HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • • • • • ' . " I -· • -·--- • -.. .. • • • - r ' . • . . ~on • • • . . ' . ~-· ex I ·-' . __ Soni~ Builms .Defended:' -• ~-.. -J, i. ' ~ ~ .. ,_. . I • ' • • -.. .. -.., ' f ' • -., ~ -·-= ·-. · . .: -•f • .., .... _ •• :.:= . -. .. .... ~ , . ... --~ ... . -.:. -. -:J' . . ' ' . . • a·s.s -l: ··71--e.g're· :::tiood ·idr D ouses· -' . . ' WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 23; 1969 ' --VOL. 'l. MO. f1, 4 SK'Ttoflllt A PA•IS ' . . --, -· - c -. ~ . . . . . • .. • . . ,, - . . -' - . * *· ·* . . . ,._ *.tr * -t< * '* Con,trd~~f.Sial ,. UCI J t .1 .. ; , , ... ~ ...... •l f• -···· ·~~ ...... f 'I• ,. ·Prof.essor . ... .. . . . . . . )., . ' . . ' for RFK Depth· ~ ANGELES (UPl)-Slrhan B. Sir. lum -. ordered tqday to pay with his life tor t\'e '5S8SSination of Sen. ~ ~ F. Kenneay but·......i.. to.higher courts may '~ him {furn ",the gu Chaml:ter Indefinitely. . . . The jl.JfY which convicted Sirhan of first degree murder in the slaying of the lleflator during Kennedy 's presiden- tial.. primary campaign last June, direct· ed that the punishment should be death. When the verdict was · announced Sirhan chewed hard on a ...,,,ad of gum and stared straight ahead. After nine hours of deliberation over two days, it was apparent some members of the jury were adamant the ~year-old Sirhan sho:uld be sentenced to the gas chamber and others were determined h sbould be spilfed because ol mental iJ. lness. Deliberations resumed at 8 a.m. today fJld the cynsensus was that the seve ·tnan, fi've woman jury would fina!Jy set penalty. Bul in the event of a hung jury, tt wa quite possible a new panel would be selected and weeks of testimony repeated ii\ an effort to decide on the punishment. Superior Court Judge Herbert _v. Walker is empowered to set the penaJty jn case of a divided jury, but only tf both 1>r0secution and d!fensc agree it should lie handled that way. ,• ') . " ' ., " ' . ~ ... . ..,. .. l' Ptl.OT """'!. W: ............... , I -• • • I I ' • " ' SCHOOL 'JOARD MEMIER WILSON (RIGHT) C9NFRONTED BY Pf!ct.rlSTIMcr· c'\TIZENS ' ' . '. · · Soi('E"-''°" PNtrom Shelved After Dolio .. ot Hunting!Gn Bo~ch'o, Mer!l>o Hllih· • .. By THOMAS FORT\INE Of ffle DlllF ,,.,. Stiff Dr.-George W.-Kent,,one oft~ U\l Jryine aaaisWlt profeasors threatened with dlmUssal, bas lhstead been pib- moted to tenure. Chancellor' Daniel G. Aldrlch Jr. said today that Kent will be advanced to the tenured rlnk 'of usoc:late professor, ef· fective July 1. He likely will not, however, contin~ in the history department. Student dissidents, who haVe made the cases of Kent and fired assistant pro. !essors of English Stephen Shaplro and Donald Brannan a· cause celebre since Novtmbert accepted lbe news tis a vio-' tory. . . WILL CONTINUE 'But· they said lhty will continue to press for, reinstat~ment of Shapiro and Brannan. Unllke 'these two, Kent never was fired .. His case had bee'n under review for the · past fiv'e 'mOnth~. Kent said he was gratified at the decision. He said he never really had con~ . sldered leaving Itvine, even · tboul1t senior hlstiity· department members ·had • recommended hJs dismissal In June. next year. . 'HoWever, a speehll review committee of five~ profesaon from other campuses recommended 1o Chancellor Aldrich that ~e~.:~}~e~ in H~µt~ngtc;iµ, :~~:~~:i~~ Vngineer Clai. ms ... .. r ' " ' • •. I .. -• . .. Xent of his~ for 11"'~· ·• f' · > 1 • • ~ A further recommendation of the Mild Sonic n;ip;RS ~: ,,,,~te~:T,a"ble Course But Oppo~~rili No~ ·Satisf,~d·. ~:.:~Z":1'~,!J~1~· • "'I .t a, 11tJD1 ME~ f "'Casting t~e dissenting vote. I 1ithit1awricuium ·~Id hav~ beeni slip.. academic, area. He bas quallficaU0111 f(IJ,' -~od f H ';._ · · 0t IJll ,,._ •1 ... '"" · • l'8Ching oCher1 1u~ject.S. · -Or OJl,SeS , , '1 'I don't believe I've ever seen a more peel! under. lhe cover of' 1Playboy Aldrlch said he wllldlscu~ with Dean ~d"' anPJ ibou~ of reCIJl ·from aft · C9Pnt display of disregard for the voter , IJlll.&attoc. It 1th ls thing 1sbciul.d citcl;I on,• oi Human!Ues SaR)uel .C. McCulloch, Sonic booms are good for ·your hOuse, autli~ of...,,300 ~~·\!IX ,•Jn all my life~·~':,1~.WeyuM:r ,wtim I sro;w1 aod ,~t>PIJ.:Wom~~ will just bel department cfiaJrmen, iricludlng Meyer. but Uperts don 't yet know why, 8' civil ,ectuca\ioi'J, HuqUncf,oli Beach~nb\ Kish tbe motion WU passed. used .and we mtJ kick m&{riage out the andJ(ent ,himself Whe,.t .Kent should be engineer told a conference Tuesday· in' ~hool ,District .trul~ ·Tuesday night,1 Tile controveny began early In' ~e I Window."• : , ; . . t P.,laced riexttfajl. . • Anabel tabled'furtbei; -se:.r·d>Urie plans.~ evening when chairman John Bentij!y s.>veral J>C9ple In fa vor ·of U1'. se , "We have iiiterschoo1 curricula ~er , 1 sPeJ'ii.g to the 15th Annual Technical ~ .K~kin, ~k.-belore a capacity asked those opposing the coarse to s~p j 1 r • ·~ . i , , " '~:i 'fhtrt .,iS. ,a. pqaslblllty of . an i~ '. Meeting of the IMlllute of Environmental ,aud1~ 111 ,Marina High School's up to the microphone and voice their b-~! allO ~ke up •~ e~en thou&~ tereUfluraf• studies progr.am and an ex~ Sdences. J. H. Wiggins Jr, said the Cifdem, mearis there : will be '"°' .sex jectlons. Ulelt Qbeerv~ were . ek!Quent~ • werf:; p~ed unlversliy studie!·pnigtam.." the 1 booms &low aging ahd relieve slruclura.1 ed1JcaU<m b:luae at~ 4~trictf sCJxtola. this Overwhelming applause from tpc leer:td by; the.audience. 1 1 : J • chanctUor' aaid. · · ' . ' · ' lltrels. Ac1:~b;ffi!1='c1,..:. . ''111~·to cro~d was, dr~ ;r ~oe !~ c:!~®;,~ti!:~=.:u~· .. ~01r,ulsTo11v·.·. . I • ' ' Wl&llnl said he does Jlol know just ~-· __ .__. .,.,weve~ .. 8 •J>O esman or rape Y v ... ,.. f•-·I( to ,.. such an -~ona1. -tton. . "! dlll>'t.wllh, .•• .. 1-•lote u;to, where the 1 µ~i theory ts th t • the °''""""" cijlpdnents 'lo < Protecllve League (POPL) when ~e ~· ~----"" ,..,. the •hJ, but mos M: Y -t..• .a.,c tion. They 'Winted mort. T1' 'lnirf, stated that !leJ education courses ln:o~r to ·what i fitict \o'be one of-the most im-he will be ~\e(i. byt ·t• concur ln . the mild shaking a home ~~·" volaUte crowd deminded thab -·eduC•· d~tricts Increased the Ulegilllnate bl(th ' ,..Uni ·ond Tito!. -di. life. V wish< ~~ lt not be the hlo\O.'Y tc!i••es l!«Ull1lltstin& ,.,..., iust lite a . tiotl'PlMoke:.tiltect once 1n11 for ,y, rate an<1 venereal disease.. 100 wouldl>O •concerned aboul the IOOt department," said oean Mc6illocb. · mltwJt.earth lrtmor on .a fauJt line, Trustee Joe Rlbil made lhe motion Mrs. Bernard Gage )eveled tri-partile boys'r::.dled in Viet.Um lut weel.1' • • Ken\ took hls bacheklr's degr~ 1n I Ngt only are mUd booms good, aaid' the ttfinporartly sht.lvtng the prGCram. His attack aaalnst the program chargliig 1 .. "'I I.hat I am going to be lstQned. Gennan_bil mast.er'• cRgree ln,Or1enllil "' bmer dii'tc::lor of 1ovemment-sponeoml proposal disbanded the cltluM' com-that the COit of the course' would ~ bY. Lhe alldience 10 I'll just take my• Studies -'ln:1 hls '-"doctorate in ·Orlental · 9;.uc boom 't~ at the White Sands. . ~~ studying a possible se1 education "ovqw~lming" that ·it elhibited a "1*k I iluses OCf bek>r~ I say an~r'--uld Lanpagea. ~ 40-y1:ar-old proresaor hu . N.M. proving ground, Wigglns said lflost --Oi .mofillty" and thooe contri6u!lr§ ·erUO<~,'wlfo·aiso's]>Ote tn livot of taught<0m)oraU9e'Uteratu .... philolo(lhy . ttories to the contrary are wild. Boar~ actiop f&klwed a~~r and 0,..! P}llftlaJs to It are "~ Communisll.' the course.' ' · t 1 "" • t and langUageti an other campuaea. · Clvilt31!' 111~., ~I!' . ex~gµa\"1· hid! lll <ttlioi. punetuated by . periodic Another enra,.d ' ~ttzen, Tho.las 1 • "Tell us whcryou 'rej>r.,.nt," ahouted a' • "f lloukl jllat" sooo lllY\11 tnY !11'11 aonit: bOom etrccts, he charged, saying shouting matches, catc•lls and like Bogfs said •11 know when theY say Vote• In the troWd: ' 1 hist«y depart.rnent," he nkl. '1But llace • theonli~st 8drea~gt0e ~apolm11,11ne ~ tms ,~~~~en•.nd dlstuCbanci!a' from the angry crowd. 1 they~ g'oiftl to' table atrmelhlfig, some · "l Uk6 td think that I Tefl"!etlt the~ n13f background ii \larJtd,I could work Jn , '" """" la..,. Later, members of·tbt audience enau· way , some how, lhese qtingsihave a vfay 1 bumap ra~ ... t~ man ~ll) the kxll n:d' another ~rt~t.. tl,"oukta'\ ~.a_, "~le booms won't crack concrete ed in face-to-face confrontations w'llb of creeping back Into driver education I ~·~ flred, back·,ol••J am rel11y amazed bY, crlttqaJ·i;nf.U« .• · . J c driveways or foundation~. won't teu me.mbtrs or the school board. and m1lbem1tics." · tht ,ibatnee logic characterlllnc, Meyer . ·laid. ~kit hJ,aiOrlins 1 W~e·, obincJeo oil rool1, crack toilet bowb or Tb<> .board. vOled S to I In favor of Art RuchU, another citizen, oteppec'. •P , tonlghl'o meellilr,• he conllnued, olr1rlng nevor Jn dl'ubl 1'(911111!11f.ent'I 14oChln(, snap brmlerts," he said. Ribal's motion with M11tthew Weyuker to the microphone and told the audience (Set SEX J'UROR, Pap S) , · (IM~ICIN'r!:·~ I': ? • • .! ' . ' , .. • --. ' . . . ,I t ) ! r :- "'-· - o ........ , ... ",c:... " -. weaa.at 1 The wea~~ '• uhie .mort l seasonable Thur-JJ wllh ..,,_ I a.kits n'tef. nptii te~· in-.It' .. ~·. iU:Jlts. ... ;ulW~ut . i Orans.e .~:':"~:.. '· 1 . INSIDE 1'80-.M'Y : ' . . ... ' Tile local thratri4'0l •cne /rOfff < Long Be~ io Son ci. .... u lo coutred ik lhe DAI LY. Pito'l"a - mttrtoinmtm .,,c,ion " 1~ P.IJQea 26 llnd, 27. .' · • a.,_ • • .M • ._._.: ·: '. .J ....lttt . • "'" .... ' ca..-.le ' L • 11• ..... ... • ........ Cltffltr " ........ -4.' CllMNMill • $1.fl °"'""" ~I • CIMlc• ~ " ' a fTA • • a c,...w; it _..,,.... ... DM9-11 ...... r •Mt ...... ' I) ... •lhtA? a., ..... ..... ' ,_..,,._. ;"1 I .. ;>.:::\\"'"'I' .::1 .~ . 1· ' _.,..,.~ ·*' ·~·,,, , ..... ,..,. ', .• '-i.-;:; l •• M•l.n ·''t .... , '\'fl 1"\' ',, "' .. ~~ I ~ • • ' -• • •' -. I l , I . • • :: -~ igg~·s t 1{otel Ill County to Rise Ill Mesa . ' . .<A .... ling, lMMnl IM which will Plaza & Town c.ni.r, and Cllk.lgo I•· unique accommodatlons. Parking !or up lo 450 can will be pr.. oversee all food .P,.paratloo -ham· nmt· the crouroads of metropolitan ve.stors ~ben and Allen Musttantow. Bes.ides banquet and convention centtr vlded to allow the btcreuln& lnfiux of borsers lot two, to chateaubriand for 500. Orlillio Colilll1 II lo be built bl nonh· TUIDi 11141.J aciea ol 11114 priced. by facllllla, U.. Im will IDcludo a -~ -..i ~-J::wlllll!I _._._. -II ri:~·--wllb ~ otArt.: lllill'al 1$ millloo, u.. ""' wW ~ llnt . Id w 11J -· ad. , · • \. fOaluNo .a m..i.ry tower, llanUd bY a club, coo;kloll lounge. 24-hoor coUee shop, llonen lo bave their .,.n molo!' ,...,. lo \VaslJlngton, D.,C., tu..t before Wor Ir i '. '1:11 •roo~ JOl'UOD of what will 1threMtory build.Ina ana t~ inn ~oor-oatdoor pools, health club, aauna· surrounding are". • n with a hamburger stand. ! ... l'liota p I) otructuru housing pooh VIP aulld: m.,sage and eurcbe rooms,• Orange County A!tW\ ii ·Just a short Today, Marriott I> ·.-n for hi• •' ' , · , ' •&• , · Traditlonal W'ly Ctlliurnta decor with BUiiard rooms and a game room for drive away. . ,..... crpnizational ~~~t on ·the Nixon ln· tit lit eoun&y'a biUest. 1UIW'Y hot.el and ~DI Ule roofs and· Cotorlul youngsters are included, rlua such The Marriott IM wll! be seven tniltl a~aUon ~l{.-u well U bl.II ownersblp !IJl. ll!tt Man-loll Inn built In SOuthem llleirol'J add .WOnry 'will make the Inn 1pecialized facWUes as specla Jooma for from Newport Beacl\'s recreational • of •·""-In ~ .-..taul'..U 1*ltloi his ~ ii' ,to be located at Bristol / conform 1fritb tuJTOUndin1 ai'chltecture. paraplegics and the simllarly ban-resources and seven miles f r o m name. • San Dltto Frteway. ~ ~ to the Seaerattomt and the dlcapped, and hospitality rooms. downtown Santa Ana. Dozens of other-Reuben MU!ikafttoW and his son ~en t" t~ bufe project was Mu'aiUDtowi,.-the tnldal It.age or tbeit Jnltial floor plans show 1501000.square-destlnatlons will be only moments away. are owner-operator! o( seyerel botela, 1 the ~ Fanp!y, M.attloU Inn wUJ bei completed by the fall feet of living area, with 35,(IOO..square-!eet MllSill:antow said-one of the nation ·s i119S and apartm'3t. ·QXDp1eies in the dewlopm of llou)b ·Coul Iii mo, wllb boll> Cllltoaiary and m<n of businesa and executive office space. most outstanding cullnar)' managers wlD Midw¢. They e1a11 at leul four mnro .~:~xon Aski~g ·~----------------------­ ~~tra Fuoos Jawin' With the Folks · Back Home .. To Hit Mafia B1:~~H~l!.~·.~f'L J·-l( clotlllng was too big for someone, l ~w~HINGT01' (UPI) -Pre&ldent . my grandmother uaed to say it fit him ·Nhoi1 ast~ Qongrea, today for more ·like "socks on a l'003ter." I h It ....... _ But, abe always reminded me as a money and 1tronger aws to a •·"" boy that •!pretty is as pretty does." moral and Jegal subversion of our Whether these are IOcleb'" by. organized crime. southeast Missouri Hi1uked lor an extra·PS million "1hich expr~ions origin-~ said WOuld double ·present ex-ally. I don't know -~es to cut down on Mafia opera-but they use some 1 · h $300 ·n · gr a n d colloquial-~Ds. in add tton to t e m1 ion re-isms thzre. .c(u€Sted by President Lyndon B. Johnson 'foi-"the safe streets <'.Cl. The Ozark Moun-. .. , la.ins arc a place -Jil a message lO Congress, the Presi-wher~ a boy with :4kri( &aid he has authorized Atty. Gen. buck teeth co u Id J'Qliq N. Mitchell to engage l" wiretapping "eat corn through a Of or1anlzed racketeers, to establish 20 picket fence." fedeial ncketeering field offices across A headstrong person could be a.:i: Jhe oation, and to establish a unique "indepen<fenf as a hot on ice." And, it '(O<leraI-slale racket squad in New Y'{k can get "hotter than a '2 pistol." tity': _ YOlil m.ig1J.t "tote'.' a "tow ack" about .. Ji~ said, '"Ibe orpnrr.ed crimb\iif"'t ''half a ~e~ down ~ road" and r.elies on physical terror a n d unload a pig in a poke cm some un- .,J>Sychological intiml~ation, o~ eonomic wary purchaser. 0 nt.aliJUon and pohtlcal bribery, on He probably would be mad as a wet -citizen indifference and governmental ac- ~ui~ence. ._,. "For him, the moral and legal sub- ve.r;sion or our society is a lifelong and lucrative profession." .. :_Despite two decades of slowing in· ·creating federal efforts, Nixon said, "not a · aingle one ol the 24 Cosa Nostra families has been destroyed. The.y are more firmly entrenched and more secure lhan ever before." Fron1 Page 1 SEX FUROR. • • a refutation of the charges brought against the course. hen" liter, maybe even "mad as a hornet." You might be as "happy as a clam.'' Hearing ol the transaction, a lhird party ml,gb( aay, "Don't that take the rag offen the bush?" Grandmolher would have said, "a fool and his money are soon parted.'' Were I to vOl'ce an· unrealistic wish, she would say, "If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride." An uninhibited person with a flair for living mlght be a "high stepper." She could, in the bargain, be as "cute as a bug's ear" or even "as cute as a speck· ]ed pup." One who imbibed too freely might ~ come "tight as a tick" or "high as a klle." l'j In tbr morning, he might look Uke "deaQJ fating a cracker" or "deaUI wanned over." He might even loot like he had been "dead and 'cllf up" or "dragged through a knothole.' U he ~ kept "ailin'" someone might decide that be had the "epizudic." U he PILOT LOGBOOK had It bad ·enough~ he might become "dead as a door nail.'' If guest's are coming you might get dressed "fitten to kill" ar be "all laid away." l}1 erepatat;&oo for t!)e lestivi· lies, you mllbl "put the ~ig pol In the little one Ind bolf tbe di!hrag." Mother would probably "rhett (neaien) thlngs up". H you bad to wait lor din- ner you n.u.!11 beccime "so bungry my . ltomllCb thiriks.mY throat's cul" An eu)' thing is HJike shootin' fJSh in a raln baml." A crooked thing such as a' lopolded lliled mlghl be "antigngglin" or ''catywarn . •• A crook:f18 person might be "low enough to walk under a snake's belly wlth a top hat on." Someone whose company is not desir· able might be 81 "welcome as a skunk at A lawn party0 or "as welcome as a fly on ~ biscuil" A person difficult to deal with can be "like putting soclu on a octopus.'' It can be "hotter than the hinges or hades" or "cold enough to freeze lbe ears olf a brass monkey.'' A person can be "ugly as a mud fence"; "poor as a church moose"; "proud enough to bust. his buttons"; "slippery as an eel"; ''snug as a bug in -a rut'; "red as· a spanked baby"; "dry as awbone":· or -"wblte u -a ghost." A bald person might defend himself by saying, "you can't grow grass on a race track." Scineoite might be "as useless as a hip pocket on a shirt" or "nutty as a fruitCake." You probably knew that "all's well tbilt ends well." And, as grandmother would have said, "Even this shall have an end.'' Eastern Campuses Seethe Fresh Dissent Mushrooms; Cornell Gym Occupied Marriott IMS In California . They said Ille South Coast Plaza ! Town Center fllcillly will be. hanllllna all 'ty):les' of large-scale acdV!tfea,-ftcfi u seminars, dinner-O ances, conventions llld c.xhibits. The site was chosen r>ecause up Segerstrom Family and othtr planner,t envlslci{I thls spot as the future downtoWp section''Of metropolitan Orange County. ' Ultimately, the surrounding territory (lnce .devoted to raising carrots, beaoa and Chill peppers will be a 2.S-milli~ square-foot complex encircling the ez. isting South Coast Plaza. Korea Says I ' ' . ., U.S. Flights Provoke War TOKYO (UPI) ~ The Nort~ Korean government said today the int~on of any tf.S. reconnaissance planes into North Korean air space could provoke "'another total war in Korea.'' The state- ment came as the So'riet Union expreased concern over the U.S. naval buildup oll Korea. The North Korean Central News Agen- cy followed up the warning by reporting U.S. troops guarding the Korean truce line fired ''thousands of bullets and shells" into Comrgunist territory today. It called the alleged sbelliq:g a "vicious provocative act'' and a "crude violation'' of the armistice. In Seoul, the Korea Herald reported that South Korea had asked the United States to issue a join1 statement warning North Korea that any further pro- vocations against the allies would bring immediate response . The United States was making few statements as it assembled U.S. Navy Task Force 71 in the Sea of Japan to pro- tect reconnaissance flights by spy planes but Japanese newspapers and television kept up a running commentary by i;en· ding out their own scout planes to report developments. They said reconnaisance flights had resumed . -·-The annual take from illicit gambling is estiinaled at anywhere from $20 billion to ssD: billion, a figure "larger than the en· .tire tederal administrative budget for -fb;cal year 1951," the President's Several others, including a woman who described herself as the "daughter and granddaughter of a Victorian age" spoke in favor of the sex course but were partially drowned out by the noisy crowd. By United Preu International Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y., was teflie. Mare than 1,000 students occupied Barton Hall Gymnasium, awaiting a faculty meeting deciJlon on demands lo nullify punishment lor an earlier campus rebellion. Black mllllant.s llourlsbed rifles on the campua Int week ·and university authoriUea warned the sltuaUon would be taken out d their hands if violence bttab out at Corntll. The North Korean statement was broadcast by the Korean Central News Agency and monitored in Tokyo. Jt said President Nixon's decision to continue the reconnaissance flights was "nothing but a new provocation against us , nothing but a Newburgh, N.Y., Free Academy. threat and blackmail." maage aakL -The 20 racketeering field office! "COJ\UtfUNIST PLOT" ·represent an expansion of the "strike ··force" technique begun in 1967 in BuUalo, ·li:Y. -·"Nixon did not dlaclole whore the offices "\fould be established but he saJd the at· tori\ey general already had made ;permanent strike forces in Buffal~, Boltcfn, Brooklyn, Chicago, Detroit, ··. ~· Newark and Phllaclelphla. c · · • new lqWailon, flb!Jn pro- ""a-'Dlw b?oad general''tiltt)ess bn- 1&.lo cover all cases lftvolV!ng tk.·of a federal statute.'' .:a11o aaght uswut enactment" q_f • loillllalloo pcopoaed by Sen, L.1frusta (R-Neb.), and Roi>. JI. Poll CR-Va.), lo amend the s-tu laws and enable tbe . 1 Riwlwe Service to be more el- ·f ve in collectinJ: r.venues owed on .gambling. The wltneu immunity and wagering .lawa would sidestep recent Supreme :Court decisions in these two areas. The court has struck down the gambling tu :Etamp as illegal The Hruska-Poff bills ·would increase It from $50 to •1.000 a ·year. ; ~ administraUon will also seek l~Uon to make bribery and cor- • rul}din of local officials or police a 'f~ crime, Nixon said. . lt also would be a federal crime to engage in an llllclt gambling operation, Crom which live· or more persons derive 'income, and which has been in operation more than 30 days or lor which the daily : "'take" exceeds $:,000. This, too, was a ·Johnson adminlstraUon proposal. DAILY PllO( J:lewpert lwti t ............ :...---·-·. c.-. ..... CAUPOINIA . OllAMOa <CASI l"Utl.IM+ING <OW.r ANY It•'"'' N. Wee4 Prt.ti.ttol •N l"Wll•t Th•mH 1(,,,11 ..... ThMl•t A. Mut,hh1• ,,,._"" .,...., -ea~ "'-1 • w.•• an s~ .. .......,. loudl~ m1 "'"' ..... ......,. ~ .. .ctu m ,_, ,._ ~ llHdll ., Jlll ,,... In essence, they tried to point out that sex education wu Dot a communist plot and Lhal parents really didn't know enough about the biological a n d physiological aspects of reproduction to give adequate instruction to their children. Arier ~ motion f.o dispenSe wifh the _ sex ""l™ "" passed, Bi>ard Cbaltman Bentley gaveled the tmruly·ml3etlng down lo-a dull roar and declared a 10 minute recess.· • _''We'll glv. }'au a recesa all nghl;" said one man stepping up to the mien~ phone. "Wt eiected · you and we can recall you." , Names and telephone numbers wen collected by several cltizen.S who ap- peared in fa\•or of such a move. SHOVTING MA TCllFS Meanwhile, the angered cltiiens con- fronted trustees in face-t&face shouting matches, calling them on the carpet for letting them down by not shelving the course forever. Trustees Bentley and Richard Wilson caught the brunt of the confrontations, while Matthew Weyuker and Joe Ribal who represented opposite poles on lhe issue were congratulated by their respec- tive supporters. After the recess, Bentley who waa visibly shaken by the dJsposiUon of the crow<I, continued the meeting and finish- ed the rest of the agenda items. Groups of dtssatl!iried ciU:rens on both sides later left the meeting to organize and decide what to do next. From Page 1 KENT ••• but uld his scholarship 11 a historian was round to be marginal. 0''Apparenlly, Mr. Kent has scholarly quallflcaUoos that flt him for service elsewhere I.a. the university," Meyer said. J{e said the review comnUttee'a recom- mendaUon lhat Kent be employed ln another academic discipline, In l'lls opl· nlon, upheld the judgment of the campus tenured bislory professors. Meyer hinted that he ii not overjoyed at the chance.llor'a decision . He said. "Every admlnlstrator today operates with one eye on ltate pollUcs and one eye on student poUUcs and the faculty Is cauihl In the middle. The ad· mlnblratlon al UC! Is no eacepllon and lllls decllloo baa lo be aeen In that llghL" Farm Chiers Son Rejects Induction FRESNO (AP) -The »-yer-old oon of farm laber -Coar aia,.. r<fuo. ed lndU<:Utn lnlo . Ille 11m1ed ierrtca lo-. di)'. declaring ht opposes "al 'tt'ar&." f•fllllldo Qin•• telu...t to •IF ln- dil<l1Clll papen while a Calllollt pr.,.r WY1ce 11u being beld on the -.Ut In froal of Ille ,.,..,. lndllcUon muon. -1- Fresh dissent mushroomed on college campuses today. City College of New York was closed dqwn, a gymnulum •t beleaguered Cornell University wu oc~ cupled, and barricades were thrown up at olbtr schools. ' Most of the latest, uproars were on eastern ~pusea.:Studenb p-.,.ted a host of demands -an eoc1· to ROTC on campUJ, severage of wUve111ty links to the Pentagon, amnesty for earlier demonstrators, black atudlea, ·Puerto Rican llllldlea. ' lt ii.W,vu-t .. 9i!Y ~.1!i< ~de­mad:wu·an:~t P!>Hcj..n0tct1ng the IO percea[blact enrollmeni'laNecro public achooli: Negro and Puerto 1lloan studenll tOok over tbe ,cl!ool TUesday arid II reinalned tloaed lodoy :-'I . . I ~ Copte!"S l.Qst To Collisions, Communist Fire SAIGON (UPIJ-Ccmm-lire and an ln4light --U., United Slates slJ bellcopten In cn,shes that k1lkd 19 aoldlera and ....-:13, the American oomtn:p>d ·w d today, II WU the coolllesl clay Jo the copt<r fleet In -The report oo !he 1....., Monday ac- compeIDed the announcement. th1t a to.ikopter gumhip by mistake opened fire on an allied uni' in tbe central highlands, killing one U.S. Green Berel and five South VietnameSe and wound- ing 10 government soldiers. Costliest of the helicopter crashes was an in-fllght collision of two copters 35 miles northwest of Saigon, military ·~-said. Eii!lt American. and eight SoUth Vietnames6 ~oops died. Jt was the worst 1ingle beltoopter mishap alnce April 4, when 24 troops died in a crash. Two other U.S. bellcopten look d~ecl hits fl'(lll Communist mines planted In a landlng _zone below the demilitarized zone (DMZ), cruhlng and lc!lllng three American Gls and woundln(· three Gii and 17 Soudl Vietnamese. The other two choppers •uccumbed to ground fire nee.r the DMZ and In the MekoqJ delta, according lo' U.S. com- munlqlWl. All but three of the men aboard them .,..ped Injury. U.S. beadQuart.en said the losses to Communist fire brought to l,071 the number ot American helicopters shot down tn South Vietnam in the war. There wu no immediate eiplanatlon for the colll!la> of tbe two coplen ' -of Sol(on. 'l11t 1cdilonlal gunllilp lllact on the U.S. C.... BertU llld tbe Soulll Vitt' namtee mountain men they }eel wu a case of the CUlllbip cmr mirtaklna the allied ln>Opera for Communist aofdlen 1n lhe ... -..u.& ~ aa1c1. '!be G""' -oncl ilidr lldUlcks _.. port ol die allied' unit~ broke up a Communb( base camp TUMda.y, ldlllng 71 Oommuolstl who tried 1!1 Cee. On·lhe«a>I cmunl!ldm Aid the aWea mtpl bave .-led -· • \lde-oul !0<1houslllds of Viet Coo& ud North Vlotcam.,. ID tile m1 c1ooe by the Clmbndlen --"W. don't~ def• lnlle\r what ... have p, bu\ we oould 8!t a 1ot men Jdlb out there/' oM ofncer 11ld. t Members of a lltudent strike committee barricaded the doors of the main classroom building at Upsala College in East Orange. N.J., u a ".symbolic act." Pr1ncelon students blocked an olf-cam· pus building uaed by tbe ImUtule for Delenae Analy1es for three houra. Al Marquette University in Milwaukee, 70 students laced diaorderly c on du c t charges after they took over a chapel Tu...tay night. At Colgate University, all 45 bla ck students walked off campus. Three mem- bers of an Afro-American society, two with air rifles, were ~ at the CONVfNIOO TUMS IANKAMQ.ICARD MASTER CHAi6E On Tuesday Cornell was told it had The Communists said Nixon's state- 11tbree hours to live'' by Thomas R. mcnt which followed the shooting down of Jones, a spokesman for the 150-member a1 U.S. EC121 reconnaissance plane was Afto.Americin y (AAS). But the "an open declaration that he is taking a step further toward the brink of war." dealine passed ~'thee.the . 1 "If the reconnaissance planes of the faculty agr,eed U.S. imperialists intrude into the t.u- AAS demaJids. ritorial air of our country, we wUl not sit with folded arms, ·but will take resolute measures for safeguarding our sovereign· ly as ever," lhe North Korean statement said. Limitation Statute On Nazis Abolished BONN '(UPI) -The West German government today aboliahed the statute of limitation.! on the prosecution of Nazi mass muni~~ The decision -meant that such Nazis could no longer count on escaping prcr lieCUtion by remaining in hiding until the end ol this year when the statute of llmi- tatioll.'5 on thei crhnes would have expir- ed. A REMINDER FROM 0 OMEGA be sure to set your watc~ ahead ono hOUI'. Saturday night ••• "Then the U.S. imperialists will use this as a pretext to commit a full-scale armed attack against us, which may only lead to another total war in Korea in the end.'' North Korea reiterated its claim that the U.S. plane shot down with its 31 crewmen intruded deep into North Korea 's territorial air space and defend· ed the right of North Korea to shoot it down. It said the root of the whole matter was the continued U.S. "OCCl.lpalion" or South Korea. da,yu,llt ,.inp lime•-lnlo elect Sanday, .April 27th Whan,.. ... ,. .. -ahood, llb. c1,,,. look at fl. [t-loe ........ hat;. It maclonl? ls It ..U.n.diog? Do.. ll lrll tho dalto? P.dopo ..-. ii !ho limo1oa.-.. ~Omrp.' 1"e..,. _ol tho lupt °"""" a>llectlom ti> ohow,.., 165 ta .-.er SI 000. tEWTD~'PllllSUt'ftlMltlOI J. C. AmpMed 't}11w11fer 112l NEWPORT AVL. COSTA MESA lJ YEARS IN THE SAME LOC/\TION ' PHONE 541-3401 I i l • - l I ' . -. --. • ,/ /.''' ..... -• Dunii~g~n Beae-. _, • ...;, -EDITION ~ . / L! • ' .VOL. 62,,Nb. 97, .4 SECTIONS. 62 PAGES ... --·' • 4 '· . . -.. - ·--... -". . ,,. ·---.-.. --. -· --. --.. .: --~ . ·--' ' . -·- • TEN C8n$ Nix Sex C Arab Emotionles~ ourse A' v d. t G. . · s e-r 1c 1ven , , Biit 8<>.ard Action Fails to Satisfy Opponents , By·'Ruo1 NJEDiiu.ui Action by Ute bciard,·fuwever, failed to shouting matches, catcalls and like -0, ~ Dlltt Pllf/''9eff , .1atis!y the organized opponents to &ex. disturbances from the angry crowd. ·.Amid lnll'Y shoots cJ. recall• from an ;education. Tbey wanted p>e>r~. 1'>e &ngry, Later, members of tht-audience engag- tUdiepct of 300 pel'IOOS ~ting 1ex volatile crowd. d~ed that sex ec!ui;a· ed in face-to-face confrontations With tdw:tUon. Huot!nrton. ~ Uniog ,High Uon plans he: killed """' an_d for all. members of the schoofboant. ~ DIStrict trustees Tuesday ~ght Trustee Joi JUbal mid! the motion The board voted ' 3 t.o· 1 "in'1avor of Alb""'\.further sex~~. • . • temporarUf _ abelv.ing the program. His Ribal's moUon with Matthew. Weyuker ~ action, 1take9:before ~ ~ity proposal d\sl>an,<kd . the ciUZe.ns'. com· casting tbe di.ssenti~ vote. · ~e in • Marina.. kigjl School'.s-. mittee rtud)1hg a 'possi~lt' se~ M'ucatlon '1 don't believe rve "lvet Wn .-more ci.feteria. ·Dlf.&JlS theie will be. m ~. •course. : J : ' ' • cogent display oI disre)anf for ·u.e voter =on~·coUrae at~clistrlCL schooIS. this Board action toHowectin bouf,and one--in ~ my )!fe," sboUted 'Weyuker when , "or~t·f~U\l ~.f . .-1half;-of~,·~;.by,~, theniotionwas~. · : !)'' . . f ' ~~\'! The controversy began early in the evening when chairman John Bentley asked those opposing the course !O step up to the bllcropbone and voict-their ob- jections. Overwhelming applause from the croWd was : drawn by Joe Ferm, spokesman f« the 'Property Owners Proleclive Loque (POPL) when he stated that sex education courses in other districts increased the illegitimate b1rth (See SEX FUROR, Pqe I ) Covell Slated For Court Date On Riot Charge f I ' ' ' Arraignment of Gilbert Covell, oper- ator of a controvenial Humlngton Beach teenagers dance hall, on rour 'charges mmmlng from a rlcit on the beach Sun-SE NTENCED TO DEATH day, i:s'!J~ today or Thundly, of-RFK Kiiier Sirh•I'! LOS ANGELES (UPJ)-lllrilan B. llr- han was ordered today lo poy wltil bll Hie for the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy but appeals to bigber courta may 1pare him from the (II chamber !nddinilely. ' •, The jury which convicted Sirhan of flnt degree mur<SN ip ·the 11Qtni of the senator during K~'• pretJClen-tlal primary campalgO ilat June dlrtet-o ed. that the punishment shOuld be death. When lhe verdict was announctd Sirhan chewed hard on a Wiid of pm and stared 1tralght ahead. After nine hours of deutiiradon ovtr two days, lt wu apparent lame members of the jury were adamant the 25-year-oki Sirhan should be lehtenced 1o the p1 chamber and other& were determined.be should be spared because of mental il- lness. Deliberations resumed at I a.m. today and the consensus was that the seven man, five woman jury would finally .set a penalty. But in" the event of a hung jury, It Was quite possible a new panel would' bl aelected and weeks of testimony repeated in an effort to decide on the punishment. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walru Is empowered ti; set the penaltj: in case of a divided, jury, but onlytf bi>tn prosecution and ~tense agree it abould be bandied lbat way. ;'-~i,'\':'ii(!''"·Goonty !'!Uqld"" '~l -;r---_ \ .. ·:If Thi , ~~~-~ r:.e on ~:bah · Gt}~ : 1~ i; ':·1 • i · ,..,..,,,-ii<,; -,........l-.:.. . -~~,: 2 co~~e~· ·~!!#~~--··" ···~ti'~ ..ajnd'~Cft . I .. · .~~· ' . ' . Covell flatly denies all char .. and In turn hU -pOllce oow-t of his wile, lib emJ>lo7a and'~U. Polke clabn he wil 1111inl rfoCen lo continue their battle With· officer1 of- fering the youngsters "sanctuary" o~ his · parking lot and telling the youths they djd not have to obey the police. .. On · Larwin · Trdtt Suits Two counaels, one for the maJOrity view and oM for the minority view, will serve tbe Fountain Valley City Council in a lawsuit· filed by Eugene Van Duk to stop construction on the controverllal ' meetlnJl!I Jn Match they voted to upllold an appeil by Van Duk which w°'*f hive negated planning commission apprOval 'Of the Larwln Tract. ' \< ~ I ' , ,•~ l :.· t '-' ' ! , 'I" ) ' • \• '(1 I '1 I• ., ' • I · 1 ' • , • 8 "" • ·, • • • • • • Dif,l'LY, PILOT,....,.,. ... 'INlitiJlflld Tuesday Covell, 3J, of Westminster, told about 100 studeqls at Orange Cout Colleg~. that be is the victim or "pollce harassment." He aaid he was "ooly.try- ing to help the teenagers when he was arrested." . Larwin Tract. Tuesday illght, councilmen voted to hlre the Los Aflielea lega1 firm of Burke, Williams and Sorensoo. to repr~, tJie city 'and individual eounelbnen in the fight over the amall lot Larwln develop- ment. The 6ghl lw touched' oU . a recall Howevt{, Councilmen Donald "'°~~ and Joseph Couneres voled qal111Mhe appeal, causing a S.l Ue and .upbo1ding approval of the tracl. Mayor Robm1 Schw.rdtferer abllolned·from lbe1VGlq; . as he has in all action conceraqi the · 1 • U · • ~ ' .• I~~.' , • • 1' .. ~ ' I ( r I• i' SC~L .~~D t,IEMB'R WllSON •(1UGHT)1CoNF.RqtlTJ!D· BY PROTESTING CiTIZENS . i _, "h ir -~~~·!l&i;·P~~·m Sholvod-Aftof Ofbot•·l"; H11111int!Gn ' Boo¢h.'.s''jl\otlnli lflglt•' ' . Co~ell a.st~ tl!e students~ help him in making repaJr1 to bis club which has been clOled for failure. to meet building ·-ii ---...... . codes. Studenta, many of whom are be.lie~ed lo be menibera of the unofficial StDdents for a Democratic· Society, proriwed benefit affairs to aid Covell tn his effo'rt to reopen the Syndicate 3000. Lanrin Company bocause of hll decllnd personal interest. ~ f ' Police Approve · 'l:o'1gher ·Stand In Future Riots By TERRY COVILLE ot tflt DlllY ..... lt1tt1 mOvemeot in the city. -. • · First, however, Councilman F.dward Just oruxised hiring the flnn on tile: grounds that he and councilman John Harper, members of the minority faction, were, in fact, in agreement with . Van Da.sk's suit. Van Dask'• auit claims ,tha,, certa~ zoning: actions taken last December on the area involying the Lar;win Tr.ad ,were Illegal, and aubaequent approval given to the Larwin Company by planninl com· missfuners is' alao illegal. · SUIT NAMEs CIT\'. The suit names the city .and indi~idual councilmen and planning commissioners, and seeks to halt. constructlori of tlie 500 home Larwln tract. · TouglJer , measures will aoon be Im· Just ·and Harper also oppoae the plemented by Jlunllngton Beach police lo Larw!D Tnct. In twp· ipecl•l· .-u prevent riota slmllar to Sunday'• scram· ' 1 ~ ble in the sand. · · £"LL! J. 01v1s1on ehle111n the HunllngtoJi Beach Teens : {or uiei&t Police Department approved addltton and • ' strenltbening ot' teveral1 method• of coo-F j} ' · A 1ro1. during • 1pec1a1 •lall meeting t1111 a · to. · ppear morning. . eap1. Harold M•Y• brieny outlined For "COurt Date some of the measures to be taken, but 1 • • • said details of the precautiona cOOld not Six TeeM for . Chriit,1 perhaps· still be released, ••because of the tJbvioui quaking for .fear · of predicted California nature of the situation." Plal'ls Include: e.arthqµakes, fall~ to~show'up Tuesday -A ipecial 20--man riot !U1uad u, be on for their jury trial in West Ora~ge Coun· ~ ·IY MUlliclpal COOrt. OPPOSED TRACI' Tuesday, JUI! uted li the mbiority oP)nlon, that QPpooed to the ·~ Tract, was not enUtled to aplrate · counsel In the lawsuit. · · · ' Bill Sorenaori, representing the Jepl firm hired by th> 'C<lmcil, replled that lt Wal indeed , pranleed the rilbt al separ~le COU11HI aqd •t city ~: JUI! and ilarpll' hoUl approved 'hi@& special ·cOllJ1ld for the city, With !Iii stipulation that separate counlel be·hlred • for the minority opi_niOn. · -· Just later saJd, "We tiave fto particdJar attorney lh rrilnd )'et, but We mult' hlivt one before the1 April 29 court date' tiJ' tHI writ of mandate." · , 1 • - He added that he and Harper, would be in ·favor of many' Of the ... pCiiata Hst8:I bl the V~k Ill.It. . ;. It w · known TumdaJ ulgbl hOw meny memb<tn of the oPlmllng Com- mission might bC considered Jn tho minority vitw 61> the-Larwln nod. Tbty , voted approva.I o{ u;>e, ~ i-0 two !See LAii~, Pip ,, . ' W~atlaer ' ~ standby whenever danger altuaUons are The sit young evangelists wtre to ap- --· evident. pear for trial concerning their arreits ·a HIGH $CHOOL TRUSTEE RllA( (CliMT.l:lf;WATCHES·AS BATTLE OF SEXES RAGES -Increased uniform persoMel aod few months ago for lrespasalnt on pro. 'Mle weather em a little more seuooalJle • Tburiil•r with ....; · skies after noon and temperatures in ' the u~ slllia along ti. Evon 10-Mlnuto Roen• I;ollW teJMI l'o~_Dvrlnt Angry Hoorlnt undercover ""aandmeD" on beaoh orea perly at Golden Wm dolitge while -• -' -' ~. lro'· picketing the IChool. · , . Or11'119 Cout. ' . l. • ' _ pa ~-Ollrlng. th!! : lint w~k « April !he • '. ·--•. J · -P•ltOll. to cover anu l)ol prevloullJ T-!or Christ; fonn«ly'~-INSmE ' TOD-' Y 0 d C•.;170 ~~_i:;:.l'y R 'call A • 'coveredlUCb111he"fllaff"aruoodthe In lhmllnl!On Beacb.·mo!'ed to ·TOclon," , utrage 1 .. ¥'Pqs · 0 1.u~'· ·, e . ct1on HunUiJSIO!>~!'~· • , .•. ~i'lo.:'t.!°~bel~~: L~:·~=~tl::·~·b'i::t::°'b • -Use Of the police heDcOpter, H. B. witer iad<n wltil,lfn." . covtrtd m th• DAJL\'. ~ILQ'll'o. " .. . . l, I EJ!,lo~Jbe·~~,!'l';atun1ay~; · Abciiit ¥'ib1 ti .u;.·~-~lf... ••!<r1411uncnt , "cti01' fOl!ar,• . Cill¥'"' oulra1ed by lhe _11untlqton hacll Unlon,Hlsli School !li!lrict Boord ct Trusleu' decision not to kill the 1e1 lducatlon course entirely met Tuesday ftiibt io po51ibly initiate a rteall move· ment againlt·~veral board members. Joe Ferm, spdkesman for the group, Aid that rec•tl wu mentioned during the meettnl but added' ~t "mlnY avenues ctn IJ'il probably will be liken before • pdllioll to recall -be lnillaled. .. "The enUre matt.er of recall wu totally reviewed by us," be Aid, "and Utis lJ ·-- what the people want."• 11no recall move woWd bl Liken·~~ lsiliflaf11 '!. ·~ _..,) t~ !'(.1 : 1 ~-1.1 ;t· ~ , '~·~-.t.~rln ~ Ppgt1 111 end 27. · ... When aHed •Caimi-.wbi<~ .membet1 -truotee:• 1 , • -~· • J ~""'1 'iii ~ · · ~ Ill· ·"!I'll· .., ·'iliril&r'• ~. j ~i.;.l ~Jt.l1 •·• /,' ,..,.. , lb< recall w\Jllld Jio J!O!lll!l;Fl!ri\. 'l'P11eo1 w' ~k~·· PJ'!ld-~fibo ~1 ,. ~-• r. -Mi«lna 'tlio mlrtUal ·=™s; "Ed.;~>'":;d* ~: :. " ........ 1 .... • 1\hat h<Co\lld not be 1pec1!1< but said th~l O)ljJ er w'ho • •inftill~•·11v.ti< .1r • «>-. , • ., , . ""',ana 14{<!'1·~. .._. • " •:;:: 'c. " shefvethese~ieducatkJt'~,tnt.itely. • 1wlmot¥.td~'i'l'·'~~~-r;,.~'~.,_ 11fC11lfomi&ii ·llllt ." f1l' t 1:J""" 11.!: ~::'....., '1; St-L lll•rlce•· The trusieet-'.vottng ~ 11*' •,ficersa!lirted ..... ~oil ~11'<1udi#'lt•~,w._;q.or..-.. ~ :: ::.:., _ ,.: _,. ... couroe boinl . tslJlhl~~-· but'<IOXIJIOO~i 1ttt .!\i!iibi be~:' "!II .w,, ln i.>Wesll.~nP.J Ctiidkl;J --., -""" .. N~W vo•w (.UP,!)~ Stocks 11·n1-·~· itavlnt n ~i!../ 'i! JI! J'l" .. ; =M Yf, .. 1.1\1:.:~:'I!.~ ..., ....... MunlclpalQ\Jrt I# tho -~~I; =. 'l· ::..-;:· "' = M~ RlbaI, JohJI -·-raM Wilson~ • 'lie p w cwnou any~~ olfeodif'I _. till; , •, , , -'" :" .., ,..:-_,,.. _ !! on a firm note today, bUI concern over Of Ihm WlllOJI only hal a re~ ~ r. i)lc'h iil S~y•a, '1flll4h • <IWn6h ,.,..,,::olJI ':)e~lllUed ;I« I I•_,, "" ~ n~l -i>;' t.i'~"te~l:~.~~~~u~~ =~b/~ ~..=;·~"Jlt.:;'.W,:J.~~~~ ;~==~..;,,-:; ·1 :?!=1 • "~ = .. · .. ~ {Ste qqotauona, Pages 24-25). Ralph Bauer. ' ·l cresL · . ··~" • .. t, -:· : ~ (at-Tmll,t .a+-: ~ · . • 1 ... ---'-' • . "':\ L .• BOARD MEMBER WEYUKER STUDIES LITERATURE Do Sex •nd Education Mix In Huntington Buch? Fro111 Page l :NO SEX CLASSES .•. -•le and -al disease. ·'.:.Mrs. Bernard Gase leveled tri-partite ·Jttack against the program; charging .:Jiat the com or the course would be '!overwbelming" that it uhibiled a "lack i morality" and those contributing ".iisteria1s to it are "known Communists." : Another enraged cititen, 'Iboma.5 -SOcP. aa1d "I know when they say bey'rt going to table something, some ray, some bow, these things have a way :f. creeping back into driver education ·'Di mathematics.'' ·Art Buchli, another citiun, stepped up p the microphone and told the audience ·.'.thls curriculum should have been sli~ _ :..jtld under the cover ol Playboy nagazine. U this thing should catch (in, :p:ow and multiply, women will just be ., l!J!ed and we will kick marriage out the findow.'" ':··Several people in ravor off the sex : JrJr5e also spoke · up and •. even though ileir observatkm were elQquent, were ;"""" by lhe audience. -;-Said Dr. John Kent, former candidate --~-1he board of trustees, "I find it dif· ·~l .to ~ stJ:Ch an emotional react.ion :~e 1 finil 1o be olie ol lht most fm. : : ' and. vital aspects or ure. J wish ~ be as concerned about the 300 wtio di~ in Vietnam last week." • tn:ow tAat I 1llD. going to be stoned ·~ audience "' I'll just take my° : ·oil before l uy anything," said : . -=..~ •ho ~ !Poke ln favor cf · -._,...,Ill who you represent," ibouted I :IOlce in tbe cro11'11. .· "I like 1o think that I r<~nt lhe tuman race," the man with the long red ~air fired back. "I am really amazed by '1e absence of logic characterizing kinJahl's meeting," he continued, cfferlng 1 ..r.tation ol the charges brought iplnst the course. Several others, including a woman who . leac:rlbed herself as the "daughter and .lflndda&Jgbt.er of a Victorian age" !poke . b favor of the sei: coune but were • patllally drowned out by the D<J!sy crowd. " , • ' 'COMMIJNlll'I' PLOT" In ........ they trl<d 1o point out that re': edacation was not a communist plot Ind that parents really dldn 't know mough about the bloiogleal a n d 0All1 PllOT R..Mrt N. WM , ......... l"lltll ... J•k l . Cu.1.., Viet ,.,.we..1 -~Ill MtftnH n-·· kenil .... Tll•"'• A. M11r.ioi11• ,_,.,.... E~lw Allt.rt w. ••••• Wili1M 11: •• ., ·~ -•"'91911 ._,., EdllW (lly , .... ._."".,.. .... Offta; lot .... Str•tt Mililist AMr•"1 ,,0 . hr 790, tJMI °""' -..._, 11Mocf11 m 1 ..,. .. ...,. ...... ,.. 0.. ._, »I Wnl 8tr Str.J a...,.. ktc.Pl1 m ..--u ..._,. ...... ., """°'' ..... wMcll Ill _...,. .. ' ···-................ ._. ..... ... ... . ...... ~ ... "-....,.,, -........... c.t. Mtw. ....,, 9 ....... ~.v--....... · ... _ ............. o...c-,......... " -c___. ........ .....,, ..... tftl .... -C ._ ""' ........, •MG, • a ......... c....._. '! 1 · I m41 MM.Ht ......... ? I 7 c.114f.1-"':'!T"' I a . .... ,.:=:... n.:.. 4::!! e ;,.:.~ c...... --••• , .... 5?11 ..... , ___......... ..... h ~ _., __ ,, ............ ,. ........... : ...... _____ ,...r:=r ...... C..-.a._~ I .. . :: ~ """""' -....... ...,, t ....... ... ........ physiological aspec::ts or reproduction to give adequate instruction to their children. Alter the moUon to dispense with the sex course was passed, Board Chairman BenUey gaveled the unruly meeting down to a dull roar and declared a 10 minute recess. "We'll give you a recess all right," said one man stepping up to the micr~ phone. "We elected you and we can recall you." Names and telephone numbers we.re collected by sevi?ral ciUzens who ap- peared ln fa,·or of such a move. SHOUTING MATCHES ?.teanwhile, the angered citizens con· fronted trustees tn face-to-face shouting matches, calling them on the carpet for Jetting them down by not shelving the course forever. Trustees Bentley and Richard Wilson ca.ught the brunt of the confrontations, while Matthew Weyuker and Joe Ribal who represented opposite poles on the issue were congratulated by their respec- tive supporters. After the . recess, _Be,ntley who ~as . visibly shal\<n by the dlsposiHon Of the crowd, cootlnued the meeting and finlih- ed the rest of the agenda it.ems. Grotips of dfssatWied. citizens on . both sides. later left. the meeting to organize and decide what to do next. Engineer Claims Mild Sonic Boom.$ Good for Houses Sonic booms are good for yoor house, but e1perts don·t yet know why, a civil engineer told a conference Tuesday in Anabelm. Speaking to the !Slh Annual TedmieaT Meeting of lhe Institute ol Environmental Sciences, J . H. Wiggins Jr. said the booms slow aging and relieve structural .U.S.. Wiggins said he docs not know just why, bu& the most lik8ly theoey is that the mild shaking a home rec-elves relieves accumulating stress, just Uke a mlnor earth tremor oo a (ault line. Not only are mild booms good, said the former director of government-sponsored sonic boom te.sta at the White Sands, N.M. prcwing ground, Wiggins said most stories to the cootrary are wild. Civilians have groe;sly exaggerated sonic boom effect!, be charged, uying only one damage clalm in 20 is valid aod lhe rest are. -to be polite -mistaken. "SonJc booms won't crack concrete driveways or foundations, won't tear shingles off roofs, crack toilet bowls or snap brassieres, 0 be said. All of these claims against the govern n1ent have been formally lodged beCore. ';The greatest sonic boom ever record· ed was 130 pounds per-squ~foot," he said, "and that's not much -certainly nothing horrendous." Soulhlanden' sonic boom experiences run about one pound over normal ~ Wiggins explained. 'ntle ol the Qlllt.reoc. Wlggina ad· dreaed ii "Man and 811 Env1rcmntnt. .. 1969 Miss Westminster Race Begins Thurllday '!be city of Weotmi11'1<r wm kiell oil its t!lfl9 Mia W-Buuly Pqeant 'J'h at'1d17 •t 7:• pln.-ht tbe new 1 WestnUnster Qvlc ee.ter, t.20t W-Ave. AD conlestallb will be lntn>luced lo the -the pqeanl -· ·111111 tito .,.,... cTarb1« the ortenlallao ....iq, -to take pa 111111e .... llDll!ftJ la'Vice room. '"' -----~ ------------ ----------------~~ _.fa~ ~---~~~--------------------~ j I ' ' ·'Ja~in' · itli the Folks Back Home ' .. • 1J al(illAlll P. NAU. , ·-~~--. ·~~~!!!·~--............ . ··=~·;:;;;.r' ' M, • lhn)'I reh:••• iae as• l>oy that "pr<lty Is "" pretty does." ·WhelberU-are sootheast Mlssot!ri expressions origin- ally, I doo1 know but •they UM. same g r a n d colloquial· Isms there. The Ozark Moon- tains are a place where a boy with buck teeth c o u I d "'eat com through a picket fence ." .A headstrong person could be as .. independent u a bog on ice." And, il can get ''hott"er than a $2 pi'stol." You might "tote" a "tow sack" about ••half a quarter down the road" and unJoad a "pig in a poke" on some un· wary purctmer. He Jl")bGJy would be "mad as • wet 3 Masseuses Plead Innocent To Sex Charges Three Huntington Beach maaseuJeS entered .Innocent plea.! Tuesdq to milde-- rneanor charges of aoUclUng lewd Kl! brought againm: them in West Orange Co~ty MuniclpaJ Court. All three women, employes of the E1- ecutive Suite Salon sauna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, were arrested April l~b detectives who also confiscated..,.. edly pornosraphic literature Gd circuit television equipment. Scheduled to appear in court for trial on April 30 •Tl! Patricia M. Slelton, 27, d 7791 Slater Ave., Lois Le.Masters, 2J, of 607 11th Sl, both of Huntington Beach, and Betty J. Costello, 19, of~ Beach. Huntington Beach deteclive.s said ac- tivities at the sauna parlor had been under investigation for two weeks prior to the arrests. Television cameras overlooking the massage stalls and a cl09ed circuit television &et were confiscated from the building. Sauna parlor representatives said the television equipment was U$ed to ll:eep an eye on maaeuses to mate sure they didn't do anything wrooc. Police uid the equipment is in custody and ita uae is under investi&.alion. state·autboritiea have been'lnfsmed of the sa una parlor actlvitJei md have been asked to loot into individual therapy licenses, police said last week. \ -.!:.~-:.· ·~ b:tef, ,..., ~ Hrqd IS I lriftll"'ll' ....... ~~ !'f I •, •. , ....,.. ... ·•1". • . ·PIL-.. .. 1rrJ ~ V 1nnactiLt>, a third-. I . .. .... ' ;on, miclil _,, •1111.-1 thaL ~ the • rai offen the buOh!" Grandmother LOGBOOK wuufd bavt said, "a•fqol and his monq are SOOD parted." Were f to -ill lllll'Mlilljc wish, she would say, t'U •bba: were bones. the JN!ggan wOuld ride." • · An uninhibited person with a flalr for livinl mlgbt be a .. hl&h stepper:" She ~Id. In the bargain, be as "cut~ as a biig's ear .. or even "as cute as 1 speck· led pup'.'' One who imbibed too frti!ly might be- come "tight as a tick" or "higb as a kilt." In the morning,. be -might look. like "death eat~ a cracker" or "death wanned over. ' Ht might eVen look like tie bad been ''dead and dug · dl>" or ''dragged through a knothole." If he kept "allln' " """"""' might decide that he had the "epizudic." U be Won't Abolish It had It bad _,gb, be ~ become ··~ad 11 a door nail." If gueni are coming you might get dr;?Ssed .. fitten to kill'' or be "all laid .'.!'Nay." Jo preparation for the festivi· ties, )IOI.I might "put the bif pot Ur the little one and boil the dishrag." Mother would probably "rhett (neaten) things up". tf you had to wait for din· ner you might become "so hungry my stomach thinks my throat's cut." An easy thing is "like sbootin' lish in a rain barrel.'' A crooked thing such as a lopsided &hed m.igbt be "antlgogglin" or ''catywompus." A crooked person migh( be 1'low • Beach Council to Save Design Review Board Members of the beaign Review BoaN In Huntington Beach won a promise Tues- day night from tbe city """1cil that the board will nol. be abolished in the near Mure. Councilmen and board members met to discuss tht functkml of the board, Elevator Trip Has U.ps, Downs And .Sudden Stop created to review design or municipal projects, and to find out about charges that the board wa: holding up progress. "Not so," said board chlirman David Wilsoa to charges that the board bad held up approval of • atwffelbolrd court to be built at the city ltecreatloo Center. "We're not taking pot sboU at you," Councilman Al Coen said 1o Wllaon. "Somebody bl," W'llaon retorted. The verbal rireworks over, t h e discussion revealed that the board bad held up judgment on the recreation pro- ject at lhe request of the recreation director. Oppo5itlon to the board developed when Three U.year-<>ld lads from Huntington the CQlllCil WU told several -ts Ogo Beach found adventure in tbe elevator at that projects were being unduly delayed Huntlnp Medical Center 'l'Uesday when by the board. Remembering the lll~ated their jOy ridini ended in midair due to a Architectural Review Board, which wu power .failure. disbanded after severe public criticism of ~ boy>, Larry WeltonJ 17710 Van Its operattom, coonciTmeD qcested that B~ *-• Kevin Barnes, l'lSll vui ::there .~ be aome reTiskm needed in Buren SI., and Billy °""11, 11168t Van revi<W board__,.. Buren Sl, aJJl)O;el!tly""" in tbe habit ol Once the --was explained in droppln•. by U>4 DJ<lli'4 buildlDg on cl<!Ul1 ~. councilmen ~ that lleacb.BOafevanf and~ a ride or two thel>oanf n. -· ~ in the elev'!ior in .!he fllai !'lol'Y l>uildin«i: • 'l'Uesday, . the elevailii' sto~ped. The • · boys ...... 1rappec11m1c1e. ~Williams, I.imitation Statute chief engineer for the bf;ispital complex, enough to walk under a s111le's btl'IJ Witlr 0 t41' llal \'IL U· -wbooe comP<l\)' Is not delll'- -able might be as "welCilme as a ':lkunk at a lawn pbty" or "as welcome 11 a Dy m a biscuit." A person dllfl<ll!t to rleal with can be "like putt.Ing aocks on a octopus.'' It caii: be "hotter than the hinges oI hades" or "cold enough to freese the eaft off I brass moo.key ... A person can be "ugly as • m!Mi !aact": "poor as • chureb mowe"; "proud enough to bust his . buttons'.'; "sJlppe ry as an eel"; •·snug as a bug in a rug"; "red as a spanked baby"; "dry as a bone"· or "white as a ghpst." A ba ld Person might defend himself by saying, "you can't grow grass on a race track." Someone might be "as useless as a hip pocket on a shirt" or "auUy u a . frui~cake." You probably knew that "all's well that ends well.'' And, as grandmother would have •aid. "Even this shall have an end." f'rona Page l LARWIN .•• months ago on a legal technicality. Several planners, however, have ex- pressed a desire to ~ a limit placed on the size of lots in a planned development. Last week they voted 4-1 to recommend a 6,000 square foot minimum in planned development tracts. MAIN OPPOSITION Primary opposition to the Larwin Tract has been based on the fact that some of the homes will be built on 5,000-square.. foot Jots and that Edioon Company land, to be developed as a park, is being used to average the Larwin Jots to 7JJXJ square feet. City Attorney Edwin Martin bas asked not to be involved in the suit proceedinp because of his declared interest 1n the Larwin development He served u a.cent for the original owner of the land. '!be Los Angeles legal firm wu blrod .by the city, pending council approval, last week, and an answer to Van Dask'1 suit was filed in Superior Court Tuesday. From Page l .TEENS ... , and Joseph Neal Langford, 11, all of &051£ loth Sl (originally ), Huntington Beach; Nancy ~ Dewar, II, 6271' Myrlie Drive, Huntington Beach, and Dooglas Gene Teorper, 19, lOSth 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. Couri officials said it isn't likely a - lradition proceedillp wuuld be started against the teens if they are in the Dlillll- talns of Arizona. ••id the lads had to be taken out by · Ah Farm Chief's Son crawling through the roof or the elevator On Nazis' olished v all.ey D~lay~. ~=-adjacentel<vatorwhlchwasfunc-BONN (UPI) -'!be West German Rejects Induction "The baya weren't scared or _anything," government today aboli!bed the statute $2 Mi11ion Bud.•. get :r::.'?.' .;:~-r;".;:: ~ler~:~ ~!'::~~.the prosecutioo of Nul of~:::t~f.~ ~2().cl',~~~: ran q'Uickly &Wl,Y. · The dediion munt that such Nazis td induction into the armed services to.. ' M Firemen went to work on the elevator could no longer count on escaping pro-day, declaring he opposes ''all wars.'' Until May eet to determlne wby the machine would not -by r<maining in hiding until the Fernando Chavez relused to sign In· '.! work. end of this year when the statute of Umi-duction. papers while a Catholic prayer Consideration of a ft millR>n budget "Probably worn out by the boys," quip-tatiOOI on the:i crimes wauld Uve upir~ service was being hekl oo the sldewalll: tn ped ane fireman. ed. front of the Fresno induction station. was delayed by the Fountain Valley City lr===========:::::::::::::::::::::================::;::::::::;--Council Tuesday nifht unUI the council's May & regular meeting._ A public be.arlng on' the budget wa1 also requested at that time by councilman John Harper. . Councilmen asked for the delay in order to consider details of the budget. which was banded them only three days · before Tuesday's meeting. Harper added the public bearing re- quest becalise he felt, .. ._ who pay the t.ues ought to have something to say about it." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger com- mented that it was not normal practlce to hold, "a formal public hearing. but ciUzens always have the right to speak on a budget." All five councilmen agreed to break precedent and hold a formal public hear- ing on the proposed 1169-llr70 budget. City Manager James Neal explained that lhe budget WU pmented on lllch short notice because "Finance Dittdor Howard Stephens will be an vacaUo.n in May, and I'll be gone ln June .'' · Neal and Stephens are the men with the answen if any councilmen have ques- U<ils oo lhe·budg<t. lt was •greed that if questions come up, they could probably be answered befcn the May 6 meeUng, thw paving the way for piwage of the budget on that date. nie city council has unW June 30 to adopt a buagel Valley Stripper Pkads Guilty A FG<llllaln 'V.U.,. ,woman. amoted Jan. ZI for allqedlJ boring her bottom In a Weslmlnster bar, pleaded pllly 'l\reo- day in West ar..,. Couolf Munldpal Court 1o • --.. 'ol'dlllul1>ing the peace. Carol Jrtoe Termablen ol Ulil Sula Rolla1io SL Wl$ -to appear in court on May SS -Ioli #'I on the dlstutbini the pea . Sbe WU amstod ,...,.-nr• at tlrt i'-r Tai Bir, lCI ~ Bini., WeotmJnrter. i. allopllJ ..-,,. aU <If bet dollller ..... ,.,_ there, police aicL CONVINlENT TEAMS IANICAMEAICARD MASm CHAR$E A REMINDFR FROM 0 OMEGA be sure to sot y..,, wttch ahud one hour Saturday night ••• da,U,lrt _,,.,.·lime 1oa inro efld Sanday, '4pril 2711' W..,.. Ill,... ftldi alraocJ, tab I.,_ look at Tt. It "'"1 1>o -• l>ol la tuaodentr laltadl·wlodiqf Daoi I trlhlle dale? Peliapo-la the ... ..... .,--.c..a o.p.' Ye --al tlrolarl"'°""11a ...u...w. .. a&o.r,..., t6S ...... 11000. J. C. .J./umpM1J '}1wefer till NEWroRT AVE., COSTA MESA n mu IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE '41-l4GI , ~ --. - f.aou•MA•• ':~~TING:P .. S.tS 2····· value '*Aut•atic.electric hecrtin9 pad ·ewJth·.af,ty confrol1 • A-poiiti• switch • 1:,...r unc.anditionol 9Hrontee • ' ' ' ----- ··~ ' AUTOMATIC 4-SLICl;IOaSTiht ' ·.,,,,,.. :.·.·, .. ·• ·,, YC!ll•e '· : ' , ....... ~U1a1 . :· , . -'WATilR.PIK~-ORAL . APPLIAllCI :· .. 4 ' ' ' ' .. ' • l ... 24.tS ""'•• t:7'' . ' · .. ~Water l'ik carriet on tke cl eaning ' lob 19ur tooihbrvtfi bnin1 •Cle0n1 if'IOC(9Mible pktc•1 }'.OUf' b.rvsh t Df'.lftOf r90ch ' •• ' t •• -.1 .~ • .:.: ...• fw\ •••1••••iofi •li•izn· ' \!±). ' •••• ONLY"'iir'.'.W,ft.'Hi 'litlC• 'J ' ' • ,,, ., .1 .. ' . J;i iY1 ., '','•• • .••' ,:r.r-,'~'" 1 -• ./f. I ·t11:~·~:~~~~~i# I •·147: . .. .. .. ~ Fast·freeie s~elves let air circulate I Bulle paclcagi 1torage for odd-shaped packages I Precision temperature control adjush for _ frozen storage or fast free.zing • full-~\dth qoor shelves for up·front convenient sloroge , • Rust-.pr~f, chill"r•1ista.nt, easy ~lean ';\ ~~rcelb1n enamel jnterior . · ' ' •.. . . • . .,. .... .. .,lll.HeUSI ~CYCll · AllJ'ODTIC WAS•m J:od)?' Lew ' . ''i;ice . ·•147 @ ;~fely l0<k lid • EalJ"t..•M 1ingle · dial control e Two water te mper· · e1tw• wain 1elecfiM1 •Aelioble . heavy.duty tran1111i• ' ·, •Top of linti IM4eJ at Zodp low CUIC4Klnt P,riul • Comirtible, rolls eN whfflt or~. ~Ii b.ilt in ,• Choppi111. bl~lt top odds ... te ,•itcf11m worbpace ·:~@· .••. .i;.- . . •CHtf_., I' -power tu,., -ret wwlh, · ~~ Sanif11er tA.vto.otic ' •1 water cOn-1~ I . tlitiOM..:0 11d J' 'r rin .. drr Mtfil'ICJ 'I '. . . ' . .. ' . ~ . ........ :, . ' ' . .• ,.. 1.,.. . ·'w1tii z•Y• COllYI•···· CRUii OR YOUR ··~·· ••• SA'TISPACTIOll •11ARAIJJ••• •LWA'ftl • • .. ... •c.. • I . ·; il•OP & IAft A~ ZOD .. I .,... "ft PRI. IO A.Iii. TO t . P.&~ SAT. A 9'1"9 10 TO 7 • • • LOTI OP fRI~ PAllKl•1 · .. • • ' ·- . • • l I ; I I I , 1•" • I .. -. "-• • • ' .. Jj llAll.Y PILOT H I . ., I I I r= I W ednesday'"s . -aosmg Pric~-Coit)plete I ' New York H IW~Y ~ILOT ....._, • t..w C-. Ciiio\ ,,.,.,., ... ~--«: i fi .iJ 1·~~.~:;.., ttf.~e.=:·. • --·· ~· • ... ff DAILY PILOT I .t~·{ . { ' lt<> : ltut Clownitlfl Arotitul '.Richard Wilson does his '1cllipmunk bit" rOr an unappreciattve Scot.l Dyke : (right) and Ron Christie fn .t.Qis scene from "A Thousand, C~~ns,'' ~esuming ~Thursday at the Sail Clemente COnµnunity Theater. in brln&in& ' full dimension lo bis ~ """· ' ' ' 'l1ie crown jewels of the evenina:, howevt;r. are worn by Kalllleen Rogan in a JnOll magnificent interpretation of the captive queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. From the role which Jut week w o n Katharine Hepburn an Oscar, Miss Rogart wrin1s all the blistering invective and bitter irony at. her command wilh a "'TH• UOM IN WINTl1t• A ,Yy 11¥ J•mn Goldm1"' dltwdff bY Kwry J°"""""" set -.i.11 llY GleM llaM't atll:I l• lrMlhlwr, teqinluol •1...c1w s~ lrWi. - """"" by T~ surrttt, 11911tl,. 111• SMYe G....,.,,..... _,.,. b-, ,_,,, )(I Tllulft" FrlcM"l'S .... S.1\lrdtYI fflrautll May ll et MorNn Kii~ DI LOCU11 A"f., ~ ... ..:!!. • THE CAST Kl,_ H~r'I' 11 .......... Tl'lllr Nt.-!Nn Q\lllen Ele-........ KIJl'lloll!n 111 .. rt llkherd ...... ,. , ..... fUdiefOJ JGl!- Q.dfrey ................ f'ttll\p llleh•rdl Ja1111 ....................... Vtnc. Trwd AJ.111 ..• '· ..••. , , .......... J•.,,.. Htrnn Kins l"hilip ............... Jolwl H.,._ delivery that entices the ears with ib rich, full beauty. Richard Johnson as the swaggering young Richard the Lion Hearted turns in a powerful performanct, balan.- cing a chilling lack o f sensitivity tn the acene with his mother with a gripping emotiooaJ breakdown in • lat.er sequence. The coo~ calcuWing middle son Geoffrey U played with cerebral fi.nes.w by Philip Richard! In aplendid contrast to the braggadocio of Richard and the cowardly whimpering and seething petulance of the younger John ("You kill him, I '11 watch"), impressively played by Vince Trani. The pawn in the family'1 royal cbw game, t b e beautiful young Alais, receives a skillful and sympathetic in- terpretation ·from J a y n e Hamil. John Hamen Ill the s\,ripling King Philip of France struggles hardest to projeet his character in w~at must ·conservatively be termed quite fast company, and only 'Can1el()t' Musical To Open "cmnetot." the Kine Arthur leg1'ld let to mllllic, will optn ID eight-perfcrmanl'I" engage. mm. May l u the l;:rinl ~ duction of the Long Beach Civic Light Open -· The Lerner-Lowe musical, to be staged In the Loog Beach Audibxium concert hall, will be Oii -'l'hur!da)'B lhrollgh Sundays for two ,...kends. oaat in the prindpel roles are F..d Cotter as Kine Arthur, Laura Killinpwortb u Quetn Guenevere "1CI Larry ~ as Lancelot. other major assignmerU will be taken by T. Ellswerth Clark a s Pellinore, Glenn Bradley as ~!ordred, Britt . Murry as Merlin and Pauline Foley as Nimue. "Gamelot." will be presented May 1, 1, 3, I, I and 10 at 8:30 p.m., with 1:30 p.m. matinees on May 4 end It. Tickets may be ordettd by calling (213) 432-7925. Guests Set For Carson partially succeeds. , Johnny Canon has an- Too much cannot be said of nounced the guest stars who the set. a triumph of technical will appear with him at acumen surpassing that of the Me\odyland May 3+5. Forum's "The Lady's Not for Retuming with the NBC-TV Burning." Not only have Glenn late-night comedian will be Raney and Lee Bradshaw singer Phyllis Mac Guire, fashioned a majestic, multi-dancers Bud and C e c e level facade. but they have Robinson and trumpeter Doc created some astonishing et· Severin.sen. fects for frequent chaflieS ol The Carson show will be setting. adding further im· presented five times that tnediacy to the production. weekend : at 7 and 10 p.m. ·'Ox-Bow~ Beealled W ellmali to Spea'k· iat Open End Sh.Ow WWiam Wellman, dh'ecl4r of the !Int AcadelU)' Awanf winning· pidw<, will be the guest speaktr Sunday, al the (lpljl End Theat.r, amwaing qutit!om and dbclWlng hiJ cl&Mk .... iern, "The Ox-Bow Incident.'~ ' 'nit talk will follow a screening of the film at Z p.m. in the theater, 2815 V'lla Way, Newport Beach. . "The 0 I -B O w Incident," produced in' 1M3, dealt' with a lynching in the old West, and starred Henry Fond a. Wellman startled the indu!try and auditnces by maklng an unconvenUonal western I n which he went beneath the surface ()f a phyalcal evne to Enemy," which remaJm • eumiQe the force.i which gangster clMsic IOdQ'. Ibo caUMd iL 1'39 ~ d. "~u~ Wellmac'• dlrocling career wilh Gary Cooper, 'Ille fll.,; began lntm wUb , fllm u1Jed ~ • o( CJ. Joe" which ~ "The Man Who Won.'' Hll'bic 'Robert Mi tc bum , "Blf hfeak came wheo producer B. ; Ueground." and "The Hlili P. Schulberg Ullgne<i blm to and Ute MJ&hty." =J do "Wings," a World War ·J. Wellman ~ntrated aviation epic. ' attention oWaJy.oo , . Wellm>n, a fllfjler pilot .in stttpl!I> and heroic deoclJ,. · the Lafayette EJoadrllle, qp, '"11M! Ox·ilol¥ Inc id~ P 1, lured the best P.lcture awWd rep<ded _by_·~ u.p . at the first Academy presen-~~· ~ the_~·' tation in 1927. beat film m hil long~- Wellman's 1 u b s e q u en t · "The OX-Bow ldddeat'" career embraced some ol the ' will 'be shown i'rJdly mast famous action films to SablfdaY eveninp at•~• P come from the Hollyw.ood with John Ford'a ""My Dw •ludi9'· They includ< "Public Clementine" ·\ Gives Regards Cast Listeci.j To Broadway Shows For Myste1l occ Selections from Broadway flule ; Richard 'Brlglltmao, In FuJlertoij .shows wil be featufed this Oboe; Richard J t me'• Caat memben for us~· ' --•-d h th Or clarinet; Kay Brightman, w=-n w en e ange bassoon; arxl Carlta Conrad, Unseen," the not produc CDast C o 11 e g e Community 00 of the Fullerton FooWgh Chorale and lhe South Coast ~~ conctrt is sponsored by have been annooneetJ br W Chamber Wind! join forces in OCC and the Costa Afesa AMenheimer, director of 't mystery comedy. the Orange Coast College Recreation Department. The The company includes Des- A dij · OCC auditorium box office will .u onum. mond Grogan, Anita Malk, The program will begin at 4 open at 2 p.m. Sunday. Bobbie Aller. Brian Grogan. ' p.m. Donations of $1 will be Sybil Le\•ey. Ron Dragt, Anna accepted. Wi.:.-e Di"i·ects Hein~. Coro! Hale, Christy The chorale, under the c Duyer and Richard Clemenb. HOLLYWOOD (UPJ) The pla y by Rosemary direction of Les Van Dyke, Foster and \Varner La\v will will open lhe progrim w~h Producer-director R 0 be rt open May 16 and \Viii be stag- four numbers: ''The lmpossi· (Sound of Music) \Vise '"'ill ed Fridays and Saturday~ hie Dream." "Ching~A-Ring move from ~ Century-Fox through Ji1ay 31 at the to Universal to produce "The ~luckenlhaler Center, 11 9 Chaw,", "Choose Something Androm·•a Sir"'.·"," a con-Bu y·, •• 0r1·ve Fu11e~-n Like a Star" and "Jubilate cu ..... ena 1 .. • •..., • Deo Omnis Terra." temporary science-adventure Reserva.tions art available by • story. calling 827-1339. The chimber winds will then;:::==================::.. present "Troi.s Pieces en Qutntette'' a n d "Blaser-quintette Es·Dur." Following intermission, bass Del Weds and soprano Joann ·van Btlber will sing "A Man and a Woman" and "Bes., You ls My Woman.'' For the absolute fun of it SEE "ROOM SERVICE" TlMt ltllerM• Alllerka Fote• C•""'' OPENS FRIDAY 11» ,__Tlllnl Sf-. TllNt,........IKl-11.11 Ntwjllerl llvll~ C111t Mtu The chorale then w i 11 present "Mame" and selec· tions from "South Pacific"l':;::=========~=~~~~~;;=1 and "110 in the Shade." Ir ACADEMY 'The chamber winds group ~· i includes Laurie wh;tcomb, lll••"" AWARD •• WINNER! TIHTFI ....._ · i na Ii. CNil Hwv. CLIFF ROIERTSON HILD OYll WIHNt:lt llST ACTOlt AWAltO Clift A:~rlsDn "CHAlLT" PIU1 ''FOR LDYI OF IYY" w1m Sldra1 Polt!tr Ctntinwn 511M1y l :JI l".#1\. ~ c-a lltl Mir DUJM ii "CHARL Y" HELD OVER SElMUR P~TUR!S "1 coilaborahon with ROBERTSON ISSOClllES ~"'"" CUFF.ROBERTSON. 1~~~1 Finally, swinging full circle opening night. Saturday, May'' to the outstanding plaJ 'itself, 3; again at 5 and 1:30 p.m. there is the dialogµe which Sunday, May 4, closing with l crackles like r o'a 1 t l n g an 1:30 show Monday night, chestnuts as Goldman ' aets his l.fay 5. mood with Eleaftor's' obsenra· ...::::o_:::_ ______ _!!=========='ll CtfA~lY • ORANGE CO. FAIRGROUNDS TUES. APRIL 29 SPONSORED BY: ORANGE COAST . LION'S CLUI R 'RE FIRS YEARB- A TRULY BIG cracus WITH 3RINGS! UNDERBIGTENTI ·~·-;''·\,·#·: . ' ~ .~·. ' . . ' ' * WORLD 'S* NEWEST ' LARGEST ~ A. GUJTERIHG AAll/.. Y OF THE WORLD'S * -!' FOllf!J//OSTCRCfTS STJJIS /..llD FEATll/IES JI/ :Jt- A REAL TRADITIONAL 3·,!ING CIRCUS-U1der A Rul BIG TOP! (NOT A VAUOSVILLll·'T"l"PE .L;... -1 .. 000" c1 .. cu•1> ...::::.'". AffiMOOll & l6ffT II 4 & I P.M. BARGAINS GALORE ; SN, at h•iwa .,. ... "'"' Y•"' .,,,,...1,, ff ....... u •itktr ••r , I Wltlt DAILY PILOT Of.,., ... LJH t4•. ~ M1.J&7t. -· OllT IPCll • OI. lion and flea that "We are·the origins o war ... can't we love each other? That's how peace begins. Later. after a Virginia \\roolfish d I at rib e between she and Henry, the queen sighs, 1'0h, well, what family aoesn't have its ups and downs?" It would be worth the time and dis~ce to Long Beach to savor these choi<'f; lines alone. What Forum XI has ac· complished with its overall production mark it at the head of lhe theatergoer's must list. "Lion" plays three more weekends, F r I d a y s and Saturdays. at ?iforgan Hall, 835 Locust Ave., Long Beach. ON THE LIDO PENINSULA BACK AGAIN FOR YOUR PLEASURE THI· S•IATaT Of: ALL MU11CAl.s •••• • ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r·~,=:~!~~v"0•tiiiilii1i~·1 : ! : ! FRIDAY, APRIL 25111 ·HERMOSA THEATRE· HEltMOSA BEACH: : BIKINI COfiTEST • SUftF w.-GON CONTEST• fllER PARTY ! : MUSIC 1' LIGHTS * LAUGHrE/f * FUN • : •••••••••••• 5 IN THE AfTEllOON 'Til !' •.... ·• · ••• ·• : • • • • : REGULAR ENGAGEMENTS ; : AT THEATRES and DRIVE·INS EVERYWHERE : • • l StattWEDNESDAY,APRIL30 1 Crossword ACROSS l Good ftltnds S Gay ctltbration t Playtr of hnplsh kicks 14 Nnsp111tr "'" 15 Seawttcl ........ 16 Dtntlst's conctm 17-Rmrs of 11101t1n roe~: ZWO<d• 19 ntmovr fastenings 20 Ttle • -: 2 wOfds 21 NepUYI won! :lJ ltSt llMIH bin! 14 $ootts-casttf1 ..... 27 Notlwen 2t Rtlatlnt to lht stars 31 Stalt 3S Town ht '~···· )7 kh'HI of ..... .,, 31 So111ti111s a tooth 40 "As two peas In ... ~": 2 words 42 81ntl dl•m:llfr 44111,.t-• color Lo 45 lert naonlblt C7 Tt•s • ~9 M1.n's na1111 50 Adjusted btl04'1h1.nd SZ Dtprfvt of pnsessions 54 G"'''' yellow 56 Onta.ri• .... 51 Cowboy's ac"ssory •2 RoadhOt1st 64 Ll\uglcat ........ 65 Nu.ttlt1f ..... ' 67 Sauru or dltltalls 70 TrTt 71 Ol!t's own: Ccmb. fona 7Z Sl•ply arranged 73 Bird 74 llell of ·-· 75 !::' 1111l1s DDlll Puzzl~ Ytsterdily's ~unit Solvtd: •..•• CLAIRE BLOOM ALSO l'LAYINfi ---------- /..CADEMY AWAiD WINNU J/..CK /..LIERTSON S.pportlot. /..Cl« lo "THE SULllCT WAS ROSES" J ·qF US -7:tl & 11:11 lllODIL IHOP -l1M 0.., ~ ' . ' "I). JOYOUS COMEDY" -NEWSWJ;;EK , ****-ff ...... a..i119 -M.T, hffr M•~ "O" .t Tw"1 °"'*' ........ Pl•" -._.. ..... "1 ... IC& .. 11 W ... .f Art" -............ Pw -,._ ........ ., .. u. ........ c ........ ,. .. • . I , r r The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' I ' I I \ y - j I ., .. s ti • • • • \ I I I I f ----·--· -. ~ ~-- . ' . .. . -• VaU~y ...... ,, .•..•• • EDI ION • ' -ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF.ORflllA TEN ~S " ,. .... . - ! " -: • • .. . -.. .. .. .. Sex C·. _ . Arab E~otionlese ·: ourse A v d. t G. - . · s ·er ·1c 1ven But Boar~ Aciio'n Fails to Satisfy Opponents LOS ANGELES (UPl)-Slrhan B. 8lr· han was ordered today to pay wWt: JlJI life for 1he assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy but appeals to .hlaber courts may spar:e him from the gu chamber .F , ~-•• -• By ·RUDI ,NlEDZillLSKI .... -" Action by the board, however, fajled to shouting matches, catcalls 8nd like Of .-. 0.1,, "*st.., .' satisfy the organized opponent.I to sex: disturbances from the angry crowd. ~Id angry shouts of recall from' an education. They w,antea mor!.·'nle 1ngry, Later, members of the ,@udttn<ie engag- audlence of 300 persofls protesflng su volatile crow4·*1nanded-ithat ae1 educa-ed in face-to-lace con!rootations with education. Huntington Beacb--Onion" High lion plans be ~led onee aDd for all: members of the school boant School District trustees,,.4\Jesday itigtit Trustee Joe .Ribal made the motion The board voted 3 to ti n favor of tabled farther sex coupe plam. · , ·temporarily shelvfitg the program. His Ribal's motion with Mattbtw Weyuker ~ action. ta~ before ii t~pacity . proPoUI" disbhdetj · the ;citizens' coUh casting the dissenUni vote. . . a~ence in Jfd&ttna ~gh :School's ,mittee studyjng ·;·~ble;~1 ·~~ation "I don't believe I've e~ ~a more c~eterla, ~t;a~ there !!!' De DO se,~ ~· ... , ·"~.~ , . , , . 1 • •• cogent dlsplay of disttgaijt.for µie voter, euuca.Uon }C'Jl'S:e at ·distric~.scbools tbiS -&a:rd action f~".U1~r·And one.. in all my life," shouted Weyuker when summer« next fall; • · -· · baU ;ol deblle · '· ' -bj pmcidlc · -the moiloo wu passed. ·" \ ' : . . ~· " .· . : ·' ' . ., . • HIGH SCHOOL TRUSTi E RlllAC CC.IHTl!lf~~_&S_:AS BATTLE OP SEXES RA GES Ev111 10-Mlnvtt Reco11 l'ollool N Cool-Port1Hn1·Durlnt Angry Hoorlng . . . . . Putraged Citizens ~ ~ttiiy 1Reca)l Action 1 ( Cltitens outraged by the Huntington lleach Union High School District Board ~ Trustees' decision not to till the sex tducatlon course entirely met Tuesday night to pos.sibly inlUate a recall mo\"t- ment aga in.st several board members. Joe Ferm, spokesman for the group, Wd that recall wu mentioned during the meeting but added lhat "many avtnue.a can and probably will be taken before a peUUon to recall wwti;t be initiated." "The entirt matter of recall wu totally revietred bf w," be said. "and this is whit the people want," Wh<n ul!ed aplmt whioh members the recall would be 90llgbt, Ferm replied that be coold.aot be spec111c'but slid that -. $t.ek 1.l~rfeeu. NEW YORK (UPI)·:.. s!ocu finished oo a firm note toda.7. txl conctrn over ... u... Korean litu1Uoo bocked .lh:e.... list from beet levels. Trading wu active. !SO. ~;P11es 2+251- • I "no rec1ll move would be taken against one trustee." The trustee presumably is Matthew Weyuker who adamanUy favored to she.Ive the HI education course entirety. The tr\latees votin& aga!Mt the ~t COW'K -bein& tautht WI aummer !iut lenlrig ii open .'ID("lul'll\¢r ~Y ar< Joe Ribot, John Be!Uey and Rlcli'ard WI~. Of lhelt, Wilson on'1 has a remalnlng 1..,.. 1111dl June al when he will ibe replaced 'by !lit r-Uy "tl~ Dr. Ralph Bauer. The conlroversy began early In the evening when chairman John Bentley asked those opposing the course to step up to the microphone and voi~ their ob- jections. Overwhelming applause from the crowd was drawn by Joe Fenn, spokesman for the Property Owners Protective League (POPL) when he stated that sex education courses In other districts increased the lllegit.lmate birth (Se< SEX FUROR, Pase %) Covell Slated For Court Date On Riot Charge Arraiirunent of Gilb'ert Covell, aper· ·ator of a controversial Humington Beach teenagers dance haJI, on four c~ges stemming from a riot on th(' bea'ch Sun. day, is 'expecied todily 'oi-Thursday, of· lie~ of. 'Yest Orange County Municipal SENTENC ED TO DEATH RFK Klllor Slrhon . l ; -' indefmltely. • The jury which convicted Sirhan of first degree murder in the .ia,tDJ of the .senator during Kennedy's ~ tial primary campaign last June dlrect- ed that the punishment should be death. When the verdict was announced Sirhan chewed hard on a wad of gum and stared straight ahead. After nine hoUrs of deliberatkn over two days, it was appal'At ldlne inembers of the jury were' a~tl-year-old Sirhan should be 1e11tenC<d lo the IU chamber and others were determined be should be spired because of mental u~ lness. Deliberations resumed at 8 a.m. today and the conaensus was that the 1even man1 five woman jury would finally 'aet a penalty. But in the event of a hung jury, ft wu quite posal~le a ne\Y panel would' bl selected and weeks of testimony repeated in an effort to decide on the punisbmeDt. Superior Court J~ge Herbert V. Walker is empowered to set the penl}tJ in case of a divided jury, but only tf b:rth prrilecution and defense agree it lbOuld be lianiled that way. • · , Coiitl 1ald \O!lay1 . '1\iO '~;'"JIOl'afur b rr .. 0n $315 ball awaiting e~ing a plea to charg~ ·pf urgln11 t•-riol. rt1u3aJ lo dispme, riolini and re.uu., arrest r ;•··~1 '~•4 ' Council -OKs _ 2 CoJI,nsels \ .-I Covell flatly denies 111 cbarces and in tum hal ffClll<•!' poHct of Mluamtnt Of his wife, his employee: rand lllmseu. Police claim he was urging rioters lo continue their battle with officers, of· fering the youngsters "sanctuary" on his parking Jot and telllflB the youths they did not have to obey Ute police. On Larwin 'Tratt Suits - Tuesday Co"ell, 31, of Westminster, . told about 100 students at Orange Coast College that he Ls the victlm of "police harassment.•• He said he was "onTY try· ing to help the teenagers when he was arrested." Covell asked tbe students to help him In making repairs to his club which has bee.n closed for failure to meet building ' codeJ!_ Student&, many ol whom are believed to be members of the unoffJclaJ Students for a Democratic Society, promised benefit affairs to aid cOvell in his eUort to reopen the Syndicate 3000. Police Approve Tougher Stand In Future Riots By TERRY COVILLE 01 tlHI O.ltr "lltt S!tff Tougher measures will soon be im· plemented by HunUngton Beach police 13 preven t riots similar to Sunday's scram· ble In the sand. Dlvt.ioo chiefs In the Huntington Beach Pollce Department approved addition and strengthening of lf:!veral methods of COD· trol during a special stafl meeting Ulla morning. Capt Harold Mays briefly ootllned some of the measures to be laken, but Two counsels, one for the majorll!f view and one for the minority view, will serve the Fountain Valley City Council ln a lawsuit filed by Eugene Van Oask to stop constructlon on the controversial Larwin Tract. Tuesday night, counclbnen voted to hire the Los Angeles legal finn of BtD'ke, Williams and Sorenson to represent.. the city and individual councilmen tn the fight over the small lot Larwin develop- ment. The fight has touched off a recall movement in the city. _ First. however, Councilman Edward Just opposed hiring the firm on the grounds that be and COWK!ilman John Harper, members of the minority factton, were, in fact, in agreement with Van Dask's !!lull Van Da!k's suit claims that certain zoning actions taken last Decen)ber on the area involving the Larwin Tract were illegal, and subsequent approval given to the Larwln ~.mpany by plannln'g com· missioners is also Illegal. · SUIT NAMES CIT\' The suit names the city and individual councilmen and planning corrµnlssloners, and seeks to halt construcUon of the 500 home Larwln tract. · Just and Harper also oppose the Larwin Tract. In two special council Teens fo r Christ Fail to Appea r , _, For ·Court Date said details of the precautions could not Six TeenS for Christ, ptrhai>s stilt be released, "because of the obvious quaking for fear of predicted California nature of the situation." Plans include: earth51uaiet; fi.iled to show up Tuesday -A special 20-man riot squad u, be on for their jury trial in West Orange· Coun· ty Municipal Court. standby whenever danger .sltuatiorui are The six young evangellsts were to ap- evident. pear for €rial concerning their arrests a -Increased uniform personnel and few months ago for trespassiOI on P">' undcrcover "sandmen" oh beich area perty at Golden West College while plckellng the school patrols. Durinll the !Int week of ~prll· 'the- -Patrola to cover.areas not pr~~Jy Teens for Quist, formerlj. headqu•,r'tmd covered 1Uch aa the·"bhlff" area and the in Huntington Beach, moVed to 1uclon, • H n.m-u •• ch Pl Ariz., to avoid the destruction of Cali· un .......... ~ · 'er. · · fomla, u .tt was to "sink below \be -Ute ot the police belicopterJ H. B. water, 1iden 'With slo." . , .. lfye, to patrol the beai;h oo Saturday and About Ill of the ChrlsUan rtvol1> Sunday. tionarles ,also were atTested In Costa -RepleniShment of tear 1u supplies. Mesa In April .ofl similar picketing -Altering the mutual aid agmment ~ctit~~ w~ted ~~ w!JdM~ with other C1Ues so they may tu''~ If· back, •1lf Callfomll ls still here ... Oc.rs.alerted ahead. of, fune w~ an · Tuesday Judg« Walter; V(. Chlrl!IUl e1ploslv.e situation: rptght ~ ~· Waa thert, ln • West orange Coanly Mays _ iaJ<l• ~dltfpn of tllele polnl.f Municipal Court, but lheoii.Goldtil Well ihould·help t~ CIU'li<I\ 1117 fUtui-e !hob ~<ndm,wm' Dot.: • • ,-~Ylly 'sUcb U, 511ndl1'1. ouU>iinl, Which f llerich': ,,.,._,will l!t "lllUlll fpr: saw 3,000 ·~ ~ 1lllllo James -Butb,-:17; ,_.Jilil,. pollc<inen I'* lhieeJbtiQ11• IOllowifll rt m11111el Ber" 11; MotPt 'hltel'ellll. II> narcotie& arrt$l. • ~ t t (See TUNS, ....... l~ l ':•I :/ 1 . . meetings In March they voted to uJlhold an appeal by Van Dask which would have negated pJaMlng comm.J.siion approval of the Larwin Tract. ' However, Councihnen .Donald Frepa!il and Jo!eph Courreges voted apJml Ibo appeal, causing a 1-Z ue and .apboldlng approval or the tract. Ma~ Jlobert Schwerdtfeger abstained' ftom tbe ~. as he has in all action coacernfnr the · Larwln Company became of hil deClartd personal interest. OPPOSED TRACT Tuesday, JU1t asked If the mlnorily - oplnlon, that oppoted to tbe Lanrin Tract, was not entitled to . ~ ~ counsel in the lawsuit. -· · Biil Sorenson, "representin1 the Jep1 firm hJrtd by the council, replied that Jt · was indeed guaranteed the rilbt ol separate counsel aDd at city a:pen1e. J~t and Harper both approved,~. 1pec1al counsel for the city, with the stipulaUon that sepal'ate COlD'llel be btred for the minorify opinion. · - Just later said, ''We ~'ve ,no partlcUlar attorney in mind yet, but We must hive one before the April 29 Court date Olf tt)e writ of mandate." He added that he and Harper would be In favor of many of the poiitts lilted lo the Van Dask suit. J · It was not ~ 'I'Ueldly night how many memben of the Planninc Com- mlsslon might be corWdered In tho mlnorlty view on the Lanrin Tract. They voted approval of tfle tra.ct M two IS...LARWIN, Pop I) Weadler The weather gets a little more seasonable Thurada1 with ICl1llf skies after noon and temperaturu In • the upper ·siJ.U~ alon& the Or1111p. Cout •• INSm ll TODA 'l' Tht local theatrical scene from Long Reach to San C,.,..,.14 II covered in th< DAliY ·PILO'l"1 entertainment aectfoft.. COdq. Po.gtt 16 and 21. .,,.. '11 Nlett• ti ...... ,. Mf'ilft ... ' CtlltMllll ,. l>'Vt-' ,.... • c.""' tmtt n ~,,...,. ,.... 4. Ii Ci.s.IMI 11-4' Or ..... -.., U ~ It "" •• c,.,..,.. ti ........ .. ~ Mfktl 11 .... ':J .,..._.. fl OF. tllile• 1-• .... --t ~ ... (·1 ~~: ·~ J • l J • M: . 7 .• -. 7 7 • MC ' -' •• 0 • ., .,,,,,., •.• > ' L . ·-· BOARD MEMBER WEYUKER STUDIES LITERATURE Do Sox •nd Educellon Mix in Huntington 8Hch? From Page I ·:;NO SEX CLASSES ••. .iate aod venereal dis<ase. . ·:Mn. Bernard Gage leveled tri·partlte ·dtact against the program, charging bat the cost <lf the course would be 1 oVerwbelming" that it exhibited a "lack I · morality" and those contributing .JWerllJs to it are "known Communists." .. Another enraged cltiun, Thomas . !oar. .laid "I know when they say beY're golng to table something, some ray. some bow, these things have a way '3.lcreepillg back into driver education ···-·"·· .. -ma~. ·:Art RuchU, another ciliz<n, stepped up p the microphone and told the audience · 'Ulla cuniculum should have been slip- • -~. under the cover <ll Playboy naigazine. U this thing should catch on, _._p:ow and multiply, women will just be : 11td and we will kick marriage out lhe . ::.:-1-·• ··-·· , Several people in favor of the ser · 1JUrse also spoke up and even though heir observations we.re eloquent, were )!red by the eudlmce. ·• &id Dr. John Kent, former candidate boanf of trustees, "! find It dif· to see such an emotional reaction t I flnil to be one of the most Im- .and vital aspects of life. l wish l -1d be u concerned abou t the 300 l .mo died in Vietnam last week." ;: : know. \bat I am going to be stoned ,.q ';tbe •ucStence so 1'11 just take my : ~ oil be!"' l say anything," uJd .. _iJir' ~ wbo also spoke in favor of : , ... -ren u who you reprtRDt," shouted a • .,... in the cmrd. -'1 !l);e to think that I r<present the ~n race," the man with the loq red lair °""' back. "! am really amazed by ~e absence of logic characterizing kinlcht'1 meeting," he conUnued, <1ffering t refutation of. the charges brought .,.inst the course. · Several others, including a woman who :lelcribed ber&elf as the "daughter and ;J!'lllddlU&hter of a Victorian age" spoke ·h .. f.avor of the sex comte but we.re • iar1WJy drowned out by the noisy crowd. . :'COMMUNIST PLOT" : In ......,., they 1rled to point out that : It.I educatloa wa.s not a communist plot : ind thal partnts really didn't know "mough about the biological and :.-----------. . • • • • . • • • • • • . .. llAllV PllOT ;ott.\NOI COit41 P'UILllMIMO (OMl'ANY IN.rt H. Wff4 ........... ............. J•• .. Cvrle:r V1De ~ .. co-r ""-- n-•• k•••il .... n."' .. A. Mwr~r,., -·""' Allt.tt w. ••••• wnn .... •••' ~ Hulltil9"" ...... 14111w Cllf 14111er ............. a.... Jot tlk 5tr11t M.in.., AMreM1 r.o. s.. no, •2M1 --Mt-9~1 ttll W.1 ............... °"" .... t .. Wnl.., •rr.t ~.__,,,,...,.......__.. physiological aspects of reproduction to give adequate irutruction to their children. After the motion to di5pense with the sex course was passed, Board Cbainnan Bentley gaveled the unruly meeting down to a dull .roar and declared a 10 minute recess. "We'll give you a recess all right,•• said one: man stepping up to the micro- phone. "We elected you and we can recall you." Names and telephone numbers wef'eP collected by several citizens who ap- peared in fa\·or of such a move. SHOUTING MATCHES Meanwhile, the angered citizens con- fronted trustees in Jace-tcrface shouting matches, calling them on the carpet for letting them down by not shelving the course forever. Trustees Bentley and Richard Wilson caught the bnmt of the confrontations, while Matthew Weyuker and Joe Ribal who repre3ellted opposite poles on. the issue were congratulated by their respec- tive supporters. After. tl\e recess, Bentley who was vi¥bly shaktn b:Y the disposltiOn of 'thl" crowd, continued the meeting and finish-- edtthe rest of the agenda items. Groups ~f dissatisfied cit,izens on both side.s later left the meeting to organlze and decide what to dO next. Engineer Cl.aims Mil.d Sonic Booms Good for Houses Sonic booms are good for your house. bul experts don'l yet know why, a civil engineer told a conference Tuesday in Anaheim. Speaking to the !~th Annual Technical Meeting of the InsUtute of Environmental Sciences, J. H. Wiggins Jr. aald the booms slow aging and relieve structural stress. Wiggins said he does not know just why, bul 1he most likely theory ls that the mild shaking a borne receives relieves accumulating stress, just like a minor earth tremor on a fault line. Not only are mild booms good, said the former director of government-sponsored sonic boom tests al the White S;:inds, N.M. proving ground, Wiggins said most stories to lhe contrary are wlld. Civilians have grossly exaggerated sonic boom effect!, he charged, saying only one damage claim fn 20 is valid and the rest are -to be polite -mistaken. "Sonic booms won't crack concrete driveways or foundations, won't tear shingles off rools, crack toilet bowls or snap brassieres,'' he said. All of these clalmJ against tbe govern menl have !>ef:n formally lodged before . "The greatest sonic boom ever record· ed was 120 pounds per-square-foot." he said, "and that's not much -certainly not.bing horrendous." Southlanders' soo1c boom experiences run abouL one pound over normal pc-81!Ure, Wluins esplalned. Tttl• cl die coolemice Wluins ad- dreaed: la "Nan and Hla Env1romnent. .. "' •• .. . . ..... ., l"ll.A:IT ..... 9IOI • _....,. .. ,., • ...._. ~ ............ , llla.t .... . . ... .. "' ...,... ... ,.,.. .., ~ '-"" : : ....... loJect. c.a. ..... = • : .... -~ \lllfleF, ..... ... ............. ~c.w - • • ~ ....... ~ tn .. l'ftl ... ..... ..... ~ ltldlio -,. :: ""' .., ..... C•1 ,_., -·J t :: cn41 "°"""' ; .__._, r w ..... 1U1 _ C'I = I ' f I """ I Ml-M'N ._. ............ ~ .......... .. ._..... • -t tetl•i. .. ...,......_ . ....,. --....... ,....,. .. = =---~-----.... , ............... ·--~· . ...._. .... -..,.c.11.... . ....,..... .. :-.... -....... _ ......... a,a-.,., 1969 Miss Westminster Race Begins Thursday The city of Wellinlnster will \1clt oil Its 1!119 Miu ,Wtstmlnlter Belo.lJ' Pqoanl T b-u r • d 1.y .at 7:» p.m.. lit the new I 11'-Q'1c Om!<r, 1100 • WllllmlmUir A.._ All coni..tant. will be hllndDclcl to Ille pr91, lho . pa&Nnl oommlU. ... !be mllJW clurtag tho -_,,, -to tab pllce hi lho enmmrmlty "'"let,_,_ --------------------------------~~~~ ~~---~~~-----~-------~ ----------\ ·Jaw'in'· 'With the Folks Bac·k Home B1 lllciwm P. NALL Of .... o.lfr l'tllt J,.,, J~~~JV1C lib ~~ on: a rooeter." • Bu~ ihe atways reminded me u a boy that ''pretty ls as pretty does.'' · Wl;lether these are southeast Missouri expre:s.slons origin- ally, I don't know but 'they UH: some I r a n d colloquial- lsma threre. The Ourt Moun- tains are a place where a boy with buck teeth c o u I d 0 eat corn through a picket fence ." A headstroog person could be as ''independent as a hog on ice.'' And, it can get "hotter than a $2 pistol." You might "tote" 1 "low sack" about ''hall a quarter down the road" and 1Jnload a "pig in a poke" on some un· wary purchaser. He probably would be "mad as a wet 3 Masseuses Plead Innocent To Sex Charges Three Huntington Beach masseuses enlered innoctnt pleai Tuesday to misde· meanor charges of soliciting lewd acts brought agaJon them in We:st Orange County Municipal Court. All three women, employes of the Ex- ecutive Suite Salon sauna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., Huntington Be.ach, were arrested April 16 by detectives who also coofucated...., allegedly _.-aphic literature and closed circuit televis.ion equlpmenl Scheduled to appear in court for trial on April 30 are Patricia M. SheHon. 2'1, of 7191 Slater Ave.", Lois LeMasten, 21, of 607 l lth St., both of Huntington Beach, and Betty J. Costello, 191 or Leng Beach. Hunllngton Beach detedive11 .laid ac- tivities at the salUla parlor &ad been under tnvestJgation for two weeks prior to the arrests. Television cameras overlooking the massage stalls and a closed circuit television set were confiscated from the building. Sauna parlor representa.Uves said the television equipment was used to keep an eye oo masseuses to make aure they didn't do anything wrong, Police said the equipment is in custody ahd. iti use is under investigaUon. state utborit'ies have ~ormed of the sauna parlor activities have been asked to look into indivi therapy licerues, police said Ja&t week. hen* later, mybe tvtn "'q_\fd . IS i_ bomet." You milbt be ..-"ll!rPPY. u 1 cl .. ~ i.. • ~ • .J,I • Hearin( cl lbe Ji'lnsactlcrt, a tblrd ptrty llllg!J( say, "DOO't, tbal lake the • "' olftn 'the IMnh!" • GI"~ wwld have llald,. "a tool and.Illa lll0001 •. are soon parted.'' · ~ - Pt lot _ ,LOGBOOK · Were I lo voke an -1!11111 ~h, she would say, "If wlsha weti bcirw, had lt· !lad --&b. he ali,ht becO!PO tbe.J>eaan woOld rtde." -.., "dead a1 f ~ nail." Alt uninhibUed pe-wlih a lloir fo r ff guuta are cozalng )'Ill might get livin& might be a "blgh stepper." She dressed '10fien to kill":.,.. be "all 11114 ~ in the ~. be IS "CUtit IS a 31~:a_v." lD pren11""'tioa ·frli" 11o.o. latJvi-bul'I ear" or even "as cute as I speck· " _. -the '"'-,_ ••· W 'pup.'' • 11,., you migh~ '_'!1ut, bis I'?!:,.•• One .who imbibei! too freely might be-little one ana boil the dishrag! come "tight as a tiCt" ~"high as a , Mother would probably "rhett (neaten) kite." · thlngs up". It you had to wait for din· l_n *Fe mprn1ngt he mlgh 'ipok· like ·ner you might become "so hungry my "deat.ti _eating a cracker" or \'~3\11. · stomach thinks my throat's cut." warme:ct.·9ver." He might even loo · e'" .. ,An easy thing is "like shooUn' fish in lle~d .J>eeo "dead and .dug up" r a~rain barrel." A crooked thing .1Ucb u " ged lhrou"' a knothole ." a lops ided shed mlgbt be "antigogglin" If e kept .?.illtn• " someone might or "catywompu.s." decide tba.t be had Lhe "epiJudic." U be A crooked person might be ••Jow Won't Aholl~h It Beach Council to Save Design Review Board Members of the IleoiF ·Review ~ in Huntington Beach won a promise Tues- day nlgbt from the city cooncfl that the board ·will not be ·abolished in the near future . Councilmen and board members met to di.!clw the functlo!la of the boanf, creeled to-review· design of munlclpal projects, and to find out aboul charges that the board was holding up progress. ''Nol so," aaid board chairman David Wilaoo to charges tliat.the board had held up approval of a &huffelbolrd court to be built at the city ll«:reltion center. "We're not \lking 'pot shots al you,'' Elevator T~p ~~~;,!~.!::· · H · u D 'Ibe vtrbal fireworks over, l h e as ps, .. owns dlocu"'1on !<vealed that the boanf had held up judgment on the recreation pro-AD.d Sudden ·Siop ~ec:!. ~ requ"t of the recreauoo Oppooiticm to the boanf developed when Throe IJ.year-olcl lads from Huntington the council was told several weeks qo Beach found edvt11ture In the elevator at that.projects .,,... being undulf delayed Hlll!Uqt<Je Medkal Center 1'1leaday when by the board. Renembering the W~ated their joy riding ended In midair due to a , Ardlit.durll Revi<w Board, which wu power lallur<. dial>anded alter aev .... public criUclsm of The bop, Lam Welton, 177!0 Van · Ila operationl, councilm<n IU(g<sted that Buren st:, Ke"ihr 8 ""1<', illi\ Van lbn mlPt .be·_. -revillom nteded In Buren Sl, aod Billy Owens, lllllt Van r<vl.,. -d openlloas. Buren Sl, aJl(lOr<dl.y -..re hi the habit of Once the _.uon was esplalned in dropping by the ~ baildi!W Oil' deUllvn-fl:y,.--ecree<f that Beach BouJe .. rd aod'1atllrfl I i-icJe OI" two the bQud .... ~ , in the elevator Ill tbefoar'llorr blfkting, ~ · 1 J , 1, 1 1 ...._._, ~-· ···-"--· -..... Tbl ..~ 1111:11 ~••WI' .. ~. . ;. • ' ~· '\'' ~ ..... , ,. enough to walk unde r a snake's bt?fJ with a lQP bat 00..:' Someone whose C«llpanY is not dtsir- able might be u "welcome as • skwlt at a lawn party" or "as welco~ U 8 fly Oil a biscuit." ·A person difficult to deal with can be ••uke puttln& socks on 1 octopus." It can be "hotter than the binges of hadq" or ''cold e~ to freeze the ean oft a brass monkeY." A person can be "ugly as a mud reoce"· "poor as 1 church mouse": "rroud enough to busl hiJ buttons'.'; "slippery u an eel"; "snug as a bug in a ru('; ·'red as a spanked baby"; "dry as. a bone"· or "whlte as a gh06l." A bald Ptrson ml¥,hl defend himself by saying. "you cant grow grass on a race track." Someone might be "as useless as a hip pocket on a shirt" or "nutty as a fruitcake." You probably knew that "all's well that ends well." And, as giandmother wou1d have said, "Even this shall have an end." From Page 1 LARWIN •.• months ago on a legal technicality. Several plaMers, however, have ex· pressed a de.sire to see a limit placed on the size of lots in a planned development. Last week they voted 4-1 to recommend a fi,000 square foot mini.mum in planned development tracts. MAIN OPPOSmON Primary opposition to the Larwin Tract has been based on the fact thaL some of the homes will be built on 5,()00.square-o foot lots and that Edison Company land, to be developed as a park, ls being used to aver8'ge the Larwin lots to 7,200 square feet . City Attorney Edwin Martin bas asked not to be involved in the suit proceedinp because of his declared interest in the Larwin development. He servf.d u agent for the original owner of the land. The Los Angeles legal flnn WU hired by the city, pending council approval, lut week, and an annver to Van Dask'1 .mt wu filed in Superior Court Tuesday. Frem Page 1 .TEENS ... and Joseph Neal Langford, 18, all of 605\0 10th St. (origlnalJy), HunUngton Beach; Nancy Esther Dewar, 18, 6271 Myrtle Drive, Huntington Beach, aod Douglas Gene Teorper, 19, !05th 10th Sl, illm- tlngton Beach. <lour( ctlicitJs .laid It bn't lialy ... tradition proieedlnp would be started against the teens U they ar< In lbe IDCIUI> ta!nsof.~. bo:isw.retrapped1inllde.Fred"l'!Uliami, }Jm1tahon Statute chief engineer for the hospital complex, ..1d the lads had to be taken out by On Nazi's Abolished Farm Chief's Son crawling through the roof "-Ute elevator . V 11 D ··1 into an adjacent elevator which was lune-R • 1· d • a eY ' e ays tionlhg. BONN (UP!) -The West German e J eels n UCllOD :; "The boJs weren't 1cared' ~anything," 1ovenunent today abolishf.d the statute $ M 11' B d Wllliami .laid. "'!'hey',. .. i.ran elev•lor of llmltationl on the prooecutlon of Nazi FRESNO (AP) -The 20-yW'Old IOI\ 2 ~l IOll : U . get ~:""~.~;.were not harmed aod ~ ~=-moanl that such Null :.\f=~~~::i:.~~m: M · M . Flr~ went to work on the elevatol' cotdd no longer count on etcaplng pro-day, declaring he opp0ees "all wm." Until ay .. _:. eet to determine why the machine would not secuUon by remaining in hiding unW the Fernando Chavei refuaed to sign Jn.. work. end of tlUs year when the at.atute d.. llmi· duct.ion papers while a Catbc;!lic prayer Consideration ol a IS mllllon budget "Probably worn!)lll by the boys," quip-tau-on the! crimes would bave eJpir· service was being held on lbe ildewalt In ped one fireman. ed. ftont of ttie Fresno induction station. was delayed by the Fountain Valley City 1-'--;::::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;:;::;:::::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;-Councll Tuesday nlrht unUI the council's May I regular meetlng. A public bearing on the lNd,a:et was also requested at that time b1 councilman John Harper . Councilmen asked for the delay in order to considu detaill of the budget, which fl!as banded them only Lhree days before Tue.sday's meeting; Harper added the public bearing rt· quest becaue be felt.'·~ who pay the taxes ought to have somethlng to 1ay about it." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger c~ mented that it was not normal prad.ice to hold, "a formal public hearing. but cilizens always have the right to speak on a budget." All five councilmen agreed to break precedent and hold a formal public hear- ing on the prop<>Rd 1969-1970 budget. City Manager James Neal explained that the budget was presented on such short notice because ''Finance Direct.or HOward Stepbens will be on vacaUon In May, and l'b be gone in June." Neal Md Stephens lft! the men with the answers if any councilmen have ques- tions cm the budget. II WU qreed that li queslionl come up, they could probably be answered be!ore the May 6 meeUng, thus paving the way for pasnge of lhe budget on that date . The city council has until June 30 to adopt a buci,eL. Valley Stripper Pleads Guilty A Founi.ln Valley wunan, an<ll<d Jan. 22 for allefl'Cl11 baring her botlom tn a Westminatn bar, pleaded guilty T-. day tn West Orange County MuNdpal Court to a reduced chqe of dioll;.'!:lng the ptace • Carol Irene Termoblel of l lW Santa Rosalia St. WU ordered to af'ltaar In ...ui oo May 22 for oentencln1 \Ill !be dis!Url>lng the peace cbarl" She WU an..i.d trJchlall1 at the i'u"1 Tai Bar, I. BMc:l Bmt., W-1noler, for ollofodl1 ........ ,oJI "' ber clc<blD( illl!1lw pa'{..,__ there, police sold. • t CONVlNIENT TUMS 11,NKAMUICARD MASTU CH.u$E ' A REMINDER FROM 0 OMEGA bt "" to .. t your watoh •he•d on• hour S.lvrd•y night •• , doyUilil _,,,,.time,_ into ~ed SlllMLo-, -'11ril 21rlo wi...,.. Ill,... watdl a1-I, tab a cl.. lool: atft. It-lie-• llallo 11...-.r 1a111111.-.llldlqr Doea ... Ilia dato? Psbo[to .... Ilia _to..._. • .,..., .. .aa-; w. --altliaJ.rgoaat ~ -to>how711".t65to ... 11000. smruTn AtlfOIUTM nUI tnOTOMI .. J. C. .JJump/ll'iBd 'J111uBfer 112l NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA 22 YWS IN THE SAME lOCA T10N PHONE 141-l<IOI . . . • . - I Saddl~b-~k VOL 62, NO. Down the Mission 1i· Trail Widening Joh Completion Set EL TORO -Widening of the San Diego Freeway . from here to San Juan Capistrano should be completed in mid~ May. The project, about 16 miles, has bttn under construction s.ince late 1967 and is W C06l about $13 'inlllion. Drivers. who have faOed a !ilow.down botUeneck of two lanes each way along the route-can look forward to four lanes e3ch way; said a spokesman for the State Div:lsJon Qf.High~ays. The project also includes widening to three lanes eacl'I way the San Diego Freeway (di) from its juncture with the Santa Ana Freeway north to Laguna Canyon Road. Division 1pokesmen said the project has taken lona:er than new freeway ·@n-- struct.ion because qf traffic compUcations a.Jong the route. • Open ·Bouse at Srhoel SAN CLEMENTE -Open hou" will be held tonight from 7:30 to I o'clock at Serra Pre Scbol!I, IOI> ~ Puonte, jn . norlh s.,, .cie..-.. .. ~ ~ the echool are from two1o fl.ve-yW'I old and come from the Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, and Dana Point are,s. Student work will be °" di.splay and refreshments will be served. ' ·• Girls at Traelc Meet . ' EL TORO -A \Yomen's track meet Sunday at Chaffee College will be at- tended by several Saddle~t area P"ll. including three who rec ently scored high at the sanctioned Ventura Club Com- peliUon. . Claudia Marosz.. 16; CorlMe Stirewalt, ]5, and Janine Stirewalt, 13, of the El Toro area were Ventura winners. The Saddleback area has no track club·so ill run unattached , however, the girla are at- tempting to form a club now. .• AFS T•llc Srlaeflulefl LAGUNA HILLS -The Leisure World People to People group Friday will hear three American Field Service exchange students explain their eiperiences in the program. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Jt ts In the third floor C<ln[ertnct room of World Securities Corp., 23521 Paseo de Valencia. Ellen Beemer of Laguna Hills will tell of her summer with a Japanese physi· cian's family in a small city where students hadn't seen an American girl. Alst speaking will be Diana Baralt of Caracas, Venezuela and Nicholas Enright or East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. They are staying with Laguna Beach families. e R esurf·arlng Oka"efl EL TORO -Proposed resurfacing of El Toro Road between Trabuco amt Live Oak Canyon roads, a dlstanct of almolt tw<' mllu, has been apprtfed b1 tbe Board of Supervisors. I · The County Road Depa rtment estimated that resurfacing with a new 1- inch layer ol asphalt concrete woa1d COil about $41,000. 'I'tle roadway was~ in the January-February storms. - :e Cll11rcl1 Cr11sl1 1:,efl', LAGUNA HILLS -Crowded . trllllc conditions' on Sundays al St. Nk:lioa¥ Catholic Church, 24252: El Tora 1lOad in Laguna Hills were studied by!the Orange County Traffic Committee w th no ~ lion discovered. The commission noted that "there are no trafnc engineering tools a•allab)e to eliminate the condition. COordinat.ion between !he trafllc signals at Moulton Parkway and Avenlda Sevilla will be tn cfftcl by May t ind should help mlmlniJe congestion.'' The committee su ggested that the clwrch stagger the houn of worlhip to eliminate arrlvall and departures at the ume Ume, and consider modification of lhe parking lol to pro-1 H<Olld en- trance: or exit. Stork lll•rkets NEW YORK (UPfl -Stocks finished on a firm note today, but concern over the Korean slluatlon knoc:ked the ll6t from best levels. Trad.lf\f was active, (Stt qoolltlons, Pl(U ll-.PJ. • • I --- EDITION .. .·Pay Talks Di.ssatisf y Teachers Dljo.tl. .... '~•"·~ ' . . . . t • I U:JJ;, •: ~ • •.,J ' ,.... .. -, ~ j ~ .M&,:y,..,..sniw ..... I ... ~,,.,.-I .. ~ ~~-,,.~Q •; • ~ .f. ' r ,. ~ 1 1 (/' <;fan• Ojier&IOr i>oittiolta. 54.foot, "300().pound beam _•\oP new Laenna !!fach Boys' Cl'll> facillt~ ~rently under conlffili!l!On-on .J.a'gmla Caii}on Roag. qu11,.ofllc~~J10pe first inc""!!'ll of ••w facility will .~ fe!'(IY to~.!'!"'~ thl~ summer .. , -. ' . •• ' 1 C~tiien~·Group ·Asks Coast Cities Join in Oil Fight By JACK CRAPPEU. pai1n manager-, said he had · recently Cl!t • o.ii, "'"" ..,. written a Jetter to the President about ffLaguni Beach,·N....,.r!·l!lach and the offshore probl<ms." Capistrano_.Beach shon:llnes are to re-'~I tried tG point out to the ~d!nt main safe frOll1 a San\a Barblra-b'Pf oil that we are trying to pr~e our way of disaster, there must be broad citlzto liUp-11fe here and would be pleased to talk to pert to bottle ollshore drilling. Mr. IIlckel (secretary ((the inlerlor) •Dd This was the opinion expressed Tue:s-cou1d he (Hickel) please start making day by Victor C. Andrews of Emerald noises like a conservationist rather than Bay, long-time foe of ocean oil .drilling 8'1 oil man," Andrews said. Andrews called the Civl~ League a and..head of a new citizen effort l'o battle motivaUng force in the oil fight. Foll°"'· 0il \l\&h'-• . Ing. his talk the league votejl to join the S~klnf . bef'are· mt '14aguna' •ach Coast Area Protective LeagUe in the o(f- CiviC League. AncJrews ·warn«I, "'If we shore oil battle. want a sanctua,.Y ft'ee from,tbe ln~itable Andrews said that at th~ appropriate ugliness of.oil ~;.,,e have to •cl time individuals could wrlte 'letters to th we ~ve a way~of ttf~.&ere that does not state legislators and to the· federal law include oil," Andrews aaid. men supporting favorable leglslaUon. Andrewl .. id that .. ..,a1 ·= He said !hit presently the · cballal bills"in the stite and federal ' governments were flexing llleir political w<Nld he.Ip th~ coutal cGrnmuldties in mUICle in inaving the varloQs bills. keeping oU out 1 Bills menttoned by Andrews included ••Jt'll a tblnc to·.,..... ~; Seiilte Bill No. 57 prohibiting oil ex- 'llMft are_,._ 111·~., -(lliratloo In the Mooterey area, but could i11t l '-:led iitio llW'," be iald. I . • llo ~ammeniled to Inc~ the South .~ ...... _.a))llbllih5'5' . ' , _;Ol'li(e Cont;~ BUI No. Iii '1 w)ll>!a'lollll)ill lil"IM'ell ii!dijl. ~ llldhonr caltins for •pubDc "'-' .Jc..~. Uie ,,.,....... · ......., ·'"--' to be m"lde before ._ .. L --rr-~· ?t.,.,...,,, -::!!!.... . ...... ~ ..... to be -b,.llli ~ Ill , .-.. ~are WUed; U.S. Seplte llUI No. -· ' I ' .. ' J.:t .. IJll by Alan Ctanston fl'Ohlbllin& off. ,,._ .. .._..,,.llOl'lr~ . _. -jlroduction and Howe BUI No. 'ml .,.__ ...... ..,-. 10" llep. Wllllam Teague. ; ~·Wtl 11!11~ · IOjlb ' Alidrews uld that at the appropriate Ii ... II""'~ iald. ·., , tlnii, 111 community orpnlzatlons from 'Alidpft~1=-iimd "•• ~ tllt 1arden clubs to the !'TAI would lie Rjdlird ' . .. ·orlmat -Oltldll:' .... -hod lot lllPf>Orl. ' }-' . • ' 1 ' A By RICHARD P. NALL Of Ille Dllllr Platt StMf Laguna teacher repre.senlativu are :..Pin& lhlt 111thering ol !Cbool -and admWstralors In Newport Beach doesn't become another M..._ can. YOO. Despite the colorful name.. tbere-..were no six cum or acalpinss•at Malsacre · Cany«>-1 ,pastoral •Pot with willow trea near Hemet It was the scene o! a regional meeUnc about six \tleeks ago by school acf.. minlstraton and trustees to discuss tecluUques of aalary negOtialion with in- creasingly BOphlaUcated teacbe:r groupa lhat Ire coacl>ed by the California Teachers AsaoclaUon (CTA). The CTA •pPal'ently monitored the Musacre CAnyon roundup or otherwise secured a report on it. ljulnn Fames, chairman ol the Laguna tuchen negoU.Ung council, aald "hillh- prusure Eastern negoUaton" were b""1gbt Jn· to Instruct on stalling teclull- ques during aallry negotiations. He said, however, that school ad- miniltra\On: did not apParenUy buy thla point <>l view which would be clinlrary to thew-Act's ldmonllloo to 'ne.,..... In ood&lth. ' . . Jiih~~: ~ c.u.:~ ..m· -.,._.,art~-"" at llie Newpirter Inn fnim Ma1 I tllr9<Jgh I. 11>e cost will be llO ~ The fJ1ll"llOH Is to salber .~on lilolr-bow lhout the WI-Ad. ' TeacHer repreeentatives would 1~ parently Jlte to ride herd on the sessions to'forestall another Masaacre Canyon. Ron l\Osa, president of the Laguna teilchers alsoctatkln, as~ed lhe school board tue.sday nl1ht about sending a COU· pie ol teachers also. Dr. Norman · Browne, board prtsident1 said, "I'm not aure teachen: Cln'fo," He quipped, '"Ron, ru take )'Oil .. my guest if I can go to a CTA thing." Roes said t h a t adminiltrators and trustees would be educated during day· (See TEAqJIERS, Pase Z> * * * Laguna Teacher Pay Last Year Too Low: State The Laguna Beach Unified School Di.strict didn't 1pend enough on teachers salaries this year. This, at least. was the verdict of the state Department of Educalion whicb·hu denied district request for exemption from the law that requires 55 percent o( the budget to go for t.eachers salaries. Dr. ·William Ullom, district superin- tendent told board members Tuesday lhlt the $17,000 involved will be deposited with the county truauer. It must Ulen be UHd !or tucher ularia -,...-IJld mult be In 111- dJUon to lhe 15 percenl·filure. --Id mean . tucher llalariel In lhe comloC . achopt. :rear would have to be »,leatt !i5 percepl of the dlltrlcl budget plul'l17,0llO. otherwl ... aid UUom, the state hM the ript to wljhbold the funds. Q1i1nn Fatne1, chairman of the teachen nqolillloo c:ouncll, aald teacher ularies in Lagunl l'Ol'",..1ed only 13.f or 13.9 pennt of· the budget. ··~ ~ ,. ! " I .:.:.~~~P.".:_:.~tght for Trailer~? .··.:·.-EJ .. M,ptrb . Park Pl.an Raises $chool Hopes • ' the -~ tr:,rr,.!,;,~ will u1<' c:oonty pwmin( . to turn 11 down. \ j Ulloni aid ll the trailer pork could hep P<V'llde .....,. lines -whld> El M""\" School --It """Id be I l'"I 'f Vlnlqt. , Tnlltee Willilm WllCOIOll said lrail!f parks have a ~ a.ssmed Yaluailon (t.lje tu bese !hit helPI educate. younpten). Ullom aakl thert ii Uctnse fee for trallen but it la 11,,mty mlnl~I." Tnillet lloberl Tu,,,.,.. • .. 11tor, ,.111. •1 heard the other day the oniJ ho!nlns """'nd hero for I"' than IZO,OllO lo lrlllln.. \ " . '· Ht aald, ''from ev.?l'}'thlna: l 'Ve litird it"• (tieller park) 1 lllbllify." Ullom II to Investigate. 11>e . bCllfd "abo ~ & .~elf stgn1l 1ysttm 1rid lllJll to ''"' trlf.fk: to :is inllts P,r how: d!Jrbi& . ..i.loi houri. Trust... ubd lJllOm ...... Ille . - n11ector •lllplls In 'the ·-dtffded .... o( Colll IJ!l)lway. ~ "llllt they mllhl block 1n et<IJl& area.Jn .aa emeraeac1 1jtu1tlon. • . , Tiit IVpttl-hid 1lreody check• 1 ed. lie ~d 1 lcboot bus wa lell\ out lo nm Ml° I nllector poit_..,,,., ore VfT1 rtulble," be Uaured. -·- . ' . ''N.Y. Stoen TEN' CENTS - . Arab Emotionless • As Verdict Giveri . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan I!. Sirhan was ordered today to pay with his liJe for. the as~assina_tloh of Sen. Robert F. Ken~edy but appMll to higher courts may 1j>a~ l!in!-irom the gas chamber mdellnit~ly. . The jµry which convicted Sirhail of first degree murder in the slaying of the senator during Kelllledy's presidential primary campaign last June directed that the puni~ ·"' • ment should bl. death. SINTINCED TO Ql!ATH llFK Killer Slrlton Group Asks City Buy Property At Hotel Laguna 11>e City of Laguna Beach should buy I trian&le of properly 1long tho beachlronl by the Hotel LquM to complete Its holdings llong the Main Beach, the Civic Leque said Tuesday. ivlth lhe puch ... :ot the land, the city could 'permit limited commercial dev!:lopment at ei.thtr end of the main beach and still retain the window to the sea, A. E. "Pit" Worthington, league director said. The leacue act.Ion came as an al- finnalion of a previous resolution. It Ca.111 lor tht city to buy the proJ)erty from the Vlctor Huilo IM to the Hotel Laguna from tbe hfgh tide line to CoasiHighway. The city boulht the main ~ to and Including the Boys' Club lut 7ear, but did not buy the parcel bordered by El · Paseo, Coart. Highway, and Laiuna Avenue. Cost of the property has T>een estimated at $600,000. Board ,Cautions AbOut Thtlliston Launchlqg ~ad LllUna 'lieich Unftitd School District ls bel.na prOdd<d \o jOln !hi! lplce •i .. But school trustees were a touch Clullous TuesdJiy night about I l'equOst for youthful rocket enthUllutl to use 'J1wnton 'liltermedlale Scbol!I IS I launching pad. ·The ~uelt came in the rorm o( a let- ter li'on( Kenneth R. Price. Trustee Roller! Turner cautioned lhat because of heavy rain the area 11 en- tering the worst fire hazard season in y..n. "Walt undl 111thll1lulf.