HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•
t •• , I j)I., . "
•• • --·1es ·1n
• . . •
· Presi~e~~ Urges ~es.8 T~x ·
. . .
For· Poor~. More for Bieh'.
VOL a. NO. ts. I s•CTK*S. M P.\et.s
Teen Owner
' .
'Big J' c..n~ ,Home thousands
2'3;.ihfp 'F'Otc8:,~~fl:ff.: Joiii ·ht,·B:ibt ·. ; "
NixonPr~t~ec.tWnf le~ge In Iluntington ~
. WliSHINGTON (AP)' - A 2J.ship ·laok
force-including four A.l"fl.erican aircraft·
carriers ·has . been formed to back up,
President Nixon's pledge to protect
reconnlissanee planes operaU,lg in ~
Sea of Japan; the. Pentagon disclosed to-
The task force does not include the bat~
tleship USS New Jersey.
The . 45,000..tor v~ whkb was
diverted to the western Pacllic Friday
because. ol the ECUI crisis, bas been
given new ordet3 to return to Long
Pen4gon spokesman Daniel ·z. Henkin,
who announced tbe formation of the task
force, would not say · when the New
Jersey will reach the West Coast l_ll'
where she is at this ti.'!lt. The battleship·
was due to dock at Long Beach Saturday
after winding up a tour of service off
Today's announcement was the first of.
f1cial word of the scope of a U.S. naval
armada formed for deployment in the
Sea of Japan in response to North
Korea's shooting down of the unanned
EC121 airer.aft one week ago.
Henkin t~ld reporters the new Task
Force 71 has been activated by the
Pacific fleet and is under the command
of Rear Adm. Malcolm W. Cagle of
Grand Junction, Colo.
Along with the four carrien, which
will be able to provide jet fighter ~
tection forfuture reconnaissance flights,
are three cruisers and 16 deltroyus.
"We. will not go into any details con-
cerning the operalions .•. '·' Heakin Wd.
But be' said be would name the ships.
Body of Teen
Mother Found .
In Santa Ana
The body .ot a 16-year~ld Santa .'ha.
girl,~Who was"tM mother of a two-mootb-
old cbUd, was found lyint under a tree
early this mcrning in the aouthwest sec·
lion .al the ct{y.
The Orange County Coroner's Office
reported ther~""" no bnmediate stgna
of f®I play. An autoply wu under way
to diecover the came of dtatbl of Glenda
Lea Kaminski. of 1341 S. Sullivan Sl,
whooe body was found by a . ....00 .cllild ·at
1426 S. Sullivan, lest thin one block from
her home.
Her mother, Mrs. Carrollta Golgart, of
the 1342 S. SuUivan address, told flOlice
her daughter Jell home -.1 10:15 p.m.
Sunday night to go to a nearby store.
Aller searcblq for several hours in the
•arty fl10Mllna l!(lboul ·-'1'"'11, ,Mrs.
Golgart ..u.d llOlic:a 11 I 1 ... lo reJ)OR
the alrt miiaini!a:be body ..... IOWld· II
8:1a a.m . ...., • .•
kilced whitl1e1"the ECiJI m&hla h<ve
resumed, ilellkln•Said he cooJd n0t at\ in-
to 11!&1 operalioo upecl eilber,
. The>· t.ast .. foree carriers include the
Enl<rprise, Tlcond...,.a, Raiiiler ond
HomeL The cruisers include the Chicago,
Oklahoma Cily and the St Paul
It was not disclosed whether all ~
ships are now in the Sea of JlplD or
-all will be deployed there 11 lhe same time. They could take turns
rotating in and out Of aarignmeot zooes
~ lhe coast al Korea.
The larae deptoyinenl -or ships lo 91e·
Sea of Japan apparently will not
significantly affect naval operations off
Vietnam. It is understood that the car·
riers .Kitty Hawk and Bon Homme
Richard will take up battle stations Of[
Vietnam to support bombing missions in
South Vietnam and La<xs.
Beach Sure Not
One Horse Town
Ts Huntington Beach a one hone town?
Local police aren't quite sure, but
downtown businessmen say, .,No, there is
more than one hone here."
Saturday, police stopped young Maxine
Johnson, 14, of 1014 Florida St., Hun.-
Unglon Beach for a trofric viololloa. She
was leading her horse down the sidewalk
in lhe 100 l!lock ol Moin·Slz<et
"l'tn sonj, bUt thilt's a haurd to the
pedestrians, •• said the po'llceman.
Mamie prOmised not to do it 'again and
said l!he badni done tt belon!.
Local businessmen, however, com·
plained thal ·1or the put lwo w .. u
several lndlvii!Ullii' hate taken to trotUni·
their horses downtbwn -which they feel
may not produce the beSt image fOf tf\e
Militar.y; Stoekad~ .. ·
~et Surpr ise. "\'.isits'
WASlllNG'!OI( (Ul'f} -nivesti11tors
for u.; --.lnnedi lltrYIOll Com-
• miltft "'" '11111ed lnlkins .. ,. •• in. ~ •• mlltlor)' pr-. .. 'I
..-al comfloints.lind !>!'fl ooldien
cborf!'I 1'tlll )l!llllny • II ,.U. -~JI~~ ·'ftlt,tiW(ap lttee
said 111-..... -..., -"a lew" map~-and)llln more.
Wheeler o Remain?
WASIUNGTON >(AP) -The Ntioo fd·
JJUaiatraU.. wonlo W!nJ Gen. Eorl< G.
Wheeler ti itmalti Oil !yr I tb1Ji· 11tralght
y .. r 11 dullrman ol ·the Johll Chiefs of SlaH. the l>eilt1on dtsck>oecl Monday.
'> •
Of Ille Oallr Pllilt St91t · Thousands of rampaging teen-agers
hurled rpcks and epithets at more thin
140 police officers in HuntJngton Beach
Sunday afternoon when rioting broke out
fo!IOWU. arrest ol I 15-year..Jd youth
on charges of posseuion of narcotics.
'nle three-hour riot broke out with Hun-
tington Beach police calling for help from
s i x other agencies. Fifty-two rioters
were jailed on charges ranging from
failure to disperse to possession of drugs. .
From l:'fl p.m. tn about 4:15 p.m. the
beach area from Mlin Street lo Lake
Street was a scene of brawling sun.
bat.hers heaving stones and other objects
at police units that fonned a ring aroUDd
Mle swirling beach crowd.
Llfeguards estimated the total beach
crowd at 20,000 Sunday. Police said about
3,000 were involved in the rioting.
The arrest of the 15 year old which
touched off the melee was made by
"Sandmen" -undercover police ofHcers.
Damage to police units was estimated
at about $5,000 and the p o I; c e
departmtnt.'s substation on the beach was
mangled by thrown stones. It i8 com-
pletely boarded up and unusable today.
Police said __ th~ tn!Uble began when
del«llves Ronny Pomeroy ind Carl
VKI ... 11Wnpled lo arrest I 15-year old
boy llleged lo be in posseasioo of -pillo.
Detecti,.. said the youth bepn
fighlinc wltl! lhe olllcers ond a ,friend
pulled a knife on1Vidabo ~ P~ At
that -~ the lllspecl ran lowonl the
bep ln>o~,but WU rte1ptured, polk:e
• A crowd began to gather around the
area, detf<ti-reported, and Iller both
l!Ubjtcl,t were plac<d in the po<Jdy ,..,..,
f<r ~!too lo 1he subs!llion, lhe
croWd beg&n following the wagon. . -TBROUGlll!iG ROCKS
Police called for m1ft units, and when
all weh It the substaUon the crowd
........ thrnw1ng roela al them ond the buil\tilll-. mo.«. held the oubstatton under siep
for -4" mlnuld, pollct sald, .. wblle.
unlb from other cities were called in fw
Pollet untie from Newport Beach,
Coolo M.,., Seol Beld!, Fountain Valley,
Wllltminlltor and Qrmp Conly Sheriff's
ollla! fanned I ring oround the beocb ~lttemplinc lo cootaln the riot u..r.. n, deparlment penonnel l>n>oJb! to I
lllJllr whlch WU "* by polk:e .. 'In
.-.Villon plollonn ond • launching
orea !Of lhe !ear ID which finlllY quell-
ed the riot.
Aboul l!O pollctmen were fmally In-
volved In Ille melee. About IO ol them
were from Huntington Beach.
Detecttve captain Earl Rot>ilotu• said
the riot wa "'the wont I've eeen since
I 've been here.'' and most otOclala
(See RIOTS, P11e I)
* • ·1n
·• . . .
•. • DAILY PILOT .... ,....,
Police AccUH GJIMrt Cov•ll of Encouragiftt Rioters
Less Tax for Poor, More
For ffich Urged by Nixon
WASHINGTON (UPI) .:.. ·,Prestdenl
NixOo t&ay asked ~ to ease the
tai load of tilt very poor, impose ' a max!
imum ,tax on the vrij rlcb, )nd cut in
Kalf the locome LU stircharae fer those
iP 'betwtea. , , ,
:I'll< lllrilX ·would be reduced fi:om 10 lo
live percent ¢feCUve Jan. J.
The Pttslde.nt's omnibu ta:r reform
--lo Congress ollo called for im-ioedla1"e .repeaJ ci the· seven percent-i_n;--
vestmenl-lu eredil lo help curb b!Oollon.
Trulury Ofllclols estimated that the
odmlbllilriUOO'I juaJini of •ttv-
would lt\votve 1 tracJe.<I! al lbou\ M
billion 1 year and th.It Ult revenue gains Ind-·-be -UoliJ.balonced. "Nol pomy 1o pm!f, llut ~
bl lanced," Wei ooe ottlcial.
'll10 lox podlp ""° I gentrolJy l1vwobie ,.._ !lilm .~I
lolden ancf lu aperlo, lltbaugb '.ome
Democrat. said Nixon "'°"Id hove aone
'll10 Pmtdenl i'ecomrilended ....... 1
of the poOr lroDr the fedenit IU ~Us
through enactment of a "low loc:ome
allowance." But lhoee ln"'·uie upper in·
· come brackets would be Umlted writing cilf lo iO percenl ol their in<omts for tax
-' This,~ proposal mu!ted from report!
that several hundred1 -persons with
incomes of. more than '200,000 a yea11
were 1voldln& paylng any income tues,
using Jegol toophi>les. ·
Repeal ol tM seven percent investment
tax wi.s Nil.on'• play for convlnclng ·lhe
DemocratiC><OOlmlkd<Joogress to utend
the 10 percm IUttu beyGod Ill ochedul-
od Ollpirltloo JUlle ,,_
Senate DemtcflUc• ltader M i It e
Mansfield said be wanted to study repeal
ol lbe inv.-lu cndi~ 11\11 satd iL it
was linked wltli removol Of the 9\ll'IU bJ
lhe end of the next ltscal year "II ll
worlhy al every comlderatJon." •
ManSDtld' '"'also SU'ggtsted ' that "in-'
ere.sin& the dollar IJD!l'llll of exemptions
woold help lbe poor u mcich u Ille Nloon.
On the House side, chairman Wilbur D.
Mltb (D-Ark.), on lhe Ways ind Ml c.ommittee wilhhekt' comment pendi
pmentall<>n al the pa<kage bJ
mlni1tration official.I to his ways •
means committee on Tue9day.
Speaker John W. McCormack, re11 ...
ling tndl<1ttoos thal Nixon had tailored
(See TAX llEFORM, Pqe I)
" . . . ~ . ~
----~-------. ,..--
Beach Police .
• 4 • • • : J •
r!J"re&t ~2 ~ · . ., r· . "' · Sundav issle
~ . . ~ ~ .
l!ottoe -41. ~~ Ii . ..-ita. _, Jn ~ . c, :i_,
clud1Dg Gllblrt Covell, owner 01 Ula'
leenage nig!Jlclub Syndlcale lllOO.
.. Olflctn dulr;ged Q>reJt wltl! ,....,, ~ '
a riqt pn<1.nlat9'1 ~epuons.r . · , ,
Arr•ill""""'s-are, ICheduJed.today for.
lhe .11 adults In. West ,Or"11e,. Coonty'
lll'unicipal coort 00 -... ""1llnl """' failure lo dilpene lo Uioall With ii Cliod-
Iy wtaport r · · , • · '
. All -arreMI .... cumall)' . In' --, a\ Orange~ Jall.o.dlv9
Capl8ln Earl IRobJtatJiO llld 1iilll 'I'"'
CoYell 'ts $2,000. '
Covell and' his Wife, J.-; 11aw·lletn
invcilved in a ninnlna baltle 'with locol
poUce fm; the paol thiee ~
• Mrs. Covell >ras rf<ently convlcied al
libel againsl the llunlinglon Beach Police'
bepartm.m aii.r she ld:med .m a1M.i:
ol threatening lo 'kilt ber huJbanct. · '
. Recently the cily d-the Syi!dlcoll
3000 unlil k oould be bioogbt uJi lo-Ibo
city's building standard!. ., · ·
' Covell dalmed he· ..... belni -by lhe police and the clly, and to·~
tion held a dance on his parking lot Fri-
day nlghl; opposite the ct-•Syndlcate
3000. .
Police allege Covell was.~ Sun-
day yelling al riolers,, tr>:Uii lo ~
more trouble by offering "a,a~"· to
the rioters in his 3rd Str<et portdp1 lot. ,
Those amsted .00 their c11arg .. ;,,.
Covell, 31; 14111 Locust S t . ,
j\'estminller,,urglac Oil I rtot,'.r<fUlll lo
disperse, ~ r11111ma ~.
Greg W. Mildlell, 11, 9312 Nontucnt
Drive, · Hunting\od Beodl, I lot rtiitin1,
assauK wllh a deadl); -and·!~
lo di!pene.
Steve D. HU., 211, '1111 T~ A:'!,
HUJ11ington• llMch, '""' ..Wt wilb a (See ·~ Pap I)
w e&dter 1 • It's· .. Jlice day Ind U'U be even I ru"f "" ,,_., with fllr. -aftef ane mominf dwdllwsa and •
tempera~ clinging to tbe rnkf..
dle &O's.
·~ ComtU wre1ttd 't¥ . .r<;~edp
<.;•p from S""'/ord UtiiNnilfl
""" Ill• -""'" "' ftlppiftg di• 'llnlvcrsilfl of Soath<n< Col~
jornla. by .,,.. ""'"'· BOGllog 'P<ige' 19. r.--
" I ..... n • • .. .:
" ..
---· ----:) . -·-.. --I ............ , . :.:--.= ·-" = ': """ -..
I -.Y...... s -.-2l.l ...
Sirhan Penalty Trial Ends With Mom's Plea
Ulll ANGELES (lJPI) -nit pro.
....... 11111 tbe --AllnlpllJ
-• tbe......., pm.a .. Ille -
.. ---lodoJ -co111mc
•• -anly lln. lla'J -lo .-lhol tbe jury _. lier ... ·.111 ..
,,,. ~ trial " ... 11-,_..id
&oo. -P, K8meo1J, far ,,_ lie __ last ___ _
lilrtlillC llOiennea
Slrllan -lo the Cllllnla ...
chamber or pts tile imp •••llClll bid
Jml ....... -Deta. Dist. J.11.1. Dml
JllUs -11111 aid, "the -.-. •
-MonleJ Gnni .. Cooper coll-
od bis -ud Ills anly-In mlllp-
-!tribe lint ....... In the ...... ti the leGliar In tbe Amhlspdcr Bokl mt
Jmne s.
lln. M.v7 Slrllao, $5, • tiny fig1lrt wllo
was nur tan. was cm the stand ftt lesi ---°"""" aid .. --.. ....... , ............ ,...anly
-questlao. "' bis --piar .. the ......... bas Sirt.an Sirbon ..... In
""' -rib the -!"
"lk bas ...... -·---. Mn. Sirha said in • nilil ......
almollt hwpcliNt in the dXlltlOOib. "1 Jed
him up Cll tbt will of God ••• "
D.. llllt. AllJ. Jolm Howard said the __ ... ,.M ... lotbe-
d ... ""' .. lo --• criaae -u. .. ,__,.,
••• ..-...... g .., ... .... .._..... -
.... lillbelllpoadalqlailall
• rj "'*-""" llllllW.._. ........ Rll , ....... -,_.
Ille 111&11111 Jllltila .._ Dlllm can ti• .... . ................... ··-
-u Ill lmmlsrant Into a ullon wblch had prided . itaett .. lnvlslq "'"' .... "But lhlt wu not •nouab for him • , , .... --"'''' .. ., ... .-, ,.. U. ..-of a crl~lllleJed
pollll<al ...... whlla -.. ~ ~ lo Vlalnam -.1th •• a1fla
, and• belt wilbol," Howll'4:
Ho alld Sirhan "didn't·-lbe
sllpiast deer• or ,.,...... , , , .....
lo1td u. .... -• '
Two Die, One Critical
After Weekend Crashes
' Undercover
Brings Arrests
One DS1D WU tilled ml bil S-BR ICV Ml!allJ .mjand _,,., .._lo ()oo. ,.-.--....---· abed. mies ps' hour, •111ied ....
-11111 lift bydrU, -fllppd ...... -A Glnlma 1111111 ...., also kl!lod a;l1
SoDloJ ...... bis -bil • ,... -In w-....... ...s.,....--
....... 11 In critical cooditioo ~ -
belnc -by • -In the -""" munlty.
Dead a a result of the fttkmt traff'IC
accidmt&, which kfl me motorist jailed. .,.,
-1'-L p H,, 21, d Loo An&dfs.
.,_ A. om.,, n. cl. Cardma.
Pullc .... -... arrival -ll p.m. -.soy al c.D -M"""1ol
-c..y--• Dodi..... •
llaopilol, wllh mojcr -ad -...
jUl1ao -od ...... bis -...-... P.-Rood ilOl1h d Nupo<t -,,,,_, D. -25, al. 11mnoA
-.... !ruled ID! -at the
-bos]llJal --ID! -•P-jiiimlly"'Oiiigl!Oirclilritl('tliClaUI lilil
Palrolmm David llllJ<S aid Paaick'a
~-dumpltd-thec:orwbm hoanhedlllthe ___ lay
...... Pl•--the ---'l1lo llQlnd I W' told h>
...,c1gmw1 he ad PUlic:k bad jlllt left a
ta-.. 11111 ...... caiag lo • nearl>y -,..._ ,ar a i>te ....mg maa wbon
the • • jOent cum1tid.
Ho aid lie clld DOI betieft i'alllcl< bad .......,,,_ .. be-ad ID-
-...... logpd ... liblJ -
MrLl' Ptl..01' ..... 9lf ta ,.._
Pollco Vahiclos, Sub1l0Hon O.mapd Duri,. ,..,,__,Brawl •I HunHnpin....,,
agrood it WU the biggest problem lfD<o
the I.If/ riot in wblcll about 300 p<nOlll
..... Involved.
An undermver lnvestJgator'a purcbue
al. one giam of a dark, llkk7-111bllaoce
lhel police suspect lo be -lad lo the arrat of three men and two womea
al a Costa Mesa home lite Friday night.
One IU&pect .Upped out during the ..,.,.
fuliion and was captured after a lhort
cbue, but several other penons preeent
were oot charged with any offeme, in-
:vestigaton said.
A total of 18 chunks of the alleged
hashis~ and a marked, $10 bill were &e.iz..
ed as evidence, with the contraband
totalling 25 grams worth about $200 on
the illicit market. .,.
Booked on smpiclon of possesalon and
We of hashish, possession ci drugs,
narcotics paraphernalia and rtlated.
charges were these lndlviduaJa:
-Heidi ~t. Groat. 19, or 12fl Conway
Ave., Costa Mesa, where the 11 p.m. raid
-Dennia E. lllglwn, 26, of llO W. Mala
St., Tustin.
-Donald E. Arm1trong, 18, o 1
Amarillo, Tex.
-MetIDell. Jo6nson, 18, of Amarono,
-Jerry T. Howard, 21, of Ferndale,
Investigators said Ingham sneaked out
of the house during the confusion after
Officers Norm Kutch, Ron Palmer and
Ted Sorenson entered during the raid.
He was picked up a short di.stance from
the sceoe after a brief chase by m..
vestigating officers, according to the
thick report on the hashish raid.
Two orange pills believed to be UiD
were also confiscated from the C-Onway
Avenue home, as well as a pair of pipes
containing a burnt residue aimilar to
Captain IWolcl Ma.J:i,...~ canbtm al .............. lo tbe avwds
-they gathered olq Padlic ~
Bigbny and ob two occaEODI pollce UI·
-i9d liondJpeatrn to warn crowds to
~ lint .. the beach lt&ell, then
1at<r wbm the Ci'CJWd moved up lo the
Man Ruins En~onment,
Pittsburgb Prof Decl~es -al. the rloleal were teemgen, police said. Only 11 of Ille 52 arrested
..... adult&. One al. the adlllts ....
bm1 ml klll It lo ma1<e ......... d b ' Gilboat Covell, owner al. the Syncllcate
U.S. Boosting S. Viets
With Eye to Withdrawal
NEW YORK (UPI) -Stuelat} d .......,.,,. ~ Iha! Ille Giber
State William P. Rosen said today that &ide does llClt )d want lo mgotille a
the United Stat.es is urgeall)' ....,._. peacdul wt•-." be uid. "We ano
ing Sautli v~ Iona 1o"""" the DOt p-ed 1o ..... that 111e on1y
day ...... American tniops ... begin -.. .. eulj JllOll' ... In lbe peaoo
witbdnwing from Vietnam even if there taits ts an indefinite utemicm of our
Robber Who Had
Toy Weapon
Slain by Police
-.. deobvjllnj 1111-h-11111,
willl II, ,,_, AJ1 Dr. Paa! Ill-· --.. ••d Um-dJ al. l'Ul&lluaJb pniemr d
mdal Gd utaral rlerices
..,....,. belan about ~-perm at
lbe CajllltraCll Unified Sdioal Dlatrict'•
Mairine Sdmce S1a1pW11n Saturday,
llladweln aid tbat aum bu l...,u.n u.t be ii the llewant d bil e:rtbu11nent.,
"Are we to becaml b diu•11r1 of the -..! Wo are dalavrlnt ouraeJws b)
desbvylnc our envbwueut. Whit we are dalnC ............. Incredible,. Br-
weln aid.
111t • "'""' aid tllat II the jOUlh al. ~ .... lo -"lei them rebel apiDll lbe gr...i llllnl. rebel aplmt
Bl-eln uid that .... 11 l:llllnt with
DDT .-y al. the small arpnllml upon
wlddl the Uf&lood cycle al. the world II
He decJand that aquatic binll are
<ty1nC because they ""' 1...iin& on DDT,
lldm lllb. He llOlod that the ,.. otter
.... -..... atenninated b) l1WJ I« .. fur, Olld that the alllplor .. In
~ ........ Int -bl<•-.,.,,
DAILY PILOT .......................... -------CAl "CMtifA
oaMIM owt "*-""""9 ('/J##Nff
• ....,. H. w ... ----J.t l. c..t.r
Wtillt ....... -o-• .......
"-"' ..... -,...... A. .. ..,. .. ----...... , .... ._....,
-.-.~11'11 ................ _
iii ... -.. I ta ...... .._ ...........
bide. -· a i.....,. m,btcluh our the beach. u II '-•-Ald lll-eln, 11111 One dd<dive uld that most al the u--t)de Ci'CJWd that banp around that
Swedon, the comilay wlddl -the 1nz aru cJea:ed oul U 1000 U they &IW the
-al. DDT lbe Nobel Jli>e, bu -riol lllart. "'llley la>ew they'd realJj be in
-the """'lcal'1111t. -u they llayed," be said.
'Ibe reuaa for mm'• ttanczaadcia
-his world may be -In the nature al. west.m culturel wblcb place
auooea II the uppeamaat, -hod the
pru1 ......
place ID! responalbWlles could *'1 the
fouling tide, Brandwein uJd. e. lauded ocean-orlented .,...._ al
Ille CaiUtra. -ID! said ... -od sud! --could be developed np ID! down the coutllne lo ellablllb "bu-
Uons d dviliuUon."
'lbil """""" Huntington Beach polic. ~ wu Jo.ded with paperwork
from Sunday'• riot, ID! ·-eight of, flcera an llilJ nunlng lruiJes llUllained
in tbe melee.
lrocllctlly, while detectives were lhuf· Dini through llackl ol .,_ and
damage report.I, Ult tune on tbt nd.io
wu driftlnc out 1"Those lazy crart days
ol IAmUDa'."
* From Pqe J
1' no progress at the Paris talks. """"" nile."
Rogers said th< United stat.es I t i I "'lbil la why," n...,. Aid, "IUCll bl8h A man suspected or robbing a hazn.. bopes llMoi will agree lo mutual priorily II beln( zjven lo preparing Swtb hurter stand at 17711 s. Harbor lloulevanl
withdrawal and de-escalation but ''we VJetnamtse forces to aaume a grvwing early today was shot to death by ll'l
hive not, however, placed all our eggs in share cl the cmnbat burden and why the Anaheim police <>fficer who fired when
cm• baskeL" go1'1•nmenl al. South VleCnam is giving the suspect pointed whal turned out lo be
In 1 speech at the Auoci.ated Prag' such hl&h priority to deft1oping" the a "realistic-looking toy gun" at him.
annual luncheoll Rogers made tt dear the political unity al. the "'""'11)." Dead on arrival at the Orange County
United states wu no( .,0;"., lo mai:nt.lin At another ......_. the --..... _1.,.. Medical Cenler was Juan Marquez:, 35, of
• M'O r-o.. -......~,. --.i Sun Valley.
its present troop strqth in Vietnam in-'"'Ibe ~ of replacement fon:u. Police reported they received a call
definitely simply because there wu lack the Jevtl ci cileosive actions by the sh<rtly after midnight telllnll of the um-
ol Progr-at the p .. ..; .. •Al"·. enemy, or prograa in the Paris peace --' b~-· t th h b ~--• """"' ...... _.... talb wm detumtne the 1oope and the Cl.,]. ro ~,. a e am ur11er -
Rogers said the United States ltilJ Umin& of actual transfm 0 f located across the boulevard from
hopes Hanoi will agree to mutual respxisih!Uty -and the comequent Disneyland.
withdrawal and de-tiCllatioo blt ''we releue of our forces." Several police units converged on the
bave not. however, placed all our qp in In mine tbe ward "or," Rogers un-atta and an unidentified witness pointed
one basket." de2-lined tbe fad that U.S troop out to Sgt. Wallact! Judd that the mspect
In a speech at the Associlted Press' withdrawals did not necessarily depend h~ disappeared into the are~around the
annual luncheon Rogen made it clear the on Jl'Oll'ell at Paris. Olarter House Motor Hotel, 1700 S.
United Stat.es was not going to maintain Rogers sa)d tbe N°J:lt'll administraUon Harbor.
its present troop strength in Vietnam in-will "lake initiatives to re-eta.blish more Judd, searching the area on foot, flu!h..
definitely simply because there wu lack oormaI relatims with Communist China ed. the suspeet, who ran .
''We !DUil stop destroying the en--~ OOl1lerVe the oe<alll, then ..._... the land," ... uJd.
"We won't be ~ by the atamJc
bomb, that'& too foul. too fut I way."
deadly weapon, riotln&, and failure to of progress It the Paris peace negotia-and we &hall remain responsive to any in-The officer ordered hlm to halt and the ~. lions. dicatlool bf Jess hostile awtudes bim. suspect turned and pointed tbe toy pistol
Brudwein Wd it WAI up to the _,. al. today to become committed
lo corn<tlng wbat his cootempararia
bad alrud) louled up.
Frot11 Pqe J
his tax request flOllleWhat to suit the con-
gressional majority, commented:
"It l«!lll to be J'f'eitJ coml•e'llt with
good °""""* policies. ..
S<nate Republlean whip Rugh Scott
cc:muneOOed Nil:on "for JrOVid,ing relief
to the people at the low..t ecooomlc
"It ha never made any 1eme to me
I« tho -.. provide help lar the ..... pie below the povq leffl ID! lheo late
boc.t the money In tax"'" I h e
P""'YIVanla lawmottt Mid.
"Tho pvvl&!1111 far Ji'Ovldlllf II least a
mlnlnmm tax on allJumt lupl1UI iJ
moat --ID! ""'"""' wtlh Pmident N-'• dee;> coac:ern lar equJ. ll' ad julUce fer all,• Scott aid.
U.S., Soviets Okay
Embassy Shortwaves
Stat.es ID! the Soviet Union have qroeod
to permit installation of short•'lve radio
lransmltters at their embassia tn
AIOIOOW and Wuhington.
In Gnounc1ni: the qrtement SWlday,
tht WbJte House Aid lhe ne" radio lltW
would enable the two countries to com.
mwolcote effectively with lhdr prlndpol
embauiet: in cue wire connections fall.
"We have to be prepared for the their side." at him. Judd shot Marquez in the chest. Rober1 W. Bwl<e, ta. 1115 Gunn St., '-------'-------------------------'-----Whittier, for rioting, and fallure to 1-
Gary Wllktn09, 21. 921$ Y..aple St.,
Bellflower, for rioting, and refusal to
Todd ll Sveslos~y. 21. 9201 Oma
Place, Garden Grove, for rioting, refusal
to disperse and interfering with the
duties of an oCficer.
I.any D. SadeU, Ill. 1%!1 Pootenova
St .. La Puente. fO!' rioting, resistina: at·
rest, assault with a deadly weapon and
-""' ol dangerous drugs.
Scall Az McCalbj, 11, 11912 Emerald
St., Gardrn Grove. fer rioting. uu.ult
wtlh a deadly weapon. failure lo dispene
and malicious misdlief.
Wll1lam F. Wrip1. 21 , !:MIS Gr<y'"""
SL, Norwalk, for nr.au1t with a deadly
.... pon. rioting ID! wiur. .. ~
Greg D. llya1I, Ill, l:IOOt Sulu Lane,
HUlllJncloo Bead>, Ulault with a deadly
weapco. rioting and fallur< to dl&pone.
N1dlolal Rz Camara, 21, USC Spring·
dale St., Wtstminsttr, for fl1Jure kl
disperse and dislurbJni the ,,._
Emerald Bay Boy
Robbed of $100
A too pounder "Uh acne robbed an
Emtrald Bay teenager of 1100 Frlday '""1t In Llglma Beach.
The victim. l'llftll B. M1rtln, II, ol lllG
Emerald Bay, told poU.. lhe -ukz
ed, .. Do 10U bl\.'e a11y money • , • CJ.UM l
w1nt lt. •• He al.so thttattned to btat the
l"'Jlh. Manin had been hitchhiklnc along
Glenneyn Strftt at Thalia 'flbeD be was
Oven a ride by the blDdit wbo wu driY-
lng I lllO red sporU ctr -.1th U ar.._.
Coast College sticker.
•• ••••1111111211rm•&1111w11a•n•z11· ---. . .. '. , '. , . . . ' . . . . . '
e rings 1i1ed and repaired
• diamonds and precious stones remounted
•pearls restrung
2300 HA~ a.YD.
-····· 1 rt 117
HUN'11N•TON CUllll
llACH I DIN ...
Doniiugton Beaeh
voi:. 62, NO. 9 ,
ousan· ..... ~...-··
Police Accuse Gilbert Covell of E~r•eint Rioters
_In Huntington Roundup
Police arrested 41 juvenile~ and It
adults Sunday in Huntington Beach, In·
eluding Gilbert Covell, owner or the
teenage nightclub Syndicate 300'.I.
O!ficers charged Covell with urging on
1 riot and related allegations.
Arraignments are scheduled today for
the 11 adults in West Orange COunty
Municipal court on charges ranging from
failure to disperse to usault with a dead-
ly weapon.
AU those amsted are currently In
custody at Orange County Jail. Detective
Captain Earl Robitaille said bail for
Covell ill $2,000.
Covell and his wife, Jeanne, bave been
Involved in a running battle with local
polict for the past three years.
Mrs. Covell was rl!cently convicted of
libel against the Huntington Beach Police
oe·parbnent after she accused an officer
or tllreatening to kill her husband.
Recently the city closed the Syndicale
3000 until jt could be brought up to the
city's btlilding standards.
Covell claimed he was being harassed
by the police and the city, aod in retalia-
tion held a dance on his .parking lot Fri·
day night, oppo!itc the closed Syndicate :woo.
Police allege Covell was observed Sun-
day yelling at rioters, trying to at.art
more trouble 'by offering "sanctuary" ,to
the riolers in his 3rd Street parkina: lot.
Thoee arresred and their chargi:s in-
clude :
Covell,· 32, 14201 Locust S t .•.
Westminster, urging oo a riot, refusal to
disperse, and resisting arrest.
Scott· A. ~CCu11ey, 19,111912 Emerald
St., Garden Grove, for riotln&, 'assault
with a deacpy weapon, failure to disperse
and malicious rrUschieI.
-William t . Wript, 21, 13415 Greystone
St., Norwalk, for assault with a deadJy
weapon, rioting 'lmd.'fallure to disperse.
Greg: D. Hyatt, 2CI, 22001 Susan Line,
Huntingtoo ~-assapll with • deadly
Wf'POll, rioting and falliire to disperse.
Nicholas R. Camara, 21, 13512 Spring-
dale St,, Westminster, foe failure to
dispem and di>tw'bi111 tbe peace.
B.each Sure Not
One Horse Town
ts Huntington Beach a one horse town?
Local police aren't quite sure, but
downtown businesmien say, "No, there is
mote'than one horse here ...
. saturday ,..police.stopped youn1 Maxine
Joh~, 14, of 1014 Florida St., Hun-
ti!)ltoP Beach for a traffic vlolaijon. She
was leading her horse down the sidewalk
in the 100 block of Main Street.
:·rm sorry, ~t that'1 a buard lo the
~." said U,S PoUceman.
Mµlne ~~lo do tt again l!ld said 'she hadn't done u berore.
Local buslnessmen, however, tom-
plained• ihat for the put two .,..eeka
several Individuals have taken to trot.Ung
th'"° tic!rle~ downtown -which· they feel
may not produce" tbe "best imafe for the
'arf:I., I •
Police Call
Help From
Other Cities
Of ,_ n.lb' Plllt Staff
Thou.sands of rampagtni· teen-agers
hurled rocU al)d epithets at mori than
I 4G police officers in Huntington Beach
Sunday afternooo when rioting broke out
followillg . arrest of a Ill-year-old yCM1th
on charges of possession.or narcotics..
The three-hour riot broke out with Hun.
tlngton Beacb police calling for help from
s I x other agencies. Fifty-two ..iot.rs
were jailed on charges ranging from
fa11ure to disperse to Po1Sf11Sicn of
Brom 1 :20 p.m. to about 4: 15 p.m. the
beach area from Main ·Street to Lake
bathers beavins atones and other objects
al police units that formed a ring around
the swirling beach crowd.
Lifeguards estimated the total beach
crowd at 20,000 Swlday. Police said about
3,000 were involved in the rioting.
The arrest of the 15 year old which
touched off the melee was made by
"Sandmeg" -undercover police officers.
Related Photos,
Story. P11ge 3
Damage to police units was estimated
al. about $5,000 and the p o 1 l c e
dtpartment't subitation On the beach was
ml!lltled by -llooes. It ii com-plitel)' boarded up and unusable today:
Police said tbe ~bll' began wbin
detectives Ronny Pomeroy and Carl
VJdano lllimpeOd lo anal a Ill-year old
boy alle~ to be in posses:i:ion of seconaJ
DetectlvH said the youth began
fighting With tbe officers and a friend
pulled a knife on Vidano and Pomeroy. At
that· moment, the auspect ran toward the
beach front, but was recaptured, poUce
said ..
A crowd began to gather around the
area, detectives reported, and after OOth
subjects wen: placed in the paddy wagon
for transpartation·. to the substation, the
cro\fd began follow~ tbe wagon.
Police called lot more units, and when
all were at the substation the crowd
~gan throwing rocks at them and the
Riof.era,held ·tbe 511bstai,ion under sie1e
for about 4$ minutes, police said, while
units from other cities were called in for
Police units from Newport Beach,
Costa Men •. Seal ~ch, Fowitiin Valley,
Westminsler and Orange County Sheriff's
office formed a ril1I arouhd the beach
area, attempting to contain the. rlot there.
Firt deparbnent personnel b~ught in a
tsinker which was used by police as an
observation plaUonn and a launching
area for t~ tear gas which finally queU·
ed thti riot .
About 150 policemen were finally in·
volved in the melee. About 50 of them
were from Huntingtor. Beach.
Detective Captain Earl Robitaille said
the riot was "the worst I've aeen since
I've been bere," and most offic1ala
agreed It wu the biuuf. problem since
the 1957 riot in which-about 300 persona
were involved. c.pwn Harold M•ys said canilten of
gas were UKd to disperse the a:owdl
when they gathered along Pacific Cout
(S.. RIOTS, Pqe I)
• '
' . ' •
T_...Y• l'IUI . . . ..
N.Y. Steeb ·.
IO ()ll ·eae
' 1 ~-y PILOT,
BrlWITng-S-unbath1r1 HHv• Rocks' at Officers Aft1mptln9 ·to Contain Riot
-~~~~~~~~~~~ •• . . -
Da~ge Listed~-tJ,~ ~S;(JQO . NiX~~ As~ T~~
I' .. -n··· . -.·ti. ·.·: • ; ··nl~·· ·J":·" .... R~lie(, S,~m :. , n -. uti' rtgfon. nwnng .. ln ·-SbJ'Ctfiirge I -
Teams Qf lawmen from SWT°'1nding
communities totalling tto officers joined .
the battle against rloUng beachgoe.rs Sun-. day, with nine suUerjpg injuries and1
d'amages totalling thousands of. dollars.
Police Capt. Earle Robitaille ten-
tatively estJmated damage to Ule ·
beachfront poUce sub-station and five
emergency vehic~s at $$,000 wh~ ques-
tioned by newsmen today.
Officers from Newport Beach, Costa
Mesa, Orange County Sheriff's deputies,
Westmimter Seal Beach, Fountain
Valle}', ~ Alamitos, the California
Highway Patrol al\d even Los Ang~
Police Departments responded under a
mutual aid pact.
Appcoximalely !O Huntingtoo Beach
Police Department personnel were tied
up by the wild melee that broke o,ut about
1 : 30 p.m., leavini in its wake inj!p'Y and
destruction. --·
Injured by nying debris and o.~~ ob·
jects were HUDtington Beach Police of·
flee.rs Henry Hitchcock, . Ro n.n e y
Pomeroy, C&rl Scbellinger and Capt.
RoblfaiUe bim&elf.
"Most of the 1 injuries reported to us '
consisted of' ct.it!,· abrasions a n' d •
bleedfng" said· 'Capt. Harold Miys,'
noting that none ol the w.ounds Wete ·
serious enough to require hospiµillzallon.
"Theie ,were two off-duty off.icers from .
the Los Angeles Police Department and
one county Sherlff's deputy On ~ beach .
at .the time of the .riot to!J," he:s&ii:I. -
"I guess.they got bea'b;rri!I~ a·Jtt-.
tie but we don'' tnow ,the el'('ent -ot !heir
in/uries," c&pt. 'Mays added.. ·
One Newport Beach: pOl.iceinan w~
slightly injured wh_en hls motorcycle went ·
out or control en route to the wild
dbturbanct and ll1ld down tbe higbwi!y on '
it! 1ide; Capt.' Mays added. Glass was shattered. in ¥Veral police ~
. '
vehicles and one had the rooftop beat;00 ,
smashed Jn and a door bOd1J dented by
the riot.er!, police sa.Jd·today. · · '
Transportation -including paddy
wagons -was provided by the sheriff's
office, after the Huiitington·lfeich' paddy
wagbn was damaled 90 badly i{ is·
unuSable today.
Nearly all windows In the beachfront
police substation. were sma.shed. by ,flying
rOcks, bottles and ottier missiles and city '
workmen wert on the scene this mOrning,
worklni to repair the damage.
No. official damage estlma.le has · )'et
been compiled by city offlclils, bu.t it ls
hpected to be consklerable, while the
figure ln terms of cost by police man·
hours is almost uncomputable.
' Body of Teen
Mother Found
In Santa Ana
: The bod~ 'of· a tS-year-olCI Santa Ana
girl, wbo :Was the mother of a two-month-·
old child, w41·found lying under a~tree
early this morning in the southwest sec·
tion of the city.
·The Orange County Coroner's Office ,
rtpiorted there were no immediate signs
of foul Play. An aUiopsy waS undtr way ·
to di9COVer the cause ol (lei.th of 1Glenda
Lea Kaminski, of ISO s. &Jlllvan St:.
who8e body was found by a amaU child at
tCI S. Sullivan, leu than one block from
her home. ,
'Her mOtber, Mrt. CarTOllea Golgart, of
th<· 1342 6.· Sullivan • addrW, lold police
htr daughter left ihome ·about 10:15 p.m.
SUnday night to go to a nearby store .
WASHINGTON (l!Pl) -Preoldool ·
NlfOI! <today aated1Cqnrresrlo -Ille
fu!.loa!l.al ... -poor, i-....... imwn tu on the very rich, and cut in
half the income tu surcharge for those
in between. The lllll'lax would· be reduced frim· 10 to
.five .percent e!lectlve-Jan. I.
The President's omnibus tax reform
package to Congress also called for lm-
ro'edlate. repeal of. the seven p!rctn& m-
••stmo!ll \alt credit Jo help cur~ ioflalion.
Treasury officlili estimated thal the
admi/ilstra~·s jqaling of · reven!Jt:I wOu1d involve 1 trade-off Of about $4
billion a year and that the revenue pint
and ·1oaes WOo1d be eaenltslly bllanced.
"Not peony to peony, but. suti.·1nti1J11
balanced,v said·CIDe official.
"'ll>e tu ~e woo a generally
favorable . response from congrtUblill
leaden · and tax experts, although ..,..
OemocratJ said Nilon lhaWd have ,me
fuither. · ·
The President recommended removal
of tbe poor from the federal tax 1 tolls
through enactment of a "low· income
allowanct." "Bill -·1n 111< upper Jn. cooie•braclttts woulil be llmi!A!d writing
off to !O -t.ol their Jncoma kl< tu purpooes. .
This proposal -reoulted from reports
that several hW'.ld.red , persons with
incomes of more than QI0,000 .-1,ar
were avoiding payini: any income tues,
Ulilll! !tgaJ ltopboJ.,., . I I
Rtpealol_tbe ... veo percent invesbnent taZ was Nixon 's ploy kl' conYlnclnC the
D<mocrau~·~ lo extend
the tO perca laaiu' lieYaoilf Its ICbedW.
ed Upiralioil Jane 311. •
li<n~te. Diomocratic , ~ 111 k e
Mansfield said he wanted to study ~·
of the inmtmtnt·tax "1*11~ but uid ilk
was linked with removal or the surtu b7
(S.. T~ JIBll'O!I¥, ~' l j Grta w. Mi~. 19, 9362 Nan!uc;ket
Drive Huntington Beach, for rtotmg,
assauit with a deadly weapon i.od failure
to disperse.
Steve D. Hue, 20, 7111 Talbert ..,_ve.,
Huntington Beach. fot usault with a
deadly weapQD, rloUng, and failure to
Korea Task Force. Sails
. After searchinB ro!. s~eral·houtl Jn the '
early momlng without result, Mrs.
Golgart called polite at" 5 i.m. to rei)ort ·
the girl missing. The body was found at
8:15 a.m. • :
Robert W. lllrke, 18, 9115. GUM St.,
wrutUer. for rioUng, and failure to
But Battleship New Jersey Returning Overse~s Travelj.ng
By Senators Re,ve, alee{ . Alked whether the ECW filgbto have · G"1 Wllbnoo, 22, 9115 Jv.aple SI.,
&llflofrer, for fidting, and refusal to
Todd R. Svedoakty, 21, 9201 Oma
Plact, Garden Grove, I« rioting, refusal
to dilpene and lnlerferlni with tbe
duties of an officer. LufJ D. s..ua, •. IJ3l Pootenova
s1.. La Puenie, for rlolinr. ttsi&ting "" rest, assault with a deadly weapon arid
WASHINGTON (AP) -A u..h1p ~k
fette 1ncltiUng 'four ~American atttrart
carriers b.u bMn formed to Net up
President Nlloa'1 pledae lo protect
--,._ ~ "' tbe Su ol Japan, the Pentap dilcloood 1 .. c1ar.
The task iorlll-noflncludoJlit balo l1elblp USS New Jenq,
-ion ol danierous dnlp. 'Jbe ..,... veatl, which WU
dlvertad lo tbe wemm Pod!lc Fridoy
btcaUJ1 ol the EClll dis~. bu bMn Air Canada Struck ---t:i. ..... order• to return to Lona
Jv.ONTREAL (UPI) -The 6,:.JO Pentagon opokamu Ptnlel Z. Henkin,
machinists of Air Canada struck early to-wbo announced the formation of the task
day ll'Olllldlng nights acroo1 the CClllltry. forct, wo1dd not say when the Niw
Neg'oUaOonl were to continue with Jerse1 will retch the West Co:ut or
federal 1abor mlnllter Bryce Mackuey where she ls It this Umt. The baUleshlp
htre to help work out a settlement. was due to dock at Long Beach Saturda1
after winding up a tour of aervke off
Today's announcement was the first of-
ficial word of the 9CoPe or a ·u.s. naval
lll'lllAda formed for -.., .... t in tbe
Sea of J•pan .. :tUil * .! t Jo !i!'!)h . ~" lhoolloC .~'tj,..,.1itilffriid )X:W a!n:nlt-t w+ ~ t It.ab ~d reiioM.'·i» new Tull
Foree 7l lw bten ltt(.-by tbe
Plidfk OHi and ts undtt'tllir -11\0lld ·
of Rtar Adm. Mllcolm )'fl .• Caal• o1
Grand Junctloo, Colo. ", ,
Along with the four Cln:Jers, w~·
will be oble to ~~~, tecUon forfuture n·
are three cruisers and 11• dettrO)'en. 1
, "W• wW not 10 lnto!fn>' lletall(cofti
ctnllng the operatlont . ~." ~n.Nid.
But he said he would name the lliips.
ri!JU!lled, Henkin said be cou1d not get In-WASHINGTON (UPll . -Forty-two
to lhat operation upect either. senators and more than 100 of their aides
The taak forte carriers 'tnclude the 11iknt PMl,000 Jn U.S. counterpart funds
EnttfPrile, Tkooderoga, · Ranger .and traveling oveneaa last year, according!"
lloniel The ctllbei'I lllCh\il<·tbe Cblt110, Senate recordl. Counterpart lulidl •linl 1
10i<Jaboma Ol!' lmid !hi St. 'PMll. · I lot<.iP.~ts hel~&~ U.6'em-" lt"wa Obi dlic!1ioed 1rlioufor .u •u.iio .abrooJ, ·!"""" .s.~. F.4w*"' v. Lone·
11(1po · m -·:Jn Pl!' ~ 1of .~apan ot ' (~./"o.)i ,vblled II nallon! and Hooe ,.
whtllitr" alrwll!'be cit=!" ed •tfitni'i! tlie K~, fnoit ttoPI than any other oeo•\o!·
L tllh ~-1 ..... ~_ ... -'1. , r " • \ r same e. ''ucy an: ""'.. 1 ) • • rotating in •nd out or migruDent ·IOMS • 1 ' •
·•iong the coasi ot,K'!'U-. . StHJe' • /lfcr,JU(s'
'1l>e Iara• ~t of shiP1· to ·!he " . ,sea ol J•pin •pplrenUy will not NEW VORlt (XP)-Tlli ilocli miriil ,
lil!llfl••iillJ·-.nHal oeCi:aUons-olf ci-t·wtllr a lharp lotS>todl1. follow!ng '
.VJttMm1 It' JI """'.,_ lfl\l the car-' • pmide,,(Jal recon>mend•ttoo .111t1,1 Tit!> ltlUY, "'"t and •lion Holilme Congres1• .-1 the , lnvellll*l .. 111< RICbard win tile u~ bottle mllons off credU. (See quotaUon1, Pqeo 14-n). •
Vietnam to support biombin& ml•lona in The Dow Jonu Industrial averaie at
South Vietnam and Laos. 1 :30 p.m. was otf 7.43.
, .......
ft'I l flfct day ahcl lt'll1 be=efft1 1
nicer on Tlle0dq1wtth 'folr -ofter ....e mor1l1mc ck<tdJn;iinmd
temperatures •llnClnl to• tile lhJd.
die IO't .
INSmE TOD.4.1'
COrtlOli" IPl't.Wd tllt K11111tdv
;Cup· from Stollford l[~'
~ ~ ""ikend hr nl!>!>illO IM· Ua!omlty of Soutlltm C.U., tornro bv .,.. polnl Boolfllcf
PQflC 19. ...... ~== ·-c------IMlll flillllNAI ·--... ._
" • .... " • • .. • • -" ..
' --· -. ....... ...... ..... """"' .. ................. ==-= ·-.. -. -.. --.. '
~t,__IW_Lv_l'll._or ____ •______ , -Pl!l 11. 1""
Sirhan Penalff Trial Ends With Mom's Plea
LOS ANGELES (UPn -'Ille Jlr1)o
aeeutJoo and the defense bolb abruplly
.-in the penally pbue.J>I lbe ~ .. __ ti:ial..., ....
.. a ·-only Mn. Mary Sirhan in plead lbat the i..,, spare her aon'a Ule.
'Ille penally trial of lbe 15-,..r .. ld
P•&Mf.inlaa lmmliranl for tbe murder of.
Sen. Robert F. Kerutedy, f°' which be
was coovlcted Jut wed, moved with
lloi ................. _
-I* to th.T ciiib,a .. ...................
""'.,._ -1111..1111. ""'· SIMI 11111-............ __ .
-• ...., Gi.-a. Q ,, oallt
ed hla"" ud lbe ...i, -in·mltlp-
tion f" the flnl ~in lbe aboollq " the stnator in the Ambouad« Hotel l.ut
June ~ . .
Mn. Mary Slrbaa, II, a U., o,.,. who
Jtlesa, Westmlnder
County Crashes
Kill Two Persons
One man wu tilled and hll puaenaer fackr u 111 UDllfe tun&tna movemmL
vJrtualJy uninJurad Salunlay night In Coo-Men than a -pmons -
la Maa, when their sporta car llkJdded at the apectacular accident and "" man about IS miles per hour, alammed into a estimated PUllck'• speed at ID to 85
tree ud fin ilydran4 then fllpped upside miles per bour when lbe Amorlcan-buJlt
down. atdo IWti tecl out ol control
A Gardenl man WU allo killed ear1y WDllam E. Malcomb, 11. of Sa
Sunday -hla car hit a tow truck In Bemardino, laid the car bad plllleil him w-, ud a young Sunael Beach oo the left at hllb lpeod ud "''""' woman la in crJUcai condiUon today alter back Into the oulllde tralllc lane ahead,
being atruck by a car in the beach cam-at wlllch time the driver loot control.
munlty. ' Colla: Mela police and the Callfornla
Dead u a mull of the weekend tnlllc lllibw&Y Patrol C09md I be in-
eccldeola, which loll one -jalTed, .-iptim, clolin( PallAda Rood for a
are: Ume ud bn>odcutfng a Slplat.
-W.,..L.Pauf<k,11,ofLolAnplu. rnrBD JNIT'-
-Bryu A. .Orfta7, 11, of Ganleiia.o;:d;ly was';'~ kJDed in1tan1f1
Puslc WU dead .., arrival -If -I a.m. llunday and Illa date WU
p.m. Saturday at Colla: Maa M-1a! oertousty lnjurod -their car CfOlled
I.. Coa1J> Tnlllc 1ila a W..imlnlter -ud crubed beacka
.... _...., __ lbe_,,,_ Iha--~ ....... , ' "*MiA. ......... ,...., -•r . .,. Ii Iii llllN -!lior
any lroubk with the . Police l"
"lie bu nev• been In trouble before.''
Mra. Sirhan aaid ln a voice that was
almost inaudible in the courtroom. "I led
him up .. the will of God ••• "
a Dealll Toll 11 into a tow truck, Police Aid.
Illa Jll*Qber, Debra Pawlicki. 11, of llolpital, with :;....l<\iabead a11!Ll!l!;U1>·-100MJlllbort.B1..Aoabefm, wu-lalotn-to-
jurla-lllf!eftd auin crubed e11 w-imler lloopital, wben lbe la In
Pal-Road -of Newport ..m. cmdltian loday with facial
--ud back tojarJel. 1llomu D. -· 25, of Hermou Wllllam L. lliaie, Ill, of IJlllll Paclfle Beach. .,.. lr<ated and released at lbe SL, Midway ~. drJvor of lbe tow "tnick
Ber ........... "' and the rest of b<r wWdl wmllll.
Al-Ibo!"""' c;:.,.. aald, "ll>e ...,_ .......
laplim em.t.JWHertiortV. Walller
caJlld a w-to -the ...
-lit wlll Po in the Jury. Both aides trere to make final
arcumeets· --the jury bqlna Its deliberation, probably by mldaltemoon.
The P'!l'O<\ltlon has alrudy &aid It
would DOI demand the duth penalty. but
Dept. Dbt. Atty. John H°"ltd aaid the
state would leave it up to the cooaclence
ol ll>e jury .. in -IUcb a crime _... .... -~. Howard Opentd ._, aaying that Xenne41
had been struck down at a moment wt.-
he represented the hopes of an impcrllnt
segment of th.la naUon and that "e1cept
for thls defendant be might have rlsen lo
the highest position lhls nation can of.
Sirhan, be aald, bad ""'ached these
DAILY PILOT,_ 11r LM l"lnt
shores as an lmm larant tnto 1 utton
which had prided its<ll OD invhlq
relupu. • -
"But lhJ& wu DOI eaeuP ,.. 11119 • , •
We have laviahed the resourtts ~ our
aociety for the 11ke of a cold-blooded
poJJUcal aaaaaain while 5"0ding pafriollc
Amtriclna to Vietnam with a 119 r1flo
and our best wlshel," Howarcf charpd.
He Aid Sirhan "didn't demOMtrate the
allghte!t degrtt or remone • • • be ..-
joyed the star atatus."
l'rotfl P•e J
the end of the ne1t fiscal year "it is
wwthy of every consideration."
Manslield also suggested that in-
creasing tbe dollar amount of e1empticu
would help the poor as much u the Ni>oo
On the H-side, chaimwt Wilbur D.
Milli (D-Ark.), DO the Waya and Means
CGmmlttee wltbbekl comment pending
praentsUon ol the packap by .i.
ministration of!lcllls to hla waya lllCI
mum commlttee on Tuesday.
Spemr John w. Jr.cCormack, ft!Tec· tint Jndic1lioos that Nilt>n had t.a1Jcnd
his ta1 request eomewhat to auit the coo-
gres151onal majority, commented:
"It seems to be pretty coo1btent with
good DemocraUc policies."
Senate Republican whip Hugh Scott
commended Nilon "for providln& relief
to the people at th< lowest ecooomic
"Jt hu never made any aeme to me
for the nation in provide help lor the peo.
pie below the poverty level and then Lake
back the money in taxes,'' the
·Pennsylvania lawmaker Aid.
"The provisions for providing al lelll a
minimum tax on afnuent t.aipa)'ttl is
most coorageowi: and conforms with
President Nixon 's deep concern fer equi-
ty and ju.st.Ice for all," Scott aa.ld.
..... -ta! wtch -ud brulaes, ap-involved, acapod IJQury, lralflc ' -parently bung free durln( the fatal lkJd. alid.
BODY CRlJMPLED The accident CIC<Wred at the buly in-
Police VehJclu, Sub1t1tion Damaged During Thre.Hour Brl]wl •t Huntington BNch
Valley Conducts
Special Census
Twenty-two Fountain Valley resldenla
are walking the streets today eounUQr
people as a part of a .special f4ldera1
Patrobnan David Hayes aald Passlck'• tersecUoo of FAwards Street ud Map!,.
body_w:u__crumpled_ifts1de the-car -when -Avenue.-
be arrived at the acent, while Bennett lay Pana GopQUI01, 22, of 11752 Pacific
on the pavem~ beside the demollahed Coast Highway, Sunset Beach, ia in
vehicle. critical coodttlon today with injuries auf-
Tbe injured passenger t o I d in-fered when abt wu ltruck by a car while
vestipton be and Passlck bad jall lelt a walking alone lbe hllbway in the boacb
tavern and were going to a nearby city. ·
restaur~t for a la.le evenlna: anack when Donald G. Smith, 36, of Garden Grove,
the accident occurred. "" jailed oa 1111plcJoo of feloaJ drunk He said be did not belTeve Pualck bad drlvtnl after blo ear ,_ M1s1
enoup beer to be intozlcated •ud Jn. GopouJos llCConliq to lbe CaJlfornJa
veatigators Joued cme IJkeJy ocdderrl 111abway0PalrQI. ,
Man Ruins Environment,
Pittsburgh Prof Declares
Man la~ hla envln>nment and,
with U, himself, aaya Dr. Pa u I
l!ran<tftln, Harvard lecturer a • d
Unlvenlty of PJl!lburgb proleaor of
ooclal and natural -· Speatinl before about 1,000 -II
the Caplatrano Unified School Dlatrlct'a
Marine ScJence Symposium Salunlay,
Brandwdii Aid that man bu forgotten
that be la the llewa1d of hla environment.
"Ar< we to become the dinosaun of the
future? We are destroying ountlvea: by
destroybig our environment. What we are
doing io ountlvts is iDcrediblt," Brand-
wdn aald.
The oclelltlal aaid that if the ynulh of
today want to rtbel "let them rebel
agalnlt the groat thing, r<bel against
eelf-de.strucilon .••
-ein aald that man la kl!Ung with
DDT many of the lll1l8ll or1anlama upon
wbkb the W~food cycle of the workl is
He declared that aquaUc bJnla are
OAltY PllO T
l.Mrt H. W.-4 .......... ,..llfw ....... c."" Vlcit "'-"""" .... 0..-tl .....
n.11 tCt..il .... n-.. A. .... ,,.., ... ................
JJ!M,rt W. 11... Willia• l1"1 ~ ttlill ......... I..., (try ...... ....................
Jot .... StrHt
,,,_ll .. Mini .. , P.O. a.. 7ff. tJMI ---_, ...,.,: in1.,,. ..... ......... a.. ........ ..., ..
"-~ l2:t ,...., .....
dying becaule Ibey ar< leedlna on DDT·
laden flsh. He noted that the sea otter
bu almost been atenninated by man
lor ill fur, and that the aillcator la in
danger of bocaming ellinc\ becauae men
hunt ud kill It to make bandbap of Ila
It la lrnnlc, aald Brandwein, that
Sweden, the countr)' which gave the in-
ventor of DDT the Nobel prlJe, bu ..,.
cutlawed the cbemlcal'1 use.
The reason for man's tttneareulons
upon his world may be found In tbt
~lure of western cultures which place
su_, at the uppermoot, obeerved the
Education and awarenesa of man'1
place and mponalblliUes could mm the
fouling Ude, Brandwein aald.
He lauded ccean-<>rienlad f>RllTUlll of
the Capistrano district and A.Id he wish-
ed ouch programa could be devnloped up
and down the coutllne to eatablbh ...
Uons of clvlllzatton."
"We mua stop desln>Yinl the en-
vironment, conserve the OCUN, tbtn
comerve the land," he 1ald.
"We won 't be destroyed by the atomlc
bomb, that'a too foul, too fut a way."
Brudwtln llld iL WU up to the
students of today to become cammJttad
to comcling what hla coawnporarla
bad alrudy fouled up.
Trustees View
Youth Pictures
Trusteet •I Ocean Vlew Scbonl Dlatrlct
will take time nut of dlacusllen lenllht of
th• llnanclal woea ol the diltrlct to view
award winning pictures by chll4rtn in lbe
flnt three srad ...
1110 m<eUng la In the board room of
dillrlct headqume11, W'""" A-ue
and Beach Boufevltd, Hlllllinltoe !leach.
Winntn In the bunny drawing coarest
will haYe their efforts DO dlaplay Includ-
ing the top prize winner, Linda SclJaD.
derl, third lfllde ltudent In the clw of
Jean Nordby at Marine View Schoof.
Board mtmbtr'S •rt to pruent ber the
~aieea will allo bear r,11n1 ror 1um-
mer school, a program ldclnf. In tM
dl•trlc~ *-"•• of flnanclal prol>lenu in
lbl pa•~
From Pqe J
RIOT •..
Hlghway· and on two occasions police us-
ed loudspeaker.a to warn crowds to
difperse, first on the beach itself, then
1ater when the crowd moved up to the
Most of the riotm were teenagers.
pal(ce aald. Only u of the 5Z arrested wft adults. One of the adults was
Gilbert Covell, owner of the Syndicate
3000, a teenage nightclub near the beach.
One detecUve aald that most of the
motorcycle crowd that bangs around that
area cleared out u soon as they saw the
riot 1lart. "They knew they'd r..tly be in
trouble ll Ibey sllyed," be Aid.
'l1tlJ morning HlDlUngton Beach police
htadquarten was loaded with paperwork
from Sunday's riot, and about eight of·
flcen IJ"e still nursing bruises SU!tained
ln lhe melee.
lronJcally, while detectives were shuf-
fling lhroUJh ltacks of arrel!lt and
damage reparts, the tune on the radio
wu drifting out "Those lazy crazy days
of summer."
Police Purchase
Leads to Arrest
Of Five in Mesa
An· undercover tnveaUgator's purchase
of one gram of a dark, sticky substance
that police suspect to be hashiab led to
the arrest of three men and two women
at a Costa Mua home late Friday night.
One suapect lilpped out during th< con-
fusion and was captured after a short
chue, but aeveral other persons present
Wert not charpd with any offense, in-
veatq:aton: Aid.
A intal of JI chunka ol the alleged
haahlab. and 1 marked, tto bill were seiz..
ed as evidence, with the contraband
totallln,g 25 grama worth about '200 on
the llllcit market.
Booked on suspicion or posse:!!slon and
sale of baahilh, posses!lion of drugs,
narcotics parapbemalla and related
charges were these individuals:
-Heidi M. Groat, 19, of 1267 Conway
Ave., Costa Mesa, where the 11 p.m. raid
ocairred .
-Dean11 E. lqUm, 21, of 850 W. Main
St., Tustin.
-Donald E. --" 18, • f Amarillo, Tei:.
-Mellae D. Jolmsoa, JB, of Amarotlo,
...Jtrf7 T. Bowan!, 11, ol Ferndale,
InvHUcator1 said Ingham sneaktd out
of the boule during the COlll\lslon al1'r
Olflcm Nonn Kutch, Rao Palmer and
Ted <tMOn entered durtog the raid.
He w11 picked up a short. dillance from
the tcel'lfl alt.er a brief chase by ln-
vestlgatlnl olflcen, accordlnt to the
thick report DO the hashish rlid.
Two "'°'e r.Illa bjlleved to be ~D were also coot 1e1ttd from the Conway
Avtoue ·home, u well as a pair bf pipes
cnntaloint a burnt ruldua sJmllar to
Park Meet Set
The Fountain Valley ParU and Rttrf•
lion Commlsalon will meet at I p.m.
Wednuday al City Hall, IDIO Slater
Ave., for a rtgular business mHllng
wbJcb will lnclude discussion ol tract&
plaMed with parks.
U~S. Boosting S. Viets
With Eye to Withdrawal
NEW YORK (UPI) -Secr<tary of
State William P. Hogen aald today that
the United Stites Is urgenUy llrenglhen-
ing South Vietnamese forces to speed the
day when American troops can begin
withdrawing from Vietnam even if there
is no progress at the Paris talU.
Rogers said the United States a t 11
hopes Hanoi will agree to mutual
withdrawal-and deecalaUon but "we
have not, however, placed all our eggs in
one basket."
In a speech at the Associated Press'
annual luncheon Rogers made it clear the
United Slates was not' going to maintain
11' present troop strength in Vietnam in-
definitely 1imply because there wu lack
()f progress at the Paris talks.
Rogers said the United St.at.ea: still
hopes Hanoi will agree to mutual
withdrawal and dHSCaiailon but "we
have not, however, placed all our eggs in
one basket."
In a speech at the Associated Press'
annual luncheon Rogen made it clear the
United States waa not going to maintain
itJ present troop strength in Vietnam in-
definitely simply because there was lack
of progress at the Paris pe.ace negotia-
"We have to be prepared for t.be
unwelcome cooUngeney that the other
11ide does not yet want to ne1otiate a
peaceful settlement," he said. "We are
not prepared to assume th'at the only
alternative to early progres3 in the peace
talk! is an indefinite exteruilon of our
present role."
"This is why," Rogers said, "such blgb
priority is being gjven to preparing South
Vietnamese forcts to asawne a growing
share of the combat burden and why the
government of South Vietnam b giving
such high priority to developing the
political unity of the country."
At another point, the secretary said:
"The readiness ()f replacement forces,
the level of ()ffensive actions by the
enemy, or progress Jn the Paris peace
talks will determine the scope and the
timing of actual transfers o f
responsibility -and the consequent
releMe of our forces."
In using the word "or," Rogers un·
derlined the fa ct that U.S troop
withdrawals did not necessarily depend
()n proeress at Parts. ·
Rogers said the Nixon administration
will "take initiatives to re-etabllsh more
normal relations with Communist China
and we shall remain responsive to any in-
dlcaUons of les.s hostile attitudes from
their aide."
'Ibey are asking the names of all
pereons living in a housMold, race, M.t
and the relalJonshlp to the head of the
Enumerators wear ted, white and blue
badges and residents should look for the
jdenUfication, city officials said.
PS"llCl'M wbo att not at home during
the census can write the information and
either place It in an envelope and leave it
witb a neighbor to give to the cenRus
taker, or mail the infonnation to the
Bushard Fire station, 17737 Bmhard St.,
Fountain Valley.
~ecurate populatioo figures are needed
to umure the city receiving it.\ share of
taxes returned to cities on the be.sis of
Sex Education
Trustees' Topic
A discu11Sion of se:z education programs
planned for the Huntington Beach Urllon
High Sch~! District is expected to oc-
cupy diltrtct lrustees Tuesday night when
they meet in the library of Marina High
School, 15871 Springdale St.
.During ~e 7:30 p.m. meeting the
C1tltens Advisory Committee is scheduled
to report on Its vote on wQether to hold
family life education claMeS lhitl summer
as planned , or not.
That vote was 18 yes, 18 no and one
Hundreds of opponents of sex educaUon
and family life classes are expected to
attend the board meeting to protest ln-
clU15ion of the program In the curriculum.
e rings sized and repaired e diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung
2100 HAUO« aYD.
· COSlA lllSA o,.. -. ........ M. 'Ill ' , ....
an•,•' •••2•11•1a:•rn•11u•1t1111•1• ::m r 1a111
HUNT1ffTON C:iind
' I
COMPToN -Orange Coun--
ty's three track and field
powers in pre:p circles -San-
ta Ana, Sanla Ana Valley and
El Modena-fared well in the
19th running of the Compton
Gold Cup Saturday with the
Saints of Santa Ana finishing
fifth to champion Compton.
El Modena was elabth and
Santa Ana Valley ninth.
Jackie White led tho Santa
Ana contingent with a fine 9.5
effort in the 100 and a 22.0 in
the 220.
Best event of the afternoon
was in the second mile race
when Richard TschUdin of
Palisades High and Fred
Ritcherson of Salesian tied at
Centennial's mi le relay team
blazed to a 3:18.4 clocking
best in the state. '
Compton's Reynaldo Brown
led the Tarba~s with a 6:10',i leap. _,_
Prep Net Scores
For Coast Area
Vital Tilts
Coining Up
Orange Coast area prep
baseball teams -4 Newport
Harbor and Corona del Mar -
100-t. wn;1, <S1n11 AMI '·' 2_ are und<!r fire ~·hen action'
Err'lllfY is ..... v111ev1 '·' l. Gi1U1rd MD SpikeI'S resumes Tuesday In n·-ir !Ool'teyl •.t '· AOkl111 ILOCkl) $, LI'°"
,11,0 cwon:m.111. res.....,.tive leagues alter disap-..e Jtei.Y-(ll:Kt 11-1. Dominlutl. ,,_,,.
!!;, '"~"'• l•rber•, "3.1) s. PHI-Wm" at Amat pointing results Friday.
tit.q. 2>-1. 11111r. ,,,,, 1. s.n11 . The Tars of Newport, afterl
Ar'll, 0.1; l. G1r0tl\ll, 4JAz (ll:Ke l l -1. cm1enn1.1 .a.11 1. Locke, 4 .,, J. being set back with their third
ccm..ia11 • .a.7. LA PUENTE -Two Mater tie game of the Sunset League. UO-CR•ce 11-1. Rynerwn (L•ke-1 woo:11. 1:S7.•1 2. NelMin cEJ Mocten•l Dei High School rel11y teams y,·ill host Santa Ana Valley at 1:00.j1 3. s~i>ttiro>Rr CP11"' ve.-1), breezed to winning efforts 3: 15. Coach Andy Smith's out· 1:00.3; '· Grfff! {Pol~)/ 1. Otle Cl ur-llilnkl. Saturday at the seventh an-fit is a full game behind West-
111:ec:e 21-1. B•"''' CL.A. H11111. nual Bishop Amat High Relays em in loop standings. l:Sol.•; 2. Lil/lllllOll tMllllke11J, 1:.U.1;
1. Ra1>1"'°" cPo1~i. 1:5'.o; eouc11 for coach Mark Mulkerin's Corona del ~tar must wln
Prep Golf
for special
your Family
Auto lnsurancA
.1Milnu11 Arts), 1:s1.1: s. Cl.Irk IEI h1onarchs. afainst Invading E st an c i a ModeN). no HH-1. Lemb 1s.n11 11111,,,,, The quartet of Paul ~tul-( :15) if it is to stay in con-Bob Paley
1'·1' 1. 0on11"-t cccmP1onJ, 14.t; doon, Rick Jennings, Steve tention with Loara and J. To1ber1 (LOCkeJ, 1'.S; '· Tinin
tMulr>. u .11 5. Ratt'"'°" IL«k•l. Horestmeyer and Mark Dow!-Magnolia for the Irvine title.
Mlle (ll:Ke ll-l. l11!1er {Rnedl!, ing set a n1eet record in the 2· The Sea Kings t r a i I the and Associates •:11.71 2. kdc!Oll CWorilmenJ, •:2:1.l; J. woo1ey ce1 MocteNl, 4,27_,1 •. mile relay with an 8:12.0 Anaheim schools by one game.
~L::'i.~F~t>. •;21.1: s. R11ttn.,. clocking, breaking the old Other Irvine______jlffiQil_Jlas INSUR-ANCE
1R.ce-,1-1. tte TIC}iudfi1l Pill-reconl by 10:4-seconds~ -eosia ~esa at Fountain Valley
tlldts). RlldM!r5Gll cs.11111n1. ''"·'' A.ml, the team of Muldoon, while Huntington Beach and 474 E. 17th St.
J. LOlllll IReJH1l, •:20.D; 4. •WlllM COSTA ES ier McdmlJ, 4::111..fi 5. aerr, IP•los Ron Dickson, Dowling and Westminster tangle on the lat· M A
V•rdff!. Jennings turned the mile relay ter's diamond. 642-6500
4"IO---(Ri1Cf! 0-1. Rl(O (Wot1r.m•nl, . 3 32 I I take h I c . I . . v·11
ic.•; 1. Brlll~o cw1111111111oni. ''·~; 1n : . o t at event. n restv1e\V pay 1t s 1 a1~~~~~~~~~~~~!
J. w11~s !Muir), 0 .61 •. Lov• Individually, Bob Leam.a Park at Laguna Be a ch .j~ ~~=~~). "·'1 J. Capplln (PllCll won the 2-mile (seetion II) in Foothill at Mission Viejo and Who Can Read Just
1Reu. 1> -1. Lene11011 11111Hik1111, 10:01.0 and mate Ter r y San C1emente at El Moclena . ~ 2p~"'i:;,,1L~~,, ~·01 H~i;:: McKeon placed second in the Mater Dei is at Pius X in
111.11,,, si.11 s. Anton1ne 1ComP1a111. section I 2-mile wit h a 1:55.5. Angelus hostilities. One 'Peanuts'?
Ill) LH-1. StodllOll (Po,.,.), 11.11 :l. -----------------------------------AOk lns !LDd:el, II.t i ·1~ OoiMldtOll '
fCllmPlOll!. lf.D/ 4. ~A!l1~r f8t1lr),
1•.01 J. Toi~! !Locke).
2»-1. Wll!!e tS•n!1 "'""'· 71.0; 1. Emef'\I ($ ..... V1llo!y). 1'..11 '· Jolln1on
fl l1lr). ?2.J; 4. M(C'IJ fLoc~e). 1'.•;
$, Wll1<>11 fDoml119~1).
Pole \'•ull-1. Smitll (S. Torr1nce\, !~~a!t.;..:~~1r~C~~l~l1~!'.o: U·~:
Hemmer /$1nl1 !l•rbl••l. 11·6; S tie
-Pler¢t CS•nl1 l1rt11r1J 1nd SI. Cl1lr
(l'olyl, lJ.O.
l -Jum-1, Trunell !Centennl11l, 1J.-J; 2. M(All11er C8l1 lr), 2:1-J\4; 3.
Holden (Gar~111 ). n ·llY.; 4. Fu!d1
fBl1lr). 21·111 J. CIO!mm0111 fP1wo-
de11al, 22-514.
Sl'lof put -I. ~UlllllMl'llm (Slnl1
!11~r1 ), '°'4V•I 2. Gordian !El Mo-
den1), *1~; l . Rktllrch (Mll11ll1nJ,
,.,,,.,, '-Wiison tl'olJ), J6.7; $.
Hi1• fOCll. Pueb•J, SJ.-1\i:i..
Mlle RPilY-(Rtu 1)-1. Silnl• NII
V1llnl, 3:16.$: 2. VUl1 P1tk, 3:2t.';
J. Oomnf-1, 3:30,,.
fRac:e 7)-1. 811lr, J:'1.2; 2. Fre-
mont, 3:2t; l. 001 Pueblos, j;JCl.I;
(Rice 3)-1. C-nlel, j:ll .•1 l.
C<HnPlon l: It.•; l . Dor Ry, l :lO.I.
l Wti mlif!.-(R1ce 1)-1. Busby Ute-
sed1), t :•1.l; 2. Forem1n !S.nt1
"'"') t :...,.J ; 3. AllllOll (Hol~I.
t :n .. ; 4. Swlltl:'r !Burbank). t:5'.I;
J. Z1mudlo cccmlltonl.
!Rece 2)-1. Ctllffln fPOIJ}, t:H.I;
1. MCPMrson tP1lol \'ff'detl. t:ll.•: l. Teldl (P11!ucfes), t :.cJ.I; 4. C.rl·
i.on (SI. Jol\n 80Ko), t :oii.•1 J, Orlt11
(Res-ed-1), t :U .7.
Hlgl\ Jump -I. Bro~ (Comp"°"),
'·10\lt; 2. tlr•clley !Campton), '-1: l.
Tinin (Muir), U 1 4. Levl~ten
(Poly), '-'; 5. J1mes !Mlltlawer), "-'·
TlAM SCORlS: Comi»on 31, Llld:t
7$, L-ll<tKh Poly 21 .... , S.1111 11,..
blr• 20Y.. S•lll• NII II. Cen1e1111111 11, ll:eH<ll 11, El Mode!ll 1', Silnte
An1 VII~ ll, 11.Jlr JJh , M11itk1n Jl,
Wortlm.n 11. Pllos Verdes 10. LOI An·
tele1 10. P1!1ll-.:ln I, Muir I, Dorsev
!•~. Do$ Pul'tllos 1, L1k-DOd 7, Bur.
1111'* " Fremont ., s. Tort1nce '·
W"tmln1ttr llHl f\S) "'--' ~ her-"9 -I, McF1ul (Wl 1. H•roer t'N) ).. \'1111Wt!d CWI. J>ointf: 13~Gc;t -I. 1'11l1I011 jW! 2. Tl• betwttn lw non IW) Ind 1C'Otlson VO
Tlf"~bli~ -1. McF•1.1I 4Wl 2. 1-Urdc•slle IW') J. Melatlf" IWI.
Polntt: 17.1. I > Hloll ber -1. J. Jllflnwn w 2. \'OllWtkl 4W') l. H-r CW). Poifrh:
11.l . FrH •K -1. McF111• !WI 1. H1ntc.1t1t IWI l . M1loll1n IW!.
Palll!I: Uj,. ~-IW\/ •~·k s10e -1. = mour -(NI l. ~111u rwr. Pol11t1: .t Per1U1I bell -I. lvWIOll JWl 1. MullSOll (Wl J.. O'Htl!I IWJ. l'olllh: 17.Jlnos -1. l""W! !Wl 2. G\J"'-IW1 l. Mou$1Mu CW). "-lntt: 7.i.
(----') fllfalu' I tblW
April 23
9:30 a.m.
Wo11 bo •uc!k>olnq off •
belch cl myalory box ...
Who know. what they
ccolalo? 11ury've nner
boon cpenad.
We're allo •ncfloobJG
dlocmo~you con
•• l1ke IJll>llaOCM. ...
-llvlDo """"ond cllnlnq room fumlture,
-otc. .
7572 Warner Ave.
Huntlngton htch
l\nnelfl AUT8CENTER
Is that funny
under the hood
the generator?
Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.
And maybe it's kind of foolish
to let the local garage spend a lot of time
(and a lot of~ money), trying to find out.
Drive Into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center.
In less than one hour, we put your car through
a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be e.xact) that
pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential
ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission.
Electrical end cooling and fuel and exhaust systems.
Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe.
, You watch the results come out on an
electronic typewriter.
A akllled diagnostician goes over
the report with you. If you wish, he'll
give you an estimate of any necessary
repairs. You'll be able to take care of small probl ems
now, before they develop into big problems costing big
And, If you wish, Penneys will make the repairs-
qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could
prevent 1 needless highway breakdown .
If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere
you like.
The cost? Only 9.88.
Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days.
Charge lt l
lueno P•rk
6111 Or.t11•••r,_ Av..
140 01 •1111 ,.,, M9fl ''*'t: 171-4M2
11'e ScJenttflo Troubleahootera
Huntineton lch.
7771 Wl,..r A .....
""-"" m -m1
Newport lch.
" ..... l1len4
Pt..n.1 ..... 2111
MOlday, A,rll 21, 1969 DAILY '11.0T
. Area Sports Agenda
l\low~ got us
The only med ication that
Gets to a Major Cause
of Hemorrhoids
Now ! Most complete 3-way relief!
Th is important development in
hemorrhoid treatment comes to
you alter five yeirs of scientific
and clinical testin1. Not only dots
Counternoid* work by lessenin1
pain fast, and by coatinc, sooth inc.
ind proteclinc injured tissur ...
but unlike e¥ery other htmorrhoid
product Counlernoid 1lso WOl'ks 1
Thanks to an exclusive fMmu!a
with DSSu1 rw only Cou.nternoi d
eels to • majOf cause of hemor·
1hoids: Painful hard constipation.
Without itritatine laX1tive effetl.
Here's how: In hospital X-fay tests
doctors have demonstrated that
th e remarbbte Counternoid form u·
talion with ossl{I penetrate, in
minutes to the top ol the· rec t1I
area to soften the stool and ease
Ille bowel movement.
It is this uniQue action that does
so much to INkt natural healinc
So, if you live with Ille p.ain and
felt' of returrine minGr hemorrhoid
troubles, eel temporary relief with
medically·lested Counternoid.
Aclual!y, used as directed, Cllun·
ternoid otters the most complete
J.way relief you ca n aet without
a p1escr iplicn or without sura:ery.
In stainless aeam Of supposilori1s.
Al all dru1 counters.
"'"f'"'"" al Mtl-·Lto-loo.
where you
want us.
l •
PSA hangs 1.ro1.1nd wh1r1 you 11~. 900 tllghta
• week connect IOtJlhern and northern ... ¢
California. I cities. All jets. Lowest air tires.
Call your travel &gent or cozy up to PSA.
PSA oft.es you a lift.
All Penney -Stores Op•n Every Night Monday Through Saturday
Don't let this happen
with all ports and labor COiis almost as little as when
you do It yoursolfl So why get your ha.nds dirty?
• New pol11h, P,1191, rotor, co1duHr
••d dlstrlblfor cop
• bpert HJ•• ... lt of &oa dwell,
tlal119 ••d corb1refor
• Re11lt ••• 111are pep, better allee ..
[F.,h;co l<leodJ
a cy11nc1.
(Huntington Center)
• •
' L
• I
.... ._,.--------------..... ·-............... ..,. ... _ ... -.. . .. ...
,Levi Earnings Told
F .. Jiit llrti time iD ii$ lit
l'Urt; lAti Straw 1nd Co. ~ay rtvuled sales and
ea.mioc fiaures -$196.7 I million tor fiscal 1968.
1be giant ol the apparel in·
dustry went Into business I '"'ting pant> lrom t.ents dur·
.Ing the Cllilornll pk! -· : "The ye1r's results," aaid 1
atatemeat, .. were ln line with
perfonuoce. lhlt has .teen.
Levi Strauss double Its volume
every rive years since the end
of World War 11."
Saleis in, rtttnt y.ears were
l16U million.· 191'1; 115:-l
ml!Hon, lllll; l.133.t Tlillllon,
1915: 1111.4 million. l!IM, and m.1 milllOl1, !Kl.
'.' ' , • I '. ' .. • • • • •
Performance Orlenftcf Model Has lmpha1li ..,-Alrodyn1mlc Design
Lyon Picked In High Gear
A Ne wpon Beach man,
Richard Lyon, World War II
C h ina·slationeci intelli_gence
scout and NavY frogman, has
been appointed manaaer of
the May Co. store i n
Charger Daytona Debuts
lnl "'811111111111CI ...
This unique serwice prtl'Vides pmfession1t travel
assistanci to individuals tnd to bU$ine:sses. Whether
you long for a tcmr, )'Urn for a cruise, or hive
to take a business trip, let Newport National Bank's
authorized travel agency like care of all details
for you, from bookinr your transportation lo
1eser'finr your hotel accommodalions. This complete
and totally reliable serrice is without charre to you,
e~cep~ ol course, actua l ticket costs. Another
tiniii.ue sertice ••• custome.r or not
air,.t Olflcl ca~u et Mrclrthw 540.2111 • ..,.., ltfic. l1JSilhi 1t.....,,.. llZ·llll
t.1ttt ''" Clffi9 lilutwoed at eo-11t11 111.2900 • s..., Mills otficl Mlrb« at ltt• 171·1'290
s.,.i1r llflke Saptrior It l'llctllli1 '42·!1Sl l • tl•iftrtitf Oftict [1st C..1p1111• It st1t1 Collt11 11!..(~!~
WHkM-. Wntdiff It o.utr '42·3111
Dodge bu announced that it
will soon add a new model to
lts Charger line. It will be
called "Daytona" and will be
the successor to the currenl
Charger 500. n will be a
performance-oriented model.
Emphasis will be on t h e
aerodynamic al!lpeels of the
body design.
Rear window will be flush,
rather tha..; the "tµnnel " win·
dow used on the other Charger
The. front fenders atwf hood
are 1onger and dip lo"er in
front. The front air inlake.·wfll
be lower. Reinforced pluti~
parts will be uattl orr front~d
e1.tenslon and hood parts. 111e
·concealed headlights, are· of
the" pop-up or "frog's eye"
Wheel openings will be
larger to accommodate tht
trend to larger Ure sizes.
\Vindshicld mouldings will
be of the !lush design used on
the Charger 500 models.
The hood will feature a fresh
air intake . in the form similar
to the NASA inlets employed
on aircraft, and hood and
fender cooling Yents.
There will be a stabilizer of
fin and wing design to provide
greater aerodynamic stability.
* * * 308 TO C0~1PETE
More than 300 tcen·age stu·
dent mechanics will again
compete in Plymouth 'i;
regional "Trouble Shooting"
contests to be held this month ,
according lo Ken Mattson, Los
Angeles regional s e r v i c e
Participating Orange County
high schools include Fountain
Vally, Fullerton, El Modena,
Laguna Beach. Loara , Mission
Viejo, Sa ddleba c k, San
Clemente, Santa Ana and
\Ve.Stem, and Santa Ana
Junior College.
\ViMing teams in the local
contests receive all.expense
trips to Indianapolis where the
national finals will be held
June ·16, 17 and 18.
A total of $125,000 worth of
scholarships, prizes, trophies,
tools, pracUce engines and
transmissions and automotive
shop equipment for competing
schools is offered, according
to Ken Mattson.
Coait Hiahwly tn left fptt~, l.ktD lilend In tower-;taht Nncl corner. Lerae sei1boets In chennel ,,. 'tied up In iro'nt of blrrtn •rt• which is the locetioA of hlbol lay Club today.
This is Newport 1'46 •.. the year that lesfer: Ryans & Co. opened the ir
original offices in this city as the first brokerage firm In the are1. Today,
we are proud to be rw:ocnited as the largest regional broker1ae firm in
Southern Colttomla with IS oflices throuO>out the Southland.
We tekl pride In announcing that we have moved our Corona 1ltl Mor
laeilltin to 1 new locotlon: The Financial Plaza, Newport Center. These
new -offices feature the finest in electronic communications equipment,
lncludlnc a computer-directed teletype network wh ich allows rapid direct
contact with the New York and American Stock Exchances, as well as
direct telephone lines to the Los Angeles main office .
The entire staff of Lester, Ryons & Co. invites you to visit their new
f1cilities :
LESTER. RvoNs & Co . m
Newport financial Plaza
550 Newport Center Drive
Irvine Tower, No. 1
Newport, C.lilomi1 92660
Move Offices
Architecls D. J, Daniel Jr,
& Associates, have moved
from company quarters at 901
Dover Drive, Newport Be•ch,
to offlces at 1670 Santa Ana
Ave .. Costa Mesa .
ba! c. "° r-ir1 ... J11
.1i. .. rr .•.
-L .di .,np p 1.10 d!'191TW •• d!I Pee J dn P•C froJ tnaUlt 1.lt lflfftf'I .IO ... c l daf
lrlll'Ufl '·"' 1rl111, .60 •• 't°" I 1n11'l 1.lf 1r111"cro 1.60 Prior to moving to the r,~ .. ~~13M
Harbor Area. Daniel was a .••rGn 1s1• . of C1rmw .... parlMr with the hrm c1~• JI
an! I . Lo i-~Al.•4 Powell & D c tn na RI • Ml .• ,., r 1.1t
Beach. !t1 ,,.,,..,, KO Crt .a t llM..CP 1
111n r,:"'-•
Sn1ith Promoted !:'fl.,~,.~ ·•" M*irt 1.n ~!Ill.I lll'Ot•
Planning Research Corp. ~=r:l, 1;~
has promoted John R. Si.nlth EC l:~
to principal, highest rant oo ·""'~1v• . .:
the firm 's technical staff. He rrrf.'r.H~•
Is a member of lbe Tactlcal C~:itf'::
Data. Syl!ltcnu Department In ~~~ ·~
Hun~n Beach. ~~~~~
Smdb was formtrly with C"MM•k '·'° Mesa SclenUfic Corporation, g::;:,na~
and bu bten with Planning ~ ';•
Reselreh linct the two firms t="\:!' 1!
merged In l~. f.!::.:';.i. . .;
~IC£nl !It 11,\ll SIP I' 1.----------ilr~"'J'!.t f
LOCAL """"' '·• '""' •r "'' ~~::c~,J!:
Clll TM .. 'JI """et\fl •!' C•••1 tr,... 1 ,.,.~ t-•,\ ....
No 1th1r "'.'""'' f1 llt Y••
"''''• •~•ry dey, •'-••I wh•t'1
t•in9 •~ IR th1 G111ter Or•"9•
Coetf tll1• tht; DAILY PllOT. ~tit ... "" 1 ~-------------1 ,=~i::· , ...
I 1tt H•I ,i .... , """ ..... c .... tM.
~~~----..-........ ~~ -~~~~ ... ~~.-~ .............. ~~~ ......... .,, ........................ ., ... ..,.,..,,.,..,.,..,,,..,., .... .., ............ 1111111111111"'"'"'"'"'11111111!'11111111111"''!11111!!1'!!"'.!'ll!'llr,.,,."'·!-!.~.•.,-!'!!~.!."'111!1~.!-~.!
Monday's York Closing Prices-Complet~
• •
Stock :Exchange List
DAll.V "'-Of:'! •
' ~ '
--~, ................................................................... -... -;,..;--.;-.;;-.-;;;;-;;;c-;p;-;,o;;;;;;;;;; .. ;;;;ijii;;;;;;:;ill!'"';::;;;;:;ii:;;::::;;1:;::;;;;;;;,;:;,;;;;:::;:;:;:::z:;~.~~:::~~~.; ... ::.~~.;-~.~-~.:~;.~,~:;:::.~ .. :.~ .• ~,~.~.:~~·:.,~.7.~,;,~~::;~~~~:;:_,:;: __ • .,.~ .. ;:;,:;;.~~;.;;-~-.;:;~~.: .. ,: ... ..; ..... ~ ...... ~~ ............ ;,;.; ............ ~""'
J If DAii.v rMT
T ... 14
q .11 HU.llY OIVIN ... , .. ' u--~ IU, •• .:'~_,\\ e:::DI~:· T Tl IUPlltOll COUllT 0, TM• .NoriCI TO OON'rltAC'l'OAS t.'45 Gunman ~":,':'~ ...... ~ "'~ ":eu Tlfl~ .. CALI ....... llOlt • A ITAT• °" CALll'OkllllA fOlt •1. l"al omla 4.83$ Nou1eman and
Q1v .. c: ... ._ lw ~ af.t.tl ... tAI.. · :t. ;roa TNI C'CMtiOY af' OlANfl TNI COUltfY'Ofll OUlttl Sin~ ADI. ....,_i{
• .. ~ '':> =~ '"' aMHm".,,. • OUliea lllf•i• • ~.~ M, aocHA. .n1c1 OP :=.::...., OI' PITtTIOW In N'"''"-of -'u"-of ... _ ~ ~c:.~ 1~-rodman M~cphw/p --:1' =.TMit GIYIN tMt 1 .. oc..& MJ:: ~· 11oa "ltOIAtl 0111 tKH.oeu, .. JC _. • ..........., • 1-. ....,.... ""' ~v. w .... rrYJaUn1 •.ea Heivy dlll)' repair-
,. ---.... _._ 11i. NOim:-•• H(lt(tV c:.~·,r..'·~ Ct.of~· .,••n:•:v o.::".:.:: :~~l.t:: Hilt LIT'l'llU T'Ul.tr .JI the e>r,ap County Flood Control w adooted April 15, mab'I ~per 30cphw/p :::;:.. ~~:;::!' .,-;: :::-ii:,• :!..!: :':ns ~. ~ ti ·~ =.i. M>ti,. ~ .. in. ... 1111: o::!'' ot ooacAs 0Av11 oe JOH~. ~~~~ WI Dotke,UJNarJCE JS HEREBY G.(\tgN that 4.28 Ll)ler Ot non-
...._ .. fl"' "' 111.111 .... , "' .,,. ""' Mid ... , .... ,..,..... " .... ,,,,._,N WI~ "" .;.r:,~ II~ MOT'!1i II MlllEIY OIVIN Tiit! ""' "'~· ol aald Board w receive ln Room 501 ln tbe County metalUc pipe lncludina -...~ ;_,--:, ~=-c!'°.. "'~ ... ~ :::""'on=."' J"'--:f' .,~ 1M ~ • tflt c:1wt ., .,_ ...,. il!'Urrtv itldl'Jc ,..,.._, 111111; 11e1 ttltd Admlniltration Bulldin&, 11$ Nortb Sycamore street, Santa AD.I aewer pipe, drain pipe
24\lcphw/p 15eplrw/p llcllinrl p
!lcpbw/p 32cplnr/J
30cpbw/p(I) toq>lnr!p
i.•.,... •-:.=: •lldllNI ., • ._ '"""4ld <-"""'·., .. ,,,...., ..,,,_ Wl1fl =:"*"~.;., ~-.. ttw;; ~ =::,J1c ~"!:. ..,.,.,,iuu:r,:-:..:, ~ ... -• bttort the hour ol 1:00 p.m. ol April JI, 19U, MaJed and underaround t"!I ... •.,. "f"' 111t "lliWMIY wucMn. • ~ .,,.. *"''-'*' ,, "" dflot ., MlfHL.•• ""'T ... ,.....,.., " l"tr1'1611t1' ,,._l\Ot,,.. or ~ for tbe reooartrudioli-d -Slntltao-er.k tu~ M~w/p JSqlhw/p
TIO: .HrY 11' ?tt •· e .. lfETM :r.f.::C..~ ,-:_:: ::~·tr,:.• t,,tt0tr:::; :.U~"· sut~ ~ w111111,. :._ -Zc:' ,;:. :::' _:. = ~rtk'lll~ Clynnel fNm Santa Ana River Oftli.nce to Brtltol StreeL 4.JI Maker and caulker
~ o.. ... ~ g:,"~.:. =-:,tt.W::"t"tt!'· :::-:1~ ~~1':'.".:U tof11. wNcr. 11 Vie~.:. Nlftll 11e1 ..,_ ... ~~'· '"'· :t;,. Didi .must be made on the form provided for the JUl"POltt oC all non-metallic ~l'Mt HMt .-1111 ~lllltd 1n : .. "'ttltfl : /Mn-,..,:1n1:' ~"'"~ ·~ ;-:-·.!T.~~;:Lt°tr.t.":Trr:· addnaed to the Clerk ol the Bolrd ol Supervllort, Oranie pipe jolnta M~phwfp
• 'II'· • .. -.., -" ., .. -..,• ., ulll ......,.., 111t ......,,, within flol.ll' _.,.. '"ff IR ""-'Cltr ., i.nf, Ant, C.lttorRI" 'County Flood Control Diltrlct, marked "Bkl for ReoomtrucUoo 4..11 :!":'tors ud tende11 _. LEGAL NOTICE 11 l'flOll "' .... flrW ~ tfle flrtf Mlluiflon tll l!lk notlu. DltM "-"' 11, lHI' ..I c.o._.. ,,__A,,. C"'•-..:'alU -•-.tic --• ti.t tll "'11 l'lltla:, tllt.I "'1'11 4. Ifft W E ST JOMN YL ONllU\LllO .... ._ I~ • ,., .... ...,... IUl\I. -!~!----=.-=-=----! O.tM .-.,,,1 1. 1-. uH1Te:D CAL1,011N1A u.HK. c:OuntY c: .. ,~ ' Blcb 1ball be fot fUmllb1ni all Jabor equlpnwn and electric tools. vibr1t~
cut1•tuT• °' •us1111au , :X":.i".J-"~m. ;,~l'."i'.'~~C,:::~11en ::.·~:=0r11:'11• • •••u.NO, materialJ in accordance with Pltns and speclncauoos there-ing machines and
TM ..,.,_.MO! .,_,. ,..,.,.flf\' ... 1' Wl"9n. 9-.., C"*"-' ' l!XK\lfllt "' the Will Tth (71() .Ml-t4ft ' •1n1T~u1 ttAM• tf trie NOYt: ne,.. """'"' Ata1t1w va ,,...111en1 """'"" •-"' <•....,... for for 1be follo~wotll:· simiJa.r mechanicll
""""'*' .... ..._ •• MOO w. c• ID Dlllrtr ............ "_.., It ., "" '"°""' Wl'ltCI Moldenl Al._.,. ,., ,........,,, ULB or WORK ITEMS tools (not separately
H.....,.,, ~ INCll, c..11ton111, ~~::=.J..,.,.... 10IML111 • DW'f111 l"Ubll.tl..S or.,,.. co.11 0111r 1"11ot. Item l l Excavation of t'Dlfrgency protedlon material on classified herein) U'hcphwfp 25cpbw/p
....,. 1111 fictitious ffr?ll ... ,.. ., TMI ... _. "' -1 ......... !MW.. ...... AS A~ru ,,, 21, 24, lHI' 1'Hf I bu'-•. -s•-1 ·--·-·-ard MA"90" MAIL .... tlwil .... flnill . "-... ...._Cl....,.._ fMU I wnp IWll q;, -.,_ l~Ull
h _.....,, • .-. •11..,,.. _....., ,,.!.:'~~ :'-..,co.11 Dtltr ,..,.,, T11r 1111• ttWMot LEGAL NOTICE Item 2 lS 58S Cubic yards d.. 1--"ed com ............. fill ou a -· man ....... -111 tuM 1M •i.e. rl ""*"'°' • ., . • JI. 1 ~ ""'°""" tw ,_.., • ' !..-....!~• ............ r-.. • ttu1 .. : ...,. "'*'......, °''"" c .. 11 0,1.., 1"11ot. ~ cublc,yard 1H1au. 4.• Truck Greaser .., "'~ v:_ ~If w..tm• LEGAL NOl'lCE ¥111'·14 "· •· '* ....., ct•Tt,.1c1.T• o .. •u11N111 The foreeolna: quantiliN are approzimate only, belna: &iven •nd ttreman 45cphw/p ~ Mtrdl 211, 1,.. · NINI LEG" NOTICE UNo•• Ptc:Trn.c.11 •t•M NAMI as a basis for the ............... .._ of bkil and the o; ... _ r;.. • .-... 4 71 Water truck driver ••• L.. Y.U"I """ Tiie UftdWlltollW. (E NT Au" , ... 11'1~ .. ,,__ • ':.......--J . _ .............. ,,., ' I ·~h I STATE OF CALIF0l1UA. Clllfl,ICATI o .. •USttlftS VESfMeNT co ... 0 ll ~TI 0 N o• """""" vuutrol Di.strict does not, expressly or by implication, (uoder 2500 gal ons) ._. .. w p OWO:NGJ.~U':.TY:1.., "*,.. _ , n.. ~::O"!. MA=""' 111 ., <•1tTiPic1.;~i:; •u••N••• ~L·~~1:1~..!."' ~=·~ :r'~~ ltree that the actual amount of wort will correspond therewith, 4.13 Water truck driver
..... ,., Mlle ~ .,,,· ,... .. 1. ,;. ... OMlllutfll'll·. MIMta et 21"5 ForMI l"ICTITtoUI NAMa thtl llWI " "" Siii• "' C1lllom!1, but merves the right to l.ncreue or decruse lhe amount of any (2500 to toOO gallons) ~w/p
%1\>cphw/p 21cphw/p
SOcphw/p ...,......,.., ,..,..red 11,11111 L. '!C ~. L""'"' Nl,1111. c1ll•Orn1., uNltr Tiit uM.,111necr do c1r111r ''"~ ,,.. •"" dolne 1w~1-thtNln, '*"lW claas or -"ion of tbe work u may be deemed necesaar'" or lJNSICDJ,£0 LABOR tt1'lfMI ft -to M ftlt ...,._ flMI ffctltleilJ flf'l!'I MIN of CAlOLINE C9tlduc11n1 1 bulllMlt 11 1'171 H•rOo( t1rllfrei br ltld lhl'Olltll lh fUIY lfllll!Of'll-,...... • • # h I ff_,_/ -\ti wllWftrild ,. fhe w1tt1l11, !ft. ~ ION DlYtl..OltMIHT COM .. AHY end loYllYtN, F01111fl1tl Ylllt'f, C•llflM'nl•, " offlceri. tl\tt II It lt11l'lll•dlrie • expedient by the nid Diltrict. . $!.97 Flagman 24"2cphw/p 25cp w p -...... p
''"""'"' .... ..._ ...... Mi ~ "'" MW firm \ti ~ ., llie urlcltr tlll flctHloUI 11,m lll!M fllf l"IZlA lt'rtOl'lll loltl •nd ,_,,, flt\tll(it butlllllt AU bi•-·-to ·-~-··-' on .. _ basJS' of .. _ 1-,.1 •• 3-Laborer 21"cphw/p "it-.bw/p 32<""-/p .... N .,... fllktWlrw ~. """-"'"" In fl.In l"AJ,.A(E '"' ,,,., M Jd flrm "' C9m111Md In ftlt ClllmfV f/I Dt1111t1~. ..... .. wt '"' u.: ....... t-"_ Ui:,ot: LUC: .... ., ..... .., TII ....... .... .. COfflclll "'11 Piii •i.ct., '"'«lllll!lr I• n 1111owt1 .. 111e fcl1i.w11·11 "''°"'' wt.OM ,..,.,.. c1111or"t•. undtr 11'11 111nw •l'ld """'schedule of work items. 3.31 Watchman 24hcphw/p 25cphw/p 33cphwl p
, "''"" 1(, Htn,.., JOllfl c..-.1111e, Jr,. 1•1 ••I•, L1111ni1 In tun '"" •l1<te1 o1 ,.,..1,.,," 1r1 ctf CENTAUR 1HVESTM!NT CO"· M'mlmum ge tes I thlS' pro•-t •-been -• •-· Wei•-·. Same w••e -•· ,. craft to which wtl~i.! N~,., P'ut.11c. c1ni.rn1• htcfl. (•'""""· •• to11ow1: l"OllATION, •• lilt 111,.....1119 1octfll11: wa n or I"'--1W1Ve 1 P•~e""" 1,111;111 -••K PrlllC\NI ~ In 1>41• Mltdl 12, IM. Altr.f F. tM. ln32 WHtt.GUr1 Orlw, I~ N, Tu.tin A'ltflUt. lll!Tt AM, mined by U\e Board of Supervfsots and are Ht forth in th.Ls incidental (tl.ctpt IS otherwise separatfllr.Jla*lil ) or-c.v..iy Jofl11 (11'9111111 Jf, Line, M1111fll\allln llM;h, C1l""1111. C.l!,.,.nlt. notl "-• Mr C-l•ltn IEJCP\flf ITATl 01' CAL.ILllD111NIA. 1 ...... " H..,.., 17113:1 ECIMWI .. , Tlllt " 11 fhe Mtlt t-r ., "" ce. (I) travel time ls coosidertd u '"'1!K' wor """ u. 1,72 ouNOe COl.INTY 1 11 L•nt. Hllrltlnltw. had'I. c•tlfctrnl•. 11ut1-.. -tfvd9d "" t111t llCI Abbreviations used in the tcbedule of predetermined -:ace (2) lncludea lOc pbw/p for holidays ~ .. O:,T7. ;=:-;;, 1=b' :l:i ~,., "';:'nc 1~;. ::· ~" "':;...~ ~. :"",l:..:..~~11=~.,., :111~ ..,,,. "',':: •;: '::i: rritet in conjunction with employer peymenta lilted in the f1&bl Tnivel and subslatence paymenta to each workman needed ::::c:::.:;,,::;:,;.:,c.::::::::=--:::::---l:~n.. .,...,., """' c1re1111t, ''· Dtrl• Ju.,. •• i. H•~•. 17m 1:• end '"' '"ir.<1"1 ••.a "' ...,.,,_. " band colwnJll are identified u follow1 · to eucute tbe worll: ah.all be made u IUCh travel aod •~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ tt 1M i. • trie """' wflfN _..,.,. Uni. HU!lffntfll'I ... ui. C1Uf. ISOJ N, Tuttln A-w. S.n11 Ml. pb .. ~·-1. • ..1 • ..1..11_ ... In licabl l'~I •·· -•--1t1 to111K1111M • ttM wHll!n 1n-•nll, C.1ttorn11. w per uuw wor_,,. ence payment.t are ua.1ur:u the app e co -.~ Ve urCJ'illlD" -----,-..,..------·1,~:S:. •NI ~.._ 111 •ICllttd Ott•_:~':.:: ~'::. 1:,~r1oi ni11 ""' Hr ., Mtrctt. phw/p per hour worked or paid ing agreements filed in •ccordaoce with Section 1773.8 ol the
SUfl'alll09: COUllT Of' TMI IOFFICIAt. SIEALI Pel"ll June cl1I II H•1• Cl!!NTAUll INV!nME.NT Pursuant to the proviaiolls of Section 1770 ot the Labor Labor Code. '::P:UNW1::~·: .. ~~· = ;'u11~~,..._ :~ec1 •,~·..:w ~~~j~~AN~:eN, 0c"orwiti.n Code of I.he State of California, the Board of Supervilor1 bu Attention is d1reded to the provisioos of Labor Code sec.
