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1969-04-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
. ' . .. ,_.., . ~.1, i:_ ... ..: . ----.J.•. ,:· ,,"'"l:J. ;., • '1 ~· • ' .. ..# • -1 o..6•/ • . .• •• " ' '. ~ ' ! . .. .. ' ... ' ' '{( * *' tJ ... '$··;_ - . . ~ '-... -•. •\ .• ' I I , ',•')"• I . -' •' • • •• ' -• • S·. l ·D • w . '"? Schoo.I Doesn."t . , .. ·< , . ' , .. ~ • -i • L ... :~ J II •. ' ·, ' ' ' * * * * * *' ' I •·. ·~ . ·.• ' "' . , • I ~·-Mesa : W o'l,wn Drowns * * * S «.ate Solon .Sa1• By-TOM BAllLEY Ol tlllt.,,.., ""tt ~. America's students, see nothing wrong in what the militantg are doing on the na- tlol) .. "C8111JlUJeS because they gtitUinely believe that this is how th~ only way cl;langes can be ach!eved in our society, Slate Senator John L. Hilrmer, (Jt.Gten- ctale), told Orange County lawyers Fri- day, ' . · · They' are not alone, wbeUier er not they themselves Participate in IUCh vloJente, Hanner sa.4d- . "II ·ii a. p;aent day a~ that ls Perinea.Ung our whole' aociety, tt is a groW!pg cocivtctlon.that ft Is riot wr0ng !<> use 'Violence to achieve what seem to.be· desirable ends."· · Harmer condemned what he said was the ~uence on students of "variOUJ 9 Negroes Held After SA Melee Nine Negro youth.I were arrested In Santa ~a lhortly before ·midnight Fri· day after they ~y form~ a human chain·""""' Finl" Street In the JfOO block to stop vehicular traffic. The youths, 10111e clad•fn blaclr:'ben!ls, "'!"·•!>out 411 ....... -,Jioiic:e Ir• rived. to ,c:heck-oq ~ ~- ' Sgt. H. .. N. u-, aakf'•lhehly"'111s shouted ob&cenfties" at officers. Two were. picked up for a111ulting, ('kickieg) po- Uce, and, olbers r,.._fallure lo ,disburse or failure to identify themselves or caU> ing I dillurbanct. Hansen said , the youlhl ranged in ages from 11 to 21. He sakl they will be ttrral~ Monday. NO ONE, JC.NOWS FEDERif(,: W:AS:TE The , f.-.i IOV~~~....'l~ bllliGn•'7Nf.Oi,Jllll*8 1',~, rOlllY',-·to_/_ o1 au 111e· l!O"er-Ille!!. ,. . . , . Wone lban,~. p........,toj ,.,.._ cle. 4on't even lflflm to c.t that the· • money 11 being wasted or how much lJ -A »,veorJ! Costa -_.. fell The vldlm was working aboml the l>elng ,.asted. · Theae are -· "ol the from -die" Alf a crulior doctied on crulaer owned · ,by Jooeph Stephens blunt factt presenled by the DAILY _ Lido Perlfmula Friday lllerllOOll and •P-Yachtt. PILO')' today I~ an analysis developed by ponnlJy drowuod lD Newport~· Pollce said Mn. Bereno was taken a Uniteif Pr._.. !nlemaUonaJ teem work· Mn. Bluel Moari1 ISen!nl of 1t9S from Lbt water by the dock workera. ing for a 10lld month under the dtttction Cbltle SI., Costa Mesa, waa found One ol the worken told police lbal he ol llPI Senior Editor LollfJ C...W. flolllq a few feel off the lllim of the • had bean! DUlflled -ud the The llGry..C bil ..,...,...,,., bic llJIOI" ·..-r by fellow boat 11111ntenance 80Und of a WOIDlll cOOpinc • dloklnc ding and big wllfle IJ a bll ....-why · _..ii Pollcuald tbe hod been In Ibo· • abourtl mlnulol lllfor;e Mn. B«tnl wu )'OU obeuld Rlld l<idlf'• Comment ,pqe_ w1ter·-t II -She wu ,_ dilco....ct. 'Ille drWlilnf oc:eurred about · (Pqe I). Doallq f11<t 0 down. 3 p.m. ---'-' --------- ' ''Jr • . --. ·--~ -. .. ..-... . ..... -.. -,. .. - ... . ' -' -- .. -..... ----------·' *- • Ill Thailand :is Aboard , ~tese JltM--~ . . I ... , ,· • rodfeal•ti:mell!I" clUrlliC·"lili Ww Doy ipeeob · lo · the 0nnce -O>Uhty ·Ba Aaodallcn In San1'·Ana. ~ ~ the -:t. ol. a ~P al the Center tar the SfUdy o( DtmocnUc inlUlllUons ' at SinU 1larbara and d-the otgaJiizallOo'1· Calf for the "-.ting · <>I the · -of the . (let .iuarus,. PIP J> · COtlese,·OK's County L fi,d, . Sideburns . By RUDI NIEDZIELB!q 01 fM DIJIY PIW .,_,, ' Seventeen-y~-old MJcbael . P ·l ct er h"n'I ahaved off hl5 med sldebornl ye\ but hl5 problems with the oaro.n Gn>Ve School District are · apparently 1 over. Tlie" santi.,o lll&b School -· who r<fused to dlveat 'lihmeu of b!I miitton Chofl!I desplje ~I l>Qard Pft9IU!'" lpd IUIJ)elilion, Friday .-fved a'fettei' from Reecl<Colleae In·~ telllns~ that Ibey W1lllld lake blm --· cllploma .. wltl¥>u.t. . . . i • • • "ll tcu.'fe JX\(ir~ lllailta "dlelomo, we Wm"t ·be:·illber,~iaddf'ie,111 ,... writtecl'.Dy.·llerQalnln>Wi llolCWD'Jr.; dlreclOr ri Rm!lslons a1,tho'oolloto.• • • ...... · ... •'J • & ·tn~tr • ' , '· 1 • ; ) -• . . ' ,_ .._ n ··~ 1 ,_ ..... ~· 11 II ~=· .. ' '{ -~ ....... I:~-· 't;" .~ ) . ·~ .... - ' " ' ) c. •• '. ' . . ·~ • ... J l ' I ..._-'<-'--:-r-~~~-S~~~_,;;S~1U/r\f~";:,;•~""12~1969 r -. ~Transplan ~Of Full Eye:· • r ::::,.,_ ..... ,.. .... -f"hnlit I -.. . ... l -... .... -.. -• w :~a~"t ~ a -lllt .Frldly ~ ·Iola! eye tranoplaot ptrfGrJlliod by ~Qaod D. Moore ai;ii~ -, 'l'Uadl7 ... -1o -.l\t~ drallOd ,bf .~ ....... i:I.,.. sitned by Dr. Olirlu E. -· ,~ « tlie orpn!utloil, ~ ~ tM apent6Dn becl•t '1t!Mt - pr'ilctidure wu not bued on :suflScient ex~ perieoce or knowledge. 'J'he •tot.al eye J transplant is doomed to fillurt." . . ' t(ocn will answer the statement at ~ neWl conference today. · 1be fiatement gave three reallODS •by ,tJle open1UoN would not be succaslul: ;: -Tbe optic nerve necaury lot ...me ·wm DQI ..._ -~is· tut .. it mu11 -·~a~~ ~ " :. . ..:3., ls 'lmpouiblt 1o -lloY 'blood " ·-wlthln the eye lillt ... """'~ -)or -IDCi the life <il'tbe eye. -'nle d<lnor redDa _,y for pro-, jedlliJ vlluaJ lmqe.t be8IN at die - In ........ Iller ill -· -"' "It ii eiue:mely uiiHrtunate that thouo · ~c~l-Chief W on't ~Try Anew ~f.. Senate .o I W.' • • t ~ ~ • ~ ,· t• • SACllAY.Elll'O (UPI) -Moz llalferty, the 1911 primary e1ect1oo brtrowCloc ru.. Ing to insult by nmning 11aln." -~ d publlc lnolructlOn, t---· He rocdved J ,mlllion Jlllfor!7 'iild• be relaloed the Sacra. R.l'4 bi will '* 'fer a lldrd t«m nu\ to U millli>i for the trio. -• -publie rela~ Jitm'i' ~ A>- "*r'-..:.... • SLalt~ belt Kd:':'~ln !'..~'!! .oclafa to '•'cofletl' ampo!p-luncll." " ....,.._. • do a Job." llafferv ... ·--~ ·~ uur ,.... . . ' !a+d during In ~v& lotervtew wtth \nary. to w1n the Republican nomination. 'Ille flrm ts headed by Lyn NO(ziger, UPJ Friday. 11! l(!t moist iJ it done. When -fOr the Senate, but was ddeated by Dem· former communications director for G<iv. I finish , I'll leave." ocrat Alan Cranston in the general elec· Ronald Reagan. Asked if~ be was a candidate Uon. Nofziger, like Rafferty, Is an outspolt• lot 1t-$1ectlon.'1He·dliel o! scKoca in the ... .Afterwards he returned to his job ot en COM«Vative, He organized and rM natl<m\mott PoPwous state replied: ''AA tuidini ~at.Me departm~ d educ.ation the windup of Rafferty's uf)(i:uccesaful far u mow now I am." Ind bu liDoe remained ~ ca political Senate race. PoliUcal observers credit Bal!ilty . lint woo elecllon 1o the topica. . Ndzlger wilh allld pulling the election SZ,OOO+year post in 1962. He pledged to Asked if he wouki seek to unset.GOP out for Rafferty. reverse trends in california's elementary Sen. George Murphy next year or make Rafferty said he ex~ ''dozens" to &ehool from "progressive educ.ation" -an<ther try at CraMton in 1974, Ralferty challenge for the nonpartisan offlte next Ill ldjUotment-1o "educata In depih" replied :' year, but aald be doel not thk1t ll;tlng - a return to the 3&. "I ttink people of Gatilornia bad a San Francisco State President S.J. ~a- Bafferty woo rHleetioo to bis job in chance to elect me bef<n. I'm not g~ kawa will be one of them. · NiXon~ LabeJS -. , .. ,. . ..e. . -t.:~1 . Iowa Disaster' - ~ ... .-r.~ . ... ·- lior Fi~· Ckmenteans W onderilig . -.. -.. About .Phones for Nixon " ' ' • knowledge.'' By United Press lnt.ernadonal Omli of bllnc! peOple may haV<! been iiven a fabe senee of hope," the state- mmt said. ''The operation and the pub- hcity SUITOUDCling it were both very UD· fonmat.e." Moor< ptrfarmed tile operalial oo Jolm Mlddm, a ~,_<Old Ooon>e, Ta., pbo- 1o ap .....,.. SENATOR WAY t:MPHASIZES, CONTROLLER FLOURNOY LISTENS GOP Le.ter• Open Party Headqu•rters In Newport luch Iowa, listing $18 millioin property dam· age from flooding in central and north- w~ counties, has been declared a di.llster area by President Ni.Ion. Is a giant c0azia1 cable - a hotline to the White House and other world capitols -being installed at the sprawling H. H. Cotton estate in San Clemente, rumored to be President Nixon'• choice for a West COast retreat! "I don't have any comment,'' said Pacific Telephone Co. District Manager Robert Gannon. ·"Personally, I don't know of any ...... and if f did I couldn't tell you," he added . ' Senator Authors 60P Chairman Critical .. . ' "In fact, -I wlsh I DID know," Gan- non conlinued , saYing San Clemtote. is rampant with rumors of all IOttll abOut becoming the future West' Coast ,White . ~ .. Bill to Curb ~"" ~~· .. : .. ' 1 Of LA Mayor Race Talk But communities on: the Mississippi · ...... ~ng !lie fruits or laborioU$ flood cbotrol P.r'epirations and many ltreams oozed bact toward their banks 1h noribern regioM. Good question, and those who ought to know said Friday that they wi.lh they <tid. ·Rumors ·'havi circulated through lbe sleepy S~ Vlllagi ever 9fnce the NiJ:- on visi t a month ago that a deal is, was, has been, or will be made to buy the lush estate. House. • During his vis.it four weeks ago, Presi- dent and Mrs. NiJ:oo stayed at the sechld· ed and relatively easy-to.guard estate and they are known to be shopping for a Southland home. Fake News Acts Slate Senator John L. Hanner ls the author of a recently introduei!d ·Senate ·bill ·which calls for curbs on the news ' media and he had a busy time defending bi. measure before perslllent newsmen Friday. " He rot a laugh from Orange County 1ri'ytn and some eompensaUon for hi5 cold lunch when he told them during his Law Day speech that "a certain reporter won't talk to me any more because of a 'certi!D piece of legislaUon I Introduced.'' • That Jegislatton, the G len d al e lkpublican repeated Friday; i! aimed at the setting of penalties for newsmen who ••stage" news events by seUing up in ad- vance a part.icular incident and then "Teptitlng the outcome as news.' Under ~the-new legislation offendlng nenmen cou1d be convicted of• mildemeanor. ," * * * . Frem P .. e l RIOTERS .•. ~ n1tion" as 0 tht politics of •ahlurdlty. It • Harmer Cllled m the bar for 0 a crusade to ~~ the supremacy of law and order in this country, a crusade 'tn Wtuch lawyers must lead the forces of Jaw.and ofder." • Students, he said, "no longer have any respect for either !llpremacy of law or lndivlduaJ rtsponsiblllly." And much of Jbe . ~lame, Harmer added, must be jb.arecl by the courts "who protect the trtpUnal and de.troy tbe rights of the ftctim, a stran&e form of just.ice that is not Jost on the intelligent student! of today." AT THE BlllNK "'1bll naUon, Hanner sald, "ha!· come far closer to the brink of destruction to- day than many of us realize or even want lolmow. ' • "OUr pneration has failed to aive U.. dilldm1 tbe undentandlni QI ow. ~tage," he said. "It has failed ~ COJI· "!rl. a frut understanding of law and the lilvidiYual's responsibility ." Harmer is the auillor of "We Dart Not JI'. ail''. a' book which ei:amines preaent cloy political trend> In Calllorni4. He i> also the .author of various bills aimed at 1Uppi:eulon of campus disturbances. . ' ' f DAILY PILOT l6a.,.rt "'9Q H .... llftM ..... --_,..,.., ·--CAIJPOIHIA Ol:ANG8 'c.°"91 PU.\.llHINO (OM,Ml'f l•H rt N. We•4 ~,..... .... "'*''""' J.cli. •· c.,~., Ykl "'*',... -Ofllfrll ,,...,..., Th-•• Kaevll ·-Thtlllt• A. M•r,hi"a • Marlaellll •.i• By JANICE BERMAN Of ni. Dall)' 'llH Stiff Dennis E. Carpenter of Newport Beach, chairman ol the Republican State Cenltal Committee,' Friday attacked alleged in· volvement of prominent Democrats from California and elsewhere in the non- partisan Loi Angeles mayoralty race. Carpenter said he viewed the asserted partisan , Democratic support "with alarm." He added that such invol vement "could be detrimental lo the entire structure of local government in California." There were no Democrats on hand - or even nearby -to offer rebuttal to Carpenter's allegations. This was because Carpenter issued the statements from the brand-new GOP headquarters ju.st opened In .Newpcrt. , , Also attending the meeting were Lt. Go\'emor Ed ,R~inecke, state Assemblyman Craig Biddle, State Con- troller Houston I. Flournoy, and state SenaU.rs George Deukmejlan a n d Howard Way. Way said there is a definite possibility that Califomla Senate Democratl would join witb certabl RepubUean leaden ln a coalilion efforf to oust Hugh M: Bums from his position as President pro tem- pore of the California Senate. GOP ChaJnnan Carpenter, in chiding the opposllion party, added, "It is dangerous to our entire system of non- partisan local government for persons prominent in the Democratic Party Co make the Los Angeles contest a forum for , •. partisan politicking." Carpenter made ~is remarks following ' meetiog of the ReRubllcan State Cen- traJ CommUtee's Executive Committee al its new headquarters at 3915 Campus Drive near Orange County Airport. Nixon's Friday declaration provides an Immediate $'150,000 for repair of public fa ciUlies damaged or destroyed in the inundations. Iowa Gov. Robert D. Ray said 11 other counties, most along the Mississippi, may be included in the fed· era! declaraUon later. The White Hoose also was considering a request by Wisconsin Gov. Warren P. Knowles that 15 counties in his state be declared disaster areas. Knowles said the counties had spent $4.1 million be- cause of flooding and asking immediate approval of $1 million in federal funds and more later. The crest of the Mississippi is expect- ed to reach Muscatine, Iowa, during the weekend but at a height of not much greater than Friday's readings. As the spring flood rolled .!OUth alon g the Mississippi it met the restraint of dikes, levees and sandbags which in many communities averted <tisaster. Persistently In recent v.·eeks. stories hav e been that a large, coaxial telephone cable able to reach any spot in the world on a moment's not.ice is being laid at the mansion ground s. "I certainly can 't confirm that any deal has been made," said San Clemente City Manager KeMeth Carr, "and there is certainly no phone line going in to my From Page 1 SIDEBURNS. •• Gill "to crack down" on dress code viola- lions. "The principal Is a nice guy," Picker commented, "but be functions very well in a bureaucracy. He is not student oriented and about the onJy lime you see him is when ht comes out or the office to go to Kiwanis meetings." Some· sources have stated nauy that the Cotton estate will be the N~on choice, while descendants of the late miliioliaire Hiram H. "Ham" Cotton say they don't want to sell now, but might. Barbituates Sam Cause for Deatl~ Barbituate poisoning was the cause of death of a 16-year-old Santa Ana girl._the Orange County Coroner 's Office . ruled Friday. · The body or .Glenda Lee Kaminalt!. or 1342 S. Sullivan St., was found benulh a tree Iasf' llfoiidar _.mig· "8s 1liaii a block from l!U"./!'i'"'.d'ollce ufd ..., was the mother-of a 2-montb-old chlld and'bad e~arated fro. 11er hU>~and. _.>, Laguna Schools Studying Pilot Year-round Proposal At Davenport, Iowa, the rlvtr stood at 19.1 feet Friday :.... the third highest crest ever recorded there. 'But a month o{ preparation kept the muddy, swirling waters contained. The scene was in dramaUc contrast to the spring of 196S when record crests broke through levees adn lefl lhou!ands homeless. At nearby Fu1ton, Ill., where half the homes were flooded four years ago, po. Hee chief Vern Krahn predicted a "100 percent dry" !J>rlng this ye111« Residents of Minot, N.D., scene of this spring's worst flooding were moving ba<:k to theier homes today as the Mouse River ebbed from 20.44 feet-more than six feet above flood level. Until Picker enl.ers Reed College this fall , he will be taking Unlvefsity' or Calilornia Extension correspondence courses "to avoid a truancy problem." DAD BACKS SON Ills father, a surgical supply salesman, has agreed with the stand he has taken and supported him fully, Piek er saJd. Ironically, the lather doesn't like his sldebmna, but himself wears a mustache and a goatee. When queried about why today's young people adorn themselves with often grotesque-appearing facial halr, Picker said, ''It mJght be .!Ort of an ezplanation of the attitude that you should look inside the person instead of his ei:terior." lier mottit~Mt1. Alton GqJa~~~ Pine address, told officers tier "dftjtiter left home to go to a nearby store about 10 p.m. last Sunday night. When obe ,did not return, the family searched llle neighborhood fer eeveral hoors wlthoot result and caDed pol)ce at 5 a.m. The body wu found It 1:15 a.m. Israel Birthday Rites Planned By RICHARD P .NALL 01 tll9 OlllY 'llH Sltfl Laguna Beach school authorlUes are looking at the pogsibWty of a reatnJc. lured school year which mJiht be started Mesa Councilman Asks $2,914 .for Flood Damages Costa Mua's former mayor and present City Councilman Robert Wilson wants $2,914.87 from Orange County supervisors for alleged flood damages at his Santa Ana place of business. Wilson blames flood miseries allegedly suffered last Feb. 24 at his Awning Man ahop, 16800 S. Harbor Boulevard, f~ the monetary loss. Wilson's claim is likely to be rou.Unely rejected by county suptrvi901? ~ refer- red to their inlutance canier-t.b(·sime thing Wilson's city council does with c~ filed before it. Rejection of a .cll!m, however, clean the way for filihl or a lawsuit. Councilman Wilson allegea the county failed to properly maintain a flood gate. thus causing water to back up into his place. He also lost telephoDe service, mail gervice and customers which assertedly co.st him between $1,000 and $2,000 in bu!lntss. No Ones Found In Bar Slaying HomlCfde detoctlYel Pri<lay night roported no new d<velopmantl In the bunt for the 1layer of a Costa Meo bar owner. killed at a Soolh Los Angel .. night club he allO owned last Wedneldaj'. Funeral services meanwhile, have been 1<t Monday for Robert E. Walk!nJ. 43, tiftrltt of YI Olde IM, ~ Newport Boulevard, who was shot once in the back by Ills attacker. Services for Mr. WatkJns, who made llil boine In the Carson area of Loi Arwtlel County, will bo at I p.m. In lllflletlood Park Olapt~ wllh !ntmnent to follow In fnaltwood Parl: Ceri>etery. He le<IYtl hi• wife, Anita, and a five- year.ald ton, Kevin. as a pilot program for El Morro Elemen- tary School . As visualized, youngsters would go to school for three months, have December off, go for three more months and have April off and after lhree more months be o!f during August. Considering the existinf Christmas and 5pring vacations, the plan would add about 20 mort teaching days to a youngster's education year, said El Morro Principal William Allen. BENEFIT SOON From this standpoint alone. it would benefit them educationally, Allen said. 1t would also check the back slide or educa· lion doldrums o( a student during the long summer vacation. "We ate sli\I using·the aid idea that we have to let the kids out in summer to harvest the crops," Allen sai d. The concept could make hiring of \eaebers more flexible . Rather than the present year-contract, a teacher coold be hlml for three, four, siJ, nine or more months. TIME UTILIZ5D Teachen who wished might use the months achool was not in sesalon to write eurrlculwn for tbe coming three-month period. Fresh from conferenceg with Dr. Max Rafferty, state superintendent of public instruction and county school officials, Allen said the plan is still strictly in the investigaUve stage but he has high hopes. One problem has been slate Jaw which pigeon holes schools of a district into teaching the same nU.mber oT days. Another is tight state money but Allen hopes tU. plan will get around this and slill no cost the distri~ additional fund!. When be has all tbe answers, Allen said ht will take the plan to the IChooJ board. 3 From County Die in Vietnam 'nlree Orange countlans were t.mona the latest dtath toll reaulling from the figbtir\g In Vietnlm. The Oefeuse Department today lilttd Lhem as : But about 11,500 persons remained homeless, half the clty was slill under water lats-Friday, and the Army Corps of Enginee11~ated fiood damage to the city at \ million. Ike Mourning Ends WASIUNGTON (UPI) -This ts the Jut day flags will be flown at half staff for former Prtsldent Dwight D. Eisen- hower. Accorcltni 1o !he P<Slf'I<•>. the of!lcj&I' 30-day .moumlng portod-ends at midnight today. Picker said he and other students have worked at trying to get the tchool distrld to adopt sane dress regulaUons but aaid · their ,attempta to do somelhinc lhrough student government have been luUle. "Student government is a sandbox government without a sandbal: and I just got sick and Ured of being told ·not 1o rock the boat." Picker, who lives at 11~1 Puryear Lane, Garden Grcive, aaya once at Reed \:ollege be will puniie the lmmanltles .alll1o<ilh be origiJlally Intended to study medicine. -First U . Allan V. Barr. husband of T i lJ f I'! The Jewi$h Commµni ty Council of Orange County will s~ a ctlebration of the 21st anniversary of the State of Israel at 2 p.m .. Sunday at the Garden Grove High School auditorium, 11271 Stanford Ave., Garderi Grove. Admission js free, and the public is invited. Keynole opeai<er !\'iij I\< Dr. UaUI! Zeldtn, Rabbi of the Ste~ S. Wise Temple ln Wut-wood; Loi Angeles. · · The program wUI also feature \.ap. iiearances bl. tbe Jladarim wail Song .And. Q-' Tbeal!.e, and . a C<lnbiled temp~ yoo~ choir singing idectoll "*igs from Israel. Mrs. Donna M. Barr, 11451C Red Hill Qta ng p Or '-'OUCert Ave., Santa Ana. -Sil, ;o11n R. Spear, hwband of Mrs \ , Violinists (foreground from lefl ) Martha Guy. Son- Allce L. Spear, Anaheim. V ora School ; Jay Garman, Newport Heights School; PFC. Jonathon W. Allman, "" of Mr. Cathy C-0Melly California Scl!ool, and Allen Loren, i nd Msr. Marshall Allman, La Habra. Monte Vista &hoe'! rehearse for concert Sunday b'Y • Newport-Mesa school district's honor music sfu-' dents. Performance at 2 p.m. In Newport .Harbor High AudltortCUn will feature district's top 300 mu!i: dans and singers from all grade levels. I ' • -' j • " -.. ... ., . . . • • , . ·'-' . ; .. "' 'Year&-•••• . . ' _, ,. SATU~AY, APRlt: 26, 19'9 '-· I, ·JEN ~ ' ' r~ elemen!a" cminc his Low Ila, speech lo the <no&• COlmly Dor •Asloclaticlll In S..ta· Ana. . lie lulli'd the. wft of a group al the Cleole-'l(lr lbe . Study, ol Democratic llllUliotionJ at Santa Barbara and dlnlsted the Org&nizaU00'1 Clll rcr the "~ of ' the ' 'structure ol Ille Amerlc. D1Um11 ... ''"tbie ~-of ~ly." • -. ¥f ·Boats in 'Newp«•rt As WWII Skippers Meet Naval officers who ·rode Mot.cir Torped0 '(~TH191-ta lluiin& World Wor µ·and who ha,.otnce formic! ID orpulDiton kMwn aa Pelc Tate;.Io<; ~ hokllnc their 22nd ""'1111l'ta\•eollcm lbrougb Sunday at the BllliOo-llay'.Club, ' ·M!!"l','llwl ll!D ~-are In <at• lerl<li>U atlbe ..... ei>tlon, the.flrit ever held .Jn -Seulbem California, aa:ordlng to , • Ke!) SJWpo .of -Los -Angol .. ,:ooe -ol the • coaVeitUon, • .,rganir.en:. · . .Ain<,oiig vtsltlnirlonner. PT.l>Oat peraon- nd who .are afieading·~ Bryant Larson ol Porilml;'Ori•., slipper al PT !09 lm- m<dial.Jj ~ the Jate Pre>ldent Jobn.F. Kennedy; Paul (11"0 Fay, one- time PT s!Upmate· of the late President Kennedy lhd who later served under the .l ' Pmldent ~ ·under-secretary of the Navy, and Adm. John D. Bulkeley, who u 'Lt. Bulkeley,-toolt Gen. Douglas MacArthur out of tile Phillpplnea early In the war and Iller,,_., book about his erperiences-''We were Expendable.'' ;,... ()qt! (If 1lli& fe.aturei Gt the convenUon waa tl1' arrJvartrtday from San Diqo·o( two pre~t-dar. ·."Swift~· bQ,a_tl . whlcb 'Janded'at the BIJboa·Bay·Club. These1are modern,. all-alunii.num models, ·Smaller than •the IO' PT boats used during World Wir, II. The new 50,. boats are called "Swift!" because of their 15 knot-plus speed. 'Ibey have a crew of ooe ciUlcer and five enlisted men and are designated PCF (Palrol Craft, Faot). They have been used as river boats ln Vietnam. J . Harmer called Oft the blr f!Jt .... crusade to rHmhrlne the -of law and order Jn Ibis ....,try, a \TUlade ln 'wbleh lawyers must !tad the for.ca of law and OQler." ·s~·be ,llid, "no longer have an:v ._rfor either auprtlnacy. of law or Individual rapooslbWty." Aad much or the blame, Hanner idded, must be ahlred by tile C<llrta "•ho prolecl the criminal and deltrOy. the 'rtpta ol 1lli •lcllm, • attan,.; fi>rm ol justice that 11 not Jost-oo the lntelll(ent lliJdeota ol today." • This ~Uon. Harmer Aki, "hat come far cloeer to ·the brtnk of deatnlclloo to-day tban many .of ua re:lnze.or rien.want to lalow. ' "Our ·generatioo haa-falled to Iii•• ill - Rioter$ cblldren. tile , -undmtandlnC of ...C heritage," he·uld. "II bu filleif 'fO eoaj Vf!'/ a true undmtand)nc Of Ja• mt 1111 invhiivual'a respOnalblllty.•• ! Harmer is the author of "We om Nai Fill'", a boot which examlnea: .~ day political .tnndl In Callliirnla. He -la also the author <if Yar!OUI bllll lilned al 5UJ>!llUS)oa ol campus dlltw:t>anca• •• - Reds -Lrireil by U.S. Base Set Up_ as Tr~p for N. Viets SAIGON'(UPl)..;. North Vietnam troops swept out of Cambodia today and attack- ed a U.S. base set up as bait to lure them from their sanctuary. American forces ltill~lSf'-of the CommwWib,'mill· tary spokesmen said. U.S. 25th Infantry Division troopa lost one man tilled despite the communist barrage ol 450 rocket., mortars and gre. nades In tile uuult. The Americans opened fire on the North Vietnamese with artillery and helicopter gunship support directed by Maj. Harry Ray of Dillon, Mont. An estimated 800 Communists attacked a base called "Frontier" established only two days ago 45 miles northwest of SaigOn and one mile from tbe Cambodian frontier. "It's purpose wu to draw a&tac.ll:a out of Cambodia," a apokerman Ilk!. The United States hu long llCCUJed the Communists of using neutral Cam· bodia !or basea to atta<k allied pos1. lions In South Vietnam, perticularly on approaclles to Saigon. The North Vietnamese manalt'!f to blo~ away part of the barbed wire fence at ,µle camp 's outer eda:e. The American infantry company, 180 men commanded by Capt. Ray Put· Uam of Ouittanooga, Tenn.; Was refu. lorced during the balUe by two mono companies dropped bY bollooplcs. · A aweep of tile batllqround ~ later produced the bodies of 157 C..... munist lroops, mill~ .~lcJala . llld. The Amerlct111 coptilred aJx ·-North Vietnamete. The lnfriatrymen pided 1111: 15 -~ munlst O>inese ·made · AKIT' .r IJ le• a ligbt machlnegun, Clle antlaln:roll macblnegun; :rour IOmm -;. ~ rocket grtnade laltnCben; a •l07mm roe> ket launcher, an 82mm mortar-i a •7mnt recoilless rifle and "a stack of ammunf;o Uon and medical· suppllea," apoltumel said. U.S. Spy Plane Sideburns ft.~ay Crashes; 18 Or egon College Acc~p'is;fl)f:itk ; '1•; 'I l -."• .A6Mrd ~' .rr. l.!I!~'~" . . ' ~ . . Se-y.....id Mid-' P 1 c;l e' t~ Tballand flll!l>.....Mi& '~~:::.: ~-&.'::: Alt 1'ir<0 1ICJJI ~ ~-are aPpiiiiilij....... . plinO n. Ille one North Korea Jets lbOt Tli(.S..UU HIP ~ lliDlor who doWii April 15 cralhed tattng, off lrom refliiod 1o d!':est lilmaelt Ol IU aiutton Koral >Ji Ba.. Friday, the U.S. Em· chopl'de<plte school bOard _... and suspension, Friday receiVed a Jetter from busy said today. Reed College in Oregon tellia& him that AH 18 crew members were killed. they would take him~ wtth dlPioma or Th• U.S. Embassy uld tile lour-in· without. . ed propeller-driven plane was. taking off "U you're not won1ed ibout a diploma, on a mission 11connected with lbe Viet· we won't be either," said the message, nam war." A spokesman said the mission wr!Uen by Benjamin )V. McKendall Jr., was "routine tactical air reconnaisaance director or admiss:fons at the college. activity" and did not resemble the flllbt oC the shot-Oown EC1%1. "A" STUDENT U.S. military police blocked all the Picker, who has almool:malntalned a area until the wrecke.ge whkh may m. 1trataht "A" averace at the blab IChool, elude ·up to 7 tons ol <leclrooic equip. said be will ab"'iutoly ~ 10 back to mm. could .be removed arid,• ~ school mw "be<111oe tt -~ matter board was appointed to Invt;stiple, the rmi if I get the dlcr:• ~not." 1 crash1 , He was. Wed cboP off. Hli mutton , }\.oz:at wall a base for planes th~t bomb-chops for good wt Tuesday when school ed N;orth Vietnam the past ~ ye~ll, trustees · turned down his appeal for The 388th P.S. ·Tacttcal Fighter Wing, reinstatement. ~l.sUng most.ly of Fl05 Thunderchief School officials told Picker that his jet fighter bombers, ill stationed there, sideburns were "disrupUve~to the~- along with 5,000 airmen. tional procesa." · · · The EC1%ls are used partly for weather Picker at that time countered with an reconnaissance. Military sources said argument saying that his counselor they were not flying EC121 missions ov· sports s.idebums and a mustache but er North Vietnam. The sources would somehow that doeB not disrupt the educa· not say if they fly over Laos.1 tional process. The EC121 is the military version of CITES MYSTERY the Lockheed Con~llaUon, a {our-engine triple-tail plane once tile backbone of commercial airlines' transatlantic fleet. The planes have been refitted lo carry l11<ft than lltVen kN of oledmlic equlp, ment. Mesa Woman Dr owns After Fall Off Boat A SZ..year~ld Costa Mesa woman fe1t from the atern of a cruller docked on Lido Penln1ula Friday afternoon and ap- parenUy drowned ln Newport Harbor. Mn .• B~ 1.lvla lJerens of 1995 Charle st., ~ Meaa, was found !loaUna 1 a few feet oU the ~m of the ~ by follow boat maintenance (>el1olu1eL Police aid Ille had been In the wa\ef a6out ·15 mlnutea. She wis found Ooatln1 lace' clown. ' The vic:tlm wu working aboard the crulier owned ,by J°"'ph Step~ Y_\oh,, I ••~,·• ........... . Police' Aid Mrs. ilmlll WU taken lrom tile •1116 bY Ille <!<><k i:;,.11ers. ona ot .the --told thaf he had ,,,.,,, -....... and Ule IOUl1CI of a woman coughing aod choking about 15 mlrfutn before Mrs. Btrtnl· w~ dlscovertd. The drownlnJ occwnd 1aboUt 3 P·'!'· • Rnulcltatton and erlmial h • ar I mnssage bY firemen and llfeguardl pro- ved lutlJe, - Sbe WU decJm<f dead OD arrhal ll Hoag Memorial HOIJ)ltal. I All t{ltoply wlli be cnodllcted to , determine exact Cllll< of death. police "Id. "It is somewhat myaterious that my sideburns are diaruptive and m y counselor's art not."• Picker charged. According to Picker, ~ is a.move OQ now by some studeatl on the ClmpUI to hJre a lawyer and obtain· an 1njuncitlon against the Santiago High School - code which prohlbltl ftclal.halr. . Picker said tile order f"' him to ctil off the 'sideburns came from a ICbool lt'f.. minlstfator who told Principal George Gill "to crack down" on·dresi code viola- llons. . / "The principal Is a nice guy." Pi~er. commented, "but he functions yery wen Jn a bureaucracy. He Ls not atudent oriented and about the only tube you aee him is when he comes out of the olfice (o go to Kiwanis meetings.'' : Until Picker entera Reed College this !all, he will be laking Uolvenlty of ' ' -- 9 Negroes Held After SA Melee ' Nine Nego youthl -• . .,..ted Jn Santa ,\Jill ai!Ort17• liefiie"" lllllliiipl Fri· day ifter they .aia!rtledlT fo,med i lluman chain ~ Pht street la the Hoo bloek to ~ Mcu1tr 1rt111c. ' The youflw, ..... clad In bliCI: -.. wee< alloiol 40 _, •hen ~ or- rlYed to dlic~'OO llit ~: ' Sgt. ff, 'N,.fla-'laid tllela 10\lthl lhouted oba..,itla ti olfJeen. Tw0 ""'" picked up lot uuultJns (illc*llll) po- lice, and. otlien for falbn to dlJllune or falhn to 1denW"y thelDelftl « ca• Ing a d!Jiurbtnce, " i1an1en said 'tbt ,.U0. rqed I~ .,,. from II to 21. lie said 11bey will be arraigned Monday. DAU.Y ,P'l/.OT ailr ...... . --· MEASURING UP Student Picker California Extension corr~P!)Odence courses "to avoid a truancy probltm." : : His father t a surgical supply ~ haa agreed with the 1tan1r bi lltl-taWi and ..-!>Im fully, Plcfti -lroalctl!y, the fillber -~1 lih ~ aldebumll, bu! hlnillell Wean • --11"1·a'1ilatee. --.. . . · Wbe'n queded about.why today'• ~•"" Pi<>i>Je· •d"'11-" lbemoih;o with , Ort;: ~m.@:lol' fai:ial balr, Pie~ Yid. "If mldi~lo llirhil•• uplanallOn _. (Jee !ID,EifUllN)I, Pf1P I) . : " .. .. O~•••e ' l Clear aides aeait[ today, says the , weatherman, w I th the. breeau blOwinc !'it afound lS . mph.. Tem- peratum'. will hove in-the Jnid.f0'1. . ' . ~ :} rN5DtB 'TOD&\'. H~ aa/e i.'tirfng~n ~mtricc'1 I 1na:eanng1u crou><lld 1ku? A1'fa· 1- tfon t:tptrt . RDbtrt J. Sc1U1t0 com ..... ts ~In.Family WHk-• J~. • . ' ,,, ..._ ' -..,, -" .... ,,. Midi Mllhls ' -• ' URdt \Ml M • -- " ' ,. l>.U: "'" . " " l I H iJICill!ITON tlJPI) -Tbi encutlyt COUii" ~l~ .Ho\lltoo J)lil~l9ll!:IJ .SQ.. -a sla!tmtol.:'nlday ll1lnl tiUl •Y• transpla~ PtrioruMd by Dr. \:"Orad D. Moore al lleUlocllol Jloe,'. dial. !l'ueoday waa doom!( to lallare. • "l'rhl"'atatemeat, drafted ;~ the - di alld·.lilDed by Dr. Ch.Wies !:. ·~ .i.c;,;lar)l.Jreuurer of tho organlullon, condtined the operation becaua, "the proc9dare "" not based on auf!ldtnt n· ~ or knowledp. The tolll eye ll'MIJll4n! ii doomed to !allure." ' v....O Will ......., the 11attmeo1 al a .... Cooltrenc:o klclay' _, • ,Tb1Jilal!tmenl 1ave tbree , .. ..,. why ....... atiopo ....id not be'_..iul: ~ '' -. ' ... ~no o;oc lltl'Vt nee-.,· !or , , U llO,! ~ alter lt ii ·out .11,H '= ,...., 'l:l"'fint. -:-it ' tmpooilble to .I!" tiny blood llaoae!I within the eye U..t are necessary !Qr llload.IDCI the Ille of the eye. -T11rdcllor retina ~ for pro-led4 'llallOl images bqlns al die with- in rNalilef,after lt.s removal. · "IfJI mremely unfljj1janato u.it thou- ~of lillDi· ~.-may have -aim 7 falie sense Of hope," the statt· ment said. ''Tht operation and the pub- licity surrounding it were both very un- lorunate ." Moore performed the operation on John Maddel>. a ~year-Gld co.-, Tex., pho- to shop owner. SenatQr Authors . ' ' .. '· . . . Bill to Curb Fake: N~8 ··Acfs ~to Senator John L. Honner b the *11tb0t ·of a rocenUy fntrQluced Setlalo ~IU which calb !or curbl on the nm media and he had a billy time defending hll meuure before pe:nllte:nt ntWSmen ~riday. He got a 1aueh from Orange County lawyers and some compensation for hi.s cold lunch when he told them durinl his Law D.Y ,pefCh that 111 certain reporter Won't talk to me any more because of a certain piece of legislation I introduced." Thal le1i5laUon, the G I e n d a I e RepubUcan repealtd<Frfday, la aimed at the setting of penal Ult for newsmen who .. itqe .. news event& b7 11tt:tn1 up in ad· v'anct' k' ~; tnclclent and then ..._..., the outoome u ....,, Under tbt ~~~Uoe'1ililtadint ntnmen ......... ot·1·1•1•t1MlllJll.1• New1111111, bo lald, bod -known· to il!ncl',_. lo tllrow roctai • ._, "' 91 .. yau the llsnal·" And lhtre bod been occufonl, bo lald, wlllll ho belltved ... 1111 .. had -HIJ)Ollllble !or 11111· poUns thal rfoton nllh -a buJldlns or a pOlice ·line at 1 moment that wu con- vtnlenl to them. ·•1Btit thl newmian'• acUon muat be ~ to· have been commlltod with niall&oa bli.nt to bring about a viola· dciD oilaw before be can be prooecutod." liaraw uiured newsmen at tbe n\llUai. · "Whal I had in mind when I Introduced tllla blll waa the coverage and handllnc of oilUnUI of"viollne81" he llld. "J had no pertl<uher llfOUP of· Np0i1er1, preoa or talevlaton. In mind when I aulhorod the niMlme." Harmv'o bUI haa clearad tho Stnate. II u cumntb' beln( dllCUIHd in th• ~1· Hitler Aide Now 75 BERLIN (AP) -Rudolph He56 cele- bl'ated his 7Sth birthday lo<lay just "1etks short or completing his 28th year in Sp&ndiU jlrllOn where he is the only inmate. l\doipb H!ller'o former deputy fuehror lo cleocrlbed u mentally alert. phyalcal· If -bot loa•I¥ and bl~er. Re 1UU bopeo .to be 1'ltuecl aome day, OAILY PllOT ....,... .... " ............... ..,..._.cw • ..._,....,~,,. CAU'4>11HfA OllANOa tOAS1 P\llllll+INO COMPANY lt•\tett N. w,,4 ,,.._.tl'lllllli"wltllUtr JMk l. C., .. , Ykt ,,.....;,,, ... a.-tll Ml l\ltcl J"t A r ''tr s'z st err rn SENATOR WAY EMPHASIZES, CONTROLLER FLOURNOY LISTENS GOP Leeder1 Open P•rty H••dqu1rter1 In Newport le•ch GOP Chair'rnan Critwal Of L~ Mayor Race Talk ,--~ .. By JANICE BERMAN ' ot "" Dlllr ''"' 11.tt Dennia E. Carpenter of Newport Beach, chalrmao of the Repul>Ucan Stato Central Committee, Friday atlacked' alleged in· volvement of prominent Democrat& from California and el&ewhere in the non- partisan Loa Angeles mayoralty ract. Carpenter sald he viewed the a111erted partisan Democratic support "with alarm ." He addad. U..l such !Dvolveinant "could be detrimental to t.lie entire. structure or local government In Callfolmia." There were no Democrats on hand - or even nearby -to offer rebuttal lo Carpenter's allegaUona. This was be<:ause Carpenter issued the 1ta.tementa from the bcand-new GOP headqlj>rlero jllll op<ned in Newport. ' · Aloo allelldinfl llMi meettn1 wue Lt. q<ivemor 1~ R e J n 1 c ~ .. • .' · ~tile; Aaeml>IYman Craig Biddle, Stale Con- troller HoU!lon I. Flournoy, and atate Senat.n George IleuimeJ!an a n d Kowant Way. Way said there is a deflnite JIOU\bility that Californla Senate Democrats would join with certain Republican lea.den in a coaUtton effort lo ouot Hugh M. Burna from his position ls President pro tem- pore of the California Senate. GOP Chairmm Carpenter. in chiding the OPPolillon party, added, "It la dangtroua: to our enUre system of non· partisan local government for persons prominent In the Democrailc Party .to make the Loi Angela contest ·a forum for ... parUaan poUUcklng." Carpenter made ~ii remarks following a meelln( of Ibo Republican Stato Cen· tral Cominlttee'a Ezel!iltlft· OiimnfttH at lb new headquarter• at 3918 Campus Drive near Oranp CounlJ Airport, ' t • \ Laguna Schools Studying Pilot Year-round Proposal By RICHARD P .NALL Of tM Oii" 'UM 11tff Laguna Beac& school authorities ire lookllll al Ibo polllbWly of a mtruc- lared od!odl yur wbich might be llarled Mesa Councilman Asks $2,914 for Flood Damages Cost.a 1'-fe1:1a 's former mayor and preaent City Councilman Robert Wihon wants S:,914.87 from Orange County supervisors for alleged flood damact• at hil Santa Ana place·of buaiit~. Wllaon blamea ll06d mlterles allegedly suffered last Feb. 24 at hls Awning Man shop, llllOO S. H11bor Boulevard. for Ibo monetary Jou. · Wlllon'1 claim ll likely to be rouUnely rejected by county supervisor• ind refer· red lo thelr lnsUtuct carrier ~ t~ aime lhln( Wllaon'• cily council 4oea with clalms filed before It. Rejection of a clalm, however, clears· the Way for fl1tn1 of • lt\.\'iult. CouncUman Wilson 1Ue1e1 the county failed lo proper!¥ maintain a flood aate, lhut .causiq wattr Jo back u.p Into his place. He also JOit telephone 1ervlce, mall service and cult.omus which uautedly COii him btlw..,, ll,000 and $2,900 In ·bu.,inesa.· No Clues Found ltt Bar Slaying llomldd'e dolactfvaa Friday n!shl nporlacl no now devolopmenll bl the hunt for UM alaytr of a Cotta Mtsa ber owner, kllled at a South Loa Angeles nfahl club ho aloo owned last Wednesday. Funeral tel'\llet:s meanwhUe, have been lltl Mond&J !or Robtrl E. WalldN. 43, OWllll' ol Yo Olde Inn, Im Newport Bouleftrd. who wu shot onoe In the back by hb attacker. Strvlces for Mr. Watklnt, who ml:de hi•-hoino -In-lht Carlon arta' ol Lo• Ansel" County, wlll bt al l p.m. In lq~ Part a..pol, with lntmnent to folloWln Inglewood Part Cemettt)I. lfe leaves h11 wtfe, Anita, ind a flv• year<ild son, Kevin. 11 a pOot ·proaram tor El· Marro Elemen- tary School. A"s visualized, younpte_rs would 10 to achoot for thrte monthl, hJv• December off, 10 for three more monthl and have April oll and aftor line more monlhl bt off during Allf\llL ConalderJn& the existing Chrlstmais and sprln& vacaUons, the plan would add about 20 more toachln( day• to a younpler'1 education year, 1aid El Morro Principal William Allen . DENEFIT SOON From this standpoint alone. It would benefit them educatlon1lly, Allen said. It would also check the back .sllde or eduCR· lion doldrums of a .student during the Ions 1ummer vacaUon. . "We ire 1tlll usln1 the old Idea that we hl\'e to let the kids out Jn sumin'r to harvest the crops," Allen aald. The concept could make hiring of teachers more flexlble. Rather than the present year-contract. a teacher could be hirt!d for three, four, six, nine or nlore months. TIME l/'11UZED Teachers who wished might use the months school was not in sesslon to write curriculum for the cominr three·month period. . Fresh fronl confereoces wjth Dr. Max Rafferty, state 1uperlntendent of public instruction and county school of!icl•ls, Allen aald t.be plan 11 still alrlctly in the ln\1estlga.tive sta1e but he hu hl1h hopes. One problem haa been slato It" which pigeon hole.s schools of a dlatrlct Into teaching the 11me number of day.s·. Anolhor lJ ttpl 1tata money bul Allan hope• bit plan wW ltl around ~ and sU!I no cost lhe dlafrlct add!Uonol funda . Wben If< hu aU the INWtn, Ali<n Bald h• wtU take the plan to the ocllool -.!. 3 From Comity Die in Vietnam n... Orance coun11an1 "'"' amoni the la!Olt death toll raulllnl ir.... tllo flgbUng In Vietnam. The Ilel11111e l>oparim•nl today ll1l<d thtm a1: -Firs! Ll. Allan V. Bm, husband of Mrs. Donna M. Barr, 1.-1c Red Hlll Avt., Santt An1. -Sil-Jllhn R. Spear, huabond of Mrs. Allct l-. Spear, AJ\aheim. PFC. Jonathon W. AJlman, &0n of Mr. and Msr. Marshall Allman. LJ Hebra . ~\ \ ---~---· =---. -. laiferty to Run ~ . \ 'i$ .,.1 . ---~ ' ' . -. ' '•• 'I "" •' • 4 ' \~ .,,_,. ,, ·~·· J ~~nool .Chief iron1t rry A~w for Senate j; ,,r ] I • ,. • , , ., , slcRilcENTO 'lUPll ~Mu Ralferi,, , 111• ltll8 primary election 1>Y iroonclnl his ing lo insult lh-i>!o ~inc again ." st.Me supertotendent of public Instruction, ~three opponent,.,. He reetlved 3 inlllion Rafferty aaid .bf: retained the Sacr• saya Jlt'WW · r1111 for a UW-d torm nert ~-u mUUon for lho trio. " . ;, merilO publlc' reJaUcins f!rm ol, fncfei.Aa- yeir ... • , , Last year he defeated veteran v,s. soclales to "collecl. campalp f'U)ds." <l( 'came -here -to do a job," Rafferty ·Sm: Thomu H. Kuchel In the GOP-pri· . . said dwin1 an ac1astve interview with mary to w1n the Republican nomination The firm Js headed by Lyn Nof111er, UPI Friday. "1 pt most "Of-it dmle. When for the Senate-, but was defeated by Dem-former eommunications director for Gov. J llq,lsh I'll leaw.." ., ' • ocrat Ala.Jt Crinston in the 1eneral elec-Ronald Reagan. Allied H that .... ~ w1F a cadilata "llqo.-Noldger. like Ralferly. Is an oqlipok· for re-electloo, tlte chtef ol achooil bl_ the 1 AfletwlJds be returned to hil job of en conservative. He or,1~ed and ran natlcri's molt· populoul Ute replied~ '\U gutding the slate depattment of education the windup of ~ferty a Ul'llU(Celllf~l far u I know naw I am." and has .sioce rtmalned silent on political Senate ract. Pohtlcal observers credit ' Rafferty first won electloo to the t<>pics. Nofziger with almost pulling the electien $25,000+~ post in 1962. He p~~ to J\.Sked U he would seek to unset GO P oul for RaJ'fe~ty. " .. reV'er'ie trends in California'• tlemtntary Sen. Geor1e. Murphy nut year or make Rafferty aaid be ex~ts dozens to .CboOl .frim ''progreaive ed~tkln" -another try at Cranston in 1974 Rafferty challenge for the nonpartisan of{lce next ill adjWJlmenl -to "education bl depth" replied: ' year. bul said he 00... not think actin( -a return to the .JRs. ·"I UUnk people of California had a San Francisco State President S.L Haya- JWfertJ' won re;-electlon to his job ill chance. to elect: me before. I'm oot ,10-kawa wW be one of them . . ., Nixon .Labels Iowa Disaster For FlOOding By Ulllted Prtg laternatlo.al Iowa, lilUng $18 mUUoln property dam· a1e lrom flooding in central and north· we.stern counties, has been .declared a disaster area by President Nixon. But commun!Ue1 on tbe r5slssippl were realllln& th• ftult.i ot Jaborlou.s flood control preparations many at.reams oozed back toward their banka in northern region1. Nixon'• Friday declaraUon provlde.s an Immediate $750,000 for repair of public r~uea damaged or destroyed ID the inundations. Iowa Gov. Robert D. Ray Bald II other counllea, moll along tho Mlalsslppl, may he Included In the fed· eral declaraUon later.· The White Houae alao wu considtrtn& a requeol by Wlaconaln Gov. Warren P. Knowles that 15 counUe1 In hla state be declared disuter areu. Knowles llid the counties had speat $4.I million tie. cauie of flooding and uldJll lmmediale approval of $1 million in federal funds and more later. . . The crest of the Mlas1sslppl l.s expect- ed to reach MuacaUne, Iowa, during the weekend but at 2 height of not much treater than Friday's readings. Al the 1prlng flood rolled south along the Milslalppl Jt met the restraint of dlkea, levees and sandbags which In many commun1Ue1 averted dlsaster. At Davenport, Iowa, the river Stood at 29.t feet Friday -lbe thlrd highest crest ever recorded \here. But~.a month of preparation kept the muddy, swirling v.·aters contained. The scene was in dramatic contrast to the spring of 1965 when record cre!ll broke lhrouah levees adn left thousand• homeless . At nearby Fulton, 111., where half the homes were flooded four years ago, po- li ce chief Vern Krahn predicted a "100 percent dry " spring this year. ' Resldenll of Minot, N.D., scene of this spring's worst flooding were moving back to theier homes today as the Mouse River ebbed from 20.44 -feet-more than six feet above flood level. But about 11,500 persons remained homeless. half the city was still under water lat'.! Friday, Mnd the Arn1v Corps of Engineers estimated flood dama~e to the city at $10 million. Ike Mourning Ends WASHINGTON (UPI ) -This Is the last da y Oags y;j\J be f\O\Vn nt bJH staff for former President Dwight D. Elsen· hower; According to the Pentagon , the offleial "36-day mourning period ends 1t midnight today. C'lementeans Wondering About Phones for Nixon ~ . . la a 11ani,coa11a1 c.ible -·•hotline to the Whfll llouM and other world capltolt -beiq lnslailed al the sprawling H. H. Cotton estate in San Clemente, rumored to be Prttldent Nixon's choice for a West Coast retreat 1 I Good quellfon, and !hole who ought lo know said Frjday that they w~sh the did. ' Rumors bave clrculated the aleepy Spanfab VU!age evet alnce Nix- on visit a month ago that a deal Is, was, has been, or w111 be made to buy the lush ellato. Penhtently In recent weekl, storie.s have been that a large, coaxial telephone cable able to reach any spot ln the world on 1 moment's notice fl belna: laid at the manafon l"JllllCI•. "J certainly can't confirm that any deal has been made," 11ld San Clemente City Manager Kenneth Carr, "and there Ls certainly no phone line 1olng ir.i to my From Page 1 SIDEBURNS. • • ol the attitude that you .should l~k Inside the person Instead of his exterior." Picker said he and other students tiave worked at trying to get the school district to adoj>t sane drers regulations but said their attempts to do something through student government h.11·c been f11Ule. "Student g_o\'ernf':'lcnt ls a s;indbo:< government withoul a sandbox and I just got sick and tired of being told not to rock the bort. '' Picker. \\"ho li ves at 116GL Puryear Lane, Gnrdcn Grove. says once al Reed College he "'ill r ursue the humanities alU!ough he originally intended to study medicine. ' Suspect Guilty In Extortion Case One of two defendanll accused or at. tempting to eJtort "800 from Westminate.r City Administrator Robe.rt Huntley plead· cd gullty to the charge Friday. Superior C-Ourt Judge Robert Gardner sentenced 1-Ialcolm Jack Griffin, 20, of An aheim to five months in Orange Coun· ty Jail and three years probation. He suspended the major sentence of one to 10 years In state prison. A 17-year-old co-defendant l:s awaiting juvenile court proceedig.s. Griffin a:imitted that he and his youthful accomplice. attempted to "shake do~·n·• administrator Huntley last April 2. knowleda:e." "I don 't have any comment," taid Pacific Telephone Co. District Manaeer Robert Gannon. ··personally, I don't know of any -and lf I did l couldn't tell you," he added. "In fact, -J ·wlah J DID know," Gan- non. conUnueO, 'sayibg" San Clemente is rampant with rumors of all sortl about becomJn1 the future Wesl Coast While House. · • During his visit four weeks ago, Prut. dent and Mr!. Nixon stayed at the aeclod- ed and relatively easy-to-guard estate and they are known to be shopping for a Southland home. . Some sources have slated flaUy that the Cotton estate will be the Nllon choice, wWle-descendants of _ the ·late mllllonalre Hiram H. "Ham" Collon ~y they don't want to sell now, but might. Bar~ituates Said . Cause .for Death ~ ' J Barbjtuate poiaOnl~g wa.s the came of dealt! ol a 16-year-old· Santa M• glr~ the Oranre County Coroner's Office ruled Fi'lday .. The body of Glenda Lee Kam.lnlkl, of 1342 S. Sullivan St., waa found beoea&ll • tree .last Monday mornin1 1eu tban a block from her bome.-Police said she was the mothtt cit a t.nicinfh.Old ehlld and hid sepljl"ated kolJJ.Ltier hwband. Her motbfr ,Jira, Alton Golgart, tA the same addre!s, told officers her daugbter left home to go to a nearby store about JO p.m. last Sunday night. . When she did not return, the family searched the neighborhood for aeverJI hours without result and ca11ed Police at s a.m .. Tbe body wu found at l :15 a.m. Israel Birthday -< Rites Plapned The Jewish Community Council el orange Counti will sponsor 1 celebration of the 21st . anniversary of the Slate .Of Israel al 2 p.m. Sunday at the Garden Grove High School auditorium, 11271 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove. Admlaion is free, and the public i.s invited. Keynote speaker will be Dr. lnlah Zeldin. Rabb! of !be .Stephen s, 'Wlie Temp~ in We.s(wood, Los Angeles. The program will also feature ap- pearances by the Hadarlm Israel Scag and, Dance ll'hea~~ and a C01'biMd. temple 'youth 'choir slngin1 selected;Jonp from Ji:rael. Tuning [Ip for Concert Vi0Unl1l1 (foreground from left) Martha Guy, Son- oia ~chool ; Jay Gannan, Newport HelgbU School; Cathy Connelly California Scbool. and Allen Loren, Mon!c Vista School rehearse for concert Sund ay by • ~ ( .. Newport-Meta school di•lrlcl's honor mu1ic 1lu- denll. Performance at 2 p.m, in Newport Harbor High Auditorium wlll lealure dislrict'a top 300 mus!· cians and singers rrom all grade levels. ' -- L . -·----·--------~-----,---· ------------------- - -----~ - ,~ .. ·"" .. -..• /....,, \Ybeo the police beadduaiters in 1 JobapnesbUJ1i1 South Africa was ICheduied for demolltion, La\Vyer Ernest.Wentz.el successfully bid for the 'door to Cell 14. He ,won't , s.ay bow much it cost, but, he plans to ins.tiall it at bis.home as.a reminder of the 21 days h.e was ctihfined in lb.e jail in 1964 for criticizing the government . • Miss , ~•.ude PuliiJl, a 62-)rear~ old. •11Cretary, from Horlield, Eng· rand passed her driving, test Tues· day· after 32 unsuccessfi.il atlempts. She has spent $960 on lessOns over a 11ev_en-year petj,od. • • ' College students aT.en't sptnd· ing till their time worryl,ig about · ''black· power'' and unrestricted visiting rights in dormitorit's. Among 58 papt?rs to be ready by , , senjors at the 2Qth annU(ll ljenry R~tgers confer e 11 c e in Ntto Brunswick, N.J. are two titled: "Heniin.9. and OrientatiO'n in the Red-Spotted Newt'"and "Neural Central of Respiration in the Turtle." Representatives of Lancaster, Pa:s Franklin and Marshall Col· lE:ge's administration defeated the Students for .i .Democrittic Society .'-1 in an intramural softball game this week . • r:P.e::qte ladt1 taWmaker, Assembly- woman March Fong, smashes potty to bP..,>With sledgehajnmer in the firs t symb'Olic st~ iii her diive to strip the locks t+om fio.y· tOilets in California. · The evtnt was staged on the Sacra- mtntc State Capitol steps. •• Fremont, Calif., Municipal ·Judge M. 0. S1br1w has firled Soiithern Pacific.Railroad $250 again for Hle- gaf parkiqg. He hanaed down the ~nalty b~cause a .. 92-car freight train blocked Fremont's m·a in street for ·25· r.ninules. • DON'T· FORGET TO ADJUS'I' YOUR··TIMEPIECE SUNDAY Estancia HJ1h'1 Juli• Thompson, Fifteen, Hands It 'to Clock W at~h the Birdie Cuckoo to Cliirp Hour Early If somebody in the next 24 hours looks at you and says cryptically, "Spring · ahead and. fall back," d9n't worry about his mental health. fnstead, worry about your· clock. Chances are, he's trying to tell you that you shoUld set it an hour ahead 0£ whatever time it happens to be. What'he may not tell you is that Daylight Saving Time begins at i a.m. Sunday. · Setting your clock ahead .one hour on Saturday night before you go lo bed'bas several advantages. It w·iu get you to the church. on time, your .kids won'l be late for Sunday school, and you won't sleep the entire day away. If you nally get tired, you can go to bed while the sun is out -it will seem to be setting an hour later. A clever illusion. Io !act, you 'll lose an hour of sleep. But on the last Sunday in October, you 'JJ get it back with the return to Parilic. Stan- dard .Time. r• That's when you'll fall back. Or rather, your clock will. Confused? So is the , Department-of Transportation, which sets the nation's time guidelines. Its fil es are bulging with letters from people who, in the words of an aide, "all have their own magic potion for dealing with time, and a lot of other problems as well." The department is charged with i1n· plementing the law which now calls for uniform daylight saving six months of the year. Several pending House and Senate bills lvould change that span at one or the other end of the period which now run5 from .the last Sund ay in April to the last Sunday in October. At least one bill, by Rep. Craig Hos mer .1 R-Calif.), v.•oul~ make daylight savi11g a ycat-round affair. Jn 11 letter to the While House last year n B<1 llin1ore doctor endorsed the idea and g;ivC this presc ription for reducing crime: ' ''High in\ensity lighling has proven to be the best deterrent to crime. Even though the thief becomes mor~ brazen every day. he still operates better in darkness arid shadow. What we need then is more light 1" Hosmer, declaring that permanent daylight saving "·as first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, says an extra hour of , afternoon light would provide more outdOOr leisure for adults and more playtime for children in fall and Winter. He too has been promoting the step a~ an anticrime measure. He says also it 'would save on electric bills. "It would also eliminate the nationwide confusion and expense which su rrounds the twice-yearly readjustment or com- 1nunications and transportation schedules," Hosmer said. There are others who don't think much or that idea at· all and want all daylight saving ended. "Certainly when a place like Dayton, Ohio, stays light until almost IO p.1n. at night, young sters are going to be on the streets and get into trouble." a Dayton housewife wrote President N i x o n recenlly. From Monroe, S.C. eamc the coin· n1cnt : ,;It has never saved any Lime and it never will. Eighty percent of the people in this country don't like daylight savings time." Some letters call it "Daylight Confusion Time." Others say time was set .by God and human laws shouldn't be allowed to change it. Bi!graphy Available .Ike Enjoyed Work on Book The hard cover book which takes the ~.of Dwight 0. Eisenhower as a 8111(11r,,.a s.lates9\1n and an American ...... ''.~_t/!-. ~nhower, A 'Gauge -0f ~~·::..i ls oU llit presses and ~~'.',by :~I to DAILY PJ).OT Relmall . "Pat" Morin, a, two-Ume Pulttler Prize, winning writer for ~ AJoocilted p,..., wrote the-blocraphlcal v:olume. . . . ~He: bid ....., to many of the late ¥rD!dent'l ~al files end' to pbotocraphl. whlch ltefe a m o n g Eisenhower's own fa vorites. The se preparation or this book gave Dwight D. privileg~ are refiected1 in the in-depth Eisenhower some happy hours in the la st look ·iit the life or Eisenhowru; presented years, o(. his life," in Morin's book. I ••• l . . ',;, ' 1'~ !ormer eenetal.of Lhe army -tone of \ n "ie-on·worct. to the-l'tU,000-word the , fir st mPn in' Aa\Crica"n' military lext; Mcrin · say& candidly that llisf6rY to ~Jtail'j the _fi\i&-sUjr. rank) and Eisenhower. in granting interviews and 3101 President 0( the liilited Sta tes pro-~~-1~f hls -personal papers and . v.ed to. have an ·~mazing memory," · ~sions for the book, "\fas nOt ~-. · partk:ularly interested, much less ilat· .F'l0!10i r~port:i. • . : tered,, to learn that it was to be a . . Dur).DB.·!.cscarchi lgr the. ~" lJOrin . 6Jotraphy." , sal~ he . found qi.any times U>:al However, as the project continued, Eisenhower scolfed of{ in a gentle way Morin says, "I cherish the belie/ U.at Lbe map)' Of the Ii?gends which had' .~wii Out or ~mple tales of his bofho6d in 'Abilene, Ka n., and, in.later years,-his military ex- ploits: "Again and again, he dc-bOnked something I had heard or read about him/' wrote Morin. "n1inlmizing his role in it and downgrading some alleged ex· ploit ." : This Is a. thumbnail sketch ot· what "Gauge ol Greatness:" 11 about. It 'Is a book which was well on ltf way to com- pletion when the hero of World, war· 11 lost his Cina! battle -the one foUght in the quiet_ whiteness or a l'OOJ11 in Walter 'Re<d •holpital : )Vith.in days after Eisenhower'a .-dealh. Morin's manuscript w11s--crornpleled and the biograph)' was put into productiQn, • The book now ,. offered to DAILY PILOT readers by mall 'dlrectly from the publislllng house in Poughke<psie, ~, Y. Cost to readers is ·$3 per copy. Orders should be1 sent to': • • A Oeuie ol Greatness. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Box 86, Poua;hkeepsie, N. Y. 126Ql, HAl'!l'Y HOURS?-Relman "Pal" Morin (I1gbl), Eisenhower bio- grapher was photogtaPfied here in 1967 during one of dozens ol inter- views,he says he b~ gave Eisenhower "some happy hours in the last years of bis life • as the former President recalled incidents or the past for use in the book. Checks should be made payable to The Associated Press and name and complete return addreA or the purchaser should be included with the order. A coopoo will be published In the newspaper aeveral times during the next ,three weeks for the u&e of DAILY PlLOT readers who want to cli' ft out and use It 11s "lln oMer rorm. Neat Burglar Ge*~· $8,000 in Ge1Dsi _ . \ ' ' N ' And~ Cfothii1g A neat burglar, with a taste tOr high quality item·s Thursday removed more than $8,000 worth of jewelry, clothing and ....,. ''I":,.---' '·· .. ~ -DdNATICiN CA NISTERS FLANK COOKIE LIFT 'CRUSADER" ' . ... -, .. .,,,..... PoUy V11que1 Gth Contrlltutionii From 5tore·C:utfof'!9rs:. other articles from a Huntington Beach Meet the Peonle h:nhe, police said today. ~ . . ,c Investigators aakl lhe Items were taken ·· ; *·,. ... • • from the home of Mrs. tlorence Slaete, sh ' 'S ' l s . ., 3242 Falk land Circle. There were no signs e s upp y ergean•t o( forced entry and .no damage to the ' rli home, officers said. . · Mrs. Slade said she left her home ti. . · • ' • ' ~~:~r;~11 ~~:~,~11~k~m~~h~;~ For Harbor Cookielift Among the missing items are a double · slone diamond ring valued at $3.000: a mink stole, $800. and a diamond cocktail watch, $1 ,200. City Treasurer Interview Set Candidates for the $100-per-monlh job of Costa Mesa City Treasurer will be in- terviewed Monday at a special executive session of the Costa Mesa City·Councll. Since the r..tarch 26 death ol W·. C. "Cy" Ries. '"ho held the post since 1953. five men have apelied for the position and this Wi..>ek coultf bling additional' offers: Those seeking the basicallY, titular job so far a1re James 11.. Vitlto~·inllustrrafac countant; Claire Ptt Nelson. insurance agent ; Kenneth fowler, banker; Roger B. Sfif(lier, manufacturing company con· trol!er and Ronald O. HarCty, certi(ied public accountant. "GWCArtStudents· .. Schedule Exhibit About 60 prints and dra .... ·ings by Golden \Vest College art· students· will be ex· hibited from April 29 through May. 9 in the College Center. The showing represents the work of 35 students in graphic print-making _and figure drawing classes ~ught by art in- structor Kay Mortenson, · By ARTHUR fl VINSEu Of fll• O•llY Plitt 51111 Supply sergeants don't come any -pret- tier than Polly Vasquez who runs a PX of sorts, where the diversity of reading material on public display would not be allowed in nations less . free ~han America. One magazine on the rack describes 11 U.S. guerrilla hunt fof Viet C<ing in the Cambodian jungles, catchilig the customer 's eye with a hairy-chested headline . "Alienation is when your country is at ":ar and you want the other side to win," reads the introductol)' line on ano(her publication, for the more liberal-minded. ~tanding behind ,the counter a~ Sir Philip 's litiuor' store: 2981 1Bristol St' .. 'the woman who gave the name "We Ca re Cookielift" to a community mor-.,le· l>o<Wing project now. reaching its climb:, her Own viewpoint is obvious. . . i 'Slie is flanked by two donation ca"n- nisters topped by tiny American fl ags, manager of both a bottle shop and a cookielifl supply depot and 1 strat~gy center as well. Her involvement in the campaign organized by Mrs. Darrilyn Oliver began several "'ee ks ago with the soft gong of an ' electric eye monitoring the march of customers through the front door. It was Mri;. Oliver. '.'She said she had done somet~ng ~hat she swore once she'd never again do," said Mrs. Vasquez. who asked what and heard the cookielift ntory, patterned on one conducted·in the Sacramento ;u:ea. · Polly Vasquez' Son, USMC Staff Sgt. . ·~ "' -' Douglas Cameron. 2&,. bad ju&l won An Air Medal during his second duty tour in Vietnam, one he voluntarily eitendect li1: months according to his letter Wt weeki She pitched right In to help.and olie week later -"t. as the or.&niuri. ~~ an official name -the cookielift COtQ-mahd.U:in~hieC reminded bti to &tt names anti addresses'.(){ all donors.. . "Yes, the fellows will Want to know we care," Mrs. Vasquez replied , " -'·btf, there's a good name: We Care." · ~ "Beautiful." said Mrs. Oliver •. Using friendship and busines.-~ tjons ·sp_ann\!1g 22 y~s in.~ .~ant· bar business, Mrs. Vuquez pUt iht ientle bite on everyone from beer-buyers. io auto.tlealets arid liquor wholesalers. . Customers dropPliBd chinp. In the an· nisters. , -1 • Salesmen leaHied that dealing Ls a tn. way street. .. ~ -. Gum. Kool-Aid, canS, eartOna, mullft,. tape and postage money donatlonl ·came rolUng in through ~r individual efforts, \'lith shipment in cookie 1ca:rtons Jcltedul· ed to begin Monday. · "And I seem to keep thinking,ol $0me· one new every day," she aaid. , To paraphrase the f~ quote h1. President John F. Kennedy: Jt lln't wh,1¢ Polly can do for her customers, it's what 1hey and others can do for the cOokfelilt and for men' in fhe seivice of their'-~ try. . . ~ She placed 88 cannJsten fashionea from con tainers doriated by ~-~ distribu~ing the scotch whisky ~ billboard ads associate witll the 1to0d Guys, to Collect pastage funds. . · U you would.li1'e a li41.Je.;.. si11tanee in deciding, gi"e Jl?.1 .alesman an e11timate of what vonr earnings will he in ·I969,: ~nd b9 will advfse you 'wbieh 1 , of my ~k.1 to ptlt in' }oar~~ , · .er drawer. ; If you wear socks, afford ·to Sock11 J"nt glatl to teQ Yoa any timr.. What l~m redly ar,... -· ing to iJo bere, thoqll~ iii to' · find some way to steer thia .Ji• ' ea41ion aroand to the mhjeet you can of men'• m.iti. buy. them from me Cuetofaen who wev IOCb are the type who ehoald ,,_, isoite.-1-earry mitt in tJuee.tep an:te"e"a't.egdrieA: exeeadte, Some company back eaat it now mauf•etoriug tennis 1neaken that don't require "ock1. They ma11t be ,,.e•t for f'eGple who don't.require hath· 1ul>•· I dnn't ~_.any any. ~ly ea1tomen thank beo•en can 1Uord bath w•ter, and lflcb. Not ftvtt a third of\hem are ri?. bat they're all dean nr f!lse they wouldn't like my 1tmoe. It'• too neat. And Jan Uoten to thio a mio- nte. The WaU Street Journal, nn 2/10/,69, oblled thaJ the man with th• oecond hi(!b .. t income ever reported for any twel•e month" in the U.S. was Renry Ford, Re took home a 170.000,000 pay cheek In one •inarle year. He "'It defqlltely • ·~k wearer. Bal he was topped by a (el, low ,.~ith 1 ~al 1i111y name, AJ. pborue Capone. Thi1 ,man ..,. bigbofuhion, n:-di~. My porled an income ln 1927, beo-in.it,.pric;ee, run (~m ."'5 up .. t"'·ecn manieurN. of Sl~,. $165. . 1 000,000. Nnbody knowo if be You miglit JJe ialeretlled, if wol"f! ..Or.k". He: WH ne•er wen yoa prefer· w,Jdle. of the ....i withnpl bis spalll on. eseeati•e-,styliog, in a new llo"'f!'t'er~ dnn't be diaeou_r. group of .buiinen . .w.. r ... : a@ed jf your income ••rie.a jn11t l"etti•ed in ttoek. • 1emewhat from tbein. I ba•e 1They're SIIO, iJi abowt a isoch for as Jittle Al SI.SO. dozen interating ..,. wavis ~ O'rlon and nylon. Eip-~ and pattern&, ill• eo,..r.-.w.. or-. , , li@l!\ftiiht D~ a .,;;;;,.~-- ! aJoo ban .00..·far aa. !fe.Hoh091U..~ maeli .. •$4 a pair. 75%, eaoh·, rli oa<re Iii-.. m Ila - ......, 25% 1111oa. n ..... ion. other day. ' Jack Bidwell " ' 3467 Via Lido, Lido Peaill1ala, Newport Beedi, ri(!bt nut to Richard'• Mai:bt uu1: tlie Udo 1" .,,., ' Maeho pukJns directly beliind •Y II··~• 673o4Sld. Copyrl~ht 1969, l ack Bidwell< • ' ' • • l -satlnor, April 2', 1 t69 Pulpit and Pew Middle Class . (;oing? 11w111r1...vo1......u.1r- .., ti 1--&loclly, II:• 1.m. o! the Amerlcon 1Allon lftll, IAlion Ind COia· llno -. Lopiio Bud>. IOd church tcbool on proolded 1t thla bour. Suburban Churcha Suffering Decline film, will be -It 7 p.m. Dbcualon will follow. At P •a• t • I 1 Vllley PnUylerlu ~ t 410 Talbert, Putw Stin1ey Allen will apeal: oo "'Ille Euy Yoke .rl. Olrilt'" at the 11 a.m. ltr'Yict. Child care i 1 available. Sundty 1 c b o o I ---11-1:46 1.m. Sundoy -m,.11 11 the ume hour. ' . Jock llorlol, KPFK radio -· wlD ljlllk lo the lellowlhlP flundoy night, f o'clock, on .. la MyaUcilln a No-No111 '!be l!llllJnl'wlll be held II the li&ne GI tlit Tom Lisltr'1, llO Dlomond Stteet, LqUnl' Boodl. "Tbe Perf.ect Law o I Uberly .. b the 11er1111•1 lo be dellver~U>e Rev. L<nn Dale er Stmday, 10 a.m., Ar UlltJ Cllo!ra. '!be c:burch meets at the -~ lhildJnc, 11th lad . lrvfne, Newport Beach. w-,, the Rev. Fllck· ...... wiD eooduct the ~ clul 1n the p r osperity development course, 7 : 3 • p.m., 8en6ot Citllens Building. The 7 o'clock evenJn'I service will commence with co1r .. anc1 -1ouowec1 by a ''round table" clilcuulon. Dr. Plillp G. MU1Tay will lft9Cb'"'AI otben See U1" at 10 1.m.: wonhlp Rrvices for A -1 dlla•llioo on "Tbe c,m-111 eo.snaaUoool Scene at Laguna Beach Hiib "Cllm:I!, 111 Heliotrope Ave., School" will be ...-m by c.._ del M... Child care Ellil Aveue Bapll•l Qorc6. 1121 EW. Ave., Hun-~· S-h ;'l'ill b o I d wWttilp -1ce1'ou.ao, 11 ti a:rn. and 7:11 p.m. SISICfoy oc:ilOOI llOCI Bible study .,..pg meet at t :'5 a.m. and eveotna: 'Bible ttudy and tnlnin1 Wllon wW commenoe1 at I o'clock. NUnery oen i..prov1decl •I ·au Mr'Vices.. ~ WMkly events include a ......-1 prosram Monday, I p.m. and a prayer ler'Vl:ct Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. 1be congreaat l o11 of WfflmlulerlllrilraCHn:•, 14114 Magnolia Ave., will be enterlained hy the Melody Chorua this Sunday, 10 a.m. After the c:onctrl Pattcw _Dougiu E. Bray will pr"ch on ''Paul Speaks to Intellec- tuals." At the 7 p.m. aervice Pastor Bray will shofr 11Udes ol Athens, Greece. Ble1Hd Sacram.eat ClllU'dl & ...... T h e congregalion o! Communily Presbyteri· an Church of Lagvna Beach wtU bear Joanne Hockaday present ''The Slaver'' 6y Stephen Ben- et during 8: 30 a.m. Sun- day worsbJp services. She is a teacher of voice, diction and dra-. m.a in Santa Ana a_oJI directs two players groups. will hold ita l!lDUll spring ---------- fallval fer the bendll of Ill school ne1t Saturday and sun. day fn>m I lo 9 p.m. TIJe event, ualng the Iheme .. 'Outer Space," will be htld on the school sroundl, 1410 Olive St., Wettmlnater. The Bill Dieterle family will (See PtJLPJT; Page SJ • 11J LOUii CA-I .'!lie clad! ii ID ~ GI, "klllnl * ~middle c1u1 eta-~·~'So 11)'1 Dr. Albert c. OUllei'' Plt>ll«)' pn>f-ot UWJOWo Jt Southern Melhodlllt,rnivenlty. Tlwe II evldeoce lo support hil view. Olur<hel aervlilg ·mlddl•·.t:l111 suburban lieJ1b'borhood1 .-e ex· perilOCinc declJnea In at· tendance. Tbey are flndloi it hard« to raile money or reault voluMeers for church lctlvttles. nw is an e1tremely serious matter for the cburcb, for middle clus Americans have Joog been ilB mainstay. 'Il>ey fill the pewl, do the chores and pay the bills. Most o( the wori the churcll accomplishes through inner city service centers, foreign mislions, and ipedal ministries to 1 h e young, the old, the sick, the aged and the poor is financed and atafted by the middle class. Why .. some middle class families driNng zway from the church? One pos&ible explanttlon - popoi. ...... the _ .. and ..... liberal d«&Y -i. tllat tbe dwn:b hu been bravell ~ on middle elul preJ~in Its com- mendable 1M1 for the rJlhll or the poor and tllC black. Some clergymen r e g a r d decUnina: attendance an d abrinklnl budgets as a badge of lmor. ThOy lee! Iha( this ~ a prk:e the , church sho~ld cheerfully pay for "speaking with a prophetic voice" on the 10Cial and poHtJcal issues of our day. Dr. Outler has a dif ferent Jheory. "My impression of my neighbors i., that they are fed up with the general disposi tion of the church to scold them rather than to minister to them," he said recently. ''I'm not at all convinced that this is just because the church has taken these social stands. 1t seems to me slightly self- righteous to e1plain it that way. ~· "The real problem Is that we have taken the middle class far granteO and have not ministered to them pastorally In aa effflCtlve and valid a way M the -I would _. to roquire. And -they ... ge~ ti!1f tired of .....,1ng u ,old<• -apd ~Inc boy at ... and the same -tlme.11 Ftom his own obl<natiool. tbl9 ,_tel' Is penuoded Jhat theft is ..... truth lo bolh viewpoints. Some while suburbanites certainly have w i t h d r a w n their support from the church because they disapproVe ol it! involvement in the fig'ht for social justice. Others j~ as certainly have become a 11 en at e d because they feel that the church looks upon them only as rtSOUrce& to be lad rather than as per"90m with need.1 and problems of their own. But there is a thi'd fad.or which. in my view, is much more im portan t than either of these. People are giving" up on the chuteh because they haven't found there what they hoped to find -a confident faith in God . It's not the forthrJ1ht sermons the pastor preache s about social problems that (Seo DECUNE, Page 51 ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ~ LOOKING FOR MEANING & REtEVANCE? Tty FAIRVIEW IAPTIST. CHURCH IA. •• C.I Fofrvlew Rd. Al Fair Dr. C•I• -. 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worship . Dre• ...... ,., hptll ...... '""" ... ,. ,..... .... ..., ~ 141 ... ,,. 1 ~H==A=UOR=.,llt~_=:TRl=N=, .. =,T .v==!=~=!TI=. c=s!.=· =~=~=u=R=C=H=;ii ( ..... c.-. "'"" ,...... f. SWld'1 School 1:46 Lm. . Mornmg Worship ll:OO a.m. • Bapllat Tralnlq Unfoo I p.m. Evenfac urvlce 7 p.m. : WICIDlldl1 Blbla Study 6 Prayer •.......... 7:00 p.m. ~;::::~::::::;::::::;::::::;==:::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;~11 RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6H HAMILTON, COITA MUA a..,. l•lt Schm•lhk•pf 1.it4ey SdN•I • ·~ ••••• 9:41 Tr•l11!11t Uni•n ••••.••••• 6:00 1 ._. _ _. • W rtS!J , I I ·OO heflf11t Wonhtp •• , •••• , 7:00 ., _...,Ill • " • •' • ' WM. h.nlnt S.Mce ••• , 7:00 ' • I ' ,._ fU.1111 ...,_, Alweyl AMIS... UNIYEISITY IAPTIST CHURCH 1111 L "I. PAWAlll ID. IAllTA ANA HlfeHTS "' .... ,. ~ ................ ! .......... , ...... ,,. ,. ... MOl:lf ........... ,,~ ............ l•••·•••··•·l·~·I·· U A.M. SYINI .. WOlltltl• .................................... 1 P,M. MIOWllll ll•YICll ........ ,. ·.i.~·.••::•i.:.:.:..:~• ''" l'.M. -L.-..,,,_ ~.._~ FIRST CHRISTIAN ! PIUT IAPTIST CHURCH ,, __ aw.DMI ....... s.-.,. Sek.I •••• ttlt li11 M.ntJ.., w.r.hlp •• t :ll a 11 ....,,, ........ ., ......... 142-2421 CHURCH Victoria & Placentia Ave. Colla Mesa Jo"'" I. Plw&y Mflli•IW D•..._H..,_ 'rwttl Mlllltfer • .,.,., Wtrtfl"' . . .•. .. . . .. l :JI •-"'- t!Me """' ..•.....