(11'Qwih) tum& brown," be 11ld. i nwtee WJlliam Wllcoxtn saM:l lhe,mat· ler ibould be checked with the diat.rlct in- 1ura~carrler. Dr. Wlllfam 'Ullom, dlltrlct 111j>ertn. tendenl, said rocktt l1110Chehl -need rn marsh•! pennlalm, safely rules, byl1W1 l Ind . opiclllcatm oii lypo: ii equipment lhll '""lld bo 'ISied.. : ; ' : Mlnl-rocktl lluncberl weot Into ICllon ,....,,11y diirlng 1 spe1:1al commi:f d1y · al ™!nton !hit ll)Cl~ kite ~-' Younplef$ ire pUr<hlilnc' ,rock it : bulldln& kits with ensJnea pr,.pocked , wlf,b_a·.,lld· fuel. , , · , . • Rec-Overy Is l!llde by porachull ot olhet mW>s and n>ekola mo),-be ro/IJ!'led ' lot onofher launch. 11>e 1111&Uell rock'\I · 1r<h up lo 1boul IO.leet ~ bli onU' m&J climb -feel. . • When the verdict was announced Sirhan chewed hard on a wad of gum al)d stared straight. ahead." . He. was dres.wd in blue shirt and dart alacks and his skin looked very aallow. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. WaIJcer will £ormally prooounce 1tnteDce In lhoul U..,,. weeks. · Then the Z>year-Gld Palestinian Arab Immigrant will be moved qnder heavy gua\(I either ~·death row in San Quentin prlson or thi prison hoapital at Vacaville, Calif, Judge · Walker set M8y · Jt for arguments for a new trial. The California St.ate Supreme Court will auiomatically review the sentence. If It la upheld, Chief Defense Lawyer Grant B. Cooper pid he woukl appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court seeklnc I new trial. The seven-man, five-woman J u r y deliberated for 11 hours and 45 minutes over a period ot three days bekre decidlnc OR the penalty after I trial cir three and one halt months. Before flllnl Into lhe coortroom. the jurm IOWlded I buiUr three U-to alert i.uorneys, b:aillffs and newsmen a . decision.had -..... hed. ~' lqreman Bruce Elliott handed a sm911~· ~of paper to a bailiff who ~. lo lhe judge and then to court clett" . AHce Nishikawa who read: ''We tHe juty in the above entitled aC9 tioo. hiving found the defendan~ 5lrhon ~ $mi.n. guilfy ol 'mUnter In tbe first degree as charged In count.1 ol the indictment nOw ft:r the pCnalty at dnth." It ·wal a Victory for the prO.ecuuon which bad made il clear to the jury tbai the atate felt a death sentence wu ap- propriate for the killer of • pcllttcal figure who might have become ~ent of lhe United States. • Dep. Dlsl Atty. John Howard Aid In his final 1W11IDation that a baH doetn assassins like Sirhan could &bred the fabric of American democratic IOftr'D- menL 'Jbe venlict represented a rejectiad. (If defense argumenla that Sirhan · WU'., mentally ill that be was not caplbll cl the deliberate premeditation ~and a· ecution of Kennedy's slaylns In a p&llby (See SIRHAN, J'IP I) President Eyes Voting in State President Richard M. Nixon 1ppmutly would like to receive an absentee ballot from California during his years In lllo White House, it was announced today. Presidential Counsel John Eherllctiman said if the Nixons buy a 5UIIUDer tam In _ • the Soulbland -"""" u Ibo ~ Estate where he llayed last month In San Clemente -he ..Ul rell*r to ..... hero. Nl:roo ia now registered u a Mew Yort voter and ls also ellgjble lo nslster Ind vote in Floritla elections, ·since he owns several propertiet· on Key Biscayne,. his present lllmmer retreat. or .. ,. Weadler The weathf.r IN 'a UtUt more seasonable 'I'hurldaY. with aunhy skies af\tr •noon ·a00 1ternptnturu· in the upper mo. alone the °'fl'' c.t. INSIDE TODAY Tht IO<GI lheotrt<ql 1ctM from Lona Btach to SoK CLtmentt ts covered in tht DAILY Pll:.0'1"1 mttrtoinmnsi 11Ction. toda•t P-, 2f "ol'ld Q7. ·-11 ==~ " " " -..... ._ .. ·-" .--" -.. ..... ..... • lrlMl'tHtlMM ,.,, ·-.... -" ---.. -• , • _.,. _,,, ..ll _..,_ • ".,._.. c':'*'..ir ., ' "'-~ n• . ---"""' '"" ........ , ... J --·----, ......... --• .... • ~I -~ \ L L w ( ' c . ~~------------------ ,; ar ~n . riine Jawin'· With the Folks · Back Home Nixon Requesu . ~~.Money · · ... -1 • •• • • • BJ lllCILUD P. NALL bid", lator, ~ e,..,. "~ u a enough to walk under a ... u:r· belly • "'p ' .. A81llNG'l'OM (UPI) -Pruldent ND uked Congress today for more money and stronger laws to halt "the moral and le11J subversion or our society" by organized crime. , _H~ as'ked for an extra m million whJch lie . said would double present ex- ptixlltutt1 t.o cut down on Mafia opera- ticins, in ldd!Uon to thl!: $300 million re- queRed by Prt:sldent Lyndon B. John.son fot-the &afe streetll :ict. ln a message to Congrns, the Presl- i:lint said he has authoriled Atty. Gi!n, John N. Mitchell to engage i., wiretapping of orgiutlu:d racketeers, to establish 20 federal racketeering field ofllces across the -nation, and to establlih a unique federal-state racket gquad In New York City. Ntxoo said, "The organized criminal teJits on physical terror a n d psychologjcal intimidation, on eonomic: h!talialion and political bribery, <in citizen indifference and governmental ac- qltie.scence. ·''For him, the moral and legal sub- VeTsjon of our society is a lifelong and lucrative profession.'' . pesplte two decades of slowlng tn-· c_re~slng federal efforts, NiXon sald, "not a stngle one d. the 24 Cosa Nostra fa,rtllies has been deitroyed. They are mote firmly entrenched and more NCUre !~D-ever before.'1 . The annual lake from illicit gambling iJ eSUillated at anywhere from l20 billion to $SO 'billlon, a figure "larger than the en- tire federal adminlstraUve bucfCet for flic'al year 19$1," the President'• ipWage Aid. :n.e l' .. ~iii:..... llelol ... repr-... ~..-i /If tba "1trlk• force" 1'clmlqua bepa·lll llll'Mn aiffalo, N.Y. Nixon clld nel·dlaclose where the olfi<:es would bo ntablllbed bu! he -tile •• tomey gtneral alrtady had made pmnanent atiike forcei 1n Buffalo, Boston, Brookl)'ll, Chic.,., Detroit, Miami, Newark and PhtllldllpJila. Through new JoclalaUon, NIICll\--p:o- pooed "a new lnad general wl1"en fm. mun.ity law to cover all cases involving the violation oC a federal statute.'' Hi also sought "irwift enaclment" of pending legialatlon propooed by Sen. Roman L. llniska (R-Neb.), and Rep. Richard IL Poll (R-Va.), to amend the wagering tu lawa and enable the Inttrnal Revenue 5.ervice to be· more ef, fective in collecting revenues owed on gambUng. The witness Iminwilty and ,wagering laws would aldestep recent Supreme Court declslona In theae two areas. The court has struck down the pmbling tax stamp as illegal. The Hrulka·Poff bills would increase it from $50 to $1,000 a year. The adminlBtraUon will also seek legiJlatloa to make bribery and cor- ruption of local offJcial.s or police a federal crlme, Niron 1aJd. It also Would be a federal crime to engage ln an illlcit gambling operation, from wbicb five or more persona derive income, and wbk:b bu been in operation more thae 30 claya or for whlcb Iba daily "ta.i:e" uceedl $3,000. nu., too, WU a Jobnroa admlnlrtrattoo proposal. u ....,:0 .. -"Pl ""' ll\l!)ioV• ·You ailPI Ila • ''ham .,. a • wltll a 1op bat on." • • • 1117 .-.,Z.:. "J!.: ~ ~" . -PJLO' ,. i Som.00. whole company b not desk· like "IOCU GI[ a J'OOlter:-,. ·' ,ljrlirN ol tDa t.r&nllctlon, a th.lid 1 able mlght be ~ "welcome I! a Bvt obe. always nmlnded me .. • •< m. "lloll't ;ll>at ... ~ skunk .at a lawn party" or ...... ~me boy that "pre~y ls a.!..~.1.Y.~~-~-_qi{~ llYI bjllh!" qranclmolher LOGBOOK as. fly on a biscuit." "~' •--· d •-., I d ,_,_ A person difficult to deal with can be IOUtheast Mlssourt , .. ve II-. "a foo an lWll mooe.v "like pulUng socks on a octopus.'• ezpraalons oriain-~ parted." • .. , It can be "hott:er· ~ &be hb14i:ea or ally, 1 doa't tnow ere I to ;.cice an mveau.uc' wf.ab, bides" er "cold eDoup to freeie tile bu! Ibey uae aome would.AJ', "U w1r11,. were-borres, had ·ft bad uough, ht · ml&ht become ean off a brass monkey.:; gr a ad colloquial-Ull'I 11oWd ride." "dead al a dOor nail" A person can be "ql;r as a mud i&ms there. uffiit~ with a1 tor If pl.{. aN,. cominl you might pt fence": "poor u a diurch ~''; 'J1)e·Ozark Mou~ Uriai m t..~b.lataJ1~eperi_•• She drwtd 'lfitted to ""1n11 or be "all Jald "proud eoough to bu.st: his btittlns"; La1ns are a place ca.aid, Jn barpID.~be as ~as a ~ .. IJ.Jppery as an eel": "IDUg as a bbc in where a boy wltb liul'r..,.. « e\1111 ''u -..·1~. awar.." In griparallclll for .Ibo lerlM· a rug"· "red ., a spanked baby'': "d>y buck teeth co u Id led pap." ...... " ties, 4 YOU might "put lhe big pot in the as a !>One''; or "white as a ghost." ' "eat corn through a One whO Imbibed too ll'Oely mli!liHie-liltle one ml boil tbe di3hrag." A bald person might defend blmsel! pici.et fence." come "tilbt as a lick" or "high as a Mother would probably "rhett (neaten) by saying, "you can't grow grass on a A headstrong penon cwld be as tile." ~ thinus up". If you had to wait for din-race ttac.k." "independent as a bog on ict." And, ft llf "lhe morriliit Ht iiUgTit-IOOlf Uke ne;.:9'you mhft-?iecome "so hunRrv my Someone might be "as uselW 8.'5 I can get "hott'er than a $2 pistol." "dll:tlli tlna a cracker" or "death stomach tJlii\lrtpy lhroat's cui.11 • .htp pocket on a shirt" or "nutty as a You might •;tote" a "tow N<:k" about wa'imed =:• Ht inJPt tMt loot like An eaq ~ lf.."llke ahOotl:I' flab Jn fruitCake." , "half a quarter down the road" and Ke llad "diad and ~ up" or a ra1n baml." A,_croollod thloil ruch .aa You· probably knew th.:lt "all'! well unload 1 "pig ln a poke" on some uo-0'drUPd a bc6olt.' a IOpli~ lhld rriJlbt bt ¥anfiloa:li.D'' that en<U well.'' And , as grandmother wary purchaser. U Dtf '!"aflla' ~ milht : -~ "catyw8mpul.." '""-: would have 1aid. "Even thiJ shail bave He probably would be "mad as a wet ~ ~'ta.. •·q~" UM ;· A ~ ~ptl'IOft mJPt be "lo" an flld:." I -. ' . • . J... I , . ' ~-----------------r--------------------------------~-:------------------------------------------------ Six Copters Lost to Reds, Midair Crash I North Korea Warns V.S. CouMProvoke Total War ahella" lclo Comn»mlal territory loclay. It caJled tbe allqod abelltnc I "viciOWI provocaUve let" and a .. crude vlolaUon" " tbe armlrti<e. El Toro Says Cranks Calling Gls' Families New Dissent Mushrooms SAIGON (UPl)~unlst fltt and an in-flight coijision. cost the United Siates six helicopters in crashes that killed 19 aoldiers and wounded 23, the American comm:ind said today. It was the costliest day to the copter fleet ln weeks. TOKYO (IJPI) -The North Koread go ... ama& ra1d lnday tbe Intrusion o( any V.8. l'ICOllll&lllan piano Into North Kortan m opace could provoke "another total war in Korea.'' The 1ta~ ment came u the Scntet Union expr~ concern over the U.S: naval buUdup Olf Korta. ..... Jn Seoul, tbe Korea Herald reported !hat South 'Korea had Weil tile United Statu to iaue a joint statement warning North Korta that any further pro- voca~ qalnat tlle allla ....Wd bring lmmed!Ota-. An El Toro Marine officer today voiced COr\Ci!m about the rising number of cruel "crank" phone calls made to wives and parents of Marines in Vietnam. Warrant Officer Anthony DeJolm of El Toro's Casually Assistance Office said reports on the phony calls on "combat deaths'' had leaped from an average o( one a n:onth to elght in the put two months. .On U.S. College Campuses The report on the l!6!es Monday ac- companied the announcement that a tiellcopter gun.1hlp by mlslake opened fil'!! on an allied unll' In the central high.lands, killing one U.S. Grefn Beret and five South Vietnamese and wound· Ing . IO govmiment lllldlon. . .BJ United Pm1 lllteniatloul • ,Fteah diuent mushroomed on college campuRS today. CUy College (lf New Yort was closed down, a gymnasium at ~ Cornell University wu oc- cupied, ml barricades were tbrowu up at From Pflfle 1 TEACHERS ... tirue session.t at district expense ($5(! : ~) while teachers had to tducate ~ ~ves '" negollation matten, • l!obert Reeves, blgb !dlool prlodpal, aaid, "barlcally teachers are hired to ·~" other achools. MOit d. the latest uproars were on eastern campuses_ Studenta presented a hoe! of demanda -an end to ·RO'l'C on Cootllest d tlle hellcopter craaba WU an in·fligbt collision ti two copters JS miles northwest of Saigon, military s~esmen said. Eight Americans and eight South Vietnamese troopa died. It was the worst single helicopter miahap cam.pus. severage of university links to since April 4, when 24 troops died 1o a lhe Penta.gm, amnesty for earlier cruh. d -~ •-b'··• ~·di Pu Two otber U.S. helicopters took dired emowi1.1:a ..... ~, ,...& 0 w.1 es, erto hits from Communist mines planted in Rican studiea. a landing zone below the danilitariud At New York'1 City C'.ollege, the key d&-2one (DMZ), crashing and killin( three mand was an enrollment pollcy reflectin& American Gls and wounding three Gia and 17 Sau1h Vietnamese. the 50 percent blac1'.plrollment in Negro The other two choppers succumbed public schools. Negro and Puerto RJcan to ground fire near the DMZ and in the students took over the school Tuesday Mekong delta, aCC'Ording to· U.S. com- and it remained closed today. muniques. All but three of the men Cornell University at,Jthaca,,N. Y., was aboard them escaped injw'y. tense. More than 1,000 studenta occupied U.S. headquarters said tlll loeRS to Barton Hall Gymnasium awaJn.... a Communist fire ~rought to ~.071 the • ' -06 number o{ Amencan helicopters shot faculty meeting decision on demands to down 1n SoUtb· Vietnam 1n the war. The North Kortan Central News Agen- cy followed up the warning by reporting U.S. troope guarding the Korean truce line ltroct "tllousandr or bullet&. and Marine Escapes . ' Bold Kidnaper Near Tulare The United staler wu makinc few rtalenlent& u It usembled U.S. Navy T.a ron:e 11· 1n tile Sea o1 Japon to pro- tect recD111111aaanc rupta by apy Plane• but ,J--pen and·televlalon kepi up a running commentary by ren- dblg out tbetr own ac<IUI planes to report . devel_.,niJ. They aald l'OCOlllllilanc Dlgbta bad reaumed. The North Korean statement WU broadcul by tile Korean Central News Agency and monlto..d tn Tokyo. It said Pres1dent Nb::on'a decision to continue the rec.oonalssance flights was ''nothlng but a new provocatkJn. against w, nothing but a threat and blackmail." CUrloaa Tulare~ sheriff'• deputies checked an 'ibandoned car near rural Earlimart Tuesday and freed a Camp Pendleton Marine ·with a biurTe The Communists said Ni.Ion's st.ate- tale of being ttdnaped by a Red 1.Jaht ment which followed the shootlng down of Abductor in Oranae County. a U.S. EC121 reconnaissance plane was Lance Cpl. Maurice Crocker, 21, said "an open declaration that he is taking a he was driving from San Clemente to step further toward the brink of war." Anaheim when, the strange incident oc. H1f the ~sance planes of the curred Monday, but did not give the a~ U.S. imperialists intrude into the ter~ act city or street Jocatioo. ritorial air of cur country, we will not sit "Most of the callers," he said, ''claim they have a telegram or that they are a Red Cross representative aasigned ti pass 3l'l the bad news," he said. DeJohn cautioned all servicemen'• families to remember that information on battlefield c&flla1ties 1n Vietnam ii pa. ed only in this manner: Word first reaches Marine Corps Head- quarters in Washington. They notify tha ~farine Corps Casualty Assistance Office nearest the Marine's family. The primary next of kin are noUfied in person, usually at home, by a Marine of- ficer and a Navy chaplain or .another Marine officer. "Word Is never pasaed by mall or over the phone," DeJobn em- phasized. !;Ir. Willlam Ullom. dlstrtct IUl>erin· l<li!!llnt, -Ibo .meettnJ.wlll be a !ou.,. ·~-11>' ,lllcll•'C't can,"'lstudy. ;:,~ WUliam Wile-'!J".t~.~ ~ ... Jmi>tlna 00 ~and ~..ma DO way around fl Trustee ~~ Orlandelta rald, "f, look on ii ; 1!!::.Niwpnr! RSSlooa) as a preparatory ; ;ram."'.~ and conferring In ,...i nullily pw>lshment,lor ~.earlier ""1l'P"' Tlj,,. ,.... no immediatt: e!Ji~twn . rebelll<m. Black m1111anta floud•hed !1ffeo . ·for th<. 'c;oll~. ~ O! .:)¥ ~. :cop1ers on the campns Jut week and untventty northwest of lgon... • >- aut!lorlties warned Ibo lltuatlon would bl • The ace:! I gunihli> illick 'II tile Crocker said the man jumped into his with folded arms, but ~W lake resolute car and pointed a gun at him, ordering measures f~ safeguarding our aovereign- lhe young Marine to drive north on ty u ever, the North Korean atatement Highway 99 into the San Joaquin Valley. • said. Slopping in Earlimart, the victim said, "Then lhe U.S. imperialists will use his unwanted companion got out and went this as a prete:it to commit a full·scale around a building, at which time he made armed attack agaimt us, which may only a break for a pay phone and notUied lead to another total war ln Kore.a in the sheriff's deputies, but was caught by his end.'' School Possible As Capo unter A portion ol tile II-acre San Ju~ Jwilor High School ~ta could be rold !:"! the city for a new City Hall comple•, school and city council committees determine:d Tuesday. :~~ ~ said be understood that MuNm :'!;'t'~ ·Included a IJ)Odal· aessloo on :~ tacticl to ''stall ofl negotiatiom. >t Orlandella Aid, "I hear occasionally l1!at Ibo CTA lnatructa taachen not to -nelfOllata U1111J the last moment tben Ibo . :board la llrapped." Roos -be couldll1 undentand why the diltr1t't should have to put out $50 per :person. Wllco1en aald It ls necessary to Jind ~t what is going on. Trustee Larry Taylor said, "We are nol ,necessarily going there to learn to figbt · ~ .. We're eoinl to learn wtw we face." . Tl!e board approved attendance of ·trustees and administrators. · ~ The Newport Beach seaioos are -6ponsored by the Orange County School .lJoards Association, Cal.Slate Fullerton, '&hooi Reaearclt and Strvlce Corp>ratiDn, :California Aasoclatloo of Secondary 'School Admtnlatraton and tbe Orange ~.e m e a t a r y Administrators ... DAllV PllOI ~AHOa Co.t.n l'U•'"\.tatt1NO COMPAHT lett.rt N. Wetl l"rtaldtnt .... ,... ....... ' Jtcl: L C•rlty Vk1 PrlllOlfOI .... Gtfltftol lrqnttff TJ.trn•1 J(,,.,a ••• Tho"''' A. M11r,hin1 ~ .... •iclierd r. Ntll ·--CITY at111tr ---JJJ: ,.,. ...... M•lll-t Mdr11•t P.O. In 666, tJ611 --c..w Mtwr DI Wetl...,. fflltt H-1 8'Mdl: »11 ""' ....... ltu...,.. " ..... htc1'11 -Jlll ....... _,,ja, __ ~ • ;-ou..Y "°'• .. ~ It _..., .. ............. ......_••Ill' .... ._ .................... u.-...... "_,,.._ ----;· .. ~ ........... .., ............. ... -~ ........... ~.,.....,_ : L"""l..::.:.~ ~ •' mt -~ -~-·· ~ ... ~ """ #IMi ; • '' ,. '"•' 4*'"6 .... :. a: ...... ~ ...... J.11 .. , t .. ~ ... °" ... c:... ~ ~~--:---............ , ...... "£C ........ t( .... ~·-..... :·= .,~ ........... """ , .. ,_...,,.,.. :. ....... -~-... .. ··~~ . ..., ....... ' 'Qftr ,""' I., .... 11J1J......,, -••••!'+ ·~· . I • ' taken out o! tbelr hancla U vlolenco . U.S. Green Berets and tile Soutli· Viet· breaks out at Cornell. · ~ mOuutaln men they led wu 1 Members of a studtnt strike aimmittee ~ of the ;imlhip ~ ~~~·.the barricaded the doors of the malD ~llted troopers for Cof?UJ\~t· Stfdlers classroom b .. ;ui-t U 1 Colle I JD the area, U.S. comm~ ,a,aid. ......,... • P6I a 1e n 1be Green 'Berets and atdeticks East Oranae, N.J., u • "sy,mbollc act." were part of the allied ·that -broke PrincelOll student& bloeked an oil....,. up-,a Commlrnili base camp Tuesday, pus building used by tlle lnaUluta for killing 71 Communist& who tried to n ... Defense Ana1yses far three hours. At On-th~scene commanders said the Marquette University In Milwaukee 70 allies might have stumbled onto a hide- studenls faced dilorderly c o n d ~ c t out for thwsands <A. Viet Cong and North charges after they toot over a chapel Vietrwbele 1n the area clOse bJ the Tuesday night. Cambodiaii 'border. ''We do!l't know def· . inltely what we have go(, but we could At Colgate University, all 4S b I a ck get a Jo& more kills out there" one students walked off campu1. Three mem-orncet said. ' bers of an Afro.American &Ociety, two with air rifles, were arrested. at the Newburgh, N.Y., Free Academy. From Page 1 SIRHAN .•• cf the Ambassador hotel last JUne &. The jury discarded the advice of a parade of defense psychologist.& and psychiatrists who turned the former race track exercLse bey· • p a r a n o I d schizophrenic. One psychiatrisl said Sirhan was in a gelf..fnduced hJ"pnotic trance when be fired the shots that tilled the New York Senator. There obviously had boon a stru&gle among the furor• over whether Sirhan should get life or death. At one time Jt wu believed there ml&ht be a complete deadlock In which cue a new jury would have had to hear virtually the entire case 1galn before deciding on a penalty. Sirhan now jolna the more than 80 persons sentenced to death for capital crlme.s In California who have evaded ex- ecuUon for mora than two yean thrwgb appeail and legal maneuverr. ' New Court Clerk Asked for South Judicial District .Judge Richard D. Hamilton of tile South Orange County Judicial DIJU1ct, w I t h courts In Laguna Beach and San Clemente, has asked the Board of Supervison for permlsidon to hire a new clerk and court admlnistraUve officer at all advanced step salary. Supervlaor1 granted the roqu..t to pay $1,0Tl a month for the new man who Judge Hlmlltcn laid was now ctUef clerk of a three-judge muntdpal court In Loi Angeles and bid 1! yurt e.iperlence. Judge Hamilton WIS joined by his fellow 111untclpol judge, J. Parley Smith, in the request. Supervtaon at first wondmd ll the ad· vanced ecale would lead to a chain ruc- tion in other court.a but were tckl by Robert E. Thomas, county adminiatraUve officer, that clerks in the other municipal courts were at the top of the $940 to $1,170 range. Zone Delay Asked Commercial-Hotel Quiz Sent Out --Llauna Beacli abould hold up f~ 8tu<IJ and planolng on the C<rnmlrclal- liotel ..... 1llttll tbe -" a 1"1C0111l7 dlllribulecl Masler Plan queatlonnalre are -.i, Ibo Civic Leque -Tuer- day. Members voled to urie Ille ctty to deter further action on lht zone law on a mnllon by Anibony DuMtrladN, a leaa1!0 diteclor. fMt law would ere.ate 1 atandard JOne fur ID area lrom Laguna Avtnue lb Cleo str .. t alq tbe -.im11. City planotr Al Au1ry rald todq tbal he ftlt a questionnaire waold _.,. a good set of gulitallnes Ill IOClft( lU1ltr1 but that lilttly adnptioe cl Ibo--... woollf not come before Iba clt7'r:maater plan wu completed. ·.:.. '1 don't feel that ruo1vtJ11 ~.cl •pUl -propei1y .. 11iit . ~' ownen may enjoy a ....-lllO:ptojlerty right o! development' Ji In any way hlnntul," Autry Aid. • .. ' abductor. North Korea reiterated lls claim that The gunman forced him into the trunk the U.S. plane shot down with its 31 of the car and drove it away himself, crewmen intruded deep into North abandonfnt the vehicle at Avenue 72 and Korea's territorial air space and defend· Highway 99, where alerted investipton ed the right of North Korea to shoot it found Crocker llnd freed IUm. down. A REMINDER FROM 0 OMEGA be ""' to sat your watch ohMd one ho.r Seturday night • • • A IO-acre portion complete wit.4 old sehool buildings would be upecially al· tractive for the city and the Capiatrano Unified School District has indicated it would be willing to part with that land. ~r.t-u.,. ... .-into wltd CONVENIENT TERMS IANl<AMERICARD MASTU CHARSE • '" • T : • Sanday, -'.,,U· 2711& When you llC y-. Walch aJw.d, take Id ... l0ok at tt.1111141 he ......... but ii It .... ? lalt..U·wlodiq? 0-lt 111lhlio date? Palaop ..,,;. tl>o timUlclioOllmwp&o-llC aJ.o.p.· We U..-of die lapot °'"'la ...nc:tf ·z to...,,,.., IGS to -'1000. -----............ ... ' . I l I ( -------------------------------- • ' J ••• • • ... ~ EDIT IO N . ·-·--- . -. -. -.. . l• . . ' .VbL 62, NO. 97. ~ S~TIQHS, 6iPAGES · -.... TEN, CENTS· . . -~ ·' Mission Trail Widening Joh ' Completion Set EL TORO -\\l idening or the San Diego Freeway from here lo San Juan Capistrano should be completed in mld- May. The project, about 1& .miles, bas been under construction since late J9f7 and 'ls to C1>st abour $13 mlllion. 1 Driven; who have faced a slow-down boUleneck of two lanes each way · along the route can look forward to four lanes each way, said a spokesman for the State DJ.vision of Highways. The project also includes widening to three lanes each way the San Diego Freeway (405) from its junctur~ with lhe Santa Ana· Freeway north to Laguna Canyon Road. ' .. Division spokesmen said the project has taken longer than new freeway con- struction because of traffic complications along the route. . :e Ope n Ho11se a t School SAN CLE!o.tENTE -Open house will be Jleld ~&ht irom 7:,;1 lo t o1cloct,,at ~a 'f>f'li Seh0o(1~ CiJle Pllfnte( tn north sarl ·c1eritente.' 'st\ldt~ a!-fhe achoo! af.e from two to flve-Y~fs old and ,._,., t.. e.,.;ml,.r"'' Laguna ~iii! Dana Point areas. . Student work will be on displa y and refrestunents will be ser.ved. ·e Gir ls at Track Meet EL TORO -A women's track meet Sunday at ChaJfee College will be "al· tended by several Saddleback area gitls, including three who rerently scored high at the , sanctioned Ventura Club Com· petition. ~laudll Marosz, 16; Corinne SUrewalt, IS . and Janine Slirewalt, 13, o( the El Toro area were Ventura winners. The Saddleback area has no track club so all run unattached, however, the girls are at· tempting to form a club now. :e. ·AFs Tall: S che duled LAGUNA HllLS -The Leisure World People to People group Friday will hear ·three American Field Service exchange stµdents explain their experiences in the program. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. It fs in the third floor conference room o( \Vorld Securities Corp., 23521 Paseo de Valencia. Ellen Beemer of Laguna Hills will tell ()f her summer wllh a Japanese physi· clan's family in a small city where &ludenls hadn't seen an American girl. Also speaking· will be Diana Baralt of Oiracas, Venezuela and Nicholas Enright vf East Maitland , New South Wales, Australia. They are slaying with Laguna Beach families. e R es11rf•c in9 Ok a11ed EL TORO -Proposed resurfacing c1.·· El Toro Road between Trabuco and Live -Oak Canyon roads. a distance ot' e.1moll two miles, has been approved by &fie Board of Supervisor!. The County Road Deparlrnent estimated that resurfacing with .a new ~ Inch layer of asphalt concrete would cost about $41 ,000. The roadway was d&mafld in the January-February storms. . C h .,.~I .e Cll11rch r111 ., .,.. LAGUNA HJU.S -Crowded traffiC conditions on Sundays at St. Nicholas C&lholic Church, 24252· El Toro Road ln Laguna Hill!i were studied by the Orange County Traffic Committee with no solu- tion discovered. The cornmissJon noted that "there are no traffic engineering tools available to ellmlnat.e lhe condition. Coordination between the traffic signals at Moulton Parkq and Avenlda SevlDa will be in d!oct bJ·May 1 and should help miJDWze congestkln." ~ committee suggested that the cliurd\,staggcr the hours of worship to •llrfllnate an1vals and departures at the n!Je Ume, and consider modl£1catioa of lhe parking 1"I lo pro•Jd• a oecOfld i.,,_ trance or uit. Stock JIJar keu NEW YORK (\!Pl) -Stocki lini$td oo 1 firm note today, but concern over the JCorean situation knocked the list r,... beJ1 leveli Trading was acliv<. (See quoiallono, """" -). : -·- • . ' IJiiiSe' Roof De ana 8.;,·• CrallJ .operato• Poawon~ M-lool, 30()0.pound beajn alop JIGW La¥iina. Beach l!oys• Club facility ciirrenlly under con~truction on Laguna Canyon Rqad. Club,offjcialsr.ln>pe first increment of .new flcility will be ready to ope it sctnetime ri.s iumme:r. Cit~ens Gro.up Asks · Coast Cities Join in Oil Fight Dy JACK CHAPPELL paign manager, said he had recently 01 1111 0-111 ,..i.i 5••11 written a letter to t~ President abou' If Laguna Beach, Newport Reach and the offshore ,probl\mlS, -Pay Talks Dissatisfy Teachers By RICHARD P. NALL Of IH CMltr J'llltl ll•lf Laguna teacher·.representatlves are hoping that a gatherllig or school trustffs and administrators in Newport Beach doe!n't "become another Massacre Can· yon. Despite the colorful name, there were no six guns or scalpings at Massacre Canyon-a· pastoral spot with willow trees near Hemet. It was the scene of a regiona1 metllnl about six weeks ago by school ad- ministrators and trustees to dlscusa techniques of salary negotiation with tn- creaslngly sophisticated teacher groups that are coached by the California Teachers Association (CTA). The CT A apparently monitored the t1asslicre Canyon roundup or otherwise secured a report on it. Quinn Fames, chairman of the Laguna teachers negotiatlng council, said "high· pressure _Eastern negotiators" were brought in to instruct on stalling techni· ques durini salarY negoUaUons. · He said, however, that school ad- ministrators did not apparently ~ this . po!Ji.l of ;-iiew, \yhich would l:!e contrary to It,. Wtnlilo•..i'i""'""'1llion to nqoµala ln~add-~ratol'a;~ Beach u~ Scbool, pistricl. ~ o!h,.. Oral\gf!1 Collnt7. ,diltilct.s ~i~ ~~ another !ili~«.iii.,.;ilnls al tbe Newpolfet Inn from lrfaJ 1 llarouglt 3. . The cost will be-$511 each. 'l'he purpose is to 1athtr negoijatjon know-hpw a.bout the Wintonr Act. Teacher rep-Ives would ap- parently like to ride herd on the aetsk>tw to forestall another MUllCl'e Canyon. Ron Rosa, pmldenl OI !be Laguna teachers association, uked the acbool board tuesday night about HOdlnc a cou. pie of. teachers also. Dr. No'"1an Bro,..ne, board president, said, "I'm not sure teichers can go," He quipped, "Ron, I'll take you u my guest if I can go to a CTA thing." Rau said t h a t adminiatrators and truitees would be ·ectucated durin1 day· (See TEACHERS, P•1< I) Arab Emotionlees As Verdict Given. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Slrban B. Sirhan was ordered loday to JNIY ""ilh hil life for the assassina,U,on of Sen. Robert F . Kennedy but a,ppeell lo higher courts may spare him from lhe fas chamber indefinitely. The jury whlcb convicted Sirhan o first degree murder hi th~ slaying of the senator during Kennedy's presidential primary cam:Ptlln · last June directed that the piinilb-. ment should be death. When the verdict was announced Sirhan chewed ·hard on a .wad of gum and stared straight ahead. · ' He was dr essed in blue shirt and dark slacks and his skin looked very ianow. Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker will forma lly pronounce sentence Jn about three weeks. Then the 25-ye.ar-okf Palestinian Arab Immigrant will bt moved under heavy guard either to dea th row In San Queolln prbon or the prison hospital at VacaYllle. CalH. . • Judge Walker set May 14 for 1rguments for a new trial. The CalUomla State Supreme Court will automatically review the sentence. If It ls upheld, Chief Delen!C Lawyer Gran! B. Cooper 111d he would appeal .all Iha way to the U.S. Supreme Court aeetinl a new trial. The .seven-m·an, flve·woman J u r y deliberated for 11 hours and U rninates over a period of three days befori deciding ol1 !be penalty alter •. trial of three and one half months. Bel.,. '111nc Into the. courtroom, the jur,_. -..! a i.w.r thr« llm<I. to alert attorneys, bailiffs and newsmen a · SiNTJ;~CED TC).D~JH;" :,;.,.~ doclaM\ll ""'I been rnched• •'7,'-.;.•~ 1 · RFlt Killer 'Slrhi n ·: • Jutrtlcnman Brace 'E11loll bind'!' • tm#ll ibeet oi paPer to a bailiff who Group Asks City Buy Property At Hotel Laguna The Cit)" ol Laguna Beach should buy a lriangi< of property aloi\g lhe beochrronl by .th< Hotei Laguna to com1'Jete ila holdl"i' along !be Main Beach, tbe Civic ~· s8Id Tuesday. paioeil ~ lo the jud1< and then to court tlork .,._ Ali<e Nishikawa wbe rad: "We the jury in the above enUU..·1e-- 11on_ bavln1 !ouod I.he defendant, Slljwl Blahara,Slrbp, .,Ully ol murder to the !Jrsl devoe u '1wl!ed in count I ol Iha ~t now fix the penal9' at death.'' It wu a victory ,for the Jlcet•.:uUon which bad made it clear to the jary that the stale felt· a death sentence w~ ap. propria!e !or the killer ol a, ~ lilure w)lo ml&ht h;lve !*-~t of the United Slates. · "'.: Dep. Dist. Ally. John Howard-Aid In :a= s~:":~:n thac!;. ~-; fabric of American demOcratlc prerri. ment.' · ' Capistrano Beach shorelines are to re--"I bied to point out to the President mam safe from a Santa Barbara-type oil that we are trying to preserve our way of disaster, there must be broad citizen sup-JiJe here and would be pleased to talk to port to battle offshore drilling. Mr. Hickel (secretary of the interior) and This was the opinion expressed Tue.s-could he (Hickel) please start making * * * Laguna Teacher Wit~ Ibo purchase of lhe land, lhe city could permit limited c o m m e r c 1 a I development at either ·end of lhe main beach and 11Ull retain ttie wind°" to the sea, A. E. "Pat" Worthington, league The verdlcl repruenled a rejecllon ol def..,. argmnenls lhal Slrbmi -., mentally w. ~t.be wu not capab11 of 1 the defJ'ber1te premedltallon and a;. ecullon of Kemie<fy's sla}'ing In a pantry ' (See SIRHAN, l"aie 11 day by Victor c. Andrews of Emerald noises like a conservationist rither than r I ·1 d ·n· an oil man," Andrews said. Bay, long-time oe 0 ocean °1 ri ing Andrews called the Civic League a and·head or a new citizen ef!art to battle moti vating force in the oil fight. Follow· oilt "balflt. . ing his talk the league voted to join the Speaking before the Laguna Beach Coast Area Protective League In the off. Civic League, Andre1,1,.s warned, "lf we shore oil battle. . want a sanctuarjr free from the inevitable Andrews said that at the appropriate ugUness o!'oil produttion, )Ve have to act. time individuals could write letters to the We have a way of life here that does not state legislators and to the federal la.w include oil," Andrews sa id. . men supporting favorable legislalion. Andrem saill thlt several •Jegislatlve He said that presently the coastal bills in the . state and federal hoppers governments were flexing their political Would help ihe coastal communities in muscle in moving the various bill!. keeping oil out. Bills mentioned by Andrews included "It ii one thing to create legislation. Senate Bill No. 57 prohibiting oil ex. There-an unbelievable ~ema in liav· pk>ration in the ll1onterey area, but could ig«J" enacted iotQ Ii~" he.saw,. .. , 6& ammtnded to" include the South 'Alld_. tdCI, a pub!~ inlGfte'li ar,nge Coasl : Assembly Bill No. m by wlJlra lolilJ)lb! lil< Di< oij it\d..try whldr'•'Rollert Badham calling for public hear· quoted the ii\aR,)I saying that the t.acUcsi , lnp" to. be made before exploratlqn to be uaed Ii>" lhe' companiel were. 'all permits are Issued : U.S. Senate am Np. ~ 1111 by· Alan Cranston protubH!ng off· _ .ne oil 1Qillltry does not want any laws lhore production and House Bill No. 7074 probibtllnl~ anywhere and lbe b1 Rep. William Teague. lodilllr)' wW ·fllht m!ihUty agalnal such Andrews said tlull at the approprlale prabiWUON, ~ aaid. ' . time, all community organizations fro!n Andre!", who wYed as Prtaldent the garden clubs to the PT AJ would 1fe ll1cbanI Nbon'1 Orance S*Jnty cam-approached for support. ' Pay Last Year Too Low: State 'Jbe Laguna Beach Unified School District didn't spend enough on teachen salaries this year. This, at least; was the verdict of the state Department of Education which has ·denied. district request for exemption from the law that requires 55 perCenl of. the budget lo go for ·teachers salaries. Dr. William \fllom, district superin· tendent told board members Tuesday that the 117,000 lnvolwd will be deposited with the county treasurer. It mmt then be used for teacher salaries next year and must be in ad- dition to the 55 percent figurt. This would mean teacher aalarles ln the coming school year woula have to be at least 56 percent ol lhe .dlslrlct budget plus 117,000. Otherwise, Aid Ull<Jm, die slate lw Ille righl to wtlhhold lhe funds. QuiM Farnes, chainnan of the teacher• negotiation council, said teacher salaries In Lal\lllA repreoenled Ollly IU or 13.t perenl ol !be bud1<I. ·stop Light for Trailers? director said. · 'The league action came u ~ •I· firmatlon 9f a previous resolution. ·It eaDs !or the city to buy the property trom :Utt VM:tor Hugo IM to tht Hotel Laguna from the high tide line lo Coastllighway. The city bought the miln btaCh to and Including the Boys' Club. lfdt year, but did nol buy lhe parcel bordered by El Paseo, Coast' Highway, and Laguna Avenue. Cost of qie property lt••, been eallmaled' al $IOO,OOO. .. Board Cautions \ • • ! .• Al;6Ut Thurston Launching Pad .. Lagwio. ~ Unl!led School outnct Is being prodded tO join lhe space qe. But . llChool, ,trust~. w,er.e a. touch cautious 'Tueiday r\ight. about 1 requeSt for youlhfpl rochl enthusiuls .to. use Thurston. lnlermedlale School u a lalJl1Chln1 pad. The request .came in the form of a let.. ter. from Kenneth R. Prk:e. Trustee RObert Turnei-cautioned thal because of heavy rain the area Is en· terlng the worst fire hllard season in years. "Wak umll all lhal alull· (~) tu.rm ~ ... he Aid. El .Morro Park Pl.an Raises SchOol Hop es ter~:n'~~:':"'~~ 1 I . surance curler. , ~ 'xpanaloit ol El Morro lhe likpace trailer part and will • · He .-Id, "!10111 ev~ I've htard P;, ,'~llllam UUorn~. ""11>- Trallet Park Iool<ed to Laauna. •achoo! county piaMln& commlMionen to lum ii ii'• (ttaiier parll) a• lablllly,"'\JUorii .Ji to leftoeni; aatd rocket la · , ~ 1itid l-'Mida7llltaposoilii<wedpto down. In sll 1e · • f\n!.-matJilal .~!'ifall "*" secure bolh sewer Unes and lralllc Jfghts Ullom said II the trailer park could hep ve ~.:. .· · ' ·: " · .L · byijwi' lmil. ~· 0.. lYi>t ii for El Mono Elementary' School. provide sewap llnes -which El Morro . :J11e~ '!""f4 : a.IJt cll!oul~ a; ,oaf.., ........ tlat #otlll lio tiiiil! f , ~" .. However, !be board was more caullout School need& -ii would be a 1rea1 ad· sl~ ·•Yl\<Jft and llpu lo' llcno1.IJ'&t(!!; to • MloHwctet• Iaunchln · -tnilr actJiollo: abool lhe ratio of pupils to funds 111ch an vanta&e. 21 mllao ~ hour durlnl tchoOI )loan., ""'°11)''durilJI' S:S""'"lrllOPll7 dl1 • expansion mlghl bring. • Trualee William WUcoren said 11'ller ..,i:-n~.,·~'_'1"9,\11011of ... jbo<i.~t:,lhc. ""'"'"'. ·--~=~ liile,,Cllldallf,0c•et Dr. Winlatn UUom,~ district 1uperin-parkll have a low aweseed yalu1t.ion (the ~.... JO~llNI ,. ... 11.~11\Cr "':""~ • mi:: .. lcndenl, said the resident:> of "' ad-lax base lhal helpo educate j>ou!igsleri). area ol ·OOat jhw!J. 'worryt111 1111111, bulldl111 klta wllb ~ Jll'O'l'OCM dlllonal mobile homrs mlghl be1p swing Ullom said lhere 11 Ilctnoe r .. ror trallels U..7 mlFt-bio4'an .acape -1"·• wflh a aolld'fuel. • '•· ' ··· • stale Division of• mghwa)'I a~al ol but it is "pretty minima)." ; , ' l....,_,,lllu"1!oll. · ' , ' l., · : ~ ii!'~-,_,. ~a$1a '"'' lra!lk llgnals al the school entrance on . Trustee Roberf '!'Orner. a ,..,1or, 1114. · 'lbe~ hlll= Clhocli·• oU>et-ilJd . ..., lll'Ttfltlla', Coul Highway. "I heard !he other day Ibo GOIY houlU!f od"HtMW!J ~ ilfJI JI! ~,.a.to, lot UeOiar 1a\lldl. -.Jlell.,_; President Eyes Voting . in, State Pruidenl iuctu.nJ M. Nixon _...tly ~= ~~~:':Z~ aniu:~ :1: White HOUie, it w~s a~1f9day. Presidential Counsel John EberUchman said if the Nb:ons buy a summer OOme in the Southland -such as the Cottm Estate where be stayed Jut IDIXlth In San Clemente -he wm ~to vote bere. Nixon ii nn rq:istered u a New York voter and ia alao •ligib\e ,to re~ and vote in Florida elections, since be owns several properties On 'Key Siscayne, bLs pi'esent summer retrc1t. Orl!llge Weedier . ' ' The weather gels a little rnGl"I owooable TburadllJ' wtlh -Wes after noon and teinperaturea in lhe U.pper sixties alon& the Or1111e Coul. INSIDE' TODA'Y The local thWricei 1ctM frOfft Long Beuh.to &m Olmnk It J m>ercil fn the DAILY Plµ>'1'1 1 n!lkclom .. 1 . Mctldto .• ~ j ~-lfM,;21' • ., ........ , '111 ~ ' ' . .... 1.a ....... . ~-" .... .. ~ 1t ......... . c-e.ni..-• ....... -... :~ ., ........... c..., ,, CMllllt It "~ • ~c,...,.... u .._ ..... -ci..·--u ..,. .... ...... ,. -··· ... . , • ..,...:r 6 ......... _ ' ..... .............. . "..... ,.... .,......, ···-' t ~I 7 • : ::.: ... ,,d ~ 6 ~-•• • j • • .. • ·, j -~~!,'~=~1=1:,; ~%:!'<'" ror less lh~n 1'!"•000 !t f:.itf.~~~~-. •'/'!·~· '=i.~:tltf~~·blc.~":": . I '-~-..,~~-..,~·-,,,_--' ' l ' . I I '• . . • L War on ~~-~~&L.U«...UJL.Wfl•b4n-.. ••.-.U-.-P~~ --- .. I J. •• • ·~With the ·Foffts Bac·k IJonie 1 ' I• -• l ' • Jawi1i~ Nixon Reques 'i\rASIMcl~ ~.M'!t =. PriJtdeut Ni!on 11tect Cons-today for more rnooey and Minger laws lo bait '"the moral and legal IUbVUllca ol our aociety" by organized crime. He und -lot U extra tll li11Uioll Whkh he sa'd would double JftMftl ex· pendiWr<I lo cut down on llalla opera- t1ons, 111 additkln to the $309 million re- qu.,ted by Prost4ent Lyndon B. Johnson ioi the Aft streets net. ·:Jn a messa1e to Colljl'tll:· the PruJ.. dt:nt said he has authorized Atty. Ctn. John N. Mitchell to engage i., wJretappina of .organii.ed racketttn, to MJblish 30 federal racketeering Oe1d offi~ across t!e nation, and to establish a unJque fe<Ieraktate racket aquad in New York City. . 'Nixon said, "The organized crtmlnal . relies on physical terror a n d Jl.')'Chological intlrnldalion, on eonOmic ntallation and pollUcal bribery, "' citif,en indifference and governmental ac- qiiielctnce. ·"For him, the moral and legal sub- version of our society is a lifelong an:I lucrative profession." · Despite two · decades of slowing in. maslnl federal efforta, Nixon aaid, "not a ;aing)e one « the 24 Coa NOltra famtliel has been dutroyed. They '"' pv;n firm1y entrenched and more &ecure than ever before." · · 'nle aMuat take from illicit gambling Is 9'timated at anywhere from PO billion to tit blllioa, a figure '"larger than the en- tire ftderal adm.lnirb'aUve budget fot filcal year 1951," the President'• ......,eaald. ' • 1111 • •1•111nc..,. ...-. 1¥t xi ··-.i ·~· " ...... force" t.cJWq.;, blC&> In Jtli lq 1lOti'JJO, N.Y. NiJon did not diJclole wbm the offices would be .... blllllecf boll be aald the ·~ lotney C'!""ral ali<4cty ·had made pennanent strike forcea ln Buffalo, Boston, Brooklyn, ~.. Dttroit, llllaml, N~wait and f~··· 1brough new iqlllatioo, Nixon pr .. posed "a· new broad 1eneral '1Pi1neal im· munity Jaw to cover all cases Involving the violation of a federal atatalef"' He also 10Ught "swift enactment" of pending legislation proposed by Sen. Roman L. ~ka (it.Neb.), and Rep. llJcbanf It Poff (Jl..Va.), lo amend the wq:ertng tAJ: laws aod enable the Internal Revenue Service to be more el· fecU ve in collecting revenue.s owed on gambling. The witness Immunity and wagering law1 would sidestep recent · Supreme Court decisions in lhese two areas. The court has struck down the gambllng tat stamp as illegal. The Hruska-Poff bill.$ would increase it from $50 to $1,000 a year. The adminlltnUon will also seek Jeglllation to make bribery and cor- ruption of local officials or police a federal crime, Nixon said. II also would be a federal crime to enga1e in an Ullcit. gambling operation, from wh!ch live or more persons derive income, and which bu been in operation more tbu 30 • or fer which the daily "take" exceedl P,000. '"11!:: too, was a Jobna91! allminlllratioo proposal. . " :.. . ' • ~ .' f j ;; ·.-.. ' .... ~ P. NALL '-""' lalu, ~ •vtn ''!pld as a 1o ... _~!"!..~ ~· Y:• m161 bo"u \'llll>P1 •a "E ... r,.. -J-·· ,. -!llr -· lllllla ·-·· .. • .. 'JoaiUr.. • ' •. • m.;:. die transact loll, a !hint But, ilMi aJw11S reminded 111< as i ·~· l'lloG't ·lhat talle lb6 boy that "pretty ls as pretty doeJ." 'r11' oflen 'll>O ·busbi" GraD4ioothu ,.:r ~~ • :wou!d'have ~aid, •a fOol ajld his ._y- expresslons origin-are IOon wted." ally, I don't know )Vere I to 'Voice an mu:eaHsUc wJsh, but -tbey uae some she would S11, "lf w~ were bor5es, g r a n d coUoquial-tJie beggars would rlde. · .. Llms there. An uninhlblted person with .-Dair for The Ozark Moun-livla2 might be a ''blall ~telllier." She tatm are a place cculd, In the bargain, '6e as ~~ as a where a boy with bug's ear" or even .. as cute.• ·1..1i>eci· buck teeth c o u I d led pup." "eat com through a One who imbibed too freel,y might bt- plcket fence." come "tigh t as a 1ick" or "high as a A headstrong person could be as kite." "independent as a hog on i~." And, it --In the morning, -he mlgh~look like can get :'hott'er tl!an a _$l pistol." "def.th eatirur a ~er'' or "death You might "tote" a •·tcm sack" about warined over.~· He ~even look like '.'half a quarter down the road " and he had t>et;p "dead · ·am dug up" or unload a "pig in a poke" on some un-"draued thm:rlllh 1 .lmOtbole." wary purchaser. U he ~tratlln'" ~ milbt He probably would be ''mad as a wet decide that he had tbt "eplmdlc." tt1tt• .. ~ ' . -. ' ' • PILOT· ~ .. OGBCJOK had ll bad enough, he might be«<De ''dead u , 1 dcior natl." If IUOlis m _comJng you might -,,t dressld "•1fltten to iJJI" « be "all laJd a:...ay.':-ln prJl,araUoa for the festivl· ties, )ou .UJlhr '"iiut the big' pot In the little one ,na boil the dishrag." t.fotber would probably "rhett (neaten) things up". U Y® had to wait for din- ner you might become "iO hungry my stomach thinks my throat's cut." An easy thing is "lib abootln' f.sb in a raln:barrel." A crooked thing Ub,u a lopsided ·•bed might be '"antliO(glln'I or "catywoinpus. ·r · · , ~A ~ person migbl ba "low Six Copters Lost to Reds, Midair Crash North Korea Warns U.S. CouldPr0voke Tot:al War sbella" Into <;ommunist !ettllory \o<lar' lt called the alleged shelling a "viciOUJ pro~ocaUve act" and a "crude violation" ol the armistice. el1QUlh to walk under • ~ * wl&b a tap !Ill ca" .. '. se-.ibaOI eompny 1;N11 dnlr- 1ble mtkht be U "welcome as • alwlll< at a lawii jlort( or .. ., weloomo as a fly on a bJ.sCui\. ' · A·pe-clilflcuk lo cleoi with caa be ''llkt putllog ·socks on a octopus.'' It can be "hone< thin tho IW>(,. ol ~ .. Of ··~-~ lo -the ean off ·1 brus J;MnQ)'." A penon can •lie '"ugly as a mud reoce11; '4poof -18 a churth moa11": "J>ri>ud enough lo bust Ills lml!O!ll"; "slippery as an "i2''; "1 •s a.•bua tn a rue"; "red as~ w .:;,''FJ as a bone": or " teas a gh081.' A bald per5"1l! mi&J>t defend ·himsolf by saying, "y.ou ·can't grow grass on a race track." · Someone migtlt ·t>e "as-wielffrl as a hip pocket ~~_, sbirt" or "nutty u a l<11llcake." :i ., _ . . ymi, probabl1 thew thlt "aD'I, well !hit. en<fs well ." And, as grandmother Wll"ld have .W, "Ev"1 tbl& abjll have p ·&"• El Toro Says Cranks Calling Gls' Families New Dissent Mushrooms SAIGON (UPl)-Communist lire and an in-flight collision cost tbe United Slates six helicopters in crashes that killed 19 soldiers and Wtlunded 23, the American command said today. It was the costliest day to the copter fleet in week!. 'lOKYO (UPI) -'!l>e North Korean government aald today the intrusion o! · any U.S. recoMaisunce~ planes into North Korean air apace could provoke . "~r total war in Koru." 'Jbe state- ment ~ame as the Scrri.et Union expressed concern over the U.S. naval buildup off Korea. .. In Seoul, the Korea Herald reported that South Korea had a!ked the United St.ates to issue 8 jolnt statement warning North Korea that any further pro- vocaUom qain&t tbe allies would bring ~te response. An El Toro Marine officer today voiced concern about the rising: number of crue] "crank" phone calls made to wives and parents of Marines in Vietnam. Wanant Officer Anthony DeJobn of Et Toro's Casualty Assistance Office aald reports on the phony calls on "combat deaths" had leaped from an average of one a rr.onth to eight In the past two months. • On U.S. College Campuses The report on the losses Monday ac- companied the announcement that a helicqiter gunship by mistake apened fire on an allied uni( in tl:>e central highlands, killing one U.S. Green Beret and five South Vietnamese and wound· ing 10 government sold,iers. ·. By Uofted Pm1 lateraaUooal : 'Jl'ruh diAent mushroomed on college ··-today. City College of New Yjll'k was closed down, a g)'D'IJ\&!ium •t ~ Cornell University wu oc- .~;and barTicades were thrown up at time sea.ions at district expense ('50 eath) while teacher& had to educate ·fhe!melves on negotiallQn matters. ·Robert Reeves, blgh.-ICbool principa~ Wd. '"basically leacben .,. hired lo t teacb.'' Dr. William Ullom, dlatrict superin· ·ll!Jlloftl, :saJcl the meetin& will baa follow ·tV,>f~M111acre C.,,,... lludy. •• ::~'~.~sa\IJ~r • : fli!IMll,7,.,. _ lqsllollng on negotiating and • ·dii1w .Mai no,,-a)' arcund It Trustee " :~ "Orlaodi!Ua. said, "I look on it .. :(die .Nl!IPOit •tomi .. a p..piratory ·: :...-·. iitiaUng and conferring In 1ood . ·l!i!!'i~. ~ ; :~Aid .he. underatood that MaMaere :~JnclQdeda,ljlOClal....ionon ~· ·ita!Una tacticl tp 1'1tall off oegotlatlom." Orlandella said, "I hear occasionally. that the CTA imtructs t.eachen not to nqct1ate unW the last moment, then the board ts 1tr1pped ... Roa aald be couldn"l undentand why the district should have lo put out ~ per penon. Wilcoxen said it b necessary to lind out what ls going <1n. Trustee Larry Taylor said, "We art not necessarily going there to leern to fight ••• we're 1omg to learn what we face." The board approved attendance of trustees and administrators. The Newport Beach seuionl are sponsored by the Orange County School Boards A8'00iatloo, COi.State Fullertoa, 5chool Raearclt.,,., -Corporation, Calllomla Assodallon o( Secondory School A~ton and the Orange C.ounty E I e m e n t a r 'J Adm.lnlstraton - DAllY 1'1 101 OLVlll• COln ..UllilHiMO cdu.lN'f ••Mrt N. W .... ,,...,,.,."* ..... . J.cli l. Ottley 'ikl ,.,.....,. ~ GtMtel MIMftt TM11M1 i .. ,;r -n.-1 A. M•~hl11• -·-Jlclil•" P. NtU .__ <" ----222 P.,11t Aq. M1lli111 M4rent P.O. I•• ~ 91112 --e.i. Mftl1 m '#Kl .. , M\'tiff H'-'9 '"-ill: 2711 wt.I ............ " ........ """1 ••~ Costliest of the helicopter cruhes was other schooll. an in-flight collision ol. two copters 35 Most ol. the latest uproars were on miles northwest of Saigon, milltary eastern campuatJ. Students. presented a s~m said. Elght Americans and eight South Vietnamese troops died. Jt host of demand& -an end to ROTC on was the worst single helicopter mishap campus. aeverage of university links to since April 4. wbea 2C troops died in a the Pentagon, amnesty for earlier crash. · demonstrators, black studies, Puerto Two other U.S. helicopters took direct hits from Communist mines planted Jn Rican studies. a landinf zone below the demilitarized At New York's City College, the key de-zone (DMZ), crashing and killing three mand was an enrollment policy reflecting Ameri~an GTs and wounding thrte GI.s and 17 South Vietnamese. · the 50 percent blaci: enrollment in ·Negro The other two choppers succumbed public schools. Negro and Puerto Rican to ground fire near lhe DMZ and in the students took over the school Tuesday Mekong delta, according to U.S. com- and it remained closed today. munlque!. All but three of the men Cornell University at Ithaca, N.Y., was aboard them escaped injury. tense. More than 1,oao studenta occupied U.S. headquarter• said the losses to Barton Hall Gymnasium, awaiting 1 Commu,nist fire brought to l,079 the . number oC American helicopters shot faculty meeting decisi on on demands to down in South Vietnam in the war. nulllf~ puni.shptent tar: an earlier camplp There wy no immediate uplanation rebellion. Blac,k!lllllWits'~Tlll• . ·for .the-.collili01> ol 1bo ,.,...;.copters on the campus last week and unlvm:lb' nmthwes1t, c( Saigoo. " aulhor!Ues warned the altuaUon woutd lie The a~dental gunship· attafji; on the tabn out of their bands if violeo& U.S. Green Berets and the ~VI Vie(- breaks out at Cornell. namese litotmtain men they .. ltlt wa~ a Mem~ ci a student strlke·comm1uee case at the l\Whip crew. ~J.¥!nr the barricaded the doors of the ~ allied troopers for GommlUtirlt s.oldiers c•---bull"·· t U 1 Coll . in the area, U.S. commanden aaid. ..-awm "'1'6 ' psa a ege 10 Tbe Green Berets agd thf:lr-aidekicks East 6rl(tge, N.J .. a:s a "symboUc act.1' . were ,part of. the alli~ -un:ii: that broke Prlnctton' student.a blociect an.ori-carli-up · a C-Ommunist base camp Tuesday, pus building used by the Institute 'fOr killing 7f Communists who tried to flee. Defense Ana1yses for three hours. At On-the-scene commanders said the f.farquette University in Milwaukee, 70 allies might have stumbled onto a hide- studenll!I faced disorderly c on d u c t out for thousands of Viet Cong and North charges after they took over a chapel VietQamele in tbe area close by the Tuesday night. Cambodian borde!. 11We don't know def. At Colgate University, all 45 b I a ck inlteJy what we have go(, but we could get a Jot more kill! out there," one students walked off campus. Three mem-officer said. bers of an. Alto-American society, two with air nflea:, were arrested at the Newburgh, N.Y., Free Academy. Fro"' Pa9e 1 SIRHAN ••• of the Ambassador hotel last June 5. The jury discarded the advice of a parade of defense psychologist! and psychiatrists who termed the former race track exercise boy a p a r a n o I d schizophrenic. One psychiatrist said Sirhan wu in a self~induced hypnotic trance when he firtd the shots that killed the New York Senator. There obviously had been a struggle . amoog the jurors over whether Sirhan" should get life or death. At one time it was believed ther e might be a complete deadlock ln which case a new jury would have had to hear virtually -the enUre case again before deciding en a penalty. Sirhan now jolo.s the more than 80 persons sentenced to death for capital crime.. in California who have evaded ex- ecution for more than two years th.rough appeals and legal maneuvtrs. New Court Clerk Asked for South Judicial District Judge Richard D. Jlamillon o( the South Orange County Judicial District, w i ·t b courts In Laguna Beach and San Clemente, has asked the Board or Supervisors for penniMion to hire a new clerk and court administrative officer at an advanced step salary. Supervisor• granted the request to pay $1,077 a month for the new man who Judge Hamilton said wu noW chief clerk of a three-judge municipal court in Les Angeles and had 13 years experience. Judge Hamilton was joined by his · reUow muajcipal jiadge, J. Parley Smith, in the request Supervisort iat first wondered If the ad- vanced lcale would lead to a chain reac- tion in other courts but were tokl by Robert E. Thomas, county administraUve offlett, that clerks in the other municipal courts were at the top of the $940 to $1,170 range. Zone Delay Asked Commercial-Hotel Quiz Sent Out ~ ~ oboWd hold up fllrther -aJld plaenloc ... tho <lDmmm:lal- Holel .... unll1 the multa ol a ... ...u, dlotrlbuted Mwr Plan qu..i!onnaln! .... known, the Civic 1..e...e aald Tues-.,. Memben voted to "'" the city lo defw further acUoa oa the me law on a -.., _, lllmelrlodoa, a ............. - . '!bot In ~ .... te a lllndlnl - foran--Ll(unl A-loCloo Strctt along the oetanfronl City ·planner Al ... ...,. aaki today that ho felf • quettloonaln! would provide o good &et of guidelines In zoning matters hllt that Ukely adopUon ol tho tne&>Ure would not come btfn tbe cft1•1 roaster plan wu mmplettd. "I don't feel that rtOOivtng problem• of spilt -Jlf'OPll'\Y .,. that property ownen -enjoy a -blo pr-.oty rtat>t ol d"'tlOpiionr II In iW way bannful,• Autry aald. The North Korean central News A1en- ey followed up·the wunli>I by reporting U.S. troops guarding the Korean truce line f1red "lbousands of bullets and Marine Escapes Bold Kidnaper Near Tulare Curious Tulare O::iunty s h e r I r f ' s deputies checked an abandoned car near rural Earlimart Tuesday and freed a Camp Pendleton Marine with a biw're tale or being kidnaped by a Red Light Atxluctor in Orange County. Lance Cpl. Maurice. Crocker, 21, said he was driving from San Clemente lo Anaheim when the strange incident oc- curred Monday, but did not give the e1- act city or street location. Crocker said the man jumped into his car and pointed a gun at him, ordering the )'1)1.lng Marine to drive north on Highway 99 into the San Joaquin Valley. StopPing in Earlimart, the victim said. his unwanted companion got out and went around a building, at which Ume be made a break for a pay phone and noUfied sheriff's deputies, but was caught by his abductor. The gunman for ced him inlo the trunk 0£ the car and drove it away hlmseU, abandoning the vehicle at Avenue 72 and Highway 99, where alerted invesU&aton found Crocker and freed hlm. CONVENIENT TERMS IANICAMERICAAD • MASTU CHAa&E The United State. wu making few statements as it assembled U.S. Navy T...,t Force 71 in the Sea of Japan to pro- tect reconnaisaanc< flights by spy planes but Japanese JleW4Plpers and television kept up a running commentary by sen- ding oul their own acout planes to report developmenls. 'They said reconnaisance filgbts bad resumed. The North Koran statement was broadcast by the Korean Central News Agency and monitored in Tokyo. It said President Nixon's decision to continue the reconnaissance flights was ''nothing but a new provocation against us, nothing but a threat and blackmail." The Communists said Nixon's stat&- ment which followed the shooting down of a U.S. EC12J reconnalasance plane was "an open declaration that .be ls taking a :step.lurther toward the brink of war." "If the reconnaissance planes of tbe ·U.S. imperialists intrude into the tfll'o ritorlal air of our country, we will not 1it with folded arms, but will take resolute measures for safeguarding our sovereign- ly as ever," the North Korean statement said. "Then thEi U.S. Imperialists will use this as a prete1t to commit a full;scale armed attac~ against us, which may only lead to anoUter total war in Korea in the end." North Korea re.iterated its claim lhat the U.S. plane shot down wilh its 31 crewmen intruded deep into North Korea's territorial air space and defend- e~ the right o! North Korea to shoot it down, ' A REMINDER FROM 0 OMEGA ho sure to set your watch •head one hour Solurday night . . . dayfiilli mrilnp lime,.,.,. into "Most of the callers," he said, "claim they have a telegram or that they are a Red cross repreeentat!ve asaigned to pag on the bad news,'' he sald. DeJohn cauiioned all servicemen'• families le remember that information on baUI~field casualties in Vietnam ii pa,u. ed only in this manner: Word first reaches Marine Corps Head- quarters in Washington. They notify the Marine Corps Casualty Assl.stance Office nearest the Marlne's family. The primary next of kin are notified in per~n. usually at home, by a Marine of- ficer and a Navy chaplain or another Marine offlctr. "Word ts never posaed by mail or over the phone," DeJobn em- phasized. - School Possible As Capo Center A portion of the Jkcre San Juan Jun1ot High School site couJd be sold to the city for a new City Hall comple1, school and city council committees determined Tuesday. A 10-acre Portion complete with old school bulldinga would be ~ly at· tractive for the city and Jhe Capistrano Unified School Dlatricl ba. .. lndlcaled it W)lUld be Willing lo part With· that land. Sunday, ..4pril 27th Wheo,.. let JOllr watcli ahead, tab a ~ look It it. It mrt ))o -hat ii kmoclom? hk..U·wladmi? Do.fl loll tlio clofa? ,....,. .... ia the tboto ........ ~a..." w.u..-o1t1io-1npot~ .. -..1o .... ,..,16Sto ... 11000. --.UMiWM ... l:lll.TOCJlllta -.. .. ,._. PHONE '4M401 I • ' OAILT PILOT ............ • ... ·M~ SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER WILSON (RI GHT) CONFRONTED BY PROTESTING CITIZENS Sex Ed~atien P.rogram Shelved After Deb.te at Huntington S.ach'1 Marina High Sex Nixed Huntington • Ill Trustees Table Course But Opponents Not Satisfied By RUDI NIEDZIEI&U Of ,_ DallY 'llM ltatt Amid· angry shout! of recall from an audience of 380 penom protesting sex education. Huntington Beach Union Hig:h School District trustees Tuesday night tabled further sex course plam. Soard action, taken before a capacity audience in Marina High School's cafeteria. means there will be no sex educaUon course at districl acbool.s this JUmmer or next fall. Action by the board, however, failed to satisfy the organized opponents to sei: education. 1bey wanted moro?. 11Je angry, volatile crowd demanded that sex educa- tion plans be killed once and for all. ' Trustee Joe Ribal made the motion temporarily shelving the program. His proposal disbanded the citizens' com- miU~ studying a possible sex education course. Board action followed an hour and ont- half of debate punctuated by periodic &hciuting matcbea, catcalls and lite disturbaoCes from the angry crowd. Later, members of the audience engag· ed 1 tn face-to-face confrontations with members of the school board. The board voted 3 to l in favor of Ribal's motion with Matthew Weyuker. ca.stiog the disstntin« vote. ''1::.don"'f believe I've !Yer aeen a more cogent di.splay of disregard for the vottt in all my l!fe," l!lhouted Weyuke.r when lhe•motlon was pas8ed. The controversy began early in the evening wben cbainnan John Bentley asked those opposing the course to step up. to the microphone and voict their obr jectiom:. Overwhelming applause from the crowd was drawn by Joe Ferm, spokesman for the Proptrty Owners Protective League (POPL} when he stated that sex education courses in other districts increased the illegitimate birth rate and venereal disease. Mrs. Bernard Gage leveled . tri-partlte attack agaiMt the program, charging that the cost of the course would be "overwhelming" that it exhibited a "Jack of morality" and those contributinf materials to it are "knttwn C.Ommunbts. :r Another enraged citizen, Thomas Boggs, said "I know when they say they're going to table :;omething, some way, some how, these things have a way of creeping back into driver education and mathematics." Art Ruchti, another citizen, stepped up to the microphone and told the audience "this curriculum should have been slip- ped under the cover . ot Playboy magazine. If this thing should catch on, grow and multiply, women will jW:t be used and we will kick marriage out the ~-· " ~uNOW. SeveraJ people in favor of the se.1 aurse also spoke up , and evea though their, observations were doquemt, were jee~ by the audience. Said Dr. John Kent, former candidate for a>e board « trustees, "I find it dlf- ficu1t to aee IUcb. .an '°'°'ional reaction to what I find to be oqe of the most im- portant '!"d vital upect.s ol Jue, 1 wish you woull:I be as concerned about the 300 boys who died in Vletnam last week." "I know that I am going to be stoned by. the audience .to. I'll just take my gfas¥s off before I say anything," said Brian Cecil, wbo allo spoke in favor of th< course. "Tell us who you represent," shouted a voice in the crowd. "I like to think that I represent the human race," the man with the long red hair fired back. "I am really amued by the absence of logic characterizing tonight's meeting," he continued, offering a refutation oC the charges brought against the course. Several others, including a woman who described herself as the "daughter and granddaughter of a Victorian age" spoke in fa vor of the sex course but were partially drowned out by the noisy crowd. In essence, they tried to point out that sex educaUon wu not a communist plot and that parents really didn't know enough about the biological a n d physiological aspects of reproduction to give adequate instruction to their children. After the motion to dispense with the sex course was passed, Board Chainnan Bentley gaveled the 11Dl'U.)y meeting down to a dull roar add declared .a 10 minute recess. ' '.'We'Q:'Ji,ve you a 1recess all right/' said one mU stepptn; up to the micro- phone. "We elected you and we can recall you." Nam~s and telephone nUmbers were collected" by several citizens who ap- peared in fa\•or d. such a move. Meanwhile, the angered citizens con- fronted trustees 1n ·face-to-face shouting matches, calling them· on -the carpet for letting tl\om down by )IOI allel,'"1g the course forever. How Do \Ve Do· It? Ralphs must consolidatG its two skirGS into or>G! LOST OUR LEASEMcircAN°~~ On Juni .:;;:), 1969 thG lGaSG on our MGx ican &to rt, localed a~ !803 Newp~rl . Bou!Gvard c.xpir<s, and can no\, ~ renGwed. we must d1minate 40/. of our • 156p::o 1nvin\.ory ai once: CONSOLIDA'tION SALE s~\!.s Over !5p::o e:quan foot of Bhowrooms chowing ~he fintoL in .Mt.dil.<.rrarn:an, Spanish { !'1Qcican will bG cul in half. Ralphs bi,gg(.St. sale in our 15 :yGar Hietory. t' tot• ,.uft'4. eofu Ooei!'! out.-"Bat6c.t. vi 1 911 El Grc.c.o Dinin,g room ,,:... .... J-f9ll ~40:-=-"::-:ll::-ou~.....j..!\!l~t.,...,.;;~ <<><111..i! W.01<6 \. rC4tlG b8uo ~~ 99" 69 ~ Sptcial Sak . Hours -Sundey llm to &n : 8Al..E Ar BOTH LOCl<nONS !! -------- Offshore • , Airpart 'lnevitnb·le'?. By JACK BROBACK Of tlMI ~ l"llM Sttfl CoristrucU01r of o!fshcn ~ b !n- evi table: Orange Coonti' ~ com- . milsionen and a capacity audience ln the supervtaon•· hearing room ,kl Slnta Ana •ere told Tuesday night. ' • • J Officials ol the Ralph M. PVIOC1S Co. ol Loo Angeles, • flnit """1lilY' dtslp Ing an olflhore facility for . the, itate ol Hawall'and conducting feailbility studies for the Federal AviaUon AdmlnlstraUon, said there ls no question a b o u t tecbnologk:aJ fea!iblllty. "Many have been prpoeed ·but few built," said Xlmeno Tejada, airport development representative for the Panom firm. He attributed the hesitancy to the fact that offshore airports "appear to cost more." "CommuniUes must first establish economic feasibility," Tejada told his au· dience. "The coming of the Jumbo Je£ and supersonic transport planes has in· creased the interest." STUDY ALTERNATES He urged county officials to study all alternate locatiom for a regional airport, do a compreherL!ive study of the offshore posslbillUes and if found attractive, pro- ceed with engineering studies. The county now has eight alternate sites for a re~nal facility under study including one Offshore. There are four categories of offshore airport design, ·aw-Jes Lord Parsons pro- ject manager for the Hawali and FAA projects, e.xplained. They are a fill, a dike, pilings and a noating airpJ>rt. He said his company's studies showed that lhe dike design was the least ex- pensive and comparable to onshore facilities. The fill 1s next in cost and the Boating airport -not being comldered anywhere as yet -is the most expensive. He said the dike design could benefit from such installaUons in t h e Netherlands. Such a facility would be below sea level and would have to be built to withstand Udal waves and earth- quakes. But these problems can be solv· ed, Lord said. MATERIAL NEEDED Large amounts of materials are needed for the nu concept and heavy "armor stone" protecUon against sea action. The speaker pointed out that San Francisco and ~nneqy lnterntltiooal airpprt:s were 1 built on reclaimed , land and providt valuable e.s:perience data. Tejada offered comparisioas between offshore and onshore facilities. Onshoi'e projects must cOnslder the cost of land, cost of relbcation Of utilities and roads and COit of provision! of access. Offshore; the cost of site consttocUOn and provision of access are major conslderaUom. 111-.,, ~ U, l%'1 L DAii.'<'. l'll:OT jl ·.U~~Qtang~ Mmd:Kent • t •• ... • ' Ge.ts Tenure -·· • By TBOMAI J'Olmllll · --°' *..., ,_..,. Dr. G<or1e W. Keal,; ooe al--U: Irvine usiltanl prolenon - with dllmlssal, bu lnllM4 -P"'" moted to tenure. ...:;. Cbancellor Daniel G. Aldridl Jr, 161 ' toc1111 that Kst will be ........ to the temJred rank ol lllOdate prof-,:·.,_ Engineer Claims Mild Sonic Booms Good for Houses Sonic booms are. good for your house, but es:perts don't yet know why, a civil engineer told a conference Tuesday in Anaheim. Speaking to the 15th Annual Technical Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, J. H. Wiggins Jr, said the booms slow aging and relieve structural stress. • Wiggins said he does not know just why, but the most likely theory ls that the mild shaking a home receives relieves accumulating stress, just like a minor earth tremor on a fault line. Not only are mild booms good, said the former director of government-spoMOred sonic boom tests at the White Sanda, N.M. proving ground, Wiggins said most stories to the contrary are wild. Civilians have grossly exaggerated sonic boom effect!, he charged, saying only one damage claim In 20 is valid and the rest are -to be polite -miataken. "Sonic booms won't crack concrete driveways or foundaUons, won't tear shingles off roofs, crack toilet bowls or snap brassieres," he said. All of these claims against the govern- ment have been formally lodpd before. "The greatest .:>nic boom ever record- ed was 120 pounds per-square-foot," ht said, "and that's not much -certainly notlUng horrendous." "' Southlanden' sonic boom experiences run aboOt one pourid :overi lnonnal pr"'°"' Wiggins uplalned. " , Tille ol the conference V{igginl ad· dressed is "Man and His Environment." fectlve July 1. .., • • He likely will.'not, however, ~"&i . the ))latory department. ~':! ! : Student dissident!, who haft nwd9 tb! cases of Kent and fired -. llill- fessors of English Stephen Sbai*o pd· Doriald Brannan ., ·cause .eeJetn ~ November, accepted the news ·u a ._ tory" • ;··i !fut they said they will conil111(:fo . press for reinstatement ol Sl>oplto ~ Brannan. •· ~ Unlike these two, Kent never wu fifed.· His case had been under review for·;aie past five months. ·' · · Kent said he WU gr• t 1 !led 11"lbe· decision. He uld be never ~bid..,. sidered leaving Irvtne, eftD tbclll&ll , senior bJltory departmeot -11111: recommended bis dismlasa"l ln June 1*t ~ . ~ ... year. ~ However. a special rerieW """""""" • of ff•• pro!esson from _. --recommeoded to Cbancellor Aldridl 1111'• Kent be retained. ·t!· ·: Accepting th a t recomDMPJetfe. !", Aldrich late Monday penooally bdmllll4 ~ Kent cl his dedaioo for.,...-. · A fur1her -ol Ille rev! .... coaunlltee, WU thot Jtml ~ 1ie. continued In hlator'y. !1111 ploold In ..a.r academic areL ·He bP ip11ltftcttlqna far teachlllg other subjeds. Aldrtcb said he wtll --Dun ol HilJnanitles' s.maeJ C. lf<Odlo!h, department chairmen, tneludIDi Meyjr .. and Kent h1maelf where Kent ._.,,,. placed next fall. "We have intenchool curricula •under study. There i.. a poulbllity of an b>- tercultural studies prog1 mn and an n · panded un.iver•ty ltudies prosram," tbe chancellor aald. · "I don't wish to apeculate al to wbeft; he will be localed, but I coocur In" !lie recommeodaUon it not be the hlslar7 department,'' aald Dean Mc:CuDocb ' Kent took hia blchelor's degree In German, hia mulet'1 degree !JI Orient.I Stud!" '11.1 hi; 'dOctoru Ii Ortenlal Languages: The 40-year-old pri>!._ iu. taught comparallve llterlllme, ~ and languages on other campuaea. . ~ "I •<>1.lld just u '.fOOll atay in DtJ oirn. ·lliatol'r doportment," be said. "But ~ my backll'Ollftd II Vll'ied I "°""' ~ In. another department. It nuldn1 be, a critical matter." now at atlantic music! WEEK-END HI Fl SALE! SONY 250 A FISHE1t 220 T FM-AM ..... '· •. ,l . " . -. ·. SALi ------=-----------·c 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, :,. .. TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of-a-Kind THURS., FRI., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENOS •SUNDAY! ., .. .. •, l . ' • . LT-12 : SALi GARRARD 30 .... ..... 39'° '19 BOGE~xl:O WAn :Z36t"· IC-Optl11 .. ) . ' l l ( H ~ lt.lll.V PILOT ' :P•tieat 'PrOflraalng' , . ~1 · First Eye Switcll· ' 1. TOllf?S,IEWS !w. ' • ;J tC-llM "' .. IHllr ftlllf Steffi ) ey'll be dishing out Lhe barn - II ally -in Lhe U.S. Senate, when tile P,nde. of porkers !rom Te!"'es• fi~. ~irginia and Kentucky will be a1:st4ke. That's Lhe day when Sens. .._w•rd H. Baker, (R-Tenn.), Me r· ._ 'lj. Cook, CR-Ky .), and H•rrv P(.15\'rd Jr., (D-Va.), have asked t¥ir~colleagues to settle. a long· si~ring dispute over which stat.e b¥ tjie best country ham. The cull· nary ;confrontation is set for the Seilate dining room, and Balrnr, COok;.and Byrd are all pred1ct1ng thi.t .their ham \Vill win an after dilmet poll to determine which state p.pd'fes Lhe best. -;. . •· ' ' JE'1Wland'1 , Princess . Anne' dons. a jsunty felt Mt with a feather durr11g t1ie Badminton Horse Trials. She at· tinded the th-rte-day affair, held on to\« estate of the Duke of Beaufort, ~th ·htr brother Pri.nce A11drew. • -Senior high school principals in Detroit have decided to toss the J>i'?blem of the miniskirt to the par .. ent.s. "The senior high school· prin· cipals ·have agreed that dress is a rqatter for parents and not the i;chools,'' said Robert Baumgartner, pfincipal of Detroit's Cass Tecbni .. cal High School. "Students can \Vear· whatever their parents per .. !'9it as Jong as it is not disturbing tt the classroom." • ~ '-'tu.J.11 Carnl', the "Soc.k·lt·To-~ Ml'" girl of Rowan and Martin's i'._ L4uo1t-tn. Ultviaio1t 'program, ,, I &rR/• she may quit the show be· 'COUit ahe's getting tired of bting hll with bucl"U of wour. "The 1MW Ml been a lot of fun. It [~· Jtla qlgo nuant stardom ond a 1~! ldt of monty," she said, adding • 'tliat ake intends to ask for a raise , , if slle decides lo stay with the ; ; program. "Bu.t tile other day I Ii .>--;we·nt tuto a restaurant ond so1ne· ~; If *otie thre10 some breod "at me and ~ k shouted '/'IL socl.: it to you nll l4 ti right.' 1 couldn't help 1vondcr· • !~. in~i.~t .. waJ tim ~: a cha~.ge~~: .~ ~ .. ...,_~,,,_....,., ............... .....- ~; . ·' ~C you see a bald eagle '"'ith spots qid a bright red tail, don't phone ~coholics Anonymous. Call the Au· ~bon Society. The Society in St. }juis, ~10., says it has marked some eag1es that way as an aid in tracing 1'e ~gration habits of the threaten· ~ species. ' ' HOUSTON (UPI) -John M~. a SS.year-old Conroe, Tei.. pho(Ographlc studio owner, wu "Pr'ocnuing aaUJfao- toriJy" today from wha1 was believed to be the world's fira:t transplant of 1 tOm· plete eye. , Stanford Lab Head Predicts Mass Walkout STANFORD (AP) -The head of Stan• ford Research tnstitute told Stanford University's Academic Sena!~ that the in-- etitute would lose most of its personnel and be wrecked financially if a student· faculty committee's recommendations are followed. SRI President Charles A. Anderson said the institute's 3,000 employes were "appalled and incredulous" that the 1tudent·faculty report "could be taken seriously." The report stemmed from a nine-day sit-in at the Applied Electronics Laboratory earlier this month by some 200 students protesting w a r • re I a t e d research. The committee objected to "research In chemical-biological warfare, counter· Insurgence, or \\'Ork that directly sup. ports the war in Vietnam." The report said about 10 percent of SRl's work, or ab6ut $6.5 million was in "such morally objectionable research .'' The report recommended a "review committee" to pass on controversial pro. ject.s. It also urged that SRI separate itself from the university by purch,asing its autonomy over 2G-25 years with annual payments of $2 million. Anderson said an overwhelming ma· jority or J.500 scientific and professional , and staff members at SRI would walk out "if some outside morals committee is set up to tell them what is and what ls not morally acceptable in the search for knowledge." He pointed out that if SRI had paid $2 million in each of the last five years under a plan to purchase itselt for an operation separated from the school its deficits would have been from $1.3 million to $2.6 million a year. Anti-Israel Moh Goes on Riot In Lebanon BEIRUT (UPI) -Thousands of anti· government demonstrators demanding more action aa:ainst lstaet surged through tfle streel'l of Beirut and Sidon today on a r,.mpage that d~veloped into stl'ftt fighling wjth Lebaneae police · and security forces . ~ Radio Lebanon said one person was killed, several wounded and 100 arrested in the Beirut street figh ting. Reporta from Sidon near the Israeli border said three demonstrators were killed and at least eight injured in the fighting there. The demonstrators, students a n d Palestinian refugf<!s who fled Israel when the Jewish state was established in 1948. carried pictures of Arab commandos and chanted "Assifa! Assifa~" the name of the military wing of the Al Falah com- mando group. The:y shouted denunciation11 of Klng l-l ussein's six-point Middle East pear.e plan, which has the backing of President Gam<1I Abdel Nasser of Egypt. and as they marched 1hey uprooted everything in their path, smashed traffic lights and set fire to rubbi11h piles, filling the sky o\·er Beirut with smoke. ~tadden, who re<:elved ~ -new right eye Tuesday in.a °'!'"hour operation a& ?i.fethodis~ Hospital, will ~aye to wait three weeks to find out if he will be a.ble to see with the grafted or&an. In the meantime, l> o th his eyes are stitch~ Ehut. Directing the surgery was Dr. Conra,d D. Moore, a&liistant director af 'Ole Institute of Oph1ha1mology and assistan& pofessor of ophthalmology at Baylor College of Medlclne: Moore;.wbo said that · so far as he knew this was the first transplant of a whole eye, said rejection would not be so much of a problem as with a heart or ~idncy slnce an eye does not have so many blood veMels. The main question, Moore· saJd, was whether the nerves were properly con• nected. Similar operations have taken place transplanting the forward twt>l.hirds of · an eye, but that has been sinply for look! and not with the hopes a patient would be able to see. The eye came from O. B. Hickman, a 55-year-old Houston man who died Mon· day of a brain tumor. Madden was in the hospital to recei ve a regular carneal transplant to correct a condition in both eyes in which the cornea filled Yr'ith fluid and became opaque. During the operation on the right eye April 14, h~morrhaging began and it was necessary to remove the eye, Moore said. .~t was then he decided to try the transplant at a later date. Moore said he hoped the left eye could be correctect later by the more normal corneal transplant. A hospltal spokesman said early today ?i.-ladden was "progressing satisfactorily following surgery." Francs Tumbling As De Gaulle's Regime Periled PARTS (UP I) -Frenchmen rushed to. day to sail their francs for dollars, West German marks and gold amid mounting fears that President Charles de Gaulle will be defeated in Sunday's referendum vote and carry out his threat to quit. But the Bank of France bought francs heavily to keep the price steady. For the second. q>niecutive day the U.S. dollar Was quoted at 4.97 francs - the franc's lowest level since the world financial crisis last November . The official price is 4.90 francs to the dollar. , Gold soared again. to $48.31 a fine ounce\for a one kilo (2.2 pounds) bar-j near record. The record still stood it: $48.81 it reached March 8. ·~ The official U.S. buying price ·hi f3S an ounce. Me8flwhile, De Gaulle, fighting for his PQlitlca l life. indica~ be himself ·is not too sure of winning "in principle" -an expression apparently showing doubts even i!l his mind. The president has announced he will riuit if the country fails to give him tbe "yes" majority he has asked for . A meeting next Wednesday wouli:f mean De Gaulle would still be in office. But political obervers noted the use or the \i;ords Hlft principle" ltft open the possibility the present government might not meet again. New Cosmos Lofted MOSCOW CAP) -The Soviet Uillon launched CosmOli 280 today tiito an orbit ranging from Ii& miles to 169 miles above tile earth, TIM reported. Arctic Air Chills Ozarks . " . . New England Braces for Post Storm Flooding Temperatures Co,auil c• ,,_ .. co.tf ~.,,.... ~Ill/flt -•t """"""°" IN 1•· !~, Wl,_..1 wttl .. 0111t!.,...11ott..... I ... , ....... t....,1l'llellrto1M67, y~~r111••• ......... • ~ ft " ti I ""' ltl 17, IJI> ltl'lf ~••l\ll't 191111I W14 'I te $.S, 'rloe tM!lf IM\Ht4f\ltt ,... " .. ""'' . . .S•n, ,,,_,.. · Tl4e• WllHlllOf.Y V.S. Su•11ncar11 ,,, .... llolo1 ....... ~ ...... 11• '-111 I~ Plrh d (fNl'Cllnll. Mt~IKhl» lt!h, llf\o1$1 tlltnd ...... "~'"'°"' (II\ lflt lle<tl• of I W!/!Jtt ttot'm lhl!I mo¥ld IU.f 1M Gm! Liiie. 1llMI lnte N1w E"811M. fiMllY. tk ttortft iNckH wllldt <!I II mtltt '" l'loUt ,,.. ,..,.., ,.!fl. t rOll'lfll· I"' 111t flail\ nM "'t~1"". 0... It ..,..loltfl · rtt!\1111 fllr t 1'· """' "'"'°' ~ Into lM•y ..... ~ Ill"" ...... Al~lll"'llHI A"""9""" """''' ••~•nlleld l llfnoll/tk l•M lot! ... (l'll("lff ClllCll\!\ttl Cll:Y1l1"'d Dt"vtr °" ...... ,,,., ...... E~r.~1 "'''' \lr'or!l'I Frrfl\O "1t!t"f 1-1-lul!J ,~ ... 1(1-(I,., L .. v .... LOl Al'IM!tt Mfllflf ll9fcfl Ml~" Ml,.,.-911 Ntw Ol'lel"' Ntw Yt rt Ntttl'I ,!1H1 0.-1•1111 -. ..... 11.ei1n ""'lltdt!Pllll ,llclr!!!t ''"""""' Portll'14 .. .. " " " .. " " .. " • " • " " " " " .. .. .. .. " .. " " " ~ ~ " " " " " " ~ ~ .. " " " " " " .. .. .. " ~ " " .. "' " ·" ·" -~ ~ ... ~ 44 1.7' ~ ~ .. " " . .. SS · ,._ .lt t1 S1 It JJ ,.S " 4, ,lt 11 ,, " Fisher, Connie Split Singer Eddie Fisher, shown last ye"ar with his wife, Connie Stevens. has filed for divorce. charging "extreme cruelty.'.' Fisher previously. \Vas married to actresses Debbie Reyn9lds and Elizabeth Taylor. He has two daughters by Miss Stevens. Look, No Chute Experience Saves Sky Diver NEUBRUECKE , Germany (AP) - Hurtling earthward from 3;000 feet, Staff' Sgt Carl E. Miller of St. Albans, W.Va., took the classic landing position as if he had a parachute billowing above him. But Miller 's chute had not opened up and was streaming above him like a cigarette roll -as the paratroopers call it. The concrete air strip of an army air field rushed up at him. ,Miller landed on lhe five points he learned at Army jump school nine years and 1,172 parachute jumps ago: toes, calf, thigh, buttocks and pect.oral. He egcaped with broken ankles, cuts and bruises. "Most people would have rolled up like a bal)," an 8th Infantry Division spokesman said. "When you know your going to d i e you go into the fetal position. But Miller, by landing perfectly on Ju., legs, ju!t roll· ed.on the ground and broke his ankles." The accident occurred March 29 during a practice jump from an H34 helicopter hovering at 3,000 feet over Hoppstadten, nearing the Baumhokier training area. Miller was in training as a member or the U.S. 7lh Army parachute team. ' At 2,200 feet , he tried to activate his main chute. It malfunctioned and he coOJ. Jy pulled the rip chord on his reserve chute, but the reserve became entangled "'ith the streaming main. . Miller now recovering at tJie,.Anny's 98th Genera) Hospftal here, is reluetmt to talk about his accident but insists: "I'm going to jump again." Two Latin Nations Rei>tore Relations UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Argentina and Venezuela agreed today to restore diplomatic relations', w h i c h Venezuela broke of( in ·1966 after a military junta overthrew Argentine President Arturo Illia. ~ The agreement waf CQntail.1ed In not~s exchanged by the h~ds of the .two U."N. delegations, Argentine Ambasaador Jose h1ara Ruda and V-zuelan Ambassador German Nava Cartjllo. Nigeria War ·-Over? Biafra Cit)( Seized • ;J,,\GOS, Me.mi (UPll-The Nlgorlan fidttal government OMOllllCOd locUY ltt -had caetilred Umuahla, the uPI· tat Of. retiel B1afra. Officials "jn bagM • uld the vicl'ory would soon "1d tbe 2%- ~d civil war. . jllilran !<ad~ Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu · ·W. reported to have fied into the bUlh Counlry with his Ibo tribe followers to tey to fight a guerrilla war. He had only one small airstrip left and federal forces were believed driving on it. 1be civil war began on July 6, 1967, ·three months after BUtfra seceded from Nigma on May 30, 1987. It' has been a j war in which civilians have beea the v.ktlml with as many as one million l'i!POrted by the rebels to have died ct M'\tation· in Bialra. The government l1al called lhb figure highly inflated. Others died. in bombing attacks. Internar,jol)al Red Cross official! re- port~ last week that Ojukwu and most of the inhabitants of Umuahia had ned into the bush but. until today's official announcement there was t>ome uncer· tainty whether the federals had actually captured Biafra 's last major city. The city had been under artillery attack for more than a week and its fall seemed certain. North Ireland Bo,vs to British Voting Demands BELFAST, Northern Jreland (AP) - Northern Treland's ruling Unionist party ·bowed today to a British ultimatum and accepted the principle of "one-man, one- vote" in local council elections. The vote. in a caucus of the party's representation in the provincial Parlia· . ment was 28 to 22. The narrow majority underlined the gravity or the spli t among Prime Minister Terence 0 ' N e i 11 • s Un ionists, and signaled that more political battles are to come before Ule universal franchise is established here. "One-man, one-vote" is the principal rallying cry of the civil rights demonstrators who for the past six monlhs have thrown Northern Ireland in- to riot and strife. The campaigners argue that' the present voting system, where votes are tied to property taxation, acts unfairly against the Roman Catholics who make up a third of the 1.5 million population. ..· The vote for full franchise followed a declaration by the British government in London that it could not stand by and see British citizens deprived of equal votin( rights. SAVE$$$-WIGS IY YANCE PEPl-SAYE$$$-WIGS IY VANCE PEPI- > < m .. c I> z n "' .. "' I> m .. .. .. ... • c I> z n JG SAL 20o/o 40o/o 60o/o OFF D•~~:~:Ts ON ALL REGULAR MERCHANDISE D1:~;~:Ts SPECIAL PURCHASE 100% Human Hair 99 First Com• -First Ser¥edl L i m i t One Per Customer! Worth Much, Muc.h Morel WHILE THEY LAST! All SALES -FINAL WIGS WIGLETS $1299 REG. 29.50 I 00 '/. HUMAN HAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LONG . CASCADES $1499 REG . 39.50 100 '/, HUMAN HAIR . LONG, THICK . Mini-Fall $2999 REG. 49.50 I 00 •;. Human Hair. Mutt Be Setn To Be Appreci1tedl WIG CASES .... I.fl WIG WIG IIEADS SPRAY .... J.01 5.95 69<: 1.50 --- ' BEST DEAL YET! WIG .STYLING ·SPECIAL HERE'S WHAT YOU GET ' R.eg. 7 .50 Wig Styling Rt9. 5.00 Wig Cleening Reg . 5.00 Conditioning Reg. 5.00 Alteretion end Fittin9, 11 nec1s1ery 27.50 V&lue NOW ONLT Reg. 8.50 Wlglel Sl!fllng ••.• 4.00 Rq; 7.50 f'flll St11lh11 • • • • s.oo IJq. 9.iiO Cca1ccade Styll11g ••• , ii.00 ,..,, lllfll ' ",, • • 1tltl .. ltt, ... , 1'1,.. ... •• ,.. ' ••••• ..,.. 0.1 """.'-'" f ,Int l'l\tlt ,., ........ •· 1,17 l ,m, )f Tl• JI~ t l .. '111"'°' tollf 11t '""" h Ardito lttlfttk'lt Klltt,... l.-1 It .. ,... fl l(.,.ludly. ,_ •1'111 !tit 1,111,....,,, Ott~•· • lt111N (It¥ lhd 1111'1' •<M i.cr1,,.,.,.,1t St. L.,.f\ $.tlll':•• ~ F. ~-' WIGS BY VANCE-PEPI '' ,, ~ l"lttf ..................... 11:9' •• fl\.. f ...... """' ...... , ...... .tiJI ....... " lfCri ltw .............. 1•1• '""' ,,, • ,.. ..... tt:flll.111 ........... ' ... li.. l:U l.lft, hit 4!» """ ,..,,. t. 1'1111 1, .. 1 0. NIW Altf, >I Mt~ I /NY I Mtr II GtJe W4"1!1'1ft flt• CIY'f fflt G,...I lat ... •WMl'I ,.. '"'"" -t\llfffn bl'eiutlll tN1ff ............. ""' "'"' w111~11ll fl Mklllt'"· Mal'Wtttl ,.. "'ltil ... """" "' -"'""''" • tl•·llOllr .... foci. T.... r1lft lllllldW ~ ftotl'ft M1t11lttn to Vitt!"'-tllll Ntw H411'1'1• 1ll)N , S.lt t..-k• ((ry ....... s." ''•'ICl•u S."'• 111'\tr• ...... -·· T"'""'' Wfl/llllf!~" ~ :: 46 FASHJO,N ISLAND e NIWPORT BEACH .. u -- : l: ·~ LA YA WAYS • 644.2682 • Shop Monday & Friday Nitu 'Til 9:30 ~:: ·" sAflii ~'-Wias If VXACl1FiPl-'Xfiiii-Wlii lt YXNEl1PIPI-" " ·'-~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~ 'l .. .»., \ . I OPEN SuNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY "* PRICES EFFECTIVE Aprli 23 TO . ' [ GOIN' TO 1HE llACH? lffffl SfOP A1 GRAN1'S! Coast Guard ApprovH BOAT CUSHIONS U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED SELF-INFLATING LIFE BOA'TS •2•• $19995 YOU'D IXPICT TO PAY AS MUCH AS $350.$SOO fOl SIMILAR LIFE IOATSI 6-MAN BOAT with cylinder for .emergency Inflati on, In· fl1te1 immediately with pull of cord. Made of heavy neo- prene fabric. Complete with carrying c111, c ... , Gffr4 AP'Pf'•"•~ LIFI VISTS SMAU •• , , •••• , , •• , • $2.49 MlOIUM •, o., , , , , , , , $2.91 LA•OI • , , • , •• , , • , , • , $J.49 . SAVE ON EVERYTHING IN CAMPING EQUIPMENT AT GRANT'S! GJ, STYU . FOLDING . SHOVEL RIG, $1.91 98'~ SAVE ON All 1f "'"r cemplnti "" •• If Gr..,, .•... from C..t111U1 to ~ Mh •• , SM all 11 tht lw-11111 new 1969 mo••I• of C.l11Y11n 1p,ll1M11 1t Grant's now! W•'~• 101 It when ,.u nee• ftl StoYU , , • L1nf1me , , . Keilen ••. T111h , •• Tr1ll1n , , • Sl•eplftl 1191, etc. Grertl's c1rrlet. 1 c1m,1111 •tock 1f 111 ty" tf Pickl 11'N1 fr1m11I In· clvdl1t1 Hlmat1y1n pack frames 111• .cc1111ri11. BACK PACKS .... •1•• .. •so llghtwolght, Sturdy AIR. MATIRESS lllUWLT $4.4t FOR COMFORTAIU CAMPING . • . DELUXE huwy • duty 1ir m1ttre11 with rubberized CIMIS covtr. Ea1y ta infl111. Nr,lon lack P1clc1 .. $12.95 A umlnum frame• .. $4.95 .-------------w CANTEENS .. Hlll'n SPIOAl uftfNtl com,I~ wfth ttnr _.. .,,.,, --~. OUAlllY fUll , SllEf ~tMttl ll1t11 ""'""' 11111 .•• full • li1tP1t ••• Alt """'''' ,.clleh ... 11p ... t .... Mr ·for 1 doultle Mf. Save More On. Camping Equipment at Grant's Surplus! Turner PROPANE FUEL Fitt 111 ntlkH If Torch11, Llntern1 111-Sfo'lll. CAMPTOILO· Clfnpl1te with frllM, Mii, .. 6 ... ~ ~:~9e •2eaa S.. &-at'.s Fnt! WE-RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! ..... , .... ---·c.. · SNAKE BITE llT RIG. $2.91 •111 Too1t1 4 Siieas at Oneel CAMP'TOAmR · ENJ t9_UHI,,..... Mtt "'"''· 49' S00ALLON PLASTIC CAN 'l.1$1fTWEMT tlt4 thlrir a1111J,. .... ....., "'"Att. '2'' Colemon ,., Singlt Mlfttlt LANTiRN s10•• Mo411 200-A L.O.W Prices on All llntd1I ~ WATER CARRIER ""'"' ..................... ... -ftttre1 r.r Ice .,..,, 2'/t GAL • ~.,, •• $1 .•I I OAL , ........ $1,91 SAV, MORI' $$$ AT GRANT'S SURPLUSI "CHAii£ IT" 11 llAMT'S SURPLUS WI HONOR All MA.IOI c.s BB W-y, April 23, 1969 DAILY PILOT j OVEI 400 llfUS & SHOTGUNS ON DISPUYI •Winchester •Smith & Wesson •Remington • ll1m1 • S1ko • Berttta •Browning • W11thtrby • Chorlts D1ly •Colt •H&R•Ruger • Arm1Dt1 • W1~htr •s .. .,. • lth1<1 I I-.. _s_PE_c_1A_1_s_A_11_1_I r•e Wotld'1 s~,.11 lell·Aclfff I/fief The bolt 11 the ht art of . Y1hat m1ny shooters e1U th1 finest all· 11ound bi111m1 rifle mlde. Snick It open. You11 &M tile stron1est IC!ioll ewr put In lnJ' title. Slam it closed. Now your wtrid&• htad b protected by thre• ov.r11PPiflf rinas ol ,iolld lttel. But Ifs not . tht lll'hole 700 stofy. lY1 tested all tha bolt 1ellon1. You WOll'I p! btllet ICCUrlCJ,. 0r I Cltatltt trip pi.tll. Or I IOtllhtf·. finish. Or bette r checkerlnr. Ot a more comfortable 1tock., REMINGTON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : MODEL 700 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IDL-1961 Custom Deluxe 243 cal, & 222 $9995 llM.-MAO, w~ $154.95 ... 7mm MAGNUM Model 700 IDl-1961 $109ts LIST PllCI $169,9S , llMINOTON ._.. lll·TX·"'61 1 , .22 TARGET RIFLE ~1;~,:~1~• ...... t541s ASK THE EXPER:TSI Grant'• Gun D1p1rtment 11 stiffed by eJ!,perb fn their fltl• of shooting! Whatevtr you m1y want In guns, from a $20.00 22 .. lfli to a $3,500.00 Shotgun, Grant's has it In stock! Coma In 1nd 111 for yourself on1 of tht largest 1tocks of guns in Southern Califomlal SEE THE All NEW 1969 c~ .. "The Vagabond" by "VAGAIOND"-fou9h, li9ht •"• rttl11tf1. F111r1 111, 4ry wfttl MW doutil1 Yl11yl~o1t1d nylon flHrl th1t 1111ten• 10" ,....,_ 1rouH l•••I. OH·whtt1 to,1 reflttt th1 heat-l•h In the ll1htl New for '69 $89 95 9'x12' !Sleeps 61 , , , , . , . , , .$104.95 .10'x13' (Sleeps 81 , , , , , . , , .$119.95 DINING CANOPY by COLEMAN COLOllUL 12'x12' 1h1lter fer Jin p1rtll1, pkftlt1, c1mpl1119, Plfle aitti1 P11l·ll•• 1hl4e. MHe 1f 1trudy, w1t1rpr11f cot1111 •rtll with MW. 1.,,..r htir thld:1t11t u11111 ta pr1Y111I rlpt, 111r1 tttd IHks. Complm with c.ttt-111,,c1nt1r pole, 1uy ro,.1 ...... k... $24'5 10'x8' Sleeps 41 UVEITUP restern siyls . , . . ,. ,• " ,., ~ ,. • , ' Wl'YE lOl'ID ltt 1 now colllcffon 11 lllUI . Wut1ra GMr IM hon ......... - W1sflm Dep1rtment. Don't ml11 lhtst t01T1fort1ble wutem bfrtilna ••• If Granhl #ew Stoclr Just Arrlredf WRANGUl WESTERN SHIRTS . YOU'll LOVI THISl-en MW '"'" 1111 plehl• 111• ••II• c•n . C.mttlet1 1todi •f MCk 1b.11 1n; Slff'f't l•"ltht. '4'' SHOIT SUIVIS LONG SLEEVES , , $6. 95 ROUGH-OUT BOOTS IY DUUllGO-lor "'"" -s 16'5 ti' '"" ....... 1 ,....,.... ..... r111t1 from S r. lJ. I" W.L 10" HIGH , . $19.95 "'-' NAft, t9fl II' Wedi,.,:,, ••• ,,,,,,,.,, .fl.fl wm11N ITIAW .... , •••••••••••••••••••. NA• 1"'·2 Y1" anrt, :111-40 •• , •••••••••••• fi.••·'5·•• .. ' -•' • ' " I I ' ' I , I l l - [ DAD.Y PILOT EDITGBIAL PAGE I I • Saddle~,~ck's High.·PaY • Saddloback JlllliOr College trustees have oilop1eiM1' teacher salary sclledule Iba! exceeds all others In tll!> atate tn ll8f for career teacbers. • tors. That would be unlortunale. Tuchlng ablllly, not , political belief, should be the principal determinant in • hiring. An lnslnlctor will! a maiters deeree and some addi-· lional courie creclits will <,am $20,000 an111!4lly aflq 25 years. With a doctorate and IO years experlance be will • There Is no · evidence political thought control w11 ~ an unspoken mollve ln design of the salary scale. Bui 1 ;. these are dangers that should be guarded a&ailtst. • "' make $22,000. . . ... • That's big money. M~ other junior co~es pjl.'{ long-time teachers a mmmum of al.out $l&;litlt 'per • • If used proper!y, the Saddleback salary scale can • 'be a fine instrumeot for building an outstandlngiaculty. , .• : -•':' ' . r~- year. • Moreover, a Saddleback instructor can hire in · at lbose high salary levels. ffe.recetves1ull credit fl)f))'Urs of experien¢e teaching in other junior colleges, a prac- tice not followed elsewhere. . . Other junior college districts accept only five , some-- limes 10, years of experience •s fransfefable. These two features mill tbe. Saddlebec.k . salary acale more attractive than "te9chers themselves had asked for. They quickly dropped-their own requests and accepted the b;oard's offering. The new sa1ary scale was easier to adopt now while enrollment is still ~ative!y l91f and only 38 instructors are ·emJ)loyed. It will get II)""' cosily as the teaching staff grows. But the logic of it is sound. With this new sa1ary scale, the junior college district '\\'ill be in mu.ch better position to attract and retain 1uperior teadlers. But there may be a hidden danger in the plan. It Is a truism that most persons, junior coUege instructors included, become more conservative with age, Conser· vative not necessarily in a political sense, but in will· ingness to try something new or dillerent. The salary scale wiU be most attractive to those 'With years of teaching ~xperience, the older instructors. There also is . the possibility that administration re- cruiters, in an attempt to please a politically-conserva· tive school board, will screen out liberal-minded instruc- • A Real Pro Retires After a quarter century of grappling with the grow- ing problems ot law enforcement, Laguna Beach Polle• Chief Harry Ll\brow is, stepping out of the blue 'line. Labrow will retire.at tl)e end of July. His decision was a considered one that included. health warnings. The SS.year-old cblef's retirement will be a comid· erable loss to Laguna Beach. For· five years, he has worked with keen iJIU!Uect and the best profesalonal · technique at solving the police problems of oilr volaWe community. He has brought a real growth in professionalism to the department, working steadily tor better traiDing and procedures. His work of five years has borne fruit. The department is a fine one. There has been a wide spectrum of pressure on the chief's spot. It has not been easy to y,•alk a steady cor- ridor of reason and good, fair enforcement. Yet, he has and surprisingly hTs· good sense of humor and his tolerance has shone through. As city officials learned of the chiefs decision to call it a day, it probably underscored for them bow im- portant a post they must fill. This will be done by a thorough recruitment prcr gram and competitive examinations. 'lbe Labrow per· fonnance will be a tough one to follow . .. L I. } ~ Wlten Put to Test on Asia • • • Laguna Beach Observes Library Week ( '\). Nixon Does Not Back .Down • t ~HINGTON -The Nixon who was 1U to he ireplring to pull I00,000 out of Vietnam, stop rec:on· 4lall<:e flight!, knuckle under on the , and steadily )ower the level of the confronlatJon hu. suddenly vanish· ed., heever~ 1)is Nixon JiohabJ,y·never cUd exist, ex· ce1'4 in the conjntion.of ~ Wbo, wish he toukl do wli1it'l1eJ•i>Ot do!nl· Far·'lhe pul aeveral ~ \be 1'ffubin.gkm al- =~~-...:::,::~~ = re:spant.t to North Xorea's · down of a naval intelligence: · ~UOns with Russia at aJ11 11Wtrilfng doWn" the level of 'fi&btinl ID th Vietnani. alter Ziothez at a ~nl press rence N"uon thot do111-'TI these lalions. .; l(.\s NOT OllDEllBD, and will not ,.eduction of mlllt.ary activity in v am. HiJ alm ii to sustain the ot our bargainin( pc:llitioo in the p peace talb. definitelt~ ;u not considering t.ral wi~ «II· lfOOlll from and ,W'ill 11111 -any :.:;: .. 11 unlll ..-aiaJcr c:ondilioru; t. l i will conUnoe ~ flisbts to p nldl OD aar-IV< plans of OW' ""=r· and he will pnileCt u.o.. flit:'~ backing ~on the ABM but b _..certain 1hon e .... thll he-ls right ~ ~ a limited deployment becatlie ~~·s gre~Uy expanded nuclear f '· t:··~~··•' ~ \ Ri'chard ~Wifson. · ·1 not think ·he coukt sustain because of the biUer divisions in the country oo these policies. · The matter of style is vifally im- portant. Johnson's reaction lo the Pueblo . incident was the creation of a crisis at· TO 'IOP TRIS OFF, his conviction u,it · rftoephere·witbflircraft carriers steaming chancei Jfic. peace in Vietnam are jm-intQ ·the area and a new troop call-up. But pfovin'g is not baaed primarily on stint going into Wonsan harbor to get the new and •aofler negotiating approach ·bul Pueblo was not seriously considered. on .the 'real. ahlition.s existing in Swlh Vietnam: The illc:reasing m i 1 i .1 a,r y ·~ .... l'::po!i\ical stability of lhe SoolhVletnablete. Taken altogether this shows that the PFesldent is prepariac the public for the Jang pull.unrelated to the current fancihll dreams of disengagement, bringing the ~Pl hom~ and forgetting about Lyn- don John~'s nightmare of the •1new Asia'' This undoubtedly will be very disap- pointing to various prophet! and ad- vocates who wish that Nixon would admit defeat in Asia and crawl out. But that eYiden1ly never was h11 inlenUon and when pUt. to the test the Presidenl does not batk down from the Asian Cdn4' frootaUon. ~ recognizes that it might be ' p'.lpll.lar to-do. IO, but he is not doing lL THE POSl110NS the President 11 tak· ing are bound to bring him into ~ creasing conOicl with som~members of his own party and with lhll part of lhe Democratic leadership which in ·the beginning Counted On• Nixon to reverse the Ji>hnsoa policies. But, in fact; Nixon is caM')'.ing out in a different style policies which Johnson probably could not have sustained, or did NIXON'S COOL and contained response carrits a larier ~Jtial ot direct con-ruct with the North Koruns, asserting as it does lbe intention·to keep them under continued electronic surveillance i~1 pro- •tecled : aircraft. Such protect.ion could force ihstant decisiOl'\ll on attacking North Korean aircraft, surf4ce vessels or bases. The basic point is that the surveillance and monitoring of North Korea and its communications is to be continued at the risk or direct conflic;t. This goes wholly contrary to the ideas of the congressional doves that the United States has no business spying on the North Koream in this manner and it is merelJ a pointleu ·provoCation ·which could lead ~ war on anolher front in Asia. NIXON. ON 1'11E·c<in!rary. bu been wholly persuaded of the military view that the security (I( our own ·forces in &:iith Korea and the-territorial integrity of South Korea dtpend upon r ... .,. '~)edged l"-North Korean attack... ~ ii: banlly consonant with 1· polley of w;itbdrawil ..and, taken t~r with hls ttfusil to back oot in Vietnam, rein- forces the view that Nixon will not repudiate the United States commifment to political stability in the Far East. iA Massive Shift of ·Taxes . ' ~ II)' JAMES E. WHETMORE -.. Senator J Ulh District . , We Mn received the governor's far· ~ tax reform which roupled an in- in state inoome taxes with a ion in residential property laxes. y, the program involves a shill of tans totaling nearlJ A with molt of the tax increases to bY.Uled to lower school district property ts .... ~ lhe governor was correct when he lolll ua "this .is not meant to increase tales. 11lere will be no tax increase. It wll be a balancing of taz revenues to ~ lbem more equitable." 'e Yid his prorram ii entirely separate aijI in addilion to lbe 1100 million ~al income tax rebate proposed for tits year. ' T IT DOES lo lhe tupayu Is : 11·-,our preMnt state income tu i• ll--1d he lalO; U ll's ll.000 now, it ~· i --i Wedne.cl&y, April 23, 19118 •• Guest.Report would be $1,SOO. Of course, if you live in a district v.·ith a high property lax for schools, the local school tax reduction \\'ould be substantial. In fact it would be grealer than the in- crease in your state income tax. And if you live in a district with a medium school tax, then the reduction in property tu.es and the inqeue in· in· come taxes would about balance each other out. However, if you AN: one• living in a district with a low school la~~. ·your total tax bill would go up. IN EXCHANGE FOR receivifll lhe in- creased state aid, school distiicta would be required to reduce their current taz rates to $1.tO per $100 assused valuation. and tt would take a 60 percent vote of local residents to raise that figure. The state director of finance said one ertect Ol the s°hlft to income laxes is lhal a gruter pniportioa ot the state's tu:es woold then be paid by ~ limw and a lower~ by private ciU-. And Ille _. ... holds I promise of IJ>. direct tu relief fClr renters. As yoa know, It hu not betlt uncommcm In """"'! ,.... ,... -to tell ........ !heir --.... "" bec111SO ...... - emption given some veterans. 2. Insurance rompanies would be ta:xed on gross premiums to remove an ad· vantage over other cmnpanies. 3. Needy persons over 65 would be pennijted to defer property taxes until t.he)r We and their estates are setUed; the lax rollector would be paid first , then the heirs. t. No capital gains claims could be made until a property has been held tt:n years instead of tile present six months. . · I.' PRESENT PEl\&ONAL exemptions for dependents would be restored lo $800 ror slate· income taxes -a measure that woi.ild provide special help fOr Pl(ents with dependent children. At the tlme this colu~ was written, JOmt opposition had developed. pri~ cipoliy from the county soperviaors UIOCiaUon. More is expected, and it ls Certain that the J>l"Oll°Bm in whole or in pm will he debated thoroughlY before final declUons ~ made. Dear Gloomy Gus: ~· ' ... .... •. -1: ·~,_·~. -~!i~~ To the F.ditor: , call to your ·readers' attention the celebration of Nilt.ionl.1·.Library 1Week, April 20 to 12'."lliil is .M-actller1l time f<r LagunanS to ............ dty..., C9\IJI· ty government efforts now under way for a new library. There will be ·i fine progam *or ~ Friends fll lhe Lo&una Beach Library al the Women's Club on 'fbursday evening APril 24, special assemblies at .l,ht elementary xbools, and colorful disptay.S al Laguna Fed<ral Savings. lhe Sooth· Laguna tibl'aQ', and Ibo i:acuDo ·Beach Ubrary. WE ARE. ALSO boooring lhe lat< Jolm· Sleinbeck. oulallnding California aolllor. I would like to 8hart these excerpta from a. ltttt.r Which Mn. John Steinbeck rec:entl,y sent lo ... : "Dear Mr. Cave: "'I .am very pleased that the Laguna Beach Library will honor roy husband dtlrintI NaUonal Llllrary Woek, and l hope il prqves to be a very successful week. ••I am 90 sorry to say that l carmot.be there but many pressing busines1 mat- tets make that impossible .•. I'm sure you will understand ... " "Sincerely. ''~laine Steinbeck" CIJFF CAVE Laguns Beach Llhr.n.. 'Eco-• la Re.,en11e' To lhe Editor: A doubt your paper would have recom· mended that voters okay the proposed school tax increase if you had first sent a reporter to look around the scboob, in- cluding laking a look at the (never-- publicized) monthly list of accounL'l payable. He would have seen at least something of the Jess-hidden .w.ays in which tupayers' money is poured down the drain and into undeserving bands. NOW THAT VOTERS have shown their sanily by defeating the proposed t.ai h1ke, how about telling your readers the fee paid to a publicist by the schools (I.e .. by the taxpayers) to brainwash Ule elec- tOrate inlo voting more fuods for the wastemongers to get their hands on? Tb.at fee, too, proved to have been a waste of ~y. although for once it's better that the money proved to have. be<n oquanctmd, insteod of buying wbal · tbe school authorities hoped It would. ·I LIKE YOUR paper, but do not ad· mire it for having recommended a 'tax hike for schoolt:. By the way, J lbJnk it was Cicero who said "economy Is revenue.'' Let the school people ponder lbal Idea, 111-•hich still appUes. PETE WtLKI!IS Dr. William UUom. l.ogKft4 Beadl Unified Scllool Oiitrict ,.~~odf!\4 "1id half "'' tno!lf~ paid "' Pe~ Jl'vJ. mtr for publicity '°°' dOMUd moM#. T.Jtat COVt1'fd ~ coat of hit wort °" the owrridt cltctiofi. · ' '-. ' " . ' ' • Culprit Usually Known to Victim Who is most likely to give a youngs;ler his first-drag of marijuana or ·his first "pep" pill? Some stranger? A dope ped· dler? A hippie ? Not at al.I. His own friends are far more likely tO introduce him to the habit. ' Who is most lilrety' to tum ·a teen-age ·participate in the comnfunal rltes of thetr girl from chastity to serual license? peers. Some fiend, or boodhnn, or a bum &he • hBJ never seen bef-ore? Certainly ·not: . .\wo,BOL:,~FOR.~, which mOfilt 'Some:1'!!ill'lend .!be'~ wtU ""'°" >dutt.H1i:cei>I, .is or. far tho. greatest not to°~-.. ~ ~ · . ..-. ·~ ... !. .. PI'fiCipit.atinl c2u&e ef murder and . · .. .maaslaughter. No~me is Inflamed under WHO IS MOST likely torshoot You;-stab the inftuence . .-of narcotics to kill another '""' or,cboke J'.1!" lo~·.~ robber ........ ,bul. ~Q0101ni<kflf are or rapist, '®mt ~ lurk ' crimlnAI who cti'tnnifil'ed""' afuu;.any ~t .'hfuifuinds ' leaps at f(Ki ~i..of th knc$! Again and wives and rifeetheart& and pals by no \ -the ~ct; "ire high it wlTI be a their'mates:and JoVets -3n'd butrdies ln the • relative or a "fzjend." grip er ah alcoholic frenzy. 1 Every crime survey~· ws this to be (And, of course, we know that about true; every staWdc ·study indicaJes half 'Pf all fatal auto accidents ita.volved -that" in the areas . addiclioni.• gro-itrilRlng or drunken drivers; your rn!&cuity, and 'falal ylo~ce. tbt eWprit if ~antes oCJ;eipg maiip~ or killed b~ an someone will known to the Victim, some: tn~cated' motorist are substantially Olll!t socially or emotionally involved I greater than harm at the hands of a foot.- over a short or Jong period of time. ' pad or a strong-armed robber.) • ' --I OUR MOUNTING natioail )JJRtri• YOU AaE FAR SAFER in a lonely aboui socb matters -our fierce demand Wk late St night than in your own.home, for stiffer laws and more vigilant I'* or-a Jrlend's home, or a local bar, or a tection -·tends tO ob&cure lbt·truth of highway. Every poijce blotter ooofirmJ our. social pte. It is gtnerally not this .statement; every autopsy reaffirms "oubklers" who lead ··U.S aatraf Or do it. · harm to us, but lhoae neatest to us. PJSsion, far more than profit, ls the It. may .be comlortiat to believe that leadl:ng cause of homicide_ Lust, jealousy, the boy was led-down d\e wrong path by rage. injured feelings , resentments and a "pushei;" or that the gk-1 was seduced lrufrations -these accoont for more by a sinist'dt Svengali. 1Nt it is friends, rorpses in a month than all the killings not enemies, who thrQten ytlUflgsters. by for -sfmpfe .gain in a year. Violence is in withholding ''popularity" unless they th• heart more than in the strttts. • 'Tell It· Like.Ii ls' Time ' \ . It's time to "tell il like it-is" about the number one problem on this, aild. other high school campuses th r,ough~ut Southern CaWornia, concerning dope. A ...... ----~ .... : .. • .l • l -~-.. • 1' f-:;~u~!, ~i~9rial -.. . .) ~t!tt;::: ~~~ ~pe""=~eiu:: 6~ ' v ~ really heavy. It is impossible: to believe , This is ndt tbeeyrs""fault or aayone lhal in "our own backyafi", pusbeis. "'else's, ii is~t crle the cold hard facts speedfreab and narcs are playing a of lhe <tMig . Anywhere and rllky game; a dangerous forp'I ol Russian anyllme, curious youlhs looking for Roulette. · "ltic:b", will try drugs. Some caq stop In a recent wriUen IW'Ve;' passed oot and some can't -scime don 't want to, by the Scnll, tnor! thin 108 students tnd as ion( u ·drugs are looked upon as aave hoof.1st, frank opinions .about their mysterious,<uotlc, no-no's in our society eiperlences with grass, pills1 heroin and or in any other, people will Y.·ant lo try other forms of narcotics. ..._ them. THE FIRST QUm'f!>N 'Mtod was, "Have you ever used marijuana." Of the students that answered, IS said yes, 4.7 answered _no. Whtil asked if lhe1 bad evtr osed p!fls. 211 COl\fessed lho.yliad,iucl 111!<!1 t!iejn. Reds and wlUl<f 119·in0ot ~'Some · have been brave (cr,Foollsb ?t?) cOOllb 1 to try methtdrene;-1 ~mmonl)' taowft. • speed. • · Mort lh.lin IO ......,.of the ot.-ls stated that they smoke cigarettes aDd lhal most of lheb' friends do, loo. • The irooy of lhe 1ilulUoo IJ Iha( mos! people can't even lelf U \lie perlClfl sltlin( Kt011 tbe allle ft'ulft them ls "1torltd,..0r not. Altlloull> °*6 ... ooty • few ddliii1o .. ll.,..-ll ,.,_ ...... -t1'e ,.. ,_ of dnlP. ~ 'fll Ille . ttmo ~-get by "Undetected.·· \festminster kroU Wt1tminlkr mp School .----•• Georp ----, ·lle.lt Geoile: ~" Jlen Rft.n and Dick Martin &re-.lnvtr using rderences to 1!'"11'lai0wo. dirty joke" Oh. they're m1art e.nQlP not to use the joke -not in lt.i -entirety, tM the jot!:es are somet1mee riltby ones. What can you and I do to lake immediate action against corrupting tbe mtMs ol our thlJdrtn ? I PIJRIOUS Deer )"uriauJ: Uo;r, a.Ifs I lOC¥f -, y0u old ..,..,all 8-.)'II ·lhoqgbt I <ldill have M:rw!tnou&h to 1t1 )'(llr.014; "lm~te action" chc1t•111. LICJ'l rd Now rtmen wUl be prolfdld. 11ila ll btcl\111 landlonb will he fOllllind to nollly their 1 .. an1a of .that port!Clfl of lhe ll10lllllly --..,, he dinctb' 1llrlbulabk to -propcrt1 tu rm lick and llt<d ol your eenera- tion turalllc lo ·p1u rre.u and pot. bMda aa ~tsmen tor m,y een- eralion. They'te not. Thty''re the lic:t, &ad 111iaflll of "" ........ Uon. What they need is medical and Jl'ycbol'tllcal lrealment, not public forums. _ lie .aicl th< other loalf..,.. .t<:hool rr IS IAD 10 SAY tlal m01I 10W1& /11:nd1 /or itoms OMlt did "°' rclc!c P"OPI• don't liMw whar"they an: ret- "' U.. ~·· ·•....,..u11ily •flo. tlnl ·Into •1"' \lioJ uporimenf wllb lio•u.• in<;luilillQ a ,.,,.,.abaMi Rotarr • -· Sore, ~'l ru!l1 "fun•• and CJioct. giving ...... lb fifth grod_,, · cvn 'of "tl<l<tJ' but JI Clll get Olll of didn't you ? ... • 'tte Deed l'Qore subtle hwuor lik& Yt/Ut"Si. 