..me• °'" Mi:Tii:ti 0, PITITION J~~:,~.~~n~ ~t~1~$~Fc~~1!~:~•A l1 ,. ~re.'·,~ .. ~~'""'· ucertained the general prevailing rate of wagn and employer tion lm.5 conctming employmtnt of apprtntice! .• .1: .... AND ,.011 PROUT• °" w1LL ANO O••llff eoumv o.. M•rdl 21. '"'· im. .. m•. • ,, w. A. Mto" payments for health and wtltm, vacation, pen11ioa and s1mUar It requires contracton or subcontractors emplo, .. ,. trade> PH LSTTl•I TalTAMINTA•Y Mr (Ofl'lmll1lon l!••l•t1 Nllf1,., •ubllc In •lld tor Milt St1te, Aulfflnt Sec;ret1l"t' pu~or to be as fOJlOW! • men in •nv. appuntictabie occupation to apply 10 the appUcabll ~"'ALTON •. cojl;, De<it•.... Aw. ll. ltn "'""'"' '"""'" ALJIEI) F. LI!!. STAfE OF CALl,OllNIA l ·...-.-. . ' ~ • NOTICE IS HEll:llY GIVEN 1'1111 ..... T w. PllNAOO. •TTO"H•Y llOSS ... II HAY!, JOHN di II ~VE. COUNTY OF LOI ANGELeS J .. Buie Rate Em,&oyer Pa:cuu Fer ~appre.nticesblp committee for • ctrtificalt of approval and
'Elllltldl M. Coa 1111 tli.d M .. ln • Mfl• .. , .,._ Orl'le. hi ... 1• ..... DOlllS JUN! ... i. HAYE "-On tllls 2Jlh ISlr et Mlrtl't, '"'· Per Boat Clu1Wcati.. Band w Vaca r ... 1.. the ratio of appreoUces to --·-ymen used on Ute , tlOfl fll' .,,,...lol rtl Will 11'11 fw ...,_llCI ffl """""' lkMfl. Clllfiltillll nut hi IN " lie !tit -IOM whaat llllt\M ~ -ll11"1 ADl'tm11111, • flO!lrY ,.,.... .,... L'"""' TW-19,.., to Jl'tofltlMlr, T ... 17'4) ... ,,,. .,. IU9scrtbM to .... Wllllln IMlrum.111 11111111(. In Md '°' ••14 (llllltY tlld SKILLED LA80R contract. ~ te 'lll'll(h ,. 'l'llde fir l'llrlMI' '*I"* OnnM CM1t Dll~ l"!llt, •NI •cklMlwi.dfflll 111tr ex«1111t1 tti• Sttt1, 111ldlnt lhtr11!n, '""' ~1111tnt« 111:, ... C ,_ .......,. / ''-'-w/p Contr·~-r may•--u•~ lo m-•--tributiom to ann-. """""'"' Mid flllf "" tfn'll llflll •liact Mlrdl S' Mii -r111, l.._ 11, Ifft 60Wf .. m•. •nf •-n. "iwMlb' 1,,..,.., 1. 1. ,..,...,. arpeni.o:r ....... .,..w p ...,....,, 4Scphw/p 9\;W u.: ._, u~ au::....... ~r-·
fll """'-fhe -'*""' "'w ,..., coF,1c11.L s1A1.1 .c·APLtNGE"ll. 11nown .. m1 to bt 1111 s 13 Cement Mason ~w/p '"""'w/p '"""'wl p Uceab.l.p programs. ,., ,,.., ., t :• '·"'·• "' tM ceurt,_ rtl LEGAL NOTICE J11:1111tllnt J. °"'""' Vic. l'rl!lldtflt, • ...., W A. Meon k-. ...,...,.., _.,., ._.,.. ,. _ _._ . and •--·•-~-hall -•-· I wltb •-o.en-t Ht. , .. NW t'OIJrt, ., ,. Nrllt,., l"llblic.c.11forn11 to n111 10 tit ttM ,,;111,.n1 Siert••,., 5.Ui Concrete or asphalt \AIUu-11ctor au~Vl'"'""--s 1 -comp Y -.-
WM EllMtl ."""" 141 Ille c"' el """ •A"·IJlt fr'lll'I off',,.'"" ol CENTAUll INVl!STMl!NT' COil· sprudinlf mechanical tion 1m .• in the employment of apprenticts.
AM. c........ MOTi(• TO ca101TOtt1 r ctmm. 1.-;tlr11 l'OllATION OF CALIFO"NtA, "" Cll"' .... F In! u laU to ti-" ~--·-~-o.• WH fl, ,.., IUl'lll:IOll COUIT ... Tiii JOHN ..,M:~:· ltn W•llol'I wflldl llCKU1911 tM •ltl'lln In-tamping or fin!Jhln& , ~ orma Oil re ve appren ~P aullltiuit, cm-ro.:i:.. ~HN, STAT• CN' CALll"O.NIA l'Oll ,,,....,,,,,·.. ..... ~"':""Hi. lllffl btl"'wMk-~ flll machine operator SOCphw/p 30cphwlp(2) IOcphw/p tact Director ol. Industrial Relations, San Fraocilco, ~
wiLIUlt •· eu1wr • · TM• co'C.11.!:U au.... ~ .... .=::~,. w1"1r11 1Mtn.1:':"' ... .,.,.,.•., 1111 !:. 5.03 Driver of dump truck or DI.vision of Apprenticeahlp standards branch of flees. ~L::=D.::. Este" rt1 !IOI.LA WILLIAM WALLING, .,-..,. ft* ::=.::r111t ';.."r'' •M ~ (11 yaMI but lfll than APPREN'J1C£ 8CBEDULE s.-".......... =.::.:. w. WIMI ..... •kl 11· w. Wlllll'll. l'ub111Md Or•"" CMtt O•!IY .. u.,, llCkul ... ..,,,.,.~IM "1111 .,_.,..,. ~yards: water level) 45cphw/ 40cpbw/p 30cphw/p Pertod aod Rate Lii,........ ~ ,..., NOTICE II Me"llY GIVIN .. "" APrll 7. 14. !I, :tt, lHf UMt IN WITNlSS WHElll!DF, ~ lleYI s 49 Dr! ol d k p --. ' b ol th • ' Tt11 ct»I -.nn cMi1or1 ., "" •btY• ,.."*' 4K:ltlllt LE"'" N"'......., 111r.untt 111 mr 11.,.,. lf'ltl '"' .,. • ver ump true 11n:: apprentice rate JS y percentaae e jOW'fttyman 1 A'=-~;.~-o.lh•--•llf/I,. J1111_111_~.w1"" e1111m _ _.\Nt nu e1_ _ 111t .. r11~W' ""' •bOv• wr11~ __ (2S_yaz:ds_or_roon___ rate unless otberww indicated
--A.,11 "· tt. 21. 1Mt 1"4f ;:::.,."1!1,,,"',~!..:.~.~"~. "e 1u,1a.01t c.u•T oP TM• N~ .... ;::::'in 11111 ,... water level) {single Craft hte:n'll----i11 ZH-1rd 4• kt Ill '11' ti
LEG ., NOTICE tM 0..1c• ., th• cltrk o1 fhe 1""'• ITATI °" CALll'OllNIA PO" wld C611ntr '"" 1111• unit or combination Carpenter• 6 months 75 71 II 14 17 t0 t3 II """ tlllltled COii,!, 9f .. -•nt ........ wltll THI COUNTY °" ••ANll Mr cemtnl•lln UPlrts ol ehi I ) •...i.w/p -· ph I c--~ u... • nths 75 79 13 17 91 •• ---~-~=,,.------lfhll _11,., YOUCll'"' i. "" ""' "'·A..,. June 11. 1tn v c es ,.,..,.,.. _...,.,wtp 30c w p g.iro:11~ .. ~ns u mo ...,
p.m1s d.,111....., •t t11t offl«' « tt111r "'-'"'''' 01to•" TO •MOW cauta •1« 5.11 Equipment Greaser -m-.t.w/p 30cphw/p u......hw/p Relnforting PICATI 01' 001"9 llOl•llTSOM, HOWll." ANO GAllLAND, .... CMA ... I ff MAMI l"Ubllt~td Ort~ltt C011! Cllf!V ~1i..1, . . """t'"' """Y 1u~:i::1 PKTITIOUI tu.M• ..... C•~ DtlV•, ""-" IMdl. lt1 Ille Mlttlr f/I A II TM U " Mlrtlt II and Allrll J, 14. 21, INt '°'"' $,03 DriVets of Transit· Ironworker ""' UllClll'llti.M ... <er11tr 9hlf ... C.Mftr1'1e ""3. wtllr;fl Is 1111 "'41<1 WUDOVSICY, ALIC! v I c T 0 111 A Mix Trucks (3 cubic Structural I ~ • lluellllll •• 31t ·~ " bullllltl of !tit 1111NrtltM4 lrt '" WLAOO\lllCY, MICHAEi. A It TM u. LEGAL NOTICE ~-Iron "' hs
13 19 ts 6 months 77
:,..,. c:fltol'ni. """"' 1111 flctlfllul 1M1tttt "1111111,.. ,. fhe .,.. ., wv.oov11e~ '"" JAMES Al.LIN -yani::1 or more) 45cphw/p 40cpbw/p 30cphw/p wor r I mont 77 it IS at 13 t7
11,,... ;_, "' RANDOL'" KtNc; a NW Wtedllll, w1tt1111 ,_ mlflfht,eti.r ~Aoov•r. •"' Clllfltll of Nem-. ,..,.... IJ)3 Fence erector 30\iicpbw(l) 25cphw(l) 30cphw(1) The rale of compensation for any clu11f1cation not lieted =~:l~'·fhe "':,1i::, ~~ ""0e':' A':'ll'r~"' 11111 not1c.. Al,: v~:f..!~~~ic:!:".t1:; c••JJ.~~~"~t,f:.:'t':D11.":'oN S.t& Gradechecker 30cphw/p 30cphtr/p(2) IOcphw/p in the schedule, but "1l.lch may be required to execute the ~
-In full l1'llf "'"' f/I '"'dlna Orvllllo c;, l.•lctf Wlltlowk• "" '""" Allln Wltllovllly PICTITIOUI llAMI 5.46 Heavy duty posed contract shall be commenwrate and in accord wltb the b 11 followl' •1'141 Un11'4 C.llWllll .. nlt ,_... <111111111 flf Nmn. lllWllltl' l:tltfl THE UNDERllONED COl11"01tATION ' • kiNc; cRosNo '" F•tr11nd0. ...... • __ ,,._ "~ lfl ceurt, ""' " ,,..1r111e ,,_ ..,. lllf'lllr artlfY ""' " 11 C011111uct1,.. reptirrnan 30cphw/p 30cph"/p(2) 80cphw/p rates specifled for similar or comparable duOO .
c.11tornl•. ' c,o-!!Kllw,""11 ,..., :i::_ t."l'"J:i~~.~Mt,'"'~lct1":~ •wit 1111111t1tt.1 11 * F111110n "'-""· Htw· $SS Motor natrol Provided that not ·1eu than 1~ times the ""evalllnJ rate D•flll: o.c.mtoer )0!11, 1t11. • ..... · -·-• _, a..c:n. c111fom1t \lndtr tt1t flclltlol.I• · r-1..~u •-1 f "'"" . ,. KING CllOSNO ...... """""" ~' WIMMk'I '"' JIPl'lll Allen WlldOnll'I '""' '"""' ef WtGI aY VAN(! ,II"! IM Opl!l'ator JOcphw/p 30cphwfp(2) IOcphwfp s... ""' pad or any wor ...... time in excess of_ • hours in any sr•n: OF CAL1FOllNIA ) llOllllTIOH. MOWSI" AND •Alli.AND,. ..... fl l..S •n llD!tllc:ttlon "'"'1"" "''' ftltt Ille "''"'of Milll COl"POl'll\ell .... 111 $ 41 Pav--~ break one calendar day and lor •·turda • s .. ~. and 7 '""al boll COUNTY OF OllANOE ) 1$ A""""'" .. Uw tllfl, llMllN IM dllnttcl to AllTHUll tf"lncl••• Pl•ct 1tl Ml"'" 11 II lollo...... . C.lll'l'll~ er .... y • ... ..... ys -· • on thl• lOlll c11v "' o.ctmlM'· '"'· ~"';!" ~"""' twJ ~~~ ... ltA~ifl'lu~1CJ.0D"t:"',11111L~..,~~S c.1.1tNAIY w1os. 1.io1 s1nt• Monie. operator 30cphw/p llkpbw/p eocpbw/p days, to wit: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, ...._ -· ElllllClrt M, Gt1l1rt. • Noh,., T• me).:..... 1 ALLeN LADO Man, S.nt• Monlu . Cillfe,nl• 5.Ui Plledrlvennan briA•e Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgivina: Day and CJui1tmu. l"W.Hc In 1M for Nllll Slalt, HIWMllY A~• flit ( IUCllflit'I HIW llllf'tfOre " I'll 111"~ .,._...., 011111 : .Mtrch U. Ifft. ' ,,.. F I h' I .... 'c1a ....... ici. cro-. kn.wn to ,.. '""'1"'" or:,... ce1ii ID•l!r ~lief ,1111 direc1ec1, tti~t .,, ,.,,_ lni.r..-cr (COlll". •t:L1 or dock carpenter 38cphw/p ~phw/p 45cpbw/p or ess t an uuurs per y, the per diem rate sl\all be that !:i "'to"" :.,_w~ ~'i':v~~:;""'" 1. 14. 21, a , l•t ~ 1n .... m1111r N ••,,e•r Hf61'• ttit1 oui~!::Y,:~~n1 5.16 Powtr concrete cur· fraction of the forego ing per diem ratea that the number of
•tlt-ledtH ,..., ..., •wcufM fhll 'ume. LEGAL NOTICE ~:r~ ~ev~'im~r',:i ~ltdc""A,:,: STATE oF"'2:~=llNIA ; ing machine operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) «lcphw/p hours w~rked bear to I hours. . .
(ll!AL)EIMnor• M. Gelltrl " 11td fir ,. tlll>W ClllN wrw 1111 COUNTY 01' LOI ANGELES) II $.18 Power concrete Provided that notwithstanding the gentral provisions con-
NOil,.., l"ubilc In 1nd ,...,, =:•~·~,: dltrw• .. 11•f'flll •houlll 1 °" "'" 2s111 .,..,. of M1rc11. A.O. aaw operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) 80cphw/p tained herein, Flagmen, Guards and Watchmen shall be paid
,.,.1iJ:.."':!;.1e coe111 0a11r ,.11.,, c~':l:':r"i:J'~ ,.C:J':ll:.~11 "11 WI~ = :•=.1= :, c;: .:·1o~f: ~"' •.,,, ~.~. ~~~1~ I .IO Reinforcing not iess than l 1h timea the prevailing nte for ovettlme (over-
.,ni 7, l4. ti, •• ,,.. ~· U."·t•I o•ANGIE COAST DAILY l"ILOT, • ~"-:. ~w::,...s:~r;:1 c:=ie~ ironworktr JOl,icphw(l) 25cplnir(1) 30cphw(l) Ume shall be time worked m ti.CUI of. hour& per day or '°
LEGAL NOTICE ...!l"i.eT'=.i.:"'. t;::.' .,::= :W-::" :.,.:,-:: c:~':tllflln...t."= ::'.1r•:'=' 1111 w1ffl!11 1ne11'11fMnt .. 5.27 Roller operator 30cPJwlp 30cplnv!p(2) 80cpbw/p hours per week), and the straight prevailinJ rate for ~ -----~-~-----l'...,_r_ •• •ft ~1 tt 1a """' .,,,.. fur' 111u, -"'• wMll• tti.r 11141 .c1.-1ec1co:;"'':!1111 ,::"'~,""!:',; S.Ui Rubber-tired heavy worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays where such time .1u,1•io• couaT o,. ™' 011 .. rt. Of-•1111, .... Hort11 Tu1t1n. 10 1111 cr1r ., NICI ... ,,,,.., c:erHl'IH\111 extcutM "'' 11m1 d t high ~ does not constitute overtime ITAll OP CALll"OINIA POil. Or1ntt, ll'ld ... 111.1111 0, !~, 'Jwtln. Cllflll 11'111 Utt! 41., ctf M9rcll, Ifft, WITNESS mr lltM 11'11 1111: Uy, .• ......,.. , 1 , ' , TNI CDUNTY OLll OllAJMI C.11fWrtlt, vMlr "" flct!IC-flrlft .... ,.,. ll•rmorllll Tlltml*ll (011,l(IAI. SEAL) earthmovmg machine Bidders attention JI called to the above mentioned Statute
,.. ""'"' ffl c & o YAllCIAGl IMOI" 11111 ti.et ,.,..tdll'll Judtt E\lltn• ltrcntn 0 tor -~1 .....,._/p(I). -hw/p which will require them if awarded ••-contr·~ lo pa t NOTICI 0' H1A111M• 0, PITIT IOM Nt.f ffrlt\ k ClfflHlllll " fhe followlnt of ul4 ""'-ler Court Net!I,.., l"ubllc . Clllterl'lle pera ...,...,.., .. p _..,... ......... • UIC --~. y DO "°" P•09ATll OP l'Ollll•M WILL """"' WPIMI Mml "' f\111 .... '*'Cl ••o••• • LOW-II I Ill . "'!MINI Otf1c. In 5.27 Screed operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) IOcphw/p Im: than said general per diem rate of waga: let forth, to all AMO"°" Ll.TTI•• T'IST.IMlltlAllY " '"""'°' h "1o11ow1, io.wn: • " lM Ant•lll t111ntr 5 u gw I d laborers workmen and mech--1-... plo ~ In ••-"·-'-"-"' " HAllOL.D a, w•HKl!LMAN, '"'* E', CNk;llll11e1, 11M1 e111 1111 M111111t1C1 All'lfllll 111•1 .. • c. 1i1tcHtN .w up oa er operator, .J • . IUUQ """' YlllU un::: execu\IV&I '*"* ..... ,,., °""""' cinftnlit. MM111tt111 ~ c.llflf'll11 fl2M AltwfM'I' wheel t"""' over JI ..... the proposed contract. NDTICf IS HlllEIY GIVEN 'Miit Dtflll Mlrclt 21, I,.., ""'""' lw AiH'lkaMI ltllt lMT ~-,. 'l'l.a bidde m I b 't wJth i.;. ,._.,1 -0:1:...,, al..o.A
8.....,11 s. V•lt•mor-• 1111 "'" twreln • J1mn a. Cr\lfdlft•llll l"ultll""" o, .... , C011t oa11r l"llett . ....,. w11e111,. hullYll'll yard up to and '1--= , r us SU rru •WI p • .,,....... I ct11.1.1......, ,;.11~k ~ for "-"'°"" ctf fhe ... ,.r ... ITATI! OF CALlll'OllNIA ' Altll 1, 14. Jl, ,., ltff 651"9 '-Allllln. Cllf'lrlllt..... inciud1ng 1% yards 30cphwfp SOcphw/p(2' &Ocphw/p Ol' bidder I bond made payable to the order of the Oran1e County :n :..:"nc!t.;~ ~:.~ ~ c~N",X_~J o~H1~i. ....,. 1 :e. 1 LEGAL NOTICE ,.~h111h1t11 o ... ~-~1 c.11y t11101. S.SI Sk!ploader oPtf'ltor, ' Flood Cont~l District for ~ amount not leis than 10 ptrctnt of
'""""""' •• ••.wtr!Jt. ,...,_ ,. w111dl Net1rr l"Vtllc in •M 1111' Nff Ctl\ln1r ...,,11 1, 14, 21, a, 1"9 UMt wheet:;r over the aggrtga;e 1um of the bid, as a guarantte that the bidder wUI 11 mlodl flol' furfMr to1rt1W111'1. 1M 11111 INI !lttto, to1r111111llY IH41tld Jll'l'!lt ... DIM enter fnto the pro-......1 contract Wl'lh!n 5 Ie·•--da « .-. t11t t1nw '"" ,1.a r11 11ur1,.. "" .-e. crutc11rr•111 1tllfWll • "" i. IN c111nP1CAT1 OI" co•..01tAT10N LEGAL NOJ'lCE 1 1f~ y 30cphw/p 30cphw/p{2) 80cphw/p ~ . ca 11\MU" ys u w ..
11e• llMft ,., tor M•, t, 1Ht, " t:M '·"'" "" ",_ "'*' ""'" 11 ~~ 001H• •ut1M111 uMo•• 1 u Structural and oma-aame ls awarded to bun, and in tvent of failure to enter into
"' .... C*lr1l'Ct0m • o .... rfnllllt N• . .f ... 1111 wlftllll lntt/'ll!Mnt. Ind .unew..... PICrlTIOUI NAMI ' OT ( c T II . h tr ct 'd -•-·t will ·---... UICI CDVrt, •• (our!Mu!e, )l)f w. '"' "l'O -rl\11 M nlK\ffM fhe r ""· THE UNDEllSIGNEO COlll'O"ATION su~.~10'. "l'Qu:~0~,.0 T~. mental i:rornrnrku 30~(1) 25cphw(I) 30cphw(l) ~ .con a sal .... a.... llS\.Vl.llC I.Ill: property of. the
st,.., In Ille (lty of S.nll AM, 'W11MSI mr ,'•"•'1 '"' •t•f, dott MrlbY CllrlflY ,,,,, It II Cflllducll119 ITATI 01" CALlfl'ClllMIA l'Oa 5.56 Tractor loader District. (tllflmll ( FPICIAL I • Wlt IK!llnnl " .. Fnl'llen l1l•ftl6, TMI COUNT'I" 01" D ... NO. ---amount f ··-bond lo·-... to f lthlul Dllrld ~II 11, l"f. St-H. G'etrl NIWllltrf ... di, C1lrtort1le, ul'ldir lfM Nrf. A-4!1U Operator 30Cpbw/p 30cphw/p(2) IOcphW/~ .I.lie 0 un:: 1111:: a•Vln 5eCUR: I a ptr• °'""" :'.·:-.!!.JOHN. c"""" c1 ... k. ~;,'~7,:.=•:::ernr• 11ct111-11,m 111,.. ., \!ANCI Pl!.1"1 l!itti.., OILIA E. "EICH, 1>1~. S.46 Tractor operatOr fonnance of the contract for said work shall be SO .percent ot the
.-•• .... o ..... Cou~f'( tMl"OltTS .... ""' I~ .......... "' ulcl NOTICE IS HlllEIY OIV!N to Ille (dr•g 1--•-vel contract price thereof., and an addlt!--• bond ID .. amount CCl'Petr•lltn •l'Olll th S1"111Cl"I •19CI Ill ctlldl .. ,.. Ill tilt '"'" 111mM ltlclcl4~1 ~-•nu UUll.I :::.:::·~i:~.u.. r.eo:~i:.:111!:~':!.:ttn. "1•lc:.;J~:~fo~~::: l.tOS Slnll Mlllkt 11111 Ill "l'10rl1 llolwl119 cl1Jms H•l111t bulldozer, tamper,' equal to 50 percent Of ~ CODtract price for said Work, which
T•h en•> ,.....n21 Or•Rt•· C•IH•n1• M9H. sent• Mll!I<•· c1111orn11 =.m~1!1~"':.'"'ne:,':11~""'~::~., t\~ scraper and ff bond shall provide that if Ult person or his aubcontractoni fall A'='.,:':~'°''' oiur ,.1101, t~:,_fr.~~!:,. c°''' 11,1ry ,.11tt, fc'J:'~. M;~:i" 1"' ~11:'ite ~ 1111 cllork Ctf:: •llo!z: push tractor) 30cphwlp 30cphw/p(Z) tocphwlp tb pay for any material.I, provisions or other supplies used in.
.-..rll It. 21. 2t, UM 1ST4' M•rcll a1 •1'141"'rll 1, U, il, Ifft "'~' CAll NAIY W10S en ~ • fW " ·-"' m. WI 5 27 Trenc"•• m--"-• UPon, for, or about the performance of the Yrotk """'tr·M~ to I tilt nKffll,.., ~cher1, r.. Ille llR> • ..... l9Ullll "'· ....,.., .... w
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~~:~;:, "''~111 ~tf'!~!.~ ~ L&:L6tAA A.1 A&e~"T, cl• operator (up to 6 foot u.: dont, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for
__ ;:::::::;:;;;:::,,""'--l---==:;.,~;:..:.==---1•TATI! 01' CAL1,0lllHA ) .... _, .,, ·-nton. orlllWI d pth ., amounts due under the UnempJOVTIYnt Insurance Act ~th COUNTY 0, LOS AHGt LeS ) •• II LIW, 5511 N"11C11'1 Cllnflr Drl..... e capiac1 )', manu-~q.a-WI t~:::i::cC..':.~::11:r ... ;:: ca•T•L11•CAT•"~ottPoaAttot1 Of! "''' ,.,.. ._, tt Mtrch. A.D. !.':;~ ~,,,.N7.r.' :-=i-C:.-1:''~ facturer'i rating) 30cphw!p 30cphw/p(2) IOcphwlp reapect to such work or labor, that the 1urety or sureties will
TNI COUNTY OLll OllANOI OOIM• IUSINlll UMOll ,,.,,., __ ~! c~!: ... • ~.~1 hi> •• ~.~ llrtdtrsltlltd In Ill m•lflrl •trf•lnll'll 5.SS Trenching machlnt PIY for the Ame, and also in case suit is brought upon lhe
,,.., """"' P1n1T1ous ,.,,., • ..,r ..... ""'"' ..... ..,., ·--te 1111 "''"' "' ••'4 '"*"''' w11111n ( 11_, bond, • reasonable attorney's '" to •-fl•ed by the rt MOTICI o .. M•A••• OP l'ITITIOM THE UNDEllllONID co11. .. o•ATION ..... ,.... OJllN ... "'"""" kllOWn to ..... , -the •11111' ftlt flrll l"UbllgplJorl operator over ........ ""' .. cou ' ,. .. PllOIAT• OP WILL AllO ..o• '°" ll•••b., "'""" fl'I" II k tlMvdl"I ,... .. " Ille tf"Wldfnt of fM C'Ol'Mf'lflln ctf ftll• llCtllCI. d-'k. ca-cttr,, manu· In the perfonn1nce ~ the tenM '!'-this Com'ract, the Con-LITTI•• TllTAM•NTAllY • wrt bl.Ill-11 • '""'*' ...,_,., ""' 1Xwut111 1111 wilflin tn•trument ~ Da!M Mtrc11 11, ,,.,, "Y"' ,.... tractor lhalJ not e""age m nor permit uch bcont t Eat.ti ., ce:wEY E llNDI!" u H1llr1. ce11iwn11, """' "" t1ctt1111111 W..lf ffl ,... eorw•lloll tt11r11" n•"""· Lelle 1 .1.bbofl facturer's rat n1) 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(J) IOcphw/p .,. S IU l'IC ore: as-o.--d · ' 11,m n1PJ11 • w1•s •Y vANCt ,..,.1 •"' •cknewt1C11..s 11 -tMt IUCh EJ1Klllrhi et1 fhe 11111e s S6 Universal equipment he may employ from engagin& ln discrimination in employment NOTICE IS Nl!"!llY GIVEN Tlllf 11\d thll tM n•me of .. Id ce'""•l'kltl t6l'llltl'J1tlon 111.cuflill 1111 '"'91'· ot IM ,....,.. 111mtd """""' ' of rw•sons beca.,. .oil•'!..... r•-I ti I · · Mof'-' J·D•'lf• hM flllld 11erit1n 1Nfllltfl 1nc1 111 ,.,1nc1,.1 p11e1 ., ""''""" ia w1TNrs• "'''"Ml •M .. a1. M•_,,..,. • ••i-operakr' (shovel beck-r-~ "'""' -"•co or, na ona ongm or ancutry
..,. -""-• ..ii •!Id NJr 11w-" 11 fllllloWI: lCFL111C1AL IEALI A.._..,, " L-hoe, dragllne, ctefrtck, or rell~on ~ aucl! penons. VlolaUon of this prov\1ion maY
l."""9 T•rtmlfll•,,. " 1"111111111r. ,...,. cA•NA•Y w1Gs, uos s1n11 Mtn1ce ~u:i-,':1f"1~ c uror 1• JM Nn'lll't c.Mel' or1..... dem· -• •arge, clam· result i.n the unn11•1tlon ol penal tin referred to , .• • "bor Code .ill• ,. wtllc.h 11 "'9cft far fllrtl'M •M'll· Miii, S1nt1 Mon1tt, (•lllorl\11 0 lf'I' c · I n lllllt flt ui.-u Sect ~ ~ ~. •• ""' fhe 11,.. , ... 111_ " 011N~ M~_tt ''' 1M1 ~~~~1:11~1:..,. NswMN .,,wh. ( ...... ,,.1, shell. crane, piledrlver lon 1735. . .
... 111111 !ht' """ lie\ '"" ...... Ma., ICOll . 'cAll~AIY WIGS l\191N• c. •lllCNIM '= o: :"UIJ I and muckine The Contractor Wtll be reqwtd to secure lhe payment cif •· 1,,.., e1 t :• 1.lt\., 1n "" court-01u11t1JH ... ,,.111111 ..,...,.... A l'Ubn~ or::!''~°''' o.11Y 1"11o1, machine) 30cph"/p 30cph compensation to his employees in aceordance with the provilions ~ °:..~~*;,,::. i~·~ ~~ : srATf oF '"t:L.,r~r°""•'•• •• >' -.... -• .:i_i::. ... 1,. ::!!.!;: ,.... ,.,,ru 1. 14.11. 21. ,,.. "'"'' 4.95 Water truck driver w1p(2) &Ocphwfp of ~!~,,..3700 ot the ... 1:'.8'~ Code and prior to per:formina the
Sl"'9 AM. c:.niemi.. COUNrV OP L AN I. • ...n LEG" N~CE c·-g1l'--wor. UIL lllll' contract. lift! v.111tnctor lhall sign and file wt'th ·~ o.• .vrtt ,. 1,., 0" "'" t1111 "" ., ""''<fib A.O. 11t1« AU v1' -1UJ1:1 D •~ w I!. tT JOHN '"' wo,. '"'· • ,...,,,.., '" nc lfl "'*'11111111 Ot•nt• c .. 11 D•ll'I ,.riot. or more) .fScphwfp ,,,_._1P '""""wlp J.ttrtct the followlng cenlftcation : "I am aware of ilJt provt.. cOuniY Cit"-. '"''tor Nl4 ~ •lllf Stttt, ..-.11v ""'111, 14. ''·"' ,,.. tSWt f1ot1c• .,. TIUSTll'S IA.LI "',,_,.., .. EDIA-GRADE ,. •na ...... ,..... .,,,.....,., Ilona ot Section S700 of the Labor Code which r~';"t t v-y
.MHflll P. •A•Ylll 1W ''"'l'tlll 01-"''"""'" k-11 NI, .. ~ n7t .1.1'1'.IWMU aii. M1U1V _,.... '"' ..,."..., AND eA•viN. "" .. " "" •Nllfilllt "' fhe (lftltrlfl.,, LEGAL NOTICE 0n "'"1 '°'''" ,,.,, ,, 1oi• ''"'" 4 11 Air com--employer to be insured against U,.billty for worlonttt's com--
-., ...... _..,,.... !Mt utcvt111 fhe wtttiln 1n1trurn11111r "' 11 "" Wiit Sl)lltl '""' lnto"•l!Qf to • r·-· J&tion or to u ..... _. .. i... telf.Jnrur In ~-~-
¥• ..... c. ..... "'" ltthtti'"' tM ~ .. 1!111'11n NIMOll. IC• OP • • ,,. .. IALI tM °""" CClll!lfV Oo\111 "-· (llY ""'"'P or geDtrator IN'l:I-anct ICC01ua11Ct With tht
Tel• rrin-.... m1t ,,,,... 1111 ..:•111w1MM i. "" ""' Midi un~:l '"'" F.:_~~ 11111 Gu''"'"' rtl S.nt• Ane. (""""' of Or•111•, 111te ,.._... to 'ln.-h / proviaionl of that code, and I will c.omply With auch provilion.s ..,.....,. .. .............. """"'I°" ISICllflll fhe •• nw. CetmH"Y• lie .• '1•1111fff VI. l"nUI .. L, llf ClllforJ\19, IANK••• LAND IH· opera r .......... w p 30cpbw/p(2) IOcphw/p before commenc1 .... the performance ol the wor"' of ···-.......... °'"'" CtlHt 11,11, ,.1,.1 wfTN£SS "'r llMf 11111 ,..1, 1>1.,11 hflY 11. D.IYIJ. OtttnNntl. '"-v11TMENT coMl"ANY, 1 "'""''Ion Baile Jla&e E~loyer p1..,.00 •• For , _ _." '"& • ulllJ COD· ~ lt, !1., 2f.""" JU..; 10,PICIAI. llALI ' (ft,_,lr l•n-en lm>l•l'lne!!I C«nNm>, . #-.. u .... "1..
tllMflll .. m in -:;' ~1,1111 ., •n "•tc\IHon r .. ueo 111 • --•t1tonl. •• Tru.lff Ul'Mlflr fhe Per H.ur Cltnlficatioa Hand V1cadt1 Pw.I• nie Contractor will alao be l'HIUired to furn'·h Iii LEGAL NOTICE ::i::ci:.-=k,; ~11"""11 s Mtrdl, 1ttt llr lflt Munlci.11 c-t. dllld ffl '""' l:llffllltll "' JOE E. SKILLED LABOR (Coat.) ·~, ie 1. cert •
Ltt A,....111 ~ L11 A,.1111 Jvc11<1•1 oi.t,k~ cwnfV :=T~,.:iN~1:"'~~ K~~FJ~ Sf.II Asphalt raker or catelotbat he e&rri~ t coibem~~~~-lnsurance covenn1 bi!'J SW~ ~:::DJ:l~~I ::· C. ll"CMIN ~L'! l=~:'n't =-~ ... lf111 r!:-"'1!; 13. IM6 In loek nsr, l"ltl U( of iJ'ontr 24'hcphw/p 2Scphw/p """" ~i:tP YfflredUlntof'Oll ~tr• 0 bim-~d~..1' tbelcf~ Which may
f1',4T8 OP ti.Lll'OtflllA l"O" Mii l"1 UNITl!O $TA.T!I FIDEL.ITV ANO Olfltltl llK~f'Cl1 (If Ort"'9 COUflf'(, f 11 C0n t.e -l"'•W/p II.: ente lllC "een In URI'. II Diatrlct for ~ .,.... COUNTY ... OlAIMI ""''NlllJllR ... ttw•f'll GUA•ANTY (OMl"ANY I ~·letll Clllfwllll, 11""' • IKUA ... ~ . ere curer, construction of taid work. ... A"'* ,.._ ~" ,.... 11 Jt,tllllllfll c,i.i1or' Miii M•lllll dellt..Sneu In 11wor tr l1111ttt1 MorlltH impervious mtmbrane .... ,. .. MA"OUl"ITE I. MAC-"" ... -l "";;;il.« LllHILll, l DA\111, IETTY It CIAVll C-ll'f' f/I C•llflrnl1, • ce,,.r.110!0 and form oil No bid will be acctpted from • Contractor who is not
klCHtOI. o.tMM. 1"1111111ht4 or.,... c-rr D111r :,~ ::,~\ldlfll;"t ~":" .. "".:::ii~,,.·-': r.;'1.,::-;utit':'1,!::V-"! "~~ ,,,.._.__., m•-e'rr 24~w/p 25cphw/p l2cpbw/p licemed in accordance with the law undtr the proviaions ot
NOTtca • ME"r1v orvtN " 1111 ~11 1• 1'· 11, •· "'' .. 1• 1 ... """'' .;. ""' 4111 o1 1111 ..,.,..... Cfllr!Mrtr '''" '"''lt'flft' 4.9l """"I\;' '11, 'A Divlalon Jll, Chapter t al the Bu.slneu IDd Professions Code of ~J ;:,.::. ~ ~;',.,. ~=: LEGAL NOTICE 11111111d • 111111 ••~!Ion. 1 M.,. i.w1«1 ~'""': !!:~:::' ~' ':" ~ operator (1kip type) 30cphwlp SOCphw/p(2) 80cph"!p the State of California ...... ___. .,. ,_It,. ,. 1111 ~111•11~"~*'"' i: .':::: ltllnW. 11111e1 ~ w11iJ1 w•• r90llnlte1 4.33 Cribber ot shorer 2-4~cphwfp 15cphw/p 32cpbw/p No bid will be rectived unlesa it is madt on the blank fcrrm ::"'-='ti,,.""' .... ,., .. ~.,..: c1aT11'1u"T't~ 1u11•r• ~u~i. C:C~n: Mor:in::;.. ""' " ~ ':"' .. ":" O:c11~":.=.: 4·02 Cutting torch. oper· 1 fumllbed by the Chief Enctnetr. 1be spedaJ attentklo %.c-......, '*"'• er M ,.,...,., lllMI, wltll Pl(TITIOUI fl'lll,_ NAM Lii ie of Tttct No. 1176 In tM ltllkll"I l.lft/6 ln'l'lllfMnf (lmtl.,,, 1 llOI' (dtmolillOn) 24 ~CphW/p JScphw/p 32cpb"lp pecllft bidden lJ called io the "JnformtUOG fot 8 ,, f;,~:..=,,,~ ~~':.':"-'"H:.~N~,"~10~"':"'!"&.~~ ~~:_~~-;-..::.-uc:::::.r,::: :1:'~•111w::, ~:,-:~~ =::; 4.4: Drtlm-~en <Core. >dia-24 .. ph / annped to the blank form a1 propoNJ tor tun dinctta .. '°
7lti tlnef *'-1" o: (tn11'1Cf1111 ...,_I_ If 1na W, Clflllflll loo .... IM. ...,,. 41 f/I Ml.c.I._. Ill llWfUI montr f/I ttie Unlflll """ . """" Or Wl(On nC " p 25cphwfp 3kpb"/p blddlna, etc.
=.;: •~•""' u. A 110•1 •, !!::. ... "'"• ""'·-co-., •' c~-lhe Ml... tn fhe 0111<1 "' the c-ib' "• ... .,'•1"',..~ ...... wl!-llout W11f'r1nf'f' 4.65 Drtvu of dump PI·--·• :J:lflca"--and ..... -•-~ doc • '"'" rm . ..... , __ ..,, -""' .... --... • . • ''" n "' . nnc., t k (I ,. __ 4 .... -.itu uuu• vu-.;..,.""'...,;~ umen•• miy "911. 'lll'lldl 11 Ille Pleet ITllUCTtoN .,,.. 11111 uN '""' " ~ ....... .. -·~· lh• '""'"' coll'll)'H .. .,.., -Mid NC ea \lJmlJ be -·~ I t _.__ "· ~~-1 ~ ., ..,._ " 1111 ...... ,.'-'" In ,11 POltCI ., "" HlfllWltlt ...,,,.. _.,... Tlllfhll'. wHll '" 11111 llHUllr tM,,, ••Id Trv.i.e """" Nl4 rt1 '""'' ..... 1 ..,......,~ W ... _..e •t uic .1.1U1u-ct'a office (If will be ,,.....,. ""'8lnln• "" ""' """ ., .....,. .,. "'" .,,.. •1tt1 " f'ft!41M:e ~tt. Mmlt-tt ,,.. ,,_ lft '"'" ""to11ew1nt Clllcrllltd "'-"": yar"' water eve!) 4Sephwlp 40cpbwl p 30cpbw/p maJled to licenHd contracton upon telephone« writte
"" ..--. wtlfilll ..,.. "'*'"" ll'lw i. •• tt1..,.., """""1 ~ ~:::"'" 11t1on11111 " "-111111'"' 1n 1h• CllY • ce111 Me.-. 4.81 Driver ol dump ~.; .... Count Flood Control Dfatrict D rtquat. "i :r.~~,r.,~1111111t1. c.=,.1~~ .. ~.~~r_i w. ::.r.cr '7 ~l!~IY o,rv1M llllt~~., °''""· lfllt .. C•11111"'*' truck (4 yardlbut P~Ottice~l07I Mall' ct
-.--..-Mtld<ldl!lt 11...., c. Mtfr•llP 111 ' ""' '"'· •• 1•i• •clod: A.M. Lei" "'Trl<'I '"· nt1. " ,,_ ltu tban I "ards _.._ .... , ~·~J (t'h~ ~) • ·~· .... Wiii ITATl 0, CALll"OlllMlA ) ., """' l....,. Clurll\oull, 109 Witt "' • ,.,.. ,...,.... In ... "'· ii -'"aH. liMI-.,..._,~-ell) ' ., ............ ......,, (OUHTV D, oaANG& , " l!lellfll '""'' CllY If tenll ....... C-"' ...... H, .)0, a1 _.net MIK11l•ntet11t water level) 4Scpbwfp 40cphwlp 30q>h"/p Sant.a ..... ornlt ,...... Tl 1 . -""""""9. OH THIS "" ,.., "' Aflt'1t ... 0 ., °''""'' St•te ., C1llternl1, I wit! """" rtcltft " ~ Cluntr 4 73 Dr:lm of dum ~ = =E ... .... "'" -· -· .. _ ....... ..-..: N' d ...... """" -... ·-C..1-IO. • • p tbe -ol Supervloon .._. .. tltt r1'bt to .. .... • No .. .,. 1"111111c 1n ...,. "' 1111 111111 111H1r ... , u1h rn 11w1u1 mCtr11Y ., "' 1111 ""'"" ., ""''"' •nt1t11N truck (8 yardl but and all bldl and to waive ... v 1nt-·11n. In . ,_. "'I ..... ..., CWfttv .,.. Stitt. '"""" ...i11. fl/If tfle Un""' Sftlft, en IM "'"'· "'1t ~ ,,, Niii _.. lntllllllrll ..... IMS Ulan 11 arda ---.. -... , ¥llY bid fc:t:it1i't..., -mn -<*'1'111'11•'-' 11111 -Ml'ltlltn., ,.,.. ""' l,,,.llt II .. 111 lllltl"""I ....., dll,.... •M UMnPf. f/I lht T1'¥tfll, 1 ffo bidder m., wlthdra" hia bid fQr a perjod al 46 di)' ,,,..,... . -, '""' .. 1• Hlflf "...,, c. Mltrw• ltflllllll • "',. _,flt ...... _clllllC,lfM ,,_~~MW--. 11 '"'· 111111.r "" ....,... 111 water level) 45cphw/p «>cpl'i"fp ~/p after the lime Ml for tlJtt -·1n• -1
........ Phi, 1111 ,. .. "" ...... ...... .. ,.. • ""' ... "' Miii fMd, ... "' ... tllfr«lft .... .,., •. n. ' It Drt of --....... vr-""·.. .
...... _, 1, 14 1i. 1Ht ...,. 1t "''*"'*' " 1111 Wlfhlll """""""'· " """' .. " "*"""'· """" "*" m -w Pffnc111t1 "' ,... ,.... '""""" • vu .unp By order ol tbt Bottd ol Sul*'riton ti. tbt Orqe ·County Fi-=====:;;;;========.!::'::..~ ........ IN l!llt Ill "'*""" -= :.!'lllS:::".w. C.llfenll1, -""II I, ~ M11,lr "t" t:t' 11~'j;"' .. 1~ truck! l~!2 yll~~t nood CoDtroi DWrlct. ar-. Cocmty, CalifoniL • I.. WIT'NllS 'lfH'lllfOI'. 1 """' ,,.,, ,,.. ""11111' ~ tsl IWIR 1..-~ w. JI:. St Joba · t p., AcMttttl• In =.'i" .. ": :;: ::."' ~,_ .,.:,'": :S: ~~ A. M1111C*. "•""' Mt~~N~i~s u.No .1. It Dr1watcr ~v~-1 ecpbw/p 40cphw/p JOcpb"/p c:oumy CJtrt and u-offtdo,
• C...ilflctle flrt:I '""""' wrllttll. ™'°' • ONlltt, C.11fw1111 IN\lllfMINt COMLllAHY, "· VU a w-..:~t. (SEAL} Ctrt al the IMfd of 6uptr :: The Weekender t0ffldll h~!11wr •• A. •11t111tUr o:~ A. ll•nt•IL r..:='t"'.,.. lnWt!INnl m3 IJ ~) (Under Vilort of 1he Orqt ecwrty-• ,..,,,.., l"utflt • Cllt"'"" ANll•S0'1.. Mtl'MAll:Ltlil • C.,,.fll•ll l>n"tll\', t cor.or.ttlll) CU. ~... 45cpbw/p 40Cphw/p 30tphw/p Flood Control Diatrk:t · Phone 642-4321 =. .. .= • ::r..:::•-·-~~·:.:--0"-07 FtneGu. Gr~--!l\lcphw/p 25cphw/p J2<pbw1p By Mobtl t. Cutela : . #tf c-111i... 1..i.. Let'-• c..,..... ,..,, ...,,., v1e1 '"'"!Mfr!' 4.0S 1ne1 \:IMIRI' 241,kpfnrfp ticphwlp ......_Ip ......... NM '· 11n """""" A...,_. tPl-tfW G IU • _.,.,.. ._.,...., ;!;:~~"~ ... ""'" Olllf Plitt, ;>llMithM °'"'"" c-1 OtllY l'lltl, '""'Mf'111f °'"' c ... 1 0.J" Piii!, s-n~t..nndg. "4"•ph••tp Pu~liah Oranie COllt Dally Pilot April • • 6d-tt "''" 1. 14 11. 1"' lllM-" --ptn ,, u. "· ,.., AMt ·-""""""". man ' n'-' ... 25cph"/p Skphw/p U;, 1• 11, Jt, II, 21 &lld
I ,..
I !
Fooniain · ·Valley
E'D l·T I 0 N
Police Accuse Gilbert Co.Yell of Encour .. fn9 Rkiters . -
'f eenClub Owner Nabb.~d
' '
In Huntington Roundup
Police arrested 41 juveniles and 11
adults Sunday in Huntington Beach, in-
cluding Gilbert Covell, owner or the
teenage nightclub Syndicate 3000.
Officers charged Covell with urging on
1 riot and related allegations.
Arraignments are scheduled today for
the 11 adults in West Orange County
Municipal court on charges ranging froo1
failure to di.sperse to assault with a dead-
ly weapon.
All those arrested are currenUy in
custody al Orange County Jail. Detective
Captain Earl Robitaille said bajl for
Covell is $2,000.
Covell and his wife, Jeanne, have been
Involved in a running battle wilh local
police for the past three years.
Mrs. Covell was recently convicted of
libel 8.gainst the Htmlington Beach Police
Department after she accused an (lfficer
of Uiieatening lo kill her husband .
Recently the city closed the Syndicate
3000 until It could be brought up to the
city's building standards. .
Covell claimed he was being harassed
by the police and the city, and in retalia·
tlon held a dance on bis parking Jot Fri·
day rll&hl, opposite the closed Syndicate
Police allege Covell was Clbserved Sun·
day yelling .at ri<>iers, trying to start
more trouble by otferiog "sanctuary" to
the rioters in his 3rd Slreet parking lot.
Thme arrested and their charges in·
cludt :
Covell, 32. 1420 I Locust S t . ,
Weslminster, urg!ng on a "tiot, refusal to
dispene, and rtslsting arrest.
Scott A. fl.tcCaskey, 19, 11912 Emerald
, St.. Garden Grove, !or rioUng,. assault
With a deadly weapon, fillure to disperse
and malicious mischief.
Wllllam F. Wrtl.bt, 21, 13115 Greystone
St.1 Norwalk, for assault with a deadly
weapon, rioting and failure to disperse.
Gregg D. HyaU, 20, 22001 Susan Lane,
Huntington Beach, assault with 1 deadly
weaj)on, rioting and failure to disperse.
Nicholas R. Camara, 21, 13562 Spring·
dale St., Westminster, for failure to
disperse and disturbing the peace. .
Beach Sure Not
One Hor se To wn
Is Huntington Beach a one horse town?
Local police aren't quilt: sure, but
downtown businessmen say, "No, there is
more than one horse here."
Saturday, police stopped young Maxine
Johnson, 14, of 1014 Flortda St., Hun-
tington Beach for a traffic-violation. She
was leading her horse down the sidewalk
in the 100 block of Main Street.
' ' . "I'm :!Ol'ry, 00.t U)at'& a hazard to the pede~" sakl the policeman.
Maxine promised not to do It again and
said' she hadn't done it before.
Local busineamen, however, com·
plained that for the past two weeks
several indivkluals ha•e taken to trotting
their horses ·downtown -which they feel
may .not produce the be.st image for. the
Police Call
Help From
Other Cities
Of ni. EMU.-l'Ult lfMt
Thousands of rampaging letn-f.gers
burled rocks and epithets at mart than
140 police officers in HunUngton Beach
Supday afternoon when rioting broke out
following arrest of a 15-year~ld youth
on charges of possession of narcolia.
The three-hour riot broke out with Hun--
Ungton Beach police caHing for help from
s i I' other agencies. Fifty.two rioters
were ja,iled or. charges ranging from
Wlure to disperse to P.0SRS5ion of drugs, '
. From 1:20 p.m. to about 4:15 p.m. the
-.-.... ffiiinMimstree!-tol;iJ<O
Street was a scene of brawling sun~
bathers heaving stones and other objects
at police units that fonned .i. ring around
the swirling beach crowd.
Lifeguards estimated the total beach
crowd al 20,000 Sunday. Police said about
3,000 were involved in the rioting.
The arrest of the 15 year old whiclt
touched off the melee was made by
"Sandmen'' -undereover police officers.
Related Photos,
Story, Page 3
Datnage to. po1ice units was estimated
at about $5,000 ~ the po 11 c e
department's sul>stJli•itoo )be ~cit wu
mangled by thrown stOnes. It is com·
pletely boarded 'IP and unu8able today.
Police said the trouble began when
dettttlves · Ronny Pomeroy and earl
Vidano attempted to arrest a 15'-year old
boy alleged to be in JIOS.'eSSion of seconal
Detectives said the youth began
fighting with the officers and a friend
pulled a knife oa Vidano and Pomeroy. At
that moment, the suspeCt ran ti>ward the
beach front , but was recaptured, police
A crowd began to gather around the
area, detectives reported , and afler both:
subjects were placed in the Paddy wagon
for transportation to the substation, the
crowd began follow~ the wagon.
Police called for more units, and when
all were at the substation the crowd
began throwing rocks at them and the
Rioters held the substation uhder siege
for about 45 minutes, police said. while
units from other cities were called in for
Police units from Newport Beach,
Costa Mesa, Seal Beach, Fountain Valley,
Westminster and Orange County Sheriff's
office formed a ring around the bea~h
area, attempting to contain the riot there.
Fire department personnel brought in a
tanker which was used by police as an
observation platform and a launching
area for the tear gas whi ch finally quell·
ed the riot.
About 150 policemen were finally In·
volved In the melee. About 50 of them
were from Huntingtor. Beach.
Delecilve Captain Earl Robitaille said
the riot wa.s "the worst I've seen since
I've been here,'' and most officials
agreed U was the biggest problem since
the 1957 riot in whicb about 300 persom
were involved.
captain Harold Mays said canisters of
gas were used to disperse the crowds
when they gathered along Paclfic Coast
(See RIOTS, Pace Z)
• IO· on ·eac .
' -
DAl\.Y rtLO
8 r1wUng Sun1Nttilr1 Heave·Rock1 it OffJetrt Attempting to C~tain Riot ..... '---~~~~~~~-
l)amage L~t~d at· $5,Q.OO ·
• ._: ... • ,:a ,, .) ~i · • ~ ~ r ) : • : I •
Nixon Asks .Tax . . ...
Relief, Slush · • • 1' • , •• , •' • '.. .:.•.t. . ' ;• I •. ,,,.-.~"° ·,, L ff' ·~. . : Et •. . • ". .
l '.ti . . untin/gttJ'tt: 1.\wttng~ ffi · Sw:c harge
Teams of lawmen from surrounding
communities totalling 140 officers joined·
the battle against rioting b_:eachgoers Sun-
day, ' wtth nine suffering injuries and
damages tolalling thousands of dollars.
Police Capt. Earle Robitaille ten·
tatively estimated damage to the
beachfront police su~stltion and five
emergency vehicles at $5,000 when ques-
tioned by newsmen today.
Officers from Newport Beach, , Costa
Mesa, Orange County Sheriffs deputl~s,
\Yeslminster, Seal Beach, Fountain
Valley, Los Alamitos, the. Callfornia
Highway Patrol and even LOs Angeles
Police Departments responded under a
mutual aid pact.
Approximately 50 Hl!nlington Be~ch
Police Department personnel were tied
up by the wild melee that broke ~t about
1 :30 p.m., ·leaving in its wake in1ury· and
lnjured by fl)ing debris and ~ ob-
jects were Huntington Beach Pohc.e of~
ficers Henry Hitchcock, Ronne y
Pomeroy, Cilrl Schellinger and Capt.
'Robitaille himself.
"Most of lhe.·in'juries .reported to us ,
consisted of c1.1ts, abrasion~ a n d ·
bleeding," said Capt. Harold M<1ys,,
noting that none of the wou.nd~ w~re serious .enough to require hosp1~Uon. ·
"There were two off-duty officeri from ·
the Los Angeles . Polloe .Department and
one county sh~rlff's deputy on the beach
at the tUne.of the riot toe," he aaid.
"I go..,. they got beal"1' around a lit··
tie, but we don't know th4! extent (lf their
injuries,'' Capt. Maya· added.
One Newport Beach policeman was
slightly injured when his motorcycle-w~nl
out of control en route to the wtld
disturbance and slid down tht highway on
iLs side, Capt. Mays added. '
Glass was shattered in several police
" • J WASll!NGTON (UPI) -p,,,,'id.ot vehicles and one had tho rooftilp beacon Nixon· t<>i11y aaied eonp.s. to we Ille sm~.bed.in and a ~ badly dented by tax load of the· very 'poOr; Impose 1 mi:i-·
the rioters, J>l?llce said !otfay. Jmum tax on the very rich, and cut Jn
Transportation -including paddy half the tncorne tax surcharge for thOle
wa.gons -was provided by the ~riff's in betwftn". .
office, alter·lhe HunllnJfon Beach paddY The ktax would be red ced fr 10 to wagon was damaged ao badly it 1s , . . u om . unusable today. . five pel'tent. eff~ve J~n. 1.
Nearly all windows In the beachfront The Presidents omrubus tax reform
police substation were'!llluhed by ·nytng =e to Congreu ·alao called for bn·
rocks, bottles and ot.her mluile~ and city media e repeal .cl lhe seven ~~ Jn.. ,
workmen were on lbe scene this morning, vestment. tax crtdlt to belp curb infta.tion.
working to repair the d811)ige. Tr~asury . of~clals ~ted· U)at the
No orlicial damage estlm8te llas yet adm~at1on s juggllhg o1 revenues
been compiled by city officials, but it Is ~~Id Involve . a trade«f oC 1baut . ff ,
expected to be considerable, while the b1Wo11 a.year and that the revenue gllnl
figure in terms o( cost by police man-~nd losses would be euenUally bal~.
hours is almost uncompµtable . 'Not ~y ~ peMy, but substantially . · balanCed," said one official.
Bod y of T een
Moth er Found
In Santa Ana . .
The body of a 16-year-old Santa Ana -
girl~ Who ·was.. the mother of a two-moor.h-
old child , was f6und lying under a' tree
e·arlY thls morning In the southwest sec· .
tion of the city.
•The Orange County • Coroner's Office '
reported tber~ we.re nO immedJate siglll ·
of foul play. An aut~ was under ,way
to dilc;ovA!r. the cause oC death of ,Glenda Lea' Kam inski, ()( 13.fz S.' Sullivan St., .
Whose body was found by I sriiall child at
142.6 S. Sullivan, less than one block from '
her home.
~er mother, Mrs. Carrolle> Golgarj, of .
the 1342 S. Sulliv,n ·•d~ress, ,told police
her daughter left home about 10:15 p.m.
Siinday night' to go to a nearby Store.
·After searchi"I for several hours In the
The. taJ: package -WOil· a· gene111U7
favorable response rrom congreuioaal /
leaders and tax experts, &Jthouth aome
Democrats said Nixon should ha•e. iocae •
further. .
The Pre'1dent recommended removal ,
of the poor from the federal \ll roU1 ,
through ena<;tment of a "kny income
allowan~e." B~t tho6e in ' the upper .. in-1 come brackets1 would be lbnited wrl\Ull •
off to 50 percent 'of their incomesJor tu .
PW"Pl?5eS. • . , , '
This propcsal ·resuked from repON .
that sev,eral hllndred 4 persom 'Yflth
inromes 'of mote than · $200,000 a1 year '
were avoidina . payl!)g any income t •• •
using legal' loopboleS. '
Repeal~or tlie ·seven perti!nt inveS1rhent •
tax was Nixon'• ploy for conYincing the
DemocraUMCdrolled Cmaresf to ex\end ,
the 10 Pol'ctlli "'1lu be,.Gd Its IChecN!-ed. e1.piratioo June 30. ·
Senate· Democratlc 1iader MI~ e
Mansfield said he wanted to study repeal
or '.tbe investment tax credit, but said if It
was linked with removal cJ lhe •rtu by
(See TAX REFORM, Pap.I)' Greg w. Mitchell, 19. 9362 Nan~ket
Drive HunUflgton Beach, for rioting, assauit wilh a deadly weapon and failure
to disperse.
stlve D. Hut, 20, 7811 Talbert Ave.,
}luntlngton Beach, for assault with a
deadly weaJ)on. rioting, and failure to
Korea Task Force· Sails · early morning without result, Mrs. ·
Golgart ca lled police at 5 a.m. to re.port
the girl missing.,~ body was found at
8:15 a.m.
" ........
RoMrt W. llaril:t, 18, 9115 Gunn St.,
Whittler, tor riollng, and failure to
Gary Wllkenoa, :a. 9215 W.:aple St .,
Bel\floWer, Jar rioting, and refusal to
disJ>Ult. ~
T.... R. S1<etleekey1 21, 9201 Om;:i
Place, Garden Grove, for rioting, refusal
to disperse ind lnterferlnj with the
duties of an officer,
1..,-y D. Slebtt, 28, 1231 Pontenova
St .. W Puente, for rioting. resisting ar-
rest, amult with a deadly weapon and . -Ion ol d11111erou• drugs.
Air Canada Struck
Y.ONTREAL (UPI ) -The 6,300
macbiniats of Air Cenada struck early to-
day, grounding Olshtl 1cross the country.
Nego61Uorls were lo continue with
federal lsbor minister Brytt Mackasey
htre to help work out a seltlement.
But Battl.eship Neiv Jersey Returning to Long Beach Overseas Travelii!g · .
By Senators Revealed
WASHINGTON (Al') -A U.shlp wk
force including four American aircraft
carriers has beea formed to back up
Prtsident Nixon'• pied.I• to )ll'olect
reconnaluance. planes operating ln the
Sea al Japan, the P<ni...,.> ~ to-day. •
The tut rorce does nol hlclude the bal·
tlethip UM New Jrnq.
The 4',000.tor ve!lafl, which wu
diverted to the western PICltlc Friday
because of the EC12l crltll, bu been
given oew orders to return to Loo&
Pentagon ll])Okt:man Danlel Z. Henkin,
who announced the formaUon of thr: Lask
f(lrce, would no!. say when the New
Jtrsey will reach the Weit eoa.t or
where she Is at this limt. The battleshi p
was due to dock at Long Beach Saturday
• • {
after wind ing up a tour or service off
Today's announcement was the first o(.
ficial y,·ord of tbe ICOpe oI a U.S. naval
1rmada formed for depklyr:oent in the
Set of Japan in ~ \o North
Korea's shooting down tf the unanned
.ECfil' aircraft one week ago.
Henkift told reponen lk n<W"Tak
Foret 71 hall been .ad;ivited by th&
Pacific fleet and ~ undtr the' comma;.f
Of Rear Adm. Malcolm W. Ca&)e oft
Grand Junction, Colo. ~
Along wjlh the four carriers, wh ich
will be able to provide jet righter ~
tectlon forfuture reconnAissance Olgntf,
are lhrtt crulstrs and II dt.atroyen. \•
"We wlU oot go inte in) ttet.:111 'con-
ce rning the operations ... " Henkin u.id.
Dul he .said he would name the $hips.
Asked whether the EC121 flights have
resumed, Henkin aald be could not get in-
to that operation aspett e.lther.
The task force c&rrien lncludt the •
Enterprise, Ticooderoga, Ranaer and ·
1Homet. The crul1er1 include the Chicaio. .
.Oklahoma City. ,and the ,,.,., Paul. ,
l't WU not dllCIMed 'Whetbtr• all these
ihipe ari now ln the Sea· qt J1pat1. ·er .
wbether all will be dtptoy<d lhete ·1\-llle '
same time. 1bey could .take .tuma
rotaUng In and out bC 111lpment t..ones
senatorJ and ITIOfe than 100 of lhelr aides :
•""11 '281,000 in U.S. coonterpotl funds c
travelini overseas last year, accordin& to l Sei\"11 records .. Cou•!•rwt funds .,.
foreign ~enCiel held by u.s.~~es I !
•lStooJ. Former ·Sell. tdWlnl 't· Lol\g
{[).Mo.), .Wied 'II .111.-· efil !fool •
Kon(. .more llOl"I ll\lft •Y.<ithet -1 •
11oog lhe co.ut o1 Koru. , • . • s~1c llferJceu
' 'J'he lar1c deployment of 1ldpr to--the .
Sea of Japan 'Pl!""•lly wiD , i!91 ~N~Ew~v~o~Rk~("'XP"')'"-"""'1'11<"="'s10c=k"ma=rt=;i
si111Hlca!illy all~ no\•~ i!J>eraUQnt oil cl...;i 111JJ1 a lharp loa today, [ollowlog
Vlelnam. It ill o~ thai LM .car-a pruldentlal recommendaUon tbli
rle11 Klt11fi.lJ!:" W llcii!i· lfolnl"• , Congr.., ,repoal Ulo lnveatment tu 1 Rlchar<I wl "" ~"11• ilCatiOl\l,al! Cffillt. •(See quoltUon1',· P1te1 :lt.U). •
Vietnam to support bomblna missions ln The Dow Jones industrial average al
South Vietnam and LaOs. 1 :~ p.m. was orr 7.43.
' ' . Weadier . ! . • • .• 1 i ~ I
It's a nice day and it'll be even
nicer on Tuesday with fair HIM:
alter ~mt.mOQ\ln«. ~.end
temperatures cli!lliil( to the mid-
dle IO's.
Cornell wrta:ttd the K1nfttd1
Cup !...,,. Stonfcml U.itmffr
1ovfr the Wttk~ b11 fti,,,..grlM,: l 1utjlvern111 of So•thcn<;'c.u.,
f°"'ia by onr point. Boo~ng
Page 19. ...... , .. ..,.. ,_ ... ·-·-_ ..... -''"""' ''" •111·•··-··· ·--... .._
.. ' .....
" 'I • • • .....
" II
---· -. --... --. --~ ..... -.... ==-"': -.. -. ..,.,.... ...
-... .. --
~2,__DAll __ v_m_or ____ "---~-.,, ...,, :n, 1,.,
• ~-· ••• u --~··•.-"'\•'"t•.·ir•rl· ... ~."::•-;-n • •r•" '"'-'"''•·"'
S.irhan Pen~lty Ti:i at· End
. '
With Mom~s Plea
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -'"1e pr<>
aec:ution and the delenoe both •bruplly
rai«I in the penalty ...... of the Sirhan ., ___ ....,'4111!....,
u • wttnm MlY Mrs. Mary Slriwl to
plead that the jury spare her aon'1 life.
1be peoaltJ trial of the 25-yMr-old
PalestJnlan immigrant for lhe murder of
Sen. Robert F. Keonedy, for which he
was convicted last week, moved wltb
etartling sudc!ellnw.
. ,,._to.....,. .....
...... ·-to Ille Ollll..... ... '*'ptB « ... Ult ............. 11i11J .,.....,.._.,,,, .. Dlit ..... ... .............. _ ... .,.
llel-.AllanoJCltmll. ~..a.
ed hll one Md !be ooJy w-In mlllp-
Uoo foe the first degne In the lhootlni of
the ........ In the Am-odor Hotel 1ut
June 5.
Mn. Mil)' Slrban, llli, • llnI Diuro who
Mesa, Westminster
County Crashes
Kill Two Persons
One man was killed and hll -er factor u .. !Jllllfe tumini ltovemenl.
virtually uninjured SJ-y night In CO.. More than • cfO%en pernq wlbleuad
ta Mesa, when their sports car skidded at the spectacular accident and one man
about 15 miles per hour, slammed into a estimated Passick's speed at IO to IS
tr.e and fire hydrant, then flipped upside miles per hour when the AmrrlwHxilll
down. auto swerved CMJt of ·cootroL
A Gardena man was also k1lled early William E. Malcomb, 11, ot Sin
Sunday when hll cu hit • tow truck In Benlardlno, A1d the cu bad po8ad b1m
WHtmlnater, and a young Suwt Bach on ·the left at blih speed and nerved
woman U in criUcal condition today after back into the oatside traffic lane ahead, heln& struck by a car In the beach """" al which lime the driver loll conlnJI.
munlty. CoelJ Meu. poltoo Md the CJlflomlJ
Dead as a result of the weekend trd!c Hlgbway Patrol covered t 11 e m.
accidents, whJch left one motorist jailed. vesUgation, cloling Palludet Rold fer a
.,., lime and broadcaatln& • Slplert.
-Wl)'9e L Pllllck, 21, of Loe: Angeles. mzm INSTANn.Y
-Bryq A. Ordny, 21, of GU<fena. Ordway,... appar<11tly killed 1n1tant1y
Pu:dc WU dead OD arrival about 11 about s 1.m. SUQday and b!I date WU
p.m. SJ-y at Colt.I M ... Memorlo) Jerloualy lnjunrl when their cor _-
118 C...ty Trolllc 1111 • We'1mlnltlr llreet and crubed budoa
_ _. ..,, wio oo the lland !Gr I•• __ ...... °""' 11111 lo ... , • .... ... ~ ..... ~ .
• '' rt . i.11111..-. •u&• prilir • ......... _ ... ___ In
"'\! U.Uble with the oollce!"
'He hu never been ln trouble before,"
Mrl, Sirhan llld ln a \IOlce that WU
•lmoot Inaudible In the courtroom. "I led
bbn up on the will ol God ••• "
U.r ..lcta&t fl(hnd the mt of bet Dept. OW. Atty. John Howard Pid the
1lll'dl W"trt state would )eave it u;p to the con.science
Al 1!'81 °"""' llld, •'1111 ~ "'lllo-illrY ~ .. -lllCll. criaie· --. . ~ ... -~ . ..... ec..tJlll!lp Rel1>ert'V. 'l!alhr ff.Wini -Id by qying that KennodJ
dlld 1 llrW"""' to consider the in.. had been ttruck dowri at a moment when
ltrucUoM he wRI ...,. to the jury. he repreaented U1e hopes of an !mportant
Botb ~du ~ 1fJ aiake final segment of this natlon and that 'jexoept
arpments before the Jury bectns its far this defendant he might have risen to
deliberation, probiblY by mfdJ.fternoon. the highest pogitlon this naUon can of·
The pr,.ecutlon bu aI1'ldy Aid tt fer."
would .oot demand the death penalty but Sirhan, he said, had ''reached these
shores as an Immigrant lnto a natton
which had prided ilNlf on lnvit~
nf-t . " tbia WU .. _.. for bllo •'"
We have lavished the relOW'Ct! cl. our
society for the 11ke of a cold-b1ooded
political assassin while sendina patrloUc
Americana to Vietnam with a f10 rifle
and our best wishes," Howard char1ed.
He said Sirhan "didn 't demonstrate the
slightest degree or remorae , • • be en-
joyed lhe atar status."
F ,.... P .. e l
the eod of the next fiscal ye:ar "it Lt
W-Orihy al. every consideration."
· Mansfield also suggested that ln.-
crea'sing the dollar amount of u:emptjou
would help the poor as much as the Nison
On the House aide, chairman Wilbur D.
Milla (0.Art.), on the Ways and Means
Committee withheld commenl pending
presentation of the package by ad-
ministration officials to his way• and
means committee on Tuesday.
Speaker John W. McCormack, refltc·
ting indications that Nh:on lad tallared
hil tax request somewhat to suit the con·
gresslonal majority. Wmmented:
"It seems to be pretty coosistent with
good Democratic policiea."
senate Republican whip Hugh Scott
commended Niion "fer providing relief
to the peoplo at the !owe.rt ecooomlc
"Jt bu never made any sense to me
for the nation to provide help for the peo-
p}e below the poverty level and then take
back the money in taxes," t be
Pennsylvania lawmaker said.
U O..U. Toll It Into a tow truck, police Aid. _ .,-....,....,.....,..,.-.,-..,.......,......,.-.,----"'1111"'. pas""ber, DebrLl'awlldd,.ll,..ol-
Hoapltal, with major head and neck in-10t110 ~ Sl., Anaheim, wu taken to
"The provisions for providi ng at least a
mini.mum tax on afflue11t taxpayers i.5
most courageous and conforms with
President Nizon's deep concern for equl·
~ and just.lee for all," Scott said.
juries wfferod when hll JUto crubed on Weolmirmtt RoopllJI, where lho fa In
PlllAdes Road north of Newport aer1oc1a • condltion lodJy -fac1J1
-W:eratlom Md back lajuriea. Tbomu D. Bennett. 211, al HenDOlll W'dllam L. RWe, 20, ol lllGlll Pacllle
Jleacb, WIS lruted Jnd released at tho St,. M!dWJy City, driver of the tow Uuck
aame bo.spttal with cuts and bruises, a~ involved, ete1ped injury, trafOc officen
parenlly Dung free during tho faW aldd.: 11id.
BODY CRUMPLED The accldeot occurred •I the busy in.
Patrolman David Hayes said Paulck's tersectlon of Edward5 Street and Maplea
body was crumpled inside the car when A_yen_ue._ ~ -· _
be arrived at the ecene, while'llenneU lay Pana. Gopoul01, %2, Of 11752 Paclfle
on the pavement beside the demolilbed Coast IDghway, Sunset Beach, Is in
vehicle. critical condition today with Injuries suf.
'11ie Injured passenger t o I d ln-fered when she was struck by a car while
veati&atora he and Pasalck bad j1131 left • walklnfl Jlong the highway In the buch
tavern and were going to a nearby city.
restaurant for a late evening snack wben Donald G. Smith, 38, or Ganim Grove,
the accident occurrod. w., jailad oa "!'J'lclon of feloQ dru!>k
Re aald he did not beLieve Pualck had. drf'llnl 8"'r Ilia car llruCk Mill
enough beer to be intorlcated Jnd In· Gopoulog, accordln& to the CJlflornla
vesligators logged ooe likely ~ llJ&hwoy !,~ ,
Man Ruins Environment,
Pittsburgh Prof Declares
Man Is destroyin1 h1s environment and,
with It, himself, says Dr. Paul
Brandwein, Harvard lecturer a n d
University of Pittsbu?Jh profeuor of
llOcial Md natural llclenoea.
Speaking before about 1,000 persons at
the Clpbtrano Unified School Dlstrld'1
Marine Science Sympoaium 5aturd1y,
Brandwein said that man bu forcotten
that he II the lllewmf al hll environment.
"Art we to become the dinosaurs of the
future? We are destroying ourselves by
destroying our environment. What we are
dolng to ounelves is lncredible," Brand-
wein Ald.
The aclenti5t said that if the youth of
today want to rebel "let them rebel
against the ireat thing, rebel against
Brandwein said that man ls killing wJlh
DDT many of the small organisms upon
which the We-food cycle of the world ii
He declared that aquatic birds are
OhllV PllOT
l"9rt N. WM• ~ ..,., "'"''*' J.ii •· eeri.., Vici Prwllllnt .... 09Mrtl lrMllttiW
•••• Kenn t:ll!lw
,.......,, A. M111,i-11._
Mlllfll"9 t:•ttor
~ W. l•t,. Wilti•111 •••4 ~ ...... , ...... ~ • .,_ CllJ «•Ow
............. OM.
Jot ltfl Stt•tt
W."lf"9 Mir-..1 P.O .... 1tO, •t'41 --..._..IMO!; ml WWI ..... ...,._.
oi-.-..: .. .,,.I ..., '""'°' ..__ 11e1ct11 m ,..,. ...........
dying beca ... they ore feedln& on DDT·
ladm flab. He noted that the 111 otter
has almoot been exterminated by man
for its fur, and that the alllptor 11 in
danger of becoming extinct beca~ men
hunt and kill It to nW!e handbap of 111
It la ironic, aaid Brandwein, that
Sweden, the country which gave the J.n.
venter of DDT the Nobel prize. baa now
ouUawed the chem!ca1'1 use.
The reason for man's tr~ona
upon his world may be found in the
nature of western cultures which place
success at the uppermost, observed the
Education and awareness of man's
place and responsJbWtfes could stem the
fouling tide, Brandwein said.
He lauded ocean-oriented programs Of
the Capistrano district and Aid be wish-
ed such f>n>ll'llll! could be developed up
and down the coastline to utabllab "bu-
tiona: of clvillzaUon."
"We must atop destroYin& the en-
vironment, conserve the ocuna, then
coo,.,erve the land," he aald.
"We won't be destroyed by lhe atomic
bomb, that's too foul, too fut a way."
Brudweln &aid it WIS up to the
students of today to become committed
to correctln( what hll con1tmpororlea
had llready fouled up.
Trustees View
Youth Pictures
Trustees or Ocean View School Dtstrtct
will lake time out of diJCuss.lon tonJcht of
the llnancl.al woes of the dlatrict to •lew
awor<f wilmfn& plctura by children bi ll>o
fint U.... grades.
'"1e meetln( II In the boold room of
district belMSquarten, Warner AvenUI
and J!each Boulevml, Hunlln(too Beach.
Winnen in the bunt\1 drawing contest
will have !bell' efforts on dbplay Includ-
ing Ole top priJe winner, L1nda Schan-
derl, th ird grade ltudent in the class ol
Jean Nordby at' Martne View School.
Bo&rd lntmbttt are to p~stnt her the IJ'o!lhy. 1rus1m will also lltar plant for aum·
mer school. a progr&m lackl"' _ In the
district '*'-ust 1r fln11nclal probltmt la
... pa ...
DAIL.Y PILOT ...... n Lee,..,_
Polle• Vthicle1, Substation Damaged During Th....Hour Br•wl at Huntington BHch
Valley U>nducts
Special f.ensus
Twenty-two Fountaln Valley re&tdents
are walking the street. toclly COlll1Ung
people as a part of a special federal From P .. e l
RIOT ...
Highway and on two occasions police us·
ed k>udlpealters to warn crowds to
diapene, first on the beach itself, then
Jater when the crowd moved up to the
Most of the rioters were teenagen, J>111ke aald. Only u ol the 5Z arrested
.,,... adults. One of the adults was
GObert Covell, owner of the Syndicate
3000, a teenage nightclub near the beach.
One detecUve said that most of Ute
motorcycle crowd that hangs around that
area cleared ou& u IOOn u they saw tbe
riot !tart. "They knew they'd really be In
trouble 1f they stayed," he said.
This morning Huntington Beach police
headquarters was loaded with paperwork
from Sunday'• rJot. and about eight of·
ficus are atUl ·nursing bruises smtalned
in the me.lee.
lronlcally, while detect.Ives were shuf·
fling throup stacu of arrest and
d&mage reports, the tune on the radio
wu drUUng out ''Those lazy crazy days
of IUIIlDler."
Police Purchase
Leads to Arrest
Of Five in Mesa
An undercover lnvesUgator's purchase
of one gram of a dark, stJcky substance
that police SUBpect to be hashish led to
the arrest of three men and two women
at a CO!ta Mesa home late Friday night.
One suspect slipped out during the con--
fusion and was captured after a short
chase, but several other persons present
were not charged with any oUense, m.
vestigaton aald.
A tow ol II chunks ol the .Ueged
hashWt and • marked, 110 bill were selz.
ed. u evidenct, 'Wlth the contraband
totallinJ 2S gr1m1 worth about $200 on
the illicit market.
Booked on SU1plclon of ptmesslon and
:saJe of hashish, possession of drugs.
narcouca paraphernalia and related
charges were these lndividuala:
-Heidi M. Groat, 19, of 1247 Conway
Avt., Costa Mesa, where the 11 p.m. raid
-Dennis E. lqbam, 26, ol 650 W. Main
St., Tustin.
-Donald E. Armltroq, 11. 0 f
Amarillo, Tn .
-Mtll11e D. Johasoa, 18, or Amarollo,
~my T. Boward, 21, ol Ferndale,
Jnvtst.igators said Ingham sneaked out
of the hou!e during the confusion after
ORletn Nonu Kutch, Ron Palmer and
Ted SorenlM entertd durtrc the raid.
He wu pldled up a short cliltJnce from
the ectne after a t:..ief chase by ln-
vestl&aUnc olllc<rs, according to the
thick report on the bashllh raid.
TWo oranp pills believed to be LSD
wtre also cOnflsc:ated from the Conway
Avenue borne, 11 well u a pair of pipes
cootalnln( a burnt midue almitJr to
Park Meet Set
The Fountain Valley Parks Rnd Rtcreoa-
tlon C.Ommission will meet at a p.m.
\Vednesday at City Hall, 10200 Slat'r
Ave., for a regular bu.!ilne~s meeting
which will Include diacus&fon of trac:ta:
planned 'With parks .
V.S. Boosting S. Viet,s
With Eye to Withdrawal
NEW YORK (UPI) -Secretary ol
State William P. Rogers A1d -Y tbal
tho United Staie. 11 urgeatly ~
ing South Vietnamese forctJ to speed the
day when American troops can begin
withdrawing from Vietnam even if there
is no progress at the Paris talks.
Rogers said the mllted States at i I
hopes Hanoi wlll agree to mutual
withdrawal and de-escalation but "we
have not, however, placed all our eggs In
one basket.••
In a speech at the .Msoclated Press'
annual luncheon Hogen made it clear the
UnHed States was not" going to maintain
its present troop strength in Vietnam in-
definitely simply because there was lack
of progress at the Paris talks.
Rogers said lhe United States still
hopes Hanoi will agree to mutual
withdrawal and d~alaU:>n but "we
have not, however, placed all our eggs in
one ba.sket."
In a speech at the Associated Press'
annual luncheon Rogers made it clear the
United States was not going to maintain
its present troop strength in Vietnam J.n.
definitely simply because there was lack
ol progress at the Paris peace negoUa·
"We have to be prepared for the
unwelcome contina:ency that the Gthfz
side does not yet want to negotiate a
peaceful settlement,"~ he sald. "We are
not prepared to assume that the only
alternaU ve to early progresa Jn the peace
talks ls an indefinite otenslon of our
present role."
"This is why," Rogers said, "such high
priority is being given to preparln& South
Vietnamese forces to assume a growing
share of the combat burden and why the
government of South Vietnam Is giving
such high priority to developing the
political unity of the country."
At another point, the secretary said:
"The readiness of replactment forces,
the level of offensive actions by the
enemy, or progress In the Parts peace
~k:s will determine the scope and the
Ummg of actual transfers of
responsibility -and the consequent
release of our forces." '
In using the word "or," Rogers un-
derlined the fact that U.S troop
withdrawals did not necessarily depend
on progress at Paris.
Rogers saJd the Nixon administration
will "tal«t initiatives to re-etablish more
nonnal relations with Communlst China
and we shall remain responsive to any in·
dicaUoM of less hostile atUtudea from
th eir side."
"""""'· They are uking the names of alt
penons living In a household, race, MX
and the relationship to the head of tbe
Enumeraton wear red, whiie a.nd blue
badges and residenl'l should look for the
identification, city officials said.
Penom who are not at home during
I.he census can write the information and
eHtier place it in an envelope and leave it
with a neighbor to gi ve to 1he census
taker, or mail the information 10 th e
Bushard Fire station, 17737 Bushard St.,
Fountain Valley.
Aceur.ate populatioo figures are needed
to imure lhe city receiving its share or
taxes returned to cities on the basis of
Sex Education
Trustees' Topic
A discussion of sez education proirams
planned for the Huntington Beach Union
Hlgh Sdiool District Is expected to oc-
cupy district trustees Tuesday night when
they· meet in the library of Marina High
School, 15871 Springdale St.
During the 7:30 p.m. meoUng the
Citizens: AdviJory Committee is scbedultd
to report on Jl! vote on whelher to hold
family life education cla.sees this summer
as planned, or not.
That vote was 11 yes, 11 no and one
Hundreds Of opponents of sex educaUon
and family life classes are expected to
attend the board meeting to protest In.
clusion of the program in the curriculum.
'• ,.·.•1..·· ..... •. :1.•, ,,.·.· . . .,, .. ,',· ' -'
e rings sized e nd re paired
• diam ond1 a nd precious ston es re mounted e pearls restrung
o,... -· ............ "' ' , ....
_,,fl MRI I 1 mu arr 11-me1•1 nm s 2 1rr•z•1 •n•1111r•ir•2 •111m11111umD1:r••a•11, irJ
YOt. 62, ·NO. 95, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PA6ES
. Te..y'.-·n.I
N.Y. SM±•~ ·--. -
Nixon Asks Easing Porir, Upping Rich T~xes
WASlllNGIDN (UPI) -Pruidenl
NitOn today asked Congress to eue lbe
tu k>9d. cl the very poor, impoee a mu·
imum tu on the very rich; and cut in
hall the lncom< tu sun:barge for those
The surtax would be reduoed from 10 to
fjve percent effectivt Jan. 1.
The Preiident's omnibus 'tax re.form
package to Congress allo called for im·
mediate repeal Of the aeven percent in4
vtltment tu credit to help curb inflation.
TreallW')' offlciala esllniated that the
adminlstr1Uoo'1 -Juggling of revenues
woukl · lnvolvt a trade-off of about ft
billion·a )"f:&r and tti,t the revenue gains
aod ,.,... ~ be -•tWly balanced.
"Nol penny to peMy, but substaoUaUy
balanced," said ooe official.
'nle .tu package .won a generally
favorfble response. from congressional
leaden and tu ~. althoogh some
DemocrJts aaid Nixon sb>ukl have gone
fte 1.Presldent recommended removal
of the poor from· the federal tu rolls
through enactment of a ''low income
aYowanct." But 1hl.l6t in lbe upper IJt.
come tirackets would be limited writi.llg
off to fl(I per-cem of. their incotn6 for tu
This proposal resuked ·from reports
that ~veral hundred penoru with
incomes of more than $Z00,000. a year
-:ere avoiding paying any income tu.es,
using legal loopholes.
Repeal of the seven pe~t investment
tax .wu Nixon's ploy for convincinl the
Democratic-cootrolled Coogre.ss to e1:tend .
lhe,10 ~ aurioll beyond its ocbedul·
"'upltatlon JuQO·lO. .
Smale -~ ·1e-Mlte r.llllllleld sald·bo wanted to·flludy r<peaI
Ill tile investment tu.crecllt, but said ii it
was llnked with removal of the ~1: by
the end of tbe next fiscal' year "it is
worthy fl. every cooaideraUoo. ''
Mansfield abo Sllliostod that hi·
creasing the dolltr IDIOlmt </l eumptiOlll
wwld help the -11 much u )ho Nixon
propooal, .
On the House side1 c~ W,ilbur D~
Milli (D-Ark.), on the Wa71 '11ld Means
Committee withheld • commint pmding
preaeotaUoo of the pactqo .by 111-
Qlinislration oUicla.li to his ;wars and
means committee on Tueaday.
Speaker Jobo W. lllcC«m>cl<, ...O.C.
ting lncllcaU.O. that Nixon bacl taiiorO!I
his tax request 10mewhat to fUit ·tbe con:.
gr.essional majority, eomrntntrd.
"It seems to be pretly eoniiMm wilh
1ood Democratic policies."
Senate .~pubUC"!1 w~ip Hug~ 'Scott
ron. s Ill.
Doten the ..
' Ailin g Judge . ... .. -
f.~ns Return
DANA POINT -Judge J. Parley
Sm~h, pr<Siding 'jurl!t of the Lagwua
.-.sao ~ Jiidicial· Di>tric!, is
~ wC,e• ~ to _the bench before
the first ofJwiel<aii!·--'"'"°"
Judge Smith, 're, has been convale9cing
at hiJ home here following treatment for
a lung ailment. He has bteo presiding
judge of lhe two-court district since lt&t
• I C Offief!t's Namell
MISSION VIEJO -The Misaion Viejo
Junior Chamber of Commerce bas
selected eight me:mbtrs to lead Ult com-
munity servic.e organizaUon for the com-
ing year. .
Ron Bannister was elected president;'
Rodger Fancher, treasurer; Dennis
Mwnmert, state direetor; Stan Fullerton,
trtternal director; Bob Hezmalhalch, in.
tern.al vict·prtsidenl; Tony · Contino,
aeerelary; John Langdon, external vice·
p<e>ideot; llld lo(ichael F!aoco, external
·• Sclaoob W uk Set
Schools Week is being held today through
Friday, in the Cc;pistrano Unified School
Open house progarms are scheduled ~t
all ·scllools so parents and interested
citizeiis can drop in on the classrooms to
observe the work being done by the
&tudenb and to meet 1he teachers.
VisHon may ~111<; arrange t.hrough
principals to tour ~e :schools during the
.e Basch Tour Slatell
MISSION VIEJO-A todr of the An·
~u.w:r·Busch Gardem in Van Nuys will
be sponsored by the Milajon. Viejo
Recreation Center, 25800 Montanoso
Drive. Wednesday. Buses leave the ctm-
ter at 8:30 a.m. and return at 4:!0 p.m. Advance reservatiom may be made
by calling Jerry Curran. Mluion Viejo
director of recreation, at &17-tOM. Tour
chltj(es are $3.50 for members and f4.SO
for non--membtn.
e Cl11ce en Sua ll••
MISSION VIEJO -Cinco de Mayo is
)Aay 4 at Mission Viejo.
A conlradktioo in lenns? Not at all.
Million Vitjo's Cinco de Mayo cmn·
munity 11..ia aponaored by the Milaion
Viejo Hig!I School pro wUI flU Sunda.Y.
May 4 with Sptnlsh music, Melican
dancln, games, a parade, and many
other octivtu .. at lhe l>llb.ICllool.
LUI yur, the f1nt MO fleata raised
$1,211 !or ocholanblpo llld ojber service
projeot.. this yur the ...,_.. hope to
make. more.
e Ca reers D•• Set
MllSIOll V!Jr.10 -~tives
Jrom SI bo•inra ud proleu'ooal fields
-will be .. the -Vle~lllgb School
campus AJ!rtl Jt lor ~Day.
Jublln and -. will be dismissed
lrom fifth and alzth period clauet to It·
tend talb glveo by the repmentaUv.,
lrom the Mlulon Viejo area. Career Day
Is ,...-by lhe Mlosion Viejo
Women'• Club and Is held with the
c:ooperatloo of the ochool.
' -.
In Laguna
. LL Eugene DePaulls or Laguna Beach
lifeguards suffered severe cuts Sunday
after~n when he was thrown through a
plite glw cllSplay window wbile trying to
arrest a1man ror littering.
Police said the suspect, Peter Paul
Zelowskl; 23, of ·North HoUywoocl -· (lla<ed UDllu clU...'1 amot by DIPaulls lir~~-: . ' .. ,
·ili~ Jac11 ·1'inc!oe 'said· otPauUe · ' .... ~ tbiooi!t~ ajpdow lllllooch · . ,~"*'-'~.,_ 1111,. 4i: Ocein' Avenue. , 1· • • •
. .
Prof Says Man .,
Destroying . Self
:..tnd ·En:viro1i ment '
P.ta.o is destroying bis environment and,
w:ith it, himself, says Dr. Pa u
Brandwein, Harvard Jectur.er a n d
University of • Pittaburgh profesaor of
social and r.atural sciences.-
S~g J>oft/re. about. 1 000 persons at
the Cnk(rino Unifi~ ~1. Distrie~a
MarfDi'bDoe • $yJnpoSlum Sit~,
Brand\folli.Sald .t!Jat mp baa (oriotten
that be·w the steward Of bis environment. "<Ve .we to become Ute dinosaurs o.f lhe ·
future! We are destroying' ourselves b'y .
destroying our envir'onmen\. What we are
doing, t'o OUfselves· is incredible," Brand-
wein aaid:
The 1elentist said that il the youlh or
today want to rebel "let them rebel
agairist the . great thing, rebel against
Brandwein ukl tbat man la killing with
DDT many of the small organisms upon
which the lifHood cycle of the world Ls
He declared that aquatic birds art
dying '.lpoca""' thef are feeding oo DDT-
laden fish. He noted that the sea otter
has almost been exterminated by man
for its fur, and that the aWcator is in
danger of becoming frtinct because rilen
bunt llld kW it to make ha"'""' ol U. bldt ~t·. . . .. . ,• . ' . .
It i,, ironic, aoid , ·Brllll!W<in. , ll>fj.
Sweclen, ·the ""1nl>y which ' pve the in·
ventor of.DDT. the Nobel prize. bu DOW
outlawed the chemical'a ue.
1be reuon for man'a trlDl:greuiorm
upon bis world may be found in the
nature. of .western cultura:.wllkh place
succeu at the uppermost, observed the
professor. 1
F.ducaUon and awarneu ol maq's
place and responsibilllles 'could Stem' the
fouling tide, Brandwein oaid.
He lfudecl oce&ll«ieoted..pro&rt1JnS1of
the Caj>istrlDO'dbtrlCt anifslild ho Wish·
•fl! ..... """""" coo1d be~ up
and down the coufllM ID .... bll•b "bas-
Ucim ., cl¥lliuUca.. f
..,,,, -.... ...., .. lbe' .... •b=u..-.. lbe·--~ ·llnd." he<Ukl. "We won't be deltr..,od alonllc
...... that's too fllf, WW a wa7." Ill 8iCl'ftla ,llid _ Ii WU ,.W . to , Ibo Its••••-' blllJ to beca9t'clnunHaed to-~..... l!lll•looi had •alnallJ-...
Emba88y ShQl'twaves
Stata and the soviet Union have agreed
to pormil lllltallltloo Ill allortwave racllo transmltt<n ot their embloalea in
M_.. llld Wlllhinlto!l. . .
· 'Ille lifHuard ·ueuterumt suffered a
severe ·cut oo the calf of ooe leg ~
l;icerati<lnl of the back and arms •. A skin
'graft llld llitchos were r.qufr<d, Li&cte
, Police said l'A!le'1$ allegedly-threw a
b:ottle into the surf and then used obleene
languaae when lifeguards asked him to
pick up the bi>tUe.
Police Lt .. Robert . McMur.ray said as
DePaulls tried to detain Zelewski the ·
gUard was shoved through the thick
display window.
Lincke later located 1.elewskl In a car.
Lincke said he advised the suspect lhat Jf
he resisted ..-he'd really get pounced on
this time" and Zeltwsti came peaceful· · ly.
Oil Meeting Set
By Civic League
The Laguna Beach Civic Leagiie annual
meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m .al Laguna
Federal's Community Room will feature
a talk by Victor C. Andre'ws, head of a
re~ntly formed city committee opposed
to offshore on.
Andrews' topic is "Ordeal by Oil." The
speaker heads a Laguna committee seek·
ing to abolish offshore oil production
along the California coast.
The Civic League is a citizen influence
group which promotes town P-in& "°"" cepts, zoning regulatk>ns, esthetics and
has been influential in lhe Main Beach
Air Canada Struck
f£0NTREAL (llPI) -The 1,300
macbinlN of Air can.da llruck early to-
day, """"'1inl flights acrOSJ the country.
NegotlaUoot were ta Continue wlth
federal labor mlnW<r Bryce Macllaxy
here to help work· out a setUement.
. DA1~v1r1~
Synipo1ium P.articipmtf Get-C !°~•up of Pnd•tof
' . -;
Sharks · Killers
'.Habfti: T-01d .at ·Cilas't,Lectµi:e, .. ~
• • ' ' * 0 • ' A ' < • ' • :_ ' •
Habi ts or the Great B:lue Shark and began during WWII when the Navy
some advice for· hunlans who encounter sought ways of protecUng dow~ Oyen.
the potenuartlOtr".Were the subject of a• · ·"The blue shark is dangerOUf. Thel'8·
w'etkend 'lectill-e :·by ·or.'Gilbett 9 • ., ·. ~ve been •I). to ,30 aut~eo.ucalJ!tl 'shlrt
oceanology profesSor at UC ln'ine. aUacks in ·the last several years;" be.
Bane said the blue shark is the most said.
abundant shark species off the Southern "If you are swimming ind are· a~
California coa~. It grows commonly to a proached by ' a ahart, rerba'in · ca&D.
length of 13 fee( and species 18 feet long Without thrashing, awim away with slow
have been found in tropical waters. measured strokes," be advised.
During his studies of the «ealure, "U someone is attacked lly ,a. ill.art,
Bane and his students have caugbt a.nd firat attempt lo stop tile ~Jeediili;· ~
tagged more lhan-400 sharks lo establish lreat the persori for shock," he aplalned.
migrCion information. More have been Bane said hb studies bile" sboWn thlt
disaeded and others have been kept alive while most lharb are ,primarUy twilight
for lab Rudy. bunters, the Blue Sharks oil the cout
Bane wu one of several speakers at . seem to feed a~ day. · ..
the Marine Science Sympoolum presented At least th ... sets of senaory organs
Satunlay by the Capistrano Uplfied are used to locate· prey, Ban< said.
School · Districl at Sao Clemente lli"1 5ensltlvo bearlo( arpns' aiarig ·the hool nank1 of the cteeftlre pick up IOUnda
ac Sha;k study has only recently become fi"om 10tne distance away, acute ~-
popular, Dr. Bane a a Id. Invertigatioo tory orcans detect scents, and sharp eyesiBht are au Uled: OnCeprey Is located', the shark'a·lo\11 ~t';<I ltotJI ~'!'•"' lJI -,.~ Jl\'l. lO
t ' 1 l . :.Offshore Airport~ Topi_!! . , . ' .
.Ar.t I 11,stru~tpr . · , · . • l ~
~t l\f eeting of <;@W1!llssion
P~g. design and construction ol airportl, the taCbnical upocts Ill IRICh
ofrsh<re airporil -a aubl~ ol. areal in· airports and a brjef revjeyr of e~
terest in Oraace ~ ·-will be aoo -planned olfsbor< projects .
dla:ussed at ~· ....Ung of the • is .._~ und County Airport 0-Q''akm, Chairman The Panons Co. ·~uuy er
Deanis Carpent« &DODQDCed. conlract to the Stale ol Hawaii iQ the
A1 the inVitatlon ol the-. the de9lgn ,and -Uon ol 11!e _llm!o!µlu ,
Ralph M. Parsons Co., an englneer!ng ' lalemaUonal,AkJ>olt.~Clll.Jll'Oll'am. .
and cooaultlog ltrm. '(W mate ~ 'A' m1jor part ol lhll 'work l• ao.
·-talion at 7.,.... ..... u., Boord of el\llneerlnl ' and . ecOoornlc JeliilbUlty '
SuJlervieor• hoarlOll' room. ~I> N. stiicty,!or tliel(ojp utd ~·qi ...
Sycamorti St .. SaDta Ana.' ~ l proJ>O!ltd runw1y on a ~ oft~. ..,
Newport. Buch, Coot.a M-)!untllltl· 'IM cmipany la aiio' llllder Coiliract \0
ton Bea¢>, w~na (\each and J.!l.-{'J!"r the rederol Avl~\lo" Mmt~a lon t1>-lnterested officials have beeo· .. ,,,....._:to ·Jft~ • stl(ij' to evaluate· alflhOre
lhe .... 1on. • \. ~.L alr~\-nolillf .11)11« f 1>'1 r u c j Ion , Company representaUves Forriit ~ 1 ~J.• ,·,., · · ~ . ,
and Chari" Lord wm llllCUll ~· '.Jl '11: J!!\I: f.Jiir: 's!Ui&',IQ· •i'~h· ibe ,
<001munUy planning as It rola~);~ ·~·-~·C¥11t~.M,-'jlarllcuadvanta1es and diladvantaces <(llflthii llr' ·lltl'hit, Cltpfwer Aid.
• • ! \ • I
At UC .I-·Succ umbs · . • ~ •• • '11 .. l ... ,J.
-Nizoo "!Gr ,...idinl .., ~ the _.. at Ille .lowlll « II
"lt bu never ~ _., _. ••
for Ibo nation ta Jrirldt belp i.r Ille -
pie -the Pll""1J ..... ad Ille -
back the -·ill -.~ lb• Ptlllll)llYaola lawmakar 11111.
"The (l'oYLll<m i.r ~at ltaat a minimum m .:an . iflklmt .,., ..
most «<lrag-ad ........ -
President Nizon'1 deep """""" i.r oqUl.
ty and juatice for all," Scott Mid. . ~ . .
OD· . . • • •
Help_ Frobi .
. Other Cities
. Damage to police lf,lita was at;mted
at about 1$,000 ~ tile po 11 ~ •· ~partment's a1bt\l.Uon on~ bucb wu
mangled by thrown ·-· It .. -pletely boanled up lllcf WIUllblo ~·
. Polieo said ·u.. tmlbl• beian ·-lfetectiv" Ronny Pomeniy ud• Carl
Vldano ~!Wnpl'!fl. to ...... t a li;y.r old
boy .alle&ed to be io ........... ol aetjioal
pllla. •
. Detoc~n,s ~ the -~ .••.
lightlJll wltjl ·th!; officers and ~ ~.
pWled ,a.lmlfe 1111 Vidiu)O.llld.P~. At
that m~t,'.tbe·~ tap .~~ th1 1 :;'.;"front, but• WU·nc,a~ l!olJco
• • • .• • r · A cniwd ,bopn to ptber .,.md. Ibo
area, d~v~·r~. and afW ,bptb
subject,, were pla~ In ~ pac(dy. "IP
for traoaportatlon .to the ............. 1119
.(See RIOTS, Pap·I )
Steck llferfl.U
N~W YOJjlt tiPJ -.'1'111 W llilfW
' . ,Qr~·· I .
t ....
• • ....... -.' .:.t . ···.··1:·~~·"'t'"
lt'I a ---... •'II be e'(1il
nicer .... ~ -··~ after-....... ·~ t ...
I tamporaaa ' ... lo U,. .....
dle .... • . '
'J INSJDB 'l'Olt.t \' . '
15:: 4 I ~ •
1 .,... ........
!F' .. d -.. .......... 11
---· .=:.-: --. '=-= =..:.-~ =. '•
•• '
.... ..
DAILY Pit.OT II'" .......
Capo Fiesta
a-ol Sin JUlll Clplltrano captured tops In
o•~ Sal--. plstrano'a Flesto !he non-prol.Wonal noat competition.
do 'porade came off The float, a roodn!Mer topped wllh a .... · .... -=-cllol,.....,._1111_
' .~ ~ .. , ... """"'..... . llf.. -._ 'Ille "El A .. , J'liaa Mmhooll ; ... ••!lll:!lii paraded !brough AMoclallon, • .....-, a hu&e oombnl9
tile -.,,_"1lolllt1 ltlll: • · pulled by 'local C!iftdren, aamed fin! obJ;y a1tet stuntmen had staged a prize in the commerclaJ Doat category.
reallstlc lbootout on the main street did T1te 100 membtrs of the Lei.tire Hikers
Grand Marshall Gtora:e Putnam, Los from Laguna Hills walked their way to a
An&eles nencnter, atart the parade. flnt in the best waiting 9001petltlon,
The Grand Sweepstake. winner wu the while a bone-drawn ctrriage owned by
'llj>I.,. band of C.brlllo llJlh Scbool of J....,e Delletre of Orange cout.d lo a
Lompoc. The lime group won the booor tlnt 1D the authtntlc bot»drawn ve-lut )'OJ". hlcle <a'-1'.
1'lt Orange County Bant and Southern Other winoen, and their categories, in-
Callfornia Fint N1tlooal Bank which elude: Norco CalU'omla Drum Corp,
rooellllY merged, won !be cominerdal military drum and ""cle corps; 33-ple<e ~honor wllh !heir noa~ "Now M}'S\lcs al Footano, color guard; Scot!
MatJni Beallllful Miiiie Together." Fortin, fancy Wutem man, and Mary
San Clemente High Scllool wu awanled Norton of !be Fallbrook Junior IUdtrs,
a flrsl in 1be High School band com-fancy Westem Jody. ·
peUUon, while the Hawthorne Area Youth O'tRBll P1ft8TS
Band WOO llnl in the junior dlvtaioo.
FlllS'r° PLACE
Otbtr flntl inclulfe: Mr. and Mrs.
Reyes of Capl>lrlM Beach. Spuds~
stngle man, and Suite Sharke, an 11 year
old from San Juan C.pl>lrano, SJ>:1¢1h ----.·· Mdfdtail w1Mn ne: D•1•fd
Frantzich, a Fallb'"rook 16-year-old, Char·
ro tingle; La "Puente Charro Group,
Charro frOUP or pair; Heidi nnt,,_., a
Colton 10.ytar-old, Charro Jr.; T111I
Reyes of Capistrano Beach, Mexican
rider; Rowland Height!: Rou1h Riders,
mounted group; Margarita Reyes of
Capislrano Beach, Indian lady mounted:
Jifary McAdoo, Indian man mounttd;
and Timmy KlJ>g " C.plstrll!O Jkach,
Indian child mounted.
For Capistrano Beach Group, Raln.odelayecf Parade Was Worth Waiting For
Finl place in 1be civic float -poU-
t1oo went to Girl Scout Troo&:, of San
Juan ca~-Wh!Jo 'Ille of lbe Alwnbta wu awarded flrlt tn the
fraternal float category.
The mascot to Marco Forster Jr. ffl&b
Calvin °""" of Mira Loma, fancy Wemm pair: Pal Balley of Sula Ana,
bell · dnased working WtJtem lady;
Francll Olouvtr, belt drtlRd '1torklng"
Weotern man; Fr«i Valensuela .and
grandaon Jerry Concbola of Looc Beach,'
matched working western; Erntato
The baJance oI the winners: ll-year-old
Cheryle Foster of Santa Ana, most
unusual F.queatrian; Los A I am I to 1
Mounted Police, best mounted po19e;
Canyon Country Color Caddo of iialllll'o
mounted color guard ; Gerri Helm of San
Juan Capistrano, comic mounted ; the GU
Aquirre family, family group; Wes
W.llliams. best ri!iing mule ; Dell Goodwin
of San Juan ,Capistrano, plain Weatem
man; J. 0. Reynalds and compan1. plain
Western pair or group; YMCA Indian
Guides, with 80 San Clemente younpters
and ·dads, best in specia l ty
miacellaneous; and William Neff Hieb
School, marching driU team.
In Ml11lon City, Bright Colors ond Bolmy S"'i
County Woman Injured
lnLagunaCanyon Wreck
A Gardm Gro•e woman wu hospltalh-
ed SundaJ night aft.er her car left Laguna
Clnyon Road and smashed Into a steel
tralfic light post at lbe El Toro Road in-
Van Derwy)c Jr., 32, of Highland Park,
was attempting to pw traffic on the
right \n the 200,000 block of Laguna Can-
yon Road. Hwmlcutt wu treated at the
hospital and released.
Seniors Seeking
Funds in Laguna
To Aid Biafrans
Sarah Moody, 100, Dies;
Rites Conducted Today
Funeral ltf'Vicel were held today for state al the turn of the century first set·
Mrs. Sarah Moody who wu 100 yun old t1lng in Poaad<oa and lben mo•in& ta Loo
Senion " Laguna Beach lllgl1 School at her lut birthday Dec. SI, 1968. AllgeleJ. Mr. MooclJ wu a c!vil ..,.._..
will be IOOllclllJJc fundl lhrougbout Mays Mrs. Moody died SaturdJly. She lived He '""be! wtlb !be ~" power to aid 1tarv1ng Blafrana. with her daughter, Mn:. Charlotte Moody aDd water. Mn. Moody o:.u a bolllewUe.
City counctJmen have approved door--Thomason, and IOll-io-law, Horace, at Up untU ate 81, Mn. Moody WU ID ac-
l<><loor ..u~-tlon b ••• ~ Avenida Cannel, Laguna Hllla. tive brldp player and won two p kt CUPI
_ 1;1wa _ Y un: aenlor dau to A resident of California for '10 years, in naUonal bridle compeUUon.
aid-the emboltled Alric11r111tlo1r--Mrs. M<>ocly move<! lo Laguna11JU.-aboul-S111·11"JU?Vlve<i-by-l""ll•o&h!ei'l,Ml'I.
atarvaUon 11 rampant. four years ago. 1bomuon, and Mn. Mary Lyon of Long
Funda wW ht sent to former Lqunans Mrs. Thomason said her mother often Beach.
John and Joey Volkm1r. Tbty are terv· credited her Dutch lineage for her lntermtnt wu at P'orut Lawn follow·
Ing with !be Amerlcao Friends 5ervlce longevity. lnl"lbe 2 p.m. aervlce at Sheffer QiapeL
Committee tu Blafra. She and her late husband came to the Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary d1ncted.
On advice of !be city allomey, ....,,.
cllmeo wtre ob)lced lo tum dCJwll I r ..
queal that parking meter nvtQut1 for
·one day be turned ave-ta !be cauae. A~
tornoy Jack Rlmel Jald a city may ool
legally give aw11 lt1 flmdl.
Clemente Beach
-Crowds Set Mark
Rec<rd April crowda were reported
over the weekend oa beacbel patroled by
the San Clememe IJf..,,.,U deplrtmenl.
Aboul 12,000 people wero cm tile city
belldi<a whlle 15,000 ...,. ~ on !be
county lllld1 from Soulh Lquna ta San
Clemente. LUeglW"dl lopod IS rmues,
none serious.
QuanUUn of stinging jelly flab were
_....i along Sooth Laguna -.
lifeguards said.
In Laguna Saturday, crowds wert
estimated to be 20,000 whUe sunny Sun-
day skies brought out 30,000, according to
Laguna li!eguards. No rescues were
reported. Surf ii light, water temperature
a warm &I degrees.
crowd be&an followlluj: the wq:on.
Police called for more units, and when
all were at the substation the crowd
be1an throwing rocks at them and the
Rlotm held !be 111bolation under alqe
for about 45 -rrunutes, police Aid. while
tmlta from other cities were called in for
Police Wllls ·from Newport Beach,
c..ta Mesa, Seal Beach, Founlaln Valley,
WestmlMter and Orange County Sheriff's
office formed a ring around the beach
area, attempting ta contain !be rfol lbert.
Fire departmenl personnel broupl In 1
tanker which was used by poUce u an
obeervaUon platform and a launching
area for the tear gas which finally quell·
ed the riot.
About 150 policemen were finally fn.
volved in tlle melee. About SO of them
were from Huntinrton et:ach.
Detec:Uve CaptaJn Earl Robitaille saJd
the riot was "tbe worst I've seen .since
I've hem here,'' and mcxit official.I
agreed it was the bl11est problem since
the 1957 riot ln which about 300 persons
were involved.
Gilbert Covell, owner of !be Syndlcate
3000, • teenage nightclub near lbe beaeh.
One detect.Ive Aid that most of the
mol<n:ycle crowd that hap tnlllDd tlla(
area cleared out u aoon u they A W 1hl
riot Jlarl. "They llnew tbly'd nallJ be In
lrOUble H Ibey ata,yed," be aald.
'1bla -.Jnc Hunlinll<a -pollee ~ Wll ioadld -paperwwt """' SUnclQ'• riot, and aboul eight of· fic:en are still oUl"llq bruises l1lllalned
in the .melee.
Ironically, while detecUvea were ahuf.
fling through stacks of arrest and
damage reports, the tune on the radio
was drilling out "Those lRI)' crazy days
of summer."
Open House Set
For Capo Schools
Publle schools In San Juan C.plolrano
wW hold Open House thl1 week and next,
in order to acquaint parents and fn.
tereated cltlzens with the work being
done there.
Open homes will be fttld al Muto F.
Willard Jcihn1on
Coastline U .N.
Group Schedules
Talk on Hun ger
A dinner meeting featuring the et ·
ecut.lve direct.or of the A m er i c an
Freedom from Hunger Foundation will be
hosted April 22 by U1e Coastline Chapter,
United Nations Association.
