lhould -~t for your homl. S.. our dhpl#y of thir Jm. ponattt Mw eof J«t;on a:>otl H.J.GARREIT fURNl"fURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opeo Moo., 11lon. I l'rl. 1- Ull HAUOR ILVD, COSTA MESA. CALIF. 646-0175 646-017• ' 1 t 1 .. s ~ermit Crab Po~ts Way to Coast Preserves • COM REFUGE .:,. Itutends iOO feet ·~•l"ard of mean high tide mark between POJIPY St1eet (Little . Corona Beach) and eastern boundary of Newport Bea~ at Cameo Shores . · ... ! ' • ' I ) ' ·w~ ·'county Results Here ii a precinct·by·precinct breakdown of how the voting weiit in Tusday's Fountain Valleu !ChO<?J board election; :I: !-.. • ' 3: .. .. • .. .. n • ' • • .. .. ' ' ' !!. • [ i' 0 0 ... ;;· • • • • • • • ,, ' i .. ' • .. , , ... • Gisler 27 16 49 108 44 87 SS 75 Bushard 28 7 47 108 35 94 22 87 Wardlow 33 13 54 99 68 81 68 70 Lamb 12 7 29 64 26 48 35 46 Fountain Valley 82 17 41 77 52 65 57 59 Fulton 27 JJ , 44 114 38 119 94 92 McDowell 18 13 35 92 21 78 58 68 Nieblas 37 63 40 89 43 89 113 58 Harper 39 13 73 176 39 173 127 142 Toti1I vote 253 llO 412 927 362 134 629 695 Here is a precinct-by-precinct breakdown of how the voting went in Tuesday's Seal Beach school board election. Voting Place• Zoeter McGaugh Burning Tree Eldorado · Redeemer Church Northwood Total Cairn• 178 292 227 271 227 283 " 1471 Candld•tt• Duffy Rud Shepo•d 1114, 104 181 290 156 282 247 90 221 256 120 227 254 92 209 317 121 263 1541 613 IJIJ ORANGE COUNT'l''S 'SUZIE' BACK IN VIETNAM Hu•I P•tient,_ 2, l!ounito1fWlth Mother (left) In Solton Orange Coui:ity's 'Suzie' Back Home in Vietnam LltUe Nguyen Thi'Phuoni, 2-year .. ld Vietnamese girl who was ~v4'd fi'om itn· pending dealh tnrough a dramaUc heart operation at Orange County's Children's Hospital, is here. It was a curious world al Oa Nang airbase for her Wednesday as she watch- ed without a trace ol smile as pholngra- phers and television ·crews j(l$tled for pictures. Only when she arrived· at her small stucco home on the oollkirta of Da Nang: did she break her cool Then she began bk>wing kisses to the crowd when she wam't saying "HI" or "Bye, bye .•· For the young channer it was a happy homecoming after four months 1n the United States. When she left DI Nang last November, there was concern she might not li•e Jooc enough to come borne again. There was an opening between the two main chambers ol ber heart, and one valve and one bk>od vessel was too small. 0octor1-predlcted that obe could not have lived more lhan 1 few months. Wbtn Phuong, known •• Suiie, became , I Ill lasl September, her rather look her to a traveling medical cllnlc run by a physi- cian from the U.S. Marine Air Wing dispensary in Da Nang. 1be physician originally suspected that she suffered from 1 oold but later discov"'ed a congenital heart. defect. Such delicate surgery could not be performed In Vietnam. and a projoct was kicked off by U.S. military personnel to send ber and her 22-year-o1d mother, Le Thi Lan, to the United.States. Capt. Bruce Schumacher, a Marine chaplain who wu familiar with her il- lness, conta<:ted the Prtsbyttrian Church in Placentla, Calif., which agreed to ac- cept financial reaponsibllily for the Amerlcan stay of .the mot.her and the dllughl<t. A commercial airline made ~•P'ltt available for the flight and a team of h<ort -•I the Children's HOlpitll in santa Ana, agreed lo perform the operaUon without charge. The aurgcry wa1 completed Jan. 10 and Phuong .. wa1 like a new blby," her proud mot.her said. "The American people were very, \lt.ry nice to my baby and me," she added. J!rochure Tells .Co11-nty ' ' Of. Marine -Life: ~~ug~ ' . By JER0114B P. COLUN8 OflltOlllrPIWttll He's an U&b' little ielknr. Aanmlnc he'• a he. - •• And J.e•s a. ud liUle 1~ ... wukl)' crylna: ."Help!" . ' Whet bi11,'1s • btnnll crab - -to become Ole IDOll loolted-at -cab In , Orange cou.iy. • .. A ske!<!I oL the 1bi7 tldePoQ dweller appears on tbe cover of a brochure an• , noi1ncing tJMi county'• newly estlbll&bed l!llrine life rdlJ&a. One ~ 'thousand copies of lhe pamphlet, designed by ·Ne.-port 8o<h and Laguna Beach city Otlidala, .. w be distributed to acbools and colkga throughout the eounl)". . Hundreds of additional copies, ac- cording tO Newport Assistant City * * * County Calls Off ' Managtr J..,.. lleCbalne; will be '""""" lnrlckltobelnltallell1tthe...,,.. prderve lit... "We felt lh1.s was the "best way to get the word out on w~ .the· ~ea, are and what can and canot be taken from them," Delbaine ei:plained. Tiie little hermit crab was drawn by commercial a.r1Jat Mike Hardwick of Pah)t Printing, a Newport Beach firm that printed the brochure. Hardwick said the Cftature was sketched "just for the kids." . 1be county paid for the $1 ,500 publishing projoct. . . Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder The quarantine has been lifted on ocean wu instrumental in designing and draf- swimming and surfing at Doheny St.ate ting the language of the p8.mphlet. It in- Quarantine at Doheny Beach cludes maps Of ~ marine preaerva, Park Beach in San Juan Capi.strano, Dr. established by state legislation last year John R. Philp, Orange County Health of· al the urging of Vedder and Newport ficer has announced. Vice Mayor Unds~y ,Parsons. The health officer also had good The preserves -' or refuges -ar.e news for residents ol lhe canyon areas 00 located off Corona .de Mar bef~ Pop. drinking water, but sai<t the quarantine py .Street and C&nfl!> Shore Drive&; off Laguna Beach· between McKnlght Drive of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach and Hel!ler Park's Bird ROck; and off State be.aches must oontlnue. · South Laguna, from Aliso Point to Three Dr. Philp's Doheny Park statement Arch Bay. " said, "Daily testing of the ocean waters In lhe'three areas' lidepools no plant or indicates that the bacteriological quality animal life may be disturbed, ·injured or is now in compliance with the State of removed, the brochure explains. Call(ornia Ocean Water Contact Sports The list of non-destructibles include Regulations. However, a lagoon fonned she 11 fish, muss.els, sea urchins, a ea near the mouth of San Juan Crtek re-snails, sand crabs, ·rock crabs -aod tna1n·s under quarantine due to re·stdual hermit-crabs. • contaminition." Licensed fishing, however, is allowed. The water system supplying Santiago, The pamphlet, especially designed for Modj~ka and Williams canyons and a wxterstanding by school ehildrtn, warns . . ' LAGUNA REFUG!1 .,... It ~nds 600 feet seaward of mean high tide mart between M~t Qrtve above Two Rock Pqift and Bird R6ct · off' Heisl~r 'Part. • . ·......... _, _..,,.__ J I SOUTH LAGUNA REFUGE -It extends about one-half mlle down· coast from Camel Polljt south of Aliso Creek to Table Rock near Three Arch Bay. His Sack Time Brought Jail Time : portion of Silver ado CanyoJl has now been that anyone carting away a sea anemone restoreJ to service. Dr. Philp said. The ia violating a misdemeanor law. The Somebody's beeri. aleeplng in Gayle Patrolman John C. While said a former safe portion of the system in Silvtrado brochure doesn't say 80• bot that could Faus' bed, ahe told Costa Mesa police renter of the ume motel room Robert J. Canyon extenf!s fi-pm the mouth easterly mean a fine of up to $600 and sis months to and inclilding the commnnHo of in Jiii. Tue<day, and It Wlllll't Goldilocks. Condon, ;JI, of :WO T!<onderop W•Y.'l'BJ ~abi•'and ..... _."tJ" "What we want to do " says the Pffictn were caUed to &he SWmy At:tt.a questioned at • nearby taytm •nd ar- "" Ta ~P w ... · ruav-~.· ... ",· : 's11 ado~ · .. t broclm't, ·~is to protect 'nus naturat: Motel, .im fin'port Blvd_.. ...., the. ,. ~.Jin suspicion_ fl. ill.al enlry. ·• - n ver s (berjtage.fcrfuhlregeru,~ons.'1 1 ~·· ':_ ilr--Ul bed h<bolrm-or Cabintand is not safe for drinking and 11lf: I a i 1 page of·~"1tochure beais WOllllll arrived borne ~·wotk •\· 4:15 He denied being e ll'Oftf, ·should be boiled, the health officer ftrn· another picture of the little he~t crab, p.m". Ind found the cottage~ ii.anding detpiti'tbe victtm11 idenWicaUon of Mn ed. still looking just as helpless, ·but this thne open and a snoring, unauthorized visitor aa the man who left after being awaken. Treated sewage is still flowing into the he's saying: "Thanks." inside. ed. Santa Ana River from several sources ll'"j,i;iiiiiiiii'-aiiii ... ______ ,.. ... ___ .., __ iiii ___ '"!'-0.~~~~~".5!~~~~-.. inRiversideall\fSanBernardinocoun-SAY1$$$'-WfGS IT YANCI p·1Pl-SA·YI$$ -WIGS IY YANCI PIPl....i tie!, Dr. Pbilp reported. "Bacterioloifcal Counts Iii surf. waters, u dete~ by, ·dally testlpg, remaln high and the beaches from t&t Newport Pier to the northwest boundary of Hun- ·fington Beldt Stale Park .,. 111111 cloled to swimming, surfing and shellfish gathering," the bea1th officer warned. Paper Airplanes _ Soar at Valley Take an l lh by '11 Inch sheet of bond paper, fold it any way you want to, and make it fiy. Ten youngsters did just that Tuesday night at the Fountain Valley High School gymnasium during a paper airplane con· test sponsored by the Gray-Y. Prizes were awarded by Clay Gloyne for a ti-foot flight, Keith Margulies for the longest fUgh\ (5.8 seconds), and Lar· ry Gillespie for the most unusual design. Margulies also won the grand prize, awarded on the basil points glvtn in the above three categories. h-boy1 are all members of the Foun- tain Vlllcy. Gray·Y, 1 grade scbool divlaion of the Foontain Valley YMCA. AuXiliary Slates • 2 Garage Sales The Ladies Ausillary of World War I Veterans, ·Barracks ,2388, Huntington Beach, will Dold a garage aale April II and 19 at the home of SteUa Stevtns, 527 12th St. Purpose. of Uie sale, teheduled for 10 a.m. to Ii p.m. both days, is to raise money for gifta lo veterans in the Long Beach Veterans Administration hospitail. Among the items to be offered for sale are clothing and jewelry. Sculpture, Art Shown at GWC More than 30 pa.inUng1, drawings, c1es1p llJld IClllptu"' b7 11on n-g•• ol Huntlnglon Beach Ind Robert Cook of Westminster will be .., display at Golden Weat Collego April ii to 2'. The art W«U wW be on dilplay during weekdays from 9 a.m. to S p.m. and from 7 p.m; to 9 p.m. GSA E : 20~o 40~o 60°lc)OFf SUPER ON ALL REGULAR MERttU11un1SE SUPER, DISCOUNTS "n.nnu DISCOUNTS SPECIAL PURCHASE I 00 Y. Hum•n Hair WIGS WIGLETS CASCAD·ES 99 $1299 $1499 First Com• -first Serv•dl l i m It One Per Customer! Worth Much, Much Morel WHILE THEY LAST! ALL SALES FINAL REG. 29 .50 1001. HUMAN HAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LONG. L • REG. 39.50 100 % HUt.AAN HAIR. LONG, THICK • IEST DEAL YETI Mini-Fall - WIG STYLING SPECIAL REG. 49.50 $2999 1001. Hum•n H•lr. ' Mu1t le Seen To le Apprecl1tectf WIG CASEs ........ 5.95 WIG WIG EADS SI».RAY .... ... 69e 1.50 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET' R19. 7.50 Wl9 Styling R19: S.00 Wig, Cl11nin9 Re9. 5.00 Condltionln9 Reg. 5.00 Wit Trimming llf ........ ryl Rt9. 1.00 Alter•t~n and FfttifM), tf nece11try ... WIGS BY VANCE-PEPI 46 FASHION ISLAND e NIWPORT BIACH 27.50 Velue NOW ONLY EJ • 644.21>82 • Shop Monday & Friday Nites Pft"'l ..... ,...,l"ft..,.. .... i-"" The uhiblt carries the lh<m• "Touoh of Love" and brings toeether the most outltanding works by the two artl1~ over the !alt two yws. ''---;..;..;.._.;...;..;...;;.;...;,,;,;.;,;.;,.;.:..;.;;.;.._..;.;.;...;....;..;.._;.;.;..;...;....;...;.;.;,,;...;.;;.;.;..;..;.;_..i • I ' \ .. 'W.'l''ft.Or l t~ .., .. D9ltr ...... ,.... • l.wenry Gr1m1haw, 29, of Wigan, England was · fined $12 for eating to dlips at 40 mil•• an bour. police patrol spotted Grimsbaw rinl. with one hand as he up. eel a bag lo swallow the last of cbips. Atur paying bis fine Fri- y he told newsmen: "Definitely fair. Other motorists steer with e band while they're sm<>king. II & ms to be one law Ior tobacco another for potato-tbips.'' • ~. AJlll( 17, 191.9 Soviet · Help • On Plan~ Welcomed . . WA8111NGTON (UPI) -Nlroo ad- -olllclah do not want to 11y JO 'Jll:lblldy, but privat.ely they are grat.ful for: the Soviet ahipa' holp in the Sea of J•P!Ul in •tlnr 8lltVivor1 ·of the downed Amtrlcan ECIJI r<connWaance plane. OffJclAJs point out there may be pollUcal overtones to the Soviet will-. ingness to asalst in the mcue IW'Ch. 'Ibe Soviet moUv.atk10,; apparenUy, would be to help oraae the bad impression created in the West by the Soviet bloc in- vasion of Cuchoelovakia. Another reuon ml&ht be the Soviet Union's desire: to be 1eneraUy cooperative at a time it is working with the United States on finding a Middle Eaat puce settlement. The aituaUoft is anomaloul: the·Soviet Union ta ~ping tti major adv.n~ retrieve tht rtmalnl ol a plane that was ~~*~ o':'tl:: ~'-"-~ .•• '!-! ~~;;..c.=""' ~~ by recover!ni certain 'Mutin1J·' in Action Ul'I 1'1IWIMl!e Bombs Foil: ; c "t onµnums . · I \"'.\ Ambush Try ' SAIGON (UPI) -Sir WIVIO of 1161 bombers ullloloded IOO m o( bombl. tJ.. day nor111weot ol Sal ... ··--ol the U.S. 11th ,\rmcrocl Cavolfy R<Clmem foilocl I' Communlol.am-ll~pl .la Ille third ltiarp clash lhere in lhree dayo. IiJ Saigon, Ille American Military Com- mand reported Ulat 10f Ameiicalll were tillocl in battle 'last -k. the lowell since the Commllllil1' Jatmehed their 1prin&• winter offensive two modhf Agfl. Soutit Vietnamese loot 24' killocl' and the Com- mwtists 2,899, the command &aid. ~ Reports from Ill• Tieng, 40 miles northwest o1 Saii<>n, said the nth Armon<! Cavalrymeo killed 18 Nor1h -Vietnamese and Vlei CClllg troopl and ~ptured six at a lolS of one American dead and three wounded. The battle staned around 4.p.m. when airtralt debria, the Soviet veueta on the This is an Army photograpb of the mutiny act being acene may put the Soviet Union in the read to soldiers engaged in a ait~in· and sin iring ·"We position ol belpinf prove the American •· cue that the reconnaisrance aii'craft Shall Overcome" at the Preaidio stockade here last October. The soldiers w.ere protesting the killing of another pruoner. (See story, Page 8). -CiJjjjjjlunJitij Ciiiieiililf1if ~ ... -1n-. bamboo-bidden camp tried tO ambush a column ol U.S. traCted vemcles witb rocket gmlldes alXI small arms fire. Tai.ks laced the thJckell with fire and ground troops chargocl into the lhicktt, firing ao lleavily they touched off fires in the bamboo. ~LitUt do.es Dtan·Biaccm· knmO that d -tht sand .M 's hqDing JO much f•n with will soon bring miltfll to th~ ands of golfers. Tht giant sand ptlt, <,}.20 tcma: of it at the Firt1tont Coun· try Club in Akron, Ohio, wilt be hlrn- ed into 06 traps. AM if that itn 't enough, ttn of t1U' 18 holes wiU pla11 With 31 abolrd wu shot down wtll beyond the l<rrltorial limlla of Com- munist North Korea. Why bu the Cooperation come about? State' Department Jpokesman Robert J. McCk>lkey was asked the que!tion clJnctly at ~ regular news briefing wed- nea:tay, but he avoided answering dlreetly. It was understood that high Slate ., Department officials have argued sue· · ceufully so far a 11 i n a t any ad· ministration statem'ent of thanb to Moscow in order to avoid emban-as&ng the Ruaiana more than is absolutely necessary. * North Koreans Nixon Promises Progress On Peace, Inflation, Law WASHINGTON (AP) -Calling them Earlier in the day House Republican hiJ three "great ilsues," President Nixon Leader Gerald R. Ford predicted Nitbn bu promiaed to make real proaress by would end the Vietnam war and bring In· next year toward peace, curtdng infla· nation under control before the 1970 con- Uon and restorm, law and order. gressiooal elections. In his first appearance as President 1£ he d~s. Ford said, Republicans can before a huge party gathering -the J7th win control of the Senate and make gains Annual Republican Women's Conference in the House. banquet, with 4,800 guest.!! -Nixon said George W. Romney, the secretary or Wednesday night: housing and urban development, urged "I uk you women here to hold me and the women to involve themselves ovtr water. Beefing Militia all my Cabinet colleasuea responsible on personally in the problems of cities and • these three things." racial discrimination, and urged a na· SEOUL (UPI) _ A former North He promised to return next year with a llooal women!11 crwade against obsceni- Los Angeles motorcycle police-Korean army lieutenant who defected to report that "we hive made real prcr _t_y_. ------ man Edw1rd .w. Oglesby got some· the south 20 days a10 said today the iress." · body's goat this week. Oglesby CommunlJta are pushinc wort on A> ho litted his hip priority items, the iiigbted the goat grazing along the fortifications and stepping up military one most loudly applauded wu "stopping Pasadena Freeway, and awnmon· traininc 1or their mlliUa. · the rise in cirme and re-establlihing ed three other officers to help him Ro Kwan Bong, 34, a former platoon respect for law and order throughout the Director Ousted By Sierra Ouh SAN F:ft\NCISCO (UPI)·_ The most bitter Sierra Club board of directors vole in the history of the respected con· servationist group ended Wednesday with the apparent ouster of execulive director David Brower. ' "Brower-and several employes close to him will' not be with the club in a paid capacity after"our next board meet.in&," said Judge Raymond J. Sherwin, one or five anti-Brower candidates who handily defeated a slate that supported the con- troversial policies of the 56-year-old ex- ecutive director. · With most oI the mail baUots cast by 60 percent of the club's 72,000 members counted, a spokesman said the slate headed by club·president-Edgar Wayburn held a "big" edge. Some of the BM bombs touched -Off 3econdary ezplosions of gasoline and am- munition as they hit the jungles in areas ranging from 20 mites northeast of Saigon to 35 miles · northwest of the capital near the cavalrymtn's fight. Today's battle was near the scene of. two OCller clashes on the ~ routes to Saigon from the Cambodian frOlltier. Miss MacRae to Marry Actor Greg Mulleavy MALIBU (UPI) -Actress Meredith MacRae, U.ytar-old daughter of atneer Gordon MacRae, will marry actor Gret Mulleavy, 28, this Saturday. It will be the second marriage for Miss MacRae, who appears In "Petticoat Junc- tion" .on television. It will be the firlt for Mulleavy, son of former Los Anplel ·Dodger baseball coach G -r eg o-r 7 Mulleavy. benl ii back into the yard from leader in the 15th North Kornn Anny United States." which it bad escaped. division, told newsmen, 0 The Com· The banquet was held in honor of his e munists are 1oin1 to am: the entirt wife Pat and dauabters, Tricia and Julie, •_.., _________ "'I North Korean ,p;ipulation, the military u _,Md ~ whole family ~eceiyed ·• • f;well u the civtlianl,"·Ro uid. ••AJl millJnl thusiastic ovatibnl. Womef crowded up London pop singtr W"!'l'i<~ belween 11 and 411'1" of ace bave been front to take, piclurea of the Nixons and Roae, 19, wa1 so 1t1re:"•r.-'-Ji:''· w'·"ld...'l-..:·.br<IUJlll Into the Red Guards orpnila· .had to be ui1td bact to tbt1r aeats '° the be disquati/itd from driving tim.,. program could cmUnue. whm he opptored in co"rt on Your • • _fr~~,n4lt ,~~re OFFER S BARGAIN -QUALITY! spetdtng chargtr that ht made the m-m.ue ;oume11 from hil home on· a horse, wtaring o ftdt ut of knight's armor. The judge le t him go with a $16.10 fint - And Rose Wfnt home on the 1ubtDtl11. ·-• A trolley-bus conductress in the Ukrainian town of Belgorod bas been dismissed. for entering the drtver's cabin and kis&ing him, Moscow radio reported. But the party newspaper Pravda baa: come to the conductress' aid, saying she sbould be reinotated. The driver In question was her fiance. • Egidio Cavalieri, 56, ls nosy. Really nosy. The CremoH. house- patnter was named 11King Big Nose of 1969" in an annual contest i.Jl Soragna, Italy, a North Italian vil- lage after showing tbou1and1 of spectators a proboscis Z.'l.a Inches long and one inch wide. Stanford President Calls Sit-in Academic Threat STANFORD, Calil. (UPI) -Stanford University President Kenntth S. Pitier, hil patience obviously wearin1 thin, to- day strongly criticized students who have been occupyinl a campus lab for eight days. PitJ.er, who has repeatedly said he will not. use force to evict the antiwar de.{n(ll'lltlltors if their protest rmnairui peactful, called the lit-in "•n ugly, aometlma fierce, threat" to academic values. The pruident's criticism came after the judicial council, a student-faculty group, completed a lengthy ·hearing at whleh a reaearcher tesWied ooe of the proteste.n.threatened him wilh duth. The council met to decide if a dlsrup. lion ftiats u defined by campus rules and whll llbould be done. The groop, which ended its session at 2 a.m., without annOWlCing a decision, planned to present its conclusions to Pitier later today. "Unrortunately there exists in certain segmenta or the Stanford community an impression that the demonstrators are harmlessly focusing attentltit on an otherwise neglecled. is!ue of principle," Pitzer said. "Jn fact, the demonstration is in- herently an ugly, sometimes rierce, threat to and Infringement upon rights of researchers to research, students to study and teachers to teach." Pitzer said war..relattd research at stanford -the target ol the protest -is not the real issue since "appropriate changes" are under way at both the university and Stanford R e s e a r c h lMtitute. McAllen's 94 • IS U.S. High Fog and Spotty Drizzle Shroud Eastern Seaboard lill.lfhtr'rl tlll""'i. Qlrltll!UM me111¥ """"" flliM'I' •lldl't fw WUll l'litmt.,. ................. ~. TIMft -"'" ~Int lfl L• Att-.... .,., vtcfllltr .. .. !Mfalr'I' ~ • 1it. .. ...,.. •• ~ *"'' -"'""'"'-TN ..... kt9d _,_ """" "" " Jt. n.r. -'""' I'll fl'lllll•,..te ''"" 111 t111t lM ...,_lft M1ln. IMd'* ....,.. Ill""" .ittl flltll M,... """''" ,.., ••• ,,. ..... 11 "· .....,,,..ll'lt lfld ....,. wtl"I SllM'I .,.... nM••--ry t"lld111ts In .._ • • ""' • •*"" '""' ''"'r" 1"*"' • ti tllli lliw tot Ill lhl W!Wya. ....,. " .... .......,.,. •"' for'eulf .... ~ "°""' lrle:lli*'! l-~ .. ,., ...... tM!llca ,..,s. "',,,.... n. .. ~ Wl191 '°"" l'•Jnlf•-n. "' !t'"'11W. no.. ,.~ S.r!MI .. "· .... ....,..., ,,., "" Ditti ..... .... $alttl .. ,.,. n.:111. LOS AHOILU AHO VICIMITY- a...t1! f(l9 • '°"" dlUft 11:. .. lllilM ,.,. .. nr ,..,..., ""1M11flt "" "' .,..__ "'" JIWlllJll S<I. " ""' , .. aitfltf ,,,,..,., ffll'I "· (Qt.STAL VALll'tS-Urwt f#ll9tll • • .. ~ ., '"' c:IOI* .... ,.. Mtflf .,,. • ,,....., ......... '-" II• ~. Niii .I\ "r"' ,,....,, .. -.. " to 7$. onrll!MfDIAT• VAU:.V$ -'•I• ,,,....,., l ... ......,. " .... ,.., '° ~ '"*'· .... 1t .. .. MOVHTAllii A~.......,. ,,._.., INTrlUOA AHO 001"1' .-1GIOHS -lll<'ww ,..,_.,, ...,... n • a .,..,. .. """ -... " krwet .... ..,., .... f#lltflt " to .. .,...,.. .... ,.,... 4 ts • ilrRt wt""'° """' ,,..._,, -11 ""'"' WRllY't ..,,, M ,.... - ,..,......,.,..,._ Mfll llltl ..,. llffw r1!111 Hfl!llll.IM K.... "'-ttnl,•1 ,.,.,..,,..~ ... 1.,"";. -~ "lllrt1 "' h O""' L-*"' 'l'..,..pernture" AllloJIV-'"l\11 ·--"'""'-&.keoliel~ a lt.rmrtk 8QIW ·~~ '"'"" (lflf;1"11111 (leY'l!l•~d O:"V'' °"' MOl~t De!l'Oll l!y ... l"ort Wor1fl ·--tlc.>11\l lltl "-'"' 1(1"'" City t.-. VtMS Lot.,tiflle1t' Mt I I~· Ml!W"*" "''-"Olis Ntw O'J:" HIW Y ' HOl1tl Pleth ...... _,, "•'° ltob'-• Pl'lll .. lllflfl ,.l>oto'l1~ P'lfl'lbUl"lll ,.., .. 114 ll•kl City ""' ''"" .... . --Sf. t,.., ... ....... S.lt t.1111 Cl~ ....... St<'I 'raMltce S1M• ,,,.,.,. se1n1t '"""'"' T ....... > W1-'ll111i.. Mltfl Ltw l'Ptt. .M 0 " D " " » " .. .. " n " " " " " " " .. ~ • " ,. " " .. " .. • " .. " .. " " .. ., " .. • " " ~ " .. n • R .. .. ,. .. " " • " .. " " ~ " " .. " .. " ,, .. " •• • " .. ., .. .. .. .. " • .. " .. " " .. " H .. .. " " " .. • " .. ·" ... To .n .... >.M ·" •• .u ·" . .. .» . n • •• "' ... • • 'Two noor 12' 11 .8 cu. 11. • Model TJl.12SD NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY WE DO ): Zel'IMleine & I I &tr ' holds up to 91 JbL Freeoer door ahehw for Ji gal Kx: mmn~. ,\utOmatiC t1efrOet ~ .... Hiii"~ vttetahleMnholda9/10bu. Door Stonce inclUdw d!"P shelf for Ji gal milk <;artam, tall bottlw. Harvest Gold er White OUR OWN FINANCING OUR OWN SERVICING OUR OWN INSTAWNG A,PLIANCE & TY SALES and SERVICE 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. e 548-n88 e COSTA MESA ' Pr~ident ·Committ~ ' . ' .. • WAllllNGTON (llPI) - 'lbe --·tton bu· ' \'16ILAICT!~ (Al') -frilllt••d It two uiUvttl!Ue5 have a r m e d thtmselvet with twltchblade knlvee, tear 1aa 1pray1 or .-(l<Otective dtvlcq wbllt outllorltles tnveatlplo tho kw. tn'p of flve glrll. Aio eledllc oonl w11 wrapped. .....,i -lllrval md •llhl·ID, ch-loft& ,.._ were CfJ'Vtd on her chelt and 11Dq1ach. "It's creepy -It's ~ .~~ aiiit••• I' lol1nce -eoauniltld lf:ltU \o . the dlvtlopmtol ol I IUJl!'IOll<, O! I n DI d In 19COlllinwlW boalllor,wbldlcrtlb 'cllhn wlll-'h!IOe••• ... c o 11 ro•enial ' "'"hllh&. mllllle l,.tem. I 'lbe Jattst victim -who allo WU the youn1est -WU 11-fear-old Dawn Buom, a Junior high achoo! •tudtnl tn 'Ypallimtl. . • l!fr body, stripped lo 1 ......... ; This i1 one of posters depicting Sirhan B. Sirhan 11 heroic cu•rrilla !~er wlilch appeared this wffk in capllala of Middle Eaal. The poster calls the Pal.e- stine--bom Sirban "a commando not an assuain." Commando 10Urces said posters were designed to P"'" view that Sirhan, in lhooting Sen. Roben F. Kennedy, was acting: for all dilpo<lffsed Palettin- iana In a move aift\p<I al Israel, which Kmnedy •UP. ported. , Residents Run as Mouse Begins Its Flood Roar By United Pra1 bteraaUoaal 34,000 rmidents have left their The residents of Minot, homes btcaute of 1 a 1 t N.O., have moVed oftr for the Friday's Doodln& and becaUJe mouse that roan. two more crests are corning 'lbe Air ,._ -lltld ils Jll-1 lar the-. calJ. od Mvuood •lla1ned Stra(qlc Alr<rlll (AlllA), lo tho 8inate -........ ,..,....,,..._,,.u_ It bopld lo 111 Ille plane by 1'71 11111 ban II In .,..llloo by tm. . Former Del-l!ocr""'1 Clark M. Cllllft told the conuntUoe oai,; --. "° tbat the PGaaon WU " I • -""' """""' "~",,....._!ht plane BEARDED, TlltlD ALVIN MARKS INDS TRIP • would lie DMdod la the mid-Doctor Cuts Oki RIUftcl tho Work! SpHd R-rd r, Hal 11191. Bui ... -doubla ..... .... 1221d br-tlll.._nnr-Air·~-- r.r.. ~ Roliert c. .... ...,. Jr., u.i bla ehlll of llall, Gtn: Jalln P. Mc(;onnJll. Se•mNM Aid tbl pline WU tbt A1r 1'-.:.'1 "molt ur,ent requlrirneDt" ....... cl the neH to malnlatn a ..Utd force al mtuU11 and bombers Doctor Sets Record For Global Flight to loll "1111 alllmpl" by the SACRAMENTO (AP) -''It SOVitt Union to acquire i flrst-couldn't have been a better strike oapebllity. ed about 75 mnes an hour. The record bid, been held by time to go around the world ," England's Shella Scott, who HEW Tests Minimum Income Plan averaged about 31 mile! an said t h e psychologist-pilot hour in her 3Cklay night two who, alon& with a well-known years· ago. f I y Ing beagle, shattedtr a 'fhe record won't be official world speed recprd for &lobal until all the st.atlalica ·are fllaht . : 1 checked -but the otncial When Dr. Alvin Marks land-timer, Kieffer Parker of the- ed f1is modified Cessna, State Depart ment of Semper Fly Ill, at Sacramen-Aeronautics 1aid he fi:irtsaw to Metropoutan Airport at 2:51 no problems.· p.m. WfdneJday, he cut in half Marki. the 4 J ·ye a r -o 1 d -.... brual«e, -found Wednesday on a nn1 • .... ....,,"""It --· --... --.. . rood lour mlleJ north ol Eutarn Michigan Unlvert:ll7, _ .. ... CHURCHMEN & POUTICIAIS LICTURI Pa~U. fll'I• Dll.ATI DllCUll IH1t'1 ltrry F1r111 l1r Ill AFTERNOON SESSION AT 2 P.M . Roll of 11ri II PlllllHI I 111111 111111 Dr. Howatcf Keiilin1r Dr. Ralph T. Haas & Rev. David C .. Head EVENING BANQUET AT 6 P.M. VIETNAM: Appraisal of Alternatives f11C1turing: Congressman John Buchanan STUDENT SUBVERSION: Its Cause anti Cure Featuring: Congressman John Ashbrook ·· . ' ' $6.00-Spec:lal Clergy late $3.SO Write toi CLBGYMIN'S COMMITIU 3030 w ... lhtth It. CO. AnoeS.., Cot. Ph-. leterv-"9-. 21J-SI0-'20D Spon,. Cltfl'f'Wl"'I C--..... CMH, IM. • '" -""' with tho Neti111f ftatlllt• Illas••• c.ttr 342--N-YeR, N.Y. ' .. .. ·-------------" "As IOOn as I heard the down the Mouse. The fint will late.st predJcUon about the hit Friday or Saturday, tba te- Mou.se River, I quit," Alltg cood should come throulh Doarr 11.kl Wednesday, u.~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -the record time for a single-President of 1 commuter The Nixon administraUOn is entlnt, round-tl:l&-workl, fU&ht. airline, wasn't alone in the making plans to expertmat Ht oxnpleted tbe'23,47knile solo flight. He hid a model of with iuaranteed annual . in-jourM:y ltl 14 days and averag· Snoopy In the cockpit. come. 'lbe plans merk a blsl-"--'---,:_ __ _: __ ...:..;, ____ ...,;,,, _____________________________ _ pJatntnc wby be 1 t 0 p p e d April 23 « 21. Ulllllly I pllcld llndballinl hil nmted home. river, the Mou.ae wlll be I de~"' from l'naldllll Ni>- on 1 -pelp oppooltlon lo tilt coo-...W .,._.i. The Depanment ol Hllllh, The Mouae J\iver, swollen by mile.wide lake before Minot'• meltinl snow and ice jam!, ordeal is over. Educellon and w.u-::.~:;wi his uked fOf tt:7 · ift flacal 11'/0 to. uperlment wllh su~antetd annual Income and clilldrla'• allowanc6 In .evtraJ model citles neilhbcrbOoda. About IOO lemill!s ...w.t 116 Involved. winds 14 miles through the ~ About 15,000 penons were mlle-lonl town. ao floodln& la • t.mporvlly ilomtlea tn North ezpeded t0 be particu1ar1y ouota, 1,000 1n South Dekota, dimltlnl. 3,100 in Minnaota, IOO in About 12,000 of Minot'a WUconsin and TOI in Iowa. MULLEN &BLUETT GROD:CNS If lt'1 9ot 1 Mullen a Bluett l1bel, lt'1 got to go! ' \ rt s 1;3-1;2 Off! Reg,f39.95 tottes• FAMOUI 111.lliD& lllCWDIO 1 A 1 llUTTOll IMD NATURAL aHOUUl!ll IMD ILAZIN llODILS Whoever heard of epectacuJu sport coat nvlngs llk1 the11 at thil 1tirt of,,,. 1pr/ng •-on? Only the MlB name ch,nge makes It n•c-ry. Only the label ls wrong. Everything else about th-eport coata la ablolutely right. Pick out a couple today for town or travel and aave up to 'Iii the orlglnal price! . ,,.,,,....11111- MIAACLE MILE • DOWNTOWN • OLINDALE • ltASAOENA • SANTA MONICA • ANAHEIM CANOGA ,AllllK • LAKIWOOD • COSTA MISA • tANTA IA"l""A • MONlCLAllt - • Announcing the first car of the '70s at 1960 prices. FORD ( '1bu don\ have to refll ~all-but ilS ricet> know ilS althere.) .............. Ill• tlfl• ..,.. llv\. ...... "' . .,. ....... ""'"'""...., ........... ... ... ..,, ""'*' ... wit& .... Cll'l ...... CINlff ................... ,.,., .... """ .. tM .......................... , .......... ,,.... ...... ..,. ... "',..., ,.,..,...., .. ,.... 1W ,_ W ........ ClfilCllJ. Wt'ft ltttfll Mm-..,._. ....... ,. '""' ............. .., .,. ""'MMl. IMn ,,. .... ·....,.., O. Wfly 1114 JOit WW ltl M1nrtet? A. We lhlnk ol Mtwrlck •• 1noth1r one of Ford Motor Compeny'1 &new1r1 to th• gold drl ln. Now Amiri· c1n1 wl'IO want 1m111 ctr economy dOn't have to atnd lhtir U.S. Clol1MI ovtr1111. Q. Why .. JOit 191t It .. VlfltllT A. You knOw whit 1 m1Ytrlck 11. A ml vi rick brtlkl thl ru1•1. A m1vtrlck 11 dlllerenl. M1v11lck plug1 tht big gap bl!wHn the comp1ct1 end the lmpcn1. n h11 1 wh1t!bu1 t ight lncties stiorter thin • ·et Feloon, llght and oM·hlff Inches longer thin 1 Wi 1500. Nothing 1111 l!kt It. Q,""' "',...•II• II Ihle lizl'P A. M1verlck plnchn pennle•. not people. Wt gev• Maverick more leg ro6m . Mort 1h0uld1t room. More luoo•o• room. Good •>1•mpl•: th• Iron! •••t ol 1 Maverick oll1r1 you nine Inches more 1houldtr room than 11'11 front lfll ot lhl l11dlng economy lml)Ol1 and it1 trunk can hlndl• 111 tht luggag1 lor 1 t•mHy or tour, Including a M l of ~II clubs. O.WMl4elfllterlhe,,tolT A. You get your money'• worth. A compltlt, bullt·IOI· Amtrlc1n1 kind ol cir. Floom. Hot 1tytlng. Cfllor· Qytd lnterlcrt. Evin the ht1t1r II Included, Some economy car lnler!or• ere l bout .. luxurlcus •• , pelil btnch. Not Maverick's. You get pl1.11h lfftl. Cloth and vinyl uphol1t1ry with uniQu. \111ln pl11d cl011'1 lnt11n1. You JllO O•I 1al•ty flalu,.. Ukt 1mt rt pun-out door hlndltl. Strong 11!1\y door 10Ckl. T*O· speed 1t1ett1e WIPlf'. S1tety blltl. Held r11tr1fl'lll. Plue convtnl1rw91 Ilk• 1rmr1111, coet l'look1, llcihlt d h .. ,,, control a , . , lmpor11nt little thlngt that 1dd 10 much kl your driving com tort. · Q,Wfillt...,..,._? A. You oen tit 'tm If you w1n1 'em. You c1n order lnl•· g11J air condltlOtll"f, (11'1 bullt In, not hunt on.) Other optiOfll lnch)dt 3·1pMd lll!OmlUC Of,IOw•COlf 1ernlavtome1lo trenemlttlon, Ind 1 hllty200'CID Sl.IC. l!lut IOtl ol P*>PI• won'! pul i n 111:1rt cent Into this cir. 8tcau11 11'1 1H th111. A complete cir 11111i1dy to drive home . 0. WNt lllfM1 ff ................. , ' A. That O.penG1 on you 11 well u tnl car. You ctn 011 •• mlJCh u 25 or 21 mu11 per ci•llOn-lf you have en tdueatld IOI •nd the right roed oondlllon1. If you have • !Md loot. or do 1 IOt ol city d11\/lnQ1, you Wiii get 1 lol 1111. In 11111 Dy pro1t11!0ntl drlvera 11 our treckl, where we do our bl11 to duptlCl \1 1ctu11 driving eoodltion1, Mevtrlck evtr1g1C1 22.l ft'IPCI. Q. Whit klM tf,..,. ....... , ... ...,., A. Mavtrlck'1 Sil: Itta 10oM 105 geflOPlftQ hor111. That'1 52 more th&n you gtt in the 4·cyllnd« Viii 1500. Mavtr1ck can cover 417 1111 In ltn NCOndl from • 111ndtng atlrt. That m11n1 you c1n Git up to highway •Plld In a hurry, Whan you 1nttr a 70 Mph turnpike, you won't Ifft like • r1Ur1d bookltt1p1r thru11 Into thl m!dd11 of • pro football 11m.. J, H tl Ml • Mtht JMlft IMttr ......... M IN ___ ......... _..,._,, A. Meverick can U·turn In 1 tlght•r circle (35.1 !tit) than th• leading economy Import (36.0 1111). Ml'I· t rick Cllri:ilanl through ltllflc Ilk• a htllback. II c1n t\!rn on 1 dlm1 and gl'tl yeu nine centa chlng1. If vclu";t blln driving any Gthtr Amtrlcan car, you'll find Mevertck'1ne1t1lz1 add1 up to SYt f11t to any ptrklng ep•c•. O. C... Dttr'lll Nllty WN a ""'' 111...,..r • ltll'• --... -· A. l\'a not Illy, bul wt did It. Mevtrlck'• unfltud body eon1tructl0n m1k11 It llghl. 1tronci ltld Qut1blt. ti'• wtldtd Hk1 1 banlethlp. Flu1tprooflng coin~und g0t1 lrito d"P crevice• lhet nlYtr 1H ~ llciht ol dl y. Thi!\ Ill lhl t 1tr1ngth ii covl r•d wl!h lour cotll of pelnl !or la11lng beauty. R•ault: on• toUQl1 llnlt cir th11'1 put togethlr to ttay &oglther. (Th• 11Me1 schtdut1 In tn1 MIV911Ck owner'1 mtnu1I gotl up to 1oa,ooo inllle or nine )'Mrl: f\11 ouoht to tt n YoU IO!Mthlnt •bout tll ruootct dutt tllllTy.) 0.-----· A. M1vt rklk 11 d11lgn14 lo bl unu11.1111y Mty to u r- vic•. Yov're dee Ung with m"•·ln.A!Mf!Ct ,_,.. 1nd 1.000 •1ti1Y·to·flnd Ford Dt111r1. , .. , rtpelf1 11\d NfY ,.,1ac11Mnt1mten1Jdr1 •fVl"Cll'ln both tlmt •nd moMy, 0." ......... ,..., ..... ""' .... ..,,,.,... .. ......... M lllRDIWf ....... f A. O.flnltely. MIVtrlck oil chql1 COl'M Onfy Ivery 1.000 mll11 end ch .. 1r1 lubrlcatlon o~ mry ~8.000 milee. Tht IMdlng ICOMlny IMflOtl ,._,... mef'ld1 oil chll'IQ• Wilt'/ S.000 mllN {twtM tt tftM •• Mtvtrlck) 1nct chaffll lutlrtcttlon wtf't l ,OOlt mil .. (llJI limn u ofttn u Mlvericld). ThMI .,. Jult l lew tulnfllM Of the rMr¥ ft)'I MeYlf10I lttffNI lnoonvet'lltM)I and JoW1J1 opertllftf .at. Q. c.1•.., ........ , ........ , A. Vff, ff you hlvt an IVtrttt amoul'll tf mechlltlaal ••HI~. The Maverick own11·1 ITlll'ltlll OOl'ICllnt IC PICIH of dltlllld dllQflJN ll'ld ...,._to-follilw !ft. 11rucOon1 fOr routlM rnllftlll'lltlOI }Iba YoU '*' • ~mlf. If you: wi1h. You'll find It lllY to 0'*"9 •Piii: plvs1, r1pltc1 Ignition "'nit ... ,iua 1ftMf othtf •o·ll·yourdtr ,.,a1r1 and TepltctmtnC:I. o.c...-..-~ .... , ......... ., A. Thlt ~II car lncotPOfl ... tha tltllt MYlMll 1111 •norn11r1no. M1verlt11'1 braltte Jt• 11 blo "t ...,._ dard compaet'a-dtlJOMd to a16p cati welfhll'lll hundreds of potJncll l'ft6(f . Mavtrlck tfvtt "" weight • , • powtr ••• 1tablltty. OttlOMCI fOf AMttl· tin drlVlng conditions. 0 ................. , A. Hfr1'1 whtrt M1vt rlck'1 lo~r, wldtf 1tlnel Nll!Y Pll't olf. You o•t a 1moathlf', quleWr rJM. Mtv· 1rlek'1 tight, 1trong, unrtlzfd body hel" tllll\lnit9 1quitk1 end r11Ui1. Sf'lcltl ln1u1ttlon &lockt eut roed no111. Th• P«!Ple who brtught yet.I 1 '•rd flit wu qul1tlf than • Aolll·Rorct new llrlnf reu • •mell cM that doelrl't eouncl llM a IMWtf' rrMtwef.-: ............ :•ti ..................... .. rtllr•1171.., A. Slow1r de1>r1C l1llon It Ont montJ·l,..._..peoQC ... v1ntegt. Mav•rlck'I 1110 model fflltnallon fl'lltM U kHPI 1\1 trldl ·ln vtlut ji10f11t1 i,nott. (MIYttlOlc i1 bUllt to bl a gtod lnvtlllMnt froin IN mltWll"" buy M le the inlnutt )'OU H jl lt.J lttttr come tlkl l IOOtt • Itta ona. Ytu'I flfW • wM11 tM action It ..• rlOhl In tlltt with ttner t• Ford varu1a lllie 1'90lllly ""I,,... ,.,.. ~. &00'1 ••• F1lr1an11 ••• Mul\ltlfll Ind FJ.lelnt. You'll find th'"' •I yow rn DMWt ••• tw ,.... you'vt CIOI '° ci• to ............ on. "" ......... 1/11 ...... " .. .. ............... MM fl.It t. Mt..tt•l. P.O. I•• 1117, Dlptrt9t~ H•ll1 htr.,t, Ml•hl1•11 41111: fOfftr .114. J11I, JI, lt ... I i~ • . .. 'I . ' . ' .... ,,.. __ . ·-.===~--.r:"'··--... --.... -sa.eo; "**:•....,... -r; ... .,,, ...... ......_ ..... _. ..... ••••· WNEFIQ(~ • The place 'PJVe got to go to see what's gang on-}Q.I' Ford Dealec . ' .. •• • •. . • •. .. ., • • ' • • • ' • ' .. ----~--~--~~-~-----------~·~·----~--~~------------~----~---~~~~~~--~~--.-..-.;~~ .. • j • I • . - 1 .!DAILY PJl:OT ED~~ PAGE I The Vital· Role of ·ROTC ~ Youni mllltanll of the Studenll tor .a Democratic Society (SDBJ .,. now IOl'OiDi In '"' tho Reserve Ofll. cm TralniDC Colpl ...,.. oit -Nlaled research pni(nmJ Ill....._. ... ....,... .,...a lhe nation. SOS isn't ..-Al .Jl liiiiiiilililt""~ 11 'button, ~· on Ille ROTC lil!YI -•Jad among various ..JunN,. groupi ::.... Jlllllit lit ,._ ldvertliUC ~t ROTC · I ·~~ t1 A llOieti<ld ;;;;:; ~ ~bll.sbmenl tlwt la respoml..i>lor con=wu·ln. Vietnam. They seem to lectoil 1119* Ille llu·l!!f•llled col· )eges and unlveralU. ml~· . ~-_h •atopped. ROTC really im'fiVeJY appropriate target. The Reserve Officers Training Corps -is; in effect, a 'civilian supply line for American military officers. It oilers scbolarsbips and financial help for promlsini 'atudeets, ~eceivioi from them In relllra toun of mm. ·trtrY duty In position• of Ieadersblp. . Following the tour of duty, l,i\• suCCO!lful ROTC 1 candidaie is free· to cootlnue a military career o~ return to c!Vilian life. Tbe vast majority decide upon a c!Ylllan life. · · · The day when ROTC meant twice-a.week close. order drill and not much more'i1 long gone.i!rhe .ROTC curriculum has been updated to· keep ~ witll the ·· changing needs of America's def~se -and In the P•'l' cess it ha•·e9ucated)'oun~ m~ m.~•.&Y;"~nd-professtOllal ·stills that meet· today's Med•. " . = ~. --- This program hat meant scholar.ship, in..,the tboll! · • sands, college tduc8tions for· 5,500 students a year who might otherwise never ha'¥'e earned a college diploma. But a bigger thing ·ts overlooked by the ROTC's in- atant critics. Appi:opriately, they should support, not fight, the ROTC program.· h mil'ta · ill' bal For ROTC gives to t e . 1 ry a c1v an ance. lt gives the Army, the Navy and the Air Force a source • • • t • • ol olllcen tbat are not pan at the ','mWtal)' ul.Wllh- melll" n;~Mae:; llld lied -u Woilll 'War II prove4 " -lMil llY. llld·.llrp, they .. llol -aprofeuloul ..,_, • ' . QuJle tba -..,.. 'Ibo)" form tba imcl ... for tl\t civilian . ....., we. Ila•• ~-upjlll lo .. "80i.e tbe nation'• ~ <ODllletO 'lllion tbq· haft ;,ru.: Ulll-'tho Ullllad $alu · llvu up II• •pooillon ·d . maipt•l•lne ... ...,. ftlle.Ja tba lNadom of the -Id, It • · muat malntat~.a profeulonal.qU111ay orpntaillon..But equally 1-rtanl, It mut m11n1a1a .. ...n a 7dvlllu' military ors...W.tlon lo nppJement the Pfllfoialonal• ' and make the AmerlUll concept el tlvlllan"e-bol·Ot the inllltary llllCCMCI. ·• _, · eou.,. credit for ROTC 1aa•1 the lmporjut .~ It woujd Meai, tliolgh, tbal• eolJel• "°""' ~ 'Ill' bartuied about·cienilnl fl1J1 W41t for military ld....e and . Jea4tnldP ·wwi. lftldlnf credit ,_ "vall'3'1ial1~-; aoclal d•qc!DC aail•IGlile Clf·tho']lleuut"'......,......,..,, coursea iii tho catalipa. . . · -,~-T '. '-' , ;what .is lmport1int·11 .....,gnlt101I of ~.1·,10le.1n · ,. •atl'!llli d~enae, 11,lione will not protect~~po!'i>!>, but .. ceryalnlY, its value should . not'·be swepf!lf\Vli\<· in in emollona!blnge. .. -..,;,\[; Even-AUfte~iiy-C.om'~~gn A .study of living costa for a family con!iatina of a 38-year-cld husband, employed full timt, · unemployed wife, ~ boy of 13 and·• ctr! of I worked.''"1t tbrff dll· ferent standards of llVlng. Tbe lower bud(et was $5.9ls; the moderate one $9,076 8114 th•. higher one $13,\IGO. Keeping ~P with llJ• Joneses 11 Jett1ng·harder every day, wbethe~·one.Jives'in an eXpens1ve city or a cheaper urban area. _ ' .. .. . NO•··~·~!'-• . . . r . 'WH'{ AREN'T Wf ~PoS1~6 0~1f( LIKE ALL TJIE oT#!R MA6Az1NE.5?1 ,, ·'I . ' Pentagon Is Target of Ji'nutration• The Anti~military Wave WASHINGTON -Jf Copgresa rejects ~i\tt-.. A\ ' ;~.w:3~~o '., IN T1IE P~NT ariument tome . Police Have A Di ff eren:t Problem Now Clothes Mark , The Duffer.- deployment ol the ABM it-will be because J!~~~l;C.Jta·Y~d~~!~-~ {i notoriously ·-inaccurate or lll·lnformed I glimpsed 11'1 · 8d for some "temis Coogreu does not believe the President, . .. :]J ~ W' UBUD authorities are being relied upoo to prove clothes" in a magazine recemly' and it it does not believe the Joint OIJefs of 1 .. _ ,,· ·•· · · ,; • ;· liruck me bow Ii~ Ule maker, and the staff and it does not trust the conective ~~'""' ..., _........._,,.:_..::: •. -..,""" points which are still under debate by the ad agency, knew .about the product they judg:mert of its own armed services com· best infonned ,experts. The stroniest were trying to sell. · · ,, ' ' .. •I mittees. THAT MEASURED pace has not been \U'gwnent againsL ABM deployment, that Every sports ileUVit'y has its <lwn code 1'tls woold ~be a revolt against the granted to the Nixon AdministraUon. It is th~ Russians would get alarmed and not ID JUembling a poUce force of1200Q or or "in~' and "out" pfople -with the way ,J!!OOJl,ls. lie is ,weatjng ~~_with ···. •-~-~ . r-·• curK' <II auch -a--_ lllvolY'd_ill a.Jielldon, oolllslon-wilh ne.ol!.lle nucleM.anna coolnl, bas.l1een ~ -·-1 .1 ~u--·"m· you dress fer the game indicating·wllidl '""'. . ...., pla "' ~~l.~ bi the beiin-the rntQ)''dtffne eiemtnts who are mak· exploded. The Russi8115 _ai'e going to more lll I 1t1e Cl. y you "' ~ er group you beionc to. Tbe attirt illuStrated an tlp"~incb Ullleal1l -(JllOlt 5~ ytra JOr ... ....-w........ ·ai ;..., the Pen•·-·anc1 the: "mlllt"""·in-negotiate. And they are contlhulni aleo to ,some ~~tlons 111 adminlstratioD and !n the ad would•have been laughe(l right wear ones with u lhort.• a 'tbree-lnch ning fl. 1 rever•l or su:batanti ._ -t)"'' -,, deploy their 1oWn 1ABM: system, whether orpnlza~. . of£ the COOrt by experienced tbmi.s inseam) and hl1 white shirt. ·ia.:Obpging modification of the chief lines of U.S. dustrial complex" the target of 'tt\f:lr to supi:fort 1 .. first strike" capability A certain small percentage ffe go~J ¥t la out over his shorts. . .. · ,·. . , post-war policy consistently pursued for frustrations. Instead, the proposed ~ against the UnH.ed States or not. be bad actors, on the take or of 'cririun~I p ~~c holds true in moat ads for "Glancing at Jlta feet." MUUof con.-• more than 20 years. deploymel}t risks ~eat or passage by Instead of cartful measumntnll! of the tendency. A larger percentage cant ''Yacbtint:" ckJthe!, where the 'models are tinues, "you wW . fiDd liattl! Unnls 1be ABM issue has thus resolved into a such a...urrow 1'Dlrlln M to undermine balance of ttrengtb betwetn the United stand the power, and~ ~ant~,... prbetill abu'dly elepnthrtedl. Wom atm: A navy bluf: aoJ£hlldiiiiplii&a.'tbt -1 vote of coofideoce or DO confidence in the =~ e!i:=ued supp:>rt of. the , States. and the Soviet Unkln. wQat has ~ larger pereent.age Suffen lap!ll!I of. aboard, these would .immedMlte}y mark outfit." : ·' ·. policy 1iou which have cr<ated a vast --, · entered tht argument is the emotion-Judgment, !!'I do we all under i... pro-~iandlul1ben· to real salkn Who • • t \ · ' , • mi~ tstabliabment, -~.1 ;:-wide ., ~ ~ingu1~a:e eff!1ct~i laden iMuiUon 1hat • ,bUUon a Y-"'· iJ "~·Jr!~a~coii~ ~an! ;e: the en-w.ear ' that is I ... cunfwtabk,•old,· · · -.. r'ND· THE ,pp.wf~'$ j,h.r ~·in g· ·: ...,.. o( defense pac:ts wN ...,. . the ,..,:......, « the ABlf. deplo-nt. ·loo much·:to apolid !Ill cleffole. .,_ I and ·1a brass Into " J8C. kpot '!'led, inte~•Iifad!cal: • • betray• him • m~ aa lli8 ...,. cos-·.1 trovenial interventiogs in Korea.. the . . P-r , 1...... • • { un: orct 1 -· • r ~ / tume. "Went &o yoUey some?'' he ·Mks, Dominican Republic IDd Vieb:lam. andid, if i.t ~uct' ~m~prevl e~-~e IF J.,T U TOO MtJ.QI, aside from The people, whom the f<ree aerves, and ON THE TENNIS, cc:ut ·in fact one inllead of "Want to rally Ol'ihit iOmt?'' rap moves ww era ..._.-wa-, ..i:.L. · .... __ ;1 · hi presumed to protect notin& error here ' ' ' ,,. " menL The Pentagon and all its ap-preveiuaule waste and mmlcieney, then and t.bert tend to ~ all Uc can tell 1 duffer. simply by the way he He call.s a "net" in&tead oft 01et" when PRESIDENT NIXON does not like it this way. He would prefer to have each deciskln on national security affairs judg· ed oa tbe merits of the particular case, But the foa d. ABM deployment hive madt tt 1 tea cue on the infillf.llCe of. the mllltcy in tht Iii• o( tbt nation, America's role as policeman of the world, pact.o-mania, Pentagon infallibility and all tile other shibboleths o! !be anU· military wave which is sweeping over the country. 'lbe Niloo Administration had some ln- timatiolll ttiat the 1-ue might de~lop this 'Way but was corildtnt that a modiftfJd ABM plan would be approved in Ccxlgrm:. Then the Nixon Administration could move m a measured way to try to get -..I of military e"]IOllClitures, reorpnize·the Pentagon, aett.Je-the Vie\. nun War and maintain the balance of a well-defended natioo. purteoanca not built · d and it we srheuW have amne.beu:et reuons why . • po emen, picks up 1 ball from the ground. If he the serve hits the tape, m:1 -h1 Mb· for will not be t wudo · !la 1 ay . It is ·thin the Un~vable. Potitulation that including administrators f!X'. I 0 0 d bends down and picks it up· with his hand, ''practice serves" ~ (If ••takfni '> ol Ol'J1 wn in 1 Y or a senes big industry has. teame;d up with the mt"8lft. ~ admlnistra~s, in :~q be ii beyond the pllle. A little , better ·is some." Abel so ori.' · ~ 1 , • years. military braas in I fall.prool: 'scheme to n,ture, .~to de:fend obviool error, IM lhe J)J§yer Who scoops "it up with a 'lbere is, of. ccMase,·=~ with ·1 CONGRESSMEN will have to uk ·keep the 'n&tlm in war· or Co the verce of in !IOme ca1tS to c:oocul it when possible. backward rnoUon of 'the racket, while the beinC a beginner, but·~· . ' pod lhemselvei U they know enough to. ptt war. NGme!1)US .leams fl. invqt.i.ptors TWO MAJOR PACl'ORI have COii· veteran player just bouncts the ball up ~I.Yen is 'the betinnei ~·an f:l· '\ their judgment .. bow much"' what kind hive tri<d to· prove 'the jloslu\aliilil and . ed -· from the ground with his racket. • pert• and geUlnl k all """"" In tho of defense is enough. Enoul!h mbtakes failed. but this does 'not extiriguish the tributodtothl·curmitdeter10rat ,...... Goll is not my game, but l presume hlenrdly ol -18, die bejta' players ·· have been made in the put to deny no stock-in-trade ar,wnenL . Uon of~ polllcel ~~~~:: (~) there 8Jl just1as_]Plli!y tell-tale signs to tend to~ their ·aHnt.y;(:whlle the ... one a lhare in the blame. Guam wu not What is perhaps of more Importance is the nlwOlli ~ .. cu ar Y u• u~ es, -1 mar.k ,Ult knowledgealile golfer rrom the wcne ooes inflate tDtirl. WbUt: eJtl')'One, fortified when it should have been. The that the ABM argument 'should not~be =~n~·,..,.(;)eu!'~~ ~~:;:!?, ~~is dfsPerately trying to in tvet1 game, thinks ht iJ s~ttat World War It army was liquidated in permitted to become the vthicle 'fai 1 due i;'~tlon ~ .. ;adlo CO:. make an impressiOn and makes' the' bettettfiin'l*rWl)'D,·lhlia(id.]Uyers time for Russia to begin htt outward gener•l 15&auk on the Pentap unleSI municaUon, bu .,,,.,1_. 1 ....... ....i....ical Wl'Q\1C ·one. hive kwned to ccmceal ID ~f:l'flltima-pol~mllit.ary expanMon. We mis-m knoW where we are going. U tbe Pen----t........ ................. · Uon. ... , \ ~ judged the ultimate importance of Soviet tagon ls to be curbed in the spirit, of moblllt.y·lacklng 50 years11°· 1 • ... '1ff':. '.irENNl8 that fine.~ old veteran In , ttte hnp'8c'abW ,::co.de . !A. 25-meg1ton and 50-mepton nuclear unilateral disamiament then thls would FUty Y~ ago policemen, inclividuall)' ' ·;c~· Mun6, 00Cf!1(le.scribed the ty: ~p. tQe-caidtml ~ ii~ mlalles. Wt built bombera when we did be Ult advance sip of a drasUc chan18 and collectlveJy, 'faced 111 entlreJy .d~· pic8t duffer trybig to"Play'\he role: "He 1o be "in" befort~)'Oll__blvt ·....ned the Id Deed them, only to find we needed in Amukln pollcJ. 11wooldbe1«<pted lertnt problem. Their efflcacy waa bisect will bop down to the cOOrt. -~ rtghL Thia ii wll)o Ill l!pClfll'llt.jOIJGusly them liter. We built so many nt1elnr , in , the World as the beginning of on the foot patrolmen, singly or paired. racket (instead of ttiro) and have ~ol set~ baniren of .iret91 aql~t. rn.iailes Rulli.a could never catch up, but withdrawal by the United Stites from the They were known to the law-abiding, and balls which he has had abflut fowr , ~even aPeecb. -.. '\:., .. :, ~:' l!lht has begun to catch up in certain responsibilities and burdens it bas «I'· \n·most cues· a mutual h'lendsl;llp ex· " ". ~ . 1:-\ .. · 'Ho la!' slinificaot categories. ried for the p.,t 20 yeara. ~~A~~ ..,:1dolmu~ p ' J ~ . • p ll . ' i f · · Crl•ed si·r by:!:':1:=·, .. po~ :d. 'OpUm~n, . 0 Ut f/i; Ronald, mlnlstraton to reach the new mobility, • -· ~~ ~-~ . · , 1tncecrlmin1J1hldbecomemore~e. -\To Ule:Edltor: ~, , • .Jf ~ too. The trend WU inatrumenfed' lJ1 the · I Well u you remember, children, Sir :Ronald of Holyrood and his faithful aqulre. Sancllo Reinecke. bad plunged deep into The Tangled Thicket, wbert Ibey hod many curious - One dly, !be noble lmtght•and his boon companion rounded a coriier In the murk;J gloom and came face to fact. wUh a towering bundle, all wrapped in red tape, lnl:y forma and complex footnot.s. From wlthlll, Camt auch bloodtlllnrty lhrieb -u to mate the very earth tremble. . . "Holl!" Cried Sir Ronald. "Whit strance manner of crutun is trus'?" '1B1ware, Sire," aid Sancho, .,........., behind bla mui.r. '"!bat II tht dfadtd'. Tu Package.· Inside, are 1 '""'•P Tlclooa wes, whk:h prey upon the.!Mlmd J>eople o!,.... Golden :state, lnlllcdns put )>aiii and injury ... '"TA.ID l80lJLD HURT," said Sir . -~--'niundq, A;dl 17, 1969 Ronlld, noddiq •. • 0 But, Sire, they threaltn to gobble up your Betoved People," said Sancho. "And theo· they-will no lot11tt netd a Shtnbig Knil!ht. .. Sir Ronlld frowned thoughUully. "You are right, Sancho. The time hu come for me to keep my holy vow to cut Tues," · So Sir Ronald drew his lamed Swillglng SwQl'd, shouted his baUle cry-"For Decency, ror Purity and for Just PlaiD Goodness! " -and chlfred tbt Tu Packqe. '"Take this for the llttle old Jadies1 in Burbank!" he ctied, delivering 1 wicked cut. "And this for tbt noble owner• ol pro- perty!" he slid grimly u he IWW1I a mighty blow. "AND THAT RI\ our belovtC 1Dircbutl ud 1D!l'I " builn.!" -.. he Cleft ao lnvt0tory Tu Ill twain. ·-nu -is r., t11a ..,,ue ...-•--Uttle-!· "Alld 11111 -ptloo la "" Ille. atalwllll wbo dwell within tlaelr own homes! "And UU Unit b for poor renttn! "And here'• 1 dtfmnent.. you foul beaat, I« our venerable 1pcl! 1' And thlt. .. " Oh. what a llorious baltle It ""· S!r Ronald chopped and topped and hacked and whaclled and haclled aad whadlecl and chopped and lopped UD, verily, there .,.med nothing left to cu~ From the frlngeo ol the Thicke~ tht .-a and huDahl o! bla Belo"d Paoplo could be hesnl. "WRAP IT UP i&aln, Sancho,".llid.Sir Ronlld: trlwnphanUy Iean1n1· on the hilt o( his sword. "And stick a handle on it iO that , those who wish to ·withhold thfnlseties from its 1wll90mtne1SiJDaY.1• :"8u.~1 ·sin:, you said -oru.s ahouJa hurt:" "Obly those, vaflet; who ·wlmrtaJ1Jy wl.sh. \o be hurt. Ah. What a gkriolla ne)' Tu Package of mine thla shall be. A:nd none of my enemfts Jfill 4ire attack it. FOr all men · feaf what no man Un- derstands." . ·~Ob, Sire," sa id Sancho aa ht busied hlrmelf1 with the wappinp. 11 You hive cut Tues for home owners, tJa1slDfi8.9 owners; ,property' owt1er1, parent>, renten, tht olit, tht -thO rltli, ihe poor .•• That'a odd. l've tun out ol wrap- pings.;• . "Bother me not with dtta!ls, varlet," llld 5,!' ~.,riding o!f. "Finish your work. .. ~ llood. ocratCllloa 1111 bwt and s:farina at The Tu Pack'91 ... Verily, 1'hat a ~ p1aco .thll 11.• he ·d .... , nluttr cat'tuM lw ,...,_,,yet u..r-.... ~.thaa~·' r ' Gloomy Gus: lnccxne t 1 x afterthou1bt : We tbpuJd be ·~"' .... dol!'t 1et all the ·llOV'""""'t ... poy !qr. -R. IV . squad car pre.9er1tly fletU of squad cats, In the past. several ye~• there hu then ~ii atmces provided wtUi ntW1 be.en a grow1~g cqncern .}n . ~ .art• crqwd-cllntrot devices and technlqua." · "'· wha\ is obviously. the nidot · hn~n) Into thls \Pbl1Ule situation was/~ '· .~t Qf problems facmg ma~kirl4 m· tM~ . . . . an uti~ented ioclal deveklpmet.it,· . nert.flundr~ years. Th~se .ar~ IJ:le pro--i , -r ~ ~ • radii'~ aftd·reVolt ol fnillfrated blems ol biological public .pohcy. The9e ::;~·~:O:i.,..,.._::r .. ~ . -'h. . · problems, such as population, fa.mint, TM,'""' •·..,.... """' " •·""' • e11,,,.. )'UU\ -c " ' ............... .... ·. I'" I .. _ "*-lltlll II a; All ..,..,. lfllllt llltMN ~t ba~ecl''Thls· into a clil0rdtt11, .,.,.ru .... n, ..,~c., may very Ui.e Y ...... e. ~ "'-• ...... w """--..... i.. sctne oft 'a cam~ Of in I lhetfo.iia~ ~ : t: ~at· ef~ on the questf6n of "hUqlan •lllllllN 'tt11 ~ •} ~ ,..,. .~ ..... ,.,,.. i _:.T"J ~ · 'bl10cifed annfd lit &i. ~ e..:a: 1.s,t en oe in ,.tht near future..." • 1 ; , , • J . , ·~•!'!"I' a m'!I ~ u;;!ottunaiely !he concern wl\lch ~ -'love · ol \alt .i.:..~' Gf"tlje world · minute!!, 500 in ~ hour. But they came been shown 1these probleins has w-;. ·I WJll & ti&id1 ~ .,,._. 1pe' rctDt~iro 11 total atr1nprs on the 9Ce110r The --•Jn · __,... _,.._, •1 LT''. . m residents riotous or non-rtoto.is met L."'11 ed to the men who are alreadJ . the ...._.., .ol tbe"'-J!!!Ur i~ c,ps. Thil Uie • .. enemies " 11M!:y were ~ well informed in . this ~a. -U. niew t11e· elimin.uoB ot all the worw·i and m.:, ph)slelliy obslru<:led Eve\y· ;btololista and lh~· scienUsts themselves. coutai cities -""' Angdel, San Fran-~~the seed of wkles .. -.:d riot. There 'has been UUle, if any, \&?" .; cip,_New York', Ntwp<irt Be.,cb. etc. , an~ derstanding of the scoPe and., ·conJ i Ttie Only 30JuUon la ij1e imJQedJate .BUT AJU\ESTS WFJ\E on J ,y a teq\te'llCtl of these pfobleriil among u.i ellminaUon of. pol),&tlori. symptom.~ real trouble WU hatred ol (f:Dera\ public, Who art,, in the: final , ___ \ atraofen, tht "pip" mtsht u well be analysis, the onea wllo will elfect the 'IVESE Pao~· w!q:!bt IOlved Martlono, « Rualln aoldJen Jn Pr ..... ' . cllmlte o( change. whether . or .. -:e. "l 11 iioOole. by Pollce encuUvea everywhere . have pre4JUr~.Olr ~vei~-10V.m- bewllled tllla develol'ment and • have THE WORLD population )\as 1 pi'elent ment, sOlve °*'· n,. ~, _questioo aetmed myatlfhd by IL It moy not' be 'a doubling time o! >bout SI, yeaii, the lS: ·Will mutJod .l<ilvf. ~ !llYstery. but Inevttable In the pr<miae. . U.S •• hos. ooe o! about Ii yearl. 'This or will !lie prolllOml solve -IMmmlves, Police encuilYU p'octually 1nd_ unwlt· means that In the )'tar 2'ltll, tbe world and manklnd 1oo1 ·. tiqly hod sacrificed llOWld and rallooll populaUbn wll~ in a ......n.uve ' DA YID HlIBFEllD police w«k to moblllty. l('he prevenUve . estimate, bt II 7 billion people, The atrtka bee""' IJ1.bnportant. · ng;... ·win probib!Y ·be c1-to . ro AD tilt publlo relallou, llO<llli>d,•ioltT ' biltkil->Wl\b proaen~ methodJ, the ri'ld tho baddies with minority "delqltet'' canoot even au-1 tht -popul1-wW•not cure· WI clvic dill:rn)'. Paalbly Uoo with even a· mlnlmupt\ diet for K is time to _,. If lmpeiloo1l all. Within 50 yean, hilt the world technolol)' is the whole answer to• .....i-popuJ1tlon, II least 5 bllHon:J!OOPle, will ble hum1n relltlona. To ..-ii at die o1 starvation. This WllJ cteite 1 Ju.st partjlJ return to the foot petrolmm climate of dJseue which 'will be un- 11 not a beUer "I' to effective and m1tched in tht course of bean blslory. amtcable ntatlaoa between 1 po~ Tbe only aolutlon to thll inblem will ~and Iba-''""""· be a mlJll•o ---GI con-tractP4.fon, and a radical Chanet ln man's QuQtes Raym.... Jllft, UC "1r...,tly l!"f· -"Compauion la 1 ratnlnt ea· ar- roianct, a prod to complacency; 1 *' ct1u .. fer di1Jocue." concept o! hlmaell. AT THE PRESENT ta!a ol air po!Ju. Uon atone (the rote 11 rlslng, not !ailing), !hi 1rnocmll ol carbon dio\dde in tht ltmoophert (Which ...... , .. Jn.,._ lll the tempar1tun ) wtll reach IUCh a level wltblo IO-!CAI ywa, that the ' .---•• &,•r1.e ..... .,...... ... Dear G<cr1eo My boy lr1end'1 f,U,. bealht him a new sports ~4? 1 ancf it 'ii · breaking: up our ~. ln the flnt place., I CM1t cuddle up because ol that lillf-rut in the middle and, in the """"'1 r>lace. lt'1 IOI io fM"J --thll e•"1 Ume· be ltana ovv to '111 me tho windows atart tlOill!l up alld, down, or oomethtna. Can )'OU ~if£?' BRUISED ll'I~· llear Bruised' ·Tell your ~·friend 1o ·11ve hta ~>the kC)' to ,the lpOrtl .... and twe .. _ -·• ..-,.. _, .. TV-i>< aometblac- • I ' CUllTOMEll ·sERVICE' Q. -'-0 HOW JnUch ii the average doct«'s ·take-home?" A. -• About '33,000 a year DOW ••• • Q. -"WHO WU Jtu pe'rt: Hugh'" Wklng about''wben he said, 'Her face is h e r Chaperone'?" A. -Now P>ere :you ha\"e ipe. But it was ;a dlrty,crlCl',,and I Ooly hope .••um•t s·· eeks ' lbe didn't overbear him .••. q, -"A.Sit YOUR Naine Game man where Carol ranks on that l1at of the most· Volunteers -p0puiai-.feiiiJnlile names?" A. .... He 'l'Y' .,.,.., ... ~·hth. FISH, an .orange Coast -ANNIYERIARY: SONG -4 emer1ency weliare organiaa· When a fellow al Swedlah des-cent marries-a girl:ot' Irish ex4 tion, will step up ltl current tr·~•-"'·t' --' Such · volunteer recruitment drift by u:;;-;i:,:.~;;.~sptct ~ clrculating "applicatioof. to IP- Uve the longest. Or so we're proximately 20 churcbts and '4ld by statisticians ol ~ synagogu" Arpll. 2'). • ·United Nationl..'Tlle'1fls\i' . :-th TM Otganization •. ftctfhu t,pey ,, sarr ''l:~ ·e~' ' just ~eted its fll'lt year of survive "Iii' years, 'the SWedish ~e, has 47 volµnteer man filr"71.I yearsc · diapatchen, many ol whom · ~ · spend several hours a day : . ONE SCHOOL ol ·medicos .......,ing reqliests ranging thinks the amount of oxygen ia from simple tuts such as • )'_Our-blood bas much to do babysitting to talking someone Willi your.frame of mindc,1bey oot al committing aulcide. · .,;on t e.n.d ~ting ex· ·Anyone· wishing ·to join 'the f:rciset bef<n 111 epen window FISH fon:t before April 20 cU ·1herefore will · put you in a submit their names b y · Chipper moocL. .. WRITF.ll B. teleplloolnt tlle·organiaatlon-al #• ·camon: ">.. to t11e lllMIJIO. .:f. 111r;HEBT :'.'111Nf ERE~T , Of{/NSllRE!f gAl/fJllJS.. . . •,, . . INTEREST llf.fN t1 DAY·DUT .. ' NO ·'BlH CAll:IATCll m , NO SAYINGS .. LOll lSSOCllTION CAN BEAT ITI •· ASSETSOV~R '4211,000,000.00 . . • .MUTUAL SAVINGS t A-ND L•AN A9a0C:IATION COl'QNA DEL MAR 2867 Eld Cont~. CONnl Dol'Mlr, c.<.r. 92f25 ' '""'_, 675;5010 ' ~oomcr ! 31!1 Lr.oior.oo lltd. ,....,..., C411f. !I lot ~;44t-2145 . - ... '· . . . :'. ,666·ltARBOR •LVO: . 546-7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY .f. t. 5130 SUIDlY · 10 fo 5:00 5_ fOoT -, WoOD•N· ... . ., 1STIPLADDER · • • 1 -0) • 1• ' ., ' 0 6 oi119 ,.,-,,11 f~!t.w•11d7 .., , 0 H•r•'J • h•lpi119 h1rti 101('1.ot if f1c.t1 i• ye11io thi119.I. · 0 F•l4t co111p•ct fff 1111ic.k 1tor191. 4t1 ... , ... GUDDJll, SPRl!D HOUSE PAINT · . . D Now,i,r;-. 011tlih 1t,-i119 , Y'"' he!!!• 111 il1forio1ity c.e'"p1et1 · D Dr •. Rimo to tho 11tc.Uo with ·o ¥1ry u1po1lor he11ti ,.•J.rit. D For •Ii w..4, ltr!ck, tfucoo, cor11r1t. ;.i .pri'"ff•111•tol, , • 6'~',.L'· PVC SPRINKLER PIPE 0 ,Sol'!li·titid1 ~1ol111io111I • • . 1t11ff. • (}:,ii 0 W~11't :ot, corrodo, er 1 -N11t i11 th1 9r•und, :--.J"""'-rJ N• 1por.i1I to~\1 1111d~cl for i11tt1n1'tlo1. · • · 3c 1'.:0N~I<-... ,.,... . " %-.l~H ... ,. : 4c' . ' . . " • " I ~ ·-· , ' CHAMPION POP.;up SPRINKLER HEADS ~ ..... . ' d Tho hith rlt.,.t of tho ·: '.wot 1it. • 0 , Pe111 11111 for prorli, fit fl111h for• 1ofoty who11. 1y1to'111 t11r11M off. GJ Eaiil1 i11tt1llM {if you'ra a 9ra,111t1 ."fie ' ' .. ... ' I •I Mel.Cine EDGIR T•IMMIR .. 0 Do1t.twlce tho ••rk of ..... il1r11l11 •'dfi11; D UM •1 tri11111111r ond •'••r, ti/II t~ MY an9l1 t• c.,11t ~·¥Ml l\•wor . ,. .~•, afortt ,w1l 1, or r • •lt4•r k.CM. ·a f!liilotflp ~.-... '"" • ci.,._. ..... .,. tt.~. ~ 1Utt4•r f...U111 ; 69~5 PRIFINISlilD'. BUCKSKIN " PANELING [j UptoWll luiii11ry for 4•w11tow11 ' ' p'rlC•t• . 0 V-9"'0¥111, 'rafi11ithff , ju1I • slap ill' pl1c1. . . , Q , fr1~t.. ye11'¥0 c.r~,I~ ;a .,., ~ whelo.. riow 1t a111. 1 Li~a., tr1cfio11, '"'""'-'. 2• .SAW flOUI BRACKITS ) . . . ' ' O,,u.i1f11I for all b•m• . · J•palr!IMI AJHI 'W•~'9ilio111 !•»•. 0 Nol lt14 for "'aliillf a pini1 or pi119 1110"1 t1bl o oithr. 0 Supporh 11; to 1~000. llu. . {si ll "10 •~• that'll u1pport "IV ilrolh•r·l11°l1w, •"' I'll " follow yau 111ywharo.) ' PNEUMATIC ff~IN, DOOR ' .. 0 Ho1t9 •0IO 116w far• 1l1i:n fro• tlllllnlt r, 0 •Cho11'., th i n ll11yi119 tra111t11illMr1. 0 With P,11,u1111lit cle1or, ail 111011RfiJ'lt htth'" ,i11 JO, J2, a!td 1• inch .,.,~ .. 711 • . ' . ~' . . '-.. I . ·HAND · IDGIR ' 0 Kor11111 ho1111 axfrc.i1a ii1i1110 for .,.;4,,' ' t2.oo. •,.. (J Yo11 .... thillitor whilt "'• , .. ,,. .... t!lfl • 11oat trifl'I. 0 .,.,, .t,., .. ,, h1119•111111. 1111•oth hlf'iw•M hli11dl1. ' • "I • • •; \, .... . RUGG RllL MOWIR •• 0 .A rnolorla.4 111ar:o1 '1tlat'h 111ako your .}. W..,. •• WO"' .. , .~ .. ~ ... •' 0 .,It.iv .,111 ro .. 11 ~ • ~ ... ..,..,. 4 Cf$lo, 2 h.,. ,." _, ... r:J Soff0 pt•1tOllo4, auh ~ft htch , .. th 111 '"' , ..... 69'' • DAILY PILOT >7 DECO~TIYI CORK PA.NILS 0 Eich p1c.k191 r.onlai111 four 12 a 12 d•rk cork 1qu1r11. 0 U1a for bull1ti11 bo1rcl1, wall to wi ll d1rtbo•rd. 0 Alt1rn1t1 with '"irror tlla for t '""'Y •cc.1111 docor1tio11 i11 -'•11 or O'ft r 111lntl1. '· • GLIDDEN PANlL ' ADHESIVE 0 for prof111io111!, 11ail-l111 p.11111 i111t1llafio11. ' Q Ctrtlt t Qlltld.111 f•111eu1 111011ay b1ck 1911a~anl11 ., ~ • [J P•c0k1~.C 1·11' c..n.va11io11I t11b11 It.at fil 1t•rMarJ"1r.aulliin9 91111. 09ciUBE ,. 9x9 ·RUIBER BACKID 'CARPET TIUS ~~~i;t:Z-~$,:o My 1or.r~tary-lov11 1h;, ' 1t11ff, ''' ... , bitllroom • • only; t!l'M twa ho11,., "rti . I atpi!i11. 0 Wattrpr•o'f, 1tain1111oof, 10.11 dow11 t11119 with catptl tap• or tila ct111•11t. 25cEA. VJGUABLll , Oft ·FLOWER SEEDS 0 ,Got av•rythi111 f1011t · c.or11 to 1111tu11lot. Q Co111pl1ta pl.11111119 l111tr11;c.tion1 011 11ch ;;'9""'.'9" " c . : •k• • •• • • .... •l MAHOGANY . $TOOLS , . . .. O Will, ••r1'1 tha t"'4 of a11oth1r lt.rilll119 ad, 1rti tho ltflt alHI th•rt of It too, D Utility 1lo•l1 for the ilr11kft1t "''' Of 4~11i 11 .. t ftr fu11day pal11t911 1110. • O Yew c.111 "'''" 10111.1 wilcl t011thlo111 kr offKt 011d rnot• cornf•rt !I'd rathtr Ila dow11, th.111~1 •11vwavJ 1• INCH 24 INC:H JO INCM 199 :.:279 ' 2" '• I ' ' ' .• ) ' . • .. • • ' -• I l • I ~ ' • I r l I I DAILY •ILOT -· ~ >'\ UH 'Out to Destr'y 11.S.' Gas Tax Reddin Blasts Hike Sen t Campus Radicals To Reagan · PALM SPRINGS IUPl) - Relirlng Los Angeles Police Chief Tom Reddin warmed up for his new job as a televWon newca1ter Wednesday wllli' a blistering attack on lbe new left and campus radical!. "The new left is oul to destroy the government "of the Uni ted States." Reddin tcld a conference of police chiefs and intelligence officers. "They are conscious revolutionaries. pw< and llmple 11npten." Reddin, ·11, ii realpiJI( May 1 u police cllid ol America '1 third J&raat city to become I WORDS ARE CLEAR WITH Mi racle Ear• • Even in Church • Even in Movies • Even in Meetings • Even in Groups • Ev~n with TV • Just EVERYWHERE .WONDllPUL HIAIHNctll COSTS SO llTTlE COMPAREO TO WHAT YOU RECEIVE Thou1ond1 of people cir• Meretly u1in9 them 1ucc.uhllly FltH HOME TRIAL DEMONSTRATION TELEPHONE 547 ... 171 ACT NOW Sff HOW MtlACl'-lAI : N1m1 -. , .. CAN HH, TOU f ............. n. ... : ··.-: • to SF: Cases 'Innocent' SAN F'ftA!iCISIJQ (4P) -A Municipal Court jury returned a verdict of. inoocent Wed- nesday in tbe trial.. of 10 of the 453 persons arreeted Jan. 2.1 ~t San Franci!co State College. The arrests came during it rally which WM pert of a strike led by the Blact Students Union in wpport or demands for a school for ethnic-studies a·n cf. the ad- mission or all Negroes regardless of a c a d e m i c qualificatioM. GI Inmates Called in Mutiny Cas e FORT O)tD (UPI) -Thr .. inmates ol. the Anny stockade at the San Francisco Presidio teetJlied' Wednesday at the trial of 14 GI prisoners charg- ed with mut fny for participating in a lit4own demonstration. Defense Attorney Terence ~lallinan opened his defense ol the final If Wednt6day by calling three former inmltes, in clu ding two of tht porticiplnla in the demoastra- ' ..... Pvt Roy Pulley, 19, Clear Lake, Callr., one of the current defendant!, tealified t b at Stockade Provoet Sgt. !Jbomas \Yoodring broke one o I Pulley's fingers in ao incident ttree months after the sft. down strike. Pulley said Woodring, who testified fer lht prosecution earlier, deliberately st.art.ed a fight, pushed hJm to the floor, twisted his wrist and snapped a fineer. Pulley said there have bee.n numerous suicide attempts am<q_ inmat11 recent l y becau~ the stockade i 1 overcrowded, dirty and in- fested With cockroaches. -- FIELD'S SHOES HARBOR SHOPPING CENTIR ONLY 2300 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA ME.5A ·Count Down!! LAST 8 DAYS Of OUR LIQUIDATION SALi Entire Inventory Must Goll WOMfH'S CASUAL & DRESS $4.80 WOMBl'S $7.80 Pr. 2 Pr. $14.00 WOMEN'S CLINIC HUUS SHOES HANDBAGS $9.80 50°/o to 700/o Off - MBl'S FLORSHEIM MBl'S CASUALS $14.80 $9.80 MEll'S IEDS MEI'S SLIPPW BOAT & lBllllS -EYAllS - $6.80 $4.80 ALL SALES FINAL Field's Shoes JlOO H.t.UOa II. VI . c o n.t. MH.t. . - • Dems Want ~0% Tax Rebate . ·-. gel money bod! fn>m lhb year'• p1ymenll, "hlcb were due thil put Tuesday . Instead, they would cut 10 per- cent elf tbelr 1919 payment, due AprU 15, ll'IO. MG9COne and AsSemtfl y DemocratiC Leader Jesse M. Unruh of Inglewood an- nqwiced, their plan shortly a!lir 11eq.. propooed hll rebate. TheY said there was no reason to delay the rebate un- til nert year or to lilbi1 it to $100 milJJoo Ind 10 percent 'nle money wouJd come out ol .. upecled -ouro1u.I of JUI mlUlon. 'Ille IW!>fus ex- bts becl... the sltte'• tu system ~ ID m ore money Ulil paa\ Yllf thin ....,. pected, putly becl... ol lo- fi.tlon. -Since tht money Is a rtBU1l of over coDection cf lUt.1,, i~ should go back lo Ille -ltt- payers, MOICOM llld. ' The Orang• Coesl's Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE ~ ..._ 642-4nl •• • -- GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It's fi11ally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine, honest·to-goodness BUG·A· B A LOO! Nobody 's ever had one before but, it was bound to heppen, and Iverson thought of it! lverson's "pad'' is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and m ost beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, it houses the very latest in service and diagnostic equipment , and is a perfect showcase for. d is· playing the latest c hanges in ttie Volkswagen line (that is, if you can spot the changes). A F REE BUG! During the w orld's first BUG·A -BALOO. Iverson will give awey a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been ta a BUG·A -BALOO, now is your o~rtunity to be among the first! At the B UG·A·BALOO, you'll see the latest in Volkswaaens and Poraches, within a 1 layoutthe likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A ·BALOO refres hments await thoae that CARE to see something different! Now·s the time to put a "Bug" In your house! Q ~45 E. COAST HIGHWAY ~ (ff l"flk/J Dr/oltl • NEWPORT BEACH 0 ' 673-0900 s o~f-~. ~- .. I ~ ... I' '.) ,1 r ',4 • H/, ' j I I j I ' ~~ 1 l J l • I l . I ; I I • I I I i • I ' I ' l • • ' l • . • I T>undll', ''"' 17, 1'169 DAii. Y I'll.OT I · £ . I I' , • l;ounty ·ol(s,· Crittenton Horn e o~e r Protest.s ' ' For The Record ~ ARBUCKLE A WWII Weolcltff Mortoary C1 E. 17~ta Me1a ! BALTI: MORTIJ.uuD ........ Mar oa.- f'l)111a Mna Ml f.IOI BEU. BllO&DWAY lllOR'l'UABT . t _ .... ,, Cotti M- U ~ DILDAY 8ROTllERS 8 _,,.. Valier. ~ y-.., 1. mu -lllft. I; Buthill .. Ilea•~ I !IC-'l't'll PAClt'JC VIEW r.tEMORIAL PARK ~e Mll1Ur1 • cu,.i Siii Padllc Vlaw Drl,. tN•..,.n:::.. Calllonll i pgg& FAMILT l COIA>lllAL n1NEllAL • ROME '1111 -AYL "----SlllllTEJI MORTUARY -r:---.,1111 ""••.. ... • u111'1r&, MOllTUAllY --~ "' llllt It. ................ u:.- •• JAClt BROllACK loc· pool4I' ol the Fri-Cburdl ...... " ht' lrll\IOd. "It would lit•~'*'.... ~idr Howell, ol El JilOdtno. ownen ol tht alJo devalue our property." El. MODENO -0...,.. roptrty property, -...S tho ..... Dalt Tllrlty, a tG-ytar -o p p o I I t I O u by llllt tht Jee!. rtsid<llt ol the atta, pointed . nelebborlne propulJ ownen, hocbt "ii dtlllriible Jn Qrqe Wenke prelellted 1eUtrt: of out that the .nearest hospital the couaty Board ol Supuvt. County, but nol Cll lbli..,.. ,,.trol uurby property was three m11ta away, that son Wednesday granted the perty." owners who Mid they did not there wu no 1ewer system, no Jl'loftnce Critteatoo Home o1 Altorney Wil-Wenke, object to tb6 inltitutioo . In lidtwalka llld a watu supply 0nuct County a ,.. ptrmit lo rtll'•••iilt the FI or• n o • tholr mldat. probltm. who owna liz ICl'tl ,..,. the propoaed -· aaid ... bid drOjltJOd pl-. to bulkl tllere becauae ol the proj«I. Supervilor Dovill L. Boru llll<I moot ol the .. ......,11 agal.nst tbe home were emo- tional, blled "m &ood « nil rather thin correct m- i.,,..-ol Ibo -· build an 1mtltution fer miwed ct 1 t t 1 •t o n «r•tion, Shirley Grindle ot neerby JoAnn~ Archer. a ntircbbor . ...U...1 here. pr-..1 lllrold K 1 b by , Gltn Arran SCr•t ltd tile at· 11id school& wtrt plamtd I<>< . laws." Meri. of Year Tbe aubjec:t bid -arsucd ---t " the Orqt taclt qalnal tile plm. She 1... .-by property. ''Th. I. He ..id the ..... qullifled !or 1t¥tral monthl before IJlllllod Bcbool l)lltrlcl. wbo tnJductd OOlldtr Bud Mai-dlildno will nit by the bomt 11111 ·--lllltltutlall" ..dib' P I a n u I u I ...,.. said bis dlltrlct WGllld -•lo tmlil who told ol eil«ts to llld know what ii is. How ,.. under the uoe permit code. -wbo, at ..,. lime, a repilar bllh acbool at .the •f'l'adt the .,.. and the we ttoeh our c!llldren that The motion opproVinl tho -the permit. On April 1, home l<lr tile -ll>Ud 41 hillory ol the ...U tllal<o p..,.marllal au Is """'I w11en bom< ~ H w i t h COllJlly 1.alilng -pil wilo WGllld Uft &re° and ~. • they aee thio in our mld>t!" Supemior Wlllillll Hlnlatn Raymond Reed appl'Oftd 1he an addili!lfll • daf -· '"lbt home w111 brin1 hip Mutin A. USAB, o1 ~ obit•...., boclllle he Is a Due In Honors Anaheim Ult permit aft.er • rulinl bJ . Tbe a... Gordan SI. Geqe, demltJ "°' to a low -1 Cameci• Ave., Costa Mtsa, dlncter ol the home. the tloonb' eo.-1'• olllce1-::::==============================-that tho home cculd bet- classlfiecl H In .. educatknaJ instituti«l." Residents d.. the area, which I• zoned !Gr small .-. argued that the bomt !or .,,. wed mothers did not nt tbelr idea<topla<efur~b· enne••J Davis on Board ALWAYS FIRST GUALIT~ SPECIALS Of 'Brothers' ., Ope~ the season witfi: a: new Sylvania· apd~~-~~e a ~x: Seat every weekend.: ..... . '. . ' . Davis· troW.. brlnCJS an the actlOll "9ht into your own living room with a, superb new Sylvania Color TV. And bueball i11 juld; one of'numerous sporta events cominr your way this s ummer. All Uu,e network!! have many houn of 8porU! programmed.,. .in living color. Hone racing, ear racing, golf, water 1porll!I and many more. Y oa can hav~ &.ftont row aeat to it all with a mi.art new Sylvania Color TV. ' SPECIAL Ol'Fllll s,...t roll-about tiand at no addltlona) eh1r1e with Sylvuia't 11 foc)I dia,.....ity mflMl.lnd ICl'tell Black an4 Whlla TV modtl MY'lllGY. Bis aereee • " -. $139.95 PORTABLE COLOR! S1lvania'1 la inch dia1onall1 measured aereen CoJor TV model CDtiOPL. Hu blilit-in UllP9DdVJlP antennaa. ~ . . . . . $349.95 YOUR HIAD~ARTIRS FOR SUl'Ui SYLVANIA HOME INTlltTAINMENT INmUMIN1S 411 E. 17th ST. DAILY t 0 9-SATURDAY t -6 COSTA MESA 646-1"4 --. . ' I , OF THEWIEK! YOUR CHOICE Colorful plants in 7 inch hanging baskets Acid color or CJr•en ery to ycnir p1tio e r porch" erea-with .,•CJ•"i11 e r fuchsi11 fer ~elerf.,f blooms -ivy or ferns fer lu1h1 i••I tt"••nery ..... 1.77 Ma11Uerifft or fuchll• '" 4" luy sevtrel pots ef th••• ltMutiful flew- •rint plenh now. 33c.o.~ 69c-- • ' : : •• ff if !/ ' ' • .. .. Sun a11Rn 111· ; 1 .... contalnei:. ree.!y t• plentl The 1eutft1 JMtt ..,~uti-;; ful flewerift9 •• ., •... ·• 99c .... :: ... , ........ , ..... : 3.19: -· Whfflllarrows and lawn cam to meke ; gardening Hsy and inexpensi••· tool ' Meke our GaNeft C•nt•r your h•edquert9r1 for eil your 9•rdenint n••d1. Fino ciuelity, .... ~.6.18 · f9ed your entire yard llOW Cllld MYe · 111111 .,.wt11 with Ortho Food l'rMacts: A.1eli• I Cem•lia Footi Roso Feed P•ll•t• Evi rt r••n I Tr•• Food Gon•rel PutjM•• Feecf r: , ..... T-Cllolu ·2/1.98 Lowa--.... ~. 4,91 Dfdi11 ...... 7MI ~ft. 4.tl u..ow rt.t-4.n ' · ii-cl and IMautlfy yow' pl•11tl11t a,.. witll theM ... n aids - Your yeN ,...,., hati it •• 9offl Vl1it eur-&r.N"' C...ttt eH ""Y ewey • M.luttful 91N 1nl / ~ 1•111'1 •••sic• Z all. ' I.ta ............. 1.Jt ,.... ... ,.n T""' DOI """ I. ft Pluta .. 1.H • NEWPORT BEACH -Fas hion Is land ' 'I l l ( 1 ' ; ! , • I l \ t I \ l ! v J • '( Thurmy, ... 11 lT, 1969 Bermuda-That's Where f;i rls A re HAM.IL TON , B e r m u d a each other afld local learns (AP) -What happens when during vacation. This year on- ly Dartmouth and Amherst • yau mil 7,000 girls with 3,000 participated and their teams boys and add them to an spent more time vacationing lsbnd already crowded with than playing rugby. · 50,00ll residents? ' "~. whole theme . here Is i I ',You get Bermuda In gettlni .. so meth i ng for ~-':''College Week" and the boys nothing." said Igor Schelkun, _ love iL a Dartmouth rubgy player ~ ! : ' ''There are so many girls from Chicago. ~· that you can lakf! ~r time too "The sponsored ·events are " " plck one who's re~lly sharp,'' for the h.i g h schoolers. The sald Lawrie Llebennan. a idea is to get your free lunch, freshman at D 1 r t m o u I h pick up a niee girl and take '; . College. to a nice, uncrowded beach," • "College we ek" is two Schelkun said. wo... ........... ""'.a t weeks of event! sponsored by Bermuda seems about as •• the Island's ..esort hotels '" thickly populated as Cape Cod. Consigned to ltlotlafHJlb ' "" the students on spring vaca· but t h e picture-postcard ·• tion. Free lunches are the beaches are only crowded at To the many gallant men who manned her in ~ the honor and glory that were bers are now but ... prime attractions at the daily the center of the daily college a nd war, the aircraft canier USS Essex, ilw\$ . echoes in passageways w bi c b once carried the •• events which also <lifer 5kent week activities: passing under.. Newport 'Bridge, R . .J., eJl roqle te;'a.