• ., ,,,. •. !ft. ,..,.,.. Wenlll• , . , , .... 11:41 '""· ., .... ._,,. ............... ' ' •. !ft. ¥ .......................... , ..... . Nursery Care Provided 14M771 1414141 ChurcJ1 ot the D1ily W•r4 NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUNCHU OP THli MOTHR CHUICH THI •llST CHUICH 0, CHllST, ICllMTTST IN IOSTON, MASIACHUSITTS "PROBATION AnER DEATH" Subject of Lesson -April 27 Co1t1 Me.. -Flrit Church of Christ, Scientist 2UO MeM Yl'nle Dr., Coshl M ... SltlMllev S.lteol--9:11 A.M. Q.,... S..rls1 II A.M. IM41itt I""'• 2150 w ... Y"41 Dr. Huntin gton Beac~Fi rst Church of Christ, Scitntist 111 Oltn C••~• I S.!Mley Sdle•J-t:JO I 11 :00 ...... IM---110Ute Laguna Beach -First Church of Christ, Scientist 'JI H~ll Dr. c•-· IS_.., Sd11I t :JI I 11:0CI .... .., ... "'. 214 ........... Newport leach -Flr1t Churc~ of Christ, Scientfat JJOJYhllUe QiiNa. I S..., w ... ;..t:11 • ll:H ............ JJ11VS.W. N1wport l11ch-See:oncl Church of Christ, Scientist JI OI P.clfh: Yin Dr., CerH11 .. .._ C••rdl • ....., k~10 A.M. ..... S., a..---2161 I. c .... Hwy. AJI are cordially invited to attend the church services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms C•lhl c.,. Prnt4e4 AT ALL SllYICIS CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA I• THE El'ISCOl'AL CHURCH Welcomu You. ST. JAMii. JIM Viii W., NewpM IMcl SnMr ........ _ 7:11, t:to, 11 :00 ,......, 11:11-,....,.., 1:00 , ... H•lt l_.at1t & HMll11t s....tc.. IMter, Hie Rn. Jfte P • ......, II; ...... n.. In. Dnltl Cts.p Phona: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del ~Jar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 HoJy Days as announced INter, n. ...,, .... II • .,.,. Dftb-........ ,44·04,J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave-::-c .M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Ylcer, n. lw ....... W. D111ol .... -...._ S414JJ' EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOl'AL CHURCH 1111 :II, 81 Oll..i LIM , ... _, ltf "'" ,......, fltllf ....... IMdl, Cal!Hnll Tiie ltn. ,_ c. CatQ, l'•lw Sunday S.rvlcn I:• A..M. """ c-.-••• A.M. •-ir'I' 1-"" a CltWtll h••.M. ·-., .. , ,,. ,.M. bllw... 11:• A.M. Mlnlllt'I • ......, Y-1 CllWdllnt!I NwwtY Ctrt ,.,...... Flnt Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St., Cost1 Mesa 541-3761 M. C. Cronic, Pastor R1y Nicli,.1en, Ml11h+•r of Yout1'1 SCHlpULI O' JllYICIS Sv'"'9J-CIHl~lt k .. ol • , ••••• , ••• , .•••.••••••• t :Jfl •-111. '-11dlt w...., .......... 10:50 ....... 7:00 ,,,., Church Choir -Sh 1ril P111l11n, Dir1 ctor Ylllten. WolcelM -Ni,.,., Attw4.11t STATI LICINSID Pll0SCHOOL-l••I wuis ..... DINt:tw ....... : '41·2l2J llTWllN HAllOI ... PAtlYllW SUNDAY MOIHIH6 l llLE STUDY • , .•• , 9·41 AM a SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMiJN1QH ••• 0 10:41 AM SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •••.•••••••••••• ::. ,,oo P.M. mffting •• WEDNESDAY EVININ• lllLE STUDY ••••••••••••• 7:JO PM . St. J1mn Episcop•I Church NUISllY CAii PIOYIDD 3209 Vii Lido, Newport Beach HARBOR REFORM TfMPU •-o. M-O. •· H-SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH M•r11irtt w.,..111,. '1:11Ii11:0IAM li~l1 Sch••I •.,,, •• , t14i AM Yevth Q.,.vfll• • , •••., 6:00 PM l•e11litt w.,.h111 ••••• 7:00 ,M .... S""" .,_. -Wlf. -1 '-"'-Nlll'MFY C.N l"lll'lllllH 11 1N ftJ'Vlt'M orncit1 _,.,,.Ciel a.wt~t.MI l•"" D. P:llcltlNt!' Mlfllfllf' 15t1'1 I l1"1i111, N1w,.ort l11ch (~lor Cltll"" lulldhltl 1:45 A.M. S11nd1y Se1'101I ........ ......... Mlltidw I "Alll l lN LltNOW l'"Olt INFOltMATION: CALL US.MU 'i======Pho=n'=' 5 = 4 ·=·S 7 'ilr 11 =:~i:::y ;=~~::~htD=EL=M=A=R I G L A D T I D I N G s 10:00 A.M. D1•otion1I S1rwie1 I OP'F.ICI: lOO \Ir , Coe1t Hithwe y, N.a . Phont: M&-51., DIALoA,,IAYll-64'•0'Jt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .. ""'"" ...... ..,... Qlfttt If UMr111 °"'"" ........ kiMc., L• """*' :IUNCAY &1!11\IKI! , •• 11 AM Mlnllttf' •••• Alllllrt t loltt!e. 11..1.c:.F. .. IPPrn. CNAl'•L .,...... C-1 YMCA. Diii Unlvfftlty Or. GO AHEAD! SLlll' IN SUNDAY MORNING! ,,. ......... 1111........_ ....... CAL VARY CHAPIL .............. lmplwirlns The Plln of <;od The Pason of Ch.rbt The ,_of the Holy 5plril Sulldlf Sdiool ! AM Mo1nin& Wontilci ' ~nd 10~ AM E.,.nln1 5er¥la: 7 PM Thund1y l lb.l<t SIVdy and ,._r;w 7 PM N!MStfY d11rln1 •rrfQs AfuUYouthl'>og..,. Cm. of Onna;e and lJTd. St. COltl Mn1 rtilof H. c. Jnn .. '''-' Mlw. Ullttttl Cl11111 -.• of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAl • 611 HELIOTROPE NIWl'OllT HAltlOlt LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 420 10t1'1 St., H11ntln9toft l••c:1'1 1'1'1•11• il6·2 I 20 W9nW,....IO:tl 1..M. a.,q kMeJ-.11:00 A.M. Dr, PM .. o. 1111""'1r, M.fft"'9t M""t lhlrtlr 5111111, O.C ••• .JJa.rf,or ~lian Church •· OP .....,. llACH-tl...,._l ......, ·111Azft ...,., ll12uarwt ....., 411 L 1M It,. C.. ..._ Church School -f:4S AJA. Wonhlp -10:45 AM.m "....,.,c.. ........ Phont: 675-nlS lfiJlls~r: Dr. D. W. McElroy 1----::_ -----.-~------ ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ .. Mlt..... fp ... I -··" .. ... UNIVlltllTY PARIC SCHOOL S ....... •t ............ 111 Uli+r.nffr P•tl-"'°""9's 11:11 A.M. R.ty. H. Hl.,..111, '''t•r 111·1211 t ' Acl~lt l Yeutl<I Str ... ic11- l I :OO A.M, llNIST PATt. MINISTll 673-4000 S.vtnth·Day Adventist Churchn L.,. ... NJplf .-.... J.!t11 SlitwM1 kt , ,,,,., ..... ...,. ..,.... ChtlAi 'h•R•: 141·6Sf6 Jl112 er. .. Yelin ,.,..,., ....... Schei .••.•• AM A. l. ~ •••• ft: P11tw .. .,.,.. w...., .. ll:Ot AM '111111: 492-1916 .............. w ... 7!)1 .......... Sc-.. .... tdl .... ......., W....., • , 11110 AM TEMPLE SHARON Thi C.•11••,.•ti ... 'Y't•t .. •1 ,., .... a t11tlr. H1rMt ...,.., '17WedH""""-C....._ Alt ~ ... llilt: trt lllorlttf .. 11111 WI Ill ~ 111•e:ti11!111 IAlll.TH MNIN• umcn NIDAY .. 111 1 P.M •• ...... , \ .,., ...... ....., _ ..... 0.... •••ti- '"""' ....... OloMr--°""" lfltNt ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beac:h (l/J llec• W"t .t H"' H•spltolJ '4'·''20 •r 14,·71'' fllerllll -.11..._llll, , .. '91' '"" Mlllff, MYlkll Dll"tdtr f :45 A.M.-S•11d., Sc.ltffl, ••,..,., ,_ fer llTlfY senlc• 10:10 A.M.-"A Dee,er l9ftl.tle11 •f...._ Cflrht" N•. 2 S1r111011 by 1'11tor 7:00 P.M.-4l"" S,...w In. T-Nk'4h, S-Di.t• • Cklr S1i1tJ ., '"" SeMcly s.mc.. Me11. 7:JO P.1111.--Cottep ,,.,_ MMti~4,,J760 WM. 7:10 P.M.-lell a.M, T..M .. r...H1 WJ,...iflt Pr1y1r M1tti119, S1hud1y 9:30 A.M HARBOR ASSEMIL Y OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Cotto M1111 Y. L HllfTWfCIC, P•1t•t S41o4704 CAIL MNTIT ......... -' .... 5UNDAY SERVICES 9:41A.M.-S11M1., SdtMI c1 ..... ,., .11 .... 11110 A.M.-"wti.t ........... -He. 2 ,., .... ~·--1100 P.M. _ .,..,. Jenice 7:00 P.M.-"L9t'1 Hne • ............ s.r... ~ ,..., COSTA MESA CHlllSTIAN SCHOOL ,.,....... -• ....,.,... -•--"" -, ... c.. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1141 ,.._, A•. CTll!ltitrt I ......,5111, HMINTAIN YAWY UNIFIED SllVICI. -S111ntl1y Stl1••I t :JO-WORSHIP • IO:JO w .,i1r.1, a Y•••~ ~ov,, -6:Jo '""'· N1n•"f ''••itl-4 •t 111 11rflc•1 " ~ a.ca -~ ,,,. ,. ..... .,. ....... Trinity · UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH "2 w ....... s-. .... WORSHIP AND !.S.P. ~ ....... -7:JI p.111. t'2.t411 '4J42JI W• 1111"' 111 l+.r111l life 1"4 l'ro•t h i I Nawport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8-4293 TM .......... G. IJela, ,_,., n.hv ....... J.'-11 ..... ......... .....thl1 ......., ...... . .. .. .,..,, .. ..... SMn Scltwl ...• '. f:Cf-1114' ..... . .......... llr'1cll ,. •. 11 :•111• Nursery care available at all aervtce1 WELCOME Lutheran Church of tho Marier 2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR II DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phon1 Dll 3-5022 1:45 A.M.-F•111ily Wordil, t :45 A.M.-SuMty Ch11rcll Scheel 11 :00 A.M.-Ft1ti .. W•nhip N_,., PnYWH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 7'0 Vlctorl• St,. Cett• MeM Lothlir V. TetnlOW, Pnter 541 5404 Wtl'Slll" Mn!Cllll •:1S & n A.Ill. ._..., kllellr •i• A.Mo Adult llllle a.ti t:• .t..M. CHllSTIAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 141 '''' PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mt11 Vtrtlt Dt!v1 l l•k1r Str1.t, Codi Mtt•. C11lif. AMOllR C. ANDOlllON, , ..... Mor111n1 wonni.: •=r.o. t:JD a 11 :oo 5\llld1v Sdoool: t :IO.t':a a. 11.- Princ:i •f P11ce Lvtt.•rt11 Scfl•ol -Mitt E1t1'1er Ol1c.n, ••ins!,., Office fllhon•: 549-0121 $choal Ph•n11 14t..ou.J W1 ltlleve In You .. , UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH ll5t Victori1 St .. Co1t1 Mttl 646-4652 $Un<Ul)'I 10:30 A.Ht. Attend the church of your choice on Sunday A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo1 lil111d COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 115 A91t1 675-°'SC S!l 5 lnforM1I Worihip f ;)O Tr1clilion1I Wor11'li, & Suncl1y Scl<lool Co1t1 Mt11 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH I 9t1'1 St l H1rbor llvtl. Wor1hip I Cl<lurch School 9:3 0 I I I AM 541°7727 C•d• "'411• North MUA VERDE MnHODJST CHURCH Mt1a V•rtlt I l•••r St • 149.271 9 Wor1hip I C1'111rch Scheel •100 I I01JO AM Munti119ttn lt1ch FIRST UNITED MnHODIST CHURCH 2721 17t1'1 St ••••• 5J,.Jll 7 S1r.ic•• -f :JD I 11 1.111. Nur11ry thrt 2"4 9r1cl• , 11 Ch11rch Sc:lie;ol -9:)0 t .fll, Hvntin9l•11 le1ch-H•1ffi COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 M•il A••··. '42-44' I Worihip I C1'1urc1'1 Sch-I 9 l IO:JO AM 1,.i11-E11t l luff UNIVERSITY MnHODJST CHURCH Wor1hip ..•• l :lO AM 13l-12l3 Mt1ti119 l1111per1rily 11 St. M1rlc Pr•1byt.rit11 C1'111rc1'1 E11tbluff Dr. l J1mbor11 Rel. Le9un1 l11c:li LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHURCH 21,12 W11l•v Dr lo So. Letv"' Worthip t :30 I 11 Alr.t C1'1vrch Sc1'1ool 9:30 AM 4tt-JOll N1wport lt1cll CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SIA 1400 W. l1lbet l l•tl. '7).]105 W0<1h;, I C1'11rclri S.1'1 .. 1 9 l IO:JO A.M. -------------- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ. Chwch l'resbvterlan 10112 ....... ,,.._ ...._. H ...... '-' ......... o. __ _ .. ...,. W....,1 t 1JIAM C.... kllMI: 11141 A.M. OMte 111 lnl It .............. .. Ch-it of the Covenant n11---.-l rvc• A. Kwrfe, .P11tor S..., W...., & a.. ldMI: t ill , ... J4M>M St. Andrew's l'Nl~rla• Cluftla i '"" ............ .....,.,. ..... CHAIUI Hl•IT DIAINJllLO, PAllOll W....., I Qaed ...... 1 I. till & 11 AM M"7141 St. Marti l'felllyterlan Church C.... Jt l1M& ...... N ....... c.w .. .._ --.... -• ....... -...... UAll '44o1M1 Community l'resbyterlan Cliurcll 411 ........... , .. w lt.1, Let-e ..... #'Iii DAL.LAS TUIHll, PAITOI I Wlllr'lllilp . l ilt • tt:M A.•-c ....... klM9t 1 .... A.M. I 4•4·1115 PULPIT ... (C..lhaued liom Pqe 4) priee_m a childrtn't puppet oN>w eolltled "The Mqlc Onion." RJdes ind clowns will be 111tl of b fun u ~ell 'e "Silhouettea:1Cut by V11efte, , .... ~ '· Ind lood booth!. Anned forca dtnr111• .m apace ovSes wll l liO be "'°"" I Continuing the a d u I t ~ 3eminar atries, Commulty Prt1byter1111 C It II r C b Of Lo(llla Bue~ will hold the v liprin& qUll'tf:r meet1no Sun- day Otornlng. 9 o'clock . Classes, which c.-$1 for registratkln, include "5ome _Saturd1y, Aptfl 26, IM . -~ra111-roeu' Sweep -Stat;e Defies· Ban· on Bib CLAIRTO!i, Pa. (AP) - Open deliance of the SIJpttmo CGjlrt rule bannlna Bll>le and prayer read.lac in the naUon'1 schools is sweeping throuah Pennsylvania. A :rass-roota movement has so fat brouthl 1 revival ot Bl· b" readln& In four achoo! diltricts comprising almost 11,000 children. Pennsylvania and the Albert· of "Youlll Cn1111do let Cllllll Glllatln a n d B....,,.vUle D111" paclrod •boUI I.Ill achoo! dlslrictl tn F~t< persoc11 hlio a hlllL ldllol Counly, wlllch touctiea. the audllorlum ii Mordi. Wes! VtrgJnla border. But to the '°"th, on ll1t .i,. While all four school boards of A p p a I a c h i a , tu& voted 10 bring back the Bible damentallsm has alw~ ~ against tbe Jdvice of boird at-a way of life lo lht ptOSlle WM Jomeya. lllere has been littlo -worlred in tll1IVill oool c:ommotion. The Amerlcan mines now lar1ely cloeed Civil "' Libtrtles Union i n ..i-·· ~-n. Problems In Contalnina Men-'DI D ll , tal fllness" by Dr. David Ged-me, 0 •r Meditation Leeture Coneert In several other com· muniUa requests to rtinslilte Bible i'eadlng are before ii:chool boards. And a bJll thlt would allow Bible reading fJve minutes before the start of school has been introduced in the Pennsylvania House ol RepresentaUves. It was sponsored by 53 H o u s e members. Pittaburp says Ii has been "It'• ovenrhilmlnc m lhll "Ylnc IOI: t .. months i. find area to relnaUte It despite the someone wi1lina to file suit Supreme Court rulbll. n. against. the Cfalrton board. reeling is that God won't They say they can't, despite 1 P,Unlsh WI ror it/' uya aJcben1 1 fies, "A Search for F1ith" by Dr. Charles E. Maier, "The Enquirer's Class" by Dr. Albert 0. Hjerpto, an d "SensitivHy Training'' by Or. The Rev. Emily Charn-A seminar on scientific Josephine H. Carver, First Christi.an Church pagne will s p e a k on prayer and the art of C.S.B., will speak to the of Laguna Beach will 1984 cue a1aJnst a Lebanon, Cicchelti, attorney for the Pa., school bnard whe~ 1 Brownsville Scboot Dillrid; recter•I ccurt upheld t h e with about 51000 puplla. Supreme Court Bible rulin1. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;-. "Dime or Dollar Reli-meditation will b e g i n congregation of Fi rs t hold a m u s i c a 1 con- gion, So Where Are \Ve next weekend at Laguna Church of Christ Scien-cert Su nda y, 7 p.m. E.G. R<ltz. "I think it there werell anybody qainst u. they would RENT YOUI No\v" at the Costa Mesa Beach Church of Reli-list, Costa Mesa, Tues-featuring Wesley Tuttle, Unitarian -Universalist gious Science. Dr. Jack day, 8 p.m. The theme Capitol recording artist. The special conference on Church, SUnday, 10:30 Ensign Addington will of her talk will be "Are His wife, Marilyn will the church in eootemporary a.m. She is one of the conduct the lhree,ses-You Living in the Pre-aJso perform. The pro-- ''People are aayinc the day the Supreme Court banned God was the day that Jed to moral degeneracy In the coun- try," says Dr. Robert LaFrankle, superintendent of schools in Clab1on, a smoky, Monongahela River steel town near Plttsbursh. have come forth," LoFrankie VACATION HOME says, "I'm sure I would have LS heard from reli(ious leaders 0 N WHEE I aociety continues this Sunday. few women Unitarian sion meet. Tuition will sent?" and will de a I gram is open to the pub-· 7 p.m., at Falrvtew Baptist ministers in 0 r a n g e be c h a r g e d for the with developing a more lie and nursery care will by now." • Go where you want,..litay who,. -want wl"-1 scheduln or ,...nett.a. Church, ms Fairview Road, County. meetings. meaningful daily life. be provided. CoMa Mesa . Dr. Leland Hine---------------------------------------- A mini·fundamentalilm bas apparenUy s prouted in Clairton since the resurience of classroom Bible reading. "We1come to Cl1lrton -11\t City ol. Prayer'' signs now dot entrances to the town ol 19,000. And the first of a se.riea will lecture en "Christian Mission and Social Resi>onsibility ... At the morning service, IO n'clock, Pastor lif~lvin V. Taylor will preach oo "What Happened on the Cross?" Preseoting a sermon en· titled "The: Desire r 0 r Sl1nificance." the Rev. Joseph McShane wtll prflt\ch at 9 and 10:30 a.m. servhs at l\1esa Venle Ualted Met•odtst Churcll . The sanctU1ry is located at 1701 Baker St., Cost.a Mesa. Jimmy Walker, basketball pl.iyer from Los Angeles Bap- tist College who will play on the Venture for V I c t o r y buketbaJI team this summer, will be the gue&t speaker Sun- day evening, 6 o'clock, at Hu• tlagton Valley Baptist Cburc-. !J779 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. · Worship Rrvices will be he:ld at 11 o'clock Sunday mornlr!g preceded by 9:45 a.m. Sunday school claswi. Youth hour and new converts class meet at S p.m. Sundays. Nursery care is provided during all services. The spirit of ecumenism will ring out as five church choirs combine for the teCOOd annual inter-church choir f e s t i v a I ·11\ated at Pint Prnbyttriu Church, 7 7 0 2 Westminster Ave., Westminster, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Participating choirs a r e ftom Blessed sacrament Catholic Church, WestmiMter, First Orlstian Church, Hun· tington Beach; WJdway City Friends Church; C h r i s t Presbyterian Church. Hun· tington Beach, and the host cboir. A reception for the choi rs will be held after the conce:rn in Boyd Fellow.ship Hall. The public is invited. Observin1 Baptist Educatien Sunday, Flr1t Blptilt C•wd of UUDtlaaJoa Beaa will bold iiervi~ at 9:30 and Jl am. TU lint terViee is slated at Peek's Chapel. 7801 Bolsa Ave .• Westmiil&ter and the se- cood. at Huntingtoo Beach Chapel. 6th and 0 r an I e . Orurth school convenes at 9:30 a.m. at the downtown chapel. Guut spe1ker at the family evening service, 7 p.m .. downtown chapel, will be the Rev. Ken Dunklebtrier, youth direct.or of the S o u th e r n California Baptist Convention . ''Probation After De<tth" is 1 the subject of Sunday's Chris-ti•• Scknce Bible le590n· M:nnon for alt area CM· I li!'efations. Calvary Baptist Church. • 8281 Garfield Ave., Huntington Beach, will hold morning worship service at 11 o'clock with Pastor James Dolin 1 apeaklng on ''Conllict and Vic- t«y." Sunday school meeta at 9:45 a.m . At the evening service, 6 o'clock, the high s ch o o I 1 department vdll present the •. procram. John Hastinp, who will hiegin formal preparation for the ministry thls fall, wilt address the congregation. The ch11r"Ch is also sponsor· Ing a ''Te)ephone GOlpel Line." A meeaage from the Bible, which is chant«! d41ily, may be heord by callln( !lll- 4004. Communion wlll be oi!ered at botfl a and !:30 1.m. services at S&. Mlcbel's ud AU A.tell'• lgll IJ:d CUrcli, 3233 Pacific Vlew Drive, Corona del Mar. The Rev. John Rogers Davis will preach en "Otnistian Citizertlhip." The aooual parish dinner· dance will be held May 3, 7 p.m., at Ba1boa Bay Club. Mr. and Mrs. Keltll Nelson are reservations chairmen. "No More Arks" is the sermon topic Sunday at Com- mwdty Method.I.st Church, 6662 Heil Ave ., Huntington. Beach. Pastor Lawrenct T. Young will preach at! and 10:30 a.m. Church school and infant care are also provided at these hours. A membership trailling class for adults be(ins May 4 at 9 a.m. in the pastor's study. Methodist youth groups meet Sunday, 7 p.m. in the church soclaJ ba11. BoOI morning, II o'clock, and evenkig, 7 o' c Jo e k, worship ser~ices are slated at Cel1ral BapUst C-urclil. 7661 Warner Ave., H un tin a ton Beach, tnis Sunday. Pastor Thomas Ray will preach. Primary churdi .is held al 11 a.m. and regular Sunday school cmruntnces at 9:45 a.m.. Nursery care for infants is provided during all services. Evangelist Joe Boyd, former All-American football stir, will continue his inspiraUonal meetings at the church both Sundar and Monday at 7:30 p.m. "The Possible Dream" will be detivered by Dr. Charles H. Ditrenfield at I, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services for St. Altdrew't Presbyterlu Cllurch, MIO SI. Andrew's Road. N e w po r t Beach. After each serWce this week the board ol deacons will con· duct a guided tour of lhe church grounds and facilities. Also scheduled for Sunday ls an appearance by the West· mont College quartet at fl : Xi a.m. The high school fellow- ship has planned this pro- gram. Scheduling ?homing worship at 10:30 o'ctock, Atnrrectlon L1tbera11 C • a r c II , 9812 Hamilton Ave., HuntingtOn Beach, will confirm the 1969 cll6s and receive n e w members Sunday. P • st or Arthur R. Tingley . will speak en "The Size of. a Christian." Sun<lay school and adult discussion group meet at 9 a.m. aiwch treasurer, Terr y Kingsland was r e c e n t I y elected to the Committee on American Missions as representative of t he Long Beach District <A. the Pacific Southwest Synod of t h e Luthttan Chlrch in Amtrica. The group ei:amine.s and recommends poHclts about ntwcongre: gatiOnaand m;.,.ons and studif,o problems over urban mlniltry. Street, will conduct t w o worship services Sunday a~ 9:30 and 11 a.m. The Rev. G. Russell Shaw will preach "Can the Church Survive ?" Church school meets at 9 and 11 a .m. with classes for all ages. Nursery care is provided. The inq uirers class meets at 10:45 a.m. and the youth groups meet at 6:30 p.m. Assistant pastor David B. Wood and rive young people of the Warner Avenue BapUsl Church, Warner Avenue al Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, v.'ill attend t h e Southwest Baptist D i s t r i c t Coriference Youth F"el\ov.·ship Convention at College Avenue B~ptist Church, San Diego. f..1ay 2 to 4. Elly Hooper, Warner Avenue Baptist youth, is district secretary for the Southwest Baptist District CYF. She Is a graduate of Marina High School and now attends Goldenwest Co11ege . ''I Have a !lt<:ret" is the sermon topic or the Rev. Norman L. Brown Sunday 10 a.m. at Plymoulb Congre:ga· Uonal Cbureb of Newport Harbor, 32ti2 Broad Street, Newport Beach. Sunday school is held at the same time with babysitting service provided. The First ,United Methodist Church, 420 West 19th St.. Costa · Mesa.. wl\I ho Id duplicate ·worship services. 9:30 and II a.m., with the Rev. Richard Duntap continuing the series or sermons from the Sermon on the Mount. This week he will preach, "Salt Light and Good Works.·• ' A supervised nursery and church school for all ages are also held at 9:30 and II a.m. Youth fellowship meets at 6:30 and Young Adult Group at 1:15 p.m. The Rev. Palmer Ofuoku, pastor of the Aganbl Memorial Baptist Church in E k u , Nigeria, will be the special guest speaker at Central Bible Church. 23rd Street and Or- ange Avenue. COita Mesa. Sunday. He Is currently par· ticipating in "Operation: Fire- brand," a proaram for educat. ing international students at Biola College, La Mirada. At the 9 and 10:3& a.m. morning worship servicei Pastor Henry E. Jones will speak on "God'11 Order for the Sexes." ·'Full Insight into God's Will" is the sermon subject at 10 :45 a.m. Sunday at Harbor Christian Church. The con- gregation meets each Sunday at Harper Elementary School, 425 E. J8th St., Costa Mesa. Sunday church school begins at 9:'5 a.m. Or. William R. Eller will deliver the messaae "Wait on the Lord" baaed on lsa.iah 40: 2$-31 at the 8:4S and II a.m. worship hours at Lutberp Cbun:b of Ille Mister, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. The congre1alion will meet between the ·worship hours at 9:45 a.m. The Sunday church school pupils will view a film instead of the regular class session. St. Jobn lbe. Divine Episcopal Church, 2043 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, will observe communion at 7:30 a.m. and family service at 9:30 a.m. Classes for all ages are held at 9:30 a.m. also. The Episcopal You n g Churchmen will meet at 7 p.m. with Col. Ciampa. youth director. DECLINE .. (Continued from Page 4) upset them. It's the marbles he geta in his mouth when he tries to say something about God ... or Christ ... or life after de<tth . No churchman has better credentials as a social activist t.han Washington, D.C.'s suf- fragan Episcopal bishop, Paul Moore Jr. Yet Bishop Moore shares the view that "a cri8is in faith " -not C'Ofltroversy OYer social action -is the main Cause ol ·slumping at· tertdanc~ and failing fund drives. · "The church is pul together as a religious in&titA.ltion," he said recently. "If it loses faith . the whole enterprise will fall apart. "I trunk many in the church today have se<:ret doubts about the Christian faith, and our failure to deal with those doubts is gradually eroding the vitality or the church." It may sound terribly old fashioned to say that what the church needs most today is a revival of contagious · faith in the saving mercy of God. But it people keep getting stones whe.n they ask for bread, they'll finally quit COming to the bakery. ' COMMUN ION HAMBURGER? ST. LOUIS (AP) -Th< USC , of hamburgers and a soft drink al Communion is ac- ceptable if these items have religious significance for the communicant, aCC11rding to Methodist Bishop J a m e s Thomas of ~ Moines, Iowa. "It is proper to say that this time-honored sacrament must be interpreted with meaning and vitality in every age," Biahop Thomas said at a session of the first United Metbodist Convocation o n Worship. An hour of sacred mU!lc ls ijjj.,,,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmm~·~· planned at the Costa Meu Feanqaare Cllortlt., t 7 3 4 A Orange Ave.. Costa Mesa. Sunday at 7 p.m. The monthly party honorlna: birthdays in April will rotJow the service Jn the toclal hall. Following the II a.m. Sun-- day worship service, the Rev. Ind Mrs. Wesley W. Murrin, pastors. will depart for the an· nual convention of the Interna- tional Church of the Foura- quare Gospel in Decatur, Ill. tour of historic Scripps Miramar Ranch can be a program for your club or social organization .•• now · awn flanorial pmk Tht So111hl4ll~1 Most IJtmi/NI [ WEEkOAYTOUIS of Scripps Mir~mar R.11ndi a~ espeei1lly designed for cMc, social, church and 01her groups. ~ice · a ttserv~,tion now ror your organization; group rat~ for 20 or more. ·cater· ing for corfees, teas or luncheons avail1ble too. For reseniations and information call 2n·7110 (or 291 ·0204 weekdays only). NEW IN SAN Ol!CO t\lt,,,orU/I I OPEN Si r .. Sun .. 11'\d holld1ys 10 1.m.· EVERY DAY ~:JO p.rn . l'IO rt:st:rvi!lol'll tt • ~UIOllUM • COl~AllUM • CIMpe" quired. WC!e~••rs. by 1dv1~t ·~"ZjTREES of the WORLD Scripps Mi;;;;;;"'Ranch ...... .;"";;:..:__ ....! ::!"..: ::-:_ ~:"1--.-.-......... -:.-:.~.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.:J~ !' Pastor Sees Laguna Girl Missionary A Laguna Beach girl , Leah Ellis, is working with the 'l'zeltal Indians in a Mexican village. helping them to read and write. ~1iss Ellis. who is a member of the South Shores Baptist Churcb ir. Laguna Nl1uel, took a course with the Wycliffe Bi· ble Translators before going on the Mexicaa assienment. She and another girl. Mary Morgan. are learning the 'l'zcltal language with the ~im or writing a first primer to teach the Indians to read and write. The pastor _ o( the Sooth Shores Church,the Rev. F. C. Waters, and Mrs. Waters recently visited the girls in their village too and found they had adapted to the primitive conditions. The girls had built their own stove of mud and sticks and made tables and benches from branches and thongs. New Drug Laws Urged PROVIDENCE, R.f. (AP) - 'l'he Rhode fsland State Bap- tist Convention has Urled a lessening of the .severity of the penalties for the u.se of nars:oUcs. The Baptists sitting at Ceo· tral Baptist Church in Wester- ly, on the final day of their 141st annual meeting, urged the redirection of drug Jeghsla· lion to the improvement of medical tr e'a t men t and facilities for addicts, and the development of social counsel· ing services CHOOSE A DELUXI PICKUP CAMPll He says he has re«ived more than 1,000 letters from acrosa the c o u n t r y com· mending the Clairton school board's unanimous deciaion to ~Instate Bible reading earlier this year. '6' .... YI, ii.at, --............ ,... ....... --Oii -"The people here have taken 110 much from 1overnment over the past eilbt to 10 years in the form of mandates that they feel the individual is suf· fering at the expense of Ult majority," says LaFrankie. a 41).year~ld former Englewood, N.J .. school principal. "They're saying, 'Who's the state? The people are the state. Who's the Supreme Court to serve? It's to serve the people.' " SEE Thrilll9 ActlOll COMPLITIL Y 1 s⁣oN~:·o I Durtng AIWtilMl'llORSllOHAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT MOTOI HOME F0<Upto.I RESERVE NOW :. • Morning prayer and Bible reading are 1110 back in the Philllpsburg·Osceola Sc h o o I District I n centra l ..... ,_ ........... ...... *ROD UVER * R.!!r Emerson *Panclio Gonzales l!W~~ ........ I 3 DAYS ONLY! I New Pastor A,,.125• 2,, 21 Now Official Friday··· 6:30pm Saturday • 7 :30 pm The Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie S--L... hi' been fonnally Installed as -""'J •• 7:30pnt pastor of the Presbyterian Chu<eh or the Covenenl, 2ISO ANAHEIM CONVtHTION Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa, by CENTO TO ASSUlll OATES YOU WANT. • REASONABLE llATIS ! . ' COME fN Olt CALL -, TODAY l'Olt 'l'ULL i INFORMATION > ASK FOii 11 MR. MALCOM lllD • THIODOU ROllNS -- the Presbytery of Los Ran-T'idtoti le yrs. &-$1.00 Z0M HAI-aft. chos. Dr. Ralph Haaa , 1'!.-~i ~~-,.,.2---10 ; moderator of the presbyt<ry ~ A-$2.00 --WV presided. l.~=~·~-~-~$4.~00~&~$1~.~00~~~~C~OST~~A~M~ISA~~~ Covenant church members taking part were Elden Floyd Price, chalrril•n of the pastor! Only · 5 Mon Days Vntff' nominating committee, and M·ARGIE WEBB'S Richard C a r ~ e r , vice chairman. During World War 11 Pastor o· t' 'O A y ' T t Kurrie served as a U.S. Navy 1gan IC nee-• ear en Chaplain. Followine his tour of duty he returned to civilian "SALE" -E-BRATION life as assisllnt pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of SeaUle. Plstor Kurrie and his wife Virginia have a daughter, Cin- dY,, 3, and two older children: David who t11ches in the Lynwood School Dimlct and a daughter Chrisie who Is a sophomore at Cypreu College. DISUoNIR PAUICS AT TlllMINDOUS SA YINM AIM t"""""4 ... c-.....,t ••Iv. In .., aw11'1w ...., So, RM1ember the D1t• .J MAY ht A"d help u1 "S•ll·E-lr1t•" 2094 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna lffcli DAILY PILOT CARRIERS HONOR ROLL The DAILY PILOT Ls proud of its co1p.s of uoung ialtimft toho de!ive" tht mwspcper to uour dDor. nae young men are the cream of the communitu. E~ month, tM btat of them wlU bl 11Ltcttd /Or Urtmo n Qc Honor RoU. Each carrier liated here hot obtained at leaat four nfw eu&tomtra durirao the palt month. hod "° fll01'e than one cuatomer complaint for ehe month end mU8t havt paid hU bill for the mw&papt11 M botlo1'C "wholesale" on time. An csttrl1k (• J in front of hU name mean# 'that carrier 100$ nominated. bu hi& adult super. vi.tor to be the DAILY PILOT Carrier of TM Month. ' r.d ,,., ..... 11 D-ln1c M~11•T D•vll l111t111 lt•111•n S.hiM•ll •Mi•• McD•w1ll .. ~.,, ·~··· FIM•lltil• M.,.1 .. Scett T1tr•ll G-rt• H.ff1r Grtt llch M1rti11 G-il1hriJt Jifft '"''"' Edward AnJar1•11 Jebn er •• 1111111 T•rrv '''" Rich1,d 1li•11111 J1h1111v lar+h•l•n1•v Keith Ki11 r,,.,., w.w • ...i Dt"id N,1,111 Ml•• M•h J•lin C1ldw•ll J•• f•nlly J•• W11tl1rr•1 J•ff Wll1on Gr•t ll1ir •1:,;c H1rtl• St•"•" SMilh '°'" Sn1ith1•11 u.~ C.rr Carrier of The Month * Robin Tulleners, 13, Million Viejo Robin his b•tn 1 DAILY Pl~OT c.1rritr f.,.. 21 meMht. H• •ttends L.1 Ptr Junior Hl9lt SchMt, finds time for t n' 1dlve he.._,-IMtiWin9 mo4tls -•"" 1tiH fl'tr- form1 "ptrftc.tly" on hl1 p1ptt route, accor.!in9 .. beth hi1 cu•fomtn and his tdult suptrvl1ors. A rtctnt latter from on• of hil customers s1ld, in p•rf, "R&1bin 11 th• be1t ptptr boy wt tvlr htd, No m1fftr whtt the Wtathtr or tht htlldty , •• ht ht• ntvtr f1iltd ut." J1111 e.,, Cl!ri• M.Cve C11rt Chrl•tl• Gr•1 a...l•t St•"• He....lt"" Ti111 M..,_,. St-SMr+ •1ta~11 T1111..,.,,.. WtyM E"'.ft Mitt Hi11•t• \ ' I f · MLY 'l'U! , • I ' < ' -• . f;o•lii•~~ni .. pa~. l . .. . . • • •• • J ' t ~ ' • • ! . ' • t ' B.illions and :'Billioris .. · .DoW-n the Tube ·•' -. .; ' . ' ' . ' . . . 'i.IW ·Horrible Truth: No .Orie ~K~s E~~p,t of -'!~~!1,l , Waste . . l • • . 'I. ; • ' • 11J UlUll CASIEl.S • ' UWt bard !a<U. pn11rams or-,,_..-i;y 'Rep. °""P lUboo' ( D • T t J .), ~iln .-11'.:lhelr ro1'1!ft.COJI and UPI ---CoRly pnisranu ..... i.uncbod,.,. will coot. • '. •• cllilrmln•ol tbt JP _.,..._ ~-mnnbtr I It to- WASlllNOTON (IJPij -™ U.li continued ... ezpohded , • ., liter year, . It" lmpoulblt r .. ~to ltll ... CpinmlUet, U...&111·-... """ the -.. which 1'!"11'1* to· ... f::IU!itut" •Utlni bule suma :-ai -IU!fident d!ort btinl made to a<:tly bow many ol the tUPoJtn' dollan too blah. but -in .. irdervlew eonit>lbh tbt mosl fur tbt nidoty. 'Step fit blllloo a yew and probably dtlennine whether they are actually art being wuted..,..,. spent lntfltctlvtly that ''the!< Is ~If waste" lhft n!lplb<r 4 It to follow up a Jll'llll'ODI aft« lnadl. more thlll · thil -by spendJnc achieving their suppo5ed. objectives. -~use of ba.Pbawd •pending could~ be e~ lb)' • men raUonil Jl ta ~ operation, to mi;~ .~ actual """"1'bllndly. , , · _THE GOVE~ left hand pollae,. •ppniifllto .~dec~. ruJilt>and...U.•uro.Jt1wor1W11outaa 'lbat ·Is the conclusl"1 .ol a ~long often doesn't know -or cart -wbat Ill "THE HORRJBl<E TRUTB," laid a THE )\oi\E· RATlj)N,U. approoch waa e%ptdod. ~ or 1-.I llodgelary prac· right hand b doing. It bl not unuauol to high career ·offlcllf· of' the Gaierlf Ao-111J>PClllO<!ly ini-, lhrougbout lb< ADVOCA-.or PJ'!l.have deve,Jopecl b li_Unllol Proa lnf<rnatiooal. futd I or 10 different agenclea .working in COWJUng Ollie<, '"IJ· lhat oeithtr the ~ in A\1C1111, 11165, wheo Pmi-aome·ralher ~ ledmlq..., for -.1!'" illqolry, ,Whlch· ranged r,... U.. the same field wtth ·lillte or no coon1lna· ""'!dent nor eongr.,. nor anyooe else dent L~ e . Jollman lllVIOW>Ced, ,.;lb analysing the ,"COJI-..., ratio" wane S-to cipltof·Hill and into Uon. This leads to overl~Jni 8"d r .. lly knows enough about what the coosiderable!ufm;thalbehadmla:ed ol· an. exlJUn& , .. p...,..4 program. numeiw dopoitziieots' and apnciu, duplication ol programs, and in IQme government It do!Jlg, and what -i1s ils all major folleral .,_.. to ad91'1' the How~ver., Ille r,ditbllity ol tbeoe 1echlll· lliadoled that: cues to such spectAcles u one eovem-programs are ,achkvirtg, to ~t with 10-ca·JJe:d ·"'.Ptc>cr'ilnming-Plantli.og· quer ·i• a ... lllbject of dispute · .among -LITn.l!l'llOGlll!!islw'beinmade ment agency spendlng money ,CPI cetialnlyabouthow'muchw.,tethends B00geUl\I" '.(PPB)' l)'Jtem whjcb -"ls .. Some .crWci, 111eh aa Prol. .. ~ lo' dYlllilt-· ~ Ille mllliGa) · to auhli4lJe lohacc!> fanpert ln !"" 121111 blllioo a year !ederaJ ·budgel." .MCNamorl plooemd al the PenlOIOll. Frmerlck.C. M'oiher ol the IJalvenity ol ayst.em U.ll'WUctid ·ln· the Pent.eon by wline another government agency -ii Preued for an estlmate, he said PO · Johman aaid: tbe new approach to Vlrltnla, "cOofenOtbE"syatiin will MVer ior-.clefeme secmary RobeJ1 s. tryln& (with II million) to dllcoutaae billion to Pl bllli<>1 a year would be a budgetinc "will enable us to ful!IU·the wk wen ""'-many govemmolll McNomara. u64er whfdl pr o gr a m cl&lli'elte smokiJlc'. · · · "reallilllc Jlll"ll." neellJ ol tboo· American J1!C1>1e without declalonl eptail -..14er-Iii!! -decl-an qpcllid!Qbe baaed on ob--ln'mlliWJ' procurt!llelll parlkular· Ph!lllp S. 8qbes, 'deputy 4ireetor or waste·." •• because we will be able ·to not·be ...i.ced lo quontijaUve tmm. : Jedlve .~ o1-. and .....pis., ly, .and Jo• leutt ~in IOclal !""" the Buctget Burua, s&d tt vn>Uld.be "n· rQake l!Ollllder d!<~ool· than ever Otbm .. auch u Altin<C>Entliov"1. -EYia in the. Dtfcme Department, gram, the a:overnment gets locked into tmnely conservative" to estimalf: that at before." formtr aahtant kcritary of. Defeme ~ ao.iym ~ rat "5 beel'l ap. klnf-tertn· com.mjtmenls runnJn.g into least 5 peiceat of ',the govemmenl'.s ex-Under the PPB :system, federal i&en-wm · 15 now vict prajdent of Litton Dlied miinly to'Mw ~ systems and many billions ol dollars thrcuch '1oot-in-peoditures are redundant or tneffective. cies are auppoeed _~ 'foUow a IUiu <if Jndll.!llries, assert that 1 y 1 t,e m a tic lw bad·vay Umllted impact on, the bWk f.he.door" programs that cost UU.Je at He indicated hr. would not lx>ggle at an &Nl~ at.eps .in det.mnini.ng how .much ani.lysis is lhe ·only way to mate IUi'e el mllitary·apendinc. first but a great deal ·later. In epme estimate of 10 to 1$ percent. 'Five percent money they need · from Congress. Step that eovemment decisions are based oil a -M·A result; mall feden.J ·apmdine cues, Congress legislatts w i t ho u t cl the· ptt9tnt budget ls about $10'bllllon; numbtr I Is 1o jdentify a objective u fusoned judp)erit' of the public interest decbioris '-' milllary .and civilian -are demanding adequate infcrmaUon about IS percent would be nearly $3(1."billion -clearly and precisely as · posatblt .. Step rather than the jockeyiag ol politicaJ and ltU1 being in.se on tM basis of bunches, ultirhate c:o.sb:. In othert, it is.misled by u mucb · u ·the. nation bl sjiendlng an. rmDJber 2 ii to ~ alternative ~ays rrulltary pressure sroops. . ' . ttoPes ·a .Ft barrel potttics·ntber Oagrant underestimates of w)Jat certain nuaUy on tht Vietnam war. · of achlevifl& lbe objective, comparing Because PPB woUld . briDg UOOtr ,,,.,,,, ""61)l ma.te "" inational d«ilioR "' attaM .... SWEET . TOOTH · ' ~ • ·' • ,. ' •• : • '· # 1 ••• ~so~ ·!~ty .Tid6its About a ·Faoorite-Choco'4 .te By YllllIDOIA JU1UllE JIEAl,Tll ,.. ....... "I .naJlr. ·-~ bungry;. but I knew there •ert ,lltow'nies in the ki~ and I cooldn't .,.a. tleep ..iu-first ming Ont," coaft•eit • )'Cm'll, aubarban -.'"1-...l 'to !ed•IUIJly ,about lay aaviJW for cbocdate -1 until J found · that llWl1 or my frie1!ds have the same weatneu.•• '!be -.. not alone .in her "addJclloo," .f<W · ludi!nc by tlle yearly lmPod figures -about 850 minion pound.a of cbocolate -a lot of folb In the United Slates enjoy eatln& it in one fonn or another. In fact, our oountry alone consumes more than one- half d the world'•·prod\lcUon of c:acao. TO CiloooLATE LOVERS, 1t J .. st. one ,.:lOd came out of. the· ·infamous exploils ol the Spanish Conquista<!oru. 1bese erploren . I.tamed of .tbe cacao . bean's delightful taste from the Indians who ~bited the territory now known _______ ..;.... __ 0.r Me• 111 Sen. Fre11cfue WIJen Things Are Shakin' '• Chic~goites. Trembw Most . ~ llERJI CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Do you remember the Seattle earth· quake or April, 191$? ft scored .a rather neitibg 1.5 on the Richter ICl..le. and ~e Lemoot recalls lt YiV\dly b&:iaa.i he Wu ·in a crowded l'eltauraat there at the time . .\s plasler fell from the celling alld'plates ~ to 11'< floor, our hero arose aod -coolly'. "I'm from San FrancllCo · -we alway1 liand In doanta1~!" Loud m~ voice from acroa: fbt roam: "l'm from OUcago -wlloft the bell do WE Jtancll" j I/ dead day1 beyond l't('Oil, friend, a - male had to keep his chest covered at all Umes. Even females. JS TIDS a record? People who work in the area (!aim an abandoned In. temational truck has been occupying a space et Francisco and Taykr for at lust six years Doy.-., OllESTE'I JOE PICCININI m°" have been only haU-llstenin1 when bis wile, Iva, made aome comp~t about Jl.ig "It.I drive" because he mumbled in rtply: "I already gave al the of. fi<:t" •.• As Jim Grimme walked out ot Tiffany the other afternoon, a hip- pie asked: "Got any cllange?" Jim: "Mier shopping in T~RE?" AND AT THE Presidio wet bar, Civilian Employee Diet Evert put a dime in the c:andy machine. His seJec. lion rattled out, and when he took the wrapper off he. found -a balf-e1t.en clndy bar and a nickel. TODAY'S WASP: MUlie Howie notts thal the macl.line ads for "United Na. Uom Peace Mugs" contain the warn. inc "American Made, Bew~ of J.,.. ... lroltations!" Japon lml ln Ille Unllol NaljoNI · Wo1ADVERTl!ING hff~ these days Ii the Oakland Cbamller of COm- merte, via nal1 ads headed "Spend VoU:r Vacatioo Al the Lakt 'M'lls Year •.. tn Oak.land !" After yoa~ve rued -1 Kalstr Centtt for a ftw minutes. the!! what? (The td1 11.!Jo plug "our MW '7 million m•um" wtthout botbH1ng to ,,... lhat It doesn't "I""' till S<jll. 14). ACl'ING ON A HUNCH lhal "Qti11er'' wwld win a flock of Oec.ara. Nick Gttacimos invested a bmdle in Columbia Pictures. which produced tt. '!be day aller the awanlt, that stock . .. 1, . ·-· as Mexko. ·The lndiaf}S e1lled the·drlnk cboco-la·te, heated the powdered bean with water. then threw In sneral hot spices, illC'Juditig pepper ! The COD- qulstadores eVidently withstood tb'e tma;U-searing proptrties of tbe ·brew long enough to experiment aDd dbcover that sU,ar could be substituh!d fw the 1pices. That was In the early 1500s. By J657, it bad · been introduced into England, where .the rtcipe w.S promptly, changed. -MUe4 with.. milk u · well as aucar, it became an immensely popular beverage. went down ,twt1 poln"\s.' WHAT'S NEW oo the loco! rock aBe! Well, the CSevelancf WreC:king Compan~· WIS busted jr. Solloma over the wee~end for -noooop. Wrong. For fishln1 wlthout •.Ii~! THE RED GARTER'S 'famoo.s 1914 Krm fire engine, wm-hd to death by atrnosl every ch.ari.l)' in town, was cited last week by tbe Righwty Patrol fer having no windshield. "Bul it never HAD one.'' protested ~vu Jim Bodrero, pi<kin& buis oul or h!J teeth. GORDON BROWN JR., the elegant New Yorker who li\'.es on T'graph Hill and recently purc'hued the Pnillon restaurant at Palk and Union, ii buytne a Rolls·Royct convertible -a job th1t .. 11s ror ~ $31,000. mllta . you co,Wdfr .money a 'cUsti.stf:ful. iuJ>. jtct: ff.Wever, thlll cloQai m.111 tbOft'• tn UllJOdly profit In ome>eti.., wbldl the Pavilion futures. BroWn 11 a (Ol1Dtf Manhattan 110C.k,trot:ft' Md a kin GI the Mergan dan wbo·uid Me day "l'd r1lher be a bartender In San Francisco than peddlt boncb on Park Aven ... " aed )le does JPOlld moot ol h!J !line behind the bar. A Fl1TING SIJCCDSOll to Willie Brill. Ille old-lime righter who inlontd clasaically •fl.er the rlrtqua-e:. "I'd ralhet bl • busted l•mppojl on Bat· tery Stml UWt the Wlf4cwf·Aslorl•. • and "chocolate .houses•• rprang up in every v.illage. AJ for the United States, .jll!t 1 ):tar before : the independence · belt c:langfid In Phltaae.Jpbia, the . Jlrst 1hlpment ol caCao beahs wu being ·sround In Milton Lower P.filll near: °"'~er, Mus., ln~ous American minds went to work dtvl~ng ways or using chocolate, and it wam 't Jong until households began to con.skier it a staple pentry ilem. Today, millions of people take the delicious food for granted, unllke the famous botanist Linnaeus, who. gave it the name "Food. for the Cods" after tasting It for tht fftst time. PtlANY FOLKS GET into trouble with rhocolate: It has been known to cause allergic reactions all the way from mild intestinal initations to severt akin erup. tiOns and itchingg. Countless, ·too; are the number of ado&escents who diJcover udJy that a clear skin and chocolate llldulgence are not COQ'IPIUble. Pers00s questioned iltfonnally about thr.i.r attitude toward chocolate came up with some astoniahln& bits cf in-- fonnaLion. There was .. min, for ez.. amPJe, who told about being able to abstain fmn eating·chocolate for several wefts. but then ~hen the desire for it finally ovupowered him. and thttt was no c:andy available. ht wolted doWn instant cocoa mix rtght from the .en. "Mouth gets kind ol d'ry after a kw •poOOrUb," he ..., ruefully. several .Gffict: workers _Pid they tr:e~ lbtmtelves·to a chocolate bar after leav- ing work. They all agreed it Uded tbt:rn owr untH dinnertimt and' pve ll'ltm a lilt, besides •. A ·GROCERV.sTO~E owner btd. lhis le gay about "female chocolate cra\'m: "Often, ·rnethen: bUy "two M thrte dlocolite bars at the · chtctout COUAte:r when 'thtlr kidi ami't Jootinc. Tbtn, they sUp · Utt Cindy Int& their purses en:! mak:e 1-big· show out or getting the 'kids some IUJTldropl." A retlrtd e~tive. Jau1hlngly told ot tieinR aDerglc ·to blttenweet ' chocolate, ol which he wu very fond.· · "I can resist tmiptation for a ~ ol month.\," he said. "\hen• anmdhlnll: Inapt l'Ve got to have llOlnethlnl sweet and choc;olatt. An4 no matter·bow '!'ell my wife has hidden the ~te bils she keeps to nia\:e c0oktei for' 'the ,nnctcblldren. I root ~ wrttt I find them. Th<n I'm Jft!Hrlble · wlfb. !lkhinl for t•o days." • · Candy mode or chocolate It lood«I with calories. to the dbm'' ft wtt,tlt watchtn. All togtt.btl<. wllh the milk and SUia< that aoe• lalo candy, theft 11re about 2,SOIJ taJotles per pound. ot I w I c e the a.-.i ol heat unlls found in a dottn tUS or i pound or betf. °" the other hand. 'lhlelts, hlktn. ~ othm nttdln( qlllcli -v· -the value ol cbocoltl<. A popoJlr fclodT :TW'bcl ft It. ' analytJea:l strutmy all· federal activities -·even the sacred cow progrli:n.S de~ Ii> buieaucrals' llld politicians -t11e· ii!' troducUon. of ibe l)'ltm1 • bito Qirillan ...,;cie. 'hU 'not ·been hailed. 'll'ifb llniveraol glee in .Washington. A surv~Y . of 25 ll)ljor · ~eder.al dtp'artmenls and, agencies -~ "'t all of them now hive al le.ut .some macblWi'. f~"" systematic ~ llUT· THE SURVEY turned up· only three civilian agmciei whlch are makiJ)g more than .loktn use of · systfn'fllk: analy!ls ln planning, rev1ewln1 and revif. ing. th~ir protO'a!Jll. These 'are the J)ep~ent of Health, Education ~ WeHare (HEW ). tbe ~culture'Qipart menl and the Labor Dep&rtrhenl' Bv,n ·in these agencies, PPB ls stm in mwancy. Tbe ·biggest single cause or &lM!l'lllll<l1I waste, in the opiriion of many ad- min!straUon , and ~ officlalf, is tlie long·stand,lnl· p-actl<e· QI ~' approprfalkfls blU. • oo • 1111 ,..,,ey.11y. ""'"'1b.sis. · • ' -unUt very recefllly, no-•OGm·attimpt Wi1 · made at the White ·HOOi'! · ar c.oricreas to look at ~rninent ~ on a functlmal basis -~t hi,, to tr· amine s!Jnultaneoµsly "'\". critl<ally al! ol tJ)e .'things thal are being dol1' bf-ai !-al agenclta iii• partf<ulorfl<J4. •TtU Jack or overVteW · ~ mt hpve ~ . • paz:ticularly ..nOas m.tter· in Years~ when aooielywu,!lmpltr;the govunment. lesa active, and· tht·· UDes « iesponsibillty more clearty-dran. • TODAY, HOWEVER, ~ ;, ~cely • single D)ajor gOvermaent fimction tbit dcies not cut acroSs depm1inart or qepcJ llileo. A recent survey by the Seliale Government Operatlonl.C o m m it t ere showed that 18 agencl-=s are involved in manpower programs; it agenciles, are coriducting programs to imJim'e the natural environment; and 20 . have 10mething to do .with health. Daniel P. Moynihan. President Nixoo's c:hJef adviser on urban affain and a v&ran · of two Demoe·ratlc ad· ministrations, 11ys the 1ovtmment now has so many programs apread through 80 many agencies it ii bard for policy m&k~• "ju.!t to keep up with what is ialng on," let 'aJooe achieve ·'1\y kind ·or true coordination. As a freshman member or · Conims. Rep. William V. Roth J~ .• (R·Del) WU profoundly ·shocked lut year to discover that no one in WashinJlll>n could 1<11 him how many federal aid programs are CUI'· rently in operation. . He set out to mate hi!I own list. After eigbt months of. patient interrocaUon .of ~l,lidlJal agencies, he manqed.to'iden.- Ufy "P,050 separate programs under which federal money is gi\•ea or loaned . to statesj cities, instituUoos or.individuals. ROTH HAS NEITHER the stall nor tlle authority lo determine bow much overlappina RI duplication tbue ii in this ... 11er of federal actiVily. Bui be r.,..... there'• bound to be a Joi wbell - to cite just .one fttkl u an en.'1fPle -: ts agencies are dispensin(.!unda tiwooih Ill separate Pl"I'""' to . support higher educaUon. · Speclf1< caxs. ol overl1p,' duplication and t\·en dirtct contradfcUon ·bttwfen !ederil programs · come to light ollhi enoqh to iNlk:ate, that Roth has sownd arouodt .fur this suopiclon. It Adcb VpZ. Xtn 'billion doltcrs e Vtar ~ which ti Mifct ta bt a roclcbottom., minim1'm e1Umatt 6/ QOVf1"ft" mcnt UIGltt -fa 4 lot o/ 'ttaonq croen by ft:dtral budgtt t~ . dord&. f t ii enough to do on11 one-of· these things: ' -Finance the: Vietnam wr /or four month1. . . · -PoV Mtdicart and Mtdicaid costs for ont .t1tOT. . .• -UMt'nontt farm pru:t·IUP- pot1.! for three VfCf'f. ·~antinue ontipoot:rty P ,..~ araht.s for 'tM Office of Econo- mic OppOrtunity· for ~ 111ars. · -Mcintain tht: nation'• .• ,... toOys for 10 ~ar1.' C..D•f••Y the ponal d</icit'/or 20 lJtaf1. -Kt:tp tht ha.ct Corps "in: lmsintss for 100 utan. to gratify ·the Air Force's de.sire far-I piece of tlie action in spact researcll. . One ol the cordinil principles . <i systerruitie' analysis Cs that s~g declsfOns' tboUki Ce based on a cartful calCul.aUon. ol 'what a 'program will ~ over the' long run, rather than duiiag ita tint yearor two ol operation, when it is just letting. Wlder way. . "Thi• P<iDc:iJ)l< is being widel)o 11- nored," said Robert Haveman, JWOf__. Gt. economics at Grinnell Collegep •IOWa. who is Currently oo leave t.o Delp the JOint Contressional Economic Committee Irinstigatt: how ••J?PB" is wcrtmc in federal agencies. SEN. WILUAM PROXMIRE (0.Wio. l, vice chainn&n of the Joint Ecaaomie Commiti.e.. charged that the armed forces have ·persistently misled Coneress about the ulllmate.costa ol new wtapoM 1)'3lems, such as llie qtibaniatJc ml!oile (ABM) now . .under consideration. Proxmire said in tn interview bis 'cio.n· tnittee's hearings have .atablished that tho Air Force's new Cl5 alrpialle '"will probably co<t the-American ta.payer· $Z billion llD'e-thin •the original contr.:t ceillllg qi 13 Jiillion... . Nor is that an ,uoaaual case, Piosmire said: "Aboot IQ perc<nt ·ctthe major,,.,. weapona l)'llemil adople4 by U.. military c:ld ,up costing at least twice as rquc:h as was origi.nailY estimated." · ·· , Proxmire said ·the· 'P-e n t afl'O n'' s 1"ndtorious" -readiness . to permit :• military CG11lractor to double or lriPJe liis odglnaJ· pric< tag has encouraged the praotlce of "buy·in bidding" in which • firm deliberately enters an absurdly low bid in ~r to obtain· a deferuie contra~t. and then puts in a w~ c:laim ·tor "unexpected" extra costa. 'I1le House Appropriations COmmtttee Chairman, llA!p. Mahon, hU introducod a resolution that would requlrt every can- grellional commttt.ee, wbtn recom· mendln& ·creation or expansion or any federal procram, to submit to 1 t estimates for the fU"Sl five yean of fb operation. This cookl help Congreu ava.id getting mousetrapped by ••foot in the door" programs. REP. WlLBUR MILLS (0.Arlc.l, chalrma.n of the House Ways and MoN Committee, wants Congress to establish .a "goverruntm' program e\'.aluation .com- mbsion." It would be similar . to. the Hoover Ccmmission, M'rlb uid, bul would study the substance rather than just the d(icteacy Of each. federal OC· llvily,, seeking to identify -and ineffed.ive programs. The degree to "hich l)'stematic analysis becomes a sig:ni(ant tool in budget making in the. yean: ahead will depend on how much support.it' geta from Pmldenl Nixon and his oew .ltepuhllcan team. Indications to date are that Nixon is sympathetic to the concept but bt,hlJ been too busy with other problema \o sive it much attention. THE NEW SEcRETARY or Roalth, EdUCatlon and Welfare, Robert .P'tnch. alio has displtyed a keen infueil lo pll· ting decisions on 1 IOUDder bull. He believu al least I penlelll ol .aD -ap- proprialed for educational aod'aocial pa> ar:ams should.be earmarked for .Gb~\'e ev'aluation of bow the procrams work ~ practict. All or·tbeJe iniUaUva will._ quiet but formidable oPflOJltlon rr... .- pie, in and ou1 or aovemment,. w11o r .. r u.t ralionOI anlf)'Jls mi&ht !Old ·lo drUlic cutbaiCka ot even eltminalion " their pet . pnlll'aml. 'lllla' Cl(lllOOltion. Jie1n1 . in._ ai1d !OCUHd,. It likely 10 prevail •It' the raU. dllluae pibllc ir>-tert.t in ~DI "aste-.Jeis «until ·~ ·~ "'--. ._ nolbl -red. ---WWW- ·, Saturday, Aprtl 11, t• , Tiie Comment P•&• ol !be Daily Pilot 1Hb to lafonn and stimulate reoders )IJ prt,.ntlllg a variety of COll>- mentary on Japlcs ol ._ est and signl.ficance trom: · lnfoilnod obatn'en a a,I . gpokesmen. ' I ' ·-"· w .... , -·1•1' --~ -----------------~---~------~---------,.-----------·-------------------------/ !•1'"'1, April 26. lM - I . Vital Statistics, Meeti~g~ .. Aro .. ~.P. ~.Orange Coast ·.' ·' . :austNESS f\NP • . PROFESSIONAL r . GUIDE • MATTRESSES • ~\II,~~ tlMtty 'M711 '· ,... ..,.'°" 11'9. •• -- -.......,;;;;;;;.,,,, -0 Towel Sets · ~'Ty-D-Bol" AUTOMATIC; 10klTIDwtQllWl~ :j ' • • ... ~ • , • !°""" -=:, liol of · °'""" • I lrit-•"1! ft'oc\iog. 12 ~l. $ill IUllDlllll>. SheH li11r ... ; ·, .c "' ; I . :ur.O.vac ''Sparlsngn'' . "rAlf~.for . _...,,~ .. . ...,..,..,.,ICJ!loo, . : . &rl.00 ft Alarm Clocks . "Novel-ette" . ,C""· . -~·-, .... -.•• 4do'lL' !~rises tR assorttd :Jiadcs tl\at s11111"on I1fr lrillle. . 3~95 1 ... ~1.00 ... .. . ' 'I ~1t_:J1• Jj -... ~-. •. Etan Suits. s. t~r,~· ••• SI c.ool •ith S,.. ""' """ llitl ""'' •ast Ml lllf&·tolor JllH!atl•l. • 3.59 1*1l -!liort sleeW, -,.,il'f¥1!1' stile ifl ''llot'I shides. AsstJ1td ·. ~'l:..~:....~1· 79· Slm1ll1'ild • ". SllOIT SUIVI .. sumws Girls' Knit Shirts 100~ cottot wi~ SQll'e.art tcft.m. hillbame confml " nll k1it ilDck :~tr:~1 · 7·9· Sirtt 2"4 • CMAMftA'f 'Shorts' SMlh11ized, IN· c.-1nt W1sliatif~ CDllO D w1 I~ siood.111. llORf, t laslic)Owilist. Idell COJldiW. Siln? ..... 98C N1ttJ wtls ••. ro1,ted 1M s1ntc1. 39 . c I •.•"I 'Corsage' _Boxes "Behold'' hlwilll• hlisli witlr UMOll Oil Trnts Jllf fnil111 Ille '''' J1ti .. es! 70?. Sl:IAT .CH 59c :a: I ; , ( .. I "finish"_ a.11muc lismnilc DOERGENT .L...,.s all llishs Hf 11mn1,.tlnslfcltH. :~z~L 69( ( ...._.r ~WMJI&: .. "Drano'' l.jjlkai1CI._ will MEW Dllillrlzt11 A<Ull •• , W11'l m1 ,. .. -. HOZ, 69 ~'.'.' . c ' Whisper.T1ot1hdes o~e'ltfl:y ~ ~ 1 rwere lid If tM sti<'a ••. 1~' ~~11.-atiorl r. easy ••• 11111).S prrll!(t. l>tost trtm llWllf assGtt~d :~~ olEfT. ·81 c "' ,,,,.,"""ct . 2.50 .. ~!d~.Blc IYIRY fl.MfS 81 c 01ll las""S..IL llll liflil 'lno" lid. It, Tllllll ~Solto.t~rt lt • , -' ·-' '. ?JP 'ti' . 1 SCOTI(E,:. TISSUE-:._ AuortN CelerL lonsoflOO-,..._ p1y.-., 5 i$1 . ' -,~wv<i "Vote" TheADUll' Toothpasr.' i1 Plastic Till '.lS DL SIZl t '.'fQCQRy'' .. I SHAVE· <ilAM' ly Cll(trir· ~· Clitll'' ,,.. lluthl & l-1· u .... 7'k 6Vt Ol. CA'!_, "' 2::aa t;· ~ " · ·6' l' (_oo· ~ ' l-ll. 0 J1ic1 • • . -- ~. • < ,. . ~ ~ .,. . ,. ••• x:.r.i r,M ~ ".-nl .. ,u '• "1 • , •• • .. "1f ·"" <II> n! t·(a "' ,tA 'B .~i ri ;.i · IJ~ ""' • )<; ~5 !i& ·)«< ~ . .11lf "I 'nB 1ctf 'ltd . ,..,. >Ml ·r ).1s·~ "l I • I I I I ' j I I ' l I I • ., r. ' .: .. • 11al E·~1itate .. Quutlons . •nil COmmtn! By I RH Ii or R.ondall MoC•rdlo I ·~!<I ,,Wr' lectM 'on plonnlnt ,..., lnvfllintnh t.r letl~ .,..,w•nl to .. k·y.., • quottlon. You Hid -Ii '9~1.wHtm.if'portfollo ll\Ould lncludo -In ..s.lltiein·te rMl fft~t• -~kt, ........ or l'fn1tual ~·· 1Mufet14e, ; ... ~NmirMMcf. ..,. to W. ew•r• .t our SOcl•I Secvrlty J-)t!flt1 ·and ... check eur person•! accountt. I'm h..., with tiur r••I 01tato hokfint•• imurence· and mvhMl'fund1, but how clo wo verify our Social Security Big Patios Sell Homes Park For -,:..>< ~·· Mr. F.t.J. Newport Beach New homes being built on 1. ~ i . sites measuring more than ~ ta~ayer may verify his S9cial Se_curity account by fJlinc •a po<t card fonll (Form OAR-7004). whlcllmay 6~600 . squ~· f:"'t ha~e been .. bb obJa:lnOa from anY.'cllslril;t 5-0cliil'·Securily Adrninii·. SU1glect, Olll' •• the r....., for , trati'n '.office. If tlie--;-Soei&J.,, Sec.u~ .A~IDiqfsftStion.i; ::: · h!l":rlwun~~:si~a:: · fi~ do not. coincJd~ 'with the t.:aXpaytfr s rtco>11s, \an "°" lfie Irvine R ·h. , . adJU!lP>et\l ~hould ~e. requ~ated .~Y th~ i~~pay,r.. , ,AcCordU11 ·10'~ve Olien, Socat~a.nty Adm.i~tration .hlJS sflec1a1 'l'4srms f6r ad· dltector Of ritarketin'g f0r u., justm~~.T'Jlllesta~o~· AR-7008). Stanley'"S...,.S~·artz Company, Beea~e of the great number of people who 1COl1ect de•elopers, li'omeowners have Socl~·S~1'ff'benefil~ \IDd ,lhe e~ven,gre.J1ter number of been.lmP."cssed w.ith 1he "sid~, people w&> pay Social ·s,curity taxe~ ~r.e is. ~ tr~men-: front and rear palio, areas uru- doui, amou.nt of paper \v9~k involved ln connection \Vi th qu.~ to the P~rk hom~. the tedordini of individual social security accounts by . The Spanish mot1£ ~f the the doverDmeat Therefore errors are bound to occur. h15torlc Irvine R~nc.h is ·~ • " • ' 1.. · cented by the enclosed! patio 4 taxpayer's earning record generally, can only be areas " said OISon. "Side and cortected U a 'request for correction.is made within 39'>1!: rear fencing i! a Corribinatlon montltst after the close of the year in \vhicb the earnings or colored s I u m p s t o n e were crettited to the ta.1.payer's account. Therefore, it is pilasters \\·ith redwood pane!· wlse·fOr: taxpayers to check their accounts wi!Jt the Soc-1ng. Wrought !ron ~lso accents ial See~ Administration at least every three years. UM: ho1!"'es. and fir~pl~~es are SinCe lt is anticipated that Congress will continue to btnlt with . padre bric~. . increa~ the SoCial Security benefits at the cost of liv· The patios emphasize tile 1D- ing inCrWes aqy adjustments to a taxpayer's earnings door~tdoor concept ~ the · · · ' . . th Park homes and offer privacy base ~be,ot .subs!antial value ~o the taxpayer in e to eac;ti homeowner, according form, of f~r~ased retirement benefits .. -· · : . . . to Ol90n~ He said homes have , ,As' the base for Social Security tnes Increases the been de!igne<f.·tci fit the. needa amount of retirement benefits available to taxpayers of almost any family. $ize. "'ill 1alSo lnc~ease making Social Security benefits e1· The Park b(!mes are being tremely (a.luable. constructed ·simultaneously Benelfts are paid on the earnings base of-the tax-with Vllla1e. Three homes at payer ·over a period of years. The earnings base h~s University Park. B;ase-priced beeri ·lnc:!Nased from $3,000 in 1935, when the Social Se--at $33,995, th.e Park homes curjty i.w was first enacted, to $7,800 for 1969. Further ~~re been designed fro!" four lncreal.N:ln the earnings base are contemolated by both que floo.r plans and include ·• · . d • nd formal ·dlnmg rooms and Jux· Con(re,s and the Department of Health, E ucat19n. a urious master bedroom suites \Ve If are, Which administers the SoCliJ' Security• Laws. YiUa~e Three homes, base: l,•ha.,. reacl • little •bout the ''trvthi.:lendint law''. priced from $26,995, range ih Heff ;...,fhl1 law aifHt real estate tn,1t d.-1• 11 there size from two to rour btd-•nY..\~!~ In this new l•w with respect .. fir.st •nd rooms and feature 11 different 1~: fnfst dHdst It H, what are the clifftrenc:es? exterior el~atkln,,. When wlll the l•w Mc:om1 effective? Un.i~enity fark ~odels may . be vLS1ted daily until dusk by ~ .., M. I. Huntlnt,ton ~·~~ . t<l;kl!11.Jhe $.anti A~a or ~ The ~rpose ol the trutb·in·lending Jaw is to "asstire ·Diego FrieW1ys to C~ver I ~~lful disclosure of credit terms ~ that the ~on· prive and following the signs awn·er jriJl be able to compare more readily the vanous 0 the development. credit t-rms availabJe,··to him··an~·avoid the ·uninform.ed : ·. , use ol credit." . _ · . · · · · ' ") • · ' Th•. P.rovi•ions apply 10 1ran.acu.ns.with ~to" ·Title Fir_.n . who -regillarly extend or 'arrange frir ,lJli exte\ili<Jil of credit ~·,which the payment·ot.a rulancli C)i~• is">t'e- quifed, wllether in connection -,,•jth loiiis, sales Of real · est41f dr',ervices. Reports {Jest Yeai· Reill IJ~tate Financing .. ~Rev,:am)e When H' comes to' bom>wlng partlcularly l1r incom~ nlonty, the C.llfom!a r<al docinJ properUu -h>s ba~ estate Market kn1t what-it UI· to turn lo iMovatlort. 'nle ed to be. trW began In the aftermath Actually, rttl estate . fin1n-of the 19M "Crffit Crunch.'' cing ll>roocbout the entlre And accorcling tO a 1POkNri>an cWn!ty Ls ·cll"!llfng. Jn or !he llate-wlde C.lllornla California, U .onty".hap~ns to Afortgage Bankers As.socia· be changing last«. · loin, !bOt lr'JICI ""' mpped up One rtason is.. the unrelen· its temPo ever si~. ting demand for ·credit from In a presentation lo the San almost every segment or the Diego Building Contractors economy. Tbe money supply ls Associltibo.. Bernard W. tight and interest T•t are at · Bakfir, vice 'PIKldent of the historic helih<s -7el business L o'i . Anc<~uirtttod and goveml!l<llt, coritlnue to !Jalpll · C. Siltro Company, borrow. And ifs,, tl\e real, repCrt.ed u_ incr.easi9g move estate market that feels the •. away from traditional f.J.nari. resulting squeeze. cing methods. To keep, up with I.he com· The -Calilor.nia mortgaie petition. the art and science of market for commercial pro- mortgage f i n a ,n c i n g perty -apartments, office bull<llngs, nWI ltnlctaru, etc. -Bat:er ei:plailll; cu a- pect lhrtt new lypea <t ftilan- c!nf 'to become evw m<re commonplace. ~ are: "joint "Yentures" whereby the mortiaae ltnder becomes an equal partner In • property.a c quisi t ion or development -bl retur1l. ho\Vever, for often providing up to 100 percent of the Jlnan- cing; "cOnventlon1l Io 1 n s 'wit/1-a'klcker" In which the le~..-. shares Jn 'either. the proj>erty'1 net ..-.,... JD. come: and "equity perUdpa. lions" whereby· ,the lmder receives a percentqe ol the equitJ ~P in addition lo theJnterest yield. Mortgage b a n t l n J com- panl<s lhrooahout Cllllornla ,. ........ !he llate real .. ~ market's o1,,.1e i.g.,. - ol lnstltutlonal capllal -r~ (ram natloDll lenders sucb. as insurance eompanif.a, pen.sioJI a Dd rdirtment systems, U well as out.ol~tate banks and 11avings·and-loan association.!: These lenders generaUy. and the insurance companie s particularly, Baker reports, tend now lo Htk. larger loan's, and aorne form of "growth in· v.olvement." MOllt life lnlurance t."Onl· paniee:, he .e1plains, bave already coinmKted t b e i r mortage fwxl.s through 1970 . Remaining available funds, Bater adds , are I a r g e I y earmarked for the new types , .. of loans 14&s I~~ inlllllonar7 •lnmaies ·la .... cost ol-doin( buslne9L ~. Bater, whole Jiml ·ti rited .. tile 11111 largest m0rt111• banking cOippany In the".••· lion. aener~ny fGJ'~l!b 1 continuation of c~) hist! inttrest rates tor t b 1 foreseeable future. · Ho~·ever. while 1ta~llii1 .if! terms of interest rates IDIY be cleM-ly seveial maolM .Wa)', Baker adds, "Mcmey for lbe commercial propeity niar~ is ctrt.ainl I~ titht than durinf the bst .haU,<>1 llJI. W1 won't see a r~t of the credit crunCh, bUt ;,j riltum: to the pre-19111 ·rnortgate nwtet will be 1 Ion& time In COrD· ing.'' 24() E~hibitors Si8ned Up ·For sPac~~.at Hioirw .Show ' . .., \ ; • ~?me 240 exhibitors out of i dominlum and over a d~ projected total of 300, have eye-catching decorator rooms. already ~igned up for the 1969 The SouJ.:land's leading youiij Los An1eles Home Show May interior designers can claim JWS at , P a n · P a c i f i e credit !or these displays. A\Rlitbrium. according to a Also to be seen will be . a progress report from show n1ainmolh Carpet Center, C9"- director Carl F. Kraatz. tainlng samples of over (oo "With four-fifths ol our total different· types of carpets, space $Old only a month and a rugs and hard Door covering. half away from the opening," All kinds o£ materials, colors, said Kraatz, "it appears the designs and teztures will be Home Show this year will shown. A pre-fab. t h r e e rea_llY. be what we like to bedroom vacation home. sell· claim e\rery year -the ing for under $8000 will be on largest' and m o s t com-display . The house is com- preheruive ever!" pletely decorated and funiish- ' i ' wheels, will ~ erected M the auditorium parkln1 lot, An Art Callerla, pnsmtln1 over 100 por:trails, landscapes, s t 111 lifes, etc:, painted by so me· of the nation·s· leadhlg paint.en will be ·still another popular eichibit. Home accessories. kitchen and b, a t h r o ·Q tri ~ulpment, gadgets: the latest 1a • ~lnlS and painting tech n l·g ~es, furniturt , m o d e I kitmen,,, stove. refrigerators, drl.pis'. plineling by the score . --111 will be part of -the 1961 Los Angeles Home Show. Kri.atz said he could pro--ed by one of the nation's!;:;::===;::====;;:::; mise home owners, home leading ch a i n department! HAPPY bu}'trs and a p a r t m e n t stores. 1 dwellers a wide variety ·of ~.Mobile Home Villa1e. C!ll1·1 5,.~·;; b; ~!'!"; "ih:•::~: unusually interesting exbJbits taining a number of ma~ive l ENDER In th e DAILY ·.PILOT keyed to help them i n -;i;buiiti-.co:.:.m~f~ortai;:b~lei.-~h=ou~'""~"'iin~-~· iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:;iiii:~ii;i;~ decorating and furni.sbing1r --·~ ----..._ th eir homes, in remodeling. ARCHITECTS FORM PARTNERSHIP Newport's · Rich1rd Leitch; Sam Kiyotoki Newport Architects Forming Partnership houses and in buying and · building new ones. ! "Every conceivable idea and ! suggestion for constructing a· residence will be foucd at the Home Show this year," said Kraati. adding. "We'll be shqwing , liD • avalanche of ne"•ly-developed prQducts and accessories, many of them in· troduced to the public for the first time next month at the Pan~Pitcific." . Among the spectacUlar ex·! hibits will be a magnificent ~ichard Leitch. presipenl ol Currenlly Leitch·Kiyotoki is bachelor's p, nth 0 use con.II Richard Leitch & Associates, d e s i g n i n g master·planned Inc., Vchilects and land plan· coinmunitles, apartments, and ners of Newport Beach, has ·announced the. fe:rµiation ol,, resorts in Hawaii. Flori~. 8_m•f _.&-. 5 .. n,d '~,"',~: ~ R,ichard Leith-Sam JGYQtoki &. COiorado, Chicago, N e w .. r ~ ~oc:iates, namine.., c-h i e f J~rsey, the Bahamas, and k' de&igner -Sam Ki y 0 t 0 k i • numerous developmenl.!.on Ule WIDS. . -~ Hono' r aichitect, il partner. West Coast. Among nolablt "With Kiyotok1 betOmil).g a California assignments are ' t partner," said Leitch, "we are master planning for · 13,000 FO.l' Tilm' g' tonnalizing our team efforl acres in Rancho California. which has ~en responsible for and the land planning and . .. I See By Today's Want Ads; THAT IT'S DIME • ' A. Ull DAYlll ·11'•,1ender will have to di sclose the total.=~ in· terMt "J:ate in connection with a fii'st trust deed.I ~he total flll\lC• charge over the life of the trust deed will noL~avt.¥ be disclosed as to ~urchase-mO!ley first trust deed, the): will have to be disclosed' as to other first trust deeds. A !>ome bl.Iyer must be' fnformed. of the tfue an· nua1 1 intijftt rate he is payillg under his purchase· moA~y-~ trust deed ; be doesn't have.lo be in(ormed of t)j~ tot.al dollar 11\llO\Ult of the financing cost to him our major projects." hon1e design for Headland The Surf & Sand Towert1 In 1·~ ~~~::::'.~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~ Associated with the lirm Properties. lnc.'s development Laguna' Beach. custom tiled Ir -~--· Stewart Utle Com~y o( almMl since its inception in of 3,000-acre Sunset ~lountain by Davis Tile Co. of Newport Oranit County has reported 19$3, Kiyotoki, like Leilch, is a Park in West Los Angeles. Beach. was JbOnored recently it! beat year tn cOmpany graduate of ~ University of A .frequent lecturer to pro· by the Ceratnlc Tile InStitute history, according lo Chet Southern California School or fessional a ss oci at io n s as the winner or the masters Umber~•.m, of Corona del Architecture. While still an throughout the country, Leitch a\11ard, living units multiple, f\Iar. dilcnct manqer of the undergraduate, he created is a member of the Orange for 1968. Sarita ADl·baseoi finn. new approaches .to. the design County Chapter of AIA, the Awards were givtn to con- o! land and structures as an Urban Land Institute, the Na· tractor Trevor Davis; Thomas llffCI D UIPl·STlllfD: Land· Of. the Dons . . over!be ¥f• of the trust deed. . '\vi\b. a second trust deed, the lender will have' to di~;liOtl! the total annual inter.tot .r.i,le;.oo,!be total dOllar &mount of financing cost. The borrower will also ba* thlie days in which to cancel U.e transaction. The's)atute, by its definition of lit• term "creditor," lnctlides only creditors who "regUlarly" extend or ar· ranJ•._for the extension ol cN!dil for which tile patment of a 'finance charge is r'ecjuired. It 'WOUid appear .that a purtjtase-money second ·trust deed · g'iven to· a private home s'eller would not be subject to the provisions of the statPte~ '· · · ' ;The, ~sclosure provisions of the recent~y adopted Conaumer Credit Protection Act become effective as of July 1, 1~9. tli,tT •• \MOTf:: IW11t R. M"'irdle 11 In lnveitmenl 1~1ty$t, ,retldMt el fht "Ml • ..,..rs, 1 c.11"• lfdvrw, 1 df'1(toor et 111.e C1111oo ... 11 Auoc:l1110n et l~I i:ftQt' ,-_,,...., ~ _, ..... , E.t1le ... Cll~ll." SW mrr l ues!le!\• 11!111 .~ tt lltlltllt II. McC1,._, c/1 IM DI"°' ,1161. lb 1560, c.:.11 fMll -l ll~uaiters ·of VTN I • 1 , £tit.ns E'lectric Award r • -, - I J -, ' ' • fte ae-m new VTN features for cmploye comfort, ~C~y office bead-he said. ~ tcr·voorbell-Trindle-Irlcluded are an 1ll~lectric ~ton • .;Jnc., an:blt.ecturaJ 1od kitchen and cafeteria, a gym- apeclaUlls. has nasium, siuna room and SOuthtrn C•WO!'ftia showu1. 1btre ill a complete \. CQmiany's coveted library, a computer division .. AU-l:lrietrlc "1iklina Award'' and • compW:tie rt:prodll(tion lontl..vt..l U..Uence. l1cilUy. J. ,JI;; "all, Soulht11ten1> 'COmlort conttOI will be pro. Dlfllllil salM llanqtr for . vlllM .yW-'...u..i -tlh total .,..., ~ <tbt apoc;,i eWlrk ,...__....,...,.,., he ....... '"" Carllon ... c: .• . . ". , It; "llll" *"""' partnn In • ' lti ....... ""· Ibo . 'modern V'Dl, lifiooiunctlon whll open • -·JilbUDl .~bout -..Uvflln held cm Fri-1"' l!dllol eioceo<li llandard.< 4of.--.., • Mt ~-dll~llom lna ll n g . t.o.miod' at 13111 Campus ·~ Wtty, Nail said. llrjft, • Irv~ the a.a-. ~ Ont.•inn1n1 bulldlna -.., loot' conttmporll'J-WU conslr'cilad. by Ak:o- ..... flructure c 0 n t I I DI PaclOc. Plans-V.'tT'e dtalped -~-of office rpace by Marko E. Bolich, a vice ... a ,llmber of all-tltclrlc pmldeot of VTN. DIMES TO DOLLARS i/ Jn add.IUon, the expanded integrated concept, con-tional Association of Home W. ~tcCorkell of Laguna subdivision "deparftnent bead· tributing to the ·philo~ophy ·of Builders. the American Socie-Beach. fo r architectural edd b1y ~tam•~~Ont1elfh ha~ total envi ronmenial design ty of Planning Officials, and design ; B. F. Syfan Corp., eve oi""" greai.g vo ume anu which has become a hallmark Tau Sigma Delta, th e Laguna Beach, for general a new dimen.sion to the opera·· of the Le.itch firm: honorary architect u r a J contracting; and Golden State lion. The team's work A a $ farternity. Properties, Inc., Laguna Stewart Title's parent firm, resulted in many awards, in-Senior associates in the new Beach. o~·ner. U.S. Financial of San Diego, eluding House and llome·s corporation are Wilson V. Davis Tile earned a Ceramic has it!t the over·the-counter "lop performer" award of Wood.man. W. Warren Walker, Tile Institute Gold Plaque, as stock market buzzing with 1968 : American Builder Gold and Richard K. Fleming, did Jts mechanics, Woodrow their rapid climb from a value Nugget home design awards: architects. and Chester Maness, Walter of · $10 a share in May or land planning awa,rds and Offices will continue to be Carey. Jerry Colborn, AIM!rt la~ year to $64.00 in lhc faU, numerous other architectural located at 1730 West Coast Hopkins, Edward Jackman, when lhc sloc:k ~'as split two awards and p\audets. High\\·ay, Newport Beach. Jerry Webb and Walter Scott. for one. It has increased toi------------~----'--------=--------·11 $31 now. Umberham stale<! that this growth reflects t h e en· thusiasm for service provided by their division and others within the corporate structure. "Nothln& can be subs\ituted for enthuslastic sen>ice in the market place t o d 1 y , '·' Umberbam &aid. Stewart TlUe has over 270 offices thf'DUChout the United Stales, and was established in lM9. Boom Seen In Trailers ·Builders have pluqed into the housing gap of the genera· lion• by developing half of the C04pttry'1 new mobile home subltivlslons, according to an IO'llclt In the Man:h 1• issue of floule and Homt MaauJne. 'llte article. entftled "Builders move In on mobile home boom -as land developers," states t h 1 I builders are sttklng mobllchomt park ldvice from planntni consult1n1.S such IS W1lters and Son, Inc. or Newport Beach. The article reatuns 1n elaborate park deaiJn pl1Med by W1lten •nd Son, one of the nation's leadin1 de 1I1 n englneerln1 firms, with 26 parks currently u n d t r w 1 y throulh!Krt the country. 1 STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of el:....._. Ora119e County Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM . From Fashion Island, Newport Beach .. UNSPOILED, SECLUDED 2'1: to 3 acre-rancho siteS amid the' great oaks of Cleveland Natiqnal Fomt ... . . ~ . ~· ~p in tbt great oak~ San Oemetrte~ and Ne~ . of 1be . Cle•eland ~atioDJI ~eacb. Only 23scc:nie mHes For~ ~ •JOO.sere idud¥ fr~m San J uaa Capi1truo... · rollin1 hills, warm -valleys~ 'Rancho Capita'llio .liltl ft l'~Jlldesbownas~ prlttci from$8.