"H.unger, People and Peace or War," Is
the Utle of Willard Johnson's speech to be
given at the Hotel Laguna. Laguna
Beach, with dinner al 7 p.m. and the talk
to follow.
Johnson's organization is part of the
United NaUons Food and Agriculture
Organiu.tion, and serves as liaison of·
ficer for the CARE program in Geneva,
Switzerland. Mary Jane Ratinl, 37, was ir "fair con-
dition" today at South Cont Community
Hoopllal where she WU 1'-.ated for cuts
and obaerved for possible bead injury.
Police, still investigating the accident,
hid not yet detennlned what caused the
drivtr to !oat control of the car. The
wreck at 7:54 p.m. knocked the traffic
cootrol 11gnal out of commlelon.
In anotller Sunday evening accident,
Mike HwuUcuU, 22, of Highland Park,
IUffer!d superficial injury when the car
In which he wu a passenger struck a
Rare Book <;:urator Speaks
For Laguna Library Week
C.plaln Harold Mays Jald canisters al
gas were used to dlsperse the crowds
when they gathered along Pacific Coast
Highway and on two occa1lons polloe us-
ed loudspeakers to warn crowds to
disperse, fint on the beach itself, thtn
later when the CT~d moved up to the
highway .
Most of the riot.era were teenagers,
police 1ald. Only 11 of the 52 arrested
were adult!. One of the adults was
Fome< Juolor ID&h Tueoday, April 2t
from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and at San
Clemente High on Thllrlday, May 1 from
7:30 p.m. to I p.m.
Elemenlary school ope11 houat1 will be
held at San Juan School from 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. Tueaday; Pali1ades SChool, 7:30
p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday ; and at Crown
Valley and Richard Henry Dan.i SChools
from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thuraday.
He ill also an officer and charter
member of the Sociei, for International
Development and is president of the
CommlUee for International Economic
Growth, formed by the late Pres.ident
Hostesses include Mrs. Henry Elder, cha!rm~, Mn, Maybelle Pettit, Mrs.
Leo Rovm, Miss Adele Ipsen and Mta.
Robert Horn.
Police aald the driver of the car, Hl!:nry
uhllY PllOI
••krl N. W••tl ........ .... """'"'-' J•c• R. C••lty Vici ,,..... n °""" .. Men.w
n ...... K ••• n ....
1"11111 A. M.,,Mne
Rlcli1r4 P. Nill L--... ,_ ---JJ2 ...,,,t An.
M•mtt M il,•111 P.O. I•• '''· t16SZ ---Cl* .... , ... '#ell..., ...... ~.,.._1 m1w..1 ..... .., .. v1r•
·-.... IMCJl 1 ..... """'
' '
Carey S. Bliss, curator of rare books
at San Marino's Huntlngton Llbrary and
Art Gallery, will speak in Llguna Beach
during a National Library Week obser\··
The meeting spomored by Friends of
the Library ls public. It will be1ln at
7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Woman's
Club, 286 St. AM'S Drive. Library week
runs through Saturday .
The topic of Bliu' talk will be "Henry
E. Huntington-the Man and the Book
Collector." He will discuss the rallroad
magnate and his start at collectlnl
books and the resulting great book
It Is said that Bliss grew up in the
Huntington Library. His father, Leslie
E. Bliss, was curator there for many
Carey Bliss, a graduate of Pomona
College, became a member or lhe Jlun·
tl.ngton Library alaH Jn 1937, .supe_rvbor
of. the rare books reading room ln 1940,
assiStant curator of ~ boob ln 1"6
and =-in 19&2.
He bu taught and lectuttd al Clll·
fornla Innitute of Technol08)', UCLA
and USC. He is author of numerou1
articles on Western Americana and
pr1ntJnc hlsWy.
Another feature of the proarun trill
be tteognltlon al Lagilna Beach author•
wllo have publlshed In 11161.
Writer Leoo CoUey, president of UC!
J!Tlenda of lht Library, wlll honor
authors William Haines, Adrttnne Jones,
WlIUam Craydon and Verle Lincoln
Mayor Glenn Vedder will speak brldl7
Huntlntton'1 81111
on lbe lu!ure of lhe local libl"ltl'. John
Weld, llhr111 hi.sloey chalnnao, will tell
of lbe beginning of the local library In
In&. 1Jbrarlan Clifford Clve wUI aum--
marbe a llbraf1 workshop be rectolly
Mn. William l.onllfltld, Yice p!11ldent
and JlfOl'll1I chalmwl, and Mn. Ly-
m.tn Kini, hoopli:allty chairman, are In
char11 al tht Focrtm.
. . / . . ' ' ' . . . ' . , . . ' • • I ' . •
•rin gs sized and repaired
• diamonds end precious stones re mount ed
•pearls restrun9
llACH a IDIN611
II I • ' • ' • • 1 : ' ; • .. • • ' : ~ • .. • • ,. ,. ... f'• . • • • •
( I
I •
. . . .
-. • • • I
Lagoiia Re~eh --.. -....... ~
Tel•y'11 ft•al
N.')'. ·St••• --EO 'ITION -~ . • -
·yoi:. 62, .No. 9s, 3 sEcr10Ns, 3.f PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • JEN CENTS
• -• ,, l.
Nix()n Asks Easing Poor, Upping Rich Ta~~s
Nixoa today asked Congress to ease the
tu load of lbe very poor, impose a max-
ltnUm tax on the very rich, and cut in
half the income tu surcharge for tbo6e
in between.
The surtu would be reduced from 10 to
five percent effective Jan. l.
Tht President's omnibus tu .reform
package to Coog?'eos al» called for tm.
media~ repeal o( 1be aeven percent in-
vestment tu credit to help curb inflation.
Treumy ofliclals estimated that the
Down tlte
Ailing Judge
Plans Return
DANA POINT -Juda:e J. Parley
Smith, presiding jurist o( the Laguna
Beach-San Clemente Judicial District, is
expected to return to the bench before
the first or June, court sources reported ·-today.
Judge Smith, 70, lw been cooval~
It hb borne here following triilmlDt,....
a lung ailment He has been prttidlnr:
judge of the two-court district since 19M. :
e .JC Olli.,.,... N•med
MISSION VIEJO -The Mission Viejo
Junior Chamber of Commerce has
selected eight memhtrs to lead the com·
munity service organization for the com-
ing year.
Ron BaMister was elected president ~
Rodger Fancher, lreasurtr; Dennis
Mummert, slate director ; Stan Fullerton,
internal direct.or; Bob Hezmalltalc.b, in·
ternal vice-president; Tony Contino,
secrelary; John Langdon, external vice·
president; and Michael Franco, external
:e Schools Week Set
Schools Week is being held today through
Friday, in the Capistrano Unified School
Open house progarms are scheduled at
aJI schools so parents and interested
citizens can drop in on the classrooms to
observe the work being done by the
students and to meet the teachers .
Visitors may alS<i arrange through
principals to tour the 1chools during the
e Busrla Teur Slated
MISSION VIEJo-A tour <i the An·
heUJet·Busch Gardens in Van Nuys will
be tpOmOl'fd by the Mission Viejo
Recreation Center, 25800 Montanoso
Drive. Wednesday. Buaes leave the cen-.
ter at 1:30 a.m. and return at 4:30 p.m.
Advance re.servaUms may be made
by calling Jerry Curran, P.lisslon Viejo
director of recrtatlon, 1t IS7-4084. Tour ·
chargea are $S.50 for members and '4:.50
tor non-members.
e Cl11re en S1111olaf
MISslON VIEJO -Cinco de Mayo is
May 4 at Misaioo Viejo.
A contradiction In tmns? Not at all.
P.11ssion Vttjo'1 Cinco de Mayo com·
munity llem spol130l'ed by the MJssion
Viejo High School PTO will fill Sunday,
May 4 with Spanish music, Mexican
dancen, games, a parade, and many
other actlviU.. at tbe bigll achoo!.
Lut year. tbe finl PTO llost.t raiaed
$1,200 for acholanhlps and other service
projedl, U.ia yur the -· bop< to mate more.
e C•reera Dat Set
MISSION VIEJO -ll<pr .... tauvea
!tom SI business and prof-fields
will be on tbe Miaion Viejo Hll!h School
campus April 31 for C...... Illy.
Juniors and seniors will be dismiaed
from fifth and lt1th ·period claaata to at.-
tend talks given by the representatives
lrom tbe Mi,.lon Vi<jo 1rea. Career Day
I• ~ by tbe Miiiion Viejo
\Vomtn 's Club and fa held with the
rooperat.lon of the ICbool. ..
administralioo'1 juulinl of revenues
would involve a trade-off of about M
billion ~ year ~ that ~ revenue gains
and losses wOllld be .,...ottally bolanced.
"Not penny to pemy, but substantia.Uy
balaoced," said ooe official.
'!be tu .paCkage won a etberally
faYOH!>le -,.._ from ....,.,.;ooal
leaders and ,lax •xpertl, ,.)thoqgb .... e
Democrats-uid Nizon sbouJd have gone
furtber_ . )
J'l<~~ ..... val o! tbe -poor ·from tbe federal 1U rolla
. ..: ~
1 • • Scientl1t lr•ndweln
Prof Says Man
Destroying Self
:4nd Environment
Man iS destroying his environment and,
wiUt~·:"".it.,• .)jinlieffi_,_~a Dr1 P·a ·u \. Brandwein;-·· Han>anJ • lecturer · ·a 1' d
University of • P:Jttaburgh proleuor ot
social and r.atural sciences.
Speaking before about 1,000 persons at
the e&pisU'Jno Unified School District's
Marine Sc.iencie, Symposium Saturday,
Brandwein a.kl that man has forgotten
that he is the steward or bia environment. .
"Are we to become the dinosaun of the
futurer· We are deslroylng ourselves by ·
destroying our environment. What we are
doing m ourselves is incredible, '1 Bra!)d-
wein said.
The scientist said that if the youth of
today Want to ribel "let them rebel
against the great thing, rebel against
seU.<fe!lruction." . -.m aaid that man Is killing with
DDT inany of the small organiJms upon
whicll tbe lifHood cycle or tbe world II
He ~red · that aQuatiC 'birds 11;,e
dyin& becajlse Uiey are feedintl on DDT·
ladep fish. He nOted "that the sea · otter
hai almost been exterminated by mi'n
lot ita fm, and thlt the alligator ill in
danger ·of becoming extinct because men
INnt and lr;ill it to make ba!Jdbap of ill
bide. •
It. is ironJc, uid Brandwein, that
Sweden1 the country which gave the in·
venter of DD'l' tbe Nobel prize, hu now
ouUawed the chemical'• uee ..
through enactment of a "low Income
allowance." But those in the upper in·
come brackets would be limited writing
off to ~ percent of their incomes for tax
Thil!. prgpoo.al ruulted from reports
·that several hundred ~IL'I with
incomes of more than $200,000 a year
were avOlding pa"yfug·any income tues,
using legal loopholes.
Repeal of the seven percent investment
tai was Nixon's ploy for convincing the
Democratic-controlled CongreS! to ~xtend
• IO
In Laguna
Lt. Eugene DePaulis of Laguna Beach
Jifeguards suffered severe cuts Sunday
afternoon when he was thrown through a
plate glass_display_window while trying_to
arrest a man for littering.
Police said the· suspect:, Peter Paul
7.elewski, .23, of Norlh Hollywood was
placed under citizen's anest by DePaulis
for alleged battery.
Lifeguard Jack Llncke said DePllllb .... l!!illl!>d. ................. ow1al ..... s,t·~-;i;,..~tlJlloo biiii:i-<t Ocean A J ~
·Tbe . ~ lieotenant suifered a
severe' <111 .... the cau o1 one lee Ind
Ja<erall9nf GI ~ blct and arms. A lldn
graft and stitcboi ·lrere required, Linck•
· Police, said 1.elewski allqedly threw a
botUe into the surf and then used Obtlcene
1angUage wheD lifeguards 8sked him to
pick up lhe bottle.
Police I;t. RObert McMurray said as
DePaulis tried to . detain 7.elewsk.i the
guard was shoved through the thick
display window.
Llncke later located Zelewski In a car.
Lincke said he advised the ruspect that if
he resisted ''he'd ~ally get pounced on
this time" and Zelewakl came peaceful· · ly. .
Oil Meeting Set
By Civic league
The Laguna Beach Civic League annual
meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m .at Laguna
Federal's Commonity Room will feature
a talk by Victor C. Andrews, head of a
reei!ntly formed city committee opposed
to offshore oil.
Andrews' topic is "Ordeal by 011." The
speaker heads a Laguna committee seek·
ing to abolish offshore oil production
along the California coast.
The Civic League is a citizen 1nfluence
group which promotes town planning con-
cepts, zoning regulations, esthelics and
has been inOuenUal in the Main Beach
Air Canada Strnck
macbinist.s ol Air Canada strack early io-
day, grounding Oights acro11s the count?J.
Negotiations were to continue with
federal labor minister Bryce Mackaaey
bere to Mlp work out 1 settlement.
the to percent surtu beyond Its i!Cbedill·
¢ explraUon Juoe JI.
Senate Democritic leader M I t e
Mansfield said be wanted tO study repeal
ol the invesbnent tax credit, but ,.id il it
was linked with removal of the surtax by
the end of the next fiscal year "it is
worthy d. every cooslderatsoo."
Mamfiold llao lll!iltsled thil in,
creasing the dollar amount_of exemptions
would help the poor as much as the Ni.Ion
On lht Houa side, chairman Wilbur 0,
• l ·ll
Mills (0.Ark.), on the Ways and Means
Committee withheld comment pending
presentaUon of the package by ad-
ministration officlali to his ways and
means committee on Tuesday.
Speal<er ~obn W. lf.cConnack, .re&c.
ting Indications that Nixon ... fiad tanoied
his tu request somewliit kt-luit the«:00-
gressional majority, ·commented: -
"It seems to be pretty coolilt<nt. wltb
good Democratic pollcies. ''
Senate Rtpubllc"11 whip-Hugll $colt ·
commended Nllon "for pmldlDa n11e1
to the people It tbe lolral -le
"I~ Us never made &'! .,. to IDI
fo< the nau .. to ~ help fer Ibo -
pie below the pove<IJ lent and dim -back the maatJ in tuel," t ~ I
P_tnnSylvanl1 llwmibr tald.
"Tbe Fovialiiis fer providl!ll llt -&
mWmUDI tax on -tu»Qtlja la moat courageous .and c:c4au wWl
Presidtnl Nixon's deep concem fer oqut.
.tY and juKioe !"' all,~· Scoll-.JcL
on~ . ..
Police Call
HelpFroin ...
Other Cities
Of-~·"···--Tbouoands of rampagln1 -._.
hurled rocks and epitheta: at more than
~ Ito· police olflcen in ·Huntington lleldl
Sunday lftemoon when-noting bn>h out
followlq arreot of a I~~ )'GUiit
on cbar1ea of poeseulon of nan:otk::I.
DAJ\YIJ''!#' '""
SyrripOslum Plirticlptnt1 Get Closeup, of Prltfl~tor
.'1. ' . • .
·sharks · liiller.s ··
Hpbiis . Told at Coast Lectu_r~
Habits of the Great BJue Shark and began during WWII when the Navy
some advice .far humans who encount.er sought ways of protecting downed flyers~
the potentill killer were the .subject ofla "The blue shark i$ dangerljJUS. Tl'iere
weekend· lecture by Dr. Gilbert Bane, · have been 20 to 30 authenticated shlltk
oCeanology professor at UC Irvine. atlaCks in the last several' years," he
Bane said the blue shark is the most said.
abundant shark species off the Southern "U you are swlmmins and are ap-
Callfornia coast. It grows commonly to a proached by a shark,: rema:in calm.
length of 13 feet and species 18 feet Jong Without thrashing, swim away with slow
have been found in tropical waters. measured strokes," he advlaed.
Durina hil studieJ of the creature, "If someone is attacked by a shark,
Bane ao4 his students have caught and first attempt to atop the bleeding, then
tagged more than 400 sharks to establish treat the person for .lhock~" he explained,
mlgralloa information. More have been · Bane sakt his studies have shown that
dissected aod others have been kept alive while most sharks are primarily twilliht
for lab study. hunters, the Blue Sharb off the coast
Bane was one of several speaken at seem to feed all day.
the Marine Sclenct Symposium presented At least three sets of sensory organs
Saturday by the Capistrano Unified are used to locate prey, Bane said.
School District at San Clemente High Sensitive hearing organs along the
sch 1 flanks of the creature pick up sounds s:;k study has only recently become from some distance away, acute oUac-
popular, Dr. Bane s a Id. Investigation tory organs detect scents, and lharp eyesight are all used.
Tbe throe-hour riol -C>UI wttb -tiD&\00 ~ pollc< ~ for bejp·fruJn 11• et!ier .__.. r~ .w-
were Jliled o0· c:m,.ea ;:;Lif.;
faihare to dllpenoo to .. al .... ..
_,,_ l :IO t.:; to lbout l:ti f.111. the
. bllQll .... Main Slreei to Lalla
Street ! WU I~~ of brawlinl ltmo
botbert benln« -Ind other object• at poHce lllllts that formed a riq around
t~ .~lrlfnf beach crowd. ~ esttm1ted the total beacli
cmrd;at I0,000 Sunday. Police Mid.about 1,l!l!l wve Jnyolvedlbi the rk1linl· '"
11)e arrest of the 15 year old which
touched oil the melee waa made br
"Slllllmeft" -andt:rmter police dfk.'erl. •
·Damage to pOUce 1Dllb w11...umalfid
at about $5,GOI Ud tlie pell c o
department'• 111bltation on the bUc:h Wu
mangled by thrown -· .11 Is <ecm-pletely boarded up and QllllAbJo todoy.
Police said the tioo~le l>qao -detectivea Roney Pqmen>y Ind Carl
Vldano attempted to arrest a 11-yar old
boy .U.1ed to be in poaeuJoo of -
Detectlves said tbe yGUtb · l>qan
fight.iag with the· omcen: and • frlmd
pulled a knife on Vldano &od Pomeroy. At
that moment, the auspect raft toward the
beach ·Jront, bµt, was re~ai)turtd, police
A .. crowd htcan to pther around. the
area, detectives reported, and 'after both
subjects were placed ~ the J)l(fdy wqon
fo< tralllpOrtatlon to jhe .ubotatlaa, Ibo
(Ste RI011, 1:,•P I) .
NEW YORk~(XP) -Tbt llOCi llilllel
closed with a sharp loa tod1y, followinl
a presidenU:aJ. re«•11nwdaUon that
Congrw repeal tbe la-I tax
cxedit. (SO. quotatlim, P .... If.II).
The Dow Jooa: lnduttrial averap It
1:30 p.m. was off 7·!'·
Tbe ruson for man11 tririsgresslons
upon his •«kt may be fouild in the
nature of western cultures which place
success at the uppermost, observed the
:off shore Airports Topic
Once prey Is located, the shark's long
pointed teeth arranged in rows are put to
....... . . ,,. .... essor. · _
E.ducat.km and -narenesa cl man's
ptace and respoosiblllUes coWd stem the
fouling Ude, Brandwein aaid.
Be lauded oceaikiiiented .J>roirlltlS of
the ;:J,!NlllO diltrid and aaid be Wilh·
~t Meeting of Commission
eel _._ cauld be dm!loped up Planning, design and construction <i
and down tho tOollHne to --"ba• off bor ah'port6-• ol -t ln-lionl of"CIYWutk .. .'' .. • 1 e -• _ 1'11 ,be
•we . -otop ~In( tbe ·.,,. term in ~-"' tbe • -. '(/I"'-• -I ~iacussed at °' wu'* • % ;tr-......_ . -t , Gailnty AJrpcrt ,..Qalnnan
-· • Iona, .be Rid.. , • Dtmlls Carpen!« "We won,' Ila datn>yed by tbe alA>rn!~ Al tbe invita'li<m ~· · • tbe
bllmb, thlll too fool, too fut a w1y. Ralph M p co ••••neeri••
stQdeatl ti toctu to became committal and consult ,• •1!1 m1~e the -aaidllw•uptotbe • ~ ·• r ·~
to comc:Unc what hla -..,JICll'll'la pmentation in tbe BOard o1
bod all'MllJ IGulod up. _ SUperv""'' roqm, Ill N.
Emha88y Shorlwa\'es
Stales Jnd the SOviet Union have agreed
to ,..._;1 lmtallatlon of short,..V.,tadlo
transmltttr1 al their emba88ies in
Moacow and Waahin&ton •
Sycamore St.,.: . , , ..
Newport B<ad>, Costa, M~ Hunting· ton Beach, La&wla BtaCh ' 1!11, otbtr
interemd orr.a.i. ha ... bee dnvll<d to
the 0<3SiOll.
ComP'J'I)' representatives Forre1l'":Jll
and Chari• IMd wtn diacwa airport
community pl1Ming as It relates to tho
advantagea aod diladvanlagea of offshore
airports, the Mclwiical aspects ol 1111Ch
aitporta and. a l>ritl rtView·Of ·exi.tiag
and plann<d olfthoi. projects.
• The ParsOO. -co-. is prnentfy under
contrlct to the Stott of Hawaii In the
d.,qii Ind conatruciJon '<i th• llooOluJu
Intemat""1'1 Airport exfJIDlion program.
A major part ol; this wori: is -an
•ngineerlng Ind tconOmlc fwibllity
lllldy for u.,e desip and CO<lllnlction o1 •
pNIJQled nmw~ron a reef.ofhbore. · TtM company ls alto uniitr contract to
the ~ed<ral AyiaUon ,Admlrilstrallon to '
propan 1 study ID rvihiate olflilore
airport· pl1Mln1 and eons tr u ct Ion
I\ is this !alter atUdy in which the
county airport commilsion' has P1rtlt1Jo-
lar interest, carpenitr said.
Art Instructor
At VCI Succurn'bs
Dr. Jolin Willtam Brown, e~niric clw
•r\ lnsti:uc\OI' a\ up }rvl~"! '!fhll< he slopt 1t hla Senta Aili ·early'SIJn.
day. He WU 51. 1 •
·His wUe, Mary, coftl'ed -him. with a ,
blanket when he fell 1Sieep fully c.lotbed Sat~ night Ind when ohe wu unabla
to awlltn him at 1:31 a.m. IUl1Uhoned an
ambulance. flt wu dead on anivat 1t
Santa Ana Cc!mmunity HOlpital.
Dr. Brown, art coordinator lor the
Gardon Grove achoo) system wllb wilicb
he had beet\ • years, ta~ ''Art !.. tbe
Elem<ntary Scliool" In U,C Exttftl\Oft.
· ROlary will be r«lted at I p.m. Tu<o-
day al Smith and Tuthill Mortulry
chapel, S&nta Ana. Protestant funeral
..,..ices wlU be held at 3•111 p.m.
Wednt!sday at lhe ch1pel. Entombment
wW be at Fairhaven Memorial Park.
It's ' l\lce d!Q: ll1d tt'U lie ev<n __ .. T.-lay with fair -
alter some momjJIC doudl-and
temperatures c~ to tbe micl-
dle I0'1.
~ cot-Mu. wr.e•e.d .. &1&1' K.;.Md;
Cap f1'om StorlJcitd U"'""""
... , Ille IDfClrcftd ~1dppl!fo tM
U•iV<rillt/ •I S011111cn< C.U.
jomi4 b~ unc point. ao...i.,,
Poo• l9.
=~ ~ ·-.... c-. n -. --' -. .............. •' .......... ·-... -" ---..
u.n. y ,,I.OT .............
For Capistrano Beach Group, Rain-delayed ParHe Wat Worth Waitl"I For
In Ml11iell lty, Br'9ht Colon w lolmy SklH
County Woman Injured
InLagunaCanyon Wreck
A Garden Grow WGrlWl waa hospltaliz. '
eel Sunday night Iller her car left Laguna
Conyoa Road and llllUl>ed Into a steel
tnlflc light Poll at the El Toro Road In·
Van Derwyk Jr., 32, of Highland Park,
was attempting to pass traffic on the
right In the 200,000 block of Laow>a Can-·
yon 'Road. Hunnicutt wu tmftd at the
hospital and relwocl.
Seniors Seeking
Funds in Laguna
To Aid Biafrans
Senion of Lquna Beacli llllh School
"111 be IClllciting funds throo(bout May 3
to aid llarving Blafrana.
City councilmen have approved door·
llMloor sollcltatlon by the oenlor clau ta
aid the emb&Uled Alrk:ao na1toa wherl
ltlrvatlo-rrJi rariipan .
FwxiJ will be aent to former Lacunans
John and Joey Vollonar. 'Ill<)' are ..,..
Inc with the American Frtenda Servlco
C<Jmmlttee In Blalra.
On advice of the city attorney, coun-
cilmen were obll(ed to turn down,a , ..
quell that parking meter ,._ for
one day be blmed over to the caua. At-
_,. Jack Rimel aa1d a city may not
le&ally &Ive away lta fwdl.
<Jemente Beach " •.
.. Y;owds Set Mark .-. ~ April """'da were reporud
ovf!t the weekend on beac:bea palloled by
the San Clemente Li'-'11 department.
Aboul 12,000 people _. cm tile city
beod>es while 15,olio wtre reporied on the
county unda from SOuth Lquna to San
Clemente. Lll..,anla loged II reacuea,
aoDe terioul.
QuanUU11 of llln!llnr jelly lilh were
IPo\'lled alq South Lquna beaehll,
lifeguardl aa1d.
In Laguna Slturday, crowds were
esUmated to be 20,000 while 1unny Sun-
day sides broolht out 30,000, accordlnt to
Laguna lil~guards. No .rucua were
reported. SUrf is li&ht, water temperature
a wann IC degNU.
Mary Jane Ratlnl, 11, wu Ill "fair con~
diUc:n" today at Sou.th Cout Community
Hospital where ahe was treated for cuts
and oblerved for poulble head lnjllI}'.
Police, still invesUgating the accident,
bad not ye\ determined what caused the
drivu to lose control of the car, The
wreck at 7:54 p.m. knocked the lraffic
control 11.<nal oot of commlulon.
In anotber Sunday evening accldent,
Mike HunnJcuU, 22, of Highland Park,
lllffered aup<riiclal Injury wheo the car
ln which be was a passenger struck a
mound of earth.
Rare Book Curator Speaks
For Laguna Library Week
Police nld the driver of the car, Henry
Oh l! Y Pll OT
OAANOI CWT '1,laLliM1"'6 (OMl>Nf't
leltert N. We14
'"'-"'"' ... """ .....
. Jitek l . Cwley
v.. ............. °""' .. "'""•
Tl.•111•• K11.,ll ....
?h.111et A. Me1,hl~•
MeNeln• l!dlls
l lch1nl P. Nill .._._,, ... ·----211 hmt ..,.,,,
Metlf., A44r-1 P.O. I•• 6'l, t?lll --c.11 ... I .. '#Ml ...... 1"91 ----Clfl .. I ml"""' .. !ml ... .....,. ... IMOl1 .... ......
~.-{a __ _
Carey S. Bliss, curator ot nn boob
at San Marino's Hun\lngton Ubrary and
Art Gallery, will speak ln Laguna Beach
dunng a NaUonal Library Week observ -
'Ibe meeUng sponsored by Friends o
tho Library Is public. It will begin at
7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Woman's
Club, 286 St. Ann's Drive. Library week
runs through Saturday.
1'le topic of Bliss' talk will be "Henry
E. Huntington-the Man and the Book
Collecidr." He will discuss lhe railro1d
magnate and his start at collectint
books and the resulting grut book
It L! said that Blis! grew up in the
Huntington Library. His father, Leslie
E. Bliss, was curator there for many
Carey Btm, a graduate of Pomona
College, became a member of the Hun-
tington Library staff in 1937, supervisor
or the rare boob reading room In 1940,
assistant curator of rare books in 1945
and CW"ltor In 1912.
Ho baa taught and lectured at C.11-
!omia Institute of Technology, UCLA
and USC. He la author of numttOUS
anlcles on Western Americana and
prlntlng bistory.
Another feature ol the program will
be recognition ol Laguna Beach authort
who have published in 1963.
Wr1ttr Leon Colley, pretideqt of UCI
Friends of the Library, Will honor
1uthor1 William Haines, AdrleMe Jones,
William Graydon and Verle Llncolo
Mayor Glenn Vedder will speak brltfl1
Huntington's 11111
on the Mure of th< local library. John
Weld, library htstory chairman, will tall
of the beginntni of the local Ubrll'l' In
1928. Ubrarlan Clliford C.ve wIU ...,..
martze a library worllahop he ,....ll,y
Mis. Wiiliam Longfield, vice proaldlot
and procnm cbalnnan, and lln. l.r-
man King, hosptullt1 chairman, are In
<hUlf of the Pf'Ol!'IDI.
, I
·for · CaJpo .. ,Fiesta 1
a·~-0 '• 1ietta :~ 4t.:=-~~ ·-~~-\.r.' ... ~::~= ':;!..~ throup
onty altar llwtlmeti llad lla8ed a
reollttlc ....,..It .., the main llltet <lld
Grand Marahall ~ge Putnam, Los An&<Jll n<;w..,....., start the porade.
Tiie Grand $w~ -WU the
'l).ptete -ol Cllrlllo lll&h llchool of
Lompoc. Tbe -· --the -laat year.
The Oran1e County BW: and Southern
Calllomia Flrat Nottonal Banlc, whlcb
recently mera;ed, won tba ~cial
Sweepllaket bonl>r with thtfr lloit, "Now
Making BeauWul Muolc lOI-·"
San Clemente lllCh Schoof Wll &wilded a llrat In the Hieb School band com-.
peUtlon, wblle the Hawthople Area Youth
Band WOil llrlt In the jUlllqr divialou.
Finl place In the dvic !loot ccapetl-
doo went to Gtr! sco.t Ttoop ID of &an
Juan C&piltrano,.wllile Tbe Order of the
Albambra ,.., awuded flrat In the
lralttnal lloat calqnry.
'l\e mucot to Marco Forster Jr. lll&h
d San Juan C.ptstrano captured top< In
the non-prol..,lonal float compeUUoo.
'I1le float, a roadrunner topped with a
llqicao bat. lowond -· all -..............
'Ille 1!I Adobe Plua Merdlants
Association, aporilcftnl a huge sombrero
pulled by local dtlldreo, earned lint
prize in the commen:ial rloat category.
'lbe 100 membEn ol tbe Leisure Hikers
from Laguna Hllh walked their way to a
lint In the best WalkinJ competition,
while a hor'f&.drawn carnage owned by
Jll'Qme DeRetre of Orange couted to I
ltnt in tho autbentJc bone<lrawn ve-
lllcle category.
Other whmerl, and their categories, in-
clude: Norco Cali!ornia Drum Corp,
military drum and bugle corps; 38-plece
Myaticl ol Fontana, color guard; Scott
Fortin, fancy Westn man, and Mary
Norton of the Fallbrook Junior Rlclen,
llDC)' w ....... Ja,dY •.
Ol'llER Fill8T8
Other flrsll 1 lnclucle: Mr. '8Dd Mrs.
Calvin -of Mlra Loma, labcy
W11tam pair! Pat Balley of Santa Ana,
beat drMod ~Western lady ; ~:,~·~=:..~
ll'U!ll!>l•l«rJ Cancboia of L\mC ~ matChid ' 'lrwklng -.rn; Erneato •,.
Sarah Moody, 100, Dies;
Rites Conducted Today
Funeral services were held today for
M". Sarah Moody wbo WU 100 yeua old
at her Wt birthday Dec. 11, ltlell.
M". Moody died Saturday, She lived
with her daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Moody
Thomason, and aon-ln-law, Horace, at
:i83-C Avenlda Carmel, Lquna HllJL
A resident of California. for 70 yean,
Mn. Moody JJtoYed inLagunaJlllla,about
{our years ago.
Mrs. Thomason said her mother often
credit><! her Dulch lineage for ber
She and her late husband came to the
stale at the tum or the ctnlury first set-
lllng in Paudtna and then movinc to Los
Anpla. Mr. Moody WU a civil eqbwr.
lie W<rked with the deparUMnt of -and water. Krt. Moody WU • boulewife.
Up unlll age 115, Mra, Moody wu an ao.
Uve IJr!die player and woo two Pl c:upa
In .. ~ bridp compeUl!on.
'l'bomuaa, and Mra. Mary Lyon of Loq
Interment wu at Fomt Lawn !ollolr-
lng the I p.m. eervice at Sheffer Qlapel.
Sheller Laguna Beach Mortuary directed.
,,,.... P .. e l
crowd bq:an following the wagon.
Police called for more units, and when
all were at the substaUon the crowd
began throwing rocks at them and the
Jllotora held tbe IUbltat!on 1l!ldrr alltll
far about 45 mlnuta, police eaJd.. willle
units from other c.i1ies wert dlled 1n for
~ ' I • ' ?; Beach, ~ un1:.i fn¥il =In Valley, ~and ~Counjj Sherill'•
off!CI formed a riq uoued the bea<h
area, attempting to oootaln the riot Ihm.
·FU. department penoanel bmllht In a
tanker which was used by police u an
observation platfonn and a launcblng
area for the tear gas wbich linally quell-
ed the riot.
About 150 policemen were finally l&-
volvad In the melff. About liO of them
were from HunUngtor. Buch.
Detective Captain Earl Robitaille u.ld
the riot was "the worst I've aeen since
J've been here," and most officials
agreed it was the bluest prol>Jem tlnce
the 1967 riot tn whlcli-about 300 persom:
were involved.
Captain Harold Mays llid carUsten of
gas were uffd to diapene the crowds
when they gathered along Pacific Coast
Highway and on two occasiooa police us·
ed loudspeakers to warn crowdl to
disperse, flnt on the beach ltseU, then
later when the crowd moved up to the
Most of the rioters were teenagers,
t»llce laid. Only 11 of the 52 armled
were adults. One of the adults wu
Gilbert Coven, owner of the Syndicate
3000, a teenage nichlclub near· the bea<h,
OOe detective laid that moat of the
motorcycle crowd that banca around Iha(
l1'U cleartd out u IOOll u th!J uw the
rlohtart..'"l'bey ~ U.,'d ri111J IJe ID
-H Ibey lliaJlod," be aa1c1. 'l1lla lllOnliM Huntlqtoo Beadl p>liee ,,.,..,.,..-.:-••ork ~&mr.,>. riot. . ~ ol· Hm .,. attD • ~
in tbe melee. , ... ·
1ron1Callj>, wb1le dOtecllva ...,., """'· filng throqb atacla ·at amot and
damage "ports. the tune on the radio
was drUting out ''Those J11:iy crazy days
of summer:• ·
Open House Set
For Capo Schools
Public 1ehools In San Juu C.pi!lrano
will hold Open HoUle thll week and next,
in order to acquaint parenta and m.
terested citizens with the work being
done there.
Open bou!es will be field at Mareo F.
Fontar Junior IDgh Tuesday, April 19
from 7:30 p.m. to t p.m., and at San
Clemente High on Thursday, May 1 from
7:30 p.m. tot p.m.
Elementary school open houses will be
held at San Juan School from 7 p.m. to t
p.m. Tutlday; Pallaades School, 7:1:1
p.m. tot p.m. Wednesday; and at. Crown
Valley and Richard Henry Dana SChools
from 7:30 p.m. tot p.m. Tbunday.
Rtyea of C.pistrano Beach, ~h
single man, and Suzie Sharke, an 11 yair
old from San Juan Capistrano, SHlllah a1na1e-' '
_...."11•1 •-• .. , D a• l d Frantzich. a Fallbrook 11-year~ld, OW:.
ro single ; La Puente Charro Group,
Cbarro group or J,.air; HeJdi 11nu:na'~ a
Colton 10.year~ld. Charro Jr.:-Tesi
Reyes of Capistrano Beach. MeJicao
rider ; Rowland Heights Rough ruden:,
mounted group; Margarita Reyes of
Capistrano Beach. Indlan lady JQOU11ted;
Mary McAdoo, Indian man mounted;
and Timmy King al C.,plstrano Beach,
Indian child mounted.
The balance of the winners: 13-year-old
Cheryle Foster of Santa Ana, most
unusual Equestrian: Los A Jam Ito a
Mounted Police, best mounted posse;
Canyon Country Color Cadet. of 5a\0gus,
mounted color guard; Gerri Helm of San
Juan Capistrano, comic mounted ; the GU
Aquirre family, family group; W~s
Willlams, best riding mule ; Dell Goodwin
of San Juan Capistrano, plain Weatem
man: J. D. Reynalds and company, Plain
Wettern pair or group; YMCA lndtan
GUidea, with (Kl San Clemente )'OUDIRerl
and dads, best in apectaltY.
~;and Wiiiiam Nd! Jllih
School, marching .drill team.
Wlll•rd Johnson
Coastline U.N.
Group Schedules
Talk on Hunger
A dinner meeting featuring the n:.
ecuUve director of the Am e r i c an
Freedom from Hunger FouodaUon will be
hosted April 22 by the Coastline Chapter,
United Nations Association.
"Hunger, People and Puce or War," Is
the title of Willard John.son's speech to be
given at the Hote1 Laguna, Laguna
Beach, with dinner at 7 p.m. and the talk
to follow.
Johnson's organizaUon ts part of the
United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization, and serves u liaison of·
ficer for the CARE program in Geneva,
He is also an officer and charter
member of the Society for lnternaUona?
Development and is president of the
Committee for International Economic
Growth, formed by lhe late President
Hostessea include Mrs. Henry Ek:ler,
chairman, Mrs. Maybelle Pettit, Mrs.
Leo Rovin, Min Adele Ipsen and Mrs. Robert Horn. .
II PIS •• • • • • ' • ' • 1 • I ·,' • • • • •
e rings sized and NtpaiNtd
• diamonds and precious stones remounted . e pearls r11trung
noe HAllOa aw.
COSTA MaA 141-Hll
llACN a IDINla
. ' , , , • r ., , •• , . ' , ' '· _.," .·• • ' ,
; t
-----------____________ !. -
~ . . .
Hunt intton Officers C11141d In Aid FrOm Newport, Fountain V11ley, Cotti M111
City Beoch w., Cleuod by Police After YO<lth Mobs Eruptod In MelH
Teen Club Owner Arrested
' Accused of Egging on Rioters i~ Huntington Beach
Police arrested 41 juveniles and 11
adults Sunday in Huntington Beach, in-
~luding Gilbert Covell, owner of the
teenage nightclub Syndicate 31XM>.
Officers charged Covell with urging on
a riot and related allegations.
Arraignmenl.s are scheduled today for
the 11 adults in West Orange County
Municipal court on charges ranging from
failure to disperse tC' assault with a dead·
Jy weapon.
All those arrested are currently in
custody at Orange County Jail. Detective
Captain Earl Robitaille said bail foe
Covell is $2,000.
Covell and his wife, Jeanne, have been
Involved in a running baUle with local
police for the past three years.
Mrs. Covell was recuiUy convicted or
libel against the Huntington Beach Police
Department after she accused an officer
of threatening to kill her husband.
-----·----..d-·-·-.-:,.,------~ ..:.,.,..,_. ----/,
Dl\IL'f' , .... .,. lfllfl .....
Polle. -Gllloert Cw.II ef 1-...... lllolen
Recently the city closed the Syndicate
3CKKI until It coukl be brought up to the
city's building standards.
Covell Flaimed ht was being harassed
by the po'lice and the city, and in retalia·
tion held a dance on his parking lot Fri·
day night, opposite the ckl&ed Syndicate
Police allege Covell was obaerved Sun-
day yelling at rioters, trying to start
more trouble by offering "sanctuary" to
the rioten in his 3rd Street parking lot.
Those mated and th<lr charges in-
Covel, 3Z, 14201 Locust SI.,
Wl!llmlnsler, iqlnc, Clll,~ riot, nfuul lo
diJpene, and·r11fltlna arrilll.
GnQ W. llikMll, It, 1311 Nuluckel
DriTe. HunlingtAla ~ for ri91inf,
Ullull wilh i _,_end failure
to dlJpene.
Steve D. Bat, 20, '1811 Talbert Ave.,
Huntington Beach, for assault with a
deadly we1pon, riotlng, and failure to
Rellwt W, Barb, 11, tl15 Gwm SL,
Whil.Uer, for rioting, and failure to
Gery WW....., 22. 1121$ 11.aple St.,
, Bellflower, for ~. and refuul to dilporoe. . -.
,._. R. .........,, II, llOI Oml'
~. Gord<m-Orove, for rlo4Jq, reluAI
lo dlspmo end illlerfertnc witll tlle --o1 .. -.
i..,., D. lecbtt, 20, 1UI Pao ......
l!t., La Puente. lor rlol1nJ, ...i.un, er-
nel, -ull witll • doodl1 wupoa end
pi111111• ~ daQccval ...
c -A. ~. It, UIU Emerald Ill., Gorden GrOY<, for rioting. -ult
-with e deadl1 weopon, failure lo disperse
.... 1111llclou1 mlschitf.
--F. w.-21, 1:141$ Greystone St., Norwalk, f<r ..... ~ wllh a deadl1
-. rioting end lollure lo d1-le-; Gr<a D. ll)'llt, 20, 1111111 SllWI Lone,
llunllJlllon Beoch, .... ulf'wilh a dt1dl7 -pan. rioting end 1.n ... to dlspene.
Nl<W• R. Camm. 11, 131G Sprinl·
dal• St., Westminster, lor fa ilure lo d~-lllid dlsb.rl>ID( tbe .......
Mool'1, A"11 21, 1969 L OAILV l'1lOT 2
$5,0.00 Damage 'Fallie.d
Beach P·olice Station, Vehicles Wrecked
. Teull of .. _ '""' ..,.._,
coramani!Jes, .... l!lnr HO ~· jolnod lhebella~~.SOn·
diy. with n1ni IUllerliif 'lnJUrlis end
dam•ll"" totallinc thouandl ol '1ollan.-
Pollee Capt: W1e &tilWlla 1«1-
tatlvely es°"'4tad daml .. -lo the
......-pollcO oulHtation ond five
' emerpicy -al 1$,0IO --
tione<I 1ry "'"'""" tdday.
RobltalllOlllrmell .
"MOii ol tbe lnjarlet "!*'lad lo us
consisted of cuta, abi'Ulons and
bleeding," llld Capt. Horo1d May1,
noting that none el the ":wounds were
serious enough to l'flQulre bospitalUaUoo.
"'n\ere were two off-duty officm from
the Los Angeles Police Department and
one coonty &her!U's deputy oii the beach
at the time ol the riot loo," he sslcf.
01!1cm mm ,Newport Qeech, Costa
M .... ~ .c.w.ty Sheriff's deputies,
Watlnlilltet, ·Seal · S..cb, Foontain
Vall•y, Los Alamlloa, the Calilornla
Highw~ Patrol and even Los Angeles
Polke De-ta responded under a
mutual aid pact.
"I guess they got beaten around • Ut.
tie, but we don't know the extent of their
injuries," Capt. Mays added.
One Newport Beach policeman wu
slightly Injured when hi& motorcycle went
cut of control en route to the wild
disturbance and slid dOwn the highway on
its side, Capt. Mays added.
Biafrans Set ,-up
New Headquarters
Approximately 00 Huntington S..ch
Police Department personnel wtre tied
up by the wild melee that broke out about
1:30 p.Jn., leaving in Jts wake injury and
Glass was shattered in several police
vehicles and one bad the rooftop beacon
smashed in and a door badly dented by
the riot~. Poli~ said today. .
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -AdvaadlC
Nigerian forca havo. drlyen . Bjafra'1
leaders lo a new ~uortan, and Ibo
altempl lo gel peoce ta1b lltarled colo
lapsed Sunday.
ln,'ured by ll)ing debrrs end other ob-
jects wtre Huntington Beach Police of-
ficers Henry Hitchcock, R o n n e y
Pomeroy, cart Sche!Jinger and Capt.
Transportation -Including paddy
wagons -was provided by the sberirf'1
office, after the Huntington Beach paddy
wagon was damaged IO bldlJ it ii
unusable today.
Reports reacblng Lagos· Al4I B1a1nn
leader Odwnegwu Ojukwu end bla alall
have left Umuabla end eslabllabed.-
beadquartera ot Orin, JI miles to tbe
• • • • • • • • • ••• •·•
at El Rancho: -~he supermarket
where the price is right!
• • l'iT SEVERAL • ~ RAT VALUE • I • • • • ~I ,,
• \ •
Motl' s Fniit Treats ........... 3 Fo• $1 Italian Dressing ...................... ~
Apple.,; and berriu ••• tasty blends! .•. 20 oz:. Jar) A new one ••• from Lawry'al ••• 8 ounot bottle
Shredded Wheat .................... 25¢ Nutrament ................................ 69"
KellOlli's •• IO oz. plqf .•• rreat with fresh berries I Dietary aupplement that worb! Save 20e per p]<r,
Zee Napkins ............................ 10¢ Dial Soap ........................... 2,. 25c
Ezcltlnc tzi>plc ""1e eolora ••• package of 60 Choi.:. of colors In nsullr .U. ban
Super-Shopper values in all departmenl3!
Pork Chops . ~~ .~ ................... 89,.
From the freshest, finest mid-western grain fed pork I Serve broiled pork chope & fruit trtata. delldouat
London Broil ..... ~13:
EnJ01 finer bod loniahtl
Cube Steak ..... ~1',~ Ground Chuck .... 69L'
So euy to cook and aerve I Al1Vaya !reah 8"Qlld lllld !Mal
Chiquita · Ban.anas ..... !~~ .'!~~~tf. e e e e e 91·
I Pr*u '11 •fled llcnt.., Tua.~ Wed..
A,,.;l 11,lt, 18. No ..Z.. to deakri.
• • • • • • ••
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• l
__ ,,. . • ' ' . . .
4 DAll.Y PIU1'
Court Junks Welfare Residency Law
One-year Requirement Declared Unconstitutional in 7-2 Decision
Ke nne I h F. Finch pleaded
guilty to voluntary manslaughter
in 1181terslield for killing bis wile's
boyfriend. He said he shot Leo
ZunJp for breaking an agreement
when be caught him with bis wile,
Ellen, in a rocttail bar. Finch bad
agreed Ellen and Zuniga COtlld see
each other on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. The sboot.!ng took place
on a Tuesday. •
The Kamas City (Mo.) police
department's ttletVJ)t 1Dirt t'tad:
"'1142 hrs. Officer i nvestigating
a report of a viciou.! dog on
S~ Parkway. "1143 hri. Of·
fictr ;mt «ported he hos ""'" bitten by the dog."
• Louisiana Gov. John McKelth•n
froie state employmenl to prevent
a budget deficit. Two months later,
state R.,. L•ntz Wom•ck of
Winnsboro said, the E. A. Conway
Charity Hoopital in Monroe was
spending $1,000 a month for paper
plates because it could not hire
anyone to wash· dishea. Womack
said a dishwasher's salary would
be-considerably-less than$1,000a
month. • It was bad enough, R. W. Dixon,
of Crowbo rougb, England. figured ,
when the Jetter mailed to him from
London took eight months to travel
the 'O miles to Crowborougb. But
when the postman demanded two
cents more because of insufficient
postage, Dixon caUed it "infernal
impertinence." The three cents
stamp on the letter was enough
eight months ago. But the postal
rates went up while the letter was
en route. •
What lookt like a cold but fun
romp in the IMIO or a clean trip
through bt.1bblc bath ii really an ez·
periment bv the Dallas fire depart·
ment. Deanna Yardon (left) and
~farsha Mann both of Dallas demon·
1trate a new concept in fire conlrol.
With no real fire in the viCinitY it
wai hard to teU whether-the girl.a or
th.e firemen enJ011ed the foam fling -··
WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Jn a landmark
dedlioD · on boball at lhe poor, the s._.. Court declared loday UIOl lltale
l1w1 requ1rlng a one.year residency to
obtain welfare payments • r e un-
The H ru1iJJ1 ca01e apecUlcally In
c11e1 lnvolvl,n1 Co nnect.I.cut,
POllDl)']Yanla and lhe Dillrld o! Colum-
bia -but tbe precedent may llrike down ~ ·noldooey -In poulbly •
IOOl'e'Or more of other stat.ea.
The majority opinion by Justice
William J. Brmnln Jr. upheld rulinp by
'l*la1 t!Jree.judge federal courU that
!he one-year requirement In Connecticut,
POllDl)'IYaula and lhe Diltrlct at Colum-
bia were uncon.stitUUonal.
The court did not plnpolnl .whether
l .... r waiting periods might PW the
constitulional test. But a number of cases
challenging welfare r e 1 i d e n c y re-
quirements are now ln various staa:es oI
action ln the lower courtl.
The court took these other actions:
-Overturned :.he conviction of a New
Yori: Negro war veteran who burned an
American flag on grounds he wu found
guilty under stale Jaw of uaing con-
lemputuoua words about !he natlonsl
Negrees Hold Buildings
Guns Banned at Cornell
After Weekend of Riots
ITHACA, N. Y. (UPI) -Cornell
University President James Perkins ban·
ned flreanna from the campus today
fallowing a wild weekend in which armed
Negroea held the student w11on building
for a dlJ and a hall .
"It la: time to atop the taking over of
univemty buildings by force ," aald
Perkins, who added that any student
pci 11 •ing a weapon woold be IUlpended
and any organUaUon found to have
fittarmS would Jose Its rdgn!Uon.
lie said local police were cooperaUng In
* * * Harvard-Dean's
Plea Ignored;
Hall 'Seized'
CAMBRIDGE, Mau. (UPI) -Several
hundred students lgnored. a dean 'a re-
quest today and walked into an •d·
ministration building at Ha r v a r d
University and declared it "under siege"
to back up their demand! that the
university sever 1ta military cmnections.
'I1le ltudenta gathered outakte UrUvmi·
ty Hall !hort.ly after 11 a.m. and, aa plan-
ned, entered !he buiJding at noon.
Assistant Dun Archie Epps stood at
one d«r urlfnl: the students to stay out,
but they Walked put him and swanned
through the building. Moat offices were
Elsewhere, most of Harvard's 4,llKJO
undergraduates returned to cla111 on the
first full day or claues after a student
strike was postponed for a ~k. Several
thou11&11d gathered outa:lde the re-oc-
cupied buildlna.
Some of UJe crowd chanted "don't go
In" -but the SOS.led students went past
Dtan Epps anyway. Epps shook hands
with some of the students as they went
inlo the building.
1be students -led by the Students for
a Democratic Society (SOO) -In-
terrupted telephone calls and said, "This
building is wxler siege. No business is to
be conducted. Please ring off im·
Freshman Dean Skiddy Vonstade's of-
ftce WIS "left open and the students flood·
ed I~ but did not break into xny m., or
!he d .. k.
The SDS had voled Sunday n!gbt lo re·
ent~ tbe ~Ing, whJch they stormed
April 9, forcibly ousting nine deans.
Today's takeover was expected and there
were hardly any secretaries or other
employes in the three-story building on
historic Harvard Yard.
nie students said they hoped "to make
our .demands the baslneu of the day, to
make work lmposaible."
carrying ut the ban. ,;
The campus was calm when classes
resumed today. The black students, some
anned with shotguns, spears and ban-
dollers of ammuniUon, relinquished the
Student Union buildlng Sunday afternoon
after the administration agreed to meet
their demands.
The end lo the 40-hour seizure of
Willard Straight Hall by aome 100
members of the Afro.American Society
came after 11 hours of talks between the
blad<• and Cornell officials.
The studenta marched out with rines
and shotguns resting on their hips. They
walked to the. Afro-American Study
Center where they were given written
assurariCeO f amnesty. Tile unfVefslty
also met several demands which the
black! said sparked the seizure.
The university also agreed to assume
responsibility for possi ble damage to the..'
hall, which was seized Saturday. 'I1le
blacks were allowed to keep their arms
for aeU·protection.
Today the faculty of the 14,000-student
University was scheduled to hear Dean
Robert D. Miller recommend that
disciplinary action taken against five
black students involved in demonstrations
aever.-1 months ago be dropped.
Anger over the reprimands were cited
by the blacks as a justification for the
ta.keciver of the Student Un.ion. The
students said if Miller's recommendatlon
were not accepted by the faculty it would uresuu in further confrontatlon."
The five blacks were given warning.a: by
a student-faculty committee for a1legedly
scaring other students with pistols, which
later were found to be toys.
The Afro-American Society said the ac-
cused were engaged in pollUcal agitation
at the time and no uruversity group had
the right lo punish them.
Officials said the university could not
block legal action against the militants
by individuals, such as &0me 26 parents
who were ejected from the Student
Red Bombers Fly
Over U.S. Ship
WASIUNGTON (AP ) -Two l!ua&lan
bombers overflew the aircraft carrier
John F. K.....ty Sundsy u ahe beaded
for her maiden deployment, xn aalgn-
ment wltll the Ith Fleet in the Mediter-
ranean, the Pentagon reported today.
Daniel Z. Henkin, the Pentagon's chief
spokesman, aaid the overflight by the two
Soviet Bear aircraft occurred at 1:4$
p.m. PST Sunday. The location is not im·
m~ately available.
Jfenkin said the conventionally powered
carrier is due to join the 6th Fleet Tues·
Eastern Seaboard Frosted
Northwest Doused; Washington Gale Warnings Effected
C'tdlf .....
" ..... lflttlY ~ •lent a.1111•1 ...... -.-,, llut ...,,.,..... i.lr, TM
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... .._,. .... "'9llt •rid ""'"''"' ktw Clel.ldl 1>1111 IOI.
Tiit Air l"olluflclll COl!!P'OI· Dlt!rld
Mlof "*" -'""' 10 "'°"''''-i.mot It> 1tw u. ..._._ an1r1 ...... .,.
Ti.t _.. ~,._,-"It! ft claW1
Mid fol •1-tlM ~ wll!I 111,,.
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1o1 ~ 1ffo&. IU!t>91* &Ill, Ml.
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l«191 foll " ........ kwli.111 '11111 T~ IMln'inl 1:111 tlll'f ~IM
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VAU.aYs -*'"" r.1r TVHfll.,. L"" dMt .... ._.. fll w drlull
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111lfr! '5 to ti. M'9flt T .... , 1J to U.
MDONTAIN AlltAS -Mofll't flit"
11'11f tMl>fflluMI ... "" """""' TwMl'f'. lNTl•tOtt AHO Ol"Sl!•T a•GIOHS -'•Ir fl'nMll> T--..,. ~
4111it. ._"' ..... L-. ""'""' '9 M J.S ....... .,,,, ..... ....., ..........
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emWom. In Ill nillnclhe court aald the
coaTlc:lloa mlaied 1111-o1 opeec11
rilldl. Tha dedaioo did not touch on wfielher deoecrallng the flog by burning
a1 pomlahable Ullder federal law would be
aafeguanfed the lllDO wry.
-Onlered IC'IUlllul of a New York
youth. Robert Watts, who w11 found
guillt of declarina at a Waahingtoo, D.C.,
war protest rally that If he 11..i lo carry a
rifle in the Army, '"The f1nt . penon I
want lo get In Ill)' algbla II LBJ." The
court'• 5-1 decision laid that Wb11e Witts·
committed "a •.• Vtrf crude offemive
m<thod at stating a poUUcll oppoalUon lo
the President," he WU protected by tbe
COllllUlutloaai guar1ntte of !roe 1peech.
--Overruled Justice WWlam O. Douglas
and .UOWed the Army to send a would-be
co111Clenlloua objector, Leuls A. Negre, lo
serve 1n Vietnam while the legal fight on
his behalf continues iii Ulla country.
-Let stand a lower court ruling that I
Texas GuU Co., "Jnslders" illegally
benefitted in stock market trading from
oonCidential dala unavailable to other in-
The welfare decision will have its
U,IT ........
Over 15 Rlflu, Shotguns, Spe•r• •nd Other Weapons W1 r1 Carrltd Out
Reds Capture U.S. Marine
Base; 8 Leathernecks Die
SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese
troops tiring machineguJlll and antitank
rocketa stormed a U.S. Marine outpost
overlootJng the demilitarized zone today
and captured part of it, killing eight
JeathernecU and wounding 25.
Military ll[>Okesmen amooncing the
batue said the embatUed unit of the 9tb
Marines called in "spooky" gunships and
arilllery barrages that drove the North
Vietnamese from the battlefield Jit by
flares. '11lirty-five Communist bodies
were found.
• It took the leathernecks two hours to
break the North Vietnamese attack on
the camp they had set up for the night
200 yards below the six·mile·w:ide DY.Z
that serves 11 a border between North
and South Vietnam.
It was' tile 6eCCOd time ln four days
that the guerrillas had seized part of a
U.S. outpost below lhe DN.Z as the focu s
of war acUon turned to lhe northern
Last Friday, -about 150 North Viet·
namae partially overran s Marine camp
two miles IOOth ci the DMZ. They killed
11 ~farines, wounded 23 and lost 13 or
their own 1lain, U.S. war communiques
The increase in combat to the north
was accompanied by reports from U.S.
military llOUrti!S that the Viet Cong and
North Vietnamese were pulling away
from cities farther South to rei1'<1up and
rest for another offensive thrust. .
According to these source111, the Com-
munists will continue their dielllnga of
towns and military camps but will not
mount a major drive until they come out
oi their hideouts with fresh soldiers and
new equipment.
American aoktien pushing into those
hideouts Swlday killed 77 1Uerrillu
northwest of Saigon nl captured a Com·
munist base camp cootaining a hospital,
a bicycle repair shop, rice milling equip-
ment and buhkers enough to house eoo
men .
Marines 80\lthwest ot the nation's se-
cond biggest city, Da Nang, turned up a
North Vietnamese equipment cache that
contained eight trucks without engines or
tires, tv;o truck englnes, 20 switchboards
and one printing press.
Maj. Robb Slated
To Lea ve Vietnam
DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) -Marine
r..taj. Charles S. Robb JI ls scheduled to
leave South Vietnam early Tuesday to
retum lo the United States and a family
reunion at the Texaa ranch of forme r
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Robb, 29, husband of Johnson's eldest
daughter, Lynda Bird, has complelel<I hi!
lJ.month tour In the war zone. He served
514 months as commander of a line com·
His return lo the United Stales folloY.'S
by less than a month the return of air·
man 1.C Patrick J. Nugent, who is mar·
ried to Lynda Bird 's younger ai!ter, Luci
greatest Impact on.aid lo !amlU" with
d cblldfin, but old a I e
a.sslstance, to the totally disabled and
lo the blind will be Involved.
Anmring state argurn<nts in support
of the residency laws, BreMaD said:
• "We recognize that a ftale h4s a valid
lnlerest in pr"'rving the fl3cal inlegrity or its programs. Jt may legitimately at·
tempt to limit ita expenditures, whether
tor public aaslstance, public education, or
any other program, but a state may not
accomplish such a purpo&e by invidious
distincUons between classes ol Its
Labor Chief
Defends Nixon
Joh Corps Cut
Secretary George P. Shultz l!laJd In
defense of President Nixon's planned,
controversial cuts in the Job Corps pro-
gram that the aim ls a more com·
prehensive manpov.'er d e v e I o pm e n t
"Instead of standing In splendid isola·
lion, the Job Corps would be supported by
and lend support to all other manpower
programs," Shultz said in a statement
prepared for the House Labor and Educa-
tion Committee.
Chairman Carl D. Perkins (0.Ky.) and
other committee Oe111DCrats are in the
vanguard of the opposition to the
President's propo.sal to disband 59 of the
113 Job Corps centers.
Shultr--said there-were "serious defi·
ciencies" in the program's ability to keep
enrollees. The Job Corps has the lowest
compleUon rate, 38 percent, of any man·
pcwer training program. This compares
with 68 percent--and 60 percent-rates for
major programs 0£ the Manpower
Development and Training Act, he said.
Meanwhile, since the Job Corps pro-
gram started in 1964 there are more job
preparation programs, he said. And, in
1970, the administration plans to increase
by 5,700 to 368,000 the number of out of
school youth served by Labor'a man-
power programs, Shultz said.
Floods Threaten
New England,
Southern States
~wUUy rising rivers, swollen by heavy
rains, posed new threats to New England
and the Sou th today while flood control
worker~ ~long the rampaging Mississippi
held thetr breaths, hoping newly built
levees would hold.
In northern New England, some rivers
began rising abo\'e flood stage over the
weekend after a heavy rainfall.
The U.S. Wea~er Bureau in HarUord
Conn., issued a warning of flooding late;
"on many major rivers in New England.''
Roads were closed by flooding in Ver·
mont. Telephones in Westminsttr, Vt.,
were knocked out when water damaged a
cable under a bridge over the Connecticut ruver.
Tbe Con.qeclicut was reported to ha\"e
risen five Teet in 24 bours at White River
Junction. A flood watch was !el up
throughout the slate.
New Hampshire and southern 11aine
are also menaced by rising waters.
Jn the South, flooding was predicted to-
day along the Savannah River at
Augusta, Ga.
Along the Chattahoochee River ln
BlounUtown, Fla., water rose two fei!l
above the 15-foot flood stage.
Raft 11 Riding Floodwaters From Mi1sl11ippl Riv•r 11t Like City, Mlnn.
I •
...... '
Social Rush
Taking a major step toward \VOmanhood last Sat1i,1rday were 14 young
\Vomen who have been selected as 1969 E~pire ~ebutantes, who \vill be
presented to society during the fifth annual balL in June ii} the Newporter
Inn. Sponsoring organization is Harbor Key of the Cl!ild· Guidance Center
of Orange County.
The presentees and their mothers were introduced during a formal
luncheon in Mrs. Jack Keith Hamilton's Linda Isle home which was decor·
ated in pink for the occasion by Mrs. Lpuis Edwarcl ~8.tt, luncheon chair·
man and her committee. This · was the fits! of many social events which
will precede the ball.
The buffet table appointment was a gold antique Chiil.,.'.bll'f~le
filled with flowers ·and replicas of white doves.
Receiving guests were the Mmes. Stewart Petersen, ball chairman;
John Robert Sparling, Harbor Key president; John O'Hara Smith, incom·
ing president; Homer Elston Howard, ball co-chairman, and Roy Elhiel
June, presentation chairman.
Debutantes and their parents are Miss La Royce Jay Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Jefferson Allen ; Miss Karen Bailey, Mrs. Burton Edward Elson;
Miss Nancy Sue Bergeson, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Stewart Bergeson ; Miss
Marta Mueller Chotiner, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Chotiner, and Miss Susan
Margaret Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Edwin ijart.
Others are l\1i ss Kerry Lee Hill, Mrs. Edwin Lee Barkley; Miss Lisa
Marie Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. William Amo Laughlin; Miss Christine
Joleen Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laui'enct ·Martin; Miss Susan Ann Men ..
doza, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy John Mendoza. arlil Miss Bonnie Joellen McDon-
ald, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Christian Larsen.
Concluding the list are Miss Marilyn·Ka.thle.en Peck, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo rge Arthur Peck; Miss Karen Lynn Puterbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Johnson Puterbaugh; Miss Paula Louise Sprfgue, Mrs. John Robert Spar·
ling, and Miss Mary Christine White, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris White.
To qualify for selection as a debutante, the young women must be
members of Keynotes, a junior auxiliary of Harbor Key. Each has con·
tributed a required number of hours at the Treasures 'n Trinkets Thrift
Shop and has given time to community service.
After luncheon appropriate debutante and mothers' ball gowns from
Park Avenue Bridal Shop of Orange were modeled by the Mme11 . Harvey
Pease, John McKerren and Smith and the Misses Hart, Sprague and Palri·
cia June.
Assisting with arrangements were the Mmes. Harry Kemp, Allen·
Thomas Heims, Robert Cerf, June and Sparling.
Other ball committee members are the Mmes. Heims, Evan Searle
Prichard, John Wright, McKerren, Kemp, Cerf and ·Daniel Edward Gil·
• :,;·
MAGICAL MOMENT -It may seem that a
little ma&ic is used in the selection of debu·
tantes, but Mrs. Stewart Petersen, ball chair·
man assures that it takes work on the part
of the young women to qualify. As Mrs. Pe·
tersen rubs the magic lamp, 1969 Empire
debutantes appearing:are (bottom row, left
to right) the Misses Marta Mueller Chotiner,
Christine Joleen Martin and Mary Christine
White ; (second row. left to right) the Misses
Lisa Marie· Laughlin, Kerry Lee Hill and
Susan Ann Mendoza; (third row, left to right)
the Misses Susan Margaret Hart, Marilyn
Kath1ffn Peck, Pau1a Louise Sprague and
Karen Lynn Puterbaugh, and (top row, left
to right) the Misses Nancy Sue Bergeson,
Bonnie Joellen McDonald and La Royce Jay
' • '
··Husband 's ·Ho us~hold Hints. 1Not Dropped Subtly ~nough
DEAR ANN LANDERS : Please excuse
the mistakes in this letter. I c1n't aee
\'e.ry well. I have two black eyes and a
broken nose, which is why 1 'm wriUna.
My husband bits me a lot but it's
always an accident. Usually it happens
when Mitre Is helping me , Uke a good hus·
band, 'Illls last'thtng was the wonl. We
were putting away the week's groctrlea.
Mike wa.s standing on a ladder and I was
handing him the canned goods. A canned
am f'11 on my . f1<e. The bkedlnl
U ""1liln\ atop 90 MIR drove me lo the
hospital. The cloc:lor Nici my "°"" was
Two months ago Mike was moppina the
!loon. Ile forgot lo tell me the bucket
was behlnd me. I atepp<d In fl, fell 1nd
broke lhr<o ribs. A week bd... Iha~
Mike was vacuum1n1 the llvtns room. Hla
elbow caught me In the mouth and I loet
a front tooth.
A friend wflo ltoc:bea paydloJoly told
me Freud u.id there are Do aoCklentL
What abe mew fl Mike 'does lbeoe
things on purpaoe. 11 thll poalble! I
think she 11 jeaJoul btcaUH I hive auch a
nice busblnd 1nd 1he is JI and 1tW
tefiCbtna 1ebool. Pleue comment -RIVERliIDE
DEAll RIV: l1'1 llltmliq llial all l)e aec.._tl eecs nu Mike ls perftrmlq ·-··* cMna. ll mtpt '1e ... 1Gb-c11••• lte ....a. ... llMJtw•L
Sa ..., ... , ,.. ·-11111 .. Ille
-• lllrt ......... ...., -.. , • woek! b ............ ,.,. ... doe ....
started lo write lo you ool abe ......
down in the middle (I{ the letter and •k·
ed me to take o\ler. The problem ts' tur
17·year~ld son. Don ls a h&ndJOme kid
(looks like Olis Chandler of Los Angeles ).
He makes cood grad.a and hu a world of
friends. Don didn't date until tut yur,
when he started to 10 with Molly. 'I love-
ly girl of IL. Suddenly he dropped Molly
for 1 new intel'eat. Today we )tamed the
details and .,. In a stalt ol -k. . ~ -. The ,._ lntenat" Is a st-)'OOHld
divorcee with lW11 kldl. She allnp huh In
an all-night diner. Don wants to brine htr
to the hoUJe so we can get acquainted.
My wile says she doesn't think she could
atand it
Why would 1 woman 29 years okl look
twice al 1 high school kid ? What does he
want with ber anywayT Please don't say
he b looking for a mother. He HAS a
mother -a veey fine mother -and she
is only eight years older than this tramp.
Please advise. We are -BESIDE
DEAR B· Urse no. le brliis 1111 ""
frleld .. ... ....... S.7 yaa'd be
.~ ..... -......... -.,.pad
lbl lfltll lie uaMI II tom<. If ...
--... be p-adaa1 of lrleM!y-evee ff Pe )11 ~ eyes •Id 1 Sml*
.......... Inf.
Pare1U wll!t talk 1ple1t tk cltolce ot
• "°'1 .W. tt _., for tMI "8ol
loddtadlm_:_ .... ~p
• far 11 to marry jut te '""' a.
po,.all wnq. Unally -..........
1redlu1tnu. . •
Whal awalll you oo the other llde of
the marriage veil? How can JOU ,,. _..
your marriage wlll work! ,Reid AM
Landers' booklet "Marr'"" -Whit to
Expect." Send your ~ la Am
Landen bt .... of ""' ........... endosq IO cents Jn coin lftd • lo!1lo
stamped, self.addmaed env~.
Ann Landon wlll be Pd to help )'OU
with your problmt1. Se"ll lhem lo her In
care ol the DAILY PILOT, eftCloaJar 1
self-1ddresaed, 1tamped .....
,-.. ·---· ..... -. . ...... ~
J:f DAILV PILOT Mondi!, April 21, 1969
... ,.~ .................... ,. ..... -.... ·~··
·-~ ......
Nuptial Pledges Recited Puppets
Reno Date
HB Auxiliary
American Legion Auxiliary
of Huntinston Beach galhert
in the American Legion Hall
at 1:30 p.m. the first Thursda)"
During N~n Ceremonies CM club Clan Ross of the Order of of each month. On the third
Scottish Clans wW celebrate Thursday members may call
its rint birthday with a Mn. Arne Jensen, 536-%777, for
Scots.mans' Holiday In Reno location.
TN!h Nl1f1 Told • · '
College Students
Plan August Rites
Carryq • ._,,. and
mllA1 -bf Pope Pllll, Fr-Ile &lnllqo Jllu WU
escorted down Ibo allle bf her
lalller •• become the bride "'
Hectot ~ Porllllo.
• Rings and vows Wtre ti•
chAnged bmreen lhe UuPttt
of Mr. and·Mrl. Rout M. Dlu
of Huntinaton Beach and IOft
ol Audenago Portllo ol NIN'·
wall: and the late Mn. Portillo
In St. Francis of AasisSl
Church, Hunllnlton Beach.
For her wedding the bride
selected a bouffant floor
leQgtb gown wllh a scalloped
cathedral train, all fuhlooed
from J~ lmpon.-frorh
AUltrll. Tbe fitted boclJ<e WU
styled with a ICOOped nectlloe
and b>I pointed -.... WU reemtnidered with lie•
qui1J1 ad _. pearls. Wllh U
ahe wore a mantilla of pure
silk iHUlion mad• by htr
'M1e mllNI ua rosary
received the Pope's , blesaing
during a vialt to the Vatican
by Mrs. Maria Cutrellon, the
bride's aunt.
Hooor attendants we~ Mrs.
Gilbert Gamoz, ccualn, llld
Mw Mary Dlu, llllttr of the
bride. Tbe matron ol honor
wu attired in an orchid 1own
and accessories while the
The engagement of two jµniors a.t Oregon maid of ~r's gown wu
Slate University was revealed during the tra· white with orebid acceaories.
' ditional candle passing ceremony in the Delta Both cowu were styled with
Gamma house. fitted bodicalllld ntlled sklrta
Ed d J . trimmed in i..., and they car· Barbara war erutess, a soronty ried bouquets ot orchids and
Ca~I HO!Myrnoon
member and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich· bab
ard Ellis Jenness ot Newport Beach, will be-~ were 1 he dancing concluded the even.
come the bride of William Terry Nauck, son of Misses Rosa and _Vera Di.u, ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Wll!iamLJ'1auck..oll'l!rtland!~-jh!':.1!~!¥'!~~ l!oumada Th• bride is a gr-'![uaJ<_o Ore. in the Lutheran Church of the Master, Ronquillo R o s e m a r y Huntington Beach High School
Corona del Mar; Aug. 9. Portillo who were· gOwned in aad attended Oranse Coast
Leadershil'.2 -
Exchartged Miss Jenness is a graduate of Newport rainbow colors of aqua, mint, College where she majored in
Harbor High School where she was selected yellow, pint and blue with secretarial science. New officers will assume a Zonia Girl-of-the-month and received a matching picture hats, and th ni d bou um of b b The bridegroom, who leaves leadership of A.ir F o r c e Bank of America scholarship. She is a 1966 ey ca ' q 8 Y for Vietnam with the u .s.
Empire debutante.. i.. • l'Olt:I. Army later this month, ls a Mothers Flight 11 during
Her fiance, a paduate of Cleveland BiJh Flower girl Nora SoJa wore graduate or Cerritos Junior ceremor).ies taking P 1 a c e
School, Porttand, 1S a member of Ka""° S"· anhal.orcbid ..,.. .and pidun eon ~-he -• looiBhl •I uo in MfTCllrY
th A OTC rr.. q:e WUClic ·~ved a Savings and Loan building, .i ma and e rmy R . ... Att.end1og tbe bridegroom derree urmetanurp. Huntinpm Beach.
were Joee Louis Barbi and The n e w I Y w e d J honey-Taking ottlc;e will be the
G a m e z, and s ea t I n g mooned ln Carmel. Mmes. Walter Hurtado, presi-
guests were Johnny Sanchez, dent; Marge Siem ante I ,
KJko Guevana, Teddy Diaz, Clarence Davis and Floyd
Larry Taylor and Johnny Mothers Bid Elliott, vice pr" id en ts ; Portillo, while Steven Sosa Juanita Furrow, seeretary;
Eni.rtalnlng the Wednesday
Morning Club of Costa Mesa
wiU be Tony Urbano and Com-
pany nen Wednesday in the
Balboa Bay Club. A brunch
will be served at 10:30 a.m.
Wooden p er soo.aliti~.
created by Urbano, will be
featured in 111 miniature
musical comedy r e \' i e w .
Guestsarewelcome and
reservaUons may be made
with Mrs. James Morris aL
New me1nbers to be in·
troduced by Mrs. E. B.
English, preaident, are the
Mmes .. Ja.mes Murray, Calvin
Williamson, Nick Mardesich.
William C.Onel and Ronald
'Stocks ii lo You'
Friday, May 23. 1~~~~~~~~~ A chartered plane will leaver;
from the Long Beach airport THE ITCHLESS
al 6 p.m. and return after din-STITCH ner and the evening's ac-
tivities. It's our pride and your com·
Deposits of $45 must be fort. All wool yarn 1hat
mailed to J. Gordon Wilson, leaves tM itch oul. The sPCret b In QUAl.JTY yarn 7111 Rhine Drive, Huntington made from 1he y,•orld's best
Beach, 92647, and $35 will be wool. And thal's no ordin·
returned upon arrival in Reno. ary yam!
The trip, limited to men on-
ly, wlll raise funds for .the
Boys Club and other orgaruza-
Coastline Auxiliary t ol
Veterans o( Foreign Wars,
Post U 11ther the first and [
lhlrd Fridayr at 8 p.m. Costa
Mesa's American Legion Hall
is the scene of the meetings.
l•w•r M•ll Acron fre ,,.
lri•l•I ol !ht Si n Oitgo Frwr.
new from Anika ••• a gallery
of prints on carefree BanLon®
51mpie designs, vibrant colors, wrinkle-free styles ...
twelve bright prints in our gallery of travel-light
looks. They're inspired in Stockholm, hand-screened
on Ban-Lon® Textralized® nylon for washing
without ironing. Shown, one of four styles, the long
sleeved shirt dress, sizes IO to 18, U.00
may co miss forecast shop 119
sorry, no mail or phone orders
Minister 1n
At Dinner
served II r£na bearer. La Leche Leape will hoat Forest 0 ' Hair •. treasurer;
Reoeivibtpats by preaen-the lut in a series bf·rfour Ginger .H~er. chaplain, •r---------1 ling them wJth a flower .as meetings fof ne~· aiid ei:-and Haward Pasch. sergeant·
they eoterecl' In wny of Jiectan! mothe'n W!dneoday, al...,...
Lite Can Be E:rcitin,g, the
Rov. F1'd E. Judsoo will tell
m""be" and .-of Ex·
ect&ives' Dinner Club of
~ Coos! when they
meet in tbe Newporter IM
nm.day, April 14.
flowen lo'lhe BallJo!I f1vlllon Aprtl 23. S / S g (. J a m" Thomas
were Ula and Patty Sola, who • Topic for the 9:31 a.m. B,o w tn an from the Air
the many pressure groups he assisted dae flower girl. meeting in the' home of Mn. ·Force Recruiting Office, Santa
feels are trying to ruin our GuesU It the reception were A. L)'lln Meyers, 10061 Suntan Ana, and his wife will be made
country," said Mrs. Samuel e n t e rt a I n e d by Buddy Circle, HunUngton BeaCh, will honorary members o! the
Garst, ptiblicity chairman. •=N=e"'g=re=l•~'•=martac=-hl-·bl·..lld•;,,' •and~=be~N"'utr""'iUon ... ,.and-.W"''",_Pi;onl:;.·=__;fllgh~='=du=r=in~g=the~e=ve,.n=in~g.=•ii Hosts and hos lesses will be ir
1Jte apeater bu been min-
l!ttr of T r ln l t y Blptlsl
Olurdl, Sonia lloaica, for 25
yeors and baa ,_ bis church
membmbip grow from 400 lo
Mr. and Mrs. Richar<i Owen
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
BuddJe. Warren 1iforgan will
preside ovtr the meeting.
'lbe ptbering will begin
witb a 6 p.m. social hour,
follOWflcl by dinner at 7. Res·
ervaUons may be 1 obtained'
by calling Miss Fern IW!·
dolpb, 494-16!JI.
more than 1000. .
''He sa11 'God guMles and
God providof' and """"'
' ..
' ·'Sale!
· FasclDaUDg books
·forthaaports ~·
Golf'• Wlnnlllg -.: Pllttfng-<
Tom Michael; et al. Strategies,
techn5qu11 of Arnold Palmer, Jack
Nkklaus, Gary Player, elc • .o40 illus.
pgo. Pub. st $4.95 Now $1.91
Esqul1'9'1 Book of Boating -Ro1>9rt
Scharff, et al. Art and joys of yacht·
Ing: navigation, wealher, etc. lllu1s.
Pub. at $1 2.50 How $3.H
A Thlnlcfng M1n'1 Guido to .._
11111 -Leonord Koppott. Foc\-lllltd
bbok th1t 1poUlgMt pn.e and
ptoy11rs. Pub. st $5.85; -$1.GO
ClrclO lloob of your cl!oieo
UA P•~--
,._Mid ..... ,,... ......... ts.
•• 81 lllft ....
NOT Vinyl ••• NOT Synthetic, But
genuineLEA THER
Beautifully tapered
Covered inside
Zipper . . . Covered
leather heels
SIZES : ~ to I 0 ... N1rrow and Medium
Sold Elsewhere
Up To 29 .99
·iesf a footwear
Fashion Island
• ·~ ..,,; l
~\~ '
\ '( ...... -~
2v![ .A Y' c 0
m1y co south co1st plaza, sin ditgo fwy 1t bristol, costt meiu; 544-932l
1hop mond•y through 1aturd1y 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
~ Newport Barhor . .
.'VO\:. 62, NO. 95, 3 SECTIONS,
' •• • ••
IOt Ill un ..
Ease Poor's Load
Nixon Asks Slash . ,,.
In Income Surtax
Nixoo today asked Congress to e.a:;e tbe
tax load of the very poor, impose a max-
imum tax on the very rich, and cut in
half the income tax surcharge for those
Beach Visitors
lgrwre Signs,
Swim inSea
Of fflt O.llY ,1191 11..-1 '
Thousand of beachgoers ignored warn-
ings and swam in polluted waters off
Newport Beach over the weekend.
Lifeguards and police tried to keep the
visitors on the sands in tbe contaminated
area between Newport Pier and the Santa
Ana ruver, but it was a futile effort.
''There were just too many people,
They paid no attention to us or the
signs," said Lifeguard Lt. Log a o
"It'1 eoinc to be a big problfln," ht:
said. "'J-bope-tbe·ban ts Dfttd' by sum-
Signs are posted at all 11treet ends
•long the polluted beacblronl City of-
ficials indicated il may be necessary to
rope off the beach if the warnings are
continually ignored.
County authorities, meanwhile, said the
bacteria count in the coastal waters is
!till too hlgb to consider lifting the swim·
ming ban.
·The effluent is being dumped into the
Santa Ana River by close to a dozen
upstream agencies. Prior to the recent
nins, the sewage bas been channeled olf
an<I percolated into lbe ground before it
reached the ocean.
The beach crowd Sunday -at all
beaches, including Corona del Mar -
totaled 95,000. It WU the highest crowd
count oI the year, lifeguards noted.
Only th!« routine rescues,..,. logged.
Saturday saw about 75,006 persons flock
to Newport'! beaches. The calm waters
required no rescues.
Police gave few citations to swimmers
in the conlaminated areas. "We just did
what we could to help lifeguards chase
them out," !aid • police spokesman.
Tour Bus Driver
. Tips Hat to 45
Harbor Students
Charlie, the tour bus driver, gave a tip
of his busman's hat tc. 4.S Newport Harbor
High School students at the end of an
Easter vacation tour of. the East Coast.
And today he followed it up with a Jet·
ter to their principal, Oiar'4!5 Godshall,
lhanking each of them for their courteous
The Gray Une Tours driver wrote:
"In the many years 1 have done this
type of wcrk I have never met a group of
young people so gradous and charming
-girls are more adept -but your boys
~·ere rul genUemen.
"You should be justly proud of each
and everY one."
Godshall said the letter from driver
Charles Theurer gave him I feeling 0£
pleasure and aalialaction.
The tour to the nationaJ capitol and
points of historical interest was con-
ducted by teachers Jim Ne wkirk and
Dennis O'Hem.
Inn Owner Loses
' " $4,500 Sapphire
Laverne C. Jtc0blon., millionairt owner
of the Newporter Inn, lost a '4,500 sap.
phtre ring to burglar>, Newport Beach
pollce reported today.
The ring was taten from Jacobson's
52S Bayside Drtvi;. mldence while he was
out of town aometbne during the past two
weeks. The then was reported Friday.
Alla taken were a stop watch, 1 Pi&o
bank and 1lx pillows. The ring wa1
removed from 1 ni&ht stand, poUci said.
in between.
The surtax would be reduced from IO to
five percent effective Jan. 1.
Tbe Preskient'! omnibus tax reform
package to Congress also called for im-
mediate repeal ol lhe seven percent in-
vestment tu credit to help curb inflaUon.
Treasury officials estimated that the
administration'• juggling of revenues
would involve a trade-df of about $4
billion a year and that the revenue gains
and i,.. woold bo ._twly biilanced.
"Not -to penny, but 1Ubllantially balalJNld," ukl ooe.dficial., ____ _
The tu ·,.ct.ace won a tenerally
favorable rt8pCll5e from e<qrellional
leaders and tu experts, although aome
Democrat! said Nixon should have gooe
Tbe President recommended removal or the poor from the federal tu: rolls
through enactment of a "low income
allowance." But thole in the upper in--
come i.actets would be limited writing
purposes. .
This proposal reSulted fro"rn reports
that several hundred persom with-
incomes of more than $200,000 a year
were a~ paying any income tues,
..., .. l!PI .............. ,, " ' . ' ~-~-rn~~,.._,·
.. Braw.ling S1.1nbather~ H1av1 RP$,lu et Off~r-• .Att1mptlng:,...to_c_on_1_1_1n_R_10_1 _____ ~-
I . . • , I 1 Newport-M~~i
Schools Announce
Open House Days
' Open House, as part of Public Schools
Week, will ~ held this week in the
following Newport-Mesa Unified School
District Schools :
MONDAY -Davis, Ensip, Kaifler.
Lincoln, Ru, TeWlnkle. (All stirt at 7
p.m., except for Davi.!, whlch starb at
7:30 p.m.)
TqESDAY -BaleariC, Bay View, Bear
Street, California, College Park. Corona.
del fliar, Harbor View, H·a r per ,
Klllybrooke, Llndber&l:!i Marmtn, Mesa
Verde, Monte Vbta, ~ewport, Newport
Heights, Paularino, POmoiia, -Pr-esidio,
Sonora, Whittier, Woodland. All start at 7
J!.rn., except for Balearic, California,
Harbor View, Paularino, PresidJo, Sonora
and Woodland, which ~ at 7 :~ ·p.m.
and Pomona, which starts at 7:15p.m.
WEDNESDAY -Corona del Mar High,
1 p.m.; Costa Meu High, 7:30 p.m.;
Estancia High, 7 p.m.; Harbor High, 7
p.rn. Dinnen proceed open hou!ies at
Corona del Mar High 5:30 p.rn ., and
Estancia High at I p.m .
THURSDAY -Adam s, 1::.1 p.m.
Aeeepu Bonor
Violence erupted Sunday ln the·
Southland, as rock and botUe-throwing
youths turned a Venice love-In ~ a free-
for·all and batUed polict in the San
Fernando Valley over a traffic tickel
An estimated· 7,000 persons were In-
volved in the Venice beach disturbance as
a love·in sponsored by the Los Angeles
Free Press·dqenerated into a fighl·iD.
Intoxication, possession of drugs and
other such arrests triggered the v.iolenct,
forcing a team of 75 police officers to
declare the ·Jove-in an unlawful assembly
and clear the ~ch:. , , . ,
· A total of 117 ot the celebrants of
spring were. arrested on.cbargis nnging
from drunk in public to felony posession·
of dangerous drugs, lewd conduct and
assauft on a police officer.
Virtually all the arrestees at Venice
and also at Pacoima Park were young
people, tno6t of them under 30, ac-
cording to arrestingoff~s.
The trouble was far smaller at
Pacoirna Part -in terms of size -but
participants were just· as ,violent.. as an
estimated 200 among ,350 ·persons in the
part clashed with police.
·Issuance of a traffic citation to one of \ ;
Mrs. Joseph Beek; widow of pioneer Newport B' •
.longtime secretary to state Senate, receives reso u.tion P n
husband's service lrom Dr. Edmund P. Halley of California Harbors
and Watercraft Commission. The late 'Mr. Beek was .one of orifinal
commission members·.
the 1people tn the park waa the cause of
the Pacolma Oareup involving a total of
40 of'Dcen' before it was quelled.
· Nine policeme:n and a dozen young
peraons were injured in the yenice and
PacoJma violeftct', similar Jh nature to a
major incident at HWlUngton Beach.
Linda lsl.e Now
AU Leased Out
, Liilda • hli, the Irvine Company's
swankiest rtal -estate development, is
totally leased out, Irvine aecutive
William Grundy announctd today.
And price, apparently, wu no object.
The 108 Jots, leased for 75 years, are
valued at '56,000 to l2ii0,0CIO,. Gnmdy
"We eipected it would take us five
ytats to )eaie·~ all, II he '8id. "But it
took juat 20 molilhl."
Thirty-two honie.s . already . have been
built on 'the ·horiaboe-shaped island just
below Coast . Higbway'a: bay bridge,
Another 21 are under construction.
Grundy estimated the most expensive
home would cost about $400,000 to build.
•'That doesn1t lnClude tbe lot," he added •.
. ,
Dies in Newport . . . " Jl\mera1 services were held today ror
Dwi8hl W. SbtM; uncle ol· Colorado
Governor Jolm·Li>n. ·
Mr.'Sbtver, •:dled at tlie 'Balboa Bay
Club ThllflSlay •. Deatb wu attributed to•
ht.rt alt.ck. ' . y' ,' r -
He ii llto llUrilved liy tiro sisters, Mn.
Arthur Love of .ear-del Mar •nd Mn.
Ellzaboth Elkin ol llllnOis, and two
f>rothers, David' Shavef Of Corona del
Mar •Dd John p:. Shaver of Gary; Ind ••
Wt rites fpr the retired realtor and ~uto dealer were held in Glbson'Clty,Jll._
l<lponded 16 lhe ....... ...,, • call. The
veuel wu towed to ill mooting·al thi
Balboa Bay Club.
Planoiilg, design and construclklo of
offshore airports -a subject of areat .lo-
tt!rdt m· Otange County -· will be
diaclwed 1t Tuesday's meeW>g of the
County }Jrport Commission, Cbalrmu
Dennis Ctrpenter ~.
At the lnvltaUon of the commission, the
Ralph M. Pmons Co., 111 enclneerlng
and consulllng !Inn, will mlle' tho
prMentatkin at 7 p.m. In the Board of
'Superviaors hearing room, 515 N.
Sycamore St., Santa Ana. . •.
· Newport Beach. C..tl M,.., HunUng-
ton Beach, La~111 8tac)I and Ill other
.in1eread olflcials have bee;.1 iavltt,d tto
the .... i9n. . .
: ~pany re~Lativa: F:orrest ,Six
and Charles Lord wlll ·dl!cuss• ~
community plannine as it rel.ates to IJle
advantages and disadvantages of oUahore
airpo<U, the tecbnlcll aspects of auch
airports Ind a brief revl ... o\ uiatlng
and planned of!shore proje<ls.,
• lbe PtrlOllS' Co. b Pl"•••I• ' Wider
eGlltract to the State of 1111••· In the
ilet!iR and' cordtructi6n of the Hollolulu
lntemaUonal Airport expollliM program.
A mawr part or this work I is an
ehgtneering · and : ecoiiomk: !easiblllty
,tudy !or the cte.ign and construction ol a
proposed runway on a rfff offihore.
. The CO!l!pany i1 alao under contract to
the 1 Federal Aviation Administration to
prepafe a study (o evaluate offabort
airport·p~ ud Coe1trlictlon
methods. .
It ls this" latter study iii which .UM!
collnty airport commWlon bu ~
lar lnterts~ Clrpenter 111<1.
.Body of Teen
Mother Found
In Sant,.a Ana
' . '
P-olice Call
Help FroJB·
Other Cities
Of ... Dellr' ......
'MK111111ndl of rampqlac teeD-flltn
bur!ed rocks and epithets at more , tblD 1• polke officers In llulltfns!oa lloidi
siindty afternoon -rioltOI '"* oat follawtnc arrest ol I JJ.)'Ml'Old joatli
on charaes of P>S"•Sm of n11 cadti.
The !Jne.hour ...;.i -· out wiih Hun-tington Beach polke caJ11ni for bllp fr!irn
slz other.~. P",fty·hro ~
-· lilied ... ditrps roiiilnc !rim
failure .. dlspene 1o --. fl.
From 1:20 p.m. to about 4:1' p.m. the
beach area from Maio Street to Lib
Street was a acene of brawling sun-
batllen beavlnf stones and ·otbel'objecu
at Police unlil that formed 1 riDc ll'Olllllf
the swirling beach crowd. .
Lifeguards estbnated the total beach
crowd at 20,000 Sunday. Police uld lllout
3,llilo were Involved In tbt rlotln&-
SANDMEN ARREST . ne arrest of the 15 year old wblcti
touched oil the melee was made by
"'Sand.men'" -unden:ove:r police officera.
.R•l•ted 'f'hotOs, .• .s~;Po;.1 .· _
, ~ to Polic:t ""!'f.'~~ted ar .11>o11t .. ,. ....... llli·')·e1 ~c 1
deportment'• IUbotatlon ... till .... ,...
........ by llnwn -1 D 111"-~~ ap·.-.: ..... ....,,
....: .... Ille· ---~ llmaey _.., and Corl
Vldtno ittempted .. arrest • ~~
~ tlJeled to lie In poaaaioO of _.i
Dettctlv" aald the youtli bepn fiahdnc with the' of.fk.-a. anc1·~ .... friend
pulled It tnlle on Vldaoo lllld· P-. Al tl!tt,moment,, tbe IQIPOCl.nm toward !be
lle•ch .!toot, but wu r.c.ptind. ~1w uld. . r-
. A crowd llepn to ptber lrOtllld tho ..
aru, delectives nporled, ad after both
:rubJ<& ..... pltiOd In the PlddY ......
for '!ranlportltlon to l!le aubitaitaa, the
crowd bepn !ollowlq 'the ........ ' ' . Polic:e cllled !or -. 1t1111s, aOd w11en
all ...,. lit the ditatlon Illa Nd
bo&an 'tluowinl rocb Ill them llld'lhe
building. . .. ---
Rloten hel4 the -Uon u.,,iar .....
for about u ·m1nu1es, police uld. 'lll>lle
units from other cities were called 1n ftr
Police unlil from Newport Beach,
Costl lfi!la; lttl Betdl. Foautabi Vlllley,
Westm!mtor ml Or-County lllmtll'a
office formed a dnl around the bucb
... •• •ttempling .. -1111 riot ....
Fire depOrtment penaimel bnlqlll tn a
tanker wbtch -used by police aa 1n
Oboervatlon plaUonn Ohcl • ·ltunddn1
area !oi the tetr ps which !lnall)' quell-
ed the riot.
Aboul 150 Policemen ...,. llnlll)' h>-
VOlved In .the lllllle. About .IO ol than
were irom Hunllnctoc Beadl.
~OR8T l'Vll: n:BN"
lletecli•• Captatn Etrl JloltltJllJo,aalll the riOt WU, .. tbe worst l!te .en lir.c.
I've bftn bere, ••· aixL mOat olfid.J1
qnoed it WU tbe blgest probllm lllnCe
the 1117 rlol io wlllch ...oui • -wenolmolftd. · ··
(lee. IUll'll, Pip I)
Ora••~ . (: ... 1
. ..... ~ I ·•-•••!I'· "' It's a nice day d U'll bo ._ I
nicer' OD t"'"""1 -faff, -I after .__.·moe1*4: dMl1-Mid ,
tempenlllrea dlnllnl to Ille Jllld.
die ••••
. J '
--· ::.-..... : ---,. ---::..._!!! ·--; -. -' -· ... ..,.. .....
• •
Sirhan PenaltyT~i· I
LOii ANG!:LEI (UPI) . -Tho pro-
-llld the defense botb obnJplly
reoled In Ille pally pl>ose al tbe Sirhan
II. ...... lrWlodl1-collinf
u a -onlY Mn. Mary Sirhan lo l!lelld that tbe jury span her son's life.
.n.\ penalty lrial al the JS.year-old
PaHstinian hnm1grant for lhe murder of
Sea. 11obt.rt "F. KeJll!<'ly, for Which he
1'U eoavicted last week, moved with
llar1lloc llUdclenntsl.
,,,. -lo ~ whetbee
Sillloa I* lo the ;~....,. ,..
.... ...,,. or .... Ille 111"'1-I -.i
"" ...... -!1oP. DI!!,' ilf. 1111'* J'llll ___ ... __ •
Def-Mlllnll1 Orll!l 11-°"""' ... ed his one and ·lllO \'"11.u.;..,. bi DlltJp-
lion for tile first cleflr<O 1n tbe l!!Miouns o1
the seoator Jn 1be Ambassador Hot.el 1aat
June s.
M". Mary Sirhan, liS, a Uny 1Jsure wbo
.... -""'· .... • ll>t ~ lor IUI --........ ' ,C..,..1111 ID bit:' ......... , ....... 111\,...
.... 1111'1e '"lllt,.... .... ...
lo tllt lllt4llac ...... --· any trouble wltb tbe j>Ollcet"
"He ha.I Dever been in ·trouble before,"
Mr1. SJthan Aid ln 1 voice that wu
almoat Inaudible In tbe counroom. "I led
him up oo tbe will al God ... "
With Mom's Plea
.... -~ Ind Ille ..... el lier ............ ..Ii"'"' pellll ~ ujd, "tbe ddense t;;:allillt>~~Y.W..Wa~i-..1o-.tbe lo-
... [I Ila 11111 ib,ia lo tbe l"'l'.
Jelli lldol ..... lo .. final
ariiumenll' bolo.. tbe jury biilns It.
deUberaUon, probably by mldll!emoon.
'Ille prosecuUon has already .. id It
wO!lld net demand tbe cleatll penally but
Dept. Dist. Atty. John Howard ,.id the
state woukl If.ave It up to the conscience
of tbe jury u lo whether ouch a crime
.. 11c1 .... ····pmlt;y.
·-· .... .., _. lbal I""""1 had been struck doWQ. at a moment when
he represented U., bllPts al an lmportont
se£!M!ll ol this natlOn and Illa! "except
for·tllb: defendant he might have riJen to
the highest poisltlon this nation can Of·
Slrban, he said, bad "reached these
short¥ as an immivani into • na~tn
which had prided ltstll °" lnvltillg
refugees. "Bl!! tbil, .... not _,.. for ••••
WJ hive llv-~tbe ~ 11. _.
society for lbe aake of a cold-blooded
political assassi.r) while sending patriotlo
Americans to Vietnam with a f10 rifle
and our best willhu," Howard chlraed.
He said Slrban "didn't demoflltrate the
slightest degree or remorse , •• he en-
joyed the star status."
Teachers Vote 'Repr~sals~
Pay Raise Request, Bigger Voice Also Among Issues
By THOMAS FORroNE or ... _,, '*" lteff
Tuchera of NeWport·M-Unified
Bdiool Dlstri<:t belin voUni today on bow
llubllom or yleldlllg tbey llbould be In n-
questa fer pay ralaes and a greater voice
In achoo! affaira.
SpeclflcaUy, they will be vottns on
reprisals lo lite In cue tbe oebool board
does not aatlsfy them. In the eitreme,
ouch reprisal could lal<e tbe form of maes
rulpaUons wJth teacben mo v l n g
ellewhere to teach oat fall.
However, there ii reuoo to believe .c--
cord can be nolched Ind no reprisal WUI
· he necesaary, ICC«dlni lo Ray Snyder,
t.echen UIOdalloa prealdenl
''We want it understood we are not us-
tna; this vote to preuure the board,"
Snyder said. "U ii ...,e1y • backup. It'll
be put on file tn cue K ii needed IO we
wouldn't blve to ru1b out and find out
bow far teachen want to go."
Neverlbel,.., tt la evideot that the vote
meet and confer sesaions, but have gone
so far as to say that topics have been
geperatiy philosophical covering long·
range educational gaals and practices.
Teachers earlier made public tllelr
.,negoti.Uon package." setUn1 forth a
Jong list of things they want. But the one
point on whJcb they were not specific is
request for saJary increase.
A major thrust of tbe package WIJ a
series of requests for greater teaebet
participation in managing the affairs of
the school district.
nie teachers associaUoli pr,oposed 10
new commlttees on which they would
have equal representation w1th. .ad·
Coastline U .N.
Group Scl1edules
Talk on Hunger
A dinner meeting featuring the el'•
ecutive director of the A m e r i c a n
Freedom from Hunger Foundation will be
hosted April 22 by the Coastline Chapter,
United Nations AMociation. ·
NEWPORT'S FINEST -Officer Larry Young, As-fi • grad . ti fro Los An el p u A ad-will provide. yardaUct Of local teacher ••-·t C" f H N-'-Offi J J b cersJ cob ua onh m d I es o ce c Dtllllonc)'.
"Hunger, People and Peace or War," is
the title of Willard Johnson's speech to be
given at the Hotel Laguna, Laguna
Beach, with dinner al 7 p.m. and the talk
to follow.
•~= we any =on, cer ames aco • em;r. a 1 wu onor gra uate and claH vlledic-' Ballotlnl on what reprlAll would be &lid Chief B. James Glavas (from left) of Newport tonan. YDllllg wao In top 10 percent of clus. acceptable 1a belnJ <lone tllll weet
-.::B:::ea=:ch=..oP~o=li::ce"'D"=eO!B:::•=rl(n=en=:t"ch~at:=foll=.owin::::;:U~Dllll:::!:!;g:!ot!:·======---together wttb annual eloctlon ol Newport--~-·M------offlcm; -Jotmson•s-organizaUon-is -part ·(If· the
United Nations Food and All'iculture
Organization, and serves as liaison ofe
ficer !or the CARE program in Geneva,
Switzerland. Upper Bay Land Swap
' ' Laws·uit Delay Ordered
By TOM BARLEY or 1119 D9lfr PllM Stiff
A l<kiay delay of a lawllllt aimed at
halUng the Upper Bay land swap was
ordered today over the strong object.km
of aft attorney acting for ail Harbor Area "=.;,. Court Judp, itauiil 0-
snnted a continuance to May 1 at the re-
quest ol lrvlne Company otlotney Rober!
S. Warren.
The Los Anseles trial lawyer suc-
cesafully argued that he needed more
time to study the writ of lnterventicm fil~
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson end
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coverdale of
Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Marx of Univenlty Park, Irvine.
The tupaym are seeklns lo halt court
action on a writ of manda.te that wou1d, if
appmved, compel county audilor V. A.
Heim to pay to the Irvine Company a
$13,lWI bill cov•rtns colla of dred&ins llld
IOll teatlna In tbe UPJ!OI: Bay.
Helm himself has balked at paymenl ol
From P•911 I
RIOT •..
Caplain Harold Mays aaid canisters of
183 were uaed to disperse the crowds
when they gathered ahmg Pacific Coast
Highway and on two occasions police us·
ed loudspeakers to warn crowda: to
disperse, fin:t on the beach Itself, then
later when the crowd moved up to the
l•lNrt N. W114
.. ,.. ..... , "f0\111111111!'
J1d1 I . C1rl1y
Viet l"rakllllt _. """'"' llNolfMr
Tl!._, IC11•l1
?1!111111 A. M~1plrilft1
MINfll>e t:ll!V
J1r11111 f, C1lll111 ---Cl" 1!111111f' ---2211 w ... 1.11 ••• '""'"''' M1ill"t M•"u ,.O. I•• 1111, '266J --c..i1-..1aow.1 .... """'
L-9Htfl: m -,_.t ·-""""'°""' IMdlt -.. ......, •
the bill. He Is the author of • »page
Superior Court brief which brands the
land uchans• as unc:<>Mtitutlonal and
which points out that the Irvine Company
wUl receive acme of the moat valu4ble ,..._ w ·corninerci11 ·1m1.., 1111
West Coast wh1Je the county rccelvel on-
Jy a wa~y. .
~.·:..t"'to:: ~= bid of attorney Ralph B. Peny for lm-
tnedlate court action on the tuplyen'
Deputy Cllunty Coonse! Robert J'. Nutt-
man commented afler the hearing that
the county will not join IrvJne Company
in challenging the action by the 1lx tax4
"We have come to an agreement with
the Irvine Company l:iut that does not
mean that we would try to bar any
cltizen'a argument from the arurtroom,"
Nuttman said.
"We would rather sJt in court and hear
what these people have to say," Nuttman
said. "Any 1new light that can be thrown
upon this J,aod exchange in any way
whatever is tnore than welcome to the
Backed by CO\Ully aupervilon Is a
trade in which the county would aet '50
acres of Irvine shoreline by surrendering
157 acres of county tidelands. Those 450
acres are presently being held tax free by
Irvine" pending • declaion on the con-
1litulionality of tbe proposed deal by the
courta: -a ruling that is at least two
yeilra away.
Al.90 challenged by the lalJl&Yt.r• ls
state legislation on which the Irvine Com-
pany and the county based the lq:allty or
their land swap.
Their action condemns appraisals that
led county oUiclals to predJct that Orange
County would be $8 million better off if
the swap went through. Notins tbe county-Irvine valuaUnn of
the Irvine land at $19 million and the
same combine'a assessment of the county
acreage as $11 million, the peUtlontrs
challenge the manner in which appraisors
arrived at those flgureJ.
Their argument conta.lns the assess-
ment that the loss to couaty taxpayers
after the extensive dred!ling and chan-
neling work ii carried. out will amount to
"hundreds of. mllllons ol. dollars.''
Sellin Franklin
Marriage Told
Col. Selim Franklin Sr., Costa Mesa at.
tomey aod civic leader, is honeymooning
in the Ra"ailan ISiands with his bride,
tile former MqdaUne Poltere ol Beverly
1be couple were married In • civil
ceremony la Nevada followed bf a
reli&lous ceremony ln the Chapel o the
Kawalabao Gburdl. Honolulu, performed
by tbe Rev. Abraham Ahh.
Upon their return. tbe Franklina will
make tbelr home at 1600 E. t71h SL, san.
ti. Ana.
Franklin ls the father of attorney Selim
"Bud" Franklin Jr.. • membtr of
Nowport·M,.. Unified School Dlatrict
Franklin di\rorced. his former wife,
Mariela, undtr Nevada 1latute earlier
this month In lAs Veg11. She bu aou-
nted qalnst him In Oranse County.
NelYJ>Orl Officer
Gets Top Rating
At LA Academy
Newport Beach Policemen James M.
Jacobs, 25, was named outstanding
graduate among 52 offie63 graduating
from the Los Anseles Pollco Academy.
J.,b:s was selected for the honor on
th·e basis of his performance: in acadeinic
rbjects, physical training and weapons
PnlJ<leney, ond by a vote of his ·ID-
ltructors and fellow~laSl!J'lates.
Los Angeles Police Chief Thomas Red·
din, who •nnounced the recognition at
graduation ceremonies Friday, amlled u
be. acknowledged that Ja<:ot. had out·
performed Loe Angeles recruits tn the
spring graduating clau. Jacobs was the
third Newport Police officer to graduate
at the ,head of his clas! al the Los
AngeleJ ace.demy.
A second Newport officer in the clasa,
Larry W. Young, wa.s seventh ranked ln
the 52·man graduating class.
Newport traim .U of its new officers Jn
the Los Angeles Police Academy mid.er
1pecial arranaement. Each reauit is rt·
quired lo -plete an im'bour lillninl
course u a cooctition of employment
Jacobs reeelved a pllque Ind an
engraved police revolver from Chief fted..
din In recognition ol hla acblevemenll In
the academy. In addition to graduating at
the head of h1a clus, he also was cited
for havine: the best academic record in
the class.
Jacobs •ttended college in MJcht1an
and served three yean in aecurity work
with the U.S. Anny . ,
He went on duty Sunday night as Of·
fleer James M. J1coba, Badie No. 31.
LA, Gardena Men
Die in County
Car Accidents
One man w.,s killed and his pa.sstnger
virtually uninjured Saturday nlsht In C...
ta Mesa, when thetr sport& car alddded at
about 8S mil ea per hour, slammed into a
tree and fire hydrant, then lllpped upelde
A Gardena man was also tilled early
Sunday when hia car hit a tow truck in
Westminster, and a young &meet Belch
woman ls in crlUc&J condUlon today after
being struct by a car 1n the beach com·
Dead as a result cf the. weekend ltafnc
accident.I, which left one motorlat jailed,
are :
-Wayne L Paulck, 21, of Loa Anteles.
• -Bryta A. Ordway, 11, ol GardenL
Passic 'WU dead on arrival about 11
p.m. Saturday •t Costa Mesa Memorial
!Kt Couty Traffic 1"'
51 Deatll Toll It
Hoapltal, wltb major head and neck In-
juries IUffered when hia auto cruhed oo
Pallso<leo Rood norlh ol Nt'Wp(lr1
Thomu D. Benn•tl, II, of llennola
Beach, was treated and releastd at the
11me hoapltal wilh cutl and bruises, ·~
parently Ouna lne durtns tbe fatal skid.