-" shouts of fighting men scrambling to man the planes ., beers, rock bands, beach Age, limits for drinking and commissioning ceremonies, is much more, Ula.ii' on deck. After the decomniissioning, the ~er will parties 8nd lqnbo contesta. pperating~ i\linisCulungm. · metal and machioery;'After 26 yea!s -~!-;service, all be consigned to mothballs . ... · "There are too many of us tit· motorbikes that almost --------~7:nr--~~=---------'------------'-------u ' f •• ana not enough boys," .com-, eve,ry.ene rents, ue;c c~a ,Y "; plained Marie Trooper, a stu· enforced. The bUIZing roar ol ~ dent at Rhode 1s1anc1 eonege. motorbikes trying 1o exceed Nearly Everyon ;; "You can't get to meet anyone their top speeds of about 25 •· In the daytime and the nights miles per hour can be heard ~ are worse. Half (If the dances almost everywhere all the 'Listens' , are so crowded you can't even lime. ·; get in." Night life is crowded dances •• College Wet k originated at beach clubs and beer-drink- >· to~Landers • •. ,, .. • •• , ., .. ~ ., .. . . -. ,, •. . , .. •• ., .. •. .• •• .. .. .. • •. > • .. .. > • • ,, . , • •• .. ~ , '· ~ .• .. •• .., w • A ,, • A .. . , • • ·> ~ ., • ~ .. .. '· '• •• • • • . •' • • ,. • , ·' , • • ' ' • , " <- ~ • ' < ' .. ~ ,• .. • . • .. .. ~ ~ • .• .. • , . , .• • wben Eastern colleges sent ing singaJongs in Hamilton rugby teams down to play night spots. ' s~ BY JOVE! Jr, . /THINK. i ~ HE'S 1, • 1ff: 1 GOTIT! •• • • • • . ' /)o ~ ~tthe 111fSS11gc ? In plain (or fancy) English ••• S & A sells expensive shoes for less money than the Vert same shoes sell for in high priced stores ... from $3 to $1 2 less! That's our story and we're sti ck· ing to it. There's an S & A shoe to fit your foot .. -providing you wear anything from size 4 to 11, AAAA to B. And we will fit you in style ,,. the "'ery latest style . Come as you are ..• whenever you please ... 'til 9:00 every night or Sun· day from 10 to 5. If you don't have a BankAmericard or Master Charge- our friendly cashiers ha't'e been in· structed to accept coin of the realm. THE BLUNT TRUTH ... 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE THESE CASUAL S COSTl3.00 /.£SS .AT S{!A ' He<e'5 frnh, smart youna: stylina:. Broad. blunt toe. hearty 5lant heel and soarina: leather trim tongue. In glearnina: black pat•nt oi'! white, bon• and navy kid • 333 E. 17TH SJ. µ)STA MESA LOS AllGDlS BEYERL! HILLS . MSTCHESTU 4012 w. Sallt• llrbtrl i830 W. Pico Blwl. 1915 S. Sepijl.,..d1 Blwl. ' SIHll MONICA llOITll HOLL !WOOD SllERMIN OllS CAllOGI PAii 1000 Wi'ISllirt M i51Z l1ml Ci1WOA BMI. 14645 V1111!1H1 81..t. 139lTop1n1t~ M. SffOr DAILY 9:30 • 9:00 1 • ~i~ W i11; ~addle6'ack SchOlf!rships_ Scholarships have b t e n awarded to sis S.CkUeback Colle1e studenta for achieve- ·ment du.ring the first two qbarttn ol tbe school year. 'I1te co I ~ e,l!t •a Scholarship ·Commiaion made the awards. Paul Cox of Tustin received the "Qutatanl!tog &:holanhip Awal'd."~A }ft-dental student, . earlier this year be received the "Out.standing Defensive • ' • l l ,> • l J l Back" trophy and the "Cap. tatn's Award" for bi! ac· complistiments on the col- lege '1 first football team. Tht "Dlvi.Sion Award" for outstanding ·• c h o I a 1 t i c achievement in business scien· ce was awarded to Charlene Patterson of Dana Point. She is majoring in accounting . Linda Whitacre of Tustin received the "Student Ac· tivlties Scliolatship." She Is editor ·o1 the . co IJ e'g e newspaper, the Lariat. Three scbolarsbipa ""' awarded for "all-around stu- dent achievement.'' Charles Rawn r:l San 'Cleniente aDd Eva Parrett of Tustin received the "Scholarship Commission Awards" and Hetbert' Henry of Dana Point received the "Dan Collin's Scbolanhip." -· ....... ' Auto Deaf;hs . I~~~ Cll!CA60 <UPI> -TraClic 7,411 falllitill /iJ J d<olhs ror the first twe and Febn1a7, .........., mcnthl "-t• w~e up 4 J,111 for the 1 am e ..... ID J.111. perceot over; 1he wne period Of Ille --·• Iii •·~ voar, the Nati<oal Safet7 cities ""1 i... Anedd' CouDciJ llid today, " ed an incl'UM•ia fatallUt:s 'l ue council ,,.ict there were lt percenL . . · Ofd World Med itt!rranean Span.Uh Furnitur~ OVER $1 .. ,llll INVENTORY ' TO CHOOSE FROM DICOllATOU CANCI LLATIOM 11Mf l lTUINI FAOM.MODIL NOMU· • ALL lllAND NIW · · DI.COi.ATOii MUM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. cutom quilted sofa with Ap&rate loose p~ows with heavy oak-trim decor anti matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, !2) 51" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain •w.ag !BmP• in wrouctit iroq, an 8 piece king •sJU I . master bedroboi suite in pecau. Aan•ll"' ' Mediterranean siyle With top qualltyl~)r· · warranty king size mattress " box springs: S~a,nish decof _dlninf sel, etc. · • ll~·-MUST~~C.'"" .--~ ".-oo POI ONLY -···---··--$698. · Allyl'leco .C:.lo ........... IMhl~~ T-.·A--N-on,. c.llf, C'"1t ,.,,..._.... -..n.tolr. r· ZI /) F .. ·ait11re At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llvtl. ~ ..._ Ollly, ·r_., night ';! ' -Wed., Sot. & S..... 'tlJ f. '' ,, .. ' .. • ! I l WITH UMPTEENW~S · TOBAVETQOI l .. I I i ., : • I I • • • ftWllJll IMCISIU Z!mOltMliitstml 701W.~IM. .. ,SlfOP SUNDAYS 10-5 . Each of our Umpteen Ways pays you highest earnings everyday, any day, even o-night.-Nobody pays you more. And we are strong. We reached our first billion dollars in 35 years ... twice as fast as the Nation's 41rgesl Our r11C811t merger brought the fou r Wilshire Federal ofltces into the Glendale family, giving us 22 YfKY comenlent locations. C9fne.vlsit one econ. f ' • GLENDAU Ff0£11Al SAVINGS-·-- THI NAT10fl'a ••C011o LARG••T n DIML _.._, M10C1AT1ot1 WITH ASSETS OVEft ONE BILLJON DCK..LMi. I 22 OONvtNIEHT 0 OfflCES PAY EARNINGS EVERYDAY. ANY DAY, EVEN OVERNIGHT. MAIN OFFICE: GLENDALE. ., 11 % CYRRlNT ANNYAL RAtE I 11.11% CIJllR!NT AHNYAL v1eLD I LZI% a YEAR &ONYS ACCOUNTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~..__~~-1~~~~~_:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- - ' I t GOObwtU. · J ndustrie$ . • • . --; -; ~ 1 ~ I t ) ~1 l l l . "'I: • , . . . ~ . ·.---. '._·r.:-r , . •• D WILLY SEZ: ill lndu1tritii nffd1 ' r help to ~vkle vO:.. ation•I r bllit•tlon le•• to ha~lcip~ -plo. Su pporl . q..11- wlllt progiom and .holj> tho handlc•p"""" boc- useful Wag• ••r'n•rt.' 590 W, 191h . St.; Costa Miu Open Monllhru Fri. 9·!1- Sat. 9 till 5:311-646,247' _Your Dol~ar~. • . " .~ Buys More . " AT THf .. GOODWILL · STORE " . SPECIALS THIS WEEK! HOSPITAL BED. ,.. $J5.00 , YOUTH BED ./. .-d :M...,_ \ ' $2t95 , BLUE TAGS 1/2 PRICE ~OOK CASES 59.95 UNICYCLE ~.95 Special! . : BOX SPRINGS' & MAnltESS SJl.90 PILLOWS s2.1s ,.;· BABY' CRIBS -$9~95 . Please Use These Booths In Your Neighborhood . Call 646-2479 For Plclnip Service DAILY I'll.OT fl. Missioµ Yiejo Welcomes Its First New Citize~s . . . By TOM BARLEY ._ the new clllzena. Hun- ONlGn Buch was second with eJP&-. In thlrdi spot was the and Rudoll .August, 1170 Lodewij~ Johannes Aqtontus (West Gennany). MIDWAY CITY -Tlmoelly Nelherlands, in recent years a S k y 11 n e Dr i v e ( We • t and Petr o n e l I a Marla LOS ALAM.fTOS _ Vlckb Joseph Guldua ( & rot b e r major cont r I bu lo r to Germany). CalheriDa Veerkamp, % SSS Sullc, 11191 Reagan st. Edwin), 1820 Bolla Ave. Of Ille btlly r lllf Si.tf SANTA ANA -Ful grow-ing Mission Viejo put it.s name on the nalurafu.etlon roster for the first 'lime Wednesday wtlh three resident. ~ the bur_. Ing south i:oonty commuiiuy Wtltmluter, with four ruldetlta, took lhlrd place ahead<( "-lain Valley wilh -aod Laguna Beach wllh two-. America's population, with 14 ~ON VIEJO _ MJry Aralla, ('1be Netberlandl): (Canada} and Anna A&sunta (~and). Dutch Immigrants taking tho Smllh Moi.o, 26111 Porul1nO aod Gary Roberl Douclu, 400 Veturts, 10332 Rumbolt St. lRVINE -AMeti4 lot.. oath before three SUperlor Drive · (Gre1t Britain) and Scl.ltb Bayfront. Apt. 11 Balboa (Italy). Euer, 112 Verano Place (West Court judges. J.,.la and Erwin Jobannes l5land (Canada). EL TORO -Marie Baglln, Gennany). Pl*8i, .their~ oaths of Judge Samuel D r e I 1 e n Klink, !58SZ Vla Viento (Wat DANA POINT -Ursula 2438Z Hlghpine and Jessie i.AGUNA BILLI -Martha presided over the citizenship Germany), Helene Omlotte and Emil Mary Pollock, %4101 Larkwood Elizabeth HOlhor, "1 Avmtda ~::~~~"· • l]nil«I ~ta~ Perman o ... .'JQiifa· · and E1Wln· .[ollannes K)lni,' 251iZ Via Vieflto and foriner riton. l\!ar7 Smith Motso,. 2:i111 .Portanno Drive, were~ong ' 'r Orange Coast reid.denJs at~ Other Orange Coast eom· m~ represented were: M1il1on Viejo and Newport ~ thn!e; Dana Poln~ Lai Alamlto.. and El Toro, two: Midway City, Irvine and Lquna Hills, ooe each. Tweqty..three nations were reprnented at the ceremony wllh Clllada pn>vldlng 26 of her former cltize111 as new Americana. Slxtem Britons extbanged Quetn Elizabeth fot Richard NJ :1 o n as they clutched mini-nags in lhe Department One proceeding" ~::yin as new clUzeria.liF.NIWPOi;R:T;B;EAQl;;;~Hiollman~=· =-==Dll==Pr:•:do;La;no,;(bolh=:G:re:at:B:rl:lal;n;).;;Cu;t;ln;a,:A;p:t::C.:(canada=;)~.i Wednesday were : COOTA AmA -John Paul Mary McNjlmara, 920 r.oronado Drive (Ireland); Dorttn Lillian and Michael Nicholas Hodges, 890 Governor (Great Brifain); · H • r .!J Matilda (Austria) and "Man- fred Otto Mau, lf7 Bowling Green Dr ive (West Germany ); Grace Ann I e Arleith Halling, 2IS Santa Tomas (Canada); ChrlsUna Cruise (Sister Mary Ambrose); 2960 Mend oza Drive (treland); and Vilma and Rudolf Renka, 827 Vic· torla St. (Yugoslavia ). ,.• lendi.(lg Superior C o u~r t · cvemonies in which JO$ tonner~allem renounced their tiq with their homelands. Topping .the Orange Coast coromlinity list was Colla .Me¥ ·with . nine residents * * Hands •Tell' All HUNTINGTON BEACH -· Roger Dennis Evered, 9332 · Leilani Drive (Great Brilain); Youn,g_£te r.s.. 'Hell!' _Ceremon y ~i}s..m,mk.~~~1/ ~:~ S · ' · Alphonse Mansur, 17211 ANTA ANA .;.... Translators rolt. BriUsh-born David Granada Lane, ( J 0 rd an) ; ' 'ere by no means unusual Aquilla Anthony 's naturaliza-Eruebet Glzella Walter, 7642 figures Bt c i t I z e n s b i p lien ceremony was one event Danube D r i v e (Hungary); her students -all members of Id p F"· Id, -" ceremonies and they att: often Gera eter 11..1ogera 1cno1 ' vitally, important to new :r=iv:!'~~~o = -Ronald Road (Great Britain); Americans who are still hav-Marian Sarah Lehto, 8342 • ing difficulty with the English Flying fingers from a mill-Varas Circle (Canada); Lu· -: language.. Ing crowd of teenagers met cleMe Floth, 6842 Retherford Antbooy as he emerged into Drive (France) and Gyorc ,But the interpreter standing the sunli.Ptt from the packed Szabo, .8322 Tyler Ci r c I e before a group of high achool courtbou$e. (Hunga ry). youngsters in Judge Samuel "HOw do you feel about w EST ltf INST ER -- D reizen's courtroom Wed-these youngs ters being here Magdalen Anne Parent. 6411 nesday drew mucb more at-with you today?" be was ask-Walt St. (Ireland ); Louisa tention than the average · ed by a newriman. McBride, 6021 Mahogany Ave. translator. For she U5td her Anthoby grinned and his er-(Belgium); Judith Mary hands alone to. convey the presalYe hinds flashed a Emrlck. 14331 Riverton (G,_reat comments ~f at least a ~ozen me&aage to Miss Zawolkow. Britain) and Loretta Ybarra, :speakers in the 30-rrunute. "He 1Ay1 lt'a just great," bis 9!71 Kem St. (Mexico). ceremony to her 3$ yolihi fellow teacher laughed. "And FOUNTAIN VALLEY - - charges. 1 be thinks it'• wonderful that Silvana Maria Lunetto, MIS . . Teacher Esther Zawollr.ow's no obstacle ii put in the way Calla Circle (Italf); Denise ' duty was to convey whit was of those with an inability to Waknine Lin v I I e, 9821 being saicf at a c~ony in spqt the American language MarJpoea Ave. (Moroceo); which a fellow teacher at in ihe l)OnnaJ manner. lfe , and, Minnie Elsie o·eonne~ Jlrookllqrst· JunlOI' HI i h -tbal'a why tt•I grut to be 15915 Loo Rey.,.st., (~da); llchoql; .. bOld a illljoi> ~Am»lcan." . , . L.\GUNA BEACll -Sigrid . } •. t! ·' • . ,I• • .l • • ., REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 611 •. $42.18 30. Gal. ·$44.18 ' ·40 Gal. $49~18 so 611. $64.18 -JNITAl.LATIOil AtAILA.llrl . . . 1iJs ... litt ... ,.nfiill .... tllWd "" ~ler II ....,_. Wllll _..., 19mfl'.. • tfll'flred by i.w.. w. 1111¥9 .. ,... • .,. •hlll1tiiiit •~1-i., lf'"'rO!I ...,,,, .AU ,,.,-. ~ lnillll•tlOll~ Pln.i lnCl!de\I. au b NMn _., lmt.11-lllllt 'dlY. Mio ..,,.,.lllC ln1hlltaii.rt IYI~ All ..,. .... m111hlr lvmber'I. • 'APPUAIKE . . ' ' IN·SINK·ERATOR . MODIL NO. JJJ . .... Sit.ti '31"· 'OUI f'llCI ••••• , • f , ' M ... Jll-l Yr;., ........ , . MODIL NO. Ill .......... $46" OUI ~Cl...... 1 MMll l lS-IYr.a ...... MODIL Np. 77 1 ... S7t.tl s54t1 ~u• Pllc1~1 ••••• ~· ::i'zd. ~1 MMel 71-1 Yr, •aawtw ~ \., ~ ' INSTALLATION' AVAILAI~ Coming.:~or Going • thellest vacuum cleaner ever I ·FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCE.$ TI Chedi' for Price! Check for features! ChooSe the one that's right !qr you!' O Double Check tit.Nil Sale Prices! Famous Frigidaire quality plus savlnpl O Check the date! Hurry In! Don't miss out on these u.vlnpl ~ . , Jet Action Clothes Care with AutomaUe Soak Cycle ' · • Galle, thorough wuhlnr. Deep Action A1ltator move1 up and down. Cloth•• pl""" dalJ Into •w:llJ wlilor wboro clou· 1111'• llllt. • Nollllttrap!Jo~Awaylllmo setarldatllnt and IC1Un automaticallf, tboroupJy. • X.-n lllabbom stains and dirll Auto- matic 'Soak Cycle prepares Jamdry for WlllaCJClo. . :$16888 EASY BANK TERMS ' . C..-_,. Dryor. $119 18 • DuNWt ,._Can for .. INa clolll .. .> N•· .. allo• Jl9fftas .. Dla"a Jlnt KrMO ........... -,.z l ' 1) .. J! , DEPEND ON DAVIS-IROWN -IN ·OUR 22nd YEAR! m;:~~~~;;;;;-;,iMaii1ou1BIREEFsfRm~nT-iPR~oom~ SIDE· BY· SIDE . REFRIGERATOR Y(ith 198 lb. Size Freezer!. e Fre1t Pr11fl e Mitt TIHMler -K11p1 m11t fr11h -11...,t rl e Hydrtf1r far G-1rd1n•Fr11h v.,1t1bl11! e Dior Stor111 far 1 lflvltitud1 of u111 -•'ll'il'• t.utt1r, bottl11 or wh1t·h1v1-you! e Sh1lv11 1djv1' to fit 1nyfhin.-frolft piP• to turkoyl .... ,...,. 11 ...... ""'"'' """' c.1 ..... C.,pet' , .... _._ Wlilte RADIO "DISPATCHED SERVICE TRUCKS -MEA!f PROMPT SERVICE! THE FR·lllDAIRE "FLIP-TOP" DISHMOBjL£ IS HERE! E"fn .. bbt*ft reol ....... Y• --·----SEE IT TODAY AT DAVIS· BROWN WE FEATURE 10 DIFFERENT DISHWASHER MODELS ' TO CHOOSE FRO~NCLUDING "IUILT-IN" STYLES- • PRICED AS LOW AS $129.95 • • DEPENDABILITY & SERVICE SINCE 19~7. 411 E. SEVENTlENTH ST. COSTA MISA D•lly .. t ; S•t. H a 646-1 .. • ' • ' I ' I ' , l ' I l I l I I -U DAILY Ill.OT ·-Pentagon. . . ·Worried • . . . ·:ove.r Cuts ~··WASHINGTON .· <ti.Ptl J - ~~···= ... ...o builpt ·wmo. •Wiied lmea' tbe'V'aetriun War ill ever. """711111' NIV)' cblefl have ~eame to Concrea to warn Cll~growin& Soviet military ad- vuwi on land uw:I' sea whil~ ""' Uniled Stales lrhns its -,..war stralqic ond tactical ~i----<orienoll·-1<>-llle-llOae-in-order ---- lo·support Ille Vietnam war. ' ' I Both lerVk:es hive CQm-- .Plained lbelr "I'd-is oliool.....n ond lbeir -Vie• .... penooael m.qtha ... .._rung dangerously low levels. •S.oale crillcs ol lbe military "1ab~ view 111e Nuon administraUoo's initlt1 -Oft milltary postun! as Ille Penlogon's opening · • .drive to "keep the iravy train ' rolling" after Vietnlm. · Sen. Albert Gore . (D-Tenn.), says he a1so . sees some ·fn. _lenervice rivalry •. ~ coo- tend.!I one reason the an- tiballistic mlS!ile ( A B M ) l)'Stem is being pushed is beca~ the Anny does not have a strategic m i s s i J e system of its own. The Navy has its Polaris ,,, submarines and the Air Fortt runs the Minuteman i.o- tercontinental ba1listic missile (ICBM). But. he notes, until ihe ABM, the Army was ltlt out. The Navy, however, may not even be willing to Jet the Anny have the ABM all to tts.elf. Navy Secretary John Chafee Tuesday to I d the Senate Armed Servicer Com- mittee he wa.s assigning "hlgh priority" to development of .lhe Navy's own ABM system -caJJed SABMIS (for sea- based baUisUc missile in- .~ system). Adm . 'Illonias . H. MOOl'f:r, chief of naval operatioM, called SAR. MIS " a promising new pro- OJ>OC( 10< ·11ra1eg1c defense." "We hive neceuarily given priority lo oor combat re- quirements in Vlet n am,'' ¥oorer said. "c-..iuently. we have bad to accept ,icarinces In other areas on which v.·e must fDCUJ in· creased attention when the Situation tn Vietnam premits." : . He noted. thaf . the qe or many naval ships and aircraft ls "beyond that at which they can be further maintained economically. Many camot accept the weapon systems Jhat are needed in order to defeat sophisticated forces such aa thoee that · the Soviets . ¥e now deplOying." Area Men In Service B l 'm 77 ':M&R:I! ·- Amy Pvt. t.C. Alloa P. Pqel, soo of l.lr. and Mrs. Alton P. Pool, m Fairview St., i.aguna. Beach, has com- pleted an air traffic control QPerator coorse al Keesler AFB. Miss. Army Pvt. 1.C. David G. PW ... son of Mr. Lenore M. Harrison, 2073 Maple Ave., Costa Mesa, bas completed ad- f anced individual medical ~raining at Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Anlly l'vl. 11m,..y A. J-. '°" al Mn. Etta M. Jones, 1320 E. Jacaranc;ta, · Or"'i' and Roy ~-Jones, 2llO N. La Salle St., Costa Mesa, ""' fmllbed Ilia odvancid trahllng ., a combal ..,.ineer al Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. .q LWr:~n •'L.YftJl_!b IDLiVe" .. • Will Ro1ers used to say, "I t1ever ~ 1 "¥n I di.dn't like.'' tsn't thtS 1 wonderful way to let!! . . . ' It's ~le tor everyone lo Jee I this UJ." In fact , Christi1n Science shows tt.t it is as 111tara(for us to love ts it is tor thl Sijft to shine. In her fr11 public iecturc, MIU Grace Bemis CUrtis of Tilt Cllristian Science Board of ·ledureship win explain the 1pifitu1I basis of kM •Jd its ·arroct re~tiOMlip Io life ibelf. • You and your friends art most cordi1tly iflvited to attend. J P.M. IATUalAY. AP'lll. ,,.. lklfllll a,.ra ., cww k ..... ft.. 'itClfk YIW 9'f¥t c-... Mw b a • . • . ' ' • • . ' • .. t • ., -· ., . . ' h -· . • ~ . . • • ; .. . ' I·. -1; •, JE:Ans JUST ARE:D'T : UJH.AT THE:Y USED TO BE: I ,• ' ' now jeanil a:re flowered, flared, knit and striped ·-. Jeans used· Io be j~ for rough stuff. Not anymore. 'Now jeans are dandied in daisies. Crisply knil. Widely flared. They're still western sty.JOd, of course, with bell loops, double stitching, front Zip. With the same lit that makes them the most comfortable pants you can possibly wear. But now jeans are fas_hion. · ·And that's much; much belier. a . acrylic, cotton, top, white, beige stripe, S-M-L, .8.00 (43) b.cLeTi's8 jean, in cotton denim in laded light blue, navy, or summer white, in junior si2es 5 to 13, 7.00 (43) c. daisy polyesler, cotton voile sheer shirt, black/ yellow/white, print s12es JO to 16, 13.00 (76) . d. 1-nit09's jean in eatton, black/yellow /white, daisy blooming print, in si2es Hr to 16, 15.00 (76) · e . acrylic, cotton boucle top, w;hite and beit;je stripes, in sizes S-M-L. 8.00 (43) f. .Wrangler cotton, nylon strelch jean blue, wheat, navy, white, 7-15, 8.00 (4,Sl "9 · button down polyesl~r. cotton lljil t-shirt, nay;y, white, S-M-L, $.00 (76) ' h. Cataliiia polyester, collon knit jean, navy, or white, 10 to ·16, 14.00 ·(·76) j. cotton bUt I-shirt, white, red,. navy, yellow, S-M-t, 'c:SO (55) k. ·Inwood Dared collon denim'_jecin, while Witli blue or,brown stripes, . S to 13, 7/tl (55) · , campus-shop 43, coed shop 55, . spor1i_wear _ ~6. • may co ~th coast plaza, san dlego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546-9321 shop monday through saturday .10.am to 9:30 pin ! • • ' ' ~ I Des.igner Makes Name ' • SCULPTURED LINES -Miss Kathy Clark models a stunning floor length gown featuring . designer Angilo Canzoneri's earth color. Patterned braid at the waistline, pulled sleeves and gold buttons at· tract attention. GARDIN SIRINITY -'J'bJa Jllllque' and oulltand- fng desiJn is a white silk and woof worsted evening dres5 with three diagonal bands of gold and eearl omamentalion-1rom_shoulc!er_to liem. __ • By JUDY HURST ot tilt Dti6IJ , .... ,,.,, Ten years ago Angelo Canzoneri was jusi an· other name in the yearbook at NewJtOrt Harbor High School. He was graduating and considetjng' a career. A decade bas passed and Angela is' tna.kinft a name for himself in San Francisco as an exciting, young designer. During his first Soutb~rn California show at· · .f • Fashion Island, bllyers and members of the preas '· ' interpreted his fall collection. The sp~tators were d1'zzled by bis s ries_<>f ea!'!ILl;qlo.i:s, sol! m~led~ ' and brown tones in classic gowns, separates and pantsuits. " , : · Attractive m~ls ·paraded short; barrel ple,ted skirts, matching jeweled boleros and' blo~ey sbit1s w.ith puffed sleeves and· cuffs; gowns .featuring the . gypsy look with flowing Silk skirts separated by embroid~red or sequin cummerbunds; casual and youthful frocks in liandwoven wool; peasant dresses with drop~ sh_oulj:fers and lacy trim, soft fullness to the sk1:rt· with braided waistline;. city pal\tsuits designed with belled, elephant legs, and "glamorous embroidered evening l'ants with bolero ~or a nig~L at the theater .. • ! . I -~To have one-ts-to have two-;-becau·se Angel6·fea-- lures a line, of the same design and" t"abtjc but in different colors and lengths. This is th.e Y,ou"ng Italian's fourth one-m8n 1.s"how since he left for San Francisco in 1961' with two years at O~ange Coast College behin1! him. • "I studied costume designing and advertising art at OCC, and designed. scenery for production sets," he began with a wide smile. "A basic art background helPs colorwise." The 2&-year-old bachelor and son of Mrs. ~lea- nor Canzoneri of Costa Mesa and the late Mr. John Canzoneri received a scholarship to San Francisco . State College, "I worked with. another C!llifornia designer and: designed ~tumes. for shows an·d thea- ters in the Bay Ate a. Someone 'Saw th·e shows· and they in turn· spoke to the right people. Now I'm working with George Fashion A~'SOciat~s. · , :. He claimed he wa~.tife.<f of·the, fashiOl\1CU.i'"~nUy offered wome~,~ and deci~~ tberf! sh~W.d be clothes that are classic. and fernuune. ••t design ,clothes to enhance the worn.an. Lines should be simple,' .but too many women oveidrt;Ss .. A Woman: slJ!:>Uil\1· JcnoW \vhat she can wear. She can still be fashlonable in a style from 1958. . "l would like to s.ee all of ·CafilOrnia a fashion center instead of just Los.. Angeles or other 'p8rt5 of the country." . ' . ., ~ ) . '.f MOD ART IN MOTION -Miss Betty de Lancellotti shows off an off -white silk, ftefwing gown under her innocent~loolting fu.D fur of wbite lamb. Glistening silver . ' '· DAILY l'ILOT ....... llJ &lcMra KMfllw accessories and slippers finish the fall look planned by a former Costa Mesan and Orange Coast College student. A FOUNTAIN .OF' 'FAS!!IONS ~ •Betiy (foreground) parades ihe favo- rite ~oatdress .of w091·g.a~ardine1 w-jth creme ba'nding around cuffs , hem, stand up.collar and front panel.· An' 0f(..white wide-brimmed breton and jeWE!lry from Masion de Fou of New York completes the outfit. , DRAWING ATTENTION -Belly captures the cblldten'• attention .. she models a flowing gown of silk separated by an ombroktered, 1eqnin- studded cummerbund, and long, filmy 1leeves. Angelo Conzoneri calls ~hi~ fashion piece bi! llYJ>'Y look for fall. --• • .... POLISH~D AND POISED -'Angelo stops to watch Kalh~.poae In b11 natural linen pantsuit with moSI crewel embroidery, Tbe panll haft. elephant legs and a high waisl band that disaPl!ears under the malcll- lng bOlero jacket . • I I I I I j • J! DAllY PILOT -. T-q, A,<1111, 1'6' 'l. l ~;io~· :::..:;:::.:.., ____________ _ -Plain Jane Won~t _ W ,ir:) --B~tt l ~ -· ~or~sc~pe .r:::-. . -. oEARANNLANl>E~:Doyoore•l~e • • ' Lib ra: My stery ,. -· Looming Near that mare thin 30,000 of our young , men bav• been...tille:d in Vietnam! As an American &ifl who is not gorgeous. brllUaet. rich or. stacked, I would bave a l4ugb enou&!> lllOe gelling a guy without the added problem of this l<rrlble ghortage o/ males on the · ~ market. At the rate we m gofng;-AboUt 100 women a week beccme either wl&ws or spinsters. Why don't we send the drug addicts, the cripples and the physically unfit to ll&bl the . war and leave the healthy -yoong men at home to lead ~rmal Jives and beget normal, bea1lhy children! What'S the amwer!-FRIGHTENED BY STATISTICS DEAR FRIGHTENED? Ttlttt lrt nt easy uswm. Al le11t I doll't know ef tot. I wW DOI discllll tbe merits of die Vittum war (or the lack of merit) but I wm uy, &he llol'Tlble and lllog:lcal uped of uy war 11 that It does lDdetd kill tlf tbe Dower ol our youtll -the younc men wllose nnbom clllldtta would bave been. u amt to the aatloa ind te tM wvld. VD,fortunat.ely, no country ·can atront to put ils drep into aatl«m. A war must be foqllt by tile era.a el Ole crop btcaue ~1 wUI be ptUed 11aln1t the very beat men tH enemy cu muster. hsaae, U:a't It? DEAR ANN LANDE~: Your e:a:cetlent advice to "Star SiJter" prompts me • I l . .L ' "'' ,,.,, ' } , ' • I to wru; m~ ~ lel~fl> any columniat Daine the ~epidemic Miii SOw-pu!s Tbllt kiter ~ ~home becauae · ·P't eboll lo>~ klda wbo brou&bt 1 fell ' lnto rlhe same ~able trap. ' ll&ned OK's ·from borne. You abould and have been paying !or It every since. tee the black aDll blue marts. Sbe must ] was one of those foolish young women have used 5QUUe needles. Some of our who married a man I didn't love because pareh_ts &ot ,wtul\)' mad about il he "cried when I tried to break off lklW' CCJ:l1ie ~ family doctof:I. can with him." \ give shola .,,a'1SOt"leave a ain&le mar.k? You can't imagine the heartaches, lhe · Whal did ~.do wrong? · •• • -• 1 --OUCIUTHURTS tragedy and the ugliness that marriage .. · brought up the lives of at least 10 people. -•DEAR Oua(:, \\'ben a 1bot kaves HoW I wish there had been an Ann 'a black "aid W. .. mark It means tH Landers to write to 3S years ago! aeedle ,iU a ,ieta. 1'1111 Is not serious As you &ijggested, the girl should urge a... some ,o( dte but,, doc&on d.o It the young man to get prolessional help occuhwany •.• -then drop him. Without help he will , , surely attach himsell to !Orne unsuspec.. 0 nte Bride') Guide," ~ Landers' ting person and ruin her life. -IT HAP-booklet, anSwetS' f01ne of the most fre- PENED TO ME quenlly asked Quelllonr abolil weddings. DEAR FRIEND: A letter from one 'i'o reCeiVe ybur fOPY of-this com~ wbo bas been &litre Is much more el~ prehenJlve &uldt, write to AM Linders, fecdve ~ uy advice I mtpt oUer.· in care cf tb1I newspaper, enclosing nub f« stepplq forward. a long, sell-addressed, stampei! envelope DEAR ANN LANDE~' Our school nurse is a hard-boiled sourjiuu Who hates teenagers, The only way a person can get sent home is to be proilounCed officially dead by the coroner. and 35 cents in coin. Ann Landei-1 will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosJng a aelf~addressed , stamped envelope. President :Takes Seat Mrs. Flortn Martin will take cve:r the leadership of Laguna Beach Business and Pro- !essionel Women's CI u b following an installation dinner lo!ligl)!. Mn. Albert Cornelius will be installing officer, and W.rs. Emily Stricker, o u t go i n g president, will preside at the dimer in Ben BroWn 's restaurant. Also lo be Installed al the event, which begins with a 6:30 p:m. social hour, are the Mmes. Berl Lovelady and Irene McClure, first and se- cond vice presidents; Delbert Troubpan and Lorrajne Bethke, recording and cor· responding secretaries; V aleta Warde, treasurer, and Corne-lius. parlimentarlan. • Book Scanned Mrs, , Macauley Ropp reviewed Edmund K. Faltennayir's book. "Redoing Amerlc~'.. during a ret;t~t -meeting of Laguna Beach Ebell Club's Literary Section in the Emerald Bay home or Mrs. David Young. PROMPTING PRESIDENT -Mrs, Florin Martin, awaiting· lnslaJilition as president of Laguna Beach Business and Professional Woman's Club, gets ad· vice from (standin·g) Mrs. Emily Stricker, outgoing presldent, and (right) Mrs. Albert Cornelius, installing officer. After discussing the book, which focuses on metropolitan problems and offers possible solutlOl'll!I, Mrs. Y o u n g , assisted by co-hostesses Mrs. Bernard Anderson and Mrs. Edmund Van Deusen, aerved lunch. ,, FRIDAY APRIL 18 By SYDl'(EY OMARR t>enelicial. W e J c o m e SUI· older peraon. ideas. Plan\ leedi for future. gesUom. Permit· one do.st to PISCES (Feb. l•March 20): Be active, vibrant. Welcome yoo lo have spoillgb!. You Short trip Is favored. Floe chaqe, added activitJ, "'7 can continue to wait -resulta:~f~or;exchanllng~~~~tiibiioiiuigiibitisi,iilsivierisaiiWeii•ippnoch.iiiiiiiii; ARIES (March 21·.April 19): will be in your favor. i; AvoJd eztravagance. Entertain SAGmARIUS (Nov. 21- wllhout being foolish about Dec. 21 )' Routine taaks can money. Soclallie, but don't be succewully performed. Be tire yourself. M a i n t a i n cooperative. Question of direct balance, steady pace. action could arise. Yo 11 r I answer should be in the TAURUS (Aprll :IG-May 20 ' negative. Study SC 0 RP I 0 Be a,.are of details. Cycle continues high, But some are message. Nothing wrong wttb envioul. Don't be tripped up waiting. by one who makes false CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. claims. Protect assets. Money 19): Emphasize relations with pasiUon has improved -will children, Fulfill promises. Be ao continue. kind. Later, one who means FREE lectures e Healtti e Youth ... Beeuty .., ,.. .... . -·--"'""' .... ""~ ... elllrll lllt "Ywtll Unllm!ltd" ,.,.. 1ritft t.... '""" JI """· HOW • ...... "'-"'" """ ,,_ "'""'· How unbllllaill llllth "* ""'"" •llmenM. '#tl1 _, rtdl.IClllt di.!1 f•ll, MOW unha~MU 1"9Ctt .,..... '-""-HOW Plf1'0l'Mltv .,,,... ..... CM mtkt "°" UI, HtW til -lnltln ., ,..... ........ llMtlll In thll -.w. lolellc. f!P;lc -111. .. ·--M eod T..-,, April 21 I. 22-2 « I p& HOTEL LAGUNA, .. ":~~ 1::!~" GEMINI (May 21-June 20): much to you makes fine Don't try to be everything gestU('e. Appreciate. G l v e 1 to all persons. Key is to be AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. true to yoursell. Know this 18): Details require attention. -act aceordingly, Throw off Get at the necessities. Con- fears, doubts. E :1 p r e s s centrate efforts. Straighten YM•-•11 In fr'"-'"' direct man-out domestic matters. Be d u 1 "' c '' .1 , . --~.., ndin II Pl1t11 lllri1t9 thi1 14 for FrM ''Y'u"' 1 i111it~ oc •• tc•,. nu. Then you make progress. I _'u~n~de~nt§a~~g~~a~p~p~~e~s~!!ll!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!! CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): I-especially fn dealing with Excellent' for entertaining at home. Invite c o -w o·r k e r , .associates. Patch up dif· ferences. Stress diplomacy, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 )' Obstacle could serve. as con- structive challenge. Take with graln of salt report concerning superiors. Maintain common- seme Jittltude. Steer clear ol plan for rebellion. Think. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22)' Individual who is in transit may communicate. Money ap- pears to be involved. Key is to know difference between being considerate and foolish . LIBRA (Sep!. 23 ·Oct, 22)' Yoo are intrigued today with a mystery, Jn trying to solve it, don 't become inextricably involved. Know when to start, 1top. AnsWers are forthcoming -spell ultimate profit. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): Accent on marriage, legal ties. Ne" point 0£ view I s Cni Omega Celebrates · Birthday Celebrating the 74lh an- niversary of Chi 0 m e g a sorority during a founders day Juncheon in Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana, will ,be the Orange County alumnae. Saturday,' A~rll 19, at 10,30 a.m. memban wW. begin the day with bridge play, and lunch will follow al noon. Chi _ QnM:jaa on Campus Today will be the topic of Mrs. Richard Allen, Alumnae advisor for the University of S o u t h er n California Chapter, and Mrs. Thomas lGbler, schoiarshlp chairman of UCLA active chapter. '. ihe snllZZiest ~tulei. colors-at wlld redu ctions/ · come and get em -· Chi Omeaa was founded In COSTA MESA e South Co•1f Pla1• April, 1195, in Fayetteville, ANAHEIM e Bro•dway-Shoppin,g Center Ark. by four young women. 1----~S~A~N~T~A~A~N~A~' ~·:.:F:•~•h~l:••:::Sq:•:•:":_ _____ ..:::i::. __ J Today, there are l5l active campus chapters. -et tllO S. DI• """' COSTA MES A 540°7187 SOUTH COAST PLAZA IVpptr M.11 Acro11 from Wo•lworth'1) UM W.etfl.WO. lllftl'ri .. ~. --•"'11lc-4 ., M..., C..,. ~.;....... ____________________ . ' • t ' . SPORTSWEAR FOR JUNIORS 3.49-5.49 re9. 4.50·7.00 Swingy looks are hers with the crop top, white, yellow, green, 8-14, 3.49 and flare leg pants, asst. PJeids. 5.~ Mail, -telephone orders invited. ·Junior Hi Shop,· -46. ' YOUNG CROWD SLE~PWEAR ' ' . ·1 2.39 re9 . 3.00 • ·. Our very own nighties for pretty dreams. Choose beby dolls, shill gowns with matching P4nties and pajema.s. In pink, yellow, peec:h. eque, 4-14. Gi~$ Lingerie, 56. "' 444 North Eucl id , •• 515-1 121 • M""4ay ttw s.tu..1.., 10 •··"'· t• 9:JO p.rn. • " FAMOUS MAKER WHl'f.E-PAT-EN'.fS • 6. 99-]. 99 re9 •. 10.00-12.00 SCOOTER SETS FOR LITTLE GIRLS 4.4 9. 5~4 9 reg. b.00.7..00 __ Just the_thing fo r prettyJittle gi~ dress Stock up for the worm days •heed. Your little rniss will love the pretty girl loo ks. In c,sst. print s, stripes llnd geometrics. 4-6•. 4.49; 7-12, 5.49 Girls' Dresses, 4 7 up ... choose stepins or strapped styles. Siuo,s 81/i 1-2, I 21fi.J. 4-8. Expertly' fitted · for longer we ar. We've sandals, too! Childrens' Shoes, 58 • FURNISHINGS FOR INFANTS 18.99-54.99 reg. 24.00-65.00 Childcreft contemporery crib. evocedo green, yellow , double drop sides, st .. I stebiliter, +4.99; metc:hing '4 drewor chest, 54.99. Kenlwot crib metlress. I 02 coils, 11.99. lnfent Fumishings, 81 . ' I I J ,,_,- ' BOYS' EASY CARE POLOS, SHORTS 1.79 -1.99 re g . 2.50-3.00 Snappy loo\' from • ,famous meker. Short sleeve cotton \~it polo •. petlerns. '°lids, 1.79; 'no-iren welk short.s, •sst. febrics. ·colors, 1.99. Sizes 3.7; Little Boys' Weel, 74. 41 f11h1 .. lslon4 •.. 444-1212 Mon41y ttw MM'[. 10 ...... to 9:l0-pun. s.t.Noy I o.M • .._ ..... . -..: .,;. 11. 1'{69 DAil'/ JUG }'jS l ... ' I • ' , • -, " ANNIVERSARY . - SALE ' • • \ '" • ... .. ·- I •• -1 • • SUMMER -FRESH KNIT DRESS 2.99 re9. 4.00 Perfect for baby's su.mmertime. In -cotton knit--by-o femous-mt:tker.. ~ Complete with matching panties. In P,ink or yellow. Sizes -3-b-I 2 mo. ., f~f~nh w~or, '42. FLARE LEG PANTS FOR GIRLS . .. ~ • • • • -• .. .. -· .... -. • .. -• • • •• . ,.. :. ·• -. ........ ' .... .... -.... .... ~~ .. . ' . • • • • • : 1 • • • ' ' I ' • • • . • • • j ' I i ~ \ 3.99-4.99 re9. 5.00-6.00 . ' ' ' 'I' our young miss will love tho flippy · styling of \ho se elwe s populer florw • pents. Choose. from ,• wide .selection of prinfs, 4-6•, 3.99; 7-14 , 4.99. Gi~s' Sportsweer, 44. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 1n1 Edln9w Avenue,.,. lt2-Jll 1 Mo"d1y thru S1turd1y 10 1.rn. to t :lO P·"'· : .:: .. I -, ' ' ~ - . I " I • . . . .. . . ---------------------~------~~ . . . 1 DAILY l'ILOT Silver Screen Lends Charity • fashions for -• 'C ~ Whirl ii in store ,,,,.,,. nmbtn and auests of c~ wiiwf, iOna.r \Jnlfed ~~-they a•lhu -_, in the Century ~~ . Hotel, Lo.< Angeles, for' a fasblon u- travagann bolled. by the Los Angeles <liapter. More than 900 guests will arrive at ll a.m. for a cocktail reception, followed by tun· cheoo al noon. Music wjJJ be provided by Mel Obsen, with Sheri Glau and Lenno Wells as vocali.sts. Highlight of the day will be the Mary Webb Davis t.fusical Fashion Production, featuring designer fashions ~~m motion pictures and telev1SJon. the Emmy Award nomination for the. "Petula Clark Show": .Jean Lollis, moUon picture 11Udlo 't'.lellP.er who h a s developed .m inte~I reputatloo ; Roy Aghayan, pro. miDtlll detiper for the in- duatry, IOd Bob Mackie, notod far deaili>s !Gr lbe carol BurneU Show and M l 1 z i Gaynor. The Los AJlleles Chapter assists \he H1rbor A r e a Retarded Children's Foi.m; dation and a special guest at the luncheon will be Mn:'. Evelyn Bailey, director or tile foundation. Clipped Wings al!M> con~ tributes to the National Association for R e t a r de 4 Children and has given more than $1311,000 to the research fund over the past 16 years. ~~ves Br-ifl~ -Lawyers . ' ' . ' . 'J j T 6 Brunch, Styfe Show Fashions and brunch await In addition to serving the offices this year. Th • Lawyers' Wives of Orange Legal Aid Society, members organization also has had County members and lheir h 8 v e ~based air-con-pamphlets printed tn English husbands in the Santa Ana diHnni1ur, office eqUipment, and Spanish to explain Ult Elk's Club at 11 a.m. next ....,.--o _AA:~•u>s servicts. Sunday. lp;f;;;u;;;nu;;;"t;;;ure;;;;;;llld;;;;;;;;;carpeting;;;i;;;;;;;;i;;;;!Gr;;;;;;ils;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, Mrs. Dale Heinly of Santa1a t\na; chairman of the brunch, is being assisted by the Mmes. Clark MiUer, awards, Frank L. Eddens, reserVations and Willis Clemons. guest in vitations. Others working on the event are the Mmes. Julian Cim· baluk, Marvin Burton and William Dougherty, decora· tions ; Furman Robert s, te;lephooe; Cecil Hicks, style .sbow, and Clark Fergus, publicity chairm8n. Half Sizes Think hot summer. Think sticky .days. 'nle former ste~·ardeases will recogniu fasbiom by Donald Brooks. whole latest crtdit is lhe movie "Star"; Travilla, who desiJns for Diahann Carroll's role as Julia and whose latest films include "Daddy's Gone A-bqntlnl''; Jli!l Bellew, -:ho has received Attending f~m the O,ange Coast area wJ!I be the Mmes. PIUI Salata, Emmett Oehlert, Jariles Chapin, Gary Lehman, •James Shaffer, James BurtQrr, Charles Ball and Richard Freochi. 'llMJ:_J'O..L.EAVE -,The .har!d!9f-1he~clock are pointing to departure lime for , members nflhe Orange County Chapter o! Clipped Wings, former United Air- lines stlwardeues. Their destination on Saturday, April 19, will be the·annual fashion •Show hosted by the Los Angeles Chapter in the Century Plaza Hotel. Mrs. Paul Salata irldic;ates the lime to Mrs. Emmett Oehlert who is ready to put on her bat. · Fashions by Catalina will be modeled bf the Mmes. Martin Weinberg. Robert W y a t t , 1 Ricbard ·savidge, R o n a I d Owen, John GaJTett and Pat Faddis. Mrs, Hicks and Mrs. -Ronald Randall have volun- teered their husbands to model men's styles. During the gathering members who have given 100 hours or more of their time to the Legal Aid Society will be honored. Each will be presented with a gold charm depicting the scale of justice from the Orange €ounty Bar Association. Special recogni- tion will be eitended to Mrs. Sanford G c> u I d, philanthropy chairman, who contributed 400 hours, and Mrs. Ralph DiJ:c>n, office manager, who gave 200 hours. Think crisp, cool dreues. Think Hoff.Sin Shop. Act nowl Betrothal Told During Friends and college mates at Scrip~ College will be told of the betrothal of )'ictoria Am Brown aid 1bomas Walsh Stranc tooichl during the traditional ca nd I e Jig ht ceremony. Mi.ss Brown. the daughter of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. w _ Don Brown of Newport Beach, ~ a senior al Scripps in Clare- mont. She also attended Parties Air Station, San Diego, also attended Southwestern. Prtsemly he is serving with the Army inlantry division in Korea and will return in July. W.:iss Brown, whose father is honorary assistant at St. James Episcopal Church in Newport Beach, and her fillnCt! have set no date for their ·wedding. · Southwestern College, Chula ••••"'""""""'"""omm:o, -Vista. The engagement was an- nounced earlier this week at a family birthday party in the Westchester home of her uncle and aunt , Mr. and N'".rs. Morris Plotkin. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Olarles S. The Tee Tattler Wa<kiM ol Laf!\lll> Hills, her --------- --• -.. .. .. w •• • • • • • • --.. • ~ .. ... k .. -"" ~ ..... •• ~ -.. -~ - FASHION MATE•~ .maternal grmi~ts. The bridegrooo'Hilect, aon of Navy capt. and Mrs. John R. Strant of North Island Naval .---. . -.l"9 ..dlinebySINGEl with---blftrorw: dcna. .eMI$, iilOl WJffOll4 '·wi....,. alodwM1its . FEA'n!IRWllGHT' sewing madllftobySINGER s.........,"'"'9hom.Meo·tosfunly !eoth.....,moothly,quietly. Weighs only I l 1/1 lbs.I 1..-prico $129.tS FASHION MATE ' sowing macftine by SINGER in ''Lexington'' mlNMt Enjoy Sl'l'IOO!h stitching on all fabrics, forwofd ol'ld reveM. Stores in Eorly ~cabinet. = ~ ASK A!l(IUf OU1 CllDIT PIAN DISIONED TO FIT 'rOUI IUDGfT. ::_ fer oddr.s ... "°'9""'911 l"O'l> s..wNtepogei r/phcww boot under SINGfl COMPANY __ ,.._ .... ,NCI~-,.. s I N GE R •1i11as r••T'IE.....,.Ol:M'Nff --' • -SNfTA AM C'Ot'A MIU. HUftTIH'fCMI l lA(M • • ........,. . ., .. ,.. a ..,..,._ l•lrlflt at hldt • .. -w ... If. ... *"•ltfl i ~ ICI 2-#d 5-1• C.I ,.... MUl'ltfnt-. C'"tv ~ • • ..... ,AltJC ... Clllt •1tO¥I con• MIU. Al'IAl'lllM , t -Ori TM M•ll "11 (l\lpmt11 '* Ht rlltr •rw. i U N, lot,.. f I TA .. ,. ....10 Kl .. llti W.llM I ,._. ,..,_ Clnlfr Ot..,._ '*"'IY , .. ,, HOtl!Or C-.iltl' A1111tt1llfl ''"'" •• New Lodge Joins Fun Participating in a May 17 celebration for S o u t h e r n CaJifon:Ua Sons of Norway lodges will be mfmbers ol the Trygve Lie Lodge 90. The Mayflower Ballroom In JngleWOOd will be the setting for the festivities, which will feature ~anc}ni ta tbe music-°'-I Nor.wegian d-chestra. Also 'talend&red k lht year- ly picnic, planned for the next day ill Sycamore Grove, Pasaden1. '!be" °""ly.[onned Orange Cout lodge recently welcomed new ivemben Mn. Cecil Her* ritig of .-Qi6ta Mesa and fl.tr. and Mrs. lrvln Duhn of El Toro. ARTHRITIS 1.M...-~-.M.D, · "' N. Htw"'1 ....... , H......,. .... ,~.,... ... : 141·1119 671"°904 lAltTHIUTll l,ICIALIS'r) . Initiation In .Order Initiation· Of new members will be in order when Women in Construction meei at 6:30 p.m. Tuesda y, April 22, in the Holiday Inn, Orange. Dinner will be servi:id at ?:30 p.m., and reports of the t h r e e-d a y San Francisco forum of Region !O's 30 .chaP: ters taking place begirini.ng Friday, April 18. will be heard. Following the national as- sociation's annual convention Other . members to be honored will be the Mmes. Rus!ell Behrens', R o n a I d Bfgonger, Robert Burge, C. H. Coleman, Thomas Heffernan, Don W. Martens, Pa u I Morgan, C. Arthur Wesson Jr., George Rochester and John Tea l. in Honolulu next September, -=:--cc--c--,--,----11 a new ceg;on wm be acHvat-Who (an Read Just ed. Region 10 now is com- prised of Calilomia, Nevada and Hawa ii. from $15.00 I " 1105 Newport Blvd., Cosla Mesa "1/J Weck Mtft .t 1 ltll Street" Hours: 9:30 to 5:30, Frldoy to 9:00 AIM 224 Or•11hilr M• ,...,,._ Is Quitting Business In Costa Mesa . ' Every Pair In The Marked ·Down Store To Sizes 14'h-26'!2 1a.2il LOW LOW PRICES! WOMEN'S AND TEENS' DRESS SHOES-FLATS-CASUALS-SANDALS •1.•2.•3.and up VALUES TO $9 Children's ·shoes $2.80/$3.80 Men's and Boys' Shoes $5.80/$6.80 COME NOW! and get your Great Shoe Bargains! ON.LY 3 DAYS LEn! KABL~S f'adilott .f'eot-•r tor tlle_ Ea .. llir Wl HONOI IANkAMlJl:tCAID & MASTlR CHAl.$1 237 East 17th Street, Costa Mosa STORI HOURS: t :lO A.M. to 6 P.M. MONDAY l . FllDAY:: t:JO A.lfl, 1t1 t P.M. ' . ' • '· . .. _ .... :.... -..:.-.. ~.., ........... ._. ___ o..;. MUST CLEAR OUT OUR VAST, OVERSTOCKS DUE TO THE RAINY WEATHER THIS YEAR! ~' OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAINl WE'RE SLASHING PRICES TO QUICKLY DISPOSE Of THE OVERSTOCKS CLOGGING OUR STORES AND WAREHOUSES! ALL THIS MERCHANDISE IS FIRST QUALITY AND BRAND NEW! FAMOUS BRANDS AT UNBELIEVABLE SAYINGS! THE RAINS CAMEi WE'RE STUCK~~: GOODSl . , . ' . Damage In L.A. ALL 100 DEPTS. rWis SALEl THE LARGEST SElKTIOll Of NATIONALLY ADVlR-. TISED GOODS AT THE LOWEST DISCOUNT PRIQS AVAILABLE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE Ir ' STOCI-UP ON NEEDS FOR HOME AND FAMILY NO MONEY DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT EASY TERMS CHARGl IT •UllAMllKAll • 11111TI flOllT UH • MASfll <•AHi CAID T-, Aplll 17, 1'169 ~A!LY PIL~ JJ', \ HU,RRYI . . SALE PRICES GOOD ONLY 'TIL APRIL 21st ·2 DR. 16.5 ·-cu. FT. REFRIGERATOR Big 154 lb. freezer. Twia 2 lb. butter-clleese com- f~r~~::'.''1~\l 22997 cris~r~. limited <CIMPut quant1t1es. AT2tt.t7 . RCA Camden LP's -hlllldfeds of mono and stereo albums -incllUling ''Pup" vocals. instrumenl1ls, country & western, jall, dince music, guitarists. YOUR CHOICE 7 7.C MADITOSflL fOl l.91 IA. EA.. I I Silver ~ay plastic with black lid, Rllst, de<lt and ooise proof, Now only ,,. 118 (-All ATl.tS 10''x10'' SIN&LE H I I A C"H I :=:~nuu GENERAL ELEaR1c · . UHFNHF PORTABLE l ightweight television set goes anywhere . you do, fits small area, Earphone, jack, antenna, handle, Solid state UHF/ 6497 VH F tuni ng. 46 sq. inch screen, FAMOUS Mill . TOWEL VALUES MIMI TOWlL . IATN 79c "'""41' TOWELS .,,.. •<-AH IA. fACE Clllll ..ltt.11 •<• 21· 1f PllPICT . At•k famoin libel, dlnsely wmn ve1"ty cotton l~ry. Some stl!ct irrttula.ts in this first quality collec· tioo, bot rll lliws ¥0 too tiny to oflett "'"· In l<autiM deco<llOr coon. SPECIAL BUY! DECOR PILLOWS . . ' Shredded polyfoam oi kapok filled . Choice of patterns, fabrics. ·YOUR CHOICE t ·lc COMP, atl49u. · ' EA. SOLID STATE COMPACT TABLE CLOCK RADIO .Wake to music ! Clear, J97 ·instant reception, At· c-u• tractive· cabine t. 'f""' WllllllSON WOI llADES Blades i1 2 . . •is'e~ser f 1 C S•st1111-- less steel. ' 9'/2" VINYL PLAYIALL limy "'11 loll ~ tlolco ,, """· ·49c ,_, . ''"' .. 150 COUNT 9'' "°'C PLATES Mefvy v!nrl ball i1 ,clloicl If """· 77c (-. ATl.JI ' COWAll AT 7ft 3088 IRIST.l>l AVE. • JUST OFF NEWPORT AVE. lrTWRN SAN DllGO FllWT. AND BAKER ST, . • ... " . .. . . , ' . -l ! * STOREllOURS * DAILY 12 TO 9 SATURDAY 10 TO t SUNDAY 11 TO 6 • '-========-~-==_:__:__:___:__:_::_~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1 I • - t DAILY '1LOr ' • • l. ' ~ ,, .. .. '""°"· ~u 17, 196• 2EBCO FISH KIT · • Ru99ect 404 lit lee reel • s• Ztke 4044 ro4 • 100 y.is. 1.S.I•. tnt li•t Reel body and covers ol bigh- impact plastic. Heavy duty rod tor pier, hoat, jetty, is fiberglass · with detachable ash handle. Selective anti-re- verse adjustable drag. Spin- ner head has 22·point pick·up. Model # 1547 ·97 <OMPARf AT 12•9S -~ ...... -J"--.--'\C-·---·---....... ,,. ............. , . I· I GENERAl .· ELEaRIC l WAS HE~"" wa>h/spin selec· I -..... ~~jf1 tions& three wash cycles I including permaDe~t I press • PampeB del•· I cates ~ bw! WOik • · clothes • Two water 1. RODDY ·, ~t::tREEL Precisioa spinnin1 rte l con'ltrts fr&m left to ricllt ltitnd; ''""' '· ""~ 5 9 7 ened line 10/. Im; 25tJ.yd. spoo~; multi-mr pie disc drag. . 825/821 -·· Intermediate reel, salt water u~ city, fresh water weight Positive anti· revme, anodized spoor. #830 6 48 ·-Afll15 ..... I vel selettioos . Filter· I F~o washing ~ysteru I traps lint fu~ •n ~n-I clogging movurg . fiher I • Big load capaoly 1: -I save time and wor I • Heavy iu1y 13 ~p motor. permaf!llfl~ly lub-I ricated trans1mss~. SPIN or FLY f PACK: RODI I 6-pc. set includes : sectional rod, pre-1 mium . line, light, I sturdy compact : case. Ideal for 1 pack trips. : COMPARE: . AT 9.95 I 971 I I I -. -• • FIRST TIME EVER! 'SALE! ASSORTED WOODS ALUMINUM SHAFTS 2!? NO MONEY DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT• UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY . . · .. •. ------- --. ..... ~ . ·~ M\S S ... ,, ' • , . . . .. . ' A l ~ "' . 3\ .• B. R . ' :, . .. . I . ~·" . 11\3\ 0( , .. , • Select ; \ ' ... :mi~·-"' . on V1at· \ini te-~: •jl e-tl!Cll--' 1< • \.it't :~ ,, ?'1111' \ tjtl• • s\abi\iref 8 [ -.. _ CHARGI R • IAllAMlttCAIO • w1111 ,1oa1 u1• • MAlt lt (l&l•l <All W!lril FRONT'S · 3 YR. COi.OR ~~E I . I .. I I I ~ , I. I I I 1.- 1 I • G.E. STEREO PHOIO •lilt-1Utom1tic chMter 5 9•1 ' ' 8 Ind! spealefs e~!IW OUf to 12 feet • Sofid state 1mpfiller 111 111. • ~5111'11 ldlpt.r • "'" * STOllllOUIS* DAILY 12 to' SATUIDA1 1110 ' SUllDAT 11 .TO 6 I ' • t \ ' '· . ---~ --~------1 ,.._..,_ --· l. --........... •' ............ ' .. -· ... , ... " ...... . . .. . . 1,t DAIL~ I'll.OT WHITE :. FRONT LADIES' SPRING DRESS CLEARANCE $3 $4 $5 Dresses that wear way, way into summer! One & two piece; styles, fabrics and • WHITE • PINK J color aplenty. Jr. petite, juniqr, misses, women's sizes. • !LUE• MllZE • BEIGE DIREa FROM-THE ORIENT! "3-WAY" MUU MUU FOR · LACY KNIT CARDIGAN l SLEEP, LEISURE 'n .LOUNGE • I Comfy.cool and abla1ewi1h · ? el~ew)lere _ I miJu is a must for everyward- .i at 4.91 S·M·l I robe. Pop-on style with ela1- ticiied scoop neck. S-M-l. lovely•arfua knits cf 100% ocrylic., •• rithly lined I wit" .nylan trieotl O.litafe loty 1titch cardigans in I ""'"' d;ff'""' d.,;9.,. s;,,, s.M-L OUR REGULAR LOW PRl~E 3.81 PERMANENT PRESS SLACKS FOR MEN OUR .LOWEST - PRICES EVER! EXCITING CAS~ADES FLORAL FANTASY becomes a flower-land ••• COLOR COORDINATED ·PERMA-NENTLY PRESSED EMBROIDERED BRA WHln/PINK, WHln/BLUE, WHm/MAIZE 78 Compare at $2 A &.11Cups32-38 MINI SLIP, 32-36. Compare at '3 ••• 238 HALF SLIP, S-M-L Compare at 13 ••• 238 PANTIE, S-M-L Compare at '1.25 •• 9ac It'• a coordinated underworld. All softnets, comfort and gentle color. All femininity. All yourt ot these tiny prices! 100% HUMAN · HAIR trout, eoty to MOnogehair. Ther e '• a 1hade te rnotch yours. 100% HUMAN HAIR Can be 1tyled iit so many flatter• ing ways. Mo n'( shode1 ovo il - able -avail yourself to this big fashion bar• ga in now! 3!! AT$1S 100%HUMAN HAIR flot or do111e ball'• removoble bo11d. So ea11 ta style, o dd5 fwl lne11 to t row11. '19!"! AT$SO biggest iacket collection under one roof! pick 'em out! lOO% NYLON TAFFETA FREE-SWING~~~ $ GOLF JACKETS A clouic ot o pr'.c• t2holl sohypoc:• ~~ts ' • f t models with s al , i NOW!" Action-styled zip ron. 'd t S.M·l-XL. I What an assortment! Some have soil ! release finish. Loods of colors, Ivy or Continental ond some fa stback style jeans. Not all sizes in all styles. COMP. 2s AT5.98 MEN'S BETTER KNIT SHIRTS button shirt cuffs .. elastic wollR1st~W:: • NA VY • BLUE • GREEN • JACKET WITH AN EASY SWING • • • $ SPOD'JS A HIDDEN HOOD; TOOi Some per· I\ I n ·taffeta or polyester & cotton man1nt press! 100?" ny o barrac;u.da c.otlo r, elastic c;uff s, poplins -snap or t.1p fronts .. TO 9.98 EACH , I . FOR OTHERS 2 FOR $9 CNARGI IT •IAllU*ll(HD •Dnll-T<AID •MAlmCIAKl<AIO .. Ital ian import wools, import 11144ot1111-2 $ 7 tic acrylics and chavacet11. F1tte:y kn its, turtlenecks,. mock turtles, _,.uavtrs, canll9ans. Many colors aM c0Wtbo1. FOR. Sizes S-M-L·XL OUR ORIGINAL PRICES 5.97 TO 6.97 EACH ORIGINAUY 21$8 7.97TO1.97 I ORIGINAUY 2'$9 9,97 TO 14.97 I ' Sol ids, 2·tonesl S·M·L·XLNAVY • OlHN • ORANGE 1~~1u0nfi~iE.6ou JACKETS! WESTERN $ J&,.illftC.I I 27" golf style& with vertical p1p1~g, A'-"51tll.. Popu ar I L with 2 pockets! Size s I t Western oo,;I \(nit collarl Snap ron S·M·L·XL. (Not STl!hoRwn)ILUE • GOLD • BRONZE , NAVY.• OYS • 3081 BRISTOL AVE. • JUST OFF NEWPORT AVE. ammN SAN DIEGO FRWY. AND BAKER ST. * STOREMOURS * DAILY 12 TO 9 SATURDAY 10 TO 9 SUNDAY 11 TO 6 • t . • . . - ' - I 1 j . : . • • • • - '-(Jp to Par Fonner golf pro Cpl. William Poloski of the 23rd Artillery uses a mattock as · a sand wedge to blast out of a Vietnamese-style sandtrap ..M a parapet for 155mm howitzer -as be gets in a few practice swings during his tour of duty. I Saddleback Open House Set for School Seniors Saddleback College will host high school graduating seniors and their parents at an open house May 20 lo acqualnt pco- spective students with the campus and academic pro- gram. Invitations wil l· be extended to all graduating hlgh school seni<n of the five high schools in the district. The event i& to be called "Saddleback College Amigos Night" Students wW be asked to in- vite their parents-also. " '·Amigos Friends Night" will be from 7 to 9 p.m. with the program including tours of the college, programs to ac- quaint students wilh t h e various divisioos and faculty, and refreshments. Assisting the college in the program are members of the Scholarship Conurussioo, com- munity services and guidance aod coumeling subcommittees of the General Advisory Com- mittee. OCC ·v ets -Plan . . The Or.-Oout· College 1\1. 'llit llnt plam tn!lll1 II• Veter11111' C1iib 1l'IIi N&e 1t.s Incbel hiib IOll'll IUltabty ID--ope,; ._,, 11a1ty ., ocrtbed. J. y1<t«y cele- Saturday with the Jll'ICM'!I will be held .tt~ll-.1 and all earmarked for charititl and participants are. invited. • the Albert ·Sltl<>n II om e , Perso111 willbing to llln up Or1111e. ' . may do., II the Vet boolJt lo • --11 ill be · Ith front of the ()()(; Sh>dent 1.uc r• ye w 111 w ,.._._, F-further m. check-In time 1t· 1:30 a.m. in --.Ille. parklJ!C lot behlnd U.. lwmatloo, call lllml1 It-, football Udlwn on the OCC !Hl-ill!O. · <llnlP"'· Coot ii II per person '1'lle Vel<rl!M' Club - with a mlniinum ol. two 1!1 ~. numller of comm.unity .:- pencm per car. · tivitiel, inchadin1 Ea 1 te r , ~ al'-· ~ • --i OuistmallndHalloween 1. uc r v.., • ~ ·~ partier at Sit1lan Home school -but I tell ol --lclivttiel and the r.;;... ol dri~ throuCh I llria of ~ -~1--•• dlect points throughout the money·--~-po. area. The rallye has beeni.---------,1 cleared with local po 11 c e deplrtmentl, and cars do not .. ceec1 speed limits. The rallye is open to all makes of can, and to anyone with a valid driver's license. The rallye will officially begin at 1:30 a.m. and last nve nours.'1'wlldpon!s Shoulij bringhmdlell. Five trophies will be award-. BOAT BUFFS Afin•11 leck1bey II tt.. •"'" full · tit11• b••ti"t etllfor w•rkl119 •11 •II'! 11•w1p•pN 111 Or•"t' Cou"+.,. Hit •• cl•d•• co•or19• 91 h •f'. 1119 •ff y•chtl119 ..... h • 4l1ily fe1turo .t· th DAILY: PILOT. I See by Today's Want Ads e Stranger than Fiction: Ray Bradbury will &PPMf at a local hllhlcbool • night as gust lectuttr • . • • Utt admiaion. e sw,.r,y with the Frlrlge: Top $$ to two hearty sur- vey takers for 2 weeks in local ...... •Blow Your Top? Here's a n!w one: Canvas top chrome trame J: PK curtains, new. Flt 25 ' to 30' boat ...• $65. e Leaded Glass: Beautiful Antique colored, beveled, leaded glu! door. and windows. Also bro111e door knobs and antique dishes , , , , a collector'• """"' ... WHITE FRONT ' VISIT WHITE FRONT'S NEW PAINr .: DEPARTMENT TODAY! CUSTOM COLORS MIXED TO FIT MRY DECORAtOR NEED! WHm nolll'S . ElEGANT MAm FINISH Giw every room in your home colorful new horizons '1hls spring! Soft, enchanting tones roll on with an even1smooth- ness which covers beautifully, Is quick-drying and odorless, washes free of soil. Twenty. five colors. · LOW DISCOUllT PIK( 98 IAL · FAD~PR.DOF, WATERPROOF c .. m your house with color" fresh IS the spring IJ:lfde n which surrounds It ••. last• il\i. protectiw color which covers weatherbeaten wood and stucco in one coat Water· proofs surfaces. 1 • WlllTI fllOlll'S LOW, LOW PllCI 98 IAL Gives an 1ntir1ly MW look to familiar aurroundlnp. This mar- ,.1ous1y dur1b~ paint nils 111 brushes on to 1 velwty.smooth, flat finish. Has no unpleasant P1int odor. Surfact wnhes.free of fingerprints, soil or slain. Avlilable iri 1 palette 'of artistic colors. wamnllll1'1 LOW DISCOUllT l'lllCI 98 GAL' 1 .. 0L FIOlmEI IED~OOD l STAIN 1 SPRAY PAINT . 1~ INCH PAI/fr ••us,, f"'C I WITH ""' .,, I -... "'.;;;";;;;":,'r..J I Protects, bnutifies redwood. Rid!, lus- trous natural color is 11sy to apply. dries mnly. I 14creative co lor I choices. Give that I lovelyoldplecereal charm. I MPl.ETE UNFINISHED SEE ~~:.~:::~fs~=~R FHlmlllE •GT I• E. lOS .ucrus DI JUfEUON STOHS A~~CRiDIBLI SAVINGS! 3 DRAWER CHEST 1.4 .. 11"•11" COMran: AT ll.95 Smoothly sanded Ponderosa pine chests with smooth-11iding deep drawers, wooden knobs. Pieces are nicely made of kiln dried lumber ready to finish-to paint, stain, varnish, decorate or antique . .,.,, I Spray on alassy I coloi rialrt out of I the carL Choice of I 30 colors. <OIAIGllT• • IAllMWltCAll •Rm flOlfT CUI • MASTll CIAHC CIUllUUS . LOS AIGIJ.IS (JEFFERSON), EAST LOS ANGILl l , VALLEY WEST (CANOGA PAIK), VALLEY EAn (PACOIMA), TOIRANCE, ANAHEIM, COVINA, SAii BElllADINO, ONTARIO, COSTA MESA & DOWNIT 74 ~ 5 DRAWER . CHEST . 11"127">1t' STOii HOuts• DAILY llOOll .. 9 SAT. IO tet SUN. 11to7 l I I' . . I l I I I ' ,. t · / ,. ,.., _____ ,..._ .... ___ ,......,, ... ________ ~_ ..................... , ..................... , .................. -.. -.. --.,.;_~-;-,-:;-;-:-:;. .... ~--:;-;.--.-..::;,---------....... ""'.;;.=:;;-;;<;~===-..--,;;-.;=-=:;; •• =;;:;;:""'""' _______ _ • . • • • • ' • ' ' ' ' • • . ' ' ' • • ' • , • • ' • • • -· ' • ~ • _, • • • . • ' ' • i • • • ' • -· • • • • ft DAll.Y l'ILDT S Tliund1Y, Aprll 17, 1'69 :aritoa OD lJ.S. Teachers; Texts . Hit by Educator SAN Jl'RANCJ5CO ! AP) -he added. 1be trtldbif with American "American teache:rs are l!ldutatioa JI teacher• and text-crippled by an undue preoc- books, a Britl8b , educator cupaij.on with f°"!!' ~ • aays. called correctness, aakl Sum- The teaching profession "is . merfield, wbo lectures ~t the by and Jarge made up of lower University ol York and 1.5 the middle class whites who have.. author of 25 books, man.r ol. nOt been educated to u.1-them critical <Ii, American derstand anyone wbo is not education. a lower middle class white," "We must not forget that Geoffrey Summerfield told a language is a social a_cl, and confemice on the humanities we should be promoting_ ex· Sunday. ~ tensive w_ritin.g and continual The American concept or conversation 1n the ,language the metuDg pot is 1t0 longer these children, particularly true, he added. ghetto children, know a~ ' "J( we talk about heritag~, understand. When we drill we better talk about Indian, them with sooie alien and Spanish· American and black superficial grammar, we are heritages. as well as whlte not putting the emphasis heritages. Your whole schOOl where it bel~.s, o~ mean· system here is geared to turn· ing." Summerfiel~ sa1~. . ' ing out ttie good America~. "The te~k f1~ld JS do!ng and 1h,e interpretation-ot--Jt· -,the same-thmg. Jt JSJucraj.ive is very narrow." as long as the publishers play School! should f o s l e r it safe, and they always . do. diversity, he said. "That The textbook_ is ~ cudgel that means e n c o u r a g i n g im-beats lost kids into a state agination • •• the feeling of of stupor," he said. creating." "Our schools Cl!e still com· Of terlbooks.,Summerfield's milted to promoting lhe sl~ve advice was simple: virtues of listless punctuabty, "Get rid of the whole mess. uniformity and toeing the line. "Hell live a lit tle The most important danger~ly and start in· characteristic of the human ftoducing into the sc~ls that race is diversity, and the vital ferment that is taking schools have to go learn to place in American culture," live with it and hooor it." DENTAL PLATES REPAIRS Ir RELINES WHILE·U·\lfAIT WY COMPLETE ALWAYS CREDIT DENTAL SERVICE LOW TERMS IN OUR OFFICE PRICES -PENTOTHAL (for Sleep) For Extractions and Fillings WELCOME UNION DENTAL PATIENTS e J6 MOS. -9-Dlf.F-ICULT CASES WELCOMED e PENSIONERS WELCOME e NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY PHONE ••flll:l111'1!'kal'lll TO PAY S. I SAT. e OPEN EVE 842-6625 -e SE HAILA M11terc1Mi .... ESPANOL DR TARR HUNTINGTON BIACH CRIOIT DINTIST 16123 BEACH BLVD .. HUNTINGTON BEACH· NEAR EOINSER .:.... GROU ND FLOOR -MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE DRESSES SPORTSWEAR MISS LANA HOLMES Well Known Fashion Expert JO JO DRESS SHOP is proud to announce the beginning of "Teen Charm and Modeling classes," under the direction of fashion expert Lana Holmes. Miss Holmes, a member of the Sc re e n Actors (iuild, is a former Broadway and TV actress.mod· el. She presently operates her ow11: c h a rm and modeling school at "Studio 15'1. in Los Alamitos and is a well known fashion commentator and co- ordinator in the Long Beach area . Classes will be held at JO JO DRESS SHOP on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m. for 8 con· secutive weeks starting April 21st. LIMITED TO 15 STUDENTS. REGISTRATION at JO JQJ>RESS SHOP $12.95 FEE-8-WEEK COURSE APRIL 16th THRU APRIL 20th Parents and friends will be invited to attend the fashion show graduation. REGISTER NOW! M-2111 OPEN SUNDAY lt-5 • Mognoli1 & T1lbtrt Fount•ln V1lley the DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' 117 ~~:SCREEN ... is 15 sq. i~. bigger than most .other portables! COLOR PURIFIER ... automatically keeps all pictures pure! NOW ONLY Modal 6000 EVERY OUNCE Wherever you go-this ruggedly-built portoble will bring you all !he excite· ~-... a magnificent Magnavox in quality, performance, reliability! montand thrills of your favorite shows and summer sports events in vivid·oolorl An ideal second set-the perfect gift for anyone-for home, cottage", offiCe or collogo dorm I This summer, why not put some color in your life with a mag· nificent M·agnavox 7 Select from ov~r 40 beautiful fine furniture sfyles. Big Pictura Console ONLY $J9850 Table model pric• I The Brilliant Color 267 sq. In . screen of this charming Colonial model 6404 is more than twice as big as today's average poftable I And exclusive Magnavox Cnromatone adds thrilling depth and dimension to color-eye pleasing warmth to monochrome pictures. II is 1110 1v1ileble es model 6402 in beautiful Contemporary atyllng-your cholcel Coma in today and discover fot yoursalf why Magnavox is truly the finest, , , ind your best buy •. , on any basis of comparison . Canv111i1t1t Swivel Conni• ONLY *499 50 With tod1y'a Biggest Picture-295-sq .• in . Enjoy it from anv. angle I Model 6800 always ketp& you "front row center'' wherever you sit in your room. Finer M11gnavox features include : Brilliant Color, Ch roma1one for thrilling depth and dimensio n plus Quick-On which eliminates annoving "warm-up" del11y, Bonded Circuitry chassis, ,with 3 l.F. Stages and Keyed AGC, assures magnifictnt perlorman~ and lasting reli1bility. With Magnavox, it cOS1& so little to tnjoy th• best color pict ures you've ever 1Hn I Romant ic Old World Styling ONLY $569 50 Mediterranean Magn1vox Instant Automatic Color-always gives you 1 perfectly -tuned pictu1e on every ch11nnel, every time -automatically I Other advanced features include: 295 sq. in. screen-today's biggest. Brilliant ColO<, Chroma&one for thrilling depth and dimension. Outck.-On wh icH lets pictures flasll -to·lifa in seconds; plus exclulive high-reliability Magnavox Bonded Cir- cuitry chassis with 3 t.F. Stages and Ktyed AGC. Model fS90fS-al10 evtilable In beautiful Colontal end ContemporlfY styles-,your Choice. Get more for your mQney: 'Mag_navox is sold directly to only a few TONY TOYA.TT ., carefully selected fintt retailers In this area-no "mldd.leman"I TOVATT'S 401 MAIN STREEJ • DOWNTOWN 536-.7561 HUNTINGtON IEACH Also ... Springdale 892-4463 and Edinger ' • • 7• 11 CIS - -CCI (3DJ W.ltll' Cl"*lll. "" :p The Bob .. Sh.,. * Patti f'lct -Jltlc !, Nickll111 -5-llo ) Mcnaa•llrllll'H •• • • , F I; I [1 /, l • !:.; m M••I•: .,....,.,.. ...,. (-) .. __ _ ... - 1 ... 77 __ 1:11~---...: ~.1 .... • .,.. 1' •• .... .,.... ,.. • • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS 0.1llty 'rh1t1•t •" Otpe..ttflf• S.nolt• .... '"" ..... ~ ,, • Ceilhiry. ( • • • JUDGE PARKER LOOIC. LIKE-POlrl"T IE lf.AP AT ME! AU I SAID Wl6 ™AT JIPGE PAtKER WM. H16HLY T'HOll6NT OF MEIE IN l}IE CITY! . MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS --~ ' ·~ . ' ,. ... -.. GORDO MISS PEACH r -·--... - ' 0 4i t POl1" llWIT· 11'" TD tlOU. 'nlE l\91111& llCll •! t POMT J,wa# MIM P'RIOllM.1.V_. .NIP COILI CUI .LW! .......,.,r-:;/~ 't2 BE FIRM W1TH MISS'..,..--....,.., SWIVEli-,AAR.RY! llON'T I.l<T HER <llVE ')txJ AA\'Of HER UP.' TUMILIWll1IS. BABVl..sAV IT ISN'T SOI TEI.I. ME. 'IOJ AREN'T REAU.V GONNA.SPUT'l _ lllE OL' NUGGET SALOON WON'T BE TliE SIME WITliOOT \00( Gi\Pl \!MATA Ill.OW! 1-1JUSTCNtr-llEN\10 WSE AN' O!! !'OKEi\ 8UOO'f LIKE VOU! ... v .. M_...,._ I ly Ferd Johnson WE MJi;lf"; <Jp.,, By Tom K. Ryon ly Mel WllJ.1WHATHe: IAIO ~ l'OIC. H • TOO• • 'I I{' -'.: 1 ~ . ' I 1 I TWO YEARS OLD -Regis Pbilbin1 Jett, and Johnny Mann right present Joey Bishop with a few wooden nickel's tonight on the "Joey Bisbcip Show" on Chan- nel 7 at 11 :30 p.m. TheJrogram is two years old tonight and tbe tradition anniversary gift ts wood : Other guests will perf9rm and congratulate Joey • TELEVISION VIEWS Rating Shows Complicated By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Paul Klein, NBC.TV's resident research whiz, works basi~ally at trying to understand national television audiences. StaUstics are bis raw material, but as an in1'lllgtnt man liis eventual pUrsuits are human values 'aDd prpgram· minf philosophy. n a recent note, for example, he obaerved: "The problem is not the rating services but rather the unsophisticated analysis of rating data that causes Doris Day, for instance, a.'program with. no audience in urban ar~as, to be considered succesiful by CBS and possibly even by advertisers." Klein added: "One of the reasons for appealing to young adults and for trying to make the young adult audience-the criterion, of popularity is to get the urban audi~nce and that portion of the rural audience which is urbane (and of course heavy pnr duct buyers). This pursuit it seems to be serves two functions : "I. It raises Ute level of programming, since young adults watch higher quality programming than kids and old ladies and; "2. Makes us money to continue the pursuit.'' This pragmatic thinking is an extension of Klein's thoughts as expressed a while back in 1n article for the show business newspaper "Variety," in which , among other things, he wrote of the de- mise of. studio drama: • • •0 When TV was young, the people who myn~ sets lived in big cities, and lied above average in- comes and above average education. Becauae the audience was upper-slant the programs that were successCul, by and large, appealed to the upper- slant taste •.. "As the years went on, TV's growth tended lo fjJJ In the Jower slant (lower brow) and the Jess urban and rural areas. These new ownen who brought to the TV audience tbeir rather unl?Ebiallc- ated taste, did not view the sophis'tlcaled ( Golden Age') drama ... " 'Gunsmoke' knocked oU 'Your Show of Shows' in this way and the replacement for 'Your Show of Shows' was designed to compete with 'Gunsmoke' for the same unsophisticated audience, thereby alienating the sophisticated audience. Thi! audience returned eventually when the ... movies came on." It is Klein 's view that had there been in the 1950's "a measurement which did not equate all homes as equal, such as the Nielsen measure does, but rather Weighted an upper income home with four. members at least four lime• as much as an Uncle Fud home (ooe old man in a rural county) then studio drama· or its natural offshoots· would still be prospering today." -· On the other hand, Klein noted In his article, ''the Nlel11en meter measure did lead tO program- ming which sold sets to all J!"Ol'le in tbe United States and created the greates( mass. medlwn ever devised. While the measure tended to knock o!f golden age programs it did raise the standards of a major portion of the population of the country. , "The fnlit of this new sophistication of the. popu- lation will be seen in the next JO years, In fact It has been observed already; that ls, kids · !!Pm subUrbJin homes with the ideals and dress of WM.t- ern pioneel'!'IUJd the fantastic reach of tbe 'hip' to every small town, north and south." -: . 1 ~ • ' ' I I l I 1 ' ' I \ \' r . ! I ' ... ~ _,,. NILYPILOT OAILY PILOT PMle W PltO'DlilHI c.Veri'nfi tlie · Waterf.t'mat . . ' . ' ' . . Newport Beach.Lffeguar<l•, ,the Orange County ·Harbor Department and ·other ·-'agel'.Kies ~k~p .an e.y• .on:activitie~ afloat in bay ·wat~rs, but also ~et "OCCa5"" sional help •. Here., l'W\Q'.s best friend and one of his other close bud~es loung• on a bulkhead, letting nothing escape their surveillance. ' •, China Offered Olive Branch: W ~HING'.J'ON (AP) -The ; Nixon administration, rebuffed ; by Colnmuhist China less than ackoowledging 'Pi~~ "changes satisfactory," he declared. have to be made wit.b the He 5aid the Nixon ad- passage of time.'" ' . mi~ruai10n -~ .reviewing an Pressure is strong i 11 of its CQDUJllbneots and, eacll Okinawa for return of the time when .~ of. the . base. island ·to Japanese control. It , agreements mvolvmg t.roop was wrested away in ille last deployments ov~ ·.comes bloody battle cX World War ~ for. r~ewal, We wdl cool II and is now supervised by Sider it. • a month after · talting offiee, has again ext.ended the olive • branch to Peking. : ''We woUtd . like to have -more. friendly relati~ 'with Communist China," Secretary cl State William P. Rogers • tOld his first fonnal news con- f&ence Monday •. · He sajd it is possible the Ninth Cominunist party con- an American b i g h com-He emphasized "that situa- missioner. It is ~!so home tions ·change in the fact that for many of the 85Z ~mbers ten or IS years ago certalrl that bOmb South Yietnam., things were necessary. 1lLa1 Rogers pointed.Out that talks does not m~ that they are • f~e in Peking will end : with some change of direction : in .the Asian giant's foreign will be held 'with ·Japan's 1nec~ary today." · • policy. "But tn any event we are willing to do what we can do to have· more friendly rela- tions with Red China," lie ad- ded, "bu t we are not going to do it in the spirit of ex- ploiting . it becau!e we· think foreign ·mini&et Kij.cbi Ne~ in June and with • prime minister Ei.saku Sato who will visit the United States in November. "We hope that We can work sometblng out on Okinawa that wiU be mutually GOP C<unmittee_ it will give us some advaP.t:ase N Off" again<! the Sovid Union . .-' ames . lCer Another round of talks between U.S. and . Chiriese Al Donner, former manag- si:>Okesmen was scheduled for Ing editor of the Fairfield Dai~ Feb. 20 in Warsaw, but the ly Republic, has been named Chinese abruptly CBllC'eled . it public information officer . fOr lhortly after one of 'their the Republican State Central diplomata ·defected to the Committee. West: ' · He will supervise the public 'Ibe State Departmem lakes relations program for the. l,248 the position that it is up to member committee, the of- the Chineze to reschedule the. ficial structure of t h e talks. Sources say they have R e p u b I· I c a n party in made no such move. · California, He is stationed in Rogers also dealt with the the committee's re c e n t I y - ticklish question o( American opened Newport Beach office, lniUtary bases and control in at 3916 Campus Drive, ad- .Asia · by putting-. the ad-· jacent to the Orange County ministration on. the J'tCOrd as Airport. LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new nef&hbort or know ot ariyone-movin1 to our areL please tell us so that we may exterid • friendly welcome and help them· tO" become &eqfiili'ited .. in their new rurroundino. Huntington Beach · Visitor ' ' 961-4149 Costa Mesa Ylsllor ,. ....... , ' ' So. Coast Visffor 49~579 Harbor Visllor 494-9368 ._ lllllr •1sb n1•1 •' Sff ·0011 BlllKll6 J ' ftMcJ lad -"' J01111 ••• when JOU do JOVr ..,_ 11 NIWp!ll Natiooll Bani. YCMI con rtlu ~ . •1....r..table ... ...,.llloilu friendly, """""tellerlnoucb JOl'iai""quickly and • iflkllllly.llt'u ..-.. of rest ...i ,....,,llt!fttion lllllJOl CM looi -ID ii Jltr lusy daJ. Collet lad dellciola coolia are .;.a.Ille ID liolp JOI-· l" ...,;de ""liO _iidlol....._ [tloJoor __ ....,_ 11111• 7 ~ OfflCll -~ OIANGI COUNTY ' --C:..-tt ..... •ttll • ..................... '42·1141· .... ,.. -.._..at an.-• ..., •-. lllflllr .._ ... 171.71111 ---·--!· ----""-·---' ..... _ .... 11Dllw"2-31U -. . . -----~.--------~------~----..... -----------------, • ' j YOUR OWN ·BUSINESS Eini1111 Poleilllal · · " t1111imffM · ....... •ff9' ·. · llnancfll 1ssisl1nte 'I '· . -I .· • ! ' ,_, I · ,:i-.• ,-1, .... ·,' ., '· " ' I ! Iii, , • '' ... . ' • 1, 1 I • • ' ' , ~-JDMPiNi·~·GERlMl.UMS!~ · P.ELAR.GONIUMS ' . Olli· MaltJiG WaJhlngtoll Geranl11m ·· In their complete color r•ngt from deep, deep red through pink to •lmost pure white. Can't be beat for potted color an Summer. Exc:ellent Full Color Plants 1.19 ~ 01 ~·for 5~99 , ' . • • ' ' ' ! ) '., ~·' . ' • Old fashioned favorites and new hybrids:· ·You ' . . .. wouldn 't believe ~ · colcir of the brilli1nt .reds, vi· bran! pinki, exciting orenges end pure whitios: Ex· ceHent for ,use in Window boxes, pots or in,. +J.1 ground · •.s border or .beds. ' Husky 1 ·Gal • Plaill1 . . . 1.49 CYMBIDIUM ORCHID PLANTS ,, In gcrgecus full bl~cm -aclcl exotie; ·b•a)ff'f t,. your shade gar~en ~grow.your owri .~a;t~J. anyone can grow orchicls cutdoor:• i(W ourco1st.ail clim•t•. Excellent pl•nts. ' ' · PRICED FRlJM .. .,. -- · FIRST OF THE SEASON TUBE'R;OUt: BEGON·1:1s .. Seedling plants -Ro~eform -ruffled end hengin9 basket types. Many colors. Siert early for full Summer bloom, S.ee our complete display of pots end hanging baskets for tuber· ous Begonias. ' · '. ' . · : DECORATIVE BARK " All grades -smell, medium end large. Greatly enhance the beauty of flower beds &-shade gardens. ~~: .. ~:.......................... 1 '88 ·HANGl.NG BASKETS REDWOOD Full si.ze 1_4"'-t0p quality Redwood -stro~g metal bends! For ferry s, b·egonies. 11911G. 1.n • FLOWER SHOP SPEC,AL M1rguerite D•isies -Blue, pink, yeillow •n~ white. Large Bunch 79' .... 1.75 ' 39~a. 6 for 2 •. 19, , Bedding Plant Sp!l:lal , DWARF DAHLIAS .,. :::..-$1.19 Ali1olut1 'profu1ion of C1!or in ~uftl,;.1t lonf .. . HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M., SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Specl1I Pril:es Good thru S,Lincl•.Y• April 20. ''Quality aft4 SenoiCe Sine• 1946" 2640 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 " ' "· " " ;•" "' "I ' " • '' ' ' ' ' . ' i .. " " -. '' ' .. ·' .. , ,I . ;,, _,, " '• ' " • • ·' 1) ~ti " ,., -~ r:,. :. ,. • .. '. ' .. '. '• ; . ' ' . ·, " . ' ,~ T-. A,.Q 17, 1'16' DAILYPll.lf·· l'.akers' • March .... Through Res·umes ... . . ,. al.led Ju~gle · RA~O LA COSTA, Clllll. (AP) -a !actor on nine boles, that had the pros he cotirse is as long as lhey'll 1ee;but it ta1kfnc to thelmelvu -and anyone else ill tate the s!rai&bt.-4Wtr, not the w.bo cared to listen to their woe. It's the Iler, to -1ve oo tbe •"-~ ~ ' · , · La Costa Counfn'.Cl\!b.....,., ·.:''!k cutltan:lllcb today," an.