'even if it " rtsQut. CRembnbtf \hat p u c to lfnci ."Yeah, I~'! what It il. but It'& the firs( ume l eVet foood one 1n the &lcive ~parlmtm.'') -· TUE PROGRAM ~ Ion, and Involved, bu\ the principal ports Include: l. An tocnue of borne owner's pn>- pcrty tu exempllonl to 11.000 wOuld opdl ID end to lhe lpecill 1$,llOO U· Baby Siller TINt IM!wr• """" "'""" ..._ Mt ---'ff """ llf .. •-•••· IW ... "' ....,. ... ..., ... DMl1 ,..,, ~ -&<titor 1 hllld. Many ,md«lts on lhll campu1 bave IOlll>d1111m&dves 1ddlcl<d lo~ •ilhin 1)..,-. ti'.~' Althollp IV"....,...~-kn o W'n thro\lghout lbe _, Ii • ~ clean campus, WHS • kllin& Its Image. (~O ~i.i...,1,1 190 biJ ot >too smoll iGflieo;f<-_OI ..,..,., 111<111 m.dfum.--c:on1u .. him.) • ... . ... • ' I SCR Opens 'Room Service' Friday 8• TOM TITUS .. ... .,.... , ....... With the mualc Of Bonny Goodlnan oetllnl the mood, Soulh Coul Reptrtory dlpo lft. lo ii• blf ol noltalila tbla Wffk with Ila aml~Uon of the um. c:omfldy. ·•R.oOm Servlce." 111< depression-er• f.,.,..by John MurTay and AUen Boret:i: win be staged ln ils original period otyle by the Colla M,.. C'Otnpill)' wbofe lut venture into thJt l'ftJ'e WU 1'The Time ti Your 1.Jfe" list llUIJn, Dnid Etnmt!. uecuUve dlloetor ol ICR, ll llaglnc the lll01! In tbo pan farce folhloo popularlud by the "'"" Brothers tn the movte wnion. It la a tale ol a YOUlll pro-ductr 1ttemptln1 .. to 1ta1e a play by a green country bumi*!n playwright and bo t· tling a lesion ot obltacles and compllc;.atlons a Iona the way. ~ I Doutlall lnd M rtln Bwon •ppuriq In pal rolel. I out the l•f&e c11t are Jµry C~y, Git)' Cot· tu, Paul Oer!O.Jt'ih, Bob Hartei\beratr, AuaUn Kelly, BWy Miller and Heath Park. Making her debut in an ln-- genue role Is Ann Parvaresh. The production marks the SCR ~ ol ht new designer and teebnl~al dlreclor, steve Goldman, who recently wor-· od In ldvanced design work at the Yale-Sthool of Drama. "Room Serviet" will run '11runda)'I • lhroulh Sunday1 afltt the openln1 woetml for alx WoW al the Third Step Thuter, 11127 N•wport Qlvd, Costa Mesa. ReservatlOl'I! are :.ivallable at the box office by calling 641-1363. .. R. Albttla ta part ol his master's theall In dr1ma. Seatin1 will be limited to 50 persona at each performapce ln the college's Arena Theater. Tlcketa may be obtatnect by calling the theater office al 870-3371. • * * Rtsuming tonighl for !ls Ona! week at !he Laguna Playhouse ii Kent Johnson'• producUon of "Wait UnUI Dark," playing through Sat..,.. dlly. Sally Hayton &tan In the Fred<ric .Knoll thrUler. Abo play(nf major rolea are Alan Hirt, Paul Wlllon, Pbil 1nterl9ndl and S u 1 an n e McQuad•. Tlie play-la located 1t 311 Ocean Ave., Laguna. Beach, ,..U~ reserva- tions availlble 1t ftMOel.' · WHAT KIND. 01' 'llOOM SERVICE' IS THIS? SCR'• lllty Mll .. r, Austin Kelly, M•rtin Benson . . . . ~ AnoUfer closing ni1ht comes c •. 1'.·-ila"• ·.tllnerv-aliOnl.· are! up Ulil week for the Hun· • l.H• "The Horatio AJi:er dream and unbridled optlmlm\ of the Thlrtles in. America ls the pity's most altracUve aspect" Emmea commented. "lt ls t.be ...,.. of the play'• 1ptrll and comedy." * * • ·Openlna tonlaht at Cal state Fulkrton' is Edward Albee'• lludy In ricllln "1'11< Death Of Btuie Smith." 'llte ,drama will play loor nlibts through Saturday with tw.o performances at I and l :to p.m. each evenln&. Uncton Be I ch Playhouse, · * * * j which 11vp lbe f in a I Over In Long • Beach, both " perlontllnctl of ·~ in the Community Pllyllouse and the Park" P'rtday and Satur· Forum XI TbUltt wUI lie doy nights. David MaMlle Is buoy Frtdlly and Saturdoy, dlr.cUn1 the Nell Slmaa com· with Commlrily ruumlng ill ody. -produdlon ol "The F...U, D.t.n.Y l'ILOt lltff .... DANGEROUS DOLL IN LAGUNA DRAMA S..lly Hayten, Suunn• McQuffe In 'D11rk' Sc•n• Veler~n SCR ldor Don 'l'llche takes the key rol• of Ml1ler, the producer, with Ron&Jd Bouslom cut u lAo Davia, th• country playwrlglit. Tht romanuc interest is pro- vided by Elalnt S.nkston, In a turnabout in tradiUontl llaglnf, the acton wUI 11111'· r(IU?d the audience in a clneram.1 .etting · created by ltud91t deolper David J.&r<ll of COsta Mesa . TM play is produced and dirtcted by John Mike Skinner, Rita Kitner, Man" and Forum Xl staalnl Annabelle Quigley and Paul "The Lion in Winter" (re~ Sullivan l'tead the cul at the ed on Pqe • today). Barn, 2110 Main St., HWl· Ralph Richmond. and Ann tln,ton Beach. Tk!llet orders Leverett head the "Family 11.te belng taken at 5.16-3861. Man'' cut under the d1rectlon Drania Students Busy Three '"Tea~hers~ • • • of John Williams. nie comedy!' ''A 1'hou9nd CI own s '' is staged at the playhouse, moves into the aerond of lhrtt 5021 E. Anaheim St.. \fith weeks Thursday nisht al the Uckets rcservable at (213) 431- San C I e m c n l e Community 0$36. ·At Estancia School TV Actress in Fmt Company Theater under the direction of Kfll'l')' Johmon dlrect8 ''Lion R\chard Andenen. Ron in Winter" wllh Thor 'Nlelsen · Chr~Ue and Yvonne Kendlay and Kalh1'<n ftDgart taldnl · Drama students at Costa M"8'• EJtancla High School are.buq ~ for Uret big May pro~ includl"I producitOo' of an original play by their own' inltructor at the Laguna Seniors Vie For Awards Five Laguna Beach High School seniors will compete Sunday night for two drama scholarahlps in the Laguna Playhou se's annual ICholarah.ip audilions. The profflDl. now in Its loth yetr, provides two awards of '300 JM fl:l'J) e1ch year tmv.-:d the continulflg educa· tktl of Joca1 student!. l'l!ll~jpaUni in Sunday's •udltkirii ·wtll be: lt1la Oli ver, G1ylt· ZMCler~ Eric V a n Dwtttt, Robert Xronman and Glen Danttls, all of , l.l(una Belch. ~ Judie& will evaluate ll:elr performances, wjal. Uie wlnning .two students rte<1"1111 lholr grants at the high IChool awards assembly in June. COsta Meo campua. Students David Schelin and Bnlee Cazupll<U wlU perform 8 Rgment of Edwin:! Albee'I ''The ·Zoo StorY" ·May 13, a1 all area high schools enter the Orange Coast College Pia)' Tournament. The followiitg day, May 14, three students wlll travel north to present Eugene tone!CO's one·act play "The Lesson'' at the histori c Pasaden1 Playhoult. David pt,gn\an, FI a r a Garnsey ~ Carol Cappello will repramt Estancia High in the Padadena acbool'1 one- acl play festiva l to draw en· tries from all over America. A series of p I a y presen- tations will be offered May 24 at the Estancia High School Forum in a community benefit night to raise funds for needed drama department equipment. ''The Toy Box," an o.:Jginal play by Stouder, will be preaented, along with Albee'• "The Atnerican Dn:am," to bl performed by membera of the Laguna Playhow:e. ·- Additionally. the Elllnel1 dram1tlsts will offer one or bolh of the productions 11lated for OCC and the Pasadena Playhoue at the Jocal M1y 24 benefit, Stouder said. BJ VERNON 5CO'l'r HOLLYWOOD (UP!) Tbroqb a -btoallon of sood fortune, ·a cllalinctly American face and a peck of ambition Susan Saint James, 22, finds her11U working with Gene Barry, Robert Stack and Tony Franciosa every week. Susan is the firl Frld1y of all thrtt. stars of the television series, "The Name of the Glntt." Hr:r UntS are usually llmlted and the action frequcnUy finds Susan alttloc In an office somewhere wblle the heroes oave the clay. . • sun, there are few ~ I~ stralghWlain~ D'JU<· 0145· Who ·noo 1hermelve• in sudi'llst company. Ptrh!Jll 'betcauoe ol her youth, Suaan is unawed and unlm:rr:Ned by 1 job that woul have a mllllon other alrls her age , .and older, in • veritable ttzzy. She watches Ind turns and hopes for the dlf when 1hc ls a ital' 1n her own rl1ht. "I acljult lo uch ont Ill the atan," shl 11ld, indicating there la conalder1ble adjusting lo do. ''Tony and Bob ind Gene lrt three very diatlnct in• clivlduall. They all know .-hat I S01nethin9 to lump About James Earl Jones hes an extra spring in his step these d1y1 a1 he 1tar1 tn Broadway's 11The Great White ~lope." Jones Sunday night won the Tony award as bes t actor In a drama, whUe lhe play look the Tony for best production . they want, and they do tak• the principal rot... t1ie principal rot... The ever)'lhlol dlllmnUy. So it'• 111< Hub Gardner comedy theater-ts on the lop l1oor of me that bu lo do thlnp their runi throulh Saturdly at the MorpQ Hall, Iii Locull Sl, way." Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 with reRrV~tioos being taken Occasionally &Jun ii ter· Aven.ida C 1br111 o, San at(~) -43%-9221. rifled when anger n1res on thel;=;;=========::;;;:=~=======oll 1et. Once she wa1 near tean when one of the 1tars 1skedl her where or if ahe ha,4 learn· ed to act. Each of the lhrtt: male slan runs his own production end·of the w"lcly IG-mlnute NBC·TV seriea. There are separ1te producers. dlrecton, writen and other speclallsta for the stirs. "I almost have a crush on Tony," Susan aaid. "I have more to do on his lhows than the other•. Bob is very helpful [ and lutrudlvc when we work I together. And Gene is a challenge." Susan was being diplomatic. What about Susan Saint ' James who plays ·Pegy Mu· well? "I want to be a atar," ahe concluded. "But then I sutaa every girl who works in movies and television feell the 11.qte w1y. ~'11t Otey don't hive Tony ind Bob and Gene to help teach them the ropes." ---..,~ .......... "CMIU"-• •llMi-..... .._ .. ,,,.._. .. ~ -· "'" II "IW .W... . "J 11 tM Atttt" -M lllrttleyWll'lltl't ~ ..... Mt.ft. ll1<J_rnesa ~· !'• t r ,·', i'j. 1\r.i, _-r•i • --rit e;, rJf \~/p 1111 1 /\Nll HA~B · ii' 1r..i -\_I ,I ,\ ,'.\f ';/\ • • • It's the funniest since "Cat Ji!l&ou" -Heleil West THE FUNNIEST SHOW IN TOWN - CLEAN AS A HENS TOQTH -::-.. . ' THE GREATEST FAMILY SHOW IN ORANGE COUNTY lamt1Gamtr loan Hackttt Walter l:relflilln Calendar• a dull toYil\ until Shull! MCCullou•h ;1 took over Aloo Thi• family Show ..... SOUTH COAST ' F--~ ox '°LAZA THllMIRK I ~ s.no;opr-1at1rilltl • 546-2711 Acf'9f., ,,. -.,,.. ... Offln 0... 11• .. h• WE ARE PROUO· TO PlllSENT M TOP NATUU . -. .,,. ,,,,.,. J••" s.Nt, ll:id11r4 Kl11y UPENDUl:.UM" "CA!iDY"R RATED ,• CHILDREN WITH PARENTS ONLY PLEASE! IOOdsricf ~cwlyl .. .. ... ~ Aaclemy Awan:I Wlnnera .., ' BEST ACTOR CLIFF ROBERTSON mlllll l'tTllll!S in collabof11ion wi~ llOllERISON ISStlCllTES pr""b CLIFF ROBERTSON. C#A~~ •• -CLAIRE BLOOM ---- ...... -•&&l!M • !!NI Ill Iii 1117 •• di ""'!!r .,,,,. ' • j . ' • ACADIMY AWARD WiNNIRI · ' . SftVI: MCOOllN AS 'NJLUTI r,;.:-.::,.-..-= SATUIDAT P.t.A. MATINll-ALL llAft ... "PlllT ACIOJS THI MOCT" -ll~t P.M; ' • ' • I I l 4..-• • . . . . • ... ill DAD.\'" PILOT 'Di~solutes . Not Only o._es Suffering From Baggy··Eyes . . . . ' ' . 1 ·., P. 1. ~ M.D. '' b It p haropluty." It ls BUT, AFTER Jt is au over, tlooed the flnd.lnc ol one statement, clvlna the FBI u. eh a r act tr 11 t ics are J IT IS .USO Important ~t <e"'• under ~ eYes plague perfqrmeci 00 the I.I p p e r jt ls Worth all trouble and U· physician Who believed that authority for it lba1 "Propuly destroyed." other usual m e t h 0 d I people.' Tbeir mot.'°'11.l and lower lids. Each eye tUM ptme. POllOpenlive scars are foot printing of int ants is made ( o o t p r 1 n t s {or Footprint& a r e u s e d In (brace1ets, et c.) be used D1 ort Is ~ when about an hour oad • ball. For ...,...ly visible. Whal Is Jm. H=· A{~ r':f:'f ~ !Jn&uprinlU of any bllinan ch 141 re o rather than h06plla! in. lal>elin& = ,._ ~ ~-· .. -~-each ot,eraUOn 'a. polieaf portont is the cholcO of ·the American H.,pftal Allccia· being from ihoot the aa! of 6-J>rlnls •beclUIO they are ccrtectfy. Foot!ll'inlJ """ ·-"'!' · ·~' needs Jo NJ' In !llo holpiloJ plastic surgeon. the fourth fetal mooth = wler lo ol>llln ood'llle lqlhle 1Upplinenl these procemira. ~ ~ hkc Ooly about a 4'1· l(owtver tt M 1 keep repeat.inc, be IUrt boot, or oo the advice of a lion) gives a cootrary apinion. wtll aerve to -ldvely . y 1 ~ are eailr, -~ U•s reassuring to know that ....,_.. ud d I 1 o I u te <likes al feui!!l.do/'I for&;; he comes well recommended friend. "Bap" deserve the :rm:. AHA'• position ~ that poraoo :;tu U.. tlll>O>or ._.,But I( II t_.,..i \h&I ll'o really "your'' ha!>7 lhal ii.ertJ-. 'l)ey are like peo-.<lflo;oloraUOn -llll! ~ lo ·by)'<lur pbyslcion. Doo't jloll best of care. maias the. same as in 1157 his death and to ~ him fiOd technique he uaid ili'ob-')'Ou lake -hom~ from tho pie •lia'llt.t<d...., ye\: ..... poar-~. J)ICk,l.DllDfOUlolthepbone,..-Inoprevlouscoiumnlmen-when ft made the foll"'ing Iller ~111IDIW1\1".~e tolnlngfootpints, . 'l.hospltof. , \ #--• dn>p of okohol. I ,, . ' I . . . .. RECENTLY: one womQ, 'sWI in her early 20s wrot.: '1 -i -.Uffer from lisp under m1 eyes. I can't, understand it. 1 havt been to a few docton who have !¥en unable to find the ~--No medlcine. One "1viaed plastic ilur(tfY. May I tiavt-1 few wo,,U of advice to an innocent victim ol baggy eyes~' -Miss L. . COMMENT: 1bls stubborn C9f'dition js more common in those past 40, but as in your use, Miss L., may occur in ~n~er Jl!'OPle. Aa the un; derl}'Ulg · muscles and coo- l;lec:Uve tissues weaien, the fatty tissue pushes thrOugh the 1 !eakened mu.tcles. The' result ii! a balloonlP,i 'out of the lids ,!fl,.ch casoe the unhappy f(isfiguren\elit. • . 1!f~~ly, it. ~ I 1-:t>'ness and IOcial handicap. 1 . Ii-lrith the . doc:Wr who -ended plastlc surgery. If moot cues, this ll·the only -· ~'the operation ls called a ".t ~Pollution . .. ~Creating Many Jobs By JOYCE LAIN f•' M l$S l•ln 1w1nl1 1 ""'ml"' ~ .crt1bll, (0Ul1'H, Of Ille Jlgy1I A!,1VHWl"fll• Co .. lo Mra. Mltdnf ... ~·"~~:;, p~~ ~'"'.:i:"~ - •11111 ... .,,.. .. , -· ........ (_,. "' •If' • w•lff "4'1111'-_,,.,, : 1 ,,......,..11H "*' win .,. .,....,. • !"hlrt N*1vlllfits fet Hdil i.-,_" ;:·A.-'Mle future is now in · ,poJlution control needs. With more than two-thirds of us ,Jiving in urban centers, the 'poisonous waste fouling our ,air and water is becoming a ;natiooal crisis . • ~There is no single way to ' 'prepare for a career in pol. 1 J\l.tion control ; we need a va· .. ile<y of engineers, scientists, · , piblic health experts, en- fl)rcement personnel and tech- ~ians to tattle the massive ~ ·tpanbandJing of our environ· rilent. Not all jobs require a four-year colltge education. 'but the best most often call .for more than a bachelor's 1Jegree. For college-I> o u n d aLUdeots, high-schoo l studies JllouJd include all the science and math available. Though professionals generally spe- cial ize in one or the other- either air or water -both fields need ... WHERE EMPLOYED: All levels of government (though the federal government has a temporary freeze on n e w hires), private industry, col· leges and universities, and research institutes. WHERE TO WRITE: For !'IP'e information, write Air E:Ol lution Control As.!ociation, t4Do Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, ·~: 15213; Water Pollution Oijntrol Federation, 3900 Wis- dllisin Ave. NW, Washington. ~-20016; National Air Pol· Ii;ioo Control Admlnlstration, 80J. Randolph St.. Arlington. Va. 22203; and the Federal W•ter Pollution Control Ad· ministration, W I s h I n g . . ton, n.c. ac. PROSPECTS AllE PROM. tSlNG for pollution control· Jtrs. Urbanist authority Don- "lld C. stone, dean of the University of Pitl!burgh's Gnduate School ol Public and 1.ntem:ational Arr al rs, iays: :-: "Any competent person who . Ji.as ·complpeted academit de. ogre.es in publ\c health prac- tke. enviromnental engineer· Ing, and other relevant IUb- jec:t& will fand his ,....,Ice> in .,..1 demand .. incttosed populollon and lnduotriollzo. lion odd to the Polfutfon prob- lem. '' ·.. La't hope m~y lntemttd ~heed Dean Slone and , k out 1 ·career fllhtfnc ) before It'• loo late. .Uol111. r * * * ( ... ,_ -·-ft< ..._.-. topln to Joyce . &a, C.-C.-, D.W.Y tftLOT. a..y, • maU .. ..... ,..ffat"'ee..My .... -lettor ii tile ill· • ti • '9llre ctl•m• wlU ._.. 1 ,_ Royal Mtl'Cllr)' ,.-t1W1 .,....,.. • • '· ; • WIES' Panty-Pose :'1~~i'C: lrt• I StlKtltl •(fas•· I•• ctllls . S•all Anra11 !all ' NISJU'S . "Dial" "Purex"· Candy Bars • llilk Clilctaatl • CM&· 'aliil'a wit~" llll11•s •. Clm •• CllilHllt• . SUP.II Bleacli · w/Nn • Wlliltlilf; ,_ JRI. 59c Sizt. "Ancient Age" wu 12.11 SAVE 2.H IENTUClY STIAIGHT · !~ .. u!.~~~ i.1. l 0.98 "Old Taylor" XENTUCIY STIAllNT BOURBON full I& ltr11f ••• IT. "Lauders" ~:: SCOTCH Pr1l11et 11 Sc1t111• II. "Count Vaysa" VODKA ' .. ~ ... . . . . . . . ..... . • • • • • • lllDllllO.D Sprinkler Set to.ers IP 111200 WIS I.II SMl4< 6.65 WAS 1.21 sin:• 5.99 WIS 1.41 SIVE 5k 6.90 ... tt~ .... ,. 23 95 ilsbff ... CJlll be -to. . Sprinkler Heads cNJDse tro111 ~.n or 11111 cirtlt. 73c f 4" S~kt llolds sprinkltr . ::&;~enhouse" Plant 0 sn llli --lw !be hooc 1•· -..... -.,. • ~ wi1I 4 98 -""llhill .....,..., • 111S1 ,;,nts t1om sttd. • . . EVElfADf Batteries · Diaparene" Y11r Chh:• 98~ DRUG STORES '!!!!J -tAMtallPM-JOlYSAWIU iiiiii HUNTINGTON llEACH 1tM llYIMI IN Wll1'CUW P\AIA NEWPORT l!ACH AMMI & •OOl'Hltn' HUNTINGTON UACH IPllMeU.LI 1-ltlHll • UI ... _.. Cl' Kits • C>oow·m-...., ........ All!, itMf, ::e'"' .... tbor -..-. ,,.., 1.49 ... , CllAICOAL Brilpaets "Olffm" DOG FOOD • ,_ loll.Uni&- Soap Set m ~ .. , Tissae~ ,. I ..., -.!'oil~· ;.k., 33c 4 l•lls. '. 2 I I, C.11111 11l l 1z.Cri11 II• 1t 2 ,1tf11111f SJc•et-"'" 3.00 5.00 • • ' Newp~~_,,_1¥hor ' • EDITION ~OL 62, NO. 97, 4 SECTIONS; 6 ' , " . Harbor ~oney Asked ~ 't t . ' City Won't Take Stfind on District Breakup ' , , "/J'1 .JEROME I!'. CO~ ' N~ :::ch°;;'~:·~ on Clidohition of the Orange County Hi.rbor Dlatrict, but wants some .money if tbe distrld is dii.solved, the county's Local Ag..,,Y Forrilatioo Commlsiion C4f'Ci WU told lod8y. , Newport Vice Mayor Lindsley Panons ~ ~ pitch in a statement. preR&fed for an I.AFC pltblic bWinc on lbe Cqo- troversy this afternoon. Big Bal Slide 1 Backers Back 1 1 At City Hall · A San Bernardino iinn will try again to •in city approval of a giant slide on an empty lot in Balboa. Glenn.Hagen Enterprises today •!>' pealed a Newport Beacb Planning Corn- ~on rejection. of the· 12-lane. 25-foot .blgb a_lide:On the peninsuJa. Planners earlier this mooth voted 5-1 against the application. Nineteen nearby homeownen also had petitioned against It. I Tlle,alide i!5 ,e_rppo.sed for ·a lot ~rdered . by *=-'10cean ~ Waahinpoli Avenue , and Palm Street. ' ' R. O. Hagen, president of Glenn·Hagen, In Illa lormal appeal said ' "This ls a recreational type of bualness and it is compatible with the IUn"OUnding properties. The time ijmlt can be con· trofied by the use pennjl and revoked il a pOrt-of-call type of operation 1 s developed." On Aptil 3, planning ~mmlasioners and the city staff agreed thljl the slid!! didn't . constitute a desirable· land use and would not contribute to city plans to phase out the "cmdval atmosphere" of the central Balboa area. The ai>peal hearing on the com· mission's action will be held by the City Council on May 12, accordlna to City Clerk Laura Lagios. Toddler Saved From Swim Pool A two-year-old toddler topped into a swimming pool tr,ying to retrieve a toy at a Newport Beach home about noon today, but was re1eued by his mother and reviv· ed by a neighbor woman. ruchard P. O'Shea, son oI Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Shea, 4M Qnd St., was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital after being given mouth-to-mouth Tl!suscitation. Shirley Re.Id. 476 62nd St., was the neighbor credited with bringing the boy around, according to Newport B.each police and firemen. "He's doing great, kicking and scream- ing and wants to go home.'' Aid Patrolman Gary Lee, present abOut 1' p.m. at the Hoag Memorial Hmpital mercency room. • Parsons' femarts re~ld the ·City Council's oficlal ttance 6D: ·Ute· Issue. He explained Newport's equlvocaUon thb way: 1 • ' "Dissolution or the distrid ·will t-.1ve a far gn:atef impact on our ci~than on most citi,p in the county because of our veey cloat aasoclaUon ·wUh' Uie Harbor District, elating back to 1933. . "NevertheleSs, the city of Newp:rt Beach fa that nothing could be·galntd by 1.oppming tbe league of Cities" acttm and ba1 .. chosen to assume a position ol · neutrality on the µiaue." Panons' reCerence ·wu to the county League's request for LAFC approval of a plan to brealc up the dillricl and in- _.i. !Is funciioM within ao ·ex· panded cowrty parb d~ent. The vice may«, who recently told bis cwncil colleques tbal diaaolulloa of the district is .. inevitable," aated for L.\FC endoneuient of Newpod'1 bid fa< flnan. (See BA111011, Pap 1r · Citizens Group Ask~ Coast Cities Join in Oil Fight Jly JACK CHAPPELL °' .. b.lfr ........... U Lagupa Beach, Newport !leach and Capistrano Beach abcwellnea:-ll't lo re- main safe froin 1 Santa a,rbara-type oil dilaster; there must be broH citiun au~ port to battle offsllore .drllliJll. Ing It enacted into Jaw.'' he Aid. Andmu reacl • publllhed lolrrlow with a lobbyist for the oil lndultry wlllch quoted the man u 11ylng thal the lactlca , to be Qled by Ille c:ompanla wen all ddenah<. Tho al! btdultry doa not want aft)' laws prolliblllng productiGn anywhere and the SENTENCED TO DEATH Rl'K Kllltr Slrllon· State GOP Office l\19ves Quarters hito Ne)Vport TbiJ waa the opinlon "PftSS'd ;u... day by Victor C. Andrtwa ol. Emerald Bay, Jong-uine foe of ocean oil drilling and bead of a new citiz:en efiort to battle oil blighL indU51ry will flll>t milbWy aplmt such Tho Rei>ubli<an' *8te Centrsl Com· problbilions, Andr_ews uid. mltlee will oflldally -lls .... state ~pea.king bef<ltt, ti>< J,aguna Beach Ci~c Lea,l\l81 ~~ws 'ftlmec\. "¥ we "l"'i~ ~"""!ht inev~t uil!Qleil !>f<!!·~ .. liave tO ad. Andml'I, -IUVed u Pr.eaident ~lnNewport-1oFriday. Richard Nlxm'•· Orange Counq ..,,,. ..,,. ..... lo lilt Campua om., ad-P"iln .manapr,.sal4 lie bad Mntly Jacent to Orange County aiiport, followed wrttteo. a lelter to,-lhe,J!res~ -~......._of !lil 1~ e..· -~ ~imw.«· r-'" · ,., . · ~· stato' ""'"""'-;. We lane • -ol l!fe her< ~ -.not dnclude oil.. ~-aald. • "llrilifto po1m'·iiii11o the Praliliftt · , · u J>OIM"thit H ii thal1it.,.,'ttYillti)lreler9'-W11ol ctlllomny for headquarters to be Dior ¥<1re1'1 said that several lecillatlv• bills Jn lbe 1ta1:.i,1Jf fed<rll hopper• life he1'i •od wau1d be pie~ to. talk to the chalnrian'1 home. Mt. ffi4ke.1j1eCNtary IX the mter1or) and A small staff Will remain at the r.entral would help the couiolunillal In keeping bit ObL .. • -l · • "It is one thing•t4 er-lqlllation. could "' 111!<¥) ~ ·~l~ COmrnlttee'I f<lrmer ''*'dquarle~ ht nolJet DI aitl1ftlll',atkii.lsL{ilPa" than SaCramento. a'l oil Jftan," Andrews 18id. The first event slated for the new office There are unbelievable probltm1 1n hav· A~dmn called the Civi~ League a will be a meeting at 2 p.m. Friday of the moUvattn1. fare. .tn .the oil fighL F~-77-rnember execuUve committee, ruling Ing Illa lalJc. the 1._ . ..i.d to join the agency of ·lhe 12'0-memller State CentTJJ Coall Area ~e ),eague In _the oil· Committee, and will deal with iong-rani• SDS Supporters To Meet OCC's shore oil battle. . finahcial pjannlng. Andrews 1ald that at the appropriate A press conference at 4:30 p.m. will (See OIL, Pqe I) feature appearances by Carpenter aod Representali'('e Craig Biddle. ' Board. Tonight Students.aee.king..to form a Student.I for a. Democratic Society chapter on the Davey's Locker . Buying Pavilion Orange Coast College camJW are O· Davey·s Locker ts buying the Balboa pect.ed to aonfront the junior college Pavilion for $500,000, it was disclosed to- board o( trt*tea tonight. da~il Tozer, owner of the Newport SDS backers will 11ttk lo overturn a Beach aportfishing firm, empbuiud that veto by OCC Pre:sklent Robert Moore the deal has not yet cleared escrow. against f~tioo of the ~mpua~ club. "That will take a couple of more There may J>e 1 large ltudent turnout. weeks," he said. "At that time we'll Tuesday night, youths aUending a Yippie--reveal our expansion program for the Chicago riot film program in Newport Pavilion. Anything said now would be Beach were ur,ed to attend the board premature." meetin1. Tozer confirmed the proposed purchase College Pn&ldent Robert Moore two pri~. which includes the Pavtlion'1 land, weeks a,eo. vetoed a 5 to 2 student lf!nate building, all improvements and llqucr vote lo a1kiW · SDS to function as a license. recognlzeil CtiftPUI orPDizatioa. He sa!d the Pavilion, just last year "The goals of the national SOS detlared an "historic landmark" by the =i(wl are antithetical to orderly · clfy, would conUnue operations as a al ID educ!dloml Ntilul!On." mtaurant. 'Moore Aid. • It la being purcbued from ils pr.,..t ·fie reuomr• lllf k M local IDS~ a,mer, Alan N. Ducommun. wbo recently lnl<nds 1o _.-....iy;t can do ao tpen1 ....... r thousand dollars remodel· ~·~.,.-" mctt. An open house for Republicans and other interested area residents will be held from 5:30 ro I p.m. "I lmpe 1he many Republicans who worked ao hard for the party in the put will rind time to stop in," Carpenter, said. ~ 1,300-sq,,.,...foot ofllce, with II staff members, represents the c~ solldaUon of a number of operations throughout the slate, acconlin1 to Carpenter, who added that the move bu already produced 1lgnlflcant 'savings ht Ume and manpower. State GOP leaders believe that the move of the Republican State Central Committee Headquarter~ to Orqe County ii lhe first such move by either of the major parties. Friday's EJ:ecuUve Committee meeting wµfbe lbe fir.st since the January' state convention, where Carpenter w a 1 selected as state ErlY chleftaln. NEW YORK (UPI) -sfucl<I flnllhed on a firm note today, but concern "tNet the K«,.. lituatlon bloclled the 1111 from· 1Jeo! Jevell. Trading wu adlve. ·csee quo1o11an1, Pa1 .. IH5). • . , ' 'l'•••Y'9• ..... .. • N.Y. Ste••-··- " TEN cam· r ' . Arab Emotionless: As Verdict Given: LOS ANGELES (UP!} -~jrhan B. Sirhan was ordored toda1 lo plf.' 'vilh his li!e for the assassination· of Sen. Robert· F ,. Kennedy bu* ~­ to higher courts may spare him !rQm the gas chamber ind~. 1 • • The jury which convicted Sfrban of first' degree I11unl•~ Jn t,h• slaying of the senator during Kennedy's pres1dent1al·pr1mary .calopdJn last June directed that the punisb. ment should be death. When the verdict was announced Sirhan chewed hard on a wad of gum and stared straight ahead. He was dressed in blue sb1rt and dart slacks and bis skin looked very sallow. Superior Court Judge Herbert v.. Walker will formally prooounct sentence Jn about three weeks. · · 'lilen the ~ye.ar~ld Palestinian Arab Immigrant will be moved under heavy guard either to death row in San Quentin State E nte.rs Legal Battk On Bay Swap ~1:,' or the prison hospital at Vacaville, Orange County and the Irvlnt ~ now bave the backing of the mW.Lands Judge Walker set M1y 14: for Commission Jn~ bid to ~ tblut'1 argumenti for a new trial. trade of land ht the·UJIP'I' Bay a,,., The Callfornla State Supmnt Court Support by the slate ll"l'Cl' lor the llit- will iutomatlcally review the sentence. If terly attacked land nip ii .. on it is upheld, Chief Defense Lawyer Grant Superior C0urt files in tbe' fonn al I a- B. Cooper said he would appeal all the page brlef.'11 is expected that II will farm way to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking a part ol the Irvine, Company'• artiimeoll new. tN.l. in a hearinc' set for May 1. The aevm-man. five-woman , j u r y That hearing wu caUed for by Judp dellberalod for U boura and 45 minutes Claude Qwens shortly after ·the fillmc ol'a over a period .of throe day• before taxpayers suit by ail: Horbor ArP d~ 411 tho· penalty,~ a trtaJ of resid .. ta -Mr." and Mn •• 1"rOt1lc three and ,... hail moolhl. ROl>lnson and Mr. and ""1· ,llotolil Befor< flllnl! into the courtroom, the Covmta)e of Newport Beach and Mr. and jurora ...-i a --three llo>• to ~W""1 lllarx of Unlvonll1 P.ark, :ritai!.~.=..iand---a the hbm"°"""" all•1• that the - Jjjry -s· llli.io4 '• ment_callin& for the trac!• ol 117 -ol -tliill-....... ., .. ~"'*"" COUl!li'-lidelandl ,,.. 91 -ti ......... ft to·~ ' '.. . .. -. 1rvbtt te'*8 • ~ ~ ~ ' ~· Theit "9'1!plainl la desi ...... ~ clerk Mn.. Alice ..,,,_,: • couq$)' auditor V A Reim'• 11utWJt "Wf the Jury In the iboft lllli...., oe-• ._ . '. . I •-Uf'•• found the defmllnl. ~ tllat ,_ cannot e~h>eally IJ!'Y a 113,117 bW ;::;: __ :::!., __ -·'" of ~~ Jn··~ !Gf dredsl ...... hoij lell\lli In Ibo. v,,. ~-.-uan, , ....... y •u-yg -bay area.: · J flnt "'8ree ai cbarpd In -·I ol the Tbt county auditor has polhted ·Gui In lnllk:6nnl ... llx the J!'Mll1 ~death." his own ·i<ifilll tliat thO< lrvlne ·~ It •a• a victory for the ~on wiU tecettw~ iome of the J1lOlt ft1ub1e which had made It clear to the Jury that ~lat. and1 comtnerclal1 land cm:• the state felt a death sentence wa1 ap-Wt!st Coast while' &he county receiVtl • proprlate for the killer d a polltical ly a waterway ' figure who mlght' have become president '!be state'La~ Commission·arpeiJn of the United States. ' this Jatat brief thal the land m:baiwi oep. Dlit. Alty. Jom Bowm Aid In c1ocumen1s quationOd by Hebn m1 11ie· his fi1!81 ~mma~on thll • ball dor.en taxpayers are .. valld enf~ tnd ....,.. like Slrban ·could obred tha equitable." fabric of American delaocratic pel'D-County aupervilorl ~ve mdaned a m.ent. · Jaiid awip which DlWll thal lhl Jrooe Tho vmllct repreaeuted • "'jecllon of cGmpany bolds the 457 · ict'<il ..i.r defense aJ1U111"1ls that Sirhan wia ao dispute u tu free ""g:!r-a mentally Ill that he• wu ni>I eapable ol decisloo on· the .....U · al Ille the ddlberal•· prtmed\lallon and ... di;al by the Court.. c'.mtailq ~ IR' ecullon of Kennedy?• afa)'llll m a pantry pear to ._ lh&t IUdl a raiq JI• II ol the Ambuaador hotel 1u1 June $, Jwt two yan oway ' The l"'l' d!Jcarded the -of • • parade of defenie poychologllla ind psychiatrists who termed the fGnner race track uerebe boy a p a r a D;O I d schlzopbrenlc. Ooe poycblatrlat said S(rhan was In a 8'1!-induced hypnotic trance "hen he rtred the lhbtl that killed the New York Senator. · There obviously had been 1 struggle among the jurors over whether Sirhan should get life or death. At one time IL wu believed there might be a complete deadlock In which case a new jury would have had to ~ vµ.tuaJJy the entire case again before d\!Cldlng on a penalty. Slr!W> now joins the mm-. than IO · WIOlll 8'Jllenced. to deatll for capital crimel in CalUomla who have evaded a:- ecaUon for more than two )'W'I tbnup oppeals and lqal maoeavm. President Eyes .. V Qting in . State Pruident Richard M. Nlxm·-1!Y WOWd ijke to recelve an ,._,.tee,.blllOt from California ~urlpi Illa yeora In Ibo White1lOU1t,llw".~lodoY.· Presidential Counlet John Eberlli:hmln aald H lhe Nlaool·buy·a .....,.. -• the Southland -such. 'U .1\18 Catto0 E!late where he..,_. Id_ la BU Clemente-he W111 i..-Jo'..ie bin. Nixon iJ now reglstertd ar'ti New'Ymt voter and Ia,aJso eligible lo ncfrtr Ud vote in Florida electif?!ll, liDce be OWJll several propqliu on ·~y ~, 11111 Jlttsent 1wnmer retreat. · ; · . • ........ · . .. County's .Biggest Hotel To .R~.e in Costa Mesa . ' , .Ceu&- Wea..... ._ The weath« ...,., J11t1o1,._,., ' ' I NEW INN ON MESA -Artist's J'eltderi!Jt dfpltts Broom Marriott Inn planned near-South Coast Pla:ia in Costa Mesa. Inn initially wW Include (I) six-story hotel uni~ (2) three-story hotel unit, (J) ----- • • • • • .. .-tile -~' -...,., ' sides after llOCll ·aod temperatuno . In the upper aixlla alGll the Or&nP,·CouL ,, JNSmE TODAY . The locol thtolri<GI ,..,.. /10fft . Long Broc1' to S.. c-. 11 ;· ' ....,.d hl, IM D'\l~Y PILOT'~ • l m"'10fnmcnt ••ctJoia .-... P0411• :S a"4 21. ' -.. -.. -'. --. ~ II• ~: 1 --·" --.,., .JI _..,. . ..... ,. ..... ---. t:.'I:""' ': ' -. ---==:=· 4': :i--" ..:. ........ _ m ' -_... .... ---:... ,...... l .... -,r == .. ,.· ' .t : • I I t -DAILY 1!lOT • • • T-010 Says· i ~~ Pay Talks CTankS Call Jat:Win With t~e Fo'k~ ~~.~}{· 'B'thne'b issatisfy If~,.:-~ ~,. liter, maybe eveo "mad 1111 a ~ ,,.~ .,, J .. i' , eaau;tl to ••!bpdll',a.. 1~ 'bl\Vl ·-..., , ., •11 «.I· Families An El Tora Ml!lne omcer today volctd roncern about the risJ.ng number of crut.I ~t;rank" pbOne calls mlde lo Wives and ,.,.,its ol Marines In Vietnam. .lfarraal Olll<tt Anthony DoJohn of El roni•s C-lty Aulstance Office said reparta on the phony calls on ''combat l!aths" had leaped from an average of trie a n:onth tc eight in the past two non~. ·''Most of the callers," he said, ·~claim jhey have a telegram or that they are a l!Nc crOu repmentatlve asalaned lo pasa on the bad DtW1," he said. .. Wohn cauU011ed all servicemen's families to remember that information on klttlefield casua1ties in Vietnam is pqs. Id clolY la lhll manner: . WO!'! llrlt reaches Marine Corps Head- 1iiaiters in Washington. They notify the Mirlne Corps Casually Asabtance Offie< oearm Ille Marine'• family. · '!i>t! primary nut ol kln are notified In ,._, lllUllly at home, by a Marine ol· !ictt :and a · Navy chaplain or another Marloe officer. "Word Is never passed by mail or over the phone," DeJohn em· pbuiled. ' . . . Newport Police, .· ~·-.' ~aches Tangle In Cage Contest 'tbe Newport Beach police cham· pio!lshlp basketball team and the Harbor ~'Coaches AU.Star team will play. at ~ p.m. Friday at the COro'ha det Mar High lchool gym. Sponoored by the Orange Cout Clvl\an Club; llciell are II with -going to··tlJi Hope Haven School, COit.a Mesa. · jack Boettner of the Los Angeles ~ will be master of ctl'emonies. , H&lttlme entertainment will have the ~ del Mar Drill T~m and the Na 88Je" MQku Hawaiian dancers. .Bitl.Shannan will be a playing guest on ~ police team. ~ sports peraonallUes attending are P&rller Williams of the Kentucky Ceionels and Mike Noyes, fonner UCLA lootball slar. Erosion Control Discussion Set ,. ,; .. . . ' . ~111rim.dildotllieu.s. Anny I of EllCIM«'• coaatal branch, wi~ about tbi Corps' eros!on control pro- ;i,.t0r<_lbe Bay Area Citizena Coun-.,.0'1iunc!ay. . -~·a ;p.m: procram, whleb is open fo IJll~bllC.' Wlll be held at Newport CitY =~ent Headq~•· 1714 w. _-m;....ia ezpected to outline the Corps' upCommg groin construction project in WOii Newport, accordfng lo Allan Beek, prealdent ol the Bay Area Council, whleb compriMs several cithen groups. . The engineer, l!lfd Beek, may abo give aetalla on the Stephen C. Auld marina project, now under study. Fro .. Page J OIL ... time individuals could write letters to the 1tate legillators and to the federal law men supportin& favorable legislation. He llfd Iha\ preaenUy the coutal governm~\ll were Oesfng their polltical muacle ht lllOl'ln( lbe varloua bllb. ' DAii Y PllOT ~M COAll PUtllSHlfllla (O.l1\111ANY lleMtt N. Wt1il ..,_...., IN ,_ • ...., Jtck It. C.rt.., V-. ~ ..W 0.Mrll Mtl'ltftf lhom11 Kttvll .... ?•'"''' A. M11r,hh1t Mllfletlfll lfliw J,,..., F. Celli,.. -..... CITY lflllll' ---2111 Wt.t lefttff .... ..,,N M•Ttf., Milrttu r.o. a.. 1111, tl'6.J --c.-,....., -'Mii .., ll"tl l...-.9'1d!;ttf,..,...._, , .......... IM01 *,. ,._. . -- II ..... !t!M -loo l!I for -.... Ytll !i!ltllll II! II "lll!l!tr u a .. -• --1 tap1111 'l!r" . ' ;·;:_.;"t_. • he · my.,.,....... -·to.., It Ol blm clam." ' ' -PILO~: ' 'tsomeorie w)..t"ix.npanrJf:a~ r. ~e· ac~ ' . rs . ' IJb ,"-,op O ~,• H~ ol the tranlaclfoo, a U!frd '. ~ · • , ''i!>le mlghl ,,. .8'-"wdCliolt II ~ ' 1,J. 4 .. bo~u~.~Ji ':f'!~ 7oea~lra party might say, l'Don't that take ~e l I ·1 1 1 'A. 11 f§ ... , ' 1 ~' It a 1arib1.~;" or .·:·~· .. , 1 l. --,.. • ~ Wh<tber theoe are rag of(en the b!ISb?" GrandmollJ<r ~ ··l.OGB.OOK-,;Jt,": ~1;. deal ·,;,~ ""gllo By IUCfl~Rll p, NALL IOUthea.st Mlssouri would have said, "a fool and his money t • ..,, .. r .. ~ sqC)a' oa. a Octoput:;: 01 ~ Dallr "'"' s1.n -ions Cll'lcin-are soon parted." . " • ' , • 'Io'.M'~"llptier thah .the ~-;,1 , 1-a ~ ~eprtaentallyel are ally, f don'.t know Were I lo voict an unreallatk: -¥>. . • . ha~" or ¥o:iJ!d etlOllib to froeJt ·lliO h!l>ln&lllata&all'8!bl&ofa¢iool- but they .... ·•• she would say, "II wiJhes were horle&, bad-tt bad .~gb. he '!"Pl became em p!i J ~ mql!key"' • and ' adnlbtlatTal<l'I In Newport ~ &rand. colloqlilal· the beggars would~rlde." "dead as a~ nail." A~~~ be :'•!is a mlld doesn't become mother "8ssacfl Qib.. &ms u.re. An uninhibited person with a flalr for 'it' guesU aft coming ~ mtght get ftnc~-e1':.··;Poor 18!1 ·• · mouse'~; yon. "' -The !!wk Moan-living might be &"'high 'ateoaer."·lihe ~ "Oltin lo till" or bto"all ,liid '" .. fllOUP.lo ~·Lhil butlollf"; 'Desplie the colorlUI ••'!"', lhare 'were tuns are a ~ could, in the bargain, be as itc:Utt as a · " 1 • • • sli~ U·lf\ eel"; ''1n1.11 as a bu!~ ~ where a boy -With· bug's ear" or even ·"8' cute as a speck· away. •In preparatlj>n for .@e. l1st1yi-a rug•· "ted•u-. ~ Nby'l · 'dry ~·y~put~r:f:1ll~th1~~ . ..: buck teeth c o·u I d led pup." ties, you might "Put Uie big p0t 1n tlie as a t>One" · 12r ·~1te aa (t sOOst ·., near Hemet. .- "eat corn througb· a One who Jmbibed too freely might be--tittle cne and boil the dishrag." · A billd PenQn •f.lligbt detfPd tiumelf picket fence." come "Ught as a tick" or "high as a Mother would probably "rhett (neafen) by saying, "you ·can't grow grass on a It was the scene of a regional meeting A he.d.rtrong person could be as kite." thingp up". U you had -to wait for din-race track." 4 i about six weeks_ ago by school id· "independent u a hog on lee." AQd, U In the momlog, be might look like nttyou might become -"so tiUJ1ir)' Iny Someone rn1gfrt: be ""ai Useless ai a ·m.lni!tr'lton and tnmees \to dilcuss can iet_.'hotter than a~ pistol."· "death eatin2: a cracker'' or 0 death 1tomach.thlnks my ·throat's cul" hip pocket on._ ·slµrt" or "~tty u a ~of salary negoti1tioo wllb In- You might 11tote" a i•tolY sack" about wanned ovv.'1"· He migb't even look like An easy thing ls .. ~ sboot1n' fish in fruitcake." 1-: • . creasbiiJ ,50p~Ucated teacher ,_gl'ODJlrl ••half ·a quarter down , the road" and he had been i'defd Ind dug up" or a rabl barrel." A crooked thing such ·u You probably 'knew ~t' ...... U'.l·""'-11 that pl?·. coaeheCI by the CaJVCl'\Ua unl .. d a "pig In a poke" on some un· "dragged through a ·knothole." a loPfided lhed, might bl·"antifoggiin" thal ends· ,.eu.•• 'An\!, as ~-~4'~tf-Ou (CTA)·, · wary purch.tser. . If he ~ ~·allln' '' someozie might or "cAtywoplpus." ~ ' : ' ~ wOWd bave *&W• 'Even th.ii: shall ~ve 'I)e: (:TA 'apparently ~ Ule He .probably would be "mad as a wal dedde that he bad the "eplzwllc." U be A. crookecl penoi> -...ml&bi -be ''low an· ·m" : .. ~ · . ·.. -Massacil •c.nj/oo roundup <ii othorwlM -: mured-"8 report on it. · •• Quinri Farnes, chairman of the Laguna jeaehers negotiating council, said "h\gh· preS$W'e Eastern negotiator&" were brought in to instruct on stalling tecbni-- ques during salary negotiations. Bal Protester Goes to War On Tricycle By EVELYN SHERWOOD or flM DllllY ,lltt Stiff Harold Skeels, 68, believes "if you can't fight 'em, join 'em." Sigru: saying just that are posted fore and aft on a tricycle he rides every day in Balboa. What it is, says Skeels, of 310 Fernando St, is a protest. He's protesting bicyc le riding on city sidewalks. "I've written many leUers to the city pointing out the dangers to pedOllri..,. rrom bicycles around here," be says. .. Just last year an elderly woman suf. fered a broken· hip when ahe was struck by a cyclist." Al a result of Skeels' complaints, and those of otben in the neighborhood, the city Installed more 1lgns announcing the ban on sidewalk bicycling. "But no one observes them," grum· hies the ret1red public health service employe. "The only thing those city signs do is give pedestrians a feeling of safety, and it does't exist," says Skeel!. "They could be knocked down at any moment." When ,aaked how he keeps hlm!ell oc- cupied )during h!s retirement, Skeels presents a printed personal card .. It describes his pasttime u "joining cillte citizens in breaking unenforced city Jaws." It'• an accurate description. Harold · Skeels bas yet to 1>e· tickeled fa< ridfnr" hli trtcrcte oo the lldewafk. · From Page 1 HAAROLD SKEELS MOCKS BIKE PROHIBITION Thr .. WhHled Comment•ry on Enforcement North Kor~a Warns V.S. ' ' ~ . . . . . . 1 Could Provoke Total War . . ... • • ' Fro"' Page J HQTEL ... · ttoners.tO hi.ve their own motor a&eu to 1urrounding areas. Orange County Airport ls just a short drive away . The Marriott Inn will be seven miles from · Newport Beach's tecreational resources and seven miles. fr o m downtown Santa Ana. Dor.ens of either destinations will~ only moments away~ Musikantow .said one of the nation's mo.st outstanding cqlinary managers "UI oversee all food preparation -~ burgers for two, to .Chateaubriand. for 500. J. Willard Marriott began his career in Washington, D.C., just bef'ore World War U with a hamburger stand. Today, Marriott is known for hls organizational wort on the Nixon in· auguration ball· as well as his ownenhip of a chain of restaurants bearing his name. . Reuben Musikantow and bis 10R Allen are owner-operators of aeveral hotels, inns and apartment comple1es in the Midwest. They plan at least fdur more Marrlol\ Inns In Ca!Homla. 'Ibey said the South Coast Plaza & Town Ce.nter faCWty will be band.Ung all types of large-scale activities, such as seminars, dinner-dances, conventions and exhibits. The site was choffn because the Segentrom FRll!ily and olber plannera envision this spot as the future downtown .section of metropolitan Orange County. Ultimately, the l1llTOllillll'1 lerrilory once devoted to raialng Mots, beans and chlH peppera will be • 2.5-mlllloo- square-f ~ complex,..enclrcliriC ihe ea:· Isling South Coast Plilza. , He said, however, that school ad· mlni.strators did not apparen,Uy buy· this pojnJ ot view which would be c.ontruy to th~ Wjptoq Act's admonition to negoU1;te in g.of faith. Trustees and administrators of Laguna Beach Unified School District and other Orange County districts will aUend anothiµ-set of meetings at lbe Newporter IM frbm May t through ~· The cost will be $50 each. The purpose is to gather negotiation know-how about the Winton Act. ' Teacher representatives would ap- parently like to ride herd on the sessions to forestall another Massacre Canyon. MacArthm· Blvd. Work Gets OK Traffic signal and highway Ugbting 'Im- provements are included in a $29,000 pro- ject tor MacArthur Boulevard near Orange C.ounty Airport, approved by the state Department of Public Works list Friday. The work will be done on MacArthur Boulevard at Michaelson Drive, Newport Beach, as part of the state highway dej>artment's routine traffic safety pro- gram, a spokemnan said. 'Ille intersection serves a fast-growing industrial area which ls often clogged at peak hours by motorists waiting to turn. Tbe job ill not ytl open for bids, and the date work will begin is Dot certain. KiwaniS:Present ' . Farm Chief's Son Last Travelogue Rejects Induction Newport Harbor Kiwanis will preeen1 the final travelogue in their 1989 Advtno- FRESNO (AP) -.The 20-year-old sOn ture series at a p.m. Friday at Oran1e of farm labor leader Cesar Chavez rdus--Coast College auditorium . HARBOR ... ed induction into the armed. services lo-CoL John D. Craig, adventurer and TOKYO (UPI) -The ·Nortll 1Unan the U.S. plane shot down with Its 31 day, declaring' he opposes "all wars." author will close the 10th annual program cial support rrom the coanty, lhould the go.ver:nment-said.~to<l,ay ~· irl~~n'of crewmen intruded deep into North Fernando Chavez refused to sign In-wtth film and commenlary on "lncom· citY have to assume some HarbOr any U.S. reconnaissance .pla1ies.:· .into Korea's territorial llir space and defend-duction papers while a Catholic prayer parable Greece." Adult admiuion b fl.SO District palrolling and mam· tenan· ce North Kor~an air space could provoke ed the right of N.Qfth Korea to shoot ·!t service wal, being held ·m th' sidewalk in and students, 75 cent!:. ProceedJ go to down. front of Ult Fresno induction ataUon. • charitable causes. respoDBlbillUes. "another total war In Korea." The state-!----------------~-~-~------------------~ The district is now empowered by law ment came as the SIYrlet Union expressed to operate within the city Umill. The concerti over the U.S. naval buildup off county is not. The dty would Urus inherit Korea. harbor housekeeping task.s. The North KoreJD Central N'1'J Agen- Parsons did not refer to an Assembly cy followid up the warning by rtPorting U.S. trooPt guarding the Kore!ID truce measure, recently aut.hored by John V. line fired "ibousandl of bullets and Briggs CR-Fullerton), which would tum shells" Into Commu~t tenitory. today. all dlslrlct powers over to the county. lt called the alleg'ed shelling a "vicious Briggs has said he would push for provocative act" and a "crude violation'' passage of the bill (AB 2003), if jt ap-or the armistice. pears the county -and its voters -In Seou~ the Korea Herald reported will ulUmately approve dissolving the th.at South Kor~ had uked the Urllted distict. St.ates to issue a joint statement warning ParaOas djd not boldly declare hla North . KQrea tllat any further pro- city'a dema91f for eounty financial sup-vocations against. the allies would brlrig port. Instead, he put ii this way: immediate· response. The UrJted States wu making few "The city feels that action to dissolve statements as It assembled U.S. Navy the Harbor District should be ac· Task Force 71 in the Sea of Japan to p~ companied by additional actions that tecl reconn&Wance flilhls by •PY planes would insure an equitable means of con-but Japanese newspapen and television tlnulng harbor functions in the interests k~pt up 8 running commentary by sen- of the general public. , ding out their own scout,planes to report "It is inequitable to ask the Newport developments. They aaid reconnaisance Beach tupayer alone to shoulder the full Olghts had resumed. additional burden of harbor maintenance The North Kprean statement was and operations services. broadcut by , the Korean Geotral News "In the event of dlsaolulion of the Af.ency and inonltored In ~ It l!lfd district. then, the city of Newport Beach President Nixon's decision to conUnue the requests the Board of Supervisors, the reconnaissance flights was .. nothing but a various member cities of the League and new provocaUon against us, nqth1ng but a this honorable body (the I.AFC) that tbrut and bJactmall." Newport Harbor be recognized 11 a Tbe Communllts Wd Nil:on'a llate-r~gional recreadonal am and 'that an ment which followed tbe shooting down ol equitable solution be sought for the con-a U.S. ECUl recoMaissance plane was linuation of harbor functions." "an open declaration that he ts taking a He said the city staff feels it CID carry step further toward the brink 6f war." out administration of the harbor more "If the reconnai9sance planes of the clleaply lhaa the Harbor Diatrlct does U.S. lmperlalli\4 lnlnlde Into the t .... now, lartely tJuoulh the elimination of ritor\41 air of our countryib'" will not &it duplfcate pofice, fire and general aafely with fQlded .,..,., lnil w tab raolut• ~u. measurea for aafem•• .. •-our oo·~-•-"Nntrtbelen," said Pln01'l5, "Jt is u._ • ._.. .... _._ • .,...._,,. -~•-'-'-' th first of • u ty as enr," uM Nortb Jtolun llattmenl -.1~~ e year opera on SI.Id. · •ould _.(the city) aboul $270,000 with "Tben the u.s •~-1'~-Ill 11\lboequont yean =about ll!0,000." · ... ,....~.~~ " "" The.I....._•-\4 valiot tO ioiiat b . Wt ,. a pretell lo Cl>ll)lllil • Wll«ale .... -,,.-. · ., •rmedattackaplnat ue, whleblllOJ'eolf 1-*lod 111 about D .-OI\ th< city leOd to onother total war la J:-hi the tu rate (now 11.Da). The 1'1kr flgure Is end " ~t to about elaht ctnll. ' 1'.-& aafd. lranller to the ell)' ol North Koroa r<lteraled f\4 claim lllat COUlll)' ,tldobmdi Wilftm th• ~, 1 ... ,.., .... their "....-producing ~:r.. -Id help lhe city overcome Ute ad-Nazis Still Sought · dlllooal tu bw'don. . lla aaed the LAl'C to malte web a """'11mendatlon to county superv1son - I( the LAl'C --.. ...r lo the Harbor Dbtrid. BONK (~I) -The Well o.man · covmunent lodoy abolllbed the l!llute ol llmftlU.... on the """""1lllo d Nul mus murderen. CONVENT ENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD. MASTER CHAR&I' A BEMINDER. FROM 0 OMEGA lia aur• to sot your wafch ah .. d ona hour Saturday night •• , doyliild .... "-P# lal.!flfed Sacfa:y, .April 2111' w..,...,_ ................. lool: allt, '1-r ---lilllo 11...,,f laltllll•wWlocf · Dootlt .. dtadolaf ,...._lodta .......... ~., ...io.p,' w. ---oliliilarflll °"""" <dlodWet 1o ..._"""NS •-'1000. -·••t••--."-- ... • ' I I PHONE'· -.. '41-140f ., .. J < I I l '/ I OPEN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTIVJ April 23 TO April 29 I [ GOIN' TO THE BEACH? BETTER STOP AT GRANT'S! I - U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED SELF-INFLATING LIFE BOATS $19995 YOU'DfXPfCTTOPAY AS MUCH AS $350·$500 FOR SIMILAR Liff BOATS! 6·MAN BOAT with cylinder for emergency lnfl1tion. In· f11tes immediately with pull of cord. M1d1 of he1vy neo. prtne fabric, Complete with t1rryin9 c1s1. Coast Guard Approved BOAT CUSHIONS •2.-·~~M c-t Guer4 a,,,...,., LIFI YISH IMAll •••• , •••••• , , • $2.41 MIDIUM •••• , , •• , , , , $2.11 LAIOI , , , ••• , , , • • , , • ti.49 SAYE ON EVERYTHING IN CAMPING EQUIPMENT AT GUNT'S! G.l STYLE SAYE ON All of your c1mpint1 ntHs .t Gf1nt'1 •. , from Ctnfttnt to Cook 11t1 ••• Set Ill 1f the brtn• new 1969 mod1l1 of C1l1m1n 1ppll1ncn 11 Gr111t'1 now! Wt''ft 1ot it whtn you n11d ltl Stovtt •• , L111ttrn1 .•. Hotttrt ••• Ttnh , •. Tr1ll1r1 • , • Slttpi~ 1 .. 1, etc. ' Gl'111t'1 '1rrie1 1 comp1tlt stock or 111 tm of P1ck1 11111 fr1m11l ln- cludlnt Him1l1y1n p1dc frtm11 111d 1tcei1orie1. · AIRMATIRESS llHIAILJ $4.49 FOR COMfORUILf CAMPING . . • OILUXf h11wy • 1h1ty 1lr m1ttre1s with rubberized e1nv11 cover. E1sy te infl1tt. BACK PACKS ~OM,.,. lo '50 llghlWtight, Sturdy N~o• Itek 'ackJ. .$12.95 '-------------Aluminum Frunes .. $4.95 ..-------------------~ GUALiT.T FULL FOLDING (ANTEE NS SIZ~ fl1nntl line ''"fu,. ••1•.,. ull SHOVJL HllCfl'S S~CIAL c1nt9'fl ripper ,,. Air coMpl1t1 with CO'ltr ind m1nr111 pock1ts REG. $1,98 •tt•p. • , , tip two t111thtr 99c ·88c fot 1 lloulU1 1M1. . Save More On ,Camping Equipment at Grant's Surplus! Turner PROPANE FUEL Fifi 111 m1llt1 of T orthtt, l1 nttms •ntl Stove•. CAMP TOILET C1mpl1t1 with frtmt, nit, tnd I ...... ~:~.. •2e88 See firant's First! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! tlOf Mt Ofll ._ (( '-'" ..,.,... lwclllol c .... SNAKE BITE KIT RIG. $2.98 •1aa Joa1t1 4 Slleo1 at Oneel CAMP TOASTER bQ te UNI S,r11lll1 Met ... nty. 49' 5-GALLON PLASTIC CAN UIHTWl/9HT •fHll mrly untell'llr .., ••fer 1Vppll11, '2'' Single Mantia LANTERN $1088 WATER CARRIER Slmpl1 tt UH, HOrl1u, t11t1l•u -frt11n for lu wettrl 2 1/t GAL , ...... $1.41 S GAL .......... $1 .91 SAVE MORE $$$ AT GRANT'S SURPWSI "CH&RIE IT" al 8R&NT'1 SURPLUS WE HONOI ALL MAJOR CllDlr CARDS • BE ' Wtdonday, Ap.11 23, 1969 DAILY "LO~~ ,,!~G G GRA~,f:1: GULF OVER 400 RlflfS & SH01GUNS ON OISPUYI • Winchester •Smith & W1sson •Remington • ll1m1 •Sako • Btretta •Browning • W11thtrby • Chtrlts Daly ·~It •H&R•Rugtr • Arma&tt •Walther • S1v1g1 • Ithaca SPECIAL SALE! .L •• " I The World'1 StrNJ••l lolt·•ctloa llllel • 1 .TM bolt is Ult he«t ol .. 101l1t 1111ny shoottrs call lht ti11tst 111-1round bi1"tamt tifle made. Snit• It open. You'll stt the st1on1eJt .clion rver put ln tftY rifle. Slam h closed. P(aw your c1rlrld1e h!ad ii protecttd b~ thret ovtrl1ppir11 rlnp of . aolld steel. S!Jt Ifs not the Wholt 700 story. Wt le.sled Ill the boll «tloM. You WOll't 1•t better accurll!Y." Of I cltatlff lrllltf pull. Or• touslltr. llnistt. Or better chtckerlnr. Or 1 more comrortablt stock.,. REMINGTON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : MODEL 700 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IDL· 1961 Cut tam Deluxe 243 cal. lo 222 $9995 HM.,,MAG. ~~~. $154.95 ... 7mm MAGNUM Model 700 IDL· 1 961 $1 09ts LIST PRICE $169.95 llMfNOTON ._.. llJ0 TJ:0 lf .. .22 TARGn RIFU ~l:~.:~l~E .. • •" $ 5495 ASK THE EX,ERTSI Grant's Gun Dep1rtmtnt is staffed by experts In their field of thootlntl Wh1ttv1r you mey want In guns, from 1 $20.00 22-Rlft. to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Gr1nt's his it In stockl Come In ind 111 for yourself one of the l1r91st 1tock1 of guns in Southern C11ifornl1I SEE THE All NEW 1969 c~ ... New for '69 "The Vagabond" by "VAGAIONDH-t.u1h, t11ht '"" rtll1bl1. FIHrl Illy 4ty wfth "" doublt vlnyl-c1111d nrlon Hoors th1t tllftnll 10" .~ .. 1r1un4 levtl. Off.whht top1 rtfltct lht h11t-/1t1 In tht llfktl $8995 lO'xB' Sltop1 41 9'x12' 1Sleeps6l .......... $104.95 10'x13' (Sleeps 8l ... , .. , .. $119.95 DINING CANOPY by COLIMAN COLOIFUL 12'•12' ,,..,,,, for ltWft p1rti11, plcnlc1, c1mpln1. ,.tie tfHll ,ool-thlt WM. Mede •f ttrucly, w1t1rprnf collon clrlll wirft Mulll1 l1ppH hur thkk1Mt1 111m1 to pr1v1nt rlp1, !:~':,::.'."kl. ""'~'° with ""'$ 2 4"95 LIVE IT UP restern s\yls Wl'VE ltOfl'EO In 1 new collKtlon tf Wntern Gear ind h••• •nl-rpd O'l". We1t1rn D1partntent. Don't miss thtse comfortable w11t1m Urg1ln1 ••• at Gr1nt1f New Stock Just Arrlredl WIANOUI WESTERN SHIRTS YOU'LL lOVI THISl-•JI MW coltn 111 pl1141 111cl Hiid ulor1. Com,1111 •hick tf M~k 11111 incl •I•••• Jt"fttll. '4'' SHORT ILHYIS LONG SLHVU .. $6.95 ROUGH-OUT BOOTS .l'f OUUNGO-for n11ttcl ..., It flMf 4iftcll'lll C4mpfrtl eln r1nt1 frtll'I 5 te JJ, I" flltt.. $16 95 10" HIGH •• $19.95 r&f MATI, .. " w ltledc, ,, •••• ••, ••••• ., ••• SJ.II WlllfllN lflAW "-t• , . , • , , , , , , , , , .... , .. $3Af 1'"1 'It" 1n.n, 21-40 ............... sa.••·••·•• • • ' . .. 1 " 'i ., ••• l ., ' • .-,. -- I ,. -- I D~D.Y . PILOT EDITORIAL P..AGE I • Pre ~f}~y ~ng the Beach .. West Newport-will soon be able to boast ooec Of'tbe ' rockiest beeclilronls in Orange County. ' I Thousapcl1 of tons of boul.ders will be dumped out • toward '"JI •t three·-pei'haP, four-street ends, start· ing in Jun~· · \ It is anolber JlllO:el m~~ tbe final one, o~tbe U.S. Anny Corps of,Enltneers'"Herclllean effort to save the .. m1, from tbe . prc<:eises bf .. ,...;Oli, "bl& in rece,ilt years have reached crisis proportions. · · The boulders will be used In ·the constnlc~ of rubble groiiis -at 48\h, 52nd·and 56tb stre<\s. n:u also possible UJ't ,a fourth such "J•ttY" will be ••!O•ded from the 361b.street beach. , • . The $600,000 project includes a mass ive sandhaul at summer's end. lt will raise to six the nwnber of 25Q.. foot Jong groins in West Newport!s waters. There wiU be, of course, a big difference betweeJl the old and new groins. Those already installed at 40th and 44tb streets, and one partially installed at 48th, are const.rucUd of steel .. And th•R'~ tbe rub. The aesthetic rub. Tbe extreme sWitch in grofu materials will hardly enhance the beauty of the beach. So wbY, the granite, and not more steel, the way it all beg~n? %;f!, the: .Corps explai.ps, are more ,naturaJ-ap- peartil -an 1steel. They've also cheaper, and may be more _ uraQJe against the elements. No one -neither the city nor West Newport home- ow ners -is in a poSition to argue. Saving the beach. not maintaining its appearance, is the primary consid- eration. Once that is accomplished, however, perhaps the , , . Leaying lt that way could well be tantamotlilt to \ destroying the )?eauty of the beac\1 in order 19 r>avO.lt. · · This point was virtually conceded by the COrpf When , ,. it announced that the new grOins would be .buill<>I ~· . at least parti,Ily for "appearance's nke." ··~· ' .i'( In any event, and it shoWd go without saying, the '!I city of Newport Beach, its taxpayers and li\era!ly mi f· , ~ li9ns of beach Visitors are mighty fortunate to1 ~ave a · ' fed eral agency showing such concern wittl preserving , . U¥s vas t recreational.--resource. · ,. ' -... Astonishll1g Vehicle f.o~t On an average week day, a~ording to Newport Beach city traffic engineer:s, a total of 21,000 vehicles now use Newport Boulevard at .the Arches Overpass, heading both ways. . flarbor Area·tralfic experts were astonished by the count -for it is comparable to what was \ogged on summer weekends and the FouJ1b of July just three , · years ago. • The reason for the jam is not harO to find . It is the Ne,vport Freeway, which now terminates in Costa Mesa, and the San Diego Freeway that are dumping more in- coming traffic onto Newport Boulevard Utan ever before, and are aJso attracting more outgoing traffic from Coast Highway and the Newport·Balboa Peninsula area. If there is anything demonstrated by the traUic study, it is this: Both ci~es, Newport and Costa Mesa, should press the state to move as rapidly as possible on a rerouting decision concerning the final segment of the Newport Freevray. • ,. • • .~ 1"1. . . I I • • • . :t! Corps -with a little help from the city -could con- sider eventually replacing the steel groins with boulder barriers. A field of groins that is half-steel and hall· rock will surely look hall-done . Until that decision is made, and the free\vay seg- ment constructed, Newport Boulevard will become ever more congested. In other words. the traffic engineers -and the motoring public -haven't seen anything yet. IN) I ,, I SAit> 1>1 6 l>E EPER!' J\NIM,>Q;;ol"" ~.:,..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j W~ P11t to Test on Asia ••• • ~ .. Nixon Does Not Back Down I • • 'flAsHINGTON -'-The Nixon who was •ui>P+oed to be preparing to pull _200,000 trqo(fl out of Vietnam, stop .recon- n~ce flights, knuckle under on the ~ and steadily lower the level of the Asla6 confrontation ha& suddenly v.ani~- ed1 Ji he ever exis~. - This Nixon probably never did Wst ex· celltln the conjur,ation of thole who·wish heo·wOold do what he is not doing. For .the ~t :severaJ weeks the·}"aahiniWa. at- mesp"'hcre has been Iillecf.:with reP,(lHI of unJJaJeral troop .withdrawals, a' inere diplomapc reswnse to North Korea's shbotin.t' 4own of a naval intelligence pl.,~, ~gotiations with ·Russia at any coft.:"'ffnding down" the: level of fighting In ~lh Vietnam. ~ after another at a recent press contvence Nixon sliot down these pcfl9latlons. . ' . Id RAS NOT ORDERED; and will not onlei-a "Teductiog of military activity in ViJ!;tiam. His aim is to sustain the 5lirigth of our bargaining position in the Pri peace talk.s.. · He definltely'. 1,1, .not · consldering UJ1ll4tera! withc!rOwal. .of. ttoops from Vietilam and ,wilJ1:' not .~ any. wi~awal unbl.l!O'viral ·mijar.eoaditlons ate tnet. I He will continue ricoi\na;,,ance Dighls tO:keep watch ·oo agrrqfilve plans of our adv"'sarifS, ,and · he will .protect t.thole • ~i.,i bacliii1g down on tlie ABM ~t Js·more~certain than ever that he is right ir(oidering a limited deployment because of· Russia's greatly expanded nuclear ltfriygth. not think be could sustain because of the bitter divisions Jn the country on.,thest policjes. The matter of style is vitally im· portant. Johnson 's reaction to the Pueblo incident was the cr~tion of a crisis at· TO TOP -TIUS OFF, his Cilnviction tba( mOsphere with aircraft ~arriers steaming c~a .. ;fpr_Jieace in Viet~m art; ~· · fflt~.th':area:a¥ a Mw tr~p~ c~l-up. But provlng is not based primanly on 'slime · going, ,µito Wonsan harbOr to get the new·.and .&f~er negotiating approach but Pueblo was not seriously cofis~ered. on the1 .reaJ Cj)O(fitions existing in South Vietnam': : The increasing m i l i ta r y strength and political stability of the. South Vietn'anleae.- Taktn '.aJfo@:etber 'this--Sbo1'S that the, President is prei)armg the' p.iblic for the Jong pull unrelated to the current fanciful dreams of disengagement, bringing the troops home. ·and forgetting ab<Klt ·Lyn- don Johnson's nightmare of the "new Asia." This undoubtedly will be very disap- pointing to various prophets and ad- vocates who wish that Nixon would admit defeat Jn Asia and cra"'·I out. But that evidently neVer was his intention and when ~lit to the test the President does 'not 'back' doWD' from the Asian con- •fronlation'. He recognizes that it might be .Mpular to do ·so, but he is not doing it. THE ~ONS the President iS tak· ing are ·boui\d to bring him into Jn· creasing CQDfllct with. some me.mbei's .of his •own;party and.,wllh lhaf part.of-fbe Deinocrattc · lei.dets!lh,.· whlCh in ' the·-' beginning counted on 'Nilon to reverse the 'JoDnson policies. But, in fact, Nixon is carryipg out in a different style policies which Johnson probably could not have sustained, or did NIXON'S·COOL and cbntained response carries a larger pot.eiitfal of direct Con· ,fiict with the NOrth Koreans, ~rting as it does the: intenlioq to: ke;ep 1bem under continued eJectroniC ~anee: in pro- tected aircraft. Sueh . pfqtedion· could force instant decisioi1s on aitaCking North Korean aircraft, surface vessels or bases. The basic point is that Uie surveillafice an d monitoring of North Korea aod its communications i5 to be·contlnu~ at tfie. risk Of direct conruct. This goes wholly contrary to the ideas of·the congreSsional doves that the United States bas no business spying on the North Koreans in this manner and it is nterely a pointless provocation which cOuld lead~t9 ·war on · anottier•front ·tn Asia.. -' . ' . ' ' NIXONc Oli' THE contrary, has been Wholly persuaded 1 ot~ military view tRat the security o~·our ... owrl forces in South 'Ko'rea arn,I the1errltorial integpil)'. ~. &\'ill! J«x:ea · depend upon •f<J!'e-kb0wled1e· of ·a ?'Jorth Korean1 attiack. Thls Is hardly ·consonant with.'a .policy of withdrawar .and, taken together with his'refilsal to back out in Vietnam, reio- fortes the view that Nixon will not rePudiate the United 's(ates comfutlriient to political stability in the Far East. :A ·Massive Shift of Taxes By JAJllF8 E. WHETMORE · · Senator 35U. District w.e !lave received the governor 's far- r~ tax reform which coupled an in- CTM&e in state income tax:es with a redUction in residential property taxe~. • ~ues~J~eport , '•, ' ·, ... _ '" .. • .. .. !,. ~ ': would be $1,WO. emption given some veterans. I 2. Insurance companies would be taxed ' on gross premiums to remove an ad- vantage over other companies. 3. Needy persons over 65 would be He Opposes Tax Levy On Flyin g Clubs Culprit Usually Known to Victim Who is most likely to give a youngster his first drag Jl.f .marijuana or his first "pep" pill? Some stranger? A dope ped- dler? A hippie? Not at all. His own friends are far more likely to iotroduce ·<'"".". "''ftlf"' ·-;,,,,~Ti[/(_'' ! .'!;1;-' ;-'. :;;./_,,Jt,<' • Sidllei~:'f.! 1 him to the habit. ~ ~-· -~.: To the Editor : As an individual and as.president of the Fly-by-Knights FJy4Jg Club, I vehemenUy oppose County• OiredDT 0 ol Av~tion Robert Bresnihao's p~ ora~ as il reads.· ~ r .·, · I do not think, tha~1ing clubs· Which are not ~gaqized ~ a pl'Ufit should · be asse!sed Ji):e ~ .ptoflt-making, fized.. based Ope!'.ators. Flying Clubs are simply groups of pilots and stud~ who share their limited money to make flying safer, cheaper and more fun. We also prov~ ourselves with-liabilily·aOO hull .WuranCe on our aircraft, which is not available at most fixed-~ee opera~. - l FE;!L THA1 U,is··b· just anothe.r move by the· farge fixed-base operators and airlines to .eliminate ·lmall aircraft and subsequent compeUUon so they may continue alqni their monopoli~tic roads at the goverfunent's espense. I feel Lttese imposed ordinances con- cerning clubs and flight instructors are undue hardships ·aimed. at fret enterprise and individual ri~hts. t feel they wi1J , subsequently eliminate clubs. .· ROBERT M. YOUNG iUore R ealistic To the Edilor : I am writing this letter ill reaction to your April 12 article by Wesley·G. Grapp (FBI special agent Jn ,charge,, Lqs Angeles, Comment Pigt)-ilrtttJed 4-•Sevtn Crimes a Minute." I ~u favorably im- pressed with 'the ·multi-taeeted ·approach that this law enforceme:nt:offic;er utilized ih dealing with the great increase in crime that is so evident in lhis country. Unlike many local law enforcement of· ficials who c11ll for more and better police cars, guns and other equipOtent. he stressed the importance of the _}W.mle, church and the schools in dealing with the crime problem. Who is most likel1 to tum .a teen-age girl from chastity to sexual license? Some fiend , or hoodlum, 01; a bqm Aile has never seen ~~e? Cer~nly not. · Some·;l:ioYfti~od •ahe \~ows w:ell 1!qou@ not to fear, • { \.~ ' .~ WHO IS l\IOST likely !o .shoot'.~. stab you, or choke you tc d,. Si:unt rObber or tapiSt, som~ .lurk· crim~al ~~o · leaps at you out-.ol the kness?· Again no -the odds ·are h ""· it will ·be a relative or a "friend/'\~ Eyery crime survey shbws this 'to be l(Ue; every stalisticill Audy indicates. that in the areas of addiction! pro- )lliscuity, and fatal Vlolenc~\the cul)>rit is someone will known to Ui.e ~ctird,1 some· one ·socially or emotionally involved Oter a short or long period of time. . OUR. MouN11NG rnaUorial ~ysteria about such matters -out fle\i:e. demand ·for Stiffer laws ·and mOre vlgUaijt pro- teclion -tend> .ll! ,i>bscure tit< tlulh of our social life. it iS gtn6rj11Y not "outsidera" Wlio ~ead us astrit' ·or do harm to us, but those heirest tO.us. It may be comforting .to-·beUeYp that the boy' was Jedcdown tbt wronfipath by a "pusher .. " or that the girl was seduced by a sinister Svengali:'But•jt is 1lriends. not enemiis, Who tbr~en y~ers. by withholding "popularity.'' unieSs ' they partlqpate in.the communal rites Pl·tbeir peers. , •tHOL. FOR instinC~. which most adu accept, is, by far · "the greatest -prec atlng cause of murder and - manslaughter. N9 ,one is ¥.1fiamed under te~ i9/1uenc~.~f-~~Jo kil~ :8flother . per59.n,. but thousands or homlC~ are- comtt+\tted 8.nnuaJly ~i~t bl!Sbands,. and ·wives and s1'.Veet · aqd' Pals byr- thetr mates and J6Vers 1m!il buCfdies in thef grip tf an alcoholic· fre]zy. . (Arfd, of course, we ltnow that about\ hall. tf all fatal 'auto · a~~~ts involvech (lri~g or dr~ktn dfiver~ your ~anqes of.'being majmed Or killed by an inl.oXli:!ated motorist ' are substantially weater than harm al the hands of a foot- pad or a strong-armed robber.) YOU ARE FAR S.tFER in a lonely , park late at night thaifin your own home, or-atlfrieod's home, or a local bar, or a high\\oay. Ever; poJfe blotter confirms ' this Statement; evci& aUtopsy reaffirms it. ' Pfsion, far more than profit, is the lead g cause of hopl.icide. Lust, jealousy,. rag injured feelihgs. resentments and fru ations .l tht~e account for more· corpses in a mo~ than. ~U the killings for simple ga' in a year:Violence ls in Lhe heart more than in the streets. t ' 'Tell lt ~L ike It l s' Ti me . l J It's lime to "tell It like it is" about the I' ... ·-..... _ ........... ,_'\ number one problem on thi.~ and other • • high school campuses throughout... , Gl-.est Editnri i Southern California, concern!ng dope. A { .._ ....,, • • • ~ ~ 1 rour-l~tter·w~ to:sonle,_the "word"·h~s • 1-'c J gotten around, that the dope scene IS r · really heavy. It iS impossible to believe '\ th.is is no(~ teachers' fa ult or ~yo~ 4_ctually, the program involves a Jflailslve shill of laxes totaling nearly $2 billion, with most of the tax increases to tie Used to lower school district property Of course, if you live in a district with a high property tax for schools, the local school tax reduction would be substantial. In fact it would be greater than the in· crease in your state income tax. permiUed to defer property laxes until they die and their estates are settled; the tax collector would be paid first, then the heirs. 4. No capital gains claims <.:ould be inade unUI a property has been held ten years instead of the prese~t six .'months. that in "our own · backfFd", pushel'I, else's, it is.#St one of the cold harij facts" TO ME nus is a mOf't realistic ap-speedfreaks and narcs ate; playing a r the di-Ug scene. Anywhere and proach; however, l would lik~ to un-i .. i... dan f of Russian .,1· · h I tm;J. ~d the govemor was Cilrrect when he told us "this is not meant lo increase taxta. There "'ill be no tax increase.. It will be a balancing ol tax revenues to m.Ue them more equitable." HI said his program is entirely separate an<\) In. addiUon to the $100 mlllloo peqanaI Income tax rebate proposed for thll;year. ~ rr DOES to the taxpayer I> thil: lliJOUr present state Income t.u is $tOI it~ be $ti00; if it 's $1,000 now, it ,,.~ .... lliliiiiilii--. • And IC you Uve in a district with s medium school tax, then the reduction lo property taxes and the increase. ~jn ·Jn· come taxes would about balance "each other out. However, if you art one Uvi?Jg. in a district with a low school tax:, your total ~bill would go up. IN EXCHANGE FOR receivl~a \he ·i~­ creased state aid. school distridl would be required to reduce their current lax ratu to S,1.)0 per $100 assessed valuation, and it would take a 60 percent vote of local residents to raise that figure. The state director of finance said one e£feCt of the Shilt to Income taxes la that a greater ~ ol the·aate'J two would lben'be paid bj bulinels flnnl and a lower .,._tjoo by prltate clU-. And lhe ......... holds. prom1;e ol !n- dlttcl IH ~lid foe r<nten. M )'OU know, it hu not bten uncommon in recent 1eara 1..-landlonl• to tell tenant& thelt renta have 1000 up, bee-t...,, ~n i..,....., Now nolm wbi be.~. Thll IS....,. ... ,-,;m bt.requlnid to nollly thelr ttnanll ol that portloo ol the rnantbi1 m1t whlcb an be dlttclly allrlbutlble to noduced proptrty ta1 --TUE PROGllAM is long and involved, but the principal ports lnclndeo I. An iaeue of home own1r'1 pr~ perty tax exemptions to i1,ooo would spell an end to the 1pecial 11.000 u- ' s.~PRESENT PEftsoNAL exemptions for dl!J)efldents wouUl,be restored\\) '600 for , state income tues -a meawre that ~oUld provide special help tor parents with d~~nt children. At' the time 1his .ci>tumn was written, some opP!)Sition had developed, prin- clpall;y f~om the ~county supervisors .~atian. More is e!'peded, and it ii certain that the program in whole Or in port wUI be debllttcl tllorooghly before flnil dic._oM ire niade. • Dear Gloomy Gus: l'm sick and tired of your gentta-- tlon \1ln>inc to pill !reW alld pot. headl .. !IPOk•smtn for 'Ill' gen- cr10on. They're nol 'lbey~e the slcl<, ... d misllts of my -·-u .... Wbal they need Is medical and P"Ychological treatment, not publlc forums. Baby Sitter ""' fttl'" rtllw<h ......... ~ "'' -·-"' """ .. ... ...... .... s.... ,...,. "' "'"' .. •llMiY .... Dtl11 I'll ... derstand more Whit he considers that the r .... ,..game: a gerous onn· an,..ime, cwious yout s ooking fot influence of the church should be. Jn my Roulette. Ii.kicks"· will try drugs. Som( can stop OP.potlunities to share.the claims of Jesus In a recent _ written survey _;passed out and some can't -some don't wlpt tor Christ to fellow college students many by the ScroU. more ··~ 1qG studen~ ~as .lonf!fp d.nags are looked upon as times 1 am asked: "What about gave honest, frank op1.ruons -about their myster1ous)i exotic. no-no 's in our 9ociety hypocrites in the churches?" experienees:wiQf'll'ISS, pill~eroin and or in any other, people will want-lo try Jn ord~r for the church to once again other forms of narcotics. them. become relevant Jt must reeviluate its l ~ \Vestminsttr ·Scrotl goals and decide who Christ rt.ally was, THE FIRST QU~'Jl.~ ·i,lced wa,1; • 1 Westmlntttt Hip ·lcbool· whether as C. S. Lewis said Christ was "Have you ever Used mattjua~." Of the l either who be claimed to be or a liar or a students that answered, 15 wd yes, 47 lunatic. I have decided in D)Y own lif~ answ~ no. -;. _ B y Geor 9e --....., that Christ wu who He claim<il to be and' . WMri aslced ti they ~ ner"!li<d·PUIJ, 1 that the only, way the church will become "20"corife~d ~~~· URl_,,,Ustecl them. ~ t>ea-\ e: relevant again is to make the salrie Reds aod whitel'are~-~ ~: .•. ~ Dari an and Dick fl.fartin decision. have been brave (or.:FOolisn ?.?!.?} ~ "' are f ver Using rtrereoc:es to JACK VOOR~ to try methedrenc,.commorily known·as,. ,~ Wlf.. wn dirty jokes: Ob, \btlj're Student speed. · '.'" : I • . J •• ~smart not to use the -joke Department of Criminology More than '~.~ctirt at I.be students .. _not Its entirely, but the Jokes Calif. State College at Long Beach stated that they smoke clgare,ttes and are .s imes filthy ones. What Letttrs fro'nt readers art weltomt. NonnaUu torittr1 Jli.ould conott1 thtiT · mtuagt fn .too worda or Jess. Tilt •41ht to eoiWm• l•llm !Vil~ 01 tlimtHat.ti libel 14 reiitrvrd. All tellm muft" mclude i~U,,, Ona mailing 1adlfmr. but iam1i 'mall 'ff IDftMe!Jl •'01< rtqu.,t If 11lf/l<lrill f.,,; '°" " Clppof'C""' 'Quotes Georae W. 1kaBt La .J1111, r--"ll'a time ourt lCJtoobl., .. m. made •'f•illble to ' ih1deritl who delfre to letm • and not to those who wlsb to disrupt.'' that most of ,their frieods do, too. can you and J do to take tmnledlate The irony or the situation ii tbat Jn05t aetlon against COlTUpting the minds people can't even tell Uthe perton sitting of out" children? - acrou the aisle fruri dift'l ls ••Noedr or • FURIOUS not. ~ ·-~~-onjy •, lew, Dear f!IJ:loos: ' c!eflnll• s"118,f0t e,llJ!lla;'tlil 'W llllliacs a gqod Oil'!, 10\l!iol~ --1(1.dl'Ni; o1 ljle.'2!Jme •tis ! ,JIU' )'du lholiil!t I <!ldtl't atiiil«lb'<in jet ·ljy •'bftilcttctcd." hav erv\ enough to u,:, :io<!• old -"lm edlat~ actitn" ch es1 ftiQ\ ri ., J;(D -iiY that mosl yQUng didn't yfu? 1 -~ don't ~ t they an itt· ~need more subtle. buinor Uq btto ,.he• ' ex~ with. Ilk n, '"'!I ii it is rbque. dolJe.,SUre_, It) ••tun'' arid dJoc&-CR mbe UJJt p.u. ch lj?M!: Nft of ''lljcb-,w it can ~ out ot "Y , I know whst it is, but it's ~ 4'fl'nY ~-on ups campus , l:he"first time I ever found. onO,..in h•n fadnd tblmst.hles :uldJcttd 10 dtues ~ the glove if:' rtm~ru.'') W!!!!ill a lew !l!ol;!jl r·~blfrw." · ~ • ~h ~-li'!ttr i.· kno•n ' :9,.,.,, Js loo bia ~·too U..O.P* k ._,. ... re1au1e11 1• n,. .' " or -* clean campus, Wl!S Is IM.lnJ its lmagf!. ' lmn'ii 'at* contuse ~.) . ' . . ' r j l i ' I l I I • 'f;osia .Mesa EDITION ' YOl. 62, NO. 97, ~ SECTIONS, 62 PAGES . ' , · ORANGE COUNTY, CALlf.ORNIA TEN CENTS • ,_ . ' . . three separate two-story builcihJgs containing de- luxe suites, (4) swimming pool and beolth club, (5) supper club with banquet ladllUes for 500 and (6) 24-hour coffee shop. ffqge Hotel .to Rise in Mesa ' Bigest Inn in -~ountr ~-o:-r:~e~~,n I;J.,efoi;e ·_ Yea~'~. ~rul . A SJ!rawllng, D!odenl Inn i,!.~w)ll ·made JOint!J'll)''l!le•·s.at-iFali!ily, overU111ial'· Ula • ..Ji.&.,! colmf'ul mark. Mil crossroads of m~trogo4~n owned; and developers of South' Coast tilework: an'ct r6a.so'nry' Wil11 hi'ake the inn Oran.I' Crlunty is !-0 be built in north· Plaza Ir~ center and CbiCaeo lo· conform with surroundmi architecture. eot ·Costa Mesa, with coostrucUon st.art-'•';. alid All• Mu . _, ;, Acco11fin1 to the Sepntroms and the ln(,by yeu's end. 'l ve&IPflJ n -en rm· . MusikantoWI, ~ ·ioill811•itap ol their J'llt first ~oom.porUon ol wbfl,wlll ®ni,~ U acr~pl _lah • , .'IJ! MalTlcill,lnil wQllltcomPlete<I b7 tbe·l•lf be tbe coon!y 1 b!ggell ruxurf hole! and 11.,,il ~ ., mt~~· ""! Inn . l!I uni of 1870 with bOlll """om•"I' ad -e Ille fits1 MArriotl Inn bultt In SOulhem fealire a 11x~-1 tower, fliDied llf • unique·~ · Ciliiamia ..-lo · beJ ~ at Bristol th.....Wry bulldlpl .'and three more , , . , . street and the san· DiegO ~: · · 1tr:uctiitel bou'1ni potb VIP 1uttes. B;e~ banQutt ~ convention center Announcement of the hua:t pro~ wu TradiUooaJ e'atly CalilornJa ~ecor with facilities, the Um will .~Jude a supper • , · · · club, cocktail lounge, 2'-liour coffee shop, 1 LA Developer Asks Mesa ' I Council for 'No .Door' OK ~r pooJs. health club, sauna· massage and exercile rooms. Billiard tooma and a game room· ·for youngsters are included, plus such specialized facilities as special rooms for paraplegics and the similarly han- di~d, and hospttaltty rooms. · IniUal floor planl show 150,(1(11)..aquare- feet of llvlng area: with 35,000.aquare.feet of business and executive office 1pace. Parklni for up lo UO un will be pro- . d I •-I I · t"-vi4ed to, .Uow the increuing influx . of ;they •ere about to ask a Los Angeles His motloo die "" • uvmg ''!I' buairie:ssmen, convditloneeri and v.ca· develOper to ·show them tbt door -q= ~second motion Calling tioners to have their own motol .access'° = ~';! ~i~;'r~~t got w~ for aWlay on the matter until the tiub-sWTOWldlng areu. rivolving around definitions Monday. Uon of what is v. is not a garage and Orange County Airport is just a short whether it must have a door could be drive away. "-Simply stated, the Fair Harbor Co. had resolved. The Marriott IM will be seven miles asked via a zone exception pennit not ~o Dying on the same 3 to 2 vote, with from Newport Beach's recniational be forced lo put doors on every garage ~ Councilman William L. St. Clair siding resources and seven miles f r o m a :io8-unil apartment complex t.o be built with Tucker. the motion was followed by downtown Santa Ana. Dozens of other soon al Harbor Boulevard and Fair a third one, this time by Councilman destinations will be only moments away. Drive. \"i'llard T J-~-n Musikantow said one of the na•:-•s They said it would save $60,000 for. in-" • ... u. ' t t din Un ~"·11 Vestment in landscaping and the like, Jont•n aald'why not juat leave the door mos outs an g cu ary managers wi controversy open for the company, wh.lch oversee all food preparation -ham- wbile assuring councilmen that garages revealed that their subleJT~n istyle burgers for two, to chateaubriand for 500. Visible to surrounding neighbors would aarai:res are not' totally enclosed -even J. Willard Marriott began his career in .have doors as origially ordered. • • w "'·~-D c · •J "-J ho with a door. as .... 16 .... ., •• , Just umore World War City Attorney iwY une, wever' sug-It's all the rage in ~ty units, they II with a hamburger stand. •iested perhaps Costa Mesa c i t Y a111~ ""-'!.. M · tt · Im f h' -'.11nance does not demand garage doors expt.lined, or words to ~lo · ....... y, arr10 1s own or LS •w Jord'ln's motlbn ~Sled On another organiza.Uonal work on the Nixon In-ter 5e. bul only garages lhemtelves. identical J to12 'Vote Wittr'TUcklr and St. auguration ball as well u bis ownerahip So what is a garage! i.-1, .. ,. U ... a f al.al-f resta ha.,,.; .... I.la A completely enclosed storage place tor Clair holding out tor c ........ 15 we= earage o a \;.ll&UI o ul'Jnls ....... "'6 111:1 , . b ·~···~ ·---·OIUfllnli!1· . ....,,., a car, which would requll'e Y ~~' -J • Rluben. Muaikantow and hls BOn Allen a door to completely enclose it, l&ld , • are QWner~ators of aeveral hotela, Building Director Dick Hanhart. . Used.,· ~--and .... _ 1 In ,._ lie said th< requirement ia, ID th< Soldt'e.. A~·· , . -a,..,..-•t comp,... •~ buildln• code _ somewhere. .I.' ... Midwest. They plan at ]east four more 11o ~ MarriOtt lnM In California. Councilman George A. 'J'.Ucker ~~ Of p o 'S · ' -They said the South Coast Plaza & mant about the quesUon <itba-:;".:.: art m . PY Town Center factllty wlll be handling all however, and made a motion t ..,. ,., ~ f I al ti IU h Fair Harbdr Co. be shown a doot' clause · ' •, A · ·, 00· . . :in.';.s, ~~-d~~. :on~~u':.: ~uirina all garages to have them. • DJ0,. irmntt txhlbils. I · 'L --i ~ Tbe' site was chosen because the Halecrest Club ; , --.u•--r-·-Pl)·:._ A • 5-otrom Family and other planners ,..RN,..., un•, ,.......,._.., CU -envilioo thil apol as the future downtown • ,JJ,S, ·II'~ <01Qi ·today . acqulltad a ......, of metropolitan Orange County. HaiU-bl>ti io1dler ol. dllrail tbal ho ~lely, lhe 1Urrouoding territory ' Board Meet Sett • • Historic Firs.t " • A ..,, ll'1!1ember HalecrH! Club iloant ol Directon will •ll down !Onllbt .Ii-alllllori<: meeting, th< first lime in II , )'WI that general cjtywlde membership · htt 1,volce in control of the private club. ' An Ill petten> turnout o1 votinl momberl recenUy turned .o~p ol tbellvHcr< 11111-prolil faclUty over lo oil members, llll!ead ol lusl resldeoll ol lhe ~st hofnes area. • · Prosldent Dave Leighton aald lopicl of Ille 7:3''p.m. clubhouoe -Ion Include 9oclal procram!I. children'• act.tvilla and coostrucUon fl~ a new bulldinl next lj)J'i•&· • : Newl)' eJec:tttd bolrd membtn arc '?oiUton Bunett. Mrs. John Clonloll, Royce Enalbh. William FerpM>n, B e r n 1 e Matbleaon. Mn. "Spfder" MacLean ft .~\ Vai~ • pused tip. manaall to a Hungarian once devoted to raising carrots, bean1 lll'l 'lrknd oervill( btr"'811n4ty'i IOCl'Ol and chill pepper& will be a Z.ktillion-U · · square-foot complex enttrcll.na the ex· po ce: , --~--'-'/ Ith . iatin& South Coest Plau. As is .............. 1 ·w American milltai')' friol' ,,..ocedure.-,cour\ .. pve DO J'U@ll!·ll< ~Spec. 4.HtO"!' G. Llmarque, 1)., •• •. ~ I" But' 1he • -' followed def..,.. aigulnenll' wlllch· -that .... ol 1lie nlllcrialo lanlrque1alllpdb' ptt Erlka Qlteodl')'ver t a,-"ere claatfled .. .mt. One ol manuals, · accordil.c lo U.S. __ ,_...,..who teotllled, WU the Arrn:J'I "itaff offk.'en field manual on nuclear wHporw employ· mnt." N~is Still Sought ' ,~ ~ I ~ BONN !UPIJ -The W.-& Gorman IO'emmeni today abolllhod tllli llatuto « lin!ltallonl on !ht prooecut1on of Nazi murd<ren. 1 President Eyes Voting in State President Richard M. Nixon apparently would lite to receive an absfntee bllk>t from COll!omla 4ilrin& hll yeen In th< White House, It wu announced today. i PrealdenUal Counael John Eher~an said If lhe NlXOlll boY a 1111!1-borne In lhe &luthland -ouch " the Cot1on Eltate Where he lllyed tut lnooth In Son cia-11 -hi wlll Nrtlller lo -here. 'Nixon Is odit',..,,.ftd *' a~tw York voler and ia afH ~Ii. to rqlcllr and vote In Florida tl.CUons. lince he owna 1<verol propertla on Jt;ey Bilcayn<, hll preHnt summer retttat. I SDS Group · c ·onfronts Trustees SW.dents seeking to fonn a Students for a Democratic Society chapter on the Or111ge Coast College campus are ex· pected to coolront th< junior college boerd of trustees wnlght. SDS blcRIY wW aeet .to overhinl I veto by OCC President Robert Moon •Saini! formatloli ol the carnpua club. There may be a i.rB• student tumouL Tuesday nfibl; youtli1 attending•· Ylppte. Chicago rtol llbn program In. Newport ~ yere urJed lo attend the boerd meeUnc:-- CoUep President Robert Moore two weeta ago vetoed a 5 to 2 student senate vote to -allow SDS to function u a recOflllized campua organizatldn. "The Joala of th< national SDS organlzaUon are, anUtheUcal lo orderly operation of ID educational insUtution," Moore aald. : 11e:...-.-u111e !oca! SDS l?OOP Intends lo CJll!ftte dlffereotly It can do oo under I dlffermt name. . ~ . . J;~~t. ~~?&.µm~~ Wfii""t Suppori L~~.Y Tox ~dea El-Uy urpd to _.t the ..,.. troversfal Liberty ~ b7 ... I> milted resolution, the COsta Mesa City Council monday voted t to I to mereJy receive and file it, as too big an issue for city government. Mrs. Nora GrangeUo, of Anaheim, was not pleased with t~elr lukewarm ~ \\o9, of· the. bid lo force U.S. 1ovemment &ii oi the field of private enterprise and elimioate Income tax. Vice Mayor Robert M. Wllaon was the lone councilman who voted aplni( such mild. action on the ameildment, one of the t ... c!Jd c.liJea hlgh<tt by Slate ' sin. John G. Sc:llonltx (R·Tuatln). Mn. Granc-tto askid u tt mllht not I"' 'fiueoce -legislators for ctliel lo take a stand on the matter, after Councilman Willard T. Jordan said it Ues outside a ci- ty council's realm of philosophy. "I think our state aenator has hls mhld made up," quipped Councllman George A. Tucker. · . Mrs-. Grangetto had charged that federal flddUng in private btlflnesa loses more U.S. tax dollar.s than income taxes ~ring in each year and quoted Geotp Waabiogton on curbins lhe power ol government. The controver1i~ rp~ ~ up in Sacramento April 30.and Mn. llranaetio uid stron1er aipport la 1enerated each year. . . . . Arab Emotionless ' . As Verdict Given LOS ANGELES (UPI) -lifllan B. Sirhan was ordered today to pay with his life for the a11au~atiiln of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy but appMIJ to higher courts may spare hlm from the gas chamber indefinitely. The jury, which convicted Sirhan of first degree murder in the slaying of the se nator during Kennedy's presidential primary campaigp last June directed that the plinilb- :-ment should be death. When the verdict was announced Sirhan chewed hard on a wad of gum and stared straight ahead. He waa dressed in blue llhirt:..f dark' slacks and his skin looked very ianow. · Superior Court Judge llerbert v •. Walker will t,ormally .pronounce .a'enc:e tn about three weeks. Then tlle-23-year-0ld Palesllnlan Arab fmml&rant will be mO\-ed under bea>y guard either lo death row In San Quentlo prison or the prison hospital at Vacaville, Calif. . Judge Walk'u-set May 14 for arguments ror a new trlal. The CaIUomia State Supreme Court will automatically review the sentence. U tt Ls upheld, Chief Defense Lawyer Grant B. Cooper said he would appeal all the way to tlie U.S. Supreme Court seetina a new trial. 11le seven-man, fi ve-woman 1 J t1 r y dellberalld ior It hours an4 4' m1!mtex oyer,. a, -PF\od. ol tJiree day> ~!ft d"f\dln.& on Ii\" ~!!)ty , after a trjal of. lhtte irid ..,, hall plOOt)is. Before l1llng Into tbe courjroom, the jurors sounded a bµuer three Umes to ' " aJort ,_,, bailiUs ua· n.w,.;,e;, .. llNT,r\ll> Tp .eA'rll, dil:lalOlil!li6i,.;..ieachO<I. ' ·• ,., • ~ I . ~"' •1.. ~ , J.?.~r IW!~ r:1iturrwi: ... .1~. opaper a State GOP Office • •; I Mov~s Quarters Into . Ne\vport The Republic1n Stale Centrpl ·Com· mtttee wlD olfldOUy optn ltl ..... ltale llea~liarten•lu Newport Qeach Friday. · n.e mcwe to S91I Campus Drive, ad· Jactnt lo Orante COonty atr1NJr1, foliow.ed the Januaey elec:tlon of DtnnU 'carpenter dl;Neil)lirl Bold! u stale .chairmao-A patl)' IP!Mmnae Miid• .tl)al It ii cmtom~ for-heodquartm lo )>e DW' the chairtnan'• home. , · A small Ital! will 'reinal!i at !be Central Committee's former · headquarters in Sacramento. The first event slated for·lhe new office wlll be a ineett., it Z.JI.'"• Friday ol !be 77·member executive commit~. ruling ageocy ofoliJe 1-ber S(4te t;en\fal CommU~,,and il[U deal with Joo1·range flnanctol plannina. A preu conference at .4:.30 p.m. will feature · a~anccs , by Clrpenter and RepresentatlTo Craig Biddle. An ,'open houae for Republicans and other iilteruted area residents· wUl be ""*·froin 5:!0 lo I p.m. . , bape the' man)' Republlcans who paooed it lo the judge and then lo coart clerk Mrs • .Alict Nishikawa wbo read: "Wo !ht Ja!'Y in the ,above' enlllled '°' lion, hiving lound the delendan~ Slr!Unt Btshara Sirhan, guilly of murder In the !Int ~ u charged in count 1 ol tbO indictment now fix the penalty at deati(" It was a victory ·for the prosecutl9ft which had made It clear to the jurf tDt lht state ffilt • death sentence wU a~ p~priate for the ~lier of· a· politloal1 figure who i/Ught have' b!come inaidtnt of th< Unllld Stales. Dep. D~L Atty. John How~ uld' In his final summatior\ ·that a ~ dmen asuains like Sirhan· could lhrtd ~ fabi'ic of Afnerlcan 'dtmocraUc • ~ ment. i ' The verdict repreaented a rejection of defenie 'argtimentl tbit S1rbm na 'IQ menially ill that be wu not capoblo ol the deliberate premeditaUon and ~a­ ecuUon of Kennedy's :slaying in· 1 pantry or the Ambassador hotel last June s. . Tbe jury disca.rdt'¥1 the advice at a parade , of defense psychol~ 1 anil psychiatrilil who termed the faaDir nee track u:erciae: boy a p a r In o id schhophrenlc. One psychiatrist aaid Slr:bM was , In a self-induced ~k? trance when he fired .pie shots that llllled ,the New York Senator. t There obvtousjy ruid been a ,~ among the jurors over whethef StiliiQ should get life or death. / Breath So~nds '""~,'119 Mrd for !IJe·P!l!'ll'lln lhe past wl!Mlia!I tlaie to abP In,• "'"-ter laid. · Tl;e ·t~ool '~with II .; ~ · ,!Mnl~ls. 'reprt11111a· 'the dm· ~ Ol a1• number1 of 1 operationa CllnJulllilul Ille lllll,' icconllng lo Catpentet .. who. adde<I tUt'the move has already (ll'Oduted ~ .. viligs In time. and manpower. Heavy Over Mike At one thne it was believed there mlctit be a complete deadlock in which cue • new jury would -have had Iii ~ virtually tbe eatln CUI ipln be/oft dec,lcling on a ~atty. I S1rhan ...,. joins lhe more than ~· perlODI lel'ltenced toi death far caPltitl ~rimes in California who hav.; evaded Q .. ecution for more than two years thnNib appeals and legal m~~uv,en. • State GOP ,Ieadero ·~lieve that the move of the Republican ·St1te Central Committee ff~ lo Oran&• ~ IJ tbe first such move by either ol lhe major parUe1. Friday's Executive Committee meeting will be' the flnt aince the January . state .CGDvenUon1 wbel'.e, Clrpenttf • w J 1 ,.lected u stale party chteftaln. Or••ll• \ • } •. • I --·-·r-·--~ . • Jf"LO&ll.~~Y'.;P!lOT~~---~C--:!_W~Mldll~1 ~!"'!:_• A,.t1 23, lM Toro Says Cranks Call I Cl 'Families An El Toro Marine olllctr todoy voiced c:oncem about the ·rllinl: number of cruel "crank'" phone ulla made to wtvn and parents al Marina In Vietnam. Warrllll Olfloer Anthony DoJ'olm ol El 'l'oro's Cuualty A!sl!tance Office said reports an the phony calls on J'combat deaths" Utt leaped from an average of one a JT.oolh to eight in the past two months. "Moat of the caller•," he 'sald, "claim they have a ttlegram or that they are a lied a-_.,wive ualiJ>ed to paa ao lbc l!od JIOWI," be aald. De.John cauiloaed all servlctmen's families to mnember that information on battlefield cuualtles In Vietnam ts ws- ed oaJrtn Ulla mmmer: l\'.ard• Ont rtacbes Marine Corp& Head- quartm in Washington. They notify the Marine Corps Casualty Assistance Office nearOll the M~'1 family. Tbe primary n"'t ol lcin art oolilled in penon, .usually at home, by a Marine of. firM and a Navy chaplain or another Marine officer. "Word la never paued by mall or over the phone," DeJohn em- plwized. Mesa's Pinkky Pitches 1st Ball But Dodgers L>se Costa M ... night turned Into San Fran- ciaco nilhl at Dodger Stadium Tueaclay: as the Giants whipped their opponents 8 to 0, After Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley plt· ched the fim ball. "~ale and I both 1ot knocked out ol the tm," Mayor Pinkley quipped to. day. Newly reappointed Plunlng Com- miaion. 01a1nnan Nate Reade wielded the bat. while City Manager Arthur R. McKemie lft'Ved as catcher for the flr1t pitch ol the nil)lt. Com1cilman William L. Sl Clair Ht In the otarxts with the rest ol the C<lnllngent of more than 200 Costa Mesans, but bat· ter Reade whacked no foul balls his way. Four bualolds of Costa Mesans made the !rip, a Chamber of Commerce and Junicr Chamber of C.Ommerce annual .-which bas become a city tndltion. 2 Youths Held On ;Burglary Rap Ona youth who allqedly lied in hlndcuffs and • llCODd wlae cV wu ~ O.t were Jalte4 early today, GO IUlplcton of Iba lruiU... burelarY of a. westskte-Costa M.eu ·servtce station. Michael R. Win(, ID, of 1110 Federal "Ave., and Mu C. Mahon, ID, of 17111> Newport Blvd ., both Colla Mesa acl- dre:lrla , were booked on auspicion or burglaly. A pauerby's Up about two loitering men sent Police Sgt. Bob BaUlnger rol- lin( to the Alexander J . Mc:Llcblan TOI· ICO Service, 1901 PlacenUa Ave., where be said he found Wing otandlnti lnalde. Police uld the culled yootb dubecl from tbe acene u they hunted • eecond llUIPOCI. hilt be waa caught by Patrolman John Michael juat I haK bloci< down Weal 19th Stnet. lnlormaUon from another peroon In the neiahborhood led O!llcen Ron Palmer ud Mu Bowen to stake out an old car parked beblnd a nearby lhopplnc center and Mahon WU UTeSted about JO mlnulea later. DAILY PllOT OUNO• COAll ,-uaLllHlflll• CCIM"IJfi l•Mn N. Wtd ,,..liilliil trlf hlllllllet J,,, •. c.,,.., Vim"'-"""'_. GfNrll #.1111Mf 111.., •• tc ••• n ..... T••1111" A. M.r,lii11t ~··lltr ----JJO Wt1f ley Stnotf M•Ul:llt'AMr91.i P,O. t. 1160, t16!6 --...... '*'" #11 .......... .........,. ..._. ... 0 11 m ,..,.,. ,.,....,.. ............. 1 ••• ,,.. • • ,_,. _____ ,,,._.,~-~--.. -....... -.. _.,~ .. '!>,... .. -.. _.,,. __ .,_., ..... _ ............. ""-·'"-"'"'"i,._, ... iii.-iii••.Ol+•"~"i'"-.;_oisr'-u"'-=-•·-~~ .... ~o._u.-.;;,.._.;.,;,,~.,...,.iii;.._-.i.••·"=----·---..... ,. ........ --... -..... --.,.-.. _ ... -.... _ .. ~ ..... ~----..... --_ .. ,.._ Zone Bid Jawin' With .the , Frl¥ Back 'Home -finnlly . 111.Jt'WJ.l·~ ba!>" lalof,."'""'° -"mad II a .. ,.. r · ..-lo . ..ut -a ..... bf!IJ · · '1 , If dit1:c """t;,iiii'iit ...-. ""!t' l'l)ll•' ,., • ._If a • ';ILO ' · -'" ' .wtlh •.., 1111 .,.. • "' 1 00.~ · d 1111 ................ ·~·II ftl 1l!!i .... ,,-. ·\. p 91 ' someone wtiooa .diinfll!IY la not 'desir-. App .... --e Ilka "ajclll ••a..-.• u..rtas ol lb. ir,nucu..,, a third ). ' \i able might be aa "w.i.;ome u a I .. ~~~1~-::'ts~'~ ':.~· • party mfJbt aay, ''Don't that take the . ·,. , • ..,; , , , , i • Uun; Ii a lawn partyu.or 0a.~lc;ome llYT ..... ,.,. rag often the bu.sh!" Gr1ndmothflr LOGBOOK u a fly 00 • bbcult." · · = ~Woll~ would have said, "• loci and bis money • .. ifk.~.~ ~ ":'~~~ be art soon ...... ed." r-.... lonl §!gin-,.... It can be "bob'er than the hln(ea of doa~t bow Were I to voice an unreaJisUc wbh. • hades" « "cold, enough to ffftU the bu theJ me some: she would say, "If w!Jhes were borae:s, had 1t bad enwgh, he might become ears off a brus znobkey." •- 1 r •~LcoU. oq,ulal,. thebeggarswouldride." · ·idudasadoornail." · Aper.son..•'can be "U&1Y 11 a mud i1m.1 ~ An uninhibited person with a flair for If auests are coming you migbl get rence": ''.Poor as a chW'di mouse"; • '!be Clark M-living might be a "high stepner." Sbe d..-... "litt.. to kill" or be "all laid "proud endugb to bu>t .hil buttons"; tainl an a ~ could. in I.be bargain. be u •'C\i"w as" a • ....,_.. ''slippery u an eel"; "~as a 'bug in where I boy ,,)i:kh bug's ear" or even "•s cute IS a speck-away." In preparation for the futivl· a rug"; "'red a.s a spanked baby"; "dry buck lel!lh co a 1 d le<t pup." ties, you might "put the big' pot ill •the as a bane''; or ''white as a ghd.rt." "eet corn through a One who imbibed. too freely might be· ~ liltle one aod boil the di!hrag." A bald person mlJ.ht dtfend himself • picket fence." come "Ugbt as a tlck" or "high as a Mother would probably "rhett (neaten) by saying, "you cant grow grass on a A be.dstrong person could be as kite." tb.ingll up". Jf you had to wait for din· race track." . "independent u • hoe oe Jee." And, U In the morning, he might look like DU you might become .. so bw:cr7 _my Someone mi&bt be '.'u o""1esl p ~ • A }Olltng chal)ge on fuou!lrlal properly whole owners walit to build a~mentl -twice reccmmended lot derual by tbe Collll(Mesa Pl~ Commi,&llon -llol been ~ved by the city COUllCil. '• si;ultaneously with his inoUon , c .. ell man Willard T. Jordan Monday . .- for a city study of tbe 1pottf deve~ a1or:i& Placentia' .fiVt:rJUe fO( a ~~ JJ\ljor r~zooing. "' , • • _j. ,. Real estate broke J{arry D. Jo~ successfully argutd in behalf qf LydlJ Y. Peru, of 2099 Placentia Av._e., backe4 J'Y th~ applicant'e: daughter. .. can 1et ''hotter than. a SI pistol." 11death eaUn2 a cracker" or "duth stbmach thinks my throat's cul" ip pxket on a shirt" or •;nutty as • You migbt 0 tote" a '"tow uck" about warmed over.1• He might even look lite An easy thin«· ts "like shooUn• fish in frult'cate." .; ~ a quarter down the road" and he had been °dead and du.g up" or a raln barrtl." A crooked thing such u Y~. ~Y .. knew Ulat 1.0 all'1 WelJ unload a "pig in a poke" on some un-"dragged through 1 knothole." a lopsided ahed Jn.l&bt be "antlgogglln" that iPdl well'.. And, as ~ wary purchaser:. If be kept "allln'" someone -might or "catywom)IUI." · w-OUlCI blvt lalcf.."'Even this ahall bAve_ He probably would be uptad aa a w~t decide that fte had the "epliu41c." U he A crook~ P.f:110D ~ be· "~ .. an IDcL '' · -. '1 . Ajiothet · n<lglibOi', :Rex Coe\, of> .1115 --.PlaCentia Ave., endorsed the proptllled ai~nt ·J!fOject comp 1 at a·ed vocilerOUlll< !>!>qUt the coodition ot a ~ y~ bl·\)le neiJl\bllrbood. ·.1 -action lo! allow the~ ap&rtnlent:i, councilmen approved lv1 zone exCepUon permita, including one for Newport Beach pro football star Phil Spiller. 1649 Westcliff Drive, to re-open the Elite Sauna. •• Mesa Council OKs Hot-line School Phones A $1,4111 lnltaUauGn of b o t · II n e enwpoey' phones at . Newport.M.,. Unlllecl Scboo1 Dlltrlct cam[IURI not a1reaitJ' aerved by them WU IUpported Monday by the Costa Meaa Qty Council. Trulteea ol the district wiD recomljler the proposal Tbunday, after delaying f'C.• lion the lut ~ around to coJlie up with coat eatlmates, ranging to $31&-per-month after lnlUal payment CltY COuncilman Gecrge A. Tucker, a member of Q>e City Schools Uailon Com· m111 .. aloog~with Councilman Wllilam L. St. Clair. reported oo the emergency pbone system Monday night. Sl Cla1r noted thal they would 10 right to the Costa Meaa ccmmunlcationl ctnter, brlngin( police, firemen or both to the tctDe of. an emerceocy. Even K a hot line Is merely lilted and nothing said, be noted, a police patrol car is dlapatched within aecondl, while a slmllar receiver 1n the achool principal'• office tbwarll lalae alarms. Summer Activity Changed in 'Me8a Ile\! jobs bava been cruted and old -~elk!ed. foll<>wi!>i Cooti 111.-Cl-. ty .Oquncil ltllon aimed lt fmprovlnc IUll1lller l<Cl'eat1on lot ycU!h and aduill - ol ~community. A~taol City lofanager Fred Scnabal won ~ apprcval to .....iu.tfy Jll"'· time Racteatlon Depottment employet ani! U.., spell out their individual duties better. :·' .Liteguar~. on . .,.,,,,, Plqlkin; b\iQd pooch owned by Alton V. Hooper family, 3074 Molokai Place, doesn'l let handicap sand In way of dally 1wim In family pool. MO!her, Panda (on deck);"'d<iesn't Ullnk much of Punkln's antics. She drags pup out of water each day, but dogged discipline has failed to dlacourage Ptmkin'• love for water. · ' I ' ~ ' ~· ~ . ' Ndrth Korea Warns U.S. ... • CouU1Pravoke Total War . . - Six Copters Lost to Reds, Mi~air Crash SAIGON (UP!)-Qimmunlst fire .olld an in-lllgbl colilston coat Iba United s<ates six beiioopten In er.-that killed 19 aoldlers and wounded 23, the American comnund said today. It was the costliat day to the ccpier nee1 in weeks. 'lbe report on the losses Monday ac- companied the aMouncemtnt that a helicopter gunship by mtstaka opened fl.re on an allied unit in the central hlghlandl, killing one U.S. Green Beret and five South Vietnamese and wound- ing 10 government soldiers. Costliest oC the helicopter crashe.& was an in.flight collision of two copters 35 rnUes northwest of Saigon, military ap:>ktsmen aaid. Eight Americana and eight Sooth Vietnamese troops died. It was the worst single helicopter mishap since April 4, when %4 troops died in a crash. Two other U.S. helicopters tock direct flits fn:m Communist mines planted in a landing zone below the demilitarized zone (DMZ), cruhing and killing three American Gls and wounding thrtt Gls and 17 South Vietnamese. • The other .·two choppers '1IC<Ul1lbed to ground fire near the DMZ and in the Me...., deita, according to U.S. ccm- muniques. All but three of the men aboard them escaped injury. Spllltt's plans for the once.notorious Spa at 2QI Newport Blvd., include establisbment,of a private atbleUCClub. • J. ' City Councilmen Vote to Seek Asphalt Rebates . Heartened by a recent nicovery of prtc.-lixing losses to pipeline ccmpanl.,, the Costa Mesa City Council Mondiy voted to go along with other Californt_• cities now suing major petroleum com- panies. -· City Attorney Roy June was instru~ to authorize the state Attorney General ,I office to include Costa Mesa ·amon1 plaintiffs seeking rebates on l01Sses due ~ asphalt products price-fixing. '· The autborizatkin stipulates, howeyer, that any resulting legal fees must come out of the total funds recovered by the antitrust action. 1 Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley noted that the Costa Mesa County Water District recenUy obtained an award of thousands of dollars in over·payment in two separate antitrust suits. · Money will be paid back to the CMmY"D and other vidJm.s throughout the atato over a period of years. ' Two. ,Burglaries,, .. Net $300 Loss U.S. headquarters said the lotlllt:S to Communist lire brought to 1,07t the number cl. American hellcopt'erl shot down in South Vietnam in the war. A South Pasadena execuUve who hid There was no immediate explanation spent an afternoon golfing and a Cos:t.a for the collision of the two copters Mesa apartment resident r. e p or t e ~ northwut of Saigon. burglaries totaling mere than $XlQ In The accidental gumhip attack on the losses Tuesday. U.S. Green Bereb: and the South Viet-Lloyd A. Tutor said someone pried open namese mountain men they Jed was a his locked car door at the Mesa Ver.de case of the gunship crew mistaking the Country Club, 3001 Clubhouse Drive, tak- allied troopers for Communist soldiers ing a briefcase, tape recorder and other Prior 'It the cowicll'a _.i. the ernpkjya1 paid 11.a ID 11.41 per ho!!r were divided Into ooly tbrte claalllca- lions, but -wiD be grouped In 10 specific job UU... in the area, U.S. commanders aaid. it.ems. ~.......____ ... TOKYO (UPI) -The North Korean Korea's territorial alr space and defend-The Green Berets and their sidekicb Karen L. Gransee, of 168. Wi. Wilson ·st., -ernmeDt Aid today the intrusion o[ th right ol North K to were part of the all1e4 unit that broke said her $100 diamond·sapphire ring had a-· ed e orea lhoot I UP. a Communist base camp Tuesday, beentakeninrecentweeka,buttherehad any U.S. reconnaissance planes into down. killing 71 Communists who tried to Oee. been no aign of. forced entry. Councilmen also approved hlrin( 14 employea 11 the peak aprin( growing seuon approachea, lncreuing. groundl duUes at the c.osta Mesa Golf Courie. some of them tcimporary worker1. North Korean air iplCe could provoke I;=='=============;;:::::.::=:=:'=:"'=:::::.:;;;;;;;;:='=:='=::::=~;:====~==~, ••another total war in Koru.'' 'J;he state· American legion f.elebration Set Ctrernoola bonortnc tbe Golden A"' nlvenary of the American Legion are 1cheduied= In Ccfota Meaa, with special due a couple wbo Join· ed In 1119 w tt .... orpnl>ed. Bob F!Jber, cbainnall ol the IOth an- niversary proeram, aaya POlt W will hoot a 1reo-plantlo( """1lO!IY Sunday, May 4 at :a p.m., in F.lt.aada Park. POlt Commander Boad Frtila( wilt ~at the COlelD<ley, wilh plaotin( ol a bolty·leal oUt:ee and citation ol Mr. and Mn. ~ Miller, "Legion m""bm for fiva cfecada. Tbe joined Glen Peter on Post No. I In ~. Iowa. the 11111e >"'" Leglon- nalrts htld tbelr nm CGOvtnUon, follow· Inf formation tn Paris at the claee or th• f~t world war. ment came u the Scniet UDlan' Upreued concm1 ovtr the U.S. nal'll 'bUJldup off Korea. The North Korean Central News ,\Jen· ey followed up the warnin( by reporlin( U.S. trccps guarding the Korean truce line flttd "thouaands of builela and obells" Into Communlst temtory today, it called the alleged obelllne a "viciowo provocaUve act" and 1 "crude violation" of the armistice. In Seoul. the Korea Herald nported that South Korta had Wed the United Slatts to Issue a joint statement warnin( North Korea that any further p~ vocations against the allies wau1d bring immediat.e resp:me. The United States was making few slatamecll as It assembled U.S. Navy Tuk Force 71 ln the Sea of Japon to pro- tect reconnaissance fli1bts by spy planes but J1pen!se newi;iaj>en and! televislon kept PP a running commenllfl' by ,..,. ding out thelr own !COii! planea lo report developments. They said retonnaiaance flilhll bad ruwned. '!1le North Korean statement was Woman Files Suit broadcast. by the Korean Central News Agency and monitored In Tokyo. It aald President tiboa's decil1on to cootlnue the Over Flood Loss recoona1uance !llgb1s .... ''nothing but a new provocatlao aplnst 111, nothing but a -threat and bltQmall " ·A Colla l\leA woman has flied a The Communla1s aald m.on•o alate. •.oao claim wlih the Board of ment which follonl the ~ down of Supa .... to C:OVtl' tbe klll "ol thrtt • U.S. n::w ,....., ... p1w WU boulol aad some outbuildlnp t n "ID --t111t ba Is """"'a su .. n.io Cllll'Oll eillled by ooun1y con· atep flD'tber -tbt brtldt o1 ~ ltnMUon work." "U the nconna1amce ·planes of the Darotll:r l'boenlJ, ml W. !Ith St., U.S. ~lntriade Joto tbt_tor- dllllll OlllllrUctiM "' su.......io ~ r1toriai a1r a1 -coOalrJ, ... wlD 110t 11t -ltd to bar ptopaly at -l~t and with foldod mm. but will tab -71 Sil-Canyoc Road betnJ ... mea..urea foe Afoallu'dlnl ciur aoverqn- .donnined lo the Jan. 1$ sjonn witl! the ty u ever," the North 1ti'W1 atai.ent • )D9 of a --patio and the -ol ..al<L . ' . . ,Ill bar ..,...band 1111-botnM aad "'1111n ihe .u.8. ~..lit ""' -lldlilp oo Feb. IL • · this u a, ~tat to commtt a.~. • iho one,. tbal the c:<anlfy'• l'Old-k armed _. qolnlt Ill, wbldl'maJ only left her "'-1Y uaorotocled Im the "lealf to .-IOtal -ID lteru lo tlle flood .. at1n·111 tlia Sllftrldo Creek cbao-end." Del d1lrial Ilia lllonnl. North Koru niletaled Ill dalm that CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAR&E A REMINDER FROM n OMEGA be sure to set your watch at.Md one hour. Saturday night , •• dayU11il -'np ti""' ,_ fnlo elect 4 SWlllay, April :J7th Wlm,... 1111 ,_ ntm ahead, tUo a clO!• look at it. It-Ila..-hlll it ....i..t Ia lt ..if·'lriadinc? lloao It IOll 61 a.t Paoliopo .... "' the tinae to alaoG. • ap ta ... rrcad o..p.· Wolimi-oltbolaiptOmap cou..:i-to abow :roa, t6S to °"" 11000. w.-rm •1•11t1 fDtn0111 .,... • J. C. J4,np/ui'6 'J~w•/,~ . . . I Ill NlWPOU AV&. COSTA MESA PHoNE IMl-140! • • • • ; ' •• " ·:. 22 :Y£AR5 I!" THE SAME ~OCA TtON Tbe llll(>lnllon denied the dalm lod the U.S. pla,_ Ibo! down wttll Ila It .•• ttf•rred It to the Count, Counsel'• oUlca. crewnltn Intruded cleep Into North •·--------------;------·-----;jr---------,.._/ t I r r I j .OPIN WNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY • * PRICES EFFECTIVI Aprll 23 TO Aprll 29 I GOIN' TO 1HE BEACH? IE11ER S10P A1 GRANT'S! U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED SELF-IN FLA TING LIFE BOATS $19995 YOU'D IXPKT TO PAY · AS MUCH AS $3SO.$SDO FDR SIMILAR LIFE IOATSI 6-MAM IOAT with cylinller for emtrt~ lnfl1tion. ln- fl1tts immedi1t1ly with pull of cord. M1d1 of h11vy neo- prtnt' f1brlc. Complete with c1rrylng c11e. Coast Guard Appravecl BOAT CUSHIONS •2•• CN•t au-4 A,,.....,.., Lin YISH JMAU • , , , , ••• , • , •• , !2.41 MIDIUM , • , , , • , , , , , , f2.tl LA.IOI • , • , , •• ,, ,,,,, $3At SAYE ON EVERYTHING IN CAMPING EQUIPMENT AT GRANT'S! SAVE ON ALL ef your umplftl 1111d1 et Gr1111'1 •.. from C1ntttlll to Cook Ht1 •• , Se• 1/1 of tM ltr111d ntw 1969 mHels t f Ctl1m11t 1ppll1nc11 11 Gr1nf'1 now! Wt'•• tot ff wheo you Mttl hi St0w1 , ; • l1nl1r1t1 .•. Ht1ttn ••• Ttnts ••• Tr1ll1r1 • , , Sl1111ln1 1111, tic. Gr1nt'1 urriM 1 Ctmplete 11oclc of ell type of P1ck1 inti Fr11M1l ln- clurll1t1 Hlm1l1y11t pttk fr1m11 11111 ICClllM'ilt. IACK PACKS ... M •1•• ,, •so ' Llghtw1l9ht, Sturdy AIRMATIRESS lllllWLY $4.4t FOR COMFORT AILI CAMPING • • . DllUXI htlf)' • duty 1lr m1ttrt11 with rubberizttl tanv11 Cover. Elsy ti lnfl1tt. · I Nr,lon lick f'1ck1 .. $12.95 A umlnum Fr1me1 .. $4.95 ------------ G.l. llYLf FOLDING SHOVEL RIG. $1.91 99c t ;.-flNTEENS Nln•·s SPECIAL CllllHll compl1t1 witti com 11111 U11p. -·: sac OUAL1t:'l I UL1 uz~ "''""' lfn14 ~•.Jint k11 .•. h:ll. 1lp,.r ••• Air m1ttr111 pockeh • .•. zip two fOftlktr ,for 1 lowtllt Ht., Save More On Camping Equipment at Grant's Surplus! Turner PROPANE FUEL . Fib 111 m1k11 of Torchu, l1nternt int Smn. 98' CAMPTOILH Co"'pl•t• with fr1m1, Mii, 11111 I \~···· '2 88 ~=~.. e Sn Grant's Flfst! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! "''"''·~ ll ...... &ct•c.n. SNAii BITE ICIT 1110. $2.91 •111 Tool91 . 4 Sllee1 at Oneel CAMP TOASTER (HJ ft"'"',,, .. ,, httt '"'"''· 49c 5-GALLON PLASTIC CAN lllKTWllGKT 1"4 1tvrly ce1111!111r fw water 1U,,lft1. ''2'' Singla M1ntl1 LANTERN s10•• Modtl 200-A i..o.w.Prlceo on All Ltntemsl WATER CARRIER Slmpl1te1111t,14orl111, fttttftu -frtut• ftt Ice wtttrl 2'/t GAL , ...... $1 .41 S GAL .......... $1 .91 SAVE MORE $$$ AT GRANT'S SURPLUSI "0HAR8E IT" at GRANT'S SURPLUS WI HONOll ALL MA.IOI CRIDIT CARDI II BE W-.day, AP'll 23, 1969 DAILY l'ILDT j ADDmONAL ~ .. XY DObR AT • i ~~p~~~~G ~ GRA~!~~" GULF OVER 400 llFUS ~ SHOFGU#S Olf ·a1S,LAYI • Winchester • Llam1 • W11thorby • Arm.Hie •Smith & • S1ko • Cherlts Oily • 1V11ther Wesson • lerett1 • Colt • S1v1gt • Rlmlngton. • Browning • H & R • Ruger • lth1e1 I SPEC:IAL SALE! ,, , .. W1rW'1 ,,,_,.., lell·Artl• llfltl .n. bolt h ....... ol.. wfllt many &hooln ca1 tfl4I flnut ti~ around blfiMW rifle Ndt. Snlcl " o,tfl. You'll • t!1t sttonpst ktlon Ml' put Ill ,,,., rHlt. Slll'l'I It closed. How yoor c.ttidl• hud is protectH by ltlrt• Ovtl'llPPllll rlnp of eolld ltHI. But M's llOI . th• wflolt 700 story. W1 lesttd 111 th• boll actlol\$. You WOll't l tt btttlf ICCUrcy: Or t ClltMf trip pulj, 0r I IDutfltr ' tinlstl. Or better cleck11lni. Or 1 mort comfortable 5lid.,. REMrNGTON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : MODEL 700 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IDL .. 1961 Cuatom Deluxe 24i cat. & 222 $9995 llM,·MAG. · ~·~ $154.95 ... 7mm MAGNUM Model 70CJ IDL· 1961 . $ 1 09t5 LtlT PllCI $1,69:9s . . UMtNOTON .... 111·TX·1fti .22 TAIGU RIFLE LIST PRICE t54•s $79.95 ....... _ .. ASK THI IJCl"IRTSI Gronrs Gun D.,..tmtnt ls ateffod by "'trfl;ln their field of shee!ln1I Wh-yov "'IY wont In '""" lram 1 $20.00 22·1tlfl1 to 1 $3,SDO.CJ!I Shoftun, Grant's h11 It In 1teckl Come In 1"4 '" for )'Ountlf one of the llrgtsl stocks oft'"" In So<lthom Cotlfom~I . SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 c~ ... New for '69 ~ "The Vagabond" by "YAGAIONO"-tMttl, tl1ht '". rtUtMt. n .. rs day lll'f wftll new double vln'fl-ce1t1d 11yltft rs.on thet 1xt1N 10"' 1kwi '""" Jwtl. Off·wftllt topt nfle,t '11e httt-lth In tftt lftlrttl sg99s 10'x8' Sl11ps 41 J • . 9'x 12' !Sleeps 61 .......... $I 04.95 .10'x13' !Sleeps l!l ....•.•.. $119.95 DINING CANOPY by CCltlMAN COLOIFUL 12'rl2' ahllttr t.r l""I ptrtftt, Jkillct, Ctlft11Jll, ,. ... IN ,.., .... Me4'. Mf4t ef """"' Wlltrpf'Nf '"'91t *911 wftt. tltuW. 11"'4 ftvr fttklMlll HttN tt llmtltf rt,., Nin •Itel "'kl. c.m,t1tt wf1ft Mlrt·tlf11 ~ "''· IWJ ,.,.. .. 4 .. •kto. $24 95 LIVEITUP :nstern tiylo Wl'VI RDl'ID In I ntW colllClfon ti Welttrft GMr tM ~·· ..... ,...., -Wntefn Dtptrtm1nt. Don't mlu th111 cemfortablt wnttm bl'fllftl ••• 1t Gnnt•I New Stock Ju1t brlredl WIANOLll WESTERN SHHtTS TOU'U LOYI TMlll-tll ..., celen 111 ,i1flt tllltl Mlftl ufen. ~· Ir.cl ef MCk tlitrt Intl 1i.ew. IMftk ' '4'' '·"°'' IUIVll LONG SLHVIS .. $6.95 ROUGH-OUT BOOTS If DURANGO-fer rtttH ... ., t.Mr '9!tdflll C.Mlll"' .. , .... '"''" s .. ,,_ .... WP. 51695 10" HIGH •• $19.95 .. , """· ... ., ....................... ,.,.,. WlfTllN mAW ..... ••• ,,,,,,,, ,, ••. ••-• .taAt 1"•tV." •fl, t••· .............. p ........ . . . 1 . -. • , I I DAD.Y PILOT UITOR~--~1'-~EJ_ • U.n..~~~t~nate Episo<Ie -·• . ' • . . .j;.. Coslk-Mesa'1'11tunlcipal politics uoually !J a ~~-1neans that Nate Reade"• wile'~ name a~ int~ dragi It'•. a llui1ne that when It does brighten up a~ . • ad supporllJli Sl ~r·1 opponent 1 ye qo. Npw, that .the ~t bu to be kV'"' lo !Jsue1 10 unworlby. ~ •. although Reade 'baa perfomied Mchnlrably as.a pJannln. Such ii th slt~Uon.U.. erupted at Mon41!y n!1ht'1 • commissionu, St. Clair watljs the plahnlng cqmmiss on City Council'meetiJ!i 1\'li•n lreSbinan Councllmd Wll· · to include some members whose names appeared on.. liain L. St Clali blllt an unJucc'esdul speclaele around . , his own campaign lisls, ' the rea2pointment of 'Plannili_g _cOmniinlonef ''Nale l:-, St Clair augges!J.that planning commiJsioners prof· Reade. Unlike some of h)s preVi0<1s performanc'es:· S~ '. fer "courtesy resignetioDJ" following council electi0n1· ' .. Cl.air's sbOw this time didn't have mucti enlertaillment · , ~o gel the municlpal. macbinery'a yjews oiled to acree value. · ~ 1 -"with those of elected councilmen." Nothing ~Id de-... · In a deli6erate1y pfovocativerm.ove. S!