Patrolman David Haya said Pualct•a
body was crumpled Wide the car when
be arrived at tbe ...... while Betmett lly
on the pa vemenl beside the derneUlhed
Ballota WU! be counted Thuraday evenJni.
Snyder, meanwhile, 11y1 he is now
••very. very optimiaUc" about negotfa..
lions between teacher representatives
and top.level admlnlatralors, actlnc for
the board.
'11lat sentiment 11 a tum-about from a
couple of weeks •10 when teacher
representatives accused the school ad~
ininlstraUon of foot-dragging and poor
preparaUon. DINNER GUEST
Wiiiard Ja'1nson
He is also an officer and charter
member of the Society for International
Development and is president of the
Committee for International Economic
Growth, formed by the late Pres.idtnt
Hostes.5e.5 Include Mrs. Henry Elder1 chainnan, Mn. Maybelle Pettit, ?\1rs.
Leo Rovin, Miss Adele Ipsen and Mrs.
Robe.rt Hom.
NegotlaUons have been going on in
secret about once a week for the last six
weeks. The nut "meet and confer'•
aeuion u required by California law will
be Wedneaday.
!Ille NegoUatlnl CoWlcll for tbe
te.chen will meet flee-to.face with the
school board for the flrJI time April 29. A
11.._ odmlniltrattoo team, l>uded by . supt. Wllllam CUnnlnlbain, h a s
represented the board aO far.
Ne1ot.lator1 for both aides aaid they
have oot yet I-down lo the nitty·grlt·
ty of ularles.
23-ship Force to Guard
W. Pacific Spy Flights
May t bu been aet 11 the deadline for
decision on all maden to be negotiated.
Teachers and admlnlstraton: hive
qreed not to divulge what occurs in
Youth Injured
In Newport Fall
A :JO.year-old beoch holel tenant lop.
pied from a 10cond story ralllnc early
Sunday mornin1 in Newport Beach.
Mlchoel Ray Wins. lllyins at tbe
Ocean Front Hotel, 2308 Ocean Front,
escaped with minor injuries, police uid.
Wing, • boat u.sembltr, fell backward
from a porch railing he had been sitting
on lhortly before 1 1.m. He landed on a
roof 10 feet below then rolled oft and onto
the asphaJl pavement another 10 feet
He suffered a cul over his right eye and
possible cheat injuries. He remained 1t
Hoag Memorial Hospital for observation.
WASHINGTON (AP) -A lJ.shlp task
force including four American aircraft
carriers has been formed to back up
President Nixon's pledge to protect
reconnaissance planes operating in the
Sea of Japan, the Pentagon disclosed to-
The Wk forct does not include the bat·
tleship USS New Jersey.
The 48,000..tor vessel, which was
diverted to the western Pacific Friday
because of the EC121 crisis, has been
given new orders to return to Lone
Penta1on spokesman Danlel Z. Henkin,
who announced the formation of the task
forct, would not say when the New
Jersey will ruch the Wc!t Coast or
where she is at this tlme. The battleship
was due to dock at Long Beach Saturday
after windlns up a tour of aervlce oil
Today's announcement was the first of.
flclafword of the scope of a U.S. naval
armada formed for deployment ln the
Sea of Japan in response to North
Korea's shooting down of the unarmed
EC121 aircraft one week ago.
Henkin told reporters the new Task
Force 71 has been activated by the
Pacific fleet and· is under the command
of Rear Adm. Malcolm W. Cagle of
Grand JuncUon, Colo.
Along with the four carriers, which
will be able to provide jet fighter pro-
tect.ion forfuture reconnaissance flights,
are three cruisers and 1& destroyers.
"We will not go into any details con-
cttning the operatiom ••. " Henkin said.
But he said he would name the sbi~.
Aaked whether tbe EC121 flighto have
resumed, Henkin said he could not 1et m.
to that operation aspect either.
The task force carriers include the
Enterprise, Ticonderoga Ranger and.
Hornel The cruise~s inc e the Chicago Oklahoma City and St. Paul. '
It was not discl whether all these
ships are now in the Sea of Japan or
whether all will be deployed there at the
same time. They could take turns
rotating in and out of assignment zones
along the coast of Korea.
····-····/-·.· ·1 ••••• -•• , •• • •••..• •·,·,· •• ·,
e rings sized end repeired
• diamonds end precious stonts remounted
•pearls restrung
UDO HAllOl m.YD.
COSTA MIU. 14S.f411
, I I • • ~,r •o' • •' '' (:/ ',··-,,. t"'··>)
• ..
Double Ring Rites Place-s·· of Honor Set . . ' .
Newlyweds Tour Ta~hoe . . ' ' • New -. ~> b. R4pib-Por11 •..... Ult
--lheM-vonle -~Ille lfflh
For blewest .Mem.bers
Chapel by the Sea, Long
Beach, wu the setting for the
wedding ctremony u n I t I o g
Shirley Fry and Jackie R.
Phillips, Westminster.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mn. RlchaM G. Fry ol
Huntington B e a c h . was
escorted to the altar by her
Her gown was white · lace
over satin [ashiooed wiul a
hlsh neckline, long sleeves and
a bouffant tiered skirt. She
carried a bouquet o( white
Mrs. Richard M. Walsh. the
bride's sister from Glendale,
served as matron of honor.
Her gown was orange with an
apricot veil held. by a mat-
ching bow, and ·she carried a
single long-sremmed white
Bridesmaids Carol and Joan-
ne Fry, also sisters of the
bride, and Judy Wood of
Bellflower wore apricot gowns
Westminster Hom•
Wl,S •IUl)!d ln ,a.Q90< lenalh Reil!'~ .. -·· Club year o1·-·-•w\ll
ol . · mee1I next Wedneldly in tbt bl pr;u1nted. • .
cown or;nge lace and ..... home Of Mn. 'Carl Kim ol <» _...., wm -
rled a .basket of white rose' ¥ -. .. 11wodiq. lier'· '9. In 1 Ille
pelal~ . The -1 Will beiift wilb a lmlt ol -.' llllJlll• JrwlJ ·for
The bridel'OQm, ""'ol Mr. -'19•a . .,: ~ hoar and a I~ ;ud·wlll
and Mn. Bl")'<e Phillips ol ' ...._-on and -,..,.... auln _,., J-
Sau!llVille vi. Va. asked his will ~le !be pn>gam. S, In Ille Dll\IOYlalid_Jl•lol I« ' • · "Counf.7 m e m.b e rah I p ·a fnhlon abow ~ ' brother, Jimmy Pbllllps, ~ chairman Mts. •Ri>ma Garry· , "The, JuM' s ev'°"I a,
serve aa best man and &\lest.I Wilt .d:lacuu wa)'I the club venture Of all ciulil JD~ the
"""ilO!lledbyRodneyB-. ~ can lllllt t~e · ~. will' feature •'iii .... enshlp..Garden Gnwo : Arnold · . · from Udo FUjilaal-
JOy, Westminster, and Walab~ . • ft\entlted•J>y ,~ .... :
Followtq Ille . nuplial G'roup Elects ~tell .i.11.11 .... -,._ · a reception toot . · ' w~ I n lo rm a ti O'i-w
plact in the chapel, anil the . f . mervsti<>na may c;omaCt .Mn: new1~ c1epar1ec1'"' • w..i-. · Be ore Lunch calhoun -. preslden!; din( lrip to LIU Tallae and ' . 541-IOI. •
lleoo. • New leaden will be elected The club ha& "tbrown"tb hli ~e bride ls a graauate of during the Wednesday, April into the "'11" to0 cOmpet.e· fOr
Marloa lligh Scbool, and her 30, ~·of the ·Eastblufl the perpell!al tropby llveo to
husband b a l"'duate ol Glen Phllbannonic· ASM>cloles, a the Orange Cou!llY Republican
Rogen High School, W. Va ., woman'a ·committee of the club with the srtaml tnCrtue
and attended the Cniversity of Ora.nee County Philha1monlc in membership by·Juoe 1. ·
West Virginia. Society.
with orange veils and carried
matching flowers.
Loyann Kuntz, Dower
Mn. Phillips; the bride-: .Irvine Cout ~try Club
groom's mother, flew out to will be the ~~I spot ~t 10
girl be present for the ceremony .. ~~o=: :::= Mesa .. Seniors
will attend the' 10:30 : a.m.
JlreView .for the May 4 concert,
and ·MartiDB.e r n be i mer .
music critic, will talk. Lunch
will follow.
Communlfy ~ation
Center . al · Orange Ciunly
Fairgrounds is~ scene of
activity when . Costa MeSi
Senior· Citizena meiet at 11
a.m. ever-y .Tueaday: Charity League Puts '
Chapter in Spot~i·ght· Only 10 More ~ys '.until
The Newport Chapter of Na-luncheon will be prearranged JttA-QIE WEB Bf$.
tion•I Charity League will be .. that people o1 different Gi'ga· nti'c 'Once· -A-Y-ear';· J· '·.·e· nt in the spotlight when chapter chapters wkh the same in--• -
members present a musical terests or offices sit together. ·
skil for the league 's biennial Luncheon speaker will be · 'fSALE" ··E• BRAJ'ION· Chapter Day. Dr. Lorene Ch as e ,. 1 a
star.Spangled Tomorrow psycholog!BI who ha& appeared DISl~N~ FASllCS
AT THMi!f'1Pus1 Sf.VINIH
will theme the meeting next on numerous television :pro-AIM trllMMlll•• ~·••.llVf .,.,.,.IR~ ............ ...,
Wednesday in Walnut which is grams, including several lot · • t • , ••
being held as in . the past to her own. . , · $o, · Rentember th•· D•t•
allow chapter members to ex-A history of Charity League, ti'IA.Y 111 I hiding Ille T. ktock . · d h I "SOU" . . •
s a 2 0 0 4
.....,. Aoo1f 21, 1'69 'ii DAll.V '-". If
' .
FIN_E ~l;SAKER'f .
·f'radt Cfaeny: .Pie
Whet • ~er1etou1 fii,ele for clh1ner. Open
fee• cherry pi• With 1treu1el ' fopp int. Atkl
• clolloP. of •ice crN"'· 1.J1
Spr••cl ft with ·itutf•r or-er••• ,chNse;.f.,.. •
tee' or 1n.cb.~Rlch witt. MtM eM mits •"'
icing tC.,pe~. 19c
. Se'eilff .JH-.Jlailb
D9!iciou1 . la+le clinnet rolls 'tOppecl with
poppy or sesame 1~1. · 6 for Mc· > • • : u-.. llf~...-e Pie
(We-dn•sNy.ef!cl .. Frl~•.Y only.I On• of our
moit poftular pi•.•· Pis.cl 'hith with meriri'tu•
. ovllr cr~"'.'Y.~leifton~ fillift9.; 1.JI·
If yo~r bi'rthcley is -~" Mey! JW~• '' July stop in
encl .fill o,.,t en entry ••• -, d•cor•ted 2-liyer
eek• to 5 lucky. puple ••ch mont~I
• 1 ' . ' ~ • • ' , 1 ' I I I / ' ' l •
. . 343l'\1rA•LIOO INEWl!OR!-B~~l;f ~ '·' , ·,· ~H,360
To Join Brides
. ~c~:u·~gintbeNewport o'f _the . .':'.ti...!!:~ An •P•• .£.trato ' . " , : , .. EVERYONE'S l'AVORITE · ..
-·-pre.sentation,a-eomedy-about ~}"""~i ~ii'~U,.~"'~g!aru~u~tion:'.,=w~1D~con'.::::::'-!!;~2~09~·~4~So~.~C~oa~st;;'~H~'!"/_~~·;· ;;~\ap~·~;na;';;:ll;;ffi;;";Ch;;.,;-!--'j'~'~'~"~"~'~"~'~'•~tt~h!!I'~"§. ~ll'~"~'!'~'~"'~·~··~·~· ·~P·~•2·'~·;~;,~·~··~~,~.-2,~i·~~~,,~,,=·:;•=A•:·=·ri~u:· :-i~:· == the first woman president titl-pe agentla. 'flMi Ail11 "l•hiltrs ~c•11,.11. It'•• 41ily .. ,.,,11r" h1 th• DAIL~ PILOT.
eel '11iat's No Lady -That's • ·
Our Preaident, will be the ·,
Rites Set
In August
S~eryl LaVerne Bu gna,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles S. Bugna of Newport
Beach, will become the bride
of David Earl Lane. son of
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Lane
of Fountain Valley.
The couple are planning an..
August wedding.
Miss Bugna, a graduate 0£
Newport Harbor High School,
att"ended California Western
University in San Diego
where she majored in educa·
ti on.
Her fi ance Is a graduate of
Adrian High School, Adrian,
Mich. and attended the Univer-
sity of Michigan as a psychol-
ogy major. He recently was
di scharged from the U.S. Ma·
rine Corps.
1'.1mes. Robert Clifford, Curtis
R. Crooke, Daniel Kilmer,
Gilbert Mueller, R. Terrance
Moran, Edmund Pratt, Robert
Hauck, Daniel Shea, Hans
Vogel and Lee Jordan Jr.
TabieS and seating at the
Phi Mu Alums ·
Planning Menu
Husbands of Orange County
Ph.i h-1u Alumnae will be feted
during ail African dinner pro-
gram Friday, April 25, in the
home of the Robert Jacksons
of Orange.
A 7 p.m. social hour will
kick off activities, aceof!llng
to Mrs. Merritt ConroY· Of.
WestmJnster , program
chainna:n. The Robert Lcwrys
of Orange Park Acres will
!!how slides of their ~t
African tour. The gourine.~
dinner will feature a typical
African chicken dish with
assorted cO&dimenlls.
$425,000,000.00 •
.. A N 'O L 0 A N A S • ·o C: I AT t O N
~t57 [1st Col~t Hlahwf>', Coron1 Del Mir, ~Ii~ ~ <:025
teliphone: 675-lOIO i
HlAO Of'"C[ • < OfHllt lltANCH
l15 E.CO!arldoll\llf.' ' omen
P1Wdtll•. C.ltf. 91109 CoY1n1, Ohndllt
I lfltph<W\t:449·2l4~ WUlAN$ , .;J
-· ----. .. ________ .. --.. .... _.. .......
Monday, Aprn 21, 1969 DAILY PILOT
BeneJid's Father Officiates Musicol Date
Couple Wed .·in Laguna
On Program
Cot William Cabell Chapter
ol Deughten ol the American
Revolution will gather for
lunch next Wedoesday at 12,30
p.m. In the Ebell Clubhouse.
Mrs. Richard Golbach of
Cameo Shores will open her
doon next WedMsdaY when SEC Rn
me m be r 1 of <,:am e 0 II )'OU need help in preparing phllllannonlc Associates ol the Orange County your wedding. You'll find all the
Pbilharmonic Society 1e~r l«l'tts in .. How to Plan Your
in her home for & concert With ,. . Clyde Zulcb and Judith Bland. Wedding Gulde. Send 2lc in
Cand.lell9ht Ceremony
Lake Tahoe Honeymoon
Solemnized in
Miii. DAVID ~LTI ..............
..... I MW lclN In wedd~ -We .. n It. ~Her onglg9l!Blt ond w.lcllng
!Inga mltch hla wedding bind. After an, why
lhould the bride get 1n thl nice things!
From top: $225. $375. $295.,
SLAVICK'§ ...... ,.,.,.,1 11--............ -'4+1• ,,_ °""'......,.,..... _ ~ ....... ~ Ollrfll ...
~ ....... ,.,.,. tMtll t:• ..
Tbe l!ev. John c. EllloU
performed tho double rlnc """"'"'"1 UDlllDc ID marrlqe. blJ llOll, John Wanwlck EllloU
and Kalhy LJ!ll Turner. Tbe
setting for the evening nup-
Uals was SL llary'1 Episcopal
Cburcp In Lquaa Beach.
'lbe altar WU decorated
will> basket& of lavender pom-
"""" and pink dalllel ..,. • 'cltcling pink candJM. Fred
BainOI wu tho orpnlll wblle
. William Sandldle l<rVed u
Parents ol the newlywedl
. are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Tumer ol Lquna Beach llJCl
the · Rev. and Mrs. Elliotl ol
Van Nuys.
1he bride, liven ln·marria,ge
by her lather, designed and
made her wedding dress and
train. Tbe empire style gown
featured French s.ilk organza
~er ItaHan saUn, full bell
lleeva and a flDwing skirt or
«nbroldered daisies separated
by a pale lavender sash of
daisies and pearls. Her train
of silk organza was scalloped
with daisies on the border, and
lhe cUried a bouquet of white
rose buds and baby's breath
jntermingled with lavender
~1rs. Steve Johnson wa.1
matron of honor in a pink silk
organza gown with tucked
bodice and sheer long full
sleeves with floral train. Sbe
·held a bouquet of daisies and
baby's breath.
Gowned simllarily In
Javehder dresse1 and carrying
pinJ<ijaJ!lel and baby's breath
were bridemiaid1, MiBI Lou.lie
Reynolds and Miss Tamara
Turner, cousin of the bride.
Miss Lori TUrner, another
cousin_. '1f81 fl_ow_e_r &irl_in__f_
-laveDcler silk organza froct
with floral trim.
Greg McDougal was best
man while Dennis Aubrey and
Al Johnson, all lralernity
bn>tbers of the ·bridegroom,
~lolbalrpew1. , thollllllllilmart
-• IDd nlatJv. ~·...i the -11111 tho
.......... boll.
1llo "°" Mn. E1llol\ II I o1 Laguna s .. c:b
ldlOol and ·-tho nlV d. <lalllomla, 8aDla
1larllara. Hor b U I b I a d
~ from Von Nuy1
lcbool and alttodod
..... hi ''""Pd with
-Chi, CUmllil1 be II I
-al Calllomla Siiia Oollop al llmf lloacb. ·
Tllo -b'Wodl .. ~
their bol!ia 111 -
•pfANO TUNES -Miss Connie Laing, UC!
senior, presented a preview of her senior piano
recital in the Newport Beach home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Harkness. Guests greeted the young music·
ian at a postrecital reception in the Alan Stoneman
penthouse in Newport Beach. Miss Laing and Mrs.
Stoneman discuss one of the selections on the pro-
UCI Senior Gives
Preview of Recital
A prevlew perfurmance ()( Orange County Philharmonic
her senior recital w a s Society.
presented by Miss Coo!Ue Guests at the recital were
Laing, plani!t ·and UC! &tu-the Drs. and Mmes. Daniel G.
dent, last night In the home of Aldrich Jr., Jerrel Richards,
Mr. and Mn:. Edward Jan Popper, Clayton Garrison ;
Harkness of Newpcrt Beach. the Messrs. and Mmes. TOr-
Gueots greeted the young rence Dodds Han>ld Gelman
l>ianistC daughter of-Mr:-and Will' R M 0 w "-. Willi'em M. ' .,;,.,. of Cor-l iam . ason, . .
iyu;:i .1.icuug Rlchard1 W. Stanley Smithscn,
coin to P .0. Box ssa, Huntingtcn Mr!. Gecrge Buccola, state
assistant secretary, w i 11
preslde at the business
meeting. The educational topic
tor April's program is
CcnservaUon and Carl C.
Schaefer will discuss A Billion
Gallons a Day. Mrs. Harold
Wickersham will present Flag
Emblem Club Beach, Calif. 92648
Gathering for bus l n es sl;=========,
sessions and programs are HAPPY
members of Newport Harbor
Emblem Club the second
'nlesday at I p.m. in the Elks
Lodge, Newport Beach. Song.
Heve • h • pp y we1~1nd.
Stert it by r1edin9 th1 WEEK-
Planning your Hawaiian vacation?
Stay at Hawaii's most
unusualtbotel'-The SS Lurline
Whelher you have 10, 15 or 20 days we can book
you into Matsorl's 'Hotel'SS Lurline. This grand hotel
has everything. Smart rooms. Internationally famous
cuisine. Headline entertainment Continental serv-
ice. And it floats. What other grand hotel does that?
The heart of your vacation will be 10 effortless days
cruising the islands with the SS Lurline as your
exclusively first class hotel In every port You'll
unpack just once, then visit Honolulu, Oahu, for 3
days; Nawiliwill, Kauai, for 2 days;. lahalna, Maui,
for 2 da)'Sj Hilo, Hawaii, for 1 day, and Kona, Hawaii,
for 2 days. Plenty of time to see all Hawaii, without
the bother of changing hotel~
If you have 10 days, we'll fly you out to Hawaii and
back. If you !me 2 weeks take !he lwl ine for fiVI
glorious days at sea one-way and fly the other wzy.
(There's a particularly 1ltractive fare for this spe--
cial 15-day plan.) The ultimate in Hawaii vacatlonina:
is the full 26-day cruise vacation for those who
enjoy the finest in holiday living.
Fares be1in 1t $437 for !he llH!ay lnter·island
cruise. Book with us now for the season's veatest
Hawaiian travel opportunity.
Coota meoa :lraue! A"encu ·
230 E. 17111 St., Costa Mesa Phone 646-4431
ona del Mar, at a reception Edward 1.iayo and Arthur
after the recital in the pent-Strock: Buddy Roger!, Gen.
bouse -Of Mr. and Mr!. AIM and Mrs. Tbomu Riley and SAFaY INFORMATION: SS Lurline, re1iswed In !ho U. S, substantially meets International S.fety
Stoneman ol Newport Beacb. Mrs. Ralph Tandowlly. Sllndmls for new ships dovelDfl'd in 1960, l!ld meets !he 1966 nre Safely Requirements. Miss Laing, who wlll1-----------------------------------
.,-'""'1UC!111,:i ·---------------------------... wlll~--11tho1mhWlllJ SUDdly, April
27. Htr --porfxlrllllDCO Included l'nlado and ,..,.. In
JI' Mljor by Bacb; Scarllltl
Sonltu; Bettboten SOnata in
E Majer, Op. IOI; Qlopln Im-
promptu In JI' Major; Qiopln
!c:Mno In B ~ ml
Alberto Ginutaru' loaata tor Plino •
'Ille ,..., ~ WU
bonond b7 IJCI I Fino Arll Ill~ lbll ,... and
roetlvtd •a acblt>emtat
1chola.r1blp for btr
~ -lb•
Home a Gift Shop
• .,..., ltlo
1.00 •• ff
5.50 4.4t
4.50 l.4t
... 00 2.ff
2.IO 2.ff
2.50 I.ff
2.'~ I.ff
2.00 '·" f1NOIRT1P TOWILS
1-'0 ,ff
1.10 ...
1.00 •••
Regufar Sale
.90 .79
.80 .• 69
.70 .59
8.00 6.99
7.00 5.99
6.00 4.99
8.00 6.99
7.00 5.99
10.00 8.99
8.00 6.99
Disc ... 1111 llllriil ftN lffllllll , • ,
111111 .......... ..
lllfD .. TM•1•• -
You bttln '11'1allltN1111l1I .. ;.. 1111 If•, . . . '111111,,. ...... t llttilllltl .... ,. .. ,.
. 1,.,__,111ota.llli•.._~llfll ... iLM
Boavty stodio, '
~~nicures, pediC'lllS, 11c~ls l1ld eledrolysis
--.. ..._h .... "'4-2111
v...;n ... a..l'\t. -Ill ~ ... -..,. ,,,. ••""
NtNTS. ll.IACllI.I) WHITll ~ MllU. , .
..... .... • ... ta. S•lt
5.99 MT 14.00 I I.ff FLAT 7.00
12.50 II At
10.50 9.49
ATTED 11 .70 9.99
FLAT 8.00
7.50 .
ATTED 6.50
FITTED 5.50 4.69
5.30 4.69
KING 6.00 pr. 4. 99 pr.
4.40 pr. 3.99 pr.
' 4.00 pr. 3.59 pr.
REGULAR 5.20pr. 4.19 pr.
4.60 pr. 3.99 pr.
• at tho Entrt1n<1 lo Udo !sit ~
RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3433 Via Lida, Newport Beach 673-6360
' ,·
. 4~
YOC. 62 , NO, 95, l SECTIONS, l.4' e~6e5 : . ' ORANGE coUNrr. cA!.JFQR~f.( ~NJ>AY. APRii: 2 f, .,.,; TEN' C""1$
Nixon Asks
In Surtax
WASf!INGTON (UPI) -President
Nll:on today asked Congress to ease the
tu load oI the very poor, impose a mu·
imum tu on the very rich, and cut in
half the income tax surcharge for tho5e
in between.
rl The surtax would be reduced from 10 to
ve percent effective Jan. 1.
The Prtsident's omnibus tax reform
package to Congress also ca.Ued for im·
mediate repeal of the' seven percent iir
vestment tax credit to help curb inflation.
Treasury oWciah estimated that the
administration's juggling of revenues
would involve a trade-off of about $4
billion a year and that the revenue gains
and k>sseJ would be essentially balanced.
"Not penny to penny, but substantiall7
balanced," said ooe olficial.
The tax package won a generally
favorable response from congressional
ieaders and tax experts, although .90Dle
Democrats said Nixon should have gone
further. •
Tht President recommended removal
of the poor from the federal tax rolls
--~'"'"2Y&!! ena_c_lmeot of. a~ow-income allowance." But those i11 the upper in-
come brackets would be limited writing
orf to 50 percent of their incomes for tax
This proposal resuKed from reports
that several hundred persons with
incomes of more than $200,000 a year
were avoiding paying any income tues,
using legal loopholes.
Repeal of the seven percent investmenl
tax wu.Nixon's ploy for convincing tbe
DemoCritio-controlled Congress to extend
the 10 percent surtax beyond its schedul-
ed expiration June 30.
Senate Democratic leader M i k e
Mansfield said he wanted to study repeal ot the investment tu credit, but said if it
was linked witb removal d the' surtu by
the end of the next fiscal .Year "it is
warth1 of every comideratioq."
M>nlfielcl ailo sugg'8(ed that In-
creasing the dollar amount of exempti~s
would.help the poor as much u the NiXon
Harbor Teachers
Vote on Reprisal
To Back Pay Bid "
Of tlle Dlllr f'llllt StMt
Teachers of Newport-Mesa Unified
School District begin voling today on bow
:1tubbom or yielding they should be in re-
quests for pay raises and a greater voice
ill schoo l affairs.
Specific.ally, they will be voting on
reprisals to take in case the school board
does not satisfy them. In the ertreme,
such reprisal could take the form of mass
resignaUons with teachers m o v J n g
eliewhere to teach next fall .
However, there is reason to believe ac·
cord can be reached and nO reprisal will
be neeesaary, acCQfding to Ray Snyder.
tea,chera as.sociallon president.
"We want it understood we are not us-
ing this vote to pressure the board,''
Snyder said. "Jt is merely a backup. It'll
be put on n1e in case it is needed eo we
wouldn't have to rush out and find out
bo• far teicberi want to fO." •
Nevertheless, il Is evident that the vote
will provide a yardstick of local teacher
Balloting on what reprisals would be
acceptable: ts being done t.bla, week
together with annual election of Newport·
Mesa Education Association olflCtl's.
Ballots wW be counted Thursday evening.
Snyder, meanwhile. says he ls now
••veey, very opUmlstlc" about negotia-
ti<ris between teacher representatives
and top-level administrators, acting for
tJ1e board.
That sentiment '1s a tum-about from a
~le or weeks ago when teacher
~sentaUves accused the school ad-
rD.lhlstraOon of foot-draglng and pcx.r
NegoUat.ions have been going on in &Knt about once • week for the lut :1ix
w•ts. The next "meet and confer"
Dion u required by California law will
be .Wednesday.
Th< NegqUlttng Council for the
tucbers will meet face-~face with the
sdlool boanl for Ille tint Ume April 19. A
n_... adminfllration team, headed by
Supt. William Cunningham, h a a
repi'tsented the board 10 fat.
ffqotiatora for both sides uld lheJ har,,, not yet J1011en down to the nltty-grlt·
ll'. of salaries.
Mty I bu been It\ a.s the deadline for
dcdlion on all matters to be ntgotiated.
Tuclw:rs and administrators hive
~ not to divulge what occurs in
meet and confer se!lllons, but have gone
to~ W 11 to 11y tbat topics have been
geilera!ly phllolopblcal covering Joni·
tS.. TEACHERS, Pace I)
,-· , DAILYPILOT ....... W ...............
GOod Things i• Smau Package~·
Klmqerly. Simpsoo, 5, of 3137 ljarbad.os Place, entered oo~ of ~mall
est kites in annual Mesa Verde Kite Contest Saturday. It flew and
Kunberly won second place in smallest kite and most unwual kite c~teg~ries. Tom_Scott, 8, of 1901 Lanai DriVf, .hBd one Of· the Jaigest
kites in the contest. It new, too -for a while. ·
. .
Off shore Ail-ports T~pic.~
A:~.Meeting of ~ommission
Planning, •design and ,cons~ion . or , ln\irnalipnal Ajrport expansion proirarn.
offshqre airport.s - a subject of irea\ iri· . • A. major· part 1 of thls work k an
teresl in Orange Cbunty ·-wlll be ..,,,~ ~ ·-• fe""'llJ~
discussed at Tuesday's meeUng of the stuUJ" tort~ ~~Ill and conat(ucUaa ot a . . proposed runway on a reer offshore] ,
County ~ Oom~oo,··~ · • Tile company ts lllo~ -JO
Dennis Cafpenter announced. lhe Federal AViat.fon ~AdmlnlNalibct , (u
At the lnvltaUon ol the commisSIOn, thO )lrepare · i ifuily to • eYalllata o11.-
. • ' "
Beach Riot E,rupts
Thousand.$ Fight Police A.fter Arrest'
f • '
' · Br ftU.Y O>VOU: .• ., .. ,Dllr ,......... •
Thoullll>l!I qi "'l'PlllPI ---. ...
hurled rocb ¥<f eplthell·ll more than
l*'pollce ollk:ers ln Hun~ Beach
Sunday aftai-. wh!n riOtloi· bloke out
lollowll!i• ams! ol • U.year~4 )'Olllb '
on •"'-ol pooaesslon of narcO!Jc~ . •·
The thrte-hour riot brOke OUI with JNn.
tington Beach police calllnJ for belp from
s I 1 other -opncia. FOl!y"1po r1otm
we"' 'j~ "" charJIOI raocinl fnlll
failure to dllpene to po11!11iclD of drugs. .
From l :IO P·'!L tn ~ 4:1' p.m. Illa
beach area from Matn .street to Lab
Street WU ~ acene of bfawlfnc Z
bather& heavtnc -lltd other objects
at pollce units Wformed I rlnc IRtllld·
the ntrllng beach crwd .. LUOJllardl ,Mtbnated the total belch
CYVWd at IO,IJOJ~7. Police Aid aboat
Brings Arrests
S,000 ...,. Involved In the riotins-beach front, bul wu recaptund, • ,.._
SANDMEN ARREST aald. • • ·
The arrest of the ·15 I.., ·old wllldl · A ciwd'liesin lo ptller ....;... 'the
twcbed off Illa niolee m ..... bj ..... lleledlnl nponod, ........... ....
"Sandmm" -~ Potlco-.; illbjectt...,. .,._In ..... "'"t:
, Rolo!M PholM,. ~==-:c~~· · · ·S!WJ, Poio i PoUce-..JJOd !Gr mme until. ad wbeft
Domqe Iii pollca un111 ·W.. -led all ...,.. at Illa ~UOll the .,....
at about '5,oot · llld 1he p 0 fl c 0 began throwlq rocb at tbom and the
department'a aubolatloa on the -w bulldlnc. • ~led . by thrown ·itones; n la ·-R!Ote;, held tbe iubatatlln w!d'r·=· pletdy bOarded up aoil uiiuaabll ~ · • for about 45 niliiDtel, jiollCo 1if11,
Polloe Aid th• -blo ~ wllm unllf .from other dlla -:a eallld II tar
detectives ltoany Pommiy ind cart· l!dl>-. . •
Vlduo attempted to. amat a U.year Old . Polloe unlla from Nt'!JIOl"I llooda, boy-~ to be to poae•~ ol_-1 Cotta Mm, s..J Beod!. roimllbi VllloJ, pllli. , ·Welhnlrmter mid Onla'i.ce.tf ilwtft1
Delldl... Aid· the yOUtb bepn -farmed • rtnc ·-Ille -l!Pllnl with the olllctn 11111 • -...... 11temptlo1 to -U.rial t!mno ·~a bile Oil Vldino 11111 Potiiero,,iAI· '1ft .... -pet-...... lo a ~1-. Illa lUtpad .... _Iowan! the (Illa man. ...... ) .
Reade Ternt· Expires •
4 ~ ' ...
' '
Appointment of Planner . ~ .. An undercover lnvestlgator'1 purchase
of one ll'•m of a dark, sUck;y IUbstanca
that police autpect th tie basblab .~ to By. ARTHUR R. VINSEL news story. ..-ot tt1t o.11r ,._. 1t11tt H
the .arrest of tl\ree.mer ~two WQmen e calls attenUon to a DAILY PILOT
at 8 Costa MeSI ~~late Fr;4aY nl&ht:· Citlna Orpnized oppOlltlon to bis can· h-...adllne saying : "Reade Says He'll ~
.Ono •• ~ all,. -"-"'.out dnrinlr the. ·-.~ dldacy one ·year qo, Coeta:lfaa ct\y on Board," over a story tn w~ the r-,_.. ...--~ -..-Oouncitman· William L. SL Cl'1r tont1bt veteran planner lMOUll<OI he w..ad· )la:.
fusiori ' and waif.'.ca'j>tUrecf after a IJlQrt will aetk to block re-appointment of Plan-to have another four-year term.
chase, but 1eveial other ~ ~t 1 ~ CommJmon Cba1rman Nate Reade "I mean in no way to detract from ~with ...:..-a;i... ,io.~ ~:;r ·i · '"·1·.,;: "~"·!leade" li!"I 'lli* -•fer 'vittilltdb'\TtaJcr."Jif . 'tf'~' -. CDIM.,..ilii~ ms . yeal'l,11 • St. ·Ctafil'·,..,., "Rfttftl I
A tota1 of ·it.ci.mu or ·t11e211efed -~t1oo1i.~1~...r;:rc•:rnth _ beli<vewe .•. ~c1oJ!Jf911<•~·11 ~lllll~~ad.l!OblJ!...r.oelz-~;.i:i .. ~partlaan jloll~ ~=• #~'i!'~~w=,:~
ed as · evldenet,: 'With ~ itonttabml taWard 1'* ·oonckdln'. i ' • • • '· _ • ~ tlrtil c:um'a to irld' W ". 't ' '
toallhig·· ;..mi w.tth.·11'oirt •-on -~-by Vice lla>"'r•Rallil;l .J,I: llai 'IO UftlllN• • ,, ·
tJ>ellllcit'matktt.' . • ; . WlloonJuat.two-;•f<ir··.,..io. "P....,.llwouldbewtteto.-.to!
·BooUd .... ~of Polioiaion and tn.;prea with pOottlGll '1-11 ~. "'rOctllt .!bat •fftVll1"'•unltl .~I ul <it ..... .,.. _, .. ,_, c.... , taJldqi thosn ovw with bls co~ SL · y..,.,, , • the1 CUiiom ol """"tm'•'"'lc· e 1•-·-<t •,..__Oft """' wu11, Cld''I newat 'announoemcot>lnvelveJ a ~~·~Y ~ ·p1imµq ~
JUµ'Coticl , PAJ'.~.rnall.a. anl:l 1~~ 1 : f~. • ~" electfOn;"~bt c:on-
char1es •ere these individuali": ~· · · · ~ M: ~'.It, or -~. Conway LA G d • M · "ll hat,aem; Ileen ·••plained wlly11hat
Aye., Cpeta M ... , wbere the JI p.m: /aid ' ftf ena • ·en Prd~'~ .l/erJ\ ~'\.SI' Clair oca.irred. • • · , a, wii ""i.a rewlBM:ment ,would 111: an aid · . · . to tilt expectallolil Of ·gooc1 ' ov'ermiitn\ •
-Delldt E. tapp, 26, of liO W. Main Die , in CountV He \itttt on to note Ihm f..vebetll.;;.,
SL, ~-. . . / ci>onpl. on the i>!mmJna Commtsaton Amar°ft::1~eLE. Anllltnor, u. of " .. ..: ._ Acc1'd. ents ., since 1916, with all members holdovers . • · · '-AlC from the years before Couoc1Jman
--.D .. J-, II, of Aman>llO, George A. ~ lltd lilmtett tool of·
Tu:. ' ' . lice. , · • -Jeny T. BowlH, JI, ·ol Fmdalt, .Ono' man .... klll<d ud hla pa-er All of the ....oint ~IdrJ -
Mich. . . . . vlrlualtyunllijttredSaturdaynllbl.lnC.0-their .nimfs ~, ... ~-~ ... · '·-la M-, 1'1* the!f aporlt car lkldded at ~ •-w• ·-Invqtlpton lldlflngbam _..ed out aboutD mlla per hour, alammed Into a in a particularly vlcliuo.lltodl upon mo.
of the booite durlntr the; ....ruiton · 111er tree and Ore bydran~ then ntppeif apalde dµrln( '!'Y cani~," St. CJ.ir.ibar .... ,
Offlcen Norm Kvtdi, .Ron Palmer and do'Nn. . . . · . "Now don't'nitstion what!~·
Ted Sor<naon en~ durin( Ille raid. A Gllldenlo man wu ilio k\DM early I am no aaylnc that eacb
He was plcted up a short dia&anc:e·fnml Sunday Wbe:n hlJ car hit a toW"tiuck in should ha,tre hia own reJi neotaUye m1M ·
the BOene Iller a brlet <hue .by In-Wettmlniter, and 1 young Scmad B<ach Plannit)g ~."·St. C1'1r ·••·· vesli(~ olflcert, ~ to Uie · ~ plains. . ttUck report 001tbe hashish raKI. · w~ 11 ¥1 cri~al condltlen ' after "l am saymi,1'. be COliliauee,, ''1hlt no
Two orince ptJi, bOllev<d.•to be t:.sD being Btrilck by 1 car ln·the ·com-councilman abould -~ regu1re<1 to,11)1 to
were alao confiscated from Ute Co~ay rilunlty. . . r~ the ~le who~ him;~
Avenue home, ·u . w,.U ¥ a pair of pl~ 1 Deld as a result of the weekend· tr1lfic be1n1 forced to. be ~ wl~ a Plm-,
contaJniq a burnt ,reildue. lbnillr . iO ·.:~,~!'~; wt\Jch left on! motorJ~. jailed, n~· ~ ·lflO percent . open)y
huhish.: · · • .. against him." , . , ,
' -Wayne L Passlck, 21, of Loll Angeles. MAJCE 'N0 QIOICE · · , •
-I!rJu A. Onlway, Zl, of Gardena. Councilman SL Clair said )le pl .. to
Mesa Mom of4
Gives Bi1th to .
No. 5 at Home
A Cotta Meaa mother .of tour beeame
the mother of five at ·her hnne eartyTJi.
day mornln(. •
Mn. Barbara Paff, It, WMR biJ&band,
Orio, b a dellp clraltaman', awoa in the
m.lddie ol tbe nlcht lod had a baby: •.
"I knew whet was Jojn1 lo-bapPin, IO I .
witn't worried. lt'bappaned rattier lut,
ahd We didn't , think we'd 1et .to the ·
hospital, so we just atayed home," uid ·
Mn. P,aff. · · ·
Panic WU -dead on arrl.Vi:l abOut 11 ask bla colleagues to mate no cbokt of a
p.m. ·s.111n1ay at Co6ta Me11'MeinGrliif n\an lo lUf Reade's term "wblcli"i~ ti& Friday, bat llPllOtilt ...... mittee to 1:'. _ ·c: ~ •: ;z..::..~ '<>1t~ for com-
•)11• .....,,lloweftr, -llltll,y•cloom, ilocpttaJ. with major bild and neck m-
jurlel aufftred when hla lllllo criibed on
Palisades Road north " 11,..por1 Boulevanl. ' • · ·
'lboo>u D •. Bennett, ZS, or ~
Beach. Wlf treajed and r~leaaed at the
siine boa~whh cuts and brulta,.ap. patently 1ree durlni the rata1 aw. ·
Patrolmaa vkl Hayti 1akf'.Pauick'1
bocly wu crWnpled. lnalde the car when
he arrived at Illa scene, whll'e lleMflt lay
on lhe .P1vtm0!>! 0beslde \llO demolbbed
eel to failure. . • ,. .
"! am aboolulely _. to operitinl
with a four·man · P.iannfhl commiuion.
We · annoupced' ttrcl weeks qo thlt a
choice Would be made tontpt llld I thlU
(Sae ST. a;AJR, h&• It
"OrU,e (;eq&'
" •
' f ;-
1 1 We.'Uler ,, 1 1
Ralpb M. Panoas: CO., iaa' eacJ:,oeering airport planning and c o n s ~ r u c t i o n ,
and consultla« firm, will make· the metbods. r
'llMl·neweai acidlU.on to thO Paff bmiJi
I> DeTid <Brien, :wllo I'~ In at ....,. ,
and one-luolf pOunds at 4:45 Lm. l"tfday.
'llMI other cillldrtn m'e.Alldy, 10, who WU
born In an••ambolanCo on Ille way io !be·
bplpftal, Aarcla, I; Kana..7, 'aDd Yidwl
'l1>e !l)lured passenaet t o.I ol . Iii-, vatlgator1 he and Paulck Md Jt11t left a
~vern and ,..._.. c•ll!i to a lltll'by
i'Htaurant for a'late eventn:c ll\ICt 1'1ieo
the .accident ocaimd. · . '
. lie Utd.lle did '* bellave Pllllck bad ~ beei: .. be lntollcated 'apd "" yestJtalon IDaed ... llkeb' '..ec-£
ft'1"11 nice di)' Ud1lt'D tie even I
nicer oa Tuadq with fair Ulee .
111er som. m<><iiinl cload1ntst and
temper1tura ...... to the mltlo
dle IO'a. L -
-•lattOo ti 7, p.111. In the Boord of It ia thb lati.r allldJ In i hicb the
Supervilon llllrtq NIOOI, Ill N. ·county airport com-Ion hu port1a>
S)'c1more. St.~ Santa Aoa. '· • lat illter.,t, ~ Aid. j ·
Newjlott llelciJ. Cocta Mesa, llwrung-' • ton ·BOiidi. 1-na Bead! llld Ill oll>er •• • •
::-...;.. ~ have -~·to ·Joseph P. Kennedy
C.-,.,. 1 alltlm .fomat stz 'n <iw', '.
and C111rte1 "°"' -w111 dlacual airport .n.eturns to nyann1s : ccmnnm1tJ plsnniq M IL relalea. ta the , i
ldYantag"lllddtsadnatal'lolollahore HYANNIS. PORT, •M•: (UPI) -
airportl. tile l¢lnlcaJ ._u of llUCh Former Ambassador Josepb P. ~.
airports and a brio! ..,yiew of u lllln1 patriarch of Ille Kennec!Y fainlJt, h11
and planned oUshore project&. returned to the faintly C0111pound at tMt
The Pmocii Co. ii prw.nUy Vllder Cape c.od communi~ =,'the
conlract to the Slate of N1w1il In lhe ~n~:wtn:i",!" s!:ferlnc 1 atrob In iii:
deslp and construcLlon ol the Honolulu returned aboard a private jet Swld1y.
•. . ' " . ... ' ...-
Mr. Piii ~pat wtur:tlle °detlWt'l'·
Both -ta I-I lllldlool ..U
help -..-t1)>. They-took ..
!Ina! uam, but, hi. t11e· -· ol' a nei,hbor, "I lue&I they pe.Jltd iL"
Ntw YblUt tXPJ -Hi 110Ci IDll'liil
clooed with.a abarp !Mt todoy, --, •
I presldenUal -.... -!Mt eon.,... '-1': t,111 1-.,... ~
,aedll. (Seeq-,Puio.Ka). '
l'f11t Dow Jonts lndn•ttTal averJ19· 1t
l :IO p.m, WU olf 7.13.
-a1 .. -· tumtna.mOvisn<oL . More U,.,. a -penoos wltneaed
the spectacular .accident and ooe -
eatlmt\ell P•'*~'•-~ at to to to
mlles'Plr liour -toe~ auto IWetvod eut of -.i. . _,.;,
Wllllanl' .E. llllhnb, If. « -~. aald the car ~ paaled blm
on the !di. II l>!P ~ and -lilc:I< Into 'Iha outatde irifflc: lane abeiil,
at whldl Ume lilt drl•i! loot control. .
Cotta Meta polJco and Ille Clltlomla
H1aJtway ·P•trol covered th e · .:n.,.
~,.., tlollJtl Pall-. Road !Gr a
t1me llid br<Jldclllln& I 1llpkri. . •
gnisn JNITAll"l'LV 1
Ontny Wil aJ>P,&,..nllrkllled lttataoi<ly
(Set (l!IAIHES, P ... I)
• .• JI' ..-
I ···t I I ... • .......
l c;.,,,.11. torcrlld'IM ICH ...
. C.JI /Nim Stoa,_. U-rlij
-IA< --"'olpplaf ~ l/"1;ii!f ~I "°""""' c~ fornia b)J OM "°"'( 8o ,,l ~·
Pao< Jf. ' ' '.
................ -.. --.. --. ......... ""'i =--= =:.-:-c , -·· .,: --...
z llft.Y PILOT '
Sirhan Penalty .Titial Ends · Wi~µ Mo~'s Plea
LOS A!IGEL!21 (UPI) -Tiii pro-
aecuUon aod the delemol bolh abruptly
mt<d In the P'"lllY plllle " the Slrbm
B. --tltilll!UJ ;nor eaflll&
as I -onlJ ~ -.Y l5lrllan lo
pl•ad that !he Jurt opare her 1011'1 Ufe.
The penalty ll'lal of the 15-)'tiM!d
PaloUnlan lmmJgrant for lhe murder of
Sen. &bert F. Kennedy, for which be
was convicted last weet, moved wtth
'tartllng suddenness.
Tbl ..... lo do' -..n..uior WU -Ion, WU CB Illa 11114 for ...
-'.... lo ... fllllmila ... llwl. ~
-or .. lie ---bed COOpa' Mid lo her: Jllllllelm-°"'·-·-......... 1 ......... ,.. .. 1"1111-llld lllo!.,. ......... . .............. tu• prior _....,ar.. .. ~1111-•a.~ii._.....,......, ..
ad hla -aod the ..., _ In ailllp ..,. trouble with the POHel!"
Uon for the Onl·llePM In the llloolllll ol "He has never been In trouble belore,"
the aeoalor la the Amba111d0r Hole!' Jut Mn. Slrllln uJ<I In a voice that was
June 5. -lneudlble In the _b....,, "I led
Mn. Muy Sirhan, ii, a tlny llpre who him up 1111 the wUl ol GOd ••• "
Bu ..... -"'11111 the .... ol her --laal. ~Ital pol!lt ~ lllld, "the dtllllSt
l'llllo." '.
811 I • Ooltrl J-~ V. lfabc
..... --...... --Ille ln-•ltr!!!l!olo be wt(l l(lyt .. tbt Jury.
I 8'lli lldel wm lo make final
arJllllDtllll belors Iba, jury betiW . its
dellberaUon, prob& ly by mllllftemoon.
The proM<uUoo hat alnody-Aid it
would not demand the doth penalty but
Dept. Diii. Atty. Jobe Howard lllld the
state wwld Aeave it up to the comclence
ol the jury 'u to whether such • crime
-the -peoally. Howard~ by ..,to;ll!at Xlmlld1
, had been stn.tck down at a moment when
he represented the bopM of an important
aegment ol lhls nation and that "except tor this defendant he might h•ve risen to
the hight.!t position this nation can of.
Sirhan, he said, bad "reached thete
ahorel u an tmmlsnnt into a nallon
whlcb had prided illtll on lllv idill
"Bill this WU not eno<l&il for him , , • \
We llJn 11.-t1ie ..,...... Ill •
IOciely for the Ulle of a cold-II~
pollUcal as&as1in while sending patriotic
Americans to Vietnam With a $70 rlfle
and our best wishes,'' Howard dw"pd..
He llid Sirhan "didn't demoll!ir•te the
1ll1hte!lt degree or remorae ••• be en-
joyed the star statu1."
Korea Task Force Sails
·~ ...........
But Battleship New Jersey Returning to Long Beach
WASHINGTON (AP) -A :lkblp tuk
force lncludln& lour American aircraft
carriers bu been formed to back up
President Ni>on's pledce to ~
roconnalllance plmMa operatlJll In the
Sea Ill Japan, the Peota&oo dllcloeed to-
The \at ron:e.ioe. not iDclllde 111e b&l-
timlp URS Ntw J....,,
The te,000.tor · veuel, which wU
diverted to the weatern Plclflc Friday
becaUH: of the ICCUl crllll, bu been
given new orders to return to Lone
Pentagon spokesman Daniel Z. Henkin,
who announced the lonnaUon of the tuk
force , would not 11y when the New
Jersey will ' reach the West Coast or
where lbe ts at this time. The battleship
wu due to dock at Long Beach Saturday
aller winding up a tour ol service oil
Today'I announctment WU the fint Gf.
fidal word of the acope of a U.S. naval
armada formed for deployment in lhe
Sea ot Japan in response to North
Korea's shooting down of the lllW1lled
ECU1 aircraft one week ago.
Heoldn told reporten lhe new Task
F<rce · 71 has been acUvated by the
Pacific fleet and II Wider the command -o1-Re1r-Adm:-Malcolm-W;-Cagie-o1
Hcrnel Tile cruilerl Include the Cblcqo,
OltllbGma City and lhe St. Paul.
lt WU DOI. dllcloeed Whether all thele
lhlpc are now 1n the Sea qi Japan or
wbe!W all wlll· be deployed theft II Ille
...., lime. Tiley could tan -.
rotat!nl in and out of wlpmeot __,
a!Qog the COii\ Ill Kor<a.
The large deployment of shl.pa to the
Sea of Japan apparently will not
significantly affect naval operatioc;is off
Vietnam. It is wxterstood that the car·
rier1 Kitt§' Hawk and ~ Homme·
Richard will take up battle Ntioas tJ!f
Vietnam to 1upport bombing mis&Jom m
SOutb Vietnsm and Laoo.
Coastline U.N.
Group Schedules
Talk on Hunger ...
A dinner meeting featuring the ex·
ecuUve director of the A m e r I c • n
Freedom from Hunger Foundation will be
hosted April 22 by the Coastline Chapter,
United NatiOM Aasoclation.
"Hunger, People and Peace or War,'' ls
the Utle of Willard Johnaon's speech to be
given at the Hotel Laguna, Laguna
Beach, with dinner at 7 p.m. and the talk
to follow.
• -!' J { Grand Junction, Colo.
Johnson's organization is part of the
United Nations-f'ood and Agriculture
Organization, and serves u liaison of·
fictr for the CARE program in Gtntva.
Brawling SunlNthers Htave Rocks et Officers Attempt1"9 to Contain Riot Aloni wltb lhe lour carriera, which
will be ablo lo provide !et lilhter pro-tection forfuture reconna saance flights,
are three cruisers and 18 destroyen.
He ls also an officer and charter
member of the Society for International
Development and Is president of the
Committee for International Economic
Growth. formed by the late President
Eisenhower. Upper Bay Land.Swap
Lawsuit Delay Ordered
BT TOM llAllLEY cM .. .,.., ...........
A liklay delay of a llwlult ,Unad 11
hatting the Upp<r Bay Ltpd .. ap ru
onlen!d today over Ille llrdic'abjectlonl
of an attorney acting for m Harbor Ano
Superior Court Judp Claude Onnl
granted a continuance to MQ 1 at the re-
quest of Irvine Company attoniey Robert
S. Warren.
The Loa Anieles lrlal lawyer IUC-
ceasfully argued that he needed more
lime lo study the writ of lnttrvenlloo Ill·
ed by Mr. and Mrs. F<ank Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coverdale of
f'rem P .. e I
range educaUonal aoais and practices.
Teachers earlier made public thalr
''negotiation package," setting forth a
lon& list of things they want. But the one
point on which they were not 1peclflc is
request tor salary Increase.
A major thrust of the packa1e was a
aeries of requests for grtater teacher
parUclpaUon In managing the affairs of
the school dl1trlct.
The teachtts assoclaUon proposed 10
new committees on which they would
have equal representation with ad-
DAILY 1•11 01
OU.NO• C0.U1 P'UtL""llM CCWl'Alt't
l•Mrl N. Wtt4
,.,."-" ... !'WI ...
J•,l I. C111ltf
VICll ,.......,,,. _, o.i.tei """"*
n-•• ••..,ii ....
Tllt111t1 A, M•1,lrih1t
Mll'IMllll l•ltlir ...._ __
l)O Weit s., Sftffl
M1lM1rAM,..1•1 P.O. t.. llM, ft6?6 --Ht-' .._,.1 nn .,.._. hMt ...,,......,. LatllM ~ft' ttt ,_, A..._
ttwnll .. i... 1Ma11 .....
N111J1Gri Belch and Mr. and Mn. ·Wtllq
Mll'l·Cll th11Midl1 Park, lrYlnt.
'l11e taxpoym are aeeldng to halt court
action ... i wttt of mandate thlt woukl, jf
•Pllfllll, compel county auditor V. A.
Helm to psy to Ille Irvine Company a
$11,197 btll coverin8 coots of drodlinl and
soil ~ill lhe Upper Bly,
Helm hlm..U has balked at psyment ol
lhe bill. He b the author of a »pie
Superior Court brief which brands the
land exchange as unconstitutional and
whlch points out that the Irvine Company
will rtoeive some of the most valuable
resldenUal and commercial land "' Iha
West Coast while the county reeeives on-
ly a waterwai.
Attorneys for Helm and the county
listened th.ls morning to lhe unsucttMfuJ
bid ol attorney Ralph B. Pen-y for Im-
mediate court action on the tarpayera•
Deputy County Counael Robert F. Nut~
man commented after lhe bwing that
th< county will not join Irvine Company
in cbal!englni lhe acUM by the Ill tu·
"We havt come to an agnement with
the Irvine Company but that dou not
mean that we would try to bar any
clliun'a argument from the courtroom,"
Nuttman said.
"We would rather a.It in court and hear
what these people have to say," Nuttman
said. "Any new Ugbt that can be thrown
upon thll land exchange In any way
whatever Is more than welcome to the
Backed by cOunty supervlacn 19 a
trade in which the county would pt 4IO
acrtS of Irvine lborellne by llUl'Alld..-lnr
157 tacres oC county Ude.landl. 1'ho9e 4IO
acm: art presently being held tax free by
Irvine pending a declllon on the con-
stltuUonsllty of the propoeed deal by the
courta -a ruling tbat ts at leut two
years away.
Al!o challtnied by the tupayn b
state legjalation on which the Irvine Qlm.
pony and the county blSed tbe llllllty Ill
their Jand nap .
Their action condemns apprai1al1 that
led county olllciail to predict that Oronie
County would be ti mUllon better oil li
U!e swap went through .
Not~ the county.Jrvlne valuation o(
the lrvme land at $11 mllUon and the
l8Jl"le combine'• U1tA111ent of the COUJ1ty
am..., u fll mllllon, the peUUOMn
challenie the manner In which apprallOra
arrtvad at tbooe lliUrf1,
Their argument cont&J.na the ,_...
ment lhlt the lou to county tuptyva
a1tor the UltNIYe dredcln« and. chan-
nt~wort I.I carried out wtU amount to
"hunartdl of milllonll of dolllrt."
Floor Mats, Stereo
Stolen From Car
Steve Greenbaum would Ukt to stt h!1
hands oa whoever '• rot. b.11 reet on Grttn-
baum'1 coco-mata, stolen out of hit car
parked al a Costa Mesa apartment Sun·
The victim, of t330 PAl1"'dal Road,
told polJce the car burglar11 loot totaled
$105 in value, lncludinl his ltereo Lipe
deck and two tapes.
From P .. e I
RIOT .••
"We will not go into any details con--
ceming the operations ••. " Henkin said.
But be 1ald he would name the lhlpt.
AJked whether the EC121 lllghts have
resumed, Hentl:n 1ald he could not set 1n-
to that operation upect either.
The task force carriers include the
Enterprise, Tlcooderoea, Ranier .and
Wiiiard Johnson
Hoste!1es include Mrs. Henry Elder,
chairman, Mrs. iybelle Pettit, Mrs.
Leo Rovin, Mfr _ .• tiele Ipsen and Mrs.
Robert Horn.
tanker which wu used by police u an
obeervation platform and a launchin1
area far the tear Ill which finally qutll·
ed tbe riot.
About 1111 policemen ... re rina11y 111-2 Housewi'y1>J1. ,.,..... P .. e J
CRASHES KILL TWO ,• .. wived Jn the melee. About SO of them ..........,
wert from HunUngt.on Beach.
"WORST I'VE llEEN" Cyclist Ini' ured about I LDL Sun<coy and his date Wll
DetecUve Captain Earl Robitaille lllid l«toualy 1nj1Jred when their Cir croaad
th,e riot wu ''the wortt I've seen since Jn A 'd a Westmimter street and crubed btadon
I've been here," and moot olllcials CCI. ents into a toY truck, police said. His pauenber, Debra Pawlicki, 11, of
agreed It was the biggest problem alnct 10070 Gilbert. St., Anaheim, wu taken to
the 1117 riot in which about 300 perSOlll Two houaewives suffered ahouJdtr In-Westminster Hoepltal, where she la 1n
were Involved, juries In an automobile colllaion and a terious condiUon today with facial
Captain Harold ~ lllid csnllten of motorcyclllt riding in rouib terrain fell laceratlollll and blck lnjuries. '
gu "ere med to disperse the crowds and broke hia leg Jn aeparate accidents William L. Nale, 20, of 1fi051 PacUlc
when they ptbered along Pacific Coast Sunday, Coeta Mesa police said today. St., Midway City, driver of the tow truck
Hlghw!l'..IJld on two oceasions police us--Mn. Lula M. Doyle, 51• of 2501 Orange Involved , eacaped injury, traffic offiet.n ~ lo -•-•• " -~-to Ave., Costa Mesa, and Mrs. Fbs.ie V. ., .. ;d
ICU ,....... ....... arn cro ... = PI .. !SanGbil led -· d11pene, first on the beach itseU, tbu 00 e, .,,,, 0 a re• were trea The accident occurred at the busy ln-
later when the crowd moved up to the and released at. CO.ta Mesa Memorial tersection of Edwards Street and Ma plea
fered when she was struck by a car whlle
walking atoni the highway in the beach
Donald G. Smith, 36, of Garden Grove,
was jailed on suspicion of feJony drnnk
driving after his car struck Miss
Gopoul0$, accordin1 lo the Calilornla
HJgbway Patrol.
4 Teens Nabbed
In Seeds Find
hi h Hosptlal. A g way. . "'-A11, venue. Most of the rioters ft!'e teenqers, JrGWC lnvestl1ator1 said they 1Rre Sunday Pana GopoulOI, 22, of tam. Pa· A patrolling Costa Mesa policeman who
police aaid. Only 11 of the 52 arrested ridlnl In a car dttveo east oo Fair Drive cilic Coast Highway, Sun.wt Beach, i8 in sensed the seeds of trouble when he saw
were adUILs. One of the adulls was by Robert N. Doyle, 19, of the Ortilge crtUcaJ condftion today with injuries IUf. two youths jumping up and down and
Gllbtrt Covell, ,owner oI th" Syndicate Avenue addreu, when Jt collided with honking their car horn out.s.ide a hospital
300J, a teenage nightclub near the beach. another •uto making a left tum cm to found 230 of them Saturd1y.
Ooe de•-~•ve "'d that most of ••-Newport Boultvard. High School PA Marijuana seeds were what he found, ~w .... w..:: Inveet11aton: said the other driver. t be ~ --•• p trol De · m~-•e ~that•··-·-·~Iba" o exa ... ., eo.N a man nnlS .,...... .. ,, ..... ~-uwu ._..... &l\N.11\1 ~ John L. Travia:, 19, of Riverside, wu not S l T k A H feld area cleared out II IOOII U they llW the ys em 8 en way OSS • 'ot atart ·-me th 'd ea11y •-•-lnjunod. The teen-aged hoJ s questoned tn the rt • ._pey w ey r u.:: 01 DennJs M. Henderson, 21, of la& Tustin Jt was 90llledling ol a blow to the preu p!!lrking lot at Costa Mesa Memorial
trouble U they stayed," he uld. Ave., Costa Mtaa, Is being treated today or at least to the press box and sports Hospital, 301 Victoria St., were arre1ted
h This momlng Hun1 ~ Beach pollce at Hoag Memorial Hoepltal for a broken fans. along with two companions on suspicion
eadquarten: WU oadw: w:lth paperwork right leg suffered while riding his cycle in Police said today the public address of possesalon of marijuana.
from Sund11'1 riot, and about ela:ht of· a vacant field at Adams Avenue and syatem amplifier at Laguna Beach Hi1h Two were from Costa Mesa and two
fletrs are rt.Ill nlD'alng bru1aea austaintd Melia Verdt Drive. School athletic field had been ripped from were from Newport Beach, and all four
in the mtlee. The victim wu !lated as being in good Its · moorings and stolen. The lou wu dlaclalmed knowled11e of how the pla.rtic
Ironically, wblle detectives were shuf-condition. about $50. bag came to be under the 1eat of the car. fling tbroulh atackJ of arr..t and 1-------------.....:.....:.:_, _________ .....:2.=::..::..::=
damage reports, tm tune on the radio
was drifting out "Tboae lazy crazy days • ' • • ,' . • • , I • ' -• ' , , , , ' • ' ' ' •, ' ' • ' ,
of summer."
From P119e I
il wlllt'' MaYor AJvin L. Pinkley Jaid.
He noted lhlt no one has tipplied for
conaidtration u a IUCCt!SSOl" to Reade in
the past two ween and aJao that no
vacancy even ell.Kl befort triday.
Mayor Pinkley characterized Reade as
one of 1be two fintlt COsta Mesa Plan·
ntn1 Coml!llulon mtmber1 In city hlltoty
and lell lltUe doubt thl( the chamber of
commwce leader would pt a new term.
He 1trustd that the choice reat1,
however, wltb hll fellow councllmtn.
Reade was first appointed to the pl•n·
nlng comml!llon in April, 1tl0 and
ruilllad In September, IM4, to devote his
civic lflortl to leadlnt'lhe Colla M"a
Unllad Fund.
fttldt WU a(ain &ppoinlad to lhe pltn-
nln& commlsllOl'l in November, 1965, to
fill out the term of c. Thatcher Warren,
who resigned.
&lbHquenUy Rtade wu voted vice
chairman and moved up to ch&Jrtn&n one
year .,., when C<lmmiaaioner Jack Ham-
mett'• ODt-Y'tlt stint I! chairman WU up.
Wheeler to Remain?
WASHfNGTON (AP) -Tiie Nixoo ad·
minlstraUon wanta Army Gen. E•rie G.
Wheeler to remain on for a atxlh ltrat&hl
year 11 chairm•n of Ute Joint Chlef1 of
stare, the Pentqoa dilclooad Mlllday •
e rings sized end re poi red
• diamonds end precious stones remounted
• peerls relfrung
UIO HAalOR aw.
o,.. ~,..,., r>-·.,.., Ff! nn t ,.,..
llACH & 1111 .....
• , '1 •• •••• ,-•• ··.··~·."' (, •.··~··' ····-··
Huntington Officers C1lled ln·Aid From Newport, Fouftf•ln V•lley, Cost1 Me11
I •
City Be1ch W11 Cle1red by Police After Youth Mobs Erupted .In Mtlte
Sunday Afternoon Turns
Into Youthful Violence
Violence erupted Sunday In the
Southland, a!I rock and bolUe-thrnwing
youths turned a Venice love-in to a free-
for-all and battled police in the San
Fernando Valley over a traffic ticket.
An estimated 7,000 persons were In.
volved in the Venice beach disturbance as
a love-in sponsored by the Los Angeles
Free Press degenerated Into e fight-in.
Tntoxication. possession of drugs and
other such arrest.s triggered the violence.
forcing a team of 75 j:M)lice officers to
declare the love-in an unlawful assembly
and clea r the bea(h.
A total o! 117 of the celebranbi of
spring were arrested on charges ranging
from drunk in public to felony posession
of dangerous drugs. lewd conduct and
assault on a police officer.
Virtually all the arrestees at Venice
and also al Pacoima Park were young
people, moe:t of. them under 3ll, ac-
cording to arrestingofiicers.
The trouble was far smaller at
Pacoima Park -in tenn.s of size -but
participants were just as violent, as an
estimated 200 among 350 persons in the
park clashed with police.
Issuance of a traffic citation to one of
the people in the park was the cause of
the Pacoima flareup involving a total of
40 officer• before it was quelled.
Nine policeman and a dozen young
persons were injured in the Venice and
Pecoima violence, similar in nature to a
major incident al Hunlingtoo Beach.
1Teen Dance, Light Show
Set at tiecreation Center
"Music by Poison'' and "Light Show by
Whjte'' are the lop attractions of a teen
dance planned (or April 25 by teen-agers
in Huntington Beach,,
The dance begins al 7:30 p.m. and runs
until about 11 :30 p.m. at the city Recrea-
tion CA.1\ter, 17th Street and Orange
1\ venue. Tickets art available for 50 cents
in the pre-dance sale, but will be 75 cents
'-' t the door, according to Mike Blair.
He said the affair ls "by and for teen-
Rgers." Under the guidance of Omar
\Vhite, a junior at Huntington Beach High
School. a committee made 1$ dUferent
variety ol lighta in order to pl'llent the
light show at the dance.
Llghta are made with decorated pah1I
Biafrans Set Up
New 1-leadquarters
l.AG09, Nlgerls (AP) -Advancing
~lgtrlM forcea: have driven Blafra's
k>:ader1 to 1 new headquartett, and the
•ttmipt to get peace talk.I atarted col·
:ipsed Sunday.
cans, motors , cams. shall& and other
salvage materials.
Barbara Nelson, also of Ute high school,
heada a commiUee of art.isl.I makina:
posters advertising the teen-age event.
Nancy Coogan is in charge of placing the
The musical group called "Pot.on" hu
been pracUclng dally at the Boys Club.
, Blair said Ufe teen-11era are confident
the llecrtallon C.,,ter Wiii be pocked, but
just to make oure, be and the otbe" put..
ting Oii thO d-. wtn be happy to dell vu
tieketa to the doer "' -· orderlnl
them by calllng -· Tbe ~ IMnt lnlo clty...i.te
promlnmce two weeU 110 When City
Councilman Jerrr Matoey pointed oot the
eflorta of the llfOllP to the council and,
along wltb councllmaD Jack~ aaked
tha llecrtation ~·to...._
danca of the IJWP in the future.
Mrs. Ronald Blair, one ol the adull ad-
>iser1 to the IJWP, 11ld that all funds
raised wtU go toward a teen centtr for
the dty. Proll1I are depoolled with a
spection, Bht IAfd.
local bank and books are open for Jn.
' ··'
Weed Ordinance
Set for Adoption
By Beach Council
It may be a trashy topic and certainly
a nuisance, but about this time every
year the Huntington Beach City Council
offlcially declares weeds and trash to be
a nuisance.
f.1onday is the day agai n when coun-
cilmen can not only tell the world that
they believe weeds and such to be a
nuisance, but can also provide for abate-
ment of the wildly growing things.
Councilmen during the 4:30 p.m.
session will adopt a resolution admiUlng
that "there ts now upoo the public streets
sidewalks and private proeprty within the
city rubbish, refuse and dirt which con-
stitute a public nuisance and obstruct the
parkways, public streets and sidewalks."
After eoosiderlog the conditions as
outlined, the COUDCil ls . upected to of.
flciaily procla!in these to be a public
nuisance and order the llr«t superirt-
lendent to pool property where the o(.
fenEve problema Hist.
For those who object to being posted.
the eooncil wtll hold a public bearing
and then onler the wteds, debrll and
dirt removed,
Family Program
Slated at YMCA
A 14fsmily fun nJgbt" will be •PoDtored
April 26 al the Huntington Beach YMCA
from 7 p.m. lo 10 p.m.
Included in the activities are volleyball,
IWirnminJ, basketball, billlards and table games.
Admission to the fun night 11 UO and
US for children. YMCA member• will be
admlUed al the reduced rato o! f.IO
odulla and f.15 -Caocly, popcorn and ooft cltlokl will be
eold on the premlaeJ.
The YMCA Is localed at 17th and Palm
Street In Huntington Buch.
Listing Study Planned
Tbe whats, whys and wberefom ol the
mulllple lilUng service of the HunUngton
Beoeh Fountain Valley Boord of R<alton >rill be dlseuu<d by a panel ol real!ora
at the I 1:m. breakfast meeting Wedntl·
day at the Seacliff Country Club of lhe
Moodq, Aptll 21, 1969 s
British Troops • Ill Ireland
IRA Blamed for Weekend of Violence and Sabotage
BELFAST, Nriern Ireland (UPI) -
Brltlm troops today took l'1' guard duty
at 1ud'I 1trategic JnetaUaUons aa: eleo-
trk:lty and water supplies to prevent
more ~ the vto~ and sabotage which
gave Northern Irel~ its worst weekend
of civil rigbUI dl>or~er.
Northern Ireland police blamed the
oollawed Irish ll<publlcan Army (IRA)
for the attacks which included • series of
fire bombing& of poeit. Offli;es, but an IRA
spokesman in Dublin deoied any com-
:>}idty In the attacks.
Br\Uoh Hqn\O Secretary . J a J\l e s
Callaghan told the House ol Commons in
London, "Clearly our primary aim is to
avert civil war (in · Northern Ireland)
from which no one can:benelit -and I
don't think for a moment .thal this is a
Callaghan said the Brltisll.toops would
play "a passive role in the 9l!l1le that
they will be required lo safeguard in-
stQJlatioru of which they will be in charge
and to use mini.mum forct necessary if
any attack Is made on those in-
A epokesman In Dublin denied the IRA
had any "hand, ad or pan" ln the tn.
cidents. Police in Belfast said, "We
regard these explasioos and fires aa the
work of the IRA."
A police spokesman said, "We do not
know if they were local JRA or flying col-
umns from the 90Uth (Republic of.
The IRA seek.s a united Ireland but hu
not used violence in Northern Ireland ain~
ce 1956. lt was born after the 1916 Easter
rebellion against Brita.in aod led. the fight
for independence against the black and
tans -British troops.'
• British troops were ordered to guard
vitaJ installations in Ulster. Army chief1
and Ulster police were t.olding secret
talks this afternoon to make final plans
for using the 2,500 army men based in
Northern Ireland to reinforce security at
"key points."
The decision to ask for troops from
British un.ils stationed in Northern
Ireland came at a six-boor Uhter cabinet
meeting Sunday night alter a weekend ol.
-in wbldl:_\ .....
-About 10,0llO ~ Cotbollcs -
police two hilara 11!iiUJ to 11"1 Gal ol a
riot.torn \'Ilion "' l.oolaoclerry ... ,... •
mob at~k .. tho po11ce mreatoct.
-Two ~Jnch ·plpellneo •••11111-·
to Btliaot< wet< blown up _, 11111
authorities onlered ..-1111 fir all bul
hospitals. 1
-At least 200 protestors IJld 11 many
police were injlred In a alglll ol ~g
-Civil rigbla demollotrS<rl oca,.d oil·
downs across the troubled country.
Bernadette Devlin, JI, elected 1lll!t
week to Parliament b:om mJol.Ullttt.
. said she thoogbt the v1-. .. ''tllo
stat U civil war."
But Northern Irelaod'I mWMer for
home affairs, Roberl Porte<. deiled. tbe
denger waa that greet. '"Ille •-, ••
is undoubtedly tense," he said. "but I am
bopeful sanity will prevail."'
A epokesman for the Defenoe Mlnillr1
in London aaid the British troopi would
g\Yl1I vital lnstailatlOM -but -DOI be used fur crowd CCllllroi.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • .1
• • • PILLSBURrs-_,,
• • • • • • • • • • • •
at El Rancho:
Motl' s Fruit Treats . ... .. . .. .. 3 ro1 '1 Italian Dressing ............... ....... 29-
A-pples and berrie1 ••• tut, blends I ••• 20 oz. jars A new one ••• from Z..wrTal ••• 8 oance bottle
Shredded Wheat .................... 25' Nutrament ............... : ................ 69"
Kellon'• •• 10 oz. pq ••• rreat with fresh berries I_ Dietary aupplement that worka I Sa" :zoe per ptir.
Zee Napkins ............................ 10' Dial Soap ........................... 2,. 25~
Ezcitinr tropic Iona «>lors , •• package ol 60 Choico of colors In reruJar m. lion
Super-Shopper values in all departmentl!
Pork Chops . ~ .C!'! ••••••••••••••••••. 89~
From tht freali .. ~ finest mld-wea!Arn irain led pork! Serve broiled pork ehOJll 4 frull b-aata, dallcloaal
London Broil ..... ~13.!
Enjo7 f iner bed loDla'.ht l
Cube Steak ...... '1~: Ground Chuck .... 6~
s. ... ytocookandaervol Al""11 f""h ll'OlllMI all4 loanl
and •••
Chiquita Bananas ..... !~~ .'!~~!~' ...... 9~·
I Pri<u ""fft<I M°"" 7'1'U., W•cl..
April fl, U , 13. No l<llu lo d<aUn.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • •
Kenneth F. Finch pleaded
guilty ta voluntary manslaughter
in Bakersfield for tilling biJ wife's
boyfriend. He sald he shot Leo
Zuni .. for brtal<ing an agreement
whe11 he caught him with his wife,
Ellen, in a cocktail bar. Finch had
agreed Ellen and Zuniga could 1tt
eacll other on Wednesdays arul
Setnnlays. The shooting took place
OD a Tuesday. •
Th< K...., Cltv (Mo.I poll«
departmtnfs tttetype wire read:
"1142 hrs. OffictT inut1tigating
a rtpm1 of a vicioUJ dog on
Swope ParkwaJI. "1143 hr1. Of·
ficrr just rtpo11.td he Mi been
bitten bu the dog."
• Louisiana Gov. John McKellflen
froze state employment to prevent
a budget deficiL Two months later,
state Rep. Lentz Womack of
Winmboro said, the E. A. Comyay
Charity Hospital in Monnie was
spencllng $1,000 a month for paper
plates became it coald not hire
anyaae ta wash dishes. Womack
isaid a dishwasher's salary would
be ccnslderably Jess than $1,000 a
month. • It was bad enough, R. W. Dixon,
of Crowborougb, England, figured,
when the letter mailed to him from
London took eight months to travel
the to miles to Crowborough. But
when the postman demanded two
cents more because of insufficient
postage, Dixon called it 11infernal
impertinence." The three cents
stamp on the letter was enough
eigbt months ago. But the postal
rates went up while the letter was
en roate. •
' ~ ... f<;,
What lookl likf! a cold but jun
f'omp in tM mow Of' a cltan trip
through bubble both U rf!ally an tX·
pnimat bt1 the Dallal jirf! df!part·
tnf!nt. Dtanna Yardon (lt/t) and
Marsha Mann both of Dalla.! dem.on-
stratf! a new conctpt in firt control
With no rf!al fire in thf! vidRity it
wa.s hard to ttU Whf!thtr t1'f!. Qirls tlJ'
thf! firtTMn en;outd tht Joam fling
Court Junks Welfare Residency Law
WMHlli2(=~r~=m ~bee2y~:=~~~e~':~~~ ~':~U:ti!~~~::::ll~c~~~IU:.:2 !t~m~~i~~famlliu wllli
dec1110n on behalf of JlQOI', the Pennsylvania aod the Dlstrtc:t <I Colum-convktlon vSolated b1I fnedom of speech the President," he was protected by the dependent cttlldren, but old a I a
Supremo Court declared Iha! lllte bla were uncooalilutlooal. ,.,...,. The declllo~ did not touch on ""'1SlltuUonal IWU'anl<e of free 1peecb. assistance, aid to the totally disabled and
laWI requlrlng a .... yesrl raldeney to The court did not pinpoint wbelher ~ duecrallll(\the Oq by burning -Overrulod Jlllllc. WU!lam o. Doug\M lo the blind also will be Involved.
obtain welfare payments a r e un-lesser waiting periocb might pasa the as punishable under federal law would be and allowed the Army to send a would-be Answering state argument!: in support
constituUooat conslituUonal tesl But a number of CIRI aafeguarded the ume way. conscientious objector, Loo1J A. Negre, to of the reslden<,.-y laws, Brennan said:
The 7-Z ruUna came specifically in challenging welfare re 1 l d e n c y re-serve in VJetnam while lhe legal fight .on "We recognize that a state has a valid
c a 1 e 1 l n v o l v t n 1 Con necticut, quire.ments are now in varioua staaes of --Ordered acqulttu.l of a New .York bis behalf COlltinues in this country. interest in preserving the fiscal integrity
Pennsylvania and the Diltrtc:t of CoJum.. action in the lower courts. youth, Robert WaUs, who wu found of its programs. It may legitimately at·
bla -but the precedent may strike down The court took these other actkinl : guilty of declartns at a Waahlngtoo, D.C., -Let st.and 1 lower'court rulblg that 1 tempt to limit its apendltu.res, whether •-•--_......_ blrrlen In war --r-"-lhat If he hid lo --~ a Teus Gull Co., "lns\def•" Ulegally llllWM ._..._...,. possibly a -Overturned :he conviction of a New ..,......._ • .ur -·.1 benefitted in dock market trading from for publlc assistance, public education, or
score or more ol other-at.ates. York Negro war veteran wbo burned an rifle in the Army, 0 The first person I confidential data unavailable to other in· any other program, but a state may not 'l!>e lllljorily opinion by Justice Amttlcan flag on grounds he wu found want lo get In my lights !J LBJ." The · accompli.!h such a JlW'llO'< by !nvldloo.•
William J. Brennan Jr. upheld rulinp by guilty under state law of using con. court'1 M declaloa .said that while Watts vest.ors. distinctions between classes of Its
speclal Un.Judie federal courts that temputuoua wcrdJ about the national committed "a , •• very crude offensive T!ie welfare declslon will have St.s citizens ...
Negroes Bold Buildings
Guns Banned at Cornell
After Weekend of Riots
ITHACA, N. Y. (UPI) -Cornell
University Prtaident James Perkins !Jan.
ned flreanna from the campus today
following a wild weekend in which anned
Negroes held the student unloo bullding
for a ciey and a llllJ .
"It ii time to at.op the takinl over of
university bulldinga by force ," aaid
Perilins, who added lhat any lludenl
poeeee•tng a weapon wculd be suspended
end any organization fpund lo have
firearms would lose its recogniUon.
Ht lla!d 1ocaJ police were cooperatina In
* * * Harvard Dean's
Plea Ignored;
Hall 'Seized'
CAMBRIDGE, Mus. (UPI) -Several
hundred stud~ ignored a dean's re-
quest todly and walked into an ad~
rniniltraUon building at Ha r v a r d
University and declared It "under 11iege"
to back up thelr demands that the
wtlversity sever its inilit&ry COMections.
The studmtl gathered outAlde Unlvenl-·
ty Hall shortly after 11 a.m. and, u plan-
ned, entered !be building at noon.
AllUtant Dun Archie Epps Blood at
one door urging the studenta: to stay out,
but they "all:;ed put him and swarmed
through the bulldinl. Moat offlcea wtre
Elaewbere, most of Harvard's 4,*10
undergraduatel returned to clus on the
flnt full day of classes after a student
strike was postponed for a week. Several
thousand gathered outside the re-oc-
cupiod building.
Some of the crowd chanted ••don't 10
In" -but the SDS-led students went past
Dean Eppa: anyway. Ep1>3 1hook hands
with some of the students as they went
into the building. I
The students -led by the Students for
a Democratic Society (SOS) -in-
terrupted telephone calls and said, "This
bll.lding Is under l!iitge. No business is to
be conducted. Pkase ring off im·
Frabman Dun Sklddy Vonstade'a of·
fice wu left apen and the studenta flood-
ed It, but did not break into any files or
the duk.
'!be SDS hid voled Sunday nl&bt lo re.
eoter llie building, which lliey l!lonned
April I, forcibly ousUng nine deans.
Today's takeover wu expected and there
were hardly any secretarlea or other
employea in the three-story building on
historic Harvard Yard.
Tbf: itUdents said they hoped ''to make
our demands the· buslnesa of the day, to
make work Impossible."
carrying ut the ban. j;
The campus wu calm when classes
resumed today. The black students, some
anned with lhotguns, apear1 and ban-
doliers of ammwtiUon, relinquished the
Student Union boiJdini: Sunday aft.emoon
after the administration agreed to mett
\heir demandl.
The end to the 4&-bour seizure of
Willard Straight Hall by some 100
memben: of the A!n>-Amerlcan Society
came after 11 hours of talks between tbe
blacks and Cornell olflclais.
The student!: marched out with rifles
and shotguns resting on their hips. They
walked to the Afro-American Study
Center where they were given written
assurance of amnesty, The university
also met several demands which the
blacks said sparked the seizure.
The university also agreed to assume
responsibility for possible damage to the
hall, which was Beized Saturday. The
blacks were allowed to keep their anns
for self -protection.
Today the faculty of the 14,000-student
university was scheduled to he:ar Dean
Robert D. Miller recommend that
dlJclplinary action taken against five
black students involved in demonstrations
se:veral months ago be dropped.
Angf!r over the reprimands were cited
by the blacks as a justification for the
takeover of the Student Union. The
atndeots said if Miller's recommendation
were not accepted by the faculty it would ••resu1t in further confrontation."
The five blacks were given warnings by
a student-faculty committee for allegedly
scaring other students with pistols, which
later were found to be toys.
The Afro.American Society said the ac·
cused were engaged in polltical agitation
at the time and no univenity group bad
the right to punish them .
Officials 6aid the university could not
block legal action againn the militants
by individuals, such as somf! 26 parents
who were ejected from the Student
Red Bombers Fly
Over U.S. Ship
bombers overflew the aircraft carTfer
John F. Kennedy Sunday as abe beedod
for her maiden deploymen~ an ..,1gn.
men! with tbe Ith Fleet In the Medlter.
ranean, the Pentagon reported today.
Daniel Z. Henkin, the Pentagon's chief
spokesman, &aid the overfllght by the twtJ
Soviet Bear aircraft occurred at 1:45
p.m. PST Sunday. The location \JI not Im-
mediately available.
Henk.in said the conventionally powered
carrier ia due to join the Ith Fleet Tues-
Over 15 Rlfl1a, Shotguns, Spe•rs •nd Other Weapons Were Carried Out
Reds Capture U.S. Marine
Base; 8 Leathernecks Die
SAIGON (UPI) -Nortlt VieUlarnese
lr'OOpl firll>& macllinegum and antitank
rockets atormed a U.S. Marine outpo6t
overlooking the demilitariled zone today
and capblred part of It, killing eight
leetllernecks and wounding 25.
Mllllary opokemitn amoonclng llie
battle sald the embatUed unit of the 9th
Marines called in "spooky" gunships and
artillery barrages that drove the North
Vietnamese from the batUefield Jlt by
flares. Thirty-five Communist bodies
were found. •
It look the leathernecks two hours to
break the North Vietnamese attack on
the camp they had set up ror the rright
200 yards below the si.J:-mile·wlde DW.:Z
that serves as a border between North
and South Vietnam.
It was the second lime In four days
that the guerrlllas had seized part of a
U.S. outpost below the DW.Z as the focus
ol war action turned to the northern
Last Friday, about 150 North Viet-
namese partially ovtJTan a Marine camp
two mllea !Ollth ol the DMZ. They killed
11 Marines, wounded 23 and Jost 13 of
their own slain, U.S. war communiques
The increase in combat to the north
was accompanied by reports from U.S.
military sources that the Viet Cong and
North Vietnamese were pulling away
from cttles farther South to regroup and
rest for another offensive thrust.
According l.o these sources, the Com-
munists will cmUnue their shellings ol
towns and milllary camps but will not
mount a major drive until they come out
of their hideouts with fresh soldiers and
new equipment
American soldiers pushing Into those
hideouts Sunday killed 77 guerrillas
northwest of Saigon and captured a Com·
rounist base camp contain.Ing a hospital,
a bicycle repair shop, rice mllling equi~
ment and bun.kers enough to house 600
Marines BOUthwest of the nation's se-
cond biggest city, Da Nang, turned up a
North Vietnamese equipment cache that
contained eight trucks without engines or
tires, two truck engines, 20 swflchboards
and one printing press.
Maj. Robb Slated
To Leave Vietnam
DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) -Marine
?\iaj, Charles S. Robb ll Is scheduled to
leave South. Vietnam early Tuesday to
return to the United States and a family
reunion at the Texas ranch of former
President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Robb , 29, husband of Johnson's eldest
daughter, Lynda Bird, has completed his
13-monlh tour in the war zone. He served
5'h months as commander of a line com-
His return lo the United States follows
by less than a month the return of air-
man l.C Patrick J. Nugent, who is mar-
ried to Lynda Bird's younger sister, Luci
Labor Chief
Defends Nixon
Joh Corps Cut
Secretary George P. Shultz said In
defense of President Nixon's planned,
controversial cuts in the Job Corps pro-
gram that the aim is a more com·
prehensive manpower de v f! Io pm en t
"Instead of standing in splendid lsola·
tion, the Job Corps would be supported by
and lend support to all other manpower
programs,,. Shultz said in a statement
prepared for the House Labor and Educa·
lion Conunittee.
Chairman Carl D. Perkins (D-Ky.) and
other C{)mm.ittee Democrats are in the
vanguard of the opposition to the
President's proposal to disband 59 of the
113 Job Corps centers.
Shultz said there were "serious defi-
ciencies" in the program's ability to keep
enrollees. The Job Corps has the lowest
completion rate, 36 percent, of any man·
power training program. This compare'
with 68 percent-and 60 percent-rates for
major programs of the Manpower
Development. and Training Act, he said.
Meanwhile, since the Job Corps pro-
gram started in 1964 there are. more job
preparation programs, be said. And, in
1970, the administration plans to Increase
by 5,700 to 368,IOl the number of out of
school youth served by Labor's man-
power programs, Shultz said.
Floods Threaten
New England,
Southern Stares
Swiftly rising rivers, swollen by heavy
rains, posed new threats to New EngJand
and the South today while flood <XJntrol
workers along the rampaging Mississippi
held their breaths, hoping newly buil t
levees would hold.
In northern New England, some rivers
began rising above flood stage over the
weekend after a heavy rainfall.
The U.S. Weather Bureau in Hartford,
Conn., issued a warning of flooding later
"on many major rivers in New England."
Roads were closed by flooding in Ver-
mont. Telephones in Westminster, Vt..
were knocked ou t when water damaged a
cable under a bridge over the Connecticut
The Connecticut was reported to have
risen five feet in 24 hours at White River
J unction. A flood watch. wa:s set up
throughout the state.
New· Hampshire and southern Maine
are also menaced by rising waters.
In the South, fl<?<xfing was predtcted to-
day along the Savannah River at
Augusta, Ga.
Along the Chattahoochee River In
Blountstown, Fla., w&ter rose two feet
above the 15-foo t flood stage. l Eastern Seaboard Frosted
NorthwestDoused; Washington Gale Warnings Effect,ed
c.i•t-•• " W.1 I"""" --el-CMlll/ •l'NI lad1Y, Dllt .....,.,.. fllr. TIM
WU•I llllllt .... _,,,. lflW CIMlcll
•!'Id fDt ....... 11 ....... ,.,. .-t.
TIM Ptw-0.y WHIMr ,_, flH'
Soul1Mr11 C•llfomle allt for ,. r•ln.
"1flt ~,.. ,....lrll ,,..,, t.ur
t$ .,_t .. ,_ •bovt ~I l .... lld
•rid ""r -rNI Gii flit lmmtdle"
~·· Lei A"""' ft vlc.11111\' ••• 11.,..
te ---_..,. ...... t!lt11 ,...mwy wllfl hen> tuMl'lllle l'nOll 'Ill
,._ ...,. ft •t eM "*"ln1 low cloud• ..,. toe. fflt Air i-.111.rffon COlllrol Dl1trlct
Mid ,,..... -1'1fll lo ,.,..,.,. '"'°' ._ t11t L• ...,_llH tnln ,.._.,,
'""""' -. -i.trMle lvw dt\1111 .,.. lof •'-Ille I009<ftn wllll ..,,..
Mllllll .. !flit .. " "'°"'I"' 9"111 1r1tr-MOll. Tl'lit lt)tifl -U Wllfl ,,. ltr ~""'°,......,.. ... TN _....._ _.. """"' win. ...
""' '""'ffN ....,..,.ltHft Mi r :it,
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T_..., -""" M ... ,, WMJllNI
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,.,_ t6. Hltfl TWJdn' n. C()cUTAL ANO INTIAMIDIATa
YM.LIYI -..._~ fllllr ~.
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MOUMTAIN AlllAI -M•tt\I' flolr ..... __,,.. ..,.,,. ... ,.....,. .,...~ ..
INTllUOtt AND DltlRT ltlOIOlfl
~•Ir .,.,_ TllMNr, CMlll!wll
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Cflil!y c..W!,._ !11t1tl0d 11 !flt Hwlfl.
ffJI •lllf .... llClt11'1wflltfll N tl "'
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" " " .. .... .. .. n P " .. .... ... .. .. " .. " .. "' .. .... .... " .. .. " " " ,, 'f .,., " .. .. " MODERN-DAY TOM SAWYER TAKES TO RAFT WITH CANINE FRIEND
Raft Is Riding Floodwat." From Mlt1l11ippi River 1t Lake City, Minn .
l '
Nixon Nominates '
Rums£ eld for OEO
-t Nb<on tod1y
nominated Rep. D o n I I d
Rwnsfeld (ft.Ill .,) to be dJreo.
tor ol the Oftlce ol Economic
Opportunlt) (OEO).
In doiog ... the frelldent In
effect railed the aalary ol the
an~poverty post fl"Oln ll0,000
to 142,IOO, the leV<I Rumltld
currently receives as a
Democrat.a were quick lo
point out that in 1 9 6 4
Rumsfeld_ tojid against crea·
lion of the Office of F.cooomic
Opportunity, alGOg with many
Republicans. At the time,
Rumsfeld aaJd be prefernd
"Republican 1~ to the
problem of poverty."
Nixon made today'a an-
nouncement perlCl'lally, aaytng
the Rwnsfeld will mlp from
his seat 'In the Houle from
llinois' SI t h congmsional
OAILY rlLlf f
ly Phn lnterlancll Tony Award-Wbuaen '
• ~Whiteffope,''177 6,' Best ofBrbadwari
only thing that could have
made the Broacr,ay 'l)teater'• I
23rd annual Tony _ \awards
more Amerioan s~ night
would have been a slice of ap.
pie · pie. 1
The belt play was judged
to be "The G r e a l While
Hope" wh ich first-timer How-
ard Sadder based on the tur-
bulent career of heavyweight
Amoec tlte DOmlnees for
best 111pportlng actrea Li a
noo-mutcal play wu Dlue
(Ball) Katon of Sut.I Ana
for "Pl1y It Agata. Sam ."
M111 Keaton 1tarre4 la ''Tllie
Soond of Made" ad "B•e .. ~ , , • ..:::::;. . _ JI-ii Bye, Bl~e" at Oran1e Cout
. ·-~£ ~· Coll fl U~ll':=:!:':!'~!:.._::.!!-!!..:· ""!::""~-~w="'~_.;;::~;::::::~ ~
"All .I can tell""' io he wanta to -,... &Dd he'a ho ··--~ .. ppn: ~ .....
' to "171','.' which llnds 1 t I 1....,,., --"llldlta!a ~ -f!1led with ohilP
theme in the Declarallon of VD" by Pollr Luke llld '"lbO, i..t-""' *Wy cel<ID
Independence, of all thlnga. M111 In the Gius Booth" by llel 10< tho .., .... hootod
Poler Stone wrote tho llbret-ftobelt Shaw, both e-, 111.-Alm Kini and
to based on the Idea of Sher-and .. Lonn" by lnlud't Adrea: f4.., Carroll dtJr.
man Edwards, who wrote lhe Brian Friel ift1 U. ~ naUoowide
lyrics and music for lh1.s pa-The buce Mark Helllnpt ttlecM& • NBC. triotlc tribute to the colonial·~===============~=== delegates who flnally created I:
the histqrtc document after
much ln-fighUng.
The silver medalUon Tonya t••• •• ••• •••••••••••••••••••
for actor and actrea stara • w~t. rspectlvely, to James : "
Earl Jooes of "The Grut •
White. Hope" and Julie Har· :
ris c>l, 11Forty Carats." • • Stln of mustcall hooottd •
were Angela Lansbury of :
"Dear w~~ld'· and J«rt 0r-: New "WALi(-ON'' ; back of Proml!eS, PromJs. • c , .
.. ;;,..w .. ~ were •ld•'Y : om muter ·service. ~
scattered in the 15 categories. : :
"The Great White Hope" and : :
Cross Suez district to bocome 11111Sistant ------------------
boxing champion Jack John·
son. who wu exercising solo
black power in and out of the
ring 60 years age> to the con-
sternation of both blacks and
"17'1'1" took three Neb; : ;
"Promises Promlsea'1 receiv· • • on the Whlte BoUle ltaff with
cabinet rank.
' . . ~-: :
By Tbe Auoclated Preis
An Egyptian comm and o
squad crossed the Suez Canal
today and attacked Israeli
forces for the second time in
three days. Arab and Israeli
guns again dueled across the
Jordan River, and Israeli
warplanes hit suspected guer-
rilla positions in Jordan.
As a presidential ualttant,
Rurnsfeld -1d pt a aa1uy
ol 142,IOO. Tbe OEO director's
post carries a aalary of '30,000
-112,IOO le!8 thin Rumsfeld
currenUy receives as a
Czech Students Begin
Protest Against Husak
BEST MUSICAL 3 ,CONTENDERS . .. ?ou 10111' T ...... Aaoni or Altt catlfamlil ('114) -· 'The Great White H ope •••••••••• ... •••••••••• .. •••••••• ......... ...a.
An Israeli army spokesman
said the Egyptians crossed the
canal 19 miles north o( El
Qantara a n d attacked an
army patrol in the occupied
Sinai Desert. One l&raeli vehi-
cle was damagf4 and three
Israeli soldiers were wounded,
he said, before the attackers
were driven back across the
Late Saturday night Egyp-
tian commandos crossed the
Nixon said he expects "no
tcoubles" in securing Senate
confll'Inatlon of Rumsfeld,
who also will become · a
member of the President's
Urban Affairs Council.
The President said Rwnsfeld
has displayed "great courage"
in agreeing to relinquish a
safe Congressional s e a t to
take on ••this immensely im-
portant assignment."
PRAGUE (UP[) -Hun-
dreds of students carrying
rolled-up blankets and pillows
today began a slt·in strike at
Charles University in protest
againat Czecbmlovakia's new
Communist leader, whet had
pledged to crush such op-
Y oulhs with long hair and
girls in miniskirts and be!J..
bottomed trOWlers c a r r i e d
their bedrolls into the liberal
Ethel W on't arts, agrlcultural and Husslte
theololY schoob with faculty
Make Run
--..approval in·tbe first organized
protest against Gustav Husak.
The University campus, long
canal and attacked an army WASHINGTON (UPI)
a hotbed of dissent against
hard-line Communist r u I e ,
provided a sanctuary from
police reprisals.
Outside Prague, similar Bl.U-
dent JlrikeJ were reported at
the agriculture school at
Ceske Budejovice University
and the liberal arts depart-
ment at Olomouc Unlvtrs.lty.
SUU other students in the
capital were debating whelher
to Join the-alt-Ins.
Newspapers carried n o
reports of the student ac-
tivities under new prepublica·
lion censorship tmpooed by th•
position, but the Israelis said Ethel Kennedy's close friends
they Oed across the waterway say there is no truth to rumors
without inflicting m a j o r she is planning to run for
damage. Con gress.
Hostilities on the Jordanian "I'm afraid it's not true," NllllJllU flrlt,••lht.
front erupted at 5:20 a.m. said one after hearing of Sen.
when Arab guerrillas in the Robert F. Kennedy's widow'!
Beisan Valley fired at ao reported intention to challenge
Israeli army patrol near Beit Rep. J 0 e1 T. Broyhill, a
Yosef and Neve Ur, Israeli Virginia Republican now strV·
spokesmen reported. ing his ninth tenn in Coogresa.
Two or three Israeli jets "But I would have loved to
were geen strafing and bom· have seen Broyhill's face when
bing the Manshi.yeb area, sen-be heard it," :she added.
ding up plumes of smoke and----------•
!ire. A Jordanian military .----------.!
spokesmen said two Israeli QUICK
jets raided an area west of C.td• up quickly •11 fec:•I
Waqas village in the northern •Y•nh. R••d yout coll'lpact,
Jordan valley with rockets and compr•"•nd.-• ho!Mfow11 •df.
napalm but inflicted n 0 tio" of th. DAILY PILOT.
Cr osswor d Puzzle
1 Mr.
6H lthard
10 Flowtt
14 Supply satrsfaction 15 Electtlc lamp
16 Make ovtt
17 Lowest In
18 Capital of FIJI 19 Balr:er's n!cesslty
20 Apart from anything else
21 Am!rlcan po!t
22 Marsh 23 Pr!pare for
an exam 25 T<1k!s on gas
21 Motioned
31 Sla<1ll p-oup 32 Liquor
33 Ltn;th •nit 35 Saltpeter
39 Folfowtt of Nau.
41 S1ul's successor CJ PtrfONll by oneself
44 Rtta'd
4• '"'"'" t1nll 48 OuldtUptd
49 "M aplt ·
Lf'af • • • "' Sl Period on
Vie •oon: 2 words 53 Picnic
S7 California c:o111munlty
51 Caoll•I of L1Uu111
59 Showing
1111rlttd loss of ptp 61 Superfatlve
th f ng:: SI 919 65 Cht111lc:1l
66 City of
No. luly
67 Out of this
Saturday's Punle Solvtd:
4/21/69 68 Assign by
69 Natural JO Indians oi 45 Subtroplc:al
inlnrrals USA and climblng
70 -globulin Canada herb
71 Toboggan 11 George 47 Bubonic
72 left the sctne White I pla111.1t
73 Rldlc:uled forte spreadtr
12 P!rff'ct 50 Highway DOWN 13 Music sign:
21 M<1df' tnown 2 watds l · · · · of 2• 8!vf'rage 52 Canal
Giiead 2b Joll ity and latts
2 To· -: T1 27 On! with SJ Chastlse1 perftctlon: a degrt!; 54 Kind of
2 words lnfor111<1I dwelllnt 3 Travel high 28 Aust11ll111 place
above the pen insula 55 IU:t lltt eattll 29 l<1lrus'1 John 4 t'o~im. '° ~!r,ue!e 56 ~"':;"'tMW•N'"
S Clvt op~ '4 ltlnd of rigid away
miity ID· confo,..lst 60 Saudi
6 Lnd: ,. A"•phlbllQ Arallll'I
2 words 37 fnlnlnt nelgf'lbor 7 "Son of 1111 62 • • · ·I": ll ~ .. :.Ung ::.:::r
1 l.::S'!t'utttr opt11111sm 61 Froa natl" 40 Tra~l°rttl '4 Blob
' Made an •t h!r of wtl4
unpltwal 42 ~'Mlrd doll 17 I'.~ noise to;ethtr food Item
~,,....,,.....,.,...,.,.. r..,..,..-.r...-
I ..
A lot of people have the idea that a
vacation begins only when you get
where you'ni going.
Obviously, they haven't vacationr··'.'
in Camaro, the Hugger.You at.art
reluing the moment you come
in contact with Camaro's contoured
The best musical boor went' triumphed over three atroq
nt vacation.
Camaro -tbe Hugger
bucket seat& You feel mug without
feeling stuffed in.
that bowl ill WllY ll'OUlld-tDytbil)g.
Start your vacation euly !hie year.
'!bl mlnuteyo11 llep into a Comaro.
Your Chmolet dealer will make
all travel anu,.ment&
Now you'ni retl.ini in the right
frame of mind to consider eome other
attractions. Like Altro Vendlation in
every model. Aod, road -that
gives you the feeling thia ia one car
-llmr Spoils ....... lllpt.
• !'DAILY PILOT ~ftoBIAL P&GRj • ' Eyes on Sacranlento .
. Oft!dlla of. both Orm.it Cout ..... s..icuebact l .. nlor ..0.,.. are k...,.111 .,.. ·cm S!ocrimenfo llleto million In 1ta1AI funds over the uut,!lve yon. .
Al pn1tnl, Slddlaback Junior eon.,. la 1111•1 out
from this source because it apPeall'to Iha •tole to ·have
ample to• ba1t1 flgurtll. Jn Ulllllld val111Uon 110f slu,
dent. ActuallY, nowevet, the peNIUdent tu bue 1.Al'I
u large u 11 · aPP.ars becaUJe ...,,llment bas 'to be
kept low unW lull fadlltles are buUt.
da,p. -r •I •
· 'Boul are liiokJJ\c for tllio state l'>ellalatlin to-"loon
out loeal ~n"'bo on c8nYlni • lllil"Y loed pa,.
Ing for Junior collt1• procranu.
Secldleback Cl>llege autborttlea are hcpln1 for peo-•aa• of Senato Bill IOI. Orani• Cout Junior Co1Je1e
offtdals almllarly are rooting for anolller bill, Senato Bill 581. . • • •
Bolh bins wOllld i!>c;reaao,tht amount of atoll-finaD.,
cial .colllilbutlon lo *:..t:or .;,,u.,.· illllit~. Alid
Instead of living IUCb relle! njlw, stalAI i.w exempts
new janlor college cliltrlc\,l for tbHe years frcim pa)'b!& •.
amt, tu on transfer students not to neighboring dllo
there la good noaaGD ihe ~ ltlie ate~
a.bould do IQ. • • I
Tiit Stoll Muter Plan for~ Ed~ adopt-
Tbe'net elfectJs.U., wlll,!Jald Seddlobac;k no~~ to bUilcl' Its camp11.1 f""'ll'out of. the pockets ot.
boiing .Orange Cqut;DlifriCI tupoyera.
'Ibo ol.ber ·bill, Sii· 581, wqald benefit Orange.~
It , W!'llld lncnue sfalAI .equajizallon aid to JUUanlM incom~ per resident, daytimo:·atad1nt fn>m '628 to fm ed In 1980, soya two }11111Derlt · -Jllii[or cei.1 191t1. It aay1 tluil theJ 111"'1 e,eoy bllh;ldlool ·
grilduate or odult onr Ille 5•11111111'!111,ed~
!loo. It also aay1 tho llato ....tribute 415 "'''""t of tho cosf.o!Junior.Cllllege • · ...
In the lari pine yeua_ ~ to, jullior. colleges
have ~at 111.~!*li· ~~1, Colla MUf, NewpOrt.Buch and 'pater B
per b;;,ge CoeSt•1 .~ent toke per student from the
.state is ,'2311 according to a f'!=ula baaed on assessed
valuation. Sadillell1Ct,1ogaln, receives no equalization
.aid because of its.gnator per-stu<lent tu base.
Passage .ol'eltl)et blD· would be a boon to hard·
pressed local p!OliertY'IUPo.Yers and irould bring cl01tr
lo feallly the ~·ot.'ille<1seo111uter Plan. A letter
to your. AsaeDilJIY\naD 'and ;Stale Senator .would help
Beach .... ,_ of flfflr1 av. ··~'liaduta
who go cm to call•• iwjll .....ii at ollber Qrange Coast orGoldenW~ , ' ; '
Tllil oloDe Jw pal 11'1&1 ~ ... the financing the cause. ·.
al Junior collele,edl>clibi. ' At. tlie ,...,.. um.,. the atoll Jw defaulted •cm its
commitment lo underwrite 415 percent of Ille cost. Op_1>9rtunity for Parents
Only 22 percent.of Orange Cout Junior College Jn.
come 1' froin lloto funda. Sllddlebeck does even wone.
It only gets 11 percent, 11111 local tupoyers pay .for all
'lb!J ii Public ScboOIJ WHk and local schools will
be boldiiig parents night.open houses.
As a parent, you'.ll·..,...l.to lOll?n how your cblld is
doing. And u a toxpayer, you have an lnveslmenl in
the acbools so 11'1 • good Idea to learn how your money
Is being used.
~en~ t
How about 'the two lllDIT
Saddleback'i llopo, SB 111)1, 'llOUld pn>vlde· stole
construction funcb for -Junior college districts in a
ratio of 65 percent atoll Ul to :15 percent local tu
money. •
Passage of the bill would enlltle Seddlebact .to $9.1
You can't learn all about 1he schoo1s, of course in one mil to the claasroom. B1it' 11 can be the beglnn°ing
of fuller underatondlng if th1' contact is followed up
with closer 11 .. betweeil parent 8"' teacher.
Years Needed • to Plan, E#eftlte •
Nixon Has -Br·oad PrograQi.
. I
WASlllNGTON -Pr.-i Nina bu
been critk:lzed for not "-viN--"
"fll'Ol!Rlll" but the truth ......... that
his program ia 10 broad that it will ~
quire yean to plan and uecute. In
trading "the false ucltement o( fanfare
for the abiding aatllfaction. o f
achievement", Nlxon has committed
himJt1f 1o kmg range rd'omu on a very
large acale.
'l1lele concept& are so large. t, fact,
that they would amount to a rev sa1 of
the methods cl. Democrat c ad·
mini.trllions In the put. 'l1lere sre
many -non-involved obeeners 1 n
Washington who uy that thiJ cannot bt
done. They think there is no way to dlle:n·
lanll• w~ from the _...,.
-ol the-·· afflln.
raorted to "fundamental" econom1cs -
high tues, monetary restrailltl aiid a larae bodgel surplua -to hall Inflation
nther than men dirocl ecooomlc "°"'
troll. lie -to""'"" the-·· welfll'! system, a task thlt could tab a
1eoeratloo. He would ltart to refund
fodml tu ,.,.., .. to tbe stala to meet
lbelr im>Jema In their own WIYS, within
llmlll, and thua build up state and local --Nixon propoees to &rant 1entrOU1 tu
c:red1ta to lllmulate business Investment
in poverty areas, and shift to the private
sector a conaiderable &hare o( the cost of
reviving the bmer cities. He ii tryJnc to
..ronn the tu otructure to elimln& the
••tu abelters" which relieve the rich of
tu burdens othenl bear. ..