-.nt That .... the"""""'"' of an elite field ClllD'pro aid .. " Aud It smr·111lnch and. 28 ci the world's best golfers today as half." . '. y set out on·what some called a aafari, "I played ti safe..en tbt nlnth hole dur- r~ rourid of the $150,000 Touma-inc a practict round," South African ent Ol Champloos.. · Gary Player Aid. "A driver oU the ttt. · "Thil course is just too tough." said 'lben a wedge back to the fairway. Then ·uy C..per, the mlld·mannered Mormon . a ~ood. Then a Wedi< lo/ht IP'etn." ·11o rorely complajns, "It'• juet~~lil·',. '.I can~ -1!eU<r llwl 2IO on this hal'¥.'>" tougll It ii. . .. • coune," aid .olqjentlna'o-.Roberto de "It'• like a U.S. Open couise" Masters' Vlcenzo. hampioo Georce Archer said. "It's going "Somethlng around par will wlri it," o go to the straight hitters, Guys like' Casper said. "TtWi course Ja long, but it e '!)'efino and J1.1lius Boros, guys who taxes . accuracy. It's something like an ~ it in play, ·keep · it on the Bellerive. And you rtmembeT what hap- airw~s/' pened there." "lt'!~a jungle out thtre," fklroa, the BeUeri~. in St. Louis, was the site of PGA Champion, sa id. "Hit it into the the 1965 U.S. Open. It's a huge, 7,191·yard rough ~d U!ere is just qo telling what coun:e. And it was conquered by two may ccme charging out at you. You don't ~latively short but extremely accurate need caddies. You need gunbearen. hitters, Player beating Awtralian Ke! "I lit one into the rough and coukln't Nagel in a play-off. find it: So I took a drop. I turned around Due to the small field the first t\\'osome and cquli:I not find the dlllfl ball. didn't ,get away untilll.a.m. "T'-•e's enoogh HrilS!J•ere to seed all f ... z ..... " . '. o .... '1""".a. ·• The object ot their ire was the 7 ,200 yard, par 72 La Costa layout, laced with streams and dotted with pools and featur· ing a :three-tilted, man-made waterfall But tt wup't the water, w~h coukl be· LA Tries Again To End Blues In St. Louis ST. LOUIS '(AP)' -'The Loe Angeles Kings, who have rlever beaten the Blues in St. LOuis,' will try to break the hex tonight in the second game of the Na· timal H;ockey League \Vest Division play<iffs . MINI BAT -Los Angeles Dodger rookie•sbortstpp Ted Sizemore looks like. he's using a sawed-off bat to foul off this pitch in Wednesday riight'J game against the San Diego Padres. Actually, be bro'ke U"IT.._.. i.he bat in the Dodgers' 9-1 rout of the Padres. Be- hind the plate are San Diego catcher Chris Canniz. .~aro and umpire Ken Burkhart. " Tonight's game will be televised on Channel 5, immediately following the La· ~er-~tlanta ·basketball rame. The Kings' tilt JS e:g>eeted to be seen at approxi· mately I:~. All·Star Cage Classic The Blues opened the best4·7 series 1-day lriglll·blanklllg the Kings u Brown Shoot$ Down • Blu•' coacl> ScoUy Bo,omaft had .. -1 """-bit. Ille Klng:s' Md Kelly ·said Wednioday he might !tart ' .. -.,._ , .. ~ ' ~· ... . . . .• .. . " GLENN .,WHITE. ~ •· ·~ • . ' , . , ' I Reinstatemen t of Game s~ E.ditor Baseball Ups ' ' $$$ Guarantee , For Playoff ' .. NEW YORK CAP) -Major 1 .. gue baseball , relegated to second best by pr<1 football in playoff payoffs, has railed its money gu~ntee$ to 111-time. higM for player1 in ~.World Serie!. Undtr ~ playo(f ~~ bl"QUgbt on by J the ne divisional.~ ln'eich Jtague, ' the \\(or!~ Series 1 !!ln.nert 19.;H gel a guaranteed minimtidt ,of $15,too in 1989. while 11he losers ,fti.U',receiv'e at )east 410,ooq. based on 32 ~~~per;: clu~ Pro 'football's Super~l ,'\finners have been atting $15,000 ind the loser• $7,500. Th! 'new agreehlent ~an cf o ·u n c e d Wednesday by J~ ~ Amtrlcari l~ague-prtsident, ''*t, \'fa .,'!} g~, N~- , tional_~ague president, ~~ the pty~s on the'..,~~clUba;.kminf•the ~ di viskiial playoffs •Pll etti:b.. 1 · The winners,~ ..... go ·-tnto~hte ~ eeries~ · .' ' · . The ltrsl three I 1 • In each (I( the our visions wilt~ in the Series• I aye! pool, thus ~{_ liiiotl>er team In ach ~e to °"l'Jllt.lll. .-' Prefjowsly, onlyJl!e'fji:ll five teams In · ach If the two lOJ"Jil h!agues ·fO( •· hare, t • • ·The new World 9iertll sb.ara repruent conJiilorabte ~ the ltl,111\ 'achithe °t':/.J.1/! Int• !or ati \he St. . , ,.wJl!i only · ecei $7,07'9 ed.: ; -.1~ ···-' ) In 1"'1, the ne~:jilJil> J!r.~,;;J:"P ... rteord W0<¥ ~. of goalie Wayne Rutledge, who replaced rookie · Gerry Desjardins after 1wo periods of Tue9da.y's opener. The kings also were expected to be ' wilbout seryioes of right winger l~e!I MacDonald, who had colllded with Bob Plager of the Blues. Kelly said he mlght use either Bob Wall, Jacques Lemieux or rookie Ron An- derson in MacDonald's spot. Bowman's biggest decision wa s whether to start Jacques Plante or Glenn Hall In gool . . ileganlle .. \ol who starts, a record ~· ~ in ~-~iante's shutout tn "heslay's game tied the rec<rd of t3 In ""'-playoff compe<itioo set by Turk Broda of Tol'OllOI. , Hall -jli mipule! an I/le Ice to break Che reCOaf («.most. cart8 milmtts by a goaltender In Pliyaffs. The ·re'.cord 6.211 minutes,, is held by Terry Saw&huk'. who played with [)o(roit, Toninto and Loe Anceles. Hall bas.-n« played sli1Ce AprB 2 when he o.dfetod a pUlled hamolrlni ~le in ~ ~ clash or the semifiitlls with Philadelphia. Maf!Mal L...-..... , ... , ••• _lh No-t11n111 1cllld11Jtd. ~ T•J't .. _ •nt Dl.,i.1t111 "IN" .~fl~•~MontrNI 19aek but1f·7 1•rl•, ,.. . WTr-'-'-'..l"\': "IMll L'" Anotla ., St."'T:ufl: ·~ ...... '-"•-t!-7 S«ler., 1 .. ,,,.,....., ·-No tll'MS 1d'M!1h1l9d. •• KN ICKS!-FiUZIER . . SUFFERS lfi~QR Y NEW. YORK(~) -W>ll',Fruler may be lost to 1lle . .,. York Knlckerbockel'll for the '·criOcaJ piaY.off 1anle wlth the Celtics In Booton frld•y nlih~ In the Eutern Division plaJoU ftnal ol the Na· tioaal Basketball AuoclaUon. • The KnJcks armounced Wednesday that the MooH ~ from Southtm !\lino~ pulled a ir:f'oln m'talele in the final minute of Mond1y'1 i.me at .!Miaitoo <tSquare Garden. · • t · . ; . ' ·, I \Vai:ren Brown is the' kind · of guy you'd likC to do something ·for -lik'e send him to Vietnam via ~il LA Airways helicopter or give him perma nent i-esidence in the Crater ot an active volcano. By oow you may have judged that Warren Brown is not held in very af· fectionate terms by the persoo writ&.g this column, in which case you get an A for accurate judgment. Warren Brown is one of the gents • •••••••••••••••••••• WHITE WASH .,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. who passes . his working hours by occu pying a comfy chair in the executive mansion or the Nalional Collegiate Athletic Associatio n (NCAA) in Kansa s City, Mo. He is also THE man we are so indebted to for Ilia iron-minded stand concerning Or~ge Couiiiy's aMual high school all· atar 68&,ketball game. A simple error· of nol getting a cert.ifi~tion. reQuest for the game to Brritrn by his deadline date resulted in the Orange. County spectacle bellig acr8tched fOr 1969. A call to Brown revealed that the m1tte.r wu out of his hands -only the committee set up to approve such games could "Biler. the situation. And since that comntittee was com- poaed of men acattered throughoul the United States af1f only•tnet once yearly, • "· the.re · wa11 .Uttle · cqance anything could be done;. . r, - Warren Brown, it turned out, ·was not telling Uie truth. Persifllenee Jil trying to gel the county attraCuan rtlnstated led to contact With the NCAA 's approval commi ttee chairman, Cameron Deeds of Los Angeles. Deeds checked into the matter and realizing the deadline was missed because Of an error not uncommon to humans, he ('~ed the game· be granted a belated okay'. Hi.s recommend'atlOn had to be directed to \\1arren BroW.J( ·Unfortunately. But asking Brown for mercf was like ulring Israel to give. ~~olph Eichmann a break. So, the game· remains off. And Warren Brown can chalk up a victory for i~ justice . * * * National AAU 1wlmminc ud diving people apparently klued off $10,111 by tryla1 to llold out'for too much money on televltlon rt1bt1 for the recently con-- chided national short coane. cbam· plonsblps at Belmont Plaza Ol'ymplc Pool la nearby Loos lk:acll. la the put the TV people' kicked In seven grand eacll for dae !fmeD'I ud men 's 'title 1plulla. Bat it.Ce tie two muts wt-re combined UU. yur, &be AAU ro11r:1 rll!poriedly Mid oat fw $14,111 and dttU.e4 .,bid of 11 srud. So tti"ey wound ap with no television contract and a draw of ...... paid for eacll of the lut fOW' nlgllts of comPetJdoa -bardly a pa)'lng enterprlae. Swlmmln1 ud track would do· a cre•t favor for Utt.tr performen ud followers by convertlac everythin1 to meters. And 1wlmnt1nr woakl mrel)' do well &o bock out tbe.1bort COVH event!. That ·way everytblq wtakt CGnform to lntenudonaJ m• la .dtae matter1. 12,79( and 18.lll~f'wdll totf\ielt.os gel,. Dodgers ~ lit 1113 and ing 1.n 1966. 1. ~ . The 'lvislonal P.la · I h<l~.mak• the w ~fs poss! .,.,,~ was ·llttl• ange in the way 11Mfita:·rece1pt1 had n lllocaltd. I Young··: Conigliaro ~epeats . ' LORENCE BIDS OR '76 ·G4MES ll05TON (AP) -Five yean qo iillla , ~lolta fnlm defeating his Booton Red first llmt It bot In F.,,,.1, Part, TGoy Sol 11-1. CorU&llaro hit a borne run. That'• a tough "l knew they were gone as'°°" as I hit . act to follow, ktt bis kid brothlr-.i,Bilb'· w.n,~but I don't rt.ally know what I , m~pd to do f.ftn better. • • ,• thought aboUt;" Billy said~ "I. didn't l..AUSANN~, ~ (AP) -"Sutt I wu thinking 1boul •1t," "BIJ\i . ...U, tblnlt aajidi!ng. I wa.,ort o! at"n- ' Ital; liaa )!Ml ofllctan7 ..,. aai<I of tMI May a!ternooo In tlM wh<n • ned." ed • a c1r>lkla!e for the 1'7l.Zlol:i ·-Tooy, tlleo a i.,_ rooldo; .-Tt/llY, of -. ..... ton 11'11111 his debut Olympic Gomel, the lntem.tlona• such a·~ debut. "So wbat did I to 'lill iol home 1'11!11 In four · aea19ns pie Comm-aald Wtdnoaday. do. 1a1 Hnl lillle•ap! I alnlCI; out." ' ' ' 'bo!ift'lhe 'iycliifurf wblch almolt ended A1111elet and F'°""1c< are the crily Tho 21·yeaN>ld Billy C. quickly madt hll careor In Aufust of 1117, and II oow o ortldll cand~ ao far. An IOC ameodl, however, smalhlni a pair o£ on the cbtrlebeck trail from that Injury, rce ~ an 1pplk!tJon was eipec:ted conseeu.Uve f'iome runs Wednetday In his "They didn 't surprise me•• he 1ald or n ma Mona.a~ C>nod1. !Int major It-1tart, 11thou1h the7 his kid brother'• homen. -·~ _..... to l1'IP tba BolUmoro •'Not wllll lbecJWln& he'• IOI. • ''!l'e worked out 1 tot durlog the •wl'oter, and We worked oo his swing: Both ot us wen Jn real &ood shape when we 10t toipr\nl training, and.Billy 's worked llJfd all 1prlnJ ... Billy w11 a h{i)I school star at nearby Swampeoott. Re spent four yean ln·lhe mlnon -.most of the time at Pitt.slit.Id In the Easl•m Leque -with only 20 homen altogether and without ever hit- ting .300 tor 8Sl)' 1ong stretch. . Biiiy actually 1ot h11 first chance In FenwJ.Y Puk on Tue8day wllen he replaced Tony In rtihl llel<l ~" the lat· ·. Short Fence~ Keep n...iger ·Bats Booming LOS ANGELES CAP) -What a dif· ference i o feet makes. Or does It? After swatting four home runa Jn a game for the first time since Dodger 1 stadium was constructed Jn 1982, members of the suddenly Jong.ball con- scious Dodgers are explicitly divided on the subject of shorter dimensJon!. At the request of owner Walter Dodger Slate lt-0*«• ¥1 KOU&tarl, 7:U •. m., KFI l~~rt n Hlwklll. 7:SS .. m., KFI :11-0odvwt VJ ...... •IJ:U •. I'll,. "'' O'Malley, home plate was moved out 10 feet this season. in. an eUort. to 1ive t~e local hHters a UtUe more encour;;.gement. A n d in two games against t be q.· pansionist San Diego Padtts, the DOO.gers have responded with .six home runs. · Quite an achievement when you con- sider they hit only 25 in 11 garries last season. . J he foyr horn~ r!lns Wednesday ~ight -by Andy Kosco, Tom Haller, Wes Parker and Willie Crawford -backed Uie four·hit pitching of Blil. Slna:er u the Dodgers coasted to a f.I victory. SAN Dl•GO •It r II rttl LDS ANO.!LIS ffrlttt' 4 I I I 5 l 2 I OeV_,,, 11 • O o Cr•Wfard, cf R.I'-. :lb 2 I O R...-111, rl Gonltltt. If a 0 P•rli.-. 111 o:&"""'"-' rf l I ICcncO, 11 A,Oe~ll. lit • I I Slld1t l1, 311 G•tlOn. Cl 4 I I Laft1Nr1, 2t1 s.inio, a 4 t 1 l"ostO~kll, a C•Mlwo,., c t I t Htlltl'. c Ftrr1r1, Ill'\ o O t lortto.,, c ICtllty, • t I O Sl1-1, u ••ld•ltun. p I • • Singer, II 511111, pll l I I Sllll,11 11 10 Murrell, pll 1 1 o 1 ~ ~ ~· ~ • • t • 2 I t I I I 0 t J I 1 I •••• • 0 I I • 1 ,. ' Ta11!1 l ) I • 0 Tt11k ll J IJ t Sin D1191 OIO 1011 100 -I LOI A"lllU OU 121 If• -t E -Le!fiwrt, llvtMll, S11l1rl0 I. OP -S.11 OleQO I, LOI -ltn Dl910 I, LOI AnotlH t. ta -Sudllcll, Jh11Mll. JS -llUHlll, Hll -ll:Ol(O U!, H1llw (U, Pllflll' Ul, Cr1Wfarod (I). S -Cr1w-torc1, 1'11"111r. SI' -Pin.tr. l,Hll•lllllO ICtli.1 IL1·1) ! I 6 I l ) l•W.cllun 1 o o o o 1 SIP; 2SJ l l l SIMtr CW,2-t) t • I O I I He' -II'( t(,1t1e, IL•ft~vrtl, ltY ''"°'' j ll, lloml), "f llnotf' CFll'r•r1/, Tim• -2:2t. Al· le<!Ull(• -,,.,.. . History ter sufiertd a ~u1eie U&trtentna in h1J lek. B~ ca.me up once and ltrUCk out. Staltln1 Illa flrit game Wodne9day, he struck .out again, but ·then ln the fourth and aaaln ln the 11Jlh he leaned into plldies by the Orlola' Dave Leonbard and drilled them into the screen atop lhe left fleld wllll. O..pltt hil sennt1on1l start, Billy baa no-illu1lo111. "I just hope my brother 1et1 back there soon.'' he said. "He 's the right rlelder, that's all there ii to It. One di)' doesn't make any dlffertnce." LA Seeking · Third Vietocy. -.1\gainst Hawks,; ' ' ATLAN'l'A (AP) -"It wodm~·ll)lkl a bJt of. difference to me If .Jf'e' ._... to: olay lhe BilltoG C.llka or New 'i'.oit kni<ta," av• -a. 111c1t1e Gtimn oftbe Atlanta Hawka. 1 ''But first, •e have to 1~t tbtte,,. 1'e s a I d Wed....iay loliowlng a ll!'Kll~ session. , 'Ille Haw, trallin1 lhe Loi Miol• Laken :.1 .1n the . weo1.,,,_ DlylalOa o..·rv r -i.•t • ., •. , 0.-1 s playoffs o! the N a t I o n a I Butethall AilodaUon. seeks to ·e v • n the belt«·7 series tonight bf.re where they have WOD 10 in a·row. , • · Alter k\olng two consecutive t .... Poihl decisions to the Lakera In Loi .Ancalll. Atlanta stymied the Lall:en with a H victory here T\letlday. .. We've been up for every 1a.me -an4 we honestly felt we should have been U alter leaving LA," Guerin said. "There's an awful lot of _pressure in Ui& playolfl, and parUcularly wbeo ~ 1119¥ away." ·• After Tuesday's victcry, defense aemDI no problem. \Vhlla boldln1 the LUen to 116 points, the Bawa a1ae llmlted Ille heralded trio of WU1 Chamberlala, Ell\ll Baylor' and Jerry West to• points. • "Lou HU<hon did a tp'e.it job on Wiiii but it wu juat a crtat over-all ten fl.. fort," Guerin said. "And, or coune. "'9 kept right up there with· -In r9' bounding, too." •• Atlanta won !ta Jut llx rqular - home games and the Hawks have Cl.P' t"1ed Uielr last lour ployolf ...-a! home. 4 ... •........r•• ..... Nt t •m• 1dltdlMll. ·, ... ~"-&i:J:..,..... ... Los Anqtltt 11 AtlMt•, LOI A,.._ 1tHa ..... f.) •• ~.~1 . IN.-INMI .:i..11 ~-111111 IU, ~ Wint MNf.1 .... 1a, +.i Only.-..~. ,..... ..... lttnludly •t .... ~ttri..tllf ... Dellte et Htw I:":::, 111'1'1 -N ''*"' .... N• Nm. 1c111M1111M. Bando's , Slam Slams Angel Chances, 6-1 OAKLA)'ID (AP) -Third -.,, Sal Bando o! the Oakland A's ... ,.,,,.,,.. each o! his major luiue home nma. Ho can tell you wbo·be bit them qalnal aoll ~~ they went'. . . "Aftµ aJI," he u.id, •i1 only have 11 ol them." ·Dando probably will .never !or1et homer No: 11. It WU the first IP'and •1"!Jt o! his major learue Clll'ffl' and <lll,YO· lhe A's a &-1 victory· over the· Ca.H!orail Angda Wednesday nltlht. · "That's the only homer 1 ever hit in the majors to right field;" he added. The Angel S late &m!I alapl waa the lint ever . hit by ~· Oakland plarer le tile 170 sames . the team bis plli~ed, · . 1 ; 'Ttie only' otht<"IP'aiid slam Sando...,.. hit 'was' fn tlie liilnoi lea\llltl wbeft be ..U· playing for Motllli ·Jn , the '/lbuthira ; Assoclation fn 19M. · · "l. didli'I thlot lhe ball wu .... over the ftnee· becaUIO lhe outfleldoo - like he WU golnc ' to catch' il,11 be U• plained. ' ' The ball just cleared the rl&hl field 1 ... ce and scored Rkk Monday, Cluck Dobson and Tommy Roynolda ahead ti BandO. ~ Dobaon was the winnln& pitcher. He struck out 1even Ind wallctd two while fivtna up four hffa:. "\ ' • I I I H o,<ll y PILOT Might y Midgets: The Olswang·s 8y EAJ!L GV~KEY ot ~· 0.., ,. ..... Jt.tf Remember Max Truex'! As an lrnhana hlgh school runner In lhe early liOO'a and later ift 'USC and the Olympic. C•mes, he captured the delight of lrack fans the world over by beaUng the bigger guys. Onlyi ~~ and 12.$ pounds, Truex in J9S4 field the naUonal high school mUe record at 4:20.4, or until Newport Harbor ~Ugh's Tod White ran 4:20 flat the follow· ing year. Despite his dim.inulive dimensions, Truex was a champion in bis time. But True1:'s major accomplishment isn't !isled in the record books. He proved that distance runners don't necessaril y have to be built like Jim Ryun. Costa Mesa High School track coach Brian Springer has a pair of two-ntiler~ who are definitely not built like Jini Ryun. Jn fact, they're not evt'n built like !ttax Truu. John and Tom Olswang -ldentlcat twins -stand \(lve feec' and wel1h 1t pounds. Ewn .S H-year .. ld hlgh school freshmen go, that ilrl't very big. But they've made a biJ hit wlth Sprlager so far. "Tom has done a 10:17 two-mile and John's best is 10:2.1," the coaeb says. CIF athletes art considered to be Cee, Bee _or varslty athletes baaed on a formula that considers age, height and weight. To be a Bee, a boy needs 83 ex- ponents. The Olswangs have 69. Springer figures that with any help at all from the Olswangs' pituitary glands, he should hve a devastating two.mUe tan- dem in two or three years. In fact, he might even have a pair or national record holders by then. "I've found oot that the national ·age group 14-year~ld record for the two.mile is 9:51 and they hive unUl November to break it, when they turn 15, '1 Springer report!. But there ~ lodlcatlonl the Oilwonp will have Orange Coast a.ru compctltion for that record. Jim Dlvkllon, and Estanda lreohman, hu nm 10:10. Since the Oilw•np are the oldest in a family ol nine childr~, Sprin&er hu calculated that Costa Mes• Hl&h wlll have Olswangs enrolled for the next 13 years. In fact, Kevin Olswang, who matriculates to Mesa High next year from junior high, is also a track man. What's more, he's a comparative giant in the Olswang household -9$ pound!. Springer admits it is rare for freahmen athletes -particularly 79 pounders -to compete on the varsity level. But he ex- plains the 01.!wangs art COfllpetltive, as are three other fresh.men vanity THE MIGHTY MIDGETS -Little Costa Mesa High freshman Tom (left) and John Olswang. (3rd from left) take a workout with taller teammates Bill OAILY PILOT Pi.tt '°Y Rk~•nl k .... ler Murphy, Harry Noonan and Doug MacLean. The little twins, who \Veight 79 pounds each, are talented distance runners. In Mt. SAC 4 -Mile Relay Valley Guns for GWC Mark Orange County athletes don't exactly dominate the list of nalional jllnior col lege track and field records -owning or &haring just three of 13 recognized marks and that total could be red uced by one third next week. Golden West claims the newe.sl mark on the books, the record for the rarely run 4-mile relay. But the Rustlers' time ol 17:10.4 will be challenged by Los Ana:eles Valley College next weekend at the Mt. San Antonio Relays. It w1s just a year ago lhal Goklt n West 's distance quartet or Neil Sybert, Bob Messina , Rick DeNuccio and BUI lnglehart set th at r('('ord at the Mt. SAC Relays. Pasadena City College. which aliO had • handful of good distance runners, challenged the Rustlen to go after the national record last year but lht'n backed oot or the race. 1be J;ancers later recorded a 17 :06.4 clocking, but that time Y.'as TIP.Vet cerW5ed u a junk>r college record . Jr LA Valley cracks Golden West's record April 25 at Walnut. lhe Monarchs will have to do it on their <lwn. There lsn'l e.nother team in the state this year Graham Signs OXFORD. OhJo -Dive Graham. " 111,uart.erblck like hit dad, ronncr rootball 1reat OUo Gratwn, slped a ltttt'r.of-in· tent Wednesday with MlamJ Ualven.ily of ebio. The younger Graham, of Potomac, ).fd .. is 6-loot-2 and weighs 190 pounds. with four 1nen capable of slaying wilh Valley. The Monarchs have four milers wilh the ability to add their names to the rP.COrd book if they can match their seasonal besls. Slowest of the Valley runners is Bob King. who bas a 4:20 to his credit despite being injured a good deal of lhe season. *********'***'**'* JOEL SCHWAftZ ?.fark Covert. one of the best two.m ilers 1n the state, has run 4:19.0. Running lhe final two legs will be Mark \Vugonback and Jim Estes who have dashed off 4:15.4. and 4:11.3 four-lappers th.is spring. Added together, the four ha ve rUn 17:05.3, well under the Golden West record. The olher two national records restlng in Oran ge County ;ire the 7-1 'h: high jump by Ed Caruthers or S.nta Ana and tht 9.3 JOO by Santa Ana's Fred Kuller. Kuller shares hil mark wilh Mel Gray of Ft. Scott. Kansas, and Travis Williams of rnntra Costa. * * * The Western Stele Conference •as lac· cd wl tb 111 problem of waitr, wal~r everywhere, but not a drop to awlm in hut week. Tbe confei'ence, for 1ome strange rueon, sc?leduled lb league meet at Harbor Col.Jege for tlte lint time. However, there were • rew rtd l1ces because llarbor College doesn't have 1 pool. Officials then tried lo swllcb the mttt to El Camino, but that didn 't wort out because U11e Metropolitan Conferentt meet was tranaferrtd there when Ctt· rlt.os had problem.1 wtth its \abk, Utt original site nf tbe Metro event. 'The WSC finally had to postpone its meet, but hopes to get It in somewhere thls "·eekend. * * * QUIP OF THE WEEK -Citrus baseball coach Galen Bowman moanln!!; about the Owls' poor defen!t: "They 'll come up with a m1Uion dollar play and folln wUll • Cl\o-e cent re1cUoa." * * * Orange CO&sl College track may be a poor place for long jumping because of strong winds, but the pole vaulters now have a fl rst class landing area. The Pirates used to have a homemade sponge rubber pit but It wa1 destroyed by ''andals earlier this spring. To replece it. lhc college purch!Ufd a new Port-1-plt and Pirate <mch Jim fl1cllwain cla 1m1 Ule pole vault ra~lUUe.1 at OCC are now the equal of llflV junior college In the coun try. trackmen -Doug MacLean (aon of Spider MacLean, the radio broadcast ), RJck Deamet and Jolin Mar<hlotlottl. 8ut the Oilw-..,, the two S1lriD4tt bu to keep hll eyes on. "Thele little guya have IO mudll toel'IY you ...Wein~ believe It. I aim..t have to Ue them down. Tbe day before tbe diatrict .,..t at .Newport, they played basketball at the Soya' Club unW 10 p.m. "Then, just before U\eir race the next day, I found them wruUJng In the mlddle ol the field. Then they ran, polled good times and wanted to enter another event." · Disttnce runners usually come tall and lean aod so the spectacle of the Ollwangs dartlng Jn and out of the pack is one spectators at Mustang meeta tho~y enjoy. But no one enjoys it more than Spr· lnglr. Pilots Sign Ex-Anaheim Pitching Ace SEA'M'LE -The Seattle Pilots an· nounced today they have signed Jerry Stephenson, a 25-year--0ld righl®nder w~ once starred at Anaheim High, to their Vancouver farm club in the Pacific Coast League. Stephenson was released outright by the Boston Red Sox and refused to report to Loulsvllle. He wa1 signed by the Pilots as a free agent. , Stephenson spent two fuH· seasons and part of three others with the Boston club and had an 8-19 record in the majors. He was 2-1 last season, all of which he spent with the Red Sox. He pitched for Seattle in 1963 and 1984 when the city was in the PCL. Caltech Finally ll'it1s PASADENA -The law of averages finally caught up with the Caltech baseball team -it won a game. The Engineers, a r t e r dropping 13 straight games this season including <iecisions of 38-0, 17-0 and 13-0, Wed- nesday edged Los Angeles Baptist Col- lege, 10-9. Otd« Dump Rockets OAKLAND -The Oaklan<I Oaks took charge on the boards and that's why they're in the second round of the ABA playolfs and the Denver Rockets aren't. Oakland took the seventh and deciding game of their hectic series, llS..102, Wednesday night and will host the winner ol the New Orleans-Dallas series Satur- day night for the division championship. The two southwest teams clash tonight in their seventh game. Parrolt Resigns SEATTLE-Three resignations from the front office staff were announced Wed.oesday by the Seattle Pilots of the American League. Harold Parrott, director or sales pr<r moUon and radio. said he was leaving for ramily reasons to return to his home in Newport Beach. Herb Elk of advertising sales, quit to join the olfice staff of the Houston, Tex., Central Hocl::ey League club. The third was George Ray of the ticket department, who resigned to seek more employment in television. llolmberg T11rnJ Pro DALLAS -The professional organiza- tion, World Championship tennis, an- nounced Wednesday il has signed Ron 11olmberg, a 10-year amateur, to a con- tract. Holmberg is a native of Brooklyn who plays out of Highland Falla, N.Y. He will join lhe pro tour May 1 in Tokyo. 'f li.fe·· DOUBLE FAVORITE -Ed Shipley, nifty sprinter from Oran~ Coast College, is tabbed to win the 100 and 220 against Golden Weft College Friday afternoon in the rubber match of the arch·rivals' dual meet series. , .. Records Tlareatetied , '• " GWC Picked Over Bucs . h1 Spike Meet, 79-65 \ ... <.!.~. •.1 ")Ii By JOEL SCH\\'ARZ Of ""' DlllJ ,,.., Sll ff The reccird book figures to take qu ite a pounding Friday afternoon when Orange Coast and Golden West colleges meet in the rubber match of their brief track and field rivalry. Records cciuld easily tumble in no fe'A·er than 10 events if the ccimpetitors from the two schools can match their seasonal best. CompetiUon will get under way in the field events at 3 p.m. with the first run- ning event, the 440 relay, scheduled to start half an hour later. On paper, The DAILY PILOT'S dope sheet casts Golden West as the favorite, 79..fi3. The lwo schools split their previous meets with Orange Coast romping lo a 103-32 win in 1967 while Golden West ni~ ped the Pirates, 73-72, last spring. This year's meet figures to fit Into the mold of the 1968 meet with close ccim- petltion in almost every event. Only three events -the two hurdle Aaron Now Sixth In Homer Derby HOUSTON (AP) -Ha'nk Aaron says Mel Ott must have been a tremendous basebsll player.- "1 started chasing him in 1954 and finally caught him," the Atlanta Braves' superstar said Wednesday night after hi s 512th lifetime home run helped the Braves beat the Houston Astros 6-4. Aaron's homer, a two.run shot in the first inning, put him one ahead of Ott, lhe oldlime Gianb hero. Aaroo, 35, had been tied with Ott on the all-time home run list until he teed off against Denny Lemaster his first lime up. Aaron became second only to Willie Mays in the National League home run list. He pulled even with former team- mate Eddie Mathews In sixth place for career homers. racts and the high jump -appea~ be one-sided because of the presenCe of Colden West's Don Shields and Jiln Seymour. i Shields is a cinch to break one lr the meet records. his own mark of 6-4 1/.r in the high jump. The Rustler star soai;.ecl of over the cross bar at S-11 last wetk to posl the best junior college efforts M-the year in the event. Friday he could turn in the first ever 7- foot jump in the Orange Coast area;:. Seymour, who has the nation 's swiftest 440 hurdle clocking (52.7). will estat>µsh a meet recttd in that event and easily could top his own meet mark of 15.0 in the highs. : ' Other meet records are likely tn vthc 100, mile, 440 relay, mile. rela y, j>Ole vault, shot put, discus and ja\'elin Wtiere competition for first place honors Will be extremely close. Ml'l'T lll!COltDS 100--1Ce11v coc~o 170-(att r$0tl I W<O Ul)-C8ltrsot1 WCI lllG-Mn•ln8 GWCI Mll-C"" tOCCI 2·Mll1-lnglet\1r1 (GWC\ 1'10 MH-S..ymour (GW(I •.ii Retl\1-0fll!llf! COltt Miii Rrltv-Ot•ngr CNSI U--Ollvtr IOCC! TJ-OllYrr !OCCl HJ-SMtlds !GWCl PV-Bland (OCCI SP-Elktrmann (0CC) Ol•tu~B•tt IOCCI JA vtll11-Elktrm..nn !DCC! OOPI SHEET , , (d~~· SMoltY tOCCJ 2. H.trrl1 (GWC) :'.< J.qe iJlt".'· Shipll!y COCC! 2. H1rrit CGWCl J. 'l:rll'I' • ~1. McMtllon (GWCJ 2. B1~1r IOCC) l. 11,...ent (DCC). llCI -l. Sc:llmilE COCCI 2, French CGWCl J. Sm.1llwaod !GWC). Miit-i. l'.:l'!fftKelo (GWC) '· S-lrde (OCCI J. Schmenk {GWCl. 2·Mllt-l. OeHuttkl (GWC! 2. S<:hmenk tYWCI J. Moeney (OCC). JJ.~,0~H<G~ S1~vrno11r lGWCI 2. Pomu 11v 40C:~I l. •C IH-1. ~vmciur (GWC) 1. P<>mrr11v (0C() J. Jol\ftlon CGWC.I. , · c6c"cl.I. Pttf"°" (GWCI 1, Eldlt IOCCI J. ~CltlnlOI\ Dioc111 -l. Eadie COCCI 2. Ptlt~on (G~ 1 Ctrme;:k IOCCI ·~' PV-1, 811n6.IOCC) 1. /Mnnl~ COCCI 3 .• • .... rr1 n IGWCJ. ""' (GVio': Hinson !DCC . 2. Mtrrlll (GWCI 3. ,.Bill !O~JC).1. Seymour IGWCl 2. Lu1Ano IGWC! 3.')ii111et" IO~~J.1. Sllleltt1 IGWCl 2. Mull<lllt r !GWCI 1-M l!ler (~cr11-1. fldl• IOCCJ 2. ZO!'lll1 rGWCl J. >.-II 4 .. .ltel•Y-1. Or•noe COllSI. .. Miit ll'!'llV-1, Golden Wftl , ..• Prtdkled scor1: OG-ldln wel1 "· Orl "'lt Col!l'f•s. Majorfaague Standings ,., '' > Nadon•l Leape American Le•gue East Dtvl1lon Eut Dtri•lon Won Loot Pel. GB Won Lott Pct GB Chicago 8 I .1189 Pittsburgh 6 3 .667 2 Ballimor' 6 3 .M7 St. Louis 4 s .444 4 Booton s 3 .625 ~I Montreal 3 ' .37S 4%; New York • 3 .571 I New York 3 6 .333 s Detroit 4 3 .571 I Phlladelphia % 6 .%SO S~I \Yashinrton 3 s .375 2 1~ \Yest Dlvl1lon Cleve.land t 6 .113 4 Atlanta 7 % .778 Wnt Dlvl1I011 Los Angeles s 3 .62.1 Jl i Kansas City ' 3 .62.1 San Francisco 3 4 .429 3 Chicago 4 3 .571 ,. , Cincin nati 3 4 .429 3 Oakland 4 4 .500 I San Diego 3 ' .375 31; C11ifornia 3 4 .429 112 11ouston 3 6 .333 4 S..Ule 3 • .129 !\\ WIOllllM'll,.,.1 R~ ~finnesota J 4 .129 Ill MonlrNI ft 1'1111 ... llloflll. 11111 "lrtabur•ll II, N-Yor1e 1 Cllk QG 1, 51. lll\li1 • ...... .,.. --lh .1.llt n!t •· ttau11or! ' WI Slll"lllon •t N1w Vor!C, r•ln LOI A"'"lel t. 5•n DIQO Cll!tlM S, l(.n ... 1 Cit¥ ' °"IY t-"ll!t WWdulH. 8111Jmor1 11. a.ion t, 1\1 ifllllno1. r1in TM•l"I OllllH Ollrolt L CIWel•nd I N ..... v .. ~ (Cl,.._11 0.1) II P l!IJ.burtll (l unnl,,. M'-"l• L kettle l 0.1). """' <Hk!Mll " , ............ ' Monll'MI iSl9nloMll 0.)) 1t Pllllldoel,t\1• fJ~-I .. ), l'tllolll T ... ~·-ClllC ... (Hinds I.fl 11 St. L..,11 !Glultt 141, n"hl WHl'llnttoll (Melon 1• a,..i P-.t •n •I "" . Atllftll (Jl,..,.11 •II II Hlo,r1to11 <•a.1J11t-•II Ywt ISktt!IMI'"' U ... ••llrtloft ~JI, t ".... . ••11111'1111'1 (P•lnllr I.el l •I ....._ 11,,,... l .. ) 51n Di.. II("'"° .. ll ti Sin Fr11Klta (Sldld;I l-11 OtrtN!t 11.allc:fl I.cl) I t C~tlflll 1w1ui.,,.1 •11 Onl~ ·-· td'fOd ... 1". n,,,... .. -ld'llltutod AUTHORIZED FULL SERVIC E AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES ' 1969 AultinAmmqij Available w/Automatic Transmisikia GOLD SEAL USED CAlS ' FINEST SELECTION ' OF USED SPOlT CAlS ·' IN SOUTHllN CALll'ORNIA J~rlll~I L11 I _ii 111 p Ll l I •:, 3100 WUT COAST Hl•HWAT -NIWPOIT llU.CH J~rlt1pu1 1 31 Ill p L1 II ~. M2·M05 540-1764 A-M• e AUSTIN·HIALIT 0..IH A ........ AaaAll D ...... S.S.. .. -· ' ' • , • ' I ! ~ • • I l i ' ' l l , Niglit Swim1est Sue~esslu~~ ' CdM Goller Wins To,¢;ney : Com Mesa High School's venture . into n1aht IWim meets proved a ritiwbble -· A llJ'Sl-dass ~ation all the WI)',_ 1Aclud- -1ng a scoitliOiiif and a manual cba<t liCUlfying the winning time in each event. alooi wtth an announcing S)'sltnl-' The lighting -altbougb makeshift -,,,,,, adoquale. Mesa <illciab Indicate they11'\ry tt agalft next year-possibly with Newport ~· if they can schedule the Tars. .. -* • * h... eptrltlons of prevlou years were la M:-· eontnst &o the fOtll num1q: of the a..lfer Iavltadonal tract and fteldi meet at I ,Oaffey v-Hip School to Ontario, > la a meet clalmiDg dl1ttnction for well-nln :.I~ .,.,..uoas, t.be fiaal reslllts of tH aec:ond "'? ~.. • I ''''''''''''''" ROGER CARI.SON *'**'*****"****. Bloom, F_.. Vallo'• J-. Xauet,·Caltl ='='"""'· -Mopolil'• -1"·11•)wo mftei • te JdaMr eeMlta1 .,.wio ... -. ldt .... ._ ltr ... IJMI. .... .....w. • *, • Corooo del -~·· J\llb lleehl won the Individual , p at tho h> augural Sou!bern bich llChool ,.it clw:lc at March Alr Force Bue last week alto< Shooting-the rqulatloo 11 In 73. He birdied the !bird bole In a sudden death pla,y<il 1o pace eorooa c1e1 11ar 1o a mth place llnbh In the field « 12. Estancia fmiahed filth, two -ahead " the s.. K1np. Reebl, COrona's 1·op goller, seems destined !or collegiate honors. ~ golren at 77---5t<ve Robertson, Walt Brown and Jim G<orge-paced E.otancla. * * * lnJJde ebltrvtn llY eee Gt lM f'UICN!I Jim Cooll ef Marina JDP, WU taken eat •f the aUlletic dlreCtor pOlt wu dae te bis udlng wttli Wamwter Hip 1111 year. Westmluter claimed Ulepl tactics were ased to ....... -ti HI -plaJon to tramfer to A••lttlm ud Coon toUdlJ backed Westmhlster ta Ill dalmt. • W *'11 nm of t1te open 118, two novice Ill relaj eveatl, *et: opta mile rel1y1, die !Mrflce Ieng Jump and shot put weren't even ... m1. Marina offldl.11, Bwever, 1tmmed area baeken, ddlq -Weslonl W Butlqtoo Beach la favor of Alllltelm at the leape bearing of the case • • * • • * • When c.osta Mesa High School won the Ctt divisl<>n1 at the recent Beach Cities Invila· tional track and field meet at Davi<bon Field. it marked the first time ever that a Costa Mesa lUgh contingent had won a track title-in any division. Prep baseball games ending iD a Ue be- cause ol darkness is becoming a problem. ro date, eight of the 12 Orange Coast area hiah school vanities have been affected. Newport Harbor has two-both in Sunset League action that will have io be replayed if the outcome would affect flnal league 3tandinp, more a probability than a possi-• • • bility, ' Ollly two coaches remala In vanity basket- ball iD tk Inlne Lupe after foar resigned a.Ince &M ad ef. the seuon. Corona de! Mar and Estancia recently replayed a tie in the Irvine I.ague. Corona del Mar, Westminster, San CJe. · mente and Newport Harboi' have ended up tied on two occasions this year. El&ancla's BW Wetlel and Loara'1 VlrcD Webb 1tay wblle Corona del Mar's Bill Saddleback Sunset Swimming Loses 11th, 14-2 to SD Saddleback College dropped its 11th straight baseball verdlci Wednesday afternoon 'when invading San Diego City College buried the Gauchos, 14..Z, under a barrage or 21 ,hue bits. . The Gauchos lry again Wednesday with a trip to Southwestern Junior College. Coupled with its 21 safeties, San Diego parlayed s i x Gaucho errors to its ad· vantage in racking up 10 runs in the final three innings. Saddleback bad led by a 2-1 count after three innings before the invaders cut loose. In the third inning the host 11COred twice when Greg Pen- ·. nington walked and Scott • ~ Longnecker was hit by a pitch. \Vlth Mike Derbyshire run- ning for Longnecker. Don Sweetland singled both run- ners home. $HCllHdt ltl Ne!.on, ~ l-rl«lr.tt', cf 0.,..,., ..... ,.., d ·-Q RIYel, u Swwll•M, c Wlllltmf.. rt M<lett. It~ E•thl. 3b Kob9l1kl, lit p....,1,,.ron, , \'let, d PtlY'f', 11 pi_.,.,p AlltMltl . . ' ' . ' , ' . ' .. ' .. ••• ' . . ' . . ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . . • • • 0 I 0 0 Tol1l1 11 2 5 2 S•~ ~ Clf1 110 Al It M IUI ........ ,, 6110 Mollne,d 4110 SWolllOll, If I l 5 t FullH,c 4221 ........ c ,,,, 1 Coron.clo, 1b S l l 1 I • WrWloltkl, 3b J o o l ' K11'911tfr, 3ti l l 1 o \~=:::~ ::!~ \11llrl, '1 2 1 1 2 Edtl.P 1010 lu~•nbo!Jf'I, P 1 o I l f'tert, P I I I I , Tot1ls '1 u 21 1" • ke,. h" lnlllftP . ". ' ~n Dlfll<J 100 ll'G ).1)-U 21 1 ko;;'°;~ ;_; ' · ·-1. 1: r: Newport, Vikes Post Victories Marina and Newport Harbor high schools swept to easy Sunset League dual svi.·im rn e e t victories Wednesday afternoon; the Sailors o f Newport Harbor dismantling invading Huntington Beach, 67·28, while host Marina was disposing of Westminster, 69- 26. Marina's tasy win was led by Don Lippoldt and Clay Evans with their double wins in individual races along with a record-setting 400 free relay team that clocked a 3:29.3. 'The quartet for Marina was Lippoldt, Evans, Steve McCon· naughey and Keith Donaldson. Joel PeMe broke t h e Westminster diving record with an 83. 70 effort. Marina won every varsity event except diving. Newport's vJctory was higbllgbted by eight .. parate winners in v a r s i t y C{)m· petition. Tom Warren took the 100 back in 1:02.8 and Jim Wilson won the 200 free in 1:58.4. """' H_,.,. "'"" 071 l•l .._.MIMI -·· 7GO MeGleY Rel.Ir -l. Nfwliort HtrDOr (WtrTen, Keflll. 0 t ye r, attutfl. Tin-.: l:Sl'.I. 200 frM -1, WI'-fNHI '· Doft'/' (NH) J. l..tm~rl IHll). Time: 1:51A. !O Free -I, SclH!tr CHiii 1. Wltrlft INNI S. Dl.lrktn tNHl. Tlrnf: 14.t •• 2QO lncllYld!HI Medley 11 l . ~ INHI 2. Wtrnedct (NH) 3. Horrlt CHIJ. Time: 2:1 t .3. 01¥1nl -1. Durltln IHHl 1. COktr CHiil 1 Fft!Mll (H8). Polnh : '3.1. 100 Fty -1. 0oYn (NH) '· Pllhrlft (Hiil 1, J~ CNHJ, Time: 1:00.0. lGO Frtt -1. Jiff Wlko1. (NM t. ei.uer tNHI s. ltktf' CNH). Tlmt: .... lOCI llld: -I. Wtrrer> INH) 2. Norrlt (Hiil l . l!i.n (NH). Time: 1:111.1. 40t ''" -1. Wttntdt INHl 2. Wlhon INH) J.. UmbWt (Hii i. Time; •::11.S. IDO Sre-11 -I. K1lth tNHI t. ll1t· tenon CHI) J. John w11,o~ (NH). T!mt: 1:10.,. a Fr" lltlt Y -1. Hun11,,.1or1 E!e1dl INorr!1, Sthe1r, !doh', Pit· ffll'Mln), ·-Htwttrl K.trtoH (JI) lttl 14¥11111 ..... . .... 70C1 Medin Rtlay -I. ·Newl'Ol'1 1-!1rbor (Snyd1r, Deuhdl, Norris. Ttlm.,tl. Time: 1 :S6.I. 20D fl'ft -1. Norrhl tHHl 2. l ll\llllH (NHl l . Sl1n1bury (NHl. Tlmt' J,1'.2, 50 frff -1. Gretr CNHI J, 0.Hl.lfl' (HE!) J.. Kint (Hll). Time: ~.t, 100 lnd!vktut l IMdln' -1. Ftrrtf' (NH) t. llodn (Hiil J.. Dllllsdl INtO. Tlmt: 1:01.J.. 100 Fl'f -I. Norris INHJ 2. llod11 (Hiil ~. ICronna CHll). Time: l:OJ.1. 100 Free -1, Grter (NHl 2. T1lmffe INHJ J, ICJ,,. (Ht ). T!mt: S6.0. 100 81d< -1. Snvffr INHI 2. Eme"°" (HI) l. Aurk11 0(8). Time: l :Cll.t. "DO Fr1!e -l. F1rr1r tNHJ 2. S"vdtr (NMl J.. Johneon (NHI. Tlmt: 4::111.1, 100 111'9tll -1, OuR1!1 (Hiii 2. Dtuhdl INHI l, Huc:llOll CNHJ. Time: l :11.7. .00 Frte RtlaJ" -1, liunll,..ton 8Hdl IE-''°"' Klftf, Ou!lkft, lla<lr.l. Tlfne: 1:51.7. ,_ .....,.,.. """' uo nn """""'..,. ..... 2'11 Mfd)ly lt111Y -1, Nft\'llDl1 Her&r !Cit~. lmllh, A1~1 . Cft1r1t1J, Time: 1:01.l. 2C11 Fr .. -I. ~ UtHl t. Kl'llll. (NHJ J, ll*rt.. {NH). Timi: 1:11.1. .511 FrH -I. Wllcu {NHI 2. Hiii IH8) 2. H1rrtr11 CHiil, Timi: U.S. 100 l!'ICllvlclutl Medley -1, S!t>llh INHJ t. llrtut1 (Hiii J, Wtfl (Hll), Time: 1:a1. Sii Fir -I, W1lco1. (NH) 2. Wtll (NH) J.. Herrtrl (Hll). Timi: 26.7, 100 Fm -1, AW!e !NH) 2. H!JI (N8J I. llttdlelkr tNHI. Time: S.S ... a lack -I. lr1ut1 IHll 2. Cllr"- (NHI J.. CltlY !HM). Time: ~l..l ll. llrlQf -1. Smllh INHI 1,. ltllbef'hon INHI I. PortfOW <NMJ. Tlo'!M; M.I . 100 Fl'H liltllV -1. NewJIOfl Htrbor fAaht, ll•td'lellor, CNrln. Sri10lr), Timi: 1:41., • Wt~ Ya?ll" IN 5~MT ~at Y~E r fPI. cwr ltlCI( or A l+(ll(mP.11 ' -· .,.1111, l'M DAii. V MLOf J7 ' UCI Drops :54 Match I In Irvine Swim Prelims I CdM Nets ·Favorite's Role vc Jrvlne'• busy tennis team returns to Its borne c:ourta !or • pair ot .maldles Friday .... Saturdoy against San l»tgo..area compeUUon after aullering ooly Its third defeat od the seaaon -Wed- """11)' afternoon. Coach Myron McNamara's ...uu facea San Diego State Frlda,y and the Vplvenlty ol Cali!omia at San Diego SaturT day on the Anteater courts. The University ol Redlands, the defending NCAA small col- Jeg' tennis champion, avenged an earlier loss to UCI by whl~ ping the Anteaters, 5 • 4 • UC lntlllt CO Ul ....... Sl111ln O'Ntll (UCO def, Burdldl: tlU, .. .._ f. •• Nnl .... !UCIJ def. Wtrfleld (RI, ...... .._ Jemison tlll di!. h1rdl111 tUCO, W. 7.5, •2. R. Vtnlldl; {R) def. Ot\IOI (UCll U. ...... 1J.~ncl (UCll def Rtll'l'tU$Sfft tRJ, K.;dj (It) def 1'1~1n {UCIJ, '-lo 6"l. ....... Vtrdldl·Verdlck (R) dtl O'Ntll- Ntdloll'ld (UCIJ, ~ W. w-..tlfid.Jlmlt.on (RI def. Nntt. .... H1191nit (UCIJ. U , "'· M . Otve1-Slev1rl1on (UCll dtl. RtllnUlllfl-ltrll<lfl OU, J.J, 6'1. ' I By !\OGE!\ CARLSON Of .. Olllr 'ltl' ...., Corona del Mir H I~ h School's_ J.J.t'l!tY .m__tearn, !coded lft depth to the 1Ws, dominaltd the Irv1De League swim prtllms Wedn es d1 y afternoon at Eltancla High School. The Sea Kings, under coach Dave Millovteb, RiSt their first-ever league dual meet to Costa Mesa earlier in the year. However, if the prelim:s at Estancia are any indication. it would appear that the Corona de! Mar contingent will gain the league championship on the basis of a first place in the finals and second in league dual meets. Although most of the league records that fell during the afternoon went to Costa Mesa and Estancia swimmers, Millovich's crew continued to GoUBllb 3;99c •Leading American Menufecturw • SoHd-center for long life. •Super tough cover reaistacut1. While the,y la.st, just m 1:00-13 block'Ml 2 .,1y 111bilou. Plut lrlda-in end 11.86 Ftd. Ex. Tax Whilew.1Us $2.95 Eriro BFG Long Miler * New tires at retread prices! * 4-ply nylon cord construction in sizes listed * Popular sizes SIZE FED TAX 8121& HURRYI s14a& ~IA~ •. 7.75-14 $2.20 7,75-15 2.21 8.25-14 2.36 8.25-15 2.46 All•• P'fkll fW ~Wtll .................. 111 1111 Mf Mill flt'-. Wllll'IWtHI ti.ti _.. • llUAltANTIL-.,. -u....,.. --w !IN 11t ...... ._.11 __ ...... fl ...... -. _...fl .................. __ _ .............. ____ ..,.... i...._.,,..,. ..... IWl ........ llOirollt,-. .......,, .............................. -..... --·-------· .., ....... _____ ... _.......,. ..... --.. ~-h ............... . 11111-w11 ... 1111_1w,......_._._ -·•-llNfl•-· ..... -... ~ .......... __ ,.... BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE • EXPERT WORllWISHIP • QbALln REPIACEMENT PARTS • SPECIAL LOW illias .., .................. ..,..." ........ ' .............................. ~ .... -~ .............. . ,... .. _.. ... ...... ... It....... .-::-=: ......... . .............. • 10 MOIEY DOU . FOR IOST OARS COSTA MES~. WESTMINST ER JONES TIRE SERVICE l. J. LITTLE~S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARIOR BLVD. <At layl 7352 WESTMINSTER AVE. PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 993.55f2 DAILY 8 a111 • 6 pm • Sat. 1115 pm DAILYl ni • 7 pin • Sat.1115ptn OUR OWN BUDGET PLAN a IANKM\ERICARD CMll a MASTER CHARGE ... Miit MOIAL AOI --l T-Nlohf II tht MoYiu. The NIMI of the Gen'lll, T?le Outaldtr, lnd~onNIC.TV. B.FGoodrich ' \ . • • • ·------------------- 2f 1W1. Y l'tLOT Start Your Engines! Santa Ana Spikesters Belt Vikes g~ fllttl ·Yikes; Creci ~ftitting .439, · Id Palmer 'DEIAYfD HIT' MIGHT WOIK FOl Yoo · Lea~s Area Prep· Batters by Deke Hou/gote CiinijiliJmhlp racing began In 11111 u 1 Olritl ot -~ thot d«<nnln<d who ... the best driver In Ille U.S. It bu• 1oo( ud contlnuous blstory. It has grown In trldltloo w1lll todo7, whfA It II on the verge of drying up and bJowin1 nay. The inbl<m wllb todoy'1 clwnploolhlp racln(, llOCCll'dlna to one champ clrcult pn>me>Cer who analyzed tt, II !bit the -le "1lo. are ,_n,i. for perpetuating it doo'I reolhe 1-far lhey'vt lei K l1lde downhill Ac:WaOy, cbainplnmlllp raclnc today II not -clrcult but -· each ot lll<m requirlng dlll<rftlt !lllchlnery ud totally cllf. fereM drlvlng technique. It 111 If you will exeu11 the exjleaioo, a bocflepac!fe. ' The thr<e \)'pea ol raclns are oval, rood and dlrt. Oval cara an be oonwrt<d wllb 1k!Dlul meclwtlcaJ adj-. to rood ncerr, but dirt raclne requires a completely dlfferent race car. This yeor the U.S. Auto Club will t1are n fVtllll oa the d>am- plomidp trail. Thot llOWldl llke a lot unW you bruk them down. Sll are dirt r-. lour ar< rood rlC<I, cme II tbo Pita Peok HID Olmb and one Is the llldianapolll lllt, wblcll' Is 10 much """" Important that you could &ive away the rut ai • chlrtty bazaar and never mla.s them. The tradltl<lllal oval or lnd7-type r-add up to nine, but they ... beld J(_oolJ n.... r ... lratil, -. lliD!onl, Llqborne, T""*" and Milwaukee. Nert year there wU1 be no Langhorne, and the n!elng o! minimum Jl'll'" requlremenll lmperill """ .. Pboenlx and IW> f«<l. A new track el Ontorio, will be oddod Jn 1'111, 1lrln&lnl the total back up to lour U you ""'"t Indy. Whal Is the -lo< chlmplomhlp racing folng downbiD, whUe stock car racing and sports c:ar road racing have grown at tremendoul rates during recent years? Bobby Unaer bu one viewpoint. "We blve (Ol to become mare -Ulre Jn U9AC K wo are going to ke<p up wllb the mt of the -kl. Ollmplomllfp racina II Ibo anq big thing there Is, but our lelclerlllJp hll kl,. down on OV1!eylhlnc they bave dOl1e foe yean. We need IOOd - manapment l:n USA.C." u-la!d USAC bis been weak In Ill d<o1lnp wttll pro- -1111 fumbled the bill oa public ... 111-ond bu allowtd ttsell to be run by people who doa'thov1 tbo beot lntmata ot flCo lnC • beart. No Consistant Pt'OfJr•m II......,. economlea maklq It ufeulb!e lo mllolaln trab fterl elulpiOAsJUp nce1 CU be Jttld? , U· ...W..'t seem to. Ptticlalpe Speeft1y \e1d a 11~ nee II U. but wu dated 1 a&Detion for '• la a dbacree:...t wiU. tJIA.C over tbe lbe ol Uie pute. There are good oval tncb Ill NAICAB Jud, toc-g Doylw, ~ Dorlft&loe, A- la, n...,qlllm ud 'hl1l4ep, Ila ,..._..,. !MN II • lock ti ,._ .. •11o1 a-, .......... A -oval 11 belq bolll •I Bryn. Tu., ... -.. - nunond fll Ille New Yd City ud w..w.,i.. D.C., orua. Sbllld tlle clmnp«nsHp trail kan ...... Ylly 1111 nlcl rtc- lq'T 'n.l ..... emra& trni. .. 1JllC 1111 -( ............. gnm of ......... fll tMI mo. Loll,... ..... ,_ ......... 11 ·11~ ... II. -. Cuodo, JM ...... -...,. Pm, ('all I I DIYWt, Coll, ud. lUMliie. '111111 ,... o..ytnaU. 111u., ..,r-. ... 1n ca-. n-Good rood --•-Wt for dllll •I Kat, w ...... '-" -... -Plf.i, Cit, w.-G1oa, Mld-a.i. .. ~ ;. Pt1tz11 a. w UIAC ea't 1tM., ..W ,... elraltl Sa tllot lM l'Old ndrrl dab, llCCA, ... -op -I pod,.. gram Clll& appean io UYe a lletW fltln. Cet1Ciaet1t.l Cil'elllt Opetla '1lllt would be Ille llO<l11od COnllnemaJ Oluriplcuhlp, which features open-wheel con Wirf llm11lr to Indy coro and jllll u fut as they are on road courm. The a.race Cootlntlrlal clmzlt o pem Ulla Stmdl:y •I Riverside. The ~ mJahl tum out lo be the only lnre dlampl~ oerltl, -Ill cars '"' equal pertonnero, Ibo COW'3lll Ill cllller<nt, the clrMn provo their ability In nlallnly lne1peoeln con and 111 one r,.. (IR!Cb 11 the Indy IOO) .-. tlie Hit. Marina Hip 5chool'1 trick and field oquad felt the mJahl ol Sula Ana Wldaerdly .nm-, the Viklnp drop. p1n, all three dlvlslons 1o the Salois '"' the wlnnen' OVll, Sat.a Ana'• vanlly, led by Jackie White la: the 1prlnts, took lhe.11101111tt.ol Marina by . an tl..37 count while the Bees wm winning, 7H2, and the c.es. C-14. WltJto .... the sprinlo In I.I and 22.0. Marl11111 three vam. ty vktcries were chalbd up by Bob Lemmon, Bob Oillds and Bob Wbteler. Lemmon woo the llO high burdlea in 1 15. 7 effort while Oilldl WU tUinl the higb Jump In 1-2 and Wbeeler the pole vault in JU. ·-MllrM Ufl (ti) .... A• 1• - 1. Wflli. fSI &. L1C7 V.-l &. T. Vt1111""9111 CMI. Ttmt: t.t. nt -I, WlllN {II J. Lin' CM) &. ewti. CSl. TN: n.t. MO -1. Mn fS) I. J. Vtfltlmltflt IMI l. It~ IS). Tl-: JIA. llO -1. V~P•"'11 (SI !. '°""'"' (SI J, Hirt l.W. Tll'M: ':15.9. Mlle -I, F""'*' (S) !, a.111n (M) l . MetrlU. ISJ. THM: l:D.t. • t.\ich.t Jho •111111110 ,._el GcRy ""'"'"-Jn.a fhto;,... """"""'"delayodhlt"hulociJIW. Chodc \h1 llr..1ia11-whlcll, wmako\chod """''"""•of Gal)> .. owJft8; Hb loll n n ~lubohcr~· ...... rl~ "'8!e _, 90 doirrw ...; at' Jho ~,,, hi& baC'k1w!ng, In lll'!i!iliJel~ Gaiy .. ,_ hem ... t.1 down until tlioy ... 6!-dT~riW tho boll, 71t hll wrltll ,;.. 11111 fully cockod Jn .the~ patt1m. Thw he obtalrw tho bonoGta of .aMI rol-o!M1wrlltllnthe • hltl!nga-. Hkilll>dl-anly a fsw lnc:h•, yet hl1 wrists uri-" 1 oash tho dub J,.,,, 90 to 180 dogru1. lh!1tnmtndauloul· poun.,. of,..,.,., at th• vory !Olt 11pl!t --11 lorh" groat cllolonco, O.lya playorwtlh '"'Y at"'"' wrllt1 could dolay thtrr uihinging so Ieng and still SCf'Clre theclubfaceto the ball in 'tiM to his o ttnsight lhot. 1-Mlle -I. Wifd'llor ISi t. Lo4M (M) I...._.. Ill, nm.: t :J1,l . I •011111*"-........ lit HH -I. "'-(M) J. ...... Rival Ill I. 0.¥111 IS). TlfM1 11.1. ~,1,--..:·-------------...-.....a.J l•LH-1.Y-11)1.l.-"~ . ' fM) :l. J..-Ill. n.: •t. . ,, . Skilli' D f ...... ,_, ___ , on e eats .a;:-.le ltti., -1. "* ML TlfM: ~ l :ll.I. IU -1. ClllWt (Ml I. fie Y...., lit • .,,... Ill. Hflllill: H. u-1 . .--111t.~1111 ·~ (Ml. '*'-'Ct: ... ,,,, -I. -.., CMI t. ........,_ Cl) a. ...... Cl), ""9M: 1M. In CMCC Tournament IP -I. a.rtll (SI I. .IM9"I (I) I. nr.111111 CM>. Dlllal'ICll: M \11. ... s.. Aal en> Cit) Mllrlu 100 -1. Mclrlde llAI 1. Chl11tr1 (SA) I. f'ltlno (IA). T!Mf: 11.1. !20 -l. Mcllrllll fSAI J. Ovt.111111111 CM) l Cltw.r CSAl. Tl!M: JI.I. ... -I. HIR !SA) 2. lorw (Ml l Glenorl 1141, Time: 1:•.t. lUI -,, H11111r1 (SA) 2.lt.enttvd IV.I l. V ...... 1M). Tl!'M! 3:J0.4. 129 l(H -1. P'Otl! ($A) 1. WllH- (SA) I. Vln'IW'ltr ISAl. flint: 15.J. 129 lJ4 -I. F.,d !U.) 't, Pe111W (MJ l. W1111efm ISAI. TlnM: U .•• llO .... ., -I. Slntl Mt. Time; 1:11.0. HJ -1. kll,..erbut UAJ t. locl• IM) !. Tit befWft!I Herl\lfldel. (Ml and Morfoll (M). Hel'll'll: H . LI -1. "-"'°" (5.A) 1. Lockhwt IMI l Kenntdy CM). OlstWK.t: lM. P'V -I, V-ltr ISAI 1. Eln-(¥.) J. Wtla'/ll IMI. Htltllt: 1H. tf' -t. OtrN CIA) I. DMI CIAJ I. Mcl.Mn CIAI. O"'-: --. ... s-19 .... (0) Dfl .,,.,.. 11111 -I. HemMdn CSA) J. Kll- CMl :a. Mellbr CMI. Time: it.• l• -1. Hm.alldtz (SA) J. ~ll'b1 (Ml 1. Atulltr tSAJ. Tl"": 11.1. "' -I, Pll.Wlett ISAI t. Huffmen IM) l '"'""" CMJ, Tlrrit: l:JO.l. ll!lt -1. PW,_ CIAI t. Ctrrtnl (IA) I. Y"1c IM), "nlnl1 l:tu He lH -I. Byen CIA) 1. OI~ llAI 1 T_,r.... IMl. TlrM: U.J. UI illH¥ -1, Mtr'lrll, IHtlrnlrllell, Mtll'Dlo, T..,...,, K .... I. TllM; "I.I. "-I -1. I""' llAI t. ltrMW' CIA) S. ,,.,_ CSAJ. Hellfltl U. lJ -I. 0.-dl {IA) I. I~ (IAl t. SrMrt flA), ~i lN. PV -1 AMlllW CM! t. ...... CSA.1 I. .,.,,.......,,. CM). NI """"' SI> -I. ,_11 !Ml I. Cttv"l.n CUJ I. Grtwft (IAJ. D1tt1ner. •nh. Skip Sk!Won defutcd Jack Blackketter for the vice· presidenUal title 111 the men's club Pretidenl Clip finals at ~ta Meaa Goll and Country Club lut we<k. NW Hickman bad earlier turned away Garland Prtv1tt for lbe club cbamplombip. In the aecretary-trtasurers night, D i c k Qlrlatlanson finished ahead of G. King and J:mil Duffield defeated Don Alfreds in the tournament chalnnan'• fll&hl. Low gr<>M leader ln the con- solation flight was Norm Popkin with a 75 ahead or Jrank Bartolh (76), Bud Sleva (79) and Georae Dernbach (81). Low nel leaden, wlth 72, were Jack Towle, Max Jtlalck. A1mo Palonen and Dick Hiteman. At 7J wtre Dick Miller, Joe Flcovic and Norm Potekln while J a c k Hiaglnbotham, Dick Reese and BUI Lcdner followed with 74s. In women'• club action, Dorothy O'Leary .scored a gross 80 to capture lo1v gross honors in the A flight Friday on the Lake course. Pat Fitzpatrick won low net wllb e 91-20-71 followed by VI Hoskins (fO.lt-76) and Mary Evelyn Imler (91-15-76). Bev Battistoni Jed B flight arou action with a 19. In net bonol'i it was Rita England a\ IM-31·7' ahead of B e l t y Brown's 103-26-77, Shir I e y Onnmaro's 10749-78 and Rosemary Skillion's 106-27-79. ra.taxine Assmus scored a 1Q9.A.77 for C flight gross hoDon, three strokes ahead of Betty Jo Sleva'• 111-37-74 and Mlllle Pedersen'• 110-36-74. Shirley Hawkes (111-36-76) and Mary Groae (112-36--76) followed. Laguna Trophy Meet Set Friday, Saturday Some oulstanding chip ins were recorded by \\'omen's club members. Nora Morales chipped In from 3(1 feet out on the 13th hole: r.Iarior: Voss us- ed a three-iron on the slxth hole from 110 yards out; and Betty Jo Sleva sunk a 40.foot shot with a six-iron . n.. oae thlni chlmploaolllp rociq 1111 l"iDc for K Is billlorT. <Joly an ICC!dent of 1rlelOey cnoted the u,ii .. A!JIO Chrb, wlllclr rules it aow, and no one• to •Y that USAC 1rtlJ' ahra_71 mamcti Over 1,IOO individual entries Trophies, 22. of them, will -oc-•-·--,dependlngoa,....viewpolrll-tllodlamplroll and Jl llchools will be at the be pre.ented to the best lbree ...... .......,. T ·-·... teams 1n each division. the Betty Brown putted 4:>-feet to win her match on the 21st hole. Th1t type of raclnC -or1llnolod • ,._. ,ip b7 the llllh rwmlnl 01 the -.-best three indlvldual1 In each Amerlctn Automoblle Min., the Nml MA wblch 11 the Buch Hl1b School Trophy dlvlllon and to the 440 and ~111·1 mot! ocllve lrlmd and -· Meet Friday and Saturday ·1 I I to AAA dlalolved HI ooatllt board at tbl e:d If tt. 1111 ltUOll. afternoonl to compete in the m;~:iZ.l cm:au will be letvin( what tha< -of arpDlled pro1..-i.t raclllc with DD lllllUI! ~and field dame. presented to the top five sandi<dzlc body. . • Cee Deld eyent flnala and ftnishen in e1ch event. Tony Hulman, pnoldent of lad!._lll ~. cal1od • rwmlnC prelhns begin Friday Leading candldatos for the mee1in1 of the "utablllhmen~" and out of lhel -1111 USAC oltonroon at 3 wtlll runnln( vanity tllle are Carlsbed, Sen was born. ev111t ftna1I billed for Satur-Marcos, Yucaipa and Brea. What neither AAA ncr USAC hll contr1~1 bowever. k the day at l :JO. Others competing are color and gkJry of Amerlce'• palt cbam~ 'Ibe dl'C1dt 11vt an tlee ud vanity field evenll Avalon. Beaumont, Chadwick, identity to such sreat driven 11 Ralph De.Palma, Tommy becln at noon S at u r d e Y CoacbeUl, Coronado, E I Mw,>lly, Earl Cooper, Tammy Mlltm, P<le DePoolo, LouJe pncoded by the Boe pole vault Dorado, Elsinore, Fallbrook, Meyer, Mam1 Rolt, Wilbur Shaw, Rez M1ys, Ted Horn, Jbmny •t 11 a.m. Hemet, Heritage, Los Angeles Bryan and Ouct Sttvemon. 'lben will be two ftna11 in B a pt i st , Notre Dame It's loterelt1nC to note that Maya la conllder"ed cm of the the 440, 880, mile and I-mile. (Riverside), Mort.n0 Valley, grea~ drivers who ever Uvtd, nen thoufh he ntver won at In-'lbe e"'nt was inaul\lrated Perris, Poway, Valley Chris- dy. He was natiooal champion in 1940 and '41. In 1935 by Laguna Beach tian, WaJnul, Whittier Chris- Bobby Unser wu natk>oa1 champ Jut lllSOO, but except for Hieb'• Red Guyer. tian and ho!t Lquna Beach. hb narrow point victory over Mlrlo -the USAC crown bufr;;;;;;:;:;;::;;::;;:::;:;;::;;::;;::;;::==::;;==;;;;;- be"1 dominated by ADdrelU, Rodpr Wan! IOcf A. J, ll'oyt for a decade. Maybe the chemploalillp dttult of tho futuro will bocoml 111 Indy car series on oval tracks, or m1ybe it will be expanded to in- clude super speedway stock car races and open wheel races on roed courses. Ask stand&-· Du Gurney, Jl1chard Polly, Dovld Peanon, r.11rlt Donohue, Cale Yarbaroush, George JPoUmer and Lothar M-bacher don1 atand e d>ance o! wtnnklg the natior>al clmnpiomhip. Even USAC vetrlrtn Lloyd Ruby would need 1 n\lraclt to win lht: title, became he doesn't rtct on dirt tracks. Onl7 a wealthy hlndful ol drivers are even eliglblo. Prep Golf Summaries Boat Show Seethe Tournament of Champions La Coata Country Qub r<>r the ffnt Ume in Southern Colilomia, see 111 the cu"*"' PGA champions! Brine Iii, flmllr to LI ca.ta. Watch tho top PG.A,, chi..,. tllla I nllll 11 $ll50,000 In prta money. Chlmpt Ilka Arnold Pl-, Jock Nlckl1us, Billy ~. l.M Tmfno, Gir.-Uttltt, Ind Gary Player lllinc 1ar tho 1op pr1,. of $30,ooo. Genni Admlllion PricOI April 15 & 16 (Pllctlce Rounds) -$2 April 17 & 18 -$4 April 19 & 20 -$5 (Children under 16, only $1.) A .. ,.. ticket -fQr $12 ind ltls you In on tho IC!lon all six cloys. LACOSTA SWIM WEAR SWIM RN5-MASKS-SNORKLES DUCK FEET FINS ILIMISH ........ $6. 95 u•ULAI .... ., $8, 95 SKIMBOARDS • • . • 5.95 & 10.95 FULL FOOT FINS $5. 95-$6. 95-$7. 95 NYLON SWIM & SURF TRUNKS $4. 95-$5. 95-$6.95 SPEEDO & OCEAN CHAMPION IACIN• SUITS & TRUNKS • • • 3.50 lo 11.95 TENNIS RACKETS WIUON -BANCROFT • DA VIS DUNLOP • CRAGIN • stlPLU ---TBllllS SHOES • Mens 7.7 5 I.Idles 7 .25 ~:::11".:fo':'sL .............•................. $8. 95 PIMMITl.,ANlA OTU DVTT NEW OZITE CARPET TILES I 12-lnch squarn ol carpet with a rubber back. Son, warm, quiet. No w1xlng or polishing, u.de of 1taln·rnl1tarrl V9(;1ra fiber. 18 color1. Ute In dtns, kltehens, rec•rooms, baths. ..... 67c: Kmtrt price ....... . 57~ l2"al2" tlltl • • OzitB cAllPUnD ~ HOME IM,ROVEMENT DE,T, Kmart 2240 HAllOI ILVD. COSTA MESA NOW ,,.;:,::;;,_, U0/700xtl 12.62 '• 735114 $13.62 775x14 $14.20 t 825x14 $14.82 I ' 115115 $15.15 LIFITlME GUAllANTEE f'r.Rlltnt Tint Ill tllllt tlZM .., ... tML bcl .. Ttx rt"lft ,_ 11.'4 " SUI ptr lire. I :. .. ?.::·:. .. _ l20 I EES BERG'S DELTA TIRES 2001 W. 17th Streot Santa Ana 541-6904 141 E. 17th Stroot Costa Mesa 645·2010 • BOWS • ARt~WS • OINVERS TAllFF.TS • r.1.nru -AQMliUAPn~ PING PO~fi PADDLES • BAJ U -,NETS DA~TS & DA~T BOA~DS BOOMBIANGS & BRL Y BOAllOS BASEBALL Mlm -S~OES • ~lLLS BATS -WARMLIP JACKETS BATTING H~I METS -CH~U pnnTECTOllS CAPS • COLORED SJ.F{VE UNDERSHIRTS TIMERS WHITE ST AG WARMUP SUITS 1to'lllo ACIYUC NAVY ONlY •oon • COTTON SWUT SHIRTS 100'111-ACIYLIC • 12.95 & 19.95 2.95 SWEAT SHIRTS • • • . 3.95 COTTCI SWUT SHIRTS COTTON SWEAT PANTS ACt'f'UC IWUT SWEAT PANTS • • , STRIPfD T SHIRTS • 2.SO & 2.95 • • • • 3.25 S.95 6.95 10.95 • • • • • 1.35 :· S.. the latest models from Orup Count;f• ltadlng boat dtalen •.••• tlmtSat. ~r.18 ..... ~ rn. 1dmlnlon la the 11M:oodlllontd LI COsbl Is just 27 minutes north of S.n Dl•ao 11 tho lo C.ato Avonuo ult of 1-5. 1BlllS BALLS • • • • • Dor. 7 .50 MBIS 1BlllS SHORTS • 4.95 to 13.95 MW 1BltlS JllRTS • • 5.00 & 6.00 1B111S DIWU . • • • 9.00 to 16.95 RALEIGH BIKES PARTS • TIR£S • Tlll6 maU ..... , Hunt ...... Contor. .••• BelCb and Edln1er 11 San l>lego Fwy ••••• . • . • . . . • . . . • ; • ' . • • ' . , •• •' !~ " !, .. •• • . ' •• '• • -~ jl •• •• l• il .. • .. t1 '· • . ·' ' .I ., " • • • • • • . • . ; . ,. •• ~ ' • • • • , ----------------.---~------... ·· ·····-- Siar a• Work A Study in Movie Status By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Today, class, let us con- aiderthe prerogatives of moUon picture stars at work. A star may be singled out by tbe number of gtatus symbols provided in his or her contract; the set of rules set forth for weeks or months ,of work at a studio. Most important is money. A worthwhile star wlll .command at least a quarter miUion dollars with the number of working days stipulated in advance. If production runs over schedule the star is paid ever-in· creasing amounts for each day's labor. Assuming no one knows the star's exact salary, there are other fringe benefits that sets him Spart from feature players, supporting actors and other spear carriers. The star has a small apartment on the studio lot. usually complete with kitchen , drawing room, bedroom and makeup room. Additionally, there is a portable dressing room on wheels on lhe sound stage, air conditioned, of course . THE STAR HAS his own wardrobe and makeup specialists. ~sser performers are dressed in wardrobe buildings en masse aild made up in drafty corners of the stage with ev'eryone loOking on. An important perquisite is a studio limousine loaned the star complete with driver to fetch and deliver the exalted one from home to sound stage. The star also uses the car to go from stage to dressing room on the lot. Another extra is the star's right to have the studio i'!!;;,;'"° commisary cater private lunch in his dressing room. Failing that, the star can reserve a table in the •'ultra-private dining room usually reserved for studio ·~ ~xecutives. Most important o{ a star's prerogatives, however, ' is the call to work. At the end of a da,.y on the set ~n assistant director · tells each player what time be will report to work the following morning. ~ • FREQUENTLY S U PP 0 RT ING players and "character' actors are called u1 e\\ery day, whether the sChedule calls for them to appear on camera or not. The excuse is, "just in case you are needed." Often they spend the entire day sitting around waiting. The star is never signaled to work until the director • makes it clear that he or 1he will indeed be in a . , , scene at a t a specific time. 1 • It is, therefore, not uncommon for the star to have a call for, say, 11:30 a.m. while the rest of the cast is in makeup and wardrobe at 8 a.m. standing under hot lights while the camera and sodlid equipment are readied. One 0£ these poor souls -sometimes :several - is a vital concession lo the star: the stand-in. The stand·in melts under the relentless J!:lare of the lights, taking the punishment for the Golden One who relaxes in air-conditioned splendor. FINALLY, AND aboslute proof of stardom, is the actor 'vho argues, screams or otherwise blows his cool on the set. He can blast the director, damn the producer and bestow curses on the studio president with impunity. The star figures they all need him more than he needs them. Tragically, the star is right. Directors, producers and even studio chieftains are faceless nonentities to the public. But the star, by Caesar's ghost. sells the tickets. Dancers Alfredo Ortega, Kathy Yurenka OCC Dance Students Stage A 1t 1iual Show The theme is "perpetual motion" and it promises lo be just that when nearly JOO members of the Orange Coast College dance production staff present their annual concert Friday and Saturday in the OCC Auditorium. members of the cast. The program will be divided into three parts e•ch night. The first will consist of seven s hort dances, each choreographed by a different student choreograp~er. The second and third sec· lions are suits. The second will be entitled "Pinocchia," and will include "No Strings," "Pleasure lsland," "Monstro·• and .. True." The third is en· Burrud'• E11e V•ew ' ... ~. . ;., ~ ... -. Animal Series Captures LU4t,·11 -,. ~ ... Prime Time Video Slot (lit! JIOMrtMr! "CHAILY" ... "fOI LOVI Of IYr' Wiii llllMV l"oil\fr Ct11t•• ._.., 11• l'.M. HOt.LYWOOD CUP!) Animal lovers will be aposed to their first prime lime television series devoted to the li!e cycles, haunt.a and habits of fauna the world over, begin- ning May I. CBS-TV has .. mhled with "Animal World,» placing it in r-F~~~~ the 7:3G-I p.m. time ilot on Thunday nights to ,.. how the hoof and fang set measure up against homo sapieD!. Ringmuter of lhe new show is Bill Burrud, a man who has "Other than dogs and cats, ~..... llOll(" •-•: • 11; children and adulls simply aren't exposed to w i I d animal'!, even such domestic j • .,.,., types in Ibis country as ra· THE coons, possum, coyotes and l foxes. Disn.ey was the firat to ~ALK(NG realize this and take ad· "lj vantage of it with his 'True C MOON LJfe Adventun-..s.' q JtOffDOLOlt' • ..........,,.. •· "I hope our series will find - the same type of audience.·• Two expert animal handlers travel with Burrud and his crew, protecUng B u r r u d against injury in those scenes J,.,.. Fo-.d, B·"lh.\ln II, toiled in the television un· r .::.;. .... ;s.;&alrt.111.:.. .... ...: derground for 15 years. .. in which he invades the wild PAHAVISIOll : 'fllMllOl 11'. ll!! locus on Anlarciic.t and I.hi animal's province. BJrru<1 has played host to a number « animal and travel shows in the lhankleu fens of local television, syndication, and morning hours on networks. Finally, he has achieved network prime time with what may prove to be a genuinely fascinating show. creatures indlgenous to that!==;=~~=====::;==========~ "We travel around the world to photograph animals in their natural habitat, with as little human interference as possi- ble," Burrud said lhe other day. "Our o N•,.....011elkwhle I•• IYMISlt At 7:1 I APIS-7:11 flylllf M••l--f~IS CONTINUOUS SHOW $AT. I SUN. flOM J P.M, fre¢ng icecap -leopard ll seaJs, penguins and skua birds. We even look in on the descendant.a of the husky dogs that Admiral Byrd took there in 1939," .Burrud said. Burruel and his crew - which travelled 40,000 miles in past years -will present everything that crawls, slinks, and roars, through the jun- gles, deserts and seas. "It's a show the entire fami· ly can sit down and enjoy together," Burrud explained. "AU the age groups can relate to one another because we speak a universal language with animals. "Americans have become so urbanh:ed, p e op I e are . fascinated by animals. J I ELKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANCE lHEYaMEm ROB us WGAS Something Botberinr You Baby?! GINA LOllOBRlilDl SHEllEY Wlllm\S PHIL SILVERS PmlllAWFDRD THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALL THE BIGGEST HIT IN TOWN! \Vhen the picture is completed, the work done, the star returns to a baronial mansion in Bel-Air or Beverly Hills while his subordinates head for tract houses in the San Fernando VaUey. Proceeds from tickel sales will go to students in lhe form of dance scholarships, which will be presented Saturday night. Winners will be selected by a vote of the directors and titled "Stilts, Somersau!Ls and1i=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:;I Headstands," and is based upon a painting by Bruegel en- titled "Games." It wiU feature several members of the OCC football team in demanding That is how crew members and lesser souls or the acting fraternity see most stars -through the wrong end of the telescope. But it gives a very clear picture indeed. Crossword Pu12le ACROSS 1 Simulated 6 Gambling .... 10 Record 14 Quiel In 111ovemtnt 15 Males a boo-boo 16 Notion 17 Flower .18 Kind of writer 19 Forward 20 Took It rasy: 2 words 22 Kirtd of business place 23 Fornt cf water polluUon 24 Sumount wilh something 2Eao In good sh1pt 29 Useless 31 Professional .. en'1 group: Abbr. JZ One who hangs .wnd 34 Conductor's concern 31 lrn~th unit 39 Girl s nlctn•r •I S. Pacific food 1taplr •2 Sludy: 2 wonts S1 " r ' Huntington Tryouts Set For Comedy roles. The concert is under the direction of Lynda Davis and Dorothy Duddridge of the OCC Dance Department. Student choreographers will Include Diane Varney, Jill Sweet, June McKee, Peggy Lewis, Stephanie Wright, Lin· da Genoway, Amy Stoddard, Jerri Garrison, Cindy Scharmach and Ruth Manley. The concerts will begin at 1:15 p.m. Advance tickets for 1 7S cents are on sale at the 1 OCC Student Store, or from ! members ot'\he dance depart- ment. Tickets sold at the door will cost $1.SO. Alec Recruited :... .. rctao19.1X Jll CWl'OJlf 1£ACM • CMt.S .. 35t>' M GM prts<n11 the John Frankmh!ime1· Edwdld Ltwis Plodoction oll the fixer ll11C1mlMIMlld Fii' A1111ftll JHnn1 Woodw1rd "U.CHIL, IACHIL"-M Al1n Arldn '"THI HIART IS A LONELY HUNTIR .. AH Color Show ---'t~l ~'1t.\H -... ,_. · 147-lHl WARNER I "--.... ,... "'~·"· Pean M1r1ift "WllCllN6 CllW"-M l11Hd1y Wild "PlmY POISON"-M --., .... -, _ _..,...Mwlh Mllll""I' ....... .....,. St1vt McQl/ftn "IUWTr'-M o-.. ,~,... "'HOUSI OP CAIDS"-111 ..................... ALSO PLATING--------- ACADEMY AWAlD WINND JACK ALaaTSON Stoppwtl"' Actw "' "TNI SUIJICT WAS aOSIS" ACADEMY AWARD WINNER SJD1: MCOIJllN AS •oowrr• OO&l<J VM.J6tiN JICOUHINE BISSEi 2nd Co-Feature ... ..:.: ,, "Cooaans Bluff' Sln9 M19 .... ,, "BULLITT" -... La. M.nh1 ,, "POINT BLANK" Also At· HELD OYER AGAIN ACADEMY AWARD WINNER _..__._._ Bii lllll!/UllrlllWlllll/lll lllWlllW! lRIPl lltlllll' RoMEO ' ofJULIKf ~ -1KillCIUI "BEAUTIFUL" Dlr.ctH If fr-. Zefflt'tfll 2 flUT IUNI SHOWtt Ta.ITHI• FO• THI Ill TIMI I· Vines Named ,.,.. Vice • Prexy Continental Req~ts CAB Reverse Nixon 10l'ER THE COUNTER " ' .~ " ' ~ A former reaktent of Costa 'MCSll, L. O. Vines, was recently appointed vice presi· dent. manufacturing, Douglas Aircraft Co, of Canada ltd. Vines began a J6 year association with Do u g I a s Aircraft Co. at Lona Beach in 1942 as a planning lead man. He v.·u executive engineer at the Lang Beach pl•nl when be was transferrtd lo canacta in 1986 to take over the duties of assistant general manager, manufacturing with tnc newly formed Canadian compan y. Vines is now a resident of Toronto. \\1ASHINGTON (AP) Continental Air Lines asked the Civil Aeronautics Board today to )ct it fly a Pacific r:>ute to New Zealand and Australia from East Coast and mldwestem poinls. Former President Lyndon e. Johnson had approved a Contlilental route l.O those points from the West Coast, but President Nixon canceled that and other Jo hnson a .. rards. Nlxon directed last weei that the. route· slloukl be originated in the East. where NASO Li>11"9' fo r WICl-•y, AprU 16, lfft " . • ... .. ' .. ·" ,, The Man from Merrill Lynch looks at the stock market and tells you what he sees Make your forum reservations today Why monetary policy will be the key to the business outlook for 1969. From an economic standpoint why 1969 will be a year of transition. What the outlook is for military spending. For housing starts. For cor- porate profits. How has the current speculative boom affected the stock market and what bearin g wi ll ii have on the market's future course . What is the liquidity of major buyers of stoc ks and why this is an important market indicator. To find out what Merrill Lynch th inks about the current econom ic and market · outlook, which stocks they consider at· tractive 'at this time, and what kind of an investment stra tegy they suggest , come to our: Market Outlook Forvm Thursday eveninq, April 24 Sheraton Beach Inn 21112 Ocean Avenue Huntinqton Beach, California startln9 at 7:30 · PM sharp There'i no ch•r9• or ob li 9ffion, of cours•. Simply c•ll Mri. l•vi 1h •t 547.7272 or m•il in the coupon shown below. I and their spouses) • How much income tax did you pay for lait year? • How much would you have sav ed with invest- ment , p:annin9? • Whet would you hevt don·e with the savings? • How much profit potenti el did you lose 1 Come here about @ . ' ,.. -----.. --------------------------------------... -TEACHER INVESTMENT POWER -•nd how ,. , ... .. ' ,. ,. " .. ... .. , ... .. • . • Pl,,,. rt1,rv1 , , .. , ... 1e1h for yo11r Mtt~tl O ut1oolo: on April 2.t, In H~nlin gto ~ l t1,h. Name Address City & State ,,, Phone Ml!RllllLL LYNCH, : some 700 teochers hevc already pertic;ip«ted ii') I TMl's mUtuel fund concept to real estate invest- 1 ment. I INVESTMENT SYMPOSIUM I ANAHEIM SoturMy-2 P.M. Aprll 19 Disneyland Hotel P•clflc Room 17141 171 -0415 C:O.st Highwey Tn left forqrovnd, Udo tst1ncf in lower rit:ht tilnd comer. larp MltbOatl lri chlnntl art tied up It! frnnt of barren area which is tnf' loct11on of Btlbol lq Club todty, ·BEIEIBEI IEIPDll · 1141? ' •' This is Newport 1946 ... the year that Lester, Ryons ·&Co. opened their ·original offices in this city as the first brokerage firm in the area. Today, 1: we are proud to be recognized as the largest re gional btokerage firm In Southern Callfornia with 15 offices throughout the Southland. ,,. ·We take pride in announcing that we have moved our Corona Del Mar '". facititiel to " new location: The Flmncial Plaza. Newport Center .. These new offices feature the finest in electronic communications equipment, including a computer-directed teletype: network which al1ows rapid direct contact with the New York and American Stock Exchanges, as well as direct telephone lines to the .Los Anples mai n office. The entire staff of lester, Ryons & Co. invites you to visit their new facilities : LESTER. RYONS & Co . • .. ~"•:1 '_Aj Newport fln1nci1I PllU 550 Newport Centor DriYI Irvine Tower, No. 1 Newport, C.llfornl.t 92'60 ·MUTUAL FUNDS Smallpox vacclnatlon. start- ing betwun 12 and 24 montba or age, should be re- peat~ every ~7 yet.Ji till there ha,·e been tht'le 1uc- ce11"ful \•aeclnaUon1. ,That'• au -unltS." e~ to th!! di11ease, or unUI he starts traveling round the \\"Orld. • People "'ho tn.\·el across s•vert.l time iones often [tel Ure4, ln1l1ble. and Jcm·. They are iiuffer!na from "T1me Zonf' FaUrue" until the biological dock h11s Ume to ttsdjust. • • For th~ man v.ho hat l'V~l')' thlng: a nt\Y bartender ma· chine "'hlrh cen mix and bottle 12,000 2-ounce mar- Unb ptr' h0\11". • • For modttn fll!rvict wtth ol(l·fa.shiont\1 cour1r.Q', brinl )'O(tt' prtscrtp&om to: P.UK LIDO PHAaMACY Ul .._..., .... ........ , ''""' "''"''" -A- • ' • • l11~kW1t ?20 "'I' •-H• Ubvrl 1 OS k1mwa1 vt H1mm Pap I k1m r ncl 70 Hind m11 M kano.,ar w HtnesCp to 1111111.i. l>'lnO : HI COUrl l H1 s n I HlrKo Ct 1 H1r ~1~ao Mt v Al 1.2<1 Hit Cop ~ H1wu f 20 HIVB5 Atl:i Hatti ne CP Hec!1Mn1 G Hi-Int HJ 1.t HrleM cur Ht l Col i.G Ht lrilf 60 Ht !er pll 01 Hel-P<I$ ' Helmrcll O. HemllPfl C1p Hem II'< .231 Herc Ir>(. I tler11!Fd 1 O Hus O&.C JO Heuble n 7l H""P.U 20 H t h Vo 1111 H IMHot 60 H tco 15 HOberl Ml 11 Hof lflec rn Hollclvlnn .IO Holld" l 70b HOllY5ut 1 20 HGmtslk1 ~O Honevwl 110 Hoov II l.20a Host lnO .lO Hot1ICp Am ~ Houd llld .ID """ ~ -' Hout M 11 _.jQ Hou.MhF 1 0 HwJF pU .CO ~ HouiF pt? J7 Hout LP l 1 Hou1INGs !O HouGs ptl so How Jhn 709 Howmtl 10 Hudsn8 l 'l>a Huot\ Hat AO l~hoPW 160 16111 811 c l deo B llU 15 111 Ctnl l.SO '1 1'~0~1i: I Pw pffis I P~ pf1 tO Im!) Ce> Am INA Cp .ct lm:C!'l'le Capt lnC.Cum ~1o l..il In Hd 60 lndHd pU5;) nd Gen! eo Ir.do Pl I SO lnEIMt• 'le 1=~~!4 ,. nmon Co 1' lns11coco Jo lnsl ~(1 DIA 75 n511 Coo 1 ID 1~f.~s11 11G leM J 10 ~ n1F eF• .-0~ lntH1 v Ito lntHolCI 2 l'QQ ln1 lnd11s Int Ind ofAw Int M ne 50 Int Ml'IO !Oa ln!Nlck 1 2o. 'I Pal) 110 In I Recllt nt S1 I I «I '"' lf' " l~ll~r ~i ~ lntT& T plH' ITT ofl 4 50 lntT&T PIK~ lnTT Pll 5 10 nt ur 1 'O Int UI A. 1n1ut • pfl lt lntrrp.a<e 1 lntt !Xt' pf s Int Bake 90 lntt'l'DS Ml l nte fPw l lt 1ow~ e~r h EtlP 130 I• IGE 33 lowaPLI 110 ~ l,,...al'Sv 1 ll l pealiOD lO ITE Imo 55 11e11 Coro • , • • Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete Ne~ J r~ •} • ,... • Yerk Stock E~ehange List I ... ist \ lli~~·-~-~:~.~~.~.·;o':.•, ....... r... ... ,___..,.,..,_,...~--~·---.. -----~-.;...-.... _··--·--"·--."<"'1·•""· .. ~.-': ..... ~·. - j!.t _ DAil ~ PILOT lllLR'Sd'1, Aptll 11, 1'69 ·. ·i:~i:}Jr'::e LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE "°"'"'"·~ t TO THe (ltftUTO•I OP• aUfjo A. Oullldl, Tu.N$F••0tt: ' ""'"'""'"' "' '*'*"· ., ...... ..,. tie, Mil* lllt ~ (~I C-. WU WI MflCI OJ MlAltU .. W PITITHtlil "'""'"not~ .. ,. ..... : , .. l'l!OUT& o~ WILi. AND Nit T .... .,..,., Is •!IOI.fl .. meMi • """"' Ll'TnS' 'TISTAMllHTAltY • C .. 0 19 t!1t "°*"'-"*' \Mltllll CtllfltMI ! __, hnk. Tr•"',_,.,, '" ...... ell 9' a ht* tf Ct.1,.,011!0 C. HU•l!I!. tutlll1Mltl Hrt fll th9 INltrl• ... .._,...., ......... rntrc;~lt• ., """'" "'""""""· ... NOTICE If He1tt•V OIVEM Thtl ""~"'"'"'' t11 lhtl ctf!al~ ~ • ._ EOllh ,....,Uytwo lr'lfll Mt flllll Pltteln I 11 IMtki Vllll, 1tl ti whldl II ~et N!lllOll fol' ptOOf~ of w!ll and fllf ao1 ""°'Jdo l!rfff, (tflt ..._. !1w.not "' t.ett.rt T"ll""1'1ltf'Y • (Oul!lv fl OfanM. Clli'°!'*t l"rl!ll:onfr, ttkr9f'K:t to wflkll It ~ W Tiie ""'""' """' tt N!l'llt 1M f\lrl!Wr -llc:ull,.., anO ,,,., "" fll'lt tnd "''I""" .-..-of lht TrlNfltw Mii n11te ol l!Mrlrw lllt tllM M1 llttll ttt TrMSl•rtt ••• 11 tt1..,.1; G~~ting ~~rrhaul .-M111 t. ltff, 1t t:Jt l.tn., In ""-TIU<N$1"!:1t01t -JI: ....... A. llll<ldl. lW c:ourtf"'!l'll .t OtHrt"""t N9. J et tl14 IYMll'ttllrt Clrelt, NtwPOtt • 1 I c II , By SYLVIA POl\TEI\ . ' (:90,lrt, •• 100 w.1 t1t111t1 '""'· 111 ,,.. c1u1om... Yau -.. ·bly·..a-'t '--It 01)' of $.anlt Ml, (111ftrnM, T•AMSFfl!ff -UnUM CtflfWnM ..,..,_ 'UVllJ ""-' 0.ttf ,.,..II ll. !frff. l1n~. 