-· Clal1 .before 1, stroy effective, non·partisan goVemment so quickly. the meeUng·tssued a statement.iervinc notice on the Ward-heeler politics would he inevilable. other four councilmen that be Jliought Reade's reap. Fortunately, thr~ of the COllDciJmen-Rohert Wil· pointment was ail opportuna •time lo rffVal1J!lle ajl son, Willard Jordan aiid Alvin Pinkley-..aw the trans· commission appointments. He.said 'the selectiotl'crilttja parency of St. Clair's maneuver IDd chopped him down were fl!uy and needed some cia?iflcation. to size. Councilman Geofie ·Tucker'1 conduct wu puz- But on reading th• rest of st. Clair's statement, one • zling; be praised R"""'• perfcrmance on one hllld, couldn't help but come lo the conclusioo that what be indicated that fie was for fair seledlon of good conunis" was after was a direct return ·lo the <lpOils ay&tem, ;He • .s10ners -then voted with st. Clair In two losing !notions. didn't want Nate Reade reepJlOil!led lo the plarutlng '!be episode was witot'tunate,, liul perhaps it did conurrlssion because he wanted a Supporter of William serve a purpose. The action must be interpreted a& a L. St. Clair appointed to the planning ·coqunission. · ~~jority expressi~ that the Costa Mesa City Council St. Clair's statement in one~place dep.ied this: ''The is interested. only m the qualifications of the candidate future planning of the city· bf Costa Mesa iS too impor· ,when it considers commission appointments. tant to make an appooi.ntment just on a basis of friend· It's not important what names they did or didn't ship, political pull or for expediency's sake." support in any election-local, state or national. Selec· Then in another place he said: "All Df the present tion for commission appointments Is a simple matter of commissioners used their names and/or their wives' in whether a man can do a good job and has the time to a particularly vicious attack upon me during my cam· devote to it. paign. The fact that all of them are continuing in office On this basis, the appoinlm~~ of Nate Reade lo the even after I'm elected is, in efiect,.a disenfranchisement planning commission should have created no stir.• of my Constituents' rights." Councilman St. Clair's action was clearly out of Stripped ·to its essential•, the Sl. Clai r statement order. ' . • . • • . • • • • • . ' When P•t to Te•t 08 A•ia ••• ... . ' Nixon Does Not Back Down '· l W~HINGTON -The Nixon wtio was ( _1, ... \~· • • •:1~ ;,":""" ": · z::_·~·· not think he could sustain because of the supPosed to ~ preparing to pull 2M>,OOO , (;,j ~ ' .. ..t bitter divisions ln tht coUntry °'9 these He Opposes Tax Levy On Flying Clubs '"""" out of VieWm. •lop ,_,. '{.:·Richard , .. ,w-~' policies. ; naialnce fllgbt.'1, knuckle under on the I , , .??'~ The matter of style is vllaUy im· ABll, and ste.adily lower the level of the , • " """" portant. Johnaon's reactioo lo the Putblo A&im coofrontallon bu suddenly vanislr incident was lbe creation of a crisis al· --- - • I ' ''I SAH> l>IG! l>EEJ>ER!' Culprit Usually Known to Victim Who is most likely to give a youngstt r his fir.st drag of marijuana or his first "pep" pill? Somt stranger? A dope ped· dler? A hippie? Not at all His own friends are far -more likely to introduce ed,.t be ever ezisled. · . IJ'O'l'O~ 1'1115 OFF, bis convict.ion tbat .1<.mospbere·"\U' atrctifJ.icjrrlerasteaming •• : .. • him to the habit. Tb.ts Nb:on probably never did exill ex· chancel. fer_ peace in Vietnam ah U. ~·~ F,t• ~ a ne'f"troop~p. But cept.ln the conJurOtiov of -·who. wlab p<i>vil\fl is not based primarily oo'. .W• fl"l'!I!' bitb •Jl'onsan barl!or" ·fo gel the he 1rould do whiit he is'npf"doinc.),"~ tbe new, apct4oler. negotiating approad:i but Pueblo was not seriousl)' Coriildered. To~tbe-Editor: · ,; • . . .. Who Js most Jikely .lo tw:n. a .ieea.a1e . participate in the.communa) rilu.of..QWt, A1J an individual and 18 president of the girl from chastity to sexual license"? JX!ers. P<Bl.•everal .• 'tbe -"·a~ qn tbe 'i:o;iJ.'j!illld!Uona Watlng in;Sodtti . '. · . , moopbere baJ· lleen4llteil'wlth nPaj1.I irf V~'· ~~aslng mi 1)1"~ 1 l'fll'ON'S COOL and!'O"Lai~ response unn,1era1. ·troop ~. "1 ,l!ijj:~ ~ ~-·al st.ab1Ut1','1: UM. ··c•rries"'<·Iarger -ttil:Df,_dll;eot.con· diplomatlC ·res-'to Nca'th ·KdrU'' :di.Oii\\~.'.. . :. : · '.llktwtlllthe~~~~·"' Ehooting down of a naval ~ Taken ·..tltogetbi!.r this shows that Ute lt:does the mtent1~ to ~p.aheml~ pl~, negotiations with Rua8ia al any l'resideo~ls ·~-ing.the li"~lic lor: tbO cooUn~ed electrootc SllMlllllll?"· Iii;-.; ""!t "wiodlngdown" thelevet'Gl ll<hliru!· l!>nl'Jlllll.lDir~ to the curnnl'fallcllul -tec1ed alrcnft,_ 5jlcb -~· cailll in ~ Vietnam ~ dt"WM ·af' di!engagement bringtng 'the • farce.lmtant deCiliODs .t at~ng North oite art.u another al a l'flCellt pres! &loops hqme, .and forget~ about Lyn. Korean a1~af~ ... ~~ v~Js or 1>¥es. cmlerence Ni.x:on lhot· down these ·don Jobftlon's nlghbnart of the '"MW 'Mie ba!JC point 11,.&hat the IUrveillance ~Jatlons. Asia." and monitoring of North Koru and its ' This undoubtedly will be very disaP-commuoicaUons is to be continued at the Ill! HAii NOT ORDERllD and will not poioUng lo various ·prophets and ad-risk of direct <:Olllllctc 'rlll3 goes wholly onir a mtuction· cf mruim; activity in vocates who w18h that Ni.loo would admit contrary to the Ideas of the congressional Vhlnam. H.iJ aim is to aoltlln the defeat in Asia and crawl out. But that doves that .the United StaJes has '?O stringth o( our barpining position in the evidently never was bis Intention uct ~ine&s spying 0!1 ~ North Kore~ in PatiS peace talU. . whe11 R\lt ,lo the Wt tbt President doea , µti• ma~er ~. it is~~ly .a po1nUess lfo definitely is: not considering not ·~, daon from the Asian .;..., , ~lion •.wlli<h-i)eac! lo war on uflilateral wl~a!' aj ' troops from frootatfoo. l!irecognlua that it might be · ancith« fronf)i Asia,, • •. ~--~ WDl~ ·consider . any popular.to cto;ltO. but he ~not doina:·it., NIXON, ON. ·THE· coritrary, .JI.~ bten wiljJdrawll onlll 11eonhllajor-cooditloos , , · • Wholly persuaded of ·tlie military, view aro1met. . , , . THE POSITl;ONS the Pres!dent \s t.ak-that tM securlly ot, our ow1i fon:ea in !lit will continu~ reconnaissance fl1ghl3 Ing are bouOd ·lo bring blm Jnto. .in-. South :it.re. ,on<I the ter(itorial lntegrtty t~Jeep watch on•aures:slve.plans of our creaainJ ~met.with aome members .cir · of -~ KorJ?8. 4ept!KI upon .. fore. ad~, and be will ·pi'olect •ll!osc his own. pirty 111¢.,•lf/' that part'jlf'~ 1'1io9ledp-ol'1 North Korean attack.· ru,hts. .. DetnOcralic lcldenbjP ,;JUc~ in . tbO ' . '11111 ta hardly' consonant wi1I' :. '(IOl)ey Ill' fs_nll becldng dciwn on the ABM but beillnnl"I· counted on· Nlxon"llFnvme• of wtttidrulaJ• and laietl tol<U!er Witlt- is ~ore oertain than .ever-that berb rip&. Uw Jobnaan PQlldes. t bis-'hiunl to back' oat tD"Vletnim rein· in qrdering a limited deployment because · But, in faCt, NiJ:on is carry~l'll out in a fortt1 the view that )iixm "1ii not d ?luss!a'1 grutJy expanded nuclear dillerent lly}e policies which Johnsaii ~ate the United States con\mttmen£ Jll1nlth. probalif1 could not have sustained, or did lo political stability In qi. Far East. • ' • • ~A Massive Shift of Taxes Fty·by·Kni~Club,Jvehentently· Si;ime fiend,.o~ hoodl~. or"a bu1~ sh.e .. _ . . J Oppoae ~ ··~r of Avtatian has never 'Sffil before? ~1nly nOt. ALCOHOL,. FOB.~inMa"'-' whi<:h m06t :' ~rt e....m.i4if.,~ ~; ;&sn•.:bo!~ ~~· lltll ·"!'OU'1!. • •diJ!til. licapt,,~ lfy '.far 1he greatest ( all:it r~ '.ii·"~,·:·:'· -:. . not fo *·.. ~, .S .!\_;;'o'!'~:t . pr~etpttating ~se · of m~er and ~ 1 do not lhliif'1"1 Oytnc clllll& whicti 1 ',: .~ · · . .-~ -::w > ; ,• ,nitnslau~r. No one ~ lnfl~ under are not organized lo mab •'profit should . WHO I& M6st llkely,lo shoot¥iu. Slab the In~ Of narcotics to i<ilt:aootber be a~.~ke,lhi1111(11<Jlaki9', fixi>d.' Y"",o~rcl>i~~Y tc.dlalQ? ~-~"' ~n, 1>uf'~~.o(~ are bare!·~ FIYl!>l4ibl are simply or ra ur!W\g.c~VS• «liliilltlldi"'o~y·•~IMI .~ grolips of pllol&;and ~.who share leaps a( . , lhe'#f~! Again and Wl'es and~~ atlll~la. byt their Unil!ed nibnty to m4e tl~ safer, no -tN!: ~odd! re bigb -1t Wftl be-a their ma1u·aocM.Vers-a11d,budil.ies in the cheaper and more fu.n. We abo pro~ . relative or a "friend." '' grip of an· alcohollc.f"'nzy. \': oonelvea:wUllllabfDtJ•indbullinsnr8bCt: Every crime Survey shbws this to be (And, of course, Wt know that about l; on our aircraft, wbicb1i1 n~avall~ble,at . tr.U?; . ev~l'Y, sl~istical litlldy indica~s ~8:1f;.p1 all ff&al ~to ac~~-JOvolvtd t most fixecJ.bale oper11ori.. ·. that In -the areas of addlctJoil. · p~ dr!{lltJng Of . dru11qro.r dnve~~ your • nlW:uity,.~nd !a1'1 mlence, lhe"Cll\pri~,li clUin<:ei of~ IJ!almed or'kille.t by an I F~ ~T.·~:il ,JUst anotJier soqaeone'wlll inOwn to' the \ijcUm, 'sorit&-jntoxicatecf. motOrist are sub6iantially t move bf the l&rj6 ftxecHtase operators· ~ socially ar emotionally involved greater than hann a1 the hands of a foot-1 al)d airlines to.eliminate small aircraft lt\Ter a short or long period of time. pa.d or a strong-armed robber.) f and sublequent com"'UUon so they may • f .ceotinue.along their inonopolilllic .roads OUR MOUNTING ncdkinal Jl)ISteria YOU ARE PAR SAFER in ~ lonely \. at the. government'• expense. about sup~ matters -out fiuce 4ernan<l park late at nighl •ulin in your own home ' I feel these impostd ordinances con· for _stiffer la~s and more vigilant pro. · 9r-i;.·Jriend's horpe. or a local llir, or~,. ccrning clubs and .flight instructors are tection -tendli'1AJ obscure th~ truth .o{ highway. Every _police blotter ~nfirms undue hardships aimed at ffM enterprise our sodal life. It is generally n9t this statement ; every. aulopsy reaffirms arid individual riJhts. I feer they wiJ1 "outsiders'' who lead us astray or do it. subsequently ellmin1te clubs. \ harm to us, but Ulose nearest to us. Passion, far more than profit, ls the ROBERT M. YOUNG It may be comforting to believe that leading cause of.homicide. Lust, jealousy,· the boy was led dOwn the wrohg .palh by rage, injured feelings, reserttmer);ts and a "pusher.,"· or that the girl was sedua:d frustrations -these accowK for more · by a sinister .Svengali. But.it .is friends, cOfp!es in a monlb than all the killings 1. not enemies, who threaten yPt.mgs{ers, by for simple gain in a year. Violence 11 in \ withholding "poJiu!arlty" 1.lllless Ult!y the heart mort than in the 1treeQ. More Re•llatir To the Edilor: • 'Tell It: Like It ls' Time ; ' • 1 am writin& this letter in reaction to your April 12 article by1Wesley G. Grapp (FBI special 11ent In char!!•, Los 'Angelts, Comment•Pege) enUUed '.'Seven Qimes a Minllle." l .. was fa_vorabJ.y. im· ptessed with the mu1U..faceted. appit>ach that this law enforcemtiit officer utilized lri dealing with the great increase in crime that is ao evident in this country. ,Unlike many local law enforctment of· ficials who call for more and better PQlice can, gw\S and other equipment, he stressed the importance of the ~t, c.hurth and the: schools in dealing with the crime problem. ' • ' ' • II)' JAMES E. WllETMORE Senator 1$111 Dlllrlcl 'ie have received the governor'• far. re~ tax reform wblcb coupled an ln- CTllH 1n state income tu:es wtth a retletJon in residential property taxes. .ktuaQy, the program involves a mll&iv• shill of taxes totaling nearly $2 bidlm, with most of the tu increases to be \&led to lower achOol district property ta9. 'IMI the governor was correct when he told us "this is not. meant to increase tam. There wW be no tu increase. It wUl _be a balancing ol tu nvenutS to m• them more equitable." !Iii said bb program II enltrely separtte ~ in addition lo the 1100 millloo pejJonal income t.ax m,atc proposed for iJiJI yur, • • • T rr DOES lo the tupay.r la U your present .tale Income tu la ~ be llOO; U il"s ll,000 now, II emption given some veterans. . 2. Insurance companies would be taxed on gross premiums to n:move an ad- vantaae over other companies. 3. Needy persons over 65 would be pmnltted to defer property tues until would be $1 ,500. lhe7 die and their estates are tettled; the Of course, it you live in a dis!rld with tu collector would be paid first, then the a high property tax for schools, the local helra. school tu reduction would be substantial. 4. No capital gains Claims could bt · In fact it would be greater than the in· made unUJ a property has bee!J. i,Jd ten crease in your state income tax. years Instead ol the f"fHlll Sir~ And if you live in a district with a • medium sdlool lu, then the reductioq in 5. PllDENT Pl!NOI(~ exempliom P,l'Operly taxes and the incr..,. ~.ii>-. •for ,dopeodeni. would buutored to IQ) come · tue.11 would about balancie 1,ltb for' ,. Income tues ~-a TDl;.UUl't olber ool that .would """Yicte • I help. for However, if you art one Hvjng i9 a parents with depeadent clilldren. dlstrict with ' low achool tax;·iour~total At thtl ttmt: thil colymn WU' written. tu bill would go up. · some opPosilion had" deyeloped., prir.- . , ' ' ~lly from ilbe cilwlfy 111pervlson IN EXCHANGE FOR rece.lving· the ii'I· UIOCla!Jon. More la uptct~. and It 11 creased state aid, school district.sf 1'0Ukl. certain that the Pr'!'IJ'&m In whole or In be required lo redu<e their current tax • jllrl wlll be debar.ii t!m>uihly before rates to Sl.·10 per $100 assessed valuation. flhal decWou tMt IQ(lde. It's lime t.o "tell it like lt1s" about the /'''""·-····~ •¥•..,. -· ·---;~t"-... number one problem oo this, and other • • x 1 • high school campuses throu ghout j. ·Guest .E.Jifo·i-ia &outhem California, aincerning dopt. A ~ _,., 1' four-letter-word to some, the "word" has i ' !' ... ,,; gotten around, that the dc7pe sctnt is really heavy. It is impos.si~le to bef1'!ve ~is is.ool. the teachers' fault or ~orw , that in "our own back)'~" 1 pushers, 51.sf•s; it i:s j~t ~ ol th~cold hart{ fact! 1 TO ME THIS· is a more realistic ap-speedfreaks and narcs are playing' a Of the drug scene. Anywhere_ and proach; however, I would like' to un~ · ky • f f R I · i.:~ ~ derstand more what he considers that the ns . game;>• ·uangerous orm o uss an anytime, curious youths 100..;.,. fol"~ titfluence of the church should be. In my Roulette. • • ...kicks", will try .drugs. Some C8' stop; opportmiUes to share the q.ima of Jt!SUS In l ftCt.nt written survef passed out and some can't :_ some don 't wli:lt to, Christ. to fello n student · nv 1by the ~. mofe •ihan ·l OO students anc} as Ione as drugs are looked uoon as , " co ege s ma • .., 1ave hone8l, frank opinions.. bout the:ir m-. trioul, ezOUc. no-no's in our-'!JC!~ -;.ety limes .I am asked: "What about ~, .. hypocrites in the churches?" erperienCes wi~ gra:;s, pills, heroin and or Jn any other, people will wanl..:to try. In order for the church to once again other ronns of narcota. them. " bfc!>me relevant it must reevaJuate iLs ' Weslmlnsttr Scrotr' goals and decide who Christ really was. THE flRST Q.UU110N IA<l!l •"""' .~ ' " Wutmm&er HIP ~"' 1 whether as C. S. Lewis .said Olrist was "Have you ever uSed" marijuana.•· Of the either who he: claimtd to be or a liar or 8 students tbat answered, 15 said yes , 47~ lunatic. I haye ~ in my v.wn life " i.. an&'}lered no. ;, Bt1 Ge-rf'e 11 that Christ ns wbo He claimed to be anG " ~ When asked if they had e~:f.iied_Jl!lls, _ - that the only way lhe church will become · ID ·c:0nfessed lbj!Y had;•·!li!tt llfln\. Jleli~ t-ic: rtlevanl again is to make the same Reds and wliitel: --~ ~~· SOmt J ~ 1DP. .. 1t0wan' and Dick M'artln and it would Wte a IO percent vot.e of local widenla lo roise lhot a..,.. decision . have been brave (or. Foobtll .. ~) ~ l . .are ro~yu using refert.ncee to 1 • JACK VOORHEES to try methedrene, commoolY ~ • . ~~ dirty jokes. Oh. tbey're ...~•,..--. --------, Student speed. • • t smart enough not to ust tht")oke The slate dlroctor of floa0« .. id one -effect of the llhifl lo Income ta .. ii that I ~ prqportioo of tlie lllle'a tuft -tblll be pold bf -flnnt·and I -~bf pri~ dtllltQ!. Aod Ille -am llolda I promlae of !n-dJrod IU nlllf f« r<nten. Al you know, tt bu' not be<n uncommon In recont ,.... ffl -lo .tell lenaall tbllr nn11111,._.,.. ..... -..... Jua1-Naw-.wltlbe,._, '1111111-1111 -wlJI """""""" to notllJr lhtlr t.nanb of lbal pcrtloo of tbe """lhlY ml which can• be I dlreclly aflrlbutal>le lo reduced propmy tu """"· 11IE PllOOllAM la to111 and Involved, bul tht )lrinclpol ports Include: 1. An iDcnlle of home owner'• pro- perlf la aanptlciN to $1,000 would IJIOll .. •od lo Iba •pedal fl,000 ... D~r Gloomy Gu11: Sbmna1r Ad.IN fol buatod for """tlllni I vicuna COil, lleqlO'> 1tt1 a bif howe on Kini'• Row Ind nobody hllf ID eyelaab. What slvu? -W. B. A. "'" ...._ """"" ,....... """"' ... ••••rttJ ........ ,, •••••. ,.... ,.. "' ,....,. ft ...... , .... lllsitr '""· Department of Criminology "Mart. than· l&J'perc'ent -ot. the sWilebts , • -not in it. entirety, but u. Ji!kes Calif. State Colltge at Long Beach stated lhal they smoke agartlles md are som.eli.mes fl~ ones '1lat that most ol their rrieod& do, tOo. can you and J do to tikt i~•te tcUtrt 1'°"' rtoders are welcome. The irony ol the situ1Uot1 ii that most action against corrupdn1 tbe nifnds · ~cmnollr torikrt ihou.ld convev t.hfir people can't even ten if the penon lltling ~ our children ? mcuaot hi 100 ioords or lt1s. Tll• across the aisle from lhtm lf~'doned'' or FURIOUS """"'"' '" not. Allljoulh there are ooly "'! ~ Furious: riglll IO' c t.ltln lir '" IJ1!'ft' • ' definite "tlpl >'G( 'Poc!lile -U.. " ·l~y, lhlt 's I good -Jiit O!il "'cl-Ubtl Is t;tmwcl.•All f1oence <if dl'ujjj:,,iiioot of 'tt(·1 .meal! l!et,l'.ou ·""""*'l•flti1 1'U<rs MUI include ""'41M,. ad ltud~ ciil .,. by "Undetected." bavl nerve •ll<lllllh t0 .,. nor old ..Uiftg addnu, bu:t names '"°ti be I ~bp,nediate action" c he Jt-1.14 W!U.li<ld~ "ll"'rl If •utllci...i re<> rr IS 5AD Tei "'Y that moat young didn\ you! . '°" ii ""'""'"'-' people doli't -whit .ui.1 are &et· We need more •ubtle !li.mdr urc into when they ~ .'•'1th lib ydus, ""' If It ls r~ ' -· Sate, 'tt•a r~ "fun" and d\dck. (Remember . that p u. ch 1 : . Quotes full ol "kiab.~ hut ~ con lel out of "Yeall, I kn<lw what tt Is, bu1 aeor,e w •. ..,..~ a.. JoUaJ-~··t time oor IChollls ...,. macle availa~ - to atud<nl& Who desire lo t .. rn and not to those who wish to disrupt." hand. ·Many students on lhla campus tile ftrat lirnt f .,,.,. l!)upd one· iii have foond &hemselves addlcttd to drugs the glove compartment. '1) within a f .. ~-"''~':!"$" · > Alth•actl 'w~ is • w n. • Ci'.• prol>lalt lo loll bli .,. Ibo througl!oot Ille _, .,. a 1y ·imalt !Or~ Ol ceutie. - clean campus, WHS Is loslng 113 Image. modlUin..u..r .... COftfuse lllntl \ • New Inn Planned ' ' . - I El To~o Says · . I ' 'Cranks' Call GI Families· An El.Toro Morine oUlcer ~ay ..ictd concern about the rising number of cruel .. crank" phooe calls made td' wlvea:· and parent. ol Marines In Vietnam. Wirrant Officer AntboftYOOolm ol El TOrO's Cuuatty Aulllanco Olllee aald reporll on the phony calls on "combat deaths" ~ leaped from an averq:e of one a n:.ontb to eight In the past two months. "Most of the callers " he· said "claim they have ll telegram ~ that j}t_~ are a · Red ~· "lpmeotadve alsilJl<d lo pass on the bad news," he said. . . DeJohn cauiioned all servicemen's famllles to,remember that lnfonnatioa on battlefield. casuaWet: 1n Vietnam 11 pass. ed only In Ibis manner: Artlst's rendering depicts 250-room Marriott JM planned for construction late this year near Bristol street offramp of San Dieg<>-Freeway across from Sooth Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. First Marriott Cotportioo hotel on West Coast will include six· story building flanked by tbre&ostory 1tructure. and separate gro,plng of" two-stoi:y buildings contain- ing deluxe slits. SUpper el)lb. and coffe<> shop will border Bris!DI Street. Swimming pool, health club and parking for 450 cars also are planned. Word first reaches Morine Corpo Head· quarters In W ashlngton. They notify the Marine Corps Casua1ty Assistance Office nearest the Marine'1 family. Tbe primary next ot kin are noUfied In person, usually at home, by a Marlnf'I or- ficer and a Navy chaplain or another Marine officer. "Word is.never passed by mail or over the phone," De.John em- phasized. MissBahcock,ChaoNained -· ... ft • J • ' • As Graduation Honorees : ' ' .,, . Money Sought for Harbor A telegram Is then sent to tbe next of kin from Headquarters Marine Cc:lrps, at, the request of the local Marine Casualty Assistance Officer -following his personal visit. Deborah J, Babcoek bas beelf selected as valedictorian and Moses v. Chao u salutatorlan of the 1969 gr:adµlfing class at Westminster High SchooL Miss Babcock is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bru~ Babcock, 5591 Meinhardt Road, Westminster. During her enroll- ment at Westminster High School she baa maintained a straight "A'1 average. Weotmlnsler Optim1;( Cl$ and 1'.'.Jiil& of America Certlflcale wjn!ler In *4 During her opare liJI¥' • ~ her ...,,lceo u tutor In ·-llil>J!il:!i to Westminster Blgh Scbool --· Sa1utator1an o1 tbe 1111 :a· class is ~oees V. Oiio, IOD of Pf/ Mrs. LlncOln Chao, 5JD ~ ;, Westmlnlter .:; .... lo\. Newport Makes Pitch If District Dissolved Westminster Sets Litter Campaign The hip .:.:m.1 senlor bu~ ed hlmlill In ~ ~ d,'li!" particfpaled In an bonon IClence !mdl- mer inltllute l(lOlllOl;'d by' tlie lfoli...i Science Foundallon al San Dttp·- College. -· ""-:' By JEROME F. coll.INS Of tM 0.llY , .... ft.rt' Newport Beach is taking no position on dissolution of the Orange Cotmty Harbor District, but wants some money If the district is dissolved, the county's Local Agency Formation Commissioil (I.AFC) was told today. Newport Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons made the pitch in a statement prepared far an LAFC public bearing on the con- troversy this afternoon. Parsons' remarks represented the City Council's official stance on the issue. He explained Newport's equivocation this way : "Dissolution of the district will have a far greater impact on our city than on most cities in the county becaase of our very close association with the Harbor The dislrict ls now empowered by Jaw to operate within the city limits. The county la not. The city would lhw inherit harbor hou.seteeplng tasks. Parsons did not refer to an Assembly measure, reeenUy authored by John V. Briggs (R-Fullerton ), which would tum all district powers over to the county. Briggs. has said he would push for paosage ·o1 the bill (AB lll03). il it' ap- pears the county -irld its voten - Little Leaguers Open 2nd Season District, dating back to 1933. The Sea View Little League in -"Nevertheless,· the city of Newport southeast Huntington Beach begins its se. Beach feels that nothing coold be gained cond baseball teuon Saturday at LeBard by opposing the league of Cities' action Part near Adams Avenue and and has ch-Osen to IUIW1le a. poeltl<Ji>,of Brookhunt Street. neutrauty. on the issue." 'If.. , ~ ·day ceremonies begin at 9 Par~ reference was to the ctNlltf ~ a.m. with parents and friends and a host Leagues request for LAF<;: a~val ~ • of city dignitaries on hand to see the of· ' plan to br~ up the dis!ri~ and m. ficlal opening for the 111 boys involved in corporate its functions within an ex· the lugue panded county parks department. • Tbe vice mayor, who recentJy told his !'fonday night adult league members council colleague.s that dissolution of the will bold a wine tastll'll party at 7:30 p.m. diJtrid ii "inevitable " asked for LAFC at the Mercury Room of Mercury Sav· endorsement of NewP>rt•s bid for finan-ings, F.dinger Avenue near Beach cial support from ,the county, 1bould the ~evard. city have to 8'8llme some Harbor Full information on the party may be· District patrolling and maintenance obtained by c.wn, Vicky Derieg at 968- responsibilities. 1313 or Helen Reddick at 968-2119. will ultimately approve dissolvln& the distict. • Parsons did not boldly declare his The City of Westminiter ls doing city's demand for county financial sup-something about junk. port. Instead, be put it this way: Tbe Civic Beautification Committee ls "The city feels that action to dissolve· now conducting a ma&iive "Fight Litter'' the Harbor District should be ac· campaign, ending with a community companied by additional actions that trash disposal drive from 8:30 a.m. to would insure an equitable means of con-3:30 p.m. May 24. tinuing harbor functlom in the interests -At, that time, residents ol Westminster She has been accepted with honors at entrance by UC Irvine and tw alao ap- plied for admission at Pomona College. Her interest in college will be in mathematics and foreign language. She hopes to become a teacher. • • At wfstminstei High she has been ac- Uve In the LaUn Club and the Girl'• AtheleUc Association. For her academic excellence she has been honored by the of the general public. and surrounding areas may bring trash, "It is ineqtiltable to ask the Newport junk or debris that is too heavy for B"d D Soo Beach taXpayer alone to shoulder the full regular pickup to the Westminster Shop-l S Ile ll additional burden of harbor maintenance ping Cente r at Westminster Avenue and He has lllo. be.,i aCttve In Ille ~ Biology and Oiemlstry C1u111, ttio~ man Club and Interact. He bu bmi'b6i;.. ored by Uie Westminster OptJmtit' afttl R-Olar}l Clubs and II a Bank ol -.. Certificate winner tn IClence. :-• -·~·~ Chao haJ applied for 8dmls.<ion lo!taft- ford Univeraity and Pomona ~ Be plans to pursue a career in medldne 'Dl' science.' ·i ..... : and .operltions services. Golden Wes! Street and the Bolsa Shop-Q W B "d "In the event of dissolution of the ping Center at Boha Ave.nut: and ll arner rl ge .. ·· ... district, then, the city ol Newport B<acn Magnolia Street. Livengood New Head ....... "". requests the Board o( Supervisors, the Those unable to bring the trash Bids will be accepted soon for con-.. , 1 . various member·clties of the League and lhemselves because of age or physical strucUou oi a new, wider Warner Avenue Of Huntington Cf>f .. P.· · this honorable body (the LAFC) that disability can arrange for pickup service bridge between Fountain Valley and San-. ~ Newport Harbor be recognized 81 a by phoning the chamber of commerce at ta Ana, the county Board of Supervlson: Tom Livengood wu elected ~C regional recreational area and that an 897-2113 er city hall at 893-011, Ext. 212. decided TUesday. of the HWltlngton BMcll Junior Qmmbift: equitable solution be sought for the con-The Beautification Committee ls of-The bid date will be set later by the of Commerce last .week.. . ,, .· -.. tinuation of harbor lunctiqas." fering cash prizes to boys and 'girls who supervisor•' clerk for the 25+foot rein-He will be asaiated by new ~ J'er-o He aaid.tbt city staff feel.a it can carry tum In the best. posters depicting: the forced aincrete, divided four-lane struc-ry Coley, internal vice praldentJ ~ out administration of the harbor more anti-junk campaign, ' ture. EStlmated coat is tUll,469. 1Thomas, ¢:erp~I vlce f)felklent: lliWI! cheaply than the Harbor District does N entries, measuring a maximum or ~ Foudtain' Valley and Santa Ana .will Boe, aecret.ary; lJoyd Baker~~~ now, largely through the elimination ol 18 by 2:4 inches, must be turned in to the constnict new, improved apprc141ches ta tor ; Mel Cooper, dlrector at Jarst; and duplicate police, fJre and general safety chamber of commerce or city hall by the bridge, according lo -county Road Bob Allen, membenhlp director. AUW services. May 5. Commiu.ioner Al Koch. ' officers will be 1e1ted June L : ·: ·: . "Nevertheless," said Parsons, ''it b ,i=="=====================================;;;::;#.:, anliclpeted the first year of operation would cost (the clty) aoout $2111,000 with subsequent years costing about tll0,000." '!be former figure ls equivalent to what iJ generated by about It. cent& on the city tax rate (now $1.225) •. The latter figure ii equivalent to about eliht centa. How Do 'We Do It? SONY 250 A ...... r ... Ralphs mus~ consolida\,i it.s , tWo stores into 011'.! LOST OUR LEASEM~c.ANO~ On Junt SJ, !969 Lhi ltase on our Mexican &Lo re, locaLtd ai, 1803 Newport Boulevard t,:XPires, and can not be TenccWGd. We, must. diminate ~/. of our •156px> 1nve-ntory at once,. CONSOLIDA'IlON SALE sm:1.s Ov<r 15p:x> equar• fteL ·of' :;hoWl'OO!l\6 ohc-.iing lh< fintol. in Mc.diLGrr4nean, Spanish ~ i"kxican will Ix. cut. in half. Ralph5 bisgest sale in our 15 :9G.!lr' History. 4 • toz.• 'f"uftW. eofu Ooei~ out..-~t. vin 1 1 9u El Grt.c.o .Dining roam ..... .... 0+9ll FM-AM ~ t . ~ .. .... 14950 . Prla • ,,, .. ;tJ Lt.LI .'·-.~· $tJ6 s22a :'; SAU .. • -·· -... 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS! .r: ... • .! ..... rr. , :1-:::-IZ. ~ "\. J.. "~· ~ ~--.:'\.:-'• • Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some One-of+l(lllcl --{ THURS .. FRI., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDSZSUNDAY! . . . '\, :;s:~~~ AR-4X R£CTRO l T-12 ;~ VOICE , •• SALi 539 GARRARD 30 SAtJ • SALi s19 BOGEN 1$0 WATI RX200 . . . " • .. I I I I · I .. t_ ~· "-~-• • --- First Eye Sw~tch ~ngliind'i PTin~tss An.Tie dons. a i+ni" ~Lt hat with.a feather ditn11g lhl ·Bad minton Horat Trials. Sht at· t~ed;tht three.day affair, htld on tM caf,fte of the Duke of Beaufort, wfh .Mr brot1ttr Prince Andrtw. ' , ~ . ~ . .. . · ·6r high · stj\ool principals in. roit have decidejl to' tos.s the p odn of the minis Id rt to the par· e ls. •!The senior high schoql pr1n· · s '.have agreed that dress is a ~~if for parents and not the • • HOUSTON (UPI) -JOO.: Madden( a 1 5$-yur-old eonr..; Tu., photoirapbl.q studio owntt, wu "progrusln1 11tlsfa1> toril)'" todl)' from whit was believed to be the world's flr1t tr1n1plant of I coli\• plete eye. Stanford Lab Head Predicts Mass Walkout STANFORD (AP) -The head of Stin: ford Research Institute told Stanford University's Academic Senate that the in· stitute would lose most of its personnel and be wrecked financially if a student· faCUlty committee's recommendations are followed. SRI Prtsident Charles A. Anderson said the institute's 3,000 employes were ~•appalled and incredulous '' that the gtudent-ftlcuJty report "could be taken seriou.aly." The report .stemmed from a nine-day sit-in at the Applied Electronic :i Laboratory earlier this month by some 'iOO students prote!ling w a r • r e I a l e d r.eseru:cb. The committee objected to "research in chemical·biological wnrfare, counter· lnSurgence, or work that directly 11u~ ports the war in Vietnam ." The report said about 10 percent of SRI ':s work, or abou t $6.5 million was in "such morally objectionable research ... The report r~mmended a "review (:9mm.ittee" lo pas11 orr controversial pro- jects. It also urged · that SRI separate itself from the univers ity by purchasing its autonomy over 20-2S years with annual payments of $2 mlllion. Anderson snid an overwhelming ma- jority of J,500 scienliflc and professional· and staff members at SRI would walk out "if some outside morals committee is set up to tell· them what is and what is not morally acceptable in the search for knowledge." He pointed out that if SRI had paid $2 million in each of lhe last five yeara under a plan to purchase itself for 1n operation separated from lhe school its deficits would have been from $1.3 million to $2.6 million a year. 6 oolC' " said Robert Baumgartner, p · ::1p8l o! Detroit's Cass Techni· c .lllgh School. "Students can l at ; Whateve r their parent& per .. t· 8&. long as it is .not disturbin& ~the <c:lassroom." Anti-Israel Moh ' ' . l . . ' • · ... •!'"A!n!iEGl:w;r-' ••. '!"UiT.'!:!: ,,, ' ·il', Jiid11 Conte, tlui "Soek·lt·To-~f-":ulrl of Ro~.an and Martin's •Lou,h-1'1i telw111on pro gr a ·m, ~oil•· the mo11 quit tile show be· ~caut .sht 'I gfl~tlQ tjrcd of being fhtt :toith. butkets of wottr. "The jiMli kl been a lot of fun. It f ~ ..Uo mecuit stardom and a IJ:o~ ·ff money," she said, adding ~ 'jth4' t·slle intenda to IUk for a raise ;JlJ : S~c decides to sta11 with. the ~~oqram. "But the other day I ~went i"11to B restaurant and some· 1 "fone <hre10 some bread tit me and ~ ~oUted 'I'll sock it ta you all 1 "i ri{lht.' I caul.dn't help wo11dcr· ~ !J it was time for a change." .l ll' -·=··. • • t y.ou see a bald eagle wilh spols , ,.at bright red Lail, don'l phone holies Anonymous. Call the Au· on, Society. The Society in St. ~s.~o .. says Jt has marked some ilc?S: that way as an aid in tracing migration habits of the threaten· •P~ies. r. • Goes on Riot In Lebanon · BF;lRUT (UPI) -Thousand• of •oil· govermnent demonstrators demanding more actiqn a1a,lnet Israel mrged · lh"IUBll !ht atrfft; of S.lfut and Sidon today on a rampl'ae that developed into street fiab\W wilt. Lebane1e police and security forces . Radio Lebanon 5'fd one person wu killed, several wounded and 100 arrtsted in the Beirut street fighting. Reports from Sidon near lhe 1sraell border said three demonstrators were' killed Rnd It ·least elghl ihjured in the fighting there. The demonstrators, students a n d Palestinian refugees who fled Israel when the Je11•ish state wa:s established In 1048, carried pictures of Arab commandos and chanted "Assifa! Asslfa !'' the name of the military wli1g of the Al Falah com· mando group. They lihouted denunciatlons of . King 11ussein 's slx·point Middle East pence plan, which has lhe backing of President Gama! Abdel Nasser of Egypt, and as they marched they uprooted everything in their path, smashed traffic lights and set fire to rubbish piles, filling the sky over Beirut 11•ltb rmokc. Houston~ Madden, WM f eo.!IYed Jhe."hew 'righ t eyi TUeadaY. il)~e-ho!ll' o~ratlon at. Meihodiat iloopi I, will ha\1 to wail tl!r« w!"'lu fo .. out il he will be al>lo · tb see with the · led organ. ito· UMl meantime, b 0 t b his eyes are stitched abut. ••• -. Dlrectlng the IW'gery was Dr. Conrad D. ~1oore, AS$istant director of the lnsUtute of Ophthalmology aiid asslstan~ J>O{essor of ophtha1mology at B,aylor College of Medfcif)e. Moere, whb aakt tha t so far u he ~w um was the nrst. transplant of • whQle eye, said rtjectlon would not be. to much of a P1'9blem u with a heart «·kidney since lj\•eye does• not have so many blood vessel!. ·1 -' • ~ The main question, l\1oore said, waJ whether the nerve,s were properly con- nected. Similar operations have taken place transplanting the forward two-thirds of an eye, but that has been slnply for look11 and not with lbe hopes a paUent would be able to see. The eye came from 0. B. Hickman, a ~year.old Houston man who died Mon· day of a brain tumor. Madden was in the hospilal to receive a regular cort)eal transplant to correct a condition in both eyes in which the cornea filled with fluid and became opaque. During the operation on the right eye April ll, ·hemorrhaging tiegan and It w~ necessary to remove the eye, Moore said. It was then he decided to try the transplant at a later. date. Moore said he hoped the left eye could· be corrected later by µic more nonnal corneal trahsplant. · A hospita l spokesman said early today Madden was "progress'lng satisfactorily (ollowlng surgery." Francs Tumbling As De Gaulle's Reg~e Periled Fisher, Connie SpJit Singer Eddie Fisher, shown last year with bis wife. Connie Stevens, has filed for divorce, charging "extreme cruelty.'' Fisher previously \vas married to actresses Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor. I-le has two daughters by Miss Stevens. ' 1!3.~~ity, ~eized ·• • .,~ ... ; ! .. , • •\ ' . 1-',',' ,;.:.fo/Jt::S• N~ (UPI),-ni. N11'rian ' aonmmem flMGlinc<d tocf&y Its :;;:~ bad captured Umuahla,. the cap1· ·.__of . i'ebtl; Blafri. Officials ln Laios ~ the yidoty W..ld -"1d the ii- i ~Id dvil war. 'llalran le-.dtr Col. Odllmepu O)uliwu wu ~ to have fled into the bush ~ wtth1 hli" Ibo tribe followers ta t11,' to ftgtrt a guerrilla· war. He had'ooly ON small airstrip.left and federal forcea ~ believed driving on it. ' _ 1be civil war began on ~uly 6, )967, three months ah"er Blafra seceded from lfiferia on May 30, 1967. It hu beln a .war in which civilians have been tha vi.Ctims with ·as many as one million reponea by the rebeb to have died of starvation in Biafra. The government -·has called this flgure highly inflated. Others died in bombing attacks. International Red Cross officials , re· ported last week that Ojukwu and 111ost of the inhabitants of Urnuahia had ned into the bush but until today's offldal aMouncem-ent there was 1ome unCer-- talnty whethei-the federalsi had ac""11Y captured Biatra's last major city. The city had been under artillery attack for more than a week and its fall uemed certain. Lo~k" No Chute 'North Ireiand Bows to' British Experience Saves Sky Diver NEUB RUECKE, Gennany <APl -, \he u .. s. 7ih Ar"'l para011uteJc;un. , Voting Demands Jfurtling earthward from 3,000 feet, Staff At ·2,200 teet. he tried to activate h1J : BE."~AST, N.orihern Ireland (AP)' _ S t n. 1 E M'li f St Alb \Vy inain chute. Il malfunctioned and Ile cool-14 g · \Air · I er o · ans, · a.. No,..hern Ireland's ruling Unionist na. rty t k h I I I d. · · ly pulled. the rip chord on his reserve .,, """ on t c c ass c an 1ng pos1t1on as if he chute, but the reserve· became entangled bowed today to a .British ultimatum·and had a paracliute billowing above him. with th e streaming main. acc~pted the principle of "one-man. one· But P..Uller.'s chute ha.d ""' O""ne'd up . vote" in local council elections. '"''" r~ Miller now recovering _at t.M Army!1 41nd was streaming above him like a 98th General Hospital here, is reluctant 'The vbte,. ih a ea.ucus of the party's ~igarette roll -as the paratroopers call tp talk about his accident but imiJls: r.epre.sentation in the provincial Parlla· it. "I'm goini to jwnp agaln." ment wu·28 to 22. The narrow1.majority underlined the gravity of the sp 1t among The concrete air strip of an army air Prime Minister Terence o ' N e i 11 • s field rushed up at him. A1iller landed on Unionists, and signaled that more the fl\•e points he learned at Army jump Tl\~O Lalin Nations political battles are to come before the school nine years and 1.172 parachute universal franchise is established here. jumps ago: toes, call, thigh, buttocks and R eslo1·c Rclal1·011s "One·man, one-vote" i5 the printlpat pectoral. He escaped with broken ankles, cuts and brui ses. rallying ·cry of the civil r i g h t 1 PARIS (UPl) -Frenchmen rushed to-UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) demonstrator1 who for the past sis day to sell their francs for dollars, West "Most people would have rolled up like months have thrown Northern Ireland in· German marks and gold amid mounting · a ball," an 8th Infantry Division Argentina and Venezuela agreed today to to riot and sti:lfe. The campaigners ai'gue fears that President Charles de Gaulle spokesman said. restore diplomatic rel11Yons,:: w Ji i·c h lhat the · pfesent ·voting 1yste.m, Where v.·111 be defeated in Sunday's referendum "When you know your going to d i e Venezuela broke oH in 1968 ' after a votes are tied to property taxation, 1ct1 vote and carry out his threat to quit. you go into the fetal position. But Miller, military junta overthrew ArgenUne unfairly a Kain.st lhe Roman CathOlics Bul the Bank of France bought francs by landing perfectly on his legs, just roll· p ·d 1 Art JIU , wb.i> mate up a third nJ the 1.5 mfllion ed th .,_, aod b -• hi kl res1 en uro a.. · .3',', ~· 1ft • , ' • •. heavily to kttp the price steady. oo e grow... r ...... e s an es." 1 ~111tion. ' ~ The agreement was colij.alned tn :s • ul · n.~ ,. For the second conskutive day the The accident occurred· March 29 during e Vole for f l frl.r!'cblse fouvwen a U.S. dollar was quoted at 4.97 francs - a practice jump from an H3f tielicopter e:u:.hanged by the heads;¢ .the two U.N. declaiatiog by the· ~tiUsb"-.over~t in the franc's lowest level since the world hovering at 3,000 feet over Hoppstadlen, delegations, Argentine Anibassador Jose London thit it could not .stand by and see financial crisis last November. nearing the Baumholder training area. ~Iara Ruda and Venezuelan Ambassador British citizens d,'Prlv~ ~f eq ual vottn1 The official price is 4.90 francs lo the i ,..~~1~il~le~r ~w~a~s ~in:.;;tr~am~· ~io:g~a~s.;•~m~em:::,::b•~r~o~rii·...;o~e~nn~·~a~n~N~a~v~a~C~a~r~rt~li~o ... · ............ ,. ... .;r.;:igh~"o,·,....,.,.~--~':":~~-ii; dollar. 1J Gold soared again, to $43.31 a fine SAVE$$$ -.WlCi'S IY VANCE PIPl . .,-.SAVI $ $ $ -WlllS IY' YANCE. PIPl- ounce for a.one kllo (3.l pounds) bar -a "'> near record. The record still stood at $48.81 it reached March a. The ofliclal U.S. blll'hli price Is $35 an ounce. • Meanwhile, De Gaulle, fighting for tµs political Ille. indicated be himself la: not tOQ. S\Jl;e of winnin1 "In prlr.ciple".-1n eiprenlon apparently showln1 doubtl even in hi~ mind. The pre sident has announced he will ([Ult If the country falls to give him the "yes" majority he has 2sked for. A meeti!'Jg next Wednesday would mean De Gaulle would still be In oUice. But political obaervers not~ the use of lhe words "In pMnciple" left open the possibility' the present government might not meet q:ain. New Cosmos Lofted ~10SCOW <AP) -The So\'iet Union launched Cosmos 280 today into an orbit ranging from 128 miles to 159 miles abore the tarlh, Tass reported. .. .. .. .. • < < > z n "' ' - "' > .. .. .. .. • .. < > "' I ( '' -Cl .. ... SPECIAL PURCHASE 100 °/o t:iumon Hoir 99 Fitst Come -First Served! l imit One Pir Customer! Worth Mush, Muoh Morel WHILE THEY LAST! ALL SALES FINAL WIGS WIGLETS REG. 29.50 HUM~~ 'lHAIR. EUROPEAN TEXTURE. LONG . CASCADES $14 99 REG. 39.50 . JOO 'l. H\JMAN HAIR. LONG, THICK . BEST DEAL YET! Mini-Fall $2999 REG. 49.50 JOO"!. H1.1man Heir. Must Be Seen To I t Apprtcitie<fl WIG CASES R ... I.ti ' \Vlt7 WIG HEADS SPRAY R ... 2.Gt 5.95 ·69c .. 1.50 , ' WIG STYLING ' . . . SPECI~~ HERE'S WHAT \'Ou GET : Reg . 7 .50 Wig Styling 5.00 Wig Cle1 nln9 5:00 ConcUtienlru~ S.00 Wi9 Trimmlr111 IH N•c•1t1r<1l S.00 Alteretion i nd Fitting, if "•c•ss•ry 27.50 Value NOW ONLY fteg; l.G() Wl,le~ S&lfiln9 •••• 4.00 11q; 7." , .. St•lh•f . • . • 5.00 aq. 8.5~ Cuc•de St11lln1 •• , • 5.IO OPIM SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION · FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTIVE April u TO April 29 I GOIN' TO THE BEACH? BET·JER STOP AT GRANPS! I U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED SELF-INFLATING LIFE BOA TS $1999 5 YOU'D EXPECT TD PAY . AS,~UCH U $350.$500 . ~ ~ .f~ $1Mll~ LIFE i19~JSl 6-MAN BOAT with cylinder for emergency lnfl1tion. In· flatff immediately with pull of cord. Made . of h11vy neo- prene f1bric. Compltft with carlying c11•. Coaft GUIWcl Approvff BOAT CUSHIONS '288 i:~M ce.'.I Gv.t-11 ... ,,... .... , 'LIR VllTS' SMALL , , , , •• , , , , •• , • $2.4• MIOIUM , , , , , , , , , , , , $2.fl LAIOI • , ~·, '." , .. , , • , $1.lt SAVE ON EVERYTHING IN CAMPING EQUIPMENT AT GRANT'S! G.I. STYLE FOLDING sRoViL UG. $1.91 99c SAVE OH ALL of J'IHlf c1mitf"1 .,.. .. 1t Gr1ftt'1 • , . frem C1nt11n1 to <Mk Htl . , • S.. tll of tlMi llrtn4 ntw 1969 modtl1 of Col1.U1111 •itPlllMff 1t Gr1nt'1 IMIWI W•'•• 1ot it wh111 you nttd itl SIOftl ••• Llnt1rM , •. H11t1n , • , Ttntl , •. Tr1l11r1 , , • ,, ........ ttc. Gr1nt'1 c1rrit1 ·• c1mpl1to 1tock of 111 type of Packs ind fr1m11\ In· clvdl"I Hlm1l1y1n pack fr1m11 and 1cc11JOri11. BACK PACKS ••M •1 •• to $50 llghtwolght, Sturdy Nylon lock Pockl .. $12.95 AIRMATIRESS IHllAILY $4.4t FOR COMFDRTAIU CAMPING ... DELUXE ht1vy • duty air m1nr.11 wttfl rubMrlM unvn cover. ~l••Y to lnff1tt. Aluminum frlf'l'lts .. $4.95 .-------------. (IN TEENS :. ! NiklR'S SPECIAL c1nt11~ c....,,t1t1 wltft ''"' 1t1d '''''· 88' ou.tuTT ruu SIZI, Fl""'tl """' ...... . 111,,, ... ,.,,r tipper •. , Air mattrtt• pockth ....• "" '"'"''' ~, ...... -. Save More On Camping Equipment at Grant's Surpl,s! Turner PROPANE FUEL Fits 1/1 makes ef Torcht1, L.flftrn• 1JMI Stln1. ·98' CAMPTOILn Colllpfttt wltti "'""· ""· .... ' ..... LllT fa.ta •2.11 - S.. lirants First! ··wE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! RIG. $2,91 Toa1t1 4 Siie•• at Onc•I CAMP TOASTER lMr te u11! S,r11d1 Mer neltly. ·~ 5-GALLON PLASTIC CAN UIHTWllGHT 1M ffvrlr ctllllfalMr fer Wlf'lr tv,,tftt. I •2•' , Single Montie LANTERN :$10•• : tM<lol tpO-A ' . . L-0-W Price• an All llnt1m1I WATER CARRIER INn11I• te .... e4orl .... tlltll•N _,,....., fw kl •••• ,, 2•/2 GAL. , ,, ,, ,, $1.41 S GAL. ,, .. ,, ... $1.91 SAVE MORE$$$ AT GRANT'S SURPLUSI "CHARIE IT" al IRAIT'S SURPLUS WI HON~I ALL MA.IOI C.I BE ... W-ay, Ap•ll 23, 1969 DAILY "LOT j P~!~~' e GRA~!l GULF . ~~ OVll 400 If US & SH01GUllS 011 Df PUfl • Winchtsttr •Smith & W1sson •Remington • lloma • WN!htrby • Arm.Uto • Soko • Cllorln Doly • W1hfltr • ltr1tt1 • Coh • S1Y19t •Browning •H&R•Rugor • lfhtcl I SPECIAL SALE! I T .. '#WW'I $,,.,,,.., lelf•AfllN lfflel Tht bolt Ii the btlrt °'~ llflat 1111111 shoot111 call tht finest Ill-tround OllilllM riflt fl'lldt. Snick It °""' You'U lff ttlt stron1Plt Ktioai Ml' put In tfJf rlflt. Sltm It closld. Now Yollr elrlrkl&t hetd Is pmitettd br thrtt mrllPPlnc rin,s of . solid slttl. tilf'Jrs not tilt wholt 700 story. Wt lntld 111 U.. tion· actloM. You WOll't 111 kill• accur1e1: Ot 1 d11111r trlllfl pull, Or. tqtw'• f!nlsll, Or bettu c~ttkerlnf. Or 1 more comlOJtlblt ~ocl.. REMINGTON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : MODEL 700 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IDL-1961 CU1tom Deluxe 24i cal, & 222 $9995 RIM.-MAG. ~~ $154.95 ... 1mm MAGNUM Moclel 100 ' •Dt.·"'' s 1 09,s LIST PRICI $169,fJ . llMINOTOfll .... lll·TJC·lf .. .22 TOGO RIFLE LIST l'lllC~ . t5' 4· ti $79.95 •.. ' ' ' • UK THI IXPIRT$1 GrMYt G.., Dt,.nmlftt la 1t1fft4 ~y ._., In thoir lloW 11 1hoottn1I Wh1t1vtr you may wtnt In guns, from 1 $20.00 22-Rlflt to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Grent'1 h11 it in stock! Comt in and SH for youl'ltlf 0rtt of the ltrgttt 1ttck1 of gun1 In Southern Ctlifernill · SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 c~ .. "The Vagabond" by MV'.lG.lllOMD'"-fWlh, ti1ht 1114 ........... n..n n1y 1ty wftti MW •uW. •inyt-C:Hlt• aylellll flten fhtt llf'I ... 10'° ..... 1r1untl lewtl, Off·whht ,,,, rt~tcf ftlt hett-1111 {11 tftt ll1lttl .. ·' .. .. ,~ " ~ '• , • New for '69 sg99s . I ·~ 9'x12' ISleep1 6 1, .•• ,,, .... , .$10f.95 .10'x13' (Sleeps 81 , .. , , , ... $119.95 DINING C"NOPY by COLEMAN COlOlfUl 12'a12' llMlt•r ftr ltwt1 partln, plcnic1, c.,,.,1,..: patie .., ,..1.11111 M.•. Mltlo of 1truiy, •• ,,,.,,.., ""•" •II wflh ..... la,,..J r.v, tflktMN MIMI to '""'" rljtt, fMn ut1 1Mk1. eo.n,lett wfth cettt .. 11, c11tttr ,.,,, IUJ' ..,.. ,.4,,,.,,, $24'5 1 O'd' Slttps 41 LIVEITUP rsstern s~yls Wl'VI 101'111 lo I """ colloctlOft tf- WHllrR Golr on4 l11n ........... W11twn Dtptrtment. DM't Ml11 ftttte Comftrt1W1 wut'"' tJarpiM · ••• at Gronfll flew Sfoclr Just brlredl WllANGLH WESTERN SH~RTS YOU'U lOVI Ttml-.rl 11111r colttl hi ,.. ... elld MIJ4 _,.,., C.11tPlet1 •led: tf Met lb" .... """ '-"'"''· . '4'' -IUIVU LONG SUEYIS , , $6.95 ROUGH-OUT BOOTS IY~llOO-fw..,...._ ., ,.., ........ , ""''"" .. , ..... f,.. S tt IS. I " ...... $1695 10" HIGH .. $19.95 ~f NATI, -" "'-*•' • • • •' • • •. • ... •••••fl.ft WdtMN lftAW t.t. , •• •••,, •• , .......•• NM 1"·2V."'. llln.. 21 .............................. . I • • . . ., •· .. , , • I " l t ' .. ~--=====~:==-~-----,,,,,,,...,..,.,,,.,.--=======~========~~...21 I . I f I I • I DAILY PILOT EDITOllL\k_PAGE J U From the Bot to m . . • Ocm Vin -o · ct In Huntington Beodl i1 voting will bo tnoullJI to ... 111a1 the dlllilftn la.. 'a uking Wllra to QPtGVt an iDcrtUe ID lhe 1eneral pU.. ,, decent education. Civic d11ty boclnl-~a ..U1o pose tu nee. 1111 ~ of $1.Zi would bring the tas • the disltlct ta llDd out bow ...., and oveey ~1111 en rate for oplfttlm lo $1.11. help In ra!•IAC tbe needed -y. ·-~ ,. been ~~.,:1~ ~ :r,e::.r~:~~ miiJ.'~ .... ·~ 11 mon~~~·~~anca:c'dt~~:n~~ :'the t=:: be too much ta 'm ti* voters at ... time, the d\sttict • , to make it the 11n .. 1 edue111'!nal.pro(J'BDI m 'lbe worlil. has a good C..e -the money 11 needed1>0w to lmproVe They are astlllg only IDOul!li to mob .Ibo dlllt!CI the edueatl'oilal Jiro.Cram '(ol: Ille ch!ld~en and for tuc!>-· . at least .average. Tlie help~ favorable ~lot~ er salaries. • one in the district 11 needed. .~' .. 't'" . I' u the voters give the .majority vote needed~ the ' " 4 ·• .. .t'"'' overrid=t the elementary achoo! rate to $2. 75 com- pared to · r11 $2.07, Seal -Beach's 97.53 cents, liuntin 'Beach's $1.40 and.Fountain Valley's $2.99. The district bas operated. on What the administration has called a "bare bones budg~t" to run schools for !be ·nearly 14,000 students since vot;ers refused. twice in 1966 to approve a 91)..cent tax ovemde. Now the board insist. that $1.25 is needed to bring the district up from the bottom of the list o( spending for educatiooai ·program per pupil to .somewhere near the middle. There is no doubt that the money is needed and was needed years ago. Operational costs have been at' ·a minimum .. Without such niceties as summer school, en- richment' Classes and field trips or cafeterias. Teachers need more pay and fewer students per class. Right now the bus program is at a minimum and threatens to go out of existence. Music and art are eilher gone or soon will be without additional .money. Just as there was in 1966 during two unsuccessful elections there are many citizens -groups and in-dividual~ -out working hard to win passage of this ~ override. 4 But because of the demonstrated reluctance of the Wpayers to vote more money in this and other school districts, there is a serious doubt that this finance mat- ter will fare well at the polls. It is not going to be eoough to sit back and think Good Police W~k-.. Ollicers of the Huntington Beech Polk:e Departmeht swiftly and efficiently stOQCI lheir irowid &lndlJ and brought under control some 3,000 yelllng teeJ>egers who filled tile air. Vlitb ·11yin1 stones and botUu In protut 'Of a narcotics arrest. The local officers received aid lnllll NtWpor.t Bue~, Costa M ... , Fountain Valley, S.l Beach, W~, Los Alamitos, Highway Patrol 'and the lheriff's dtput. ment. · . , . • • _ All told some 150 officers were'on )be figbtirig-lines . opposing 20 times that many rioters: "-lliig the riot were several perSOll! over 18, adu)ta in the eyea ot the law. • The officers used mace, clubs and tear gas to drive off tile crowd which lhrealened to engul1 11!~ They hustled some 52 persona off to jail and generill:t 1ave a good accounting of themselves. In the melee there were some innocent bystanders shoved around and. herded with the rest of the crowd. There were also some unnecessary 1bove1 in the heat of tti.e battle, shoves which the officers today in a cooler atmosphere llkeir l'tgr'et. Yet, in the final analysis, ~ swift, decisive police action prevented b.,-m to· the mpte than 20,000 on the beach and those residents of the nearby downtown. ... ' ' When Put to 'Test On Asia ••• Her Name . ' ' - • • • .,. • ixon Does Not Back Down Used Witlwut ' not think he coukl l1Ulta.lit. becaust of the bitter dlvisiom in,tbe CGUntey cm these policies. .Her Approval ~ I • • ,,, J I ~ ' 1 I ' . ' ''I 5Alf> l>l6 l>EEPER!' Culprit Usually 'Known to Victi·m . . Who is most likely to give a youngster his fint drag of marijuana or his first "pep" pill? Some stranger? A dope ped· dler? A hippie? Not at all. His own friends are fa.t ,more likely to introduce htm to:tbe1iabit.'0 ' .... • " · TO 'lOP THIS OFF, his conviction th& duiiices~ for 1"peace in Vletnam are =im;- provln& is not based primarily on some new ind'aofter negotiating approach but on tlihfiI-l!OodlUons e<lstlllg in South • Vle~n):' The increasing military stmcth • ancf .-1\"~t!cal stability of lbe The matter of style is vitally im--t. J-·· reaction to the Pueblo 'iocident Wal' the crution CJl I · criaia at- .niospbert with llrcrlft carri!r, steaming iqto the area and a D!W troop call-up. But &<>Inc into Woman bsrbor to get the Pueblo ,was not seriously considered. Who ls most likely _to turn a teen-age wticipate in the cornmwia1 rites o( their '.fo the Editor: ..., ·' girl rrom· chaStny 'to' ~iulI 't!censei pie&. .> ~ ' Ou~ng the ~'-b!&h,.ac;bool trustee Some ,flend, or hoodlum,« a buni 'a\>-)~ ·. , ; 1 • Soutbj Vie~. ' Tai<OO ,l)locether lll1s shows thal the' President is preparing the public for the lone pull unrelated to the current fanciful m..ms ol dilellgagemenl, brinlblg Ille lroopo -.0; end loriellinK' about Lyn- don Johmoo'! nightmare .of the "new Asia." This W>doubtedly will be very disap- pointing to various prophets and ad· vacates who wlsh that Nixon would admit ·defeat in Alia and crawl out. But that e~ never was hiJ Intention and when Pit to the test Ille President does not · baCk down from the Asian can- frootalke. lie recognizes that It might bi i'OP,!lar to.io ,., oot be ii not doing it. ' ' 11lE POlllTIONI Ille Prosklent is. tak· in& .are boand 1o brine --him into in- creasing conflict with IOlhe' members of hil own party an_d ·with 'that part of. lbe Democra1lc leadership . which in the bfcinning counted on Nllon ~ reverse the Jobnlloo Policies. · -~ in fact, Nb:oo is carryina out in a different style policies which Johnson probably cou1d not have suatainf.d, or did ·NIXON'8c00L a!l'i contained reepoose carrlu ·a larger potential of -dlred eon- nict With Ille North KoMns, l!flrl)q as It' doU the inlentloO to l:Oep .11\im - conUnued electronic llirYlilllbCe in pro- tected aircralt. Such protecljoo < could fcrct. insf.Jnt declsiw on att"*'ncNorth Korean aln:rafl, surface vtaels or hues. The buic point ii thal·the ......Ulance and monJtorin1 of Nortti Km-ea and Its communications is to be continued at the rlst of direct conflict. This 1oes wholly contrary to the ideas of the congre!sional doves that the United Slate111 has no -bustneu spying on the North .Koreana in this m1t1ner.andJt is inertly a pointleu proYocation which ·ooWd l!ad to war on another front in Asil. '. . , NIXON, ON THE -ary, bu been wholly persuaded ol the military view that" the security ol .<JUr own forca in South ~ and the territorial intelUity of. South Korea depend •Upon 'lore-knowl.1 al ·a North Koreait attack. 'lbla' ls hanlli conlonant witb a policy of wlthdrawll and, taken tocetbet wltb his refusal to back cilt 1n Vietnam, relo- forces the view that Nixon will not repudiate the United States commitment to political stability in the Far Eat. ~on ~ ~ efldOrsfna; ~e,., the -has ·never seen before? CertaiJ\ly 1'b0t.. ALOOHOh, FOi\ instance, which most· i:i~~K?~ ..1\3°' l:~Jk Some ·bOyfrieQd ~· .koows w~ll~JlOfliii • 8/lults .aceept,'_ iJ by lar the greatest lorn.'~-·6 ~ · not'to 'feal. · , ._, · ' P'<ccifitlllmg G~use '(l! munl,er and mr-·. or.:!'cO!'lw .-nu!-·wao·11J11CISTHket·;a;~~·Jtai\. ~«~1:rm: =:".,~~~to. ~.:!,tali.J yoo, or,dlote ~ lo jb? Smne robbef perso~, but ~nds~1~des are •""'"1 < • 1 -.-. .--or 'rapist:' ....,.-lur g'""'1ii\lflai ·wr.; -i:wOwiUetfJ -y · ~ &ack on ~~ hi&b 1 c b o o ls. leaps al you oin:.tj._ ~_dil'k,pt.W? ·Again -~·p,~'<es .. and. a:weetbetuts and pals ·b)ll Unfortuna~y, P'!OPle uOOer dlrec:t a~ ~ " -the oddll lrt ~ hlgtil'll will ·be ia tnei¥" ti ires and lovm;·.lwl buddies in the/1 ii'! las·91ft, to lileo'whm u.y ~).Cftd.. rtlative or a "friend." _# ! _ n. of an-tlcoholic freni~ ftollted ,with •noponal~ -.'el Every' Crime· Sllt'Vef sllh:t 11"1 to be ~A/id. oa ~ ... cw~· ia,ow tbat about' lihich ~}' • -dlrftilO ·bod• of true; every staiiltical •udy iodkajes 'h~of ai(latat -iii!_q lcclde,,i, in•olved evidence, ' ., . • T • ~ that in the .areal ·of ~'lddicUoli , pl'&-• -r drl~ng •,or .. *,dJiin\:en1 df1\itrs ; )'Our There ~nJQAina • ~ ,for attter iniieuity, and fatal violence, the culprit.ii F!,tanc:es of being maimed or killed by an. ·~medtal t:duettlon, more f •.c u 1 f·y · · sOmeone will known to the victim, sorne-Intoxicated motorist are substantiallY,· ~ he1:,,r11ey ~ .• el~d ooe socially or emotionally involved, ereater than harm at the hands of a foot4 • ~..---nt _ prog am mno~a~~ over a· abort or Jon1 jieridd of time. pad or a ~"¥8le<I robber .) to encoqrqe . better mmmumcatiGn ~ • 1 • , • . be1-nllu!le!Umlfacultyand,_ral OUR MOUN'MNG ,nillooaJ hysteria• )'OU ARE FAR SAFER in a lonely c:urrtculum lmpromnent. about such matters -°'fr·~ !kJnapd piirk late at night thaa in your own home, With thanb to lll1 supporters aqd the for ~ffer laws and mere yiit1ant pro-or a friend's home, or a local bar or a ~.05? people-who voted f• me, I nggtat tecUcm., ~ tends to Qbscure the lruth or highway. Every police blotter corilinn; we cooUnue IO OllC<Rltan Ille HllJllinilon ••· 1 . · Beach Union • High stbool District to our social life. It is geoerally no\ ~~tS~.SLa ement , every autopsy reaffmns move into the ·20th,ctntuey. ••outsiders" wtio le~. uS attray or do "p . f , H. r't . th CAROLYN R MITCHELL harm to us, but those nearest to us. ~ss1011, ar mor~. ~·an prou., 1s ~ · · Jt may be comfortin& to beUeve that le"1jng cause of, homicide. ,Lust, Jealousy,. the boy was led dewn the 'Wrong paUi by rage, injured · feelings, fesentments and· a "pusher.," or that the· girl waa ftductd fhistratiom -these account for more by a sinJster Sv"engali-. ·But. h Is friends, coipseS in' a month.than -all the killings not enemies. who t.bratel'I Y9Ul'JIS~rs1. by for aim.pie gain in a year. ViotenCe i.s iit withholding "popularity" • 'mless mey tho lleart more lllan' 111 'lhe stm~ Mere ft~btic To the Editor: • l A Massive Shift of Taxes. I am wrUins Uilil ~}Ii.reaction to your April LI ar!lc1< by ;Welle7,G._Grapp (FBI spedai Qent Iii <harle. Los Angeles, ComJneiil~}-.diitad"'Seveo Crlmes a Mlntte.":r,,.. iav<fttdy im- .,..-with the ~.-oach that Uli1 law enforcement offktt utilized Jn dealinc with the cre•t increase in crime that II '° evident in this country. ~Tell It Li ke It ls' Ti~ · ... ~ ~. ~ l l, 'BJ J~ E. WHETMORE r. -:~•> ~N} ...,. ft' • · . . u:n~~ ,' · ·G'~~srneporf I e hive received the 1overmr'1 far -' 'f' ... · +'chiJ'I! taJ rdonn wbkb coupied an~ \... •· -L • Ji,;.. '~ ln state income tu:es with a octloo in realdenliai property tu ... JA<i:UM.Uy, the program involves a ve shift ol taxes tot.alln1 nearly $2 with moet 'of the tu increases to UIOd til lower school district property ;. And the pvemtl' wu correct when he t;ld UI "this ll not meant to increase ~ There will be no tu Increase. It a baiandng of tu revenues to them more equllable." sald hll program ii aUrely separate addition to the 1100 millioo I income l11 rebate prop>lt'd for yar. wlilT IT DOES to Ille taxpaytt ii :•U your praerrt ll&le income tu is It would be '800; if it's ft ,000 now, it wookl be 11,500. Of course, U you live in a district with a high property tax for schools. the local school tax reduction would be substantial. In fact it would be ereater than the in· crease in your state income tax. And if you live in 1 districl with a medium school tu, Ulen the reduction in property lues and the increase in .in· come taxts would about balance each other out. However, if you are one l\ving in a dWiot with a low school tu, your total tu bill would 10 up. IN EXCllANGE FOR receiving the>-Jn· creased stilte aid, &chool districts would be required to reduce their current tax rates to $1.10 per $108 assessed valuation, and it WOuld take a 60 percent vote of lonl· resldal.ll to raise that figure. The state director of financt said one effect of the ahift to iocome tues is thal a .,.-pnipo<lion ol the 11a1o•1 w. woilld thin be paid by.,_ llrm& llld a loftr J.""PO'llllll by prlvalo cllilem. And Ille .....,...., holds ........ ol in- dind tu relief for r<11ters. As you know, ft bu nol ....., llnoommcn In recent .,... ........... to, t.u --.-lillve_ .......... t.ul bave me.-. Now,"""" w1D be~. 'llllaio*••lud-wWbt~ to notllY ·uu ..... 11 o1 lbal portieii o1 Ille ~ -wbicll can be dJttdl7 attHWt.lble to l"fdijced prq>ttty tll ..... • 1111: PROGRAM Is lone and involved, but°" principal par!l lnclude ' J, An increMe of home (lWntr'I pro- perty lox onmptl-lo $1,e11 WJlllld spell .. tnd to the 1ptdll 1$,000 ... emption given some veterans. 2. Insurance compaJll• would bc: UDd on gross premiums to n:move an ad· vantage over other companies:. 3. Needy persom over 65 would be pl!rmitted lo defer proputy lues until they die and lheir estates are settled; tbe tu: collector would be paid (int, then the heirs. 4. No capital gains clalms eou\d be made Wltll a property bu been held ten yeara iDlload of the present aa. montba. ~. PllESENT PDaoNAL ewnplloos fa< de!>tlidenta would .. -lo"" for llate Income --a ......,. that would provide .p..iai help' I• parenll with depeodeol children. At the time this cohnnn WU written, some opposition bed developed, prio- ctpoliy from the _,ty SVperTilOl'I uooclaUon. More ii expected, and U ii -that the _....., in wflolo ot In pail will be -thorooChl1 be! ... l!nal declllons .,.. mode. ' Dear Gloomy Gus: When an tills recall Jw b ffVfr wttlt for Flbltlill Vai117'1 MoYOr -.... and ~ we'.ll ..._ t.be J'""' "Wfllmio. lltr valley." -t II. P • I Uolllle -1 local law enforcement of. ficials who ' eau for more and better police can, Pna~and other equiJOent, he •tressed the importanc< of the borne, chureh and the IChoola in dealinc with Ille crime problem. TO ME THIS ;s a more realistic a-p. proacb; however, I would like to Wl- derstud mare what ht considers that the influence of. tbe dnach should be. Jn my Opporbmltlet to share the claims of·Jesus Cbrl!I to fellow college -•Is mony Umes• J am asked : "What about ,hypocrites in the chur<bea!" In order for Lhe church to ooce again become relevant it must reevaluate ita 'iJOals and decide wflo Christ really was, whether aa C. s. Lewil aaid Christ wu eitheT who be claimtd to be or a l1ar « a lunaUc. r' · have decided in my own life lhat Christ WU Who He claimed IQ be and that the OnJy way the church will become relevant again is to make the. same decision. JACK VOORHEES Studtnl Department of CrimloofoCY CaiJI. State Co1ita< at Lons Beac:b ' It's time to "tell it like It is" about the number one problem on UU, and "'other high school c~ t~roughoOt Southern California, concmling dope. A four-letter-word to some, tbt: "wor~" has, gotten around, that the doJ>I! scene is really heavy. It is lmposS!ble to befieve that in "our own ba'*1Jhi'', pushers, speedlreaks and narcs m playing a risky game; a dangerous form of Russian Roulette. · • 1 Jn 1 recent written siu'V!y passed out by tbe sn.D, more tJwa,. J.00 1tudenta gave hmest , frank opinioM about their exJ,eriences with srass, pills, heroin and other forms of narcotics. '· This is M;t the teachers! fault or ,any.me else's, ii is just one of the cold hafd factl of I.he drug scene. Anywheit. and a(lytime, curi~-youths look$£ fo~ "ticks", w~I try 'dhl gs. Some ciD stop 'aiid :some can't .-some don't ..i;nt '°' and as long ~ di'ugs are looked llJlPOll 8! my sierious, exotic, ~no's in our-toclett or in any other, people wi ll wan ·to try them. Weslmlnstt.t Scrol Westminster Hlg• Scboal II .. --, ...... _,., ·---------.. QUE!Ntl .. ·--·. CHECKING : , • UP • ~~ 1-T ; • By L. M. BOYD . STILL FIND most fit ting olti John B. S. }ialdane's fine line-: "I've ne\•er met a healthy person who worried much ;:ibout his health ,, or a good person who ·worried much <1bout his soul." ... OUR EX- PERT on Files and Futility says Jess than one percent o( all business correspondence is every seen again three days afler it's stov.·ed ila office cabinets. ,, • FOUR BABIES will be born In the time it takes you to say "one-thousand-and-one." .. • llAVE YOU NOTICED the enormou s majority of con1- The Orange Coast's Most Complete PRINTIN.G SERVICE ' '111·'*¥1111!11'! Phone 642-4321 4 DAYS ONLY-FINAL SIRING . STOCK REDUCTION lll PR\CES SllSRED 111 JMKY """5 Below Ou1 Normal Cosl CALL NOW · FOR FREE KOHIE 1511H1ATIS i FREE! DOUBLE BONUS OFFER· 1 YOUR CHOICE OF ., BUY NOW! At '9ct.y DiNd ,.,._ Th .. '""" N..,.r .... L-..t ••• !lll'l'e a5 Na;ff h f-, , , lnjoy N-. , , Pay Loter Coll N-for frei htf .. 11rt•I ~6 200 W: OZITE Indoor/Outdoor LET DIE OF DYR FlCTORY·TRllHD UPlllTS ·· CARPET UP 200 SO. COMPLETELY TO FT. INSTALLlll CEMENT OR FREE WITH ,.Ul"ICHA&I!: (II' SCFIEENE0.1N P"TIO-CA!'IPET Sl!LF !NST ... 1..l.1.0. kif,...,.,~ .......... ,,Ullllll .... ...,.fllll .... fmt . "',.. .... ,_an, •..• -... .. ...-,. •... t't 111.-t "Air.I/tit'• • SIAQ h Jflll BUY NOW MAKE NO PAYMENTS 'TIL OCT. 1969 . .... " ,_ •• . . ---~ --... ' . . ., . . ··1 ~· . :-· • NO MONH DOWN! 'EVERY INSTALLATION GUARANTEED " Come In ~ cal now for but ........ · · . FREE ESTIMATES • NO OBllGA TION ' . .. " • ,......,.. ....,. ...,,. ... •Ni 4-, 4owbl• Juft b•<:k.. a..... ..,.,. tlfwt "'11"' lew ll•tre..... Sq. lled, •1-, •-d .. •Old, VIII, .. ..._ •If, """'It• OUll ~111¢1E •-CAll~IKT -L 'I'- 'f • • D•ll Y PltOT :" • STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach "'-.. ,., ................ 3•2 -. •J'i.. )'•rn. M•de rw '"'• .,.. wlU. .. ...,. .._ lrarn~ °"• .. ..,. .,.,,., VII. ""Oud• Ore'"' OUll -IClli: CA RPET ONLY ' ... , : •. ' ..... ~. ~ ~·v'! ~r. ·, J~·· ii~ •. -~ ''-i ACRILAI SHAG.:': -'" , .... 4 "· 5 · ROOMS : CARPETED! ' . \ • , ?I J COMMERCIAL· TYPE~'.:! ' 1•-: ' -.~· DuPONT 501 . ,.,... ___ _ . ""'-·~ -wt.it. .._,, ._ .... • 0..-.-. ---· rido _,...,... i....i.r e s,...... • ..._ • ¥it"& ....... _,_ 1 CA.RPET AN ENTIRE AVERAGE ' SIZE HOME! ·., CUSTOM DRAl)ERY SALE .. TWEED . This. is a special buy a nd · a faritastic: Price. ,, OUll ~RICE . AT 2.8? SQ. YARD .. YARD CA:Rl'ET iSNL'r ·~ Complete Decorator Service : .. at· Otir ,Corona de) Mar Phone 675·1510 Furniture. Lamiis Wallpaper, Accessoriee Professional Decorators COION4 Dll MAI Ddlly "' '"· t-"30 s.t. 1lOJ ' CJo-4 Su ... i ! ,,., '-•. ~'> .. ~ :.: ... u_ I L & J ENTERPlRISES INC. TO SHOP AT .1,10~ JUST PHONE :• ·r ..... r"Oe( ""'''" '" .... ~ """ of ,_ "°"'' wtt-:\'J: .rwo LOCATIONS IN ORANGE. COUNTY ARCADE OF· W.AREHOUSE ·CORONA DEL MAR SANT f?. ~NA 2144 I . COAST HWY, ·., .·,PHONE 47~·1510 2406 S. MAIN PHONE 549-33i9 . - - MO' llot til,.flllt)I ...... l"lht • wll Ulit• '""11-fl\I ....,. ,., .. ..-r .. ,,.,. .. '' ,.. •"U.-~ • a.Jh lo Ihde e llo·wllllof •Nt_,.,...nt •.._., l"'tiU1tlo11 • $1tkfaction .... intttd • s. tht cen ter tf ._ ""' ..... '"'"' -.... ter Chirp. ___ , • j f DAILY PILOT \Vtfntlday, Aprlt 13, 1969 byl .. ry-, $109 Million Set .•. :~Two Czecl1 • . . Protesters Ai· rested = PRAG UE <UPI) -Students On strike against the new .Communist leadership s a id Czechoslovak police today ;:ir· •rested two strikers passing out ·protest leaflets and tore do"'" wall posters scorning Gustav 1 lusak. An estimated 20,000 students in 20 schools around the nation had joined the third day of sit- , ins against the ouster of Com· munist First Secretary Ah~x­ ander Dubcek and his replace- ment by Husak. Student leaders al Charles University said two of !heir number \\'ere arrested and then released today "'hen they wandered outside the campus to distribute literature against Husak. Campuses around the nation provided sanctuaries for the dem onstrators, for the Jaw prohibits uniformed policemen from going on campus. Husak had promised to "fight without pity " his opponents. In addilion. the students said, the police had ripped do\\'n wall posters outside the school that said "We arc not geese," referring to llusak's name, which translated means Gander. ,Con1econ Meet Gets Under Way MOSCOW (UPI) -The first Cooununist common market summit in three years began today and CiechosloYakla's urgent economic needs headed th~ agenda. The Soviets convened Comecon, the east European economic community, to discuss ways to increase its unity and strength, and to seek bloc financia l support for the Czechoslovaks, conference sources said. .. As Flood Dam<;ige lSy Uaited freil lntern1Uoaal Damage from this sprlng's floods bas risen to $109 million in the upper Midwest, ac- cording to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Jut gr;eat fl oods, in 1965. caused hall a billion dollars damag~1. Iowa Gov. RObert D. Ray, estimating damage in his state at $11 million from earlier flooding this spring. Tuesday asked Pre.sident Niion to designate parts of Iowa disaster areas. Parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Min- nesota and Wisconsin have been declared. diiaster areu by the Pres.ldenL The Mississippi River was at or above flood levels all along Iowa's Eastern border with Illinois. While its crest rOlled toward Prairie Du Chien, Wis ., its floodwaters nosed far into southe rn Missouri and western Ten- nessee. Residents of often-flooded Prairie Du Chien heard a welcome prediction Tuesday. The crest would be lower than expected. The river was to have crt1led the~ at 22.3 reet to- day, but offJCl,als said it would be 21 .1 feet. AllC>ut 175 familiell have been eyacuated from Prairie Du Chitn's 4th ward, Y.'hlch Is too 19w for dikes to be praclic1I. Officials said lloodlng woUJd cause $200,000 damage in the city. However, bu1 shuttle service was continued on the bridge across the Mlnl11ippi be.lween Pralrie Du Chien and Iov.·a. Winds up to 50 mJles an hour caused problems at point ' along the Mississippi i n Wisconsin, llllnols, and Iowa -all currently bearing the brunt of the flooding. \V i n d s lore polyethylene covers of( dikes at Ea:st ~1oline, East Dubuque and Oquawka, Ill ., Tuesday and crews of workeni rushed in to replace them. .At various places. wind-driver. y;·aves on the swollen river battered earthen dikes, washed away sandbags and caused erosion. Dike workers met mo~t emergencies and kept the muddy waters in their place. Voice of Apollo Loses Job, 'Hurts Like Hell' SPACE CENTER. Houston Space agency spokesman (UPI) -Paul Haney leaned Julian Scheer said in forward in the green steno Washington Haney had ac- chair, hilt elbows on his knees. cepted tfie job he was ordered and said with a sad smile h~ to take as Scheer's special no longer is the "Voice or assistant. But Haney sild Apollo." "that Is an untruth." The fact he lost his job as T h e reassignment o r d e r, chief spokesman for t h e Haney said, came after weeks astronauts and the manned of "badgering and prcss_ure" spacecraft center less than from Scheer. three months before the fil'llt He said he was not given U.S. moon landing, Haney said any reason fot the Washington Tuesday, "hurt like hell ." And· order. But , he said part of it his future, he said, is un· pt'obably waa because Scheer certain. was jealous -he did not use Later the space agency an-that word, but Implied it -or nounced Brian Duff, a former the limelight Haney received newspaperman, will take over 1_1_n_l_he_H_ou_s_to_n __ J_.ob_. --- Haney's post in Houston Piton· ,d'ffrll-..t day. Haney said he does not know why he was relieved of the job which has made him world famous. He said the order came after weeks of harass- ment from his superior1, and that he may appeal It through the Civil Service Commission. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Flr111ly In Place Do 10\lr t1.IM "9Lb &nn07 &nd em- b&nNI b' 1Upploa:, cl.ropp1111, °' tr0b- bllq Wiien 10u •t. aaXlr&:i:ni' Then 1prt11lr.l1 • UtUe P en JIOUf plat-. PA.STJ:WrB boldt UZI· tuns ftrtrttr and moni camlMta.blJ. Ml.kee •tl111 _.l•t. It'• alUl\ne- do11n'\ 1our. No summ,., 1ooe1. w1ty !Mte or feel. lftlpt chick p\ete Otlor. Oll!ntureo that tit are ~S1tntl1.I t• bftlth, See YOut d111U1t rqu\IU"ly. en •1eTUTH ai all drUI couniera. Haney said he received the order Monday afternoon relievlne hlm of his Houston job and ordering him to report to a new space agency post inl;:===========:I Washington Monday. He said trav~I orders came v.•ith the letter from space center direc- tor Dr .. ftobert R .. Gilruth in- forming him of the reassign- ment. LOCAL No oili er n1w1p1p1r f1ll1 yoy mort , I Ytry da~, 1bouf wh1f1 9oin9 '" in the Gr11!1r Oron91 Co11t thin the DAILY PILOT. WANT INTEREST ONYOU&BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T GET IT BUT WJTB PACIFIC'S SWITCll 'N SAVE ACC:OUMT Yau can da 1Imaat 11 well by knping 1 lat las manJIY in your --ICCDunt llld • lot MDII in your Plclfic &" Peabaok Account •d l.uitdii111 lllOlll'f lilck 111d fanh a oftln a ¥IMI lib. .. , .... •••l'J' dollar earns neq daf It 11 la J'O•r Paolllc Accoaat- evea lor tut•• dq. M' •1lllly II !'111111111 lllm• _J;I .... .m1y 1111 1/ft ... ........ .,.., ••u •11£111 Iii •nHI ,.... .. Snl1p II Jllf HClllll 1t •11ill(1 1ltl 1111 fn• tU 111 If Af ••11111 .. I. nnhld "' t•• , .. _/ __ Sad Return Escapee Gets 'Dear John' .1 GLENVIEW, UL ~AP) -.A· ried. The "Dear John" letter "Deir Jotin" iette'r 't h a.! Md been forwarded to his tdUktn't reach Spee. 5 Thomas parents rrom Vietnlm 1fter lt Van Putt.en In the V~ ht! capture. Coog prlJon camp ' .,here he Stunned by the sudden ... blld ror 14 n:IOn&bl took l'fi\'trS81 of his dreams the .,,_. « ~ alfU• from • 1 ?9UD8'. soldler uid be ' w1s hfppy ~llGIOa w! hJt faznUy ~looking forw1rd to Mom 'r 1Tuesday •. 1 Cooking.'' , The soldier, clad in pajamas1-~--------- r 'and a ~be, step,ped from an · LEGAL NOTICE ~ For~ lr"!"porl plane into•1~,_ ______ _ tl)e orb. paren•--u ....... sun-1110• COUllT °" T"• STAT• ti" arms II ...... •Ullf.•J' c.iillf'OlllUA f'O. T"E CCUWTT" Cl' afld Hau.I Van Putlen -Of · o.ltANGE Caledonia, Mich. He was sur-'"· ,,_,,,si -·ed . I ... b h" NOTIC• 01' H•AAINO rou..... 1mmed a~el,J, y JS 1"011 l'IO•AT• Cl' Will • brother~ two 1lstera....and 11 AND l'O• L•TT••S TISTAMINTAAY < and ph f.l'lele al IVEA AS&JOllN OllMiESEf nieces ne ews. ·~ IVEI .... OllAGESET .NI IVEll B.ut,' during the Jol·oyolhU! o~~rJiTis ~:i::·v GIVEH TII•• gatbermg, the parents t De\JI Ell••~"' Dr•-' 111, 111ec1 """'" JJ.year~ld soldier told Van 1n • fft111o<1 tor 1rao.11 ., 111t w111 ., •I.-. i.; .. h bool "-.wve .... mec1 clec'f'Clent •11111 tot I,.... Pullen u ... t bis • ._. IC •rQ 111 ~tteri 1et1•1M11l•rv " ll'ie -sweetheart, whom he had •lllOr.r. rneff!IU •• w111c11 h "'6de tor · h 1ur1tler unlcYl•r1 111C1 ni.t Ille ,,,.,. dated for five years, ad mar· ..... Nee a1 11ur1i.t llW '""' "'' ttte" ried another man shortly after w tor Mt' '· ,,.,, 11 •:• •·"'-r" .., porl ~t!room al OtNt1met1r No. l f1f i.tld Van Putten wu re ed ceut1. 11 c.aur111oun, 711111 w. t111 strto11. mlsslno In action Feb 10 1968 '" h Cltr rlf s.1111 ,,,..., c 111twn11. '"O • ' I · • Dillld: APrlt JI, "'' The soldier, who .once car-. w. E. ST JOHN, Cit11nrr c11r11 ried 185 pounds on-his 1-root Gi~ 1t. KMN . A"'""r 11 L111 frame but weighea only 121 at 4t4 "•"" tww"'' 1tu11•1•• . the lime of i..1-· rescue tokl .,...,.,. •udl. c.11t..-Rl1 n"' llll:i • . Tl.__.,.: (7U I M'-IUI newsmen last week that he ..,,_...., '"' "''""""" -WU"""'"'" borne to lit '"""-l"l,lbllsl!MI Ori"'" CINI Daltr l"!lol, .,,..,"!""'O •:--· Al'"!I tl,, 2,, JO, IHt 7'1·'' GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW. PAD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine, honest-t o.goodness BUG-A- BALOO! N obody's ever had one before but, it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought of i.t:! lverson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and m ost beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, It houses the very lat&st in service and d iagnostic equipment, and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the la~est changes in the Volkswagen line (th•t Is. if you con spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG·A-BALOO, Iverson will give eway e sparkling nQ'~ 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as ''The Bug"), All°you have to do is pay us a visit. lf you've never been to a BUG-A-BALOO. now is your opportunity to be among the f irst! At the BUG-A·BALOO, you'll see ' the latest in Volkswagens and Porsches, within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG-A -BA LOO refreshments await those that CARE to see something different! Now's the time to put a ''Bug" in your house! C ~4s E. COAST HIGHWAY ~ (ot B.ylids Drlwl NEWPORT BEACH 0 ' 673-0900 s e~~--. ~ • • ·- 4 . 'DAIL'I' ""ff.~· . ' · .., -.; .w.-,m1•.1&P!'ilt2li-1M --l . '' .f . . -· ~ ... -.. AUT9CENT.ER ' REDVCEP . ~,THR,U SAT·URDA Y.! ' . FOREMOST® P.l!M~ WHITIW AltS Deep~er, wider tread and tough ') ~ ' -~ ..... .. full 4 .pJy polyester cord • • 36 MONTH GUARANTEE WITH 18 MONTH FREE REPLACEMENT PASSIENGlR tlltll GUARANTEE CUAJtANl l l ACAINST fAILUltl Pel'I...,.. 10.ra•llHI •••'Y forarnost• lira •PiMt all tallura1 lft UH-lhl1 au1ran- le• 1:1111 for ti•• antira 1u11ante. period slatff tor ••th tlN, If \It• !Ir• fails c&u.r· ~~,'":u:r~!~!~tl!;,~~f '!~~~ ~"~~!~ wilt, ,, 111 OPtiOlh [l) Npalr the tir•, tzl np\Ka It with a new !IN, or tl) Ii•• you an imn1Hiate refund. n "'" 1eplaee th• Ura •11rif& lhl fret rapl~ment periOd, th•r• is~o th1r1•: It -rap\tea tl'lt tiia lfttf Iha ftff ,.PIKl!mtAI potftod, you "" SO'!. or is~-. lff• thaii the currant se11ina llfic• of IM tire lntluC1in1 .IM ft<M"r•• bciH T•ll ($ff &Uilrilnlee il&•inst l•ilD1• cn•rt for dtlllll ). I UAltANTll ACAINST TRIAD WlA!'OUT "•"~~· 1u.~1tHt ..,..P' Fortmoit • t;•• (e>tC•Pl ti~ 72 MJlel l •&•I-st treU ••• ,. _, tor tfl• entire 1uarant" pariod. You tMnelit •• fol10w11 if )'oYt tire _,,, o ... t dt,1rin1 the firtt lla1f of t!M l ""rant" period, niturn it wtt/'I ~--11111rant" cer· tinc•t• •nd Pent,.,.. wilt Mpi.c..,.ow llr• Wi\h ii new Ure (the c•rpJor thla 'llllill be so~• ., ti... ctuf'ffl MUi"C·PJicil lncludin& fitder.I bci• "fpJ; If ,ew ll,. wQn out durin1 the MCond hair. the ch•rc• 'fl'ill be 75%. of Ill• cwnnt. .. Hina prlc• u\cLudina federal b:Ttirl@I!-. '- "l'hue Slolil,.....M net appll' • cOm·• . mtrWI Ill! .. J'fWo # ........... ,... .................... ........... . I .°?'~-• ' . -.......... ~ •••••••. Jf, ..... .... ,,,,11!11 I l,~.~ .•. :''l0 l l · ....... ........ """"'· ............... lf.21 ...... 2$4" .......... :;-........... 21-M ........ • > Grecit SQV.~ngs on Our Fines.I shock absorbers! • for~ Premium 'tuJhionm aster shocks give extra service, eiiro oaNly_ on the road! up .to "43% more cushion in~ piston a rea than ordinary sfiocks. F0r a smOother ride .•• stop in today. NEWP..ORT :B~Aql-t IF~sh;~ Island). ' NOW522' plllt fff ..... .-•lei lir• White tubeless .. Size Reg. Fed. Tax 6S0.13 .............. 23.95 •••••••..•••• 1.11. 700..13 ••••••••••••• 25.95 ••••••••••.•• 1.'2 695-14 .............. 25.95 ••••••. : .... , 1.9.S Now•2.6 · pin FM. ta• aftd old tire White tubeless Size Reg. Foci. Tax 73,5..14 •.....•.••... 27. 95 .............. 2.06 775-14 ••••••••..••• 29.95 •••.......••• 2.19 775·1S ••• , ••••••• ,. 29.95 •.....•• , .•.• 2.21 115-15 o • o o .·, O • • • • o • 31.95 o o • o o o o o o • o IO 2.)6 125-14 .............. 31 .95 .•••.•••••.•• 2.35 NOW5 29 pt&, fM: t.X erwf old ti,.. White tubeless SiJ:e· Reg • Fed, Tax 155-14 ••••••..•.... 33.95 •••..•....••• 2 .56 115-1"4 •.•.••••..... 35.95 ..•..•....•.•• 2.15" 145-15 •••.••..••••• 33.95 •••••••• •.• ••• 2.54 ; CHARGE IT. ·' . v' Set of 4 27.88 completely installed HUNTINGTON BEACH -(Huntington Center) •• .. .. • . .. SAVE 10.10 .ON OUR THREE-SEATER 'CALIFORNIA' SWING REG. 69.98 NOW 59.88 Pay as little •• $S per month Built for hard wear with solid wrought iron fra me , Foam filled cuth- ions are btrtton tufted for extra comfort and covered in sturdy, wipe clean vinyl. , -. • SAVE 10.10 ON OUR 5 PC. ' l . WROUGHT IRON DINING ROOM SET, R~:i 89.98 -i ~ ~ -" -Now ;79~88 ' l'•y n littS. •• $5 per month ' ' • tncludes 42." roun4 umbNflo table ond 4 sKM dMiln • , • may be used with or without cutihlona. Frames are of 1teel with baked-on white enamel ~ ,one( exPand.d m.sh tctble top, MGts and badd. r thick foam culhlon1 a re revenlble, coverecf"in sturdy, wipe-cJea11 vin~I ftoro:I print on ~ ., o!iii sidt, wlifl co&ot avoeado on the otMr. SAVE S.10 O N O UR STRIPED BISTRO SET REG. 34.98 NOW 29.88 Pay as little as $5 per MOntlt P•ppermlnt ltriptd choirs upholstered In easy car• vinyl. frolltf whit9 enamel finllh over o rugged steel rod conltruction. 2"' lhidc foam Mot culhion1. Set includes 2 chahs a nd 24" rouncl table 'fll1llll tempered glan top. NO MONEY DOWN ••• USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN NEWPORT BEACH (Fash;on Island) HUNTINGTON BEACH .. (Huntington Center) ·--I ' ' .- ·. • \. • I " l l • "' -l~ ' f 2 OAILY PILOT w-. AP'il 23, l M . ' Make tennis yqu:r game with our' great Wilson tennis rackets! reduce"' thru Saturday only! ' I ' . Save 1.11 ! Wilson super stroke racket Reg. 9.99 8 88 NOW e Choose ladies' Maureen Connolly or men's Jack Kramer models in a sire perfect for you. Both have natural rounded beech overlay, nylon stri ngs, leather gri ps. Save 2.10 ! Wilson Tony Trabert racket Reg. 12.98 10 S8 NOW • Men's racket hos se lect ash Strata-bow frame,. beech shoulder overlay. Nylon strings, on• piece fi bre throat. Save 3.10 ! Wilson ''Pro-plus'' racket Reg. ::c::, 16.88 Rugged 5 Ply, white a sh frame. medium flex shaft. Mu lti-filament nylon strin gs. -Big .. selection of tennis accessories! ' f~ i \ l . Ladies cotton/ Men ·s 50 °/o Ladies red & Men's 100°/o O ur Spaldin9 Our Spald ing polyester kn it Avril" rayon/ blue machi ne c o tt o n mesh Rancho duro· rugged a lumi· ten nis dres s 50°/o cotton wash pleated tennis shirt. felt cave red nu m f rame I n s l:re s 8 ·1 6 tennis sharts tenni s dress Sizes S·M·L·XL tennis balls tennis racke t 21.98 5.9 8 18 .98 4.98 1.88 37.98 Sizes 28-~0 Size~ B· 16 per t on NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH jfash;on lslond) (Huntington Center) .., • ' " All Penney Stores Open Ev•ry Night Monday Th rough, Saturday llAILY ""or 3 I • L PENNCRAFT" GUARANTEED 1 COAT PAINT REDUCED PENNCRAFT PREMIUM PA INT GUARANTEE ·n.e J.C. 1'1nnty Co. 1u1r1n1111 ttl•t tl\ll proouct will proYiet .,,, coll ccwer•c• 'll'Mn •Plllltcl t wtr t pfO!Mir11 Pf1Nfl4 1ur11ct 11 Hac:r!Md In l hli:llont c111 t•t. App.UcaU•• """t ntt , .. NH plfon t OWll .. IUIN ill· W fW •t ell tn-tf MirllCL If tit" pndllct don nit perf-11 --tM J, C. hnntJ C.. WOI • , frtt 11 t111r11. trtWP I I p.11.nt to i;a,.,plUt COW• .,..., ., n fllllll tllt purth••• •rle41 " .,,. plfftl. . rmrt... COVWG[: Nol lo ll· Ctll > • ,,.wlouslJ palntff aur- fleu -400 Sq. rt. 111r 1aH011 • POl'OUI 1urllct1 -"'"'"'' r.a~tl 1nd 1hln1lt 100 Lo 2~d •· rt. p1r lllllon l~brtfll' COYEll~G!, Not 10 ! ... _., • Prtvl0lll1J ptlnt1d ..,,. f-.::tl -400 Sq. Tl. p1r 1aT10fl • ,_UI '"altnf\'-100 lo :;'"9 !q. rt. ptr 1111011 SAVE 20.10 ! PENNCRAFT LIGHT DUTY le} HP COMPRESSOR REG. 129.98, NOW 109.88 Pay •• lfttle •• $6 • month s•"' 2.6\ ,. G,.~ot& SA"l 3.ll ,. G"LLON SAVE 7 .10 ! PENNCRAFT PORTABLE DIAPHRAGM SPRAYER REG . 36.98, NOW 29.88 'j •• llrtl• •• $5 • month e ldt for houttho1d polnlin g, 1praylng, PENNCRAFT8 PREMIUM INTERIOR LA TEX REG. 7.49, NOW 4.88 Goe• on 1moo1hly with e ilhe r b rush or rol· fer, won•t drip , • , flows eo1ily. Odorle11, need• no mixing, dde1 fat! In 20 minute,. S1ond1 up to repeated wothing1. Eosy clean up, too , •• hand1 a nd tools wotk cl.an with 1oop and water. Hurry lnl Tint a. .. , Reg. 7.~9, NOW ~.88 PENNCRAFT ' PREMIUM EXTERIOR LA TEX REG. 8.99, NOW 5.88 Guaronleed to cover In f:.i1t one coot ••• e...-n CO'ler1 darker colors. Apply with eith.r b,.nh or roller , , • exterior lo .. x drfft fo1l ln 30 minute• to a beautiful hard mottt finbh. Re1l1h b llslerlng and peeling. MOny a tt ractive colors to choose from. Tint lo••· Reg. 8.~ NOW 5.88 SAVE 4 0 •! PENNCRAFT 4-PIECE ROLLER/TRAY SET REG. 1.99, NOW 1.59 • Hondit sl woy lo point • lnd11Cftt1 e• lt 12• rnetol troy, 7• roller fr•-· t o .. •r 011d 14• wootlen 111lentloft ltonclt, ' • Highly po1 toble • 12 ci o11on pr1101t1d fo.,k • 1911u'.01or o nd u o·~o• int h1ded • Unir l11cludt1 spray 11 un with 1 qt. wp •le. • Jhnu quietly • foty to ,,,..rote • lnd udta b[11dt r ci11n with 1 pl. cvp. No down payment • , , uM Pt nn•y• Time Payment tlan NEWPORT BEACH (Foshion lslond) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ---.,--..,.------,---------------------------------------------~------ - .~ ; •• '. \_/' t ~ ......... . ~I~ t ~-'\_, ..... ·-· ... ·- ~INDSOR MISSES' DRESSES \ $23-$ .. 6 Ftimous name polyester ·knit drftsSes ................................. 17.,9 $36 Imported polyester .: chi ffon prints ............................... 22.99 '1f0-$66 Sprin9 kni ts, to clear 19.99-36.99 WINDSOR WOMEN'S DRESSES FAMOUS MAKll FASHIONS Reg. $23-$40 17.'9,lf.tt I and 2 piece daytime styles, •••y-cere fabrics. Women's custom htlf sites end misse si1es. BUDGET DRE$SES No-iron mira~le fabric dress es .......... 11.99 Bonded •ceteto jersey prints ............ 11.99 $3 3-$46 Imported 2 & 3 pc. double knits .................................. 19.99 DAYTIME DRESSIS CASUAL DRESS GROUP Rog. $8-,13 . 6.ft All by a famous maker. Wide tssort- ment of prints in misses end helf siies. MISSES COATS Assorted spring coat1 ...................... 29.99 Costum e coifs .................................. 19.99 Cashmere coats ............................... 49.99 Suede jacket, zip out lining .............. 39.99 Suede coat, n1tural mink tr im ........ 18.00 Fur products labele d to show origin of imported furs. MISSES' SUITS I ,, country of Summer suits, wide .tssortmerit ........ 19.99 Pa nt suits .............. . -----------·---·------29.99 Knit suits ··--···---·················· ., ........... 39.99 JUNIOR WORLD DRESSES $17 Famous n•me jr and jr. petit• 4re.sse~ ... ;····················· ...... 10.99 ' MATERNITY ,SHOP • J! -, •• • Assorted · spo,rtswear, sizes 6-18 3.99·5.99 '.... "'-! $4 P1nelled s~rts . ········-···· .. ····--4~~2.99 $13·$15 Misses, petite dre1ses ... --~-.99 ' ; MILLINERY $13-$16 Sum mer hat collection .......... 1.99 HAT BOX 9-$ I I Group of summer sfrtw1 .J.99°6.99 -HAIR BOUTl9UE • 1'00 "/. human ha ir stretch wig .......... i t.OD 1 eo "I. human hair side ptrf wig ...... 39.00 O;jnel & modacrylic stretch wi9 , ;,permanently curled ·····-···············29.00 St.retch wi9 .. __ ................. : .. , ..... -...... 15.99 Carousel fa lls, Dynel® modtcrylic ... 10.99 " MISSES' SPORTSWEAR DRESSES $.il-$33 Famous maker polyester ' · -~-~.knits ........ ---·-·············-·: .......• '.'. •. .;,. .. 14.9; .4 ! $t7-$28 Summtr dressts, easy cart fabrics ................................ 11.99 ' MISSES' SPORTSV\'IAR ,, $11-$18 Swtater clearance ...... 3.HeS.99 FAMOUS MAKER PANTS $13-$16 values 7.9' strai9ht and flared legs , strip••· print• end 1olids. Wa1h1blo. Sires 1-16 .. $7r$15 Famous m1ke·r ,shirts '•nd blouses ................... , ..... 3.ft"4.9t ILOUSES, SHIRTS $7;$19 Famous n•me shirts, •ssorted stylts ........................ 1.99·6.99 $7-$14 Famous n1me 'blouses ... ., .................. -,.3.99-4.99•6.99 IUDGET SPOl-TSWU.R , COTION KNIT CO-ORDINATES Rog. b-$10 J,5'-S.ff As1orted tops. siies S.M.L, .. ptnh .. in 191id colors, si1as 8-14. Greet bu'ff· • ANAHEIM ·-----CJA ·I ( '" $12 Sweafers, •crylics, whita, colors, 38-42 ........................ 1.99 $7-'$8 Pan ts, novelties and solid colors 4.99 ACCESSQRIES ' $4·$6 Shells, long sleeves, mosk or turtle neck ............... 2.99-J.99 b Lace m1ntillas .................................. 2.99 FASHION SHOES DRESS SHOES Odg. $18-$20 8.99 lovely styles from many famous names including Naturaliier. As1orted colors. 'I' $18-$22 Dressy shoes, currcint styles 12.99 $22-$27 Fashion footwear •............... 16.99 CASUAL SHOES $12-$2 1 Famous name favorites 7.99·11 .99 BUD$>ET FASHION SHOES $8-$11 F1mous name flits, little he•ls, c11uals ............................................. J.99 $1 2~$1"4 .Connie, Front Row , dres1 1hoes ·····-············· ................. 7.99 $15~$17 Viv• Americana, & lif• Stride dress shoes ........................ 10.99 STRliT FLOOR LINGERIE '$4-$5 Lovable® p1nty ~irdles, ' pastel sh1des ....................... __ J,49·4.29 $2 Petticulottts, sizts 5-8 ................... 1.69 S7 Taffeknit 11ylon 1lips, short and averagt •............ ---·-······--........ 3.99 COSMETICS 10.95 Kamtech faci1I sauna ............ 7.99 $5 H1ir brushts, bo1r bristle ............ 2.99 .. ~ r -1.50 T ussy deodorants ........... 50c.-7Sc CANDY ALMOND ROCA Rog. 2.40 lb. 1.4f Famous conf1ction by Brown and Haley , so rarely found 1t such 1 low salt price. 2.50 Baue r's B1vari1n mints .. 1 lb. boxl.99 80c Butter toffet. pe1nuts 1 lb,_ b•g .:.' ...................... ,.nc, 2/1.19 HOSl!IY llt-.ftlJi PANTY HOSE Re9. 3.50 3.00 P'· 2/5.90 Tgilon® nylon sheer demi-toe seamless stocking• ettachec:f to bik in i panty. M•ny f1sh ion' sh1des. 1.65 Bel-Air Cantrece® nylon _demi t~e stockin91 ........ l .29; 3/~.7S-: 6/7.lS $) Sheer.demi-toe panfy 1tocking' ·····------··-········· ..... 2.40; 2/4.70 S.95 .$heer seemless suppert pantyho5e .......... . .... '. .. _ ................ 5.15 $"4 eantr1ce® nylon lice bikini panty stockings ................. 3.30; 2/4.50 1,35 Stock ings, saamle11 1hefltS ................... 1.09_; J/3.15; 6/6.00 4.1l5 Stockingt, sheer 1e•mle11 su pport ......................... -.. 3.69; 2/7.25 $2 Agilon(!!J nylon 9arterless thigh-hi stockin91 1.60; l/4.55; 619,00 COSTUME JEWELRY Speci11! H&nd c:•rvtd ivory pins ........ 2.49 Earrings ................................................ 1. 99 HAND IA GS Clearance of h•ndb•g•, m•ny 1tyle1 .................................... 6.99-12.99 GLOYlS WASHAIU GLOYES ).).50 v•lues Nylons, cottons . . . cut-outs, trims and •mbroidered .styles. •nd c~lors. ,._ 1.ff buckle White l .50-$5 .Cotton or nylon 9love1 __ ..... 2.59 l'ERSONAL _LU.THU GOODS $S..6 Famous nam• purse accessori•s 2.99 .. LAST. 3 DAYS .. • "NI JEWELRY $559 Wome"h 's 2-cirat wedding set diamond : ......... 4ff.OO $450 Women's I c1rat diamond solit•irt .................................. 399.00 $225 Mtn's Vi caret diemond , solitaire ....................................... 119.00 ledies' 17-jewtl ditmond witch ... 119.00 I0.95-$b5 Women's, men's gold wedding bands .................... 1.20-41.75 FABRICS ' 'DACRON® DOUIU KNITS $8-$1 0 v1lues yd. 5.59 Machine wash1ble, no·iron Oecron® polyester knits, for e1sy care o11ll ye•r wear. Great buy. 4 Dacron po ly•ster crepe, m1chine washable .................................... 2.99 yd. I .50 Shter dottad swiss , polyester/cotton ,. ...................... He yd. I .b9 Worsted we1ve reyon 1cetate ............................. _, ______________________ l ,Jf yd. 1.29 Cotton prints for sportsweer 79c yd. $2 Suit f1bric1, rayons and cottons 99c yd. $2 Reyon /silk with textured linen look .. ___ --·--· ·--·-·-·-------....... 1.2' yd. $2 Novelty dr•ss7 prints, reyons, cottons ........................................ 99t yd. FOUNDATIONS FAMOUS NAME FOUNDATIONS Q,;g. $3-$13 tfc·8.99 Warner, Youthcraft, M•idenform •nd many other favcrites in brassiers, br1 sl ips, girdles, and panty girdles. SLEEPWEAR LINGERIE ............ ----------------·------·-----· ·-... 3. '9·7." DAYWEAR LINGERIE $b Nylon tricot slips, wh ite •nd pastels ..................................... 3.99 S-4 Nylon tricot petticoats ................ 2.99 Nylon tricot briefs ind bikinis ................ 69c. ea.; 6/$4, and 99c Nylo n s1tinette briefs .................... : ..... t9c. GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR 3.50-$6 Assorted shifts, pint,, tops and shcrts, l-6x, 7-14 .... 1.99•4.99 :::::: ~~G;;:~14 _______ ............. 4.99 $9-$11 Sw imwttZ1ny styles, 8·14 S.99 4.50 Crop tops ,•nd i•m•ic•s ............ J.49 $7 Fl•rtd le9 pl•id ·,_.ants, b· I '4 ....... 5.49 . . 3.50 T1nk tops, itriped, 1-1'4 •.......... J.4t GIRLS' DRESSES $9 Print dresses with •scot tie ........ 5.99 $6-$7 Girls' scooter sets, pint dresses, 4-6x, 4.49, 7-12 , 5.49 $7-$11 Girls' dress•s, wide •ssortment ........................... __ 3,99.5,99 GIRLS' LINGERIE $2 F1mous maker slips, 4-1 4 .............. 1.59 79c F•mous mak•r nylon panties ........ 69t TODDLERS', LITILE IOYS' WEAR . $3 Walk Shorts, •1st. colors , bori 3.7 ........................................ I.ff $) Summer sleepwear, 11st., boy" 3.7 ..... ''---------·------------'·" $5 Shift sets, •11t ., toddltr girl 2-'4 -~--~·,99 2:.50 Stretch rolo.s ind shorts, toddler gir sises 2-4 ··--···-·· ........... 1.•t $2 loxer 1hot-t1, toddler boys 1i1t1 .... 1.H 2.25·2.50 Boxer pents and polos, 1111. 1tyle1 1ncf color1, toddltr boy sizes 1.St • NEWPORT 444 N. E"'lld 535.,121 47 Feshion lsl1nd 644-12 12 Mon. thru Fri. 10 f.m. to f :lO p.m. Mon. thru Set. I 0 e.m. to. 9:30 p.m. Sit. 10 t .m. to 6 p.m. r ' WtdfttJ<UJ, Ao<ll 2J, 1969 DAILY PILOT p -ANNIVERSARY SALE MIN'S CLOTHIN• TWO-PANT SUIT$ Reg. $I 00.$125 14.ft.ff.OD Smart looking 1tyle1 in tropic•I weight or fine silk/wool wor,+ed sherkskin. $85-$95 Famous m1ker ye1r round suits .................................... 74.99 MEN'S SPORT CLOTHING $55-$b5 Sportcoats, tropic.el and ye•r round weights .......... 44.99-49.99 $15-$26 Sleeks, tropicals and others ................... 12.99, 2/$25, 19.99 YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING $1 10 Week·ender l-panf suits, tr1ditional styling ........................ 11.00 MIN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S PAJAMAS Ro9. Sll -$13 6.ff 100 "/. nylon tric ot with coat or micldy style tops, Solids with trim. Sizes A-B-C-D. $1 .$2 Designer stretch hose .............. 79c. MIN'S SPORTSWEAR $6 Ptrma-prass w•lk 1horts ............. __ J.•9 UNIVERSITY SHOP $7-$10 Young men's sl ac~s ........ 3.99°4.99 b.50-.$8 Ivy 1hirt1, no-iron ......... ..3.99 $5-$10 Young men's knit shirts 2.99°5.99 $5-$7 Walk short1 , no iron ................ J.99 IOYS' CLOTHING $5-$7 Dre ss up ;tans i nd casu•I sl acks _ ---······ ................ 2.99·3.99 MEN'S SHOES AND HATS Our own British Bootm1ker shoes, speci•I ........................................ l 6.99 Famous maker h•t1, lightweight casuals ............................................ 2.99 TEL!YISION =g:Tf:Ll~NJI~R TV Save 20.00 369.95 18 '' di•. measurement, 180 sq. in. pic- ture, 90 d1y c1rry-in servi ce, 2 yr. tube warr1nty. MAJOR APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE 14.6 FROSTPROOF REFRIGERATOR Sa ve 30.00 249.11 Has 125 lb, freezer with h1ndy door shelf, twir crispers in refrig. section. Coppertone, •voc.tdo or white. DRAPllllS SAYE zoe;. .. ROYAL VICTORIA" DRAPUIES ' 8est·selting r•yon •ntfqti• 1etin In 430 sii• and color combln.ttions; 7.50 '48x'45", prl. 5.99, Floor to ceiling , will to well site: I 92x95, Sl.99. Aho, c•f•s, v1lances ind bedspreeds. CHINA GLASSWARE 75.00 53 pc. set for t , Mitterteic h B•vfrltn Chin1 .......................... 39.99 t .50 Kimberly stemw•(t, goblets, 1h1rbtfl, "or wines, av1i11ble in •mber, ollve1 •r '-Ive ........................ 9tc ' PICTUUS. MIRIOlS • I 0.00..JO.OO Wrou9ht iron scon•1, -6 .. ulllulfYd••ltn•a ,.,--- executed by Mexic1n 1rtitant1 single to ten c•ncllt stylt1 __ 1.n.1t.ff 70.00 C1llfornie colltcfion of table limps ···-·-······--····r"°····--44.n FURNITUU Turret curio, wrought iron 66'' high, 20'' round, or European style bikers rick, 7'4". high, 9rett acc el'lf pieces .. ••· St.fl FLOOR COYER!NG SA YE 20"/o ON NIW IROADLOOM OF ZEKROME@ ACRYLIC PILE Reg. 9.99 sq. yd. installed 7.tf lntereitin9 texture in hi-low loop. rln• dom sheared, • v•riety of colors in solids or two tones. LINENS "CRYSTAL PALACE" IY CANNON ROYAL FAMILY OF TOWELS Reg. 2.50 beth Reg . 1.50 ha nd Reg . .70 washcloth Choose m1ny fa shion colcrs. IEDDING CANNON FIATHERLITE NO·IRON SHUTS 1.79 1.lf _59 2.9f.J.H A blend of cottin muslin ind polyester to bounce back, Never need ironing. IERKELEY HOUSE DACRON PILLOWS 4.tf.7.'9 For 11 r1utful night's sleep. T1ke home sever•! at t hese prices. NOTIONS Rayon satin pillow cases, the ''hairdo savers'' ........................ 1.91 STATIONERY Reg. 97.00 Tallymester electric 1Jcler, 69.49, less I 0.00 for 1ccept1ble tr1de.in, you pey ............................................ 59.49 BOOKS 1.95-15.95 Adult ficticn, JIOn ·fiction .............................. 1.00•7.99 ART NIEDLEWOIK 1.1 0 8ern1t "Moheirl.1ine" yarn ........ 49c CAMERAS, LUGGAGE 12.95··'44.95 Ameli1 Eerh1rt lu919e, save 20 "/ ................. 9.95-35.91 59.99 Cantvra binocul•rs 7x50 wide engl• ...................................• 29.99 HOUSEWARES 10.98 v•lue Fondue w/4 color coded forks .................................... 7.H REGAL ELECTRIC FRY PAN 24.99 velue 19.H Electric fry pin in 1voc1do h11 no-stick Teflon~ II lining. King siz• holds 4 qts. SILYERWARE 69.95 1111 Rogers 1ilverpl1ted "F.'nchtnfment'1 50 pc. service fo, 8 .............................................. 34.'7 SLEEP SHOP SERTA'S FAMOUS POSTURE CAPRI SLllP SET Reg. 119.95, twin or f1,1ll stf 11.00 l 12 coils to th• full size, quilted to foam for extr1 comfort. l imited time 1t these prices. RECORDS • 3.99-5.59 Record albums: Hair, Oliver, G•lveston, Help Yourself, 1111 ......................... ..2.97-4 • .27. TOYS 9.99 M1tte/'s Pic1Joo Thin9m~ker .... 6.9t SPORTING GOODS 4 Pl•yer t•ble tennis table w/4 pl•yer set, and vi nyl cl111t cover ... .Jt.H HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Avt. 192-lll I Mon . thru S•t. 10 •·m· to t :lO p.m. , ! I • • • l I ... I I • DAil Y PllOT Reagan P1~edicts 'Invasion of Poor' :• diACRAMENTO (AP) ~ adjj,.\-1,000 mi&faol poor ('.ov. Rooald Re agal'I sa)'S a · to Cilitornia w~(are f1!i11S ~preme Court decision has ea_c~ month, upp111a bJ $3$ ., . . m1lhoo a year tht stale, thrown California open to • federal a,nd county ouUays for mass Invasion of the poor relief. • • 1 • ... - ' ' ,.. f -· .,/ . • . . -, ' • • ' . ' ... , •• " r ' • r:·' • J. I from other states. lleagan said. the Supreme 1 He foresees a situation ln Court decision bad created which roaming indigents will "notJiing less than a boous for use Calilomia a& a vast winter migrating to California - resort, returning to their merely to get on our welfare points of origin to sptnd their rolls." AONAYS FIRST QUALITY 5\Jmmers. He said tht ruling a~ Reagan said at a nev.•s con-parently would •·make it possi- ference Tuesday that tit the ble for them to winter in tile \'try least the Supreme Court mild states and summer in decision , V{)iding resideoce re-their original .. slates" and ad- quirements for welfare ap-ded : plicanls has eonfronlNt the na-"I can Set' in winter v.·here tion's most popoloos state with someooe ~·as Ii t e r a 11 y a fiscal crisis. , subsidiztd in transferring Until now. California }}as en· himself and his situation le forced a one· year wailing Califofnia. •· period before placing needy Frank Bonelli. Los Angele~ persons from outside its County supervisor. complained borders on paid relief. that California would become Reagan aides estimated the "a welfare bonanza and fa ir Supreme Court's eleminiation game for recipients V.'ho will oC such requirements v.·ould holler 'Come one, come all !' " :Hemophiliac Getting Rare Blood Exchange LOS ANGELES /UPI) - Ten-year-Old Ernest Foster, a hemophiliac. underwent a rare lransfusion lalP Tuesday in "·hich his blood is being drain· cd pint by pint. treated, and then replaced in a desperate effort lo save his life. Ernest, from Oxnard, Calif., had taken a turn for the worse earlier in the day after un· dcrgoing surgery to remove a 1·uptured spleen r-1 o n d a y . l"nable to. coagulate. or clot, like most blood, Ernest's blood developed a resistance to special drugs doc tors gave him to stop his bleeding. Dr. Carol Kasper at 1.os Angeles Orthopaedic 11ospital explained that a rare process by ·which Ernest's blood is separated into l\\'O parts - red blood cells and abnormal plasma -is being used to save his life. She said tha1 sht' is taking his blood one pint at a time to a neirby Rt'd Cross Blood Lower Hottse Co11trol Rw1off Set Center where a centrifuge is used to remo ve the antibodies in his l\lood. His own purified blood is then injected back i n t o Ernest's body, thus doctors hope he can recover from ~1onday's s ur ge r y. The hospital said that it would not be known immt>diately whether lhe process has been successrul. Ernest r uptured his spleen in a playground accident thre~ v.·eeks ago and hemor rhaglng began Monday. Hemophiliacs ' can suffer dangerous bleeding from even minor cuts and scratches, and often mast avoid surgery if possible. Ne ·w Coroner Gets Hike . I ii..: Snlary LOS ANGELES I UPI) - , County SuJ:!ervisors Tuesday .&ranted ;i ~cting co r one r -n~ic~~ner Rus s e 11 Hinry ,i.-1.. • a month pay raise tr. repo'rtedll after he tbrea~~· 'to qult' Unless he gtt1 Jt, . Supervisor , Kenneth Hahn MODESTO c UP 1 ) . ""-:-objtf.'.ted to the increase: ''Tl's Republican Clare L. Berrjhill a frigtltful mess," he said, today looked for his ··grass-"when we get oorsclves into a roots people" to carry him to situation '\\'here we ha\jf victory May 20 over Democrat departmenl heads telling Us Ernest LaCoste in a run-0£( what to do." election for an Assembly Seat The r~ise_ ~leVated Henry's that could determine control monthly salary from $2.327 a of the l~r house. mOnt h to $2.592. ' LaCosf&.an~_~f11,Tues· · lh:nrJ. was naTned acting day earne4 the ritfil lO'' face C0f9net list March 18 after each other iA tbe runoff by "J'ho.mas~'Nogobbj was fi red for emerging· as top vott.·getters altege<P·err~·.l)bblavior. i~ their party in a s~ial '1e.t:· ,. '. ~ ~ ',i. ;;;· I t1on. • · ·, ·~ ' The vacancy for th c J• '" ': 1'·~1 · J '' Assembly seat ·was created OSe.· · fur )) S .... ·hen RepuOlican John G. Veneman resigned to become Sistet• Dies undersecretary of He a I t h , Education and \Velfare. BEVERLY JIILLS <UPJ )- For Berryhill, 43· 8 ·Ceres ·Ampato lturbi, a we11 knoWn grape grower, it was a C.'Ome· from-behind win ir. a race t'tlncert pi:i.n1st and the sister after many 0 b s erver s of pianist J~e ll urbi, died predicted be would fin:.iS:h third ritonday of an inoperable brain among GOP candidates. tumor. He proved therr, \\'rong. Miss 1turbi. io. had remain- however, by rolling up 10,696 ed in a coma for more than votes -22 percent _ reaping a month. She was a native of 1nost of his support from the Valencia, Spain. and lived rura l area s of •t h i s here forthepast26~,Yetlirs. pr ~ominantly ;igricultural ?.,;;, =O;:;;;=,.~;;;,;;;,'-.;:;,",..O!.=',,S:;,.==.I region. ' ~ '-L' " LaCost 44 Mode.it ' ..... ·1 ~ l. '-·'I ' . ~.., I e, , a ~· al -~-.~!~~. •.IJitll•• t1ll1 you " " orney, captured 4t ...;'°"~nt .of m•••. •••~•Y. •ba•t .... i..1•1 lhe vote. 19.MO bal~·~ut fell t•f.tt 'o"ll i" th, 9,,,,,, far short of the ·Raj9fi'tJ he Or•;.,~ Co•1t thi n th• OAIL"t · .. .\,. '. hoped to get to avoid a nriio(f ;llOT. \ ·• election. ==========='f Bl~y Car, We~pon Foµnd But No Vlcti111 CALEXICO. Calif. (UPI) - An intensive search has failt'd to yictif a trace of an '1a.year- old girl believed slain near the international bordt'.r during the weekend. Maria llernandei sextos Johnson of Loi, Ange~ wa1 last seen Friday iD ~ Mel'- ican border town of San Lui!i where .sht had bttn vht\in,& her mother, , Sht Is .. Mexic•n cltiztft' but is m.a.rriied tt·Thoma1 "lohnson olLos ~ 1bt ·..tit was laullChed Toelday after a former friend nl the "1'1 wn 1rrestcd htrt in his blood · I P a {1 e r e 1 :iutomobile. He Is catlos Enri· qnr VolqUt'f, 32.. Los Angele!; Police said Volq~ earlier "'ent to the mother's ho111e and choked tilt girl and threatened to kill her. He left when 1ht mothtr returned from a visit with a neighbor. ~ allid Volquez bad !he j!lrl ·s purse and border cross- ing card in his possession.. His cM>lhCr were stained, W1 , , b~ ag,d fine sand 1~·as"-'¥).JU.s f~ anii shoes. indict:Utlf he ( ba4 ~ near lbt ,ColdftMlo "' •.• Rim-. . A .21-calibir Pistol • .fi'oin which thrtc *'Is. had bte\1 fired was found hfd'den In an air vent of tbe: car. Volquei wu held on suspicion or car· ryin' a concealed wl':apon. llelicopten from the. ~1arine Corps Air st1tJon at Yuma, Ariz .. joined ca 11 rot n i a . .A:riiOna and M e x i c a n aulhoriHc5 in'fhc.acarch Tuts· day. ... . \ ~ . . . , SPECIAL , ' ~. .... ... , ,~ ".Jetter fabrics \~n white to g · \with yJ>ur • I ' \,summer tan!" ' . \ ' I I ' I Make dresses, sep- arates from this lobu. • ' ' Jaus group of various /,/' textured fabrics ... all // ' . ' in white ! 77Cvo. 44/45'WIDE ·. ' ' ' ' Fabulous. assortment,of . ~ . . . 27~'"x48" scatter '.rugs 2.44 ., '· Viscose rayon pi l~ rug; :kr•q.ccent .ancj .add 'color to your room in olive, gold, o~ange·0t·br0Wn. -. , .... . " • Penn Prest® . . toddler's gown buy! 99c , Dai:ron• polyester I cotton .' •• needs no ironing, has soil release! Assorted pos· tel• in •izes 1"3. ·This is a 'faiii.iO~ bUy, so ilOck'up! , ·fi·;t;·.r ·.i.'c.,; ,1·." "° ·, . t°4 I, ' .;, t ... ,. . t~ ••. ),. . -_,. ... I' ., ,,•, · ..... ~ -"'' ~ ...... •. . . ~r . • I.. -• ' .,,. . . . 1.:1 ..... !t Flora I totes are great-a·lt purpose bags! 3.77 -. tir Brigh t, a~,;prdtikol · -that's &r15"floraf totel ' Out>idezi~pocket,vinyl lined, in assorted color combinationi. ' I , .BUYS. . ' Great value! BJJlky sweater bonanza nowl 4.99 We're closi ng out a fabulous group of acrylic sweaters in several styles a go with all your dresses and sportswear! They're bea ' lly bulky, and come in white and a u orted pretty pastel•,Sizes 36-44. ./ l!KI IT ... CHARGI ITI ---------------------------- -------- tt. DAllY mor JZ Couat11 E~pecte'd It W eliare Ruling No Shock ·Jury lo Stay Po1L Countr. OKs C~ge.., B;ut Not M011e . By TOM BARLEY us loot $1 mWlon ln our 1169-were given nearly $900,000 and Of,... Dlltl>!"" sH. 70 budget of $$% rnilllon," he we found that the addition of SANTA ANA -'Ees!"' ol said, "And I might add th&l 600 weUatt...., actually took welfare PflYm~ ,ttlltte.doms , ... A 'bllil ol -·Ai;. ,.,,i;..... up about $?00,000 of that by Uie u~ stllfes_$Jprerile "~ J>OS8l Y "'.""' • •--. mooey, Court ww~ ~ · -ooit , was very much with us w~ "But we found that most of Orange County:t-_« t p • f e r s we ~t ~t budget together· those 600 cases -about 500 more mbnef ;~l lhe revollf.. hi, estimated IO percent of were old age appllcations and tionary .ruling,•Un1t the criJ>-( Ille tQ!f.1 welf~ cosLs m met 191 were , disa~ cases - piing blow tballltt being maile \'!~ ~~t ,11!~' "4il:• been) wlta.,~·fOr some out to be, County,' Welfare .... ~ '-<1.Vf "<' / u,e" P.eOPtesl ult£ "That DirectDr Granville .IJ'eojiies Thee~~ tHngs to "9· san Fr ... ;ipl,!il(.tertain!y said today, • Peopl& sa1'.'-!" conlai#'(ln dtili.' ._.all)';ll!Qtgat.. to Peoples doesn't j()ln In pro. the "'!188 a-~o by Ofn th;;' 06uiity and f'llGWt really phecies that t!lis county \Viii Fr~LSCO ~ecfe;al ~ in believe that the Supreme be among California counties which Calif0!"1'8 residency Court decision will have that who ~an Joo~ (or a wave ?f rules r~~ by t ~ e .mucb tffect." weltare'--payineut seekers in welfart -departmeti.ts of 38 , . , th~ aftermath of the high counties were struck down. Monday s ruling ~y the high court's elimination Monday of "That ruling sent WI back to court may well dissolve the residence requirement f o r the· board of Supervisors for hesitatiom d out of state poor people. more welfare funds in the weltare rec•pient.s w l t h "My guess is that it will cost 1968-69 budget," he said. "We relatives in California to move OC Freeway To Honoi.· ,· TNJlma E. WHd. 10311 S.mot Dr!vt, H,,..tlnoton lie.tell. Dale DI' Wftl, .t.11'111 21 .Survived b'f l<>0r tons. Jemet L. Wiid, Jr., Tl1om11 c ., Ch..,..,fdt A . .;'Ind J'S«>ourn Wiid; d11111tolo!r, Thll~ E. Dulle; 11no eight 11r11"°'hll- d""'. Mrs. Wiid w1s ll'le er1ndmoTher of ~ l1tt! Byran Duh•. Servlc!!'I, Th~r¢1v, lG ~. SI. Wlllre<!'s E1>t1co- c&I Churd\, Hun!lr19'°" BMCh. Gr•ve-5,d$ servlcn, Thurldav. I PM, E1er- nal HUis """""'°'ill P1rk, OCHn1ldt. Dlrecttd bv Peele F1ml!"I' C'*'"llll F~ n..-11 Hg.me. KILLION Wlll.ard L. l(UI.,, la Vlfl• C~on. Nft'PQ<'I 9foed1. 0.!i! af ~Jiii, ,lPrll ;>II. Surv;ved by ... 11e, Vlrolni.1 .on, A.f1ttur o. Kiilion; 1l•te .... cec:He Neit- k•mt>.--L•ke S•n M.trcos; H1rrlM 10.-1, S..n Mer!n111 Nadine Foresfi!r, Arnet. Okl1tioma1 brulller, Emery Kl!Uon. Marvsvlllu end trf!'ldlOft, Wltlllrd A, Kiiiion. Newt>0rt Se.ell. Sen'iC~ ..,,,, !>ell! ~tttd1y, , Tllft.- d1Y l PM, Paclllc V-QMllll. ln-1~1, P•<:l!lc Vi-Memort..\f ~.r11:. F-11¥ l'l'CIUHh ttiOW' wldl~ f9 -lul """"oriat conlrlDullons, !>IN5'I cor>- tr!bute IO !tie C•nctt Soclffl. DlrKted by P.Clflc Vie-I< MortlillY: ARBUCKLE & WEl.811 1 WestcliH Mortauy f~ E. 17th St.. Costa Mtsa • 64Mlll ' l!AL'l'Z MOR'l'IJ.\RIES Corou del Mot Oii N4't Cop Meaa ,~'ll{ 14124 ' 'BELL BROADWAY , !llORTUAllY r GRAFFITI >-· -' Illf Broadway, Cotta ltfeu'• uwm '=" blLDAY BROTHERS o .. U.lfOJI VIJ!ey Mortul'Y ~{ • ' 1'1911 Beach Blril. ' Buthllf01I lleacb IJU.Tl'll I • I PACIFIC VIEW '"IEMORIAL P~ ~etery • Mi111•111~i. ~ 1 ClaaP4f.~ ~ befpadft<Vl'IJDrtve ' mwpor1 11tael. 0..1111 I -144-mt PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL 1 ROME ' 71M11 6olla live. ••ttm1n11er an ms SHEFFER MORTUARY La~ Beacb •M-IAi SU Cltmentt •tut• SMITH'S ft!ORTUARY mMalDSL Huattngt.oa Beacb LE M5lt ' • """~ .. ll: and white hind •crooned prints-co- •· --orcnn.t.d with bfack or white iolids,, • air A:rnel9 triacetlte ere~ mtkt you feel bttutifully' •t'homel Fl•,. feg p.tntl in bltct or white solids, $9. "tong sleovod ptlnt,funlc lop, l<Cen!od wilh bleck, $12. Pr\nt 111,. log penis, $12. Sm.rtly 11shod slHVelou lunlc '°!'In bllldc or whi!o, $12. All In sins 8-16. HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT ISEACH hei<, ~ llld; but be doean~ pndlcl 1111 •grut In- now beyood th&t "J just can't accept the theory that lfffl numbers ol, people will noct here just f« tbe ltlgher weliatt bentllta," be, said, ''!'t1':""'1.. ties ~ aWctatl!liill,,_play '-"' • ' • ' . ,, .. ~ter'Nif-111the~eiilent;;.;' · ,..,,; i~-,.1 • ol Ii<oPlil' .. -IJlY;.ltr~;' ttiki' ,\ -~1' • ,~, • .a·., •• """ .... , .leu4\!i ,.....,.,. • '"' f, , • _;,r-',;;rt":l ·• , , , ft.IT " ~\~:· ~ i~~t ~.~· ... ;. .. ~ -~ ~i f highu county •ellatt bills Lab Open may be softened by lnCreaaed federal~and:Or state aid, ·peo. pie sadded. "We've h a d nothing definite alnog thoae lines yet," he aaid, "but I'm aun th&l extra, financial help will be: COl}line our way. \ ' :eritle•,•1 ALWAYS FIRST-QUALIT~· : r!anitized~ fabric boat shoes .... • ' . ' ga:eat eve~,if 'yow. don't own a boat! · , Reduced t~ru -Saturday! : ~· "'.'l'W"' '. Glrl't fad.-1illliMHat1ho9in ait<OCM.dcotton ""1'Y dud<. :.hos ........................ woh- ;-4 ..... !Or olt<foy --Moldo6 nAlbor DUboM °" o nib toe lenr. A nlDMlow 'llllb. s;.. 81/1-3 "119· 3.99 NOW 2~·7 ' Cana1hoe play .lootaie & &lay fre1h? Jly ROBERTA NASH h'V'c:r)'One knows wh11 h.apptnt to1hoa u )OU 1~·c:ar them, and penpirl: into tbc:m. 111• bea,boa:· gini our •hte people for ycan ... \Vcwantc:d to keep 011rshocs fteth even tfttr 've'IO!d thtm,'''onc shot m•n told me:. "1'oday we've got it. ·rhc i11sidtt of all eur Pcnneyahoa 1r,: imprc1· nated with 1oine'.S11i· tized stuff 1h1t11 J!'lurdc:r en b1cteri1 aad fu111i1 fitht!· mold 111l mildew, protects •&aintt athlete's ioot fu11ri white: r•• \fJlk-. •·J.fow tnlflf pain c:a11 I xll y091 Jloberu?'' our Ju,..-~aHlti-.d. WonMn'1· •nP ... IPllClbn.;. coHon dtnim ;,. Wu. rw fod.d blue ••• cotton G.d ln -"itt, Wodt ·« red. Women's $;tM. w-··pof~/cotton,.,... ••"'•• ht ...