THEn PROPOSALS sre no 1on1er
olflC!all have had ·to be1 WllbiDClanllo Unune. '
mi.a; 1n lhort.· 11 liYlnl to do wlllt
Eloenhower wanted to do but could
neither articulate nor necute, and "lbich
caU8ed hllll to be labelled a beloved but
presldenllal campel1111 oratory; they are "do-nothing" presidenl Nbcon emeii ..
in the ~ of being prt11ented to from his three months policy review con-
Congress. with the pn>mlM that there ii vlnced that In the put 30 yean there bu been an over-1bift of jurladidlon Ind much more to come. Nlloo in hil recent responsibility to the federal government.
mesaage to Congress undoubtedly dllcloa-A new partnenhlp between government
ed more ol bil lnteoti11111 than be pilMed, and the people muat be kindled. nu.
but be wu under the pwing preaure ol llOW1ds like Ellenbawer'1 giving priority
crttlcmn for not doing much In bil lint to the mI1llonl ol private -..,. D1Jde
three months fn office. What be bu been every day as .the true motivator of doinc ia planning atensive reforms Amertcari Ute. '
Which -be llledhe aaly ovet'a period• --/; --• .::. •
of yesrs lllll Uthe country ii patient. AT LEAST; NIXON>l!d'~Jiie
Neww1Tesol-andpreaur1 dlroct1oahil-la~
could p1._ the Nixon AdmlniltraUoo that dlredlon ii •WI'! -WuhtilCfon
bock Into the crilil atmosphere of Its 11111 towml the states. Oddl:r -.ii; tbls
Democntic jndeceSlon with n e w ii not enttrebr -than the Idell
"cruh" pnllnlllll. New demandl for all-wlllcb ......, dneloplns towml the oil ol
oot attack « lll<IUI withdrawal could the' J-.Admliiiltfatm.. Tbe ldu ol
revene Nllon'a measured approach to tu.i..rtna, attract1vt: 1to ·ec:merv~:;
end the war -in Vietnam. New raclal wu advanctd -by tbe farmer
dilorden cauld alter the even-banded, advtaer to . Prelldoato Itemed)' and
long term civil ri1bta approlch ol the Jolmon, Dr. Walter Beller ol the
Nbcoo Adminlltratlon. Unlvenlty ol loll-and apootle of
the "new economlca."
IF IT CAN BE ASSUMED that Nlnn' The nert Idea wblch may prove at.
bu the time and that be bu the um to ' tractive, 1n IOme form, ls that °' a
do whal he ii trying to do, he will have minimum guaruteed Income. H£Yi
Introduced IOlllethlng new and dlttettnt Secretary Robert Finch IPOab vque)y
-"mana&ed pf09perlty" relyinc u much of: "family aecurity" at a $30 er MO leYel
on private effort for the 101trtloo of througil a federal contribution.
c:r!Ucal naUooal problems .. on central All -changa wm be 1Alsted In the
dlredlon from WllhlnClon. lie will have end by meuurea ol elledl-end
handed back to the states 11111 locallUe1, coot; that ii, tt tbt Niml Admlniltratlon
with the belp ol rebated leder.al tu ii (ranted the Ume to put them Into.el·
.-;, ""' -cf ,.. • .,.,._ state feel
Short E·na·~.fof~ ~he Needy
WASIDNGTON -Dlmqing avldeace
contlnuel to ._ to lilbl m the -
mlslpendlng of -of tbt long -trovenial 11111-ponr!J prorram. .
Latest eumple ls lnlonnatlm 11111
...,.. two-thirds of a $17,000 llll>jlmrlJ
allocatlon for the pun:baM of l1IOd
stamps went for Alart-. !mil and
.. rnilcellaneom e:rpeue1" ..:.. •vtaa cmlJ
... 000 to provide food for._, notdf.
The evidence ol this ........ i11111oco
of maladmlnillraUoo ii In the fanll of a
letter received by ltep. WIWam Ayres,
o., ranldng ltepubllcsn member ol the
-Educatlm and Labor CommH!eo
-which ii """'1dering hictilY <harJed
legl11atlon to continue the muJU.bUllon
dollar anU-povert, procram.
Wrlkr of the letter Is Lawrence E.
Eltavllle, Late Chuiel, LI., who ln--
dlcatel be WU pn>mpted to IOl!d II
boca .. of OlllJOl!Uoo to a DemocnUc bW to mead Ille Ecoaomlc Opportunity Acl
.. --W-
' ) ·. ~···
" far poll\ll' IM,.._ oaa ,_ fer bis .......... la .... _ of die flqrlnt
n1i'"9 Yue cf ·tho $17.Dll to .~
.......... lar. lbe '""-· ,._.,
-.ol·tl 11111 doplonb10 tm Qlsrla
·~ All ClllTA!N tho! mQ1 orpmenll
can be wcrtad up • lo wlly OEO sbould
be~· The ..... -true .. to
wlly tt obouldni. You perhaps have hurd
.-of them, but let me &Ive Y"' one more that I lmcnr a aood deaf about. The
local Community Action Apncy wu
-117.0IO lo boy food stamps for the
pocr let the -llbc montba.
"lmroldlafob'•ll,lllO of thil fund WU
bud1e10d lot alllja. 11111 11.0IO for travel aid......,_._ -
lea'llll 11.• !Gr food 111.impo. On -tioribw a6out Ibo p<non00 lo be blntd, II
WU learned that one director and I
oecretary were needed to _. tbe food
stamp app!lcanll. •·
"Since. !he food stamp progam ii ad· -by the w.u ... Deparlm<nt
and since welfsre cllenll wlll be lllOllly
involved In thil ,......... the quutloo
WU railed, 'Why not let the Welfare
Deparlmelll do the llClftnlng and ... all
of the fl7,llOO !Gr food stamps!' But lhal
f..ompelling Force
~. MIU., NtWI: "l'ulfllllnC
a -ii ilM of llw compelllD1 lar<es rL tho pr1nle enleryrile 1y1tem, a a,-under wll1dl 0 .S. bualneH bu
acellad ID llad!ns -· to bring P"'-ducta, servicu and c u 1 t o m e r 1
WU not done.
"l'lllS ll•MORll proof tbal OEO Is not
doing what tt Is suppoeed to do -help
the poor."
Tbe Home F.dacatloo 11111 Labar Com-
ml1tel bem!np .. anti-poYert, legilla-
lloo sre llated to cootlnue well Into May.
Pendlllll ii • bill spomond by ltep. Carl
Pertim, l).K)., chalmwi, to alend OEO
f« !he 1110R yean. It ii bacled by moot
ol tbe Dtmocratic-.
'lbe N)sio Admhiistr1Uoo strooaly op-Poltl., ud. Rejubllcan com-
miueaDm wtD propo1e n-u me r o u 1
amendmollb, ltepnllttl of what hap-
pena In the -u.e. tho legillatlon ii
certain to llCO bani flPtlng In the Houae
when ll ii c:onalclend then In lite Jlllle
or July.
It ii very unllkel,y the Houae will vole
conUnuance of om beymd ooe year -
and then ooosldenbty modified from Ill ,.._trorm.
In rep!)' to U-who demand that
theJr tax ..... , not be -to teach yolll(lten aboul family IUe
lncludllil lell education, I .....
c:omplel<ly thal no !UJ>11er llloukl
have hll monq Uled f« JICOll'IR\S
, ol whlch he dots not -· I've • alwsys dlsapptovtd al algtbra.
-II. A. D.
New Editors
Speak Out
On _Bombing
Last Friday, in the sOOcked aftermath
of the terrible ezplosion of a bomb and
resultant injury of Dover Sharp, we
printed the following editorial in our ti·
What the lteU kind of campus do
IDf havt7 ¥
J;.,t uihv do ,.,., 'J,.oplt lhmk th•v
have to de1trov and maim btfort tM11
believe they have gotten their point
We have no idea 10ho woa involved
i'n thi.! act, no idea at all, and the ltut
thing we want to do U point the jingtr
at any political faction, at any group,
or at an11 individual. That is for the
proper authorities to discover (if they
can) tn due timt.
But we are frightfUll11 concerned
tMt otMrs toiU belitve that thU is a
proptr course of action -that bomb1
and mutilation are the tools of politic-
. al power.
Thi.a campus Juu bem rilatively
free from violence. There Ml been no
viofcnt confrontation, no Ttcl dtstruc·
tUm of property, nothing more dang·
erous than tl&reata -up until now .
We believe tt ii probable that this
act may haw had nothing to do with
an11thtng political that has gone on at
thll campw.
But we feel it U incvmbent upon oil
tho&e involved in the political activity
on thi.a campui -and that includes
euervone from thi Young America11s
for Fretdom ShtOt.&g'h the Auociated
Stud<nu and°" to ·lhe BlOck Studen t
Union and tht StudniU for i "Demo-
cratic Societ11-io publicl11'ond force·
fuUv d<nounce thil ac~ for if 11111 ;,
not ,dont, we la)' 011ttelw1 opn to tJu!
charge of endon:nncnt b11 Inaction.
Right 1&011·4 mcm I~• in o hospital
toith lmtni over" 80;i:-perctnt Of his
boclv. He ""'1 be df/lllo. He had noth·
ing lo;.do wltll "'Vlhing that ""'
1'appmed Oft 1"-tl .campu, t%Ctpt that
Ile •1-d up !ht l'...it~ Club on lil•
nlghl lllllL
But if ht dtu~ tMt wan~t make 11;,,~
anr lcu dead.
llopplly, the c:ampus needed no prod-
dlng tn:m us. The reaction wu mn, It
wu sure. and it waa not at all favorable
to the Mftltlea act -It was rather
shocbd and clued, and for some it was IObf!ol ..
'Jbe· Yoang Americans For Freedom
ha"' hlnlell tbal L'>ey feel the blame U..
with the 0 thrutJ ol violence" ol the le.ft
and c1Ultt such u the abortive Guerilla
Warfare CIUS of the NFU. We. plan to
dNl with this topic In a subsequent
editorial, but we would like them to con·
&Ider one tbouaht : in our opinion, the
rhetoric of. the left is no men Incendiary
than the rhetoric of lhe rl&hl : planned
clastts in guerrilla warfare no more
responsible than tbe vows of Governor
Rt1.1an that he would keep the cam.puses
open "With bayonets 11 ntces#ary."
In the meantJme, Dovtt Sharp lits in
crtUcal condition. and there b nothing we
can do about that but pra1 -and most of
UI ,don't even t>tlleve then 1s a God
anyin(ire. . •
UC, Sante Blrbara
Dover Sharp, the m.ointtnanct man.
dltd April 13. -Edilor
U. S. at War
-Every 16 Years
'noqhts at Large:
For a nation that considers ilse.lf
''peace-loving," the U.S. has a curious
hi.story of engaging in about one major
military campaign every 16 years since
our found ing. • • •
To say "that's good in theory, but it
won't work in practice," is a con·
tradlctory statement. If the theory is
good it must wort in practice, and if it
doesn't work in practice, it 's a bad
theory. . ' .
OW' ultimate enerr.y is not the Machine ..:-.. ~ moaem Luddites seem to think
-but tho9e institutions and individuals
with a vested 'interest in obsolete fonns
and systems, who would use the new
machines to perpetuate archaic patterns
of living, rather than freeing us from
them. • • •
Speaking of te<:hnology, Lockheed has
now devised a system (''Tv.·o-Gas
Regenerative Life Support System") to
help maintain a 4-man spaceship crew in
orbit for up to a year, with proper ven.
Ulation, pure drinking water, and con-
stant pressure; yet we have altempted
nothing in the way of preventing pollution
for the millions who are suffocating from
.urban smog on the Earth . • • •
"It's the principfe of the thing" Is a
maxim we employ when v;e are deman·
ding: our due, not when we are giving it. • • •
It ls perfectly true, as feminists insist.
that men generally have the be.st of it in
marriage; but \\'Omen make up for lt by
generally getting the best of it in divorce. • • •
As modern psychialrists can testify, lil·
tie has "changed in the 300 years since
Fenelon observed: "Nothing is so costly
as the pursuit or a cure for imaginary
His." • • •
One of the most .perennially dangerous
pieces of folklore is the saying, "If you
want peace, prepare for war"; for every
age in history shows that when a natiori
prepared for war, it went to war -there
is no recorded instance of weapons ever
rusting away from lack of use. • • •
The greatest fault of teachers is their
implicit assumption that they are putting
knowledge Into the child, instead of draw4
ing it out; but all genuine knowledge (ex·
cepting mere facts) is already in the
mind, as Socrates demonstrated that the
slave-boy in the f.feno already "knew••
geometry ; and education is a process of
elucida ting such knowledge. not stuffing
the mind as a sausage casing is stuUed
with meat. • • •
Whal the Left fails to see today ls that
its own slogans are just as out.,.,•orn as
those of the Right -· such as its tired at·
tacks upon "imperialism," when it is
perfectly evident that any form of col·
onialism is now more of a drag upon a
developed country than an asset. • • •
I have never understoOO why "a heart
of gold" should mean anything but a
heart that ls hard, cold, dead, and totally
~Res lpsa Loquitur'
Just Iii scienlisls tell of the fa1nous ap-
ple that fell on Isaac l\ewt.on's head, so
do lawyers tell of a famous barrel that
fell on the head of a certain Mr. Byrne. If
you should ever have occasion to sue for
damages, the case of the falling birrel
may well give you your strongest sin&le
weapon in the courtroom.
B)'l'Df: was walking past a warehouse in
an English town when a 'barrel of flour
dropped out of second-story window and
laid him low.
Suing afterward for damages, Byrne
\Yas faced with lhe task of proving
negligence on the part of the warehouse
employees. But he had no way of knowing
why the barrel had fallen. Nor would any
of the. company's employeta admit faulL
came to his rescue with an apt Lalin
phrue: "res ipsa loquJtW'." That means
"the lhlng speab for Itself." The judge
.........i that barrels limply don'l fall
out of warehouses that are be.Ina; nm 1n
a careful manntr.
Re& ipsa loqultur, or somtthing
roughly similar, is now r!ICOplbed in al1
American courts:. tt does not e:a:cuse an
injured claimant who Is dmJlni
negligence from pn>ving blJ charge. Bul
if he lacks ilir<cl proOI, it dots &Ive him
the benefit of commoo«n11e deducUolll
from the facts that he can Jl'Oft.
A llr~ .. tlni a candy bar, bit ao a pin
embedded In the cbocolate. Neither abc
nor anyone else !mew bow the pin bad
gotten lhere.
YEr, WITH NO SIGN lhal the bar bad
been tampered with, • court ruled -
"res fpsa loqultur" that the accident
it&elf was good evidence of neaUaence al
the candy factory.
Howevtt, them ipsa JoquJtur doctrtne,
. .-.-·'" ..
f 1 taw 'in Actio~ "" ... ,. . l
being based on common sense, is also
limited by commoo sense. The bare fact
that the plaintiff suffered an injUJ')' does
not necessarily justify an inference that
the defendant was negligent. There may
be other plausible explanations f<ir what
For example :
A passenger in a car was injured when
one of the Ures had a blowout. Tbil fact
all'.ll'l:f .was beJd not grounds for finding
the driver guilty of neglig~. BloWouts
said the ~' can and do befall evtn ti-;
careful Ctrl ver.
An Americmt Bar Auociation public
iervict /tan.re bu WiU Bernard.
811 Geor9e --.
Dur George,
My nime was M1e King before 1
I gOI married to Sam OuU, but
now lllere .seem to be a IOt of
jokes ISIOciated wtth my name
and I don't undentand wily.
MAE KING otrrr .
Dear J1!ae Kin& Outl:
t can't jmagint, and,· a 1 '
Shakespeare old, "Whal's In a I
name!" 0n the other hand, be ,
coWd be pretty smug whh 1 name ,
Uk• Bill -I'll bel u he had I
to wwer your phone he'd chan1e
his tune, eh?
(Send your most lnnennOlt wor-
ries to Gtor1e. Ht enjoys a hearty
_, __
-~~~------------------1111"""1_..,~-----~ .. ~ . ..-~~~--~--~-~~~ -------
--D.111. Y.1'11.0t 1
WhatWif e Killers . . \ Have m Common
By J,. M. BOYD job steadily since then says 11
EVERYTHING coda more has been H years since
than 10 years •10, right! anybody as~ him to mb"
Wrong. Carpets COit 30 per-one. .
cent less .•..• DID I Mi;N-CU ST 0 ME J\ SERVICE:
TION a goli ball has S36 Q.-"I see Joan Be!lll<tt is -
dimples! ....• A SAN AN-doing Geritol commercials
TONIO MAN says he owrui a now. What was hCr first acting
German Shepherd named Nan job!" A.-"Jarnea:an" in 1926.
that eats cigar butts, enjoying Her dad, Richard Bennett,
them immen.sely . . . DO starred in that one. . . ..
BUTCHERS ever go bank-• .Q.-"ASK YOUR Na 1n·c
rupt! A contemporary sayst Game man why girls called
they don 't ... ft.tAY IS fast Susan are all so cold and
upon us. Pretty soon noY:. elusive?" A.-Thcy may be
Good month , h1ay. No United elu.sive, he says, but you·ve
States President ever died in got that wrong about Susans
P..lay. !>ting cold, On the contrary, he
WHAT DO ~·ife-killers have insists.
in common, if anything? PUZZLING: Try this one? A
That's what the penal scholars farmer's. daughter market-
wanted to find out. So they ran bound v.·tth a bask~t or eggs
studies of same in a Virginia gets to a toll bridge. Man
p e 11 itentiary. Illuminating. there demands haH her eggs ~1ost husbands v.·ho do away plus h.alf an egg. Sh~ pays. In
with their ladyfriends, they the middle of the bndge, a se-
now conclude, are the sons of cond man demands half her
bossy mothers. Believe this eggs plus half an eq .. She
situation is too serious for pay~. At the end of the bridge,
whimsy. Nonetheless, a girl a third man demands half her
about to marry the son of a eggs plus half an egg. She
bossy mother might give it pays. And now she has no eggs
some thought. left, not even half an egg. So
THAT AGE t h. h . 1 how many eggs did she start a w 1c a g1r with'
is mos~ apt to leave her hus· "FREE FLOATING ANX·
band is 214, apparently. At IETIF.S":.....that's what t be
least, thats the ~mn:ionest head doctors said afflicted our a~e t~ l?m up na~1on-w_1de on middle-aged visitor. An old
wives divorce petitions. -· · • friend from New York, this
RECALL 1: HE_ THIRTIES fellow. Thrice in our ac-
when the Gtn Ricke.Y was a quaintanceship he committed
popular c on co ct 1 0 n ? A himself to hospitals, full of
bartender who has been on the fear and pills. Last month,
Pay Pottie
Ban Passes
In IJJinois
-The state house o f
representatives has passed a
bill described by it.s sponsor as
"one of the most important
pieces of welfare leP,sl8tion in
Illinois this session. '
The bill wou1d outlaw pay
toilets in Illinois places or
public accommodation.
"When nature calls we must
of necessity respond without
pay," Rep. Edward Wolbank,
(D-Chlcago), said.
"Pay toilets create a health
hazard to those oot fortunate
enough to have the right
change,'' he said. "Let's keep
still awrithe with his jitters,
he came into a considerable
inheritance. Last n i g h t ,
altogether calm finally in
front of our fireplace, he
observed, "Nothing heals the
central nervous system quite
so well as cash."
HANDBAGS -Much under
discussion in that tendency of
the ladies to carry so many
oddball items in their hand-
bags. They argue otherwise.
Nonetheless, notes a Portland.
Ore. woman, who told police
her purse was stolen, listed
among lhe missing contents
one bowling shoe, a salmon
plug and a heavy. duty staple
Your questions and com-
ments ate wt"lcomed and
will be used wherever pos-
sible in "Checking Up."
Address mail to L. M.
Boyd, in care 'Jf the DAILY
PILOT, Bo:e 1875, Newport
Beach, Calif., 92663.
the best things in life free." ·----._._------
House Republican leader
Jack Walker tried lo stop the
movement toward Wolbank's
position, saying pay toilets
were not intended to frustrate
but to prevent vandalism and
Democrat Paul Elward
rushed to Wolbank's aid, ask·
ing Walker if he would support
the bill if coin boxes were
placed on the inside of the
door, so a person could enler
free but pay to get out.
AVOID-ftffWl.YdriYinQ and Plr'kino problems.
IEftYICE-Every 30 minulft dunno popular travel
hOUrt from ~ C.OUnty Airport to 4 Intl
Airport (in bottl d1'9Ctionl)
COMFOftT-ln modtm, del~e 8ir-conditioned
mok:if COM:hts.
ftELIABLE-No wt1lher problem1-0eliwry
direct to Y'O'lf' lir t.rmil\ll-Ho tr1Rlfw by tram
between termin1lt It the 9if'OOf1.
T ... TllO-llopOIYow-'lllOEolr,
• For YOUI' convenience-111 IChtdu)H opera•
with through coaches between OR~ County
Airport and L.A. Intl Airport (in both direetiontl
-~ . '
-· •'
• ' I Jj.
IMPORTED! s.u~vV\75ES_l .. r ;
reg. 300-6.0C . ', 2.~;or'.2/~.00
Put fashion to the "see" test with these gro.ovy.
sun-blockers. Choose men's or women's styles,
with wire or plastic frames wrapped around
sun-tinted lenses.
Cameras, ·I l
reg. 59.99
A superb CJless
tence viewing.
for CJenerel use end long ' dis-
Cameras, 'I l
' .
reg. 12.95-20.00 6.99-13.99 w ... ther. st.,tions indicate temperature, hurilid-
. ity,. barometr,ic pressure. l instruments set in
woo4 grein .p,anel •.
_.A. Gr'lineda Reg •. 20.00: --··----···---··-13.99
8. Trio Reg. 12.95 ; ·········--···--·····--··-··--······ 6.99
. . -
t> • '·
, reg.· 29:§9, .' . . '. :2199
' ~ -. . ' . · F.totn -C..ttare good ·for ·night· end mlrih use:
' &fJtt•.fM->J,oodecf':•~·~·s, t'O'P ~':~~~s~, 'I!'.~
7X35 11' WID.E ANGLE
1reg. 36. 99 26. 99
'centu~e ' Bin~culers let yciu se.e all ·the action ..
Our mo't popular gll'ss.
C.meres, 13
... • " ' . ,
. ' ' _,
' '
reg'. 1.59 1.15
Do'n't miss those great indoor shots of the f1m-
Jly and· kids .• , use Sylv1nia Ml bulbs or blue
dot flashcubes fo r · instem1tics. Every flesh is
ciua'r1hteed.' . c•meres, I l
1~• P•rfect gl4ss. f.or 14'J,~ .di1fence viewin9_.iiind m~~in! ~Uie; No~· _spec~~ly 1pri~e~. C.•m•i'•s, 1 l
This C.ntufe Binocular gives you full 525 f~ot fi~ld ol vi9w at · 1000 -ferd"s. ·
Cameras, 13
. ': . .
reg. 3~.95-74.95 . 26.~SS.25
' .. .. 1.99-5.99 ' .
' .
Only at the Broadway. Save on this l119919e. look a cl to the fl'nel scene
and come see 0\11' Americen Tourister l1199e9e, Soft v yl sides~·ricli·interiors
end fin9er action locks. Teke a trip with, these companittft pieces.
l.ufta1•1 l l l
Try thes• solt sided trevel.-s f..or . si1e ••• mini for look.e-lik'•• eM, maxi for
moms ••• Greet polka dots end 1ippy prints in bold 1pr.ln9 colors. N••• /or · '
1torin9. Wafer rep•llent. Mom can use the smallest for a 9roovy handb.•
lu99e91, ll '
+M N. Euclid 535-8121
Mon. thtu Sat.
I 0 a.m. to 9:10 p.m.
! I •,
;.~7. Fllhlon ltlond , .. 644-1212
Mon. thr~ Fri. I 0 a .m. fo 9:10 p.m.
Sat. 10 1.m. fo 6 p.m.
7777· Edinger Ave. · 892-3331
Mon. thru Set.
10 '·"'· te •:lO D.m.
••• OAllY P!lOT -.•ptll21,1169
y I
Death Dims
GOP Hopes
Of Control
Republican hopfJI to gain full
controJ «the California
Legislature this session for the
first time in 13 years were
dashed by a ~·eekeod auto 1 crash th.at killed G 0 P
Assemblyman AJan G. Pattee.
Saturday's fatal injury of
the weJJ.liked Monterey Courr
ty legislator left the Assembly
at a 3S.J9 standoff between
J~epublicans and Democrats.
The tie between the two ma-
jor parties apparently is
without precedent in the
history of the lower house. A
check of Jegisl ati ve
sourcebooks indicated that
. -MR. CDC PresiOOnt: 'Friend of Studen t Mi litants'
~ JOll (AP)-'lllo Ill> 1111 • ...,. -II the #1
'"' ftr lhe1r stt,tn at an fled defense rwtth. And tt to call off.<:ampus ~ to
oral Cali&lnlla Domocratlc ..i»to -a llrlb Ulet <INled ~ llboratory oo Cllllz praised Stanf...t't Presldeot eject the atuden!J, and who
Council bu pkked a tritnd, of anyway. pus in' protest against claul· Kenneth Pitzer, "ho refused opposes classlfied reatarch. ~ .. ~ -"•-~-1•-The -1utioa ulrod Hayo-. ..!=.:::.!:::::::.::?::=..=:::.,_::::::::::_:=:::_::::_::=:_~=-=="'-~=--
•---~ "' ~ new uwa to ... i,n and tt ..,
--and voted -, quea1ed tllle colleae lnltlla wbellolnc!Y lo Pio W' I t b to .. _ a preildenc hav,
10W11 -.,,ton 11 San in( tlle c:oinplete coofidaQ
FranCloco Slate Collt" and ol the --11)' at lar(e.
Slanlord Uni_,,lty. the faculty and the atudeot Auemblyman John\-... body."
3ti, of San Franc:il\00 ' who "Hayakawa MDINndl &1
wears sideburns don. .. bll much respect u &Q)"Onl CIO
earlobes and ttpl'f:lelltLAICh the campus," pnMlted deJe.
coloriul anu u Nor111 _., gate stan W-ol 8 a n
and Qllna1own -WM -Ma ..... He got a "" -
to lud the -ol .f': Wiaoman and Dr. W. B. = n = .... ~ ~or'~ ::e::: tim SUnday, ~' HA)'ll:!lwa'• ...i,,
llllltoo, an all4rntJ and nilkio. ·"I don~ ...... -
San Frandloo 8tato .Fadz you know It ar nat, bot the w., wu a -pOllllcoJ people are da'!rd llrod fl actMot b-Ill the llsil-damage to public property," laturo ho hai opokoo out .. td Townsend.
while the Senate bas been \1~i¥-. cqoally divided In some past ~ 1 aplmt bllil lo punllb Qlili,1-~Tbo~!.a_!e~c~o~n~d~~mol~u~tlon~==========~=====::::==::::======= tallll and plnal ll>etal lllu-praised -Unlvenlly
daot ou~ • with hit early oppooltlon to the Vlaqiam -, years, there is no record or ':===~=============~-such an event in t b e •
Funeral ammgements were
peOOing for Pattee, a M-year-
11Jd Harvard graduate wbo6e
34lh District took in the rolling
fa rmlands made famou s in the
novels ol John Steinbeck.
His 43.year-old second wife
Ingeborg. 'M'hom he married
only last September, was driv-
ing their car wtlen it was hit
head--oo near San Jose by a
pickup truck on U.S. 101. Mrs.
Pattee and ttie lhree oc-
cupants of the pickup were
reported in serious condition.
Gov. Reagan is required by
the State Constitution to call a
special election ··immediate-
ly" to f i I I Pattee's s eat.
Republicans would be rated a
goocl chance to retain it, since
the diru"ict has a GOP voting
pattern and Democrats hold
only 50.5 percent <.t the
The wreck that took Pat~
tee·s We midwar through the
first session c:l his cigtxb term
also eliminated any chance cl
his party's soon assuming a
total majority in l h e
legislature fot Che firS time
since 1956.
The GOP had hoped to seize
a 41-39 Assembly edge to go
along wit b its 21 -19 Senate
margin as the result of a
special election .set fO!' the va-
cant 30th District seat in
Stanislaus-San Joaquin coun-
ties this 'I'Uesday. Now, even if
a Republican wins there in the
first go.round or the expected
runoff May 20, the GOP still
will be short of the magic 4J•
vote majority in the BO«at
lower chamber.
Us ually Dr y
Lake T hreat
To Cro ps
VISALIA, Caif. (AP) -The
r unoff from record winter
snowfall in the Sierra range
has turned normally dry
Tulare Lake into California ·s
biggest body of water.
Already the lake is 125
square miles in area. Jl is ris-
ing two inches a day and is ex·
peeled to cover about 200
square miles by midsummer.
George Vell, spokestnan for
one of the big farming cor·
poraUons "'h.ich own most of
the land in the rich basin,
estimates prospective losses of
barley, safflower. cotton and
other crops at $40 million to
$50 million.
Tulare Lake ¥:ent dry in the
1890s. Since then. ~·ater flow·
ing into the basin each year
from lhe Kern, Ka~·eah. Tule
and Kings rivers and smaller
streams fed by melting snow
usually has soaked into the
iiOil or evaporated.
Last winter the Sierra snows
packed a record 249 percent
deeper than normal.
Dams on the major
tributary streams normally
provide effective control of the
s p r i n g freshets. But this
year, says Brent Graham,
manager of the Tulare Lake
Basin Water Storage and
Drainage District :
"If it all comes at onct, the
dams and other flood pro-
tections will render no aid.
There would be about two
million acre-feet of water
headed toward Tulare Lake
and no way to stop it:•
Graham said that in prac·
tict he expected a slow fou r·
month melt. with the lake
reaching its crest in July.
Mtm communlties in the
basin are on high enough
grgund to be safe, and the
water ls er:pected to damage
malnly cropland> and farming
structures soch as cottoo gins
and storage bins.
JfawfMI', lhert Is danger to
the town or Corcoran, which
has 5,200 Inhabitants. and a
levee ls under construction to
ward off the water.
N• otl.1r n1w1p•,.r t.01 Y•• _,.., '"'"Y d•y, •b.vf wh1f1
90&119 •n 111 th1 Fl'''' ~'"'' Co•tf thin th1 DAILY
Ono cemured adlll& Pru!-
-S. L J!QUawa fl San
Frandloo -, .. hit -'al to tip .. -to
Yorty: 'Militants
~:t:E~~w~ =-:~~ ;,;~~·~~~~~~; ~:;;,~;: .. AU'!.l!!!!t'fl
four girls at gunpoint, was said he handed down a Jlght Mayor Sam Yorty, are.trylna
captured Sunday night when sentence because Morri! had to take over Loi "'** With
Bad Driving Prompts
Arrest of Kidnaper
his captive driver purposely no prior police record. of h1J · electMm
swerved in front of a highway Since the sentencing, the support · •
t I ponmt, 'I1lcinlM llradleJ. pa n:i car. _ judge said he had received a Yerty Mid &mday: ••t llope:
The gunman was wounded nwnber of t h r e a t e n J n g ...... 1 -'N -
earlier in the day in San Fran-telephone call!. ~ "'i:k. 11::"" u;·1 :;(
cisco during an eocbange o1 · '!l>e poUce guan1,wu oet up ..noua tlreat ,._ !.,. llftd
gunfire with the police.man, when the calls continued. here." Be ipOkt to the Weet
guarding the home of San The district attorney has ap-Los ADplet BlpabHeaa Club
Francisco Superior C our t pea1ed the rape case in a bid which w Uer tndur.d hlm for
Judge Bernard GlickfeSd. for a stiffer senterice. rHJection.
The man then ran into the1~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~1 street, waved down a car at
gunpoint, and forced the
motorist to drive hhn for four
hours before he was captured
~ar Gilroy, about '10 miles
south of San Francisco.
With a gunman holding a
gun in the back ... t, the dr!V,
er, John Grima, 21, spotted a
highway patrol car a n d
deliberately drove in front of
it. said Sgi. Doyle Stubblefield
of the GUroy potice depart-
Taken intG custody was
Grant Richard Pciwell, 24. He
was taken to a .ho!Pilal f<W'
treatment Gf a·shoulder wound
and returned ·to tbe GilrGy jail
lo await arrival of San Fran-
cisco officers.
·The -.... o111cer, Jay
Rogovoy, 30, was reportf.d in
fair condition at a hospital
following surgery to remove
bullets from his neck and rib
Rogovoy told inveatigaton
the gunman pull~ a plstcl on
h1m as he sat in his patrol car
al the reW:leDCfl of Judge
"There's no doubt the man
was going in to get the judge,"
said one of Rogovoy 's fellow
Judge Glickfeld had been
criticized for leniency in
recenUy sen tencing William
Th• DAILY PILOT m•k•1 lh
newt Co¥•r191 light, tithf '"d bri9ht. R•1d your hom••
town •diflo11 d•ily •11d •njoy
f hl fllWS.
&v..'!!.11• ... ~ -
THIE Pana Giff IOa
Fullerton Hunll"flOn Beach Nawport ljuch ......... c.... .. ........ --· •tllntlr .. IN D .... ·""'· ,.._ Cit. hy.
Duri lHJ the closing of the Orange County Airport for a ..
pairs, fl i9hts will depart and arrive at Lon9 leach Allport.
Pa1se11gers should CJO there until can1tn1Ction 11 completed.
Check in time at Lon9 leach will be th• Cllllltllllry 30 min-
utes before departure.
• ' 1
Casual sutnmer
handbags reduced
REG. '5, NOW 3.99
A Mw r·a WOfth of fashion excitement ,,, youn for the ch001in9!
And fuot tab a loolc at all yo.o'w got to c1-Im.I lacy aochot
loalt lll'aWI, aisp nrltans trimmed with cowhide, foceled plasf;c
or baolbao bugle b.ads I All the sins and ohoi-a handbag could
be ii , , , all the l'"'ttiest c:olon as -IL
UICI rr ... QIAllGE m
Wlt1aout Rabe•
Two New Court
P~sitio:qs Okaye'd
SANT A ANA -Pr<lldlng hlgbly quaUlled person for tho
superior Court Judge Samuel master calendar job."
Drei z en and Court As to tbe jury ll!:rVicel
Ad m i n 1 s t r a t or Leslie aupervllOr's post. the judge
McCartney made a strong· aaid, "We autmble about 400
pitch before tho county Board jurors eacll Mondly MCI lllO
of Supervisors last week for each Wednelday and we neted
two oew court positions at 1 knowledgeable penon to U·
hlgber aalaries than coonty plain tho juiy aystem llld
Pmonnel Department tllooght coonty govermnent to all
necesw-y. classes of people."
The court officials got tho Personnel bu suggested a
new positions, but lost the bat· salary range ol $Ml.·'1'9'1 for
tie for higher pay. the caleodar position. DreiJen
UDder con.!ideration were and McCartney said a range
the new posts ol muter ealen-of $698-.a&S would be needed.
dar assistant and jury Onthejurysuperviaor ,
services supervisor. personnel pegged the salary
Judge D r e i z e n and range at $516-Ml and the court
McCartney argued that both officials wanted $641-797.
positions were badly needed Judge Dreiu:n said college
and that it would be difficult graduates were desired for the
to hire fully qualified person· positions.
nel at the P e r s o n n e I Personnel Supervisor R. M.
Department's figures. Jamison agreed that the pro-
"The criminal case load is posed positions were "uni·
increasing 2{t to 25 percent a que," but thought his depart·
yea r and civil six percent,'' ment could fill them at the
the judge said. "We need a recommended salaries.
Death Notices
Jnltft W. l ar'lllolomew. 111 Lu1n.111,1r,
Coron. del fMr. Dl!1 Of dealll.. •••II
11. SIK\llWd by """' H llllhl'"-Mn. c-1.,.ce 8. GtNer. •rudl11 Miss
Rf""a 81rtfl.ollll'MW. South LMll....,1
"'~• 1l1ters; -brot~r; fwa 1"and-cl'llldren and ,_ t •N l·t•anOctllld,.n.
FUMr•I "'"'Ices Mre Peld llldaW', '
PM, Mounlaln VI-M.auM1if<Jm, "''-
h1rnbr1. Enlombrolenl, Mountain Vli!w
MauJoOllum. Olrec!M by 81lh Mortu-t r'i. 11'1 Su11erlor, C111l11 ,,,,...
Leror c~111. Ill Hun!l"'IM ..,.,.., s...°' no, Hunti,.m BNdl. S...r·
... 1vec1 br wlf1, Vlrtlnlti1 .s.lllh .. r.
Hazel COl"dor111 1l1ter, """'" Wll~ 1loclc; •!Id five '"ridcl'llldrtfl, knr·
lte., Tul!l.Hy, 12:30 PM, Stnlll'l1
'"""''· wllh Rev. J-c. Oli!Y of· !ic!Jtlnt. lntffmlnl, Patine View Me-"""'•I Park. Smllh1 Mot1utrY. Dlrtc· tors.
Supervisor Robert W. Bal·
tin, an attorney, sided with the
court officials on pay, saying ,
••Many ~pie who serve as
jurors are badly handled.
They get the idea that govern-
ment is inefficient."
Supervisor David L. Baier
agreed but added t h a t ,
although he sympathized with
the courts, he felt that Person·
nel was highly qualified to
select the best people for the
jobs. He said the board should
support the department.
Supervisor Alton E. Allen
agreed and added, "We will be
making salary studies !OOn. If
the higher pay Ls justified we
can make the changes then."
The board voted s.-0 to ac·
tivate the new posts, but 3-2
against the higher salaries,
with Supervisor W i 11 i a m
Phillips joining Battin on the
losing side.
Geo•~ Miilan CVl!Mll. •oe U . of .OJ
COl"CIMdo, .__ 111d't. Dile of doe11t1.
•11rll 11. SUNIVed llY '°"• Glorw
Robert CUl!frtlll d11/0fl .. r. Mn. Joan
StlnM1n; 1lsl1r, Jn .. : ind 11• trtncl-1---=7'-:-7'==,..---
<hildrtl'I. C!\11111 "'"'itt ind Int.I'• LEGAL NOTICE
"""''• Tut$d1y, 10:30 1'M, Wettml~l--==c-::::--:===c--~t~r M""'°rlll Ptrk Mortuary ind NOTIC• TO C•l!!OITO•S
Cemeltry. IUl'•••o• COU•T 01' TH•
l. G,..Yte C1,1rll1. 31"2 Vlr1Jnl1 Nt, Mu.Al
WtY, $art11 Latl/1111. $urv!wd bY E1t1h of HERIEAT MATHIEU. s• ..
d......,ttr, Mrs. •Ifft! Wl,,...rd, Fl'llM: DKe1Hd.
bnlll'ltr, GtorM Carson, Norltl Litt" NOTICE lS HEAEllY GIVEN fll T1'1t
Rod:. "''*•MIU Ind ,_ 1r1ndlO'lt. Cl'" .. IJon af 1i.. lbo'wt ... med dtndent
SeNICft '"~ Mid today, lol«WMy, 1 11111 •LI ---htvlna <l•I-11111111 Ille
PM, wllll Or. Dtllti1 It. T~"'"" affl-Nld de(tdenl ,.._ '"11tred to lilt "*"•
ciatlna. lnummtnl. Pttlllc VIN ,,,..,_ wl!PI T1'1t netnN,., ~. In the flfllcw
rnor!.11 P1rt.. Olrtc:fed by Ptclllt View af !ht tltrlt of lhl lboW tn!llllld Cl:IV1'1. or Jo •l'"Qtnt ttitm. with llM ~....,
.Mortutrv. YNdlen, Jo tt>e U'tldtflltned 11 lllt afflcw at Alie!! Kllnt1Mml1tl, All<>"1"1' 11 Law,
Intl llffd'I Bol/ltv11rd. HunUntlon llMth,
Clllrle1 J, ~If<. M ~rr+' C.Hfomle '26M, which Is lllt pl1ce GI
Ave., COl!t Meli. Otte af dftlll. Alrll bullneu cf IM undef1klned ln t ll m1tter1
11. survlW<I by wife, A1111em.1rv1 tltPll iterl•lnlfl!I fll the nl•~ at N ld ~t. c;ttlldren, CIMfY!, Garv, Oline, 01Yld, With in fOl/r months 1fMr !Pie first 1ul>Jl1>
Dtite JeHn'Y, Stndr1 tnd Sue111nu tlon·at 11111 llOll~.
,...o 0brolhen. J1..,.1, rl 511111 •11111 Defed APrll 21, lfl!t
T'-'"· of ICtlllllht. W11C-l!'ll matt.-Herblrt M.o!hleu, Jr. er Mrs. \floll St'-tller. IC'Mlltha. Ex1eulor of tlil W!ll of
• ' I PM ... I hi I n CNPll the 1bov1 named dece6-nl owrv, • "'11 t ' 1 J ' ALLIN KLINGENSMITH 11~1 Super!or, C11111 Mt... •"u!Mi 171'tl •tteh 9fultv1,.
Miii Tllt$d1v. 10 11.M. St. Johll tilt Mllllfl ..... ••ell, CtMI. '1444
8aPl!1t (.olholk Cllurctl. lnltm'ltflf, Tt..,.._: (JIU I0·2544
Keonotflt, W!i.c:oniln. 8•111: Mortu1rv, ,._., i... E•wutw
Olrecton. Plltll!shed Or1nte C011I Ot11V P!lof,
SHIPPAM Mrn 21, 2• ind MfY s. 12. 19't nut
cecll H. S1111111em. -411! c1111rt11"d LEGAL NOTICE
Drive, Cllnlllll ~I Mir. 0-~ of dN!h.1------.,.,=,-,,,.-,=,--I ...... n 1•. 51/rv!ved by ...... OorOl~w: SUl'E•10• COUltT 01" THI!
""""• Jlt'M$, 11' Coltt M.N, 11111 ST•TI!! 01" CALll"O•NIA l"Olt Wlll\fm, l • Mlrld•I 1lsten. Olli• THI! COUNTY OF OllANGIE
1nd Dora, both 11' Stn Dle9o1 Mvtn No. A4V21
t r.ondd'llldl"l!n and -91"181 .. rtnd-NOTICI! Of HlA•IN'O l'Olt
clllld. Senl\Cft will bt held Tllnd1Y, l'•OIATI!! 01' WILL AND FOil
1 "M· P...:Hk View c,._1, wlltl Rev. Llnl•S Tl!!STAMl!!NTA•T
Jolon 1111111!" 01vl1 otf\c\1llflil. l"i.r-E1t1t1 of LUCILLE N, KA.MMEll:Ell:.
mtflf, Ptclfk View Mtmorlll "•tit. 0.tHHd.
DlrK!ed br P1t<llc. Vllw Mor'l\ltry. P+OTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN Tllt! WUlltm Morrl1 ktmmf~• h11 t!lld TAYLOR IMln ln I petition for Probtle rl Wiii at TIMI
1bo'l'Hllmed decedPOI Ind for IUIJ l !la of Em"'-TtYlllr. 1'*3 N~I lllvd., llln"" tn1imen11ry le the lllllklntr,
CCIII Mtw. Dele of dNI~. April lt. rtfel'tl'ICI! to wl'lld'o Is mltdt for furt~r
Survlwd by lOll• l '!Ol\lrd, Cctlt 11r'll(:!.lltirs. 1fld tt.al ~ li!N' tnd Plitt
Metal tt.rte brolhtr1, Wllll1m, Fra~ 11' llNl"lll9 Ille 11,,,. h11 been alt for May
<II, 1nd H1rrv Olwn 1i1ter, Adei.oldoe t, lM , 11 t :llO 1,m., In ~ cou~ p1
Olvtt. Funt<ll Hrvlces, Tundty, 1 Oeitr'l!N'lll No. l of 111d o;ourl, 1!
PM, lalll CCIII Mel.I Ch-t. wtlh Courthouu, 7flO w. Ith Street, '" "-(lty Rtv. Afld r-C. AndtrJllfl offlCllllnt. 1Df s..till •111, Callfomll .
lnll!'l'm"'I, ~Vtf"IY. New JtntY. D~ 01lld April 11, lKf, ~ by Bil~ Mortu1ry, Cml1 MtN. W. E. ST JOtUf, County Clllrt
Ch!Vlll A. IC"'" WAKEFIELD Attomtr 11 1..1w
fM E Wl'kefltld 6'08 Homer Wnl· 414 N1r'lll H-rt tlevlt¥1rlf
~. ' 0 • d . defll!I Nl;ll lt. NtWNrl 9tacft, C1llttt~I• '"" m ni r. 1 · Tttffhont· 1110 ...._1n1 Survived by dtuth!ff, Alvty Wi~e-Alto•MY f.r Ptlllltltl'r
!ltld Emery. PrlV11e -vke1 toll' Pl/b11"1~ Ortnte COis! Otlly Pllot, dU<led by Olldty Broll'ler1 Hun1Tng1an •Prll 21, 22• 21, lNt 1•5-H
Vllfl'Y Mor!IHfY.
Westclilf Mortuary
U7 E. 17lh St.. Coda Mesa -BALTZ MORTIJARIES
Coreaa del Mar OR l-HSO
Cotta Meoa !fl f.%04
UO Broadway, Co1ta llte11
LI l..1GI
HDDthllfOI Valley
17111 Be1cb BIYd.
BaatlnftO• Beadr
C.melny e M-.r,
350I PadOc Vktr Drive
Newpan Beacll, Colllonota -PEEK FAMILY
'1191 Bolla A ft.
Welbntadf:r m4S!5
La(llNI Beach 414-WS
S.a Cltmente 4tz.fltl
llrl Mala SI.
Uaotbtcta• Be• .. LE I.mt
PA·t<ll Slll'"IUOlt COUl!T Oii TME
STATE 011 CALll'O•NI• "Ott
THE COUNTY OF OllANCE N•."' --NOTIC'" flit M•Al lH ... Cll' l'•TITION
l'OR l'•O•ATI! 01' W1L\. AND l"O•
lllolllf Wtl""l
Eshlfl "' Mlrllll'I Elli1Wlll Doolitti.,
-llmn ~ I I Mlrloll E. Ooet1n1t.
Dect1Hd, NOTICE IS HEll:E•Y GIVEN Thll "reOtfld[ Wm>tfl W'tlt hll fllte lltlWft t ltflllell for ..-,ft cf wilt .,... ..,,.
ln utna rl Lett.rs Tt1l-lt!"f hi ~,;.
tloMr !llond wtlvtd!, rll!ftr...u hi whldl
i. "'""" fOr turlller 11r11o.f"rs. tlld tilt!
Ille time trlll •'-ti '"9r!ne the 11""
1'111 11tt11 wt for Mir t, '"'· 11 t:•
1.11'1.. "' "" Cllll/"""" af o.. .... "*" No. , of 1111d court. ti 700 WO!
Ellhlll Stl'tlf, In tht City Ill lln!t •nt,
Otllld l\itrU 21. lff.t
W, I!. tT JOHN, CAMttf Cleft Cf\11111 o. ,,....,
tM4W1"""9 ......... si.n. NWfll..., 4'I hM• ~. C111fw1111 ,...
Tift 11111 nM4M
'""'"" "' httfftllll' PUOlflhtd Or1nte CH•f 011.., l'!lot,
...,,,.II '1, '2, ti, 1t6t 76'ott
SUPt:••o• cou•T 01' THI"
THI CCIUM'TT OP OIUNef ..........
E111tt 11 OOrl1 lorrtlflil Mllff. Otano
"i.oTICE II f1E•E•Y OIVEN .. thl
crMl"" ti Jtle lll9ft MIMll MHll!!I Witt •N ...-i. llt'trl,. dllinl -INI !ht
MMI lll«nflt -..wlrff fll Ill• thMI, WI"' the lllUIUfY veucfltf's. lft lht llf1al ol ,,.. Cltrtl ol lf'lt lll9ft ""111111 qowt, .,
.. .,..... 1hMl. wllll .... -"' ~ ., "" .,,.,...,.. ., ,,. lifllt't
" "" "'""""""' .._.....,..., ' ll'l'd. A .. ~ 0.vld "· Ne'-~ Wlhtlfft SOUlrlllnl, '41n. NUIMltl' 11111\, \.01
Aflftlff, Ct lffonli. tOOIJ, wlllc.fl It JM
11\f(t af bullnfH ., "" """""'""' In 111 """"" itef'la.!Mllt .. thl nit .. 111 Mid
dt«dfl'll, wHhlft four """'"" .n,,. t1it llrst Mllc1tloll ti "'l• notke. Dtlt!I ...,II 11, 1 ....
l'rtnl 0. Mlwr £•ewtor ol !ht W!I!
(It "" ...... ntmed ftctdtnl .... ,dYi
""111*•1., ' LJ'll(ll, .. If ....... , 0...... ti ........ &# WlllMtt .... ..,......, HM.
..... "-'"' C.llflnli• ,..,, l th Uhl ....,,..
AntrMn .., lll'IC>llW
Mond11, .lj>tll 21, 1969 DAllY PILOT 9
County LaWls Probation Department Plays
He Wanted
Name Quiet;
Here's Why
SANTA ANA -Charles H.
Bisignano told repo rt e_r s
several times during the
Superior Court trial of Larry
and George Stiner that he
wanted his name kept out oC
the papers.
Bisignano, 25, a key wib\ess
in the trial that led to the con-
vict.ion ol. the two Black
Panthers on attempted
murder charges -the at·
tempted mW"der of Bisignano
-told reporters he "wouldn't
want his name to show up in
the papers back East."
What may be the reason for
that reticence showed up in
Superior Court in the form of
a child support action filed by
Sharon Bisigneno of Kansas
City. She ask.s that her we1der
bu.sand be ordered to pay $75 a
month towards support of 2·
year-0ld Charles Jr.
She claims that Bisignano
abandoned her and the child
after agreeing to pay $100 a
month in child support. And
she states · that she had no
knowledge of bls whtteabouts
"until rectntly."
Anaheim Now
At 164,700
ANAHEIM -Th.is city's
populatiooas ol Karch 1, 1959
was J&f,700, a gain of 5,500
new residents since the same
time last year, according to an
official estimate by the state
Department of Finance.
At 113.70 per head, the -
estimate will bring additlooal
revenues from the state tot.al·
ing $89,000 u the city's share
of motor vehicle liCi!TlSe fees,
and gas and cigarette ta.1es,
according to city officials.
SANTA ~A -A now ap.
proado to IUpttV!alon of ,...
batloo!n bu -l!lltituted by the OraJ)P COUllty l'robll·
tlon o.parlment.
· "'Plays for lJvlnc," a mlt.!:
of Ove dramas preeented on
Tuetctay eveolnp lo #fll bu
been pronounced a "succeu"
by observen and .. evldence
that the l!Onlmunlty-i 1
prepared to back worthwhile
PJ'Olflml wJth money a.nd
talent if someone in eovem-
ment bu tho lnlttaUve .llld
lmqioaUOD to t10 after H."
Accordlol to L. L. Horman
of the county adminlstraUve
office the procram "'attempt.I
to open up communtcatioD by
apoelng >dull llld juveolle
probationers llld t be I r
lamilla to a play In wblcb
One More
Judge Asked
SANTA ANA -LeoillaUon
authorizing one more Sapertor
Court judge In Orange County,
to bring tho total to 12, hu tile
support of Presiding Judp
Samuel Dreizen and the state
Judicial Council.
County Adminlsirative Of.
ficer Robert E. Thomas will
report to supervi.9ors next
week "on the advisibility of
supporting tho legislation at
this time."
Dreiien said the n e w
judgeship was "statistically
justified" by the current
heavy work load canied by
the county courts. He oald the
pool, il approved, would not be
filled before September.
Grape Strike
Talk Slated
IRVINE -Joe Serda, a
repre1entative of the
Calikc'nia farm worker1, will
discuss the Delano grape
strike at 7: 30 tonight in
Phy&ical Sciences 101 at UC
A reptt.Srl!lltat.ive of the
growers also II scbeduled to
appear, ~ to UCI
Students for Delano Strikers.
Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in the
Comm-Building flnl floor
lounge two Irvine students
who visited Delano • r e
sdleduled ta """" •!idea and tell about the ltrike.
01r 'TreaHre' ,., • ._ penn
Is now l'9Cl1cedl FIH -
beady aid scMIP, too!
Reg. 12.50
NOW 8&_8
• Addo luoltr ard oI-.. -.-halt
• -body fa> loo.--. ...
Shampoo and Mt • • • • • • • • $3
(Ma, T-and Wod. only)
W•.-W•lll.__., ......
Or111Ht1lr Ctllt9t
,,. floor. 111441
MUlfTIN•TOW ··~" M\llltl11ttDn Cll'l"f
2"d "-· """"
,..,, .... 1•1•1111
2nd"-· '""Jill
they can oee themlelvOI aod Bust also IOI the doaatloo of tho plays, ''LadJ oo lhe Ra,cb", "Y"'
their problana." tho Garden Grove WODW1'1 'Ille plaf1 in-tell wry Nmr Nd ua• aod "lflr of
po 11ow1n r tho play, ...::Cl:;flc;:..;Clu=b_:l.::or"pr='""="=ta=1=1on::.::":-=IUCb=:....:lma::::!cl!:na=U•::.:•:_:f=itw=-..:u=-.::.tho::.._W::;cnll.=:.."_0 --:
putlclpull !rut I D I o
--ledby ~
"I At in oa one· and WU
llllUed how much deJlD.
QUlllC)'of'dated -Uae
could be ....... led -• IJ'OllP .of Z -1e, lllOllly
ltrlDCtf•," II.kl Herman.
The pr.cram•1·pldinr llcllt
II Deputy Problltlon Ollictr w. "Scotty" Bua He bu the
bactll1( of Cb1e1 Probatloo OI·
llcer Morprel C. Grier.
Bua IOI ao llOO clonatlon
"""' tho Colla u... Lloos Club to pay the actors In tho
dramu (they 're pro-
fe u lo• a I 1) llld <icl>t
p17cblatrl1t1 ind
p I Y Cb oiocllta volunleered
their aervlces.
Ticking's gone glainorous ............ prettUy ....t.nkoied, lo .... blod< Md -pW
collection of well-behaved potyester/cotton toilclothl H' you take tt blodc, we've included a solid
colored pant suit.,. tailored, but contemporary, w;th Its _..through top, IOlhed in o '*"'' doftng
,,...,,......., Print crop top with flare sleeves, ~. Print jomaiccn, t4. Long sleeved print aop top wrth
11ond up <ollor, '6. Pr;n1 ..;de leg anlde pants w;oh art out s;de d.tcril, 'f. long s1-blod< .ailo
.h;rt, '6 . Mad< Mith mm pants, '7 ...... 7 to 15.
U11 fT ••• CHAIM m
l'utllli""' Or-1"" Cont Deltr f'lle!,
'------------' A!H"ll ti, lt Ind Mlr.S. IL,,., 1'14', ~----,.--------------r----,J ----------------------7------------------------. ''
DAil Y l'llOT
'Firsts' Take Second and Third
All three of these jet transports are not'ed as being
'firsts'. The Boeing Company's 707 prototype .... (fore-
groundl was the first U.S. jetliner, and on flight
status for 14 years. Next, the original Model 737,
which first fle'v in April 1967, and last but not least
the world's largest ·commercial jetliner,. the 747,
\vhich made its maiden flight in Feb. 1969.
Don"t Spoil Hubby
British Doctor Says Coronary CouUl Result .
LONOON (UPI ) -Don't chores aroum:! the home are his firm - any good. towards coronary h ea r l
pamper your husl>and -you often sufficient. On diet, Dr. Wingfield sug-disease ruxl a reasmable
-'!lay shorten his life. Smoking_ Cut it out or cut gests that the over-40s cut regular intake may well be a
. Let him walk to the station , 1.t down. down on caviar (which is bad preventative of co ronary
help with the dis hes and the news for millionaires), duck, thrombosis," he said.
•pring cleaning and doh.is own Stress -Try to clca·n up all salmon, kidneys, but ter , On the othe!' hand, the
tardening. your routine work weekdays, cream and eggs. newspaper, "MedicaJ News"
But don't let him undertake saving the weekends for men-But he advocates an oc-commented that alcohol was
any unusually heavy exercise tal relaxation. The man who casional dri nk of alcohol. often a cause of t he
suddmly _ like shovelling goes ta the office an extra day "All our evidence points overweight that Dr. Wingfield
ll'IOW after 8 storm. to tidy up odds and ends is not towards alcohol being good for listed u most respoosible for
doing himself -or probably tho5e who have 1 tendency coronaries. Theoe hints to help keep:i----------------------------husband.! alive art contained
in a new booklet' published by
the British Medical AS$0Cia
Hon under the title "How Not
, to Get a Cora nary."
Some oC the new thinking on
why wunen get fewer heart
women are protected by the
attacks in middle life, he said, A
-the theory that
higher Jeve! ol activity deman-
ded by housework wwch kee., enne• IJ 'thfm movmg and bending. ~· Shop at
. \Villesden General hospital
contributes a traditional
domestic scene :
Father, having dined well ,
sags in front ol. the television
set, a cigarette in tris mouth.
The do!iJJg wHe peeks happily
in from the kitchen, unaware
she is psmpering her man to
The contribulDrs agr<ed that
the best way to ensw-e a loog
life is to chooGe parents with
sowxt arteries. This is ad-
mittedly impossible 10 the
nut best thing is to:
Eserclae -Moderately and
eveey d a y • l)o.it-yourseli
Costing U.S.
$100 Million
If the alcohollcs in the nation's
post ef fices were
reblblliteted, it could save the
pmnment $100 million a
yeu, eccording to an official
who developed a n ex-
perimenlal treatment pro-
And if en the drunks tn the
federal bureaucracy and the
.-med forces were dried out.
said staoley K. Day, the an-
nUal •vine could amount to SI
Day --the Postal Ak-obolic Recovery Program
si:r ~ ago in the Sa n
Francisco Post Office. t.he
first such project by the fed -
eral government.
Day quickly noted ll!at there
is nothing in delivering the
mail, « In public servtce
gieneraUy, that drives a m.an
to drink.
Th e figures represe nt l h e
eltimlted loseel, becau!te of
cloys oil and lowered <f-
ficiency. tJllt are auributed to
the tncidence oC akx>holism in
Americl, be llllid.
The oamporable loa to
prtv• llldullry ii about 14
billloa -!})'. llaf .. Jd .
Al~ ln<llltry h a a had
alcoholJC l'dJa bJUtation pn\.
eramt for more than ZO years.
ff would not contlnue thtm ''if
the COl(..benefit return WllS' not
~ ehow an average
1JcoboUc colt.I hl.s em ploytr
about $3.000 a year SO the net
•vinf to the San Franci!!CO
Poot ll!rJCe la Ul\lfed at more
(714} 523-6511 ................... .,,.. .... _ . ,,_ .......... ...
...... 11.-1
Springtime reupholstering
savings this week only!
................. "" ..... Clltll ,,_. ..... Mght.-lool:J Ow .......... of fcWli°"
~ rtupho61t117 fabria -bw ....,..ily,....... •• J5% thll w.k My.
S-15% • our ~ ooft••Miip ft fuhikdioit clrlring ffl time, tool This •°""-" ._ af fahria. ~ ..__. cut ~ ,,_...., good Wing ..,..._
~ .... .__..,, ......... t.IM.d ........ _..y lil'Kftll" l.uphoistw oll
yovr furnltwN-wt.lie )QI rafl _,
I ~~ -----· _ ...
--...... _
. Stamp Honors State's Anniversary
The U.S. Poet OUlce will A close-fttting toelOIW'e of and the flap either turned i.n "First Day Covers I cents
ls.sue a stamp cammemorat1..... poeUil card thk:.knesl should or seaJed. ne out.side en-California B ice n l e n n 1 a I
-. be pla<ed In each envelope vel-should be endorsed Stamp." Calllwni1'1 llOth anniversary. _ _:..:..,:.:..:_. ____ __:_ __ ·.:_~ ________ _c _____ -,--_
Tbe keot stamp will be
Issued July II, •Kb lint clfy
ceremonies in San biego. It
wu in San Diego in 17&9 that
GoYtf09" Gaspar de Portola,
accompanied by F a t be r
Junipero SerTa, began col-
The stamp features the
belfry of the mJssion at
Carmel, where father Serra
ls buried. It was established
ln tTJO and rebuilt io the
Collect.ora desiring first day
cancellations may send ad-
dreseed envtk>pes, togelher
wtth n!mittance to cover the
coet. ol tbe stamps to be af·
fixed , to the Postmaster, San
Diego, Calif. 92101.
Taddlac'» .... ,,_,.c1la11Mfor
_,_..., __ ., 111191
Pretty llyles in o ddoo ol pra1jy <Dion
that •toy lre.h and eleon with ....,.
mochlno ...nlMg ond ~ Prnd
for """"" in ..... 1-3lt. S2
We'N cal1Wa1ing Noliwwal
llaby -wjth ........... ~foryour f;ttle-
Mom, throw away
• I your iron ••••
&ojor,.,., dw'lch. ..t1ilo ...,.,rw ....n.-dooi""" _,,,
preciQus da,s that _, -.,,, The nWocJe ol polyeolor
....... -odooolJlo dot!,.. ""' kind that .... kopt -
and MW looking wfth 0 .-....1' of ccnf These pretty ..... ..,,.._ ---to--.. cutfitsl
Rib klllt polywster polo shirts w;th ..,..
b.o;d,r trim, whlle w/royal ond gold. 1-4.
A111uctiwe •"01oou rib ,pol)Wter ~
.laclu io royal ... gold. Sizes 1..(.
Shoft aloo•ecl ~ polo sNr1, i•
royal ... gold and wliito ""-Sins 1-4.
-.,.. ,.,,..... ""'"' with .... bo--. ...,.,, or gold. Sins '1-4.
' !
• I
'It's the Berries'·
Strawberry Crops Bet'ter Than Ever
Nm wloltr may find lull'.
IU!CiOuJ 1lrawberrlea in tbe
supumartet.s as early ai
January. 1! University of
Calllornla experiments 1 n
Antheim are suc~ssful.
Or111ge County F a· r m
A1Mw A lL Holland bQpto
a new, aJr-s'up ported
greenhouse will IIl1lle the
earlier strawberries possible.
He thinks the house may work
just as well for other cropS
by speeding plant growth
through higher temperatures.
Cucumber s, vegetable
tr111Splaots and bedding plants
might be logical crop! to grow
under air-supported plastic.
Holland ls conductin&
.iwne. ol the unusual slnlcr
lure with the aid ol Qiandler.
UC Irvine Offering
Sex Class Training
GARDEN GROVE -A new tures are planned to be of
series of 1 e c t u r e s to vaJue to all counselors ol
familiarize parents and pro-youth, s c ?loo I counselors,
fesslonals who work with physicians, rninlsters a n d
today's sex and family life social workers.
education programs in the Speakers ln this series of·
schools is being conducted by' fered for credit are etght pro-
Unlver11l ty of California Es· feMiorial educators, beaded by
tensiOf; ~re. · coordinator C. Ray Fowler,
Mondq, Aptll 21, 1911> DAJLY PILOT J.J
Old. JY.orld Medit~rraneai.
Spanish Furniture
ltems as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft cuslol'IJ· , • ·
Hospital Managers Set
Convention in Anaheim
P. 'N~ and llulloll L. Perry tr":~
ol. the department of ~~~~;:, .. ;-~~· ~
Sex I and Fami.l;y Life lo licensed marriage famlb' and
Education is being offered . chlldr~'a COUD11elor and
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. through cmsult8nt 1n growth and
June 11 in the cafeteria of development to the Clatemont
Bolsa Grande High School, Unified School District.
' quilted sofa with separate loose pWows with
heavy oak trim decqr and matclil!;tg .chair,
3 matching oak occasional tables; (2) 511"
tall decorator lamps, hanging cbai!I swJg ' l
Jamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king, size
master bedroom suite in pecan ~elled
Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr.
\Varranty king size mattress & box sptlngs.
Spanish decor dining set, etc.
agrlcultural qineertng, UC-~OF C:OORSE OtJC:S t~ 4 &:.OH6-
Riverside, and Wllllam C. WJUP E~fAl~Mf.NT J"
Falrbank, El:ten1ion
agricultural engineer, UCR.
ANAHEW. -More than grams C1>1Tesponding l o FOUR BEDS
8,000 hospital management hospital departments and The 21)1).foot plutic houae,
personnel are expected to al· management !undJoos, and 15 feet wlde and five feet tend the 29th amual Con-venUon <A. Western Hospitals nearly 400 commercial and tall, arches over four bedJ
bere April 28 to A1ay I. educational exhibits featuring of S e q u 0 l a ltrawberries. Grower Hl.toahl Ftl]ish1i:e ~ Highlights of the program the latest in hospital products vided tht land and the pla.stlc.
include UU"ee genera I -nad servires. "In effect," exp I a in e d
assemblies, 29 section pro-The first general assembly, Holland "the air-supported
To Address
School Fete
with the theme "Coordination house £1ves the grower a
of Health Services," . gets . cheap, movable way to control
under way ~1onday, April 211, the climate over a crop. He
JO a.r~., in the AnaiIBim can speed plant growth and
Convention Center. reach the market early, while
Th e ~ond g e n e r a I prices are hlgh. He can grow
assembly will be.held Tuesday a higti-value crop in winter, alter~~· .featunng the then1e then switch to field growing
"Mob11izat1on of He a It h in spring _ just by rolling
Resou.rres." the deflated house aside. The
9401 Westminster Ave. Series and Jingle tickets will
There is still time to enroll be available at lhe door. For
in the entire 6eries, The lee-de tails call 833-~14.
Whol• H1uHfull wu ntvlar 11521.00 ~c:r:To~~~~l~I~~ ... $698.00
""' Piece C... le l'lorchased le<l(vlMl!y Ttrm1 AvolSc:D&. -Newcomers te Calif.
Credit ,.,_... l"""edlatltly
, 11 J] Funiitu~
At Harbor Blvd. .
1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only ·
, Every night 'til 9 -Wed., S•t. & Sun. 'tU 6.
'Stocks it to You' ANAHEIM -Gov. Ronald
Reagan will be U1e main
speaker at the '69 Spring Rally
of the California Association of
Christian Schools ( C A C S )
today in the Anaheim Con·
vention Center.
The third grneral assembly grower can buy the plastic
will be held Thursday, .W.:ay I, for about $50 and set up the
at 10 a.m. \vith the theme tent in one day. The fans
"Financing Health Care." are ordinary types used for ----------------------------------------------On Sunday afternoon, April air cooling.'' 27, Gatholic Sisters will hold a
Rally tickets may be ob-
tained at the conventio n
center or by writing CACS-T,
Post Office Box 4697, Whittier.
CACS is a service organization
for 146 Christian schools in
California with a total enroll4
ment of 26,000.
Orange County has 13 Chris-
tian schools -five in Costa
Mesa, two in Anaheim. ant.I
one each in Fountain VaHcy,
Santa Ana, Orange, Buena
Park, Garden Grove and
special Institute on I h e AIR STREAM
Disneyland Hotel, Convention Tubes filled with water hold
headquarters. 'Ille program is down the sides of the air-sup-
belng sponsored by the ported house. Sandbags anchor
Calil-Ornia Conference of the plastic at each end. The
Catholic Healtll Facilities. supporting air stream comes
Convention registration will from two fans, which operate
take place Saturday, April 25, independenUy. A thennostat
and Sunday April 27, in the turns on Ule larger fan when
lobby of the Disney land Hotel. air temperature goes above
On ti1onday, April 28, lhroush 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A
\i.'ednesday registration will weighted rubber ball on a vent
occur at the Disneyland llotel act.s as a valve to regulate
Convention Center, air pressure and bep the
Formal opening of the ex-house from collapiing, should
hibit in the Anaheim Coo-the fans turn off momentarily.
vention Center is scheduled The alr·1upported
Monday, April 28, at 9:30 a.m. greenhouse bu provided an
The exhibit will remain open unexpeoted side benefit: it
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily e:r· protectl the strawberries from
ccpt for \\ledncsday afternoon blrda. Holland aid northward--
Mesa Proclaiins when it wm c1ose at 12,30 p.m. migrating blrda ravaged .... ,
to afford exhibitors the op-Southland strawberry fieldl'·in
portunity to visit Disneyland. January and February.
Firemen' is Day liiiiiiiiiij~"'iiijiijiijjijjjiiiiiiij-"'iiij--i I
Costa Mesa ?.1ayor Al vin L. j~ •hfpon tor Pinkley has declared June 14
Orange County Firemen's the future •••
Day, on the date of. their
elshth annual show at the Totiavr
Orange County Fairg,ounds. School of BUSI·-· The Orange county UVM
Firemen's Association will JZ~~~~;; show Hs arsenal in the war on ~ ~
Joss of life and property,
demonstrating !ire fighting
procedures and techniques.
e Sec,.feri1I e Mecllcel
l111ut1nc1 e lo1•k11pi111
Volunteers from all f i r c ABC SHORTHAND e Dent.ii
A11i1ti111 departments in Orange County
will spend their off-duty man-
ning the equipment at the free
118 w. 5th
Santa Ana
543-1753 or 543-8721
public show.
You can do almost as well by keeping a lot !en ma., In
yaar cllldiing account and a lot more in your Plcilic 5% P111llaok
Account and swi\Ching money bad! and fol1ll 111 oftla • :yaa •·
everr dollar earns evel'f daf lt l• la
your Paellic Acco-t-
even lor just one day.
lill •nllllly an Pmbook Accoonts _,_ .... i1111J .. 114" ...
iltlollll 01 dtnl-ynr bonus 1ecavnts 1ra ou1111C nt&
Sni111 in your ICCDUnt •t qaull(I ....... ""' "" 111.r ..,
•11tli w~11 racelvtd by the 10th.
You'll love our prices!
Hot Wheels® race action sets!
Our great Hot Wheels" 17
car assortment •••
Customized scale versions of stock
cars, rods, racers. Side pipes, power
bulgos, raked body, many realistic
features in a fabulous assortment.
Your Choice
A.Double Dare•
Race Action Set!
Challenge the I.win
360° loaps! Winner
draps flag automal·
ically! 2 Hot Wheel
cars and all needed ac-
cessories are included'!
Outdoor toys for fun
and games ..• harseshoe
and ring toss set, bat
and balls, gall driving
range, racing sloop,~
archery set, many morel ~
B.New Stunt
Action Sell
Soaring speed in an
incredible mid-air stunt
leap! Laads of funl
Hot Wheels car and all
needed accessories.
C. Hot Curves•
for real action!
Hot Wheels surg e
over, under, around
hairpin curves! 2 cars,
track, curves, all
accessories ·for hours
4.77 8.99
t . I
)2-1.111.Y l'UT
Hippies Go
But Not
I l
A Californio physician with
wide aperieoce in treating
hippies says the f I o w e r
children haven't split tbe TALLYMASTER ELECTRIC ADDER
scene pennaoeK.IJ but have
simply retreated into eom-
mooes to protect tnemsejves
from society.
'1be flower children are
trying """ .. malt• you f<rgel
Reg. 97.00
less acceptable trade-in
you poy
now b9.49
they ·-They .,. happy .. fade oat of the medi a
limelight.'' said Dr. David E.
Smith d the University of
California Medical School and
dir<dDr o( the Haight-Asbbury
Medical Clinic.
Mark V adds 7 col umns, tota ls up to 999,999.99,
Gold color, includes 7.90 value carrying ca se.
• •T raOe·in adder must be pri nti ng model manuel or el ect ric,
in work ing condition under 20 years oldl U.S. mdke.
Smith spoke recently to
several hundred doctors at-
tending • meeting o( the
American Asoodati9!1 ol Plan·
oed Parenthood phySicbm.
Oonlrary .. g.....al opinion,
Smith said, "the •bi p
"""""""'' has greotly ;,,. creased, but _is now
iedirected and redistricted"
into a half doz.en types of rural
and -urban communes.
Many people think tht hip.
pies no kmger exist, Smith
said, because of the decline of
• the Haight-Ash bury, ~ a
tNiving example of a raetally
itegrated heurban Reg. 15.95
-neig!lborhood, then t mecca 12.79 ·; ~~= =·51: in~~ From Bret.her®. Automatically
• 30 murders have been COQt rpens standard graphite or
milted "' Jar this year •· ;.,_' d ·1 Full U l' smith and a 'resweh ~· Cf~·.e cray?n p.e:nc1 s. y .•
1"anl visited most Of' UW! hf approved, perfect for Dad 's of-·
cam:munes in Nor the n 1. I ud CaHfornia tMi. Smith noted ice or or st ent.
; "we do ;u );:now what the
fubn bolds for UleM new
childrftl, eill>e< physical «
The phikloophy of ...,.
violence and mysticism
prevails, he said, probably ....
oour,.ged by the use ol
JlSYchedelic drugo. "Moot ol
them are vegdari.am becauise
eating meat is 'killing' lo
them." -t
The hippies are seeking new
solutions to old problems,
Smith said, and have in the
process geoeraUy rejected all
middle-clasS standards.
"Natural childbirth is the
corner11 tone (If the ir
ptillosophy. This is t h e
ultimate miracle and, strange-
ly, in a subculture known for
Us use . the women forswear
drug11 during pregnancy,"
Smith said.
There are 00 maniag• Reg. 12.95 9.99
certificates in the communes . .
and therefore 00 birth Puts the light where you W1'nt 1t1
ce:tDicates, l he physician without d isturbing others. Fu:ly U. ~~. d d "If there are no birth L. approve , tensor guarantee .
certificates, there will be no
Social SecuriU numbers and
the child will become a com-
pLd.e ~ity, safe from a
·me .ch ahiled,··-delnttnanl~ ·
society and safe from the
draft, .. he said.
To further this goal. the
children bear only commime
names such as Infinity and
Morning Star, Smith said.
His research identified six
types of communes. Smith
said, rangl1111 from the urban
.., "crash pad," whicb he said
was Wrty with • high in-
cidence ol. dist.ase, to a Large
self-adained rura.1 commune
where lllpp,ies are trying to
1dopt !Ith Century techniques
.. 2 lat Contury pn>blemo.
lo between are foor dif·
rere..t kinds ol. communes in
w~h v15~?g nu=.._of in-Reg. 8.00 divouua uve ""'&'"'""'' as 4.99
"family communes" or mar-A · t · · d · f riages communes." Th ese n 1n ngu 1ng emonstrat!.:ir. o
types are further subdivided Newton's law of motion. One inch = ~P~bethfir or ncX steel balls walnut fini sh frame,
But even in the most stable looks great on desk or book sf.e!f.
communes. Smith said, there
Is no "revival ol. the Puritan
Cb1rillioo olllic" but •
f:fUrther and fUrther removal
fnlm the IOdety the flower
c:bildr'eP hive rejected.
444 N. Eucl;d 535-1121
Mon. thrv Set.
10 e.m. to 9:)0 p .m.
• l
II ..
'. '\, "' ~
' •' . ' • ' ' H
' I
RQg. 49.99
less . acceptable trade-i n
you poy
now 39.99
Compact styl ing with two color ibbon, pic:s . -type and full size keyboard an d touc~ reg u-
lator. Royal 's complete 5-ye or guarantae
and carrying case.
• J
I L •
t""" -· ""'*"''
47 F11hlo" ltland 644.1212
Mon . thni Fri. 10 •.m. to ':30 p.m.
Set. 10 e.m. to 6 p.rn.
Reg . 129.99
less acceptable trade-in
nO\V 99.99
you pay 89.99
Our lowest pric e ever now . Full size key·
board . and rugged housing t hat keeps up
with the office styles. 5 year warranty.
Reg. b.50 3.99
Adhesive sfyle in 3 hole. Two styles
to choose f r om. Flora l or solid
color vinyl. Holds Bx IO" size.
Reg .· 8.00 4.99 pair
Imported and attra ctively hand
carved in o variety of styles. So~id
weight. 6-inch si ze to effcetively
hold books in place.
Reg. 3.95 l.99
' Embosses crisp, white, rai sed let·
tor l/a" labels. Identify, personal-
ize and organize your home •• ,
inside and out. Replacement type,
l/a", 88c. Stationery, 15.
1111 Ed in91r A••· 892-lll I
Mon. thni Set.
10 e.m. to ~:JO p.m.
, , l I ...
•• qelOJ
.....,, """'Jl. lNt s , .. 11
~ ~ .. @'upid Aims ·
At'· F.ashion.
A romantic aura will hover over the Sheraton Beach Inn when
Las Brizas del Mar Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society presents
jts third annual fashion ·show beginning at noon Saturday, May 3.
Angelic cherubs ornamented. with flowers and holding candles
will center tables for the Juncl\eon event. Theme of this year'J pre-
sentation is Romance Recaptured, and all decorations will be carried
out in soft shades of white, gold, green and pink.
Fashion authorities from the Feminine Key, Long Beach, will
comment on a wide range of styles -vacation to evening wear -from
select Orange County shops. For the first time, men's fashions will be
included in the display of styles.
Tickets now are on sale for the luncheon, according lo lllrs.
Thomas Mulcahy 1 general chairman, and may be purchased. by con-
tacting Mrs. Daniel Rands. chairman, at 962-5058.' Prices are $5.50 for
adults and $3 for children under 12.
Musical entertainment will be provided by Bud Rohner, piano
stylist, who is contributing bis talents for the benefit of the Children's
Home Society.
During the program a $100 money hat ind a roundtrip for two
to San Francisco will be given away. ·
All proceeds from the show will benefit Ute society and its work
with children and parents oJ all races and creeds.
Assisting with arrangements for the event are Uie Mmes. Wil·
liam Ponn, decorations; Anthony Gajewski, program; John Travis,
prizes; Fred Pedersen and Ed Lavell&, money , hat; Ron Gadberry,
accompanist; Rudy Carino, advertising; Richard t;arter, publicity;
Rands, tickets; Ron Thomas, reservations, and Theodore Hehman,
table favors. •
F;\SHIONABLE LO'tE-IN -Cellibralillg.,'iiie ntum to !emiminlty
.... i'n fashions will be members and guestl of Las Briza). del Mar
Auxiliary of the Children's Home ~ety. ~ce Recaptured,
·will be the Iheme of their third •lime~ 8l'ci fashion sbow. ~ . .. . ., ... . . . .
' ~ ( .. ' .
, Holc!lng cberutis which will center the tables ue (left to right)
Mrs. Ron Garland, Mrs. William Ponn and Mrs. John Travis.
Tickets for the benefit now are on sale.
Colorful Ya rns Weave a Party
In their first social event, members of the HUJl\l!lf"
ton Harboor Art Association honored Mrs. Helen
Richards (left), stitchery inllructor, during a.cock-
tail party in Ille Beach Club. Admiring one Clf Mrs.
Richards' works, which will ~ OJJ display the ~e!
mainder ot till• month, are_ Mr. and Mrs. J . Don
-. j • .. •
Mood ·Westminster ~tis.ts Called to Wo rk
Hartfelder. The next activity being plannett~:~ . ,MtlJtically inclined w · en in~ ~~W~tmbister area struct ·Women with lheif own wort. Providing m•
aslOCiatlon Is a bus trip Tuesday, May 6, to !ht 1Jos.• ' are 111-ltO'atteftd;a • rafts wor~hop at 7:30 p.m. terials will be the Westmlluter Woman's Club, span-
. Ailg,tel County Museum oi Ari. They will view ah, ' tom~rrow , in the .P,S Family. Colonial Terrace sors of the workshop. Trying ·their skilli ""'(left to
exhibit <1' ,w~s oi master craftsmen of ancieiitr ,RocN>. Mi~·Chri11i11e =IJ'.um:icber and Mrs. Jean right) Mrs. Bill K~ys, Mrs. Edwin Alua!"lef, arts
Peru Collecllld by tile Guggenheim.Museum ... -· 1; Shiffer, Hunlington,Be . ,Cl\'y'Schopl,i;>istrict, will and crafts chain!lan, and ·Mrs. Jolm Wagner.
-. • . '' demonstrate papier m e aac1:.~upage ·and in-'
1 " J ! I,: Iii>""\ , ~ ,1 • ..'-.. ' . ~ . .
Drbp:ped Husband's Hou'seho:IGJ Hints · :;Not ·
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pie..,. ucuse
the milt&tes in this letter. 1 can1 see
ttrY well. l have two bl.ack eyes and a
llroten DOK. which ii why l 'm wliting.
My bulblnd hill me a \ol but it's
olwl}'I 111 accld<nt. Uiullly II lilppenl
-!flft 11 belpiq me, like• l"Od ..,._
band. lbls lasl thing was the wwst. We
were puUinc aw1y the weet'1 groceries.
Mike wu staDdinc on a ladder and I wu
handln( him the canoed goocls. A canoed
bam -leD ... .., -. 'llle bWdln( _,..., .............. Ille
lioopltal. J!ioc-· aold .,,, -.... broken.
Two mooths 110 Mike was moppnc the
lloon. lie ,..... lo tell me the liUctet
• .. starte4 to · write-to you but she broh Why would a woman 21 yean okl look a tldW make ll a11111., lw M elM
clown·S. lhe mJddle or Ille Muer and 11~· twice at I high school kid? Whal does he lo -Illa -l•sf 5 .., ..
ed me to take over, The JWOblem il ,our want with Mr ~? Please don't say 11 far u le ~ JM.'" ~ .._ ' ' . 17-year .. ld llOll. Don Is I ....-..e·.w he ii lookin& for I molher. lie HAS I .............. U.dy -_, .....
wu bthlnd me. I stepped In It, leD and
broke U... ribo. A week before that,
Mike wu vacuuming the livlnc room. Kb
elbow caught me lo the moutll and I lott
a fJ'Olll loath.
A lriend .wbo ....,_ [II)~ told
me. Freud JaJd °""' ..... ,='-la. ---11---thlngs on -· Is ibis palllible? I thint ahe is jealous be<:aUM J have such a
ni<e hwband and she ls # ucl ' llUI
• ' (loob lil<e Otis Oiandlef or Loo Anpla). mother -I V""11JDe mother -and she .. --
lie mak .. l"Od l?adet and bu I world of Is oo'1 eJgl>I ,... -than tllis tramp. Wbat awaJb 1"U '"' Ille ._ 11iM o1
--acbooL P1eue comment _ frt...11. Don clldni date unlll 1111 yur, PltaM ad'riae. Wt ""' -BESIDE U...lSllrriafe will -cu ym .. m
lllVERSIDE wlsO. bufallod to 10 ·-Molly. a.lov0. OURSELVES your marriqo 'Wilt wwt.! -Am
DEAit RIV: lt't lakrettlq tUt all tbe ly .._,or 11 .•• ...._~be ds:opped Moll• Landero' -uu.~.i......_ llbal lo •" .........., , DEAll 1: U'I" Doo to Wlac 1111 --·....-•d11t1 tee.-w11e1 Miiie • pafwml9c for a new lnterat. Today we learned the , Expect." Smd 10d' nqamt to Ania t1•11dc: dMnt. II dcW M a.t _. detalllandartlnaatateofmott. , · frtt.I le eM llw. Sly ,.... '1e Landen in cart CJ( your ww ......
e1•c'1•1' lte ,_... ... •••ew•L MP' ......... n....,.,. .... enclOltna .. ceall ln R IDd • ..... It w"1 .. , ,... eume laba II. ... The. "new lnterat" 11 e Jt.yw.okl llml ••t .. ssb t te ew. D * l&ld, _..4ddr"JJ t ta•tlapl. -·-•d• ,,,~ ... .,..,.,4~wlthtwvldda.Sbo"""-"-lrl .1111ow ........... ~., • ., ' ... ' . -u n -.. -.... Ulaa'llle -· an •""'llil-· Doo -11r11is bot'' -............. --·. ...... Alli Landen wlll 111 ...... llllp ,.. tor 111111. lo the llou,. IO we CU tel acquainted. -.._ Will\ yuar problemo. Sial -lo flor lo My wilt says lhe doesu't 1biik sbe couk1 care of the DAILY PILOT, ---•
DEAR ' ANN. LANDERS: My .. ~. alaod H. r .... 11 .... lllk aplut Ille -., eell4tldnoaed, ....... ~
.. -.. -------------. -~--··-c----------------.,---,--------------. ----..
' JC DAllY PllOT M"1dq, Aprll 21, 1969
Nuptial Pledges Recited Pup~ts
< • Delight
Reno Date
HB ;(uxi!i•ry
' '
American LqlOll Auxiliary
of H~ Beach pthen
in the -. Lell<a Hall
aLl:llp.io.1hellnt'l'bw'lday Dur:ing NooA
Cireylnl •. rmry and
mloaal bleuec! by Pope Paul, rr-De-' ... Dtuwu
eacarled down. the -by bor
falher to -the -of
-"';IJ;,,,,.i Portillo.
Ceremonies CM Club Clan -of the Order of ScoWali Clalll will celebrate
ill flnt blllllday with •
of --Oa the third '1bunclq mtmben may can
Mn. """' J-i.mt, for
Trath Naws Told
College Students
Plan August Rites
The engagement of two juniors at Oregon
State University was revealed. during the tra·
ditional cand1e passing ceremony in the Delta
Gamma house.
·Barbara Edward Jenness, a sorority
member and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
an! Ellis Jenness of Newport Beach, will be-
come the bride of William TerryNauck, son of
Mr .. and Mrs, William F. Nauck of PorUand,
Ore. in the Lutheran Church of the Master,
Corona del Mar, Aug. 9.
Miss Jenness is a graduate of Newport
Harbor High School where she was selected
a Zonta Girl-of-the-momn and received a
Bank of America scholarship. She is a 1966
Empire debutante.
Her fiance, a graduate of Cleveland HIJh
School, Portland, is a member of Kam SJi-ma an'd the Army ROTC. ·
Rlnp and ---... cl!anied -!OD the \l'Ulb'a of Mr. and Mn. llaul )(, Dias
of Hllllllnlton Buch ~ -. of Audenqo PorWlo of Nor-.
walk and the We loin. PorWlo
In St. Fr1nci1 of Aallssl
Qrurcb, Huntlnilm Beach.
For her •eddlnc the bride
-• -floor lqth ..... wilb • ocalloped
cathedral train, an fuhloned
from "-import..i from
Austria. 1be fitted bodice WU
llyled with a llCOOIJed nackllne.
and Ione pplnted -and WU~ with le•
qulm and oeed pearls. With It
ai.e ·wore a m~ of pure
lilt lllulloa made by her
Tbe mloAI ancr rooary
received the Pope's blesain(
durin1 a vllll to the Vatlcan
by Mn. )(aria Cutrellan, the
bride'• aunl
Honar attendants wert Mr1.
Gilbert Gamez, CXIUlln, and
Miu Mary Dlu, ilater of the
bride. Tbe matron of honor
WU aWred in In orchid CoWll
and acceaoria while the
maid ~ honor's gown wu r
white with orchid acceaories.
Both IOWDI were llyled with
fitted --""1. rulled lkirts trimmed in lace, and they car·
~""-~~~~~~-I ried bouquei, of -and baby ......
Brldeomalds were ' t h e danclni concluded the even-
Miuel Rola and Vera Dlu, In&. Leadership
Maria Rodri'tuez. Rownaria The bride ls a &radUlte of
Roi>quWo ancJ Ro 1 em a r y Huntington Beacb llilh SCbool
Portillo who 'f"e gowned In and au.nded Orange Coalt
rainbow colon of aqua, mini, College wbore ahe majored In
yellow, pint and bl•' with secntarlal aolenc:e New officers wW usume niatcblng picture hall, and · · they carried bouquell ol baby The brldep'OOm, who leaves leadenlilp ol Air F or c e '°"'· , for Vietnam with the U.S. Mothers Flight 12 during
Flower girl Nora Sosa wore l Army Iller this month, ,ll a ........U.. laking P la c e an orchid gown and pldure (l'llduale of Cerritos J\!DiO' lonlCl>I> at 7:!0 in Men:ory
hat, , , · CO!/ep Where be ~ a &lvi!>P, •ind Loan buUdL111,
Attendlq the bridell"OID ,' ~in mela\!U'll'· , . J1un1Jnc1aD BOach. v •
...,. J ... Louis Barba and Tile new l Y w •d • bliney· ·1.~ 'off~ =-:ID be . the
G am e z, and s ea t I n r ' mooned in Clrmel. ,, Mmft. Walter Hurta(to,· Pfesl·
guetl.I were Johnny-Sancbez.... dent · M•.;..e-S·i em a a t-e I u.. ~···--T ........ -·-" • -e , ~o ~·~•. _, ~. · Clarence Davis and Floyd
Larry Taylor and Jolmny · Mothers Bid l EllloU, vice presidents· S ti ' ht Portillo, while Steven Sosa Juanita Furrow, secretary; In po I g served as ring bearer. La Leche League wiD host Forest 0 . Hair. treawrer;
Recelvloi aueall by preaen-; the fast in a Hries of· four Ginger llolnmer, cliaplaln,
Dinner h ting them wJth a flower .as : meetings for new and ex-and Howard Pa.sch,· sergeant-Got erl'ng they entered an ar:cbw'7" of ~t mothers Wednesday, at-arms.
. •. ~to~llalbooPli1ll<!n! A;rf1 a -, ,. ' · ·' S/.S(t. James Thomu
"J!OU.ami'Plllr.-.wbo,• ~T!>illc-for the-I:[~~ B·o wma·n from the Air Liie Cln'Be l!!scWn&. the· the~y ;........~lie mla1"1Uloe·~ilrL' 11 ~Iii tiit boine . Mr.: F-·~Oflloe,Sanill
Rev.FredE.Judloaw!iltell ·feOll m lr)'lni to ruin our Cl..t.at1fler.,eptlonw1n~~L;nit11<7..,·.jQilt ', n •Ana.and.hllwlfewW'bemade
·-•"""• and peats of Ex-coUntry," aald ' Mti Samuel •nhrta!nad ·by ,Buddy ~ 'Cl!<le. ~ ~ .. w hononr)' mepiben o1 the
, .....-..·. 1>1m.r Club of 'Gonl. publlclly chairman. Negnto'i l!Wilclll ·band. and r Ile NulrWan aod w...mr: f1ipt during ti!< evening. :::r1.. Coail when . they Hoab and bool..;.. "111 be11t"'""""'-..-.-oP ... ...,+---...--iiiiii!~-,-i;;;.;;....,-... .... =-..-,! ~J:.: =w~i'~~ti PRiE vAu> ~' Tllili uliaoAv . ; . Olli
bier. rJ. Tri n rt y Baptist prealde over the . " , fc \ ' • {'·
<lladi, Santa Moolca, for 25 'lbe, .plberlng , . irUl lin • · 1 .
_ and bu _ bis cbun:h wiljl .••. p.m. IOCial hour. . A. i ~ .
membOnllip lfOW from 400 to f-by cthmmat 7. Rel-• ~~~~...: ~~i~~~ v ... -e , it~e :l •.
;.-' Fasclnatlng ·booJm
.. ,. , for tbe Qorta buff · · •i~ ·"···" i.'
Goll' a Wlmlng ' s-= Pii\tng -f
Tom Michael; et al. Strategies,
t~hnlques of Arnold Palmer, Jack
N1cld1111, Gory Pllyer, olc. "°mus.
'pg&. Pub. et $4.95 -$1.11
Scharf!, ot ol:Art and Joysol,..,,.t·
ing: navfgalJon. weather, etc. Illus,
Pub.at$12.50 -$3.111
,,;i A Tlllnllfnsl Man'• Gulde to -~ llal "-laonard Koppott. FacMtllocf
~ l><>!>k _ l~at. 1potllght'-U~l!IO •n~ .• ...:W..., Pub. •• $5:9$.' llOw ii.Ga''' ~ .... ·-.
Ci~ books Of your cholca · . .
' ~,_ ... __ _
·~ 0 COY ·.o n""'~~~~...11n1•·~~-
• ~ OWMO amtO :'Ta':!&+-...........
NOT Vinyl. •• ;NOT Synthdic, But
genui~LEA TH.E'R
~ '
. Beautifully tapered .. ' '. Covered inside ~ . . . '
' I ' .Zipper . . . Cpverell
s1699 ·
' Leather heels
SIZES: 4 to I 0 .' •• N1r •nd M•dium
I '
'· :i • . '
Sold · Els•wh1re
Up To 29.99
' ' .
' •,
IF 1rs DlfFE"ENT ' •• 1n FR.OM
· • esf a. /oolwear
Fashion Island
Enlertalnlng the Wednesdoy
Morning Club ol Colla M•
will be T«Jy u.,,... and Com-
pany next Wedneldlf Iii the
Balboa Bay CUI. A bruncb
will be aerved at 10:30 a.m.
Wooden perlOD&UUes,
created by Urbono, will be
'featured tn a min ia ture
musical comedy r e v i e w .
Guestsmwelcome and
reservations may be made '
with Mra. James Morris at -· New members ' to be in.
troduced by MrL E. B.
Enllisb, president, are the
Mmes. James Murray, Calvin
WWiamaor, Nick Mardesich,
William Cone! and Ronald
'Stocks it lo You'
-· lf41lday· jj' Reno Friday, May 2l ' ,....
A dwlenld'pllM wll! looff!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~~~
ner and the ....inc·• ac-STITCH
tivltie1. tt'a our tri4e and your com.
Deposits tJ. fe mQlt be fort. Ail wool y&rn that --"~ to J' ~-um-leaves the Itch out. The ~ • '--WAI ·"_., secret ts tn QUALITY yarn
7111, Rhine Drive, Huntina&cm made from the world's bat
Beach, 92647, and '35 will be wool. And that's no ordJ.n.. returned upon arrival In Reno. ary yam!
The trip, limited to men on-
ly, will raise funds for Ille
Boys Club and -. or11Disa·
CoaaUlne Auslllart I o
Veterans· of Foreign Wars,
P°"t 3531 plher the flrlt and
third Frida)'• at I p.m. Cost•
Mesa's American Legion Hall
is the scene of the meetiqs.
L._ Mill Acre11 from w .. 1worth.'1
ltitkl •t the 5111 Di•to Frwy,
new from Anika ••• a gallery
of prints on carefree Banton~
.-' -
. '
' Sunpie designs, vibrant colors; wrinkle-lree s!Yles ...
twelve bright prinls in our gallery cl travel,llght
looks. They're inspired in Stockholm. hand·screened
on Ban-Lon® Textralized® nylon for washing
without Ironing. Shown, one of four styles. ihe long
sleeved shirt dress. sizes 10 to 18, 44.00
. . Bao-~ iii o ln:l:'Jelmrk cl JoMph BcmcnXI and &.is lcr it1 T utroJiad aJiori
may co miss forecast shop 119 sorry, no mail or phone orders
may co south cH1t pl•~, un di• fwy at IM"l1tol, coeta IMllJ 146-"21
shop monday through uturday 10 a.m. to t:JO p.m. '
I 1
' '
--------·--;------:-~-.--~...--~---~---------.......... -1111111
Do11ble Ring Rites
Moooai" April 21, 1 M
. ' ...
.. .: . ) Places of Honor Set
Newlywed.s_ Tour t~:h ,oe For Newest Members
New membln •will be ~ ~y •. and a Uk
'-:e<f wben Ille-Vento --~·the lOlth was ~t~. Jn a 00or length RepUbllc11> Wliinen's, C f ti' b year ~;-.1' suflrqe will Chapel · by tile Sea, Lona
~. wf.S . the setting for the
wedding cer:emony u n I t ln 1
Shirley Fry and 'J llCkie R.
Phllllp1, Willminlter.
Tile bride, daughter of Mr0 and Mn. Richard G. Fry ot
Huntington B ea c b , w•
. escorted to the altar by her
father: 1 '
·~' 1own was white lace
o.ver satin fasbiQned ... with. a
~gh neckline, long sleeves and
I ~t tiered\.fklrt· Silo c.a;ned a ~~ or .. wblte ·
Mrs. Richard M. Walsh, the
bride's sister from Glendale,
served as matron I'()( honor.
Her gown Wff, grJPll!e· with an apricot veil · bl!!ldi by, la .-'fnat-
cbing bow, 8nd·sbe Cattted a
single· long-stemmed white
Bridesmaids Carol and Joan-
ne Fry, also sisters of the
bride, and Judy Woo(r of
Bellflower wore apricot gowns
" l
Westminster Home
with orange veils and carried
matching flowers.
Loyann Kuntz, flower· girl
!' I ' meet&1neU Wednesday.in· . .-bt9.J..UE'\1id -I , •• gown o ~orange ... acp and car-home 'of MrsJ C&rl Knoror11 ~1 .~ .1will.. IM'l
rled a basJr,el .of wqite fl"" Cjjela llMI: . • ,. • " ~ .. ¥!! tt.•t.l!!i 1f>e
petals: " 1 • •Tile ..:.k. wlll,liogin. wllb a Jqne of J,bL 11i1Ja*';INil>'!or
Tile bi'idegro,om, soo of Mr. II ,Un.· oodll· boor· lljilt ·•. 1 ~~-:'."!'I .till
and Mrs. Bryce Phillipa ol Jtno--on and 1--==· 1\M~""'
S I ill. 'W V ked his will cdo'ipi;c. tile fl'081'8ln. 3;'Jn,IJ>e D Jmiil, for ausv e, · a,, as cOuali .. me~be!"sh,lp ~.fQbi.6nlltow· ": l
brother,'. Jimmy .Pbllliils,: to ~'Mrs. Rema a,ny Tbe ,June 3 eveht, "' Jain!
seive as"bt!it -"atid·~ls will r \llllOlll WllY' ,Jlle -....,.. ol all dubl Jn the
were S..tet! by RltdDey,BIU!lt-"'"""* · ft --will f--f••...._ .nshlp·, G·""'·'Grove ·,.•-'-ld ' 1 CIA ,,_., t e ,__,, ,.._. --.-cul&'•• ~l"t' • ··~· • .··-1·5 · 'tam , Odo F..,.~ -~
Joy,.-loster,.and.Willsb. , .. . . -!, -~}>r.~-
Foll;r:· .,l!>< .. n il p tJ al· r-.--~ c1~· -< •, · ' ~,.,. 15.,..1Uiil~. -• I :::..:~\J.;..: took ' ~·~ "'-' ~ ' ~.;. f~ .·t""7 "" ~ · cere~ ,al ~1 ;,' • • /~-· ,4 "1S ..,.,........ ·D.fu·r ~a:t l )or
place m tlie ·cl!apel; .ana 'tile · • • • • "-' . n..r.~~~· . new~ deP,8t:ted .~n.a ·'fe<I-!. IX!fore• hp nch Calhoun' Stlmrao; ' .
ding trip{to~"l)lliie .a\ld • 1 ' • < ' 54&-IGO.· . . , ..
Reno.-· ' • . New leoden' will be elecled Tbe club hu "thrown lls'1>at
•The· bride .is a , graduate of during' -tilt Wedneldly, APJ'il lqto the rlng"-to.~compete for
Marlna 1l!igb SChool, 8nd iher :io,. nieelq: of tbe-Eutl>luff tile R'l'J>'ltlal~lrl'!lhl'·given"1to husband\~ a gtaduate of·Glen ~~ ~. ·•· ~ Orqe ~Republican
Rogers"liish School, w. Va., • ""'""!l:•· coownitW!-. ol the· . club'!llb tile artm!t"lnc:!use
and attenf:led .the University of 0range~ U:xriy Pbilbarmonlc in 'membmhip'byiJme•l.
Me 'e Seniors
West 'Vlri\nia. · Society. , •
Mrs. PhHlips, the bride-.Irvine .Coast Cquntry ·Club
groom's•.mother, flew oµt to _will be the meetln~ spot. ~t 10
be prese"n.t:Jfor -the ceremony •. a.zp .. -F~ the busmess meeting··~ meµibefs C o·m m u n I t y RecreaUon
·will attemr -the ~ lO':J>· :a.m. rCenter at1 Orarige . County
Charity League :·Puts
Chapter in Spotlight
-previ8w ·ror,.h "May1ticOncert.. .R'airgroundsr is.1:1ttle., scene of
·and:MartihBerri.b1e:1 .. m•e•r~.: iactlvlty, ·wntn ~·eoeta Mesa
music critic, will 'talk. Lupch Senior Citizens meet:iat 11~
will follow. a.m. every Tuesday. ·
Only J°o. More Days . Untii
1be Newport Chapter of Na-luncheon will · be prearrange~
tiooal Charity League will be '° that : people ol different
in tile spotlight when chapter chapters with tile """"' in-
members present a musica1 terests.or offices ~t together.
sldt for the league's biennial Lunche9n · speaker will be
Gigantic ''.Once-A-Year' Tent
"SALE" .:E-·BRATION Chapter Day. Dr. Lorene Ch as e, a St a r-Spangled Tomorrow ]l6ychologist.-has appeared
r will theme the meeting ne1t on numerous television pro-
Wedne:E:ay.in Walnut which is grams, including severa1 of
being held as in the past 'to htr own. ·
Also t,......._ c.......,t ••lue1 In Mir 9outk111t S~
So, Remember the D•t•
allow chapter members to ex-A history of.Charity League,
change ideas. including the Ticktocker ~
MAY -ht
.And h~lp 'US ·;s.11.E-Br•t•"
. Wllf" A '.ll_ITHDliY CAKI. FREE i
If your bir+hcf•ylis~inJM•y,.Jurl• or July stop in
•nd fill out •n entry .. -.• decorated 1-layer
c•ke.to S lucky-p.ople -••ch month!
~ . .. ..
' .
, ,,
Participating in the Newport of t be· ·mother-daughter ~·"oo, a comedy about serYiceoc=nlntion, will com-20, 94 So. Cocist Hwy. 1 ..:..,_ Bea-L ., .~-,1 ,.,,,,,.,, ,,,,. ,,, of th t · I f ·, 1 A -. · · !"=<;.&-~-.... ';,-•-~ ,..., • .. r '"01 pop11 •r 11ew1p•p•r •• 11re1 n mtr1e1 It thetirstwoman~tiU..~~='""=-·=tfie~·~·~g=end==•·:__~~~.!!::===========:;::==========================!!....~~~~·~ .. ~·~L·~~~·=tt~•~·~'':·~·-~lf~·~·~·~·~"·~-~ .. ,~;,~,~l·~·"~-,~·~·~'·~-D~A~l~lY~Pl~lO~T~-~~~~~~~ ed That's No Lady -'Ibat's•-SHERYL BUGNA
To Join Brides
Rites Set
In August
Sheryl Laverne Bugna,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bugna of Newport
Beach, will become the bride
of David Earl Lane, son ot
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Lane ·
of Fountain Va1ley.
; The couple are planning an
August wedding.
Miss Bugna, a graduate of
Newport Harbor High School,
attended California Western
University in San Diego
where she majored in educa-
Her tiance Is a graduate of
t. Adrian High School, Adrian,
:P..1ich. and attended the Univer-
sity of Michigan as a psychol-
ogy major. He recently was
discharged from the U.S. Ma-
Our President, will be the
Mmet'I. Robert Clifford, CUrtis
R. Crooke, Daniel Kilmer,
Gilbert Mueller, R. Terrance
:r.toran, Edmund PraU, Robert
Hauclt, Daniel Shea, Hans
Vogel and Lee Jordan Jr.
Tables and seatthg at the
Ph i Mu Alums
Planning Menu
HU3bands ol. Orange Cowi.y
Phl Mu Altimn&e Will be feted
during an African dinner pro-
gram Friday, April 25, in the
home of the Robert Jacksons
of Orange.
, Tine Corps.
A 7 p.m. social hour will
kick off activities, accordi.ri ·
to Mrs. :P.1en-itt Cooroy "of
Westminster, program
chairman. The Robert Lowrys
of Orange Park Acres will
sl10W slides of their recent
African tour. 1be goun-Det
dinner will feature a m»eaI
African chicken dish with
a590rted coodiments.
I ..
$425,000,000 .00 . .
2867 East Cout HiCt"twlY, Cot6'I Del Mar, Calj_I. 92625
telephooo; 675-5010
tlEAD OfflCE s1 s E. Co1Dt1cto aw.
tell!pl!Olllf: +4 9.234 s •
Of)IER IRAfltCK CfflCU' ...
CO'o'lna. ~II , __
I ..
Beneclic:f's Father Officiates
• Couple Wed 1n
Candl•llght Cer•rnony
Lake Tahoe Honeymoon
Solemnized in
Miii. DAVID ICMlll. Tl •• --. •• v....
Herw'a a MW Idea In wwddinlJ Illa. We cal It,
~Har ongagomant and weM!ng
rtnga rnatch hit Mdding band. Aflw all, why
ahould u. bride glt .. u. nlca thlngal
f/Olll lop: $226. '375. 8295.,
.lald•aaa·1111 ,, __
"""'"" .... -'44o1•
YW" a..,~....,..._.....,._..,,., MMtw °"""" ....
Opell MeMW. ,,.., ... •1• '""'
The Rev. John c. EllioU
performed lbe double rlac
.....,,,.., uniting ID marri.,.
bis aon, Jolin Womrkk EllioU
and Kolby Lynn Turner. Tbe
aetUnj: for the evening nup.
tlals was SL Maey's Eplscopol
Cbureh ID Laguna ll<acb.
The altar was decorated
wi1b baskets ol lavender pom-
pocs and pink daisies -
circling pink candleL Fred
Barnes wa.s lbe organist wblle
William Sandid&e served u
Parents of the newlyweds
·are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.
Turner of Laguna Beach and
Ille a.v. and Mrs.. EJJlotl ol
Van Nuys.
Tile lrlde, given In marria ..
by bu lalber, designed and
made bu wedding dress and
train. The empire style gown PIANO TUNES Miss Connie Laing, UCI featured French -silk orgama
over Italian satin, full bell senior, presented a preview of her senior piano
&leeY<S and a flowing skirt at recital In the Newport Beach home of Mr. and Mrs.
embroidered daisies separated Edward Harkness. Gues4 greeted the young mwi<>-
by a pale lavender sash of ian at a postrecital reception in the Alan stonernan
daisies and pearls. Her train penthouse in Newport'Jleac:la. Miss ,Laing and Mrs.
of aillt organza was scalloped Stoneman discuss one of the selections on the Pf&. withdai!les on the border, and gram. Ille carrled a bouquet of wh!te
On Program
Col 1lillllm c.bell QiollW
ol Dnlblon ol Ille Amerlcoa
.R<volulloo wW gather !or
lundl next Wednqday 11 U:lO
p.m. In lbe E\><11 Clubboulo.