21U W. C011t H!1hw1y, NtwHM but )'OUf homeowntr't ift.. W. f , ST. JOHN, lft(l'I, C1lltor1111, IUJ'&nee poll""" II bt tJ'9 r.; Court1'¥ Clttk. All ttlltr but.I-1111...., ..... --~,, M"l!WITL MUlll'#ITl., AMO l!•Mllt, uWO lw 1111 Tr111.1r,.-r wltflln tlol ..... CfSI of Ila first m & 0 t •». nM '"'"'· v"'' 1•11 '"'· .. ,.., .. ~,. " .,.. overhar.at Jn 1J yen. At 'IO N.--t tMc:11. C11fW'1111 Tr1..,ftAt, 1r1: 11f ... ~ C•• Tel: 1110 •t>fnt Metl, Ct1!lllr11l1, COit to ,OU, rliNf'cant nfW -,.H-rl fir Pltllllnlr TM bull!; tr1n1ter II to be ~lll!'WTMMcl be fl'-be'•• ...._. Ptll!lltllft 0!'1"" Co.rt O.ll'P' l'llet. 11 V.NJT_fllCALl~OJl:H.IA JAN~ tJlf W1 nt .. IA ':!,. ... ~; .,,., .. 1t. "· n. 1,... """ c11111 H1t1Wr1.,, H...eort ''""· Mari...,, some "old+llitnilita are t..1 ... ------------· IOttk.1, C-IY el °''"*• Ctl!lon'lllo en .,.... LEGAL NOTICE or in.,. At>rll ts. lNt. c=an td ar txcludtd: a new o.tM: """ 1. 1.... •· of deducU''-•-uNtTfo CALIFOltNIA IANK . n:r -~ ,.Jmt IY: Wiiiiam I. HltchoKt pennlttln& bi& prtmium COSt ClltTll'n':•Tt 01" IUtlNISS Anf. SKNhU"I' llV;•~. • 'ktl'*'-llit"ll\ NI""' Tr1l\llff'ff -.. ,. Thi undetl"l\lld do l\tf.tlY ctrtl!Y 11111 URI'" (& ..... II laM Tbt OVf~-u1 WaJ pr-... ti..v 1,. (Olldutllnt • •P• p,_,.,,-'""' nu W. ~ Hltllw•r 1..-v....,_.. ••ts .,.,1_, 1-. co--P1rtntnl 1t 17" ~ '"'"' ta!lflrlll• '*' late la!lt year by the MulU.. Nl!'WNrt aouiniro. C0&ll M 11 a, l'ullll1fled Of-t COll1t 011i,. ~11111. L' Ins C1llfornll, uncltr the ndlllOlll fir ... NIM Mrll 17, Ifft 61Mt i.ne uranct Ra t i n i ot T & c au1Lo1NG cOMP,..HY 1M 11111 LEGAL NOTICE Bureau, which advhtt attte "Id """ J1 (OmlO$ld °' lhl JOI/........ • d __,,, wllc1• n-In full Incl pl-f.nMt lftlUJ'&nce tpat'tmentl 0 n of rnfdtnct ·~II follows.~: ,,,,IOAVIT Oii Cotl"OltA'T .. 11 to ratea, To date, « atates and Ht~ G. D111D1tcti. 120oll Molll'lll COMOUCT IUSINlll UMDla \11-Pl-ct. S""'ln CltY, <.~lllllrnl1. flCTITIOUI NAMI the District of Columbia hlv1 S.mvel II. Slfr•"· .. 1. W'll"-!tl 1. TH! TIMES MllROll COMl'AHY. 1pproved tbt cban1u and the Drlwi, LOI Anplu, (lll~nl1. I Ctlllorn1-<WM•lllOll, It flll tilt Mtlvl~ "'"°mtn, 101J \11r'*' AVffl~, OWMr fl I M IMU Wflf.cn It t. .... tttnalnin1 If.ates art e!peCttd \lt<1(ce, C11tmrn11. c:ond!IQM W'ldtr ttie flctlll-~""' IM to follow SOOD. All -- Dllecl April "'· lftt. II ''" llkf•W set torttl btlow: ·~ .. H•~Y G. Olvttl(~ ''" Clffl"lf'"R "'" Ttl .... t•IWI Ct.. homeowner'• polidff I n d Stmue<I 9. Sttr•n lOD5 SOultl IEI ~m1no 1 .. 1. a.n -t ~"·y -w-•· In ••-,. 1'Mht11' M-n Cli1Tii1'tw. e111foift11 "'" .. ._ ......... &'5.1.. .... UJll\' STATE OF CAt.tFOll.NlA I 2. "" ldfreu of Thi TIMll Mimi' states will automaticilly In· COUNTY OF L()S ANGELES l M ComNttY b : I On 1111 lffli Hy el ... Ptl1 Off, lltfwt' Tlft>ft Ml•tlll' S-re, la. Anftltl. C Ude the Dt1f proviliona. ""' the undH11•*· 1 Noltl"Y Pwbllc •~ Ctlltotnla to0$3 IF 0 Ind fllr "Id Stt~, ~non1!1y -•Nd 1 Thi undf,.ltntd otllct~ el Tlilt y UJt p:>licy Will expire Mtlv!n MtwrM" ~-"' ""' le bl "" Tl"'" Ml•nw c°"""""" ''' du1., 111flMl,,I• In the fairly distant future, • pefllll! lil'ho$1 nlmt 11 IUbtCflbtll to ""-td to E!tcUfl! 11'111 !Ill thll fltiltvlt wl!llln lnslrvmtnf tnd ICknow~td lhll Ind dtcllrt uMtr Hrlury !hit tllt thoucb, )'0Uf but bet may be llt IXICU!ed 1111 NIM. forft(>klf II ttllt Incl UtT'KI. •• l..a. -11-11-• WITNESS nw lland Ind otl l<l•I Htl. CAT£D: Mlr(ll 14. lfff. w nave your .,., .... ~ canct ~ (0,FtCtAL Sf ... LJ THE TIMES Miii.ROil COMPANY and rewriUtn at no eltra COit Eow1rc1 T. Gor'm1n 9Y l!OlllSll.T F. f«ISUIV b ~. Nottrv Publlc.C1lllor"!1 VICI Prnldlrrt f YOU? mi1urll\Ce qtnt Of PtlnclPll Offll:e In 11., ltO!IEIT C, LOIOILL broker. Jn any evtft• check Lot Atlttlel Cov"tv ,..ul1l•nl SIC••llrv ., MY Commlulon Explrn STATI! OF t.ALIFOIHIA rJ0W Witb your insurance ~t Jul1 2. 1Hf COUNTY OF I.OS ANGEi.ES I ll j find t ~tber d STATE OF CALtt=OllNIA D11 M1rcll 14. !HJ, btfllr1 ""• tfle 0 OU W1Jt: In CDOHTY °" 011.1.HGf. .. undlnlslllll, • No!tl"Y l'ubllc I~ .,,.. the new rulu affect YOU. On .urn 1. 1m. before me. • Nottrv tor fM i41d stilt, M•-!IY _,r-H Publle In Ind for ukl c.u~,., I nd Stitt, ·~fl!T F. fl:IUl:U, known • 1111 Here are the key c~e1: ,.,.on111y 1-•rtd a1m .... 1 9 . Stl•111 '° bl tll• Vic• PrKIOtnt, •lld ltOll!IT (I) You ~n -· be 1 le to k_,, to mt lo ~ 11'11 HIWll whew c. t.OIDl!LL, kr-n • mt to a. tM "'" • ..,,.. "lmt Is •u11Kr1bed to "-w!ll'll~ 1,.. Au!1llnl SK•~•rf' ol Thi TllTOet Mlrrer elect a hllhet deductible Jn U· J!Tumenl, Ind ld<nowltc!tM ta IM !Ml Cot11Pt11Y. Ille C&rlorttlon 1,..1 1•tcllltd "' •~ecuttt "" ''""· thl within 1n11rumerit, kflowft "' ,,,. change for tipUfitanUy lower .. Wltntu mv 11•"41 1nd 1e1t. lo bl tll<t Ptf'Mllll Who ·•~tcir!M fflt ivamfum ~-. ~O UI""-•-, a (OFFICIAi. SEAL) within 1,.trwntnt tn bel\tlf If ttw r~ 1.v. .. ,..i.· ,,....., • .,. w11111m M. Sdlmiot corPOt111on t.e,;,1" ~•med, , n d typical three-yur premium, Hot•<Y Pv1111e-et111otT111 Rltnowlld"" ta ,...,flllt ludl c.r..,atltfl -'Jh ••-"old" 1tlll. ~-•--"n..le, Prif1Clp1I Olft«i In PK1tted 1f1t •Jlllfft IMf.._t. r• UR: ..,.. ~UU Ori"" COVll!v WITNESS mv 1!111C1 end oHlcltl -1. Used to COft $200. By doub"•• _,,,,. ComtnllllOll fxltlr•~ NANCY H. EWING '"'6 Hov. 11. un No11rv Publ!c: thil deductible to $100, you cut STAT' OF t.ALll'"OJI NIA, Pubtllhfd °''"" Con t O•llr Plitt, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. u. ,,.,.rtll ,, and "'rll 3. 10, 17. lfff JIMt LEGAL NOTl- Or+ AP•ll 14, lfft, before,,... 1 Not•Ni----;-;;;;-;;"';;;;;;;·;:;;;---j ___ .::::::=:.::::::::~::.~ ___ , ,.ub!lc In end tor 11.ld CaunlY 1M 51111, J LEGAL NOTICr oert-llY 1111>11red H1tvt'V G. D11it1tell I:< N01"1Ca ., INTllit'THIN T• llf9Ae• 11-ta "II lo be ~ Mf"lOll wtlOM l------=,-=,,------1 IN THI SALi Oii ALCOIMLtt ,,,_ Ii 11.!0Krlbtd to ltlt wllhl" ~ llVIU..11 t!Nmet'I. "id 1cknowll<!l>ld kl mt 11111 A'lllDAYIT ., (01,CIUTIOW TO A1t1l n. , ... "' ~·Kutecl Ille Nine. CONDUCT auso•••• UMOalt TO WHOM IT MAY CONC!ltN: Wlf!Wlt 111Y Mncl Ind :1t11. ,.ICTITIOUI NAMa lubll(f t. IHVl!lc:e If 1111 liceMI ... (OFFICIAL SEAL! 1. THE TIMl!I Mll!l!Ollt COMl'ANV, 1lllld for. M!lct h lier..,. 11\1111 11111 tlll s.env Jfffl Fox I C•Ufot1'1• ~•lion, 1• "'-ttlt unolifn~ ·--to Mii •lnlltllc NOlll"Y l'ubflc.(1lltornlt OWllff ol' • bvtll'llU whldl i. f>I a. ""-1t !hi ""'"I-. .... Ibid 11 Prlrn:IPll Ol'lltt In COl'Mluded \llldff lfll fldltlt\H MIM ll'MI follows: your Pttmlum to 1180; at l2l0, 1W iluh tt to JIO; and with a ISOO ~uctll>le, It will be only •tlO: )lut you must inform your lnsurance agent if you want .lo take mania&• of thla provlllon. (I)' Your coverap foi penolbal property Is being autonoat!cally lncrtued by a Pfl«lll -with no hike In your ptttnlum -to 11 m1.1ch u $0 perceat of yilllr Polley'• lace v~ U your house Is lnlured f« Sto.ooo. up to '15,000 in ,,.... ol pmonal property - lnsteild of 112,000 -could now bt oive~d. (I) COVEl\AGE f<lr theft of thfl "dlaappearance" type -. lnvo\!'lnr "lou ol property ll'Olll' a known place undtr tlrCll1lltanc:ts where a JrO:- babillty of theft exlsta" -Ii ~ made_ part ol _your ngvllr homeowner'• coverap i~d ~f btinr available only as an· endoratmtnt. This is IO even JI you cannot prove the V .S. Ship. Leaves Malta theft. • (I) Theft of proptrty from American Navy heavy guided missile cruiser USS arrived in the r...tediterranean to join Soviet squadron an unJocked tar will be Columbus sails out of Grand Harbor at Malta at aJ ready in area. The Columbus is part of a NATO covered -if you have aur· about the same time .seven more Soviet navy vessels force conducting maneuvers through May 2. rendt{ed your keys to a------------------'------------=---------"----'---- l""P or parkip1 lot at· tendaat. You'll also be c:overed for Ph>perty left in a ttolen car 1'hlcb is not reco\lertd wllhb\ 30 days. Under tho old rules, you had to prove that a thief broke into your car, an ebvlou!I impouibillty if your car had been ttolen and not teCOYered. (4) coveraa• Is -· addtd at nt txtra COit to you for personal property while you are q. the procts! Gf moving to a b1w home, for a 30-day ~ - a welcome e •. ~1n. Huge-Anten11a Rerdied lnteuat Link Widens Communications HONOLULU (AP) - A huge' antenna that can snatch a space whisper and tum it into a lood message geb plug- 1«1 int o a global satellite network next Monday. The aitenna, taller than a IG-story bulldlng, will Jock on-to any Intelsat 3, a com- m e r c 1 a I eom.municat.ions satellite hanCinl in orbit 22,300 miles above the Pacific Ocean. will pull in the faint i!rignals from the Intelsat 3 and 90l'l them into a telephone call or a color televi.si()n program. With it, SCIY the experts, a Hawaii resident telephoning Tokyo will hear the voice at the other end as clearly as if it were coming from the house next door. capable of handling 1,200 two- \\'ay voi<:e circuits. are five times more powerful than th eir con1me r cial predecessors. Hawaii's Paumalu earth sta- tion, the largest, is one of the six U.S. statioos located in five st.ates arxt Puerto RiC(I. ft sits on a bluff overlooking th e ocean about 40 n1iles north of Honolulu. AMA Official Cites Youth . Drllg Usage WASHINGTON (UPI) -A spokesman for the American f\'l edicol Association (AMA) estiJn<'lted today five out of ev· ery JOO college students have tried LSD and probably 20 percent of high school and cot.. lege-age youth have experl- n1ented \l'ilh marijuana and other hallucinogenic drugs. ' ~01 Antfln eou~tv ., the IOdrtH Ill fl'rlll below: a H. M•I~ 11r .. 1 My CommlulOll f Ull"ft TVllll'I c.tbl1 TV Colr!Pf'l'r• 1ICll· l1lbNIH1WPlff 1 .. dt !Mr. 10, 1'70 fest 4th llrffl, Sult• c, T111!111, 'urttHill lo 111C11 lnteMlen. tlol VII' J644« CllllOt"ll '26'° d..-.lrlllld ii 11>1lyl11t ti "'8 .... ,..,._RI ., 1!>.t.VI O S. SMITH, Attr. 2. Tnt 1clllnw el Tiie. Times Mir .. , Alcol'!O!lc lf'lt'"'I C.1111~ ffr l11v1Mt 111 Stwtll ...,1rlY Drift Com111W h;: i,, "'"tf•r flf ffl 1lct1111le ._.,.,,,, ...... ,"' Hllll. (tllltrllll T! ..... 1 Ml<tOf S<!u1r1, l o1 ""9•1ts. nctnM (tr' llClnlft) ... tlWM 11rt1Y1I ... II l'ublllheO O••not Coast 0111., Pllfll, C11!fornl1 toO.U folloWll l N f'IJ 17, '' Ind "''' I, •• IMP 7lHt :t. Tht W"°'"llllld flfflctrt el TM o ... s.11 GIMl'll ~-~~=~-===~--Tlmn Mirror Comp1n1 ,,.. duly 1ut11orlt. 11-,.,. ,.ubllc: Etlllll P1Kll LEGAL NOTICE I'd lo e•tc:!llt -f11e lhlt tffldtvlt All\r-H$!r1"9 to 11ret"I the l11u1~ (I) Al.SO ADDED will be covera1e for dama&e to your home.or property by "sell pr~ pelted missiles or space craft'' -in addition to ordinary aircraft, a gesture to the futur4 in 1pace. 11) Fees payable for fire department service char1es (still being made in many parts of the country) will be raised: from tlOO to $250, to reO~ the rising cost of fighting fires. It will f1>rge a new major link in overseas com· munications between Hawaii ind the U.S. mainland and Japan and the Philippines, 'lballand and Australia. The big dish also will handle signals that will keep hun- dreds of teletypes chattering acro.ss the wide Pacific basi n -all in a fraction of a seconCI. The second Intelsat 3 satellite was launched Feb. 5. It is part of a series that began with the world's first commercial con11nun ications satellite, Early Bird, \\·hich flew into space from Cape Kennedy in 1965. The mainland stations arc at Andover, Ma i n e , Brewster Fial, Wa§h., Elam. \V. Va., and J amesburg, Calif. They are jointly owned by communications firm s under a formula set by the govcrn-- menl. Dr. Henr y Brill of New 'York , repre senting the AMA's committee on alcohol and drug dependence, gave the es-- timate to a Senate subcommit· tee investigating drug abuse -r•s"""""e"•"••"•"c"ov"•'•"•"•"'""'"-l•nd declare ullder Pt•lurv tllU tlte of iv<tl tlcttM(I) ""'" fl,. • vtrtt!• ., .. v.-IOrttolrw 11 trut 1M corrffi. mt wttll tfl'I offltt llf It.I O...rtrn111t fl 'TAT!: OP C.t.Ll,011.MIA 1'01: OATEO: Mllrch 14, \ftf. Alcollollc ltYtrlll Contr1I, wltll111 30 THI! COUNTY DI' 011! ... NGl "THE TIMES Mll!llOlt COMPANY 111v1 If 1M felt !hi 1•0POHll 1or""l1• JfOTIC~,o~~:. 01' • ., l:OtEltT ""· ElltlUl:U --flrll "''Id· .t11l111 9(11.1fllb ttr l'l'ltSGl'l.t.t. l'IOl"llTY AT Vice Prttlclenl dtnltl •• •rovlll'I lw llW. Thi 11•tnlhl$ P••V•TE SAi.i' ,, ltOllfllT e. LOIOtLL .... "°""' llttflltd fol' 1111 1111 If tltoMtlc • ' ' ' KEVl'"I I! I CH T E JI: AHll!tnl Stcrtt1rv MYttlfft. Tht form o1 v1rlflc1ll011 "''' I ~ t 0 STATE OF C ... Ll,.l!>ltHIA I ti. "*"'91 ..... ""°'" tftJ tlflc. flt 1111 FOltDEl911.VGEN lkt KEVIH It · COUNTY 0' LOS ANGE L!S ) 11 O.trtment F 0 It DE ••• u G IE H ..... Kl\llN Oii Mllrch ll, Uff, bdOfl ""' the o ... Vl!Y'S LOCK.e•. INC. FOllOflttl!VGEM, Olcttllld. unclel'll1111ttl, 1 Not1ry •ullllc I" lllCI l'hl111 It. Tlllr. l'rk NOTICE It herrbv elven • ... , the for Ille aid Sitt., Ptfl0fl1H1 1.-r1111 l'ublltM>d 0..11'111 ( .. ti Dilly l'\11111. uMrrtl"'" will ~II 11 prlv1t1Altle1111 l!G&fllT F. El:&UltU, k-n to Ml i\Jrll 11, Ifft l11-4t l\!gllett blcldlr -~ fermi tnlll cen-to bto the Vle. Pr"ldtnl, Ind Jl:OIEl!T d!t!Ollt herNn.r ..-tlfntod Ind 1\lllllKf to C. t.OIOELL. knewn " 1'111 to ti. LEGAL N011CJ!! conllnnlllor> i,, Iii. Court, If tnt L•w Of. tl\t ..... 1111nl Stcrtltrv of Tiii T~IS fi~ of GllYl!l 11. ~' AlltrM., fl L-, Mirror Con\lp,..,, lflt (111' ... fllltn 111t1l------=.--c=------1 AU Nerti\ NIWPOrt lloultvtr'd, N_. fXe<ui.ti lllt W!llll11 lnJln.lfl\tf'llo ~n IHci'I. C1llflll'nl1, on et 1l~r 1111 ht HY to mt te bt 1111 PtrMnl wlll tllftUlllll ClltftJICATI OP IUSINlll fff Mn, l'6f, 111 1111 r1tn1, 11111, lnhlrftf. the wlllll" 1n~trumt11!. °" Mlltlt el •te.T...,ITIOU"I ~"'I """ ,,. ,...., "'"' of "" •~mttl ltfcedfl'lt ttlt C.01"P111'1lklt'l her1ln -.d, •11111 Tiit Vftdtni .. _. 11 "" """' of 1111 dt111\, 1M 111 '""' tllll 1ct_..,,9" fe "" 11111 sud! C•r~r•tlln condllcllnl • 1M~• :,t.. DA c:i~lf: And 11'tll'f"ll 11111 ,,.. etTtll! h••• tw -•· •~l<lllld 1111 lil'lthln lt11lrvment. lffd, S11llW ' ' • .; 11oi1 ol ltw or oltlerwllf.', IC'l~lrtd oltllr WtT'"IESS "'' lltna Ind offkt11 .. 11. Y"'"',,,,,"" c'o .. As'r"c:r::;AL"'":.aAV "''" o• 111 lddlllon to ffltl of !ht 111...,,...1 NAHCY N. IEWING 0 • -~I 11111 tlmt el lilt OMlfl, In 1nd te t11t No!1rv Publl( LAIOfV.TOltY Ind 11111 tt!d firm ~,.,.,. ftllloWl"' d..crlbld H•tonll Pf'Ol>f•IY l"ubl11~1'd Or111tt Cotil Dtll'r ~lllt pettd el 1111 ftlllwlnt tll'IOllt. wlllll •lllllttd In 1111 Cou"IY el 0rtf191, S!tlt ot Mllrdl 27 Ind Aorll 3, 10, 11, !Ht 5'W'i Ml'Nt ln futl ll'llf lllfCll ti r•illlne. art ~~:=:ii:; .. ,j:rt1eui..r11 desc:rlbld •• LEGAL NOTICE •• ~~E~ c. evr•tTT, PNYi..L)s "· lltt1H mu1lc ,tar• bu1lflltS cO!lduclllll •VEltfT'T' 21111 C1v1 ... u1h l\tlt, ll by ll)e deeedW .u11C11r tl\lt ·lllmt of T-C1tlfornl1. "' 111ibo. .... nd M~lc Stort. ti nl P·mtl Olltd A•r11 P. ltH. M1rrr11, ••lbo9 lil1nd, c111te ... 11. In-Clll.Tt1•1c•TI ., IUSINISS J1mt1 c ...... ..,, cludlno ... Wiii, lnwintorr. ICIV!Ptntrrt. l'l(TITIOUS NAMI P'hYllll H. lvt.-11 fl•llHK tM ltllehold Ill aid llf'11nltll. Tiie Ufllltrll~ned dO (trtllv 1111r trt STATE 01' t.Al..ll'OltNIA tldt Ill' offlri 1r1 lnvllld for till ,..... conOucll r11 I llvllMU 11 l :lill Cftn ..... w COUNTY 0' Ol!A.NGI ) 11 ..,rtr 11111 rnllll bt In wrlliflt, 111C1 will be llou1tv1rd, TO,.lllCI, •lld Orl"91 Cwn", Oft ,.rll J, 1Nt, Nfert rn1, I Nttt,., ~,1.,.., 11 TIW Uw 0!11(1 of Gllv1" Jt, Ctllforn!t, under IM llc!Ulolll llrrn "'"'' Putillc 11'1 Ind +tr MMI ll•ll, WMnlllr k-Atfll.rl!IY ., L•w •I 4U M«lfrl ol' Wl.STEll.N lANO AND DfVl!t.O'· llPllftd J11nn c. lYlftft '"" l'hrllls H. ,.._,...:,., IO\llftlrff N;wport llffCll Ml!NT co .• ' •••ln1,.,..lp Ind 11111 ••ICI EYlrltl k11twn .. 11'11 16 bl th• "'""' ~"' ' ' rlrrn Ii CGmPOled ol 1111 fol'-lnt Otl'llll\I, whet• n11nn 1rt 111t1Krlb9d 11 1111 w1111111 C1lllorn11, ti 111v 11,,,. tfter ti. 11111 whe•• n1m" In f~H '"" pltcu et l"'truintnt Int 1tti;newlldltcl tllty fJI· MH"lklt'l llertOI Incl btlort dlll fff N it. rnl .. t1'Ct lfll 11 lolklw1: t<UIH !1W 11mt. T•rrN tncf Cllt'ld!lior. ot •tie : e•ah In Dlvlcl '· 01-210\t l'-rt (OPFl(IAL SIAL) ltwlUI "'°""" el tile Vnlttd Sttlll fl 11to10, P•IOI Vtrdu Penln1u11, Ctllf, te'17• JO.tPll If. DfiYll Amtrlc• or 1111c.h O'l"dlt ''""' u •rt IP. 1t11n11d s. Sdlw1b, 2414 w. ntrd Nttarv MHO>Cltlllrl'll• P•owitl bY ffll; undtr1l1nH IM 1111 lllo'ff. Slrltfl, T1rrtn(t, Clllfor~lt. l'r!l'IC!•ll 91'1\CI 11'1 •nHllld COUrll I~ el 1111 llUl"Chlle Pfl(t Dtttd AHll t, Uff. Ort1',t C-IY to be Plld ti lllt II""' of pr"'nllllG'! ol' Dtvld F. Ot-My Ctmm lniln l!Jlllt• llldl 11\d bllll'Kt t>ll COl'tllrftllllcm ol Hll It-Id $. Schwtb J~ 'J\0 lt1f to.. !ht Ccurl. $1111 ol' C1llfor~ll, LOI ""''"' Cevntv~ l'ublllhM Ortf\11 Cini D•\i,o l'ltet. Tiii rlthl It ,,,.,..,.., to rt!KI lllY Ind °" ..... u t, lfft, Wort mt, • Nottrr Mort! , .. 17, 14 .,.. MllY '· '"' ...... 111 bld1. P11llllc 111 tftlll +tr 1t1cl St1tw, "r-ll'ric;;.._..;. _____ _,.=:---1 (7) You will be able to buy horneowntr's insurance for a home or e>Uter bulldlnc under c«l!trucUon -includin1 in· wranoe on the buUdinj: for 1up to lb expected value on com- pletion -u well as liability if you are ne11igent in certain •f*llied cues. (I) 'l'HE LIMIT on losses of jewelry and fUrs ia beina: aluhed from $1 ,000 per ilem in any one theft to a tota I of $500 for all such items. However, you may buy a 1peclal endor.Jement to cover any lndividual items valued at more than $$00. (t) . Liability covera1e is beinl ,peciflcally excluded for damaae or injury caused - away from YOW' own property -by any recreatlonal vehicles you may DWn. This includes 1nowmobllts, motor" skooters and ao-cartt but not 1olf carts you wt for iolfln1. Additlon cl. lhe huce antenna ll-ill make Hawaii's Paumalu earlh 111.atlon the \\'Orld's largest for commercial satellite communications. The mtema, 97 feet acrOiS, The two Intelsat 3s, each Radio, TV Commercials Owners of the Pa11n1alu earth station include Comsat, Ha,va ii'an Telephone Co., RO/\, ITI' and Western Union. Anti-smokeBanRuling Due in the United States. •·Drug abuse has become a 1vorldwidc problem of epidem· ic proport ions \\·hich demands a correlated research effort by public and private re- searchers,'' Brill said. Physicians are called on i,,. rreasingly to treat drug ad- dicts and lo counsel pa rents of ch ildren taking dope, BriO said. An earlier witness, Dr. At. fred !\l. Freedman, chairman of the department of psychia· WASHINGTON (AP) -A !ry of New York Medical Col• a g a·i n st governme ntal pro-Congress. lege, testified medical dqc. verdict on the government'! hibitions on \\"hat he wishes tG If the justices turn their tors 1vere generally reluctant power to force radio and say, but also a g a I n s t backs on the broadcasters and lG get involved with problem! television itatlohs tG U5t an· governmental dictation of the tobacco people. refusing of drug addiction. tlsmoklng messages c o u I d Sen. Harrison A. Willism!I I .. S \\'hat he must say." even to grant them a full-dress J D-N J 1 h · od -• come rom u1e upreme h . . r ., 1 • . • as 1ntr uc~ Court, perhaps within the next The object or this spirited earing, congressional pro-a bill authorizing a 5350 mil· few v.·eelu:. attack is the FCC rule that ponenlS o{ a ri ti s m 0 k i 11 g lion attack on drug abuse. in-measures \1·ou!d b e en1-Whtte Congress con· stations carrying cigarette bolder.ed to drive ahead , eluding grants-in-aid to help templates new Jeglalation, the commercials must provide "a train medical researchers in court could guide the significant amount of time for However, if the justices set the narCQIJcs field . lawmakers by ruling on the the other viewpoint" -the the appeal down for a hearing Brill cautioned against the claim that the Constitution's viewpoint that cigarette smok-next term, the effect likely government taking over the broad iuaranty again 5 t ing can be a hazard to health. 1vould be to restrain the more whole fight: government censorship can be Successful in court so far, adventurous legislators. A "AMA does not believe the used as 1 shield against the FCC has moved on to prO-very real prospect of court fcder<il government shoul d regulalion of radi<>-tv ad-pose a nst ban on all cigarette disappro\'al \viii have been assun1e sole responsibility for vert.ising. commercials on radio and raised. n1ultifaced research programs 011.0: A1rll 14. lfft. •DH•rld David "· O•-•nd l!on•M a. LEGAL NOTICE K•lllerlrw It. 'O•Oo.rbrV11•~ Schw1b known to ""' fO be 1111 fltfMM :: :::;~"~l~:;:.• t'or:'rt:':;:~ :r,:,,:,';"'1:l"' :==: ~;1~~~ 1.-0-,-,.-.-,.--,.c1o1c,,1c'°"c-o1=0-1=•=•~•"•"a Insurance Banquet Set The tobacc() and broad· television -with the possible The FCC, for its part, has on d r u g abuse and depen· castJng industries art banking exception of cigarettes "low in brushed aside lhc !st Amend. dcnce. 1 heavily on lst Amendment tar and nicotine and related ment argumcnl and pitched its "With adequate fu nding, U -:i tic., DtCllM"d. tcullld "" IHfl'lf , IN THI SALi ., ALCOMOLJC Otl>tlll 11!. K-!OFPICl•l S! ... t.) llYal!Alll -.'.e. Qr•••e County Llft A""'"' Ill Ltw "Ju1n!11 NI. H1m"*1d Atrll U, Utt 111 -.. frft9om ol speech and prea5 filter aspects." case to protecting the public c-a n provide the Mcded impe- guarantees as they try to cut The fate of this stiffer fiat against "the po"•erful blan· lus for such progra ms under down the ll67 Federal Com· probably rests as much \\"ith dishments" of c i gar et t c both public and voluntary au-'" """" ....._, -.Ult••rf Nol1rr l'ubHc-C111ior111t T• w11om "M•¥ c-•n: Unde""1tm Auoclation and muntcations Commission rule _th_e_S_u_p_re_m_e_c_ou_,_t_•s_w_it_h_a_d_,._,_,,_is_in_g_. ________ sp_i_ce_s_.'_' -------- requiring 1ntl1mok l ng N.......rt hKll. Clllflrlllt nut Prltw;10tl Otllt1 I~ Svblltd It ll.wll'ICI Ill llW llClllll I J-TtlNlllM1 0141 '*'m Lii ,.,..ltt c:wn1v Pt1t11 ..,, flOflm 11 111Nh 11¥111 ""' ""' the Narth Oranie County Life Attwfltr fir .t.11n1111lt1r11r11 Mr C01M1lt11911 Ex1lrK vl'Hl•ra1911ttl ,,....,.,. " ••11 •lall011' UndetWrttetl Aaseciatlons will llublllhlcl Ort .... C..11 Dtl!Y Pllo!, Mt'dl ), lJT.I bt'it•Mll ti 1111 lllWnl-•i.cr'"' II Mrll 16. 11. n. 1Ht 11t"'9 ~ rouo ... : hold 1h1ir IMUal ' ' L i f e ----:-:::-::-:-::-:;::c=-c=---IMICCAllt, 11.0Jl:ll, •1trtz & 6ff k c ... t Hlthwey, Ltflill'\I IMch, J••••&n-w-•" and annual LEGAL NOTICE ....... C1111. ...... .... ~ Allornt.,1 ., Law. .. • .-nl to 1ud'I lntlnlltr\, 1111 -bainqu« Friday noon, AprJt 25, --===~~~-----lum c;,.~ ...,111v1rt. d«slrll'lld •• 1nl'f1111 ft tflt Owlrtl'Ntlt In he A-·•-•-CO U IUl'll!lott COUl!T OJ TNI. T~,,~~. C1Nffrlll•"'" "Aleoho"C ''"'''" Ctnt ... ,.,. l11u•~tt I nuJ~I nven on STATI OP CAll•Ol!MIA 11011! Tlltlt"9 .. 1 cnu nMIU-llUI 111 .. 1• bv •• ,.. ... " .,, tlt'IM11C .... tr." "'·nttr~ T"• COUNTY 01' OJtAQIE Publllflld Orl"lle Cotti 01llv ,,lot, n~ (Or llftl'IMll) "' """ 'f'lrnlM• ., -No. • .,... """' 11, 14 '"' ,,.,., 1. s. 1Ht ~ 11t11owt: 1be uncheon wlll cllmu a "°TIC• OP SALi' 01' •IAI,. DH4ALI!: OENl!ltAL (111111 Ill* k cUvJ"• lmed t l'•ot'l'ltTY AT '••v•T• SALi L;.,.AL NOTICE p111111c: lf•ll,.. ,.,."'1 wet a w::S a a tN THE MATTI• OF THE fSTATE ~u MY«lt Mtlrl ... "' Jro!Mt 1111 .... -provl~ a better un--OF JGHH MANVOOFF. 0-lld. ti tlldl ht ..... h) ml'f 1111 t 'lfl'1flM .,. NGTICf II Htltfl.V GIVl!N. 11\tt "" ,.~ 1111 wllll '"' ofllc:ll °' ..... Otf•rtrntn• " dera; f (If the life in-"""'""""'· .. E•tcvtrl• ot ..... f.tttfl el ClltTIJICATI. 011 Cl!>ltl'OIAT~N Alcolla11c ....... ". Ctn1r11. w!th11'1 JI = n du it r y. the JOHH MANIJGOFF, Otct111111, Wiii Mii ,, lllHI TltANSACTIDM 0,, SUllNl.SI An ., '"' ..... 1111 ~ prwmlttl 1rhtttt ..... "* hlthlll •nd "'' btf. IJMDtll •tcTITIDUS MAMI -· "'•' -""• '"""' I,.,,... -lcs ol. the naUon, and .,.,, -1111 "'""' •nd condlllen1 THE UMOEJl.tGNEO (l)ft'°IATIOft ..... 1.1 ......... ldld .... llW. Tiii ,,..,...1... lndlv'~·a· 1 c·-rs .. • -MrllNI~ mtnllonH. Ind 1ub1tct lo the .,_ IWrtb., ctrtlf'f 11111 It II (Ofldll(llr.t • '"' MW llctfltH ,.,. till "" fl lkofMlllc JUU -~~ .... ¥ conflrfNllOll "' ~ ..,.... lor cour1. • "°"'' 11x1ur1a. tloorwvff'1111 •fld '""' .....,_,... Thi """ fl rirlflt•""' "''' fealOM.1 tlfe Insurance un-Aafll ,._ lNt, ft "'9 MUf el 10:00 A.M., ~It 11vttrw11 IOUttd 11 lUl·I .,. abfllntl 1rom anr lft'lt• If tlll ' • tntrNN«. wr1111n 111• 1:rn1 1110w«t bV c11111111 ,,,...,, L• A .. m11e11, c111,111•1111, Ot-Hr1'1'Mt1t. dtrwriter. '9w. II ""' olllc.t II FfltllNK A. HILU. undll' ""' 11e111ieu. firm "''"' " tlfAt.I ' J-~ McKay USC football ING£111:, IOaltllll II 1271 Wal TOf"rtnno jll:ou-PKlllc COntlf\ltflon Co. 11\d $A00Lfl.f.CI( INN, Ulllll ' &cr.tttva..i, T .. rl..C., C1llftrnl1, Ill 11\4! lflll lilt MIM of Ufd eart>Or"llleft 11111 tt'I f1111r4 C. litl~ ,..,_. <:04lChJtl WW be the feltured '""'' tlflt Ind lnlfft•I 11' Ulll E•t111 el "1M.lHI lltft fl Mh,.11 I• es +tllewti Ctmlll A. ~ Vita ,.,._ ~ JOHN MANVGOf=,, O«Httll. •t "" Jt-PIClfl( Conlrl(foft, l!K,, Clltrlll I. Df'ft'W. Jtc:, T .... 1. IPITlc i't' .. , .. ·-beln1 •-nc11. l'lmt " 1111 °""'' " l'l'<IYlrlld bv -•· >Ml·I Ct!t11rot Sll'tlll. L11 Altrl'lllol. l'ulJll~ °''"" CDftt OtllY l'lltl -~ na "°" " '9w "' oltlll'wlfe "l\lt" !ll1n. or Ill Cailfernl• ' ~II u Ifft ~ ed b• R-'-" war•-, Slate •tt!Oll, to 11111 el "" JOHN ' •---· -.,,..,-.,.,--,,,.,.,-,-:---1 n ~ • MO tMNUOOFF " ,,.. 111n1 of 1111 ...... •~ wiTNEss 1" 11• 1111•"" 11'' °' ...,.. .. ,.-LEGAL NOTICE ~lut1.1a LU• Aaurance Co. el _. It flle "''' l'l'Olltrtl' OtM:rlbtd 11 ltlt, 1to11moor l'ldflc Ctnlrtctw\. .,,I;,. meuaru. Their appeals, p e n d I n 1 before the Court, argue that the broadcasting industry has been •lnaltd out unfairly-and uoconatltutiOOIJly; that the 1ovemment could never get away with thl1 kind ol rel\lla· lion if Jt tried to apply it to • newspapers, for instance. t "Are broadca1ter1 dlstlniuLshable for 1st Amend- ment puf"PO(es?", the Nltioaal Association of Broadcasters a.sits. The tob1cco manufacturers, meanwhllt, have reminded the jus\.ices that they held long aeo the 1st Am end ment "protects the citizen not only '°1~ 1,,, n twit e1 1111 w,11 »l '"1 111e. .~ ...... 1-----"•"•"•"_,o,.,,----"-·I Am:jia, phone Mt-4t&\. 01 th9 lovth 161.f Itel el 111<.k nt, fs JOltlh f. VtttUtt. ~,.......,.. MGTtCI Tl CllOITllS !---~---------------------TOW" OJ' Ht&PElllA, ., "r Pill Il l .... J. Ow••"· Slcrtttrv SUPl•M au•T ., Tiii flllf..,.., ,._,... lft IOOll: n el M1p1, ST-.T" OF t:AllFOllltlA I STAT• Of< (ALll'Ol!NIA POiit I'~ ti ftl t1, tnclvllvt, rtCOrdf fl Mid COUNTY OF LOS ANGfLtS I U TNI COUllTY ., oaNttl Gavft!Y. Ol'I TH IS flll dtY of ~Hll, A.O .. lfllt, frk .. _... :••• t• ,_. -IY kl'IO•~ '' "'"" Llvt bw:o•t ll•t lllt unotr1+\ed, t H~!trv Elllrt o1 OOAA C. HU,,MAH, ()ek, H&IP"'ll. C..ll!Ofnll, Py~I'•. In ·~ lor A!" Co\ln!Y '°' Stitt. Otcet.... • ... or of ....... '""Hid for Mid .... ,.,ldllll tlll~n. «ll'Y <Of'l'ltnbllontf Inf HOTICi: IS Hll!l•V OIVEPf "' "" • Mm ,_, mull bt '" """""' '"" wm be twor~. --llf .,...er!CI JO..,, $. cr"ltffi If Ille ... wi '*"'° _....... • ' ;..!VIII II tllt .,,loi: Of FJt ... NK A. Vttoi\ltt lt\11 A. J, Oure" 1'.-le ""' ti 11111 •II HfWnt htYJnt Cltl!l'll 11111111 • Hlt.UIM~El!t Ati.rntr for MA.llfM ti. 1111 ~,_ldtlll 11111 lflertltt'I' -l'lf alll ftc:tdtflt ,,._ ,.._,i,_ It flit e JWAN ,OW\. It. flir IMf bf flltl with tllt 11.,,JV II lflf> __..!Ion thtl IXltlltloli !Ill ll!lrn, 'IV!ltt 111t __ ,,, WU°"'"' 911 e Ci.t ., tflt SWtMor "°"'' « d•llW....S wtlt1ln '"''"""""I Oii 11it1111' el Ille or-Ille 1ff1c:1 If 1111 clffll: ., Wiit aliltYt • to Hiii '"°""' "rMn•llV II -flint -·''°" tlltrt1n ,..,....., •Ml Kl"""'""" "'"''" -·· If "' "-' """" wtth • l ffer Ille llftl ~lltlllell lor ~tl"9) Of Id 11 mt !Ila! tucfl tMl'Orllltfl tltcllfW lflt lltCISMl"I' vOVCf'>ln. It fM -I f'llf Ntillct "'-' btftre mtk!,.. ""· h id tnt Mmt. llfllrillMf 11 tht •"IC* ti' hlf ..,.,.,,."" : •"'"'1r II 1nc:11rnr.tfl'll 11'1 1119 tmOVfll.. IN WITNl!f$ Wl'lfJl:tOF, I 111\'f IAl~D AHD tAllll:O. cnt LOl'l9 8ltdl 1 • W'llf'(l•lrNlt,., Flw TholAIM h.,,ft Hu"' ..,,..,.,,.. aet "'' "'"' •llCI •"ldll ,,., ef> Ne.. SUl!t A. t.1111 IMcfl, C.lllltfl!• • N '1 WA LI( 0 N If • •IW Oonara IM,111.001 • ftlt Plr11 TfVtt llc11I tNI tfll dl1 Incl l'Nf Ill lllb fOI07, wllldl It llW •llCI ti' tut!'*' • ew -• ~ P•~•blt lo C.llfflirfll• '"'''! i1v. ctr!Hlca!t ftrtt •ben wrllltn. of 11'11 undt"'l9nef "' 111 fNltt'1 • • i•n L-""°'ltlltft. hid Mii wtn ISIALJ lll'f•I""-II""'.,.,," MN.......,.., • c s • J • .. rwc"l!Wd"""""' ..,._,,., ... •lthl.. l•I '""""" kllt Kint wtltlll'I four -IM ·-""..,.,,..... • Gm muter ervace ; ,_...., liO med "'1 *'If I iiltl. Nollr1 Pllbtk Ill 11111 fir tllol tA tit!• Ml!c:t. ' • •TEO! Nril 7. IMf, Mid ~" Inf St11t O.ltll """ 7. !Hf • . ,,_;: e • Ill MAl!llf JaAN JIOWL.1.1: MU.OC A. LMltl ,.,..,..,, • '" llllOlfltlt ..................... .,.. """' lM'llllri. • : flf lllt hll+t DI MM Wllllll"' tevlt'llf't. 1~111 _, flf Wit ~n fl flll : • Jllftn ~. oeu..-ln A"""" C.lltlrlll .... lbWI MIMlll ~ . 1 Serio'11S Busitaess 'UNK A. Mlt..ulfMllll Putll1111d °'"'" Cbt1t Otf" Plltf, IAllD .... lio la• e :::r;:., ... ~_.. ... ,... iU'11 17. ,, '""Mn,, .. ,... ~ :::= ~ .... IU!I• .l T..,1.!ICI. CtffflfW ..... LMt e.Mll. <,...,,.. ,_, : : Tt11 fllll JIMlll ... nt-,.,, DAILY 1'11..0T C1•nllltf M\'tr1Ulfl8 , ........ ...,. ' • •-"...,_ """'" •-"' •-;coH Troftl A .. nt• Ali'C.Hlo<nl• (714) MCMSSOt 'tllllllhfd ~ .... C•Ot °"""' lllilt. IU4f1I Pu&lllhM or .... c...-°''" ~ ·····•1' •·•·•··•·•·• ···-···· ................. . Atrll 1t. II, 11. I• ll1""f Ntll ... 17, H ft #Irr 1, tM ..,,.., ' Fishing I• n<> laughing matler w George Dumm and Mary Jaechels. angUn1 under cloudy skies of Newpori Beach for persnickety denizens ol lh e deep. }'"or 1ome people, U1e fish must first nibble beloro lhey themselves ca n have a bite of supper. And th at's the trouble with fishing evfl n if 5ome 11.aak \Valtons en· joy lb• pure sport of casting a Un•. -· - " • ' ' ·--·--~----~-. . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE G.nert l 10000eneral 1000. DON'T MISS THIS RANCHO LA CUESTA mi$sed the .closeout o! CUESTA'S 3 other units MISS THISll -If you've RANCHO LA .... DON'T Each succeeding un it costs more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see our models on Brookburst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are l & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, Missjon tile or shake roof, fire- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-ins, family rooms & dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $33, 795 with VA or Con- ventional financing as lo\v 1as 10% down. No 21Jd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 963-2929 or visit any day IO AM to 7 PM . General 1000 G1ner1I 1000 Country Living for horse11, dogs, pi£eons and kids plus charrnlng 3 bed- roont home for ~pie. Large family room with used brick fireplace, Nicely carpeted, clctached 1arage, 10,000 sq rt lot. Corra.I and 2 stalls. Be quick, full price $2ti,:i00. ''For A Wise Buy'' Colesworthy & Co. 642-Tm OPEN EVES.. Breathtaking is the word for till' thri{ling View from this quality built Mme in Dover Shores 4 Bedroo111g & family rm built around large pool very i;pac:ious rooms many quality features l'ilusl Be Seen To Appreciate .$235,000 can Jac:k Scroggy Res 644-2250 MODEl ''T'' HOME 16th & Tustin -Coit• Mau ADULTS HOUSES POR SALE HOUSH FOR SALE 1000-rol lllllO LIDO ISLE ' WATERFRONT-Pier & Slip', 5,Bedrooms. 31'. baths, blt·in kitchen and wet ar $155,000 "! ... Waterfront-l"ler & Slip With sandy beach -4 bedrooms and family room, 4: baths, completely modern family home .............................. $200,000 p. a. palmer incorporated U77 VIA LIDO ' HOUllS l'Oll SALi HOUSIS l'Oll SALi HOUSES FOR SALE Gtntral 1000 Newport lhoclt 12111 Cerono dol Mor 1250 6t LOAll ASSUMPTIOll le Dlff9rent Wet l'alnt Uve on an Jaland lNe:~rport). 3 Bedrooms, 2 bath home, Buy W. neuly new fUrn. blt·ln kitchen 6: rA bnl duplex, Live ln one l rtnt pl.us 1 BR tixet Upptt one. 139,:IQJ le ~h more. tncome Unit. Plana 1nduc1ed Bis t BR !'(orlJWlde Coata $42,500 .,_ 2 ,.... old home . 9:•:,... DoLoncoy R11I E1tott Sprlnklers, 2 priva1e patiOll ___ ,..__ Coal H CdM & looks like: a model home. 2828 E, t no wy., S28.000 GI k>an available to ~~~~';;'~A;L=T~V::;i :~~;:'~nJ;~;;~I a.eyone -FUll aales prict Near NB Post Ole. i46-24l4 $32,950 -----2 Soporote Hou- ~1ost homes are built with onJr children in mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look at, room for bobbles, private office,-separate dining rm, guest room with bath. 3 car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, \Vestcliff shopping, and restaurants. 1•;. with m. down -11h% with llW. On, Office 673-7300 From L_. Coll S4034 Newport 1t Vlcteria t46.Jl11 FEE comer lot, best loca-1\Yo aparate. hOU.iel on Ont tion, $23,900 lot, 3 yn old, 3 BR ~ .. ~~ eac:h. Cpta, d1i-, and ...... _ no 2nds -no points -29 yrs on bal•nc• -----~---------- 3 BR I: ta.Jn rm ,y/POOL. Lovely tamily home, near 1c:hooll and \VeatclW Shop. PU.:· 152.51111 Priced from $30, 950 ta-$33, 950 Gtntr1I Exclusive Agent Bro.dmoor p. a. palmer incorporated 3317 VIA LIDO Horbor View Hills Tract Ph : 540-5113 From L.A.. Cell MA S...034 Pere~ on the top of liarbor Hllls. View of octan, bay, Catalina. 4 ~room1' family -·-------------& aeparale dining. Paric like -------------- Corona del Mor Duplex· 10°/o Dow.n!!!!!! Owner will finance this c:har. ming duplex . NO LOAN FEES!!!! Buy the easy v.·ay. South of the highway. 2 bed· roonu each. Heavy shake roof. Carpels & dnpes, A great bl)y! ! Only $42,500. By appointment only!!!!! Subntit your amaller prop. erty on our guarantee sale plan. WE SELL A ·HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 200 We!lcJIH Dr. 6-1&-mt Open Eves. OCEAN v 1000 patio and rear yard. $59,000. Pele Barrett Reatty Presents Dist inguished &eye.rest l txl.rrn 2 bath home \l'ilh all the extras! Sc1>3rate formal dining room. Jar&e panel~ game room with fire- plact0, 'veil planned kitchen \vith breakfast area &: covered patio. Call for information. ~ 1605 \VestcliH Dr. NE\VPORT BEACJI ~.. 642-5200 Buys of the WHkl Rent the older house \vhile Would You lelitv• 21 x 30 Rumpus room with Kiani fireplace and bar that seats 8. 4 bedrooms + tam. ily room. 2400 sq. 11. In all. r:oaoo Jot and a 20x~ \vorli:· shop for $29,950 -You can. S Btdroom1 Mesa del Mer i400 SQ. ft. Spa.rklifll: clean. Hie electric kitchen -J lux· ury baths. Enclo!led boat and trailer space, S37,9:,0. Wtstcliff Vac:ant 3 Bedroon1. 2 bath. Larie family room in movf'~ in condition. Fast eErow possible -$39.500. -7171 • 546-2313 \ .::> THE REA!, \'-ESTATERS 1llOI W.Al.KER RLTY 6?.>53Xl 5f~~~;~ tok:'ui ~:I "!$!11~,t~-~~~$~f~lt~o":M'l'-~th:'-' I l~N~E~W~P~O~R~T??!ISLAND ,vilh HAftD\VOOD FLOORS, Attractlw home. Generous l\Lrnllhed Duplex detached doUble ,&rage and 1h:ed ~. clieerful kit. $39,500 separate yard. Plus l\\.·o bed-chen, extra eatin& area . • • 3801 CHANNEL PLACE roon1 rental at rear of lot • co~red patio. OPEN WED thru SUN 2 -4 toom for a ciiupJe addiUonal TARBELL 146 0604 or eaU: Don Bohler,~ units. Conveniently located BUILDERS ATTENTION! ~ 613-6000 to schools and shopping. A Choice 35• lot at 111 35th St. - bargain at 132,lm -SUB-Subordinate pa.rt. Barpln if ?ttJT 10% OOWN. sold 11.I onct! 6'f3...5693 COZY CAPE COD Sheltcrine trees, COOi patM> and pond: 3 BR. Jam. 2 fire.. places, bo&Vtrailer room •• Oualllt lncme Coot1Moso 1100 O\\INER BU)LDER m u s t 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I .......... , .. , . • $4,000 Dn. now sell whf.t ,vu to be hit SPANISH HA.Cl INDA Hal Pinch in & Assoc. INCOP.fE FOR LIFE on wide 3900 E. Coast H\\'Y 6T:r439'1 98• lot, ideally loca.~ 1our Plus rental, phis room for mot! units. _,,. dehaxr new thtee bedroom, t .. ·o and one1 ha.11 bath hom. 161 Mtaa Drive cs. EaCh horfte with iep&rate Ovcrlookina: beautifU.I aolJ' oversittd ~ car praae. course and lakes. A8kins' THERE'S MORE~ $58,000 . CALL FOR DF:l'AU..S! Davis Rt•lty '42·7000 $-PECULATORS 2 two BR hou1e1 on a lot, 3 1arnges. 9 yrs old. $28,950 $950 DOWN $20,500 3 BR 2 ba Montie. Condo. . Cpt/drpR, blt-lnR, dlshw, dbl 1ar. Pools. "I TAKE TRADES'' Lor91 Vlow Lot? Room for tennis court, pool, boat &: trailer + n1\v 4 bed- room 3 bath. 640-4414 ~ VlLl.AGE, 2 stol")' Condominium $29,500. OY.n land. Adu.lta. ma mo. incl taxe.11. 2 bdn, 2% ba, beaut. paUo, landscaping, dbl gar, pool. Malnt. $25. owner Bkr. 646-1948 $64,500 Or•nt• Coast Property 332 ?tfaraue:ritp 673-&550 OCEAN VIEW-LUSK 4 br, 2% ba, Scar pr. Assume 6.6% k>an. Prin only. $59.000 3807 TQPllde ~ VIEW • Pool. Spacloul 2 BR · • home 40' Hv rm. It& muter suite. Owner. 644-2244 SHOREC.IFFS. C01Y. S BR 2 baths. Fee 1imple. Under .$50.000. By owner l13-3Sl1 i.11ioo P111lnaul1 1300 PETITE PRAmW PRETTY 2 Bedrooms. 116 bathll, near Bay & Ocean on Peninsula Point. - Oruy $38,'"° BURR WHITE, Rltr, 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. '7s.46311 Ev11. 6n.olff I E building your ne\v home on. lii""'m--;;=a ... .,.,.~._...,..., 2'h ro·· ACRES Rancho ¢•pistreno BAYVIEW DUPLEX on Balboa. Just reduc:td Ii.Oil Lido 1111 BA YYIEW SPECIAL 3 BR Plus Healed Pool ' Ru1 loaded \\'ith "CADI- Ll..AC" appointments. Just listed. Popular T· . w of Catalina. San Oen1cntc and almost Hawaii, it's SJ>ee· tac:ular and it's only 4 years old, an immaculate 4 bed- room home in a real pres- tige area. It's a .. must stt" at $37.::.00. !his Jot 1vith 120 ft fronlagf', Owner would nctiangc for N.E. San Diego. ' --.-II $22,500 Is now ofle1"ing a liffiittd 85 parcel!l or , fabulous, oak studded, ranch size spreads. Ttie only ones of their kind in The Bob Olaon, Rltr. 546-5.WI SPARKLING POOL HOritE One ol a le.ind -exceUent area -clo8e to achoola le shopping. -3 BR, 2 baths, ma.salve fireplace, family Newport la•ch Rtalty '7S.1642 room &: gorgeous carpetlng. ~~~~~""~""'! I :::::=...:::;;:....--- 80' BA YFRONT. Finelt bc:h &: toe on Lkio. WW 1tll 40' or 80' 3 or 6 units. ldul for · - Home le Iooome. 100~ Plan ,1•ilh separate '"O\\'NER·s SUITE" se parate living room, loaded with aec:essorit:!l k al) in like-new condi· lion in one oC Costa P.lesa 's finest areas, AU for only $29,950. ORANGE COUNTY'S Thto 18.~18 rt. ra_mily _ rm w1 Upper Bay location with large take your eye 1n .t~s 4 BR. enclosed yard. 3 BR homr fam rm home w/d1nmg a1'f!a, . h I nf __ , n AT bl . •. h . 1\"\I lit Wuuu OOl"l'I. • t·1n 1tc en, i:ia t10, accress TENTION VETERANS use for boat & trailer VA • no d Sl850 d · FJlA your GI loan here. no down. own, or n · Call right now, day or night!! C. tlf. Duplex • exchange for Ntwport 4 to 6 units. FORTIN CO. 1t Booming South Coast At ee Prlet'd to RU at m.sso. CALL 541}.-JJSI (open eves) Herita(t Real Estate RIDUCED TQ $20,950 BACK BAY CUlltoru 4 Bdr, 3 deprec. 29o/G dn w/ CUT)' &. f/nn, din, fr p I c. bal at i irc. Owner w/ M> P..1odern 2200 s/f $40, ro:i0. cept clear bnproved prop. u dn pyml Drive bJ' 320 ()wll('r/eves. 646--1542 Via Lido Nord then call 3 BR \Vaterfront No. 62 673--0305 or ~ Balboa Coves. 160,000 . ,.;;;;;o;;;.iiioii .... ~--i Preltr trade tor aere~e or 60 f1. Nctrth Bay will consider other. 548--Tm -Spack>Ua one 1~....J... ., ,. JUST LISI'ED -in l\fc:-.a Verde. Owner 1rans!c11'Cd and vtants a quick salc. Newly painted lnlclior, all electric built-in kitchen \Vilh dishv•ashcr, l * baths - i;tall shower. 14x20' living room v.•ith fi~pla<.'e. Low maintenance ya1'Cl. Tcrriiic custom pool with automatic sweeper. Price only $28,500. Excellent financing. 543-5440 ~ COATS LARGEST l'iijiijiiii ~ wA~LAc! 1-29•3 .,E •• 1.1th=st •. -=~"' I 'john macnab Vic~orle 6U .. lll lligh above the smog belt. Private ·roaiJl!I and Jocktd £;ate guarantee the natural bcauly of thbi former Span. ish Grant 'Surrounded by beautiful aeveland Nation· al Fo1'f!st . All utilitle~ avail- ablr. POOL -J Bclnn -Fam rm. New Duplex, 301 J2nd St. (3 Bdrm, 3 ba) ~ S130/mo PBY• all· 5%.% lnt. Wtetully dee:, w/w crpts waterfront teJT. PLUS prl.Y Rend Reelty 645·2340 $53,000. By owner. 548--0272 garden PLUS PIS, $246,000 VACANT MOBILE Home, Bay Front R C. GREER, Realty t093 Baker, c.~1. a46-51>10 Prestige Living Meso Verde TnllY an executive home, 3 :i&anlic bedrooms, :l lovl'.!Jy baths, tropical !andS<;aping surrounds the pool, h&hted \vaterfall add!i atmosphere to the festivities of your sum· mer f!venlng dinner parties. The added fam. nn. Ms a cabana personalilj \vllh an 8 stool bar and pool aceesii. Pacesetlcr built for SU,950. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-44'4 -54M~:~LTORS COUNTY LIYIN (Open Eve"ings) in thi.~ unusual 2 BR. home I =====:::;::::C:!irl with additional guest room I ---·--·-over 2 c:ar garaae. Hl1h EXECUTIVES Located in a prestige area this distinctive 5 bdrm, 3~~ bath home will make you feel likr a mod".m day king. All rooms are large l airy. Immense Jiving room. fam- ily room. fonnal dining room. Swim pool & garden for the uJtimate in outdoor living. $79,500, Q U a I i I y thrughout. Live gracelully & entertain royally. bean1ed ceilings & knotty pine interior. llUGE 58 x 203' lot with many large ll'f'es. Approved plans for 2 more units inc:ludrd. $26,500 ns:o NDllL., LAKE AR!lOWHEAD .. Lllll(J;!, SHOW PLACE. Lari:e A- --R E A L-T y Jo~ran1e on lrg lot. Ex~l.usl~e 202.'i \\I Balboa Blvd. N.B. North shore area. Sbp in · ' brand new double dock. 675-6000 Hugh Jiv<lin rm \V I massive lrplc:. Ce n Ir a I Lido 4 Br Pitr & Slip healini: & all utll. Beaut 4 BR, 31h bath near new tum. Desirable for yenr Spanish on 2 Jots. Wallt'd round living. \\llU t'Cln5id~r patio wlla:e pool. Slip for trade for hou~ of com-1--------·--• I 50' boa.I. CUstom quality p&rtlble value in Newport, Country Club Estate thruout ............ s149.500. Cd!\~ f"•· Price $69,500. Immediate possession. Love. Joe Clarkson ~-~~'-'---~=-~- ly big 4 BR near ?t1esa ~ R f" d Verde Country Club. About a re In 2'lOO sq 11. Corporate owner traMferred employee out-Custom built kitchen East· o[-atate. Needs paint &. """ Coldwell; Lnker & Co. side, C.?tt 3 BR l" bath, decorating. l!fake offer on '"' L c..r ",_. dbl earage, largr covered ,....,_. ~ ca ... .-. patio for cntertainlna: &UI" lil!tl.ng of $41.950. "1 MUI °" .. _. rounded by beautiful shrubs SAU:."'SPEOPLE NEEDED -WE HAVE BUYERS! Ii Dowers. Exce.llent financ- ing available. Baylronl Holel In Fabulous Avalon Dtntni rrn. 2 ban!, ~ rooms plliii VJ.iv QWner Unlt1. BURR WHITE, Rlt r. 2901 Nt'11·po11 Bh11 ., N.B. 67~30 for 2 BR I bath homes close 1860 Newport Blvd .. Cl\f to Newport Blvd. on the Rltr 646-3928 Eve 644-1655 ""'""'' 1><t. ilth & """ *. LACHENM. YER Streeb!I. Call us right now! --ERNIE-.. CLEVELAND .__Rultor _ _. 141 Broodwoy Ml-0111 Ev.1. 646-4.179 4 BEORM- $136 A Month By 11.Sliumlrqi; l'HA loa.n. 2 bilUUI, Tiled eiitry hall, Dec. Ilic bu.Ill-in kitchen. Appeal. Rare Find· $5',000 Newport Spanish Beaut lndscpd • 4 BR, fam nn, 2 BA hol'.T'lt: on hu-ge 77 x 120 corner lot 2 trplcl. crpl5, dt-p!li complete!. 2300 Jiil. It w/ all custom extras. Eliminate middle man, Call S49.Gl07 ""red btltk llreplar•. Cl>v· 4 BEOROoM--$22 500 $21 ,450 Full Price ,,.. • •ncloood pat~. 5"J. No°""' ,. ... 1 11 this 'pr1« 3 bedt'OOm, 1 be.t.1. S9' V.A.. 1720 In moll IOllghl afttr art11 . Joan 10 auume. Cal'f)ftln;; TARBELL 29SS Harbor IM:illlted rear living ~ tbrou&boul, Covtred Patio, --6-U.Nl-TS--with firepla~. 8r1Ck pallio Loi~ more Extrul Fu 11 v.ith eu fired BBQ. Drtam monthly P~t Sl3l P.1-kitchen with all the bWlt-ln T.I. Prtv. pty_ 9Q-7m or $60,000 Room to lulkl fe•IUJ'!'s. M0-1720. 96M6<0 Coo""1i<nt to oJL TARBELL 1'U Horbor C-y (Lui Rltr. 612-913'1 E .... S4$.01'0 -WESTCLI FF-Near • KEllNB>Y • BR. lam. rm.. 211 BA. T-..1erul IAtlt s BR 2 bath r11mily room, 2 1frtpla.t:t•, l!nlcy hall. 11\llc patio, at. U'ACtlve wlllltd )'II.rd. 131.500 • P1:inclplc1 0111.>'. 5.!5-lilM Nw new carpets 4 drap. FOR SALE BY OWNER rs. J'l:ne cotfltr location. 3 bedroom Hunllnrt:on Ba,y $5l,500 eo-..101um 118.950. ""°"' LIDO REALTY, INC. !lli~,20 3~ Via Udo 8'rnl830 ,. ' 3 BR '"' . •r • UPP'• on the Peninsula. $19,500. 3355~ Via Lldo 173-9300 • .. 11-2 lot •67g .. ;:-~~or~O'l5-32'l6~~~~~1 ;;~~ciii1Rt.fi""'~I · -.: "''' Fulle'"'" A". = CHARM! Only $15,750 TEru.IS leycrtst 1223 Cheerful and immaculate 3 ·~ OOVER SHORES PRICED fROM $1,000 BAYFRONT Costa Mesa 10% DOWN -1s Yns. Beautif~l 5 Bedrooru home Charmer-$22: 000 ror 1n1e country living, re- wilh pier and fioal, large 1 ti1-e1nent or jUil plain invest· bayside terrace, handsome Its got everythlnc you need, men! at a bargain prier:. Call exterior. formal dining room. 3 betlnX1ms, 2 ,ba.thl, double or write for complete details sunny breakfast room with gill'a?e· ~rt(! ~tio. large and tree ro!Qr brochures. ea11 "'· Rob'"'°" Owner Must s.• BR 31, ... 2 F.,,ies. Dini Devl1 RNlty '42·7000 " rm' plUA fam ·rm. Lowl.y • BY OWNER 3 BR zamrm: Lovely Colonial Jamily honlt'' svst a.1tory home ~ $511,500. bltns. hdwd fin, patio, Choit"e 8'Ycre1t loca~n. · Welker Rlty. 675-2676 -: trplc:, drps. Newly recon. Fonnal dlnln& I«lln. en. I ~;;;;;;:"====;I dltklned, fenced. .$23,500. 4 bdnnR, 2 Httplacea, elec:-Hunt1neton ... ch 1400 · 3093 Jo'ernheath Ln Ot, trlc built-ins, 3 cu earaa:e. -· S45--3:i30 boat or trailer accel!. Poel Time Is Here. view, large Muter Bedroom lot, JUil pa.lilted iMlde. As-Rancho Capistrano with walk-in closets. Sl0.500 1Un'11! e:xistilll 6% G~ loan or 1 ~370 Carfipus Drive. By Appointment Onl:t no down to vets, min do1vn Neivport Beach. 92660 (714) 6424235 FHA. Hum<! 546-7143 901 Dover Drive, Suitt 120 ______ _ N fl'VJ>Ort Beach EL ·-·---GI Resale BY O\\'NER: J BR, l%. BA, Roy J. Ward Co. Sharp bame! Carpeta ~ fam rm. Bac:k Bay home. 646-1560 &f6.-0228 out, drapn. co\lt.l'td patiO " I . --1.225 with brick BBQ, .. ~ ol -· ENGINEER FEE PD. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 1 Take over 8% GI loan of Take over my 5~ilJ'O IOI.JI, l1ysMre1 Ins:", filter, heater, drtllitW n 8,600 ,1·it h· payments of Sl33 per mo w/o taxes. -room. J..uTe comer Jot com--· $157/mo. ind, tax 1t ins. 4 Pri~ at .$28,650. 2606 BAYSHORIS pletety b1oc:k: renced t; tnlft1 293 E. 17th St. 646"'494 BR Ii tamil1 room on cor-Redlands Dr., Of. 2 BR, 2 be.th, 2 patio, lam.ib' more extra feature•. Vacant ne r • room Jor boat, trailer 3 BR. 2 BA HALECREST. home, newly decorated and ic priced way below the mar- etc. Listing is S22,650, but Assume 4~1% GI or 110 dn a "must see to appreciate-" ket at .$27,950. GI or l1IA r.tE degree net. some ?t·Il'G experience. Familiar 11•/. mouldiil&: &. dye casting. Starting salal')' .Sl.31<. Calso ftp job!.) Small Home 'On The leach make oUer! Owner Oregon-to vel!. Low dn FHA. $~500. &16-6475 Owner. tenns -won't J.ul! Better _, bound! $23,.s;;Q. Owner/ast. J:."'ve1 call now. Merch•nts Ptr1onnel Walk In the surf. Fiflh and 546--78ffi Wtstcllff 1230 MUTUAL REAL TY Agency siviln jusl steps from ywr SALESPEOPLE NBEDED BY 0\VNER 3 BR Homea. I .;.;.;;.;.;.o.."'-----'...;..; 8~2-1418 anytime ~~~v~~~li1i ~~:e ~;:rin~;~r f:,U~f~':n~ ~ ~;~· tt~fe;~~ 11~=~ v;i SiAo~~ :ne,: = HAFfDW~2 ~LOORS 64~mo -545-5685 loan charx;£s. Ideal home fol' ~ 546·5110 &~~%. Need cuh. :>48-l().lg rm; aervlce porch. elec Only _., . .., ................ iiiiiii5l 11portsma.n or artisl. Brint (nt•rcintmtthattel bans. Clean crpta " drpa Sharp 4 bdrm Stardust Home BAY(REST "'EQAL your scuba ge11r and check-~LLEGE R!~TY 5 BR. By owner. 5%';'1 FHA thru out this 3 BR 2 Ba on cul-de-aac l!llrffl, A11- Jf' book. Forest E. Ol110n Inc. SOOMlmtittla ,CM. loan. Full price $24,500 wf home. Prof. lnd.scpd Ii: ume 51.4 % G.T, k>an. Sl40. 6-t5-0303. ~======~= I considtt 2nd. 549-2103 maint. w/ chlldren'a play mo. 5 bdnn JIJ.. bath home. &am..1'ii!!ii!i!i!iiiiiji!ii!iji!i!ii!ijiiji 1 • yn1 it pct uu. ReaV)I REAL ESTATE IY :;~if..'~.!"'fo,';:::1'cDM-COTIAGE Maui :Hawaii "'"" 011 Ml• 1105 :::!n"':'i=.P~"OW: McVAY Ideal for bi&; family. Own-2 BR home w/Lnc unit needs BY O\\'l'ltr: Sell/least. 4 BR. $G.950. "2-1598 545 MA e:r moving Eu:t. HUIT)'~ so1nc TLC. Walking distance 3 Bedroon'I if!~ family rm, lmmac cond. Ideal k>c. Hu $33 500 near new borne on FEE veryth1ns 540--0094 Arnold & Freud to evtrythin&". • . lot. Property Is free and f! ·* C tenns. """' WW 388 E. 17th St., lif By appt only clear, MN n tu beac:h. R"11'" .. ~,,.., CORllN°MARTIN =~;"',.:;: 0:-'';;.;: l; -TWO STORY REAL TORS ......... .,.,, '""' dttd. $35,950 3036 E. ~;s,'11:iwy, CdM SALl$8URY Mt1a Ven:Ja 1111 PAY $117 mo! 3 Br, 2 ba, Ji nn, panl den. Assume: FRA. O\vner \V/carry 2nd. .$26,500. 3777 J n d I a n a. ,,, .. .,,, 4 l•l'le bdnna, format dinillg I t!!!!"!~~'-!'~"'!!"!!!!!' RF....ALTY room, separate den., dinette --48E-0RM-673.~900 CORNER kit, )..story, 4 BR tiUS!L'l~l ClllltaQllact 11 tw.'ft. Tbe DA!L Y PD.01 Qiwlfiea llCtka. s. .. mcmey, tbM a ~ i.ai flOl\IE -R.-2 lot Excel Wl·staide, 3 BR 2ti bl, room for, 4 or 5 units. 54~1623 ., .... area, 2% baths _._ exce:l~ent FAMILY RM JJj ~fa.rine AYe: .. Balboa Is. fl,; BA, den, din rm. tncd location. See.Ina; '• believing. It sperklea! 2 bath1. Eleg:ant I "'""""""""''""""""""~ I pool play )Id, nr Chtry Cub, llM!. Trails-Golf owner bought new home. natural brick firtplact. All Ray Bradbury man)' extru. Avail July Unlvonlty Pork 1237 ---~-... --· -~- CALL AL'8L.Ac_K 54!>-1.151 elcclric pllllh button buUt-'a1 $48,500. Ownr. 5"~~UI Shepplnf-UC1·3 Min. (open eves) Jlentage Real In~. Dcl lghtful patio over-Estancia High School REPUBhtC OOme:, 8 mos old, 2 BR. la I.Iv rooni ••.. s23,900 Eltate. looking a pal'k Jlke )'an:I. Thurs .. ~rll 17, 2 story. 4 BR, 3 ,BA, lam l BR N bl, 2 st.ory .. Ut,9l0 YOU o'\•:e It to )'uuntH 10 m. S40-1T.!O l·l-PM rm, ttlreat rm. 3 car a:ar. 3 BR, atrlun\ ........ $27,500 v,oatipte our 4 dlUerent TARBELL 2955 Harbor Spo~iored by $42,SQ.). By owner. 540--ol!IOj ~~dtJ.!1 ~a(. '83= trade-in programs. ---Friends of the Llbr•ry 'A'l'TllAcrJVE 3 BR, 2 BA ll. --• -, DUl'LEX Publlz lnvltod r.m rm. """"" '"" & UWl<Lll-n .... , •• , Crnnd O\vnct MU lake 21id. J24G new 2 Br. 2 Ba. Vata111. •·ce Near ~an, 3 BR 2 ba. No ~ New York Ave. ~G-1170 ,Stn=:';,~='·=17:""~..,:;==;:,;=: ORANGE COUNTY'S "'°" unn. 3 ""'1"'· "'-· ~ : LARGEST lOO. -l BE QOM--1 BR. l!I BA. tom rm. Eutbluff 1242 293 I. 17th St. '4M4M Goor91 i!.~~•m-FAM;I . R100M "~~~~~;;: BACK BAIV' l~m.4.'llO~!-~~Ews.~ m.~ , '"""' """' buDt·"' WANTED TO IUY It I . raf\te ,; QVf'n. F"&mfly room. 4 or 3 BR home Ate.a Verde EA:jTBLUFF Co~ domlntunu. 2 5kie by ldde. m sq. n. e1t-3 en It den, 2 BR A. dt1n. t:-Xtra deluxe condition wf choke k>calk>n l \llew. $51,(XM) A: 117,;oo. -by .. pt. Natt la Rltr. Space for boll! or camper. to l-*5,000. 54'-'IOT 4l on + he•led pool, epts/· Steps te last a..ch St34.~ a mdinth ~nt1 ---· ----_ .. d,,,.DA' Vqul<tSONc:ul-de-aac.1 4' BR. 2 ba, 2 1:ar 1ar. 6 yn lf'Jlt thM rf't\1! • N.wport INch 1200 ID R11 ty """"'· ooly 129.000. I --Rltr. :mo"""°' 18. CM Coywood Rlty, 541'11'0 TARBE~-W6t IJOll. DOWN 546-5460 Eves. 549-1008 m-w. Cout lll•·Q , N.B. -INT 2 bdrm, 2 ba. deluxe condo. A · rv lmmf'dlate poasta1 lon Private Gll"1:pt• as: --&Z -!& WWW " ,_. charm! IQ...M91 of lhe moat ticcluslw Back ''P~''-$26.,. ·,eon!IOxlOO Ba)' ttllidential 9'Ctlon It He•vy ahake rool, piuttr ~ '41-* 8 Y ow n er : r • d 11 c: t d new outstandllHI: 4 BP. home. w..Ut,JlttplM.'f. bull1.1n kit.. Balboa R I l'lttte Ce. d'luttcall)'; •JN1e, Cape Cod Roy J. W•rd Co. chen, 2 bethe. llNttd I tfL flt.4t40 • • .. pooJ, CaU afltr. 5 t88.ycrr1t orncei 1rred f'QOI. 51().1720 .,..,. E. BIJbol 8'·""' Be.I"'-P?il: ~ 1M2 Sontioao Dr. J,..l!l50 TARBELL 2'55 Horllor ·~ '"' • Wbl,. tlophlntl! ~ C.M. lnvtstmtnt Co. 5e7Til W£U. De~ 5 bdnn, 3 bl, "lact'o lfome. Crpta, dl'pa. ft'..pk, lo\-el)' v~w. D Alta Vlata Dti\1(1. Sff..1192 • N"1U a l.e.rttul~1 rlncl It •fUt • qnt •d' - NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CISH THROUGH I DAILY PILOT W~NT AD 642-5171 • ' • .. ' • • ,· ... .. • • . " " ' ... '· -----• • • • .. ~----~--.,. • • .,. • • • ... ·~····~ . . . . . ,. ' ' ' . ....... ~ ... :W DAil y "lOT ThUnd•Y, April 17, 1 '169 HOUSIS FOR SALE -HOUSES FJ)R SALE • IENTALS i:.;::::::::::..:...:.:.:..:;;.o;;.;o;.'.:'.'.1---------HM1111 UnfurnhhMI Hvntlngten llooch llOO L•fUllO llooch 1705 -, "lOO c;.1. -''· • RENTALS RENTALS lf1u111 ~ "-IWun!ltMI Hunt'o .. n1"lloodl MOO c..te -4100 Coote - ,.FIEE -RENT_,_A_L_ JR . EXECUTIVE tlepnt mntecnpor'U)'. 4 nice Income Untt. -I-Br. 2 Ba, pool. $U1. Utll. OM APA!lTMEl<?S WATE111110ftT cwo-3 pc:. Al.SO Bach. $105 '\Jtll. * Villi Pomoll 123< Atlanta LAGUNA BEACH Air Condltlonod VENDTNC , Pt bl!dl"OORll., 2 JuU batba, HandymM1 Speclal1 ~Ont C~ti 4' d.ropea. LQc. ~ Oct&JUlde. Of Hy. Front Patio, 18x24 ll!P(l?ate 150 )'ds from Stach. 4 !gt plQ' room with B:lr. Ele!'C-Apt units, needs paint ll tric boUt·lr1s incl~ (SOubJe good gtnc,..1 cleanup, PO. oven, Hot J:tolnt dllhw11.sher, TE:N'flAL IN C 0 M E EX· Bltndtt. etc. Walkirc dis.. CEEDJNC $10,000 ANNUAL- SERVICE tlodc. ..._ l600 Uo. PW<ntlo -a...._.,_,"_, , -on(r Br,.3 Ba. ~Fam. Rm., pd. M&tuN odtllls Obi> 2W New 1-2 ...,......, . Pl>~ ON FURES'. AVl:J'iUE Disk &paeftl avJUlttble 111 aewa1 a(ftct bWldltis a: prime b:adoo "' downtown Lquna O.iu;b. "" ca>dl tioMd. carpe!ed. beautiful peneled partition~. T w o cntrancd: FT11ntai:f on Fcrttl •ve .• ttKJ lflldt 10 Munclpal parkinS Ws. $50 per month for f'P&CC. Deak and cha.Ira 1111UaWe tvr S5 Bul!MIJ boors answering aerv!.ce a vMilt.hlt" for SlO. AU utllldr-a pakl el«.-epf telepl:.one, SPARE rutE J.NCOMt: KEEP YOUR PRESENT JOB CANDY -SNACKS Rellable man or W1)(11an with car, to colk.'tt and !Ill milch. lne11 manuf4ctu1'ed by ~r o"'n cuinpany right hl'l't 111 Orange O)unty • tor example., 3 bl!dn>om1 2 balha lfa,(11 per mo. Call . a,...r-.:;...w-~-~ffi]~~~i.::::~~1:;;~~;!~:'.~! I ~ ~ now ro(bs 536-3111 or m-2'p? TO\\INHOUc.:T. 4 BR. crptl, Mew ...... IMdt 4200 Unlur, l A 2 BR&. Adu1&I J>ool.W~1-.Dcyc111 Q &w bit ,. pool wa11c to oob' No oeta. 17'0 Pomona Prtva.1! r.ara;n 1ehl.' ns. • ~~°':ta '"=1: c!:: AR. jult IOUlh of Uth St. BRAND N'E\V 2 l-38n . tance to Beach. $.'.~ Do"'" LY . Prjee $69,000. ORANGE COUNTY'S ot take OYtt IO\"l iii'·~ Joan. fillSSION RF..ALTY 494-07ll LARGEST Payments $189 per mo. Ask· 98.l So, Coast, La:uua 29J E. 17th St. 646-44,M ing $34.900. Submit )'UUr or.'·' ... ~!!!!!""'~~!!!!!""'!"'!"' ----- '" ' SANDY ANKLES .. will "' y A Re~sesslan WE SELL A HOME yours ~·btn you arrive home Everyone qualifies -S9JO EVERY 31 MINUTES to this 4 BR. 2 bA pltm Ren. down. 4 bed.rooms. CALL W lk & Lee !al Units. J\; bl to bl!i.Ch. 54().1151 (Opi!De\'H)Herltage 96S-38.11 l try club atmolpbue. •nd NEW GARDEfr' APTS. trom $150 n10. Cptl!, d1'Jltl, '• BR --•A ,_,,a\ ..__ l:JIDRM. Modem kltcben w/ dllhwshr. Nr Beach. 8'17-8931 " . ~..,. ....... " • .,...,, ..,_ compll!lll privacy. SOl1TH ~UW. ''ahrf~. Patio. BAY Q.UB APT$. 1rYi11e at ranee &:: own,, cijabwuber, HUNTINGTON Contlne11t31 Pool. Adult&..15.17-85.19 16th Ntwport Beach. etc. Encloeed pr. Olympic Townhouse; 3 Bl· .• bltllii, ~· --t7l4) 64~ lite pool a.a.Que&:: laundl')' pool, etc. $180. OOS-3170 £ve:. fount•in V•ll•y 3410 1 BEDROOM, UUI pa.Id No tac. E1ec It wat~r pd. From -· . . peU;. Youne w 0 r k 1 n g Sllii mo up. Ailultf only. laguna leach 570$ 3 BR., den, .lam-di.n. rm-.; temal~. fi46-:l07'1 before 2 241 W. \Vilson, OJ 642-MOl - NO SEUJNG. £xccp!lonally high income. \\'e can h1 tnlsh locations, guidant.oe, hx:lud. ing your record syste1ns and training at our laclol')', lo iru!ui-e you1· succeSJ . INVEST \VlTM a er ""'~ will ..,, su."" ., lleal ua1e. your mortp&:e co.sl. Total OOZY 2 bedroon1, j1Ut re- pril'f' $-10,000. painted. Carpeb cleaned, bltlna. $215/lnonth. Leu8. .. ... "•" 1ot.,J HARBOR i BR. duplt".li: nev.· cplll .. AvaU. Apr11-)o:-m.1e-.,....._.._ oe.. TOWNHOUSE d.rpe, pllin~ l b4k. tu bch. 2 BR. 2 Ba. ~.I blk. beach. 214 Fairview SI. OayR: DAILY PtLOT REAL SAFET\' ROlITES COMPl..ETELY SET UP FOR YOU $1.495 CASH 7682 Edint;<'r ~12-\455 or SfG.~140 Open Evt'S. 4BEDROOMS- 3 ballts. 17Dt 5Q Jt, kltc:hen/ family room combination, built-1n range, oven, dish- v.·ashcr, gervlee porch. large •ntry, ll\ting room with litt- pla!X', sliding glass door5 to pal.io. La r g e \\'B.rdrobe. Room fo1 pool. Carpel, & ctn.pcs. landscap~, curved drive~·ay. double ga;Jge, t;hlngk> roof. $3000 below market • $27,900 full price, Los Padtts Rlty 49"1.~ new drapes. $140 mr mo. 621 So. C.oa.st HY.'Y, Lag Bch Real Eatater5, 673-aSll or L1gun1 NI-I 3707 Util. p4. Sll.l ?llo. tU July '211 llarbol' near wmon, '94-31SS· eva U) 532-5283 "--lt. 1213 W. Ba!boa 494-5189 • 2 bdrm studio, $125. ' . .. __ Z:Z:Z: FOREm' AVEf'•HJE LACUNA BEACH <Jl.9466 MONAROl •BAY AllEA • e Heatl!d pool, no pets. Dana Point 5740 ADULT OOMMUNITY lal\oa 4300 Adj, to •hopping. PR."VATE OFFICE with. \\'rite or phone for lntt>1vic11 at factory. TP..AN SICOM CORP. 1 SJ, \\'est 18th., St. • fABULOUS view home-, 4. 640-nn. BR 21,, ba. all builtin I .D_U_P~LEX,~-1~.,-.-,~8'~.-. -.. ~tio. 3 BR. den. 2 BA home, 10...;....;...._________ A vA1L MAY 1st DELUXE 2 bdrm, 2 ba, reception room Sl25/1no. 4 blt.1-trpl'" bl!af!l!d pool CLE AN Bl.cbelo1' Apb. 2 BR / 1 -~ d triplex apt, ocean v~w. tcr· room suite S300 I mo. Air kilchi!n. I~ pool·ta.ble to • f • •-· gar., & ve re. n& ............. siu' playroom, \YI!! bar, $135 ?i1onth. 5 4 8 -1 6 7 ~ ; complelely carpeted and S48-5218 draped slf'reo s p e a k e r • .. ..., .., , w gar. . e • ...,.,.. y . I 65. , .. , & $250 mo. 10 to s, 496-1243 All uill ind $75 up w/patio _ \\'alcr pd • i:ar-race, ~· 1 ,.Jo, conditioning, para.ing ' 315 E, Balboa Blvd. dener, adults anly, ('ID pe ts . &tcretarial service. D.ne Point. 3740 BALBOA 673--9945 .,~.,., eo--•-.__n A 111-642-4192 or 496-5319. aft 5:30 Orana:e County Bank Bldg. V!.!nding Division I Costa Mesa. Calif, S2G'l7 !TI41 542.9000/(2131 ~iJ,, 0 ·~ 500 2 BR. gar, p;i.t"1. L'Jlts. drps, sysll'm. By wner. -.... · al 4!H-!la25 sl0\11', rcfri:. Tropic set· ling: for adulta. 1 Bllc. to T\VO brand nl!IY ocean view shops $140. M4-4780 .=.uu .>oU•.a ..u... \IC. •••' a .f16.-1006 230 E. 11th Slreet BACHELOR Apt. Util paid . ......., Pl•-ntoa· Av, I"" BEAUTIFUL 24. SO ..._ ......... • •.• ' ......, "ft6 ta 'ft"" 642-1485 new " . $75 :r.10. El r.ta.r ?llotel SEE and then c.a11 REAL ESTATE ....,., ., .... ?i.lobllt home, fully carpeted 310 E Bltlboa Blv Balboa e 636-4120 e Genertl ""'EWPORT CIVIC CENTER -CANDY SUPPL y I ROUTE {Part ol' Full Timr} Excellent lncon1e for fc1• hrs. \veekly \vork (days * Owner Transfe rr•d- Elegant Westmon1 with Bonus room, custom blt-lns, lovely draperic's, carpeting, FHA terms or VA, See & make oUer. Evrs, 897-4191 Pacific Shor~ Realty Jluntington Beach 847-8586 YA NO DOWN Or au;umc 5\i ~i. Joan. 4 BR 2~~ Im, sep. 14xl5' lam. 1·m, raised frplc • Pal05 Venle stone, custom drps/cpts. R!!· decorat00 1 • owner trans- ferred. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 Eves. 541-1412 · Blue Ribbon Speclel Inviting 15x30' pool, loads cf decking, encl. patio. 2 Story 4 BR, prestige area. Blt-ins. cpts/drp!I, fully Jandsc. As- sume 514 % GI loan . owner will help fin. $35.500. Paul Jones Re•lty MT-1266 Ev". 968-3167 homPs. ont Contemporary. &. dl'"--i, builtin stove 2 BR . ' · · bl I Co ~ OCEANFRONT 1 BR & • OCEAN BREEZE up-• apt. R I W. od Olfices awta e or m· 2 be. beautiful clubhouse &: .. ....,. 5990 · tal one Spanish. Each has 2 BR 2 BR houltl! w/pz., cpts, 2 ba. carpeting, and a.U drps. Adults only. $U5 pool.' acrosR trom ~an & BR. til June 15th. l.ar&;e 3 BR l l!ll ha, blt·ins, •nt• t int mercia.I, l\ledlcal, Den . beach. $195 mo. -$100 dep. 673-4724 c P t s I d r P s , sundeck. 5 \VOMEN 1n :rited. Profes!. Air-oond .• crpts. clevatOl" or t"ves.J. Rt>fillillij and collecting n1oncy from Coi n Opel'atcd Dispcll· sc1·s in Costa !ltcsa and surrounding a re a No sclllng. O-landles 11 a nl e brand candy & snacks.I :S1650 total cash required. For m o r e information 1 and details, send nan1e, address and phone num· be.r to: l)ujlting, DQn't miss tlle!ll!. per mo. 2625 C Elden Ave.,1 ~fust see lo appreciate. By Costa Mesa 613-5270 No pets. 11) 27~7761 6 .'\; · , h ••oo $160/mo. 2286 Ca.nyoq Dr. need 3-5 BR. 2 Ba. rurn. 35c PER SQ. IT. 496-3989 nvntington l••c -No pets 545-3Zl5 afl 4:30 or house or apt., from July 1st ?'ll-0032 OR G1>2.464 011·ner. <194-9525 or 499-3006 VERY clean 3 BR 2 bath BY O\VNER. north end, 3 Afesa de! Afar, huge lot. ·~~ -ll ALS BACH. apt. furn.; \va~r &: BR 2 ba, playroom lV/wet $210/mon. /\&I. MG-4141 Apt&. FurniahM a;as paid. Adull only. S7j, 918 " 2 ....;:C<""'-'-------1 Palm, Hunt. Beach bar, buillin kitcuen, 3 Br. l{OIJSC, ll75 mo. Generil 4000 5364618 or 536-4979 firep\ac('s, outside g a s 1944 Pamona Ave . CM alter .:..;c;,;..;;. _______ , barbq, carpel~. drapes, lus h .-'=' :>l,,-:p~m=·~-~-,--=,-, 1 $135; 2 BR., ~ util. paid. 2 BR, 2 BA, dshwhr, pool, billardl!. Adult&, no pets $185. 2320 F1orida 536-2730 fruit trtts. $42.500. 494-9525 5 BR 2 BA, crpts, drps. Nice Family Welcome \VHALE \Vatehing Ocean-neighborhood. $250 least" Broker 534-6981 vie1v lot;;, Laguna Beach, Call 540-4279 j 120; 1-BR.. O..S. tal .,... 4610 u c1o G.rden Grove $5,950 11•ith sma \\'11 PllY· 3 BR. 2 Ba., Lge. tam. m1. Tot 't).K. "-"'-"=-"~--- n1en\ 491·10'21 e1·es. 11•/!pl., cpl11, drps, bltns; -c:oo-~B~rok="='~-===~= SINGLE Young Adults Lux· S35J.00 DUPLEX, 2 and 1 dbl. gar. S22a. 54!l-3532 eve& -: ury garden apts with coun- BR. view, just remodeled, REDECORATED 2 BR un-Costa Mesa 4100 try club abnoRphere a.nd pvt, wild kitchens! -494-9748 (um .. utili1'_es pd. Vacant. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 oomplete privacy. SOUTH • BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 VIEW 3 BR. 2 balb """"' IW5fmo. 286 Knox St .. CM $27.50 Wk. Up QIAP~'IAN Ave., Garden $45.IXX>. Sale or exchange. FOR Lease 3 Br. 2 Ba. huge Bkr. 6T~l Res. -19-1-7161 ..... 1....,~ • Rooms $15 wk., up Grove (TI4J 636-3030 fenced y ... u. .r..w. e Studio & Bach apts. ~EN r ALS Call 642-52!M 9 Incl Utila &: Phone aerv. L_1gun1 &••ch 4705 Housel Furnished 3 BR &: Den. New s~, • JI.laid Service. TV avail, Rent•ls to Sh•r• 2005 ROOM?o.1ATE service.,, male or female. Efficient & qualified. 835-2100 drapes, paint. 2 ba. dbl gar. e New Cafe Ir Bar 100 Ci.IFF DRIVE Closets! $210. 548-9536 2376 ~ewport pivd. 548-9T;i> Large bachelor Apt. furn. 2 BR, \\'ater pd. No child-Alt Deluxe Features Ocean View. \Valk to beach ren. Garage. sus. 233 c SUS 'C•ASITAS • I Costa l\fesa St., 67l-1715 Sl70 -yea1·1y ease \\/ANTED: Hep male room· 1nalt. ~ta i\.lesa area. &1;,..1880 FURNISHED 4f4.244f LARGE 2 BR, palio, fe nced \.BR. & Ba"c"·lo' Apl<., === yard, $1,2j. 54.:;..2Wa '"' RENTALS 3200 Newport lh1ch C~•~•~te'-"M~~~'°--~2_1_00 1 ;;;;;;;;;;.;~~~~;;;;;;; 2 BDfu\l house, fenced.back 8/1 yard, an util pd, respo-nslble TOWNHOUSE couple, \ child ok. East Split Level 3 bdrLn!>, . baths \Vilson Sr. $130. 54~19 Doutlc i a r a i: e, carpets, al1er 6. d""apc:;, Firt!pla~. e I e c. 2 BR., gar., patio, quiet. built-ins. ADULTS ONLY .• Tropical setting for adlts. l , .•....•....•.•. $1&:i/month. 2110 NE\VPORT BLVD. U f I h d t-.'ledallion Dy Hotpoint Apfs. n urn 1 e G.neral 5000 * Ville Pomone Apts. Costa J.Iesa's newest & most --- 11Lxui·ious apts now renting. RENT . Fc1:n & u1ilurii. Adults only· 3 Ro0m1 Furniture "" "'"· l160 Pomona A'° .. $20 • $25 • S30 ma, just south of 18th St. '---H"o=L~l~D"A°"Y,..-,P'°LAZ.,-,,,A--1 FULL OPfION TO BUY DELUXE. spacious l·Bdrm. IRelrig:erators Available) l-"urn. apt. p ::,a Plll!t util. No deposit o.a.c. weekends. or Ml 2-2222 to Sept. 6. Wiii consider FOR rent 1842 A Nc\vpot·t Villa Fino Apts. ~ BR. yearly. Xlnt re.rs, 673--4102 Blvd, Ideal for insurance, tncome tax or employment Uni. Children \Velcome $150 PROF, wife '=. 2 <laughters agency, 548-058S 874 \V. Center Apt. 1 desire 3 or 4 BR h.se in 2 BR. l +i Ba. Patio, crpts, C.M., N.B .. or H.B. areas, Commercial 6085 d!"PR, Ntn.~. Adu1ti, no pets. start.in: J une 1st. \\''ill pay 1.;;.;;.;.;.c.;;.c..o..;, ___ _ S140. Avail !\lay 1. 5-lS-450i up kl $200 rno. Call 645-1966 1 BR gnln apt. fpl, epts, 1 BDRM Unfurn Apt in drp:;, bltns, patio. pool. Beach area for employed Adlts. no pets $120. 546-5163 lady up to $ 11 0 I m o . 3 BDRM, 2 ba, frple, closedl~64l-<I086=~-~---..,---,-: garage, adull.!, $150. Mo. 327 ROOM w/prlvate b a t h B. Cabrillo. 548-4691 preferably. By the month. 2 BR apt, downstain, clean, Ol~er ~sines.~ man. Reis. crpts, ~. blt-ins. Inq 1552-67.,..1095, Mr. Jordan. FOR Sale or trade by 01vner. 50' x 180.5' commercial pro- perty. 19th St .. Costa l\tcsa. next lo Dept of l\ioto1· Vehicle&. lnL'On1e $470 mo. Owner "'/ lease !>«ck .at same. s-15,950. 49+-9~i2J }'OP. Lease ~1 acre of ?.1-1 property with small office. Completely fencl!d \\'iU1 2 W5e gates. 548-6304 A Coriander. 546-5268 2 Executives looklnz !or :l QUIET, deluxe 3 Br. studio. BR house \\'/pool. Prefer iln· Adul ts only. Htd pool. 1717 mediate area. 83J..tn7 ask Industrial Rent1I 6090 Santa Ana Ave., 646-5542 for Bud. LOVELY I BR. "1'U. drp•, • LANDLORDS • patio, pool. $110. 1762-H FREE RENTAL SERVICE Ken11'00d, C~t 646-4098 Breker 534-6982 FOR lease Laguna Niguel. oH Sao Diego Fwy at Cro1vn Valley, ne1v commercial & Industrial units. Delta Elec- tric. Da,ys -831-1400. Eve5 -<199-4198. "ROUTE DEPARTl\lEN'r' P. 0. Box~ Anaheim, Califo111ia 92803 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION frigidaU·e 11' min. l')'Cle Is• the fastest in !he induslly. ~ 30 Frlgida.ircs do the 11•01•k of 40, 30 min. \1•ashers. Find out ho1\" easy it is-10 owlf a paying laundry. Ga1'Clcn Grove, Santa An;\, Tustin, Orange, Anahcini Coin-0-Mutic: Equipment, Inc, ~33'1 \4 \V. Valencill F111lcrton 711: ~5-7S3~ I 6100 I., .. ·coo,· STATION for, 2 BDRi\-IS, drps, crpts, pvt Rooms for R•nt 5995 Lots ....,, patio &. garage. 2 children -------• -lease. Nc1vpo1·t Beach. GOOl'J ok. No pets. $130. 548-i;,40. PRIVATE Room &. bath NB C..1-IOICE buildin;;-s i I e • gallonage no1v, goes highc1·1 area, carport, $13.00 wk. panoramic vie,~·. U PP er in sun1n1er. Available tlOI'.. Newport B•ach 5100 646-5216 aHer 5 p.m. Nen'J)Ort Bay. Cor. i\lcsa. & P1·escnt dealei· going Norlh. -· -Bay vi t \V. By 01v11Cr Some financing availablr 1 -. WA·-T-ERFRONT • CORO~A del ~tar, quiet n_n. TI4/577-14::2. 11·ith good cttdit. Ca 11 .. empl d nian O\"Cr 21. Pnv. Pie1· & slip; dlx . duplex: " ent s;,o mo 646-40!15 e VlE\V er ocean. c.."OrllE.'r' 533-1~79 Br, 2 Ba, fpl, rel. No pets. • · · bluU, possible ti s I Y . H.cA-v=E-a.~.-,-,,-,,,.-,-,-n-c-·,-,-, , SJ25 Lse. 6-12-ltl:i. $:J.'.I. l..Alvely rm, pvt home, n1edical or apts. \\'ill build l\lesa. 4 sta. \\'ill 8C.ll 01 Enip gentlema. or L'Oilcg.: · r:..., ... ·-2 BR, ne1\•ly dee, drps, \VI~· student. Eve 546-JTI 3 to suit. .,.,.,,.....).),)J tr.i.dc for ~ 0..\TICI". 3 BR, 2 BA, fplc. $21), . . ---* 8.~5632 or 646-SL.'l * 3 BR. + Bonus Rm. fmmac. Ne\I' paint. Dll'Ondra lawn, sprinklers. 5% 'it GI loan pmnls ol $189 1o1al. HAFFDAL REAL TY Blk shops. $165. 544-4780 filrs. Fay Newport Bffch 2200 SUMMER RENTAL Bay & leac:h Re•lty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 s.&2000 Evs. 548-6966 1-Ieatl!d pool. Ample parking H.F.R.C. No ehildttn -No pets Furniture Rentals ~='~!l65=Po=mo~""'°'"·~"'"1=~ 511 \V. 19th c.r.t ~S-3481 BEAUTIFUlLY FURN l56t \\', Lncln, Anhm TI4·2SOO Immac, clea'n! 2 Br, pool Philadelph.la f.lainline. 811\).. Summe:r and year round reservations beinr: take:n. PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Dr. 67a.4130 AUults, no pets $150. 2272 least 2 BR '.!11 ba apt. \Vash· NE\V house !or rent J.larbor· .Map.le. 540-S&i6, 642-4807 el'. dryer. rPfrig. cpl!, drps, 713. 9Sl-7039 PVT. Room, kitchrn p1'1v. R1nche1 6150 · Near 21st & Santa Ana. S15 I .. .;;....;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.....;. 2 BR 2 Ba, pvt. patio: eac~ v.'k. 645-1294 btfore 2 Pi\1 I• gar. \\·/storage. No pets S185.I=========-RANCH '"' Hihuia IV•Y. 54l>0093 Guest Homos S991 COUNTRY Bick Bay 5140 HA VE vacancy in com· ---·'-------fortable licensed home Joi' LARGE 2 BR. skl\•e & elderly lady. ~lugt be a.in· rcfrig. Garage. Avail f\O\Y .. bulatory, prival,.. r oom . $135/mo. Agt. 642-4422 board & care $180. Near -==~='-==~=5=2~4=2 1 shops & park Jn Costa t-.'l('sa. 2 Parcels. one ol 3.1 acres al. $2,250 per acrt": lhe 01her ::!: acres a t $120,000: near \Vlldomar. This is \Yherc the big thoroughbred ranches a.re. Beautiful, rollins farm country, just South of Lake E lsinol'e on 39:-i; for n1ore information, plea~c ca 11 Glenn Thon1pso11 1vilh Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. i\IAIL ORDER A~sociatc/in I V('stor \\·anted. C.:'11. arc11 , Address TAB. Box 30, 801 Bush. S&nta An.1 92701 \VAN1'ED: off·sall! liquo1· li<"CnSC, Orange Counly. 874C Warner , F'.V. 8424405 PRESTIGE HOME Sp&rkling 4 BR 2 bath home. Assume 5% % FHA loan. Excellent area. R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 f;veg. 962-~ HOUSE + RlURPlfX Biibo• 1300 SPECTACULAR Ocean Vie"" Peninsula Point 4 BR 2 bal.h. $185/nio. 67~ 2-STORY 3 Br. 2 Ba.; \\'inter; by bay; "'·asher; no 'itudents. :>-16-9j74 View homes. 18117 Port Sl\IALL 1 BR. nicely furn. all util C.t-.1, 5'\S-5706 aft 6 Charles, 3 BR. lam. 2 BA. t'lt'c bit-ins, \v/1v crpL<>, p,n1. S300 mo. Ruby L lo Yd drps, no pets, ad u 1 ts . ;·"1~45~,~,~en=.~,~ .• 7~~x~. -,,w~l,"'•" 213: 670-4601 5-19--0412 eves Ii \1·k~nds. drps, range & oven. Family TOWNJIOUSE 3 Er., 2 ~3 ba. Cl-IATEAU J,a POtNTE 11·elcome. Broker 534-6980 E11t Bluff 646-Slli. \\'/11· cpts, drps, tpl. 1-'nctl Lo,-cJy 2 Br. furn. apt. Pool.I========== e NEW DELUXE e PRV mt in lic'd board & patio; elec. b.ltns, 2 ca r gar, carpot·I; adults, no petli. Co1fa MeH 5100 3 Br. 71,1. ba. apt. for lease care home fo1· e.lclerly, ant· pool. $275. 642-7219 1194~12Po~m~o~na~,~C~.~·~·~· 'M;;;;;liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Incl. spac. ms11·. suite. din bulatory man or \\'Om~n. $225. 3 BDRl\I, 2 ba, ,,·/iv 1':'Bn-Comp. turn. I.ta~ rm. & dbl. garage, auto. Nourishing meals, co11~cn1al crpt:<, blt-in:i &: c I u b cple. or \1'0man preferred. HARBOR doo,. opener avail. Pool & atn~osphen:. Lr&~ ri:_d _I.: facilities. 214 Prospect St. ~. 131 F10\1·er. ~7883 ~. 31~~ Nr. Catholic patio. Avail now. a-1~?'.?J {2131 HO 7-3290. FURN. Bach_ util. paid. GREENS Chui-ch & school k Co1-ona All large 2 BRs. S50,000 D 1 F 297S del l\tar High. Income Propertv 6()00 l1SOO do.·n 6 5•,, I""'' up •xes urn. :i BR. 2 Ba. cp1', d""s, bltns: Adult only. N't". O.C.C • . . """' . • " ~·" :Jl~,9 e ONLY $270 P I J R It nr. beach. No pets. $240 Yr· '",,....,., au ones e• Y SPECIAL. 2 Mos. rate. Ne11•. BACl\El.OR . UNFURN. 837.Sn Amigos Way, N.B. Prid• of Ownership 8•\7.l'.Ki6 ly furn. DellLXc 3 Bdr. + l =''=''=""'=°'=>-3=196=='"'°'~ l BR fun. all util inc.I $1 3J. f Sl 10 Pool. Adults 6 4 6-S 2 7 6 , FOlft S250 10 Uniti.; and l'OOlll fvr l l BR 2 bath, dshakr rooNr. Den nr. Ocean 629-149'.l l ;lr;v;in;e;_;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;.;3~2•3•l•l 968-li·10 ALSO AVAILABLE Corona del M•r_ mo!'e _ Cosla. Mesa Sl30,000. v.•f\v cpts/ rp s, r RENTALS J .2t:lBDRM. --inco111e $l5.S40 1444-C1. everything. AMumr 5"\'iO HouSti Unfurnishld e r\a.s.o:::i.u Palms e Heated Pools. Oilld Cal~ ., PROPERTIES WEST FHA loan • 11•ill fin. part Yearly Lease t & 2 BP .. · Pool •.,, "" ·~•~1~3~700-"""-''Y~·-""'~~1"°~7 ~-· I Gtn~ral 3000 :? BR. 2 bath unfum house 1 · "-''Kl • No pets allov.-ed f) 71 E ~· St G42-364.'.; Center, Atlj. to Shoppin& -~b 1028 BaysiJe D:·. tiij.11...., BY 0-.vner 2 sty :I Br I/rm. -~--------11'\·inc Vi1\a,ge S230/n10. Dble 1'"idr mobilr home i\lay 2700 Peterson \V"", al liar-1' •rt• OFFER: Remo\·al by Aprii $H15: 4 BR. 1 ~~ ba, Condo. "-J N"'PI \\'rs! tra<-t. As~un1c BURR WHITE, Rltr. 10 Oct . Adults only. Comp! bor & Adanl&, Cos ta l\Jesa. ::o, 2·story 3-room apartment loan 51.'-1,, 129.n'°". 962-877!l \\1/11•. patio. sto\·r. refrig. "l d NB f 11'"' "-'" 2436 -·~ •. ~-o ON TEN ACRES b ildl I C ~ "'IV Child1-en OK. 8 r o k er Z!OI Ne1vpo11 L~ \' " . . Ul'll "" mo .....,.. I ;)-IO'U.)J I k 2 BR. Furn It Un.furn & garage u n; .ro1n ap. BY O\\'NER 4 Br. bl111~. ,"ol'"9ll0 675-4630 Bach Apt. n1en only $67.50 . .. istrano Beach Club site. "-u -Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. · · I "-· fenced. Du1 ch Haven an.•a. =~~~~~~--~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ Very nice l Br trlr. 80.00 Ofiers In 1vr1t.Jng o \...dplS· 5881 Terrier Dr .. Hntg &:h. $1~: 2 BR. -4-plc.x, w/v.•, 3250 132 \V. ,,.Uson, C?lt 54S.9:>77 ORLEANS Tennis -Contnt'J Bkfsl. put-trano Beach Investment Co., Huntington Harbour 1405 WATER.Fll.ON1" by owner • 4 BR. • 2 BA., clock, j,y on water enclosc-d patio $1~,jOO Also 60' on n1n1n channc.1 la~ 3 Br. J Ba., dock, $110.000. Con111dcr lt'ase/op- tion. :iqz.5998 55· \\'ATERJo~RONT 1\'f •IO' dock. 3 Bdrm, drn, fan1 rni, liv nn 2 BA. Oi\1lfl't' ~air. Si'l.000. 3392 Gilbcr1 Drive. 847-3724 Fount•in Valley 1410 EXECUTIVE HOME BUYERS Wli:A'r tlk' do you \VANT~ * \\'e lowered 1~ prlr.t' * WI' are oUerlng GI or dri>~. bltns, patio. Avail. Coron• chi M•r ting gree:i. lQlO Palisalre. Pacific Pal· now. Bt'Oker 53-l-6980 --------l BR. Ulil pala. \Vant older APTS 000 &a Lane. OOt 644-1611 ,.,,.,...., =~~=~~~---12 BR., cplo;, drps, frpl, D/\V. single n1an only. $99.50. Call • !l\1acArthur nr. Coast Hwy) ~'"'~'~"~·~""'.-'-=1~1·-~~"~~-,-- S"SO: 3VBR. 11~ ~a. t •1ar, No pc!ts. $19.i tnrl. util. 703 aft :1, ti42-Gl97· l BR STUDIO Sm•ll Tt•iler Park paCio, \ '"" t 'onvcn1en oc. i-,.-,===,,--,,=~-1 I C M Bt'Jker ~ Jasn1inc. 673-:>109 t-BEDR001if, FURN. XLNT Joe Dl!ar China Cove 1 n 01ta esa SWJ: 5 BR, 2 ba, fnccl , yd., drps, C'hildren 0 .K. Broker ,, .... 980 IT'S A rtEVELAT10N tile many barpins you find in Classified Ada. Oieck them DAIL~ PILOT DIME-A· LINES. You Cll use them for just permie1 • day. OW 6-(7.;1678 )l.'LNT loc nl!flr China Covr :\ 998 El Camino Dr., O l POOL BR apt. Frplc. $175 n10 . \Yith 2 BR house. Spend Sl iO/ Br. 2 Ba. t)lllc. $300 mo • 546-0451 * lease. 67J..5224 aft 3 pn1. mo 11·~th $17,000 dol1·11 . SSO,. lease. 673-5224 aft 5 ptn. NEW I Br Dplx. i;ep by ADULTS ONLY -000 total price. lluny! 6!~',; • garages. Quiet. Adults no S.lbu 5300 financin~. Huntington leach 3400 peta. 2468 Elden, 548-1021. · 1741 Tustin Avenue 6~~Y i\l~~s R:~:12 4 BDR~f To1\•nhousc, rum or \1 BDru.f turn apt, $00. per off 17th Strfft , Mr. 10fh Sf. Beith f>l.IKN) sq It R2 1~1. R·1! 6 unlum. Pool. clu.b house, mo. No pets. Good area. Costa Mesa 642-4641 clean u/ E. o! Hrbr. $86 i\t. rlCIU' beach. 5li-l'i97 642-llOS :i Bed1wn1, 2 bath plus den xlnt 1tnn5. 1Ln1111l!r, brkr. NO 1natter .. 'Ual It II, )'OU CUI sell It With a DAILY Pfl.JYl' \VA.NT AO!! 642-5671 2 BR., Oean. Cpts, drapes, 11pt, Ne11·Port StaC'h, unfurn ~r.:;0 dining nn. Gar. Xlnt loc. 3 BR l~ ba. blt·in J'Mie $300/n10 ·-• -- $155. {Or unturnl 545-9187 l: oven. \Vith :"'II.~. S~. BURR WHITE, Rltr. '*NEW FOUR·PLEX* General 4000General 4000 General 4000 Wells·McCardle, Rltr1. _::::.:;::.:;:;_ ____ ..c."'-;..o.