£00.to Sl8Pl\ C~oo. Vutreacbc:softba terms JO% down, 15 x-r.. NatlOl'lal Foreat recreation.~• 1trttch in every direction: a Oovernmc:nt"'Owned bUttee 11ainst population anil CON..: mertial encroachment." .. Rancho C1pistrano will bc1~r to jusl 133 owners, in/•• •ifffpk. Each or the ·2 M to J 1cre 'sites ls cle1red •na •ccessible 10 utilities 1rld pied l'Old."Ancieot Span;rj oab Ifill teaed OD aK)ft ol the aita. This private JU'\llltrye. 011ce told, cao DO"rtt ff dupl icated . Pl~asa"t Sc•,.ic Driv•: San11 Ana /S;iiJrDic:ao F~ >1'lllY 10 historic .S111 Ju1a C1pi!t rano, 1he11. et!t ol\ Hwy. 74 <Ortega H"I')'., ud follow 1he 1igos. Frtutl Po1•10f!a or Rir•nilll: DriV9 10 Corona, tbia. eatl on }hwy, 71. &o Ji~. 74_ IOI.Ith •nd follow tllc, Citlr•nce aign. At ~ C.p;strlllO .,...11 - atjoy 111Utt:d sec:lusioe for '* Jnfinite future. dte bcnt_y bl ":::' t.-o privue. ltt'Um·ffd lat#, ~":'::!' I '"\ • a temperate )"CIMOUnd el(awe ..... ':"";;.,.,.\~"3l!Crr~\ at lmft. eln1tion . .,.4 30-CM"fl7'>• • minute 8Ccctl &o coutll r~ /• atioa I t 1.tpu, 0.~.~' '--'---...!.:-=::=__-!0::::1!:1 ._ iiila~cDis~Two '4510C...po1Dri,., Sui" 2. Newport.loocil, Calil. 931\6(1 t7J4j 5*1943 .. - ---------~--·---------------------------------~----~~--------.-·------------·----... -·-~---~-.. ---~·--·---,, ' ' -.Aloi26,IW.. . ' ,. D.<.Y .... lf R-a~ticipatiott · ~Loan. t ives .Mortgager '.~ri~ce Qi A.~Yo~.·: A~ tlnd ol inorle•c• pcevlously reslated lhls lnnd abor!a .. _.,.I< be Just says, the llde bu tutned. eaoh ytar. Wllb .a "piece o! leutS !or ~· lhio ·11.o Wb<e !hi Income~· cliah, the 1-. ?F , ta )looomlas lncruSlnal1 com· lll'Omw·on lhe bandw.,...10 over the borlsoa. -·he eallmates, -• lhl\D the l<lleo," .the ltndJn& In. yeara." . , , , bulldlnt IO'I ohove a cti1aln the money 1114-. mdO In fioW>dnc ll>llriJllCll'is ma117· Cls<s, lhe wcalnlnc Is p l rllclr.llon morlga.... halt lhe -h 11 b • r i .. alllulloo bu .. cbani'!' ~ share For their ~patlon,.moel minimum. lhe ltndtr rtctlvu JUp(illea the laJ\11 • ... aJ1!f c:ommarcll) bllll'lnP. \o-ltsf over whelhor \hero il>all partlcular y oo large 1hoppln1 >Plrlmtnll art b<lna !lnaoctd In lhe \nflal•ry 1plral. If ltrldero don I oiler slplflcant a pOl1Jon oMlie excesl. how. , >' / day. . be a partic,lpatlon than over cent.en, have betn known tor with Partlcipatlona ind JO •rt the rent& io up, IO wJU tu in-conceulou On Interest rate. tn other actangernent s, the Anothtr 1t1Jt SE,~· It'& ~lied a parllclpallon ~ form the parllclpaU.. wW at 1..,1 15 1'!11"• Diiiey tx· a good nuinbtt of jirden come !rom the I°". loin !or a lon1cr period. ll'hil lendtr may roc<lve a perctn· lion ta the iale, hi '1 \ol•· Ltsa'lormally, 11'1. knolln tikt. plains. Bui lhey romaine<! rare 1p11lment.. Ptnllon !undo, "Aparlmtnll and mel•b art rt<ju(a the· de ' e I op u ' 1 tage ol lhe builcl!na'• PfOlit. or which Iba le"! !""'i ""' • u "a p~ "-the .aiqn," or ''The participations are on until abo\rt two yean aco. some commercl1t bNW and the particlpeUoa vehicles motit "COM .. ~' -hb .amJU•l a smaller per&:nla1e of the Jej:l alter ~ -or a lolu with 1 "k.M(:ker." top of -oot in lieu ol -U · Then I number ot llfe' In-some..aavlngs banks have jol1t-dtslred by lenders today," _...& ~nt.:-~ii . tot1l lncomt. 10Mttbne1 ~ .. land lt gives tht: lending in· trtmely high interest rat.es -surance companies lntrod~ ed the life companies as D4iley says. "Office buildings usuatlY-hls larceit single ex-In another form o .-Ullder the sriJlct ·r ind 1titutlon the rlibt to shart in BV4, I~ percent." them as a method of financing participation lenden. without , ~ tenanU are peme. 6iDce ipost . de~ participation, the l~r al ~· It ~ fo 1t b e 1 \he.~ a new ~lding "·Ill ParticiJ)itions are one big the ·up.urge ln apartm.ent con-Resistance to participations next ln popularity. That's are more Interested In GK! an-becomes a part owner of the;-.#,dtveloper. .TM-.r •r. 1a • r ceneraie;. Lenders like it rtUln .apartmept developefS struction. The method w,s at ha$ weakened, Dalley Slly~. because all these are not 1u!>. nual ca.sh flow than in a gtven project. Thlf ii ~n as equi-~.t 18~n&emettt ~ .- bec:•u'&e it's a rie4ae a&ainSt are getting more than 1thelr ~l more talked about than because bu l I d e r·s' now ject to Iona: tenn leases, hence interest rate, this concession ty partlcipaUon. One1fdrm thisr t_peaf) to IOmeo ~~" irif14-tl.on. · • . share of the natlon'J ever pr•ctt~. Strong developers recogpite that rapla' inflation car. move more qu!Ckly to ad-has a st~g ap~aJ. takes is: the joint venture,~ ·'becfUle. it ""' a "Partldpatlon fin~lng Is tighter supply of mortgaae resisted any proposal to share eats ~way lbe value of a fixed-juit their rents to the in-The most common form of where the lend.inc institution chance to sblte m·L tlr bet'bminl i way of life in the money. For other secton· of in their income. In~ loan. The doltars they flltlona~ . s p Ir a I. Few partlOpaOon, Dailey reports, and d~r become. $M0 benefits of rut ••tat c apartment incjustry," ,\dvance the h(lusing lndult.ry, a mone.y WllhUi the past year, Dailey pay back will be worth lea ap:artnlents tOdly will aign is a share or the "overage.'' partners. Typically; in aqcb ownership. .. Mort&~e Corpbration's cur-1-----'------------------------------------------~----r-,.------------.,-.+-, rent Wl1'!r.,of u:s., Jjousing I f I ~\artets repo~. "Such loans are· rePorled from ·every part or the U.S." Advanct ll-1ortgage v i c e president J. Theodore Dailey observes: ·~· al)d bulid.m ~ho · CdM'~ Sfd C•rnine CdMBuilder .. New NAHB -Group Chief Syd Car'nine or Ccirona del ~lar, new chairman of the mortgage finance committee of the National Association of Homt Builde~. has ret.umed home from Washington, D.C., where he attended a meeting lo discuss plins ·for action by the committee this year. Eugene A. Gulledge, NAHB president, appointed Carnine ~o lead the 1960 efforts of the association to find ways to ·lnake more money available for home fiJlllncing on the m06t reasonat>le tenns possi· ble. .• , Carnine is •· ,member and secretary of the Building Jndustry Association of Callfomia heid(luartered in Los Angeles. The BIA is al· filiated ·.with .. the ~ l , 0 0 0 · member .NAllB. A graduate of the University or ~ .Calilunia'.Scliool o[ Arcb~,--Cirni:9.e .is·a partner (n..AJscot. Development Co., which builds 250 'to JOO homes per year and has built 8.000 home! in California tine!: 1957. The committff he beads will hqld its ntJl meeting . with oilier NAHB 'ltllia!m. ,111.' IS. 21r·· at· 'wMltingiort, wh:. jt · Pla'!JS~ _t.o ~mmend new policy~~ aeti.on .proarams designed l!> cleat tae way for il1CnllM prciduttlOO and flnan. cibg . 'Ill ~-· homes· and ·~'.needed .... 1he n.flM. r ' • ' I ; r -·~ 1, :~ ~~·, • ·-•• " ' ! -• ' ; I ~ Filin; 11~~h, Eqµality ,ti · Housing '!be Loo A'1g<les Colmly Board of, Supmilors lw .Pr:feented a-reso1Utim·~ com- m0nrlali6n, to lhe Oal~omia Rear •Estate A.sJOClatlon for 'making a motion picture in :suppOrt ot equal opportunit)' ;in hOu&ing:. R¢ard A. White, .depUt1 to Ernest E. Debs, .supervison chairman, made the praentatlon to Emmette T~ GatewOod, Jt., of Los ~atos, CREA president. d~ in& a· quartefly meeting . of the association's board of 'dtmton at the Ambassador )loltl, Loo Anaties. , 'lbe ~minute film, "A House to Uve In," in. sOund and color, 13 a documen!*Y £bowloi tho expe~eoca of 1faur Negro families • wbo b•oucbt homes In !prtdomlnantly white sUbu~ !, r'Jt WU 111ade," GatewoOd ·-menled, "lo help provide ~lgbl . lnlo aclual we. and 'dlipel furs that are un · ~ouncled.'' lie .. 1d II allO ldoc..q>inlf PIOC"lluru ......,. ~ l>t .MU lo It.I 17~ 11oCll rul ' eattte boitdl fer '.lnvullpllnc Charge< of raclal ,dbcrln)lnaU.. by one of lllj manbon. I · • ' . Sandpointe .Homes in Ora,nge County. Over 2 million dollars in sales so far. DAY Mag·nificently fumished models. Complete with ;built-in kitchen$, sliding serving windows and bar. Spacious family rooms. Dining rooms. Vaulted ceilings. Many other elegant features included in · · · ; · : ~ the purchase price.Three, four and ......... Li ; five bedrooms from a low $27,395. .. VA, FHA, and conventional financing available. Sandpointe is only 15 . . ··" .. ~ minut'~ from the beach-yet retains ~f.£..=2§~~ ~ ~·con~ience. Make your mqve ~ ~~-=-==;=~-©:s~NPPOINTE. Fast. 't •. ~ne Buggy . · ", · ~t ~~~'a Grand 0peni~! Sundayaftf11~., · 1'27,.11p.;m.to4p.m. ·~ ' ' . .. ©Witch 1bi: profllll~I dune buggy r10era mllch th.ir.aidll aver a ' o I t • 1 • clemancllng 1111 ~·~. . ' ' ' 6) Call prll9I awarilid to wlnnn. ' ' ©'Four main wt1, plua qualifying l*t rmc11 .. - ,, j ' I ------------------ • • \ r'."."-~:;;.;..,1«-·-·""' ... ~... • . ..... ,\..., .. ,~ .~ ,, .... ... .... • • '. • • • • ..... o;.-. ,. I • " •·• • "~ •• -••. -. -. -. ;:..;;;.::·.-.-.-.-.--.--.-.-----.-.-.-.-. ·.---·-:.-:-.·:-.'1..-.-.-.----.. -.-.. ·:-.·--.-.·:-. -.• -."::-.·.-_ ..... -.:..----.-."••. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. _--. -. ,..._-.-----------·"--.-.::-:-=::;;:;.;;:;:;:;;.;3":::,...--:; • • • ~ f ' .. : ~ .. ,. . ' •' -~ ------7""----------o--~~-~--=-----..,--------;--~-;---;-;• -· ' • ' ,. ' ! I > • • • l, • • .. I ( • • \ l. ' ' !' I > l • • . • • • • > ' I ' " I • ' ' •• ' • . , _L_ ' ,, • for Friday, Apr.ii 25, 1969 • I , I I ------------- • ·M<Klern· Mommy . Changing Rules DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm the motller of a girl l·usl tumed 13. I thlnlt your stand agalnstgolng stNdy 1 outmoded and rldiculolU. Debbie lias lltenilly blos- somed since I said she could go stea<ly will\ Rl<;k, a dar1Iog boy of 15. Her grades bavt goo• u~, s~e is muQli more CQC>Peratlve arou{Ki the house, an.d ~vpry one 11as noticed· an Im--"'-----'---'..,c_; provement in her dls posi· ti on. Beren Debbie went steady she was a nervous wrec.k wor- ryi11& aboul whether or not sht'd have a date to this party or that tchool affair. It was P&lhelic to see the poor girl rush to answc.r the phone - and then her look of disap- pointment when it v.·un't for her. Going steady these days means nothing more than hav- ing a boy to count on. So please, Ann, <'hange your stand. It's eonsidered a trqedy these days for a young g i rl to be datele!S. -'IllOROUGHLY MODERN MOMMY DEAR MOMMY: ADd who made It a lr•&edy for • youni &trl &o be d1telt11? Their ad· dlebrataed, IOClaJly 1mbllloa1 -n. Girl• who 10 Jttady 11 13 1rt bored 1Uff at II. Tbere'1 notllac ltft to do but 1et m1r- ried. Al 11 they're led ap wUb mantace bec•111r it w11a't lib UM: mevlet. So Utty 1et dlYorced. AC U tbty'rt jaded. barDed oat ud. ready for ille 1lue factory. And t It e Ir molltus write te AD.n Ludera: and a1k, "Wbere did I fail ?" arr.aid to stay alone. To puolsh us she SUS In the dltlc and refuses to turn oo the rad.lo or TV. She won'I cook foe henr:Jf and goes for ·~YI without eating. Yesterday she took my husband aside and bunched up her skirt waistband to show him how much weight she hll!I lost. P.ty mother·in·law has .suc- ceeded in making her son feel so guilty he is no good as a husband. We have no su life, argue 811 the Lime and arc heading toward the divorce court. If anyone ever needed advice, I do. Can you help me? -GRAND ISLAND DEAR GRAND: Tbe pro- tlem i1 not your mother-ln- law. it's yoar husband. But don't you be the oot to tell him. Tbe la1t penoa wbo should talk to a man aboul bis mama bang-ap Is his wife. Urce him to stt a psychiatrist, DEAR ANN LANDERS, My wife has a cousin· Who loves to gOS!ip. Millie ha.s dinner at our home often (too often) and monopolizes the conversation with her juicy tidbits about who's doing what to whom. I'm sick of this woman's big ,.. _ _,, -MR • mooth and have told my wife it b not good for-our cbJJdren to listen to such tripe. My wife says Millie is interesting and her information is factual. Comment, please? -SHAKER HEIGHTS DEAR SHAKER: Tell your '{lfe ak can lilt.en to tb.t m11d slingiq: dutn:1 tlit afternoon if •he wanUI to, but It 11 not 1ood for tbe kidt. Grab the convenationa1 hall by uklrlr one of &lat ~dtta a querdon -ud let lllem n• with II. Ul'IW~ of YWtUlf on d1tnr.'Nh•l'j •lllhlf Wllel'I WfDllll1 $lieu you Shtuldlr'I -? Send flt AM L1ndef11' bodr.llt "'°"11M Dell Incl Doft'tt," etw;loa!N wllfl YOYt" ,,_,, l5 (lflll lfl c.i" •rMI !-:!....., 1•lf-t...,.111td. ··~--AM~SF ~·led Ito .... I. -w1111 -.._al. nwm , "'' I" c..-1 U ... T I OT, ~io.lnci • ltlf Ill l'llYlllOt DEAR ANN : My mother-in- law became a widow after 35 years or marriage. We knew the period or adjustment would be difficult. but we didn 't think It would wreck our marriage. Scientists Have Secret After crying lor months aver all ''the reminders in the big bou1e," we succeeded in moving Mother into an apart ment. Now she says she's DEA'l'll NOTICES SCHUMACllEK Dr. M.. J-kl••1m11el'l~r. ll.9t "9, ol inn M1Clf11 LIM, Munllft8IO" hltPI. Dti. l'I ott11~. _..,,11 lS. ~r~l\leocl tw "lk , £ml•r: SOI\, Jot1t rtYI two d•uthlf<ll. l..a</<t .,..S Sl/1 ...... ; 1\fl>CllU .... ltr. Mf1. ltfltltrt G. Nlln; ,,,.. tiett1-. o.o,... •n<I Fr1nlt Grftn; i..... ~r•nd<l!Hdrtfl: Nrflll•. """· •nd Mr1. Mtrllfl kl>umK,.. rr. hn'lcu, Tunday. 1t:JCI AM, PHl F11nl"" Colanlt! FUMr1! -· Ftmlly '-'" tlloH wl1l1\n1 I• ""'lit ,,_111 ~0001rrw1oM. 111Htt tot1trlbuk 1o sr. Franc!1 H-1111, L'fnMICld. or Jr. 1M111t1 He1Hlt l<UOCLlllll!I. WATKINS ltobetl Eclwtrd Wtllll111. 0...<>er of 'fe Old 11111, NtWllOrf .. IC~. llttllcltnl •I in1 G•dwk); SI., Com"10!1. Dti. 01 tlttltl, ...-11 2l. 511rvlv116 bot Witt, Allll• J. W1llllN1 toll, Knln Edw1rd, AM S, Serva. wlN bl Pleld Mondty, I ,.M, In· tlewood "•rti: C'-1, 31CI Mtncht1h!r Blvd.. l!>llewoocf. 1111.,mtnl, ln1ltwood Pfrk Ctml'ltrY. ARBUCKLE l WELSH Westcllff Mortuary 4Z7 E. 17Ur St .. Cosiar Mesa -BALTZ MORTUARIES C.rwu dtl ~lar OR S-M5t , Colla Me.. ~u f.UU BELL BROADWAY llORTUARY 111 Broadway, Co1U1 Mt11 u l-3U3 DILDAY BROTBERS Rutln(IDB Valloy Mortury 17111 Beacll Blvd. H1111tlation aeach 14!-'ITTI PACIFIC VIE\V 'IEMORIAL PARK l"..emetery e l\1ortu1ry Cbapel 3511 P1ciflc View Drh·c Ncwpon Bue•. California 144-1711 PEEK FAl\ULY COLONIAL n JNERAL HOME '1•1 8'lu ATC. "-'" ... ' llS-3.l!S SHEFFER MORTUARY '-'Bea<~ <M-lW ... a..tate •ie.111 SMJTD'S MORTIJARY 11'1 Mala St. Bat .. ctoa Beath LE "539 Of Mystery Antibodies ATLANTIC CITY, N. J . (AP) -Scientists have found a clue to the mystery of bow you stay alive and healthy despite attacks by billions ·of germs and viruses. Their achievement might help in building better defenses against diseases. And it might also assist in com· bating nature's law that your body should reject a borrowed heart, kidney or other organ. Scientists of the Rockefeller University in New York City have spelled out, for the first time. the complete c hemical structure of an antibody. Antibodies are p r o t e i n molecules that destroy or eliminate anything foreign to you as an individual whether it be bacteria, a virus Jike the one which causci; Hong Kong flu, or even a transplanted heart that you desperately need. KNOWN AS ANTIGEN Any such foreign substance ls known as an antigen. The antibody formed against it is thus a key chemical in im- munity. nature's defensive mechanism. And, it turns out, an an- tibody plays a double function. Part of it recognizes the foreign "something" or an- tigen in the dark interior of the living body when they touch. Once it locks in on the antigen, the rest of the an- tibody acts as a policeman to neutralize the invader. The feat of determining the exact chemical structure of an antibody was reported by Prof. Gerald M. Edelman at opening sessions or t h e Federation of Amer le an Societies for Experimental Biology. "We believe that we are now closer to a satisfactory ex- planation of lhe chemical and genetic bases for the Im- munity process,'' he said. PURE ANTIBODY Dr. Edelman and associates have chemicaJly analyzed a pure antibody or im· munoglobulin. produced In a ::i'itio~:~ a tunno known as Their chemical a n a I y s I s spelled out the compl~te se- quence of the units -amino acids. or building blocks of protein-that make up chains in the antibody molecule. They also identified the chem- ical bonds that hold these chains togethtr. It is the largest protein molecule ever to be analyzed this way, Or. Edelman said. Specifically, it contains 1,320 amino acids, I9,9116 ·atoms, ~nd it weighs 150,000 times as much as a single hydrogen atom. VARIABLE REGIONS Four chains in the antibody molecule ea('h c o n t a i n "variable regiom" and "con· slant regions." ht; said. The variable regions play the seeing eye dog role. Their variability p e r m i l s an enormous number of com· binatlons with f o r e I 1 n materials, so that the antibody can rerognize an "enemy." Once It fits with the antigen in a kind of key-and·lock fashion , the other portion or the antibody aclll to neutralite the invader. Each cell that makes an an- tibody seems lo possess all the information to make any kind needed. Once a meeting or antibody and antigen occurs. the cell is triggered into action to prcr duCf: huge amounts of the k.ind or antibody called for at that time. Dr. Edeln'lan's collaboratol'3 included Dr. Bruce A. CUn· ningham, Dr. Myron J. Wax- d1l. W. Elner Gall, Paul D. Gotllieb, Un Rutishauser. and Dr. William H. Konigsberg. now at Yale UniVtrslty. Enrichment Plan Tested Gifted students at Davis Intermediate School, Costa ~1esa. are participating in a Student Tucher Enrichment Program (S.T.E.P.). The f!l youngsters mtet after :ichool to participate in 3 wide variety ol special in- terest projects. This ytar's program has In- cluded rield trip8 to see "The Taming of the Shrew,'' Jtt. lures by a psychologist, an Egyptologist. ;i m o u n I a I n (·limt>tr and A psychiatrist. and reading .and di scuss.ion group~. STARS • STARS· STARS GALORE! CBl..E•IU'l'Y GOLF 'l'OVRNAMEN'l' - AND DINNBfl.DANCE SAT. MA¥ 3ltD Over -40 T.V. encl Motion Picture Pe"onalitt e, ... Play Golf- Dine •nd Dane• ot Simply Mtet Your Fevorit• Stars. * Don Adan * Richard Arlen * Alan Hale * Santly ICOl!fu * Mlcliey Rooney plu1 35 lllOl'e AUTOGRAPHS PICTURES PRIZES lew11111Mi• N•wl N!Hltl .......... C.C. 11f 17" 1'""' " ................ SJ6·2412 Grffn FM $15 Dinner For l $15 Spectator• $1 ~-----·------------------- LIOAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE c1am1cATa o,. •11stM111 1 ___ LE~G'.'.AL~~N~OTl~CE~---l--;;;;;LJ:O;.;;AL<.;;;N;;OTI'OiC•E'iiH<-l;o;;c;<LE"G;;;AL;;;;;;N;;OTI"°'"c'E"'""'" •tcnnous .. ,.,.. I-sv•t•tolt COVlllT OI TMI MOTICI o .. UITWMTM)ft TO ....... . Thi ..,.,.._. .. di'tlf'y """' .,. ll-aaall ST,t.Tt 01' CAl.tP'O•MIA l'Oa IM THE SAi.i 01" At.Cl ... LIC c.nductlM • b\lllM: .. •I 1111 w. K.11 .. llt. ClllTl .. ICAT• OP' IUll .. ISI Tltl COUlfT'I' •• oaAIMI •tVIU•llS ~.:;,...Ctl~~T':l~"T:. ,ICTITIOlll MMI .... .MmJ _ .. u .. r TlltNATIOMAL .... fh I i. ti • '" -= ... cwtllY IM la~ lllOTKI 0" M~l l ... 01" l"tTITION TO WHOM IT MAY COMCEllN: " I! 1 u "" du<tlnt t -« lllH H• ..... IM.. ·•0111 PllOIAT•· °" l"Ol;llO• WILL SWllCI 11 IUINN:I -" !tit ~ =: ::H ~fol=-_..~_.,.. C.11 ~ ClllflrJIJa. 4'111111' 1111 tie. AN• l'IOI LllTf'llU TllTl.MIMTA•Y .,ild ,_ ,_Ike 11 llllfth' '"'"' ftltt ij fltlowl· 1 '" ll'I tttl-flfl" ntlN Clf llAC~ IM-....... -' MAIOLO •. WINIC!lMAH, 1111 ~"Ii.Nd ll'Cl;Mllft II MH •~It .. . l"Oa11 .,... ""' ""' "''" • ..,....... " OMet• · --,... A•TttUa J, "LYNN, 17UI ..... _, Jt1t flUtwlftl ".-, .,_ -111 f11H NOTtei! ti HEll!l'f GIVEN TM! ......... ..,.,•I 1"" -', H~~ii:cr..~r: .. .llU Nt'#Ulllt. ...... .,. ''-" "' ,..~ Is .. hl""'9: 1_.. ..... I. v • ..._. "'' llllO """"' • as ~.-::~i Btld'I ''""· """'mt'"" • Mofl'fllNf LOI.II.. Mlltlll, 1414 ~ Nttti.ii 1., Jf11 "'oDtok Ill 1111 F°"'1111 ' E11C1,.., Dnw .... _. .. tcfl, C•llllnll• Wiii d "" *.....,..,.... *..,.,,' IM tor 81tdl, C•llitorfll.o MAalO l'ITA.M!, <111' ~I• ~. Dtllll Allrtl \1, Utt llM ..._ tt ltttll'I h1llml'fllll'Y lo l"..,,_I to 9UC1t 1111 ... llllt. 1M ~,.. .... :i:•IH. 9lllikl MM01m Lwtt. NIN Htltlofllt It ftKVlrfll, ..ttreO\Ct te """lch dt•iltfMd It •1>11.,lftt » !flt ti.Nrt-11t -· ti."" A,:,: tt ~~ ITATf OF C,Al..lf'OltNIA I II tl'IMI tw fWHr 11rflclllln. 1rwt ltlll of Akdlol k lot,,.._ Conftll ler b-• Jtdl ~',.. "" COUNT'r Of' OllANOI! I 11 N firM tnd -114"• -' lle1rl,,. IM ume tit lr111Si.,r , I/I .,. •l~ --... ""'"' Pltll,. °" """I 11, IW, ....... me. • Molt,., Mt *' ... ..., MIY '· Ifft, ti t:• '·"'-· I"°"'" Cor l1oe11ws1 ,... ~ ......... ITATE OP' CALl•OlllOA. I l'"*lk In &1111 fw ~l.s 11&11!; "1'-Uy I~ h ---Of 0_,.rtmerll NL l of It follOwt: COUHTY OF OIU.HGll! I H ,,..., .. Mel'Ml'tf UiAu Nlft ~ II M.fd llPlll't, .. ~. llllt W. Ull ON SALE 8Eflll Oii ,,,,u 2S, 1Ht Mfwt nw • -NI .. IM ""'°" _.... lllmt It lfl'tlt, Jft tllt' Clf'f ti S.0111• Alll. MY-dellrkl• ti !Wtll!ll tti. 11-1"• ""'-"' l'ftllc Ill ~ f!tf' M1411 •• ...-.U"*I " "" wntlll lllflnllM!lt •NII C1H•1rni.. of well llc•nM(I} ""' 1111 • 'llflfW Taurus: --llY ... ......, A11fll,ir J l"~M, ·~Nd!Jff lhl hKVlllll "" --0111111 ¥N 11, \fff. P<°'9sl •1111 1ny lfllce ti t111 0..•,..,_I JKll: kttH. Mltrlt l'lte,.., ._ .. (Offkltl Still W. E. IT .l()HI( C-r, Clerk. d Alalhlllt .. _._ c.trfl'OI, wltlt ht FN "' .. h ---...._,_ -M•IY IC, Hlfl?' •.•Mii .. IC..... lO .. YI of tM di!• ti. H ....... "'"""""_. MIO!Krlllif JO "" ,wl;lflln r11t'"""*'t &Ml ~~.!c't.~~~· ~!lfrlrnl• ::=,.et~ 8IWI. WI'• flr1t _...,, 11•!11111 fl'lllnllt :.ttr 1clulowltdNcl tllW ....,tW nw .. ,.... ~ a-11. c .. _·nu• c1tn11t •• ,,ov1<1111 bY llw. Tiii ..,.,,,r'" IOl'•ICIAL SEAL) °"•''"'c ~. E I T.tr 0141 ~12:11 • - -llt-.d fW "'-111t of 11contll1 Relax Today Mlll'Y K !WntY y fll'Mh• Ill -· '• AttlrMY fw ,........... llllY1,t9ff. TM """' ef YIP lllctlltn _,. Moflry il'*!!c.Cllllornl1 P b!IJ::· ''-.1t12 Pvbl!llted or11w1 COt't O•llr l'llot. 1111 Clbl1ll>td ,,.,... '"' ""k• 11 111• P,lnci)"I Offlct In .... u. l• •• Ortlltt CO.ti OlllY PllCtt, ... rll 1 , 21, ff, 1Nt 717.., Dfft,.,,,....,1. Or11111 (eun..,. ...,.. • ... •!Ill Mir!. It, !Ht 1!11..., 1tlc~1r'd G. ar1wn MY Cornrntulan EK11"t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Flcirt IE. Brown Hh'Mlblir 24. ltn P\lbll.sl'tecl Or11111 Coul 01Ur "iltt, ..ul>lltllloll Ort"" C11tl 0111'1 l'lllT, P4Jlft Ap,il U. 1H1 Ukt ""rll H 1rwt Mtv J. 1 .. 11, Ifft &out MeTtel TO CalDITOlll 'UPlalOll COUllT o .. THa Ct•Ttl'ICATI 01' SVl1Nllf LEGAL NOTICE STATI °"' CALlll'O•tOA •011: .. 1CT1T1ou1 MAMI LEGAL NC1I'ICE THI COUNTY 01" tUNfl TP!e unflrJllflllll doM tt'tlrr ht ff c~1-------------ClltTl .. IC:AT• o• AIANDOMliltllfT °" NI A-dtn dl,lttlnt I llW!-•• :rtOJ Newt00rl llvd.. l'..sJltt SUNDAY APRIL 13 .. ICTtTIOUS tUtlNlll lif'AMI Eallll ,,, T • .:.OusTOM .. AGE, •llo ~:",.~QCl\,~·a:111~"R't:rf "'::1~~ ca11T~~~~tTTIO•u•.· .. ·~.1Nass Tht ufldfrJl9~ lrMIJvldvtl e.rtlfln t111 kllOwn •1 THOMA$ A, PAG!:, 0-Mll Q tl"MINT Slll'llCE COMPANY ncl '"' ftlkrwl"ll NOTICE IS HEltEIY GIYEH to the E U 1 • TIM! undt11l11ltd *'-' uttNy fl• 11 ce,.. The """'"""" lrMllvldvtl 1111 Clllled ertotlllor1 of 11'11 •biwe 11111'111f _..t!lf Ill.ti "1411 •1r:w::. '-r: ;:11 i:. '°,l:: duct!,. • w.1,,.sa 11 P. o. h• toi. 11 1111 lfll flc"llow ".,,,., of ... r•I llltt •II ""°"'' ~•vi,.. cl1trn1 Hllntl 1111 :' ,.::·. II 11 =· ~t$1mlnlltr, C1IHonil1, llnNr tlll tleo bvnCfl d JUNK" In tr1n1Kll• tiutr-= :.:""" .,. rMul .... " Ill• !Mm. MICKAEL 0. WALICEll •k• l'HILll" J~T-t~TrO',.."" c:,,,,~f:i~EH nclco~ By SYDNEY OMARR It! tilt Sttht If C1lttorftl1, _ .. ,,, ~ Ill Hiii tfll(I M. l'INKE, lllt W, .. lbH 81vd., No.",, •tl4 f/ II • RECRo 'TION H I N T • The 11111 nem1 tnd •!Ke of r•~ If of lfll cltrt ol 1'hl •bevt tnllfltd (IUrt, « N_,.. Mkll. c11ttor11t1. "'"°" '"'w11ote '"""-" d t111 '-1 .... 11>4' &:.A • flll 11111Mr1i.11H 11 h lltllowt: .. ~tlllllf lfltm, wllll tlll ~.., Dllld ..._rU 10. 1Ht ' ,..""" In full 111<1 lllCI 9f Lunar posilioo favorable for 1n1 Kor1lt T-r. sin•• """-::;:::•;, ~~-llMlrH·~!!.-. "•' flll ~= M. o. wALKElt '"'~;: ~·· M~::;'"Jr m2 11,-.• r (, h" Acti ·1 d C11ffornl1 ..,_,.., ..,_,,. ...,.,, -STATt! OF CALll'OllNIA ) 0. ' ' .. ••-IS lllg-V1 Y <'OOlleCt.e TM ~tnllollld tlctitloln """' ls '2nd S!ri!lft, Ne.,.,. lffdl, Ct flforftlt, COUNTY 01' OllAlllGE ) u " Huftll"511tn ... di. C•lltor11J1, • with feet such as hildna and ~trtby 1ti.nH!led. ltlflldl II l1W •lice el IMltlNM el ft'le Ofl "-'ll It, 1•ff'. Mfore mt, 1 Nct1ry O•Md "-'11 10, IKt . , ' ... D1 .... : ...-11 J, \Ht. llflcltt'1'9,,.., 111 Ill mtn.r. Htl•lnlllf lo .. llbllc lt1 •flf fer ulll lltlt, .ertorwllY C'tlit W. Mllltr Jr, dancing, proves rew•rding. ""'''''" M. Heilbor• "" tJtlft' el lllcl det'lldl'flf, Witt.I" ....,,. ...... Mldlttl o. W11k1r •k• STATE OF CALlf'OltNIA , Church or conununlty theater ITATE OF CALlf'OltNIA ) "*'"'' •ftt• Ille 11 .. 1 "1bllt.tlln If 1111• p1111i.. M.. f'JnM k-lo ,... ti bl tM: COUNTY OF OltANGE I 11 ~ . OUNTl' OF oaANGE l SS ~Uro. --~ -· .. wbtctlbtd "' '"' Ott M•ll lG. IN,, bel1rt ,,..., I project offers fine creative Ott ,.,,.11 1, 1Nt, iwfOl'e ,.,,,, 1 Ntt•ry D11ed ""'11 11. lHt ..,.1,..1" inilr\lflltnt •fld 1cknciwi.ttH .,. Not•,., P11b11c In •nd for •Ill 11ai.. Outlet P11bllc, 111 •!'Id fer Mkr St1tt, .trwnill'r DC"lllW '"' •wKl.lttd 1111 Mml. Hr~lly •-rlllll CNll W. MllMr Jt,. ' 11>PMrld -'MP'flret M, Hedbort knciw" 11 Ewtc11tr l-ff the Wlll e! (OFFICIAL Sl'ALI i1n 511,.ysr Or •• H11ntlnt!oln ....... m1 to bol ttte ""°" w11o1• flll'l\t It lhot •bow n1mH1 ~t Or!Mn v Ult Ctllklrnre. knci""n to "" Ill bl "" _...., ARJES (March 21·ApriJ 19)· wb1crlkd t• tM wlllll" lnllrlH'l'lt"t lrMI NUltWITI', Ml.lllWITJ a lllMIR Noflry P~lle·C1tr!ornl1 Wiiow nimt la wlllc:rlllled ti 111.-wttt1111 Nol · ( b k • lcli.flCIWledlH 1111 .. ttul&d l~f ltmt 4111 • U"'9 lfr... "'•lllclHI Olll<t In ln1lr11mtnl l n4 ICk11C1Wll0'11d ht tx~ wise 0 em ar upon !OFFICIAL SEAL) . N~,, llMll, Clllflr~I• t2~ °"'"'' Cou"IY ·~· ··-· ~ journey unless really Jc-A1111 M. 1t1r1111<1i T•t: (11 4) •7>·9111 Mv commlnfcn eu1ru !OF IC:tAL SE.I.LI Not1ry Pvbllc-Ctlllo!'nlt Afllm,,.. 11r hec~lrl• ,._,di 21. Ifft Jetn L. Joftl necessary. There are secrets Prlnc1.,.1 OHie• In P"bll•M" o.~,..., cc~" Dt\lr P11M. '"'11111,. Or•nt• eo.11 01111 •11e1. Nol•rv Puttllc·C•llftr11I• which could affect yoU ... li'ntlre Or11111• CounlY A•fll \f, 2' llMI NlotY 3, 10, lfft 1.!.Mt A••ll If, lt, :10 trill MIW 3, Ifft '91 .. t Prlm;IPtl Otflu I" ,... Mr CommF111o" Ei11rto Orlllllt CcunlY story has yet to be told. Know M•re11 11, 1tn LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Mr c1mm1111on Ew•1ru ', th. ·-. l 'th' T ~ ... ,..,. '"'". WUH-• Ml,tll ), IJ1J . IS -U'I: QUJe WI In, &at Alllr,.;,.t ti l.tW ' T-'f!Jt P11bllt~"' Drt "9t C111! 011!,, Pllflt, 1l easy. ll•ltl~ ,. ...... Stcu•I"' t1nk •ul1fln1. IN THI SVPl'••oa COUllT o• ClltTl,ICA;f::: •UStNl!IS APrll 12• u, 2' •rMI Mly l. '"' .... TAURUS (April »May 20)·. r:,.i:•.: •. "'c'~:.•,'::'n,.1 . ™• stAT• o,. cAL11'011p•nA ·~ •N• .. .e.,1T1ous ,.1•M NAMt LEGAL N~ICE .. 01 TM• COUNT't' 01" OIU.NSI T~I 11r>d1<1l1111d Goel 111rm tt'1111 Vi Rel~ with friends -but keep T•~~~!~"''O'!!,, Cots! 011.., Pilot "'-. Ao ... , c1tAT10• "'''flt 11 conc1...c11 .. •Minna'" 111 lfl-1------------- buslness OU( Of Jl. S-•IJ A~H ~' •nll M•• >. ,,, "· 1Ht 11Mf In ll'tt Millier of tht "*'Ilion 91 TAM· dlvldwl) ti 121' SOl.rfll Otlf Strut, ... JJUl "-"' MT JEANNE! M(.COT, Ml!llH' Antllt!m, Ctllfontll. unotr ltlot' fltflllo\ls (llTlllCATI OP' IUllMISS debate i.oi fine -prove 1-------------ITHE PEOPLE 01' 'tHE STATE OF llrr11 n•mt of !HllCI INTl!ltNATIONAL "ICTITIOUS MAME 1 , S LEGAL NOTICE CALIFOllHIA co. 1114 11111 Mil firm II com~ of !llt The unft•1lt111d do ctrll., lfltor ..,. stimulating. Not w 11 e ' TO: MT. Au-flfll lt•r MCC•r : htllowl111 pe.-. WfllM fllmt I" NH •11111 candOKT)flCI • buslnt11 It 11•1'1 M.tlfl It .. however to be.little opinions suro1111101t coultT o" THI IY Ol'O.r 111 tflb court . .,.., •re 111r1w pllt• .. •••llllflc• 11 11 to11ow1. ">Wit: H11M1,,.1on IHdl, c111tow111. ufldtr tk ' tTATI O, CALIP'OaNll "Olt clfld Ind r""l'ed Jo •JIMtr Mr-llr G..,...t I. N\nvdt. HIM E1~ttn Cir· llctlrloils llrm n..,,.. of VNDEltGltOUMb of others. Sense of humor pro-TNI COUNTY°" OllANt • before "" Jllllte " flllo Ccvrt In Ille '"· Gt•liln G-. Ctlllor?!lt m.ID CITY HALL Ind "''' U ICI rlrm 1:1 - 1 11 SUMMONS C-IY OI' 0,,,,.,, stlJt 9f C1trfer11l1, 11 D1tW ...-11 11, lfft -"' fll llM! followl,,. --9""'"' ves a grea a y, c.,. ,........,. .,.,..,, '"' court 11:-.. ., oe11rfrMrTI , 1oc111<1 "-'o• s. MM11t11 11•-• 111 1v11 •!'Ill '*"of ••lldtnct •r• GEMINI (May 21.June 20)· MYltNA J. l'l!HElt. Pl1lnt!tt v1. 11 100 Wt71 I/fl llTllf, s.~t• Ant, STAT! Of' CALtf'OltNIA l ''Joi~: •• . , . ' AltTHUll W. FISHEil. 09'tnd1nt C111fornl1, tn lilt 10111 da, ti July, l f&f, COONTY OF OIA.NGE l 11 Sfl9htn A"lhonr Sdllrlft9', 1'411 Con01cl of mterest could m-Pf~LE OF 'fHE STATE OF "''~ •n<I llW•t •• ,,_ CIU:H , II •11y, you °" ~·II 11, 1•. ltol(ort m-, • NClll'Y v ... 1 ... C9'1• Meu, C•lltttftl• volve mate partner I ..... (ALl .. OllNIA .. "" •bifw lllmtd Dtlffl-"'"'· ...,,,. Mid MllWtlol'I 11'111114 ""' bl P11llllc r" Incl IOI' .. Id COlllllY lrHI Sl1~. Jt lftft Ttrenct hl!I<". Utt MlntrUI • · "'" u 11t· •••nl"'ll 1cc•F11ln1 II "'' •fflllol! filed llt'llnlll'I .,,..,... Glorlt S. Ml1<H11 Or~ Goll• .......... C1!~r"la portant to fini1h, complete. Y.ii ,,, l\fr111Y 4ltec1N 1e 1111 • Mrt ln. k-ot •• me 11 111 !hi "''--D•IH A.rn n , Uff Pemu'I ·--lo 1 Wt1tltfl ..... 11... In .. ~ ,, Ille GI""' Ull'll9" 11"1 lltl'ld ..... 1•11 of 1111 flJlftl ls ~llll>d to "" Wlflllfl lfl.o Sl'lllltn A. Scltlrmer OTIC (w.K: YOU 0 COll'IP!tlfll If !hot tbOYI-Nmetl l'ltlMlft SUHrlotr Covrt-" tM.C-TY-" Or•Ne, tlrvtnMI, •"'9 1dalowltd1ed lo mt 11111 Jtm" T. lvtler have a say. If patient picture wltll tllt Cl.of' °' tflt .bo .... l'flfltftd St•t• ol CllllfOl'~lt, !!Ifs "" dl'f " Alirll. Ill PIC\111111 1111 ttfrlt. STATE 01' CALll'OltNIA ' '---. ' (loU<I In Ille tbovt! tnltlled tcllon brOll(lrt Ifft, Wllnt11 ml' htnd Ind Utl. COUNTY 01' Oii.ANGE l •I UC\,;omes clear. Ttunk over •••Ind """ '" 111a to11r1, wi1111 .. TIN w. E. sT JOHN. ktn H•Y•llll 011 ""'11 i 1, Jttt, ... ,_ mt, 1 f&§"' Jegal 3S""'ciS der1 lfttr !ht 11rvlc1 Oii you of 11'1!1 Clerlt II 11\f SvHrllr Cturt Nllhl'Y 1"11btlc In •n6 fef P~bllc lfl 11111 fot' Mid Slt1-. -,.~ ' 1ummon1. If 1trl'ld wllM" tti. 1bnt •'I' Mtrlt T. Ktnnedr 1tl<il C°"'"l'JI •Ml $111,. IPOtfrH SftPhtn ...,,,,,.,,, ldll•-r CANCER (June 21-July 22)• n•mtd cevnl'I. or .... 1thfn THllTY "'" 0•111'1 !!t1IJ J1m11 Te,enc1 lhrlltr knewn lo -... " If Hrwd tllrN""'-. PAUi. A, Mc<ltACKIH NOJl'Tilll 0. NllNIOKA, AllY. the H•oom W¥floH ntmes ,,. 1ubtcT'1-. You may be busy With ba1ic You ,,. Mrtb'f nolltltd th•t 11111w "'' ICatllll Av1., Suitt c UI Int ''"' ltfl'tf, Mt. n1 te !ht within '"''"'"""t •lld 1cknciw ...... ('hQtl!S Apply tOUCh 0 f 1'111 so lltt 1 wrlltl" rtil>On!IV• t ltHlnt. A111llll111, Cpllf,. ,... LM AhMlit. Ctllflnll1 !Cl lllt'f t•e<:11ted 1111 11mt. ' . · . M14 -111n11tt will t1kt lud1Me11f fo• Ttllll...,..: SJMJU U-.OC (OfflcJ1r S.111 onginahty, Neighbor, c o ... '"" mor'M!Y or <11m11" dem1fldM 111 AllwMr ,.. '•lltltMr. l'YbllsllH o,.,,., cea11 01111 Pilot, Mr, K. Henry worker is willing lo a;d 1111 com111lnt •t 1rltln1 YllO!l c011h'•d, OlatN le1" Aprlt ''· 24. •n<I May l. 10, Ito 7U·ff Holtry l"ub!lc -Cttllo•11l1 -.,. wrn 10~1'1' HI 1111 cOJUrt f6r 1rrr l'ubll1hld or•~•• Co•1I D1ll'J' Pll.ot, r>rlnclf.11 Olflc• In accepl Avoid extremes in ex-ott>t• ,..11of ~In the ccmp11rnl. l.l'rn n. n," an4 M•Y 3. INt .,..., LEGAL NOTICE 0 .. 11" callrrl't' er ise ti and d · \..:-Ycv rM)' Mlk nw 1crv1ce 01 111 °"'' commru1on E••lr.s c • ea ng r1niw1e. tllorl'lll' on ~y ITMll .. r COllllCICttd wlltl LEGAL N011CE SUPl•IO• COV•T o• THl Nov 14 l•n Maintain baJance. "" CvrnPlllnl .,, lllt. 1ummtm. SUdl STITI o• CALl..OaNIA ,Olt l"vbllsflff. or··~· CO.it Dell """'· ' ctfornty .tlloUld be OHIWl!td wllliln tlll MO'tlCf TO C•IDITO!ll . THI (01.'HTT Ofl OllAN•t AlrH lt ,, d Mt r LEO (July ~Aug. 22): You tlrnt 11m11 •'-™' 111 11111 111mm1111t tor 1uP11t101t cou11T o .. TH• ...._ A.vll ' 1" ~ J. 11• 1Hf ~ art stimulated. Creative rorcu '"•'",-~ •,•,',""'. -.•-,..,'.nt 1, '"' c-111"'· sTATI o" cAL1,011N11. .. 011 NOTtc• .,. "'""'~ o" P1 T1T10N LEGAL N~fCE ""' •• fHa COUNTY OP' OltANtl IOlt l'•OSATI o• WtLL ANO 1"01; VJ surge. Personal magnetism 1sEAL> "•· ""mt L1TT1111 TllTAM•NT•llY 1------;::::::-----... . 0 ., . l w. E. ST JOHH. Clerk Esl&le ol IJlENE MAVOE HEATH E1ll1-of DE'WET E. •e:Noea, 1"<#1., .F rises. ~po.Ill e sex IS a -1. Fr1n11: J. 11011111• oece•iMI. Otct....i. 11tA1t·1Q1 - lracted. Oon't give . up .... u ~~.' .. "•<11 HOTICE IS HEltEIY 'Gl\ll!N Ito .,,. NOTICE II Hl!ll.EIY GIVEN Tfllf CtftTIPICIT• 01' (Oll'POltATtoM thl ,. "" ,_.. crldllon d 1111 1bow ntlMd ~I Morten J. 01vls l'ltt fl!ttll tie....r" I Hllllon DOIN• •USIM•Ss VNllll .some ng of value for McC1rt111, .. _.. ..... ,., a 01111 "'•' 111 ""1111 ~•YI"' tl•lma "'IMt t!lt IOI' ,......., • wn1 •NII '"' 1uutnee of "'CT1T1ous MAM• nothing. Control emotions. Ull Aftmt ""-· lull• iu 11111 decMent .,. r~lrM II Ill• tfltm, ._.,,.,. T•l•mtf'lllrY 19 Pttllionfr, rrftt• THE UN8fll51GNED COJll"OIATl•N VIRGO c.-t• MAI, C1lhr#l1 """' ~ "Kfllll'Y -..cllt", In trw oftk• enct ta Wllld'r 1$ rntdt fW turll'll:r ptrtl-dCf:$ Ple•eb'I certliY It'll! It, It fMlcllrctlfMt • (Aug. 23-Sept. 2Z): TlL rn 4) J4t.,1u1 " "'' ,1,,k of lllt •bovl ... 11,1...r cavrt "' arl•n. •nd 11\tl ti. ,.,,,. tn<I lllue 6f rtt111 41'1'-C'lta11rn. lllltl-at 111' "'II; C l l bout AtlwMyl ,., lllfltNf • str ... t, COii• Mtu, Ctllfonllt. u_, Ome 0 agrttmen I Publltlled Ortt1tt Cllil Otl!F Plkil to "'''"'' '"'"'· '"""' !flt Moe:fMtl'Y lletrln1 1111 ltmt 11•1 b9'n tel fir MtY fldifiolnc firm ntm-of MllA NOltTM situation at home Take no M••c.11 IJ, n. ,. UICI ,1,prll J, u : VOllCl'tt'S. t• 1111 undfrtltntd II .... offl(I ,, 1•t. II t ,:JO • .,,., ' lfl "-Cllllrfroorn ONE MOUi; MAllTINIZING ""' !tilt ""' , . . lf, 2• ....... MtY ·S. Ifft ""4t Ill "-A1temty1, MCCtt!lfl, Hvdl-tltllt-or D•Prtmtnl NI. S ti 111d covrt, oll flllM of s-kr m,,_•llon ind lh "'lndtt•I action until one close to you • 01on.. uao Mims AwM, s1111e Nu,,.. 7lll w"' l!l""llr 11,wt, 1 .. 111t c11y If •lie• 11 M 1"""' 11 •• ltlllowl ; is consulted This will prevent LEGAL NOTICE 1111, lU, Cos1• MoP1, c1111er111t ffUI!, s1nt1 AN, c.111om11. CASA CAltlOCA co11roc1tATIOH. t.t . . whlclt k tr. •ltct of tMlneu of !'--OtlH AP•U 11, IN' Sal!I,. ltoed. COii• /IMM, C.0111T ·f/I emotional wear and tear. NOTICI tf' l'VJLIC M II A It I". s clsr•llllld' Jn Ill MtHt~ "'1tt111.,. to lht w, E. ST JOHN, Orlfll•· Sllh! of C•llft'l•le LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct 22 ) · 111"0111 TMI •LNINIMO COMMllllON •lilt of Hid dtcedont, •ltltl~ 1111/t c.,nry Cllrk, 011H Mtrcfl :r:r. 1"' " So I ·. . . o .. TNI Cl'r'I' 01' .. OVNTAIN \IALLtY ll'IOnlll' .n .. ll'lt llfJI •ullllctllon ti 11111 JOHH ,, tAllVIH.... (COal'. St:AL) me rt at Ives prove NOTICl IS kEllEIY I lflel nollce. IYINSON AND tAIYIP'-CASA CAlllOCA. l ti Su k l f ls I Yen CW! Otffd A1r11 2~ 1Ut HSI \11• Nm ..... ""'"'· COltPOltATION argumen a Ve. c o ac . We<11'1ffd••· M•r 1. UH •t 7:30 P.M .. ill ltollll " H ,,.· E 1 YtR NuY• c11111r111 ,., .. , fvtn L. Lintier Be aware of details. Attend ,,... Cou11C1t C~•rntJert, ciiy HtU • .ialtl ct ...; wu1t!r iP1e ~tcu'' l Ttlt cii1{ nM1n ftlJ) 11J·tw Pr1t1C1e<11 . Sitter AYtnllt. Foun!tl~ v I I 11 ' • ~bow "' " .., I llttnllys ..... ,,,1 ...... , Wllmt M, L1rM11r lo necessities. You get news Ctllrornlt, "" Pl1nn1 ... Carnm1Hlofl Wiii McC1rtl11, 11vc:..n;,,,..,.ec,. :i l'ullllll!M Or•"t• Cots! Otll'r "llol, Acrtllry \vhich 'enhances employment llald Pub~lc htt•1,.., o~ the 1ct11tw1ne ••· ,,.. A4'tmi ""~..... "" •••11 · ,, 11 .. ,., '"' ''°""' STA TE OF CALIFOltNIA · •lctllcni. 111111 H11111 ... J1.S. COUNTT OF Oii.ANGE I S•. 1 picture. fl ) c1"4tti.n11 u., 1"1rrn11 frt1. sr ..._ c.,11 MHI.. cillftrR!t rHu LEGAL NOTICE on Ihle nr<1 d•v or Mt rdl, It.,, -o.t•r• SCORPIO (Oct 2.1-No 21 ), 111c111on 111Dml!IM1 bt PIZZA PALACE Ttr: en~! tlf"nJl mt. 1 Nolt rv l'ubllc In anc1 ,., i•ld c.u~-• . v. . IS IPllllt•nl to loc•I• • pint Hrlor Atllr•r1 ,.,. •rtc:ulrl• "' •ncl Sttte, lllrlOntlly -red ....... Keep promise made Io will! '"' ,,,.,, win• on ''°"'"'· 1oc111111 l'ubllslltd or1n1n c .. 1t 011,., l'lltl sur••io1.'~~·~':'; 0,. Tiii L. Linder 1>111 WUIM M. Ll,Wiit children. Special outing could ::,..'":d1i;:,~:':~n!!~n 'l:.eHli~s:~· A1r11 1' •nd Mar '· 11, 11, 1m ,o..,., ST re ti" CALll"O"-NIA ,..It •nown "' me to bt 111t "•e1ldtn! 1.ne1 ) I' 1141 Pl tt TMI COUHTY o• lltAtMa $ecn!tiry 91 ll'lfl t»rtoritlOfl 11111 lxklt,... prove rewarding Steer <'lear u '" '" Mt. 1 ANllt111en LEGAL NOTICE :t, ......... 1111 w1111111 1n1lr11m1nt on bt!lelf ., IN-. , ' tllbmlllld bv N. A. W1t.r1, 11 •P. •~.., tlf'Hl'lllell ihll'llfl 11PrMi1 of dispute Wllh member of Jll(tfll, 11._1.,. con1l,utlkin ., I II· NOT1C• 0". H All•H• 01" l'ITITIO~ 1c•.-1et11H lo""""' •Kt! d,,..,:,i.: opJ>051te sex. ll1ake intelligent i.o~h ~:i~ J"G!~0i!'r:':v=.~,r,.:: :¥:~:·:: c~t~:J1t:r,, ~: :,~r .. ",,~0• ""~:11: 0~.J:~~~~;,.,_ "'~~~ ,.,,S:':~ Ind Mil concession. or lt11 fHI wnt of Mttnallt •rMI lfl TNI COUNTY' ... OIU.MSI MIMTAltT (0,FICIAL SE.I.LI SAGm•on•s (N ,.. ""c1 0111r1c1. "'· A"'n1t l!ttti. of OOftcAs DAvrs * JONG, ,.~,1111 M, ""'tr . tu\.llJ OV. -· TIHIH mtltln •rt btint "'**'" NOTICE 0' SALi. O" lllAL Pao. 01'Ct1Hd. .. Holtry l"~lnc-Gtllftr"\' Dec 21 )• You can clear path 11\1!'1Ul"t flt , ... l'ltnnll'!I L""' If fltl •••TY AT l"lllY.ITa ...... NOTICE IS HlltE8Y Gl\IEH Tlltr 0n,,.e C.U..11' f ~-tacJ' Coo I" . Slit. ol Ctllfornll fc.v'I. CMt U.otO ft lfl flll M•tter -' !hi flf111t 'ff ltc.r11Y l"tc:llk Ntfl.ontl a1nk 1111 filed My Cammtulln t:ulrtl 0 0~ CS. pera 100 gain-IM.l Incl !'-l'!Ml'llllft \ltlin' Z..IN MATILDA OAILIY, •IN llMwn .. Tlnlt ,..,..,. I Mt"lln far ptekft d Dtcff'llblr 4. 1'11 ed from those who hold key ~,!.,.:;·P;!:,,12~~': 1<:'e11!-r::·;~'":! O::/;ftc~i:E1;51v G.IVl!N .._,.,,.. :::Vl,~mtn1~,....';' ;:1,:~,.,:;,: ::'~!;k~~L~ ""'· t 0 security. Stick <'lose UI Pli""I"' OwlrtrMrrl Md .,. •va11Mll lll'ldt•1!1111d. •• IE•«llb'., the •"" ff ~ wltlcfr i. 11\Nt for" "'""" •rtkurt11. N-rt ••1(11. C1llllnle home b••• ,., ,. 1 ....... _\,. lo< M lle lndlctWitl '"" •••mllltflon. Mltrldl 01llty, •lte klll'flll •• Ttln• IM ltllt '"'· llme •1'111 Pl.IU °' hotarlnl"" "~"""" Ort"" ColSI 01ljy ~IW -• pri<' ICI • 'ulu• Tllotl dl1lr1,,. It ltltlfV 111 lt'llr " M Dtll•Y deot ...... wlll dll 1t flf'Mllt Mii ..,.. tl11 ti>tlft Ml Hlr MtY t, 1Nt, If t :• ,.,_,II IL It :tt •nd Mly s tfft INJ about gift tor loved one -.-111"" 111 ""'' '"-" w111 111i tlvlll "' 1111 '""'""'t •IMI 11nt ~ -l!lf •.m., '" "" ~ llf·o-"""11! ~ • • CAPRI ' "' --"'"l"' to • ... 11 twtlolr ~ 11<m1 and eoflclllf.wtl """"lfltr ll'IM-1 tt •IC -'· II JOG W•t li~hflil '""'· LEG OORN (Dec. 22-Jan. forml•lon 11 Clttl•"'· r111 ,..,,, ctniict,... 1ro..:r, •nd .,,.Itel 11 """"""'"°" "' t~ ,... C!tv of lltlll A"', C111fwn11, AL NOTICE 19): Apply Ught tooch Leave PllMllflf Dn11-1 •' "'''.:•"' rttt, 111d s1111tr11r Court ... "" i)ltr ...,, " 011"' ....,.•"•'' ','?' 0 ':f.'~ . • lo CINlllontl Ult ,'"'111 N1. l1 .... Ml'I' lfft, 1t 11\f llo;/r of "" 1'Cklct A.M, • • ' J Hirt, -details to others. Pursue •rteltt 11111 "°· '"'· ,1 lht uw Olf!ct1 ., F,..,-11n tflll COIHllV ci.". • .,. .1m artistic interest! Develop hol.. PLANN ING COMMISSION OF F•tnkllft, AltorMYJ. 117 'El'lll ltth Strttt ........ ,ttlON ... •,OWSlt • OA UNO, ClllTl,ICAtl o .. COl,.Ot.\.TtOM ' "" 'f\.IE C1TY OF Cott• Mfll, Cllllonil•, •H rllhl, Ill", 111> """' .,., DOINO IV Jl"l'll VN Olll by. Day for visits and vls!Ung. FOVN'fAIN VALLEY ltf'fJI '"" ""''' -1111 u1tl Mttnci. ;:11:0 .. .::.~lllllrlll• P'ICTl'tlOUS MAM• Be free with compliments. ~11!:;~ .. 11.01=!1'.~• :11~m:•:,1 ~11~tt1:f .~::'tttt: Allinitr1"" """'-· ~~~~0!~1~i:::..~~11 ~~~=:~ llel p make others joyous. s.ecre11ry tto nw 1nc1 •~1t,e11 !NII .. 111 .,11111 "•• 1c1ur,w. A:,r.~1:"tf ~·•10:, c111• Otrtw P11cir, ri!11n dr"N:1tot~1,.. bu•lt>lu 11 noo Hlfrtw AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ~=r.:: ~:!:.~101on ~.n~·~ 116~11::: ~::·~1"1h. ':f , , . ~2"' g:;~~~; ~~.'.:.11111,~i:iit~:':~m ~~ lft): Friend aids you with P11bu1""' Or111t9 c1111 0111y P111t1, ""•"1411• 01HtY. ,, 111t "m• of ~" 11tt1~. LEGAL NOTICE o1 IC·MAllT ONE 1-1ou1t MAJlT1NtZtHO. • . .. •• 11 H. Ifft 11:Mt J" •nd 10"" rN t ·•-rlr 1ll111td I" th• Mid "'~'"""' ... _ ot 1~14 COfl'llfttlen """ special collcchon. Get ac· C-IY e1 01111tt. st111 of r11111m1•. T ... ,.. j'• eri..c.!l•I •It<• °' IX!tl-It 11 c_ounllng. Be pra~lcal about • GRAFftTI ~:tom'r~lilm ., •l1 1ou111 r:alt'¥11w, su~~~·fo~ Tt0~::11~io~~. •1kiit:,~ ENTEll.r>llisE,, rNC .-,~( finances. Activity indicated In ...._nmr,1 "'°· 1sE. s,nt• . ,,,.,, 1t1.Ta ,, c1.L111C111N1• P<rt: JOit L-. EMOnOIOo. c..untv "' -.. COMccllon W'1th ·-··flt Be Ctllfiom •: Vlllh ,, trMI lft, 19t11r.tr THI COUNTY o• OllANtl' 01-1111• If Ctllfomla. uic1.... • wUll tfl undl¥14111d 1·14' lnft ...... I.ft COt!'I-• Ml, A""4411 O•IM Ma ttll JI, 1Nf areclous: but firm. 11'\911 Ill -,. LOT 1 Tttc:t .,,., .. "r Ellllt of COMA lltEHE l.EVIHION, ICOllP. SEAL) ~·-F ch "'-"""°' tt(.'6rWll Ill •• ltJ, Olce•ltd D-1E""r"1'" Inc: ... ~C'.O ( eb. l~Mar 20): , ... ' je 11 lnclllltl'll. M.tfcl~ NO't1ct II Hl!lll!IT OIVEN ,. "" Ea11 WIY ... Ttm: Jr. Real pro-tu indlcttea if you A&l.ps. ._.. "' nra"'' ct\l"l'JI• O"ldti.r1 ff "" '""'' r11m11111 _..,., Prt11deo11 ' • -~.:.-.. In <11111tnl1. tlltt 111 ,......... 111111nt C'llllftl 'I''"" "" w1m1m c. 11.cxwm art .. v.u ~ to one a1oi • ..,,.,.. are ltw1!M fir' uhl .,... ul4' dla<ftt .,. ,...ull'ICI 1e It ,.._, 1«r11t1V .. .. autbortty You may be tested ,_..., ••-' .,. 1" wr tll"9 •M. •111 M wn•1 "",....,., ~ ~ ""9flia lTATe: OF CALll"OllHIA , ,' • ,....... If flll l.IW ~ _, ,.,...lln o1 fllll cltrt; tt 1M _,,. entll..., allf1, tr COUNTY OF Oll:AHGE I N l Know this and smile. Accent •NII •r"*""-·"""""" frw -.NI nit!•, ._ """"' .,,...,., with iM ~ On ,,." 1111 1.., ., """°' 1;.. ~ ~'"'( pot... ll1 E"I 1"" llr'ltt, C&lll ,,.,.., ~ '9 tM vnflnltNoli e/1 11141, t Mot.,, PIMlt I" ....... Mil t; °'.'lop,..,. • ._. f, ca.rrttr Cllittr'flf1, If' lnlY !lot :..i:J'tl'l 1111 Cltrl Mttc+itll. llll., ..... lit ..... '*IT W St11t. 11,_I,., _,...,. ::",; liaJ, "'•If (Wrt, tr* .-....... Wllalllrt lwlflle,,, U. A•••l11, ........ Ttr?Y, Jf~ otftll 'WIU/1111 C IF TODAY JS y 0 U ll Mvi.r .......,,," 11 •"'f 11 .ntr "" C11NWn1t. ..._ wtikll 1t ""' 111tt d l lld!Wn! k._.._ 111 ,... tt " .e. ,.,.., Mllt•llOfl flf flll• •1a "" ....,.. Mtflttl ., tM llflllttal.., i. tn ~ Prnlftftl •flel "'""'" ., "" BIRTHDAY c b a n • e of -.::;-,.'1,"' ,:.111._ "'"' ...,. .,.. ,.1....,. Hrtf.i'"t• ie "" ...... " ""' we-..., "''"°" ""' ·~""''"' "" w111r111 '°:: nstde.ru, d o m e s t 1 c ad· .,. ierrm: """ ~of: ::ti:' tt1w 11111 ""' ~ ~ ,..:..,~11 .:'..~..:::it:•· justment could be In offerln1. D•lld ""~~ ~: =.: °'""' N•tl a. ,.., 11111 11.>Cf\ ww111111 ·~~~"" ~ Y bl of I llfWln I, L"""'-WI NIU ""' 11& ... t ntl -l OU are capa e mov "' btcullr " fltl Liii WIN Jo ... M. .,....,. {0Fl'ICIAL SEAL} J ta, b h 111111 TtllllMnt " ••rt ""tll llllYlllt M. S.0"-' m~ 1n.,--w en you ave Mtn1111 O•lrt r. -..,..,. l111a111r1 .. ~ wm If Not•ry rou1i1coc1,,,.,"11 • ra1th. ,, ..... AM .. ,...... ... ...... ,..,,. fl(...,,t Orlfl'tt Ctvrttr ~ •,, ....... 1A .. I ..... • MITCllllLL. llU ....... •ti'-''' Mr Cemml•&lwt lllllrt• 1 '"1 , .. , !'" r,111111n t1111""•"' o.,. .... ,,.., 1 u11 CMll MIU, ct•fo••ll 11111 .. ~ ...... c•1116n111..... JO:HM c. sALYtll." A"". TJl 1 (,Ill ,...nfl '"' n1a1 ...,.., Iii.I WHk!MI Otltt ~ _, hk.itr ,.,.,_,.. W lllQlln !'4~ lttcl, Ctllilrftll l"Ubllfll• Ortl'llt C•tll D•llY ,., .. ,, l"lll!ltlllllll er.... ~ D•llr Pikit. l>ull!....... 0<•1'11• , ... , 011"' '!tali. ...... ll "'· ,. tntl MIV •• ,... 111 ... ,,.,.,, u. tt ..... 11111 fll•1 a. "" ...., AHll 11. lt. 11 ..... "''' .. no ~· - -· ·-~· • S•turd,y, Aptll 26, 1'69 DA)LY l!~OI' JI ~akers Surge to 2-0 Lead With 118-U2 Win . Confident ··Laver Set :: For Ralston By GLENN WllITE °' .. o.r• ,., ... "*" ., • Confident, tu. not cocky, the world'• : grNtest tfl'l'lis player will face Denni! •• Ralston IX>night in Ille oemifinl!a <II tlie Sl0,000 professional tournament at Ana· .,heim ConventioQ Center. · Rocket Rod Lev•, the Ccrona dtl Mar . nas11. will be ...,, apiost Ral8too for ' Ille third time this y... while upetart "Ron Holmberl·'"-'-Pancho Gonzalea ln the other half of tonl&bt's singles '.play. · ~ In doubles eemil, it'll be Gonulei and ,.Earl Budiholz .. ailllt Pancho Stsura .and Alex Olmedo. ·. Laver ~.Newport Beach's Roy Emer- •on moved mto doubles flnab: by taking ''Dennis Ralston and Ron Holmberg in three seta, 22·25, ~17 and U-18. Tonlght's boatilltios _. at 7:30 with • .SUn<fay's finats sMUd hr tbe same hour. Laver said he was coofident about to- night's mateh with Ralston moments aft· er he had neatly dispoeed U Olmedo in Friday night's play, ~16 and 25-Sl be- fore 1,SU fans. · He defeated Ralston in three sets at Oakland and Los An geles. ~· His · service WAS going especially well "Friday. He lost only two points on serve in the first set. However, in the second set they split service points the first sev- en exchanges before Laver got a sweep of four po.inti on his service to tale a -17-IS lead. · • With the score tied at 22 and Laver · ag~in setving he dropped one shot in deep '.coort neor the sideline, tlOI Olmedo to -drop a return outsi::fe the playing area then picked up the winning point when Olmedo returned a service shot into the net. Emerson attributed hb defeat to a <;omblnation of Holmberg's keen service -and the new 8COling srstem, which a:oes 2S points per set. "He served better ttJan I dld and that's all it takes. If you can ~stently get the first sa'Ve in there you're goinl to be tough. And this new system favors a :Jood server," Emerson taid afterward. The 31-year-old Holmberg trailed oofy ·once in the first set, l-0, although Emer- ·sai. did make a tun at him midway ·through the duel, cutting the gap lo !~IS. • In the second set Emerson owned an 18-16 lead and was lcter tied at 22-all. Tl1e deciding point came when l=merson returned a ball io€O the net. In other Friday action. Ralston handl~ • etl Buchholz, 25-18 aOO 25-22, never traiJ.. 'ing in either set. ;: Gonzalez, Ule age~M, steady veteran of 14 years with tbe pros, took on Ule 47-year-old Segura and won handily, 2.S- 11 and 2>-19. 40,751 See Singer Sting :Atlanta, 3-1 ' ;105 ANGELES (AP) -· Bill Singer checked Atlanta on four hits and ·became the first National League pitcher to win four games as the Los Angeles Dodgen trimmed the Braves 3-1 Friday night. Singer spotted the Braves a first.inning run, then stopped them cold, striking out nine in outpltching knuckleballer Phil Niekro, who also went into the game with • .. 3-0 mark. ' The victory, before a Cap Night crowd or. 40,751, sent the Dodeeni into firlt • . Dodger Slate (t/{· '~' "* -Atlenl-7:ll p.m., l(FI (Vi· V-Oodttrt YI Altenle. lt:ll •. m., KFI AJlf" n-Oada•r• _. Sin Oi.tt. 7:55 p.m., KFI "'" ""'· n-Ood<lu• at Siii 0 ..... 7:55 •. l'l'I., KFI IUGJ ~ Apr. »-Oodoert et ""' l'renc:laco. 7:J5 '·"'·• l(f! (6«1) P!!-ce in the Nl'./1 · w!e:t Division, one game ahead <11 Atlanta . Niekro's pet pitch backfired on him in the first innin& wl!en he wild pitched one run home, and in the fourth , when catch- er Bob Dktief fa)led. to hatidle t\VO knuck: lers. • • -" . feJlpe Alou ~ 'll>e pme with a Melt; toK-third Gn a deuble by Han~ Atrm llld -.. Orlando Cepeda '• ll!Cl'ilic< 0,, 11.tnc lie Bra ... a 1-41 lead. : .The llodg<n tied 1l n tbe. boUan half on Willie Crawford's llllcle, a walk, a &round out and Nltkro'1 wild pitch. Tom Haller w,alkod iJ1 tbe fourth, took second on D!dler'1-"" ball and scored the go-a-bead run GO Jlll!'-kla' double. SIJdakis moved to thinl an a ground out and !COred when Nlttro stnJck out Blll Grabarkewit.z, only to have the ball ~ D!ditr for another pasted ball. ' ' • ATLA,.7A LOS Afrffll.15 •••11.-1 •••rttl ...-,,.. •ti • C'rewforf.cf•ltt Mffttn. fb ' • ' • ._. .. " J "' 1 • H, .Af'lll. rt :I • ' • ltlrlttf, ,. , ••• ~.11 att1 K-.• 4111 ~ell. It S I I t IMlltr, < t I I t ..,.,,. ,,,, ........ 1111 Dldlef, c l I I I SI_,., a • I T t ,,...,.,,,,., i1'1'1 I I I I Grt11;wlb. n I t I t JecklOll, n l I I I ,lltlY, tfl I I I t •t•,._ • I t t I l'WWldt. a I t t I Tti.! 111 41 ~·· Ifft An-. 7': .. ~.!," l Lii """.. ' ,. "' __ , ~... ,,,...,_~1, LOI M4IMI .. I.ti• tt..i. ... ............ ,._, .......... -~ I ,_ Hl:Mtr. -~. -r ........ ,._,.,.j,).f ,,,,, """""" ... ,,,,,. BATTLE OF THE GIANTS -Wilt Chamberlain of the Los Angeles La.kers grimmaces as he Jets fly with a fall-away jumper just over the outstretched hand of Boston's Bill Russell. Watching the action from DAILY ltlLOT ~ llr f'lt 0'~1 left are Keith Erickson, Mel Counts, Don Nelson (19), Bailey Howell ~nd Elgin Baylor (22). The Lakers moved into a commanding 2-0 bulge '.:lver the Celtics with a 118-112 victory Friday night. S ports Clipped Sliort Lakers-Celts Highlight Weekend TV Greene, 2 Others Bunched DALLAS -Slim Bert Greene, fighting growing prets:ure and the blustery, gusty Te:ras winds, sank a crucial, birdie putt on the last hole Friday and retained al share of the lead at the end of two rounds of the $100,000 Byron Nelsoo Golf Classic. Greene, still looking for his first vic- tory, finished witll a 71 for 137 and a tic for the top spot with Australian Bruce Devlin and steady Frank Beard. Devlin, a one-time Sydney plumber, had a brilliant 86 in the 30 riUle per hour winds, four under par on the tough, 7 ,OSS. yard Preston Trail Golf Club layout. Seard had a 67. Costa Mesa's Roo Reif is well back in the pack with a 74-75-1 49. .. .. .. BLYTHE -Saddlebact College &rack- m11 Paal Cox won ftve evtltll ud tit dlree meet record1 Friday aftereooa at Ille Pal• Verde R<lay1. Saddleback •cored 0 points al doe meet, placing secoad to Antelope Valley'• 117. Co:r woe the javellt at 11f.l-li, Ute dlscu• •t 131--lint a...tt • loa1 jump wllh • U·1 effon. A11 dtree were meet mark&. He Uo broke <e Saddlebact retord wU.111 • wlubll 4M triple Jump ud 1aapped die Gaucbos • diotpat record wlU. • •eave ... uv1a, C-1. CU wu 11med the meet'• outltaad· 1.D1 ,a.iete. · Th Gaachos' mile relay &tam of DeP -..,, lllcll M-b, Jolla J- aad '&I Jam! -· bo a 1<bool reconl dme ol J:IU. " a> .... DES MOINES, Iowa -lndlana Uni· vcnily tophomore Mark Goodrich, with a near world record 9.2 clocking In the 100-yard dash, led a meet record-smash· ing opening or the 60th Dfake Relays Friday. Goodr:icb shatlercd the 13-year-old Drake mark of 9.4 in the ci!nt.ury sprint trials, while aKnsas State, Rice and Prairie View, Tex., set new n1eet records in three of the five relays events con- · tested on Drake's new red tartan track. .. .. ..... BOSTON -Joe Cronin. president of the American League , warned Friday that tbt rule barring pitchers from deliberately throwinc at batters \l'ill be strictly etlforcetl. Croni.a seat a league bliUelia to all maaagen, g:oeral managers and am· plre1 u 1 rtrult 6( three itlltaaces In which pltcben allegedly threw at hit· ten In U.e flnt couple of ween ol &he season. Oakland Takes· Playoff, 128-114 NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Oakland. lod by hustUng Warren Armstrong, methodically de1troyed New Orleans 123- Jlf Friday nighL and captured the West.em Divlslon croWn o( the Amerkan Baske\ball AssociaUon in four 3traight games. • The Oalca will balU~ the surv)vor of the Eutem Dlvi.ton pi.yofla bet,...n Miami and Indiana for Ult. o-ver--an AB"A clwm- pionahlp. lie called aUe ntJon to Rule 1.02, Para· ~ra~b C, which notes &bat If a pltcller, In the umpires' judgement throws at a halter, then the pitcher altl6 the manq:- er wilt receive a 1\'lrttlng:. If called a second time for &brewing at 1 batter, the pitcher will be ejected from the game. ... OJAI. Calif. -Bob Lutz scored a vic- !Jry Friday to move into the finals or tlle Ojai Valley lnvltalional Tennis Tour· nam~nt but his opponents in the finals advanced by a flip of the racket. ' Lutz, top-seeded in the 70lh annual tour- n<in1ent. beat Stanford's Bob Alloo in Friday's quarter final round d the Pa· cilic-8 division, 7-5, 6-4, and then whipped Southern Califomla teammate Steve Avir yeir in the semifinals 6-1, 8.S. ...... 1\tONZA ,llaly -Jo Sllferl of Swlt1er- t1ad and Brian Redman of Britain paced the sturdy German Ptnek1 kt a sweep of tbe llrtl ._ places Friday la tbe 1,000 lcllometet Monza aat.. race. M'Gre than H,oot 1pectator1 walebed I• warm .a.ad SWlllY wea•r u Siffert aod Rtdmao, lU:lng ton• 1t tbt wheel of dNI Porsche tel. flDl1bed la front by a l1p In 4 hours, 5.1:•1.l for the Ul miles over tbe t.Z.m.Ue track. ..... .. .. CATANIA, Sicily (AP) -Francoise Macchi ol France, edged out Aulltria'a Brlgltt.e Seiwald Frid,y in the In· temaUonal special ski alalom on the · snowy1lopea: of the Etna volcano. Gertrud Gabl of Austril•, winner ol this year's world title, mlsaed a gate on I.bl flri;t run and was di,quali!ied. Who else bul the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston CelUcs would highlight the weekend's televised sports menu? With Chick Hearn machine-gunning the action back to the Southland, ChBMel 7 will carry Sunday's game at 10 :55 a.m. from Boston Garden. Crew fans have one or their rare televised events today with Channel J 1 handling the USC, Cal, San Diego State and Cal State (Long Beach ) races from Wilmington at I p.m . Golf fans might get a glimpse o( Costa Mesa's Ron Reif in the $100,000 Byron Nelson Classic from Dallas on Channel 7 at 1 p.m. I I I 1 , , I • LA Battles Reeling Celts In Boston 8y JOEL llCllW~llZ ................. INGLEWOOD -Wlld>loc EJP> loJI- or lllep O> l!lo lino llld -• !tee draw seems lite ao etemity . A record crowd <117,Jllt at tbe Forum ., .. forced .. lldctt thrDulb -•tenii· ti., in the last a -o1 p1ay Friday fli1ht .. Baylor twltdl<d bk held, - ed the ball, '"'*" lib -.... finally llli1k the foilr i... tlron that p,. the Loiters their SOCOlld ltrllcl>I viclory over the -on Celtics, 111-112, n Ille NIA · worlcf eerie&. 1be playoffs now move to lloltot\ where tbe two lq-time rivala ...,... On TV S111N1o11 11 o.m., c11-1 7 action Sunday In tbO ~ lalmood third 1ame. BaYlor'• perlwmaoc• Friday daabad predicjlons that be WAI Wllilecl up. The ~5 --up rib S2 po!J<s, third high in the pme, bul II came in the final period and he pumped In Ille Leters' floal U. Baylor teamed with guards JtrtY Will and Johmy Egan for 99 <II Loa """*' 118 points in a game tbit wll ~ by the small men, not giant Wilt Cham· berlain or BID Roasell. - West, wlio acored S3 point& In W- day nlgbt's opener, poured ID 41 more Jn the second game de!pite Bolton'• at· tempts lo dooble team him. Eton, -kept the Liters alive in the lint hill with 15 points, tanked 26. Boston's one-time 1lnb man, John Hav· li~k. was just as unatoppable u West, mq ill 43. Loo Angeles, which trailed by 11 mlfty as 10 points three times 1n the third quar .. ter, rallied to take the lead at the end of the period but gave it up qain early in the fourth !tanza. · Baylor tied the score at 1<1 with 1:49 to go on a jumper ~m the corner and then traded buckets With the Celtics un- til there were Mly 42 secoOO.s left. Bay lor was fouled by Tom Sanders and broke a 112 deadlock ,with two charity ...... •. Boston's Don Nelsoa missed a jumper, Chamberlain rebounded and, with nine seconds left, Baylor hlt two more free throws to ice the a:ame and move the Lakers one step cber to realizing their dream ol a world champiooship. IOSTON .. ' H0wtoll t 0-2 1' H1vldc lS 1).1• 43 Ruu,u ' 1·5 • 11rv1nt J W I Jonu 10 1·1 21 c~.,,tt o 1-1 I NtllO!I 2 l·I 5 Sle'lllrd ' 1·1 f S.ncltrl 0 .0 • LOS AHOILll • • • 11 10.lt 12 2 1·1 f 1 ,... ' 11 ... li n 17-21 '' ' ,., . ' M ' 1 •t • Toltlt _.. JO.H 112 Tot1IJ .. 1M1 111 l!I0110" 25 JO JO 27 -11' Lot Anttlts ,, 2' :U all -Ill fglll fouls -los!O!O 37, LOI Ant•ltl ll Fouled 11111 -lotlOn. Hlvllatt, A·ll-"9. Fregosi's Poke Gives Angels 6-3 Decision KANSAS _CITY (AP) -Jim Frepl smacked a three-run single oa a W pjtcb with two out in the eighth bming, livinl the California Angels a 1-3 comeback vic- tory over Kansas City Friday night. Aurelio Rodriguez, Vic Davallllo and Jay Johmtooe, running on the fuJl.counl pitch, all raced home when Frtgoei. lincl· ed to center off Deve Wickertharn, tbt Royals' third pitcher in the ei&htb. The Angels, had filled the bues on Rodriguez' single, a walk and a hit batsman. Trailing 3-0 after three iMinp, tht Angels bounced back on John.stone's 400- foot, tw~nm homer in the fifth and tied he game in the seventh on Lou, Jobnloo single. Joe Foy poked a twirnm single in tht Royals' first. They added a run in the third when Foy drew a two-out walk, stole second and scored on Jmy Adall"• single. CALl•Oll"IA •1• ... Jlflmion.. d A I t FrlfO•I• M • I l I L. JOflll#ft, " s • ' 1 Salrl-, c I I t • ••tc~1fdl. If 1 • t ,, Stulrt. Ii. S t I M-ntl\o ' I I t v~ .. '"' 11 • Wllhtlm, I I t I A. lto.frffl, II S 1 f E'tl~. C I t I Am1rt. ftl I I I K-.h II I D•Yl llllo. rt 1 l t II . M••• • 1 I 0 ""°""'' pl\ ' • •• ll-1. 10 f I t tcANIAI CrrY • •r•* k.tll'l',d Ji i i '""" ,. -I 1 1 • ll'1'11tll1, " J ••• ,.,,. ·1112 AM;lr, 21 ,· • t t I C-1'. t ' I l I 11;.00wrtt j''' 1;111, .. .· ••• e1111er, 1 -• 2 • 1 • ICll'I!.~ ... It I I D ....... I'~ > I I t • $. JoMt, • ' •••• Wlt.•nflm. i• • I • • K'°'11111. '" ' e I I Tttll '6 f II f 'tol•I JI t I f Cellltr~l• I06 at l• -& kf!"ll Clly 211 .. --I 1!-lt~. LOI -Gl llflf'llll 11, 1(.,... Ctf'r .. lt -L. Jo11nton t. Hit -JOJIM!tftt t. II -,., l. S.-.11'1"'11 .. ,.,,, ... "' ''""' ..... ., .. ',) ,. J I I t f I .,., ..... , 7111 ', 11•1··~,. '"' ' I ·• ' 1·1/S Jt 'll l I -· --~ ' r MUD BATH DERBY -Off.the-road racing action resumes Sunday at Orange County International Raceway (vhen dune buggies like, this one race over the l .!>Ji'Jile bCIR dirt circuit. The course requires. the buggies to negOtiate water traps, gulleys, mu4. pits and jumps. · · Glyinpie Champions Oerier, Toomey to Vie In MSAC Relays Today 'l'ALNUT -Four-time Olympic gold medalisl Al Oerter heads the field for today's con1petition at the 11th annual ML San Antonio Relays. And sharing the spotlight will be Olympic decathlon record holder Bill Toomey of Laguna Beach. He is a pro-- hibitive favorite to capture his speeialty. which started today at 11 and will wind up with the last five events Sunday at 3 p.m. . The open division of today·s competi· lion begins with the pole vault at 12:30, one of the feature events. The first running finals is the ,440 hurdles al 1, also a pf i.me attraction. Oerll!r has t"'ice broken the world disCus record in Mt. San Antonio clas- sics of the pasl. lle tossed it 205-51h in 1963 and ~ the'following year. In Mexico City last fall he got off I 212-6lh effon-a lifetime best-to be· come the first man ever to repeat as an Olympic gold medalist four times for the same event. And to accomplish that feat he had to defeat world record holder Jay Sil- \'ester. who had twirled the plaiter some 17 £.eet further than Oerter prior to the Olympics and who still ho lds the world record of 224-5. Silt1ester will be in today 's action, along with two other p!us-200 footers lJon Cole and Gary Carlsen). The pole vault has Chris Papanicolau 117-6\1 ), John Pennel (17·4:P,~J and Erkki ~1ustakarµ of Finland (17-4). Toomey's chief threat may come from fellow Olympian Rick Sloan of Anaheim, who has ~cored oy-er 8,000 points (Too- mey'i1best• is 8,23G). Jn the 440 hurdles It's American rec· ord holder Geoff Vanderstock (48.1) agai~· Ron Whitney (49.0), Tom Wyatt (49.5). If two of the nine starters scratch, Golden West College's Jim Sey- mour {52.7) will be added to the field. Two other Olympic champs (Willie Davenport, high hurdles and Bob Bea- mon, long jump) will vie today. In Friday action. here's how Orange Coast ~a performers did: Golden West's Jim Seymour took SCI'.'.· ond io the 120 hifb hurdles {14.8) while ~ mill~ Don Shields wps s.econd Jn the' high jump (6-8). . ~ • Orange Coast College's Mike Pomeroy woo his heat of the hurdles in 15.1. Golden West's 440 relay tea roof Doug Johnson, Dan Knudson, Phil Age and Don Harris was first with a 43.t and second in the mile relay at 3:19.7~ Golden West's 480 yard st;uttle hurdles rerun ran second witt1 a 57 .9 and Orange Coast picked up a third in the sprint med· Jey 13 ,33.3). Foun tain Valley High won tihe 440 shut· tie hurdles in 1:01.9. The quartet of Dan Rocha, Mark NJehelon. Bob Newstead and Gl«11 Goto was a tick ahead of sec- ond place Newport. El Modena's Dave White ran the two- mile in 9:06.8 for second place. Fountain Valley was secmd in the 440 relay with "a 43.1,and Newport's mile rt· Jay team was third while Mater Dei High copped a third'in the small school divis- ion with a 3:28.6. NewpOrt'S Lee Haven (&-0) was lhird in the high jump. 0 ..... ·H'911 ScllMI 110 LH -1. Lew tl'omon•) 19.J 2. McNeil ie.1111. "'n P~rkl 1'.6 J. H111 (E .. wood) lt.~. 1·Mlle -1. Rllcllecllon i~ltfl1nl t:OS.I 1. Wlll11 (El l1Micltn1 ) t :Ol.I l. K""i.r A~ll•lm) t :J0.2. 2-Mile lltl•Y -l. LI (•~ell 1:10.1 1. llCVll o.~ 1:11.l J. Fullerton t :11.I. 220 -1. $1ml.\i!W111tt1er) 21.1 !. Duford (Cen!e.,. ni•I/ 21.I J, Wll (Slfll1 A.~l 11.1. tMffl recordf 0 .KUS -1. onlgomlt'Y tG!t1111) l~ 2. Foltv !Mente \llstfl 166-Q J. L1»1tene (C1I H!Glll 1 ... -0 '· PomPll (Ullllnd) Ul·l 5. A.lclrlcll (NIWll')l'I) ISJ.11. c 1,11nct1 Med.let Reltt -1. Rtcl!md:I 10121.2 l, l• H1br1 10;2:),2 l. Workman 10:ts.t. HIOn Jumr -'· L1001e CWl'llttttrl '"" 2. e1rne1 lA.111 Lomt 6-2 t Ro,11s CG1rcltn Gl'Oftl •2. SllGI """ -1, 1Urt1nc (LIMWOClll) st.I t. ktcl· "'' IAn1r.elm) 51-5'~ J, Hfffh (An111«fn\ .D.t,, Long I um11 -1. Ret!'d {Mulrl 2J.~ t .. Hllf,(£daf'o. WllC'O) 2).1\f< l. Gufflticl0t1 CGr..,llt HlllU 22-lf. Miii ltt!llV -I, ·Ctnleft11lll l:ll,t .z .• Wlllttlu l:lt.l 3. S1nll A.~ .\1'1lltv '· Fount1ln V1ll11, OJN J•11lw C ...... uo ReltY -LAC( 1:25.S 2. MUj! Ariz. 1:",l J. "'I LA 1:'9.L tMeel record!. J·M 11 Rel•\ -1. Mt SAC 1:4J 2. Gl1...:Mol1 7:•3.1 J, Cllllfey •«.I, $prlnl MMtltt lltll Y -~n ,DflOO Mt ,,_ J:JS.t 2. E111 LA l :26.t l.Gllndlle Ar>. l :Jt.S. 110 HH -1. &ebb (LA.CC) l•.I 2. Sermour !Gold· •~ We1ll H.1 l. lllel (P1lomtr\ 11.1, 4111) IH -), klflll \SO Mel.Ill S2.2 2. Vlgn~cl'll (Cl'ltf!evl JJ.t l. lll~s Palomin $.l.t \M~I recor~! Oltttl>Ct Mt'dltY lltl11 -1. D1~tr1 le!d t :Sl.2 l, ~f1tl Ant t.51.l J. Pierce t :St.0. UO Rtl~v -1. L.i.cc cl. I J, Stn •••~rcllno v-1. ltY. •1.t J, a1ker1fitld ,1.1, All Three .. Crestview .. Clubs Beaten .AU three Orange Coast area Crestvie1v be°agud Jl1rep b;i.~b'aU"t'cams l1?5t Fi:iday. Mission Viejo was nipped at Q;.~ 4; ,San Clemente> lost 11·3 at Vilt~· P.i£k, and visiling Laguna was knocked· off by Foothill, IG-8. -. · Foothill's K~Q BlaCkridge homered With a man on' in the eighth inning to ' spell curtains for Lajuna. . ~ . ·# •• San Clem·;;te's Steve Dismani·' it -a long homer in the seventh in ttie" tfiton's losing cause. . · · •• MISSION VlllJO 10 l brllrbl Holm~. " • Cl!tc, " Gardner, r! GMy, " • M81111, • ' Lta!llt!r, lb ' MorMD, lb ' M1nn1ford, " ' Mtteclltl'I, c ' Ml1lerM.>n, p ' Toteli " Ml,sicn Vleio Dr•ngt • • ' • ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • ' L.i.GuN.-. IEACM 111 • • • . • ' • • • • ' 1b r ~ rlll D S'mll1, cl J O l 1 McDonr.tll. lb I 1 O O s~ep.ord, p, re l I 1 o Mc E:l'ney, tb S 1 I o C Scllmill. ·~ l l O l K!lf•ltr, 11 • 1 0 1 BDll11.rfp S1 •J McMun•v. c t o o o ~inlovc. 2b i O i 1 101111 JI t 11 1 L111u~• F00\1'1111 SAN CLIMINTI Ul •v ••r•r1t1 Cl'lrlJ'1en, n 3 0 o o OM!\'baugll, lO l" 0 0 o T111m1,c,~llOO kolt11, 11,c l 1 2 • R.escl\111, lb l o O... o Olsman~. rl l I 2 f e.cyle, 1b l o o o Lomb1rc11, cf l o I o 1'11~,p 1011 McN~rnere , c O O O o. l'rnut,p,1!10 0 0 ro111, 21 l J 1 ~·~ r1~m~1! v1111 P••k OltANG°R ~5) • • •f • r'I ll!e•. ?b l 1 If o NIH. 1o -· • • SilQ-. i3 • •• 1 ' C1ks, Cl ' " . ' Wlnn,•rf·p 1. • 6Cl>rMter •• )I J , 1 I S1nlon:I, c .. ' Fro1I, " '·I O· 0 Wlllte, " , ' ' C1vid:iop, p ' • • A.~lt, P' , • ' Martin, P • • • Tclt lS " ' • ' . . OUQ090-'i J J JOG Ile I -$ • 0 l'OOrHILl Ill) • ' • • ; ' ' ' ' • • ' 11 r II 111; ~ JacksD<I, ss • o ! o 51N(!tlt. ti ' J 2 7 614ckrldllf!, 11 S I .J l Moyt,rf 2200 Clllie. rt 1 2 f I .YViWerer, 2b 1 O t O v111De<"'dlb, ltl l o o c l!dw.flrd1, lb i 1 I o sm11n, c • o t ,o Tt11ts '9 10 $ S OIS 010 "' "" .. ' 10 -•·· 11 ·1 02-,10 s J VILL.A l"AAlt (Ill .. r II 1111 ,., J l 0 J t I 0 J ' 1 ! 2 2 1 0 3 I 1 ' 1 l 1 0 I llOgtrs, ll Cltell, 1111 1'1nr~ ~ Rv111tlu, 'u klrig, lb MeN"tv' H C1ron. rf JM11t4H!, c McOMntll, p .. ' ••• 1 •• To!ll\ U II ' I . " . JIGllOQ l -3.'.ll $4f 000 0 -11 1 ! JC .Swinifest Finals Today By STEVE AMDREWS Of Ille o.I" ,... ·-n,e final day ol competition in the Southml C.lilornia Junior ColJe&e SWim· mini and Dlvlng Championships gtb uadct •113 tbi.< lllOl1lll>i starting with the prtliminarits In the Golden Ww pool. ~mentt at l p.m. nt top raceJ,la\•olving area swimmers ..m be the !ISO-yard fr....tylt and the JOO.ylJ"\I ~· lo ,uie ~ fr«. Paul .trucbes. l)I Ol"a,..O M ·Wlll bo out lo 1<"f'lu,. top ~ ..., ~ up a fUJJ heid of steam goift( ·mio illo slate flnab nul we<kcod •I DOA\lil\-Coll ... , KriJ S.'@l'llOO of. GofdOll w..i w111 rlo • • ,, 11 ' I, • -·-· --·-·---------------·-----• '-'··/' ' . Newpt;1rt ~oc~, ,q·P,_~· '' I .. ' We.stern 1 ' •. "' I 1 Blanks ·;Tar.s "( ' :a..rons ·Eag~d, 2-o E$llllljCia, Costa M._esa i ' • . ~~~Q: :1~ Innings for Tie ~ ,. I·• ' "Cotta Mesa 'aud ·Eatanda 1Iuued ea<b othe! ,around for _seven. ~ Friday afte~ al the MllSW!p' diamond before 1iotb teams ran 'OU! ol 1as and plajed to a 13-il)iling 10.10 ,tie to.highlight Irvine ~gue basebill' acijvily. Friday'~ remaining two Irvine game! show~ Magnolia nosing Fountain Valley, 2-( and Corona del Mar Dropped a 1.0 decision .to Loar1, i'n .• night game at Anaheim. .• · · COsta Mesa pitClier !far.k Linder show- ed off·• strong Um by comlnc 00 In· the seconcl inning and finishing the game. Estancia's Tom Bullard cracked out fou rhils, including a two-run homer in lOAAA 11) COlllON#. O&l IMlll (t) W111ler, ff Wo1Y1rto11, rl Mtftl'llll, ef Sttllntz:, c St•Mlln', p leo,Jb ll\lll\llry, IS Ccokwt, 1b Sltsln1, Pl'! Gulrert, 1b Nldlol1s, ,h Toho ts 1brllrto! lbrllrbl l lt01'1Jm1r,lf 21 10 l 0 2 1 W1tbre-tM, ef l 0 0 0 lo 2 o O.S11vder,111 l Io o 'l Io o ll.S11vlilr:2b lo 1 o Jl lO V/tls~.H 2001 J 001 W1rd,lb 21 00 'll OeEnt!l,rl 2 000 2 IOO l(ell1y,c 2 110 1 e 1 I TllOmP:IOn,111 2 0 I .• 1 I I I • 0 • 0 2' 1 7 1 To!1l1 Scert •r l1M1i1111 000 000 ... "" 1! I l I . " . I -0 I I I -I 1 I MAGNOLIA. l'OUNTAIN v.-.LLl'f '''""" ... '·" rllol Fllod, lb J I 0 0 011'1tf',l!,p l O 'lO Henry,c 2 110 Sl'lcrcecl!r, H 2 I 1 ;I L-kr,,1lt.3b l I o o 11.YMCk. cf l •I o o GFrM!n, 21> 1 O O O llv1n,rl 2 010 H•ll,1 211C Arltc11e, lb Roberti, 2b C•rroll, Cf Cltrkao11. rl Clllle, 11 Dovie, JD Wllkl11SM, c Hell, SI Hlck1. u Fellt n, p~ ·~ 0-. • 01YI,, 11 ' ' • • V11bve~1, pll 2' 2 1 To11r1 Tet11s 'ctltl t y la11ii111 • ' ' ' n ' ' ' • • ' • " • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • ' • • • ! • • • • • • ' • ' • • • ' • • ' • M1111C1ll1 F~••ln V111ev ' h • lll00000-2 I l *0000-0 3 2 ISTANCIA IHI '''""'; S 2 'l I l~tlll, p D\11'1n11, rf Pew.I~ 3b tulll rd, 15 C:orn!Jk.1, If COS1'A MlSA (11) Fi11d1r, 2b Cl1rk, Iii II r II rtll l I I , I 7 2 l 2 ' 2 I I ' J 1 1 4 I 1 I I I 2 1 S 1 I ! 5 1 • • 0 • 0 • 5 l 2 1 'l 0 0 • .,lll!f ''"' cf ~\vetJ, c Stint, 2D LM\ke, lb e~t•~cl• C&I,. Me11 • 2 I 2 ' l I I 1 1 4 4 I 0 1 I' ~ •• I ' 0 l 0 ' 1 0 • ' .. "'''°"' cf Morrew. rl Sllfn910n, l b A.,en11n, 3b Hlnii.v. 1r EdWl,da, c ICnl!lht, p Linder, 11 Mur1111v. 'lb " lD lJ Tollll Scire II, lnnl1t11 ?~ 002 .ooo .. ... "' • 000 0-10 0000-10 " ' " ' " . MATER DEI WHIZ JOI NS ALL-STARS Mater Dei High School's stalwart center, Mark Eagan, has been named to play in the third annual Big Brothers All· Star football game this summer. The game, scheduled for Aug. 14. \viii feature all-stars from parochial schools in Los AngeJes against similar teams from the CIF Southern Seetion . Other Angelus League standouts on the CIF · team along with Eagan are St. Paul's Jim \Yise and Greg zail. the Eagles' six-nm .tcond flninl. Costa.,Mesa Put tocether i -m:run in- nil)l 1n the fourth on Iii'• walks and' three hits. Both clubs rapped 11 bits. ·· . Magnplia 8COl"ed twice In the ·11rs1 In· rung and that, a, events proved, ,,:as it for the Barons. Tom Schroeder ck>u~ a ,homer after Russ Henry· hl\(I walked to account.for the winhina: margin. Hurler Ken Davis went.all the.way for Fountain Vahey, throwing• four-hitter. Corona del Mar was skunked on a one- hitter by Loara'1 Don Standley. ·The lone hit came off the bat of Rex Snyd~, a single. Golden West Triu11:1phs, 5-4; Bucs Tie, 6-6 Orange Coast College's baseball team drove all the way to Chaffey Friday only to return with a 12-inning, 6-6 tie because of darkness while Golden West stayed at home and bounced San Bernardino, 5-4. OCC's Randy Brawn homered with a man on in the first inning when the Pirates scored four times but Chaffey's pitchers put the shack les on Coast from th~t point on. · Golden West pitcher Dick Hutchison came on in the eighth inning with two men on and nobody out aI)d eXtlbguishl!d the fire with two strikeouts and an infield grounder. The Rustlers were up by 5-4 at the time. GOLOIN WEST fll Hr II rlll Pinn, rl J 1 2 O P1wl$0n, 7b 5 I I O ltle1'11rcl:;on, :)I) J O I I fol.irks, cl J I I 2 TMCf,C 2101 Cornell, lb l O O O l cwen, 11! O II O O H1ns1rldg!, 11 2 11 o O Eld .. , II I o I I R11uJll,u <1120 P1ynltr, p l I 1 c Hurcl'lls.on. ' 1 I I o Tot1l1 30 5 I • SAN llllNAlllDINO 10 McG•rrv. cl 1/ ~ 111'1110 Ur!ri.s, u • 1 1 o W1ll1c1, lb · Ji O O O rorrei. r! s t o o H8lll!~r1, If I I I I Morer>, II 0 0 0 0 Gomoz,c J I O O Sln<l'ltr. ?b l 1 l 1 T1rr,. Jb 4 O 1 O Wet1ler, p I 0 0 C Gtnei,p 2000 To!1ls ••• Sctre lllr 11111111111 Sin 1 .. n1rdl11C1 Golden West CHA.,,IY 11) II ,"~ Mlndo1•, cl 1 1 2 I Cecltrllnd, lb J I 0 0 Houi1'1dff", u J I I 0 ''°"'"· 11 J o a o c11rk,c 1120 FOrd,111 5010 C&rwr, rr ' 0 0 0 Tuley, rf O l O O 11111,r! iooo llude,211 •OOO 01v11, If 1 1 a o W1r"19er. p I I 0 0 G1ylo&rd, p 2 O 1 O D•ned-lcl, p l 1 1 O Tol1l1 <If I I 0 . " . 00000<1009 -<I Sl 011 200 eo:ir -5 I I OltA.NOl COAST Ul llllrllr\I Jtnkl1!$, .s& I I I 0 lekh,2D 502 1 lr1w11, lb J 2 l 1 P1v1.lb l220 i'1lmtr. c t I I o l(!ng,lf 5 0 21 Wlllolltr, Cl I C I 1 Stlberl, rf 1 0 0 0 Dilley, 11 1 0 o I 0Uii•'ber9er, p l O II 0 Plnttr,p 2000 •J 411f Oran11 Co11t Ch&ttev Sc•111 '' lnnk111 «II 000 OQO llCl2 002 JOG • 901 -' 001 _, " . " . . ' Major League Stn,n(lings NATIONAL LEAGUE \\'tst DivJ1lo11 , Los Angeles Atlanta San Francisco Cinclnn1tl San Diego l{ouston Chicago P!'tsburg . New York Montreal St. Louis Philadelphia WLPcLGB )I S .1118 - 10 6 .625 1 9 6 .600 11.~ 8 6 .571 2 ' 11 .:w s1s 4 14 .271 I Divlsl911i 'II 5 11 5 6 ·t 6 10 6 18 s , .j06 .688 'l .400 5 .375 5\~ .375 511 .357 .Sh AMERICAN LEAGUE West Dlvtslon WLPd.GB I 5 .615 Chicago Oakland Kansas City ~1innesota california S!attle Baltimort- New York Boston °'troit \Vashinaton . Cleveland 9 7 .563 ~) 17 .S33l 87.S331 Sl.33S3 5 9 .357 31,~ East Division 13 • 9 6 9 6 I 7 I 10 1 13 .68' .600 2 .600 % .S33 3 -~ 411 .071 91k AUTHORIZED FU~L SERVICE AllD PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUToMQlfLES '·. "~ J •••• , ' timiied by some grut defen&ive effortJ by Westem inflelcler Glenn Nygard llld . eenterfielder Dtlri1s RMt. Newport's only Serias threat cunt in the·fourth inninc when Steve Hanley and Jeff Mauhoff modt if ·to.third and -nd with no~ .. on~ 'Yflk ,_1",_an emr • . However, \Ve.stern'• btg auet -• sharp defense -stopped Newport. in it.1 tracks with a double play resulting in Root's throw to the Alate on Howard Struble's fly baU out. Western shelled. pitcher 'Steve Schott· tier for nine hits>in his six-inniDg.ltint for its five runs, and added three double plays in the rout. Junior Dave jKJu~ctt.er )td· Marina to its easy win, pitc~ing-.OnHitter as ht upped his scoreless inning streak to 30. He's allowed nine earned runs in 60 in- nings over the. .