Mrs. George lluccol1, 1111<
pgisfllJt secntuy I W' 111
preside at the bu1lne11
-""· The educalklall topic
fer ~pril'1 procram Is
0..-Vallon · and Carl C. Schleier win discwm A Billion
GaJlons a Doy. Mrs. Harold
Wlckenbam will ...-Flag
Musical Date
Mrs. lllchard Golboch of
earn .. -... will .,,.. bu
doln nm W'"'Md•Y wlleo
AO\fallTtuMl:HT •
members of Camto u yau need he!p la prepartna PblJharmon1c Auoclates ot
the or an I e County yuur wedding. You'll find aD tbt-
Pbllbarmonlo liodel1 plber 10Ctt11 In "How lo Plan Your
1n her home ,.. • .-i wllh w..u•-•" Gulde. Send 11c in Clyde ZUlch and Judllb Blad. ........
eo1n lo P.O. Box Ill, RuntlllCton
Emblem Club Beach, Collf. -
Galherlng !tr bu1lne11I;::::=======;
-and prosrams .,. HAPPY
member& "' Newport -Emblem Club lbe -Tuesday 111 p.m. In lbe Elb
i.od&I!. Newport ll<acb.
H••• • ha,'' WMlaiwl.
St1rt it lt'f ,....i1111 tli1 WlllC·
Planning your Hawaiian vacation?
Stay at Hawaii's most
unusual'hotel~ The SS Lurline
e~'1._!-.· • '"' 2 di!'; Hilo, Hawaii, for I clay, and Kona, lllwai~
for 2 clays. Plenty of timt lo see all -ii, without
!ht bother of chqillf hotels.
rose buds and baby's breath
intermingled with lavender
Mrs. Steve Joho.50n was
matron of honor in a pink silk
organza gown with tucked
bodice and sheer long fu11
sleeves with floral train. She
UCI Senior Gives
Whether )1111 ""' 10. 15 ... 20 .,. .. "" book
you 1010--·ss IJS!lne. This l!lnd holol
has everyllllnr.Smst """"lntemotlanailJ fnous
cuisine. Hndline enhrtlinnt. Corrtinentll .,.
ie<!. And ~floats. Whit-l!lnd hottl does 11111!
The hurt of JIU vacation will be ID lflllrUess dl)S
cruislni the Islands with the SS lJrlhlt a YDll'
excl"'i'lfly flm clas hold in _, part Youi1
unpack just once, then visit H-u, o.hu, for 3
daJ>; Nawillwll~ l!ui, for 2 days;_~ Maul,
")1111 hM 10.,., .. 11 flJ )1111 out to Hmij 11111
back. H )1111 hm 2 -b tab the ltrtino for fMI
atarlom clays at sea -11111 flJ the -wry.
(There's a partlculsly altrlctivt In for thfl spe-
cial JSGy plan.) The ullimt io lllwail .-111
Is the full 20<lay cruisa .... lion for those .....
enjoy the finost In holidly livlll(. Preview of Recital
held a bouquet of daisieJ and A preview perfonnaDce of Orange County Philharmonic
baby's breath. -~' Socitt
Fam bezin at $43! for the lll&J lnllr-island
cnrlso. Book with us now for the season's iiumt
Hmiill !mil -"'1i11· Gowned similarity In her senior 1 ~n.cu was y.
lavender dresses and carrying presented by Miss Coonl.e Cuesta 1t the recital were
pink daJJlea and baby's breath Laing, pianist and UCI stu· the Drs. and Mmes. Daniel G.
wen bridesmaids, Miss Louite dent , last night Jn the home of AJdricb Jr., J errel Richards,
Reynolds and Miss Tamara Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Jan Popper, Clayton Garrison ;
Turner, cousin of lhe brid~ Harkness of Newport Beach. the Messrs. and Mmes. Tor·
Miss Lori Turner, another Guests greeted the young renct Dodds, Harold Gelman,
cousin, wu Dower girl in a ..i. .... ;.,., da"..wer ot. Mr. and · la end allk or lllUa frock v-o--"6'"' Wllllam R. Mason, 0 . W. · v er g Mn. William M. Laing of Cor-Richard, W. Stanley Smithson,
with floral trim. ona del Mar, at a reception Edward Mayo and Arthur
Greg Mc~al was best after the recital in the pent-Strock; Buddy Rogers, Gen.
man whlle Demus Aubrey and house ol Mr. and Mn. Alan and Mn. Tbomu Riley and SAFrrt l/UllRllAllOlli SS lllrllno, naisfnl lo tllt IL s. substantially meets lntunatiollal Safely
Al Jol>naon, all lratemlly \ Slonmlall ot Newport Beach. Mn. Ralph Tandowsty. S-flr--hlopodlnl!JllD,11111-lflol966fnSllelyRequiremtnts. • brolben o1 lbe bridegroom, Miii LllDc. who w 11111 ___ :...... __ ...;_....;. ________________________ _
'1::.~i:.~:r:'.:.'"::.'==:.~ .................................................. .,
U.• ... ,.....,. lllll...... • OPEN DAILY 9-6 ...................... "; 1'lr _... ~ " "''*' MU. l ~ """* iM "'1ptt Ill ,,,. -wr.. IWlllll 1o •. r 111~ ., '"'111: lcO!'tatU ti i.,.. ...._ ......... ,. lou1-"'
Wloll ...t &11111 .. 4 U.., I Majlr, Op, ilit1 a.o,tii In>
tlClllllwola.111111 • re·"' r MIJO!i a.pll) ...-.. 1lw • 11 ~ la• ID a IC1aot illtl
fi:'!-'l'°'llll Vualll= 1 .Piw. OllllllfM' IWla fw -ro:.:·~-•: ~.P.':.I'~ :.: ...,,,. ~ """'* .. , 11111~ °""" II ..... I ........ • ~
.,,. • .. ...... •• bt 11 rl"' "' . ........ _.... ,.._ '""' ...
DI-Ill lmttllil 111 ....... ,11 ...............
lllf D• Tl PW II ..
y., boa la wtt1i 1 IM Wl Ii .. "' flMt ... .
'1111!1, Jll! !WI! ......... ,..
11111;.., llll 1 • * .... u ....... lLll
Ma niwr.,, pedicms, lacllb llld tledrolysis
Home a Gift Shop
~ {¥'~.
~ IDVll~l·a' ti.HD WICICIJ$ ~I 10 MIGHT I '!'CM lll.1"t l? llBD-
. IATH TOWl\I ..... ....
1.00 ....
5.10 4'At '·'° IAt HAN~ TOWU •. oo .....
t.IO 1.tt '·'° ,,., t.to ,,., i.00 ,.,.
lAO •& 1.10 •
1.00 •
WASH aoTHS I-Solo .90 .79 .so .69
.70 .59
8.00 6,99
7.00 5.99
6.00 4.99
8.00 6.99
7.00 5.99
10.00 1.99
8.00 6.99
~ .• ii.~ COTTCll, 3.11. l'Ol.YDTEI SHIEIS AHO CASES. llW1llFUl
KIMO 1111 lWlN SIZE ... ..... I-Solo ~l~ 1~ ~ ~ SM
12.50 11 M Amo 5.50 4.69
10.50 9A9 5.30 4.69
Amil 11.70 9.99 MATCHING CAsES
FUU SIZE KING 6.00 pr. 4.99 pr.
FIAT 8.00 6.99 4.40 pr. 3.991!"·
7'.50 6.59 4.00 pr. 3.59 ....
6.30 5.69 REGU!AI 5.20 pr. 4.19 pr.
ATIED 6.50 4.99 4.60 pr. 3,99 pr.
5.70 4.79 llDSNIADI '/• Off
• al !lie <Uhtil lo l.iClo Isla ffi
........ a.. .1 ................ .. RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3"33 Via Lido, Newport Beach 673-6360 ..... ,lhlr ... PH. ll:DO Utt t-.JO 09* D17t Jt.m tiff s:st
I •
' •
Horoscope ,.
Taurus: Relative Visits
HINT: -"P .. food ........ Fb..._p ....... lhe
.._ -appllea eapodally lo
kltclM:a aftl, Luar po1IUon
today favorable for Usblng,
planllac-Yoar llom.e cu be
yeu .cntle .-.applicable
espedally lo Ari ...
ARIES (March 21-April 19)o
Stick close to home base.
Some of your Idea! today are
subject to revis.lon. You may
not be seeing persons, special
situation in realistic light.
Wait for additional facts.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20),
New respons1billty could slow
pace. You want to Jet going.
But you should wait for im-portant message, instructions.
V15it from relative could
highlight day.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20Jo
Emphasis on obtaining ge-
nuine bargain. Discard cut-
moded methods, tools. Go
For Benefit
In addition to fashioo. ideas,
participants in an upcoming
benefit may leave B e n
Brown's restaurant nex t
Wednesday with a painting by
John Tucker Mertz or with
plans for a Caribbean or Las
Vegas trip.
The benelit fashion show la
being staged by Niguel Ter·
race Property 0 w n e r s '
Assoclation, and pl'Oettds will
go to the children's wing of
South Coast Community
All fuhlms for the show,
chaired by Mrs. B e r t
Kamper!, will be supplied by
Muriel's for M'lady, Monarch
Bay Plaza, and a professional
commmtator will describe the
spring styles.
A no-host cocktail psrty will
begin at 11:30 a.m., followed
by the luncheon.
alter wbal }'00 naed. U 00-
vaot, ,,.. pin. Money picture
brii--C&NCER (Juno 21.July 22)o
Be orl'""1 In praenting
views. Toiligbt, apply unique
culinary talents to preparing
special dinner. Cycle Is high •
You may be celebrating. Op-
portunity you seek is on
LF..O (July 23-Aug. 22): Be
reee.pli ve -best to remain in
background. Cooperate i n
group pnijects. Don't grab the
spotlight. You gain greater
recognition today t h r o u g h
subtle approach.
VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. 22)'
There is more social activity
than you expected. Many
distractions. Leave details for
another da_y. Ride with the
tide. Be sociable ~ enjoy
yourseU. Friend makes fine
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Accent on ambition, career.
Be aware of details. Best to
sUci: to traditional values.
Superiors observe, evaluate.
No time for radical departure
from proved methods, pro-
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
Change due involves Jong.
distance communication. Be
alert., versaWe. Don't prt all
egs ill OD1 .bukt:t. llave
afternat.lve· metbodl ready -
One lot mUlns vacation
SAGnTAlll1JB (Nov.
Dec. 21): Monty of othen
could -.. your pujlal
rospollllblllty. Get upert W-
vlce. Tabconaervat lve
course. Come to llnanclal
understanding with m a I e ,
CAPIUOORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
19)o Don' lon:e blues. Some
plans are not likely to succeed
withoot -backlnc -tam Ume. Ploy waiting
game. Not wise to make
deflnite commitment. Message
clear by tonight.
AQUARIUS [Jan. 20-Feb.
18)o Added effort pays off. Gel
job done. Be specific; avoid
bein~ sidetracked. Improve
relahOl15 with associates, co-
workers. You may be due for
Special uUgnment.
PISCES (Feb. If.March 20),
Pleasure lndicaled through
children. Finish rather than
begin project. Spread lnllu-
ence. Ovacome minor ob-
stacle through chann, d<ler-
mlnation, Wtkome change or
To fll'ld out wt.o'I lvdly fiDr YW In
"""'"' .wt '°"· ordW S\'dlln' Omerr-. lloGll:i.t. "s.cr.t Hinh lillr .IMft and w-... s.nd blr1111Att .... C.lltt t. ern.rr At~ l«rttl, tr. DAILY PILOT, IGll 3341, Gr..., t.nlr.I st ..
tkw\. New Yort. N.Y. 1•11.
En te r stripes with o new dimension,
looking for oll the world like ottoman ribs
oromotic , dynamic, os shoped by Nordis of Dollos
in " great in terplay of block and white.
Custom-tailored of I 00% Dacron® polyester to wash
beautifully by ha nd, to travel in wrinkle-free elegance
the world over. The two piece, o long stretch
of stripes side buttoned over o multi-gored
skirt, 70.00.
The one piece_s~oped skim, cleverly
buttoned al the shoulder, 52.00.
Regency Room, 22 .
444 N. Eu,Ud 515-81 l I
Mon. thru Set.
IO p ..,. ·~ O;)I" r.m
~· ,: !.
1'f:.'.. . ''!: •• ~ ~\ ~:·
T•; ·1.< it '( .,
. ,
.~ .,
' ' '
' I
;, l •
l ' J r•._ i i I ',, ' . } I I ~ : ~
-..... ',,I 'T
I l
• •
. ~ I.
At ·. : ' . ff! I
·1i1•· 1 • 'J .....
·---~~ .• ' -'\ .,·-. ~\_.'...-. '
_.7 F11h ion ls\1nd 6'4 ... 1112
Mon. thru fti. I 0 1.m. to lf:lO p.m.
Sat. 10 e.m. to f> p.m.
7177 Edlo9., A" 19l-lll l
Mon. thru Sit.
10 a.m. to lf :lO p.m. ,
~. Altil 21, 1969
< >
~ ..
Ul•9· $15-$18 • 10.99
!Join in our fantastic sale of Life Strides end
~atura lizers in your hard to find 48 sizes!
~'f ou'll want several for your summer werdrobe.
l.Foshion Shoos 8, Budgot"Foshion Shoos_. ,IOI . ~' '"' ... •.
~ ..
• ,.
" .., . .•. -· $EMl-ANNUAL .
$;coop up these great buys of stockings ond
:f>anty stockings now!
"Reg. $3.50, sheer Ag ilon• nylon bikini ,3.00, 2/5.00
"Reg. $'\, Sheer Cantrece• II nylon with lace
bikini, 3.30, 2/6.50
:Reg. 05.95, Shee r support of Vyrene
.-spandex, 5.15
. "Req. $5 , Girdle stocking , spondex tummy
·controller attoched to Agilon* ny lon stockin gs 4.00 • ~feg . $3 , Demi-toe sheer, 2.40, 2/4.70 . .
Reg. $4, Sheer sporkle of Contrece•
II nylon, 3.30, 2/6.50
·Reg. 1.65. Sheer Ccntrece" nylon, dem i-toe .
seomless, 1.29, 3/3.75, 6/7.35
:Reg. 1.35 , Sheer nylon seamless supreme , ' :re-inforced heel end toe, 1.09, 3/3, 15, 6/6.00
·' •• ~j{eg. 4.95, Sheer seamless support , of nylon and
~Yyrene spondox, 3.69, 2/7.25 •. •
. Reg. $2, Sheer Ag ilon~ nylon stodings ond
~gortorless thigh -hi, 1.60, 3/4.55, 6/9.00
Jog. 1.35, 30 denier stretch top,
:!Medium ond long on ly)
:~ .09, 3/4.55, 6/6.00
' tOrdor stocking s by regular foo tsize end length.
:order ponty stockings by A 15'·5'3") :s IS'l''-5'6") C 15'6"-5'8 ") ond D 15'8" ond over)
·Order girdle stock inq in gridle and stocking sizes.
Hosiery, 3
" I
444 N. Euclid 535-8121
Mon. thrv S.t.
I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m.
SUMMER ~~~ws
Reg. $8-$15 4.99-9.99
.Grab your totes for ' the warm weather da.ys,
picnics, traveling. Colors, neutrals, in hl,ndsome
wickers, delicate crochets, fancy beaded
types. Your favorite shoulders, boxes, swag gers,
some with chain harl dlJs. Many one of a ki.v-1 , ' ' .,
so do hurry! · ·
Hondbags, 37 .
47 F11hioft Island 644-1212
Mon. thru Fri. I 0 a.m. lo 9:30 p.m.
Sot~ 10 a:m. to · 6 p.m.
'· ,
SAVE! 43%
Reg. $7
Your favorite 'nO-static slips very specially
pric6d ·now. ·~y-·Mi ss Youth Form, of Tricot aff
Antron® nylon.·Choose several, in white, an d pretty
summer colors. Size s: Short 32·38, average 32-40.
Come early for best choice.
Street .Floor l ingerie. 54 .
7777 Edinger Ave. 892.3331
Mon. th<u Set.
I 0 •.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Dol!L V. PILOT"" :JI •
llono~ Charles Mack Stattlerd Lo•e• TroplaJ
: 5 ~
Kiekhaefer Forms
New Sclwlarsl;iip
' \ Co~ne~l .Nip~ SC in Ke ,nne.dy Mee t
• ( • • I ,
Klekh~!'! MI r ~UT y ,'
manufacturer of Mercurj out-
boar<ls hu announced the
establlshm<nt <t a oollofe
JChotarlhip In memory of Ule
Jate Charles Mack.
11ie Charles Mack Memorial
~ wW recosntze the
accomplishment and dedica-
tion 91 young people involved
in &be sport ol boat raclnj: and
will commemorate the con-
tribution to the sport made by
Mack durin, his lifetime.
The scholanhlp will be for
$1,000 and wlU be awarded an-
nually to a high school
graduate beh\reen the ages of
17 and 24. Basis for selection
of the recipient will be :
Above average :succe.u in
compo(IUve rllclns """8.
Hieb d••rte of
Pmonal conducl -both In
and out of racing.
Considered exemplary r o r
other youths and ability to do
college level wort u evidenc-
ed by hJgb school scholastic
averages and achievements.
Selection will be made by
the management of
Kiekhaefer Mercury. Formal
applications are not required.
Suqeeted names of potential
recipients who meet the above
qualifications should be sent to
Director of Public Relations,
Kiekhaefer · MeicUry, · 1 t3 t
Pioneer Road, Food du Lac,
Wlae., 54_9S5.
ANNAPOLIS. Md. -Camell Whit cllr.ched It !or Cornell A rt<ap of the final scorlngo
University c•ptured the 5th wu McFaull's canny, clore l. ComeU, 1#2-1-49
a,nnual John F. Kennedy port tack around the lee..,ard 2', USC 4-14-5-4--4&
Memorial Trophy rq1U• here marker on the finish line, out-3. Yale, 7-S-1·1·9--C
Sunday, wrestinl the coveted maneuvering Michigan's ski~ 4, Michlgan, S.U-3-2-.38
trophy from S t 111 f o r d per Tim Steam in the final S. Slanford , 9-3-2-IG-3--M.
Un.lvenity which bad held it race. 11 6. Navy, 1M-M·7-3&
!or two years. Yale's David Coit plac¢ a 7. Georgia Tech, 3-11..S.M
Comt!ll's Dl.vid R. M~aull third with a 7-6-1·1-9 for 4% -31 '
skippered hit ~w to Viet~! poJnlJ. Had he a little more 8. Coast Guard Academy, til
41 poiMi. It WM I CO(nf>-· • ·iDJ.lbt have taken the series, 9. Ohio ~late, t-IG-10-7-8-28 Ebsen Scores
wltb a l#~J, f,or a toa {u~k in the last race, Coit 7-7+5--29
beblod ,performi;nce &I U ·•~a lie did in the 1917 McMillan IO. N.Y. Maritime Academy,
lldll a ftve-pobd lead Sal"'tJ: ('Cup Regalll. 8-2-11-3-ll-!li
alter three facet. · • 'MlcblgaJ' skipper ,TI m II. Cal State Long eBach, & .
Power Boat Racer Badly Burned
• Crewing for Md'aull 'f"" Slianl plKJd fourth ovtr aU 9-9-11-10-20 MIAMI (AP) -Power boat
Race Win Scott Perry, Bill Codlf1r1, after ohtabini high in the tlist In all, it was an exciting five racer Ronole B 1 I l of
Duncan Rusell, Ttri:y twor.-C-He scored s+if-a races and a seesaw battle Clevel8nd1_ •.. '!_!nn ., 'ffU
Rogers, Wayne Biddle, feter fo~.» J1i9intJ.' .. ~·if. throughout the s er Its. critically UlJUl'eQ Sunday when
Saunders, ind John Gna. ~d, skipper Ct *rJ g Saturday~• three races started he fi!pped hls triple engine
Buddy Ebsen's catamaran Cornell's first place came MCC1bf: from Newport •~b out with light airs and Cius X boat at the starting
Polynesian Concept finally with a narrow o n e • p o I n t , Wu flfth. He took over~· moderate sea. The winds were line tn a Tri-Club Regatta heat
scored a victory over Pat margin over second-place Jford's skipper dutles from J~st so variable later that it chang· at Miami Marioe StadJum.
Dougan's 12-meter Columbia use. USG tcored 41 ]iJJnts. {!Year 's WiMer Tom M~y .:I • d~gnes. To make it Ball was lluing behind the
SC skipper Guy Doran, 1 who was ill and could not <;qm-more dJfficult, what lllftled out other bolts and gunned hlS
otartin& lint. 11!1 boat !Upped
Driver Kon ll«Urt lUlllllOd
Into the watlr lllil held Ball
a!loat until 1 ....,.i boat pl to tum. Ball wu reparted in
Cl1tlcal coadlUOll with multrp!• !ractuns at Miami Mercy
llospllll . .·
The rice· wu caftctled after
8 5 Boats in Five Oasses
In BYC Juni or Regatta
Saturday, but it was about as Jut rnirlute s u b I t I tu t t ; te th1! ytar. . , io be a bright warm stinny day engine u be croued t ·he
inconclusive as Columbia's d i s p I a 'I e d re m ark~ McCabe pliced 9-3-2·1~ 'or ended up with a cold front and --'----------,...---------
earlier win .,., Polyn<slan aeamanoblp to keep the Tn>-!31 polob. ll!J younger brothtr, thunder 11>awers. On the lhlrd The Daily Pi' lo.· t Covers Boating·
the lecidenl
Concept, · Jw iq contentkln with plac-'Lance, waa a crewman oc the' r&Cil,, wtnda susted in excess
Polyneaian Concept w a s,:-:::ln_1>'--o=l=4--l~_M-:.== iiiU~SCi'ileami!.iiiii~jiioili:IS!i,knota.jii!iiiii!i~~i!
Eighty.five boats in Jive
classes turned out for the
Southtm Callfomla Ya'chUrig
Association Junior Regatta at.
Balboa Yacht Club Saturday
and Sunday.
Yacht Club won ·the SC'(A
perpetual trophies as wiMera
in the largest classes in · the
regatta. ·
leadin1 Columbia half·w•y up ~
the weather leg Salurday ~
when ttie 12-mt!ter had' tO clrop .
• out becauae of gear !allure. f
Columbia led Polynesian !{ •
Concept1 to the first. weather 1
hfiss Nielsen was the-winner
in lhe Sab:ot Senior class of 23
entries, and GauQio was the
winner in lhe SabOt Junior
{II.Irk by two minutes and 50 -;if.
secol1dl, but the catamaran ~
Mar.le Gaudio and Nini •
Nielsen of Newport Harbor
class of 25 entries~ :
F .. ed Millet' . Winner or. ~ Seamanship
l i., Trophy for the best kepl and
best handled boat In the'regat-wlD• ner of ta was Doug Jorgenson or Los Angeles Yacht Club.
Following are the lrophy Finn Trophy winners in each class:
Fred MUI~ Jr. cf South1 (1) Gordo Johnson, BYC; (2)
Shore Sailing CJub took the Bru.ce Humann, BYC; (3) Skip
measure or some or the Barber, LAYC; (4) John
"'orld's top Finn sailors Satur· Leslie, LBYC.
day and Sunday in winning the KITE SR. -(1) John Daigh,
Finn Class in Alamitos Bay NHYC; (2) C. E. \Villla1ns,
Yacht Club's Olympic Classes BCYC ; (3 ) Terry Parker,
Regatta. NHYC; (4) Steve Bridge,
AJ winner In the 30-boat lifBYC; (5) Tom Sa, ft i g,
Finn Class Miller won the NHYC.
overhauled the U-meter on the
second downwind leg Md was
h~1ding by one mlnute •nd 50
secQnds as the · two boats
started climbing up t h e
weather leg a second time.
"I don't like to win a race
this. way," said Ebsen, btlt at
least it shows we can give
Columbla a 1ood contest under
the right condiUons. It would
tiave beeli lntertatin& to see
how we.. would have. finilhed
with' th8t head start we had on
the second weather leg."
The final race in the Jong
drawn-out series will be
scheduled someUme in May
after the Ensenada race. .
Prince Charles
Studying Welsh
ABYC Perpetual for winner in SABOT ~R. -tl) Nina
the largest class. Amon g the Nielsen, NHYC : (21 Cu rl
contenders in the Finn Clas! Wiese, · BYC; t3) Kathy
were Peter Barrett. 1964 Bridge, MBYC : (4) John
Olympic medallst; Henry 'McClure, NHYC; (5) Bob ABERYSTWYTH, W a 1 es
Sprague, alternate Finn skip-Burnes, CYC. (UPI) -Prince Charles took ~ in tbe 11164 Olympics, and SABOT JR: -(I) Mark his first lessOfl in Welsh Sun-
Carl .. Van Duyne, u . s . Gaudio, NHYC: (Zl. J!urdlck day from a University coUese
n:presentative in the class in Ray, LIYC; (3) Lori Bennett, tutor who said the heir to the
the 1961 Qtyrlipics. BCYC: (4) David Sigler, B.YC; British throne did we 11.
The floin race on Sunday (5) ~ike ~· BYC. ~ Charles i:s stud.Yin&, the
was cancelled by shifting fog FCIPPER -(1) Cody . l~n~age .1n preparation for
that occasionally obliterated Small, BCYC; (2) John his 1nvestitute as Prince of
the course. Dickey, BIYC. Wales this summer.
The final r·esults:
STAR (17) -(I) Ross Ben-
nett. SDYC; (Z) Swinging
Star, Don Trask. St. FYC; (3)
Hannah, Barton Beek, NHYC.
DRAGON (6) -(I) Arrow,
David Wigley, SBYC o (2) I
TomlTom, S.8. Thom as .
ABYC; (3) Nokken , Booey
Kober, ABYC. ,
-(I) Spaghetti Factory,
Charles Rogers, SDYC; (2)
Phrawgue, Skip Allan, NHYC
& Bruce Wright, SDYC ; (3 )
No. 878, Jim Algert, Cal SC.
FINN -(30) - ( l )
Luftmelster, Fred Miller Jr.
SSSC; (2) Super Dog, Henry
Sprague Ill. NHYC ; (3) Ruby
Tue.sday, But i Boettcher,
SOUNG (17) -(I) En
Paasi:nt, Bob Andre, MBYC;
(2) Greyhound, Burke Sawyer,
NHYC; (3} Bellwether, Tom
Pickard, ABYC.
Entry List
Falls Short
Jt ls not considered signifi·
cant enough to indicate a
trend, but entries in this
year's Newport to Ensenada
yacht race ren about 10 short
of last's count, offi cials of
Newport Ocean S a i I i n g
Association said.
Total entries in this year's
race Is 560 compared to 570
last year. It is the first year
that entries have not in-
NOSA president Convme
Wurdemann said, however.
that at least 20 appllcanta
were turned down because
they dJd not get entries filed
by the delU!lloe.
This year's F.nsenada ract.
the larrest intemaUonal yacht
race by vtrtut ol numbers,
will get under WIY May 1.
Position Filled
Malcolm Tooo, 1C1Jac deputy a.~ .. -~ <t -for Euroileai\ afiafn, ha. --named U.S. ambassador to
"""hoslonk11. Tooo, o,f !la!'T', Pa., replacet Jacob D.
Eleam, rectt1ll1 named U.S.
ambusador to the S o v I e t
Let us copy
th at favo rite old picture
for you r Mother
Brin& In her prteiou• old ftmily·tlbum pho-
to&rtPh now. Let ut uvt • memory for Mom
(and Ort1ndm1 , too). It'• 1 Mother'• Day Gltt
that k11p1on1ivlnct
tt picture ii tlmeworn, additional chariet fo1
rt1tor1tlon art l'IOW aal•prlced, tool Your
orialntl picture ts rttumed to you unh1rtMd.
Huntington 8e1ch
892 -lll 1 E.t. 28l
. • .•..•
It's l lnolly ~•Pp•ned to Newport t;ieach (and to the
world)-a genuine, honest-to-goodness BUG·A·
BALOO! N'obody's ever had one before but, it was
bound to happen , and Iverson thought of it!
lveraon's ''pad" is his brand new Volkswagen
building which Is the largest and most beeutlful in
the United-States. Conceived wit'~an artistic fleir,
it houses the v~ry latest in se~lc' and diagnostic
e(iuipment, an~ is a perfect Shf1WCase for dis-
playing the la\rt changes in t('e Volkswagen line
(!hot le, II you on spot the cnonges). I ,
'I I
During the word's llrat BUG ~A-aALOO, Iverson
will give 21way a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen
(otherwise knoil,n 8S "The Bug',i). All Y.OU have
to do is pay us a visit. If yoLi've iiever been to a
BUG-A -BALDO now is your opportunity to be
among the first!, At tho BUG,A·BALOD, yoo'll see
the latest in Volkswagens and• Porsches, within a
layout the likes cft which you'v!l, never seen before!
BUG-A -BALDO relreshmehls ayvait those that
CARE to see 10,t,ething dlfferent!,Now's the time
to put a "Bug" In your house!
C "445 E. COAST HIGHWAY ~ fn "11/t# Orlwl
' 673.(]900 s o~f-~
Th• h1rbor 1rq'1only1uthorized Volk1wapn de1ler.
-' -. ~
. -, : I
~~ r
' ..
' .
' l
~ '
j •
. '
"""""'l'""..,.., ..... ...,.-.c~.,•-c-~.....,. ............ -&...........,._.,.,.c-"'~°"'~c;-~""'"',..,,.',,.."'"'..,."",....,.,..,...,..,...,.,..,,...., ... ..,.,..,. ....... ,..""'"" .. "'.,""""""'"''"'"'""""""""..,.,.., ...... ,.,...,..,,..,...,.,.,.,..,..,..~~~~~~~~~~-~--
' I
UPIT .....
Happ11 Together Fl11ing
The Exum family, the only father, son "!'dAaugbter
among TWA's flight personnel, look forward to the
time when they will all be assigned to: the same
flight. Captain E.E. Exum (L) bas :b!le1rwith TWA
24 years. His daughter, Alice (C) is-'a'hoStess and
son Jack Is a flight engineer. Both Captain Erum's
wife and flight engineer Exum's wife are former
For The Record
01vo•c1s ''LID l•l'Mr1 JO-flM 11°"1 VI Domtnlc ·-· a .... 1c1 Vtr1 Meuole w JOWl'h Cllrl$fopher Mauol1
P1frlck l ... l-11 'n DIYld A. ltwls
P'tlwr 01vld Shroll VI Ellll~lll Shratf
S....:lr1 s. Clem""tl vs Don1ld A.
Ci.ment1, ..e1>1r1le 1TW1lnt.flen1;9
'""" L. Llttlelord YI Jlc~ IC. l ll· '""~ D1vk1 K.nnelh Wl!lltm1 VI Ert'l•llllne
K•th• O'Neill Cl111lt YI Cll1rln ROiier Cl1r•1 ll:oC>ert M. M1clnh'rt VI Marilyn R.
VllrN l . J1coblon VI Eltln w. ,K_
'Nllm1 JI, l+l.ldlM vt Clltlft'l(e W, ""'-.....,.. H, W11-vt Judlltl Anti WHICll
~len J ....... t w1 Ch~rln Ill. Mli..t
11111-..ll H.-, ~ vt H.,..letl
ltlh Goodolen $0otller'Wrt J...,., I(. Soo.ltl'I .... Ml.tlrl •. South
Nom..n Joel Cl fYfr V1 ,. ... , Ann "'-Sllltllll A. Gltltm YI Jlobttt J. Gllmi.
fdllll 01wn Price YI 111_... Wl\IN ....
Fr11-M.. lll~ll w1 l oula M. ,._.
J1111u v. MlfdMnl Y\ Dorn Merdl1nl
Elllnt Anti 51tlofl Y\ Jl:9Clwl T. Slellfl
Richel Avllol Wllon'IH ¥i Wllllem
Vernon Whartlll
Jlebll1 I!. 1(-.Ny VI llhl Joy I("'° -Johll Jl.1111tll ~ n $.htrl K1thlftll -Jlfltt £11teft Unkl Y!I lttlblft D1nlel .... Elllen P1trlcll l utttrlleld wt J1ct
Elltltw 811tlltffl11d Noron1 Jun Klrw vs lllotJert J9" H1rw
Jl1lpll ilt•Yl'!>OllCI JtnHtl VI Anl!1 C1t!Mflftf .Htllotft
Clllt"i.. I!. TllltY VI 81rb9r1 Ann Tinn
5111rltY N, fhic:tr. .. v1 eenn11 Donlld '""~ """1 0. bl vt Ellq,bflh Sow
~ l" P1rkln n Joi n G1v1t
Ptrll!~ llNll DI-°'°""'ilil \11 '-mtr1Y Otll .....
lw ~ V111tll vt M11'11 Tti.,_
Vullll GllWll ,,_ Moort \1"$ Pa11t I , Motil-9
Stops Tormenting
Rectal Itch
F11 •oiteFamda~Slq»hrlq.
Bo· • 1-' Rdiews Plioof Pileo .. Moot c-
444 N. Euclid l)S.1121
Mon. thru Set.
10 •.m. te f:lO '''"·
• 'I
47 F11hlo• fllend 644·1212
M°"" thrv Fri.110 e.m. to f :lO p.m.
Set. 10 e.m. to 6 p.m.
Exquisite solid sterling, each pattern •
craftman's masterpiece. With purchase of
3 place settings you re-ceive an extra
one at no additional charge. In lnternetionfll's
most f~mous design 's, including the n~w
"Dewn Ro se" pottern, e fre sh original
design. ~ pc. place setting includes I eech
teaspoon, place fork, place knife. salad
fork. 5 pc. place setting same as above
plu s piece spoon. 6 pc. setting sa me es
5 pc. plus butter spreoder.
Pltc~ S•ijirHJ
An9•lilu• 4 pc.49.50 Joen • Arc Buy 3 Stv• from
Prelucle .S pc. 62.50 49.SO
Ro•• lell•t 6 .... 71 .00 I Fr .. fo 94.00
Wilcl Rose
Oewn Ro1e p 4<. 54.SO Buy 6 S.ve fro111
Rhep1ody 5 pc. 61.0D 2 Free 99.00
Velenci• 6 pc.17.50 lo Ill.DO
Me1t•[ti•c• 4 pc. 57.5D Buy 9 S•v• from
Roy•I enish S pc. 71.SD 3 Free 141.5D
6 pc. ll.5D lo JU.DD
Du B•rry 4 .... 65.00
5 pc. ll.SD
6 pc. 94.00
Prices ere for place size-larger dinner size
slightly higher. Serving sets also reduced sub·
stantially .
Silverware , 59
• •
reg. 65.00; 65 pc. set for 12
. J 39.99
Del icately translucent and ri chly designed
with strands of flowers, interwined in
border design •.. an elegent complement
to your table setting. All patterns are
dis hwash..r and ·detergent >ale. 65 pc. >et
includes 12 ell'Ch; dinners, cups, sa ucers,
>alads. bread and butters; I each: vegetable,
platter, lidded >ugar and creamer.
Ch ino, 11
• .
June Bride
Flowe r Bashi
Miriem l1old •t pl1ti11urn plttMll
1111 Edinger A••· 192.)ll I
Mon. thru Set.
I 0 •.m. to 9:30 p.m •
Moodq, Aprft 21, lM
Dav-is Joins Aztecs, UCI-Seek·s· Coach
Of ... o.nw-....., .....
San Diego State College llnally blred a
basketball coach todqo He'a Dick Davis, n, bead coach at UC lrviae !or the. past
two seasons.
San Diego State alh)etic dJteCt« Al
Olsen offered 1.he post to Davia last week.
Davil accepted the position UU. morn-
ing. 'lbett is no immediate report as to
w be Will ta t:a Davis' post at t be
Antealtt illltitutlon. '
Davis flDs a vacancy created in mid-
Mardi when c-p :Gegenru.. lltpped
down from the job alter Zl ....... IS the
.AJtecs' head coach.
It appears that DavtJ may abo ..,....
duties• aulstant athII& director.
It wu widely known that D~ was Ule
No. 1 ~ !or tilt Job· by o~ almost
from the 4o1 Ziegenftm gave uPlbe job.
.. •BJllc the men's ~education de-
partment at San 'Diego Stale ts being
reorganized and it took-.well over a month
for the basketball coach's duties to be
Olam had~f! 70 ~licati.,.,. !or the
job but the OD&1 seledion came from a
list ol three. •
The otPer two were lelieved to be Ed
Grtgory of Frw>o Sllie and Jim Kill-
ing or1h of Cerritos J,.Uor Coll!'ge.
Davis leaves UCI alter taking the AU-American volleyball player at UCLA.
Ante&ters to the NCAA coliege divlslon "I'm very happy about my future at
regionals two straight years with 20-8 and San Diego State," -DavlJ aaid. "But tt is very difficult for me to leave
19-9 records. Previously lbe freshman UCJ. I've been very happy there -It's
coach uoder Dan Rogers, Davia logged a just that the San Diego job holds great
41-' record prior lo becoming bead coach promise and I simply couldn't turn it
in J967. down."
Before coming lo UCI, Davis racked up At San Diego State, Davia will be in a
eight straight. l"inning seuons at Glen-~puon to oner 1a full NC A A
dale High $chool and posted a 171~ .acholanihips lo bigb IChool recruila,
. record. '' • • . ' eovfil'ing J'QOrn, board, tuition, book.a. in-.\n Orange ·Cout ~ea na~e, be grew J9denta1 fees and laundry.
up in Laguna ~dl where lie wu a foot~ ' UCI, with a iUU<:h smaller student body,
ball-basketball •thlete at Laguna tligh., ~ olfer ·ooly achievement awards,
He played basketba.11 for Orange Coiilt • which pay oo1y for an athlete's tuition.
College in the Iil.kt·l950s 1and became...an, • O.vis ttu'JM!d down an offer last monlb . ' ·, • j l
lo become head coach at 'Cal Poly (San
Luil Obispo).
Another !actor that wellbed belvOy In
Davis' decltion la that Sin Dlqo State
next seuon enttta' tbt Pdiit Coast
Athletic AslociaUon, 1 DIW' uniYenity ..
leYel conference cootainlnc ·tbe Aztecs.
Fresno State, Cal State (Loq lleach),
Cal Stale (Los Angeleo), San Joae State
and UC Saota BarbarL
And it also means a• sui:.t.antlal. salary
increase .
Davis ha! his wort cut oul Tbe Altecs
dropped off from 2U and 21.C years to a
dismal 10-15 last ........ The lrabman
squad WU lf-t.
RAF Flier
Pilots Eagle
To_ Victory
RIVERSIDE -Englishman John Can..
non, a former Royal Air Force pilot, flew
under the checkered flag first Sunday to
beat a field of 21 and win tbe Riverside
Continental Grand Prix for Formula A
Cannon. 32, 1n a Chevrolet-powered
Eagle, raced in 50 seconds ahead of
Lothar Motschenbacher of Beverly Hills, ·
Calif., who drove a four-day old McLaren
Average speed for Cannon, who now
lives in Pasadena, was 112.998 miles an
hour b~ Dan GUl'l)ey's course ·
record of 112.189, set last November in
the Rex Mays 300.
Third in the 117·mile, $20,000 event,
first race in the Continental Cham-
pionship series of the Sports Car Club of
America, was Tony Adamowicz, Wilton,
Conn., in ari Eagle Chevy. Jerry Hanseo
oI Minneapolis was fourth.
Cannon rocketed into the lead early In
the race and never trailed, building up a
27·second adv8ntage by the 25th lap of
the 4>lap race-on Riverside Raceway's
2.6-mile road course.
Adamowicz was second until the 30th
Jap w h e n Motscbenbacher passed him
and challenged for the lead. But CaruMm
zoomed off in the last few laps for an
easy victory.
Race driver Ron Courtney of Chicago
remained in critical condition a t
Rivenide Cooununity Hospital with in-
juries suffered in a collision in Saturday's
A hospital spokesman said he wu im-
John Schneider, a photographer taking
pictures from the pits, was struck by a
car In a shorter race for Formula B and
C cars later in the day.
Schneider, 22. of Los Ange1es., suffered
a compound fracture of the left leg. He
was treated at Riverside Commwl.ity
Hospital and releaoed.
The Formula 8 and C race, at 104
miles. wu won by Jolm Milledge of
Mountain View, Calif. He finished 30
~ ahead of Mike Eyerly, Salem,
Ore., and woo 11,llO.
The top three cart in the race were
.. ·-
l/PI T.......,.,
BACK IN BUSINESS -Los Angeles Laker forward Elgin Baylor
sails in for a Jayup as Atlanta Hawk defenders Jim' Davis (24) and
Bill Bridges (32) take a tumble to the dl'Ck· Lakers whipped the
Hawlts1· 104-95, behind ~ylor's 29 points to win the Western Division
NBA payoffs and now face the Boston Celtics !or the world champ-
. ' ' .. :
Player Wins T of C:
Commuting,:W orthwhile,
..... _ Eveli at ·$1,400 Per Trip
CARLSBAD (UPT) -Gary Player
commules between the United States and
his hopte in South Africa to earn a living
at gol( and it pays off.
He ·invested Sl ,400 last week in a
roundtrip air ticket between Johan-
nesburg and $40 Diego. And today. if: on
his w• home "ith a $30,000 return -
first pfize in the' $150,00> Tournament of
Player, the most genllemanly of
gentle!Jlen who·.eve n ·calls a sports writer
"Pa.r .• "l saJ~ SUnd8y as he smilingly ac-
cepted his check after 72 holes of tougtr
golf at La Costa County Club":
"I can use the money. I've got a wife
and five kids and 30 horses."
Player's score was 69-74-79-'l'l-284,
four under par for this course, which has
bottleneCt fairways, deep r o u g h and
sometimes a t¥:isit wind, and places a
premium on aocuracy from the tee.
U. S. Open ' champion Lee Trevino
fini shed seeond with 744-?o.74-286, Jood ·
for $17,foo. He was tied with Player after
54 holes but was wild from the tee and
got into the tenacious rough, taking
bogeys on three holes.
Only two of the fie~ of 28 w1;re under
par 288 .. -Player, the reignin·g British
Open kiftg, p.nd Trevino. ·
Arnold P.almer took a final 71 and
" ' finished With 289 In a tie with ·Dave
Stockton, the fonner University o(
Southern California star, who had • 70,
Each collected $10,000.
Some of the pros grumbled 1bout the
deep rough which tournament sponlOJ'S
let get as high a.s a foot or a foot and •
bait on some holes.
Player, however accustomed to t his
sort of course in Europe and Australia,
said, "if you hit a bad shot here, you've
got to take your punWunent. That's why
this la a great golf cOOrat. I'm just a finn
believer that you've got to earn your par.
That's how everything in life should be -
not just golt"
FINI lCOf•S •nd ,.,,...,., wl1111lnet In 11911'• TllUf'Mo
nient of Ct..molonl · ~ry l'llyw, llO:O.
LM TTfYltlD, 117.000 o. ... ltodl""-SlDAOt
Arnold l'•lmtr, SIO.ocll ~ Llttttt, M.000 ·-~An:t..r, 17..000 8ob rfH lS.JOO Didi: l. 11. ~J-500 0.11 Slkn, M.11' R1111 Cenudo, S-1,11,
Billy Ct._, M.11'
I Downtrodden Angels Rest
After Being Bombed~ 12-1
Califomi~ Angels travel to Chicago {of"
1hfil Def American Wgue Western
Division series following a dismal
weekend against the Minnesota Twins.
The An&els erteod.ed their loss strlnJ to
six tiy drdpplria· 6-0, 6-5 and 1i.1 decisions
to the Twjns ln games Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, Today they are Idle.
Said manager Bill fti&ney after the
deluge Sunday, "SOme of thl.I we tx:·
pected. You go with inexperience and you
pay for mistakes. We 're goiq to have to
be patient."
Can,'t Stop Greats· Foreve·r-Guerin
Rigney '• patience has been tried by lhe
perfonnances of Sunday's Jmer, Andy
Messersmith, and Tom Murphy, figured
lo be regulars in the pltdllng rotation:
However. in 18 inning:a between tbtm
and two have yielded 28 blU and 14 nw.
In fact none of the Angel starters has
been able to complete a game In the flrat
JO played by California. LOS ANGELES (AP)· -"We· need
Elgin Baylor against Boston," declared
big Wilt Chamberlalft and it appeared the
Los Angeles Laker captain baa snapped
oot ol his slump at the .opprtune lime.
Bayklr scored 29 points in the 104-91
victory over AllanLa on Sunday af ..
ternoon. Tbat ,..... the I.Oen agaJnat
the Cellica o1 -an Wednelday night
in the .... fllMllN:tf Ille ~7 final
National• llo*ttiiU AB>dolioo playoll
In addlUon lo drowlng 14 ol bis 11 field
goal attempt& and addinl OM free throw,
Bayto. crabbed II ·rt~ and con-
lrlbuted IJ -. 1'1bere 11 no WIJ you can stop the
grat onet forevtr," commented losing
cooch Rlchlo Guttln ol the per!onnmce.
Bayklr bas averaged just 11.2 poinll in
this season's playoff (Imes agailllt San
Francisco and Atlanla.
''This could be the key for them to go
all the way,'' G\Jerin added. "The Boston·
Los Angeles series ~ ~ wi ll balanc·
ed and will be tightly contested. I like
LA'I chances."
With ~ tint two games slated iD the
Forum.,.home of ~ ,Laiers; Wednesday
and l'riday rilghts, Los Angeie& has the
home -court advantage. Even more im·
portant, says Tom Hawkins, "We have
Chamberlain this year."
Los Angeles k>st to' Boston, in ihe
playoffs a year ago in six games, but the
7·foot~ Will .wun 'Loa that club. , ~''There art·• many things.he hu 1done
for us, I'd hate to think about goln1 into
lhis series without him," ~lawktns said.
Atlaftta' tralltld by 17 pol riU with 5:31
Jell in the lhlr<! qqai;ter 8'indlY and then
came 0n to .c:tuaUy move blto an 17-86
lead at 7,30 QI the final period.
Two neld a..i. by Baylor agalnat I
11n8i. rr .. thrown by z.1mo ae.11 pot
the La.ken Nck into· the lead .
At tbal paint, Chamberlain blocked
• three straight Hawk field goal attempl.3
and thwarted ~ hopes of a sucetuful
""""-" »•flD -IN
"'""'"' wt -Atltnl•, ~ Ttl~I ttu" -Alll"No ». LAI ........... 2'. AU...Unct -lt.Ul
• Me--..aemnlth's game Sunday ended In
the lint inn ing as the Twins pounded out
a double , two ainJles and received tWo
walU .. AJLfive runs were cbarc«l to lbe
23-year'Old lrurler.
CALll'OltNIA f!lllN"10TA.
.. t """ .. , .... V .... rl $111Ull.....,,d 4 1J:I
,"911111. • 4 1 1 • c,.,.w, a s t 1 1
•• , ... Cf • .s • • • °""· " 4 t t t 1'~. I ~ I I I I IC~, » t I I I rt ... ,. l 'I I I ~I, a I I I I
A.ltodl'ltwl( » • I I I '"'.....,,.. t 1 I t t~ • ! : ~: ~=· r. i::: M-llfl. • I I t I C.nlt!WI.. It 1 I 1 t
WTll'lt. , • • • • • .......,., ' • • I I Dlv•llllt• llfl I I I I ........ 11 4 t t
~. . ...
Ollon«. ... 1 •••
lor1IDn. , • • • •
St1,11trt, 1111 1 I I I
f.~ltW, II I t I I
LJ~ jlfl 1 t I I
TIMlll ft I f t
CtlllerMI T .. •lt Nll Ull .... ,._,
Ml1111e.I• j1! I» ·-11
•• .... • i::. •
.. '
UCl '1 Dick
. CdMBags
.... . . ......
---Polo Crown~:.
•"'--· Special to Ille DAILY PILOT -
National AAU champlon COroaa ill.
Mar Swim and Water Polo Alan. ...,,...
probably have had more of a workout'Tn ·
an intersquad game than it found during
four days of action at the New YQl:k
Athletic Club. ,...:..
But team coach Ed Newland still fiQdl.
his second national MU polo tiUe ia
three years rewarding. Despit.e the otr,
vlous lack of opposition in the ~·
Newland told the DAILY PILOT that~
contacts made during the stay in ... ·
York and the playing experience g~·
madf! the sojourn worthwhile. '
In fact, it appean tbf! CdM ~a~,
baa earned a trip to Puerto Rico cfurlEiC
the Christmas holidays to put on a'WoB•'
ing clinic for that ferrltory. :;. ...
Saying the champs were wi~
serioua opposition , would be to "1'
Cassius Clay might be able to beat up
Mia Farrow. -
Newland's group thrashed t he New.
Yprk AC in Swxlay'a finale, lt-9, and that·
was his ouUit'1 closest 1'111'· In all, •
cham"pa outscored their OoaI four foes,
93-28 . and whipped all , seven toumiy,:
rivills by a 193--32 aggregate. " :
Pat McCle)lan,_ lonner Corona del M"•
High llar, was voted outstanding plal"I:·
[or the tournament. And he joined eour. 6f
his teammates in being· selecte4·
u n a i m o u s All·American. FUity'.
Massimino, Bill Leach, Doug SchamW,C
and Mike Martin were also accorded •~ .
Also mating All·American f r c:ii m
Newland's squad were Dan ChrilQ',
M-Pbilpot and El'.lc Canon.
.AB Newle.nd aaid by telephone, fol»w~
lag ilpe win 011er NYAC, "li they were !}I
my sons, I'd be pleased."
, McClellan acored aix jri the linalt wbile
Maasimioo and Canon hit three· ipie7ce.
Mike Martin and Dale Hahn each bit two
whUe Jim Mcllooald and Pbilpot potted
one apiece.
Earlier Swxlay Chicago's Wh1tf! ttJ.pi
!ell Victim lo the champs, 2H, . wllli
Ma.uimino and Carson nailing 1i1 eC"h.
Leach and McClellan eacb tanked fiir
goals. "
Saturday Chicago'• Blues fell,~S, with Canon hiUing eight, 1 Le'ach
Christy Uve, McClelland and Habn •
was trampled, 11~, with canon , Also Saturday, New York AC'1 $
the .scoring parade. He potted four.
and McClellan each 1ot three. =
Hot Dodgers
Tangle With
Marichal, SF
' 4 ~ •
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Anll'!es
Dodger Manager Wa1ter Alston will be h~
troduced to a new San Francilco Giant
weapon ..... tht slugging pitcher -wla
the archrivals open a two-game lfises
tonight. •
' The Gianta send Juan Mark:hat against
the Dodgers tonight. Maricbal, who is 2s.
II lilellme agaloet 1hc, llodgera and I H
Util year, wW throw 1ga1Mt BW Slncer,
al10 2..0.
San Francisco skipPer Clyde Kini."•
advocate ol extra baUinc practice ~
hurlers, was ~arded blndlcmtly for
his theory SUnday •hen Bob Bolin'• i.o-
run double sank the S.n D'ego Padrtsj•
1. I "
The llodgera, u.Aigb, ..... , ~
lh<lr hitters lo win ball gam.,, 'l'hey1l
just. leave the bat '-'Ol'k for Wes Partir,
the hero of the Wt three Los Ansf!lis
vlctOrl., Including Sunday'• J.l lrl~
over Houdon. ·~
MOUSTOM t.OI .......... # .. . ~ ""' .. , ....
J.AIMI." 411•~· ••t " ~. • 4 ' 1 • rtVM911. rt J • ., -d t • '. ,.. ... _ tb .... -, i*-• ,.,.~· .. ''1' ~ ..... Ill' •••• ~--· ,, ' SMf1,.,.,111 4lltSl-.,tt •t e
MenM, • It 1 I ~~ • J 1 ~;,,o· H,Mlll«, If ! t 1 I lortlorf, c J t ., .. t
lf:ftlll"*' c I f I f C:.0.'""-I t lt.f 't LMlllltt«, • ) I I I ,. TtMls If I 1 I Tttti. JI I ... ~I .......... . ... ---· u....,... -111 •t»-t ' E -M9Ht.t. DI' -......... t. Ut ........ a.
LOI -"*'°" 4. L• ~ 1, a -..... ~';,'~"..:.. ~rtch""~l'lr I~' s• -J, ...... ,... ,,, ...... .
lt!OWf,)W ll.A41 I t 1 I I 4 c.o.-fW.M) ' , ' 1 , fl'7 • , ....... -1.11. .. ..
• A
p .!lA/lY P'll.OT
1. . -
llMlar, ~ ZI, IM
One War to Take a LegitiJnate. Diwe • ID Sports
DAIL.T Pn.OT ...... 1111 llkMN ~
Pirate Crew
Awaits UCLA;
Tops 2 Rivals
Fallbrook 'Wpis Troph Meet W estrninster
Divers Win
Orange Coast College crews won a pair
(If races Saturday at Santa Barbara
without breaking a sweat but will find the
going tougher this weekend when they
hoot UCLA.
OCC and UCLA will meet in a pair ol
heats at Newport Beach al 8:30 a.m.
The Pirates, looking ahead lo UCLA,
found little compeUUon al L a k e
Cacbuma. Tbe OCX:: Frosh turned in their
best time ol the season in winning their
heat by five lengths.
The Frosh covered the 2,000 meters 1a
6:3>, with San Diego Stale far~ JD .
6:40. The OCC Jayvees, .urting lo hit tbelr
stride after a pair of regattas, then nn
away and hid from the field, n:7Winl the
course in 6:23 again.st a head wind.
San Diego State took ~ in 1:40,
'"ith University of califorrua, Santa
B11rbara third in 6:41.
The B'JC JV's then rowed back to the
starting line and were prepared to enter
varsity action with no rest between
races. San Diego agreed but UC Santa
Barbara did not and the Bucs wen: bar~
red from a ract they could have won
easily. San Diego State won it in 6:40.
In UCLA, the Pirates will be facing
many of the oarsmen who last year were
in the CXX: boat which was rated second
in the nation.
Chuck Horchar of Buena Park and Tom
Oodt of Anaheim drove away with top
honors al Orange County International
Iiaceway over the weekend.
Horchar scored his first major victory
et OCIR Saturday night when he cap-
tured the fuel altered drq .racing
feature. He wN.pped Mike Sullivan of San
Bernardino in the finals and had the low
elapsed time of the night, 1.16 seconds.
Jay Gauge of Wilmington won the
tournament style injected fUMy car com-
J>(:lition while Neil Stein of Sherman Oaks
won the 11-ias supercharged tourney.
Clodt out-gunned all Cflmers Sunday to
take top honors in a Bonnie and Clyde
In,itational for 1934 vintage and earlier
Laguna Spikers
01 tM P91tr Pllfl SllJft Laguna Beach High School track and
field athletes were respoMible for five
first place finishes Saturday in v~alty
competition at the 30th annual Laguna
Beach Trophy Meet al Guyer Field.
Fall brook High won the tille, however,
edging Brea, 41-40, in the varsity and
taking second in Bee and c.ee action.
Davt Huatwick was the big gun for host
Laguna Beach. winning the llO in recnrd
time of 1:58.0 and later garnering the
second-run of the 440 in 513.
Hultwict'1 Jfort ia ·the llO was 20
yanls better than hll nnrat compeUIDr
whUe in the 440 be ·required a last-gasp
effort' lo nlilge bis _.t by less than
a yard.
Sports In Brief
Male Brian Bailey won the fint 440
wilh a 52.1 to give the Artists a swetp of
the evenL
And, Gene Molway came throu1b for
Laguna wilh 1 13-4 effort in the pole vault
to keep the Artist! in contention for tilt
However, even a mile relay victory
could not overtake leading Falltroolt and
Brea as the Laguna entry finished third
with 38 points.
The Artists' relay team of Hustwict
and Bagley along with Tom Jones and
Telford Cottam easily won the event in
Other good efforts for Laguna in varsi-
ty compelit.ico came lo the diJcul where
Kelly's Job on Thin Ice
After Bllies Sweep Kings
LOS ANGELES -WiMer'S of ei&ht
.traigbl Stanley Cup ployoll ,....,, the
St. Louts Blues today await the final Na..
tional Hockey League series.
They 'll face the winner of the Boston.
Montreal set deadlocked at two 1ames
apiece. Sl Louis belt~ the Loe Angeles
Kings Sunday night 4-1 for a 4-0 series
Meanwhile, the future oI Red Kelly as
coach of the Kin15 is in doubt. His two..
Jear amtrad. will be up this summer and
general mana1er Larry Regan said the
situation will be assessed in the interim.
Rwnors are that Kelly won 't be
rehired. He said only, "I'm not assessing
my future right now. I'm not saying
anything about my future ."
Br uh•• Trip Me Nl r eal
BOS'l'ON -The Boston Bruins, gun-
ning fer their first stanley CUp since lMI.
evtned the best~f-7 series with Montrul
with two games apiece with a 3-2 victory
F P••aefl t Bre•lu M•rk
BONN, Gmnany (Al') -Hans
Fassnacht of West Gennany became the
first man to swim tbe 400-meter freestyle
event in under four minutes when be was
tlmed in 3:59.7 minutes Sunday during an
international swim meet.
Swimming on a ~meter COIJJ'!f,
Fassnacht edfed America's Mike Burton,
who clocked 4 :03.J for the distance.
B•lll Tops V.S.
PORT AU PRINCE, Haili -The World
Cup soccer elimination aeries moves lo
San Dlego for a second aame -and a
final chance for the United States to stay
in the picture
Haiti, using a steady defeme and
breakaway running, defeated the United
States 2~ 1n lhe first elimination match
Rangers Sip Champagne
After Wrecking Foe, 7-1
The seamd glJlle will be held in San
Diego on May 11.
A victory or a tie for Haili will move
that country into the finals of the North
American ·Central AmtriCIJrCarlbbwl
series againsl eltber Honduras or El
Salvador, with the winner goln1 to Mex·
icn for nut year's l'-team World
Of .. Dlltr "*" ..... LOS ANGELES -Exploding for •ix
goals in nine miruJles, Che Pdic Soccer
League champion. Coast Ran1ers put on
one of thdr. most incrtd.lb1e offensive
ahowlnp In the clllll'1 sij.year hbtory as
they wrapped up the l!IGM1 loop title by
bwtlng Lynwood, H. al BeU Ganlens
Park Sunday artemoon. ··
COlcll Brian McCaughey'1 chargt:s had
11tumbled tbrougti a scoreless first half
and found themse1vu on the short end
of a 1-0 coant with JS mirutes left lo
play. ,
Jackie Og!lvla -· through the i-s• c!ermse from hts right wing. got behind
the lei! blcl: -tbetl ililmmed In a fl'NI I
from live yards out to make it 1-1 wltb lS
minutes to go.
Then it came. Tht Rangen relused a ticlal Yi'l\'e of. r!!_s that demolilh<d Lynwood.
The first came with 1 t mlnutu lo go u
}Jarry Og!Me &ot thmteh the dclent<,
)lued to Owen Gorman and the latter -
hlt target from three yards.
A millute later Ogilvie again hit a
perfect pm, this Ume to J I rn
McWUliams and his shot from ei1ht
rards made It 3-1.
Sixty seconds lalu the Rangen had
~r fourth llCOl"e as McWllliams eon-
oected from 15 yards.
This tlrnt it took two run minutes for
the attack to product 1 ac::ore. Jackie
Ogilvie cros.wd a pass lo brother Harry
and he headed It in from five yards.
By now even McCa\llhey was in the act
and he ICOr!d with five minutes still to lo. although the isltH! had long since bttn
put out of Lynwood's l"•sp.
McWilliarNI picked up the Jut 1oaJ
with two minutea re:maining..
And ao the Rangers had their fln:l
champagne ctlebnUon in two ytan al
they nailed down their fifth loop UU. In
I.be club's history.
Thit Sunday they clo5t out their r.euon
at Newp<>rt Beach's "-larlners Park tn a
2:30 mat.ch with Artesia.
ftusli•n Sets ftecerd
BERLIN -Nikolai Pankin of the
Soviet Unton swam the 1oe.mete
brf'aststroke in 1 :05.I, bettering his •
cond world tteord in 1s many days.
Saturday, Pankin shattered tbe 200-mder
men's brtastslroke mart witb '1:11.4.
The Russian swimmtr held both
ncords -1 :06.2 in the 100 and 1:26.5 ln
the :ioo.
B arrel•-Rellre•
BOSTON -Slugging Ken Harrelson,
who kd the American Leque in RBis
11.!t .euon but wu con&idertd ~1-
pendable by the Boston Red Soi afta'
Tony Cooigllaro's comeback, ttUred
from baseball Sunday.
The 27.year old Ham.lson WIS traded
to tht Cleveland Indians Saturday.
HarrtllDD, who capUvated Bolton wtth
hl1 mod dre.u and flamboyant
ptraonality, claimed lhe trade would cost
him up lo 1750.000 In loot businela OJ>
ag 5 Gold Medals
Molway and Jonn placed and CotWn
finlJhed mtb behind Bqley In the 440.
Llguna'1 Brim Ottmer won the Bee
pole vault with an 11-t for the only other
victory of the day for coach Jack
Lytbgoe'1 outlll.
Cbril Limbert llnlahed -In bis lDO nm in Cee action fer i.,un.. ·-DI-I. S... CHtm.!) t. tNN9y Cl.MuNJ
1. ..._ ILA ... i.tJ 4. J-CU.U.-1 S. Pr.at
11.....-1. ow-. l.t:l-f (Mm! _,i)_
1.4111 ""'9-1, O!Ym C"'"ll> t. MdlMIN (Pel~ .,,_, s. T*'t ,.,..., 4. ~ (11"111) s.
K.-cc..i...1. DlstMcl: »'-
n• HH--1. ~ l~I 1. ,.._. 11,.I :l. 119 ,,.. ..,_, .. ~ ,, ...... ,
$. .,...... CCartllllMJ, T1rM: Ill
4" ...... I. ,,,..,. I. .,_ I. LA ... i.t
4. C.--. S. C.,,...., T .... : 4U.
-!PW rKe)-1. ~ (~) 1. ...... (~ ..... Clwtt"-'1 a. SMM (.,_l 4. .. _,.,. IC-
Nodo) S. ......... (YIG•l TlrM: l:JU tM9tt
• !""*"' ,_)-1, ~111M IS..11 ~) 2. ~ 11""1 :l. --.. 1~1 4. MO-N~ l,....,., Dlrn9) J. Jenttlnta (c...MI.
T""': !:at.
--·· ~ ,,,.., 1. '---''" M9rftl) S. .__."'-(LA l_,1111 L t:ldrldiM IS-..,_,
5. ,.,_. 111'•1..,.,.), Tll!w: ltA.
Ml .. (1""11 r.w)-1. O.rt fYllC.llNJ ), Vllll,..I
u:.ecMO•I a. TrM t~l " °""""' CV•llrf °"""""' s. "'-r ,....,,.,,. TlMt: 4:&4
Ml• ''"""' ,..)-1. ...., lllat..-1 t. "''"'' (~) a. Tiftftua , .. , .. °""' (Wtlrwf) S. ._ IS... Moire.I. l"'-: 4:4'.J,
'"'"' '""'-1. ,..,,..._ IP:1111n•o 1. s"'"" Cl,_) S. "'""'*I IP-vi 4 ltvls (IM IMrutl
S. Glr;t (Sell M.lru.), litltttl: S.NV..
._ !l"ir.I rac1)-l, aa.i.y f~I t. *"'"'' CS.11 HllllVI) :l. Gfttl' 1111.._.) 4. ,.._ ltll'b-
... , L Col191ft (~J. Tl1111: a.1.
.. ca-. ••>-•. Hvtfwlcl t~J '· AtnNran 1a-r1 1 MltdMil IW1!NltJ 4. Al-
mMll !CartlMllll L 1"11111 ..... (COl'GMdill TlrM: Jl.J.
,... -n-1. ~ 1~1 t. r-., ,...,_ v1,-,.1 t. CUrltl IS... Mt~I 4. __._
1 a .. ltfMlllJ s. ~ ,,._.,). ....... , .,,., t• lH-1. McGeulfl IP•l.,..I J, Gld (Jelt
~rwtl t. ,.,,..._,. 1~1 4. .,._ fll
D«-*'I s. ,._nd 11,..l. T""': 21.2.
nt--1, T..,19 (l ... l I. UWIM lkfl #N~I
l. 1"'10te ls.ft MtrUll 4 W..r l.llWw!D
V1llt¥J S. W•ltl IL.A ._llttl, Time: JU.
lo.W19 fl'lnl '9Cll)-1, w..Mn1 !P•llbtoml) :r.
l1tn1J11 1~1 1. Clllfte fW•lrwtl 4 .. ,. (~) s. WWbf IPwr'llJ. TN: 11:11.J.
$llM M-1. C-1111111 (11 DwMIJ :r. ....
fHtmtl) 1. .............. IYllQi.tJ ._ ....,..litl ('l'ir
u'"I J. Hr#lllM CC•rl11i..111. Olrt.lna: ~llYI.
1-Mlle (Stand r.ee)-1, Wlnft (~) t. ·-•n IW•lnw'll t. ,,_ fl'"•lll1r•1 .a. *"*""
(Hctffw 0.mtl S. \'.,.,IMl'I Cll DM"Mt). TlrM:
Ml19 119in-l. l-lftdl , ... ...,, ,.....,
c.rtltft, Hwlwict:I t. C.--. t. V•li.y OITTlllM
4. Y-IM S. I'•~. Tim.: ll:Jl.O. l'NI -'"I: ,..,..,._. •1, .,.. At, l"""'9
lll'OI a, C--. .... SM! t.Wru. 11, Kim.I Ji.
YWQ!llil 14 W•lfWt IL V.I.., Olflll'*'° •ftf II °"'"" '· ~ .... ",.,.. '· ...__, fftlll """"" \'11.., tr,, fNtr. Dime. ..... IY •1111 ~la .. ... ._.a.
..... Vault-I, or-1~1 t. WrWtl llftfl. llnml 1 K"*llllfl t,,.,_, 4. J .... ("'-'!)
.S. Hltt.tn Cla>n MlfCO.l. H...,,t: 11-4.
HI .. ....,.._I, l lrdl (~1-.,.,.l t. Cvltlttt (El
~I 1 ••lhttant l*""'f) 4. Li"ffn ('1'~19•1
S. Alttl,. IW•lnutJ. IWllhl: S.M.
t• HH-J, .......... (,_.,, L McOlttlllllll
("'"") t. V••• .,._ (\'1llW ~I 4. CJltlo.
"" ,,.,.,_, S. ~ Ill o.r..!. T""'t ,, ..
std ~J. °""'*" IHIWN'll t. .Mrile .... IElll!nwel
1 p....a ft:I ~l 4. Jfnnc. ICll9CMIS.J S. ._
-(Ct,.._.I, DliltlllCll: ~M..
--1. O.• (lri91 t. ..._ It:! Clot'Mll S.
o,b1n IV•ltftt DlrhS...I 4. uttlMI'-llf•.,_I
J. "--IC.11111•1111. TllN: .......
... (l'lt'ft ,_)-I, v.t. fc..cMIS.) t. ~
....... 1...,.,,.1 1. W•lcer l~l 4. ""'"" IS. ,,..,_, s. S-.-(LA ._Ill). TlrN: t:a.t,.
.. Cltcwliil ..-~ • .,..._ IE DlrMI) t. Mrw CF•l..,._.1 1. .. ...., I,,._ Vi l..,) 4 G"'-
('"-nl 4 ~ I"-''' Tim.: 1:17..L
D~I. C.'f"lll IWI Nl'J 1 """' (t:I °"*991 1. Jalltll. Cll l>w'lml 4. Hui11 CW.lliwr) S. ~ (II o.r.). l>hilMc9: JIM\l,,
,. Ut-1. ...,_... (,_,.., t. .,.....,.,..
(Vi l• Oll'lllltlll S. Willi C,..,rtl) 4 'ldlrt
l~I S. telldlft COH11i119fl. TlrMl JU
L-"--'· Mel-C ... ""-1 t. H-IS-.,_, t. ...... 111 ....... , 4. ~
(~ ... I S. l'lltlW' {II o.r.M). D..._: 11'-
111-1. Min. Ill IMMll :t. o,imt'l1o IV .. lrr ClwtstWtl J. l.ltttm.-Cl'•llllni*) 4. Ntrr l.._.,}
S. "-" (Ct,..._), TlfM: SS.7. 1m 1F1m rM*i-t. o,,_ rri .,.,..., 1
J.cttwrr I"""") J. L8w IY-INJ 4 ..,.,._ l~I L Hll"-1-.. ~I. ntll: J:tU,
1• ls-if ,..)-1 • .I-*"" IV•ti.r art.-
"-"1 t. Hiii Ill o.r.1 1 SHtttl (,,_.,) .. ~ IW•lllul) I. v~-c1 .... 1. TIMI: 1:11.1. .. ltftrr-1 • .._ t. CtrtllMf 1. fal.,.. ..
eo.ctlt411 S. t:I o..M. TllN: l :IU.
fll,.I -'"9: 11 0..0. a, fl•llWoi* .. ,.._.,
IL VI ""' OWllllM a .....,., IS. P9"1I 14 Wl lMlt
11, CGKMlll It. Selo INT'ml. a.-hKfi 111111 ClfilbM ...... 1, v-....... c....... .. t:111-o
...,. 4 ~ V1tlrt 1. H1r1t1M L LA -.tilt I, ...
Int CFlm r.ol)-1, .. Illy {.....,_ Vl iln'I L
l"...w IW•lrutl a. ...,_ 11'•1~1 .L Dtl-
... fC~llll S. ........ '*1 1"-YI. Tlmt: 1:11.1 f,IAMI _..,.
Im ls.c.NI ,_)-I. INr\J. (Fii~) 2. L•-~l.IWfill 1. Htlllfllll ''"",_ DilmtJ " Gtl .... .I " Ill J. _f'nM:9n IC..rltbMJ. Ttnit: J:2S.t.
, ...... 1. ........ '"""") 1. ,,_ (Ct,...) 1.
COCWl'ft f'l'llCllNI 4. l'•lmll (U. 9-tlrtl S. C.~ lc-cMflel. Tlnit: 1U fMMI _.iJ,
... (l'lnt rtmJ-1. W•llitr (c-ctltlS.) t. Mltllf
'"""-0.0..1 J. M9tdl (IWlwt) .. "-,.,..
e»INI S. .._... (Wll-.rl. TlfM: !:a.A.
W llKwlf r.al-1. Simi fHIWN'!I L Mldlrr , ...... , J. ,.. ll'•llllrolll .. 11'*41 I,..,...
D9!7111 S. ""'9lf C~J. Tlmt: l:ll..L
1a lH-1. Ger~ (YlllCa\NJ 2. Ln 1,_,.I t. '*"' (Nftr9 O.mtl .. Mtc Dvlf ,,_.,, s..
HI,,... (a-t), TllM: IU.
lm-1. S'9bllr l"""'I J. C..IMI (IMn 0.-1
J. ...,_ IClrtllllilll <L ~"'911 Cl.A IWlllll S. ta'*'-t le.ct.IS.), TIMI: lf..6.
.. ··-·· c.cflelll t. ClrlllllMI 1 ,....,,. a... 4. HlflWt S. ~ 9-dl. TllN: D.J. Pl1191 -1111: ,.._ o.,,.,. J4. P1I...,_ 21,
hrTtl .... ~ 11. Cl~ 11, Yvc!IM u.
.._., .... i.._.,. --'* Ill, ,,..,.. v..... 11. .._ lftll W.....,. 11, LA a.tllt 7, II C...-4
·-.. .._... .... ar.....1 •
Majo1 ' League Standings
Chic:qo ll J .~
Pltllburlh I 4 .118'1
Montrtaf 5 1 .417
New York 5 7 .417
SL Louis 4 I .m
Phillddphla 3 I .273
West Dlvhlto
Los An&tlts
San F'l'ancisco
San Diego
• 3
• 3 • s
4 s
4 I
3 10 -·-Htw '1'"11 11, II, L....i. I
Cllld""'" J. At!Mtt I Crtiu.t .i, Mwl-lrMI M
!.I" flrllld9m 2. .... Di-2
Pl'l!1*-l.tli. 7, P"'*"twll I
U. """'" t. "-"""' I T .. .,....._
.750 .m
" II>
l '.I • '"
t'l'llladtlltllle Cl",.,.._ l•I) ti Htw Ywt ,..,..,.,
M l. flltM Mlntl'Mt 4.Htolw 0-11 If SI, \.tuts CW ... i'lt 1·U,
"'"' ClflclllMll (Mffmr Ml et .......... (I........,._ •n . ....,..
Atlll!M tit ... 141 .t a. °"II Ott!teY 1·11. flitflt
Sill ,,_ltclt fa.dll •II If lM ......... IS. ..-M l, ,,19111
AMJ:lllc.\N LEAGIJI!: --llalUm<n -IJ<tn>lt
Ntw Ycrt
Kansai City
S..W• Calllotnia
... Lttt Pct.
' 5 ,143 7 4 .131
• 4 .tlltl
• 5 .54S
I I .419
I t .100
Wnt DlvbJOll
' 4 • 4
• 5
4 •
I 7
.300 .......... ....,.
~ M. tMw Ylltr. 1·1 ...... ~4 ••l!lrrltN N. W-"lflfM 'M M""'""9 lL C•llftl'lllt I
l ~:
I •
Cl!k ... ,.1,. ....... w. '" "'"' " lnrllllt• ~ U. ~ CllY 1·' ,_.._
S..lttt l~n .. 11 If hMn or., I'-' 141, """' Clntl..... CMtDntl .. 11 '1 .. ,.._. !PINI'
M l, Ill-"' °"'911 tlHrMI 141 .r ........ (NINrt WI, """' ,,,_ YWll: l"'"'*""tt M l el .... tSlllwt .. ,
.,. ..... 1·11
O.•I""" I°'*""' l·ll .r M""-t• C01111n Ml °"".....,..........,..,
Westminster High School's classy
diven were in Sunset L ea g u 1
preliminaries this afternoon after wrlP"
ping up their second consecutive tiUe in
the Rancho Alamitos Invitational diving
meet Saturday at Newport Beach Tennis
Sophomore Joel PeMe soarlted the
Lions with a seventh pla~ finish in Ule
field of 34 leading Soulhland preps. He
scored 295.85 points with his most im.
pres.sive effort coming on a 2~ pike from
tbe 3-metu boanl.
Two Westminster juniors joined Penne
in the scoring cloumn aa Larey Heidler
and Owck Setzer came through far the
aecond straight year.
They, along with PeMe, weu on coach
Walter Otto's seitet that nailed I as t
year's invitaUonal.
Westm.IN1ter wound up with 508.05
pointa: while Sonora of Fullerton wu u-
cond w:lth 488.70 and Glenda1e tood third
with 395.75.
Bill Fujikawa of Glendale won the gold
medal with 349.10 points while Grtg
Saunders from Buena (Vtnhua) was es.
cond at 334.10. Bob Surridge of Glendale
Hoover (324.15), Dan McFarland from
BurTOU1hs. Burbank (315.25), Tim Mahan
ol Brea (309.60), Greg Hook from Sunny
HUis (307 ~I and Penne followed .
Marina and Newport Harbor High take
their best tbol.!I at Sunset League tiUe
favorite Anaheim Tuesday and WecJ..
nesday as the 1969 loop swimming ancl
diving championships unfold at Golden
West College.
Tuesday's prelims begin at 2 p.m. while
Wednesday afternoon's finals are billed
for ! o'clock. Diving pttlirm were being
held this afternoon at Western High.
~ ~\ .-;\ -, "• t
1969 AaPblAwrp
A'llilablt •/Automatic Trammlulon
-'~1 ll1i11•; l
11!iil' 'I"'
J100 WDT COAST HleHWAT -NIWPOllT llACH -•~rlupu11
_1111 1 p 111 I _,
Ml0MOI Mo.17'4
A ..... 1111 M6 e AUSTIN-HIALIT D-
A .... lw4 flllAll ..... Wea & ~
Prep Net Sco res
For Coast Area
COMPTUN -Oraogt Coun-
ty's lhrtt lract and field
powers in prep clreles -San.
la Ana, Santa Ana Valley and
El Modena-fared well in the
19th running ot the Compton
Gold Clip Solunlay with the
Saints o/ Santa Ana fi11bbinr
fifth to champion Compton. Prep Golf
El Modena was eighth and
Sanla Ana Valley ninth.
Jackie White Jed the Santa
Ana contingent with a fine 9.6
effort in the 100 and a %2.0 in
the 220.
Best event of the afternoon
was in the second mile race
when Richard Tsc:budin of
Palisades High and Frt<I
Ritcberson of Salesian tied at
4; 14.3.
Centennial's mile relay Learn
blazed lo a J:lf.4 clocking
best in tbt state. '
Compton's Reynaldo Brown
led the Tarbabea with a 6: 101,J
Vi tal Tilts
Coniing Up
Oranse Coast area prep
baseball teams -Newport
Harbor and Corona de! Mar -
Tll0-1. Wll~ 1,..,,. w 1 ,_. :t.. are under fire "'hen action
e'"'lf"'I' 1~-"-v.u.,, , .. i Gillllrd MD SpikeI'S resumes Tuesday In their lt_>c.rw,rl t .t 4. Adldns !lod<1 j J.
Roca (War-man!. respective leagues after disap-._ ll:C'llY-(RKI! 0-1. Dllml"911el.
il.1; 2. s.in11 81rb&r1, .u.1; J. p_,. pointing results Friday . de;:~:-~·)-1. Blllr. ., .• , 2. Slnll Will at Amat The Tars of Newport, after!
An1, .U.!1 J. G1 rdle .... 4l.4: (RKI! ll be' b -1. Cemenni11 a .11 J. Lactc>, a .4: J. IJ\g set ack with their third 1
com"'an. '2.7. LA PUENTE -Two Mater tie game of the Sunset Lea~e. 1
*-IRK.I! 11-1. R1ner\Gtl Cl1lcio-I wooe11, 1:.!7.t1 2. Nt1 ..... ce1 Moftn•l Dei High School relay teams "·ill host ~nta Ana Valley at
J:OO.J; 1. s~1n0rorer 1P11<1$ vel"Cle'll. breezed to winning efforts 3:15. Coach Andy Smith's out-1.00.1, •· Grtt11 !Palyh !. Otle 1811•· 1>an1i1. Saturday at the seventh an-fit is a full game behind West-
!R•"~ 1l-1. ,,,,., cl.A. H1vt11. nual Bishop Amat High Relays em 1·n loop standings l:S...1; 1. l1ntstot1 fMl!lik1n), 1:55.J; • l. 11ao1nWH1 1Pa1,), 1:so.n: cwcn for coach Mark Mulkerin's Corona del Mar must win
<,.....,nual Anti. 1:n .11 J. c11r~ <El f\.fonarchs. against invading Est a n c i a
MooeN). T"-!Pl I , .. 120 HH-1 Limo (Sin11 l •roir•L 11e quartet o au li-tu-(3:15) i it IS to stay in con-
u .1; 1. 0ona1mon fCDm01ot1), u .J; doon, Rick Jennings, Steve tent.ion with Loara a nd 3. Tolbert Clodc•l· l•.5; '· Tinin fM111ri, u .1; s. RoblMon !Loo.ti. Horeslmeyer and Mark Dow\-Magnolia for the Irvine title.
Miit CR.c. 1}-1. e1111tr r R~i. ing set a meet record in the 2-The Sea Kings t r a; I the •:11_7; ?. 1-..,, cwo,..men1, •:2l.l;
for special
you r Family
Auto Insurance
Bob Paley
and Auociatu
1. w°*' i E• M-,..1• ,,21_,, •• mile relay with an 8:12.0 Anaheim schools by one game. ~L~;c':.}.Fremo11t). •:11.7; s. R•'lt!"' clocking, breaking , the old Other Irvine action has INSURANCE
rll•te n -1. lit TKnl>Clin 1p11~ record by 10.4 seconds. Costa fl.1esa at Fountain Valley
••dn>-RltclH:'rsoo fS.~i•nJ. •=H.•; And, the team of Muldoon. "'hile Huntington Beach and 474 E. 17th St.
J. louo" (llr5td1l, •:20.G: 1. Wlllr. • ks I COSTA ""SA 1E1 Mcd<'<11l. 1:211.11 s. e~r' tP•~ Ron Die on. Dow ing and Westminste r tangle on the lat-~
v.m,,. Jennings turned the mile relay ter's diamond. 642 '500
..i:l-(R.c. l)-1. Rico (Wort;man). . 32 ·-··-Iha c I v ·11a .. .,_., 2. ariw;o cwa.~lnetonJ, 19_2; lil 3: .I to \dl\C l event. In restview pay it"s 1 1 ... ~~~~~~~~~~~I
J. W•llffl 1Mu1r1. 0 .1; •. Lltff Individually, Bob Leanza Park at Laguna B each .1-~;._":~~~1· lt.t ; !. COl>Plin IP•lal. won the 2-mile (section II ) in Foothill at fl.1ission Viejo and Who Can Read Just
c111ce n -1. L1"91tot1 !Mi11111;•nl. 10 :01.0 and mate Terry San Clemente at El Modena . 4 .D; 2. Fisner CLod<tJ, •9.o1 J. Snydtr 1ifcKeon placed second. in the lttater Oei is al Pius X in Q •
•Oa5 Puec100. •9.2; •. Hendr..-ne Peanuts'! 11a.1r1, so.2; s. ~n1on1rc rcamPtc:si). section I 2-mile with a 9:55.5. Angelus hostilities. •
llO LH-1. Slock!on (Pahol. II.I: :t.,---------------,--------------------.lodki"' 4Lock~), 11.tJ ). ~Id'°"
/Comt>!an), 1t.01 I. M0.111"" !ll•lrl,
ltO; 5. T~I !Locke).
no-1. Wnite 1s.in11 A<11l, no; 1.
E'Mr; {S A Vtlle-YJ. n .1, J. JollnSOfl
Cll1lr), '1.l ; I. McC ray {Locke), '1.,/ s w11son ioominoue•J.
Pelt Vtull-1. Smltn fS Torrtnc:el.
IH: ~-Pulltrd fl A Hi9hl. 11-4:
l. Wa$111nvton (Com.itonl, 11-G: 4.
H~mmer CS.nt1 Blrbar•), IJ·6; 5 lie
-Pierce !San11 8•t'D.f••I '"" 51. Cl1lt CPof'l'l, lJ..CI.
Lot111 Ju~1. Tni~u rc-..ni.11.
7J-7; 2. ~llsier 1a111r1, l).J\~; 1.
HolOtn IG•~I. n.11 •~; 4. Futch
!8!1irJ, 71-111 1. C~mons IP• ..
°""It, l?·S~. s-1>111 -1. Cunnin9'11m CS.nl1
8trt>era), IC-•'~; 7. Gar"°" (El M,._
<ltnf), J.6.\01~; l. Rlctw•<I$ fMllliU").
~1\~; •. Wi110" !Polvl. ~1; $.
H;o-(Dos Putblo!). ll<IV..
Mile Rel1"v-Ut1ct 1)-1. Sanlt ""'
Va!levl, l :1t.!1 1. Vlllt P.ril, J::lf.4;
3. Oomnltlll!Z, ],JU.•.
(ll:;i.ce ?J-1. ll•ir. ):Jl.l : t. F.._
mo<1!, 1:7'1: l. Des PUf"blos, J :lQ.I;
4Rtte J)-1. Ctnlennl&!. 1:11.4: t.
Cotn0lot1 l: It.,, l . ()Drll!v, ]:20.1.
T-mi1t-lllttt 11-1. ll uslly c11: ..
i.ed1), t:U.l; J. Far•mtn (S.nl•
Ana ) t :l9.J : J. All i'"" (Hall'l'WQOlll),
'"'·'' '· Swltff• !Burb•nll). t:~.I; !. ZMmKl io rcom~onl.
llracr 1!-1. C"'8H ln fPol,J, t :lt.I :
1, McPIHi't!IOn (Pllol Ver<lell, t ::)l.t ;
J Telch CP1livde$), t ;.al.I; 4. Car~ son (SI. J""n IOKO). ,, ... ,, 5. OrlHI
(llei.e<:IOI\, t :'-1.7.
Hlqn Jump -I. Brown C(omp"°").
6·10>~; 1. 8r1clle' ((omptonJ. M ; 1
Tinin (Mlllrl, t-4; I. Lnir1t1!on
fl>ol,) .... : J. Jtmn fMllllaw!r), .. I .
TEAM 5C01tl:S: Como!"" )1, Locke
15. L-lk-a<~ Poly ?!' '· Sa~ll ll•r· bfrt 20\,. 51"1• A111 II, Cfn!t11~i1I
11. ll:tW<l.I 1•. £1 Mode<11 14, Santi
.lon1 Vi lle' 1', 81&ir 11'-., MIHi-•n 11.
Wor'lr.man 11, P1lai. VrrclH 10, LOI "'"" ve~ JO, P•ll$tdet •• Mvir .. 0or>"V
71,, Oos Puflllol 1, ll~'"*ood 7. BU•·
be,. '-F~onl •· S. Tarr1nct I. I
( __ ,.....,)
pta-11 -b161
April 23
9:30 a.m.
We'll be auctk>ninQ oH a.
batch ol myslory l=as.
Who knows what they
a:o141n 1 '"'""'" ...... been._,.!.
We're a1ao auctkmlDtJ
oB some thln9I )'Oil ca.n _llA_. __
~ Uvln9 """"-1
diaiaq room furn1t.i....
,,_ olc.
7572 Warntr Ave.
Huntington leach
Is that funny
under the hood
the generator?
Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.
And maybe it's kind of foolish
to let the local garage spend a lot of time
(and a lot of your money), trying to find out.
Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center.
In less than one hour, we pu t your car through
a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that
pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential
ones. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission.
Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems.
Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe.
You watch the results come out on an
electronic typewriter.
A skilled diagnostician goes over /<:t:::::
the report with you. If you wish, he'll
give you an estimate of any necessary
repairs. You'll be able to take care of smalf problems
now, before they develop into big problems costing big
And, if you wish, PeMeys will make the repalrs-
,qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could
pnwent a needless highway breakdown.
If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere
you like.
The cost? Only 9.88.
Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days.
Charge hi
luena Park
,,,, q. •• ,tittt..,. .....
F11Hel'l9fl , .. o.., ... .., "'--,;,..g.Q
Huntl ....... kh.
7777 -A,.,
Hew,...lch. .. __ __ ,.
___ ,
Mond'1, Ao<fl n, 1969 DAILY f'ILOT ft
The only medication that -Gets to a Major Cause
of Hemorrhoids
Nowl Most complete 3-way relief!
lbis important dev11opm1 nt i11
hlmot rhoid tr111JT1111 comes lo · ,., •ft• ftvt ,..., ,, seitnl:ific
""' diUcal lati1'(. !fol onJy ofou Countemoicr work by lesseninr
P1in fast, ~ by cutinL sooWnr.
and proltetini: injured tissue ...
but-anfike MfJ othef hemorrhoid product Counternoid l lsO WW I
tflird way.
Thanks to 1n exclusive formula
with DSSle 1• only Counterno id
1ets to a mijor cause of lltmor·
rhoids: Painful hard consti~tion.
Without it'ritatinr la.utivt tffecl.
Hera's how: ln hos!lital X-r1y tests
doctors hive demon1tr1ted that
the remarkable Counttrnoid form~·
lation wi th osslt pen1tr1t1s in
minutes to tM top of ttle·rec:t.11
atu to soften thl mo. and USI
the bowel laCl'llmttll .
It is this ..... action that don
so mudl to _. 111tuftl healinr
-~-So._it you li'le with"tbe pain and
fear of rectnlniminor hemorrhoid
!roubles, ret trmpotary rt lief with
medieally-testrd Countrmoid.
Actually, used 1s dit"tcted, Coun-
ter no id offers lht most complete
lway relief you can rat without
a prescription Of' without SLH"ftfy.
In stainless cream or suppo$itories.
At an drut a>unt1rs.
l\low you've
got us
Where you
want us.
PSA hangs •round where you live. IOO 1tlghl9
• week conn•ct aouthem 1nd north•m
Calilorni1. 8 ci1ie1. All jets. Lowest alt farft.
Call )'OUr tr1vel 1gent or cozy up to PSA.
PSA oft.es you a lift.
• ,.
All -Penney-Store1 Open Every Night Monday· Through Saturday_~
.. 1
Don't let this happen
to your c r!
with all parts ri labor -almost DI little as wi-
yau do ii yavrMlfl So why get your hands dirty?
• "-,.i.ta. pllp, rotor, co•dHMr ............ ., ., 13.
••• , ert ............ c dwell, .
tls l19 elld cerllerotw
• 15 •
17. . • cyllncler .
IF11Mon kl.nd) 1Hunlin9ton Conte<)
• ••
• •
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DAILV '!LOT (5) •"-'--'-"-----
Levi Earnings Told
For 1111 '!hi liine lo 11& IJI
Y"lll'L JA'i lllr.11111 ond Co.
t Thursday revealed sales and
' eamlna: figures -$19'. 7
million ror fiscal 1968.
The giant of lhe apparel in·
dustry went into business
making: pants from tenU dur· lnl! the ColilGrola IOld ruslJ ,
"The year's resutts." said a
SUilement, ··were in line with
performance Ulat he seen
Levi Straoss double Its votume
every five years s~ I.he efld
o1 World War II!' ' I
'Sala in recerit Ye&rl rt.·ere
1163.2 million, 1967; '15f,I
million, 1966; $132.6 mill"'j
1115: llOU million, 19M, aj>d rn .1 mllllon, 1113.
, • • • • •
Performance Or1enttd M.-. Has lmpMth en Aerodynemlc: O•ttn · 1---~~--~---. -,. } ' .. .. ' ~
' " . f ' !'.'' { ' . Lyo~ Picked ln Ill h Gear
BW '
A Newport Beach man, fuchard Lyon, World Wai fl C h ina;,$tiqned intellij:ence
$COUl and NayY frogman, has
been appiointed manalfr of
the May Co. store I n
ll'll Jlflllllll lllllCI ...
1his uniaue se~ite pr'D\'idd prtfHSioflal travel
Assi~t,;nce tc individuals artd'1o busi(llSSei. Whether
you Ion& for a tour, 'fdm ~ii cruise., of have
lo take a bu!.iness trip, let Newport National Ba nk's
authorized tra-vel a1e1q tau care of all details
for you, from bookinf your transportation to
reserving your hotel acc.ommodations. This complete
ind totally 11liable selYite is without charge lo you,
ucep~ of cou1~. actual ticket costs. Anothir
· 11tiqte# senice .• , cvstomu or aot
MJM Offia C..lllPU5 It MKAltllur 540-Zl l l • ..,... Otliu l'YSitl If S.Mor• 5'2·1J4l
ttlltlf ''" Oftia NutwoM 11 Con,,11011we1"-171.1900 • S.•llf Hills Olfa H.lrbor At Brei 171 -7190
s.,tfitir Olfia Supt/IO( 4lf, l'llornlll '42-9511 • U•i\otrtily Offim l ist Ch1p111IR lt Slalt Colltlt 319-4340
W'*lll llill Wtlktilf It Ollftr '42·311 l
DaytoJtfL :Debuts
'< Dodee has ,.,nnounced that it I
will soon add a new tl1!'Jlel to
· ita Cbaraer line. lt'fwill be
called "Daytona" ud'"Will be
the successor lo the · .current
Charger 500. It wlU be a
l>ttfonnance-0rlented model.
Emphasis wlll be on l h e
aerodynamic aspects of lhe
body design.
Rear window will be nush,
rather thar, the "tunnel" \Yin·
dow used on the other Charge r
The front fenders and hood
are longer and dip lower in
fr ont. The front air intake will
be lo"'·er. ReinforcCd plutic
parll wlll be -on !root-end
eldalslaa and -parts. '11>• concealed headlights ar& ·m.
the ~up or "f'rog's eye"
\\!heel openings \\'ill be
larger to accon1modatc tht
trend lo larger tire sizes.
Windshield mouldings will
be of the f!ush design uSfd on
the Charger 500 models.
The hood vd ll feature a fresh
air intake. in the form similar
to the NASA inlets em ployed
on aircraft. and hood and
ferider cooling \1cnls.
There will be a stabilft.c r ot
fin and wing design to provide
greater aerodynamic st.;j,bility,
Scho1arshlps offered this
year total · $34 ,500 -$18,500
more tbo .bi at year -and the
conten bu .been expanded to
include students Jn junior anH
communi(y colleges and voca.-
tional technical centers. The
winning \tam in the National
Finals in three classes -in--
duatrial arts, vocationa1
oduca\jon and post-blah school
-each will be oHe...t 11,11110
in scholarships.
Another feature In the 1968
program is the .atw recruit..·
ment of Troubtt·Shooters who
pc\f'Uclpate In.local contests to beCome appreatiQt mechanie11
in Plymouth dealerships.
"The bo)·11¥ho 1comPete in
these. local contests are the
'top mechanical ~nls in
their sChools," MatUon said.
"~ oC them w~ to w_ork
whe11. iSohoOI eodi this spr1n1.
and wt have a program to
help'th·erD Ilnd'work."
Plymouth ; provides a 11
dealers in a local contest area
~with the names and addresses
of ~II senior boys who, make
their schooJ Trouble Shooting
learns and urges dealers lo in·
perview "lbtm '5 potential ap-
~ prenlice mechanics. The boys
all!iO receive lell,ers and Trou·
ble Shooter certificates lo
present. to deal~rs.
A team of Trouble Shooters * * * consist$ of· 'two a u I o ahop
300 TO CO~tPETE sb)dents. Ea<:h team takes a
IN PL YMOlTl'll COM'~ -.flltta exam and i.s then
More than 300 teen·age stu. . .-assigned to a new Plymouth
dent mechanics will again car which has a se ries of
01mpete in PI y mo u t h t s malfunctions beneath the hood
'regional "Trouble Shooting '' "to keep it from starting or
CGl'Jlests lo be held this mon1.h, from running properly once
according to Ken ~1allson, I.Os l started.
Ange~es regional s er v ic e ' The grade on the exam
manag.e~. . counts for 30 percent of a
Participating Orange County team's final score. The
high schOOls include Fountain mechanical competition, in
Vally, Fullerton, El f\.fodena, ~·hich teams find and fli. I.ht
Laguna Beach. Loara. f\.tission .. malfunctklns in the shortest
Viejo. Sa d d I e b a c: k, San possible time. count as 70 per· Clemente, Santa Ana and · cent.
\\'estern. and Santa Ana
Junior College.
\\'inning teams in the local
cont.ests receive all·expcnse
trips to Indianapolis where the
national finals will be held
June 16,.17 and 18.
A tolll or $125.000 worth of
scholarships, prizes. lrophies,
. tools. practice engines and
transmissions and automotive
shop equipment for cOmpeting
schools is offered, atcording
to Ken Mattson.
The 24th Annual 1969 Motor
Car Dealers Association ol.
Southern California Spring·
Business Conference wlll be
the largest stale auto dealer
convention in registration in
the nation, according to prtsi-
denl Robert A. Smith ot" Bob
Smith Volkswa,gen. Conference
will be held at lndian Wells
April 22 through April 38.
' .· Guest apeaken fot' the
·!eminan include Har r y
Towne, e1:ecutive RCl'tta'1,
New Car Dulerl Polley allll
.Appeall Boord, :who ''l!ill
preJeDt "A Progrua ~" at '111< opening ltSliGn April
23, •
t Walter Fisher, Allanta,
Va,, .att«ney will speak April ,
M on 1he rldtcal cbauga to be
developed by ''The TruUHo-
Lepdinc Law".
"The Fu(ure m the Fran-
chiae S)'!t~" will be the sub.
jeet of a plnel dt.cusaion in a
closed session to be held Fri-
day, April 25. Executives on
the panel include Bob Smith.
presiden~ praidlng, Paneliru
are Duane D. Freese, dealer
policy 00...d, Fon! Motor Co,;
Steve L. Noble, director of
public relaU0011, C h r y a 1 e r
h1otors Corp.; William R.
Stacy, dtrect.or of dealer
relaUons, General M o i o r s
Corp. and John C. Utz, aasis·
tant director -dealer develop-
ment, American Motor• Sales
Acquh·es 3
Beach Firms/
, MAXAD Inc, (OTC), Glen-
dale, bu lllllOWlced Ill .,....
ment in principle to acquire
three associal~ companies:
Lorge Engineering Co., Clark
Griffith Inc. and Clark Griffith
Associa~. all located in HWl-
tington Beach, for an un-
dbclosed number ol ahares
of MAXAD's common stock.
The three companies
specialize In tbe manul'~
turing of precision macblnt
parts snd 1sstmblies med in
ordnance, aerospa~ and com·
mcr'cial industrte.s. In the
three yun ended June t•,
the privately held companies
averaged annual sales of $1 .9
million and net earnings or
Plant racllltla include 31,000
!QUltt feet Of offj~ and
manufacturing spa~. Produc-
tion areas are equipped •i'ith
modern. automated machinery
for precision manufacturing.
Allen Arvan Monis. MAX-
AD president. said "All three
are successful companiel witb
proven records of sales and
Lorge Engineerin1 w a s
founded tn 1958 by Wl!Uam
H. C I a r k, Manapment . ol
Large and the two Clark Grif-
fith con<'tms will conUnue to
Include Clark, his two brotben
, Vernon Clark Jr. and Lowen
M. Clark and James H. Grtf·
Move Offices
Architects D. J. Daniel Jr.
& A.w>eiltes, have moved
from company quarters at 901
Dover Drive, Newport Beach,
to offices at 1m Santa Ana
Ave •• Costa Mesa.
Prior to moving to the
Harbor Area. Daniel was a
partner ~'ilh the firm of
Powell & Daniel In Long
Co.st Hi&tnllr 1ft left fole11NM1. Udo Island in -rial'!l hand comer. Uri:e wilboats in channel •tt tied up in front of blrren ,,.a which is the location of Bllbol Bay aubtodq Stttilh Promoted
IEIEIBEB IEllPDll • ·11411 Planning Research Corp.
has promoted John R. Snlitb
to prtnclpol, hlshest rant on
the f1n11 '1 technical .wi, He
ts a member of the Tactlcal This is Ne"""'1 l946 .. }.tlit~ar-t11'M lester, Ryans & Co, opened the ir
original otie.s in tl>ia.c!IY• lho litst bral<fr,ge fitm In the erea. 'roday,
we .,., pr1*11 to bt ~las'.the *"'' ·res,[onal brokerage trrm in
Southern tllllfomlo•'#ith 15 Offices thr""""°ut the,Southlan<l, •
new otftces ~atu~ the finest i :elftctronic communications equipme;nt, Data Sy;sltms Department in including~ computer-di rected t~type network which allows rapid 'tfl~f ~ 8-cb.
contact· with the New York and American Stock Exchanges, as well as • ~1Snuth~~~ ~h
direct telephone lines to the Los Angeles main office. andesa hia
bftn with p~
The entira sta ff of lester. Ryons & Co. invites you to visit their new Research Jdnce the two firms fecil~les: merl'd In 1•.
We take pttdt In announcing that "" have moved ou' Corona Del Mar
faciliti8s to a new l°""fiq\."The Rftancial Plaza, Newwt Cent,.-. These
• LESTE~ .. RYoNs~ & Co. LOCAL
• i
Newport Financial Plau
550 Newport Center Drive
Irvine Towor. No. I
Newport, Californi• 92660
1 "
N, •th•t P1••11t•11'•' ftllt Y••
lllttt, .... ,., city, .......... .
t•i11t •n h1 tit• Go,,,,_ °''"t-Cttst thtn tht DAILY •tLOT •
• , ·Ma Listens
" " ~;
. " ' .. •A ' /}'
·-. ' ' '
. '' . ~ ··. , ..
·' .-t;:~
• • • Just
That's . Mo
:. •· ...
You Can 'listen' to ~11 lanijera -. ' ,. .
Deily in The DAILY PILOT
\ ~'
- --~ 0 #--_.. ·--F .. ·---··~----~=====-=···=-=· =·:!;"r,"'; ... ==~~~~
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' . . .
' '
' ,.
' '
. . : '; . ' . '. .
. ''
I ,
' . . .
' Don't iust SIT there!
' ' Grab hold of the ·
' '
· .. · BIG action today!
Dial Direct:
Just .say: ''CHARGE IT!"
I NO!ft Collllty, 540· 1220, to1 free J
$ ·· OR
. ;:Let .PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ·
. -. -.. • .
- ' , I
••• -
' . -•
< .. , . . •
'" ..
• ' ' ' !
' ' ' • ' . I
' ' '
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• • •
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• ' '
' I
DAILY PllOT _,, AlrU 21, 1'69
.-U IS HEltlEIY GNEH ht llW tJ,1.-~ IU,al.::ltC~flOT ClwDtf::' ITATI 1u,1ato11 COUltT Of' TMI Nan.CE 10 COi.'fl'IUCTOllS f.M.\ Gunma.a ~ ltllnt ffl klllllf *' MWllll .. '!""1~ MfTICI: TO fOU OJO CAL.1.-0ll:llltA ~ ITATI OI' CALILl'CMlllllA "oa eo--•-"-Kt-I.a .. Mr N •----.~ _,....,..~·~".Mill lw "" .... o--..a IU, ••• COUI ... TMI Tiii COUNTY °" ~· THI COUffTY Of' °"".... ~ Am. ---... -oa~ -
11\lcpllwlp l5cpb .. /p Dqihw/p
31Cpbwlp 111·-('lry" C.... MtM W • ....,... Ill ITATm °' CAU"«~Po. Ma. MMQ a A-CDll ~ Date April 11. l• rodman Jf\okptnr/p J5cpbw/p
_, -~)=I ,,., oou..:n °" c!:::.:. gf LOltEnA M. lllOCAA ~c:·,:..:::a~.: ''it.':: la of I f'80lutioa of tbe Board el~· ... Heavy duty repair~
ICE ti ,UltTHI• GIYEN tlwf. ~--flOlllH4H~Jr.. NOl lCi. II HllUY •rv•• .... WIU. ... '" LST't'9~TUT .. ,, 1ha ~County FkJod Control w lidallted Alri1 l'9. mlD'I helper 30cpbwlp SOcpbwlp{J) IDcphw/p
el -=:·~-::lie=• .. = u:~E .,is.:E.':!!Y ,::.o .:.= ~9:1':: :=,:: C:.. ~ ~ :':'~":"' DOllCAS OA\111 DI JOMQ, ... ~ tb1s notice NOTICE lS BERBB\' GIVIN that US I.Iyer ol. no& • 'fl~=-~-thlll ._, 111 "" :!' .:~ ":.i,t..,:-.:::= :-= ~ ......... -ni!' ~:,~ .. Iii. ~( ti Hlll:IEIY Gl'IDI ,.,., .. a.rt cl illd ~ ;\ti receive la Boa • ill .. CountJ .,..C1IUc plpe lncluding
" -... -..... IM Clh' .. ..... ..... "" _....,. __...., • IM ---" ... Ulrt. -... •lliM '-rttY ~ N•lleilltl ~ -.... ~ Bulldina. $J.5 Nortb ~ ......... Au ..... plpt.. drain ptpe ~~ = :i::.,~~,::'°'~ :i,•._~ :.:....-=:::.,.....:::,•~11"';;i wltil ::r",..:C,::"!: .,,,w .,~~;:~ .... • bdcn tbe bour of 2:GO p.m. of April 11. ti9. ...... and~
..... 1111111 -M. Ille _.,..,., WUdlctt. II tht ,• .......... .-l.t-a;;.: " IOIEHL.:; ..,, 4T .... 1•....., to P.,...._., -«' ~ for 1he ~ of ~er.IE tilt 24\kpbw/p lkpbw/p .w1.o: Nrll 11. '"' ~..,._ •1 .,.. "''" "' 11" ·~a DWY«it. A~ ,,. w11t111,.. • ................ '°' ~ •• _..,.__ · • tnia Santa Ana ru·-C!cwft!-to ~ -t.11 'Mlilr Md eaulktt lit E. NCTH W•lltU, .,_.. enf C1111f1. tD 0.-~ SI.II"' M. L.-A elm. W 1Nt t11e ,_.end Plew f/lf"""""' Ille .._ DJ-' -' ... CHIEF OF l'OLICE Drlv.. sun. Nwm"" :it, Nt-.ort ~ ~ ... ,.,,, ~ If ff\f ~"'"' ...... "" ... "'for Mn '· ..... riM lldl IDllll be made on tbe form. prvvided -tbe ~ " all DOIHDttallic .......,r,-;-..,0.1,.. c°''' 0.
1" ~~~ ~1="':;..~fi",! ~ :\~i..:'tt,':1: ,....,_ ~,~.,.:-~ .. ~: ~ :-; .... '" .. ':i:.':'':': .. ~.:.:a•J.:.: addreued to the Clerk ol tile Board ol Supe:rtlw' °'11111 pipe joiab M'ncpbw/p 2'cphw/p . . '•lllinlf f9 the 9'Mto "' ,.,. -...nt ..... ~ ... "'"' ,_ '"'""'' attw 1n ,.. ctty ., a."'' Ml. c.--. County Flood Control Diltnd., muW "Bid hr RectGlb'ctlOa C.JI ()pentars ad tenders = LEGAL NOTICE ;:ii:,~":'::.'"*' ""' tlflt MllQo ... 0::' :~11."1."r,.~ t1111 lllflc.t. °'"" "":. ':: ~~JOHN. of Santq ~ Cbanoel''. tL Po"tm'ltic ad o.,.. AP•U .. '"'· uNrrEo ~1"0~10A MNI(,. • ~" c1tnt.. Didi Mall be IOI' flarDllblnr all labor, equipment and electrlc tool&, d>rat..