="-'"------------------1 1810 Nen•port Bl\'d., C.?.t. 2901 Ne"''llOrt Blvd., N.B. I r:,e_ar ,ec1a;!1;,,!!u181~~ 675-4630 cc8C I. IJJ,;>o,N, " 548-112!1 Solt.ta Simple Scrambled Word Puzzlt for a. Chuck It 8 UNITS, 2-'* unit bldg&. GRACIOUS Adult Livin&. BR. h1 rn. $1000 per mo. ln- Qce.an I: Say vie\\', Spacious come., $87,500 f .P. 64&-4039 2 BR. 2 BA., \Valk In ·- closets. beautiful caJl>f!ls I lu1ine1s Property 6050 draperies. Pool. F.oat slips -HIGH TRAFFiC for tenants. Subtt.rranean f1-tA term11: * We l\Jve 2000 aq It \1'1!h I 3 or 4 Bdrms, la:nily roon1 O l!llOffOllge lelle<s cl !ht lout ac:rtitflbled words bt· low ro loon four simple words. UNt". 2 Br. studio; l1 ~ ba., \\1/W eptg,, drpt, b\t-lru;; S140 l\lo. Adi!.!. 2298-B Fountain \\'ay \Vesl (\Vlhion Glll"den Apf~\ l\V, of 1-tarbor on \Vil.son} Gracious Adult liYl"I :? BdmU., "' 1\\' c;p\J;, drapeii, pool. StuJ('1i1 .. 0.1\. pat'klng. 67>0003 COMMERCIAL Choo!I! from 2 dlffercnt c.1 3 Br, 2 ba, + den. S3DO mo zoned propc?rtic11 ol\ h\~h k (onnlll dining roo1TI ! * \Ve have R pool I * \Ve have a O)l"fil'r tot \l'i!h boat gate * Wt havr an l!Xit.llll'I: fllA. 1 low lnlcrcst U5Un111blf' 1 •• , .. ynu TELi. us. TRADEWINDS RLTY . ~JI ot "2-501 ~ VA loan AY1ilable ICEDNET I' I I' I IL AZ HE I I I I' IROWIE I I • 1 Anybody who c.on swallow . . . o pill ol o drinking fo unloin dei&rvt"s to-·-·. lf~tl MESA EAST APTS. 1 W E. 181h, C.l\I. 642-3·174 )'Carly least. tt11ffic street~ tn S.A. BURR WHITE , Rltr. 1 1919 \V, 1101 St. • sn1alt 2901 Ne\\·port Bl~>d., N.B. ~-offlce or slo~. 175-4630 E-lft.22.ll .... parlrlng, o"'> SM.Im. --2. 1920 °"'· lTih St. -Lal'IJ'! 1-BR., prlv. pe.t\ol: all elec .. HuntinJlf'en le1ch 5400 67.S x %1,j' lot (\\•Ith older cpts. drps, carports, prl\'. I:. I ;;:;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;,I hol.atiel, Te!Tlfic JocAtion for quic1. Respomlhlc adults I• USM good fnnchbe or lrH stand. 6060 o!'lly. $110. !'>13-1?22 EXCL in& atort or ol'flct. i\hL'lt be !.GE. 2 Br. "'11t l"·cl 1150 ON•THE-IEACH O>ld. -under mao~el . Upper 2 Br. Sll:i. No pell 1 & 3 •-.11reotn •-ts. RJck AldC!l'l!ltt., R.ltr. 2SS:t 'i\lendou ~ -...,.. 547-6469 Lu.xury llw.; to plNW ttw,-:=======;: ADULTS. 1 bdnn. roun. ~-d1-~-· .. h-NOi' I• "~' ~" ...... . 8 u1ln1t1 Rent•I r~dC'<'. ~:it"). :;.ms \\'1.llatt, ava.ilahle 11 Call: 642-8139 BEAUTY Sa.Jon. r.todcrn. newly dee, ;) sta. Very l't'fl!'. 673-~l days, 64S...lf..OS eves. A ITRACTf\1E Salon, very reasonable. call 962-7232 1818 W. Chapman Ave. Orange, CalH. 541-2621, Eves-11·Jmds l.':8"6727 620S FOF.. RE.NT Furn t-.tammolh ~I o u n ta i n Condo1ninlum, sleeps 8. 6T.>-413C Mount. & D...-rt 6210 BY 01\•ner: 2' ~ 1·ic1v :-:itc acre~. SJO do1\'n & $30 monthly. 011·ncr Agent 548--035.i R. E. Wanted 6240 ----WANT TO SELL? Bus. Wanted 6305 PRIVATE party has $10,000 cash do1vn pa.y111cnt + eX· ecuti1·e ability to invest in your business. \V1ite in c.."Ompletc confidence lo Dai· ly Pilot Box 1\1 470. Investment Oppor. 6310 GROWING Mr.c:. co. nM.lf prh11tc in\'estor, interest~ in capitol invesL of up IL SZ:>,000. Please l'Cply In· tJica1ini:: lenns. etc. Box F· 4Sl, Daily Pilo1 Money to Loin ~320 "NE\V 2nd LOANS Ar.· llANGED" Top ca:sh IOI' seasoned :lncls 543-8381 Bkr. Call Farro"· and slart pack. -- ing! Reil E'lt1te Loans 6340 Sattler Mortgage Or1nge County's Company Inc. Largest • :iJ6 E. 17th SL. Cvtita l\lesa 293 E 17th St. 64M494 I Serving Orange. Cnly 20 :'r.•. . • __ ----6~2-2171 51>0611 BUSINESS ind Eves. 673-7865 61Z.LI57 FINANCIAL Bus. Opportuni-ti_os_6_3_00_ Mortgages, T.D.'s 6345 DlSTRffiUTING BUSINESS \Vrt'HOtrr INVESTME!\'T: National Manufacturer \\ill provide complete program distributing candy. drug & 110\'!!llY specialists. snack foodi, etc.. 1o tave.ms. restaurantl'!, all lype stores. Direct factory connection can.Ing high daily cash con1mis!k>n' and ninnthly ov .. n ,•r:lte. No ago limit but must be bo1 ... lablc. Pal'l or full thnt:. Write 0-IE.'X, ll'IC .. 2910 N. 16th St .. Phl1a .. Pa. 19l?l NEED $16.()00..$19.COl will pay top lnte.resl + points: 3 )T pay on. Priml! Lido Isle baylront 4 BR homt:, property VIII $120 ,000 . Present Isl. ba!~rice $53.000. Phone principal pr I y 673--9412 27,000 1st TO on Ocean \rk,-1\· Lots, payable S270 month ,, 10'ii dul'. :t yrs. 10<;0 dii;-1 t."Ount , 494-1137 $4:iK> ls! TO, 8'.~ due 3 yr .... 11 ~ discount. •97-1210 \VA1'-n:o--, -,",~.-,--,,-~do ~ney Wanted fumitnrt ~111m,ilng I.;. 11\IOd bleachlnc "ork on 70~ b!uils: n.·mo,·e. :i.JI fi11ii;h from rnodf'm & antiqut' f\lm. Porteblf' !ltt-up, Iront Piln' Sl>rinr to Beverly lfl\IJ; atta. $1j00 req to ~nlcr bosl~. on 1.Vl!rage: WO MJ ~ after 2 "'"k~ of. pro(. koo~. Call ;;. 7 p.m. ilotf133.-19G.t \\'ANT S'l0.000 eoli11tl!f'f.1 loAn with s:il.<XKI TD on 10 aen::s octlln\'k--A' hllllop I • n 'd , 494-ll:l7 P AY 10'.0 INT. on 8l'CUt'td Joe,n, Sl00,000 ~· ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES Gor!I"""' > RR I ha th hom<. M1ny r'\"1111~ Call now! Coastline l""3'171 l,...T_U_Y_L_I G---~j '"' 1''"" t • 1 1 I' I' 1 C) Comp et• 11'11 thuc•I• quottd by loltl11g In the mlS11n9 -d• . YGJ dwelop lrotn step No. 2 below, Apl C. C.M. ~ n. H nf'..t t""REE D~i{ fPACE ln CANDY supply roull', part or e. IDE I br. f'rple. \>tams. ~ne U l1rv1"R small ahop tn !'Jlchan;I! for rul1 time, day1/«l'\U , Re.fill Found (FrM Ads) 6400! T\\'() Grt>at Danes. If! I Pllr.lc & F"l!.mal~. v 1 c • llarl-or t: Victor\A :.t.,-.\011 BrFOC~ Gi3Mrll \\'IBlk t'ramr!I.. \'If', 19th /. Harbor . M.:~13:'.'.l ES YUUR Al> ll't <1.ASSJ· P'Im? Sommm ril Ix ~ ror a. n111 M2-M'1! T1IE SUN NEVli:R SETS nn 011utl!C!d'• 10Uon ''Ul"rr F'or an 1d fo vii ll!"t)und tht t:llX"k. d\lll M:!W~ f.} Pi!1Nf Nt.W.SER£0 llt!ERS IN l tifSf ~ u,r.~f~ €) ~:c:~r.w. '""" I I I • I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9600 patio, w/w crpt. .I tldult no taldni ~ del. Call & rolleet n)()fley (rom toln Pf'!• f1 2j yr. fB.76'19. p 'f' QB s.i&.447S £ws. OJK"r. Dlspen.'11!:'1"1 in CostA D'El..UXE 2 BR Studlol. Kl IC flfr!<ll I: vie. No R ll i"K. Crpts, drps, pc>Ol. 1 ehlltS • Office Rental 6070 SllM> Total c1&11h l'C'q. Send ... ,, .u -~ nan1e, atld1~li!I It phOne lo: OH. St~ l Up. Call ~96 Til Oce11.n Av'! .• II.fl 300 Sq. Ft. Office I Roule Otpt .. P.O. ~ 3846. l BR 2 00 Condo, rpt;. (TI4) ~l~S7 roSfA AIESA 1146-2130 A,111.heirn !12!m _ bll-lru, dl-.J11v .• dbl pr. 2, ..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'l;;;;:;::.,,;::.:=,:C:-:co:"::;:=::; poola. SIOOfmo 5~fhli...'tl SOCK JTTO '&\!! nlAJU;l!'. )'011r 11.ant ad nmv. \\1Ut11 l:.leo\l11nl!! ' BLACK I. \\1~1,,;-1>->r: \'!; lSth .t Tu~l!n Nn. r;1:;.-::-~-;:1 _________ , • • • • ... . " I BANTAM Hen. Yellow l Brn. Vic. 16th & Irvine ~ Rave 5 bedr'Oom Balboa Ptninlula borne, m.soo. Want 3 bedroom, price $30. JAllROR • l\tany 1'11D much men ""· ~ .... --...,.. -KIW'I' SHOXS. 0 1NVDl'llEl!Tt JU#Jwba ~.llr.-pe;nsl.opt • )'llUr on 1loqrl , ASTRonK CORP: 1-.1 Logan Avenue Costa 1Mesa, Ca hf. I Annoullelng Our ~w Mo~trn-Preci1ion Machin~ Shop. f -Bn1lnKI • ·wart ..... a when! you wish, For f\1D ' details without obliptson WRITE l~ulp,...i with MW Ifft mldol- HES Tracer Lllh., New InapeeUon Equip. Abllllles Verticall J/11111 Helcht Mutor . Comparal4r Solmp Haruo•!"l Milli SUrface Plate Sllmp S.D Prollle Mills Gauges, Mikes e~ Proclolon Wlek Dono - 0ptn HIUro Avolloblo - Lot Uo le Of Service 19 You. , 7400 * HOSIESSES * DAYS and NIGllTS • ~lnprnon RfUIBl l LEE ' 1$1 E. Poclflc Cot. Hwy. N-pert looch l ' FEMALE CLERK Apply In Person DriYe In llqllOIS 706 Poclflc COii! Hwy Huntington leoch FOUND Pue q . vie. $35.COO. Newport Beach McFadden le-Bob.a Olea I ;,Ro~al~ly"'';,,,;-61>-::..=1'42=·-- Road, HB. 197~7Sli 11 Ft. tlber sLus outboard Palm Sprlnp for Newport e HOUSECLEANING. x I n t ot vidpit;y. H&v!.. 3 Nee ~ By day or hour. hl>mel, tab ..., fYJe pcvp. can 59S-ms '"'" °"""· '°'""" ort:======= '""·6'Ul55 1..-Ta 6740 * TRADE: 12' Glau tm.t ~:,-;.:,:=_-Smiler Tu Senlct lxcalllnt lmplty11 llontflts Coll -15 Unllaalted Agney AdmlD Tr11nee .... to ..,.l======r===== S-1111r Tl'noe ...... 11110 Hti, W111!9tl, Moll 7200 -WonlM, -7200 N AT 1 0 NA l. e.orparaUon dtslrn n e 1 t 1 attractive, wdl qualWed •x•c\ltiw IQCftlary for Vici! Pmldent Salts I: Genera.I S&les Mir. for ntW ottlcff openinc in Newpon Beach Flnancla.I Plaza, N.B. Write c/o Bax Loot 6401 1t Reward* • I.Git tn Corona de:I liar. Cocker " Poodle mixture, aDIWe1'S to the name of San- dy, Pleue return, no ques- tions uked. Reward. Phorie 646-9303 MlXED AUltralian Shepherd, female, arey, black le brown. "Ouis,. Los t 4(11/69 nr Newport pier. Reward, Needs shot a, -LARGE REWARD! small brown le wbt mutt w/ red eollar, Vlc N. Ne"'1xirt Blvd ., NB, Call 642..J2'2'2 or 2225 Conyon 0.. # 3. CM. GOLD rin&. small rubles &: saPPbirts, Lost Sat. Apr, 12th. N , B. RHt. area. Heirloom . reward! i;.u..2933 an.r. pm. PLEASE find our dog. Shag· IY Blk/Wht male Cocker Spaniel. Wear'g flea collar only, vtc Sturgeon &: 20th S.A. Aha "Duke" Reward! 5t2-5279 attns Or evts. BLONDE Sh.agy dog, 1 yn old. blc No. 2385. Vic W. 15th. St, NB. Reward LI &-1834 LOST: Blk. min. Poodlt, ans. 'kl "Brandy"; chlld's pet. Vlc. FaJnt'iey,·, CM. Rew. 56-1381 PRESCRl.PJ'ION g I a 1 a es with hearin& device. CM art:L 4/4 -t/10. LI 1-6166 Pereonalt 6405 7% JNTEREST and big whffl tnt b'l.lltt. WW trade fer landlcapltw. PHONE ........, BAYFRONT I: dock, 3 Br. 3 .Ba., val. $89,500. FOR T.D.'a (CONlder lat/opt. u trade tor ? ? ?) 2 Balboa Cove•. Owner 67$.4331 Tultlp view lot. 29 a.c Cor-. ona. 320 ac N. San Dlero Cnty. 1st Td total '300 M. wm trade all or pt.rt for ? Owner 675.32'3, 673-03Cfi '53 GMC Van C&mper, \vill trade Cot Plck·Up ol equal value or Dune Bu.uy, ·-· llG-2 BR units O.C. no vac S11IO M Inc. 10,000 ac N: Cal on hwy 395 nr SU&an· vWe. Trade alVpart for ? • Owner. 675-3243, 673-0300 5 acres nr. TUrf Paradile track. Phoenix, for local ree. or com. Pt'UJI. Val $15,. OX! clr, Owner: 546-9358. Dtr Wlenerscimllzel, 1951 Harbor, CM, Land &: bldg. Income $500 mo. net. $45,COO equity for lotl, Back Bay. 6'>-613-0 Equities totalin& $65M in Motel, T .D. + home for CU.tom home, income or ? ? r OWNER. . S4l·Zl64 or 673-5929 Laauna Beach Comme.rclal Building, $ll8,000, equity. Want buildable land. Bia 494-1330 HA VE $60.CXD TF on 10 ac,res of Octanvlew land. TRADE 1or clrar house 49'r.1210 lT pt cUtb::cd"!ol' ltaHon "8IOtl or auto al. equal w.lo ue. Phone UMri8T •CALL ESl'ABLISRED 10 YEARS 546-6068 -Reuom.ble l'l:t• - APPLY Por-"111 Office ' Tltlrd , ... , TIM lroldw1y Fun in aun plua looomt. D'.l E. 17th St, OI (Suitt-2ll) D ...... Hot SJ>rlnl• llu»lo. (Oranp Oowlty lluk Bide·> >-2 "'. 112,000 eqly. For 2 M -~ Npt Bah. br houae nr 1b0pptna C.0.ta W. A. ~ C.P.A. NEWPORT BEAOI M ... Al'H. ---~ 47 CIUrls ef ,lofiftn !NCO FASHION ISLAND Loveb' V'ew Blc Bear lot, ME Taxes pftpaNd Newpert ...... """"' .... Trme .... 1'5111-..;... _____ _ """' ..... ' -.... l<ilO SECURITY O..mlcll "'""' .... 12.!!&r Production ~ •• $Ulla' ~:-~.~.~:= ·· PATROL ag £. l'rth St., SU!te 23' Over 40 , )"l'I. Penn. Radio Colta Me• 142-1'70 car provided, Non smolw', ______ .cc;;.::;; drtnker. Uniform llll'nce. cabin alzt, · yur around )'OUI' home. lOQC bm eorm- opon II. fm wqon or cor blllad, 115. ~ C'A,IBlt •P to 68 .. WW take or JJive RESP<lNSlllL!: pNpOrallon An ~~I> OPPOITUNITYI ·App; • PM • 5 .PM, Rm ~:325 H, Btoldway, Santa dWerence. ~ It fililW of all tnc:ome tu .............., .... \Vant used Porsche, have 2 retunll "1 CertiAed. Public ' Jolll todQI wtelt ....,., DAY bedroom home on R-2 Jot. Acoounta.ct. AY&ll&ble to • praftaloe.MatuJ. 1"llld ..iu * DllHWASHIR Eutolde. Joan smith Rlb-. """ dlo ....,. d Oorpora-Y 01119 Fry CMk No ~ ,.. 1 ,,. * 646-3255 tioD1. mnall m,,,.... en-We tr.ta • fall at pat tl8't Trade deluxe ofe blds in t.rpriae• &6d. mdtvidualL or ......... ~ Gorden Grove Jor wtrlmt ~our. com~le .. ........, ' J Kitchell Tral-Inc. rea. beh hm or wbrnit. fU.ll'U. Npt B. tall Westcnfr tG.tf22 APPLY IN PERSON HUBIN E. UE Engineer ---· !erred. :Individual 1bould have minimum of 3 years ~nee In Wt· entr or re'J..ttd industry, Pref~ wW. be tbown .. -ba"1ni( oddltJon. al 'bf.ckiround in testiJW or met&UW'I)'. Exm0.nt Wary and be~· etlt~ The Dolly Pilot Box# M-624 SlOO,om eq, ~ add cab. ~~ Permanent, fUll time job, 8A. 12lJ N. ~ Mike Collins, brkr 537$U COUNSELORS Oianet 1Dr advancement ' 5C7.lm . 111 E. (Nit H'9t1way HAVE View 3 DR, % ba • "2-0031. * DRIYDS * -pert...... 1------- hom• tquna Beach, eqully AP!'LY IN PEllSON No Ex__,elico SALIS * CARPENnRS ~~~:!u~n1:,.:-n. Jonltorlol 6790 ioo'o llf ley N~I Execuilve . type * CARPET LAYERS No.· 352. o,Uy. Pikl\ ' TEU.ER Savings I: loah needs Jirl for Ttller I. New Accourits Clerk. \Vorldnc exp1rleoce and· good typl.st preferred. Excell~nt worldils condi- tions. Apply Wbtit: Savings 11 " Loan. 292 S, Coast H\\'Y. Laguna Stach. DOMESTIC HELP All kind.II HoUlekeepen. Cooks, Maldl 6 O.pa.nions, Refe-reDCH req. Fee le Fee 'l'lld Joi>& Call·-..,,.,,_ •77'9S ',) ARGUS AGENCIES lB69 C Newport 81;.s., CM. SARAH COVENTRY has openings 1or filll • part time u.Ies. Min. are 18. Pleawtt work, no invest, no dellverles. For tntuview call . 540--0614./ 137-4149/ 847-8950 . 615-GSBl, it.1, &i-n61 SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. 15' E. 17th Stntt • Must .... deail 6utom11 National 111" orphfu.tion • E-lidt home I: inc, 3 BR + Windowl, neid., com c I • Cbrta llaM dt!vfnr record. AJll)ly bu ~ .In thla area. with motor home experience. GENERAL PRODUCI'ION 2 apt1 $27,950 val. s &clde ~-lcle&nup. Free elt. YILLOW CAI CO. Aae 25 or ovtl' with &ales Excellent co. bentnta. Apply in penon, wtits $57,000, mo inc f72(1, Boat ldf6. 'lll g, 11th IL' ~cJriround or public oon- Tl'ade for eq s. c.w: borne. EXPERT Janitor1&1 Service IRICION . l i o.ta' M 1-~. Will tnJn tor mlJlap-APPLY IN PERS'JN "'"? Pla-ntla Aft. • • b kr "-Ht " indutt. "-commerc YACHTS ea ment ~Hon Se.:... ........ ,... --&A!mmer, r · .,_.,.750 531.7131 •ar 5t8-t79' DliH MACHINE 1ume ~D.uy ~ 'B: M. Calta Mesa· 2 Va~~: .. San Clemente *Boat "-~-ms OPIRATOll 320. . EXPLORER GIRL FRIDAY type fo1· Loi. ~-Jor 1 Unllo. Llnd1Cnl"1 6110 _,..., Ultloll llOlle u-"•' -An:hl10clunl dnftsman TRADE tm Newport/°"" :;J;; * Hal'dwan -• ~-. -.. llINIMUM 3 ,_.. n-Mesa Ineome, and/<l!' Com-LANDSCAPIRS *11bers1ML&mlnatora cal, medical, dental pLu. ~.E zcellentop-MQJOlflOME CORP, who can take charge ot mercial free & dur nt,!b:I ' A TIENTION * Wood lhaper ?Un p<t vacation. OTll' time PQ', POrrtwdt1' wUb arddteetuNJ. small oWce in NB. Salary equlty, Propertle1 Welt, 1 need 1 ............ i-.. .:. .. -'" * Cabtntt·Sbop 4 pm· l2 lhirt. Apply in I*'· •natneerinc do1rc l ar 1 e -3ttt New,.rt 11¥4., open. 60-12Sl. ~ma 6T~l30 ... __ ... , .... ".._ mlll men aon. amount of divlTlitled work C II u ••• C 11.1 GtRL ~-apply i111 · trade a tT' tt outboard with *Rudder INt&lltra Howfrtl'a Rt•t•Yr•nt Frank L. Hope A Auoc. fOi 0 • ,...., • ... per90n 1-12. Mac Gregor Sa.n Oemente Income 2 bi&: wbHl trailtr tor )'OW' EXPERIENCE 4001 W. <:out Hwy, NB C1vie Center Dr, WHt, SUlte Yacht Corp. 1631 Placentia.• Stores 2 Lot1 2 Ottlett 2 service&. Leta 11t toptber 10110 SA. 547 Cl\1 Apu. Tu. TD'1 or tnde belo" ,_ bu1J ....._ -In -Siler Ropr-nt1llY1< ' ~ ,AR WIST SIRVICES :;;;;,;,,.,------Good f Phone &44-461'1 m; W. SCruck, Dnnae l'l>O. Saluy HAClllNE ohop drill preu PART-Time H°'tou.Socty · Call •=m,.Maaol!tr. * FIY COOK Plus t'OlllJJliuk>n while In operaton, mUUnr machine INC., oper•tors of New hom.@I; must work • P . -i..i----• , ...,., ..... .-_ ......... Snack ti.a.., Coco's, weekend1. 968-1991 11 Ta 61 El-. ,.u --with top, oporhl.,r"I * ~"' --DAY •--.. ·~t~-orpn. on, -··• ·~~. --.-~ ~· Int "'""'"""' ".wu:. S * u.tion eltablllbid 1197. Ap. Top wares, xJnt \\'Orklni: Reuben's and Reuben PM : 545-41~ Attn 6 P1'f. ll1nd•hltld, etc, OK for ~1 nHnt WO Must be owr n and depend-Jlllcants thodlcl "tie owr 25. cond, Cape Enefmerinc. E. LM · Ritt•ur1nt1, BAR ?>WDS. Full time, street ; vat Sl'l5; 1:0f' film., PAINTING lat A E t able. Good N 6: btnef.itl. Xlnt manapment opporttm. 2'78M C&D\lno C&piltrano, •rt now accepting 1p-nl1hts. Must be rtllablc. fishing t.aclde, etc. 50-201J tow.it call.traded ~· AIPb' iD_ptl'IOn only. lty, Hlcb income poteattal. Lquna Nl;uel. 131-1114. pl1c1t1ons for th • i r App. Knotty ~· 646-tlllD s.e •t Tewtnkle Hudwore. Fully,.... .. _...,: HUNTINGTON ~,r"°""" ..._... PLANT IXPANSION memt. ,,.,_ ,,... C.M. * * * * * * ""' eat Can Jim w .. kn, , SEA.CLIFF ~-Jor 1rom. PIMM 1pply In "e~AB~Y"'Sl~.,~.,ER~---.-,,-...,._- LICENSED 6'1>-IUll Covnt' Cl b Position open In laoh-Auombly C1rpont.r1 per-1172 Roynoldo, keep,.., my"°""· 1 to'''° Splrllu.ol ""'"""'· •d•lco I f.!!!\l!!'!!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!ltllll!llM!!!ll!!lll!!!lll!•flf•IINTERIOR l'llntln& 12 Y1'1 ry u tonabl• 'Newport Beach ind Moi.ro Soni• Ano, Colff. wk<layo, own -$40. wk. an all matten, 1r.e s. El SlllYICE DllllCTOllY SlllVICI 01 ICTO V Bay oreL lmmed Servl"'. 3000 Polm 'A ... , H.I. nt~t Jar ambl.....,, LUHRS BOAT co. -· Alt '''°· _ Write for fl'ff brochure describing 7% in te re 1 t chllttb. bonds, belna sold by Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. Box 5002, San J o 1 e , California 95150 ComlnoRoaJ.SanOomente. c -c ... I u•s CallBob,lletUS -willR-SPllD-==:..::: . ..: 849\V.llthSt,C.M. FRY COOK SAWYER Home ""d• 492--9136.lOAM·lOPM lrlck,Ma11nry,etc. 1•r-• ftftl A ~INTXj EXT, ANY SIZE EQUIPMINT ma.na,.ment. Reply to e A8SIS'J'ANT MANAO!lt. mature women for SPECIAL $2 READING , 6560 Clrptt A Upbal OMrz!nc B. nt work, refs, fne COMPANY box .i. i••·· -. fOr re1tlurant. Y0una, n.at. ftfust be experienced housekeeping Ir practical nt. JIM. MJ..4669, J18..370 · ' ;.,..,_,...., "' '"'"'• •5•_.... -.1 ... 11 nlll'l1 """. 646-6711 , 1 Attractln Expert eun.o Rt Ir It'• done tfaht.... '~~ Box liU21. 'l'bt Daily .... peno • ...,ty, amb!Uou, -YOUNG WOMAN Brick.' bJoclr. model. Rtp&lr It's "DUNN·W!:LL"I INT. A EXT. Pabltinl. All e 3·Trainfti PUot. E::lptt. not ntc. Full time. Apply in penon WAITRESS Wanb!d. Exp. dancer Wm teach you all try ;bo n c r • t • • ;nto~:~::;::'"'=·~·~·;:!lll:=lll;;::ljJ.-~"~n~ra~tff.~~n..~~eot~. ~lk~'d • 1 Paclcer DRIVING INSTRUCI'OM ~arbclr~ Hunti!lltoti O\ler n. Apply in penoh. laleotot•P1.Cal1Ardell · :k'r.,,;u'.".9SUHS"'° llllllll. t llnLCallQiuile.MMllO !lOSo.CentuSt For Sllto ,_-. DBOIY'S llo.121 Rancho San Jooquin Goll 213, 591"'538 1-10 PM , C1rpot Llyfot & INTER or Ext. PAINTING, San~ Ano !n4l' Kl 1-Zl!S ExceJlont _...,...,.,...., COOll. Fry-8nll; IJ) dly "°"""· - RETIRED Gent. Penonobl• Corpenl1tl"1 6590 . ll~lr·6626 .IMMED. SERVICli. LoCll e MECHANIC e Full --stale written _,. •larlln& poy. Union -· 12t24 ...... llvd, HOUSEKEEPER A child youne 66 , mtd bulld sttk! c:..RPE"lt (ll)'lons, Woobl, ref. 11\EE •t. SU.112'7 Mt11t be eXperienced and WW.. tnJ.n. Ap~ 25-15. fu HOlpttal 6: den.tat plan. Ap-Gardtn Grove cart, llvi!-ln; prlv. rm. 4 retlm! lnte:lll~nt trim lady CARPENTRY polylltua,) v~ and m. PAlNTING. ~ 16 yn have own tD0t. • Ovtr Z. ptf'IOb only Sat Apiil 'ltth Pb' la ptl'IOD ,ONLYI # KENNEL MAl4 bL, ~f'L $50 Wk., 5~ 41)' to a you.na 60 u compullon. At'INOR REPAIRS. No Job es IA.tat lb"' ml colon. in Harbor arft. Uc I bond-A.llO ~ l:xp~d. )lilt. tbnt ~11Lm.1212 N. Sycamort Howard's Rnt&urant ' over 35 • =w~k.'=540-9212;:,.c;::_~--- Box M665, Dally P11ot Too Sma.11.C&binttingar-eo°mmtrclalan41tnidentl&l.' ed.Rtfaf'o:rn.IG--21:11 SER.V. S'I'A. HELP. No Santi.Ana ' 400lW.CoutHwy,N.B. :.::~e! DENTALChalr-slde Beautiful Butl, ages & other cabinets. Dpert Wtallatloia. PADiTING A maJnttn&nct phone calll. Ricbfteld, Cat. FRY COQI{.. rt1Jet lh1ft, COOKS: Saulll, tniler, rtllrf CU)loa. Rold AsslltanL Elp'd. ltB. OF- NO NEWS lS SOME-5'Ul.75, Uno answer leaw BLANKINSHIP Jt.00JtS interior I: ext•rlor: o1 lith I: Newport Blvd., ta w owr, qptrienced. A prep m&ft. Set Ende FICE. Cl.ti 912-3319 TIMES GOOD NEWS? mq at 846-2312. H. 0. 6G-1«1 Stl)..7212 huonabl• ratft. M5--3US. C.M. Start 1100 hf. No phone Brock, Tonn RMtalftnt. Af'Mlts, WtrMn 7300 WANTED Mature llve-in Antlmlon I .,c::,:======;1~======= ARGUS AOINClll pllue. Apply In _.. 15'5 s. °""Hwy .. Loatmo child caro ,,....keeper. s SwHt.S, CARPENTRY • npoln • !hNltnl."I 6610 Pl1mrlnt, lltpoir 6110 • Ac•--~ Colfee Shop "2 llel<h ""-5 A t pm BKPRSSECY'S.TYPISl'S dly week. F.V. 96M2i9 CO~. llzllle1; lonelyT geh'l fix il Quality work. .Cretllt Mani..,. , W, ltth St. Colfl. M;a <doled TUnday) Werth Mort? DENTAL Aaal.ltant. wry New In area! Join the swtn& Call Jett 6U-846t eves ANTHONY'S • PATCH PLASTERING. Admln)ttr .. lwe Trnte1 l~ltncecl I' It y LOT Man.· mUlt be mature. Call or .end rnwne. All Wo fine worklna: condltlom, xlnt to fun A pleuure RE 01rden Service All typt1. Free ..umate. a.:JL -5a-T7tl C I New ' car dealinhlp ln ~tiaJ. Our •Mee et-.... ..t1 .. ~ ... 1.-.. ••• -e 61\-9291 e PAIRS, ALTERATIONS 646-1'41 Call MO-a25 ·---. , •Apply JOLLY B•ach area Jack tabltsMd ovl!r 20 yn can ._ ... ,. __,., -CABINETS, Any ol>e job. -C Nnport BIYit,, C.M. 1100111 Ptl'llMtf'OI--~10 B·"c'k, -• E. • EXECIJTIVE SECRETARY AJ..OOHOUCS Anonymoll9 Pboot 54.2-7217 or write to P.O. Boll: 1223 Costa Mesa. 25 vn. exper. -scs.&713 The beit, COila no monl Plumlllnt · 6190 Comblnatton flee. 12'7 L .. •n AYe., i7'th"c;;t;' Me..:" 5'1-Tiis beJps:.ri: A;~cy Capable of takln1 dicta.Hon ' Dad. I low )'UU, J lost ~. I' in llOlT)' Forntt, BUI QUAIJTY Ropoln. Al,.,,,_ PruMoiiibi, ~1;;,: °fi:iiim11<G RJ:PAIR NIGHT DllHWASHIR Cnto Mo11. SERVICE s ta tlon A• 1B57 Harbor BJ, eo.ta "'"' 546-9313 , =~!"~~~ .. JI)' hour E)(p, Horttcultlzrllt No job too amaU AND CLIANUP * J.rAIT AiSEMBLDtS * tenctants. Prefer 25 yn or Clll flrlt IU-7141 HOUSEKEEPER. Uve-tn, no ,._ .... _..,,--.. ALLEN eROi • sc.3121 • I p.nt • 2 a.m. Apply tn per. l:xptr •. dnlted. MUlt have older, DWTSed. To train as heavy work, own room. MASTER Cll'Ptnter, if per QAlt.DENERS 8"JOENTS PLUMBING REPAIR 90tl to Dan Caokt, 30XI Oub-mnal1 hand 110o1a. C&U bet. m;r'1, .ail't mct'1, Uricll'1, Help :.:..ntM •5'>-2792* hour, Remodellnc· Ro--tho~ woy thru cal-DRAIN CLEANING bouoe Rd., C.M. 1'3Wl AM, """"1'tt. .DOH.-, CM. W• ·7400 SECY-Ute BKKP'G 40 h< • ~ ••10 .......,, or 536-JOOo ,. .. ~-"--· YOONG MAN In-~ •M -· --oo'NUT = k ·-~·--~ ~n-.,.n·• -.;:::===;::=;::;::=" · -~·K-. -· 54$.1311ar!JI0.'121? lalltliJW -· MUii .. .;: YO;;;;;;·~ A-':';~... SICRETARY II w • "''"'·~• -~ R I db Cemtnt, ·ce..cn.. ... ~ REAS! IM6-il03 _.... referencrl Good J't"U" 838-3875 or 5,2S.338l ay ra ury ._.. TAKATA R ...... I, 111p1;r, -•---'-· Pl> Pick up .l Dllvery ltla -st. '4A 19 $517 FUU. t Im e , experlencod at e CUSl'OM PATIOS e JAPAN!.SZ HUJtlEJlY A be~ dlad;y eaQlla:v· Apply Hub Auto 8aPJlr Jluntbliltoa 8-ch Two year, 1tano ~. lmkJr etcroW clttk. P .O. E1toncl1Hlth5<hool coocrtle1&wlncA ........ 5le-07Sl.Compleleprd-ROOM ADDITION • ~ojg.7121 l(IXION -2121llarbor,""'1aW.. l'URNl'l1JltEillliV11Ymon. SH«lwpm.tnl'W46wpm. BoxJOO,Sana.m.nto Thurs., ~rll 17, mate IJc. e ·aa.1010 euvice. Headquarllln b' ~ ~~1~ ~' 1 ~Service mustbtahleto drtntruck.· U.S. clttsemhlp. App!y at! BARMAID nlghta. MAVER- 7:IO PM * C'ONCREI'E ~ bondld. all your nunerr Midi. ,...ott. -Statioil llan. Part-time M~ be nlla~. ~ex. W11fn11Mter JCK 17'l8 NewportBJ.vd, c.M. Sponsorlcl by " Uc. COncrete 1awizw, WEED C'Ol'ltn:ll, la'tm care, -..... : :f!. LEADMAN rd&htl A ... llitndl. Granr1 ptrliDce. IGoXllO SchMI Dlttrkt Apply atttr 6 p.m. Fr~:bi7!~~rory ::::,c::::. :!=-s='.d.J<r-5tw1"1 6H6 1>1>:-;:;::-lhllt ~=-~~m:;:~ ~w~. ~=~~ No c:!!!!i! Floe Eotimate e JAPANESE GAJlDENiR e DmmJ•"'IW ·Al--1931 Plwtlllo, Ooota M"' e DllllWAlllER e l:lrtl 13-1111 br. l]Mllt WAllTiD WAITRESS port l9<-8)'JS * 931-03'1• * ,...,,.,.... .0 Clllmlp .,,,.,.. -~ ~AlllMAN e lll1o 1.a. lloe Teny fflilSi!lfi' put -. --tll,ol. I _;;;Beou,_;;;...;;.1y _ _,.--~-... -<r- HRVIC• OllllCTDllY Appllonca R1p1lrs Ports 6510 SUPREME RdrllerallOtt • Applla.nce Repair. Alk tor Tom. 54&-1363. sc1...aa1 Bol>yllHlnt 6550 COSTA Mesa Pre-School Llcemed. Acts M; open 1:'5 to 5:45; $11 Per wk. COMPAJU:l -131-6231 BABYSrM'tNG My bomt, near Pomona .$dlOOl. IAr'p fud. .. ,,,., ........... -· r.....i Yonl. ""' 1..-. ""'""' core. Vic Btldl A Ellll. ILB, IOoSlJ2 BABYSllTING, m,y home, vie. Maamlla A Garfitid. F . V. l6M43ll SABYSITTDrrfG tn m;, lmtt, 14 •• ,,,. '4U!28 BABYSITl'ING, MY HOME. lndW..pol~ A Boocb, H.B. S3&-t073 CEldENT Werk. "' job too Call !Ill-Im *'*""'* e l'llD:IUlW e 411 • E. l'lth st. Of 11. Jttn"""" l'!!Od a.J<bn. Call 91f.19!0 llt 5 put tJme;Bolbol raiand. ...... -· Fro• IAP~ -· -Alttr1t!Olii iri:si45 Elperloheed, -· IOOd * KENNEL HELP .. s. Clout llwJ, Lorllch. While_, Dtm-U.. ** 615-31111 ** estlm. H. Stutllck. 5CM115 ' plttt )'lrd ~ he Ntlt, ICC\tt'alt, :ID 111. op., JQ, btnefttl. 1cboc:k ...... WANTED, male. 1'ID tl!M. ---.. Nnport l7Wllll0 · Wlile Ba M Cl1 D<QJPllot ~ Clnlrocten '620 ooidiERtili "RllJdon. T,.. ..,_ MIO l:XP'D * Ex>'d COuntonun TAR GAZ.EK~~ ADDITIONS-Jt!:PAIRS tial l&WD mUd. IA.wn Ir !STATE Ma1M n.t Strv SET.UP A LEADMAN * 1'Ull time drMr CLAY L POlUNl---..----1 REMODELING ...... deonup. Mt!IJ RlmOvll l tdnlmlnlt. !Ito !Dr Jlulk tllllldJiw plant. ~ _t~!'AllC TSll Al ~ M Y• ..., _ QH. H ...,.•::rt. DHSgJtq: I: Plann1ns Reliable Jawq wYb. tat. ~ 1Q..M3 Pb: 54.$.33't0 bet. l am • !5 ...-~ • • "".A.All. " ...,-J.1dr411t• .. flt• "•"· Y' • ~ Kltche~ etc mow, tdat, trim. ' pm. ..._.. _ ffiiiiX>. A: RI& lnataller, Ir'\,. f.11·1 To df\eloP me1J091t for Frldoy, ~{i,~N Uc'd .o Bonded. n.. ~•t. * 931440! * Ue"!'!f!!Y 6"0 llEllVICE S?ATION W.U ~~-•~piluoo11.1._0p. ' 11::1~·~ ~~\:':::!t.",· .. ...-. ~•u. ·~ A A B CONSTRUCTION LAWN if.RVICE MAN. lll YOUI .,, oltJor, .-•-·v 4Nll •--· _,.. lm•P=··CM. u~~PM g~~i:n~·:F.~ ~~r:o~=: ~·~:!' N~ -n;t::t: !~ fi~ li~r' =::~ii· ADJ>.A-R-. .... ...... J:XPE!t J-_, l'lri6nclnc. 112-14!11. 1111 """' ~ fANTti), -11allilli . ·~ • .... ";;;;i "1:1"" := CUit ....... ""' ..... --· ..... llnJort Bl.a .. C.M. AITRO'i'IK cOilJi. arov.,..,,i -11. ~ -' p:;;:=-n~ :i-.... ...... ..... =:''11"'na10 r.0 •~ J:N;=._ .iOii&IMi'tOYMiNT =:~~=:. ~IC~~~:= ~~J I=.., ~=,;':a *f. ::J ::~ buJ1-PodOc Cout ~-. -_..;WI WlllW,•Laft 70U 12171-A•,c.M. !.!!!!"' B1¥>1· ot IU Dto., ~ It:="' :l::: Jf._,. .. ,.,...,j Blda. 8&-TUL W•kdiys. _,_.. .=:;;:z. . .-.--ft1 i 112....... G.. n ~ 1~-10 S&llt&mat ~ c:atll AMII.... BOAT ~ cabl.ntt wANi'iSi ~·... ,,,,,,.,.,...,. ~iffitot 1JT ... QUALITY>Wr ,_.,.,.,..~ ~tt=.. :~...:.. :.:..t.~~·.;,•~ act~~....._ ~: !:F !:=: n=• ~ -dellon ........ -..._,._. Ill I oftllalilo full er ... tin., C.lf. ~d. ~ ::.'.'.'.!.'• .._ ~ 1fc.. ~;:.., ,,_ ~~: on nq nut M: Buden Iona or lhOrt i.rm.. Binded rm ,... -.-._.. ll"M. 11T1a 4A 71A .r..:.. ...... '"D Olnltr'. Co 1..m:1• Al .. s mac •.• r.,io• and llllurld tJlt'M.'D.'""' lntn • 131.-lO'TI ''"""*" a•__, 1't0f • ,,.. ., llt Lawn-.-~. 51'1-~":"'" "''"' *AlriiiiiA11C ™ ~ .. JI r.I:" !Jr,:_ ne-~ ..... M &MU-• _,.. ,.. .. --.. -' liXPidAilT -ndo ;:..~ D<QJ =-"'' llOlllOK ll'llCLW8T olso • BF "=-.. _ N ~IL-I.le. Houll!! '71!1 ~ttiw. Ille buw•t. UlJO Cli WAllfi iii.~~, ~ ... * 1::..., 11.,"£" * sct-211U . -tnna, Udo .,.., l'llli. Ollta Mna. Ate 11. _. P1r.ctnna. C.M. ' ~r ft=.w ~ ,_ ilAi<t a llJ:llO '° -H~~ Gtlllnl...;_. ~ ~ mt!' In ;e-. ~SiiOP 'l'IUillii: ~ JI~ >lr=._ =-,.._" :, •m: no --. ~..:.. ••• Jdlt llMl3ll ..,.. """'??~•" * COOK * S ratt IS.GI ..,.: 1\1'. '°""'-,. ... ·, '°~ •.l. • lor ... -·-·~-·-~----~---Kl'All'-Llll«!ll • 00:. Ill w. ··®-·®·-()-· ,.,_ toda1I \VhJt• eiepMntst otm .. .un. nm QU)CD:ll toO au. ** m .... '** 11th H.11. L---~~~~~~==~===~==~==~~~---1 1 • • -... -------. ' . • I . .. -··""11 11', 116' • !!J!!!~~!!!][!!!![!•[!!!S!!;!Y!!)!!.["jM!~HANDIQ, POI , MIACMANDlll,,.._, Ml~ !!DR llllJICIWIQlll,,l'Olt. -ICIWUllll POii ·-FR-. -EE--TO_Y_O_U_, TIANSl'ORTATION W_..... IALI AHD nADI SAi.i AND nADI ' SAU AND nAOI ,IAl.l.AllD-nAlll .IAtl AND TRAiii . ••11-9010 .... --:n:~ .. ~ .;-.;~,...;.;.;~;;;;;;;:,....i-;=:::::.;::::::;;::..;;:::;:.~==:..:::;=-:.:;:;;::::...; --------~!;~~~~~7-~~wg;-~-~~==;;;;;7~-~;~"~"'~"'~~ .. ~Ul~ .. :.-ijiii~-~~,._,,,,.~~~-:.~· ~-~-~· ............... ¥l oo IM11'oltoR1~· -VERY' Hallhy G., ... --------~ \VID1WWL ... ..,,..., l::':":."1':'~:.~ BARGAINS! DISNEYLAND i~:· STENOS ' l J ., SECY /STENOS • 1o (714) 533-4456 Ext. 671 " 10 A.M. to 4 P .M. !~ • Tuesday thni Friday ' '"· $59.95 ~ • A• E11111I 01'11'•rh111lty Ell'l,l•yff One of Our Many llrplnsl MIDmRRANEAN SPANISH N•w Showroom Samii!" Wiii S.11 Any Ploca lndlvldually " 7400 Employment ' . u.&8mY NllDED •• .e Clerks ~ Typists • Repn1 Typists · • Secretaries • Koypuacliers •PIX Open. • Assemblen " . Work whaft A whore y.u wantl INIERIM PEISOlllR SERYICf . 445 E. 17th St. Cot• Mei•, c.uf. '42-7521 lntor:vlawlnt Men. thrV Fri. I 1.m. t. 5 p.m. 7400 EXPERIENCED STENO ' UNITED CALll'ORNIA BANK 31121 Harbat Blvd. Costa Meaa 546-2033 Equal opj>ortunlly employer SAW ClfRK 8' Wood crned arm divan, If. lhan!s ~or love 1eal 5 Pc Octagon dark olk din set w f black or avocado framed dlalrs; 8 pc BR .. l 114 Mr. le ·Mrs. clreoser0 Jg . minor, 2 eom- mod .. , decorative headboard In Spanish oak desl111 with Jlllllchlng box springs, mattrioss le frame. ·ONLY $529.95 ($1095.95 Value> or TEltMS ao lew ao $4.66 Wool< UM eur store chirp pl1n er INnk fln1nclnt Huntl""°" llo•ch ArH A , s.w. ...... .........,,.Full p·proved Furniture time employmmt, com~ ...... .,, App. at .... ottlca (No l'•llC'f F..m -IUT Quality ·V1l_,,....,., PALM STATIONERS 2159 Horloor Blvd., Coote-· S4aM60 160! S. HuW Blvd. Opan f·9 Dolly-Sunday 11.S Fullerton, Calif. 12 Ydrs ume location 11me ewners TELETYPE Operator with exper. for brokerqe firm. $4ll0. Pie.,. ront.ct Mn. JOBS .a IMPL~YMENT F I . IOOO Alward. 673-7005 ~ · um tv,. · Crowell WMdon I: Co. A .. ncia~ Men & -------- Cmona •" .. .,.. w-7550 20 Pc. Maple ·----· . ------·- COMBINATION, """" Bar·I-------3 JlOOt.J GROUP Maida 1: Go Go Daacen. lncluda: lJvhll: room .et • T~".. .,Ph ..... _ll-~:::'~ I A newport.. ..-• ,_. -·~-' = ~--.JJ!1j_ Ill .... qulltod -.... ~::::::-• !!=· :.':'; . ::r ~ -,$449ADtor ... children, days, my ~. No down -Pmts. onJY.$11.mo. e ESCROW e SECRITARY Own trans. Sl8---08l2 oft 6 or Pralo1110MI S.rvlca WElJ('S W AREllOIJSE wknds. for the 19:mployer DRAPERY openlllr, exp'd. •nd the eppllc•nt 60C W. ~tb St., Sada Ana UNITED CALIFORNIA ~ tsbla, au.;., Draperieo, 133 Dover Dr., N.B. Open .Dail> I • ' BANK 38S3 Blrcl> st. 1"· B. '42-a70 S4f.274J Sac .I. 8 SUn. n. 1 3141 E. C011t Hwy Co,..,. HI Mar •n.mo * 561Gl * . LEAVING •area. mU1t RD EXPERIENCED ........... Schoor.lnotructlon 7600 .... quality !uml ...... Rd.· er wt.nted; l dq weU: in LIFETIME G i ft freezer, combln. attreo I: Newport home. Phone t;ypewrlttnc. Ch 11 d r e' n, color TV, rold nauea. 83J...2818 a:randchlldttn, or )'OUJ'Sdt! couch, 3 pc. set tor llv. rm. ·• lndlvtdually tutored or den. Maple hutch : ~opportunity employer Jobi .Mon, Wem. 7500 ...... ,,,.,.,,.t 10 ,.,.. •• ,_.,.. canopy bed Ir: dresser. Ste 1lo1pormly N11Hd I auk typist to $40t £ot penonnd Ir. General ~ poGtiam! ._p.,.- : -~ 200 W'es&cmr Drh"e ' Olmn' lTnt .. 1ninr r I • 66-2'7'10 -5ts-5Q6 ~TEL DESK CLERK· CASHIER Heavy~ on NCR. ml, Good aaluy, ·-..... In ....... OnlJ ---· THE NEWPORTER INN , 1107 Jamboree Road • A.rm:Y fol' Career Girl.! Newport Buch •'10 W. Cout Hwy., N. S. &U-1700 --....--------!'Sh .J.. :-·•'P Car"r Gala .,,.,,., Cieri< Typbt., Go.I fl'ldays, ,...,,... Bklcp"' JtN1 I: LVN1. Both fee &: fee ;.Jd jobs, Top co'a! Call ~rl~ "8-Tlll6 1ARGUS AGENCIES ll6t C Newport BIV<I, C.M. A'r'IRACTIVE \Voman to tri.1n u Figure Counselor. Mua:t tw.ve alim fitutt, like ID \\"Ork wtth public, 6~!i hlur'I pa day, 2 Sal per n». StarUnc salary S270 mo. ~ fer lnterviei,1,• 642-3600 ~ WAITRESS * !'feat appearing and exp· d. AppJ,y In penon. BOB'S BIG BOY " JM E. 17th, C.~I. Experienced er Quallllad Tr•- * TRLER * 196 E. 17th St. Coot& M ... ......,......_ ·~ vv Set. Ir. sun. 364 Victoria, achool. 113 Del Mar, CM, A 1 g CM 543.2'59 "'"~~·~·:,._:,·:;:;.·~~~~ 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP GOING To Europe tJria year! Brush up your French r.onvena.tlon in my dul. 6G-6'.llO • VIOi.JN Teacher, quali. fied, expe:r. Enrollment IPtC tbil wk! msm. PIANO J..eaonl: Thi!· wry best in lnatructions. can 114-2639 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOO lnclulel: l'lcnl IO!a &: chllr • walnat tables • lamps • """"""' bedroom with quilt ed. mattress • 5 pc. dinette, etc. AD for ••• $277 No down • Pmts, miJ,y SlO mo. WElX'S WAREHOtisE 600 W. •th St., Santa Ana Open .D&llJI ••• Sat.9-6 Sun.11 .C b:r, hQ frQst. Wl'Jcil: ..-..: ~ , I •, Wlltdldclr. lli fr• old male; ~~~=F DIR NI T.U·R E ~;~:;m~ ~i~;u*:: •~.,!r·"·~-$35.·. .*.ms_'::'. -.: A U C li\ I 0 N -that ...... .. pick • ~ -w-.-a-..-tbtmup'at158E.22St.CM more. "j6~·sa.:oc;p·• __, ~-==-~--<J!J-Radio, D/F, l•tho, S aails. 2 M~ old p •rt wheel. dinghy, try •• ;12,500 REl'RIGERA'IQU Auatrall&n SI l k 'YI, 2 e PACIFJC YAOfl' SALESe From YODEL H'»iOS THURSDAY NIGHT fe:malea. To aood home with 3446 Via Oporto Ne-wport =·~== · · · : ~~~tt l~ '":. =~ho~~-o~:~ Coc4 -* 1141-Tlll • Bll</WhL -· cannot 0·0ay 1r .......,._ 1110 7 p .M SHARP•• ~i LIO .. kl~,;g D~~=" .... ~ ..L.Two "S"·c-· ' • • • • •• • PlCI'URESQUE plwnp * RllOD lll .. * Jlf' puppies. aUectlonatt!, varied Fun 1.one Boa. Co. Balboa ROLL :ro .. DESKS '---t EARL y colon.·-:n&l4 -co ,,.., 25 ANTIQ\JES AMPEllllAND ....,_.. Way, So. Lquna 4119 RON:'i'.- 2614 N.w.on, CM. -Al W• Sell 9UICKL YI • BEAUTIFUL k;"'"" s = ':?&:" NOW OPEN! rlQlli col-weeb oW. 1 bei-, 2 ll~ lecto • I: Gift i ,... CAL 28. Fully equip.Race or "~·s ANTI~m~ AOK .Commission Gallery ""'· 1 ·-· .,,.~ enme. s.or111oe' Call_, Newpor!B!vd,.-J,OI. 7722 OAllDIN OltOVI IOULIVAllD QUAL, -.. ,,. l ·BeauCG "'°'LASS=-s~ABO'T==.-.. -..,,,.~-~& Vut "'°"' Alner/E1ir -• 1 Block Weot of llea<h Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. Austnllan Binlo pup•, S -· NEW trom l"5. cloclm. Lury Jlarpn Anti--JQ01J. old. Resemble Teddy * 61J.-Ofil2 * CIUff, 2GS Newp. BJd., C.M. BNril. 633-a35 411! KITE. Good coOO. Mast £: Sowlnf --1120 C-·A lqulp. -Mitalla-l600 PITS and LIVESTOCK boat tupen. Boat trailer. $500. * ~7448 '6* SINGER. ZJa·zaa, auto. ROu..Ell1EX .camera 3.5 VW Reclining canwer tu.ti Cats · U20 'NEWPO=="RT"""30"°.-=T,...op-.....,.~, witb ·walnut' cabinet.' Take TtMll' Ltm MX Synch. $80. $50. 23" Packard Bell color LEAVING f'or •Europe. Must great cruiser. Slpa 7. Range ovtr 5 p)'DUlta. ff,25 mo. ...... -. TV -··· ~ K• u v·--n ,. __ .... .... ... H·-··-·--I ... -·-·-Call m.ests &nY,time. ' .,.___ -tori.. ':CM. ~ . .__ ...,. =~~.J;'iuue';ohrt'i50 w oven, ~ . .,_..i=a- • 13' Met.call' Fiberglas. Cover, Mutlal lllOI. 1125 Sp;ortlnt OoMa ISOO STAUl'l'lll lladuclnt ::49f.'='i2r16""=, ===== !nil". Excellenc $295. MACHINE m.3185 Call·S4MIJ7 Dop 1125 I OORONADO 25, used. Many extras. MW1t Sell. Saai!tce! &<;.-08lD 9020 34' CHRIS CR,\FT $7,950 BR., stateroom I: &alley; flyin& bridge: eng. xhlt coad, By owner. 6~570 9032 Mobile Home1 9200 1'61 YAMAHA 350 cc ONLY 400 MILES , , · "-· A,.. 11, i_, T~~ NJ!'O T YION .. ~:ffF·~~!~'l!'·--~T~ • T,lUNfpTf,!P.'f !!!tt'~'Sl~·~·f.i!~!!tt!?~~~~~~~ ~r,~-,. ~ !'~·~ . . ... 'J '~ '"'. e~! ~:~!:! ~~-~:, • ~'"" ,.. II•'-. ~ =:..:-...=-,........:.:: -~~ Fram;-. ".:= 1;:J.11~i . i~GllA1· ' ' ' ~-'.. A9 . . ' by ' ""' . CONnNINTAL MUSTAN& '-'..Ln1 ~-· A •lterinc l!50.""'ml Part< SI llB.JAotlAIO..,XKEONpo.U, ·riSPRITE.~rt.eond,11,6'0"6. vw -ii ,..,..·new1 low " · '65 MUSTANG•'' I pu. $1CIJ 0t btat offer. 1687 53&--2118.1 ~ C)d. AMJFM , ittrfO tape. Qr belt o.tt0; m.l'lm Mom. mtln.. ~t ttt 1h11 . • 1~1tancl• H'9f'i School •• CONVERTIBLE. wtdte 11 1\lltln St.. Apt. l, Coate. DUNE BUGGY Prt..Pty •.... 156:l . • .. teed(! Sell $1895 Thun., April 17, on btautltW niJ. Jeathtr. Futbl.ck. 289 vt. automatic, 1<r Meta: Afters PM M*'~'"-"-1llf' oc.Evt1·'L , • ~I U ~-u · .• ,. ·, °"· 7 :•~PM E\&11. power, f&c..alr, 1tereo radlo.Jw.ater, J.Jc. RGKOOO 1I-_,,..._.. i-:.·~.. ---F ---~· -o er.--.,. rnQOlll -tA 1mm&c Be:Sow book $1395 It ',,:::37!~~~";1~~= 5'3-<;661 .Hl....,..A_'N •· "S111i.li.-~~nlnJ,,Glf>.~·~: BRAND .,,~~Tbrary ~·...,.m:.i. . fl L • J •P.Call54Ul51 .• ,,.. ~m~ ~., .. _~'63 HILLMAN l!Uoky, "!·000 su••••11 '&5 CONVERUBLE "·'.. NEW • Pullllc,l,vlted CORTINA t.Glt-lmiA a --------1 miles Ilk~ ,DOW. $llOO eoub. IUlRJ' Ex-ot , oondltloo. , 8 1969 8 II'\ ChlrfO ... ' Trucks 9500 eau a111~~~~:.:.... • _ , , , _ woo~-""' . .: • BUICK ., CHOICE\ ''1 Rly1<n. looded. ,67 CORTINA · IMPORTS j l9ll2 CHEVROLE."r Fleelslde Fine 9uallty -MERCEDES BENZ Retail D1v1sion 1!168 VIV, •11.!9 ohUt, ... roof, • ' I • ~ ~~-uto.··,lll. 'J~. Ofu. 1600 • ' • ...:. • *' Low tOTOTA·YOLYO J 'Ai ton.pickup truck. s· bed. Exceptional Buys! 11"'Sw t~ Xh1t co n.d. ·.'ibc wiiu 196li Harbor, c.P.t, &t&-9303 'ii :::::~::;~tic,.~ i; 1967 JAGUAR " ', IOOO N~;...~'1i"~~~::;;~ -~""'!. xlnt "'"" >le~ :· 2444 ·.· 1"'" 8!8-,t U'l-CK ~1100 ' I =~~3i~"". c..:.i~ .. "'':!JA~7.. H!u.b .1 :,b~. :':· ::e4'''se ~ 4.2 Coupe '4~50 * 540-2733 ,-!rans, make ofier! Pvt.par-e I 1 • black int., pwr steerilli, dlr, : ac v · wi • ac · Willow green, radio. sler-ly. 336-01~. • IMMIDIATI DI UVll 't 8 JOHNSON &: S,ON auto. exctllent cond. $90 • 1 54G-OM2 co. Like rK'v•. low miJcs. TbYQJA '67V\IJJtuby red Rdk> new ~ • · ; BtnCK ii Eiectn.. Ht. lJncoln...Me.rcury cub <kll, or ·t.ake foreign ·, '57 CHEV. ~ Ton pick-up: VCL 924 r.1ichelfu tires, 'Xlnt 'cooo; • • !/pWr, f/alr. Oril. o""'r. 00 Har:bor Blyd. §t2·1tl50 car. Ftnc prvt prty, ~A. eng. recently 0 ' hauled : $4295 .67 TOYOTA niust sell! 5tS-Th39' • llVI IT HOMI TODAY • Xlnt eond. PfF A 2 0 . _ .•• :\ • , _ UOE 393, Call Ken 494-'9'7 Helper !!prt:;s. & load 9' 0 0 Corona 4 Dr .68 V'\I/, R" le H, Xlnt cond,. • ~' ., c'o'1v•11 . or 545-0634 ~ft " Jevele": $425. Call : 549--a>44 1 ~7 T Y TA '60 ELECrnA, excellent, " '.Mt Aft. 5 PM Coron• Sedan Auto • R-1-1·· SI675 Full Price. Prvl prty"." • '6S Mustang CQnv' <.IQ'.; i '--1 "·· n 172 ..... ,. or1•lnal condJUon. Nu tires . L-1.H ,, • brl . Auto. truns., r11.dlo. •lard t.IERCED 'S Benz 600. "J'llt-""""""" ......., ' 4 • ~ • 19tl4 MONZA convert 39,500 W'ILA • P • • ~ • 'SI PODGE Van R&H, panel· to f~d bench' seat. BeauU· ulUnw.le lf.lolor car". 4 door, S139J '&5 vw Sq/Bk ~ I Cond etc. $395. LI 8-3587 actual m.l, 1. owntt, new &op cu! $1400. 675--4967 Mont i..' ' ed crptd $1295 Good cond ·l'i #TYX251' · ._ce ' • --··---·-Wed after· 4. .1J1»LJ ·m e ., .! , · · '1" m"r cloan. KXU air •'ISP'"'""'• dbe ~. ,.,. ' ~!;If Trlr/Hltch only CADH.µC $750 cuh. 6'>-1550 • vi"~T ;:: ~m •· :::''1H. . ~~i:\~ ~ tall l1;,,;J .~'.. ; =~ : •2~ A A • '"J ,~ IMP . COUGAR .;k:~ .. , ' ~Ii &mllloo, 646;69\3 AM. ' . Ifft. ' -'~:·' Amerlcon ...... •i•fnll' --~ !ll!l<l~ .!M!lll! .J!I"!! ' ·' ,...., • • ••. • • ;u hJ";·r. = • . ' 'M EL l!lflflltJ '''llit' 4, · -' · ' . 'II M6<llilf . I IMfli\R~ '~·-•lffl-.o · ! b • ·, :.ti. I ' I ' ti 9'"' . . Z1f' •..... ·• _ tifi!: .'11!'f of@tili Lt· ~-•1• d~•w 11.i»up;-1,,., ,t9iof'l: .. ;y.,.ll!t . ,i _1 , ·:• • 111 ;:· mMf"' a~19: ."';.' ~M .. 1• 1 new il.;;, ~I-~.:."'llaR"° $::' rlfr. """*'· " l il!rlb. 1'>iii• ll<!1t . .. .......... 0 = • «; I • .. •• • 'hit>_ " . lri!ftlii· Ji! =" l'r.":.... Jtl.. ~1 ... ~ ,.._,.L "'"' · ·· •/liWslo. loal..,,,, spec), ,,,.TefOlA '' '.,,, VOi.VO · '· jj 'I tfOWH I -lf!!l!lli..,,..OJ_ •· '!1Hfollel'.646'281l ~ 9510 · ' · $1 2'5 Xlnt. "390. n• 8T)'6ll85 CORONA SED , , ., $1095 ,,,.._ 162-~ .67 MUSTANG Conv. v-. , --MERCEDES '61, ii. I d't ' ' •Pl"'""' & n~eq,i' 1111 •P-•. 1""MNSON & SON ------I '67 JEEP \VAGONEER 1 Sll50 64tMl6 . Auto transmiS&iou, white w / $ SAVE 5, •l)l'Oved credit ffJJ ~ .lllifl'J -· DODGE ~~~Pi!he~' ext 44 ·I ': 1fw\\'~~~s\1~~;~mau:;:o~ ·~\vo ~n~i~'" -~~l~~1~n: ~s . . . QI! blue. i~1. ~ lineUL"'Y,m84pact a1 H Execwuthlvlle CTher SLele 11. -~~~'~.:r~ e .• 1~1 1J;:%~~-7ooo '64-DOD .. ·Gf-·oo RED fastback· Muatarft :! transmission, vs engine, . mls~ton, Ot"e!ol body, '67 ?iiERCEDli:.S 23f.s. 4 Of., a lllllll price. . . ~~ry • •Y ., • rvv~• •. !C::LF . ' 30,000 miles, i1795, ~l • I ,f po\ver stecriQI: & b~es, sund,ti1·cs, ready to, go!~ Sc68.n: 21:toJ ln ili:!s . $1395 .,. i e0rtl1m1A• • i j I I 63 CAD. , or642--8429 •1• • air, """·· •'""'· """ rub-LV.D, 954 $1295 . . 017-53.J.1 Ong o"""'· . I JOHNSON & SON • TH FAIU_.ou• I a•E. DE VILLE DART 170 1 DOOR &: 11e Show O""•L r Radio, tieater, "'·-s-w. Real OLDSMOBILE ber, radio Ll~ter~.,, ---MG a. .. -Llnc:oln-P.1ercury IMPORTS • r"\ I nm power • fa.cl air. A clean economy car. tNYN· rooni coodit\rin. c. • .._..,. 1941 1!11.rbor Blvd. 642-7000 • • GT' t,m&yty • while Wi!h white 8591 13'9' ·~92~5 ~05.::,~ MG . TOYOIA·YOLYO I . • > I 1'114iu roof. NYl..500 $795 '67 OlDS 88 I '<do.•. 4 '"'· ""'''" .-.dio, Sal.,, S<ovi<e, POU'ls JOYOJ4 1966 Harbor, C.M. "" 9303 8 A•f HUJ I $1395 . , .• ,,, '"""""" HDE 456 ln,>m'i:\;"i~oo":tljvery, • ~SAVE $ s ~t65C VOL~~ 1~ ~uok· • SEE TJ;IEM fOD~TI I JOHNSON & SON ATLAS ~~4'1. !~,,~~,~~~!,!m~o", $995 ., :J • . pot oupe, SI ' r, • L' Jn M . EXecutive Ca r Sa!• et scats. Brown beauty! ~75 • l!Ml ff•= ffiv:~.7((il) radio, heater, factory · air, HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN, INC. Author ized Sales and Service 18711 Beach Blvd. &42-4,135 '66 WAGONER ~ whee\ drive, power steer- ing, xtra, xlra sharp. Lie. s\l'E 368 $2595 eM Lenii6 •' IMPORTS i 0YOTA·YOLVO 1006 Ha,rbor, C.l\1. 646-9303 '65 JEEP J.300 Pick-Up. 6 cyl. 3 speed. Runs good • drives like a truck. R28657 $795 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-rtlc1'Cu1") JM1 •!arbor Blvd. 6-12.'i'050 151 Mili!ary type! jeep. Ne111 engine & tires, body in xlnt shape. $U50. Can be seen afteor.5 pm wee kday!. i46-5637. 2278 Placentia. °C,M. f.1ILITARY Jeep. Chev v::S. New 110 x 15 tires. J\olany more extras. \Viii consider trade. 64~"80 C1mpers m · • Hurry ·Wh ile They Last ! ea.sh dl'ls, take dld er fare1gn • 8 · CHRYSLER -PLY?.tOUTH power steering, power~-ij j}rt11p 111 I 3\111po11 -> ' m Qf,Ul$ oar ;, trad•. LB SAB ·625. 8 I '16 {!i\DILLAC Convertible, 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. "• wsw, vsln 2 y 3 1 9 top 5 . (XCJ4l9) '1 ·. m t "~ .... LAiii,; 1 Call' Ken 494-9773 or S\5--0634 I 21,QW miles. Red w/blk COSTA ?.1ESA 546-1934 I • •rs I UU:L UU\O '68 VOLVO 142, . 7000 mf. • . ' top, f,.oaded ; x1nt cond, xlnt Open Daily 'tll tp p.m. I I 900 So. C5t. H ighway 3100 \V. C.oast H~ .. N.B. · · · . redlo & air' cond. ~rfect • · 67 ~ONTJAC ,. litt1, 644·28n '64 Dodge, slant 6 eng., aut9. ATLAS · Laguna Beach, 494-7503 &li!-!J.l05 MO-l?G4 , IMPORTS shape. AJ;kin:; S 2 8 5 O. •Bonn,, Cpe. F11ll ,.,.,,,1 '58 QfiE. De Ville; ~ cond. trans, new b1"0.kes, ne1v wide ~ ~ , TOYQTA•VOLVO 49:~:l05 .f1tl, •ir. (~J846fl • NeW trans., tires, batt'ry. titeR. Excel cood: $900 or . " I' !L!Ll!!.!1!!_••1!!!11•-ft!lll!!. -~c<l~fl.!.._G Deiili!r 19fiG. li111·1Jo..w. C.fll 646-9303 . • $2611 • SS80. 844--0177 Afters Pf.1 trade for cycle. 675-6914 CHRYSLER-PLYl\10~/j : SC.RAM-LETS MGA TOYOTA Roce Ca.-., Rods 9610 • . . • '6.1 IJ}.D. ,,.,,,...,., Blaok; DODGE DAfiT 1963 Good co~: ~~OR BL~ld; ' ·« CHov '"'" ted ......,· all p1ru. Good N.Mlni 543-4811 0 ail ., II 1 - ..., i;. • •1'"'"c ' """'eng. • '64 BU14l· I cond SUOO. 645.-0700 cond. For ga\e by Owner. pen D . Y 1 O p.m. -• ANSWERS r or S<1.lr ·59· MGA, 1·· •f'n•·•r:T F.R C: wltorque01te, PQnL rea;r , -' ''I ' --l i;ood ~haf)c, SXlO e;id wf411 gean;: runs on •W,ldt•~! Cp,•. ,.11to., ' '58 °CADJLLAC Sedan de ·-----·--UNIVERSITY 1. • • ~ilS-4·118 ... 1 El~llQRE "''·~ ni ........ 11000·. 427 cnev. •F'''· $1"·i0 ,,9,, I v111,, New pa\is, 'needs FALCON DecC'nt -lfaiel -Bull'-tfg "''I 3 I ri· _ GuiJ1y _ GET ,==------..: block S20: sas Chev. body • I wor~, S5IJ. 842-7294 SALES & SERVICE \VELI . OPEL 15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnst:r \\.'ttibreglaS &: straight axle • I '65 dl\D. Cpe. De Ville 2.dr., '65 FALCON Squire l$la wag. OLDSMOBILE :~t nybody \\'ho cii.n S\\'fll---·--~--Phone 854-3322 front eod,·Ponliac 't'ear eod, , pwr,, air, new tires; xJnt Fully equip. 289 V-8 eng. J\\'O a !Jill at a d1·inkini.: Df!AYTF:D~ :\fu~t ~II~ Lo\V l'ILL MAXL'Y s:m: Straight axle drilled • 66 T-Bl~D I cond, $:l550. ~1748 ,38,000 ml. Xlnt cond. Orig founts.in dCSC'l'\'t'll tu mi. 69 Opt•! KarklH Rallye l , . L for Will,ys Spindles $15. 213: •Full pow t1. '••f•rv •Ir.I 1968 *"PBd Coo de 1 VIU o~r. Sl:llO. M&-4667 aft 4 ~G~ET-... -"-'~-:1--.---.---t s::oo Un., T.O.P. 83l-126T l!IF.T""g"'o"'"1v'""1"0"'"'1"'-a=@A'!"'l'l 77s-634G .l!iLV4'1~1 I FULLY LOx;ED! '$51~: ..:P,;;.M:.....=-~-~-0- A'FA RO"~-.O '"''"" · . . ~ . cuSTO><_ .,,,,~1;,~ Pk• up • ~25.9.I 1 ei"'boo" ""°°· ,....905 'Gt roRo F'""" stat~" h "' -• -S2600 t d • t I o w ..,. \V·•-•· New tires. PORSCHE iesBi-BellcifBJ.ll'D• "'""' ";'~,'.~'ii..::· MIT. • '62 cH•vito•n ' ···•cH·E·v· ELL·E-~125-·-• """" '66 Alfa Sprint GT One of a ·kind. #60$12 $2595 __ ~ Hunt. Beach 947.9555 MI/f'?ii, show ready. $1500. • . rJ • I 3 in! N. or Coast fhvy. on Der ff &l"l'>AA P1ck·t~P· Plum lni '"1· FORD ~G:l Pol'sche Cfb. or 0 ~r. u-....... •elcctncel s[X'(: . g CHEVELLE 396 L ne1v 'G3 S englfl(', .J2500 '67 TOYOTA Corona 4 dr, --- 9625 • (K6395~ I YIJ.,LO\I.', AIR. AUTO. ~-- • 4!i>-3102 Daoo potot """'· H/H .. Liko ,,.w. )'riec Auto Evanlt · $11,1 I lis5tJ * !J68.3271I '66 fORD GA\X eQI\ e.tDiA ·GGroRsa"ii:: Eurl'.) 912 _Ex, -'=''='li5=·=C~•1"'1 ""83"7--0860='='="=7=· =I-• ---=-=--"------t."CI t"Ond. $38."..0 PriV!lle pw·--, '23 T Street Roadi;tcr .. tlemi • . . • CHEVROLET IMPOR TS ty. 714: 842-7559 '"'PM TRIUMPH pow,red; .JlOOO " "'" oJ. • '67 Rlv1••• I 'f fer. 646-1.i.iG • _,.,. -... --- TOYOTA·¥0LYO 1961 P01'5Chc Rotdster. ------=:::-:---1.:::.:. -". ~=--==--•Coup•. full po'f'•r• f1cter't'I '65 CHfV WGN 1966 •llU'bor, C.l\t,. 6'16-9303 ?ilust sell! '67 -,2000 4 dr .. TYV·.760 Autos Wanted · 9700 .•ir, !TO~ It'll I 1 * 2131692-911,. * ·57 Spitlh't! UNS.159 $3491 I AUSTIN HEALEY '67 -3000, Rdstr. VH W1 65 '67 -Sprile #fil055 '6G -3000 Rdst_r. RR4-400 '59 -Bugeye JCC 3&J "l '64 TR-6 SJ~"8\ \VE PAY , . . ~ • •"NAULT ... TR~ FYOGX...,931 CAS· H" "-------· ~ , '&I Spilfh·e U-, I '66 CAPRICI I ,.,. ""L ~l(I for Uled cars&: trucks just ••ir, 111t~,,...11~, I ~M J7 11 t P'ASS. BEL AIR V-3, "'-dio, Heater. 3rd seat, ExctlJent Buy; XTC 492 $1095 500 2 DR. HAROTOP V.S, t"S.cilo. heater. Nice m n· diUon. \VXF 1Ii2 .. $1195 ATLAS ' CHRYSLER -PLYMOUT•I 2929 HARBOR•ll;LVD. COSTA l\1ESA 546-1934 23aD Barbor Blvd. C0Ku1 lotesa :~ ~10.96 10 US<'d Cars S(O.S88l REPO. '6J Dynamic· 88 2 Dr. scd. Auto. lrans., air cond. Full p1vr.; 45,00J ml. oUer. Days: 536-6848: eves _ : &t 1veekends: 842-7065 ---: "69 OLDS, CUtlass , power &:. -~ air, 5500 actual mile11. Mov-·~: Ing: hn11100. SacrHice! 1.l.'m • J : 5-1~ ~"'" ... ---'f , • ...... ,,, ... 1 ··li; • '6:·G2i0o;LLoosS!F'8;s5..~o>rr\iit,-.;;;,~. ;f " 62,000 miles, xlnt cood. $550 •• 1 &12-3196 afte1· 6 pm. • . • 'Gl \VAGON, air coodltiontd, hill power, trans guar. Re· ~"';;:"~'i'·~·~rha~.,~-~$650~-~"~9rI : '57 -3(0) Rdstr. \VIB70Q PRE. 2EPWEN_I WG-, -a~ .. LAin:a l e, •. ,; • ., "'"1''' ''l'·I U us for frtt estimate. • , $2'291 I GROTH CHEVROlfT • 1 •. CllRYJLER -PLYMpUTH ' '66 FORD . .!} ATLAS Open Daily 'Iii 10 p.m. PLYMOUTH \ .'67 PLY '· 1966 Harlx>I', C.J\.1. 646-9J03 11.sk for Sa.Jes Manager • '66· TEMPIST I 291f HARBOR BLVD. . • Fury 111 4-Dr. H~, CAMPER $1111. ~ Rtnl1l1 Autboitlttl )U~lll• Eldor.oo ~ Four • W1"dl • lciotaman SALE TR 64 Spitfire Xlnt cond. ur.n.1 Beach Blvd. • Cutl01" cp1. RI M. •11••··· OOSTA MESA 546-1934 Country Squire V8, Radio, Heater, Bot .... ff't • I IMPORTS . Con1plctc overhaul, I i kc Huntington Stach • ,.s., ·f1ttory •Ir '*"~Jtle11·1 OP!P Daily 'tll 10 p.m. waa~ Steering, Pov.'t:r B~ : •: •t~' "·..l.'..r.'co_ro_r,..ro~_r11 :·w~~~Dw· OP•n, .. N'IN0Gu1•· ~;:il:",i(_:_ ."''.' '"_~': -lll,,'!i!I-. _ _. . ~;~,. u1otnf I illlJ im.v ""111111 ... , .•• IJilll dtj~f 1Milt9~1f~ Biw., ·_. """~~ M. 1111-!llOS -t . -:;: , . . WE PAf QJH • ·,, .•flfl I llanlt•p.~••\ll H i""" F41ulpt. wtlh."'t. air, P.S,, 1 1965AUSTINCooperS.100 • ... R• . •': .. , . ..,,. ~,•••-ln;t l dl~lont~:o..,.nt~··it.B.,OOM:r'wlndowl.tle. TRJ ~.,.,,,~.' hp. loaded, .mlliit seU ' Im-• IAl:C RdsU\ dlr. • '~~. Wirt FOR voua· w '~ "" IUICk ce en .. ..,,..,.., ,.,, .............. -"'SYX'TTO r ,,. 30,0001"t ol Camper Dllol1)'1 · Theodore ROBINS FORD . mO<!-lo<!' otter ""'' 1111>-'t, rJIU w""'"· Jo\ bl~,. ""· JOOW . J' ' ' . ' I '~-new 1111111!1'.ln··Tlllf $1 ••s . takes it 6'3-2462-.. lap, atl>d rubber ati arourld. . Wttdc1t ... :4 .. ,; '••'*'11 car Top1I Ewn hu Con-ATLAS · · RAOIO I NSTA~LEO Xlnt "'"" .$75 =h d•I• or CON""'LL · •'''· '"''" ''"'' ''"''"·1· tt11111 ldl. 1525. 84M342 JOHNSON & $ON .'67 SPRJ:rE, per!. cond~ . lrade. LB .RIV 291. Call Ken, ' ... ~ · • 'RI H. · ~SVJ<. 0161; alt i JM ~ $1650. Or best offer 67l-17ID 100 GALLONS 0, GA51 494_97TJ or 54~ CHEVROL£1 .. · • $2591 I •T ''I', 10 N W, g(/_ n, 9 1941 HaLrt~rtBn-IMvd•.rtllrY6,.7_,. O IRYSLER -PLYM01ul:'iij\J.•, ·Morning or Eves. with purche.sc of any NEW • I "' " "" _.. wu 2929 HARBOR BLVD • • d . 2828 Harbor Blvd. pe,~hJer. '63 ch e v . ,63 RANCHERO ' • ; . RENA'ULT in slocit urlllg VOLKSWAGEN c~111. J\1eM 54r;.1200 II . i , I Jm~ 175 HP eng power COSTA MESA 546- 2060 llarbor Blv?-· Costa l\.fesa . ·'642--0010 1968 VW -camper w/tent. Immac m rxi. 1 owner. $3000. 1964 VW Bus. good c:ond. $ll00. Private parcy. 646-88-- 86 9 to 5 Mon thru Fri. DATSUN our pre.opening· dayJ. '' ,...::.=:::.:=-:.::.::_:~::_:_ J;-..,.;,aa;,aa;;;-...""ii"ii ... iiii-• '65 IUIQK iteertni. Privale pariy. On-Owned by little · 'ole man Open Daily 'tD 10 p.m.. ., ---------1 $l 9S Wiii Oeli¥•r '68 V\V Can1pcr wtth ·pop WANTED I El1ttr1 c~;p•. FtAJ J•~tr.I ly lliJo. 494-7168 Laguna from Lquna. l spd, dlr, all 1968 PLYMOUTii GTX. U '61 DATSUN "Tim~~!~YQfler" ~~so=~·~~~ I i on . L~6~ ~:'!:J' •'•ctorv$•'1'· 891 : i:•:rc.u .. van. like new ~:.tnaik.~ln~t :te~ ~· 536-1910. $2950. Aft¢ • ...,.. • d•1', pymnt. $29.86 mo. 1600 COfiV. BRING YOUJi Tfft'\DE-!N '63 VW Sedan, tow miles. f ord, Chevrolet or Ra mbler • I niecb!friicall,y: must sell! 08025 can Ken, 494-9773 or 65 FORD l"-100 VB auto. Air Pullman Camper. Sliding root. Boot. $1800. 642-3&51 Eve SHELL Camper, fits 8 ft bed, perfect c:oncl. $150. Call after 3 p.m. 646-7583 '67 · VW Camper, very good cond. Blt.J11 closelB &: ice box. $2200. 968-1656. '64 FORD %i ton, custom cab wf8' <:amper. LD AIUeage. Sac. $1500. 6U-3666 C.mper R1nt1l1 9522 COACH -TRAILER RENTALS lt'a none too e&r1Y lo make reservations for Sprin£ Hot. !days! WEEK·END OR WEEKLY 546-0291 4 spt'ed, radio ,t, hcalrr. TG our.. NEW LO('!/\TION Xln1 cond, pvt paMy, $900. 6 cylinder, auto, In good I $595. 548-1285 54~ hardtop_ Drives i;:ood. (UJB 6~f.-1078 operallng l.ot1d ition I "65 OLDSMOIJLI 11 '62 CHEV. .·~ .::..:=·-~-~=~ 139) D rz IMPORT' s '6.'" vw A 1 . I 1 appl'()X $500 i;ange. .4 J oor H.r. F••••ty .,,,. ~Al'\o SHAPE $375. Take over pmll, on '67 Ford UQ ., ' -runnu~ c:onr ' Call : 837-4239 pow1r 1tf1rin9 4 >r•kl l·I -. '4" mo * Gal, 500, Vinyl top, radio, $1695 o\\·oor. $9-1:'1 or .reasonable • """..,.. brake Good cood Call offer 536-7646 llehveen 6 p.m .• 9 a.m. 1uto, IMOY 1461 , I •Ml 1 I. , • rBy private party) • ' $1591 1{161 M-> Camino, V-8, ow after 5:30 p.ro. 539-9240 ATLAS NOW'S THE 1............................ • I '""'C· 12400. Pvt pany. '64 FORD Sedan, V-3, .,,.., Will Buy . ' 'H· OLDSMOllLI .. : :-flliEvy wl new ""'"" ""' ""'° ;:,_~ Of~~:Ri;'°O;L:~~~~ll I 410 Main St., TIME FOR , •l 1111ury S•d1'n, F1o1ll IJ•W•'·• • fie fhl1t. 6 cyl. Best cub 1961 RANCHERO, v w COSTA MESA 546-Jg:w Huntington. S.•ch \'out V?lksweren or Poncbe-•f1t fory 1lr. <S UP J iii 0Ue1 Or trade for?· 673-9135 Yellow w/b\k int Top cond. °"'" "'"' 'til 10 p.m. 53'--42'1 QUICK CASH ! :t 'cii, o.:,;:,Pat• )" • . $2291 'I C * '4fl.Ct!O * '6' DATSUN DAll.YPILOTW~-~ADl~t ,;.,, 67.3.1190 ' • . . ' I HRYSLER 1900 FORD'-·. cy~ SPT. PICKUP Dia< 642-56!t TH RuUGH A ~==~==~ • '66 MERCUIY I CHRllLER '6.1 ·;;;-~ $lll0. Cati •• .,. s p.m. Low, loW, m1les. radlo, heal-nlE HUB of •cttfil} tor DAIL y PILOT IMPORTS "-'l\ilriii) •Colony P•rk ••1•11. •11111 dr fat air, P/1,·b, R/H, riu •MB--7561 * er, Ii ply, dlr, olive green. •n1ce busintues I .. u.. ! ~·s = : . .pow1r. f1t,lorv I ,, ,.,... t1Mi., Good cood. $850. u· NCO" LN Tala! Sl25 cash dels, or take OUS!tilld·Adl. DlaJ IG·' WANT AD BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 5971 ' I ~'6 ~e~ro54~ Ca.JI KPn 494-lo of1er yoor M!l'Ylff NOW. !8881 Beach Blvd. : sis91 I .,~eo"N1WP0:.,;;;*'=-~R~T~.~°"~-""Han1'""""'.,....top ========l lmportod Aulot 9600 lmoort•d Autos 9600 ~:_Beach. .P~ 347.-.......... """' S.,.., brlu. auti>, •65 LINCOLN Continental, loaded, landau t.op, W't.11 cared for_ JDXI, M6--4890, ~M·tvn. ~E~N~G~u~s~H~FO~. ~-·~D~lr=;i:;i~(~;]r.i=]~[~);i~i~r=:=,~I A••· L ... ,"' 9110 : .1a-.uAa -: 11/H:1;-i:; ~~~~EE 'eo,.UJt~r~ ·e 1 · , ./ LEASE 'EM ./ • 11£AoOUAl11RS : ,84 t'QlfE'r. 2-... -w-ttre-.-... -w __ JA_VE_L_IN __ Dune Buggies FORD DEAL ER '68 Cad'cpe deViUe, hill pwr, • br$kffi £:x, cond. Value JAVELIN '68 300 AMX en&'. '68 COMPLETE ELMORI 'MOTORS air, vinyl roof. Drtven only 1Complote s.1.1. s.,,... 16511 • .,n $491. -Rl<ll. ,,. ''" air, .,,.. 9S25 SER C 14,f>OO ' ml. Looks new. • 14 •ice and Parts b•p•rf•I c;: ... a= , . 'l''hll. I.take offe r. 6'5-1137 Dune Bu9qey SALES· VI E 15300 HACH a.n. WISTMiNSRR ff4.JSll """"'at 1149. mo, ,m'"' fo r JAGUARS, I CONnNENTA!:_ "M•y•rs M•nx Body" P~~ f~~J~R ~ =~~":::,,~·~• ~'g; 1 l .. "'' "''~'' I '61 LINCOLN Road & R.alley equipp«I Th-'• 411 l ~ .,. · _,_ ,68 l't69 J•91o1•r T;tl•v I =m~"·,,:~~~~ ROBINf.'FORD /'J· 0 ;j,:;,$1~io1 ... ~ 1 eeeeeee! CONTINENTAL '65 MERCURY .depe~ent rear hand brake~. 2060 Harbor Blvd. f•11• fl11•ncln9 1v1ll1bl1 '" ~UTH c~o:s~EASING . ~234 E-17111,__ ST-. 'i!~t:;'~t. ~~l. t;c~~Wp. Parldan• 4 dr. H.T. ·Convertible top. Absolutely Colta "Mesa .14UJOU1 L 1 t 1 ,. I 95 V-a, auto, P.S., P.B. and 'like new. Lie. lJCY 970 I ~~~~~ ...... !!!!~I ••" •pprov• 0 ''' rt. JOO \V, Cop.st !:ligbway • 1 • I $10 tact, air. 'l')lrqvolSe bWe w/ $23'9 'tll ENGLISH Ford Sia. w,.. &15-2182 . N•Wpon ll<ach • S ,. . ., 7761 I JOHNSON & SON matcl\lnf Interior. Conlplete. $225. m-<1162 ..,..._.PM REE. FREE LEASE • RENT • -· I . 11 re«>odltlcJ"'!'= pBG$13 FERRARI "' ...,"°"'...,.'l·l111 Ve11•s V""al1'or., ALL POPllLAR • OP"N • ·~· "~,~~l(fj() · $1450 3 OAYS ~ 2 N;°GHTS MAi<ES • ' "" I I ;;;; ci\;;;,.EN'IAL. Blue-JOHNSON & SON FERRARI 'FOR TWO FORD , 8 7 DA YI I 1roy, ~!Ack leather· In\. F\>11 · Ltr<oln-M•t'C1111' Nnrport ll)'tJ'kttU Ucl. ,()p.. Ne P1o1rc.fr1111 N•t••••"f AUTHORI ZED • AND I Powtr-A: air. Very clun 1§41 Harbor Blvd. · 6C2-Ta50 '""' Cow11>'• onl7 autbto~ f5300 •··ch.Bfy-', LEASING • EVE~INfl I 113$895. ,.::1,"'!:· ~-·' 'iroor..oNY Park S<L Jud dealer. llC4I I SYSTEM , ., e ....,.. .. u•---·--· ......, 9 Pus .. air. full SALF.s-SERvter:'. PARTS W , Gel ()\1r Competitive Ratti; Lo-!"1!1 Betit otter 629-6051 pwr., lo mile.: $2200. 6!34IOO Ex!· 117 3100 w. Cout """· eslm 1nsle r Thoodor• ~.Tl51 '°"' rv ....... "' ..... ! .. 1970 It.ARBOR BLVD. New-...,.t Stach 89.t 08,1 r find ~ ~~===--,:-:-c:--:-:- COSTA MESA Ge-MtJ.1764 'f•3322 ' R NS FORD ' lh< I'll' '°" "' 1-i'62 MEiiC1lll ' rad to , a.Mtecl Adi. Oleck them be t·..-i;•r-Rlllirc-xJnt con. \THE QUICKER YOU CW. Author\"" MG Draitt OPEN 7 0AY9 200> "¥""'Bl~. ·""'' oW...: .o.. $495. 'mE QUICKER YOU SELL White f:IQhanlll DimH·llne l""!!!!!!!!!!,,_!:;;iii"oO!!!!!!!!! .... ..,:;;;""!!!!!!!O!! ....... ,.i'l.°"..,.,",;,·M.,•!!ll!!!!. ,;,• ............. ,.o., '• ~GP! m. '~ owntr. f'' MERCURY I \ ' PONTIAC '.;~ '62 TEMPEST Conv. ( c;vl, good trans, good cond. $D). 642-41'9 RAMBLER ,,,. ~~~------liil. ' Blf ',{> I '64 RAM R ""' · r 0111 I M'"567I lor RES "' .- • ' f SOMETHING SPECIAL Red And White Lattice Work Print $50.00 WESTCUFF PLAZA 642-2444 U.UY TO WIA17 NEWPORTER INN 644·1700 ''THE JACKPOT'' POOLSIDE OR ON THE BEACH, YOU'LL.ALWAYS HAVE' A WINNING HAND WHEN YOU WEAR "THE :JACKPOT." IJACKET $10. TRUNKS .$9. ... . WUTCUff PLAZA, NEWPO~T · IP'CH • ~ .. ~ ... t '-'"" -.r ~"'."""' •• '' . -----~-~ .. -·----- ' •• .. .. .NlOVADG KINGMATIC ,. Sh ·Pe<J' ~· . . . .. r· .t ·.··.@:'.~ ... --~·t1·· i tomon:ow,· . 1 I '1 I • ·thenew · high frequency Movado Video. Accurate to a minute-amonth~ Self-winding; water resistant; with the exclusive Movado Jnstama~c c:alendar. No batteries. In stainless steel ... $160 CHAR.LES R BARR . ' ' . ' THE SUN STO.PPERS I . \ . . . ._. : . '. ' ~ ' ~ . -, ;; l ' "' : , ~ ' ' t •·I• ( ' l' '' .. i , ' ' . ' . • A SHIFTY NEW LOOK FOR SPRING ••• SIZES 6-14 ' S'°RT1W1Alt l I ... ~--- M'tr!t ••• wlio 1111k11.tli1· l:i11u0 ty braa1i1r•~· 1/1' A11J1ric1 lov11 • -• .-·pvts·h1r d11J9m,...t1lots to work to incorpor1te 1 woncl1rf11I cl11p pli.111111 br1 top int• 1 1,.,.,. Iv l1c.e-frill'lm1d 11ipr Nylon hi· cot with 1 wid1 b111d ef nylo11 l1c1. Li9htly wired c11p1, poly· 1it1r fiber fill, ind Sp1nd1ir 1l11tic back b111d. White, c1n- cll11i9ht. Styli 1500. Short ind 1vtr19e ·length. I, C," D C:up11 32-16, • .The Plunging BRA·SLIP PHONE 642·1197 $9.00 ·veta's llTlllAU.APPAIU ............... , ... --- 1 California · . . . . . COB BERS C9fhec!JOU sfioe • •' ' . , . : CAPT IV AT/NG! AND IS IT COMFORT ABLE. "WHERE SHOPPING. IS A REAL PLIASURE" ' .. ' ' ' ..... · .. " ' • , • C0°0WN1l Newpoft leocll Offlc• Glod .. M. Fey NEWPORT BEACH SALES STAFF llcllord .. Dlcll .. Foy Glodys buetl Secretory/ leollllMper Kitty Allbrl9llt A Warm Greeting to Our Old and New Friends As We Continue to Support this Annual Community Publication .. JUST AS OUR COMMUNITY CONTINUES TO GROW, THIS WELL KNOWN TRADE MARK GROWS IN FAVOR YEAR AFTER YEAR and we a cknowledge with humble appreciation that our growth would not have been pos- sible without referrals and recommendations from our clients. For this we are most grateful CO·OWNll Coro•• def Mor Office J. LeoHrd S111ltll and we will work diligently in the future to merit your continued support, , At..~..J )>, '7 ,d~ ..._,,,,/ ,::f,,,.,;,.J. TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF HOMES IN HARBOR AREA BAY FRONTS OCEAN FRONTS IN-BETWEENS MULTIPLE LISTINGS This me.,11 your property is listed with virtually every Reef Estate firm in this entire ~•. Th is vast exp o1ure provide1 hundreds of pro1pective buyers at no additional cost to you. . .... COUNSELING SERVICE Whatever your Real Estate needs -buying, selling or renting, the BAY & BEACH offices ate in business to serve you. There is no charge for our counseling service. Call us today for estimates and saleability of your property. No obligation. Corona del Mar Sales Staff SMretory Lerrol•• M•ek Corona del Mar Office Newport Be.sch Office 90 I Dover Dr, Suite 126 645-2000 2-407 E. Coast Hwy. 675-3000 Realty, Inc. SERVING THE HARBOR AREA SINCE 19-48 IU!AL TOR -• proltts!onel in rH I estate who subscribes to • strict ctOde of Ethics as a mem~ ot rhe IOcal a. stale bO&rd1 & ol the Nallonel Auocialion ol Real Estate Boards. A • )f .. •UlOff< av "' H4L~l Oil' -.e •l•L ( •l "41 ·•••< "'' (II •ll•O<flt Oii .. ,. -U4(U .tV ,_. A<•tl• ,,, (0 .&(6(14 .. .., l • co -o••' •v C• •C&•\ AV Ht• .,o .... , " ,., o\OU( av "'' •!•PO•l •'I "'!t (( o\l U lO Llill: C• •LI• \I frill \ll·"'" ,, (• •ll•INOU Oii: (Iii' &lKll Pl (_.,. •lCot• 09 <Ct •L(Ofho l .. (C &LO(•Jt P\. 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HUt•fl li'I 1011 •I lfl L&tfOO -a 111 .. t """ ,...,.,,.. ~· .-.o VIYl•lll \.Ill fltP lllUl YON JARll.t"" h CC llllCrt \1Cffl6(• Cllt Mt'91 M\" w .at ( 10*(\I •ti -'•U •U •V ill\.\,(•( ...... ••'-""' "' lfaL-.,f ~ ..l...,, ~· '""""'' ,, •••o " •-"0 u •••tHOUn U llt,llt• l "' VU"WIC• O• ..... IC.• \.JI( •O,.IH<it0" •Y ··~·"''°"'" ••11•,•0Ht "" "" tflP•°"'' Olll ..,11•••11 ... .. ,.. .. , "' ... "°" u •• .,. 11 •HtC•lst Cta •••I <•Ur .,_ ...... , ... ' om flliU llllM<i Ct• .... lfrl wni.t •o Wtl\.O OI •t\.l('M.(f t..N WtUS •\. .rt:tll\' (" .. ,,, .. 00& II\ ltfttt\. I'' 04ll llft it•l•>lO o wt \l•Hnft• h (~ ""'" c-""' .. w1111 flllft 0 ' .. _.,, [Ill •••• (to' ..... ... ••U ,, ...... ,. .. ,, .. ,,, C• •lfh <• ... ,, "'" ,tifrf "' ..... <• ""''' "' .. ., Hf" •Stt ........ u ,. .,,. ,.. ... , <" .-.n .. 11t•h .. , ... , .. .. .. .. ,,. ""''' """ "''"' ... ... . ., ... lltC•• (• .-UI O ,,. .. ,, (jll tJ,Vl l "'" tfllt ft (• ttwtt ...... , (P •ttl .... .. .. ., I I ·- POINTS OF INTEREST Airports Heliport MY83 Oranqe County Airport NA.NB77 City Holls Coste Ma,a MVBO Newport Beech MVSJ Col1e9 es Uni~nity of Car.f0tnie, Irvine NCSO Or•n9e Coast Colle99 MW77 Southern C.lifOfnie Coll999 MX78 ......... .• ' . ' .-......_ I "l ......... ---!!.••·· •. t ~~· i ' . ' ...... , .... ,.,,.,, ' Country Club1 •. ' •. ,_ .. _ .. . "'"''"" Costa Mesa Golf Cour,es MU77 Santa Ana MX77 Irvine Coa't MY81 Mes• Verde MU75 Re,..c:ho San Joaquin NE77 Doily Pilot Costa Mesa, 330 W. Bay St. MWSO • " • I Newport Beach, 2211 Wait Balboa Blvd. MV8) Ferry Cro,slng MX85 • I •• ' ~· /i ~~-\ ·- High Sc hools Costa Mei• MX77 Corona del Mar NAB I E-5ta,..cia MU78 Newport HarbOI" MW82 Hospitals Hoag Memorial MU82 Fa irview State MV77 Coste Mesa Mel'l'l<>rial MW7C1 Perks and l andmarks "'• .. Newport Ou"•' (Orange .Cou,..ty, Harry Welsh Memorial Per•) MX-MY 8l Corona def Mar City and State Beech Par• NA86 McFadden Landi"g MU.MV84 E.t.tancie Muesum MU78 Old landing MX8l ~nn Martin Memorial Pert MX8S Costa Me1a Par•--MY80 Oarles W , TeWin•le MemOl"iel Par• MX, MY77 • , ·~ .... ' ,, " (' .,o " ' . ' , " QQ ~ ' _ ...... ' \ I' ' ----------- Piers Balboa MX85 Newport MV84 Police Stotions c(' Coste Meia (Civic: Ce11ter) MW.MX77-78 Newport Beach (City Hal~ MV8l Youth Facilities Harbor Area Boys' Club (C.11treij MYSO Horbor Arte Boys' Club {Upp.r B•y) MX80 Coron11 Del Mar Youth Club NB85 Orange Coost YMCA MY.NA7fl I I I I LOUIS R. IENNY Preside11t ........ To our many valued customers: One year ago in this special edit ion of the· l'ilot we wrote, "We have a l ot of faith in this Or ange County ar ea ... i t could be the car capital of t he wor l d." Since that time our bu s iness at University Oldsmobile increased a frac tion mor e than 54 perce nt, and our faith i n the "GOLDEN AUTOMOTIVE STRIP" on Harbor Boul evard grows by the day. We arc gr at eful t o the people of Orange County for their ever in- creasing patronage, And you may be sure we will continue t o oper- at e our dealership to the very letter of our slogan: ''WE ARE NEVER SATISFIBD ... UNTit YOU ARE ." ~~ &~ llLL KISSINGER Vice-President Check University Olds111obi.le's Sat'i11 gs First -or Last -Bnt check the111 lu>f ore you 1>11 y ! ;,. SAVE WHEN YOIJ BIJY Our modern, stre•mli necl 1eles meth· ods mean LOW ORl&INAL PRICES THAT REMAIN CONSISTENl WITH LONG-TERM SERVICE. NO 4'eeltr- anywhere-can Hve you "'ore a~ tual dollars and cents chit on your new Oldsmobi'• th•n UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE. SAVE \VHll .. E YOU DRIVE Our factory trained service special - ists -working in the most modern shops money could build -keep the YOUNGMOBILE THRILL in your driving at MINIMUM MAINTEN- ANCE COSTS. Where to Find It Inside Airport .•••••.....••••.. ·•·•••••••••·· n Beacltes • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 Boatlac . • . . . .• .•• ••• . . . • • . ••• . •••• ••• I CllUl"Claet • • • o • o t I 1 t 1 t t t t t I I I t t t t t t I t t 17 1 Coro•• del Mar Chamber of Commerce .. . .. .. .. . .. 24 Costa Mesa The City .......................•••.. 3 Chamber of Commerce .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 Estancia ...... ~·.. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • 39 Government .............. ·.•.•.••• . . 4 IDstol-y ........•.•...•. t •••• , ••• I • • • I lJbrarles . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . • 38 Parks, Recreation .................. 40 Planning Commission .. .. .. . .. • .. • s Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 39 Traffic Commission ............... ·. 4 Trash Collectio11 .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. 38 Cellece• Cal State Fullerton . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . 11 Chapman College . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . 11 Fullerton Jr. College .............. 11 Orange Coast ..........•.......... , 36 St. Joseph College ................. 11 Santa Ana College .................. 11 Southern California ................ 11 UCI .......................•.... 11, 19 ~ay1 •••••••••••...••.•••••••.... 34: lad_btr'y • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . t • • • • • • • • • • • • 41 Bosphals Costa Mesa Memorial .............. 21 Hoag Memorial . . . . . • .. • .. .. • • .. .. • 30 Military la11talladoe.1 • .. .. .. • • .. • .. .. a Newport Beach The City ..................••••• • .•.. 2 Chamber of Commerce . . • • • • . • • • • • 31 Commissions . . . . . . .... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . I Government . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • .. .. .. 2, I · lii~ory ...........•..•..• -; . • • • • • • . . 35 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . • • • . 24 Post Office ................ " .. • .. . 39 Parks, Recreation .........• , . • . . • • 15 Trash Collection . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 38 Oruge County Population, Plans . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 28 Gov't. Phone Numbers .... , , .....• 28 Politics, Voter Inform1tloa ..•••••••• 43 Realtors, Board of . . .. . • .. .. .. .. .. za RecreaUoa (Family Roanchap) 11 Schools Costa ?.fesa .....................•.• , 7 Ne~rt Beach ..........•.•........ 1 Parochial, Private . • . . . . . . . . . • 11, 14 Spor~ Jtoundap . . . . . . • • . . • • • • • • . . • . . . U The,aters . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . • • . • . • • • • • • • . U Tru_aport.alion . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n y •tll Clubs t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n Your f;tt111111~11ii1' Tb1J alxth annual edition ol YOUR COMMUNITY ii publlahed by the DAILY PILOT, u wu tt1 predeceuon,, to aalut. the people and communltlea of the Harbar Area and to tell the ltory of the g~ life here. . The story this year ii, Indeed,: many stories -10me of them lllClled oa top of one another -u we view the riltnc ~line II one ti the IDOlt uctttnc pl11et1 on eatla to live, wort and play. .: Our community ii arowlng up. And the emphula is on °up" u boUcttnp ol four and. five stories become commonplace and newer towen of Jearnlnl, Uvtnc and le1sure atretch even blgber into the sky. The new upward thrust merely empbaalzea the fact that homes, ecbooll, stores, churches and factories. continue to grow here at a ncord rate. YOUR COMMUNITY ii intended primarily to keep our readers Jn Newport Beach and Costa Mesa informed of recent developmenta in government, businea, education, religion and recreation in their communiUea. • But thousands of copies also are distributed by chambers of commerce of the communiUea and by the DAILY PILOT to vlaJtora and to individuall and buslne11 f1rma throughout the United States who inquire about our area. The facts and the Harbor Area map (inslde back cover) in thia 196t edWon are the most up-to-date available. In the pages which follow, then, we otter to all -the pioneers who founded the villages which have become bJih rile cities, the oewcomen who are eager to Jeana about their community, the strangen who bavt never seen our fabuloul Harbor Area -the facts, figures and photographic glimpses which tell the many atories ol our community. ' I I' . . . . ... ~.----------------------------_. .... ____________________________ ... , YOUR COMMUNITY MagHlne Published by Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Newport Bead1 • Costa Mesa, Califomla -19" • Robert N. Weed ......•.•.••.. Publisher 'lbomas McCann .. Editorial Supervisor t'bomaa Keevil .............. .f ... Editor Bob Noyes .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . Staff Artist tet Payne, Richard Koehler, Patrick O'Donnell ....... Staff Pbotoerapben AIJout tfte Cover e~ Picturta tell the multi-storied atory ol the Harb« Area, 196t. lnduBtry (Calta Mesa'• Hylandl Labl), commerce (Newport Center'• new towen), educaUon (UCI'a Science Bulld.ln&) and bousinC (Bethel Towen, blah rile Uv1q for ret1Nd cltlieu) all reach tor the ak)t. And, )'et, much ol the 1ood life la atlll at Ha level. A aurfer find.a lt (on the cover) and a acbooner aa.l1a on a aea _dappled with aun diamonds (above) 1n pie> tures by DAILY PILOT Photographer Patrick O'Donnell. .--... -_,-~ i f l Newpo·rt's a City on the Go-Night or Day By JEROME OOLLINI ., ...... ,... """ Unlike many cm>rmmitia, Newport Beach la a city ot almost coaUllUOUI movement -thouunds ot b o a t 1 gracefully cbunl throu&b ill harbor, thousands of people bathe and bask along its beaches, thousands of can barrel down its boulevards. and thousands ol sboppetl wander in and wt ol its shop- ping centers, bit and lltUe. 'lbat'• in the daytime. At nlgbt the tone and flow of lhe IOOftlDeDt chance. M 1llence settles on the waterfront and tbe stores dim their Upta, N e w p 0 r t • I restaurant row comes alive. 311MBOW Coast Jngbway become a saturaUd with dlnen bqctinc for tbe 39 restaunmts Uaai flank tbe brf&btly llgbted artery, from one end ln Welt Newport to the othel' in -eorooa del MM'. Mcrvement. 'lbat'1 tbe best dcscrlp&o ot Newport Beach today. Wby la there I u c II IDGVtment! SUn. sand and Ma, that'• why. Tbq're lmstlb1e at- tractlom. · M a local historian oooe archly noted. Newport Beach bu moucb a&tractlGD to 1aamcb • thoollDd lblpl. It'• done more tbao that, ol~. At last count, more than t,000 vesseJJ -frllm aabota to yachts -called Newport Beach home port. And f<r tbouslDda ol J*pJe, landlubben and tbe .Waring, Newport np-aeota f u n, recreation, constant 1 u n , llmitleu blue ocean and fish caqbt and c:oobd-the same day. u·a a sreat p1ace to visit. and some a,oeo u ol today want to. IDd do. lift tbett.. too. During tbe PDDIDfl' monthc, the city'• pnpnlatloa -apart from )eacb crowdl that IOll' abfte •.• -raebe9 cbl to ..... UltimateJJ, Ni w p o r t' I permanem pop.dl&lolt will be uo,ooo, ac.ic.«clbil to pltnalnc apertl. Hdell. mateb and rmtal cottqel a D cl apartmenta, raqinc from pluall to modelt. prcwide ..... ldectioa ol IQIDI s,• .. .,,.. fer vaea- tmrn. aocarcHic to Ole Newpllt Barbar CJwnher ol Commettt. Palatial )'eJf • round homes . f;ity Mother Every cUy bu Its city fat.ben: Newport Beach bu a cl~ mother. She ls pert. perky and pretty Doreen Manball, the on1J woman mayor in Orange County. JUL Manball, whole & blDd Dobert ia a 1'ultlll rancber, ~ (fff!r • uni- quelJ CODlllbded CU:y c..;1, Jta memben an elected ftom seven cmncftrD.Mlc dlltricta. MCh 1llOft. « lea baaed OD polfipblcal -boandariea. . The .,.. ... deTiled 14 yean ICO bJ the framen ol tbe citJ'1 cbmUr. Mare tbm, Newport bid been • taeral law dty wtth a five-member council •YEOTDMI Miuridpel 1nmabn aene (oar.year tenu. Tbou&ll nm- nble tram tbelr home cl1.lbict.t. theJ are electl!d at-large. 1brte were elected bl April, ua 'l'be other four aeats will be open in April, JJ'll. Councilmen aeJect the cltY'• mayor frGm among tbeir own ranks after each eJectioa. Mn. Manball Is aemo, her first two-year tam. ~ted last year, the LJdo Ille houltwlfe JI tbe te- cond ~om.an IDaJGr tn . tbe city'I bistory. fte flra WU Mn. Ned (Den) B1D. who served in the mJd.ais. 7-YEO VE'l'EIL&N Mrs. Manball bu ber.n on tbe council liDce ua. She bun't yet made up her mind whether sbe will nm again Belt year. Newpert'1 Vice Mayer ls Lindlley Panoaa, a promJ:amt Bollpoodmovhmaker. Panom. too, WU elected to the post by h1a coundl coJ.. leques. 1be Newport COUDcl1 I.a. ltiate! Ol'diDance1, bears ap- (C.U.ed • Pqe f) these mlles perbape could be best delcribed as geocrapblcal voatiom. These are islands. Isolated lediom of the COQ)- munliy, urroW streets tbat 1epl'eSeat a • c o n tl n u ln g cl>al~ to 119llc:e and fire departmenta. MI result, the city'• police are almost constanUy mobile, workiq out of tbelr one polke beadquarters OD the peninsnJa. And Newport bas twice u many fire statiooa u would most other cities its a1ze in pop.alatioo. On a map, Newport roughly tam OD the\. shape of a triangle: ita ~ toe touches BunUactoa Beach: Oil the east it reaches to Cameo $bores, below Corona del Mar. 'lbe . triancle'• apez ~ northward to tbe npidl)' developing indmtriaJ a rt a ~ Orange County Airport. 'l'be bue of tbe triangle. of course, la ~ Pacific Ocean. Newport Beach actua11J 11 compmed ool 1 e v e.r a I D e i I bbOring communities. They include Balboa PtnilMQla, West N e w p f1l t , Balboa Island, East Bluff, Ne w p o rt Helgbts. West Bluff. 1>oftr Shores; Lido 1sJe, Corona del Mar, Westollff, Lido Sanm, Harbor Island, Newport Island and Linda Isle. 1be city'• sales tu reveme, not surprisingly, ii derived bt large meuure from lta doaas of posh restaurants a D d cockbl1l Jounces.- 'lbere recenUy wu a bia lhift in tbls sales tax picture with the openin& in llrt ol Fashion Island, a maalve abopping complex near Corona del Mar. Located above Cout Hlgbway in the midst of the Irvine Co!s Newport Center commercial • bulineu atte. Fashion Island Jone has added considerable luster to the city's scores of already Jll'Ol- pering and I t )'Ii I h rNil lhopl. lDmllry' too, makes • b1a cootributlOD to the dty'1 economy. Phil<»Ford Corp'a. MroautnlDic Dimioa, Collins btio. Hughes Aircraft are but a f nr ot the DWI)' ftrms located In tbe-llatbor Area. 'Ibonsanda ol bomel have popped up on IrvU.Jeued propertio sumamdiDI tbl Back Bay. 'lboosands more are OD the plannina boards today. Thef'll be filled, t 0 0 • Newport Beach bu all the ingredients to assure that. It's a city that is constantly oo tbemove. HtGH LEVEL VIEW OF NEWPORT IEACH CIVIC CENTER REVEALS TEMPOURY IUILDtHGS HOUSING ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES BEHtND°CITTHALL . 