~a.son. while l.lmi\ing thf oppc>!iition to 5f ·hils· aoc1.:1v.ilks. He'• struck out ti?. Pat Curran. currently on a alx·game hitting streak, led the Yikes' batt.inl department wilb two safeties. *· NIW,ell1' 01 •b·~·,111 WISTllll.JI UI H1nlfl~. st M1lincll, ID $1/'llbll, 2b Werner, rl F1tmh>g, II Curry, ( Fotter, JD Holma,d ~elller,1> Sevlli. t Tol1l1 Newpert WesMrn 1 to I M•ck.tb l o o o Haouen, 11 J I t I Pl'OVDnllhl, C 1 0 f I Wl!Mll, lb l 0 • • ,.,,., ...... ~ : :. : ::;;r~lb 'l I 0 o LOPtl.11 l &IOfox,lf 0 0 I 0 10 o 1 0 Tallis Ice,. It IMI .... •b r II rill l t I I l I ! I 2 I 1 • l I 2 1 I I 1 1 3 ••• 3 ••• 3 I 1 I l I I I ' .. 0000000 -1 I I 10103DK-$ t I MAltlNA CO HtJNTllCGTON Ill Mr -rlll Moll, c Wlttl,k, If Mwn.s1 Currin, rf klv"'9resllr. p CrHCI, 3D Soutll, lb S1em10, p~ Fft'mlllt. 10 Cre!se, d N!llf, 211 To11rs J I ~ 0 MUl'll~J, ltl .. , . "" 3 ••• 3 • 0 • ) o.o • 2 • 0 • l 0 0 0 l 0 I I 2 I ' I l o·o • ' 0 • I I 0 0 0 l l 2 1 SymCll\'5,rf 11101"'''" l I 1 1 llyder,c 1 O o I Mo.llJ, 11 l t 0 0 Whlttleld', 311 l 0 0 0 MCQt>OWI\, lb 1 o o o ltult,cf II 0 0 0 Jollet,p ) 1 l 2 , ...... ,. p 1 1 0 0 • 2' ' I ~ Tc!ali 11 a l I Sct11'11 IV 1111111!11 Hun!lngton M1rint WISTMIN5TElll (I) •• • ~ rlll MIYl!tl, C l 0 1 ' Slleber, 2b 1 0 I • W. McCr!ny, If J O I C luckl1nd, If 1 • • 0 P. McCrtny. ef I 0 l t Mltk.lb JOO C MtmDr111, c 1 o c a M. S1n™r, r1 l o c c .-1ct1, rl c c O O Cedrick, ltl l 0 l D Kce•n.u 10 1 0 Cl1rwl~n11. lb 1 O I o J. 51nc1>u, lb 1 o o o McOO..oOI, p 1 0 0 0 luie.d 100 ' ' , -. OOOllCI00-1 1 } C2271111ir-4 I 1 IAHT'A ANA \I'. flt) 1• r II 1111 l llllCl,11 l212 Grou,H 3220 D1rne!. cl ' o 1 2 Slrrano, c l I I I Gibson, :lb ' I 2 I (l\ff$btv1h, r1 4 2 I a l-Llb 3 00 0 Mlll•,1b OOGI Wlt.nwskt. t 1 I I o o WMle,11 i l l l Tot1fl JO O 10 O Tn!•l1 • Sct1!1! llJ lnnln11 ,. 10 ' ' W•slmln""' $at1!1 Ant \ltlllll' ' . . nco oon o -~ 10 • }OOJ<llx -10 t a .· Area Sports Calendar w..,..,,., llHllll -Sacl619back 1t S•n 0!1!911 (2:30). GIN -Ml11)on \llelo 11 L"un1 Dffth. ~ATC1.nRIS -, E111trn C-.1 .. tnc;C lourn1ment 11 M!, Tllilr11d11 l11Ull1 -S1n11 A111 V1llt1 11 Hu"!/"''°" letcll, S1n11 Alli ti WHtmln!tff, N~llcr Harllor .. Anaheim. Mtrln.t II Wes!ern, (I ll 11 3:1!), P:Ull«'!On 11 Saddlebltk (2:lCI) Swltnl'llh•• -Sr1!1 iunlor college ch..,,11lan&h1111 1t OeAn11 1t 1.m.l. G11f -(Dlill Meu •I Ceroni del Mir, SIV9!\nl at :i';r"' H1rbor, Mlu~.v~ell 11 ·s1n Cl.""'tn!1 1111 Tll!llls -E•stern Cenferfl'ICt teurnunurt 1t '"-'· SAC. Hun'tlngfon Be1cll 11 S•~'• An• v111..,, A111~e;m •I Newport Harbor, Wtslern 11 M1rln1. Wutmlnslet II Sin1~ An• C1U" l :l!). 1969 Austin America Available w/Autom.atlc Tranunisaton "Gi>l.D HAL USED c,t.U FINEST SELIC'rlOll or USO SPOlT CARS IN SOUTHllN CALIFORllIA • _j~dl1 !'l'. I .11111 (1 L' I I ', JIDI WUT COAST HIGHWAY -NEWPOaT IEACH J1 rtup o rt 31111porrs '42·'405 . . 540.17;'4 A-bN .,.. e AUSTlll·ltlAUT DoOhr -........ , holor, -··-· ., ~ . I \ • •• ' . ~ Attell..US L.IAeUI' W ·~ H ... llllwllt Arqt .f I - '»Sf,t>t.i ·• <121 • ~· J-s'' to..,,, Allttknf" ' ' s .• ~r ~Ptl ""t " J ... 111tx ... ,, Z41 .. . ' . ::p,.,...,.. .... Mtttr Del 4 St. 11'1111 I """'i. " SI. A~' ...... ""'" .. Nw x .. .., .. ,, ~ " -•ANH LU.hi • • Mater ·Del · pKcber Adrian Witt W.nt the roole Friday nlgl>t, pllcllin& bis Manarcbs to • 4-1 Angthm v1ctbrf . over St. Paul at Memorial Park in Santa Ana. Meter Del ·ICOJ'td a run ln the'. first inn1nc but St. Paul . deadlocked it ·wUh a run tn the ' fourth • The !lecldlng ?un for .Mater Dei,arriyed in the !Utll when ~ .Warf/lnstoir and , Bob HauJ><rl slnlled. Lury Gable 'b""'iht home tlle wlMini.1'1111 :. wltll a PoP alnal.•· The Mooarcha' flral run ·wu • · ~ome run poke by Dan Meyer. · MAYllDllU)0 , ,,_. !I Ll11Mrt,11t 2 t 1 t ~~d 1 t'' Munll: Jlll rt•"1~~· .. i ~ t : wr.· ! ... ~.~~J, 1rf I ! i, i ••• · n • ' 2 ,.. ST. ,AVl CU .. r •• ...,. ~~.. I 't I' ~o:::~ l Ar If · ~;~[{·. rl ' j' ,. ~ ' c:ttrr 211 I T Ttl • I • MW'llltl ....... lf.~ltlll. MIO.t-1• Mtlttr Oii' "' ttl ll ... ' OWN '#MAT WI ACl\'lltTlSL Miit LOCAticik TO ....... • _,,. . . • '714/67~ •4•0: Mllr, •e.llf, ........ •),.. 11 , , . \ ' •'I \ ' .. . 30 GAL 1 ,LASTLC . TRASHCAN " . . .. .Be!r· 4.97 ' Sun. Onl11 I I 39~ ·. "Right .. Guird'' Spray Deod0r1nl sun•t!11 .0111r .1 "'P>: Ntt Wt. Dbc!eullt Prlff ' , Gll.l..E'ITE famUy-tlzt spray. on deodorant for all-da.y pro- tection. Save at K 'mart ltld Charge It. •Lln'lli.d Qlllfttll~. ~·11111 lo Del ' S.tUtdq, Aorll 26, 1"9 ·, ...... ilij COSTA 'tdSA STOH:· Or&YJ V' .• I ; ' ·. ' ..... . . . PRINT BOLSTER PILLOWS !::':;::!~~ 9· , 7 ·e Decorative .bo]ater pillow. · F.arly Amttlcan print cot- tcn with Kapok filling. 7ll21", Charge It. ' · 5 GAL. PLASTIC WATER· CAN Sun. Onl11 B eg. 2 ... water can ha·1 re- tractable Jeakprool nozzle .. Two-Pound ~x Of "Millows" Cookies Our Beg. 97" 86~ Fill the cook)' jar with thtte and •H how fast they 101 . G~at for the school lunch box. Charge Jt. *HIT WllOHT 54% Ba9011, 415 % Pol9e1ter THER.MAL BLEND B!-A'NKE SALE; . , ; .. ' . s ... ~., °"'' . r Bet· 3.0 ·-The ltacon "Hlltcrnf' and ''PaYilUon" ray. on/poll'ftter, ~·lb. ~11 blllnketa tn .aUc! cotors or stripes. 72d0''. Wtth 4" )\)'Ion b1J1111nr. ---•le, a.rp It · f . ,, .. ' ' ' .. , , ., < - \ .,,_. • ' .. ' ~ ' • WOMEN'S PATIO SCUFFS Surulav On(v Reg.· 1:98 Attractive 1ilyer colored, ~DY' lon® patio scuffs in 1lzes S to 9. Ideal for outppor patj.o par· ties, indoor loungmg. · .. Practice Goll Balls P~kaged 36 Per Bucket · Sun .. , Oal9t J33 Ber •. JM Aerodynamlca.Uv. ' deafened, durable pl&lltic balll are for '.Indoors or outdoors 'UM, 36 1o a bucket! a.rs• ltl 22144" All R1yon Sc1Her Rua S111wla9 o..t• J88 : Ber· 2.22 All rayon ~ nq: hu ,fft• tere1tlng carved pattern . ChOOSl'i from popule.r colon. ' All around trinp !rim •.. Ch&r1e It FOCAL 4x30 OPERA · •INOCUL•lS Be,. 1.97 0111, Elccelltnt tor audience vttMns. Wllll CU.. . 5aa /1 ·l • ----------....,..---------------------:--:-::---:---·--·-,.' ••• 1, ··~· •••• ••••••• , ........ . ...... ·~ . ' . . ' -......... . .. .. . ' .. . . . . . "• ....... s.turdly, Aptll 26, 1969 Proje_et Failed btl Itself ' . ... , . _ Pay ·TV~ Foe.s figl1ting P4antoill~. 1$1 JEIUIY•Buat Matlin H. Newman, ~ of the Joint Labor and NEW YOl\K (AP) -ill IT ~nl COmmlttee to yun cf lolllnC-P"Y 1elovillan • Seven.< t\'• 'llW.._ art bis '-'!"'l' tri.p and allled .itth the •lheotor""11cins trlhlalollOao tbaO a IOlp opera and busl...smen coonected hmlDe. Now, Iller llnally with theltm · , , 8"IU"I -a1. tt ls under . . ' · attackbfa-1... .Ap official ol,•·-11)' ln-tal!st<d In pay television , .r 'J'be mot)! ~ ~ delcrlbed the campaign as ~ve l'DOl.fUd . • naUomride "the ume scare tactics" used campalp to ptber 25 ~ tn Cailf«nia to defeat pay algnaturel to ~1~ n v I D c e televlsioD in a 19" releren-~ , that be • pubUc dum. 'I'be referendum wu mesq;t~antpayte}ev1sic,i. later declared un- Tho -. ~ Uie oid o1 constitallonal. a 45-lecoDd fi4h ib'Own in their · The commtttee liled a brief theaters, have cast pay ~arly t.b.Ls month with lhe U.S. teJevision u a "monster in the Court ~f A PY. e 1 I s In living roorp" that l.s out to kill Waihiniton • to hlocll t b e free telev11ion. decision by tbe Federal Com- "We've got several million munlcations Commission to signaturts. already.· We don'C · begin taldnc, a,pUcatlQns for think U'1 too much 01. a Jn>. over the alt 'paJ' tel~vilion blem to get 25 million ," said after June 12. Il might seem tba\ the theater owners are tryina to exorcise a phantom. Pay televl!ion has failed In five major tests ana at present doesn't ezi..st. Only ooe com· Hugo 'Illustrates' Sounds Spring's Her Thing Seeing that regular "Laugh-In" viewers won't be too disappointed Mooday night iJ Newport Beach dancer- actress' Patti Allen, who'll he featured In NBC's 8 p.m. special "The Spring-Thing" wilh Goldie Hawn, Bobbie Gentry and Meredith McRae. Patti's a grada- ate o! Newport Harbor High &boo!. Sport~caster Scully Turns to Daytime TV "A rock is a rock and a tree Is a tree so shoot it In Griffith . Park" is an ok1 Hollywood cllcbe that may still apply in filmi but when it eomes to today 's music, Hugo Mon- 'Trap' Cast Announced In Clemente stlliUR PC1UlllS ~ coilalicnlion wnh I, HILD Ofll WIHJlll[ll: IUT AC!'Oll AWAle < ... ,._ ,.CHAll.1'"' • ..... "fOI LOWI OF lfr Wtftt Sldnn' Mier .I ~.....,,di,_ 110161SllOSSOOllTES ~-~ , { CUFF ROBERTSON . I .CJ,lA~~ .. -~BLOOM ._.-1w -&--...,_~,.. ALSO l'LATTllG ---------ACADEMY AWAID WtNNll JACK ALIOTSON S1pp1rtlot A-la "THE SUIJICT WAS IOSIS" ( BACK AGAIN FOR YOUR PLEASURE THI •llAJD' OF ALL MUSIC.AU \ MwfW .. .,.. .... ··-····-,..~ Boris Ktrloff..-Vlranl Price "THI (µYIN" "COMIDT OF nllOltl" ''THI SOIClllU .. I -----·~ -• 147-Htl Tllr(l'll Sadtl TIM ll•ATLll.S .,. .. " SlrlMMrille"--G Gret«Y Peck ''111e Stolid ......... __. .... • ••a I Acalleln't ....... Wl- 8al Al:!Or-CllH RObtrhon ''CHAILY,. -5 Sidney P~itier "fof &Aft ef IYJ" -G JM1 mmr srs SHOWING AT 9:35 P.M. OUR 2nd PTA SHOW. ON ·SATURDAY AT 10:15 & 12:45 SPECIAL WEEKEND MATINEE Soturdoy . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. Once "Only a l 3 P .M, Suncloy ........................ 12:Jtl& 2:30 P.M. ( • candy .fechnk .. er"ClllC -~-[!] • • a &ACtt •i: . AT l:U.1• • 'tUNl'INOTON •EACH• M 7•..0 Ace4e1111'( ·AWWl'llll WillMfS C&lffl ....... Best .Actor E>'lt -•· .... CH11t 1..,,... M ~ "COOGAN'S BLUFF" • NOW'S THE~ . . I . TIME FOl~ QUICK · CAS~ THROUGH ·Ai ·• DAILY Pll01 \ WANT AD 1 i 842-5671 ' ·1 • • ' - \ .. -.. I --------~~--~·-~--------.--.----------·~-----.-----·---~------------~---. > it-.. ; I" "'ti! ' }• ,, .-...... \ /. . . -\.!; --'~ * . PRIZE WINNER * This week's .contest winn er is Carlita Daymon, 11 th, 1645 Palau Place, Costa Mesa . ' Any child under 12 can e,n\er Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do: (!) Draw picture OD etece of plain, wbite 'paper si,; incbea wide and 4.inches deep. Use black~ alid make lines black. (2) Do pot copy or trace picture. It must be yo~ Own wprk. (') ;Rut your name, age and addreu on back of drawing, Mail it to Uncle Len's Ari' Contest. Box 1560, DAILY P~, Costa M!sa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dolJar. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME A long time ago Some people began to crow, . They~ It "'ould be wise And also .ort of nice To bave the day last longer; Ttien a· law wu passed And no one could be wronge r To say the day would last ; We do thi s by changing our clocks , J~'s also a sign, of aummer: · •11SOmviwecmrfakeOffourbed so·c-itS, -s.. ~ Now ii the time to ~njoy the daylight Instead of having the dark night. " T · G-~#ord Puzzle Sn4 ye• ........ tto ... "'""'· c/o °'9p C... Dally Plitt. hi I lff, C.... Mins, C•llf, ACROSS I 1. 11 ) • ~. -----~-- PIAHUTS ..,,..--...... .., I rj-,; ==~ I ,...,...., !'I ~II.,._, • TUMBLEWEEDS ATLAST! IMOl'PIAWAYFlllMlllE. HUDl1l.Et> MASSES, lllE HlSTIE-eusnE, t-'r-T'illlE URBAN JUNGLE OFlllE CllY! •• BIG LONESOME. ',_,'"' HR I CCMI 1' MUTT AND JEFF MU'TT,WE GOTA PIGIN OU~ YAADI GORDO MISS PEACH I -----------------------~_,.-,,-c.,-,,-,,., S•turd&Y, Ap"1 26, 1'169 DAILY Pl10f 17 By Harold Le Dou PIP HE HAVE UV.IC· FAST WITH YOU, Mf:5. P.UIC~ ?' ~.- 6'T W15E AMP 6tVIE Al.AN A O'IYO«E 50 THAT HE CAN w.J.rt JAE ••• THE WOM.AM ME LOY~~ By Tom K. Rya -- COM!! TO THl(lll( OP IT, NOl>ll! OJ' U5 REALW .Kl>/OW ANY OF U5 VERY Wl!LL ... AH.WHY? IT AIN'T +\IS FAULT FOR WHAT +lAPPENED °™IRTY·FIVE YENISAGO! ) ., .... j ) i i 'l ' .. I ( h I ; SEE. THE LIVE TIGER & CUBS! F:R£.E!: GIF'l'.S ·DRINKS, · HOT DOGS-MUSIC FREE! FREE!.~ .. SEE and RIDE JUj\Bft ~'~-. Y• , r . IMJ'r', ol '!lint Some d119..._! S.... copdt ·Tlle.ltlds _,.._,.,..-.-w..u..- ......., wmtt, wltli ... big oon .... watdi ~ fed om rWw meot! a~~t~g~~ ·:or the Kl.DS! THE . ELEPHANt . , : , -'Hoff 1--pi-• ..... wlttl ... Wild leash! ALL DAY SAT. & SUN • A truly ~reef b:uY'·· ~ it now. et Bea.ch City and save more. ~ull factory equipped with 1111 vinyl interior, 3/1'' , P.ddMI U_:h, hNter, defroster;, are includtd. Serial No ~ XP·2'B9l1>115. . 0 ' ~$2677 THl;SllOW Sl~PERI , NEY( 1969 . DART SWlll6f R · $77 DO~N $77 ·~:.. .. PLUS TAX & LICENSE -...----.,.1-9-63~R~MILlR CLA!~I~ This beautiful Dart is evet,ythlng Y.U hav~•been:looking for in a car. Gorgeous yellow color wltfl ' fU,l 'factory .q\.11.,mlnt,. including pedded dash, seat belts, and all th1 ·1xtras. (Motor Number LL23A9El451~4). • SS •DI"'· A""'~1k .:;~Lk~ ,,.ui.1 · . MAUBU ..... -. ,_ " ' 1964 CHEV, • ..... '"· ••" ... fllll Prl•• $299 \I.&. ''""'Ilk lrllll~ I t-0-' "1111'"' 4tLn8 • fULL ~77 ;,..$25. $25 yo. r11c• ••• $64 :· . ' TOTAL DOWN $64 s216 - -53 VW SUN ll()Of 19 . -111.., ~If· Lk· ...... 1lf. ..... tr ~~. $1'9 VW BUG· = 1965 .... Mlllf. Lk· ifTUY tll. ....... $7-,,..,. 1r111~r1111o11.$"'8 fULL 77 $"11:1 ./,;J MO. pJICl 1.7 DM. -DODGE roLAllA 1965 ..,_.ik tr•~· Lk 4ll""1 '!'·,, $~ ..... $ls yo. ',~\~. $6 ,,.~ DM. • orEH DAILY \. , • l .-...• •SUH. ''TILL 10 P.M. ' PLUS TAX &. LICINIE TOTAL PER MO. PAYMENT GUARANTEE PLAN . · DCIWT WOllllY AaOUT UY~S. STlllKll 011 lllMO PllllD! WI.JP G .......... ,A .. 11Ut1 ... , .............. .;.. ..... .... r-'IM er .,.. lllf et-* 41 ,..,._,,... . .....,. ..-.. !f . PlllED -ITllMCI -u'l'o••· ywr ~ Wll . lie ..,._ ...... '"" W I 11Mal1M*i • 6~ pet-fl,•MI ,,..,_. ~ NEW & USED TRUii · . $PECIA\S! • 1965 CHEVY 'h lOll PICKUP fU~~'" ·;,799 ~:·=~: PRICE ' I .. ' . FREE CAMPER SHOW! SEE THEM ALL: Slijle-Ons, Y~, ,V9lk· Thra,llC)hs;·-&' Mcitor Hollies • '' · AU !t-t 'BIG, llG .$AV.INGS! . ' ·.; · .y{ . • ' SAVI 1UP ·-' ...,. ~ 51"5ol~ - SEE IT NOW! ON DISPLAY . The All New '69 Dod ' ' • • • ~ J. :-1 r. : I~ l • . ' . • i i· • 'l l \ '. ., ' .. ' f'\ • • ' • , •• ' . " ' . ' ' ' STANDARD 19UIPMINT e Wh••lbe1• 103" e T11rnin9 recfi111 l6·6 fl. e curb wei9ht 2001 lbs, .e 10.4 cvbic feet •f 1ter•1• •P.•C• "•.i.llentl·eir heifer w/J .. ,.M lilewer, lighted colltrol1 e brtl e w1rnln9· li9ht e cloth ind vi'!_Yl.opholdery with t1ri1n pl1l11 cloth h111rts e Color-k1y.d floor mm •·""""· v1ntl111 'l•llMf nut .. U&Jll' .. llr# 1icf1 91111 e door 1p1r1t1d co11rt11y li9ht e Ferd Mot.re•; Uf99111nl Ullo l"Ull lllmlllAlllU Q_ .. it • S1f1ty h1h1r11 e Front •l'KI r11r 1rr1'1r11f1 e Ml tMl -·16 911, e full witlth u.tl w/f1lcf in9, 11lf.lockint fr11t-111t b1ck1 e fu11.wWth 1letr1,. trey e ll11r 111t 11h tr1ya e A1c1..M 1tot11tnol1 1M l1111T1t1111wf1 ro· . · R'·D e ll1v1nibl1 k1y1 e Su1p111dff 1ccil1r1tor, cl1\&ti & ln1~1 p.dal1 ••tliick p1dd..I "h.o4" e ln1h 111t1111t pantl e two-1 p"4 1lectrio'. wiiwl1hi11d wip· t tt • Wrapan1llftlll bumptcr. • ... · MAYlllCKS LIKE THEIR COLOllS WILD Freudien Gilt An ti-EsteblishM int ' • Buil.t Right .•Sized Right • Priced Right Originel Cinnamon Th1nk1 Vermillion 11/'tW QN D/.rrltl .. y •• Hull• Blue Plus I 0 others to choose fro~I RV ~rf.11 CHOOSE FROM OVER 400 CARS AND TRUCKS ' '·'" • • ' , , , ' ' ·· . , l • I BRAND NEW' 196t BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW',.1969 FA LC~O II · MU:STAllG _ FORD· L.T~D. r '" : • t -1 ~ 1 .. , ' ·---. . - _ <. '" '<Ci '.". ,. -, I , Whi-'1 Tirts & WhHI Covert optional --· ' . " ' FAS~a OR -· 2DOOR HARDTOP '· Whitew1ll·tirn & wheel awtrs optior11I .. ~23.81 $2649 ·., '--usm. : ·CAii [tl·RRAL ' ' . - ' . . ~ . '67 ·0LDSMOBILE DILTA 4 DOOi HAIDTOP \'.I , autom~tic, factory air, powar 1taarin9, pow ar bralia1, .Jwllit1wall1, ¥inyl top, finfad 91111. IUOM ID4'J '6:!SE'5oo IL Z DOOi HAIDTOP v.1, 4 1pa.d, r•dio, " .. •*· whit-all1, l:;uck. 11 111t1, co111of1. I SIS'lll I . '1495 .. " , I -# < '68 . FORD · · · · .'. COUNTIT SOUftl 1t 0PAISt ltO v.1, 011tem~, f•ctorv .W•"-"'•• .,,~. •*••ri119, ,..,..91;.c ltrak11, radl1; li.~atlr, .... tta • .,.,u •• tintld ti•••· L..,,.9• ,''!~· •3495 , . ' '64 MERC:UftY PAIKU.Nl 2 DOOi H~DTOP' . V-1, automati c, factory air, P•"!'•r 1faari119,:'>_ pow1r bra•a1, radio; haat.r ,whif-all1, ti11t• 1d 111•11. flES 2Jtl.· •1 ·095 '65' BUICK SKYU.l,lf 2 D90i'.MAIDTOP Wihlctt V:I'. 4 •paMI, ,O"rtl' 1tatri119, radit, h1af'tn.· I PDC 24'1. ."• .·•1695 · 'W PONTiAC RMP'ISTCOWI :!.-l.·111ick •~iii .,owar 1taerif19, rHii, ha1tar. 1WJ62t l.~ . m \ 'J09$· . ~ ... ~~ '. , '66 VOLKSWAGEN Z DOOi Dli.lilei <4 Speed, radio, he•ttlr;iTBX 6291 ~1295 '6:r DATSuN · IHO ROAD$TIR <4 1peed, r.dio, heater, con~ole. fUNI 2411 , •t·69·S '66 'TRIUMPH i' CON$TllU · ~ speed, red'io, h•eter. r ' •(ROW 3791 '' -•795 ' J '68 PONT1AC fllllllD HAIDTOP • V.t, l 01paed, factory air, radio, N11t1r, fi11t· .d g1111,•t1chomatar. IWXJ 4'451· '2695 . '65 MUSTANG MA IDT OP :,;r~imlar, 111tomatic, radio, .ha1t,1r. '66 FORD COUN_nT SUAN !SIS ,V.1, a11!01111tic, facklry air,, powt r 1la1ri11g, pow1r br1l t1. I RPP 19fl . •1.69.$ ~63 OLDSMOBILE_ CUTI.AU coin \'.I , 111tom1tlc, factory air, powar 1la1ri119, radio, haat1r, .... hit1wall1 (lfF0211 . .'715 • '63 RAMBLER 4 DOOi .. VI, a11tom1tic, powtr .+aari119, powar braliNt r•dio, haaltr. (410521. '695 '65 THUNDERBIRD . HAlDTOP Automatic, fact. air, powar 1ta1ri119,,~,.,_ • w'indo w1, radio, ha•lar, !MO K 1711. '':,' '1495 '65 GALAXIE 500 . ' 2 DOOi HAIDTOP r \'.I, oM1tom1tic, factory air, p1.,.1r l~"lt , rad io, h1al1r. INHD llSI, '1195 '65 MUSTANG commlLI v.1, .. 1p1ed. pow•r 1ta1rin9, 11dJo,_ 11 •••• ~. t UJY 5~1 ! .. '1295 :~ .r. :_ ' ' { ! I ' J: I I I . I I j . I ' I I I I • ---~---~--- HOUlllS l'OR SALE -. .. I HOUlll ;C>A SALE "H0USU FOR SALE HOUl=E:::S.,.:F:,:O::ll:..;SA~L::.E_:,:H::;OU::;S:,:E:;:S:..:fl:,:O::;R~SA=:L,:E__:H:.:OU:::;S::E:;:S.:.F;:OR=..:SA:=::L::,E_:H:::OU:;:::l::l:=.S::.fl!:O::.R.::IA::.L::,:1~.:.H.::OU:::::S::.1:.1 :..FO::R:..::sA::' L:.:l:.... _ _,;;HOjl~· c:.•:.;'·1:.;l':fl-'O'-R'-IA-L_E-;:;::I -al lDOOOenor•l 1000 0-ral 1000 Generol 1000 GenoNI 1000 'Geneul 1011-nl 1000 -r•I 1000 l/B B/B OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY * * 1 TO 5 PM 1701 Galatea Terrace Irvine Terrace II Marine View from a dramatic Living Room! All rooms built around your own heated & filtered pool. This cuslom designed 3 bedroom 31h bath home has many unusual architec- tural features ....................... $69,500 2607 Ocean Boulevard China Cove Corona del Mar Entertaining is a pleuure In thil most ele- gant living rOC)ll\ with adjoinin& palio-cleclt . overlooking aQ ~ tht activity on tht Bly l Ocean. Terrac'od antnnct lo thl• :rbodroom + Den home lends lo the charm Of lbt 1et· ting . . ........................ 80\' 224 Heliotrope Corona del Mar ·slory·Book Cottage located a short block from Ocean Boulevard. Corner location with a captivating 2 bedroom home. Easy main- tenance. Wonderful retirement setting. 468 Sierra Drive Corona Hi9hlands A large sunken de n with fireplace adds to the charms of this newly decorated 3 Bed- room home on Jand you can own! Add/frplc in living rm. Your own KEY to Shorecliffs beaches. Owner will help finance low forty price. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 E. Coast Highway Corona def Mor 675-3000 VALUE0 PACKED OPEN HOUSES ' 2 UNITS. m.oao Cole to Be,ch & a.tine). lndudes .!!ml. Boe.f Mooring. HILl.SIDF; HOME 1 \bd- nru, 3 baths. buee same rDDm, formal llv, A-dln rm. OPEN SUNDAY 1..5 . mi Canllool. $46,900 nvE BEDROOMS Split level ttoor plan, dandy fam. nn, beautUul cpts/ drps. ~r tran&femd East. 147.950 PACESE'I IER 4 BDRM Shag crpls, massive med brick fireplace, sunny all elect kitchen. Now va- ('ant OPEN SATURDAY l :S. 2807 Europa 134.000 LARGE MAS"I'ER SUITE Harxlsome 2 story, every ooncelvable lmprov• emrnu.f bdnns including huge muter, lovely pa- tio. $50,950 fAAl:\VAY VIEW, fllm. blJnr .u.lt tlOl'I' °" 11\h I • I r w • y • lmm&e\lllte •hroi.a'9out, • I a r 1 e bdmlt. 2 flreplaces, 3 batlui. Just listed at $66,950. RHl!y OPEN HOUSES 1598 Mlnorca Place NEW LIS"I'ING • Immaculate 4 &: family room clo5'. to major ahoppin&: center. Mesa Verde pde iJChool.S, library etc. You must ice th.ls to apPreciate. 2123 Pre1ident Place Take over payments of $157/ mo. including taxes & in.!I. on lo'.1'-interest GI Joan. 4 bdms & fan1ily room on cor- ner. Owner extra anxioU.!1 for ofier. Sun. afternoon only. 3152 Country Club Dr. Quick pos.!1e1111ion on vacant, large 4 & family room with formal dining room. 80x120' lot • room for a pool or two! C.Orporate owner desires quick a.le. ~INER HOM'S' FIT FOR A·ROMAN EMPEROR I We are proud to preaent Iha =I borne which recreates the aura Of an DY" nasty. TbJJ 5 bedroom, 5 bath Ba I man- sion 1ltualed on a 120 ft. Newport Bay com- p)ete with pool·house conteining Lotus Baths, Sauna baths., massage room, dressing room!, a unique property completely lurn!Jbed with· out regard to expens e · it's offered at $'25,000 by appointment only. -----OOVER SHORES VIEW Sweeping Harbor area View. One of the most magnificent bome.,.s we have ever ottered. 5 Bedrooms, 6 baths, over 5,000 sq ft of sheer luxury, with beautiful pool. By appoint,. ment only .......................... $225,000 WESTCLIFF Exceptional custom built home on beautl· fully landscaped comer Jot with 40 ft heated and fil tered pool. 4 kingsize bedrooms. 3th baths, large living rm, Hi Fi & Intercom. Covered patio with BBQ. A dream home for entertaining ....................... $69,500 Open Sun 1233 Highland Dr. OOVER SHORES BeauLiful 5 Bedroom home situated on ap. prox. 1h acre lot with panoramic view. Large living room, r ichly paneled fam rm wJth brick fireplace. Heated & filtered pool. Ex~ cellent condition· asking ............ ~144,500 OPEN SAT & SUN 1536 Galaxy Drive ' CAMEO SHORES Large 4 Bedroom home on corner Jot with magnificent view of Ocean. Family room heated & fil tered pool. Large patio. Asking $86,500 ·call for appt. ------ BAYCREST Owner has moved East and is offering his bea utiful home on corner lot. Circular drive, 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, plus powder rm, family rm, dining rm and many extras ... all this plus a free form heated & filtered pool sur· round ed by patio and plush landscaping. Asking '611, 750. Call for appointment IRVINE TERRACE 2 Bedroom & den home with view of jetty, harbor and Catalina Island .......... $82,500 OPEN SAT & SUN 1S35 Oolphln Ttrraco Sprawll"' 5 Bed,_. WALK TO !.~~S!'J!~u~~~~X!. Tako Over VA l.:Mftl SHOl'PINfi 'l'tlSI ~ )rwl, a.,. )'tU YoW'C drum home NEAR l"rorD thit channlnc, suptt 111E BEAOI boub LARGE . .ai.tp btauty. 2 Be4roam FAMILY ROOM off tht buCt and den with 2 Uled bath&. ranch sized kitchen wltb built In talW't and ?6 x 26 ELttTRlC BUll..T INS. d!taehed sarap, Tti1I Is a Kinc..tzed muter bedrootn. ll5 x 135 foot Jot, mned R-2. Expenaive D ·E E P PILE Wlll take 4 more units, or CARPE"I'S TfIROUGHOUTt awntr will dMde and ICll Tutef\.11 pro1tsllona1 decor-lot aeparately, Lot at ,10.aoo •tin&'. ~ Uled brick and home at $24,500, tittplace in muslve 28 .foot WE SELL A HOME """" """'-GracJou., '"" EVERY 31 MINUTES brick, added nixiip111 r®m exclualvelY exqul.dtely cari>eled & panelled luah Janel. scapln1 fUrther , enhancts thil beatll)'. Quiel street in cholc~ Mell Verde. X-ours for .......... · ..... ~ .. ~ ........... 188,IOO. ' ' ATIENTION' vm Thil dellghtlul 3 BR h o m e with ~ % baths, hardwood floors & new carpet in living room is waiting for you. BeautUul landscaping & lots of ITees. $24,950 FHA/ VA. TAKE OVER FHA LOAN - Only $1.800 TOTAL DOWN moves you In. 3 bdnru, 'fireplaee. Very sharp. Pay· men ts lo suit any b u d g •· t • $198 per month PAYS ALL. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. . ~20,950 FHA I Open House EAsrsmE cosr• MESA, Sunday t-S Th~ bedrooms with HARD- WOOD FLOORS. Walk to w .. !ciill ohOpptng oent..-, 425 E. BAY, CM grammar ochool and ptay. 10% DOWN ground. L.ara:e: lanced yard, Stop in, you will like this 3 double garage on paved aJ.. BR· 1%. bath home: • fn!lh)y tey • easy acceu for boat pain~ lnaide & out Larp and trailer storage, S1T3 Jlvirtg room with ftn!place, moath includn Pl'inclllle, bulll•lns, covered patio for interest, taxes and insUl'" entertaining: Double 1arage. an~. DON'T HESITATE -$26 CT No ·""· A W~ ! ! 1860 Ne\vpor1 Blvd., 0 1 NEWPORJ HEIGHTS! \Veil located attrc1.ctive three bedroom, l % bath home with HARDWOOD FLOORS and plaster walls. l..argt' pic- ture view window from rear living r o o m overlooki.11& beautiful garden. peach. ap- pricot and plum orchard. Double garage plus work- shop • easily converted to auest -quarters. Store your boat or trailer from paved alley. Full Price O nly $30,500. ~r will help fin.. RU r. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 *.LACHENMYER FIRST TIME AOVERTISEO One of Mesa del Mar· a finest. 3 BedrooIJ\11 plus an outstand. Ing added family room with extra tirepla~. Has heavy shake root and hardwood floors. -m.soo· and owner will sell FHA Terms. - THE REAL ESJ'ATERS &t&-7171 or 546-2313 ~, :~ =-~~ Walker & Lee sprinkler low maintenance lush landacapifl&! SUbmit Sl.500 Down to thil attractive VA 1.clan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & L~e 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adaina SIS-'491 Open 'tU 9 PM OCEANVlEW 2 BR, 2 bath, l block to Beach $29,500 Georve Wllll•m- Realtor rr3.4350 Eves. 673-1564 ----~-==- 200 Wtstcl.ilf Dr. &*mt Open Ewa. FIXER·UPPER A little peint and pluter b all this cute: Ranchtro needs to be a Doll HOUie. Have 4 nice siu: bedlooms.· 1% baths. Brick Ftrepkoe. Dou- ble Garage. Gl't no cash down, FHA Terma, $22,990 FULL PRlCE. • WE SELL A HOMI EVERY 31 MINUl ES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger. 8424455 or 54().51'° Open Eves. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Open House -Cameo Shores Sun. l·S, 4549 Brighton Rd. Spitclnus 2 Br's + C. Den w/wet bar & frplc. Formal Din. Rm. Room to add. Pool sized patio. 3 car garage. White water view of ocean. $159,000 Mrs. Raulston Elegant Lido 4 Bdrm Genoa 60' corn. lot • w/fam rm & din rm .e 2 patios e rm lo expand • Tulefully decorated & in immac. cond. asking $99,500 Joe Clarkson [ Sunday e 1..S p.m. • CORONA DEL 1.IAR O>eery 4 .&: tam. -$44,950 1301 BONNIE DOONE 4 LARGE BDRMS 2 Ba., m t-ins. FA heat, lire CHILOREN'S P'ARAOISI! Located across from Mariners Park, Library and school. Large 4 Bedroom home with panelled family rm, new ly painted inside & out. Asking $46,500. Call for appointment ~f~ Open -1064 Pescador-1-5 Dover Shores. Picturesque 3 bedroom & conv. den. 3 baths, formal dining room. Exciting view. Court entry. Beaut. patio w /rock pool & j a c u z z i . 3 car garage.! .·:-.-... ' .................... ' ..... '84,500. Mary Lou Marion * Beactdront. 3/fam $25,000 dn 1915 BAYSIDE OR. * zt tt warorobc sto,cm dia 21H FIESTA IE. Bluff) * pl., patio. dbl.. gar. on alley1.,. ... !!!!!~~~~~!!!! i.:.,.:O ~~""FHA 8% d,.i· 'PARTY POOL HOUSE SWIMMING POOL Fantastic home with gorge:- For a . hot. summer. 3 BRs. ous pool and patio area for on quiet St. Ll>'v dn . ~ as-summertime parties. ABSO- swne 5%% loe.n. $26,950 LUTELY Immaculate in every detail. Hll&'e windows ' iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-11235 2 STORY CAPE COO Delux 5 BR.s, 3 Ba. Newport Hts. outstanding. $37,500 OCEANFRONT over • lookln1 entttlalnment ''!!!I! area. King-size master suite I ii includes dre~ing room and County Squire UPPER BAY Eves. Gall 673.6116 6% LOAN 2414 Vilt.a Del Oro Newport Beach Sparkling lights * Hilltop v i.w of Bay and Ocean * 3 BR, 2 ba, sgle kvt:I * LuxuriOU5 crpt.!l Ir: drps * Coiy panelled Den New Listing -Boycrest 4 Br's Fam. Rm, Din. Rm. House in ex- cellent condition. Lrge. swimming pool. Small fruit orchard. Separate yard for pets. Quiet residential area: ...... $69,500. Mrs. Raulston , NEWPORT BEACll b::t!h. with a "Roman" tub. Beautiful location. Room for Own a piece of Coast Line. boat or trailer in over-aize 2 BR. over triple Gar. R.-3 yard. A must see!!! $34,950. Wonted for wamlly inviUng pine·pa~ elled home on secluded 70x 150' lot, Beautifully main- tained, custom home. 3 bdrms 2 baths, 2 family room~. 2 patios + p:iol & waterfall. Price only $40,950. All country gentlemen & fam.Uiea we1oome at Oldt>r 3 BR family home with large play yard &: located on beautiful Bay View Street. Owner moving Eul A: will sell VA or FHA financing. of $28,000 can be assumed by you & thl.!1 4 BR 3 bath 2000 sq ft, near n@W home can be yours. Located in North Costa Mesa & looks like a model Full price * Separate muter Suite w/huge walk-in closet * Many, many extraa View -View -View Exceptional day & nite view . Home ls com· plete with 4· BR, 2 Baths, powder rm, fem rm, din rm, and pool·slzed yard .... $53,!00 Walter Haase 'i V.cant, 3 BR & fam $4300 dn I 1831 TRAOEWINDS lot. Room t add. $59,500 Submit your smaller home ~ on our guarantee: gale plan. $32,950 * Putting di!tanct to putting ~n f YOUR PRESENT HOME A,. \;I~ WE SELL A HOME * Hop, akip Ir: jwnp .. owimminr pool Living At Its Best Bayshores is the place • private bay beaq.- eS • boat facilities • playground • recently remodeled 4 bdrm w /lrg family rm • make ' I I I ' OJNSIDERED lN EXOIANGE 1111 Pinch in & Lcdc1• 675-4392 Anytime 3900 E. Coast H'A')'. 5%% LOAN r...... EVERY 31 MINUTES Near Ne;.:,~'~-' !..,,.H Walker & Lee LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU in the garden atmo.~phe:re of this elegant l'o1esa Verne , 2043 Westclllf Dr. 646-mt. Open Eves. Mesa Del Mar 5 Bedrooms PaceSl'tter. Enjoy an even-Theo cleanest neatest honte Ing cocktail while relaxin1 in this lop area. Ali tile around the tropical setting kitchen with eleclrlc built. of the 1aily lit JKIOI and ca. ins. l\oon1 for boat or trailer. bana. 3 elegantly appointed Looking for 2300 .!IQ. fl. that bedrms with his and her sparkles~ -This i.!I It! bathi. Make an appointment THE REAL ESTATERS to see it. 646-nn or 546-2313 Open Hou1e Sun 1-5 2395 TUSTIN, NB (just So. of Sa.nta lsnbcll Roy J . Ward Co. (Baycrest Ollicel 1842 Santi&.&o Or. 646-1550 Corona del Mar 3 BR. 2 bA, R·2 zoning·S32,500 OPEN HOUSES $22,500 Ntwport .. Victorlt 646-ltll -------- Newport BAYSHORES BEAUTY * $46, 750 • price: reduced 644-1133 644-0233 EvH. 1 BR DUPLEX Clean older units with ctou- ble detached prage on 50x 140' lot. Assume existing $13,400 • 6% loan _ no loan fee. Only Come see this large 4 BR 3 , bath separate dining room, patio It boat yard. Only $18,950 ~ r:::---PERRON $55,000 ofier ............................ $48,500 Mrs. Harvey Luxurious Gardens Delightful 4 bedroom. dining room. 3 baths, family room. Oak floors pecan panel. 31h. car garage, basement. Outdoor ~reen house prime location on Hampshire Cll'cle. Mary Lou Marion 3 Spaciou1 Bedrooms 2'1ii Bathll with a Family Room PLUS Formal Oinlna:, plus much -much more on a picturesque Back Bay cul. dHac • $32,950. BONUS Underpriced $23,750 ORANGE COUNTY'S FHA-3 BR~nclcised patio LARGEST 649 DARRELL, CM 2t3 E . 17th St. 646-4494 Rllr. 642-9730 EWs. MS-Om e KBINEDY SAT. & SUN. 1.5 25ffi Vista Dr. . .•..• $39,500 27Jl Baya:hore Dr •• $79,500 519 Rivenlde Dr .... SZ'l,000 1200 Somersel . . . . • • $62.000 "C" THOMAS REALTOR 224 \V, Coast l liway 548-5521 Newport Bellch Eve. 545-56(3 OCEANFRONT 5 BR Near Ne\vport Harbor Yacht Oub. Colonial 2 story, 5 bed- rooms, 31Ai bath!, 3 car gar- age, oversized lot, Cooks de- light kitchen. large patio, aundeck, m.500. Exclusive liltln&. By appt. only. RIDDmPI' REALTY 2025 \V, Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675--6000 2621 Vl1t• Drive, NB Oi-n Sunday 1-5 ~ -PERRON ......... ~~· JT .. •'•......, ~· * 642-1771 Anytime * WATCH )'OW' TV shows on tha aet you find in the Clusitied Ads, Oleck them ..... , COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Kl 9-3351 THE REAL ESI'ATERS MS-7Jll -646-n n THE QUICKER YOU CALL. THE QUICKER YOU SELL ·-----~~~ 3 Bedroom House On' 2/3 Acre H-OK Older 3 bedroom farm bouae on huge Joi zon· ed for bone•. Only 10 mlnules !rem down· town Santa Ana or Coat& Mua. House needl paint and ima· llnaUon and so Is re- ilaced to only $34,950. Brtlli your horse ana maktanoHer. Baycrest Cu5tom S79,950 Beaulttul spa c lou s home designed for the executive who enter. tains. Features include sunken lJving room, formal d~ing room, Jarge famlly room. master suite. Roman bath, all built around private Spanish patio. Call today for showing appointment. 5 Bedrooms $32,900 5 bedrooms, 2\i baths, large fami l y room, beautiful kikhen with ceramic tile, natural wood cabinets. dish· washer and built -In double oven. \V hit e brick fireplace In Jiv. Ing room . Lerge beau. tilully landscaped yard Truly a lot of bouse for $32,llOO. * '42·1771 Anytime* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INVESTOR'S CORNER This week 's best investment buy is a very de- luxe duplex on the beach at Newport Bench. The upper unit has 4 bedrooms, huge living room , full width balcony, and an unrestricted view of the ocean. On a year around basis it rents for $350/month or much more on a season· al weekly basis. The lower unil is 2 bedrooms an d renls for $200. Price is $43,!00. llurryl 3 Bedroom $20,000 Assume Sl/• 0/o Loon Think 8% In terest Is too hllh? ff ere i9 a rare chance to take over a Joan at 5'14 %. Costa Mesa home has large lo~ 3 bedrooms, boat or trailer access, on q u I el cul-d .... c sln!e~ clooe lo schoola. Mountain Lot $2000 !07Jll0 vacation 1lte on improved road In the San Bernardino mountains 3 m I I e • from Cre1Uine and Lake Gregory. Lot has moderate 1lope and is covered with large ce- dar pines~ electricity and water are avail· able. Oqly $500 down and seller will ClllTJ' balance. For map call today. ne 645-0303 28 OFFICES e CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD Te ' • ' 3 Bedrooms +Guest Room $21,500 Aboolutely without a doubt, the belt buy in C.OSUi Mesa. Immacu· late 3 bedroom house + gu86t room, large pool &lzed lree 1haded lot. C h e e r y living room, v e r y modern kitchen w Ith natural wood cabineta and b u 11 I-Ins. 2 car de· lakhed garage + car· port for bott or camp- er. Don't wall ne 645·03031 • ' · 'PETE' BARliElt .. · ,. . ~· . pNMnts WATl!Rl'RONT HOME designed to lake ad- :Vanfage 6t the climate, sun, view lo the in- door'-outdoor concept of beach livlng:'4.bd- rms1 dellgbtful -i"'tloS, private pier & slip, Jove y. land.scaplo&-:F r i c e reduction • now '.' ., '. ' ............. ' .••. ; ........ $110,000. ... ACTIVE CHILDREN? Need room! Every- thing about this home is large but the price of $471850. 5 extra -large bdrms + den + family room + Baycrest. EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI ~ bdrms 2 bath, tile entry, ·spacious living kt family room • overlooks tree shaded yard. Kitchen cab- inets & counters galore. 1311 Estelle Ln Open Set 12·S , ·INVEST IN FAMILY HAPPINESS.I 4 bdrm, , ·den, family room & dining room -all lhese plus POOL. Terrific enlertaining & play area. Immaculate. 1907 Holldey Open Sun 1,s OFFICE OPEN. Sat. & Sun. PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 W•tclilf Dr~ N.8. 642-5200 ' NEW,ORT.IEACHI 'S BEDRMl''POol'' Alinost $10,000 reduction. Area or $60,!m homes. 3 baths, family rm. Electric HOUS l!S FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE GOMri\' l .. ~11 IOQO • ) t J ·~ , ~ . Lm VefCll l:f9! . _.. Al) play and no work' yaril. a, wiusuall1 )uge bedrooms with muter suite opening lo a sun ~hed 1p1tkllng pool erea and Tiki hut tbit• is perfect for outdoor entertaining. Ex- cellent eastside location. Tastefully deoor· ate<j, lush ·carpeUnc throughout and better ~n new condition. Call !or detalla. $35,750 •. $21,750 ....,.111e Price Is Rlgbt And look', whit.It. buya. 3 queen sized bed· rooms -,~. baths. Lovely tiright ini!'cheer· ful' kilctien with salln wood !~' is~ed cabinets. A wa11 of glass overJi>oldng y r own covered garden patio. Large park-Uk corner. Adult occupied. FOR A WISE IUY Colesworthy & Co. ' 642-7777 I ····~·-~-· • --_!ll_l!m_•~-· In : Beautiful Irvine T~rrace OPEN HOUSE• SUN 1-S 1312 DOLPHIN Tl!itRACE Sljarp, 2 BR, 2 bath 'beme surro!"'ded by $100;0ll0 liomes. Great place to live while the property appreciates in this · prestige area. '' Hard to beat !or only $39,500 R •. L Strickler, Realtor 3001 E. Coed Hlway,'CdM 673-6.110 Bayfronl Hotel 1n Fabulous AYalon Dining rm, 2 bars, 35 rooms 1 plus View owner Units. built-in kitchen. Plush car-!!!!!!!1!!!!11!'!!~!!!!!!!!1!!!1!1!!!' petiag, Loads of deeklna. ' $24.,000 !>ID-1720 COLLEGE PARK AREA , BALBOA< PENINSULA POINT ·BURR WHITE, Rltr, 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 TARBELL 2t55 Harbor Assume big 5%% loan. 3 4 BEDRM. + FAMILY 1 BRR, 26' ~iv. rm. 2 ba. Needs RM. $ll SOO some pamt &. cleanin:;. Ex· 3 BR home in quiet area. Painting Ii:· decorating will add, charm! Lot 50 x 100 fl. Large patio. Room to ex· pa.pd. Try oiler. $42,500 Balboa Rei1I E1t8te Co. · ' eel valde Oversized room throughout. · ,,p·'~~~ ' tlY OWNER 3 BR tam rm, I tbJtrui, hdwd firs. patio, frplc, drps. Newly ~ ~dilioned, fenced. fl,'l,Soo. • 1.3093 Fernheath Ln Of, ·.54&-3530 2 pulliyan batbl. Elegant bri~ ·#replace, an' electric "Award''· built-ln kitchen. Patio. Park like landscaped yard. 540-1120 113 Josephine Webb, Realtor 100 E. Ba1boa Blvd., Balboa 673-4140 TARBELL 2955 Ha;bor :::::::::::::::::::::=:::~= Open Houses THIS WEEKEND . .., "" ...,,. .,_,.,., .... '" ............ .. ,.. .................................. .... .. •11crs.1• .. ...-..-1 lry 414t•1Wst .... ..._. .. t .. y'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. htre• ......,.,.. ..... .., ................. ..... .. lllt _. ..,., ...... "' ............ """· (2 Bedroom) *1100 White Sails Way, Corona de! Mar 644·2244 (Sat & Sun 12·4) , 224 Heliotrope, Corona del fl.1ar . 673'3000/673-0554 (Sun 1·5) ** 1606 W. Oceanfront, Newport Bel\Ch 640-2414 (Sun 1-5) 1312 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 673-6510 (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Don) 617 Crest Ave., Huntington B~ach 536·8755 (Sat & Sun) 1518 Dolphin Terr (Irvine Terr) CdM 642·6472 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4549 Brighton Rd. (Cameo Shores) NB 675-2000 (Sun 1·5) 1535 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine 642·8235 (Sa l & Sun) (3 Bedroomj 535 Vista Flora (The Blu!!s) NB 675-6146 (Sun 11-4) 8211 Eastport Dr (Surfside) HB , 536· 7925 (Sat & Sun 9-5) 511 Avenida Campana at Vista del Oro 675-6000 (The Bluffs) Nll (Sat & Sun !!5) 421 Cabrillo St .. Costa Mesa 5411-9000 (Sat & Sun) 300 Avenida Cumbre, (The Bluffs) NB 673·3770 !Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago Dr., (Baycresl) NB 642·8235 !Sal & Sun) 26 Yawl Road (Beacon Bay) NB 642·8235 !Sun 1·5) 1319 Bonnie Doane Terrace CdM (173-7312 (All day Sun) 457 Morning Canyon Rd,. CdM 673-0372 (Sun 1-5) 15750 Canna Way, Westminster 847-3519/892-1474 (Sun 12-4) 4821 Cortland (Cameo Highlands) CdM 673-2222 (Sat & &I!'! }·5) ~ Esther St., Costa Mesa . · 640-2414 (Sal & S\ill 1·5) (3 ~edroom & ~m;ty or Den) . 1318 'EStelle Ln (Harl><>r Highlands) NB 642·5200 (Sat 12·5) 2107 Anniversary Lane. Newport Beach 646·8698 (Sat & Sun) 2813 Drake Ave., NeWj>ort Beach ' ' 57:;.3745 '!Sat " S'un> 100 Via F1orence. !Lido lslel NB 673·9060/675-4747 (Sun 1-5) *1701 Galatea Terr (Irvine Terr) #2 Cd~I 673·3000/5411-7962 (Sun 1-5) 2607 Ocean Blvd .. (China Cove) CdM 673-3000/5411-8668 (Sun 1·5) *1064 P .. cador (Dover Shorea).NB 675-2000 '(Sun l,S) 3401 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 673·2222 !Sat 1·5) 1126 Goldenrod, (Herbor View Hills) CdM 673·2222 (Sun 1·5) *2395 Tustin Ave. (So of Santa Isabell) NB, 646-1550 (Sun 1-5) 3401 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar . , 673-8550 (Sat & &m 1-5) 649 Darrell, CosUI Mesa , : 642-9730 : Eves 548-0720 (Sal & SWI 11-5) 2301 lieather Lane. Newport Beach 675-4130 (&m 1-5) 1866 Rhodes (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 (Sun ' 1·5) 431 Lenwood Circle, Costa Mesa 54()..1720 (Sun 1-5) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa !\40-1720 (Sun 1·5) 9112 Mahalo, Huntington Beach . . (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom} 3137, Barba<\os Pl. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-7308 (Sat & Sun 11·5) 488, Serra· Dr., (Corona Highlands) CdM 673·3000/646-5227 (Sun 1·5) 221 Morning Canyon, Corona del Mar 673·3770 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 270 23rd Street, C~UI Mesa ~ \141.,g'ISO. Ete.548-0720.(Sl!l"' SijD 11·5) · i 233 ,Higiilari<li,Dr. (Wesklifl) NB 642·8235 (Sun Only) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den} 2112 Windward Ln. (Baycres!) NB 5411-8112· . (Sun 1·5) 322 Cabrillo, Costa Mesa 548-0588 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1632 Dorothy Ln. (Weslclifl) NB 673-8830 (Sun 1·5) 117 ,V.ia !'lice (Lido Isle) Newport Beach 675-2676 (SUn 1·5) * 1907 Holiday Rd. (Baycresl) NB 642·5200 !Sun 1·5) 1518 Antigua, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sal &·Sun 1·5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) Newport Beach 54!1-1720 (Daily 1·5) 1354 .E. Oceanfront. Balboa Penn. 645·2000 (Daily l ·5) 1338 Sah11a·go, Newport Beach 642-8)35 · (Sat & Sun) 363 \'.isla' Bays, NB 6751130 • (Sun 1·5) * 1620 Dorqlhy Ln (Harbor Highlands) NB, 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 2622 Vista Drive {Bayshores) NB 642-1771 (Sun 1·5) * 1227 Highland (Westcliff) NB 675-4130 (Sun 2-5) *429 Isabella, Corona de! Mar 640-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *2834 Tustin, Newport Beach 640-7171 (Sun 1·5) 600 Gary' Place, 'Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sun I.SJ 20232 A!lrlan. Huntington Beach 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) 1907 Leeward Lane, Newport Beach 54()..1720 (Sun 1·5) 9111 LaLuna (FounU!in Valley) HB (Sun 1-5) 2006 Holiday Rd (Baycrestl NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *ll!OB Windward Ln (Baycresl) NB 646-7755 (Sun 1-S) . ' (5 Bedroomj 2836 AIU! Vista Drtve, Newport Beach 644-1192 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **101 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 1536 Galaxy, (Dover Shor .. ) NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) (S J S.droom & 1family or Don) 1103 Corona Line (Mesa de! Mar) CdM 646-7171 (Sat 1-5) 10041 stoneybrook, Huntington Beach . 546-231$ (Sun 1-5) , · 'APT + INCOME FOR SALE tt320 Via Lido Nord (Lido hie) NB ~/675-3243 , · (Sat l!>-1) , ,DUPLEXES FOR SALE 301 • rind St.-, Newport Beach e..u.14 • (Sat & Sun l·S) Slbln!q, Aprtl 26, 1'169 HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SA I , I I' H ' Go;,.ral · llllt Goftoral ICIOO Gonoral llOOGonorel 1000 OCEANFRONT 5 BR Near N e w po r I Harbor Yacht Club. Colonial 2 story, s bedrooms, 3V. baths, 3 car garage, oversized loL Cooks delight kitchen. larc• patio, sundeck. $99,500. Ex· elusive listing. By appt. Dick Irwin only. · THE BLUFFS View located 3 bedroom, 2V. baths quality. built split level. Many bonus extras such; as full electric kitchen, imported chandelier, Van Luit wallpaper. $37 ,950 or lease pur· chase at $375. per month. lm"'.lediate occu- pancy. Open Saturday & Sunday l to 5. 511 A venida Campana at Vista del Oro. BAYFRONT.RESIDENCE OUering your own pier & float for up lo 60 ft boat and located on spacious 70 x 122 lot. 3 bedrooms, 2¥.l baths, 15 x 24 dining i:-oom, 16 x 25 LR. 2 marble fireplaces. $139,500. for this ·superb 3,000 sq ft arCbit;ectural achievement. CORNER COMMERCIAL 92,740 sq ft corner location on Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Zoned C-2. Taxes approx. $6,000. Carriers on property but value ls in the land. Priced at $620,400. Be sure to ch~k this prime location· before buying elsewhere. MDDOlPEf REALTY 2025 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Rentals -673-3663 Sales -675-600011 DON'T MISS THIS RANCHO LA CUESTA -If you've missed the closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units .... DON'T MISS THIS !! Each succeeding unit costs more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see our model s on Brookhurst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are 1 & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission t~e or shake roof, fire-- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-ins, family rooms & dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beauliful homes are priced from $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Con· ventional financing as low as 10% down. No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call ~2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. A sweeping VJE\V of upper Newport Bay Crom this spacious 5 Bedrooms, 3 bath home! separate family nn with y,·ct bar and fireplace lovely gardens including beautiful rose garden with founta in 01vners movlna fron1 area Wants Action NOW ! Reduced to $58,000 Call : Jim Cobb THE SKY'S THE UMITI Unusual Ivan \Veils' custom · built. • home with an elec- trically controlled traru;lu- cent sliding roof, & a 11weep. ing view of the Back Bay. 4 lxlnns, 3\.i baths&: family room centered around a til. ed • floor atrium wilh wel bar. 2 tlreplace11. bonus room built over 3 car gar- age, & very attractive Span.. isb exterior. Roy J . Ward Co. I Baycrest Oilice: l 1842 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 3 Bedroom House On 1/J Acre Horses OK Older 3 bedroom farm house or. huge lot mned for horses. Only IO minutes from down- town Santa Ana or Coeta Meaa. House needs paint and Imagination and 110 is reduCt'd to only $34,950. Brina your horse and make an oUer. Forest E. Olson, Inc. 64>-0.1<ll eBM • 2awxa1 2 BR home w/lnc unit needs .,me TLC. Walk:llw dlstaDCt to ewrythinz, $33~ · ""'ns. By · appl only CORBIN· MARTIN. REALTORS 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM '7S.IM2 REAL Estate salesmen or broken wantlt'd. Rancho Capi1tri1no I!! now offering a limited 85 parcels of fabuJous, oak !'ltudded. ranch size spreads. The only" ones of their kind in lhe r.ming South Coast Area !·I g above th!? sm0g belt. Private roads and locked JVl.te guaranlee the natural beauty of this .former Span. lsh Grant surrounded by beautiful Cleveland Nation- al Fores!. All utilities avail- able. PRICED FROM Sl,000 10% DOWN -15 YRS. For tl:ue country living, re- tirement or just plain invest- ment at a bargain price. Call or wrile tor complete details and tree color brochures. Rancho Capistrano 4570 Campus Drive. Newport Beach, 9'1660 546-7143 CLASSIC SIMPLICITY Instant money TM.ker in ador. able 2 lxlrm comer home. Fenced yard, enclosed pr!. vatc patio. Owner says de· tached gara1e stressed for aparbnent. Ac.roa: streel from bay &: near br!lt ocean. S36.50o With low down, Va- cant • ready to move in. ·llO lr 1••-;; • • • 'REALTY '2025 W. Balbo* Blvd., N..8. '~ $18,950 Owmlng 2 bedrtn house on a cilnntlc Jof 56xl.TO zoned R-2, poalble vari8nce to.RA or commercial, k>cated jUtl oU Rarttor. EK:ceUent area. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-44M 4 BDRM. +·FAM. RMO WITH FIREPLACE $21,900 Priced far below rcpleot- menl on today'• matket. 2 baths. Mu&lve brldt tlre. pl a.ct In huge family room. Built.In 1tereo It: ta.pc re- corder, • TARBELL 142"611 szs;1so --·IT'S PAUL WHITE THE C:ARNA••N. .e..o."" SOLD THAT COUNTS! I $20Ao0 . I 1 I to .·$24,999 ,. LOOtt $2l,450 VACANT Comfortable -sharp sharp. 3 BR. 2 Bath home on a quiet street. Near all schools &: shopping. Quall· ly hardwood floo r~. Owner has redecorated Interior & exterior. Ready for occupancy. lovely bit In kitchen with · dishwasher too. 15 x 25 living room with ex· pensive floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Quality \V/W carpe:ts & drape. $potll!SS lhruout. Only $23,450 EZ terms 546-5440 MDA''8DE $24,950 Fine 3 bedroom 1': family roorn home tha.1 will mak.e some family happy. ?!1any line (ea.tu.res. All electric bit in oveD It. ~'hge. New dishwasher. Good size bedrooms with ample ·cloeet space. 1% bath, stall shol'i>er. Ne\\<ty installed ·water heater. Fenced yard. Spri~er. Rain gUtterL This vuant home \VDn't last long at low price It good terms. 546-5440 YALUI PACllD That's what you will s.y when )'OU see L'Us tm-' maculat!J 3 .BR home on choice Ea.al.side location. Jl's exle:r1or and interior appointments s p e a·k er comfort i: ease. ~>' hardYl'Ood Doon. ' Good si:te bedroom. Spacious li ving room with fireplacr. Park like yard. Zoned for duplex in rear. Only $23.950. Min. dDwn on FHA terms. 546-64«1 I $25,000 to $29,999 I AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION In Newport Beach -Solid 3 BR home, harch1'00d noo~ -2 baths -lovely 11paciou~ living :rttlm, has fireplace -w/w cpts & drapes -stepsaver kit- chen -service porch - fenced yard plus covered patio. Low price at $28,500 st&-5440 GRAI YOUI PAIN~ llUSH! Yes it needs work, paint & clean up but this fixer IAIGAIN HUNTEIS This 3 BR + lamil,y rooin home in Mesa Verde is today's best buy, Fune! tional Door plan, 1" baths, built-in oven & range, I~ ·se rvi c e porch, large living room, W/W carpets & drapes. Near shopping. 0 n I y $25,950 -VA/FHA finan. cing. WATCH YOUI WIFE J IDIM ... Pl.US HEATED POOL JUST LISTED -ln Mesa Verde. Owner trana:WTl!d and wants a quick sale. Newly painted Interior, all electric built-in kitchen with dishwasher, 1%. baths -stall shower. 14 x 20' livh1g room with fireplace. Lo w main. lenance )'al'd. Terrific cus tom pool witb automatic sWeeper. Price only $28,500. ExcelJent , financing. 546-5440 • Her eyes will lij:ht up \vhen she sees this perfect family home. Has com· upper ea.n be pUrchased ~t pie~ ~parate bedroom CllCLE THIS TOP IAIGAINI belo1v market. 4. BR., 2 \vith bath. Outstanding 3 Bedrooms. 2 bathR, story home. only 6 yrs kitchen \vith breakfast carpels, drapes. OulJ!itan- old, over lllOO sq. feet. 2 Baths. Large kitchen with all blt·ins &: diShwasher. bar. Bit·~!, ol course, ding bright kitchen with "'ith d i s h \V a s b e r & all blt-lns. Newly painted blender. Top quality, up e"terior. Ma n t c u re graded \V/w c pt a., lawns, front &: rear. Ex· 12 x 13 di ning room. custom drapes. Fftplat't!; • prnslve a.tum In um Large corner lot has !enc-equipment. 2 ba&ui. stall covered patio. W a t e r ed. ylll"d. Shake root l t'!i sho"'l!!r. Outstanding tront !IOUeners. Large traffic &rear yardwlth2patios. free l iving room • Extra room for boat or fireplace. Top F.utside trailer. Price onlY J29,950. loca.Hon, asking on I Y 1 vacant: owner desperate ukin& 128.9!'>. MW '°"' oiler. 546-5440 Csll for abowliig. 54S-M40 $26,500. Hurry 546-Sf40 I OVER •~o,ooo . I TH.OUGHTFUU Y DiSIGNID Thlx Wll.lSual 3 BR I: large Family Room home in Costa Mesa ~·so warm -lrlendly and Informal. A large traffic fIW living room with quality w/y,• cpt'S & drapes a n d fittplace. Wife will love lhi1 bi-ight kitchen with bit-ins -1%. baths -stall shower -many extra features -Only $30,950 - Call ior showing. 546-5440 · INTlllST CONSCIOUS! Then inspect this 4 18.rJe bedroom executive home in Newport Beach, designed lor easy living. Terrific kitchen with all electric bit-In oven k ran 1 e, dishwasher, ex. pens.Ive tiled tops & splash, extra I a r &' e Mrvice room. 2% baths. traffic b't'e livifli room with fireplace, I a r"g c family room with fireplace opens out to patio ,vJth tlreplt. Separat.f-14"10 formal dining room. You'll not find a nicer home at only $53,950. CALL NOW. 5'1&-5440 .snr TO 'IHI OCEAN f" re n ch Nonnandie 2-story only 4.~ yrs. "young". 2300 sq. fl. of quality. Large living room with marble fireplace & hearth. 15 ft separate dining room. D' I u x e kitchen with all built ins & brldst. area. 4 spacious bdrms. 3 beUis, scads of CIOSt'ls. W /W catj>f!ting, drapes. O....·ll('r says sell NOW -$48,950 ·-Xlnt terms! 546-5440 HING THE STEAKS! Terrific, 4 Br & family room home for id,eal sum- mer tun and entertaining, custom 18 x 36 heated Blue Haven pool, lotli of deckinr and well landscaped. 1% baths, stall shov.-er. Lovely bit-in kitchen. Loads of closet space. Spacious living room, fireplace. Wall to wall ca~l.!l & drapes. Prlced below market at UJ.950 10% down. Call for showing OWllEI PllCED Eutrid~ Estate. 2 story ' Contempofary, 3 BDRM., Den &: Fam. Rm. A: POOL! 2'rit batM -mar- ble pullmans. Endoeed front patio courtyard' Dbl. 3 door tcrnu.o entry,· open ceilings, stone trpl. ·extra large family r o o m : C'l!ramic tile k i t c he n \v(ra.Ued a~ cabinets, all ' clectrle bui l t-Ina. Tremendous entertaining. Rear yd., heated pool. 1 ?>.tr./Mrs .. dressing rooms, 1 garden ll&:hta! ! ! Priced to Mil at only $37,500. SEE FOR SURE! S4e.5440 NIAi HAllOI HIGH This rustle 3 BR and family room beauty is Ideally located n e a r schools and Wes tel 11 f shoppiJW center, 2 baths.· exceptionally large size bedrooms. Perfect family room with t l r ep l a.ce. Outstanding kitchen ·with .. all bit-Ins. Corpplete with brealdasl bar. Cul-de-uc street. Price: $34,000. EZ terms 5C6-5HI) I CO'NDOMINIUMS I VACANT l llDIOOM Maintenance tree, no yard \\'Ork, chPite klcatton near all IChoola & &hopping. 1% baths. Sparkling kitchen. Blt.-ln o v e n- r a n g e, dllhwashcr, 2 story, quality wall to wall carpeli & drapes, Beautiful pool and plush ~ation clubmusc. f'OU price only PJ,950. Owner wi1l help on terms. can lor 1howlng 5464140 I I 1 Jn Uris 3 bedroom. 2'2 beth home.. 20 x 20 spe.cklus livin& room with brick fireplace, gas jet. Quality waU . tO wall ca rpets . Built in bookcaaea &: d r a p e s • OuUtandhia: sparkline Kuchen with bit-in oven • range. Maslt:r bedroom with· balcony overlooking IU!h green be.It. tm. ma.cW.ate condiOon. Adult pool. Only $2'1,!0tl. 10% -... - NIAi OCEAN . In lovely Lido Park. 'nle .1. best location ln Newport Beach. 3 large ~ 2'A. baths. Ideal living fer actlve people. 27 filot rw..~ tng 1'00m. Fiftp&aoe. Strp aaver kitchen' wt t h dlilhwuher A: built int. B e a u Uful la.ndscapl"C wltb sel)kt'a.te patio tMt opens to pool. Excellent: financing. Price o n I y 129,;oo, ,Huny. - I OPIN HOUS•s ••• 12a30 IO 5•30 I 2'51 IOYAL PALM ISOI CUMIPLAND, LANI Dover Drhrt, 2 blka north of 17\h St. Open 12:30 to ~:30 Sundl)I. Cuatom dell;md S BR -famQy room in Wtat- clltf • Immaculate CQft(HUon thru-. ou~ • &x~ large kltc:ben with ·wau. of cuitom cablne~ • All eliec)ric built .. Ins, dWlwuher • Sliding 11U1 doon. Optn from llvlf\I 1'00rri to UOW ttar yard with ao foot bell~ pool - Come and ste all .tht o~ 4attra lN.turet. Open 12:30 to !5:30. See this excellenl Jqe 3 BR home + family room in Mesa Verde near shopping and sct\oob. FuncUonal noor plan, 1 % bAths. larp living room with · fiN?p)ace, ca.rpets and drapes. all e.~trlc bullt.-ln kitchen, fenced yanl. BU.y on VA or FJIA term!'I. Only $25,950. Al" AIOUT OUI HOMI TIADI Ill! PUN AND ITATI WIH 1-.L ITnlM 564 Park Drive, Costa Mesa 646-0555/MS-1812 (Daily 1..1) (Sun t-5) '* ,_. Leon Vibert Re:allor *'* W••fl• 1842 Nt'wport Blvd .• CM 5 BR, 2 bath, eKeel. locaUon. Astwne Fl~ ® UCJ/n10., or 1ubmlt nlA, VA term•. CAU. MR. NELSON *-l 151 {open eva) Hct'l(ap Real D&ie: • • PAUL ·'WHITE ·CARNAHAN 2400 Norse. Costa Mesa M&-2313 '***' ....... __ ,._ 548-0588 -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ For De.i1y Pilot Want AM • Di&l M2-lir79 for RESUl. TS- Re.Uw €•. , 1MJ IAKD .STlllT, COSTA MIS~ ' .. " I \ ' I , 1 p,r.:r; .~, ...• , • I I '. *. '9ayc rest Sp.~cia ~s. * A Way ·or 'Life Real Yal11 Un115iNi1 , Galatea f orraco · · ' Only $62,500 for thU 5 4 bdrm ·home, Lari e COol 8aY breeie• acroaa !)le P.ool and,patlo, bdrm 3~ bat b'lfome. living t¢m wllh beam· gracetuf white sails on the bay below Your er · moving E .• 1 I. ed ceillnf .. Formal d~ :wlndowa, t luxur1oul ·l!edr0om1, Iara' famil)" urryl · ing room .& big ramUy , room, bfiaht .suriny lillchen with hreUfalt • l'OOll!. Owne1' . moving. ,, ~' Tbe u!Umate in c!uetr~ llying, till,000· Dreaming of • • • Wants qui~ !ale: · , • , Shown ~Y Aj>pt I bdrm hbme with nm-~ding • Ur UhCY tlY room & formal din-Custom '.built s l>d[Dl , ,.., Ing r o om • Beaulifl!l home with be.med eel~ ~Ing p o o I. ·Patio Jncs. ·P.o rm a l dinia lrith BBQ & pooWde r o o m. Artlltic .uie -0 1 REAL ESTATE wet bar. Just the p,latt adobe , brlclr. BtautifUJ ~9' fun in the sun.' master .. llU!le: • 2121 E. c-t Hlwliy Cot'OM del:Mar • 673-3770 ANT TO BUILD? S..oral jfOod loll ovoll1blol ' -RRY FREUD • CHARLlS ARNOLD I •-1 ~--U-- 388 E I h S CM mm•cu~ •-1-=-=''.;c-=--...:1.:;llO= _ . 7t treet, . . . l!aot11de H-- ----_ --==-=---£--"'--·--: ;-=--:._~ --~---=--:: -------~ -·---- !Jealtc n 646-7755 Quiet st"'.'' walk to~ ... ,' 3 ID!lM·S19,950 , -, ~ • , 1. 3LceBR1,famnn,t.rplc,·Auume·5%.%FHA)oui.Slll •~. Peraqla. $2950 _Dn. mo. PIYI an. 1q ft:lcd yard, C COUNTRY FO!tTIN CO, · 642-ne,ey -.. Owntt 548-5271 ' SECLUSION ' ' 4 BEDIUMU.fOO DREAM LOCATICSN ' in the back bt.y atta, tower-4 Ir Farnlly Rm 5tf°eu ki~~iill l baths. Move in cond. Spacioul 3 u. ~ *:~~ ~ ImpreaJve 4 yr old· Newport; ~~en.~ ~eel Un= . 2 BA: We1tclitl shop's area. !entry hidel lt, "IT .. ia: ._ hotm w/ cua:tom stereo A rOOm •. Firtplai;e. ~~te Qw;ntr. '31.~. ~ tamblinr 4 bednn 2200 111 ~urn ,.system thru-out. 2 cltjld's p)ay arta. 540-1720 ·P'IXER UPPER 3 BR 2 ft custom built··~··-' lri>lcs: Cl'f>U, d""' "''"plete: TARBELL 29$5 Harltor .. tbs. Priced under aD · ....,...._,,.~ 2 back )'l'dL ~ODO 1 • • • others at $21, 150. Good Joca.. OPll( SAT.& SUN. 12-4 "BEEll TltANSFE!tltED" tion. CALL 51<>1ill <open . (Nr Irvine &: 22nd) Custom 3. BR, 2. BA near eves) Heritase Real Estate '"5 F · .;;1 , Harbor H11h. Bit-~ beam-I :i;=,,;::::;,:::~;;;:;,::;_ '<hRAt\IOE COUNTY'S ~ , r•n._.~ Dr. ed telli11&, mammoth uM!d OWNER. 3 Br. ~% Ba. J'\lU ,; LARGEST Owner 54A507 brick fireplace, new plush din. rm.; auwne 9'(% ... s "Tc'7-::""i""='':'!'i"I J""'"~C:..,..~~"~"'!"~..._~ll!9~c_ FHA in. $131 Mo. pays .u. 2'3 E. 17"'' t. """'4'4 4 bednil & pool HOME on 60 x 185 ft ~l lot l.993 Meyer Pl. Open Sun. ' MESA 'VER' DE $15f.OO INC. TAXES M,lacent to Comm'l. Exe 5 BR. By owner., 5"-% FHA No qualiling, an,.,,. ,,.,i' u-poten!W, Rent it while you loan, Full pri~ $24,500 w/ CUL DE SAC sume 51.4% Joan .or $500.00 watchyourinve1lment conalder 2nd. 549--2103 · ular ~el with extra total to vets. Hurry on this grow, Might coruider ainall ASSUME 4"'° GI· e 1amily room and aep. oile. Comm'I. 4 br, 1% ba, ·nr acbll. Doyle fe livinr room. ,Carpets Fortin Co. Co 54i8-1168, eves ~191'1 J;nd drapes and.deluxe coy. M2-5000 ' 1115 ered patio, ;. Great :location for kids and pets. • Qi,950 • You eel the·terms .• ·· 1P ~nn • 5t6-23l3 -, THE REAL './'\ l:STATLRS ORANGE COUNTY'S Costa Moll , • LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1 Of ... _ y 1 Bushel lasket uy ,.,. ear. lullolgood~•~mlhpalnt ~ 1 lOO 3 LG' bdrrils, 2 ba, 17"23' IlV. nn, I& 1un room, fl.ml din rm, blt-i'n kitchen w/ loads ot cloeets I: 11 pantry. Pool· sized .lot. Garaae hu floor to ceiling storage units. Brand new ept1/drp1, ptlnl inside Ii:. out before >""' mO\l(l in included for $30,5C)O., Walk to all schls. ~ BY 6WNER 2 .....,., 3 ba, 5 BRs lonnaJ dinlnr; rm. newly carpeted downstairs Waterfront • View of Cata-' new carpets,_ buie covered 1ft Yi ur·-Una & Boy, 2 Bit, 2 .. patio . .,.. _ all lnclud<d ·~•IW • ltW • • rwW ~I Reef 'own ycur· irt_ this·)', BR;, ~!Jy mi., '!\:. OPEN SAT & SUN l.S · own Penthouse Apt. with l'ifeia. del Mar-·lieautyf ~. ,. . 1518 ANTIGUA: Frplc, $62,500. 1 , , • $27,500 , Btautilul Do~er Shore~ eus.. Ask for: . Open S•t & Sun home with appnoomate-Chester Salisbury, Rltr. ~· ly 3500 sq, ft. Ever;rt.hinc 315 Marine 673-6900 ·. • from fountain in. the llvina: . JY .J."90m to three :fireplaces. YOU owe It to )WUl'Mll tO lJJ. ''Unequaled at 179,500.00. vPSt~te our • different 3411 East Cout H -. JEAN SMITH, · """"'" .,,,.,..,.. c.rona det Mu ~140 ,, Realtor ~ -==-· 646-3115 Owner Wiii finance incl I Jdtcb & bath. $35.500. C o n ventional refinanc1nc avail, ~7504 3 BDRM, 2 ba, very dean. $26,500. low down. Owner. 2709 San Lucas, 545-1740 Mtsa Verde 1110 11•...,,,_-liiii...,.,.j ORANGE'.COUNTY'S '1'5' 18 Dolph' J ' LARO.EST Westclilt 3 BR, b'e•hly....,. PACESE'ITE!t TWO ·.:" . in 'err·,. .293 E. 1711) St. 646-4494 orat<d With .... carpeta. A STO!tY • ,.,.. 1>Woom1. must see! w;•. Quick den, fonnal dining room 1n "Apr il ·26 . 27th ·1·5 ROOM FOR ... -!!"· """'"t condition. 14900 ~tless 2 BR, 21Ai ba, den, Camper and ftaller on this down ·<take over 6"' loan • kitchen, PLUS hUge extremebr large pie shaped (no loan fees). $293/mo in. ,llm!red boat-port, min. land· lat: in Mesa Del Mar, A vecy eludes taxes. ' CALL AL (lcape maintenance. neat 3 BR, 1amUy ·room, 2 BLACK 54!).ll51 Heritap ql!Price slashed to $39,500 bath home and hatdly lived Rea:! ptate nlDT DOSH, Dealt or In, A&sume '" % FHA loan. 333 E. ~· C.M, 1-=. MA~TCH="=nu=s v"'AL=uE"'!-..... IJ $27,500 •• Call 546-23U Or Location, 3 Br. 1% Ba. Fam. ,ii: 730 W. Coast J:UJhwaY. ~~THE REAL ES-BY OWNER: Larito lowly rm., cov. pat, nice lndscPC. 72 .~s. 673-3468 --,====--I :E(&ide h<>me, fmlC,.formal Elec. bltns. Xtra stor. EXQUISITE dlo'g, 4 BR. Oven!Hd walk $25,600 54!).2291 ,ru NEAR ·WFSl'CLIFF MESA VERDE in. 3 full baths. Intercomm A HOME you could love! tlup Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Executive Uvinc 4 bedrooms, I: bi ti. 'Ideally located. Tu~ decorated S Br-2 Living room I: family room, 2 baths,. aecluded rear liv-Minutes from s c h·o o 11, Ba. Amune old loan or new ~ with f l rep J ace 1 , in&: room·. All electric btiilt sbop'a: centers, beach , conventional one. 54&-1110 c 0 v ere d patio, pew in kitchen. Lush tropical frwys, airport. $41,500. Pri~ c ·BDRM, 1% Ba. clOM to ppeties, built-ins. Cloeet landscaping, Fire Pi t tor cipaJs only. Open , House schools. 1hopplng, churches. ~ galore! On cul-de-sac BBQ's. Lcvel,y patio with Sun. 303 22nd St., CM. By o~r 546-7308 Prtnci· .c.._ schools. Ir. shopping. bar. 541>-1720-548-5003 pals only,' * · $23,900 UlllTiaculate! Ready to TARBELL 2955 Harbor a_..1 -. c:•c. 500 · t or.,., <Kn • B 4 v.11r~n~, * ·3 BR, 1% BA. <;omplttely ,DWVe in °· .,.....,,....,. Y 0 Saturd 2865 Cbios, MeQ. Verde crpt'd A drpd. Priced to tell ,Ownew. 642-1679 aft 12 QOOn pen .. ~Y Quiet · Sitreet: 2 baths by Owner. 54.5-3008 b _ _.rm 2 story 1912 Ros1mory Pl, CM ri,.p1oce, sh&k• ohlngle _ fl:-'00 ...;,AL P"""' 2 BR dOU house, room for roof,; front k ~~k. y~ Nttwport Bffch 120o ·~t "~ el "~~· boat Ir. trailer. Eaatslde. sprinklers; 1 block to ·kitchen~ tamilY =i: J~ $19DTVi DSON R elementary school, near tr, fireplace, geparete din-t•lty. Elt.ancia & park. Patio in& room, and lti only 3 546-5460 • Evei. 545-5142 & play area. By owner. 11an: old. _;_· ...::Call=' .:5'&-=U==-55-- "'RANGE COUNlY'S . ~· LARGEST E. 17th St. 64M494 ·:1'ALK ABOUT :.. -LOCATION Newport Heights A •banning 2 Bit home, dln-$27, 900·5 IR ing room, Iara:e family rodm w/frplc • eeparate g u eat Lux. features. Ii:&. fam rm, room w/bath. $12,500 temu. hrdwd fln:·, 1rplc,' bltna, 2 Wells-McCa rdlt, Rltrs. BA. Xlnt prtstia"e loc. 1 blk· 1816 Newport Blvd.; NB' . Killyhrooke era.de sch1. E. 548-7729 anytime of Hubor, N. of Baker. I !!!!!!'.!!!"!!l!"'!!'!!"!!ll!!!!l~j Prine only. 1311 Stone!ield. Uttlli Rancho "°"""'• 534-27tl0 ·one block from tot&l % ACRE. 2 ~ dininc J09nt l~;,, .... ~-11.63.'.~:u::! to .... u .. t condltiOn + On Republic .. Aye, 5 stable a hortt!. Aho 30))00 ' :~ W'll~ =~ sq, ft. lot next door. GLEN a BR. home .'Wffh a~ss to •. 3 bed.rOOm bom QUEEN ~U51 (open eves) larae rear yard -only $18,500 $22.SOO •• THE ~ Jteritage Real Estate CALL 646o7t14 STATEllS 646-nn-$18,000 -FOil ..ai -FAREL WALKER bunters. 'l1lts I.! a eho1ct J\.EALTOR . '-""===~=~-I easl!lde location. Big R-1 lot with clean 2 Bdrm hornf at rtar of lot • at this price the ~me !1 ;nctically tree. TIIE REAL ESTA1'EltS $22,500 Xlnt loution $l2,500 Immaculate 3 Bedroom N o.i .... t -..a1 t u.•-•~.. home. Separate dining area, 646-nn or, 546-2313 o ..... ,. o ~--• uu. ""~ step avln;: kitchen. Fenced ~rice. l b6ths, f~ room, rur. Call now &75-4070 isolat~ rear Jiving room. 'Stuart a Robbins ltffit fil1!plact. Larae. brick patio on .Wltb .., 11"" BBQ. All SPANISH HACIENDA bullMN, 51<>1T.IO ·• Pl' ta! , pl fo • P!4-TAPELL,JW lta/tltlf\ . .:, ':J,,; , "' n>0m r , :::!... ~ ..:.111 .::. PENINSULA POllilT '. 111 . Ml••'Drl .. . • .,., , t -,_ _ _ · CNeriookinc beautltuJ aa1f , PoOl • p.tlo 1 or 'Paint. d«\ratt or ~t CCW'lll and lakt1. Miw. t~• • rare Good t BJ\.hme on'SO x 100 J)sooo ' -. 3 A It tot. XUlr Joe 1'2 "10 D ' ' I ' ' _,,, Jldooit rlsht • B•lltoe RtlOI lot• Co. a.ts RH ty '42'7"0 -.1111. ~· . l!M140 . 100 :E. --Blvd, Balboa No Down GI $2(.950 4 IR 2 BathS "2 CAB R'ILLO ' OP I M ~T/SUN {.S ImmOllli .. pcioMalon. I Bit 2 bl till. with., ........ JU ..,. '·Rand RHlty 645-1'40 LHn Vlllo'!i., RU; ll"l QWNE!t 3 Bil r... .... drtpt d ~ an;vi:une ,bltns. hdwd nn. pa:: A PicturesqUe :VJew of .Oler- J'Y Lake m.in Jhis split level Home. Flhe location for swbnmlng, boatina and fish- ing. 3 BR, 2~ bath!, family rm with fireplace, 1eparate eatlnc area, and all blt-ln kitchen. Lqan usumable • $52,500: (149-C) PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Driff Newport Beach '75-4130 -----= =-:.--=.. SAYE $2000 SPLIT LEVEL Condominium Modtl ,,,,, THE ILUFFS 3 Bdrm1·2~ Bathe PRICE $33,500 Original Jow lea1ebold. On br&d llftnhelt Call OWNER t15.Cll! Open Hovh Sun/ 11-4 535 Vista flora ---~--=-- lncomo • T .. Sholler · Duplu • '"""' •. IW.,IOO 5 Unttl,·2. 2 .2 .2 ·1· 199,950 N1wport.llMch 'RMlty 61$..lW CIPID twnirw1 NOW'S THE TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH '/4. . . . '•' . . ' ' ' ,' , Are You Letting Cash Slip''Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These · Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD·.: I. Stovl 2. Gult1r , a. laby Crl~ 4. Eloctrtc Sow 5. C1mtr1 6. W•1h1r 7. Outlto1rd Motor I. StorN Sot f , Couch 10. Cl•rlnot 11. Rtfrlaer1t1r 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sowtnt M1chln• 14. Surfbo1rd IS. Mlchlno Tools 16. Dl1hw11h1r 17. puppy 11. C1bln Crvl11r 19. Golf Cart 20. l•romett r 21. Stomp Colloctlon 22. Dln1tt1 Sot 23. Ploy Pin 24. Bowling Ball 25. W1t1r Skis 26. fl'ffllP 27. Suttc•11 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! .29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bar Stool1·. 32.· Encyclopodla 33 ... Vacuum Clt1n1r 34. Troplcol Pl1h 35. Hot Rod Equlpm~ 36. Filo Cabinet ·37. Golf Clubs 38. St1rlln9 Sliver 39. Vlctlrl1n Mirror 40. Botlroom Sot 41 . Slld1 Pro)ICfor 42. lown · MoW1r · 43. Pool Tobie 44. Tiro 45. Pl1no 46. Fur Coot 47. Dropu 41. Linens 49. Hor11 50. Alrpl1ni 51. Orton 52. 'Exercycle 53. Rori looko 54. Ski._ S5. Hlth Cfiilr 56. Coi"' 57. Eloctrl1 Troln 51. Klttoft S9. Cl1alc A.,te 60. Coif• TaMo 61. Motorcycle • 62. Acconllon 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Workllonch 66. Dl1mond Watch 67. Go-Kirt 61.'lronor 69. C1mpln1 Trallor 70. Antique Pvmlturo 71 . Tape R-rdtr 72. S.llbo1t 73. Sporle Cor 74. Mattr-. '"' ,..,. 75. lnbo1rtl S,...n.ut 76, ShotJUn 77. S.ddlo 11. Dort G•-.. 79. Punchlnt lit 10. l1by Cirrt.,.- 11. Drums· 12. Rlfl1 · u. Dtok 14. SCUBA 0..r .. These or a~y other extra thln91 .. und the hHM m.y ' be tumed Into cash with .• DAILY PILOT WANT·AD so ... Don.'t Ju1t Sit There! ' • DIAL DIRECT . ., . ' ' .642-5678 •. (YOUR CRIDIT: IS GOOD> ""''°" . ""' co•1Utlon DAILY PDm, DDIQ:•A-lr!ilc. drpl. l<owly "'"'"' I, ftl 11IE 11.i:Ai. L!llts. You C10 -11\«lft «l!iooed, ~. 123,!00. itTERll llMlll ~ 545-~ ~! ( d11. Dlll lal3 F-th Ln CM, ' ' ~511--'-'3S"30'--·----' DAILY PILOT.j ·WANT AIJ. ... ,.11 .................. · .... · .. · .. · ............. .-.;.' .. ;'.m";;.';.' ..... • .. ..;~· .. ·.;;-.~· ........ ... -- J , ~I! fSllJ-~ -lfOU!ll ~Ol SALi HOl,!S!,$ fOR~,I l!OU~ll fOll SA).E HOUS1$.'°lf!L• -HOUSU l!OI W.I . lllNTAU :t . 1 •••• ," 1 '.c-dllMOr ·1 ~C..W~l'MO; '1151 'Co,..,._,1Mi( 1UOc.Noio .. l"'MOr "'T151 °W-lnltar ' 0 1612 "°"'"'_,., J~~~~~:; , •. , O,..'H••• 12-4 """''" t• Shere 2*•Vf=-~...;....,,._,='I! • • • .., IWINIJIC!lN'Pt• . • • F. •. 1. n . s H_ ow. , " G · onN Hous1s , BR l!i both ....... all LADY .. """ -with $15; 1-11,. a.,... .,. LMl,lllfA ., '\1f..ftA ~MOOQl'fl) ,,, • built·lnl. Qf\tcrtd ,.Uo. Oflt' or •prt employul ...,,;w~wUll»e *' ..... ......... ' . •·:vww llDlll!.'. . SUN l·S PM BBQ. Hardwood ...... 1 lt<llo'o. -' Brollor ~ u .... tuO ......... . "• " • -· , ' ' , . , ·• JH 0 RI_ C LIFF S 112' OoldonNll, H•"* View Hills , mllluta Jrom ...._, ....,.. SINGLE &b1 over !iiO to $21>; 2,BR. I bf. I S1y, -odlllL '94 Siil " OVERl:OOKINtr f.9'; Lend ' NEW LISTING ,._ 6 achoola. "-""' !'< ........ Ap<. do, -· ,..,.. 6 ....., '• -• tJDO ISl£, • 1575t c .... Way Call stt 5,30, --· 11-. Bkl' ~ · l .INTALS . , ) ' • " "<!"WO-BAY&. • • ,. 221 Jilor\llnll' Ct•yotl View home, s BR " lam l'm, 'lit. pool and R. p, SLATES,,Rltr. ,_ -2 $111; l·BR. -.. .... ..... U.hontlllt••j AND~' • . Coloftlll' 4 .llrm/4 .. th patio. .. ................ ., .......... '6{,SOO l<l-3$19 1111.3414 -11 100 11"°4' l>unllhed. Avallable t ~~~;.1ft.: ... -.~; •• OPIN-Sat1l :S. 12 to 5 OPENSAT'1.s ,LquntHlllt 11o0 JBED~M,ruutah•d -.--!G!if'~'"~"!!.1 ---.! ' -'~~!!' 1 •1 ~ . , _ • ' .. Mo10..011lh•l.~l@IM0r ,. -"----..,,-1 Ol\ul l1lll lnditdlbc 1u. ,_ "-· 4100 UNT l !I&.'<_, ~ ., 180' View of Ocean Beach "Bay LOVELY 3 bdrm. tl<n. 2 .. 333 w. Bay St C.l<. --3 R...,..,,_ .. ...i . room. S Bed & Famll Rm home on mra W.,. loL $20 $25 O. Uf Two noon ot built·ln con- veniences including 1ara:e heated pool, three car pfq>e, electric opener. t-4'0 · 11replace1, wet bar, etc. Pmed for quick aale by .. owner. " 179.SOO. REAL ESTATE 2828 E. Cast Hwy/Corona ilel Mar 673-3770 .---------·- rooms , • Prot. ~ wllot< o1 !:1"'"1,...... mo $30 ·wax UP • • S•T • SUN I S fiult ....._ <llil briclc •t>atlo. . •• • · . · -~!(otilll-ilntiii! A a • flalt -6 hillside WATEl\1.IU>f(l'_Dlx..3 .. 4 e eoouna.tal Ra~ WIDE s£!.ECrION ;1 4111 Cortland, Ctmto Hlthltnda ,..terfall 1131).1062 Br. Dll»ltx; or., lntlry, • llald Service· TV• avall. AJ>plJano<a 6 TV'a •val!< ·• · • S BR, Ocean View. bGat doek:, 2 wtc. Ditn., Ma.Y.-e CocktaJl Bar • Pool NO DEPOSIT 0-.A.C."' ' Ltauno. ..... 1705 Clot. m.7801; &n-JlllS ......... trio Fri., sat. H R R c -, • "'--. . SUNNY ACRES MOTEL .r. • • ¥ Don V. Franklin, Realtor ;;;:;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, lsummir· Rtntoll 2910 231& Newport Blvd., sa-m; Furniture Rental• 3250 E . Coast Hwy, CdM RUSTIC, 511 W. 19th. CM 673-2222 · CH a •"ER OCEANFRONT 4 BR. fpl., * Villa p..,_. Apia. 1568 w. Lncln. Anhm '17 """' patio, lawn, car, 1~' BA. Calta Meu.'1 ttewtst I moel 0$140; 2-BR. ii:. den. 2-, 3 IDltM &·DEN Jun! 15 to Aug 14 $250. "'1k. 1~ apta now mittn&1 bltns, w/w, child A pet' CALL64&4506 for appointment ;·1:.:;::;:::::;*;:::;:::;:::; UnlV.relty 0 Pork 1237 Unlvonlty Park '·1237 c.;.,., d~t M.r 1250 Lido lalt 300 Avenida Cambre I,~ .. •,. i'.' ;ii,--. .. .-.~. iii. "'· ------~---l;;.;H~!~:O~~AD~v;:r::;:O~H;~1;;1,;;; , * THE Bl.UFFS * · '·· ·lmmacqlale 3 Br ·Home NEw~~;o"~'taoR • EXTREME ClltCO?tlSTANC. Also winter S250· mo. 1608 Fum ' unfum. Adult. only. Broker 534--9l 1351 ES HAVE FORCED THE W. Oceanfront, N · B · ~o pet&. 1760 Pomona Ave., $135: 2-BR. 9'/W, drP,I. OWNER .TO SEIJ.. IMMED, 673-2306 just .outh oL 18th St. family O.K • A"-11. SprawU,. ranch style llomt, 2 BR tumished ho u 1 e , Broker~ OPEN SUN. 1·5 View ol the bay &: ocean! 3 BR, 2% bath, popular end model far privacy. Lu s h landscaping, de1uxe teatur· es. $47,500.00. DeL•ncy Real E1tet• 2828 E, Coast Hwy., CdM 613-311U NEWPORT SHORES I,y community area With 1 pool, teMis courts and rec. 1 center • 3 Bdrm. 2 ~th 5 yrs young. A real b\ty at $26,900. Can be seen today. The Real Eataten ~ 546-2313 or 64&-nn 1 ..... NEWPORT HEIGHTS By Owner in Ideal Jocation. Lovely J bedroom witb 2 full baths. WIW carpets & 1 drapes. Large fenced yard. , Room fDr boaUtrailer or camper. Garage on alley, Close to schools, shopping centers and beach, No hi· way noises. $27,500. 5'8-6908 OPfN 1-5 SUN 2112 Windward Lane ' Luxurious bargain. NE!\\·er 4 BR 31,i ba, dining room, p.rM room. Transfered. -$69,750. Owner/Agt. 548.Sl l2 FEE corner lot, best k>ca· tion, $28,900 · · 2 . .....iv-.. -olos, beautiful nu. -=-home ot ~ Br. P"." ' ..... •• r-•' 2% ba bu chaitn I in• lm· ~n~aplilt _.... .S.3!1,500 maculate oond. The. io;.iy . ,. · · livhla, di¢ne. Ir: breaktut ·, Win.-:Winton, Realtor rooma open to prof. li>do<pd • 22f_MO'(IN, Btlbot Island patio. F<aturH tnclud<,pan-f'• eled tun nn. 2 blca & sep 675,3331 Open 'tll 9 Every Nltht laundry. Aawne our 6% % mortpp for «!4' W:. This owner wanta · to. aell this week, In upper so's. Call 6"-2210 for appt. • • S BR, 41tt baths, P/S for $120 yacht, mainifice•t view, fee aimplf. $239,000 BAYFRONT DUPLEX, c:harmln&: patio. $115,000 l BR plus tam nn, cor. 187.SOO 3355 Vlt Lldo,67S.272S Eves: 646-7914 detail<d exi.mr of PALOS Lacuna B<aob, 3 blo<:ks to . SUS. CASITAS" VERDF,S SI'ONE, WOOD 4-. beach. 