• a•T1,.1u.;f: ~·· t:z~·.,~111 ;w~J~'r."~=--=tf!..,... =s•• •~au.a. Dllteri&I• ill aceordanot wttb Plw end SpeclDcatita there-lltc mwllhw ud l'l(TITIOUt, " ... llllM IMll'WCI H¢tOltlt A11111tnt Vlor Pt"11.l9ftll M---' ..... C•'*""'1e for for the follow~t: lhDller mechanb1
TIW ""*"''-""' .,... ' • '-w..._. .,._ t11111 C..1o E11ewtor o1 t111 wm T••r 010 .Mt-MM ,,... _...., -... •--..t.. (~ -•·•· ~ 1 Ml!fts " -W. c.t QI ......... ,.... ,._., 1' ti Ille 1bove """'"'<Mc:edlflt "''-" '-'" ~. vr n..-.. ••~ -._ _,...-., i::llf/IW1¥. .,.__, ~ c........ .._. ...... c...r.. SOIMLllit .. DWT•• l"VblltMO Or-GHii Dell'f' l"llol, Item 1 1 E:icavaUaa " auetPllCI protection matutal on dmtned berela)·· M~w/p 2.Scpbtrl p ..,., ""' lldltllolll "'"' -., Tt41 "'*OM)...., ,.,.........,.. • ......_ wi. • A1r111r. 11, "-,.., UMt I 1...--i-.1 w CM-• ...____.__d
HAUO• MAIL lllCI tMt .... ........ ........... .....,. Lit ·--CMltllir.i. ,..., a wnp lllDl -· -~ --~"'~!I ':, ~lg 7,.::: ~ tt1~-1 ~ ~ ~:i.::::.,.. LEGAL fiCYrJCE Item 2 15,$15 Cubb~ ' ....... .::,,imported. eomptlded nu OD a per man
la .. fol ...... : r , ~llillell Of.,.. <.Mt! ~fly Piie!, ...-,. CU K: Y • ~ Truck Greuer'
••""' L. v.....,.. • w~INtw I.BOAL NOTICE AMI 1. 14 :n. • 1Ht ,.... ci•t1,.tc.t.n: Of' • .,.,.,.. lbl klrtco1nc quautltiel are •=•inl.lte oaly, beina: ctven and dremaa 4Scphw/p tocphwlp A ..... N$'_, alld\. c.. uM011 ll'ICTITIOVI ,., •• ,...... ~ibMll £.... -... ---'--J mad • ...._ Or•••• "'~·-(v t.n Water '---'-dri-o.-1Mrct1 ,., ,... ...... LEGAL NOTICE ,,. -.len ..... CENTAU• I,.. ... -... ......,.__... 114' -.. VUUll # ..--·~ stM-E OF'g,'tiF~.lit~~ C..,,.IC4,.. o. •1.ttM• vt:nMENT co-•,.o••T10M Of' o.tt'Dl Dlstrict doll DOI.,~• by impllcatioo. (ader J5CIO pllons) 45cpbwl p 40cphw/p
OAANGE couttlY : ,.. uri!~!.!'"=-,.. 111 curiPICA;~"': •usiM•u ~L•::,~.., !..,'*i:;1i;-*"" ., .,._ that pae K'tual amount of wort will car1tip0Dd thertwltb, US Water truct drtwr
..:,,. ""':':1c ~ ~':· ~Ml";';.,,.• .......... • .__ .. '*' ~ . lllC'flTIOUS Mo\MI • "" """ " .. ...,. Ill ~ ... but reMrVtl tbt right 10 lnen111 .. dlcruM ibl amount ol ay <•·to -pllona:) 45cphw/p 40cphw/p
24\lcphwl p l!cphwl p 3lcphwl p
30cpbwl p
30cphwl p
:socphwl p
.,.._.,"" •-'" ctilPll L v~ ~ck:::8.::.."""'-c.~'i:E ~C-:"::M': ~''\Zin"'"~~~=.,.-=...::...'::: eM or purtila ti the wart, U 1D1,Y be 4'*1«1 ,,......, 01 lJNllDIDi.doR
11-: s'.:w:-t.:-::: tt1t"":'1tt1:"'::' SON DIEW\..OPMINT COMf>AHY ........... ,.. ~llft v111roo. c.~ ............ ""' " II tr__,_ • ~.lent by the laid Diltrict. .,.,, 1'1qman 24i,;cpbw/p ZSCphw/p 32cphwl p
' ~ 8NI Kii-~ M °'°111d :r~l=MI ..!:. ':.... °"'= : :: ~i:-:r.:1.!~"'11:':."i: ~ ::n;:• ~ r~:~tt':'"': . All bldl ~ to be compared Cll tbt bull ot the. fcnpiq S.17 Laborer 2.f~cphw/p 25cphw/p 32cphw/p ~-u •IMI •lice" rw.io-. " .. to111ws: " t11e fo11ew1,. --..,_ ..,. c111fiorrr1t • ....,. "" ..... ...,. w tl¥'1t tcbedule of work items. Ul W1tchman U'hcpbw/p 25cpbw/p 32cphwl p
I •1 ..... Me ..... IC. KetltY JOtill C~IM. Jr., lOtl ••l•. ~. fllll .... •*-flf r~ .... of CIENTAU• •NVEST,1,1,fJfT ~oa. Minimum. wage rites for Udl .,....,,t-4 have been~ Welden: Sime w•oe rate u craft to which welding is Notlf'I' l"ubllc C1lll9'nl1 llNCtr, C.lltonll•. • frol!Owl ; l"Ot1A1ION. •t 11'11 follOWI,.. 1ec;en.., r•S--• -P•l11<1"1 ort1c; ir. 01i.1 Mlrd'I 12. 1Ht, 41frld F. LM. 111n W•t<:eu~""· . u• M. T•flll All......., ,....,. AN. m!Dld by U. Board of Supervlaora and are Mt ln th1I lncidentll (ucept as ocherwise separately classified)
Or• .... Courm' 1 STATE~ ~:~~-~r .... I ~= :"':!"'= •• ~ c~itr ~"'T''i. ""' IOI& -"' 11141 nadct. (J) travel time is considered u time worked z c:'T~;;kHI El!I .-. OllANGI! toUNTY ) II L111e. Hunll,....,. ·~· Cl~L IMIMtl .. OllllltnM:tlld ..... "" Ni Abbnvlations used in the ldtldule of Jrtldet.lnnlMct -~ (2) includes JOc phwl p tor bolidaya ' C 11 D1l1Y Pllot On IMrc:h 11, lHf, ~ tne. I JaM dt LI Hl'fft lJID 1--flr dler --¥ ,.,_ ,,.. ""-hid........_ 1-_&,...,. · --'th plo 1~ .1-ti.... -•• 1 ---' _..._. _.. i. ••-"' --'----->a.I ""~~-111 o~~, U,,.21 lfff _..; NolltY ,.Wbllc In '"" ~ 1-1\d Slile, LIM. Hlll'ltlntton •eedl. C.1""'91t. """""' ..,,., "" lllC.I ., rMldtrPIU • 9\-.IQ ....., ...... hon "' em ycr Pl)'IDtDta: U.Wll.I w -.I.I •1'g -...... istence payme1.11.11 w ~ WUI a.s1.1ln ~ 1" ' ' ' "•-lit" •-•rlld Jollfo C•toilne, -••. 0o<11 Ju ... d• 11 Hive, nv:n t:,... ""' it. prlndNI •lie. " M1111p " band columm are identified as faDow•· to eucute tbe wu-k shall be made as such travel and IUbsist·
• LEGAL NOTICE kftowll fo 11'11 to bl 1M ,..,_ wholie Wll•t Line. HUr'lll119IOt1 telcll. C1lff• lm N. "flllllt1 AWl!ut. llllf1 A/I.I, ,..._ "'-·-"'--' ' ._._....._.. ..1..r.--.1 • the J'··•le u.~l •··gal· "I~ 15 avblulbe<f "' !he wl!lll" In-ornl1. Cllllomt1. ....... per DUI.I.I" WCll'uiu ence .....,....._. .. are o.naluo:u in •PP J\;411 COl!C':~ ve lHU n• --.·.----,c,c_c,...,.------1;~':,': 1nd ~~ uecutH 011ec1J:~r<J:, ~ ~'::, ,:;.~TED: T1111 :nm "" • N.lr,11. pbw/p per hour worked or paid jq qree:mitDtl filed in •etordaoce with Section 1773.8 of the
I •• 'lUPll:tllO• COUtlT o" THI: (OFFICIAL SEALI Dor l, Junt ff 11 HIYt CENTAUlit IN\"ESTMINT Pursuant to the provWona "' Section 1770 d the Labor ~ CGde.
• S1'ATll: o" (ALl"O•NIA l'O• lloblrt W, 1"1/fll(IO •ou ~ 11 H1y. COlitPOlll.llON OF Cod• ol ••• -··-of CaJ'•-1.. ...._ 11:1 ... _ .... _. eo .. __ ..__ .. __ At*utkm ii directed to the provisions of Labor Code ~ • ~ THI COUNTY o" OllANOI Noll/1' Public All•9d F. lH CALIFOttNLA. I coi••tlirt . " ...... l.C u-........ uv.iu """' -~ ·-· ~
• • Ne. A-Still "C1llfol'!ll1 STATE OF CALIFOllNlA I av 8. e. (IPll...,., ascertained the generaJ prev-111 .... rate ol .... aad em~ t1on lm.5 concerning employment of apprentlca. flOT~ll: OJI Hl!AtllNG 01' llllllTION "•lncllll Offi« In COUNTY OF ORANGE ) to Vice Pr111d111t f •··th ........ ...._ _._ It -·1--..Jo •• _._ -·"'~tr ct Jo ' tr·'··
i ll'Oll P•O.ATll: O" 'WILL AND Or11'!1t COUlllv 0.. #Mrc~ n. Ifft, befart me, 1 l!ly W. A, Moon payments fW ucaJ and welfare, VKI--, t--i iDd •-.--.-..w-.;w1;s Or ;>WA.VU 8 OCS emp ymg . .......,,... LITTlllS TllTAMINTA•Y My Commlulotl Ell•lrn Not11Y Pubtlc i., lllCI fOI i1ld Sl•t~. Aulsl1fll Sttrt!lf'I' purpoaet: to be IS followl • IDeD in 1DJ apprmticeabJe OC<:IJp&tion to apply to the applJcabJI ' t.,, Al TON a. cax. Oect111d. Aut 13, 1m "™""'"" ·-lted Al ttEO F. LEE, STATE OF U.LIFOllNIA I • ~ =.· ~ . . f rtili •• of I d • CE u HEtlEl!IY GIVEN Tilal •O•l!llT w l"llMAOO. .tTTO•NlY •oss de •• HAY!, JOHN "" ,, HAYE, COUNlY OF LOS ANGELES ) u 8aslc Rate mrw1• p.,...u .... • comrruttee or • ce lCaw: approva an l nu1111h H. co• 11as 111te1 ... ,.in • NII-Ml ~ ~ 5'11M, 1• •nd 001111 JUNE " i. HAYE ,,_,, o... 11111 nrri U Y • IMWI, 1Ht. Per Jim" Qauifk.U. B _. w Vllead. ...... ratlo of 1pprentiCl!S to journeymen used on tht tlon for ••obllt d wlll tnd for K-K• <If ..__. 9IMll, C....,,.J.e ~ fl IM la bl the "'"Kl"' wtloSot "'"'es blior. me litutl'I AtlrlrnlOI\, • nollf'I' .._.,, ,.. L1lfln Tnt1..-llr\' '° PtlH!cMr. T-41 (n4) ..a-1rn ,,, 1vb9crlbld .. ""' wllllln ln,ltvmtnl l>Ubllc In Ind for llkf Ceunl¥ Incl SKILLm LABO& ouuuac..
Pcl'"1<K'I to wr.lcri 11 meoe W tur!Mr ,.,.lllllH Or-COlsl 01111 Pllot, •tld 1dttwiwleckled !Mr tx1e1111111 "" s111,, res iding fhtreln, 11u11 commlPkillM 1r:; 33 C•~ 1 ........ Ip .._._Ip ·~~Ip Cootrador may be l'#lt'luired to make contributions to appreo-;...111a11.1-.. 1tld 11111 llW llff'lll Mid PIK• Mlrdr 31 ...., ~I 7, ll, 21. lfff ll03-ft .. ..,.. Ind ·--"· atnolll~Y •P""''" •• •. ,.,. -r-n er -I"''" -...... ,,,..,...... H-'"h. • -,
., i.e.•i... t111 .. ""' .,., -"'"" M¥r 10FFtC1AL sEALI CAl"L 1NGE1t 1<nowr1 ,. ""' "' bl t11t 5.13 Cement MUOD 40cphw/p 3kpbw/p 35cpbwlp _....., pracrama. . '· ""'· II r:JO 1.m .. ln flll _,,.,_,. .,, LEGAL NOTICE .... Jl(.U•lhie•'·· ...... , Vici Praicllnt, lllCI w. A.. Moon ~-ft 5 .. ~--···· or ....... t Conb-=s« and IUbcontractors shall also comply With See-0..rt!Mfll No. 3 el Nkl (Ol.lrl, II 1111 IN Pu ~t flt lll1 to IN 19 bl 1111 Auliltnl S.U.'lf'I' · '-'VIJl,;.I 1.'11:: -...-. • Welt'-Elthlll SlrHI. In llW City " Stntl ........ , Cou1'1¥" °''"" ol CENTAUtl tNVES"T'olENT co•-.spre.ading mecbanical tloa 17'71.I in tbe employment of app~nbces.
,.,., C1Hfotlll1. HOTICI TO can11'01itl ""•' -. 1"'•n""' tulrft POllATION OF CALIFORNIA. lt<f "'" tam . I R .. l..1.1.... For information relative to apprenticeship ---01"41 ""''It 21, lfff IT o-THI ir...., • POllfkHI wtlldl uK\lted 1111 •111111' In-ping Qr •--. , • • , _ w. E. sr JOHN, s,"'.11it•a $!"', _, .. ••• '°•~i•T~!-,,,_,, 11e1t1 M tllfl ...,.,_ PD ..... machl-:•·· oL....1p .....,.,./p(l) -•wlp tact Dlrector GI. Industrial Relat10m, San FrancLSCO, California. COU!ltv Cler\. T TE OI' .... I ... ·---.. ...... fl bl 1111 ........ wllo ueQl!ed Ille ·-.... -JIU" ....... j"U ........... , n; • ..1.1--Z 1.-u~"'' ...... ~_,,.,....._ b ·--· .u;-WIL&U• I!. OUINT & THE '°~'"1,,:UOUMOE IU7 WMklltl Drl.,., Swlle * w!llllfl tMtrurnetil err bel'll• ef 1!\lt cor-5,03 Driver ol p truck or U1T-W '"f'I'"-.. ... ._.p .;n.&11\141..., r-.i....u UUA.~.
J. CJ.l,.ll'O•o AttGUll:, Ell111i vi litOLLA WILLIAM WALLING, N...-t .... , \'.!:'JJ.e ~ PWlllotl lwrtln n1rned, •nd tl'it¥ (16 yards but lMI than APPRENTICE SCHEDULE ~-'!!::', =.""'"' •• ~ w. w1n1,.., M• lit. w. W•lllflt. l"Wll"'"' °''"" c-i 0111Y io11o1. ~~'.' "" 11\lrt uld co,_.tlon ~yards water level) 45ephw/p 40cphw/p 30cphw/p hrtMI and Rate L•~ Clllllr'llll ttMt ~~m IS HEtlEIY GIVEN "' .... "'111 ,, 14 "· 21. 1"' UMf IN WITHES$ WHl!litfOF. • hlw 5 49 Driver ot dn .... ft truct The • ...-.. tice nle: II by percentage of the journeyman'• Ttl; 1210 ..,,.., uMUon Ill fM ....,., ...,,.... ~I hertilrthl HI my lllnd Ind I.Ml "" • --rr·-. . . "ttWMn 1w ioet11i.-. tl)pl ,11 __,. """"" c1rii1n11 -11111 LEGAL NOTICE ""' •iv 111111 .,.., ""' • ....,. wr11t1n. (2:5 yards 01t more rate unleSI othenvtse indicated
"'1t111111tt1 Orin .. CNit D•I!~ Pno1. !hi i..ld' dKedlrlt ·~ ,_,1,.., "' till •••••••• -·••., '"' •w111 AlltitmlOl'I water level) (11 .. .i... Cnft lnta"fal bl %acl 3nf 4&11: 5&11: Ilk 'ltll II) A"'ll 11, 2:t 21. 1,.. ,..._., """' wllll 1111 fll'(:ISMlry voudoel'i "' ...-Nol.,-y PllbHc In 1/ICI for ..,...., ::.::.:.::.:=-=-=-cc:==c---l11w ~lee ol IM cltrl( of tht .bow ST•Tll: Oii CALl,.O•MIA l'O• ~•Id CtKm ty •nd $1alt unit or comblnltion Carpenters • months 75 78 81 84 t:l 90 93 ti
LEGAL NOTICE '"1111 ... coutt, or ta 1r1H11t llltm, wnll TMll: COUllTY o" CMl;AN•• M• comml•tlon •~Pires of. vehicles) 45cphw/p ""'""'wl p ·~phwlp Cement Masons a month& 75 79 83 87 91 95 .~----==-----jllll ...cu1-11"1 vouc:htr" 11 llW un-""'· A~:IS16 June 11, ltn ~Y'' ....,.. . . p..mu w11oned 11 t11e ""1c. et 111e1r •"-•'· 0•011:• TO swow cAu11 SS11-oc . 5.11 Equipment Grea.ser 30cphw/p 30cpbwlp &Ocphw lp Rein!orc1ng
6 months 77 13 1 c11T1:i<:,m1:i~u~'.:M11: =E~!:~~ H~!!'R ~:'..oGr:""~!:c~'. 11, :t!• c,:::• 0; N"f': TH u lit ~~1'3j~11C1°i":i1 ,,c~:',,,0~~. ~; 5.03 Driven of Transit· Ironworker T USIN•~ ~ _.. cmttv !Ml ... C•llforftll nw, wh1c~ I• IM plac:t WLAOOVSICY, ALICE v I c T 0 RI A Mb; Trucks (3 cubic Structural
I ~~,,;': bullllH• It J10 .. , .... ndo ol bullllftl Of Ille unde"ltl\ed 1" •II WLAOOVSKY, MICHAEL A lit TM u R LEGAL NOTICE vards •• -·•) ·~phwlp ........ Ip ·~hwl Ironworker 6 mohthl 1'1 11 as 19 t3 97 ' tM 11 1ttlllll ......... ..,......,_ "' 1111 ntata o1 WLAOOVS~Y..1 Ind JAMES ALLlN # -.. ..,. ""'" ~Y'' ......._... p • , :11?!!1· .~:1a~ni..u.=l.Pw Kt~o a ... w 111c1tc11111. wtt111t1 rour "'°""" .ri.r wuoovs1t"1', ~ a-.." "-P-'!Htl 1.03 Pence erector 30Y.zcphw(l) 25Cphw(l) JOcphw(J) The rate of compenaatioll for tny classification not listed
"" " nd ""' kl ll•ffl II "" Hnt PllbtlClllOf'I of thli Nllu.• Tiit -~llctflon Ill Arthllr WIHovi.kv, CIJITIFICATI OF CO•l'OllATION 5.. G ··-· ••• ·~phwlp ~phwlp(2) ph in the s hedul b l • ...&.I-lo. .:..... ....... uired •• -I the AJtotlATf$, • .. wt.. g Nd ..,,111. Ifft Allcl Vldorll Wladrtlky, Mkllltl ANhur DOING &USIMISS UMOIR . r~.ec~ """"' .JUI.; 60c w/p c e, u Wl(lgl may uoi: ..... "' u~ .. u e pro-:"'~ 0:U1~.!;1"';~ ~"7~,,.-1
Or<llit• o. 1!111111 ~~ end of J-Al":., 'f'-111kv l'ICTtT1ous NAMI 1.46 Heaoq duty posed contract, shall be MmmeNlll'ate and in accord with ~
.. -<1o1!vft; F ncto .. ..., ~ ..... '!":'t1o11 c..1i,_.. ..,. '~ 111 ":rt. .... T ...... ~1: ::: .!."~~0~1rt,:1~N~ 1~~~':.~~°.: repairman 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(J) IOcpbw/p rates 1peclfitd ror similar « ampar1ble duties. c."w:.~1~11.01NO, :tit -""' ' co-hlcvtort :i!!.. ti•1J!..'.!~"':, . .!'.!!!....:"111u•'=-~~~· • w11 •111Hl1 .t • ll'nllioti 11111111. Nr.-1.56 Motor pUrol Provided that not less than lYa times the prevailinJ rate
Qlllcl• DK.mbe :JOtll ,... ., "" Wiii Ill ... .... "_.. -~· ...,.., ur Mrl lhKtl. C•litorni. l.Mldtr ""' fldllloin _.. I shall be Id f ..... ,;_. In of • h KING c•o;NO . . •llo¥t flllMll dllC*tlllt WllclrllkY .... JI-AllM WIHcivsllr "'"' -.,, WIGS eY VANCl l'EP'I I,., operator 30cphw/p -.... • p(2) IOcphw/p Pl or any wor ..... -excess ours 10 any
STAT.E oF CAL•Fo11N1A l :::..:T':"u.MOWs•• AJIO •••u.Hn = n,::s,..: :.""'ci::=r.-:-~~'TH't•~ '"''"""'me~ 111c1,...~1tton,1=.1t. s.• Pavement breaker one calendar day and tor Satunta)'I; Sundaya and 7 ltgal holl· cou~TY OF olitAHGE ti!," 1 U4t C:.:.. °".,. LADO. ALKE v1cTOlitlA LA o o. P•1~,t.~~ ~1~:. tom 's.-:.i. ,,,,.._ operator 30cphw/ JOcphw/p tocphw/p dlys, to wit: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, ~'::::.,.::~~'rt 1 N..=: N.....n...., <..._..nut "',"",•,E!-.. ~THUlit LADO •llCI JAMES 'MIL 11nt• Monie.I. C.11'9mle s• Piledrivennan .. ..Y .. e p Labor Day Veterans Day Tb.an.kql:rin,i Day and Oui.stmu. fft • lor ici St 1 ' ,_ ..... Tll: Cn41..... AL ......_.._ D1Md: M1rch U. 1•. • ' ... "'6 F 1 Iha' •-· 'c1ay ••· di hall be •ut111c •llCI c M :,:;.,..",. AltlnitTI ,.. c.-~ New. tt.rlforr. ti 11 l'ientlv .rft""' !COil,.. SEAL! or dock -....... oter 36cphwlp ZScphw/p •~•wlp or ess n B ........ rs per , ..,. per em rate s that ......... Kl"' rollllo -P11Dlldwd Or1rot Co.II D411J 1"11'!11, ...C flt'Kllll, lllat Ill --ll'illrettrd CAllNA.IY WIGS -r-....._,,., f t• f the f . diem •-th t the ~. f .. llf'""' ,..,.... whole ,....,. 11 1~ """1t 1 1.., t1 » 1,., ,,.... 1 .. 1o11ct m•tlt• 11a 1pt111r befor• 11111 G 1Hll..., s.r-tll. 5.11 Power concrete CID'· rac ion o orego1ng per n-a DWQ.,.;i. o
"" 'lo 1111 wlllllll 1"'""""'"*· -' ' ' C-' 111 DIPlrtmtnl J err the rth P~ld ... t ino mac••·· -~-r ~ I •~phwlp(2) *"-" Ip hours worked bear to I hours edl_...._. lllll 11t uecvtld 1111 _., LEGAL NOTICE AT ., Mn. '"'' el t :• .. cltdl A..M., STAT!' OF CALl,.OlllNIA > -.. •mn:: -,.-•-.. ...,..,...,w P .....,. ........... w p ·ded th not ·,1.._._.:.,.. .. ., the al · · (Si.l.ll Ill .. 111 d•I' "' ....,., Clll,. ""' ""COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) n 5.11 Power concrete rovt at Wlu~\,&.11--. geoer proVlSIODI alft· ~:~~u':iicG;;!1~11C1 •PPllctUOll '°' m.,,.. .,, Mmn sheluld °" 1111s 2n~ d11 .,, Ml•eti. A.O. AW ""'""•tor ~wlp 30cphw/p(I) an.-hw/p tained here.in, Flagmen, Guard& and Watchmen shall be paid 11.Wlt 1'1111 Ill 1r1nled, Ifft bfolrt rM, I Noll".!' Publlc Ill _,...... """"t"' .....,.., no( Jes th } J,1, f the --1n .. ,. le f rti ( ,:~1i:;.,u~ 5''" c 1 o.i1v ,.11et, c1•r1111c•r• °" •u11N111 11 1t turtMt e.ee,. th11 • COP• 1...i'tor ,.;o COUtl!Y ind 5111.,, _"" I .JO Rtlnforcing s an unes pr ............ ra or ove me over-
..,;1 J, H, 21,7.' 1,.e:1 ,,,.., f1CTITl°:1._~_:1M .,,.,., ~ .... ~~ .. ~~sT111 ci~i""~i~T. "': ~":., :~P~i c:;::.: ironworker 301,;:cpttw(l) 25cpltw(J) 30cphwtl) time shall be t.ime worked in uceu of I ~ per day ~ 40
LEGAL NOTICE • ..,,.,.,-. _ .... ~ • .2"""--, •per"' t':""'',"""...,1111111. .,lfllillll_ ""' executtd ""' w1111111 11111rumt"' C111 J.27 Roller operator 30cphwlp 30cphwlp(2) 60cphw/p hours per week), and the stnllbthoprevaihng rate for tune
mll • ,.. I • ..,.. ·~· " .. ~... I -........ "' llw (Ol'JIOr1tkHI tllwtift ~. It .... R bber tired i.~ worked on Saturdays Sundays .. ..A lldays where such time •----~~=~~=,,--lllullMH a Ml IMIVldlrlel II 10 NC11'11'r wwlt fot fo\11' •ucao1tly1 Wlllt• 'Prior •M icknowlldtrd to "" fl'lllt well •·• U • 1 •-Y)' . • . -. SUl"t:lllO• COU•T 011' TNll: Gll•Mll. Or-. Ml Hoflll Tw!I ... "' IM d•W DI ... w ,,..,1..... COrtlOl'l!lon ~xewtrd Ille 1111'11. duty high speed does not constitute overtime. . .... .,TATI o" CALll"O•lllA l'Otl o-. •flct ... llflUtti o. s'""". Tuttln, Oll9cf 11111 Utll "'of t.Wrc~. ,,.,, WITNESS"'" lllflll lfld ... 1. hm. • h' Bidders' attention is called to the above mentioned Statute THI: COUNTY Of! o•ANOI Cllllflllrftla. ..., .. tlctlflcM """ "'"" .............. TllO!n"°" !OFFICIAL SEAL.I eart oVUJg mac me wh. . .
• Ne ..... 2rn o1 ca o 'f'A•OME sHOP w 111t1 '"'"ld1N Judte Euir-a.rm111 operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(S) 60cphw/p tch will require them, i£ awarded.the contract, to pay not frfot1C1 o" weA1ttNo OF P1T1r10N .... firm 1e corr...-c1 of 1111 to11ow1n1 " "~:J~rw ceo.rrt No11"' ,.uto11c • c11114r11I• Screed 1 30cph / 30cphw/p(l) ·~pbw/p Jess than said general per diem rate of. wages aet forth to all FOJI P•O.AT!. 0'" "Otll!GN WILL""""' ...... "-In "'" ..... •l•u _.......... Prf!ldNI OlflCIP In 5.27 opera or w p VU!,; • • •
dO PO• Ll!TTt•• Tll:STAMIN"TAlitY "'''-'ldlnllt •L·c~ .. -,:-•• 1 r;~1°~~.~~L=•• 111 •••••• ,u.,:Rl'w'r,,. c-1v 5.46 Skiploader operator, lclaborhters, workmen and meeharucs employed m the execution Eif••• Oii HAllOLO 1!1, WINKELMAN, I J-··~·r. .. , I "'"''""" MMll. C""'1llt""" A • '---I I ~I t proposed contract. oece1ted 4deml, Ore•, c. ......... · A ,.,. A M ...... ,......, Wuec ype over 7'4 ....__ bldde b . "•"' ....,_ I ;red •--NQTICE IS H!tlE&Y GIVEN Ti..l D•Nd N.lrdr 20, ltff. '=~ Or .. c COi I 0 II P\101 111111 UOI yard up to and llle r must SU m1t Wha ua propasa a certul Cu.,,,;k :.=• .;, v;:·::i:.~·~ fl~";~ STA ft 1;..~t1,.CO•~l1e111 1 ...,n '· 14 11, :."'tM 1 1
• w...t :!: :::;,: ~.:::;:.r:,.... including l lh yard.s 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(J) IOcphw/p or bidder's bond. m~de payable to ~ order of tht Orange County
Wlll "' 1111 1bo:> .... 111mtd dtJCtdtnl llMI .... COUNTY OF O•ANGE I n tm« $ 56 Ski load tor Flood Control District for an amou:at not less than 10 percent of "" i.u1nc1 e1 t.lhit'1 tHt•"'4'111•rt to 0n MwO a 1H1, lllllft me, • LEGAL NOTICE Publi~ o ... , ... c"•tr D•llr "11111· · P er opera ' the ~•o•(e aum of the bid, u a .,,.,.antee that th bidder will Plllllonlf" ., 111tc111r1,, l"Wl•l'W'l<I fo wtildl Not•l"f PuMc 111 •1141 "" Mid C:iuflf\I ""''" 1, ,,, v. 2l. lHf ..., wheel type over ....-•-: e .
i. ftllCll m tur111t1 p1r11cu11"' 11141 *'! •!Id st1i.. ,.,_,It" .,.._,.,. J'"': NlllM 112 yards 30c h Ip 30cph ; (2) 60cph / enter the proposed contract within 5 calelldar days if the :,i:=::.':",:1.1,:.c;,=.1r::;.:~ ~ ~~dlflllct.._...__._11 ...,.-:r1111d c•:!::~•:,,r..~:·:~~~IOM LEGAL NOTICE 823 s tructuril and orN· p 'If w p w P same ls awarded.to him,~ ia evtnt of failure to enter into
m flll COlll1rflMI.,, °""'"'""""'No.. I et"',... wlllllft "'~.....!...~~led•· ll'ICT1TIOUS llAM• MOTICI TO c•IOITOl:I . m-tal ,·ron-•·r JO""""w(l) ........ (!) 30c~(l) such contract wd check wilLbecame the property of the u ld (IMltf, 11 Caur'ltiollH, 100 W. tth td lo "'I 11\11 lieu~.,,_,,,. 1 IM. THE UNOEtlSIGNt!D COlll"OllATION ~Ul"l!•IO• COUtlT OP THI: '"" """AC ''"""t'" ........,.)"-'., J"'•W Diltr'ct S!rftf '" ~ Cll'f' of S..nll ""'' Wlltieu ...., lllfld '""ital, doel lltrt"1 Ctrllly .,,., lt II COllCIUCtlllfl STATI 01' (ALIFOtlNU. f!Oll: S.56 Tntctor loader I • Cel~le. (OFFIC~L SEA~I G~ ~ ~. ~:~=~~...:,.m:; THE COUNTY OI' OU.MOI operator JOcphw/p 30cpbwlp(2) IOcphw/p 'Ibe amount of the bond to be given to secure a !aithlul J)'r· Ol'9dwA$J~H ~· J1ci':N. count¥ c1er-.. N:.'i:'Pwb11c:.c111fomtp 11c11111ut 11rm u,,. et VAN<l l"EPI ,,,,,,~DEL~ :~~'::c ... Dftffled. 516 Tra-·· -ra•·r fonnance of the contract ror said work shaU be 50 percent of the
.'Ll ' ' Ptlrot;~I Offkl II .. .... f/lf Id "" "" " \."WI ~r-..., tr ct •-thereof d addil;-" bond . ·.~-•• ·~ .. __ c-·n-IMl"OllTt 1111 "''"' .. NOTt(E cs HEtlEl!IY GIVliN lo ll>e (drag type shov•I, con a pr~-.::: ' an an ""...... .1n an amount ,...,_. .....-...... -.. --·tleft .... Ill ..-IMINl •lie• D'I creditors of Ille •bow ......... decldtfll al ·-50 of the tr f d • 414 ifliftll ,._,i &M. McOWl!t1 • 0•11M, """" w.111111 11 11 1o1111rws: 111,1 ,11 ~· ..,1~1,,. clllrnt .,..1ns1 bulldozer tamper tqu ...., percent con act pnce or sai wor., which
.........,. &Hell. "" nue "'• C1'N"'"' •-CA•NA&Y WIGS. HM ~•nt• Ml!!lu t1w Nld <Hcldtfll •re n!<!IPlrttl to 111o ' ' bood ahall provide that il t.bt person or his subcoot actor I iJ T.i· 1nu '*"1121 . Ori-.. Celffwlll~ Miii, htlll Monlcl, C11ilGl'n!1 !lllm, w!lh Ille nectHlr\' \IOllClltri, I" .Scraper and , . , .r J a
A"""'" ,.,. Pttltlerrot1' Tll1 1n•1 ui-ntt Plll>I Dlt.o:t: N.e•ctr u. 1Mr "" ottic~ 111 ""' cierk "' tilt' •bow push tractor) 30c,..,_/p ......,...,1p(t) ~/p to pey tor any mater1al.s, prov111ons or other supplies U2d in, l"OWlshecl 0•1"'• cu11 0111¥ .-11o1. Putill•l>ed o ..... " Co•rt ,'"'1~ •en.ff 1cottio. 5EALI Mtltlld tourt , • 111 •reMTlf """'· w1111 . .,.,... ...........,.. _.,..., upan, for or about the performanct of the work contracted to ...,.,It lt, 21. :u. lfff FSMt Merdo" IM Allril 7, u, JI. Ht CAllNA&Y WIGS llW nt!CHSlr\' W'Olldlerl. .. Ille Uri-5.%7 Trenching maclune be ....... • f k .. ~ the f •••• Glut-'911ond11 .,.,1"_, ., LELIA A. •••orT. cJo operator (up to 6 foot ...... _, or or any war or UIUUr reon o .any a..1.uu, or ~or
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE nAn: °'""'~~;b.ttiA. 1 ~,'~'. 5;:" ,.:wsi:~~,"~~''°0~~ depth cap1city manu· amounta due under the Uoemploymeat Insurance Act with
SUP'll:•IO• COUllT OF THI! f'·tN-M COUNlY OF LO~ ANGELES ) ,, Suli.t Uj, Nfwl>Olf BtlCll. C11Jforn!1. facturer's rati~g) ......... Ip ....... wlp(I) ......_Ip respect to .such work or labo~, that me .su:ety or suretie.s will STATE Of! CALll'OtlNIA. l"Oll c1•T1FICATf OF co•f!O•ATIO"' °" 11111 2"" di¥ DI Mlle.II, A.O . .,...,1(11 11 tllt Pll(' ol bullnlU of the ........ !'"" .............. ............... !:: IOI' the same and also IR case SUit lS brought upo th THI COUNTY OF ottANOI! OOINO IUSINlSI UNOl!ll \Mt,fotblfol'i: c""''i ·~~:?'. Public 1~ underiljned L" •ll met!e" HN1lt1lnt 5.56 Trenching machine d bl' f be fl n e , ,.. .,,.nn1 l'ICT1T1ous NA.Ml •M .. """• 1 • "'M>n' to 1111 e111i. e1 s•10 dec11111nt, w11111n operator (over 6 foot , 11 reasona e attorney'& ee to x~d by ~he court.
MOT.Cl Of' HeA•INO OF PfTITIOM THE \JNOEASIGNED COAl"ORATtON ·-""' GlllH-.~-~p~,:1 ~f\OWft,~D ""'r montn• Iller '"' flrit •11•llC1tlon depth capac1·1y manu-Jn the performance of. the terms of. this Com:ract, the Qin. FQe P•O.ATI' OF WILL AMO l"Otl don h•relw cerlll¥ !111t If 11 c0tlducflft8 ITll ta bl 1111 lf'ft..., "' Cll"Pflll "of tlll• ncllce.
LllJT••• T•STAMINTAttY 1 ,..1g M lnesi 11 311 F•,111cwt s11111r1. rri.1 -uhid '"' w1thrn !Mlrumen:..!in 0111td M•rcn 11. '"'· facturer's rati~g) 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) 60ephwl p tractor shall not engage 1n. nor_ ~l~ s~ch . suti:cootractors as ~ o1 oEWEY £. •ENOE•. t~"'H1ni:!r ';1'':;~~ ~~~:::'c~c11P~ :='" .!.!:,:i;"'::" ::"l;,t"' 111c~ ~~~u~i .. "':.bG::,. 111.,,. S.S6 Univer.sal equipment he may employ from engagmg m d1scr11~11nat10~ 1_n employment
NOTicE 15 HE1tE&Y GIVEN TIMl •nd "'" 1111 "''"' o1 111d corllflt'111on arrP0•1t1cwt ••teutN t11t Nm•. o1 1ne ·-"•"'" ~' operator (shovel, back· of per~ because o{ the race, ~Jor, .national ~rigm 0~ ~cestry,
MOtte11 J. D1111, 11411111e11 111r11" • PfJll111t1 .,. 01 1r1...ci..i PllCI' "' ui-11 ,:,~~~fit Tt.:'~1M IHMI -L "',_.•WM• AAi..... hot dragli·ne derrick, or religion of such perlilOlll. V10Jst1on of this prov1s1on may fl)t ~ of wlll 1nd !(II' Kl-" 11 IOllOW1 : . I A"'"""I II \.IW L.n.n lnt•~""' "' P•llllontr. r.i... CAllNAIY VOGL lMS Santi Metllc• £.,._ .~~ •• '" c 11--1, s• ,...~ etrrfll' or1w1, derrlc' • •··ge', clam· nsul. t in the imposition of pent. !ties referred to in Labor Code ~ Miii Stnll Moftlce, C1tlfortll1 Noll,.,. "" -1 """ S111te U4 .,,.... C'-J J735 ~ .. which 1, "'"' ,,,,. furthlf' ..,.._ o.iM· M&•dl SS. ,,.. Prln,!NI Olrlet In 1'19WMl'I MN~ f"~ll....,.,.11 bel1 piledri ~~Jon .
cu11A. •nd 11111 ttot '1"" •M 11•c. .. ico•,; sEAL) LDI •""''" tOVt11Y ....... (n•1 .... uu a'nd "m'u'c'klne, ve.r 1bt Contractor will be req.uired to secure the pavm .. nt cf ~ .. ""' ...... ,.,.I betfl ""' flt Mr( . CAtlNA•Y WIGS l!UOINI c. •••CMIN .. ~ ..... Ei•<Yl•I• DI tloo , .. _ '· '"'' •• •~» '·"'·· ln the couri-Giu-11Pr-tt1 Alt9ntolf l"ubllll'ltd or-• c-1 Dlt11' Piiot. ~chine) ......,.wlp ..._.wl p(l) ti<lcphwl p tempenu. to hi.a employees lD accordance with the provisions
"' O.,,W"'*" *· ' .,, u kl cca1r1. 11 l"rnklf:flt S•ltlr '"' • ...,..11 1 14. 11 ,. lfff Ul'-et .......... -t"' of Sectioa S700 al the Labor Code and prior to perfonnin th '°' :f'•1 Elftlll Strto!I '" ... Cltv Ill STATE OF CALIFOlitNIA 1 .... WIWrlP'I .......... • ' ' il.95 Water truck drtVtr -.i.. J &I.... ""'"' g e ~ ,,.,., c.11tom11. · covNTY OF LOS ANGEL IS 1 • "'' • ..,....._ <•...,.... ..... LEGAL NOTICE (IOOO gallou """'• ... ~ contract """' ~ctor ,•,hall sign and file with the_ ~ ....... t 11. INt Oii t11i. Ulll dtT ol MerCA. A.O. .utl.OC: the toJ~ .. certiflcetton. I am a are ol th w IE.. sT JOHN 1,.., lllforl ..,., , NOtert iollbllc 111 io..0111111111 ~ c-st 0111¥ l'llOt. or more) .. ~Ip -.....1p .....,,.,Ip _....... . w e prov1-,.,... '°""" Clltk. . ...., fQt .. Id <-"' •nf Stitt, ,. • ...,.uy April '· lot 11 •.. ,,., ~ NOTICI 0" T•USTll:l'I IAIA ~·.. .............. ........,,.. .skins GI. Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every :~-M•:::•:.':'v111, :;"~:;._~Idell~ c!::"'.n! LEGAL NOTICE °" April ,:: ~~,;'21:, 10:00 '·"'" JNTERM.EDIATE GRADE LABOR employer to be inrured l(aimt liability for workmen's compen •
..,_..""" ......... r-11. 11111 u~IM 11ie wit11111 1111~ 111 11 11ie west s1""' s""'' ..,1r_ "' 4.68 Air compressor. satm or to undertake. stlf·insutance in accordance with the ;: = ~tl~I-:,,._. ::•II.:..::..::•:-,:--:;:.,w:: NOTICll: OP SHl•lllll'I IALI :-,.<>:i:ne:.,,.~°r':ntvCo:' er'!::.' sr1~ pump Ol' genHalor provt.siool ti that code, and J wilJ COD'IP1J' With sud! prCVisiom
,,........._. .., ,......_ ~,,.., e"ecvtN "" nme . c!::~'! s~~ fi:J~ :"' ..:i~~ of c11110tni.e. lANICEtts LAND IN-operator 30cphw/p 30cpbw/p(2) IOcph"(p before coounencing the performance or the wori of this con Pllllfhl'llll Ofll'ilt C.tl 0.11. ~-. WITNESS""" ........... -~ ..... .:..-. • 0.Ylt. Dtft1141ftk, Ne. Vl!"STMfNT COMPANY. I __.,,loft Blsle Rale Employer Pa--enta Yot ,_ ... " . ID,,ICI"' SEAL) v -"• • f..,_,IY Bll'llttn 1-"'*lt Cllll'INm, #-w..,_-.. . .......,1 1•.11 .. 1t. 1"' nNt ._I!""""" kdolfl JOW,S uti.. llllllf 111 1 ~•tkift), 11 Tr1111M IH'ldt• 1111 Per Hoar Cll••lfl~•d• H Hd W Vaeada hmlel 11le Contract.or will alto be l"HIUired to furnish 1 ..,.rt;•·, """.,., "vMI< • c.nflf11l• •• ¥1rl'lle ., '" '"' dflld "' '""' 1t11t<Uted ., JOE E SKILLED LABOR (~-•) • ~, .... ~ 1.1. • LEGAL NOTICE PTrnctN• ~ tR 1 M1n:11. ,,., ..,, 111t """"1ci"1 c°"'"' Glit1FF1TH ANO MAllY ICA't' G1tlFF1Tw; """"''"" Cite lhlt ht carries compensation insurance covering his L• A""4H c;-'Y ~· L!,"'·~.:1c~~~"" o1~11c~.1=. ""*"' .,.. w111 •nd ,_,,.. J-$4.11 ~spha)t raker or employees UPon wort to be done under the contract which may
; su~Wo'.""':0~::0~~.. ::::!:' c. •tlitcNiM m::'lE~ '~.'os ... ';'1~1L~n! .. ~Nl: ~~'t' ~:CC~ .,T's'o,:.: t.:.,.t, ~ 16 ~ 1 24~wlp JScphwtp SZpbw/p be ealend. Jmo bttwec:u bim and the said District for the
• STAT• o" ULl,.CMl;MIA f!O• Jllfl 1111 OUAtlAHTT COMl"ANY. I '*llflf9lllfl C.llftfnt.. flwll "' llCVN lft "" "' :--tue_e curer, canslructlon of &aid work. ~ ; nt• '0':.::'i.:'..0AAIHll :!: :;::: =::::::.. ;'HiLl~ oA:rt'":'inv""' lit -C::~~ := : '~:'~~ ~= 1mpe.rv10US membrane No bid will be accepted from a Contract.or who ii not i:=e."O.:::=~l!litlTI! L M4C· "ubllll'IM er. .. ~ .. ., 0,11, P!Jet. •• llJ!lfl'Mlll 11e1mn. ,,_1 .. t , Mt ~tom-;:"':ubl~~E~:._"?' .:::;:....:; and form C?ller 24\icphw/p 25cphw/p l2cphw/p llcen.sed in accordanct with the law under the provisions of
1 NVTICI! 1s HE._E•Y GIVEN 111 1111 •H 1. u, ,,, n. '"' '51~ ~1~~ ..... 111 ...... ~• ,:~~~. •: ;: sni.m '(torm.•l'f' Shr1': fmPtoYIH' 4.92 Concrtt.
• m
k"l"t ) ~ Division Ill, Chapter I o( the Business and Professions Code of
,...,..,,.. " "'-,...,. ,.._ deDMll"t ... LEGAL NOTICE 1n ... 1nt1 et 1-11tt 1•1K11tllfl 1 Miit mk!d • .. 1•-1 S•1"''"' tw rMto11 flt "" opera or $ P ype ....... ,...,wl p 30cphw/p(2) 80cphw/p lhe State of CaJifornla
•" ,..,_ hl"'1M d1l"'i it•lr111 II ~ llhl 111,t Ind ""'••II brlld'I flt ''''•In ebllt•''-*""" 4 33 Crlbbc ~ 2'"'""' I -h I "...._I ' .. "' cllffdllft '" ,_,1.1111 "'111& ';°"'"''~ ,.t.to,., 111 "" .,_,., ll\el'Htv'. llClll'' flf W111ct1 ••1 r_,,.. · r or Suv•°' "'-Y''w P _,,, w P -..... P No bid will bt ~lved unless lt is made on the blank form .,::i .,""',~«-:_~':._,..,ti!~~ CIJITI,..J.::':ll eUSl•ISS In n IM (Wtll¥ Ill ar...... , ti ... " ~ 11:• .~~ ... ~~~'. 4.02 CUtUDC torch optf'. hlmllbtd by tbe Ql)ef" EQiinelr. the Special attention of J>f08•
court. .. "' ... Miii ftwtm, wllll FICTrT10UI ,. ••• N.l.MI e.11~1·,·,6;"~ICl .. ~"';'m "' "" .. 11111_ L-'~ '-· I •tor (demoUllon) S41hcphw/p 25cphw/p Jlqlbw/p pectlve bidden ii caDed to tilt "Infonnatloo for Bidder!"
_,..,,, '-tht ""' THE UNOlttSICNIED ..... lltrttw ~rl,_ Cito flf C•I• M.,., COVtltv el Or1t1M, Clll'9Wlllfltl wm ••ti 11 Mlk tudlon 4.41 Driller• (Cort, di• anne.ftd to the blank Corm of pro-•! for full d'-~l II ""' "'~ of h1t ""°"""'"" 11111 I'll II llOf'dUCllfll I 0-•I SllM .. (llllaf'ftil IJ ........ rt(orftd hi tht 111,1111;1 blclGtt ..,,. (Ith, NY•b~ ond ) 2 ' ........ '"'"" I """" I . ,......_ 1.l~l DOS as lo Tldl1tou1Y 111C1 Je11Mto11, n1 C11t11ntd1ri. w.1""' ,, 11n w. C.wndeft "' 11°'* 104 ~ ., 111 Ml.uu_....,.., 1" i.-'llt -... ot """ un1t1111 si•tti m or wagon 4,1 ... ,,. ... l p _...,..,w p -.... ..... w p bidding, etc • • 1111 Slrtlt, Sul"' N""'bt' 1100. l"I .. ,,..,, ....... C1Hlaf'ftll, """"' "" M In it.. offi<I "' 11141 County ., flll lllltt .,, ..... wfli-t w1rr1n1¥ 4.65 Driver of dump Plans and s---''lca•I--and •• 1..., .... ..i_ .... docu .....,... •lllldlflt. L• An• ' 1 • • • tlclltlcM nrm -of tt .C.M. CON· 11. '"·.,. ., "' c "' 11 "' "'"'· -.*t>lotl o• ~e11tt1. ~,. · UU1111 . ~ """u il\Ol menlJ may ......,. .,,, -Id! •• "" 1i.c. STlitUCT•ott .,,,. ""' Mill 11'"' 11 -~=-llW• !1111 .~ • .;,, •Lnwllr ""' 1111 1nt.~1 nin...,.1111 • •NI -1111c1 lruck (less than 4 ~ secured without charce at the District'• olfice or wUI be ,. (a.s;Mll o1 "" ..,...,r ..... 11o 111 _.. 111 ,.. follOWl<'ll .,.._, wi--, ,_.,, • _ w .. w T""''" llflde<' Miii " 1nn.1, ya~--ater level) •~wlp .....,_Ip -•wl p ... ~ •• l' •• ~ Nlfilllt'I ,.,, ... ...,. .. "" ._,.,,. .. ...,... If! Ml -•Ila Ill' ,......... -""· ..... ~ -•P. 1n •M "' tnt fot1ow1,,. 11tJCT1bld ..,_,.,.,, ' -" ....,....,,., _....,,....,. ...... ,,... m.ucu w lce1LK\I contractors upcn tele:pho:ne or written rtquut. -!......,,, """'"' tour """""'-•l'lw .... 191 ..... "-": =llCll ~ri:-bellllflllll er ... 1tlyeltll "' ""' Cit¥ ., Cell• ........ 4.61 Driver ol dump Orange County Fk:lod Control District
,. '"'"'*flallon.,, 11111 Nllc:L lit....., Crtll M.,.,,... ma w. NOT'tCE '7 ~~llE&Y C:IVE N ,.., ~ .. °''""' Shrle " C..ll"""-truck (4 """ds but n-i Olfi ·-1·r11 ,........ d'-··)
1 ,, i»fM' A#tl I, IMt. ~ "1., Stllla ,,._ Qll'lwflle ' Mty IHf I H . , lllctc AM. 19-Wll. ,,_ ~ CC .,_ ,~ I ,.. ....... ••:• °""'°" M111w M1tKttt1n1t litotiert c.. ~I • : """"' Llltill'f''. 'c~.' 111 ,.:.., Loi •1 of Trte'I N•. ':".:. "";':' Jess Lhan I yards 400 West £1116 SV. (Street address) ~ ,.1 ~""" wm rr•n °" CM.•f'Oll 111 •Wfl• lfrllll. °"" 111 s.n11 ..,.., C-IY "" • m• r«~ · • n\er le vel) ''-'-I p -....,1p .._.•Ip r-• .............. 1ta.-1. " ........ _..., ~ tOU#'TY fW OltNfGI I 11 Ill Of-. SI•!• ef C1lltllnlla, I wnt ..... tf, & ll -l2 fll Moleclti.........,. -....... -1"• ...,......, .-w"°' •-. _,,.._..._
.aa1111rT _. ,......, OM .::! ,. .:.,. ':., ~-~· .ii " ...,..1c 111<11111'1 .... ...., ~,..,.... 111 On11s1 c-tJ, C. 73 Drivtr of dump n. Doud " a.e tiicu WM the rl&ht _, reject -· ....:;:-""" .._ ,.., !""-... r:L .. 1t111 w ""' Mi4 .....,, ..,. Ut11 1rr i.-.. -.. ""' "" ,.._. e1 ...,.,... ....,.~ truck (I yards but and Ill bhll &Qd to nhe w-.. 1i-in -v
' ~..., c...irr ... -. ,........ ...,.., W1¥"" Ul'lltld Sl11t1. 111 "" ,..i. 11111 _.... .... •14 .... IMMllM ,..., lesa than 12 yll'dl NA lo.I...._ _,_,.~ ~~ lllQ' b1a la..'t!.IYt'. ...
4»11M &II 1 I ............ ,..,__.!hr ... -ltltw9lt " n ld ~ ......... ~ 111111 .,_ " !lie TNttw, "l"". ._. ~ 'wl~W' ... -lW a ptl'lod of 4,5 dl.f• ......,. .. ~ _... ..,.... c. .. '"""' .._ to 111 ::::0 '='-~ :'"""· "' --... " .,,,, _.... .. ..,,,.. .i watu levtl) . 415qlinrlp tlepbw/p JDcptnr/p after U. Umt Ill for the ~ dNnilt.. :=:-~~ .. ~-..., ::.::*3,~-====Ecz..;si:=:.::-::7~w~~..:.cr:-_:.: 4.11~<~=RM noc:'C:.°'~~SC:::~~qcewnt1 "'fN~DI M110tJ, I .... ltft, • • • !'.:"-."= ~ .... -..... lea than II )'ardl w. &. st Jtlll, • ~ .,.
"' ... ... ..
I ' , ..
=-.:::: :,"" .:' :-: :r: ~~ A. Mwkk. °'"" ~N~~k't' I.AND (.. ~-r ~v!I) 1• 4Scpbw/p 40cplnr/p ..,.,./p CountJ Cllrt Def a-oftldo
c ...... ""' ..... wrtltffl. c-rr "0..-, (1°"'1111 IN\"llTMENT CQMl' .. N'(, unver 1o111\S.. (SAAL ) a.t: " .... Jkllrd d. Super •
IOMdel ....,....., a. A. ••llMlll" ~f,,. A .• .,_,.. r'°"c::n:: ... ,. h._lr!wllt ml.J lrucb (under v1aan If die Oranlf: County
.....,., l"ubllc . C1llfonll.I ANDllllON. Mtl'KA•LUf .. CINl•llS CM\Nftw, I ('"'"'lt\on) J cu. yd.) acpbwtp 40ephw/p 30q:*w/p F1ood Control Diltric:t ~";:"c: In ::":\:' Mitti St,... ~;niZ'...., Gr•nwr 4.07 Fine Grtdtr 14\.k'phwlp 2kphw/p Jlcphw/p By M:abtl L. Cutel;r M., c-1u1ot1 bflfft i.. •-in. c11,.,. ,.,, loo'rol(-~ v1ce ,.,11"""1 4.05 Guinea chutr 24\kphw/p 25cphw/p S2cphwlp Deputy ~ P1,1111~""0:.~•ncen1 0.1., ior1e1, ":.;!.:"::. '--" O•ll'I' P111>1. PIObu"'"' •PJ;!!: c-1· 0111t ,.1~,. GuniUn1: Publish Onnee Coast Delly Pilot April Jl, It, 21 22 and '------------'l:"":="~'·~·~·~·~··~"~'"'=._ ___ ...::"'=4' AMI 1, '" ,,, ,,.. .,.., ...,.rn 1, u. 11. '"' t.l1-i• 3.tBS Reboundman 24l;cphw/p 2.5cpbw/'p 32cphw/p ts. 116t ' ?%l-6i
The Weekender
. :: Phone 642 -4321
.u.i,L 21
0 "EYEWITNESS NEWS"! * Bill Bonds/ Stu Nahan
0 Ntwt (C) Biii Bonda, Siu
m 4:30 FIRST REPORT * Putnam-Miller-Kelly m liMJI Puta.• "9n (C)
GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS m..,.,,,__l<l
L-00 II"' '" -It> l!Ol ,.,., Dunphy.
om-•..., l<l <30!
ID St1t1 Allea S•1w (C) (90)
G.,,.. 8um1, [lrt 6rtnl Gertrude
Mehr ind Robert ~ irutst.
8 Sb O'Clod: MW: (C) ..,._.
iWd tf Yodi• Part I (dn1111) '62
-h11l New!llln, Gtn1ldint P11a.
fJ I sn (<) (00) m hf Canll (C) (30) M J1mes ..... ma.-<t> <JO> im wurs NN? (30) '1111 ~ncess
ind tht SWlnttltnf." H•• Cllrilliln
Mdt1M11'1 hi• rl 1 prince wflo dis·
a:uis. hlmaelf u 1 Ptltltt: to
tuch 1 princea 1 lmon.
t :OO
IJ Budweiser ® Pr-• * FRANK SINATRA with
Diahllnn Carroll and
Tho Fiith Dimension
l)cmmDfl"llCtt Albert SU.
trl ~ (C) (60) A r ..
pelt lhoWiftl d the S!Mcill thlt
ll1tlnd Dlthlnn Carroll Md Tht'
Fifth DllllWlorl. Don Oclltl 111d His
Ordlntrl provid1 IM bKkll\I for
popular IOflP of the 30'1, 40's,
SO'S, 11111 60'S. (R)
O @(j)ll.I• --"P'rmln PMlt" (ausptna) '62-
Sidney fl)ltltr, Bobby Dlrtn, Ptlet'
Falk. llny Gordon. A ~Gii
d111m1 1baut 1 prllon pqdilltrist
(PD!tier) whl attnpb ta c:orrtd
the 1nli·:IOCial ltnclencift of 1n lm-
ptilonld Gwmt1-Mlwicln Bun•
"""'· (R) e '-'11 Jeall'• H«• c... t11e
... (C) (60) Cllt RllMr b cuesl
of hanot at JICk CllW, ltnl'f
Ktnt, S.lll!IY ~ KIMy !tor· min, Rml Mtrit, ShlWol l.IO!Wlrd. Klt1J KD¥tl' and "'"1 Ltlllr shift
Ille iOr al nlllti111 blin.
O l!llCJl lll"' ......, (Cl
EE U11 C.W rn &ta PW
<ill""' -(C)
m .. a -.. <CJ <60> "Blad. 1._m_.Rc-1! 1nd Whitt Totttherr A lludy al I~
the nolution of chiklrln't Ytlun,
IOctJ$inf on teent-blact ind whllt,
r1ch end poor~1rtldpltln1 ift 1 fedn1Jy fllldtd lducatloMI proj-
cd In Mllntic aty, Mnr .Mrwy.
1:30 B DIC N.-rricl (C) (60}
tD I Uw lllC)' (30)
ID Yoyqt tt lirl aotto. If t1111 s. (C) (fJ()) em aaa.p• C30> -rou1:11 Str1·
Ices." l.Awr111Ce E. Houstun. tdmin·
istrawr of lnltrudlonal wvle11 for
the Los M1elts City Sdlooll. de·
.sc1ibes ltit summer recr11tl0ft pro·
Ill LI lnjo ,._
!:30 O""" (C) (30) Ted Meprs.
m" ...... ""' I"'> 0) RilriD MlllKll
a rn 111 m -l<l G) NIW!Jwd c,.. (C)
10"' n! rn rnmm -... if' } ~)'liii"di1nmlred 'ttfliofl
of I Edpr IM Mlllera dasslc
1:oa 6 cas &Mila: •en <tJ
W1lter Cruntit1.
(30) "'Spoon fti¥tf AntllololD'," stlrri111
laaoa Robatdl, Chlrla Aldm1n.
Jo)'Ct Van P1tt111 end J111111fer West.
Is p,..nttd for ltlnbion 1s it wn
on tllt Bloldwl7 11:111 durln1 the
1963·64 sa.:irt. Tht dn1111 oftt11
I Yilw of lllllll·town 1111 IS r•
lltcttd ill tfll f9lltlphl "' the
l 0 WW'1 111J U.1 (C) (30) Wally
llruntr host.I. Soupy S.111, A11n
Aldi aid JDIGM BaOMl join Ar11111
Francis II P1nllists. m ,.....,n (C) <301 [lizlbeth
MonltomerJ tnd .Jim s.ckus 1uat.
Ell) NET f..UV1I (C) (60) "Thi
World of David Amram." A film po1-
lralt of th• noted ~lean com·
poser<Onductor, luturi111 tht work!
premltrt of M1 "'Three "Sonts tor
A!Mrica,• with lt!'ICI ,,,,,.. the writ·
in1.s of John f. Kennedy, Mutin
luthlf Kint k., 11\d Robert Ktn·
nedy. m ca.r's Werid {C)
tlJ lAt'S lilallt I Dul (C)
PUTNAM NEWS at 10 PM em-l<l 160> o @m m"' •• ,..., l<l
fJ ..... -(30)
Ill"' .. -(C) (30) fl! DI Crut W• (JO) "ltwfwtl."
On Ult W11ttn1 front. tile Mitt·
kins begin ID rm.... tt.. !Iopa el
the Allles.
D m I lfl<'1i Sinfll' ,,_,b HnrlJ-tt. (C) ( ) Don Ko bud·
lil'lll tht non of • special musi· 11~ I) M"it: (C) "llolCi T.-t"'
cal trour produced trrtlrtly I• Haw-(liOrror) '64-Jolln TllrllW, Hllthtr
eii. The 1hOW also l•tum Th• Sa1is.
Allis, Roblo Wilson, Ho'I son Dwi~I. B QJ Cil m TNilM ... (C) ::~ The Klllllhirntl'll SdtoOI Choir. 1J MO'rit: "T\I Crut McChltt' m Ha.i (C) (JO) (comedy) '40--lrlan Doftlfty.
m1mcw;1"Er9kr" 160l eon. u @rn m_, •• <C>
ductor B1m11d K11ff1 1na1y111 ttlt m DtaM O'c..r (C)
lirst rM¥emtnt of Butllaven's ''Em·
ica" SymplthJ, Ind le1d.l lht Lon· ll:JO 0 Mlrir. "T\e lie leldle" (14-
doll Phllhll"ll'IOtllc In 1 plflormaflCt wnt11rt) '57~ flYM,
o1 t111t IJIO'l'llftlllt. m ,... n.n: "Spin ot t111 m ~ ' c.dtol• Air."
O••"tr Prl11ll111 1A4 Dtp111d1\il1 St l"f'ICI
.111 -r. f11111 • Q11rtw 1f 1 C.11t1ry.
........ ....... ....... -. . . .,
------· ......
-. ..,.,, ••• ----··.-..,. _; ' . .. . ~ -··
ly Gn Aniola
ly Mel
' ~'""'-\ FRANCIS ALBERT -Frank Sinatra hosts Diah8111>~
Carro!! tooigbt on Channel 2 at 9 p.m. in the hour::.:
long "Francis Atbert Sinatra Does His Thing.'' The' .7
show is the dress rehearsaJ tape which Sinatra '
liked so well be did not do a final lllping. The "5th
Dimension" will be on the program also.
Critics See
CBS Shows
By RICK OU BROW ' --~ ... ...... .... ..,,
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -CBS-TV has becofll't.1
the first major commercial network to adopt a gllllll
eral policy permitting advance reviews of its pro-
grams by professional television critics. ~ .........
The policy goes into effect this week, althoUft;;
it was announced too late to include advance ~:3
views of tonight's one--bour CBS-TV special, 0 SpOOD.:;
River," a dramatized version 'of Edgar Lee Masteft' •. ·
classic "Spoon River Anthology."
To televi.sion viewers, the new policy means
columnists will be abolt to provide readers wtth-
critiques of some programs before they are sbowp.
IN SHORT, many viewers will be able to get 8n ».
advance line on whether certain CBS-TV shows ar·e -,
worth tuning in at all, instead of finding out by baftf;i . __ ,, ..
experience. --· C~TV's two chief competitors in the netwQ'Jif ,{
business are, however, not as yet going along. 'Jia,
NBC-TV memo has indicated that network is not•ttr
all in sympathy with the C~TV decisi on . And AB0i." TY is presumed to be pretty much in agreement·:
With NBC-TV. ·"·" One of the events that apparently provok~~·
CBS-TV's decision for advance reviews was the fi.-.. ;
cent Senate investigation into video sex am;~
A Senate suggestion in this investigation was
that the three networks submit shows for prescreeD...
ing by the, code authority or the National Assocta--
tion of Broadcasters.
CBS PRESIDENT Frank stanton stron,ly op-
posed this suggestion, seeing in it a seed o possi-
ble censorship. "' .....
With all the networks under severe governmlftl
and pu~lic pressure, however, ~e advance revie,Wj ..
by critics -if lh•Y wi..h lo write them -tend 'lo-
divert heat Iron\ br?Sdcasters as the sole arbitet.f:.:,
of the quality of their programs. . .. ~r
. In other.words, C~TV now can say that it:u.·:,
mdeed offenng prescreening to those in the publio-<
outside its own intramural bailiwick: in short, 'ld':;:
critics. ' "''' ..-~· '
THE PREMISE, obviously, is that it is betll!l!'
to get some bad advance notices from critics -and .
pertJ.aps lower ratings-than to be a singular targ~?
for pressur~ from government, parts of the pu~';
and a few industry quarters. ~~··
In the past, there bas been a sort of gentleme~:f,.
agreement between networks and critics conce.n.:: ~
ing advance screenings. All the cards belong to the
networks since they don't have to show programs
in advance if they don't want to.
Howev~~· in order to accommodate tight sch~o
ules by cnt1c1, they have agreed to prescreeniD88 1t
so long as reviews do not appear until after tJ;i1
show shave been seen by viewers -thus protectisy"'
a network.from possible Joss of audience. . ..
ON RARE occuions, invariably when a net·:
~ork has a fl.be broadcast it knows will get good not·.:
t1ce1 -and wants to promote it strongly -the-·
edict of no advance reviews bas been relaxed.__ · ..
Unquestionably the best part of CBS-TV's n~:
policy is that •ome quality shows that might other-·
wile be overlooked by audiences will benefit from
advance notices calling wide attention to tbeiU~~
CBS-TV's chief job, of course, is to provide #J!":•
quality shows to call attention to. ~ ~~~
Dentals tlae Menace
'~I ~OI Plnl UP A CAAllV' ' . .
.. ' • •
·-...... •
M:A' 4
• lose 11 lbs. in "" • •
"'11 d'Y•. on . -·. . •• :-Grap'fnrait ,
• • • ,
·'f>-e_afl._ Marti~ :~4 ~.ill ~by
head . ~. ann.ual, i-~RAR~ ~·BoomtoWn" Pal'lY ·which
'-f'aises money for ~p~ioaal
OUlri'ii: hm\difion and
'::;=========~ · Guidance Center for mentally retarded ·childn!n.
• • •
' :
SINGER : . j pr~sents
·~WAii: f • • starring
• :.NBC .. TV-
Channel 4
Htfp younelf to· Howoiian fto-
v<nd hits by Don Ho-on this new
• ..._ olbum, "Singer pr.sents don
Ho and The Atiis, YoL '1." Jn(!yd9d
ere alCh fftob OS "TIM. SouM!.Qf 0.. .....
fhtt," "'Down Htre on the~: ..
.. Would Low 'fou,H "AU Thot's-t,ft
lo h 1..,.. Trtt." and mooy ""'~ ~]SO -dofoghh. • .. ...,_
OHL'\\ . .
• -->ow••"'••C••-• S -1 N,,. E R· •A,,..._.. .. n9...,. COMfl!AHY \ii
IMltA ANA -..... .,, •. .,..
COSTA ~IU. .,..,.. • Wn••-M ·MJJ ~ C..l! PWJI
. . ~ ~
•vru "••« •1'11 Oii Tiit Mell
• TA, t.1.MI ~,..,..,~ ..
N....-0•·~ .. ~·~1.At,7:15.
,Ft-,1 .. M•'lr1 ~:'S
SAT·. & SUN. flOM 2 P.M.
~~ is a" ..... ..i.. ·df::~·. , 'ilUUIQ • .. . . '
Dlll'-El0.1 ROB US WMS -... ..
I• "CHAR~ Y"
S!LliUR PICTUlllS in OlilaboraliOI wi~
llOi!RlSON ASSOClllES'pr""1is
..... ~CLAIRE 61.00M -·
W"'I•' TKMQll."
r-G-~, .. _, __
Ai.so' PLATING __ .-· ____ ....___
s.,pon! .. A""' lo :'THE SUIJICT WAS ' lOSIS"
MCOUllN . . ~,
nmcaa• ,. ........ n1111S
i]!SUMUl(O fOll MRlJftf. AIJOiiiiffSJ
AIM CH• hltwM4 Ni
l!AmOI •"°""""'COSTA·~ -~ .. llOI ---·----... --ACADEMY 'AWARD
'"'"~ ROMEO
llMI 111111/l!M\llllH A MlDOO/fllWJ.1111
·-' 'nCHNICOUll4 -
llST IDmffa
AOO that isn't all; it's more
tba,n boy-meets-girl stuff, this
motion picture takes you way
out, and you sUnply have to see
it to believe iL Or, perhaps yoo
simply have to see it not to
believe · it.
Try~ Plutt Of The Apq for
size and enjoy the second Mesa
feature Those PtfagDillcent Meo
la Their Flying Pitacbints. •
PtUse fasten your seat belts
and kindly refrain from throw-
ing out steak ~nes over
The Lido is hosting local film
faqs with a pair of motion pic-
tures that give with much talent
such as Peter Ustinov, Maggie
Smith, l,tarl Malden, Alan Bates
and Dirk Bogarde.
Bates portrays .that terrific
role as the Jewish handyman
who had worked his way up in •
hostile wor ld in pre-world War I.
Then as a punishment for sim~
ly being a Jew, he is accused or
murder and sentenced. Adapted
from Bernard Malamud's novel,.
The Fixer is on the Udo screen
as an extraordinary motion pie·
ture production. Here's one you
don't want to miss!
The Lido features with The
FJxer Hot Millions, which
presents Ustinov as a lovable
rogue. A supporting cast really
gives "forth with copious quan·
tities of humor ih th.is comedy-
satire, all about computers and
honest and dishonest men who
use lhe buttons to gain lawful
and unlawful ends!
Speaking of Mesa Atalinee1,
ask the gal who goes. She'll talk
about a mid-week break in the
afternoon, when she can enjoy a
fine film program away from
the nonnal household routine .
The shows get started each
Wednesday afternoon at one
o'clOC!k, opening with f r e e
ref reshmenls.
FREE PASSES 1<1 the Udo or
the Mesa will be mailed today to
H. W. VaJenU ne, 1020 E. Bllbof.
Bl vd., BaJboa, D. !l'. Murny, 2119
Crystal, Balboa ISiand, H. W .
Kimball, sos Orchid. CoronJ del
M11.r and W. R. Bloom, 2315
TUslin, Newport Beach,
This quartet .will be gl.lesb or
"Picture Peeks" at lilt Mesa ct
Lido Ont day real soon. We
sl~ely hopt that your name L!
included be:fort too m a n y
··wANT A S
5 a.drooms
Meu del Mor
24QO sq. ft. Sparlding clean. REAL TORS
tile electric kitchen -3 hP« 6 73-4400
ury bath3, Enclo&ed boat and I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trailer space. $37,950. r'
Westcliff Assume eXJ.stinf GI loan •
Vacant 3 Bedroom. 2 balh. anyone C,ualiUes. $138 pcr
Large family room in move. month including taxes & ii\.
in corKlltion. Fast escrow s~. 3 BR 1-% bath,
possible -$39.500. han:lwood noon, service
porch, FA heat, moderra
646-7171 e 546-2313 kitchen including ab built•
ins, Shingle rool, fenced.
'1 ,--:> THE REAL
GI Rewle
Take over 6% GI loan o1
118,600 with payments of
$157/mo. incl, tax & ins. 4
BR & family room on cor-
ner • room for boat, trailer
etc. Listing is 122,650, but
make oiler! Owner ~
Four Bedroom •
Move into Ws large family
home today. O ose to shop..
ping, schools and churches.
This one won"t last!!!! n.cs
per month includes taxes
and insurance! ! ! ! o N L Y
Walker &. Lee
2043 Weslclitf Dr.
646-7711 Open Eves.
Clean older units with doU·
ble detached garage on 50x
140'· lot, Assume existing
$13,400 • 6% loan • no loan
fee, Only
PEl=ll=ION .· .... -~ . * 642·1771 Anytime *
Rare Find • $54,000
Newport Spanish
Beaut Jndscpd • 4 BR. fam
rm, 2 BA home on large 17
x 120 comer lot 2 frplcs,
crpts, drps complete. 2300
sq, rt w/all custom extras.
Eliminate middle man. Call
Pel'{~~~ •• Realty
Ch.1 rming Lido Corner
Large Jot wllh sunny paUo,
maximum privacy, 3 bd·
rms, dinifv room. 3 car
carage. Call lo see.
1600 Westcliff Dr., NB
landscaped. Just redecorat-
ed, $23,950 full price.
· Pier & Float '
+ 2 Units
Oistom 2 story home. 3 Bed-
rooms, muter Br. up with
555 sq. ft. and view. Nice
apartment over garage,
Owner arutiowl, price rr-
duced ••••• , ........ $79,500
Mary Lou Marion
~ Coldwell, Banker & Co.
2n E. C:O.tt HlthWlt" NeWPOl'f Bucfl, C..llfornl9
Kl Hll1 O• ....
Cauntry Club Estote
Immediate possessk>n, Love-
ly big 4 BR near Mesa
Verde Country Club, About
2'100 sq K Corporate owner
transfen-ed employee out·
of-state. Needs paint A re-
decora~. Make oiler on
listing of $41,950.
john macnab
Beautiful 4 Bedroom, formal
diillng room. huge family
rm, completely separated
from kitchen & liv~ mi,
walk-in wet bar, over 3,000
sq. fl. $82,500
Call For Appt .
901 Dover Dr., Suite 120
Assvme 6 °/o
G.I. Loan
See today. Four bedroom, 3
bath home. Lovely h u c e
family room with oversized
stone fireplace. Nearly new
carpeting &: tile. Excellently
priced at $25,500. Submit
your smaller home on our
guarantee sale plan.
Walker & Lee
2043 Westcliff Dr.
646-m I Open Eve111,
$60,000 RGGm to Bvlld
Convenient tc al!. :-;--;--~~~-~~~~~:::!I Rllt. 642·973fl EW!. 541-0nO
Choice Lido Isle 3 bedroom
home on oversize 45 ft. site.
Expe.nsMJn pogsibilities •
Sl0,500 On .
H1I P lnchln & Assoc.
3900 E. Cout Hwy 675-oL19'J
Paint. dt>corate or charm!
Good 3 BR hme on 50 x 100
rt. lot. XLNT loc U2,500.
Bilbo.I RNI Est1te Co.
700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Panelled Rumpus RGOm
l.ar&e family hOme.. 4 BR
1 !i bath&, brtaktut nook.
-Ewo. 54S"'9l1
BY OWNER 3 BR tam rm,
bltn1, hdwd fln. paUo...
frplc, drps. Newly recon-
dltkmed, fenced. U3.500.
3093 Fernheath Ln CM,
8U!'IES1 ~etpllc:ll ..
town. Th9 OAtt.Y PTW'I
OAaillf'(I ~ S.ft
money, Limt 1' e:rict. i..ool
Or ..... c-ty'.
m E. 17th St.
ONLY$'"·" ·-· no qualifying anyone
can aqume exhltlng
GI loan at 6% lnt. 3
bednns 2 baths dou-
ble a;arage, covered
patio-best costa mesa
area near catholic
church. $22,000
. View
immaculate . 4 bed-
room home Y+'ith
b(Nlht&king view of
catafina, 2200 sq. ft.
of prestige living only
4 years old asking
only $37 ,500 -
Home in
the City
1,i acre of your own
forest, 2600 sq. ft. 4
bedroom ranch estate
two massive r o c k
fl.replaces accent the
640 sq. ft. living
room. try $57,000
500 total clow•
to vets, 40 fL pine trees line the street
of this lovely 3 bed-
room 2 bath home,
sep formal din. rm. sep fahi room, enor-
mous kitchen all for
only $25,400
It's Party
made for t>ntertain-
bome has what lt
takes, lush tropical
ing, this executive
landscaping around
the pool, llghtl!'d Wll·
terlall, bar-b-q, fire
pit a terrific 3 bed-
room me s a verde
pacesetter. is $41,950
about right.
Frolic at
the Beach
it's only one block
11.way, charmln&: 2
bedroom with den
asking $25,500
...... _s111°0
-· gold medallion island
kitchen, anyone can
assume 5%% VA loan no qualifying r u I I
2 Story
den with wet bar,
elec kitchen wall to
wall c arpetin g
throughout, 2% baths
2 kingSlzed bedroom
suites, enjoy tennis,
sauna bath, pool and
lu xury I i v In g for
$2856.00 total down
to aMume low Int.
triplex -3 two bed-rm. units annual net
$4284.00 asking $37,-
two bedrm
units VA no d0"-'11 only S32.-.SO. live rent
free 8 units only 6 ~an old, zoned for
four m or r· units.
2153% return
. '
-ouv Staff
1••11 re11t.,.
L IE. llli~ r1v11111ll
.lie• ,,.11
~II 1cott
....... ri ....
l1n11u rin•
phylllt 11lylM"
'"''' t1yl1r Mlk1ffM .. l rMlll
''"' fflllnlt .. ,,.
2'J E. 17th St.
/Ju.ccofa·; ~f~L Uf/ag11·
' . 16111 a Tllttln -Cotta Mota
Moat homes. are built wltb onlf children In
mind. We bave !Ive bomes de11gnod for the
comforts and fUll ·of adults. BeautlfUI to look
at, room Jbr hobbles, 11rivate offlce, 1eparate
dining rm. guest room witb balh. 3 cartcfiii rage, walking distance tolcburches. Wes
shoppinf, and restaurants.
~NCHO. LA r.UIST A -. U you•ve
mused the. clonout ol. RANCHO · LA
CUESTA0S 3 other units •••• DON'T
MISS THISll · · · · -
7% with 20% do!wn -7'h% with 10% Dn.
no 2nds ~ no points -29 yrs on blitanc.
Priced' fro111 $30,950 to $33,950
Exc lu1lw Agent
p. a. palmer incorpora~d
Tract Ph : 54t-51U F.-.n L.A. Call MA U034
Big 4 BR Northside Costa
Mesa 2 year old home.
Sprinltlers, 2 priv8te patios
& loolu: like a mode.I home .
$28,IXXI GI loan available to
anycne -Full sales price
. ~32,950
Located in a prestige area
thb~ distinctive 5 bdnn, 3~~
bath home 'vill make you
feel like a modern day king,
All morhs are large & iliry.
Immense living room, fam-
ily room. Iormal dining
room. Swim pool l gai,;ten
for the ultimate in outdoor
living $19,500. Q u a I i t y
throu&,hout. Live gracefully
le enlertain royally.
2025 \V, Balboa Blvd., N.B,
I' \I I • \\ l 11 I I ~'Ill\ Ill\\
k I \ I I ' o •
REALTY 67Uto0.
315 Martne Ave., Balboa ts.
4 Br Family Rm Baycrest Custom rm•"""", ,. old N""'°"
$79,950 home w/ cuotom ''"'° 6
BeauUful spacious home de-vacuum system thru-Oul 2
algned for the executive who frpks: crpts, df1111 complete,
entertains. Features include 2 back yrds. SM.OOJ
sunken living room, ftlnnal CNr Irvine A 22ndl
LARGEST m E. nth st. 141 UM ·------
N"' Ocean. l 111.t 2 ho.
each unit. S Frpk:a. $52.·
lOtt. 0-,oWlllJa...-.. .,tor
dinU. room, large tamUy ,405 Francisco Dr.
room, maste~ suite, Roman Owner. 54f..0507 c.t---to lest llMch
bath, all built arouud prl· "!!!!!!!!"'""'""'"~"'"!!!!!~I ._..,.. vate Spanish patio. can t~ OHL y $24,0GOI ' BR, 2 bl., 2 cat pr; 6 yn
day for showllW appoint· COLLEGE PARK AREA )'OUl'W. on'1 $29.000.
ment. Forest £. Obon, Rltr. A real clealK'r Upper w1lh a Caywood Rtty. *'12'1
64>-0300 big 5lll• auumabJo loon @ &.i06 W. c.ut lltnl'. N.8.
WAS $2UQO only $Ui6 per month inc.
NOW $10,900 tax... l BR. 2 b&lhs. dble PENINSULA POINT
3 bedroom. C • t pet In 1 praie. HlttTYl Paint, decon.tie b-dmm!
lhrousbOut. 10 a al cove.red Cood S BR home an 50 a lOO
polio. AU built-In kitcbon --ERNIE.__ tt. 1ot X!.N'r Joe. $12.slil incl-tt1r1gerator. RA> LA a.n.o. RMI Ett• Co. o:enu, polnt..i inlide """ CLEVE ND 87.l-<140 out. Jw.. 1 .,.,...,. p1.. .. ... ___ ...... 1llO E. Bal ... BlYd., Bolboo
sume 65' V.A. loan. $'300
down, $134 Pm Private
Puly. 962-1189
RM. $23.SOO °""""" room thl.uabouL 2 pWlrnan batlut, ~ant
brick littptac:e. all electric
"Award" built-in kltc~n.
Patio, Park like la.ndtca~
Y•rd. 541.).lrJO
TARBELL 2955 Horbor
' . ' "
.. . .
. ~ .. .
' ' . • ' '· I
. . ' . ,.
. ' , .
,• ...... ' . -••
: t f
:~ t'
• • •• • •
• ~I-·, ........ ............... ' .. . .. . ..... ~. -. . . . • • • .. "' -..... j . . . . . .. . .. !'l•t •••'•·•'•""'•"••I ...... '
llUSIN!SS •nd
l'I NA!fCIA~
1-!'12P1r!)" . .ooo llllL Opporlunl!los llllloo; 0,putunllloo 6'00
Ol'FER: 8'moYll by .Apil
:so, 2-atoey kooell ~
lstr&DO Beach Cub aill'. -oo. ... "' ..,., ... to c.pi.. FIRST TIME OFFERING I
trano Bea.ch Jnvutmtnt co.,
lm<l Pallalrc, Pacilio l'ai-
,_, Calif. iOm
Jat•IDl---Cllh. 8orTow Oft >'0'4' -pro.
perty eq without diaturb.I~
)'Out low ~ lit TDa.
A1ao ....... "" 2nd TDa. Sattler Morf.pae Co. Inc.
Serving llarbor Area 20 yn.
336 E. lTU. St.
~21n M5-<l611
Mortg-, T .0.'1 6345
* * * *
Prestl&e area Olrona dd
Mar. Attractivo owoer'•
aulte. Alklng $125,000. Call
Frank SDbo. 776-9300. JN.
Unlimted money-making potential with your
own ,business as a distributor for POK·O-
GOLF, the new leisure Ume game that com-
bines the skill and fun of goU with the ex-
citement and sU&pense of card-playing.
Aro You Tho Rl9ht Man F,r This Opportunity?
Do you want to start your own business? Do
you want to be your own boss? WW you de-
vote part of your spare time to develop a
business ot your own?
NEED $16,(Q).$19,000 will
Pl)' top lnteMt + pollltl;
3 )T Pf,)' ou. Prime Lido
lsle bayfront 4 BR home-,
property "al 1120.000 .
Prel!ent 1.tt, balance $S8,000.
Phone prlnclpaJ p r t y
Wbodcfy1 Wont? Wh1ddy• Got?
5 LlnM -5 ti"'" -5 bucb
RULES -o\D MUST IHClUOE Zl,000 ht TD on Ocean View
Wll, payable $2'10 month,
10% due 3 yn. 10% dis-
count 494-ll37
1-Wllolt y(lll na~ to trio.. ~'' ·y(lll .. nt In tredlt.
a-YOUR ~ aflt/111' ldllNI.. ....S fines of td~erlblftt. ~OTMINO FOlt SA Le -TRADES ONL YI
PHONE 642-5671
i4500 1st TD, 8% due 3 yn, To Place Your Treder's P•radise Juf
* Villa Pomona Pacific · {l0
7ll Oceall Ave., H.B (nt> 536-1'87 Co.ta Mell'& r..ewest &: moat
luxurious apb l'IOW ren~
Unfur. 1 & 2 BRs. Adults/O!EZ0~"!"'0~RO!'!!!!!!!AP"!"'ARTMENTS~~~
~:. ~~tpeso~~1: ~~ 8'JJ4 Atlanta
NEW·OAROEN APTS. New l-l~ru;,P" ~
1-BDRM .. Modern kitcbe.n w/ 536-39Z7 or 536-2127
range I: oven. di&bwuher, Pool·Washf!H.Dryen
etc, Encloeed gar. Olympic Private Garages
size pool. B-B-Que & laundry . tac Elec I: water Jl(l. From 1 BR ldI1g SJ.Ze dlx. cpb, $135 mo up. Adults only. drps, bl~, dshWBhr, gtgl!,
241 w Wll!O CM £42-SfOl view, qwet, cool. Near • n. beach, !lores, goU. $145.
2 BR. w/gar. -1enced yd. I -~2-B~R-,ru-dlo-a-pt.-"l>-IS.-
w/patio -water pd .. pr-drps, blt-ins, tenced
dener. tio la .. --.
LOW ! You do no selli.Qg! We arrange for
plaeement <If machines, We furnish all nec-
essary training, material and equipment.
You service company secured accounts~
ll % alsc9wtL 17 Ft. ftber &lau outbcard
:===491=-=12JO===::: and blg wheel tilt trailer. --Will trade for lmhoapinJ:. _Mo_n-"oy,_W.;.;.;.•;...nl...:od.;;__63;;;;.;.;50 PHONE
WANT S20,00'.> oollateral loan i---...:'...:14...:"'='---wtth 100,000 TD an 10 &ael! Tustin view lot. 29 ac Cor-
oceanview hllllo.p land. ona, 320 ac N. San Diego
494-1137 ; Olty. 1st Td total $300 M.
Will trade ali or part !or !
Owner 675-3243, 673-03(6
Off'--Ront•I · 6070 1-..:::::..:.:=.::.;::: ___ l ,53 GMC Van camper, will
...., Found {Free Ads, 64,00 trade for Pick-Up ol equal
NO FRANCHISE FEE! You pay nothing for
the opportunity to represent our company.
Total minimwn capital equipment invest·
ment. of $9,950.00 with only $2,500.00 cash
required. Balance of in vestment can be fi.
LAGUNA BEACH BLACK Great Dane. Costa valt1e or Dune Buggy.
Air Condltlonec:I Mesa, 17th St. area. Call to * 646-3688 * ON FO~J A.VENUE Average Ei rnlng Potential of $1,500.00 •Month I identify days 548-342!, eves 11o-2 BR wtlts o.c. 00 vac,
OtsJc lp&Cet available tn 494-2480 S180 M inc. 10,000 ac N. aewa office hWkUn& at CASH IN NOW ! Our team of marketing ex-SIAMESE kitten with yellow Cal, on hwy 395 nr Susan.
prime location to downtown perts is ready to assist you now in starting stone-atudded collar. Corner ville. Trade alVpart for ?,
La,gwia Beacb. Air CXJDdl. your own business. If you are looking for Federal & 19th, c M. Owner. m..3243, 6'13-03CI>
ticmed. carpeted. bee.utitul that once in a lifetim e opportunity, write us &U-9730, 548-0'raJ 5 acres nr. Turf Paradise ~~=.T •c: today. Please include name, address and TIGER-striped cat .... ·earing track, Pboenix, for local
Fcrest A•e .. rear lead.I to telephone number. Full descriptive literature yellow nu collar w/hells, res. or com. prop, Val S15,· M~ Pllidnl Iott. $50 will follow. found vie. So. Capella Ct., 00'.I cir. Owner: 546-9358.
per montb for IJ*:9. Delk Costa Mesa. 546--6384 Der Wienerschnitzel, 1951
and cbalra a..rlable tor IS. NATIONAL POK-O-OOLF . DK. Gray shaggy Poodle Harb'"· CM. Land & ~ldg.
Burlneu houri a.uwtrtnz Box 123 Med size Vic oJ' Garfield & Income S500 mo. net. $45,000
service avaiW>le tcr $10. 10407 Liberty eo1denwe'st HB. SJ6..3126 equity for lots, Back Bay,
AU atf!Jtiea paid ._, SI. Louis, Missouri 63132 6<>&:10
~. · (814) 423-1100 Loot 6401 Equities Iolallng $65M U>
m ~~ ~ ASK FOR MR. ANTHONY =~-.-,..-wan!--*_;:.;:. Mote~ T.D. + home for
LAGUNA BEAal 1==;=::!=====:;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;~;:;;;;;;:;;;;;=;; lat In Corona del. Mar. ~to~ 0~ Income or
491-M ' · 1 ---Cocker A Poodle nwcture, 541-2164 or 673-5929 ~~~,,::.:;,:;:;:,..,,~-REAL ESTATE Bus. Opportunitin 6300 a.nswen to the name of San-1-....:.::..::c.:...::....:.:.::..:=~ $80/MONTH Gener•I dy. Pleue return no ques-Laguna Beach CommerclaJ
CANDY SUPPLY "°"' ulred. Re...;,,. Pbme BWlrling. lll8.000. equity. Lois 6100 ROUTE' 646-9003 w.,,t bui!dabie land. Bia
CPart or Full Timer 494-1330
pa • U.ALt., rm. gar.
2526-E Santa Ana Ave •· SllS nr Huntington Center, lit Door, amal1 office with 1 o.=----2228-A Placentia Ave. · · $115 1 yr old. $1.50. 897.1313 ha.th. Ideal ior· Real Esia~
SEE and then call BRAND NEW 2 &: 3 BR;; Bkrl, 6beriffa etc. ·Ed-JUd. ---•~'3&-4==120=•"---I from ;1!'AI mo. Cpta, drps, ~.!-~'f, k;k ~Mr, He1 lier
HARBOR <Ubwsbr. Nr Beach. 847..\i957 tl'lQoMJ.J.
CHOICE building t5 it e ,
panoramic view. U p p e r
Newport Bay. Cor. Mesa Ii
Bayvi e w. By owner
2217 Harbor near Wilson,
• 2 bdnn studio, $125.
Dani Point ~ 5740 reception room $125/mo. 4
room milt. $300 I mo, ,w 1A;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;200;,. j e Heated pool, no peU. DELUXE 2 bdrm, 2 ba,
Adj, to shopping. triplex apt, ocean view, ter-"""""'"'""" -& , , ---"--'-'--".--1 race. garage. $165. Mo, secretarial aervice.
Orange Counly Bank mdg.
230 E. 17th Street
C:OSta Mesa 642--1'85
3 BR 1% ba, blt·in range
I: oven. With raraa:e. i l.50.
Wells·McCardle, Rltrs.
l810 Newport Blvd., C M,
adults only, no p e t s .
642-4192 or 496-5319, att 5: 30
REAL ESTATE Offices suitable for Com-
Gener•I mercial. ~1. Dental.
-----A.fr..cond., crpts, elevator
Ronl•l1 Wanted 5990 35c PER SQ. Fr. Gracious Adult Livine 541-"1.12 OR 67~m<
2 Bdnns. w/w cpts drapes. PROF, wile & 2 daughters 300 Sq. Ft. Office
23 Pltu acres in valley cent-
er; all usable, with waler &
highways right at the prop.
erty, Full price $46,600 or
will trade for income. For
more infonnatlon, pleue
call Glenn Thompson with
Eckhoff & Assoc., lnco
Excellentlocome lorlew LARGE REWARD! HAVE l60.000 TF 00 10 hrs. Wttkly work (days small brown~ wbt mutt, w/ acres of Oceanview land.
or ~s.). Refilling and red coIIar. Vic N. Newport TRADE for clear house
collecting money from Blvd., NB, Call 6(2..32ZI or 497.1210 C o i n Operated Diapen-2225 canyon Dr. # 3, CM.
sers in Costa Mesa and WANTED: Luskey's Harbor
5UJTOUllding are a. No PLEASE find our dog. Shag-area or Pacific Orange
gy ~Wht ,male Cocker County reverse telephone
selling. (Handles n a m e Sparuel.. Wear g llea collar directory. Trade for ? '!? '!
brand candy & snacks.) only, Vie Sturgeon & 20th Call 546-2S85 Eves
$1650 total cash ttqU!red. S.A. Ans "Duke" Reward! ·
For more lnfonnation 542-5279 aftns or eves. Clear 11 lots Palm Springs.
and details, send name, MISSING Cocktail Rln north of aUix>rt • for beach addresa and phone num-/ g, property. Equity $50,000. her to: pearls w small diamonds. John Seach, Bkr.
"ROUTE DEPARTMENT' Vic Baboe. Isl. $150. rew. No 494-856.1
P. o. Box 3846 questions. 673-0367.
Anaheim, California. 92803 WlllTE gold woman's wa.tcll. aear 200 acres Mendocino
Small, round, TiS90t. Blk Co~ty, 2 creeks, soda
ASSOCIATE WANTED cord band. 642-1409. Vic of sprmg, oaks, aspen, holly
No selllna -keep your regular Cliff & Dover Dr • for clear beach prop, Equ.
Palm Springs ror Newport•
or vicinity, Have 3 nice,
homes, take any type prop..
erl)'. OwnE-r. &tS-2001 or
eves, 642.5.!5.}
Fun in sun plus Income.
Desen Hot Springs DuplelC.
2-2 br. S12.000 eqty, For 2
br house nr shopping Costa
Mesa Area. 642-3214.
HA VE View 3 BR, 2 ba
home Laguna Beach, equity
$15,000. WANT UnitB, To1o.·n.
house or submit. Bier.
675-6591. Rell. 494-7161
E-a.ide home & inc, J BR +
2 apts $27,950 val. 6 E-eide
units $57.000, mo inc $1'l0.
Trade !or eq s. C8Jif home.
Lemmer, brk:r. 646-3750
San Oemente Income Z
Stores 2 Lots 2 Offices 2
Apts. Take TD's or trade
Good financing. Make offer.
Call ""'1262
Elec. goU cart v.·ith top,
windshield, etc, OK for
street: val. $175: for tum.,
fishing tackle, etc. 548-2018,
See al Tewinkle Hardware.
Jfave Comm lot St. to St on
old Newport w/small house.
Wan!: 2 or 3 uni!s East
Costa Mesa. Bkr Englund,
1964 SUZUKI 250. Excellent
condition. Luggage raek,
motor o/hauled. Swap for
scuba gear or ? ? ?
2 Indust. bldgs on Placen-
tia, CM. Value $150,oo:>.
Trade 1h of $95,000 eqty for
prop a.nyhere. Bal in TD or
? ! 548-1542
Oceanfront Duplex, 4 and 2
OO:h'OOms, S21.00J equity.
\Vant view lo!s in Laguna
Beach area. BaJboa Bay
Properties, 673-7420
$300}. Cabin Cruiser, 2
bunks & head, ship to sOOre
135 Gn>y Marine, Perfect
cond. Trade for prop, T.D.
or ~ 53!1-S073 or 527-1515.
pool, Sftidenta O.K.' desire 3 o~ -4 BR hse in COSTA MESA 646-2l30 ~l:::eue=."'2'°'Br;;::--,::,,.=w:;:ly:I Ml!SA EAST APTS C.M., N.B., or H.B. areu, T 'l:'Ac-E ""-145 E. 18th C.M. &e-:J474 starting June ht. Will pay ~ : slere or o....._..,, 1914
1818 W. Oiapman Ave.
Orange, Calif.
541-2621, Eves-wlaxls 5J8-67'Z7
job . v,,:irk part time refilling .:::.:::..:::...::.:.:..:::...:::.:· ___ ity $100 000 Bier 4.94-8563
attractive new candy and • AFGHAN "Lisa", blonde, I~-~·--· -----
snack machines. Can expect small and thin. REWARD. Clear bank & office bulld-
VERY HIGH EARNINGS * 494-9748 * ing Baldwin Park, equily
Have: Medical Prof. bldg;
Rialto. free & clear, .val
$l:l5,000: trade all or part
eq. \Vant: land, TD's or
? ? r.tyers 673-6756
..... lllalboa Pen, avail • up to 5200 mo. Call 64&-1966 aq. ft good location. 333 E.
t. $160 mo. 213: OCEAN BREEZE UJl'PeT apt. WANTED 3 BR unlurn hae 17th SL <;.M. 64;&-4033 ·-·-·· _
Large 3 BR 1% ba. blt-· : '
c Pt s Id r P s ' SU!l()i:: yr's lea:=~ Commercf1I 6015 Resort Property 6205
$160/mo. 2286 Canyon Dr. . ---------.:.; FOR RENT Furn Mammoth
No pets 545-3215 aft 4: 30 or 1 BDRM Unlum mplApt .~ 5200 Sq. Ft. Bldg. Mou n t a i n Condominium,
weekends. or MI 2-2222 Beach area for e o,,.""' Zoned c 2 . .Lot 150xl20'. Will :'=lee-="='·=875-4130====== NICE sep. Townhouse; 2 Br lady up to $l1 0/m o . sell as eoin& buslness or!.
Frpl, cpt.s; garage, Adulbl, 1 .:642-0086.::c::::c_,=~=~-=-Owner retiring. Easy terms. ,R.;:..:E:;·..;W:.:• ::.:n:.:tod~--62=40-'
"' pol>. $140 Mo. 543-WS. • LANOLORDS • R. O. SLATES R~r. WANT TO SELL7. 2652 Orange Ave. FREE RENTAL SERVICE 847-3519 Eves. 962-7369 .~~~~~--~-! ez,,o.r "*"82 LGE. 2 Br. split level $150 ~~~=,..,.....,,=--,,.,..-FOR SaJe Or trade by owner.
Upper 2 Br. $135. No pets 'BR. or! N'pt , Cnsta Mesa 50' x 180.5' commercial pro-
2885 Mendoza 545-S421 area; will fix up; lncd yd. perty. 19th SL, Costa Mesa,
3 BR 2 ha Condo, cptg, About S7l5 Mo. 633-4136 next to · Dept ol Motor
blt-ins, dishw., dbl gar. 2 Rooms for Rent 5995 Vehicles. Income $470 mo.
can Farrow and start pack-
on modest investment of Large bird design pin. $150,000 -for clear beach
less than SJ.too. 1Write fur REWARD! property. John Seach,
interview appofutment, glv-l .::::,,,;*~*~6"""'~~:,;*~*~=l :B!ro~k;;r~r.~494-;;-'~8563;;;;"0;.;;;;;;; in& phone nwnber and ad-2 ·vacant San Oemence
dttss to: SPEED VENDOR. Personals 6405 Lots zoned for 7 Units. 1450 O:iapin Avenue, Burl. I c.::.::.:::::::::.._ __ _;::::= I TRADE for Npt/C.?if In-
ingame, California, 94-010 . 1'1Q INTEREsr come, and/or <.'Omm'I. free
WANTED: Man to do Wnte . ~or ~ brochure & clear $24,500 equity. Prop.
furniture stripping & 'wod descnb1ng 1,Q l_n t e r e st ertles West. 675-4130 {7J.9.c:)
bleaching work on 70% church bonds, bemg sold by 1:::.:::::...::.:::::...::::...::.:::::..:.:::::.
basis; remove all finish Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. HAVE: Land N.E, Antelope
from modem & antique Box 5002, San Jose, Valley, 237 ac. aJl or part.
furn. PortabJe set-up, froni California 95150 val S250 ac. \VANT: Hou.;.
?alrn Springs to Bt>vcrly LICENSED ~s. units or?? Myers
Hills area. $1500 req to 673-6756 Spiritual Readings, advice
Ship's radar (2), RCA
Pathfinder, 45 mi radlus;
cost ;5700 ea. exchange for
R.E., late rnodel car or ? .
Owner. 541-2164 or 673-5929
17 Ft. outboazd for station
wagon or auto of equal vat.
ue. Phone 6444687
What do you have to trade 1
List it here -in Orange
County's iargellt read trad·
ing post -aM make a deal
_poo1~~·~$1'10~/~mo'."'_:?:54<hS5iO~~-· J ::;:-;:--;::-:-Owner w/ lease back at l~-~!lR.j.;, 2 BA, dshy,·hr, pool, Villa Firo Apts. 3 B~ ROOM for rent. Working ='""'=-'~· $45'--"''-950-0,... 4_94-_95_25::.,.~
s. Adults. m petl Unt Children Welcome $l50 lady. $15 per week. FOP.. Lease 1,i acre of M-1
2320 Florida 536-Z730 87' W. 0 --J-• ApL 1 c.all after 4. 642-7697 ..t ... wllh -" Ill
293 E. 17th St. 64M494
enter business, can average on an matters, 108 s. El * * * * * *
$45 day after 2 wks of prof. CamJm Real, San Oemente J~~i\!!!!'~!l'!!!!!!!!!'!!!'~!!\!!'!!!1!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!~~ I know-how. Call 5-7 p.m. 492-9136 10 AM 1 p
Ta.-<es too much this year? Attractive Expert Carpentering 6590 Contracton 6620
Build a tax hedge with your YOUNG WOMAN C RP
~ ....,., ..:. prope • .., smau 0 ce. BUSINESS and
4610 2 BR. 1% Ba. Patio, crpts, LRG. Prv room, semi prv Completely fenced with 2
c:.=:...::=;;..-_.:;:;.;; drps, bltns. Adult!. no pets. bath, boule' pr1v1. Mesa larEe gates. 548-630t FINANCIAL~-· ---
GLE Young Adults Lux-$140. Avail May L 548-4506 Verde area. S1S wk. M5-l304 lnd·--il Re-ii 6090 Bus. Opportv_nltl .. __ 6300
µry garden apt.s with ~ 1 BR grdn apt. fpl. ti ..,,.,,, 1"
own part or full time dancer will teach YoU all A ENTRY ADDITIONS-REPAIRS
business. SEMINAR 0 n latesl steps. Call Ardell MlNOR REPAms. No Job REMODELING
., cl•b .1m .. ,bere .,,. ,_ bl"" "°ce pool· -G•::::":::t..;Ho=--::'----'s"-99'-1 SALES EnCUTIVES ~.fe~utriv~.50= Attlli, no pels ~. M&-6163 HAVE vacancy tn com· ~URSe.n~e~atN~!; M
Start-Build-Promote y 0 u r l=,'213;::' ,;:"";:c-4538=:,:l~-l:::D_:Pc:M::_ Too Small, Cabinet in gar-Designing & Planning own business. CO ages & o the r cabinets. Kitchens-Baths, etc.
DEAN HOWARD & CO. UP~. singles; lonely! 545-8175 il no answer leave Llc'd & Bonded. Free esl. CHAPMAN Ave.. Gani•• 2 BR, cpts, dP', b!J.1,,., gar. fortable ""'"""' home for Valley, new commercial & AND MANAGEMl:MT Grove ('714) 636-3030 $115. Nr. OCC & sbops. elderly lady. Must be am-industrial units. Delta Elec· Qtl New m area? Join the swing msg a't 646-2372. ff. O. A & B CONSTRUCTION P. 0. Box 1455, Costa Mesa •-fu" • pie"""-
Adults. 645-0008 bulatoey, private r o o m , tric. Days • 831·1400. Eves. • w " "" _,,..," Andel"90n 1122 Paularino, CM.
• 635-9291 • * 545-4941 *
ogvn• -4705
2 BR apt, downstain, clean, board & care S180. MN•ar -'=99-4:-.:.-1::98::,·==~=--CANDY supply route, part or
crpts. drpe, blt·ins, lnq 1552-~hops & park in Costa esa. 117x90 CORNER M·l. fncd, Looking for a no limllation full time, days/eves. Refill
A Coriander. 546-6268 , ;6'0-.!;,:,;;:ll5:;::.. --:-:::-""'""°~ 700· bldg. 19th & Whittier, C&l"ffr, and a future with & collect money from coin
LONOON·Laguna Actors C1rpenterlng 6590
Workshop. Inquiries. --C•rpet Cleaning 6625
494-t4!H REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS --"-----"---Large bachelor Apt furn.
AU ~luxe Feature•
n View. Wa1k to beach
~170 -yearly lease
1: Costa Meaa $250 mo. growth!· Ally baclcaroUnd oper. Dlapemen in Costa
Sl'UDIO 2 Br. newly dee. ~ •-~= :~ r~e~u<;! 642-3490 )'OU J1U&ht have in sale&. Mesa 1: vie. No Riling,
$145 Water pa.Id. 984 D .,...,, QI:. • =="========== public relations, manage. $1650 Total cuh req. Send CamJno, CM. 962--5050 di')', large room & light .. __ ,_ ===-=-"'"',,,--,...,,-. nuraing, beau t ft u 1 sur-Lota 6100 ment, accounting, or UUUfi" l\&JM, address & phone to:
QIJIET, deluxe 3 Br. studio. roundings close in. 4M-2t2S c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 1 keepin&: Y.'ouid be a parttcu-Route Dept, P.O. Box 3846,
Adults only. Hid pool. 1m • • tar benefit to YoU. Men and Anaheim 92903
ANORAMJC view oVttlook:· Santa Ana Ave.., 646-6542 Misc. Rentala ~999 2~ JO 4 ACRES .,-omen w are &ookirw will =BEA=~UTY="'-"Salon.,,;;,;.--Mod~.,.-.
a!Jncl Alfi '° M8e1!_c~ 2 dBRuJ+-Nrn. 2 BORA-IS, drps. crpt:s. pvt make-US,IDI. to $25,000. per newly dee, 5 Sta. Vecy reas. ~·we ec. a•w7 a$185~mom pe.tio & garage. 2 children FAMILY Vac. Trailer, on Rancho Capistrano year or more. can Mr. Kap. 67l-2835 days, 646-4608 eves.
o.:•u rcn. no pc s. • . ok. No .. tl. $130. st&-7540. bucll.. ., Ensenada,, 31,S hr lan all day ah d evenina Call eves, ~3755 from N.B. Comp furn ex. 11 now ottering a limited 85 cn4) 537.ssoo. \VANTED: ott-sale liquor
, 64'2-3381 parcell of fabulous. oAk I--'-------licenec, Onulge O:>unty. GUNA Oceanfront Nuwpo.-t Buch 1 5200 . untn. 09.t, wk. mo. studclC'd, nnch me spreads. AFFILIATE Call: 642-8139 ,Bachelor Apt. Furn or ~---• e Ga.rage For Rent e The only ones of their kind IMMEO. INCOME
-Unfurn $135 mo./le.ase. Sgle .e WAT~RFRONT • Single -$lO Month In the (NO SELLING lNVOLVEDl ATI'RAcrIVE SALON
ALCOHOLJCS Anonymous CABINF:I'S, Any she job.
Phone 5'2-7217 Ol' write to 25 vn. exper. 548-6713
P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. QUALlIT Repairs -Altera-
tions -New C'l'.lnst by hour
SERVICE DIRECTORY or C.Otract. 64&3442
HOUSEHOLD repairs of all Appf11nce Rep.airs kinds -fast reasonable
P•rll 6510 Bob 67>-1826 ' .
SUPREME Refri;eratlon & MASTER carpenter, $4 per
Appliance Repair. Aak Jot hour. Remodeling. Rep&in.