2 NIU PILOT TOUI COMNUNITT-1t'9 MM:M• • c l ~ j t s r ~ t I . ' Faeing_ Isslles Mesa Matures Over Years Br ARTHUR R. VINSEL Golden Triangle area also pro-°' "" 0.111 "'°' si.tt vlde easy access for the Some of the old-timers varied products of Costa Mesa around when ·eosta Mesa was industry. a bouncing in.Cant city in 1953 But all work and no play hav• faded from the scene, makes life rather dull. even lo the past year, since Costa Mesa has an active a gala 15th birthday celpbra· Recreation Department pro- . tion. vldlng activities for every age They called the town of level, while the Boys' Club 16,185 persons at incorporation and the Girls' Club of the an adolescenl throbbing with Harbor Area, plus the Orange energy at the party last June. Coast YMCA, feature full pro. but cities -just like people grams. -can mature a lot in one MAJOR GOLF CLUB year. . . Questions on a Newport The Costa Mesa Golf and Freeway route through the ci· Country Club has one of the ty, a stance on Orange County largest active memberships of Airport operation and ex· · any such municipal organiza. panston. plus other timely tlon Jn America and hosts the issues have progressed toward annual H a 1 g Invitational definlUve answers. Tournament, a major pro NO GOAT BILL On the eve of the 16th birth· day of a community once known as Goat Hill -and with characteristics to match tbe title -is fast becoming a metropolitan area. Planning Director William L. Dunn's staff is about to conclude a land use study on the city's so-called Golden Triangle district, which may o n • day be t b e county's metropolitan center. The area bounded by the San Diego, Newport and future Corona del Mar freeways could make the community now billed as the Hub of the Harbor Area a h 1 g h • r l s e buUdlng hub of the whole county. The typical Costa Mesa f amlly has an average income of SlO,JOO, contributing to a more than $200 million annual total aales figure recorded among 5,054 local businesses. And this ls bound to in- crease. INDUSTRIAL GROW'lll The sprawling H y l a n d Dlvlslon , of T r a v e n o 1 Labortories, Inc., ls under conitruct1on with some ex· ecutives ah:eady on the job and a large work force witb incomes of -$20,000 and ready to move in 1n the future . More than 1,200 acres of land earmarked for industrial develoP.ment are stlll available and national firms shopping for Southland real estate con· sider ft one of the market's best offers. The three freeways outlining what will i>e the storied 1t6t-YOUI COMMUNITY evenl A Costa Mesa child can complete his education from kindergarten through college and its BA degree without leaving the city limits. He can even ·go on to obtain a doctorate at nearby UC Irvine. Returning to the topic of freeways and effects o n business, . Costa Mesa city fathers recently took a major step toward the future by recommendJng the so-ealled Red Route for the Newport Freeway. · U the State Division of H l g h w a y s accepts t h i s designation, as it is expected to do, it will mean a major campaign to rejuvenate the downtown business district. BIG QUDTION The question of whether the freeway will run d o w n Newport Boulevard or lie elsewhere in the city has long handicapped expansion desires by various merchants. The first major suggested project is El Paseo, an elevated mall lined witfi shops and caf es, propOsed by a group of businessmen to span Newport Botilevard at Harbor Boulevard. · CitizeDJ of the 73,()00..resi· dent city will find their seat of local government in a five. story Civic Center at 77 Fair Drive, with police headquartes adjacent to it. The $4 million structure is one of Orange C o u n t y ' a 1bowplece city balls, while Costa Mesa also boasts tile tallest bUilding in the county, tktory Bethel Towers retire. ment center. .. DAILY PILOT lteff PMte PRIDE OF CITY 1S -COSTA MESA'S FIVE.STORY CIVIC CENTER ON FAIR DRIVE High RIH 'City Hall', Adlolnfng Polle. Faclllty Share Samo 'Campus' Planners Do 'Groundwork' . . . Someone must first aaw the timbers and frame the house before the roofeni, painters and interior decorator go to work and ttUa is literally the ' job of. the Costa Mesa Plan· n1ng Comml.saioo. Guided by the city Planning Department, the com· .ml§ioners do the groundwork. The flYe-man advisory panel evaluates variances and r.one exception pennits, as well as other non-categorized· matters in their area of concern and recommends Oity Council ac. tlon. They ire purists in their function an4 their suggested final aeUon ls a direction· potnttt. not @le highway path itself, so their counsel ls no' always heeded. Good planning is conceptuai but a growing city is a reality wUh its own Inherent pro blems, in tenns of terrain. lite style, economy and a bundle of other factors Consider this p u 1 e l y theoreUcal u~ple : Mrs. Jones wanb &c ou1ld a duplex on a lot a UUle smaller than lt should be for two homes. 'lbe Plannina Commission recoD)J'Oelld.s Uiat councilmen vote "no" in tbe interest.s of proper lot size. Councllmen, however. Jet Mrs. Jones go ahead with her duplex plan, because her lot was ble eoouch when purcflas.. ed, but the clty later required dedicat.lon w dght feet for street wldeoiJtg. They imposed her hardship so they alleviate it. MOit often in such a case. however, the Plannln& Com· missioo Ustem wMb an lH\'* dentandJnl'ear, because they must be flellbJe iD their ap- proad\ too. The advlaory p-oup ls ap- pohited br the Qty Council and itl five members serve lfaggered, four-yew terms. C<Jlta II e 1 a • 1 represen- tatives practice a variety of prof esslooal epecialties, all of them providJng key insight in· to certain f acetis of community plannlnc needs. Currently serving are these men : Claalrmu Nate Reade. a busl.nessman, whose tenn ex- pires in April, 1919. Vice Claalrnw. C It I f le I Beck, an archl~ whose 'term expJres lo April, 1971. Jack ~mmett, a medlcaJ center admln1st.rator and avia- tion expert. whose term tx· pires in April, 19'il. Doi B•t, an elementary school princlpal, whoee tft'ID exptres Jo April, um. R. J. "Jimmie" WllOd, a build.Ing contract«, whose term expirea kl April, 1970. DAR.f PILOT 3 MA•ADNI I 1 I IJ r f f ' c • c I I I I -~~--______________________ ..._ .......... -. .................. _. ...... ..-----911!1 ... ~ 'Goat Hill~ ·Grow·s Into, Big Joh Tbty have a bli Job. 'Ibey may decide • !Me- way's route through town. check a prolpeCtive ma.uqe parlor~ for a clean bacqround. « give tbe Girl Scouts a break with a cootie sale license. . Loottna atttt the sreates1 good for a lfOWioc clty ii a rugged job and the five-man Costa Mesa City Council puta in a Jot of hours guiding a little town ~grew bi& into the big~· Once knoWn u Goat HUI. ihe Mesa community was in- corporated in 1953, as a gen- CITY .ADMINISTRATOR . Arthur K. McKen1le eral law city bearinC a name Mn. Allee Plamer aiaested. wi.Dnlng a '2S prile. Tbe prize -count1nc one petlQ1~ OD tbe mtS& -was ; !Dore than tbe to- tal population, but people undergo lntlatlon. Just like the U.S. dollar. U the late Mrs. Plumtr col. Jected a peml1~ to- day-plus ... C-tbe WGUlcl bank about $19.&2, give or tab a dime. 'Jbe street today bearln& her name, by the way, will be bulldozed lnto b1story in a11 likelihood when tbe Newport MESA MAYOR A. L. 'Pink' Pinkley Freewa11' built under the pretml!J pluned aHll""40l Cotta Mesa councllmea are particularly proud of two pri- mary thinp: one of tbe nne.t n.. CMc Center bu= the Soutb1and and • ol p&J ... JO&l-Co tpendlns. There 1t ltlJl a Jone way to 10 and a Jot to pay. "We hope • • • to be even prouder ol our ICCQIDpJleh. mmts ln the years tblt are to come, fOI' a1l that ls pet Is 0 D 1 y I besbmfnl," -wJ'Cte Mayor Alvin -L. Pinkley for the city'• 15th IDDivmary. 'lbe f l v e-m a n govemina boerd ta the IOle elective bodY, VICE MAYOR Robert Wiison In tbe cit)' and bu '1rtually, tbe llDal decision CIG dtJ ·laws, I 0n1 DI cha,,,.., JDUDlctpal JW'ChalM aDd other relevant JDatten. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley-- who is virtually Mr. Costa Mesa in Orqe County, hil home for 31 y~ at meetinCI OD the first and fhlrd MondaJI of each moatb. 'lbe couocll appoints the city acbblLstrator. The cm'· rent mmbtrat« .. f«mer police chief Arthur' R. McKen- zie. He ln turn mates depart, ment held and staff aoPolnt- menta, plus h1ring emplOytl. PAST MAYOR Wiit.rd Jordan Votinc tendencies oil the council over lbt past year · have Crttuenlly been a ahift.. Ing s to 2. ~· QI &be Issue, but councilmen are nonetheless concerned with which is best for Costa Mesa. The mayor and vlct mayor are ltJected from amcag the five governklg off!cen of the city, geuerally 1n step- ladder fashion, with the sec- ond-in-command stepping up next'. Occupations and pr of e s- sions among the five council- men are divergent, but give each individual a valuable TERM NEARS END Georg• A. Tucker perspective on certain facts af life in running a city. 'lbe current a.late includes: Ma,.. Pb*ley, • pbarma- el.lt., wba9e term apt.res tn April, 1rn. Vice Ma1or Robert M. Wll- IOllr a businesiman, •h<ln term expires in April, 1972. Gttqe A. Tacbr, bank staff member, whose term expires in April, 1970. Willard T. Jordan, an archi- teet, whose ienn expires in April, 1970. WWlam L. St. Clair, barber and real estate lnvest4r, who.se term expires in April, 1972. COUNCIL 'NEWCOMtR' Willi•m L. St. Clair C of C: Aetive Huh Mesa Road Pros By JANICE BERMAN Of .. Dlllr "" ..... The Colta Mta Qwnbtt ol Commerce, IOIWlJ 1n the black, la nevenbelesl seeq red this year, u a result of two new c o m m J tt e e offshoots. The Red Barons of Orange County, a non-profit cor- Jl(>ration formed to write the bistory ol aviation in Orange County, ia. headed by Joseph Metcalf. The group, part of the Chamber's Av I a t l o n Com- mittee, off fr& a 1 H e t i m e membership for fl5, which en- titles Red Ba.rom to a Fokker pin, the title ol "Red Baron" and a copy of tile history With the member's name ln the book. 'lbe Red Coets, part of the Awards Committee, bas been formed to bonOI' outstanding local hJgb school and ~e athletes each month. The athletes are ltlect.ed by their teefna and eoacbta. OTHER ACtlVJtmJ 1'11ose are just two of the activities ol the eo.ta Mesa Chamber ol C<lm.merce, which has shown a steady recwd of growtb Under <llamber Manager Nick Zit.Der; When Ziener took up his .. Po1t in JuJ1, 1981, the ~ .AILY PILOT ..... ~,.. ... Oaamber had 151 member flJ'1D8. Today. It boats ... and an operMing bud&'t of $52,089. Molt of the Opel atiuc fund comes from members' dues. Standfnl C'.XDmlttetJ are at the bub ol Ollmba' activity. '1 ~ a v 1 a t 1 on committ.ee's cnairman ia Kenneth s. Clark; i·IS vice cbalrman 1s Dudley F. Miller. 'Ibe Awards com- rrJttee, with J ob n C. L.."Ollhardt, chainnan, a n d CHAMBER MANAGER Nick Zlener Ode Clarke, vice-cbUrman, ll.llUlllJ lpOOIOfl a Colt.a Mesa Di&bt It Dodcer Shdiwn, and praenta awarda to firms that Improve their pr operiy In line with (.'()Sta M e s a • 1 btautilication pro- gr un. TLE GREETERS The Official Greeters, bead· ed by Eugene Bergeron, are respoosible for brineinc 1n ne .Y memberships. Each month the Industrial Co1nmittee meets to discuss projects that might affect local manufacturers. It a1ao holds an annual meeting with off le ials of Orange COl8t Co1lt ire to atudy industrial education prograns offered to em~oyes ol Coat.a Mesa in- dustries. Ita cba1nnan Is Vaughn Reddlng and Walter BabEcky is~. County, atate and national legislation that ailecta Costa Mesa busiDeaes ia th e ba.ilivrick ol tbe Legislative Coounittee, with CJWrman Cliffonl Wesdorf and Vlce Cbainnarr Dr. La SWnes aharing leadenblp dudes. The Past President.. C<m- Jnittee i! new ·this year, and ts called into action monthly to stu<ty major pi.an., that af. feet c-.ta Mesa, IUCb u the fealibllJty d ldlool bond Jaluel. ZJeBet creditl the com- mJUee Qb a part lo acbie'v· 1ng pa.mge ol the recent Newport-M~ Unified School District bood 1aeue by a ?O percent majority. Chairman ls Hand Out Advice Alton L. CkLser. Programs to alert st«e owners to the perils ol bad checks and sbopti&n art the resipooalbility of the Rd.ail Committee. Cbairman 0 f Retail Small B~ b Lucille Pinkley, with Vice awrman J. c. Humphries. Case van Milteobrua i 1 chairman ol Retail Large B u Ii De IS • and James Sutherland i., ~. Behind f:VerJ IUccusful man there'• a woman, espe- cially at the Chamber of Com- merce. Its Women'• Commit· tee, headed by Dr. Hilda McCartney, with DeMurl Tosh u vioe chatrmall, bolda aix hmcbeon meednp a year. BOOTH Da!GNEllS It I! retpODllibM· for con- st.rudbl and dbplay ol 1be One advisory panel tht Costa Mesa City Council rellea heavily upon is the City Traffic Commission, a group of experts 1n local highway travel matters. The commission ls com- posed of both city officlals and private citizens and meets at 10 a.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month In the city ball con- ference room. Many C o 1 t a Mesa resid~s appear before the City Council with such com- plai nts and recom- mendations as It~ signs, traffic signals, safety aug- gestioos and the like. 1'ost of these matter• art then referred to the Traffic Commission for study and r· e c o m m e n dation, but cltize~ may eliminate the middleman by appealine Jndustrial booth at tbe Oraop --------- County Fair wblch bas won awank f<r the past five years. U also p&ans lbe oldlimer- newUmer picnic .tn tbe dty park ad! yell'. Off.icen ol the CJmnber are : President Jack Hammett, First Vice President G<rdon Martin; Second Vice President Nate Reade; ~ JCJlelil Metcalf and Put President, AJtoa L. ~lser. directly to the proper body. Letters should be written detailing the problem tn qu~tion and malled far in advance of the monttlly date to insure quick con- sideration on the com- mission agenda. The agenda typically fn. clu<tes such questions as in- stallation of traffic signals, street strlpb:ig, setttnc of area speed limits and park- ing regulations. N ewly appointed cbainnan of the Traffic Committee is. Mrs. Mildred Matthews, and o t h e r members Include Jamea El-• dridge, newly hired traffic en- gineer; Police Ctiief Roger Neth; Street Su~ Harley Bop.rd; John O>n· nell, Joe Krowll, P a u 1 Fowler, Francis Cbeatlwn, and Harold FlscMI'. Technically, Public Works Director George Madsen Is a member ol tbt Tralf ic Committee under c l t 1 ordinance, but ooJy con· ven~s with them 1l asked to do so. YOUI COMMVNltY-1'H ii.. • -- in .... -- ome • Brinlinl the beet in banking to the community. Union JJank opened a new office in Corona del Mar in Januatyof this year. It'a a temporary office with permanent facilitie. 1oon to be constructed in the Newport Financial Center. It means that Union Bank is on the scene-$1.5 billion bil-over half a century old-dedicated to the principle of bringin1 major metropolitan banking to the heart of each ,rowin1 marketing area. HOW MAY WE SERVE YOU? Here are some of the services that our people can provide -all 1tamped with the indelible mark of Union Bank'• special, fresh approach to all manner of financial concerns: Savings Plans -r~gular savings accounts with a no- pasabook feature: eavings bonds with guaranteed 6" interest compounded daily. Checking Accounts-free personal checking accounts with balances of $300 or more; Cash Reserve that provides your own line of personal credit to back up your checking account balance. Trust Services -investment counsel aQd manage- ment; employee benefit plans; estate manaiement. lnternatlon1I Banking -a network ot reside11t ad· visors and correspondent banks throughout the world to represent your business or travel interests in forei1n capitals. Loans -business, real estate, instalment, and accounts receivable. Boats, aircraft, industry expansion, penonal- you name it. -------. I I II t I ' I ' I H /\ I We invite you to atop by at your convenience, meet our statr and find out why Union Bank has earned a reputatio~ for rendering the best po81ible banking 1ervice. Union Bank-consistently first in introducing inno~ations in banking. UNION BANK. tomorrow's bank today SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE: EAST COAST HIGHWAY AT GOttlENROO, CORONA DEL MAR• 575.:1200 1'6t -YOUA COMMUNITY . 1 ! ~ ' t t & '• I •i I ~ ---. Newpori Leaders \I - (Cea&l.aaed from Pace I) peals .on Plan.ning Commlasion decisions, rules on harbor Permit.!, give.1 flQl1 autborlza. lion to land use requelb, awards all cootraca, approves all major purchases -tn· eluding acqu.laltlon ol land - leases city-owned propertlet and, or course, levies a pro· perty tax rate. SPECIAL FEES 'lbe council meets the se-Newport's pr e a en t coun- cood Md fourth Monqys of cilmen. by district, are: each 'month for t t I u I a r DWrict 1 _ Howard Roctr• aessiona at 7:30 p.m. ID (Term upires April, 19'11). Newport Beach City BAD. - Newport Blvd. Study mettlnp Dlltaid I -Donald A. also take place on those days Mcinnis (Term e:rpires April, at 1:30 in the afternoon. A<S. lf12). diUonal study sessions are OC· District s -D o r e e n casionally held on other days Marshall ('Ferm elpirel April, at the mayor's direction. 1970). Councilmen art permitted by the ohar.ter to hire but District f -Paul J. Gruber three employes. 'Ibey are the (Term expires April, lt'IO). city manager, tbt city clerk District 5 _ Ed Hirth ud the city. attorney. The (Term expires AprU, 1972). District 7 -L J n d 1 h 1 Parsons (Term elpirts April. 1'12). EMPLOYD Key city employa wbo "eerve at the c o u n o 11 • 1 pleasure," in accordance wftb the charter, are: -City Manaeer Harvey Hurlburt, appointed 1n 1965. -City Clerk Laura Laglo!, appointed in 1967. City Attorney Tully Seymour, appointed In l9M. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Harvey Hurlburt The city charter a ls o permit! the council to impose special ta1es, such u tees charged builden to pay for public improvementl needed by the people who love into new homes. clty manager hires other department heads, who hJre District I -Robert Sbehon . The council also appoints members of several municipal CITY MOTHER commissions. Mayor DorHn Marshall ,,. ~. VICE ·MAYOR FORMER MAYOR l lnckl . P . ~ J>. l J G bt I ., ;!'""' ~u • ru r I , , 1 .,.. I their own subordinates. (Term expires AprU, 1970). VETERAN COUNCILMAN Howard Rottra • ANOTHER VETERAN , ELECTED LAST YEAR, Robtrt Shelton _. 1... Don.ild A. Mclnnla • · t ..... -, ALSO "A 'NEWCOM£R' Ed Hfrth I I i ... : t · v . :=: • -I t:OlnmfsSion Volunteers Keep City Going P'AllKS, IEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION Ttrlll •1111lrtt C.loudla J. Owen ._JIMt w antr S. ~mtflluk (Chm) J.1 .. t Walter Koth 1-1·70 Aleltendtr Cameron, Jr. (S1ndv) 7·1-11 J.fmu L. Rubfl, Jr. 1-1·71 H~ll ~tlY 7+7t Rqllv H. Pulukl ._»-6f MM!lng: 3rd Tu"dav of t•<h monttl. 7:Je P.M .• Council Cl'lamber11 Sludr ~slon: lSt Tuudo of eedl month, C.nlut nc. Rocm. P'LANNING COMMISSION Ttrm •.olr" Olivid W. Curlis (Chm) 7+71 Jclln J. J tk0$k'f, Jr. lht V<> M·n Alvan C. Clell'lfnct (2nd V·C) M -4t Ray Y. COIM!lln ISe<Yl 7·1·H Clirt E. Oolh 7·1·71 Jelh11 s1u1rt Welson 7-1·71 Don "dlllnson 1-1.n MHtlne: :!rel Thunder of MCh month. l:!lf '"""' Council Ch~mtltn. .-.-.. ~ Muling • ht Tllurteley of MCla rl'IC!llltl, l:CI ,. .M., COUflCll Chamkrs. 6 IAILT PILOT MAMZIMI I • : • I • • • • · • • , • • DAILY l'ILOT lllff Pllell TYPICAL OF SOME OF NEWPOR-Y.'S U'OLUSIVli HOMQ SITES 'S COLLINS ISLE . Actor J emta Cegney Htld Thrff Oue.n1 When· He Won It, Rumor Says TECHNICAL OIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE H 70 l·l~J Ttrm Eit11lrts Edwlrd R. Mlllt ll (ChmJ ·~ Of. Jom F. ooo,. •»10 .. .,.. J, W HIZ .,.,, Geor .. P. lfb1I '-»72 COUNTY SANITATIOll DISTRICTS '· ... 1 (APpolnltd •IMO Dltlrlc1 S MAyor Mar~all Councll~n lloo~rs (Alltrnl lt l Vlu M•YrK Parsons Dlttrld 6 M1vo• M•rshlll Collndlm•n Mt lnn11 (Alltrnalt) District 1 Mavor M1rsh1n Councilman R09t1"1 (Allerntltl Mllt11111: 2nd W"'nesdlv of H eh lnOl!tll, 7:30 l'.M. F 10U4 Elllt Av .. -· Faunteln V1llt11. lOUI COM MW MITT -1 H t · "• .. Sehools ~Rieh' 41.rtctor. ray Harbhon, coordinator ol special pro- ject!. Bonds End Double Sessions -Leo Arranaga, athletic coordinator and attendance supervisor. This first year of double sessions probably also is the last for Newport·Mesa Unified School District. A full day of school will be available to every Harbor Area school child ln the fall . Passage of a $15.9 million bond issue has made available money to buy 40 portable classrooms to return second ifaders to full day sessions. AlSo in the successful bond Issue ls money for permanent school lnstructton to keep dou- ble sessions away for at least the next four years. As classrooms are added and new schools built the district will change over to three-year middle 1 c b o o 1 s • Slnh grade classes will be moved to Intermediate school campuses. The process will begin at Llncoln, Te.Winkle and Davis intermediate achoola 1n the fall with acquisition of the portable classrooms. The portablea will make It possible for a proje<:ted 27,263 students -800 more than this year -to be packed into 36 sc;hools. While tht growth problem b solved, at least for the next several years, the school district .11 juat able to rock alone with essentlalJy· the same educatlonsl .program. With enrollment gr o w t h outstrlppiq Increase ln tax base, operating funds havt become restricted. Substantial gains have been recorded ln pr~ious years since unifica- tion of area school districts. There are mechanisms for Internal change a n d lm· provement -such as a hot idea fund and a development lab -that keeps the district growing in educational ways, but there is no money to buy new programs except where federal funds can be obtained. Current tax rates ar~ $U9 1n Costa Mesa and $4.07 tn Newport Beach, contributing to a $22.4 million budget. Running the public schools ls a big business. 'Ille local education Industry employs 1,179 teachers, SO ad- ministrators, and 912 clerical and service personnel. 1bls staff ii responsible for the Jntellectual growth of 28,446 students, appointed this way: 13,419 e 1 em e n ta r y students, 4,097 intermediate studen~. a,553 high school students, and 380 in special classes for the physically or emotionally handicapped. These students attend 25 elementary schools, six In- termediate &shools, f o u r regul~ high schools and a continuation high school for dropouts. Tht district ts governed by a seven-member school board. Board members are: -James W. "Bill'' Peyton, president. DAILY PILOT 1t1ft Piie• MARINERS SCHOOLSTER GETS INVOLVED Evtn Dtuectlng Squid C•n be Fun -Roderick H. MacMillian, clerk. -Mrs. Marian C. Bergeson. -Lloyd E. Blaopled Jr. -Sellin "Bud" Franklin. -Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lilly. -Donald A. Strauss. Mrs. Bergeson, Franklin and Peyton will serve until 1971. Current terms of Blanpied, Mrs. Lilly, MacMllllan and Strauss expire June 30 this year. All were seeking re-elec- tlon 1n the April 15 school board balloting. Dr. WUllam L. Cunningham, who played a large role ln putting over the bond election only eight months after he took the Job, ts the district superintendent. Other key school district ad- ministrative personnel are: -Dr. Norman Loa ta, associate superintendent ln charge of lnstrucUon. -Dr. Shuck. assistant superintendent for research and development. -Dr. Kevin Wheeler, assis· t a n t superintendent· for personnel. -Walter Adrian, budget director, -Roy A n d e r s e n , ad- ministrative assistant, school faclllUes. -Kenneth Lewis, director of information services. Dr. John Dean, curriculum -Dr. Hilda McCartney, library coordinator. -Robert Otto, instructional system analyst. -Dale Woolley, assistant for high school instrucUon. -Mark Hansen, coordinator of special education. THa sc"oou Fpllowlnq la !Hlslc lnlorm1llon Otbllt ••ch of• the Harbor Are1•1 Dubllc 1chool1: :•wwt Hal'Mr "[t" Schotll .00 Irvin vJick~~·s~~, • s.41-lll Colors: blue, whit• •nd aray PrlnclD•I: Charles GO<Wl•ll Aul111nt pilnclpe I: JaCll Kina i•~t MelMI Hlth Sdlotl, '4SO F•lrvlew l;.i.;:Srri:: ~~·,.~~901 oJ01or,: Orffn, 'f.'.a k Ind Whitt r nc Dl l: Frank • l-Jr. ~ slsllnt frlnclD•f: Don Ac5[htlaer -. .. Mar Hltth k 2101 1~t1>tu11 t>rlve, Newpart e.. ~ Nlclcntme: Su Kings .~:ri:~ NIVV blue. Columbl• 111119 Prrnc1oa1: L-c Meelts Aulst•nl Prlnctoal: Gtr•lcl McCle01n au.m Hllll ...... 2323 Placentia ""Ji" ~~,M~H·~:2-454 C : ~rd :\1 Whllt •nd oolcl Pr •I: F YO G. H•rrvll'IWI ~ :S:t,.llve Aullllnl: M rt. ic"r'.,:!"lf~'r'1e11 """ k""4. 1t0l N;l ii'Yci::-Casl• Men, S.WS =It'•: J= ~·~ nio .. ~i1i~ 0riv1. l: '=: ·~!Ml: rfultrner C1rl1an M«llC9 . •111 ft lftllmlMllll kMtl, ~ Clltf Dr Vt , NIWDO<t hid!, ~ ..P.rlnc;lpth Wllllrd R~ ,......_, l"" Htlfta Kii-lllMrmMll .. ~1 2 ... Senta Ana. AV..t .• Cot~lll M • 646-6IO Prl/ICIDll: EMn C Hui · 1011 Allrl!IM llMllll I llit ::. 1101 P~ Vltw lvt, N ~~~lpel; Wllllem It. ltllter a. A. ltM lftltrmMlttt kflMI, 601 H\~I~~ fh.~'~~'M· s.tl-llll Ch~~ 11tf~~Dl~l\!U.e: ~..=t111t1 kbMI, 1224 C1llfornt1 Alll., Co1t1 "'"'~;~ "::t:'. . ~Jiau,. ltOlcl; ~rT111:'t:r:· R~l0o. Miii• 111 ... ........ lcllltl.~lr ,.,.. "' .. •riv ... Coats• "' ··~"' Prloc:IHI: Ar · ~n ••Y view , l herd Drtw, l1nt1 Alli Hel la, HARBOR AREA'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER AUSTIN AMERICA • MGB And MGC GT COUPE'S • AUSTIN HEALEY .... 1111111111 ................. .. ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALE:R NOW ON DISPLAY THE FABULOUS FERRARI READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Traffic Count Still Climbing In 1968, it was estimated there were 100,000 cara oa the atreeta of Costa Mesa. That tljUN 11 expedecl te jump to 110,000 by next yeat and to double -to 200,000 -by tte0: New, Modern, Complete 3100 WEST. COAST HWY. SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • NEWPORT BEACH Authorized For Your Protection 6.'r2-9.WS 1Ht-T0Ul COMMUNITY s.40-17M IAILT "'°' 7 MMADll T.-~ ---.. ji ~ • • "ii J t .. Mesa: From I~dian Village to City Plodding through the aum- mer-wanned grass ti the rich wildeme6S exactly 21110 years ago, expldlrerS in the Portola party found what would one day be Colla )f$, lbeir dally juumals show, Ule firit wbltie men to vtt lhe scattered hats of the In- di:m settlemttlt couldn't even dream that ooe day, parts for a sky ship catTYini men to the moon would be buHt here. One o( the visiton to what then seemed alien world (as far from home as the moon. Padre Juan crespl, a Catholic priest. wouJd have warned that mankind could travel the heavens In oo.ly one rigidly, ordained manner. He and bis colleagues were along OJ\ the hlstoric espedi- tion to miolllet to Spaniards who would ernbark upon that voyage in the New World and establish missions to teadr tht heathen natives proPtt prep- aration for the trip. If Fatbtt Cmpi and the otb- t rs could see Cotta Mesa now. they would declare It yet another New World, compared to the 1769 village of Indian wk kiups and slrnple fanning system Utty round. SEA FOOD They lived on tbe acorn snd the bountiful food of the sea. The Indians. w h o i;poke Shoshonean dialects were probably related to the Canalino Indiana of the Channel Islands. The big change in their li\'es came with the advent of the white man, probably Jn ti1e s u m m er ol 1769. "'hen Portola'• espe.d!tion p a s s e d throusb Oranie County on its way toward :Monterey. The land•s future owner Jos."! Antonio Yorbt, a yo:mg Cataloa.lan corporal •lth the Portola party, must lta\1e first gazed upon •bat was to become co.ta Mesa In that summer of 1769, wbtn the area .war .named Santiage de Santa Ana to ~mmemorate St. J a m e s Day, Jul,y 25 ($aDU.go) a.1 St. Anne's Day, July 28 (Santa Ana) -~ days of discovery. Yorba became owner of S a n t i a g o cte Santa Ana through a grant from Span· ish Governor Arrella.ga July 1, 1810, when be was about 60 year8 old, by then a retired sergeant of t:ie Presidio of San Diego. OWNERSHIP With him was h.is nephew. Juan Pablo Peralta, who participated in the owner· ship. (Yorba's ow!lffsbip of the laod succeeded a pre\i· 4tU~ dee:f held by his fathtr· ln·law, Pablo Grijalva, who had come to Caillornia in 177'6 with the Anza party.) Upon Jose Antonio Yor- ba's de.alb in 1125, and Juan Pablo Peralta'• 1n 1829, the Yorba and Pel"<a heirs re- malned in possession of the )and, nooord1ng to histori- an• ot tbe TlUe lnsw-ance aDd Tru.st Company. Followtnc Jkrurdo Yor· ba's ckath lo 1118. HUkr1 ~ to tGIM In Md tNt1 • MILT Mor MA~ ... .... . portion~ of tbe rancho un- til little wn left of the 11 square lugu~ ineluded ID tne early rancho. With fiD4ll partition of Ula Ranchos among be1r1 and. those who bou&1' from tbe_ ti:irs, some U~ a c r • s were awarded to Ue.wellyn Bixby, Benjamin Flint. ud Thomas Flint, predecessora in the interests of James Jr. vine, rounder of the Irvin• }{anch and the Irvine Com- pany. OLD w~~s But Ioag before all this ft.. nal division took place, the white man was d)anglng tbe old ways, brlnCine bis reli· gion and his civilization to the area. The Franciscan p r i e s t s sent to B a j a Calllonda from S p a i n to establbh mibsions there were prea1· 1ng nortbward from San Diego, brin&iDg the Indiana Into their communal folds and teachiDg Ulem farming. Because the mission at San Juan Capistrano, which had been established in 1771 ' as not suitably positioned !or the vast agricultural and grazing empire needed t~ make Is seU-sustaiDing, tne mission Indians drove their cattle up to what is now the Costa Mesa area. 'fo setve the religious needs of the I.ndlans, the Franciscan fathers l r o m S3n Juan Capistrano estab- lished tl1e Estancia, a way st.a•jon betw~n Capistrano ancl 'San Gabriel missions. t Re!ltoration of this Costa Mesa landmark, oU ol Adams Avenue and Me s a Verde Drive, was complet· ed last year and Interior rPfurbbhing has transform· ed tbe Estancia into a mu- sea m surrounded by a city par t.) Jn the late 1880s, the lit· tl• town of Fairview (some- times. referred to as Fair- view Hot Springs) waa es· tablished, spreadiDg north to what is now Gisler Ave· nue; south to the present north limits of Oruge Coast College; east to Fairv i e w Road , and west to Harbor Boulevard. A schoolhouse a n d a c:1urch w e re -established prior to 1890 at what would now be the intersection of Adams and Harbor; the lit· tie eommunity also had a 25-room Crame hotel erect· ed fol' the fashionable of L~ era who visited those same suJphur springs once so attractive to the Indians. A pool utilizing the min· eral warers was built and CaUfornla's boom in the llte 1880s was good to the area. .\mos Jefferson was proprietor o( the . Fairview Hot Sprt.nis Hotel which was to be served by a rail- r03d line direct lrom Santa Ana. Pepper-trtts were plauted to lint the $treets lc-adlng to the resort. F a l r v 1 • w developer• d:rumed a blt dream. A. L. Moye an4 Welling- ton J. Gardner envbJo.ned a 100.foot-wide road stretch· ial ~m Santa Ana to tb• Pacilk Ocean, and anoounc. ed fur1Mr tbat tbey•d l'Wl a railroad &Jona the ..route to suve Falrvtew. The Santa Ana Valley & Pacific Railroad Co. was incorporated and tile rail· road was built ~ envls· toned. Its l.nltial trlp was made amid an atmolpbere of relined revelry. with tbe train, 1wathed in b\l.Dting. leaving its urmin:al on Fourth and Broadway in Santa Ana to proceed down Harbor Boulevard (t b e n ... ...Ut was tMn Newpcft M~sa, probabl1 the ftnt IC• tual resldentl. "J1Je Boyda farmed a large area devot- ed to barley and blem, re- call Judge Donald J . Dodge anC1 Mn: Dodie. aevotea blstorla111 Of the area. The Dodges, tn an infor- mal history, potnt out that Costa Mesa (then Harper) was born when S t e p b e n Towmend and Charles Van de Water of Loog Beach bought a couple of aquare miles of land from James Irvine about 190& and laid out the town's flrat subdi- vision, •'Newport Heights Tract.•• It ~ from Costa Mesa provided more places for more residents to live ill 1968. The city's Building and Safety Department Issued a total of 3,244 building permit$ for the ye~. Here's how they broke out: Type of Bulldlftl Totel for YN r Single.family Residences 388 Multi-family Dwellings 625 Commercial Buildings 52 Industrial Buildings 28 Wscellaneous Permits 1,193 Total number of living units the city had on record as of March 31, 1969, was 25,628. called Fairview Road) into tie little community. This first run was made June 28 of 1888. (This was the area's first railroad; the McFad- deos' railroad, ao important to the development of New- port Beach, c~ later.) The railroad continued to make tbe Santa Ana to Fair· Yiew run and back for nine months. Alas, a storm in March of 1889 washed out some track and the train ne\'el' ran again. The Fair· view Register in its issue of April 20, 1889, deplore;! the fact that U1e railroad was no more. but its short his- tory was over. The boom that beg.an to sag in 1888 slipped steadily, and in 1890 the Fairview De\·elopmetlt Company wa1 thn!atcned with bankrupky. The ~tore in Fairview was sold in 19M and the thr~ story hotel became a resi· dence of the A. L. <larke family. 15th Street to 23rd Street on the svuth side of Newport BouleYard. Laid out 1n five-acre lot.I for small farms, the land was bought primarily by newcomers from the east. A few year1 lat.er, in 1910, Townsend acquired another square mile northwest of N•!wport Boulevard south of 19th Street, and laid out the subdivision called "Newport Mes a Tract." Judge Dodge and '1is notber were early settlers there. It was ln this tract that the Newport Me. sa Irrigation District was organiztd when water sys- ter.J~ proved inadequate. A third property devdop- ment, the Fairview Farms Tract north of 19th Street and northwest of Newport Boulevard. was offered for settlement by tbe firm of Bryan and Brad.ford In as- sociation with R. H. Cotton in 1913. The Santa Ana Heights Tract was orga.nil· ed next, bringing Costa~ sa's total developed area to about 4.,200 acres, served by four separa~ water 1ys- t~ms which were consolidat· ed only in the past decade. The first merchant and post master wu Walter Oz. ment who bad a general store at the comer of East 18th Street and Newport Road. (Mn. Ozment died The little community or Harper bad emerged by this time, named after a sid· ing on the Santa Ana & Newport Railroad. The sid· ing, in turn. had b e e n named after Gregory Har· per, a rancher who came to t.'le Fairview area aroUDd 1880 and owned the nncb near wbicb tbt ~ ran. (That ra&lroad na Jut year la Santa Ana.) bought some years lat.er by • Staples, stodr f eecl, lry the S:>utb-rD Pacific.) ~ ~: w er: Harper. very routbJY, lay tm ot psoline ltom which betwea SUper1or Avnwe be nppUecf his .wn motor and Fairview Ro.cl alGol cu a.ct u.e few others in Ne~-port BGUJenrd. It wu toWD at that time. a little qrlcultural commu-Mt. and Mrs. Ozment had nity, wttb tarmlOC ncaect-come t. 1f.arJ1u lD 1• and iQg a for'lllfr Jlerltqa of Cl~ tJae1 .. d 1beS four ~fD tle gruln&-llvtd ID a two-ttmJ buidinC In 1903, Robe.rt Boyd &et-at 18th Slrfft u4 Newport t~ with his family on Bouknrd where the Te- Winkle Hard ~·are Store now stands. They lived upstairs, mAJ.ntaining t b e grocery itore and post omce bdow. SECOND STORE A b o u l 1-915 the seCDnd store was erected -tb1.s one a feed store at East 18th Street and Fullerton Avenue. When Oiment's store alld post office burned down, it became tbe only store in town. Following Otment, Harp- er' s succeeding postmasmra were Frank W. Garlock, 1913; J ames E. Snow, 1914; Henry 0. Garlock, 191&; Ro- bert W. BinkJey, ·1911: Mr. and Mrs. "Fred Long, 1917 to 19'l0, and Charles W. Te- Winkte. 19'20. Mr. TeWinkJe, who was owner of the town's only store in 1920, figured in Cos- ta Mesa's continuing history. He was a founder ol the Costa Mesa BanJc (l a t e r bought by the U. S. Nation· al Bank) and its first presi· For more than 30 yean, the Globe Herald was a weekly newspaper, serving purely local news to its readers, As ti1e town grew, the old G-H went twice weekly May 2. 1955, just two years alter Costa Mesa was in· corporated. It was published at 100 Broadway, moving to another office on Broadway (at 124) and then to ita pres· ent address at Bay and Thu- r in streets Oct. 1, 1955. • The paper be.:ame a tri· weekly Jan. 28, 1957, and "went J aily'' July 16, 1988. The :icxt processes of growtJ1 were expansion of area covered, and the first edition outside of Costa Me- sa and l'\ewport Beach cov· ered Huntington B e a c h. That l'dil1on was added July 5, 1961. Jn September of 1955 the name of the paper became, officially, the Oran&e Coast DAILY PILOT, and all three editfons (Costa Mesa, New- port Be3ch :ind Huntington Beach) carried that name. EDITIONS ADDED A newsstand edition fol· low~ in August of 1962, and the First issue covered the death of Marilyn Monroe. Editions were added for Fountain Valley (Sept. 17, 1964) a n d Laguna Beach (March 3, 1966). L3test <addition to the list is a new SaddJeback DAILY Pl· LOT (April 7, 1969) to cover Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Capistrano and other parts of lhe southern Orange Coast. Cost.'! Mesa, under its new name, ~ontinued to grow and stores of many kinds w e r c established. The growtll as a · town counter- balanced the decline of the 11pple crop, which failed be- cause of a series of warm \\inters and infu.gion of p1>sts. Schools wt>re begun, the library gre'' and high ad>ool atude-nts from th.is area at· l6>ded Santa Ana 81Jb ....................... ----------------------------~~~ School, tr3D.Sported there by but. In 1929, culm.i.natiJll po. lit.1.cal llassles and &0lutions, the Newporfi Harbor Union High 5':hool Distriot waa formed. There was a time back 35 years ago when a small group of Costa Mesa ~i dellts wanted lo have their community annexed to San- ta Ana. Encouraged by the city of Santa Ana (the city fathers Uiere saw desirable tax revenue), the vote WU called and soundly defeated: 127 for ; 664 against. The depression that para· lyzed tne East in 1929 hit Southern california In force in 1931; Costa Mesa' a two industries taat had provided good wages -building and nearby oil drilling -prac- tical.b' collapsed, carrying with them the local econo- my. The local bank closed. MAK.ES COMEBACK But Mesans rallied and business pi~ked up, and tile growth pattern continued. In 1933, an earthquake sllook the town amt bu!i· nesses and buildings were damaged. n1e Costa Mesa Elementary School (then called Main School and now Clara B. McNally School. at 19th and 'Newport Boule- vard). was damaged severe- ly. It was rebuilt and has continued in operaUon. Costa Mesa suffered no mo r • 1ipificant earth- quakes, but it did live tbrougti,.a second world war and Jr~ onto its economy. Daring that war. many residents who were destined to retul"n btre later to make their homes became aware of Costa Mesa far the first ti.me. They were some of Uie thoasands of Mr Force men wbo tooi their tralnin& at the old Sallta Au Army >Jr Ba,ae which o:>ce stood on the present m. ol the Or- ange County Fairgrounds, Mesa del Mar homes, Or· ange Coast College, South- ern California College and other nearby developments. The en:t 0£ the w a r brought witl1 it an influx of dtizens. and by 1947 some farsighted residents felt that the town was big enough to be incorporated. This first attempt faikd (the vote was c::1lk!d Uie fol· lowing year>. and many po- litically astute persons felt th at the first effort had at- tempted to encompass too great an area -much of it sparsely populated, agricul- tural t~rritory. In the sum mer oC 1952, the in corporation movement stirred again. Heim Kaiser, Harry For· &ythe and Mike Bernard were appointed to the boun- dary committee of the first Home Rule group, and con· tributioos of $1 per person were 1ought to obtain the funds required by tb• Or· (0.dmt-4 .. Pap 11) YOUI COMMtfMm -t'6t .. By ALMON LOCKABEY D•llY ,., .. , lnllnt U i:cr I fJ iling port, Newport. J lail~ng port. Balboa. Or would you believe Balboa Island -or Carnation Cove? Regardless or how facetious- ly you slice it, lh2se names on the sterns or seagoing packets advertise to the world that t<heir home port is Newport Beach. And in whatevtr waters or the world you visit -Sea of Oortez, Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, the Atlantic Seaboard -or even in South Pacific or North Atlantic waters -you'll find plain and fancy yachts -power and sail -wilh their trim tranaoms proudly bearing the inscrtption under the name or the boat. Perhaps this is the reason that, on the East Coast and Jn other boating and yachting area!, you'll hear: "Oh, yes, Newport -the yachting capital ol the West Coast." This In spite of all the na- tional advertising or such larger pleasure ports as San Diego, Long Beach, ~f.arina del Rey, Los Angeles and San Francisco. WORLD FAMED Throughout the w o r 1 d Newport is thought of as a "big yacht" center. What is not generally known is that the large ioldplaters make up only a small percent.age of the t ,00().plus pleasure boats which make their borne port in Lhe 640 surf ace acres ol wale that comprise Newport Harbor and the 580 acres in- clu~d In the Upper Newport Bay. Then'• another saylng mak-tna tbt rouods : "If it floats you'll find it at one timt or another on the waters of Newport Harbor. You name it -canoes, kayaks, pa'1- dJeboards, prams, runabouts, power crWserS (large and small), 1 p or tf la be ra , catamarllOI, o ~ d • • t c n goJdpJaten and ol f s h o r • powerboet racers -they're •ll ~. eooner or later. OM ft tht reaacm II that. until the ~ flooda , Newport bouted one of the U H -YOUI COMMUNITY cleanest harbors to be found anywhere. Another is that is is one of the best adm.inislered harbors under the efficienl jurisdiction oC the Newport Harbor Department and the Orange County H a r b o r Dirtrict. To be surer U1ere is the usual amount of complain- ing from th~ who object to a 5-knot speed limit in the bay and the time it takes to take a boat from the upper reaches of the bay to the open ocean, plus some mild bickering betw~n the pow- erboat addicts and the sail- ing buffs. But it is probably these self same restrictions that keep Newport Harbor in the forefront Of popular- ity when it c001es to clean- liness and lack of accidents and damage to boats. Criticisms to the contrary, Newport has the reputation for being one of the best regulated small boat har- bors on the Wes t Coast. From the fisherman's point Of view, there are lunkers for the taking with- in a few minutes -or a few hours at most -of the jetty entrance almost any time of the year. And al- most any time of the day or week one can spot· a dozen or m o r • drifting skifl s within Ure harbor limits, the relaxed type of fishing commonly known as pol<: and llnt. Newport bas never been a mecca for tht hot rod speedboat or the water ski· er, but there is tven an area in Upper Bay where this ~of sport and recreation 11 still available for th~ who do not wish to trailer their boats for long dis- tances. · And for the cruising addict with a far-away look in his eyes, Newport ls probably th• most popular aboving oft apot for such distant meccas aa Baja Callfornia, the Muican coast or the South Stai. With aeven active yacht clubs to b area, Newport hu become the focal point for 1omt ol the best mown iall and prtdlcted log pow· erboat l'l.Cff, There II bard-11 a weekend thro~t r· 1 i ! ! t - ; ~ tbe year that there is not t a one-design regatta or an i offshore sailing race getting l · under way. These include t· Harbor Yacht Club's famed t Ahmanson Series and Bal-r · boa Yacht Club's 66 Series. ·r And of course, the world'• t ' largest if not the longest in-, ternational yacht race, ~ Newport to Ensenada r<M:e, had its origins here e.1.actly 20 years ago and ha,, grown from a few dozen entries to more than SOO boats. Even the celebrared 12- Meters of America's Cup fame art beginning to find their way to Newport, tlie best known being Tb-Omas Patrick Dougan's Columbia and Jack Baillie's recently acquired Newsboy (ex-East- erner). Well, did you ·ever try tak- ing a boat out through the harbor on a summer Sunday afternoon and dodging ttie hordes ol swimmers, pad· dleboarders and skindiv- ers? TRAILER SAILORS So much for the whims ot th• to-called w e a 1 t h y yachtsmen. What Is there for the Nit water addict of moderate means? Newport marin&ll and yacht landings are well stocked. Most ol the berths, both private and comme~ cial, are filled to capacity the year around, and the Harbor Department has a long waltine llst for onshore and offlhore mootinil for all t)llel of craft whiob cannot bt hauled from the water. Launohlng facWties for visiting boata are at a prem- ium. For tht trailer-boater there are three places in Upper Bay when small boats can l» launched. Largest of tbtte is the lauocblna facllity just east of the Clout Higbway bridge on . tbt Upper Bay aide. Otben are at the Newport Dunet and Vaughn'a Land· log 1n Upp« Bay. 'lben facWtles are most. 11 for outboard and 1mall inboard power craft capa· bt. o1 beina trallertd, but trailer 1allb0eten whole craft will go under the bridge also can launch thtir craft here. YOUR COMPLETE FACTORY AUTHORIZED DATSUN DEALER SALES· SERVICE PARTS DOT DATSUN ~ • :> d ~ • ~ I I x • I 1-----._-D~AM~S-----1 ~-----1 ---t • 18835 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-7781 or 540-0442 IA.ILY ftLOf C" MA•AllMI ' J I 1 . ' I I j ~ I I Ho1ne Bole Oil Spurred Mesa Move At the tncorporatlon elect.ion scheduled June 1&, 1953, the people also would vote not only for or apinlt Incorpor- ation, but they would .also elect their five-man council U incorporation succeeded, lC.da~ r.... Page I) nex to Ne wport Beach (or and select or reject a city ange County Board of su-Hun tington Beach, or Santa manager form of 1overn- J>«Visors to finance the ne-Ana). ment. cessary advertisements.and ln July of 1952, the peti· By May, paid advertise- t...r..J k. tlon describing the bounda-ments began to appear. lt -.4111 wor was Don Du:DCP!ln's name ... , .. ,. .. ,t ....._is. en, W C rles was filed with the coun-_.. .,._.... ~ ~ · • that was signed 11 chalr-"Oy" rues and 1'>-'--Wil ty boundary icommlsslon, ~'" • man of the United Council IOD were to abare the re-and approval was granted 'ti of fi J l 21 f o r Community Govttn-aponsiblli et inance u 'J · ment. Robert M. Wilaon was committee. Added to their ranb were Dick Bean, Mike HARASSED listed as secretary and Bender Jr. and Dave Swan-Incorporation enthusiasts Tom de Forest as treasurer. aon as the first workers for were not only beset by oil THE THEME incorporation. worri~. but they were b:i- r:issed by threats of annexa· BOUNDARIES tion by other_ cities. In Sep- Selected as the boundar-tember of 1952, there was a ies for tbe second try at in-west side movement to an- corporation were that area nex Costa Mesa to Santa lucluding the Costa Mesa Ana; there was a persistent downtown business district rumor that Newport Beach and the built-up resi~ntial was ready and willing to an- area.. between 15th Street nex certain select portions and the Santa Ana Country or Costa Mesa. And 1f this Club. Agricultural lands and were not enough, Newport other undeveloped areas in-Beach tried to establish a cluded in the unsucc-essful dumpsite in west Costa Me- attempt of 1948 ~re elimi-sa, drawing the ire of east n:ated from this attempt. side residents. The plot ln the incorpora-· Efforts were stepped up U\ln proceedings began to for names on the petition tbicken a little late that requesting annexation, and summer of 1952 then the ·anti-oil and anti-dumpsite possibility of drilling for oil, interests signed petitions. previously rumored, became On Feb. 19, 1953, the spon- u active possibility. Gors of incorporation for "Urgent need o! home rule Costa Mesa presented their at Costa Mesa, Jn the fa.-:e two-inch thick sheaf of pe- ol threatened opening or oil tilions to B. J. Smith, coun- drilli ng in the community, ty clerk, and found they had is spurring the incorpO!'ation 50 more signatures than the movement," Bernard said. required 903. Land evalua· (It must be remembered tion representation on the tltat it was in th~ late 19405 petition was ~.000, 11ome end early 1950s, oil fielJs $40,000 more than required. wet't! bringing prosperity to Local feding was rilling Huntington Beach a I o n g hi~'.l . Theme or th• incorpora- tion proponents was "If your heart is in Costa Mesa, vote for incorporation." This legend was carried aero~ the bottom of each ad and other mailing pieces with a heart encouraging a "yu" vote. In the race for the city council posts, in order of their filµiJ, were William B. Johnson, Vic Caronna, John Yates, Robert Stevens, Ro- bert S. Sargent, Forrest Paull, Bruce Martin, R. I. Newman, Bertren I. Smith, Walter Miller, Alma Swartz, Henry F. Crane, Arthur II. Meyers, Claire Nelson and Charles TeWinkle. When the polls closed at 7 p.m. that day, incorpora- tion was a reality and the c:ity or Costa Mesa had om- with t.lleir unsightly oil rigs, Anti-i ncorporation propon- end Costa Mesa, next coin-tnts assured their fellow t munity down the coast, was citizens that incorporation threatened -o.r promiScd. would "bankrupt us as prop- depending on the point of ~rly owners." ''It is un- view -with driUin.'.) sound economi cally; il is un- An application !or an oil necess ary to sefve the ends drilling permit at 17th an;i or the community; taxes will Superior avenues made by go up; it is impossible to the Hawkins-Goodrich Co., estimate the amount of tax brought open statements Jevy ne~ssary to organize, from three supervisors from ~c,.1ip and operate a city in S<lnta Ana, Orange and Pia-th . r.lodern trend." c:entia that they would vote 1 'fllis was the mer sage ol for the drilling permits. the Mesa Taxpayer, a leaf- However, ~Y delayed ac-Jet published by the Tax- tion for 60 days to permit payers Association of Costa Costa Mesans to act on in-Mes:i headed by Al Forgit.) corporation. ' MONEY TROUBLES A monetary slow-up wu ENTERED FRAY So oil Interests the fray. enlercJ r:q>:?rienced in February As summer waned, oppo- sition to incorporation be- ian to have a voice. A Com- mittee Opposing 11.corpor:i- tion was formed with A. C. ~offman at its bead. . The Fa.:t Finding Commit- tee continued to enlist work- ers, and J. Stuart Innerst served as its chairman. Wal- ter Burroughs, publisher of the (tJien) Globe-Herald, W a 1 t er Weimer, Alma Swartz and Dorothy Sutber- ~nd also joined up. when money troubles plagu- t'd the Home Rule group, l>ut the Chamber of Com- merce subscribed '750 of t:1e necessary $1,500, and t:ie following month , the en- tire amount was posted with the county clerk. The Fact Finders releared the r<'sults of their study at this lime, recommending enthusiastically that the city incorporate. Fact Finders concluded that the cost of incorpora- tion and possible higher bxes would be compensated ~Y increased property val· ucs and community bene- fits including better fire and police protection. cl al Sla.tUL The turnout WU 3,!M (44 absentee ballotl were ca1t in addition); 1t wu by a alim 366-vO(e margin that incorporation carried. At the polls that day, 1,808 per- sons voted to lncorporate; opponents numbered 1,446. (With absentee ballots, this figure · lat.er changed to 1,837 to 1,471.) The city manaeer form of govecnment proved m o r e acceptable, for it wu okay- ed with 1,483 voting for; Mt against. (Later, ablentee ballota changed to 1,SO'l yes to 677 no'a.) EARNED ACCLAIM The last man to file for a spot on the city council. Charles W. TeWinkle, earn- ed the acclaim of the· people. More than half tbe voters wanted him on their first city council, and u a trib- ute to him as the "voters' c h o i c e," ~Winkle was named the first mayor. He polled 1,617 at tbe polls, picked up 20 m<>re votes on absentee ballots for a total of l ,6:J7. The beginning of that first year of incorporation found 16,185 persons residing in the newly established city limits. ~JAJOR PROBLEM The late M.ayor TeWinkle re~alled that the major problem of admlnistration during the first year was ont or organlzatlon: tbe GI'• •ODs DOW oalled Coat.a Mua poi2atioo of a munldpal l>ome. structure ••that could CUf1 During 1957·58, when ).by. out the immediate retpODSi-bllity of its specific function or Nelson again held the and be su!ficienUy flex.Ible mayor's gavel, another ape- to expand with the ever-in· cial census aet the officlal creasing wort load placed' count at 2.6,651-quite a pin upon it.'' for a single year, and upp- 1~ was in th.is first year lng tbe increas. to M per that the city 's ••pay as you . . go" policy was established, cent, since incorporation. from which UM city bas Many of these newcomers never deviated. The first lived Jo somt 573 homes year of operation wu con-added that year on 129 eluded without benefits of property tax revenues, the borrowing ol money or the registration of warrants. In fact, the year was con. eluded without indebtedness and with a cash balance in tbe general fund in excess or $80,000. Three annexations were completed during the year, adding approximately one and one-half square miles to Ute city. The next year the town expanded again to the north with additional annexations, and during the third year of Nelson's mayoral duties, the city hall at 695Welt19th St. was built. 1Prior to thi!, city business had been con~ ducted from modest offices at Newport Boulevard at 20th Street.) SPECIAL C£NSUS Petitioned annexations added 837 a~res to the city's growth, and a special cen- sus indicated that 22,631 per- llTes. When John W. Smith as- 'umed the duties of mayor during 1958 fllr a two-year term, th" population was still exploding, reachlne 31,· 250 -nearly twice that of the incororation date five years before. Building permit& soared; seven annexationt added 647 acres to the city, and street lighting more than doubled. Sixteen new subdivisions were approved and ieneral industrial expansion created more than 2,000 new job opportunities. The following year, 12 an- nexations brought atm more land -2,380 acres -tnto the city, and industry con- tinued to march into Costa Mesa. The city's water SJ!· tem was unilied by a quad- ruple merger; the Newport boulevard expressway was opened, and additional traI- fic signs were installed. The Fact Finding Commi t- tee appeared to be faced with four possibilities or re- commendaUon: remain un- der county government, es- tablbb a community service dll1rict, iDcorporate or an- 10 MILY PILOT MA•AllNI 1''ilings wen announced for the city council. DAILY PILOT Stiff Phtfe 'OLD' COSTA MESA ISN'T GONI YET -SHEEP GRAZE N&AR CANYON SCHOOL TOUI COMMUNITY-JfO Coast Has One For Everyone Oran1• Coast residents can COILEGE: 321 E. Chapman pick alm~t any subject and Ave., Fullerton; telephone, study lt, thanU to an abun-m-aooo; enrollment, 13,248; dance of two and four-year scope: tw~year junior college colle1es, universities, pre-with eltended day and evening scbools, private and parochial program. 1be Adult Education schools. Division, telephone 8714030, is Day and night school ex-entlrely separate from the tension programs, a d u I t regular school, and has about education, and technical and 8,500 students. The tuit ion-free vocatlonal tr a i n In g are (for Dlltrict residents) cur- avaUable In addition to full-riculum offers 700 courses time day studies. leading to an associate of arts For a listing of public · degree upon completi~ or schools, please see the article twe>-year ~rogram. ~ocatlonal on the Newport-Mesa Unified · and technical education offer- Scbool District. Here are other ed, as well as Uber.al arts: fac- scbools .available to Harbor ul~~ ANA COLLEGE: area residents: . 1530 w. l?th St., Santa Ana; UO ~VINE: Ir vt n e, t e I e phone, 5 4 7 -9 5 61 ; Callforrua; telephone, 8 3 3 • enrollment: 7,107: tw1>-year 5011 ; e~ollment : 4 ,_12 3 : junior college with extended scope: runth campus m the day and evening programs· University of C a 1 i to r n i a tuition-free curriculum o(f~ system, opened in the fall of credit toward degrees in many 1965. Olfm full progtams subjects; the associate of arts leading to bachelor of arts is granted upon successful and masters degrees; TI\OSt completion of the tw1>-year departments Include doctor of program; faculty: 210. philosophy programs. Medical PRIVATE COLLEGES school opened In the fall or CHAPMAN COLLEGE· 333 1961 with an enrollment of N. GlasselJ, or a n.g e; ~75; faculty: 270. teJ e p b 0 n e, fS3 3 . 88 2 1 ; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA enrollment: 1,721; four.year OOLLEGE: 2525 Newport college offering 2 2 un- Blvd., Costa Mesa; t~ephone, dergraduate majors leading to 545-1178; enrollment 5 3' ; a bachelor's degree in arts: scope: four-year li~ral arts master's programs in history, college, the oldest in Orange education, counseling a n d County, oCferlng a bachelor teaching· courses leading to of arts degree in the classic teacbing'credentlals. Chapman humanities, SC!e~ce. social conaucts a separate World sciences and religion; faculty: Campus Afloat program in 30. which 500 students study ORANGE C 0 A ST COL-abroad and aboard ship each LEGE: 2701 Fairview Road. semester. Faculty: 120. Costa Mesa; telephone, 8J4. ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE : 5651; enrollment: 16. 2 0 0; 380 S. Batavia, Or an g e ; scope: two-year junior college t e 1 e p bone : s 38 -3533· offer~g ~Y and night _rn. enrollment: 300; scope: ~ struct1on with courses leadmg four-year liberal arts college to an associate of art~. degree since 1959; primarily designed in 71 fields. The tuition-free to educate and train Roman curriculum also o ff e r s Catholic nuns to serve as technical and v o c a t i o n a 1 teachers in Catholic parochial training ; faculty: 212. schools. St. Joseph also gives GOLDEN WEST JV1'10R liberal arts tralnlng to sisters COLLEGE : 15744 Go Iden who later join the order's West, Huntington Be a ch ; nursing program: in the fall, t e 1 e p h on e 8 9 2 -7 7 1 1 : it combined with the Mary- enrollment: 3200: scope: two-mount of Loyola Campus in year junior college wit h ~ay Los Angeles. Faculty: 15. and evening programs offering WEST COAST UNIVERSI- an associate of arts degree TY: Orange County Cen- in various fields; faculty: 108. teri 550 Main St., Orange; CALIFORNIA STATE COL-te ephone,547-Hll; LEGE, FULLERTON: 800 N. enrollment: 500; fa culty : 21. State College Blvd., Fullerton; Offers a comprehensive even- t a le p h o n e , 8 7 O -2 O 11 ; Ing program leading to . a enrollment: J0,657; scope : bachelor of aclence degree 1n- four-year college leading to electrical e n g 1 n e e r i n g , a bachelor'• degree in 2S ma· mecbanlcal engineering, ap- Jor fields; work leading to plied. mathematics, applied a master's degree In 22 Uelds ; physics or compute science. course! leading to teaching PAROCHIAL WGR SCHOOLS credentials ; faculty: 418. BAPTIST FULLERTON J u N I 0 R e E R IT A G E H ( G e SCHOOL: 227 N. Magnolia Ave., Anaheim; telephone, 827· 4140; enrollment, 292; junior and senior high, school; prin- cipal, Donald H. Wescott; tui- tion, $600 and $700 per year. ROMAN CATHOLIC CORNELIA CONNEU. Y HJQH SCHOOL, 2323 W. B r o a d w a y , A n a heim: telephone, 776-1717; enroll· ment, 320; grades 9 through 12; principal Sister Rita C. Cllggett; tultlon, $400 per year. M ARYWOOD CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, 28U Villa Rea l Drive, Orange , Telephone, 837·1450; enroll- ment, 570; grades t throug}l 12; tuition '350 per year; p&- cipal: Sister Virginia Marie. MATER DEi BIG B SCHOOL: 1202 W. Edinger Ave., Santa Ana: telephone, 649-1148: enrollment, 18 O O , grades t through 12; principal, the Very Reverend Msgr. John J. Reilly, tuiUon, $200 per year. ROSARY WGB SCHOOL: 1S4-0 N. Acacia, Fullerton; telephone, 8'1N30i; fully ac- credited, grades t through 12; rates vary, according to number of children ln school; principal, Sister Marla Jean- ne. SERVITE WGB SCHOOL: 1952 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim; telephone, 774--7575; enrollment, 700; grades 9 through U, tuition, $400 per year; princJpal, Fath er Charles M. Motsko. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT- IST ACADEMY: 13732 Cllngon Ave., Garden Grove; tele- phone, 534-4694, enrollment: elementary school, 300; high school, 140; grades one through . twelve; principal, Robert Hamilton; tuition var- ies for members of Sevenlh- day Adventist Church and non- members. PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOLS COPRE CO.EDUCATIONAL COU.EGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL: 105 Malo Street, Balboa, 673-8610; grades seven through 12; enrollment: 80; emphaslt on sciences and the languages : sraduates qualify for high school diploma. Tui- tion: $1,400 per year for day students and $3,000 for five- day-a-week llve-ln atudents. Head prefect: Wayne Weber. Faculty: 14 professors, one clinical psychologist. PAROCBIAL EL'EMENTARY SCHOOLS ASSEMBLY OF GOD COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa; telephone, S48- U8 l; enrollment, 225, grades (Coatlnaecl •Page 14) CALL llnt.••~-1!1~ for PREFERRED ••• TEMPORARY OFFICE HELP ttH-YOH COMMUNITY Anaheim ffl.4311 Costa M91a 646-7451 TO THE MAN WHO THINKS SYSTEMS A few special questions from Atlantic Research Corporation's Missile Systems Division. Do you enjoy the challenae of enginHrlng In the total system• concept ••• do you want the opportunity to work with a small aroup of your peers -so that your work will be recognized and utilized ••• would you appreciate the advantaees of en all new facility In beautiful Costa Mesa, Callfornla . If you're a creative, degreed engineer, can answer yes to the above questions, and have an Interest or ta.xoerlence lrt RP Systems • Marine Systems Spacecraft Systems • Guidance Systems wt w1nt to t1lk with you, Submit your re•wme to: Mr. Ltt Kelly, (714) 546-IG30 3333 H1rbor Blvd., Cotti Mff1, C1llf. 92626 13SS Hirbor Blvd., Costi Me-sl. Ca lif. 92626 ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of Susquehanna Corp. An 1qu1I opportunity •mitlover ·~=11 • 'I ' "' ,., ) . ' ~II " I •• 'l· GRAND OPBflNG OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the w orld) -e genuine, honest -to·ioodness BUG-A- BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was b ound to happen, a nd Iverson thought of itl l verson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful in t he United States. Conceived with an artistic flair. it houses t he very latest in service and diagnostic equipment, and Is a perfect showcase for dis· playing the latest changes in the Volkswagen l ine (that is, if you can sJ:>ot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the work:i's first BUG·A ·BALOO, lver•on will give away e sparklin& new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwiM known as "The Bua"). All you have to do is P•Y us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG·A ·BALOO, now la your opportunity to be •mona the firatl At the BUG·A·BALOO, you'n s•• the latest in Vofl<awaaene and Porachea, withm • layout the likes of w h:ic::h ~u·ve never aeen beforel BUG-A-BALOO rrefreshmenta await ttroae that CARE to see aomething d;ff9rentl Now' a the time w put a "Bua'' In your house! . . \• . 7 Million Enjoy Newport's Beaches tt llarted out as a bad year for N.wpori's beilcbes. the Santa Barbara oil blowout and lhips at sea. have been -Ot art being solved -and t.be clty'a dozen beaches et.ill provide a n estimMed 7 million persons alllUlllll_y w1&h ~eua.nL days in die surf and tun. Maay were polluted by 1ena1 from Lbe Santa Ana Riv«, others were covered by ltonn-cpawned deb/is, still others apotted by oil from In addition to that, the sea Itself chewed out huge chunks of beadUront durinJ peri<>t!ic ercslon crises. But all those difficulties T£0 of the beaches are city ' ,.. OAIL Y PILOT ltlff PMI• BIG CROWD AT BIG CORONA (AND SUMMER HASN'T ARRIVED YET) Populu Public BNch Optrated Jointly By City And State DELANCY REAL ESTATE DeM Friends, 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY. CORONA DEL MAR CALIFORNIA 92625 (714) 673-3770 May I toke this opportunity to thank eoch of you for th1 contin ued trust you hove shown in Deloney Real Estote by el. lowing us to represent you in buying ond selling yo ur Corono 'del Mar properties. During the post year we have acted in your beholf os conscientiously os if eoch property sold were owned by us and I pledge our compony to continue the same quolity service and effort thot hos brought us the unprecedented soles record of more thon $2.559,820.00 in soles during the first 3 months of 1969. If you ore consiaorin9 buying or selling reol estate in Corona del M~r, coll '673 -3770, where the "Action" ts! Sincerely, DAVID P. DI LANCY Delancy Real Estate, 2821 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar l'H-YOVR COMMUHITT operated; one fs a joint city· i.tate facility. The 12th ls privately operated on a county lease. Just under "1ltne miles 6f waterfront are included in tlle beach areas. Hm Is a com. plete list of them: -Newport -B a Ibo a, stretching 93 blocks from the Santa Ana River jetty to the "Wt>dge" at the tip of Balboa Peninsula. -Seven small beaches fron· ting on Newport Harbor at peninsula street~. They are 38th, 19th, 17th, 10th and Montero streets, 43rd and Riv- er and Bay View. -Another small beach at Ruby Avenue and Bay Front on Balboa Island. -Corona del Mar (Big Corona) City-Stale Be a ch Park. ' -Little Corona Beach In a cove just south of Big Corona. -Newport Dunes, a privately-oi>erated 7 8-a c r e recreational faclllty on county· owned property ln the Upper Bay. · . The city'a Marine Safely Department protects all the beaches,_ except N e w p o r t Dunes, with a ll!eguard crew that numbers 79 personnel in summectime. The department is also charted wlth the responsibility, ot course, of patrolling every inch of tho city's total water frontage of 41 miles, inc)ucUng bay and oceanfront. The task ls ac- complished with two high- powered rescue boats and several Jeeps. Lifeguards are on duty ma11· ning all 28 t-0wers every sum- mer's day generally from 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m. Jeep patrols take over then until 10 p.m. when most of the public beaches art closed. Police then assume the patrol Skindlvers and SC U B A divers with uncovered spears are prohibited from using the beaches at all Umes. And surfboard enthusiasts· a r e restricted as to areas and times in which surfing ;s permitted. During the summer season -officially June 12 througb City R.eadies For Industry Costa Mesa has 1,200 acres of land still avaiable for in- dustrial development. Three freeways and an airport, plus readily acceas1bte utilities, are available to serve new in· dustry as ft moves lnt-0 the _city. Sept. 14 -surfers may use the beach from 19th to ~b streets from 7:30 a.m. to noon. In tbe artemooo, the aurting area shltts to the sands between 30lh Street and the Santa Ana River. Afternoon surfing begins at 4 p.m. and continues until sunset. The regulations, however. are flexible. Lifeguards at 1117 time may cance~ surfing wheo the boards are creating too much of a hazard to swim· mers. Llfeguards do so by hoisting a yellow and black "black-ball'' flag. Surfers wbc. don't heed il are subject to citations. Al Big Corona, the sport is permitted from S a.m. unUl noon any day during seasoft and reopens al 2 p.m. until cl<~ing at sunset. Same rules apply at Little Corona Beach. Both are sub- ject to "blackball" flag. . Prior to June 12 and after Sept. 14, ll!eguards determlnt where and when surfing ii allowed. One more regulation for Newport's surfers: ever '1 board must be llceMed. The decal fee ls fa. Swimmers, too, must adhere to regulations, but they're not very comple.i. L l t t e r I n 1J , drinking on · the b e a c b " unleashed peta and fires are banned. Plcnlcklng 11 allowed, except at bayfroot beaches. Business -Profession.I -Residential TELEPHONE ANiWERING Bua1&u 24 Hours or Busineu Answering Al operators specia~y TRAINED by Video Sonic TAl'S Additional Features • PAGEMASTER RADIO PAGING • WAKE-UP SERVICE • VACATION SERVICE • BURGLAR ALARM SERVICE • MAIL SERVICE Serving Or•ng• County Sine• 1952 locateCI 336 East 17th Street Costa Mesa, Califomia •• 'I 't l -... --=-----·-------·· First Level · Schools Abound • Ill Area (Con&ued from Page 11) pre-school through alxth; prln- cipal, Mrs. Sybll McCorkle. BAPTIST FIRST B A P T IS T DAY SCllOOL: 301 Mqnolla St., Costa Mesa, telephone, 548- 2840; enrollment, 100; grades, tlnder1arten througb 6th; ad- Jninlstrator, Gerald Forby. EPISCOPAL BARBOR DAY SCHOOL: J'ifth Street and Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mar ; telephone 673-1520; enrollment, 164; grades , kindergarten through junior high; head- master, John F. Marder Jr. LUTHERAN (AMERICAN) PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN: 2987 M e a a Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, telephone, 549--0562; enroll- ment, 260: grades, kin- dergarten through sixth; prin- cipal, Miss Esther Olson. LUTHERAN ( M I S S 0 U R I NB Tax Rate: Why So High? The cHy tax rate In Newport Beach Js fl.225. That's little higher than neighboring Costa Mesa, whose rate rounds off •t a dollar, but Newport of- f iclals point om that their levy lncludes library se r v i c ea , atreet lighting and t-rash pickup Bel'Vices. These are ex- tra taxes in Cost.a Mesa. DROP IN AND SEE US SOON AT ONE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S OUTSTANDING LINCOLN/MERCURY DEALERSHIPS. SYNOD) CHRIST LUTHERAN SCHOOL: 7eG Victoria St., Costa Mesa, telephone, ~ 6866; enrollment 180; irades kindergarten through eight; principal, G. Edmund Stelling. ROMAN CATBOIJC .. ST. JOACHIM: 1934 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa; telephone, 648-1783; enrollment, 3 • 1 ; grades one through eight, principal, Sister Adele Marie. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: 1021 Baker St., Costa Mesa; telephone, 545-2712; enroll· ment, 790; grades one through eight, principal, Sister Mary dolores . OUR LADY QUEEN OF ANGELS: 750 Domingo Drive, Newport Beach; telephone, 644-1166; enrollment, 2 8 O ; grades one through eight; principal, Sister M 1 c h a e 1 Ellen. PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS CARDEN HALL: 1 5 4 l Monrovia Ave., Ne w port Beach; telephone, 548-1139; enrollment, 408; grades junior primary through e 1 g h t h ; director, Mrs. Pat r I cl a Gilbert. CL AV I S MONTESSORI SCHOOL: 1525 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, telephone, 8~06; enrollment, 23; pre- Scbool, ages two and one-half through five; grades one through three; teacher: Mrs. Elodla Smith. .JObDSOD+&OD Lllllll 1118T8HMTAL • lCHll JI• llllUIY • llHAI 2'16 HAllOI ILYD,. COSTA MHA 540-1630 EVREMONT. ICllOOL: 261 Me>nU Vtata Ave., Costa Meta; telephone, 146-1170; enrollment 82; arades, ldn- dergarten throutb t l g h t b ; director, E. Tweed Stone. WUON WAY: 157 Vktoria St., Costa Me.aa; ~lepbone, 842-0411; enrollment, 7 51 grades, readlnesa t b r o u a h sixth; director, C b a r l e a Wilson. P~BOOLS AND NURSERIES A N N A ' S PRE.SCHOOL NURSERY: 2110 Tburtn Ave., Costa Mesa; telephone 646- 1444. An arts, crafts and music program for cblldren from two throueh first grade. IDLLTOP NURSERY SCHOOL: 1259 Victoria Ave., Costa Mesa; telephone 646- 4652. A program of creative arts, music, science and Fine , Fees Pay City Bill Less than ooe-third o l Newport Beach'• municipal ln- coine comes from property taxes. 'lbt city'• total revenue this year b projected at $9.2 mlllloo. Property taxes provide $2.7 million. 'lbe rest comes from spec:lal fees, fiDet and ()ther sources, such u rental of city- owned property. literature for chlldrto from two Yeafl nln• mcn1ha to kl n d •r carte n ; mothers cooperate by asalttinc direc- tor. COSTA MESA P RE· SCHOOL: 17" Monrovia Ave., Costa Mesa; telephone 143- 9803; Art arta, craft& 8'ld music pl"Oifam for children from 2 through 8. JL\NSEL AND GRETEL P L A Y H 0 U 8 E : 2656-A Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ; telephone, 548-2134. Children from two through !ix learn ABC's and numbers plus arts, crafts and music. PLAYMAT ES PRE · SCHOOL: 1937 Church St., Costa Mesa,~; also at 795 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa, 50t-1919; .baa pre-school full-day arts, mu.slc and crafta program; afteNcbool pro- gram for ages • through 10; summer program, ages 2 through 10. ST. ANDREW'S P R E - SCHOOL: 600 St. Andrew's Road, Newport Be a c b ; telephone, M&-71'7; only 4- year olds; lndoor-oufdoor pro- gram of arts, crafts, music and play. SUNSIDNE COMMUNITY NURSERY SCHOOL: Mesa Verde Methodist Church, 1700 Mesa Verde Drive; Costa Mesa; telephone. ~1183; arts and crafll program for ages 2 years 9 mootbl throogb kindera arttn; partn~ cooperate by 1 aa h U n I teacher~. EAST BLUFF P R E· SCHOOL: 2601 Vista Del Oro, Newport Beach; telephone, 644-0'232. Reading readiness, music, art and science pro- gram for children 2'72 to 8. CANDY CANE LANE PRE- SCHOOL: 2700 Peterson Way, Costa Mesa,546-1294; dancing, singing, art, reading readiness and free play for chlldreo ages 2 through 6. HAPPYLAND PRE- SCHOOL INC., 398 University Drive, Costa Mesa, telephone 548-3771; arts and craftl, music, reading readiness and creative play for ages t~ through 51h. JUMPING JACK P R E - SCHOOL, 2549 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa, 646--0677; ages 2 through 5 participate in a pro- gram of play in a large yard, crafts and music. M~A VERDE PRE· SCHOOL, 3013 Deodar St.; Costa Mesa; telephone 546- 3244; ages 2 through 8 participate in creaUvt play, science, music and art ex· perienees. and outdoor •c· liviUes. RANCHO ME.U PRE . SCHOOL, 190 W. l&tbt Costa Mes a ; telephone .._; Ages 2~ to a YW'I learn about music and ert, ltudy science, listen to stories, 1nd Indulge in dramatic play. WEST BAY PRESCHOOL, 277 Moote Vista Ave., Costa M e s a ; telephone ~2760; ages 2_through I; languaae development, art, o u t d o o t' play, cooking, science. FAIRVIEW BAPTIST PRE- SCHOOL, 2~:!5 Fairview Drive, Costa Mesa, telephone &40.- 6070; a semi-cooperative pro- gram in wh ich parents have option of assisting, it they care to. Morning and af- t.ernoon h a I f -d a y sessions; ages 3 to 5; creative play, science, music, a r t tX· periences, outdoor play. COSTA MESA CRRISnAN PRE-SCHOOL, 740 W 1 1 t Wilso:i Ct.. Costa M e a a , telaphone 54847M; see Coata J\Jesa CllrisUan tcaool. A SSEMBLY PRESCHOOL, MES'A NEW PORT 140 22nd . St., Costa Me.sa; telephone, 645-2323 ; age.s 21.~ to 5, k ssons in science, health, learning numbers, outdoor ac- tivities, arts and crafts. SCC Now Stretches Skyward On the same ground where World War ll flying cadets of the old Santa Ana Army Air Bast figuraUvely reached for the sky, Southern California College's buildings today literally 1 t r e t c h skyward. Already a seven-story men's residence bullding pierces the sky above the campus and construction is soon to begin on its twin -a women'• high rise residence building ex- pected to be completed by the second semester of the 1969--70 school ye.ar. Most of the $650,000 needed for a new education building on the campus at 2525 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, already has been raised and that structure soon will be added to the county'a oldest college. The school, cons J d ere d virtually a "seminary" by most local residents when it moved here from Pasadena in 1950, will celebrate its 60th anniversary next year. Though subsidized by the Assemblies of God churches, it has gradually come to be regarded more and more by the general community as a four-year liberal arts college, which It is. Its broad-base curriculum has brought increased enroll- ment each year {currently enrollment is 534, of which 293 are men and 241 are women) and Us 1 0 .. y e a r master plan, now nearing complelion, has. been responsi- ble for the gorwing number of modern buildings on its landscaped campus. But the college headed by Dr. 0. Cope Budge, president, still has vestiges of the old Santa Ana Army Air Base. Onetime barracks buildings are still sandwiched i n between the new buildings and freshly planted shrubs. In addition to Dr. Budge, college oUicials include John Lackey, academic dean ; Alf(ed Cawston, dean o f students; and Dr. J. Calvin Holsinger, director of ad- missions. The phone number is $45- 1178. Sign of a REAL ESTATE Service Station Yu , thia t mblt m reprttenh t nother I.incl of ••"' "¥ice tt.110111 en lnclivicluel who, because of hit yu rt of trel11i119, it eq11ippecl to J rutio lly therlt ll the tlmt rtquirtd to loc1te • b"t v1lue holl'le fer your 1ptclel n .. ch . C1ll 1 Reillor -for speedy, knowledgable service lltwporl Harbor, Cosl1 Mesa lolrd of Realtors .. YOUI COMMUMm -UH Newport's Newest Park Above CdM Hills the Irvine Co. and other developers, has constructed more than 58 acres in other neighborhood parks through · out the community. The city also has Jncreascd Weiter· oriented-activities for ye3l'- round beach and swimming enthusiasts. In adclitiion, the Parks. Beaches and R e c re a t i o n Department of£ers instruction In almost every form of o r & a n i z e d r e c r eation throucbout the year. For a small fee. courses can be taken ln tennis, sailing, badminton, volleyball, golf, gymnastics, fishing, modern dance, dog obedience, floweL· arrangement, o i 1 palnting, bridge, sewing, basketball. 