494-7221 PlmN C01t1 MMe mJCCO. Low sweeping ' •1.:-·.:-1~' "::;~~~A.;;;;;;;-;;11 l001liDes w/extended over-RENTALS l-BR. A Bachekr Apts. lr"ome "1.lk4I A~ hangs. ~ HOVMI Unfvrnbl)ed ~ .. ~~0BL.,.:· Minimum. Upkeep! ,, , Just redecon.ted! N « WeR deslped 3 BDRM. l Generil 3000 BEAUTIFULLY FURN carpet! 2 bed.room DEN FLOOR PLAN bu e.,.. LEASE • 2 bedroom I den, 2 Immac, clean! 2 Br, pool upatain, 1 klna:-aiae. . try b&ll ol polllbed agate bath. Larp 1 k Multi, no pela $150.. Z72 me llvln&: room "l:t noors. W/W CARPETING ed yard, o!~ arum: Maple. 5f0.«iti6, "2..-:11' fireplace dOwnltain . 1 TH RU 0 UT. ELEGANT and Shopp•-. El Toro. $99.50. 1 BR, .. ,_ utila pd. ~ Bit·~ REAR LIV. RM., HAS \l'eekm.ft sJ1-:om aft 6 PM Adult. COie k,'°;~._ quiet. rriw,~.l>ll'.~ Pldl·1atP WHITE BRICK FIRE-Weekends after 9:30 1985 Pomona. U &-0728 A:~ I &el~l.l.t Pl.Ace I: opens to forma1 . available. $lS5 . month dining area $160; Z.BR. 1'' ba. condo. LARGE Bach., mctly !uni. and last) •• c l ean l'ii · Stove, retrij", wfw, wshr. Built-ins. Employed adult deposit 549-:0674 t.o.ne, ranch style· kitchen dryer. Chldrn OK. 534...QBl 2885-A Mendou Dr. 545-5421 .::::::::::.,:=-~:...-~lot OWNER 3 BR 211 bath, tam CHARMING ' w/ oum'1'0US natural wd. Bia, roWN'llouSE;' I BR, 2% *. Yilll Pol!Olll' rm cpUdrps. blt-w. 'Near EARLY AMERJCAN•. used cabinets &: ceramic tile $195: 4 BR. l~ ba. condo. BA, 'WFJ.L FURN, Dbl ~,,,,1/~ NEW Vl.E,W Beautiful view durinl the day, breathtakinc at night + new 4 bedroo.u &: 3 bath. Della Real Estate 646-4414 everythln&'. Lar&;e lot.,,~.:~ brl•k -·'· 2 BR, 2 ba, counter, HA S AU. BILT-IN Stove, wahr, dryer, ref. garage, pvt yard, pool, j::osta Mesa's newest Ir m .,....~ " .. I".. RANGE &: OVEN, DISH· w/w Otlldren OK. Bkr. clubhoulle. 54§..3915 lUX.~ apt.a DOW ren . tQmed ceilings. recently IMMACULATE 2 Br, frplc, WSHR., GARB. DISPOSAL ~ 2 BEDROOM apt. with pool Unfur. l Ir 2 BRI. E1stbluff 1~2 re-landscaped Ir newly dee-+ Guest Rm, 2 BA, hltni & attached break!a.st area. VERY nice 3 BR 2 baths, Chil~n ~g.. No ~a. only No pelll, 1760 Pornq,}il --------'-·' oratl!d. Rm' tor 2nd unit. De\V cpl & paint, xlnt Lldo This channinf, I'Wlllc style a:ood area $200/mo. A.it 22Bt-·Cai&oii -Dr:~ • M5-n04 Ave. just soutb ot l8th EA :; TB LU F F Con-CANON REALTY location, good flna.ncing. home, Is immaculate &: 1 f W l'l23 dominiums. 2 aide by aide. 3034 E. Coast Hwy Ql?i.t Owner. 67"";>-5023 or 6'15-Tr09 •·NEAT AS A PIN" thruout 546-4 41 $75. BAOIEtOR, fd.ric, hot AIR AY l'°I ~B-•y,_c'-'"'-'-'-----m IMJ. ft.. ea. 3 BR Ii 67S.358l OUered for lmmed. a&1e &: Coat1 Men 3100 plate. Util pakt. Woman on-VILLA Am: ~ Y den, 2 BR &: den. Extra ·• "'ll=:==:i 1 lo nly ---------t ly. 642--50461 eveninfs. BA (RESJ 4 BR + de1uxe condition wl choice "'! Huntington 811ch 1400 move s(;o [,0 YMT FREE lBR, extra clean, carpetinc, Near 0. C. Airport, 2 Br location • view. 151.000 • Li've "Hi'gh" $2 N. P • RENTAL ··-·•, .Qu~t· adul.i. ""' ApU. .Vn(urn. ,.m . r.&MILY ROOM 16),SOO. ;;>own by ... pl Liko A Privtlo Perk HMURRISSYIOONN nusREA OLTNEY! SERVICE w,.ll;ce. M&-i88s Ana Ave. •\llUJJl"S ONL, ~ . ·Mark Les jUtr. , Law dn payme t &: $210/ Exactly one block from roar-e ~7602 te;-21,i· baths, ;By Ivan Wells. C.M. Investment Co. 54&-77ll for t!Ua intere~tini 3 ~ ing surf. Thill cozy cottage 9S5 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna for example, 3 bedroom• 2 WILSON We11t; 1 Br. furn. otEAN BREE'lE·uppef'· Fint1t carpets&: drapes, su. BLUFFS iA iurrounded by lush tropi- 1 :=='="""'=='=11=4);'91-0J31: l baths $225.00 per i1>o, call All util tncl. $135. Pool, Large 3 BR l% bia, blt· perb landscaPina:. A beauli-. home, Beautiful neighbor· Adulll. ~2621; 96&-1140 .-. / •-., 1 u n·d ,.. tul home Sony we have to Just unlisted It. reduced. hood, you own the land 60'x cal brush and a huge forest .. ""' ... va irt: leave. $69 500. 642-2917 I ~ ,Model,, 3 bdrm, 2 Ba, 100'' Reduced for qUlck ule ol tree1. Let us sbow you the JUST LIKE NEW NICE 1 bedroom Duplex. $160/mo, 2286 CanfOn . Dr. ' : . " . Covered encloaed p'a t Io. rthis wkend to $31,500. Call fabulotl! tea garden. Priced _ only better! Decoraton Adulta. $97.50 , No pelll MS-3215 aft 4:J> Owner Must SeU Greenbelt. $36.900. By Own· U!iibton I Linden, Realtor in Huntington Beach at beautiful borne 3 BR plus ORANClE COUNTY'S ** P.booe 5&<133 ** 'Nffkend& or Ml 2-2221 ,3 Lovely Colonial family home. er. 644-1197 6'13-0312 $20,00J. R·2 ZoniQI'. can hua:e den, 2 baths, blt-in LARGEST 3 BR LUXURY '-';;i;i-i;:,,,:--==-c= WE SELL A HOME ' ki 1g 2" E. 17th St. ,., u94 Newport -h 4200 e Split 1~-' 1600oq. tt. ·: Choice Baycrest 'location. y;ru.. Designed S BDRM, 3ii NV EST NEAR THE tchen, e laundry area. 7 • --"'"..., · ' Formal dinmg '1iom, .i<n; •ba Ma"' home'. Clrpa, OCEAN 'l BR, 311 ba d•n 2 EVERY 31 MINUTES Cupel<d/drapo1, •xc vi<w VA Repossession FURN or UNFURN • 211 Ba. Crpts, ...... e~ 4 bdrms, 2 flttplaces, e:~: 'diops, trpk, lovely vfeW. a36 frplcs,' "3 garae;es,' bride, wa· Iker & Lee 0$58! ,soo°". an & Hill• • onl)' E ··-""--ew:n • kit., wubrm: Like: a . '"· built · 3 Al" V"· Dri "'1192 veryone qUiLUIKa -....,., 2 • 3 01' 4 ,.._,___ e No -Is. '"'"" c...,..,."., u"' ·ms, car f a.rage, us is..... ve . .,....... be am/ceilings, charmino d < bedroo .D<IUIVVIWI .-,. .. ,,,. ,,.,,.......,. buo mil -.. own. ms. CALL Yearly leaaes $250/mo I: up t or er access. C d I M. 1250 home or use as Duplex, or 7682 Edinger i 54~ll51 Copen e\¥1) Herl. Ftne Beach area locations E-SlDE 2 BR. W/w cpta., R~ J . W1rd Co. or.O!J! • r build 2nd home on bi& Jot. 842-445.S or 54.0.Sl4D CAN YOU IMAGINE .. taa;e Real F;state. PROP'IJtTIES WEST drps., No Pell. Gar. $140. ~155t. . 64&-0228 ~ ~ . Bkr 673,.2)10 Open Eves. A lovely 4 BR, 2 bath. plus 54:)..9187 or Furn $155 ttofu"t ,witl\t persohality·'· 3 . Opan Sit & Sun 1·5 BY.OWNER: 3. Br, den, 1,._ BELOW MARKET lam 1.: dining rm. All car-3 BR. house; U65 Month 1028 Baylidi Dr. 5'l5-4l30 ~~~-~~---1 3401 OCEAN BLVD peted &. draped plus an ov· fncd. yard. No pets. 2 BR. unflU'n. Older workils \ Br. 2J, &...':• PJ)Ol, ,Quick ' bas ... l&c view .lot. fee .S BR 1% bath electric built-crsized Anthony pool, and l!MO..B Pomona St., CM % BLOCK to beach; 2 Br., people, or retired. No pets. BR &: .fam rm w/POOL. ~-Owner 548.-4971 Oceanfront 3 BR. & 1an:1· 2 simple. Avail July l. in cpts/drps, 'double garage beautiful patio • for on I y REDECORATED 2 BR un-modern. ldtch., Praae, W/W ~ 308 Roche&ta'. CM l '--I la il ho , baths, fabulous .JC"Y view, $4,2.150. 520 DeAnza. Corona ,.;.., lo!. Only 11s,~ with1 c t Xlnt furntlure u ... fl"' LARGE dlx 2 Br " .....,..., Y m Y me, near W 1 llff 1••0 I"-·"-·· '!l, H ,,....., .,,__ Call -o .AN $31 500! tum., utilities pd. Vacant. P s. · '"""" •• ;J;j; . • 7ll AChools and Westclill Shop. •• c ~ ·;\ ~ Wlu.-*...,.... """'• * .l&..-.""T( ""T"'I" . .....,, ( payments leu than rent. ' 115.l/mo. 286 Kno• St. -.. lit to Ji.pt 151'!-IJ3...1234 ba. G.E . Kitch, 2 car pr. ping. $52,500 ii; t s ; , .. -. '-~* .}ri,.;:_lr V(.;;. , ~ •l>Ptl ' ,; . 75 FT COAST BLVD.2,;. "°•""'•"d'-ple=.::=•c::.:::..• .::-=-1 Ext 313 Dty1; 6~ Adu1ll. No pets. ,.~ ~WALKER RLTY 675-5200 OPEN ·su :11~5~· m.~.J ba, i;:riiu-.,., .·rew, tINE,T~ce ex, ~.ti'; l'mltJl_1•n,1• in the heart of !Aguna. Best ·;;;~ ~.x·t!~~C:; ~"'=""'"',.-:;.~·,-..--~~ 240 E.16th Pl. ~ Sharp 4 BR &: 2 bath West-* * * * me, U<U'. or ...... -. • ~T!!"Tl'l:ftr business location, 2 large rnoritli. C.:U: ~ , SINGLE Young Adulta Lux· &SIDE 2 Br. Garden Apt. • 3 BEDROOM, dining room, Uf study, 2 baths, Flooded with t l nthou A t. · · · ury p.rder apts: with coon-Enclosed patia, all bltnl i11tJ ·targe lot. many trees cl home.Nearne~crpts s_u~ITS,9yr1old,ann~ lightbcautdecorated Pn'c-.. to "-II 1orespuspe se p 38I>RM.$160mollt6:1ut ' • & drps, large family rm. income $12,480. Full pnce • . • SU ~ OU • street parkina:. Low N .;,,,. Eld try club atmoa:I)here and dahwahr, crpts, drps.«p dishwasher, self. cleaning xtralgekitcbw/brldstare•. ll3?,600. · ,many extra feature1 . Motelll. A rare buy at mos. 0 pets...,.,., en, complete privacy. SOUTI:l car.~1 ,fl oven~~900. 629 St., James 1632 Dorothy Lane * * * * $40,IXKI. 1319 Bonnie Doone 4bBll~ 2 bath, ~woodh.~Gl $110,00J. C.M. 531-1723 BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at NICE Jep. Townhouse; 2 if Rd. uw11t:r-Agent $52,SOO HOME + INCOME Terrace 67l--7312 by owner F:.~=~~st; ~~ 16th Newport Beach. Frpl, cpta; carage. Adults. : ~ lease option this LIDO ·.RE-ALTY, INC. 2 BR, frplc. fam-eizt kHch . I . IDEAL ·HbME ._N;;-;;jio;rt;;;;";;;;";;;;h;;;;;;;3;200;;;· cn41 64~ flO pelll, $140 Mo. i Spackrus Po o I hon1e. 3400 Via Lido 67J..88.1D plus rented 1 BR Apt. $45.900 &.lbM Penintvl1 ·1300 $22P9!°~1 Jones RHlty for )'OW' e~ family. • 27' TRAILER, fw::niahed, tull 2652 er,.nae Ave. m · Privacy. CdM highschool. ~ 341_1266 Eve, !168.J16T .!S BR, 3 baths, live on a 8/1 ba, 1 Br. $90 util pd. Across 1 BR. unfurn apt. Crpta. Jean Smith Realto r. HOME ~ R-2 lot. Excel Cu.I de Sac Street full of TOWNHOUSE from bi:;IJ. Vacant May 8th-drpa, bltna. sno.mo + ' 646-3255 \Vt•staic». S BR 2~ ba, room ~ ~~ PETITE BY OWNER happy , chlldre,n. Close in, Split Level 3 bdrms, ,' baths lease. 548-lll!I 549-1839 ..i VISTA BAHIA for 4 or .5 units. 549-1623 Bolsa. Park Home Cllltomlzed er~ REAL ESTATE Double car a re carpets, 1 BEDRM. Apt., Laree Cose LGE. 2 Br. split level $1!iO OPEN 2.S, Panoramic Bayl~e~ves~·======= 332 Maf'IU'rjle, CdM PRAmCAL d."tpe::. Ftrepla~, el'eC. to pier. Yearly. $150 Mo. Upper 2 Br.$135.Nopefl)~ View. 3 Br, 2 ba., clec. blttu. U • I p k 1237 6734550 , . 3 B~: 2 baths, bit·~-dlllh-. 35.1 N. Coast Hla:hway bullt·ins. ADULTS ONLY ,, 61:J....Bl»S 288S Mendoza ~ frpl, Nu-tone intercom. Best n1ven ty ar wasucr, carpell, ... apea, Lquna Beach I 242 Univ · Dr PREJTY fi ....... Jace, pa"°""''• prof/ $7518 ·Eve1. ""a -..... '' •• ·••• ••· $265/month. BACHELOR, adult only, nr -1 BDRM. 1tove A re:&::JE> oc. O enuty ·• Pool,a-Tr'•ll: ~-If . TrlCl1tional CMrm · ·~.-ovo-v•11 Mn F11v u-.. Garage util pd. -"'f< _N'pt Beach. Owner' 642-2809 • -.-i lndscpa:, waterfall, block -===;:==:==:=lllE~ · ...., . ...._. ' Util paid priwte pa~ OWNER .. Red u" e d • Shopping·U·c1~3 .Min. Plus coast.•1 molt enthalling wall, nr Douglu, schooh,. • Bay & leach Ocean view $115. 54S-«6C 548-5308 • n; , 2 B t..J view! 4 BR. S% bath, formal 2 Bedrooms, 1% baths, near A c 11 o.; ,AA n R • .CAPE COD 4 BR, pool. R. "5"liv room •• ,.$23,900 dining, 2-3Sft. family rooms Bay It. Ocean on Peninsula ssumc 4 7&1" FllA ......,., ••lty, Inc. Newpert Hgts. 4210 ONE Bdrm. Bae halo<'. ·.sss.ooo. Call a!te1 5 PM 3 BR 2% ba,.2~.aiaty •• $24,950 $139,SOO clear. SUbmlf tmnl. Point. $28.950. (n4) 89'J.1374 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 p.rqe. Range Ir mra· "548-9477 3 BR. atriwn ••••••• .$27,500 Hil Pfnchln & Apo(, Only $38,250· • 6'5-2tKXI Eves. 541-6966 * CLEAN 1 or 2 Br. * $115'in0. MS E. Bay Sl Z BR W tertront N 62 2 BR, den sgJ fML • ••• m ,950 ~ E. Coast ""'Y 6T;,-43!12 BURR WHITE, Rltr, $23,960 ] Lp. kitch. Adultl. 646-1801 Vllla Fino Apts. 3 BR. Balboa c:Ve11. ' 6 O '~ O o . Doug JOy, RE 133-0504 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. lm .. D 3dBR.h dhuplex; 2 ~·:., bltns, 2421 E. 16th St., N.B. Unt. Childmi Welcome ·Prefer trade tor acreage or 3 , BR. Co'ndo.~ xlnt' loc, by INVEStoR'S Special 2 675-4630 Evtl. 67J!Ol5t BEST BUY .r.Aii.Ar 1 ws r., new pa111., cpts. Ir , 174 W. Cenb!r Apt. 1 ~J -will consider other. 548-7771 aduU pool; m&ny extras. By charmina; hsell on dbl 'lot. S. =:::=:;:;;I Comer 3 BR 2 bathl, Boa f ~~-1: ~~ i:.75~· Year be. Corona del Mar 4250 ======='=,:<I BACK BAY Custom 4 Bdr, 3 Owner $29,500. m.-0729 ~~· $58,500 owner. OPEN SUH 1-5 i~ef~AL :e·~L TY ' ' •4M-:"'1m .,c ~B-oD~R.M,,;..,hou-,.-.-w~/w_"P_tg-,1 A1VBa.AIL1~apriy ~~ .. ~ .. 2pooBR.I. Newport leech ''Ba, firm. din. fr P 1 e • lrvl-' 1231 100 VI Fl ' /patio • 1·-M ~· -~ 'Mudern 2200 sit $40,150. .... VIEW. Pool. Spacious 2 BR • orenc• 8140 \Varner, r .v. 842-t4l'G w earage. Ui1., 0• close to beach I: &bopping. BEAUT. 2.Br. 2 Ba., re 'Owner/eves. ~1542 . UNDl£R MARKET borne 40' liv rm, Ira: muter CCorner of Soud) • E;MERALD BAY -Dramatic &t2-8.'t25 Beaut location, garqe, $3'.IO to move lnl BUn . ii SU;,,. owne-.... ~.. THE BES·T BUY SEE THIS!! hlllsid• horn• with w ide mo.-·"''"'".,..,,,,.., e-ie,..1 oven , ·~ BLUFFS Best buy. Poo1-ten. O\vnei' lt!avlnl ~OWn, 4 R, ' .,....._..... · I I h ood C d I ,,_ •250 ,_ " ~ni&-Vicw. 3 BR., 3 BA. By 2'Mi balhll, Uv/nn, din/nn, ntE QUICKER YOU CAI:J:., Beautiful custom• . built 3 4 1 8 :1 2 kbal dini':!otrm,~c. == ,:izm::l~e :~ wfire. orona 1 ffMlr 4 833-1234 Ext 301 encl. prlv. ~; encl. 4ui owner. S4IXKI dn. 644-0178 fam/nn, dbl car. ~2881 THE QUICKER YOU SELL Bedroom It fam rm home, 1.. .. .;~ mo~il:cho~. Bea~ place 1t1pport a vaulted ceil-PRIVATE large 2 BR plus ltl~-4300 ;{i:.~~ .. ~· t! F=========-''====""'===~=='======~i ldeat for inside or out.Ide "UJ'"5 I I dlnln -1 Ind 21c=-=----_;,= ~ ·-· Ea1y ~--. I a.st walls ttVCal g nn, ... " c, ry, Ge I 2000 Gener1t 2000 Gen1rel 2000 entertainirv. Many, many ....... ""'"~· .... 1" 2 BR--~1.9· Brand,-. 111, ~"c:'c.";;;.... ___ ..oc.;..;....;;.;;.;,r.i-'----..:;.:.:.:..:.=c..:.::.... ___ .;:::;;:.::.1 CUilom blt·ins.. R. D. SLATES, Rltr. breath. taking panoramic ~gar~ leaae S:· Scenic CLEAN Bacbelor Apll. Treme:ndOui B&3 \"" ew. Omar Tuttle, Realtor 841·351.9 Eve•. 962-7309 coastal view1, 3 bednns, 3 pert 1. 675-5 AD .utn 1nc1·rrs up AroundJ1&Dtl5tb.1.al8~ Solvt a Simple Scnimbl<d Wo.d Punl• for• Chuc kl< . 0 !:d:':t!-:a~~~ ,,,--.... ,,,....-....... _..,,., 1impt. words. Print l.ttwrs of toth kl ill line of ~uom.. .. I ILEZRAI I I' I Sh p iu GLE G baths, covere d patio • 2 BR. duplex; ranp, ref., S15 E. e.1boa Blvd. Jy 145 DomilCO Dr ·M5-; ort roptrt AMIN $125,00'.l. a:ar. &: p9&: Adults., no' BAlBOA l1J..89G • ' 673-!060 67M747 HARDWOOD FLOORS, , , pet& IM. uio, m49119 2 BR. mer duplex nr ..... 3 BR.I It. den. 2 batha. Qeari MONARCH. BAY -A de-FrpL pr. new cpfl, ft'fril! ·e POINT e , A aba:p, ha"' "'°"' root, lilhtlul, ,_ -e ""· Hvntl""°n -h LIClo lalo 4351 1UO yearly avall J-Jail Luge 3 bedroOm, 2 bath large fenced yard with 2 aianed lor privacy, Be:auU. . . IJOO ISLE 3'» 36tb St. 213: 1921 bome on 1~ kits. Plenty ol patlos, Priced for fast uJe fully landaped, -4 bednns, 3 BR. J bath. Immaculate, Baytront Apt; wbtet fbrnhb... 2 BR. newty dee, drps. w . 1utm)' patio 6: landscaped at only $23,500. Better check 1late galleria, lar&e dlnlJ'V new cptl:/drps, Ad ult 1 ed for IWllD!tt. Patio, 3 8R. 2 8' f»k, fenced yard. Nice open floor this olle! nn, 3 batbs, am.pie storage. pref e r re d no pets. tlrtoplace. 3 Bedruom, 2 213: 981-1039 plan. Spacious muter bed· MUTUAL REAL TY patio' • S63,500. Reftre:nce1. $ 2? 51 mo , Bath. ~ wk day 1 :;;:;;;:;;::;:===~ room l bllth. Panetled tam. 842-141! llll)'time Turner A1soc:i•t11 962-7331 tor appoint. 21!/654-3016 East lfuff , 5242 ily room w/bie fireplace. WALK TO BEACH i82 Nil, <;oaat BIY<I. J 4 BR. 2 ba. cpb. Glll'aP ! Come aee this w~-end ! Cor. 2 BR, den, form din. Lairurw. Beach Cn41 494-1171 $150 Le:ue. Avail. June 1st e NEW DELUXE e j 1143 E. Ocean Blvd,~ 1% BA, brdwd firs. Prime Nr. Beach BJvd. It. S141£ir Huntiftf!on IMch 4400 3 Br. 2'$ ba.. apt. fOr le 80' BAYF;JtpNT..-l'.inelt heh lot downtown, $22,500 $2,000 2ND ]'tOME? 11658 Van Buren 842-1823 QUIET & BEAUTIP'UL Incl. gpac. tnltr. suite. I.: loc on Lido. Will tell 40' dn. Tran.sfrd. Owner 536-3755 Retiring · Inveallna: 1 3 BR 211 BA f rm. A dbl. ··--•• or 80' l or 6 unit.. Ideal tor •UA DOWN • • am nn., Adults only; 2 Br., ulil. pal<I. .--... AT TitE BEA(l{I .-. ' S190 month, lit • last: Pool. $2CIO. 841·2125 door opener avail. Paci( • Home i ~-100~ To.1nhcJu11e 3 Br l ~ Ba ' on dl:cellent OCEAN VIEW U!ue. No pets. 341.:i553 ,lml Camemn, Hllnl &h. rec. &l'ff. Nr. C.tbolJr: deprec, 29% dn w/ ClllT)' _1 bltna 2 • ' Lquna Lot1 ·al ~850 b9J. O:Jurch &:-tcboGl I: OOl'Olllj j bal at 1%. ~ v.·I ac-;22'~ , car car. anct-$15mo.'Stnall•lcvd Huntlnfton a.ch 3400 2 BR. 2 BA. dlhwhr, pool, delMarHlah. t cept clear Improved prop. Sy ~r. * S36-'7925 Pa\'fd ttteett a:~ bUlUdt. Adblts, no pets e 0NLT'$219 e , u dn pyml Drift by 33:1 =='===~~c..;."'-~ 1 utUs to be contracted this f BR. 2 Ba. Condo, all bltns, SUS. mo l'larlda 536-2730 131-171 ~ Wq, K.a;, Via Lido Noni ""°'coll 613-~!11% FHA. < BR,, """""'· wlhr I dry., ftflif. P• ~ O O . o· ===:;:==:=:;;:~<5: 0305 ar ~ 1 -~• all. $26,950 total ,497·1210 day1 41'1·1021 ""9, child OK $24(), 9S8-3lllO . lf'dtn NWe • 4'J (.,.. ... Mir . """'· Ca!l ll.,I Ealal• by--------1========1.:;~~~~~~~li~iii~~~i.ii~ Mc Vay -or Rim II Cut. et o ... '1 lar founltln Vtllty :1410 ':.~"':.. "::'.::: aM-4539 ~ 3 BR 2 ba cMmn bome, Jew try ·club atpmpbmt Mid 3 BR redecorated, new wtw; blkl 10 bch. Sep, muittr 3 BR., den, tam-dtn. rm-.: ~ete privicy. SOUTH t:l'[>is, $21,SOO • $12!0 On. R-2 'OUlle, :::",;,Ir. Pt'IV· ~. A~ A~!!°"~~· BAY CLUB . AJ'1'. J3IOO lot. 216 Knoxvfllt. 1 Vltw r . Bu.JR /' post "~ I!!' It'! -. • CHAPMAN Ave., GUden ,s:i;:::,..., .,w "'P•· ....... 'l:'sroCptd • dri>d fhruoul. L~ ""'1 s~ ~ <11•>·-1. ,~~llldmo bll·ltts, l<11C<d lMIOk ,.i.: Loa Padm Rily OU833 SPAOOUS 2 BR p!uo ..,.ij, LflUM -4705 Frr>l<t I piiY. ,..__ Lido .hit " 1351 patio. 128,SOO. '6Ul65 $35,000 DUPl.EX, I ond, l roam, bullt·ln ldtct><n, Vic-Ill Cliff DRIVE ~-. OloCJtll -JOi BR. ...... JU>t n!mOdcl'od, :. H~l'OI. Alltmg l2SO L&rp bacMlor Apt fllm. IOO ·~. cilM tM--• OPEN ·HOUSE HuHn1t1'.?::", pvt, wild ldlc:MnllI '9<4141 All n.1.,.. r•aturu <M"'A,_ "'· COaat SUN I S • 1405 D , -•nt 1_ 4i!~.~";,:.11>';~ dra~ Ocon View. Walk 1o b<a<b Sm~ 2•tory, < BR plua <BR.. 2 "do<:k. 56' on DANA POINT llOt.IE l~ N'--' _,. p•~n'"IC .~ -~~' tOoftt den, J baU\I, 1pac--. .. ter ~nclosed patio S"l.t.500. Owncr mutt 1tU. 3 Br., we.t• ,,....... •iw ..,,vruu. y-~-- lous nT\I for Wp tamUy. Alao 80' on mafn channel bU' den, pme room, 2 trw Allao ee.dl. l BR fUni.'. 117 VIA NICE IWATERFROm1!1". by owner. '"' r~ ,_ '97'™2 •---·· $170 4~ 1 ... 11&.5<1>. lute 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, "'""""'-Grittt •I• w OIAllMING 2 Bit, cUii rm. all dtc, Ma--1lo SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME-A·UME Walkor Rlty &7S.2'7& $1111,ooo, Consider leuetop--·•hills. Under-11 """'1toma. Prtv&to-. J -no .-$US - ilrt ..... _,,,,,...==<=TW=,.-=,-;-....,...---------1..., .. _ ........... !!1. lioti. ~, ,1,,, 1, I 13&,li;O. 49&-Z!OO • An:h Bay. l'lHl9I alt 4, Call nu. -" 1,1~ ..... :;;; (_J W' ; ,.. ' • ... --· .•.• • I l. I I . .. I ...... ------·--.-..........,..:-----~-----------------, " .. ' M.... .......... L _..._. I ••·II, ':~. • f. , ' .. {" 'I lt~L --:'':':". .•:' l uiiNill.llii .•••. ,ANNbUNciMirm· 1!nf!' ·~'v!a~µliw!!' !!' fCT~O~·~y~·1 r--,ri--:~~~-~---;--; ... IMl'~O)'IQllT GeMnl • ~ ~ ·'1, F l NANCI~'~ ~· ' j . !!fsf!O!l.CIJ . 1..:... 11~11 lw'JlNi ' 6i'2 ~ .. * Help W111ted., .Min .7'10 ... . <Ill MW ,1211 in..-~· !P:;r"! 6000 6100 ..... °""""""''°' ge -Cf roe Mil -'l'YP!NG IBM exec, ...., o~~'hY•A""' Jl-4 LOT. &NiiY-sU,,(y FOIJND:m~'doe ~~ '"· Pidl 311. ... ...,, s.room ,..,,,,,.., ,.-01t l$,unlta. ROUTE wlblk. , l • ~ ,<>I l Uf t r;r:T e" ~~~~~~~£::-1 I sanat bWJd.1111 lrom Cap.. Phil sialuVan. 54H761 (Part·ct hD. Tbne) ~ a ; 1 ~ •• o t e • ;; ~-0.ch OW t kL LAGUNA •·-view Iota, Excellent "*""' for .... !'i.l: SL,::::."-ctil C..,...1i. l"1 • 6590 °""' .. -.. ~ -•tllllln, pvt. ~ -"11 -,..,,, uty = ' I CAYENTRY tranoae.ob.IDYtstmtotOa., $6'50atS9.250 . .tH-fT41 or evu.), lfdl1bir Ul!I FOUND: Smill, t~.~· .--... n-.. ""co N J b liliO Palilaitt, hdtk Pa&. ' co1Jectinc moacy tiorn dos. malt, W1t0me White .u.ua ~~ o o , lllt&1<owr_Bl..., 1-Cllll !IOtl2 Ronthet 61so Coln Operated~ ~Vic. s1at11no • Too Sm.a C.blqtt m eu- -podo. UA 'IUl! 80' BAYFllOm. Flnftl bch . ,en lo~ 'M ...I IWl\!ll<l', 1 ... J • .-.i.. l'i"\ -4 •lb cc c:ablner.. ......_11'S-al AlocO.iL*So.wut.ltllcr IE.All••.'OftJC 1'1\llTOW:dblc'"'arta;:i·-Mo &lar"ntftt~. ~75;Umanawerteave er 80' 3 or 6 u.nitl. Ideal for r-:ii~tf:, ldllfii. Or.ndlei 11 i. ?ft e SMALL beige mixed' ~· ~ ~ JI. O. ~ ""....., -h $400 ..._ ·2'.._ dn ·wt:"""' AvoCado Ronch bcand ?""' ~ ..... c1ca.i ,.ma1, "°'· vie. Santa w=r w • w~ ~1 ba1 Jt;t,...-~ w/ ac-$1650 ~'4\ cuti required. ha.bel &: Santa Ana, C.M. QUALITY Repairs • Altt;ra. I aat.-~ • _, •.1 '" LIVE· "'"' diiJ ..i;;.:;.:... prop. ruER'fJ· 6 q:n.,,on "" Fot m•re fnlonnatloo 81Z-<986 · """'·New -L by bour SPECIA CLAalPIQTI N FOR .. N THE IE.A.CHI as do pymt. Dri"' by 3lO ~d·com., m,• ~-~. and detail• ,...,,...,.. orContn.cl 64&34<2 NATU~.~ SWAl'PER$ • Via J,id9 t'Of'd. ':= _,.. •""-Wt cold -"· •~ ~· . ..,..._ "'"" -11 673-"~: no ='< •= ~ . .;i;;j,i>lr»o \,U,.. Loot 6401 HOUSEHOLD .re-;-ot all I ~' I ....... 1 It.lo -ar ~ _.,,, • ,... .. ,. ~. ~-~ be• to: w... -~-.• -uo··ble. 5 • ti ' 5 b b !Fiah. Surl. SWim 1. your .......... ·~-........ hu • ·-luded 2 000 -IUA ....... ~... ·-' -.,, ... _,. UC ,..-,,--=°""==;;-= wv "--·---~-' ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT' LOST 2 doc•. vie C.!tf. Bob 6'7>7826 'au..u -,,. ¥Ul'f oec1uoE O'llirn front )'&l'd." Private 4, 6 or 12 DELUXE new sq. ft. DOWM:i cnip -cnwed P. O. Sox 384' Miniature black male poo. i-w~., .,.,. ~-1"--......_ . ~' ,..., -""' 111 ,,..._ 'Oubhouse. Heatl!d Pool unltJ in ..fastest ,row~ $fl,OOO for years '67 • '68. AaaM1mf euu.mla 92I03 die needs dipping ·•11ter-MASTER carpenter, $4 per ~youa ,...,...ofMj'NO" .-.... .._. M"" er Mv•rli.111e. 1s..u.nu. Private Gtte "'Ith Beach area, Jl'irsrowner tu Priced at $1J5,ll00; cuh ot · rcJ• Smali black' mixl!d hour. Remodeling. Repairs. ' • ._H IN!t POl &M.•-'7 nOHL'W'1 If• hour Securif3 G uard. advantace. Broktt Mn Ter-terms. Fot turther infor-FRJG,DAIRE male w/white fttt le chut, 60-6400 or 536-3900 • <PHONI 642.56 I iMEDITERRAHEAN·Adult r;y536-2579cr~Ti58 matloh ~-· caQ Keith JET ACTION ''Tiit'r." W.-USO all da y REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS To Pl1ce Your Trllder's ParadiM Ad I UviQr TRIPLEX...,. Col.Iese P&tk NelaOn with Friatdalre lt min. cycle ls Sat a: &In. CABINETS. AD:'/ me job. 17 Ft, fiber &lua out.board .• i...auna a..cb.. Ocean.yiew L C.M., 2 BR. -. kit blt.in, Eckhoff &.Aa •• , Inc, futQi in tbe indul 25 )Tl. exper, 54M713 and bl& wbttl Wt trailer. home. 2 bdrm,• den. 2~ 1 entio.td ~, lnoaine l8U W. Cllapman Ave. ~ C<w1.oLt .. !;__1 do ,.,_ ~ ,_1 In*~ •*1 ••·~ WW trade Jor lanct.captnc. bath&. $15,500, equity, Wac :. Bit. 2 Baths 1 l BR. 2 Ba.. $340 mo. $32,500 Owntt Orange, c.ru. ~ .-• ....,.....~ LUC w., ... ......, ............. e .........-. Cement, Concrete 6600 PHONE option or exchar!ge for UU. 1 from $250. INCLUDES W/W &t2-Sl92 51l.9':"l"I Eve.wknds 53S..a97S ot,• ~ ~'!..!i;.' .~uh! ......... Fiocl &tee Cocmld• Poodle mix-6fMa7 bol.t, Btr •mo. ~•c GE Bl'--.,.. _..., · ou: ~ '"'!"'I _ .,. own lure, l yr o , anrwtrs 10 e CUSTO~ PATIOS ''"'~ cp<a., • • ....., W)w l3 tn.Jl'l'C' .......a --''~-.,. e ISO = llallan • + " A'" ~·~~·..., 6 ........ .....,._......,... a PIYirW ·b. • the name ot Sandy. PJeue · . .,.,. "' "'· "• 6 nicely :rum Apts., Exe 1Refri&. Ir. dilbwuher, 100% 'ttnted. Lute· 8~ 3211 A. Tulare County, Sacrlf. Gar;kt1; Grove, ~ Ana. return, no questions askrd, coocrete •Wllll·&: removaJ AM·FM SW 370llP Mini Cond, always rented. Ex· I< loan. Bargain at' $106,000. for ,guick 'uJe at S850 per TuSUn. Orage,~·Anabthn Rewud. Phone 64&9303 State Uc. •·842.-ioro Sl0.008 ·..;,, vaJu; s4950 chanat for sinall house or ' u .. I'--p Tc Phil Sullivan. 54UJ6l • acre. 2 "°""'· 646-1'91 Coilll:O'Matfc LARGE REWARD I * CONCRETE work, homed ...,,, o!a-wq. C&mpe•, van land with future. Fortin : """ .. ,..en •ct 1 8 UNITS. 2-4 untt bldgs. 1 • M lie. CMcrete •win&:. or sPorts car. ~1 Co, .11m·A. W~tcliU Dr. , , Apts. BR. tum . .$1boo per JDQ. In. Acreage , -. -~ 6200 Equipment, Inc, Small brown &-wht mutt-, w/ / Phlll1111.. Cement 548-6380 Trade_.Q9rft&Q sFi1':• view NB &rl-5000 ~ H=e~!c~~r~· come. $87,500 F.P . ~ 640 ACRES Sll '1116 RlBE In Fulle=1i4 ~:· v~:;:s,1&13 red collar, Vic N. Newport 1 • CONCRETE worlt all lot, valued StiOXI. For what. Deluxe 4 .BR~ 3 btlth, den ' PHONE (7i4) $36.1487 Navy aunnery range $601'.f· Blvd., NB, Call 6(2.U22 '1 types. Pool-1teck:s I: CUiiom. have.you!! ®me. ~O«I vaJUf', In ~ ' ORO: AP·---Bual,_ PFoperty .60$0 1'5M;~j note •I """' '" HARDWARE ml Ca .... q Dr. #.•. CM, i · ·Call "'f"J,324 · '', '-"I llok 4'26 Ian<b. :~<hang• '" cbm· ; 8234 A~-'l i .:> NPT BEArn: tiidlist. com· Ne~ ~.r' .8'1~ lll'O-STORE LOST ' ?"~·I v'lh· c.M. eemeitt· \Vlfi'k.:. in' kinds Irvine, caur. 92664 parable hq.m,e beach area. •u-1• n~----·· ~ 1 •"' 500 ~-er •QIV\ perty. Mlnia~ lack mJl.le poo. Free Estimate \VANTED: .1 "*key's Harbor (n-tJ 793-6125 ;"' .. ~ont)r·""· ::rx=th.. o=r0~mi" ~,<213l,33.'J..3!33. , HuntilHJIOn .leach d~~~ cllppj,gg,\''Pler-•'*-·GJ6..0i1••· area or f;wc Orange 2 Vacant San aemente '=========I •-fl B -"-1.... rei•• ~ Wack , maJe ~ .... -k.· no ·~b loo r--•----tel·-~ • -•-__ .._.. .__-7 Uni" • 536-mT or 536-2721 ~ ,,. P "'t ' '205 """"' sq, wiy "" .. pp .. '6 w ...... ;._ feel • ~-... "'""'"J;:.lt"J. ,.. ....,......, ,......... ~-Lll,1\a ~ ..,,.. ~ Pool-';1P'~r1 -I 1 R nl I .r.~ dtpM t ~ • center. Lota of parldDa. Ter. ..~ .. .=_,"! .,~., ~·-.. All~·~d .. ., 1mall, re.uonable. Fr e e dlrectory1 Trade for ! 11 T TRADE t0r NpVCM,. Jn. PrfVat.e1(;aft;p. • VI rMll 1 1 -FOR RENT Fum Mammoth rific Joe. Good will haa bttn S:.iA-SUn. ~ ...., estim. H. Stullick. 548.ans AM 54G-l 'l20;·646.J585 come, and/or comm'! trft NEWLY c»cr. 1-Br .. elec. APPROX. ~~-jq ft ibie Mo u ntatnCondomlnlum, buila ·overpeciodof44yean: r. house .3 B ?l2 ba &-det.r~,500f'q'Ufty,Prop. .. ~-r-...._ •--• .-..n acrou: kocn Yit!ar.in& sJA!!ieps a.~ 6'75--flJ)-Fin. avail. For further irl!or-SM bnm ClolUe-Shpe. mix Child Care 6610 · wn • r. · ertfeS West. 1'1S-li.so cm-c1 •u-. f.uT". Ulla. ........ ' . • -tnation. pup; wear'& aea mllar. Ans All elec., ptiv patio, pool, Month. 839-4063 ~'f:· a:e~ accD.m~~ Mount.· & 0...rt 6210 BRASHE'AR REAL TY ~.._.:llW,iY!lllfP .. Vic-_Utit· a: Oil,LD Cart. my.homi!. Near mar bay. Val. $32,500. Take Nr, new 3 Br. W-side home. I BR .. ' All on •-t •-"'T-"l Bal~ m-~ N .... _-.j, 19th Ir: Harlior Bl•"' CM. late model car, camper or 2 Ba; f.rpt,· cpr,, disbWKr. .. , -UUUI", naint store etc. tllO/mo. " .....,,. · Evn. s,,a..2123 O!'l'I!:,. Y\I" a.. ~aiu. ..., laundry tacU Near Buch ,........ SALTON CITY Le lot .,,..........,.,, 615-7468 !, Owner 646-6654 gar, opener. VaJ. $26,900. lftvd i: SJ.aW: 963-7631" See at 82i W. 191.b. St., 01. ' ~· ' WAN'l'Et>: Active man in. \}le Trade for T.D.'s or ! . ~'11- , • · Bkr. 642.ff22 Sea v)t!W, Nr. Manna &: -turnlture strlj,plrlg &: wood LOST' • IWfJ nfale, while Contractora 6620 Colorado River Front Re.. er 646-l61S, LI 8-013? ~e. I NEW 2 • 3 BR. STRBll· P.1¥>'111\GE Yatht clu'b;• .... ~c. '3)00. bleaching llt:rvice on 7tt% s am 0 ye a' Sliter &: sort, Ariz. side. 2 swing~ '~ Jl.50 mo. Cpta, ~· On Beacb 8"'-411 Sq tt. 549-4039 basia:, remoVin.g finish from Golderl\vert, Huntlniton ADDmON~REPAms bars. $80,000 eqly. For boat, Have choice loca1ed 'Costa ~ •. Nr 8eat:b. 14.7-39.17 Modo! ~-~-~-• w •-~...... rT 1~ Attowhd ho1ne lliOO.. sq turnUure &: In ter IO r Bea.ch, 842.-3574 REMODELING T.0.'s, Ocean \'lew Home Mesa 3 Bdnn & ~ily • -~ ~ Ullli... ~~ .,., 0wne 54!>-0069 wilt trade lor 3 or 5 units . .. BR . Dupl.eK 1"4. baths. Rltr. etc} · • JUttlla and r :;: every lux., roll coune ~'OOdwork. All work done on LOST !ernaJe Pomeranian, Desi&nine It Plannlq: or · · r · Approx S12M equity:~ The q>Wdrpc, encloled 18J'8,g'e. ~rritok) t't' n 5,'1'ndscpd., view. $34,950. 646-1994 customer's premises. $1500. lit!: blnd, i v e·r J · trri:ny: Kitchem-Balbs,· etc. Hollywood 7 unilll, Income Real E!tal~ 646--nn _ )l?P/mo. 89l-al61 eves. $250 met.· 10650 Beach m .. 11. teq'~ flllr7~ estlb'd "Tami", 1 yr old. Vic itesa Uc'd & Bonded. Free est, $590/mo. $44,500 loan @ )46.2Jl3. ·-570~ e 636-4120.. R; !. W1t1t~ ' 6240 business a:· the protesslonaJ Vm:le. Reward. 545-9981 A £: B CONSTRUC'l'ION 7%. TRADE $10,<XXI eq. for =,-..,=,.,---,-== 'know-bow. Can a~ $45. WHITE CAT. "White Star" 112'J Paularino. CM. twin screw c8bin crulaer up Older 3 BR hDtue + 6-1 BR Sn:JRE FOK' RENT Ai.so 1-8dhn. Apt •· . «ll'E.• Balboa WANT TO SELL? per dsy after 3 wks know-Child's pet, Vicinity o! * 5'5-ti4l * tO 32'. £d Ridifle 6f6-8811 unit& in Ho~·ood, $10,000 Call FaJ:t'O• ~..Mrt pack. ~Call . n4n~~· 4. to l"airview & Baker. Plea!ll! ADO-A .. Room, apt, units, eq $54,500 lncme $580. FOR iJlll . 7 .,u1. ... · call 5'6-3634 cust homes, f'YCl story HAVE $10,0Q) free '1. clear local property, TD, boat etc CANDY supply route, part or LOST younr male Lab. rel. ~lalisto , ~ I a Y-0 )I t, R.J ~ot. WAN!' Ne.~ Perron Rlty 642-tm f\lll-~~.· ~eves. a.lW desjgn. 2o Yrs fu the Beach home under ~.000 Owner/Agent will trade Office R1nt1I 6070 Tt4, ·D~X r,ILOT I has openlnp for Classified Advertising I I . Salesmen Several ttrrltorlts with ex. cellent buslneu potential are open -automobil~ re- quired. .,,...,._. ""''....., but not necessary. Good ~ary and commll- s.ion plan plus company benefits sOcb u vacatiol'ls with PQ', auto allowanoe, paid &rot.IP inlw:ance, crfd. it union, retirement Pan.. . . ' U ·)'OU AN a rOOcf sales- man and l!t'1lt to join tbe fastut growine oew.paper in thll art& call or M lle for an lnlerv}ew to Horace Blalico or Cut C&r.ltensen. 1All inquiries· .•trictb' eon1¥1mtial. ,. Goo4 Poyl Goocl lnc•ntlVe! Act Now! POLICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SEEKS RESERVE POLICE' OFFICER $2.11).$3.4 I per hour 1':Helve 0Uicer11 ~ to ,suppl~ment the irep Jar Ci ty police foi'ce dUl'o i~. peak pmods, Those interested should report for a written test to be admlnlstered In the City Ha11 Council Chambel'll, 3300 Newport Blvd., New. port Beach, a: 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 30, 1969. AL ISTATI ; "General ORANGE' COUNTY'S LARGEST Ir colled 'tnODey from coin All black. \Yr-ating choker business. Pacific Coast or duplex. $6!))0. eqUlty in 3 bdrm, 2 ba oper. Dlapenaers in O.ta chair collar. Vic Qa:le St, Blda. 61S-719L Weekdayl, Matchem Realty • 646--4831 home. WW trade for Apt REAL ~ATE. Shouldn'I Mesa If vie. No aelllng. C.M. 66-0503 Sat &-Sun at your Rl'Vice Have 10,IXXI plutic decor-units, any cond, o.l£.,.R-3 or you be selUne the hottest ...,, ... w.ntotl ff90 $TORAGE GARAGE WANTED "' Jfewport Beach or Costa liifeu. for from ~ thru Aue 15th. c.11 us.wu 2 JIBl)ROOM a par Im en I ~ar beach. l Month plus, s.tartlnr' now. Phone D. R eyn o lds , Whit.tier '&96--ll24, or write Box «138, iWh!tOO 90607. ifACHER desires 2 or 3 !~ houle or apt nr beach. i,.e yearly by June or Aus. J;ith, Ca.It coDect l..Q8.0W. Xt,6 &: Son. . EACON BAY HOUSE I,' BR, 2 BA, unfLD11, yrl)o I lie or Bayshores, CdM, Ir- J :vJne T"""" . ..._ eves. MATURE encutive want. l 1 bdnn unfurn, ftplc, 1ar, l waJk to beach. Yearly be. !fj>-2309 .,,.,,,.,... !·• UNDLORDS • . f'REE RENTAL SERVICE ' -.,._ ~ BDRM home on )Tl)' leue j !or :lamily of 4, CdM or lltlboa 111e. mma ..... WANTED: l BR-unfurn hie, yr's leue. Prefer Oil. * ll4&0IM * ' BR or equivalent! CdM. , Npt, C.M. arua:. Fncd yd. ,.Will leaac;. 633--4l3ti • .. -· ONE BDRM Unfum Apt. for ' ilmplcyed lady up to SUO/ ............ ANTED • Quiet, clesn un- 2 BR •Pt. or duplex in N.B ......... 5995 m E. 17th St. 646.:4494 BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL Bus. Opportuniti" ~ ASSOCIATE WANTED First time oUered ln the Sall ~e City Area: Stratq-ic Franchises haa a ttm,ark&ble route ·of. ne1v a'l1d. Amaz;ng Vt.nda-Pak vend!hg machln!!!. T h e locations Jor the" machines are already contracted IOI'. '$1JSO Tot.at cub req. Send J..6.f>IES Cold Wyler Walch, L y --~·"-,_ ••• ,, valued @ R-4~,.=,;land;-:::°':<::'::008-345<::i.,,,,-:;.::;;::= I area Huntinaton Beach? bl vie WestcllU Plaz.a or Q U A I T .... ~ •• awr """xues name, addrell I: phone to: custom desip ll!rvice. Ref.I $500J (5Clc ea). Will trade 17 Fl outboard for staUon call Pl;ill. McNamff Vlllqe ~==:..,,·:;;·~i'<i92803iit,'i, ;;P,..o.,.';·llox;;:-,,__33'6_, s= ~~~:.-'~-~q; ~.J;:1:ro~~ ~m oreq: ~:e.~~ :.'~a~ equal val-~03Estat• 96M4n er -1'00,SQ. t'T. MFG. point; April 21st, vi<". bvlne 4 pm . LAKE ARROWllE'.A.D • No. Cook-Pert Ti-• Co I •-··• Iii (Univ. Park) Rew. 833--0979 12 t.f-1 shops in 2 tilt·llP .. ..-mp e.c Whu. o ces on Addtiom * Remodeling Shore 18.ke Yi~ Jot, all bldgs. on Placentia Of. Dlshwa1he·r.Parf Time fenced l ~! acres in. Sl'IIALL male Slame1e. blue. Fred H. Cerwick, Uc. udl ' sewers, lake priv. Value $150,000. \Vill trade SUrt &:. Sirloin bdlanc!S 'Vea . .IM cts Deciawed, Cameo Shores 673-6041 * 50-2170 Trade $5000 equity for new 113 lar prop. anywhere, For S930 W, C.OUt Hwy. per ft. plus option. area. 6'15-1671. luxury car, 549-lJ92 evn. ba1ance ! Call 548-1542 l'\ewport Besch ,For. cam~ ~ts. dune Jo"Er<ifALE Great Dane, fa,,·n buggies, tra.llers. Owner. colortd. Vic Founta in Carpet Laying& .& * * * * 1f IMPORT AUTO 613-2654 Valley. U7-21TI Repair 6626 " * Parta Counter Man * Une Mechanic MAIL order. Start YoUt' own C".RPETS (uyions. wools, • *Lot&: Detail Man M•• On!" Bus'°"' u our Po•oon•ls 6405 polye•ten,~ V"1Yb "" Ti). 52RVll:I! .DIREC1'oRY SEftVICI DIRl!CTO.RY lllany Co. Be"'"" + Jno. Distributor with $150 in-es.. Latest sl;yles and colot1. · . Call 646-9306 vntm.ent. Write tor FREE * PALM & CARDS * commercial and RuldentiaL _H_o_u~Nc-IN_•~i"9""":-'--6-7_35 PlnterJnq, R.,...ir 6880 -;;;-=-..'CCC,,-.,. __ 'broc:$\lft to Audit Controls, Spiritual Reader. Put, Pres-Expert installation. , Perts Counter M.n Brookside Ave., Fair Lawn. ent, Future, Help in a)l lile BLANKINSHIP FLOORS Wll.J..IAMS a.NG. SERV. e PA T C H PLASTERING. Must have VW exper. Gooct This new and a.mailna: N.J: problems. Sl. special read-&12-l4CB 54().tJti:z Carpetl-lurn-compl. hse. Aii t,ypes. Fret estimate. opportunity &: benefits. AVAILABLE Auauat, 1969. machine has made the b1&-l=ro'"R,,-"s.-=1-.-=Bal=boa--:I-.oland-. ing. QQe.D claJJy 9 am to 10 ========~ l·~and~;;•!;;P'~· ~cl~ng.~642-8164~:;=;;--l='Call==,.,_====== 84ZM35 Ask for ffe:rb· Modern, 1 pa c1 o 11 s, ~ ~t advance ln the ve~lng M~c store. m. Marine pm, '1421 Westmins ter Ave., · • HOUSECl..EANING • L r .r.• I ·-,.s"'T"oc="K"'C'L'E"R"K"S.--I feuional oltlett to rent Otl Industry ht years. An In-Aw:., Balbc!a I~. Inqulrt Westmlniiter 893-9854. Drafting Service 6637 Excellent work. $2.50 hour. Plum.,.n9 , v .:i -90 $45() per month to start. Mon. monthly bub. Located ln du.stry that groSses ·over 4-9 at . above ·address or call 7% INTEREST DESIGN Dndtln&, electro ,,,Call=,,546-=5_,,995,-.,,7"='""=· PLUMBING REPAIR d&¥ thru Friday. AdvaJ'K2 prime bustne. area of billion alat YEAR alone. dayi . 499-3910. or eyes Wflte tor ~ brochure mech P/C layout &: detail-Wl!'lD<?W ,CLE~t'i"q. It It's DRAIN CLEANING to sales or purchasing. Wriff beautiful Mlsalon Viejo. OJ.I ' _m-3""~1=77=-,,.,-,,,-.,,.,,,,,..1 describing 7% Inter e 11 ing. Ken Sr. 6Trll91 , ~ 6e1t you want, call fi46.238T or Som-1217 Box M-4&3, Dally Pilot, Mr. Lapp, Downey Sa·.1--. If you have the desire to be -: 1 ~-• be -'d r.g •-·-' ··-~-and t WANTED : oU.ule iquor church ....,. ... s, ine """ by .....,. :< ~11 ' • PLUf.IBlNG REPAIR BARTENDER. 3 fo 12 PM A Loan Alm. B37-<C911 your own ...,,... you wan ,.._,_..., Vall --T-·• P 0 G d • 6610 · •· .. , in.to a buslneu for lloehle, ~ ....,......,, ey Ba...-1 ... _.e, · · •r enutf CARPETS, Windows, firs. No jqb too small Tues thru Sun. LaCAVE I OfflCl w Call 64U13!I Bo l:JINJ S&n J e •~" .,..,_, e . •-1~ I PR VAJE )'Otll111!11, a busineu that : " J.N.6, 0 I e • . ANTHO• NY'S etc. Res or, Con1c·1. Xlnt U"U-.Juo .-..::ot&uranl OJoJ r v 1 n e , Secretarial service, alt con- dltlon;,., l -. Oruiae Councy Bank Blda. D> E. 17th Stntt Calta Mn& 642-1485 NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER Otticn: saltable tor Com- zne:rci.al. Medial. Dental Air-cond .• crpts; elevator 35e 1'ER SQ. ·Fr .. -541-5Cl3i OR 615-24M could make you oV1!r $600.00 California 95150 G rde S • -.'Orit Reas. Reis. 54S-4111 C.?i-f Apply 11 AM to 3 PM. a month for a s.mall In. ~s •. W1ntld 6305 LICENSED • • n ervice Sewing .6960 Rderences needed • vestment of $1500.(1) thtn WANTED: CORPORATE Spiritual Readi.np, advice The be!4~:4!, more! l_n_c_O<_m_ie_T_n ____ 6_7_40_ e Dres-·";,;,.,.. Alternation& SERVICE Station At~nda.nt, write us today giving )-'OU!' on all matterw, 108 S. El .. ..., . _, ....... ,. gra~ yard lhilt El"p'd A: phone J'll.iJnbn. to "Strategic CHAR: 6(5.-0149 Camhxl Real, San Ormtinte PnLne ~':11~ lNC'OME "I:~ .!:pared .. ~ local reta. 29tb Harbor l"n.bcbistt Dept. 6, P.O. 492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM c-.... Hartkulturlst yoor home, ...... mm-mvd., C.b.L See M r . Box 566, Sall Lax. City, SPE;CIAL 12 jl.EADING -•: ~lncd, $15. 4"'1122 Alterol~2-5145 ,.,.,.,._ Utah. Inv-I Oppor. '310 TAKATA N ~ to lit AREA MANAGER Attnctlvo Export JAPANESE t<URSERY ll'Onl"I 675s " • ..,., .... , • "'-exp. DRILL PRESS Exptndlno ...,,.,.. .... buoL WIDOWED! DIVORCED? YOUNG WOMAN -Complet• -Upholllwy 6990 OPEftATORS ness requires man to mJn-\Ve can bring you se:renll;y. danctt w1l1 teach you all aervla!, Headqiwters tor I roning & Alteretlon1 Mech. I electronic uaembkr age Torn.nee &: Bly atta Call 24 br. no. 613-574.l la.teat steps:. Call Ardell all J'O'U' nursery needs. * f>4G.007S * C'lYKOSKI'S CUst. Uphot trainees, Ph: 646-Slil.l 213: 591-4.538 1·10 PM European Ctattlmanshi.p I ;:,SE=-:-=-:-°"'=== oWces. Un\J5Ul.l opportunity Mo L 632Q ALLIN BROS • 6790 l % RV. STA. SALESMEN . 510% 29th N.B. for a man whc> wants to MY to Mn COUPLES, 1tnale1: lonely! GARDENERS sruDENTS ._J_a_n_11_o_rl_•_I _____ 00 fin! 642-1§4 Man to work full time. MUJI •-•· dio ,,.. N '1 ln T J In •'---·" 1-1881 NN'JIOrt Bl., C'.Ptf. be · ~u..t stu near. ""V work. Company IQLinlna pro-h t k 2nd loans for .quick e ares o u""" irw1nr working ~·ay thru college. SPARKLE Janltorlal Se:rv. neat 1n appearanca and .,_ "••t --~ _,.. ......... •I home oU•·-,.. · · to fun A: p1..,.,. · Exp Ll "'" ,_ handwn·';""· ~ .• , ---'""'''u' "'6"' ..,.. ...... ...~.. .... " cafh. Borrow on yoUf pro-""" 29 · c. Reas! __.,_,..,3 \\7irll:lows. resld., com c I, JOBS & E'MPLOYMENT ~'6 vv.:c ..., ~ SCHWORER • 9'f3;.285f· ' Anaheim. $10,000 Jnveat. rt eq wltho••! ij'-•·-bina • _.9 l • Newport B!vd .. C.M. pe Y "' "''... .... GARDENING, clean u p , con.st. cleanup. Free est. LEASE: store. or office, lS'lf ment, secured by inventor), yowo low Interest b : TDs. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Mow &: edge. Call K.L. 968-26Sl J b W tld ,._ 7000 FUlL time nlle man; truck irq. rt. ~ li>ci.&n. ~ t. ~.equipment &: trucks, Flnanr. Also buyers tor 2nd TDs. Phone 542-1217 Oi' write to Walter. 6G4421 ~ an -J n • route. Must haw exp. in 17th St. c:M. ~ .' Ing available, Start at $250 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. P.O. Box 1223 Collta ?<.fesa, •JAPANESE GARDENER Landsc~ping 6810 txpER iiotel Ji.fir~ Deak complete jMHorial elem. STORE, olfioe: A ~Spa.et per Y•ttk, pl.WI profits, which Serving Harbor Area 20 yrs. l.ONDON·Ll\aUna Ac 10 r 1 ClC?Tk lvants to relocate ing; benefits. Only qualified 1842 Newport Blvd:, CM. 41hould• ex~ . $20.:..e: .. r 336 E. 17U. St Workshop. Inquiries. MaJnt~li;ce ~~eanu" LANDSCAPE RS along OraZC! c 0 a s t • men need apply. 54~242Zi "'"'Orldna: ·~ year company • 642--2ln 545-0611 494-4404 ATTENTION Pre:itently managing motel EXPERIENCED coni· man. -~ Ft,, Offlct ·' . ·1 -~To. E;xt. :11 "NEW 2nd LOANS AR-I-"======== DEPENDABLE; FI nest I need landscaping 1nd will on.Strip in Lu Vegu. Write blnalion cook. Apply bet. 9 Colt& Meaa. $12 .Pu ""ttk COSfA MESA ~2130 -ASSOCIATE "W.AN'rEO RANGED" Top ca.sh for Cemetery Lots 6411 i::m.~Ms-~~t· trade a 17 ft outbwd wtth G.'R. F\!mlrc, P.O. Box &-11:30 a.m., Ben Brown's 548--7969 No 1elllna-keep )VUI' recutar seaaoned 2nd1 543-01 Bkr. · 1 big wheel trailer for )'Otll' ltlfi Lu Veau, Ntvada Rest.1 3UOC s. Cout. Lac ~""'time -Pl"V hm; e!.;: ~ l iiC:-iiiiiiim~,.,.jiji!cil•~l~·ji!iji.;ij-iiiiiilil attractive new cand1 and Mortg•911, T.D.'1 6'45 ·~YM !~·o r~i &I= = ~· ~~tab~ t= stilt t ·; r:~~R. lllft dttk. n1""-tl .,., •M 1513 . ....__,CM.. ,·mack machines. can expert *' 531·140f'.* · Phone 644-4681 Job Wented, t _... 7020 ..,, ~ .-v•-•'" . \,rny HIGH EARNINGS $1950 2nd TD at $ll mo. incl Puk-. Blue Spruce area. U -,-and!« week~nds. 20 to 4D C ... BEDROOMS tor .... ~~ p~:=~~ on modest investment or 10~ inf!tut aU due 3 yrs _'-11115 _____ ...,..___ ~ERr.-.~": • n e.• e p h • EXP. ~. Ur. Orig. :-~~~ ~f~~ , lloa. 1'19 Bib -.:.P. Corona dcl Mat . 3J:t. leu"than ·s3,Doo.,·4fr1ie for on Octanview lot Lacuna SE"'VlCE DIRl!.CTORY _.,..e l!!ttVlee. 1per ang1n9 entry, p&YTOll, qrtrly . a , Priv. 67'5--1tl03 interview appolnlnMnt. &iv· Beach. 20$0 d j 1 ca u,. t "' Free estlmatei ~ 540-1.332 Pa inting 6850 rebu'ns. T.R.f Acct· 1 PA.INT MAN 2 for ~ 1nc phone number ~ ad· 494-l.137 .&-JI R I EXPER Japanese Gardener --~--~--receivable &: payabl~. e tc. ~enced p~er'l't.-d, Renn S220.000 • '"* income dress to: SPEED VENDOR, ...,... lttet epe rs Monthly !ll!"rVice. r e a 1 . NE_AT: exp. ,P&lnler, IJG n-• u •1 R" H n:I Contact $28,716 • $40,000 "'ill ha.nd1e 535 South 1nd \Yr-ii, SaU $i'500 ls! TD, 1% due 3 yn:, __ P_•_m _____ 65_1_0 1 832-0T05 or ~7867 dnnking. CoUep student ~~~G-~:n request. .. Y D~~a\Vol~el~?(ll(] GOOD La~ City, Utah •AJ01 lft% discount. gupnouo ======,..;.,,,-,:=-Vt'ry IO\V prices. Steve ' -'="i,,;;r.';;:i=;::-7"=-·-:"""==-.c===--1 ....... 5996 "" .,., 49'1·1210 n.c.uu:. RettipraHon ~ JOHNSON'S Gardenmg Scrv. 5-m-45'19 1 · CONVALESCENf AIDE e HOUSE PATNTER REAL ESTATE LffE-Mf G:-PLANT-Appliance Repair. Ask Jor FtMst equip, eXJ)l'T't yard l"'==""'=.,..,=-,.,:= PRAC. nun.? er companion. WANTF.D EXPERIENCED E:=;,:.,f;::::::;-::::~:::<:· ;-: 353 No. Cout H\\}' li1an needed to aS10Cl1.le "ilh Money Winted 6350 Tom. 546-136.1, 547-6691 care! Reas! 962-2035 PAINTL'l;G Int• Ext Lowest ..,,J .,,,,, 6'1S-Ol7S MA baud, comp. pnv.; Lquna Bch 4Sf.7Slll contrnl'ted pricfl. Fully iM. avalla....,. J.~ iot part time, TV A telephone; 111uden1 I !!!'i!\ii!i!ij!i!!!i!!!!iij~~ I company to assume duties ~ a. Cut & Edge La"-n t bl8 or short 'term. Bonded __.__,. ·--I ~ or sUpervlled producUan \VANJ:ED $35,000 1 ye,ar 10 bysittfng 6550 lil ninlcna"C", Licen--' S3tls lactlon guar. f)tt eJ . "' ·--·-· ~"'S::~:=""'.'.""::.,..=·=·-=":'.:=: I FOR Leue % acre of M·l $10,000 investment required, collaleral loan on . $40,000 In ·-..-..--='-----5"48481l!/s6,1,10 an"""4 Jim Weeks 673-1186 a uUIW1:Q, 1 property ·wjtJ:t ,tntall atllee. _! ___ 1 . 'b•' I • lit TD, and $60,000 2nd. COSTA J\1e:aa Prt--&hool ,'~~~~~~;_.j i>f>rr:J~i:icr·r.:-:iiNY<'fsiiiiE cH.oO.:.:ld;:,-:Eld~AKERs;;;i:--=";,''--·!Sfil= .. rty 6000 ' . Mly ...,..., ' ""'"'°"' U •• ~ •->6 cL"S r-~-. S I e INT • = ,. -~ J !f10 Complete1y fenced wl~.2 &: eqW,menl $21S.per week 497-1210 oe • ....,.., ,.. .... ~ ; open6:'5 A U<U~nma er v ce JOB. Xlnt \\Wk rtt._ ~ JAPAN~ GIRL "; P:OUll • PL•XI S 1&rse pies. 548-bM .to start plua share of pro!lls $15,000. hi. TD l 'lt ~~~ ~ !:~=::..~en-Cit. mr. ~. 646-.1749 ~~~ live in. HOUllt'lllOl'k. • ........,., lo Newport l-rlol Rentol 6090 whlih ohoWd ·.,-l'0.000 l'.000. lot. TD I I> ~ ~ o.u ·~ ~-·-u -INTER CC' Ex!. PAINTING, -======== 1IMCh on '--land.. Purcbue ptr )"tar. For appt. 213 -Box P.a7 1'he Ollily Piiot ~~"" "'~" _,.... JMMEO, SERVICE. Local ~ Wint.cl ii, J, J « .a 4 -5fJOtl So, II, M:l tpoce, GE ._ • .,. for M•. ~ ANNOUNCEMINTS BABY$1TTING; fncd. yd.. !no. edllnil. md l 0 b' • rel FREE m SU-1627 1-2 and s BR un1i.. 2 "'P""1uctlon Pl 1475 ham 9 AM to 5 PM. • ... NOTICES ho! lunches; , ..... ""'· "' ......... -MM a.w-n •• tha. llm,DQ entries. . per mo., min 2 yf lease. EXCITING • • • • . ~ Be•ch area JtaJ =AP=ANESE==~Gardeler~=-, -o-oao.-~=G "a· !i!":r'T::: 7030 REAL ESTATE CAR \VAS~t ~!ER. PART TIME ~all 645-2022 nJU, lime porttr. S dayg a week. Apply Oesmonds. No. 3 hlbion IalAnd, N.B. DELIVERY MAN Nttded for Magnavox ~t. Kenn Rima Hardwar. .... M&-1691 _...,._....,and · Call Aacoc.wani.dlnliv.OaUt. fl!9Uftd CP.reo A•> 6400 --====--~p1~.,.~~,.,.~~-~===~-~11~"-~~·.,~-~~'~"';.""~'~16~!l~IS.~ -J ,.ian ..,,, Low-dowfl HARBOR. JUNAGDIENT m.ai ~ him; worldJ'W BABYSMTING estimata 5f>..U32 • ~ ·~ •~-CO INC.. no -llJ• ~--•• FOUND W•"""""' viclnlcy MY HOME* * ANY AGE PAINTING, l'a-lB yn -Mt -•-~-•••• • ~· ' -~ parl?lmhlp, -·--~· Marl n--w-'I I II -·-" • ~ .. ~.wtmmt. Newpcrt Beadl. lr>«l50 -w/I ac::res, apprmt 15.000 nr-a: ......, .. ....., · arowii BCU617 an 5:30 PM. H•ullne 1730 n n .... ~ . ....,c • uoiia-•-•Ma.. tftutilul dof. Call f13..4689 ~. ~(g tum. 642-23!6 E:lctllent opportanltJ 1or tx·. SERVICE Sb.Uon Alle..wrt, paierior-d u.ltsman to Join ex:p'd, fUll time, Olevftm one or ftll! att.u moat no. Station, m Faintiew, c. ........ roR ..... IAl1I!!!\ N1&IJo!. ........ AU majO• ~p.'... ... Call Dr. S!Dckton in j XI.NT .r.,. .,.,.., AM •• GENE RAL HAUL ING c • s 1a~ malnt. S""""'1" INVI• STMINY offS¬ero~atom ,'peflll!I pakt IOI\ POfenttt.1 Co-· .... , .tar 5:J). HOt mew, lie . • CLE·NuP " ' · Valle)', ... ~ I ret. on ln\.-est. by Jan. 1970. ..... ~ "" · H~rbor/Baktt. S-t&-15.19 • ·"' special. Arcx lawn cut &: COR'°llATION lodµsttlal ·unftt. t>ttta £Jee. Comp. rtnanc. slattmcol e i'"OUNO Muonic rina. vk. \VlU. BABYSIT ')'OIJr child $12 per Jol,d. l'dged $20 mo. Ph .. 5t8-"6'71 8 :1~. CM. ~~.~. &st·t400. ~ -.~~·It all Info.~ ~1J:;::~:rstauranr. CdM. in my c .hl. home by day, A1!1ra~~~s11.CsJU ll<ieHaul !f:Y, INT. &: U\ 1 tr. !.._~1 - 1 :?1• -UJO. """"""'L Rt!1t1W'lnf A Bar ""~'"''="'="-;-::-:---:o= nlght, or ~"!tic. 54~3-t as ''"""" ·1 • '"""' • M:!UIOfl t11. es. r ,..,.., n . ~ "• ' DUPLEX .-LOI' l'7X90 CORHSR M·1, 1 med, old Jlceo.w. Ml pric."e $49.SOO ~!ALL brown d o I. owner Est, f"'r'tt, Prompt. 83.HiQ;s \ ins. Call Charll.e. SCS-0a 1 ~ BY"OW11ER. 100' blcta.·i 9'11...i• \VhtcOtt, Beyant \V~ Bkr. &JS..2723 ldcnlity breed. Vic Beach It Brick, Masonry, at '-!l62.Q46 alter 3 PM PAJNTING ut..tnl. AtoWIL !Aide OI. "'"3519 o..ca at, 1 a S200. • mo. .::Sl,.•_tu;;:;, =HB-:c. ,,.",...2-<12-1..,-9=0-:::;-________ 6_5_60 1 e~u~s=1=EST=-m-......,....,..=1-ace--1n"1 ctiling. Lie. Ins. 17 )Tl ~ ~ ,o(Ji=PLI X* fG.W an)'tlme. DON'T rtve It •WI,)', pt SM. Pekr type, lg. hair bi-BUJLD. Remodel, Repair 1own. The DAILY PIJm Free e1t. Ms.&325 "'-" ~ H'uiitJrlc'Oln NOW l.EASJ.NG .. tfn • N~l qUlcll: c~ lor It wltb • color k!omale doJ:, l4G-OtM Brick. block, con c re 1 e. Claailled s~tioo. Saw Pl.ACE YO!.¥' want ad -.v"' ._., ..... NT-31SJ ft' t '1'.JJ5t ...,.__.._. JJaib PUotWMl.MI DAILY Prt.OT WANT ADS crpnby, no Jab 100 amau. rnone,,·tlme a l'ltott. Look they are bldrw -.0.W.Y IJlll --,_ RDIULTI $1'5/mo. Aatrlt IO:tt85 to4111 AIWQ'I a Co.Go! Lie-Cootr. 962-694.S now!f! PJLOT clusitlifd 142"5671 • , I ------------~-- cesstul ftl'ml -Pbone Mt. M. 1 &hmld!.648-nn LOT""'"""M~AN.,,...~,W~l,..,,ll-m-•. -eo.=-'11 Domestic Help 7035 Geor11t AU,. Byland - Cmplo)oe:T ?1$• Fte 1D6-B £. lSth. SA 547-0.1fl ChlMlc 11~1.ns. Oleerful Permanent. Expmi!IX'9d Jl"ar !!a«t Agency 6.f2·l703 DIAL dltl<t .6G-l018, Cwt• ,.....od,1btnllil-tnd , .......... _rll"Cl 1.bop. ).fmt be dependabl .. no hippie types. l 5 I !I Newport Bh-'d., C. ~f. MECH 1cs:ou, .... 11 Call 64f-.tM5 btwn "5 DAJl.Y PlLOr WANT AOSJ ~~~thr~~~ lilten tD l:bt fhone rfna! Dial -for IIESUl.TS r I r1 ! r ' . . . . . ' . . . . ... w~··fi~ . .-~~26,~1~,..~~~m~~!f!!~!!!~ Jois &·IMiiLOYMINT ~!S_! IMPLOYMINT Joas .. IMPLOYMINT J091 .. IMl'l.OYMINT JOtS & IMPlOYll\INT JOU &JIMl'Urt~ ---~~·6:= 1 • };~t, ~ ~·"w~"..,.·"l;-'"Oo H•• ,'"•···• '",•:.-.1?t~"•'•'!-!~"MM7* -····-·" , ... , •• , '"'; · r, .;··.&ii "'-l.r-T• t ~ "':~..._ "'i41io "'#.!~ ; 1 7411 HoJt.::.nlM AtrrO ~ t • :• , t io v ~ • .1 SEARS " ~,.r•o -•MMEDIATEL:Y ~P.~-·ooua· ION .! .. · 'l"-.1'l····.··.. ·: · :~ ~.n.ur ~·: ..:.. ~· r I rLictllleclt.li'liet 4rivert le .... a) Worl\inc· ~~ ··-•~u. ·111 °"' * am ' ~ If J It-U-1 * * * ....... ··-''' ...... u..... ,_ -i l ' ..-w ..,...... •. JllOll.bi.~fl'hl!l llr&.est ..,,'I'!' •··r" ..,_,' " N 8oulr olllq! ""' IVlll.ft' , !mrnedla<.,,.,."'111 m """S....taey Know dk;I ANNOUNCES ~g!lfg, ·~·~·. ' . I ' • • PLANNERS . ·~..L?." .::~--... 111\'UI <[<....:Jnl"'lt '"'"'"'"'I" 00 "" ""· ~ ... "· , • FULL ,Trr,fE • .LO • , .. ~ •-wpm on QIAl <feclt!c. of. "''" ,~ntact ,.. ,_ OPENll\IGS . ·' 1 " \, l··~y at·CI...,..• ........... :~.. . .-nW<d, ....,_ ""y _ ""° ...i ,_ "'""!"'"''""!~ f . .,. M . . .., s11 MIL ~ J. KILUlllt· • •• • ~m_.:;~ .... ...ai-<1 'l'l\.-;.,.. ""''* , • • · ,-~ • 8,.,_ ,,. .. , •. ~ · , nil· esi· , ORANOlt COUNTY FAIRGROUt!Of ONJ S ASTRONAUTuoS -~-~-1s. ,,._ ~"'· • . • • ·C.H,,_-..1 4opt. •-ad. bf -· Wll · FOR EXPERIENCED ·• , TJ~ •• ~, ••• ,.,,,Ros".~~;RC~ Md) i\LD "' -ht ,._ .. Jin. ..,. ·11,1~~~MI . e <U111 '""",...""" AUJOMOTIVf _, S , ~US' COMl'ANY ,_.. ar,Mt, ,Lllfh. * ~ \FE' , + .._ ,.,.._~I MUUHlllf ' ' •· in Huntington Beach, hu lmmedl· . ' 1:.1....laLO.i . ~~-. • ~ 1 ~', LANI( 01~~ .. · ... · willo.;;ho-:;1,.., • "llMIU i.te Openings for structurll and -.._._, lll'UUllllll , N ·~ - ! ~~~ENT • J. c: Pennoy Co. * rtJ ' JABSCO -:-:~::~:~::~; perform com-hWll :S.Yillls Friday ""' ~ work 816.&. co. •:: c;S .• ::~·== * TUNE-UP ra.shiOn Ial&nd plele planning functions includinl •· • -· 11""ttk. 9Wtr A: CravtYard l pay you s:m to atart, PM * MUFFLER N•·-!leach . tool cOOrdlnation and interprebtlon 2Di ll.Conl Hwy. Wit ··-~~-''. . L............. job. • J Excellent Earnings Plus •lla, 09tninl' M~niCaf o( specifications for major install•· ... ~~Jll'.i+ ,_.. ,., , , .' . s::;~ ~· •P"::t'h le. hea:J '• * Profit ~ring ,Jor A'uembler . Ji~n Oii vehicles. E<aal ~ ... ~nlp1-* m nvni:• . Equal~ ...... "' ·~ployor ... you $500, ,, * Hospitaliration \Ve offer ·Unparalleled top pay, 1 -rr-,i--' . _,. ~~~ ~"' .,, FfC &okk4'eper, famW&f * G:roup .Llfe Ins. * IUSIOY * Prcler MOrnconc "'11-h beDefits and v.•orkin.g environment blB( OI IlllY*'-:: ftlM with California tun. Will l · ! :~~iX~:.~:ys FuflTirMD.Y,st.ttt ~~~aiuseniblyes· for the right people. 1-XPltt)ENCID ·O~T .. MUIVJ''lllU WM ~Pf';:r.';,,,..· · ' * 40 hour work week 1.fust be able to provide direction -.... ISCR~ • ~tJ0n .11·d·anUaNe 1n nummcal ID '65. Fee.job; * Employee Discount ~!,ne!n=-;::1~ ~;oo00::;~!~~. and ivork-for other planners and associates. SicttiTAftv ~m~z~.e~= :!t(=~=~ ~ ~i:!u. ~ ': · '"PLY A"' * outstandiJ.v benefita m-High School diploma and four yenn of .PBX de!lred., H~ 10 lcty aildinc" macll1ne. ~ to atart +: ·aood adv.,,.,. ~ PERSONf\'EL OFFICE cludina: profit sharing, 1:.'QUAL OPPORTUNITY experienc.e required. UN'ITID CALlfOllNIA a.m. ~ 6:30,.Prm. writer ·and tAe u..iaJ..,office tential. Fee job. MON. THRU SAT. APPLY IN PERSON E•tPUlYER Apply In ...,.,.. · , ... IANI( slillll.' MERCHANTS 10 A.M. to ·4 P.:r.t. TO 9 M P.Jale or Femall! 5313 Bolu Avenue CMtact T!ll5 · po1ltion ~ a sood PERSON.NB.· , lO A.M. P. · lls.; DAie \\'ay, Costa i\tesa JJ41 ,I. tM.st Hwy IP at P:eltunt Ml&r)'·wfih "attractive~ · SEARS MON, THRU SAT. Pho"'" 54~1 HunHnvhn looch. c.111. ar.n.., ... Mor 1133 N• bdtelito ~ lully,paM1 AGENCY . .. M D Id D I '1"'241, .... medkal, "l<i Iile """" 21113 )\'~otclill Drive J. 2~~0~~~~0~0• C ona oug GS "'"'' _,,, •mp1.,.. OOLllN,S !~~;:.E-~~~ ='~ ~ .r Roebuci & (o. SOUTH COAST, PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity Employer ITT JABSCO PUMPS Turret Lathe Oper. Turret Lathe Oper1Setup EQUAL OPPORTUKITV EJ.fPL01'~R J48j Dalr \Vay Co.s!a j\1esa j.l(H;251 ITT JABSCO Cleaner, Deburr Pre.fer Kl?\11! factory e:<- pe1;ence in handling metals. Good benefit.! and 11·01·king fOnditions. EQUAL OPPOR'l:UNITY El\1PLOYER 1485 Dale \Vay. Cos1a lotesa Phone: 54,5..Sz;jJ {il<l1 SALES International Con'espondence Schools. JCS oi Scranton. Pa. \Vill 5eleet & train 1 {ie\d l&l es service repttsen- lati~ (full or part timel, for Orancc County Arn. Please call i\fr. Aumaugher. Supfrintendent at 542-7680 for appt. or 1vrite P.O. Bo:< 1261. Escondido, Ca.Iii. An equal opportunity employer. CAREER Ol'PORTUNITY! J<1tn to;cta1.1.tlst~. ;n:nvinl ?rofe"ssfon-MutuaJ Fund sa11!s No cXperience necessary. i;\'e train . full <1r pert time Mutu1I Fund Acfvisors, Inc. Npt 8. 1603 \V1!81Cliff 6-C6il2 S.A. 1.."'J.'.! N. Broad\\'*Y 547-&331 . 8ECURITY OFFICER FOR PATROL. DUTY Over 40 )TII. Perm. Rad:o car provided. Non limokrr. drinker. Uniform all'ncc. "" oqual oppoclwtl!y ITT JABS(O A t 1• c . DAl\.Y, PILOT EXPERIENCED • '<mplo}<r • s ronau ICS ompany : ~: RADIO co. ~:·,~~'.~SIG~~·= CONTROWR (AssiSl1nt) Positions requiru a dynamic individual with proven ability in fin· 'ancial analy.!lis, corporale taxn· and 1eneraJ. accounl- in: activitil!s. Future i:rowth and !'.'xpan· sion ofleni an excellent op.. portunity for advancement to hfgher le\'el managemen• position. Individual selectC?d ,1·ill be rei;poru;lblc for roardi11ating efforts of subsidiary and its divisions. Position requires a four year accounting degl'el! from ac- credltrd collea;I! or univer- sity and minimum five yean1 applicable ~rience. Send resume And salary ro. qulrem(nts 10 The Daily Pilot Box '#. J\f.Q6. • Mm & Drill Opera!or/Setup Good benefits alld work- ing condilions. EQUAL OPPORTUNffY fil.tl;'l.QYER 145:> Dale \Vay. CCl!lta t<.Tcsa Phone: :>15-s:!Jl CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE OFF:CER $614 -$131 per month McDONALD DOUGLAS CORPORATION Ma.p.zlnl! publisher needs call l)U..UJI tor.an Ur.tcrvtew. &ood ri~ht .ann 1vilh top *ills. Alllllt be 81!ll starter, accurate. Wt and capable of ,handling o 1v n . qor- STENO lt7DO Jamboree RNd Ne~port .a .. ch · SS UNITED CALIFOllNIX * FINISH CARPENTERS *MILL MEN 1vith motor home l!Xpcricntt. E."'CC!lll!nt co. bl!nefilll, APPL 1' L\' PERSON EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. ITT JABSCO Shipping/ RtceivinCJ Clerk respondence. A bi&· plus-Equal opPo11un.ity l!IT\'.>loyer ~ty ... to \\Ti.ii! rood pro--• :· rriotional copy a n d Io r adwrti~ e x-p-e r i enc e Saluy OJ'l!h, lmml!d.iatt • • • placement. FO!' •tntervt.w TYPIST call Mr. Md'on-an . ..._..,,. ---. ---1 MT/ST •· llM DA:VflME Ewninas shift: ExPl!rience • dcsirl!d. WW consider appli- * WAIT:RE . IANK ~ . . . . 311!9 -Bl'::I,;. ->I Apply In per-Com M.eu ~ E4ual _ .. d.,, -'S REUl.Effrs COCO'S NATIONAL ·~ desires neat, a1lln~"'!I well qu.aJ.lfied • x •. c u t 1 • RCl'ttary ftar Vice ~ I . Ad Sall!S l: ~ral Sala ~ • w AITRESS cant wllh ... .....,,.... .... ' APPLY SSS W. . 1m1 ,,. tar ~ offices CIPtDinl' Prefer-so1ne warrllousitll' Cotta Mesa Nl!\l.'Jl(ll't Beath ""'"""'" Ability •• Applyi• .. ...., CAN' YOU TYl'E Pl.u.a. N.B. Wrii. cl• Jeam rout in~. o r d e r M & llfUAU No. 352, Dally Pilot '"'"""" "" ""'' "" REU.BEN 1 w· AIUll so. Wl'M 7 !M14EDIATE -... able to ope1-ate fork lilt • . \Ve-hAve ~veral wonderful YoWl&' li.dy \\'ho wialll!a to IM truck or 5lacker. Good . COMMU~ICATIONS eppor1uniUes for A JOUJll trained as a legal ll!C!tt opportunity fo1· right per· l5t. E. Coast Hlthway . 351J \V.-'WAltNER -.' behli!tii 20' ai14. 30. ' lo Appli ....... ts must have JiOn. · New ___ ,r't ... ch S'a.nta ·Ana; ~_,'9111){ ~::'ob. In tbe: be-ch uea. typt--..-;. • ............... -~_..,i..; \Vritt.en Tell t April JO, 1969. 3021 Newport 81-vd., r: (11.-0 S.2820 ......-. -....., • .......-....... ......_ 6't30 p.m. E.xce.Uent oppor-Coste Mesa, Calif L'QUAL OPPORTUfi~ , ... CHINE o·E· ·To" Alf l!:qual Opportunity M.IRC.,ANTS A.p~~w ~ of ""''"' '" ''" onto=m"'1. E'IPUlYER ""' · ~ ~ " ~ l'E. ltS'ONNE\. -·~· ,_ " e TRAINEES e '"'"'"ployer for inreri.il!"'· Requirl!s U.S. cil.iunship; * * 41 e • e high scOOoi and:' minimum C 1435 Dale \\'ay. Costa n.tesa Plastics rl!.amlfactttrer:.l.tusl •• ~ · · Personnel lnterviewei' 21 yean of agl!; maximum Orange qunty Phone: 540-8Z'il <n4) bt depcnd&bte.:0ay,.abif1. SARAH COVENTRY haa 20l3 W'e!lcllH Dri.vl!' Prefer agency ~ in 30 without experience, up to Associates Apply o~ni.np' tor full ar part Com!r 17th r~~~~ olJ!ce -.prolcukJnal ~ 36 wilh cxperll!ncc; mini· Oranre CoaSt P1UUcs time sall!s. lifin. l&I! U. 662779 -~ Inquiries confidentiaJ. Clll mwn 5·9 .. , liiO Jb&.; 20/30 NOW HIRING ~.W~sfl8tti, C.1\1. Pleasant Work, no invest. . Linden. , I ww:on-eclcd vision. Contact \\' need 25 ·Uh Ii rtfANAGEMENT ASTROTEK' -CORP no delh.'erles. For jnterview ~. HO. ·srus.rr * Superior Aftncy Penionnel Oillce~ 3300 Ne\v-e men I\ ll TRAINEE NEED call 546--0614/ 337-47«91 ~ U Esta.blis.hed 1945 ' : Equal opportunity empJOycr pOrt Bouli!va.rd, Nei•:port ty~s of "wk bac~gro~nch, WE DON'T WANT YOU S 847-8950 • CITY OF BeaCh cant., cn.tl 673-f.633. lo fill several pos!uon.o; 1n all unlrss you caii train for six * Re~eptioniaf * loL;--;-A°'N"D°"S°"c=A"'P"E"".,..,"h'°il"'tt"'ts DAYS IJ\d NIGIITS lB5l l~bo~=41Mest.1 !I U E CH ' departments.. mooths factory sponsored \\''lh lypina a.; h .......... 1 ,__ 1 • .1.u LAG NA B A TOP STARTING PAY 1 -.. exp. ~I!~ avl! v"''"'nc "" secre-..,, S'l'QRI-; Af<>n11..,,...·, t•-"..., !fA~,~~tk~t 1 '~OU -W·AN-T FAST ADVANCE1'lENT ~~~~~·;: ~;~e ~u:: ~ ~YA~e~~t~ ~Pn:~·~. ~=~ . Apply In p~r'°n opportunity~!':~· join~;; j . TO w RK I sr ART \VORK the training period. Also you "7i>=u--::---:c==" I respotlsibUity It &OOd publlc Rf"• •tu .1:. w pmving. mcdiun1 prioeld • ARY BA$D ON EXPERl· 0 N Tl\f1'IEDIATELY must be able tc( start \\"Ork BAR maid. no ~cnce I F I -" 'Ir UDUt i \\.-omen'Jt llpparel. i ENCE 1'"or interview call immediatcly. Call training necessary, -<Ill)• ·k night D~~"C.;~,. ~!,.•PP ·,?'" 1' .-. specialty sbop chain. II.di : 2 PARK . G~RbE!NERS ORANGE Monday &: .Tu:esday director for penional inter-•ltlft. Appfy V.ikk1'1 l..olJnce. U<t:: °"',.._ 151 E. Pacific Cat. Hwy. havl'! previous women•): ~ SALARY : S4n . TO $56.J. ·coUNTY? n4 ~7251 vie\\'. 1T911Ji Newport B·I vd. BEAuri-OPBRA'IOR ~rt leach mamgerial exper. See: W. l\linimum ~ >·~ar cxptri-CALL ~N· .... 92119 Bet'to\ftft 10 &: & pm. No C o 1met o logl1't ID do ··• Berohn, Chril', 9921 ~ • We have . ".vl!ral openinp * * """' _. pho _,,_ ""' · I I "-'· =:'."'!' l!l'lce., care oI Plants and for Ptocrammers, Accoun.l'ii,..,..,..,..,.. ... ,....,1--;;--;;-;;:;;-;;;;;;. ;;---~ ._.... m-curcs, "\'ax. nc, llaUll, FROITT' OFFICE SECRE-man Ave., Garden Grove.·..i.. know!~ of la.iidat.aping .-......... th l'ART TIME GIRL-. BOOt<EEflNG, pick on part li111c .schcdllil!. Call TARY, Niede'd by (inn 1n HOUSEWIVES or I ... .. .. ~ .. ,..~ "w! ...... TOl'ATRON INC • EASTELUf>' COIFFURES ~ ··~ ha l!<l'U pml!n · and D.?ltsmen. Also 'SOnte • . TOP STARTING PAY up .. dclivqy1 Must bt able ~-. · San a~l!'nte. l\rwn ve put urne or f\lll time. $3 ' MEN II •-·• "1 P<JSU-•. ""*u·-h · Sh'-ldl * NEW BRANCH IN ORANGE J•~ . ~.. ~· fl -~ . 2 MAINTENANCE ......-1 al ··~--Co to drive 'fareiin c ar a. 644:-lJ10 rood typinc skills&: abW ty ~ P'r hr. u Uttll! u 1 WI in and sti Mr. BroWn. ~ ante· ,. "I NEED "" tWCER'S U\liq shop, 1-MA.i\'IGURJS't -; Pedk:uri1t lo "-erk with· (\lreS. r1eut pet day to dl!momtrate ~ SALARY: S411. TO ~. MERCHANTS Wllt train maturt pl!rson CDUNTY. \VE """ Babcock. CM.· .-Josef l\laihln'1 8 I! a o t y call Mn. Hiliioa dusL • comm. dl!anmL; MEN FOR ADVERTISlNG . . ?.lust ha.\'e l!XpcrOce In · "'ho has experience with AND DISPLAY WORK NO PA"YING ii-~vi"I Tel· Salon ocirrtae:f Ptfiu ~ •492-llil' • C<tJ.1 Thurs&: Fri eves or SG I· public "-"Orks maintenance PERSONNEL hand It pcl\'f!r tools I: who EXPERIENCE. WE TRAIN. ll!r. PreY;.;bankinJ ,qp. de· !\Jon or :furs. ~ · TELLDt TttAiNEE before 1 pm. TI4: ~ in park or se"·er division Agl!nry "·ants tll1 excellent futu1T. WORK FIVE DAY WEEK. 1ired. AwJy Stcluity Pa· INVENTOH.Y CONTROL-IN· \VUI traJh capable lirl for TRAINEES • S~ l wllh kno\vledge in the use 2W3 Weilclllf Drive *Shleldl"t Engineer* S:30 TO l0:30 P.:r.I. FOR JN. clfie NaU~ Sank, lA.(una VO IC IN q. RE CEP-Teller/New ACCount! "-'Ork. factory. Xln.. opportunUJ. l or equipment preferred. Ap. Comer 17th & lrvine l\fust be qualltil!d In field. FORMATION ·CALL &fR. Nl(uet' Br, ~-, TIONIST. · ~· Wk. Call Sbml!' ~-orkiftr 'l!qie-rienee K.towledp of aewUw:: e~; ply: Public Works Dl!pt., 505 &15-2770 _ 545-568;) JAMES. * CdR£.,wrNDIR-tietv.·een M. 175-6171 and t)'Jllna skill prefl!rred. Lal Apply .001 c .. Birch I Forest Ave., City Hall. Position open in fash-For Appointml!nt: 549-1177 •MONDAY I: TUESDAY 1.fl!i!banlcaJ apt. Kpow~ SECRE1~~; lntelll&l!nt. Good · \\'aridn&' coriditlona/ St., N.8., l blk. t:. of O., I General Help ionable Ne\\'?Ort Sl!ach 774-7251 of he&~ I.:~. Gd. pxl klokmc, 23 to «I: bl!nef.its._ ,(ppJy Wo.rld Sav-1••',.""" .............. ~ ...... I * LOOK * te'Sl&urant for iunbltious, Equal opportunity l!mploye.r co. !;rn'1 .. AP?: t53 Pro. Ne\Jt.'J)Ol't Beach omee. inp " Loan, 292. 81>. Coast 1• ASS ST ANT . perwonable )'OW)I' man, 2. Dishwashers duction Pl., N.B. $400 Mo ... IW't..... 642-9:i!Ol ffl'l)', Laruna B<lhi ... 1 \: • *, AT * . exper11!tlcf'd in restaurAnt MANAGE?.IEN'J;' --,.-.-._"'s"F.,u'"."iSi'l\iij==.=-. -. *;--I WAI\"TED. ,babf!Jttu It. Ute MAID, "fuit timco ,P'ki.unt TO IKKPR, '( t mAnapment. lttpty to OPPORTIJNIT)\. Age over lSt niJbts. Appl;)i Appl)' id ptl'IOrl housekeeper, my~ hln1e.. ,S aunou[\()Jilis. .L·• i u n a ~"\:m:1e~~ .. box # ftvini: resume. CHEMICAL co. in pel'IOl't alt. 3. p.m. Johanu ni i: Cl\ristemen day. H.a:,. area .. ..,...-:"1121. Beach. 4%-J.l.!¥i: 1_..,, 1 ma .... .: ,_, * THIS ~ &>Pilx &I-621, Thi! Daily Executive type penK>n who FRIEVSETACUR~TS~. 89rW.1'thSt.,NIJ. BAR iJliilij· yoallllJ_ &: at-e p.,wr;s e •PI!;,Y N rt Blvd c.M.'l "° ot. bu ~d experience in ad-1IU'V' Coml!r of.)l'onroVla J: 16th. tnctive. · Ne. e o a t u M.e , Bl!n BrO-..n's !.tote( moo s. ,50 l!WJIO ·• ->< I ---.P'°'A°"R"'T"TI"'i;,fE;o;_--· I ministration, "a 11! a or 3801 E, Pacific ·~ Hwy. Full • •art Time 646-7391 at 98Z-2lli0 Coast H~'Y.\.J'..a.."!lf'S'B.!b Shorp CarMr Gals .: NO EXP. NEC. IS Job openings, Ml • part lime. l\Tust be neat &. de- pendable, have lUllo, 6.. lllOll area rcJidency It m <1 n e y motlvaled. E&rn S3.SO HOUR Retired gentleman. ~inr.as m a n a 1 e me n I. r.otoAa. del ..,ar . , LITE 9 l\!!~~~CE ~;;;~r:,a;: :! w~ ~ ~o·~~~ ~e~ (~:::.;;~; ='I ~" Went.ii; ~ .7200 Hela Wa_n~. ·M9n _1200 ~ •. c~-r~ Sl.75 p!!r hour. tl1I! Ability. Fring,a be.nefits DISHWASHERS lrlatet. C.M, · .. RNs At..L~s.TBoth ~1 • Contact r.1r. Dinius. Include insurance, retire-·LA ,. ~( paid """" op co• -· Over 18 SJl'.AI\tSTR.ESS · Cxpcril!nced AT N "•0 .,....... • --• .t...M. 31.U Harbor Blvd. Coal& n-enl income I< a luxut)' car i..i-Doris, .....,..,. ..... ~ ,.,~ 'lesa to . tl1I! mAn who -·~1 ... -,. APPLY IN PERSON )Xl'.\'Cr mac • ...,.., optrator. ' ' . ' ARGUS AGENCllS .. " " .......... "" NORnr $6.D..S, 913 Ell!Co • Appl:y: · 4 ·PM" -5 PI\1. RoCJmCAI. __ L_54_1·_1'_82 __ >_<r_.,_Go_ld .ifo;;, 3Z N. Broadway, Santa Ana. • Concrl!ll! form Rtters Call 6r..,...B577 BOB'S BIG llOY Irle, Seal Bl!adl. Cll3J SEAR' ,. H" • 1869 C Ne\\-port Blvd., C.M • "'"'""" -~ RE SEVERAL OPINING li4 E. J7th St. ' • Labq .. n ' ~-~-w• .-.... • • .. for -.m"' "' -~ COOKS v.Jaw. Mesa ':'-'~·~ .Ex&>u .. fut I ·~~":.:P;Jy * . MECHANICS,W<-2lor ttme.Hoonllo301ol . •CO~~-~TIQN . llept,P~RK LIDO ·) Ac: count ants CroclltMon.,.rs Admlnlstrlltiw TmMs LOCAL JOBS CALL BOB. 543-Ti96 ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 c ~wport_ aJvd.; c.~t. ·cooKs Corona 'del Mar Phone 67~. 547-4176 •COOKS• • DISHWASH,ER • NIGHTS APPLY IN PErtSON REUBEN E. LH 151 E. Caoot Hwy. NowpOrt ... cit . · BUllOY • Call .. I Jull timl!. n.tust ha\.·e own .Bento(l'I ,COftee:Shop •. ., . 1 ""j- 81 010 133 s. eout uwy, • ·--· "in' C M c eo.i-..... """''1a1 -tools. E.'<P'd <1nl)o. ALSO ,.. -...... A.ti.ta •SG ' -A II~ HARDWARE man for sale1. Apply in person need n time SJmV SI'A. Bch. ~. • l4t5 ~2110"'·· ~ ~ receiviJW I: P?id.na. Good ' help. Apply in penon, W~ qt.ya. Yna; n··....:-..11 ' WAITRESsrs -• . ~ m~iUon. 6 d~ REUBEN'S Ridltidd, 19th l N~ l44Y Jor ~ rest. "El;p. W'W8 ~ "-· •m. --0 " 'Y • c ~ ,_, IA -.. -,,..r, n.,,._t, 2121 • ,_. 1y Call p h · 1 BJvd., .M. ~.... ....... per. ~•....-.. • ••• . ' "Mr Stnti•" ,., Fairv!.. DRAmMIN, ' .. Coul u"'" CdM. M>-U33 COCO'S ~ SERVl~E¥AN Jtd.. Clo\. High "·"""! ..,ucaUon lncI•d!ng courses In aller 5 pm. 2· EXP"D tire -~ ~nl . Part Time, Afternoon ;;;;;;;;;>~=:-:::=,,,-:;,-;-. u,.;~·~ :r-.., .nL PB"'X"--~1 , Exp, lo out&lde ""''"" --"-WINDOIV'llrla. warited, 25 to me'·•-'-"-'-' '"'al.""• (Z lml<S~lil) ..-J,.,... • "'lli'11• pd vacation. ins. 1555 W. Adams ..-a. 35 )T;'• Mel.'Wft° rn.tn).1 cmm.lCilJ.11¥ "6"• • AM. serv~ needs l .•tt: bl!'ndits, i.,,piy· in penon. Costa u-.. •blblko•. ~~anct .... ~,1or ... ilolloxnd.. Mt ,-r-...-1· PM.' Appl)' metry and G9om~, :a.JKI at lealt'(lqe or .Pt.:ine .secy 11 pm. T Y-• r...., nr. Co 1.19' ,.,... ~N ·-.. M -' two year& uP.rience 111.·drallln( <>I slruc· .. , _ N~ "'Bkit C.M.' No ~.:CT.ORY-.--M~. Dally Pilot. -CO.ta t.fcI>on.idt~.-~:01 turil and. nitc!baDical elements .... Will pre--n.r. tbl;u Sal; exp'd..,.. .:..'._•• pho'10 callo. JANITO~. LABORER M•SL SAI.ESl.Al>Y.-. •;;;cpen;.,... pare detajl ~ asaembly·tlraw,ings.lrom de-OLDER ••m ... .,, .. lor ~ YOUNG ¥AN inlerested in Gentral plant cleanUJI and bOOllMAN-Oftly. For ~-· si-.schedules or. layouts\ JJ.P4,rtli~ 1S~f,.. children. room 4 board. lf.&mlni trade. :P.lmt have plant la.borer. Desire ability PARKING A T11"ND'T '.. ' 5"-0IGO.-'vi'Sion' of in engineer or d"~sigtief: ' ' ,. 1 -, .• -wk. ~:1 l-l363. 6t6-al.. : &Ood -~. Good ~ to opera~ forltUJt • 2 Re-Full or part tinlt.. day or evl!. wittJiiS6,. put tiini no ex~ 'i !Sl\T'R. live in to help mati .-btnellU. lle..ty employ-••""""'day shirt • 2 R,. J!.or over, lie. Ca!U. drl\O' --.,...-,,. •• _ll53 MACH.INIST • EXl'!RIMI. N.· :fA1• · 1 "· 5 clllld...,.. ""-"' TOP WAGEi mtnt. ._..7'1'21 It I X SON quired on nfrht shill. Ph: N rd Experienced 7, Mir. ~ Ms. ~ DESK CLERK. Full «part AND aENl,ITS METAL FINISH.ING. 147~ P.tr. Horwley, hr· ~ :::.1.:::;i;. ~ ~ SEAMSTR.&SS NEEDED High Schodf .. ed~catlon ~ eijht ~~shop W4ITRESSES tor aJ1 ahiftsi =-=-...,.-.,-.,,-,.· -,-~1 ......i. • 'mUll experlenceJnmanulacll1rinfprteilllopparts 't: llmt. Exp'a. oNy. 4 10 12 SAI.ESo 1 ,_. '"'"'" Af' CAMIRO MFG CO 6 p:rn. and tool• or complotloo ol ncognit.ed_, ·aap.p. ""'1.Y at Odie'~ WE. 1'111 shift. Apply In ptnon,· 2101 _ QYERylS crewve Wesmen, lnw.ll-• ' MAlD _ live in., I l,t e ., ..: h)· .-w 11 .... St.. Costa Mnm E. eout u.,.. eo..... .i.1 APPL mom ....-. Luxury auto 7111 Cloy, H.I. ILUE COLI.AR ~: :rota!•; . .r.-2 prerillcethlp. WOl perfonn · fili y -w-FULL t 1 mt. ~ Mar. JAMAICA INN ' ·-U)'OUquallfy.CalJSERV. srA. SALESMEN. Machln ..... 'I>r!voro.W•"""' ~i.wt.;~· mocblnliif work ~m bl~fi'"'~~~t .. .,..,,. ..... w dm.'P•'k i HCYI'EL DO~-QUIXOTE w. Kllno. 'P-iJ362 ""· Y...... """· .,., • Factory ....,.,.., • Factory BABY111'11NG p1e .....,... l)ld\ l'rttlen or:or .. !mU;uc 008 spec 11ox 100. su eemu1e ' . VILLA ROMA, Rcltatiranl. ' ruu.' lime _.,., ... Wk.end•. Mw;I "" .... , •• -· Call BIB, 511-7'1!' 2:joo-.Jd.l~ .... ~= flCatlOns: Adatu Ind bi\provls .. •simple lo PRESS .Ql'EMTORS • P/l!mt'dllti......,,. wanted, 1.qwtaU~(LoiluroW.....,) apb. iatll1mo . .Nftd<d Im-••......,.,. ~ ha'l<lwrttlnt<. l.ocaJ Jobo. att.r.t,jt-.,. mOtlttritely compfex'toolinl ~ flxtluts lo 0o<ca1on·.-ar<1ed f<>< plu~ • ., .... ._ Call Ml ...,,,, '137.a!IB ....... tcly. PO Box 261. 25&0Newportlllw. C:M: ARGUS AGENC IES BABY UTTER . m. CO!l'pll!e. macblnlhc and/of e>')>erl~tal m••dbtz ...... Pho...._,,,. a.fter 2 pm. ' AMBmotJS &: ea Ct t Coall. Jina. Cal. ~ FR\ COOK. Yna. man, 1889 C N"'J!Ort Bmt .. CM. ~lcetplnr. "11 tiome. 7 machining assipmeril.$. 1 "\: , 'btt. I am~ 5 pm. EXP'D MECHANIC • RIG-"Salctman" Who """" EARLl' MDm"1r N.,..,...., ... ,.~· ~ del ....... \""' EXPEIUENCED 10 ,,., .~...... ... ....... TEC.HNICAL .... ODU ........ NS· BABxsmER ........ GER. ~hast ht dl!pNda.bll!. p)dfUhlftl:advmcftnmt Auto Route, HW1tinct<ia w, .... ru:; in ·• .. ~r • e PRY COOK• HO.wt 14r,....om.Att4;10 nl '-'''"'° dilldftn. 4f.Ys. 1"1 home. 1a95 N~\\,,ort Blvd. C.M. ....... -pcJ ~-~-. Bftt:h over 21 and Uvi-kl Schierhokl M.r Stull: Zil&T • ·-+-,· : . ' _..__ In ·'! rod U all• d ~ - wow •• .. ....... -....... M •• '"'""" c M 8IU732 APPLY HOVSEKED'ER, u~ ... s yoan ·~,w~~ ~ p UC on • • • Oii~ Inna. -&It I " TULL" PT TIME. EXp'd. Ph-vi••• Rortlculture, .. -.-... •• Bch. 817·2100 · · Flylnv Butler l\lo-......_ '8.ach mlnlitratlve f)lnc\Mins of_ a pullllca'lloDl 'd&-wlmdl. Strv. Sta. Aft., Comm. Ir: land&capin& or r~tt ll BOX .BOY. ~k-4ay morn-LOT M•~-~al1~ .. ~ HmaoUdture l'n.(811 am. :a t.etnapn. Prda partment. CIRL °"' U w/'lfl#n mi' ... ta sa.I. Tom Sharp OR ~ fNr"!ll?l'Y ~Xpu. pref. NClt lllp, up ID 40 In. Gd. rates 1ll!W OU' oi: l!.-...up. 'l' under u, 531.-lGJ cue tr t bQrt. t 6 Jl J 10 DISllW ••un •~ In mamlatory. Salary or com· l "'"'""-Rf<hard'• Lido Rambler.~"--Blvd. u.1 Wa-•Coll, "-'•or Wrllo Pm Holf>lch •·I) PM. -·-o • IWO."'° • """" mlu1on t'lf>l!.11. CaD for l-tarll:•tMll Vla Udo, N.B. C.~L Mr. Bothtn '42.-602S ' n. P 7_ UVEolN or out ll_,...lltr, m3 H~ BMI., C..te Meta fttH ~ ,.,.,......... ~ ........ _ ... ,_. ·---"""" w--..... --Lit., .... mi Via Udo. NB ~--' -SHEET.metal-• -EXPERIENp:D -r 5 -----.,----· RW. k'l<l...,... (714) 54' INI, Ix!. ~· DENTAL ASS!SfAlft• SAl.f;SMEN • Part ....., SI20 -"'"' f'r!. i<ll .,._..... Drill ...,. '1!1U • wc6. Apply ht LIVE-IN "'mpa11loni non to b P llf,.Dallf.PIJol • -__.. rtunf"' omp...._r N .. _ ....., ?•k. Worit from own l'loml!, DAILY PILOT WANT ADS cipmUof, al• ate· wtldbw. Pft'IOll, Alley Wl!•lt 2106 \\1. amoktt or 4rinker. P eaaant _.:._~CIWllll:!!!;~~_!m!!_ __ ll~---~-·.·.;.•--~,,;,.;,--,;•'-.soli' •"'-'····--~ Call 541-31'3 .-....... Coif_ I .. pm D!atilCUIJI ~ .. ult,,.. C. Bala. 0-n """"·NB m"'"ndl'lllS--'------...:..;.--, 2 ;-j t ' I FOUi CO.l'IVENIENT OFFICES TO SEIYE YOU • lllWl'OIT llACH :.._ __ 2n1 ..... lln. ,J. ' ' " • COST~ M~ .......................... JJO Wjitt hy • HllNTIN6TON HACH ........ JOt Flflll Slrtct • l.A6UNA RACH ......... _ 222 ""'"' A•••• • I 'ftere's How Y.011 C:mi Use 0111' flomon Dl111e • A • Unet • ,,i,. -., ..a ,..., wllll ...roct ,_. ~l' .. -of-·_, .. , offl .... e Ne _ ...... ..i1 .... wtcl. • locl i1 .. _, lie ,.f<M wltll .0 II.., ••If $25. c... Jl httttn ... ~ .... ,., n.. \ ' a1n t.. m, 0 d e r n 'VlUTE Formal tut cape 110, SCRAM~LEJS 11" STANDARD \J.nd~ GOOD UN'd C4fl>tl8, u x 20 NORGE Electric ran a e. BOY'S JtoJtrf riblr lkib BUNK Btd frames. 1t1.ll'dy, PENNSY'LV/.NL_\, ~.e.e,l T:=g~. ~ ~ tll.b~· $1t Zenfth portable radki JUI • . I typewrtttr, tood t'OndlUon 10 '.\ lf. ~ox 12. l.Oc sq. ft: autom•li¢ oven, \\'lml\nc alzeS~i $J5.M&-lm wooden. convertible $1'. p O\Vt.:r mo wt , ... ~ ch I CoffH Uable' $10. Saks Alligator 11boe1 g..s ANSWERS $)'.!, AM·f'1't radk>pbono Light'. and dta.rk colOl"I. 30" O\'t n $2j, Do\lble sta1nlMB ELFX.'TRIC iron new In 56-0869 overhauled ..i~~nmo:!: w•••h :Ou~ ganie or dining table. aftd Purse $25. Ivory bead• <:01\Wle, (Mid"'tltJ $14. JI!. n1all.rell$M!s $3: each. Cofiee sink $1$. Faucets $ 5. good oondltlon 's25. Silva-l;TV;i;.;:'.-'~i-dmi::;lnl="'1"'s-'"1n<:=h:-,-,,.=ble and gas ... ,,er ~ -· rio cha.In $25. Lamp! $8. alld earrUla:• $15. Guitar $25. f'I radbp~e. ttiblc table $5: 284 Knox St., C.flt Ms.-43lJ King electric sweeper In model, cood condition $25. 541)..3828 540-8638 ~eyelet. aitj's $15-$ 2 5 · ~;; ~~ :._ Be .. •.~ad ~~!hl~~h=;~ N~~ Sll~~·s &illd bronze ~· S\.\'INGER Polaroid camera good condldon $20. Electric A1umlnum screen door, 30 GOOD Oispo&al $10. MetaJ I c:::.:::::_ ______ i.:6f!:>-0809c::::..,::'.""'.1,....-..,--=:-;::;I _ BAD CHECK 1111 mo.r blond trx:t. corner, cot-let;tor 11 11 e t Prcaidenunl s9. f'o.lk gulta? $3. s.iu-·11 touter Jl.50. No1'tlco razor inch with grill ST. Pedilrirn olti~ desk $Z), Met a I REFRIGERATOR S25. Stove VfRTUE Dinette nt $25. 'll,J • At "·-•·· , d'-. let! tables SU. 'l..a.ra'o oil couw Sl0.50. Weslbtnd buf· ('itttrlc knife\ $5. Surfl'O&I SS. AdjusLa.ble iron bed exercise bilu, four leas $5. \\'alnut bookco.lt, S shelf SlO. orewr S5. Bed, head· HP Scott outboard $25. Boat a. .....,.....,n wnu rt· fct pat.lo seiver S4.50. New 28" x 10". $3. 