Tom. 54&--136l. 5n..Ql91 &U-6409 or 536-3900
Babysitting 6550 c.....,t, Concrete 6600 ==="'----= adult 494-3223 Pier le. lllP; db:. duplu; 3 • 642-3645 • Qi.Wltied individual will l:lC' v~l~~!Oll~ble
LARGE bachelor. view , Br, 2 Ba, (pl. rel. -No pets. Boomlnt South CO.st selected by Multi.State Inc. ---------COSTA Meaa. Prt-School e CUSTOM PATIOS e .ileck. SllO. i!"K'ludes util. SS1S IM. M»42S. Income ~rty 6000 ArH to sttpply ntabllahed bu&I· --------Uccnstd. A&\?& 2-6; open 6:45 toucrete sawing & tt:rnoval
.Qngle only. oi!l'J-3464 an 6. 1~ 2 ~-~.!"'ndvl ""'.. Sm1ll Tr•llor-P•rk H1gb_ •bovt the l!f'l!(Jg belt. ness with ftnest triple A·l Sus. W1nted 6305 to 5:"5: S18 Per wk. State Uc.• 342-1010 ,,.,me, __ ._,, ew , Private roads and locked national products (candy I: --'---..;..;. __ _;;.;.:..: CO?tJP~~l_S..9803 * CONCRE:I'E .,.,"'Ork, bonded
AroUnd June 15th. Le.ale on-In COl't• /Mu pte guarantee the natural anacb), ll.450 Cub requtr. PRIVATE p.uty has SUl,000 I----'~"'-=-'--« lie. Concrete sawing.
Apts.. Unfurnllhed ·ly. 7'5 Dominto Or. 645--UGO With 2 BR houie. SfM?nd $170/ beauty of this former Span. ed. For peraona.I inl'mliew caah down payment + ex· BABYSITI'ING in my home Phillips Cement 548-6380
SOOO 2 ~ nttr11 }See. drps w/w· mo with Sl.7.IXX> dOWl1 -$80,. lsh Grant aurroundod by b\ Cort&. Meaa A: IW"t'OUnd· eeut1ve abillty to tnvat in S da,ys a '1\-etk. Exl)'d moth-Cement Work-all kinds
rll 3 BR, , BA. fplc.' $235, ~ total pria!. JlWTYI 6',l% beautiful Oeveland Nation-t,. artU. &end name, ad-~ busintss. \Vritc In er, lunches, fenced yard, Fn>e Estimate
• RENT 213: 9&1--1Vl9 financing, Ill Forest AD utilities avail-dl't9I 6 phone number lo cornplett t'Obtidtnce to Do.I· Meaa Verde area. 545-0649 * 636--0.174 •
_._ 1 WAI.J.Y McCOY, Realtor able ' Multi.State Inc: .. 9075 E. Im. :l,y=P11o=t=Bm=="=4=10.=== XI.NT child home
•• 3 Room• Furniture ~!;!> ~bl"'."..,2_ BrAd.I•~ ~ 6'2-6487 l..'ves. 56-4.412 . perial HWl', Downey, caw care, my , CEMENT Wbrk, no job too ... ., ...... ~ u" _ ,.., hot lunches. fresh fruit. small, reuonable. Fr e e ; $20 • $25 & UP pois. i... ms. 673-2370 NEWPORT BEACH PRICIO FRoM $I.Gao 1-'-lltDll'-,==~=~-1•-111-t Oppor. 63l0 «rtill<d ntilk & real bomer. m!m. H. Stufllek. 548-S675
•Month-To Moolh R'"I'1• 2 BR 2 BA $165 • $17' & TAX SHELTER: '°"' OOWll ~ 15 YRS. FRIGIDAIRE GROWING Mic. eo. -. 892-0935
: WIDE SF:l.ECTION f183. 3 BR 2 BA. bp1e, Jm. Deliaxe 8 unit Ju.fl beinc con-For true country livilW. rt-JET ACTION prtvatt lmlet:tar, tntemted BAB\'SM7ING in my ho.me. Contr•.~cto:::;rs;_ _ _;66=20
Carpet &. Upbol Cleaning:
11 it's done right. ...
I t's "DUNN-\VELL"!
~ Estimate11 , .• 548-8544
Carpet L1yln9 &
Repair 6626
C '.RPETS (nylons. wools,
polyesters,) Vinyls and TiJ.
ea. Latest 11tyle11 and colors.
Commercial and Residential.
Expert installation.
6'2--1400 540-7262
Gardening 6610
ltcliable Ja'l\'fl service,
mow, edge, trim.
.. 531-1404 *
EXPER Japanese Gardener
J.lonthly &ervict, re a s,
832--0?0S or 540-7967
JOHNSON'S Ganlenlng Serv,
F irl('SI equip. expert yard
cart~ Reas~ 962-Jl35
• Av911a.neeS &: 1V'& ava.il 2J.3..981-'1G 1tructcd, oveilooldl'll all of ttrement or just )1aln taYe1t. Friti4alre 18 mtn. cycle b In <*P1tol lnVftt. of up «1 St da11y. -•1 NO DEPOSM' O.A.C. -Back Bay, Drlvt bi 745 mcnt at• bup.1n Plica. Call the tut .. t ln the \hduslr)I. $25.000. Plate ttply ln-1 ___ _;"2-ml::::;::::~--AOf>..A...Room, •Pl. unltl, AL'S Gllt'dcning Servi e e
H.f .R.C. East Blvff 5242 DominCo ~~;.~• call orwriteforcomplttedttalll 00 ~do lhe work diea~ term.a. etc. Bm p.. BABYSJ'M'lNG ~a:,w~ t~y:~ Lawn malntenant:e, gan:Je1>
Cut ,f, Edge i.ay,11
J\t:iln!rna.ncl', f..ictnsed
5'184808f64.'l-2Jl0 aft ~
' Fvmftur• Rentals O\\'ne.r/bldr . ..-...-and ftte color bmchurn. ot 41). 30 mln. wuhert, Find _;;A;;;,Da,,,,11,y;;,..:Pllo"""t;..,-''~~-I MY llOME *· * ANY AGE d 20 l:ng & clean ups. &46--3629.
'T w. 19th, CM ~ • NEW DI LUX2 • *NEW F~ .PLEX* ~~. out bow eaq it t. to own INV!Sl'OR Watltf.d for N.B. 8U-8681 alt 5:30 PM. hue:: .. ,. PaJr~ ~noa~ CL.EAN-UP Sptciallst? Mow·
W. IAdn, Anbm Tl.,_ 3
1:: !!,_ ba.: !>! .. 1e: Nea.r Btacfl. Hllllthwton Newport Beach, 92860 a pt,YirC 1a111ldey. CTOWln&: aportn.'tar rlrm, Blda. 615--7191. Wtekdays, lng, r.dginr. odd Job 1.
«>; 2 a Dllf 4-plu. ~ 1\11. nn.. ~ pntet~to. Bffcb. $1Q5.900. 8'1-3Z1 546-Jla <!.,~!' ~.~ nat1 dlJtributcra. Ne• d Brick, ~Mnry, etc. Slt Ir. SUn al )'OU1' M!i'vl~ Reuonablt. ~
ftQRe • OYeft. ~.' "'. d001' opeDU •"--ail. Pool "s UNITS. ,... aalt bldgL 1 .. _ .... o1 .. :·:;:·Maatl = .::: .:::.~ 1----6560 QUALITY remodcllna;, JAPANE.5E GarUr.cer, com-
'C!ldml OK. Bia'. ~ ttc. aru. Nr. CathoUc BR. f'l1'm-~ Pft: mo. In-e VIEW of ocean. mmtr C IPY• ~ P.O. Box 22J3 N.B. BUll.O, Remodel. ltepllJ' cu.tam dieslgn terViOI!. R('fA: pli!lt> yanl lf!f'Ykt, fn.le
JUSTWlSHl:rtonM-~urdl 4 9Cbool It OoftJna Cl0me.SIT.500J..P.""4039 bluff. pmlble 6 1t)'. Equlpmient, Inc.. Brick. block. coacr•t•. on req. F'tank M. Barden tsllmates. ~W2
.... fD fu:mlab jOUr' bcmt cW Mu Jfiab. OAILI PD.Dr --4>JlfE-A, medk:al ar apts. wm buDct m.11.4. w. Valiencta Money ,. LNn 6320 crpntr)', no j)b too amall. Col'latt e.o.. 1.Q$.ltfi6 &ft COMi\u:ROAL ' Rt!lir!l!n-
..... ftnd pMI bu)'S ID • • ONLY $2'iD • LINE$. You cu 1111 lhem to suit. 53$-351!15 Full~rton Tit: ~78l3 :.:.:;;;.:.;.!.._ 1.lc Oontr. lil5U9CS t pm tlal Lawn mlllnt La""" Ii
·)!11'• Of"'"T' Ada. 131-371 Am1'ol Wt¥. H.B. for jl.&st ~ a 4¥:/• DI.ti LAGUNA wooday v1tw Jots, NO maner wt!.tt rt ii, YoV "NEW 2nd LOANS AA-IS YOUR AD IN Q..>.Sm· Add1ioM * Rfomoddln; Q'.llrlUl"t.' c~11nup. ~\1119
t>.UL'Y PllDf 1'AlfT Alli Nied a Gattlemlatl&JeT M2·5m • • • u~ ut1Utlts. pvt. can ltll h ""1th a DAILY RANGED" Top cub for nD>T ~ wDJ ~ Fred H-Cuwick, Lie. OCJN 1 Jt,;:,, \\'?Si t ior ~
-BRtNO RESULTS! F'W1 h wilh a want ad! \Vhlte •phanbl? DbnM·liM Sli.!l'!O & $9.250. 494-9748 PIL07' WANT AP! I fiQ...5671 aeuoned 2nds ~ Bkr. looti:~ tar tt. Dill &12.$71, 6n.rotl • 549-2170 thin' In f'urnb h ""11' t1mne
----·--··. ··--·-·---------------
" .
U..,, .lorl 21, IM
SllVICI DlllCTOIY JOIS .. IMl'LOYMINT .IOU .. IMPLOYMINT JOIS I IMl'LOYMINT .IOU a I Ml't.CIVMINT JOIS I llMl!LOYMINT .IOlll a fMllt.CIY• .;..;.:."-"-~,;;.;..;.;.;.;;;.;.;.o I ;=~=.:;.;;..;.;.;,;;;;;.;.c1 • .-.-...-..,..-..;.;...; -··
Clonloftl"t '6IO JM W-, I.My 7030 Holl' w......i. -7200 Ho1!t WllllM, -7200
AHTHONY'S FLOORi ·~ " --• c;...., Sorvlco Cl>'t ....... Walll -, ....... Cook . -1941 ""eu.rut..a.61W511 •• , ITT JAISCO 'tbe t.ut. eo1u oo ~! or _
{Asslslllll) Employers Overload CLEll PNne .•. Plant •.• Pnoare -ic Help 70U lltcli11 Tral-
M!>"thl> Ma\l'"""'P
Exp. Hortii'Wtu.rtlt
$614 • $131 Pl' montlt
M6-072.f. Complete card.run,
•rvioe. Htadqua.rtaos for
all your nuneey needs.
WEED control, lc.wn care,
li&ht halllirc; Exper'd. Jer-
ry or Man;:; M0-6.\!IO,
M&lntenance .t: aeanup
ENGUSH N&MY avtll lm-
mod. Uve In. Top Joe ttlL
Agey. &f,2.flfl3.
OtlD&Be tw.tr.. o-rtul
Permanent. Ex~
Far East A&f:1'ICY &tU703
Georae Allen By Aaerq
Employer P P'ee
10&-B E. 16lb, 5C7..fl3$15
Htln Wanffod, M9n noo
Permanent, full time Jot.:'
Ol&nce for advunmeirt
Bob'• I lg loy
l5t E. 17th Street
""" -
DotrM & W yra. exp.
Wri..,, T"' April 30, 1111,
6:30 p.ru. !'.xceUitnt OfllOt"
tunit)' in "" enforcement Requires U.S. cllbenshlp;
Mechanical erwtnHrinc tor high achool pad; minimwn
dtllan and dewlopment ot n yean of aae: maximum
ftUScl blndl1rW pumpt• and 30 without eq>trience. up to
Posltlon1....,1n1 1
dynamic hMllvldull
with proven 1bllk1 tn ftrt-
anclat .,....._ OG(pOtate
taxe1 and pneral acc:ouat·
lqr aetMUn.
Qttvm. Rel:pnm'ble tor 36 with tQerience: mini· ~tllftl srowth and expan..
complete 111)ed1ka~ for m11m 5'9" UiO lbL • 20/30 sion olhts a.a aeeU!lat ,op.
C •mR motors, fit~ materials. uncorrttted v1Uoo Contact portwlity tor 8.dvancernent
A etc. Prefer working know· PenC1noe1 OfDce i.YJo New-to hlaher leYel manaaemtnt
OPPORTUNITY! ledse ol ""'"'" """ -rl· "°" Bool.....,,: N*"""" .,..,_ · · enc. wttb metals. plutia, Beach, Cal.it.. (nt) m.li633. Individual .elected will be Join '°"'11 f:utllt P'O'rinl and lutome1'. responsi~ fer coon:lina~
lnlttviewlng Wed. only M PM ot nu Wutcllff
Drive, ('h block W. of Dover, Newport Beacll).
AD oqual -ty cnplo)'w.
MaUW ... '-. Ol'sdsttv. -·---COtLINS
Equal -lnillty -·
l ==can"-=,.548-"'=25=72=== I Over to )'l'J. Pm11. Radio car provided. Non amob:r,
drinkrr. Uniform all'noe.
~:=1.!:!:;'." EQUAL OPPORTllNITY --,~A=R~T-n=M~.~-I ~~ -""7 """ "'
W1 .. 1a .to11cr .... tlme --A-• TOP STARTINGPAY --·-~ 1200 Mulull '""" •~a.-~~·~ •--~ Htlp W1ntod, -Holl' W-• _... _ _, NEW BRANCH IN ORANGE =~ ... e or~: W......,.n-. __ ...;7..;41.;,;00
---· -------~·· -·I Soni-"612
Tree A Yard Service.
H•ull ng &730
S12 per load.
962-6346 afltt 3 PM
Hu Truck Will Haul. Exp.
Ell. Free. Prompt. 833-6015
HAULING. Genera!, Top,
trim, remove trees A
hedp1. BJg John 642-4030
Houseclqnfng 6n5
CARPETS, Windows. fin,
etc. Reside'l' or Comc'l
Xlnt work Reas! Refs.
Carpets.furn.comp]. Me.
and apt, clna:. 6Cl.&Gt
d&yl\"Ork:; bab)'lltlln&" f'Yert>
111gl! l v.·eek-ends. 548-4659
Excellent \\'Ork, $2.50 hour.
Call 5-16-5995
ttler'!!nces. By da.y or holll'.
Call 536-21 IS
Income Tu-o.._......:6:;;.740.;;;
CNCOME Taxes Jftp&l'f)d
your home, Jolli' form com·
blacd, $15. ~
Iron Int 6755
App; t PM • 5 PM, Rm
400, l2S N, BtoadwQ, Santa
Inc. lCSS oAi.£ WAY COUNTY. WE NEED Z lity and nUnlm five -llJt II. Ulll W--CXlSTA MESA. CALIF, -MEN F01t ADVEllTISING ... ~-,,... ,.. ._ ,AR WIST SI RVICIS OOllPAJllON OR
l.A.WN.IMld..,. (TI.4)561251 ANDDISPLAYWORK.NO yean;..,..IC'9eAJ-•e. INC., ....... , of COHVALE!CtNT AIDE
llff-. EXPERIENCE. WE TRAIN. Send ...,,... and lllAI>' ,._ Snack $hott<. C-'1, b' -l>ey. Lila -
MANAGDIENT MA.LE OR l'IXALE WORK FIVE DA y WEEK. qutrements to The Dally R.ubtn'I .... JReubtn UYe ln or ~ Sbiwt or kq
. OPPOR'ltJNlTY ~· 6:30TO10:30 P.11. FOR JN. Pilot Box # MG. E L •-a..-anh term. No Jee. For JUse. la"'7 bolll. ,._ ~-~.. CO. FORMATION CALL MR. • • ,__ ' -..--• ARTlm JAMES. Equal opportunity ernplo.'"' 1re now _,ii., •P' HOMEllAl<!:RS Jll> "' ---
Apply in person Exewtive t;ype penon who Due to expulJon the Penn)'-for t h I bu had .exsierience 111. Id-ave: is acee~ applica· MONDAY It TUESDAY pltc•tionl • r 163l I:. 17th SL, S.A. THE
mlnlatntion, "'" or tiona w·,,.,.. -LAY· n4'7251 0 C A • mgml. tr•I-, -* WAITRIU * Dean lewis Imports
\Parts Deptl
1966 H1rbor Blvd.
blllline• m •••••men L OUT PASTE-UP " PRO-----'-'"=--NOW HIRING grom. PIMM """1 In 18 to I:!, ... , •-· NEWPORTER IN
CompenMtion will be ex· DUCTION Artists. ExJ>eri. FRY (OOI( • WI! TRAIN Pl"°" 1'n Reynolds, Full um.. No .._ llUl,Jun--
Costa Mes•
cellent ID the man who hu enced prefe?Ted Apply in NO EXPERIENCE NEC. S•nt• AM, Calff. nece.-r,o. AIP1:r tn Jilmn Newport BMcb
the a bill~. Frinee beneftlr perMln Wed, thni Fri, PEN. bifuat be txJl!lrienced * WORK W1TH··~1tQ.. • rn SERV. Man, $120 wk. Pcm.
S1lt1 RepreMntatlv11
sr.io. SaJ..,,
Plus commission while in
training, FraMnal orpni-
zatlon established 1897. Ap.
pUcants should be over 25.
Xlnt m~t opportwi.
it)'. High income potential.
Call peraonnel manq:er.
Include """"""'· ttllre-NYSAYER, 1"5 Newport n•~ -xtn IOl'S llG IOY rr:ent income 6 a luxury car Blvd C'.osta Meaa. PTLTERING SYSl'tNS sal + bonus. Av $12 15'
ro the man who qual.Wes.1.._,,....;"====== Apply In pet'IOll • CHEMICAL SUPPLIEs deliveriel. SERVLSOrr liQ6. , ___ • ·"·· '•'"'•c.x-... -
Call 613-1577 PLANT EXPANSION * DELIVERY WORK .:""=t=SL=·=N=.S.===== I'
Opportunities ror DBINY'S llo. 121 *DISPLAY woRK _ IWatr/Secy MECHANIC Aulmbly C1rpi1tl1r1 *ADVERTISING WORK Amtnclea. w-7JllO a..zl.alt. Job
One man shop, for • la.nd· .nd Molders 12924 hech Blvd, * ELECTRICAL ma~ I: •tead:t acape IDl!ntenuce com-LUHRS BOAT co. Gorden Gl'OYe EQUIPMENT *BEACH AREA* 1pply
P<OY la Newport S..clo. M9 w. 18th st .. C.M. TOP STARTING PAY Crodit Corl< .......... l3IO 11:!0 Newport Blvd., C.M.
Full tina, permanent em-I~~=~~~== OOOKS: Suite, bro.ller, relief * FASr ADVANCEMENT In acct. dtpt. ol mfa. co.
ployment. Must be 1amili&r • A$ISTANT MANAGER. & prep man. Set. Ernie * S!ART WORK AT ONCE Type 50, phones, procus DOMISTIC HELP
with small equipment. Ex-tor reatauranl Young, ~at. Brock. Towen Reataurut. For lntuview CID cona. ek. Em».-~ ree AD ldDdll Bin 1 pus.
cdlent benetita. gd. penomllty, =I~ 1555 S. Coast Hwy., Lquna Monday & Tueldu Elcrow OUlctr .... ta SSStl Cooks, MUii i: Comptntons,
CALL Jlm Ballerct1 ~P.:=.,~c. HW!~ BKch betvoeen 5 l 9 pm 774a7251 f11A/VA pq, !'ee by •PP. ~ nlll-r.. a-Fee
Monday thru Friday s. (closed 'l'Uesdayl FHA/VA Trainee •• Sm.t1500 Paid Jobi. CID ..., Abb:Y,
Ca.n manage nten and up to 8 AM to$ PM Harber. 846--0693-LATHE OPERATOR SHE!:I' tnttaJ atiur I form. Tne. It. lb. dlvenifttd tr. •7198
$500. per W!'t!k Cand morel 642.(1325 STEREO " Radio installer. 5 Years uper. m1n.1mwn. inc open,t.or. Drill prea ofc. duties. Tee b)' I.PP· ARGUS AGENCIES
doe511 't scare you too much. DISH MACHINE 111:ru know t 0 0 11 • ~ Mlllt be ~ to mUe own operator, m arc weldhw. Girl P'l"ldl.y ••• ••• ~~ 1111 C Newport Blvd., CM..
call ltlr. Kaplan cntJ OPERATOR ~nts,P ~;1.; .Newport M:t·u~; top wace1; apply: &U-1\!>, ask tor c. Bates. ~':"· fo~ 11~. T;;: SIVIRAL OPININOS
J. W. Rollla11•
Hu Oponlnp fw: : 537-8590. lfiUon scal.e. Hoaplta.1, IUI'I'-mvd, Costa Mesa NEWPORT PRECISION FORE~, Exp'tl tor S/H or Spdwr, ll bkkp. for women in Hou1eJceepina
lt11NIMUM 3 years ex-cal, mtd1cal, dental plan. EXPERIENCED Tree Clim. !m \V. 16th, Newport Beach Maln~nance Co. Reliable, Fee Jobs Al• Available Dept, ol e SILK fl'INISHllt. a .
perience. Ex c e t I en top. paid wcatkln. OV'tr time P11 I ===--'llG-=9020=~--sober. 8l1a1)' open. Write JR Pie Assoc Apncy PARK LIDO
portunit)' wJth architectural 4 pm -12 ahift Apply in per: her needed ln Blabop, Calif. SERVICE atatlon salesman. Daily Pilol Box M 321. 1885· . N~ CM·. so.mo Clonvalelctnt Holpltal son. • Earn $3.00 hr. i'l>fil8!1 I ·-• ... ~., 1•• engJneerina'. doing Ja r 1 e Bondab e, expe-rle~. over _ _, SupaW Ave., H.B.
amount of diversi.fltd worit How1rd'a R11t1ur1nt * Exp'd Counterman 21 yrs. r .v. area. full " Help Wtnhd, Man 7200 Help Winted, Min 7200 to.Xl8
-k L. H • • ·-· <tll 4001 w Cou -NB * l'ull lime driver ....... r """!~ 9 30 r1 .. n ope""~. . t ~ ... ,,., CJTY AUTO PARTS ' _., ime. ,,_.."""' : am· --SARAH COVENTRY has APPLY
Ovic Center Dr. Wes!, SUJte !Ultiob open in tub-20'12 Placentia. C.M. t :l) pm. openinp tar fbD Ill' part PER!ONNEL DEPT.
11"1, SA. "7-!1481 lonablo NeWFt 8eloh EXPD, DONUT MAKER H U G H E S H u ~ H E s ttme AIH. Min. ... 18. F11hlon l1lontl FRY COOK-relief ahlft. reataurant tor ambitious. YOUNG MAN Apply Dolb'.0.Donuta., 'Q Pleasant wart. ao invest, Nnport s.tJt. ~ ;:·:~ ~~~=ta= A:: Hu:b ~u~:;~ly ~:==: NEWPORT BEACH NiWPORT 1aACH :.. ~~'a,~; !'Jrlaa1 opportanlb'..,....
CRONING, good ~"Ork, quick please. Apply in penon. manapm~t. Reply to 2120 Harbor, Costa MS F\111 time d&yl ~_!f&entl 1'1-* llOl'fttftt *
service, abo do &mall Coll88'! C:OHee Shop. 562 box # 1lvina: rnwne. SJ'OCK 1: DELJVERY requu~nenta or hu an oprnln1 for a GEN'11.!:MAM wuta a Jl1kl.. ~lw.Hil
'lll'dhlng l fluU dry. \V. 191h SL C.oata Mesa Box M-621. Thi o.Jb' Help W•ntecl, ,,_. 7200 Ask for Harold -495 E. 17th SWISS die ....S llld:J' ,,,..,,,.,pet , DAYS
646-6176 Experienc.d F Ry Pilot. C.M. DIE 5 dQI a ....a. Live in or and NIGHl'I
JAPANESE '""'"'" lQo, • COOKS. Apply JOLLY ARGUS AGl!NCllS H u G H E s • SALE.WAN WANTED ,,_ MAniun: OUL """ -u A~ i:
25c by piece. Bri.._ hana:ers. ROGER Personnel Of.. Acceunt1ntt Singer Co. Inquire at So. AGft """'' PDaibh. Call OW5B b _,,, ,..._ .~aftAl&lp:~adle1 will ~::t.1:!~•n An., Ad;r:t~r~:v,:... NEWPORT BEACH ~·~~llP~Mr. David!on MAKER ~:--~ • cute atrt RBl8I L I& -
.U. fow mme .lS """ .lll -~====-=--I CALL BOB, '41-7796 needs COOK, Exper., b hiKbl1 OPERATORS under 21. wllo 11 I -IS :
Phone64&-9558 :'i!f:~: 1888 C NewpartBlvd.,C.Y. ELECTRO• reputed r estau r an t bl 'lllith Torno txperlence. wlth a mlnlmu.m of 2 ~c:u.~abartblnd l ILPldflcc.t.~. ~.,-,.~, mat•-......... YOUNG MAN inttte1ted tn Orange County .. Reply too Abllltr, to do own set· years of fxperlenct 1n Ir a to-~ in tbt Rn Nl.,.ert IMlh , JI.Ito '11 6790 L.<A.,... '"'~ -" •""""' ' Box " ·-. Dal'• l'llol ,,. -"~. Top 1ted roll die maJdni. oner in a...--•. LOVE. 3°'Hi -~=~~-~~-ri pay, benefits, Schock Boata. leaminR trade. ·Must haw PLATERS ,.,._. v ·~ ... ,..,.. Mutr'8 A\lt Balboa 1111.nd. ,-.. Newport 673-3)50 good references. Good pay TOW TNck Driver • Over 21 dollan for top men. " ...,.GUNA 8eacb U e t f I •A
SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. &:. btnrfltl, steady employ-Must Uw lrt Cota Mt1a or Openinp on J'int and Pleue apply ln ptl'IOIL. J'liiAJCA. INN ff 0 TEL School Diltrlct: ii .,cctpU..
Windows, ttsid., co m c I' EXP. Service Station ·At· rnenL ~ -HIX S 0 N 111th a minimum of one Ne·-"·h ...,. W 11th Second Sbiltr. needl t mare mUda. full or applicstm t:r a IChool
conat cleanup. Free eat. tendant, fun time, PaliM.des ......-•••• yl!M or cadmium plat· """" • D<; • """ ' put ttme. Ate 15 Ill' over. aecrebary, tb!I: wtd .. a n
!168-2691 Union 76, 1476 Pallaades Rd. "'MET~A"'L~FJN::,;:;JSH::,==IN=Gc..=c:-ll ln1 experience. St. CM Plerue apply In person. H u a H Es Apply tn penon 2101 E. month p;llitkln.. Tats ril
Santa Ana Heights. MATURE lll&n, permanent• Pleue apply In pel'IOn. L.A. Times Dealer want& H u G H E s Cout HW11·• Corona dtl be sMn b' ~ '*
L1nd1e1pln1 6110 ASTROTl!K CORP. draft exempt, n<eded i,,. >''""'' ll1IO tor part Urne NliWPORT llACH Mu pllcants. --
tumlture.dealan •lo~. for H u G H E s wtek-end work. fi13.7t13. muat be u .. s. -~ LANDSCAPERS Openl"I&: Lathe mill 3-D. dellvezy, inaiallltionl , NIWPORT IBACH 500 Superio• Awnuo MontEll'S bo!P'I' In ... ATTENTION Toppay,A-lmachlnlalOll[y. SERVICE Sia. AtL: Pmn., 500 S -A NeWIIO'I Beoch, CaUL -b'....,. boud. r.ct the Peno-1 •
I ~ landscaping, and will 1267 LDpn Av, C.M. ~~~~u~~ E: :: ~: N~W:u:~l!r ~~!~~ ~t!Bivd~~. Sta. 22'8 N~1pe0~·.:?i1t. ~ual opportunlt;y ~ .,.:t'~;: y-~prll ~t. ...... t.y
trade a 17 tt outboard with SERVICE Station attendant. call: 4!1'J..4131 For App't N rt Beach caut LIOO CAR WASH, 4B1 E. -..... t't"'' ...... .,,. employer -M I 1'
b!i wheel trailer for your M115t haw ex p e r i e n c e EXPER. wuehouleman in =J opport.Wiit;y • emplO)'tr -M " F D ENT AL a 11 l 1 1 an t, N AT I 0 N A L Qlrpora~
•rvtca:, Lets get toiether Days. Pmnanent. Appl,y 393 plumblnc " bet.tin&:. Mr.1~;;.•~m=p~lo:•";::;~M:&;,l';;,~~1,~':'"~ty:;:'""=...,:"'°':.M~~;~Al'~~IS.~1:.!!~!~!~=!~!=!~!~!~t~:!!~~ff~!~!~~!~!:!;~!~!i~!;.!~!~!~ =~ ~ 1::; :::.a.th:~~.·:= ~~ -blll)' Muon. ~E,.·.,"='",.s_,1._,c.a=ta_,M_,e_,sa==-=-~.:W.::":.::L..;Sl&-::::;:77111.:=,__ Helo Wtnted Miit 1200Help Wanted, Meet 7200 ar Tua. MM11T teeretar)' far va ~
Hein W1nted. Men 7200tMlp Wanted, Mtn 7200 \.f.-I ... W11"._... ~., ??MJ.i•ltt w_"" ted. M9n 7200 COOK t:r iftd JDtcbla Ill Sa1ea I: Gan.al Sl1el 1111' .
... --_,i,.1g oocldall ....... coll lo< N..._ !load> ~ P1porh1"1l"SI
~·••ting 6ISO
PAINTING Int 6: Ext.
~t omtracttd prlcu.
Fully Ins. Satisfaction llW'·
Free est. Call Jim Week&,
INTERIOR Paintinc u Y1'I
Bay area. Immcd Service.
Call Bob, 646-6446
JOB. Xlnt work, rers, free
est. JIM. 642-4669, 646-3749
INT. A EXT. l'ala..... AU
1eason raks. F'ree est. llc'd
l Ins. call QwUe. 5CM405
rtf. FREE est MS-162'7
PAINTING, Plperina: lS yn
L9' Harbor area.. Uc 6 bond-
ed. Refs tum. ~2356
PAINTING I mainhlnance,
interior I. l!Xterl or,
ReuonabltJ raleL 6t6-3llS.
0 111terln41. R•OJir 68IO
AD types. Fne estlmale.
~·~"'~----=.,;; PLUMBING REPAIR
DRAIN CLEANING 546-2381' or Ml).n17
No job ti>O 1mall e MJ..3128 e
'"° • Dnmmlklrw. IJf@maUooa
Cusmm De!IKM ..........
High Scltool education plus a minimum
of one year experience in warebou•lne
operation including storage and handling
ol raw stock. WW store materiala, fill
requisitions, maintain·locatlon files, take
inventories and related supply duties
as required. Mature individual required.
Apply l"..PI"'"" or cell
17141 546·8030
3333 H1rbor Blvd., Cosl1 Mw, C1HI.
Mln ile SY,tenu Division
Atl1ntlc Research
A Division of the Sulquohanrt1 Corp.
U.S. Cltin1uhlp R~•;rH e A11 f:q 11•I Opp•rl11"lty
Needed Immediately. High achoo! plu1
4 or more years experience in layout,
lolUng, fabrication, and assembly of
sheet metal parts and assemblies in the
1ireraft or nliHlle field. Must have ba·
sic knowledge of minimum bend radii
and bend allowances and of material
specifications used in sheet metal work.
Can layout, plan, form work from lem-
plate1. Adept in the use of power shears,
power brakes, foot presses. squeasers,
and all other machinery and equipment
used in sheet metal work.
~111 or Apply to P1t1 Helfrich
(714) 541 -· Ext. 153 3333 H1rbor llvd,. Cost1 Me11
Mis1ile Systems Dfvlslon
A Div. of the
Susquehanna Corp.
A11 ~·•I •f111'9rl1111ity •r111tl•.,., M/P:
Help W1nted, -7200 Help Wantod, -7200 Holll ~--1200Help W1ntod, -7200
We need a young, energetic BA . BS
or MBA who hu some experience In writing
procedures and management reports.
He will survey and analyze Division
!unctions, systems, forms and procedur ...
and develop & install new methods and sys·
The ability lo write clearly and con-
cilely iJ a musl
Pie-CW1ttct er MM rMUme to:
(7141 546·8030
3133 Hert.or Blvd., Cool• -· C1llf.
Ml ... S,.. Im I Dftw.
All1111ic Rtsllrth
High Scbool education plus three yean pro-
duclion machine shop experience. Setup and
operate machine tools to perfonn m1chinlng
operation uUllzlnt alandords or furnl!hed
production lboiing. Perlorms layout ond
bench work, and ma) plan aequence of op-
erations for lower classific:aUom.
Apply In '°"°" or Clll (7141 546-1030
3333 lllrbor llYd., Cosll Mesi, C1IH.
-le Syst1m1 Division m Atlantic Research
!liih School educoUon including Cotll'IU In
mechanic&! dra!Uni (2 semeslerl) Trtaon ..
metry and Geometry, and •I lout one yur
experience in clrafllng of lllrllcllllll lllld
me<hanlcal elements. WW pre~ deloli and
1SSembly drawings from dul!lll &ehedulu
or 11youts under the supervlll01t of an en·
gineer ~ designer.
Apply In pil'IOll or ull
(7141 146·8030
3333 HerHr l fvtl., Co1t1 Mesa
Mlllll1 Syst11m DIYlllOll
"' Atlantic Research
· Corpor1tlon
A Division of lhl Susqueh1nn1 Corp.
A1 .... 1 .,,,_rtvtilty •rnpl•Yfl'
M•M er f.,,.•I• Mty Ap11ly
Holp W1--7200Holp W1nted, Mon rioo
' We hove a need for professionals
wllh the followm, background>:
Proposed Development
Experience in cosl e1tlmatlng, budg-
•lin&. accowttlng, cost analyall,
and propoul developmen~ wlill a
kDowledge of EDP appllcalioDJ Is
l'8Qll.lred. Dearee IA accounting or
lnd'uslril! engineering and .. veral
years of experience.
Pl-eo11tact or omd rwunt to:
(71 4) S46 I030
33» Hirbor ...... Colt• Mou, C.IH.
MWle $.,._ Dl4111JA
·C:.poNlloo Uphol!!'!"' '"° "' '<!' Corporation CZ Y K 0 SK I 'S CUstom COllPOUnotl Corper1tlon
\iphoiittT)'. • Eurot>ea.n A Dftialll ef th A D""'-ef ... s • • • ••ms 7 c:.,. c" 11am1 •. h I 1 100<0; ,.._ A Dlvlslon of lhl S""luohlnn1 C.rp.
f'lrianclna,. 642-l.s.4. 1131 Im .. ft -... AM 941MI •111(11.,,._lty •flll,i..,...
--U 1111 t. 8 Piia. N.11. -e/O aic
--No.3A,~Pllot • HO\JSEICIZPElt • dlDd OLDER -..,.. lor l
..... u.Ha: prtv, na. • -...... boald, ... a . nr.,. 15111 n., 5% dQ wt. ...,, ...... ••1C111. • wk. 51).9212 '¥Nt •
BOOiUiidtli lor CPA HSKPR llYll !n to bolp -
-· -"''" 8 ,,. ... ... 8 -a.-di pu11ia wttb CPA ftrm. Mar. m..e62 ,...._
Call 49f..aTSI for interview
RE LIEF COOK -h-• cent bolpltal. f0.80f4
DENTALChal r ·1lde
Aloi.tut. Eiql'd. H.B. OF·
FJCJI:. °"' -
OPEIATOI DENTAL -~ """' ftnl! .... ciondltions. xtnt _...., .........
BABYSITTER • liti wtthamll:dmumotone
_,.., "'1 -T i=-•.....=t""' on to 4:30 wtt.da.Ya. own tnm.
$<tl. ..... -Aft,, ...
FUU. t l m • • aperienoed
tenk1r etcrOW clerk. P.O.
... lflll, 1aaa. .......
1111 ~ 'fOU au,
SOO Suptrior AYIDue
Newport 8eedl. Calif,
F.qual opportunity
miploytt -M It: 1'
AlWQ9 I Go-Col ..
Holp W1ri!M
lnterutlnJ pooiUCIGI requlrln, -lo lllree yeus ofllce experlancii. Pl-.
ant plnlJnallty plus oc:curita lkf1ll
on eMctrlc typewriter llJd abortlland
Cent Ht -lhlo
17141) 141-
ms H1rbor llMI., Coeto -· ntH
Allllllc hum
A Dlolil• fll ,.. I•" a c.,.
A• ...... .,,.,tufty .. (llt.v :r -
M•I• w M et. •-v .,,Jr,' Newport Blvd •• C.M. u. .. C.il\aMlllll -.,,,... • M .... o.i.tlrll1'r ~ /vi ... ~.1 .,,.,..flit., .... ,1..,... M/F I ... , • ., '-•'• M•y Apply
~800<:=.:..:"~ro~'EM-'~·"""''"""''"""'"""''"""''"""''"""''"""'"""''"""'"""'•~ ...................... .,. .... .-· -. .... 111!!1-.. ........... ..., .. .,,~ .................. ,..,..
I '· r ,
• -# ... .. .. ~ ...... ..,,, ,. ; . .. ,~ ........ , .......... ..,, ._,.,._,.,""',;...-:;"" 4W '" ' e: f ,,,._V " :::t~ a, .. c:N'-.<<P. tt.:;r.f)N('f(«f\i..-6'f.«>.<SSWS-• ;a "'*'F .... ,, •• •so; •• "' ~ F .
. •
HOli W-
7400 *-
YIMft dill
2722 Michelson Drive
(Adj. 0tvc< Co. Ai.,..rt)
Wn., cant. 92ti&I
An equal oppGrtunlty
ttnPJoyer M I r
Good starting rate and an ex·
CtlWlt company benefit
program including rv.:eht•!
days vacation durinc: first
year ol employment and a
Christmas to New Years
holiday vacation.
o wp1n ahOrthand. :'.IO W(ltn
fyping IBM elfoctric. Min. 2
yn, 11CCTelarla.I experience.
P.tinlmum Orlf' year privatr
line experience, Knowledae
of PBX desired. Hours 10
am to 6:30 pm.
Cent K t
Pit Fol1um 13,._
UR600LY l&DB> ••
• Clem
• Typists
• R•ro Typlm
e SecNtaries
• Keyplllldien
• PBX Open.
• Assemblers
Work whM & where
you w•ntl
445 E. 1l'lh St.
Cost• M.u, Calif.
Mon. thru F rl.
I a.m. to 5 p.m.
Heavy npe:ril!nce en Nat
GOO, Good Aluy, 5-
Apply In -()oty ----· THE
\ 1107 Jamboree 1told
' Newport Be9c:h
!i'!E ~D TIADI
P-IOOO """""'"' 1000 Pl-& ~ 1130 w-1a.--
*AUCTION* Ii?/...:::.. \S
'69 $howrown SMnpfn .. ·----~ 8' Wood carved mn divan, lg. mans chair
or love ,..l 5 Pc·Oc:tagon dark oal< din set
w/blaclt or avocado-framed chain; 8 Pc BR
eel 9-dr Mr. &: Mn. dresser, lg mirror. 2
commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish
oak design with matcbi.n& box springs, mat.
Ires& & tram ..
ltwms Sold lndivldu•lly
Shop A-nd -lllolore you buy -USI
U )'OU will RI] or ~
.cive Wlndy • b')' Electric °'1•n AIMC AudJons Friday T:30 11.m.
GUUIMNSEN C'RGANS Wi ndy's Auction B•m mqlna wllh
h ach Music Center Beblnd Tony's Bldg. Mat'L
WURLITZER 2075'il N~prt, CM 646-8686
lT<MH Beaeb Wvd. MAGNAVOX Sterm: bdrm.
llunqton Beach .wt; French inlaid tablr; cut
All orsans It pianos marked gla.u, old clodtl; misc.
down dra1ttcally~ I S E E -1 ..:>IO-c:.,™<l;_::;C,...--~~--I
BURG stereo&, uled pianos SEARS Exercycle, Ii~ new
It organ.. 1 New & 1 Ulll!d $-i::i. ,
RIALTO. Call di 5. <S<-950j
3.33 E. 17t~C.0Sta Mesa • ~'IRE I: Burglar ~
(Int.ck of Pancake ~I ~.stems instaJled as low as
$99. Call .........
VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 • New Pl-•
or tenm .. low .. $4.66 pet week WURLITZER " BRADBURY
3-WHEEL golf cart, new bat·
terYK, good condilion.
Ute Our Store Charge Plan or Banlt F!n.tnf.::.£ All •'>les ~ .,,,,.., al! No Fancy Front -B!JT Quality Valueo de American mad•. 88 no~. del w-bencb &: tuned, Pritt &tart. Misc. W~n_t_ed ____ _
145!1 ID2823
":ir:':"',. "'!..:!.~ · . . . · · ~~ .... op• "' ..,. $ WE BUY $
u ... , 11 ""' think $250. "' • Wurlitzer Or-ns $ RJRNITURE $ week b hie monty )'OU are ":J'-ln fur the ahock of YoUP life. e NE\V e AP PLIANCES
f'l'hat's only part time) Call • • • ·: !.!any other makes. Many · Ce/er TV'1-'l•n•'1-St-••,
Mr. Kaplan all day &: even. styles · & finishes. Prices I Pio,• or Ho10• fllll 1
b1f: (TI4) S.17-3590. !!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"' atart at 15!}5, CASH IN JO MINUTES
MW WC AGENCY Varian Data
• WAITRESSES JOBS & EMPLOYMENT r.· ·•::.rn:::l,;:tu::.:re:..... __ ::IO::-C>"01 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC • 541 --4531 e Equal opportunity employer -D ...... Mus·c Cente ARTISTS • JUSBOYS SPANISH ,......... from .,..,,, I r Lu'1<ey c'""""°" ));rec. ~ Secretary • • . • to $660
Department Aut .... lo $650
Exec Stttttary • • • •• . • • S600
Schoalt-lnstrudfon 7600 ... _ .. _1 .. ~----• torics • Newport Beach. San Due to e~ the ~nny· Xnlt worldna oondi&ns. Ap. .LOUUC nuuM:I on ..... e al Factory Sales & Service Clemente. 492-4337
saver Is ae.cepti.rJ& applica.-ply In per90n after 1 prn. L JFE T I ME G i f t , less than wboleaale! Group Dail,y 12 noon 'til 9 Sat 9-S
: Exec Secretary •••• to S64'IO
• L<pl Socrela'Y • .. • .. i;oo
tions 1or part time LAY· THE FISHERMAN typewriting. C h ild r en. lncludes beautiful 96'' 17404 Beach Blvd., <°Hwy 39)
OUT, PASI'E-UP It: PRO-grandchildren, or yourself! quilted sola I: love seat. l "h mi. So. San Diego Fwy. C1h 1820
' Secretary ............ to $500 A VARIAN SUBSIDlARY
Girl Friday • •• • • • • • to $!:JOO 2722 Michelson Drive 19700 J amboree Ro.d
Newport Be1ch
DUCI10N Artilts. Experi. at the Pier, H.B. Jn dlvid u a ll y tutored 3 Spanlsh oak decorator Huntington Beach 847.s536 LEAVING for Europe. ti.tust
........ ,.._,_.. A 1y · ========= Chll t JD i. h ... • tables, swag or table lamps, ·==:;::;..=~=..,...::.;.:::: u be 1 H'-·"
F/C Bookkttper ...... $4Th (Ad j. Orange Co. e ..... ~ ,...~,.,,.,.... pp 1n ooa ssons vt'mg wall placque, king, queen, Early 1969 Model se au. yng uua,..,.yan
person Wed thru Fri. PEN-Agendu, Men & school. 173 Del Mar, CM, or fuU me bedroom suite CONN ORGANS neutered male Blucpoinl $50 ; Secmal7 '········•• to $4'15 Airport) Eqlla) opportwtlty employer
NYSA VER. 1545 Newport Wemen 7550 548-2859 494-2376.
Blvd ,..__ta M -.....;'-"'----'-"";.; ---------complete Ind box sprinp, Solid state. all types perc.. -oo=======~
•• ""'9 esa. FEMALE MERCH•NDISE FO mattreu linens &: boudoir chimes, Leslie Speakers. -JAIL NURSE "' R 1am-. ;... •• ,·,h -" 6 ~ Spinet &'theater models at Bkkpr, flee paidl •• to S600 SALE •ND ra•ft£ .,.. ~· ......,.. ,...
' Purch Secretal)' •••••• $450 lrvina, Calif. 92664
J r. Searluy •• • • •• •• • ·• S450 An equaJ opportunity Dogs 1125
, Credit VerLOet ···••••• $403 C"m ployer M·F
: Actountin&' aenc .•.... S403,, ---------SAW CIERK $4.24 per hour. 3 RN '1 need-SIC. matUft, stable "' fU"\lol _ dining get priced t"isewhere itf'eat savings now! ~ lor on.call relil"f duty, Stock Cahr (split feel to $550 Fumlture 8000 at approx. $1l.!li.OO AIL Once a Year Sa.le
ALASKAN ltlalarnutes, for
show or breeding, AKC
registered, healthy. Black
& \Vhile colnrin&: • , f15
and up. 49'l-3573
General om~ ...... to Sl501·
R<cpt/Filc Oerk .. .. 1346
PBX Armw. Setvict .• to PW
General Ottke .•• • • • S329
Assemblers any •bllt. Briq[ Calif. li· Exptt, IBM -'--'----'-:.;:.; FOR ONLY $399. 13! down. WURL ITER PIANOS
ttnse to appQr. AIR Bkkpr (fee pakl) lo $315 20 PC. ''MADRID'' $4.99 per .. ttk , out of Low terms. no down pymnt Huntinoton Be•ch Are•
\Ve have an immediate need Selling exper. neceuary. Full
for clectronic assemblers time employment, company
with a maximum ot 1 yr. benefits. App. at gen. ofttCf&
COUNTY OF ORANGE Young, type 45 tn so state credit OK. W 11 1 Open SU.n 12 to 5
801.C, N. Broadway Secty (split fttJ .••• to S525 3 Room Group separate for qu.lck sale. 20th h1on & Pri eves 'Iii 9 : rP.T. General OUiee • Jl.65hr
' Santa Ana, Calif. S/H, type 60 + FROM MODEL HOMES Century Furnifure, 9 7 7 2 Gould Music Company
Equal opportunity employer MALE Includes: Quilted 10!a & Garden Grove Blvd. , aJ45 N. Main SA 547-0iSl
ST. BERNARD Pup. 2 month
old malr. Brown &. white.
$50. &12-1M4 aft 3 pm call
548-6331, ask for John.
410 W. Cnut High1o,•ay ~'P. PALM STATIONERS
Yuu must tie. willing to \li'Ork. lSOC S. Harbor Blvd.
On the lat shift from 7:30 1 __ ...:.F=ull='::."°="':.::..cCal=U::· __
Newport Beach 64&.3939 EnaiJ!eer M/E ~rtt chair - 2 end tables &: col· Garden Grove Daily 10.9, HAMMOND ~-·
J L. M W 7•-Sa••< S ••; ,.._ """·"mway •·1-011a Aen, om. i1W (Fe-e pd) • •• . • • • • • • SIJ,500 fl!."! table -2 lamps -dress-. · t ....,...,, un .u-...... me maha • new &: used piaros ~lgree black male De.ch-
sund. 2' yeani old. $35.00
CaJJ 536-8411 llB. T p a.m. to 4 p.m. Knowledge of d
• l J """ ..... "'m"""""' ..,.., TEllfR newport .
I .l: ~ ~ sold•ring " mandato,,,. pe~onnel· ~ Good starting ra~ + excel-l.J
Jent benefits including 12 CdM. Experience agency ' '!!Jf::!"L; .'Z:;:! 1::1 days vacation during the lat Preferred
: ~Jr-o_. C•ii/ Air,.., year ol employment. 675-5010 833 DOVER DRIVE
1 l'/uJM J46-lll NEWPORT BEAOI
: FUii """ book'""'"" .. l500 Varian Dala · 0 642-3870 • 1 Girl ott. alnt ,klll ..... $550 P WER MACHINE
; Sedy, "" ..... 1.,. .. 152s Machines OPERATOR Art oirectoc
' Degree. Major acct1 .• to $800 Salls by Schock to $10,000 EPF•
: 5edy, think le spell ·• JjOO A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 501 *29~J=l, ~.B. Mw;t have knowledge of
' LegaJ Secretary, light 2722 Michelson Drlv• trade ads, brochures, direct , egal bacqround ••• • S450 t d' 0 LOCAL I aw firm ~uitt1 A;, d · I
. , -al ~. ••--• Co-nl A J. range Co. Airpo111 m ..... a verm na etc. ...... ....,,_..., •u··• .-1 ·" C 1.1 part time typist for auloma-E •~to.,_ EPF
1 'tui:i-. u-. ~·,1 •.•• l600 r .. ne, • 1 • 92664 u ngr ,,,_, J ~ .. ,., ""~ c typewri1er. Eves Pf!'-, Sec, -personnel, loveabJe $450 An equal opportunity !erred, hours to be ami.tli· Bkgmd in ena:inttring pro-
:· Ex·Sec, bank vice prc:a •• $600 employer M-F' ed. 642-9!!00 pou.11 etc to work for Depl ~ ~cell pa.ya~le, Orange .• $500 Sharp Carur Gals Head. Fine Newport Firm.
• Stt/Stat, f1na~ ··•• $550 Soch-, Clerk Tunis!• G-' C:OMBlNATION, Sharp Bar Secretary $450 EPF ... _. 'J" ·:1~ • ...., Maids & Go Go Dancers. ha : rt:nionnei eoun..elora, expd, Fridays, Rttpts, Bkkprs, Top \.\'ages $3.00-$3.SO to Must ve a vay pleaaant
, Pleue call for • • . . . • RNs &. LVNa. Boll> '" • '" personality to work with • start. Ph. for int. 545-9983 I · ~ ... appolnbnent 546-2ll8 paid ""-bs. Top en's•. Call SASS peop e in a yoUng Proett• r!!~!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I ,., Y LASSY, 2901 llarbor, ai 11 Dorl11, 548-7'196 C M. ve ll'OOP·
; '
' '
1869 C Newport mvd., C.M .. lt1EDICAL F.xp'd bi I Ii n g An interestinc varied office
clerk & lite bookkeeper for with good advancement
BARAfAID nights, MAVER· medicaJ facillty. Se nd oppty, Must have accurate
lCK 1728 NewportBlvd, C.M. re.sume P. 0 . Box 258, South 50 wpm typing,
Apply after 6 11.m: Laguna. · Repro Typist
Beauty operator !ull or DRAPERY operator, exp'd. to $4.50 hr EPF
JMlrt time. Balboa Island. I. tabler. Claulc Drapuie1, Mu.s1 be experienced in en-** 675-3701 ** J853 Birch St, N. 8 . &ineerlll&" a: mathematical
•141 E C I H MOTHER'S helper, live-in; * 546-1431 * equuioni, Work part ttme
• ' HI wy light duticl!. Costa Mesa SALESLADY. Experienced or full tlme aa you prefer. toror,-,_~ Mtir home. 847-6848 For app't. only. For bakery. Secret•ry to $550
: CHILO care, my home, 8:30 544-6160 CRF (lh,)
1 •-• -unity employer to 2:30 week~ays. $30 per BEAtrrICIAN Needed lo You111 bou prt:fen electron--........... .._...,, ~1eek. 54:>-4147 lake over clienlele. 67l-283a ie, marketing or en&lnttrln&
------,.---1--:-JJiAAN:N'i'JTOi'OiRt--day11, & eves 646-4608 experience. Sh 80 + type on
' Work Ne1r Home Vitamin.s Mfg. plant O p ER ATOR S-Spec. IBM Ex~.
• Exec Secty •••••• $500.$&!0 for appt. call 646-3931 machine. Good pay. Steady. NCR 395 ()per•tor
: Sttfttacy • .......... •· · $500 DES p ER ATE Ly need Garment factory. 6U-21i66 to $525 CR$ ~-Gbi O!e fmf&:) ••••·• S500 babysitter 3:30-12:30. Cbt. WArrRESS W1U1ted Apply In Experience on 395 \vith pay-
; Jr. Secty • •• •••• •·• ~Th area. My home 646-3076 Penion. Mesa Lanes, l'lD3 roll • Sllr• Secretary · ....... $423 ' Su no· A CM Genl Office $400 CRF
NCR Bookkeeper ••.•.. $450 EXEClITIVE SECRE.IARY, ..:::::""='='..:.::'.:'·::.•.=:;::.·---A ltio .nth
· :Penonnet Girl ••• $400-$450 Capable ol 1aklng dictation BRING RESULTS! new pos n a rap.. ' • 540-9373 SOCK IT TO 'EM! k\ly growing firm, an ex-
1 ~ •···· •• .. •· • S4001=========.0.========== I ttDent opportunity! Must
•1 "'--lat ls.lea) •••• $375-$400 L.-do-II mind·" with • . ·~~ Office ...... $325-$350 Joba-Men~ Wom. 7500 Jobi-Men. Wom. 7500 ~ ~("rstand~ of fig.
, Superior Agency ure11. Know IO.key adder .l
18$7 Ht,rbor Bl, Ox!& Mcllf. I E C typing.
: ' Call tint 642-n4t Reception ist $450 IEv c urrently ha• requiremenh CRF <'h l
Girt Friday
' Must hive exper. with med-
• k:al inlllrance iorma + a . .,_ ....,..a11.,, To
; $4.50. CaD Jane Cars:ill
Personnel Agency
83.1 DOVER DR., N.B.
in the followin g areas: Musi be young poised & at-
tractive. Prefer sh + ac-
curate typing. e DRAFTSMEN
Electro mechanical
East Coast location.
Girl Fri $450 CRF (lh l
Knowledge of payroll, post-
tr11. accurate typlna:, sh.
he\pfU1 for group of bright
)'OW1g men.
Personnel Clerk
to $459 APF
(l.quna area) Will train a
bright girl ~·ho types 67 to
70 accurately!
Dye &: mold experience: er -mirror -headboard -m or call C714l 530-5240 of all makes. Best bU)'ll in
Cabinet Maker (ftt pdl $4 ph quilted box spring &. matt. So Ca.lit right he
Heavy experience reu -5 pc. dining room; Furniture 8000 ~,... ..... OT re. ~u MUSIC CO., SIBERIAN Husky. AK C ,
male. all shots, proven ltud,
blue eyes. 642--8464 eve. M~:!~!e~:!b) S585 ta~~!~~~ s~t;!(; SCRAM-LETS 1~~ ~1,:0·
Accountant {lee job) .• 12K $399 Resume required ANS ER 6'1" GRANO. Walnut finish, LAB. Retriever Pups
NoEUldow;-S PmW ... ARon1EHO, si•UrnSoE. W S "" '°:' S:~s. • Merch•n1:• PerJOnnel A,ency Advice -Larva -Choke ___ _
2043 WestdiU Drlve 600 IV th s San -De!Uge -WADED Cameras & Equip. 8300
AKC Registered
538-6727 Eves: 541-2621 Days
CH AMP JON stock, AKC,
mi11. SchnallU'rs, shots, trim·
med. 8 wkS. $80. 839-.'i140
. 4 t.. ta Ana O•· •• 1 --·"· , :::::.:;:;.::::.::.:::?::'.!'.'.....:::'.: Comer 17th • Irvine '"' ... umnus o a • ...,,, ... r; ,-
645-2770 _ 54$.5685 Open Daily 9-9 all right. He graduated mag-ROlLEIF1..EX Camera 3.5
Sat. 9-6 SUn ll-6 na cum WADED." Tessar Lens MX Synch. SSO.
Schools-Instruction 7600 SOLID \Valnut bcdroOm set. FURNITURE • All newly :645-=262!1======= 6 piet'el, old but top quality upholstered. Solas, hide-a-M EN $85. Large rose occ. chair beds, chain, love seats, an-Sporting Goods 8500 1'0 --G00--0-ho-m-,.-Pu-re-.b-,...-I
-••N IN YOUR $20. 1 -round oak coUee tiques, dining !able •w/ 5 "-Cc.;.;=..: . 1rvu. '-'6"' nuniature Schnauze rs , SPARE TIME table $15. Couch $25. Inlaid cha.ifs. Polaroid cament. HUNTING Rifle Win. mo Mother. Father & son. Must
FOR PAY UP TO wood coffee table $15. Large 642-1781 or 546-0957. 3181 70-338 mag: w/ adj scope & take all three. 642-7800 or
$4.Zl PER HOUR baby crib $25. Red naug. Colorado Ln, CA1. case. Like new $1 5 o. 642-nn 4121 Bl9 Future Cal.ilounger w/vibrator $45. 536-3652
"'36,tm HEAVY EQUIP-Walnut ball table S I O. Office Furnltur~_10 * RIFLE, Browning Auto LOVABLE sm fem. blk 642-1819 cocker mix, yr old, loves MENT OPERATING ENGi-INS. Group disposes of : 11teel »-06 fnew). Aiake offer. chi\, hsebrkn. !need yd lps.
NEERS MUS'I' BE TRAIN· desks, chairs, table!!, filel'l,j,71=:3-"'2~;,-1~18~7=·====" 842-2189 4/22
ED, 1961).70" -U.S. Dept. 17 Pc. Kinc:J Size shelving, lockers & drafting -• -FREE k' of Labor! Go most anywhere ··-..1room room furniture. M11c1llaneous 8600 ittens, adorable grey
for top wages In htavy con· Dtrtil McMahan's Tn-8450 G • ma1e, beige male, blk/wht
lltructioo. Earn while you Large 9 drawer dre&M!l', mil'-1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., In .E.e~ishwasher $7;:i. Washer female. &.14-0688. 2 9 21
learn -keep your preaent ror, 2 bedside stands, king Anaheim 1along11ide S.A. dry ' comb (good) $50. Carob, (Eastblu!f) NB 4/22
job while preparine )'OW"Self slz.e headboard, frame. quilt-Frway at Katella) Naugahyde chair, good S50. BLUEBIRD uniform, size 7,
for a ~r future. start at e<i mattress. sheets. blank· .... Nau g ah Yd e recliner, includes skirt, blouse, vest
home in wpal'e time, then et&, etc. -Appli1nc_es 8100 vibrator $50., Adler zig.zag, and suspenders. 540-8638
get two weeks' re•klent Oioice of Spanish ; ___ ..:..:.::;I J\lapl: . cabinet s e w i n g 412:1
tralninc at Braidwood, Ill. or Modem Style KENMORE Auto washer & machlne, cosl $336, now LABRADOR Pup. 4 mos. old
N special rerqUiremel1U to All For $249 elec dryer, matching Eet. $125. 642-5880 fem. Gocxi with children.
take thia course. Both grade No down. PmU. only $9 mo. Recond & guar. S 8 0. F'URNITURE -Alt newly See aft. 1 PM 2340 Elden.
iichool and collere grada 847-8115 i.ipholstered. Sofas, hide-a-01 4121
we've trained are top.paid WELK'S WAREHOUSE Vast stock Arner/Eur tum & beds, chairs, love seals, in-
ti d. . KITTENS, 6 wks old. 4 all operators. Learn how to clocks. Larey Morgan AnU-qucs, ming table w/ 5
th S ha' n..•--·d white. 3 orange, l all black. ree.d blueprints. set ;rade 600 W. 4 I., Santa Ana qucs. 2428 Newp. Bid., C.M. c 11'!1. ..-u..,uL camera. 1 grey stripped. 2 mother
stakes, makt: corTect cuts Ope.11 DaiJy 9 • 9 642-1781 or 546-0957. 3281
and fills -how to operate Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11 • 6 KENMORE Washer, eood Colorado Ln, CA-1. cats. Healthy. 546-5950 4/21
cond, guaranteed. S35. ""==:.;;::.,::::::,_~-FE~1ALE German Shepherd eraders, scraptta., dmera, FUrniture returned from dis-* 847-8115 * NE\VPORT Beach TeMis tc N t1o wid Ia t a b .r.1 be with papers, affectionate. e . a n e p cemen pla,y studios, model homes, WASHER &: "!"\..-»-.;... u em r:ship for sale. 11 1 _ _. ,i,... u.slstance:. This tralninr decorators cancellation. .....,...,, '""'i--" Save $200. Call Harr y exct" en gu....,u "vt>· To
can be your fl.nit stop to Spanish I: Mediterranean etc Xlnt-guaranteed a et vie e Butler, 805--4si-3882 0 r tiingle female. 675-2643 4/21
employment ln the Heavy RD FURNn'URE Reas rates. 847-8115 "'rile, 1956 East Bancroft, NEED good home for lovable
Equipment Industry. Mail Camarillo Calif blk & wht friendly pregnant 1 ... Newport Blvd., CMS -•"w"i:;.;n.<•.:.Mlchinu 8120 · · coupon TODAY for Dlustra-"" _ • _ DAVENPORT, down filled, cat. \Vil! place kittens.
ted Folder. No Obli1alion. every night Iii 9 '68 SINGER, Zig-zag, aulo. 6' tan tweed, excellent con-836-4493 4121
Heavy Equipment Training,
Dept. H4-69, Box M555,
Daily Pilot
Name ••••••••••••••••••••••
Address ••••••••••••••••••••
City ·········-•············
Zip •••••••••••••••••••••••••
State ............ Are •••••.
Nearest Phone ............. .
Hrs. Wkd :
from .......... to ......... .
Wed .• Sat •Sun 'til 6 with walnut cabln£'1. Take dition $47. Andirons, hand 100 SQ. Yards S!. Augustine 20 Pc. Maple ovrr 5 pYJUnts, S7.25 mo. wrought &. poker S 3 o. grass you remove. 1965 3 ROOM GROUP Call. 526-6616 anyli1ne. ~~· 3 2 J Poinsettia, Parsons SL 548-2898 4122
Includes: Llvtng room set •
table" • lamps • bedroom
set • quilted matb'es11 -ma-
ple dinirli room. All for •..
No down • Prnts. on1y $18 mo.
fi(I[ \\'. 4th St.. Santa Ana
Open Daily 9 • 9
Sl.t.9.6 Sun.U.fi
--===~=--KrITENS, free to good :.;M;c•.:.•i.:.<.:.•lc.lc:.n.:.stc.. __ ..;8:.:1.=25 GIBSON JaSO home. Trained. 6 wks old
Gu ltlf' Headqu1rter1 with llardshell case, 962-4775 4/22
e NE\V and USED e $.'120 new, $200 or oUer POODLE . Terr. li1olher &. 6
Fender e Vox e Standel Eric. 675-5160 after 6 PM. lovely young pups nd. good
e GIBSON e MARTIN GIRL'S, Boy'io; bike!! $4 • $8. honlt'l'I. 642..SSOS 4/22
e Wll..SON e YAMAHA Parts lOc -$2. Clothes, all 2 YR. old fl.ted. sized male
Drum Headquarters si?.e1 lOc • $5, 1949 Amold. dog. Has lags & shots, fam i· e NEW and USED e CM. 548-952S ly pet. &12-2724 4122
LUDWIG, ROGDtS. ASTRO Q;U;,AL.7.;:C:.,Kn;::g~s;u~· ~ ... ~-w/ FREE to good home 6 cule
Large selection wllb fle\ll• 4 quilted m a t I • , complete pupptcs, part B e a g 1 e .
pc . .sets and cymbab start· Never used ,$98; worth $250. 546-7670 4/22
ID&: at $99.SO. Pedals, hl-hats 847--0406 * Double box spring!il & nd ired All mnall ===~~~=~-2 1\-105. old puppy, pan
rnattre"· like new, reason. :aru.se~ ·1 cymbals CARPETS, Vinyls. Tiles, lat-Poodle· Terrier, black, male.
able~ Ball Iii Trlr Crt. Sp . stock. est styles and rolors.. Com-646-2'769 alt. 5 p.m. 4/21
61, S.A. mEVERYTJDNG IN MUSIC merclal & ft.:e'idential Ex:-4 AOOil lh Siam. Kittena,
The N Call 531-3150 n.. M . ( pert in5tallatlon. ~·ks. old, \.\"eanl!'d Ir hsbrkn, • flElD SERVICE lECHNICIAN sc11 .. 1 ., •&!:r:... 20 PC MODERN -c11 us1c enler ~-1403 ~ ,,,...... Alt • P.M. •121
FEATURES: • e VACUUMS a 1 PAIR Guinea Pigs. 8151
Sec:ret•ry $500 APF
Prefer yoong poll tical mind·
ed. attractive well rroomed
l'«.re:tary able to meet dig·
nita1ies. Sil 80 ~-pm, iood
3029 11ubor Blvd.
East Coast location. • El<01ri< ,., .. ..n..... 3 ROOM GROUP F.ctoey "''" • """''"' 110 up. ll<pain • """' Mk ha•I onvo, Apt A, Hu~ e Dictating equipment llM:ludn: Floral IOfa & chair Dally 12 noon 'tn 9• Sat 9-.s Re-uonable. Coast Vacuu~ tlngton Beach 4/21
• El UTANlll' lECHNICIANS . walr.ot lahl ... 1am~ • 17404 S.aoh mw .• (l!wy 39) 333 E. 11th. C.M. 642-1'60 ~IKVnl\. e Bnash up Greg Sb. complete bed .th .,..il 1% mi. So. San Diego Fwy. BEAUTIFUL Half-.'ihepherd
• ~lodern Ofhce procedure room WI . qu L Huutington Beach 847-85.36 NEWPORT .Beach Tenn is puppy. 4 months old, tovr.i1
l;yJI 111.i.
• tlllla ... 546-20.11
Seely $5GO CRF l'h l
Ability lo organize, Ille 5h,
stat typlna:. Willi evf'ntually
work into Exec., Sec. po&i·
Uon fQt sales m1tf. •
EIUTRQ ~LIUUllllfll e Leifer wrltirc 11klll1 ed mattttu a 5 pc. dinette, -Club fanuly membership children. 54()..2959 4/21
0'1.1 , ·l'li;UUUU\A Your goals can bt achlev· etc. All for · · • Pl1not & Orn•ns 1130 UX>. , 2
' •
ed I" a minimum ol 3 $277 --...:... • * * 615-2422 .. * ADORABLE kittens, wean-INSPKJORJ ''('' "'EPF, •mploytr \1•ccka, maximum 6 Ni.down.Pmtll,onlySIOtrm. THE BEST DEALS STAUFFER Reducint ~ier~l.~~!t':~ ~ '
• STOCK ROOM ATIENDAIJS '"°PA•PYYF.','",•"ppliunt E?:~~:."8,:'"';; WEUl'S WAREHOUSE j;'•Aj;,:;9Af• c1::=7 ',.;;~";,,,.:,i:~P~i
THE NE'IVPORT ~ W. 4th SL. Santa Ana EARLY Amer. (.'OUch A: cht be ~mall, 64ti-7586 4/71
fftllA SECRfTARKr • CRF. company SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Open Da.14' 9 a 9 WARD'S BALDWIN' snJDIO 2 end ta.hies. copper!~ FREE Rabbit adult. female. Drite In Uquon ~•URI • JL.J __ ,.._lmburses f" 833 Dowr o r .. Nf'wport Bch. Sal s.' Sun. 11. 6 1so1 Newport, c.M. MZ-8484 Frigidaire, mod. tables 1: 1 yr old ~ lriendly Pf!•.
REAL F..Sl'ATE. Shouldn't QUAL. Koe Sire btd w/ GIBSON J.JO cM.lr. etc.~ 646-8298 4/21
1" P•clfic c ... t Hwy APPL y OR CALL ,..., be .. 111.., '"' hot ... , N'~u=ru"s=ES~Aidn~' ~-... -_..--, I ...... m. t t .• oomple.. '"'" H&MbeU -· UPHOl.STE!UNG • (Euro-KnTENs. 6 ..... old. Hunti~~llloocil ( 213 I MA 6-9'22 ~~,· Ph1·,'1"M"''.~-~'."..: Com>.', ...,..., '"" • Job N .... """ "'' """"im l320 ""'· ""°"'on... ..,.,. """"""'' ....., '"" S43-8tltl2 4121 ,~ "'t ..... "''" .... '~ .. ....,..., plcemnL Hlll'lf!I Tratnlna MT.00: Eric, 615-Sl&J altttf PM df'i. pickup. 21S Alain. llB TOP SOIL
Equal opportunity ~plo)'f:r
•-lo loon .-, rU1 ( 7 14 J 722-28 11 R•al Eota1< -or '""""" fll6 w. Com-SOFA • O>alr. """· .. ..,. BEAUT Ant;qu. Whitt Biby 8'rnard" Uphol . ..,._ 1..oguna S.ach 494-fl'lll ,.,..lot Ttltt / Ne• kraunhl S.16-8103 mon~'talth. f'u.Gerton. I· v.llod. Make oUer. S&al25 Crand Plano. \fill sen f700 Tropicl.1 bull anakc
r OM. w~ experience INTERSTATE EXPERtENCED dinner "52>--~mt~---~--or9A-3059ew:sonly. orparttnu:lemlOQCtspinct. ii: cap. $9. FERTIUZER, hor•e w/
and eood ~ ~. Will~ Ir. wailnlRS. ba~ PIANO La9onl: TM VU)' USED .oti i10; mm dinrtt~ 54MS01 . !J68..3650 shavirws. 548-3249 4/21
Excdlt!M· wm'td~ condi. ELECTRONICS quet waitreaea. Bus boys. brat DI lnatrucdonl. Call $22: pair lamps $9: 11\ll· STUDIO PlANO, 1175 .nttda A\VNTNG S x l2. plutk I BED sprlng •ma~ Nr { tlonl. "'#¥ w.t1d S.•llW• Apply after S pm. Ben ~2639 lttu & Box: SZ'l: H.F.R.C. tullifli. coated canvas. T'lescop!no Briltol l Warner. 549-2309
'• • • -· -• ~-at II-, B""'•'• -unnt. 3llil6 GO -•· m .. 0 1 ~ ·~ ~EE • .-.. -.._ ...-~,, ING To Europe -1far'!' _......... * so.it13 • u.me I:: poles. MS. 53&-11.·n r n kittem. 673-4236 4/22
• ._ -CORPORATION So. Cout """"So. LlluM. -up -· -~ 3 ROOMS ru·--· ,,.__ "'"''""' •wu1vnc... PIANO TUNING & ~f*ft MIRAO-E Sauna, s:lnt oond. AFF'F.CT. maturt f.tmAle
' *CORI WINDER A SUBSIDIARY OF WAJTRESSF.S A BUS BOYS ~on,~n11.tion ill my clau. l\fUST SELL! Exper1, rtuonablc! $150. 310 22nd St •• CoftA S~ cat. ~ 4122
) IPL KMwtqt ,,_.. I w l,. S IL( C f • I NEEDED. CAu. FOR_...._ _________ 642-4844aft 5 on wl«lys. Albel't AArflf's~ 615-m Me~. 548-SS42 USED ri1111•mlt• clot"··•·
ol _ _..__ &. ..&.......!-·-·~ Gd. f'\U om., c pr n1111; er orp. 0 "'mer c• APP''" 847-2531 • VIOLIN T ·-II • , .. ..-i ...... • _._..,.... tlC•wr. qu~ · C WltrrE naugahydf.' dining: Kl?<.fOALL Conr.olotll! pl11no. NF.W comp! &f'l Crtal BookA. Sl:tc .t. C1ll IM7-6472. 4123
t.o. M'c. App: ISJ a l'n> Aff EQUAL 0,l'OATUNITY EMP\.OYIA OlARCE, )'QUf WW ad DO\f. tied. e.~r . .Enrollment SJleC chalr$. lUni new U0 each, Light finish: like new S615. Valueo S,'jOO, Me ke off("r. ·L~d•!!!!t'-~Pt.!'.!::·!..H!::.n.~---11~ ....... ...,,,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...!IDlal I0.561a few lt&SULTS thl• wk! 615-5328. -49S-8135, 613-6498 MS-.""oe ... ~ ~1 ~ rNl!llCI • l.ta.l'Dl!Mcanpr i4.I • """" o"c:·-:::·~::::.:~.::'0::.:..•· -~---''-~'""::.'."'..:·~·~··~·~-~·~"'~' _
~ I j 9 ~
-=:._ _____ ----------------·-----------
GREAT Cano .Pups, AKC
fawn .t btjnd.le. ·-· GERMAN Short !fair Pointer
p1.1pple1, fcmaJ~. 8 ~·ks.
Good huntlrv dog.s. 9fi!.~13
Tl!ANSPORTATION --B .. 11 & Y1chta ~
M' FAIRl1INER cab, Cl'Ull,
encl head, galley, Ice box,
30 ga1 fresh water. Twin
Chr)'s mar enc, nu 55 watt
Simpson rad. Teak decic.
Recent survey, Oimer mov.
ing east, mUlt sell fut!
Reduced to $3250. Tenn.a.
--· ----------~---~----------~----~------:=--:--,.--
Mo""'1, Ap•H 21 1'169
TRANSPORTATl6N Til1NtPoRTATION .. -· . ·-· --9IOO Autos W1nttd 9700 UIOd C1rs -------801t·'t1cht Campers 9520 lmporltd Auto1 9600 ~me;orted A_u;.;.l•...;•'---9_600_ NewC1rs
Ch•rt•rs;..._ __ 9039_ I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 1--'--;:H;;ILL;-;--;:MA~';N;--TOYOTA
l'·Drlw Ail or power boai.. S1l11, .. RMttals
Hf.rbor cru.1'"/IPOrt llsh. Au~er
Dally • w_ee.ldy • 6t6-9(Dt EJaont.do Four
Flohlng Bol!•
NEW 34' lone ...... """"'· ......, dlo., 1\1" -plank
4 T. llOLD. 1660 Ba~
26 SPORT Flit.er pl\ll s11p
\V\ndl : Soollman '°•!kl" F,.t ol Clmper oi,.i.,.
2000 Harbor Slvd.
CoetA Mesa 642.QllO
fully equipped, $4000 ~~~~~~~:7.~ 646---4039 a· CAfd"PER. cab -o v • r ,
8o1ta W1ntad
lm' TD'a A Ocean view lot.a.
trade for Larre clear boat
Delwm Dteamer. $IDl. 2314
Santa Ana Ave., C.M.
'59 IU1J..¥AN Convt. New.
top. Rebu.111 er ~IUllUUc
eronomy $185. '28 .......:.
... , ~ .• ,;~ c.._,, .. ,;
WE PAY •.•
AIM, d•n. $800 or best of.
b' Gled mn 6 ~ Just 1,,,''='·..,Clll="m-ws=~-,-..,-,
• call u tar trM esttmate. llllll CORV AlR, en;tne xlnl.
6RO -...... lni.rior tadl • TH CHfYIOlfl ruo. m..1621
15lOO """' """'·· ,,_ • NEW --· .. BILL ""AXEY •. 196'·
• • • "~ BUICK
!Tl9MQJT1At': $2444 :.
11U1 ll~CH 1$. •
Hunt. Boach 147-155$ • ' • ~ml N. ol OIUt ffw,. on Bch 8 IJllWIDIATI DIUYllT •
Alk for Sales Mana&er
l!2ll Beach Blvd
Huntington Beac.b
Kl 9-33.n
DODGE --..:...;.;___
'68 DODGE . Polara ; •Ir,
pwr., low mile,, have Co.
car, must aeU. Ask. $2700.
,j. • CONNELL THE .,;glool lady lrom
..,,__ 'A1-r1ft 9100 22' RYAN 11"""'8-u oabln I:.;::.."="----..;..;..:.::
cruiser. FuU plley, sleeps
1, L"pls, 100 hp Mere. out
board nwtor In warn.nty.
Hvy duty hitch. CUJt, trl.
elect brakes, new % full
chrome rails. At Newport
Slip. Sacrifice . $4200 -terms
or $3600 cash. ~
M8-787S MERCEDES Deni 600. 'The
'&I FORD ~ ton. a.tom cab. ultimate motor car". 4 door,
w/8' camper. Lo Mlleqe, air autptnlion, dillc bra.Itta.
Sac. n200. 642-3666 power everythlfv, • u to,
MUST Sell due to aickneu: ln FM/AM radk> le heatet. WW
family. a· Camper, ~ 5 take trade for ,.,e model
.times. Call ~1-319'.? American auto or submit. ========: J Roy Ward 646--0228
C1mpor R111t1l1 9522 MINT COND. '63 220-S 4 m,
Tllur.fPH ' •. \ •. "P.,.d•na:· offer.. """'" CHEVROLET ...... beauly. . .. Cwoiom '65 TRIUMPH 4
J\dstr, dlr, f 1peed, over-
drive, wire ~ .. new dlsc
brakes. Jet black txt. new
top, i ood rubber .n around,
• NI rr NOMI TODAY • 2S'l8 Harbor mvd. GalaxJe 500 XY c 0 n v L
• 0.ta Mesa 546-W 60-6574, 60-9780 dQ'S A
17 FT. Performer, l&la.nder
Deluxe model !all fiber-
glass) outboard. Custom
snap down cover. Bla' wheel
tilt trailer. $700 or best oH·
er. Phone 644-4681a.nu7 pm
64·Z1' OIRlS Craft xlnt
cond. Full covers, outrig-
gers, radio, bait tank. $60))
finn. LI 8-668.1
:Z::' CABIN Cruiser 215 HP
Interceptor. Rebuilt 1968.
$ll 75. 642-5582
r.tOVING 16' fbrgla ou.tbrd
w/'35 hp Evin, trlr. All ac-
cess. $650. 64~
22' INBOARD, wlth trailer,
needs work! $250. 158 E.
\Vilson, C.t.1. 642-4350
22' Day Cruiser Century 24,
AU extras. Recent o~rhauL
$3500. * 546-9872
S1ilbo1ts 9010
l/!ith ownershtp of
170. Call after 6 pm * 545-2600 *
Flying L0110n1 9150
Pri. instruction. 549-0126
Mobil• Homos 9200
' Mobile Home Sales
Cua Loma • Roll-Away
Sheraton Manor -Homette •
Kit • Prestige • Sahara
1425 Baker St.
~~ block East of Harbor Blvd.
on Baker
Costa Mesa (Il4) 546-9470
IN Ba)'slde Village, lge
caeana, 2 ba, frplc, pvt
patio, new w/w c r p t •
Carport. 100' to My; boat
'slip avail Oub Me has
pool. shuffle bn:I, pvt bch,
bargain: $12,500. ~.I dn,
494-2446 or 5-18-9857.
2 BR, 12 x 60, ericl patio,
partly furn, delx park Lag
Sch. $9500. 962-0197,
Bicycles 9225
COACH TRAILER leather int, lilt $ e at s •
RENTALS am/Im, au10, air, 21 rrtiJ pl,$1125.-tt's none too early to make MERCEDES '61. 23) 4 dr :::.~tionl I« ~ Hol. sedan. $USO. ~ or
WEEK-END OR WEEKLY 1=833-a>48======= ........,,
Dun, B':'!!!IH
MG 9525 ---:.:..:._ __
Dune Bu9qey
''Meyers Minx Body''
Road & Ra1 1ey equipped
Chrome wheels, heavy duty
tires. Chrome roll bar, in-
dependent rear hand brakes.
Convertible top, Absolutely
like new. Lie. UCY 970
673-0000 Ext. 007
Sales, Service, Para
lnunerliate Delivery,
AU 1.fcdels
3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B.
642-~ 540-1764
Authorized MG Dealer
}'or sale '59 1'1GA,
good shape, isoo
* * 548-4418 • *
1970 HARBOR BLVD. ltfORGAN '58 plus 4 classic.
COSTA MESA Xlnl cond. Make offer!
.1-~lii:iill,;;;~-11; ..... ~,,,..,,.,,..,.....,...,,.,-....,,.. Wiil Buy '63 Fonl WI bad< H lop. cllr,
• V-8, pwr strg, owned by Ut.
!'oar \'olkswapn or Pond» tie 'ole lady from San
A Pl1 tCip doUan. Paid tor Clemente. Take f<ftign car
XInt cond. $100 cash de:ls or •
trade. Will Jlnc prvt party •• • $2444 ·: LB RlV 291. call Ken.
494-9113 or 545-0034 •
er not. Call Ralpb In trade:. LB PFG 937 Call 673-1190 ,,,,,., 54S--0634
'65 Ford Cntry Sed; V-8,
auto, dlr. pwr strg, xlnt
cond. ~ Cash del!I; or take
foreign car in trade. Call
Kl!n LB UEV 484, 494-9713
• •
Onnae """'tlet TOP I BUYER
Bank Flnanclnc
$213 DOWN
18881 Beach mv<1. •Plus tu:.\ license on ap-• ff. Beach. Pb. 1474555 '63 FORD Galax le 500 427", 4
•proved credit for this• spd, headers, dual holly 4's,
$44.03 * 36 mos
Plus 1 tJna1 pyrnnt tor
title, Full 2 yr, 24,000
•New Buick Special. No.• Auto Leailna 9110 4:57 end, and new paint,
• 4.132'79Z600349. • r; tires. Make otter. 613-6m
mi warranty. Avail only at •
!Klr:l.t \;arden Grove &lvd. •
534-228-1 at Beach 89'l..s551 •
OPEN SUNDAY • 1009 VW Sq. Back. Auto •
trans, sunroof, ndlal ttres,
deluxe lnL Radi>. 8,IXXI mi •
:P.ilnt cond. U)99. 54W891 •
1008 vw. Afr..amdltlontJv, •
mint oondlUon. ,S 19 7 S . •
Private party. 842-3164
• / I.EASE 'EM / Take over pmts. on '67 Fon!
Gal. 500. Vinyl top, radk>.
• '68 Cad Cpe deVille full pwr hnhs. Good cond. Call j air, vinyl roof, orlven onl.Y alter 5:30 p.m. SlS-9240
14,500 ml, Looks new. 24 ·~ GAU(. 500 2 Dr. Hdtp.
• moslae.at$149. mo. 390 V-8, auto., full pwr. AU HUE •
New '69 Eldorado, fUll equ1p. AM/FM, air. ~
incl air &: vin.Y1. top. $220.87 1961 RANCHER.O V W
per mo. 24 mo. lie. also '68 Ytllow w/blk lnL Top oond.
Eldorado n 79.40. • 5tO-Ol80 •
• lOOW.CoaatH;gb..., J---------• '67 VW Ruby red, radio, new • • Micht?lin ttru, Xlnt cond,
must sell! ~1539
645-2183 Newport Beach '62 CONTINENTAL, needs
engine work. Days 49f..74ll.
eves A: Sun 49f-2403
GS VW 26,IXXI mi. Superb con-
dition ! Mu'irt 6 eel $1.m
• 067 l'ONTIAC • LEASE • RENT •'°'""· c,... Full pow•r,-. ALL POPULAR ftct. t ir. IVJIM611
: $~6'-5 : 'n~~s MERCURY
LIKE nl'w Phillips English I ---,D'°'U7.N"E'""""B~UG'°G"Yo;---1 ==*=*= ...... =io'=='ll=*=*==
21' ISLANDER Bike, gold. asking $30. Metalllake ,
As new, sips 4, galley $3495 !==::"='"'::2-084='=*== $750. S4S-8l51 PORSCHE
'68 VW, R + II, Xlnt cood.
$1675 Full Price. Prvt, prl;,y.
714 . m93fD
• AUTHORIZED 063 MERC. Colony Par~ T • , . "I LEASING .,.,.: station wagon; pwr., • "'4 IU CK · • aiNX>nd., radio, heater;
29' COLUMBIA Wlldc•t c, •• A_!ff,,. PS.. SYSTEM blu e w/matchin1
5 Sails, inboard, plus lots Motorcyclet 9300
more! •••.••••••••••• , $9950 I---'------'63 VW Sedan, low miles. •F•ct. •Ir, IOrJt44l Got 0ur'(:ompeUtlve Ratea naugah,yde inter. In perfect
I mportad Autos 9600 PORSCHE '63, 5'°, 65 SC Xlnt rond, pvt puly, $900. • $13·,· s· • .Thooclo,. oond. Xlnt tittS; UIOd but
Radio, D/F, falho, 5 sails.
wheel, dinghy, try •• $12,500
3446 Via Oporto, Newport
24 Hour Phone .•.• 673-1570
Coming CUSl'OM DLX K 41
O'Day 17'
DAY SAILER • • • . $129j,,
Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa
15' SAilBoAT -With vctras
including trailer. Va 1 u e
$1250 • STEAL, $850.
493-4467 or 496.3144
CAL 28. Fully equip-Race or
Cruise. Sacrifice!
Call 84U001
GLASS SABOT, rowing &
sailing. NE\V trom $95. * 673-0512 *
Columbia 5.5 Metre
F /C, A·l, priced r ight!
'114: 792-4341, 213: 7!l9-022S
28' CAT. Choy deign,
Ensenada vet. Extras. $8000
val, sac $5995. 714/893-1019
SABOT By Schock. full rig
w/liberglas mast. No. 5096.
$395. 592-5087
20' SLOOP, ?tlarinc head,
lights. Ne w dac sa.iL Asklng
S2100. 673-6382
Power Cruisers 9020
BR., stnleroom &~ galll'y:
fly ing bridge: eng. xlnt
cond, By owner. 6~70
25' Meridian, fbrgls, equip-
ped for fishing or cruising.
Asking $7300. O\vner anx-
ious. 64&-9739
1968 YAMAHA 350 cc
-~-------I Eng. Al! ~-· xlnc Must •<S-1078 • • ROllNS· FORD not '""""'· , driven by AUSTIN HEALEY ..u. 12450• 64l>m.1 "63 VIV, xlnt oond. N•w • • '1l60 Harbor m.... adulla only (m <bildr<n In
---------1'60 PORSCHE ~uptt 1600, trans, make oiler! Pvt pv-'66 T·llRD • Costa Mesa 642.00IO lamily: A CLEAN car. $1195.
1965 AUSTIN Cooper S. 100 new paint, tirts, batt & cng. ty. 536--0108. •Fun pow•r, f•cf•'¥' •''·• l !!!~:!"!!~~~~~~I 642-3589 eve/wklends
This bike has never been on ,hp. loaded, mWlt sell lm-Make offer. 833-2J69 '60 VW $3fS •isLV4t tl • '66 COLONY Park Sta.
the dirt. Just like it came med. best of.fe:r over $1875. '62 Porsche Cab, Good Cond. 8J3..0062 Eves. • $2591 • Used Cars • 9900 wagon 9 PMs .. air, full
o({ the showroom floor. Why takes It. 6~2462 new '6l S engine. $2500 • • pwr., lo mile.; $220 0.
Buy A '69 ? Private party. '67 SPRITE, pert cond. 496-JW2 Dana Point 1---------· • CHOICE: '61 Riviera loaded. 642-4104
Call 830-04-03 or m.9340 $1650. Or beot otter t:T>-171<i '61 PORSCHE Rdslr. $1650. VOLVO • ''2 CHIYIOUT Xlnt oond. '61 Jaguar •·•l======== Morning or Ews. 638-5454 or see at 1300. Ca.sa •Pick·up. Plum bin&; or• Sedan. Auto. Ex cond. Of. 1962 MERCURY, r a d 1 0 ,
•64 HARLEY Davidson ========= G •electrical special • fice 838-7294, home 6~n09 healer, air cone!., xlnt con.
Sprint. 250cc, lo m i , cLlnd~;:;•.:;Ln<=:N.:;0·;.;B,=;CG::. '.:·=-VOL VO (K~l l "'°'========I dltion. One owner. $495.
w;nc1,.;,1d&or .. hba" BORGWARD 1!161 Po"""' Rnaohtor. • $1195 : BUICK "'-52111 21';:;~::'7~::~ <>Ira parts. 1960 EORGWARD Coup<. *it~.',,.';'~{,* $ SAVE $ : • 1956 BUICK. Ori• owner. MUSTANG
$150 takes all. Nicely restored. $545. I==::;::=;:=:==== Executivt Cir Sale, "67 \MBA • RUNS GOOD. $175 i~--------* 675-6896 * 64&-8313 days, 54&-0850 SPRITE Hurry While They L11tl ~Co11p•. f11ll pow•r, ftc:forv• 646-8313 days, 548--08;10 '65 Mustang Conv, disc
'68 BSA Vkoo•. 1 M miles. "•111o1 • •-• .... ; .. $1ro3v4'"91 5 .,...,, p/o, • hr!, "'8ri> Xlnt oond. l650. DATSUN '67 SPRITE, ...... «>nd.11.650 wn LfllJU • CADILLAC oar! $1400. 61>-<!167 Mon or * * 548--7933 * * __ ..c;..;.c.c.;....;;._ ___ J Or best otter fi'73.17tfi Morn-• Wed after 4, an y t I me
1966 SU ZS UK I 80 S P 0 r 1 • '69 2000 DATSUN ; I ='""=o=riE'=v="===== JHPORTS • '$5 CAD. Cpe. De Ville 2 dr , ,,w0k0"",.""ii';:;· =o:--=.,--.,..,-pcrfec t cone!. Asking $140. Roadster, 5 spd trans, 135 TOYOTA·YOLYO • '66 CAPRIC! • Pwf., a.Ir. ~.'::' tires; xlnt '67 MUSTANG, :Jro. stick, * 642-0842 * hp, tllr, honey-gold yelJO\I', SUBARU 1966 J-la.rbor, C.M. '646·9303 •CP•· Pow•r if••ri"t• f1c:t.. rond. $2550. O'f0-1748 white vinyl lop. $150 &: take
blck bucket Reals, radio,•------.,.---1 Ml7 l •-Cad ~ d Vlll o t Prl t rty '65 Suzuki 150 cc. 1· ,65 VOLVO 1800 S air, •utom•fic. SI I ~ ......,upe e e. ver pymn s. v p . ake heater, \vsw·s, less than 1000 SUBARU • $229.5 • F U Lh;y LOADED! $5700. ZTP 073. 89f..lll9
Asking ~ .. o!'.~ mi. Under fact waIT. Take Sport Coupe, 4 speed, dlr, • • muebook $6200 540-4905 1967 MUSTANG ,.,.tbaok. oUer. <1'IO"Q'N;I' older foreign car in trarle or over drive. buck;i!l seats. · ========= $175 cash dels. Will fine priv Rela1'I D1'v1's1'on Brown beauty! $75 cash dels, • • '60 COUPE de Ville, full yellow w-blk Int. 4 speed Auto Services prty. LB YNW 485. call Ken, take older foreign car in • '66 TEMPEST • pwr, ail' cond, good cond. tr1t11s. $1950. 536-3695
& Parts 9400 494-9773 or 56-0034 H " h trade. LB SAB 625, Call Ken •1:4r•tom c,.. RlH, •llfo... ** su.sse7 ** '6!i MUSfANC, 1''ast Back,
1955-56 OIEVY Frame •
sol id front axl! & steering
gt?ar. $100 or best oUer. 1687
Tustin St., Apt. 1, Costa
1.feaa. Aftl!l' 6 PM
Trucks 9500
'&t DODGE Vsn R&H, panel-
ed, crptd. S1.2!li Good cmd.
833-002 eves.
'51 FORD P.U., 'SC e111.
$175 or Best Otter
Jeeps 9510
1000 W. Co11t '9 way 7 ~·nn• •c B l It 2+2 s-• 3 ~ '68 DATSUN h 4M-9773 or ~f>.0634 .P.S .. ftclory •Ir coridltiori·· '5 'l,.AIJ........,. . arr z , ...,,., a~, immac.
Station W&g1:1n Newport Beac 544-1960, REBLT, very good lrig. lSTDl77l Conv. Enr, trans, body xlnt. Best Offer. 646-2812
Radio, heater, automatic,1==64=5-00==$0=*=~=2=7=33= cond, $500 Ow!l<'r. • $ 1195 • cash or!! 646-8713 '67 MUSTANG Conv. V-8,
<lli. xlnt oond. Hon<y be;g, SUNBEAM • "8-0967 * • • -CHEVROLET-air, pvt ply IJ35..6400, at 4 A exterior, $100 ca.sh del!I; or 1.--------. 847--0746 alter 6 pm
take older car in trade. LB --Sport Cars 9610 • 'U IUICK • FOR Sale or trade. 1966 WW 589 call J am e, l!l60 SUnbeam A1pine, mech. 1967 otEVROLET Impala Mustang, 2 + 2, 2S9, 4 ll94-977J • sound, New top&: Int. New '67 MERCEDES •Wll4cef 4 Joor. Factory• coupe. Full po~-er and lac-speed. 832-0876 after 4 pm ~========! •--N--•-noint ••~ °' • •Ir, 111te., pow•r 1l••rir19, ,,_., .... oondlt1on•--new · -... ..,,., i:aa ..... • ~. DJESEL 200 D Automatk, UH. ISVX 0161 I .... ,,. ... ..... I
ENGLISH FORD hen oiler. 546-6861 . radial u.-.. Period oar. 65 MUSTANG V-1
$ SAVE $
Executive Car Silt
44,00J actual miles. LlJre •. $2595 .• $2005. (VEJI04) De a I er. 4 sp. Sllil5. 962-2526 new. l 1 e r b Friedlander, 18835 Beach Blvd. HunL -
13750 ll<aoh Blvd. !Hwy 3') 1.-------ll<aoh. -OLDSMOllLE
Phone 1193-"66. >17-6824 • 'U IUICK .• =~==='""""'"""" •·------=--1965 CHEVROLET Bel Alr 1
Antiques Cl1sslc1 961S •El•ctr• co11p•. flill pow1r, Sedan. 327 VS engine and l.,(llDlrrrv
-·-'-· factory t lr. I full power equipment. $895. un IUUll I
IMMACULATE '4'R<dFord • $1895 • !SKB623l Dealer. 18835
Convertible. • _ • Beach Blvd, Hunt. Beach. SALES & SERVICE
OLDSMOBllf Call 6?3--lS2S 1'"rl & Sun. • '65 OLDSMOllU • ~""""",;:,c='~~~-°""'"'"
•4 Joor H.T. Ftct•ry t it,. CHEVY Il Deluxe Station R1c1 Cars, Rods 9620
'55 a-tEV. lnjectl?d, 396 cng.
w/torquefiite, Pont. rear
end w/411 gears; n1n11 on
50% nitro. $1900: 427 Chev.
block $20; '55 Chev. body
w/tlbreglu & straight axle
front end. Pontiac n:ar end,
$2X); Straight axle drilled
for Willya Spindll?s $15. 213:
rnr. SUN NEVER ;:3ETS , ..
a...lfled'• •ctlon power.
For u Id to seU around
the clt'd. dial so.5671.
P.,.,•r it••rlnt & br•~••• Wagon, 1963. Auto traM, 18 2850 H~bor .Blvd.
•,11t•, IMOY 1461 • ml to gal. Lugpae rack. c.o.ta Mesa • $1595 • xlnt oond. See to 'PP"" 540-9640 Used Can 540-8881
8 • 54&-7378 $795. or oiler 1965 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic
195.5 OiEV Bel Air 2 dr. 88 4Door Hardtop. Full Ii '66 OLDSMOllLI n• hdtp. Original condition ~ power ~lpped. Oni! owner.
•Lv111r.,-s • .i.,.. f1111 ,.w.,,• side le out Excelle:nt motor, Only Ul4S. (PC R 9 6 6)
lftctory air. fSUr 1121 • 1ran11 &t tires. $475. 842-2342 DP.aler. 18835 Beach mvd. •2295 I e 1960 lm.pe.Ja Convert. Red. HunL Beach. 540-0442 • ¥ 1-own<T. Belt 0 f C. r. '67 ~LDS 425 !lolmonL 2 d<,
• Call &t2..Jfi64. radio. fa e air. wsw, Landau • ''4 IA.MM.II I top . $2100. 8.17-9680 eves & •''O st •• Wt9on; F1ct. t i•,• '64 O!EV. Van. like new we:ck-ends o I mechanically; must sell! (,,,,.-==-~~-~-, .P.S., t11to. ( VICllJ , • $595. 548-128S 55 OLDS Jelltar. Air, 111
$1495 power. Xlnt cord. 1 owner. • • 1960 CJIEVY w/ new molor $1295. * 644-1693
MOOlmoorlod A-9600 ··---• -• •••=m---Imported A-• • • ( le Qr shift, 6 cyl. Bnt cash , ••• 4t • • ofler or trade f0< ? . t:T>-9135 62 OLDS F85. orig owner,
. ' .
4 1/2%
la11k fi11a11clnt •••U1bl• .,.,
~111k ,,pr .. al .f u-ilit.
_ _,,,--,,,,__=-'-'"~"..s~I,.-62,lm miles. xlnt cond. $550.
• I AGUAR • 1.968 EL C&mlno, V ' ow ..._,196 altor 6 pm • mileage, $2400. Pvt party. • •. HEADQUARn:nr •. ,.,..7695 PRICED For Quick Sale 1963 IUU I-""========! Olds '88 4 dr lfoliday $350.
C R Kl 9-2898
•compl1I• s.1 ... Strv-• HRYSLE ========
•lea tnd Part• D1p•rt·• CJIRYSL>;n •63 N•WJ'O't • PLYMOUTH
•ment for JA6UARS. • dr, lac atr, p/~, b, Riff, nu --------• s., n. &cltirtt • ti.res. G 0 0 d t:Ofld, $700. 1!Q PLYP.tOUTJl GTX, like
• lt6t J•t••r Tffey • 846-9136 new. Q>-191.0. $2950. After 4 =======!pm. .,._ :-eeeeeee; COMET "===RA=M~i;=LE=R==
• 23, f 17"' ST • '64 COMET, 2 MW tm. new , -
• • In , • b"'k". Ex. <0nd. Value 61 RA!offiLER Convt. Full
.. ~ ,.11 ~-o:M> ......... pwr, •ir<0nd, auto, new • 548·7765. -· ~· -""'-$350. 54&-02<1
• CON11NENTAL NEW ... Rlmblar, FWf""" cornpae1, S20U.
• 1963 CONTINENTAL. Blue-I-'=='======= OPIN:
CAii. V PILDT 33
TRANSP01tfn10N ,(
Ot'l'lll YOU A
\ FREE -~o .. ,.. C.C,n,Y. t AMX 0
JAVELIN -~ U I with
u.r purcn.-.
'69 AMX
Y4, 4 1,..4, F11ll>t factory
941111,,... OM•r toGay.
'68 Javelin
lit t1 .. hM1 •mill pric•,
'69 Rambler
Full 1i1•, •••h 6, 121 H.P:
Order toG•\"
'69 Rebel
Th• P•opl• Cir. 11752/21
$2436 .
'69 Ambassador
Air comlilioni"9· v.1. Auto
fttnt. 5110210
'65 Classic
4 DR. $1DAN
VI, f'acti>ry •Ir c.011d., pwf.
1t11t., rtdlo, h••f••· INU· 431. .
'64 Ford , _,
VI, auto. fT •n•., pwr 1t•1r ...
ing. OVC 'i59.
'65 Docl9e ,_,
VI, •11fo. trtiu., pwr lil•f'll",
1119, RltZ 661. tJ
'65 · Mustan9 -
V1, t 11to. tr•M., 1ir concl.,
Vlnyl roof. NHA 171.
'63 Rambler '
110, 2 dr, VI, •11+0. trant.,
pow•r 1t••rin9, RVL t60.
• 65 Ra11Jbler ,
xJ1t ZnG c•'· NrF o 11.
'66 Docl9e '·
Vt, t 11fo, fT•lll., '5, I brk Uc:.. JRD l76. · ,,
$1595 ,,
• 64 Clcasic ..
Ov•rdri••• rttlio I h•at•r,
'65 Classic
VI, f1ctory al~ co11d., pew-·
•• 1t•1tln9, 'Mio, h••'•'· INU 411 . • ,
• 64 American
Z DOOi. 6 CYL.
Aute. frt111., r1dlo, h••f•r.
Low mil••t•· OSR 011, ...
'66 Rambler
2 Gr. H.T,, Va, t uto. tr•"•·
PS, a bralf1t. u •. SMA 26
'64 Classic
WAllOM. 6 CYL.
A11fo. tr•n1,. r.G lo, h••t•r,
'lu9g•9• 11ct
Pa)'IMnh ....... .nS1H
Cath « tr.ii• 9'1Ulty, ,,.,. Tl L .., S6 mot. °" a,,....,.. -.,ank -"··----HOLIDAY
I N• '"""• .. N•c•u•rt
• • • • • •
• ""''· black '"""' tnt Full T·llRD I pov.'tr & air. V~ry cltan __ .....;._;;;~:_---I\
I S99S. Call lrt 5. .... 163 T·B~D. Power, #Jr, etc.
A•llfCAM MOTOIS Sain.-· _,..,.,_
" ' •
15300 Belch Blvd.
"'·3322 OPIN 7 DAYS
I BUSJ}.:Sl' mllrlllltplace sn Vny Clean! $895. ~ •
Qaulf}td tllCUoll. I• •t Ml-21&1 or m-&129.
montJ ttme A dt«t. l.oell 'S9 WHITE 2 DR T·Blrd.
town. Tbt-DAU.Y PILOT Good col'ldltton. $700.
MW1 j I Call li1J.2til3
Dia.I MJ.li67I Good cond. 12200. 54().1993
hr, .. CM; II a
1969 Hal'Hr Blvd.'
'--•' ~· ,_,., •• c•-----
H -.!!!=«
~ I ·----~-.-
' . .
i· ' • Always Sa~faction_Gu{irartteed Y aur Money . &ck ..
' .
. AJJSJ'ATE P-•1er Tin
Gunn tee
$' ..................... ...... ........................ _... ..... _.. . ............................. .... ._ ........... fWGll•••dlqt. .. ·-•w.... ·----* .... .p.ir ir. --·-"----................ ,..... .... .....
,._ 'tt'_.o.tC:....-i
. ; c:;..""' ... -._ ... ";:".,:'"':.-i. 1· . ...... -....... _,.. ___ ._ .·-·---..-· ......... ' ............ ,. i:uAc . .I ... _ ••. ,. . l
'. ~ ';N • . ... ) ::,,
'97 11111 n· s 11'clll, -i111hM ah lll&pwr __ ,.._
·::=: ....... --...i ... -.....,. ""' b .lwoa; W ........ dnMree W dittl• ....... .
d' ,, b • SI r'•1 f ,,_ peeef
~ . .• •• ' ,
Regn]ar '199.95
Guaranteed for .33. Months Nationwide
Replar '18.95
Trade-in Price
NEW Dimm>nd P-m '
SIZE I ~i~'"i
Tubeless lllll<kwaJla .
•uo.JJ I llUI I. lJ.11 I , ...... 1 UI.161 lJ.11 • I
1.1W4 I• ..... I 17 .... I
l.!5xlt 1 ...... 1 ...... I
'7.1'S°xl5 i ...... 'f 17.11 I
Tubeless White...U. ....... I $21.16 I ..... I
1.IWt I ...... I , .... I
J.Mxl4 I ...... I 10.81 I
1.1511' I ...... I -I
..... .....
L11 . ..., .... .... ....
Lii ... , ....
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I ......
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I -I U1 .,,. ................ ._..., .. _.._ •D· I .t ..................... ..... !.Uxll I ...... I ..... I ..... ............ _ .. ...
A•ail1ble at Seere •• ,
Allt Tow A" I 11 Tin s.111 n Aia..I n...! ; ~
When Yon Bay Y 0111' Tire. alld
Automotive N....U at Soon oa Credit
24-Month or 24,000-Mile Guarantee
Over 950 Makes and Models Available
More New Pub In Ev...,,
Rmuu111f11dund , Completa Eoglm
• All New Water Tubes • All New Bmh!Dp
• All New Rocker Shafta • All Nur Seal Guke!I
. .
o AD New Timinr Chains • All New Exhauat Valnol e All New Timing Gean e All New lntak• Val-
• All New Main Bearings • All Ne'! Valve Spr!np
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Lifters Rinr•
A.LL$T..&Tll Cllll' ... Tnd ~ ... aftDalff
for anr IN50 mdl!ll· ud tnOdel9 tema1Nfacture4-t ... -. u.ctlila' ~ Uwl &N \lMd.'ta ...,._~ .,.,
. . .
V ·QMlmhaft. 01e t!U.· .... -R9p'oulld..,..,.... _. ,,.,..., ..
,,,,,, OD Pwnp. OU ..... rr-t: Cioni' MC ....... 0.... ..
al&lltd on all OHV _,....
.... ~ Tllll COUPON••-...... ,(!LIP 'JBll 00~•, . . , , . . ,
: This Cou,POD Wortll. : : ~ C-,. W.U. :
i ·i· 5· .· ii •2·:;· i , . , , ' , , , , . . , , , , , 88 -, . ' , ,
: O.·PurdlMe fit by Re-: : On~ at._ fer :
'. miuluf .. ..a..-..... .... .-...... 1 1 I Cylinder' ComplN.~ 1 , ---__ ,._ , ' _ .... uf _ _._.. -'-, , . ' ,,.._. ___ ..... ,
'I •'J'ranmn ....... T!MQQIO I I .wted.. I Omfl••••......... , ., . , , , . '
.. .A. ni.._ lo.~ .. ~ T.ir~1 '~a..,..Pw~ ... ....,1 ·mERT. INST~ON AVAILABLE . . ... °'"""'" _ _, !-'""""" . ! !-~--: . ,--:
' . ' . ~ ............ .., ........... _ ................ _ ........................ _. __ ...... ... ' .
,-·------~------------------------------~~--------~ ·-,..TA -. 511-4530 EL MONTE GI 3-3911 tOHG lfACll HE 5-0121 PICO WE 1-1262 SANTA fl -9#8011 IJflAHD 9'5-1'27 I -, ... J.IQ.0661 'GLENDALE CH 5-1004, c1 4-4611 «Y""" a"''° AN w211 -m 2-11"5, NA f-5161, tu 6.N51 SANTA M011CA fX 4-6711 vAWT PO 34461, fM-2220 I
I c LU NI 6-"81, Nl 2·5761 HOLLYWOOD HO 9-5941 OIAHGO 637-2100 &AHIA -l1 7-3371 SOUTll COAST PLUA 540.3333 -Pl 9-1911 I
--~1 ·-INGLEWOOD OR 1°2 121 PAIADIHA MU 1-3211, fl 5·011 TonAHa 542°1511 S<..·£1rs '~--------------------~~ -----------------~---' "Sall.faction Gvaranl9ed orYourMoneyBack"
' •
Shop 6 Nlghls Mon•1Y ."-slh Sallnday 9i30 AM. to 9:JO P .M.
' -
• •' .
-·') .