10ftbalJ, self de!ense, physical conditioning and d r a m a t i c technlques. · Summer aquatic specialilies are recreational swim, swim t e a m , synchronized swim- ming, diving, lifesaving, swim- ming foor the handicapped, junior froemen and surfing. Many activities are broken down into chlldrcn's, teen·age and adult groups or divided between beginners and ad- vanced. benches, lawn area a n d pathways. lrvfue Terrace · P a r t • Malabar and Avita, Irvine Terrace, seven acres, lawn area, view benches. restrooms, play equipment, ocean and bay view. Las Arenas Park, Hilb Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport, two and a baU acres, tennis courts, play equipment, shuffleboard, picnic area and barbecue. Mariners Park, Dover Drive and Irvine, Harbor Highla nds, six acres, adjacent to six acres of school g r o u n d , softball, restrooms, p I a y equipment, picnic tables and barbecues. Pealn.su.la Park, "A"' Street and Ocean Front, Balboa, five acres, volleyball, baseball. restrooms, lawn area, picnic tables and play equipment. Thirty-Eighth Street Park, 38th Street and· Balboa Boulevard, West Newport, two acres, volleyball, shuffleboard, basketball, restrooms, play equipment and picnic tables. NIGHT NETTERS -Tennis players don't have to let a little thing like darkness stop them since re- cent completion of this night-lighted set of courts at DAILY PILOT ,.. .. lrf a 1c111n1 KMlllu Mariner& Park, adjacent to Mariners School in New- port Beach. City also has tennis courts in several other locations. 'Ibrougb the cooperation of the Newport-Mesa U n i r i e d School district Board o f Education, many s c h o o I facllltlea are available to the public for addltiOnal recrea- tion uperience. WcstcUff Park, Westcli!f and Polaris, Dover Shores, three acres, upper bay view and off street parking. West Jetty Park and Ude Part, Mch situated on one half acre of land, offer benches and bay views. Buffalo HDI1 Park, o f course, rounds out the list . ANNOUNCEMENT -ANNOUNCEMENT COSTA MESA'S ANNUAL YELLOW BOOK CLASS IFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ., represented in the Membership of the Cost• Mes• Chamber of Commerce with 60,000 circul•tion in Costa Mese' Trade Aru of 250,000 includin9 Costa MHa, Newport Beach, Ba lboa, Lido Isle, Balboa lsl•nd, Coron• del Mar. Irv ine, E•st Bluff, Irvine Industrial Complex, and adjacent •reu of Huntington BHch •nd Fount•in Valley, will be delivered during the wHk of April 27, If you do not receive your copy, phone the Cost• M.sa Chamber of Commerce, 6'46-0536 Ml. IUSINESSMANI .......................... , ...... . DI....., .. ,_ M ... 1 .W, l e&Nr, c"'9ct ... c... ..... a ... , .. c~. IU Weet 1 M lfNtt, C.... .._., '4MIH, ht '"' ffr111'1 ._ .. ..,..le tlle ......... --'"-" -- • 'What's Jong and green and lies 1n the hills above Corona del Mar? Newport Beach's newest park, its Hth. Buffalo lUlls Park is an eight-acre public recreational facility located tn the Upper Harbor View Hills resjdential development. The serpentine-shaped ~rte, ranging in width from a couple of thousand {e« at its top to 80 feet at Jts waist, was donated to the city last year by the Irvine Co. ~e city, using lees charged bwJders, this year is paying for all the 1 a n.d s cap in g, b a s e b a 11 d1amoncls, play- ground_ equipment and picnic areas. During the past decade, the city, with the cooperation of Busine ·s Pays In Cos ta Mesa DurW, the last fiscal year, 5 , O 5 4 lndivldual businesses paid tbt City of Costa Me$a more than S250,000 in business licenst fees. Municipal parks, t h e I r faclllt.Jes and attractions are at the following locations: BecOlda Park, First SW!et and 8epla, Corona del Mar, situated ori three acres, ofiers lawn area. vlew benches, and free play area. ~ Piaee Part, Chan- nel Place and f.tth Street, Welt Newport, ol~s hay swimmjng, softball and play equipment. CUlf Drtve Park, Cliff Drive and Riverside A v e n u e , Newport Height!, five acres, Jawn, view benches, Boy Scout House, picnic tables and barbecuea. C.mmanlty Youth Center (Grut UowaJd Park), SU1 street and Ira, Corona del Mar; four acres, community buJldloi, lJghted ball field, pJc- nic ground, tennis courts, play equipment and basketball courts. Ea1tbluf1 Park, Vista del Oro and Vista del Sol, Eastbluff, 14 acres, ball dia- mond, restrooms, p I c n i c tables, play equipment and barbecues. Ga1u)' Part, Galaxy Drive, Dover Shores, one and a half 1cres, upper ~ v l e w , Two public piers located tn Balboa and Newport Beach, are each 1,000 feet long, and offer fishing, live bah, food concessions and a view oC au water-oriented activltles. Schools offering facilities for recreation are Harbor High, Horace Elllign, Corona del Mar, Newport Heigh t s . Mariners ~ Corona del Mar High School. For r«ftatloo~ information contact the-' Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department, 1714 W. Balboa B I v d . , telephone 671-3180. Buying,_ Selling P ower Detailed Residents of the City or Costa Mesa have a combined annual effective buying in- come of $225 million; average family income ia $10,200. The city's IS shopping areas (including all cat.egorles from the d o w n t o w n commercial area to small neighborhood centers and the regional South Coast Plaza) generate more than $8 mlllion in annual retail sales. NOACK'S TROPHY & ENGRAVING COMPANY Commercial, Name Plates, Templates Hand le Machine Engraving Done On Premises e VISI1 OUR UNIQUE GIFT SHOP e WE S,ECIALIZE IN .. Im FO-ALL OCCASIONS CeM,l1t• Nlecti .. ef tf.llewere incl '•wiet Ol'IN DAILY l 1Jl•l :Jt Chtlll.., lty ~·t.J 102 E. 16th St. (at Superior), Costa Mesa 64&-31U .. MAY PILOT 15 ........... .. ... ... . ----.....--- . a new life st~ with a view! '**' .CRO ·VALLEY UIG LAIOS ... Niguel by .. Sealln ..... .,,. Uigl.N ._,.. 8y The lwhora. A WltlllV ~ MN Hanle .nth A Big Vtft ft A New~ .. • OM\ 9-d\I They Colt rrom lMI n.i". $23,000-Md you own the land! Hlfft ....... ._...,er.. Vr/Wf HlgtMnda la I MW.....,,..., ... Int.., ku Mct'oom bden Homee -II llM'I lf-.i bei9I, WlllcwlY&. wf play .,. .... n 1W1Y home• a...,...,., ~iewl 11'1 II\ '-"' ..... 8y Thi leMhott. with IOhoolt, ~ a~ leM, I prlvall OOUntly GlilD and t<* 4IOUfMi a"*' dlAa Ind 1-.... ti.II dub-,PWI. ~own dHlnQ Mli'9 In! beldj .11111 flu lritUll tom Norti AIMricien ....... .... ~ DMlla ... J now! ~ ..... -.., 11a.a8'*1-•-......... r.-.-r"14J~ LAGUNA NIG~ CORPOltATJON en ............. ,,..,u.-....... ~...,, cn41 w.nei CN•> ... ,... r 141 • -.m1 •t .......... -.-.. -....1..w __________ ...,._ @ anew life style you can afford I anew life style wt th your own· bncht SEE the CllWll YMll'f --Display In the ecAROUSEl OF PROGRESS AT.l)i~l4ud ·-~- _,.. .... ,_ NIOWl.TOll ,._0, A Al..\. OMCI.-A.. NtOOl, A I A. A-01\111 .. ~A..1 4. ,........, .. , 11.VOCV-- anew life style lnan Ideal climate I YOUI COMM .. NITT -UH . ' ' ,,. There~s A f;hur.eh. H~re for All 11 ANN BADOLATO De~ PMtl ~II Ullw Varietlts and numbers run to larte sizes in the Harbor Area. And a big part of tbe varieties and numbers game in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area is reUgiou. Virtually every kind ot faith has a place of worship her~. Some are ornate churches. others are synago~ues and 1<>me are just "borrowed" buildings which C u r n i s h meeting places for young Cilll· p-egations. Historically, religion has provided the q>a.rlt for the establlshment of n e w COID• munltles of men -from the first colony 'at Plymouth Rock on the Atlantic to t h e establishment ot F a t h e r Junlpero Serra's string ot mWions along the coastliDe of the Pacific. 'lbe newest religious spark -the spirit of ecurneoam and cooperation a m o o I churches -is widespread in the Harbor Area . One vehicle for this move-- ment is the Newport Harbor Council of Churches, a group which sponsors religious and social programs for the com· munity. Harbor area churches' in-terest in community problems which go beyond religion per st ii evident in the council'• membership In the Orange County Fair Housing Council. The Council of Churches also is working toward th t establbhment of a ministerial association. One project for the Newport Harbor Council or Cburcbel ii FISH, an emergency help service. Volwiteers, ready to rMPODd to a telephone call (the number is 64UGID) around the clock, provide emergency aid for the com· munlty, such as helping peoplt get to • hospital. The names, a d d r e a 1 e s • telephone numbers a n d lm'tce achedule.s ot t h • churches wbicb serve the Harbor Area are listed oa thlJ paie. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Evuiet ·![em pie of Colla Mesa, 1090 Paularino Ave.; 5"-m; the Rev. V. H. Math.an. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Flnt AssemWy el GM CblU. comer of 22nd and Elden Avenues, Costa Mesa; MUTSl; the Rev. M. C. Cronk:. Services at 9:30, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Glacl Tid.iap Assembly tf God Ckarcb. 15th Streel and Maorovla Avenue, Newport Beach; 646-6620; the Rev. 'Ibomu Benvenuti, ~-. Services at 9:•5, 10:50 a.m. and 1 p.m. llarf>or Assembly ol CW t'Urcl, 740 W. Wllsoo S&., Colta Mesa; 54H1V7; the Rev. V. L. Hertweck. Sen1ces at 10:50 a.m. and 7 p.m. BAHA'I BU.'l Celltu, ~ Victoria St., Costa Mesa. For tn. •••. J..,.,. ... ., ~ ~ l·• 1tH-JOUl COMMUHITT ' formation about tbe Costa Kesa croup call 5#-3215 or S&-2005. BAPTIST Fainiew Baptist aa.aru, 2SZ5 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa; 545-4610; the Rev. Mel\'fn V. Taylor, 5"6-1533. Services at 9 and IO a.m. Pint Baptist Cllurch of C.... Mela, 301 Magnolia St., Colla Kea: 541-1733; Dr. P. O. Neumaoo. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. lllntr Trtalty Ba,eld Ollra, 1UO Bater St., Colt& Meu: IG-7111; the Rev. ClJde Ced. Services at t :45, 11 I .ID. and 7 p.m. U.tvenit)' Baptist CMrdl, Cnrea Avenue and S E P&f!Mdes Road, Santa Ana IWIN', 54Um; the Rev. Wl1lJam 8. Acton, 54M031. Services at t :U , 11 a.m. and ., p.m. BAPTIST, SOtrrHERN Pint Soatlatta BaptW ~ l50 Hamilton St., Colt& Mesa: 642-9181; tht Rev. Bob Sclunelt.ekopf. Servicea at t:•s. 11 a.m. and • and 7 p.m. QIBISTIAN Flnt OlrWM Chrdl tf COlta Mesa, 'Ill Vldoria St., Colla Meu; 648-4'711; Pastor James Piercy, 5 U • u u . Ser9ba at 8:30 aod 10:40 a.m. and' p.m. &.-QrbUaa Cllilud. meetinc at Barpet EJemeo. W, School. 425 E. 11th St.. Coata M .. ; Dr. D. W. McEJro1, ..,.._, Srvices at 10:41 LJD. • CBBJmAN SCIENCE First ClmcJa of Cbrlst SdH&bt. Colg Mesa, 2880 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, MNOll;· R e ad in g Room.• Y.esa Verde Drive, CoMa Mesa, 548-3021. Services at 9:15, 11 a.m. Ftnt Oard of Cluist SdeaUat, Newport Beach 3303 V1a Udo, Newport Beach; f13. lH>; Reading Room, 3315 Via Lido, Newport Beach; f13. 1151. Servicel at t :15, 11 a.m. See..a Clmda of Orist lelelldlt, fttwport Beach, SlOO Pacl& View Drive, Corona del Mar. 17S-1G4; Reading Boom • E. Cout Higbway. SenSca at 10 a.m. Cbardl of Cllrkt, %87 w. WilJon St., Calta Mesa; 548- 5711; mlnlster, Du a n e Mayfield. MMIOO. Scfvices at t :G, 11:41 a.m. and• p.m. CBUBCB OF JEWS CBRIST OP LATl'ER-DAY SAINTS Ctlta ..._ W ... IOl Dover Drtn, Newport Beach ; Ma- 4132; Bilbop Geroge Hunter. Serv1cet at I a.m. and 4 p.m. Newport Beadl Ward, 801 Dover Drive, Newport Beach; 646-MOl; Bishop Harold J. Asplund, Mt-1445. Services at 9:30, 11 a.m. and S p.m. Cll&a Mesa COJlil'eiation ot tM Reorpnbed Church ol Latw 0., Saints, meets at Oranc• County Fairgrounds, 8aada7 ICboal' at t :M a.m.; sen1cu at 11 a.m. Heliotrope Ave. Corona del Mar; f73...4000; Dr. Philip G. Murray; 673-Wl. Services 10 a.m. P 1 ymoaU. Coacreiadeul Oma ol Newpert BarW, 3262 Broad St., New port Beach: &42-2740; the Rev. Norman L. Brown. Service at 10 a.m. EPISCOPAL St. Jame1 Epbclfll a.rel, 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beacb; 675-0210; the Rev. Jotn P. Ashey. Serv1ces at 7:•, • and 11 a.m. St. Joa ..._ Dhlae Epbcopa1 t'hrdl, -Oranc• Ave., Costa Mesa; ~; the Rev. John W. Donaldson, seam. Services at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Mlcbel'1 ... AD Aqell' Epbcopa1 aatarm, ms Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar; 644-0t63, the Rev. Johll Rosu• Davis, 14&-1908, Services at I and 9:30 a.m. FOURSQUARE G06P£L c..ta Mesa r..,..an can.ra., l'IM Orance Ave., CoU M•: 54MfSS; the Rev. W. w. 1£un1a, ... 1517. Sen1ctl at. t :CS, l1 a.m. and 7 p.m. INDEPENDENT P'lJNDAMEN'l'AL CalQrJ atpel meetlnc It Newport Harbor L u \ h t r a a Curds. ISOO CWf Drive; ... ts1J; tbt Rn. Charles SmltlL SerYb at 2:• p.m. a.od lO:IO a.m. aad 7 p.m. I NT DDENOlllNA110NAL BnMwtM Q8pel, 2 7 J Monte Vista, Costa Mesa; MS- .. ; tbt Rev. Charles ""T. Jor1enson. Servicea at 9:45. 11 a.m. and 7:38 p.m. MM'lllen ~ll, meeting at Corona del Mar High School; the Rev. R o y Thompson, 142-7114. Service at lt a.m. JEHOVAH'S~ c..ta Mesa CMcrel.U.. ti .,...,.., Wlllleaes, (West Unit) 22T1 Caeyon rxive, Costa Kesa, • u. 5144 ; mlnllter, VerDOtl Mikkeben. Services on 'l'!lursday, 'I:• p.m. and Sunday, 1 p.m. Newpert Bad Coacnp. .._ti Jelaovu'1 ~ t:rl7 Canyon Drive. Cos~ Mela,..._.: Dilnlster Calvin Ochlaer, -.rr•. Services on Friday, 7:• ,.m .. and~. t:ao a.m. U1TBBIUN, AMERICAN WTllDAN CHURCH Ne..,.n Barbor Latlleru Cllmt*, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beacb; 541-31.31; the Rev. Jamea Blain, 54Mm. Services at 1:30 and 11 a.m. Pmce tf JleKe. IAtkru Clmda, ltl7 Mesa Verde Drive, Colla Me11; 54H5Zl; the Rev. Andrew c. Anderson; Mf.flM. Services at I, 9:30, ud 11: 15 a.m. 1.l11'BBaAN,Ll1'J'BERAN CllURal 1N AMERICA ' • rr• Cllllrdl If &lie Muter, -Pacific Vie• Drive, Corona del Mar; 173- 5022; Dr. Willlam R. Eller; Services at I:~. t :45, and 11 a.m. Ll11'BEMN, MISSOURI SYNOD CllrW ......... a.rm .. C... Mela, 7IO VJdorla St., eoa ice..; MMtM: tbe Rt,, LoCbar TOl"DOW. Services at 1:11aod11 a.m. MB'l'llODllT ........... Com.m..aty MeAr•t a.rd. 115 Agate Avt., Baiboe lllaDd: 17~; tbt Bn. Don A. Barrett. Servtcee at 1:15 and 9:30 a.m. c.rw a..rm lay die Sea c.m.• ........... ca.re., 1401 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport BeAdl; ,,,,_: the Rev. JllDll H. Lambretb; 541-504.. 8entctl at t i• and 11 1.m. Y oudl Jl'Oll'&m at • :3'. Plrwt 11.u.I MeOtdh l ~ ., c... Men, 428 W. ltth It., Cotta Mesa ; 548-rrrt• tbt Rev. Richard J . o.;J..,: Sentoel at • :30, 11 l,m:Youtb procram at l :lS p.m. .... , .......... a.re., 1'111 Baker St.; eoeta X..; MN'11t, ·tbe Rev. JOlllll& .,,.,_, SerTices at t anil 11:• a.m. Ualnn!ty MtOt•llt a.rd, •1 Eall Blurl Drl\'e Corooa dll Mar; the Re\ . Jama Stewart, I 3 a • 1 2 3 1'. SetvSce at a:ao. NA.WlENB a..rd tf ..._ Naaru .... 118$ Auhtlm St., Costa Mesa : Mt-nfl: tbe Rev. Charles K. Snyder. Servlce.t at t :3' 10: 4S a.m. and V p.m. PR&IBYTEJUAN ~1aa.rse1n Covaut, -Fairview Road. Costa Ilea; ....._.; the Rev. Donald L Mac Innes . Servica at t :31 a.m • .Youth program at •:• p.m. St. A8*ew'I PnAyruta. a.a ti Ne.,..-& .... 600 st. Andrew's Road, Newport Belcb; ... 7H1; the Rev. Cbarlel H. Diett.nfieJd: M&- 6151. Services at I , t :30, Jl a.m. Y«llb procram at 7 p.m. St. M a t i Prelb,1eriaa Cllard of c.... ... Mar. corner ot Jamboree Road and East Bluff, Corona del Mar, 644-1341; the Rev. James G. Kirk. Services at 10 a.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC Oar Lad)' ti Mt. CarnMI o.re., 1441 w. Balboa sivd., Newport Beach; m.m5, Rt. Rev. MJtr. John Dunne. Service at I, 10 and 0000. Oil Lad.1 Queea .t tbe Aqell, M Mar Vllta Drive. Newport Beach; ~; Fr. WllUam J\aJpb H a r v e y . Services at I, t :30, 10:45 a.m .. noon and I p.m. Sl Jeecldm Ca l lltlic Ollln*, ltM Orance Ave .• Costa Maa; 541-1091 ; the Rev. 1boaw J. N e v lo . Serv1cb at 1:30, I, 9:15, 10:30 a.m., noon and 5:30 p.m. St. hlla tM BapUlt Olarch. 1005 Pon Roed, Costa Mesa; MMHC; the Rev. Anthony McGowan. 8ervlees at 7, 1:15, t :lO, 11 a.m. 12:15 ands p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Nn)lll1 BarlMr Seftadl· ..., Adf•tllt ~. 271 Avocado St., COila Mesa; 641- 1596; the Re,. J ob n Shewmake. Services on Satur· day at 9:30 and U a.m. SYNAGOGUE Tt•fh Illar•• Ctuernti¥9 tf .. 11.-Mr Area, 817 Hamlltoa St., Costa Mesa; IM 51&2, Babbl Garaon Goodman. Servtca on Frida~ at 1:15 p.m. UNITWAN UNIVBBSALlS'l' U a It a t la a Ualfenal.lat Clmda, 1J5t Vldorta St .• Costa Mesa; ...._; the Rev. Ropr T. Walke, MM652. Services at 10:30 a.m. UNITY N...,.. Ullltr C II• re II , meetiftc ta semor a tizens BtlDdlac, utll and lrvlDe; the Rev .. Loren D. FUctincer, MS· OHS. Service at 10 a .m. DAILY.llLOT 1'-. MA•UINt I 1. MILT PiL~t ~· . . ~ ,;7 ., PANORAMA eEOP-LE .live h~L! You're a rue breed-you Panorama People. Doctors, lawyers, professors, pilots, entrepreneurs. You like to look at the world from a vantagt point. Above the crowd. You like a home and community above the average, too. Here's your natural habitat! Turtle Rock Hills-where the full magnificence of California landscape sweeps out in evef)' direction. Where floorplans and lots are big like your thinking. And no matter where· you turn, you see eighteen-karat elegance. Your neighbors will be Panorama People~oo ccess people. Fun people. The kind that add"n extra di mens o a lazy afternoon at the private Turtle Rock S im and Tennis Club. (You're a full-fledged member, the second you move In.) At Turtle Rock Hills you get the best of beautiful Irvine Ranch. With views across the proud new campus of the University of Califomta. Hills looming up majestically. On the horizon, the blue ocean. And the homes (just about the largest you'll find in luxurious single-.level designs) are masterfully planned to give you a dazzling scene from almost every window. tlut loud as you applaud th e panorama-you'll be even more impressed with architectural details. We've scooped up a whole armful of national awards, incl udil')g the.Gra'nd Prize at the Pacific Cout Builder's Conference. And recently, _we walked off with both first and second prizes In competition throughout the United Statts and Canada. No wonder Panorama People settle htrel 59 if you're one of us-whisk the fam ily out to see Turtle Rock Hills, while the right house and right lot are yours for the asking. Look for the slsns at Culver Dfive and Campus Drive: ·rheyll point out the way. Your preference, long-term ~.!?!W~~~-.L-:-ir---1 t .. Mhold or f et titlt (grant deed) owntrahlp, can be arranged. Prim vary from $38,800 to $56,900- dtpendlng on type of ownership, home size, and the sit~ you wa nt. s~~ .. ;:~~~~=::...-.-_J ly Mfddlebrook4Andtrton, IUftdtN of ,,..ldtnt Homet \ YOH COMMUHITT -I Ht \ It's By THOMAS FORTUNE O.llt , .... lfVUI*' Wr,_ Freshmen in the first class at UC Irvine are now seniors. The campus comes oC age in June when it graduates the first of its own -siudents who obtained their entire higher education at UCI. Graduates previous years have all been transfer students. 'lbere were 13 in Harbor Area's Own 196f, 168 in '47, and 348 in ••, with 710 expected. this year. These few call it alma mater. But tboulanda of Harbor Area residents tm pride ln bavioi a university so near home -particularly one with the r e s p e c t e d University of California name. Irvine, a baby in the nine- campus UC system, is located three miles 1n1and f r o m UCLA u a renerat campus Corona del Mar on 1,000 acres With a student body ol 27,508. in the rolllna San Joaquin hll1s Small IS it is, the campus of the Irvine Rancb. bas made its presence felt '1be ea.,.. opelft in the -ln the~ community. tall ol 1111 with an· enrollment Public lecturel, U~ Extension courses and leJD1Dll'S have of 1,• ltudentl and a faculty been well attended. Other of 114. Today 4.,100 students, draws are sportlna events, art 550 of the medical students, shows, PQetry readings, plays, are taught by 317 professors. concerts and films. Md eventually, around 1990, The university'• library of UCI will rival Berkeley or over 200,000 voltunes may be Un.f versity used for an . annual fee of " per person. The campus. l1ke a park, is open for walklne, pic- nlckinc, or ju.st aittlnc ad enjoymc the view. Master planned and blessed with a abundance of land, university hl#ildings are surrounded 'Mth green. Six clusters of buildings, four ol them built and a filth under construction, are to make 'up. the central campus rtna. The buDdlngs, ot modem architecture, art impo«h11 and can be seen from a distance. At the ma1p . eptrance to-- campus are the ad- mlnlstrallo'1, Ubrary and atu. dent. center bulldinp. 'lbe library c:urrenUy ii belng ex· panded to twice the present size. Across from t h e a e buitdinp ts the commercial town center wJtb book atore, restaurant, berber ilM>P and o t b e r . c a m p u s -oriented businesses. Movtnc coanter-elockwlse around the · rtna are the bumanlties-flne ri-oomplez, a biological lcleaoe .building and lectme ball, a new pqyslCal lcle.aces buiJdinc, and the job alte of the qlneerinl complex tt be completed early next ,ear. The ftnaJ unit wl1l be • IOclal IClencel (.'(111\plex to be constructed for opeoin1 in fall, lt'IO. As the campus devel<>p$;- s,telllte buildings will radiate from the central rtna as spokes from the bub of a wheel •. FINE AR.TS VILLAGE A fine . arta village to be completed by IPrinc, 1970 Is one such project. On-campus h o u 1 l n g ls located nearby. Verano Place apartment.e house aoe 1tudenta and staff and there will be apartments for another 150 in the fall. M,g Court realdence balli accommodate .io students. Ground eoon will be broken to add· apace for 400 more.· Jnltlal profealonal schools are engineering and t b e craduate acbool of business ad m l"DistraUon. California College of Medicine bas begun Us move from Loi Angeles with adminlltraUve offices and faculty 1abl moTed into and first ud leCGIJd year ltudents to be on campus lo the fall. The Public Polley Reaeardl Orpnizat:Jon and a DIW Center Deans Hold Course Toward Vision · for Patbobloloa are the first mearch. units. Tbe campus Is pioneering In computer learning. MONEY IN SIGHT A unive?'$ily'J reputation for greatness begins with Us faculty. UC Irvine's faculty of 317 is young and dedicated to attaining that greatness. Professors were picked not only for their scholarly dis- tinctioo, but also for their vis- ion and desire to help the young campus grow in pres· tige. Leading the facuJty are nine academic deans who head programs tn biological and physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, f i n e arts, engineering, business ad· m1nistration, graduate studies and medicine. Dea Jmet L. McGlllP. 37, ta pn>lasor of psychobiol· ogy and deen of biological 1C1eocea. He ls an authority on memory and the eHects of drop on learning. Deu Jamea G. Marcia, 39, profeaor ol psychology and sodoloo a n d divisional dean Ol the aoci.aJ ldences, ls the author of the "Hand-book ot Orpoi.zaUons. ,, Dea ..... w. GenN. M, ta professor of. biological 1elenoes and dean of U1e graduate dlvlafon and direc- tor ol specJal studies. He is one ~ the world's foremost pbyaiologilts. Dea R*rt M. Sanden, 52, ls a professor of elecfrlc- al qineeJ1nl and dean of the scbool ol enctneering. He comes from the Universiiy of California, Berkeley, where ~ was a profes.tor and chair- man of the electrical engi- neerinc department. Deu C I a 1 t • a Garrison. 45, profeuor of drama and cte,m ot fine a,rts, was chair- man ol the department of drama and vice dean of the divisJon of bwnanltits at UC RlversSde before coming hert. Dtla Samllll C. MeOllled, ~.ii profmor of history and dean of the humanities divi- sion. Be 11 an authority on lath and 19tb century Bri(tsh ~-hiltoey. Dua Frederick Rellla, 51, profeaor of physb, and dean ot the divktoo of phyaical sciences, Ls an espert on neu- trino physics, cosmJc: rays and partlc;le detection techniques. He was the dir«tor ol Opera- tion Greenhouse experiment$ on Eniwetok in 1951. Dea Gecqe W • .Bren, ~l, is professor of administration and is dean of \he graduate school ol admlnistrltion. He Js a pioneer authority oo elec· tronlc data pn>eeatn1. Dea Warra L. leltlc:t, 65, is pi'ofetlOI' of petbology ad dean of the coDece of JDed1. cine. He came from the UC San Fraucisco campus in 1964 where ht clld pioneering stud- ies tn Hodgkitison'1 disease. ~· the campus ii the man at t"he top, t"auceBor Du1el G. AJclrl~ Jr. He has spent his entire career in edu-cmoo •lth the University of California l}'Stem, mostly in agrlculture. . Aldrich and Vice QumeeUor fer 8utDesl ... l'tulee LE. Cu we~ the two men most ~le for turning a brown blOsldt Jato the present campas. . Other top CUQPUS admlnis- trathie oftiom are Dr. R4ller w. a..11, vice dwlcellor for IOldmrlc daln; Joa C. e.,, IOClft to '1rfv• new vice chanceUer for ltDdent affairs, and WI. !Mo ace, dean ol INdentl. . lteueOI W. Ford la chair· man ot the liC9demlc tenate, the faculty lecisllUve bOdy. Research grants and con- tracts from sources other than stale funds are expected to total 1n excess of flt million this year. Academic or1an1zat:Ion GI the campus 11 ~ to p r o m o t e 1nterd11ctplinary study. Courael and programs are arranged IO as 1o prevent fragmentation of lnowledce and premature apeclallzaUoo by students. A department title such as psychQbio)Oi)' I U g I e I t I in- tegrated ltudlel. PU5·faU cr•de options are pven to entice ltudentl to vtDturt out of their chosen f6eld With mlnimal r 1 s k • Course crtdlt also la atven by namlnaUon to encoarace Independent study O 1 I O - Airpor~ Busy: It Grows in ~Traffic, Disputes By JACK 8ROB!e& not accommOclate any more °' .. Deir ,... M airline ticket offices and the Orange County Airport Sa. parkjng lot hu reached dally not only uperiendnc npid capacity. traffic growth; It la the center Air Callfornla and Air West, of one Of-1he mOlt oplostve present jet airline tenants, and controversies In the county. Continental AlrUnes have ap- Served now bJ two com-· plied for routea to the PacWe merlcal alrliDes Ul1ng jet Northwest from the local planes, and wooed by 1everal airport. others, the airport facilities' Both the county superviaora bave reached capadty. and the city of Newport Beach Under the Master Plan of have recommended aplmt Air Transportatbl for the the new services but federal county, tbt prtleDt airport la authorities will mab the final destloed to be llmJted to decision. "metroport'' cate1ory (about The airport 1s the center what it la now) with flights of a controversy over noise. limited to 400 miles distant. The Noise Abatement Com· But a new airport la five mittee of Newport Beach bu years away, at least, and carried on a lteady campalp more and more people and against Jet use of the airport planes want to use the present for two years. one. It currently has over $28 Air trafflc has tncreased million in damage suits filed from SM,QOO operatlons, Ian-against the County for allowinl dlngs and departures in 1967 jets to fly over Newport Beach to nearly 500,000 In lMI. Coun-homes. More than t O O ty Aviation Director Robert homeowners have filed the J. Bresnahan said recently suits. that the terminal building can· Currently the county's study Public Acres Costa Mesa has more than 100 acres of public parks, not Including land Involved 1n the city's 36-bole 101f course and country club. SEE US SOON AT ONE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S OUTSTANDING llNCOLN/._.ERCURY DEALERSHIPS. of air transportation is at a standstill awaiting a poss.Ible lkounty study ot airport needs. . There ls one certainty. The present airport will become a .Jot more crowded before there Is ID1 relief from a new faclllty. 1ollDllO·D··soD .:j LllllLI 11m11MTlL • ···~ m. llllllY • lllld . HH HAHOI ILYI,. COSTA MIU 540-5630 -~oRANGI COUNTY AIRPORT: WHERE THE ACTION IS IN GENERAL AVIATION It Wai Sixth Busiest In Nation Last Yaar, According to Rtcent Survey . . .. ·~~ FEATURING * MINllAL 5'.A WHIRLPOOL * ULTIA·VIOLIT SUN TAN lOOMS * flNNllH I.AUNA Ill.AM lOOMS * INYl•OIATIN• ILICTllCAL MASSAGE * DISllT DRY HI.AT lOOMS * HLAXIN• MICHANICAL MASSAGE * PlllYATI TILID ST.AU SHOWHS * PllSONA.L SUPllYISION * DANISH COLD PLUNSI * INDOOR HIATID SWIMMING POOL Competent lnstmctors Will Give You Ptraonalizea lmtrucUons on the Benefits to You of Our PlOGIAMS FOil lmlll HIALTH SIPAIATI PACILnlES FOl Ml.N I WOMIN Cell et St.p ~ Te49y hr e Frw T .. ORANGE-622 E. Katella Ave. . . . . . . . . • • . . . 639·2441 I.._ 6 llecb Wnt •f Nnpolt '°'"'"') ANAHEIM-510 S. leach CHwy. 39) ........ 826-0381 lc.n. ef 1eec• l Or-.. AM.) . COSTA MESA-2300 Harbor Blvd •..•••..... 549-3368 IHerhr s11e,,1 .. Cetlterl HUNTINGTON BEACH-18585 Main St. . . . . . . 842-1451 II Pein S1ie,,1 .. C....I OPEN 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DA,LY ... YOUl COMMUNITY -1tH ... ,, The Ha1n111ering Ba ~ year ago, the ham· Architect George Graves Efficiency features Include mering, rumbling aoo clatter A.I.A., of San Diego, designed wned air c on d t ti o n i n g of busy men and equipment the facility with efficiency in systems adjustable to in· ¥4>!klng on a significant pro-mind but at no expense to . ' . ject was all passersby could dJe comb1-of ~ bicyc1ist . dividual patient 11 e_ e d ~ • hear around the littered, hall· wkb a dYn cu&, the mo&her .ielevisloa w l t b indivldual. built plot. In labor or the newly bereav-IOUDd units ao oettzrs are not Today, depending on pro. ed family, dWurbed ml direct line room xim.ity, one can hoar the siren The bosital emergency room telephones. scream of an ambulan~e. the operates on a 24--hour basis, Carpeting has been lald soft 1pumping of life-preserving receiving patients by am-thro gbout Wall . di! equipment, the squall of. a bu1ance and , eventuaUy in u . · paper .is • brand-new person n~l c~rtain extreme cases, by helicopter ferent m every room w1th two be likes it here, or low happy which can land on lhe five-private rooms plus two, three chatter at visiting hours. acre site. ~ and four patient rooms and Costa Mesa M e m o r i a I Separate f~ci~lies exist .for there ts a comp1et.e audio • Hospital, 301 Victcria St., was surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, communtcaUon syaitem. a big time in coming to town and physical therapy, plU! a before a firm with adequate fully-equipped p a t ho 1 o g y QUIET ROOM finMring acquftd the partly laborMory, diagno,,tic and A ~·quiet room wWa built facility. tbenpeutic X-ray lab<rat«y ~ ciecxr..>amuable to On Labor Day, Sept. l , 1968, and -cobalt treat men l famWel of ,-avei, ill or fn. ~~liWllll the 1ibm-.ol saving, COIWlnuing dMlmbfr. junld ,...._ ml mq bi IDf deilvering new life Joto wa..L-PROTECl'ED ued Jn thclll flnt INl'Cbinc the 1ocel ~ld began in the One corner ol the one-story momenb after d e at b doel $3 mnuon, ~ bospita). l'IDl:iHt)'le hospital includes come for a friend Ol' rellUvt. READY TO SDVE OlreHoot tick walls ol rein· 'lbt taptal feMures • 8'ft ~clminit!ltra&cl Alden O. ftll'ced concrete to protect X· shop cpented by a Ladies ~"~a veteran41taft ray technicians, one of the Auxiliary Soc:lfty. encutive w!IJ. B e v et l 1 most complete r a d la ti o n Why 1Nll the llmK let a Eu11erpn.,.. .. 111t.; ~ ti lllef&lfds in Orange Ooumy. 99 beds for the pre.ted time? the new --~ 'nae facility has three com-An1 -... fadlM;y mus Ullln care ....... ~ plete operating rooms. plwi have an add._aual IW1«Y home said tt ._..._.: .. ~ic and fr a c tu r e ~m plUI • completely«flllp- .,'11lls wtJ be tbe tlfJlt -ta m, the latter includine a peel morgue, db 1efrfatcadoa the area , tbat1s our theme new vacuum cleaner~ and 1ttwdlnt nee.a for IDll mouo. We're proud to power aaw for cutting plaster autqJliel and poet motfan a - be here and we're ........1v,.tA ,cuts. arninptkn IO· '"""tlv T'•· Also included ls an isolation The hociPta} Is geared for '1Wbat leaves here In the ward and an intensive care a maxlmiun 1IO beds ai tbe f«m ol a paded," he added, . unit with television monitors · area 1JW1 bowe;er, llld "ii wtm we bu1ld our rep&a-to alert • u p p 1 e m e n t a l Ooata Meea end ()rage Qoun. t;loo on, we're bere not just 1Upervisors to the slightest ty are both exptded Co double to nn 1 b>spital -but to change In the critically ill pa· in popuJatloa durin& the next serve prople." tlent's condition. H years. NIW SOUND -Screamlq lirea delivering emergency °patients to Cotta Mesa tMemorial Hospital in dead of DIPt hu replaced soanda of · bammerlng and buzzing of aawa w}ijch marted the1day1 and days of construcUon whld& went lllto bui1cltng dty's first general holpltat. PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Costa UH -YOUl COMMUNITY DAILY PILOT ltlft f'MtM NIW UNIT -Cotta Mesa Memorial hospital oulcials test new $50,000 cobalt treatment unit. Alden O. Sage {left), hospital administrator, watches director of radlology, Dr. Charles A. DeLaney, operate unit while Nurse Salley Wolff plays role of patient. CORONA del MAR TIRE & TEXACO 3601 East Cod Hwy. · • 675-2266 • Corona clel Mar "Wiii£ -11£ DOI.UIS GO RJRTHER" DON D •. LEE & 108 RITCHIE, Props. • tAILY Pl~ 21 '., l&MAZINI - What's best .about llosta ~•saP Recreation Schools All goat/ • • • but t~e best . '• PEOPLE/ •, .• Business • 'St IS ••• " > I·. . .,, •;,,, ~ . . 4 ~ "J .. ' Jo, ~ .. -.. I \' ' "~·· ~ p l '\. I .. .. <~ <; ... Services .. : ' CITY OJ, COSTA MESA Ci• 7 • WW..T.1..._ c •••• WIWlm L. k Clair . -. -. ... ., ~ ' -- -· .. ., -. . j j I l I ~ j l ·- ·-· I. • -.-!:".:: -,,,. -_ -----~-•• ·-- CdM Library Ca _ps Newport's System Newport ~e:1ch's libraries have continued to grow this year, capping oU a ~uccessful 1968 with the opening of a new addition to the. Corona del Mar branch. The new wing. which boasts wall-to-wall carpeting a n d draperies, ccst $55,000, in- cluding renovation or tbe ~Id section, and doubles the stze of the Corona del Mar branch. Currently, 21.476 residents use the library. a gain of 7.4 percent over last year. A new collection of in· ternatlonal art r e fe r en c • books, the Elizabeth Douglas Memorial Collection, helps bring the total number of volumes in the N e w p o r t libraries to ~,431. There are two o t h e r branches in addition to the one at Corona del Mar - the Balboa Library, and the Mariners Library. Newport Beach libraries pro~lde many services to com· munity residents, including a nswering reference ques- tions, instruction in the use of the library, and a summer reading program and story hour for young children. 'FRIENDS' IN CHARGE Friends of the Newport Beach Library are in charge of the story hours. The group is headed by Mrs. James Dow· ty, President; Mrs. Stanley LeLlevre, vice-president; Mrs. Richard Berlea, secretary and Mrs. Peter Dobbs, trca5urer. Children up to the fl.fth grade may join Junior Friendl of the Library and participate in field trips, story hours and creative writing c o n t es t s • Advisors to the group are Mrs. James Gongwcr, Ba 1 boa branch; Mrs. H. B. Benjamin, Mariners; and Mrs. Douglas Fletcher, Corona del Mar. Organized in 1909 b y members of the Ebell Club of Newport Beach, the library became a branch oI the state library system in 1910. Later, -..-~Olllll.:..=-.....,..., books were collected for the DAILY PILOT ltllll ...... .• Ebell Library' and the state branch was relinquished. ADDITION TO CORONA DEL MAR LIBRARY IS 'WHAT'S NEW' IN CITY SYSTEM Newp«t'a main llbruy on Balboa opened in 19%9, and del Mar, and Mrs. Adelle open Monday throiwb 'l'hura-Corona del Mar, 8~0; Dover Drlve, Newport Beach, since has expanded to include Maoell beads the Mariner'• day, t a.m. to t p.m.; ~day Monday through Wednesday 1 MM'lM ; Monday th r o u I b the two newer branches. LDnry. Here ce library and Saturday t a.m. to I to t p.m.; 1bunday, t a.m. WedDesday 1 p.m. to I p.m.; LIBRARY BOARD facta ID caplU)e form: p.m. to. p .. m.; Friday and Satur-Thursday, • a.m. to • p.m.; The Newport Board of B.UIOA UBRABY, Sii C 0 R 0 NA DEL MAB day, t a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday; I a.m. Library Trustees eovems tbe,_Island __ A_ve._,_BaI_boa_,_m-_1_cao_; _LIBRAR ___ v_. _420_Marie __ o_ld_A_v_e_., __ MAJUNEBS ____ LIBBAR ___ v_,_2005 __ to_l_p.m_. ------ library system in an adYiso11 capacity. Present trustees are John A. Hopwood, chairman; Dr. Thomas A. B lately, secretary; Roger t W. Hardacre, Mn. Hancock Ban- ning m, and Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart. Mrs. Dorothea Sheely, city librarian. has offices at the Balboa Branch. Mrs. Felicia Young is librarian at Corooa • CdM Cha1nher. Knows How to Polish 'Image' Corona del Mar has many ways to welcome you to the communi ty -by land and sea ~ but the most significant one to the city's economy is the b u s t l i n g community's chamber of commerce. Led by President John Semple and ad.ministered by executive Secretary Mr a • Jessie HiU, the chamber con· ducts beautification drives, decoration contests and many other promotional activities. The chamber this year ls sporting a new image, with Incorporation of a brighter, simpler and more graphic in· signia. The new emblem, features a crown hovering over rippling sea. Other officers in t h e ' chamber this ye.ar are Don Bolton, first vice presldeat; Gordon Jones, second vice president and Everett Adams, treasurer. Hubert Piersol is the group's recent past presideDt. · ... The chamber t eeps an ap-tO. dale selectJon of printed material includio& area dJ.rec. torle.s, m a p s and reports. Tourist brochures are a1"111 enllable ihere. They are open daily until f p.m. One or the most popular of tbe chamber's booklets and pamphlets Ls its own clty directory, listing Corona del Mar's scores of businesses - many of them antique amt specialty shops -I D d hist.crical and factual in· formatJon about the sparkling prestige community. 1111 .._ are 1ocate4 It UWC. l•CRETARY CURRENT ANNUAL BONUS ACCOUNT RATE • AND LOAN M80CIATION NEWPORT BEACH ·COSTA MESA OFFICE 2043 WESTCUFF DR. MAIN OFFICE 1630 FLORENCE AVE., DOWNEY OTHER ORANGI COUNTY OFFICU IN FULLERTON AND MISSION VIEJO -Salt COllt Hl&h•lf· Mre, ....... HIM -=-~----------~~~~~~~~~~------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~--------~-24 •An.Y PILOT MA•ir '~!'.~/:';t""~ ·-- <1/faibor~ewCJ/ills Now lt• ~ •.. an waltina for you ••• the bat t1lat me wl natmt c:an pmlde fD a ·~ ~ tU fullljfel Ill WI SdJilla nttlq Oil c-.Jifom.la'1 lllOlt d..tzUJ. a..t. with the lmtMJr i atcmt'I ~ ~ 1aDa etrltdail of MndJ 1-nhll beckOD.lq, laltdplnf ahopa and coutll c:ommunltlll ;our.' to IDtOJ• Natmt • nn ~tlenlni idcla to ill Ida! cllmatt. Hm LUie Homu reach a aew lnll of ft1ae. •utr• tuantJ wt comfort! ••• ' fD a locati°' never to be 1quallecU · p • There'• IQ mcl& more ••• like ·a Ina Hubor Ana IC1aool 111tem. c:rowud bJ the Ulllvmttr cit Calitomta at Irvine. juat over thl Cl9t from Hubor View HiDI ••• uul tU maanl.Bcent new 75-acrt Newport Center, creatfna tht hllt ahapplq complex a1cma daa Golden Oranae Cout. reaclJ to Hrn JO'll r-~II••~ 3500 Se&foam Drive, Coron Dt1 Ma, C<lomla {'H) MC-1121 UJSKf!lHO:MES PINE HOMES-A FAMILY TRADmON OP JOHN D. LUSK I SON #'li••. .. . '· .. .._ .... • .. . ---·-·~ .... • ... ~ ' fr..+~,._, ..... -' . I t I i ... / • ........... ..,_ ... ~., \ . t •4 I - .. .... Harbor Area Rich In Little Theater By Tml TITUS Of tilt D•il'I p;1e1 Staff Sh3kespeA!"e's observation that "all the world's a stage" is nowhere more applicable than in the HD.Coor Area where no less 1:1:.i seven theater groups perlcrm on a regular basis. Jn !act. the general area encompassed by Costa Mesa and Newport Beach has the lion's sh:ire of living theater in Orange County, itself a mecca for the performing arts on both 1he community and collegiate level. Largest or the t h e a t e r groups is the rapidly growing South Coast Repertory com- pany, house:l in a ZOO.seat theater in <'owntown Costa Mesa at 18'27 Newport Blvd. Since its crganization four years age in a smaller Newport Ee:ich theater. SCR has staged some 40 pro- ductions and ls reaching for full profeseional status as Orange County's only resident repertory company. Jn the buiJding vacated by SCR last year, at 2815 Villa Way, Newport, is the nelf Open End Th:?ater Workshop, which comblries stage pro- ductions with film festivals and orcers instruction in both areas. Its first live production, a one-woman show, ran on &st * SPECIALISTS * J ohn v. Sellen• Don Fvlbrltht A. "8 im" Hestlnga Don Yarnell Row land JoMt Ro~m•ry Sa.tz weekends for three months. Observing its fourth birth· day is the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, quartered in the Community Center a11ditorium on the Orauge C 0-u n-t y Fairgrounds. Under t be sponsorship of the Costa Mesa Recreation Department, this community group offers five productions each season. The Lldo I:>Je P 1 a y e r s perform only twice a year, g e n e r a 11 y in March and November, a schedule to which they have adhered for the past 13 seasons. Their pro- ductions are given at the Lido Isle Clubhouse, '101 Via Lido Soud1 in Newport Beach. Orange Coast College ofiers an actjve student theater pro- gram in its drama depart- ment, and each summer in· vites participation from the community in its a n n u 1 l musical. Also on the collegiate· level, UCI presents both drama de· partment productions and an ambitious, varied program by Ua Irvine RepertMy Theater lfOUP, DOW in its th1rd ae&SOO. For the sm11Uer fry, the elgbt-ye&N>ld Children's 'fhe. ater Guild presents one large production in the fall and another smaller one in the a p r l n g. Periodic children's shows also are staged at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. Elsewhere within easy free· Jjlf r e alty way re:1ch of Che Harbor Area. are 1 number of community theaters engaging in regular pn>ductlon of at least four and more often five shows a year. Representmg W e s t e r n Orange County are the Hunt- iqton Beach Playheuse, at 2110 Main St., and the West- minster Community Theater, WestmlnsleT' Avenue at Gold- en West Street. Largest of the county's litU.! theaters is the Laguna Play· house, 319 Ocean Aw.., Laguna Beach. 2414 VISTA DIL ORO NIWPOIT llACH 7J 4/644-1133 714/541-0911 * EXCLUSIVE AGENTS The Febulous BLUFF~ * EXPERIENCED in ALL PHASES E•stbluffs real estate *EXPERTS in HARBOR AREA CeJNba. & Efficient * Memt..ra NEWPORT HARBOR COSTA MESA BOARD of REAL TORS EAST ILUFF REAL TY, INC. fe r lk•s of Dlstiaction ••• Down by tM IHcla JOHN V. SILUNS. .... ·County Os~ar Pilot Honor s P erformers Communh'y t h e a t e r in Ortnie County now has it.s ''Oscar," an annual reccgm- Uon of the county's oulstand· mi performances. It's the D A I L Y PILOT Distinguished Performance Award-known more inform· ally as the DP's DP-to be presented each year to the cream of the couniy's growing list of little theater talent. Inaugurated In 1968, the DP is given to the best actor, actress, supporting actor and supporting actress among the county's amateur producing groqps. A DAILY PILOT Dis- tinguished Production award is presented to the year's top director. Winners of last year's initial awarrls were Ralph Richmond, best actor, for ''The Lion in Winter" at the Lagana Play- hause; Patty Broderick. best actress. for "'Ibe Heiress" at the San Clemente Community Theater; JamesE. Smith, best supporting actor. for "The Petrified Forest" at the Hunt- ington Beach Playhouse. and Patty Needennan, best sup- porting actress, for "The Dark at the Top of the Stairs," Cas- t.a Mesa Civic Playhouse. Judged best production of the year was Laguna's "The Lion in Winter," and its di· rector, John Ferzacca, was given the Distinguished Per· fonnance Awani. Some 10 community theater groups, producing upwards or 50 productions. will be includ- ed in this year's selections. 1111-• •• ... r11' . BAl•BYTREm It's fast and safe! Drive up to the screen, press the "on'' button, Ind a friendly teller is there to hell> you. There's a two·way microphone for questions and answers. A pneumatic tube carries deposits, withdrawals under1round to ttie heart of the bank. No more parkinf, or leavinc the cJHldren 11n1ttended. And if 10u'd like to see yourself on TV1 we rmrse the screen, and there you art .•• 111 inst1nt star of Newport NattOllll Bank. 7 CON¥1NllNT omcu SllVING OIANGI COUNTY ..... c..... ........ 540-lll l • .....-. ... ..,... ........ "2·114l W. M .......... It -a I .. 111·2'09 • ..., .......... lit lfll 1/1-791 ..... •.• S..riw It ,,._.. W ·•ll • ....... Ult~ It Stitt °""II tn-4lllO ...... W.-It Dlwr W ·llll • ) l in la.y- best ' at nity best The unt- and 3Up- 1ark ::as- of Ihe di- was >er- aier J of lud- • ! I \ l - The is many things to many people INDUSTRIAL JOBS Tht 11.000 people currently employed by firms in the Irvine Industrial Complex mean S36 million more retail aalts in Orange County annually; 125 million mort bank deposits annually; and 330 new mall tstablish· mm ts.* The Complex is tht fastest-growing Industrial and raearch ·park in the United States and diversification is the key to its successful development. Both large and small firms .art accommo4_1ft~ and they provide a variety of products and serv\ces. To bt totally landsCaped, tht Complex alttady rt· flectt a maturing park-like beauty; and tht wide range of job opportunities Jt offers art in an atmosphere of pleasant working conditions. Jrvint Industrial Complex, with 34 new.firms within the last five months and with con~ction started on the new $40 milUon Airport Business Cmttt, i1 a reflection of the confidtn~ busineu and industry haw in the desirability oE tht Complex; 11 well H the futu~ of a growing prosperity for Orange County as a whole. Tht 3,100-acre Complex is now ovtr 37% sold or leased. OE 190 major firm1 which hJvt putchastd or leased land. li9 already occupy facilitiet within tu confines, Theirs i• a collective plant and equipmmt investment of SlOO million and an annual p1yro1l of over $8S million. "'-'4 •11 U.S. 0.."IM of Comt,.,r~ fti,,••• for IW'}I JOO*"' i•vh"tr,./ wc"~'''· lt6t -YOU COlllMVNm NEW POOLS AT ORANGE COAST YMCA READY FOR SUMMER They'rt Lat11t Additions To ArM'• Youth Club Facilities YMCA, Boys Cluh,ScoutsAII Off er Fu11 f 01· Coast Youths Tired o( dragging the kids to do. Gifta for shu'-ins also . tiago. And in the n~ar futu11 out to those miles of beautJful are a special project of the there may be aome co-educa- beache.s? Take the~ t4 a club Girls' Club of the Harbor . tional scouting in store fol' instead. ' ' Area, 1815 Anaheim St. Costa girls of high school age. 'Ibey The Harbor Area bas Iota Mesa. ' have been invited into the Boy ol them for children ol all And, of course, there are Scout Explorer program. ages. Girl Scout and Boy Scout . For more lnfonnaUon aboui For openers, consider the troop.,, with their auendant . Girl Scouta and Brownies an:1 YMCA at Newport Beach. It Brownie and Cub Scout troops. leadership training programi; has just completed two Olym-Troops are formirig all the --~es, adults are needed here, pic-slzed pools, and offers in-time and there'• a real de. too -contact the Newport struction in swimming, surf· mand for adults to serve as Service Center, 673-6470 ing, scuba·ing, diving, and out-leaders. . The Campfire Girls mingle of-water sports for girls and 'The Orange Empire Area . a background of lndian lore, boys. Or, if your daug~ter Bo Sc Cou il · where the · ls be d has two left feet, glve htr Y out nc • wtuch . g1r . can earn 8. ~ oversees troops in the Harbor -for SpecJ.al achievements, Wlth dancing lessons at the Orange area numbers about 3 OOQ. themes ol outrloor aclivltjes Coast Y. It's all waiUng at boya between the ages ~ 8 · and the domestic, f Mllnine %300 University Ave. and 17. That includes 700 arts of cooking and sewing. Maybe you have a son who 6 Th · l I fr l wants to be a wei""q ifter Sea Scouts who learn t e · e ills range n age on &--lore of the waters off ~cwport 7 through 17, and in the when be grows up. The Boys' and the Orange Coast. H.arbor Area, there are 90:1 Club ol the Harbor Area, 594 Is h It d t Center St. and 2131 Tustin Thtre are 27 Cub packs, g_u-w o. s arow~ ra1 -·. 30 Boy Scout troops, and 11 tiooal Indian campfires ~n . ~~:· ~:':i renar:~~ explorer posts. And they're give themselves special ln~1a11 · all desperate for leaders. Con· D a m e ~ . F o r • P e c 1 ~ I make pols, pitch teota or play tact the registrar at 54$-4990 ceremorues, they don buckskin tennis at both Boys' Club indl d branches. Take your "littlest if you want to help, an resses. lad 11 to the Girls' Club. She'll Girl Scouts ln tbe Harbor . The g~ls ma~ parLic~p~te lea~ bow to make lovely clay Area enroll. more than %,000 10 . sernce prOJe<:U a1dmg ashtrays for mommy and dad· girls, ranging In age from c_hildreo on Indian rese"".a- d Sh 'll also learn t4-palnt · 7 to 17, almost a quarter hons, as well as work with /nd y!i can save up all th~·· "the eligible girls in Newport ~e aged and underprMJe&ed k :..~ h 1 · fh m Beach and Costa Mesa m their own communities. soc s wnu o es m e , G' I because after the girls club Newport Beacll's Girl Scoots . To become a Campfire JJ' , tenches her how to sew, ihe'll will go to a new camp. this ~ the Orange County Cow> be begging you for mending summer at Rancho de San-ell, 547-5984 HARBOR HIGHLANDS 12 DUPLEXES One or a Dozen on S•nta Ana cul. Just listed. lmmecul•t• o~e dory. d•·HC, E.ch, hH 960 aq. ft. 2 BR 3 8R., 2 BA home. Sperklin9 kt+ch•n; unit + • 1200 1q. ft. 3 BR, 2 BA colorful 91rden • land1capin9 perf•c-unit. Flrtplac• & dble gerag••· Only t i on. Only $3"4, 900. $28, 758 H , · 1 FAUL -WALKIR, Realtor TRIAD IUILDING 300 N. Newpolt llYd. Newport leach, Calf 92660 646-7414 MILY PILOI •'I ..... ..., • \ •• ,. Countjr Plans for Booming· Futu~e 'TOM aA.m.EY aod you're 8Ure lo hear tbt Talk .:U~';.~'; Coun-barbin(ers er doom trottin& t1 of 191S almost &Q)'Wbert out their Orwellian theories CJG bow we'll be lM-c 17 year1 heuce. County Seat Has Pknty of Chairs 'Ibey could be n,M. u m.a7 well bt that the t. 'I mUlleD perlODI predictD!y wUl ~ lWait the ooe:lme e Hr u 1 bemt1aDd Jn 1• will uilt lJl a DOf'flDed, ~ mep1opotia •t.clded " i t b tbcMllMdt ti \alDIPrinl and almott Jdeatkal bms1ac tracts and rlddJed with the ''boil.J, '' •••llDI commercial 1bere ts 111me1Jme. a f eeliaf around tbe Or~ c.ountJ Courthoose that pet LIDtM of, for and by Uae people ls a gi-eat idea that mfcbt be even greater if the people were present to see It func. tiooing. That feeling parUcularly ap- plies to what happens 1n the meeting room of the county•a Board« SUperviJon. The five board ·members meet every Tuesday and Wednesday and tt Is oaly a rare occasion and a "red hoe topic" that wiJ! Jnsure more than a scattering of spectator• to witness the supervisors• deUberati-Ons. Often the only audience tht board can attract ls the amall group er newsmen at the press table, the board clerk, Count Cou~I Adrian Kuper' and Chief Admjnistrative Officer Robert E. Tboma5. It's not the way they want it. supervisors say, but decisionll affecting tho lives of oearl} 1.5 rn.illioo people can't be delayed because a few of that numb« aren't present at a meeting. But newsmen will readily testify to the difference that an audience will make to the boo rd 's deliberatlom. It may well be that that IUd1enct had no effect upon the out· come of the argmneot but supervisors oever fail to react in eome way to the 1timu1UJ provided by a "live" meedq. ' dlftlofmeat that DOW IClts . been described, bec.ause ol 101D1D,1 Cllifomla dtfes. that chang~. ~ a "whole new N...&"'·•, tb!:J will ten vou, board of supervmcn." 11 -done toward "any C. M. "Cye" Feetherly'a coordlnaled p1amllnc elfert. ~ promp&ed t bat We'll be tendinc our children comment and there 11 no -1f wt can get them there doubt that the v e t e t a n -to crowded lclloola In a 1Upervisor"s retirt.meOt afta' countr that b.u become tbe 20 years' service on the board graveyard of agri<:ultme and bad a major eJfect on tile a carbon copy of conditions lfOUP· that uilt In many areas north 'Jbett Wll!I, in tt.e first of the county line. meetings after the former rancher departed from the county scene, a hesitancy and leeJJli.ng uncertainty that had nothLng to do with the man who took Featherly's First District seat -attorney Robert Battin. It seems now that tbe board ha! settled down to its oew co~uction and the ad- justment to this fresh liaison ta readily visible Crom the press table. This is not to say that meetings are without argumeflt -they never are -but to point to the general air of unde1'standlng Ulat aeems to have materialized. Orange Coast i~ are represented on the board by Supervisor AUOO Allen whose Fifth District bailiwick ranges from Newport Beach ~th to the San Diego County line and Supet'visor David Baker whose Second District constituents c~ be found, roughly speak- ing, in a line drawn north and east of Newport. Supervi90r Allen can be reached at 834-3550. Supervisor Bakers number is au.mo. PLANNER DISAGREES Plannin& Director Forest Dlctuon doesn't buy that. He welcomes those opinions and he wlshes that the holders of those views wocild just pass them on to him ln writing. Ht wants to add them to hla bulky dossiers and weave those opinions into a project that 11 today claim.in& the ma- jor pcwtlon of his Um• - lbt three-phase countywlde 1eneral plan. For Dickason believes and inteDdl to prove that Orange County will be tbe na~on·a showplace In all phases of clvtc and urban development by 1.915. Many of his answers at th1I early stage of his mammoth general plan task art almply questions be frank· ly admits. "But we know enou,h to ask thole questions," he says. ''Those questlom, lo the form ol our brocb\D'es, are already Jn many county homes. And lbt answers that i tem from our queries will, we think, belP us to avoid the pitlalls that crowd ln on any area faced with the tremendous population aurce that we are exper1e1'dnl here. • tzla'.l'ING, DIFFERENT' consldtration of the . rote played by ''lower and fixed incOme groups." Historically, be st.ates, ''not t nougb at· tenUon has been paid to a facet o« 1oc:iely that must flcure promlnently ln our ap-"l tnow this," Dlckalon uid. "Oraftll County wm be an •rcMine and a vastly dil-fereat ~ ln which to lift. ____ _. ..... ..,..~ .. ArA many ol the trends that •• bope will be established ballmarks of our county in 19 are beginning to dtnw atteatlon today." Dicta.son points to the ~ Niguel, Mission Viejo, Late Foreat, University Part and Turtle Rock bousinl developments as representln& "tbt vtry latest thinkinc" ill the Oeld of planned resldenilal communWes. And the Leisure World retirement communities an models of tbe.ir kind, be add.J, admirably geared to at· tune to whatever changes 191S may bring. "And we have the forerun· ners 'of entertainment centers that will have to cater to Forest Dickason joined the Orange Countv Plan- ning IHpartment in 19S3 and became the plam1i>1g dir1ctor ill 1963. Rt u o native Califor- nian, a graduate of UCLA and has sef1Jed in t11e Vnfted States Navy. A forrnc president of tile Orange County Employees A.s1ocfca.tfon, ht was alto presi<Unt of the Planning Directors Association of Orange County for two weari. Dickason livu at 1984 ~nnnos Drive. Costa Mua, w i t h hu wf fe, Dizil, and two childrt11. more than double our present -----.-Sl~.n.oliil population with Dlsneyland, A.nalitim stadium and the up- coming Lion COuntry Safari," (a wild animal preserve for tourist viewing planned for the LllWll Canyon area ) be said. COAS'tW ARD SHIFT Dickason predicts I shift of tht major population areas to the presently 1 i g h t 1 y populated south and eaat " the county. "Tbat will be the focal point in 11115, h • foreusts, 11 and the shape ol development ln that area very much occupies our thlnklng today." Planning for 1915 is going to me.an a sustained jolnt ef· fort by both the county and the clUes, Dlckasan belle~s. And clty~ounty unity could do much, be adds, to remove IOmt pttSent eyesores on th• county horizon -"poverty pockets.'' Dickason lnsists that one of the "prime concerns" ot any concerted plannlng effort In tltls county must be careful proach work to the countywide ceaeral plan." Another vital feature in the county'• overall planning pic- ture, Dickaaoo insists, is the development ol the county's lborelint. B l 1 department rectnlly conveyed it.I thinking 1n this regard to county auperrilors ln the form of I M-pa&e master plan of aborellne development. That proposal calls for coun· ty acquJsltJon of all remaining beach areas on the Orange County coastline. It asu for immedlatt county action to insure the provision for futur.• generatlom of r e c r e at l o n area.s, parks, marine and wild llft preaerves and the type of carefully thought o u t development that ls going to lnlurt the preservation and nurturing cl natural resources aide by aide with the popula- t1oo-tervlnc developments that must ellst by 1995. The shoreline plan is cur- renUy in tbt c o a 1 t : supervL~ors' buds. They hav1 not yet oU1claD,y respondec to Dlckuon's pl~ to Kquln all remainlng non-public bead areu tram Seal Beach to Sil Clemente. And Dickason has wamec the board that we can e:rpecl i mminent dra mat ic tran5tormatton of the 42.1 miles ot shoreline terrain no\, in private hands. And those changes, be says, will "deeply affect the open space and sea vistu that now exist . .perhaps not fully appreciated unW losL" SEEKS EXPERTS What is needed f i r s t • Dlctuon ltreues, is the crea- tion " a committee drawn from mu,y professions and dllclpllnes and ID c 1 u d i n g oceanographers and marine autborWes. 'lb.ls group. he says, w o u 1 d ''particularly establlab priorities, methods of funding and determination or which projects need in- tensive study." Methods oC f u n d i n g . Dickuon bas no idea wllal acquisition would cost in these days ol aplrallng land values other than to concede that It would be "absolutely fan- tastic.'' Re wl.Jtlull.y refers lo a aborellnl acquisition plan that, it carried out, would bev• obtained for the county 14'n miles ol COMtal frontage at lea tbu. million. 11But that," be grins, "was 1n 00." Lookinl at the countywide pidure, Dict.aloo ltres9es that the increaed demands of the cow&y'1 8'11'ging expansion between now and 1985 "will requ:ift enormous outlilys oC public money. "When we think of com- munity growth, we Wok of men jobs, homes and shop- ping centers. 'Ibis, in turn, meam more roads, bridges. water and aewer systems, fire statlom, schools, parks and libraries ... Only one face on that board has changed this last yee.r but It is a board that baa Adllllnlsl,.tor ~ Agrlcult11re Cf'nlH ,, .... "''"" ~ Other numbers of key COUD· ty departments art below. JllW!llle Honw a..u.a L•" Lll>rerY ISWlt1 t.ul"IN1 .,... Realtors ~ Re~ords Routine Anl"'-4 Shflltr ~'" Au.nor ~m Audller<ontrol...-~im eo..-Of 51/Hn11M!'1 u+JIOI Bulldiflt end ""'"' ~ l 11lldlnt Setvl«t ~I Clvll Defe<lse ....ma Counl'f Ci.rtt a..DDe Comm11nltetlon1 .,..,, .. ,_ tJa>l'tU °'4lllfY Co.i11r.e1 .,.... Olttl1d AllOnwl' au.-. Ferm •M Homt A..,"'IOr 77602M Fire ,.rotecilon ,..... l'loOd Conlrol ~ F-try AWS$I Gl'lnd Jury ~ H1rt>tr 0~1c1 u.aoe HHllll 0.0.rtment l;),W1J1 Orante Counly Jell UMS2I J 11wnlle Cellrt Slt·1111 J uvenile Hall m.Jtn County ,.ublk l illr91Y awM1 - MldlCIM Cen1rr Mullki,el Covrfl ,.eib ,..-Ml ,.,_,,. ,.,....."" ~ A*Yllnl1treler f>vbllc Def•""'' ,..,...le Gwnll• ,.urdlttlne aM1 ,.~ S.rvicrl ._,..., ..... •krwY-OllDO.WI 14..r. 9f khOoi. lh«lff .,...,. Col/ft Tu Coli.cttr Tt'Mtllrtr v.-.nt Afftll'I wen--Clllldrtn W•lf--~al Wetf•re -AOOPtton ~ ea.wm ...... .... .,... m.ntl ~ tM41'4 .WU .,.,,.. ~ IMolM .,...,... a.Me ~,.... ~ ~11 .,..,.,. ..... ..mt 1:)4.1111 a+G' 'lbt nearly 1,000 realtors and broken "ho comprist the membershlp of the Newport Harbor.co.ta Mesa Board of Realtors broke another record last year. It'• 1ettfna to be almost routlnt -this record breakina -Jn ooe of the world's "ho~ test'' real estate marte~. But tht record set In 1"8 wu a new all-Ume hlth for the local board. PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHEIAN CHURCH ~ Vent. Orin & Babr StrMt, Cott • MtH, Calif. ANHIW C. AHKUON, p-., Mornln9 Worahlpt 1100, t a.10 I 11 :00 SuM•Y Set.ult •100, t1JO I I I :00 Prine. of P.ace Lutheran School -Mi11 Esttt.r Olton, Prlncl1NI Offb PhoMa 54MS21 School Phonet 54MS62 Ill members toted up SS2 mlilloo 1n multiple Usttn, sales cUtna the calendar year. 'JbW best previous year WU 1n 1M5 when the volume of 11lel was $41 mlllion. Board members meet each 'lburlday at I a.m. at the Balboa Bay Club. The board maintains headquarters at 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Belch (telephone ~1671). Day.to.day operations a r t supervised by GleM Martin, tht board'• executive officer. J. Peter Barrett currenUy ls president. Other officers art Charles F. Dreyer, first vice president; Ch a r le s F. Colesworthy, second v t ct president; and James B. Wood, secretary-treasurer. Directors are William C. Rlng (lnunedlate past pres.I· dent). Joseph R. Clarkson, Curt Dosh, Art Gordon and Perry Zimmerman. Tbt board wu founded 39 yeara agG. Jta first president was Lew Wallaoe., a ~ Newport Beach realtor. 'lbe board last year won the top trophy 1n lbt state (given by the Caltfonila RW Estate Aaoc:latlon) for Its conference on professional educatlon and professional ad- vancement. HEALTH AND DIET FOODS ~ YITAM6NS AND MINllAU ~ OltS.AHIC MIATI '111 DAllY PIODUCTI '111 SUM M ID NUm fl"COCK. IOOM fl" OBANIC NUm l YK fl"IAmT m Ms ~COSMITICS tl'APPUAMCa '111\'IAS AND JUICll EL MOLINO PRODUCTS HOWARD'S NUTRmON 548·6424 1861 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Open a days tll I· Sat. til 5:30 -TOUl COMMVMfTT -1tH ~e ~oaat y rhey have responded 4 acquire Mic beach ch to Su ! Warned lit expect 1matic the 42.7 Tain now .nd those J "deeply ! and sea exist. . preciated f irst . the crea- e drawn .ons and :uding marine ·oup, he 1.icularly methods mination !leed in- Id i Q g . ea what in these 1 values :de that ely fan- ·efers to on plan I would ~ county frontage s, "was .ntywide l9eS that s of the ;pans ion 15 "will :lhys of .f com- hink of d rhop- n Wm, >rldges, n.s. fire ks and >n and r won state a Real X' Us Mlonal ial ad- SAN DIEGO FWY. CONNELL CHEVROLET ADAMS ~ BAKER ST. 0 ~ w < 0 . . 2828 HARBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA 54~1200 '•Quality Is The Reasota Wlag Connell Is The Place To Bug'' "Connell Chevrolet is probably the only VOLUME CHEVROLET DEALER who maintains the image of con- fidence and quality. We .are straight forward in our dealings and have built a most enviable repeat busi- ness from our satisfied customers. We keep the largest dock possible of bra.nd new Chevrolets offering a complete selection. Our resale department maintains a display of over I 00 used cars and the emphasis is always on quality. Of course, we never forget friendliness. We will try our very best to make your visit to Connell Chevrole t a dignified, pleasing and friendly experience." GM GENUINE PARTS . CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS KING at ConneR Chevrolet and you will receive th ... utmost in courtesy •t •II times. No job is too large or too small, •nd we do the job P.D.Q. (pretty darn quick!). Whether the job is bending out • fender or the complete rebuilding of • motor you can always depend on QUALITY workmanship at reasonable prices. We've pro- vided our personnel with the space and the equipment to do any job • • • There are thousands of Chevrolet owners in the area we serve! Some of these owners are old customers . ~ •nd some are new. Therefore, we must maintain 1 large in-• . ventory of ready parts for all Chevrolets. Our 8000 square foot pa rts department can al~ays be counted on to have the parts you need, when you need them! Remember, we •r• here to offer service: we're interested in being YOUR dHl.rship. '' . . \ ONNELL CHEVROLET • 2828 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA -YOH COMMINm , ........ \" .. --...... ". .. Hoag Meeis All Crises Bos11ital Builds to Cope Witla G1·owth DAILY PILOT Staff PNtt PEDIATRICS PAVILION AT HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL It WH Ntw Not Lont Ago; Somethint Ntwtr 11 Coming Cars Not Only Way To Get to Newport . A c:.r j, n t the cnly way to conv 1.r g 1 in the Harbor are:i. In fa ··:. ve;J can enter or leave 1 llf' :re:.i in a boat or a bus ,i:i .... ; a:~cut as easily as pri\ c:t.: c:.i;. Grcylw.:ntl Bus Co. coaches arrive ;1t tile t rminal at 149 H Ri \'('r:.icie Me. with con- nec tions tn all points in the nation. Two bu:-es each hour and a h:ilF at'c the u::ual number. Specific s:h~Jules and fares are avilablc by p hon l n g S48-Jl02. Besides the hind transporta- tion, swnmer \isitors who want a respite from the urban sprawl can hop the "Island Holiday" for a trip lo Avalon ClO Catalina Island. Starting June 15. and con- tinuing throogb !:;~pt .. 15, the large diesel craft leaves the Balboa Pavilion docks each morning at 9 :i.m. · The Holiday lt•aves Avalon each day al 4:30 p.rn., bring- ing passeng!'rs b:1c\< in jia time. ' Fare for Ill..' l d,:.ilina trip ts $8.50 fer adul: ... round trip. Children under 12 are taken for half fare. Boat Memorial Bospitll IA ~ past, Uoac'1 arowtla Presbyterian, now in its 16th. bat been achieved without year of open ticn, is faoinc bom>wing funds from any len· 1' crisis _ and plannioa to dioC imtituUon. But the new meet lt. tower will cost '13,000,000 and dils will oo loager be feasible. Although the hospnal bas '!be hospital's directors are grown from 75 ro 270 beds, seeking '3 milli<>O in donations there still is a severe shortage from the publlc during a ol beds JO<I o Per a ti n g tJree-year fund drive, from f~ties. It has forced Hoag now through 1971. They will to i~te a waitW.n list of WlllWll --& obtain the rest through· loans all non-emergency surgery. and by allocating alrc:>d}• ex· In a recent statement issued !sting donations. by the California Department d BNltb, it WIS reporied tblt TALL REACH there 1.s a present need for The building c~paign takes an additional 75 beds ln the as its theme R-0bert Brown- area served by Hoag Hospital. ine's quctal.ion, "Ah, but a And by 1890, accordmg to the man's reach should exceed his Orange County P le n n l n g grasp, or what's a heaven 'l>epartmem, the popuJaUoo of for?" the area will have doubled. All donatioos are tax de.duc- 'I11erefore, Hoag bas decided tible. upon a master plan to meet Honocary chairmen of the the needs of the hospital by Reach Campaign are actor coostructing 255-palient ad· John Wayne and deveJ()pet dit:ion. Marshall Du!field. Chairma n HOAG TOWER ls Albert J. Auer. The new building. to be Today, Hoag Hospital boasts completed by 1971, will be a medical starr of more than called Hoag Tow~r. and will 275 physidans and 300 nurses. rise 11 stories above Newport and more than 450 trained Bluffs. It will include new technical personnel a n d <>pel'Qting roams. recovery service employees. rooms, labcra:ories, emergen-Its newest facilities include cy services and a coJnp!ete an intensive care uru t, a heart-tung diagn:>Stic a n d '5501000 pediatrics pavilion treatment center. and a new lobby. Hoag Tower is expected to 'I11e original was built in ease tile cramped quarters in 1952 with a $500,000 donation the rest of the hospital, and from the Hoag Foundation. make possible the ~on in memory oC George Grant of many S(ll'Vices, including . Hoag, and an equal amount an enlarged nuclear medicine railed from the community program, which will become in a drive headed by two one of Calif<irnia's most ad-Presbyterian ministers - vaoced. Revs. Raymond I. Brahams IDd 0. Scott McFarlaod. IQ 1953 the hospital applied fer accrtdkation to the Jomt Onmm""m OJl Ac~tiion 'd HQIPbls, and Neeived t:he muimwn three-year Clall A aCCftdltation. 'Ill.is classifica. tioo bas been re-newed eVf!lY three years since then. A non-profit, non-sectarian hospital, Hoag is dltected by a professional administrator. William R. Hudson J r., with seven volunteer directors ap- pointed by the Hoag F OWl• dation, and seven elected by the Presbyterian churches in Orange County. A 1 5 l h member ls selected by these 14 directors. CUrrently serving as direc- tors are A. V. Jorgensen, president; George Hoag II. v)ce president; Dora 0. Hill, secr.etary; and William J . Stauffer, treasurer. Board members are Mrs. Robert L. Bacon, James E. Ba 11 f n g e r , Elmer W. Farnsworttl, Dudley R. Furse, Francis E. Griset, John Mac-- nab, Fred A. McMaster, John J . Mc.Naught.Qn, John A. Murdy Jr., James F. Penney and WWard-D. Voit Membel's of the Reach Cam- paign steering committee are Dr. Robert W. Crecca, Francis E. Grisel, Dr. J ohn K. Hamel, George Hoag II, Will.iiam R. Hudaon Jr., A. V i n c en t Jorgensen, John W.a=nab, Fred A. McMaster, John J . McNauchtoo, Themas K . Stadlloger, Dr. Harry E. Stiickler, Willard D. Voit and Mrs. Pabida T. ZebaL Besi.l::s t~e lvng-haal buses provide.I hy Greyhound, local buse., cprralcd by Southem Californi:.I Transit stop each hour at ~.mt ·gic locations in Newpcrt Bc:ich. Balboa and Costa Me~a. They travel In- land tu Santa Ana. Other connection" are a v a 11 a b 1 e there. Besides thr Crrat While Steamship. which has beeo idle for the pa~t year or so (It wilt resume tripis this sum- mer) the Island Holiday ls the only regularly sd>eduled large craft s t e a m in g pa.uengers to Catalina and baek this summer. PROJECT FOR 'THE REACH YEARS' AT HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 11-Story Hoag Tower To Reach Skyward From Ho.g Plat11u By 1'71 r=====-===~==============================:;======~ v~la ::be! ofiJo Newport'• Finest Luxul'y Aph. -on the B•y -Pier end Slip Av•il•ble - Specl11l1ln9 in the s.1. of HomH Co-operatlve Apertm.,,ts -Income Property GIORGI WIUIAMSOH, llALTOI ''Th• ·~ c;.,,.t T ... 1tm111r • llH Newpllt IW., Newpert .._. 17MllO e A L'Ele9ut Mt•'• Shoppe e Ant+.ony ShH Service e Atlli11so11'1 e I . D. Howt1 I S•11 • h nk of A111orlc1 e lurow'a e ltrkahire'• e l i4woll'a e ll1ckma11 Ltd. Jewolt,. e Gent lurto11 e Ki119'1 Lido Richfield e Lide Fu hions e Lido Trevtl e Morrla Pl1n Company ef C1lifor11 ie e N1wp1rt lelboe S ... in9c end Lo111 • Rich1rd'1 Lido Center e SK11rity t:;,.t Notlo111I lenk e Thi Shoe Tree e Via Lido Drugs e Lido Heir Fu hions e •r•t'• Fabric l outiqu• e Hewor4 Lewaen Jr., RH ltor ~ LIDO ANI NIWPOlT IOULIYAID-NIWPOIT llACH YOUI COMMUNITT-1'6' !Id Ill Ml ~e A l- 'Y ·- '• - Coast Offers Lots of Just Fun Activity Balboa providel an op- portunity for a diversity ol tecreation for the fainlly. Everytbinl to keep the young one• occupied and the older member• enwrtal.Md is wlthln easy walking distance of the main &treelt !*ween Palm and Main Streets on the bay and could even include a tour ol Newport Harbor. - T b e Bay Arcade baa machine-operated miniature bowling and ak~·ball. Boat Service at and neat the 'Iben there ts always Dav-by the day or, half-day. Ttie -Playland ArcadJ has Pavllion at Main and Bay ey's Locker where deep aea dock ls right at the Pavilion machine bowling and 11_•_lrte_ts_,_B_alboa __ • ______ fisb_wn_· _1_can_be_arr_ang_;;_e(l_' _e_lth_er_a_t_M_am ... • _s ... t....::an=d.:..:.B.:::aY:..:.· __ _ variety of skill games. -The Fun Zone Arcade includes a m e c h a n i c a 1 shooting gallery and, during the summer, a 1 k e t t shooting range. -The Fun Zone Amuse- ment Park, open during the awn mer, irlcludes two ferris wheels, bumper cars, a merry-go-round and a boat ride. Most of th~ attractions are open weekends and holidays, in addition lo their summer schedule. -Nearby at tile end of Palm Street on the bay the Balboa Island Ferry ahuf- fles cars, bikes and people between the peninsula a n d Balboa Island. The ferry service is a land.mark in Balboa which began in 1918 with a rowboat between the two points. Boat i entals and a lour of the bay may be arranged at Fun Zone Boat Co. or Balboa * * * rrhe Variety is Wide STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Oran9e County Music • RADIO KOCM 103J FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach •••• • • • • • • • • • • • I '· " ----.-....--~-----------.. - DAil Y rll.OT Plllllle ·~ Tem P•tler Old Man and 'See' Frank Emish, at 90, ls becomln& almost as much of a landmark on Balboa Peninsula as 60-year~ld Balboa Ferry he comes to watch dally. Here, he stands on Peninsula-end dock where ferry lands numerous times dally. Born in Santa Barbara, Emish moved to home of his niece, Doris Allen, of 1311 E. Balboa Blvd., four years ago when his wife died. In addiUon to bll twice or thrice-daily walks to "downtown" Peninsula area, he likes to talk about shaking hands once with Pres. William Henry Harrison and fact that he rode first oil-burning locomotive on Southern Pacific Railroad. Military Aid s Eeo noIDy • Military base operations in the Orange Coast area provide a sizable boost for the local economy each year. The area's bases last year, for example, spent a total of nearly $130 million, about $27 million more than for the pre vious year. In addition to massive payrolls, lhe bases during calendar year 1968 pumped millions of dol!ars into capital improvement programs. El Toro Marine Corps Air Station spend $2 million in construction; its sister opera- tion. Santa Ana Marine Corp• Air Facility, sunk $680,000 tn capital Improvements. At Los Alamitos Naval A1r StaUon, home of 11 tenant actlviUes, a new filling staUon was added as part of a major remodeling project for tht sta- I•~ •I ?ftaeJm, tk ~1:J/,~J rM»ld tion11 Navy Exchaoge system. 