540-1375 tramc S.l.SO. SmaU gas LI 8-~ \\'ilh desk ~. Pullman boards. night slands S20. b-ailer $25. g ft. dlngby $25. tently, a bank~r rHd a '?ad ~~ting: !ram.ffi $lO. Pen. Silex electric juicer SlO. I ==~~--,-~Pro=---,-. ...-. 71..,,-·I heater SL Cast iron doublehco""u-i.CH.;,,~-"--=w1>e""o:-::oew=::,-1"1"0. cabinet \vith sink alld :mar· Day btd $4. Dinette sel SlO. TV SlO. Extra super ilot cu =m~h~.!':' wnu:l~lmJStll, Beaui~~n~::;i1~bl~i l>fodcrn lan1 p .. table St Art pc~~~=~hairs \1111:• ~. kitchen sink $5. &i&-5~. Box aprina's $5. Expen&lve ble top, 39W x: lT deep $25. Bedroom deiik and i;tand M\_ SlO: Johnson OU~ 11 8 ;;'6 1 wu 1U about $4 10' fiberglasg deep !ll!B. and clo\\'t1 prints for Cran1-Cricket Chair $:> Rock STONE tomato planlS ac a swag lamps, $4.-$6. Books Desk steno chair ST.50. 700 and clWf SS.,,{:ouql1 • .. ~ ~~ tank. new model $5. 9Q a' 8~ cftE~a :;:' write Po.le-reel, f'l\'W $15. ~(l's I~ 2f>c -$1.00. ~tiqur hand ~t 1 g Ip bench 'sis Bat piece. 224$ Santa Ana AV<'.. SC-$1. Boy's toddler clothes ="~ud="'=-"· .. 54;.s391""---""'"_;-:::, ,·,.~ chair; $12. •J..a-ifu JllO\\!el' S ' St. James Rd., N.S. be . happe. thh1es ll'IOW d«I $.1 l 713" trader Jl'.Unted unt SJ. Carpet 11t:esw:1.s $S. Small.cute C.M. 545-4138 2~·$1. \Vomen's clothes DUCKS. baby mallard!! $2 Indocir f9!1cr $k~~ $!-IAME!E Kitten. -SealpOint) llll to n. , ball $L ~ "· oblongs 17~ x 13 \~. 2:X-. Old gat•l•g tobJo 112. Shutt•"· BOY 'S 20" -n Stl•,. ... a., li;c-$1 ~~ NH•wandelectricl~f~ each, 3 for $5. AJso baby 'f&bles SOc-42, Ja..m "1 •-...... PORTABLE Ma(flavox TV , , sheet mu.sic. popular and "' S ..-~~ ....• : po ,,., bags ..... --.......; SOc-$2. ¥aw .. ine ra&s Sfk-'. lemale, 10 wee .... , •---12 .. U> QUA.n; ci:l;i 'J5c dorU various siWI $2 pair. Bench $13. tlngray frame ..,. · geese $4 each, 3 for SJO. 2612 "·-trained $20. 546--2127 , FM-AM nu:llo S15 .. 3 , 5f9-428ll 1 • • classical, 25c. Antique Vic· 110 5 Ruby g' ...,., gold Newspaper racks for bikes Fonna1s., only used o~.1 ~S~.~E~. ~"~':;"'~D~•·,.. ii;;;;;iii;;;;o;;;;;.!.~54~0-3'159~~ii;;jiii;;~iiii'"i¢-;;;;;.p;;;.:'";;;;;;;;iii;;?;;;iii;;;;(I bureaua S5. $5, ,S2. Sincle ll'nla records S2. other · • 50c 646-9'192 cleaned arlli prease11, s1Ze and double ~ $1, Enanle1 OAK de8k 3' x 5' $250 Walnut recoi'tls 25c -SL Costun1e band~ $3 each, End table, · 5-7 $3. Stereo record albums ., top utility table $3. Antique.· bench 19" "6' $10. Walpul )fwt.lry, some· stmi-antique almost Chinese Chlppendal(' ALUMINUM dune b1lftY 25c ltt-Monte Vista. C.M. 11 k e couch S•l O. 2 nuu-blt table, 30" x 53'', ~ 'Zc -S25. Mother of Pearl SIO. Antique jewelry 50c -body $25. Cu tank Jor aamef.;;;c..:;o,i;'"-;"=-'::::'--.;o relrlaeraton, Co Id 1 p ot . Round planttr latNe ·Wltb cigarette case $3.50. Hand $25. 67~19f3. 602 Acacia, $5. MS-2000 ANTIQUE Dresser $ 1 2 · S-1 I --r--~ ,,., \.'ador, •torkll well S5 plnnts S20. 2 back leather knitted rose shawl metallic \..w• · ~fOVlE sc1-ecn Sl5. Double ta'ble, 2 leavel!I S25. Maple and iIS. Ktnrnon'! aas atOve ann chlirS l20 each . trim SS. $35 sealed package DAHLIAS A~ the klng of all flat Sh~l<i 50c ea c .h • \Vind90t chairs Sl2 each. $1S. fif\lsbed hatch cover MS-0012. Miss Dior Pf'rfume $10. fio\vers. No\v is the time to Pressure c o o k e r . $4.50. Antiquf oak drop leaf table $5. 4"'100d rattan bar 1tools BUU..ETIN board• $1. Gra~ Silverware, trays. I:_icts, plant Jor all sum m c r Roasting pan SOc. Women's s7. Table and 4 chairs $20. ISIO for ltt ot dlshe~ glasses cluaters S2. Claarelte Ughkr linens Sl..Jl.O" 2 Can1pbell blooms. Choice varieties. dresses, size 12-1'1, Sl .~ 32 .. square inlaid chess 6et 5c • 10c. Large btillet tablt, and urn Sl . AU new. soup r'nugs 50c ca c h . plants arK1 mot divisions, sj $1.40, mouses, size 12, 50c. lvith _large wooden playing old S2. Chairs 50c each. 646-5627 Scarvea new, handkerchiefs, per dozen, :>36-27l8 Cooking utenalli 15c each. pieces $1S. Electric heater Bedstead 50c each. Lamps purses, aprona 25c-$1. Anti-Gardening books S·c • 2 5 c. $j, 2 b!i:ycles $5 ~ach. End 50c • SS. Lnwn mo\\•e-r, STRA'V hats and purscl! 3."M".'. que Illinois Canal n1oll('y 1-llDE-A-BED good condition Elecu·ic juicer S2.50. I-land tables $2-Sj. Chair \\•ith hoses, •hearers S2 each. Upholstered bench Sl.50. da1ing to early 1800's, also S25, love scat $15, electric juicer Sl.25. Crystal and \\'OOden frame $5. J e\velry }'ile cabinet S2.50. Vacuum Dishes 50c · 25c. 646-5627 $5'0 Confederate bill' $5-$10. cnbhll't n1odel s cw i n g pearl necklace !M"t $j. Jet lQc.75c. Women'ii clothing, cleaner $3. 383 Rochester, MAPLE furniture, Hia:h boy, 5 Uncirculated 19430 pen· ntachirie S25. hun1a11 hair necklace set $.l Saturday size 9-l2, Sl-$8. Old picture C.M, 6C2-0760 Saturday only. 2 twin beet~. night stand S15 nies origi nal glass, not \vig light bro1vn $15. H.B. and Sunday. J2-3 only. 36j frames Sl-S·t Lanips $1 for aU, lronin& board 50c. refinished SI each. Saturday 536-6~.il E. Esther, C.l\f. each. Dishes and glassware Coffee table $8. Bath pole and Sunday 10.4 P.~J. 5lli BARGAIN Full site walnut DOUBLE bed $2:). Good ccn-5c-S1. 3054• Ceylon Roa.a, VW mierobus lire 7.00 x 14, 6 ply $2. Car top carrier, htavy duty 4' x 5 $12. Bar bell set, 55 lb; Jj, Pleated leather seat cover material, 85" x 33" S2. Camp slove foldinC sta.nd $1.SO. 4 hand saws Sl.35 each. Books. Cla.uica 35c each. 3 »els of auto seat belts $1 each. Motorcycle tail pipe auard SOc. 2 machete• Sl each. 3 throw rua:s $1 each. 642-9261 SINGLE garage g a I c , plywood, all attacbrucnts, almost ne1v, deliver $15. folding room divider, almost l'ltW $l;i. Rolling tnetal door, new $10. 6 wood clain for $6. One S\Vivel ch&ir, almo a t ne1v, nal!J'ahyde cushion $5. On e 2" " 10" x 10' oak plank $10. Sil~rplated and stainless ateel spoons and forks 5c each. One couch $5. 'l AM-7 PM. 548-5143 COSOM one man car top bo&t loader and carrier, ex· cellent condition S 2 0 . Coleman :llXIO BUT Catalytic heater. u.'!td three tiines SlO. 67;,..oo2,} shelves above loilet SI. Lorkspur Avenut', Corona bed, box springs, n1attress dition. 5-19-0395 c.M. oU Country Club Dr. outside \\'ood plaquc5 for de\ Mar 5 """ ·-0 •-25c D' •·u $l • ~ OlD wicker rocker $5. Bar TAPE Deck 4 track $15. ". um....,rs . · inner .~ WHIRLPOOL au l o m a t t c • ..,,., $"' 50c. Doll high chair 50c. \\'asher. good condition 12j, AQUARIUMS $5 to $25, iiilent stools, rattan, 4 for ~· Typewriter Remingt,on ~. 545-J870 giants $12, swing gym set .Foot slool $1.50. Mahogany Attractive bird cage on· Fernier skir1s for '61 Ford, $20. MT--0492 coffee table $2. Antique drop st.and $5. Elaborate hair QUAIL eggs i f)C dozen. new "3. Philco-Bendix com-!ear kitchen table $5. Oc-cutting set. never used $5. 549-4288 binnlion washer, dryer, as DUCKS Baby mallard!! make casional chair. n e c d s Double bed, box spring, ·, •• 847 .. 115 nice ..... ts and s n a I I T\VO bikes: La.die?'! English 3 l. ...,, ··~ upholstery $5. 2881 Europa matching mattress. head· eliminators. SI <'a ch. speed S22. Girl's 24-'' $14. OFFICE desk, excellent con· Dr .. C.M. 546-0732 board S25. Vacuum cleaner, Both with baskets. ~dio $2. dition $25. Playhouse, cedar 5.36-21t~ . 1 3 DRAWER desk $15. Hang· Le.11y t tank SlO. Floor Ice skates S2. 2 Chinese oil shakt shingles, pa.neltd $25. G~EEN . Painted \\ ooden ing lamp SS. Pull light fix· polisher with attachments paintings SlO each. 646-56.10 Skids $15. 531"'5614 ll1~hcha1r, excellent . con· lure Sl2. Celling light fixture $12.SO TV set, 16''. $10. 2 4 NE\V tires, size 13 $10 SHOES. Some e.'(pensive, dit.Jon SI8. Small Tricycle s2. 3 ceiling gOOse neck high bar s tools $3 each. each. 3 sash ,v\ndows $3 \\'Orn feii• !lines Sl each. S7. EastblurI, 644-1096 lights SS. 2 gold chairs SlO. \Vh ile naugahyde couch ron- each. l\te1tl slicer $3. 2 Ford Hats aod ,•.:.-. 50c each. BRAND Ne'v h\•in b 0 x &1;;..1315 verts lo double bed $2:i. ~·~ . 54~~ Van rear seats $10 each. 8 Sunday only. 3094 :r.tolokai springs $IT. Call ~nday and BABY parakeets, guaranteed 1,:.:;:..~~·===-:::::;-:;:;: foot fluore.s<:ent lights $10 Place Mesa Verde \\'eek-days 6T3-4439 talken: S5 each. Stock LARGE Braided wool rug each. 4 foot iloottscent light ' sz 'J'\ ·n beds and head $j. And irons and grate s3. l-IACNETIC jig sa1v !6. BU~NHOLE At~ac;,hment, . breeders S3 ell ch. ~6-6930 bo~s VI $20 each. Corne; Cunraek $2 Brown human Slr\gle bed, clean S 8. fo~ S~er Portabl~ $5. Also FULL size .bed $25. Rolling storage cabin e l $15. hair wig sJ.2. Mac~ lathe 546-8693 Bl1ndst1tch and Zia:·Zag_ at· Home Mobile Homes, Space Bathroom vanity and • an- parts S5 • $25. 13101 Olym. NAUGAHYDE so!a s 2 o, tachments $5. each. 546-S967 30. 1973 Newport, C.M. tique china bo\\'l S2J. 1'V pie. C.M. Naugahyde chail' SlO. Girl's DOUBLE Bed box springs 642-4871 table $4. Good J\enmorc wr· 21" TV, 1valnut console $25. ice skates $5. Koppa shell $6.50. Heavy duty 12-V Car ANTIQUE -4 drawer vanity inger washer '$10, Modern 19" Silvertonc TV portable lanterns $10 each. End !able bailery C2. 2...4 BBI Carbs S2J. Oval mirror $5. Bench coffee table S2. Utility cart S2i. 17" Admiral portable \\'ilh pull out snack table:f bo!h Che\--rOJet SlO and S12. $5. T1:1ble $3. T1•.'ln bed S15. $4. Antique Eng I i sh $20. ~tachinist O"·l" mikes $25. Corner table Sl5. 'Vall Heavy duty 6-amp 6 or 12-V 54j...352J.J. 1971 Flamingo Dr. arn1chair S20. Old China, sro. 1"·2" mike s::;. 2"-3" shelves and bookcase $25. bal!ery charger Sll. Ford RH ESUS Monkey $25 Cage, glass, copper ~-$20 575 D mike~ SZi. O"·l'' dial in· Table lamp $2.i Girl's Flathead racing equipment. chain, collar and vitamins Victoria, C.?>1. d"crito. s1· K D 1· tool bookcast-$5. 1'.1ectric ran $J. 3/2 aluminium manifold, nt\v ·, •. .,udcd. Vcrv ptttty coat, LABRADOR. •1 , le , 3 1 ' 1 ;i. • • \, Yarn · $3. Slat bench \Vilh · ..... ·J " holdC'rs $4 t!ach. B1'01vn &. full racing cam, springs and 2~~ yrl!. old. Outdoor pet. months, all shots S 2 5 . REFRIGERATOR, c I e 11. n , Sharp intermikcs 1.200"· back and seal cushions S:lS. tippets a.II only $25. LI Ask for Steve or Pal. \Ve 540-4319. Call after ~unday l 400 .. 120 F II t I ta Dres.,es and capri~. sizes 8 ''"" 1 «o -38 ~ '' •0 r"· g-• $"". Tool box for . . u se o "1" 4-<NV '''ill deliver if c ose '1'1..-~ __ ,, 11 t v ~ """ ..., "" and 10 S5-S10. Hats Sil. Sllk · · BABY l!bllller. exce en Pklrup $10. Yello1v kilchen in tap index $25 . .f'ull se t of GREAT Boo• f t h PHER SNAKES 14 Kin... -' ..i-dropc""' with black out ,.s o · e GO -.. $10. Tape rccoauer .,.::i. utility table $2. Transistor drills, nunfbers. letters and •3 rld G "'"1780 lining !25. &1&-0106. 1906 \\'estem \\1o all':\\'ayS Sfi. ,,...,.... A ss ort c d Ce r n1 an radio $15. Bowling ball $4. iraclions $25. Federal tenth · u· ~ 9'2-"'"J Tere111ta Lane, N.B. Series S2j. Great Ideas DOUBLE Bed S2J. Dini"" magazines lOc. Records, Drills, sander, tool.~ Sl ~ Sli. 1n 1cator .,,_o. ;.o..>11 -... _, "'"";-='=:--::::::-0.-,;: SPRING CJ N Kr. Series S20. "i' carbook'l $.1. room chairs S2 e a c h n1ono, 50c. Photo ~.,.arger, Polaroid camera S2j. Case BABY "'alker, new $4.50. e~nu~ • ew . .n-Encyclopedia tif't S '15 . r:.AS-0349 FederaJ m $20, Swinger $8. and accessories for Polaroid 545-5134 more electric floor polisher .,., rd $lO $25. Tankard type cut glass attachment $.'l. Boy's size Portable c Io !I <' I S2J. CHROME \Vhee ls 14" Chev Sinall tape reco er . pitcher~. C 1 a s s\\! are, V\V body and engine parts; 12, jackcta. shir ts Zic-SI. Spauldin~ golf clubs $3 SlO ~ch. 646-87o8 540-4706 .. 2821 Portola, C.i\I. di&hes 5c . SlO. Queen Anne Front fender SIS. Trunk lid Wool skirts, n 0 v e I 1 y each. Golf bag $10. Golf .· 2 EACH, box sPfings, mat· l;c~iwr~· ;S10~·~!59~!E~-~21s;:,l~C~.>;I~. -lii$12ES.50K.lvwi2:5ii.rl_m~•i\s:J;bl.;;545-0~01;;34dl •weaten, suits, sz.. Purses. cart $10. Big cook book $8. LON(_i Brown fur coat. size tresses, frames Sl5 Set. 331 I.USED VW .,_ $4. C.OCk-a· DESK $2.50. Tables, end black St. \Vhite c r c p e Bookcasei; $8, SIO, and Sl2.,;mc~~~~~m=m=l~21l~9~"-~Do~awoot\--;;=-·1 :;iV~i,f,tai;;'iBaf';;y'C,,m;au,;t&p;;;i: '-""' tables $2.50 each. Chain f.ormal $.5 go ld trim. 21 Bible Sl3. Atlas S l 2 · · · poo female, curly SlO. Ter· 50c. Utensils lOc • Sl. Work· jewel Bulo\·a whlte gold 2-Volume Dictionary S15. BEAUTIFUL Siamese Seal· MOV~G lATo ·~:-r a~ rlpoo, apricot color, curly ing electric appliance $5. ladies 1-1-'atch Sl5. Electric Kirby v11.cuu1n $25. :M-~ point k\l~en $15. Only 2~ :~;e· Sl5. ~;m:h bedroo_m SlO. 548--5927 Large lamps with shadl!s $5. \Vest \l'aille iron $2. Dark TIRES SL Doubt~ box spring lef1. 646-5936 or ~g. ' lamps Sl each. Living room INCREDIBLE Edible~ oven 646-3597. 2619 Redlands Dr. bro1\!Jl arnel hair pieces Sl· and mattress $15. Doublt' l\'Cekends and after a. lamp $2. Kitchen step atool a.nd goobledegoop St 4 C.r..l. $2. Sat·12-l>. ~226 Headboard SIS. Ne\v and TOMATO Plants.. OfHS. $1.50. Glass snack set 15c. •1ood~ dining chain $16. COLLEGE girl wi•hes to aell TEA cart S7. Record cabinet nearly new mens' and boys' F.F.A. project, 1 a r g e AJuminum percolator 'r:ic. Child and adult books le • good quality c Io the s, ST. Lamp table SS. Bureau clothing 25c-Sl. Man s heahby plants. Pack of 8, Electric corn popper 9jc, 50c. O*Atot111s, 31" ball dresses, blouses, skirlli. size $2j, Vanity table with mir· handknit sweater $12. Room 50c &12-3047 Dishes 5c--7:ic. Apt. B. 2062 ·b&t 1and. other toys lOe • Sl.-1 50c • $2. Shoes, size 7~)-8, ror $25. Lamps, pair Maple divider $7. tlousehold Hems Si\1AU. Royal p 0 rt• b 1 e Pepper Tree. C.M. 540-0995 Boy's clothes. size 16-18, lOc 50c. n. 543-5324 S20. ZQ27 Orange, C.~I. 25c-$:i. Brand ne\v ski bootl! type\vt·iter and case. Ne\v OiILD'S DesK, 1 drawer, 3 • SI. ~n~s .~hoel '1• size ~0-51 FORD CoiJpe, no engine or DE co RAT J v E items: size 9 SlO. Boutique dresses ribbon, although old, \\'Orks shelves, matching chair. ex- loi;s ••· """"es arge size trllnsmisskln $10. 642-1828 Cryiital decanters and 8. 10, 12 $1-$10. New lamp \\'ell. 9" carriage SlO. Dou· ~llent condition $ 2 5. swealtrt $2 each. 6 1 glasses $1-$10. Teak items ~hades S2. Toys, games ble bed size rollaway, heavy 673-7258 Rambler rim S2. Wall pla· SLUSH machine , Com· T5c. Stainless Oat\\'arc s2.50. ~1.50. 833-1Tl3, 833-171:> construction S 2 2 . ~ 0 . ~135,~.M=M~~-~.--,~ro~;.~c~lor=--1;;25"° qucs '2:.le. 963-2927 merclal type for flavored Candle holders 20c-75c. Toys Uniroyal "Laredo" tire 885 s1 c . . . l ,-,~O-V .. IE--p-ro_j_oc_to-r--$~2,..,.-[) ltt S2:>. 642-1828 $'-. P•r••nal Items: Sun-CAOU~H. HP~~~~denll' S 1 0 5,· " 15. Plenty of tread for Sf'· Ar..Y-~'.:f.....__~~ert3,o9"::' V ral ,d" •• • ¥ "" ntlque tcu .. 1r J. · d •--al ..1_;ving ·~ $10. ~·....,...u e :r y, Dayllte projector S2j. Case BABY buggy • stroller com-benm mlxma11ter '"Ith juice toman Sl.50. Tables Sl.50. conh ~·!~ UJ• ..., great for be&innen $15. $6. Scrttn su. Camp stools, bination $4. 3 high ba cked attachments $10. Blen<k!r S7. 675-18ll enc . ,,.....,... ~ 545-5971 3 lreged portable st Pie· dinette e h ai rs' need Dishes SJ. 271 E. 16th St.. 21" PHILCO TV $15. 8 Ml\1 Bl.UE Chip_ lllan1p. book_,i.,.,=-,~H~o=R=r=BLOC==K""""·.,~· .. s25;,--. lures and frames 50c _ S25. reupholstering $1 each. Li{e c .r.f. SUnday 9-6. 50 Bath 11 S5 CE Aluminum extru~ions 2" x vests St and S2. Portable 1----~-----Movie Camera $5. Doubll' $2. · · ine e · · · Hobie surfboard 10' S25. 2S3 12" long T5c each. Electric TV, as is, S7.50. 15" Ford GEESE, baby gray and J\fattre" $8. Portable Radio baby food. "".armer ~· like earburetrir and 1nanifold cords. heavy duty. 3 \Vire, 6 tl1ns S2 each. l>lotorcycle \l'hile S4 CR<'h. 3 tor $10. $5. l\1an'i; jacket 40.-L and nf'\\', ':fens la:kets, i;izc 42" $20. Model a irplane engines loot long with plug 50c, Car-llrc (Pirelli) 2.75 x 19, $4. Also baby l\Iallard ducks s:I olher Clothing Sl--$;i. car 44, $2 .50 to P . 548-9597 and access6rles $2-S7. 319 I' yin g c a 1 e . de 1 u x e J\·lail bo:-.: Sl. Li:;i;htweig-ht each. 3 for $.'i. 2612 S. E. Vacu11n1 $3. Canning Kettle S.'1{25 Hallicrafler radio v.·\th La.Canada, C.M. 646-4112 ~tahO(any and vi n y I room divld.!r S2. 540-28.fT Mesa Di·. Sl. Hi-Fi Turntable $2(1. speaker $25 Ke Iv in a Io r 2-8:20 x 15 and 2--6:10 x 15 covered $6. Silex coUet CUSTOJ\UZE your o\vn. • 2 OCC student nu r s i 11 It Golf Cart $2. Toys and Tools rerrlgerator SlO. 54g.198~ tires, 5,000-10,000 miles lefl maker heater only $2. Vi11ue Bros. metal pedestal uniforms, 3 aprons, size 12, Sl-s:J. S:i.tul"flay 11.nd Sundn.y BOY'S Bike 28 .. 1 Sl5. $\\•ing $3 each or 2 for $5. 2 Truck Wanning hot plate S2. legs for dinette set including $7.50. 1974 Federal, C.l\1. B:l().1:30 291[) Catalpa NB set SlO r..lerry-gD--round, 2 n1irron, brand nc1v SIO. , i&li"'935;,i;""'-"""';;;;;--;;;:;;;:-::;:;: table legs and 4 swivel TREE house $25. Buffet $lO. EastbluU t $5 KI !)..3J49 Stewart-Warl".er ta ch, 8.000 " $20 UHF~ b11.se11. for chairs S5 each . ~i· •-1 d ses · RPM ;ts. Deep fat fryer $8. EXERGJ:NIE . con· · ' La\\'n mo"-er $3.SO. \\1alnut 196S . S 10 Coin " int .;io;:ll e SOUntWlND ca s o 11 n e Electric popcont popper verter Sl5. 22 v o 1 u m e 54~2847 ,clock $1. 'VeUle iron S2.50. uncirculatcd Set Sl:O: 19611 heater, for rig, boat or cam· $2,50, £42-889? Cblldttn's Encyclopedia $10. BlC"i•CtE in good condition ·. Bird bath $7. Chairs Sl.50. S Proof Set S13. 615-5259 per. Instant hot air heat. assorted World Globe $2.SO. 10 foot Stingray S'a:I. 24·• girl's S\O, Bedspread~ Sl.2j. Garden REFRIGERATOR lO cu. Jt. New. 20,000 BTU, 24 ; \TDC PLANTS: Choice Doua;hboy pool $5. Cosco 24" boy's Sl5, 3 speed 120, tools 50c-Sl. Shh1s, pants, ~i condition $20. 5'16-a209 S2S. Controls Sl5. Kl 5-3349 tuscl\las, fern 1, sub- utlllty . table $5. Toys and regular 2G" Sl6. \Vagon $3. coats, dresses 2 5 c . $ t . 5 O K""" troplcal1, t Io wt r 1, 5\IC· doll•, Ukt nt\v $2.50 tach. Pedal car S2. !\fan's roller Plants 51'.lc. Flood lights BEAUTIPUL Male Si&mese 2 KITCHEN sJnka: $3-$5. cu1ents and, rround cover!. Shoe•. clothing, hat•, rink skates size 8 $10. Tricy-$1.50. 54S-:)j2T Sealpoin1 Kiiien. 7 weeu· Hand edger ari:t 'trimmer $T. Halt-gallons «>c. flats $1.7J, handbag, hat boxe~. \'8-1'f!, cle part11 and pieceii lOc. St. FOAM rubber studio couches old SlO. Please c a 11 21'' T.V. needs work ~. 2 291 E. 23rd St., C.M. recon:ls and ukelele 10c ~ 54()..2847 $2S each. Patio safari cha.in \~kdays "l\ll &-2032 back packs, childrtn $5 &48-2183 SL50. ~ DINETTE set $25. 2 fish $2.50 each. Boy's Sting-ray LOVEBIRDS Sl Cardinals each.:n~~~~s s~wer ~~ :r;1 ,T\;;;;V;;!N:;-;a.d;::;,-::Vinc:::y1""'~•~d~lm:::;rd:r, ftQVE, 3$ in~hcs S 2 5 • poles $3.50 each. Tubular type bike S20. MS-7641 l ~S~5~. ~&1~2-.J.-"263Ci::==:::--;;c-;:;c I x hol t te<J ~ c a 1 i onal excellent CO":dltlon S 2 5. · ne--n.tor, apt 11\tt, good c~ten~ion s-a.ker S l up s e 0 ~ Floor type bird ce.ge ~ . .. ._.., : · .-~ . · ELECTRIC toa9ter $.1.7j, 26 OIL Paintinp ~S25. chairs: needs cover SS_. &4:Z...l?37 condltion S25. 2474 Oranat Klngslze spread $5, QuJ\ted Ptt111ure cooker S 3. 7 j. Si?.cs 8x10 lo 24"48 all Electr1c spray llln $4. 2--8.55 1;i;i;;ru,;;;-n;;::;;::c-;;:;-::;;;;;-o C.M. lwin •p~ad S5. Couch S25, Bedside night loilet, like originAI~. 11 S<>ascaJl('S, 'l x 14 tires, while \Vall $1247. CHROME Dinctle set \vith 6 DOUBLE bed with lrame ntnkes bed. 646-1122 new $8.50. Chest of dra1\•r rt Landscapr~. 3 Stlll-Ufes. 2 646-1543 sturdy chairs $2:). Adm iral ~-Antique headOOa1'd ll.lld CHJHUAHUA, male, light .$9.50. Round mimir $3.50. ~11uions. 3 surreali11L Some TIRES. Some mad Jett, 2-Door model TV plus .. ,,.. lootboanl St-0. Nice vln)'l loy bro1\"n, short.-halrtd $2a. Sewin£ t11blt $3. Oi11hc-.1 10c. valued 111 $100. 531-3793 S.Zl x 14, 2-8.00 x 14 tenn~, "·orkl! ~ good $2$. chcsl $1. Girl'• vanity and 5Q..1682 Thro\V rugs 25c. S1nokc alter II Ai\t ....,,,,lar pl and 2-lG.i x 13 Studio .couch $2.'.J. Bar-b-que desk combination S l 0 • st11.nd :Kie. Slnglr b ~ d • ~e:-Y 64i6-5956 'vlth wind breaker an<J motor ~2939 QUEEN blue bed.,pre&d p , 3 !!prlnp and math·es Sl9.. SAnJRDAY AND SUNDAY ra.d1al ply S2 e&ch. 1$10. lll Wililon St .. c .M. te1UIU site bedspre1.d11 S5 • Dinette tablt. alnwst new 9 A~t to I P~f 3._23 ApoleM or 548-2S38 "«kellds And Space. .4T. DOVBLE mattrclll!I. box S9. 3 blue throw ru.a• $2.50 • A v " ea I ti o 11. I a 1 Rttcr 5. l;ii;T.i;;:;;;---.;;::;::-'.;;;;;-;::: 1prinp, tre.me. headboo.rd ST. \\l'tlught iron 1talttau: ~~·1:th~~a~~~ :~: ~higc'ritor $5. ch a 1 r " ANTfQUl: Piano dn.k gs, SIM!-fONS '!'Win sltt. box $15. End table• lfl,M. C::-~ S2l. Wrouiht iron blrd c:aa:" J.fen'a sport coat, new si:cc $2-$15. Larnps $145. Dishes, EArly Amelicln rocktna ~33 and mattress $3. I.Ible M. Pair"" a~~ 9 · 12· $%;;. \Vroqht iron hanging 40, slacks, both for $6. Ex· pans 25<'-S:l. Food sll~r $5. chair SlO. Modem black '~;Ti;;<--;:;:::;;--;:;:;:-;;;;= Potty chair $1 .<N. '"'O x l&mPI $11.00 • $20 each. Ira •·-aport coat S3. Pictures riOc-Sl.50. Curtaln11 couch Sl~. Portable clout 1BRANO New ba.se kitchen ..,,_ $10. 'fZI W. l!lh $1. t:. Duk•'· SI " Ta,,.a•--•• 4 ~· bin I f -1 !Op 4 tt '_... ... -..,, .. ,, Oothln;: SOc-n, 1lze• 8 to 16. $2:. \\!on1en' clolhe!I 11ize 1 Sill. 540-1...,, ca e • o .... ca • · t;;.M. picture $15. lAl'I'! lape•try Tote tile Sl.25. Antiqoo pie-50e410. Shoe• 5i7.f' 8~ GREEN CM.Ir Sl5. Dinette wide, C'Ollt $.10, now $25. CAil QUAIL tW r;.c dozen. fHarefn •cent) $2S. Statue• tum 10c-$1i. New dre!is. slie $2 . .-$5. l>flrrOn $1..,J2. Tray• tab~ S20. 6 chAln. new anytbne M~20Tl ~ $.i • $3). \Vall plaquts U.!!O ~ 16, ~ l .. dlr$ 1wt11tcrt SI. $2, Jie:t ts $6 each. TnmdJe bed B L U F.r.-Orttn uphOlsttred $'6. \\~ood burn~ )n)Jt •tow OAK ._mls 110 and Sli. SZ. Bar items • ck>ckt $3. Girls n'tllltf'S 50e. M'.n's ~ LB. Bow and Arrows $15. $15 l"/l.Ch stction. Bookc&M' club chair. Excellent con- lervd rtfriprator JT. Vet}' $8. Old World and Book 11weaten $1-$!>. Shirt11 :ioc. Hu nlil~ blowa:un SS. Cun and v'1nity $6. 6i1 Governor dll\on S\5. l\fahog11.ny end old chtal of d r a w «' r • dtea.nteT .eta $l2 • $Th. Kitchen lttms ZK:-$2. T. V. Ta.ck s2.~. Snow sltils·$1,50. St., C.M. 6Cl-Q65 tsble $3. New K ,o d • 1t: fblankel chtsU tullp \\'ood Dtcoralor che8i. $20 • S2.i. anttnna SJ . Table latnJlfl Sled ~ KOn"Rn r ltle $5. 20" 15 ~IONTH old Ala5k11.n Ha\1·ktye c 11-m t r a $6. $25. DlfPll1 tablt for store $1.2:'). Go.It ball~ ltk-1.tic. hlkl' s.·1, 4' Beach ball S2. fi.1Alnn1ute, h1td all •hots S20 ' ;G<;;G-,.:1c:°";;'=-,==""°"°' with • x t form lea lop SU. ,,34~'-.;.19;;1;.4 ==:::--::::c::-o.cl lfand aw Sl.2.l. llou!le Belly board $3. Tappnn ,3 tlrci. 355 :< 14, TOO ~ 14, 800 1 itl1J.. i\lln.'( con\~rtlbll! '58. Blue w-Jvet autocnplt book KEmlORE ha tr df')'tl" 13. traikr hllch $2. 75. r'ol(lin& Uni·flO\\'. new s2l. 51 a HP x 14. $4. 52, $6. Adju:1tflblf' Enitne good, neeods clulch di.led 1891 • $1. ~. Eureka vacuum cleMer SJO, 1ttel chairs S2.!'JO <'1cll. 2-Cycle $IO. Ol"'2ncl St.. tra\lf'r hitch $3. Card table and brakes $25. 642-2535 Sat. 1090 Vk1oria, C.M. Step table S3. T~bl~ radio Eltctrlt: t:l ock SI li, s.i.1. Ne-Beach 642..JlSS $6. li4&-t21-S aftemoon tOI 3 loo~ DAll y 11., plAyk rood. LI 3-0061 -C.•n-l\lott. 216 1'.. 2Ull'I St.. -,... •• !MY a.re ...,ftl -'c. r"•J. '"''' S00: rT TO "EJll: \\'hitc elf'Phant.s! Dunl!-a·linc \Vhilt! elephants! DlmH·Jine PILOT ett.-Ukd. NUITI SOCK IT TO 'D I! " J. ; : NOW! • NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED ADS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES ANY ITEM • $ OR LESS EACH ITEM MUST .BE PRICED e e N• Item Over $50 e No Cemmtrtial finM • e No Copy Cho-e No Abb,..1111..,. e START MAKING MONEY NOW! CALL 642-567 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! • , ---·· • I LIDO Jl&raahlt , ' Carpet Sweeper $2. Bookt-l(le..Sl'. SUltcase $5. Portable hair d~r $5. Eltttric na~ dr')'er $.5. Vibrating CUlihlon SS. Other miscellaneous to $.'). 111 Via CordOva 675-o3947 9 F'OOT Boat.and oars S2S.. 67~5901 MAPLE Twin bed con1· plcte.$20. Double bed box springs and matlrC'sS $25. Dark wood bookc3.se bed $20. Bookcaase $7. Floor lamp $5. Rose velvet cl'lair $1 • .Large miITor $3. Utility table $2, 'JV $15. RCA :.15 rad~record player $10. Stereo stand $2. Firescreen $1: Barbe~ a.nd Motor $3. Ch1:1ise lounge frame $2. Curtains $2. Picnic basket $1.2S. AttA&Cbc ca~ $2. Arl.lsts EaMl $1. Skii! $5. Crutches $6. Lantern $2. Field Q:la.!iSC!I 75c. Tele.scope $2.50. Tlrt!s Mc, Pictures $1. Vases. dishes ~SI. Pur11es 25c. Hats 25c. Clothin; and shoes $1. Books 3J25c. 528 Redlands Ave., N.B. ---··-------------._.-·...,-~--:------------.. -·-·---------------------~----· I nterviewlng Mon. thru Fri. a •.m. to 5 p.m •. Eqaal opportunity _employer Si. PURCHASING CLERK ltE.<tCute twin 00d11. com· rlet $25 each. Night stand flj. nail 5 dra~·er cheat $15. 4 drawer child's desk $15, .J.bove all matchl.n, blut and \Vhlte. Large 4 W'awer d test $15. Full aiu matterss an9 box spr!tlgll $15 each. F'ull 1 !:iize headboard and f:~mc $10. G?Od ~I fll~er Requires two years clerical \Vllh skimmer $2J. Ni':' experience in purchasing bookt·asea $10 and S25. field plus typing irpced of Assori,i!<,sptakers Sl to $10. 50 1vpn1. Sho11hand is de- · Car rddlo goOd f?r truck $8. sired. \Vill be respansible Good t'ldlng patio table $15. for establishing and main· ~OW\i'riowtr _as is Sii. Bo\\·l-taining purehasing files and 1ng ~ls $3.50 and $4.50. records, and supporting pur. Polls~ sharopooer for chuinr t@f!rvi.s:lon as ~ Kirby I $5. V~uums , $,;. qulrea. Books iOc to $1. 15432 Duke Ap;Jly To Donna Ehle Clrcle,t. H.B., 892-9576 (TI4) 546-8030 (MacFldden and Edwards, 333.l Harbor Blvd. Duke Circle street behind Coste> Meaa 92626 Tlo-Tdc market.) Ca 11 ~· an>Unj:. BASSINE'ITE, bathlnette. norsery ~ lamp S5 ca.ch, 842~73 ( htlSSILE SYSTEl\fS 17" TV ,12. Electric arUI $5. Elech·i~ frying pan $8. DIVISION ATLANTIC RESEARCH Help Wanted I Agencies, Men a Wo-n 7400 Women _.;,;..;;.;.;.;;.;......_.......;.;.; DESK CLERK. Full or part '* thne. Exp'd. only. • to 12 HOTEL shirt. Apply in "'""n 2101 DESK CLERK-E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mac. JAM A IC A INN CASHIER J.IOTEL Jobs-Men, Wo"'. 7500 -EXPERIENCED - Note • Teller • APPLY JN PERSON hi Natlon1I Bank of Or1nge County 1650 Ad1m1 Coste Me•• ASK FOR: r.rr. Stuner or !I-Ir. Springer Heavy experience on NCR 4200. Good salary, S days. Apply in person. Only experienced need apply. THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree-Road Newport Stach 64+1100 School1·ln1tructlttft 7600 LIFETIME Glft, typewritina:. Olldren, irandchildren, or yourself! Individually tutor. f!'d Chilcoat JO lessons typing school. 173 Del Mar, CM, !H8-28a9 e FLYJNG LESSON S, co1npl pri. lie. pkg. from $600, Pay as you learn! • 600 \V. ~th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun 11-6 17 Pc:. Ki119 Size Bedroom Lar(t 9 drawer dreaser, mtr. ro1-, 2 bedakle stands, Irina: size headboard. frame, quilt· l!t4 mattreu. 1heeta, blaM- eta:, etc. C.Oice ot SpullJh or Modem Style All For $249 No down • Pmts. only $9 mo. WElK'S WAREHOUSE 60C W. 4th Sr., Santa Ana Open DaUy 9 • 9 ~at. 9 -ti Sun. 11 _ 6 Sn1all 11ron $3. Hand f'Umlture returned from dis. HOTPOINT Dishwasher with opera1....iJ-eoord player, ne\v An equal opportunity PIANO Lessons: The """" pl•" studios, model homes, .. .., CORPORATION I ., -a u lo -d i s pt: n s e r S2:i. (78 only! 1.$18. '494-4200 emp oycr best in Wtructions. Call decorators cancellation. 549--0126 c A Division of the . . .. • • WURLITZER ! BRADBURY All styles &: tinlsl'lf!'s. an American made, 88 no~. del w-bench & tuned, Price start· ing at S499. Pianos rented opt m bu:t e NEW e Wurlitzer Organs Many other makes. Mt:ny styles &. tinb;hes. PriCfls start at $595, EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Beach Music Center Factory Sales & Service Dally 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 17404 Beach.Blvd .. (Hwy !9) 1% mi. So. San Diego Fwy. Huntington Beach 347-8536 Use~ H•mmond ORGAN SALE B-3's. RT-2, C2, A-100'11, M- lOO's, J...-lOO's, 1\-1·3. Al Io m81ly pianos -Stei.flwa¥, Wurlitzer, etc. Open Sunday 12 to 4 HAMMOND in CORONA DEL MAR 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-8930 Run-a-bout 20" fan! $19.18 REALIS'DJC police receiver. Susquehanna Corp. 644-26Z9 Spanish &: Mediterranean etc 12-foot rattan po es J. covers l~S-175 me, like ne1v, An equaJ opportunity GOING To Europe this ~arr RD FURNITURE ~hurch Ru~ma.ge S&le A.,;;;.nt"l'"'""=----•-1_10 ONCE A YEAR 675--5218 asking: 13. \\rest suit top $5. employer -Alf'ncles, Men & Brush up your French 1144 N rt Blvd CM Kn1c-knacs, dishes Sc • $2. WURLITZER SINGER Portable SIS. 14" Daisy le -er action BB run Male or Female may apply Women 7550 ~onversation in my clau. ewpo . '' All kinds clothing &: shoes ANTIQUE SALE! PIANO & ORGAN SALE TV f art SlO 2 23" B/\V ~a 4$4-lli4 evtry ni&bt ti1 9 l Oc • $10 Furniture pie· orp 5 . ' ..,. SECRETARY I 1---------64z.6260 \Ved.,Sat.&Sun'tiJ6 t .... 1 $2-$7U: 20.. Quitting Bu1ine11 New Pianos from •••••• $579 Packard Bell cabinet TVs FRANCISfAN "Starburst" ~ CUSTOM BUILT u, .. s, amps ·-· Eve-rythlng goe-s -dealers 0t f $699 s~ each. 2 Early American dinnerwatf, l or m~ of 11 $5lO .• $620 per mo. newport . PLAYHOUSE $85. 20 PC. MODERN swim ~I S2S. <?tlna SlO. welcon1t . whole68..le prices! New \v1&8'1:UYro~SEO?" enJ tables $20. each. 2 items inciUding servittt lor 8 parsonnei * 673-2025 • ROOM GROUP To_;•· :icwe\~, misc. 5c~2· • 4 RoU tops * 10 Oak Open Mon &: Fri eves 'tll 9 Guitars S15 each. 1" Jab5co and rare ltemi; 25c _ SU.50. CITY OF 3 945w Creen1v1ch, H.B. Sat. tables * ~Hoosiers * Hall •Rental Purcllaae Pla11 • pump $25. 3 Bausch and ~:; NEWPORT BEACH ... agency MERCHANDISE FOR lncludea: Floral sola I chair only. 8AM-'IPM seats * Desks * Thousands Gould Music ComJNny Loinbc Sextanti S2:> each. SALE AND TRADE · walr.ul tables -lamps • GARAGE Sale, Sal &: Sun. of small goodies! Electric le.a ketUe $5. Elec· BARBECUf1t 24'' Kerunoi:e One of thri!e secretarial ,PO-complete bedroom with quill J\.Iovlc camera, t1beraJua ANTIQUES AMPERSAND 204$ N. Main, SA 547-0681 Irle n1otors .:S:-i each. Na-co~:iplet~ ~~and ne\v electnc ailions in U"le City l\.fanagtr'a Professional Service ed mattresa · ~pc. dinette, boat, Chevy rtlrig unit. 2624 Newport, C.l\t. 642-3069 CONN ORGANS ti~ n a J N c 113 1-1 am ~tisserie I el ~ks9• T.V. or.rice, This position offers for th• employer furniture aooo etc. All for • . . Camping tent, air com· GOLD Brocade antique love ALL MODELS ReCf!iver $20. Electric spray Siainese amp, 1 e ne\v .,_._ d ti nd respon-and tho •ppllcant $277 c di 0 $2.50. 2 la.ugahyde :iipper e'.'~1'.-"'i u es a. EARLY American s o I a, pressor. ar ra 0•. many seat $150. Purple antique NEW &. USED gun SS. 32V generator SI . boli:tcrs 3l'' off white, like ~1.b1bt!es for a highly qu~-133 Dover Dr., N.B. chair, end table. bed, loam Nu down -Pmta:,. only $10 mo. misc.I items, clothini & chair $100 Leather .ann Hear the NEW 3 Manual! Drill allachmcnt plaflC'r s:-i. neiv $j. 5 T6001 1!1ed career secreta'1.'· l\bn.. 642-3170 549-274l mattreu, ll prlng. double WElJl'S WAREHOUSE Cho.".~.bold. lll5 Monte Vista, chair $20. 675-4850 Gould Music Com-nv 32V Lovett bil,\ir or ~11·er . ~ ~ • imum q'dil!Otations include E~RIENCED d i n n er "" -~ pun1p Sl5. 7j\V .Pischer COMPLET . -Six , cylincte;r; 100 "''Pm :shorthand, 50 \~m .r..r dresser, night 11tand, aaa NOW OPEN! Dolli;, col· 2045 N. Main, SA 547.{Xi81 l\.farioo Xn1ltter ,$20. Other Chevy enttne $15. 2 1t 1ypm· g and 3 )"ears of IJ1o waiterg &. waitresee11, ban. range, like new. 548-2142 :lr GARAGE SALE tector's &. Gilt Item•. HAMMOND. Stelnw11v Ya. · quet waitresses. Bus boy•. ••• '781 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana N rt Shor UES 2428 -boat and electronic gea.l' mags for p,evy $25 each. 2 creasin ... v~ responsible CX· 1 .;o;~:::;,""'7.;.,,--:--;;;,,.-,:'.' I 0 n ..... 9 9 ewpo es HELEN'S ANTIQ maha • new &: used .... _ i. ""'' Apply after 5 pm. Ben pen ........., • 1 J CM ~ Sl-$10. 503 Cai11ation Ave., headlight nlms tor '57 ~~57 pe-rience. For appointme-nt Broivn's Restaurant. 3ll06 PROVINCIAL sofa $85; Ire Sat. 9 _ 6 Sun. n • 6 216 Canal Newport B vd, store . · of all rnaketl. Best blG'I Jn Cdi\f 613-5156 SL Rear seat for 55-information contact person-redinlnc chair $50; antillU@ Vast stock Amer/Eur furn & So. Callf. rf&ht hm!. 4 Nc1v mag 1v~l1 SZ> each. "·agon $5. Tripod jack ~-1. ne: office, 3300 Ne"1>0rl So. Coast Hwy., So. Laguna. organ $115; console 1V $35; 20 Pc. Maple Sunday only 104 PM clocks. LatTY Morgan Anti-SOIMIDT MUSIC CO., 17" TV 11.·,. 4 8 ... r s ....... J, \'-Jack !3· J'allgate tor 'iJ7 Blvd., N•wport Stach, Call-BOUTIQUE to Open-Needed: Call after 4 p.m. (714) 3 ROOM GROUP CLOTHES SlZ.E 8, m ... ,. 2428 N......, md CM 1907 N. Main. 22., high SlO sci. "31}-g:.:W." Chevy $a. ~nnls 142-7034 fornia. 613-6633 before 5 Qualified seamstresses, 846-2702 LUGGAGE ETC. •-· -.. ,., ·• 0 · • Santa Ana _, 969 artists,. sculpture, pottery, ====,....,==-;:;o:: Jlncludei: Uvtna: room set • 647-3547 SAT. 10 am • 3 pm. An ques aquarium. Y.-TOUQ:hl i r o '! LADIES O!T.°' cte.n.iler bike p.n1 .• Friday, May 2nd, 1 · raI . 1 0 HEADBOARD, Stanley, kine table. • lamps • bedroom J ;:,===-=.,..-==-=c:I &: paintings. 2010 Baltra, HAMMOND Organ, like new, stand. Gro-lu.-; lilt! ~ $25. l\.1an's \~ygies de-raller EXECUTIVE .SECRETARY c_ ts, tJC~ n con-aiie. MedlteITanean style. tet. quilted mattress. m .. BEDROOM set, extra long c M 546-7254 A·lOO. \Valnut finish, cost Recorci. 78 RPM collector bike S2ii. Electric power Secretary to the supe.rin-signmen · $85, 545-7265 rubber twin set, stand twin \';;=·;;·======= $3::xxJ. Sell for $1850. w/a· tm-ns 1' each. 217~3 Ruby, edger S!9.~Large exhaust tendent on the Board of MAN or WOMM., for quality SOFA le Chair, new, never pie diniJla$room44.9All tor ' · ' bed, vacuum, 2 TV's, pain-Sewing Michfnn 1120 tras. 5JS..4440 BJ. fan Sl:J. usual plastic Education, to per I 0 r ni pie shop. !ull time 9 am lo used. Make ofier. 548-0025 tings, clothin&, artllacts •1:::;:.::.:...;.;;;~:;:;;;;..-'-PIANO, Baldwin Acrosonic. CLOTHES 25c-50c Junk sculpture mantle $10. highly c 0 rn p 1 e,,. and 12:00. VI'S PIE COTTAGE, or 962-3059 evts only. No down. Pmt1, only $18 mo. many other items. Phaff '68 SINGER, Zig-gag, auto. Contemp()rary walnut, like i~r5:t~:r ~~gu~Ori:~ :a~~~l~~i: 962 -86 71 ~:'r;!~s :~:~na?·o~~ ~~!r~~~~M~Jlollowing. E.:;h: Ji1::_;~,":;~h~I~ WEU('S WAREHOUSE :~~~;~i:'H~~~h~f ;~~~ ~;;!!,n~.bi~~is T:~ n;,_ ~~g7 :S.6 pm. Pd CdM 673-1539 WIRE fen~, ' pes 36" peritnce includina: two Better your income by a platfonn ttknl, ~tc. 673--3762 2389 f ORD HAM Dr. Call 5~16 anytime. I =a=EA-cUT=-;A-n°"Uqu'=°'e-;W"hl=te""Ba=by high. 13~;·' &: 21' Jong: 2 years as secretary to ad· blga;e.r %, New shop CdM 60l W, 4th St., Santa Ana ~2729. Sat. April 26 g.s Grand Piano. WW sell $ 700 pieces 58" high, 4' and 7' nllnistrator 01 executlve. 2640 E Coast Hwy. 67a-7321 4 PIF.CE tu r q u 0 I 1 e Open Daily 9 · 9 PM. Bicycles. trumpet, Musical Inst. 1125 or part trade on good spinet. GOOD Used vacuums 11)425. Deep fry $1-S2. Lazy Susans $2-S4. Boys' Bicyclf! S15. Hair trim set $2. Hot plates S3-$4. Hose S2 .. Hair dryer $4. Saturday and SUnday to 5 P!IT 925 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa long, $2 eu:h. Adjustable Salary $628 k $765. Contact BUSY beauty salon, apace naugahyde sectional, $35. Sat. 9 • 6 SUn. ll • (; typewriter. dble rollaway H _, rt "'s.480l. e.~ for ttnt, C.?¥1. ewp. atta. -,,=-;;;-:::::;::::-:::..--::;;;::-;: · -0 e NEW--• USED e , __ lamps, 36" igh, S8 «ac;h. ·1901 Newpo11· Blvi;I., Costa 642-7800 or 642-7771 ~1ED. 8' custom &eta, olive&: Pull-out desk in center. other household bargains. ..,...,, KIMBALL Conaolette p ......... brld-lamt SlD. Table classif.led personnel oftlce IN t * 5il8-1490 * DREXEL Brea.klront, Pecan bed, table&, Ironer. 'M•nv Guitar •-qua en .,. Hockey ~aro Sl2 (cost $50). Mcq. 645-0600 Ext. 56, on yellow fioral-like print, only 78xl9x72", Co8t $554. 2 ===,...c;---=~==1 Fender• Vox e Standel Light flnlah; like new $595. Electric bll kets Sl each. or before Fri., May 2, 19fi9 COUNTER &. kitchen help t yr old $110. 962--8671 Drexd end table1, pecan GARAGE Sale Sat 12-5 l24 e GIBSON e MARTIN 546--9688 3 PORTABLE T.V. S2J each, typewriter S2J. antique se,,·. ing machine $25. round din· in.a: table S'23, old trun-;, $:-i. automatic \..-asher $15, tools Sl. 317 w. Adams AV('., H.B. •& St 4 h Apply ·at 1921 D Harbor -'-"-;"";;,;;;;;;;n;;;:;,,.---1 cost SlS4. Coffee Table 72x24 30th St Newport Beach VW e MLSON e y AMAHA 2:>' garden JI e · eavy SECRETARY mvd. Co&ta :r.tesa. SOCK rt TO 'EM! Cost Sl50. Scarcely used. Parts, boat .cuahlon, hatch Drum Heldquarteri WURLloTZER CHORD steel castr~ (antiques) Sl RECEPTIONIST "" , cover Ible,•. ir cond, clothes, •NEW--• USED • ORGAN $200. h 644--4367 ME T A1iking coat Je5s W'1" Mr1. ..,N * 546-4T29 * eac · For Ne,vport-Harbor Area. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOY N Lansdale, 673-6286, 833-5339 dishes&: misc. LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO 4 Man inflatable life raJt 2 Must be attractive, wtlt or 645-!315 MOVING! Must Sell! Washer Large ielection wrth new 4 PIANO TUNING It Repair oars S25. Diaphn.Jit air groomed. ~1tti friend I y Joba--Men, Wom. 7500 Jobi Men. Wom. 7500 -~=-=--~~· i $25. Crj•tr $25. DbllJ Md $5. pc sets with cymbals start. Expert, reuonable! con1prcsfor S10. Excelltnl smile. Under 30 yrs, min. 4 MODERN BR set $ 5 0 · Dresser S7.50 &: Jots m~r tni at $99.50. Pedall, hJ-hata: Albert Aa.rneas 675-eSi 17" portablr T.V. S25. Solid yr:: e:<~na'. SH 90 to 100, TEMPO• &RY Birdseye maple twin beds 1970 _Continental, CM'. and eeta repaired. AU small ANTIQUE white I: aold slate cuitar amplifier ~-accurate typing a must. ""' S2'> ea. Cheat of drawen ~1056 part•' acessories & cymbals reconditioned uprl;ht piano. TWIN Beds $25, dinc ue table Tank !-'acuum w:lth at-Send -written letter &. PART • TIME $15. 536-6903 ~""'. Call ·~ -alt•. I . $°' Tm ·1 . I ~~ ~=~~~_,--,-...,...-,· 10ARAGE SALE -fur stole, in stock. ~...,., ~ \1·ilh 4 c inirs ...,, ve an-e tach1netits S5 .Port ab e oomplete resume to Box I f · MAPLE student desk &: cooler with stand s:>. Air "'ashi~ machine SJ o. 1115 N'eivport Beach, Cali/. Atlantic Research has requlremen s or m-chair. Nevamar top 4g x 24, ha.ir dryer. 1un lamp, odds EVERYTfllNG IN MUSIC SPINET WU R LIT z ER , cooler large. s12. Neiv bo\\'I-ggJ-74711 dividuals who are interested in full time and 7 large drawers s 5 0 • ~.:_nds. 20111 Port Circle. Beacb Music (enter walnut &: leather with ing ball 15 lb. SlO. 220 1vir· REFRJGERATOR Freezer See Betty Bruce at less than full time work. Most positions re--6~2-2793 !="'=n=c=h=.$325.'==54&-='1868===::-I ing $5. wrought iron" shelf $2:l. r · tablt' s&\v $25. ti quire 10 to 20 hours per week as needed dur· OVAL Solid ?.laple dining l\tOVING, muat sell: Skl1, Fitctory Sales le Service bookcase $4, prden hose Chair-«d need• cove1 $20. m ing peak 'vork periods. At times evening table w/2 ext. 6 ladder back refrigerator, garden tools, Daily ll noon 'til 9, Sat 9-1 '°'ri,::.,..;~~~5c ~:m~~ c.o~ii!~ f. le~ 1 r \c edger $15. i66 X~C 'vork is necessary. chairs like new. Wht. Emb. ~Y f~i~ :..O~~ls, t740i Beach mvd .. <Hwy 39) •-· b h 1 bl Bookcase~-Drapes 42 x 96 Agency for Ca.rett Girls • REPRO TYPIST Naug. Sect. ti73-6041 muc m ' lW. mt. So. San Dlf!IO r.y. hangtrs 5c a unc · a es Seip' $2. 10range $3.50. Hot •10 I". Coast l!wy-N. s . REFRIG., wshr., b t: d s , Hu11Ur.gton Beach 847-3536 2k to $3. SOoka Sc to SOc, ........ .. ·v , Publication typing required. 50 '"'.pm, wo.rk ELECTRIC washer & dryer dinette • 1 Sat s nd -•-1 16 lo tray larp $5. Hot u~ By appoint 6t6-3939 d d $50 each. M•"ie chest $((1. 1e., m IC. " un. BRAND NEW GIBSON SG games a m....., i!I c vma1# $?.50. Folding cots · from hand written copr. plus un erstan mg · .... s AM to s.. 2222-B Rutgers, GUITAR. Humbucklt1& pick-50c. Pictures 5c to 35c. bird 12 u h T t • Ii ed1't marks and line ustification. 3 years Black ' goll u.M btd " CM with cap and stand $2. all ·""' eac · oas tr 1 ce KITCHEN HELPER -9 am-2 chair $50. 673-f179 upt, solid body, exeellent must Co· 4-26 w sold. 1008 $4. 2 slice SL Mwh-up ll&ht pm, $1. 75 hr. 6 days wk, Sun repro-typlng experience required. OLDER s-.. iab Dtnlna' room FURNITURE, r u a 1, Jove action. plush Jlned hard shell HB 50 ttnJa, boola, Iola• 01 oU. No exp""'· Apply In • OZAUD OPERATOR ~· seat l oUoman •• ,..._....,, .,..., Gu!Jar ·waa l3<0 new Huntington Ave.. · · .._._r backs mostly Harle. set, 6 cha.trs. •--•·-n ff ~~~~=~===· 1 ..-.-~ • person LITTLE JOHN'S I ti bl line * .. ~ .... ~ * matth, • .1...-;-..aneou.s. and case $70, Best o er REF RIG ER AT o R $2.l. qu~ronu.nct 20 ccn:ts. 6 for INN, 20072 N. Santa Ana Several years exper ence opera ng ue -64&-4%66 ta.kea. 499-3003 \Vuher and dryer both sz. SI and 23 cents, 5 for ~1 •Ave: Santa Ana Hei&hts. machine and folding prints in a high volumn ELEGANT cuatom 1teti0nal, Hammock $12. Oval braided others 30 cents to 75 cents. · t · oyster white bl'ocade, like HOUSEHOLD turn. toys & FENDER sgle Show ma n rue SlO. Household· Items 1941 Providence Lane. H.B. MATURE woman to help opera ion. • STENOS 1 $500 646-07l2 lots cf mlscl. All Sat &: Sun amplifiers. A11klng $300 or $1-$10. 675-&572 Glert Afar Tn.ct. care ,Jor bedrl&Mn la4y. No new. • PM. 3134 Umerlck Ln, C.M. best offer. Contact Jim Pier l;o:::-,--:.;;-:==7"';:;;-;.,;;;;, ===""=-===I elll'perlence ~qulrtd. sbould Requires one to three years office exr.ri~ •~~· DEN COUCH MOVING • Ganie sale. "11" 19'16 Newport Blvd. RCA 16'' portable TV ~-SlAl\IF.SE Kittens males $20, ha''" pl•••••t dl•posltlon It in d 80 I Wh\te/ooUtt tones. .,.101 Landlsvlew. El -. 64S.-1741 19 .. -bl TV PhU-·-c 110 -· ·-· • -· enced, 50 wpm typ g an wpm • or • •••s·--•w• , ;:;;:,;;:,;:.,,.,,..--=,.-,-:-::= ...... ... e -.-. FA papetll • ~ willing to work 6 to g hrl, $:iG * ,,.,,. ~ 837-1904. Sat A sun. 1f E N D E R Ba s • man Good Dilhmuter S22. Elec-4 u .nLE kitchen ch-'-K Moot'-·~ ..... ••An hand. v•GON -•-·t kt il poll , __ 18 3 lltt ••IJ",l'" ...... .., "'"'" ~" ~ e ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR HE~ WMmi coc a SAT/Sun 1• • Din . .,1, TV, amplifier $200. Cipher bus :::: $346.s";' TV' stands eath. Maple P 1 at f o r ro LADY wanted . tor summer table, $00. Exc:ellent con-Tabltl, s';,. Gd& Mile. cultar. like new S 5 0. $2-$5. 6 electric clocks roC1te1 lnd matchinc cha~ seaaon In beach coffee shop. Several years experience as artist in technl-dlUon. 5'8-7380 2Ml Bayshott M6--t310 545--0906 Sl-$5. Ha.Ir dryer $8. RCA $12.50 each. Rtcllner ctw.ir ro.· aPP>lntment c a 11 cal publlcaUon, group. KIMBALL IP&t piano, am DOUBLE SET or radto-clocka $8. 6 tloor loclu =T.t:n 135p...-:," ::;, "';' 638-1191 alt 7 p.m. e TECHNICAL WRITER couch. occ. hn61•J:>~ all ~pJlancft 1100 DRUMS. Xlnt c:ond. $1...SC. 3 electric ra~ 1)•,.\lo'riltt 11a11 d S3. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Five veers in proposal writing and editing. like new. &44-ll · $18a. 546-1374 ., tt Ru• w/pad wool 7x 7 & ~••• ·•m•• w••t-, USED fa llO ··--• dl-tte' UPRIGHT F'r«t.itr, C.E. 13 ll nd ~-• ' 63&-'6950 . ..--... " ... .... cu. e OFFSET PRESS OP""' &TIONS '° ; u.K\I "" cu « used. New comprenor TRUMPE"I';. exce ent co " $10. 3910\1 Channel Pla,., '""'" CoUee Shop, 30'1t B. '"""' pi; pair lam!" $9; mat· unit. One yur ... ,. $99. Bach Sb'adavarlus ""t $600, NB 673.-1603 _ HOU.~'OOD Box sprlrgo llarbor Blvd. CM. Three ye a rs experienc~ on small offset trt-· u a b $22: H.F.R.C. nu-'-p'•, 1 M. -· asking $325. SJ&.6083 EY I nd t bl •n d mattre11 s ....... PEIUENCED. rod I h rt fromlte'and --2 HON map e,e a "Ii 1•0· vw ·-~ presses p uc ng so runs • CM ... - 1>5 eoch. I Honey maple Rel~~ ~ • w• FOOD WAITllllS and metal plaits. QU,U.. ""' s1.. bod VI/ G~. -;;; w--· Pl1net • Orv••• 1130 Telovlolon • ,EJ.if 'bl \Df I ceLeR TV FREE Parts & Labor $1 M•. No Dep•sit Relit With Option to Buv We alto rent the tonowlrw: * FUrnl~ • wawn .t Dryers * Re~ton: 6: Ranrea.. : I ·I .. .. ! I ' ' • . ' ' I I I 1 "l '! -I ': ' l . I ~ I . ' ,, •/ .. ' ' • . ' ! ' ' l • ~-j • ?I ' ' •• ., i ' ' ~\ f .. " ' : . • i a: . . ,. I ' ' • I ' I oort .. tablt "1.Doubl•bod w -~ ~,. B•lllMlif Clu• A!>PlyteDonn1lhle . ql\Utedma(t.,complele ~ --•-J. n-. 11511.95 THEllSTDE•LS and headboard nJ, 1 mil.pie Uf.IU.0 om~IUI "'IQ 111 _ ..,...,, w "--"• H NB. ( 54'8030 N--.......... -· ~ ...-icA .....,,. lJl!.11.ft'. ""'"• _.._ nlrhl stand $15. 1 mapk .<IJOthH lOc toll. Shoes 2Sc -·--""" • 7141 .,. •·i·--· ~.-· oneonlyllOO.Dunlap'o,1815 OnPl•n0taOrgan1 521-7555 . -, "I cushion rocl<er $15. 1 maple to Sl. Baby ckllhes 5c to ILECTRONIC • 23:31 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mitt•, CalH. .., ' Newport. C.M. 5'8--7118 Alw. Al knick ltnACk ohelf I'-Wood lk. $!!-undor ••~ ...,.., AUEMBLEllS Mlulle' Sy1tem1 Division Offke Furniturw 8010 G.E. EI<ctric dryer. new Aro iJS bunk bed fra~s plllnttd ilk. Playpen $3. Bal by's Tnt.inee1 with lhnltt:d asaem-It floor model. 2 temperatures. Whl" $1~ 612 B ,,. "•tauranl .... I . 2!. bly boc-und •=Ptabl•. lit Atlantic Researc CASH llEGISTIR $9il. Duolap'•· ISLI N•"'l'Ort. WARD'S BALDWIN sruoro dh\n3pol\:11 Street, H ' B. I iol111twattt1 5c lo St.50. 646-96ll Natlontl, 8 depl's. aood C.M. *m& ~~ N~t•port, C.1.f. 6~ 536-7781 :nllque table SID. 2lt 9th HOUSEKEEPEl\ It child CORPORATION Cond. W-8536. AM'a 536-4S68 KENMORE Auto wuher & --GIBSoN-J·SO BABY bllthlnet 112. Spindle " J-t.a. Cllrt. live in: pvt rm I bn.. A D ivision of the lBM oUICt tltc. typewriter, elea dryer. matchina: set. wllh H1U~!lbell cate. ctadle SlS. Rocki~ lnfonl *VE Upholstered occati~ ref'i;. $39 'fk. 5}' da \Vk. Su1queh1nna Corp. eood cond. nTs. Model "' Recond le guar. s. 0 ' $320 llC\V, $200 ot ~tt- scat $1.00, Bronie and 1 ~ cha.Ir ~-Blu• tablt ~ u. s. Ci+lt•"'"'i" r.~ulr.4 e pica typt.147..1024 147..au,5 Eric. 5'1S510 alttr 6 PM <'l')'alal 5 candle cbandclitr I mp sa. both likll new 1 ·,,,, ............ A .. •,,•,,•,,".,',,o,,.,. ...... • .. ·',,'',,',,· .. • .. '"'.ff ............... ,, -~ ... 1--·nt1! Dtme-a.UM OfARGE 10Uf want ad l'IQW. Q!ARGE IT! 120. 96W116 'nk crib I&, 9S-8851 OAILY PILOI' WANT ADSI ••• ·~~ I I ' ' --. -----·--·· -~~ . --~----~--.... --"--~-----------... ------------.. . ' . . .IL• •••• e ••• * Credit Problems? * \\1E CAN HELP YOU! New COlor TV'a, 1ttno& 6: combos. All Major M._. Mr. Duke . StMi .. CQLOR TV. 19" RCA. Dtldl new picture tubl -. JQ $.3349 ·,1 ' ~ i ' I . " ' . • • I I I I ' j I• D.lll Y PILOT Sot...i11, h<\I Z6. 1969 , I HANOl51 fOlt TRANSPORTATION TltANSl'OllTATICN TRANSPORTATION 1_SA_L_l_Al_ND __ TUDI-.-""-· ~·--~.L;'l;AHD~~T=U.~Ol~~SA~L~l;;;A;N~D=TIW>I=~! l~Boo~ta=&~Y=oc~hh~~~~DG~G l·S.-l-llloall-----to-.-11' I FJshl .. Boeh· 9040 Hl;l'I & $-1210 -1~1• -41' DIESEL YAWL .JI' .SPORT J'lahOr ,i..o 111p DAVID L. FRASER 2otatt -elocrt!Jia. fUJly equlppoct, 1<000 ~~-5:'/i F ~ lClct """'· ll90. URNITUR •r Dll Ketch. ~· .$19.5<1> Rl'I', f1tho. bit 'ff. Sac. ...... E '9' Dal OIUer, clus{q $24,000 28' SLOOP 40' Colin Archer Kctdt $3:0,QXI Aux. Try '4300. 32' Tolly YID, 8.3 yn .f.lt.500 e PACIFIC )'~Irr SALESe ·~Int-l500 • ~a· cc Tri·Cab. lrun1nl' $27.CQJ 34i6 Via Opo11~ z~e"vore U' Sloop, ilps 5, 1n1.1i;t sell 2.1 Hour Pho:ic 013--1~10 SCUBA equipment I n c I • u~r water lfimm camen,. Mm off~. 5$-1339 A1UCTION S2' 12 i\lcl.Cr * Rccc11l 41,1f\'eY Coming CUSTO'-t OL.X K ~l eau : Chuci< ""> -FREE. STORAGE SUllFBOARD Eiroelle.nt cond. 10 It. Ruue:ll, perfect board for beginners Wl.- 3.U·I \I h1 Oporto, Ne..\·port 6n.&2S2 • 49hl916 E\'t'I. 14 f'l Class llunaboul, SO hp Evlnrucle, trlr., Xlnr cond\Uon. S695. TQ;\ICAT BOATS MODEL !'70 Reminctoo 12 P,Ule shotgun; new. S125 FIRM. S36-J822 Blnocul•rs, Scopes 8550 TELESCOPE: fiOO power Ta.9CO Retractor, 4 leM, equiU. mnt., ·camera alert. $95 or best olfer. 536-f.083 Ml1C1llaneou1 l600 . SATURDAY NIGHT 6:30 P .M. SHARP!! Inspect EARLY As We Sell 9UICl<L Y! 2..t' .S1'S 0\1?r /1''1'R-l:"i;iw,:. 1.Uhp (,111')'11. Crown, •'n!hU111 Ship/Shore, Built in .i StwP Bait Tunk-S:!ti~.i. :t:i' Ch1·i.oi C•"S 11Jh11 $1:i!Jj lj' f1Y.; l\lt'rt: jj) Trlr $6.jl) 0 1Qi!111eo i-ci ll \rlG-Jjl,) & r-.l;;ht 616-•!9!>4 or 847-61~j fNeO'ARD ou!board l\lerCru~1 150, full cowr. all Coat.I Guard/ettUl/I, i>hi11 to i;hoN" rndlo, ball tank, i;kit;, lilt !railer. $2.8!"Jj, AOK Commission Gall,ry 171-11 "'·"" 32' Tolly, 1967 mod, Uy BUY, aell or trade. Film, 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD bridgt>, TIS, radio. D/f, appl's. anythin& ol value. 1 Block West of Beach Blvd ., off G.r.. Frwy. elcc winch, Jl&C pl't'ssurc Am FurniluTe. l'n2 \\'Iller. Jmmncula!c condl- Newpctt'f. Aw., Cost& Mesa, lion. Q\\•net n1ust sell! Jn-_Ga-m1Umil5ii;arill.....mNi''iiwc;;;;;;;:l!Mi!!!'s~c.!!!ll!•n~1«11~~--!l600~~M~i~s~co~l~l1~n~1~0~us~--8~6-00~~ I speet & oUcr al 0111· dock. •'I'QUID.tALlNE •tink Stole, DAVID L. FRASER fully let out, portrait collar, Call: Chuck J\\'CIY Orig prlre SJBOO, S.U far ELECTRONICS 3;21 Vi• Opoo'l~ Newpod $350. Gf6..6lOO. CLEARANCE SALE 67:>-5:?52 • 491-3916 Evc-s. PATIO arbor $50. Magnavox UECh: boat, \Valer light TV $15. Philco TV $30, 2 coil Vast Assortment of Component Pilrls , Tcr,t conipa,rtincnts, 16.~s·. At- 11pring11: &. mattresses $25. Gear. Systems & Chassis Gear. Engineer's traclivcly bl!, large uni- M8-3627 and Inventor's Dream or Excellent Oppor· brX"lla, 1railcr in L Jud c d, SE.T of 14 golf clubs with bas &. cart. beautiful condition. Best oiler. Call -494-2539 for appointment tunity for Electronics Firn1 to Secure Large ldc;1l for bay parties. Sell Useful Stock of Varied Parts + Equipment ~·· 1r.in1, 18 bp Johnson. 71•1: for R & D Work. 67~~4 V ARACON CORP. :ZI I Np! Blvd., NB 615-2400 --O··"o".,::'7-n""· --- 011 \' !'/\ILEH .... $1'..'!l:i. llOURl.Y RJ::NTAL.S 11 RJIODES J9's * Fun Zone Boat Qi,. Balboa NAPL.&5-Sabot, new sail &: riuing, fibl'(':::la..q h__ull; 1st rras. offer tukcs~ Ask for David at 673-9680 NJ:..\\" 21' sailbcx1t OH the Jl11jrJ1el. Retail $1995 lnctory discount. 2960 Itandolph St., C~f. ~j...1685 GLASS SABOT. roWlfli: ' gaili~. Nf:\V from $9a. * rnua1:;; * Columbia 5.5 Metre .F/G, A·I, priced righ!~ 714: 792-0U, 213: 799-0228 THUNDERBIRD Sloop, new. Bcau1 ifuH fleudy to launch. f'o1· details. 6'16-(M19 CAL 28, fu11y equipped for l'acc or cru;St', Sal·rificc. Call S·!2-tl06t 151~· SNIPE fiberglass sloop, lr,dlcr & 1nuch ge<1r. $39.jJ o:fcr. '194-89:)11 a.11 StoroVO BOA'f STORAGE Sail otopov.cr up-to m' }."rric. m yan:f. Newport Bayft0nt. MonUUy r11IC11 include. , • Use ol hoiSt i..a).lnchln( CaUAn-~ Jm.2:18! 9050 Ii;t TOs &. 0t.'<'t111 \lk'W lot::, trade for lwi;C cll•ar Uoat. 4'J.j.l137 13' BOSTON \Vl\lllCI' \\'/ either Johll$0n or Evinnidc mtr. Ca.II eves, Ml 6-Tm A ircraft }/5\h 0\VllCl'!ihi p O( !70. Call Idler Ci pn1 • 5;l:,..2600 * Flying Lessons 9100 Cessna 9150 FL'ilNG Oub, Cessna 150, $9.50 hr. wt'I. ll.arbor A\·la· , llon. 84:!-2430 Mobile Homes 9200 $10,000 MOBILE HOME -OR- $35,000 HOUSE! SC HWI NN 5 speed STINGRAY bike. Good con. dition $35. 67H812 1375 Logan Ave. Cost• Mesa, Calif. 10:00 AM-4 :00 PM MONDAY· FRIDAY 17 IT. Perlonncr. islander !Jcluxe n1odel taU [ibe:r· glass) outboard. O:is1om snap do.,..·n cover. Bic wheel til ~ trailer. $700 or best of!· FREE TO YOU GARAGE SALE I ELEC Sunbcan1 P"'r moy,•er er. Fbone 644-4681 alter 7 pm l\link stole . best offer: Slng. & pwr ~gc-.r. both ~nly used BOAT SALE : All types of er sev.ing machine $25: 6 fl once, 1i price. Ladies Olmo boats oUered for sale. Tues- BEAtITIFUL Siamese Sea.I· aluminum jump board $50; dera~lcr bi.kc: n1l'.'n's Lygie Sun, April 22-77. Boats may point femaJes. One already Pool steps $20: Mini-bike dera1lcr bike. Lrg cshaust be viewed at Sea Scout bred to Sealpoint rn a I e. $80; Lambretta motor scoot· fan . 8' cus. 1\11'.'dl. !Wla .. 22 Base, 1931 w. Coa.st Hivy., Power Cruisers 9020 I ~· r.1cridian, fbrgls, c11uip. Conic in today and Sl'C tux- ped for lishln:: or ct'U.istng. ury Jivin:; at <101,·n to earth Asking $1300. Owner am:· pnccs. Especially now dur. ious. 646'"'9739 ing our 1:lcarance sale on LUXURY 65' l)O\\'CI' deiscl all display model.s--lhey're Cruiser. Has all, must i;ell piiced to sell immediately, this \\'eek! $38,500. 646--2598 Parks available in all area.s Bay Harbor Mobile Home Sales 1-125 Baker SI. Must have k i nd, un· e:-$95; fl.fetal detector $95; Coll style revolver IV/ N.B. SpHd-Ski Boon 9030 dentanding home. ~5956 Snare drum & stand S25; ~lsll'r. '6J 1\tG Roadster. t''!liJ,_.--30=. -=TRO=~J~AN~~,,.,-,,.~ "·Uy ~-~ '20· !Jkr. nt'IV, 962-8871 • 10, or LI 8-~ weekends or aft oo:: ......,...u -t • grum'S. falhomcter equip f 0 r SKI Doat 14' fibl?rglass, 5 Pftt 4/28 fttisc. 20121 lmpe1iaJ Cove 14' JlUNABOUT. 3.'i hp f11<hing. s1i>s 6. Xlnt rond !DolphinJ. 7J hp r.len ·. 11·/ OWNER passed a\\·ay. 1-fust Lane, !lB Nr, Adams & Jo~inson: e~cc start, tJ:lr. ss;.oo. 3412 ft(Rrcus, NB. trailer. SWO or bei;.t of· find good hon1es for several Magnoha St. $4j(J, 12 S;ulbool, Sun F'1sh 6i5-0842, 5.J.1-3710 fer. Cali aft 6 pnl 6n.1199 adult INSIDE cats, both BEAUT. heavy lran1c dbl lypt", S_IOO. i 2 _~"l!'le .llohn<'r Hl' , .. 1 •""P•t• <lc<•ke<I 10 l·l' GLASSPA!l, 7j hp ""' ) 1· 11-· J Al'rorcl1on S11 8 Pool i '-' ,,..,,,., "'· · · male & female, all altered. & sprea• JO. 1 lt1p e ' _ · -· · hp John .. on co11lroh1 & s!q; E\•in111dc, JICC(ls \\·ork. S7j(J, 5-l!J-1&46 -1/28 hutch $'10. Tv.·in beds & table, $l:.O. &l...-I028 [., 11i1 ... !-i1i,.ic1 . .$200 or be!>l Afit·r ~:::O, 67:~:1158 ENG LISH Sheep dog. IO hdbds $-XI pr. L;1t· brytided • Rf'ntcmbcr lhe fun of ;i oUC'r. LI 8-2-l;;Q =-=~-~-======= •• • • ltld \\1l'.ll rug $2.J. Oriental type rLEA r-.tARKET~ Corne ' -· .-. • . Boat Mainltnance 9033 mOi., m111c ...... ves e rn. rug 91 ~ x 14. $40. Gold leaf April 2&-?7. 9:30 lo !"1, 16 THAVl!:l...Eh, 80 hp Evu.1. Free to good home . organ stool, antique. 545 D F'cstival Grounds, Laguna t>f·1ny xlras, nluJ>l sc~I lh~ 531--5189 4/28 Victoria, Chf Beach '' 1·., Oest oiler. &l;i....osJ!!, 4 ADORABLE Siamesc-ti-1anx G-11-0264 Carl. ma.Je kittens. House broken KNITTED FABRICS Misc. Wanttd--·a610 18' LYr.1AN. pert. cond., well &. weaned. 5J6....8748, 408 ---equip:d.; 110 H.P. Gray; COi\ti'LETE boa• & yaci1l cleaning. Dec:., hull, inside B· out. General cleaning, very reasonable prices. Cati 1.1r. Page between 4 & J pm. 21~: 698-8637 """""""'"' H.B. "" "FOR SALE $ WE BUY $ """" 14.000; """· 12,00J. litlN. Female Dachshund J Remnan~. samples &: Mill No trades. 644--0234 or ========== yn;. old, hsbrkn. Good ends Sat. OnJy 8 a.m. to 7 $ FURNITURE $ 547-1641 Marine Equip. 9035 w/cnildren. 642-7621 aft. p.m. 929 Baker, Cci5ta lifesa. APPLIANCES 1 ·'N-BO=A-R_D_l_o_"_lboa>~-~-. ~ls· SWORDFISH PLANK 4:30 4/26 * AUCTION * Colo, TV'1-Pi•no'1-Sloroo'1 Johnson Seasport, 120 hp, To\\·cr· Stalnles.<; Cab 1e 1 _ PART Cocker pup11 to home I Pioc• or Ho•n• F11ll ta.kc over pa Y m n t s. Ready to Go. 6-16-IJ97 lvilh children only. Eves If you will &ell or buy CASH IN 10 MINUTES ~08i1 675-ro21 and v.-cekends. 365 E . ~ivc Wi.ndy a tr:• • 541 -453 I • 14' A"L~u-M-lN-u-.~,-,-,.-,,-n-.. -, 3.i HP Evinrucle. good con- Esther, C.M. Auel.Jons Friday 7:30 p.m. ff i di!ion. $1$0. s·· Trailer \VANT scd •heel ha" Traveler, Ski iv/ ,; hp \Vhcels & !ires. 962-~1 2 BEAUTIFUL long hair Windy's Auction Barn .u · "' c ir gt)()(! Evinrudc. $ 3 o o. Call I k h. k. ro67~,!!!~n, rtu:>nablc. Call 6-.' ·~ 2 Cl'RYSLER V·S M,,.,.,,. b ac & w 1le 1ttys. F'rce Behind Tony'll Bldg. tllal'l. .ro"'"" ,;....., ... u., ~ '"" to good home. 673-6434 aft 5 2075~{, Ne\\'poprt, cr.1 &16-8686 . -,,-.-C~A-e=1N~c-,-~-,,-.,~,-l5~H=P engine~. 413 & transmis- pm 4/26 Lus~y Criss-Cross Dn-ee-lntrrccplor. Rebuilt l!l68. sions. 673-9620, aft 6. 6T:Hil84 ,~ b!ock East or llal"bor Bh·d. on BakC'r Costa i\lesa (Tl·ll SID-9.fiO * ON O IOICI:: LOT * in lin<Cst Org, Co. 1"J;u·k, An;ihei:n. E.-.;cclleut l"Oud., p:•liu. porrh, t' a r po r r , :-0!0111gc shed, huil!·in ~tcrco ~fl":>l;cn;. Par;unount :i!I' -s:. ~00. Call 548-jl&:> alter 6 l)i\I. 27' tl1ASfEliBUILT trailer house, cabana., s t o r a g c area. Com ple te l\'iH1 furniture S2500 ca~h. Sec IV.gr. 2912 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. DBL. Expando Kit Trojan 20x5-5. Sea.cliff Mobllr Prk. 8!XI W. 151h No. 108, NB. 9215 27' BUS. converted into cam· pinG" bus. 1966 Ens , cvc1-ylhing new i n s i ·t1 e , sto1-e, oven, 1;:,'C rcITig, crpts, drps ample storage. · NEWPORT Beach Tennis t c N 1 Be h San HORSE Fer1.illz.er \\"/Shav-aub J\tcmbership for sale. ~~imse~tc,e~~337 ac ' $1073. &U.,)j82 i ngs Barn K OC Save $200. Call Harry BOllt Slip Mooring 9036 ~14=5tlll=·="=&-='='="==== Fairgrounds. 548-3249 aft 7 Butler, 805-482-3882 o r l ~Mo.:::c.::h:.:i":.:'::.'Y!..•c.el::.:•:.· _ _:8::7~00::1 s_._l_lbo_•_ts;_ ____ 90_10 Plt1 4/28 write, 1~ East Bancroft, · FORKLIFTS 15' FIBP~EGLASS sloop 4 ADORABLE flufly kiHens Camarillo, C&Hf. . 4 000 lb Cl "· 6. 1 sails, trlr.: S225. CATALINA l\Iooring for sale. Best Isthmus location. Call 642-1752 e\les. need Jo\1ng homes. 6 wks GIBSON J-SO ' . a"'· mas' 6<\5-1432 olt:, \\"ea~ & trained. needs a lot of 11·ork .. S300 1"°""'"°'"°""-:=:-=,.,-· Boat Service• 9037 ~7647 4/26 with Hardshell case, 4,000 lb. Yale, solid 20 fT Racing sloop, flying 1---------- Too many friendly rats! Eri~. ~~~t~ ~~~f. . ............. ?¥take Offer! Dutehn111n, lraile1\ dac~. Underwater S•lvasie -t,000 Jb. AC pneu. many extras, n89:>. 6'12-9227 Snlall job!t. 892·074j FREE !Pets Only\ CARPETS. Vinyls, Tilts, lat. 4 .,... est styles and colors. Com-.............. !\fake Offer! NE\VPORT F'inn, spare sail, I-"========= 6.IXX> lb, To\vmotor •... $89,j rudder & boom. Good road 639-2691 or eves. 897-2433 fraill"r. SlOOO. 67;)..~188 1 __________ 1_..,.., mercia.J. I: Residential. Ex· BEAutlFUL German short pert installation. Mir. male, 3 yrs, \\'ell train-M2-1403 ~7262 ed. Needs loving home, lrg 2 WHEELCHAIRS S40 k $85. yard. 830--0194 4/29 J walker $j(). Everest k. AOOR. Blue-eyed gray male Jennings, all collapsible. J & Blk/wht tern. kittens bedside aluminum pole, $15. 6#-0688, 29'11 Carob NB 4129 All xlnt cond. 2·18 ~fonte ND. gd. hm, for Beige mixed Vista Ave, C. lit 548-2367 Oillmahua, 1 yr. old. 10 lbs., T\VIN mattress & box loves childrn 846-2451 4/28 springs, like 11l'\V $25. 19" LATHE. Univ. l\lill. Ver1 T " Kite. Perfect cond. mi.I, shaper . cutter grinder, $850. nietal band saw. Hyd. pre1s, 675-1907 aft 6 Pl\f ~1i.de, var 1 1ety,bo. 1 , 1 mail quan-28, CAT. Choy de 1 g n, u 10s nu s, s, screws, E d 1 ~-l8000 · &. II '' ,. & nsena a ve . .c.11uaS. pins supp e!I. ac uie ·~""~ 7141893-1019 tool library. &'6-1178 va •. sac .,"""'· ----------SHOCK SABOT A·l condition PETS and LIVESTOCK No. 2922, dolly & cover. $325. 5<18-7668 6 MO. old German Shep. Westinghouse 81\V TV good Dogs 8825 OK Dingtcy Sailboat: ready Had 5 h 0 t s , ma le. cond. $25. G.E. Touter $2. • . to sail, lnel. trlr & canvass &tZ-4580 -1/26 546-9249 SKYE Terriers, AK C, covr.1'. S425. 6i3-4149 rREE male kittens. 2 black, HOUSEnJL of fur~ -Odds&. ~b~~n. sired. S h ots • 1966 TARTAN, 2'1' sloop, 1 grey. \\'e will deliver 10 ends. 2-26 ~a] f~sh tan~s· 1 • 519_2547 * lnbd. AIL'I:. Sleeps 5. f"ully you 6~1 4/28 stand & Ush 1nel $130. cquipPed. 6!."l-2336 •~----------\ Dish\\'asher $95. 10 finches GERJ\.tA.N Shephertl pups, Shoi-egocr-5ail.in1' Dinghy Bo1t-'V ach t Ch1rt1rs 9039 LUXURY TS 40 Chrisovltch available for E n s e n a d a P..ace. Sleeps 8. Al.so 47' Chri,; Sedan a va i l a. bl e. 6'12-9672 BLUE\VATER OiARTERS 11-Drive sail or po\\-er boats. J{nbor crulsei;/sport fi sh. Daily • \Veekly * 646-00XI CAL 24 for CHARTER S2:i day. $1M "'k. 845-29:>7 Fishing Boats 9040 27-~. Fishin9 Beat ocx; -5 lilo. old mixed $25. 2135 Raleigh, Ci\f. fen1ale, black S25 el\ch. SlG:i ,, .. _.._ !'llnt with child-" •1 \"· • Good 1 h d 6-<)'I. Chrv. slcr e!"'illf'. o\·cr . • Ul......,., • , .. • "o 1n:r-. \\'9 C og, * 57:,..2335 * . ., ~TI84 4/28 KING-Size Span~h BR. set. 540--JG--hauled Nov. '68. Sleeps 3. ~ SWt&SE Sealpoint kit-11 pcs .. $160; 4 Rattan lmr '.J 14' HOBIE C"A~T~-l lcacl, Gallr)'. Ball Tank. ten: black kitten & tabby stools $8 ea., mangle, xlnt ALASKAN f\falan:iutei;., for (TI-41 612-833:i 1213) -139-i667 Docked at llunllngton Sch. kitten. 646-5.'.111 4/28 cond. $15. 642-1606 show or breeding, AKC1---~·------$2,200. 6.U.7315 arter S p.n1. Motorcycles 9300 e HONDA e MINI BIKES 1$9 ·90· OR '65" * $2 39 * HERB FRIEDLANDER 137'";,0 BEACJJ BLVD. H\V, J!l t2 Blocks So. C, Grovl!'f\\y,) '6.'i GILERA dirt & street bike, good Pil'l'lli lircs, )1('1V battC'ry, less than 1500 mi, nttds n1agneto S l 5 0 . 4~-fiOlit btv.·n 6-9 pn1. '68 f\AWASAKI, 175 cc Bushwacker . Xtra sprockets, xlnt cond. $lj(J or of.fer. 962--00!!1 1967 250 X-6 SUZUKI Scrambler. S32:i, II om e 536--6657 & work 673-0900. ti-1r. Ro\vnn llONl),\ :>0. f;Xl't'\lcn1 cn:.:10C'. For !rail only. S::..C Cash. '1!1?~1i,17 '£-SUZUl""I lio rlh-t bikl", $200 nr trade for ~~11h.~ gl"111'. R621 Tra::k, Ga1ilen G11lvr QUAL. K S. ~ 1 registered, healthy, Bia.ck \\'hite Elephants~ or anytinie ,,·eekends. BLACK & silver Ge ng uc ~ w & While colorin1 , • $75•-==========-"'=='=======" I S"·-~~. F-1 ~ quilted matt., comp Ir t t 4~ ,0 <· '""'"~" ...... 0 6 """ N sed $98 th $250 and up. ~~73 Trucks 9500Trucks 9500 Suzuki 80 Trail Bike. P<-rff'rl condition. 962·1782 1~'~"~m~~=·=-=~!lt17ti~•-~~-"cc29 84;~u : wor . TOY POODLES, A'f&. lll/F, 1jijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiijjjjiiii~i BASKETBALL Backboard.1..:...;.cce""-v~A~C~U~U~M~S~e·-6 11'ef)ks old. Call-II You haul awRy, 675-0787 * 545-<£rt * 4/Z9 SlO up. Repaln &. paru. I ~=~~=---~-· I Rtuonable. Coast Vacuum, CUTE healthy Pu PP it~· 333 E.171h, C.1'1. 642-1560 S48-94 hl 4126 SEARS 9 x 14 double FREE 6 \\"ttk old kittens. sideroom tent. Excellent Call ~. 847-3358 condition. \Vas $129 now $45. A'<C l'dln. Poodles. Apricot. Show or pet quality. ~fJF. 6 "·kl. $65 & up. 540-S638 AFGHAN HOUND, AKC, le.ma.If'. shots, 3 months. Show quality. 962..oo89 IS ,.OUR AD IN CT.AS.'!· FIED? Someone 11ill be looking fo1 ii. Dial 612-5673 for quick, elficit>nt re.c;uH~. I \\'11ite elephants! 01mt'-a-linc I ----·-- TRANSPORTATION I< Pim Auto Services \iAR1ous Pontiac ca1· l)(lf'lt;. bl 1 '100 C1I In cng, ram air ca·n, headers, etc. 673-1922 Troiil•r, Travtt 9425 TRANSPORTATION l tt9116~~~~~~~~ 67 ROLL.I) Royal lG' scU-co1l-1; · tulllC(! Travel Trailer All EALEY '1C'!.'<'Ss<11ies! Ea i;. y. i It t AUSTIN H ti·ailer hitch plus rcudt'r --A lJ~~ 1niITOrs. Used 4 linics. GO A·U candyapple ·~· . ...ci Prne1ically nc1v! $ 2 Io o . 1981 this is no spn1e a!Jd 61C...l&g7 Isn't out ot 1lgbl at n~. TP.AIL\VlDE fuil self l1lnt'd~ Cilifor(lia Sporh Cits 001 Ensl ls! S!. Santa 1'fl8. Like nc11•. F~nl)ol Ss20 thut f :'i pan<Ui lo luxurious 1:1· :>12-880! t \1•ide, slef'ps ti. S.::100. Jn ·57 AUSTIN Heal<'y Coupl!, 4 park. Call &: l--0233 aflcr /lC'll' Urt'S, needs h ii ad 5::-.0. All day week-ends. gasket. Has 'C.:I alW'!. ~ ake 21 ' TRAlbER, old but• clean olff'r . .fil4-600l bfwn 6-9 pm. DATSUN & t:o111Cortnbll'. Xlnt for sfudy or cxfra BR. $:'.:Ai. !r..2-n>s 1---------- :!"l' ONE BR. BA. sho11·er. '69 lOOO DATSUN r.oadsll'r, 5 spd ll"llm~ 135 Ell'C bos, 11·/healer. Con1p. hp,· tlli·, honcy·gold )Cllow. f11ra. J.1l;e nc11·! S 9 9 J , E12-2ro3 • bli.:k boc~ret seat.'!, radio, Hi' :-1·;!.V con1a111C'd tr ll"., 111.1 ny f'Xlras: ;i11·11ln:.:. <'h', SllOO. :~1s--14.·,~ Trailers, Utility 9450 9520 CAMPER Salts. Rentals Authorized Dealer Eldorado Four \Vinds • Scolsn1a11 30,000 Feet of Camper Displays Theodore ROBINS FORD hcale1·, 1rsw·~. lei;s th11n 1000 n1i. Undci• fact 11a1T. Take ultler 101-eign car in !lade or SITJ cash dch'i, \lli!I fine priv pt·ty. LB YN\V ,IS\ call Ken, 494-977:: or ;,.1a-oo:;.1 '68 DATSUN __ _ 2060 Har Costa l\le.sa Newport lm Ltd. Or- ange Cowicy's Only author- ized dra!er. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 2060 }!arbor Blvd. 3100 \V. Ctast H"'Y· Co'. 1, '''·'" 61, 0010 Nt>wpori Beach ,, ...... . .,,. 6t12·940:i 5<10-1764 ;;:;~~~~~~~~~l·="A=u=lh=o='=''=""=='~·[~S:°'::O:"=''='~ 1~ V\\' Can1pcr \\Jtent,1 ~ t xlnt cond. l!l&I V\V Bu~. FIAT good cond. best offer. Prv ---------- prly, 646-8886 r.lon thru 1'~rl \Ve'll help yoo fight your 9-5 large car 1iS1>.t.ion with a CHEVY '6.1, ~ 1011, 101v mi. new Fial. All ,models. avail- 1965 81!.' Tear Drop. ~!any atile for immediate dcli\·cry. f'Xtras. $2251'.l. 847-38-49. Servire & Parts too: 30'" CAMPER SHELL. likP. California $ports Cars nc11-, S' Cargo door. $1j(). 212 901 East 1st Sit Santa Ana 391h St . 673-9009 ~.&01 l96G CHEV. Van r-..&H. Faint hea11 neer v.·on fair Pall('l!cd, chro1ne wheels. Fiat. See this 'Ii& 850 spider 673-5.)i9 spining its \\'rb for $1799 19&1 FORD 1 ~ Ton Custom (VZ?.8301 al : Cab \v/Can1pcr. Sleeps 2. California Sports Cars ·12.000 n1i. ~1200. 642-3666 001 East 1st SL San!a Ana 512-SSJl C•mper Rentals 9522 1-~N~<:«l,,_a,-,G~•~nl~t -,,~~~"l:~l~,~, Flnd ii \VUh B \\'ant a<!: COACH • TRAILER RENTALS \' ACA TION TRAILERS lifl\"<' a Scotsman sum1ntr A\·aiJ. locally by ""·k or 11·kend. Ph. for RescFYa· tioni:;. 49-l-4922 9600 j 'IRANSPOltTATION· JAGUAR '66 JAG XKE. 2 tops, clean; i;acrificc smJ, 492-#11 KARMANN GijlA '<O KARJ.tAN Gbla, r 1¢ b, new tittL Xlnt c o n d • , private party, After S:J> 66--~1 '59 GHIA. Rum gooil. body In bad shape. Xnlt for ~ buggy. Make oiler. S36-S695 : MERCEDES BENZ Mercedes Benz '6.J 220 S.E. Deep midnight blue with plush contrastin&'• all vinyl Inter. Fully equip. incld, auto trans, air condi- honing, power steer, etc., etc. Absolutely Oa\vlt'M. .r-.tust Sf'C & drh'r. Several olh<'J"S to l·hoosc. rluµorr ll n ort s -Or;in~e COunt y·~ L arge~! S('lect1or1 New & u~('C1 Mercedes 8 <-'ll l Jittt;~le~C)nS Imps. W~n·~r-.. i. tAain St s'onta:-A.Ma>''.':'·. 546-.il 14 t.1ERCEDES Bcni 600, "'The ullilnatc 1notor car." 4 door, air su.~pt'nsion. disc brakes, po\rcr cverylhing, au Io, t'~l!Ail1 radio & healer. \\'ill talir trade for late n1odel An1crican auto or submit. Roy \Vard &16-0228 f.11::RCEDES '68 200 sed, 4 spd on floor, Al\T/FM, many extras ll,000 orig ml. Fact \\/art, ecooomical, likt n1.1. &15--0460 MERCEDE.5 Benz l!ll SI.., 19J8. Very good e '-n d . Sacrifice! $12511, 675-2752 hll::RCEDES '66 250 S, auto, alr, low mileage. • S<ls-&1·18 .. "& MERCEDES Benz 220-S, auto, air/pl\'t. Xlnt cond. 2i000 m i. $2750. 494-2674 '67 MERCEDES 230 S 4 Dr. Sedan. Must sell. &17-5333 all 5 pm. MG * New MG* GET A BETTER DEAL HERB FRIEDLANDER 11750 e ~o'h Bl•<:! ctt .. v 39! 2 bl•' So G.G Fwv S9J.7Sl.~ S l 7·~S2~ Happiness is O\Yning a S2 TO (l\1BV5-t21 or a 51 TF (PMO 0421 California Sports C•rs 901 East 1st S!, Santa Ana 5-12-8801 CLASSIC 1'1G, TD "52; body xln1, needs paint. Eng. n'haulccl, never run. Need! in~tallation. Must sell. $500. 54~6.'.ill '65 hlG l\1idset Roadr.lcr, like nc1v. Desperate~ 1st $6JO takrs. 962-8671 For Daily Pilol \.\'Rnt A<h Dial &tZ-5678 NEED 1d. bomti; 10f' lov, 54()...1375 kittens, all sil.n A: coloTI!. l'EARL==v~A~,,,..,.--. ---7,-~~'7"-'· 836-4493 4/28 2 end tables, coppertone TOF'f Cat while &: Orange Frigidaire, mod. tables & Glt!C:n e)'H. Tlft to good chair. elc. s.t6-00S.1 LABRADOR Pups. bla.ck. AKC $75. Grea.I fa.n1ily dogs & hunters. 962--5737 \\'EJMARANER A Lab pup. pies. $25 each. 1 f. pUrtbred w. $40. &t:z..6110 aft 5. SEE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY SHAKING-UP TRUCK PRICES! a~a~a~ home. 6G-12SS 4/29 2 WIDE oval tltttii, 600 x 13 UVELY kilt.ens, ti \\'ks old. w/ custom reve1'91! r ims flt 20312 S.\V, ~ Sant.a Sprite. i;io. ~65 -H(tL S4&"'1i3 4129 UPHOLSTERING • 1£uro. BED, sprina: &:. ~ttreu. )>tan cn.ttsmcnl f'rte est.. Near Bristol &: Warner, S.A. dfo~ pickup, 215 lifain, HB $$-2302. Beroanl'1 Upbot ~ BEAGLE, mixed Puppy haa OECX>RATOR'S delight 32" abotl., call alter 5 P1't. sq. \Valnut pme t11ble, .$41).1995 4128 match'r cbalrs $1 5 o . MONttl old kitter15. 30941=-~~"~=:----,,.,..,-Molobl Ptacr, Mesa Vtrde. EXCELLENT co n d l t i o n SU~ only. 4/21 Maple druser SU. Bar CAr .. motbl!'r " 2 kittena stool.a, 4 for $20. 2881 (weened> SDOVtnc tttt to Europa Dr. 5tM)73J ~ horDt. 646-7513 4121 BROM. din's nn. m\lc AKC Beagle PUJ16. 6 \\"eeks cld. 4 miles, 1 fcmiile. 968-3952 POODLE. toy, pccUgrttd malt. 7 91ttks. • !',.~ * COCKER Pufllll .. m each. * !i~-6973 4 l\llttns, pa.rt Runion Rlu. ".642-3354 4/29 TRANSPORTATION Boeh & Yochts 9000 n»fTY t ll'fY kitlcnl wt fu.rnishlnp 6: hou ie bo Id WANTED TO BUY 00.t A: Wlil Wit A boots Mantd A ftnnL nYJl Devon Ln NB. onshore or olfshore moor- b'811114. 1CM1670 4128 ~ ing, Balboa Island. \Vrite to KENMORE wuhfr • Swlw.1 9 1 2 J & rr. 1 I ca \V a >' :_u.;,.. ~~ ~ rocktr. S1J ctdl-2350 S.nt& Ba~rsrield. Calif. 93.-m tll.....,. -=tion. s a ... f' Ara Ave .. Apt. F. 6e2l63 I ~18~. ~v~ .. -!llBO",=~.~R~D~.~,-... ..,.~,.-, ,..._, dDMt ,.!tort, Look WALK·IN' -CAMPEil for Sale 14' boat, trailer. &-II or tflW?!f• $300. ll4·8 Vk:toriL 0 1 in-&-. 114: TT5-<Jm ., SEE THE LEADER UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE-GMC 2850 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA PHONE 540-9640 ~ . ELMORE MOTORS lSJOO llACH BLVD. WISTMINSTU H4-JJ22 • l111k linoncin9 •~•l11bl1 111 b1nk 1ppr1•1I ef cr1dit, 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster 89•·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS ·- . ·t~ lmI .1 • The J1guu XKE It one ol the world' 1 greal •ala< mobiles at b1lf the greet 1ulomoblle prl.:,J Under 56000. Wbol n you wolllng lor? ' Ja~ariJ O'i?oo& B~CK 234 E. 171h. St., ~ d"" Co1t1 M111 ,r~L su-n6s .• I • ) ' ' . -; ·-"a. 1"9 ' IWLV ,.,,,, , _ _ , ..... :raANIPOlTJ.T!ON '. TRAll.l"OllTA'nOH I!:'!"!'OllTATION t llANSl"OllTATIOtl . TUNQIOllTATION -n,\NSPOllTATlON TRANSPOllTATlON fltiidl'OltlATION rlWISP6ttlfiOJI '.i llftcm ,.. MG Saln, l!lavlte, Part. '-'"' Avhlo MIO l!npo-A-NGO lmpo~ Autoi HOO "'1~or!M A-HOO Imported Au1M "'° Autoo W•-'70G UMd c...1-· 9900 Uted Con 9'00 MG MGA M•• TOYOTA YOLISWAGEH wz PAT . • C4DIUAC CHmOL!T fi'f)()f.e BUICK I ' tinm..l!ala ~. •' All~· • l9(iO MGA 1600 HT. Xlnt • MGB 66~, Rd 1 tr, cond. Sell « trade tw BRG/blk int. R • H, camptt or bull. 536-UU Odrive, chr wttts. 19,000 nU, tmmac. 615-lnt. ar an '· 'TOYOTA 19611 VOLKSWAGEN. llod1o CASH , LOOK '65 ci..w: ·~ HT and ....... IU45. '!!002T. ~ ..._. ·~ ~~ Import .,... ~-U8IS ~ ' • -,,...., ,.., -· vwo-$ SA VE $ l!qda m'11., HliDl!or.., tor --• -"'* 1"7 c..,po o. VIiie "7 uitle .,.. ,... trom i.ei. ··•i O.H•.J .• ~ .. ,,; COSTA MESA _1~1tc1 p L1:' _1 1 11 t i 1 , 11 I , MGI -eall 111 W fr'M ..._.., "'--~n. 1 u -IUl'e World. $150 Dell or tl.ke E.-lw Car Sele "-II. 50!-<>'C -'r"""r, ;._-:!!!: · 1==="'="=== 1 &ROTH CHEYIOllT -.. !Oil 111"V· '"""" ....... Wiii tin\>_"" • ...,.. • rm DRIVE 111 S100 W. Out a.,., Nll. -5'0-1'161 Authorized MG Dealer .;1!. ... ;!'._''l. -~~--• if :c; VOLVO •..10:::,-.... ~.::: Mm· llll -blld< .,...., Joler. ---· WR VOLVO ~ Q ,_, low -V.f, """' • • • EYttY ...... .......,, ,,,. =-· low -$UOI). IHPalTS Kl ~ ... ' l.J<:., UP't-919 • -lll1o. ' II:!* 1·c.cu • .. JUST ARAl\l£D :00) =: s.i: I=""====== TOYor,,,,_... $ SA VE $ WID .... ZlitMEIN4ltDATSOll r;,;.~~-~ : • ANOTHER II& • lrelh 1n .,.,,. de!ail. Stv· PEU&EOT 19116 Harbor, C."!. . 648-9!03 E.-1w Car S.111 ,.., ~ ~r~w., CM. wiaoio 635-14411 Anallelm. • SHIPMENT OF. : 3 -19'7 MGB GT To cfKIOle !1'001 • all tffdy to io. Lo u $2315. UJC SIT l~tlllP Lll ! j\ 111 p Ll rt,, uolotlitn1Dci.-;._ '!'l"-tP>dcond,""" BILL MAXEY HurryWhlle'lboyLoltl r-•--·-, ·~10 jj¢ CHEVkl>LET EJ • 1969 ...U. Pl! or ,,... otter-; ~ Ll.IJfA 6 Pl1 top dollara Paid lor ,63 CADILLAC CJmlno. VB,•• to <Ul II c • • f:;:;;a~ lll36 Givloto. IT.TIA! • oot.6n~ll(,O Coupe D• Ville I'::'.~ 1= ~ : : .Ltll1U PEUoor "" •59. SU11rool, 11111 ILVD. IHPORTS run -rao1 Air ,,,. "°u ~:.. !8&1;_ ~~~' ~~-• QPELS • Hu.I, •---L 147-1555 -OT·--'!'":·:~·.. . • • un..,16,on """a"''' J'l\l"'\l'l'M l'\ll1I ~. aood mil~. .