+wt., ~kd or rwwf ••• . ..ii """""",., ...,,..._ w-·· .... 2.9' NOW 2 for '5 ,;..,~ ... i.ff NOW 2 t.r $7 • " aey~ .... , th ... on 9Ym rubbtt IO!el, of cotfoll army Mk thot's oir cooled ••• tolft(f ixllara .-da wiril. cuthioMd lnlM for growing feet, Air'IOf """-' .. ift l'MIYY· Wen°''~'•· SiU..81/1-2. .. ' -leg. 3.9' NOW GJtl'•••.__,..,,,..._ dcxt,in w.11,_.,.....,Cll' ,.. ......... fadtd hlue c.otlon cleflill'I. Arch -· ' .... 2.ff-2 ... ss " " I I \ • • 1 I ' I I I I l - t~ DAILY PILOT Uoont y . Wriie~s to Vie fQr Book Award~. IRVINE-Wlnners of four · Doubleday IM 'Co: of N~ ·chrd~~. of 'Kroch'1 Md TripoU." . La Habre: ~·s.ctt Spice major uttrary awards for York will demol\9trate the Brente.no's bookstores f n For non-fiction. nominees in· Anal yals: An lnh '(luctlon." Or1bf1 COunty writr:r1 will be complicated step by step pro-Chicago, will make the prnen-eluded : ri.tary and Conrad Also for n o n I i c t 11 I, annowaced ·~ the fourth an. ceu for manufacturing a tatlons. Buff, Laguna Hiils, "Colorado: nominees includett Walter /... nual •&hors award banquet book, from first rnanuscrlpl lo Mrs. Duane De Kalb io in River of Mystery": Terry Albrecht, Jr-., Garden Grove, May 11 ln UM! Saddleback Ian. finiabed product. Portions of general charge of ar· Shannoo and Charles Payu.nt, ''Essentials ol Trlpnometry"; santa AA&. the original manuscript by rantf:mt.nll. Chairman of the Corona del Mar, "The Sta Arthur S. Bouchey, Newport '1be. procram b sponsored former l>ruident Eisenhower awards committee b P.1iss Searchers": Ind Don a Id Beach, "Ecolop of popula· by tbt Friends or the Ubrary for his book. "Eisenhower. the Lota BI y the . Reservalioru Heiney, Newport B tac h . tions": and MU)' Ritchie: Key, at UC l.rYine. \Vhite House Years," will be may be made by callif!g the "Thttt Italian Novelisb." Newport Beach, "Comparaliv1 Plaqu•· wtll 10 ':O wlnnen included. Friends of the Library, 833-Also in the non-fiction class. Tacanan Phonology." from arnoaa: 2t entritl in the After lts first showing , the 5300. The dinner and proaram Esther Sietman Warner, Costa Nominees ln the catepry of c.1tegorlell of fLc:tlon, non-fie-exhibit will be loaned by the are open to the public. ~1esa, "The Crossing Fee": verse were Maude Rubin. San- uon, history, and verse. Friends to various college, Nominees ln the fiction Arthur Coons, Newport Beach, la Ana. "Fangs of Atidnipt"; Lee Cooley, Lagun1 Beach university, and pub I i c category Wert William Wister "Crisis in Californl1 Higher Charles Wrigbl, Irvine, "The author and president of the libraries. Haines, South Laguna,. "The Education"; and Verle Lincoln Drtam An Im a I '': Som UCI Friends, ·hu annwnced The proc:ram will Include Image'': Hazard Ad a ms , Annls, Laguna Beach, "The Shanna, Fullerton. "Me and that former U.S. senator the pmentation of winners in Newport Beach, "The HOl'leS Archttecturt of Anti qua , Cfilumbia," and Harvey Gross. Thomas Kuchel will serve as I.be annual Adolph A. Kroch of Instruction": ?i.1ary Astor. Guatemala, 1643-Jm." Costa Mesa, "Plans for an honorary cbaimian ol the pro-undergraduate student book Laguna Hills, "A Place Called Other non-fiction entries: Orderly Apocalypge." gram. The principal speaker collectlot1 contest. Saturday": Adrienne Jones, Earl L. Steele, Newport In the history classificaUon, will bf! Mrs. Olga Connoly, Cuh prizes amounting to Sooth Laguna, '•Sa i I, Beach, "Optical . Luers in nominees we~ Leo J. F~ foryner. Olympic woman dlscu., $i5o will be awarded to lhtee Calypso": Dorothy Rhodes Electronics": William S. Anaheim, "When Anaheim cha~p1on and Czech ex-UCI students for building up Freeman, Placentia, "A Home Burdic, Yorba Linda, "Radar was 21," and Spencer C. Olin patr1ate. outstanding private libraries, for Memo"; William Graydon, Signal Analysis," Lamar K. Jr .. Costa Mesa, "California'• In addition to a di.splay of Dr. Krock, the donor , Laguna Beach, ·'Full Sail For Timothy and Blair E. Bona, Prodigal Sons." the boob nominated for·i-----------.....:-----------'----------'------- a\\'ards, a special exhibit by r OAILT P ILOT Sl1ff Ptllle UCI FRIENDS -Discussing books in anticipation of upcoming UC Irvine Friends of the Library a\vards are (from left) author Adrienne Jones of South Laguna, library patron A. J. l\1cFadden of Santa Ana and Mrs. Duane DeKalb of Newport Beach, awards chairman. Five Make Dean's List ORA NGE ~lve coast area students 1t Chapman Colleae a't t'a la eJcl Dean's List Status for th'e fall seme$ter. All achleved a grade point average of 3.$ ("8 plus") or higher durin1 the semester. · ni.ey-·art: Grads Invade Disneyland NEWPORT BE!ACH -Clive Siegle. 2002 Baja, senior history major: lttrs. Shirley \Vhlte, 2620 Avon St., junior sociology major. ANAHEIM -Thousands of youngsters are about t o graduate from high sc hJOI and srn ior class leaders from \ I ' ' literally Angels Camp to Zephyr Cove 1ncct a t Disneyland Saturdey to plan seven all-night grad parties in I See by Today's Want Ads e Alttnlion St udc n Is: if }'OIJ'l"C IOOkilV far room I.: boahl plus TV .t-tel~ phonr .... check today's , paper , •• !here i$ one •ava ilahlC'. i 1 e there's an '"elcr!rHing .. buy on a Buick E:lectra loday . . . better chl!ck lhis one oul lf yuur .,In Lhc rnarkrl ." • Ship ahoy! Thrrc·s a boa1 slip availablr Jn thr area ... dl"Ofl your anchor and hurry on this •.. not 100 n1a11y a\·ailnblr! e I( you'rr a 1nan ll'ilh Ct\- pctlence In hen:hvnrc st1lrs. thcrr 's a ,lob 11n111n&: !or yoo. e !'oiuslc Lovers ... th<'rc"s 11. fine buy on 11 lop brand Spinet piano, toduy . . , ·b~uer-."tune-in'' on 1hi1 onc'.r"· June. The annu:i' parties \\'bich originated in 1~61 arc expect~d to dra\Y 100,000 youngsters to Anaheim June 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20. A total of 9,000 gr:idualing seniors V.'ill fl y south from a!t far away as Ukiah for the date nights. witb the generaL public not admitlt<I on various nights the 389 high i!Chools will OC'lf: cupy the p3rk. Groups of itudent~wlll be I rave ling from Ukll1i to , the north and a group from Zephyr Cove, NeY., is coming from outside the state for tbe W~TMTNSTER -Patricia Ann. Dougherty, 5281 , Loyola Ave., fre s hm.a '\ home economics major; Be 11 t Peairs, 14590 Snbw St .• junior i:n_g:lish ma.Jor; Mrs. Jesslta ·PtIJ, \1601 Monjl .~1,, stnior ho~ """°'*'!.'\I'll>'· 'Coupty to Host Dieticians grad night l«!SSions. averaging Mle Orange County Oistrit t in size fr om 12,000 to 16,000 will host lbe c 1 Ii f 0 r n 1 a visitors. Dietetic Association at its 42nd Entertainers booked so far for the ss.-r·person events annual spring convention to be r-~ held from April 30 through inc!ude The Righteou s May 2 at the Newporter Inn. Brothe rs. Tommy Roe, the Over 600 dieticians from all Willie Mitchell Soul Review. over Southern California ire Sha ngo, 1i1crrilce Rush and f:t.~, eel lo attend. the Turnabouts and otllel'1. --'-'~=~-----Among local area hlf!h schools to participate will bf ~l arina. llunlingt.on Beach. Newport Harbor,, ~ancil'I, }'ountain Valley, Westininster, Corona del Mar ahd Copre. Now in Our Family : Family Weekly with an electric self-cleaning oven and get $25 .in the mail to boot!"' •Buy an electric range with a self. deaning oven before June 30 from your local p:trricipa.ting dealer andotlie Electric League of Southern California will mail you $25 if you choose •nr of cheac p<?pUlar bracds: Frigid am. General Elcttric. Hog>oint. Kenmore. Thenn~dor. Weotinghouoc. You're tired of scrubbina, acouring , and ICTilpi"i chat oven of yours anyhow, aren't you? Why put up with all that drudgery when an electric sclf.<:le·aniJli oven will clean itself for less chan a dime! When your new ranac is electric, you c.an cut way down on cleaning your ki tchen, too. Wich · a flamclcsa nnge there are no by-products of combu5tion to dlrty walls, windows and curtains. Beaid.,. • cleaner kitchen, an electric range means a cooler kitchen. Electric heat goes into the food-not up the tides of pots and papa. Electric ranges now ouudl gas rimau from coast to coast. You can sec why. Sec your local participating dealer. Give him your addrus when you buy a range. The Lc.,,,e will mail you a check. sa= Sovthern California Edison I ' SAYE 3.10! Comfortable 4·posltion button tufted chaise Reg. 24.98 NOW21.88 '· Ju1t the ticket for cat-napping, sunT"f' Luxuri· ous 3~2" thick cushions offer supetidr tupport, exclusive Pamela pattern cover. Plcntit wrop· aro11nd arm1, 81/2" rubber wh..ls. Luxuriously comfort1ble button ·tufted ch1iH lounge p1d 5.88 Don't throw away your old chaiit lounge, recover It with our lounge podL Assorted colon. -,. ,. , LIKE IT.,, CHARGE IT! SAYE 2.10! Lightweight chair with button tufted cushion Reg. 14.98 NOW 12.88 Pure comfort! l'hi"'P• firm button-tufted cmhlen in colorful flora1 Pamela print. White p1mtfc CM'ml, self-leveling post· '-SI constrvction with rvlibtr leg tlpL ' . S1ve 5, 10 on our light·weight Innerspring 1luminum ch1IM Reg . 29.98 NOW 24.88 Instant comfotl with .Cl1" thick innenpring cvshtoni"I. bcluU" Pamela pattern co'tlf. ' ' ' . ; . ' . ' ' ' . • ' ' • • • "' . \; " '. ' .. '" '" ·h ... '· 'I " . ' , .. •• • • ' • • • .: • • ' • • • ' • • r f • • • • • • • • .. • •• • • • • ! • • ' .------,.-,,--.,--=--..,.-,:-,-,--,-,.-,.=,..,.-.,-.,...,-------~~------------------------~---,,----=- Divorces OIVO•CI$ l'ILIO IC.ire~ l'l'Nlt Sft!Wlrl v, J•fl'e• ll:OM r •-rt Dol'OJl~W M. R-r• 11, Owl_,.! W, •-n L•nore K.i~IM~ H.,....tltl •• JUf~S Loula HOrv1t~ Ll'n<hl C.wn Erwin vs Clllrlfs A;tv· ....,..,i £rwln MJrl!l L!llllt Averv vs MlcMel Lorl1>1 '"'' D--~•kl c. Wllll•ms vs Gav! L. WIUl1n11 Cl'lerYI L. Minn vs Jlll!n D. Man1> k•Dllrl J. Wldm11>n YI Robert E" Wldm1nn AIRPORT COMMUTER . . SllirlPY Louise ll1k1" vs Vernon Perr1 ll1ker Mtrllvn It, Bradford v. C~rle• W. 11r1drord l1tltl ... A. C1lrn• vs Oougl&J C. C1lrn' T(lfli• L. Rtf'<I "' RO<Jer O. It•«! Mvrfle Ann C•rl>&l'lter VI Fr1nds ~ii· ver1 C1n>eMtr Gl~rllo Ce<lltln« L1in9 VJ Wlllltm Meur!Q& Lll"le • TO LA. INTL AIRPORT 25TIMES DAILY ONLY ~4:··ot;l -. tl"tW•Y . I V' ""·aiNs.n -V.rwt· .lVOlD-rr!ewa~driving.and 0trking problems. $ERVICE-E..,.ry 30 minutes duril'IQ popular tr1vel hoUrs from Orano-County Nrwrt to L.~ lnt'I AirPor:t·(in both directions) COMF_~r~1n !"C?de{n. deluxe •ir'-condilioned . motor coecbtt..·.,:' i . ~· · ·• '. ;,r, .. 1 ~ELIABLE-No 'Mealher problerns~O•livtrv , direct to YoUt air terminal-No transfer by tram between terminals al the airPOrt T1ke The Fltlt St.p Of Yow Journey lt"9 Ee1y, rolioblo W•J. 714·776·9210 •For your convenience-all schedules operAt•' with through..coaches. between Orange County AirPOrt and l:.A. Intl Airllort (in both directions! AIRPORT COACH SERVICE .,, . • ' • A specially-equipped Buick Skylark Custom Sport Coupe at special savingS. --- Leon M.1 1"\e Mu,.w1kl vs Stu•hen Mh tllM'I Mur1wskl Btl!Y 1.·er1un vs lhvmond F. llr1Ufl Lortllll Heikes "' Frink w. >ttlke5 Ger1ldlne Larsen vs Allen A. L1rM!n t1rbar1 J. Rowl•"" V• JI•~· M. lllcwllond P1t•ltl1 A. Culhane vs Rlch1rd II. C\llh1nt Mt!locll Ann Gf\lwell "' JOllft Adh~r GN'ftll An11a M. Cook v• R!ct.1ro N. Cool< l/lrvinla Etl1tbl'!h lvlllr vs llob~y Tyler J1¥tt El1ine L1n11>err1 'II Thom11 LYlll Lensber'1Y fdl!h D. Andersen vs Jorven M . "nder~ JU11nlt1 L. Fervu~n vs M1rk Leo • '• FU9UIOl1 lll'r,in , K,.,.u91 v1 l!ollle H. Kl\A11 .. Georola~n• Reilly vs Kevin Tltom•I l!elllv W•nd• Ann Lt 1I vs Latr"Y W•YM Ltal ., .C.•ol L. Bl""k n ll\1$1!~ E. 81¥1* Ce<ll Wt11fcv Wilb<ir. etc. v1 tlelhtn• M1rthl WllOur Gr~ICl\tnt Ann NtwlOM VI lltOl'lltd Lowell Newlon . Coll~n $p1r~1 YS E1rl t'. SNrks 8ud1 Hodllt!•• Jr., VI OOrllllY C. Hod!lt• OorolhY J••" G1rri"°" vs E1rl El>' pene Garr11on B1rblr1 C. S.s!t vs lltorwold D1w1lft , ... DonNI 8':1h Mci)oftll VI Sle.>h•" David MCDowe!I oonrwo L. Tllo~ 'II Edward N. -ThorM L111ci,, IC Wllll1m• vs C11'1•0 . Wllll-· su11n vam.th'"' M1n1rec1I VJ Aftlll•f Trrn1 Manfredi : " · Narievidad Eslritdl .,. Grriorv ti. Es1rad1 Ca~o~,11~1 M1rl1i;ie1 vs ll1mlro V,· N1oml Becerra VI TrLnldld C. Bt<trrl Su.an J. Roorrs \11 J im T. 11.0'Jlf'S PriKill• woo vs Jamel Woo INTEl.LOCUTDltY o•Ct.115 "~u~ier McAlllttfl" • " Dorothy Gra(e L. Mtlwso VI JOleph L. MrllJW '"'9~es t'•e Glle1 vs Siiiiman F1rl1 G~!ts Mlcht( ICIV DeLerenio VI ICtnll<!'lh L. 'R D~Of'c!f1Z: v1 J1MI C1ll1 ~·lll"ltl' LN Crocktll vs W11ter L°"'IM! . ·L~1fi~l1: ·~oU...iP•rter VS ~II L. Wolf'"'-''"' ICn •Fr.•~·IC ...... ~.v· Jerry LH Five popular 1969 Buick Skylark models arc now specially equipped with a lot of extra th ings. Things like door guards, remOU!?'trol ou1side mirrors, conven1encc groups, vinyl tops, whitewall tires deluxe whctl covers and belt reveal moldings. And rhey\"coffeltd io you oow at special savings. too. The rearon? Simple. We want 10 make your buying a _Buick _right now a delightful decision. Your Buick dealer " wailing. It's DfJigbtful Decision time at your Buick Dealen' now. ---------~-'------- · Birfhl· ·• .. • KMi Mt!Nrhll .._1111 .,,,,.. .... ,111 'Mr. 1!111 .Mri. Doutl11 Sc~ 11)11 Thurln St,, C~!!ft Mesi . l>llv M•. aNI Mrt. Jam•s Joseph Moffit!. 1GlU Pu1tee1 Circ!•, Founltln V1!!1v. lww Mr. •"" Mrt. Tom 0. And rtws. HJ.I Cor~lcl Pll<•• Coll• Mt-5~. ,1,1 t.j.r. •rocl Mrt. Attwrl Vokl. 3002 Murr1v Lin,, Coa11 Mew, l•n Mi-,~ .ypn. MA..erto· Serv1nh!1, M!J . Oi'lnte Aft., Cc1l1 MfJ.f. 9lrl lio\•1 ''INI Mr&. W11t1r-Pre11ev. 191to • • 4wll:k t~ne. Hu1111,,.10n 8-tdl. tlrl W. •1111 Mf1. Devld Jol'l...ot\. 16'11 C'ar1w11. Apt. c. CCII.\ Me11. 1lrl Mr. Ind Mo, Ccrnellu1 Dtrtnt , 11100 Dfochld Av1 ., Fount1l11 V1lltV. bo'I • AtftL I Mr. and Mri, D1vld sm111, IOC Sultlv1n ·'St .. $1nl1 ,4.n.o, 1lrl 'Mf. Ind Mrl. Ll'WrtfKt t.ovd, ?6'f l'htrld• S!. Hunt'~•ltln P,~...:h, 11•1 'Mr. 1nd Mf1. Henry /'l\OlYt , 301' K!llYbl'ooke St .• c.,.., .. M61, NY 'Mr. 11)<1 l!)n. JK\ Kl"", 3100 11-elt '-W1J, Costa Mes•, bor · , _ Aprll )' Mr. 1nc1 Mr!. G1rv H1r<1en, Hn So. WOOd St.,.S1!)1# ""'' boY Mi. Ind • Mrt,. G1N RtverOfl, 2Cll Newpet'I tltvd . .' con .. MeSIJ, •l•t W . 111d M•t. 0 1nlel Tl!cmpM1n. 1100 : Ptl•rJon WfV.]s:!·O. Co~1· Me~··""'' Mn 111d Mrs. Jilffph M'. Smllh. 2lolt W. Vfctorl1 ~t .. CO'>I• M111, Qirl , Mr, ft"'1 MIS. Rlch•l'<I R. S!••bl•. 100] •M!n1cn Or., No. C, Cost1 MtJI. Dlrl , • ~ . ....... ....,,... • Mr. 1..d M(t. C11Vln Mc:lnr .. , • HfNllW tit,. CO.II M .... lloY 1"'1. 111111 ~rt. Wlllltlll />.. .SJtln, 10Ul $•tl'tltrt Clrilt, H"'"U119ftft ... ell, ·~ A•ril I Mr. 11111 Mr" J-W, Hiii, 'M &I. $1/HIVl!n. l•D. a.tn._""'"'' 00. Mr. Incl Mrt. Kiii!~ lit. Nolllt, fOJJ He"°' A..,.. FOUl!llln V1ll1y, tlrl Mt, Incl Ml\, Je•rtll D. HM! .... IU, "'21 C1mlllt Or,. l+urlllfttl# .. .ch."°" Mr, 11111 Mr.. ANlll s.iv..i11, 11• MIT•r Pl,. Coe.I• Mtt1. tlrl M•. 1ild Mrt. Roll~d N. 1.tH, Ml\ot »rd Sl .. Nt.,..,,I ti""'· bcw Mr. Ind Mn. l!one1!f E, $m1111. 111 Htrttor11, 1+ur1tl119ton lead\. llov Mr. llld Mrt. a1vmolld 11. 8•own, 1:1122 SUnswtpt NO'. f, Garden GJ"GW. "'"' Mr~ ,,,. Mrt. J1nu•• s. l1-.ill. 11.a C.rM, $1., H_,I •..ot. t lrt A•NI I Mr. 11'111 Mr1. Jetrv lrwln. 203 Niu Dr .. Sanll A,.., bnV Mr. 1nd Mt'I. Oltrlts M(CormtcJt, t"4 • (-••A SI., '°'" Meu. bov Mr. and 'kl. R""''' Wlllln .. , 12711 S. W. Kelri $1., Stnl• Anl , boY Mr. 1nd1 Mrs KHOneth Fo~cron, 3'l C1n1I ~I" Slllll Alll, boY Mr, 11\d Mrs. MIC)lfitl $mllh. 10ll AllMI $1., C.l• Mnf· t lrl Mr. 1nd Mn. am Mvlert>ef1, l3ftl1 Elli\ PllU, Sa!'oll Afl.I, -,, Alrll 1 M r. tnd Mrs. Rr.n 01nl1I Dlms!tlll. Jr., 1102 111y11'1or1 Or., Htwlllltt ltlc.h. "'" Mr. ind Mt'I. Robert J,. "•lld'lllll. 111 THEY MAKE ICE ••• WE MAKE FRIENDS OUR FINEST PENNCREST IMPERIAL All FP.OST I ES~ RE FR ll>ERATOR FREEZERS . EACH WITH AUTOMATIC ICE MA KER . ONE OF THE EASIE Sl WAYS TO MAKE FR IENDS IS TO OFFER BIG SAVINGS . SO WE DID . .. .,,, '"-=. ·~ ,;-£'/> ~l _t': ~( ,> . /I! -;. --.; . . T ~ ~/~~.,,<. '~1({'.l/.f ~f,'.°'''~---,)~/ld\\'~( )i --';\ I • ~-· ,. ' ,--.... !,..___ ..... -..· --~ , . .-' . .... -..... . _.... ~. ~ ' / I ----~. r ., -~-'-. It. •. -. -'4 .• ·-"-!'!'-.,., .• /-....___, :1 SAVE 40.95! 18 ~u. ft. Penncrest®: · side~by-side :ic, maker refrigerator ... •• .. '~ y· .,._..., ... ... . • j • SAVE 40~95121 al. ft. Pennc;~st~ side-bY-side ice maker 'r•tril•r'!tor •Huge 21 "'·ft.~~-.ili.y comportment . • 1 ; • 2 crispers, meot-po'91 •-"""' ·' • 8ig\275 pound~ity rr.. ... • Completely · ·· esi ttlr6ughout • Available in ite, cc.pp«tOn. r O'l'OCodO -r I , _. Reg; -539.95 NOW •499 Poy as little CH 18.25pfll'11"°""' • IAYI ao.ts Pennc,..._t• 21 cu. ft. 1ld•by·1ide refrigerator Rog. :;~---------*449 .. I • ' • '• • Automatic ice-moker • Completely frostiest throughollf • .4 stffl sMlves, 2 sliding, 1 sltde/odjUSf· able ond 1 fi11.ed • Adi1ntobl• wheels for'eos.y cJeaning • Slidi~ egg storage (2.4 c.opcxity) • 2'fvll width'doiry bors with butter spr.Gd control r • R~j,;-22~ ~und /reezer copacily • Tl::lr'<u. ft f'9sh food storage • • Avocado, white or coppertone Reg._ 469.95 NOW •429 •C P"'f 01 ~m. • $17 ,_ ..... I IAfl ao.ts Penncl"ftt911 cu. ft• 'aid•by-aide refrigerator ' Reg·.~~ ~~·· .. : -· . ... ; . • -. . . • .. .. 1· .. . • .. \ .. HO MOHrY DOWN ... UH PINNm TIMI l\lYMINT IUN BUR.ANK CANOGA PARK FULLERTON • GRANADA HILLS H.UNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINQ'TONPAAK --~ l.AKl!WOOO LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS NEWP6RT BEACH NOATH MOLl. VWOOO SAN FERNANDO SANTAANA TORAANCE vANNUvs· ~URA WE~TCHESTER i . .. • ! . ' ' ' ) ; . . • -~ l • I r i I I , 14 OAILV PILOT Wrd....,aJ, Apt~ 23, 1969 ..... ~~-'--'--~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.ixo.n , LBJ v·ew Soviet St rength Differently ' • t '8)' JORN HALL ministrations ii.led up the tested a "sophisticated" new than anyUUna the Unlted bomber Utreata. But the Nlion larJe scale 1 b I p y a rd ei-conference last week that the • Soviet threat : ABM device. States has. CIA officials late administration apparently ls panalon, oew claues o f United Sta tea was in danger of ·WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Cliffor<I said an aoUballlatlc Laird ud Cllffor<I 1111«<1 last yeor lllld ""'i'tsslonal considering developing a more balllsUc mlallle submarine falling behind lhe SovleU ii;. .Nlxoo ldmloistralioll is missile sysleDJ now deployed that the SOYiN were eatchlng commillees that the SS1 sophlsUcated fighler-lnter<ept· an<l.J!uclcar attack boats are straleglcaUy by tm or tm, lPokin& at estimates of ftus. around Moscow, called Gllmb. up with the United StaLel in rnilsUel _ ~~ only JO, or to cope with • supersonic bedtning operaUonaL More ot CllHord, on the other band, l.'11...-'::l:::..I-'"' alan wupon stftngth •Dd ~ ~~ ~led,,:=; =: ~:=LtaJ =~~~~M~.)Sat. bocmf~ said new Soviet =i:':twi ~~e• = ~ ~~en~ 1:1°':o:~ J aeeing 1 much bleaker plcture degraded by currently pn> However, CJJHord .wet in The Nixon administration Ja ballistic missile submarines ago." · attempt to match us in 1 than the Johnson ad-grammed U.S. weapon 1 Januuy, the Sovletl' new rec:ornmendins development Of were "probably most com-In addlUon, the Navy has numbers of strategic missiles { ininistraUon. systems." But he said the U.S. .Olid-fuel missile "appel.l'I to a new au per s o'n I c in parable to our earliest Polaris warned that new Soviet an-we shall eontlnue to have, as ! A side-by-side comparison or strategic offensive force must be no better lban our earliest terconlinental bomber. -The submarines which became tisubmarine advances -in-far into the future as we now J' how the two administrations be programmed "on the Minuteman mWUes, deployed Johnson and Kennedy ad· operational about. a decade eluding a aonar system that is discern, a ven substantial ifrterpre:ted data supplied by assumption that Uley will have in 1963." ministrations rejected it. ago ." But Navy Secretary superior to that ol the United qualitative lead and distinct the Central Intelligence Agen-deployed some aort of an ABM Laird, however, contend!: Both administraUons recom-John H. Chafet has warned Slates -could make the U.S. superiority tn the oumbera of cY (CIA) produces stark dif· system around ~eir major the Soviet.I have deployed at mended an elaborate new that the Sovleta 1 1 are Polaris submarines leas than deliverable weapons and the ._ ______ __,,_,... ffrenees. cities by the mid-19708." least 200 gigantic S5t miasil~ American alr defense system modernizing their submarine 1nvinclble. overall combat effectiveness ·WELL, llE.M!MBER-"«Xflt£ T h e J 0 h n s 0 a ad· Laird has warned on two oc· CBJ>lble of carrying a 25-to di.scour age the Russians force, the world's largest." He Nixon, In urging C.Ongregs to of our strategic offensive ONLY 0\.0 O*l l" ministration's estimates wert.-=cas=i=ons==lh=a=t=Sov=ie=ls='==ba=v=e=m=eg=a=lon=pa=y=load==='"'=lar=:::ge=rJ_f_ro_m_in_tr_od_uc_Jng~ne-w_m_anoed ___ ,_Bl_·d_,_'_'f_oll_o_w_in"-g-•___;pe_rl_od_o_r_;ap:..:p_ro_v_e_lhe_A_B_M_;'_lll_l_d_a_new_s __ roroes __ ._" ________________ -'t OOotained in a posture state-.. , • meot submitted to Congrw • tiy farmer Defense Secretary A Motlter'1 Doy i1 May11 ,-------------~----------------------------------. ~. Clark M. Clilford I a s t January. The Ni Ion ad-'! rflinistratJon 's estimates were • ainlained in slalemenls made enne••t ' since then by Defense ~ • Secretary Melvin R. Laird and AL.WAYS FIRST GUALITY f the secretaries of the Army, ~ Na\'y, and Air Force. TH S w EK I • Here is how lhe lwo ad·, ORDER I ' E • Kids' clothes aren't meant ; GWC Series Eyes Revolt Of Neg1·oes Four major aspects of the black reVolutioo will be ex- amined in depth ·by Mrs. Mamesba Tackett, c I o 1 e associate of the late Martin Luther King, in a lecture series spomored by Golden West Evening <;ollege. begin- ning April 29. Mrs. Tackett, of L o s Angeles, will speak in the Col· lege Center at 7:30 p.m. on four successive Tuesdays - April 29, May S, May 13, and May 20. Her lectures art apen to the public. There is no ad- mission charge. Her topics will deal with law and order, housing, education and equal job opportunities. A successful busines s woman and civic leader, Mr11. Tackett has worked closely for many years with the Southern Christian Leadership Con· ference, the late Dr. King, and Dr . Ralph Abernathy, who presently heads tr-e Con- ference. She is a former vice presi· den l of the In- terdenominational Ministers' Wives Cour.cil, delegate to the Baptist World Alliance, and ' .. Mother's Day Magic!. . 6 FINE PORTRAITS OF 666 YOUR CHILDREN, ON~ Y fo" l x lO fol ,...,, tw• J •7 fer ONM•et•er1, ~·· t.,.. •• , ..... ,.e ,., ...... .....,,..,, hMll _11...,11 cMf'9ll ttr _.,. ....... ...... member ol many other pro-' · fessional organiiations. Uk e o flick of tfte l'ftOgic wtind, your gift ptoble"u The Los Angeles Sentinel ore 1ctlved, tftank1 to ,.,.ney'1 OMozing poftra il and California Eagle, Negro offer! Hl.HTY your children In now.orid our totent.d newspapers, honored Mr s . ho •--Tackett as "Woman of the P t09rop""'" will take it ftoM there. You'll recen. Year," and she was chosen ti• profffllG11al portroit1, 10 Mautifuf they ptactl· "~1other of the Year" by the ca lly give them1elve1 a wa y. l vl n·• matter how Ca lifornia Slate Association at much your relatives b.g you for theM, try to kffp Colored Women's Clubs. h Most recentl y she received I e lxlO for yourself. After oft, it it Mother 's Day. nalional recognition by the ••member ... yov con chorfe .It at ,enney'1I National Associaton of Negro'"====================:• Busine&11 a nd Professional11 Women's Clubs. Write to Uncle Len flULLIRTI>lt .,,.,...,..1. c- lnd floor, 1'11-Gl:I H"HTIMOTON SUCH Huntlnt1on C9fttef ind"-· "2-7111 NIWPORT l lACH ' OOPS, WE GOOFED! IMAGINE!! WE SHOW ·A PROFIT IN 1969! TO DATE OUR TAX . CONSULTANT SAYS: "Give Some Back This We ek" so ••• FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY We Make The Followlng Ollen HUGE 200 SQ. f ·T. PATIO ROOM ADDITION Including: Pion. e Permits • Blue Prints Complotoly WH ther Proof Wall• • Cement Slabs Plus + ln1ulotod ~oof + lEGULAI $11SG $120000 FULL NOW ONLT Pl~I DELUXE ROOM S"ZE PATIO lnclucli"I : Pl•n• •Permits • Blue Prints lnwlotod Roof Plus + Com P!oto Se r-In lffULAI $'91 s59500 FULL NOW ONLT PllCI ALL WORK DONE IY OUR CIEWS -NO SUBS ! 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE • GENERAL CONTRACTOR CALL NOW 546-9973 CAUPORNIA PATIO SUPPLY 7691 Westminster, Westminster DISPLAY OPBI 1 DAYS A WEEK .!;.!',';';..'.~:'"-'"..' l';. PAY NOTHING TILL AUGUST ____ ........... \, ' 0. \::._) ' . to last forever ... but these could. They're Durene• cotton ~nit! Everybody knows about pvre cotton. h!t lfRtng, CCMJ1fortable, obtortNnt, retilient, Dvrene• is ..,... IO, o.nn.• is cotton that's been put thr~h o sF*ial ~ proceu to .ab 1t tnt00th«, richer, atl'Oft98f' h It .... to llogin nh. Thot'twt.y Toddlo-~ - for·th ... Coonll-Match MpGFOtu. Shirts ol'HI lhorts- even a little sunsuit-oh k11it vp in stripes and solids of red, blue, aMI navy. All for tiUI 1 thN ' • Ease of c•e? Not e'ten l'enneys could imprcwe.,. thot. Solid color polo with gripper 1hol.dc:ler , 1.29 StriP9cf polo with gripper shoulder. 1.59 'Golf' shirt with pladiet front • 2.19 'TenniJ'shirt withlfriped tn.. 1.91 Sunwit with adjwatable dropl . 1.91 Bastic woilt boxer shorts. fl LIKE IT , •• CHAIGE IT • • • • • • • ' • • r • • • • J .. • t • • t ,, •• ~- < • • •• ' • • r. .,. • r ,: •· • E • .. .. • ~ • It's U.S. Predletlon No G~rman Measles Siege? /' ~ W~TO!l"'(IJPI) - TIJe ~ Sta~ • major public \ ~1iiellh ' d~on on German tneasles, ts 1amblln1 that predictioos of a serious eplde.mlc of the dlseue in 1970-71 art incorrect. The·~ot outbreak of Gerntu~altes, or rubella , Jn lllf, c~ ·at least . 50,000 abnotmal pregnancies m the Unitld States. Of thtse, 20,000 children survived but with deforrniUes, including con- genital cataract. dearness. heart disease and mental retardation. Epidemicss of the disease run in 6-to-9-year cycles. In a S\atement released by the U.S. l>ubllc Health Service last week, Surgeon General INTEREST DAY·IN to DAY·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! • ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS A N D L O A N AS eOCIA TION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coa•t Hiitiway, Corona Del Mar, Cailif. 92625 ·telephone: 675-5010 William H. Stewart r«Olll· mended immunb.allon of younc childrta with a new rubella vaccine, which is ex- pected to be licensed sOon. Children spread the disease but rarely are affected seriously. CAVTION NOT& But Stewart cautioned against routloe immunization of adolescent girls and YOWll women, the potenUally serious vl.ctlms of the disease during pregnancy. European nations, notably Great Britain, are solng ahead with plans to immunize young women first. Eurqpean scleri~ lists at a recent rubella con- ference here argued lhat if predictions of an epidemic in 1970 are correct, the first pro- tection Crom the vaccine should go to those who would be susceptible lo abnormal pregnancies, malfonnations and stillbirths. 'J'he United States has decid· ed to begin a program to im- munize the carriers of the disease, children ranging in age 8 lo puberty, but public health officials e:rpect to have vaccinated less than half of the children in this age group in the next two years. This would leave the United States vulnerable U another rubella epidemic such as the great epidemic of 1964 should occur in 1970 as predicted by some epidemiologists. NO ONE SURE No one is really sure. At an international r u b e 11 a con· ference here in February, Dr. Saul Krugman or New York Universit)', the conference chairman, was asked whether he expected a large epidemic in 1970-71. "I'd predict not," he said. "But I may have to eat my words." The U.S. Public Health Service along with other pro- minent epidemiologists does not e:rpect a massive epid~mlc during these years .. "U the cyclical ~liara~er1or ruebella epidemics persists We cou ld expect to see another in- crease in cases as early as 1970 or as late as 1973," said ·Dr. H. Bru~ Dull, assistant director of the National Com- ,,municable Diseases Center in Atlanta. OTHELll lttANCH omcu CaMa. m-s.i. WtdMldil . ~·Many feel that because or • .'t"tfie :1tte of Uie 1964 epidemic · be nm experience with 'n!bella should involve con- siderably fewer cases than in 1964," Dull said. ' 12 Seniors Get: Honor .FromBofA Twelve .,.. high school senicn took top honors in ~ looal semi-finals of lhe 1961 Bank of America Achievement Awards program. First place wlnners earned 1150, -.cl place $50, and thlrd place $25 in the event, held at tile Hotel Lacuna. Lagunalleaclt. First place wiru)era wlll p to the May 9 finals, where represent at 1ve 1of 109 Southern California b i g h schools m e e t at the Ambassador Hotel In Los Angelt'!s. Judges Louis Zitnick, Laguna Beach; A I Kl· ingensmith; Huntington p•-tti..ft A-Fe•tival Beach; Jooeph 11.el<all, Coota l4J' •• 111 ~De o ,, DAILY l'ILOf DAIL V PILOT Sl•ff 1"11919 W.esa, and Mn. Doreen ,. · • Marshall and Robert Howell of Mogens,Abel,'groun~ manager for Festival of Art s, year. Abel decides who gets which booth. He also Newport Beach judged tht pOnders booth assignments for 177 exhibitors who polices· artis~, wbo have been advised by festival studen t s on grade s, will display their wor:lt from July 11 ~o Au g. 24 this officials to police their areas. this year. leadership, outside activiUes _::::::._.;::.:;...::::_c...:._.;::.:.;::.::;.::.;::.:__:c._....;._....::. ________ :_ _______ _:.. _____ _ and group discussiom. Winners of the _May 9 Calle de Los Robles, Elsinore, Viejo, N.lssion Viejo High, for contest will receive cash Laguna Beach HJit, for voes-liberal arts; and Stephen M. awards ol up to $1 ,000. tlonal arts; Rosanna Patrona, Beverley, 17001 Buttonwood The winners are : I 3 S 41 R a t n i er Cir c I e St., Fountain VaUey, Fountain First : Lillian Bums, 13401 \Yes tml.nster, Westminster Valley Hlgh, for' science and Sunnyvale, Garden Gr ove, High, f« Unt arts; Debra C. mathematj,es. Yorkt.owo Lane,, Costa Mesa, ' I Costa Mesa Hlgh, fer voca· 5162 Dun ca nno n Ave .. W e s tminster, Westmimter High, for liberal arUij and Todd E. Brandtman, '1422 Colby Circle, Weslminster, Westminster High, for tciaJ:e and mathema't.ics. Weslm.inster High, for voca· Brough, 24$92 Adobe, Mission Third: Sharyl &utley. 153 Hon3! arts; Reichard W. --=---------~----'---'---------------------­ DerJy, 9121 Mediterranean, tional arts; Eric W."Hammer, 16541 Loire Circle, Huntington Be,ch, Fountain Valley High, for fine arts; MO&e:S V. Chao, Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach Higtl~ for fine arts; Michael P. Woodard, 28'13 Drake Ave., COila Mesa, COsta Mesa High, for liberal · arts; and. Scott P. Smith, 5326 W. WWtria, Santa Ana, La enne~t Quinta lbgh, f« science and ' mathemiUcs. Secondo Keith Knigtit, 13820 ALWAYS FIRST Cl.UALITY . · Law Student New Editor A Newport Beach law &tu. deol has been nam<d .. the board of editcrs f<r tht . University ol. Southern Cailfomia Law Review. Peter Smoot, of 3IK Grand Canal, Balboa Island, will be the edilor of 1'lpics and !"" je<ts. A graduate ln poi-1 science frun UC.Berkeley in 1967, Smoot will clerk this summer for Kaplan, liv· ingston, Goodwin, Berkowitz I: " Selvin, Los Angeles . Law Review ·members art chosen from the !taff of second-year student authors. It looks expensive, but onlyyou and PENNEYS will know how little it really 9osts .. ·RECORD DEPT. I I - TOM JONES . . • HELP YOUR$ELF • FEVER ZONE . • IT'S NOT UNUSUAL •WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT ~ •A-TOM-IC JONES ENTERTAINMENT EXTRA 89 eac[· • CANOGA PARK • DOWNEY• GRANADA HILLS• HVNTINGTON SCH. • LAKEWOOD • LONG BEACH• LOS ALTOS• NEWPORT SCH.• NO. HOLL. YWDOD •NORWALK • RESEDA •SAN FERNANDO • TORRANCE• VAN NUYS • VENTtJRA • WHITTIER • WHITTIER DOWNS I I / , @ ~strong VINYL ~ORLON. '' I CQflRIEMARBL £'" $)Q533* ... Richly color.kt, translucentvlnyl , veined • and textured like real marble. You'll be amazed that a; fioor ol this quality could Will do a l O' 1< 15' fami ly be priced so ldW.' room ot den! •Prices !land oa nonnal Installation COMI IN OR CAU TODAY! FULLERTON 871-4343 HUNTINGtON BEi.CH LAKEWO OD .. a12.1n1 &34-701111 Ii EWPORT BEACH 844·2313 ' .. I I I JI DAILY. PILOT • 'Bleeders' . .. • Milking - Families , • Tnlubled already by money prebleml and desperate for an anner, aome unsuspecting Southern California families are being Oeoced ol up to l600 at fX)e whack by clever i& vestment companies. 'Ibe Better Business Bureau warns of the activity of aeV'e!'ll s u c b unscrupulous companies and esplains how they wort in its February· March ne'W!!I bulletin. Called bleeder.I for the method In which they draw cash from victims eager to avoid forec10SW'e on their pro- perty, then rent to new reslderita who wm also suffer, the firms work like this; -, WATCH USTS Watching foreclosure lists in newspaper legal ad- vertisement columns. t h e bleeder contacts 1 o m e o n e listed therein with a kind offer of help. The investor -whose intent to take money under false pretenses must be proved in order to curb their activity with the law -tells the family he can solve their financial woes quite simply. He gets the homeowner, who is \\'Orried about having his credit rating wrecked, losing ·his property and being hit with a lawsuit by his mortgage company, to sign over the land. Naturally, the bleeder tells the family they must move out before he cao sell the home, promising a good deal and perhaps even one which will . leave them with a profit. Instead, explains the Better Busioess Bureau, he rents to a new tenant who is unaware of the underlying financial deal and collects first and last month's rent. Pocketing the sum-as high as $600 -he then wails until the mortgage company fore- closes as they would anyway without his bleeder tactics, and new tenant and criginal owner alike suffer as a result. Sometimes, the property is rented back to the original homeowner himself. The Better Business Bure.au experts warn that if a bleeder- type investo r learns early that a homeawner is behind on his payments, his scheme may bring in rent money for several months. Prosecution Of silch cases is difficult and several firms are currently using the real estate scheme to bleed homeowners wUh financial woes. OCC Plans May Series On Health Orange Coast College's Evening Divtsion will S)Sonsor a Health Forum series begin- ning May s and runnlns on successive Mondays through May 26 from 7:30 p.m. to 9.:110 p.m. in the Estancia ·High School Forum, Costa Mesa. Dr. David I. Neilseii, presi- dent of the Orange County Medical Association. w i I I coordinate and moderate _the series. On fl.fay 5, Dr. Lciren Heather, chief of cardicloi:Y of the Orange County Medical Center an<I former president or the Orange County Heart Association, will d i s c u s s "Heart 1nd Vascular Dis- eases." Cancer is the topic May 12. as Dr. Raul Rodriguez . chairman of Hoag Hospital Thoracic Surgical S e c t i o n dl.scussts types, causes. detec- tion and prevention. Dr. Gerald 'Sinykin will dilcUss Drug Use ad Abuse on May lt. He is director of stu- dent health services at UC. Irvine. The flnal discuss!~ on May 26, will be "Your Health an<I How to Keep It." Dr. John Palmer Miller, president.elect of Hoq:'s medical s t a f f , will discuss the meaning or good heallh. Ball League Teams Form 11ie Westminster Recreation Paro Department said today "tbat team entries are now beinc accepted ror its 19&9 Summer Sk>-Pitch Softblll ,..,..... The l<que lee will be l80 eer team. League play will tC.lrt.., May 12. ~ interested ii:. en- imn, I learn lhould cont.cl l'4 Rk:d. Rec rea t i on luporVloor, al lbe Recreation llld Plrb Deplrlmllll Office, lfl<pllooe 183-4611, ext<nsion Xt. 1 PHOTO "NllHINO IHCIAJ,I ,•1•'-hP .. t 2.so Valuel TWo Sx7 Inch •139 Color Enlargements ...................................... Ill ATn•CTllH'. FitMltl ···~n, .. ·car Wax --------------------------~ \: 1 ) ... IOU. Of. R&M . We'I 91•• ,.,. • f'" ..... 199t-k ...... ., TIIMty Weck • wtoh llt, 120, •10, 111 , .. wltll -11 ..... -..... .., "' ................ .... ....... ...... ,_ "'"' ·~ ,..., ~~ ..... a-.. ....... '134 ""'""· !irJ . 1pP17. I.ooi . • • . "' ~ • ' ri '8'.J.ttwPlastic . ~-·loxes .. · ~-·ittatj· ;Qaa8'J4tacklag SIJle ·si9•s Value! ·Pote Lamps ,, . , . 29c GLAU lliADiS ' ,~ 'I' op 1 in Awocado, .,. Gold .&: Pink , , , elm sides for in· , ' 1tant xl«tion. l ot ·' I ICCNOJies, tool ..(J ... '•' ~jtl;1•· s1•:: Chi d's Track Style Canvas Shoes L ·~/ ~,;, , ' . Ii ,J . ' .. Hot Colored Crystal WC!l'e : , ' Play sh oe for '""'~· c.... $189 $24 95 V I Be. II Shape vr...1. "";,,,, .. "''" . a ue ·~J or blut, ,..hitt' R.C.A. Port1ble . Tole Bag ' t-•"'•;""•·------1 Radio Phono i..,., "' ,. , m, •33l S2'' Hopncking. , 'v , Combo ~cs·~;;nih~old1 ::I Pi!tteef• f o r t.hf! $1686 Tennis Shoes young ,, .. com- .Rul>lxr sole with pact, lightweight. 147 Ya gel Vinyl rubber ropt:·like $199 battery operat<'d • de1i3n trim. for fun On the Baby Pants e.;.,, ''" " go' Fruit bowf, pit· cheer, ceke tnr, candy diih .nd many more". S2'5 Val! 2 Piece lazy Susan Set Rich looking ,1:1.u in olive or Cl')"Std rolot. For J.{other's dar. W h ite PA.Cit or lodm. ,.,. . · 'if ~.;:iJ · .;;i..&_."I Men's Acrylic Knit spt Cake or Pie $295 Val! ~last~tl No Iron Sport Shirts Covers or Trays Napkin Holders H~nd loomed in JvmbO tizc ·m11 · Cty~al Jook plts- SUMMIR MIGHT "';" ·, ""P" $298 md = •h•msh 83C ,;, ;, O•I , "''" $J99 Crawlers $179 F~1i :~~~ ~~f.~: ~= ~ ':d ::~."';th':,~: 1 S~lcs,coJonf~ 1_.x.L_._._._._._._._. ... '""" ... ·_._..i.._._._._. ... ~B~ri,,h;;,,.'f~'~''"~· .. _.~""'~ ,1itls lt boJ1. ' Medium Weicht Gauze Diapers Pick. ol 12 ~3t Vinyl Patent Spring lland Bags Popubr 1prin1; 11yln and colors in wottcd grains and patull fin- ilhes. $298 Goldmine Fashion Clutch Purses s2" Val! Quilted Infra-Red Satin Bed Piiiows . Freezer Oetroster AcetJte sat i n !iddn>:: in pink or blue. f oam filled. fut. sift, simpfe $198 10 use. Circulates hot •ir t-ilru fttnin& co m • pa..-tmcnt. Deluxe Smoker B-1-Q Wagon 98< Bath-Shower Non-Skid Tape ?>loto rized H1lp1 ptnft'lt ulu 1prin1 co!-97 ~~i: e~~c~~ oEPf~i!,;. Ix~'7-69c By Sirco •.. pop-s1 k f $2CJ8' sl" . (.ho c .. ', oHOll· on, pat1.r nt or uining. Ad· lmt ooitrpt,un· IClfllnc 1nish. justabk grid. drr rugs, too! TralningPants .., ______ ....,.._...., ____ ....,....,...,-.. __ _ ~::.,. · 5 ~ ftft4 California Prize 10" Cast Iron :~~h .., ~ !!:.. Secretary Accessories Portable Hibachi 88c Suy-cool h1n· $4 dlc1, hirdwood 99 b.asr. adjustable rrill. 3D~ Viii E1. Evenllo ~~1'.".1 .'~~' Nurser Units 1.i:.t;. ~;~"'ph Child's Redwood Picnic Tables , .... ; ••. ,.. $688' Ion• & 22" hiJh. Assembles in mi nutes . At· ~ bmc:hrs. ' ~:'..,' 6 i $100 ... --------1--------1"--------.... · • 7"' NI 10 Pound Bag Zebco ... Traveler" .., ""' "" '°" ., · agara Spray Starch Charcoal Brlquets Fishing Combo '1'1 PlaytiI Zcbco ·rttl a.nd Ztbco .3lC! .. ' , . 22<>•><•ttro~I 59 Aloho-loor ,,C. fi90•.bu11,lu.~ s12•'8 Nurser Kits can. Price in· c bumin& briqucb. d .. ...,..., elude& .. IOc off.. Thriftrlo•pri~. line le rurr I•tiythin,1 for $6f5 ~I. . aw d~e bottle ,_._._._._._._._._._,.,._._._._._._._._. ... _._._._._._._._._ fttd.inJ. Reg. s11 11 lildy Norelco Shaver Electric 1-1-Q Chwcoal Ughter ' Ftnnulett1 Utillty Sterilizer '"'"'"''·""'· $3JJ !1" and hippie 1 1~. . Wolch'slagof20 Stick Condy Pops Gt•pc, orange, ICfJIOQ ind llJp· btr11 f\a•orl. 33c H 1•d1 lighter .; .. "'"' . . . $199 111 tht safe ty. fcatum. F 11 t . tfficito&. Elcpndyatyltd . WOfTICO's shl.,.~r th.It CIA hie U~ cm •nr hOuse """"'· $794 -. ' . Mircl.-to S.11 " ' flor .69c' a Polr ' l.F. GOODllGI . SUI~ ,typt,(, • tex;Glove Chair Trainer Coinblnatlon .. . Reg. 1811 Deln Baby Stroller 3.poo;1;m '"' • 148 c.anopr. Tn.r • bt•"· 13-oL Cheny Orcllard .. Chocolate Cherries • • O.l<iou• mom<h;no <""'1 Wlol 49c "ti'. •dth mamp loadtnt acwl cowftd •ith milk chocoWL Boudoir Bonnets Ga or Shower Cops $1 .SO V•IM! - Protect your 88C · I h~ir-clo ~lr .. ·1th I flllt' fW'-. , showtt np. • 98c Styrofoam Wig Forins Keep htiryiitta in g-ood cond1· tum. 44c Polka Dot Jewelry "'"'"· '"'~ $1 7 I~ pi11:1 •ft t•· 9 t1lll'll ~~I· on. '$2.50 Y11.1 H. H,•Ar•n ' GlYClllNI AND IOSIWAnll Cream c $2';50 Y1Jl1I ·~ 81• llake-up' lits, '°1 n En:t)'thin~ roo nnd for htlutiful rm· S2 Y1lu1I Fam141 Moh "' to Go" Upstlclcs f'nr bru n el t e-1 , 99• blondes, rrdhr1 d1 ~ nr 1ilV'tr. c .. ,.,. ti Dtw1 Selli111t SIAS G!!:) llldiClltd Skin Grc:-$f1m. ~th;~ Cr11m ll:d~ muwr tklft irriwlons. 14.)·01. C i•r. 8fct AGAlll' IT POPULAR 'DEMAND , • , AND THRIFTY HU IT . ... -·- ID rel/. Old J,W. Dant S.traight WliiSk·y~ FIFTH GALLON s3 . Tlir h r st of the 99 itr11gh11. F~ll Quart .. , , , , . , • i'·", · ~ Y~rOllt !l••gr1111 : .. Sfralgllt , Bourbon : • Fi~h 00allo~ $2tt Sl.49, 11· Loma l1bJ1. Wint , Gallon •.•... , . ", $1 Q9' CMi(t or 811r,tllndy, Siu-· • irrn.e, Vin R~. ' • ., ' ' ' ' • I ~ ' 'f I • ' . •. ' ' ' ' • • • ., -----~-----~---~----~------------ • Here We lllllilun1"Y, w~o began his auto racln& career on. Riv.enlde drq lbipi nel{ly JO ytaii'ag0',bel!'ft becoming a workl{amo ed"ro.ll ·radnt'driver, will discover if'be 8Wl 1'H.hla old toocb at drq racintl nut WI.... ' . tte"i \he litst entrant in Oranp County lnkQlatiOnal Raceway's group: s e v en 1p:>rtl"-ear drq racing cbampiomhips nen ·o.c-. Thi Corona ·del Mar driver will pilot·an Olood~ 1969 M~:ia.U.. event. · · T' • Set_-up to provide a valid comparison of the 1CCtlerauoo capability ot tht p;oup seven sports cars irivolved in the Cana- di•~ican Challenge cup series, the OCIR. event will req~ that all cars compete in full road racing trim. . No lpeci4J, fuels, drag r~. slicks~ ~­ row front \ires or raising of the ctiaaSis will be aUo~ii<L • I ~ ' • • • The·nce will ol!et. 'i $5;300 pum with II !Ol:ll<ktlid for 'the wionei'. · Qil'Wlll quallfy-alde bi ollk ·at 1 p.m. Wltll' ~eip~quick~-~ ,at,1.-•t and, ld'p.m. to ~· ~style to -~i..-:.·~I> •J \ ,.. • , ·~"!!!':"-\I •. , ~ 9" la oa:Ulf Yotlienil ~ ti. ... Seca and Rlveraide can.Am ractel"'l-a time when all ~:tbe _-yµr}d's top ""'4 racintl drlvers-.are<upectod .to Go be ln.tl\e·~~· . :. • ......... ~· ' 1'11 ' al ·1·Mlrt1~ .. ~~ ·he i Mtl.eal!O'coulilne,DllOte'Uie : • . Again . ':L~~ers , . • • oAiLY Pl~OT"""' 1rt Lt.,_ q .. !piw., ' · · ·-'·'""' 1 . :, " • .\L~~VISIJ\ KIDS -Laguna !!+ch l!igh ~~·t~11=:: 't~ ~:rers'SIJ.OKiootennan (!Oft) and Steve twO>',W•'qo and'· 'If #h G<f It I l~slti ~!Qp.jp-visit;ltith .11-yeer-<>ld Peter Bend· , 0rat)ge. ~· L\launa:~.ia,part Ol 0the Orange·tU~V ty AU.star sq~d which will play at Orange Coast College in August allWwhicll.annually visits the kids • at>the boopital; Game pi'oflts go to the ~ospltal' . · -~" · "'""''•' ,·1 ,«Jif 'l'lutin,, a PJ!lient et Children's Hospital In _.,.,.... -··-.•,I 'I . .. -~ i~t . ·~·. . ~ • • ,,. • .... ,.1., • ••• flll rONe •I • • I ;,"' -~·· -'f"' . ' ~ ~ .. 1d~~~'Bla..'M~ • · Fooiball S,ta_. r.s Mature .Qui,P k.,..lY &ll!IJ' · ...... -.iOUlil;lle'.on halicl-!or , , ' · 1'V thi di ~~-. ·'' .. : : . ·" :t~t~ttaf!= v,:.'i :s. i .:t_ ing Siek K·ids VDO.' es· I.:t will ~·""11!1~ at.tlle :SoddlOhOck lilll ill .:Ali&'al. tt.Lin.,Jl)iiliy. . . . ' . \. ' . ' " .. ·1: .~, .~·Av . V~ely 1~attted On ·aassroom . ·.. ' AD:.Star Team · ~·~oi·u,·~ia_rmet;tb,ln events that l~cip!ti, tlle,aililiial lltlljgi County All· S~f~ pole· each y~ is when the 1'1>>"? v~lbe sick and crippled kids wJK>~are fntemed•at Children's Hospital.· -ri-wil-"'·te yoiingsteri are. the -.~. ,. redpieD&I_ ~--.. profitl and e~ch ye,ar tbey •·Jooi .~ to meeting Uie young "i'l''·Wl><''ll l>e liking ~In the oummer &rid .~· ·; ' by ,sayirig Other players wOuld be by next year: . • "When he lerfthe room he encountered a nurse . He ask'ed her ~hat was wrong~ <ince ,the little girl looked okay. "But the nurse told him it was a terminal case -that the liUle gir1 might have !ooJy six weks1 to live (she had leukem1a),'Bob bnike into tears. And I have to admit I waa. the same way." , te1m could make expenats on lh trip' to NeW York . The Lou Solomons o! Westminster made the trip io Lawrence, Ka~ .• over the weekend 'to &ee their son Ml'e com- pete tor the Universify Of KanS~ in the Kansas Relays. Mike teamed w:itb KU mate Jim Ryun to Win a wristwatch for the 4-tnile relay . · Sp'orts in Briel · ll(lle better·~ Cba:.hu been la!tlY .. ,R~alll!l leela Will ~ ln · ibe .,.,,, -p mliell to ne~~ ariy:-ittac), ·tvtl • wllicb mllibt.lle employed by the C.ltlcl. "lt'r bard to explain ~ .YOU eee tt clearly In certain lltuaUOns.'!WIMIJ wlH be drlVmr to· the hut<\ ll>I ~ won't leave Wilt like be would another pl11er. Chainliei;Wn Jult being t!>ere inat.S a big dlllerence. Ruuell Isn't ab~ to peel aw.~y from him, that easily." Bayl~ has been ~Ound 11yeats,1this Is the aeventh plaJof~he'a played jn and.he fej!ls ll$ ii !he ~ ~f, he~ever bad lo· be "1th a W)noer. , · "Each time we've ~ Preit1 cl• ~ . . vever made It,'' he saye:, 011 11te '1-te beaUn& the Cell/"' I lblnk la.to,be alllo ~ Nil with them lfd we're I'~ o1 doini taat. Ever since'tccuni Info tile )0ague it sffms we've been trying to beat ~m u1 the chariiptOljarup.-1 remeri\bet. my Orsi se~ back Jn"""58-St. I was with Min- neapolis and Boston beat us four in •. tj)w." Baylor will be ~ in September anc.f doesn'lfigure to be pl•Yi.nc for more lhal\ another season or two. He says be hat only one goal lert. To be with a "inner. 'That's where his friend CQl1ld he a bi( ·help. ,Drysd~le :~Shelled,:: . . ' \ Thre~t¢n$ to Quit: -' . LOS ANGELES (AP) -'I'll• Los :A.h,etes Dodge.rs n\ay have lost mQre than a baseball ·game to San Francisco. Dcin !lrY>dale, who hotels a liltlut of pitChtni record! and 205 .lifetime victories -the most by any Dodger in history - intimated after Tudday'a 8-0 loss t9 the Giants that he may be on the verse of retirement. · · .. I'm going to have to do some serious IOUl-.elJtjllng kl the next few days," he " . ,Angel Homers Snap· Drought In 8-o Romp MILWAUKEE (UPI) -It was like tho . . ' beginning' of the aeason· for the Cal~omla Angtls as tlley awaited tonigbt's aame with . tile Chicqo White Sox In County Stadlum·aftertnapplng\11 lll·game toalng ~a1< Tueoc1a1« · • · . The wln· wai scored at CbiCip•, ... At19el Slate AP!'. ~·· .t Ctllt.lioG' (Mltw), 1:25 11.m •• kMPC: 1110) -· ~-•I Kfi-tClty, 1:.U ,,,... KMPC 010) :i ,, 1 \, ~ . •, ,_ ~ . Coml.key park and tile Win went to redhalred, lreclcled Jlm'~lothlln w!lD ' go~ c:rildit for 'tile !!rat lhutout of tile .. ".!'!' .. he Went all tile 11(,Y In tile IMI vl~ory,' · G<i>rie Bnllliit, 1-1, O:~ llatelf IO \tart for the AngelJ lol!ill>t. He will be opposed by Gary .~eten, °"' . ; ,1 • • ~ , Rlfk· Rdcjwdt, •Jim fl'elOll and· Jiy Johristone · acooimted flit .lll!•eo . of ,\he eliJ>I nma u .,a11 " ~ "hom(ll'td. c.i1~· . 1 o ..... ;,,. ' ' .,.,.. > .. ,.,.. o. ... 1jllio. rf ,{,2, J tMff. If ' ~··' F~f,'u •· 3 li I AParldo,' M • o I Jolil'l•llHie• d 4 I I 1 Wtnl1-.rf • 0 I R•~n, I' s t 1 1 ·Mttfool, • ~ o 1 R-1. ·111 4 o I 0 ~IM1 lb ,4 o o AIMro, lii o o e I ->-Mien. ,. :. • 1 Rodt1tJ.i. 3b 4 O t 8rHfeff, d ·J · t 't S.trieno. ' ~ O l O H•ni.tn, 2b S O t K!'IOOP,711 1100 Elll"I' 100 McGlotllln, p 2 0 0 0 ,,.,._, I' I 0 0 Tot1I l4 I 12 I Wutl lf1ll, 1111 I 0 0 Prh:ldY, p o t 0 H1rmt.11. ~ 1' t ' O i'.emarked sofUy after being chased frorJ\ tfte mound during a three-.l'Wl Gianl uprising in the fifth iMing. 1 ''This just might be ii," he saidi "I'm not going to keep on like this. These guys have a chance to go all the way and I'm not going lo jeopardize' their chanceJ every fou,r days. Everybody bu to go at One t.ime or another. Some guys go ·gradually, some go overnight. I just~. !;can't go on lite this." ' Drysda1e's ineffectiveness stems from: a sbouider injury dating back to last year ·when he was forced to miss the last six weeks of lhe · season. The injury came Dodget> Slate ,.:ri· 23-Clocltert' VI CIMlnnall, 7:55 p.m.,KFI AP!'. )IODdgan TI CIMl-n 7:55 ..,.,.., KFI CMOJ •,;_ after he had established a major leacue record· of'512f3·consecuUve ~ in- nings. ' l'he towering right-hander said be plan· ned 'to talk to club owner Walter ·o 'Malley and Vice President Al. Cam- panis' .. within the next. couple of days" to discuss his future. But, be added, "I'D ao oul there-again if Walt want.s me to." The DOOgers, who remain ha1f a game wt of tint place, send Don Sutton to the mound tonight against Cincinnati's TohJ Cloninger. SAN l'llAHCISCO LOS AM81L.'ES •t.rtlrM 19-rllrM 8and1, rf J I l 2 G,......owllt, •i t I 0 • Gllfkrr11, -' 1 0 D Ru1HH, rf I ' I I • Mty1, cl ' o 2 o •1111er, 10 J O 1 t M"O\'fY• lb ' I I O KOlcO, II • 0 1 t H1•tl, ' l 0 1 1 Slldli•ls, :lb • t t f Hirt, 11 I O O O Hlllfl', c ' t l I M•rslllll, II J 1 2 1 S!i-•. 2b 3 I I I =a 41 2 1 Cr1wtord,p 3101 LI ,,, 3112Dryldall,p ltOt I.• 21 ttMllllDtlMn.P lttC • J.MUlfl', pl! l • 1 • Foster, I' 0 0 0 I ~Is ~·~' T~~ D06. .Sin l'r1nc!Ko OtlO no •1 -' los ...,..,._ DOO 000 tot -0 E -Slll<nDre. DP--S.n Frt!!CIKo I. LDtl -S.n l'r•nc~ "" Los ~ f . 21 -Mtrallltl. ffi -Ml..,,, Hit -en. '(tJ, S -SloMclll (2)• SP"-· Hl1n, Llnlfl'. AINnd1nce -lJ,251, ' S.Cr1•1, , •. • 'i Totll SI ,t t to l DP--011for"11 l, CtllcMo•I, lot •-~" Chic-J, I~~:.. ~~H'-. .._ , .• ' f R1lm.rdt I, I. I ~ In 2, AHtndtlKO "-),o9.. • , •, • • i-f • • ~ ~y:· night was .orit such occasion, ai tbe·playcirs !'lid ·the IJds a visit. ~~a !]I~ who'~ been ·~ PiDe• ~UClstlalllCe ,u ll.C., admits ' . Obviously, Bob Jensen did a lot of growing up in those few momenLa:. And the sarne can be said fOr ail the players who tour Children's hospital eaCh year. It's One of the most worthwhlle facets of the game. .Fr.azier Flattens Fpe,. •••••• cu ••••••••••••• WiliTE WASH ' J. ;us;p uuccucaAicuudi1" 1 that It .Isn't , ..,Y ,hav~ .• to go to Children'• Hoatt..l every: Year ·and see thole tkls. 1.'""l'"'7 • . He ~ Cilie particularly moving in- <*nt a-r. ... .;,em·. ago, whicli 'lnvo1'ed t,(qnotl&, m,n IW' Bob Jensen, fl°" a P~>"r <it use.,~ • . Hf(O~· ~ tells the story, "~ mto a rooni occqpted by a """'' 0.W,..r.lrld girl. She dldn't look sickly io.lld ahe'1Jim1 ctlpPled. She seem· eel-like: a .very· healthy and happy UU!e lit!. Arid llhe llllmedlately went for Bob. "Sbtltallced ldcl liughed with him and even pH hlm.1..• ikla on tht cheek. Bu\ wti.t Jt came Ume ifor him to leavt, lile -lotA> learl. Ht tried to cooaole her ' ' Short ClrcNlts ' Costa Men'•, owa Brian 0Yer10a woa the jwdor AAU .%1-kUomder walking clwnploublpa lteld. tt L a k e w o o d , deluUng n~ Jim Hanley by two- ,tealllt .i • aecoocL • , l ~ t 0\1"11n It ~ te1aew·1w• •dJpgrettf \rltlt Ille Ualted Slalea Olympic Com· mitttt aboat btlag n altttaat.e on tbe U.S. lqlad tr~cllsoµape~ ta Mexico Ci- ty list,_. -U9JIC Alcl ....... ·t. r.lT " . ·Fonner Huntington Beach High track star P,,;ut WUllams won pra.Ue from UCLA ~ch' 'Jim Bush after running a 1:$1.$ in lhe 880 and a 48.0 relay )eg last w~kend .. ,Williams ran·u an added entrant in the varsity,race and led from wire to "ire. He's a fres~. this year. Ed Newlaod, cQCh of tJle Core. def Mar teal that wtn die udelll AAU Wiier ,.,... clwoflooUfp -... _..,.,., .. JI ~ ,lreplly Ida ..cl\I P"' .... wtll be at-It GB 11111 .. , a pywlfo ___ lal-•* • . -. ' . ' May Face Quarry Nex~ ' + • ' HOUSTON -·Now that he has difpoled o£ a bricklay1r with two'vicious swiftis Of his W~cked1 left book, 'the question ,bero/e lmJJ;lg. circles ti>day was whether Joe Fr~er ts rea!fy to risk his s~e of, the world 's heavyweight title again.st. rugged Jerry Quarry. • II toO~ the qwck·Dlleq FrazlCS' only 16 secMdS to destroy Wlknown and tmrank· ed D?ve Zyglewi~z, T)lesda,.-1 night in the PhiladeJphia.n 1\ third Utltl defense. A press conference was called today by the M•d;-SJ!uare G•"""' Boling, !no. ~· r -T7 ror "an important announcement con· ·cernlng-a !Qaj« UUe," . ~ , s~allcin.wu FrQIOI' d been '.o£1'!'e<I a quriiter ~.mllllon I"! to meel QllwJ,. tbe~;. 2 "{orl4 ' ll<IW>i . ' • • ',\SllCCloUon heaV)'.Rfght, JWIO•D la tbi Garden. . ', · l(jJJy, ·Gree~e A~k~d to Re~u.r·11 Med~ls Rl\<E~IDE -Rae< driver Ron Courtney Of Cblcago, Injured when h1'. stalled car ·wu rammed Irvin bohln\f li>.a . race Saturday, wu, ~ved front the ,ci;tllcol llll at Rlversldi CommClnlty ho!pltal Tueoclay. The ho!IPltal reported ~'1 con: dlllon wis 11111 oertoua but ireat\Y Im- proved. The driver, 40, auffered • lkWl •fracture, aobrol<eo lq and llfght burns. w. "'l'be wbo!'e thine'• a lot Cll' -·" Rae Ortnnel~ Ctnada'• rep....,,tatlvo IAld.J'\aBlir. "1'lbe medlll were cotqpete(t on the FederaUon lntematlonale du S)J, for Jn IClOd laHIL You doo't·uk for thom rec<nt\Y relllmed !roman FIS meeUn1.1n hoet..lf·lhon wu any quoatlon about Germany which rccdved by lettCrilrlln· tlllm, tbtJ lboWdn-'l have been awarded. dqt'• dlmaod (or the reWm ft lie Jl'• a lot" ltupldJty." "' ,.,..., medals. "II'• all. ,,.,.. ta lll6," Mid K•lta.. .Brundage claimed In hil letter tllil N., rrWllCer ol ·\he Canadlan both oldirl: lalled to a'bide by Otymplo A••-~ "-"'~"'· 'Jjut It he ~atloM in the 11• ~ al qr.no. (~).iHllJ wanll lhe medals bac'lc trance . on a pcilnt of e!Jalblllty then he "'lbt to rllllltll, in j)tla1'a•, aald tile Fill rtler-~ them llaCt trora a ili)iober o1 other red, !he 100 ,._... Wet ta llllloool aport> too, tnclucllnt Ille Sdnlm.r Olym· OtynlpiC bodl<s .• picl." "! haven1 heard anythlnf about It at • • ·•II," said floward Radford, prtildenl ol 'the C8nadlln Olympic A580cialioni ' "And, frankly, l think It lin}!l'Ohable that We would bt: contact~. ~t 1ee1n1 more a case of del'1"iorattng relaUODS between the 100 and the FIS. " CO:C::::tyi:v:~: r:o~~·:: rules. J{ we were approached, it woukf have to be di!cusaed by the executive cotnmlltcc bul I'd be surprlled ~ l hiard any more, 11 Radford said. ' .. ... .. CdM Swim . Boss ·Qµ,it:s Olive Millovich, 4~yqr~ ~ -Swimming coach and a~t water po_lo coach at ec:wm.. del f'at High SChool has mlgned ~ •poolllonl, tile DAILY Pum learn- ed erchudvely today. Mlllovlcb w 111 be replaced by Cliff Hooper, Conner aaSi$tant swim tutor and bead water polo man. tt wais a vast difftrenQe In coaching pbilOIOphies belwot0 the men that lvw1aht fdrth MilloviCh '1 decision· ti'tlri'1n hil realgnatiOll. "When a.._J>rogram an4:l coaching philOIOpby are involved there mU1t be Unlty1and')'(AI have to Id a)oilg. u there-iln~'then -.... to quit.''M!Dovlch otaled • "OUr pbpcJ:lopbtes are too r•r 'apart to wOri in unity." 1 School principal Leon Meeks aald only that he· accept..t llillovich'• rotlgnatlGn With ....... In hll three years u CdM awlm coach, Millovlch chalked up eevtn ' Jrvloe League champiooobfpl (tbtee varalty, three see and - Coe). Hll beet alk'OUnd performer •• Ml~e 'Allbright, who bed beatJ of 1u and 411.8 for tile IO and too . ftteltylel. Mlllovlcb plane to nma1a II . Corona de1 Mar. al 1tut antll' .,... -other coeclilil( .o,.P.touilt1 '""1 • pniont ~ ·' n a JI DAll.V I'll.OT w.1 '1, ..,.U.lM I •• ~ ' ~ I ~· ' • Sunaet Prelimin.arW At F .. tblJI .Po.,I . .. mllllpd lo P1act lbt top 4llaUlllr In --lnch,Slna llll fUtill ~ In lbt llO medley .. lay. J11 Fvttr led jhe Ol1llillPI.., ....... 111'11 In lbt llO free, l :OU, all ll!f 40i free, f :ll;7. ' Join 1IUi:u llai> bid Illa ,_ - In two-. Ille 100 lodlvtdull -.r. !:DU, and lbt 100 fl1, •. I. . Newport'a Cblrlle ,Albe flDlallad ,_ In bli two ricta In lbt c. di-lie -Clocnd In SU In Ille• !NI ........ Gaey Hill lit llWlllD&loo -1114 li:I Ii tbe 100 tree. Umpires KO ·Pirate Nine; . . Rustlers Fall . Lloyd P~e.s TritorlS ln Crestview Prelims • • San a.-i. Hlsh 'School'• Corby Lloyd led qrange Coaat uu swbrunera Jn the CfeStvlew League preUma at Foothill Hlsh with fJrgl place elloril In the 200 and 400 freestyles 1n varsity ac- tion. HOii FooWD dominated lbe mt of the •anJl;f qualifying and · moot of lhe Bee action. Tbt KniBbll' Chrll Wll~ led In qu>U. tyiot'ln tilt Iii ,... wlll) I ~J and tbe t• frM In UJ wblk Otlp FUZ1llla br"""' to a I :ot.2 tn 100 breast action. San Clemente's Scott llelllro led Bee qua1l'1lnl 'with a I : OU In !he 100 Jn. dlvldual D1td1e7 and In tbe IOD free with I 4:11.1. I The Trllon flash baa qullfled ,.. the CIF preilml In six events, but mllll p!cll tllreetopwlfb. In al~ San Clem<nte qualllled ol&hl nrtmmon for the proilml, 1ncludlnc Calendar 0 . . . PAILY •ILOT Stiff,... day. Huch.ea, who won two even ta in the Ea stem Conference meet, ii eilttrtd. ln three racea and ~ao will swim legs on two relay teams. ' . \ ,. TOI' l'lllAT~ INTllY -Paul Hlllbtl, O~i• Cout Co11111'1 v1r- 11We lwim llar, wanm up tor Ille Southern cautoi'llla C!Wnpa- shipl wllldt run lhno _da71 at Goldf West Colle&•, beg!Mbt1 Tliun- CdM on Pace With 3-2 Win •• OVer Estancia °"""' dal Mor HJP lldloal ..-Ina I ' pme;beblnd In '""" ~ -baD .-.. after ed&inc Elllnela, S-2, • TueldaJ allemooa II the w1Mer'1 dia-....C . Flliataln Vllley trimmed Colla Meu, .... lo other Irvine ICtioa lnvolYlnc or-. Cout ......... °"""' del 11"1'• chatdl win • .,., Ellanda came cblelly GO the clutch pilehln& "' ki Kin( pltcberl and -ei., .... 11 Ult wimler'I poltOd lbt wJn. .... .... lo tllt llllb imlnl .. the olr<ntlb "' two ...... and .. Infield '"lt:-bid -twice In the 111'11 Inola& GO l>ean Wleoe'I lln&lt put a dnlwn In lnlltl4. Later, In tbe top of the aecood -Elllns eta tied the ocore up when CllJ i.l.-Y came ln on Chuck Loleth'a llCt1flet fly Ind Mite Lempke followed to Ille· plato aflera Soa Kin( throwlna tnm . . -la tbrealened to brtal< It open In the fUllt IMlnf. bat I Corool del Mat ~ .. play alllled the 111111. l'illh runnen 611 second and l!llnl, an atlanlittd iq,_ play winl awry when the wlnnen called for I pltd> out and nallad the tuMOt -Inf -from l!llnl bu<. Kalth Arladp'I linlle with the bu<I loadt4 ._..t the key lilt In P'ouotaln Vlller'o blanll jolt Oft< Colla Maa. •ttA .. CI& tll •trllrf! lad. .... J.11 Pllf911!w, II J I t I Ctnwllt. ( • • 1 • •irt""'·· 1111 ,., .... I''' M ........ I It -.. I••• Ltn'llll. n. I 1 I l•lltt; .... Jtlt ffleffA DP, MA• (I) .. , . "" ... ~.If ... ,. W1 """""' d J J 1 • D. Sii,._, )I J 1 I I •. ...,.., •• 1 ••• ....... ,,,, WINI ... llttt 10111,. rt , ••• IC.tlly, c J • • • lhc:l'I. , J • 1 • ~' .... -· ,.,., 1'tlllt •1Jl fttA "' tfllllWt ••• l!'ta11t11 no eeo t -t • .. c .... ,.,. et! M.r 2'0 Ill ll -J S J COITA MSSA HJ ,OU•TAIN V,t,LllT UJ .. ,.,.. "''"" ~::t-'·.· 1:1: ~=:i :::: l1r1t~. cf I I I Ctlftll. d J I I I Morrow, If 1 I I I Cllttl-. rt J 1 I I IJ~11Jlll Oltn..jl tilt '"""'·' tt t • • • -.y... • t • • • •• ,,..14.rt II'' Qlrlelrl.Ct1Jl Md•MM. • ' • 'ft#ry, • • ••• t~ .• l l:' ~J-i.i:, I l:: 'ftfWll .. I I I TNll M • 1 ~ ....... _ C..t1 M9t ,WMtll! Vttwr ••• = ........ , . --...} • ·-· 1 Monarchs Lose On 10th-inning Round Tripper llOWNllY -JIBI O'DCIOJMU II P1U1 X lilt I tllll-!tmtnl -!Oft 1111ada1 of· temoon to aend Mallr Del llome Wltll a ii- ' ~•l'lu• Leap buetlall· ohfal Bob 1!1upert had ~ !« M- Del In the el1blh IO Ue 1111 -· Keat ouUnf 1.; the M"'!lfdll i. a ~ nl&ht 1-at Slllta Ao1'1 M...iai Put .-ltll It. Pll!l llartlic II 1:11 p.ft\. MATll Dll ttl PM ll t•I ........ .., .... 1Y11tt,tf ,,,, _,,.,,. 1•,•,• •""""''I'........., .... ~ ,. , , . , feflnflr. c , 1 I • J , \""""1. "'4 t t t ' ~· I l • MYl{lotttllt dllt Mlll!lls.ltttl' 'lif•ttt YI'•~·· ' .... HI •••• I I wtM,t ttlt &tlitfM(\I,, •• r.=:.!: ~. • : I I l rc::m." ,f i' I ~.'I. I I I I c::..::;. • I l I ICrtJ!W.tf.ct1 I. I 0..1. ~ J •• I 'Ni~, N I I ""ta a • 1t 4 T.,.11 t I ........... M1tw 1111 fllt ... Ill t-~ 1, ~ 'tllt JC IU -tit t-t t t n ' . West•u•-.•ter Wlm,. 7-3. . . . Golden West Newport Maves !O Top Hosts SoCal . . . With 3-l Valley Verdict . Sw~0~=A~ Newport Hubor HICb Scbool'I baleball team moved Into 111'11 placo In tbe Sum<t League cbaae Tuoldl1 anem-with I Sn! victory over vlllUna Santa Ana Valley. Weatmlnster knocked off Huntlnilon Beodl, 7-3, and Anaheim stopped vllltlnf Marina. f.1 'l1le Tan of coach Andy Smith 1p- peattd beadtd fO< I l.f blanklni until llll)' --llmel In the llllb limlnl to Alt tblnp 1w1y. Tbt'""" c-on four olnllll by Mite Flemlnl, Steve ~. ll<al Mltlln and Steve Hanl<y. Scboettlu, who relieved 1 t 1 r l i n g pitcher Denny Bean in the lhlnl inning, wu credited with 1111 ~ coilJe<UUve victory of the aeuoo. l!o 1 H . Schoetller al!o b1d I double. Marina fot another 1n1ppy pitcllln( performance of the pitcher Dove KJung. .,...uer. Ho not c b e d hll lltb lltalght lhutout lnnln& at Anaheim. Ht bu 17 alrlkeoota In le lnninp and lporil a I.IS ERA. Marina WU brou&bt to earth, however, by 1 two-run fourth lMlnl bomt nm by Anaheim's Jim Rice. With that blow, !he Colonleta took I S.J lead. Anallelm pitcher Mlllo Ba1Jantlne went all the way for bis nlntll win of the )'tar Prep Baseball llVIMI a.UeUI and bu an ERA of 0.11, Weefmlngtn bid a f.e lead .after two lnnlnp qainll the vllllln( Ollen. The McCartney brother11, Mock and Phil. plus Ed Bane clouted doubles to iplce Weatmlnster's nine-hit offenae. Baoe, !he winning pitcher, struck out el&hl to bring hla 1:1-11•" wblU total to 111. Newport has a 5-L won.lou record. in league play but the Salklr1 alao have three Ua. Wutern, 111 '°"""' place, ta 4-3 with -lit. N"'P"'I ploys at Weetero P'rlday oft..,_, --m ... r II r'tl Mtrt1", c l I I I G!,._, 1b ..,.., ,,.. V•lltT··nr ' .. , llrM <!. I I I .1 1 I 0 ' 0 • • ~ I I I t •• 0 2 o i I . l I I 0 1 0 • 0 1 • 0 .0 J 0 I 0 21 I I I Hellln', N J I t t -IOl•nd, II 11""'9. 211 J I o I C"-Nbrtll, ti IMllfloff, 10 t I I I ll1rnn, d WI,_,., rf J I I I Gflll.&, 11 C\lf,,., cl J I I O LOH!, lb "*"'"'· If l I t o Serrono. lb Fothlr, Jb t I 0 0 Wlsnlf'll\1. c •t1rr.1 0011 Mllls.c $ChMtTltr, II' J I J I ihldtfl, ' T"1l1 U J 7 J . Jettl1 ....... _ ,.. ....... ('1 M&rlM It> ... , .. ,.. ... , .. ,.. IMCvlJev, ff.ct S I I I Mii~ c ' I 1 O Klbr. JIJ I I I I Creu:I, A 4 I 2 0 Si.rl"'9, I" I I 1 I Currin, d' 4 I l G l(RlptJ,ft 2111 Crtn•,ff 1010 llct. c a 1 t t K!v"lrne11r.1b J 1 1 1 Fl'lftdil, rt J I I I Mien. ti I I 1 I 111.....,i..t, I I I 1 o Alldlnlllo p 2 I I I Tlltl'rl. rf,l• J I 1 I lt\rlfl, II I 0 I I Mllrff ... u 2 1 1 1 S•men, rf s o 1 • r-i., • t • • • C•m .... 11, tb s • • o 'ftttll 14 ' I 4 Te111a 21 2 I J kW'lff ........ . """ ....... ..,. 01 .., r • rM MctvewFI. lb J ••• M.,,..y, 3 4 I 1 I • .,,.u •111 lt)'dtr,c 1010 SVfl'*lt, rt J I 1 I 11:w11.d I''' Ytlllltfltld. • • 1 • Sll.-.n, II 1 1 I 0 l1rly, 11 I I I I 111111911, p 2 I I 0 J11111.o 1100 , I • IOG2000-t I lat JOO•-• I I WtlhnlMt.r (fl . '''""' HIV!lft, lll J I 1 I Miine, t t ' t' I I PMcC'1'1!y, cl J I t t J. C11'1ditz.. 10 I O, I .I W.MtCrM\'. 111 1 I 0 M. lanc!Mf• rt J I 1 0 =·k.~~i: ~ ~ ; . ~ Hoofn, It 2 I I I •• ,,.,p 2111 TO!lls 2t J ' 2 Ttllll-27.1 '·• ac.rt .., 11111 .... HvnllMM IMtfl Wn""ln'"' r "·• 00: ,,. ·-1 • ' ,,, .. lf .... 'fl Major League Standings ' NAnONAL LEAGUE ElllDl- ll'• Lal Pct. a.leap 11 ' .'IP PlltllMlrlh 10 4 .TII Montreal I I .• New York s I ·* St. Louil S I .117 Phlladtlpllla I I .Sii Well Dlvlllae 10 • .711 I I .Iii ':·it: I , I .alf I U lOI Gii II Ill I SI\ 01\ II Ill ll> I i\I , .UWUCAN 1.EAOIJJ: llaltlmoH Detroit -... New York w~ Clavaland ElllDl- ll'• Lal -11 I .• I I .WI I I .115 I I .131 .I 1q .m I II ,OIJ ' W•t OITtlloa 7 I • .s 7 ' 7 • I 7 I I .513 .145 .131 .131 .417 •. 314 ~--,.......,.. ..... "' Pllllaoffll!'ll• .. '"9 Y..-, ttlll kl"911 I, Nap Y1111: I ,I~ M. ~ N o.lllllill 7. M._.... I #llllll'tll L &t~ • U ll_. Ir Cll .... t ~ u. t;""t; • ~ .CIW t ... ,._, I • t:ir=r'·~·--·· '· o#l~~,·., dll .I II\ Ill< 0 I \ \lo II II 2 Ill -"""" . --. .. W*"'" 1·11 • """ "'-' (.,....._ ... s.::: ''"'"' 1·11 .. .. ...... Cll'r lflttl-1·11. tt N1, ...... Olill!MC ,.._....,. 1·11 It MllWltltt1 UtMt 1.01 Of 1111 !NII)' Pli.t Sfi" Defending champion Fullerton Junior College ii expected to get a stron~ batUe from Los Angeles · Valley and Cerrilol colleges when the Southern Cillfornia Swimming and Diving championships open Thursday afternoon at Golden West College. The three-day meet , which runa: through Satuiday, will attract the·n,.t junior college swimm~ and divers in the Soutl'.land, r.epresenting schools from the Eastern, ·Metropolitan and :Weatel'nt " 5_tate conferences. · Fullerton: which unseated Orance Coast as Eastern Conference: tlillst U1il spring, along With' Valley · and· Cerrito., figure to dominate ttie rileet. ~!though Orang~ Coast an~ ~st Golden '"est aren't serious threats for tht ·team title, both schools have t o p ·no 't c h perfonnerir capable of nabbing indfvid111l honors. Paul Hughes of Orange Coast ahd Klis Swenson o( Golden West will head the conUngent of area swimmers when com-- peUlion opens a( 3 p.m. Thurlday .... Both scored double victories two weeP ago in the Eastern Conference flnalt. · Hughes . won the 200-yard lildlvidual medley S;fl~ the 1,650 frees tyle event with a pair of· stirring come-from-behind efforts. · · ' He's one' of the favorites 'Thurldity In the 200 indo.The 1,650, the equivalent of the nPle TWI in track, will be contested Satunlay. · Swenson dominated the•butterfly events In the EC meet, setting a conference standard over tl1fl 200-yard ~e. 11lo6 races ·will be-conte&ted Friday and Saturday. Other a,~a thrttata for llrst places are Doug Schlinmburg in the 50 frte and Bruce. Johntt.on· in the 200 breast. Both Ot'.lnlt Coa!I( swimmers won · those events in the. EC finals. 1969 JultiuAnlerka •• f'ttl (~ ... I .. _.,.... 1'9fMt l.f) C..ft'-"''-(lniftlt I.fl VL ~ ll"ttln 'N I M ~_. ,.11 .. c111e ... ,~ w 1 li'I......., l'lftM •OL·D sw. USED ~·u "" M l It .._._ I .... 1 .. 1. llltllt ""* l'tfl llt•6tfl N ) ft C....... ITllM N>. ~ -"' " "" -·--""EST •m -no1t = Dltt'llt (Md.allll WI II l11t"'*ll CC..H• .. ,,, II;" -- -"' " ,. •-•-.., -• ..,. Of USID SPORT CW r',,. .......... 'l"" ............ ""!!'w~ ......... ~.'""""" .... '.'.'•"•...,. .... "."" .. ".•." ..... l'n SOUTHllN CALIPOllOA AUTHOIUZl!D l'ULL llllYICI AND l'ARTS l'OR ALL 111\l'ORTIO AUTOMOllLIS _f)1 llip1111 1111111 111 I, 1111 Wiil COAST HtOHWAT-NiWPoaT Ill.CH '4M4fl MoolfM AollMllll•· Me e AUmNolllAlif llMlor ,... .. .,,. ,...,.., -· ...., a Senta I• 1 ~ r tu p 1:i 11 -. ~l111por1 ~' . I • !• • -----------~~---------~-,.- . 'fop CJF Marks ( -· Newpor~ Spik~r Makes Ratings · The~•eout,.,.. . ..i..;'"i"liinlort-1.lesa Dlstr1cl .& .... ..,. I!! ....... ~t'WI . Jbtll''t•'i< .!• . • o111er1 1a the w ~ .• u :. J!IJ.... {lllh .,,. 1n the the prep _ lnipk and .,fleld • -0~ \111111;,."llltincla's Dove mar11a: , . t ' 1 ' · l"'d.a > ~I ou1 of the Movtna:. )#o. · the ~ ·. 'ftnklnp; .. · :, ·. ~. , • 1 rati!1p if· Ntwpor:! H>rbor .And, i!lslancla•s llltl> Wood il!.!i~'•81t!.~'flw> l.s ..,,11mg.r ... the'.llD IOw ilin.rlliO'pJOte isi-10,1\ at the hufdlet · Jill with. !ili~:~t ' , Twelve athletes are ahead. of that nwk. 'H R Robert Stockton I( •1AIC 1 . ome WI l!each ·Poly leads lhe - , ,• tingent with a nm~ ' . la.a. . N• · SC .Day~ .'l~ick of L.aguna ' · lpS Beach C1Wtmues to drop in the , ·• · 880, Ji~ th• 1..t spot witli . • hl.s f::ll.i': . . . » :r~ 7th l o· I P¥.ri~~ 440 r'eJay time :of lll ' • , 43.1,18.lJeCI for · seventh. San -<::Jemente pitcher Bill Prout doesn't know whether to laugh or cry today. He had a J».bitler in the works until the 1evtnth and final irlllin1 Tues- dayl afternoon before E I MOdena'1 Al Bjorquu hit a home run, handing tbe Tritons a 1.0 ckfeat. other Crestview Le a I u e games included a z..1 Mission Viejo win over Foot.bill and a IH Villa Park maWlnl ol L.aguna. The Artists committed U) errors and Villa Parks scored nine unearned runs. \llLU. PAllK lltl ~si:'~ ··: 't ,.,, ir.?J:: .. d ! I ! .5c~...:1v. 2' ! F:J.brftti. ff l I t...;:. .. ~ f l ' Cllll~. ' • o Tollb U.•UNA llACH (t3t 1' 'l2 •II r llPM =~~"lr1Mi. ~ I • i o '"""' ~ .. ,.. '111 "i.~IO."'ll" ' • l • L"r~.".1; ·,r , : 1 Mcliilir•av, c ....... """""· .. I I I '!'~.:'."• I : 1 ! ~°'"' 24 2 lt9N llY ll1~11tts VllllP•rt: 071UOl -1tt0 L•Yna lleldl 100.100 0 -2 J !O MISSION \l/IJO It) all r llrN Holme cl l o I o Cttro.lb • 1 0 It G1rdntr, If I I I 0 Gr1~ !l I ! ',•, b:v11. 4t. '$ Mann. i\ Han11elwd. u Mor-. rl •, 'i ': ! -v:i·. l I ll POOTHILL (II a: ,2 ll·r~ Jlt"-U .. 010 Minta.I cl • I I I e.t1ct1i0tie. • J o 1 • ~3~}.t.. llJ ~ ·11 : ~~·111:r "rt 1 0 g " , I . v othdt. 3IJ J ' ' ' J ,,, It._..,, ....... ,,., M!ntool Ylllo eoo 000 112 - 2 • I Aiettlill lllCll tlDll 11 - 2 3 SAN CLIMINTI i:1 It M llll Ts\Jll'tt:,C !'ol'o OHfl!Mugl\, 211 Ch•i.tefl•.,,. " 3 I , , IColttf;, d 2 t 0 J-.:111 301 1 Dlsme,...,lf 10 10 hvl1, tf 3 0 I I llndl1n, lb 2 o o o Prout,1 Ji ii Totoli IL MODIHA 01 I J I .... ll H ltll IC. C1rls1111, 211 l I f I MY*,.,C tt:o Jot1t•11. • 3 o o •1C:•lllll.11 3 0 0 0 t-.a.I• 311T ··~· t 0 I 0 .... l,t;I 2 000 1t1va. 2 o o o Prtr1.rf 2 o O 1 Tomi• n o 1 o SCll"I .,. '""Inn II H I! J111 C:ltrTMnt1 ooo ooo o -I 2 • El -MDC!l!IO OOG 000 I - 1 1 1 $1 Tickets Set for Kids YtW!pten'wiD pta llJl<Cial ticUI price brtak at the Na- Uonli Tennll Leque pro tournament at· the Anaheim Convention Center a r e n a beglnnlnc Frida)'. '11ckets for youths 11 and 'under' will ..U for $1. The • :irn!ance '; t!~t uctei.. "We w::i: k1dt tO Mt the l'•atest tennlo ~In the world and WI -lo po tbe y.._ien • -'cbance lo - and ~ 1llth -arw 'a~.' ta.Id. Ge•r1e MacCOu, pmldeilt ol tbe Im, and tourney -· ' '·'-l·I ,; ••• ... ':I !:, '·' ;~ '1 .1 Jjj ~l.t ~i nl •7.1 *' •• ' .. .... .. , .... :;:2 ... : ' . • ' • l'tMlftl .,,. fllU., ...... BEAMING WINNERS -Mrs. L. N. -Harrison (right) and Mrs. F. X. Kinzie of Santa Ana Country Club are aJI smiles after winning low net and low gross honors in 11th annual', home and h~e tourgam~t agaipst Irvin~ Coast . Coun-. , try Club. More than 12o women golfers from the two course~ competed 1n the - tournament. l ! ' ' I n11:i' i.!5. l:SS.S l:i!i.f 1:$6.0 l :M.O l:J6.0 1 :56.!I l:M.S ,, 11.6 (:13.5 "IJ., ,,14 .. 1 ,, ,,.} ,,,,_. '=11.2 ,:11.• ':11.I Def en<fing Champ Su1·viv~s ~,· :'11:1 '=I .J •:It., •:1'·' ICCC President's Cup Play ''"·' Defending champion Dr. Tn the :Augusta flight, ·It's to 10:30 . ;:~~:: John Helton is one of J4 Pau l Renius against the win· A dinner·dance tourney ls ;:lt1·5 survivors after two rounds or ncr of the Harry Martin..Pete slated for May 4 in mtn's club r!t· the men's President Cup J\1athey match. activities. :ill: cchamtpionsC1hibp at Irvine C-Oast Denny Evans defeated Lloyd Lagu--B. •ach. oun ry u . Stocker two and one for the •-'5' l!:J Others in running for the Ii· Ba\tusrol flight championship. Evelyn Jiutl~ut won tJ>e, \t~ Ue are Cedric Roberts, Dick In the· Cypress. Point· fllght, · ~fa.ss ,A tJtt~ l~ ~omen'~ Clqb 1:ij Ew.¢1, J)uke \V ilson. Roland .Howard, Evan$ will meet Dr. action at 'Law..itr.a Beach Colln-11:3 Vp.Jlely, Bill, McCabe, Bill ·Harvt.Y-S.peaJ:s for the-, honors. "try Club· with 32 in • putts ~··· Scbauppner, Bob L o w d e ri . event. it! ~!!rn:__tchauppner, Chuck Hu11ti11g't~n Beaela Second, a stroke behind, was i1.1 Montgomery, Dick Broome, . . ~ J.I I D 1·u·1 111· · .l:.i by ll:; Mllcr'""-Marcbetti, Walt Ray--John· Henr.ICksen and Fr.ed r:e en rexe $ o owe\.! J;:g "htand: aDd Rich Bassett. . Salazar sweP:t to the· )e~d ~tter Jarlet Poor. ' , 18 •~1 · ·th 6l s .... "l!:... In class B act1'on It ' ·Wal 1;:: •· :.R~_· ..-....;....;on.:., "EIAJph uue! WI a _a lury;i8y "j ew1a.1 I""--• n11 and finished· Sunday's tmal 18 Erna Roever Wit!\ 34 f01ldwe6 l:: llop'l;lullt wu the lOW gr<m with a eo to easily take "·tlle by Eilene CasJXtris a·ft if ,,:3 .... with • in Monday's C · best b 11 t Thefm:a Tobm""' with 35s.. ., n .1 ... -~ ... , ol the s 0 u th e r n n ss-Cross -a par ners.. ~or _ J •2.1 ~ :.O~!:!.i-Chapter of the Na· tourney at Huntington Beach Ma rtattt ·weSlmortlana, !1· 1 \AWwuut Counlry Club · Linda Mott1Son and Gladys n·1 tjonal PGA'SeQiors event. . · ·. , Pierwon: fimhed' in a• 1hni:e. :f! ·Last week's better ball of Tied !0r second, '0Uf strokes way tie .fOr ·class c honan ~:l ~ners in men's club ·actio~ _ back, ~~the teams of_ N~ "A'ith 36. •J.1 was won by Ray Haoee .and Rice ~ ~Y. Goods~, and ~1:1 Die• Myen ~th a net .,A Leroy Gay and 'BJ 1 f Y Jlfe•a: •1'..-..1-' ' ' 'll~ f w• d w . Creaswell. . . ·,, , • "• ~· OK; ' 3~1 :i or secon w~e Hank . Brander Gistle and Ed Dr. J~rry l>Qin too~ the ,\ow ~~ :t Smith and Marco Anich a.long Parnell finished. with '117 groSs championship • In the l; ,:. wit.h the tandem of Harland , , -> l •:t E~ctson and Charlie Hester Rancho SJ b;tn·~,.~~bnd ~~c a t~gnea) j: ·• With 82s. -l t .!, M V d C 't . Cl 'b 3: A iimilar event on Saturday Marv JohnSOJl an.d ijoame esa er. e o u n r y u • b 1t• Dave Hellman followed . '"'"" wu won y Dunc McAlpine HOilgland scored a net 'SS •• • 1'tt aqd Chick Higbie with 61, one Saturday to take the Seiect Low net honors went to tro" -"-d f J Ord p cl Glenn Ii. Jones with his 60, ,.. •'Ill s at -..R'!a o oe way , artnera event· in m-'n's ub followed by Bob.Littleton's 11 1:1 and Gene Stoddard. ac.tivity., . , tt 1: Everett and Pat Morris y,·on In a two-way tie tor second ,ilnd Bjll Schulte's and E. C. the · SUnday mi.1ed couples place at 61 were Bob Ht:.bbard Jones' 62s. ' ,c • • • t ~th -d o· k B d ' Bob'and Pug Littleton team-e.ven wJ 1 w;, an tc arryman an ed with Rollie ancf'Helen Hicks l"'lJ\(f S A 1 Harvey McClure and Bill Sa.1.· .for 1 SS. to win ,the mixed beat ~ anta nn ton. ·ball of'foursome event Sunday. ~(t Jack \\i.ildtt will mett the Jim Roy and Bob Larrabee . $econd' Wjth,"" 80 weie Pearl J'h Winnel' c:A the ~ Nowllng'-Lee tied Stan Rado and Hant Duf· ·and . Mae Bible and Al .and i~ I Metzger . match for t h e fte far third with 63. · Jean . Tobey. , l':'l l'relldent'• CUp title. , Seacllff , !'hf fina.I ""rid ol the, M(. •I • Wilder made the finals with and Mrs. Tournarrlent Is slated ': 9"' a two and one victory over Ladies' Day is scheduled for· Sunday: lt~s a shotgtiri f" r' Wally Bennett. Tuesday mornings from t.:30 .start ~t l"'p.m. !fj~l~~:;;~:t,:~~~;;~ lt ·~· :e·•,.. 450 Sq. Ft,.Swlmmin*'~ INSIDE WATER UNI: . . ' MEASUREMENT · l5'x30' PRE-SEASON ;~v:v SALE ' GOx ·'Smashes Record CAtL 532-1992 W• M...,.-y .. , Y•nf Aod·llllp,S... , .. MonoyOn-T• '-'oYIUrt'MI 1'10 MO~ D!?WNI Beat The Summer Riliii! .. "' '.... 4 . . ' · Bu't Gaucbos Take 3rd 12'1<24' KIT OHl.Y 5849'0 0118 SIDS Oii S1W1S ~VAIWll , . ...._..._,, ' .... '-''!tk• _ ... It Ch•f:,!11'' 512·1992 ------------~----. - - DON'T IUT A POOL Ulllll '"IOU CAIL SEOIRl'S SAVI -IYI IUY No,WI . ', lllllT 11130 POOL , -·$1369 UCTAllGlllAI a 101.n . D~Y INITAUID • · ~-10b..f~J.tAHCI' PIOI, nn.-. aunt.111 Aut•·lklmmer, .. tte"' INCLUDES: Or1l11. IUlriln• IW.1 l..1•dtr, Ali l111Ul!lfo' r. -------------------~-.........----------- "tL 01 i : . i· ,. s •"~ •· t ~ 5 ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ••• ' . ' ' I ~ ' ; t ' ·Prep ·tolf • Go where yw·want. 1loy where yw· ,....ir 'i!theut oched~'tl;i'i' •."1- . CHOOSE A DILUXI PICKUP CA~PU ............................. ., ........... ,....~ ........ OR . COMPLETELY SELF.CONT AIMED CON1>9!J MdTOR HOME . For Up }~.I RESERVE rNOW TO<ASSURE •· DATES YOU WAPl'r. • REASONABLE RATES . . . ' . COME IN OR tM.L TODAY FOR l'ULL INFORMA!19,~-' ASK FOR I ·MR. MALCOM·.-REID 1'H10De»u · ROliiNS ----r,=.-;:, ~ ~ -~ _,,_ AT.TH ... PAIR ,SALE . "a:tli1c&sf ' • t. • 1 POR-..ACTCAM ' I 2 .• , --· . run , . ':'_•':: . ' ... . .. .... .,,. ......... _ .. ut1D......_...._. . • DELUU'LAWM ,. FER~ • Containt iron and , 1 sulphur •• New, l'lf.potltlCJ • 1 2).7-10 mlxtore •I bn-5;000 • Doutill acdon WMd kill• and tlWn tmtrfbs • Contalnt a.m.M> "911 2+1>' • tdlal 104-t .m.mn • l bl("""" S.000 "" ft. 2 _ ... $1.11 20 LB. BAG SQ, ff. ' • ~~"'· 20 LB. ·2•6 3-fctlUI BAG ' , ' DON SWDLUNI COAST . Geml ·Jiil · ·AVERY • '·GBIEIAL ll£ IRYIU ""' 11-' """ Ill w. ,,.., .............. c--"'1'-• ' 14f.lj1~11JJ ... " MIMUll' :.vro INDUmrn Hl•HWAY IANrr co1ri1•1"11 • 'I 6Elf IAI. "Tm SEIYICE I 1UIL• --........ ' ' ; ! • ! I ' ' t '• • ,, ' • • H IWl.Yl'UI' s ~··· Elate~ • . Compass Annual Clemente S:winging Newport Sail~rs Win~·ne;J!or ·~ ... . , q ~-- Race Set F ida lmport8nt Five Soutbera Calllornla col· Dame, 1lobul Doyle't .,._, Plclflc Coast tgl&te cbMn· ~bt t;ti.,, and fw h<r own r y ltllai< NilOtl -three from who WU 1111 cnw at ._.... pi.... > , llllillJ!I liJllllt1 .• 1b1S been Ahoy tM-t, skipper, will you Newport -bavt bten...se~ed From the Wat CoUf there Muaaer JlOl the Amerlc'an runner-up 'In the Adams Cup. eam Named . All-American Intercollegiate Sailing 'Mlfft.yadlt clubo wW be 1 .. velved In the arulual San ct..,..ie ltland race w!llcb pU ""*' way Friday at I p.m. from Los Angele s Harbor. be one of the several who aall Oft the A 11 • A m er I c 1 n in-will be Tbn Jtocu, Newport I e a tn. will be Mias Leslie national w o m e D ' s cham· VYC uses the event u the past Enlenadl each year tucollepte salllni t eam Btach, representlnc USC, and ~ •. ~~port ~ J)ibnshij, • and'tw ·~n a top lnaoiurol « Ha M...,., 11er1.. beeall!O YIN' compou bu not which will compete In En&land Tom M·' ...... Un --.'. Ed ';.~. ••Colillslslepror •• f.:'~Bu.,._. soil"'•·;.._ Snowb!id C1111 at la< Pacmc Handicap Racina been pr-11 "fWllnl"! ~.... .., -· " •• ~~ · Fleet yaehts and Its Miqet Don't Jaup."'Jc hapgefts. The this summer. Butler, both from San Die10 wu ~chOltlt t1feeame ol •. ,,,; NHYQ.., She ·will ·~ acrve 11 Perpetual series. ThtH two most commoar etrOr is to sail Tht Amtrica.n team wu State. McLiu&hlln anc1~BuUer -.utalandiu "'-'!l'k .. ~Joo..,, » elt.ernate skijliper on the clu&a willstartatLAYCand right put Todos Santos named by the Intercollegiate are the current U.S. and ...... atrUctor a'i NriPGH a,.i'bor 'BriUsh tour.'•· , T1'I m..mu, race marks the be&lnnlnt <I Newport Harbor YaCht Club't 1• Abmlll56n SerieJ apct !be "1ndup or Loo All(eles.Yaclrt Club'• Wbltne7 Series. sail around Catallal ltland ot1-Islands. , amount of deviation on each Yacht Racing Association of An ArJ\ef'k:an colleglate uil- ly be!~ ~ ol Newport. Th• boy& at Wheelhouse headin&. North America irnmedlolely N R • Rules D t S t In& team 8°" to Enaland The 0can Radnl yachts compass, %101 W. Coa at-Birt beware.. After a com. following laat weekend's Ken-eW aCJDg ~ 8 e e everyotberyeartoc'.ompetein "UI aail around SI.ft Ofmtnte HJ&bway, aMUre you U)at it pass bu been properl1 ........ , nedy Cup Rtplta at An-• Island btfore flnhhin& at won't happen ii your com"91 you WU! have to be ~;;,-:. The S o u t b • r n California from a North American Yacht sam~ of the top challenge Newport. Althouata Catalina hu rt«nlly and properly lhat no toolJ, beer cins, small nar.~~M!f the team will be Yachtlna Auoclation ~ b a 1 Racina Union edict wbkh said eventr of the cay.i.itry, ift.. laland ii not a mark of the been comperp:ated for devia· radios or other metallic in. David Coit of Yale. Also from deslgnated July l ar the date the new tules would be ef· cludhic the Uptonf CUp. the Tht .San Oemeote Island race wu ltai-ted a nwnber ot years 110 by Voy.,.... Yacht Club el Newport and 1••1Yed " popular> that NHYC and LA Ye hoiJI adopted it U I part fl their respective terie:s:. course. veterans of thf: race tion. nuences are placed near the Yale will be Chris Seaver h ... 1.... fective April I. British American University have fOWld that t~ btst \V he e I ho u st Compa.ss compass. from Newport Beach., .w en the new· yacht ra._..'6 NAYRU stated, however, Cup and the King 'Memorial. counie is to Jtave this island to specializes in swinclni com·, u you are unsure of the From Harvard will be rules will 10 Into tffect in that local ,roups could make The competition takt8 place at port a.s well as San Clemente. passe.s to find the amourat of devialiori in your compaas, Robert Doyle, the · Flyini Southern California. their own elfectlve dates. various places in EJ!Cland and Under most normal con .. devlalibn due to the influence make an appoint~t wllh Dutchman 1 k Ip p,e r wh(I Considerable coofusioa has SCYA selected the July l Scotland. The series will la.st diUons, yic~ts VYlnl to ot metals in your particular . Wheelhouse. Complb for 1 represented the U.S. in· ~e ep!ted among race com-date to allow all yachtsmen {fom July througb ·September. bypau Catalina by •~Ung boat. After swingini tbe corn· check . before 1taf'tinc t o lMI Olymptc yachUne aames millees in Southern Caltfomia and , race commiUees t o On the other years a British around the eut end find pass. they will make a •-com. EMenada or any o t b e r at Acapulco. Also on the team u to when the new ru1el will become familiar 1'1'lth the team conies to hlerica '° Yachts Tune lhemselw,ts stilled ..uider tht , pass card" tndie1tint: the offshore race. will be Richard Doyle of NGIN be effective. 'Ibis ruWted changes and new rules. coriipete in a similar aeries. 1 .... 1 ti>! eut <Ind~ the =.:=-.::::......::=::=:=-..::.:__::::::=..::..:.:::::...~~~~~.::.::.::.:.:::=:::.::..:::.:::..::.:.:.::::..::...~__:;;::::::..:::.....::=:.....:.::::::::__:::::::==-=:..:::.....:.:.::::.__~~.:.:::;:_~~~-"~~ ~~-~ Up, for Race · -b !be first year tha1 the Sin ~te race hu bten a~ on Friday ar; To Ensenada ~PHRF and MORF neets wiJ1 ,alat! .Sa~day fllOm!nc ud iafl only arolfMCatallria, le .. IJ!l the Island to port. Vlrtulllj< all -yacht races 1n Southern California -.... _ will be termed is wann-vpe:·fer the Faenada race wtilcb llarb '111oraday. May. I. Bahia COrintblan Yacbt Club will llftd a fleet~ Ocean k - ing, Mldc•t Ocean Racln& and Pacillc .Handicap yadda on a arnilo·daah to Dana Point, billed iu the Ensenada Tune- Up. Slu1UtC ,_ Marina • t I lley wtJI be a fleet of ·elflhoN ractn Jn the Mayor's Trophy race. This race ends at NfWPOl't and the yacbtl will _.in here for th• llart el the Eneenada Race. Another IP'OllP el Newport- bound 1achts 1'1'i!l shove off -vtatura Satunlay. Tbll la -Id b1 Ch annel ltlao4I Yacht Club to &ti -ad• yachts to ·t ~ e alartlni line. In addition. to the a~ve raca, LAYC will also send the lJWe . !lhltney yachts, com· ~· 10lel1 of MORF yachts arwncHiqlt !tock at t11..,rest e,,ci JI' c;ata11na and return ·to u·1.., !or the finish. Hill Ch9ice In ~a'rathon Berri~ ..... ~ll "' ·Go...i.;, Grove, & miclwoek elementary achool -anrl weekend datedOvil, ~I be one ol tht '· f&vorllll ........ , In the ... ~ --of the tint ... ltill W<ilf In vi tationa I Manthea for -llolta at Loni BNch Mltlnt -.... . ,...., kadlnl -will laolle atarlinl at I p.m. C 0 Salurday in • fhreH>our tl)-N HY pens d .... -·-• tacln(,. lt&rl blWlnl lri --boor contest ol lnboaMI on l. · On May -1.0 · S.:::21. who stands, 1 .. t s . Newport Harbor Y a c b I and weltbl Ml pounda. bu Clrll>'• Opft>in& o.y -~or =~ ::::.i• ,:,..i;:i: ='='.I.~· Ila two -nd• anrl 1-yachbl ls acberlulid !Gr Jla1 io .make 1t tbne ltr~t .. 11 , :nit a field. wbich 1f'ill Uh 'rho ,... ltaita at Loi Biil ~. Marina dtl Anp1e1 Hart>oriiod-at llaJ; Rudy-•. o..-nt: the N< rt ~ • ' Bob Sprau., Anaheim; llako ~ ..... ~ to all Oii. EMu!ll Lu V<Ju. anrl form« MOU and PHllP" yaC¥s -Id Clwnproo Ted Ma1. whole Owners or slds>Pln' lre lAnc · Bel~. mtmbln • ,_ Clcalll al-. Hill will bl al till helm • llliatOd with till .-. l!llaP!l<f. a !Moot Glutroa ~u~• Ya_." .. '-ii· hill porrenx! b}' trriJI Evlnnlde ti:.:"'-........ . ....... New · Santana Sloop 'Bigger and.Faster' . . ''Bilier, better and fuler -"" -11er aiJt!n, the 'JI' -'IT'." M'I ti. way W. D. (Bill Schodll deacribu hi1· new Su'ltana-37 crui!ing -racing nwt1>u4 llloop. Schock predi<U the Santano- " ..;u. ba Ille boat to i.at In tbt upwninc Tran1pac, Mackinac and other lonl dM:auct yadll rac:ts. 'Mu'ee. of the niW bolts are entered ln the 'l'ftmpac. Ullci Ille llantana-ZI and San-i.a.zt, wlllch b»• limilar -. ..... 2'I is desipd for = families wbo valut ...-.-ud ablli1;J to w1n races. Thi --41 was dell1n- ... b1 GtrJ Mull ol S.. Fr111· "*° lllCI ..... Unt-laWd to develop .... -boll 'peul· bl• fiir Ill d4eiped . »fool .. -. -k aald. All -will be eqlllpp<d wilh tnrnt.11> at tile tnllln1 C!Jdle fl tile lleel, tnablin1 the -lo atoy Vi trim .. any polot of Nil. A.1at1e apade nllldfr bu been placed well alt tbr -<I stterinC and dlr....,W lltability. Hui ..i deck are rnoldad :::f" la ..,. piece, com· · wftlo llaJJawood cora ....... lot rilldlll'. atreqth lllCI ~· ,,,. - -Joel McCrea akld deck ts. titled will> lll'lt -f<r Mr! ..-. '!be laH-IMllHl>s coctpit ii delllMd for mdlia& comf«t without aa8tllclnl raclnl ef6cieoey. -deckl, the Santana.$7 Is brith\ and crpaclous, llniab- ed wlth ll\lhopny with a hand·rubbed satln ftnlsh. At> comrnmt6tions for til:ht are pnwldod, 1leepina two In "°'le quarter-lltrthl In an an ctbln, fCU' in the mail cabin on a cot1verUble dint«.e on the port aide and 1 double berth to •ta-. '1110 1alle1 ~ located aft . with eonvenlent se.rv1n& to the dlnclto aod coclqlll DlreellJ ,.._ ·-Ille ·,a11ey· la a 1arae chart table forward of t!le porl qlllrtet-barth. ,,,. spacious baad ..,... partment with shower, varUty Cablnet and Watc' cloilt. ii accelli.l>k [rom the main' ml f<n'..S cabins. A larp lllllt- tna: loc:ktr is oppolite tba hll4. tiMe Santanl-17 is m.utheed rlnocf with • lam loft. . triangle tb&t w 111 ac- c«nrnOdute a wide telection <IAlls.Maltand_ ... 11umln..n olloy with - a I 1 a I atandlnl IUIJ!I I t • dacrclll runnin& r!Qinl. AUlililr'J powtr ii •Pl'"v.!tldedrlocl I by I JO.bortepowet At.crnlc Four <r O!>liOnal dleoel ..pa. Jl'ueJ and water tAnkl are oUlnlessat.el. Leqth overall b ff 'fetl I lnc:hol, beam ti r..t t. draft I feet 7. oall uea II GT 111"'" feet. Total dlsplacttnent 11 a.ooo pounds, includln& 1,a [IOWlds htllut. ••4-Plf irnoirco11 ... , ......... '·AMBASSADOR .. - ; 27 lllOfml GUAWITll 'OAYS ..._,.' 12 5~,~::.__ 1.-iv.11r,H ~ .. 1.7' ~I t.M ... 1t.tl 2,07 r.• 2.11 II.ti 16.76 •. ,. t .46 ....... ~·~-.ll.l"4~~.+...:.:.:::.::_1-­21.t• ...... ,. •· Al ....... ,tM. -...... J.ti. 1 .. ......._lsN•.-.-h. SNOCK SPRINGS f OA'r' OllL'l'I 4~! Gi-. • ktltf hdt ... ar-t« OMfWt , .• •ddt4 t1ftty. N• _. •n1• .. • 4r11 « n 1· ~---· .l7-101 2 17.4' t .•7 ... "FISK SPA.K PlUIS ..... -.y, 31£ ~ .... ,.,. .. Mt..,-· c-. .-n: ...... ,.,.._,. ... =a.•~-~ .. ,. •• i:ltlf •nt!2'·10 1' •.•••L..J•r1•~ ... =~-.-....... --........... DAll.Y 1' to If SUN. 10 .. 71 Ofhr ..... SUNDAY, Al'ftlL 27, Ifft • ~ D. FLIGHT @CKJ[] [1@W r;> ffi D CS [] Q AUTOMATIC PUNCTURE PROTECTION" TRIPLE WHITEWALLS 14/32" TREAD DEPTH WRAP AROUND TREAD -...... C.,... ...... & ...... YALYOUNE ••s. n ,., 22•• •MnOJn.n MOTOR OIL --........................... ft & It WT. ttC:. 14.N 27•• ..... 29 :.. -· ....... ....... ~'Cl:lo ...... QmaJJty ._. on •t • 32•• """"""' ...... Stock UP 4-''l"S"'"-'fl Ir Sa..,, .,, II .. 4YEAR GUARANTEE FISK SUPER SAFTl·FLIGHT t DAYS ONLY! 4-ftl llYLOll CUD TUllWS ANY SIZE LISTFD. ,,. . ..._. , .. , .. ·~ .......... , ................ ,.. ..... ..:, ••i.cN •.._.."-"'"• ..tel•I-........ ._ _.,. ......... i .. , ...... ,We ... ,....., •• ....,. ,_,. .. ,. ..... '·" _·7.JS-11 !.21 1.21.1• 41 .ta .,. " r r .... ...... 1. 41.ti .Wtll u'a •. .,. 1.ss.1 $32 l.IS.1• 4f, I .... •• • . ':;' Waltt CHAIGI m ISi ... c DT ct11n . "'WITI IO~ IOWll SHOCK & . ALllMfMENT $1088 ' SIMONIZ 4&1~CK VISTA WAX STllEO PUYll ' . 1•i ........ 49• '"""'--..-•MYS°"'-,.1 ·--·--............. ('loM •'"',.tr,~ 111 .. tdt' 11e, .•• Yft r.. 111 ~ ........ • PJ;il"' 1111 I lf'M!lt .... -. .""'6caly. . l1·lOJO. • Platt a.II ( treic*: .,_ 'W'lth -et~-·'"'fi'r.ro • THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY • Given Honor °'="' CITY (Al') -Joel hclo ti DIM1 a Hotl1WIM Ill opera, wtll llt la I ' I F'*1 Into the Holl .,,,_,,_w..,.mAt> WESTMINSTER BUENA PARK BUENA PARK COSTA . MESA SANTA ANA Ion. lllaQ9I 11 the accond per- -.. -the honor .. hu. lllll '""'-'l1ie rent wu Am· Inda -"Xitl>'" II the TV •oQe I rk .. ttri& I ------------------ 11440 11.t.CH &VII. 5815 LINCOLN .AVL Sl01 llACH aVD. 2200 HAllOll aVD. 11t Md1~ I 1 d 11t Y..., Yin 11t Lollwi91or • Wlu : 126.SIOO 523-3040 • • ----------~--~~~=n™~-""·°"'·""'·"'"'==,.,.,-, .,,_,.,,_,.,_.,,_ ""'"=='*"'·-=·-·'°"'"·""· .,..,.-..,..,.---,,.,,-.,.,.,, .. ,..,.-:-. --,.,.,, •. ,.....,.. -,.,-. -:c". '"°· ;-•. -c. -:--. -:.;:-..-::_;-. ~=--:-·°"·"··"·"""· 7. •. -; •• =. -:: .. cc.,--;.-;c .. :-:. 7. •• -,..;-=.r..;:.7. ·;-:. :;;-=~ ... , , . ,.. ... .• ~ .. • ·--.. ..-.y ...... _...,,..--. - . I • ' .. • ' -• • HIGH FASHION• LOW PRl'CESl APAmmwovn ' SlllPE cono• SlllT 2.tt value 1•1 A. hY• .17,.1 Toilered 1he>rt tlHve thirt cemet In weven 11ri1M c.ttlft witt. • n•·lron P!RMAHfNT PRESS fhllM. S.lid coler apache ti• with rl111 •ctnh MYy, ' • IHtwfl er rff111,•• 30 t• 31. " ' . ·' IHET "!IVll -NIJD llONINGI ' •• . " .. ' . , . . A'lOtc Prieed-ell' Loo ··1 l ' \ OYI' •ILL BOllOM . No.I.ON.PANTS _ .. ,.j, ... ~. . ,j . ,+, valu•· · · . f ''·"' •• 7 ' 1 ... al'611 The newest rog• in ' boysweerl Wid•, bell bottMt parth, 1reat for ca1uol or·4,..I P!IWANENT PlESS polynttr and cotton h1 1triped blue, 10W or gl'9•n: 1!1e.' I to 1!. 19YS' SIOITY .. AMAS , Ion H .. 1 PEllMAN!HT Ms O..: • 1 • 7 hi• 1Mf1etter h11 WOftM prinn. ~zet6 te 11. . 1 ........ UTTLI IOYS' NYLOI .IACUT . 2... -1,7 v•IUe . ••••.•• ,.. ro,..i.r ll1ht- wtight ,lljlon i•"9t fWv,. •• attochff hMd, Mtll 11, freM: , llve, 1old, 1r••t1111 ' to '(. KNIT IHI.Tl ,, .. · 127 ••••• • • S•v• ~·~· AcryHc _. ...... knil shim in fo1hloll coO•..,S... .-ock "' full h1rtlee. s...,.. tMMI MlichJ liZH 3 te • llOCI lllTU lllT Smit . --W•hW. -bh hi ,,,,. It., ..tu ., wt.Hie. Siu ~7. ' I ~· ,.., ...... ' , t. IOUTN lmn Af CMlllT . . YOKE snLE SIDE PUAID $1111 4.ff ~377 value · I. leve 24,.I fosh lon'1 wrop-look A:irt ho1 flerhtg 111fftt. b•Ml·freo woW wltll yoke acnnted ~ 1hlny plde111 hrui. londecl raye111. Pink, blue, "'111111 i .. 16. PANEL flONI cu,onE DIESS 1.99 value -' c. ....,. aow &. pl.-c•lette 11,.. fNtuM a lltrlpff fop· wUft 11...,.1_ 1t1U•• ontl ""'*k pltn • Miid ctltr"J• ;enlhtated culotte Nirt fOt -....I _. fort, Adhtfe tip, Cotten dlilda P*Mf• hidden cul.rt.. 11-lt"JJ S to 13. IANDAllA Pllll IWO..PIECE CAPll sn .~.7 . . 10.99 v•lve D. lno 21 't'tJ Sum .. ~ fui11llt ~dde1 • tl•waitt midriff tep Mth Ifft ,.,...,.. and perky long collar ,.rv. l9Crteld1t9 fa1hion pantl with flering 26-JIKJI• I ... ChociM MN'f. f..:I lwi1ht biiHucl "'"' ¥Awil• ,.,_ ~.·cOtt., 11 ... 6 .. 1t. . -. 1'6COl:W~tz Mn Wiii s•nn .tou -1.n·· : ' 147 value · I. le.,. 26,..l Popular Waltz toWfl• ha .. livy front top with rOWt of thirred lace, 1atin ltow and Vol lace tTi""' Al .. COM.i In ~by doll pajaMGt C9111Plete with bloomon. llff er pi1tk _...... tricot: tiz" S, M.. L LPelCARRYAU VINYL HAND•AGI 2.st val•• 16.7 ------.·· GIRLS NO-IROlf , ••••T ··~'I'" 2.t9 27 v•I•• I•" 24,.I Porliyo flrlllt ,.,ti• poll shlftt ~,to Mrftl Cheelt a .ca..lc., .... ,, ullei' with ..., """-frelt. W01heiblt, PUMANENT PlUS ......, 1111 fl.,.I pink. Mtit, .Wei~ .... bit atMI llttl• tlftti II• 2 te ... 7,. 14. -~ ....... P-AI• VAWY L ... llACll Kl•ll•T .. llACll MA•NI 11.¥9. Af ntHOlt I.OS COYOTlt. '"' ... & weollUff Ml.MN WHf 6 .. NII• '. ., D. • 'I I . J llfAllS' QIALITY . ' c1no1 cuWLDS • .· ....... 97c ,,\,;·lJY • . ., . ,,., .. J llHTmlMI llllNILft.ATMV ... Mlll~, .... ,... . , ca111•a11A11C IAN fllfrtiNDO 1&¥11 AT IWllA... '°'_.. CAMTOfll ILft. At lllCOI . . ' . ' " . ' . •• t I ll 1\ :I !. " ,1 ,) , " ,, ~ ,. 11 ' ·' I .. . ' ,. , I I I I J ·C ' '-PILOT .ADVIRTISll'.lt UC .President .Urges uppo:rt .. of -State , 8EIKELEY -~ Char\11 J' Hitdl hal uted the ....... ol the Unlytnity ol Calllcwnla to support a state -..... lo provide building moneJ' for new and erpanded bealtb sciences programs. In nquestlng lhis, Hitch said: "Clearly, tome major rf.ductioa ln enrollment and curtailment of our presently · plannl!id program for the health 1eiences will be forced on ua unless 30ITle new capital outlay funding arrangement is developed.'' 11 the problem is not rtsolved in the nut two y-. 9do ldllod. "It -ruda-~· At the -time, llJtcb QIJIPOried "wllh ..... rduc- tance'' a ltudy an nlliDI & -.clwJ<s provided that adequate fiMDCitl lllpport be made avaJlable for atudents who couldn't aUord an in· crease and that such. charges be part,...al "~ complete plan whicbreolves-tbe whole capital out~y problem.~' I ~bf RllfM and ndlJtfJ?l .. ," :. r .wmtiltr Sppker R•~•rt "11•·'*""' ~la._ M-. TM ""Ith'oc-. ....,,-: ......... -Hitdl noled, r:-~t about thal the 417 mUlloo budfet one-third of the uoivenlty11 pnJpOlled fer 1--'ll wW 1not C911Structlon needJ over tbe ..m a t e r i a ·I I y aUect the ntxt several years, aod ''are anivenity'•~toenrollall of such broad and unique elilfl>lo ......., .. ud maintain value ta lhe people ol lhe ila hfO> quality ol eduatlon. whole state d ea&l(ornia .that There are «me. wl)o feel that a bond isp -1fkaUy. lo even a ·......i year at alioul support lliml aiiPol!n ap-the .same level would nol be proprialel ' • too bad." • • He "strongly 11rged" the ttgenll lo , ....... • IZ50 In an wller re~ lo the Morgan said plannq llllldl mllilan --(« ~pita! outlay In the -- .-.geots,-.R.~vice inthelte-10-anbelog pr~ ..... Ing cut. back withoat ·••Y and COllltnll:tioo.cwmMICI al. a dilcussioos with us rl. what ~ . ,... ~ ' ... , ...... ,. 3·1tllCI ' · :" · IALAPl.-tt . ',... . ZotlJS 109, Roh!($t~. 5.,-.. " ... SAVJ. . OVER.$f .;: , 1147 Roget'• ail..,-P1oiM ..,,.. ing piece. and stunning Weffl> ford l ing-size ltowf in mvltlo fat•led bflllia!"* ' SA YE om S0%1 WOllEll'S & TEENS' WHITI IAllDALS 2.99 . 1•1 v•I•• . , . • GIM'lli .. white I um. pa.tent . ., , • , .•tq.l»cpc{'~ing• ' •Oof,fnl .......... ... i , ~KUl°llOI , e9<..1"'.thield . ,~, 1ft: •H-r tluck uppers : ·~~lo•~rdt lnsole1 ema-nt on vamp •P•dcfed Insole •5'1• 5 to 10 iUlia == . -~ HAIR ... : ri::-.::J. 1.00 39c .1.s• ~19c , .. Nu •I••. lac:quer4r.e 1hair spray i1 1cife ~for bleached.,~ 'ti*· ed hair. j1.~r. 'COLGAD ' lll~TANT SlfA,YI Jtc 111:• • Improved sha'M · "' . cream in regu"11.h menthol er lr..ie.'"' 11-or. con. SAVI SOcl DEPHAIR sm111G .OIL ..... ,,c 111• Crystol pink ., New lh1e for b~cles. Lb. I•· I ,,. . ' IA.VI SOCI ~Vl61c FLOW& ... L. ~ 39!. Choic:• c:if 1upt1r rlc:h ahompoo or creme rinse. Egg, leMoa, -ca.tile or el'fra-rich ltyle ... "'- IAVI IOcl ' . \ r;-1 ... •• • .ZOllPYS LlqUOl .~,EPT. ~~E~A~SI ;J,t,-4.99 .val•'• i' ' · 4 ff . ~OUll CHOICI ' • fifth ............... •••• M<lood whkliy 1..,..J.d fro• Sc:otl::j, ~ co1kL ZMTl'f~~;,~= -··-Extra dry, charcool·fllteritd:. SAVI 1.0l't, t ' ''4'09'' SPRAY 1 CUAllllEll :,::,59• Jult· .apray and wiee ·away dirt. gr~ani:f~. No-;l~qk 1prcty.,., ' IA.VI ~9CI .J.AMJ!AX , , TAMPONS '·1' •1·~ • 11 0.9 _Safe, hygi· JlC ICIJlifqry •Popular 1Plt1Y MU1dal1 •Ruggecl .u.pe aole for eXtfe w.or •Brown leather vppers· •Sizft' te.3 .. r ine, lavender, Bouquet. 6-ou1tee can. ,SAVI 40c:I • • • .. ~. " ! • , '• . . ~ •• OL•·\, i rY DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES ..... r. I ITIAft'CNt • ,, IN ... '" ·~ ~ , , 54.95 "· ·e Easy r~il atG.1er •full 20.inc:h blade • Non-1ccit"piit9 .: . 1togg ... ed wheel'.'' de1ig11 .. ~14 gauge Bon· derized steel ~· It d.ck . S•P0•1:t•ON ·ltADDliD CHA1•• LOUNGE value .. .~ 14.91 5'' •full heli~l 1pri~1 ",, ... •Double tllbulor l}t~ ''\ .... . '" arn11 . t -ic;4 , · '· ··•Comfotfa~ly • ~ . ~ -P.Od.d•d " ~ ' 24\00 Value · wax •Eo1y · applica.. . ,. ·' "" 1rtC:•IDl!LJ' Low·~a1c1•1 ~s • , Yalu• ,:-:: : g Sct.1ff reejdont vinyl qwml •ttoclte """° Witt. ~ f • • c .... .,,. ..... ,. •• ,.... Z .. Tt COCKTAIL Ml .. - Choice of 7 delkkv• fl~ AU, el ,(. 1r.J """' -.cl..-M\lsk fro11 tfti1 ~Witol, all time, ... ~aftza. fill your , ....... "l!t!J .. _, ,_ lid fUn. 11•12.;J.~~ tin, llac~ er101iw flnleh. 1 . -. • . 417 c •• ,.,. ..... 41~, COl.eMAL cura cwuY.a h1 14' delkiov1 ftavon. ee.,.,. ....... ,.... -R1tifl to "'Oli"!,..-· NHTll L .... 81ACH IA19A1" 1Mft11Al11Wf. Al 11ue11u11 1, 10Vfte ITlilT AT CM111T ' IA,OA UA ' ·, N. OllANI AVI, AT l lfH lf111r llUllT .... TON .. IACH OOLDIN WUt & IDIMOll PIUlff.U,N Y"LllT ' L ... 81ACll •AllOI 1&.ff, Af'ltlMOll OJ COYOTll,IPllHI & WOODIUff 1'111 COYIN4 , AIUSA. AVli Af PU ... l GA ... N .G•OYI CNAPMAN. llOOKHUIST lt"Al2"M\'i .. ,_ t.•1-..il•e ,,,, I ·ll"•l2t'dW" wttlt ,. ........ ,. ........ ,.fl•• ............ .,. Jf7 11.t ... .. ••••••••• _... • • ' •u•IAU IAH fllNAM 11.V• At 1u1.i•1 .. ' t , • , ' f . , ' ' • • , • • ' , i.. • • ' , , • • t • ' ' • • l'ILOT-ADVllU'ISlll>-1 W~, ....,, D, lM . Wbieh n·Wou ld ·E~abl •• I. • ' • • • • ~.commeftdH , by rfto;:.d,M• ti1t1 thirftl'llll .the{ aytO-• ·, · ' mo tic fOoth· . '· bf'u1hft · •Appio..00 by .. . c,u~f~ft '°'' • ~ I '• • ~ • I 'DonlefCI-' ' •peUtjOa'~i!\e'"' • • l AJ1ter, D.ntai AuoCia~Oll, CMJ{CM ... · • 1'•1N Dtl 12· tftanft•I• •'Flavor Hloctbr . ·~u .... p•r· .\. ··fief brow ' • ICMpt coff- hOf lnclofinitoly •Man. -4 to 12-"'· cupa:•.P.rf«~ coffe~ • , ..... ~J ' • • 21 Cl'r~•il•j,1',. '• ··~~ fji•• t .~•Cilrt1 ·., · t· · :· ' ~ ~llli.t9ftl'hoir j .... , ~·· •' "' and bl •lnuto1 ) •No water-no ; lotit~-n~ ' waifing •Complete~•! 1toru"go/c~rry <•~ '-· AUTOllAT•C . · · 4-SLICl.,J OllSTla· lt.9~ · .• ,.._., •. , ':.87 .•... ~ ' ' ....... ~,to 120 •n.,....:.vHF • ~;; •'-'• "'' ,. '° .a .. -.u ~ I ...... trp te IO 1111iln-fM)': • • ,., ...... ,...; JO.ft.,ftritt •\191 ' ' , ' ·"-•·tfli11109Ys'. cOllYlilllln c"ID1T ·oa Y.o · !;~.-~~ .. .1~a'izo9Y1i-O....-.. .. i.10 · &tet~ ., DAll.Y Pll~T t lj. •• Wl:r.11•.,ops l ·2.~c'.t_C.,., .. OMATIC W•SHla .-z..i}"l!l.ow"• •. · · · .. , ., 1 Pril e ' ' t : '., ~ ~~·f~ty Ioele lid • Ea1Y.to·~•• 1ing'lo dial control •Two water t1mpor· , , atur•.0.h ·, , 1 " t,lectioM> ~ I •Reliable ~ .! . ·h .. 't"f.'duty .. n•·~ . J ran1mi1-· • ~ ., . ' .• l "' . :: • • • ., ' ' ' .-... .., . , ' .. . ' ' ,. ATIUACTIOll euAaAirnlD ALWAYtlf ~ -'° '° ' I 'O·TO 7. ~ • LOT' OP •• IPU.INel ' I • .. .J ' . t r ' ' . ' I J \ If t.llU' llllT , . 1 ' I ---------------- Althur R.1 de BrutJan of Sin CJtmtnte h p I bHn ....,,.., ... ~~t vlct]nlldont QI nw>o ------- OYJR -.THE.COVNTER MUTUAL FUNDS ' . ------------------------- • -----------1 I 'I • ' NILY PILOT' ·-' ~ L ! t ' ' ' • ,,•(\' at Fornm ·XI ?: ,.. By 'J'OM Tin.JS , 9_laslerpiect "'Who'a; f!Lrald pr drama bas r..-ely been in bringing lull dimension to ~ OI .. Dlflf Pllll s .. n ytrpnia !/~l'.• ·w~ it' stretch~.~ ~L l p ~ •~ii l'tialf!l'f ~ 1be gklwJng promise of ~mbles wt 1& odpomt>-b~ . Excep~ooaUy "<"~IM The croWn Jewels: ot 1be Jbeatric.al , exceUetict offertd time. is the interplay among ~ evening, bowtver, are worn by ,~ tint'ilizihgly'last. fall If.>: lbe There are two approaches .to e b a r a ,c l ~ r :S ' 1~n~ tbt1r Kathleen ~a'.rt in a most ~°'iiie,~ ~1 ~ter o{Jt'·1be ~ion .in Wii:rter." _ei°"r ch~nl~ rel,ati~psu magnif~t interpretation of ~ · Beich . has bee e,. of •'h.icb IS valid. oifec(Gr the ~ ~ ~ Henry U plOt the captive queen Eleanor of ~i~nily fulfilled with . a ftttrJ Jotmsoo }>us' -~c ~ aga~ ~ aDd each, otJM:f_ la Aq~taine. Frorn the role •ost superb ~g of the \mderscore the _mtw;r~~-a . sUuafe, _ for . ~ion. which last week . w o n ·1neditval cpn)edy.cfrarT!a ''The ty of !he scnpt,··.~~g wb1!e ~-"1to1* Ult!S tJ)fttl Katharine Hepburn aa Oscar, .l.ion in Winter." ·dramatic sparks With, a ,tuce all in a fufile attempt~~ Miss Rogart ,vring1> all the 4 A suptrklr cast, devouring-of,subtle irony, and ~ cMt her own humanity. . ' ~Ustering invective and bitter • James Goldffian·s bit i n,g members negJ~t. ~o CUI" As Henry, the .ag~·~e.r U'Ony at bet command with a ·dialogue with ravenous relish port.unity to point ·~.the v:ho has J'.UO ou_t.'of ~litical ~igainst the backdrop of an im· t~crous nature of thelt s1tua· w~ but f_mds. ~unsel! caught "THI. LION ,,. wiMT•ll'" ·posing and t e c1b n i c a I J y uon. up 1n a familial one, Thor " Pl••· bl' J•"'" Gold~n. t11rmH :inasterful selung .. delivers 3 H~e, · "LlCJ.l'' is at ~nee. Nie~n delivers ~n e1cl!ll~t ~1e1i:•rt'!,..;°":;" ._'!! ~!:,..~ "'1aJ·estic in'-tation of this moving and mirth, ful .• 1a piece. P<. rf, orma.nce, stylized .• lhoUch tKt111lc•• t11..c1ar s1e~, 1r1,~·. --·~-f .. u. n.met. by T"ry ~mn, lllllfi"'9 ~., ,Post literate and skillfully of cerebral e~abon.wh1ch 1t is . to, 1t .a scre~g ea"° s"""· c;,._,wooc1, ~ ., F..vtr1 ~ritten play. JI is a triumph massages the mind but does rather than a roarmg lion. An ~~~,:Z., "'~f No!':.n ~~r4'~ op all counLs and a worthy not neglect the funnybone. The i mm t n s e I y a r t iculate Loe1111 """" L-eem. follower to 'FOrum 's 1968 thin line betw~n comedy and 'theatrical sense aids Nielsen T"' un King Hftlrv ti ......... ·~T-Hleit.tn Q~ Ell1nor ........ ~111i.rt tt._.rt Jllcto.ttl, .............. lll~r• J..,_ Geoflrt"f ................ Ptlm11 ltlctl•"'* John ...................... V!Me Tr111I Al1l1.,, ............ ,., ••, .JIYl'IO Hfl'l'lll 1(111111 PhlliP ............... Jalln HtllMPI delivery that entices the ears with its rich, lull beauty. Richard Johnson as the swaggering young Richard the Lion Hearted turns · in a powerful perfonnance, balan- cing a chilling Jack o I sensitivity in the scene with his mother with a gripping .emotional breakdown in a later sequence. Tht cooJ, calculating middle son Geoffrey is played with cerebral finesse by Philip Richards in splendid contrast lo the braggadocio of Richard and the cowardly whimpering and.seething petulance of the younger J ohn ("You kill him, r ' l l watch"), impressively played by Vince Trani. .1• 'Camelot' Musical To Open "catnelot," the Kine Arthur leg"1d ..i to mus!C, will open an eiglll-perlormance -m~ May I as the spring p. ductm d the Loog -Civic Ught Opora-. Th< Lerner-I.om musical, to I>< !Ug«I in the ~ ~ Audmium c:onc:ut hall, will b< on stage '!11ursda)'11 lllroolgh Sundays for two week~. Oast in the principal roles are Ed Cotter as JGng Arttmr, Laura Killingsworth u ~ Guerievere and Larry Deaoe as Lancelot. Other majo< assignments will be taken by T. Ellsworth Clark as Pellinore, Glem Bradley as Mordred, Britt Murey u Merlin and Pauline Foley u Nimue. "Camelot" will be pcesented May J, 1, 3,'8, 1and 10 at 8:30 p.m., with 2:30 p.m. matinee.~ m May 4 and 11. T-k:kets may be ordered by calling (213) 432·7926. Guests Set For Carson The pawn in the family's royal chess game. t b e beautiful young Ala.is, receives a skillful and sympathetic in· terpretaHon from J a y n e Hamil. John Hansen as the .stripling King P.tWiP of France struggles har~t to'. project his character in what must Conservatively be t e r me d quite fast company, and only pirtialfy succeeds. Johnny Carson has an. Too much carm.ot bt said of nounced the guest stars who the set, a triumph of technical will appear with him at acumen surpassing that .el the Melodyland May 3+5. Forum's "The Lady"s Not for Returning with the NBC-TV Burning." Not only have Glenn late-night comedian will be Raney and Lee Bradshaw singer Phyllis M a c G u i re , fashioned a majestic. multi-dancers Bud and Cece level facade, but they have Robinson and trumpeter Doc created some astonishing ef-Severinsen. ·~-iaxt..Bow~ Reealled · ' t J • t r W eUmWr: k>' Speak at Open End SIWW William Wtllnwt, dirtetor d the llni Academy Aword winnbti .plcturt. will b< the llfOll ~ Smtday, at the Oj>en FAil Tbeotu. anewmnc q-and clllcaUin& his clas!fc. ,,_.em, '"lbe Ol·Bow Incident." . The iaJt Will follow I screeninc tJf tbt: film at 2 p.m. in the"~-. 2815 Vil~ Way, Newport' Bell:h. "'fbe 0 1 • B o w Incident." produced in 1913, dealt 1lritb • lynchinc in the old West, and starred. Henry F o·n d • • Wellman startled the lndu!lry and ... -by maklnc .. unconwntional western i n which be ""11 b<nuth the \ aurf.ce of a physical evne to Enemy," wblcb remalna • ""l"l,. the for= which gan,.W-clu&ic todq, ~ \ cauiedU. . , , 1139ftmaked "BuoGoole , Wellman'• dlrecllnc ~ with Gary COOpef~, "'lbt..., began inl!D with a film c · of G.t. Joe" w WIDdielt '"The Man Who WOn." His big,t. Robert MI t c b m , • '1BilJ. break come when.producer B. Ueground; ' and ~The Hic1J P. Scbulberg .,.;gned, him lo and the Migbt7.• , I do '"Wings," a World War I Wellman concentrated'~ avlatloo epic. · attention maiJ!I) on ..-II . Wdlman, a fitbter ilot ln strenglb and tierotc ~·. · the J;afayette :J.. cap-"TbtQx-Bow;J ncl4e~~I~, lured the best pictur< awud1 regarded by many •. ._.,.. at the first Academy praen--western. remains the !Dllt;tlS talion in ltl'I. beat film In his lat!(~"' Wellman's 1 u b sequen t 0 1be OJ-Bow~ , ~ career embraced some of 'the will be shown ~~· m<l6t famous action films to Saturday eveninp .at· I': JO, coJDe from the Hollywood with John Ford'a .. My studl.01. They include '1>ublic ctementine" · ' Gives Regards Cast List~·j To Broadway Shows For Myster~ Selectiom from Broadway flute; Ridlud .Brightman, Jn Fullerto~ .occ sOOws wil be featured this Oboe; Richard Jam ts' Cut members for ".ciM •-• •·· th n-.. ..,. clarinet; Kay Brightman, wy~ wee&QIU .,.,,__. e .., ... 16... bassoon; and Carita Conrad, Unseen," the nut~ Coast C·O 11 t: I e Community ho of the Fullerton FM' rn. ...._ -------' '-w ChoraJe and the South Coast The conceJ1 Is sponsorea by have been iWiJU~ .,~ - Chamber Winds join forces in occ and the Costa Afesa Assenheimer, dlrector ol · mystery comedy. t the Orange Coast College Recreation Department. The The comn"ny inclwtea Dts- A ditor. OCC auditorium box office will y~ . u ium. mond Grogan, Anita Malk, 'The program will begin at 4. open al 2 p.m, Sunday· Bobbie Aller. Bi'ian Grogan, p.m. Donations of $1 will be Sybil Levey, Ron Dragt. Anna accepted. Wi se Direct.;.'. Heins, Carol Hale. Christ)!. The chorale, under the ~ Duyer and Ri chard Clements. HOLLYWOOD (UP I) The play by Rosema ry direction of Les Van Dyke, Foster and 'Varner Law will wW open the program with Producer-director R 0 b er l open ti1ay t6 and will be stag- four numbfrs: "The Impossi· (So~nd of Music) Wise will ed Fridays and Saturdays ble Dream," "Ching-A-Ring move from 20th Century-Fox through May 31 at the Chaw," ,"Choose Something to Universal to produce "The tiiuckenth.aler Center, 119 Like 8 Star" and "Jubilate Andromeda Strain," a coo-Ituena Vista Drive, Fullerton. Deo Omnis Terra.,. temporary · science-adventure Reservation!! are available by story. calling 827-1339. The chamber winds will then-=================:::::==:., present "Trois Pieces en,r Quintette" an d "Blaser· quintette Es-Dur." Following intermission, bass Del Weeks and soprano Joann Van Beber will sing ''A Man and a Woman" and "~s,. You Is My Woman." For the absolute fun of t SEE "ROOM SERVICE" 'nle 1111...ton A...-lc• '-C•IM4f . OPENS FRIDAY ; I :• ,.111.-1111,.. tttj1 ,,...'"""'*'tNl--1121 NIWporl .1\1,,, (Mlf Mtll The chorale then w i 11 present "Mame" and selec- tions from "South Pacific"I'=::;:::========;;;===:;;:;;~~;:'=~ and "110 in the shade." Ir ACADEMY The .chamber winds group w· .4. includes Laurie Whitcomb, lllll...... AWARD •• WINNER! TUHTH ......___ :.J 2t02 IE. C••st Hwr. CLIFF IOlllTSON ~-C.-.• '-' Mir l7J.Wf ht "CHA.IL Y" ' . "'" ... Lu.Jti1z :-,-. . .... HELD OVER : Just Clowtiing Around fects for frequent changes of The Carson show will be setting. addina further im-presented five times that rritdiacy to the production. wee•end ·. at 7 and to p.m. HELD OYD .. Wll'll'llll •l!ST ACToa· AWAllO Finally, swin~ng full circle opening night, Saturday, May c 1111 RoMr1!.0n SE.LMUR PICTURES in collaboration with ROBERTSON ISSIJCllT!S pres1nto : Richard Wil son does his 0 chipmunk bit" for an unappreciative ·Scott Dyke ; (right) and Ron Christie in. this sccn'e from "A Thousand Clowns," resuming to the but.st'.and1!ig.play it.self, 3; again at 5 and 8:30 p.m. "C~~!LY" there is the dlaJogUe ·Which Sunday. May 4, closing with "FO• LOYI o' IYY" CLIFF ROBERTSON. :Thursday at the San Clemente Community Theater. ' • 1 1=======1 CtfA~~ crackles like roasting an 8:SO show Monday night, w1111 S1c1111y Poltlff chestnuts as G9ldman ~\a his _:::M:•Yc.:5·:_ ______ ,!!=='="="-=='=-='='='·="=M·=='ll mood wilh Eleanor's observa- ' ORANGE CO. FAIR(fROUNDS TUES., APRIL 29 SPONSORED BY: ORANGE COAST • LION'S GLUB FOR THE FIRST 11 · E Y ARS ... A TRULY BIG CIR.CUS WITH 3RINGS! UNDERBIGT£NT! * WORLD 'S* NEWEST ,. LARGEST .j( A Glir:rERJHG ARRAY OF THE WOR LD'S * -i< FOREllDSTCIRCUS STARS AHD FEATURES IH lf- A REAL TRADITIONAL 3·RING CIRCUS-Under A Real BIG TOP! ~OT A VAU DEVIU.1!-TVPE" .J-;_ -INOOOft C IRC US!) -':.:::~. AmRllOON & NIGHT iii 4 & 8 P.M. HOUR EARLIER! ADULTS 2.50 CHILDREN 1.00 BARGAINS GALORE I ~ •I .... , eJ i•l1 fro"' yo11r 11r1J1c;h11lr. II ..,.,~_, t j!l.tt •t'f' : •ift D>.llY ''LOT DIM•·•·liflt •••• "''"' ·~1.~•11 , '. 111D.tu11m ROBUSWGAS El.KE GARY SOMMER LOCl\l\IJOD LEEJ JACK _ COBB PALANGE ~· ' !IJI]Dl§Ji! tion and plea that "We are the origins of war ... can't we Jove each other? That's how peace b'e g i n s .' Later. after a Virginia Woolfish d I at rib e between she and Henry. the queen sighs, "Oh, well, what family uoesn't have Its ups and downs?" It v.:outd be 'Yorlh the time and distance to Long Beach to · savor these choice lines alone. What Forum XI has ac· complishcd with its overall production mark it al the head of the theate rgoer's must list. "Lion" plays ihree more , weekends, F r i d a y s and 1 Saturdays, al Morgan Hall, 835 · Locust Ave., Long Beach. ON THE LIDO PENINSULA lfOfJ'Oltf BEACH • Ot.3-1350' ~-------- BACK AGAIN FOR YOUR PlEASURE THf GlEATIST OF ALL MUSICALS WHll Doy1 OM Sll•wl"t et 7:,0 , 1011 Offlte o,.... 6:45-Skw St.m 1 ,. GOflth11•n S11tdey ,,_ J p• . .... . . ..................................... . /suaFSJDE 110• INVITATIONAL ·~\ j & PIER PARTY 11lD Plfllll• l • • : FRIDAY, APRIL 25th · HERMOSA TllEATRt: • HUIMOSA BUCH: • • : BIKINI CONTEST · SURF WAGON CONTEST • MR PARTY • • : MUSIC * LIGHTS * ·LAUGH~R i 1iJH l ! ' . : •••••••••••• 5 IN THr AfTERNOON 11L I•••••••••••• • • • • . • . . • REGULAR ENGAGEMENTS . : AT TH EATRES and DRIVE·INS·EVERYWHE~E 1 Start WEDNESDAY, APRIL30 l . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ....... ... . . ....•.......• ·' Crossword ACROSS l Good fritnds 5 Gay ctle)lr11ion 9 Ploiytt of impish trl,cks 14 Ntwspaper 11 .. 15 S..weed ..... ti 16 D•ntist's co.ncem 17 Rivtts of 11olten rock : ...... 19 RtllOVf fastenings 20 Tttt · -: 2wonls 21 Neptlv• •ord 23 ltst h1dlts bird .. _ caster's llt MS 27 Not I• off 29 Rtlallnt to the stirs 31 SUlt 3S Tottn ht BtlglU11 J7 Kind ol ....... 39 So•ellns • toolh 40 "As two ptas Jn ... ·": 2 words 41 Benet chartcltf 4' 1., .. _, color to 45 IOR rtasonUlt 47 Tt.ns 41J M;in's naia1t 50 Adjusltd bdorth•nd 52 Deprlvt of po$StSsionS 54 Groiyish ytll•• 58 Onllrit lakt 59 Cowboy's accessory •? Roadhoust '4 Llturglcil ........ •5 NllMflcat prtftx •1 Soutet Gf dlgJblls 7G Tree 71 Ont's ewn: COllb. fom 72 ,,.,1, arrangtd 73 llrd lt Ila or CU1Pin1 .... 7S sea nglts Puzzle ····~CLAJRE BLOOM ALSO l't.AYING ---------- ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JACK ALIHnON S.pportlttt Achr Ito '7HE SUIJECT WAS ROSQ" ' " , ' NOW •I 1:41 ntL•---- SHOWINO -ENDS TUESDAY- J OF VS -7: .. •·1e:. MODI\. SHOP -t ile:°"""" . ' ""A JOYOUS COMEDY" -NEWSwEEK' .****-ff""9t ...... -N.Y. hftr"""' "O .. el, .... o.t.t.Mtl .. Pll•" .-..._..... \ . ' .......... ,, W..t: el Art" -Pl....,..,_ < I ' . I ' 'I ·-f -,,,_ ... M.._ ef "UllllllNI.., CW.-.• • ' r ' ' The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' ' \ I -·---·-·---·----·--------------------------~----- ---------------------------------.......-- • ... • • .•. -. ~t .· r SCR .Opens ~.RooID .Service' ftlday Bv tor.I TITUS ~ ..... D.ftt--f'I• 11.lt . . ' • With the music of Bel)ll}' Go6llmall se(Uq , the m90C1, l\®lh ¢oUI Reperw.ey dips in-io Ifs ~ ol nosialgia \his wetk with llf prodJICllon.ol,\he 193.'7 com~y "Room Service." 'lite depre.ssion-era farce by John Murray ant;! Alien Boretz will be staged in its Original .