'l1le station has 4 , 3 2 7 reservists involved in 33 Navy and 1% Marine units v:hich train there. Included in t h e ap- proximately $11 million the ataUon spent on capital im- provements last fisca! year was the beginning of 202 on· base dependents' housing units targeted for completion in October. The Seal B e a c h Naval Weapons Station, for calendar year 1968, posted total ex· penditures of $13,716,550. which included a military payroll of $n3.483, civilian pa)'l'Oll of $9,471,175, a utilities b I 11 of $3,246,892 and an $Z25,000 in construction. Hert, ln capsule form, are aome of the vital statistics of tht Orange Coast area's military Installations for the past year: EL TORO MARINE CORPS AIR STATION Acreqe: 4.,607 Civilian employes: 850 Total e 1 p e n d i t u r e s : $89,000,000 SANTA ANA MAR IN E CORPS AIR F AClLITY . Acreage: 1,594 Civilian employes: 110 Total e x p e n d i t u r e s : $26,000,000 SEAL BEACH NAVAL WEAPONS STATION Acreage: 4,970.6 . Civlllan employes: t,167 Total e x p e n d i t u r e s : $13,71S,5SO • LOS ALAMITOS NAVAL AIR STATION Acreage: 1,554 (hatr the city of Los Alamitos) Clvlllan employes: 224 Total e x p e n d i t u r e s : $21,000,000 Featuring Newport Beach's finest •rea homes. The full servic. Professional Real Estate Marketing Organiuition that offers: I. Homes 2. Duplexes 3. Property Managem·ent 4. Resort Property 5. Investments W PROPERTIES WEST 1011 IAYSIDI DIM. NIWPORT IEACH CAt....._. ............ , •• ,,.. • ..,_..lkJ YOH COMMUHITT-1t'9 ---~--~----·--~ -~-~ --~...-.""--•-.;.;.;.J.'•-;..o• --.. ---~ OVER 48 YEARS OF PROGRESS Tlleotlore Robins Forti 1921-.1969 THEODORE ROBINS, SR. Meny dealerships h•v• •p•r•ted m•ny yura under th• Hm• ntm•, but few hev• enjoyed almost ha lf • century of progreu und•r the same ownership and mantgement. We feel our good fortun• in Southern California is bued .n a reputetion of penon•I inte9rity. During the yun Theodore Robins Ford 9rew from a tiny one-man business into one of Ortnge County's largest, most modern Ford cfeelerships'. We have refused to "impersontlize" our customer relatiomhips. As we enter our '49ih year of servin g Orange County we remain eware t hat, al-though a ll of our friends cannot become customers -all of our cusiomer' can become friends. THEODORE ROBINS, J[,. ONLY THEODORE ROBINS OFFERS YOU All OF THESE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES. VOLUME SALES-SAVINGS No l•rger Hlec:tion of new Forch •nywhere. Our moclern, efficient u ltt proetclure1 mH n competitive uvin91 in hard clollera tnd u nh. USED CAR SUPERMARKET Onr two tcJH of ltobins-RHdy, ltobin1-lteli•ltle used cue to fit tny pockett>eo .. Die1nostic tested "'' heve p•ued tl0 efectrHiC fHh for ufafy, reliel:iifily en' performeno. LEASE-RENT C~NTER L••ao •nv 111eke ur -rent any 11\Mel Ford 011 daily or wttkly It,.;, -i11d11di119 CoMftr 111ofor homu •H ptckllpe •~tfi 10' Cemporl---'Wilh t rufett conve11ie11ce, lowett coat. TRUCK, CAMPER CENTER L.rge iruck inventory b•tked by mc.dtrn aerviu facilitie1. Compleie umpu •nd mobile ho'"' Hies f.cility. Rent reedy.to-roll ucetio11 vehicles for ev•ry noel. FORD ROTUNDA DIAGNOSTIC CENTER So11~rn Celilorni•'• fi11ettl 6 i•tt eny Amtriu11 car 130 ole<tronlc toth for )erfort11oco elld ufety while yo11 wetch 011 your ow11 dl•lt encl in41iutort in • elimetiaed tl•u rooM. Teles l•u t+ien JO 1ni11utt1 -$9.95 f11ll cost. HIGH PERFORMANCE CAR CENTER F•mry euthoriaod ult1. ""'Tee, end p•m for F.r4 kilt fligh perf.,menct ura. bclutlvo Or•nto Co11llty Juler for Sh.lltv·Amerlu11 &T.JIO, ~T 100. Alweyt e lti9 Hltet!Oll I• J llpley and reedy for Tm medi•to tlelivery. ECONOMY CAR CENTER Factory e uthorited 1ele1, Hrvice elMI ptrh for Ford ecc n• omy urs, including febulout 11ew Elltlish Fonh . lerge in- ,,enlory rucly for immecli ate delivery. COURTESY &US SERVICE Owr own modern ltu1t1 luve every helf hour for frtt Irena• portetio11 to end from your wor~. home or uhool while your or it being .. ,,,ictcl. SUPER SERVICE CENTER Se,...ico •11' •t pair lteyt for WOfkillf .,. 71 Urt 1i11111hu-A ooutly, plue cemplote llody e'"' pof11t ahoJt. -THEODORE ROBINS FOR SINCE 1921 2060 HARBOR ILVD .. COSTA MESA. 642.0010 SALES DIPAITMINT HOUIS PAITS AND SllYICI HOUIS I •.m. te t ,.,.. Mena1 • FrWar • Satvrtlar I a.m. ta 6 ,.,,.. , '·"'· ,. ' ..... ......, • 7 ............ 'rt ... .,.,,..., f -YOUI COMMWNnT PAIYS ONLY I a.in. to 6 ,.m. l•tvrd11 DAILY' PILOf ~ MAMJINI _,~ •t• •. • .., • L • \ '• ( Elefentlins en where ~eu m~) m© ·@® • I yel!I w~IK . ... f~~t~ "THE GRANDEST MALL OF THEM All" AWAITS YOU. IT'S ALL INSIDE AND A COMFORT ABLE 72 DEGREES THE YEAR-AROUND. THERE ARE 84 STORES AND SERVICES, PLUS CONVENIENT PARKING FOR 6500 CARS. OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL 9:30 P.M. South Coast '1ua IAIU ftl.C)I MAUZINI ' ( • J ~<· -#-·• .. It lstol at San Dftgo FrHWay, Cotta MeSCI Moving Picture Symmetrical circles of steel climb skyward in this view of tower which tops Fox South Coast Theater, one of recent landmarks completed in South Coast Town ·center portion of Segerstrom Family developments which center on South Coast Plaza at San Diego Freeway and Bristol Street in northern Costa Mesa. Freeways Now Way of Life Freeways are a way or life In Orange County today with the last few years seeing tremendous extension in the areas served by the multi-tan~ ed roadways. Just a few years ago there was only the Santa Ana Freeway serving the Orange Coast. Now the.re are the Snn Coast. Now there are the San Gabriel F r e e w a y , the Riverside Freeway and a small segment of the future north-south Orange Freeway. The San Diego Freeway was completed early this year with the opening of the eight-mile section between MacArthur Boulevard, near the Orange County Airport, and the Santa An"' li'rP"'::ay near El Toro. Tht $10.9 million job com- plete.. a 73-mile route from the San Fernando Valley to the Orange Coast area. Future freeways are in the news. Latest wrangles are over the route of the Newport Freeway through Costa Mesa. It is pretty well agreed that the proposed route will be changed from N ewport Boulevard to Superior A venue from 17th Street southward but the alignment from Bay to 17th streets is the subject or much debate. The State Highway Com- mission will decide the issue later this year. Another debated freeway route is the Huntington Beach Freeway alignment f r o m Garden Grove to the coast. There is no unanimity of opi· nion by the cities involved and the commission will have ACREAGE to make the decision. Next Orange C o u n t y • oriented freeway to be built is a section of the Riverside Freeway in the Santa Ana Canyon. Contracts have been awarded for part of this bot- tleneck area and construction is under way. Construction is expected on the Laguna Canyon Freeway and the Corona del Mar Freeway in the next few years. A section of the Pacific Coast Freeway from San Juan Capistrano to Newport Beach may be next on the budget agenda. The route through Newport Beach from the Upper Bay Bridge north to the Santa Ana River is still unacceptable to the city although adopted by the commission. ALSO for Moblle Home Park 21 Acr" h1 Nottla Saa Ditto Co. flnt Hom" for Sale h1 CoroH del M•. Newport leacll & Costa Mt$C1 CALL ••• FITZMORRIS REALTY 3131 IAST COAST HIGHWTY CORONA DEL MAI (714) 67J-to10 YOUI COMMUNITT -1 t6' • • • • I • • tops Coast ·r on Costa f e u n t y- be builL :iverside 1ta Ana ve been :his bot- ;truction x:led on <'reeway ~I Mar ·xt few Pacific an Juan t Beach budget ~ewport oer Bay nta Ana table to pted by ... ··~-· ._New Port~· Keeps. ·Its Youth In tM be~ lt was the McFaddtn brotllert that fn the aru ol what la to- llterally 11new pm" and the their wbarf waa too baz.. day McFadden Square. Newport Beech ot today Ja a.rdously locaa.d: OH ol By 1900. the McFlddens Vf:l'Y much •. ''aew port/' even their pilots, Tol)l Rule, loet began to fide trom their to the naUves, u its styllne b.iJ llf e wbea a ahlp bl wu long-held role as patri.arcbs thrusts blaber and blgber into guiding into the bay'a Inlet of the communif.y. Other the salty atr of on& of the had its bOttom ripped out. pioneer residents ltalUd as- most g1amorou$ playports on FIRST NEWPORT PIER sumln& the tut of leader-.... _ p if1 ,,_ftftt ship. u1'9 ac c ~ · So the McFaddena built Tbe brothera even quit Newport Beach, first the another pier -u ocean operating t b e l r railroad. colony, then the town and shipping pier where New-They sold it to a man who now the city, bad its be-port Pier now stanch. later turned out to be an ginning as a aettlement Newport Harbor's com-agen t for the Southern Pa· more than 100 )'ears ago, mercial shipments lhifted in the daya of~ Civil War. to the Ocean Front, around ., In those dayst. prohlbitlon was a local opaoa. AJ a city, Newport could now make its own decision. There was a lot of bag- ghng, and the local chap- ter of the Wo01eia'1 Chris· tia.n Temperance U n 1 o n wetabed in with a sternly worded petition. But rum won, in a 3-2 vote by trustees. The nourishing litUe city, which now boasted of a aa· A hardy, 1eatartng man, which a small community Capt S. S. Dtmneli, one began to develop. Among day departed from bia es-the nrst of the buildings in tabUshed routlne of running the tiny town was a board- bia stern·wheeler, ''Vaque-ing house for_ dock workers. ro/' up and dOW'll tb• coast The brothers McFadden, ~een San Diego an d Newport Beach homes continued to grow in number in 1968. The city issued a total of 2,266 building permits during the calendar year. Here's how they lined up : point.a north to do some ex-whose swiftly 1rowiDJ for· ploring. tunes were still lar&elY the Type of Building Total for Year Singte-family Residences 673 He steemed into the pres-result ol lumber sales, ent Newport Harbo?' inlet, promptly recogni%ed t be ~~~ : ~ Apartment Buildings 2A need !or a ra.Uroad to the between what 11 now Coro-center of the rancbbelt, San-na del Mar and a aandspit Commercial Buildings 31 Industrial Buildings 6 that is now Bal.boa Peoinsu-ta Ana. Miscellaneous Permits 839 la. cautioualy maneuvering By now they were weal· 1he "Vaquero" around bars thy enough not only to build of shiftlng •and. Capt. Dun-the railroad but also to buy The city had on record, as of 1'Jarch 31, 1969, a total of 21,677 living units. nels dropped anchor at a up some of the largely bar· s...:;a::iiiMM:~t1i...;~11.:1ia.. deep cove cloae by the ren land surrounding the mouth of the Upper Bay. pier. cl.fie Railroad, much to the It was trfc)cy 1otng, but The property wu owned ' chagrin of the McFaddens unnela found be bad come ed what ls today the area who bad spent a half-dozen pon a navt1able porl He between 9th and 4oth atreets. yeara trying to teep the SP gan tr~ witli ranch· by the date, and the state out ol Newport. , ... , ... __ and tall drove a bard bargain: tbe rs ,or ~ ow, brothers McFadden were • Within a few years time, word tot &round. Otb-lled to b ll ut .-. Ole settlement's leaden fe lt r vessels atarted making compe s e o ., .. an e same trip. acre for 1,000 acres. an itch for Incorporation. y · "ted "odi .. 11u b th The property encompass· Among these WIS Alfred 151 pen c....., Y e The acquisition marked tbe Hermes, who twice tried to aquero" and other trad-l tur g ships, the new port _ beginning of 1401d New-drum up enough • ena es b• port." on petitions calling for an o~n ~ c~;~1;1,sage Tossed into the Sl·an-acre incorporation election. But n was -plainly in need of deal were a couple ol. sand-each Ume the county Board wharf. IJl 1873, tt cot one. ipits. These later' became of Supervisora told him be Balboa and Lido Islands. didn't have enough names. T McFADDEN NAME Work on the railroad be· The third time was the e brothera McFadden gan In 1889. The distance charm. The election was a name to bt forever of the rout. between New-called and in June, 1906, ed with Newport'• early port and Santa Ana had Newport Beach officially be- ory -built tM landing. been measured by one 11. came a municipality by a ir principal intent at the G. Forgy. \'ote of 4.2 to 12. The popu· e waa to provide a fa-Forgy, a Santa Ana al· lation of th• new city at ty for the unloading of torney, painstakingly calcu-the time was 445 ; voter ln· ber for their own 4,000. lated the distance by tying terest obviously wasn't very e spread in the Santa a big white rag to one of high. area and f()f other his buggy wbeela and then But the enthusiasm of the ches in the county. counting the revolutions as city's first board ol trus- ames and Robert Mc· the rag whipped past the tees, headed by Mayor John den built their whart corner of bis eye during his King, wu indeed h1&h. r tbe mouth of the Up-trip to Newport. The mile· Eager to keep municipal Bay, close by the cove age was determined by a expendituret at a mln1mum, which Capt. Dunnels had mathematical formula in· they shuffled from one ored the "Vaquero" valving the circumference meeting place to another t years before. of the wheel and the num-with the rise and fall of usiness boomed for the her ot white blur1 counted rents. AmoQi early "city Faddens in that first by Forgy. halls'' were th• Southern . More than 70 vessels "He got pretty dizzy with . Pacific station on the New. their cargoes over all that counting,'' one of port Pier and a 1tor1 room pier'• deck, With tum-Forgy's grandsons recalled ln a bulldiD& at ~ corner but a part ot the ck· years later. of J.Stb Street and Central es. And the 1hlps did Hauling people as well as Avenue (later Balboa Boul- btgin their return voy-freight, the four-car train evard). empty; they carried opened up Newport as a They a14o set up shop in to their home ports resort haven. The canny a back room Of Lew Wal- agrlcultural products McFaddens took prompt ad-lace'• n • w l y established grain, wool and, of vantage of that, charging State Bank of Newport. The , hides. toumt.s $8 a month to pitch rent wu $10 a month. Wal· g th• 11ext t e w tents on their newly acquJr· lace then chose to hi.kt it , 1blpplq traftlc in· ed beach!ront. Also t h e to Sl.5 a month. , and with lt, th• brothers built the Newport During the yeara ol the her ol lblpt that went Hotel in 1893, bard by the clty'a infancy, mualctpal of- . The McFaddens pier. Ciciala were thus kept con· out pllotl to culde vis· The wooden hostelry re-stantly on the move. veaMla through th e malned standiof until WJS, A blg isaut faced tbe deceptlveq undepen\ by which time termites bad board of truai.e1 -th• channels. Hig'b tide~replaced tourists as prtncl-equivalent to toda.Y'• City releaeed most of the J>al gue&U. Council -4ur1Dt one ol its that ltl11 manaeed to -Many ol the lnlandera llrst meetinp. apped on land.spits. who rode th• McFtdden.1' That luut wu demon 1185, llowntr, It had train to Newport decided •um. Should tb• city bt wet • tn&lolU1 delr 1o to atay. Bouttt popped ap Ol' dry? loon or two, by 1908 hnd two small banks. One of them was W. S. Wallace's State Bank ot Newport, which was the first to be robbed. In 1907, safecrac.k· ers blew its vault. They fled with Wallace's gold watch. Some months later, Los Angeles police arrested a man on another charge. He had Wallace's ti.me.piece. It was safely returned to th" banker. A1 ''Old Newport" around the wharf began rattllng with the sounds of progress -the hammering of houses under construction and the blowing up of safes -a sand.spit cousin on tht tip of the peninsula was also showing sig111 ol life. Balboa was In tht hands of developers. It wu 10 named, according to it.I en- thusiastic promoten, at the saggestion of a Peruvian vice consul. Among earll developers of the 1traQllDI ttrtp of sand dunea west ol today'• 11B" Street wen W. 8. Co~ llns and J . P. Greeley, who began bu.yin& up land for Jou u early u JJCM. Promotion ot the Balboa tract wu energetic. Poten- tial buyers were treated to free Juncbes, amoni other inducements. The bl& problem, how- ever, was traneporlation. The horse-drawn buUlea of. ten f oUDd tbe 1oln1 rather swampy. Subdividers finally with considerable perauuton, and cash, convinced the legendary railroad magnate Collis P. Huntlnlton to U• tend his PadllC Electr1c Railway, which by D o w stretched aloof the coast· line from Los Angeles, down the peninsula to Balboa. Tht first train b~ down UJ. 1andl oo Jul; ·4' 1905. Promotied tfl.anted the big occaalon by MUS.na off firewOl'ks and boatma a huge barbecue. Mort than 1,000 attended: most ol. them from Pasadena. Enough lots were aold that way, it was reported, to pay off every si.octbold-er tbe amount Of money be had invested tn Newport Bay Investment Company• Balboa's de veloping firm. At about the same time, the Newport Bay company won federal permisslbn to build a structure on plllngs out over a portion ol the bay. Constructed by contract. or George Prebel at the foot of Main Street, lt was named the Balboa PavWon. Through the ensuing dee· adcs, it underwent many ownerships and many res- torations, but the structure today still stands. Across the bay In 1905, W. S. Collins began carving out a channel. The sand and muck scooped up by Collins was dumped onto a sandspit that had been aev· ered from the mainland by the channel. Collins had acquired the sandspi t from the McFad- dens. That is how Balboa ls· land became an island. BALBOA FERRY Collins decided to provlde transportation to the lsland by fer ry from Raboa, near the Pavilion. In 1909, the f11 st would· be buyer& of Balboa Island land wel'e borne across the bay on Collins' new Balboa Ferry. Ten rears later, the terry operation was turned over to the late Joseph A. Beek. His family is still running It. Newport Beach prosper- ed during the colorful dee· ade of 1910.19'l0. It cam• of age as a resort commu· nity. In the summertime people came lo tht beach by the thousands. They came in trains, on toot, by blcycle and jn the new and &tartllng gasoline buutea. Balboa's Main Street OD most warm afternoooa wu lined with high-top ruvvera, wooden s p o k • wbeela eleaming and giant wind· shields shining in the sun. The Pavilion, a dance hall then, proved to ~ a rreat attraction. Sharp-fla· vored jelly apples were sold by hawkers whose r.tanda lined lhe beaches in Bal· boa as well as In "Old t>.'tw- port." HARBOR DEVELOPS But it wasn't all Cun and games in Newport duriDI the Innocent Yea.rs. For some time, m&D,J of the city's citizens had want- ed their 11arbor traosfonn, ed from a barely navlpblt waterway lo a more useful one. By 1915, the dreams began to be reallied. In December of that year, alter many /else ~tarts, a city harbor comm.isllon WU CLD.ally formed. Jts ·m•m- btrs were LiM L. Jlbaw, chairman; Lew H. Walla~, secretary; and Jess A. Arm- itage, J. W. Duckworth and K. E. Watson. The tollowing Septemb<-1·, the commission asked the community's voters 1o au· tborlze the Ooatina or a $125,000 bond issue to fi- nance city construcUoa of an unimpeded entrance Jet· ty to the harbor. The voters responded with a resoW1d· ing .. Yes" -391 to 20. Also in. 1916, Rep. Wil- liam Ke~Uler succeeded in pushing through Congress federal legislation officially establishing harbor bounda· rles. A year later, Newport voters bold themselves $50,- 000 in bonds to pay for city dredging of a clear chan· nel the length ol the bay. COUNTY GOES ALONG By the end of the dec- ade, the whole of Orange County had gotten into the act. In 1919, county voters, swept up by local enthusi- asm for the bay'a pottn- tJal, approved 3 $500,000 county harbor improvement bond issue. The vote was 8,070 to 2,252. . Barbor-hungry leaders had won major victories during the decade. The dredging itself took years. It wasn't until the mid·th.irtie~ 1hat youngsters no longt'r had sandbars on which to mud-surf and the Balboa Ferry was able to make a dlrect trip to the island. Because or the slownesa ol the many harbor clear· Ing and cleanup project., the bay remained pristiDt enough for movie·makinl purposes throughout the si· lent film era. In the summer of 1917 the harbor .)erved as a movie Cleopatra's Nile. The royal baree was surround· ed by iooo extras on ac- companying barges. Twiet as many pop-eyed film fans watched the spectacle from tbt shore -and out of camera ran'.;t:. The best view was t n· Joyed by several city or- ttclala who had managed to lip on wlth the movie com· pany as extra~. The flying machine also came to Newport during the decade. On May JO, 1912, pioneer aviator Glenn L. Martin of Santa Ana shoved into the bay a wood, wire and cloth craft on pontoons. Ht started its single engine aad ln a lew minutes was alofl Less than 40 minutes later he aplubed gen tly down Jn Avalon bay -completing the world's fint "water-to- water" fllght. Tb e Roaring TwenUes was a ti.me of accomplish- ment in Newport, too. But unlike its predecessor de- cade. and aa throughout the land, it was a period in wblcb garish excitement overshadowed solld achieve- ment.' Balboa boomed with bin· 10, wide • open gambling, batblae 1'eautits and boOze. (C.d91t4 te Patt l'J) DAILY PILOT 't§ M•ADMI ~ - ., .. ~ \ t , Costa Mesa, Newport Share Lihi~aries for First Time 30,000 books. which readers take out at the Tate of 20,000 a month. There is also a wide eluding many f o r e I g n assortment of magazines, in- cluding periodlocals. Head librarian at Mesa Verde ls Mrs. Dorise Jesco. BUT, WILL IT FL , lmttuctot George BinQo watch carefullJI cs handl of 1tudtnt Jfc i haU Joh·tison get feel o/ butlding 1 airplane iu new OCC course. This year, for the (irsl tlme, the Newport B~ach library aystem is available t o residents of Costa Mesa, and Costa Mesa's libraries are available to residents o f Newport Beach. thanks to Newport's decision to join forces with the Orange County Fret Library system. And Newport Beach rudera wUI find a Jot to browse through when they visit Costa Mesa's two branches, one at 566 Center St., the other at 2969 E. Mesa Verde Drive. Story time for pre-schoolers ii popular at both libraries. While the youngsters listen to l. story, their mothers art drinking coffee an<l discussing books on chil(f psychology, reading readiness, crafts, and other things of interest. Friends of the Library, a group of lndlvlduals and organisations dedicated t o support.Ing library needs and providing services, is beaded this year by Dr. Hilda MacCartney, president; Mrs. William Stalnforth and Mrs. James Walsworth, v i c e presidents; Mrs. R o b e r t Fisher, correspond l n g 1 e c re t a r y ; Mrs. John Applegate. treasurer; Mrs. Pa u 1 Fr le be r tshauscr, recording secretary; and Mrs. Joyce Martin and Mrs. Leo Rovin, sOcial chairmen. OCC Changing NEW FEATURES The Center Street branch, according to its b e a d librarian, Mrs. G e rt r ude Pearce, has added several new features this year. One prized acquisition · is a microfilm c o 11 e c t I o n of periodkals such as Time and Life, dating back to 1960, which may be read on the machine al Center Street Library. Eventually, t b 1 library hopes to add a col- lection of old newspapers on microfilm. A new film library. stocked with travelogues, educational and other subjects is also free and so are records, ranging from classical to children'• to ''bard rock." Center Stre<'t has more than The Mesa Verde Library. a newer branch. operates in· depeodently, although both libraries are part of the Orange County Free Library System. Mesa Verde has 23,000 books, and adds 300 a month. Fortunately, it boasts a whopping circulation of 20,000 volumes a month , which keeps the books from toppling off the shelves. The branch also has in· creased its supply o f recordings and made them free. VARI.ED PROGRAM Education leads the list of acUviUes of the library, wltb great books discussion groups for children and adults, story hours for pre-schoolers, and morning orientations f o r element"8ry and high school students. BRANCH HOURS Center Street hours are: Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and story hour, 10:30 a.m. Thursday for pre-schoolers. Houra at the Mesa Verde branch are: Monday through Thursday, noon to 9 p.m.; Friday, noon to 5 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; with story hours at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Thursday for pre- schoolers. Bookmobile hours and stops are oo Thursday at 10 a.m. at Newport Blvd. and Victoria and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Men- doza and El Camino. It bas been a year of change at~ Coast College with some even bigger innovations in the offing. The college in 20 years has grown from 115 1tudents to more than 18,000 (day and evening). Growth bas brought problems, but lt also has brought new opportunities for students. Visibly, the biggest change on the campus ls the new Ii· brary. The four-story building dominates the northern end or the campus. The first Ooor is a study area. Floors two and three are the library proper. The fourth floor ia an audio- visual center. 'Ibe library will house 75,000 volumes. During the last year, the colJe,e baa moved to the fore· front Jn the United States in die field ol eomputer-.assisted learning. The Data Center houses an IBM 360 Systems 40 computer. leued tb1s year. It is linked to UCI and to Golden West College. All abart in the materials stored 1n the com- puter'• system. PATIENT 'TEACHER' Fiften termloels at OOC and 10 at GWC are linked to the computer. students can sit at the tenniDals and ask the comJ)uter questions. It will pa- tlently, and at their individual speeds, teach them the more repetitive portions of a sub- ject, such as the learning of the dittettnt phyla in biology, or the rote pert of language. Two new occupational pro- grams are under way that offer virtually unlimited op- portunities to OCC students. An air frame and power course got under way last fall, ----~~~---= .. ~~: •• [ .. ~ .... LIVE COMFORTABLY COllGRA TUlJ TIOllS COSTA MESA TEAM FEATURING: e Lo"et ltoem e 111.iMte Hit.. 1-..ctl e CIHHr e 1 ... ,. •• '"' P9'MMI Sefety • le411eo cel4 • Itri .. llHlffrs .. ,.... 0"'4Mfa SCREENS Enjoy Your Pool Year Roundl ADD YOUR OWi SClfRIB) "FLORIDA ROOM'' WE ALSO MANUFACTURE • Patio Covers • ScrHns • Windows .,.. ,...... ef c.... ..... .... filM fH4 .. • NllM W• lfwtN .., ...._ a. Msy, 1941. ft..a. .... "'""*" .,. .... "" ........... ~ city .. ....,....-...... -4 It .. "" . ,.., ...... . IOI WILSON • NOW and it appears It will at 11 double in •iie ID ltl first Y• There also ii a related J gram 1n air tramportat which (akes in all ol then management and operatic aspects of the air lndusl Coupled with thls, 1tude also may go to OCC and e. their commercial pilot's cense. MARINE TECHNOLOGY Marine tech is a new p gram which trainl men ~ women in everything fn fisheries management to 1 derwater coostruction. S denu learn to become pre cient divers, making th: ellgible for jobs aucb as • derwater photographer, di\ tender, mart n t electron technician and underwal petroleum technologist, amo others. - A~~ ~ for PATIOS WINDOWS • Awnings '• Car Porn • Enclosures • Aluminum Siding ~lxalum ALUMINUM AWNINGS WI SPECIALIZI IN SCREEN INCLOSURES 1tA~Alll • Doors • Gara91 Doors "' A •Iii#/ Nu WILSON ASSOCIATES 1941 16800 SOUTH HARBOR Bl VD. (JUIT NORTH OP SANT A ANA ltlVllt lltlDGE) Phone 131.0UO • !venhtt1U1-4732 10.Y .. r Guuant .. NewYff-~Hfet• ft.t ftle "'Y .._.. 1Mtehtlea -~ ... ..... "elt • • • llltlieet ... lty. ... .. "' ... .,... ,,..... Nern. Your Own Term1 PRll !STIMATES A.,.._. le OfWle C..-y I r FLY~ ~ tuatcl~s ut.nc Mor- iufldlng au ·st. will at least ta first year. related pro· msportatioo. . ol the mid· operational ir lndustrv. tis, 1tudenis X and earn pUot's Ji. )LOGY a new pro· 111 men anti thing from !lent to Ull· ctlon. Stu- ZOllle pro;i. .king th:!lll :uch as un· 1pber, diver electronic:; underwat~r g1st, amcng Tales of J;Jootleg,. Sectionalism Mark '20s ( Coodllaecl from Pq' 15) The rest of Newport. by now spread the length of the P~niluula, wam't ex· 2ctly staid, eitber. Tales of shameless viola· tJon of the Volstead Act abounMd. City Marshal Jim Porter was kept breathless dumping conIJscated bottles of bootleg liquor down the d r a i n f rooting whatever building that happened to· be serving as city hall at the time. DOOZEDOGGt.E? One morning, as Porter was about to hit the-drain with several cases of the stuff, he received a phone call. He left ~ booze rt.and· ing unguarded outside as he engaged in a cruiously pointless and one ·-sided phone conversation with a caller who just wouldn't hang up. When Porter finally got away, o! course, so had the liquor. All six cases. It was hinted that city aides, unable to bear the waste of the liquor, may have been involved in the scandal. But nothing came of the investigati<>n, except that from then on Marshal Porter ignored all phone calls when he was about to pour. Another popular tale th'lt made tlie rounds in the mid· 20& concerned a coal black yacht that unloaded $100,· Ooo in Illicit booze one night at a newly built pier off 19th Street. The liquor was transfer- red to a van C\lld the boot- leggers happily beaded for Los Angeles. But they were stopped considerably short of their destination by a band of dirty crooks who hijacked the previous load. SECTIONALISM Sectiocal disputes a)Jo be- gan plagui.Dg l\tewport in the 20's. M~t of the dif- ferences resulted fro m clashing philosophies over the fu ture role of the city and its harbor. Harry Tudor of Balboa and his backers saw the en- tire community as a poten· tial "Atlantic City of the West. •r They felt the har- bor should be for pleasure craft only. But in Old Newport, Lew Wallace and his &upporters felt differenUy. They favor- ed a city geared to com· metcial and industrial ac· ti\ity, with the harbor serv· ing as the focus of that ac· tivlty. A key improvement ln the developmeDt of the harbor took place early in the dec- ade when the Santa Ana River channel was dJvert- ed from the bay to the ocean . Jt was a significant har· bor improvement for It as- sured that no looger would river floodwaten 41wnp de- bris and silt into the bay, piling high unwanted sUf. bars. Joe Beek by this ttm• had added to h1a respcmai· bilities as Balboa bland ferry opttator the heady task of harbor muter, tht city's first. During the decade New· port voters three times ap- proved additional bond Is- sues for further harbor im· provements. The total amounted to $'715,000, a bug sum for a community of less than 2,500, even in t:1at ••easy money" era. Balboa and Old or Cen· tral Newport, meanwhile, continued to clash. At one point r~atlons between both sections of town · were so strained that each bad Its own chamber of commerce. In 1923, however. Harry Welch came to the Harbor Area. He soon put an end to the friction. The 48-year-old veteran chamber exe<'utive t o o k over as secretary of a new organization called the Or· ange County Harbor Cham· ber of Coml!lerce. 'lbe title avoided both town names. The civic leaders w b o bil'ed Welch made it plain what his job would be: to l\'eld together a single or- ganization to promote New· port Harbor. It took him ~ars, but he managed to do this. Eventually, the warring chamber factions were ab- sorbed into Welch's Orange County Harbor Chamber of C-Ommerce. Its name WH then changed to the New· port Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Welch remained a com· munity leader for 30 years. until his death at 78 in 1954. The county park in Upper Newport Bay, popularly called "~ewport Dunes,0 a properly known as Harry Welch Memorial Park. Meanwhile, development began to quicken on t b • bluffs on tbe other side of the bay. Corona del Mar in tM early years h3d undergone sporadic growth. But on April 3, 19'13, all that chang- ed. On that date the com· munity w a s annexed to Newport Beach. The annex vote was 181 to 32. _ Lots that bad been mar- keted at $~ each -with few takers, despite one real esiate man's inducement of a free box of graham crack· ers to potential buyers - were now sold for '3ClO each. And there were plenty of takers. Corona del Mar'• pace of development quickened with the opening of Pacl!ic Coast Highway in 1925. At about the &ame time, there were the first 1tin1nl ol lite on Udo Isle. W. K. Parthon. a New- port resid~t who had be- come rich from oil, bought the island from the Pacitlo Electric Compuy. It bad been ~. rather preQic· any, Pa.cltlc Electrlc Island. A3 1 o o " as Parkiaon wrote out bis ~.ooo dleQ. h• changed the name. Ht · fbn .spent more than '250.· 000 in improvtmeots. 'PAPP~ PAL)IER Park1son'1 salesman was Paul A .. Palmer. later fOUD· der of Newport Balboa Sav- ings and Loan. Palmer's ad· vertising slogan for Lido ·Isle .was, •·A L\ttle Buys a Lot." And it did. Thirty-foot wide W:lterfront lots were sold then for ·about $700 each. Any ooe ot the Nme lota today would f eteb close to '90.000. As the decade drew to a close, tbe tide had turned In the battle over the bar· bor's tuture. The recreation advocates wue winning. Aa more people took up perma- nent residence, the appeal of waterfront industry dis- sipated. In Septembe:'. 19'l9, city voters passed a tu•,ooo bond issue and formtcl the Newport Harbor UmOQ·Blgh School Di.strtc:l 'lbt bond election came oot a mo- ment too soon: a month lattr wan Street laid tta famoos ~re. from which emerged the Great Depres .. sien when nobody bad any money. While Newport suffered typically dw-ing the dlamal decade that followed, It wu still, u one local bbtorian baa obffrved, .. more bm to be broke in Newport than to be broke io Des Moines." While business was at a nadir and real estate re- mained a drug on the mar- ket during the 30's, tbe dec- ade saw harbor develop- ment take its biggest step forward yet. • · This was largely Qttribu-table to three men: George A. Rogers, R. L. ''Pat" Pat- IWLY •t&.01' Iliff ..... AGELESS: NEWPORT'S SUN AND SEA ' terson and A. B. Rouselle Screwltlg up their cour .. age. they went to Wasblnt- ton, D.C. in 1933 and asked for federal funds to build something more than just a home-made harbor. After much haggling with Anny engineers and &OV· ernment officials, the three Newport leaders finally con- vioced federal authoriUes that the harbor, properly developed, could relieve the pressures on Los Angelea and Long Beach ports where 1mall CJ'aft took up room nee<fed for larger veasela. 'Ibey also argued con· vinclngly -and P1'C'.>j>betlc. ally -that a vastly im· proved harbor might prove helpful In the event of war. Rogers, Patterson a n d Rouselle came home from Washington with $L1 mil· lion. Bot there was a string at- tached to the whopping fed· eral grant for development of Newport Harbor. Orange County voters, before a dime could be spent, had 1.0 approve the expenditure of '640.000 in matching fUl)ds. U was a time when peo- ple were ·hungry, out·of- work and desperate, but Newport and coonty lead· era joined together in a des- perate campaign to woo the voters. And the hood . issue passed. The Orange County Har· bor District, an agency to supervise the improvements was thus born. The $1.7 million project included dredging the en· its ow.>, proving an tm- me~e attrn<.'tion to toUl·· ists, young anJ old. B u t mostly yoo..ng: students who were ''hep" by now by the thousands were spending tbeir spring \':t~a!ions .. at Bal,.. transfo;·1ilin~ "East- er Week"~ "HaJ Week." Then came Dt•c. 7, 1941. And Newport Harbor, as predld.ed by Rogers, Pat- terson and Rouselle years before, dld its bit for the war effort. Activity of the U.S. Navy perked up Newport :fft· 1ards. More U1an 250 • tary ve.ssles "'ere launched from the harbor's ways. Among them were mine- sweepers, corvettes and &Jr. craft reseue boats. South Coaat Company, one of the few shipyards to linger on fOI" any Jen~ o! time after the war, won several •'E" burgees for its wartime achievements. 'The city rushed headlong into the 1950's. New lndus- trlal firms and residential areas opened up -and mu- nicipal govern ment w a s streamlined. Voters overwhelmin&lY approved a city charter form of government in 1954. The charter enabled t h e city to have a greater band in determining its own des· tiny. The charter also helped wipe away lingering 1ec- tional dilferen<:t•s by tn- lar~g the City Council from· five to seven mem- bers. each elected from a desk, transmitting the aig- councilmanic district. tire Jower bay and eiten· ------ aion of existing jetties to provide a safe entrance channel. The work began In December, 1934, and was completed in May, 1936. FDR PUSHES BUTrON President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Wasblngton pressed .a button on b l s nal that the "new,. New- port Harbor was now of· ficaizy open. The last big row between Balboa and the rest of New- port was also put to rest at the outset of the war years. In 1940, Balboa leaden fought to change f onnally the name of the town to - not surprisingly -"Bal· boa... Thefr argument et· aentially was that the word "Beach" In Newport Beach. wasn't dignified enouch for auch a many-facted com- munity. Balboa, however, was. But the town's voter• didn't think so. The City Council determined that by putting the question on the ballot: ''Shall the city of Newport Beach be chan&ed from Newport Beach to Bal- boa?" The vote was 1,015 against and 581 for. That was the end of it. At about th.is time, th• Rendezvous Ballroom open· ed Us door11 utber.lag 1D tbe "B1' BIDd" en. Also, Al AJJduaon's Fun 7.one, tn tbt Rendezvous netpbor· bood, · started to come lato Historic ~pit Uniq11e Park Not only Ls it a magic kind of cet·away-Cr"m·it-all plac:e where swimmers can clamber over plastic whales that are bigger than life size, kids can rtnt -paddleboards, t r a i l tr boaters can launch their craft and tun bathers can snooze on tile sand, but H's also uni· que 1n ·tbe Orange County aystem of park!!. Newport Dunes A q u a t I c Part ls a marriage of govern- ment and free enterpriM which has had ils rocty periods, but is far from head- ed for the dirorce court. The 78-acre facility at Cout Hlgbway and Jamboree Ro9d originally once was just a sand spit set aside by the county for recreational use :-rld tagged with the name Jl:arry Welch Memorial Part:. T h e longtime Chamber of Commerce exccu1h·e afttr whom it was named died 1f years ago. But the pork. under several different pr ivate managements. ror most of those ~ars has continued u a playgreund under t b e Nftport Dunes Aquatic Park title. The various firms have )eMed If on mare-the-profit coatradl with the cowtty. ftooe number at Tbc Dunes ll IMilt. MILT,PILOI YI .......... " • .. .. ... , --------------· - Energy Pays Har~or Area Trash Disposal Harbor Clia1nber on, Move Neteport The city of N e w p o r 1 Beach handles trash pickup for all residents of the city. Ref use 1bould be placed on the curb line by 7 a.m. on the morning of collection. It's an energetic chamber of Commerce in Newport lJarbor, and, according to its manager, Jack Barnett, the energy serves a two-fold purpose. ''First of all, U puts &he Newport Harbor Chamber of Commeree among the best known in the county, and also It helps us ralse the money we need to stay independent," he said from his office cram· med with mementos and brochures heralding the many attractions of Newport Beach. Since the chamber receives no subsidies froro the clty, all of lts $50,000 needed this year to carry on buslnes1 comes from chamber ac- tivities. There seems to be at least one new activity spawned every two weeks. "It seems just about certain that we'll have enough money to start definltt ptanntni for a new chamber building in Newport Center, 1nd we hope to make it the focal point of *1ie Harbor area," ht saJd, lln.iling. 'DOME' FOi\ ALL Amon1 the new Ideas to be incorporated into the new structure will be • unoatin1 sectttary.. who wlU. for a nomlrtal charge, hand I e secretarial work for all the area's service clubs. The groups, tl they wish, can have a permanent address (the new building's) along with rooms for files and meetings any time the membership needs it. "In the past,'' Barnett said, "every year the clubs had a new mailin1 address, and Trash and garbage col- lected by the city must be placed in 30 to 50 gallon cans which may be either metal or plastic. Such canS' must bt water tight and CQvered at pickup time. Paper sacks and cardboard boxes are also· acceptable receptacles for refuse but will be collected. aometlmes It took several TELLS CHAMBER PLANS months before the change went smoothly. Now every Mgr. Jack Barnett Shrubs and tree ttlm- mings should be t 1 e d together in bundles which and excellenct of the area, must not exceed four feet in groop can have a permanenl home ancl its own mailbox." Along ~ the new ideas, the traditlOOal ones CQmmand much of the chamber's time. 1bey are the Ideas and events that reinforce the uni- queness of tbt city -the 8!1Dual Flight or t b e Snowb1rds, the Character Boat Parade, the Ch r ht ma 1 Festival of Llgbl! and the Sand Castle Building Contest · each fall on th• beaches of Corona del Mar. PROBLEMS TOO There art beauty contests, too, sponsored both by the 1enlor chamber and t h • Jaycee5. Wbilt the chamber's main role ts to boost the beauty length. All cans, bags, boxes it Isn't averse to bringin1 up or bundles of ref use cannot from time to tlme, some of weigh more than 50 pounds. the area'• problems. Food waste. and vacuum "We're not afraid to take · cleaner leavings must bt a atand on issues," Barnett wrapped before being plac- sald. ed in trash cans. Refuse "Just look at our recent placed 1n oil drums will not strong stand against expansion be collected. of Orange County Airport and Building materials, such our fight.I for what we think as lumber and cement, will 11 the best freeway route to not bt picked up but should ·the city." be taken to the county Diet Stevens, manager of ref nse disposal station. the Balboa Bay. Clu~. serves Colledions are made by as president this year. 'lbe the city twice weekly, the chamber'• Man or the Year days depending on the sec· award went to Superior Court tlon of the clty. Holidays are Judge Robert Gardner, who C h ristmas. Thanksgiving lives 1n Corona del Mar. and New Year's D a y • For information or com· plaints concerning t r a s h pickup Newporters should call General S"4! r vice a ,telephone, 673-2110). Co•t• Mesa Residents of Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Heights have their trasll collected through the Costa Mesa S a n I t a t i o n District. The district contracts with the Orange County Disposal Service, a private firm, to make the weekly collections. All ref use picked up by the service should be placed in cans. Such cans must have a capacity of no more than 40 pounds, and the total weight of a can and its refuse mµst not exceed 50 pounds. Paper sacks are not ac- ceptable containers f o r refuse, although small card· board boxes will be collected in good weather. Shrubs, tree trimmings and newspapers must be tied in bundles and cannot weigh over 5 O pounds each. Tree trim bundle$ must not exceed fo ur feet in length. Construction equipment, such as lumber and cement> Here's a place to save will not be CQllected. It cam be disposed at a county refuse disposal station. Collections are not made on Christmas, Thanksgivinc and New Year's Day. To avoid missing a col- lection, 'residents are urged to h~ve their cans placed on the curb line by 5:30 a.m. 011 the day of pickup. For information Costa Mes ans should call 8J4..5307. (Street and Sanitation Dept.). Do It l' 01trsell When Harbor a r e a residents have refuse whicll will not be picked up by their city or sanitation district, they may take it to the nearest county refuse disposal station. The Bonita Canyon Stalioll serves the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa area. It is located in Coyote Canyon, south of Bonita Canyon Road (set map, back cov-er). The station is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week. It is closed 011 T h anksgiving, Cbristmat and New Year•a Day. F • r information con- cerning county disposal sta- tions, residents should con- tact the county R • a d Department (telephont, 834- 3456). After hours, countiant may call 834"3492. Saf•tr A11ured for Your Saving• priocipal1y by our hjgh Wlve. and conaervativt operating policils, proven ov~ ~ years, pua fmuran<» of accounts. Newport ~ Savin&I and Loan Aaociation fa a member of the Federal Home L-Oan Bank ·System and tht Federal Savqs and Loan Insurance Corporation; Tax Dtductlblt retirement plan for self employed and profes&onal peop19 (Keogh ·Act). Real estate brokers and lllmmen, farmers, contnctots, doctors, lawyers, business partners, all can benefit. Funds tet aside each month for retirement tam dividend& and ave taxes too. Let Newport Balboa· Savings show you how to build a tax saving estate. Rtv1r1ionary Truatt ••• can provide a substantial tax saving for you and the entire principal reverts to you at the end of the Tluat: term. Earnings are paid to the o~e 10\l '~I~te; i.e., to a son or a dauditer In college, an ex-wife, a 'retireti employee, a parent. Write or come in and explo1·e this with us. Tax control is an impor· tant part of good money management. R1Ur1d ... or Getting Ready? Wouid you like a check month after month after month in your mail bod 'lb&m Newport Balboa Savinp' MONTHLY SICUltITY AccoUN'1' plan II for you. Start by tpllini a dividend-earniJlg aavinis account • Newport Balboa. Savings, unlike a commercial bank, is an exool.· lent and legal depository for Corporate Savings Accounts. Profit Sharin1 Fundt, Withholding Tax Funds, Emergency Fundt. Reserve Funds eigned to State Board of Equalization, Funds assigned to Contractor's State License Boatd ALL earn healthy qu.arterly dividends. When our assigned savings accounts are used in lieu of bond.\ the tanUngs on these accounts go to you and eliminate the bond t'OSt. . ~.,.,.,,., rattof 6.00% f.t an aririualyw14' ~ 1.1~ rohn com1'0flrtlt4 1 YOllJ' carrtlntt ltart IA1 day your fund1 ore rtttiuttl 01tcl continu1 dally and moin1auwct for orir ytar, Md• tM_lllMlt In the notion, lo nrn EVERY day Chey"" wil1' 111. In addilion1 all funa receiu14 0.r %% tonu1 ctrtifkata bi m~ of 11000 eurMtll:I on or l>efor• :At 10th of ony morUh cam daily dirndmct. tram flat ~6Z~~~,~~;;:;t:.i~!h;,;s;;i~;~·;;·~ FMCWtattJI Jim Oil•: 886e Via Liclo. N•WJ>Ott '9ttd. c.i.11enta wt• PJioM 1'73-8180 I n.acw PIM, ldO Nnpori C.t.r Dr .• COIGDI cltl ?tm;c.nr. 926.U • P.bont '"·1'•1 · a....1Al11CM1of0.. B..._.¥11Uo1l DaUm I P.A. P~ a..1,.. ol&beBoul•MMll~, Plllldent I YOUI COMMUNITY -ltff Estancia Re.calls Mesa Verde Home Welcomes Visitors The sign on Adams Avenue Jn the Mesa Verde MCt.lon or Costa Mesa which points vlsi· tors loward the old adobe on the mesa calls it "The House or Diego Sepulveda. u But to shepherds and priests of the leoo.-and h1atory buffs ol today-it ls "'lbe Estancia'• (station) and it was a welcome stopping place for early trav- elers. It's still a pleasant stopping place for visitors to the west- ern end oC Costa Mesa, sitting on the brow of the bluff over- looking the Santa Ana River valley. It was dedicated as a mu- sewn a shrine to the mem- ory ~( those dep·arted days, In 1966. And t h i s, by no means, f s the end-of the story for the building which first was constructed in 1818 as a shelter and way station for shepherds and enlarged upon in 1868. Today, following f ive are on duty each Sunday from 1 to Sp.m. to show visiton through the facility. ' Gordon Cawthon of the city'• Parks Department ls 1n charge of staffing The Estan- cia from 1 to 5 p.m. on Satw- days and also Is the man to talk to about arranging special tours at other times. His phone number at the Civic Cen~r ls au.530'l. Between eUorts of his de- partment and of the blstorical society, whose cWTent presi- dent is City Clerk C. K. 41Char~ lie" Priest, the old way sta- tion averages more than 300 visitors a month. From exten!.ive research into "what life was real· Jy like" in earlier Callfor· nia epochs, society mem- bers have assembled inter· for furnishings to match those used by families of past generations who lived at the Estancia. Departed Days years of planning and work to restore the structure, Orange Coast residents are offered an imaginatively furnished museum that in time will probably become as much a landmark as the Callfornia miulons. The rooms reflect three period!.· -Indian-colonla1. Sepulveda and Victorian. Displayed prominently in- side ls a chain tiUe trac- ing the property b a c k through the periods. ESTANCIA ADOBE-IT WAS WHERE THE WAGON WHEELS STOPPED ROLLING During Its reconstruc- tion, a group of 1uppo.rUr1, known as the Oosta Mesa Historical Society, emerc· ed. Volunteer society members Legends ot buried treas- urer surround the >ld house. According to one ac- count, Spaniards brouaht a burro train loaded w 1 t h gold from mines near th• present communities of Neither Sleet" Newball and Sauius, on their journey soYth. They heard of poaslble Indian war parties. 1oes the legend, and .not wlah- inl to lose the gold. burled it near the Estancia. They never returned to claim !t. Snow Mail Facilities Expand in Harbor Area Postal facilities art readily available to residenls through- out the Harbor Area. And there are tentative plans for adding even more 1n the near future, but neither Co.sta Mesa's nor Newpor Bach's posmasters are at ll· berty at the moment to rtveat details of future plans. In Costa Mesa, a main station, one branch and one contract stations are open daily to handle the needs of United St.ates Post Office Department customers. The city also bu an automated self-service unit in the parking lot of the JI arbor Shopping C 1 n t e r (available 2• houri • day and equipped with a direct Jine telephone so curtomera can direct quetti<>m at personn~l in tbe main post office without even havinl to drop a dime in tbe slot to pay for the call). Newport mail h baodled by a main office. three branches and one contract station. Here is where to go or call about mail in each of the two Harbor Area cities: NEWPORT (OWce~ open daily Mon- day through Friday 8:30-5 and on Saturdays, 9·12) Newport Beach Post Office H. Payne Thay t r, postmaster, 191 Rlvenide Drive, Newport Be a c b 92660, te lephone 646-8871. Balboa Island Station Warren N as lund, superintendent, 206 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 92662, phone 673-5250. Balboa Station William Haun, superin- tendent, 204 Main S t . , Balboa 92661 , phone 67S- <!l20. Irvine (near UCJ campus) W 111 i a m C & 1 d well. superintendent, 4217 Cam- pus Drive 92664, phone 833- 1200. Contract Station Ne. 1 Marcial Mahoney, con- tractor, 402 3'lnd S t. , Newport Beach 9'2660, phone 673-0365. COSTA ~tESA (Offices open daily Mon- day through Friday 8:30-5 and on Saturdays, 8: 30-12) Co1&a Mesa Post OWce John B. K.lugiewici, post- master, 1590 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa 9'2626,. phone ~. Mesa Center Station Duane Albers, acting super- intendent, 1683 Orqe Ave., Costa Mesa 92627, phone 14&-5474. Ft1ter11 Pharmacy Contract station, 519 W. 19tb St., Costa Mesa Shop. ping Center 92627, pllone 646-1651. Harbor Shopplug Center Self·,ervice unit. :13 0 O Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa. NEW FRANCHISE CONCEPT · TlC TOC MARKETS ere presently operating over 70 modern conveni- ence markets in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, California. A limite d number of these markets are now being offered IS franch ises. AD VANT AGES ARE: * EKh Jtore has established history. * Company is headquartered in Orange County ind localty owned. * Modest investment * Written contract with fre edom to exercise initiative. * Financi•I independence. FOR AN AP POI NTMENT TO DISCUSS DETAILS, PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE MR. W. S. OTTLEY TIC TOC MARKETS 2511 Newport 8oulev.rd Costa Mesa, California '2'27 (714) 540-4530 ,, ' (I • 'I eat, hre·athe. and sleep parks,' says Costa Mesa's Director of Parks, Joseph F. Jones ... And it seems to ha\'t paid off. Seven ye@_rs ago, Ulere was only one park In the city. Today there are 11 parks in operation. The newest one, Cbarle.s L. Heller Memorial Park at lGth and Knox streets, will ba dedicated In June. Co·1ering tot Jot wilh Jay equ.ipment, and lighted lbuffleboard end ball courts. The ligbtll\f wm enable the park to st8y oprn at nigh t. DAILY ,.LOT .. .,,,...... 2.8 acres, U boasts a large Today, the city has almost 100 acres of park.land. Costa Mesa assesses taxpayers at the rate of 33 cents per $1Cll of assessed valuation for thtt parks Department. And sub- division developen are rt- qui red to provide either land or money for puk space. If we paid any higher interest we'cl be breaking the law. W • 1tart out by payinJ the highest interest rate a aavinp "- loen is allowed to pay. On April 1, it ects even better. That's when we do 10mcthi.Da: new to make sure you'll earn interest 100% of the time. And then some. Herc's how it works. Put money in anytime you plea.se. Take money out whenever you feel like it. And you'll 1et paid for every single day from puttin& in to taking out. On top of this, you can take us for 10 days extra interest every month even before we see the color of your money. Just put it in by the 10th. And you'll &et interest from the 1st. (The catch: you have to leave it in till quarter's end.) In short, we 1ivc you every chance to get more money for your money. Don't pass us up. Because that would really be a crime. HUNTIN HUNTJNGTCN PARK (MAIN a:FICE) 26SO Zoe Av.nu. f9J..U41 ·.. . .BELL/MA YWOOO C.lSO Atlantic A\•eoos. Sll-6tSI Sl\JDlOClTY Jl451 Vlftt\lra IM vd. 7f»..4JSt SOUTH GATE WILSHIRE/ -4140 Tweedy Bfrd. Hla-1...AND S04-4H I .492J WIWllre BC't'd. 9JS-l141 Jones p 1 a c es particular stress on keeping his parb clean and safe. Each month, an inspector goes to each park and examines all its equip- ment to check for dangers. A maintenance force of 20 men works full time keeping all facilities tidy. Parks still in the develop- ment stage include Estancia. which is being landscaped now (Jones hopes to include a museum there) and TeWinkl• Park, a huge project that now bas two softball lots, aix lighted tennis courts and a large picnic area. A senior citizens' building is planned, ••to take care of the old peapJe as well as lhe young ones," aaid Jooes. It is nearly impossible to list all the facilities avaHahle to Costa Mesans at the city'• parks. But there's something for everyone, and by 1980, according to the city's master plan. there will be 16 more parks. Supervising acliviLies within the parks is Director of Recreation Keith Van Holt. He is in charge of 14 summer recreation prognm3, a n tl eight arter-school programs during the winter. After-school activilie3 -· from 3: 30 to 5 p. m. -during the week and 9 a.m. until noon Saturdays -are at Adams, College, C o r s i c i , Wilson, Harper, Monte Vista, Paularino a n d Killybrook1 parks. Children can enjoy a wide variety of play antl sports. The department a 1 a a supervises lessons in an and . bridge and a Senior Citlzen'• dub for adults, as well aa a civic playhouse at the com- munity Recreation Center on the fairgrounds that presenb five adult, two teen-age, and l w o children's productioJU each year. In the su mmtr, swimm!og poola at Costa Mesa and Estancia High schools an open to the public dally from t a.m. to t p.m. For more information on parks and recreation, caU 8Jf· 5303. YOUlt COM¥f..,rY-1Mt . • ' ~~---.---------~----------....-------..-.... ~------~..,_ ........ ________ ~.;8';11------------------------.... ~~ .................. ... Future for Newport ~ent~r Spectacular It' m l&ol> a bill wUb a spectacullr "8w of tbt Urltor beneath it. And tf Its Tiew i1 spectacular, N •"port Center's future ts even more so. The latest IDdicatloo ol suc- cess for the Irvine OoDJPany'a c orrunereial.financlal hilltop gem is news that Seaboard Finance Co. will move its in- ternational headquarters into a 16-story, $10-millioo tower in the center where already two six-stcry ltructures, large department ltCftS and a showpiece JDOYM theater pull 1.raffic like a giant mapet. The ~ tiotala la a~res, including the 72..acre Fashion Jsland shopping center. Within Ir-vine: Building "tract homes'' a hundred or more at a time Js old bat by now. In Southern California. But the Irvine Industrial Complex is proving that industrial areas can be developed on the grand scale, too. The Complex, formed in 1964. u a wholly owned subsidiary of the Irvine Co., has the job "-developing 3,100 acres « prime lDdustrial area adjacent to the increasingly busy Orange County Airport. NEW JOBS Its oootioes already lit '61 milJioo in bnildtnp, '1be FMhion lslaod ~ opened Sept. U, ltl'l, ~ed by the center's first medical building, which opened lD first ol aeveral in tM Cliftna. August. lta ~ power his Fl!hlon Island's lhops !n-beta scored often by Irvine elude scorts of small specialty • e1ecutives. stores, and the large chain By t•, Irvine officlall department stores -The -estimate the c.enter•s payroll Broadway, Bu f fums', will exceed Ql mlllion a year. Desmond's, J. C. Penney and Its contribution to coffers Robinsoo's. of taxing ageQcies Ja aJao · Radio Station KOOi broad-substantlal. casts from the Island to the In the 1916-C7 fbcial year Harbor area. the center yielded a total ot . The Financial p l a z a , $%44,880 in tu rev•. however, at _present ts the IluriQe the 1'6Ut fiscal focal point fer the next phase year the flcure bas soai-ed of the center -expected to $1 ,aGS,000. Grand ~ale locating in the Compte, - be upper income bracket ex- ecutives. Recent. growth lo t b e C-Omplex area bas been "spec- tac ular," according to John E. Murphy, president ol the Irvine lndastrial Oomplex. The list of major national and local firms whlcb have purchased or leased land now numbers over 190, be said. Already occupying struc- tures are 129 firms represen- ting some of the top names in American industry. 350 feet of building apace. Annual payroll is esimated at over $15 million. DIVERSE ''In addition to diversified usage, we have large and small plants, major national firms and local lndumry. Light manufacturing and research for the super-world of aerospace and nuclear com- JX>OOlts coexist happily with consumer-Oriented firms .aod service industries," he a'dded. Its varied enterprises will furnish employment f o r decades to come b' evtry kmd m. employe from the blue collar ·man on the 131emb}y line to the white collar girl in the frost ~. And many of the area's employes will -by the nMure of the firms The!e firma employ over 11,000 persom ai1d occupy structures totaline S,280,000 square feet, Muriiiy con- tinued. Eveotual employined is projected at 74,000, but tMs estimate may be COD1UVativ~. since lt ls based on an average of only one person f« tvery Situated to serve all major Southern California markets, the Complex is served by three fretways and the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific railroads, in additim to the jet~ airp(ri. Below is a representative list ol firms now occupying sites in the Qicnplu or ex- pected to censtruct facilitlta within two years: IRVINE'S 'SOUTH 40' -Here you are at 1,000 !eet over Irvine lndu~~----~ .... u- plex looking down on Orange County Airport (foreO-ou.nd), hub of recent Irvine Company development, and en.joying a panorama that lncludes Phfico.Ford's Aeronutronic plant (upper left), Newport Cmter (seaward from Aeronutronic) and Newport's Upper Bay (Jieht, top) leading into Newport Harbor (top). PIRM Alrco Crvoeenk1 Air Callfomla Alc·Rlt Manuf1ctvrlnt, Inc. Allt rt111 PlllrlM<tUtk:llt Amtrlc:an Food Strvl~ Coca-Coli l ottllnt CotnlN'lY Coftlna ltecllo Cln\PtnY C"'1mbt1 Y1drta c.rnmufllc81loll Fllme. Inc. Comalnw Corp, of Amet!Q G~nt TKfl,.IMy Cont, Gllllvln Ct!'Mfl fl Cltlfornla Ctntcm Enamel Pniductt 0.llY ~rlndlne, Inc. 0.NI Labora!W1ea. Inc. O.talr'Oll, Inc. o.iit lroetlen. l!IC. Della ~. lfl<. 0.ltn Well, Inc. TYPI 0, IUSIN«SS ~ 41lrtrlbutn mlchlM toolt /Mnutactw• (f)'tltl'llC pumps llM wlvtt c.,,.,..i. offtm #Mdllnt parta Ind !9011 °"'1tllalmolollk•I pharpct111k 1l1 Res~wrant 1uppllta Ma11ufK1ur•, cllstrlbuta pllerm1uutlal1 0.len/mlll\MC1\n., ~-OtVlc4t AerW~ rest11"th end IMWloPmtnt PMlM DvMmlc Sclenu. Div. ~ ~II lnclUttrlH !dltr l~rlts. Inc. EiPee. Inc. ·Entin Metal• b"°"9r~ Ccn. Far Wttl S«vleltl GI rT1loft Mal'\uf act\lrlnt Co .. Inc. ~· "ldi. ,_., G.nlte.o T ecMololY Cont. Giannini-Volte AKred M. Gordon Dalen Grehlm ln11. Greentree Eledronlu Cor11. H.moo. Inc. Hanft CtrPO!'lllOll Hllldrldu Prll'lttne HoVh Hef'W Erw,.....lnt Hurt'f Ptdl a. c-llY tnlwftllloNI Oltmlml 1r4 HllCllM' ~*" 'nle klll C.CW-rw J-Mef'lne etntontlon Jet~tnle lnWltl1ft ~ Entl-1nt c .. ..at1-t s.,..ltfttto Inc. HtdlollOll Medi 1111 (Mp. ()pfelc. Inc. nra Of' I USINESS DUtr!bwetn If al«tf11nic compol'l«l'\11 /M11uftctw• lnlr1 mlssllt compont11ft ~ l lictrenlc Up.Kllllrt ~ .. , llltlrtwlora Mlnufactur• motor COKM1 lnKll lllopl, lllllben'a, eoc.'1 rwi.11r•n" H)'lllnulk: •19trllll systems M1ftl/factur• recllo components lltc1rlnlc ... , equlpmtnt lt.eMlrdl llbontory for rtlt'fl Ind llnSOI'\ Mlllufactvrea custom 1r1plllc producll M•nwtKIVf• Nillr'lll ind •Ir condlllonlnt ""l'pmlrll M•nufactvrae, distributes •udlo m11nttle and mefjnttlc coered producra M1nufactvrel ..,ospect CGmll'Mflla ..__ lllm'IMtton Of holltry end eppartl c:--dll Pfllllllll l"N!tlerlllf\Y 1.,__... ,_..,,. lams Ind IYl'\IPI Mlllufldvr9 dltmlcalt fW wnlvtBltltl tape c , .. M P'latlN4Mm, Inc. r~ lfdWM. Inc. ,. ... W1ttr rrw1111<11 f'Ndlllllll C>wrlll Svpply 'Vlt Nall-I It. C. Mlrlllt eor.or.11on lt<Mllt l.aborlfvr'lts. Inc .. OWIMll fl 1111m11ttoo111 llldtflfr Cor!J, lt14111tNnla. ll'IC. ll1ndlo Clllforni• lltllUb!IC Homts ll-rt P1111ics Iliac• Otta Systems. Inc. TYPE 0, I USINHS CMmtcal pl-ltelln9iotY PIW4Ptk1 ,... ll/ppll• lnllllltri.1 Lalllldrf ManvfActvr• 11111t fbcfllftt Manuf1ctwte merlne llll'Clwlrt Stm~ -.Vlctl lncllldlnt ratKtltn. lllodft. llflkll tlflll'lnllWtfQta. .. ,,,.., ~. 0.fOnl, fNtl4Mcflll'ft CIMlltNllffMH'I 1Ylleml, ,.., ......... racllr tllldl WWI ""' Und .._ ...... . HomlMlllM(t Mlflufllcturw fllrnltvrt 11/1111 catl11411 pla.llc trim Mlflllf1ctur• lflf(fal'1ed CUllOm comP111tr dale 1ysl1mt lloe*fotd Atr-ltt Prcducu, M1nuf1ctures 1trospact Pf'Oduch/t1ater.er1 Ille. ltflllll ln4u1lrlea. Inc. $1~ Sleel. Inc. $dllaH lodt CemPlnY hfn\COllCkldOr Salft c-nr 61eMf Mlrtllnt DIYl«I Mt n11llCM't1 lndultrlal, CIGN\lf'tltl' Incl fff'OSPIC• nuclffr Pf'OdVC1I OlslrlW!ls, taerkate& CGfl~a incl rnovtnt tldtwllb M•nuf•ctllf• cw"'" lk*J. herdw1r1 Nllnllfact\lrn ltecrnwllc COfl\POMllll ~1C1Vr11, dlalrlllvtt$ bllalnt11 mtrkll'll .. .;:.:a COIOr lflntll'lo ICllllPMtnt , ,, THEY REALLY UNDllllTAND THIS 'SHILL GAMI' AT OCC Opel Prices Stcst e Sl777 'llllYICI .. OUI MAINI IONCllN" BUICK OPEL-IAGVAR $2444 rfaguarllJ eo.,a.te Sales-Semc• • hrts I SEE THE FABULOUS OPEL GT ] The Harbor Area's One Stop Auto Center 234 E.17th St. 548-7765 nHE IUICI( COINDI Costa Mesa ----------- - 42 MILT PILOT ..... ,.~. Sales • Service ................ ..... ~ .. Like Sporting Life? Then You Can't Beat This Jtrea BJ EARL GUSTDY • ~ .. Delfr ,. ........ Wbere ls the foremost recr:utloDai area in the United States? Any objective analysis of spots which claim the distinc- tion would encounter difficulty stacking up their off erlngs wUh those of the Orange Coast. Whether your tastes-run to lawn bowling, skin diving, flsbing, auto racing, tennis or any of the myriad of recrea· tloDal outlets available, the Orange Coast area bas it. And U your preference isn't Immediately within reach, it's a relatively short excursion to ,,inter 1POrls areas such ., tht San Bernardino moun-talm or to fresh water fishing ~ llkt Irv1De Lake. Beck. JOU'rt only 75 minutes from Torrey Pines U you're loottq · for a place to fly 7oor sailplane. 1'mW' IPORT ioelng, ti.sblng and ·swim· IDlal bave always reigned as ktnp ol recreation atona the Oranct Coast but another ac- UvttJ ii comlnc oo Jtronlly -tennis. · The development of the lport bal reached the point wbert Newport Barbor Hlgb players, who learned the game [n ma youth tennis programs, are annually one of the C a 11 f ornla Interscholastic FetJeration's (CIF) strongest teams. The stature of the two-year· old Newport Beach Tennis Ctub bas reached the point where the club came witbln a whisker recently of landing tbt 1989 world Davis Cup finals. And the Balboa Bay Ctub is a familiar site to the world's leading pros and amateim, as well as to coastal area buffs. offeri.DI $120,000 to tourln1 pros. CMCC hosted tbe event last October, but it was held at nearby Mesa Verde bei:ause the host club's grass wasn't yet matured. The $20,000 win· ner was Bob Dickson, a 26- ye~-old Oklahoman. IT'S ALL HERE Leaning back and taking a broader view of the Orange Coast area sports spectrum, you see the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowlers, the Sub • Mariners Skindiving Club, the Coast Rangers soccer team, the UCI Rugby Club, the Newport-Mesa Junior A 11 • American Football Associa· lion, the Orange COast YMCA and two branches of the Harbor Area Boys' Club. Bowling? Kona Lanes, in addition to offering 40 lanes to the casual area bowler, hosts two major events thi5 year -the-West Coast Match Gama Eliminations and the California Women's S ta t e Tournament And Mesa Lanes also offers facilities both for open and league bowl- ing. Auto racing? Orange County Internatlooal Raceway has been galnlng rec-0gnitlon as America's classiest drag rac- ing strip but now also offers off-the-road racing for Volkswagen and sand buggy devotees. Major League baseball fans along the coast are onJy 20 minutes away from Anaheim Stadium and the California 45,000-seat stadium will house a major league pro football team . . Four high schools, three junior colleges and a universi- ty provide tht area with an abundance of interscholastic sports competition. Golf? Take your pick. 'Ibere are U golf courses dotting tbt area, tbe newest of which is the swank 36-bole layout at Cost• Mesa Country Club. It will be the site of the Haig National Open next October, a PGA tournament Here's a rundown on what those schools b a v e ac- complished so far this school year: UCI -Coach Dick Davis again guided his Anteater basketball team to the NCAA's western college d i v i s l o n regionals. His club. 19-9 for the season, finished third at the Las Vegas regionals. And Al Irwin'• awimmlng team 1avt UCI lts fim.ever NCAA cbampioDshtp with a first place fin1sb last month at the IZ-school cbamplomh.ips in Sprlngf1eld, Maas. GOLDEN WF.ST COLLEGE -'Ibe Rustlers achieved a long-awaited milestone last football season by beating district rival brange Colli for the ftrst time, 34-20. And Dick StrlCklin'• basketball team posted its first winning season, 17·U. ORANGE C 0 AST COL- LEGE -C o a c b Jack Fullerton's water polo team, always a strong outfit, won its first state championship 1n December. Dick Tucker's footballers were in the running for an Eastern Conference crown before losing a 20-17 heart-stopper to Fullerton. Crew season ls always an occasion for rejoicing at OCC and Dave Grant's strokers should be as strong this year as last, when the Pirates were invited to the national cham- plonshJps at Syracuse, N.Y. and placed second only to the powerful U n lv e r s it J of Pennsylvania. . CORONA DEL MAR WGD -'Ibe Sea Kings surprised most observers by earning a share of tbe Irvine League basketball championship and qualifying for the CIF playoffs for the third straight year. COSTA MESA WGH - Mustang varsity and class Cee swim entries returned from the Moore League Swim Championships with victories. ESTANCIA WGB -Coach Bill Wetzel's varsity basket· ball team posted a t-lS record tbis season but the Eagles' hopes are blgb for ~ext year. Five of thelr best seven 1961- 69 players return. NEWPORT BARBOR WGB .-Sailor wrestling coach Joe Fox won his second successive Sunset L e a 1 u t wrestllng championship this past season. And the water polo team captured the CIF championship at the Belmont .Plaza Olympic Pool in Loo& Beach, beating Lakewood. "'· Ca)ifomla'a Largest Volume Motor Boat & Ski Dealer uLASSPAR MERCURY BLUEWATER MERCRUISER HARRISON BOAT CENTER SEA GULL AVON GLASTRON SEA RAY LAS VEGAS VAL CO u ........... . DELL QUAY DORY MARINE HARDWARE 2321 S. M.ln at W.rner, S•nta Ana, California, (714) 540-6555 YOUl COMMUNITY -1tH Registration: Important Step t~ Vote Registration ls a prer& qu~·to vOtiag that Is often o,·erlooked -far too often, e:ection officials wryly com· nwnt -by those w b o 1..::-crwi~e would be eligible to c:;~t t:1c;r votes. Jf you're of voting age, or pretty near it, then it might be just as well for you to make a note of the steps ) ou must take to establish yourself in county records as a voter. formalities. Jte..registraUon ls called for if: -You did not vote In the last general electio:i and' did. not respond w•thin 30 days to the voting registrar's notice of cancellation of your name. --You have changed your address since you 1 a a t registered. -You "wish to change your party aff iliatlon. -You moved to Orange County wilhin 90 daya of the election. (But remember that if you have a valid registration in another Calif omia county, you can vote by absentee ballot or by returning to your former precinct on voting day). -You moved to a different precinct within Orance County lvithin 54 days of the election. * * * Here again, It II po83lbJe to vote by ab6entee ballot or by making a trip to your former precinct on voting day. 1bose new to the ma can register to ~ by going to the city hall in ~ithu Newport Beach or Costa M e 1 a • Re&istrars are available In both locations. If you pref er to do it~ beadquarlen, then your place 1a the Voters * * * Registration Department, 1111 E. Chestnut Sl, Santa Ana, telephone mn .... In Cosla Mesa. the telephone number is ~. The city clerk ·in Newport Beach can be reached at 673-2110. For details on votJnc Jn schools. He is Dr. Robert should apply to the office of the county superintendent of a hools. He is Dr. Robert * * * Peterson, his office is at llot W. 1th St.1 Santa Ana, and his telepbont. number if ISf.. 3907. """ 11 1 1111 or \'our tlfffM tlcltNI •nd' '"'e reor-litflvti&; wtltr9 llltr caa be loutfef enct l'IN ttltY llloll14 be ecfdreu•ci: UNmo STATES SHATOH ... Cr1na~. Oemocr1tl 11\C1 G-llOlhY .tf!.~ kan I ,. ~ble ~~~~tOI) , ... N .._.eble ~· MUl'VllY.J lenllte Offke 8ulldln9, WM\1""911 ts, O.C. My OHr knelor Crenston .., Ml#tllllY), hllY flt letter. YIMKI very tNIY, Yow llQMtvre. Here are the conditions spelled -out by County Clerk William St. John: -You moat be at least l!l years of age. "* * * Harbor Bopping ~ith Polities '-«at lddfftMlt tor lhe Seflaltn "Ii.ti Cr111tlon, Room 744, Federal 9ulldlno. LM All!ltles. ~ ' 11 f • 1 end Geor1lt MurPhv. Room 905, Fecltr 11 lulkllna. LAI A1111tles. Clllt. -You must be a citizen vf the United States. And if ~ 011 are not a citizen by birth then you must have been naturalized for at least 90 days before election day. -You must Jiave resided one year in Callf ornia, 90 days in Orange County and 54 days in your precinct. You must be able to read the Constititution of the United States in English and write your own name in that language. U physical disability prevents compliance then ex- 1.:eptions w1ll be made. -You must not be dis- qualified to vote by reason of felony conviction. Don't sit back and relu If you believe that prior registration absolves you from any future p r e -". o t i n g The Harbor Area is one of the busiest places-politically -in the entire United States. Volunteers seeking a way to channel their political energy wlll find clubs here to match almost any shade' of political persuasion. The c o u n t y's Democratic eenn·a1 Committee operates on a full-time basis only dur· 'ing major election seasons. Volunteers on the GOP side, however, can get information on clubs and other activities by contacting the Orange C o u n t y Republican Central Committee, 1509 S. G r a n d Ave., Santa Ana (telephone 547~} during normal busi- ness hours any M o n d a y through Friday. Gus Owen is executive director. Listed here are some of the most acbve political clubs in the Harbor Area: DEMOCRATIC Harber DuMcnde OU Pres: Mrs. Fred Olson 1771 Newpert Blvd. com._ 8*at ... It" , ... Pmli ... Z' lmllr 1 217Si--Palm' nm. c-..-. 549-19 Ceut Demecradc Wemea'a CJu Pres: Mrs. Clara Anater 611 Poppy Ave. Corona del Mar 673--0787 (Group meets informally at luncheons at irregular Inter- vals} REPUBLICAN Costa Mesa RepUllcaa Women's Clab, Fedsa&ed Pres: Mrs. Charles Benton 2040 National Ave. Coota Mesa It's great to be alive-toheta 11011 C!aa& LIVE WORK. PLAY fn bec11tif1d NEWPORT BEACH and THE NEWPORTER INN ' j, the ideal headquarters whether you •re here for business or pleasure! 350 bHutiful rooms ind 1ultu -YES -111 magnificent NEW ROOMS AND SUITES -now open! 17 flexible meeting rooms -S more than before -PLUS THE CAROUSEL for very 1pec:i 11 e•ents 1uch u w1!ddin91, ret eption1, d inner denc:es ! 1 Reshuranh and loungu Music and dancing nightly in th. enitin9 LIDO LOUNGEl Par ) 9·hole Golf Courae - Ping-Pong -Shuffleboard -Swimming in either of our 9lnmorou1 poolsl Frte trun90rt1tlen It ano from Ora1199 Cffftty Airport -Mil fer VlRY IMPORTANT PEOPL• -e.1r ltOLLS llOYC• TREATM&NTI Sftftl • MUs.te • aN9' ty Sllen • lal'Oor $11ep • FIM Art ..id J.wtlt"J Shep • Lidia Slltp • Mtn'I Wt1r. A$ll ... , ltl 1107 Jamboree Read, Newport Bc;ich, Ca. 92660 Reservations recommended for t.·brine Restaur•nt dining and for \ Sunday Hunt Brukfut • , , C.11 6+4-'700 "' t -TOUI COMMUNITY • • .. • f ~ ..... ,.-..; ' \r4 lf&..m (Holds morning meetb)p ro u r t Ii 'lbursdl1 cl eacla lllGGlb} ... v ... ,,, .• w 'w~•n st Jimi:: ~ Ciils a 17aBthwg PJaee ......... 5tf.1CO . Nftlll!ld Barber Wtmelfa CIB, Federatet Pres: Mrs~ Edwln Steen Jr. 1917 El Tura Drive Ctrona ~Mar m-3408 Newport Beacll ult, CaUfen1a RepUUcu ~~ Pres: James Young (contact through form e r Pn!I. J. Robert MeServe) •na a .. Mar alt, Ullltell a a v .7 t1 c.Hhnla 1'rs e.r1e Sattler Jr. 517 Huel Drive ConJoa del Mar l'IMll6I =-~~ralW Pris: Bruce Nerdlund ·-!euboft Drive =Beach .... Mela ult, Un.Iced ..,..ucus ., Callfonal~ Pres: Jack Mishler 18H Francis Lane Coeta Mesa· 54$-1909 Strom narmond ult; United RepublJeus of Califonda Pres: Bunster Creely 321 Aliso Ave. Newport Beach AU338 Y tug RepabUcans ti tlle Barllor Ana Pres: George Brokate 2505 Vista Drive Newport Beach tc-4075 UflMD STATES RIPaESE ... TATIVa ·TO THa HOUS~ ,.OM THa ... cOHeRasttONAL DISTalCT DISUICl Jen. 8. Ult CRtpUOtk1n) unen ltlOUlid be tMldl'efffdt Tiie Honorable J1mn •· Utt, Hou• Office lulkllne WMtll~ 25, O.C. My dMr Mr. Vtt, hdy o1 lefter, Your& WrY tlllly, "-'""'"'"· J4llvl G. sJ_~~.1=~~1~) L""9'1 6llOUk&: be --: The "-•bit JOlln G. li<hmltL '20 I . 4111 51., TUltltl Or Stet. Senate Chamber, SlcT1mento, C.111. e Senltor Sdlm. Iii. ell-YINr"•~y.__ AUUUL YMAlf fllOM C 0 IT A MIUA NllWf'OllT MACH A .. A llwwt E. ledtltm 1Reoub4kenl ~ "'°""' be •reueci: Tl!e ttonorlblt Rllllef1 ~. tlaOlllftt tD! Antl11111 Wey, NtwPOrt hlcll, Clllt. Or Stile C•Pltol, SKr1nitntQ. Calif. Deir Mr. lllllhlm , 8odY "' ltl1er. Your1 VIN truly, Your sltNturt. --BILL MAXEY--- (!][Ql~~[!J~l COMPIB'E SAW • SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENTS • EXCBIBll FRf5H STOCK Of · NEW TOYOTAS 1MD lAT£ MOOR FOlfl&N & DOMUTIC USED CARS P1il 4iAllllllD llU MAXEY TOYOTA -------.. f't ADAMS ~ -----• % EASY TO REACH AT GAflFIELD & BEACH 18811 BEACH BLVD. HUNTNGTON BEACH PH. 847-8555 l Ml NORTH of PACIFIC COAST HWY on IEACH BLVD. DAtLf PILOT ..t~ .............. •• ••• I .. • . \ • 44 DAILY PILOT MA6AZJMI .•..••• -. . . NA 2600 Harbor 540- ·RA MODERN S DESIGNED TO IMC:DI NIW MOBILES RS Costa Mesa 00 • YOll·COMMINITY-1t6t-1