~ . .ob'le by cJi< ~la 111 ... ----!Mt ....... into thl.s.1~· was '0 '11te 'tbne 0 o(.YOlft' Life" Jast 9e.Uon .• r ·~~~ -Emrries. ueculive with Ml<blet Dou1'411 and .,. Martin 'Benxon appearlni In R. 0Alberls u t>Orl ot hi> principal roles.' · ~lDa!ter's ·\l\esis in drama. •Rot.ihdin& out the tarae east Seating "ill )le limited lo 50 are J~m Corney, Oary Cot-persons at each performance ~ .. J r~'· ~So'ftU,'l_ Bob in the college's Arena Theater. Hanenberger, All!tln l\.elly, Tickets may be obtained by Billy MJUer and Heath Park. calling the theater office at Making her debut in an in-870-3371 . genue role is Ann Parvaresh The production marks the • * * SCR deWt !lf its new deslgntr R~uming tonight fof' Its and tecbnlcal <f\r!ctor, Steve . final week at the Laguna Goldman; who rectinUy work·• ·· Plafhouse· la Kent Johnson's 'ed ip ad~ced desip 'fO'k: a~ productioo of "Wait Until lhe Vale"Sehool of Drama Dark/' playing through Satur- •ROom Service" wlll · ri1n ~•Y~ Sally _Hayton stars in tht' '!llu d '"~""" s nd · Frederic Knou thriller. atte~'i:'~u'e.k:l.i,~; · A!,w playlni major rolea are • w......,, April 2', 1'69 DAIL'f PILOT DAIL V PILOT tftH ...... . · ~ .... of SCRJs ajqlnf the o11o-. l.n tlii'PllM\ tar<. lfaliloo populariud by the M.arx Brother• 1ln the movie version. ft II ·a 1'!e of . ., YOW1C (ll'O- •"~piing hio atWe a ·play by ··a gr e e t\ counlry bwlipkin playwright and bat- six weeks at. the-'l1lird Step Alan Hart, Paul Wilson,. Phil Theater, 11127 Newport Blvd, IiitetJandl and Su z a·n n e CoSta Mesa . Reservations are McQuade. Th:e playhouse is , • ava_itablc at the bo:i olfip~ by located at 319 Ocean ATt., .. • calling 646-1363. ~· Laguna Ma~,, with rewva-, * * • · . lions avalleible ·~ t94-t0$!; ··· ,._,, \VHAT KIND,-OF 'ROOM SERVICE' IS THIS? SCR's lilly Mllltr, Austin Kelly, MartJn Bensan :iit ' tllng a legion iO(Jobstacles' and ~;t : complications along the way. ~ · '"I'lie lloratio Alger dieam Oiie'nfoi tcinighl at Cal S\ili ·• '* . * t-. ' . . '• ~~,Is ~""11 l,\tiee:s A~ ctci.lnf n1iht'co1••• Cl•,,;-:· a...ati91111 'are · \:1,.; and unbridled ~ptlmism of the •.l~ ip facl'ml ''The Death of· up Uris week klr' the' Hun· available at-48MMI. Bessie Smllli.'' ~drama wi.ij tinitPn ·B·e a eh PJafhOuse, rv ~ • * -~ · 'Ibirtits in America la the play's most. attractive ripect" ~es commented. "lt Js the toUrCt of the play's spirit and comedy." play lour' olglils . through which ., ctvea the 11 n a I Over ·'in Long · Beaeh. both sat u rd a y with t w'o pc.rfonnances of "Bai'efoot in the CommunttyP!ayhoose and performances' at I and )9:to ;tha . Parki. Frida)r .and S.tur-Forum XI Theater will be p.m. each even ing. day nights.· DavJd~fdaJviUe is busy F'rld8y and 'Saturday; ~ . ; .. • . ' ;oalj.Y l'!LOf'statt ~ • -~\i.ll'i~_EROUS DOLL IN LAGUNA DRAMA: V~terai;i . ·SCf\ ,actor ,pon Tuche tali:es the key rote· of MOier, the prriducer, w:llh Ronald Boussom cast as Leo Dav~, the country playwright The romantic interest is pr<r vided . by Elaine Bankstop, In 1 turna)>oul in traditional directing the Neil Simon com· with CommWllty resuming ita slaging, the actors will sur-edy. preductiOn of "The Farnlly round the ·audieoc.? in" ·a Mike Skinner, Rita Kisner. Man " and Forum XI stagtna ciMrama setUng. created :tby Annabelle Quigley and Paul "The Lion in Winter" (revieW· studmt designer, David Agres.<1: Sullivan head the cast at the ed on Page 28 toda)'). of Costa Mesa. The play is Bam. 2110 Main St.. Hun-. Ralph Richmond and Ann produced and ~ected by John Ungton Beach. Ticket orderA l.eVerett head the ''Family S.Jty Heyton, Su1anne Mc0uad9 in 'Dark' Sctne . . .. ' . . - Drama Students BusyTh~ee 'Tea~hers' . - are being taken at 536-8861. Man" cast onder the direction' * * • of Jo&n Willlams.'The comedy "A Thousand C I o w n s • ' is staged at the playhouse, moves into the second of thtte 5021 E. Anaheim ·St., with weeks: Thursday night at the tickets reservab1e at (213} 4SB- San C 1 e m e n t e Community OSM. Theater under the direcUon of Kerry Johnson directs "Lion f.Jchard · l\ndersen. R o n In Winter" y,·ith Thor Nielsen Christle and Yvonne Kendlay and Kathlce"ll Rogart taking 1 Drama sludcnts al· Costa C·::ista ~lesa campus. By VERNON SCOTI' they want, 3od they do tak.e .the principal roles. the principal roles. The. Mi • Estancia Hi I s HOLLYWOOD (u'Pl) everything differently. So ifs The Herb Gardner comedy theater ls on the top fl oor ofl ~,!.,,.,~;..-i_,.g11 ;~ool Studenls David Scheijn and · Throuah a combinaUOn of me that has to do things their runs through Saturday at the Morgan Hall, 835 Locust St., A.t '(Estancia School TV Actress in Fast Company· ~rtt .~~,;:~~ ·i:-fui::ee r ·~~Ct' Can;ipbe~· Will',P:trihnr1 good fortune,· a distinctly way." Cabrillo Playhouse, 2 o 2 with reservaUon.s being t.akenl !. ¥ii",1Jj ~ <j{T. • • 1 ~I . ~ '-.'liegment~9f Ed'!'lrd.·Ml:!Je s American face and a. peck of Occasionally Sll!an ls ter-Avenida Cab r i I Io , San at (113) 432-9229 • . p • ..,q~.~ .tn·,urJgUll .·pay·, ·~e· ·1.oo St0rY" Mly 111; as ·1·ed h "·-· ·~·1 -========'==='='=-'==;;:===== by their own mstructor at the all area higti .,,.hoots'_._ the ambition Susan Siint. James, n • W en anger •uwiwo on .. ~Ir -"'""I'' 22, flp& herae:U wor~ with set. Once she was near tearS . Orange Coast" Collegc;~P~ Ge.ne Barry, Robert_ Stiick, an.d when one of the !tari asked L .· Tournamentf~.i 1 ~ ·~ ·.;; Tony Franciosa every week. her wher~ or if she bad learn-I RDOO__ 8 The foUowl111 day; May, 11, ed to ad. '.:e three stud.ents wlll~ trp.vel Susan is the girl Friday. of Each of the three male stars ,..,. norlh to present Eugene all three.s.tlrs.o(.tbe television hi od t• d 'I S ' V • series, : "The Name of the runs s own pr uc ion en o em.or~· le Ionesco's one-act play "The Game." the weekly 90--minute NBC-'.I'V . .. .. Lesson·• at the hi s tori c series . There are separate Pasad.en·a Playhouse. Her lines .are usually lim.ited producers·, directors, writers 1 For A_wa_ rlls ,David . Pigman, FI 0 r a and1the act.ion frequen l]y finds and other specialists for the ' Garnsey and Carol Cappello Susan sitting in an nrfice sta ri; I Five J,apna .Beach High "'ill r"epresent Estancia High sqm,where . ~J:µle the "' heroes "I 'almost have a crush nn School seniOrs, will compete in the Padaaena school's one-8~Y" lhe di!·,--' ;o't<;~ :I'ony," Susan said . "I have Sunday nlgllt ·for two drama act play festival to draw en· .@tlll,..there ~ few ~ . ,more to do on his shows than scholarships in the Laguna tries1from all over America. fhctrl-ight-4talr~iiMi-the others. Bob is very helpful P I a y h o u s e ' s a n n u a J A series of p I a y presen-ol4tf-.ttb9£ JiJJcl' \hemstlv~t.in ; and ~live when we .. work scholar&bip aud1tipns. talion$ will be off~~.¥a'Y M ; ;such fas C<?ropany_. togettier·. .And Gene 1s · a The program, now in its 10th at iti.e. Estai1cia H1gti • Schcltt Perhaps· -.because -. of ,her challenge."' yea:t, provl~ tw ,awards of Fdrum ln a cornlnunity benebt youth, Susa'n Is unawed, and Sus,an .was beln~ diplom atic. $300 aftd· t~' ~ year night to raise· fUnds fcir need id unimpreued by" a job tha! What about Susan Saint 1 to~ the1cont.mu1ng e.duca-drama department eq~Pmen't. would have a ·million other J'1)1es who plays Peggy, Mu· tiori of .·local.lttudints. '"The t oy Box," an Original girls her ·age, and older, In a weU?, . P,~~ ;;n Sunday's Hi•Y by Sloudet, wiU be verilabie tizzy. She walches "f want to be a star," she a~~,W· {.be lpla Oliver, preeented, lildng with Al~'s ·1nd learns and hopes for the concluded. "But then I guess Gqw'.J'.Z!." ~ .• E!fi~ "Yan "The American Dream," to be . day when she b a star-in her every girl who works in ~.1R91>enr ~nman and perfprmed by members o1 the own right.' • movies and, televis ion feels. the .Gleni1&rue1~· all ofrLaguna Laguna Playhouse. . "I atljust~t.o elch one of tht same w4y,., ~t they don't ~~:.r,Tbfet 1j~~; will Ad<Jilionally, the EstandA start," she 1aid, indicating ha~· Tony ·and Bob and Gene evil\!:*!.. ~r.\ pYlormanccs, dramatists will oiler one or there b coosldet"able;lf:ijusl.ing to help teach them the ropes." wifh_ttit~WWlfnl~\yo~.tudents b9th of.the productions slated to do. ' 11=~~~~~~~~111 ~iVJnl tbeit "gmi~ at UJe fot 6CC and th~ Pasadena "Tony and Bob end· 'Gehe high Sc1ioo1 awards assembly Playhouse at ttle local Miy 24 are -tJjtft · Wtrf .'dlaflnct In· in ~une. benefit, Stouder sald. divillualif:.'.fhey alJ know what ' -LSome'Utinfi. to ltimp' About _ James Earl Jone s nh an exlra spring in his step the•e' day1 aa he itata In Broadway's "The Great White Hope." Jones Sunday night won the Tony award os best actor in a drama , while the play look the Tony for be!l production. I' I f • • • • • • ' • • • • a • • • • • • ~ • • tl1e-rne-sa T!. ,1t r· 1_t I :•1 ~~. ,~.; 1\r)r;,_::,1r1tr1· ·rit s NEWPORT /\ND flt~RBO !~ lN CUSTI\ MfSA lEUPHONE 541-1552 Fol INFORMATION It's the !Unni"est since "Cat Baillou" -Helen \Vest THE FUNNIEST SHOW IN TOWN - " CLEAN AS A HENS TOOTH THE GREATEST FAMILY SHOW IN ORANGE COUNTY lames Gamer loan HacktH ,~,. Walter &rennlin ' . " l' C..f•ndar• a dull town u,ntll ' Sherm McOillouflh ·1 took over '· Afso This Family Show Fo•••1SOU'l'H COAST ll"LAZA TH-TRS Ian Dil&o , ..... , at·-. ....2711 •l Acrn .. ,,.,.. P11':111t Stll Of!k• • 11tt 11111111• WE ARE PROUD · TO PRISENT .. " . ' STEtt: MCa..JllN ~ AS 'UJI 1111 " r ~~-;;·~·,.~-~-~~!-~~~ .. =:-:· ~-~~-~---~ftl~llll~e>~i#. "CANDY"R RATIO 2 .. tor F1Atu11 Eitor9• Ptpptrd J''" S~btrt Riehtrcl Kil•y "PENDULUM" CHlLDtlEN •WITH PARENTS ONLY l'LWEI saod sricf iti aiftclYI . ,, ~ ' .. Ac1d•my Aw1rd WI"~"'" j • BEST ACTOR : CLIFF ROllRTSON · . !([Q l'Et\IRES m collabollli"1 wilh . RO!ERTSON ~t!S ~ll'nls Cliff .ROBERTSON. CtfA~LY .,-ClAlRE .BLOOM ftlllilu• -· ' •. ..,.G-..... ~- INN R 0' llST S ~---, JA K ' .. ALIEllT$0N -·· .,,.. --11·1 Fl II l)Jlal -a= • • • ' • \ • - ' ""'' ACADIMY AWARl>•WINNERt~ ' . STf.'tt: ' : • MCaJff:N 'NJ AS LUTI nz,:rr::::. SATUIDAY P.T.A. MATIND-AU. SIATS.llf "'Plltlf ACIOSI THI MllCY'" -1J::at Po.M. • • - l I l>ollution · •,• .. :~reatiµg :~any Jobs By JOYCE LAIN ' , MIU Ltln 1w1rd1 • Morr.vrv Hrt•bll, cwrttsv of !fie fl~•• .Tr-rtter CO •• to Mrs, 'Miier.i ltt'j6r, i-1erQ. Clf'I', Mo.: !'llfw a. ·--...... -· ........... -........ --. Iii ..,. .... .., ....... ...,., ( .......................... -.. ...... --.. ...... '"" ....... "'"A.-'lbe future is now in Jl!llliltioil control ne<d!. With J'D91'e than two-thirds of us ~ in .urban centers, the o&.Onout waste fouling our i;tr and water is becoming a ~crisis. 'niere b ,)IO • 1lqle ... , ' to pi-epare for a career in pol- )Jlt,ion control; •need a va-i:i<ty cl ~. scieotisll, -~lie health uperll, ... fO'cement penoonet mci led> tlcians to tldle the DllSSive ifianhandling cl our envlroo· ment. Not' all job! require a f~r-year college education, but the best mOot cltea clll for more than a bacbeJor's degree. For college-b o u n d 111)dents, hig)l·acbool 'studies 11\ould include all the scieoce ~ math availaQ!e. 11lOa,b P:ofesslonals , generolly l)>e-ciAliu in one OI' the other- ejther air or water -bOtb fl<Jds neod • . • Wlll!BE . l!MPLOYED: "'Ail J<>.t. cl govermneo( (though Ute federal goffi'TIIl'lent bas ·a ttmpcnry free21e on n e:w hires), private industry, cOJ. ~es and universities, and reseatth institute.: WllEllE TO WRITE: For ti$ft inlonnltlob. write Air llf!llutloo Conln>I Auoc:lltlori, 4fD Filth Ave.,~ ,.. 1.UU; .WUer Polluoon ~ Fedinllon, 3900 Wb-ibln Ave" NW, Wubing!Gn, D:C. 111111: •Nlllooill Air Pol· 1-!)aatrol 'A~llloo, II!! ~ 91., Arllnlton. '1'.i. mlli: ·mid· the Feileral ,,_ PolNlloo c.atrol •Ad- mlniltillloi). w-. •·b'l n c· 1llt,'D,C.-. • J>aoR&Cl'll Alu!; PJlOI&. mNG !cir pollution coolt""' Jen. Url>lnisi lllthori\y Diin- old c. --..... cl the llni'V'i\1 ol Pittsburlh's 0.-..te Scliool cl Mlle IDd iJllerDllli>lll A,J I 1 I r L ... . -, 1•:'Alf1 competent person who ... -plpolod ....,.,. .. de- ,._ in public health .,..... jloe, ...-1 .,.._. jot, ml ilCher rele•llll .1111>- jiloll will fmd bis wvtcesU. PM\-U-PCJpulllkil ml -liJI. lion add t. the ~ pro!> ix; .. bopo -in~ ·-~· heed Dun S!Gne Ind gal I -filhtinc befAn tr• too l1to. .... ~~~ * • * • ·-----!• r--llfl<ollJoy .. ;Liill.: C... C.-, DAILY ~·_,, .. •all .. __ ....... Aly ----It ... .... . .,. -..... .. 't11stv1 •Int..,.. Menwy ,.... t' 1Jpc1Mw. • , ; < ; "lRcieat Age" •is 11.11 .. r • , ' SAYE ta t UITKIY ITUllNT . · , . ' ·; . BOURBON 1 O 98 ' flt! .• ""' .... io. hi. • ' . WIS U I SIV£llc "Lauders" tr: SCOTCH IT. 5.99 · "Ceunt Yaysa" ti:i1: VODKA 6 90 bin lrJ-11 rn.t ~Cal. • WISl.• SllE 41c · "S•I E. Wellster" -·~ USlll ' • I WHISKEY• ... I 111(121 , ';ii: 111 2.19 1t3~67 . ' '!'Grenada Bay" .r:~. RUM,,,.. ••!l!Miu LUV£892tc Ch>ose.'t"" Ualt " M r , • " ' Ill Proof. • 1111 "Tanya·" MWMlllC llHlllllC """ Spriider Heads Choost frOllll llall w full titclt. 71. f ,.. s.... ltlds ·~'""' setnr. •· : "Greeablase" Pl•1n • WA -~ llr II ... pr· . -......... 41 Mt)llio1 -" r1ise lllfltl fM s~. 1 -·--~!!.~·· · HUNTINGTON l l ACH ... 1111111'111 ~ .._ ' Nl11fPORT l lACH Ah.Ml & DOOINUllT HUNTINGTON l lACH ... , ............... " . 1 ' ' ,. ............... ,.. .... ., . , Cl' ... ns " - $lall Set · .... ,~-· cskes .1.00 ' !,II.,-' ulHLfiM t, s .. 51e1ro· . . . . '. . ' . ' ,• ... .. ,· ' .. ' .................................. , .. ,: ' ~, t ~ l. - ----·------------------ n· ' J· --~----------'------~---- ..... . . . Finnry~~,Tt0uvisfs · tn · ·tfte , ~w -iAil ,, • .. • '!''' I t, , t I lio. l --. \ ' .... • t " • . ' . I ------ :JO OAIL V PILOT w ....... .,, "'" 23, 1969 Child No Longer Will Be · Lean by Scraping Platter. ,C .. 1 ~fl . . . :. ' ·, .{ : DEAR ANN LANDERS : Al a pedlalti· splendid person. They went together for DEAR NEG: The groom 's fal.bt.r b oul -ZONKEb ZEU.Je 1 .. \' ~ I 1 i ~ clan J must lak~ lslue with your advice two and a half years and are very much of lune ,_,Ith the times. Where's bis DE~R z : ne •-"''• ~ ~ not to lhe , Jl-year-Old boy •hose mothtt " in 1ove. ttumtnical splril'! come OFF. 1'ty • lie ··;· ped, made b1m eat for lunch what he refused • .J ~ ~ to eat for breakfast. You said it wu a .. Problem: The father of the groom hap-Tbese diiys wtttn Methodisll. In •tlhooke~, UDJ~, ~ 'rtar· woOOerful idea and you hoped other ns to be a clergyman. Hls son did not Evanston iawl¥-ibtir JeWIA frleadl te ..,W. Gt& I&? ' / m~rs would do the same. 1 follow his failh but joined ours. Now the ' d."1t'b for a Pauovff.Eal&er 1apper, ud noi,, -.in' >""fl know n ~ rUi thing Obesity is 1 major bealtb problem lo-issue of how much or little he eall. A breakfast oaUDea.I don tbe clotba '• father refuses to attend the "'edding nunt In Grud Rapkk cllut Uebmr comlS alooCT Alk Mn~· Send for day and your suggestion doesn't help any. chUd will eat as much as be needs . If a cba&e. (I cUdn'S Ull.nk M abould get •••Y because he believ es it would be showing mulic for a Bar Mil:n'ah, and lbt Knigbt1 her booklet "Lov.~ or Sef Ind lfow to Tell Eating hablts are acqulred early and are youngster rtpe.atedly leaves food , the with It.) Even so, lite advice wu poor approYit of. hls son's chosen church and of Columbiu aod the ~1Uons have a Joi.at the Difference .. Sfnd3'ceqi.s in coin and :«a:1~.'1en~ It ~~:!~:1fu' Jla~ servings should be reduced. bccauae eblldrta shouldn't be made to ·h~ doe( not w~ to do this. meeUng ia SolLll Bend, Lile P'OO•'• ~ a long, "Self·addttriCit, staniped r envelope . I a plate and a sin to leave anythlng. A Your advice Ls usually excellent, AM, eat food they cU1Uke particularly u Tbe falhfr.'bu aO:Mt that there tie' no father Is clearly out ia lefl field. ~·ith your ,equest. but you Jet us down thls time. -AN· pwthhment. Sbame oa me! I'll take lt ~ gre~t many ~ .. e~e in ... ~~~~-of CHORAGE, M.D. wUelu wtth Dr. B. Spock'1 book . b!_~dingte, ~tbe .~ s~ptlof!J~ ~EAR AUdNN, ~UERS:,~ave yould lliglr.P't' Ann Landen will be "'"'d t.o i:...i... you eating too muui ....::o.;ouse ulCll 1uvul'll::rs a.~ sta -.. .... 1 man1..., qu1e y . .i1,. t'"?"' your • ~~1 y a .... year-<> ..,. •-..y ma'.de them feel guilty about le.aving food . DEAR ~t.D.: You are rl&hL I goofed DEAR ANN LANDERS : Our daughter yoµng couple is deeply hurt by '8t.. 45ked if jt ls possible to get pregnant ii 1 with ·your problems. ~them to ·her In 'The wise mother offers her children the 1'-hen I 1ppl111ded the mother for 1ervin1 and her fiance are planning a church uiude. Please ·express an opiniOQ ............ _Jirl kee" J!ll her clothes on. You said care of the DAILY PILOT encloling a riQlt kinds of food and does not mak e an oatmeal for lucll when tile tld illrew the weddln& In June. The young man is •: RSVP NEGATIVE .· • ~Yo(~AN"r n'!ean it. Please explain. long, RU-addressed, stampede~ . ' I • • I ·I ' • ' ' i ' I ' I. ; 1 i : L; ~I , tr I ~1 . tJ' Pi ' 1' I. t· I r I I I. . ' -- Secretaries Take a Memo: Caliente Calling r I Emphasizing the "fun" in fund·raising will be members of Orange County, Harbor Area Legal Secretaries who are planning a day at Caliente as a benefit for the Lo~ Angeles Foundation for the Junior Blind. Tickets, at $8 per person, include a round·trip via bus, admission to the turf club, three margaritas and a 1 p.m. buffet luncheon. Race-goers Nectar of the Gods Ready for Sampling ""iU board the buses at 9 a.m. next Saturday al Costa 1fesa Park. Trying to get some betting tips straight from Rebel's mouth is Carl S. Kegley while Mrs. Mary Ann Smith. ways and means chairmari studies the racing form. Reservations for .the day's outing may be made by calling 11rs. Smi th at 842-2544 or 530.5269. • .. ..._p t !,+ ::;;;:l'"-·- . . . " It's the (Straw)berries! \\iomen's Fellowshi p of the Plymouth Congregational Church plan to harvest some "lettuce" during a fund-raiser to be presented in Balboa Bay Club Wed· nesday, April 30. Selecting the pick of the spring crop (strawberries) for their theme and decor are (l eft to right) Mrs. Robert Basmajian, Mrs. Glen Still· well, invil.ations chairman and Mrs. William Roller, brunch co-chairman. Also co--chairman of the event is 'Mrs. George Weedon .. Tables will be centered with strawber ry plants which have been nurtured by ~1rs . Dewane Burgess, decora· tions chairman . Fiesta, Not Siesta Time at Bay Club AA evening of sampling wines and cheeses is being plllll!td as a fundin& event by Stephens College Alumnae Association of Orange County. Revere House, Tustin will be the setting from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. next Friday. Ready lo serve taste.templers are (left lo right) Mrs. Donald Snyder, Mrs. Stewa" Easterby and Mrs. Paul Jones. Serapes and sombreros will be pan of th e ga rb don· n~ by senores and senoras of the Balboa Bay Club when they travel to ~lexico via a dinner dance next Saturday. There'll be no siesta. just fiesta promise hosll (left to right ) M,. and Mrs. Roy Peck and M,. and Mrs. Wil son Snyder, who will be assisted bjl the .Joe OeFranc:os and Percy •taytbomcs. _ _:._:_ __ -·-•....:.......1--~·--.. ---~-- f I ----·-------------------- '· .•· Stars Shine on Cdmp. Fire Giils ohd Blu~. Birds . ' · .. \ .. Scou\iJ!i In the "wilds" of Santiago Park will be NOWJlott BeaCjt and Costa Mesa Camp Fire., Girls and1Blae ~irds~ 'during their spring camp ou.t next Friday and Saturday, Fixing up·their'campsile are (left to·nghl) Wendy nord!es\er, president of Hori- ron Club and Terry S~atp. Mrs. Paul Troegner's group wlll be in chai-ge of the Friday evening camp-· fire; MrS. Richard Brace's girls are hahdling-tbe firelighting ceremony, and Saturday tnorning ' the youngsters in Mrs. Roy Pfeiffer's group will conduct the flag raising. · • SALE TIME N'EARS -New ·worlds of adventure are waiting to be purchas~ at the annual Twice Sold Book S<lle next Friday at Richard 's Lido Mar- ket, Newport Beach. Storyland characters loading books for the sale are (left to right) PbilUp Dowty, 9, Brian Ellis, 9 and Peter Dowty, 7. Dr. Seuss will be a special guest at the sale sponsored by the New- port Beach Friends of the Library . • Li bra ry Benefit Book Bargains Entice Cook books,· ch 11 d re n's Library have been attending a summer. books, en c y c I o p e d i a s , ~t~ide workshop o n l{egistrations are being ac- seamanship books -all these stoiitflling in preparation for cepted at all libraries and ear- and more will be offered at the story hours, which will ly slgnups are urged as the the 'aooual Twice SoJ.d Book take place every Thursday groups will be limited. Sale next friday at 9 a.m. at morning for the next six MemberJJ participating are Richard'• Lido M a r k ~ t , weeks. · the Mmes. H. B. Benjamin, Newport Beacli. The same group will conduct Marshall Schulman, F. A. Meq:iben ol. the Newpdrt a story hour for primary steak, Wallace Gerrie, John. Beach Friends of the Library grade children later in the Thom and Robert Burge. have ·been busy fllllng boxesl-''--------"--------=---1( and barrela wilh b 0 0 k LQQK for HAIRSTYLING by the area's TOP STYLISTS! ,M;ro11~~~~~ ~~D APPOINTMENT ONLY •• ~ lor Ille Ale, 1'hlcb · >' proVlaer J!e1r boob • I~ tlie libr!l!r wllh 1IJe proc<eda. A ill!!clal guest, Dr. Seuss, will. lp\cm hand to ~ -!oven fllill jusi ti!.• rtglll vW.. at the sale). ~ .-l'ltbilng tile · sale are ' Ille Mmeo. Jam.. Dowty, iftoi- ' d<ftl, Fred El!"i chaliman, • ·,/ and Stanley LeLievre and -.• Wa1Cer Whitt, comlnltt"ee ,I -~ ._. men-•· -., Abo on the llbrary calendlr ls • -of p.-..cboof 11\0tY ho<Jn beginning tomorro!-,t 10 a.m. in each of the tilrft Newport Beach librariEfl. 1 Members of the Junior Friends of tbe Newport Beach Childl:>inh Film Topic ChUdbirtb Without P a i n Leaaues of Oranae CoWllY will sho• a film on 1tbar subject during a meeting in Laguna Federal Savings and Loan buildtilg at I p.m. 116t Friday. roUowing the film, Mrs. Michael Mineo. instructor and educ;:ational dirtclor for the leagues, will answer questions. Tickets art 15 cenls. Further information about the group and a brochure may be oblained by writing Mrs. Mloeo, 24091 Eaglemont " ASK Mr. FOSTER Travel Service UPPER LEVEL ROB IN SON'S NEWPORT CENTER P'ASHION ISLAND (714} 644-1661 ;vtffiS · .... -'4995 ~. j WIGlfls · • 4ts ,, tr.. ' . . CAS(4DES . "'"· 1495 , FAW ... lo 2695 Sale Prlen Now . in Effect! YlYIANE WOODARD COSMnICS malfi(I~ WIG Ir •EAUTY SALON Ctll 541-3446 250.0 E. 171h Hillgren Square Costa Mffa Avenue, El Toro. '--------------------'·""'_._ _ _.._._ _ _..J. • , • I, Horoscope • t ' .. . ' . . ) ~ . . . ' Optimism _: Highl.ighted. ~h , Gemin.i: , - • 'I THU~SDAY APRIL 24 rouUne. Dine out, attend recognlUon. Excellent fOr Sul). Jngness to cooperate. 1ivn theater. Some of your bell,efs mi_ttlng outline, rormat, IF TODAY IS YOUR o! are subject to revision. But l manuscript. -Acceptance or BmTHDAY you have pa(1'~ this, represents creative think~ creative efforts is highlighted. personal magnetism, art _..n~ ing. DOn't fight progress. CAP'1JCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. natural sales ex~Uve. YO'&) . By SVDNEV OMARR BEST BUYS TODAY ' Ou11tandh1g· values apt to M found lD •perts attire, lusury Item, eblldrea's dolbes, toys and theater tickets. 'Iben you'll be sboppilg w 1 t II astrology! ARIES (March 21-April 19): Lunar emphasis on how you deal with children. Romance featured tonight. P e r s o n a I magnetism soars. You are given meaningful compliment by member o( opposite sex. You bask in spotlight. UBRA (Sept. U-Oct. 22): 19): You get to bottom of know how to , ie1t pro~r.'• Accent on fulfillment o f mystery -could result in ~~ started and comp etecl. ~ wishes. U alert, you perce.ive fit. Key 1:s to be .resourceful.. ment of delay n.-. been•_i), opportunitY to great gain. Handle added resPonsibility: preseQt. But roadblock to, Pfhl}. Change due -for the better. Ad in authoritative manner. gress is due to be removed. 1 " Social evening indicated. Be Have no fear ol the Wlknown. ~l":naOO:..,.~cri.,."1;~11":" ~,1-:_ with persons who· share your, AQUAllfUS (Jan .. 20-Feb. =:;_ .. "f:::,"~ .. ~~_.\t .. interests. • 18): You get oppor1~ty to ~~.::·~ t"'~""c:lr~~~ 1 SCOR.PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): unite forces·. with ,1·one ot1_·;;i"iii~i;"'";ii;iiiv;i;""';i;;;"ii·vii. •ii•ii"ii· iiii;;;;i;i' Chance for promotion In-means. 'nl«lw ~t!btirdenr not11 '' dicated. Family m e m b e r rightly your own. Joint.. efforts SPECIAL makes gesture which is con-pay d.ivi~; Buf gel your . , TAURUS (April 2Q-May 20): ducive to domestic tranquility. fair share. • f ·, Reciprocate -can be day of PISCD (Feb. 19-March 20): Qf . . _ fulfillment, profes.si.ona11y and New procedures C()\lld make Important to finish basic tas k, for It affects your security, home, general future . Delay is not wise. You gain if persis- tent , observant. Older family member can aid. Listen. personally.' important task relatively easy. PARTY HQS£ SAGIT'l'ARIU,S (Nov. 22 -Stress originality. Be in-• • Dec. ll): Good -lunar aspect dependent.In thought, action. 1 1 0VERS·· coincides today with greater Work associate displays will-II GDllNI (May 21.June 20): Welcome new adventure. You could meet someone who stimulates. Some of your ideas prove workable. You are gratified. Day could feature ch~r. Sense of optimism is Bay Area Home . Picked By Newlywed Couple highlighted. CANCER (June 21~uly 22): Northbrae Community tied a bouquet of Easter lilies. Money situation improves. Church, Berkeley, was the set-Following the morning You are able to buy valuable ting selected for the exchange ceremon'y conducted by the prodUct at bargain price. of wedding rings and v:ow:s .Rev. Craig S. Jessup, family Follow through on hunch. In-between Nina JoOOs, daUghter and close friends greeted the tuitive inlellect rings bell. You f M d Mrs Will1'am F o r. an · · newlyweds during a wedding are a winner. Jones, ani:I James Michael LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).: Heckman, son·o~Mi'. and Mrs. brunch in Kirby's restaurant, Circumstances turn in your-V. E. Heckman, both of Foun-and the family gathered for .·favor. Good ·day, to take in· 41in Valley. • dinner in U1e Fremont Hotel, itiative, make new contacts. A graduate of .,Fountain San Francisco. s1s9" PAii 2 pr. $3.00 • • Petite, A.verap Tall. \ . by F.emous Maker . ' : • • • ' • • • • ' Cycle high. Be confident. You Valley High School, the. bride Among the guests were Mr. 2737 I.~ c..r;1hrf. t h t d t COt"OH dlrl M.,;....ft:. 6~J.lflt • ge c ance o emons rate' wore a street length chiffon · and Mrs. P. A. Rodriguiz of ... ~ ... unique abilities. U ti Ii z e gown with a deep lace ~em San Gabriel 8Jld Ralph S. e ~ showmanship. over white ·satin: Her sllou'lder . Mea:d of Huntington Beach. • ,...... ~. :."' -~VIR~GO~~(A~u~g'.i2J.~Se~p~t ~22~) ·'.__~le~ngth~~v~eiLI ~w~as;· ~·tta~c~bed~t~o~a~. ~~The~c~ou~p~l~e .~w~ill~m~ak=e~their:,· '.b!!•'~l~Y~;;~•;,;,;~~':;";.,~,..;~ ' ~ Excellent for ... ~ha nging seed pe8J'._l tiara, and she.ca.r--home in the Bay Area. .., ~ • .. · .. -I" ' ' ~ • I Summer takoo a llland Oil an important laohion idea. The cool version ol the UJ>front cilJ shoe is whit..manmade patent with sltaigbt-cut higher heel., broad roll¢ toe, ,new 111atu1 buckle. And it'• just 9.99. From.bold cover-ups to d'elicate llirippiea, fresh 11\lll\mer 8 99 , 10 99 sboeidea.sareyour1with Qu~i€raftat most.ly • to • FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ) HUNTINGTON CENTER ,HUNTINGTON BEACH l SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA . • " ... " 1 ' \ ,,,-.. .-. WedntsdaJ, April 2), 196t ·-'-"'"---~~"--~~~~-' ltali:an, Spa'nish Cuisine Tops 1 fo n·dirig Menrt Nol~I ~ ·-cle"!>Rd i. MeM Hf!-'"' l1Kft. L•-1"4 MllSIOll Vltlo ffnnl·~K~ -~IJftlorlt w~I •-I' Ill "'- 1( l'ILOT •tcJ> ..eei.. lnlorrn1llOO' De r~vl4 tlv IM .o<:le1• *° t1 t( ft" ""°"I"' Ot •11...,1.., to Mn. Gefftl $rnl~, 20'2 C"'· l'lt«. ~· lff(.11. 1W J 1.rn, '· for P!lbllc:llkwo W«l ... lodl•.l ~tn. Carl Ltuclt President ING UP: Ice cream · .1 .1nd open house ·wilJ reature a cake baking coo. test, cake walk and post.er contest .at ,1:30 p.m. tomor· row. Board niembers will -Canyon PTA ~tn. Denzais Miiier Pm'idenl ' COMING UP :· Crpzy day and daffy apple -sale will take .place Friday, April 25. CdM High' PTA l\1rs. Alesander Black President • COMING UP: Or. David Martin, sociologist aOO head of the urban affairs depart- ment 111t the University of Sou thern california, w i 11 speak on The Hang-ups_ of Yooth, at 7:30 p.m. Mpnday, April 28. Mrs. J a c k fl.tlckelson, h o s p I ~-• I i l y chairman, in,vites parents, Meet Due ••• Honest lnjun! 'Don't be an Indian giver'," sayS Ronny · LOwe as he 'vatches Karen Faubel and arcie Frazier ()ell lo righl)"lradi(lg toys. The PTA unit al College Park.School sponSOMg~ swap meet Saturday, May 3, from 1 to 4 p.m. on the school ropnds. Mrs. Robert Stettler is ways and means chairman. Honest lnjun! :~:r ·~ ~ pubus to CM High PTA Mrs. Omer laaa President COMING UP: SpaghetU din- ner from 5:311 to 1 toni&bt. Adulta, SI.50, children under 12, 75 cents. Blue Madrigals will entertain during dinner; open house will follow. REPORTS : Honorary 1 I f e membership was presented to Omer Isner. Estan cia PT A Mrs. l'tlarlc Goodyear Pmident COMING UP : Spanish dinner from I to 8 tonight, in the commons. Adults, $ 1 . S O , children under 12. 75 cents. Public is welcome : open house will lake Place from 7 to 9 p.m. . . . Bridge marathon for scholarship fuJ'.l(f now is forming. Those Interested ln further in- formation may call Mrs. \Valter Saunders at 54&-6MO or Mrs. Mark Goodyear at ~5-6331. Monte Vista PTA rtfrs. David Goodsen President COMING UP: Members at- tending the mass installation in the Villa Marina will be the Mmes. Mark Morris, John Turner, Andrew Lakatosh, David Goodsell and Irving Lerner. Newport Hts . PTA Mn. Elgie Armour President COMING UP : Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 29. in the teachers' lunch room. Rea PTA rtlrs. Keltll Kello11 President COMING up, BOard muling al 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, in the: teachers' lounge. lolembin of. Ille,,,..., board ;;~ illsta!~ In .tilt ¥IQ. REPORTS: Members of the PTA,~ed i'ifrtshmen1$ at the spring prom :' St, John >;~x. rtfr1. Robert Reid President COMING UP : Board meeting at ll tonight. Mrs. Robert '~sh ' will host. Si)eclat guest will be Sr. M. Dolor,.. 'principal . . Field day me e tJ n g 1omorrow; Mrs. Henri Bourget i s chairman . . . Last paper drive of the year from 7 to noon Saturday, April 26 ,al 2188 Harbor Blvd. ' • Working Out on the Bar to Get in Shape Limbering up for the Te WinkJe PTA association meeting on May 12 are (left to rigpt) Connie Jami· son, Robin Nate and Colleen Jamison. students from Mrs. Jack Hart's physical education class will of- fer a gymnastic display during the proa:ram begin- ning at 7:30 p .. m. in Boswell Hall. William Spurgeon III will speak. Wil1on PTA Mr1. Fred Simpson President Mod Style~ pn Parade Entertaining Simplified REPORTS : Winners of the father -student cake decorating contest w er e nautical, Susie Ch ave z : floral, Tummy Rush and Pam Gihl; cartoon, Keri Thompson, Jetta Gannon. Betsy Ellord, Arthur But- teling, David Sneed and Sheryl Brink; nursery rhymes, Steven and Lisa Sankey, Tina Anderson and Brad and Ben Stevereen ; patriotic, Marlene Garner ; sport!. Elaine and Lisa Lindsey, and their fathers . S6S was netted from cake auction . A fashion parade of the latest ·mod styles recently was presented along with musical entertainment in Fairview State Hospital's auditorium . The professional m o d e I s were joined by young patients serving as maMequins when the ensembles were shown, according to Mrs. John C. Bit· con, chief ol rehabilitation services. Presenting the fashion show was the Boutique Bus, owned by.James Filak. and assisting were hospita l staff members rtfrs. Robert S. Jamieson, director of volunteer services, and Fred Barnes, muslc therapist. Laguna Group American Legion Auxiliary of Laguna Beach gathers at 8 p.m. the second and fourth Thursdays in the Legion Hall. Si.+erhood Temple Sharon 's Sisterhood meets the fourth Wednesday of the month in Temple Sharon Religious School, Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. Entertaining Made Easy will be presented next Friday by Mrs. Carol Heinz, h o m t economist for the Southern California Electric L i v i n g Center, for members of the Happy Homemakers. The ·group will convene In the Edison Company office, Huntington Beach at IO a.m. for the presentation. New officers will be elected during the luncheon. Anyone wishing information on the group mar contact Mrs. James W. Dick, president, 91%· 5157. 'S ;, am Teaches Evils of Smoking to Yalleyite Students fEdllor't Hott: A ""~ Ot..ottd lo n•w v11~, Hunllnelon 11e1ch, ean Vltw. $ell k1ch 1 n d slmi,..lfl" School 0 1STrlct Nc•nl· .,,,.rm.lions will 1PH1r In !he l'ILOT "Ch w.ell. 1nforma1oon 51 II* rtulYICI .. , "'"· Wi•hAm t&'d, .11'M '91111 Lucia. F01>ntarn lltv tlY J it.rn. FrloHY tor Publlca!ion ~··' V Council ~1n. Ro111I~ Murphy President OMING UP: Smokt'y Sam is a visual aid used i n educating fourth through sixttr graders on the "evils" of smoking. Beginning today and tomorrow the program will be presented a t Newland School ; Friday and Monday, April 25 and 28. Harper : Wednesday a n d Thursday, AprJI· 30 and f.lay J, Fountain Valley ; Monday and w"ednesday, May 5 and 7, Fulton : Thursday and Friday, !ifay 8 and 9, Tamura ; Monday and Tues· day. May 12 and. 1 J . McDowell ; Wednesday and Thursday, May 14 and 15, ·Nieblas. Ar evalo; PTO Atrs. B. J. Works President- . COMING UP : Magic .Show by Simultaneous Sale Scheduled swap meet and rummage sale will be conducted simultaneously by Founlain Valley m gh School A Clothing -furniture and larger Hems will be o d 'rrmn JO a:m. to 3:30 p,m. •t the M•r.kel Bask_•l rarkfng lot, across from Huntington Centrr. \Vhlle l Stan Mittelman at 4 p.m. Friday. April 25, out.side lu n- ch area . Admission is 2 new or 11sed books in good con- ditkin, which will be given to 102nd Street Elementary School in \\latts ror its li brarv. For more in- form8tion yot• may call Mrs. Alvin Rorman, chairman . ill 962{1,'ll l. DeMille PTA Mrs. Robert \\'blttslll11 President · COMING UP: Open house and installation of officers at 7:30 p.m. Mond•y . April 21, in the multipurpose room. Bake sale \Yi!l be featured . Eader PT A ~lrs. Darwin Zirbel President l"Oi'l'll NG UP : Open house tonight ... Reservations are being made with M r s . Thomas Hunt. 962-8916 for installation luncheon at noon Tuesday, April 29. in the Villa Sweden. Outgoing and incoming officers Rnd room 1nothers are invited. s n1allcr articles "'·ill be a vailable from 9--5 at th e school next Saturday. Sorting merchandise are (left 10 right) Mrs. J•ck T. Kull and Mrs. \V. J, Brock- man. ----------------------· ·-·-------- FV Ele , PTO Mrs. Wiiiiam Dunn President COM ING UP : Open house at 7 tonight. Parents will visit class room s. Eleetion of of. ficcrs for the coming year. REPORTS : Unit voted to adopt the Bhtck Parent Program. which Is part of a C<Junty"'·ide progran1 to aid and protect childrf'n on their way to and from school. reports Mrs. Raymond Delight, chairman. Goldenwest PT A !\!rs. Jerry Sutherland President REPORTS: Officers Installed ror the coming year are the Mmes. Paul Renfro, presi· dent: Ralph Feather, James McLean and Miss Gloria Alarcon, vice presidents : the Mmes. George Schneider and Leigh Walquist , secretaries; Alan Taylor, treasurer : Sam DeRose, auditor ; James GI b son, historian, and J e r r y S u t h e r land, parliamen- tarian. Miu Fay Fryberger was instilling officer. Nieblas PTO !'ilrs. Ricll1nl \Vllhelm President C0f.11NG UP: O~n house tomor'ro\v . preceded b y short business meeting . . . Aloha is theme of fashion show \Vednesday. April 30, in Peek Family Colonial Terrace ROom. Home-sewn fashions modeled by make.rs and ready-made fashions by Rlcki"s of Honor Plaza. REPORTS: Phase I n r P e r c eptual development equipment completed \l'ilh aS1istance of l\'iniam Spelt of Fountain Valley Jaycees. Phase 2 will be started soon. Seal Beach PTA Airs. Sall.I MIUlttlli President (..'OMING UP: A buu session on Sex EduclUon is pro- gram at 7:30 p.m. Tuesd ay, April 2). in 7.oeter School al.Klilorjum. Spe.Bkers lrt R. James Shafer, attorney at Llw : the Ref. Robert Pomeroy, Commun i t y CongregauonaJ 'Church, Lo~ '· ., ,. " ,• •. 'I>' .,.~~ ~}.::, .. ' Library Sweetened Funds from a recent PTA cupcake sale have been used for the purchase of books for Sequoia School. Presenting donations are Mrs. James Blaser, PTA presi- dent and Mitch Goldstein, student body president. Receiving the gift is Clat.· en ce Owen, principal. I Alam1tos, and Dr . Alfred K. ?i.tcNelll , obstelricion nnd gynecologist. Spring View PTO Mn. Vtrnal Day Presldent CO~llNG UP:' Showdetv.'11 11t Spring View Cor ral is theme of carnh·al rrom 11 a.m. to 4 p.m SaturdAy. May 10 Mrs Julio Ri vera. It e n l' r A 1 chai rman, reports ga1ncs. prizes and rood. \amura PTO Mn. f..o1'·t11 Drink President CO~tlNC UP : Bo11rrf 1nr"linc ~t 9: IS a.m. tomorrow In the hoine of P.frs. Lowell Brink. Plan! for co-sponsoring with Studerit Councll of seventh and eighth grade dantt will be discussed, in addltlon to luncheon plans for honoring voluntrer molht rs. Wardlow PTO 1\lrs. Ge.orgt J\l tth11n President CO~il NG VP· Board 1necl1ng at 7 p.m. Monday, Apr il 2&, In teachers' work room ... The. Hsppening i~ theme of faM!ion 1how. under Ute tl irtttion of ~Ir,., Jan1rs l ' -·- Curry, \\ledn~srlay, Pit1Y. 1, in the multipurpose room. Decoralion committee art. the J\fme.•t \\1alter Pigage. chairman. Alon1.0 Robinson, George Me.than , Bud Keadle, Bill Casey and CUr· ry . Refreshment chainneo are. J\frs. Robert Gallancl and ltfrs. Carroll Borden. Coord inating the fashions arc 1>11ss Pal Taylor aDd Mrs. Erih Ste~·arl, te.achel'I. Door prius \\'tre. obtaintd hy Mrs. William Reyl\Qlds. Students, trachers a n d r.:ir('nts 11 Ill model. -----~----------------.--~----------..,--------------------,.----------~~---- Island Hon eymoo n .. Pearl Harbqr , ;C/Jaf,)e/ Sele cted for Rites i ' ' • f • ~ ,• l ·' l " ,, • ~ i i ~ ~ ' ~ ; t ' ~ Joanna Leo Etchison ol Costa Mesa fiew to Pearl Harbor to exchage weddln& vows and, rings with Navy Lt. {j.g.) James Bruce Bee&ley. The ceremony was perform- ed by Chaplain C.H. Wbetler in the Submarine Base Cbapel, and the bride was atvtn in marriage by her father, Steve A. Etchison of Costa Meu. Al.so present for t h e Couple Set June Date The engagement of Nancy Hoist, daugi1ter or ~rew Holst of Huntington Beach and the late Mrs. Holst. has been announced by her father: She will marry Charle s Phillip Harper, trandMn of Mrs. Harold Hepburn of Hun- tington Beach, in the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Cosla Mesa , on June 28. The betrothed c o u p I e graduated from· Huntington Beach High SchlOI, and the bride-elect is ~i t tnding University of California, Riv· erside. t Her fiance attends 1 ucr 11 , "'here both young peop e wl continue their edu"CaUon in the fall. I ctrtmony were lhe bride's mother ._nd her slater, Nancy: Lynn Etc'hlson. who wu maid of honor. 111e brideCfOOm ls the 80b ct Mr. and Mn. Rob<rt Bruce , Beealey of Atherton, The new Mrs. Beesley S<lected a street le!lllb clreas of white embossed batiste and carried a bouquet of , white sweetheart ro9eS atop 1 .small white Blble. Her honor at- tendant w11 attired in a blut eyelet drtai and had a bouquet ol pink swlPhf:art roses . FQJ.lowin~e ctremony, the newlywed.!! greeted t b e I r guests In the Lanai Room of the Bachelor Officers' Quarters in Pearl Harbor. Mrs. Channing Sieben "rved the wedding cake, assisted by Mra. Tom Fritz. The couple honeymooned In Hawaii until Lt. Beesley returned to duty in Vietnam. A araduate of Burleson Hi&h School, TeJ:as, and the University ofC a 1 if orn i a. Berkeley, the bride ls working toward her e l ementary teaching credential at Callfomla State Colle1e at Long Beach. The bridegroom attended high school in Atherton and is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. Upon his return in August, the couple will live in northern Califomla. ~ ~· ~ ' ~ Betrothed Pair Await ~ I MRS. PHILIP EDWARD CLIFFORD Home in Hawa ii Judy Broughten Weds ~ Important June Dates ~ • j A June wedding and university graduation .are an- S!: • ,. 1 • ticlpated by Judith Elaine \" Dresser of Balboa Island and Michael Kenneth Orbach of Costa Mesa. In Newport Ceremony ' The couple·s engagement has been announced by Mrs. Harold Schue of Santa Ana and Lawrence: Dresser of Tustin, parents of the future • ~ J-Joneymooning in Ha waii where they will establish their first home .: are newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ed\vard Clifford \Vho exchanged VO\VS and rings before the Rev. Dr. Charles Dierenfield in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Newport Beach. The former J udy Dean Broughten is the daughter of Mrs. John Scelsa and John Broughten of Newport Beach, and the benedict's mother is Mrs. Pat Clifford of San Diego. -Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a floor length gown ' of candlelight silk organza fashioned with a detachable watteau train. Hand f je,veled calais lace detailed the empire bod.ice and lo ng sleeves. ~ Her veil of silk illusion was caught to a cluster of je\ve led lace flO\\'· "" ers, and forming her cascade were phalaenopsis, baby's breath and step-~ hanotis. ~· Jn floor length raspberry linen gowns and carrying French nosegays J of pink sweetheart roses were Miss Jill Broughten. the bride's sister and maid of honor, and the Misses Polly Clifford, the bridegroom's sister, De- ~~ nise Pickering, Nancy Duff and Margi Appleton, bridesmaids. ~ Attending as best man was J erry Rinder, while ushers \Yere Ri chard ! Clifford, the bridegroom's brother, Edwin Mitchell, Richard Slettedahl and t bride, and a June IS date has ?" been chosen for the rites. Orbach, son of Mrs. Steve Topalian of Balboa Island and the late Mr. Kenneth Orbach. -r 'viii graduate from UCI June l_ 14. with a bachelors degree in t economics. Miss Dresser is a graduate i or Newport Harbor High . · School and Orange Coast Col- lege and her fiance is a i·, grH.adhu~~hoooll Codro1na del Mar 1g ~ an p ans to enter Officers Candidate School for the U.S. Coast Guard following his graduation. U The ceremony will take F place in the Commu n ity t JUDITH DRESSER To S1y Vows Pre:sbyterian Church, Waguna Beach. ' I. Paul Wiggins. ~ A reception followed in the Newf>orter Inn . ' The bride, a 1964 Children's Home Society debutante, is a graduate she pledged Pi B~ta ~hi. H~r husband al~o is a.graduate of the UofW where he played varsity football and affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta. ~ . ' ~ April Showers Bring Blossoms of Fashion .. l~ -·'"l ~·~·~~,i,,,1 .•¥\:1t-·~1·-·,~-~ ~pl Graduates Plan to Marry Alumnae Gathering Smith College Club o I Orange County will gather in the Newport Beach home of Mi's. James. M. Dodds on Saturday, May 3. Theme of the meetini is Smith Seeks . Scbolar.!lhips. April 8howers won ·t bring Atay flowers for Court Christ the King 1929. Cat hol ic Daughters of Arnerk~a. but a bouquet ol spring fashions. ?ifembers l\'ill gather Jn Peek Family Colonial Terrace Room, WestmiMter, nert Fri- day at noon for a luncheon and fa!hion !how themed Apr il Showm of Fashions. Mrs. Luis Balderrama, general chainnan. is being assisted with preparations by the Mmes. Faustino Rego and Cornelia Burden, co-chairmen ; Francis Jean, decorations . and Carlos Rampone, Edwin A. Burns and James We i n . fl.lembers oC the Junior Court will ass.i.!Jt with decorations. Fashions from Lane Bryant, Buena Park, will be modeled by the Mmes.Harold Black, Zacharia Anasit. J. A. Lomeli. Rego and Miss Alanna Sweeney. Tic kets. at $1.SO. may be purchased at the door or by calling Mrs. Balderrama. 539- 34.95, or fi.frs. Burks, 892-f>JJl. Proceeds will go t o charities. DAILY l!tl.OT RIADY TO PERFORM -While Miss ·Merilee Magnuson of Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Co. practices her steps for the Fourth Western Regional Ballet F estivai in San Diego, Mrs:. Thomas Pole, Ballet Guild member, gets her fingers in shape fo r her role. She will be registering participants during the three-day even\. Ballet Guild Heade;d For San Diego Festival ~ ·' ' Ballet' Guild members and friends will be busy typing and registering participants during the Fourth Annual \Yestern Regional Ballet Festival in San Diego, Friday through Sunday, April 25-27. Latuna Beach Civic Ballet will host, so its support auxil· iary, the guild, is being called on to take care of the many details necessary to Insure the event's success. Hundreds of dancers. some from as far north as An- chorage, will converge on San Birthday Observed Diego for the event which will have its headquarters in El Cortez Hotel. ,!. 'Ille three-day festival will feature 'ma!ter classes con- ducled by some of the coun- try's finest teachers, panel discussion!, music sessions, special dinners and two pro- grams. The highlight will be a Gala Program, open to the public, in Russ Auditorium Sunday, April 27. at 8 p.m. Performers v.•ill ' reprtsent the Concert Ballet Group of Tacoma, the Laguna Beach c ompany, Oakland f\-1e tropolitan Ballet, Pasadena Danct T h e ate r, Peninsula Ballet T h e a t e r , Performing Dancing Co. of· Tacoma and Sacramento Civic Ballet. Pacific Western R e g I o· Ballet Featlval by adju · Martha Hill ofNew York.< A banquet followinC perfonnance will h o festival dancers. L a & Beach resldenls to be of honor at the late elude Mayol' and Mrs. GI . Vedder and Mr. and Douglas Reeve. People joining guild e in San Diego will inclu Mmes. Bernard Barton, Gannon. Frank Lynch, MagnuS()n, Thomas Pole Thomas S pratt , chairman. Others \\'ill be Dr. And Roy Byrnes, Miss Mi Fairbairn, Miss blary Miss Sherry Kraft. Dr.•• Mrs. Zachary Malaby. The seven performing com-and Mrs. John McComb · r panies were selected from 18 and Mrs. Reev~ and . '• • -. •. .,, Newport Harbor Council o f th Eli'za"Ath Town!end. Beta Sigma Phi sorority will , =m=e=m=be=r ='=o=m=p=an=ie=•=0=='===~======7=;'Ji convene tomorrow al 6 :30 Ir 1.:_ p.m. in Mesa Verde Country Only 8 More Days Until Club to celebrate the soror-E S ity's 3llth anniversary. MARGIE W BB' .. , High\\ghting lhe evening will be presentation of Glrl-0l·lhe·1 G1"gant1"c 'Once-A-Year' Tenl'., year a\vards by each chapter. Specia l guesls, introduced "SALE" •E• BRATION by Mrs.· Del Golden ,! president, will Include Mrs. ;> Verda Mackay of Children's! DESUiNll FAIRICS AT TalMENDOUS SAYINIH Hospital, Orange, who wUJ ac-AIH h'tmeM"' cl.......vt v1lue. In eur hutltive Shelf cept a check for the remaining balance of a $1,000 pledge! So, Remember the Date made by the council. MAY 1st Also honored as a special And help us "Sell-E.Brat•" guest will be Mrs. Clo Carr, representing lhe c y •tic 2094 So. Coast Hwy. La9una leacll : Fibrosis Clinic at Chlldren'sl:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Hospital, who will ac~ept a check from Omicron Rho Chapter for $2S4 to purchase a Mist-Tent ror the clinic. A recorded message from the sorority's rounder. Walter· W. Ros:s, will be included In the evening's program. Book Group The Book Discussion Group of Newport Beach Friends of the Library gathers the last Wednesday of the month in Mariners Library at 10 a.m. ·' • \ A romance that becan wh ile wotklnt for the Dally CalUor- nhm, Ubivenlty or California, Berkeley will be culminated during Junt 21 nuptlals 1n ~ Metnorlal Unitarian· Un ivers'lltst Church, Pu1dell1, Margaret Bird K r a u s e , daughter ·of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Krause or Newport Beach, was editor of the cam- pus paper when she met her flance, Air Foret Lt. Keith Phili p McCormick, a reporter. The college is one of seven colleges-for women which ranks academically with the Ivy League colleges tor men. It is a privately e~owed col· lege located in Massachusetts, which shares facilities with Amherst College. M.t. H.olyoke College and_ the Unlvenlty Of MasUcllu.etts. H. I.ff Burks, ticket&: Glenn ,.==================== Miss Krause is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and UCB where .. she majored in political science and was lapped for Mortar Board. She earned her masters In educa· tion from Tufts University, fl.fedford , Mass., served In VISTA and now teaches school In El Cerritos District, near San Francisco. Her fiance. son of Mr. aind Mrs. Charles W. B. McCormick of Alta:dena, is an alumnus of John Mutr High School, Pasadena tnd o! UCB where he also was a political science major. Scholarships and financial ass istance are a v a 11 1 b I e directly from the college and alumnae usociaUon groups. Interested. parents and coeds may contact the Mmes. Henry K. Bider, Jerry Y. Bell and Lewis R. Buch, all ot_ Newport Beach ; John D. T>a.vidson, or Miss Bettina Boardman, both of Costa Mesa, for additional inform•· tion. Gillmar, gift opportunities; Names Miss.ing From Roster One -hu n dred eighty members of Newport Harbor High School's class of 1959 are on the "missing persons" list for • IO--year reunion dinner June 21, in the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Anyone who has not rtceiv-e~lnformatlon or who knows of a missing clutn\.8te may call Mrs. Lorraine Cuthbert Dent. 531-tsM , or Bob Hof· fman, 540-6S86. He attended G e o r I e Wuhingtoo Univ e rs lty .1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m.!i Wublngt.Oft, D.C., served u a correspondent for the Chris- tian Science Monitor I n Washington and currently LI serving at Elmendorf Air Foret Base, Anchorage. MA RGARET KRAUS E June Ott• Told Th eo Douglass Joins Bri de s Theo Jae Dougl ass . daughter ol Mr. and Mrll. Ted· dy A. Douglass o( Huntington Be1ch, and Ted JohnOln, son of ~fr. and Mrs. Erling John!Oll of Weatmilllter. have selected Plf•Y 29 for lhelr wed· ding fn the Community lJnittd Method!Jl Chun:h, Hunlm,ton Beach . LADY GODIVA'S CUSTOM HAIRPIECES ' ' t.ty Therte b.nd ttn!k.hes wtth~ .,.,., ... ,., :\'• ........ : --ll walo-lla e · ....,. all ir••r --·• ··y:~·~ Goodbye garters ••. Vassarette's !lick new panty ~olds your hose 0t pantyhooe and does away with baa and saa without a single garter! Nylon-t.ycrae spandex conttolle1 fn fashion colors. Style 988, S-M·l. st. Brief Styft 1188 for pantyhose lo""rs, Si. • " 1"' I ' I GOURMET ENTERTAINING ON A LIMITED BUDGET. : Packed . wiih · S1.uprise s ;" + . .._, • r ~ound St~al("RoLJ'lad~s ~legant I. , ' r • • • < • ! We all like to entertain ln Roulades. 1 style and Y.et ool. many Its elegant appearance l budgets will accommodate belies its economical origin .., filel mignon for six. Never and will delight guests ... in- ... mind ... round ,st~ak will do cludin&~e gounnets in your :. just as well, especiaQy _whcn it .·Cr~d:"\.~ t~· is presented iR •· g1&morous ~ • Betf Z Roulades pack a fashion as Surprise Bee.f surprise ins.idel an unusual • , •: ". filling 4" peas and onk>n seasoned with basil. The meat rolls are sauced with con- densed golden m u s h r o o m soup, an elegant sou p tha t is made with.a robust beef stock and whole .sli~d mushrooms. You 'll probably want to add ~ SERVE GUESTS 'JUST DESSERT' t • 4 ' . YLow Calo~i~ Desse rt t ~~~~~~~-.. f 1 Coffee Jelly Tempting More and more women are course with only s e \' e n ( dilccvering the beauty that calorte$ per serving. Of course UfSnavored gelatine gives to if weight is not 1 (actor, l deuerts. , guests ma.)' top the coffee f,. 'nils rehable prod~ct as. dessert with whipped crum, IW'M the texture of Ch1IT~s, > For dieter and noo-diete.r mousses 'TIC! Ba var 1 a n alike., Colfet Je;tJy adds nair Cftllllll. It gives . handsome.-to company menus or "just rpeu to low~Jone dessen.s us'' meals. ...... .. Colfto Jelly, CliPPEE JEU. v 2 envelopes u r1 f I a \'or ed gelatine. equivalent to 1 , cup sugar Sprinkle gelatine oYer I cup colt! water in saucepan. Add instant cofk!e. Place over low ~at : sti r constantly until gelatine dissolves., 1 to 3 minutes. Remove lrom heat ; stir In remaining 2 1~ CUJ)I water and '*Htlllrilive ~ POOr inlo 4 cup mokt. Chill until firm. another vegetable and a salad to complete the meal ~ . . perhaps a scaHoped potato casserole and a mlied green salad . Your dessert can.. be as elegant as you1J>lfjse; but , for a dessert that looks like a million. moke the Easy Trifle pictured. Break lemon chiffon or sponge cake into chunky pieces and arrange in a footed glass serving dish. Cover the cake pieces with caMed lemon pudding slightly thinned with milk. Chill for a half·hour ir tim e permits. Top the pudding with a big swirl of whipped cream or whipped tapping·. Decorate with j ewe I · I i k e pieces o( red or green jelly and taasted slivered almonds. With Oesscrt,. serye small cops cf strong coff~ .. Ii you like, add a spoonful of brandy per cup to the second serving of roffee. SURPRISE BEEF ROULADES 11h pounds thinly sliced round steak I package (10 ounces) frozen peas. cooked and drained 2 ta~lespoons finely chopped onion l teaspoon basil, crushed 2 tablespoons shortening I can (101.~ ouncesl con· densed galdcn mushroom soup 1.1 cup Burgundy or other dry red wine 1/3 cup chofped canned tomatoes Cut meal inlo 6 pieces: pound with meat hammer or edge of heavy saucer. Com· bine peas, onion, and 114 tea· spooo basil; place Vi cup miI· ture on eac.h piece of meat. Roll up carefully; tuck in ends. f•sten with ike~·ers or tooth~ Brown ron.ups in shortenliig: pour off fat. Stir in 1SO)lp, ~"'1ne. tomatoes and remaJnini ~ .te~ basil. Cover; cook·aye/,lOW"Mat l ~ hours. Stir 'now and then. Makes 6 servings. Fruit Adds To Cheese Europeans have been doing • ll for years -following a big meal with small portloos of cheese and Cnril. It's a dessert so sim~e. yet 60 elegant that princess and paupers alike claim ii ~for Uitir own. · • -' APRIL IN PERRIS ] :_PEIJCAN BEAOI , }iAND PINTO PEAK , ·~ The h'elh 1trawberry, ~~ pley mile-hJ&h pies are •io.· omlng in, the bakery. Dch year these strawberry P.iH bloom l'Olier, julclf-r, fnd beautiful1er. You bite Sito the sweet smelling goodness and lQ.l 've arrived •• the tea breeze is in your hair and lthe sand is wann under Yi>ur feet And the jwnbo delici9w; ,strawberry pie& have a ~; slSts. She's called Shortcah" • sis, .._and ahef comes all !:::f~o.~tit~uc~ ·~ I~ gH!i!rln<J· plaa.!iiC•\ftalL A ........ dOllc .. , -·kwed sh!JJtcW in~~ bOt•. the. "'°"""' ""'wbmy .jOixt""f. o:i top~~whi.fPed.~am ~ top pf/ that. 1he '~llghtfl4j .. ,i,u. -'""' ~w'« riei;-...anc1 cake ~·tm' whole aft.air tre&h as a da'!Sy even if you take tt on a pic- n~ or keep II overnight. TWICE SOLD TALES TAKE OVER THE PATIO , . and the reading is easy and budget priced. Put on by lhc Newport Harbor Library, they ga ther up books that other people don't want all year long. Once a year. same place, same' time, they put on this book sale to buy new books for the library. \Vha! a place to ponder and pore, like going into a. ,µsed book store, only you -<;an do it out in the opt'n and Uck a double decker, extra rich i~ cream cone. Ah me, here's where I add lo my 'OOUection uf cookbooks. • · SOME or THOSF.' OLD RECIPES? ! , •• No quic1c··rn1Xcs, no readymadeill . , sift, roll, make a roux . , which is all ~at sport if you're not on 1hl' run. C.OOkinf ls.a·iccessi· ly, i1 Is also •ll art.· There att those who revlil In their Quiche Lorraioes, Grasshop. per Pies, Calcil,,wc. and Slopey Joes. tbti; is one of the reasons we ca.try a com· , pl('le line of Spice Jslands spires from Anise $et¥ts io Vanilla Bean!f , .4J"ld all 40 of F1avor f\tili'.s luscious Ii· quid flavoring!! •• shel'r ex· otica to the tu!V! of violet, tutti inlilt, peeiJ). nut, spiced apple and spearmint. Schill· ing goes around the world in their Flavor Center wit h Turkish bay leaves,. ground Easr Indian n1ace, Spanish anise, t~rench celery Sl>ed •. and goo:! llt'WS. • bDported po.,.,·derl'd mushrooms, Ah\•ays thf' search lot lhe new is on .. In a hun'Y l'OOks can pick up the makings fur Schilling's tamale pie in one package. A can ol com and tomato sauce, a package of corn meaJ for toppil'IJ: and a package of tamale p i e seasoning mix. You Add the ground beef and salt. Besides lama!€' pi(', you can make a tamale topping: lo go over rorn meal \va[fles. AnoihE-r · dinner ?i1exicana is Taro Casserole, all p ac ka ged together, the 1 ea son in g, tortille chips. and sauce. You add the meal. but here again you can come up with frankfurtin r.·lexican or a meatDa.11 skillrc casserole .,.,·ith the sa1ne fixings. Colby Pear vinrgar has a rare and dislinguisbed flavor lo use as )'OU \\'Ould reg u I a r vinegar, but with r.xtra ordinary t"Psults. Try ii in your fa,'OJifT.• salad dressing recipe. 'TIVAS TI-IE EVE OF CINCO DE ti IA YO • • And ··Y of the L)do Shop!! are making 1nucho ready for the graci a a rtllabracion to take plece beginning tomomi1\•. Every ~·ear !he Lido Shops put on ~ this f\!exican have funeroo to celebrate lhe Ensemda Ra~ Via Lldo bfocom~s the Streeta de 1'1ehioo with the shopi;: all decorated in red, \\"hilt, and gn!t':n bunting •• \Vindo\lo'S go 1'1ex)can and everybody dresses for the oc- casion. Eecb shop giw1 gifts and prizes , . MU151cians row and play lhe mu.sic of the hour, The mood ii light and gay. And Lido becomes the place lor fun. tun. fun. Naturally all of the shops tl'\row their wares on tbt- foam capped breell!S lo make sbtt1>1't1ucnttw and budding just for )'OU. Sprinc • i11 here, ~nd th~ is our in. , vitation to you to comt 'lnd Rf' why we·~ diHuent, .1• t' Riha.rd~. the Pf"o)r Stott, 1.-thf. r.tarke-t, the three levrl Gift Shop, and the ~'tr Shop in the-r.ido ....... • ...,. ' .. •. •• ,.. ·.GROCERY Butternut COFIEE I LI • 65¢ •. J ' \ -. -~ .... BUTIE~tf UT . CO ~ , ... -1.29 . ' 29c HOLLYWOOD MARGARINE I LL " •' • j-... ,,... ... """"" -#'"" .. T >~ SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS !"''<"C!',_,,;i':.~!·• ... 33c . ' ·, KERN'S 20 01. ,1 • * · \ :. Strawlletrf'Presetv~s 3.,0 • $1 GRAPE~ 1EtLY ' ) . ~ s1 llt 21 ... ,...,,. II• ~ hf ' KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER ' ale . 1 •. '."' 'T ;~ .,_, ~~w ~~-S;;_1:,1'.Z ... tf'-;, ~'iJi"", , i • ~i..' . ·~l1l\: s . . ~ ;\',. .,... . , ,, , "l ""'~ • ':\. .. ,..,. • '·'"''" ,• • .,. I• . POTATO SALAD IS OL 3 ~R $1 HUNT 'S ... ,,..,..i , l ·Z... ~: ~ Sliced ·>fetlbw C 11ig::Peaches ... 1v. HUNT"S Halves Yellow Cling Peaches Ne. 21/J PRINCESS, 3-BAR PACK 4,.,'1 ' \ \ , .r ' Beauty Bar Soap-3 81rl 29¢" .,, . F -·• CHIN ET "' COMPARTMENT PLATES 11 ct. 49i " " LIQ~ID ,BLEACH CLOROX .. 'h GALLON """ TlffS .,._._ MY...,_.. .y .. I ~..i;;i~ .. =~-· . "Casualston'El': ' \ .. by Coventry ·· 1 · ·Build • complete set of this hand 5ome dinn erware. ". • Yoiic•n buy one piece for 29c with each $3 .00 purch .... ~TARTS 'T HURS., MAY 1 ' 1 , , ' I I ( ( 1 F E F f P s p L z, 0 ( El " .......................................................... "£;,j,.~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP Por Ille cdllie mol<l. no coMint ii rtqulrod beyond diaolvlng lht gtlellne Thr rtfrl,gt'2'1tor doel the 111olchng job. 311 cups cold v.·ater. di ,•idcd 8 teaspoons instant coUct llJI u • nutriti.ve lWCCl.entr If desin:'d . serve with luw calorie v.•hipped topping , YIELD · 8 scr\•inj~. 7 calo,rics Try serving m e I I o w American blue chee~ ••Ith oranges, apples and olbtrl seasonal fruits. It's a won OPEN OA1LY t-6 derful heritage rrom ourl ~ .................................................... . OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. t .• )'!" ~ J•l .l\IOir d~'5CI l per M!f\'hlJ. • furebtmrs. .. • 1 -------------- -·-·-------·---·---·---------·,--.._.,~-------~-----------~·------- . . . --. •. ·--- ' • • PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 24, 25, 26 • l'HONE· 673-6360. FOR HOME DELIVERY \ •• 'Organ. ' ' Sereriad~ For Your , Pleasure • by ' LIDO MARKET CENTER . NEWPORT BLVO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ' I " " ' ; I. .MEATS RICHARDS SILVER PLATTER PORK The fined from Iowa, Eastern Corn Fed Pork! PORK iLOIN ROAST The Tenderloin End " ' .~ • ' [J CENTER CUT LOIN ROAST Rack of Pork 79¢La, lo29LB. 89¢LB. Perfec:t to braise in Apple juic:e-I ~; CENTER CUT CHOPS ' -' . ' _: ? !. 11 THICK _'L9lN (~OPS .-~ Ideal for ,;uffing ' 98¢LB. i<J PORK CHOP SUEY MEAT Lean cubes of loin 1.29LB. lo39La. 79¢La. I · Bonelesi°,QRl(:~,(HOPS . Deliciou.~ for sw"' and sour Pork !· FRESH :nGS "oJ :_-PQRK Whole or H111 i-: A Riesling or T raminer Wine 9oes _well with Pork . " ' fRESH SIDE PORK " r.1 .. ,, ....... _ 79c LI. PORK TENDER~OIN ,... .,,.1.39c La. Lean Ground B~ef 55c "· . PRE;SEASONEp TACO FILL 89¢ LB. OCEAN GARDEN GREEN SHRIMP 57.49 ·~-r li~ t... , •. ;. FROZEN FOODS ~ Ml$JTi; MAID 6 oz. -~ a~4'~' ~PJce; .. 4 ~~ 99~ TE MAIO 2 'QZ./; _,. NGE JUICE .. , 2, .. 99c ,. y ·r· . H '$~ " -.•• ·' Pg:: ~llll~E -BARS '"· Ei5.iAsH . 1 Ph ... ._ , . r • 49c FFE~~. , . AM~.?, _S:HICKEN 11 v... 79c -:>~ .. ' ~:JMKIERY T "').,' .of Gt•nge in the Danish dough, GE.ICING . . nge Rolls 6 ~~.R -~~~ • RFECT LITILE DINNER RQL.L ,. , . IN ··ROLLS · '6~0R · 31¢ " .. , .. " ' - -8.l:l<ED GOODNESS, CRACKED Wheat Bread 39¢ ELEGANT DESSERT! Top it with icil cre•m •nd strawberries! Rum Cake .0~~~1:e~: ... 1.09 STOUFFER 'S Tuna Noodle Casserole 11 ..... 49c ~ ST04FF.ER'S MACARONI. and BEEF""' .. 49c BIRDSEYE , Whole Green Beans .... 4 ,,, 51 BIRDSEYE TENDER TINY P~AS ... 4, .. 51 ORE-I DA CHOPPED O.NIONS ,, ... 2 ,,, 29c ORE-IDA 12 OZ: i Hash Brown Pot(ttoes 2 ,., 29c CANDY THE FINEST l;>UAliTY ANYWHERE EDY;S . CHOCOLATES All light, all dark, dark ,and light assortment, all creams or chocol1te cOY"treJ nut1 • POUND BOX Reg. 2.25 lQ 95. Box FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE IN OUR PATIO FRIDAY, APRI( 25t.h ' UDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 9.5,30, SAT. t .5 Wodn.,dq, --..11-23, 1969 --------- • " .. !'/. i L--// · ~----·--, , ?' 0 CELEBRATE THE ENSENADA RACE RICHARD'S AND ALL THE LIDO MERCHANTS , ARE HAVING A ' CINCO DE MBYO FIESTI\ . fREE GIFTS $25 MEAT, $I 0 YACHT SHOP GIFT, $.15 GIFT SHOP PRIZE Entry Tickets and Drawin9 Box in Prize Departments STROLLING MUSICIANS e COSTUMES e FUN CARNITAS Sprinkle 2 lb1. chop 1uey pork with salt & pepper. L•t stand on raclc I hr. Place in shallow bakin9 pan in Joo• oven for two hr1. K•ep fat drain•d off. Spear with tooth pick1 and 1erve with "Poor Man 's Butt•r" and Tortilla Chips. P~e;Ka.o.s 13 titl'e1& MANTEQUILLA D.E POBRE Cut into small cubes 2 P••l•d T ometoes and 2 med. Avocados. Add 12 gr•en onions finely cut, 3 T. Wine Vinegar, I T. Salad Oil arid Salt. Toss gently. Let 1tand 30 min, DELDCATIESSIEINI PRODUCE . ' I • " . .-' .. I -"· HAVE A TEA PARTY! TWININGS TEAS FROM LONDON GARDEN-RIPE, CENTRAL AMERICAN "CHIQUITA" BRAND TEAS 4 01. TIN 98¢ FORMOSA OOLONG TEA wtth • II•· vor rem iniscent of ripe p•aches. DARJEELING TEA-A 1tron9 blend from the Himalayas. EARL GREY TEA-Exquisitely scented. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA -Tho ,.,1 En9lish Brew! ORANGE PEKOE TEA-Delicately fla . vored blend of Ceylon Teas , KRAFT NATURAL SLICED Swiss Cheese 12 ... 89¢ OSCAR MA YER SLICED MACHEIAH OR COTTO SALAMI ,,._ 49c OSCAR MA YER SLICED OLIVE LOAF .... 49c TYNE BRAND ENGLISH PIES IS l/1et. 98c l11h+11k I Mu1l1room, St11lr tncl Kidney, Curri1d l11f Sl11k or Minctd l11f St11k ind Onion. FREE MEXICAN RECIPES BANANAS 3 LBS. 29¢ GARDEN FRESH, LEAFY, GREEN CRISP ROMAINE 2POR 25¢ Deliciou,s with Butter, Chive• & P•rsely FRESH MARSHBURNS, ·YOUNG, TENDER CARROTS . 3 1 LB. 25¢ Cello Pkg1. SWEET, JUICY, LARGE SIZE COACHELLA VALLEY GRAPEFRUIT · 6 FOR $1 FLOWER SHOP ' . ' . '~ "WILD COLORS! MEXrCAN PAPER FLOWERS Gather up an armful! REG . SOc EA. 39¢ EACH HOME & GOFT SHOP ~'1/ltf 6'1~ CHIMEX -The one /iece Pyrex Filter Coff•e· mtker, with birch woo handle1. 4 siz•s. 4.'5 fo 10,ts MILlnA -Imported from G•rmany the M•litt• quick.filter coff•emaker. From I to 15 cup 1i1e1. 4.00 lo 14.00 CLEANERS OPEN OAILY' 9-6 DAILY 1,30.6, SAT. l tl0-5 • ' I • • • • l i t • ' 1 ' ' ; I l I I . I I " ' ----.... -M . DAILY P.11.0T lb. GROUND FRESH HOURLY .. , . GROUND BEEF_ .......... 48~. . , U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE, LEAN , BONELESS a· a· BEEF STEW......... .. .......... · ~-.. LiNK.KSAUSACiE ...... 29' HOFFMAN BETTERMAID 58 SLICED BACON ........ . ~ •. ... >• • • lb. . • ' ROFFMAN'S FULLY COOKED U.S.D.A. GRAD D CHOICE € edplEUSS sHdUlDE!t, CLOD '.· ROAS ·t , ( lb. • • U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE LEAN, MEATY Bf.EF lb. WH/Tt,' FRONT:-; L.OIV R£EFPRICES 1 ·B'ONE. ·· .: · RoAsr ;· ' e. 1. , ' . ' ~ -' . lb. · PlCNIC 38~. 'HA·MS .... _ BONELESS ROUND STEAKS .................. " 'I" SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS .... '. ....... "'I" CUBE STEAKS ....... .. . . . ..... "'I" ROUND STEAKS (FULL CUT) . . . "· 98' U.S:D.1f. GRADf;A POULTRY LEGSF&EjHIGHS L•. 68c :' RUMP ROAST (BONE IN). . ······ "· 98' BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS ................. " 88' SIRLOIN STEAKS ......................... : ..... ,;. 'I" MEATY 6' sc FRYER a~EAs1s ....... LI. . . . CUT UP PAN READY 3·8C ,,;-. iioii<~cHoPs LI. 58' SWISS-STEAKS ... ... .. . ,, 38' ., PLATE'BOIL .. .... . ........................... "24' BONE(ESS CHUCK ROAST.. .................... "· 88' T·B ON~ OR PORTERHOUSE .................. lB. 'I" FRESH GROUND CHUCK . ··--···-·· "· 68' FRYERS .................... LI. . ' I BESTu~;:~FRYEL.58 ~ . . ' COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS ................... " 68< CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS .............. "· 98c LOIN END.PORK ROAST ........................... lB.68c PJIRK SHOULDER ROASTS ....................... " 46c CTR. CUT SMOKED PORK CHOFS ......... "· 98c PORK BUTT STEAKS ....................................... l8.68c WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS . . . . DE.SSEfl:T TOPPING, DlAl,PtC. 69( DREAM WHIP a-oz ......... - CHEESE SPREAD ......... 79c lLLl~ 11-0I. CAN . 4!,$1 LUNCHMEAT ...... • "'-' ' ' ' M.~.I. 10·~%.JAR $1 09 INSTANT COFFEE ...... AlsT QUALITY c;1Aor AA ARDEN BUTIER HB .. 79< ROSARIT A FROZEN MEXICAN DINNERS COMB.PLATE 39 , ~i.E!r~~L~~~°.~. ....... ...... ( Wll.CH'S 6-0l. CAN 6b s 1 GRAPE JUICE .................... • lllDCMOl:D 1,_,LI. LOAVlS c . I FROZEJ4 BREAD ........ 3i49 . ·SPRINGTIME FRO~N-VEGETAILES ~IEANS,CORN ~·4 $1' =.1:1~.C:~~~~~.......... ~e:· l M. J.B. COFFEE ......... ~.~:~~~t~ ......... . LIBBY'S CUT GREEN BEANS OR SWEET · PEAS ...... ;.~~. WITH THiS COUPON' '• - ' . . ' SCOTTOWELS . · JUMios1zli' · ·'1":" LIMIT I C~·l'fw A.DUL T CUS 1'0Md.' OFFER GOOD-Afl!L,"24 n.IUAPR,'JO ? ·;· r~°i'iEI ~ . OL' VIRGINIA CHIPPED MEATS '" IHF,CORNIEEF . '29< ~~~f ~p~!i.~~~......... ......... .; ' ( ·. ' ' ' :.Jf' OL' VllGtNIA All MEAT OR IE ff 10-0Z. 4 ~· BOLOGNA ~=t~~~1~........... ~er : ,:· ' i'CEVCii AM .... ~~~~'..~ .... ( WILSON '.' 59( FRANKS ~ilAT .............. lB. • ose.i.1 MA YI• 45 DETERGENT ll-OZ. LIQUl'Q JOY ................... . fi~~ FRONT _ ' ' CRISP LARGE HEAD LETTUCE c El. , LARGE STRAWBERRIES ~~~~: ........ 4¥$1 FUERTE AVOCADOS t•Rm .................... S is 1 SPANISH ONIONS ul NO. 1 .................. 3129' • Bo. LOCiNA All MEAT ' ( OR BEEF 8·0Z. .B.YR ... E •. AOZ.D-WsEST~~~:.~ "" .. 5, PUMPERNiC~lf .... _ ~ ( '(oifo'·sALAMl1 .. 59<. 59~ MAJOlllE KANE 31..0l. JAi, KOSHER Pl<IUS I ADVEITISUI PIUCIS EFFECJIVE :__'. THUR. APllL 24 THRU WED. APRtL 30 ·. 0~ouQJlQ~~ ..... +--..:..' '"'""'"''.!l~lliii:>.i-~ • J SUPIRMARllU HOURS ONLY ANAHEIM : 22J2 HARIOR BLVD. MON., TMIUUT .. 10:00 A.M. te9:JOll M SUNDAY, t :JI A.M. TO i :JO P.M. COST)IMESA IRISTOLANDPAULAR~O , , MON. T .. U FllOA Y. 11: 10 A.M.°te 9:l0 P.M. SA TUtDA Y, t :lO A.tA. • 9:)0,,,M, SUNDAY, f :JI A,M, TO l ill P.M. .. . . ----. -- --------------------------------- I ----------~-----------~--~~-...--~-~~--~-~----·~--- SCOTTIES SOFT-WEVE FACIAL \ I Tl~o~~~O's TWO-PLY TISSUES MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM No. 303 Can ; Cut Green Beans Seasoned Peas • Golden Cream Style Corn • Wl1cle Kernel Corn • F . ru1t Cocktail I DEL MONTE- --Large No. 21;, Can Ii! _PEACHES -- DEL MONTE -TOMATO CATS UP Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 14 oz. Bottles F 0 R ' TOILET TISSUE ROLLS F 0 R- I ' 1i 39c I WITH °THIS COUPON -A"d SS.00 Mlfllf111u111 l'•Kha~. l imit 0111 b19 per II coupo11 -One cou;en p1r ~uliom11. Alcoholic B1v1t1q•' •l'ld fr•1h Fluid Dairy P1oll uel1 •nd ci91r•lt11, •irdud1d from minimum purch•1• by It"!,. Void •'''' Sundty, April 27 . • ' ' ~--GOOD ONLY AT IARGAIN IASkET ~~ JOHNNY CAT CAT LITTER 2:a:· STYLE 12 oz. cans HAIR SPRAY HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD ROYAL 3 oz. pkgs. GELATIN F 0 R -YUBAN COFFEE 1 lb. can 73c 2 lb. can 1.45 Nabisco Vanilla WAFFER R~-;·9, 35~ FOREMOST • MINUTE t.1AID ORANGE JUICE F 0 R 6 ot. ~ans 12 oz; cans 49¢ each PEPPERIDGE FARMS . ' APPLE DUMPLINGS.· REGULAR . 55¢ 39c-_ PACKAGE -' ' SPR•NGFIELD BROCCOLI SPEARS . I 10 oz. package 19~ • '· LIQUOR DEPT. Ancient kge Kentucky · Straight , Bourbon WHISKEY :.98· ( 1/z 9al. KENTUCKY TOWN $3!n ~~~;c: WHISKEY 86 Proof " GRAND SCOT $499 Imported WHISKY Full Scotch Qt_ - ROUBELOf $399 . VODKA Full Qt. I SAFEGUARD Reg. Siz• Bars con•G• 33¢ 'e'"A ... R •• S .... OAP 3 ~ 37¢ CHEESE c~~: . .-----------U.S. Grade "A" Whole B!;,oddiif;ed'cB _ _...._-,:::::::'.:=======· •---------.. Eastern Grain Fed oscAR MAYER 79 ' 51·1ced BACON f.-,' .F RYI NG CHICKEN Extra Fancy Local STRAWBERRIES Young 'N' Tender ARTICHOKES -10~ Valencia ORAN·GES • 4 c~~?29 c BAG lb Center Cut Rib PORK 79c CHOPS . lb · lb.------- EASTERN GRAIN RD 89' Pork Chopsc~00~:;. •· ' " SosclAic• eMAdYE• ~aR' •AL UN 5·9 .. • Eastern Grain Fed • h ,.___ .. , Farmer Style oscAa MAYER 65 , ~ 'SPARE 69 WIENEIJS :tt ~E~T • ~ , RIBS • -~ .._c_1t·_.;&_Yl1_s::._·;.-::_.:.~_,~ _3_9~ .. I FR YING CHICKEN PARTS LEGS & THIGHS _ __ ..... ···-· 59~ MEATY BREASTS ·---· ----· ______ 65~ 3·LEGGED FRYERS, Pan Ready _ __ 39~ 10~ La Chiquita • Package of 12 CO RN TORTILLA S Eastern Grain Fed Loin End PORK ROAST 69~ BAR M WESTERN STYLE 59~ SI.ICED BOLOGNA COTTO SALAMI • PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday April 17, 18, 19, 20 1: Prices subject to stock on h~nd. WATERME LCr" a~ Eastern Grain Fed c !~~ ~~E~1~~Ns~~liE -WE GIVE 59 SLUE CHIP TOMAfGES1 E 29!.,. PO . K CKOPS L~l~lE lb 1 1 KNACKWURST ~ COsTAM;tESA WE GIVI BLUE CH" STAMPS 1--------....i , ________ ........ ____ .-.; ______ ~ PLACEM11A 19th 1ild Plaelllll 710 W. Cllapman -----~----------------------------------------11 I J J • DAILY PILOT --~njoyable Cornbjnatio • !Depends on Imagination l ' : ftlrt1&nate of culinary aces tcr or margarine =, ch Lo live! Thanks to Grease shallow bakin&: dish. Dash of salt, pepper and onion salt food processina, rapid Arrange 6 slices bread in one Bake in 350 degree oven· nsportation and efficient layer. Sprinkle chee'ie over about t5 minutes or until set. storage facilities few bread. Ar r an g e crabmeat, During last 20 minutes, ctiver know • specific season cours~ly shredded. 0 v er sandwiches with bananas sll c- t1ti111. cheese. Pour egg custard over ed in half lengthwise and ;_ Oombinations onee beyond all and set in refrigerator one crosswise and brushed with ¥uagination can now be hap-hour or more. melted butter or margarine. pUy joined for new taste en-To serve, slice t h r o u g h Joyment. CUSTARD custard around bread slices t Hot crabmeat open fac:d 4 eggs, beaten slightly, mii:-and lift onto serving plate. !andwiches topped with baked ed with I ~ cups milk Serves &. CRABMEAT SANDWICHES TOPPED WITH BANANAS 'anana offer a savory colorful ------------------------------------------------,------------------.ind hearty entree which ls ideal for luncheon or buffet M!rvlcc. Crabmeat is a lu1- arious delicacy fit for en- terlaining the eli~. Top ii wi!h the fr.ult favorite of all lime O>r added fla vo r zest. . This dish is prepared like a tandwich but cooks ·and keeps warm like a casserole, still at- tractive to see and appetizing '3 eat if guests have been delinquent in ga thering. · : Offer crisp chilled raw ~egetable tidbits for crunch i nd contrast, such as Oowerlels of brococli and caulino~·er. carrot curls and ~lery sticks. BAKED BANANA CRABMEAT SANDWICH 6 slices ~·hite bread J 11, cups freshly grated pro- . cess sharp cheese ~~ pound crabmeat. thawed frozen or drained canned 3 large medium -ripe bananas 3-4 tablespoons melted but- Shirt Look The action pleat puts brisk motion in this shirt style ste~ ih. Proportioned to fit your ftgure, planned to brighten your busy life. Send now. ·Printed PaUern 929-1 : Half Sizes 12~~. 14 1,~. 161,~. 18 \~, 2(11"1, 22 \.Z. Size 16 12 lbust'37) requires 3 yards 4S-inch. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS I n d>1n.5 for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for first-claS-$ mailin~ and special haDdllog ; otherwise third-els~ deli\.'erf will take ttiree weeks or mor e. Send to Marian Martin. the DAILY PILOT, 442. Pattt'rn Dept., 232 West lath St.., New York , N. Y. t0oll. Print. NAME, AD- D~ with ZI P, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Tuna Puffs Party Fare Miniature tuna puffs are festive and easy to niakt for partjes. • Drain and flake 1 j 61'1 q.ancc!) can of tuna. In medium 11ucepan, bring to boil Z/3 cu p ol chicken broth or bouillon. 1/3 cup of dry white wine and I t.eupoon oC aromatic bit- ters. Add ~ cup of butter or maramine: and cook until but- tu melts. Ov~ low heat. add all a once I cup ol sifted flour and V• teaspoon ot salt. Stir vla«"OU'IY 1DIW mixture fomu a IMll IM laves sides of pan. Remove from heat. Add 4 eiga, one at a lime, beltine we.II afttr each ad-•uon. Continue beating until ..,ii: dou&h 11 formed. SUr In *" and v, cup of touted ~ fllbtrls. llr'I' by •\Jrm"'J:ul! onlO li gh tl y 11 ! d bakin& lhett.s. ~.. ii> probtoted 42~ .,. onn 25 to JO minutes, or Ulllll 10lcltn brown. t.w warm. Makes I dozen. • ~ri·~,,~~~-~-~ 12:s1 Hl·HO CRACKEllS -· !o~ 10-0L ---~~- AOUAMET HAIRSPIU 6"" l60l.lttG,!ol.ll'tl.~SClMftD ...,- CllTI·IHSll llSllSTitlS 37' l·OZ ~Ill 'AC~AG£ --- 11$1 " tllll'S CllTJ-flt!Sti 16-0Z.- SWANSON DINNERS IEEF, MEATLOAF. OltcXEN MfXJCAN, TUllCEY ANO CHOPPED SIM.OIN IEG. Sill FROZEN PIES SIMPU SIMON I-OZ. SIZE A.HU. AHtCOT, OJSTARO IOYSINIEHY • for MAYFRESH VEGETABLES COIN, PEAS. OtOPPED llOCCOl.I, PEAS&. CARROTS IEGUl..AI SIZE PKG. a • for ORANGE JUICE MAYFIESH FIOUN 6-0Z.CANS • for .. Doilty $pttial&1 ~.,.ltP"~!!~lS.trEAM _________ 69c ARDEN BUTIER GRAO<Ml·llCAOTa<_ 79' ARDEN CHEESE SPREAD ill,""79< STANDING PORK SHOULDER HEN OR TOM TURKEYS RIB ROAST SPARE RIBS PORK ROAST WILL AGED TENDER INC1UOES ALL C\ITS c LB. LEAN EASTERN PORK MEDIUM SIZE 9:. BONUS STAMP SPECIAL 'IOOFAEE IONUS BLUE CHIP STAMPS i"Tt.ot'• s10W .. o.1 w .... , ... _ ......... ..., .. ltw loll ........ _.. itM.e. PORKBUTTROAST 5nc ~ ION[ll$S LI. :r- CHUCK ROAST goc KN\ls.5 U.$.D.A. otCIC( __a. 0 - PICNIC STYLE LEAN EASTERN PORK 3 ROCK CORNISH GAME HENS c LB. YOUNG PLUMP MEATY FROZEN TURKEY 39.:. CHOICE ~z_ MINIMUM NET WEIGHT - U.S.D.A. I I c ·-fACH SHORT.RIBS us oA 45c OF BEEF O<OICE EXCEi LENT PREPARED WITH ADOtPH'S MARINADE--···· LI. TURKEY U.S D.A. 2 I c HINDQUARTERS GTW><A • LI A kl 7-ll . SIZE --·--············ .. --··-··········-·· , . , • !;!,~~!!~ED ·-···59:. maqfair Fruits & Vt9ttoMt~ WW\JJ~ll(flll\11 Von de Korn p's STRAWBERRIES 12-0Z. BASKETS LAR<iE LOCAL ~!.'!!1l~ ... l l 29< OiAiGis.._ 4 ~ 49c ~'!!~.!. _ J ! 29< s for ··-···8( CAB8Ar.E GfttN,SQIOHUO -··· ~~l_llE_" 19' Sl'£CIALS n1t1 . .S11., AprJ 24-27 Butter11y 39c Coffee Cakts "'· '" . pq, "' " ..• 2tc: Raisin Nut g Pie .1 "'' 5 c A1111ie SIUCI 5& Cab .1 •· ;i- '00'\JJ \II \YJ IJJ\lJ\Jf ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 1 FUL~ DAYS-THURS.. APlll. 241~ thru WED.. -- MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA 2030 W"' 1st StrHt, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove • I ------------------- ~;~!,~~UNT -_ 1 ·0 C JOHN'S 1$-0~ 7 · I c PIZZA 511 ' CHEESE. OiEESE & SAUSAGE -- BANQUET ~TN 4•1 ENTRIES '"'"'a ~ucrn Rtr, CH1CKl1<1 A.1.A llNG for :>ucWTUIUY,~Wf -- DIET TU 6'""' •om"59' MAGii 69' Kii WEIGH I WAJOOS P\U5 DEf'O!'.iT IOmt Of SO ~--im~f'airL~IU>I'~--,. ZAROFSKY VODKA OR PARK A VENUE GIN 80 PROOF YOUR CHOICE 'F!2e98 I ~: §IMJfill.l.~0.~!lJ!W .~-;.: 4~ i ".~~. ; filQ!µJ.~HISKff .... "" s3a9 !I9M!~~"" ~:~ °' "'" s 41 s .!!!!!.~.~~~ :~:~~.~~":"-~ 139 PORK BUTT STEAK 69' LINK SAUSAGE 29' [A51f•l'<I l'Oll( ll. tlOffM,O,.N ~lll>ll.E$Sl-0Z. - ~!~~!~£ --\I. 93c: -~~!l ~~~.~~~~ -5gc ~~.E,.~c,~,T.EAK_._s ,..S J98 COTillGEBUns 93c .,~ ,.. ..,.,.... W!\!.ON~Ol(lO .• ~--"- HALIBUTSfEftK$ 39c CANADIAN BACON SJ29 MOlt~C~TE•cur -lll. WllSOH"$CHUl<IK~l'll.l -lL ,_ma__yfair Dtf«i41Ms"'-• CHIPPED MEATS OL'VllGINIAIE£F :1··1 CORNED lfEF, CHOPPED ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ for : !~~~~ .. M.~!.~:E?~lAM49' All,,M.~J_FRA_N_KS ...__' ... 59' A~ .. ~~Jf !Q!PGN_A 45c §~~ .. ~!~~!S c:_~~,~~''..~, 35c cono ~AlAM(N.AQU.fH Ult. ~ OSCAI MAYER DSCAAIAA1f•ttw8otn~,J.NatYl<W <IT MAllOllE KAME KOSHER PICKLES "~'"'_. 59' ---· --·-------------------~---~~--~~----~--·----- • WtdntsdA)', April 23, 1969 ",lj, DAILY PILOT ''• Eastern· Carload Sale . .•• U.S.D.A. INSPECTED •• GUJ\iiA.NTEED FRESH IJ.S.D.A. Inspected Grade •A• ::· : Ftrr.lly Ft¥orilo P1r 49c FllE!ll THl•HS ••••• , •• , , , , • It. • n .• . PORK AllWW .. ~... • .. 57· NYU •IASTS ••• , , •••. , •• , l'- t KW1 lo"' 'E1t1 Poi 55' ..> · ,.,,. D1uwmcas •••.••••• 1'- . '· Moo ty Por , .,.n1'w1NGS .............. r>. 29' f., So.ip Por I ' "' ·- •t.1t of th1 Por c 0 -1 FITll ..................... lb. ~3 S L'.CIS A NICKS .• ,., ••••• ,, .It.. . " . LOIN END-l-4 LBS. PORK ROAST 59 ~ 1': ROAST FIRST 6 RIIS RIB END ; CENTER CUT LOIN OR RIB ; WAFER THIN • ''" RoNy -C1,1f "' Por 35' NlllS •..•••••••••••••••• It. .. ' ······---··········-·········~ ·c PORK CHOPS i PORK CHOPS i PORK CHOPS I I Guarant~{!,,··~,.esh . wHOLI BODY CHICKENS 2·2V2·LBS •. AVERAGE LB. 59~ i 79fr. . i 89fr. MEAT DEPARTMENT FROZEN t'OODS SEA.FOOD SPECIALS I I iPAiiiRias .. ,.59~ C,a rnolion 24-ol. 89c FISH STICH •• ~ ••••• ,,, • ,, •••• Pk4 . C1rntlion J l ·ol. 39c FISH CAKES • , • , ••••••••••• , • , Pk4. C1rn1tion I-lb. 69c FILLIT Of IOLI •••••••• , ••••• , Pk9. Gort1n l -01. 49c flSH ·'CllSl'S •• , •••••••••••••• Pk9. Mn. Fritl1y'• · I %-lb. 1 '' llEADID SHllMI' , ........ , • , • , •• Pk9. Mr•. Frid1y'1 7-or. 89c 1.9.F. SHllMP •• , •• L .. , ••• ,, Pk9 . Ru~•rl ' 111-or. 59c FISH l CH11'S , , • , , , , , , , , • , , , , Pk9, . . . , Shuro-Ttnd1 1'1r 19c CHICIEN FllED STU.KS , • , , , , , , , lb .. Fr11h Fillets of p,, 79c l'AClflC TIUCOD •• ,. ......... , lb. ' Frei~ Fillth,of , _ _, 91c , DOYEi sol1 ·················'• ~ ' Froren l ro1dbiU ;,; 91c ' SWORDFISH: • • • •, • • • • • • • ·, ._, • r,, ID. ' Northorn W~it. p,, 85' HALllUT STIAKS •••••••••••• , •• , Ilk ' ' HORMEL'S REO LABEL "TEN DER-LEE" EXTRA'lEAN BON ELESS SLICED BACON CORNED ' asc·.· 59C ROUNDS ..... lb 11 lt"s In Season .•. lt"s In Thriitimart LETTUCE I -LB. LU ER'S GOURMET BONELESS-2 •J, .1 LIS. - LARGE SOLID HEADS ~~-~~.:••~:.:'"':.~'.'.'~-~~::: ::H:'. .... !,:: IS' =~s ~~~~~~... '1 .2! • EA. Del Mo1ite Dolla-,., Sale . FR.UIT COCKTAIL 5 .FOR PR•UN• •EcoS~o"'v"~' .. i.u.. ' ··GIAN~EA.RLYDIN ·p14':5· . • • • -5 ~ FOR •. • • • • • • ·•, • • • • • • • •••• Pk9. TOMATOES CELERYR HEARTS G1 0LDENKERCORN •••• 5 : FOR ~ls~~T 25' 25.c. , G1 iiiiCH BEANS ••• ~ •. 5 1 FO R . 24-0Z. BOTILE MJB ALL GRINDS FOR SALADS OR COO KING COFFEE 63c l ·LI. TIN Delicatessen Specials WEBER'S . BUTTERNUT WHITE OR WHEAT STA-CRISP CHICKEN OF..THE SEA LIGHT MEAT Cfj!JN K STYLE TUNA Swanson Frorzen .. OL' VIRGINIA -CHUNKS BO LOG SLICED BREAD I-LB. 25• LOAF FLEISCHMANN'$ -REGULAI MARGARINE I-LI. 35• CTN. DI ERS . -DANOLA-SLICE~ V• .o z. PKG'. : ALEX IEEF-l·OZ. C LIQUOR DEPT. SPEC:IA.U llG HALF GAL. SALi LB. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON . WHISKEY ANCIENT AGE $.1098..,_lF ••c JANOV DANISH HAM 59' !TAMALES 4"' 89' VODKA $J99 H.CF G•L . ' BEEF , CHICKEN, TURKEY , ITALIAN , CHOPPED SIRLOIN , MEXICAN, MEAT LOAF OR HASH DINNERS • •r' '4. c EA~ M.C.P.-ILEND 6-0Z. TINS I ' . JERS~YMAl~ATERING ORANGE DRINK i ICE ·.CREAM • Jici CHEESE 69~ SCOTS MIST SCOTCH $999 HALF ··~ • 2 ORF 29c i DEL~1bus 69c HALF : : : FLAVORS GAL. , : CTNS .. , 2701 HARBOR 8~ D., , COST A MESA . • PRICES EF_FECTIVE THURS. lhru SUN., APRIL 24, 25, 26, 27 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE 5858---WAR.aER, HUN1'1NG1'0M-=-BEACH ·~·~· -'--• • . 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA AIU I' ~ ' t ' I ~ 41 OAll. V PILOT Wrd"'daJ, April 23, 1969 ' t • J w t j ' ThCre are many · \vays in whiCh .. beer can . be. used in the preparation of y o u r favorite foods. You can simpl y substitute beer for other Ji- BEER PROVIOES CAREFREE COOKING Substitutes . . ............. J for :Liqu·ids start yolir · g\{esl~· · off · "dn · t-.1arinated Vegetables for California-st'yie' liOis' i:i'oeuvres accompanied by a cooling, frosty stein o( brew. J 12-ouncc bottle' Lite'beer · I clov.e garlic ·. 2 tablespoons lemon juice r tablespoon s'ugar · · · · · 'grcdiC~ts .. Pour over was!icd .. an.d · dried vegetables . I, , ' [ \ M quids in your recipes for 1'1ARINATEO {II; gravies, soups and stews. VEGETABLES 1111 teaspoon salt Stir the oil slowly in the beer. Add remaining in- mushrooms, cauliflowerettes, carrot.sticks, cucumber slices, union slices, cherry tomatoes, etc. Serve as an anlipasto or salad. · fttakes 2 cups marinade . t .. ., . _::~:::oor p:rt~·--~~~l~:.salad oi~J ; .. ·-·= •.:cm....:~ .. ...:.......:::_---: __ ::.___ Actress Prefers • Stage for Cooking By JOHNA BLINN QUEBEC CITY -Take a lady who'd rather cook on stage than Kl her own kitchen, whose thoughts are "writing.In the head," who values woods and water as 1'mcire in· terest.ing than anylh.iog in life" and you have some of the :i;pecial ingredients of Estelle Panons, Oscar winner. She explained her presence In the Canadian city. "We're doing a movie a b o u t Americans on a European jaunt, and somebody d~ided that Quebec looked like a European city. "Since it's a late spring here and we're all dressed in sum- mer vacation clothes for the movie I'm freezing." She was consoled, however, by the number of "divine, wonderful" restauraat.5 in the city. "I was just out or college and sen or at loose ends. The Kore.an War had broken ool and 1 thought rd g o somewherf! and do something worthwhlle. So I ended up in England." She'd just recei ved her bachelors degree in political science r r o m Connecticut College for Women. "It was wonderful there. \\'e worked on an estate near the wa:n. norih o1 London. we got up at 5 in the morning and harvested strawberries, peas and potatoes in 56-poand lots. tt was so cold the water froze in the bathtub. ThEre was no central healing and it w a ~ wet and damp." But it was a )'Car well spent, she said. LOVES NATURE "Getting next to naturr, tn woods and water. is more in- teresting than an~ing in the wotld," she said. "I like to take wa1ks by myself. Walk- ing'• a good way to figure thingl out." FAteBe lives en New York's Wmt Side with her teenage twin daughten, Martha and AbbJ Gehman. She w a s fonnerly married to wriler Ricbard Gehman. "I don't like to cook these days," she said. "''I ueed to maft all kkxis of exotic dish\!s wb111i I Hved in Lancasier. Pa. Bui It ....,,.,.. such a grind wbla ;.~re working." 11<r veoteat c o o k I n g c~ "'' on the stage "'""' "Tho Olher Side ol l11C O..." "I hid lo cup up. a d6IUt --· I hard thin( to do _ coo1r ond 8"rv• It. A1Jo1bor 1iJM I hod w make an mnelet dflble:. You have so many thinp to rtmember and act at the aame time." BEST KITCHEN PERFORMANCE Estell• Pirsori1 Preparing meals u n d e r slrange how an ordinary food ordinary circumstances in-like spinach noodles is volves the same sort ol con-unknown to so many people.'' centrat:ion, she said. "I never She ser\'es it with melted bul· depart from recipes and n_ever ter, parsley and g r a t e d even change the seasonings. And I always have tc look up ' cheese. things. like how long rt takes • FROM LAW TO ACTING to cook a particular "egetable.'' lier best-performance-in-the~ kitchen, in her judgment, is a Pennsylvania-Dutch specially. "I make a pig belly -that's the stomach filled w 1 t h seasoned sausage and cooked much like 'a ~ haggis," she said. Some ol her favarite of· ferk\g'S f<r edtertaining guesL'I includt roast beef w i l h Yorkshire podding, gr et' n noodles and chocolate souflle. "I just love green noodles and invariably w h e n my guests taste a little they tlSk. 'What is it, it's terrific?' It's Instant ·party lion •d'oeuvus, served mid· week and for no special reason, lend ~ instantaneous party atmosphere. Stuff celery stalks with chetse spread. Blend 1 ct.IP creamy cottage cheese with 1,; cup crumbled American blue cheese. Add to mixture I tablespoon horstradish. Despite a year in Jaw school, Estelle maintained, "From the time I was 4 years old I knew that I wanted to act even though I finall y got around to it much later.'' Whoo she firm came to Ne\v York she worked on the NBC "Today Show," working her way up from production assis- tant to writer and finally com- mentator. Her writing, which once included poems. is now confined to "writing in my head,'' she said. Her career often affects her eating hablLs. "I like to be healthy aOO keep active, but I'm not e health nut . I like to cat what 's good for me. Now I'm eating more fish than I normally do. "I had to gain 15 pourxls in a little more than l'llro weeks for "Rachel, Rachel." It was fun while It lasted. I drank Yt1ine with meals and ate my ahare of des.!erts," she said. "ll'!! tough to lose the weight now, though." !lhe added. Este:lle was asked abool her children. "Both girls cook, but W.arlha i1 more lnlerestcd Jn bl!IJet right now·. She goes to the An1erican School o( Ballet. Abby loves animals, likes to ride and has thoughts about becoming a vet when she grows up. Abby loves to CQOk," Estelle said. • ... Botti girls h{l ve t h e i r specialties. Martha turns out pancakes and hamburgers. Abby's ilie real cook in the family. She turns OtJt sherried pork chops and a seafood gumbo, from a receipe she got from Barbara Dane. the rolk· singer. The girls are learning to cook oriental di shes from ;i Chiriese student who came to Jive with us while he became a rug designer .'' Late r in New York , the l11o'ins ta Ike d about their kitchen talents. Martha said, "I make pancakes on I y because Mom's a terrible pan· cake maker. Really she 's ;a pretty good cook. but she s11ys she'd rather wash the dishes." Abby, who could double tor her mother at least in the voice department. said, "I like to act sometintes, but I love to cook and make people happy." Recipes from Estelle Parsons and daughter Abby follow : ESTELLE PARSONS' CHOCOLATE SOUFFLE 3 tablespoons huller 2 tablespooos flour 1 cup milk 2 Yi o u n c e s unsweetened chocolate. shaved 1/3 cup sugar Pinch salt 4 eggs. separated Melt butter. remove from hea t blend in flour stirring over heat unt il s m o o th . Gradually add milk stirring until mixture begins l o thicken. Add ~a\'ed chocolate, sugar and salt; cook ovl!!I' low heat about 5 minutes (or until slightly thickened) stirring constantly. atnount of milk. Garnish whip- ped cream with a sprinkling of instant coffee and/or shaved bittersweet choc<>late. F o r a lighter, higher souffle, add one or two extra egg white s. To give a top ·hat eJfect to the souf!le, run the hand le of a table kn ife into the unbaKed souffle inserting the knife han- .dft! I inch into the mixture: make a complete circle with the knife handle staying I \~ inches away from the side of the dl!h. The souflle rises more in the center as it bakes creating a top hat effect. ABBY'S SEAFOOD GUf\tBO I tablespoon vegetable oil I tablespoon flour I cup chopped, wflite onion 1 2 cup minced parsley 2 quarts hot water Liquor from I pint oysters Pinch cayenne 1or few drops Tabasco) 2 bayleaves Salt, freshly ground pepper to taste Good pinch celery salt J l/.1 pounds raw shrimp shelled and deveined 1 pint shucked oysters I tablespoon file (available in specially food shops I In heavy kettle he a t vegetable oil. blend in flour. stirring constantly until mix- ture (called roux) is brnwn. Ad<r chopped onion. parsley, water, liquor from oysters, cayenne (or Tabasco), bayleeves. celery sail. salt afld pepper to taste. Cook un- covered 35 min. Add shrimp. cook 15 minut<:!s longer. Just before serving. add shucked oysters and file. Heat throogll '. Serve in pnt in whl<'h it is cooked to preserve thr nRtural fla vors. Sc r v e \\'ith moonds of hot cooked rice. Serves 8. ICI 1M•, N.....i11. I"<. Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Beal egg yolks until Easy Dessert thick and .Jemon-colored . Gradually add chocolate mix-After a big heany meal , turc, stirring steadily. even the most well-mannered Beat eggs \\'hites until stiff guest may plead, "Please. oh, but not dry. Fold i n to please ... no dessert for me !" <'hocolate mixture. Llght\y That can be a bit discourag· butter a straight-sided 1 'lz· ing! quart sourne dish : sprinkle One easy solution can be lightly with sugar. Pour fOt.1nd In a tray of assorted chocolate mixture into souffle cheesH, fresh fruit and crack. dish; set dish in pan filled ers. Give.s everyone a chance halfway w~th hot (not boiling) lo eat as much or as little water. Bake in preheated 400 as he wan Ls, tastes delicious, degree F. oven for 15 minutes: loolnl pretty and it's easy on reduce oven temperature to -='=h<=hos=les=s=l=""='=====:I 375 degrees F.: bake abou\ 20 1r n1lnules longer (or until crust begins to form on the top.) Serve at once with well chilled whipped cream. Serves 4. AMERTHOUGHTS : For a mocha flavor , subs1ilute 1'1 BEST The DAILY 'ILOT efle" some of tht bttf fet~1rtt, by •clu•I t wr•ty of re1tl1r1, ... ,a.111 !11 ""Y 111wip1LHr 111 the 111tio11. cup strong cotree fo< haU th<"---------, • • Prlm [fftcllft In Uctnud SaltWl)t Thin ~ Suo., AprU 24 lb112l • . ·n Licensed SalewaySi Thurs. thru Sun., April 24 thru 27 PrietS £1fect1ve 1 Whiskey $329 Coldbrook-80 Proof Fiflh - R m Whll,1 $349 U or Gold • f Flflh . St. Elmo's-SO Proo F1flh$379 Brandy f ideli~ Proof .. :r:·~\ b $1149 ·,fr Bour on K•ll . • i::.·· . Early Times-116 Proof Gallo n . ' '~ !'!i!~~J .. ,~109~ . . a· h ·$9as Ten 1g K•ll .. Whiskey~ Prool Gallon _ . .., 049 &·~el~ $1 ~·~1 !!~~~ :.~~. ~~~-n I 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaia-South Laguna Vlsll Your Pl~ll' SU11la ~~~~ fUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK A111il 21 Th11 211 KnflW And Svpport Yollr Pllblic Schoolr SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUES IN MEATS! Veal Shoulder Chops Fresh Pork Steaks :::: Fresh Pork Chops ti~ l&.69' lb.69' lb.69' La .. Ch ~ .... ., '"'' 98' ~·'9Y':..t......:~....,. m ops ''"' G~liat "'"' .. ~ Sliced Meats ~ Lamb Rib Chops .. •1 3• r,l:'.i!',"~-3 •··· s1 ·' USDA Choice Grade Beef Bl1illCll 4 Flmrlut "'1d Tel\der As Only A Safeway Beef Roast Can Be. Ideal For A Sunday Pot Roast Ch<tk ]h;s Safeway IL tow Price! I. c i;i·-7 ·Bone Steak """"~ I c..i.r °"' ~ lrf, Bttf or H11111 fll\o ~ Lamb Chops ............... 'I .. ~ .,, .. ,_,,. .. ••wk•• •· P, Frankfurters ~ u.sn.• """"'"" "'' 59c i' Iii IRO!Mld Bone Shoulder Ste•ls IL i~ i :::."!. • ..,.:!!~ w w~ Comed Rounds ::.l.1.'.~ •. 99' ~~~l!'i.. •·•·59' h .. 1. l"' '1.clf. .~.. ' B I B • ket"'~"""" 79' · one ess ns ""' "'-"· Bologna · Boneless Roast Sol. c.,111111 Choica 81' Cod ~'" Ill ~, •·•L 57• i s11, .. ,, sr.c:"-69J h•Caoh d .. F1t ntll fn1d P~I· • · ~n But Of l·lli. ,. C_ ... t1,i11111 Chalel 79• s•r"111111 C1111lins Chuite 'I II ' ~11111a1-Jop Oull!IJ. •tc. . n f'r..r.oakllll •· a "'"r Gl!urm1t s111• ., t.<:111~ ~RliDI FWD Sfiifr . . e Sheppl .. Tf"'8 ••• lwy Au I-FN••• ....... · range Juice hl·1ir Co1u1trall 4 s1 For Qulclc Eoo~ 6•L Can Contain~ JU1Ce From 3-lbs. l-01. Of Fresh Oranges. Chock Full Clftl 01 Vitamins And Minerals! C • C Sel·1ir Sweet And Teridtr Golllln 0 orn Kernels-Sertt Roastell Or Tmtt<J! 6 .... 69' , .•. I C Sl!ow Star--ChOict Of tfNpoli\1n, ce ream v~m. """'"'"-'"-'"' HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS DISCOUNT PRICED TO SA VE YOU MONEY! 1 • Off i.-.i Ultra· Brite Toothpaste 73 "Extra Stl'llct~" C S.OL Tube Listerine · Oral Antiseptic $ 15 "Kiiis Germs Fast" 20.oz. Boule Dial. Aerosol .. [)m·,v'!~~~:i~ ~.11·~::·7 6c A . 0 d .. D ocl t I Ira l>l'J •· $157 rr1 e oran '1(.:. Yott Illy !II D•J'"~~ secret. ~;:1'' . ~~:· 83-Accent ::~;,., 4 ::-. s1 Skylark-light or Dark High ln Protein Efficiency-29C l·Lysine Added. Tops For Sandwiches or Toast. ::.:::::?~~.. 1 &.Oz. Lo1f Pound Cak. Mrs. w1;pr1 A11 1u11er 39• 1;~ .... ,, ... '" '"" .... F h B d g'"" .......... , ...... res rea Of 100~ Wllol• ¥1\111· Apple Pies ~"'.::'~ F h C ff C k .......... . res 0 H a " A11t. frw1t RtQ1 Fruit Pies .... 35' -59' -39' 3 .. , .. $1 pl•• C..-O' the Crop RMd frcn 11t¥bJ £a R1nt!leS T1 Yu Leal SlllWIJ. Guaranl ttd r lflll·fmh Md f'llim' Ptrfecll Dozen Carton Gmell 43' Mecll11111 E91s ~ ~:-::.: 39• SAFEWAY EXT/ill VlllfJES WtdMSday, Apr fl 23, 1969 • DAIL V PJI OT • ·• LOW, lOW PRICES.' Brocade Usne ~';.:;""" 3:;:: 11 0 J • T"""""' range uice ... '"""'"''" c Tomatoes ~"::f Cling Peaches ~':. ':':,,," Detergent l'!"s!"' Fresh Coffee =. White Flour =•"'" ..... 39~ ... 4 "-•1 "" ..... 21' ... ..... •121 ll·tL 2 i:; 91' 5 ~~ 49' Coachella Valley's Finest Sweet & Juicy Ruby Reds . .. • Cottage Cheese Regular-Farmer Style,111; Lucerne low Cal Or Pl 31 C l1ree Curd Or.Chive • P S I d '""'"' 3 .... 67' otato a a '"~' ""'" Puddl L""m' ""'"' 3 ~·• '1 ft91 FrtMl·Made Flfo'ori· e1rt1n Peanut Butter }= •i:· 49' Medium Cheese ~:-g.... " 95' DAIRY & DELICATESSEN Rel!Jfar-fmner Style,.-, l11ct1ne low c.I Dr " 31 ' Lorie Curd Dr C1M Potato Salad }::1'' .:; 67' Puddings =--~ 3 .=.. •1 Peanut Butter =r-'l:" 49' -'¥ "'-Medium Cheese ... _ .. 9Jf Avocados~~~ 6tor$) , •. 1oc 3~~rt Bananas f~~i:::::.s.aeks, or Jo Sl1t1 Over Cerei1ls. ,Oranges 6. Apples ·~~.:i.-: a~~99c • W•ll. stilt [l. flll(J Ml W'wtlP VDIY Swoot Coni:= :;::,3-29' Aspara9u1 l::' ::.. 3 .. •1 Y oil ow Onion•~, 3;:; 29' Carrots tnc" '""' 3 :C 294 CRNDEN BfJ YS.' 211 E. 17th St., Costa Me 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. llgun• 636 H. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach Santa Ana Freeway al la P11, Mission Viejo Fairview Ave & Wilson St. I • I --------------------~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'- ft DAllY PILOT 101 Coast Students Honored One-hundred and one Orangl!i Cout 1tuden1.t have been selecttd from 30,000 applicants as winners in Ult State Scholar procram. · All State Scholars selected thls year are within the highest 10 percent ol college aptitude. The a"'ard provk:lee: tuition scholarship& up to a maximum of SZ,IXKI, which may be rene~·ed annually, providing standards d acdrnic and financial eligibility ae met. The following is a list ol local winners, arranged ac· cording to their home towns, llld the schoola they atl<nd ' IALIOA -J .... L. C•rlton, 16olO E. Ot••n aM.1 Htwl'Ort .Wrlltt. Holl'I L. Herwt, 311 MDnltA AV1.1 '"WPOrl H1rbor. CA,11111.ANO l•ACH -MIOl•tL JI, 8tllv•tlo, ~7' '" Por10111· 5•n C.IM1J:llle. Gill l . Crider, :J.tll C1llt ICltl Sol1 UC-lrvlnt. J1...,. L. 00\ltr. :IQU C:1mll'IO fl MGlll'IOI $.An Clemente. CORONA OEL MAil -Chrl1!90l!1r (OOl>l!f, 32G1 •Ill ,_Vf,J CHDnl "I M1r. K...,...111 H. Ewell. 6'11 Mtr!llOMI •vt ,j Coron1 do! Mir. Ntl!Cl' I. Glrrt tl. Sl Fern~lf •vi ,; CO<'OM M t Mtr. John Ill Johnwn • .UO H1rdUUf •vt.1 Oc· c:ldenlll. Mobvl f . W lll1m1. •12 N;adt Avt.I CHOM dtl Mir, COSTA Ml$A -CtllN" F. Ar110ld, )Olt Filmore. No. 1u1· C••• Mtw. Clle1'1'1 M. Bou"'"' 1:n P1ul1rlno Ave.; Ma1tf' Del. Mlrlllt A. B,._n, •n Denver Orlvt; Mlttr Oel. Sr.vt W. Crolltev, Jill MCKlnltV WIY; Mth!r Dt:I ~rtldlnt C. Fli.t, llO Stmtr bl.;,e; f51tnd1. Geo<tllll M. KrtlltlCl'I, 211 Senlo Tiwn11 s1.1 Co1l1 ..,.,..._ ... ndr~ L l !Mner. 141 SI. Clllr SI.I (0111 MU.. P'hilllp Mtllory, :NJl Alldl111111 Orl.,.1 Coron• Ml Mt r. Glrr w. Nenia1 311 f . 2110 sr.J Coront 6'1 M1r. COMI E. Osborn. 11 Brot<IWIYI Newport Harbor. Ttrenct M. O'»ltt, lOSI Cht YrrlM SI.; Mt ltr Dfi. JI" 0 . P....tiert°"" 905 l ltrd Or.; Co.It MeH. Cmllllt C. Pttrulk1, "' W. 811 $1.; E1l1nd1. Cvnllll• A. Pla<;f, ru Wt lllUI Pl~t; N"'1'0rl HtrbOf. Ju!lllll E. Robl-. nn AnOfOI St.; E111!1Clt . Rott< D. Wtldl, 1'11 Irvine Avt .I Ctl l ulller1n. Mr.!'. !.._:Wood• Ul C&lrtl St.; Miter . lllUU1HI ... WGOard. 2173 Drtllt n .1 CoJll MIN. OANA l"OINT -Andrew J. Kltln, 2'141 Dt:I Obl1PO St.1 Stn Ckmt"!I. R1ndv H. Zlftlef, 337)1 AICIJlf tl•(vt; Stn Clfmen!t. FOUNTAIN VALLI\ -Anrtionv J. FreM.11, 1'611 r:tfd'Woocl St.; FC>Jnltln Vt !!I Y. C1rol A. H1rrl•1 17#3 k nit l t1tl1 11.1_ Founllln Vt ll Y. Vtrt "· Kt>un, Ul'J Stn Jo11 SI.I Fou"ttl" \ltl!eV. Ct•l>l L. l-r•"· 2112 PtrrOI l int; Ortntt Cotti. Mtllu.t M. w1~r. um At pen SI.; Lt Ouln!e. Vlr11lni1 M. Wll$0fl, '56$ W. G.,dtnlf A'lfl.; Fount•!" Vl !IO'. HUNTINGTON l l ACH -JtC'lUf"" II. 8Pflint!Oll, j\91 Gumm Or vt1 Mtrlnl. lrl1n l . lou<ler, 20111 $/IOl'twOOd Clr(lt1 Hunllnt lofl Bta<fl. 01nl>t l . I r•"°"" Jiii Tt ltltrl Ave. Ho. U.; Foun!tln Vt llty. ~••kl A:. Clemftlll t.l»A Stru Clrdtl Founllln VlllllY. lciin P. Co!Hn .. 16loll A:honll Lene; Founltln Vt lltr. Jtr>t E. Curr"t, ~J..f.i'":~ti.~~,i,, 5~~=:1;':",,!~ OrlV1!; HunllMlon e.tc11. t 1rol E. 0 1111, a131 Albion Orlvt;i M111nt. Krllll111 E. Diiion! 1n1 Pt rll. $1.; Hun. 11!19ton &eKll. t1v1" A. EClwt rcls • • 10111 "'11'1 Sarlt Dr.t Hut1li"810n Bttdl. 8f11•1dt J , Flllml"-19622 Wu lwlnds l t r>t: Foo.onlt ln VllltY. Ellf'ft (ilrrtll, 1172 Htrtforll SI.: Hur>- !ll'l"llon Bffdl. Afln l. H...til(;!'I. ''°'' ~lnllrt ltntl Mtrln1. Mlrttr.t l. H1rr111,.., 1112'.2 Mofrtcltlr l 1nt1 Mil•• Df:I. V11trlt 0 . HOW, 1:131 OtMNlllt D•.1 Hunll1111ofo 81Mll. Also, Hiner O. l'loWleU, •J.ell~ Klnt~lon L"°"; M¥11lf, Prhdlll Y. l tl, •7S2 VII C..--O~ Hul'l'lu19!on :~1~· cf1~~~J.r~~ M1~~1 Ktp_ Norton, 6131 t umtterllnd P,..lvli Meter ~c1i1"'F~n~i1~1~tliv ~·1l~r11i1~io.;,~ PlcJi:.fOrd, 17Jn Almtlt ltn1i M1rlnt. Judilll C. Pra.torli »12 Edlf!Ver A'lfl.I Mtrln.t. Allllt !!. kwd, 2001 GotllrM11 Hunll,,..... a..dl. Ctrol l . Slllrr•u o, ltti'.11 Glouceltllr ltfl'lt Huntfnllon 8 I • c ". Grtnl H. Tuclctr, ~2 0-Y Cl•Cltt Mtr!r1t. Dtr ltnt A. w1nact 1n• Con<itrv LAM: °''""' Co11t. kl'VC't I(. Wt,,..r, ICQI f'l'ndtU D•1Vt; ,...1111. ,..re I. Wtfler, tU2 TidtWtltr Cln:l11 Hvnll111ton ludl. LAGUNA ll!ACH -John W CJ•19mbt.fJ~521 Center SI~ l111Un.t ~~~..om. II:'=; Ai."~~. oldi;,~~~ 1119fborl It. Mfctllde, l it WI VI S!.; Ortll9l Cot11. ltlcht rd C. "''-'"r. ~~Jsu1~~1d,,:·,~.1~!r;~t;.;'1~.1.~ ••• MIDW•Y CITY -Ar6en1 C. 8 1111<, ~~,;+:°tmrin 't'"1'j'1;~~: i ;~nlce $~; Wtstml,,.ffr. NIWl"OltT aEACN -Otvld 0 Atwtrd, :Pl Wt lftut SI.; NtwPO<I HtrbOr'. RtYTl'IOrld J. &oucf\t1d. 1lS1 W, llt llto1 a t...d.1 Ortnte '°'''· D1vld J . ll•lldlw, JU FulllrlfMI Avt.; Ntwl>O<I r::..~·NWlHL1;r ~r~~t~11R"J..~ B11tler. l~lehltlld Orlv•1 Nrwpofl Htrltor. Item.rt $. Dtlt. 16 IS BIK-lllom 11.1 Coron• del Mar. StrPl'lrft K. H1mm1111, 5200 River Ave.; Nl'llNMt HtrW,,Ptlrltlt P'tY""• lt:l.S PrfKhit l11111 "-___port H1r1tor. J"n E. Scllwt<i, '11N P0vtr Drlvt; tltwPOrt Htrlloor. JAN JUAN CAPllTltAHO -lhrM•t C. IC_.,, ttS10 5POl111d k ll l ine; VC·lrwl111. 50UTM U.•UNA -ltwrtnct J, Gtltlf, 30772 Dlrflwootl Orlv11 Mtttr Dtl. Jetn M. McMll'lon. 2~ LI Htr'TrlOM Pltct1 LtJtmt ll t t tl>. T"°"'u P'. T1W, JO~ S. lt 5tndt Drl._.1 Lffllnl Btld>. SUNSl.T llACH -K•rl!I l . OIMl'I. IU!'J N. PKllk Avl·' <1:11 l ulhertft. Svstn P. Sllull, Utl 5. tclflc Avt.1 M1rl111. WISTMIN1Tl.lt -J ..,.,. S. Afldui.cn, "» j ht s r.1-Wt•lmlftllt•. r:tOM•nn.t M. lldr11011. un Amidon c11c111 Wn!!l'llMltf'. Dtvld l . Attl1nS011. 131t1 OtnVWI Wn1 Occl<Mfilt l. ,,.... v . '"'°· Sl62 Dl/fl(lflrlOrl A • e . ; Wntmilllftf. """""l Ot1101111, 1'411 Ctn1"'11Vt'Y Clrcll/ oliolt. J tMI L. Ftnloft. 1m w. 2 II SI.I Wntrfttn111f. Wini-Ill. t"-. tilll 11..,. PIK!' F"'""tfft Vtl1rt. Orild l . HtMI'/•~. lllU l t Pit P ltc11 Wntmlnlltr. !tvt N. i.-nn1 C1tr11'111111t s1.1 Mt~r Ott ltflSINll Pllront . 1J:W1 ltt lnltr ClrcllI w.-mrM11r. P't ul w. lt1t11on, JlJJ P"f'l'!Wn St. "lo. 11 Wtslml"~kr K•~ L i:J'"' 1)1111 lM Saltfll>CI l • 1. A ,_, D. tlld Dtborth II. Wt ll "'' IJ.Dt : Wtllllw l-1 Lt Oul~!t Howen! J. w1m-tm Amr.tn"'°r D•l.,.1 Mel" Del, Coast Pair Go Abroad Two Newport B e a c h studlnta 1t Pomona College havt boea .. 1eotec1 to spend the fall .-,. •ludytng abroad. Joon Nlc•Pi!:,ughttt ol Mr. and Mrl. Wi 0. Nice. 1100 Highland Drive, a 5enlor Encf1o11 major, will 10 to Swimrland; and He I e n Ta,rlar, daughter ol Mr. Ind Mn. SWton J. T1ylor. 1100 DoNr Driye, a Junior govero- ment mejCI', wilf go to fndla. Pamau College •1 over1t11 lludJ Jl"CICl"&ID, beeun In 1161, 11 .....,..S In cooper1Uon with 1111 E•perlmenl I n lntttnltlonll Living, a non· profit "°"f devoted to losl<r· lq mutua rapecl and un· • dmtandJng among nations. Wtdnt!dq, Ajvll ll, 1969 W<Vibon• Hen Turkeys .. "39'" u S DA.Clloott !tr.de101 eerl eontltu Spencer Steak u 11" US D_A.(lloic1 TtnffrCt SM 9oneleu Club Steak .... ·• 11'' U ~DA. Choict lanc!troY l fU"d 8t'll'I bnt'tl< Rib Steak .... ·" 11'' IJ S OA Choott TrnoWoy Br°"" ettl ,,Qf (llt-lontl•~ Brisket Roast." 98' US DA. Cllooc1 TtNl!ray Brand BHI T-Bone Steak·" $1 37 USD A cno.c~Ttndtroy e10'\CIB~I ~tro~ Porterhouse •• ·"·'1 43 Old (OUr!llOUH V()(.uum Pot Sliced Bacon. ~': 67' (Oll!'l'n Gra<" Fed Pork (e1•rr Rib Chops •••.. " 89' Ht!!:I & Eo1 fi1h-Pe""· {,1 llt Sole Fillet .... " 79 ' lormtr Joh~ ~\onln1 '¥ Link Sausage ~~i 29 ' 01occr MQyff All attf Or 1111 /I.to! Bologna ..... ~f; 49< .. . . . • • • • • ., 1 ••• . . . . .. , ~ . . . . BARIAINB 11 IALITY FDDDB Ste Po~ 1roi.., Fish & Chips ;;': .11" Seo !'Ilk fr1111n &uoded Sh • "' 89' r1mp •••••• ,.~~ 14-0Z., S1.51,J2-0:. Sl 1' Seohk ftGlell0tf<ln Perch Fillet .. '1,~63 ' "EAS TERN GRAIN FED MEDIUM SIZE LEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS MQ1lt1 lla~ktl Tnm Olff ~ B d I-lb. 29' rea ••.•••• l cot tJntlt 11:111') ~<II-.( ll(IVOO Chocolate Bar'~~36' {hCtCtlolt Nestles Quik. :;~ 91'. Plo.n 01 Swi\1 (hocoloit *, ·''''''' Ovaltine .... '~i··s9' 1!!11 cor-1ho1en Onion Rings .'~:'45' '-\fytrs trol rn Hot Slices •• ".~~, 49• Morion fro1ffl(htnt Al'ld Macaroni ... ~~: 22' lonq~ .UVorie1ot1 froien • Cookin' Bags 4 1•:~11 6irc1Mye fro1111 Cut Bton1, Fttflth 1111"' OrMu:ldV*'toblu V etables • ~i','24' I i!!:~~~~~r;. . '" '°"'' "K"'"""" I ~~~;::: :~ ::; .. -.-: ::; ::~: ;:2i:: ~~~~ ~:~;~ :~~U~~ i: f.~~:~2~:;~ ~ :~: :: ~ j~:~ ;:~::::ii~~~~?~}~~}: :ij :: u:~ ~U !: ~:!~~~~~ii~~!::;!:::~~;:~!;::~~~:::~~~~~::: ~i! ::~ ~ ~:.=i;: :: ~) /;:; ~~ ~~;; ;: ; ~} :: ~:; ::i: ;{ i~ · 1 1 P res erv e s • • • ' ~~~z -4 9 ' · .. U.S.D.A GRADE A FRYING CH:CKEN l 9( Cut-Up Fryers •••••••••• LB. * U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAYBRAND BEEF $109 Top Round Steak ••••••• LB. U.S.DA CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEE F 5 9( Chuck Steak .......... Le. Oita• l~avtt ~"'cl •d 5c' 1JJ;1 Smokie Links' .. ~ 79' o~'o' Ma~tr A.111.".tllt Wieners . , 65' • • • , r.J A'I R•r' 6fc Ar~ .,,~•er !< If•~, Bologna " " 55' • I• G 8ud<l n Via'•< liG"'1 {•. t;r•. IJ•• r 1• {ar~rd Btfl ~o·t•ocn tr Chipped Beef ,?; 37' tormrr Jo~n • U.S.DA CHOICE lENDERAY BRAND BEEF LB. $119 i!t ii;:~'.~1iiii~~~i~.;;,~~~~~~;~:rti~':ii(~~~ \ii ~::,;;~~;j~;i~-_ .c.79' I MAiiKn J 55' t BASKET M! Ham •••• ~~::;,.~.: .. ·.:'..~,.~·~·""· ~i SOU PS :m Swiss Cheese :~; 42' ff lt1 MQrk" !o::,, tlor~rol ~.t!'I :;:::::; . ..,:-~ i~!!i•;;~.:~e:-:~~~;~: i 101/2-0Z. • j·i1 '"''" "''" "'" •·'•""" "" t~m 0'0'''° CANS .• [ij! FARMER JOHN SHANK HALF Smoked Cooked Ham.',~: 49' fMELAMiNEi ;;DINNERWARE '., (mlttn:rotr-Pt. 8onle Hawaiian Punch SS' ~ •. {,AL .S193 Pa<•o1 Margarine •.• i~ 28' ~of1 O•tl Por•o• M . '"35 "' TOMATO SOUP 3 10112-0Z. CANS ·>:· :::::::: :::::::i ~~-·:-... \[\~~:: -.:::::: \\\\\\\\ ~:~:~::; ONLY 33~ FOR A lOllRT 1RIDllf1 MUAM/Jll '"' YODt tHOJC( or TWO lDYElT PATTlRNS - ENCl'ANTltiG "l'/INDIAlL • OR LDVflY HSDNN[l" PATIE!tNS SPECIAL! SPRUCEWOOO GLASSES This Week's Feature: CUP ~~--) COMPLETER PIECES , Complete your new din· nerwo re 1ervice w ith serving d11h1111 in losle· fully c.oorrJ1no!ed d•· 1igner ,color1. See d i1· ploy1 In the store lo r piec e• ovol1o bfe ond ,;,,. ('f•r•• :·:·: :: Am".can 8ro~1¥ f Spaghetti .... 'i.;' 19 ' • ::::::: f>. I -~-01 8tl ii Steak Sauce .... 37 ' ::;:; ta ... rv 1 ~.•to1 loetf J">·01 Pkg Seasoning Mix .. 36' '-'Jg ton~ tra" R• .,,. 41 LCe •••••• ,.:PI~-' 6-0r , Wh11r& 'I.' ~R , "'" i)i 8 lla>or~ {?rno· ., Slend '''"' 77 " er •••••. r111 l~w~c-o1t• C I t ,,, 69' 0 ga e ...... Ju~· •Mo Pffl~ ·cn1 DPQdo•onl Ban Dry ..... ~~.: 87' R1111'or, H(ltif to Hc,,d Un~1 ~n1rd arganne .•. ''" r~r' ~J 1 l<r Ofr B f . '"'34' ee aron1 .... '" 1 • r! ~/ lr O.i Mro! Sol~ r•d Spaghetti ... .'~.~· 34' \/en Co~·· Pork & Beans ';,~· 41' S.,,-.cc'r Non sc~!t Fl W X "0' 89' oor a •.. cG~ s:~'ll"11 Flof!·UP R119 Sh "'' '1" ampoo ••••. (o• . ~~'" ll~~h L..:iu•d Bowl Cleaner 1f.~' 33' "'"''~I '" 11 Dru"! Cleaner ...... :: .. 87' SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE You 1nus! be completel y so1i!.fied with any Morkel Soskel prod uce /i..J buy or your ilem will be replaced or your money refunded. U.S. NO. I COLORADO RED McCLURE .\\01~tl 8<t1k11 Fabric Finish ,';~'39" ,..gr.tr !-03\,1-1 . Spray Starch .'.~~' 39" 'rr~nt~ Rosh Diaper Sweet ';,:'71' Pltl11ic: Fcod Wrop Saran Wrap •. ".",;' 59' fn1kon l<oh or (lii<~r" fio•or Cat Food ...... '1,~' IS• ~~t POTATOES I 1,2 o I ~ . CH IQUITA fRESHtY PICK!O O~~~~;~U N KISTNAVEL 5 LBS 95c J 111! H;i; Spray ... ' i~' 59' I:' t:!:l Vo)flint H • T . "'''79 air on1c ••• B•1. ( \iii BANANAS ~~:~T G;;;;f~~l~wHirE 8 i!G 67c 'Iii! n: J. fRESH LOCAL 3 PINT $1 m~ id 'I' Strawberries 8ASK Ers fil ltfll,,,.,.t HYjluH'f Demure Liquid ·.~1 81' ll~rltl ~o\k.i '""'~"" '\ Gol CossackVodka '6" Stfll'Q"1 lourlioll Ancient Age .,,,,110•• """''11to416 Prtv! Scotch ••••• ,,,,,, 110" ~ le11!.1or bc'u1:n Airliner Gin ""' '6" ltfllitfd 1-Offtr-l y It• C1w 1).0I. Miller'sB&erJ 2,. ~221 "BONUS DISCOUNT SPECIALS- Prices eff eclive now lhrough Tuesdoy, April 29, 1969. FAMOUS FOR DEEP-CUT DISCOUNT P-RICESI e SANTA ANA4~~!.1.::·"1 e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-·~·.:=• COST A MESA-~:!,"""'• e NEWPORT BEACH -J100 141bM llvil .• , Jlst _s,. • HUNTINGTON BEACH-7742 '"""' 11 SOl"I" A•O. I W"t<ilff "'"I Wo~ ol hH• - ----·------·------~._______,+_ ------------------------------------------------ , I Foods Never Foils The only secret to miking this never-fail type of Hollan· Cherry Cheese . Pie: t'?tdntsday, Aprll 23, 19611 DAILY Pl\OT Sheer ,Poetry • Va ried Dairy Defined, /n yen1orie d daiae is "do not atlow it to ~ buttery graham Grai:ker crust mix. spoon f'&ted lemon rind. Beat t ea white .unUI stiff ~. and v, cup sugar In aaucepan. reach evtn the simrilerinr crust or a &-inch bai:ed pastry: Mix 1 envtlope unflavored Beat 1\\ cups (11 ounces} but' nbt dry. Or~1dadd "Drain t ean (1 ·,;.and) red ' point" sholl with a cheese-cake filling 1 . 6 bl , creamed cottaee cheese~ on 1 tablespoons IUlfW ~ H11l sour pitted cllerriu (••W' Few :Sealitoe that we have mllk, sheibel, imitation Ice f(..elt \•cup (Ir! stick) butter made with navorsome daily-~ aune, ta e~poons sugar high apeed or electric mixer until 1very: stiff. Fold. lnto . available and use constantly cream and imitation ice milk In small saucepan. Stir in I fresh cottage cheese and top-and & 14 leaspoon salt In toP for s minutes or with fotarY ~e cbeele: mix· l)'tcki; atlr , IA cup cblrry ll· 30 many different dairy foods. are other popular frozen cup ( !~ pint) .:ialry sour ped with a cherry glaze IS ol double boller. Beat together beater a longer tlme. Stir iri • t,µre. J'okl ' in' ~ cap..-lilavy quid into comf(aJth milture. SO ltt m take ap invrentory of d-···•·· all are produced ac cream. Add t tablespoons sheer poetry in a pie and a ~ cup milk and 1 eu yolk ; , l'h te11poons lemon juice and cream\ wbfpped. hm into Brln&U tonA~I :L ~ ~l. those we ~ 1JlOSl nquenUy ---~, • • frish.Jemon Ju.let, y, teaspoon direct way to a man's be•rt. and ;9 teaspoon salt ln· to p ~ teaspoon pure vanilla ex.-prepared Jl)e ahe.JJ apct chill atan y. UYt ~ 1uwu.c; 11r taking ' i 111 ·t·o ..-ider'a&n CQl'dlnc to "400ards ae( by salt and a cl.ash of cayenne. over boiling water, stirTin,g 'tract... Stir in~ gelatine milr unUJ· fhi :rop. wltli a.: ln 1 teupoon ~· Juice, \1: family's f\'Od . budget ~and t.be Agri~urld Code af our ~eat, but as meoUQOed above', CQERRY CHEF.3£ PIE const.anUy until gelattne la ture. Chill ,until m~ , -~.1..:._ , • . teaspoon red colonng, dr1fned nuta:itioqat ~s.. :• .p~ con· . ~~te~1 ar.~ cbrly marked for ~o. not ~~ow to s~er. or First prepare the shell uSr.g dis.wived, about 5 nUnvtes. mounds sll&htlf when dropped ~Y GLAZE cherries. Coql. Spoon carefUllY. venienct. . , 1-" _ _:con~lit>l~'~o;;n;w:;;c;k;ag;•;··;";;;;;· ;lio;1l;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;any;;';;;;l•;v•;i'cd;;;;;';;ecipe;;;;;•r;;;;p;ie·;;Rem;;;;•;•;•;from;;;hea;;l;;•;dd;.i>;;;le;•·;;;,;from:;;' •;;;•pooft,;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M;lx;;;(;la;;b~le;spoon;;;c;or;"';la;r;;ch;:;;;••~er~pl;;•·:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~· Whole Milk , U nhomogenized. ¥:;, Fresh, fll:Jid milk wl9t l•rer of cream at top. . .lrthslngty Unavailable. ilomolw..d Milk. No 1 cream layer because the milk fat has been broken ~p into fine particles and distributed llu'.<>llil>oul the milk by forcing mllll ~ tiny openings. Fat.-tree or Skim Milk. But· ter.fat removed. Boon to reducers! Nonfat Dry Mil k Solids. Milt from which both water and hit Have been removed. Jnexperttve~· "· convenientty pactag~ easY to stare. Two-~ Milk. A low fal milk which has had .put ot the fat rem~. Tw1>-Ten. milk has addict· nonfat dry milk. solids a1'd u s u a -11 y has vitamin$ A and D added. Bu~lk. Practically fat· free. N~tlonally speaking, it has all H ~portant vitamins found tit. )'fresh skim milk. Tangy Qa.vor. Made by adding controllMvculture to fat-free milk. Yogurt. Custard-like product with tangy flavor : made by adding spetjal culture to con· centrated rfesh wboli! milk. Half-~Half. Between whole milt and table cream in richness : about 12 percent butter fat. Table or Coffee Cream. Light cream. About 20 percent butter fat. All-Purpose Cream. Nol so rich as heavy whipping cream but will whip when well chilled. • Whipping ~am. Heavy cream , 35 to 40 percent butter fat. Dairy Sour Cream. Light cream quickly soured by ad· ding culture as for buttermilk. then homogenized to make smooth and fluffy. Evapor.a:t..ed Mi tk. Homogenlied whole milk con· centrated to half 91 it$ original volume then·-canned,. sealed and sterililed. No sugar ad· ded. . Choet>late P'lavo~ Milk Drink. A mixture of W,hole -and defatted mllk plW1 choc!Olate syrup or po,wd~"' Chocolate milk is made wi,wholitrmilk: ~ Cottage Cheese:-M"He from culture-soured freshnUl.k. Two types: large soft curds and firm small curds. Cheddar or; An,ltrlcan Ched· dar Cheese. ;n.!1arnill•minn, yellow, cured cheese. 'Keeps well. Improves in flavor and meltine quality with age . "Process" Cheddar can be depended on to melt smoothly . Other cbte*s::-California takes pride in p:OOucing a variety of other dleeseS. too. Specialities that are enjoyed here. Some, like Monterey Jack, are world·famous. Butter. The natural fat of milk ; high in food energy and a rich source of vitamin A. Packed mostly in v, pound "sticks" in one p o u n d packages. . , Ice Cream. America s favorite dessert containing all the important nutrients of milk. It comes hand-packed, machine-packed and in bricks in a variety of flaVors said lo exceed 200 though the ma- jority of consumers s a Y "make mine vanilla ." Other Frozen Desserts. Ice Meal 'loaf Favorite W1"'1 presid-change so doe! the chow in Air Force One, the presidenllll jct plane. Durl"I the days of J olln F. Kennedy, NeW Encland clam chowder was a must on the menu aboard the sleek white and blue 707 )et. When Lyndon B. John~n flew the presidentia l plane, stewards would come running to the private cabin with bowl ol chili. Even while other VtP paMtnCen were eating steak. Jotmon. 1Ull hankered for \ Tu·Mea chill. Now lt'• mut Joat, a favorite dish of President Nix- on. Nixon also had a d d c d another touch to his presiden- tial luxury liner. His staff wears smart loottint: Navy bloe fHcbl jackels beaiDI the pr~MI. For Sauce s In using with 11uces, shred-dlnc -.. gives plt«S ol smlll size, so tlley'll mttt futtr. at lower iemperature. Add cheese only at the ne:xt to Wt minute of cookina, then THE PLAa' FOR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Wt Wtlconit U.S.D.A. Food Sromp1 ...,.. «KllllT OMil 7·1 Lb. Avg'. Wt. .PtllliLUE 'CHIP STAMPS D ••• ,lfJI . ' ,~ .. i •••• " ................... "" ...................................... 1 • . ' :, i i1 • • • j • Sweet, Juicy, Tender and Flavorful ••• ! • . I I j l • • • • • • I ! -:,J' ' l 1· SilCED BACON 1· Butt End Hams ~~.:~·~. 59~ · ~..,,.,AVOcADOS-i · Va~encia Ora~~,:~ 10~ i : CANADIAN WHISKY =~~ . ........................................... . i ~ ,• ENRICHED BREAD v ... w .... ,....,, ... 3'$1 ...-~ 0 ~"' 1\< 19. lO•• l BANANA·NUT LOAF Health & Beauty Aids . ~~~SEIL~ ~.,,,.,, lbl, 111<1. lie O'f ... 'GUEM tootH PlslE · ~~~iu 464. - lmRDENT CLEANSING lABS~·,C:: :,14~ IROMO snTnR 1;~ 641 ................. • • COUPON • • • • DOUBLE BLUE CHIP • • • STAMPS with this C:OU· • • • pon o~ the total amount • • of any purchase exclud· : • • in9 liquor, tobac:c:o and • • • fluid milk products. 1 • • • colipan per customer. • • • Coupon good Thursdoy • • • thru Sunday, April 24 to • • • April 27. • • • Ii ••••••••••••••. .ll:ic/t .... Cttom)' . Hasll Browns Italian Salame ::.::.;.~er:-. 4i'1 r:c:: ..... ··· 891 '1'f • i ,,.,. , .. .,,, U<ll. ("UI 11.1'1 Oicor Mopt All-Meat Wiener1 1.u. ••11.. ........ 69c Ot<ar Maytt Smo~itt n OL no~ ....... ~ .......... 7fc 1 •• ENCHIUDAS . VONS lllF OR CHEESE s1 ~ ~ ,,.,,.. Dcnly 3 : PKG. OF 2 : ~ loliA.i c... ""'" .a. -.............. :l9c ..... #r9M4 ........ ....or.. t11&-.-...0*Mc; • ~ ....... t+OL ........... -...... _,_ .... .JPrc ._,, .... C: hWJ.o&.tlll, •• , ...... -..... ~39c • &Ill n. ...,...111 .......... 1.a .............. 2Jc r l ~:~~$~ :~~es~:~~~~~~~~ ~;~;!VO ~:69c f ::~~::O~j;;~;: ~:1 : ................................................................................................................................................ ~ ..................................... : Choice Chuck Steaks .. o,~"ci:'.~~::, .. 49 f. Boneless FamilY. Steaks ,~.~: ::~~:0 98f. Y H T k VONS TAOLE KING OR 39C oung en ur eys '':,~:t."'I•ri'~." " Farmer John Sausage ':~~:&~0· 29c Fresh Spare Ribs M .. :;~~.·~1:~:;'.~": .. o 69f. Corned Beef Brisket ,;~,~i~~:·~ ... 89 f. =--: .Seafood S~IOM • : RED SNAPHI FIWTS HUii lr. : SWORDFJSJI STE.llSt1~•D Clll '''"I~. : . ' • l11pert'i '"" Slld1 , ....... .,., ·-A3c: : ltupe<f'1 ftied No'""''" Holibut .._ 15': : ~pet1'1 Fri•d ScuUops 1-. "'· tl..55 : Mn. Frldoy lnod.d Shfimp r;.a. Pl1.$2.39 : • -J ---. Shoulller Clod • . • • • • • • • • • • : • • I~. l • • 98• ~ Veal St:eaks ··= ::~N 98~ ~ • Sausage Patties \~~ 69" ~ . . •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • . .,,. "'-~MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ,,.., .. °"'"" ~lo VE 1.11. FLAVOR nut Ac YACH• UR • GOLDEN f'wESTWOOD ICE CRUM . . Deep Rock Water ~,~"".:~~:~t· ... 35c ·Boysenberry Preserves~]i~ 59c Mott's Clamato Juice ,~t:.. 25' SE CRET Chert Olrl ~ ....................................... 291: o.i;.. ,,._ ~"' a..UilCC. .............. 2911: wt.llr. u.., w.m,...... .. -. tt.ttt t1M« ... 01c ~ ...._. s..c. ... ...,., "• "' ... ,,,, .. :ee .,._.,_ ....sar# ,..., W•I .-.. ""'······ "' 9k ' rf1N~ ART · REPRODUCTIONS OFTHE WORLD~$ '= .~REATEST PAINTINGS ~T.J~!OW PRIC-.ES,...! _.i. 4 ~ Sitt ~ $Ill! OPfaS A Dlffll(NT ~110H 0# Ul/TI. fUU.T lllJSHSllOU 1M10111D fM '6f llPltODUCt10NS-ANO IMTOl Sins JiND UJKTS I'm ~ llta.AlOlt GIOUPINOSI CHOOSE ANT n!Nt fOIJ UQ UCH Wflllt. c Sav~ up to 50% on Frame1I '21 DIYDUT llZU•i l l:SlllNS • ""*"" I-If "" ~ "-.. """ rww pci1n11,. o'Hi ...... ._ bl .. """""""' • Mltnint fho ~f·~ .. ....._ ... ,_-.. .... y..., .. flfw • ... mtt .,{ IM...-..i 1i-" ~ ,...,. .,....... .;.,, ..... -;.1y ., ~ ... ht .. Certi Fresh Red ·Salmon ~L 59' · Fireside Snack Crackers·:.i~ 2:49° Chicken Rice•A-Roni 0 ' :·g· ~~ "' 25°. BESTFOODS MAYONNAISE • TOILET TISSUE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l'1(JN r i TlleH..w,Cct1yWorloCOJhCMcbl i Onion Soup :t we1w a.c1i : 38-: M\T 111:. 1'*' CNll HOW : UMX 7 ' : MIHf'1GftlMlllllT : •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ' • • • nm!ll cookillg camuny and 10 A B k~ H f 1 I only until cheese 1s melled. 11 Adams Vt., at roo ,,um, unt ngton ffC • ·;122 Edinqer Ave., at Springdale,. Huntington l eacll 17950 M;i'!qclia, Fountc:ln Valiry I -------------------------~--------~-------------- / .. . -. . . .... ' . ff DAILY PILOT Noise Level :i·n Modern Kitchen Worse Th~n Subway Ride From .many quarters come bar~ dogs and blaring WbUe ,ll is i>eyond lbe i.way noisier in some cases Pian a now wllhoul Interruption all tranceways and I.he like. reverberation, or "echoing.'' dilturbln& new re~ on the television sets. J elf mO# ipdivld!J81S lo control downtown street during the detract from good residential For people a I r e a d y Sound waves rellect off the irowtna: threat of noise : Alr traffic, for Instance, 11 external no18f1source.s, Like jet rush hour. acousUC3. established in a home , hard surfaces of a room _ leOO,, llself to the simpled solution. Acoustical ceilings, whlcb can absorb ~t,ret!n 5$ and 75 percent of lbe 90!.lnd waves striking their' surface, will effectively a r r e s t reverberation. Today's bu5y kitchen with expected to triple by 1~, and pla!\tS, SleP\.O&n be taken to Some of the bjame must go Any fully satisfactory noise however, there is much that windows, doors, Walls, coun- tll ~numerous appliances is to compound lhe sitta.atioo, w• ·rriake: the · home a peace(u\ to modern construction control program should begin can be dooe without piling up ters. cabinets. furniture and hatdlr on ah 0 use w If e 's are tO'lbarkecl on the era of ·haYeq --ln sharp contrast to methods, which .emphasize 1 with lhe blueprint, 'not . the major bills. Two areas to con-ceilings _ bouncing back and eardruins than a subway ride, lhe supersonic passenger jet. what It rrequently is today. "open" floor pl~ · and. flnishtd home. Afterwards, it sider are ,.sound reverberation forth again and again in a split published decibel tablei 11\ow. 1'>ese ma mm o·t h carriers. Act u a 11 y, measu.rements ligP,;tweight materials. Low . is loo late to worry about site, and transmission. second until the sound builds The noise level In NOrtb some ob§ervers believe, may takeo by sound engineers in ce1fings, !•r&e picture WI!)-strategic positlonine or the Of all noise problems In the up to an annoying level. American homes }las more create sonic booms 50 miles typical' homes during hectlc do~s, l,h1n partitions and hoyse, compositiofl cif . the home, probably the most coin-Fortunately, the h 0 me ' 5 than doubled In the last 4ft wide. · periods found them to be Walls, and living areas that outer walls, location or en· mon is that caused b) most prevalent noise problem Since the celling .is a room's ~argest single soo.nd refleuUve surface, it Js the logical place for acous tical materials. ytan and may be causing fatigue and mlnor accidents, a Canadian trade j o u r n a I discloses. U.S. Public Health Service olficiala now say they view the effects of noise I! ranging from irritability to e a r dam1ge and possibly more serious health hazards. Far from belng unaware of this snowballing problem, peo- ple today are ""'re ~ous than ever before of their noisy environments, an independent survey coocludet. The na- tionwide poll , or "homeowners was commissioned by Armstrong Cdrk Co., a leading manuf#(urer ol acoustical buUdini products. But wtia~ • Is noist? A good layman's ·definition would be "noise is unwanted sound." • It Jong hai been,.realized that mdsl peop1e would be uneasy Jiving In totally quiet surroundinJ[s. In fact. ·a low background hum often se:rves to mask more jarring noises. Prospects ror r Id ding ourselves of noise pollution in the near future do not appear overly bright in the face of a rapidly expanding population and its demaods for more of the mixed blessings of life. As living space shrinks and people are thrown closer together, the discordant sounds that assault us will swell in v61ume : air and highway traffic, appliances, power mowen, jackhammers, machinery and such everyday household sounds as romping children, slamming d o o r s , Armenian Cook Book Reissued Drop in al an evening class in a high school in Watertown, Mass., or nearby Arlington. and you'll find a group of women learning to make such exotic diSles as stuffed grape les.ves aqd the fabulous pastry' caUed Paklava. Their teacher is R o s e Baboian, a t5 -year-old grandmodler who g i v e s courses in the art or Annenian cooking. nu Rose is quite a woman! From the time she was a .small girl in Turkey, on lhroUlh her studies at an American misaionary school in Syria, ·Rose has been a doer and a goer. When her fiance , Charles Baboian, came to America and settled i n Watertown. it didn't take Rose long to follow. All during her years ol mar· riage and motherhood, Rose cooked the Armenian dishes her mother had taught her - for family, friends , neighbors, church gatherings. But Rose didn't just cook. She kept perfecting h e r recipes, ofte.n trying them in both small and large quantity. She also kept tab on tbem down to the last detail. Flnelly she Jl"I together her o w n "Annentan-Amerkan Cook Book" and in 1964 publls~ it herself. Word of the book got around and to date about 4,000 copies have been sold. Now a regular publisher is taking over and it won't be long belore Rose's cookbook will be Issued in a new edition. Anyme who Ukes the old· r.-,--of a hearty navoriul aoup di~ enjoy thl1 one combining barley and kdill. ARMENl.\N SOUP 1/3 cup pearl barley, washed and drained 1 cup water 5 cups chkken or meat brotll 4 cups oni(J)I, pet.led cut in· to tllln ltrlpe (I pound or I med!llllH!llell) 1 cup leatils, washed and drained t teaspooiw (about) salt Paprika and cayenne to ... le lrdA • large saucepot, turn wMer aod barley ; bring to a boU; limmer 15 to 30 minutes -nler will be evaprated. . Add brolh, onions Ind ien· till; brtac. to a boll: st-:nmer until bar">' and lentils are tender -'5 to 60 minutes. Add ult, peprtka and cayen- ne; llm:mer 11 minutes mott. »-•-'-"· For ..._tlon in flavor, -,.. odd poprika and 1"" m11 odd I dried llrraaon. Ultor'1 Note : ff tile eoup fl thlcker than you like, tltin It wltti water or broth .... tf necaNry, correct the Ill I l'i111. Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwards LacJ•na ·'-11 ~ 700 So. Coast Hwy. ', Fountain Valley -161)4~ Magnolia Huntingto• Beoch -8911 .Adams Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. .. PORK ' CHOPS PORKCHQP5 Cente1 (vi 79~ Rob,,.,.,,.,,.,,., ••• ,., lb. 'I' CUT UP FRYERS fo11 R.eody • •••••• •••, • lb. 3 9~ TURKEY g<,:;,:::: ............................. lb 2 9~ • SLICED BA'CON. ,;,,.,,,,,.,Oool•i .... .lb 59~ SLICED BACO ,l. • O"o• Moy"'"'· 73f. : FRYER BREASTS ~"d•• ........ ; .... 1b 63~ ~;;~·.:.:~'. ••••.••••••••• lb. 8'9~ SPARERIBS ~;;:~~~.'.''.'.'. .................. 1b 59~ (HICKEN LIVERS : ...... : ........... lb. 49~ , N or Jh,,k '.:o!ittd •• , •• ,,,.lb · BEE. F ST.EA .. K. s Cho;"fo•>lyS"ok 98~ · e• ~oneleH C~vck, ••• •••••• ,,lb. 'I' .• CH.ICKEN WINGS Rool"ooomy ........ lb 25~ SALMON ,,,,,.,;,.. ........................ •b.89~ . . CROSS RIB ROAST ;~~;~:.::~ ... :.,b 98~ LEGS AND THIGHS ,,,.h,,,, .. :, ... 1,59~ PERCH ~.;:~:.~~·:.:: ............................. lb 69~ WHOLE FRYERS G>od.A ........... lb 33~ PJCNIC HAMS Holl•o' 43~ Smoked • ••••••••• •• •••••• tb. " "RED SNAPPER '"'"'""• ................ 79~ ' PORK ROAST LEAN GROUND BEEF ..- FAMILY PACK GROUND FRESH HOURLY _'!.,,; .. -................ LB. . ................ LB. .. WIENERS Ho••ol 120< .............. 43~ SLICED MEATS ~~;·;~;;::,·;~ •. 3 /$1 WIENERS ~.:·::.7'.'.'.'. ............ " 69~ SALAMI O"o•Moy" 79~ Sl•ctd ••••••••••••••• 12 Or. "r TURKEY w .1,oo'<w;•h . 319 01e11ing 2 1/1 lb , ............ , SLICED MEATS "b•rt~,'•Co•o.d 3/ $1 Beef,'Pa~l•omi J Ol. BOLOGNA ~:;;;~~:.·: ....... 12 0. 65~ VARIETY PACK ~;; .... 120. 89~ CHEESE SPREAD ,., ,ci,.11 eo. 43~ CORNED BEEF · w,1~,·, '""' 429 Cooked 11/2 llx.,,,, WIENERS ~·~'.~0'.'.'. ............. .1b 65~ BOLO.GNA O<o• Moy" 69~ All 8eef , .••••••••• :.120z. ,. SWANSON'S MINUTE MAID SWANSON'S PEPPERIDGE FARM BIRDS -EYE VAN de KAMP 5 Varieties -TV ORANGE ASST. MEAT A56T. LAYER FROZEN PEAS ALASKA DINNERS JUICE PIES CAKES CORN COD 48:A. 25~o z 238CO Z 78:A. 20:~~: 569:Z. "DOUBLE DEAL" G S • I Sa•eTwa WaY'-BI"' rocery pec10 S Chop S•omp< & D"<auot '"'" DINNERS ........ -..... ,...... 44' kel/Ch"'" ["'~~oda, oo .••• , ••.• , "' BURRITOS ::~:;::·.' ................. 47! TACOS ....... ,,,~·· ................... 47! ENCHILADAS ::~·;;;~'.'. ....... 10. 37! COCKTAIL TACOS ............... 37! BURRITOS ........................... 37! HOT SLICES ...................... 0. 48< ~ .c;oLo ··.·· .POWER · · :: DETERGE~T ~" IM~ERIAL : Margarine 1 letter Buying Spe<ili ~.. ~. " 3 69GT. ··~· CREST PURIFY TOOlH PAil! MOUlH WASH ·:.: 68~ SIZf "'· 78( 1.09 SIZI CINNAMON LOAF • ., ......... o. 581 ORANGE JUICE •;~._ ••. , .... ,,o •. 5(){ ONIONS ~.:,~:, ................. ,,o •. 191 CHICKEN PIES ~:;,:~;~·;o. '" ... 43! GREEN BEANS ::~::;;\;; ........ , 25< SHRIMP M•C"•doio 1 •• l •oocltd ••••• ............... •I~. ICE CREAM ,;, ... .,, 59! t1ol! Gol Souar• ••••• , , • ••, •• . PILLSBURY TREESWEET ·JUICE ~.:· ' ·• 'I. I ~ Brownie Mix . DaFkFudte , .. GRAPEFRUIT' . · 12:~. 3··~t GILLETTE llAO!I ~UPIR ST.\IN. 56,. liSS " ,., TOWELS 34 i •2 llACH "'· 11a '·" ASST. "DOUBLE DEAL" p d s • I So.,fwoWOy•~Blue ro uce pec10 S Ch•p S•amp•&Du<oo"'P""' r · I FRESH LOCAL CR.OP Sugar Sweet Berries SWllT JUICY HONIY WHITl 1 5 1 00 GRAPEFRUIT ......... IOI RADISH or GREEN . ••· 1~ ONIONS LAIGICOISPIUNCH llUH lllGHT 1 oc CRISP CARROTS , .. t~~•G lXTIA LAIGI SANTA CLARA 3 1 00 DRIED PRUNES.......... '"· LIQUOR-BEER & WINE Dy;fiNu 1BEER s1 3•:;~r?~ SAV£16!·6 120Z.CANS $109 ~ Busch BEER . ~ Ch ne (~o•ta••··· l" BRANDY .,.., ampog ...... , ........... , ", . ., ............. ~ CREAM SHERRY ::.~~~;~:· l" SCOTCH ,. O•·-· 3'' [,,., "d •.... 011 ........ . VODKA ............ """"' 2" BOURBON ,,.,,,,.., .. , 10'1 f,l••·••!l,1!~ ••••••••••••••• .Oc• !"<al• C-ofl<• ,, ,. tilt l Wllll A I All !IOllS · ltOUOI Oll ll(, P•EMl\IS ONl I Fresh ";;~~·:~· In-Store Bakery TEXAS SIZE CINNAMON ROllS 10~ Premium Duz ... Gr. 83< OXYDOL ........... G!. 79< PRICES GOOD APRIL 23 thru 79 7511 ORANGITHORPE IUINA PARK GENEROUSLY !CID· CHOCK FULL OF RAISfNS-SPICID·IA. NUT LOAF ........ , ......... 3/1 l HARD ROLLS ... ,· .. ; .. ~ 3< COOKIES ....... ,~ .. , ......... 4 •. ~l 6381 BALLROAO . CYPRESS --------------------------_____ ..... ___ -----------·------------- ,51 l'· SS nd ''" s t ,., •• <ee I P~~<:_tic~1 Dute~ Favor Addition of Spices • 'Ille Duldi, with their 1<rul> pepper crusts £tom b!ead; pour mllk over, bread to soften. Add flSI}. •eggs, butter, parsley, salt._ ~ outness and lhelr ~' tea.spoon ground nutmeg pmioa for very fresh foods, · Dry bread crumbs UM oplce< just beca""' they Oil for frying love1bml. Arrange fish in a single Thete are practical, har<fl layet ln a large skillet. Cover working people , livlna: .in, 8 with · boiling water or courl- north European cllm~te, so bouillon~ Bring to boiling; they eat heartily. ~arood Is reduct beiit and· simmer, ~~~'J3c=1: . .,\bit -: c:civered1 :•·.~~!-of 1,JittiL ~ if a htl\iry in the 11: flakes.. Remo'(4 from ll• NellJtiluda -·-Calli<! q v1· • n~ 'th r k Tr' ai;e ~ 1' !UPPII the milk . ' a,e ~-.. , a "' . im black pepper and nutmeg; mil well. Shape into 12 patties, us- ing ab9ut Vt Cup mlxtute for , each fish cake. C o a t gentrously with dry bread crumbs. Fry fish cakes in bot Oil ll·IDch deep, about 2 to.~ miilu\el on each ~ !.t tilll golden • brown.· -_ ~, s, and serve. Yield : I ~) , - ulld!li ~ and dalry'~ro­dUei. Much of their Chee• iii ·• caraw,ay s~s, °"' part o/. .\lie l\aU acres, of rjefherland 11 fihi(lii.vt wrested away from tboB~$<i lt'W Ml ~f aU 3Pfis!ni that .. the Dutch are known spict- users; for three and a hall centuriilr they acquired much or their wealth in spiae trading!"Indonesia was known· as the Netherlands Indies unW less thaq ~ decades ago. These ~far eastern islands, then a3 now ,' were rich pro- ducers of •tropical s p i c e s. Nubneg, , mace. cloves, cin- namon, ginger and curry powder are popular. When the Dutch 'f(llTup a yen for some really bright spicing, they go to one of the many Jndonesian reNuran~; to ~ found in the[r~~· · Spi,~ , fisp cakes a n d choco18te-'nut cake· are representative Netherlands dishes. Adaptations of authen- tic recipes for these come from the test kitchens of the American Spice Tr a d e Association. • CHOCOLADE NCYJ'J;;N TAART (Chocolate Nui Cake) 1 package (I pound 2'h: ounces) devil's food cake mix 3 eggs, separated 2/3,..cup cold, unseasoned masHed potatoes '4 teapoon ground einnam<>n v, teaspoon ground cloves 1,~ leaspoon ground nutmeg 1 package (21/z ounces) blan· cbed almonds Combine cake mix with egg yolks, mashed potat"oes, cin- namon, cloves, nutmeg and 1 cup water: blend wen . Uslng medium speed of electric mil· er beai for 2 J!linutb of until rni~-is.-..sioooth. Grind or "!, fioeif cl1oP. \almonds (ma{es . aboti(,. ~)~; stir 'ln\o ba_Uer. , Be.it egg '~l!lt~sHtil stiff,, but not dr1,-, Gentry~,fGld into cake battft".~Qrea.!le and paper line "t:v1' •t-inch rouiwt cake pans. ~~batter evenly into pans .. , ~-, Bak~ ln/•a preheated moderate'oven (375 JI'.) 35 to 40 minutes or until done. Cool in P4n5 10 minutes. Tum out ontO wire racks and eontlnM cooling. Fill and frosl "'ith any chocolcite o r chocolate rum f,r-o st j n g de1ired. Yield: rTwo t-inch cake layers. VISCHKOEKJES / (Fish Cakes) , pact.age (1 pound) frozen fish '.fillets, defrosted 6 slices white bread -ll cup milk 2 egp, lightly beaten 2' tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 2 tablespoons parsley flakes 11h teaspoons salt .¥, teaspoon ground black Ecit .Cereal ' .' ' Af Bedtime '",. t E~ a bowl 161. ~real and milk tllfore going to bed' is good, hungor al~iat\Dg rar~ .• , . . ·,: • GlfllER'S JUNIOjl i:'~-::-14' BABY FOOD :::b:-~~~-----· 1 o.c MODI LAC I FOlGER'S COFFEE 69• FOLGER'S COFfJEr.:'.:..,11'! FOLGEll'S COFFEE~'.-51" fP!~S COFFEE~112' ~·· ..... 4-8.yl'--, APPLRANO !. APPLESAUCE 15-0UNCE JAR li,TO!''S: TfA,...~ . _:.81' FRUIT COCKTAIL ~ ... _._25 ' sUCID PIE, APP US :::r~ --3 I• GRAPEFRUIT:!.~~~::'.--····-31' HU.Jfl'S PEACHES ~":.•u--···-· 29' . LIBBY'S P~,HALVES ., ......... 33' DOl.fPINEAPPU ::::: .... ___ .. 25' CAL FAME DRINKS ... ~···-···29' , ........... -~-O..,••olrl ~· ..... 4-&y! ACCENT ROOM DEODORIZERS 7-.0UNCE CAN 25° APPU JUIU :::rl'~"-··---··-· .. 34' PINEAPPLE JUICE::l'uu ....... _29' MEXICOllll "·" ~--··-··············-·· 26' GREIN GIANT CORN ~":":::~ ..... 23' O&C FRIED ONIONS ;::?. ..... _29' CUT GREEN BEANS ~:i~Ti~?~' .......... 16' GRIEM GIANT PEAS .. ~~···· 22' NEW POTATOES:='::' •.... __ .16' ... 4-B.fl-..... CARNATION COFFEEMATE JOHN'S PIZZA ~~~~ .. 79' MORTON MACARONl!:..% ..... 38' SLICED TURKEY ::'.~4:~-".:.~---'1 51 CHICKEN~ NOOPLES:~~--·······35' BAGGED STEAKS ::<: •. '!':t.~.'.' ........ 89 ' FRU IT PIES"'lllTllU'll·fl~lllt-3~· • ·~ ,wiw.na11111.01.r1t ............... , "f· .nw· DOUGH ~.~--~~~~~1 .... 6f>c fl'YERS HOT SUCES;,..., •.. -·"-A8' . ~·f ·~ .. ~~i,-·-· ........ 'V:7 CAMl!IEll'S PORK& BEANS 21 -0UMCE CAN . ONION RINGS :r.;,;.·-~·······45' P£RCH FILLETS ~.'::':~~--~-.. -·-··--·· 59c HALIBUT llLLETS ~":::::'. ............. 11" ENCHILADAS ~:::.,-;~:,~-:::~.~~~~······ 36' GREQt BEANS r.:r::t~~~~--~.~~-~-~-·· 24c POTATOES 11111111 lflllKN 111111 I 6' c.1111111 c•TJ ,.e1. '"· ............... .. CORN ON THE COB !~::i': •........... 48' GREEN PEPPERS :i~~~~.1.'.~.'.'.~.~ ......... 69' ORANGE JUKE ~":'.~! ...................... 28' ... 4-&yl--... DENNISON'S CHILI w I BEANS 40.dUNCE CAN 79° ··--·-~ ... ~I..~ .. ~):., & ICE CRIAM ::=:;,.~-'-----·--·· 79' REDDI WlllP ::".:.r'.'.._,.c... ...... 55' DITTO :=:..~ ~-~----.. · .. -···----·····-···: 35' FOREMOST Bumt~~.r,,:: ......... 79~ • .. MAic:E f HE LUCKY COMPARISON TISI AND Sii POii YOURSILP WHAT SO MANY iMAat.HOUSIWIYIS ALllADY KNOW AIOUT LUCKY. FOR LOW IYllYDAY DISCOUNT PlllCIS. O~ jAMOUS lllAND GIOCllllS -TOP QUA"Lln·"IONDID" MEATS -PIODUCI -HIALTM AND llAUTY AIDS -DILICATISS.IN ITIMS ••• IT'S LUCKY TMl-WINNlll IY A CART FULL ••• so GIVE, YOUI IUDGIT TtfAT .... ~ID Lin "AND SHOP LUCKY FOi TIUI DIS· COUNT PllCIS a•s DAYS A YIAll •.•• AND SAVI! FRYERS .!!~~. IU.S.D.l GRADE 'A' FRYING CHICKENS ...... ~, .. RIB STEAK LUCKY'IONDED FOR F~DI ............... . 29~. 89~ GROUliD ROUND _79.:. SIRLOIN STEAK -·--··-··--;a.;,. PORTERHOUSE ..•..... ,..,'\l!lo,. __ •t::;i CUBE STtAK-.--~~ .. '.:'-·-·-'l~ CROSS RIB ROASL.~----•5• T-BONE STtAKS ······--··.:.:'"'···-'R' CNUCll ROAST.-.• ~'"' 53.:. CHUCK ROAST 45 ( TURKEY---='°.::".: 290. . _· SAUSAGE--·--···-:::..~-::.._19 :. LUCKY IOillED-BIJIE CUT •••• :.......... I~ .. llEN T_URKEYS •....... -·•--39. 19 HAM · --.. -'I" RIB ROAST STANDING c .. SAUSAGE~~:!;;...i:i".=::~~-·:=29': l • , :l-\ll&t !ND . f-'11IA•LIBUT .... __ ,_ 89 ' T!NDfl. lll.C~ AN~ LUCKf tGlioll ........ . ~:'ihuND sniii.-•n ··-··---· 79 :· TOM TURKEYS ]7·~~-, ., :: .. -·::!~~,- .. :;·. ~: ,.. us.U!u~·1·n11NG ~TI~ ... ; ' ·-'~·: . · ~;:: 57c ,-', . ·~~GROUND :~BEEF 4zc: .·~!~:-~~~~lt. •...•................... :67' ~ .> ' ·~·=. · . .. . · . ·I~ :·\SWIFT'S PllMIUM 73c .,,, .· .... ~ ~.HNDlDflJ;ltPQUAUJ;Y-f.lfSH,UM ••. ' ., ,_', •. fl.Kf•1ac•-1 ·"-""····--.................... . .,,.. • •• DHICIOUS fHSH Diii ITIMS, OSCAR MAYll IACON 734 " 1v1ar0Ar.INICOUHJ ... ,,.,, ltGVl"flU<D-1-&&PP. ...... -, .... _........ -OQr Lo~v.;;r;Pike! ~~!:.~,~~-~ur_rs 1-ti.MIS· !!'.'.N.!~~~-lU.P••·--·---·.89• LUCKY FRANKS ~~~~1~~~ .. ~~~!.~1 ______ 3~_s721 ~ • .... 4-&yt (12·0Z. PKG. 41<) M COY'J PASTRAMI . ~Y'S CHO!U . 1-POuNo PACKAGE tll!..,°' ... ""·*·OZ.•••·•··~r.;!:.~48·c · SWED REUSH .. , · & a~ ~~~!.~.~~~ ..... ~.~~:.!r..: S)ll )2.0UNCfJAR ,~,~~'~'~ a-o":.~~~!,~~-~~~l~l-01. ,.,. 4 7 ( ~~~~~E•~-~.~-~~~-.. 1-11. '''· 5 7 c 2!~~!.n~~l! .. 5~~s.~~.E. .. , .... 5 7' ~~J~~~~!~-~.~ .................... 1t-tJ. , ••. 82 c DANOLA COOKIO HAM 65' IU((O, ......•.......... _ .................. •\i.or. , ••. n ... 4-&yl RRY'S _FIDDLE FLAKE COOKIES 7-0UNCE PACKAGE a&~ w~Van de Kainp'slwlll 2 5 o AN OUTSTANDING V All!ITT OF FRESH IAKERY GOODS (AT MOST LUCKY STORES} \JI \J/lll lll111111\ll 111\IJ 111111111 :·· : , At•a-:.~ttilf1~1' ·aoUILLON CUBES ~------·22' CAMPBELL'S SOUP~::::.°~ ----15' OLIVE Oil :::.'!.'!..--·---'--··II' SOYA BEANS =.1::..~~~~a_.41 c PINT,O, lllANS :::.'.".':'." 29' ilQ STARnR ::":,"I!. ___ ·:· .33' ~GRAVY. TRAIN :l!.':l -·----'1". ALPO MEAT CHUNKS :::J,~ .. 29' ... COOllES ~,:'_~ 42' GRAHAMS~ .. ~-~~~ 331 RITZ CRACllERS ::~--43' BRE •Ds ......... , •• "'""""'·-35' .. m•T_..._.,,l,...LIW .. _,. \ FRENCH IRlAD r~r.~::.-31' ~· .... 4-&yi HAJlVEST DAY SUCED BERS 1..0UNCE"CAN Re;sirdt 11'8 simni,•tn fact, that ~-bedlime snack of ~ • k and tW"ar usually d"'W Jldl ' elo'i'!th.sl.,p. -~· wittiool beili1.:)le ,"'8YJ for evening Ei"Qo .·~-' 1.DW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIDS vns· DOG FOOD • ..;.. ........ :: : 8' . ' FLAVOR SNACKS ::':~--·······-30• :a.~:-- a~W th.ii aewest trick. It cor8sts of alternating layers of ,oven-toasted rice cereal, -pudding, and • favorite fruit or sundae sauce Jn parfait gi...es. Whether you prepare it for a group or JUJt for yourself, it ls easily inade lllJll,ll!"ll ·•ltracUve. Hiit, .,. ...,. ln!ei:esling 1::~L l'UDDING PAlll!'~-t sp. I cup ..mt lid HI cop pudding Into lalf .-or mupJn layers. Top with fa~ fruJt ot sun- ;~ ~~ rice 'cerul and vinllla ~ topped ITt!ill ,;; ...,,....., """" ..wny.-... pojidi lllca. ' Ov~ rice cereal ind cbocolal< puddill1 to9POd wftlt hot fullge .-0r -Uowcnom....._ Ii -rtto cereal ... buttmcotd! puddln( lot> ""' -"-llto .. but-~ ..... .,, ... _... -IPd sllced 1111-. '· OVert-toalited rk:e cereel ~ lemoo pudding topped wlth mandarin orange sect\ons or plnee.ppie sundae sauce. TOMATOlS ~T.:i.:_ ___ , .. ,. .. ,,:..,, .......... 22~ V-8 JUIU ='!!! .... --···-··-··--42' CORNED IHf HASH :~'Z.~-47' BEEF snw ::=.::-.............. -..... 92' STAR-KIST TUNA =.u •........... 30' PEANUT IUTIER :!'.'l.~ ................. 6 I' AUNT JIMJMA. SYRUP:::,___ 65' MARY EllEN JAM =t~.".:.'.'. .... 58' D1U P1C1US l:;\ .... ____ 37• OlMS -·-~ 56' ~•-1-M.lll'l.-·-·--- IDOK FORKEY BUYS ~!~-~ .. ,..,,..;,..;,_ 38' ....... '" ~-;.::: . ..,,_ ·, ' IRECK MAit sn MIST : = ~"t."C:.':::.:: $) 11 fwli., ......... ..,., M ltpler ' •• lRKK WK' . -............ $, .•. ., .... r..,..,.,.~,...,.._ . ~=·~ lff!~I A PEI•~"" -.lfltt • ac· .......... _._ .... , 72' -..... ...,. ..,., . .,. ........... f ... . .. ---------------- 17 pc. KNlfE SET COlGATt 100 MOUTNWASH 11·0UICI lomf c-,., ....,,, llllt tffMt ... . Ket,. Y••r mt.m frulrl ... 7 7' •HtM~ Otr•'flric• <MM ..... k~ KAL KAN .CAT FOOD :o=~ .• -.. 15' " CHIQUnA BRAND Bananas '10~ • HIDDIN ~ ,i;::, · ._ ........... --$1•• ""' ..... Ill ........ .,,, 1W.. --, .,..QEANER=::·-73'. GAllt DmRGENT-.--11' TIDE DETERGINT -·-'I" OXYDOI. DETERGlln'-...~aa· BOLD DITlllGINT---U· III ilAUNDllf' AID='.:. ~· SPJC 'II s;All ="• 93• • ' ... w••• =:..~~-241-, !t~.~,~~ ................... : .... ~~,~.: __ :..:. ..... -•s-- LUClT IOUllOM · s411 ......, ................. ,f,M MH I. .... SPRAT DIODORANT RIGHT GUARD ";:;· 5 8 C WITH $1. 1t11•• COUPON . (INCl. PRICE Off U..8fl) LIMIT TWO PER CqUPON Valid Thurs. thru S11n., Apr il 24-27, 1969 LIQUOR SPECIALS (LIM11ED OFFER) SAYE $1.00 re . REG. SJ.79 VINTAGE WINE IMPORTED ClASSICO ITALIAN CHIANTI INN'2~U'! I DECANTER QUART BOTilE scoii:i'i 0wiiiSii $3!! SA\IE $2.11 HOUSE OF kOSHU JAPANfSI $298 PINEAPPLE LIQUEUR ~·,~ '" o~ SAVE $2.00 STUIGHT l(fNTUCl('f 90URION $I 098 ANCIEN1 AGE .~~0;, ~~~ --.. o. $1049 S11 .6S HAlf GAL. SAVE 10 PWOOF YOOICA $1.16 SMIRNOFF 6 o,'::' $119 CANS f~OfNlUNO fCASf OF 2• $4.53) NORWE&IAN IEER HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS CHARLES ANTELL Shampoo or Creme Rinse 14.50Z.48c ••• SIZE LISTERINE Oral Antiseptic 20 oz. $1.45 SIZE FEMININE SPRAY PRISTEEN DIODORANT 99c EXTRA DllY SPRAY ARRID DEODORANT $1~3•$117 SIZE 5.• oz.$ ios $1.29 SIZE COFHf All GRINDS MANNINGS !·lb .•• ' ...... 69c 2-lb. ........ Sl.31 3-lb .• '' .• ', •• $1-99 MIHRDOM TISSUE SOFTWEVE Z-rolf 29 c Ill· .. o. 94c OF 36 KING 57• SI ZE BONUS 63C a OK KRAfT SAi.AD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 4!·ot. 79c iar HUNT'S CATSUP TOMATO PAST E i::;. 23c i:;-31 c WILSON CfllSPfllTE SLICED BACON t-lt~. Pl(G. REAL McCOY StlClD BllF BACON REAL M<.COY-lt0ll BEEF SAUSAGE HON£YSUCl(Lf FROZEN SLICED TURKEY YOUNG · 12-0Z. Pl(C. 1-LI. IOU 6-0Z. Pl(G. Turkey Drumsticks fROZtN, PU.IN, &REAOEO, PAltMAGIAN VEAL STEAKS SCOTTlll TISSUE ";;.0 ' 29' 99c ' ' klNG SIZE (IMCl. 2$c: Off) BOLD DETIRGINT TOMATO LIBBY'S JUICE JUMBO 46 oz. CAN 29c DELICATESSEN FOOD GIANT BROOKMEAD CHEDDAR CHEESE OREGON MEDI UM AGED 79~ THE ~EAl MtCOY ((QIN(O lf!f J OZ. S9c) PASTRAMI 1~J OANISH IMPORT'D SllCfO 12 oz. ''(G. DANOLA HAM ·~,g' 49c 99c 65c GLDRIEnA HALF DR SLICED fREESTON E PEACHES, no.1Vi tan •.• 45< GLDRlmA HALF OR SLICED FREESTONE PE;CHES. no. 203""''. 33' GLORIEnA PEARS, no.1'i '" .... , ......... , .......... Slc GLORlffiA PEARS, no 303 can -. -. -. -......•.. -...... -.... 37c VIVA OECOll.l!EO TOWELS, 1-roll ol g ..... ----........... -He SHCILLING GROUND BLACK PEPPER, 4 oz. can . ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' . -' ' 4Sc BERNSTEIN FRE NCH SALAD ORESSING. IO·oz. bll. .... ,, -..... 39c NAB ISCO CREAM SANDWICH ORE OS. I lb. ,;~ .............. -.. SI c PACIFIC CRACKER TREATS, !-lb. pkg ., •. , ................ 4lc SUNSHl!E VAlllLLA WAFERS, 11~1. pig ... ,, •. ,, .••.•...... 4Ic • CHICKEJ-1, WHOLE lEGS OR THIGHS FRYER PARTS 571f RATH OR FARMER JQHN · COOKED HAMS ' c lb. i.'iiti"LiMi"ciioPS iiiii0'iiiliii:c0 HOPI WHOLt 011 HAlf SILVIR SALMON -' U.S.O.A. CHOICE GENUINE SPRING FRESH FROZEN fflESH f1llfTS LEG OF 89f. .. DOVIR SOLE ALAS I( AN 1 KING CRAB MIAT JUMBO fllOZf'N OPEN FACE PKG. BRIADED SHRIMP tRESH 1;151 CORN, PEAS, GltttN ~lANS VEGETABLES ~lllS8UflY ASSO•TEt> 59c Instant Breakfast"0 • 0 ' t •E SH 10$T -LIGHT MEAT CHUNK TUNA 4 NO. V, $1 CANS il';i"Margarine '"· 39c · PliC. ALUMlNUM FOIL ':~(c" 59' S~Nf(A GOLDE N 3 $I APPLESAUCE 'i;~~ DR. ROSS DOG FOOD • BEEF • LIVER • CH IC~EN •MEAT a TAl~I CANS lARGE BROWN STEAK TH!N SICl1'1 MAYONNAISI ' BEST FOODS cif:~TN 39c ond $2 .00 PURCHASE . OR MORE LIMl f ONE-ONE COUPON PEI CVSTOM!l Val;d Thu". thru Su~ .• Ap<i( 24-27 ROSARITA '. _ MEXICAN DINNERS .. •Beef or Chee1e Enchilada' 4 5 C • Combination • Mexicooi .... ENTREES ::~: 37' PKG. CHEESE, BEEF & BE.A.NS BIROS EYE ANITA'S VEGETABLES BURRITOS A.PAK 47c CORN a~ th• C08 37c WHOLE-33c 9 oz. 9.o z.'l"l(G. PKG. G~EtN lfAN$ tlANQUET fNTR!ES -... ll VARIETIES COOKIN' BAGS 4 •oz. $1 · P!CGS • ...._ -HOllOWAY H0USf -5AllSBURY ST(AI( uoz. ,. 9c CABBAGE ROLLS MEYER'S H01 BREAD SLICES LARRY'S WITH CHf[Sf OR CHIVES BAKED P01A10ES PKG. 15'11-0L.49c Pl(G. lOOZ. 37c ,ICG, • JUICY l,EMONS TOPS ON OoHy by TWA FRESH CARROTS BUTTERY ~IP! MUSHROOMS Flown in F•e'h 2 9 C Airlinei 1;1 .lb. FUERTE AVOCADOS KERN·s PLUM PRESLRVES, 10 OI. iM. ' .. ' -' .... ' .• '.' ... ' -41c KlRN'SAPPlE JEllY, 10 01. j!l ......... _ .............. 41c KERN'S GRAPE JELLY. 10 01. j!l ....... _ .. _ .............. He · KlRWS S!RAWBERRY PRESERVES. 10~1. j~. _ . _ ..... ___ .... 59c BERNS!EI N GRlEN GDDOLSS SALAD DRESSING, ID-01. bll ... _ ... 49c ROYA[ issro. PUDDING MIXES, 6 0/. lamily "" ll"CI. 1c ofl) 1for17c IVORY SNOW DE!ERGEN!, g•ant pig .. _ ......... , .....• _ .. 79c ORlf T DETERGENT (incl. IOo nil). gi"l pig.,, .. ,,,,., __ .• __ 69c lllRll L Llaum onrnr.rnr. 12 01. "" ...•.•• _ .... _ .. _ . _ . 59c CAMAY TOILEI SOAP, reg. hJro. ,, . _, .. _.,,,, .. _ .. ,,, 1lor11c CAMAY TOILET SOAP, ba~ hars ..•............... , ... 110t 33e Tll£Sl PJIC(S rrFfCTIYE THU•s. TUii SIN. .t.PRll 24. 25. 1'. 21, 1111 RU& SHAMPOOINI FDR QUICK, ECONOMICAL llSULTS ll:~t a G11~rene. t!rrtr•c 1111 t~.amoooer fot ca:y $2,SO, bJr !il~lll"rt"''; II~~ s~,INIOll w'lh ~lllfTf!>.11'.t e.cclusl'wi ir 1rt~1eit !~,! rt,fOt,; !~1! "'li ~t r•lt •n1M~ei1'', 1 l'li ~Ute~~ "lft ~ 11er P'11&UIOllll NI ti~ R!1l !ot Olli, $2 S<l .t Illy. l<ciu~1re 1~1rtd;,!!I ftUUTt•. ralotu 111p I ~· lt11;U11tu. Ouit c~orrtrm -rlt"'s " to trit 12'112' a rpet SJ,98 ~;as tn. ~-GtllM ~11 -tl!i!!S Ut !O tVIO 12'1}2 ,lt)!b. $3.91 pigs [JJ. 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wiison St., Barbor Shopping Center, C osua Mesa • -------------~-- Wolnt ... J, All'll 2J, 1969 DAI~ Y PILOT 47 ROUND' GROUND ' All~UT &~EAK , BEEF · WJ!~--rr.at:... =OR FRHH·LIAN · • s· "' iTAntfnoS.IRf DELICOUS • ' 7 ~1 BONELESS LI. 89c LB. IONELHS PORK STEAK FARMER JOHN u.sn•N GRAIN FID STA TY DO . SHOULDER CUT CERTIFIED IHF 'Satisfaction Guaranteed on all your purchases. 59!. 79!. ·' 8 U5DA atakt0t STATll lllOS. atTlfllD lllf 5 3 C lnDA OtOICI OI ST.t.Ta llOS. CllTlfB .. , 9 C ROUND BONE•oAIT .. Ls. SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ...... La. :-COMET CLEANllR USDA OtCMCIOI STA TR MOS. CMTlftlO IRF 7 9 C USO.t. CMOICI OI STATll lllOL ta I WWW llff 9 BC BEEF STEW •OlllLlll .............. " CUBE STEAK 5 ············· ...... LI. REG .SIZE 1 WITH.THIS ( USOA~OISTATRllOS.mn.elUP 49 LUYQUAµTY 1-Ll.,AOCAGf 59' BEEF SHORT RIBS ...... lB. C SUCED BACON .............. e··•· LI. COUPON OSCAI MATll 1-ll. lltl:G. lif YR'S PORK LI S ....................... . OUIO~"*-tuUt 39c La. 79c PORK SAUSAGE ..... ..,LI. . ~'f,i:,r~-.. -·-·..... IA, 17' t;ootf Onl,·ac SYAftl MOS. <;nn,f WP~k ri/ .... M-H. UMITONI COUPOM,.JlllSOH OK.AIMAlllSl.IQD 43( BOLOGNA soz. 63 OANOLA•,1s.01.'11:G.SLICfD 59c 12-0Z. c COOKED HAM. . PKG 5 9 WATERSOFTENER -... "~-·--·-· ·" sr C 5 C FURNITUREPOLISH ~"f,~.--11.o1 1 1.0I Pl K·LE OUR 48-0Z. SUREXDEODORANTSOAP .... "'~.4r ~ ' BEST JAR BRILLOSOOURING PADS --"'•~ "!!' . • ""'"""" SCOTIIESFACIALTISSUES,.., -..•.... >oo .21' • ,M ... Ml•IOAY YO//NNAISE.· ouAR!19c ~~L~k~~~~rt~1~~iiE:=:::l~ . ~ CALGON BOUQUET -·--------·-. ·~•If' QI.AO TRASH BAGS .• --~-:··-----•><""" 7t GLAD PLASTIC WRAP-HO FT.--·--·---·-·--ii' LIQUID TREND DETERGENT ~·'-----··,,~, Ill' DIY TR ENO DETER.GENT . ····---·-··--· """"" 43' ~ SCOTIPl.ACEMATS .... . .............. .,,~,.3t ~ i'osurrA-WITHllANS J4AR . s1 ~t::t:~:~a._,39c = C. H· 11.1 TALL MORTONHOUSESLDPPYJOE..:.~"-63'1:1 ' CON CARNE C"ANS·· MORTOll HOUSE•BEEFSTEW •• -"~II!-.... ••••••••. MORTOll HOUiE MEATBALL STEW ,.odl'-:. l -SISTllS --' 6 ., MORTOllHOUIECl:tlLIW/BEANS .. ,.a,.59' ~ CORN CREAM STYLE OR 303 . MORTONHOUSEBEEF&:Ml.riir;°'53' . WHOLE KERltEL ....• ,. CANS . ~~,. .. c'iFFEE STATER BROS.h~:·59c. iii.Ai·ivi'iL r:~o 6g:~s 5 11 HALFHILLCHUNKSTYLE . 4 •1-LIGHT TUNA ......... NC~~ ~ i"'imB0Y FOODREJ~~~R ....... 11,C ~ *Froze nf'oot! Valu<'s ! * ~AltlfA U10tnD MEXICAN DINNERS " 39' .,., ... ~ , 39' ~ .. 1 .. ~!«•r• 'Dt lllMft'llUS ---*-..1101 WSll,l'rflES * ---ll<lL ~ ., .. _ ,.. 59' i'iiQli1111riS ~_:_. 1ool.·3f V£AL.P4t•1011NA ""-n or '"'""(•.,..••un 39' I"> •n •• ""'"''" .. c; 5"' lllDltTE OflllONS ·-·-•ot IUTTE.RSTEAKI ----... o•• ::7-~•"""'•"~ 3"' " .... 2 5" lllut!YEIROCCDLI .• -10 0 1 'J" OIAHGEJUIC£ ···-·-··. t oz. .,- l"Ol.O.Jhn •• ' • ' C~~I _& ~E·ANS .... :.: .. :., .... 4 ~~ci:s1 ""'' or,.. .1ft • •• 1 • r,1!•1\1•"' • '"" --'~·-·· .,..,, S9' MOITONPKL -.•... _.4 •• ,.89' "11 .. tfl' .... ~ ··~f 2 91111c \l(.n\~'""'"' 3'" MOITDll'tlfllfllEH ,, 0 1 'J". MOITOfll DONUTS ._. ·°"° "° --· .. • ~ , 2· 49' .. .... 2 55' MlC:.&cff(ESI ......:._ 1 01. OIA NGEJUICE --·-----t oz O<'>DJit""°Gl f ... 99' IOU \Mq• 55' IACGEI STUICS ........,:______ OR Aft GE JIJI CE n 0 1 • mMm.ar ~MIMTlllf.AMll'I' RUPERT WHITING ····" . 49' .... . 39' IEtF ITIOM.OFF .. -· •ot IEEf & GRAVY .. ., .......... , .. _,._ t.o.i '""'""""' -·1 49' '"' .. 'l" ~I'll: KOLO ICIST AtlCICEN ····-• oi. U:EF STEW ·--·---·---·"°"" tM" •Ol&• .. I . "* «ltD•ltll Ol 37' SllLOll Tl;··----1 ot. lllJT CHICKEl I MOOOLE --""'"'"". 39' ,~ . ..,_...... 11' CIUM!DCHICICEI --1oz. LE ... DE ---•OI. ORANGES . LARGE FANCY SWEET NAVEL ·A.VOCADO LARGE FANCY RIPE FUERTE ~ UIBY1·1111T ORE EN B£AllS --·----..,II' ill'! UIBY'S GARD£N PEAS . ··------·--·-"' 17' -~ECH-NUT BABY JUICES m• .. ..:. __ . __ l·~• 21' I RINUllT 4 9c ~-·-.:_·;-~··· 1·0L I MORTON HOUSE POR'!JmVl' --"'~'II' lllUSBURYSTEAK =.1()11 • ..., ___ 11,.,«. 53' PflU QUILL TOPPING ... •. •~•IP COTTIGE CHEESE 8ti!Vfs~"' ----·--· l'ltm'31' ~~~~cc~~~~fii1~il£AM£1!-:-;~::~,~ ~ · GREEN BEANS ~:~.~····-·---tJ.~ i4' t.,\1 GREEN BEANS ~~0~~·····--··-·-~ 25' ~ GREEN BEANS g~'t'0'."'' ·-,. '"" 39' Oii THE PUICHASE OF KOTEX NAPKINS PACkAGI Of 2•'• lfGULAI OI SUHI GOLD CORN ~"'0"""""' 5 "' '1 0~ WHOlt lflN(l ·---.. CAN5 LEMON COOLERS ~~':'I'._'""' 49' ROYAL PUDDING :!'rt.~ ..,..-3 ,"". 31' . · Hl:C FRUIT DRINKS ""· ___ ;3 ~c 11 ' 'TA-,CRl,P.~RACJ<ERS .. _ ...... Ill 29' Kim KARELlmR . __ . ,, ..... 11.19 LIQUID DRANO:r.'"' ····-·-···-· ,..,,,.19' ' CRUT IOU..Oll """'"'Asn DIODOllANT .... Ol.:U., 73' ... 61' ~f~.:1.G. ~GI 1unn• 1xaa .. 1;,, ... 1on/va1STADlllOS. TAaUTI TA•UTI (;Qt1tl lf'r~k nf AP'llL 2C.l0. · PACllAGI Allllrl •AC'llAGI 8"" UMITONICOUf'ONl'llHHOH OJ 100 ...,..,-Ofto ... - WHITE KING 'D' SECRET DEO~~~!f.! ......... .:~; 79' HAIR SPRAY "SOii"' ...... -·-'.>-Oz. 1.49 .. ~'i.'r."~GI 79< SE~RET.DEODORANT ~~· ,,,, 19' ""'"~" DIAL SHAMPOO _ ...... -~ . ...,,,,59' """" .. " 50 69C ·RI N DETERGEN r .............. : ....... "I!~' . °'s"'""'" ... R 66c u F DITllGINT --····· ··-~I!~'. ANfMONY-fGG-flllUwaotOIJiOl 29 NOODLES _____ _'.~~"·.· .c wtllUOlllllTltCl•T --· .,...,.11c LUX TOlltTIOU•Olll•• ----J '"' Ut Ll'1tt0Tlll'KIOAP ---J1 .. Jh PfllSE Ill DEOOOtl•f IOU-lu,,,4h Dl1ft DITINEIT. o;u wi 1h OOlDWATlllU.POW"I ..... stn COLD WI TEI Ill LIOVID .. -· 1h lllDE Hl11111T -.ill1 WIMTAlllnoi....... -· ~~~;~':~l'~;ll. ~:: DllHWUMUlll. .....i;ittt OMUGl•MTUIUT-~ ... llllllttllllfTlllflT nWtct• AIPAIAGUI U.IGI J .rANCY MltlZIWltTNG.laMD ,,_.. tt111zswrn•nnr.ciu.n _ 10-.11, KEllZTOMATO'°" "° tt.., lh HllllZ HIM•Hn sum_ ,,_, .. HlJll llUUIHU 11.0IMllll~LS-n-.111 Kllllllmettr ... MI~ -1o(ll tl1 "-'ltlli OMTa,l f'lllllll "'"U Jlt ,...,. a. l'UllTllSPl#ltMKAllTS ___ 51, '"'~u Sll ANAHEIM 3•lOW. LINCOLN AVENUt 2584 WEST IAOADWAY GAIDEN GIOVE 198 CHAl"MAN AVENUF =~ ...... 29" COSTA MESA 2180 NEWPORr BOUlEVAl'ID 107 WEST 19T~ STMEET 11 i l BAKER S'TREET HUNTINGTON IE,,_CH '18 fi2 EDtNGEFt AVE SANTAANA 2e3o EDINGER AVENUE 2603 WEST 171 ~ STRE!T WISTMlllSTll 9522 WESTMINSTEfll ILVD. WHITTJlll-1'212 MINES AV!. ---------'--__.____ -------------------------_____.. __ - -- ----~----- I I I # DAILY PILOT ·-· . . ... - ' •• • -... Super Shoppers know El Rancho consistently gives the most value for every food dqllar you spend •• Check this ad •• then shop El Rancho and see why! • lVith. chicken, )'ou'U love Wente'a G·re11 RUaling Wine •••• $1.79 5th Super values on fryer pa,rts •• from king sized California fryers! legs and Thighs .................... 4 9~ Rich juicy dark meat •.. from chunky California fryers ••• for a taate treat the family will appreciate! Fryer Breasts ...................... _ .. 59~ Sv.•eet tender white meat ••. broad breuted California fryera! Now ••• everyone gets his favorite piece! Fryer Wings .................... 29~ Chicken Livers .: ............ 59~ So much goodness on these! Freeze some I Gourmet treat at a budget price! Freeze some I More Super Values! S&W Fine Foods' v~1Es:~ Applesauce ............ ~.~ ........ .. C Styl C ·60:.0E!l-llO. 303 ream e ~m ................... . Whole Kernel Com .. ~: .. ~ M d' p llO. 303 CANS e 1um eas ........................... . Diced Tomatoes ...... ~~.~.~~ .. .. Fleischmann' s Margarine 3 tor $1. All the flavor you could 'vish for ••• as a spread, for cookinr or baking! ••• 1 pound packages. Purex Bleach ...... ~~ .s~~ ........... 4 9' For whit.er 'vhi~ ... and you save 14.c on this bir economy size at El Rancho this weekt Heinz Ketchup .......................... 19¢ Salisbury Steak ........................ 69¢ Slow and rich I Save 6c ••• 14 ounce bottle! Hollo\\'ay House ... frozen •• just heat and serve! Springfield Butter .................. 79~ \Vhen you want dairy quality ••. at a sil\'ings! Meyer's Hot Slices .................. 49¢ Frozen bread slices , .. serve hot from oven! 16 oz Mashed Potatoes ... .. ........... ... 39• Cinnamon Loaf ......................... 49¢ Ore Ida IMtant ... 13 01. pka:. -.. , .• 20c! Meyer's ... beat and serve .•• for breakfutl 16 01 Deluxe Mushrooms ............. 4 • '1 Sliced or whole •.. 2% oz. call! -save 16cl Fruit Turnovers ........................ 49¢ Peppe.ridge Farms ••. trOzen for convenienceJ T111a I Noodles ........................ 49¢ Stouffer'• 12 oz. casserole ••• you 1&\1e 20c! • Vienna Fingers .......................... 43¢ Favorite cookies from SuMhine ! Reg. 49c facial nssue ..................... 3 iw 6r Friskies Cat Food ................. 8 • '1 l!mtti ..... 200 ct. pkp. -whlte or colon! Fiah, liver, chJcken navon J ... 15 oz. C&M Softweve ...... v .................... 3 • 69¢ Brillo Pads .......................... 2 • 39¢ 'l'.a.t W.ue from Soott! ••. 2 roll pacbpa. Scour power ••• in paclulge.s of 101 Soft Place Mats .............. 3 ,..,. '1 So decoralivt • . ao practie&l I ••• pac:bfu ol 24 Maxwell House Coffee ........... 67~ Two pound Ull •• 1.311 Tbre< pound can •• 1.9j !HALVES of KING SIZED FRESH CALIFORNIA° FRYERS) Fire up the coals .•• and enjoy California living! Plan a barbecue or a patio party ••. a picnic at the mountains ••• or the beach ••• and plan on chicken to make the day complete! Plump California fryers--3 to 3'h pounds each ... small-boned and meaty • , • tender and tasty ... and exquisitely fresh! Ser\·e El Rancho's split broilers this weekend ••• and really enjoy California living! Fresh Sea Bass ...................... 7 9~ Rushed to us ... straight from chilly Pacific \Vaters .•• see the difference freshness affords you! Ground Round .......... : 79~ Sliced Bacon ................... 69~ Always Jean and fresh! El Rancho's . , . a little thicker ••• and Jean.er! ;~;:~ It!@~,!·:·:;.:;:·.:;;::::.:~· .. $1 09 ,. ••• i·olled and tied for convenience. Here's a roast you'll be so proud to serve! More Super Values! Avoc1dos . ~~~~~ .......... 4(1;1/. Compare the quality ••. then compare value ! Red Rad ishes or Green -Onions ......... ·~~.~ ....... 5c Add color, •. and zesty fla\·or, .. to the table! Generous bunches! Romaine Lettuce Pink Grapefruit Tender leaves ••. dew-y fresh •• , for 1 OC Fro~ '.fexas or~hards · · · ripe 10 for $1 salads to delight the eye and the palate !..o a1.1d JUICY ••• with the flavorful difference you love! More Super Values! Salad Dressing ....... RE~ 39c ...... 31or $1 Harvey's Scotch ........ QUAKT ....... '5.77 Van de Kamp's! Blue Cheese 39c Roquefort 49c Save 1.21 -case of 12 .• 62.32 .. from Scotland I Cooked Ham ..... ' ....................... 59¢ Blended Whiskey ....... FIFTH ....... 5199 Lean slices from Bridgeford .• , 414 oz. package El Rancho's ol\'ll .•. 86 proof •. quart 4.99 . Leo's Sliced Meats .............. 3 "''1 El Rancho'5 Vodka ...... flFTH ...... '169 \Vafer thin ••. choice of regular 39c varieties! Blend.! so smooUtly •• 80 proof! .. quart 4.59 ~\111/l~ •~ I Price! in effect Thur. ihrouqlr. Sun. ~ April t~. ts, t6, tr. No ..iu to dealer.. ~"/Qfill'•i! Aak the manager-about our convenient Charge Account Service ll I HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 255 5 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena \ T DAl\V I'll.OT 0 1 u:GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE !~-:::=LEG-:::=ALC:::N=OT!:-::C~E::-~J~~=u:G::::AL N<Y1'ICll: NOT! TO CONTRACTORS ,. •• G •m·phw/p .M-J.w/p :12<"'""/p · --•w••1• COU•• °' ,... 1AA-1• CE 1 ... '"" unman .... .,... ._.,.. ...... . ,..... ~a •T•n w ~t.t. ,.. MOTJCI TO c••IM1WMi • Sant.a Ana, California 4.US Ncmleman and cn.,._.Jt:·:f tu1t•na .,. .. ,., nta dWTY • ...,... ~ ... ~.!!....., Ta ~ Date April is. Jtet rodmu 24.litephw/p 15epbw/p Dcpbw/p ,icn.,...,...J'tUl...... cnT1,1<At• °' •11t111m, JWrte•,.~~-., -W•-..i:v ... ~ n.~· ot 1 resolution ol the Boa.rd of Supervison 4.68 H~vy du11 ftpilr· .. ~' ~ .:r::i:.' .::a--:'_:;:: ™' ~HM.I.! ~~ ""' .,. !'!!.!!!~ ':.J':t...., c -. ...., the Count Flood Control DiRrSd adopted April 15, man's helper 30cpbw/p JOOllirlp(2) eDcpbw~ ....., .. ...._ tt ,... w. ua1tn ~in. • 11u1i-., 1*1 c= Ml.•i--~:.I-1.!!!it .t....f..~11 '~n1111 Ml.l!llTJo r.... " .. JIU ~ 'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 4.21 Layer ol noa-:: =-..::...:~~ = ::'·"" ...... ~~~':!!. ., A TO I ...... • C\l,~llO c. ~ ~ ••• .,. CMYIN .. ,,_ thl Clerk~ f!Od. ~ wbi\~ve iD Jlo<m $01 iJl the County metallic pipe lnclud~ ,...,._, ~ ft 9flll MN fl'l'M .. IL.IECT~ Mf~ lfld """ ".J: ::r~·i 11 NllllV el'Yl."..J~ IJlllt II :,&:. :, -:::.. -= Adminll-=Ins, sts HGnh s,camore Strett, Santa Ana sewer pipe, ckfto pipe .. :":'.!. !: :=t0l:"'iJ:':,.... .,_ '"""'~ EtMI.:: !#.-1= ::-..: • ............... --.. .,. "-*'.,. • " .. •·• · ~ ol "IO"P ol 1.-1L • 1-staled and underlf'OUDCI • , t ( '91....., to-#11: • .., ~ , 11 ...,_.. .... fll .......,, ....,.,,,. M :'moro~pr°':,.:i. fo~ 1hl ·~;, &anti;, Creek tile • • 141,icphwlp 25cphw/p 3Zcpb~/p .:~::,\' tt!l':::r!"c::U: "-·~ ~'::r;.!1.: ~:. .... ~ t1r11e.: fli -:.:l :-,.":'_.: ~ '= t'hannel from Seoti Ana Riftl' ColfluenCe to Brlltol ltreeL 4.11 Maktr ud u.11)).tr • · '~ • ! . " .._ SNdl. c.;::tl "'°' ' miliei ~\tu ,.._., ~ 91!. ~ • ,._ "' ::_,i'W .,. .. ~~ ,:. ;:,,: Bids must M made on tbl form #oYldtd for the llW'J)Ole, I '.of all ndlHDlllllc • • •,; ~~= _.. •11 ._ • :Jrn U"i ca ~ '• '~ -:,.~i: .... ~ MDIII ~ ••Dus. 1u T..-• cwr:. addressed to~ ~k °'the Botid"" ·"' SuP'fV\ln, OfW'e .... Eud .:i:.~'P ISoJ>b•'P -~' . """'l:°"c.J:'i::.".:::· :'"'"' ·•a~·"· ;:i~i..:=~-" .. ::.."!:" .. "'=' d".:::= .--:; CounQr fk>od ~ .Dlatrlct, m,lrUd_ "Bkl for Beconstndion 1 ~ ....:..... 1 ' .-i ! ~ COUNTY 01" LOI AMGeL.1:1 ,(. llAft C lilit ,) ' ~ -,....111i. .,,.,, v -:":=:' tf Ill.::: ~ ~~ ofSlnUagoCr""OJUnel''.·, ,·, · • "'"!'~;;J . , •., ~ .. OHT::r=--::.::.~.;".o .. wa ~~o •. ,.;~>~-.~ ~ ·:;...~.~--~N,' '"*"li!!.n.,.J.-.,.,.,111111~.,tftifi Brll~ ~all _~_'".:!or ~al!..:.~~ .. u!~'u:;f r._m...,,."1;...-. · ~· ,• w.,:.,~tt!:.:' .. ~~~ ~ .. =:.:=;:,..-:;::".:S """'~ .. ~ ••• ••M1R, ~#!¥dl~Ht mate as ma~ WJ ..---~ .. ,..... atmlla IDCbantcat • " ,• _. 1-.i MrMM1tr .... ,.,." Mt!Miiltiiwn•·-,.~:t't::"~ Mere-t~ for for the following work: , , 1 •·<'not ...... 1 .. 1.. , '\ ~'-"'; w .. tml'tl' ti.-t1t'"' •"!flt..,_ ...,_ ,._ -.~ ,...=..,... "'"' ~~~· ... ~":.c!.."'rit'- SCHEDULE o~ WOBJC. l'tr.Ms oo.--t--• ~ ~-~"" "'-~ .. NI'""" tut1ect1• =-,:.~ ,.,.. ... """"'*" • •" •........, 11~ou1; •• Item t 1 Exca,vatlon {II ei:iwaw1 jntection material oo 4 395 ~~U~~.1 ~cphwlp , ISC:ptl!/p , lkphyt/p : ... tt.; .:'!'" "'':''~wi:'~,,.Kk_: f llfKIAL ~r-1 '"" -.. ,;i, ~ fl~;~~' 0:1'"' "1~ :=-~~,.::-'· a lump tu"1 basia, . ""''f' '""r""-r-'v """'-/ IM' WITNll!:tl WHl!tll!:OI', I Ill• ... ~ ..... M. °""'" . ;r T .. 1 ll'Mt .... Item 2 IS 585 Cubic yards of imported compacted rw on a per man M1Aicphwl) 25cph•/p 31e._. .... p u/lft"' '"' ... ,...•NI •lflltW ""'offld•I Hollot'f ~U!ornle ~AL NOTICE .. -'"-"' ............. tfl'fR ' 'le ard b •• 1. 4 91 Truck GttaJtr M.i "'-c1.., 11'111 l'Mr Ill flll1 ce111t1u1e Prlftci1111I Dfflal !ft ~ ~"*' Dr._ ee.11 0.11, Prw. CU11 Y -...n, ' • !frsl •be¥9 wrltlell.. OrlNt COlll'llY 0: PolllA ,_. i. t, 1" 12, lMf ...., 'lbe foregoing quantities Are approximate only, being g1v~ and ttreman ~pbw/p fOcphw/p 30cpbwlp ~OPlllJ~:.~~I ...,,_ :'rr c:?"'~*'. ~~ _ CU~ r ~M as a basil for tbcr ccmpuilm of. bids, and lbe Orange .Cou_.oty •. 71 ru.: ~ "!liver) 45cpbw/n ~ti'l.P. 30cpliW/f.: I /.+-,. tql'tf'I' ~Uforftll J ~.;:.~ rt' .... ,.-•'°ff ,.. Tiie .,,.,..,,:!."__._ _,.., • -LEGAL NOTICE Flood Control District does not, erptealy or by implicatlflll. ,..,, • a tnd ,.,,::' " , c; .~ • • .. "'· ~: •M:~";., ~ 1 • 1 v.... ,....,! ~,: :J.•J:-fldl':.o.... ~ ,_., .._,, agree that the ICtull amount ol work will correspond therewith. "czi:t 4000 11 ) 4Scph / tOcphw/p """"'hw!D M-, Comrn1111e11 E~'''"" c•w• .,_, .,. .. • .. · "' IPl!'l!'DY ,.LVMllNO sl!'RvK11 ...., .cnT•PtCATI OP •utiMlll but reserve& the ri&ht to increue or decflllt \he amouo1 of aoy 0 ga ons R w P ...... r ~ ~--:--~., 1c:tt o.il\I ,., • ~~-~ .... :o.u1 tt1101. ::rloWl:,w ._=._ 1:,._~ ~ ~ ne -.':s'r~': ::=..,. 11 .,.. class or portion el Ult work, as may bt ~ neceslll'J' or .., 97 FUNBIULLIIDI LAB024 "~w/p --phw/p ....... i..w/p "-'111'-n. •.,.,,,,.., 1, 1"' = ',t.lri• 14 u. •ind Ml.,. 1" 1Ht "m-4• w •*•., '1lllcMMe" • 16new•· dud1,.. • 111111_ "2111. 1111 .. "' N, expedient by the 111' District .... agman n .. .,.. -.: .-;..... Dtrilel J. Metwtt. 11n KltitmtY '"'' Mtta, etMtcrrlllt. w..-'"" tic-- All bids are to lit compafeci <ll the bltil of the foreeolna 3.17 Labore.r 241,icpbw/p Z5cpbw/p 32cphw/p LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE k.':. 't:~ ~Ht.'''"'"''"· ~":mt1.~T1':.o :,. ... :,. ,,:.R~~J __ .. _~.1 of t 1•--• 3 . .Sl Watchman , 14 1Acphw/p 2Scphw/p 32cphw/p • o...ii.1 J. ~.,.., 11"" " ~., .. "''°"'"' ... ,_ ~~-wor ~:.... 1 .. ;. ..,,. .. •··n ....,,,1,r Welders · Samo wage rate as craft to which we:lding is •· mea ,.-sTATll Cl' CAL,FOIUOA ) wt1o1e -111 ""'' ,,.. 111"' tf l•Ul.lUllum wage ,._ or w .... pro~~ 1'* ~ ... ~.. . . . ~ 1-·-"·ed) U•·UU ......... , COUNTY 01' OtANOll!: ) " '•ldMln t• "f9119ws: 'ned by the Boa.rd of Su-rvl•A-•oul ... ttt forth ln this lncldental (except as °'herwise ~ !IY c ~J CllTll'lc.A.Tll 01' CDll .. OltATION •All·UUo•~ltATION °" """'' I, 1..,, ........ -· • """" loll fl"""' lt1n Steri ... OP,. ml . r-·~· Wfl'W (J) traVe) f.ime is considered &! tJ.me J'ked DOINO IUSINltl UMOlt caaT1.-1CATI! Oii C liOlt _,,.~c I" •I'll fol' u1d Slil'I', ..,_llY CO.It M ... , CillfWftll. notice. ~ . ~ . ' . ul' I ,ICTITlOVS M,t..MI DOINO IUSIMISI " ......... l>tftlll J, Metwtf ·-... D•ted "''"' , .. ""· ~~ used in .-..11.11.f.it • ...,. =ned "~' {2). includes lOc pbw/p for hol1da,,-. TH!: UNDEltSIONED COltl"OltATll)ff l'ICTITIDUS N.fJlli• ..,. " ... fhl --wtiou llllM loll ROMn l e • • 1-~" I~ Jn ... ' ( Trlvtl Ind SUbaistenei payments to ea'ch workman needed dotl l'ltrl~ Cl'111V lhlf It II conchic:!!nt I THE UNDERltGHED ~o:=rlOH 11 11Mc11-.. to Ille wltlllft llllll'llfl'ltlll ll•te .. C1llfrwnf•, Of'•"fe eo.rt"~ rales n 11.S1 -,.-)'IDtll ua-i.&x: k •• 1 •-de ·• tr 1 d "'.1... r1111H lll!"f-'11"""'-bullMll 11 1ot1 N. -.. 11tr11w ctrttl'I' 11111 11 • "' • •NI KllMMlldtfCI 11e uecultd 111t .,,,,., °" ..,.,11 u. 00, w--· • ""'-"' "*Rd co1'm\DI are id . • • to aecuie the wor Sua I uc ma II su .... , aW: ID su~,. s111e c111et1 aoui...1ri1, A,,'"' 1 rn , re1111 111rv-c111"1flfl 1>ut1M111 it 1~11~c1rc-tOl'PtelAL 1EALl ,.uMtc 1n •nd ,., .,._ 111,., "._.1.., '"""' . • ence· "'"vments are defined in •-*_,,_"-~le QJUective bar,ain· c1111otftl1, 1Md9• 1ne r1c11uo111 11,,,, ftlfl'll ,_, ul9'>W•r. s.11 ~-"•· ,,_,., E, 0tv1i _,... loll "°"'' lMwft .. IN 1e e. ~MW JMW'' . r:-'-1""' • "'"' '"'ftih~" of Ot•Md.t Sci111r1 OM How Mll'flnf1l111 und" Ille flctlllolr• tlrrn DI Mtl Not1rr-Pllb11«:111,.m11 1ri. ""°" .,.,,,.. NllM ti 111McrllNlll • .ft'itW./n. ..-or naicl 1'.'.\,;agreements flied In accordanCe ' Section 1713.1 o tht 1N1 t111111M 111me of 111c1 corPO••llon •NI 1111:11 One Hour M1rtlftl•ll'fli'iwllf ,,._. 111e ,.,r11e1.,.1 Dfft«'lll tilt wltllln lnltrutnMt w •~Mwl9dMd ' ~ .. ,... ...., , ....-1 ft r Code · • Its pr1nclP1I Pl.C• of bu11"eu 11 •• 1141me ot uld COl'pOl"llloll IN, !ti 11rlntlfllll .,.. n,,~ ,°"'"IY ,_. 11r1eutM IM -· Punullit to the of Section 1770 or 'the Labor !JG • • ' A". ' follows: •llu of bu1lnm .. t1 lellowtl My Cttill'fllHIM !•Im tOl'l'ICIAI. tfALI of n • .-~;.1_ j n .... Board J SU 1lo has AtienUon IS directed to tbe provisiens of .Labor Code Sec· MOMAtT CORPOtATION, ,,,, -MoMA•T co1tPOllAT'4)t', ,,~, ~-11.1m Mt'Y K. Heftl"t' Code .,,._ .-.. .. "' ,"l"'I .'11-perv rs lion 1777 5 conce"ning ernplnvment ·of apprentkea W1&kllH Drl.,., Htw-1 ee1c11. COUflf'I w111c11tt Orm, N_.t tffcll, cowz1-, Mlle'lld 0r1n1t c..r 0111\1 , ,.llot1 ,..,., P11&11c. c1111..,ft11 ascertained the gel)IN ;rt liii rate of wages and employer · • tr ~~. -·"'-tr t i . t d or a:,~''~ "' C•R•n11 "' Dr••· c.1Morft11. AMII t. '· '" '"' 1• . ,,.., Pnnel11tl Dfflc• tft payments for bea!Ulol_lllMI , vacation, pension and similar menltinr:uylr!p'p~~~U=g~ ~;:!!:! t!ca:i,e:p~~1~ipl~a:J'; 1c~\ .. , ~1,l.i'" '"'· cc~'R~ :~l11" '"' TIOM • IZGAL NOTICE :,~~~ ra.ir• purposes to be &f f itwl! . J f al d MOMAtT COt..c>tATION MOMAltT COltPOltA ....,, '4 1'72> 1 Rate , E 1 Piymentl For joint apprenUceship committee for a certif cate o approv an 11:-1 M. wtui.rm au. .. 1 M, w11u11111 NJID ~· °'•"" c..t 0111\1 ,.1191, B•• CH ·.a-mp oyer ... _ p la fWng the ratio of apprentices to journeymen used on the ~'"""!.~,.,. WUllllM f.~~M Wlllllml ,.. Cl1tT1.-1CATI OP CCHll'OWATIOM PO!t .... II u. A. »•!'Ill IM'f 1. .... n ... Per oar ... H and w vai:a-Ulw• contract '. ... • ;-..-,IT . TltA•IACTIOM -IUllMttt S '. Conlractor ~y be ""'uired to mtke cootributions to appren-STA.'rl Oii'. 1.IF..OliHIA l nATll OF CALIFORNIA ,. I ~ u~,:::.'1~J~:"'co=...T10N LEGAL NOO'ICE "33 """"wlp ........ ,p """'wl p •¥, COUNTY ORAHO• I ... COUNTY OF OlllAHGE I II t OMt,..,...., c.rltfY .. , rt ,, ~fll·l------------P · ._ ... , _..,,.. ;q;b,,t tice.ship pl'Oll'amJ, On flli. '"" :: flf' Allrll, !Mt Mlort Oji fllll Ulll lll1r ol Attl~Nt befDl'9 • ........ llUMll .t ,_, AIMllWlll P.att:ll 5.13 . . ~/p 3Scpbw/p . P Cootr1ct'or IOd subcontractors shall also comply with See· ~· •1nc1~.'",,, ~1\:' 51.:,..'::; ~ '.:t'7i.".t'1k s!~•l'r 11l.c:";. s1 .. S..IM o. MwrtlNfell a..cfl. ttllforil0 , 1!' c•tTfPtCAT• ., •U11M11s 5 i6 r.-..t. ( ' . m. Jn ... I t al ti •. I M. 1w111i.m. •N iMty J ' nd M J6M lll'ldtr,... fktlt*-flml -"A. . .... lllCTITIOUI .... ' ==--~:l _ ... ' hoo I • UR:' emp oymen •ppren ces. w'::' ti ·-'II .. tlle """i:;.: ·-· M. WJlllllM ....• : ~...,, IHTElllf'IATl~'iL Ind llllt .. w flmi TIM --~'-'*' do t..tlfY """' .,.. .,..,.._,.. -11 .. 1."1 .. ~ For information relative to apprenticeship standards, con· -i ';'.!, .. ':: • "" '°'-"loll tt1n1 =111~~: ":. "° Olf1!tftt1on ,,..1 :.::---~,IN:'.""!:"="';; C'alM;tl'* • bull11H1 '' U•T I'. '"" 11 .. tamotnl ..... ~16 M tact Dltector of l~trial Relatloris, San Francisco. CalilomiA, ••tNtecl Ille •• ll'tllnllNftt .. ..wi Ill.med tM wllllln lrrsf""'"""' Oii btMll •1 ,....::: II • r ~= ~ =~ ~ 111.~e~'; macblne :ltot 30cpbw~. ~lj,1~ -bwl p or Dlvlsioo oC Apprenticablp stanclard.1 branch offices of "" mrJ«••IOll "'-ffift .. 11"'*'· .•rw:t of "" ~t!IOll ~,..,. Mmecr. 11111 A.t,l!'.A. 'A• e ~,., 111 ........ ~t\Yt STAMl"S arJ 91\tt .. 111 """ i. _.. 5 03 DriY~ ,• ... .,,)I: _ _ • _ ~ ; • ldr.nowltdDN 10 IN ""' _, <O!Mr•flMI Mll• .. •• ft ,,.. tl'lll IUClt (Dl'POr1lloti ""*"''"' "-l•tftl. Uftl' AINMlilft f11 w, ..,_.,.,. .......... wt.w llfTMI lit · 11 ""° -~ --, 1' APPRENTICE SCHEDULE •itlCU+elll "" Mme. .-Itel tl'll wnw. · 11 .• ktlte o, Huntll'llllllll •e1ch,.<;flll. 1u11 w •llu fll teti*"« ,,.. iu l<tllows: (tty • ,... "~ ,_ • . o rtoif' • ..__.Rate WITNl!'U lllY II•""'"' seel. WITHEU ll'IY "*""Ind -I. WITNl!'SI -lb 1'111111 '11111 25111 ~ Ill .. 1111111 V. A..,_. 11111 1'1'111111 J. zs Jve ~;a ,, . ~wlp .... e --!OFFICIAL $~LI lOll'l'ICIAll ll!'AL> Mllrdl. '"'· w ..... ,.,. °"""' ~ Cell• #at, llrlY# ti __,_,, ~ .; , 7!-I The apprenUce ratenl~·by_~~~ed~r tthedjoumeyman's :~~~ ~~=llftrftl• ::~~.~:C~..,~11 Cll'-'~al'1tCY'jtl!.ft1ntTA.TMI . g='~11 u. "" , s.49 r l., 'I. / rate u , eu uwcnt'L>C in 1ca e or1t111 c-"' °'.,..·c"°""' , ll(T•lllPRlll'& .u1oclA'rl1. tNC. ,.1111111 J •• ~ <•,~ • '"•' '\·.i,"'' /.· Craft ... lnterVil 111 Ind Int 4th 5tb 6lb 7th Ith Mr CllNfll9llOll E.1111lr" M~ C01M1lt1kw'I l••INI ' ....... Wlllll,.., .. ,.., 1"111111 v • .t.IPIMlf Wt..-IJ. .,. Car g at'-75 ~ •1 84 87 90 93 96 Dtcit~ " 1'71 o.c.n.111r" ,,,1 , nATa.. ,,. CALIFORNIA l STA.fl Olf c.•.&.Jl'ORNIA 1 .... ii ·'I,. -• .. ,... • ~ / penters mo U3 10 ° JOHN c. IAL¥a11 •. ""'. JOHN c. U.LV-.:lt, Attr. C9"PffJ•.Of. QI.ANGE ) .. C.OUNTV DI" OltANGI l . ol"""!~ ... '-hw/p • ·,.?,· . ·=· tp Cement Masons 6 months 75 79 83 87 91 95 *, 1 Wl9ttltl °"•" 2MJ Wntdlfl am. ·o.i !fl" iMfll c11v of IMl'th. A.D. ·°" "'""l u. '"'· ....,_. mt,• Not•,., .,. -.-.y •· 0 .1-1 in IWHl'T "-fl. I.,.,.. N-' SMcll. C1lfltRl1 f,.., ...,, "II JKtNtilfll J, 0.0... Plltllk: In •NI 1er llld lll"N!, ,.,.IOlllll'I S 15 Equlpm..l... G. reuer .~. wl_p 30cpbw p I Ip ncuuorc g .. ubUthtcl o ....... C011I D1!1y PU11 Publflllld °''"" C..11 0111\1 Pllfl I"""'"' f'ullllc "'1ild'fol' ..... Ctuf!IY ......... l"Nllt v.'Ale•lllllfP ..... Plllllit · ""'~ , ............ / Ironworker 6 months 77 83 89 95 A.Pr II "· n, "1N1 """' 1, '"' T.JHt ...,.,,, 1" 23. JO 11\d M•v 1, '"' n11# Mii •11, l'WldlN 111tre1r1. *" -, wll" ~ ,. "" " bf IM ,.,_ 5 03 Drivers of Trans't-. . St _, ~1-11111 ~ ,.,._.ltr .,....,.,. ,-· -,.,. ~ ,. . \ ructu1111 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE · .:.:.:r'MIMMll· l!tll'Wll. tt ~ te ~'"'~ma,,:• !u~...M 111nw1':~ Ml:r Ttucb (3 cubic 30c h / Ironworker 6 months 77 81 85 89 93 97 1c11nt of t11t ·--•"°" ""1 = 1tte·wmt. ~!~ 0!rec~~) ~~i:~~~I) =~:~f) ~~(~) Tbe rate of compenait1on for any clusificatloo not listed N 0 T I C E O F 5 A L E O F !:~~.:r~ ~'~~~,: < "'1'~';.,S~';J..,.Y :·: Gr•rlechec.. ktr 30cphw/p 30Cphw/p(2) 60cphw/p in the schedufe, but which may be required to execute the pro-R c AL p R 0 p E RT y ~-c":ld 111t .. '°m'!" t1111 aucll (Ol'POr•tlOl'I Not•,., '"~~Hlerftl• · -r posed contract, shall be commensurate and in accord with the .., 1" WllMll wtiirlOf. 1 "'"' 1i. ........ 1o ~in;::~~ ft 5.46 ~y 30cphw/p l0cphw/p(2) 60cphw/p rates specified for similar or comparable·dlKles. Tl'll en,"' H1,111tlnft<0to ... di 11 0111r11"111'"-1ttMwln1 "l'OPtrt!111 for u11: :::,, ~ ::.;ci1,:r111.,.1~rt::W11111rn~,,:iic-~~ "'" c11n1111.,1on E•llll'ff '-'· 1 Pnivlded that ·not less than l~ thnes the prevaillrtJ rate Miiii-nn1 ,.,... wr1111n. -,.u~n1=:· ~;.:,: c .. ,1 Dtflll ,.1111, 5.66 Mawr patro shalt be paid for any working time in e:rce51 of a hours many 111111 •-11,.1 "111""fUtNtt Ace"'•"' "reMlll to1",1c~~~ei;1J o.-A!lrrt '" n. ll •NI Mt.,.1,""" nwt ?a:~:nt breaker 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(%} 60cphw/p odane calend~r day aynd l~r Sa01turdaMys, ~1da0ys anFd ' .. tega11Jbolli· 1 • ~~" .. ~« ~::1.,. ::;.• ttno st "~':. .~-~:C~~~·~fWftt• LEGAL NOTICE 5·46 """"'hw/p 60cphw/p ya:, to wit: New ears ay, emona ay, OU1u1 o u Y, i n.11f.01 w.111 . .I' -... 10111 $I Ill.JOO 11 O.•-co11111v operator 30cphiv/p """'Y Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and C'briatmu. , n..u1·10 . :zs•x1u3· 301 19111 s1 1 .,.. "' ~! Cornm!Wen E•ll'ln• p.n141 5.46 Piledt'lverman, bridge For less than 8 hours per day, the per diem raie shall be that ~ ., .. ,.1 .... ~ .. 50'•1 11.l' 11M1t 1ttll SI It.• 111.J ,llflll ~ell.:;.;: ..... , .. 1 r Qr dock c.rpenter 36cphw/p ZScphw/p 4Scphw/p fraction of the foregoing ..... r diem rates that the number of s 2J.1•1• 11·•111.1• 111 '"" s1 , 1.oot 11 :::!lf~!': .. ~:...: • c1aT1111CAT• 011 011cONT1MUAMCll!: S 16 Po-· --te cur -01' UQ AMOIO• 'iMNMtlMINT . .. ....... vo....... . hoora worked bear to 8 tours: ' 1J·l,Al·U I W•\11.J' IOMll ltt!I Sr I,. ltJ Pvlll! ..... 0.-.nlt CO.SI 01ltr Pllol. ~ Ptc'TITIOUI MloM• ing machine operator 30cphw/p 30cphwlp{2) 60cphw/p Provided that nonrtthatalldinl· the-' gerieril pri-Allofti con· 1 1J.1Gs11 U'R111.5• m 1tt11 st 1 s.oM •1 ....,.1 a. t, '" n. "'' '"~ THIE uNol!'1tt1GHl!'D c11 ....,., ""*"' 5.16 Power concrete " talned herein, Flagmen, Guards and Watchmen shall be paid ! n.iut, •·•111·5' "'"" 1•1~ si 1 t.ooo •2.0 LEGAL NOTICE =~~.,~ .... ~=-·""-":tti'!:: saw operator 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(!) 60cphw/p n~ less than 11.1. times the prevailing rate for overtime (over· ,, ,J.iu.ro 51>'•1113' •1J.1u 11"' 51 1 t.ooo •1 """ N11111 111 lt!llUi COMIAN¥ 111 "'' Reinforcing u• ·~ .,, 2J.l•-<W ID0'•111.J' 50t.j\J 151h 5! Sl1,500 ltl Sou1t1 Mlnc1'1111i.t A-. AMMlm. 8.10 2Scphw(l) time shall be time worked in excess of a hours per day or 40 1r ~111~ • 25 .• 111.5• 4211,"' 51 5,_ 1, :~:~:'::c~~y:;._:r.~: p. c..111orn11, wtildl "111~~ tor,,,...., ironworker 301hcphw(l) 11\,.nbwlp(Z) :phph;)pl) hours per week), and \he: straight prevailing rate for time n zj:1...,. -· w.111.r 111.J1t u11i s1 :,.;. •• n11 cou"TY Of' ou11•a ::' :it't. .. ~l::"r...:.O .W:: 5.27 Rotler operitor 30cphw/p """"'t" worked on Saturdays, ~ a.o;d holidays where such time 11 2J.1»0t .xi·.1u.i-Jllf-111 urtt s1 111.• •• • · .. ...Tc':·~~. 0, · / .. folloWI, w.ttt _ • . • S.i6 Rubber·t~. ravy does not coostitute OVe .. 1-e, , 14 ZJ.l .. IJ .W•1J' »I.Jal 11111 It I IMI lilt PHIOMAL l"flOPltTY AT W. C. WIN'l'lll, 1)02 I. Ml"lv#tr• d tu h"rll. ·~ .. Rl¥.lrTI tALI MonfOYI•, C,-u.,,., I&>• ~ Bldders' attention la i:4Ued to the above mentlooed Statute 1S 2:1-!"'°4 st'•ll1.I' lt).IJS l7111 SI • ·-,.,,, I! • It • ., KIEVtN It t c HT I• F. It. M LLllt, I02 Mlunl Dllwe earlhmo achine30cph / 30cphw/p(Z) 60cphwl p which will require them, -u .&warded the contract, to pay not :~ ~=~~,. ,:;:::;:: ~~ :!': :,' t11.110 :! ... J.O ',00.rD,101ttR,u~1,"u G'":• 1t:v1~ev~H °':'E.'w:J; ~1l'~,.111'" °'1"', operator w P less than said generil per d1em rate of wages set forth , to all 11 •10• • • T111trft, c111rotftF•. 5.27 Screed ope ilor 30cphw/p 30cpbwlp(%) 60cphw/p laborers, workmen and mechanics employed in the execution 1, !f:;: :,;:!:~· :,;,.:;m!' st !'!::. :' "=r!/111~GEt!!~.~:~:! "'" tt1t ,,!· c'!:.~~~=~;~1 ''1111'°" Clr· 5.46 Skiploader oPerator, of the prorv..ed contract. ..... ,,',,., ''° ~lldt,..lt!*t wm 1eu 11 11rlv••• 1111 i. fhll Qrllfk•t• '°' tr••Ktlorl ..,, bull"'"• wh I t 34 r-v~ -"' 100'•12.I' lloS.1111 Hunllngl9" SI llt.lot Rl-0 hltl\tet bllllcttr -lht lwm1 ltld '-lll'ldlr fl'le 1"°"" ncfltt-!!MM, •NI ef• ee ype over The bidder mu.rt submit with his proposal a certified check 21 2s.oa4' w•n1.s· """° "">•111'111 Av1 1 •.ooo lllM> c1n111111 """''"' m911fltnetl -"" .u•11c1 tit ncr~11 of "'1blkltlefl ffltPIOf. m .., nit yard up to and or bidder's bond made Nlyable to the order of the Orange County 22 2ua.11 so·xn1.s• •1·10t 01w ... st , 1.a •:11-0 Cd!!flrm•tklll »¥""" ClllH'f, '' ffll,L••· Of. If! the ot1re1 "' Mt c-tr c11111 "' · J d' I" '· 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(I' 60cphwlp r-lk• flf Oalvlll R. KNnt, At!Ol'MY •t Lnl, OP11111• COUllt'" utldlr t11t •1'1'11111-11 inc u 1ng ~ yar~ · Flood Control DI.strict for an amount not less than 10 percent of n ~ 21'J1H' 1'°' Hunt11191011 s1 • •,soo •:11-0 "' 1r1ert11 """"'°" 1ov11Yin1. NIWPO<t 1«t1on 1461 "'..,. c1Yu ,..,., 5.56 SkJploader operator, the ag1m>gate sum of the bld, as a guarantee that tbe bidder will 2• u.o~u. 2s·.121.J' "' 0sweoe sr • •·• RJ.O 1 .. c11. c1111oi'ftl1, "".., .,,,, 1111 1111 "-,¥ w1TNEU ""' 1'111111 11111 "" .,, ot heel l'Z Ov.r • ._. th -~ · h. J--'•· da' 'f the 2S JS.04-10 ll'•IP'' 111·>>• Noo"•ll'" ·-111,000 ..... of M1y, INf. Ill 1111 Pl•M• fltlt, nttf'll , AIPll, lNt. w enter into e pro...,...... contract wit m 5 ca ~ ya 1 "' " ... •• ..., •rid 111111 of ttie •~!Mel dl<Nlnt C.r11c1 11. w ... l14 ya 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) &Ocphw/p same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into ,", 'is.osi4r U'•IU' n11·121• H1,1111ift''°" St s t,500 •t 11111111'"' 111111 "•""· 11'111111rl•M111r. l'r11111 •. Mlllff 23 N-' al -.. S • 7S-1•M• tr •lt1.l' ll»t Flerld1 St I 4.00I tt llld lftl.,.., llz•I tl\t 11111'11111, lrt' -· W, C. WllW« 6. .-.uctur ~ OIPI· -.. h (I) such eontract said cheek: will become the property of the :a 111~:it U'dl' D7 ••rttr °' 711 ..... _ 11e11 "' """ ... .,....,.,.1 ... ee11111rec1 .nwr "' M, DIVlclMn meataJ iron'-..... ... ,. 301hcphw(J) 25cphw{l)-.,,,,..p W ni.-;ct.· lt!tn « In ... !!left lo 11111 of 1M dlcedeftl YOUlllt, JIJt•JlnR AMO MSWI. i\"'1. """'· J __ _."'}!!-: u ... u 1 A~--1 ol 8Md! 11...., I -Ml •I l'lle ttinf Ill ~JI fMlll, I" 11111 lo tht nt W,,,. .. ., • . 5.56 ··~tor ~ ·· 'Ib.e·amount of the bond to be given to secure a falthful per· n 111.J1f.11 u•aJO" w llOl'lll °' T11Mr1 A-. 1t11ow1nr ~ -1 ,._.,.., ....,....,c....... ... , ~tor : ) .SOCphw/p 30cpbw/p(2) &Ocphw/p !ormaiice of the contract for aald work shall be SO -.rl-.t of the ._, 0, a1Ktr 11.-1 • Ml •ltw1td 1ft "" couftf"f of o •• ,.., s11•" .""""'*' ·°'"'"" c.er, Dflltr .. 1.1ot. •• J-..-.. -C1Ulom1t, Plrtkullrtr cllllcr1"'9cl M i\iltll 1-. .. •ft M!)' 7, l'tllt m... S.'l'll 010r operaUJl contract price thereof, and an additional bODd 1n an amount • 1.a.211.11 it'•W .m· 110rt11 ., w1n11r ,.,.,. 1 Mflr#I. "w111 , . (drag type shovtl, equal to 50 percent of the contract price for said work, which _, of , .. ,"' '""' s • 1111 • ll•t•ll ;,w.t,...wt ""''""'~ ~ ·NOTICE buu .. ..:.. •~-fl 14-211·:12 •'UO' 1' .ri.., A • ~ tht , l.llldtf' n. Nlf'M flf • UVM:r, 1•111per, bond shall provide that if the person or his subc.ontrattors faU +c rortfi ..,._ · " ••IMI 1,.,... 'Mlltk s-.. •t ., iuna'°" '°"*' w TM• 1craper and to Nly for any materials, provisions: or other suppliel· Used in, .. ...., Of .. ct! ilYrll • 1 7• 1U M1r1111. ...... 1111n111. Cllffllmti, w.. 1TAT1 ·Of' cALIPNMlA 110tt ---tr ctor) -•w/p ...... w/p(I) 6Qcnl.w/p --14·2'1·20 U'•lllO' Sovlll 111111 " HllllllnlM\ Pl cllllllflfl ..... w!J, lllYel\fwY, ..UIP11'1111t, -1 N• COU1'1TY oft °"" .... ..,_, a ~ ........... ...,,,.t'"' .,... upon, for, or about the performance or the work contracted to '°f' .. 11 of ~1 11 1 •·• 13 t1•tur11 •nd IHtWld 1n u111 PtemM. 140, ,....... $ 27 'ihnching machine be done, Or for any· WOrt Of 1•""r thereon of any kJnd, or for D lllb .,. olflrl ''' 1""'llecf fot 11'11 r,. OlllOl!t TO SllOW CAUH . operator (up to • foot amounts due under the U~ayment Insurance Act with '4:'1Sl'~ H'•lot' ~...:':'"' °' :=...:-.-, -, 1,100 ., ':!c:':v:.NI.~ ~ ~~~r:i ~ D~~e1J.°",.:' J"H'= Eowaao 90D. depth capacity, manu· res...,.. to such work or labor, that the sureth or surell•• will a. MJ.l,J.., t1·.,.. Norttr ,.,. 11 oe: .. ft ~ 1CH111. Af'Wllly it 1. ... •• ,;, ND!'tlt JAMb•liOW'itD M>OOV lwYhll flltd f • tlni)) 30cph I •""""-l p(I) 60cphwlp _.... '""'! ,....,,.,. 9ou1rttn1, N...,.rt IHcfl, t111 IMtltllll "' "" ~·-~. acturer s ra1chln w P ....... .,.... pay for the same, and allo in case suit is rouCht upo,n the .., :w HH ·o1 co"""""" It •1 t:111for111•, 11 1ftt t1tr11 .,.., "'* rrm'"' Mid tt11h1ert '9Ylnr ,..,..,_ S.56 Trenching Dll e bond, ., reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. . ., • uoo 1<11!,llut!M,.'"'-"' •-nd ~· ..... ,-, ..... !!: .. _ ........ , .. •, "'•~o-.w'• """~v"'= t ( • f t f Con h U 1G•UI·.. 2J'1\00' North olff ii Ocffft .. I •lmll • "" fl ! .., "' -I.I.ME llD ........, •v opera or over oo In the perfonnance of the terms o thia l'ra~ t e Con· . r 11W"1u1 moM.,. "' "" un111t1 s11191 o1 'AMl!'I •DWAto. , depth capacijr,, manu-tractor IShall not engage In nor ""rmit such subcontractors aa .. • ~ m• ff.t.-tt 91111""-' st 111J A,,,.,lc• I/If' wct1 credit ttrrns ... ,. .,.. IT 11 w.111.~eY o..011t1D ""' ett ) 30cph I 30cph I (I) 60C h /p "" -14,:l#ol' 'W•IOO' ~· 11de "· Oc11n ,.I 111t\llcl br 1111-"""tNklned tnd t11t ....,.._ ,.,_ llllWetf'ed' In tiM m•tttr .... , facttlrer'a rlt n1 .., w P w P P w he may employ from engaging in discrimination In employment ,g. "'' 01 Gold•ft"'" 11 1 1,11111 •U 111t1nld CWrt1 10.. ., tt1t ""rt"-"* ....... tlti. ~' ~'Ille eoun MOiiie 5.56 Urilversal equlpmenr of perlCl\S because of the race, color, national origin or ancestry, i, 1.q.~.,,1 1s•x1w ~ovth .aide ff oc''" Pl :.~,:,•'g.r.,,:t ~~,::i:,.,,..:-i .. : : ~ ; .. ,;,:'"~"'~ J:=; aperator (shov~I, back· or relialon of such persons. Violation or this provision may • 1 • '°f' . .-1 ot ~w,11 st 1 I.JOO RJ bv ""court ., 01"1-. 1111e of c..111omr1,. on tM hoe, dragline, derrick, result fn the imposition of penalties referrt?ff! to in Labor Code • 1.o.m.11. 'I 11·1100• mttt-'".-l.1 .t1 ()(Mn ,., •• ~~fl!''"" i1 ,...,._ ft r9'1d •!IV tM ::r11."U, ,:";....1,:-.,,:\,:: :;:: derrick-barge, clam· Section 1735. 11111' ,.,, "' ~lcitr1wnt st t lJOO RJ 611.,1;1 ...,,11 1c, lW, f :t!.J:.i ~'Z',..nor"'o. "'J,.;:, ": shell, crane, plledrlver 'l'1lt Contractor will be required to secure the payment of " 1.i.111·1•' ' 1 u·11w Sov111 •!Ill• '!etc,_. ,., tc.~IN It. "m~" 11 flit,.... .,..,.., 111e1 • -. " and mucklni con\peruatlon to his employeei in accordance with the provl1lons \ 11.1' "'' « 'OllOln._, st • '·"° •1 U ~n~~~~ ,.~~~ :'/~o~ :.,:~~ ~~ ft.~\! machine) 30cphw/p 30ephw/p(2) liOcphw/p of Section 37® of the Labor Code and prior to perfonning the " uw.tt.n 21·•1or "..,"' •Id• " w1nttri "1 ..._ f'".c-!:""'· 11er1. MtimM ., C••• Mfil, C•llflll'ftl1, 4 95 Water 1ruck driver work of the contract the Contractor shall sign and file with lbe ,, V.I' ... , '' c;.~'"-1 11 • "111 "' ~· ww 011Ct • .,... tor foilr ~o Wl:(N/"'9 . JI IU:-Dl·S.. 1S'•IW Nll'lh 11111 01 Wlfttfri 111 """"" ....,.,...,. ..... INI 111111 .,w,. MllCltlM llfl (4000 ga ens District the following certification: "I am aware or the ·prov!. _. .. ,, °' ·o.ld~ "·. 1 ,... llJ 111e11. c..,.,......, "°""""" ,,!er' tit "". t1t•'Hnt "' 11111 or more) 45cphw/p 40cphwl p 30cphwlp slo ns ol Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every a ·~ »"••"' w • f7141 •11rt · "&:°T101 ....,,, ,, "'9 ' 1 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR emrcloyer to be Insured against liability for workmen11 compen-~;;"'.::off! o.~'t:-~ It l l... 11tt ,. ... ~ ~~=·= DIHY ~1111, '='°'J' ~~ 4.61 /J.r compreuor, sat on or to undertlke telf·i'RIUrance in accordance with the .:1 1.a.1n.cr w.tw Nor1h 1lff .. Wffttlfl P1 "''11 '" 11, n; '"' 11Mt a '-lttp~' pump or a:cherator : provlaiionl of that code, and I will comply with cµch provisions • Ntr of Gold1nht1 11 • 1..-1111 LEGAL NOTICE .~.~::\u'iJSMOO: operator 30cphw/p 30cphwlp(t) 80cphw/p before commencing the performance of the work of this con-MEtHoD olf JAL.I!': 1A1tL o, L1'"1.o A.ND Basic Rate Employer h)'IMDtl For tract." . SIM.I• .... , ...... •ld1 wm "' ~ In 11\t Cltp c.ic:n Clllll'bln lrt .. nc. 01'1 TNI TIM• AMD 'p1.4e1 .... l~ :· ~~MD••NN. ,•· Ptr Hoar aas1l.Oc:8Uoa H -" Vacatt. Pensloo 1be Contractor will also be required to furnish a ce.rtlfi· {',.. Cl¥k ''"'"· on Wll!Mldty • .., t, "" •• f !. A.M. ==~=_, c:T:L!.O:t~J!:c.; .. ·-lntlJ:C"• -c.1n $gJJJ.F;D LA.BOIL (CollL) cate thlt he carries compensation Insurance coverlna his MIM~UM 11«•,.TA•1.1 1101 TIMI ""'~"'""" J.,,.~ 11w ..., ~ H•t11., .,.., "•_. c,:.~:.r . ,f# .... ,~ ~r,;.;;;;a,. $4.11 As~t raker or employees upoo worlr: lo be done under the contract which may 11N1 11 m.1 .,,_1 •ciec:n..,. °" .,,. •rtkllff 11~. f:STMI: cTTY 0,. ,C:..,.11 "MIU oP a~• :::.we_. Dlltr :11.:; ironer %4 1ttcpbw/p 2Scpbw/p JZpbw/p be entered Into between him and the said District for the ORAL 11011 0r11 tin W'lll .,. c•llld ttr •NI rlnrv..I •ttw "" •1n1 '""' :.u:::,~,.:'7i1a\":tl."'w'iU'°n f.t'n., ... n, • 1Mt 4.11 Concrete curer, conctruction of ~id work. ''"1'11 111 "'--led Did•. llKll .,., 1t1c11; "'"" ucHd fllt 111111111 PltlllMT•D,... "llARI,.. LEGAL N-CE irnperviow r.i;iembtanei No bid will be acctpted from a Contractor who I• nOt ... ltd •111 .., ., lffll ftw per Ctnl IHU. NOTtCI II ltllllllY 01¥1'N 11\11 Ill V' 1' and form "Oilfr 24~cphw/p 1Scpbw/p 32cphw/p llcensed In accordance with the law under the provisions of Tl1tM1 o,. 1ALl1 c1111 -1n. "' Plll'dtt•• IN'kt ,.1 .... """' utiut• ., ::="';.,.":.::" ~~ "" .. ~1,,-----.....,=-1-. ---- 4 92 Cor.crete mlur . Dlvb:lon Ill Chapter 9 of the Buainess and Profeuicma COde or • c••Urkt "' pwc1111.-11y ""' flu';tr, wrt11 "'' .. ..,.. Mr COUlll'I' fll 0r11111. lttte o1 c1111etn11. ,... c111tTll'KAT• 011 co PO•ATtoN '" · operator (qlP, type} 30cphw/p 30cphw/p(2) SOcphw!p lhe State oi Calltornia. wrrell'l 1t'••Yf •111r u«u•'-" 11t 1111 ~';., 1111· .. nw. ::":.::: :=,...cc,'"1~N1'C"": TtAnAC:~iTC::vi"fll':l' VND11t 4.33 Cribber or slwer 24~phw/p 25cphw/p 32cphw/p No bid will be .received unlea.s it is made on the blank .form 'ao,001A1. eua•AMt111 A ,,_..1 twr•nlirt i.,.'1111 IDl'm "' • ,,..,., ;-i;:. ~ ~.~t~~ S ~ ,.!!'~D=::f 1 ~=z:: 4.02 Cut UN told oper-. fuml.shed by the Chief Englnffr. The special attention of JN"OI" :'' c.11utr·1 CMtll: ~ (lrllfltrl Cf**. ..,... ~~~,.::, ~ ,..., _.,,, •• ·,...., 1oi1owi..:. r!!"• IMll'lftt ..C.~ ,1 un, ~ CMtt ator '(demolllloa} 24 "1cphw/p 25cphw/p 32cphw/p ptetlve bidders is ca1led tO the "lnfonnation for BldClen" " "' ttun111111o11 11tc w tetw1 tt ...,, • ""' ~ .. ~ 1,. wl'ltdl,. mort "'''°"fl lllrll*ff~ .. AWlf!ltllt Ht.. 1, L~ 4.42 Drillers (C0re, di•· annued to the ,blanll torm GI~ for full directionl u to '"' "'"'1"""" 1tct11l•b1t ~ mwt MMIMll1t111wl11111e11,,......1. =~c~'::: -..er111t1on Oii It;;::-11~1.:i,~"!rc!t.,.'=A,;':::; mond ot wagon) 24\1cph,./p '25rcphwl p 32Cphw/p bldd!nl etc ' CONTRACT l'O• ....... , TM COfl!Pl<I PW Slit ., "-1 llrtflrltf'; "'" .. ,lllO Mnf'!CtllOfl c-0 n f. In' .. ""' ulcl '""" II _..... .,. 11\t ......... SS Drtvtf'-GI dump , • Pl•U a~ specweatftti. aad bther contract dOclimenla JTllY • "'""'" """ '"' 111t CllY 111111 ""''~ .,..., , • ~~tr~1t:!i1':'A= =:: :,1.:r:-:_1111• :' ~ .i.a"' .. trv·" 1i~ .... _ 4 be 'W!CUred wlthoot chat-•[ tM District'• ofOU Gt wUI be 1111aCTIOlll 01' a1os1 TM Clly ,_.... ffle ""'',. ~ ... ll'IY .... , ..... II ., ct"41n ~"'""""'tr .... ,,,,, ...... ~. 1.:.41tr111"" Inc •• ...... -\-.,_UMUI , 8"' ~ J.,~· • W!r ff MM1 Df'M 11'1 f11e ...... "'1 ~-Mltllwl~~h "H", yards wai:wl) ~'~ 40cphw/p tocpqw/p malled~~ri:"ct'i:J'm!=orwl1t1e&11'1QUeit. ::~~~~•R 1::,.~~~;-::~:'::::.~:';,,''!';': ~~·:.,.. l!Hrl"' ~· ::.W:u,.. :..,-:·~·..,., '· 68 ~c:"c:'vardl p but Pa.t OffLce Bu lOTI (Malling ..:!4ress) lftttM -._ .... Wlllllovl, ~· .. rltlll • ..,. ,,.., ...... l:r'I:. ~"""'::., "':m~ "':"; ~·Mo ~ 1~-11. .... f •• -...... MIA W ( ~ ... h ...... (-., """""") If .. 111 ltflif Ii" ...... lie .... '1'11.lftlW II lfMi -1. .L~ ILiOM'fllf"-1 ~"""* IM .. --~ ,__ • ,.,., es __. ..... '"';"'I;"'"· "l:"r--..~ -NOTICI IS llUlllTHI• OrtlM, 1111t YtlMY '· l'tffin. ,., .. lfitftt -·~-) "'""wlp . 40cphw1p 30tpbw/p Sant.a .... cautolnla • I ' WITHDIAWM. ... .,. IM.11 AllY-el tl'lt I ..... flJt'Otltf'UH !Ny ... W'llllCIPl'flll Hid C-lllllft 1'111 mr .............. •T.t.i'• OJI" CA~iPDllNIA,. .,..,..... ._..., ,, --7 Su _.......,. • h'M wit br M CM' •t 11'1' 111'111 IN'lll' t. •lfWwy le Ille ~ lf!lt ., If Mr+' tt 1t1t hlW ., t~ COUNfY Of' OlAJtOI:, -. 4.n Dri .Aol.. 11>1;' Board Pll'fllon J'MtrYtS the right lo 'llJ'W'IO' In)' "111 llll--..... "tUCfl,,..,..., tf""......,., II ..,-rw-l'tllrdl; ~.M.., ...... , ... " -.. Ori """ IJlft ft't' ., ~ f+,O, '"'· ~11, .. but and all bids and It Waifti lft1 lnltrmalll) io anr bkl rtcdvtd. '""' .,tt. .,.. c11y ttillt '"""""· ~t-. ... It., ... l'MMI .... --:.: =:r!.':' :: ::"': ':,'J.:-:,.~ ":'s:'.':: Jes( tM:n-it yards No biddef INY 'wtttldraw " bill tor a period ol. u da)'I Ml ... """" llllif'dll-llNI .... "" -...... ,... .,,., .. ::. o;:-...,.. .~ flttll, ltftta ........ .... • '' 1 CIMll" ....... ~ lfttl) • 46cPbW/p fOcJlllw/p 30cph\f/p &tts:~tbe time Jet for tbt openinC lbereo{. ... •Mnttt flt Mi. "'dllW> AM. ~ • ftlt tllM ........ ~ ..:-...::"'ki":'::": ..:-:": 4.11 ~ ol dump • BJ .... of ahe-lol:ni "'-~s ol Ole: Otanie Cowrty OUIT CLAIM o.-11t11 Ttllctl)' wlH ftHWt . wttcltfrll .... ",,_ "'*"*· IW -:..l'IMrt:"· :.. .. := '= ii: PrttWrtM .; ""' '*'""""" Wiit ... jrOck (!I yardl tMlt Cantrnl 'qtscnct; ~ COunt1. California. IMl'OllMATIOtrl AMO 110 PDflMt1 Ctll ... Wl'lttl '::o-.wi' ... '°" ...... ·~ "'"' ="'ea":.= ?:?""' i::-r:.: ,leil ihU'JI ylf'dl .. W. E. St loho .._ PW "-'-.,., •• ..,_.........,. 1W"' .-.•11• · t11111 ........ •"Water levtl) .,._,, tlepbwl p 30gabwt p U:lunty Ottk~n-offido °"' =" ~_, ~":_ ':..,....,,., ~....= ::;:. 1,..,.,.,..,.. ... 4 ... 1:x ... ~:(:'n!kr (SEAL)' =. ~ ':. tJt..,." ::,· :::,"""" "';... (A!lllHfllcl.. ~=mm:~~ wm: ~,;:"' ..... ~~.r.: 3 ai. yd.) 4Scphw/p 40cphwlp 30cphwtp Flood Control~ ....... -"1 " _ -"--,,. ~~-ttti Ml .-·~o,~!A,llHflt ftiAL sUL• • •. 07 --Grader 24''--'"w/p 25cphw/p .,,""-wlp By Mabel L c.telx ,._ ""' illft....-""""'T• • ....,.... ~ c, ~ ""111' -t'" -..... ' " 0.-.TIOi ¥4fCfl '9t IHt. .._. ~ ...... .... 4.05 GUiiMa clwer 24 \o!r:cphw/p 2$cphwtp 3Zcpb'lt'/p Deputy ! CITY~ tlVNTIMGttN ··~ c...tMlllllrll" .... (Mly, l"f1llC .. GullUel· Pubijlh Oranet Coul DtJl1 Pllot~AF'O JI. tt, 11, » and • •YI PAUL c. JONl!S. City (l*ft """''~"'" c.at O•DY Plitt. '"""i:::~ e-t_";,:~ !"-. J.985 ftebocmdinan 24~/p JScphwtp !lcphw/p 2S. 19119 721.Cf MU~ Ol'lngt CNll o.rlV .. ,IOti .... n. ,... ma ..... II "".... ,... Alfll l'-n. a .... ,,,,. J, ~ ,.,... u:GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEOAL NOTICE \ J --~---------------~--·-----~ ~ ---~ -----. ---------------'------'---'--:;_:__;c.;:c.:.... ____ "'---'----- JI OAl\.Y l'llOT " II ' ·' . ' •• •' ,. ' ' " ... ·. ' I • 'r'"t ·s~o INT~ t~.~y OAY II.CZ. CA..'l • lltGUU'R OR :J~t COLGI TE SHI YE. • • •TotOI ·. PACI:: Cf 35 ro!L WRAPPED lAB!.ETS .. . · ALU SELTZER~ . 1°' ~ ... ~ . ' . 16-0UNCE BOm.E Ltt 11.41 !&.OUNCE sPRAY CAM fABfl!C PROTECTOEI • SCOTCHGARD 111 SJ It SAVE 211c WITH THIS COUPON ONE O(ILY BOX or 24 • REGULAR OR SUPER KOTEX Out PRICE WITHOOT COOPOH 71c SOii! STORES CllARCt 79c -~ Coupll ptr Family • MJl!b Only c.. ... 6"'d lltru 'Pf, 30 , . •' .. ,: - • i ·-. '' • DISCOUNT P!ICED • OUllllY & !,lliSFAeTIO~ GUARANTEED' U.S. GOVEANMl!tl INSPECTED C«DWO Bill QUBUQl\1> • liASTERN QUAIJTY • BEG. 'sucm ' IOW• llAUI . ··C SLICED · ~:: . BllCON · 2l.B. PKG. EXTRA."Dl!CJ: ILU ( ~=:iaco• "·· ·sfc' .. PWMP AND TENDER ARMOUR• PAN liflZ 6UCE6 sftc 111111 .CURE llCOI · JJ3f: · 71· J\IPHA BETAJITml'I nm .FIU:SH !~~!~~~-•I! ALPHA BETA llTCDfl nm IOllE~ESS '::A• BEEF c BOIFlfSl, FaY~STWJil~ CHUCk Rijrf ,BLAllE ,~t ;fi• WHOLE -}ODY ' ,• 49~ ~~~~!!RYER PAJlTS 59~ , .F\tYllLaRllASTS .•..... ~ ... 63c. i•. BEST of FRYER NO BACKS, NECKS OR GIBLETS UUSJr lRAND • ilY'lfcCdr • D:fuCIOUS .c~...-~ ... ~llll,l'J f'\IU.T 00oKtD •D~09$ >ti.:,.;..:. , .-COY'S PASTRAMI ... 77!,. 98!,. ~ .. ' {J' • ' ~ I ., ' • ,. ' '· • •\, . ' • .. :·J . . liir wri"'"""{UNit ...... .,. . . r----. I' IEllVE Ii:~ '59¢ ' ' FRh im11r1 i,;· ...... ~ .. f!Wllt '.~' CERTtF~N ''FROZEN . REC/FE '.'' o~IUT\, \ · ,,.. $1 09 "Sl:ll!NC "' ALLET \'i\EADY • La. A t.WJ· ,,') ~====::====~ '> u11-,,l _...., ,~-' 1' ~...::...,;J>;"' FfttSH • NUTRITIOUS ',:. ·~ FILLET ti 98, ;,' SOL~, ... \ •,. ,., . L-~;...._;;...._;~.;;_;_-1 ' ' .!"'\• I . . •.. 'I" MEAT PRICES UFECTIYE THURSDAY lflrou WEDllESDAY·• AP.fill z• lit. -i· '\>: __ , ·.:)<11 T SAVE WTIH Al1llA BETA'S 12,876 TOTAL DISCOUNTS Save even more with Double Qiscoonts Th11 11'11111 ntr1 mllll' far ya11, Made posiiblt by SJ11Ci1I pur· ch1u1 wltlt Ille cost '"ductions pnsed on to yw. Look for them throu&1XJUt the store. HYBRID TOMATO PLANTS 4 INC~ POT 3~'1 ' 11111;, [1' n, 't!', I VI 11 1 e~ 1 89' 821 75c 671 .... "'""'" STOflES DISCOUNTJ QiM.li( PRtet"• ~"ifs'i"l'u1F · o.a. ~'\': 29' 12-0UNCE CAN 111' S7or J'llOZlN •. 6-0UN'ct BAGS CREAMj;O_ CHl!:C:N' • SIRt.OIN TIPS 43• !\11,1 lllf EHTRllS 4k DUTCR JIJUDt • HAl.t' GAU.ON 35' llllTAllOH ·ICE 1111.l 37t • ·~!r.· '"'"''". """ "0 · 47• DIDI Cll'-l IUllWITOS 4k SEAN BURRJroS •I-OZ. PrG. & 27.- ,Fft02EN • IWI! • Al.I. VAJUETIES 44• ROSAJRA DINllUS 491 . . l (Jl ~l L1SCOUNTS fV[RY OA~ ·' \ STORE HOURS: MON, thr11 FRI. 10 A.M. to 9 p .M. -SAT. Ind $.IN. lo A.M. lo 7 ,.M. U-OZ. PKO.•SUCED•AU ME/iT 59• lllPllll llml IOlllSNA '"' Better Produce ot DISCOUNT PRICES! CAllfOR"lA GROWN flNCSt • All PURPOSE . RED '. POTATOES · 1·o ~:G 59e JUST ROASTED ' 'BASEUll SPECIAL' '!Al.TED IH T/lt'lHEll 'fWIUIS ·1 ·a ,. 'I'° us. ' . . ,., lOCAl GROWN • RED RIPE TOP TO BOTTOM • FRESH PICKED STRAW.BERRIES .u .. ., 201 Volu• , . , MISS \'l!SCQNSIN CHEU£ • 4-01. P£Cj;, SHREDDED CHIDtlAR 3k IJDj 1-L!. BfllCIC All:." RIAL McCOY CHIU Iii uu• Olli!! IE!I . • WISCONSI• "9' MILD CHEDDAR CHWE ~1~\f. 111 12-0UNct TUB • :?Se VAlut 371 lllPllll1£111 HEALTH SAi.AD JC-t:lUNct TUB • 39c VALUE 37' ... llll cou suw • · 11.1111 lfll 19• Fl£SH um SAUSACE ~]~· lb 1'1NT CAllTON • 33e-V .. LUE' 31 • ... llll •OTTlGE CHEESE . • QUART CIJlTC'N' 6lc V&I. th ·· 10.02. AEROSOJ. CAN 4~ <.II'.• 111CH'S W1l1P TOPPING ~ w• SVNNYFRESH • 4S-OZ. B0rn..t 56' ORANGE JUICE ILQID 51c • SUGAR suamnm:. (lfl O'Z. 'PKO. llllN -Sl'RINKU SWEtl 4k _, @ (6 o uMCt.CANS •'I rtAVORS . Hl·C DRlllS 33' ' ... ' ' '. I~~ . ~ .. • • .1 .. ... :t ·' . -,.,. ·.'"- ~CQ, F'F.ti' litf' : 79' 71 I to'i'i ~E'Hi. FLOµR 2.11 1zn . @h;ltjj,"'~or. CAN ~. 371 "-~ ~«,._· &•ft:Ay_qu • 1oc:1.. s.::orr ... , •• s\ntetRflYor ti.• _. • .._,., • ~ASE & SANBORN • l\tG. Gl'UKD 62_' lftJWECAl.r UQUJD . ,31f'CU • •STRAWBEMY-21~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~OFFEE 1.u . cAN 71' ., ~'"""~"'""ALI<.,., C...z·i• ~ "'ii'ii.f'ts"'u'"011•81~ 5·,,.4 •.. , ,' • ·~l'il&l~ ~ '' lr 294 ~CUT GllWI llAllS 211,' · ,~·· · ~ ,,...... , '".:'~•i911' IC ," :·; · , ~B'Rb'Oiicl'u'P I 251 · ll't'A:lrii08i'o~l'h«, .. ~~ .,. 11ci~A;•o•1iff~u·21.4 .'.i .· <: .@ "'•OllClIN CUMf • • U.' @~~S«fi•'~Of,t7W\o~,1· @ · ~d11Arn;~.4mvl: \ '"1 ~= .-. . IDOT~· , .. ,.,.,.,.soc,J.'u02.E ..... 3"" . . •'T ;!''I' • . ...... .,, .. OUNCt PA AQ£ 141 '•' -" ""' ,. ,___Mlffi~N . . . ... . . llAC. I OHIUE 18' . . , "' ~ ' ~ ·-· • -~· ' :,..C..19x_'o· "' l• I ~~.!lf~ltcJl.a"''"'w.:.. 4 ... 91. : • •. , , . · • ,. '"~11:.Tu ·lals 69'' "1.! -. ~-., •-u•w ..u -, · ~ ·l)a\ie it. @if~ 21.0UNct PACU.GE 39c '' -. ..,.., " ..... .,.,_ ... ,,, · · · .!!!.'--· ,... . HUT HEARn 51' • •• ,: lllOiiO ·• ZS.:. : 3k.. . ;;.. -=:1.i:: ~... . .. ,. . . :.. ~' . • ,, •• ......., • " •• 1· •• :.,~ • "::.ll ~~.. . @~lf0'D....,,._,.. llC)ftU.s -• ' " ' • ,. t=t.. IM ""·~ 1;"0ff' 1• ' ... • , ,.. ..... LI • Pirllt 7., -~ I l~-~:..i: ... ~-~-~ ... ~· .. ~~~~~~1--~ ~f'. i... .. "' -tOSTA MES4-241 E. 171'1 St. ; •. HUNTINGTON IEACH-9045 Ad•mt HUNTINGTON IEACH-1Mal N. Main St. FOUNTAIN VALLEY-lttO Warner LAGUN,._122 S. Cttlf Hlwty . I VOLUME SWING . MIAJIS · . YOl.Ulll SAYllGS 'I , ' ' I . ' IWI. YP!LST SI !1£W'6~CHRYSLE~S ·$2 ,,a·· ,.,. '7' , ·1.t'"'...t"' !!!'-a.:: . ' ilii!:;J,,r.. ..... ~ . . . ~It . , t. +T .. •lk. ..._..._..... ·fa ..... '* '.$13 .. , ... r.:~~ ,..:~. "' Ir ... Wal..._ ........... -.;--"" • -.... _ .. '"'""""' ........ "' • lk. ... .... ,._. ~ ..... w .... ltOf' ~Ii l"INNY 1110.L 1 ... i. ·'DOJ!~+ ''°'•f'·.~+,;~~~:·w~:~~ . , NO P4YMENTS·f · . ' : . 'TIL JUtY l96t~. _. .. " . . 5 ACllS Of:. . lllW ·•.USID~ . , TD QIDD$1 ·f111M I ,.w.-•,.=--~·-:--·...,..~·..,=-• -~= ~·-=-=·-=-=-=~=~----·-=-· ----·-------~·-·-· ......... ---··-....,..-·-·~· -·--~· --~-~--·~~ r.c c. --••••----..---._------·--· r 'CLOSE-llP -Fonner Ambass¢or and Mn. Ed-,., 1 will O. Reiscbauer give audience a rare look at ' Japan tonight at 10 .. Channel 3. The-film shows literal and symbolic example•. of Japollleff .char- acter and society. Visit to Japanese bathl, schools, ; a Tokyo WnilY, -taurants and department s!Qres are part of U!e film. TELEVISION VIEWS ~ ". " Reviewing TV Before, ~fter ·By RICI( DU BROW . •I' HOLLYWOOJ! .(l,!Pl) ...; "The Japanese," an:, hour CBS-TV documentary scheduled for tonight, is the first program made available by the network I under its new po)lcy . ol permittilig li4vlince critic- ' ism ofJts shows. · ; The temptation, therefore, is to g9 'to greater I reviewing lengths than UJWI! merely becanse of the , poaibllity ol aclvimce cornmeal .., aJid also, per- 1 hBP1, to Jure the other networks into the some policy . with the promise of similar space for their shows. I, IT IS, HOWEVER, a. temptation I tbink I will reslll wbolebearledly, both oow and in the future, for 1 very simple reason . To wit: U a show is judged solely on its Interest, it seems to me it deserves no more ~pace than it would nonnall1 metjt just because one .... 111• chance to I wrtta1about it before It is s-ralber·lhan after. U It. rilj!I a lengthy review afte<ward1, then it rates I one be!Qre too. If, however, it would normally get I jUJt Iiassiitg interest afterward, then it seems lo ' me It Abould get tl!is treatment beforehand as well. I THIS REVIEWER has ignored writing about I certain network "specials" In the pest because they . did hot seem worthy ol attention at all -or because ,., I other matters appeared . to be more significant at. the moment. And there will be no change wbatS<>-\ ev .. In this pollcy here regard! .. , ol the possibil· · ity of advance criticism. , As for 'tonight's CBS-TV offering, "Tho 1 J~~." it is a: mildly interesting program al· [ ' temptibg lnligbts into the character of the !"'?Pie of ·tfie ·nation 1!Ve once fought. The hour '• chief at .. tractiori ii F.dwin O. Reiscbauer, former American amb*ssador to Japan, who, as narrator and host, • reveals Ibo potential to be a greaUy appealing ; newstnan. , · ! MUCH MORE per!lnent and timely was Tues· day'• ~minute NBC 5pecial; "Confrontation " in wh!Ch the altuation at embattled San Franclsco 51iita College was presented through the eyes of vartous parli¢pants and beholders. It wu ·a first- . rate s!uc!f. of the human side of the struggle, gen- erous m its compassion. As an example, a ~lice­ man struck me as the DlOll! iympethetic of all the cberacten examined, and offered the most down·li>'. earth views of the mess. ' Getting back to ·the businMs of advance critic- ism of video shows: It is, of course, basically a c0nslderable hilprovement over the past. Whether or llOt: one always takes advantage of it, the pleasant fact is that it is a chance to call attention to worth- ~hile programs that might otherwise pass unno-ticed. In short, CBS-TV's new policy Is an added tool for critics, t MUST CONFESS, however, that despite the I undeniable plus of the new policy, I have mixed feelings on one point A television review is a chance fot; a newspaper to share an experience with its reiilers -·something that every editor want. to do I as much as possible. But consider : ' Whereas a day-after television review is wr doubtedly a &bared experience on the part of writer • and reader, a beforehand review is subtly different The reviewer cannot assume the same inUmacy o~ I the part of the reader concerning the subject mat· , tf:r· And ~ ~e reviewer is not carefu1, he can find TUMILIWEEDS MU'n AND JEFF . . I hunself wmdlng up as merely an expository pro- gram guide rather than a fellow whose main lune-I tion Is simply to be provocative. [L-..:1;"' Dennis the ltlenaee GORDO ' . • ". ••• • • ACE::. ITiS MV FOUCV NEVE!'. "TO /ltt5T CHAlllTY! . ' ..,.. .. ~ ... • • ..... ,, ly Gus Anlola _..,:r.,,__,. ICNOW )'JM~T l Mu.llJ ~c.wr. .. 'l'OU CAN otl-Y TILL. · • IF SGl'lraHe !Lia 15NOCMAL. •• • ;\ ' L t.. t : :. i -·· ... ,"° '11111' ll£llOllT * -Mlli.0 -«lllJ . ·---trl ; I l'il llDNA UllllM * ·REYIALS ALL ON THE GEORGE PUTNAM NlWS ·-·--(Cl •11!f.,-• --"' <lit --- _.,.. __ .. __ ........... ·---11111 ..... -Ill IQ llOI ' ' •1.· eir...:."L"": . -··=,-\ ... .... _ .... ......,. ···-·-·-£-~s:·it:·~.:: ... r: .. -· ... --.. --.tlo!' tMlllflt .. ,, ....... _. =:t~:t~J: :=t~ ":"'~i; .. C: I -~-::-= ... r::....-=~ ,..i;:: c ..... ·-(C)"(!DI Uli'.l.:'t'·,·~=' ~ .. l'.'l: ... -. (C) 11111 - -(-.. -= .... ' .... .. ,..., Uillw. . W •••• ,,,,.CW) ~·· .......... I ·~-... -Ill \90) ... --,,,.._. ----·~ --·-··" .. ..... _ ............... itt?" ............. .,,. r-(1) . ::r.i,..'t~ -co. I.~:.:" Ill Col (Ill) .•• ·:· 11r·111 •· . · ,., -·" 111&· · 1:11• '•m--111 C!Cll ....... CID) ....... lls:tl , .. ... CCIJ.., -IQ ;;r • "'I!'!• ...... IO ...... fCl~ll). ..-"''':.: ¢1 I •-• _ ........ -T . ~ ..... -c . ; 1Y, .. • .,. trl 1111 Toi -(Ill) •1177 · •· •• ... ... .. ... •l;Z M!' .. <!!'! .111'111 -111 .....-. .. (Cl (II) ., ...... CIOI. .• _ .... _,, Iii "' (Ill) tD(J) ...... ,HstQ Ill CJ). ·-111·; ·--·· ...... (I) .iillam "";..,._ ---,~·-­.. --.... ~ .... 1W U.S. ''1' fate &ta llf. -.111-.... ·--... T•'Olil' I, ... Opmlff. •*ll1llr 11 ..... . _ .. _ ....... .. --· I~~=.,, , 1=tt • • ....., . ._ cca (30) n.. .,..i.i., ... ,,"_ " . fill« ~ _ Ill dtfldlR 111111 ..... DfM ._, . .,.~--...... -_,, _ -, ... , .... , with • 11111: ....... lllluk ,... ·-Ill.Pit ., -... - -.()) .... -.... .-e :0 ~ .\1 Cll Cllll II KTTV"S RONA BARRETt Ill())--tcl * REVEALS All Oii THE , • • 1 .. Ill PUTNAM NOYS 1110 PM . ........ I .... -•• -tel (Ill) . -~ ·--(IOI rt-~ ·-~•t.Y • JOB PRINTING ......... _(C)Plt •oar -CCI "" ml! Rtt.un. ·- • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPEM O••li'Y Mfiff11t •"" DI,.., • ..,_ ~ .... ..,. .... ~ ... C:..twy • ,. '2~ TO 4 ACRfS Jlancho Ceplatrano lJ •Mw oUerinc a limited 85 p&rcela or· tabulou.s, • oa1t 1.hldded, ranch aiie spread'. T'be only Ol'll!I of their kind 'i.Q.,llbe 16th lo Tu1tir! -Cul• MoN ADULTS Most homes are built with onlf c:.hiJdren in mind. We have five homes des~ed for the comfort& and fun of adult.. Beautiful to look &oomiftt 'South Co.it at, room for hoQ1>ies, private oUice. separate Hi&:h above.t.r: llTIOC hl!IL dining nn, guest room with bath, 3 car ga· Private .....,. &n4 Jock«l rage, walling distan,ce ,to cbur$es, WestcliU a:•~ a:uaranltt ~ natural sboppin&, and restauranta. beallty ot this former Span. 7-t. with WI. clown -71h% with JO"/. ,Dn. isli ~l'\Dt a~e<t b.Y no 2nds -no points .-... 2t yrt on b.lence bea•lilui a.,,,.,,. "-'""" Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 al ·i'oresl. All utilitiea avail-Exclusive A.tent ::;cED FROM." 000 p. a. palmer incorporated 10% 00\VN -1s'vfts. 3377 VIA LIDO Fat true country livl.ni, re. Trect ·Ph: S.5113 From L.A. C•ll MA 5-1034 tln!ment or just plain invesl- m~nt at a bargain price. Call qr Write for· complete df!taila -------------- ~··fret! color brochures. General .Ran<j>o Capistrano . 1-------- 4570 Campus Drive. Newport Beach, 92660 Sl6-7143 ~· EASTSIDE • LAR..GE LOT· $19,950 For a limited time .•• A 3 Bedroom Home FOR ONLY $9,995 BUILT ON YOUR LANO Cbe to. NewPOtt Heights. FEATURING:· Ch!mnlng 3 bedroom and e ]!EQ sq. tt. den. Fully carpeted:~ e Double 13.rai'.e poreh, Quiet cul de sac st:rttt e All lath and plaSter with maJ)icured yanls, lluae e Hardwood cabinets Jot with· acceu for boi.t, e Pullman bath trailer, or what have you! e Spacious wardrobes Ne.,. on t~ market.. Only CALL 537-0380 $19,950. ¥J ,, 0 n-·· I -> WE SELL A HOME 11 n10.,,, range vuun y a11u ' olher approved areal!, EVERY 31 MINUTES STANCO 110\V '! By owning this sh&J1) 4 bdrm l bath home po •Yello1o1.'5tonc nn .. ·e. New w/w car· peting, newly painted, stwi> Ja.ndscaping, NO DO\VN VA, ·LO\V DOWl-f FHA. T o t a I price $25,500. ~COATS '~WA~ACE REALTORS $21,750 . The Price Is Right And look \\'tult It bU)'ll, 3 queen 111.zed bedroonis l'i baths. Lovdy bright and chttrful kitchen \\ith satin "'ood finl$ed cabinets. A wall of glaSI over looking your own &arden patio. Large park -JOO-comer. Adult occupied. "For A \Vise Buy" llOCJlll REALTY 2025 \V. Balboa m .. ·d., N.B. 675-6000 HOUSES FOil SALE HOUSliS FOlt'.SAl.E \ General IOOOGeneral 1* DON'T. w'MISS THIS ~~ RANCHO LA CUESTA -U yo~'ve missed the · closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units ..•. DON'T MISS THISll . HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSES FOil SAi.i ' - Gonorol 1000 Genw•I 11111 Coot• - FOUR BEDROOM , • ~ ;;;;,;;;; .. ;;;;;1;;;;;._;;;; .. ;;;;tif;o;. ;: f fUl1 ol eoocilei -ltetb paW, Ft!,~i.Jyb~~ ~~e,w~~ C..~ !t(' ::o::ts._h:e~ carpet1, drapes, •a&hin& ftz ~ id• tti:Js 3 tlR, fulli riJ cilltie1 in over-~· aoutiie Na ty M.ea de.I Mar huat.)1 ..; I prqe, Sprinklers lron·t, Sfl.* completely fenced rear yird 2414 V\lta. Del Oro Call to ~ ~th 15'x20' patio, Only ~ . Newport Beach ~ utes from major abopplnc ll1'ld schools. ALL F 0 R f .a.1• u~~ ONLY $27,95(), FHA • VA Jpara 1111 ll''u . , TEJU.fS. 3ID East Coe.at Hwy. * * * • * Hilltop View of Bay Corona dd. Mu i7>3745 ""' O..an * 3 BR, 2 ha, 1gle level SOUTH lANT A AllA NO\V?! * l..u.'l:urious crpts & dtps * Cozy panelled Den * Separate maattt SUite w/hU&e walk-in cl~t * l\la~, many otras * Puttlna: di1ta.nce to putUn&: areen * Hop, skip & jump to swimming pool * $46, 750 • prlee redUCt"d 644-11 U 644-0233 E vH. Mesa Verde 4 IEDROOMS This home is 1etiled among other beautiful homes. Large FliA ioan, 5" % int. Aey-one Clll1 auume. Blt·ins, .._.._11 FA heat, fireplace', 1.h2-4' sun room with carpets. Dblt a:arage, $32,000 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Rltr, 646-39'l8 Eve. S4IHUl8 Even!ng:S Call Mf>.1030 * LACHENMYER 4 BORM. + FAM. RM. WITH FIREPLACE $21,000 4 Bedroom $15.5IO ' 2865 ChlOI!, M6& Vent. Quiet Slrttt;· 2 baths Fittplace, shake ahln&le roof; front ~ blclr yard sprinklen; 1 bJock to · elementary school, near Estancia ~ park, PatAo ~ play area. By owner. Call: 546.ll55 No Down GI • I $24,950 3 BR 2 bathl, with OCH1I ~ Rond RHlty 645-2340 BY OWNER 3 BR fam rM. bltns, hdwd On. Jlltio, frplc, drps. Newly ftCOft. diUoned, fenced. $23,500. 3093 Femhea th Ln CM, 54>-3530 O\VNER, 3 bdrm, 2 b9. Eut Side, nr ahoppinc .&: achools. $31,500. 548-9500 1115 Walker & Lee Builders Inc. -546-1141-i""'"!!'"""~'!'l""""''"" i 10,-E-lnp> Pier & Float 1 ....... .,.. ................ ' + 2 Units CAN S'I• "Tiki" HOu" Speci•I EASTSIDE' • $p'11.rklinc Pad- dock pool home -.ith cute Tiki house, I' high fence around pool I. patio tor maxlmum Privacy, a rare &: meticuliluslY dean 3 &: family rOOm, prictd r}&hl • under $36,ttl>, Call M\V! Priced far below 1-eplace- ment on today'• market. 2 baths. l\tassive · brick fire.. p1a.ce In huge family room. Built-ln 1tereo I.: tape-re- corder. 3 LG bdnns, 2 ba, 17x23' liv. rm, lg sun rocim, fam/ din rm, blt·in kitchen ,,., loads ol closets~ I& pantry. Pool- 11ized lot. Garage haJ Door to ceiling storage units. Brand new cpt&/drp!, paint inside &-out bdm'e you move in included for $30,500. ,....... 2GC Westclill Dr. MS-:'ml Open Eves. 3 Bedroom House Oii 2/3 Acre Hones OK OPEN 7 Days 10066 V.'estminster Ave. Garden Grove B~anced PO\ver Ho91ra GI LOAN . . ASSUMPTION Older 3 bedroom farm holllle . . or: huge lot zoned for ho~. Big 4 ~R ~orths1de Costa Ofllf 10 minutes lrom doivn· Aiesa • year old horn!!. tov.·n Santa Ana or Costa Sprinkler~. :! private, patios Meu llouse needs paint & looks hke a mode! home. and imagination and so is S28,IXK> GI Joan available lo reduced to only $34,950. anyone -Full sales "pri~ Bri"" your bon;e and mAl<e $32, 950 an otter. Forest E. Obon. Iiic, 645-0303 * M2-1771 Anytime * at Victoria . ' Maui ·Hawaii 3 Bedroom plus famil)t rm, near new home on FEE lot. Property is free and clear, 3XI fl to beach. \\rill sell for amall down to re- liable party or trade for a:ood seasoned trust deed. SALISBURY NEW YORK Custom 2 slory boqle, 3 Bed- rooms, master Br, up with owner Pi1U::>r be in New 555 sq. ff. and view. Nice York before 5 May. Anxious apartment over garage. to sell their vel')' desirable C>wner anxious, price tt· C 0 LL EGE PARK area duced • ....... · ·· · · · S7!1,500 hon1e NOW! See this chamr Mary Lou Ata.rion ing home loday.' Large bed. ~ rooms l bathroms. 26'xl'I' · secluded living roon1. Sep. arate dining or fa.mily roo1.n. Colclwell 11-'c: & (o. MatW"e landscapuig, Patio. mo ~ ecru N:',,_, A real buy at j~t $26,!fi(). He-1 .....,, cau-.rni. 10'% down ar .• Usume &% 1u Nin iii ~- loan. CALL NOW 546-2313 • G4&n11 \.~ THE RE!,L "'-ESTATCRS BAYtam BARGAIN 5 bdnn l~ bath home. Bean1. ed ceiling in J{ving: room. I 'iiijpiijijiiilliiiiiiij lar:e patio. space for pool. 11 Ideal for big family. O\vn· Thrilling View .,-moving Ea•I. Hurry! o! all Newport H ... bor Arnold & Freud With it's beautifU( .Jij:hts nd boa I H . 388 E. 17th St .. CM a t ng ac v1ty Realtors · ~77~ from fashionable Harbor View Hi.lls 3 Bedrooms Ii family rm home is built around spacious 111o1.•imming pool an excellent value at $69,500 Oill: Jim C.Obb 4 BR EAST$1DE wm go FHA/VA S25.550 657 \V. 19th St, C.l\f. Rltr. 642·9'130 Eves. ~ e KElllEDY $25,750 Rare Find • $54,000 Newport Spanish REALTY S BR. 2 bath, excel. location. • 673-6900 A&&ume FHA @ $14J/mo.; 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Is. or submit FHA, VA tenn!. Sl!:aut Jndscpd • 4 BR, fa;i:::i======== CALL MR. NELSON 54().11:>1 rm. 2 BA home on lar&e 77 '1!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!~I (open evea/ Heritaae Real x l,10 oo""'r lot 2 b'J>lc" \RG SPANISH I' E«tote. · crpli, drp, oompl<tc .. 2300 lackbay off lrvine1 ...................... ... sq, fl \Vi all custom C:'<lra.,. Reduced to $38,500. -4 bdr, 3 OCEANVIEW Elin1lnale middle miin. Call 4 Br Family Rm bath, formal filnin& room. Impress.iVI!: •yr old Newporl large side yard tor boal, 2 BR, l bath, home w/ custom atereo " pool etc. 1 btock lo Beach vacuum system thru<iut. 2 JEAN SMITH, Georg• S~im.mson l"""!~!!l!"''!""'l""'l"''I frplc:s; ctpts, drpi; complete, R ,..__ Older· Customized 2 back ynh. SSf.OOO · llG1m 646-3255 ~ .,~ 4 BR +. Bring your paint (Nr lrv1ne Ir. 22nd)' • u•........,,,, brush &. finish lhis custo1n 405 FranciKO Dr.· 6Y.a•k LOAN home with 2<m sq ft. built-Owner. 54f..0501 LESS THAN RENTI 'PENINSULA POINT ins, "-'el bar, e."<PDSCd bean1s ,~~~~~~""'""'""'~ Huge brdrooms, 2 baths, p in add«! famey room. As..IREAL ESTATE ,, dream built-in kitchen. &int, decorate or tjw'm! Screened " covered patio. GOOd 3 BR h1ne on 50 x 100 s~ f"HA loan 5% 'iO lnter-Excellent opportunity for -ex· 1, lo! , .. ...,.. ,A6 • .., l<tYI I $1651 al Sell Spacious living re.om Ir. lam-.. · ....... n • -""' P"•"""'· es' n'IO P'IYs I -• perienced u.luman lo join i'• room. 544)..1720 S.lba. RMI Elf•h Co. Ina: price $28,!fi(). CALL one of the areas l'l'M'JSt sue-v · · DAN LEE 540.ll5l (open cesstul finni r Phone ~tr. TARBELL 2'55 Harbor 67Hl4D evesl Heritage Real Estate Schmidt Mrrnn DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 700 E. Balboa mvd., Balboa 549.0507 Realtor Eves. 673-1564 INTEREST YOU? $162 per month incll.ldina: tax. cs. A charming 3 bedroom Wnlly room home in a pride of ownership ~tting. Plenly of room to stretch out and play. Hide your boat 01· camprr. S27,500 also incJtJd. es landscapin1. &1s..11n • 540-2313 ', ,:;> THE RF.AL · , ESTA"'ERS john mac:nab WESTCLIFF -Ne\\•ly painted 3 bedroom &: den ho1ne, new draperie5, new electric oven, new dis· Eveni11gs Call 5'.>8Tl3 5'5·5111 r-c-. ... OUEGERfALTY l50J ... """"''Cll YOU ov.·e It to )uurself to in. vpgtlgatf: our -4 dlllettnl tl'alk·in progranl.,,, -rarr-.;, W- Bayfronl Hotel ·0~~~~~~-:'Trs In FabulDus Avalon 1.·2 .. '3 .. E ... 1 .. 1tt1 ...... si ... '46-4IM ........ Dining rm, 2 bars, ,35 rooms plus View 01vner Utt.its. BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Nc\1·por1 Blvd., N.B. '75-4630 . Pele Barrett Reilly PRESENTS Ch1·rmfn9 LlclO CO,ntt Larae lot with sunny patio, TARBELL 142"91 WAS $22,500 NOW $20,IOO 3 bedroom. Carpeting throu&houl 10 x 1AJ covered patio. All built·in kitchen including ,refrigerator. Re· ccnUy painted inside and out. Junr 1 move-in plus .. awne 6% V .A. Joan. S4300 dO\\.'tl. $13-4 Pm Private Party, 962-7689. 968-4640 BY O\VNER. 3 BR fam rm, bllns. hdwd On, patio, frplc, di-pa. Newly ~con­ ditioned, fenced. $23,500. 3013 Fernheatlt Ln CM. ---· ·-·-.,------ Costa Miu 1100 posaJ, new -.vater healer: 1-z======== located convenienl to achooJg I• maximum privacy, 3 bd-TOWNHOUSE rma, dlnina' room, 3 t:ar Near new, liibt and airy W "'NTED c~c. Call~ see. Jarg~~ 11.t .~· ci. 14'.500. 3 BDRtit, 2 ba, very clean. $'26,500. low down. ~- 2700 San Lucas, S-4>1748 Mt•• Vtrde 1110 PAY $.177 mo! 3 Br, 2 ba, l/nn, pan! den. Assume FHA, ·owner w/carry 2nd. $26,500. l2'77 I n d I a n a. $lt)."2'l Newport -1200 l UNITS • $13,GOll , Z Blocks to Beach Live in one l Rent ont ,;11. .. llALTY Near NB Post otc. &t&-2414 .M lli{ij \VestcliU Dr .. NB ,tom ... .,,,., cptg., Blt·uia, dsh. R.E. Saleswoman M2·5l00 wshr. A .... , good~! 119,500 I~~~~ ................. , ..,...,!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!""'"'"""''I WOOOWARD Rltr E/BLUFF, · a..... view; on Call Ior AppolntJnenL (7141 M2.a23S \\'e have the advantage of the ..., • ~ exciusive igency for Ivai~ $22,588 8843 Adarn~~~ton Bch. \>'Kie areen belt; 3 . Br. ~}i 901 Dover Drive, Suite L'>O Newport Beach ;>W;"""""1 be. Spac. llv. I; din. area.s. Well~' ~w [)oytr Shotts Many t111t. teatures; mlt- Developmt!nl + a captive N H , h • BR I S rottd wantrobe, but I e r•• audi•nco !or """'"· OlfiO< ewport e19 ts • • 2 Un Is U,950 in new, excitiII&', fumished Cutt 2 Blt on 1 .. lot. 3 prages, 9 yrs old. Fix It pantry, abllndant tton.ae: ._ up for profit luxury cpl&. drp1; nr. pool, 2 BR home w/tnc unit neec11 model on Ga1axy Dr. DAVIDSON ReaJty Sf50 DOWN ""'.r-cabana; below mkL $42.500. 90me TLC. Walking dlttance Roy J, Ward Co. Al!k for M. 5-i&-5460 Eves. &t!.-4951 -.-.-644-4265 lo everylhin&. s.M.500 . PiMver 646-1550. EASTSIDE a BR 2 ba Montie. Condo. I '"""'""'""'""'""'""!!!!""'"I CpVdrps, blt·inl, dWrw, dbl erms. , I · Pk:IUtt Book Home • 3 BR, Pool 1m-~ 8 I --··· TWO STORY J'U'. s. IIK:U, poss. Y •PP ~~ lam rm, lrplc, or Plaza · ''I TAKE TRADES" CORBIN-MARTIN $35,950 · •boppi"" '"'"'"· pro!llnd'PI Bob Obon, Rl~. ~ REAL TORS -4 large bdnns. formal dining padop, sprklrs front~ back. BY O\VNER: J BR. l~ BA, 3036 E. Cu st Hwy, CdM room, separate den, dinette ~R'f1m CO. fi42.5(0) Jam rm. Back ~ home. 67.S.1'62 area, 2\.1 baths It t!Xcelient 17Dl·A. \VestcllU D.r. NB Take over my S'11% loan, location. Seeing Is believing. $133 per mo w/o taxe&. 4.BEDRM-:--+ FAMILY owne.r bought l'W'w home. WESTCLIFF--$26,400 Priced at $28,650. m RM $23 500 CAU.. AL BLACK 540-1151 4 bedroom, :I bath home. Redlands Or., CM. 548.2663 • • {open evcsJ Heritage Real Modern bul11.1n kitchen. 3 IDR .. $19 950 Oversited l'oom throu1hout. Estate. Dou h I e detached 1arqe. WP ' 2 pullman baths. Elea:ant 540-l720 Msume 5% ~ FHA Joan, $ll1 brick fU'Opla,,., all <loctr!c JUST LISTED "Awanl" built-In kftcben. TARBELL 2t55 H•rbor mo. pays all. Lr& fned yard, 4 BR + FIR. Me!a Del l\lar, newly redecor. ::::· ~~ke landscaped 1~-'. .baths, 111.aD shcn~. 36' PENINSULA POINT Owner 548-5227 TA~BELL 2955 Harbor t'Ultom Mated pool. Blt·in Paint. tl~corate for charm! >"1XER UPPER 3 BR 2 kitcbcn, w/w cpts Ii drps. Good 3 BR home on so x 100 baths. Priced under all Steps to Beat Buch S30.9:i0 • lO«. dn. ft lot. Xl.1\'T k>c. $42.500 othen at $71,750. Good loca· 4 BR, .2 ba, 2 car gar, 6 yrs PWC. RL.TR. .W..5440 Balbo• Real Est•te c.. lion. CALL 540-ll51 <open BUILDERS A'FT£NTION I 673-t140 eves) Heritage Rell Estate YoW'C. °"'l' .. $29.000. -Caywood Rlty. 541-1290 Choice 35' lot arlll•35th St. '""' ~· Ba0lboa Blvd., Baltoa S BR. By owrr.r. 5*lJ• FHA --W ,, _ _. HI va N 8 Sul:mdinate .,art. Barrafu if' "'""'!'J!'""~""'!!!!!!!!l!!Pj loan. FW1 price $2-4,500 w/ wuu · ..........,, ' Y. · · llOld at once! 673-6693 I' \\'ld~ Ele~ntll'!' c:onakkr 2nd. ~no3 FEE comer lot, btst mca. tion, $28,900 3 BR I: tam nn w/POOL. Lo\'ely family home, nur schools and Westclltt Shop. ping. $52,500 WALKER RLTY View lot with new 4 IM!droon\ 3 bath + room for tennis court. pool, boata " tral.ler. Ex· elusive . Delta Ree.I EAtate 146.+&14 VISTA llAHIA OPEN U , Pamrun.le Bay V\ew, 3 Br. 2 ha., elee. bltns, trpL Nu-tone intercom. Best loc. 2420 l/nlwnily "'·· N'pt Beach. Owntt 642..aDI GeMral •. . 1000 G .... rol 1000 Gonerol 1000 ci-.1 1000 Gonerol 1000 Gonerol 11!111 "HUNTINGTON ltAC ' "" ,,,,.,., WOW·f.1·11! ?olother! Dad! Sisler! Brother! A real family home. Spadou1 split. ltvfl 4 Bt!d· room, 1 % Bath.~. Lu&lt carpets A drapes throughout. PresUae, area. Profeqlonally landscaped. A REAi.i BUY •t $31,000. Submit )'Our ·tc~. . ·' . . . $'3.00 Pll MONTH PAYS ALL ~ can q\iaJtry to a'uume IOw lnternl gov't lot.n. Huae 3 Queen Size Bed· rooma. Gridous Bath. Deep pile carpet throuattout.• Lovely Drape:(. Rwiy for .oceu~. Prlord at UJ.900 YOU'RE NOT DllAMIN•I Lot altt ls 50xl68. House ts nts~ Jn lhe middle and thf' pMOe ts rltht at '18 500 Sbarp 3 ~room. Selin' will tell to GI and pa,y polnta. A Jrtat place lo ~~ )'Ollr chlldrtn. • IUY Llllf HNT 3 Bf'droom RanChero with 2 S.ths. Drluxe> Ca.n>f!ta and DrapeL Stone fireplace Hug~ RecrNtlon Room. GI no money do9ln. $176 per monUt• Jncludes all ~~ $20.900 and won't I.qt at tbts..pr:lc.. •. NOW IS THE-TIME TO .BUY 1 2043 Wt1tclllf Or. •I lrvlnt C?Ptn lffnint• llAUTIFUL VIEW That's right, your o~·n prlva~ view of C..talina and the blue Pacific. ThJ~ la truely a lovely 11pa.clo111 home, secluded in privacy. A unique hom('., prof611on· Jlly landacaped and decorated. $37,500. rou 0\VN the land. Submit yoUr smaU11:r home on our tuaranlee ••le plan. CHOICE IACK IAY LOCATION Immediate occupancy on this lovely )arge custom built home. Spacious family room plus dining room. Huge bedrooms, 3 queen 1\1.e b9ths. Owner anxiouS. Will se.11 "NO 00\VN" C.L at $32,500. Submit yaur smaller home on our auarantff sale plan. SUPll SPANISH STYU In Baycrnt at'f'A of Newport Bt8ch. Lovf'ly family homf:, has • 1or1tQUS llvina room· with high btamed ceilings and bc•utlful spt1nlah stylt fireplace. Separate DINING ROO~t. plua k.1nc 11.!.e famly room.. S«ludt>d muter bedroom 1uil<' with dressing room and sunken tub. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 elepnt be.t>ui In our most exclusive area for only $76,~. 1;, ACH. TOWlllNG TlDSll 2,600 SQ. Ft. ot custom hOme tn bduutul kck Ba.y art•. 3 car praa:e wlth elec. R•t"l.lt' door opet'lfl'. Lush Landllali>lnJt and dffkil\I lu.rTOUnd a lovtl)t POOL with complete privacy. Wor'k shop and dtfulns toon'm in the pool •rt.a. Ctn be uaC'd as one homt: or ca.n be a home wtth an in-law apertment. New~ painted. Quick occup&ney. R~uced to $)4,900, Submit your miall.r honMt on our ruarantce •lt plan. WI SILL A. HOMI EVERY 31 MINUftS COST .A MES.A O~FICE 545-9491 2790 HAHO« ILVD. 0,.. lfll .... 'ti t P.M. VA llPOHISSIONll I llDlOOMS· OP LUXUlYll Tbb 1paclout btaut.y bolsll like NEW CARPETS TRROUCHOl.fl't lituslw STONE FIREPLACE! Luxurious El.Ec.TJUC KITCHEN I; DISHWASHER! Clc-.e:ta and CUpbolrds IJlllore! Loclited ln PRES110E AREA of floe &hake nJOt ~ homes. 'BIU: . ..under the huse custom ALWtflNUAt COVERED PATIO ~tided b)' rat and trim landlca:pU'l(_!n ill POOL SIZED YARDl An unbMrd ol 128,mo $900 DOWN Dt,IAM COTIAM Its ,..c1ous yard of TOWERING SHADE TREES •nd IJ'opleel planll pl"' cool COVERED PATIO and Roc:ty Mountain COWrtd stucco front ii tl1b&nt.-ed .bf 3 siw.clous bedrooms and beautlfulJy carpeted Harhwd Floors. EUlcient JC(c&tn C'il'ST'ii~if~lif.'~ v~o~A'I"'rliCi'i~ ~Yifai~ ow ' NO DOWN to Vee. for a real FIXER·UPPER in neij:hborbood of IZS,000 homel Y.1th 3 •Pllcioull bedrootne. laf"l'.e living room with •BRICK mtEPt.A.CE that all need palnt and vamt.h on ltsJIA.RDWOOD 11.00RSI Larae lot and rarden ara. Big DOUBLE Detached Gt.nae on Its ~ 1«) foot lot covered With PEACH. - AVOCADO I: ORANGE TREES. OtJR BU1' or ntE SPRING! ASSUME IV• LOAN -1 llDlOOM PUSTIMJ 'fhts luxutioot 3 bath home with 'Mt mutft-bt4tmm bouU PWSH CARPE'f. ING throoahout. Beautttul musl\ie ~tARBLE J'IREPLACE in lovtly Jlvlnc romn + FORMAL DfNlNO AREAi Lam 15X2l hrnlly Room ! Ranch tbtd ldlcMn 6 all built IN PLUS dlthwuherl COvered ENCLOSED PATIO! lt'• htunaalllte!.r Jand$ct.plni: and 1u1T01Jnded by towttt~de treH. NMr Park ~ Pla)'lr'OUJtdlt Take ovtr ihl1 $24,000 '"1A. loan or VA I & a. .. ·- .. ~---~-·---~---~--------~------------------~--- W-.Alo>QU,1~9 ' llS FOR SALE RINTALS UNTALS UHTAl.S llNTALS • RiAL isTAT=,---· ·' !'epet! -,!!! Uiliii1 ...... ...,; 14a L ...... IMclt 170I H1,,.• U~ Ap!I. Fum-AplL f.!!ml-AplL Unfurnl--•I 1_o.;:.;;;;w;:;;.;;;ll ___ _,..1 11Y ~ Reduced, • = -~. Miu 1100 Cloll -4100 !:!!-1,Jlooch , 4705 •~ ••~ --0-14.-. 5fH lnclulih111 ....... MM ' CAPE 'COO 4 BR, pool * L•t In .,....i C.... 11 a ...... lar -...., ...,. . . . . -c.a "1er 5 PM 3 _.... BR 4 ._ llv. ~ 11112 llo......,. -"" 2 BR -1111 B I• CL1'1' DRIVE HAVE -ID · eom-U7lCIO C:ORIIDI M-1. ..... _,, rm w1'" i-11'. ftNfl-. 11i1m "' """· Sep. ~.. =~~ $30. WBK UP u..r. -~ ._ ,e NIW DIL\lll e ·-llco-i 11ome 1or 'JOO' ..... DOb " Whl-. 2 1111 w.-No. a bridt .. tlo wl,. BBQ. Nice IUlte, -I&. prlv ...... I !~;;~.;~='ii~ • Comnltrclol Bate• u DoJme ...._. a Br. 2~ ba. ..,. lo< -eJdorly lodf, Muet ba .,.. OOsta 1o1... 1251! "'o. corpetlnc A -Oa View ........._ ....,. I -• Ocean Vlew. ~., baldl llld. -· m11r. -dlll buJa""7. private ••• m. 6C-3<90 = :1or I~~ lie ...,,.r 10t wl'" t>o<t ,. oanot. Cptd A drp< ...,.o;~ I ·N;; .. ;;w;;'"';;;;;rt;;. '"""";;;;;;;:;;;;;;;DIO;;;;;I : :i:r:::: ~ avo!L $110 --leue rm. 4 dbl. --boud 4 can 11*!. Ntot N,;O,;;W-:F<LEASIN""'=c.-.""Ne=w-:M"'·l .w eoottdet olh!r. SM--7m tra1ltt ptt. Oo.e to Jrree. $39.500. I• • wmem trio Fri., Stt. . . 4M-Mtf ' , 40or opt11tt avail. Pool A lh:iipe I: Pllk lll Colt& M.'8. Industrial 1350 1qU&N Mt. BAO< BAY au.tom 4 Bdr. 3 ~ ""',.~·."..~ .. '.'°.!°"'1,-.... l'Mtin ~ 49f.8833 .,. SUNNY ACRES MOJ'EI. PANORAMIC '1ew -.... ..... NT ~ 6'MllS. $1>!1/mo. Aa<nt 60-1<1> ..... ""'I --2376 N .......... .., Blvd' Ma-97s5 Ins Alleo ~cb. 2 BR fUnl. ~ • ~ • COrooa PRV rm in Uc'd boml It; Ba. f/nn, iin, Ir p I•. Eves, 5*-!3u TWO bnl!d new ....., YIN TOWNHOUSI ··~· " . all .i.e. M....,., adults: no do! lkr HIP·,.• "" -.,. elderly • ..,,. Lots 6100 M&liCSem m flt $40.7'0. hOmta. oot Coniemponn, Split IAvd 3 bdrma. : batbl childttn. no' pell. SW mo. \e ONLY $21'1). e hult:tor)r man or woma.n Qwnfr/eves. &f&.15C2 oM Spanish. F.adl bu 2 .BR Doutlit 1are1 • --* VIII• Pomona Apt$. Call eves 499-3755 mm Amlp Wq, N.S. Nol.liilhlnc meall, conpmal , R-4 LOT. BU1FTS Bell bo;)I" Pool~ 2 bl; ~ ud all l ,,_.,.._ O>tt& Me•'• newest I. molt ' atmolpbtre I.re yrd & ~ for 3S unibl • .U.'"-· .• BR. •3 BA. au bull~ "'--'t ml ~ .. ··~r1ars'Rw; •1•c. JtmlJ'iout\apt1 now renttnc. LAGUNA -Oceanfront ... ~-.. Mi-· --.. ~·Avail' u•-Phil Sullivan, ~ .,...,.. ~ "'~ Must ' &NQ • u thele. bullWal. ADULTS OM.Y •• FUm A: uhlum. Adulta only. Bachelor Apt. Furn or ._....... ,........, ~.,. !::-=.;:.;;::..:now=·:.:-:.:::=-1 ===_,.=;,..c-,..,..,..,.. ownrr. $IOOO dn. 6K-O'n& _, 'YiJSff. :,1.=t:;._~! , .... :. ·• .... ··• '126Mnoft~ No pets. 1160 Pomona Ave., Unturn $160 mo./kut. ~ flESI' honlt for ladk• or CHOI:_E .... 1 ~~na U • I t e , ll.wNlt -1.~2S ... , · · -Aln..1'*1 fUlt10Uffiotllttf .. St, adulL-$-3223 -mankwik.R.lcB4lau. JIPO~uc • .., .... PP•f ~ --or 499-3006 lay & a.-•v dry 1arp room & l1gbt Newport BA¥· c.or. Mela & o-Must Sell FABULOUS vltw """'· 4 Jt, lty I SUS CASITAS ~E ,~i:;.i.:1 ·.~: fl.,~ mine, beautiful"'" B ay v iew. By """" 1..ovt1y CoklniU 1am.lb' home. P&cl.tic Stw:na Realty BR 2% txt. all bu.lltlll .. , nc. rowxllna•. cio. in. 4.94-2425 num-1'32. Q)oice Sayau:t locatioll. ltwttinrton Beach kitchen. luae PQOl·table 901 Dover Dr., N8 &dte ,221 FURNISHED Slrwle oply. f99..M64 aft I. •"'"'VIEW=::--c.,,..-cco-a•'".-.,.=..,::-::1 Fonnal dlnlne room ... ,, 147-1516 '"" playroom, wet bu. IG--'000 Eva. -l ·BR. l Bachelcr Apts. RINTALS ONTENACIU3 Misc. Ront1ls 5999 blu!!. po1alble s .sty. 4 bdrnu, 2 tlttpiaces, eJto. JUST CUT PRICE completely carpeted. and TOWNH 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. l A 2 BK. hrn " Untum medical or apta. WW build ' tric built-Ins, l car p.re&e, dl&(ll9d 4Weo ape a k ~ r . OUSE 3 'Br., 2~ bL MedallJca by Hotpoint AptL UnfurnJlhMI Frpb I pdv. pau./Pools. FAMILY Vac. Trailer, on to tuil. ~ boat or trailer access. WA~ S00 &)'Item. 8Y Owoet. $39,500. ;:;. C:! =. pit hcd HOIJDAY PLAZA Generil 5000 ~ • Contn~ BJdlt. put. beach ~ Enatfta.da, 3'19 hr 100:dOO CORNER R-1 lot in • R_,J, WanlC•. Now•-'-~ -1 ·~ ic.mt;;:,sar, DELUXE, fPl.cious t.8drm. ooo"'.,."'""' fOlll front N.B. Comp turn ex. smogtreeVIST~$60doW11. JJ ... ., •u.. ,,.~,..,... ~v,7W BY OWNER, north e...1 3 ,........ ....... . pm Furn. apt. $135 Plue util. RENT •·-fM.Olll ••• ----' ~ I bath r._,._ ·-3 Bil ....... 2 ba' bl . M •• ~~ linen. Doy. wk. mo. 642-3387 $611 per mo. Qwn<r. -·· rn I""" • ~room. · -"'~ BR l ba, playroom w/w•t ~: a.. lnl. """" pool, Amplo paridng < •~ar nr a... Hwy) WMtcnn "'" throughout. Covered Patio. bar, builtin kitchen. 2 dshwahr., new "1nt. cpts. I: No cblldren _No ptt1 l Roomt Furniture · ,. IODO .LAGUNA woodsy yM!w k>ts, SPARKLES a: ,,ruw l.mil:k LoU: more extras! You own l.iftplaces, outslde 1 a 1 drps. Nr. beach. Year lse. ~Pomona, CM $20 • $25 & UP 3 S;R. & deb. 2% ba. 3-Sb'" lncomlll aparty WMHl'll'OW'd utilities, pvt. It out. Uvi.Dc nn I: dinlnl the laltd. Asswne my 6% barbq, carpets, drapts, luah $230, 5'0-1573 BEAtrl'IFULLY FURN Month.To Month Rentals cpfl, drpJ, bltns. Ad~ta or:. OFFER: Removal by April $6,000 I: $9,250. 494.-8743 rm; terViee potth, ~ PV.Al T. 1$4300P Id o "'1 "·p .. '!!! fruit trees. $U,500. 494-9;;25 Huntl......_ ... ch ••-lmm.ac, dean! 2 Br. riool \VlDE SELECTION ly. Leue; $250. f'1!)...3H3 30, 2·•tor'y 3--room apartment R L.. 6150 iktns.. Clean crpta A ... .,.. · · · · r v a e ..... ..,. 2 BR CH ARMER, ........ . --Adults, no peta $150. 2272 Appl'·----,._ ""''• avail. eYe. It lan&e buildinl from Cap. ;;;;"nc;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I - .. t um 3 BR 2 Ba 962-7689 or 96S-4.6tO l&IM,;q> • • ~ ·---.,. __ h a .. • It redecorated new ahas cpt FREE RENTAL BOOK Mapl~ 540-5566 64.2401 ·NO DEPOSIT O..A.C. U40 MO.yearly. 1 BR. bltnl, .... ..uu °"'c iw • e. ~,'.'.'!;_ !'"'1 ~-•·~ PRICE REDUCED drape•. irr'.900. Owner: DROP IN & IROWSE DELU~ Apt. ~-1 H.F.R.C. gar. Ad.tta. Avail aboQt Olf1r1 In wrillnc to Capis. FALLBROOK ~=-A pet aft&. n:;;; Owooon" INn O~~WasGA29I ,. --,..,;-~===--=-~~ Real Sharp s BedJ:oom. 2 Br., poo!. Ideal for Furniture Rent•I& Sl18. ~aft 5 pm. truioBeacblllVHtmmt:OD., ,.. .... -ow -·--no i3s.ooo D!Jl>LEX. 2 and I Bath. Neor .c. .L and bach•lor. $115. 199.) ChUrch. 511 w. tM• CM 548-3481 . UM hlbaU.. Padllc PaJ. Avocado Ranch lbakHoof complete.a down, seller pa)'B pointa;. 4 nmodeled KDOOlll 5'&-9633 '""'• w. 1.n""ci'n, Anhm 77• '"""' Huntfnrton IMch 5400,.lad==":.·.:""::l;:ll:..:"""==---FUERTE A: Haaa on 18.S cbarmllll'. borne. By Otme:r BR, 1200 oq fl lot. 18x30' BR. \ltew, jwit • shoppina. $175 mo. rent, re-====~~~~ .....,.. .... .,°"" • • NE PO ·-~ •••_,. ,..., 1591 pvt, wild ldtcbem! OU74.I quites 1st anil 1··t month TOWNHOUSE, " en · 21,L W RT BEACH acrts, commercially "'"" ,._,_.. _.. patio, buil t-in double cnn, I ~=,_,-=,...,,..,.=..,---b • WElL FURN.. ~..., 11 $155: 2 BR., 1% ba. studio. TAX SHELTER: fttt; did not ttter.e trff• ilollE ... Jt..2 kit. Deel ranae. fireplace, FA heat, VIEW 3 BR. 2 bath home plus a small deposit. Opdon °"'• . Dbl ~ 4' oven, w / w, EXCWSIVE ~' _, ba, ••• 000 .,_,_ ---1..a,,._ Avallabl~. &"''"""e, p•I . yon!, pool, •-1 Bkr Dtluxe I unit Just belnt con-durlnr: tut cold...,...; prop. Wl'ltside. 3 BR·~ room ........ u, --s. shake__,, -· · .-u::: or ~'5'"• --. ..... pes, enc· car. · -. .... __ a ··-'ud<d 2000 -~ ---b•--=1b· M•~" WESELL•HOME clulthoua!."""915 ""'"-ONTHE:l"&CH -overlooki-aUol "~·-~ • tot' f or 5 units. 549-1623 cul-de-sac lot, Many extru. QAI", .,.,........., ncs. ""''i.v.t. "' ....,....._,.,. • • 5111' · ... ft ...... -~ l;VERY 31 .MINUTES LGE Bae \ ========= -Back Bay, Drive by 14.> "· • ·~: crop •·~· eves. Univ•rslty P1rk 1237 Pool• Trails-Golf Shappi"l"UCl-3 Min. 1 BR, 11 liv room •••• $23,900 3 BR 21Ai ba, 2 stocy •• $24.,950 3 BR, atrium ........ $27.500 Walker ·g Lee .,,.;... :i.;i~~~~ c--. 5100 2 & 3 ..,,_ ('J!ll. 0on1incn on ... the• ca11 141,000 tor ,..... '67 ..... --_.:~:!Luxury llvirw to pWaa the owr.er/bklr. ~1260 Priced at $195,000; cash or tla Aw. st&-.2401 .,..t d'-..--'--h.... ... terms. For further Wor· DANA POINT HOME 7682 F.dl<-er \'llLSON West; 1 Br. furn. * VIII• Pomena ·~bl:: .......... _. ~,°"' TRIPLEX near College Park mation pleue call Keith GLEAMING Owner must all. 3 Br., wet· 342-4455 or 'MG.stto AU utll incl. $135. Pool, ' C.M., 2 BR -.. kit blt-in, Nelson with HARDWOOD FLOORS ::~ ·~i:..t ~·e ~ ~==.=."O"pe~n~Eii'="=·=.nn: Adults. 5&-2621: 968-1740 Costa Mesa'• •~west A: most lhe Huntinglpn ~OllC!d 7;., 1 :;:ome Eekhoff a Assoc., Inc. 3 BRs I: den. 2 batM. Clean ocean & bllls. Under rnkt. at :;: I V II 341 O BACHELOR 1 BR .• ulll pd, luxurious apts now rentini 642-919~0• ' wner 1818 w; Chapman Ave. A: r.harp, b~vy lliake roof, $35,950. f98..2500 P'ount1 " a ., nr occ. No pets, $12.5. Unfur. 1 " 2 BRs. Adults p ID m 13 UNITS, aranae. Calif, large teoctd yard with 2 llENTTLS . 546-5079 eves only No pets, 1760 Pomona IC C eood condition. 54.1-$21, Ew5-wknds 533-8975 .. "-. Priced for fut --•-"" 3 BR., den, fam-din. rm-.; Ave. just south ol 18th St. 100% ren~ Larat 6% --H p -s-t..-....1 bltins, ..,,i::/month. t.eue. 1 BR. Apt Sl.nile man onJy. •--B In t $106 000. 1730 Dana l'olnt 2 BR. del'l sgl tam ••••. ss.2,950 Dout1 Joy RE 133-0SM 3 BR. Condo.; xlnt Joe. by ~adult pool; many extras. By Owner $29,500. 833-0729 at only $23,500, Better check ___ •_u• __ u_r_-____ .._. ..... n. Ui3 a , Avail. April 20. 139-1665 Partially fum. 307 Meu Dr. 711 Ocean Ave., ff .I Phil Sullivan, 548-6761 Acr.... 6200 ~.n~AL REAL TY 0,neral 2000 L le h 3705 CM.::i~B· ;: ::er "3 !~n~\,~ ~!~~. <714> 536-l48'l *NEW FOUR~PLEX* 640--ACRE...-._S_S_l3_Tll_6_1U6E __ in. I 842-1'18 anytime $125 : 1-BR. dUplu . Good !fUna ac Gen~man preleITed. $65 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS Near Beach, Huntington Navy zunnery range. $60M· Beat The Rent area. Nioeb' Jurn. AYail. SPACio,us 2 BRkipl~ studio 133 lSth st. c .M. 642-l265 W 18 o 1 1 0 1 .. NMcCarcll•, Rttr1. 8234. Atlanta Beach, $65.900. 147-3957 $25?-t 6% note •• trade tor $168 month Pl)'& all. Sharp Broker ~980 tor Hua-o area, Aslrini $250 2 BR near •hoppin&:, EMI ~ms electric only BR. turf!. $1000 per mo. in-perty. now room, uilt·in lcno:::n, Vic-ewport Blvd., C.M. New 1·2 Bedrooma. Pay~ 8 UNITS, 2-4 unit bldgs. 1 Newport or BalOOa rn> 3 BR 21,.; bath, fam , nn cpVdrps, blt-im;. Near cverythinc. LIJ"le lot. $28,500 642-9319 3 BR 2 bath built-ins, c&l'· -mo. 494-5298 ~t. SUD mo. Bkr. '"""""~"'!" ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ 536-3927 or ~2'171 come. $11,500 F .P, &l&-4039 Cll.3) 333-3733 polo ~ dnpe•. ia'le patio Romola ta Sharo 2005 FAIRWA y PonJ.Wuht .... o..,..,.. 14400 down, •% CI loan • L1gvn1 Nl1ull 3707 MOBILE Hom<, lumW><d. VILLA Am Private c.,...a lu1in-llant1l 6060 RMOl't Property 6205 $25,300. PROFESSIONAL man, 30, "'-====:--c:.:..;:;;. Adults. Four SNaona. 2358 lastbluff 1242 P•ul Jon11 Realty wil!bes to lhare hou8e, apt MONARO:I BAY AREA Newport Blvd., CM, Sp 60. Near O. C. Airport .• ; Br. NE\V 63 Unim, Avail, May APPROX. 72> aq ft &tore FOR RENT Furn Mammoth M o u n t a t n Condomlnhan, slttpa 8. 675-41XI 1:::::;:::;:::.:... ___ .;,;:.:.: I 847-1266 Eves. 847-8919 w/aame. Newport ~a. Up ADULT COMMUNITY l-BEDROOM, FURN. Apt&, Unlurn, 20122 Santa ~ :· A1:J elec. Gold acr'Ols from Vista Shoppin1 J: AST BLUFF • Qin. to $135. 629-6.lll, Ext 4.119. 3 BR, den, 1.BA home, Ana Ave edallion 1 A: 2 Br. Center, Excel. tor real {41Dnthrium1. 2 Pde by'aide, IMMED, POSSES. John Malone blt·inll, lrplc, heated pool 998 1; C=1°!:• CM e 546•7602 • ~ ~plighter, eat:ate ottice, accountant, m> sq. tt. ea. 3 BR A: YOUNG woman, 1 child, S~ mo. 10 to 5, 49&-124.3 X'A G • •~ It I Springdale, HB paint store etc. SllO/mo. ,R.;;_.;;E.;.. _W_a ,_n_tocl;.:..· __ 6_2_40 t•n. 2 BR 1: den. Extra CLOSE TO BEACH ab.are 'l BR ,pt w/wne or CHARMING 2 BR, din rm. Newport IMch 42w raCIOUI -u L Ylftl NEW 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, Sff at 826 W. 19th St., CM. - 'deluxe condition w/ choice ROOM FOR BOAT ainele. Arlene 2206 Rutcen vieW home. Private beach, 3 I ·u:".'"".BLOCK:-:":=-----2 Bdrms., \v/w cpl!, drapes, fireplace, priv, patio dble. Bkr. 642-4fl2 WANT TO SELL 7 ~ to beach; 2 Br., pool Stud •~ 0 K al 1---------location A view. $51.000 A 3 BR 2% be.ths, family room. No. A, CM Arch Bay. 67J..0097 aft 4. modun kitch., prqe, ,v/w · en.,, · · carage, w kin cl05ets, lew STREET FRONTAGE CaU Farrow and start pack- ;S57,5oo. Shown by appL HAFFDAL REALTY LADY to share home with "rNTAL5 cpts. Xlnt furniture. May ~ESA EAST APTS. blks. from Beach, 710th On Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq, tt. ing! !Mark Lei Rltr. 874.0 Wamer, F.V. 842""400 one or more employed AptL Pumlthed 111t to June 15th. 833-1234 l;:;l5~E~. 1~8~th.~C~.>!~.\Ui~6<2i!}.J4~7;:•1~~~··~~i~""'-".,· ~T~•rry=·~SJ&.==:15:191 Model home ideal for Insur., ~.M. Inve11tment Co. 5fl..7'2ll SEE THIS '··' ladles. ~1986 --'--'----'---Ext 313 Days; 615-59'l8 ~AN BREEZE upper apt. Rltr., etc. (Bet. Katella and 1 BLUFFS · General 4000 evening!. Large S BR 14 ba; bit-ins, 2 BR studio apt, crpts, Cen-itoa) Si Ins, lndscpd., Just unlisted .l reduced. .f BR 2 ba. dinin( rm, frplc. SHARE home with v:orking HONEYMOON Haven: vie\V c P t • / d r P s , sundeek. drps, bit-ins, fenced $250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. ,!Linda Mod·' 3 bdrm, 2 Ba, 1 block to school. Owner lady. ~ta Ana Heilhtl s·1ng1e· from • v. r y room, tWo $160/mo. 2286 Cs.nyon Dr. patio, laundry nn, 1ar. • 636-4120 .• ...., b,..,i. .... mobile hom<. Bc•cb carca=::,· ,::~;;;::':515-<240:;:,;=:== No pela 5'5-3215 aft '·.30 or nr HunH-.....n Cen'-r, covered enclo8ed pa tio. ...,.u,. ...; bedroom: fire p lace : .. ~•a•u '"' Balboa Island ;Greenbelt $36,900. By Own-Ro Euy term!. Costa Mua 2100 ~= stunnlns turniture: "''eekends. or Ml 2-2222 1 yr old. $150. 897-1313 _ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-44'4 .,c.·;""-=:ll91";=7"i~=""';;, • • SLATES, Rltr. y private. ms, 548-2l94 afL' NICE sep. Towmouat; 2 er 2 BR apt. All on ht floor, Small •tm or otfict BUSINESS and -Sfl.3519 E ves. 962-7369 2 BR., pr., patio. quiet. oung PM • Frpl. cpts: ea-. Adults, laundry tacU. Near Beach $150 w.w. carpet. FINANCIAL •• Mar 1250 SOUTH Shcru -2 BR, cpts, Tropical IC!ttq for adlta. 1 00 pets. St• .. ~ Blvd. I: Slat.tr. 962--7637 Rltr. '42-9565 ----1 Sparldl .,,_ ..... hltino. FA h<•t, dbl Blk -· $1i5. Sf4.41SO ... c ..... _._a_~ ... •• ... Ml='--4..;250;;..; -°"""' 1o ... ·~ IMMACULATE ' Bl! -Office llant I 6070 •••• Opportunltln 6300 nt .... w gar, $14,500. w 0 0 d ward Adults WANTED: maturt, quiet, LGE. 2 Br. split livel $150 Frwy. Crpta. drpa. stove, -no a ,... appr<cl&t> th< fil>c>t, Realton. 962-3343 Nowport ... ,h 2200 omploy<d woman to "'nt 1 Uppu 2 Br. $135. No pt1S peta. !llO. w.= LAGUNA BEACH SAW EXECUTIVES .,. 2716 Windover this week-CUTE and Cozy, 4 Bdrm. Br furn apt. Sm. but attrac, 2885 ?o.fendoza. 54&S4.21 BRAND NEW 2 1: 3 BR. Air Conditlened end. Professionally decor. 1tuca>, near La.kt: Park Rm. SUMMER RI NT AL lit fir. Util pd; Ult! of Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. from $150 rrio.. Cpta, drps ON FORES'/ AVENUJJ: AND MANAGEM""" ated 4 BR., !am. room. tor boat or camper, $20,500. Swnmtr and year round Luiury sin1le1 1 &: 2 washer/dryer I: niae patio. Unf. Children Weloome $150 dshwshr. Nr Beach. 847-3957 DU IPM*I anJlabie tn utl formal dininr rooin, tri-Mn. Tt!?T'Y 536-2579 reserYatkml beln& taken. bedroom apartments, Moderate rent, C d M . _ 114 w. Center. Apt. 1 ~ d&t Wl1dfns at -lnel, mqnificent hllhardrebor ~!:;BR;;:..,;,::,.,.,=-'-'. w::,:..,::.,.:::..t"' . ..,--. PROPERTIES WEST furnished and unfur· 673-5784. STUDIO 2 Br. newly dee. Dani Point 5740 prime klcatkm la downtown vie •· Separate c I'll blt-ins, fenced back yd, 1008 Bayside Dr. m.-030 nished, with complete AV AIL May 1st, Iara:e 2 BR, S145 -\Vat er paid. 9M El Lacuna Bea. Air eanlt-"i:i. $69,500.R I E patio. $26.500. ,,.,...,.. ~~,..,,~~_,,,!!!!!!!'""'I privacy and landscap-1 Ba, I .. priv ound<cl<, pool. Camino, CM. ,.,..... DELUXE 2 bdrm. ' ba, tla!ed. ~. - ency ea 1t1t• ti Su~r llont1ls 2910 ed country club at-close to beach .l shopping. QUIET, deluxe 3 Br. studio. triplex apt, ocean view, ter-~~~-'f • o 2828 E. Cout Hwy., CdM Hun ft9fon h • cl din Beaut location, 1araae. $200 Adults only. Htd pool. 1777 ract. i&ral':· $165. Mo, enu........ .. .. --_... • mJ""il:="='zz=:l-H""•;.;rbou=.;.'---'-"°"-51 2 BR turnilbed ho use, mosp ere 1D u g mo.year'1 1eaae.675-7970or Santa AnaAve.,646-S542 adults only, no P•t1 . For-c A•• .. rear ltadl: to ii WATERFRONT. b7 owner -Lquna Beach, 3 blocks to $750,000 worth of 833-1234 Ext 301 =========\ 642--0.92 or f96...5319, aft 5:30 Mund.pal pvldna ktl. '50 4 BR._ 2 BA .. dock, sg· on beach. .fN..'1221 recreational facilities 1 BR near lhopplns, adults. N.w-.. ludt 5200 4.9&-1036 P.-mcmth tor.,_.. DesJc 2 BR·2 Bath Home on Oceanfront, Owner will finance. $75,QXl Or•nee Coast Property ;m .......,,.. '™"" Ii:W • Pool. Spacioul5 2 BR borne W liv rm, lr& master wlte. Owner. 64.4-2244 lllbol Ptni~sula 1300 water encloaed patio $74.,SOO. =R"'E~NT=A"L~S-----desi,ned and operat--$135 «12 Heliotrope ,..-. • Md dlafn aT&llable tor 115. All!O 60' on main cbannd H--Unfvmlt"'"'~ ed JU!t for single 64.2-a:.-m-1211 ' VIEW Apt. on Kinp: Road RE~ESTATE Budneu bourl unt:ritts la ..... 3 Br. 3 Ba .. dock, --,._ people. Split level 2 e ~ d rm s ral IC!n'loe availUlt for $10. ••• ....... 4300 • ' • All atilllleo .... -$110,000. Consider leaae/op-O.neral 3000 ----Fireplace. washer, drytt, hntalt WintM S9'0 ~ I -=tion=. :=....-;;:=::==== GARDEN GROVE a.EAN Bachelor Apt.s. Carog<. $'50. ,...,,,, after DAit.Y l • CX>RONA DEL MAR 2 BR, 13100 Qiapman Ave. All util incl $75 up 6 PM 2 BEDROOM apart mt n t 222 FORE!I' ~ new paint, new shaa (4Blkl.W.SantaAna!'wy.l 313 E.BalboaB1vd. e WATERFRONT e near.beach, 1 Month plm, LAGUNA-·~ carpeU, $180/mb Newport <n4l 636-3CGO BALBOA 6TJ..99l5 Pier & slip: dlx. duplex; 3 &tarting now. Phone D. 4914M1&~ THE Del.Ch • 3 BR. 2 ba, poo!, Br, 2 Ba, tpl, ref. No pet!. R e Y no 1 d •, .w h It t I er 1275/mo. Call Mo•• a y NEWPORT BEACH Lida lite 4351 l32S 1.ae .. ..,.,. ""-1124. or wrue 11ox 4038. AMERICAN MadP' Davis, A.at. 64.2-7000 1.;;;...-..;..;._ ___ ...;..;..;. · ' Whittler 90607. Irvino and 16th SL UDO ISLE 1 l 2 BR aptJ. Brand new. HOME LEASE -2 bedroom 6: den, 2 <n4> 645-4550 Bayfront Apt: sut>let furnillh-Tremendous Bay y I e w TEACHER desires 2 or 3 Secretarial 1e.tviee, air eon- Is personified in this tn.di-bath. J..arae pnae a: fenc-ed for 1ummer. Patio, Around J une 15th. LeaM on: ~a~ or apt nr beach. ~~·A parldnf, tionally 11yled dwellin&. Im-ed yard, Close to Churches f'urnillhed Modell fire)flace, • 3 Bedroom, 2 ly. 745 Dominro Dr. 645-1260 i..ee ~., .. me betwn Junt ........ '6"' County Bank Bids. and Shoppinc. El Toro. nn.n D&ily Bath. 61• --w '· d a y 1 ,...,,,., 15th a: Aur 15th. Call collect 230 E. 17th Street JIOlln& 2 story architectutt, \Veekdayt 837..Q!llS aft 8 PM Immediate Occupancy r-. .. 2 BR, ""'"Y dee, drps, w/\v l.fi88-04.33. Art 6" Sun · Costa Me1a 642-1415 REMINISCENT OF MID Weekends after 9:30 213/eM-3016 :; BR, 2 BA, fplc. $235, . AMERICA DESIGN, HAS I=-::-....,..,=-.,,...--.,,-South Bay Club 213: 981-7039 MATURE executiYe wants 1 AVAILABLE Auaust, 1969. Ex T E R I 0 R or RED $ll5: l ·BR. eottqe, stove, Hunti,..ten ... ch 4400 2 Bft 2 BA $165 $175 &: bdrm unfum, trplc, 1ar, Modern •• pa c l 0 u I • pro. CK, 0 0 D PLANK w/w, Wnily •pet OK. Apartments • walk to beach. Yearly lae. teuional oftlct1 to rent on g~ N ATWE SHlll'TEJtEri Broker 53U9110 QU IET & BEAUTIFUL $185. 3 BR 2 BA, lrplc, $235. 67>%309 morninp. mon~ buls. LOCll.ted in La1una luch 170S PRIVATE OFFICE Looking for a no limitation career, and a future with growth '! Any back&round you mla'ht have in sales, public relatlona, manap. ment, accounttns. or book- keeplna: would be a particu- lar benefit to you. Men and women we are SttkirW wW make $15,000. to $25,000. per year or more. C.alJ Mr. Kap. 1an an day a nd tvenin&: (TI4) 537-8590. AFFILIATE IMMED. INCOME (NO SELLING INVOLVED) Qualified individual ..in bf: selected by Multi-State: Inc, to supply establi&hed bus:l- neu with fine$t triple A·l national products fca.ncb I: 1nack!i). $1,450 Cash nquir. ed., For penonal interview in Coata MeAa &: surround- ing areas, send name, ad- dress A: phone number to 1-fulti-State Inc., 9tl7S E . Im- perial Hwy, Downey, Calif ...., \\'INOOWS, HEAVY SHAKE $195; 4. BR. 2 ba., lar&&e· $1:;. COMP. tum. bl.ch. apt. Adults p:: 2 Br., util. paid, 213-981·7039 WANTED: 3 BR unfum 1-, prime business area of ROOF LINES. w/w. lncd yd. Children • ""· ;.:;~r A~now, Pool. ... ,..,.. Newport Hgts. silo yr'• , ..... ""''" CM. boautllUI Mb.ton Viejo, Ca11 t--;F;;R"'l"'G"'l"D'"A"'""IR"'E~- The spacious 4 BDRM. pets OK. Btokl:r ~ .;;;,-:;'ii;F,,::C,.:=::O,-.,,--l lml Cameron, Hunt, Bch. * 6f6.B664 * Mr. Wpp, Downey Savinp PmTE PRACTICAL PRfTTY FLOOR PLAN. IS SERVIC. $140; 2 BR. Conv. klc. Gar. 2 BR, 2 BA. dahwhr, pool, DUPLEX. immaculate 2 Bfl 1 BDRM Untum Apt in & Loan Ann. &T1"""'9ll JET ACTION ED BY 3 BAmROOMS. Cotta MMa 3100 w/w. Available now b~1. Adults, no pets Stove, re~. enclosed 1ar. Beach area tor employed $88/MONJH Frigidaltt 18 min. eyde ii · Formal entl')' hall, wtth ~;....;.-=---....;.; 1 ~~-"~'"-"c.";...,;.;,,._~"°"--$115. mo 1'lorida 536-2730 Adults only. $121. 64~ lady up to $ l l 0 1m 0 . the fut~1t in the Industry. clazed tile 11oon:. ope.rll to FREE RENTAL NO man .. wbat n 11. )'O\I DELUXE 2 BR, 1% bath, all PL.ACE 1'M' ..... •hen W-«186 lat noor. small oUlce with 30 Frigldaires do the ~ 2 Bedroom&, 1% bl.tha. near · 811 I: Ocean on Peninsula PalnL Only $38,250 IURR WHITE, Rllr. 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. 67~ E .... '7Ulst '"1 BAYFRONT. Tinest bch • * on Lido. Will 11tll 40' -• 80' 3 or 6 units. ldtal for lllllne • Income. 100';\ 4eprec. 29% dn W/ C&rT)' lia1 a& '1~. Owner WI ae- eept dear tmprov«d prop. *' dn pyml. Oth-'t by 320 Via Lido Nord t.Mn call tn-OJ'.1$ or m-..nc THIS IS GOOD ! E:ccdltnt location on Udo Via Koloa . l Bd. tp1. -ttillnea. es>ta. drpa. $t2,!IOO Owntr 'trill carry 7~ . clear R. C, GREER, Rally l3llii Vlo Lido 673®0 JUST LllTIDI 1\1>-iltorp 3 !Ill, 2 bath 1omo. Sop dlnlnc .,. .. I tamed 0tllillta. 1tml to -lot !!fll,lliO , LIDO lllAL T)', INC . • ~ Via Lido mam :~~ :,n~na~~ ~~: SERVICE i ..;~=:..U;wo;k;;:""":;AD:;;:la;,I ;:~;;AIL=Y;!,,;;:ii,;;ec.,;;M;;:'°;:m;:::;:1;,:"';;A;;!,;:·chil;;~;;:d;;';,:g.;;K,...!.:,~;;~.,.,,;;d=!-.=; 3 ,,:.u;-i!t~,!:~ =· ::i~ =t~aJ.. ~~~e ~t40t! ~~ "'1~~~ ';: Owner will tumlsh new w/w for eumple, 3 ~ 2 1• l\.Ar a payh11 la.undry. cupetilw thnMlut. baths $225.00 per n>o. Call Gen.ral 3000G1Mr1I JOOO GeMral 3000 arM. To $170. 213: 111-0132 die JUtr, Aak for Mr. Hester Garden Grov~. Santa Ana, The most unique kitchen you 1-=-"'-:==================----===-1 • LANDLORDS • i';64H811;:,;:""==-===== Tustin, Oraiwe AlW!elm have e,.r ...., .,.r 30 FT. I FREE RENTAL SERVICE NEWPORT CIVlC CENTER Coin-O·Mattc I.ONG. Fuhioned after the Q.fi'Q~ .i\'' f)-.CfjiQ.• Brolmn' IM49a OttlCH suitable lor Com. Early American fatmhou1'e. ORANGI COUNTY'S p~ J.'CltJ ~J.. -(b p V l========::.I merclal, Medical, Dental. EqulpnMnt, Inc. ...... II wsa the local point LAllGllT It-for llont "'5 Alr<ond.. ..,,1., al<vakr 233!!4 w. Vai""'ia of the home. AU doctrle m I . 1'7th St, -'4 Sol .. a Simple Senamblld 'Word Puule for• Clluckl1 ~PER SQ. FT. Full•rton n4, ~-BILT·IN RANGE • SELF· SLEEPING _,, ... ....,, "1.6032 OR 615-"'4 ASSOCIATE CLEANING OVEN DISH· 3 BD~f, 11,9 b&, patio, tenc-•• .,..,.. itlt•r• or the /.-;::--..4s;~ ...... ..--..,. Prv hm ' entry. By mo on-LEASE· store or offict 1974 ~fanapment poiiltlon open WSHR., BREAKFAST' BAR, ed. Collqe Park Art•. Nr fOVf KrO!flblN wordl be-ly. $-40. lM1 <>rartp, CM. llQ', fL 'aooct location. Jn E. with com(>llny In tht ml& WET BAR W/OOUNTER 4 scl'leloU A: 11\opplq. $183 per ~to form four aimple wordt. t.RG. Prv room, semi prv 17th St. C.M. 646-403.1 or equip in the ttrvlct: fteld. BACK BAR. FOR LtQUOR Mo. Avail Mt.Y lit. Kl ILIYKIL I bath, female oncy-, Me1& ie-Nattona.J Scope, unlimited CABINET. RED BRICK ~ or 141-4*. would • • Verde att:L $15 wk. 56-JSH JOO ...... Ft. Office potential, ito,cm lrtvt-·nt FIR EPLACE WITH WOOD-considtr Alt. I r I' I I !:======"'·"·-CX>S'l'A MESA M&-%130 req, sectlftd. Start :t"'Urs EN MANTLE. The atchl· VA R~ --· . ~~Boord S"6 Commercial 60I$ w••k + "''"' ot pron1t • 1eict1 iMlll'lll show the total Eve-ne _,.:..11..._1 _ -I • C I ROO"! • ~.,.. _, co. benetlts. 1::639-3374, vet 21" ' .. ••-t 2'T1 SQ FT n .,.. ..,._. '""' -MAW"' " IN8 ' comp. ~· .v.; --~ a " · . · cfo\,•n. 4 bedroom~ CAL t. TV I tdtphone· 1 tu dent FOR~ or trade by owntr. FOR Sale Balboa hJand fl. ~~ aarq:e w/scp&rate 5fO..ilM (open (!\'ta) "'"' I I' I r f. prefm'C!d. 646--iros 50' x uo.s· oommerclaJ pro-1ttu11lc Store. 22'3 Marine Mltv!Ct porch. Thit f1nl tqe Real Estate • . • _ . ,...,.:sQ';;tJ-IN I cl Pfrt)'. 19th St., O»ta Meu, .Ave., Balboa. Island. Inquire quality home la the best blQ' • n Cf!. ean pn,._ home, ~xt to Dtpl of Motor •I a.bm.... dd In Lquna Bttth for JUST painted. 3 bdnnt. ,. Up NS I BrnoBch klochurst • Ad_ams, Hunt Vehicles. Income S4TO mo. dt.Yt •~10:-'" or Cl' eC::,' $37,950 NI Price ~1!'_"'· drpe. hit-I"'. SIAS. .• . · ·,,.,..,., Owntr w/ 1e ... back a1 m.3177 $3800 Dn. l'ymt. • 5'1M1'11 • I I I I' Confucius IOY< "for ""' • Motols. Trlr. cm. 59'7 Nme. $0.R 494-!1!25 P'OR .oate 5 Venda-poi<, '"' SEE TODAY! 1..EASE: 3 Bil h 0 u 1 •. ':;~~:;:::::::'......, woy ~open convtrsotfon vie I ""'"s'°"''"'"""'"'• .;....:=;..;;.~ ror. Leue •,, acre of M .... t venrhng machints. J-lit.ndles GONE TOMOR.RO\V1 Dr&JJtt. Cl.l"ptt. le wattr r:IN OR E C a ,-. .. •1• unny .-;,., Motel property with tmaU oltlce. Nablaco Products, eook:ie1J "ISSION Rl.LTY lurnl -~ N ~-·· " h~..--~"--~~-l ., ... ~ • Kltc?wnt11t'S CompleteJ.v fenced with 2 etc. Be8t otrfl't' owr s?i "' " •·-· o • ..,_.,. ,.... I I' I' I I I 0 Com?l•N th• chudcle ..,.-• 1V and Pool largt pits. MM30C eaeh. c..n a.ltu I )118. 915 So. bout Hwy., t.qUM "6-19S&, 541--111!1 by fil Uno 111 th• fl'lillihD wotd e Oxnmercltl 4 ~-536-<025 Phone (Tit) 484-0i'll WANT to luee rx~p(\ona.l)J · · yw cln1lop frot11.,., No. 3 befow. ,.,"'' .. ~...,. lndustrlal 19ntal 60901-.,;;;;==.....,=-=-I "WHAl.E""'l!!' ... w".1c"h"1• .. -ac."""..... ~':!1 ~~~;v ::'. • r:~~J.flM[l[D r 11 r I' 11 I' I' I' r I· : ~!~ :;L .. Sa· rott ltar.e Laruna N~l, A~~::'N view to1,,_ Lquna 9f'1ch. M&-!153& 2315 Newport Blvd, Ms.973.l ofl San Dleao Fwy at Crown c.Jl; 952.:rm :::' ,;;:~1nf1:~~n ~· REDEO)RATED 2 Bl\ un-!' ~~~W8ll fOlj ( J I I j ) I J I DIAL dutct 642-5111, Dwp ::trl;;I~ :.~:o::. ~liY PILOT \VANT ADS! ;~~i;,,~.-~"K,: si.~~;· SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 ,_ ad, ,... u• bocl and trle. Doy•·""''°"'-· · c.n: 6Coll3I _ liS1en to tM ~ rlnll 4!!!Ml98. ;;Whl;<;:te"'•"1-""''-":;.,;;:Dlm:;:..H_·line-. -~·-..... ------~------·~---· • • ----.-·T--...-·-----•-•••••=•• = •• ,,.,, = 0 • • + • .,, uapq>'''*'*~~• + 9" •r .»ws,•v t"" ,....,. ... 1'¢" t"'>o"'~'l'·~:~."r-.... ~.~ •• -;"Y" "~1-·,-. -:i-;------,"! .. '!I" --.. ~-.. -._, .... ~·· ... 1S ...... -.,... .. ~--.,, -. ____ ,...__, -. ... -··· ............. -...... \ .. ••''" .. -- W""1d4y, Aprp 2J, 1.., Oli!tt PUr HltYICI DlllCTORY JOIS " IMl'LOYiloll!NT Joas ' EMPLO JO• • y il'fiNA:iiiiii'ia:Uiiii:im• ..... o,, • .,.,._-.......... lo -~!'I '"° Help w ....... Min_,._ ..:.,, w ....... -7100 rlolit w..-. --..... w...w. Mila PLUMBING REPAIR • ' = ~ -1-~~~~~~....;~ CANDY SUP .. L Y 1"' INTERESr DRAIN Q.£6NING DO YOU WANT • TRANSPORTATION - -., WO.mt TO WOii IN SUPnvISOR. D 111," 1 QllllllllllAI PLUMBING REPAIR ~ opuatloN, roam""""" m J••~'Q -··~ No job mo ..U ORAN,..; v 1114 _ _npao p"!""'m Or •:II. (•-!.!1111) • ~ • COUNTY? dlllrkt aotomot>ve aqulp-• • IUIUl- ROUTE Wrt,. ... ,_ - CPutarN'l11111> ~ T1' iate·r••t J:x .. 11o111-..-... _....., ............ n ,....., -.<-v...,,--~ r-o. er eves.).~_. Bos na, SU Joa•, collectlna "'°"" -. Caliloniia !l5lSO c 01 n OpOraled -Attroctlff E-rt lltl'I In Costa Mesa and ..,.-.mnl\mdlfw area. No YOUNG WOMAN •lllnc. (1-Iancnti ri am. dancer will tnclt )'OU an braJl;f ca-· ._ anacb.) l&tut ateps, Call Af'dtU >.» We have .wn.l <tperlinp for Programmen, AccoUn- tanll, En(it1!61 with degree and Drafltmen. Also aome ICOOd aale1 po1Ut~. Come 1n and see Mr. Brawn. ment aod lranlpcriltion .,,.tem. H.S. ..... wr; PRODUCT , ................. In tnJllc ENGINUR POI--·-• ...,.__.11on . ..,ir. tn-<lynamlc lndlvWMI cJudinc 2 )'Mn ln the I , wttb pl'OWft ahDlt)' bl ftl.. su-llory capacity. s.Jor> llotrM & J.S yn. Hp. aac111 · ....,...., """'*" 1765 -193<-cio.u. date Or -&lid --filln« i1 April 28th. l981. ~~ e~ for lqs: activltlel. . ·~ ~ 213: IS1'4Sll 1.IO PM . -$1850 total cuh requiftd. ~· Wanl? Whoclcly• Get? IW 'more· lnformaUon MAN 411 woWd W. to IDMt ml details. H.nd DIJnl!, woman. 30-40. Jend ,.... ' 1 , ~ and phone num-adclrni, pbonO, plduit tt IP•CIAL CLASSIFICATION .fOlt ,. • '"'NATUltAL IORN SWAPPERS ' Special Rm .... to: poa11>k. P.O. Box I.Ml, ·aoUTE DEPAll'nlllN?I' Cl,( - P. O. lick 3141 COUPLES, -; ~! AnUlim, ~ S2103 New In ceJlf ~oln qte tM11c to fun 4 pkuUre S Li--s 11--tlMMb \ •ULES -AD MUST INa.UOI .....WMt ,... """ " ,,..,., ~ ,..., Mftf ... ,.,... I-YOU• ,._ ...... ., ...... 4 ._ f11 14VtttiaN, 1-HOTHINO POil &ALI -TaAPlt OWL YI PHONI 642-5671 Nttt." accura~. 2t )'fl. exp. f'' i '' ~ Ii -TrM s.mc. '6'IO u~-- MERCHANTS PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT OPl'ORTUblfTY NewPOrt-Meaa 1J n It led dillsQ '&nd df~eitt ol Sohool Dl>lrkt. clualfted !!uJil ~ -..--""" ....... -.... -persormel otttce, l 9 0 ~ ~ ~lit fot lion o#tn an exceDeQt .,. Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, ceml*te IPld1!cadons for pommit;y for adYIDOlmlllt Calif, 645-0600 ~ .fitdap...TMtuials, to bliber let>tl ~ .... --1111w--pooltlon. . ' young Fry _Cook i.dre o1 moton and experl-Individual ..,...ed will " HARDWARE • _, •- -STOii w!IDOI<.,......, Ac to u ' To Pl1c• Your Tr .. r'a P1r.dlM Ad C2YKOSKl 'S Clttt. UphoL CHElllCAL CO. or Kitchen TrainH '""' wltll ... ta1s. plaaU.:., -Ille Or - one! -.-. ol ..........,. """ .... divltiona. H a-I II W°"*'f. -l7 Fl fiber rW. outboard mllbiiJIOftll,I aMt(M. • • • \ ·w bl& wheel tnt tralltt. Fun in sun plus income. European Craftsmanship Executive type pen;on "'ho Sp:1JW1 100% tin! 642-1454 baa had expm.ence ln ad· EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Pol1tJon ftqUinl a Sour ,,_,. EMPLOYER accountitw dest'et hm M- creditM coUete or ~ llOtlO ... It. --~ ~ Will ........ land•<apint<- Delert Hot l>upkx. 1881 Newport BL. c.M. ..ml.alltration, s a I e s or 2-2 m. $12,(D) eqly, For 2 JOBS a EMPLOYMINi' bulln!lla m. baa em en L br bolllt nr s,tioppU. Colt& CompentaUon will be e:x- ;M;::'='":.,"";::.:::'-..;gG.3%17':=o=4:.,· ,,.--1 Job Wante4, ,,._ 7000 c:iellent to tbe man who bu Have Cbmm lOt St. to.st OD the ability. ~ benefits Permanent. tun time job. Cllance fnr advanct!ment 1483 DALE WAY · tlty and mbdmmn ~ cosrA MES.\. CAµF. 92626 yeart applb.Me expalwtL APPLY tN PERSON cn4) 545-1251 Send reawne and uWy .... -· Lots ol JOrldrc, Ter. -SO.'mt or -ID ' PHONE _ buD.I owr perloCt of 4t ,_n · · -· rtfto loc. Good wtll hu -PS> S.ml Ooola~· --I 614-<UT nt avail. For f\artha' tnfmr.. lllViCI Olil Y 1..1ear 11 ~IA Pahn Spr1~, nM.1.Soa · · mrt.b of. airport • for beach old Newport w/amaD houle. EXPER Motel M&r or De• 1Dclude lnaurance, retltt-Bob's Big Boy want: 2 or 3 Wlitl Eut Oerk \\'ants to rellxate r.ant income I< a luxury car 154 E. l7th Strtet htALE OR FEMALE qutrements to Tbt Dd7 ' Pilat Box # Ma. lwHEAR RIAL TY ...,,,._ Repolrs, property. Equity ~.ooo. 1<1~ EV.i. ~ ,_ 6510 ''"" ,., ... ~ Calta Meaa. BJa ~Und. along Oruge Co a • t · to the man wbo qualifies. Calta Mesa 613-1141. """'ntly ...-mold Call &7>-8>r1 • Equal ogportvn\'L ~ wAlfiED,: AcUVt nian in the SUPREME ~Uon I. ;cear Dt acre1 Mendocino -atrlpp~ A wood Appllaoco -· Ask tor ~ 2 -la. ooda -------1 OD Strip In Lu Vepo. wr11e 1..,I!'!~~~!"!!~!!! -----'----* FINISH CITY OP :!i:OZUKI~!,~ ~411: ~m~i.!'.' ~;.!: SECURITY • COOKS • CARPENTERS w.!'!~~·~ ~ Mrvice on 'I~ Tom. 541--13113; 5f7..f881 aprina: ' o.ic:a a11gen holly -......... llnllh """' -• • • fUrhltun il I n t e r i o r la .. ttlnt . '550 -tor clear blatb PlQll, Equ. mo"" o/hauled. Swop ""° 89114 * MILL MEN ATELY, STARTING · SAf.. ..,, ...... ~i' "J•"b=w= •• "toc1=.=Lo=d,=10=20 PATROL • DISHWASHER • ARY BASED ON zxnu. woodtvnrk. All work done on 111 $100,000. Bkr 4M-8S6l cultomer's prem!Ae1. SlSO). CXJSrA MNf Pn-School ae.r bank ,6 oWce tMJ.Ud- re(d for enterlnc ettlb'd Ucea.d A.-24:.opea &:45 )Ill a.ldwi.a P~k. equUy ' Ind I bl•-~--• NIGHTS with""''°' home"''"~""'· 2ENPc;'R-K GARDIN' IRS 118 · ....., on .-.....,n-PROFESSIONAL t y pi 1 t, Ovtr 40 yrs. Penn. Radio Excellent co. beneflta, 0 .': •ny., ,_ TO - bullritss Ir: the profl:lllol».l to 5:~: 111 Per wk. $150,000 -tor dtar beach tla, CM. Value ~(OJ. General ' omce l a I I car provided. Non smaller, .;JALl<Ul. ...,,... - TrAde % ol $95,000 eqty for spedaltleL p l ck u P ~ drinker. Uniform all'nce. APPLY lN PERSON AfPLY IN PERSON Mlnimwn one )'ear erperi.. ialow-ho,v. Can •venae $tS. COMPARE! ~ pr<>Pft'b'. John Sea.ch. ))If dav after 3 wkl know-l3l-C3'l Broker, ~ prop anyhere. Bal in TD or dtllvtr. Reuonable rates. App; 4 PM -5 PM, R.m ence. care ol planta uil !? 548-IS4:1 -41li, 3'5 N. Broad•-ay,$aJ!!a REUBEJl l W ' EIPlOIER lmowledse ol la-q"; bow. Otl i14/'m-7961 4 to BABYSITI1NG, My ·home. ISO 65 Italt&n 2 + 2. Air, 7 pm. SOc hr. for qes 3 1: 4. 18th. 1A.M.J'M..SW, 3'IOHP. Ml'nt. ~Y suppb' rou~. part or N.B. ~2'ltS hie 10 or aft. 3 $10,ttk:I .. new, valUe $4950 °"-Duplex. • and 2 DAILY ..._ work Thun., _Ana__;c. __ ·_~-~-"'i"'i.i':NTENANCI ......,.,.. 121.000 ~!)'. ,,.,, ..... i:uo "'-' .... P•rts.(ouritenn1·n Ill e. c •• ,, Hwy. MOT"""""'"-CORP. MIN u . . fuii time, daya/eve1. Refill PM. .want .1ta-.waa. Camper, van I: coiled money from coin BABYSITTING, day or or ~ car, 54S.5387 :'ea:~h-~lotlS:boa~ =:a transp. ~l H.B. " Newport Beach VIUM'lli SALARY: $C71. TO -. Propertiet_ 61>-7420 Apply In person -1 u----por1 11--• Mutt ba,. - as-•. Dl.sptmen in ea.ta n)Cht. no minimum qt 1 Tra4e Bomsa Spring1 view ~ ~ vie;. No Mlllnc. or 24 br, bllil lt nect~. lot, valued SQ'.IO(i_ For what- --'-'-"--''---'----'=---ITYPIS'I', ooUeae student, 7G-_,, ._. ....... , pubUc wm'b Ship's radar C2l, RCA 80 wpm, accurate. M.y D -CAIDR Co.ta Mesa, Calff in park er letftr ctt.ulell SH!IO Total cub req. Send ~. hi.ve-you '!' ! Palhlind ... 45 ml radlua; home/your ottke, p. rt. ean lewis Imports --"""'===~-1 --tn .. ' ""' 15700 ••.• ,.. ...... '" --..,,_,.,,aft,,.. OPPORTUNITY! ASSISTANT ol eqvlpmetrt Pftfm'ed. name, addrea I: phone t.: BABYSrr mj home Mon-Box 4226 =:~·0-Bo:r SMS, Sun. l)lc'd )'d. reliable. Vie Irvine, Ca1if. 92664 R.E., late modtJ car or ! . n.ooRS alrlppei. " waxed. (Parts Deptl Join toda.YI fastest ~ Pb': PubUc Worb Dfpt., awn ... 541-7164 o• 61>-5929 ep•t · cleanq. Wafts wub-1966 Hi'bor Blvd. '"'''""°"·Mutual Fund ,.,., MANAGER ·DAY$ F.,... Av<., OtJ 11a11. BEAtfrv Salon. -u...1-M•priia I. ·Slater, F.y. $3 $30XI. Cabln Crulser, 2 . ~-.., day. IG-.2l1I , · · bunks &-. head, sh.Ip to shore t...aa:una Beach. Ocean view ed. Gu&Qnteed. SJl-0587 Co1ta Mesa No experience necessa.ry. . and "°"''· 2 """'" & ""'· 2\i W1LL alt wttt>, ,..,. to, eon-Soito Rtpttstn!ollvH We tra1n ·lull or part -NIGHT MANAGER FAR WIST SIRYIC newly dee, 5 sta. V~ reu. BABYSI'ITING in my hcHne 135 Grey Marine. Perfect 6'B-2835 days. 6t5-trali eves. 5 c1a,ys a week; Exp'd moth. cond. Trade for prop, T.D. baths. $15,500. ~uity. Lea1e valescent or blind. Ouiul. S750. Salary Mutu1I Fund Advl....,, For Drive-Thru Restaurant. INC., op.r.tor'I option or exchan&e for ..U. non-«moktr. $2 hr. 6G-61l2 PIU.1 commiuion while in Inc. Must be. neat with a plf:u. Snack Shops, ( .... I --t-;...._.., .r.•1 er lunches, fenced yard ot ? 539-50'i3 or 527-1515. nYM""4tlt -...-.._ .. 0 M-Verde area. 54$-0849° Havt: Medical Prof. blda: boat, Bkr 494-1330. HOUSE\VORK training, Fraternal orpn'-Npt a 1003 Weatcllttf0.IC22 ant pe:raonallty, Oance tor ReuMn'i a.,.& R.Mltsft HAVE: Land N:E. Antelope GOOD REFERENCES zatlon e1tablbhed 1897. Ap. I .A. 1212 N. BrollC!wQ advancement. Experiencf!' E. LH RestMn' ...... GROWING Mfa. co. ntedl: WILL BABYSIT your child Rialto, ifte I: clear. val private Jnveslw, interested tn my C.M. 1'>me by da,y, $125,IXXI; ll'ade all or part Valley, 237 ac. au or part, 545-7001' plleanta ahould be over 25. 5n-8331 helpful but not a mU1t. Full 8 ,_ now RC4tPfint • ~~ !~:·'!''~A~ ~ous-Domestic Help 7035 ~~t :i:r:~t =~~ 2_ Dlshw-'"--~~~ :g~&-1: ~~~ :t'. pllcetlens ~-~ h •I ln capitol invnt. of up W nla:llt. or wttk. 545-6734 eq. Want: land, TD's 01· $~•°':"'· Pleue reply .in-BABYSl'ITlNG . ! ! Myen 673-6756 dlcalinC terml, etc:. Box P-MY HOME * * ANY· AG~ WANTED: Lu1key's Harbor ti!. ,pally PUo! h2-l6l7 aft 5: 30 PM. area or, Pacific Oranc:e INVESTOR Wanted t<r N.B. .J XLNT day cart, AM to County reverse telephone 673-6758 cau pel'IOMtl rrianqer. uanwn 2&:4:30PMonly. mgmt. tr•- ENGUSH Nanny avail 1m-675-4570 Age over 18, nlahts. Appl)' DOORMAN 9ram. Pa..H ~ ~~~l:lw= re~~~. ::~ med. Live in. Top loc refJ. Position open in fa.sh-In person aft. 3 p.m. PARKING ATIND'T person 1672 ReYMWi,. change for small bouse 01 J..&cy. 64U703. kmable Newpcitt Beach ~'~:r~o~:~ Full or put timf!, da.)' or eve. Santa Ana, Callf. ll'Owinl sportswear firm. 5 -H 1 _,_ 11 directory. Trade for ? '!'?? nat'l diltrlbuton. Need :...... 0 me...,., c. Ann'~1720; 546-3585 Harbor/Baktt. ~1539 land with future, Fortin ChlneM llv•lnl. Clleerfu1 restaurant .tor ambitious. 18 or over, lie. ~'" driv-n---nt ~............ --~·'-! 3S01 E. PacUlc Coast IIwu. ~ Co. 1701-A. Wntclift Dr. cco......-· ~ ... 6 ... , ... ._. ........... .....,e >"OU11i man. -:1 er. Neat a ......... .,,..., rer.. BLUE COLLAR $25,000 workin& capital. Townhouae 3 Br 2~ ha, ;~._by.n; :Wpment. Irick_ MINN'J, .tc. All eiec., Pr1v ~tlo. pool, NB &&2-5000 Far Eut AatnC1 64U703 expm11nctd iD rntaurant Corona dd Mat can r....----::-C:-"''-""::-----1 managemtnt. Reply to No Phone Calli P!.eue 644-1700, ext 555. 4 to Machinilb, Driven, Welden, Dehnte ' BR, 3-t.lh. den ~:,:', ~~ :::""' hox # rtvtnr """"'-DOCK MAS R 6 p.m. -Fact..,. ........,. a F....., · ' 6560 near bay. Val. $32,500. Take "_,. late model car, camper or MrNtl'f te LMft ... v BUILD, Remodel, Jt.ep&lr ? . Owner 646-6654 home. 35,tl» value, in Red. 106-B E l'lh. SA ~1 -Box J\.f-621. The Daily TE COOK. FrJ·BroU: PJ day TraintuLoc. • Call e~ sea.me lands. EXc~ for com-' "' ;J"ll ..._... Pil Prestire location, excellent starting J19Y. Union houle. al Jobi. lit a: 2nd 1ot.ne fer quk:lt Brick, block. c 0 n Cr e l • • Colorado Rlvtr Front Re. cub. Borrow on your pro-crpntry, m job too amall. aort, Ariz. Pde. 2 •winaln& parable borne be&ch uu. ao ot. facillties. Applicant m111t be Hospital 1: dent.a.I plan. ~ ARGUS AOINCI ES en.Cl 793-6125 Haiti W1nted, Min 72 PART TIME. experienced, allable &: ca~ ply In pu80n ONLY! 1189 C Ntw))Of't Blvd., CK, perty eq without dllturbin& Lie Contr. ISU9C5 bl.f.a. $80,(0) eqty, For bot.I, your loW inttrert lat TDs. C ntwi '"fO T.D.'1, Ocean View Home AllO buyers for 2nd TDI. lrpe "I -or ?! Owner 545-0liS. Retittd 1"3tleman. able ot comunicatlrlc with Howard'• Ret:taurant CONSTRUCTION 2 Vacant San aemtnte Sheet Metal LITE 9 ~>tNCE private memberahlp. Call 4001 W. Caul Hwy, N.B. Orarwe County cUlfln ... ~D~ :;v~.M~11! $l?5m~ .:;,. Mr. Nyerres at S4B-22ll ext. FIBERGLAS worken. Ex-bldr. netdl lull Umt nm =~Co. ~nc. CARPllNTRY _ 17 Fl ootboanl tor 1tsUoo J36 E 17U:. :. )'rt. MINOR ~AIRS. No Job ftlOD ot auto at equal val- come, and/or comm'l fret EECO Contact Mr. Dinius. 160· · perienced 1 e I coat A to pft'fonn all ,,... of ~clear $24,500 equity, Prop. 3141 llarbor Blvd, Costa flbn'slu repair men . colllt?uct. Reply P.O. aca • Too &naU. Cab!Mt in pr. ue. Phone MMll7 ~21.n 5'.S-Olll aaea 1: o t h.• r mmets. erlies Weal, 675-4130 (7l!k} Me1a Account•nt1 l 9 4 3 I BI d I B/Placentia. Q.t. lrv1ne, Callf. ·REAL ~,4TE . Credit Mllnagen , C.J\.I. LABORER. tii*h 1 ta * * "NEW 2no! WANS AR-51$4175, U, no .,...., Io&w 1' RANGED" Top cub !Or m11 at ltl-a'Z2. H. 0. ........, 2lm 5IM3l1 BU. ;;;Ao,ndc,-'"°;,;n,..=-=-I SERVICE DIRECTOllY * * * SE1tv1cL OIRl(;TOll • ----.---·-. -- . ' Mo!'!!-. T.D.'1 6:145 27 ,000 lrt TD 9D Ootah Vlf!W Lot.. payable $270 month, 10~ due J 7fl· 10" dJt. count. 494--1137 QUA.lJTY JUPf,fn ~ .Altera.. "°"" . New eonot. Ill' hour Oard111i.. '6IG I -:-H----,-.. -.-, .. ---,-7-35 or Contract. 6*Md , ~ lit TD, 1% due 3 yn. 11 % dllcount. 497-1210 H=~O~n~uo:~ G!::o:~?. ~~d~~: Bob ~132& ~19-41 Xlnt work Reu! ftefa. The belt, COila DO mol'f ! 54S-illl Pnme .. -Plallt ... -Jlontbl,y Maintenance Exp. Horticulturiat $15,000. lat TD 11'$ REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS ALLEN BROS $5,000. bl. Tl> SI' CABINETS, Any l1zo job. GAIUlEN£RS STUDENTS WD..LlAMS a.NG. SERV. CaJio<tl-""""""1pl .... and aot. clrw. MUJ.M Box P-627 The Dally Pilot 25 yra. nper, 548-m3 ~ thtlr way thni ml-lncOfM Tn::._ __ 6:;7:;40:: ~w·~ 6ISO CMllftt Concmo 6600 ..... -....... lloowd. INCOME Taxeo ........ :.::r.=.I. , REAS! 6'6--0)3 )'OUl' borne, long Wm com· WANT $20,CK» mllattrt.l loan e COBTOM PATIOS.. TAKATA blncd, $IS. fM..-3'22 with $50,IXIO TD on lQ acm concfete sawinc &: removal JAPANESE HUUDt.Y oeeanvlew hill.... I a D d -State Lie. • 3<2-1010 546-0IJI. c.mpleto -q l:':roO:n"lftf~~---='::.7::55 49'--l137 * CONCRETE won, bonded 8el'Vioe. Hedquarttn for JAPANESE 1ronina: 31c &: ANNOUNCIMINTS " Uc. Concrete .,....._ all your """""' need•-25c by piece. Brine hanren. MW>S SlfffT METAL MKHAlllC Indlvklual with 1-3 yee.n ex· pertence on ahfft metal A: ·----ence 1n lollowlnr areu: Power brake, sbear, drill preasi:punchPfeU.Shoukl be aNe to do ~-out work. Excellent oompany benefitl. ElfCTROlllC fMGlllBllNG CO. 1 IOl E. Chlotnul Santi Ana, Callf. ( 7141 147.5501 incl NOTICIS Phllll~ Cement. 548-&IO WEED control, 1&.wn """· 645--0345 aft 6 pm. l·l'eu-":,:;_.:. . .:..(;.;F:.rM;.;_..:.;Ad"-l)-640G-· le CONCRETE work all litbt haulina; Exper'd. Jer-lronint $2 dolen Mortuary 1; Ctmele1l' ~ tyj,c11. Pool declc!: Ii: custom. ry or Marc; 540-5580. f.1y heme. Brtnc han(en. Serv. Career I llLACK ....n Frtocll Poodl• Call 541-l!U GARDENING, clean up. 544300 • WESTMINSTER found tn Meaa. del Mar atta. Cement Work-an kinda Mow I: edge. Call K.L. Ironing & Alterithtna MEMORIAL PARK Neu Pretldlo SChOol 4 Free Eltlmate Walt.er. 60-M21 * 540-0075 * TO QUALIFY: Alt O\ler 35. weekl qo. 511>-llM * S3S-03'14 * e JAPANESE GARDENER not OYtr .al. FOUND lady's aold watch CEMENT Work, no job too Maintenance A Oeanup Jani .. rl1I 6790 TEMPERAMENT: Attal de- Saf. arternoor. -!'uhlon small, reuonabll'. Fr e • Call 5'8-2572 sire to be or aervit:e to I"-~-PIMlll Id• at I f y. e tim H s·~·~ •d -• DE SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. --a6Uiu I · • l~ ~ PENDABLE: F I n ea I 5ll-!o7l -Yard Catt. Ex Pert. Wlndowl. !'Hid .. com cl. HABITS: Good stady work DK. p1iy rnale poodt., Child Care 6610 Reuanable. 66-1931 EvH umtt. cleanap. Free est. ha.bib, .ober A reliable. ama1L Harbor Shop. Cntr. 988--2691 Thil ll a lUetlme career om.o ear., my hOmf!.-N~ Reliable lawn ee:rvice, opportunlty with Nlary A: 1121 • ...__ Dth a Hartm Blw, CM. mow, edp, trim. l.ontloup!,. 6810 I trlnc• btnent1 - BL.ACK fmiale p u pp 7 , 5'15-ltU * 531-1404 * -•'""' y IN PERSON scotch T@n'/DactWnmd EXPER Japanett <Ardener LANDSCAPIRS ! n.r..-1.11 am only Vk. 3lth St. NB 121\i >Ith. C...tr...... "20 lllontllly ...,,.... r, a,. ATTIJtlTION to Mii. JEWELL. ..._."l a2-o'1'05 tJt 540-198'1 l bHd llndlclptlw. and will 1C801 Beach Blvd., W1tmn11tr Lost ..... ADDme>m-REPAIR3 JO!INSON'S Gudenln( -· Inda • 17 It outboonl wltll *""""' * REMODELING ,,_ -...... ,...., bis -~ Or ,... BUSBOY Lott \n Corona Ml Mar. Dt~ ' PlaMlrw CU'tl bu!~ eetvlch. Lett stt toptbe:r Kltchlne-Ba.tht. etc. beb\ )'OUI' buq NU)D. .a.tie c.ocker A Poodle mix-Llc'd A Bondtd. Free ert. Oat • Edp Lawn Phone M4-Mll tllft, 1 yr oJ4. a~r:t to A A 8 OlNSTRUCMON t.faintenuee, IJotn.ed the name of Sand)'. Pleate U22 Paulerino, Ol SCMBOl/84$.231D aft 4 Paperhintl"I return, DO qutlt.lonl ulced. * 5'5-4941 * AL'S Gardentnc s. r v Ice p I II ··so Jl,eward, Phone M&4303 ADD-A-Room. apt, ·un1t1. Lawn maintenance, prder.--1 n nt.,__ ___ .:-= TOP WAGl5 ANO llNIPITS OVER 18 APPLY LARGI! RIW ARDI cu>t home~ two •Im>' ~•clean upa, 148-3829. PAINTING Int 4 Ext. small....,... A wht mutt, w/ .._ Im I a 1 ov t • CLEAN-UP Sj>oolall1t! M..,. Lowe.t contncted prlott. DON QUIXOTE rtd 9Qllar. v~ N. Newport :t".,, ~ ~o.~ tna. edrtrw, odd Jobi . ~:: ~tnt;f:"w:b: Blvd., NB. Call -or Bldx-m-n91. w--ble-,.._ m-ua . 2220 C.-O.. #S, CM. • IAl",...... _,_ -=""""";....,=-~= Sat sun•• your...---·---:-,. -· ,_ • !NT -EXT, ANY mi: ~r-*~ ~ ~---,_ Minlatun biaelt male po<> QUALITY -.,._..._ 11).lm -~ ·- die, need• dtpplrc. "Pief' .....,. --· Rm ..._ mt -· '*--17• ,._.. Small black mixed on "'I· f>anl< M. -· Houllnt 1730 iilf. 6 l:XT. ~ All malt. "1'1pr." 14 2-4 tt o Oioltr Co., 1.a.1• aft ...., ntill. rrw ..c. llc'd atttt 5 pm. 't>m GINlllAL HAULING • !no. Call Chldle. -C&n .,..... ... and •• to M1""1NG w ""'«• MdtlOno * R<modollrc & CLIANUP 1NTEP. or Li: PAINTING, :;.P,°::.;:" ~-:::. = ...... w/amall dl&mood1. Tred H. Gerwl<2, Lie. -112 .. , load-DIMED. SERVICE. t«aJ coll Mr. Kaplan !n41 ~ Ba"°' !al. SISO . .-. No m.tOl1 * $4t.U1' ,.,__ altn S PM not F111:E eat. 541-lGI SIT-. Clltstiona--7. C ·~ AlllBITIOUS Ool1ep Boy PAlNTtNG l -.1--,rn=Y'°"CC"'(l=•1t-:-rt1"'ll"'l~ll>llt.=- WKITE CAT. "Whlte Star'' ~!"'1' "26 HU-'T'hd: Mn Haut Dip. interior • exterior. -u ot om',~ Clllld'• pet. Vlctttlt)' ol , -, Eat. ......_ Proalpt_ l3Mm ..__ ... ....._IM 1115. Slut $2.00 "'· !'lb pbone ,.._.. 6 Bdlr. Pleut C'J\PET'I <ft)'lonr; -HAULING. Genonl, Top, PAJlirlNG m.tnt. ......._ ---.. ..-. co11 -.........,, V1tvll .., Ta. trtm. ....... .._ • ..mi.. Uc. ""· 11.,. -Cot-eoa .. Shop. Mi LOST! Alwrtd >"W male ti, Lalltt lf;)1tl and" co1cn. hediH-Bia John 94M03D Frill riL Ml-m& W. 1ith Sl Cotta Mna Sia--Vic -0.... <lomntth:lai and -, . EXPE\i: ...,.hooloman In "!::•, 118. ~nil lill-m4 ~~ H..,...""n1,. 6715 Plo1torlnw, ••1Mlr 6~ pluctl>q a llctttrc. air, """'Yoe CocltatltL .. ·•·HOOIEa.EANING • • PATCKPLASTERING. DlokWnt.1146-nao Vic "'"' ---· 141)-7* Exttiltot -·· ... !IO -· All I ~ --'D'°A::W...;Y_;.:;;.PllDr;..:,;,_:,;11.;.;·~~--~ 84U4l5 nlARGi: ~want" JW)W, CaD S46-S88S ~ "9" C.11 s.~·-t' Al'ftYI • ~I IF YOU - Excenerit oppoituhity for ex-Administrative Trntts SERVICE 1taticn alnman-cement." work JINftirtd. perienced llltaman to join LOCAL JOBS Bendable, ~ over Own tran.parta-· ~ one of the area's "moet 1uc-·CALL 808, 548-7796 21 )'ti. F.V. area, full ii: after 4. SU-115'1 "'M!vl -•· Phone M•. ARGUS AGENCIES part time. !m-!802 9,30 atn· Full ·-..,_ Schmidt. 646-n71 l.869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. 4:30 pm. STOCK A DEl.JV£R.Y • e Concrete form aetten TALL, )'OUlll man. H.S. SERV. STA. SALESMEN. A* tr Harckl -• J:. 1111 • Finbihen graduate, 5 daya a wetk YOl.lll& men. evea ii: C.11. e Laborers ind. Sit A Sun. Knnwledge wk.tndl. Must be neat in e SALESMAN WANTED e Concrete 11.w cptrs of retail fllh bu 1 i n e • 1 appearance A bandwrjtiqj:, Si111tt Co. Inquire at to. Experienced only helpful but not nee. 2590 Newpcrt Blvd., C.M. Cout Pim. Mr. Davldllm C&ll .842-lOW BAYSIDE FISH MARKET FRY COOK. Ynr. man. or call ~ass IMPORT ~UTO 2tlll Newport Blvd exp'd. who detlttt .,._ . * DELlVERT * * Parta Counter P.1an Newport Beach. w/tuL For lntv., Mr . DRIVER * Line Mechanic HARDWARE man for sales, Schlerhold "Mr Steak'" l367 sto.fm * Lot A Detail Man r,eeelving 6' pridni., Good Fa1rYiew C.M. ~ P.laJiy Co. BeOOits + Ins. phy:slcal condition, S da.y WANTED : Experienced LlDO CAR WASI, 411 E. Call 646-9306 week. Experienced o n l Y Shlpplnc A: Rtcelvirw Clerk. ~ ~ Iii-. ,._, 1&. E I ed F R y need appl)'. Call Phy I Apply t-11 am. 125 W. 18th y pmlClft= l!: """ 0L 642-ll33 Sl C..ta Meoa MICHANICS-Out"'"' ROGKEi ~ly J I :;r E X P E R I E N C E D com· ,,,,;VICE Statlon Attendan~ can ...__ """' t6 •rtonne blnation cook. Apply bet. 9 exp'd, 1ull time Chevron flee. 1297 L09an Ave., &. 11:30 a.m .. Ben Brown'• Station, m Fairview, c. Help W1ntetl Costa Mt1a. Re1t., 31106 s. Cout, IA& M. Women MATURE Man, permanent I: draft exempt, needed by fumllure-<k!1ign •tore, Jor dellvery, lruitall&Uons A: relaj.ed d\'tie.s. Exp er , preferred. Salaty o p e n , Call: 492-4131 For App't. YOUNG MAN interested in learnift& tradt. Must bavt iood relen:noes. Good pe.y l bene(lts, .teady employ- ment. M&-7i21 HIX S 0 N METAL FINISHING. Sch -,,;:,,,,,,-~~-~~ LOT M>J'.ol'. tull ti.me. Boat YOUNG lady tor · ll1ht SHEET metal 1hear A: form-shop. Mu1t be dependabl~. deliwry, own tru1pcrta. Ing ,operator. Drill pm• no hippie lypel. l S 9 S lion. Apply 105 N. co..t operator, allo arc welding. Newport mvd., C.M.. Hwy, Rm 21, Lar ti, 833-2330, &lk lot' c. Batel. Experienced only -Su:rftxlrard 4!H-0595 EXP. Service Statlo~ At-laminator. MUlt ba.ndle 10 •''P"A"YIN=G=-"•,_.,-,_..,_.,.._'11~ .. ~· tendant. full time, Palisade• day, no othera need apply. ier. Prev bankhw ap. $,: Union 711, 1476 PaliAdn Rd, 1916 Placentia, CM. al.red, ~ Securf.tJ ... Santa .Ana Height.I. FULL Ume M!rvio! station ctnc Natloml Bank. X...- AITllOTEK CORP. att.ndant. Good eo. bendlto Nlctlel Br,-. -; Latba mill ~D. 16-ml HOUSEKEEPER, IM! ta Top pay . .A-1 machlnllt only. BABYSITTER P/I, 3 dlyl Mott.me• bomf:. .::;;i 1267 Lopn Av, C.M. wk, 1:»6:00 pm. OWn tran. area. 2 tee.napn. r SERVICE Station Attendant, EXP'D Service Station help. nee. CM area. &e-1538 wKler 6. 531·161 f:: >;,!~ 1~ ~tx! Apply in P8'90n i. &-. E EXP'D MF.OIANIC A RIG-EXP'D nlttft• I. Blvd., C.M. See Mr , ~1~2)96 = Blvd, GER. Must be dependable. woman wintlld. Arpyu''·..1iid Sherwood. · 1595 Netrpart Blvd. C.M. fee Shop, :ml 8 n YOUNG man to -work \n JANITOR FULL A PT TIKE. Exp'd·l:-;Bl;;;w.-·,,,_--,,-,..,.--.,,,.-1 1maU PluUcl Firm, $1.&l Vitamin! Mfr. plant Serv. Sta. Att., Comm. ' U\'E.IN ot out blbl"dtW': to 1tart. Apply M d&tly.~ tor appt. call M&--'931 uJ. Tom Sharp OR S-.:WO tcr 4 d:aMreb;. Uta Unlveroal FDtntton Co. -• • ""'1>q. Reh. -...Om.I 6'3 Sam St .. CM '!ioip WIU)!od, ~ nao Htlp W•ntod, -7200 ID Box p eT, llaf'1 Piiat< •e DISHWA.SflER ~ KIT-.,, ___ ---MOTHER'S helper tn CHEN HELPER. Full time, H u G H E s chahte for room A daya, '1-6. SN 'fm't, 4M E. H u G H E s ~ •tudent OK. 17th SI., C.M. 548-9331 • -1-.,.._ "45-UM ' Htlp _Wonltd, -7200 HU .8 HES NIWPOllT IEACH ..... ELECTRO- PLATERS with a mlnlrhwn tA one r,'"' ol ~tum plat• nr "'Ptritnee- Pl-. aeplil In pmon. ·HUGHES Nl)llPOllT IEACH ~rlor Avmue N B<ocb, ClllL Equal ,opporiunt~ emplO)'«'-M I. i 1'>0< rr ll'O '!¥I ~ ' NEWPORT l!ACH haa an optninr for a DIE MAKER with • minimum of ~ yn.n of eJ11perlen~ In ateel roll die rnakin&· Plt"t.H apply In person. HUGHES NIW .. ORT llACH ~ Superior Avenu• Newport Betch. CllU. • r,qUll opwrtunll.1. r.mployer - M A F - NIWPORT llACH OLDER • .,.... ...,, ... ha.t \U'JCftl requlrcmenta for cblldren, room a boml, wk. $1383, -· HSKPRIM!lntobtit SWISS "·5 -· ~ Mar. m.fB2 eves. SCRfW MACHlllE:-Ei:mu.~~:-"}, :iii ... Fi-~i.'I. iii, .•.14 -•TOIS lle!ctt, ..__ lll"UUI WAITRESSES ... all Pleaee applJ in penon. Hu .a HES \ -------... -----·------------~--'."'I-----~-----.----.. ---...-·----·-,---·~----·-·~~--......... -........ -.... -~----..,.-.~---:--:-----·-·-. ---- W'®Hdq1 <!><! 2l,.lJI• . ~ .. • . . _ . _.,.... . . 1 ~~~ • '"""' · • .. ,., ~& ~\.OYMINl JO~ & IMP~OYMINT.IO~ ~~9~· Jn~ A t;JaL?Y~, .IOU '°''M\:&!!l'I}:KllS & EMl'LOYM.ENl ~~ WLOYMI~· . Sch11lo IMl.Ndion 7'°° Sc ..... INtruelleft 7600 Sdo11lo 11111_,... 7MIO Schull 1..........., 7• -ilo11.,,..,..., 7llO Sch11M~1600'-ichoolo.hwl!•""' 7.00 .$cMoll.I"""'"""" i.P, ~mca~ Sitt ~ ., .• to "60 Exec........,. ...... *' Exec Secretary • • • • • • to $600 A.llt1 Blrkpr ........ lD'116GD SKtttary ···1·~····1 18 ~ f.<sal 5'<Te~ • ,' ... ,I llllJ ' Sectttary • • • .. . • • • • to ~ Girl Fridl.Y ••• , , • • • to $!!'IXI Stetttary ........ -, to $475 • • • . . •• Srrc.reta.ry • • • •• • • • • . • .. • ~ Sl!ctylPu .............. i<lO , ,• P /C Bookktt~r • • .. • • $450 ' ' .. }.,., .. Fer l•rth•r htfetMetlon rtt•rcfi~.th• 0.ily Pilot r ,~ ........ ~ ..... ·~hfft. I: lr.stntotlo.. Directory Ast Bldcp.r •••••••••• ~ ' . • C4LL 642-5678, EXT. 325 . . Qoedlt Vtrifytt •• , •.•• , S«XJ '====""=;:::::=";=;:;::::;=:=:::;::=::;;;~;,;;;;=;;,;;;;::: Receptionkt •••••••••• $4001= -----~'°'.?.~.::::::.'.o:: r -CLIP AND SAVE ,. . . ~~ -- P.T. G<nl Ole ...... SI~ Sl!AVIEW c 'ERAMl,CS 4.10 W, Coul l-ll&:hwa.y , 344 Oce•n Ap. Newport Beach 646-3139 L,.urwi Beech 4'1-1120 '* HOSlWES * SCHEDULE OF CL~SSES ' CLASSES TIME FEE AYS Wed. &nd NlGJrrs I Apply in perton I RfllBt E. lfE I Decorating castv.<are 1 -9:30 fRff and hand .modeling and Thur. 1 • 4 '1st E. Poclffc C.t. Hwy. I I N-rt ·Bloch Scul~ure Tue:\. $1.00 l -3 . Tues.1 ·9 I MANAGER I Wed. $4.00 Polter'a \Vh"!Cl 10 a.m.-12 :00 Thur. . • 10 a.m.·12:00· h ' ' ~-. I FEMAl:E I tor PICKWICK FASHIONS, Fashion laland, N.8, Mod-f.T&le to heller sports wear il apparel for the f nrw 'adliJt". Salary + bonttS. I Call or writ• Mr. Guttman. )3 Faab»n Square, Shennan Now . • Unlimited Firing! ~lAJil. 9llOJ.. '2'.3' We Carry a 'complete line of cerai:nic sup- plies. Your purchase entitles unlimi~ firing (except •lol"'WBM) for $5.00 a month'. You need not be a. ~la~s member, but it's more fun lhat way! W~ fire by the piece at stan- v -r' · TELLER dard rates, too. Join our unlipllt.ed firing -~--airl ~ Teller / New Accounts club now and choose any piece of green- pert. Worttc experience ware that we pour as your free g'ift. Gift .aDd gGOiJ "typist ~ oiler expires May 1. beelltnt warkltv mndl'.' L iixis. Apply· World Savinp ______ _ £.. l.<ian. 292 S •. Coast Hwy, -.- 11.igunll• Beach. fATIONAL O>rporat!M Holp W•ntod Holp Wonted :clesittt n 4!! at, attractive, Women 7400 Women 7400 (ftll qualified ex e' c tit iv c ---------------- 11eC!'@t)Jy for V1ce Prnldent * ;SaJes l G<oeral Sal .. Mer. inewport .. HOTEL i ~= ·:c:. ·~~ personnd . INSPECSTRE~S J'lm, N.B. Writ. <lo °"" . !Doy hlftl · 'No. 352, Daily Pilot IQll\C'j 833 DOVER .DRIVE MAIDS COMPANION OR I Doy & Nlthl Sh1'ft) OONV AL&5CENT AJDE NEWPORT BEACH for single laity, Ute duties. 642-3870 .UVt Vi or out. Short or Jong For large, luxury hotel. ~P- tenn. No fee. F/C Bkkpr $500 CRF.* piy ·to housekeepifll dept. Apply to trial balanct! ~OMEM~ Genl Oh:. to $425 EPF THE ' 1638 E. nth SI., ·S+ Mttt po~k. llght _bkkpg, •~ NEWPORTER INN Sli'(l;RAL OPENINGS """'' "-' .,.,... ·u-J bo · •··ti ...._~,\ii HoulfekM1i .... F/C Bkkprto$600EPF v• am rt:e""""' -p .. ,.. Newport Beach ~t of Heavy clienteontact for'CPAi --------- ' PARK LIDO !inn. 1 ConvMacent Hospital NCR Bkkpr to $S15 CRF ' 146 Superior Ave., N.8. Exper NCR 395. payroll . 642.2410 Ollly. Wtatminster e.rea. RN'S-KU .. Ann~·s · . Michael John Whittemore I~ i[viD6 Avenue . ~ M.esa, california " P're-Sdioor -1st 'Grade Chllcoat ·School of.Typing !'13 DOI ·Mar Ayonue . , ~ . Costa Mesa, ~alifornia ,. ANNOUNC~S ., . . ' ' . Faciliti .. fer lnl•rtM E~rollment .II<~ ye$ little o~ .. for: . • A Full "<fun) Lurnini Proerom ' ~ •·; ·-. - e Mu1ic. • Art e .D1ncin9 • creative Attivit ... • Hot Lul1Chu & ,Snocka e AflS 2',tltr ...... lst'9rodo Dear Miss Chilcoat: , I am fifte.n years old. BEFORE NOW I DIDN~T REALIZE HOW EASY IT ·WGUUJ ·BE . TO LEARN HOW TO TYPE. I ALWAYS ~ux~llFW~~T~ ~~;~~ Tl!Ji:N-IT · WOULD BE A MON9'1'.9NOUS, l{NOCK 'DQ\Vi'l. DRAG 0\JT, F IGHT: But,Mlu p!iilcoat YOU HA VE DEVISED, THE M~T IN· GENIOUS WAY TO LEARN HOW "ro·TYPE. My lliOther IB so enthused with your mel!><!d.tbal sbe,is going to send my sister .to you ni1.t . .1wn- mer: ·MY -MOTHER HAD TO GO THRO\IGH THE HIGH SCHOOL METIIOD AND 'YOU JCNOW' HOW .THAT' IS (ICK). -THEY REALLY OUGHT TO -TEACH YOUR METHOD IN SCHO<lt. 2110 Thu rin Avt., Cotti Mesa Ph 6"-l-144 TO THE ABSOL\JTELY MOST .PATIENT : TEACHER I ·HA VE EVER HAD THE PLEAS- URE TO HAVE. Micblel John Whittemore HelpW•- 7400 wom.n .. Help Wonted 7400 w-n Holp Wonted 7400 w-. .7400 EXPElll.IENCED e ESCROWe SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coost Hwy Corona dtl Mer 67:1-9241 F.quA.I opporturrlty emplO)'Q OAYTIME • WAITRESS • Apply in person *TELLER* Position available in our Ne\vport Beach olllcc for personable, well-p'OOm.ed in- dividual. Telle\ experlenct requlred.. ~ Excellent working conditions and tringe ~fits. ~ apply in person to Mh. Parker ~Lltch. Glendile hderal Sayings 2333 E. Coasl Hwy. Newport le•ch TemPQl'IZY Employment URGENTLY NEB>ED. • • Clerks'. • Typists • Rtpl'O Typists • Secrelaries • Keypunchen • P'BX Open. • Assemblers Worlc when & where you !t•ntl ~ ' . .. newport . personnei · agency Medical Offices Mtdl<al, 5'<Tew,,· .. .. S45!l (Newport Beac)I Area) l\fedical Secretary • . . • $400 (Tustin Area) 1i1edical Secretary . . .. $375 (Newport Beach Area I . Physical Therapist Trainee Part Ttme •• ,1. 75br 9:30 • .12:30 ' dyg. '(Xlnt. Besch ~ Of>J1!11'fU"if,;Y tor a young lady.) ' 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 6424171 lJ.JJalW/f $TU.DIG.,~~ CHARM . .... Alid ·MODELlNG .. \o ~ .J.O I& ' • I ' . ·,. 't ' • "' I ' • • . P)ue l~·uu:E~· • ''l!ECU:TS'OF jl)>AU'f\'" '-'71;-"'-I Clads !low ,_.., ..... : ......... , •. 1··M91\l..... B ' SC*" Courst approved c"l:,';1'' ~O:utld 'I!"'.,._,. .. bu the Calif. Supt. of Public Instr. *ModeN.,.aodTelnlsioo * Qono. p.......i DIYeloP'"'"' * -...s_..unte n. ...... * Spedol -lot HOOi-on * c:.--R.OHNCE SMAW Dirictor of Our Statt Lfct1utd Modtli'ng Agency Utt N. Mo11, -~7-6971 1''5 S-., Crost Dr. 15-y HI\ Ylllagol hllatto1 H7-1000 Jollo-Mon, Wom. 7500 e SUPERVISOR Hell-are Welding Depart- ment: MU!t have experience in inert gas welding of ex- tremely thin metals do"·n to .002 thick. )lust have su- pervisory experience a n d coo d mechanical back· ........ e SUPERVISOR Coil "Department: ?i.1ust have experience in \\"incling, fine wire, prrci!ion resistance element!, IOldering and spot Y."tld~ of small mechani- cal u.emblies. Previous SU· pervisofy -experience and ~e ol basic elec~ la prelen-ed. ' MERCHANDISE FOii SALE AND TRADl- Furnlture 1000 17 P'c. KlllCJ Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mlt- roi, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, frame, quill· l!(f mattress. sheets, Wank- et.s, etc. Oioice of Spanish or Modern Style AH ·For · $249 No down -Pmta. only S9 JnO. WEIJ('S W AREHOliSE 600 w. 4th &., San!A 'Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 . ~t.9 .6 Sun.11.6 PROVINCIAL sofa $85: lgc reclining chair $.'ii; antique organ $275; m11JOlc TV $35: ReprO Typist to 'ASSISTANT ·' $540 APF TO:IKKPlt~ l Prefer-e.xper but will train Excellent woridng rondiUons, above averqe .U.ry and fringe bend.Its, Call person. nel dept. bet. 1:30 am • 5 pm, Mon. thru Fri. .S27-Tl44 REUBEN E. lfE Equal opporltinity employer e ASSEMBLY TRAINEES For· production assembly of 1rnall eltttro • mechanical PEnflllDl£l SfRV1t£ part1 and &lass to metal seal IUVl'lft ~. ~Jo~-~-::!M~ll!!n~,~W!!!om.~17~500~. !I asstmblies lor conne<:ton. Call alter 4 p.m. (714) 846-2102 . alantnalng job · · rapid accurate typist with 1 -rna'1ure &: 1teady • -90me enar bkgmd. apply • .. ' Socrotory to $500 APF i.;.,· 1~1W~.'1;.. -~ .. Bl!l!Ovd.~. ~\.';!l.;;,,;,;'J Attractive w e 11 groomed r __ young woman capable or , Sharp C.,..,. 0.11 growing into Exec ~Secty. ~ ~rk Typist.I, Gat Sh & accurate typing. Stanto1 . Community Hospital -R«vt" Bkl<pn, Soctyto$5SOCRFV. ltN.._A LVNa. Both' fee A fte Mrkt&;, electronic Ot' engr1-------- poi<l -Tw .,, • ., .Call """""" ,.,... 10 + mM J. W. Rob'1nson Doria, se7'196. lDcaI jobs. Exec, sh 80 +. 'ARGUS AGENCIES Gon Oh: $450 C.RF V2 Hos Oponlnts '°" 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Attractive, intelligent Ir ~ . *WAITRESS* . ab!'. 01 fPOwina. Sh h<lo!ol, • SILK FINiSHER e lS to 35· neat appea.ri.ng. posting small payroll. ISi E. CNol Hi9hw1y Newport Be•ch EXPERIENCED STINO UNITED CAL!FORNIA llANK JO:l9 llarbor Blvd. Costa Meu. St&-2C«'I Equal opportunity eniploytt J'u11 tmi'e-. No experience Recpt. $450 CR~ 1h Full time position. Excellent aecenary. Apply in pel'ROft Sh. good typ'q: .. will back company benefits. TELLER TRAINEB" ~ up sect,y, Must hke people \Vill train capable aid fo:t BOll'S BIG BOY 154 E. 11th, C.M. &: telephone "'"Ork. APPLY Teller/New Accounll work. Seely to $475 EPF PERSONNEL DEPT. Some \\."Orltlng experience Xlnt oppty for young \\.·oman Fashion Island and typlne skill preferred. with sales, PR or adv exper. Newpert Beach Good \\."Wking conditions/ SAW CURil Huntlntten le•dli Area Selling exper. neceua.ry. Full time employment, company benefits. App. at gen. om~s PALM STATIONERS 1604 s. Harbor Blvd, Fullerton. Calir. Work No•• Homo • Accountin&IBJda>I: e Secrttarial e Reception • Typlits Supertor Afency Establillted l!M6 1837 Harbor'BI, Costa-Me'sa . Call fint 642-714.1 445 E. 17th St; ~· Sold~ experience desir- . Cost• Mou; Cillf. · · TEL •bl" ". . 642-7523 ' . . ·, .. ' Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I •.m. to 5 p,m. Equal opporturuty emplo~ General Office Experienced prefern!d" Good 'vorklnr conditions. Fril!&e' benefiu. · APPLY IN PERSON K·IR~'S JEWELERS 2300 H•rbor Blvd. COtt• Mes• . DESK CLERK. CASHIER Heavy experitbce on NCR 4200, Good aalary, S days. Apply in pe:f'M>n. Only exPerlenoed •need-a{ipbt. THE NEWPORTER INN 'i.101 Jambciree Road Newport BeaCh 644-l'lilo e INSPECTOR TRAINEE~ For , eiectrollit components, Previous experience in c~ ttSi.iton, capaci. tators, tn.nsistcn etc. nee· ....,,.. CALL M2·2400 ask rOr Jim Hyams, Seivonlc DI.vision o! GULTON INDUS'mlES lNCORPORATED 1644 Whittier Ave . en.ta. Mea. Calil. Equal opportunity employer BUSY besui; salon, &pa.ce Jar rent, C.M.fNewpl area . GU-'l!UI or &Q..-7771 SEVERAL OPENINGS tr "'-'Mien in Holl!eketping Dept, ol ~ 60, sh 80 +. Equal opportunity employer benefits. AppJy Workl Sllv. T ELEGANT custom seclional, oyster white brocade, like new. $500. 646--0732 USED FURNITURE low Prices!! 646-9188 1550 A Superior, C.t.1. 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP lncluOes: Living ro:un lf!l • tables • lamps • bedroom set • qullted mattress • "1D&· ple dinine room. All for •.. $449 No down. Pmts.. only SU mo. WEIJ('S WAREHOUSE liOC \Y, 4th St., Santa Am Open Daily ••• Sal9.6 Sun.11.6 PARK LIDO Qinvaleecent HOllpital 1'45 S\lpe:rior Ave., N.B. 642-2410 • EPF, employor CAN YOU TYPE ~"!~.'i...i.:'~ ;;! So. Coul CdM. Exporlonce if' J poys IH' 50 WPM? Proforrod I ~. Tho Newport .. APF, applic•nt \Ve have sevef"lll wondc11ul FEMALE CLERK 675-5110 """' 11ris product not only sells School of Business NOW IS THE TIME 9' BISCUIT colored pillow back couch. Nice cond .. Cost $800, sell $185. 9xl5 olive/ turquoise shag rug $65. Sheraton style buUet 70". $75. Round d b I e pedestal mahog table, 2 leavH, $95. Antique limed oak chest $75. S\\·edish style, blue, youth bed & chair, '55. .,..,_,,.. U7. lttlNDbl • ,._._, At-7 l'"-'f but 1-"""~ . t' pays fM 'opportunities for a young ''°' c_,... Dr. • N__. ,_. '-"""'· · 111 ...... ~mpe'" FEATURES: SARAH COVENTRY has • CRF, company gal between 20 and lO to Apply In Person SECRETARY Amw '';'h~;j'/ Alr,wt tiy•! lf you: think $250. per e Elecb1c Typewriters openinp for full or part reimburns he work in !he bee-ch ar,ea. ' week is big. money ~ art: • Dictatine equipment -...... Min. ... II. MERCHANTS Dr1've In liquors Awtant to'''"'" Pie-C>ll F". in for ............. -Iii<. • Brush up G,... s~ Pleasant' 1fr'Orit. no IJJYHt. LOVE needs a cute 1irl Near Orange c.ount;y Airport. An Appointment. l'Tbat's Obl.y 1*t't time) Call •Modem Ollice pf'OCl'dlln! m t!eli>mn. Ftr lnt<Niow """'' 23. who ~ • .,.... PERSONNl:L Shorthand ltJ1-UO, .,,..,.. 10-l"!!'~'!"!!!!~!"'!!~~!!'!"'I "'· Kap!on "'·""A....,.. •Lett"""""""""' .,.n 5'0--0614/ l!l-47191 typl<l. "" lake •ltol'lhand & 706 PocHlc Coost Hwy OI. SaJ.,,. butt! on expori-SECRETARY. N...itd by ""(n<J 5.l7"5!1D. Your ,..i; "'" "'achi<v· 20 P'C, MODERN lf'l'-8950 is able to v."Oric. in the store 200 "~= DriW' Huntington Buch ence. _Call 5*0938. fim\ bl Sa.n Clem•ntr. Must -'"'--"'-"'A"V"'ON"'°___ ed ln a minimum ot 3 3 ROOM GROUP JAMAICA INN HOTEL once in awhile. WVE, 304~ C.Omer 17th Ii. Jrvtne STORE. l\I~: tmific haYJ! cood ,typin& Ilk.ii.Ia; l OPPORnJNITY CAl.J.JNG • "eek a. maximum 6 llldudes: Floral IOla A cbaJr needl 2 more. makla. tun or Marine Ave., Balboa ls.land. 645-1170 _ 545-5685 opportunity k> join Wt \\' AITRESS~. Cexper. not ability lo work Wjitb ~s. .. Cash in Oil lbe steady de-weeks. Ask for Nona alr. bl Jam put ~· A&e. ~or 0\.-et. WAITR~ Days. Yng • SECRETARY • growing, .medium priced necrsa..) part or ft.Ill ttme: Be~ call_,~ .. liiboq mand for T.V. &dvertbtd Hottman at IG-3870 tcr oo:;;pl~~: ~·with ;nt Apply m ptt90n 2101 E. lady for iamily rest. Exp. P.iaguine publisher needs v."OmU:s appmd, Whion apply ln·penon to Mr. llorst ... ...-u.o» AYON co •·met I c •. Ttr-full ~~~PO· 'T ed mattress _ 5 pc. dinette, Cout Hway.. Corona dt!I pref. ApP in per. Thurs. good right arm with top specially ~hop chain. Must Chiesi, betv."ftn 11 A.?il. I.: 2 JilEDICAL Exl!'d bi 11in1 ritories now avallable. Call •n.c. nr..1T "' All Mar "Mr Steak" 2267 Fairview skiti5: Must be sell starter, ha\-e previOul women · s P.M., except Non." Tues.; clerk 1 Htit-~per. for imJnediatf,ly for per'*>nal SCHOOL or BUSINESS elc. tor$ .. · BAR aid. . C 1rwiaprial exper. Stt: Mr. Newport Harbor Ya c ht med~. facllit;t: s e n d interview. . 540-7041 or 833 ~. Newport Bch. 277 . m no expene.nce Rd .. M. accurall', .wt and capable Berohn, Otris', 9821 0..P" Oub, 72) W. Be,)< Ave., resumeP 0 ~'58,Soudl 5*-5.341 ... Nc.down-Prntl,only$10mo., De<'fllU'Y, ~., A ruaht RELIEF C 0 0 K for :of ho.ndllll&' 0 w n cot-man Aw., ·Garden 'Gnn.1! Newport Beach ' . · =r."'~==~-~ I:-====-=~-ohllt, Appty Viltld 1 t.ow.,.. JAMAICA INN COFFEE"''"'""'""'· .... pl... . ~" REAL >m•n;. Sbouldn't LlFETUIE Gift, WEIJ('S WAREHOUSE 1191% Newport Blvd . SHOP.7.Jp.m .anYday.Pb: abiHty' to write aOOc1 Pf'>"* MATURE SNACK BAR PART TIME ~ OPERATORS ~be Idling the hottd:t t;ypewriline.1 Children. Between lD I 6 pm. No m 8"0 ~mm»naJ DllP)' and/o.r, 1G~ Pref. alll: 2S-orQVtl\ RECIPT10Nl.$!1' Operators wanted 'for plastic area HuntlnifDn Bf.acht srandchildreD. or yourse!J! 600 w. ftb St., Santa Ant pboflt calla. . advtrtlsirw ex p e·w:: I e n c e .* q.sH1F.!R...HOOTESS, 1 With pneral om. ctutles. moldlnc \\Jlrlc. -Pb: ~ Call Phil l'ofcNan"'IH Vlllqe Ind l v I d u a 11 y tutored Open Daily 9 • 9 *CORE WINDER \VINOOW girts .,'allfi!d, z; to SaLaiV cpen. Imrdedlatt *.~A~. Exp'd. and Under 30. Ph: 675-£100 bet'l 1.1111:.5 pm. •· · Ru.1 Estitt 9C-4m. or Oilkmt '10 ieuons' typing Sat. 9 • 6 S\ln. l1 • 1 35 Y"' of age. Woric from 11 placement J'or illllrvlew ovtr 21 546--8103 school. l'Q. Del Mar, CM, Mcd>llnl<ol •pl, KnowJede< AM tu ' PM. Apply <all Mn >i~ !i46-<J10 · APPLY U\ PERSON. TRAINEES -,.,.,._.,., ~Ip.!',:""' El<PERJENCED d Inn u 541-2859 RD FURNITURE ' ol he~ I decimals. Gd. Mc0Qnald·1 635 ,V, 191h, CM bE:l'\VEEN i-4 P.M~ factory. Xlnt oppo~. W1 co. he11Pl.1. ANp.Bp: 8&1 ~ GlRL ov, lS w/own car to * 1701 Goll Coone Rd .. C.M. Knowl~&"e of sewlnJ e!llRn-7a :;:~te~ ~ NURS&s Aides are needed! 1M4 Newport Blvd •• Cf,I -• • . c:are tor 2 -· 1 • u l to W A.ITRESS · ASSlSTANn ~·N•r,1>; :'. i:··o1 "1,°t.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 • ..,,, a11tt s -8.~ =;,•~ °'t!.J: ... ., n;ai,t tll 9 ' ( Cl50K for small kitchen In 5::J:I ~.' G75-1381 or · Nee.cl 2 llldies &o hdJl ,ln my airport · ·~· · -·~• · ~ ' °"""11'1 R.ettauant 31108 InrtUule «>16 W. PJm. Wed.,Sat,l.Sub'W I I .cktl,D ~· an tor 646-&146 Bqsy llotd Colfte Shop. ti business p&rt tirM Must tLOCAL I Dnn uiru H a a H E s So..cout Kw)'., st. t.eauna. lllOCrftallh, Fullerton. 1· ~~ Marlled from -_.,,._.:'a 11 aM A -5 ~ Yo<ll'l'\Ab, ftOCI moker, 8 AM • 2 PM. Mmt be txperl-llloe ;eo'IR Call ~ Me. put tJ.mte a~ tori.. . , . MAN« WON»:, lot qualit)' ~7521 __,. ~ model ho~ ,... t.m to U:30 pm. ~.eml· toctd. Apply 1.n permn cnly, Keman betwn 2 l .C, 962.5tll6 tic tnfeWrltE' E.'ft lft" NI~"{ llACH pie shop, f'Ull time .t am tD PIANO t.euon.: The very =TM= 'ett RELIEF COOK tnvalld with 2 l~''hle.h l 11; ADD ORCHIDS'* temd. baurs k, bt an'aJW-~00. VI'S Pm COT"rA.GE. beat in instrvctlobs. Call &ip!ritnced, for convale• ctrea.11l-8ll7 THE , To )'OUl' budait. as• Vanda ed. Kl.fllOO KEJPUllCH 191..& l6tb CM. 6M-Z39 J BAR Stools. orarwe' I'*' _.....,ftal,-DEl<TAL ASSn;fANT NEWPORTER INN "''"''"""""' .. "'""or COMBU<AnoN, '""11 e.r n. ~ ,~,.,_,. GOING1"n.r.p.w.,..,., •mboeetl, ...... ""'-Sl<l fELEPHONE tol.ldtDn e:x· NeJo'P(lrt atta. part.time. No ca n • a ss. Maids 6 Go Go OUctts. 0,,rRATOI ilettU 1*" ~ by \ Bnllll up )'001' fMlch ::! or all tor $25.. ~nu ,-. Woric •I home • no eell· c&ll $48.llGS • ll~ Jam~a~ m-1196 Top. wqes • $10Hl!i0 to ~ bigu "· Ntw Pop CdM f'onvmllltian in my dasa. --doll.tr. (21J) nt-3007 BABYSI'M'ER mat\l:n! • ewport 77 YR.... okl bUbd. man warWs •tart Ph. for lnt. se.aa 2&IO E.Cout Hwy •• m...nn SG.Q60 Q(quiluAL. x. Sin bed •• , ODTAt. Asslltant, ftl'J' rell&blr -to live tn tel' 3 L 4 N D s <:A p E arcbll~cll eotnpeW:nt v.-oman to oc-SMSY LASSY, au Harbor, WIUI • mlll.lmura ot OM WAn'Rf.:.'SS!S • BUS BOYS I ·M=1=11=c~HAN=~D~l~s=E~FOll=~ bed ra a t t .• CQfr1Jllcle ._ ..tsirc mnr.tldom, xlnl dllldrn. fi7S-384l. 64U42I 'ivt :m Jar Mental')' cuiohslly clean trlr, «10k a C.M. =:~ on NEEDED. CALL 7 o R SALi.AND TUDI ~~used $91; '10rtli ~ ..... lllary..... a.ERK TYPIST ~pins ability ~ ~al. driw am. car; 4 tin.. BAR. MAIDS. Fl, time, APP'T. IO..znt .. .... , .. ,TER • "'" LI .. -.,..... ... ..... bfllty·A·....,, .. bl~ ~· ....... -... ,,.., M ... -.,. ""'""· "u ~ H_E:s GIRL .. ~~.......,'-"-IOOO .. :~r:~ .. - • ,, ..... mY homt; T For appt .c.11 ~ I~. ,_ ~ call Mr. SALEIJl..AD!Y. ~nctd App. KhoUy K«a 646-9910 .. *" ~ a tltltvmel. KIM8AU. &plntt pil.J)o. sm Call 673-0104 af'ltt' pm ID t :• ~own fnJW, 0 PERA 'J'O a·-Spe c • Dlb 639-Sizi onl,y. for b.m,.. -'CJJ-NIWPORTBEACH i!_~,~·.;,...~wford's couth, occ. In 1-tbla. all EARLY Am. LJt. "-, blk ftl. wk..16-«162. Aft t :Jll. ~Good pq. Sttady, SEAMSTR£SS vcperirnc.d SK-ClB.I OR.A.PERT optl"alllf', e:xp'd. 500 SuPf'lior A\-eftue • ~"--.r -.-.. lllrl ntw. &k.-1161 att 5 •ou:" n1LL t Im e. Qllftie,.ced GumttH ~· ~-119.'-'tr m~lnt optrt,tqr BEAUTICIAN N~ td I tabltr. Oahlc l)raperia, N~rt Bead!, ~llf. SA1.ES • Part time $121 wk. USED IOI.a SlO: WM!d .di~U~ ~:~ ~~~. ~ ..._. nc:rvw-dert. P~O. wAii'itiSSftliled' Apply tn N>Rnt SAILS, 9J3 Elec: tllct OVtt dl~n.:~ 38.53 Birch st, N. B. .,.,, 1 , ni Work ti'Offi M home, we ac.,•SanCcmtnle Ptnon.i Me.a Luts. 2703 b1C. !Cal Stach, 1213) daYB,Aevts •Sf&-1-Ul• ·~l!)'t~~1tf, trf.Jn. Cell~. $22: J)l.lr IA11tps $9: mat-f.~E.R$~~1'~~·~f .. •,,!!~ ~o» .. _.. I , ... _ ftSI Ir Box $22; H.F.R.C. """'"" -.., ..,...., u•• .. ,...... Whits~!~ SUpukr Avt., CM. .,............., -OA~YPllDrWAHl'iADS! Whl4e dC!phanlll DU!IH'Ullll DAlLYPJLOTWANTADS! ~I llCm!"i f10, ~ -.. . -' ' ~~·--.L. ---~----·--------------~---'---------- • ·~fii;m:~·~-~i.:f.: j:~~~-:. ' FR.EE_ TQ_ -OQ TllAIGP.oRTATION ;uNS:=mi:;~· ~~A w~ Alrft·~:,~· l~M~~:::!!!! ...:.'.:h...l.. ~ MMFu,,.,,..,. .... -. ..-•etfi~ -..... . ==""" C' .,.r _0 ....... 4 , • ...,. a.,y..,,.__ _,lQOO Ir!'! ~~~=;;-;~~~l·'.~~:'.:~~=~~~!;;~;:~:;:~~I ~ .,._..--.. LaCkMt· ISOO ~ Malm..-, 1 yr FLYING Oub, Ctmi1. 150, 1968 VW c..m.peC" w/ttnt; --.,....___ old. c...,. " -lemole. SCll11 LETS 1u• hr. --..... "'"' cond. 1¥1 vw -~ .SUIFIOAllD to ---wt lrt RP' •I lion. I0-"30 , pd cond, but oU.r. Prv ·Excellomtpnd, !Oft. ~n. llG-qJ ' 4nl -'LYING IS illSYI " prty. -Mon thru Fri SpC.nhh ... tf«l ..... ,t« .. GOOD -AllSWUI ""' lol$1 .j;~· M • I .... llO. ~ • hpm S + Jte.i ~ 1111 · r,_., L U IHEU. Camper, 1lta I ft bed, • -......... !"' * ~ 1116'1.~ + ('oddy ~ ' -.,ii. ...... :..~-,;.;. .. ~ J -cond. = ~ . '68 eoUgltt Monullldurer'I . 30-0!" 1 ... ). lllUe. Ol!u.. ~ P" ' '· -4nl co--CORKSCREW -alttr 3 p.m. ~1'3t· "' '69 Sliow.-Samples 21"-""411'f. ' GERMAN ........... : yn., °""""'" '"'" "For best $10 -At,_....,,...,.,_...._... SCUBA Cfl'!lpmtnt tncl. 1!i ntcb· dot, all 1boCa. waytoo,,n~.oationWllt rVf'fl Ca.......-llent1ll-9122 8' Wood ' carved arm dlnn, lg.'°""'' chair '"--1.mm..amm. o'bedlent , 'ff .-· OO~:;.,)~ .;JMMllE W1M£ coi.CH · 1'WLEI\ \ or loye aeot. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din &ti '""" ou.r ..... l,l31, 51W01> '' ·4125 rr'Jli':·p.; .. ,.,.; -"' · .._ llVl'a RENTALS •· w /blacl: or IV<>Cado framed cbalrs; 8 Pc BR ·-'I NEED • new iiome. "' ~ D'l*l Id -· "" ~. too ,.,fy to mai-se.l 9-dr Mr. Ii ltfn. dreuer,•Jg ,,mbftrl.'2·· Mlacellan11u.· ~ owr.n are alleqlo to cata. llaiiJ. ~ om. -Oil ~ reserva&na for~ HoL commodes. decorative headboard ill Spenlab . All...., i.m.i., ~ :.ol!DIL ~· --.. Btc ~ $35,000 .,.,,, oak design with matchlnf box springs ·-' .. * , .. , .. ,... * -C/21 t!! -· 'f!tlo lw boil .... WEEK-END OR WEEKLY tress & frame. • ' iU\ltvn SMAµ.. lovable tilactc ~ "'·Phone MMll7aftft1 pm HOlJSB 5t6-029l Shop It~·-S:r.!'tl•idu~~ -~ ~ -FRIDAY -·APRIL '15th ti"~~·;~=··::"==~.,.,.: . . l '. -.. : n.~"':T~~-=~ "-~ -.,.... _, -7,30 PM ......... "'""' ......, 4124 &m, April 2"7 Boat> -Come tn """" ond ,.. Iw<-VALUE $1095.9$-FULL PRICE $529. _ Unclaimed 1tQnce tr om LAl:l.~~ 1 t be ~et . 1;ea lcau wy JivU.1i,t.down ti.e.a.rth !~:~. I~)' ,:)I~ -· ~ or tWms., low aa $4."6.,per,W9tik Thomu Transfer:, Bcma. ..V/drlll:nri· aood ~~ &. u:u w.1 C..."H'7 prices. EVWlY1 *"I d~ tions. -4M-49'l2 1 llll_OurStoreCJwgePranorBankfin wudro"'•· Bedrnom ,.,., N..._,~ yan1 5'&-'IOIS. 'N.a: · .. · "'Ing our -.....e·ule'on ------· f'I~ "Jf!ICY BUT Quality. ~al Dln!Qg,room ""'-dlVOD1,""' Coll after • PM · 4124 lll63 .,. TROJAN Radlo on di.play modei.-they'" Dune B-1" t525 • • " , ' chairs, dinette$, chestg IJf · • • • priced to MU immediately. I :::::::.;:::-~••c:::.._....;.::.:;: I 1 1 ~rawen, mattresses, va~ ·2=Ue!i~= ~~~p. 6:U:nt ~ Patbavallablein.U~u , uum cleaners, deska, power 5 pliNie ..... . 4/24 $8500. 3tl;il Marcua, • NB. . I~ H•rbor mower, tttrlgeratDn, 1tov-• • • -~ 5M-37lO Mobllt Home S•let ' 11297 POI /~~66 .,~' ' + $30 equip, $H.50 Freight, '4t:ot BandllDC $1390 + tax & lie. deliveniL SUBARU of Celif. Retell Dhllllon 1000 W. Coos! Hwy. -Newport leach '4S.oo50 * -2733 \es. waahers, dryers, dectrk: ( KITI'ENS. tUck. pay' am 1425, Baku St ' cash ~tu I: MUCH wbite. I wk& old, weaned.18'LYMAN,pef.t"dD:l.,'ftll %block'f:altotifarborBlvd. ' MORE!! 50-74&1 Ewa. 4.l2i ~p'd.: no H.P. Gray; Git Baktr >COME BROWSE AROUND Km'ENS· n • .-. w bite worth $4,0XI; cuh..'l'aJJQD; a.ta M@a • <TI4l 54MM70 ==========;-:::::::::::::'-=:::::;:::=-I i _1m_.,... __ ec1_Aut_' °'----I Imported --·1 DATSUN Hll l'MAN j -"'S jlltnftll · ·• _...., • No trad~. ~ or l~!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!~~~~~~~~~ ' WUW I ~,,.,.. Gnll< 11 Pen. l ... d BUr. 547-IMI IN Boyslde Village, lge I! -----~, • t"' lf5bdal, .Weanect ~1596 14. ALm.im Artan;;;s ctbana, l N, ~c. pvt run.ltur• IOOO Pianos & o.....,... 1130 ' 26151,t Newport Bl~, 3 UGLY Jdtlllna, • ~old, Traveler, ~ W/7% hp .pa.no, new. w/w ~ r pt . SP..ANISH Returned from N fl" . • Behlhd T«o"•·Bldc. Jla!ls. trained. 54&-,,913S even-Evlnrude. $3oo Call Carport. 100 to ~· boat Model Homes on We at • ew IGllOJi C.0.ta ~ * Msai& inp.: , , '4/24 675-0209 • sll~, ava.U. Club . hse ~ 1e9 than wholesale! Group WURLITZERA:BMDBURY OPl!!N'DAILY 9 to 4 BU.pCCodl:~ f~, AKC - _ ' pool, shufJle brd, pvt h, hid~ ·beautitUI -.96'' Mt 1t;yles k "'ftl'l:tJbes. '~, reg. far ~chfer child . S.llbNts 9010 ~~: $~ ~~ dn. quilted 90ta k love seat. American made, a·!'°te, dd (UITftl\ flDMl't 64&..~ ' .4125 , or ....,.--"""''' · · 3":$panim oak decorator w-benchlrtuned.~Prioestart.. ftlllUI -.U GER/SflEP. I wk. female .~ ~l~ELYA~ DBL. Expando Kit Trojan tallliea, swac or table bpnpl.,_ in& at $499. · ·.,...,O,.ft •.SALE puppy laves ch t l'd re n. ~ 1 itatl mu.. "lee re[rig. 20lc.56. Seacllll :P.fobil:e Prk. Willi placque, kine. ~ Piaaos rented cpl to.. buy B-6029 · mt ,ltn, fl.Y?°,·blt "7. Sac. 890 W. 15th No. 108, NB. , or tlII size bedftilm 'sldte · .,. • NEW ·-9 · Remna.nts;'samPlfs & Mill . · · . . , ~.-i38 ~p "°""" 1e lncl 'bo>r -w ·r1itn1"0raans """S.t'Onl.Y 8 ...,.. to 2 sorr. 11W11. """"'tr!"" ·r.¥.c. TfY~ Moter<ydel '300 ~line & boudoir • .. ~~~ -p.m.929 Bam,~1 ~ea. kittens. Sl:amt¥ mother .• PA~:Y~~SALF.s• ~Ext.167 ~ s ru.': oak 6 Many other milis. Many NEWPD8T '""'-'ll Teoitla ,._ · ,'4125 ~~Newport -1 ... ,.;.,.uA-" 191oHARBO!lBLVD. dlliiitc sei ~ elseWbe~ style• Ir ~rlisbes. Pricea ·aub Meinber.hip · fol' A1e. FEM. Blk. Cocker-Ter:r:,flad x -HOUr Pt.Mi 613-1510 'lftl y_._., RV cc rosrA ~ &t~.,.approx. $n!5.oo ALL 6~~G .INil(USIC Save $200. Cali Harry Mots, good watcbdog.Cornin;CUS'IOlrl 'DLX~K 1.U.'"·0NL:Y4'0,MtLES ~ DUNE JJuaiy; str Jegal, FQR ONLY $399 •. $3> dciwn: E • BuJ!~.,. .~ Pr 642-8&\B.,. · , _4124 . FR~~ iTOiiAGE never non Compl •lf/. tow'r hllch, sand St:•.-~r "fteek / out of Beadl MUSIC (enter ~~t ~ 31ii ~~ ofd mak ~·· 1(Ft;GlaQ.-Rwiabout•·'lJ:•~~~ilike fcame tlres,.etc.M\&StaeU,bcst·ol· ~ credit OK.: W fl I · . If. \oVH , children,. needa. OG.WI-50 hp Evinrude, trlr., oil the slxnvroom floor Why ~''=':..· .:;96>-°"'1782===~--I ~le for ~ltk sale. mtb Factory -~ _It' 5ervtcr ' 42" RN~ talMe w/ 12" ext., try yard: 00-9117 4f1> .?'lr.t condition. $695. BU)' A '69? Pri~~. DUNE BUGGY O:!otlll')' F\Jrniture, 9 7 7 2 Daily 12 noon ti1 9, Sat 9-5 4 mate s chrs $65. 1 Norge NEED cd-~me fenced yd. • TO~T ~ATS Call DMM63 lbl''°'ri2·9340 Metalllakl; G~n Grove Blvd., 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) elec dryer w/ new beating · tor-kJV -male beige Bird l6.14"'N';t'BJvd., NB ST"a-2400 _ $150. 54&-6i5l Garden •• ~:~ 1 1~ ~~'·"· So.-8!M ~'..f.W11 element $60. Call aft 4, Dog, la; breed. 8J5.2163 4124 Q:pf,)' IT '68 BSA Victor, l M' rnDes. '" -DATSUN '59 mi.LMAN, amt:·-I ~ter. 5 spd trans, 135 top. Rebuilt eng. F'f.atUtic- hp, dlr, honey-iold )'ellow, economy nas., 5*-1121 ! hick bucket se•L", radio, heater, W1w's, less than 1000 ft.u.a• · J ml Undor fact watT. Tw J4,.. ....,,, r older f~Jgn car in trade or • • ' • $175 cub dels. Will fine prlv 1963 · "E'' J~r Coupe. I prty.-lB YNW 485. call Ken, Been In tfora,p. L11cie bnD1 1 \ t9497l3 or 56{16.14 new. Can 64Z-l'l52 eves. I ENGUSH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER COMPLETE SALES ·SERVICE PARTS CENTER NEW· USED MERc• liNz S.t-:tM. '$11>· il:s'.,P"!!t·~·•llO(clj" Hljl5l6 962-8431 nAy 'S),Tc!!:R'' 112!5. • •](411"""4<~"'" • ·" Imported-Au* HOI in or call ('llfJ 530-S2«I 'used Ham~. "tilliSbN J.J0 FREE· CAT._ 1 year old HOmU.Y Ri:NTAL.S ** ~7'33 ** . --~---2C8I Harbor Blvd. 20 PC. "M .. DRID" ORGAN SALE With HU.t;;...n ..... ~:".':; .. ~,::: • *RHODES .Iii"* 1969 KAW~~!!!·120cc,·:~.~· ALFA ROMEO a.ta..... MUOIO Theodore ROBINS FORD MERCED~ Bera: 100. •on., ulUmate motor car", 4 doar, ' air IUSPf'ns.lon. dllc brUel, 1 1 power everythl.nc, a u t o; FM/AM ndio A heater, Will take trade tor ta.te model I Americul auto w IUlladt. "" .. · • ..w.. . •ICU -Fun .,...,,..., Boa · BaJI--• ZiC> ml 61.>-.l'tllU tit U<l,JS 3 Room Group' . B-J's. RT·2, C2, A-lOO's. M-~ new, foMl\I' Cll', offft' LOVELY Kltu!na and friend-·c=: t Co, -~ 675-u:i:z . . lOO's, J...lOO's, M-3. .A 11 o Etjc, &'ffi.5160 after I 'PM. I caJa l)!ed ~ hornet. ~ATJONAJ. 14, 296,l..:::~=-~~-=- FROM MODEL HOMES many pianos -'-Steinway, 6 WK. old Spanllh:style .Ota· ~· 4/.25 exc coni:!, ·2 seL!"aalls. s'pin-SUzukl 80 Trail Bike, . FERRARI ~~~ 2 Qonduiltta"'bles'°"• oo! Wurlitzer, etc. · ·: ~ tble; ct,e~. 2 nite c:m:oaFuL Kitte 6 wks ,W.:er, ~er, M;ake oUer. Pe~~· Open SUnday 12 to 4 at&nds; -...{ s h'r /~rye r; NI,. ~ ~-~!_!' .. '!'__ __ _:'_:_· -11--:=,-,;;_;-~-::;;:,-,,i'O'- fCl"I table - 2 lamps-dress-HAMltfON~ _ carpeta, -~~~. m 0 ~in I", fy~·~ tl!fJK\111~.b IS' SAILBOAT Y.i th extras '68 HOND.6 125 SCR. er -mirror.-headboard -iO--roRONA DEi:. MAR 842-2742 ... lncluding trailer. Value $325 OI';' ¥~ Ofkr?- '6' Allo Sprint GT One oJ a kind. #dBU $25'5 ' eu Ltmia PERRARI N-lmporta Lid. 0.. anp Cctanl;Y.1 cmb author- Roy\V .... .._ I MERCEDES, lllD 190 4 dr, one Owner, top conditiooJ 1 ~ Call·fQ.-2917 i IMPORTS t0TOTA·YOLfO 1966 Harbor, C.M. M&-9303 quilted box spring " ·m•tt· 285'1 E. Coast Hwy., 673-8930 QUAL. Kni'-Size ... .,..._ w/ KITrENS born J!.~ Uth $1250 • STEAL, $850. Call Ml-Sm reA -5 pc. dining room; ONCEA'YEAR ' quilted matt., complete need home •:'ff l~ve . 493-4467or496-3144 ,. . ~ ~~~!~~~= WURLITtER N~r~$98;~ffi9· 545-6519 ~i ._l'l " 4.m~ SABOT. rowiqi 1:Triller,Tra~ 942S SJff PIANO&. ORGAN SALE 84T-l406 ' · · · 2 APP.ff.¥,ll.E ~~WWI-isaifuw.' NEW from $95. · 6'i ROUS Royal 16• sell-con- ized dealer. SALES·SERVICE-P ARTS 3100 W. Coast H\\1)-.- Newport Beach MG 642-~ 540-1764 ---------' Authorized MG Dealer I I l ' I N•w Pianos !rom ..... ss19 CARPETS. VinyJs. Tiles, "" "'· tn","'· • . ~ 1 . • '* ~· * lalned Tra..i .Trailer .. •.. AUmw HEALEY. Nodown-Pmtsonly$16mo. New Organs trom. .•••• $699 est stYles and colors. Com-after 5, ~ ~ i CI bl 5.5 Met acceuodes! E.-•Y.·llle ,., FIAT WEll·s Wll!llCWlllSE WllY BUY U~? meMai ' Residential. Ex-KITI~ .. i'tff, '°; yo&.1; • F~ri'"1.1 .prt. ·cecs rlab ~· .trailer bitch plup Jender 60 A-H candyapple red (JXE 1----:......:...... __ _ 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana ' -Open llAll,y ~9 AKUIVU Open Mon&: Fri eve!! 'lll 9 pert. tnstallallon. beaut. 6 . -~ee~~ 0 1,d · 114. ~ 2l3· ~-mimln. used 4. times. 1981 this ls no sprite and * NEW FIAT * • J,tental ~se .Plan • 642-lfOl ·. 54Q.'ba 549-00t& · ';' ' • 1· 4~24 · ' · Pracl1cally new!. $ 2100 · ,·.,,·t out ol s1~ht at SJ.005. GET A Gould M Comn.anv · ·c; Kite. 'Perfect .oond. • usic r.-,., BUY, RU or grade. F\lrD. 1 BED ~·.rq ..... Plr ''#50 ~. .64&-:;:::1:;931~===-,,= C•liforni• Sports C•r:t BETTER DEAL .1~: 11·~1011 _j \J!1,'111 I' , I Sal 9-6 SUn 11-6 ~ N. Main, SA 547-0681 •Pi>''t., a.nythl,. of value. Bristol Ir. Warner. ~2309 G75-l907 ¢fl PM. ~NORTH Western ~ch, 901 East 1st St. Santa Ma Herb FrMdiander SOFA &. Oiair, new, never HAMMOND· SteiJlway ,."°' Ace, ,,F U.Zb l t Ure, -1TI2 USED .1 Makrnity do&bea. JI' CAT •atoy*P\fi· r' l5, Ue<fPI S..d\ltcb,·lllllTOl'I, ___ ...;542.;:..:"""='---~-MW, oiler. 548-6025 ~~ ~~-1: .;:c' .,:.rr: ~~ C:~ M~ Size S. Call"M7~n. 4123 Emena~ vet Extras.• mx) iackL MS--1170 , , . AUSTlN Healey 6 cy1 e111., 13r.(I Beach Blvd. CHwy 39) 2 b11u So, G.G. Fwy. or 962--3059 eves only. So CalJi righ here FREE 6 week oki kittms. val, sac $5995. TI4/893-1019 '61 DAL TON -14 Trailer. comp w/twir. carbs. ~n Ir office Furniture 8010 Samrur ~src·ro .. -*F~~~?tun ~ Cail evn ... M1~· SHOC'K SABOT A·l mndltion Slee~. ~~88afler l :30 :~. lro~Y & =. ~!:t 893-7566 531-6824 EXECUTIVE High Back Swivel Desk Chair. L~ new $75. 3409 E. Coa!it HlWy CdM 6'5-3833 Office Equipment 8011 CASH REGISTER National, 8 dept's, good Cond. 847..ss36. AM'S 5J6..4868 1001 N. Main. April 26-27,'· 9:30 to 5, PETS and LIVESTOCK No. 29'12, dolly A ~.1 _,;-~~::::'::~====I tell, no rea110nable offer Sall:ta Ana ·.,. --.. G--.1· I .. --"'· ':.• • $325 548-7668 T L-" . 1 a&ftll -"·--", N--· lent, ·~ ~-•. e .... v • ......_ ----'11 · . rue._. , r.,\ 7~ .... .._... """' .,.,.,.,,_, THE BEST DEALS 1i1<a<1J , ,,. , · · •. C'tl ' " · lt20 15\1' SNIPE O"'rg!os.< sloop, . < '6l SPRITE, ....., corid. On Pi•ftos A Orjlil)•·· lt'm.nn'dE Sale; April "24; . . .frailer 6 much.gear. $8951 '62 FORD VAN (Club \Vag.) $1650. Or best offer 673-1705 A e Al S At 25 It 26th, 9·$0 to 5 PM LEAvqiP,; fOf. ~ ~ust oUer. -tM-8954 1 '1 RAH. Gbod contlltkm. $850. ?tfCtning or Eves. r way ,(S.t, 'W n.'Foor Square .. u ....... ~.~ 14' HOBIE CAT ..... ,.., •. We'll help )'OU flihl )'OW' -=;:;:.T'--"----1 larce Car fixation with a new Fiat AD modtll avail. able lor immedl&le delivery. Service Ir Parts too: C•llfornla Sports Cars 901 Eul ltl St, Santa Ana 9510 WA!lD'S BALDWiN srimm Chureh, 1m °"""'· eo.1a neu1<m1 nl&!e mu<pomt ISO m•1 "'=· (2U).1$1667 JN CATSUN 1$ll N~rt. c.M. &U-8484 Mesa 494-2371 • -Pl Faint heart ne'er v.'On fair CONN OR.GANS KENMOREw,:,.,, •dryer. PUREBRED SW.... kit-Power Crv!Mn 9020 '66 WAGONER '67 DATSUN Fiat. s.. lhb '688501Plder1 ======~ , 542"""1 " xJnt cond; moving mu.st sell ten.,. Weaned • trained. $10 stee •Pining its web fur $1199 BU~ ~ • • ALL MODEtS $1S-u . Sofa~. antique.bar each.~ 34' CHRIS CRAF;r , 4 whttt drtw,,poww _r-fVZZ830> at: · town. "nit DAILY pnm t;i.~".,•B• Sal. 8022 NEW & USED $35_. 2: SUogray bikes '15· $7,t50 . in;, xtra, xtra sharp. Lie. 1600 CONV. C•IHorni<1 Sports C•r1 Otwtftect .-.. Sl'lt; Hear the NEW 3 Manual! Gidl deak S5. MI 6-9190 · · Dop 1125 BR., stateroom Ir. plley; SVE 368 $ 'ft. 4 speed, r:actio A: ,beater, 901. Eul llt•St, Santa Ana ...-,., U. 6 Clll1o i.cd: Ii GARAGE SALE * Gould Music Company • VACUUMS._--; . . . . . flying hr!dge; eng. xtnt 259,.· hanliOp, Dnvea aood. (UJB MU80! _,, 3 Room sized rugs &. ~5 N. Main, SA Sf1-tl681 $10 Up. Ropail'I " parts. ALASKAN Malamutes, for cond. By owner; 6"15--CS70 " L • 1.19) s·,,, .. s I "'==""'=E====-=i:======:;==I ' miscellaneous. 545-6667 25• l\1erkila tb II -.. 1 .,_11, •mil NtW ,...,,. flObNew Carl ~ noo ! GIBSON J-50 Reuonable. Cout Vacuum, ~ or brffd.ln&', AKC . n, l'I • .. 'j ... p. iur.:-UUIO • 1 "!Cl' • DAILY Ti! sold, furniture, with Hal\lshell case, 333 E. 17,tb. C.M. 642-15! re&'litered, heal HQ>, BJack ped. for filhiJW QI' crulsfni:. · , • clothing. much misc. 5041,~ $3'20 new. $200 or ofier. STAUFFER Reduci-&: White oolorioa: • , $75 Asking $7300. °"1Jer anx-IMP.ORTS , ATLAS " ~larigoltl. Corona del ?.far. ... and up ~ .. ,.. j m. 6t6-9739 ....... SPORTAftON I 1-=:=:=======-. Erle, ""5.l&Jallor6Pll MACHJNE · · TOTOTA.YQl.YO llUUW ! ~~i:~d,:EsrINGH:~: P~.;'=:~;:~ EARL;::_~:" .m. G~ 1[ ~ ~k1,:":..=. ~"=·,~· 0:: ::SL~~L:.'.'&: • CAR SAU • free standing double oven $1200. Askin& $675. l elJI ~tabl~• ooppertaL.•~°'! Tra1ned .,on doye1 Ii: quail. {Dl>lpblll). 75 hp Mtrc: '!Rf New 11~ 15 ~~~ Open Daily 'lll 10 p.rn. y $3'95 .. -.! olec Ra ... ; "°"""'°"' <Ol· f'rtgidllro, ~. -• 1\5,,.~-·' > .-• , trailer. 16511 O<, belt Of· .... ' •ur -l or. Ne"'" to!it $469. will BEAUT AnUque Whtte Baby chair,,etr.. 546-0653 sKYE. ~Jen, _AKC, fer. Call alt-G.·ptn 673-4199 trade. 645--2380 _'118 DATSUN Acriflce $325. 837-8767 ~r:: ~1:;'onw!:!=. GI~ ~cyde, good r · Champ s!NCI. Shots . 1~· GLASSPAR, tra ii er. '67 C\)811 w::J~: \V:· Radio. :1~~~r~~omatic. Choice J MATCHING Kenmore a.tS-4801. dl°'!,n, J . ~·n .......... hllebrkrn. ,..;N;..,'•r' ,,;. nearlt 'Mw. 50 ·np -~. !!:"'11,"•,"b,0 ... "'• · ""'-:nd· dlr, xlnt oond. Honey beige I washer & 24" gas dryel, ;/'l;M,VN *' ;/'17'~ ..--SIS. C. 0 . "leqUipped. best ~ '~r:'n,. ~-. exterior, $100' cMh dda or • KlllIBALL c .... t,tto piano ~ · •·~ $3495 ~~ • ltU DOD•I WAIOON, V.t, 1utom1tic1 good corxl. Serv. contract T 'ght fini.h ·, ,1.,he -· .. ~.· PLAho!TE g5'2xllau, show 1 ,.-case,. 4 LOVE Jo.DK SALE • mini ouer. ~7361 :afttt 4:30. • __ · -'·-;; take older car-in trade. LB ; "" ., • .., ""''" uo '"" .. -·-AKO, ~---WBJ 589 .... J power 1teerin .. , etc. IGK616 _.ca. ,,ftr, .. ~ S4&-968S s • .,s, • . ~s. .. ...... p CUST Ski boat1 l,OCll Mere. Camptn 9520 , ..,.... • m e_1 ~ I KENMORE Auto washer il PIANO TUNING A n-... nho ** 6'll-4241 •* . l\nea., blk. ··br..wn : belp. t.owny.,FP.i:~~'O'Jlaijo --49'-9T13 e 19'2 FOID WA.ON, V·I, •utomatict, ! elec dryer. matcb.ing M;L ~i· UPHOlSJ'ERJNG • ~ S3T--81Ui ,.. " '' trir, D~ tii.'fl"'aal.el We can't pat a tiger in yow' pewer 1ttierittt, power l.r•kes, radio, heat .. Recond Ir. &'WU'· $10 . Albe~ ruso ~~ ~ Cftftlmen) Fn;e at, 81.LKlES. Lovely.main . Must ~toapprec.~ CAMPER ~I ;I tank but eatl'J>Ut this rm ar. IHF57l I v:~Amer/Eurtum -SPINET WURLITZE~. ~~u,!t =e~ ::.." ~~· ~: l~~~~~:J;r. ~=th!~~ !!r~:.=;,,~ • 1964 FALCON ConYertibl •• R'ecl W/bl•ck' clocb. Latty MorPn' Anti--...inul I< leather \\'1th BRD1tl, dln'r . rpi, nN1::< 61J.'.:K30 · , Afltt 5:30, fm.5158 • Eldorado Four C•lifomfa Sportt Can top. Runs 9-ood. N•eds a littl• loving c•re. qoa:. 2428 ~ewp; Bid:. C.M: beoch. $325. 548-7m8 -I tumiBhlnpa-h~~ 1 e b o Id 8',BERJA:N' P.uak)', AK C , , \Vlnd1 • ScOtlman' 9QJ Eatt 1st St. Santa Ana MPP572 G.E. Premi<r Gas Deye" 3 Televl1lon l205 u.,... 1201· °"""' Ln 118. owe, on ibots, proven stud. "1ot Si!f!-•1!!.11,-,9036 30,ooo ~"' ot Camper 542"""1 • lHO MHl;URY. 2 Dr. Hordtop P.•r~looe. bea\ ~Jting, 2'h )Tl old. - -~ blUe eyes'. 642-846' eve. • 00AT SLIP•Fo& RENT Displays '67 QATS,UN 4 Dr.; red, Nk. d d Full f Xlnt c:ond.. $90. ~-• • • ' IL_ l • ·•-• I AMPEX 4 track 1~reo tape TOY POODLES' Ake. M/F, in 'Balboa QM area ~ _ inter.,· chroi'ne rims; hood The 9ood one lu • • power, •ctory LIKE .. w 2 doot GE REN OR ~YT ded< with dtll1 ~ik·.~!' ', ... ks .,;,_con. 53&>1143 ROllNS FORD loclm, .-.. lnlWll<f ... •Ir. 6EX904 ' . retrtaeratol. 75 lb' todd c•L•R ~tinu~da With ..or· BO'l'8T CATALJNA Mooring tit Wt~ 219).;Hubor Blvd. i..t 837..o&2'10 frffzer $65. !£.-7488 .....,. Wh4,t9 n;RRIPOO JNPlo & Bat lltbmllS'iiocation. 'Call a.ta Mea &CUOlO QIARGE your 'ft"lllt ad now. KENMORE Wuber. 1QOC1 NEW compl set GtMt Boob. ..a. ·1 male $15. l female 6C-l1S2 nb,. ' Dtal 64U611 for ~TS coad, pranteed. $35> • • 'Pl V~ ·$.i89. M9ke olfet.t ~ $25. 545-53$1 (3-S pm) WANTED bial llip .Jar '3' · '* M7-IU5 * ,-.l .. 21~1'18'1. . ARC Millw~ Poqdln. Aprtcot. rCntlM!r. Mil aJ6C. t4. IJ l~m~poi!!!rt~ecl~Auloo~~""'.:~~~!!!!~~~~~~~ SEARS Exetu)'de, like oew Shaw'or J!et ~I)'. M/F. $ I..; Sewing MochlMs 1120 , , 145. -wti.:'185 <o.up. S.-a-Yoc!lt U S!NGE!l, Zlg·ug '"'°' FREE CaU aft 3· .,.._ ' AlJ,STllALIAN Shepb••d Chortwi ... _, ...... .._ BLACK It Decker elecfric ~r $ months old. _$2:5. -,_ _ _,_;.;;.;, C 'W\th wa.lm.tt ca .... .,· .. .._ la.'A'?UnO'WU wlth 100 • fl. ••ter • """"" , BUJEWATElt OlARTEl\S 'trvtt :s pymntl, S7.2S mo. ..... ... ~ --" __ ._ Call 52IHJ61I ~' ~· $40. PN833 AK0"8eaele pup<. &·.wetkl \1-DriVf ..., °".' power ..__ Pelts l Labor BOY'S Schwinn a """' -old. • mole. l ",,,. lllrbor crutoM/-lbh. -1cel Inst 1125 P>. . Lorge -t ..... -. .... . . DoD1 . w .. kly . * MS-9000 1::.==:..:::::.:'---''--'-I $1 M • • .. ... Iii.. ... ~ --AKC, ~ -..,.. ;w.i... .aMtl ~ Gull• Headq111rMI !T' PORTA!!µ: TV, .$36:, ps. .i1io ~' ~le ~ ... _._. ~;;:. • NEW ond USED . No DeLA-11·1 n"'l'f l!I; -_..,...,, ~ . 111:31!1' • • SPORT Fllbrr >1111 alto. Fetldtt e v .. e Sl.ytdd ., _. ....,..~1525 • · ~~•1~1'ltpo, 'Alic flll'1 ~ ''°"' e GIBSON e MARTIN . _,, "'~ ...._ • • e W1LS0N •YAMAIIA• Rent Wlttl lo\lsc.W•-· 16!0 tan6,ll!;fndlo~ ) , -D::W ~":" Option to 1uy $ WE·-.8· UY: r$'· • ' M * 1 : ...,. w.,,,.. •: '°" WDWfG, ROGERS, A~O Wiii al• """t the rollowlrw: \ Hoiiile 1t jl .. lST 1'0•1 • Ocein vllw Iota. W.E ·ARE ONt y _#2 ' SO WI TRY'HARDEll l'OR YOUll 'j9 TOYOTA ,,_ $l770 . 4%% .. FllWICl6 "wrnf 15% DOWN ---Al ...... ,,, en.- i...p ,,_ with now < • >'llml'"" * Wuhm • $ FURNIT1JRE $ 22 i:.t,., o14f'l.ii: boout:l11 ....... iot ·i.q, ~ boat. p:. "" with C)'l11blb start-= * "'°"'"'-.a · , APPLIANCl:S .Atob. w w.kh; ae11 ar 494-1131 • .. at $99.50. Pedlb. hl-bltt 21 555 ~ TV'-Pi•11•'t-St,.....•1 trWe. s-.-GM I AM-2 PM U' BOITON Wbalft w/ "' Pd mets ttpalnd. .J.ll llD&ll 5 .7 . I Ii•<•.,...__. F.fl ,_' TllANSPOllTATION •I°"!,._,•-~ ~. aceuoriel Ir. cymball • • . CASH IN .JO MINUTlS --. m'tr. Cfll ne. in. s..mr 41 MO. IANK FINANCING' AVAIL.AILE WI NllD YOUll TRADI, INI LUii. A YA.MAI ~;,._GIN lllJSIC • •a••• •_.!~,I •, 641-4531 ..... Yochl! •' _, Atrcrafl '' '•flOO .. _k C•lir HI-Fl & s-·-·1210 . ......,. ·~ 0-. II' c.ulll!Cl'um 21S-KPI=="---...;.;;;.;; l'IU MaclNTOsH-irttP'"".tt riro forieS -Nnpait Beach., San lntectptor. Rebuilt U6i. I/5th OWDV'thip ol: C... • ' ' J amp. Cmard c h ! o a e: ~, Oemtnt.ie. $"331 St<m. SC.-~ 171. ~ ~:::. _: Allee IAnshig tuner w/> UUN'T JUS'l' WISH tor l(;IDi tlAKi. t. MEMO to ~ 1 • ,abind + W h a r l ed a ie 1hl~ to tum\sh your _,, ,a, '°l's JOQ DO ......., ottd, 1911' CE89Nl' 150 commbtrrl spWr:er $50. 67S-2l1J mom. ••• ftod -IP'" ·IQI In .., te. . ·tbtm b et.Ila wtlh 0 gMOJ\, Rea A Wbltit, xln lnp. dtu<'1-Mi. -• '*11 , , ·-• cond, IST!G:M)."30 • ' ' ' I DEAN LEWIS ~"6-tlGJ1 ~ TOYOT4-'VOl.VO 1'66 HAUOI, C.M. Yovr Ch oleo $49500 • lHZ IUIC:K INY!CfA 2-Dr. H...atop. V4; autom•'lc, . pow•r ste•rl•9,' Ndlo, hut~ bucket seats. 16Y-472 1 • 1t'2 C:OIYAlll MOllZA c:oUfl. 4 tP<I. r•dlo, h•ater. bceptionalty nice..__Sty6JO • • '69500 • IHI .. PIC:IUI'. lit I ..,t. r liecl. J wh H I '•lvo, J.309 SeriK. UH17 " • ltu c:oMIT 4 Door ~ kyl. ·-matlc, r•cfio, heater. ·RIX910 1• • ltu H>lD C:OUllft'f I 6-'I!. 6 PAIL WA'°"" v.1, 1uloNtlo, --,.....,. pewor lltok .. , .... lo, hMI•. Ol5J61 JOHNSON & ION • UllD CAB e 1'41 HARIOI av.. C:OITA-lllllA 642-7050 ... ,.. • ' • I I ! I I l ! .. -'!"'------~-,.'=""""--:----::'!"'"!"''!!: .... '"!"'-!'"" _______ ,......,_....,,....,. .... _...,,.....,. ... _____ .,. ___ ..... ,.,, .• .,,. ... --.. ..,,,,,,,,,_'!_"'""~""'""-'""""'"""·· ~-..... -. ';" ...... ·-# .. ._.. .. ~ • .... • -~ --~ --.-. ' L . . W.dnrsillar., Aini ZS, ltM T.IANsiiOltTA TlON ' TLOGPOllTA'r!ON..-.-.,T .. IAN'""'S"llO°'. ''s.liT"'Ar,,·Tl"'Oll;o---,-,tii;µci;· k"'srijlot;im,friA::t1flONlil-lrl TUNIJllOITATION u.o.i Cars "'° CHIYROl.IT li'~m~pl~l~lod~A~-~~-;l-~~·~.,.;w;·J~IM~-~~~-~I t._rtod AArlM ' HOO 1niported A;;;. 9600 1.,;,..rioc1 ·Autoo"-..;....-"-.;.; l1tflltM AuM f6DO ~ W'!!'led • '!!' UIM Cars 9900 arn~a~ MG POllSCHI -:roYOTA • t OY,0 ..... TA-.--1 WE PA=Y'-Wll-CADILLAC ----'65 OIV W61. • I • ff~lntq la -a 12 TD TRANd .. -'.(11rc/~arf. 'M FLEE?WOOD. a I•. I !>IB\1$42 Jor a$1TF IPMD Poncho. ·~~':'~.,n-•"!8 °""'"4Dr -fOYOJl • fOR YOUR (Al llllbtr ~ l lt>ltrl••'. all MOTORS OGl ..., ·~ .,.. .. q. MID R.JI • • a pwr loci teats, ••lndaw&. ILMORI Collfornl<I Sport& Cira ,,i~....i. ·-~: ~ Locoi Cu -CONNIU tNnk lock. Cru11e con\rol, u1001uCH .. "'. WUTMINSTU lf4.3J22 90! Eu•':!.~ ..... -.68POflc'bo "'.i. ~, ·SUI! s SAYE s c:H-o·-~¥~;" """ .... $11'111. I PASS. BEL AIR v.a, R&dkJ, Heater. lrd 1tal. Excellent 8ll.)'. :X'TG 492 l•11k flnanelflt av•ll11b!11 •• be11k •ppr•v•I •' cr11clit. -· ~ .. #TYJC25! IX-lft Car hie "'" ""' tic, maa ...... ' am/Im, H WL 2131 HuW Bl.Yd. ·~ c.w n.ttwood. Good $1095 MGA ATLAS -. -~ ..._,rin. coto<-, I ~-t. "''Y'""1"' Tho'~ , __ Ooda--.,,c:lc=•-=-•-'-111m_· _ "°"'' 15.0lll err "11 - ----· ~ r I --r ... ,.te '$9 MGA, SPIU'll . •lltf'QRT$ . WI I lly 1968 Cad .,,... de vme. ~ ~8 ~ TOYqf4-YOLYO lHPORTs Yoar v~...... ~1!~¥ ~~~700. OlRYSLER -PLY?ifOtml l f;=;;::;;==~===f'6'1 SPR1TE,~C91!d.$1.6SO ~ r, C.!'. M$-930) TOTOTMOLftl ..... ..,--Paid far 'llG COUPE de Vlll•, lull co:!"~RBL::113' M"'-1 °' "'" ott .. m.n .. "'""" BILL. M • " .,"· ,. ,.,_ CM. -...... ~ ~ .... '" ro • 1fll or E"O • -A../L.£6.~ ' -~~· . 673• 1190 pwr, *aj*r ~~~~.~rxl. Open Dt.y ' P.tn. TR ~ atEVY D Delwi:e Station e MGB 66%, Rd1tr, BRG/blk tnt. R le H, Odrivt, chr ~lrt1. 19,0'.XI ml, lmmac. 675-1714. or aft I, 64>-9621 TOYOTA !J19tY!QITIAJ , IUMPH Auto Lutl!'t 9110 ~AMARO :i"':" ;3" i:..~ Toyo9A 11111 BEACM l~VD. 65 TRIUMPH 4 .I lfASE •ru .. I --'-~--1""" "'""· s.e io ·-I Hum. lhl<h ·141-1..1ss Rdlb, .... • -· """ ,... . m ,, ·u eam.... """""" 511>-7371 fl95 ... o11n ~ rnl N. nf Coast Hwy. on Beto drive, wire wbtela, new dilc · $2295. CHIYSUR ---HEAf":f'l'ART!:RS .. _ look1 f . ..... T bnkl!S. Jet bl.a.ck ext DeW ·~Cad Cpe deVWr, fUD PM'. rn>-1907 aft' PM. PEUGEOT EL!RE -• "" " • -an top &ood "'"""'all m>und air vU\yl rool Driv" only I'========== .. Stop 1pinn~ng your whffll xint OOnd, SlO'.I caah dell or lt,Soo ml. ~ new. 24 CHIYIOLiT 'SI OIRYSLER ., 1 Dr. '67 Peugeot, JOOd cond, Nnl · ' • ~ ipln-flin\e ttils new ttfi trade. WU1 ftn;c:, pm· party. mos lie at $14:9. mo. ·-.. :;r: -HT ~ equtp. 1 IOO ml. .,.'t:lL S300 ot belt olhrr. ~ ~ .,1'~ Fill 8!dan I~ q'A&) LB JqV 291:-CID Keil, Ntw '69 Eldorado, lull equip, 'M 0-V ~SS ~ sharp lookinrl '$«W> + EW1, ~. 1036 Gav.Iota. ~ ~ . , Ct1llfornl1.. . Cata. CM-9Tl3 ce ~ ind air A ... _. top. $220.87 --en~. . ·-·-0 r . w , "'•-" , .... -............... ..i. W'UlJ'I 32T HP. P/S. Auto. -~ roll ~ Lquna Beach. . ,Is' 'Yfk. tw.ar Jara&r 'Cllllf --: -. .... -. ._.... _,.. •ilf·~ •ll\S. -Gleen. MiCh per mo. 24 mo. IJt. aho '68 tfatll, BucRt -ta. White rrs.nso YOUR AD REACHES 88,972 HOMES EACH WEEK --· · -·-hall full? I• Uiil Fiat Jn ,.oqr " ' · Jt2..l8m. lira. wtre ythl.t, 'k&H, :dnt Eldorado 1179.40. w/blk ytnyl top. . $1495.1 ·,.,:,11"-'CllR='=~YSLER==--Town=---,.a POllSCHE '""""' '6'18'0 •port 'lie tor BU$l&W .,.,. .. 1Pl... m oond. !191> . .,.,1!164 SOUTH COAST Pmate Party. Call >t.. <;ountry 9 pus w-. ----$1295 (UPG!12) Ouslfled lllCfJon. Sa•• 'M TRIUMPH S 1 tf l re . CAR LIAS ING Pritchard, M2-t32l Mon-Radio air Rack. PIS. '62 Porsche ~h. Callfornl• Spo!!t• C•r• , lnQDtJI dnw 6 efbt. LoQll tMK2." Ex:cdlent b~qy! $1350 300 W. C.out Hf&hway Frkla)'. day•: 492-28B7 eves PIB. ' nr:w' Ure•. $3& new '63 S ·engine. $2500 901 Eut lat St. Santa ~ ton. The DAD..Y PILOJ' Must •UI 646-lO 64>2182 Newport Beach and weekerdL 830--058l 496-3lD2 Dana Point SQ-8801 , : DIM111 -= , --= '6? Q{f:VY •la~ waion. 9 9IOON1wC1n 9'"eoo N•w Cora tlOONow can 9900 VOLKSWAGEN_ ~~t",!'0;.~~:~ ~ 'o;'U:"'U.i,~· ~ii 1 ___ C_O_M_ET ___ 1 '6t VW's MAKIS Place, Co1ta Mesa 8 A?.1 to 'st COMET, 2 new tirtt, MW IT'S HERE!· • ' . . FORD SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THIS WEEKEND! COME IN AND TVRN'YOVRSEU' ON! MUSTANGS FAIR LANES GALAXIES • • • T·llRDS TORIN OS CUSTOMS IT'S A LllTLfr GAS! ' ' Get Truly Unusual SavlnCJS On Over 300 New '69's DarlnCJ This llCJ Clearance ! A BUil T -FOR-AMERICAN$ KIND OF CAR! ALI. RIMAININO 1961 SHILBY OT1 NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE. UMmD IXIC AND DINO CAU AT mN •1t1Anl IAYIN•SI JOIN OUR SALUTE TO THE FIRST OF THE '70's AT '60 PRIC~S. IN OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY! VI , 1uto., PS, f•ct11y 1i1 .~IH. 2D 'I'. clew"' or tr1cf 11, !TkH4t91 $1795 :~t~. $49 ..... M111rt. 116' IUICK LI SAHi Full power, f1ctory 1ir. 2 Or. H.T, I RPMl60) 20 % 'own or tr•dt . $1695 ~~t~. $58 ... JO Moot• 1964 LINCOLN CONTININTAL F11lly tq11 ipptd, full powtr, t ir con,. IULF• 779) l lut look pric1 Sltti 20% llo-'' tr•~•. $995 fOLl PllCI $39 :-...:.: '67 fORD COUNTRY SIDAN RIH, PS, Air Cortd, Uncle1 24,000 1t11lt1. Fee· fory w1P11nty. IVOF 4951 $2495 fUll PllCI TllANSl'OlTl.TION 5'11CIAU Now •VW .. l"f 11 c•r• ,., wMll thet Cln M ,.tilled It wfMt.A .. tt the ,ulliltc, INt tfte 11Nltr9 9" ~ •lier u r .. lHJ PALCON WA.ON F11lly e-.uippttl. 11Sf'7f7) 20% tltwn •t tr1clt. . $495 ~t~. $21 :-...:.: 1161 fORD V-1 4 dr., tu+o, JIOWtt 1+ttrln1, rtdie I httft r. !Ent. No, IJll24491JJ llut look priet $2]50. 20 '.4 clow11 or trtd1. $1795 :~t~. $49 :-...:.: 1H7 TOTOTA CORONA Dtlu11t '4 Dr. F1ct.ry .-.ulppff. lSUYl251 1111• lotll: ,,1,, $1411. 20% 4•wn er tr•cle. $1095 "'1ll $46 PM l6 . PllCI M""- 1161 fORD 4 -VI C11to111, 190 1119 .. 1vto1111tic, I.lee• w/whilt ... ,. llJl l%114•111 11111 ···k (Jrlct $21 11. 20 'A. tlew11 er fl'•tl t. $1395 ;:~ $39 ~ 1164 CHRTSLli NIW TORKU Wet•"· ' ''''· f1etory 11,, full 1J•w1r. I UCIC•ll I 20 'i cl-11 er tre4t, $1295 ::i~. $47 :+:...!: , 1H7 VOLKSWA•IN 2 dr. SM. l'"1111tlk, Jwet ev1th1111.a. IUQL JOI) 20 % 4•w11 er ttttlt. SA y E 11 $1595 ;:~, $58 Z:,: UilD CAI IALI PllC,n lllMCTIYI .. '410UU UNLIU nmousL' SOLD ALL PATMIMTS '4.UUO. ON APPIOftD cuDn ..... ..-. -c.. HMJ11 OPEN SUNDAYS --_ ... 146ol211 2060 Harbor IRUCK • CAMPER SUP£R • COOER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUC:K SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP Fltr11lclt. I Ii" W.I ., l 1ptl. 1y11Ctt, tr1111. 1015 F-1prl119t, 1•! ~·1111rl1111 ,I I•. 52099 ORDER TODAY I • CAMPER SPEC:IAL! BRAND NEW 19691 f.250 PICKUP SCOTSMAN C:AMPER •::i1:4 53495 lht. N., '21111119111 St•ftrllt n ,,,,.,,, h etmplthly fun1Tth14 wltJri Ice \011, tftY1, t k . Sl1tp1 •· f.210 ,1e\11p h11 100 '"'" enip I oil tttrt•a. 1950 lb, ftlf IJtillft II) l .00Jd •. l l·!lllY tu!.1lt11 t!N1, 11111. heettr 1M dtfr91t1r, •Ni. M111y to chae11 ft•lfl et thl1 111rl1.tl S1Y1 •11 Eldor1llo, F111rwi11cl1, ••ltlll111 St•h111111. <hlf JO Y•,114 fleer J1lt111 111 .tli.Jpl •v 1M r1f'llly for llflt11Hl1!-cltll"''Y· I , .. , tt t p.111. M•11·frl e Stl I '·"'· te • , ..... PARTS a SERVICE HOURS' -1 , .................. , ........ ,.. ... , .... -~ARTS ONLY I •.111. .. 4 "'"'' S.t s .............. ,. ... • tlo!MEDIATE DELIVERY : F.ORD ' PM "3-0762. Evea ~ bnk". Ex. "'""· Valuo Bank Flnanch'c . AUTHORIZED wknd> 63&-t4<6 Anah•U.. !600, .. u $495 • ...__ $213 DOWN LEASJNO 1955 CHEV Bel Al< 2 dr. '44.m * 36 m011 SYSTIM hdtp. Orliinal condition in-CO!fl'INENTAL Plui 1 final ~t for Get Our Competitive Rat" aide ii out. Excellent '™*1f, title, Full 2 yr, ~000 Theodere tram it tirft. $475. 8'2-2342 '62 UNc. Cont. ssso. Full pawer, Leather Int. (LFC · 625) Elepnt ridinl". El· Cf!llent cond. l · o w n • r . Si8-23!M after I PM ml wamnly. A.ail ,qnly al IOllNS FORD '8' IMPALA, ck .. : .....,,..,, T & M MOTORS P/s, 371 auto. $790. Leav'c I081 Garden Grove Blvd. 2060 Harbor Blvd. for Hawaii must 1 e I l • 534-2284 at Beach 192~ Costa Mesa 142-0010 4!M-f509 OPEN SUND.4.t" I'!!!!~!:!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~ ll!l!O RED ton ve rt 1 b I e ~'63"""'vw=-,..-roo-r~. ~Ex~oe~ll-ent Used Cars 9900 Chevroltt Impala. New top. '66 CONTINENT AL ~ Fully loaded + etereo ti.Pt deck. Still under warranty "850.-. ....-cond. By OWDl!r .• s 7 9 s. $400 afttr. PM. 644-<0521 =9 "30 pm only. IUIC:K 1968 EL Camino, V-8, low mutare, $24(XI. Pvt party. ORYAll ------ '95 VIV, bola• w/aunrool. '6'1 WHITE Buiok IA ~bno. 4 540-7'95 C Blk luthuttte int, radio, dr, hdlop, &Ir, p-1, p/b, 1.,_963,,_..,CH;;:E~VY~I"I~N1rav-a-SS.~"'6-,I -------- xlnt cond. $1200 or maJte ot-many extru, Tl.re1, ent, tnt auto, extra sharp! '61 COllt~AIR fer. 833--6974 &: ext xlnt cond. Sac. $2550. $650. * ·ICU97'2 Monza Cpt. &UtomaUc tram, 1955 VW Good Inquire 10:30 am to l pm It radio, MU1t 94!!-ll. Make ofter! · cond. 6 to 7• pm. 64M321. Mr. '63 CHEV. ll Nova Wagon. Phone 6'l'5-a1S Evft, 54&-tMT 8:!!1°.!!:r. Sala_ !."· Circulation"_ Dept. Xlnt cond .. new titts, R&H, • =v •o" '68 . ELECTRA Buick, Coll attck shift. $585. 1162-51163 '62 Monz&, f apd, hf:adent 66 VW Camper. ex cond, SOOOO. To close e1tate. haw e 1960 Impala Convert. Red. bla: tirH. Many ntrul com equip, call K~ M6-0666 pink slip -$3900. 2611 1..awner. Be:1t 0 ff er. * 642-lUT * or 675-6935 after 5. Bayshore Dr. N. B. S48-5216 Call 642-36M. CORVETTE '67 VW ~u~ red, ndlo, new 1956 BUICK. Ori&" owner. '6' EL CAMINO "283" 4 Michelth titf!I, X1nt cond, RUNS GOOD $145 --", Tach., Vf!""' clean, U -2 t 111 MG-1539 ' ·~ • ., '66 VETI'E, yf! OW, .uo. mus ae 846-8313 da)'1, 54S-OB50 ~"'~w=t\"'='=·~8'<-=2381_,,,--.,., 1 tops, xlnt cond. Make ofter! 65 VW Z,OOl mi. SllJ)el'b c::in-'65 ·BUICK Spectal StaUon 'SS CHEVY, 3fi cu ere, 456 Aft S. 21!/691-4738 ~ Must S e e! SUOO. Wagon. Low mile1. R/H, PoeltracUon. 3 apttd tr&ns. '67 CORVETTE f2T, 4.15 hp. air-cond. Xlnt cond. 494-4509 $400 or best offer. 54&-7269 Make offer. Xlnt c:ondltloa. "68 VW, R &: H, Xlllt CGl'ld. Dial 6U«1t for RESULTS ~IT TO 'EM! 2131 86J..m6 ,1m Full Price. Prvt. prty.1=:==:;c:.a:==o;;,;;=:.2-=,,.==:=~;====~=~=====:::::='f m -m 9340 · u..i Cir. 9900 u..i C1n 9900 u..i Cus 9900 '63 VW, xlnt cond. New tranl, make offer! Pvt pu. ty. ~"'- '59 · VW New Paint, tires, runa exctllent, )'.i1 S 0 0 • -"""'· ·i '66 V\V. Low mUQ. Xlnt ctndltlon. Sm:...""-" 714/!i.16-~1 1983 VW Bur. Immac cond. Lo\Y mlleqe. Orig. owner. 1195. ('11') '311-'l<l~--. ''° )IW ~5 Good Cond. 833f!6J l:vu. VOLVO VOLVO $ SAYE $ ExKutfve Car Sale Hurry Whllo They L11t1 " tulfmi4 IHPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 19611 Harbor, C.M, 646-9303 *NEW YOLY°* OETA BETTER DEAL Herb Friedlander 13750 Jleach Blvd, (Hwy 39) 2 blka So. G.G. Fwy. 893-i:.i66 537-6824 '65VOLVO lllllO S Sport Coupe, t speed, dlr, over drtw, buclrel seats. Brown beauty! ;'15 cub dels. take IMder fottian cu In trade. lB SAD 62S. Call Ken Of.9773 or 56.(1634 Sport Cars '610 '67 MIRCEDES DIESEL 200 D Automatic, 44.tm actual milts. Uke new. ll er b Frtedlander, u~ Buch mvc1. CHwy 39l Phone 393-7586 • 531-1824 Anff, ... ~ -~llllia 9615 U.BlACUl.ATE '4\' Red Ford Convertible. Call 6"13-1828 F'rt A Sun. Aulot w.-f700 WE PAY , . CASH ...... __ ll'lll -Blvd. --Kl Nm IMPORTS wmtti) °"""'" llounllot 'IQ!' ' lllYEJI 8lU. MAXEY 'IOYOU 1!881 Boldt B!Yd. H. Beach. Pb. 947.-, DAILY Pllm ODIE ... UN&S. You can Ult thtm for Jutt peuni. a dq. 01.IJ 112-1671 '6' Morcury 5.55 Sport Cpo. S111011y ytllew fini1h with !.u1li1t 1tlh , white l111tleu reef. E-.11i111pl4 with A.T., llH, PS, l'I, P, wlncl. l'·11et, 1p1rh co111o lt , etc . 26,000 orit l111I 111!111. &..o•• 1M clriYtt )ikt new. SVY 121. $2195 1967 Mercury Colony Plf'k St1tlon W1eon Reye! Mero•n 1111t1llic fl11i1h with 1111tchl119 inferior, fully ftcttry ,._11ipf, lne111dint ewto. tr1nJ., 11dl1, h11t1r, (JtWlt' 1t.trl11f, 111•w•r t.r1li11, tlw1I ti· tio11 tell t•ft. Trtdtill t.y •ri1i111l tWll· tr ITRH l•>I. $2395 '65 Pontiac Grand Prix Attt1ctiv• T1hlti111 Orchid with t.l•c• i11t ttiot & lencl111 f•lll· Full 111ow11 with f1clory eir ctdlli•l'll11t . ltcel ont ew111t cir I l:tttutlfully 1111l11t•l-M. fNCC 6J2! $1595 1967 Ford 01lul1 500 2 cltor H1'4!11J. Attr11tivt S•h•r• 11191 11+.rior with twe-10111 1111tchi119 1!1lt ri•r. Auto. tr1111., l&H, PS, ''· llth t n 011ly 21 ,0CIO r11l111 by orit i11el ew111r. loo•• •PHI clrl"'' like 111w, IUZF 4151 $1995 19'7 COUflr GT Atfllll t.tt1111 ll11i1h w/(J•rlhfllint ctfl'lkrt WflYt •e•tt l ~lie .. l 1rtcl111 tt(J. Aut1. frt111 ~ r1tllt I 1!trto ti,., h11fet, f1•t.ry 1lr. 4 lltw 1·71114 !1111, ,S, '•w•t tl1te !.r••••· c•111ole, A IH111tiful 11,000 lflll1 ••'· ITRH 7Jll $2595 1 Ht tonllnont1I 4 4eet ted1~. l••utHul pow4•r t.l1t fi11l1h -.4tlrt ll•r\ t.lu• leelhtr ifltttle'· l11••'Y 1~111-,..i with •11ltJ11 etl1 tr•M· fll:1tlt11, r1•ll•, httltr, f11t•rv eir, pewtf \r1•11, •·••y l'IWtf 1e1t. 0111 1w"'' e1Nf1111y fllel"t•l~ecl. ITIV 961 ! $3195 The Greatest Hew Cars Attract The Greatest T radesl HERE ARI JU5T A FiW OF THE MANY THAT OUR GREAT NEW MARK 1111, CONTINENTALS, MIRC. URYS AND COUGARS 1964 Contintnt1I 4 Or. l1111tilwl 1il''' blu1 r111t1lllc fl11· ith w.1111tch l119 i11t1rio1, f11Uy l111ury 1~11ipptcl. A11!01111tic tr 1n1., r1clio, heeler, ,S, Pl, P.wincl1w1, •·w•y 111+, fectory t ir con,,, plv1 111•11y ll'llrl . (IOI •171 $1695 1966 Thunderbird Coupe. lte11tlful Adie !•lcl i11t1rier wltfoi metchlnt l11+erier. All the lu1wry ,._uip1t1111t y111 we11t. Aulo1111fic t11111- t11in l111, recllo, h11ltr, l'Owtr 1t11rl11f, power br1•11, (JtWt t .,..in41w1, IJ•Wtt 11•t. F11.lory 1ir, etc. Full 111 1f Rt· cll1I "y fir••· Sh1w1 ••Ct ll111t CIFf. \.ic. !SIN 1791 $2395 1967 Mercury M111ttr1y 4·4011 H1rtli•1J· Ame t•ltl fl11id1 with 1t1etchi11t l11t., 1ut.. tr1111., RI H, PS, Pl, fee. 1i1 c111ll. !TUY l ltl $1895 196' T·Blrd H.T. Cpo. l•eut. ••ld.Mo111t 1rl, W·Ct11tr. \ti .. 1111 .. lu11. equipt. thr11111t. F111I ,_, l11t.I. e. lte111., RIH, f•c, 1lr, I tWfl., cir .. full y driw9". l ic. jSIN 129l $2395 1966 Contln•ntal 4 Dr. J1111eict11 yellow fi11i1h with IYt"t 91111 le1ih1r, euto. tr•n1 .. AM.,.M r1cl!1, ht1ft r, t1111p1r1lur1 ca11trel 1lr ••11111 .. ptwt t tl11rifllf, l'•w•r b11ke1, ''wff wJIHlew1, ... w1y powtr 1111, !Sil 14,) $2575 1967 Corvette Sll11t1ray A !.e111tlful er!9i111I l1lti1h 11tif1f t rllfll 111t l1lllc fiflli1h with wh itt •111111U- 'l•t /t.l1ck i11terl1r. 427 111tl11e, 4 ,,,.., tr1n1~ ,ow•r 1t11rl111, AM.,.M r•tlle, he1ter, f1ctery 1/c. o,; .. ,,, 1111ly 24,00t 1111 lty '"" ••"''· ln11111c11l1t• ••Ml!· ti•11. uxv ts•. s.1, ,,;., 1•0•1. SAYE $320 '"'" Kelly llue hek I Johnson & son LINCOLN CONTINENTAL· MARK Ill· MERCURY-COUGAR 112t HAllO .. ltOiU.IYAID, COSTA MIU S..0.-5630 ·\ ..----~-------. I I I ·~----.. ----.-·~·--~· --· , .• ..-.,.---~------~-----~------------------·~ ... --.-.. ----.....---.---W ----MT------>T••.----·~ -----~--~. --·• --• •• • --, • --•• __ -, ·--, ·-~, -·, . .. ........... , WotMt4')-, Al<U !}, 1"9 DAILY PR.OT U T_IWiSPOffiTION 'KAN5POlllATI~ TRANSPORTATION !.~POITATION TIANSFORTATION TUHSPOITATlON . TRANSPORTATION TllHSJiOaTl:rloN TRANIPOlTlTION 'I -Cort 9100 Now Cort 9IOO Now Cort 9IOO !f!tw Con -Now Can MOO -Can "°°.::-=.:.:.-=::Ca::;":::=:;:r.::H:;IO.::D:::;No:;w:.::;C::"":::==='=IOO=lll:'"::":· ::Ca::n====-==°':ii~ \ • .. ... ' . CADILLAC ' NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE 1966 SDN. DE YIW Str&tbmore white with silver tapatry cloth and )Mther upholstery. Full power, factory atr condiUonlns, Wt wheel, etc. Exceptlonall7 clean. (SYJOOf) 1967 CPI. DE YIU.I Olymp1c bronze fireml.st with saddle leatha" upholstery. Full power, factory air condition· inr, Ult wheel, door locks, etc. Drive it -and you will buy it (ULCJ21) 1966 CADILLAC CPI. llampton blue with mat<:hing DuBarry intel'" iol' trim. Full power, factory air eondltioning, tilt wheel-all the optiot11 for the dflcernin& buyer. (Serial No. 85991 1968 CHRYSLER Newport 2 door. Deep water blue with black top and black matching interior, Air Condi· Uonln.g, power steering, pcwer brakes, radlo, hea.t.er, automatic, white side wall tire:L (WAM137) 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop is fully eQulpPed with power steering, poY..-er brakes, power windows, power seel and Ford's famoua fac. tory air conditkmtn1. A beautiful attn silftZ' exterior With black vinyl interior. Mmt be seen and driven to fuU7 appredakJ (R'nJ.. 339) 1965 CONY. DE VILLE Samoan bronu/betge top, Bnmzit leather tip. hobtery. Fun power, factory air concll.tlonlnr, tilt wheel, many extras. f0WN843) ON .DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE $2888 PRICE SALE $3999 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $2888 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE SALE ~1999 PRICI OVER 80 QUALITY ·AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT BUYING A LOW PRICED NEW CAR, WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTE~D AN INYnATION TO TEST DRIVE ONE OF OUR LOW MILEAGE, LA TE MODEL CADILLACS THEN MAKE YOUR DECISION! TR&IENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR 2nd Annual SPRING ... Conie In Today! 1961. CADILLAC The popuJi.r Seclln• & Vllle model finished ln lovely buraundy with black vinyl top tnd black lel.ther interior, Has pcl\\'.tr •teerin&. powtt hr&kel, ~r wtndowa, Wt •tenin&' . wheel. AM·FM r&dlo and factory &Ir cohcU· tioliing. This ls a beautiful automobile that 11 priced for a quick a&le. (NQX51f) 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 4 dr. Shlmmer;l;ng creen extmor with black vinyl top I matclrlng black cloth inter- ior. Loaded with full power equipment I fac- tory air. AM·FM radio, tilt Ateerlng wheel, WSW, etc. like new. 3,223 mi~. (YPUS17) 1967 EL' DoRADO Finished In phantom rreen with rreen <:loth and leather interior. Fully equipped with po"'• er ste;erlng, power dlsc brakes, poMt .et1.t. power wlnd<>"-·s, tilt and telescopic slffrinr wheel, wondcrW radio, factory air condlUon• ing plus many more cad!llac optional featureg, 1903 CADILLAC Coupe DeVWe. Hu full power eQuipment with factory air conditloninr. This Cadillac sh<J\\·s outstanding ca.re. Flnllhed in a beautiful silver blue "ith matching vinyl interior. You mw;t see and drve this one todq. (KJA313) 1967 CADILLAC This lovely Sedan de Ville hu all popular power assists lncludinr power slffrin&, 90wer brakes. po'Nft' wtndowl. power .. t and Cld- UlK'a. famous factory aJr .cond1Uonin6 Vft'Y cattfuIJ.v driven and shows only the tfnest of care by Jts previous owner. (YPT397) 19~8 EL DORADO Nonnandy blue/dark blue pt.Med roof with mat.chirur: hound.atooth cloth and ln.ther In· ~m.or. Fun power, factory air conditionlnf, tilt 'Whffl, P<J'ftl' door loekl1 etc. Local one owner, ucepUonal. <vtPOM> • .' ' - SALE • $2333 P~ICE SALE . $4222 PRICE SALE . $4888 PRICE SALE $1-333 PRICE SALE $3777 PRICi SALE $6333 · Pltltl • ' ' _____ .,,_._.-··-----SALES DEPARTMENT Q~~N-·--------- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, APRIL l 9: '1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area ' NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • ' 540-9100 .,. • UMdC... RAMBLER - -' , • • -~,· I -,-$ ' !lo .r . ' ~ ' I ' • • ', >. ' • > <' L ll'IME TO " SELECT. FROM ROY CA~YER'S GREAT .sroci< OF . ;STATION >WAG() .. NS'! • ' BRAND NEW 1969 LE MA~S SAFARJ : Stttl•• wt9e11. Ctmto ~I• Tit~ 9•1• i11+.rior, lit ]JO. ~ ... ite, 'turk hydt•· "''tic, power 1l11ri119, power br1ke1, power toil 9ot. ,~i..Cow, Allt CONDl· TION.IHG, redio, hooffr, fro11t floor"'"'· whit.· woll tlrt1. 12J9J6912120· 7111 . . ' '. •• ' " ,. t BRAND NEW .19•9 CAT,A!JNA WAGON 6 ,•i1~1tt1r. Afttl,.11• 9014 ",.ith tol-4 iflhri•.f·-'-r fN1f11·t.rM h't4ir•Mt +io ,: ~lttJ_,i; ,,_., 1t11ri111, po\.-., ltr1kn, Al• CONDITIOJrftNC, p111h ~.t. • ·fit rMll-. Mttt fftir,..,, 'ti~ tltn; '...hit• '1i41 wi ll ti'tiil Pin 'tU' fii~t.7 , .st~1'49e11ip1111ftf.1.2S216,C l226601 '' '" ' _.. ,' .~ ' I • ~ ' ' ; " ' . ' ~ -~~· BRAND NEW 196t.CUSTOM S WAGON ,:"jSO 1119i110, l imelight 9roe11 ••t.ti1r, ,tu"9 hydrt.iatic, power d1eri119, ,_., , ~r,lo1, pu1h Duthl11 r1clio, .Allt C0NOnlONIN6, remol1 ,,,,., ¥few mirror, del11xt btlh, finf.d 9le111• whitt 1idt 'will tir11 plin oll 1ltnd1nl ftclory ftt· fllttL (2~5JJ91llJQfl5) ' . ' l •l11tif11I llll'ttlitht '''~" with tn1tchh11 9rte11 1.ftt6rlor. tii,.ohy4r11111tl1, j ... ~ ~fttrilllJ, pow1r 4i1c brtk11, p111hbutto11 r1411, tl1l11•1 111f belh, ti11tM -'IJi11,.'.fl x 14 wltitt will fir11. 400 C.l.D. 1n9ln1, hi4d111 .. i1141hl1ld r1"9 · .• itt ... ;, *''· (276579,22175)) •. l Ctmoo Ivory willi 901, f!lhc'i01. Tur\ohydrtll'tftiC"~ 'f''flMltt-• .r.dio,: P.''1i'': · . 1lo1rin9, tli11: bralt •, ti11tW 9li11, ,.,.... t1il9.t• 'wilt'll--. ~ to'H;, 'frotf . _floor rn•h. WSW~ I 256J6fC 1l1426l; W irtdow' iti"'c\~~ ·P,ric• psi 41. ~1 ' i .. ·.":~433·6 · -·~2883 · '·{it,_, -' . ...... ...... _ - ...... ~------+--------~------...,._ '""'"'""' , .. , tl!IAND PRIX ~ 'tollrr: • ·• ' lt4io, h11f1r, 4-1p1ttl 1hik, $1677 INNA MIJ , ~ ~·· '61 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2-0r. ltt4io. Jo.1tt.r, 111t,11'11tic,,whi~ aj41 w•ll1. 11,000 tnil11. IWll 2771 $1977 '61 CHEVROLET El Cimino v.1, , ...... , 1t11ri119, r14io, h1tt••, wt!it• wi ll tir11, ftcfery •ir oi:ondltitn. 111 IMC! $2977 '57 RCEDES 1·.o;sL ' 1tt4;.,Jt.1t.,, 1ttMtr4 1hirf. Mw.&h tffthf t ftef'MHtl. ITYU 4741 ~ . ' '$1177 , .· 17 -1961 i'ON'f!Ag' . ' Fir1bir41, GT(n. T1111!t"h, f.ttMYillt., Wt9on1, C•t1li11•1, 6r1ntl Pri111. All tr• h1 011ht1Mi119 coMiti1111. Mott witlt rw•r 1"1 otr c0Mliti11Mrtt. All ''' .. SALE ltl&HT NOWI SAVE ,? Dr. V-1, Hydro1111tic, pwr. 1t91r .. rtdio, ... ,,,, ...4tlt. wolf tlr1t. fTUI' 116) $2277 '61 PONTl,AC C~ TA IN" 4 tlr. 6 pt1'-w•1011, t11to., RIH, ,,S., ftctorr 1ir. 7,140 111il11. !XDD 201) $3577 • • • '67 PONTIAC CATALINA 6 ,t11on1•r 1t1tlo11 wt11Jo11. v.1, Hydrt· l(!ltflc, 1'.S., RIH, WSW, f11tory olr con· tlitioni119. ITJX 6041 ~77 " " . -' ' . '67 .. PLYMOUTH Sport. Pury lt.14~ ~·~· tutlMttic, P.S., f•ct. olt; ... 11,y1 ·to,.'=1\Jll2'51 I . · ,$2577' ' -,,;.. '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA HMtl+., c,e, lt&H, •11to., l'.S., Jtclory oir, l•ory. IPIG 2471 $1877 . - • . '66 MUSTANG VI, RlH, •11fGrn1tic, r,s._ f1cfery cir, 4111. trim. !ASH l?JI ~'•' 1 $2077 '67 BUICK GS 4oo H.T. Cpt. lllH, pow1r 1to1ri119, t it concl., ¥i11yl top, "'Gr•1n. fl PY s 1•1 $'!177 '61. CHEVROLET CAMARO Fully .qt.1ip1Nd .l1cl. ftctory t lr, vinyl ro•1. br111n1 irt color: IXEV 12]) .~ '· $2977 .... ~ .. ' . AU 'PllCES Mii. -OP COUISI. .P1;U5,IJCl1!51 AND .7'l1 .. l • \