-n •v• -.. .., Auto LHslnt 9110 tie• white w/Whlte landau • $200. ~ s mi N. of OJut HWJ. cm 8dl 1966 Huber, C.M. 646.aJ03 ;;;;;;:;;;;;;-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I top • Beautltul NYJ...S«i EO CHEV Jmp. 2 dr lldtp • GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK . · REDUCTlON USED CAR SALE 1956 YOLKSWAIHN s499 Mak• 0 good d UM buggy, runs ru1 good. SJW 684. -1< -0000 VALU• US•ll' CAJI - 1964 MONZA COUPE 4 speed, radio, beater, maroon with ma.tchi..,ni iotenor. oy. 328. A.real xOod ftlu~ .-. .. . -·r u• ear- 1' ri ™ '799 ... YOLYO . '1499 Red with Matching Interior. They • lut tor "EVER". Real nice inside and ou~·A,real gas saver. SLW 223. 1 GOOD VALUE USED CAil - \1"6 'COlYmE '3199 . BQlh 'tons, M with ted interior auto. ~-t!acL air, P.S., P.R. A real bei.ut.f. Low mileage. XNJ 393 ~,.~ 'FOl.P, WA-;;,4• C••-$ ~Pus. cOO ntry Squire. V-8, auto., 1699 p-steer. SCZ 296. -0000 VALUli us•o c••- 1967 CAMAlO '1899 The hot one. Thlly factory equipped. UCK 170. 7 to choose from. -CIOOO YALU• Ul•t CAt- 1'67 PONTIAC CATALINA ""'299 V-8, auto., power 1ttertn&, fact.ory ..& . •. UGROTH . CHEVROT(j-_ 18211 BHch Blvd.-unt. Bo11qf(Hwy. 3'1 545-186 7 I) 'Til 9 P.M.-7-613' PORSCHE PO RSC HES 11 to chtme trom. t.araest selection ol Poncbe1 ill Sou.the:rrt Calitornia. _I~ L'lll p L1 ! I ~I 111p1111 •, 3100 W. Out.Hwy. Newport Beach &42-9405 540.1764 Autborhed MG Dealer BEING TRANSFERRED *'66-912,S'Pd. $3!1» * ... vw "' back """· Both excel. 8;l3-.2315 t'YeL '65 PORSCHE C. AM/FM, Chrome wbttls, cocoa mabl, rad1als. custom exhaust, xlnL $3595. rB-3915 '60 PORSCHE super 1600, new engine, paint, tires Ir. battery. Must sell. 833-2369 .,,.._ SPRITE '67 SPRITE, pert ccnd.1!,l50 Or best offer 673-171'.5 Mo~ ing or EvH SUBARU SUBARU Retail Division $12'7 POE $150 dn ·$43 mo. O.A.C • 1000 w. Coelt Hlghwoy Newport BHch . ~ * 540-273i THE QUICKER YOU CALL. TIIE QtnCKER YOU SELL Imported A-9600 lmportod Autos 9'00 Imported Autos f/:j THIS' IS -NOT A @· TIRE' BUG , ... OHCI '""°" UllllOll' llll ,.,. MS. • • Al'ftltltnt In "-•na • •Kr • mm I ... QllW 111 11$11 UU1J:'llll TlllM MOflll llS Anw.llD G.LlllC ..... MT tn •t ~ 11 .. llT OllCl41' dt-. ltlNlal .... ._ nl• • OllCll a 11C111C11 ... -· A19 TIU tllst • ""'" 11 Ml TUM IM Tiii PAl'l11 tr.s..,, • •"' ,_." ua.,. um . ._,Jll!' Q w 1t •;;'*:;:"""':::::., ___ , .. '68 vw IQUAltl Ill.Ck lt4. WKk ~ ...... _.w. ul _,__.L"-... """" ...... ,, ...... . s .... .. Ut6..ti aoa.oo ... hi!. 2116.95 IAl '66 PORSCHE "'CPL . ...... ~"'Cl,tre ...... ~-........ ·tk. .. twlnl' --t 21•.•-~ ..... ' ··'lllll .. -' . 4170.95 .. ~ 163 vw I 'I llOAN allll """91Uc, v'"11 lnlerlw nll"'i !IN*, L~ ""' OoW4 .... . ...... 1 ........ It.•.•· I .• , ... 111 ........ '68 vw ..... 11..,. Wllfl ~ Wiili. llnlulltttd \'lnyl roof, rMlt 6 hNlff. "'" n ,Ktn »-• *· tlJl.D 40IM Dll. ~ml. 1731.95 IAL ; ·- '62 vw IUN •DO" •IDAM lei. 1-. Alt ltll utlM JIK""""9 '"'rm':'"• W/ ..tlt.llc..'"-1m.• ..... ,_ S.tiilll. 11 ... ii VIM ...... --~ ....... ~~ '66 GHIA COUP• ...... ....... ....... l<i .... ....... 1532.95 IAL '63 vw ..... .,....,.,_ •-vlflyt lrltwW , ..... '*·· ~ Gll'lll tlln. Lie. PLZ 651 ..... n::·:: ,.,,. -k-1077.95 U L 1532.95 IAL TOYOTA '65 VOLVO 1111 S LEASI. RENT $1 J95 R~bullt 293 cu '"· 4 BBL Willi AUlOMATIC • Sport o.u ... • .....i. dlr, ALL POPULAR JOHNSON & SON ;,;:.':.;s .~..f.'"11."~: ' • lRANSMISllOM • !!'1 HEADQUARTERS ELMORE ::..n ~·b'l~~ -:e: MAKI$ Lincoln-Mercury 546413 arter 3 a : ta}le <icier 1ore1p cu in tORD DC1 Harbor Blvd. &o.'MO '61 6-P~ Sta. Wag. Pwr. • lrl<k. IB SAii 1125. Call IWI AUT ORIZID 'SI CAD Cpo· .. Ville, $3691. Glj~., ,!jn)..S &I,. Faclm, • • l5300 -BM.. ·-'9WTll °' 5l5<J634 LIASING AIR. full .,_, !00% fin-P/B, PIS. P/W,· •le. Sups • "•' Pbont 1M;m2 60 VOLVO-5" SYSTIM at S'A.'Xi: 63J-.2a9 !!!! ~I: care" ra&.111L a Gtt Our Cotnpetittw R&tts •·--"'-• It YoW' two.car prqe only rtblt, excL cond. Grt trans. Theodore '56 CAD Sedan de Ville. Good 68 OiEV Impala •Uper •ixrt • OUI O'IL PllCU • •• balllullTblbllFiallnyour P,,,,,.Sl•ve513--0961 ROllNS FORD runnfugcond.1160. Full la! air 321 • future ! 'li7 8SO sport cpe for 646-5560 power c · ' • n ART AT $1295 ~UPGS12l. Sport C1rs 9610 2060 Harbor Blvd. . 1968 Cad Coupe de Ville. Xlllook.OOO Fullmilespn"-~ WlderClr • s1 7 7 7 ' C11if0rftl1 SpOrts Cars Costa Mna &IUOJ(I FUt.LY LOADED! '5700-m ffarbor. c~~1m' • 8 901 Eut ~..!.,s.n.1a Ana '61 PORSCll -~~!'!'.'""!'!'!'"'"''""I mu.book $6200. 5I0-<905 CHEVY n ~·uu s1at1on • . •. ~• ..-LEASE 'EM..-~ '60 OOUPE de Ville, full Waaon. 1963. Auto trana, U • Been looking for a ied&n! C.oupe. Color me red, with 'SS Cad CdV, full pwr, air, pwr, air cond, good cond, ml to gal, Luaa&e rack, • OllDIR YOUll I Stop aplnninr your wheels black Interior. This week-vinyl top. Drlwn 14.500 mi ** 84.2-5957 ** xlnt cond. See to apprec. •T" TODAYI • a.nd 1pin hime this new 124 end only 24 mo. l~ at $149. mo. 54t>-737B $795. or offer Fiat ....... loo$1995 (2!!19) $1899 N•w 'OlEldondo,lull..,Up. ...... CAD convertlb!•, >l,000 '66 CHEV.' PUI. ea~. UAND NIW • California Sports Cari &Jr, Wl1t lop·J220.st mo. 2i g. miles, red with black ... -169 IUICK • 901 Eut iot Sj.•Sanla Ana . mo to.. '69 LTD 2 dr vinyl '""!o'°'p.=.U="'=""'=·=6'4-='1"1J== w,..n. 1-0wntt. 396 En&-. : $2444 • Mu8oJ. HT, alt, $109.52 mo. 1 • air, pW?. brlca. & •teer. ----• . 0 SOUTH COAST 646-""1 --· "' -ftndl. • ott-YOURS '67 TOYOfA em-• Dr, CAR LEASING CHEVROLET ... IMPALA, c1 .... : ........... • TODAY! -• !WX1 W, Cst Hwy, NB 645-2Ul2 l--------P/1, 32'1 auto. fl'). Leav'1 •k ' ....... S14'5-.,,_...,, o~ Ullld c... 9900 ~ooiu:~ "!,,_ :..:wall m"'I ..... • llitiilMI: TRIUMPH '\ ' --------1,,;,51,--,B'°Eo-l.--oA°'m~,,_dr,--,"3=, •I"" Impala Convm. Reel. • -·---·-----8 673-(19(» Del. 667 AYANTI vtbruonle radio. Must E ll. l-m."ner. Best 0 1 fer. • ''4 u.Mall • '65 TRIUMPH 4 1970 HARBOR BLVD. $425. 494-3891 494-7140 Call 642-:l'M. •tto sr •. w.,.,., F•d •• ,,,. dlt • ·--' 1963 AV ANTI, 1ood cond. ., r~~~~,w=~= '67 oo;~R~~DES N•w*~:..:. "::""· ·:.,;;~ i.::"~~·~~~ CHRYSLER :.'-'· •$1'49i : top, sood rubber aU around, DIESEL 200 D Automatic, new tires, 644-2381 X1nt cond. noo cash dtb or 44,00> actual milts. Uke IUICK '56 CHEVY. ~1 cu eng, 456 1964 CHRYSLER ~· Full • •6' OLDSMOllLI · n• trade. Will fine prvt party. new. Herb Friedlander, PositracUon, 3 speed trans. ::si~~~~im= •LmHy SH•"· hll ,.._,i LB RIV 291. Call Ken, ll750 Beach Blvd. CHwy 3ll> '63 BUICK S400 or btat otter. ~7289 car de&ler. 188.15 Beach af•'"-'Y ,r,, <SUP ••2• 494-9773 or S<><J634 Pho"' llS.l-1566 • 5.11...,. RIVIERA '51 CHEVY, llick, ""w W.1 Blvd. Hun-"-II. • $2295 ' * '66 TRAA tRS, GrMD,. Mich A: tank. eitcellent condition. tirts. wire Wbla. Riff. xlnt Antlqu•, Cl111ies '615 New dk. ivy paint w/ cu. $300. 54s.-am 541J.-OM2 • , ccnd. $1915. 615--U6& , ~terlor a: tact. equipt, '65 OtEV. Malibu SS. Tip '67 CHR'tSLER Tc;n A • "65 OLDSMOlll ·• '66 -"~ S I" I 30 Standard ooupe, Ford. • ... _.... •-p cond J"'t ~nd·c1.· c.ountry 9 paa agon. .. , HT J I • •n.t.u•UA" P ... re Good condition. $600. $1195 w • ·~ Radio. air Rade. P/S. • .., •• •ri9fy tr, 41.00. Excdlent. bl.o't $1350 · * 494-8aX> .,, !kit oiler. 968-4626 ~ P /B new ' tire• $3t95. •,_ 1t.•ri11t I ..,. ..... M"'' ad!! ..._I.,, IMMACULATE "' _Ford JoHNsoN & soN ·63 CHEVY ........ '°"' cond. ~ · _. .... •,M0 1v 5, .. 9, 5·. -• Convertlblt. l.Jncoln·Mercury New tires &: paint job. $695. TEENAGER Special! '56 • • VOLKSWAGEN Call 67:1-1"8 Fri & Suo. llMlH&rbo•Blvd. &!"""° ~= °">'~"• H•ml En 1 lo e, '69 VW's JMltlEDIATE DELIVERY Bank Financing $213 DOWN $44.03 * 36 mos Plus 1 final pymnt for . title. Full 2 yr, 24,000 mi warranty. Avail only at T & M MOTORS 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. S.:W-2284 at Beach 89l..s55l OPEN SUNDAY AIR COflDITIONED 1!168 vw Loadtd ~~"1th '~ xlnt condition. $ll50 or btlt OU.. er. Prv prty. MZ-3164 SHARP! '65 VW Convtrtible M'ust tell • Make offrr *msl'l2* 66 BUICK LE SABRE H.T. '61 CHEVY VAN $185. • '61 IUICI· a Rice C1r1, Rodt 9620 auto PIS R/H VEH396 will $350. CLEAN ** 675-0816 ** •El.ctr• '"''· hU ,.._,1 sell far v..t..alesale blue book 646-2946 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS •f•tf•rt •ir. , '56 PONTIAC S a far I : DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS '1 895 • buckets, chrome rims; new 1966 Harbor, CM. 646-9306 CHARGE your want ad now. BRING RESULTS! • _ . • trans. &: brakes. $15 0, '52 BUICK 2 Dr ,._ 9800 • 53&-1615 · cou... N-Con 9100 N-_,. • ... IUICI RltH, auto. trans., new po;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. • Autos W1nted 9700 paint: good trans. $225. •Wlldcet 4 '"'' Ftct.fy ------' .:U~RA su•ck. Colt HOLIDAY RAMBLER :;~·:sv.7.:;-... WE PAY CASH $600(), To clo,. e•IAIO· have $2595 pink ~Ip • $3900. 2611 IN COSTA MESA • FOR YOUR w Bayshor< DI'. N. B. 548-5711 1962 BUICK Slcylark CoRV'. CONNELL Xlnt oond. ~ or ""' "" CHEVROLET .';· B8!::' Specla! s1atioo 28211 U...bor Blvd. R/H Cotta Mesa 546-!D Wqoc. Low mlln. , aiN:ond. X1nt cond. 4!M-4509 IMPORTS WANI'!D Orange .,,.,,,..... TQP I BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOfA 1B8IJ -81'11. R. lleoch. . Pit. IMT.- N_ted a~e'I' J1nd tt with a want •dt CADILLAC '52 CAD Fkttv.'OOd. Good cond! 85,lnl ora: ml. $150 or belt otf.e't. 54()..9'26 AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY BRAND NEW '69 RAMILER • • C.1t.M ,,.. UH. • P.S., f1ctMY •Ir coMHlo .Int. tSTDl771 • $1595 ..... CAPllCt SC:p •. , .. ., m.n.,, f•ct.•, :···· '.$229i 1711= 'II VW, bdp w/sunrool ·mk leatherette int, nmo.1-;;N;ew:;;C;•;n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"°";;;N;-;;C;o;r;• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'";0~-0 xlnt cond. SiXIO er mab of·/f trr. 83J..6974 : '67 lMllA ! •coupe,. full ,. • .,., (tctety ••Ir •. ITQV 1"1 : $3495 -~ a:i vw. $300. ML Good rub- !»er , need• wo rk . Transportation or will .wap. 646-1862· aft 3 '68 VW. Must Sell At Once! Loaded! Jlas only 12,<KXI ml. A steal at Sl655. Prtv. pl)' • n2-9340 1962 VOLKSWAGEN. Only $595. RYS32t. Import Car Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach. 540--0fC 1959 vw 6 peaenpr bua truck. Reblt eng. Tape deck, f'8.dio. Days 642-7093. eftl 642--9899 '65 VW Bus. Good coodl.Uon. low mlleqe. SJ,200. 6"-llr.5 '63 vw s.dln; .... cond. New ttrt1, radio. '81 < -'59 vw, reblL enc .. Id. Must llcll. Bcest o tr er . 91>-1"2 '62 VW Sunroof, new top· nblt. eng. new p&ibt ~· $'100 ~ Aft. 5 PM ~ 65 vw 26,in>• rm. &.,.rb can- di~! MUil Seal $UOOJ --. ·•--J YW. l.o1f' ,tnlleap. Xln• condition. 11311>. 714/-.-0 _ J9N VW VABIENT ' v ca.. I.ow >111-'" .• ·""--$1900. Pbone: ~ j tff7VW·lut· TRANSPORTATION e CAR SALE e Your Choice e IHZ DODGI WAGON, V.t, outom1tic, power lteerin9, etc. IGIC61b e 1t62 FOID WAGON, V. I, eutom1tic1 power 1t1erin9, power brekes, r•dio, htat- "· IHF57l Q 1'64 FALCON ConverHbl1. Rod w/block top. Runs good. Nttds • littlt loving c•rt. MPP572 e U""MEICVIY. :Z Dr: H1rdtop P1rklon1. Tht 9ood one lo•dtd. Full '°w•r, ·f•ttery •ir, GEX904 ~ ~-· ·· -+- -• .> " Your . Choice e 1''2 IUJC• lllYIC'IA 2-Dr. H1rdtop. V.I, •ufom•tic, power 1te.,huJ, radio, hHt•. bucktt 1taft, rl&Y472 · , • nu COlYAll MQNZA COUPI. 4 spd.- rod:0r-hffl•r1 bt.,tionolfy nlco. SJ't'O_lO . ' Y•ur Choice • "'' -~.·ilt ' <y~ •' ~ .... z ' , ......, drlvo, .J-~00 5orj1s..RUH~ , TRUCK SPECIALS ~,~'~o~H:-tl~Jr __ ...... ---·--... '2 00 1t64 CHIYY '!••loo SwHpsldo $850 ...... lld. v ......... ~tlolll PRE-CHECKED USED CARS '64 Ford '64 Claulc ~;..!!, '995 ::!~799 ---·-· OYCtlt. OITUI, W-- '65 Volvo '65 Classic :!.':'.;..'1495 ~ .. ·;.= '1395 ...... --,... ...... ,... ........ ......,,Ms.tc .... JNU 4J1, '65 Mastang '64 American ~t'!!: '1595 ........... '74 A-.-.,,_,, ......... ..... ...... w ....... YMtt f'MI. NKA 17L ..... ........ 011 ... '63 Rambler '66 Rambler AM•••• '895 ~~HT~$1595 -· ••• YI. ----,...._.m, ... n.a--..,U..sMlW ''6 Ford wa .. . '64 Claulc · · ::.::11995 ._ ...... '? ·--, ........ --· -_ ..... -- LOW LOW DOWN-IXCILLINT TIRMS • 'U CHIYIOUT ~ 9Pick•Up. Plumldnl .. lll*tri<al l!>OclaL • • (KS!i951) • • ,, 195 ... • II e '6' T·lllD Ii .Full ,_,,, fect.fy elt._ ISLV4tl) · -,.. : $2195 c • 'M IUICK ~ •wndc•t c,.. ........., rs,• •F•ct! •!!· IOPJt44J . • I $1395 • , ______ .. • -,,1 PONTIAC· -~ • .... 11.. c,.. Fi.ill ,..., .. afe1t, el,, IVJ14411 W i $2691 • =·····••( : JAGUA.,: • llUDOUAITllS • 1Complot• so111 • s-• lltce •nd Parts ~~rt.," .,..,,t lot JAGIJ~,lj . ' . -·~· .. • IHt_T..., ~ :t••.•····~ : m E. 11• ST. ~ ....... 7761 = . r RUM OoOd 1345. -'66 VW Bus, nana cr'ftt. looka cood . 8lt0 ln ••d, .,..-~ e ltB l:_OMIT 4 Door Sedoo. 6-cyl: auto- matic, rtdle. ~fet\ UX910 ·HOLIDAY : .OPIN~-~ : 7 DAYS ' • \ ·-' . • , e ltO POlD COUNnY SIDAN. 6 PASS. WA90N. V0l 1 automatic, power •teeri11'91 powtr br••••· redlo, heater. OK&J68 JOHNSON It ION ·•vw."""'......, e UllD CARS e * :_~ * . ,lHI N.t:I~ II.YD, ~lA 111114 Dlal~-~~-1or-=R=E.'!lll;==:rs'"'' 142,'1950 Ml·70S2 llD CAlll'IT SllYICI POI TOUI CAl AlllllCAll-OU Siies & SerYice ONM , .. n AMllN•M l'Ol YOVl COll'llllUllCI 1969 llllMr, Cosll Meil, _642-60ll • • • AND MNINM "f/Jf>fJ~ RUl :K . . . . C05TA ME5A -------------------~-------------------· - I \ l I f • .. . . ' . .. ' ' ' ' ' :• ' ' ' ' ' ' l " ' • • n ::c 8 Ill m 'Tl ::a 0 I: 0 < m ::a g i~· <• •1•. ~"~ ~J · ill 0 ~l i ~i =--i1 3. c· .. ff .. ...... ';· • 0 • -CD , = ~i n c ~ n 0 I: m .... ~ ~ ::c 1 i . " . a;• ··~-~· ., . -. ~·· ~<. ti•. -· . l~ ~ i; flt: .. • < ' w ~· ·'II ·~· ;8 . lj.O I?< 0 J o "·1 · ~1 ii!r .• 0 'I c: l' ft !! ... i· Fi li I ... "':IS '! ~~ jo il . . i r ' ;i 11 ~· .. ... IJ H • r r. J • •• ~ ~ • ,, ~ -~ . .. £ ...... ...... ~-21 ,_ • • p ' • • ~u r ~= •"'1" z ih -·. w.~ ~· . ' •• w :.:.. ai hf ll i~r 11 ~CD ~!. .< Iii • ~-IP !: .~ '" -'"' -~ ;g ~:; :a ~i· g ~o :f! 0 ~c: ·• c: ft :a 8' ;g ... ;g •• •• -c r -c •i -c ~ •i ., "' ~~ ii t~ l-! .. n ~ • i~ .. ._ ,..5 f ~ ~l n .. .. ~ ...... .. ., ~c;n ~ a ... -• • • • • • • .. • ~· ~. j ... < ,,.. ~s .. .. '•t II ~,o •I o I' c:. ri m ;;. = r ~1 i! ~i .. ~~ f~ . ~- ~-·. • 0 • lif • ·-. ;1 . ,. ~~ .. ~~ ~-. <"' .~:a i~ 0 I· C: !:.~:a i~ -c ~I .. .. "' ~ r'i • '" I~ ~ ...... I • • • OWfAii«;;u::zewc•eas tQJ:• ••> * o 00:00.,,;;;; aeceuwwwcz;wZ¥WJS~ a&•, _ss _ a a sa a: u : 3 ' .. •• TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOltTATIOH TUNS..0.TATION TRANSPORTATI ON • TRANSl'OltTATION U...t C1rt 9900 UIO<I C.... 9900 11..,r C.rt 9900 11..,r C1rt 9900 UMd C1h 990I C .. YS&ll' CONTllllNTAL COIVAIR DODCiE FORD f " 6' CHRYSLER New ,Yorl«ri • '6J•UNCQLN '62 CORVAIR Moma, "°"" 64 DODGE 110 2 dr ''"b '63 FORD !lard back H '! Hardtop 9,(0). actual 'mllet,, c; I . I cond. '250. I coupe . 6 cyl sUck RPHOOl dlr, v.a. pwr atrc. owned ' Like new. llo1ut aell this, . "" nenta * !f>=7298 * only $625. little 'ole lady from ...eck!:nd, $TIO uni!er Book. 4 DR. N '-power . Facl Air. DEAN" LEWIS IMPORTS aemente. Take foreip: c9r FllU prl<e $2950. Dir. ""6 (l«d .wh •blte Jeat>er inter. CORVETTE 1916 Harbo<', CM. .......,. in tnde. LB PFG 93T doll Hubor, C.N. &4.>18n . 1ior. GKZns '68 OODGE Polara: air, Ja.mH 5C5-06.'W ' I ·· $1295 '66 VE'lTE, ..-. :rn, 2 pwr. low mile., .. ;. O>. w FORD G&laJ<>, lir !WI. <;OMET . . i"'bN' ION ,. SON ·--. .....s.llW o!"'"' ""· m""i..., :Alk:fl2l!I'-..,.. ?4-".$11W. -·...a -· yvfl • Aft 5. 2Ultll.-4138 .. 499-2590· . . a: • •· Ylsta Dr.. DI.JI& 'Nit. '62 COMET S..22, buckef: ~Mercury 'i7 CORVE'ITE 4271 435 hp. 493-3.15'7 1 ~ , ,. .... aub>'\"'N, now;lirel.; Ul1 Hall>or lllvd. 642-'IU;O Make ollu. Xlnt '°"""""" FALCON '63 FORD Caluie 500 42'1''..f. * Call 6f4..26l6 •eg a>NTINENTA\: .Coupe 2131 863-2826 11pd, headers. dWll holl1 4' .• · '64 OOMET C.onvt Nu Fully loaded•+ atiereo tape 1988 a>RVETTE. BRANO NEW '68 FJ.l,CON 4:5'7 cod, and new pajn ' , • brakta. ,Xlnt onnd., Muat dftCk. Stjll. under!' warranty Must. Sci.I, $41JOO, 2 Dr, 8SOO miles, 6 cyl, tires. Make oiler. 673..:i'rlf ' kll, $695. ~ , sa!!O. ~ 66-0'46 * 540-6761 * standard 3 apd., R &: H. ,62 FORD, 2 dr Galaxie t 'I $1688. * 642-3923 . _ ..... '64 COMET, 2 new tirel, new CORvAJR '63 STINGRAY, all stock, ait cond., nu engine •. ;u.i:t brakes. D . owl., Vabae like new, $2295. '61 FALa>N WAGON condltlotl. $600. 830-0363 $650, RU $65. Mti-11\" ____ ;c.;,c;:.__ * 673-2446 * Automatic $285 196'1 FORD Galu;J soo,.~t '61 CORVAIR '&I CORVETTE Futback. * ~ * '°""· !ully equip. lac .""j• CONTINENTAL Moma CJ>e. attiomatk tram, beautilul oood. 4 ,,,...,_ ,,.w 1>62 4-Dil Faloon Radio, now tltto. $2215.-613-2ll08'" radio, Must sell. Make otter! titti 1. rims 536-3660 heater, air. cond. $495. CLEAN '62 Ford. 6 cyl.,,sl;k. PhoGc 6"f5.8ll35 Eves. 546-4647 • . 6'73--3482 '64 UNCOi.N ~=----=· N•w "'"" • "al .,...,,. '&;; CORSA, very cl<an. DODGE 1'64 FALCON 2 Dr .. 6. R/H. Ud. traM. $350. 54>-403$ • 1 C0ntlnenteil 4 . Dr• l!Dl. Call John Mohl<r. Auto, "'"'" Xlnl oond. '61 Ford Sq""' w~ ' Full J>O'+'Cf • .. futo,t Alr and * 646 4.103"* 62 DODGE FOLARA Make oUer. ~1'181 390 V.S, +all cxtra.;.,:j: all ~ lUXW')', •pment 62 CORV__AIR Moma. Black 4 dr Hardtop $295 Make oUer •. 673...5972. .• t. White w.(blue int. ,0)..\1947 , sport coupe $195. Dlr. 2026 See at 1145 Paularloo, CM FORD 63 FORD Wagon Pts-Pi; $1395 ~·-· C.M. 61>-1'72 '65. CUSTOM 880 2 -HT. . • R•"' window. Air. T"P '°" JOHNSON & SON Ito 8'a<b ,.,_ tune. s,.. Air-P/S, P/B, clean, mw;t FORD FALCON 61. fi cyl,_ 4 rlor. Priv. Pty. $615 54&-11111 rest selection ever! See the mow. 5"-0047 dr, auto trans. Rllt $245. ·~ FORD Sedan. V-8, ·~ Li11coin-Mercury DAILY PILOT Qa¢fied CHARGE yu.u" \taM ad J'l)W_ 84Ui817 xlnt cond. Below wholeale, 19U Harbor Blvd. 642-'ltfiO scctiofl NOW! Dial 5C-U for RESULTS White Elephants! $550. ~'7828 _.1 NIW'C•.. 9800NIW,Clrt 9IOO New c.... 9800 N1WC1.. 9800NIWClrt - IT'S , HERE! FORD SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THIS WEEKEND! MUSTANGS • T·BIRDS FAIRLANES • TORINOS GALAXIES • CUSTOMS Get Truly Un115ual Savings On Over 300 New '69's • During ;This Big Clearance ! ALL REMAINING 1961 SHELBY GT1 NOW Al' ACTUAL FACTORY. INl/OICE. LIMITED IXIC AND DIMO CARS AT IYIN .•IU.Tll SA~!~N~Sl_ 1 , _ SELL-OFF 1965 FORD GAL . 500 4 DR. SED. COME IN AND Tl/RN YOl/RSELF ON! IT'S A LITTLE GAS! A BUil T -FOR-AMERICANS KIND OF ,CAR! JOIN OUR ' SALUTE TO THE FIRST _of THE '70's AT '68 PRICES. IN OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY! 1966 FORD GAL 500 2 DR HDTP 1RlKK • CAMPER SUPBI • CEllTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F· I 00 PICKUP v.1, R/H, A/T, pwr 1!11r. INOY 14•1 A .NICE ONE! VI, R/H, l•nd1u roof, pwr 1l11r, A/T. !SVY 236 ) Fl•r11id1. 115" W.l ., ] tpd. 1yncro. tr1n1. 1055 F·1prin91, 995 R-1prin91 ,etc, 1964 FORD GAL. 500 4 DR. SED • \1.1,.3:,pci, R/H, pwr 1t11r. CIOX 7541, ROBINS READY! 1965 FORD GAL. 500 2 DR. HDTP . V.1, R·H, pwr 1!11r, A/T. !NCI 5231 SHARP AS A TACK! 1965 FORD GAL 500 2 DR HDTP V.I, R/H, A/T, •II •i11yl !11t11ior, pow1r li11rint. I DFA 0711 Below Average Mileage! 1965 FORD T-BIRD 2 DR HDTP R/H, F~ll pwr, •ir co ftCI . !NHU 11 71 IMMACULATE! 196!1 FORD . CUST 500 4l>R' SID v.1, l\.H, A/T, 1ir cond. IJil 001 l NEW PAINT! 1964 CHRYSLER . NEW YORKER R/H, pwi; ''"'I hr1k1f, f1ct ;;,, llCK t l &ll LOTS of ROOM for the KIDS! 1964 FQRD GAL 500 4 DR SED V.1, R/H, A/T. fOMK 0701 Shows Excef!!!onal Care! 1965 FALCON ECONOLINE S11 . W19on. Tltree 111h. I NHY 017) . : ORDER TODAYI • . CAMPER SPECIAL! ~ND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP "' SCOTSMAN CAMPER 1F~r:' 53495 '. ' " ' ' ' t t'. LUXURY AT SAVINGS! TAKE THE FAMILY! USID CAR SALi N:ICIS IFFICTIYI 41 HOU1$ UNLISS Pimous'LT SOLD ALL PAYMINTS P:ISUllD ON APPIOYID CllDfl fbt, N .. P:JSlll;MJIJ S1<_etu11111~ c111t,.r h co111pl1t1ly fur11i1li1I wifh le: ._it, 1tov1, •le. Sf11p1 6. F-250 pic•11p h1t JOO i nf., •mp I oil 9•11911, ,d 950 _lb ... ,, 1pri n9t I 5) 1.00116.5 l ·ply ! . t..o.l1u tir11, .111. h1•t1r •nd d1froll•r, 1tc...-Many t. choo11 fro_m •I thi1 pricol Ft.111 NMttletl o,....c •. S4MJ11 OPEN SUNDAYS '"• N.,,._. -c:... Hf.IJll S1•1 011, fl.lor1do, Fo11rwind'1, Gol.lli111 Scetim•n. tho1r 30 ••riM floor '''"' 011 .litpl1y 1114 ,...iv fa1 lm111Mi1t. t1.1;.,1,.,. I a.1t1. t1 t p.m. Moti·FM e Sit I •·• .. 6 ,.ll'lt $1111 I 0 1.m. t• 6 ,.m~ PA.RTS I. SERVICE HQURS 1 ....•• , p.M. ........ , •• II'! ..... ,-1 .... "" ' ,ARTS ONLY I •·""· t. 6 p.111. $ .......... •• ' , ! ' ' • 1 :1~· I , ' . I I ~ Ii ;I I TltANSl'ORTATIOH T~ANSl'ORTATION Tll,4NSl'ORT4TION ' ' 'NeWCii'I --flllO-et.. flOO-Car; TRANSPOllT A TlON '-• A"1I a, lM DM.Y PUT JJ TAANSPORT.\YJON .. TUNSef'RTATION flWllHlt4flON 'J'IA!drWflfiON . • CADILLAC • • ' • I I .. NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ' . . I ' 1966 SDN: DE VILLI Stratlunore whlte with k1vtr tapnt.ry cloth and lei.th« up.holatuy. J'ull power, f&ctory alr condtUonlng, Ult whtd, etc. Exetpt.Jonally clean. (6YJ004) <1 1967 CPI. DE VILLI Olympic bront.e fJrtmtat wttb uddle 1".lhtr upholltery. Full powtr, factory aJ,r condiUon- ln&. Ult whet:l, door lock.11,etc. Drive it -and you will buy It <ULC321) 1966 CADILLAC CPI. Hampton blue with matchlnr DuBarry Int.tr-- tor trim. Full power, factory air condltlonln1, tilt wheel-e.11 the options· for the ·dllcernina: buyer. (Serial No. 85") 1968 CHRYSLER Newport ·2 door. Dttp watet blue with black ·top a.pd black' matcbin&, lntttior, Air condi· tionlnc. power •teerlni, poftJ" brakn,. rad.lo. heater. 1.utomaUC, white aide wall t1ra. ·<WAM137) ..; 1966 THUNDIRBIRD The sj>m1> 2 ·dobr hardtop is fully ~ with power stetting, power brakes, power windows, power sut and Ford's famous fac· tory &1r condllioninJ. A beautiful 1&lin allwr extttkrr with black W!yl interior. MUlt be seen and driven to fully appreciate! tRTU• 33•> 1965 CONY. DE VILU Samoan bronze/beige top. Bronze leather up- holstery. Full pov.·er, r,_ctory air conditionin1, tilt wheel, many extru. (0WN843) ' . ' ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE $2888 PRICE SALE s3999 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE , $2888 PRICE ~ALE $1999 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE OVER 80 Q.UALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • "IN MOST EVERY WAY, A PREVI· OUSLY OWNED LATE MODEL CADILLAC IS A BE'l"fER BUY THAN MOST NEW CARS." TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURlllG OUR 2nd ANNUAL SPRING AE Come In Today! 1961 CADILLAC Tht popular Sedan de Vlllt modtl ftnlabed ln lpvely bursund)' with black vinyl top and black ltathtr Jnterior. Ha& po'lftr 1*'1n1, power brakft, pewer windoM, Ult n..rtnc wheel, AM-FM radio and. factory· air condl· tlon!ns. Thll ls a beautiful automcbU•· that ii l!flced for a quick salt. <NQX514) PlllCI 1969 OLDIMOBIU SALi Delta IS 4 dr. Shim~.,... estar1or w!UI $4222 . black vinyl top 6: matChl.n1 b1aek cloth tnter- tor. Loadtd with tun power equlprntDt 6: fac- tol'l' __ alr. AM·l'M radio, tilt •--~ , _, .... WSW. ete. Uke new. 3,223 mlln. CYPVS1'1) ..-~ --::1:-:9:-:6::-::7::-l=L:-DO=-=-=RADO-::-:::--:::-----='>IAL·-, -., . - F:lni..;htd In phantom sretn with ~ clotb $4888 and leathtr interior. Fu.Uy equtpptG "'1th pow. er 1teerin1. power disc bra.kn, power M9t, po"'" windows, tilt and tele&coplc •tffrln& \11heel, \\'onderbar radio factory air cortt&Uon. 'lllCI tng plut many more eadu1ac opUonaJ teaturet. 1963 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Hu fun pbwer equl_pmtnt with factory air C()nd1Uonln1. Thll C&dUlac abtwn outatandin1 care. Flnllhed In a bttuutut .uwr blue \\·Ith matchlnr vinyl Interior. You m1.11t 1tt and drve thiJ ooe today, (KJ'A31Jl 1967 CADILLAC This Jovely Sedan de vui. hu all ·pepuJl,r power usllta includinl ponr 1teertq. ~ brll<e&. .,...,., window&. ..,..... -1 .... CM- llla(1 f&motls factoey air conclltioPlnr: Vflt'I carefully drivtn and ahowt oolY~the fiDeat al care by lta previous cnvna", <YrT387l - 1968 IL DORADO Normaney blue/dark blue patded root ' wttb matchin1 tioundat.ooth cloth and leltbtr in-terior. Full power, f~tory air concUUonlnc. tilt wheel, powtr door locks. de. Local OM owner, exceptional. (V'I'PON) SALi $1333 PRtCI iA~I ' $6333 PRICI __ _,.____......._ _____ .,'SALES DEPARTMENT ?OPEN-_._. _____ ...,.. __ -----·--- ) 8:30 'AM to 9:00 PM SALE PR(CES EFf~CTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, Al!RIL 19, 1969 MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY· .. Y 0ur fGctory AuJhorlzecl Cadillac Deai~ Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area N-ABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 -----------"°°-"""Caro .... IJ~ ..... =Cln=---..:.:.=1 OLDSMOllU PL-YMOUTH T•D UOldC1r1 · POltD FORD FORD FORD MUSTANG , ; Used C1r1 • I ~ FORD •• ; '6" FOIU> Falrlln•,. Squire '13 rJRo Fairtanl, 1ta ""' 'f Wagon; fact. air, pwr, 3 .eater, M'lll MU, aood 1l 1teer. &: dlac brake•. ttrn, but It nHda clutdt. ~ 962.-6909 I*,. ~ • t ::; . • 'E6FOIU>11.GTAOm. VB, '65 Fm! 0.Jry Sod, V.f, '67 MUSTANG HT lllllVDWllV A....,.,..,. i.)' 1112 Ii. llNIATKJNA~ll ·~ro~~Uon wagon, auto, p ,s., RAH. STN 3'19, auto, dlr, pwr 1tri. xlnt Godden Sold m.. pllldl _.IUYllll B.T.~JILH.A.T.P.S.Ludiul 'N T.alltD· ~ _;;; ':;" r!:;, S1300 1111'>0 owr Wbole<a!e cond. "°Cub c1e11 or tu. black Int. ..,. -· dlr, SALIS a SJRVICI ""' • I0,006 lCtUal ,,,_ Alt --··" , In V>etnam. l'ZJ>~ "4-11& "'Blue Book. LfJDiA ~~~~Coll ::!·~cell;'~'! .. : OlDSMOlll£ =--'"=. = ~Tio~·~:" i§i5 FORD C 0 UN TI\ Y Mot • car. Fino pm ntY. U! -Dir. ,.._ -· Prjcod b'-ta SEDAN, excellent cond., all WR LINCOLN UOE 393, Coll Ken "4m3 2liJO Bartior -. C.M. .. 1112 •Sllol * - utru. 11.31>. l<T-3049 IMPORTS or -a.ta -'Ii TilliD' oi: IC o1r ..,. LINCOLN. '86 Coupe. lmmac '68 MUSTANG ' + z V-3, 540-9l40 Ulld Cira -PO~C w A -"· llt aw 'wlll, TOTOTA--YO ........ d.$3000.Pvtp .... KI ,... air,"" r. b. Im· a OLDS ns -It.ff, """"" -·~·u . ll"6 -· c.M. 6l6«IO! T-:JlllS/OR 3-D, Ill Balboa -·•-.. •-~• , ~" •-• -· mt\;i.ua • ~uice. ......, A.T. P.S. P.W . .-dean JIM PONTIAC Ventura "' ' 2-lm'·l-'•T Fm! Ur, p>d Cove, N.B. alter S PM. 173-1806 $40&. Dir. 2l28 -· Cll lloof, Rona ..... -C.. •ii f·IHiii, q .._, i, body, Door &bllt Im&., no '66 MUstANG GT, R A II, 6*-lm 11!11 ~ D HarlJoi ml, lull ,...., llJWlltl llJli ena!ne, ... Fon! J dr. :m MftCURY air, PS, mUent cond. 00 61lli I' IS iiOi-B!W· Ooaia -Mf.Um --saoo. "8 ..... =":;.~~~"Wi-;-Beautllul Wholeule. Wan.IJ!onnlffl!I. 'IT Gli) l$lP PIS P/B -!l!lu!c!i!·~llrl •513u T.alrd ellline '''" ·g 65 MERCURY '73-4811 dy&. ~or llf.15311 FIA ...,.. wm. llr. cottd. ilii ·f.amD.'"'oiool, """9. '30 Lincoln .....,.i ...i p .._,_ '65 llllJSTANG 189 convert '13 OLD& 11 llOUdi.ii bdip. -or oCftr, flM1ll I Rdll -11111 ,.., bal crank. ~ .. u d!Jt anc1 a ...... ne Air. Pts; J111t conc1. ll250 Air: 1"""'>' .... Um111o1 'ii l\Olfillt ~ '.,.i.,u -•ta. Miii .u. $3001opar1alorll00,Calh4Dr.H.T.1"ex:.dleotCOI> orollu.--. ..... -Mtors,i\Alt, -!Ion NWU1oft4 I pric., 11rm, 50-JJe ·-Hu P.I., P.8, A ISel OLDSiiOi11Lt P/& • MT.-ii tW S .;g; lull FAMILY MUST Fact, Air. T1lrlr. -w/ OLDSMOllU Pl&. 41 r -~ ~.:'·~ -1111. ~ •a Fonl °""'"' matchJno interior. PBG"3 llldlo, ........ Aulo tnao. ...,ILllt ' -••...-,. ' ' Squlft 1-. ..,.. Loodal. $1395 All co""' port. -auJi 'J T-8" ......._ ll'O--..... OHNSON Ir SON '65 OLDS 91 OLDI! T--.. MMBU;ll W/ f A .... Loodid "'~ + ... 1J11oo1n.-...,. 4 Dr. H.T. "" .... ,om.. eu -· :. ~ ~~ ,,:= ""'T • >nn> _... UU!lutllrl!hd. ea.1'00 N _.. ract. Air, 4 IW -·-... 1111.-'l._ilft- l-.-,'6-W-AOOll--1-1-R-'G MERO.~~!""' 6 ~~-ta~:,;,:u-';,~~·:i:a..::r:: Iii IV.Jiilili lhll•I •-=-• ..,.. pe,a. ,.._ .,....,., pwr., . ,._ w-• -MIL _.. '&lr-<ond., rodlo, • ..,., $1495 ur .. 5'Mlll. -•• MHnl ** · •WD.~~5-~--.~-·!•~ JOHNSONlrSON PLYMOUTH ·lliitA~"-,--1 y~ ' L"1Lt cond. Xlnt Ura; ..... but u-Jo..,_ -. "° ...., a l'AU.\111' a& 4.t. NI 0 not obuoed. • drl""n by lfO -Blvd. 142-llllO 1111 P!.YllOU11I Vallolll -IOOd -Illa -lllf. adult& on1J (oo chlklren in • otilS 442 c,o 4 •pd, P/S !lpot 2lO. Au Io 11 at I e, ti ~ &jiWtO NI --...... C.li. lf'ORTS !..,OJ)Aa..ullcar.1'15. Jt/H' °"""' •••••• -' ,-.., -Ul!o ,.., alHotid. --.,-.im==rua-._;;;r,,,I ~eve/Wendt RRZ973 W.00 la: llGO Mr lltw. Siii ,Co rin•Q t1N9........ fRi 11J1f Nfi&Wiit1 . _..._.., i!iiiiiiifJiarilYColonyM "'1oleoolo-Book Qinrolot. :a Harbor NO --M to,,_ 0 IWI -,.._, 1988 -· C.11, -Station w....., mint cond. DEAN LEWIS DIPOl\'Tll BMI. ~-· Mf.UOI ... 1111 ft -• PAIL'! r.. u ad II "II -'--~=~==~============~---Whllo Elephanbl 12450. M&-3493 1988 Hmor, CM; -DAILY PILOT w»rr Alli! mm a.-... ' .. -. .... lllllll . ; -· ·----------- . I I ' I ' ' • I - • \ 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUAUNTEE LOOK FOR THE GOLD STAR IN THE WINDSHIELD '61 CHIV. IMPALA CUSTOM COUPI ., ... .....,..._.,. ........... cs.. llCl:M.i!9)GoW Sltr s1aa0 ~ $63'""' s63w.:::,. ~·I.It. = ,.,.,. :. YO.LKSWAGEN CENTEi '67 cMAlo ·uLLY' .~~ ·ti.T. : '66 VW VARIANT WAGON • f~ ,_,.,., ""'"°"' CT1tl741) e · $1188:'0: s4A= $4ft::I. • _ _ · )f-T11 &lk. v~. .,,,.. e . · '67 YOLKSWAGDI • 4 ..... ,.... • ""'"· (UJC200j • saa·a:': s29= s2-.m•i. • d_ Tu a Lie:. nMT. nM?. . ~ .. e . '66 YOLKSWAGIN • . 4 ..c. ..... ....,.., OIWl7ll • s~aa= s2~· s26~'1. • ,.,~ _ , I+ ra l Uc. ~riij; PTMT. • . . . . ~u ·v~LKSWAGDI 8 . . .,. .-, ING•""! ' : s68&:;;, ... s23!! s23~'I. :. '60 YOLKIWAGIN P.U. i s4afr;~:Si'i~ s16;,i,'.· s93'a·:~~·;~3-3·1~'$3' 3~,_. +tu l lk. nMT. nM1'. : USED TRUCKS '66 DODGI DART 2·DR. • AlllOllll!ic, .,..._, wnt. Mt;itw 1k U21"517Wl '65 FORD amtY. M. STA. WGN. ¥4. .vt-'11: ,,_,, ................. ~ -· ~ s1o·aa· .,.,; .. ·s3· 6' ·"m" s36· ""' ' · Nici .... MlMl.f. ,_ , .. & lie. nin. _ nMr. 227 V ... IHI .. htr.er, ClllfW11 lnt.rt.r, (fPP9'1l '1481:::.· s50:::.-~ s5ow.:.\. . +T••&°'-nlU. "Mf, . . . '65 'TllUNDlil911D 2·DI. H.T. '65 CHIYIUI TAC WAGqN t JllSltfltlf, \l.f. tact. •lr, ,.,,..., dHrllll...,,... tr-.. UM.~ ¥~ .... tniM.,, ndl1, hlller, P.l., P.I~ MW. ltlrl7llt SJ088'°'" $36"'" s3'. 6m" . ~e.lk =· .. =~· ' . . ~1 1 81::: s43= s43::1. . _ ~. +'"a uc. nllf. rnn. '67 FORD CUITOM 500 2·DL .IDIL v•........,. ~.,....,, ...._ ...,.,_ IUZMSl• s.1188''"""' s40™" s4:0= . . . . f:f &·lie. = ""'··. ••1citmoLIT•~"YNl ~- .... ~I&. 1Wihf • .NU3291 . . ' . ·s933':~ s33= s33.=i. + T11 6 Uc. ,,MT, nMT. · '65 MUAANG !LT. '66 FORD CTY. 5DN. ITA. WGN. Air 1111C1~ nlflo • Mahr. flJVfl11) s793•0::~ s26~ f-t6J1.1:1. +'ru' uc. n•r. A ""'· 'M T·lllD Y .. HARDTOP. r.cwi .rr. fllll ,..,.., evtt. ti-. CS«. 4Y~11'"9t . s73g:':.' s2L= s26 ... 'I.: .· + tn' Uc. .Uf'MT: =· •• '66 .DODGI A·IOO·PICICUP $688= s23= s23::::1. ' M,...,, ~ lftd. •llfl!! ~m.Dl· . +Tia & Uc. PTfllT, nMT. : s11.aa;;:. ... s4o=r. ··~· 'M DART GT IWlDTOP Y.a '65 DODGI ~ "-J• : ~MIOllD FALCON K°"OUilll s5aa""",,.~~:-~;·1"F....,.$19!!!!',. $68, ... -::.""~3'~,~2 .. ·3· ':/::, : s1oa~a-;::-s*3·-6-:r~sTM436t01.t.L +f::alk mn. iTMT. , ~~&Lie. 111111 . nMt. . ""'·· •. :~""' · : . :\'.:~~· , ... DODGI DART 270 'M'FOID GALAXll 500 _.. Mlfd!OP Coupt wltlt ..,,.. fl'trlL. n~! ,......, .,.., wll!YI kl,.,.,._ Mlcbt ..-fl. • 'U .... D :Vs TON F··l·OO V-«. Me. hNi.t, •~tk tnns.. peonr lfMrl..,. (TYIMSJ 11"1._ .,. • _ .......... -.............. · s433::: s16= · s16~1· s533::: s1cp, s195i. : $981l;;;.,._ $33!! $33=1· All PAYMENTS o:~;~~~ INCLU~AX & llC:~D FIN CHARGES ON ~0~H ON ,;:~o BANK c':rr . . . . . ' ·, I -48 'MO. BAHK,FINANCINCi ON .All NEW AND USED 1969 CARS AVAILABLE : • Sou the rn California 's Charger Headquarters BRAND NEW • LAICllST llUCTION Of CIWICHIS • .. ·-TO CllOOSI nOM IN souritnN CAUFOINIA~ .... ---~;;;:;;:;::!! : NEW 1969 CHARGER ... Buckel ,.." • Hideoway headlig!i" • ftJll vJnyt int~ -rior • Ny&on carpeting • Rear 'deck spoiler • FuU • raclng 1Mtrument1tlon • llrnper guards • Ash tray e lioht • H.D. springs • H.D. torsion sway bar .• , • Xl'29898193733 • : s26 88~~r~L $81 $81 IMMEDIATE •• + '" TOTAL DOWN TOTAL MT!lll. DEUYERY · ' uctKst PAYMENT PAYMENT : _._....,._._._._._._._._._._._._~"~·-=·~·~~'=""~·~··~''"'::::::.•~•n~ .. ~~~·ttr'::i::~~~-~~::.:::.~~:r~""::.::: ... =.::•"'"=::..·._~~~--------~~ ·,I: 1969 DOJ>GE ·coROllR 1969 DART SWINGER ·: . . .BRAND :NE.W.:~·DoOR COUPE BRAND NEW 2-DOoR HARDTOP '61 DOH.I CHIHD . : _ . ""'tlr~....,,_,_UK,,.L....,,.MFQ . • , s2~aa::cf s77w:: s77w.::: ..• iA; + l•• •Uc. """'· mn. • 1 '61 CHIV. IMPAL4 2·DL H.T. : s17a' .. ,-;;-;-6""0"';76"o=·· : . ' +TN l llc. PYMT. f'TMf, • . -~ '66FORDCNIRY.IQUlnn.LWGN..' .tO NA V ... A1. IMt;; W, P,S., P.1 UK. Wirt lilt. CLl\162a • s1.7a~~~Lk $60!!. $60S!· : ' ~==,::,,,,;~""="'==~·~-==:-"==·~~· '67 CHIV. IMPAilll 2·DL H.T. e • s14aa::~~· s50= s50= ... ' +Tu I. Uc.. "MT. nMT. • '66 CHIV. IMPA11i4 AA. WON. : • ••u.. .... ,,__, ,,,,_.........:, ,..., ....... -;;cll&G4 • s131a::.cf s4' a=$.,~ a· ':!:Ir .• . +TulUc. • , ntin. nMT. • ' • .. • I• ~ J. I }.1$ns1·i . s. '.2· .a :a·. · ,,,,,, s2188 .. ~~~~ ~~~~ , llWID. 1969 DODOI • .• , P,A~ · , PAllllilT: . • , TOTAL PRla' '+ "'"'"'"' PAYMElll PAYMElll : • I • 1r1ct110t tu 6 a fNllo:1I .,. a -. • 111111o •Mit · ... ' 19,6? DODGE ':YflSTERN SPORTS SPEall" . : · HAND.NEW 2 ·DOOR HARDTOP COUPE : fulty equipP.d Including vinyl toof, wsw tires. flill ..ti..t discs. remotl control mirror, · , "ilpOttl ttrg; ~ urpeb, dl11. Vltletl OO¥ttS.,•tc. IMlr. Ho., U23Afl129S93J •• 11ni:I'* tu• n-& f111111Ct +TAX IUC. 1969 DODGE CORONU IRAND NEW STATION WAGoN Full ftttory equip~ hffter. defroster, etc. Motor #WlAS89E1230.47. ftADllMAN VAN llOI Moohl, V4 911f'"• 11...,., tlllty "'"'""" ''°"· 1peclel ....... _ 9((9_ .. , ..-1111•. '6 ••p elternolw, 10 _, -' . ........,, tWM glau, l11nlor w,,, c-1 .. in.. "°"' Met panen .. • 11do. Mofor No. IH70N:l14. i•- lllio,_ 0.1;......,., f2888 TOTAi. ptlCl 1+ TAX,& LI(.. :!.t .t.~t'. ,~:t~,,.. '2288 ~ : • ·.' l~ll DILIVlltY ~OT.AL PRICE •:t.::!. ... ~~ .. ·-· T.:r~~·· •2·s88 IMMEDIAn DILlvERY · TOTAL PRICE ,t.!::, *88 =~ *88 =-T PATllllNJ MTMINf 'i •• • . ............. ~ ...... !'--......... .....,............... . " .• ' . ' ... •• ,. ~: :I '~ ... J· •• ~ . ;, ·'rt ' _ ...... j •••• rt t·sW:X:C::::d>..,_. ft: H ~ -· . .. ' tar& -1 1 a-· •.• "" ......... e. . . ..... -~ ~ ' . -_....._._.... DAILY PILOT ... ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I - ------- Ask Them Yourself FOR l'AUL BAJYEY, pt1bLic •lair• duecw , NASA Are .. trolMIUla eHr 11l- lotoed lo."'° .. •AU. •lt.ey ,,,.. iA •P"ce1--Clwlrla Dela,...ri.r, E11d L••· .,,.,, Jlkla. • Spacecraft are maintained under .. clean room" conditions to minimize con- tamination and potential damage to sys- tems and equipment Cigarette ashes could foul vital machinery and instru- ments. In addition, cigarette smoke would place an added burden on environmental· control equipment which removes im- purities; rhcrc is the obvious fire huard, too, in an oxygen-rich environment. FOR ROY P. M.4CKAL, tlepanment of bwclaemutry, Uniw:r.U, of CltiC460 Flui1 are die 1 ... ...-.,. plane iA llae Harell for llae Loe/a N fW MOIUUr ,_ Mre. Marion Pttrifu, Bu,,..relc, N.D. • The following activities certainly will be operational since F orld Book Erwyclo- pedia is giving the neceasary financial support: ( 1) photographic surveillance of the Loch surface, May through October, 1969; (2) day and night hunta with biopsy harpoons and photographic equip- ment, May through October, 1969 : (3) eooar probes, posaibly aa many as rhree separate experiments. Other activities depend on 6nanc:ea. FOR MARLO THOMAS of "Tlwlt Girr' II°"" ... ,.,. brod&er1 and •Ulen tlo yoa MH, and what are their noMe• alld •6e.P-Laura Forman, SpolftHod, N.J. • I have one younger sister, Terre, wbo i. a singer and is married to publicist Larry Cordon. Youngest in the family is our only brother Tony, who ia 19 ye&n1 old Jt.Dd a cinematography atudent at the Un.i'8l"lity of Southern California. 'Oft JOE CRONIN, American Leaiue pr111Ul11nt Fida cite A•uric•11 Le.61U!1 .,,.,...... ""° ,.. t11t1u'1olu .,.,,. • ,,i.1- •I, tlo ,.... ~ i/ • ........ ..., ..... r ......... ......,. .,..,..,u pe~• alaaa ta tlJUl tnNI 10 Ur« 6aeNU ••~Uy a. .. ,,.,,. ..... .... """ Me bed ., •• ,_, ~oberl Cropper, 1'.,,,.., ,,,., • Thia poaihility doean 't concern me • ML ( feel thit wW laa~ no bearin& on the intereat in the playoffs. FOa DIL LEON.4JW llAIUIOR, orllu>pHi,c 111r~" Jul aoui ,..,,. u IAere IO prnelll IAe ,,_..,., N/.,.,,., _,.iela ocean ..ula rluJa .. aowl 11rtl&ri- d•1-Be•lrk• S•illa, Torr•nce, Call/. • The painful deformities may be pre-' vented in many patient.a by careful medi- cal management, utilizing physical ther- apy and surgery when indicated. Ad· vancea also are being made in tracing the cause of the diaeue, which could lead to cure or prevention in the not-too-distant future. It is posaible, for example, that a virus could be the cau11e of this disease ; thus vaccination might become a eolution. FOR MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON fY laie#l _.. tile raMI in· teNJ1tiA1 trip you loolc a• flirel Lady?-D. L., Lan· c.1,.r, Pa. • It is impoeaible to select one particular trip, but among the moat meaningful was my lut trip. We visited locations £rom coast to coast looking at programs in education, apace, and conse"ation. POR JOHNNY CARSON Hooe you ner luul ''°° 100111eA JIM•,. appe.r on yoru elaow ha Ulelllkol he#ee1--Mrs. Cluarlee E. Morn.on, lrollloA, Olaio • No. If this did happen, the wardrobe mistress would change them. FOR /. MBTZLER, director, Arlittiion NtUionaJ Cemetery .4re a11y _,.w,,. buried in Arli,..S011 ce ... 1ery?- 'Mr1. An Rolar, lht1U.. L.M, N.D. • Yes. National Cemetery Regulations pnmde that the apome of an eligible veteran may be buried with him or her. Today there are more than 148,000 vet- erans interred in Arlington. While no official record is kept, we estimate there muet be many women buried there, too. FOR JERRY UFIS ... "",.. .......... aer••••fl '" '"• /161aC ., • .,.,, .uuc..Z.,. dyell'o- pley1 Aleo II Jerry IA.I. )'9Ur , .. , ...... ,~ ..... s,...,..., r...ea, ... . • I have never diacu..ec:t lhe answer to your first question with anyone-not even my wife. My real name is Joeepb Le.itch. ,,_ .. _. • ,_ ,.._ • .. , .. ._, Y--......... dalie ......... _,. pt .. ---, ..... p ft ¢ .--1-.. " ...... 9.-1 ...... '"'--* -• .... ...... .. Alt 'n.-Y--, J'~ Yeekb, Ml l•'.-11 A~ N.w Y ..... N.Y. 1 ..... Ye _. 1#m I tis , ...... ,, ._, ti .... ,.W hr .... -..._ WHAT ifiE WORLD!· lolaett vs. Humans . Will automa- tion harm our heolth? If the experience of airline pilott Is a criterion, the an- swer ls yes. Or. Earl T. Cor1er of the M4yo Foundation toys increcntng auto· motion of ieftinen is causing monoto- ny in the codcplt-whic:h, in turn, ii causing real or contrived phyilcol problems. Doctor Cor1er notes that pl- Iott are highty Intelligent and have long experience but are increosingty being relieved of decision-making by ma- chines-frequently not even carried on their ship. With less and less to do, hu- mans seem to come up with more and more ailments. Cat Curfew Chips, the cot, is smart and popular. Chips preferred staying out with her cronies until very late and then scratching the door to .be let in. Her British owner-smart, too, and hop- Miu Chips comes home. ing to preserve hb door-adapted a doorl>ell and taught the cat to operate it. A 1trict curfew wa1 instituted: offer 10 p.m., the battery is disconnected, and "Chips can stoy outside until morning." Now the man of the house demands equal rights. Talk Le11, Say More To add to th long list of unpleasantries In growin old (particularly for women) is th voice-it geh nmal and shrill. "Kee a mwror neor yow phone," adv singer-actress Dorothy Sarnoff, who Dorothy Sornolf lectures on "speech cosmetics." add1, "If your eyes are irritated or glazed a5 you talk, if your mouth con- tracts, your jaw clenche1, or the vein5 of your neck stond out-then you are 1Urely strident." But if eyes are alive and interested, you've hit it right. To join the youth brigade, she soys: "Edit your conversation, don't ramble, peat, or overstate." League Expansion The league of Women Voters, founded in 1920 and meeting this ~ in Washington, has given its papen to the library of Con- gress. The collection is one of the larg· est, consisting of 306,000 Items. It fills 1,020 contolnen (measuring 10.5 x 13 x 4.5 inches), weighs more than 3.5 tons, and occupies 626,535 cubic inchet. Those women simply couldn't throw things outl Father Knows lest Indianapolis Police lieut. Joseph Forestol, father of three small fry, wor- ried because so many child-outo accidents occurred at school crossings, even though vUOf'ded. Studytng the probletn, he found that In heavy traffic only the driver of the lead cor could see the guard signaling. So he invented a rotating auto-battery powered caution light made of weathetpeoof aluminum, which can crank up to 13 feet, " ... where it belongs." Called Hi-Vu, it can be wheeled over curbs for ltoroge and sells for $165. Cltild saver Family~ ,,.. ...... ,..,...-... April 11, 11111 IOeaT PITH•ON 8~/ Mat IYAN lie~ •Mt# MAltUI N. TllNQUI Art Df~ -·-•IWl'he4UW A-...U B4ian: ........ Meooof .. ............ ,_, ......... , ... I. °"' rt t .... Clooe. A..._. Art,,,....._:--.. ..... UUMW~."-:MH•'-1 ......_ N9w YOft, KT. 1mt © 1Mt, MMAT Wlm.Y, IHC. Al ...... __. EMBROmER FAVORITE SAMPl.ERS One of our readers' favorite sam- plers (top left) is copied from an old one in the Peter Cooper Museum collection. It dates back to the days when young girls demonstrated their skill as needlewomen by counting threads on a piece of linen from a chart for the design. You get similar results with ~ effort, for this design is stamped ready to cross-stitch. The pine-finished wood frame is 20 by 25% inches. Sampler Kit 07728, price $3.00. Frame 07731, price $7.98. Our home sampler is shown at upper right. A delightful charmer stamped on white 100 percent linen, 20 by 26 inches, this was adapted from one in the famous Whitman collection. The frame is also available. It is hand-finished dull black wood copied from a typical 18th-century molding. All kits include thread and complete instructions. Kit 07729, price $3.98. Frame 07732, price $8.98. Here's a real treasure from Williamsburg's distinctive needle- work collection (bottom left), one- of the most beautiful samplers we have ever offered. Its intricacy requires more time for embroidery than the others shown. Stamped on. white 100 percent linen, size 16Y2 by 24¥2 inches. Frame is hand- finished dull black wood copied from an 18th-century molding. Sampler Kit 07730, price $6.98. Frame 07733, . price $10.00. Tiie ...._. ............ tr•••••rll flf Wllllli ... ,, ....... u.. lllC. No collection would be complete without a child's sampler so here (bottom right) is a most enchanting version of the familiar bedtime prayer, with mother animals and their young. Cross-stitch design is stamped on creamy white I 00 percent ·linen, 14 by 17 inches. Sampler ~t 07558, price $2.00. r-----------------------------------------------------~ ,. out coupon end wloM dtedl °' monl1 order. (lorry ............. '° ....... c.n.cMM °' torelp ordlra.) To wold...._,..,..._~ zip code. ...._. edd 25' for hendllnc •nd ......_ FAMILY WEEKLY, Dept. lOH, 3710 E. lOlh Coult. H ........ F1orld9 33013 a wtoee _, ____ tot bm(a) clleclled below. _D7728, price $3.00 07721, price '3.• ____ 07731, price $7.• 07732. price .... ---D7734, cM91oi of otMf MMlllble Idea 25- PWll ..... c1n if •ti -D7730, price .... ~ pttcl$10.00 ----D75!lll, price. 2.00 . .. ~-----------------------------------------------------~ ---.... • Family ~/April 21, 1989 The Questions Americans Ask Mos More and more of us travel by air, crowding an already crowded sky; here an aviation expert tells how we are protected from disaster-and what still must be done Am SAFETY is no longer a .fi subject discussed by a small minority of Americans. Largely because of the jets, more than 42 percent of the nation's adult population has flown on a scheduled airliner at least once, and the per- centage increases daily. This upsurge in air travel haa been accompanied by a natural increase in public concern over safety. I speak frequently to lay groups on safety developments and receive much mail e.."(preasing interest in this vital field . From both the personal contacts and the correspondence, I have compiled some of the questions most frequently asked-.and what you are about to read are not only pertinent queries, but the answers presented, I hope, have clarity and objectivity. Why cloft't the ........... their plane,J with parachutes for all pauengers so they can evacu- ate a doomed alrci-aft? Few captains would relish the re- sponsibility of deciding when to tell passengers to jump-knowing that most of them probably would be se- verely injured or even killed in the process; the art of parachuting re- quires superb physical condition and careful training. It is even conceivable that the ma- jority would be safer if they stayed in a crippled plane instead of jump- ing. It is unlikely that anyone could jump safely from a jet which. say, lost a wing at 85,000 feet; no one could breathe at such altitude. If the jump were attempted at lower alti- tudes, the plane probably would be spinning so violently that evacuation would be impossible. Moat crashes occur during the landing or take-off phase, anyway. Why, ofter 10 years of fet ex- perlenat and mllllons of dollars expended In safety r•search, shovlcl we still have accidents whlle landing or taking off? It ia because all the technical achievements have not been extended to everyday use. Hundreds of air- porta used by the airlines, for in- stance, do not have Instrument Land- ing Systems even though ILS dates By ROBERT J. SER.LING Autflof of "The Pretident'1 P1a-b MU1ing" ond "Lo~ ond Clear'' back to World War II. Many airport- control towers Jack radar, also a war- time development. At least half the U.S. jet fteet is equipped for what amounts to all- weather landingg.-but ground facili· ties needed to supplement the air· borne devices have not been installed. Moat of these deficiencies are due to lack of funds, and this, in turn, is due to a persistent alaahing of ap- propriatioM by Congrees and/ or the Federal Budget Bureau. In this 10th year of the jet age, air- liner8 still crash largely for the ume reaaons planes crashed 20 years ago -inadequate runways, poor runway lighting, obsolete navigation aids, The airlines, most of which do not earn anywhere near the 10-percent return on investment that the Civil Aeronautics Board baa decreed rea- sonable, cannot attord such expendi- tures. They already have committed themselves to more than $4 billion worth of new (and safer) jetliners for delivery in the next five years. The overwhelming majority of avi- ation officials agree that an Airport Trust Fund, financed through higher passenger fares, increased airline and general aviation fuel taxes, and other revenues, is badly needed. What can be clone to solve the "lkylocklng" problem? Apprehension and prosecution of The terminal of Chica.go'1 O' Haire Field i.lluatra.tes crtL8h of a.ir pa.Baengers. and human error. Even the latter may involve extenuating circumstances, for many pilot mistakes would not occur if crews were given all the tools they needed for a safe flight. If airports are Inadequate, why don't the alrtlnes themMlves pay for the moclemlzatfon Inst.ad of waiting for Fecleral funds? It would take a conservative $150 million a year in Federal funds alone through 1975 to bring this nation's airport.a up to the h ighest standards of safety. Current Federal airport spending is only about half that. "skyjackers" would be the only really effective deterrent, inasmuch as most highjackings occur because the per- petrators believe they can get away scot~free. Effective gun~ontrol legis- lation would be an indirect help. Some means of d~tecting the pres- ence of weapons or explosives on boarding pasaengers is an obvious need, and much secret research is J>eing conducted in this area. The difficulty, of course, is to develop de- tection devices which are foolproof, simple, and capable of detecting would-be highjackers or saboteurs without interfering with the efficient movement of air traffic. Most of the detection devices being teeted can spot guns or explosives, but they also pick up totally innocent objects on a person or in baggage. Sabotage, a far more serious prob- lem than highjacking in terms of catastrophe, worries .airUne pilots more than any other air-safety prob- lem. The majority of pilots, by the way, a-re agreed that over-the-counter sale of Bight insurance should be banned or limited. There is consid- erable evidence that easy-to-buy in- surance has been a motivating trig- ger for airliner sabotage attempts. What single achievement would do the most for air safety? Probably the prevention of ftre on impact. Fire and smoke are the prime kilters in a craah. Government and industry alike have been busy per- fecting ruptureproof fuel tanks and the use of gelled or emul8ified fuels which control or reduce the spread of fire. Nevertheless, until passen- gers themselves realize that survival in a crash may· depend on their own actions, needless deaths will occur. Are stewarde.,..1. really "glori- fled cocktail waftre.ues," pri- marily trained In liquor and "'9Cll Mrvice? Any passenger whose life bas been saved by a well-trained, cool-headed stewardess will testify that "cock- tail waitress'' is a libelous descrip- tion. The public seldom realizes that one-third to one-half of today's train- ing for cabin attendants is in emer- gency procedures. The airlines flunk more girls out of stewardess schools for failures in safety tests than in any other phase of training. As long as a girl flies, she must go through recurrent training regularly. Are the iets safer than propel- ler-driven planes? In almost every respect, yes. Jets are stronger with far more reliable engines. They are not as forgiving as the older planes, and they must be flown by the book. But in return !or this demanding nature, they boast an inherent ability to absorb punish- ment. There are cases on record in which jets h1we lost one-third of a wing and still ·were landed safely. About Air afety Such forthcoming "jumbos" as the Boeing 747,1 Lockheed 1011 TriStar, and Douglas DC-10 will be even bet. ter. The wing structure on the 747, for instance, is 50 percent stronger than that which the Government de- termined was a aaf e standard. What can be clone to ollevlote the enormous problem of over- crowclecl aides oncl olrports! Actually, moat coJlision.s have oc- curred in relatively empty airspace, not over the congested terminal areas. Severe congestion is limited to only a dozen of the more than 500 airports served by the airlines. The 1:Urrent air-traffic control sys- tem has built.in "safety valvea" which, in eif ect, prevent the aystem from accepting any more tratftc than it can handle safely. Still there are seeds of future di- saster, and the ATC system badly need• modernization through more automation, additional controllers, and perfection of airborne collision- avoidance devices. The latter are on the verge of becoming a reality, but they will be no cure-all because they are too expenaive to install on small private planes. What can o pouenger do few hlmMH to lncNaM his chance• for aurvlval In an emergency? By taldnr enourb interest in aur- vival to make 11ure be reads emer- gency inatruction cards. Too many paaaengera pay little or no attention to theae instructions or to the oxygen-mask demonatrations. Crash experience bu shown that paa- sengera who asaume they know what to do in an ~mergency are the ones who panic when trouble arises. In one accident, paaaengers sitting by emergency exits were eo stricken with fear that they aat frozen in their aeata, oblivioue to the ahouted commands of the cabin attendants, until smoke and fire enveloped the plane's interior. Just the simple tuk of observing the location of the neare1t emergency exits in every plane you fty might save your life. The averare puaen- ger is likely to try to leave a crippled plane via the aame door through which he entered-this panic reac- tion alone baa coat many lives. What obout the We IMNaM ht privat. olrpla•s? There baa been a proposal to ban inexperienced private pilota from ma- jor airport areaa used by commercial planea ; the number of reported near missea between small aircraft manned by untrained pilots and airliners is alarming and on the increue. Preaent radar often cannot regis- ter tiny planes on their acopes, and airline crews have been forced to take violent evuive action against traffic whoee presence wu unknown to the men at the raclancopea. Eventually, all tramc around the nation's major air centers and on en-route airways must be under total control from the ground--just aa all airliners are so controlled and pided -and private planes uainr thil air- space must be equipped with necee- sary navigation aid• and ftown by pilots with enough experience to op- erate under stiifer control rulea. Thia dra.stic action. of coune, should be accompu1-t by ~ tion of more airporta for the-exclu- sive use of privete aviation. The a lril ... eay that travel by a ir la eater tha11 a.. a famlfy au-. tomoWle. How ..._ le tMe ..... , Both statistically and lorically, tht claim ia accurate. You would have to fty at leaat 250 miUlon mJles before you could expect to be involved in a fatal air craab. You would have to drive only 40 million mllee before the laws of riak caurht up with you. The National Vehicle Safety Check recently found that 2&0,000 vehiclee undergoing special voluntary aafety inapectiona bad major defects---any one of which could have caused a fatal accidec~ The average American who ia afraid to fty thinb nothlnr of atep. ing into a car witb defects that would ground an airliner. Furthermore, he drives that car with only a fraction of the .slcill displayed by the sreewt coa>ilota of an airliner. • You loft~ time you spend totether. It llH • meclc ell Its own. Tllne 1re lnOfMllb ftOt to lie miued. Not IYtn be· u.. of fuftetloMI mtn1tr1111I dlstrns. How7Wlttl "'IOOl. Beceuse MIOOL• eonlelns: • An tllClUIM Mli·spesmodlc INt '*"' STOf' CltAMl'S ••• • Mtdla ll .... pproved lnaredlt nts thtt RlllEVl HIAOACHE, Low BACKACH[ ... CALl4 JUMP\' NCllV£S ... • Plus • 1PtClel mood·brialljener tlltt slvts...,u • re1l llft ... 11ets You,lll'Ouall the trylnapre·men$truel period fMtlna calm end comfort.ble. Enjoy lift. w day. With M1oot.. Nowhelpsy• Restore Dentures' Original . Whiteness andtn1ephlkcoler Modern dentures ue like ftne jewelry -~ are valuable but very euy to damqe. Abrasive put. or hard bru1hin1 may ecratch denturee ... ~ caUM 'teeth' to be dropped or broken. But today there'• a newer, Mier way to clean denturee - _. &hem cl-., in KLUN1ft ! Faet-acting KL&SH1TI com- biDt"e th~e etain-removina ac- tions: (1) detergent: (2) oxi- dizer; and (8) aolvenL lt helP9 aoek away dilcoloration ... even penetrate• tougheet tobacco 1taina. Helps restore dentures' original whiteneH and true natural color to gums. The dif- ferenc. it makes in your arti- ficial teeth will amaze you I DIPOltTftfe; To et.an you.r den-tumae fine jewelry, s•t ,KL&orn to- dayalalldnas countert. "'""'yow dfflwesond ,,,,.,,_, ,, .. . ,.... ,.._.,ry. . - l . r Kills Insects 30 Ft Away! ~ --~ ... ...... ---. . ... ..,. ••n . ., cu-1111111 ~,...,.... ..,~ •• ••••••• .. ,., .. ,,., ..... It .... ''" tM ••• , .... ......... ..... ".,... .. ..,.ac11 . ........... -···2 .. ,. .... flE ~·:.~:= .... =~ ............ a renltt fer ...... ~.A.trM'• w•mu111 ........ -.... -. ......... .__..., ............ r------------, 10 DAY FREE ntW. UH JHr ·s.111r·IHlt ,, .... ,. ~ ftir 10 ..,. tllll"4J et ... rtsk. If ... 100~ ..Uafted, r.blnl ftt ftlU ........ Yw ct91 .... 0.... .......... ,_ .. ,_,.,, ... _....,.. .. ,......_.. I llMZlm ... ctlPll ···.=+~,. UST .......... cmlll.-,._,,.. ... ..., ..... ~. t ..t .. 100,,, ........ ., .... ,...... .. 10 ..,. -.... _, ... ,..... . 0 .... -.. ............. ...................... !'!ti .... & o••._•.....,~·"' =. =-:·.,.~,: ..... 2 L--------------' ... __ ....._.. What Parents Can Do About "School Phobia" "I ONCE FACED a case of 'school phobia' that was triggered by a boy's fear of fire in his eecond- story classroom," recalls Earl Martin, director of Elementary Education for Oklahoma City schools. It started duriq a ft.re drill. Martin continues, and the nut mornln&' the child didn't want tb ..0 to achool. He had transferred from a one-atory buildiq where, in caae of 1lre, it would.be pouible to exit by climbing out of a win- dow. The boy juat didn•t know bow be could eecape from the eecond ftoor aaf ely • WllH tlle lloy ftaUy refueecl to come to acbool, Kartin dilCuaed the not aneommon problem of ab- normal fear of mchool with both the youqater and bis mother. As a reeult, the principal pided them throu&'h tbe entire echool. carefully aplainilll' that the whole buildilll' wu fireproof. But this proved to be only a temporary 1<>- tution-the boy became m. Martin next took a Jesa..direct approach to calm the JOUnsater's fear. "l let him riq the beb with me durinr the next ft.re c1rm:• Martin says. "It worked. Tbe boy's mother lat.er tolil me that he left for achoot hoping there would be another ft.re driD so be could 'help riq the are bell. ... ftlla Is just one example and eolution to the perpledns problem of achool phobia. There are no deftnlte .tatlstica, but experts con- tend that approximately 1 '1 per 1.000 children develop or show sips of ecbool phobia each ,ear. A FA.KILT WDKLT survey of acbool authorities indieat.ed that the problem is nationwide. Bo19 appear to be more prone to it than .Ula, empballsiq the atrong mother-eon relationahip. When uked at what al'e a par- ent muat be alert for echool-phobia 6 F'a-"'1 WMWr, A,,nlM,JHI symptoms, Dr. Archie R. Foley, chairman of psychiatry, Catholic lledical Center of Brooklyn and Queen• County, N.Y .. obeened, ••. . . aa the younpter leaves kin- dergarten and enters the flnt ~de. when about 6 or '1, and a1ao at the ap of puberty. lS--botb timea in the child's life when the aeparation-anxiety phenomenon ia moet' pronounced!' There are many fact.on, usually cloeely tied in with a parent, ~ hind achool phobia : fear of teacher brutality; fear of failure: fear of not belonring, particularly when the child i• part of a mobile fam- ily; fear that 10metbin&' will hap· pen at home when he'• away. ' Here Is a lilt of symptoms that may identify the echool.pbobia- ridden child: not beiq able to aee or bear well: limping; constant coughing: inciting cliaacreement a.moor other children; refusinr to participate in activities; continu- ally uk:inr to IO to the bathroom. How can a parent correct these fears 1 Avoid over.permlaiveneea: if "on the move," immediately strenrthen your cont.act with the achool; if the cbi1d is shy, attempt to place him in a small clue. .A. parents, yoo can prevent school phobia if you plant aeeda early that will help make your child &'fOW up healthier, without phobiu of any kind. --OEORGE JAFFE ~ ~ ~--~~--------...-----------------......... "!"" ..................................................... . ~ TnYTnce Wallace, Atlula-bued cootndor. RESEARCH PROVES " INSTANT EXERCISE" WORKS! In ooe KJOllP of 153 girls, o•w 96% lmprond Im plly- skal ltMll aml OYIJ' 5t% · had IUl'kecl fil'ft lmpro•e-mem ... all in just 3 wttU. ..... Dr. Salls' motioala.. nerdaa for l aililute per day. And DO didl! 0Yfr 92% of anodter groap bad walldiM lmpronawats, decreases of up to 3 ~ ladles ••• dliglas, 84% ••• hips, onr ff%. Apia la 3 wttb or lea! A .. DO dida! 81% of ldH anodler groap, me-" periodk'ally UIMler tbe wllkWal eye of • play· ...... .,.eel marll.ecl meas- ue•e•• Improvement• ID IHI duia 30 dayl. And DO dlds! A top UDivtnlt;y bad ooe test groap me 19ontetrin IOI' J minute daily whlle anoeber wortrecl oa gym equipment for 4! aaln.U. nery day. Whnt rompared IOI' fitaess lite bomdrk exerd9en sror· eel laialtat la enry tut! ( ActYtttaemen t > THEY LOST INCHES IN 20 MINUTES! And so can you I Trim down your waist, hips, thighs, arms and other problem areas ... turn ugly flab into firm, healthy muscle ... look pounds lighter ... with the minute-a-day magic of Dr. Salls' "INSTANT EXERCISE" Try this revolutionary short-cut for 20 days for just 10¢ a day. It must work or it won't cost you one pennyl Down comes the waistline! Jn come the hips! Trim go the thighs! Away goes the ftab! All in a minute a day with a remarkable set of exercises that's sweeping the country. And no diets! It's the same hlk appl'Ollda to exerdle die astromats me. Jmt one cu Mlp yoa ._,..., better tbu 14 pudt-ups a day. A IHft 6 1ee- onds daily of tbJa mmde alllPr can .Um tlowa a soft, flabby mhldle la a week or two. Even stftngtb CID be doubled ,.. ............ tpffd. And aU wltllout mo•laa a •mde. wldtcNlt "workia& oat" mon ... I ..a..te • tla7! Doctors, nurses, athletes, insunnce firms, citi- zens everywhere are turning to these amazingly simple exercises. developed by Alabama Doctor of Education. fitness expert and former coach. Donald J. Salls. The Navy and Marines have adopted this type of exercise, too. And now even the astronauts! Why? Si mply because isometric: Cllercises. bet· ter known to so many as Dr. Salls' "Static Exer- cises," really do work. In fact, they're so effective they can slim you down without any special diet. And it's been proved ... proved over and over again . . . in research, under independent pro- fessional supervision. using subjects like you. stars. fashion models, police groups, top pro and college athletes. And Time, Life, Reader's Di· gest, TV, newspapers. scjentific journals have called artention to the exciting concept. Followers of Dr. Salls' muscle magic report surprising results. Thousands have discovered that the stronger. tighter muscles resulting from his minute-a-day plan can lead quickly to a slim- mer figure ... even without weight reduction! So many users of Dr. Salls' exercises allO ex- clai m : "How much better ... more alive. more alert, mQ{e youthful ... I feel!" But speciftcally, he offers: stroaRtt. filllMr mmde9 • • •tr ....... ..,., dUP., calve., ..,er .,.. ... MCk • Meter muscalar coonllmdoe • *'°"ler . lledl • .._ proved postwe ••• all wldlotlt ...._ Results are controlled primarily by the indi- vidual·s own desires. If a man wants weight-lift- er's strength. he can simply concentrate more often on certain of Dr. SalJ's exercises. If a housewife seeks a more 1hapely midriff. a few weeks with his 6-second workouts is indicated. Yes, now you can have a stronger. slimmer, healthier body without the boredom of old-fash· ioned exercises or the strain of a diet! Dr. Salls will send a complete set of his instructions, in a large. fully illustrated folder, to Interested readers who use the coupon ot} this page. Remember! These exercises are different; just 6 seconds each! Loree 1'ltomM, New Yon. ...... of two teeapn. READ WHAT PEOPLE SAY Mn. P. ~Monow of WWte ,..... writes. "I reftcH ., "* 2 ....... 9111 .... 2 ---· .. 2 ,....., • ....... a ..,, wla ,. .. a~ era..." J.-a.v-..o-. ....... ports: .. ~ nllllltl! M) wallt'-IOM,,_. 3'~ ID 32 --.W. 4~ l8die9. MJ dlea me.-• from 41 to u ...... ---Mn. It. v. Smlfla of ~ --,..... .... wl6 Dr. 81111 exadiw ....,_ trt..9' ....._ ... ,,_.3MID •~ • ._..,. ,._ e~ to 3'~. ~ a.-, Sp;V1N, '3 yanoW _. ._. ..-, ait- d•e," ..,_ "Y._ nerden .. w .......... .... ... c-. TIMJ certallllJ "°" ,_....,. Here at last is one type of exercise that appeals to car-riding. diet-hating Americans ... "week- end athletes." people who dislike exercise or don't have time. Here is the answer for the desk- hound man who wants to look trimmer. more muscular ... for the modern woman who knows so well how important a slimmer. more attrac- tive figure can be ... for the o1dster who seek.> to improve fitness. figure and life-span by re- storing long-neglected muscles without prolonged exercise. ~-------------~----------~-----------~ E.cb of Or. Salls' wolMkrfalty .. pie eHftUa takes 6 ~ AD total jmt I .... e pa.._,, Instructions att ~ fOI' ...... wt•es. He<• dns. teena,:en ... Mlliw dtt--. for '"'mo. fitnas ud prowess Im --' sports • ....... Sl"hnmlac, RC)lf. AM )'CMI fM .. _.. of tllae u~rc:lsa .imost ~ ••• at w.._ walll~ for a btls, 11rhlle •""s· No ---llft re-quind. Tbttt•s 110 ucn .. uenloa. llOf evn bea•y bttatlaJnc! '"'rhe revolutionary principle Dr. Salls applies has the impressive support of highly respected educa- tional institutions, leading physiologists. Olympic SET OF II STATIC EX!RCJSl'.S ONLY $1 ••• MONEY·BACK GUAltAN'ID MAIL TODAY TO: Dr. Donald J . Salli P.O. Box 610, AMision, Alabama 3'201 Please send me __ tetJ of illustrated instructions on your 10 Static Exercises in I Minute a t $l.OO per eet. s __ ia enclosed. If rm not more than satisfied after a daily. 3-week trial, I can rc1urn them immeqialely for a full refund. NAME ST1'EET C"ITY ZIP CODE ,,.EX'J'llAI H ow to Rtlltvt NuwHu T~n$/On cl Sk~p B~tter O*l,.a.,le ...... ,... .... ~ .. ........ _, .. ...., ...... .. w,, ...... . , ...... ...... ~ ...... , ..... ... Or.s.11' ... ..... Esem.. .. 0 CHECK Hrft Ind ... $1 to your order fOf Dr. Sall•' 12 Sptdal CMICe. Eurcl1es 10 linpro•• the 8'* Coftlour. Rem.,bbly etrmlvel .__ ______ _. F (Sorry! No stamps or C.O.D. ordnJ llet:tpttd.) «>by Donald J. S1ll1. 11U L----------------------------~-------- T hat lovely moist bloom be re-created to maintain a you've noticed on a wonderfully supple, efftora- baby'a compleaioD it ce:ot compaiaa. ICrictly by courtesy ·of Mocher Aa water ii to a flower, t0 Nature; the exquilite, anootb this beauti~I fluid ia to bloom you ace today oa a your akin. revivina and belp- bcautiful woman's complexion inc to keep it flawlaa. frelh, ia more than pl'Ob9bly by vir-cooatantly flouri1hin1. Eo- tue of & remarkable tropical dowed wich byan-copic • 8'* oil ~ thl'outb menCI that attract and draw acieoti1ic raearcb. moisture from the atmolphere, Never before have women the moist oil dilcom'l,ea deby- beeo more fortunate in their dalioa ol tbe epldenna1 (tap) ability to help preserve the layer and ...-. in the retm- precioul. youlbful qualities of tioa ol a delicate bloom on the the eomplexion. The exiatence akin all tbroqb the day. of thia unique beauty fluid Because it is isotooically now makes it pOllibie to cber-pnmurizied to balance succat- ilb aad mcmuaiae tbe st:in IO fully wieb Che ltia'a awn ftuidl that it bcaim to bbloa\ aJ. the moist oil coldributa to the mott at oace with a superb stabiJizatioa of the cell replace- peleHmoodl splendor and a ment rate IO that youth and loft, dewy frahneea In Amer-resllieace are easier to mai.D- ica the moi1t oil dilcovery ii lain. Beina a perfect blend ol. of particular importance in oil and moisture that is bomo- aitabfiahiq a beeltby balance JoscMJS to the atin'a own fluids, "'-tbe complexion teoda to tbia beautifyina camhineticw be affected by climatic ex-amalaamatea spontat1eously Cl'elDeL wilb chriDdlina Dalural llMJilt Tbe ememely lo¥dy com-oil supplies and effectively pl-1Ma ol. childhood ia --aids in keepiaa dlyw and talaed tbrouab the early yean wrintlel at bay. bf a coaaummate Mlpply ot Women ot. all aaa llDOOdl naauraJ oil and moisture. ID-dlil remartable beauty fluid Hltably, lo the fuUoeu of avs their comple:liom ach time. the akin maturea and nilbt and me it u an incom- tbe body pl'OC elHI slow down parable bue for 1NkO-.., by -and dim ii where tbe re-day. In tropical countries it ia mutable ad¥aacm made by known u oe1 of Ulan, and in modern 1tiD when can . Britain and other pu11 of the *P ID to .,,_ aew WC. ol world a oil ol Ulay. In Amer- cmnplemioa -..,. Tllroulb ica it ii available from dnJi. lbe aid ot dlle tropbl mom ailb • oil ot Olay, a beauty oil. the perfect condltlona fluid with a wonderful, uoprec- aoda' ...... JOUI' c:Nldbood odented penchant f(Jf teepiq ltlD.ODCe lbrtwd can ~ atin baby-lib wt beeutitul. -QUIPS AND QUOTES Tlw golfer wA.o d.oen't cotctat all 1'u bad 11&.ou pla.ra e1 gtlMf tl&at'• /&it a-4 •rtlt. -Bert Knue A man met a friend on the street one day, and they sot to talkins about the death of a mutual friend. After some con- venation, it developed that the man who had died bad owed both of them some money. They •sreed ruefully that it wu too late to collect. '4lt'a a funny thing,'' one of the men said. "They say you can't take it with you --but you sore can take somebody el&e'a !" -Bn Cuadl Tlt4 girl wl&o douft't get a Aubud ift l&igA 1cl&ool uatulll11 maugu to give it tu old college trr. -De1,. Bn.utt A teen-ager was lamenting to a pal that sometimes baviq her own phone could be a nuisance. "For inatanee," ahe complained, "if I don't get up when my mother calla me for school, ahe phones me!" -Berm Albrigld JUNI~R IR~SURE CHEST .....o... To a four-letter word that you miaht uae to describe luxuriant veset&tion, add a Ant letter and set what quickly occurs on aldewalb and atreeta after a aprinl' anowetorm. (SH Au10er Boz) (See AM10er Boz) I F•Mtlr w.-,., April 11, 1111 MIMl&tltRn ... Al mpl wt.ea I .aart ....... droway, It eertahaly •ut be •W That aotlablg wW eo aroue me .. A. ~dy for Wt ~or-Pt Si.r••• C.Uwaida Stcecu• i• politic• IUMa to couilt moatlw of ""'""" '" tlt4 pteblic qe toitl-ovt oetti,.g ,,. tu pvblic l&a.ir. -D. 0. Flp,. PfHTMOH Let's Draw • Parakeet B11 A"" Da.tJidt»o Acld a beak, Draw three "1h1gers,'' And here you have a parakeet! • ..... 0... From a ftve-Jetter word tor what you want the edge of a knife to be, take away the ftnt letter and set a musical ioatrument. (Su AutNr Boz) Answ•hx ·c1.1wq-d.r•qs :-o 9atlfR ., puv t ·t10N :4amv NY •-.i. 'PJW '1(8D{tM(8D'J !Ml() lmld • t l 11 ----------------------------------------------------- : Makes Straight, Even Hems Without Help rw ............ ., ... ,.., ..... ' I ) I , \.. ' ......, ...... ,... ... cm'9 _.. .. ......... _ _.. ............ ........... .., ... ............... .................. .......... SlllPLE llSTIUCTIOllS EVDI A BRllllER CAI FOi.LOW! ---. -· ·- .... S es ..... ,,.,...... ___ ,,. .......... ,_ ................... ,_ ... ~~t Pd ....... .... .._..,......_._....... t111t111t• 11 ' •-» 01 e. -Wt ... A: • tlllM • ,_. ,,. .. , --I t M 011 ............................... ,.._,... .. ................ ,.._ ........ _.,.. ..... ~F I ti ......... 11.:.,...,..._0f' ... ,...,.... ............... • .......... TrWI A Partlll Ult of MoHr Sni11 C1W11Ct Tiiis WOldtrful look Giwff Y11 CMOOSllUi TMI •ICMT •lTIHTICMfS. ........ l'ICUTS -fl•leltl•I TO SfW-............ ClOTMlS-• .... ,_ • ............. ......_, tndlll ,, ..... WS, ~ ....., . ..... ....... llft ,,...._., ..... •. _,.... ...... II 11-. ACCUSOllCS Alta 1tm ...,,.,...,. ''"'·*· c1uus, nns, AH .. ...,.. ,....., *· _ .... " .... ....,-. MOW TO CNOOSI '"' ••c•tn-.......... TRIMMt•""*-..................... .... ••coin FAl•tcs-......,_ --. IClff, ...., ...,. lilllM -.... •lf.f*tc "'' rt"' Mt ., MOit· ~--"'•__. Cllff9rl,eau.,...,ttc. _... .... •61Cr wttll 11M-~~ ...., ..... SLUVIS -...... 011t. ............. *· •1u ltM .....-, .. " ,;a. ..... CHlti:U'·· '"""'· MAH•MIT'f MUHS AMO usmt• . HMOJ:.:: ................ = ..... flls IWAMTS wu•-c..rt-. UMA~·r.-TM[ A I C's Of smcMU ...... .tc. ' ...._ .. ,....,.,, aMrts. .., hill -IASIC INSTllUCTIONS IN SMOOTH ''"'"' WAISf· NOW TO llllAH coan MD ............... . SEWIN5 -0.... ,_,.. LINlJ-.......... tit· '.CICITS-....... ...,_ SUPCOYPIS -~ ................ ..-.....i-'9111111 ... ~""'-............ -.. t~'f.::~T.,:' cer-:!r~ =,~ifs~ 'f.011 lllT· ~...::J ~ ::-w::~~c_tuett-COY· .......... Mm ....... TON$ TO lJPt~ ........... & OS A• T~ SIUITS. --...... •. ... dlllla............ l*tPIWIMI ,.. au Tiil MOW TO MUI CU.TatllS. aaaTS,TVClS,&lllPllATS HttM11er ....... .,., fAMtl• ........ ~ MOW TO MAU , .... l "~ _ ................... ft1 I• llllltt .............. '--7 ..... MAPHIU .......... I ... -:.=s~:::C· .... TIMl·SAVi..C OUAIU .... TUClllMI TOW N!KttTPI rtHM SlWI..._ .::!':.;.. ie:,.:.-. Mail fl&.lllAL_ flll-GIFT c,., .. TODA YI----. lilJllS,fACllM~llNll"CS NA'llCllUL~~ ........ f.rt ..:'Ft=.-..-... ._ ml,C-...C.-.1 ..... Nlw Y-* *17 (MHOIO\IJ a:o AP ... -a I OIPI" ... A 1 ........,._ I'-0..... • 'Al.I PUtUl-................................ Ml9 ... _._,_.._ .... _. ....., IM TltJil nlB COMPl.Jrl'B 90CJK OP ....,.._NllW ........ ~O'r 0.. Clllll ..eou.., ........ -"""-'-0.. J.-UllM ...... A'-IO.,_ .... -Id .... ........ *· CNilrf.l.l5 ._..,.,...,,, ........ ~ ---~ ...... TIMl·UVINC MU SUH· ......... I ..... a "111 It ............. Or.WV..... _. MtNT HllTINlS-...... ... .....,, I....., .............. l'lll!E llm Ollliit. .. TrW ........ ____ .., O SAVEt_!OREI NOW TO &lUI A PATillN f' _ ' _ .......... =· "-~--·-= ....... ...,...,, • -· 7 .... . ................... .. .....__ ... ai! .... ... ne1 sc1nc1 ., cumteG -.. :.a ~-_,.... ... ,......... I .._ : .,.-••ttrl•l:.c.'"'' a.r ·-1.9 .. I: =:.~,,,.._. LJWedft ... rn u .1_...._a.:t._a...._._ .............. ::.~.,...---~ . =TO llllAU FlfllM _........... 0._.l&M_._ .......... columbu& monument on paseo de la reforms. mexico city hospitality plus ••• 030 fifth .-,e. llUite 350tJ, new york, n. y. 10020 210 .norlh michigan ave. chicago. ill~ 60601 pa.a de la reform• no. 45 milxico 1, d. I. -=- .. , .... ;:--"!':..:: :;-..::.."' ..=. "'t.: .............. .., ... ., .... -· .. f--.-·,.,.. ... ......................... F-"o ~ -f_., -Ml \#• ..... _,_, ---·· ·-l A Writi .. eo-. .. Y°" C.an ~I (A $«».15 IMly f« only $32.SO) MANY wrltl"ij COO"Ses cost $1,000 or mol'e. For only $32.50 (one pay· ment ond tho!'• oll), you COl'I gel four big boolca, o pomphle1, ond o m~ ozlne thot reveals the mysteries of wrltlllij ond selling orticles, stories, fill«a, dippings, etc. Yov receive (ot once); (1> H(Jll TO MAKE S18,000 A YEAR FREE LANCE WRlnNG ($5.95 vol~) by Lorston D. F onor (2J TIE ART OF ACTION WRIT- Doctor O.K's This Hemonhoid Treatment For lJ.Couple~ Son Treatment Sbrtnb Piles, Relieves Pain In Moat Casee Wharton, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jeff era report: "Ou:r 8011 1aJrered from hemorrhoid& I u1red the doc- tor about Preparation B and he gave us the O.K. Our son is now fine, thanka to Preparation B !' (Note: Doct.ors have proved in most cases -Preparation B~ ac-tually shrinks inflamed hemor· rhoida. In case after caH, the sufferer ftrat noticea pl'Ompt relief from pain burning and itebifts. Then swelling is gentl7 reduced. There's no other formula for the treatment of hemorrhoid• like doctor-tested Preparation B. It alao lubricate8 to make bowel movements more comfortable, soothes irritated tiuues and helps prevent further infection. In ointment or 1uppoeitol'J fo:nn.) • ING ($6 volue) . ~ Eric Heoth. (J> SUCCESSFU.. WRITERS AJoD t------------HC'Nf THEY WORK ($5.95 volue) by Foo-or. (4) TV WRITER'S HAHD800K ($5.95 volue) by Heath. (S> 'THE MAGIC OF CLIPPING ($2 volue) by Poul 50n. AMI, o• Issued (6) A ttw..year subscription to M/1HOR 4 .JOURNALIST ($15 vsuof 1>f'f ce) l_f_ ~11-!'udy theH books, ond reod ~ & JOC.R'4AL.IST re9ulorly, =wfll learn the lofficocles of the Of'f lftorMt place. It's the biggest In you'll g9t this ~I (Boc*s mO)I be purchoHd at prices 5hown) S«id otd«s ond checks to: THE FARRAR PUBLISHING CO., Inc. 311 • lm.MtloMI Bl., l3" , '~"'iS N. w. Wothlntton. • C. ~ BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Ions to ••• thoM pelns. ewn tempororll~ until tho C9UM • c:IW'ed up. for "*-~I?' t~ary. P91ntellofby[ • PMIL Famou11 for OWf' 60 yea~ o.wm•s At la contain .n an•IS9SIC to rodUc:e peln and • ~ m lfd dlunltk: to hoJo oflmlnat. retained fluids thua flushlns out lrrltatinc peln cauline btoddW wutes. O.Wttt's Pl.. often aucc:Md ...... ottten fall. If peln persists otways,.. rourdodOr. tnMst on De Witt's Pills r AMILY WIEICLY COOKBOOK · ng to f)elight 9ouPFamil9 MELANIE DE PR.OFT Food Editor • 8"8d and llf e, J.ome and hoepitality are intermingled in our experience. Whether we ehooee recipes for doa,ha tlaat muat rile and be kneaded or chooee refrigerated douclu nee.ting only to be baked, we are proud and happy to serve our families freehly baked bread in eome form daily. How-to-Do Notes 1. Tum dough onto • lightly ftoured s ur- face, and let it rest about 10 min. Knead, adding more flour jf dough seema too sticky, until satiny smooth and small blis- ters appear under the surface of dou&h. Form into a ball and place dough in a greased deep bowl large enough to allow it to double. Turn to bring greased sur- face to top. Cover ; let rise in a warm place (about 80°F.) until doubled. 2. Punch down dough; pull edges into center and tun dough completely over in bowl. Cover ; let rise again until al- most doubled. Punch down again. and turn onto lightly ftoured surface. 3. With hands, shape dough into 1-in. thick rolls. Cut off equal pieces and form into balls. Place in greased pans. Swedish Rye Bread 2 pkp. aetin dry yeaet YJ cap war• water Yi cup packed dark brown augar % eap molalHS 2 tableapoons butter or •ar&ariae I table.poon aalt ' teupoou srated oraage peel % teupooa aaiee Med t Ya eupe hot water 2Yi <ape aedium rye toar SY, te 4 ape lour l . Sprinkle yeast over warm water and stir until dissolved; set aside. 2. Combine the brown sugar, molasses. butter or margarine, salt, orange peel, and anise in a large bowl. Add the hot water and blend. Cool to lukewarm. 3. Beat in 1 cu p of the rye ftour until smooth. Stir in yeast. Gradually add all of the rye dour, beating vigorously. Mix in enough of the remaining flour (21h to S cups) to make a soft dough, beating until the dough ia s mooth and comes away from sides of bowl. 4. Put final 1 cup flour onto surface for kn'ading and knead in enough to make a atitr dough. See "How-to-Do," Nos. 1 and 2 (knead and let the dough rise; then punch the dough down). 5. Divide dough in half and shape into smooth balls. Place on greued baking sheet sprinkled with cornaeal. Cover; let rise until doubled, about 30 min. 6. Bake at S76°F. 26 to 30 min. 10 Fomilv w .. klv, April t7, 1111 7. Remove to a wire rack and immediately brush lightly with milk. Cool. t l.oavea bread Golden Braid Few a White Braid, omit the saffron,. l % CUfl8 war. water t pkg. adive dry yeast ~ teaapoon aalfron, cruahed and blended with 1 teaspoon water Yz cup ftour 1 tablespoon s ugar 1 Yz teupoona saJt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 2 eggs, sJighUy beaten ,_ 4 to 4 Yi cups flour I. In a large bowl, sprinkle yeast over warm water and stir until dissolved. Mix in the saffron, 1h cup flour, sugar, and salt; then the butter and eggs. 2. Gradually add 3% cups of the flour, beating until smooth. Add enough re- maining flou r to make a soft dough, beat- ing until smooth and dough comes away from bowl. 3. See •'How-to-Do," Nos. 1 and 2 (knead, let r ise; then punch down). 4. Divide dough into three equal portions. Using lightly floured hands, roll each piece into a round strip about 15 in. long. Place the strips side by side on greased baking sheeL Begin braiding from center toward both ends. Tuck ends under. 5. Cover; let rise about 1 hr. or until dough is doubled in bulk. 6. Brush with glaze (1 egg yolk blended with 1 teaspoon water>. Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seed, if deJ\ired. 7. Bake at 375°F. 30 to 36 min. One large bra.id Editors' note: Recipes for roll s and rai- sin bread pictured on opposite page, plus instructions for shaping yeast bread and rolls, may be obtained by writing Mel- anie De Proft, Family Weekly, 1727 S. Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111., 60616. P lease be sure to enclose a self-addre88ed, stamped envelope. T~e.se shapely br~ads and roll8 includ~ ~ Rat&tn Bread, Snoos and Eight•, Goldeft Braid, Sweduh· Rye Bread, Pa" of RoU.., Cloverliaf and Crucent rolls. ~------------~ -··-··...,__ __ _ And the gum is Chooz aotacid. Fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done its job, you're still l'!'unching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Chooz. Theonl~chewtn1111m ---antacl...-. ~ t::: '\. ~ lt-h "the itch and bum ¥(' '" of hemorrhoids \ make life miserable, try this ~---little trick. Get some CUUcura Ointment and apply just before going to bed. eu&ur.-s emol- lient medlcatloii soothes Irrita- "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved .... ,., "t1sa1•1 9'1 ,.rs,irt llUYifJ o An antipenpirant that really worlu! Solvea underarm problema for many who had deapaired of eftective help. M-Uchum Antl-PeHplrant keepe underanm abeolutely dry {or thouMnda of grateful U8el'S.. with complete 1entlene .. to normal akin and clothing. Thia un'*1al formula from a truat- worthy 66-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to aatiafy or d.alar will refund ~urcbaae price. So pt the poaative pro- .. tection of Mitchum Antl-Per-eplrant, Liquid orcream.$3.00, 90-du aapp&,. .Available at your favoirftedNg or toiletry counter. tion, quiets itching, even aldl healing. Wake up feelln1 wonderful! Cutia.Ira Medicllt8d Ointment. Avall-~ able at all drug counters. ~"' COMPUTER MATE IS NOT ADATINOO~ We ~fully find pertnera for inatr~ mony or cornpetlble friendship. 11ttir9 U.S..A.--t of C..- All ages over twenty •.. absolulelY con· fldent~I We use only plain envelopes. Pleese write lor "-btoc"'-11t1t queslionntlre Calve •» F0< mature DeOOle teellint emotionally - V. Wiinkle competlble lifetime rNlllS. 'Wt ¥• one of the oktat 1nd probebly· the most succesiful. °"' aipntic "f.mlly-tws Coaldn't Sleep witll many=~ =TE ~·~· Nagging Backache L==I u=st=-1=2=51= .. =New=Yor=k=·· N=.Y=IOO=l7= K...-. ......... ._ .. cMUHl•-.-r.-. ... ..-997_wtda ~-n-·.:: E wtda IWdl9. ......... ,.,. °"" aakhlc '°" ... lnttaWe, doo ., wait, •1'7 .......... __ ~ .......... ........ o.a· ............. Mtto. -.................. .,... ........ . O.iblM ..... -... .......,_. ..... w. ,..,.._ ataadaN -..,. _. I ,_.., W ..... fow -,. ,..... .. ti Mio ... '\ ...... ,_. -.,..,_ NiW. J'w ----. .... .....,. ~ Doaa'• .. ""' ..... ........... -~ .. .....,_.__,_ __ -------- ENTERTAINMENT CATHERINE DENEUVE: Her Rule of Life- Break the Rules! By PEER ). OPPENHEIMER ~J\.T 19, she bore Roger Vadim fi. an illegitimate son after liv- ing with him for two years. Yet recently, while filming "April Fools," s~ refused to be photo- graphed through a transparent curtain while taking a shower, even when wearing a flesh-colored bathing, suit. i.te.d, she wore a bril'ht green bath- inl' suit, expoaiq only her bare anna aa she reached for a towel. In 1965 Catherine Deneuve, a Vadim- •tablished sex symbol, married English photorrapher David Bailey-but inailted upon ma1ntaininl' a aeparate home in Pam, only '1iaiti•g b.la ,London ftat. She can speak lawlesa English, thanks to a BerUtz crash course, but reverta to French at the slightest opportunity. She bu been unable-or unwilling-to accept anyone or anything non-French. But this air of ambiguity bu neither dulled nor enhanced the spiraling career of this genuinely French star, currently costarrin1 with Jean-Paul Belmondo in "a Sirine de Miuiaaippi." Catherine's success started early. Barely 16, she won the Cannea Film. Festival's Best Actress ·Award for her performance in "The Umbrellas of Cherbourr," a Jacques Demy film. In great demand t<r day, presently she stars oppoeite Jack Lemmon in ".April Fools " and recently ·catherine starred wi.t'1 _Qm_!'rJbarif in ":Mayerling." Apparently it wu Demy \Vho was in- strument&) in changing Catherine's atti- tude toward acting and the many nude scenes she had done previously. "Until then," Catherine remarked, "I bad pretended not to take acting eerioualy. But JMiques made me understand what acting could mean." Catherine Is aloof. I met her twice and found her breathtakingly beautiful, very polite-and cold. My reaction to Catherine was typical. A mutual acquaint- ance told me: "All the time Catherine lived in London, she would never mix with people. She wu always distant. Not hagpty. Not unkind. Juat distant. That'-a ~ becauae she 11 shy, a1tbou1h, at the aame time, she ia atron1 and determined." ~ut aa thia person pointed out, and I aa~ for myaelf, she is ahy and distant only witll non-Frencth people. Thi.a attitude in- eludes her husband and coworkers aa well A native of Paris, she was the third of four daughters born to Maurice Dorleac, who now dubs French dialogue into Ameri- can films, and a show-business mother who gave up her career with their first child. Of a middle-class family, Catherine waa still in school when her oldest aister Fran- ~oise Oater killed in an automobile acci- dent), by then a top star in France, sug- gested her for the younger-sister role in "The Doors Slam." Only 15, she was soon in demand for other parb1, but it was Vadim who quickly tu rned her into a sex symbol. Catherine says of her life with Vadim : "I loved him enough to have a child by him but not enough to marry him." Vadim verified Catherine's uniqueneaa: "For the first year we Jived together, she hardly spoke a word." As for David, he admits that he hardly knew her at all. "She left me,. and I want her back. But I'm not going to shoot my- self over it ." The marriage ceremony itself was unique: the groom wore dungarees, the bride wore black. Catherine now will say only: "I want to keep David." How, since their marriage consists of casual visits to each other's apartmenta? No answer. Unconventional, unique, aloof, anpJ, devil, polite, shy, determined, impersonal, dees>-some synonyms, some antonyma.- but all describe thla French actreee, 1'hoee rule of life is-break the rul•. • - MAMA·SAN WRAP-AROUND APRONS IN COOL AVOCADO, HOT PINK f'or mosl h, n~r.:il:.le housew1IP ?ay bEor.!1 belle r.r <:hoc l.:iel•-U o c:r-~r_,.lanl lace trimmed C:-W.?roD apron 1n 100., col Ion. w11h pul!/ P"•~h up aloov<'ll and ;. t"' t 11es1 lls eosy 10 slip on ".'Ind otl, ,...,.,., ruU6S your hairdo One size foll oU Av01lablo in your choice c.I 2 fashion COl\llCoOus rolors 52llf8 Cool Avocado Green N . $3.98 5212f6 LuscioYs Hot Pink N . $3.98 OUTOOOtl OlllNOofG FOUNTAIN lna10Jt. w111>.ou1 elt\ro plumbing U.1e hDMI cu !ICITlle hmo PreH·button dnnk 0.lllU · c-hroin .. ploted $18"1. onomel bowl 10" 18041=4 N. M.91 1..,War · ruc-kel-plo1ed metal. QTffTl styrene bowl 10'' 1803F6 ... $4.H SUNFlOW9 llRO FffOER Ht;>!d• 2 lull i:oundl ol btrdse<!d ".'Ind dJs P' n :ne 11 o u1c.mauoolly1 StJnli?wer 1op Nl!h 1o!den pel'lls and brown Ot>nler ah<.,Jds ....... uiru hopl)(lr. removes lor "<'JY hlhna All "' wl"Olherproof P.OIY· othyJ.on"" 6" h1qh x 9" diam fPeder at· 1orhoa 10 metol pol" 7567Fl $2.H DONZE-TONE SUN OIAl "'TfUS TtMF' A knthlul ,..produC'Uon ol one of lh" earbesl Roman timep1"Ce9 counts non<t but lhe sunny hou11 ·•Crafted in bronze hn1ahed cxat aluminum. il'a ru.s1-prool. with roiJic!d letters• and numerals on 91/;" diam lace Has lla'ewa for ecxy attoc:l11119 to pooal or tree In sunny area. Accurately lelll time 7803FO M. $4.H OOUllf WINDOW SHaf Hook.a m,ih1 over your window to boeome a showplace for Alnoon vlol1tll or colorful 111.::iss wartJ rollv.110n' Oincnnt'nlal white scrolled merril brackoll hold 2 heavy 9laa •helvt'S. ecrl1 22ff lon9 " 4 H deep W 00'1 tnlerferp w1lh window 3885f l .._ $2.91 DB.IGtfTfUl DAISY llMD 1All1 Birds love it so will you• GJOnl bloomtnQ dcn5y ia laahloned ol 1191d vinyl w11h 9leamln\l while p&lals and aunny yellow cenlnr Stands about 43" high on atake-an Item" ol ru.st·prool gr~n enameled metal, complPll' with Qreen pja.1t1c leav1>11 Sturdy 20'' d1a111 bird bath 11 completely weather-proof' Adda charm • and color to your lawn or ~rdt'T11 8 101f8X M . $3.91 1UC.Slf UMIOO RAlWAll For laknial ..., rill a Uftique Dair . . . a dramallc bamboo ~ for 41 °"'" Gl>le lltetbn. llClina-..... IOc>il en h19b1Y po(ilhed lor biting beauty. 8cuDboo ban· 6-fT. 11 15-fT. ASH NETTING IN 6 DECORATOR COlORS Creole o South Sea l1l011ti mood with v1trsa ulo hah netllng ol woshabl!> rayon-cotton' i • -" Co1ot r -ii .... 2901n <>can Blue 2902f5 2914FO Cloud White 2906A6 2915F7 Natural Brown 2907F4 2916F5 Coral Of'tnge 2908F2 2917f3. Ebony Bt1ck 2909f0 2918fl Sea Green 2910f8 t• ........... $2.59 2· ........... $1.69 •• di. hen• protec:ti ... lacqu. ,., llnilh 161)C ... Includes 4 -=b· NtT"ated bl"'-. lorb . INSUlATB> SERVU Bclk'J ca.uerolos. beans. cakoe . hx qel<Jtm IClloda right 1n this 3.ql ateel bat ma pan 1ben ahp p:m into poly· atyreno loam ahoU -keeps food hot °' cold lar hours' ld'JOI for picnics and pollucb 16" ll 11· a 6" lu w1tb snuq ltd Sturdy 5953f"5 M. $3.91 AHTIQUf SM.T Dlf'S Cop.ea ol 110.h cellara used 111 1800'•' Intricately molded glass hos "cut alcm" lac.eta Each about l 'hff diam with own 'lllJH aerv1n9 apoor1 Cute• 5806f5 ..... ' $1.50; 2 .... $2..19 8EVB!AGEOISl'9$:R G1anl &-qt capxlry' Clear polye1yrene oontcnnor holds hot or cold liquids Onp- prool spigot nevor lo.. a d.top loll on table 8" h1qh, lor picnk:a, paho or relnuer· ator' 4201FO $2..91 fNGUSH ClUEf SE1' lmportlfd ~tal cruets . 10h ~ pepper. vineqor 6 011 hove two top, 6" atand al heavy a1l¥erplote Snug stoppor9 56461'5 ... SI.ti RA TT AN ANGEL ASH Let Ibis charoung family ol 3 Anqel fish "swim" ocroa a bathroom wall or. float from a window mobile Hand-woven ol natural rattan over wire with ahlny bloct butlon eyN, fish are sin·. &· ancl s· long Point to ma1ch ~ 6818F9 S-flc. $1.91 OYSTM. DESSar 90WlS Large J4.oz bowls hold generous servinae of bemea. cereala. aaladr too• Ctyatal c:l«Jr glc9&, 5• <ham bowl& blend wilh cmy lablewor.. 11;.• 1ugti 1164F3 .... "'. $7.tl ~ ancl IOUp apoonl. ~ :· 1 ... .,.,. '----CUP ANO MAIL TO·~ - - - --- ' 651 , NORTH GALENA Ro G~~EO GHER.fOsru House J RATTAN 'Al'B f'lATE HOl.DEltS ., RI~ llLJNOIS 6J60l Solve !he problem of sogay. unm'lll0g6· l'fAMc able paper pltrtea 1 No load elidm9 11110 I ~~=======------------------I your lap when plales are au~rted by AOCHt holder-troy• lhot keep lht>l11' Hnn and ESs_~======~---------========-n91d Wovtm of ncrtural rattan wllh I CtTY I brmded ed9• ru up to 9" d.am plates 1845f7 Mt"' 4 $1.50; I Mta Q ,,. -STATE_ IT'bll NO. = ----l!P --1 • ITEM l'ltlC UC: ·---------------------···---_________________ .._. ____ ~·---------------------..._ ____ _.., __ __ .• Frog Murders Bass So Many Giant Catches Outdoor Llf e Published 4-Page Article Featured on Front Cover - Sports Afield Ron 6 Pages-Fur-Fish-Game 6. On Radio, on 200 TV Stations. BY PAUL STAG-The Weekend Fisherman A frog stumbled on by accident by Bill Plummer, a New Enpnd Fisher- man, catches such ciant baas for him ... 80 many bu&, so often ... 80 fut What Fro1 . Did to Bill Plummer • • it bu chanred his &bing life ... and fol' othen who use hia fror ... experts . . . average dsbermen . . . beginners . . . even children . . . it "'"rdn·• bcu1. Here'• bow it can for you. 1. Cf'eet C*'tSUS men of MasuchUMtb Ft.h & Wild Ute Commlaaion sent ~ of hil c:atc:hes to ...... who publ Bilr• pic:tuf9 Ind 2 Md 3 COiumn stories. • .- Th• Secret Of Catchin1 Bass 2 Radio and TV StMJons intetViewed Bill about • his fn:w's &Wit Qtchel. For 22 years Bill Plummer ftabed baaa the hard way ... but studied their habita ... bow they love weeds ... and devour every fro~ they can get. 3 Outdoor Life ran • 4-oue article on fr08 Ind • Bill -featured on f'rOnl cover. Ss>orts A'f ield ran 6 editorial P191S ... Fur.flsh-Clme "" 6. Finally Bill teated aimulated frogs of every color, shape, size and ma- terial he could And ... but even perfect replicas when motionless were so unnatural in water a.s to prove useless. Every lure Bill uised ... even so- called "Weedleu" ones ... fouled or snagged in weeda .... until be in-4 . General Motors filmed him usinc hia fro& • showed It on 200 TV stadons. vented his own weedless book ... diagram below shows why. Then he found the answer ... he combined a sponre rubber body and Ion~ trailin1, thin triple-jointed hollow rubber legs with bi.a weedless book. Tb.iB frog chanred Bill Plummer's fishing life and can yourB. Here'• bow. 5. Thousand5 of fitMnnan heltd of ffOI. or· dered it -forcinc Biii into business Ind out of his job • ft1ins instructor •.• then users reported fabulous catches usina Bill's ff08 and method... Catdla Ian TM Al 111 Bill Plummer using fros below now catchea baa lib Ian.bra abown ••• on averqe twice u bi&' aa before. Twitches Of Rod Drive Bus Crazy Bill rushed with bis frog and his weed- less hook to the nearest weed covered lake. Once east, the fror sat with just its eyes above water. When Bill twitched the rod tip, the frog's lep kicked backward in exact imitation of the real thing. Before Bill could give a second twitch. something green, black and white blew t he pad apart to get at the frog ..• Scratch one baas. Here wu a lure that looked, acted moved ... felt so natural to ba.ss it proved irruutibte. BilJ could make it sit mo- tionless on a pad ... move a-1-o-w or fast . . . on or below the surface. With a twitch of rod tip be could make it look /rightned, Awe ... anyone could do the same. He could move that lure through the heart of weed "jungles" aa safely aa if it lived there. Bill Plummer sculptured one body after a nother out of sponge rubber to get the precisely rirht shape, size and weight for perfect caatinr ... worked on hook arrangement to get perfect weed guard action with po1itivel11 no inter- ference with the book after the strike . . . solved the problems of action and buoyancy ... 'telted powers of his fror. Froa Irresistible To Bass , Bill ·could s how anyone in five minute.'\ how to use the rod with his frog. He'd ;nch his frog ahead ... suddenly ~weep forward ... make his frog slip quietly off the pad into the water: .. race across the moss ... looking terrtfted -and the bass struck without caution. Bm wollld make his frog dart . . . jump ... dive ... strugrle in water as though drowning ... jump temptingly along the su!'f ace. He'd catch bu& when his buddies would come home skunked. With his frog, Bill began to catch all the bass he wanted . . . throw back all base under four pound.a ... in New England before bis frog BiJl rarely caua-ht balJS over four pound.a. Now he began to catch bus twice u bi~ a.a before. He wu able to ftah ln plaeee bu,e bass hid. He'd boat and releue baas a(t41' bus. One fisherman Tells Another After newapaperB wrote two and three column stories of the Fl'OI', after maga- zines wrote multi-pare articlee on it and radio and TV inteniewed BUI about it, thousands of ft.ebermen wrote Bill about bia Frog-forced him to quit bis job as flying instructor . . . ju.st to manufac- ture frop for other fishermen. From all over reports came in of aston- ishing catches . . . bift'8r0 more baas caurht than ever before ... ftshinl' in weeda made euy u a game ... even for beginners for whom it was frustration before. "Beat all-round aurface Jure I used." -"W eedguard superior to any on mar- ket"-"Slnce ID1 drat fror more than doubled my cat.ch of bil' ones'." Bill's f l'OI' worked for more and more kinda of f rt9h, even aalt water ft.ab. Proved aensational In rock quarries for small mouths. Underwater the frog proved extremely effective. What This Means To You Simply tbia. No lonser need you belp- leuly ftah eds-of weeds, when beaa are not venturiq out ... waste untold hours ftahiq countless acres of barren water ... loee valuable tackle in weeds you're not equipped.for ... be content with puny baas, with a fraction of your limit or even rettins skunked aimply because you can't safely ro after baa in •helter of weeda, pada and mou. U.S. Patent No. 2,789.387 Weedguard Aoats naturally eyes just above water. Guard deflects during strike •.. No hook Interference. Ruged Guard wards-off obstructions without bendlnl. .__ "Bufb" feature "Hops" frOI over sblllps, branches. ·~ arms" eliminate "open pp" of old fashioned weed prds prevent faulin& book. Aul»le triple jointed hollow rubber lep 1iwt lif IHike reflex kickin& action. Now you can fish into center of weed.a ... over aubmerged lop, throurh matted bush, in underwater thicketaJ through weeds, grass, pads . . . make xrog crawl . . . race . . . dive . . . sit motionless ... dart away-use obetaclea to help you that used to hurt you-overhanging branches ... haJf aubmerred Jop and rock8 . . • m08s and weeds so ihick you can't see the water. Now you can cat.ch bass as never before . . . bigirer baas, more often. Amazin1 Trial Otter Try Bill Plummer'a f ror at our risk. Fish in wont weed trap area you know ..• where bass have been caurbt bot you've been skunked or caught practically nothing . . . over )op, around rocks, tbrourh ma~ted weeds. Unleaa delirhted, return for no cost. You muat catch more bass, bigger bass, more difterent kinda of game ftsh, more often . . . must have more fun fishing where bue are ... in the weed.a .•• or no coet. first Come, First Served Demand ia 80 gr~t Bill Plummer baa turned over all manufacture and market- ing to MADISON BOUSB, INC. To be sure of ~et ting you.r Bua Frop in time for the ftahing sea.son, mail coupon today. It's first come, ftnt aerved. Thia adver- tisement may not appear ln thia news- paper again. So act now! Rueb coupon below. r-----MAIL AMAZINS I MONTH TRIAL COUPON TODAY-----, I -lllJl•llll,a...9M1._ I 11•9ru Sp ......................... 7 Y-.1 .... _t1trJ •" mwin Mii flOl..,.•AMm•1-....11w..,. ._. _ _. ;t I ... ,......~-"ar· .. ••ar."':flUI·"._,_._._._._ • I ··-==:....~-=~ .......................... a. ... . a ,.,.., -11• bdlMf 11 tu1 ~c111.a .. 111.0.). I •••fJ'zuaw.....,.... u .. c.o.&.,..,•nollCl._ -. I O-!-f ... , ...... 1 ................ ,., ........ UI .................... I ._. _, .. ,._. -·~••· . I I MlllSI·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~ I cm~~~~~~~~~~~~~zo-~~---Jnin.__~~~~~~~- l--~--------------------------- - --~ ocb, bted, more :inds have .. ln -= .. --,--....... -_______ q ________________________ .............. ...- By ROSALYN ABREVAYA I F YOU IMAGINED the short skirt would not be with us this sea- son, guess again. Hemlines three inches above the knee remain the thing. How to cover the long leg ? Wit h gorgeous hose, of course. Try the "wet" look in shiny, screen-printed or 11<>ft-eolored sheers ; the "dec- orated" look in a tone-on-tone Sport IH·th.rougla. lmee--lt.iglt.8 of atretch. DiiPom ""Ion b11 Van Roa.Ue i,. tlte A.M.; awitch to Pucci' a flocked Co.,.trece II ftJl- loft h.oae br JI cCallum B ou.tique o.t dtc.! k. / FASHIONS W ea.r lwie with t~ "tntured" look ita ci delicate traeerr of circUa in. Ca.ntrue II n.rl.oft br Haft.ea. Dreaa b11 Umba. of DOftle. flocked pattern; the "textured" look. which covers legs in such delicate mesh tracery you need to look twice to detect the pattern; or you might cover halt the leg with see-through knee-higba. The message is clear: with such blooming variety, will a woman feel well-dressed in basic-colored hose? • For tlut.t la.te'evni1'g °" tll. town, 1liftk imo tlu "wit" look: HfUh()1t.'a glUteAi"'g black-atad- wlt.ite 1cre~flt64 f'Gnlr l&oae in Atatron. Dru. br D°" Sopltiltico.tel. Co..,., f.-leftt ~lenecf hole of siretdt Duf'liNtt n,ton by ll'cGo"-lovtlqw, ftocbd- dot hose of 1,_tle Con1Nc9 II nylon by lurtlngtoft-C-~ Orea ... It, M8tll h-""t. .... , ,,_.. of Corlam '"°1'00«NMS IT a.AUDI Pim Fatflilw WHklr, Aprill1, Jiii 11 WhatP 2 pairs of Famous-Name Men's and Boys' Shoes for only· $14.SSP YES/REPEAT: 2 PAIRS ..... RiRS14.951 (1 hlr, $1.00) aa, goodbre lo expeMlve lhoee thllt wreck ,our budget Say hello to a famoua maker' a mlgllfflcent new Pol)'llleric ahoe at an •toniehlng low price. Thia la no poor copy of a good ahoe. It'• the McCoy. And It ahould be. It comea from one of the MMt ,...,.cted ehoe manutacturere In the world. It look• grMt and It l•ta .. long • any ehM JOUW paid three ""'" the prl~ for. • Y•'I • MecMely Tlwtlled Wiit OW lhoeel After you ... our~ you witl M¥er P9Y $15 to $30 for • pair egalnl You'll wonder how we can do Ill You get top quality uppera, lifetime lac .. , -PVC lole and ~· for • long u the lhoe l•tl, fleXlble support shank In the arch, 1uperior mu- cullne detalllng, the whole ball of waxl Even new luxury linings. You••,• Allie To ....... Our Low Price ..... New Wonder Polymeric shoe beats the Mc:k out of *"'*· won't acuff, kMpl better shape and , .~ '.' ~ l f f [ '-. f, T I I /. ~ ' I r. "< • , .... L /<t ~."' f f (1 (Jr. ,,,,,f< '.'~•l\jf' Ht. '°' TAU YOUR CMOICI OP ....... .,... OUORDS• ... LOAFIRI. .. .,.,, .......... : • ·~ 7 "' • .,, • '" 10 10l\ 11 12 13 B "" ,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, "' c ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 0 ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, I!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l!EE lfl' ,,,, "" II' ,,,, "" ,,,, ,,,, ,,, "" ,,,, ,,, ,,,, .., ...... c.... o.,l. l-100 . 11 "-Awe.,ftnport,M.Y.11UO Mver needl a shine. (You wipe It clean.) So don't 8'*Mf • dollar more than you hav. to tor new 1hoes. Get 2 pairs of theae new famou1- brend shoes for only $1-4.95 poetpald. W• ouerentH complete ••tl•f•otlon or your money back. U•• th• no-rllk~ouponl ._ , --·-''+ffff'P'**' -, -...... 0.,., o.,t. L-1 00 I ., .... A .... , ........... Y.11at I o.ntle!Mn: ,__ Mnct -I ,..,. ot tt1e 1~ ~ ..,.cffled '*-· I ..-..ics. I My~ofl -~., --~8'alHow tSfZ!; '!!:r -~ I • I ,_... I ..,..,r__ ______________ ~--- ~'-----..... .__ _ __.11 p,__ __ I I I ~-----------------~ _,.._.._..., _ _. _____ _ . .. a a._,_•• •• ........,.,. _... .....,~....,..--....... _ D FAMILY WEfllY OIOflCAI D t ! WIM DO ABOUT TODAY'S '54-A-DAY HOSPITAL COSTS ft IKE EVERYTHING ELSE, the cost of being sick or hurt baa gone up sharply. The average daily ooet of one day's stay in the hospital has tripled since 1952-frorn $18.35 to $.54.08 a day. Experts say it will climb even higher! _ TI>e9e akyrocketing medical coets have put mil- lions of Americana in a dangerous spot. because their health iDluranu is no longer enough to pay the bills. They'll either have to pay the lion's aha.re out of their own pockets-or buy more health insurance, using ~Y they'd rather save for the future. But DOW there's a remarkably different kind of money-ma health imuraoc.e that aolves this problml. It's a plan that you can add toil/tout ris•int a pnmy becaua it alao paya you if you stay well. This revolutionary health insurance takes the worry .,. out of life becauee it returns money to you if you don't cet aick. or hurt. If you don't need the benefits, you get peid a substantial cash .. nest egg" at matwity. Like ordinary health insurance, this rematkable plan pays you generous tax-free cash benefits if you do get sick or hurt. The cash comes to you direct-by- cbeck. to spend any way you wish. It pays you reprdle11 of other hospital, medical or surgical insur- ance you may have, including group. Pwople over 65 pt th• e11sh they need to help with Medlalre. One of two thlnp will h•ppen-you'lt either pt sk:k, or you'll stay wen. life's twice the fun knowing that, either w•y, you must aet paid. But unlike ordinary insurance. thia k>w-<X>St plan means you DO longer have to get sick or hurt to c.ollect. If you atay well, you still' get a big chec.k. Instead of paying premiums which return no money if you have no claims. you get a cash refund of all your basic annual premiuma at maturity. In effect, you built up an extra savings account to add to your future pleasure and aecurity. You don't even have to stay 100 per cent healthy ~get money back. If you collect less than what you paid in annualized premiums, you get a cash refund of the difference. So no matter what, you must collect. It's the eenaible answer for people who no longer want to gamble against today's rapidly rising medical costs. Thia remarkable Money-Back protection ia offered by Banken Life and c.ualty Co. as part of the famous White Croes Plan protectina over 6,000,000 AIDericana. And the White Cl"068 Plan alao includes new k>w-<X>St protections to help folks over 65 fill the gape in Medicare that could cost them thousands. The story of this revolutionary health insurance that allo pays you cash if you stay well, and apecial .. Over-65" plans to supplement Medicare, is told in the Gold Book, an infonnative booklet offered free by Bankers. •••NOTE: Rto4nsof Family WttMyctmttlafrucopy of tltt G<>ld Boolt by usi11g lltt postage-paid r1ply card altoclttd to tltis pogt. No cost or obligation. BANKERS LIFE a CASUALTY COMPANY Cbleap, IBlnoia 60630 r-i n ! ~ ~ i ~ > .. -4 E ~ "' .. Vt "'>m> "' n > ~ % n 0 % ~ > J i= % ~ 2 i ~ !i :::! ~ !! ! N Z i -~ e . ~ s ~ z "' n • ~ % UJmftmlM.-rWlTOt ci..111. ...... ,,.,.. Wfl ,.. ....... 1111• ...., ... ..aet'7 triltid 8itll ~"· Gee-............... ..,.... ..... .,. • ""' Gllclllr ,,...... dirt. Mir • ....,.. "" Cllll ....,, ht .., ........ .. ...... ,.......~ ........ ..... 1...-..~IZ'"aW..-. _,. ...................... .. ~DICK Wlt50M'S WILSON ·FORD SALES ·-1---- I FOR l) I DICK WILSON 18255 BEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON IEACH ~ ------_ _j . llt:l.ND NEW 19'9 MUST ANG HARDTOP MAND NIW 1t6t THUNDERBIRD '$2298 $71.30 36 mo. $26.15 M"' ............ u ••• ~ .................. .., ......... ..,....,.., ............... .......,, ..... ...,... _.,...,,..... ....................... .. ........... 2 ........... ~ sgg Tot•I Required Down Payment On Alty NEW CAR or NEW TRUCK W1LSON FORO ........... ...,..,. .. ....... '"' ... ., -" •• ., tnc• .... .... 19t" .... A-nu. Ulllte4 c.llf ..... ., ,_, ... ..., Cerp. .... ,.., .,. ............ 5 YEAR or 50,000 MILE WARRANTY fram FORD " CORTI 1 -~::·:·: ... 12Ull $$64.45 H 1 •AND NIW 1 f6t FAIRLANE $99 Down $70.95 36 mo. '"" T .. & Lica111a 0 11 app. be11k· u o4it. ................................ "'"''""'· ...... * ....... ~.Md!· ... ._ ... ~ ............................ .,...c---.,... ..... ............. , ............... , ...................... . llA .. D NIW 1tH $2088 $99 Down $64.45 36 mo. F A LC 0 N "ii• T •• & Uca111e 0 11 •PP· bHk "o4fi. ~ ....................................... 52588 MAND NIW 1f6t TORINO G. T. $99 Down $80.65 • mo. -" ................ styte ......._ ................ wl* e\fal Mr-. Niil l..cttlllAI ..._ ..._. .... •.T • ...... _,__ .. ,._ air Matw & .........,, Mdl4' ..._ ... cowte.r ........ Al ¥lllyl .,_ ..,e. ""'°"". ,...... ...... ,, ................. ....., ... 2 .... ....... • llAND MIW 1t't $2289 $99 Down 70.95 36 mo.. RAN.CHERO Pickup Plus r .. & Uce11H 011 .,,. tlu\ cro4it, ~ ........ c ............ .....,, ..a.., ....... cewteey ........................... ...,,._ ..,.,., ,_. c.inl ....,._ "*'-'• "tlllt llllllf ........... c,a .... YlllJI ttlM. CO:'or ay.-fllW Mlt, .... llAND NIW F· 100 JusT 2 MILES SOU1H OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH 8LYD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 ~ 11 Fm •• flllllS .•. .-wl'1 Mt -.II IM Wltelt Mlcicll Clf'9t II 19' ,,..,... witll'"' 1000 ~ta .......... Growl tall IM c.l«.flcL "-ill-· cm te .., a1a tet 11 t 1'q ...., ••· ... .,.... ta lf' tlll. Cillt ..... "9dlllS • 1111 .. hi lllilllt. "" .. .... 1oa7 ..... 11 .... ~ ...... .. 71ISl ...... 11 ................ .. HUNTINGTON BEACH UUS DIPr. SllYICI OfllN ' ...... 10. , ... 7 Days THs. tlln Ftf,, I •·•· to I P·•· Me:.., I e.111. te t P·•· 592-5511 EW IDEAS BY MAIL FROM SPENCER GIFTS 1111 IUU HIHU Al· ITUI THE ••• tf a rs 11• , ............ .. ......... ... -..... lllt • ......... * .......... -,.., ~· Hf -.ti• lMI ....... llit .,., ...... , .. -· .. ..ti, ............ ... ,, hlf·ttlO ~ ....... -... ., ........ -A. hM •.. ,., ... llllUS lUlllS ClJ•• f1JWOS l YllllS . . . WultltriHd 11tttu11 helps """' l'OW strai&'lt, tall. EnJOJ lltalthler plants: td· dtti-1 llleuMs. "o rtri111 u rat; "° wl11 to r.st or buT1I tt.irils In llot u111. Sets u, in 11111111111; n e rear titer )'Ur. C:reat fOf 1wtet ""· pole llttns, c1e1111111t11, t111Ntots, etc . 4eMt 9' •I ' Tniflillll Tl'lflis . , •. lie 402 ... I ' a ti' n 1inift1 Tr'ltlls .. $1.11 l Slftff mrs ..... £ ms AIAY . . . fr. **· tna, l•nii™•· luce, Me • · • ""'"" u,IMiYI U..Ct to Y'Ollf ''''"tJ. l•t ••ec• • Ptt Wick 111yw11tre ••• rtJtllt11t tdot tlllM• dais olld cats .. .,. Nel111 te tt1h1 ,ets .. , 11tt1 JOllr llollt. CM M •Id llldoon or eutdoon. Htr111lt11I Odor· .... te ...... to wlcb ; ... t11tl11. IMJI .... Wicb " ........... , ... IWFtT Sllft11M£ TUY SlftS SPACE Mlkts your table look 1111ter, prtttitr " 11 •Ilda crowdiftl & clutter. Lu¥tt '°" lob of rOOlll for ltrll ,i.tttn, co1 .. n , 1tamn<t, cfl1111. Geats C111 MM a. .... 1 ... u sllJI Stcltrate ttetiOM llold •kint, ult & PlflPI' & sllwlwlrt amt" for 24. UllMIUlll• sty· rt111 !let ric~ .. 111111-llq w.-r. 7SIH lllftet SilftfW.,. T1llJ .. tz,71 I( Yim M um1! Tiil IAll FlSTI AlltoNtlc ..._ Hllrwt....,......; .. MIMr lllop vlslll. Kt..-tMt "l8t-lfft·ttiHellltr" '°" 1111 1111 ... flll ' ""' -..... tt, 9"f ,.. llllf-4oll't Mii ... I tllilTOf c:niirt for cltllffltl'• cm. No •""'41 ~; llO t llCtrlC trim. far ladltl, "91 trim -ri ....... .............. Pllitlc. 141111 .._ ................ ,p.• I 98 w" ....... .......... .......... ............ ' mo. 11k cre41t. ...... T. ,_ ..,.... ...... 11' cre4it, ..,,,.. ....... 1 SATURDAY fight S.vlng Time, the Ch1mpaane 1 Music Makers feature tunes about time. ID Buel Owens (C) (30) APRIL 2' 9:00 fJ Cit (j) Ho1111'1 Heroes (C) (30) 0 Q) 00 m NBC Sabmlay Mow· fVf NING ie: (C) "llle hd (And H .. To Use It)" (comedy) '66-Brian Bedford, ID Bill Anderson (C) (30) 6:0011\e 811 News (C) (60) .:t:'I STEREOS CAMERAS TV . ID @ m Huntl11·Brlnkley (C) w ' I I < O) * SMALL APPLIANCES! 0 Por19f Wapntr (C) (30) Roger BID NOW TO MIDNITE! Miller, Buck Trent, Spec Rhode$ Eli) KCEr Audioft (C) Bid number. guest. (213) 626-2477. fJ Boss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle 9:30 tJ ~ (j) Petticoat Junction (C) hosts. (30) Wendell Gibbs, the Cannon· ID The Invaders (C) (60) ball's engineer, sleeps too soundly Ell) KCET Auction (C) (6 hr) Bid to be awakened, so Betty Jo drives number: (213) 626-2477. the train herself in a rush to the 6:30 Q News Conference (C) (30) hospital. _iR) 0 Melody R1nch (C) (60) Gordon 0 @@ Q) Hollywood Palace I Terry Is featured. (C) (60) Sammy Davis Jr. hosts. I Rosy Grier (C) (30) Jack Carter, Jo Anne Wor1ey, Car· I Love Lucy (30) men MacRae, The Ike and Tina Feature Turner Revue, Bobby Doyle and Sim Famr (C) Lola f.alana guest. (R) 7:00 Cij Cl) C8S Evenlne News (C) fJ News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. (30) Roger Mudd. aJ Tiit Stoneman Family (C) (30) 0 m i l'l<IM I A look on the 10:00 tJ 9 Cl) Mannix (C) (60) A rac· l Jgtlt Side (C) (60) A n~ travel sp~-ing driver is killed in an event in c1al is hosted by Jose J1~enez (Bill which Mannix Is also a competitor, Dana). as he takes a tnp around and the dead man's widow hires the the United St.ates. private detective to Investigate pos· 8 The Annlverury Game (C) (30) sible foul play. Jill Ireland guests. Death Valley D111 (C) (30) "A (R) Key for the Fort." I The Defenders (60) m Queen for a Day Special (C) • Twlliatrt Zone (30) (60) (R) News (C) (30) ID Wondm of the World (C) (30) Ernest Tubb (C) (30) "Jo'Bure." The Linkers explore .:t:'I HURRY' 2 H s LEFT' e·id' Johannesburg. u.:1 : r . . . Eii) KCET Audfon (C) Bid number: * Everything Goes Cheaply! (213) 626·2477. Thanks for Your Support! m Exltometro Ell) KCET Auction (C) Bid number: 7:30 B Qi Ci) Jackie Gleason (C) (60) (213) 626-4277. Georee Burns. Jack carter, Martha m Box de Mexico Raye and Mel Torme guest.,,(R) 10:30 I ntE Cat (C) (30) O M,ovlt: "The lady Eve (com· • What's My line? (C) (30) edy) 41 -Henry Fonda, Barbara Miurice Woodruff Predicts (C) StBnwyck. (60) 0 @ CI) tiE) The Dating Game ID Kitty Wells (C) (30) (C) (30) Jim Lange hosts. (l) Hollywood and the Stars fJ Million $ Movie: "Paths of 11:00 I 0 0 mm News (C) Glory" (drama) '57-Kirk Douglas, • Wor1d Tomorrow (C) Ralph Meeker. .. • Movie: (C) "She's Back on ID World of Women (C) (30) Meet Broadway'' (musical) '53-Vlrginla Greta Andersen." Mayo. Frank Lovejoy. EID BIKINIS to MINK COATS! ID Reverend Fred Jordan (C) * Puerto Vallarta Holiday! Ell) KCET Auction (C) Bid number: Y F Th B.dd. I (213) 626·2477. ours or e ' mg. 11:15 tJ Fabulous 52 Movie: (C) "Up AUCTION ACTION to 12! Periscope" (drama) •59 -James ID KC£T Auction ~C) Bid until mid· Gamer, Edmond O'Brien. night. O Saturday Nigtlt Movie: "The m Los Caudillos Victors" (drama) '64-George Ham· 8:00 O las Floristas Headdress Ball (C) ilton, Vince Edwards, Georee Pep- (60) Al Lohman and Roger Barkley pard. host this fantastic annual event 11:30 0 m Toni"'t Show (C) that features a contest among flo-O Movie: (C) ulovt letters" (mys- ris1s In Southern ~lifornia to see tery) '45-Joseph Cotten, Jennifer who can make the bigge.st. best and Jones. most beautiful headdress of flowers.. m lnsigtlt (C) 0 (i1) CD m The Newlywed Game The Empr .. (C) ~) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. 11:45 Movie: "Actors and Sin" (dra· m Movie: "The Man Who Could ma) '53-Edward G. Robinson, Mar· Wort Miracles" (fantasy) '37-Rol-sha Hunt, Eddie Albert. and Youne, Joan Gardner, Ralph 12:30 fJ Movie: (C) ''The Man Who Nev· Richardson. er Was" (drama) Clifton Webb, Glo· ID American West (C) (30) "Res· ria Grahame. cue of the Forgotten Totems." (R) m 77 Sunset Strip Ell) KC£T Auction (C) Bid number: 12:45 ID Cinema Saturday: "Please, Mr. (213) 626·2477. Balzac!" I Nodlt de Estrlfto 1:00 fJ Movie: "Ambush'' (western) ·~ Here Come the stars (C) -Robert Taylor. 8:30 ~ Cl) ~ Thi'•• Sons (C) (30) O News (C) @ (!) W The Lawrenca Welk m All·Nigtlt Show: "Quarter' and Show (C) (60) On the eve of Day. ''Jesse James vs. the Daltons." IM£ ••• um 11 11111atm , •... MIU ...i1, partitl Utl'I lptc:llll Otlllllt 1uutJ wltlt llldMch11I aervi11pl "'-• llltil Sj!Ollp, MPI food CIUll doll ca•n, lllltlll 1111d1 111 ~" di•. A... Pt1111 PMd, cofte cam. ~ . ..t ..., I• ~ I 2W' I lW' lllf P1111. Olllcll-cl.. ae1111lt11 11111111-. 2-Milli Leef P'ltns let et 4. $1.M UIA Ml .. ~ ,_. let ef 4. •1M Bobbie Gentry Is 'Today' Ask Burt Rosen about the successful women in his life and the young TV producer can tell you that Bobbie Gentry now joins a distinguished list of performers. Rosen of Winters/ Rosen Productions, wbo co-produces with partner David Winters, the NBC "Spring Thing" Special which stars Bobbie Gentry (Monday, 8 PM), says Mw Gentry posse~ the same magnetic qualities of an Ann Margret. Barbara McNarr, Leslie Uggams and Nancy Sinatra. "Stardom, particC1larly to television, is built around a cenain 'perfonning' honesty and a certain honesty-of-person," says Rosen. ''The tube doesn't lie. "Bobbie is 'today' in what she does. To her advantage, she's especially bright. 'Spring ~ing' is not merely ~ variety s~ow it's somewhere between vanety and a book musical. Bobbie had the foresight and the style to come off as an actress _ir>; all that she did. She sings her songs as though they were m1m-dr~mas, and in the course of the hour she ranges from the romanuc, to the comedic and even on into slapstick. I think Bobbie can be a major motion picture star if she wants to.". . . With regard to all of the Burt Rosen adJCCbves concernmg "the Bobbie Gentry talent," as . well as compliments from other peers, Miss Gentry takes a modest tack. "I've always had what amo~nts to a? .in~re~ desire to. wri~e music and lyrics. I grew up an the Mtss1ss1pp1 Delta n:g1on. 10 an area that was warm with ch ildhood memories and friendships. My family moved to Southern ~aJifornia w~e~ I was 13 wh~re life was fun. but different. I think my music IS a way of going back in time and fi11ing in the things I could only barely sense as a child. It's funny how clearly things such as reflections, people, happy-times-and-sad can come back to you. Now, I have the words I was at a loss for then, and by joining the adult thought to ~e earlier event I create songs that have a deep personal meanmg for me. What is so terribly satisfying is to have the results mean something to other people. I take thl't as an indication that what I felt J was ex.periencing so terribly alone as a child also hap- pened to others-which is reassuring even though it comes a number of years later. • "Talent is being able to do your own thing," she says, "and have others rooting for you. A lot of people the country over do their own talented thing every day, but most of what they do is directed inward. When they'v~ finished, whatever they pu_lled off is merely swallowed ~p 1~s1~e the person. . An entcrtamer reaches out. Their own tbang, 1f It has any meaning at all, finds itself transferred into those who've watched or listened. At the end of a performance, it's the audience that's fulfi~led and it's the entertainer who's been drained. If that happens, 1f that transfer- ence actually takes place, that, and only that, is an expression of talent." IUP -fMI EATI• YM c.sl llrd c.rd leb _..., reap 111 ~ou -1 StrttcJI tltl• ¥il'tllell1 Wtlllltl•, ,...,., lllVltlbl• ... owtr 10W , ........ prdw, MrTJ lltdt, prized fnllt tr==ete. KMPt out lllnl11 11t lttl 111 ......... ... rtil • polltHtlfllll IMtcta. It ft. W ICJJlk lltt "'91da to ca.tr HO ... ft. C4ltl ti "" ,,,. . •n • .,....,. ............. sa.• .......... , 11• 1• wltll tllllrtelt Sttlll ~ ~ Yw ..,._. '"' ....... lta """ ........... ' ,.. ... ,.., ...., .. .., wltllMt ,,. • c.ntnl US'f 191 DI I m -A lm ... "9 ....... ~cn.ltl ....... 1111. • ~ ...... " ,..I u.M ,. ... ...., ............. .. cr..at ..... ~_......, .. tin _, ICllts .,_ II -' cnclll • .,... ......,, -.... , """' -... fwtl ~ u..w --...........• , .. l...,.. ...... , .. ,.,.. Mtlll ...... ..... I• --.... ""' .,...... ..... l ...,.., -Of tlttaM. 0.. '"' lb ... . ............................... 71179! "'* 1-.r ••••..... la. t1M IHNCla lllm Dtl-4 Spencer lldf., Mlantlc Citr, N.I. 0'404 SITilf ICJlll N1-------------------I _... _, -Ill AMrrw.---------------- CltJ ~--+-----+---------------t---1 .__ _ __. ___ .....,_ _____________ -+-~• '---+----+---------------+---! ··~ _ _., ___ _.... ______________ ..,._ __ I"--+-~~~~~~ : H.J. Raidenb., ..... 8Ctd 3~ Ala tu. :r.... ( .:;'.:.,) ~---------------------------~----FowtUw WHklw,Aprill1, "" If ___ T ... IQRuth-l:JD U.S. ...., ... (C) "'LSD." ......... (Q .._.,.,.., (Q •:911 SUNDAY (f) m ... ,. ..., fiYtor. flt> Clutoon llritl feetur· B YOUTH ANO THE POLICE ~~n w'::':t.°'c1:..'t"~~ * MARIJUANA -PUT ON and unlformlJ nobll outtook. Dud· TRIAL BEFORE ADULT v.rc. .. C*MJ (C) ())Ten Hatt 11 ... IJld .. CillMI 1:45 Fublrt (C) "lntematlonal Tl"ld· 5~, APRIL 'Z1 ·.~ \ l i" 'J I '< I All stations reserve the rldtt to chance program· mlng without advance no- tice. 1:1511'1 Cllliltl11ll1ra 1:30 "" ......... 1:55 , ... Ut Tllll OIJ. (C) 7:00 T .. aid JtnY (C) s-ltr Fnllitl (C) 7:30, ......... ~ ...,_ Tibtnladt a.Ir (C) ,..., storytl• (C) CD DMJ and 8911.U. (C) 1:45 m Tiie a,,.... cc> l:GO R 9 Cl) La-. Untll Mr Ftlt (C) ·'Tlle Baptists of Cali." The wOft of the lntematlonal Baptist Stml· nary in Cali, Colombia, In tralnin& nat1¥e people to seM as Southern Baptist ministers throu&Mut Latin America Is studied. ' ~ Qartsloplltn (C) rat of , ,...,,.. (C) a.a.au • Astroullt c.-.. (C) ....... (C) C1) ....... Heer (C) Cid •• tllt ~ (C) lbnl llport (C) 1:30 ti Look Up lllCI Uwt (C) ''Tbt Wldenina Gulf: Kerner Plus 1." Con· ctusion of two-part serlea on racial lty'a prlndpal actlv~ Ii Ule un· AND TEENAGE JURY doinl of vtllainom plob coat1Md a , ......... r.lk:e (C) .. , .. r1. by ttl• smlsttr Snidely wtilplatl. I T ... 1 .. Nell, a «swttt JOUfll thtna." pur-uana on , .. · su.S by both Dudl-r lltd SnidtlY. I M•••hrers' lllW. (C.) contributes I romantic tlefMClt to (ft} CJ) G) lllWIMM,. (C) the series. iilhti: (~ "Slllti8l't (adven· m ...-: (C) 'ftltll tf u. = '56-Alan Ladd. Rossana Po- eo.t' (adventure) '61-l• Barter, 1 . 1 _.. (C) IEste~nblit-(C) cE Wrtdhll (C) (I) Fall ~ 11Wtw11 fll..-ClrllM fiaMll DID (C) • Wlllp ti .......,, (C) 1't Ala.-(C) 10:30 --........... (C) HO ea-a T1lrlt (C) 19 (I) 8' Frwtlln ti F1ltll · "Charfe"-of a Closer Moon· Mr Fawrltl S..... (C) Riv. .... · Lowell l.lnon, Arst Lutheran Churdl A Cont1nuln1 ,.Commitment to Wor1d of Northridae auests Development. Fourth and final pro· of Diicowtry (C) gram In series pointlna up the m Una (C) need for Justice and development lJ'* (C) in povertY areas of the wor1d. Don· 00 .....,. lllllllu (C) aid Barnhouse rtports. Guut is Cl) Toe MMI ....., (C) William Attwood, editor-In-chief, 1 .,.._ 11...._ CoWles Communications, Inc. ..... 1 .... .-...... M@ mm•.-a uc1,...... t-.30 CeMtrutlonS WD 1 Plfc'la-~ f1ltll for Todar (C) D oW~Pa~~:"J:P:M~~ 11:00 Ii QI Cl) NHL Hocler (C) stanley (C) "Proloaue." People of vtrious Cup Playoffs. 119 aroups meet with host r.ectl II Tllll Is die Uft (C) Osoff to explore their lntnlts In D CALIF. ANGELS vs. en.'' Z:OO fJ Pllllc S..-. jC? "A HoUll To Uvt In." Presentld by tM Callfor· nla RNJ Esbti Aaodltion. D m Co1111111'1ul ~ (C) Wflllam Monn». • =.:i °""' (C) ~Cl)FNtln I El Curto Manda•llfttll 111• ht Pltrol (C) 2:30 ee..itmtat (C) Oii Cl.,. (C) "Ansel Mama on Camp11$." The world·flmottS pho- toar•pher·nltul'llist dbcUSMS hla two fmrtte subjects with Occidental Collea• professors John McMenamln and Robert Hansen. fJ Mnllon $ Mowle: (C) "Cepper Clnyo11" (western) '50-Ray Miiiand, Hedy l.lmarr. m U.S. Nny Fa. 3:00 I a Cl) Face tM Natioft (C) · lhvlt: "'1llt Uttlt Nulll" (com· y) '65-Syfva Koscina, Catherine ia~~I• of tM 8olclen West (C) fi1l m m Dlrtctltn• <C> An ectrtcMass" played by the Mind the subJect of economics. * KANSAS CITY ROYALS! l""I ~nz ... , (C) • n= ~ci.etblll (C) Ora~ (C) ~h playoff came of the finals. Aq11111n (C) m Mowit: "I Wn a Malt War ant 1 Mano RandMro Bride" (comedy) '49-Cuy Grant, Tla1s 11 tlM Utt (C) Ann Sheridan. Geraae quintet et reliaioUS slMce ls the subject of "New lmaies of Uvina-The Changin1 Sounds of Music." I Outer Limits Facet and Placa (C) n ~)NBC Exptrllffnt In TllM- m Enlicn O'Toole . I C11urdl In tlll HoMI (C) Finger-snapping singer Frankie Vaughan 101ns comedienne C6l F1nt Baptist Clurrdl Phyllis Diller and an all-star talent parade on Showtime, an ei'•pus (C) hour-long variety extravaganza, on KHJ, ChanMl 9 Sunday 11:30IJ5Mn lMnl (C) "Descanso undemandina. 3:30 IJ QI Cl) N .. YOft Pltll""9111k Youni "°Pit's C.cert (C) "Bach Transmorrified." L9090ld Stokowskl auut conducts the New Yor11 Phil· harmonic in one selection of an all-Bach pro1ram with Leonard Bernstein. (Rescheduled) at 6:30 PM. Lovely songstress Anita Harris, comics Dickie Gardens." A tour of the LI Canada Henderson and Mich'Jel Bentine complete the international camellia, rose and Ins 1arden. B Ana• Baseball (C) Calif. Angels talent line-up. vs. Kansas City Royals at Kansas City. Dick Enberr and Don Wells call the action. fJ Mow!« -T1tl AMnbns tf Malt! Twain" (comedy) '4'--fr.Sric March, Alexis Smith. m Sii.., MltiMt f\f T f RNOON 12.-001 had Ri&lrt (C) , ............ (6) Dollllt FMtura: "Abbott & CostlilO Comin' Round the Moun- tain" and (C) "Oreaon Trail." star· rinf Fred MacMurray. E Cial an Sa Cau 12:30 D Qaradln hi tllt Arb (C) ''Tbe Ckiwn" ls port.rayed In a scene from "He Who Gets Slapped," a drama of the split emotions of a man who Is lauahina on the out· side but cryin1 on th• Inside. 18 TV w...-. tf tllt Wiit (C) 1:00 I I Meet * .... (C) fi!)lyroa ........ a- ( ) ~Is rounds of the 72-hole championship, forrnerty known as the Dallas Open, telecast 11¥9 from th• Preston Trail Golf Club in Dal· las, Tllls. Miller Barber la defend· i d\lmplon. Qlltle Q• CHlblt Rewlvll F1ns (C) Cl) Wrutllft& (C) D @ (]) aJ DilccMIY (C) ''San Fninclsc~arbor of Harbors, Bay of Bays." (R) · m Hawe Sun, WlR TrMI ~ ~F=-= "Low Uatrt LMI Television." Television cameras that can photoaraph by star111ht are bt- 1~ developed. @EFlltU1'9 4:00 D Presa eo.f1rtt1ce (C) In their first head-on clash, candidates for the 27th Conaressional Dlstrlct Barry M. Goldwater Jr. ind John K. Van De Kamp, meet today. I M111 Froe UNCU (C) Bronco (I) Lara•lt @ Coapaioclal Rlpol't (C) Willlam Monroe. I Ventlna Sobrt lol HllM Tlll Rat h1rol (C) hid Ftf'CllS ~-(C) 4:30, ......... (C) Ftlblft (C) "Nroeraphs -the B 1ek Artist." An exploration of the wom of three black arti.U-.CUIP- tor John Riddle, painter and lee· turer Dr. Samella Lewis, and de- l er William P1)1ud. Naws(C) (i)F ..... illlterotln' ~··· (i) P9*I .... (C) iilusica , ,...... Tlll DMotls bull e Fru: nap end his ech I Fin Rec I 5~, tic I 6:00~ ah tic ~ I ct I Ct Cl ~ 6:301 (. p 7:00 ~ 1 • R i c A s s E s T B u Y s w E MAN u F Ac TU RE ~ 'M Po RT o ' R E c TL ~, ~ o L ow rn PR i c Es A Y ' NEW! THE FABULOUS DYNEL CONVERTIBLf *IJ£T a£T,, OVER SHOULDER FALL -.i .... ••• 1orJf. SNCIAU.'f MOCEsseo DYNB. ~ltaFOltf IALEJ 1001 BUMAN HAIR WIGLET 20·WAY PUT-ON ·--, r ---I ~u.&A......, 1mo...---.--.•a.l'Jf1f I I r°"'1 .,:·,.:;-.. ~ .. _. .. ·-•,........,..,... I .. ,_ ~~·.::'" ., -'-· .._..., ....... ~ I "',..,,_. .n,r: .wi1 • ...,. .._.. *'..,, ,,_ -I I -·AM,.......,..... I I 0 .. W.,'-'t·-6.···· -I o .,,.... .. w., ..._ e sue ,.. I I o .._ ..... ....,.. • ..,..,. .., I ow-....._,...,..._...•,,,, • I I o-...o.t.-.._....,.._....,,i."., I I o,...,.,.. • .,,, ,, .. I o.._..,.,..em..n ••• I o c.w • .,..., .... wi. • '"·" ,,... c.w-I II ~.::::-1'._.wi.ew.n ••• c.w-I eo.., 1ow "'a o.-. a--:R,.--; -'*'· 1 I ...... ;;;~ .. • '*""' ~.o . ..,., , ... '° ... , .. I I I I C"r .... • ,., I I ==.~~· .. •.-m..-"'..,...,_ I I __,_.,.~.i:...,_.,....._..,...,, ... I L "•---•II 'II ih I _____ _!._~ '-""' ......... ,... J --------············----------------------------------.------------ l ct. II :-t. 1lr ., I I I ' I I I I I I I ; I ' I I I I J I t ,r I( l. t Spell Up (C) Biii Leyden. 4:55 It Wtnd.-f 111 WOf1cl of Sport (C) 5:00 ti..,. (C) Clete Roberts. Four Winds to Adventure (C) ""'8: "AdH1's Ritt" (comedy) • pencer Tracy, Katharine Hep· bum. fJ Skippy tM ~ Kanproo (C) Frustrated In past attempts to kid· nap Skippy, the dastardly Or. Alex· ender Start! (Frank Thring) turns his foul attention to steallne an echidna. I Merv Griffin (C) Homestead (])Sewn Arts Theatre: "Five Fingers." James Mason and Michael Rennie star. I 801"91 of Christ (6) Meet t.he Press (C) What's New? Toros Run for Your Ute (C) 5:30 I ~ 00 Amateur Hour (C) • @ 00 er;, Fri nk MdiN (C) Polka Parade (C) • F Troop (C) The New Sound (C) William Tell : Spectrum (C) "Science and Poll· tics." Part 11. David Prowitt. E VENING 6:00 II 9 (jj The Zlst Century {C) •1fie Air Jam." New systems and aircraft designed to relieve conges- tion in the air are tonight's topics. 0 ~ 00 m G. E. College Bowl i( (60) Gld et (C) (30) I sAc1AL I The New Africi (C) ( ) Bill Burrud looks at the changes occurring in Africa. fE International Playhouse EE Bcok Beal (C) (30) Robert Cromie and author Peter Maas dis- cuss "The Valachi Papers." E!J Min From UNCLE (C) 6:30 ! Ralph story {C) (30) ~ (iJ m Wild Kingdom <C) ( 0) "To· Catch a Giraffe." Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler join with rangers of the Wankle Game Pre· serve in Rhodesia to capture wild animals for relocation. (R) It John Gary (C) (90) Redd Fou, Stiller & Meara, Tommy Leonetti, Marguerite Piaua. Ketty lester, Don Mitchell, Barbara Anderson and Don Galloway guest. B Qlt@D Showtime (C) (60) Phyllis Diller stars in frills, feathers end burlap and presents an array of international guests: Frankie Vaughan, Anita Harns, dancer· clown Dickie Henderson, comic Mi- cheel Dentine, The Shadows, and The Five luxors of Hungary's State Circus. 11 Love Lucy (30) Marquee 22 The French Chef (30) (!) Skippy (C) 7:00 tJ ei!)@ lassie (C) (30) In the Alaskan wilderness, Lassie and Scott Turner attempt to help an injured hunter. (R) J ~ B @ 00 er;, Huck Finn (C) (30) ''Hunting the Hanter." Huck. Becky and Tom are put on trial before a court of talking animals. (R) fJ @ CV m Land of the Giants (f) (60) "The Crash." The crew and passengers aboard a sub·orbital airliner crash on a mysterious planet inhabited by giants (R) m I IHcW 11111& FHlllJ HelldlJ tr• (C) {60) (R) G) P_,.rt tit TrlVll (C) (30) m Sptallltloft (60) ''Tllt Inter· national Money MHS." Keith and iuests talk about the international flnanclal crises, balance of pay· ments. world trade and rold specu· lation. &!)Altfl'las 7:30 II ~ (i) Gentle Ben (C) (30) Chester lilorris guests as an ex. bus driver who has fled to the Everglades to become a hermit 0 9 00 er;, Wilt Di sney (C) (60) "Bristle Face." Conclusion. Story of an orphan boy's efforts to make a hunting dog out of a fun· loving mongrel. (R) 0 Million $ Movie: "Jollnny Cool" (mystery) '63-Henry Silva, Sammy Davis Jr., Elizabeth Montgomery. I The Cllllltnpf Se1 (C) (30) Feature: "Wanna Trade?" Los Cludiltos 8:00 fJ ~ (i) Ed Sulliv1n (C) (60) Ray Bloch aliif His Orchestra, Connie Francis. Alan Kine, John Byner, Lovelace Watkins and The Martys guest. 0 ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! * T·BIRDS vs. TEXAS 0 Roller Games (C) (Z hr) LA. T-Birds vs. Texas Outlaws. Dick lane reports. fJ @ Ci) (ii) The FBI (C) (60) ''fhe Enemies." Inspector Erskine hunts the Rell agent who stole a flask containing a secret missile fuel. JeHrey Hunter guests. m Movie: "The Man Who Could Work Mirades" (comedy) '37-Ro· Roy Bulla's Stevens TY 1953 Newpen llvd., Cost• MtN AU MAIU.COLOI 01 ILACI & WMITI • PhDM548-3494 land Young, Joan Gardner. -------------------------® Wanderlust (C) (30) "Life Style: 9:30 m News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. 10:30 Japan." Bill Burrud hosts. My Mother, the Car (30) 0 "Feliciano!" continues fi) The Fisher Family David Susslllnd (C) (2 hr) "Are * "th o· W · k Ell) PBL {C) (90) A report on the Strikes Strangling the Cities?" David WI l~n.ne arwlC 1 structural crisis of the American and guests discuss the growing Andy W1lhams and university. Focusing on Stanford militancy of city employees, espe-Bert Bacharach. Oniversity, the profram examines cially teachers, policemen end fire. the ~eed for both ch~nge and st~· men. Guests are. A.. H. Raskin, New I Succeu Story (C) (30) dent.induced renovation of trad1· y n . w rt •"'/CIO Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) tional university conce pts. ork ime~. .Jerry u · n.-.. Wild Adventure (C) (30) "Hap· m Carrousel Mexicano r~presentat1ve,. Theodore Kheel, me-PY Hermit." Featured is Ivan Max, d1ator a~d arbitrator; Albe~t Sh~nk· a U.S. Ash and Wildlife Service 8;30 0 ~ (6) m The Mothtrs·ln·l •w er, president of New Yorks United Agent stationed tor six months of (C) (30) "Take Hers. He's Mine." Federation of Teachers; and New each 'year on MacNeil Island off When Herb and Roger ~ire a beau-Yor~ State Senator Thomas Laverne. the Alaska Coast. ' tiful secretary (Joi Lansing) to work cha1r~an !)f the labor Industry 11:00, 0 0 (ii) News (C) for them at ho.me, Eve and ~aye do Committee. Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) some electronic eave~ropping to 10:00 B ~ (j) Mission: Impossible (C) The Empress.JC) keep a chi:tk on the Situation. (R) (60) An Army commander (guest (]) @ @ 8 Cl) News (C) ID The Siu Show (C) (30) Theodore Bikel) plots to become 11:15 Mcwit: (C) ''The Btoodhoundl EE) The World tomorow dictator by imprisoning an influ· o Broadway" (musical) '52-Mltzl 9:00 U ~ 00 Smothers Brothtrs (C) ential cardinal and using a look· Gaynor, Scott Brady. (60) " alike actor for a public endorS&-ID Mcwie: "Guilty Bystander" (mys-0 Q) (6) m Bonanza (C) (60) menl Paul Stevens plays the car· tery) '50 -Zachary Scott, Faye "'The Fence." Ben and Hoss Cart· dinal. (R) Emerson. wright and an ex·Confederate pris.· 11:30 U Movie: "All the Younf Men" on commandant fall under siege by 0 PONTIAC PRESENTS (adventure) '60--Alan Ladd, Sidney former Union soldiers seeking re· * "FELICIANO!-VERY Poitier, James. Darren. venge. John Anderson and J. 0. SPECIAL" WITH 8 Lohman & B1rkley (C) Cannon euest. • William F. Buckley (C) Roy In· fJ @ (JJ (ii) ABC Sunday Movie: GLEN CAMPBELL nis, Executive Director of C.0.R.E., (f) "Slladow on the Lind" (drama) 0 Qj @ m I sl'icll t I Felicia· discusses "Urban Development end '68---Jackie Cooper, John Forsythe, no!-Very Speclel (C) (60) Musical the Race Problem." Gene Hackman, Carol Lynley, Janice program starring vocalist.guitarist Q) 00 Insight (C) Rule. Film drama depicting life in Jose Feliciano, with guests Andy 12:00 It World Tomorrow (C) a totalitarian United Slates. The Williams, Glen Campbell, Dionne lZ·30 g Public Service time is the future and the U.S. Is Warwick. Burt Bacharach and The . m Naked City In the grip of a repressive regime Blossoms singing trio. l2 45 ID Cl Sund "Th W rid that has eliminated the Bill of 0 m News (C) (30) : · Ow ~trna L. I 1[: 9 o Rights and wiped out freedom of 0 Sherlock Holmes (90) es e a rv ng. speech. press and religion. (R) ~Labo R ilt',(C) (30) 1:00 IJ Movie: "Anpls In the Outfitld" m Homestead/News (C) u:1 r epo (fantasy) '51-Paul Douglas, Janet Peter Gunn fi) Manion Forum Leigh. Domingos Herdez m Cuatro £vas Para un Adam 0 News (C) 1'..U. W-'d1, April n, IHI .. l NOW FLY A SPACE- BIRD KITE! A Bl& 4 FT. WIN&ED BIRD "Sprln1 Thine" airs in Spring (Monday, 8 PM, NBC-to be exact), and stars Bobbie Gentry and Noel Harrison as co-hosts with 1uests Goldie Hawn, Rod~Kuen, Shirley Bassey, Irwin C. Watson, the Harpers Bizarre, Hendra and Ullett and Meredith MacRae. Jorn Winther directs. The variety show follows a story line, as Noel Har· rison meets Bobbie Gentry and a romance ensues. with all of the ott,er entertainment directed to a theme of romance. Thi'ee of the entertainers perform their own works. Noel does his hit son1 •:Santa Monica Pier," in a duet with Miss Gentry. Irwin C. Watson tells his straight-faced comedY patter like he sees it and writes It. And Rod McKuen, currently the hottest poet on the American scene, recites and sings his own crutlons. In their comedy musl~I number, "High Heel Sneakers," Goldie Hawn and Meredith MacRae ap- pear 11 If they're au nafurttl save for two concealing rings of bubbles. Goldie surpri5es no one with her rmstery of comedy, but enlightens many with her pntle slnain& voice fn "All of You" and with her dancing prowess. Bobbie Gentry's new fashion look is chic, modish and stylish; her appearance is that of a top high fashion model who can sing. _.,1.1.A.. ..... •tM Take this Beauty Set Worth'3.25 FREE . .... 6conr•al• ..... ... ..., ...... ., .. $25 ••• sse .. . .............. , ........ ..... • BIMR3 QUALllV PAOOUCfB 1111 .,..._, lf.Y.C., •.Y. 1.-t Ytt-1 .-t tt aet .... --~ of klll-fly~ll-• t11e ......... ~ .,_.....,.. I H .. 1t1n~ I ..t , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I We'll send you this fabulous Skin Beauty Set of Everly Creme Sachet and I Everly Hand C ream (a retail value of I $3.25)-as a FREE GlP'T. Why this I aenerous offer? Simply to show you a glamor~ new way to make big money I Te: •w-. u ~ Blair Beauty dealer. No selling ex· I Dept. UHD be ~ tlWlllM ... lltlllftM. . ..,...., ...... ,. ...... O~efUl1L1 21N D :Ts~ e •1.ts ... 1 2 (~ 2Sc for ....... ,...... .... lllft. dtllll) c:.11, cMdl °' ...., ..... tlltlotM fof ------,. .. MIOll(ll,,__ _____ _ CITY I snTt 11, I L---~:...~~~·-___ J penence needed-ao act now. ~Va. 24505 P\cue ecod my PRES Still Buuty Set. Alt0 Include Moner· Maki .. Oi..,&ay K.lt of fuU.ein Blair Producb, on JO-d~ 'llPPC"QVal, as '°°" u my nquelt II r9Cched ud apsiroftd. Mail coupon and receive Mooey· I Making Display Kit of S Ml-size Blair products. Send in your order within 30 I days and the whole Kit worth $6.25 is I youn FREE. Or return Kit in 30 days and keep the Skin Beauty Set (Creme I "•.,.'---~-=--.....,....--•oa __ Sachet and Moisturized Hand Cream) I (pleae primt) as a Free Gift. Mail coupon to: Bu.11, ADOUS•·------------ Dept. 24t HD. L~bura, Va. 24SOS. I I ------------L cm IT•T ZIP--------- --~ I \ YOUR HOME . SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE·MO.DELe REDECORATE All types concrete work tor the home. Patios, driveways; pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed -Bonded Exnert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMENT 541631C llST IN CONCRETE Walks pool decks, floors, patios Concr(.'te Saw Cutting ,Any size job, work ·guaranteed Reasonable! $(.'rvini. H&.Tbor Area '424514 (after 4 p.m.) CRYSTA.L JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLEANING Comple te Janitorial service. Business. r esidential and cpnstruction cleanup. Free estimate. ~737 House Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! IROOKS CLEANING SERV. 1111 Clay St., Newport IHch '42-2112 anytime ADVANCED CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Work Guaranteed, Fast Service Very Reasonable Rat(.'s. call 539-1456 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! '42-1510 Latest Styles and Colors Commercial & Residential Expert lnstalla ti on BLANKINSHIP FLOORS '42-1403 ~ 540--7262 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 Cleanup Specialist-mowing, edging odd jobs and light movir\k. Reasonable. ull DICK 541 6t55 2'14 FMl•ral Ave., c .. ta M ... Gardening, lawn renovation. Comple te garden maintenance! Reuonable ! JOE CORRAL 19302 Salmon laM Huntington IHch M2-47'4 CARL GABRIELSON GRADING Dump Truck. Skip Loaders, Back Hoc. Remove Trees, Ivy, Dirt, Trash & etc. Also Cleanup Yards & Garages.-Lk-Bonded Call Anytime '62-1745 BOB'S YARD MAINTENANCF. Light Hauling, Odd Jo1": Cleanup--Reliable, Reasonable No Extra Charge for Weekend Work ... CALL 1~96-2089 anytime HUNTINGTON BEACH TREE SERVICE Tree Trimming, Extracting and Ornamental Pruning. Expert! Reasonable! 146-0779 VET'S BONDED P.AINT!itfG Free estimates, licensed. insured. Small jobs welcome. '42-0427 Painting, papering. 16 years in Harbor area. Licensed and Bonded. References furnished. HAROLD C. WATSON 2227Avalon St., C•h M.S. '41-2356 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL '42·5671, ext. 325 au.llty Plumltlnt -c:.-cw11•~1 ftlto Plumller'I, Inc. 271 lucknell Coeta M ... 541-7502 IUD HALD .. tMAN PLUMllNO ~4 hour service, Beach area. L1censed bonded . Expert work. 20 yea~ in Or~e Cuunty. D1Scount prices! '75-3124 DEAN PLUMllNG SERVICE 24 hours. All problems. Worl< guaranteed. Licensed -lnsured 471l W. Floytl Clrcl•, Santa Ana 531·7566 anytime CAL'!i PLUMllNG Plumbing Repair No job too small '42-312' A&B DISCOUNT PLUMBING Specializing in Repair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. 1tth St., Costa M ... '42-16'0 WILLIAMS • CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning & Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! '42-11'4 IURGIR QUALITY UPHOLSTERY Over 20 Yt.>ars Experience Satisfaction & Workmanship Guaranteed. t59 W. 17th, Costa M ... 541-1953 CZYKOSKl'S Cu1tom Uphol1t•ry & Repair European Craftsmanship 100% Financing -Do-It-Your- self Upholstery Classes Sta rt May 1st! Register now. 1131 Newport II., Costa M ... '42-1454 . . New! For Men and WOmen- -15 Years in Ar~11- Servicing All B~nds ! our DuMont. Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. GRAND OPENING SPECIALS DURTNG APRIL To Celebrate Opening of Our NEW STORE! 1921 ADAMS (Next to Albertson's l HUNTINGTON BEACH M2-3314 ROY IULLA'I STIVINS T.V. Quality work for 16 years. Home or shop service. All makes~olor or B&W ltS3 N .. port llvd., C•t• M ... 541-MM RAINBOW TV No Servict' Chargt'! Expert Work Color, Black & Whitt' 0 1· Stereos 546-l720 anytime Remodeling -Additions Fine work. Lie. and Ins. LOS PADRIS CONSTR. CO. <Licensed Contractors) 627 ~. Coa1t Highway l.agUM leach 4'7-1"5 ., 4M-4151 eves. WOODY CONSTRUCTION Company of Fountain Valley Licensed contractor. Build, remodel, repair. Brick, block, col'\llrete carpentry. No job too small. M2-6M5 Repairs-Alterations-Cabinet!' Any slu Job 25 years experience. Work guaranteed. call 101 HllSIY 541-6713 ROOM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractors LAUTIRIACH & .Auoclat" 14 I . 16th St., C•ta M ... 646-1797 ..... 7 S AC R OTO NE What nature doesn't. undetectable Sacrotone doaf Ac!b like a whole set of new youna "muscles" to 1ive you that athletic, youthful control you used to have. Stomach be- comes flatter. waistline slimmer, flab disappears. You look up to .S pounds thinner fnrtantJy, and feel so much better. An end at last to naaaing backache•. Scientiticafty de- 1i1f\Cd. medically approved Sacrotone Jives you tbe kind of t'irm. but gentle lumbar, sacroiliac and post-operative hernia suppon most of us· need so badly. No wonder Sacrotone is recommended by so many doctors. 1be de- sign. the flexible stays that bend with you, the ctpce of material are all pan of the immediate frecdom-from·bllCk· pain. the aood f celing that Sacrotone gives you . END STOMACH BULGE • . . instant relief from backaches, incisional hernia pa.in! SACIOTIM -for mtfl-Adlvstlble hook.and· eye front for .. $J-4ft, uay-off. (Style r: 10) Walat Sic• 26" to 40"' ..., Jot~ fet S•.141; Waist Slzt 42" to 52"..., P.lt-i,. SUM SUMI YOUR APPEARANCE U,. TO s~• INSTANTLYl PLUSE TAKI! llUIU"EMENTI TIGHTLY c....c.t from QuJJty Elalddwl M 11 W Firm, yet marvelously soft. So comfortable, you can wear for tennis. aolf, bowling -women wear while doina housework I Clrefully made from special elmicir.ed s-t-r-e-t-c-h fabric, cut to your exact meuurcmaa; ao binding crotch, reinforced with flexible stays froat and back. zig-zq stitched for additional support, I~ wear. No rollina. no wrinklma. no ridina up! MONEY BACK IN 10 DAYS --------------, IP YOU'RE NOT DB-I MIAlTM OUIU»CO,. IMC. ...... lllCI I LIGHTED -lfyou don't look I •..,.A..._ M. Y., M. Y. ,... I better, feel~. if you •re 11 ...... " ._. ..._, ... ..__. ........ ,, not C01np1etety ~ ot back ,..... '"'1 I pain. ff• lealC one penon hu ~ ~ W: ~ :;.-1 not .act '° you: "you look IO B 1 .. at= 8 I .. -I -~ )'OU8llef -what bave 87 1 :. 11 1r m-' = ::. I )'OU doftcr -your full pur-I tw fll,00 2 tw rl.11 II c:haec price will be tdunded 1 .., s.• 1 .., 1.• -00 C(tlelt.ioas ~. llltJ .... •I& M u• .. •, ·u. evolt ~ .... ..,,.,. lllCfltt. "" ·-011• ... ..,, ntw1 •#Off '9 ""'1«1. I ...._ 0 llllllCtf 0 ...., .,., ... C.O.D.'~ I ~ 90c postlp a '*"'lllC-I .....,. I AM'f I ::.'~~---~~-,.,~....;;...~~-! Y. A l ~i " i:i "» ' ID,' t11 ... ,, ~ •• ... '·' • .. l • r • ~ ~ "' • •• ~' ;, , •• ____________ ..... ___ , r .... 11r WMklr. April 11, 1111 10 I ·.~ 0 H N I ~j <. @(j) Webster WlllfeM (C) t:OO I TIM Lucy Sllow (C) @@@mltl.WTwo(C) Vin 1:00 Sll.U. S•1IW (C) Scully hosts. 1:30 Odystey (C) IJ LMWt It to leaver Edl!CdH EldlHll (C) Movie: See Daytime Movlu. Teedler ln·Sefvlc. Jackie Joseph is hostess. Ed11e1tional ftltlll'tl I Did Tracy Cartoot11 (C) Ttdlnlcal Corner @ (j) Jack la la11M (C) 7:00 CBS 1lon1In1 Ntw1 (C) Joseph Rocky and His friends (C) Benti, John Hart. Huahn Rudd. ([) AldJ Srlffitll, Ann Sutdltr D 9 00 m The TodlJ Sllow (C) OW, Friday only. Hu&h Downs host.s. 9:30 IJ Qi~ IMt'ly Hlllbllli• Mr. Wiltlbone (C) Ed McMa on hosts. felill tlle Cat (C) g Movie: See Daytime Movies. IEnrdMI Wrth Sloria (C) 0 ~ 6 @m Concentntloa (C) Commodity Report .iOfinny Grant hosts. 7:15 Stodl Market I Movie: See Daytime Movies. 7:30 The Momin& Show (C) Ed Nel· Dennis the Mnace son hosts. Bozo (C); Educational F..Wres, B ~CJOUIF .. ~~res(C)(C) Tues.·fri. m c':.. hn(ClnlS (Ji} @ Haydtft'1 Haptienln& (C) 1:00 I Cij Cii Captain Kanpreo (C) 10:00 IJ Andy Griffitll With Bob Keeshan. 0 9 (j) m PtnonalltJ (C) Host IAbbott l Costello Cartooea (C) (irry Blyden welcomes lUest pan- Mi&htJ Mouse (C) elists Corbett Monica, Mimi Hines Rodltt Robin Hood (C) and Phil ford, who discuss the per- 1:15 CI) V-ldeo Dirut (C) sonalities of frank Sin~tra Jr., Hedy 1:25 Com11unitJ l •lltti11 Board (C) Lamarr, Darren MeGavin, Kaye Bal· l :30 I Stinf.':.~C) lard and Glenn ford. • OJ CartOOt11 (C) OJ Truth or Consequences (C) Su•by (C) ~@ Sunny TodlJ (C) This is the tragedy of a WET BED T.n ti r-....... ...,,...-t, _. ~. ~ ,_ ten~-~--·•-., ·~ ti dll9'r• ..,. *!ti i. •• ..,_ Ille N8t lS ,..,._ OW ,,.,.,_ llM .... -hi! .. " ..... 11 -. ....... -........... "" a.Ill ., ..... ..ieet .......... ... c.. .,.. "' Fiil ,._,,. ...... LIS .-iD AIU US.Sl7a. SM UlllU. 11 I SM ftMMM YM.Ln ~ .. 244-n95. -ClllT'f MIA (714) taa.SMI ---·-··------------------------------------------.......... -... rt '· o ... ,..,, ......... Co91. Cltr·~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"--~~~~- TV W •·V ly Pwclll< l•I • lfff, 16)0 0-1-4. ~ ... Goll!. fll01 ...... 10:15 ID Educational fll•s. Mon. 10:30 I ~ Cl) Dkk Van DP• • 121 CiJ m Hottywood Squares ( ) Host Peter Marshall welcomes 1uests Cesar Romero, Gypsy Rose lee, June Lockhart, Allan Sherman and Sally Ann Howes. RelUlars on the panel are Wally Cox, Charley Weaver, Abby Dalton and Paul Bi de. from the Inside Out (C) Roy Ro1ers 11:001 § CU love of Life (C) . (!) a;, Jeopardy (C) e Gallopln1 Gourmet (C) Graham Kerr. OJ Sheriff John (C) ID Romper Room (C) 11:15 B News (C) Doug Dudley. 11:25 IJ Qj (j) CBS News (C) Douglas Edwards. 11:30 IJ ~ (jJ Search for Tomorrow (C) 0 @ (!)a;, Eye Guess (C) Bill Cullen hosts. O The Annivenary Game (C) Al Hamel hosts. fJ Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and Roy Elwell host. ID Beat the Odds (C) Johnny Gil· bert hosts. 11:45 O News and Interviews (C); Cook· Inc With Corris, (C) Wednesday only. AFTERNOON 12:00 IJ Boutique (C) Whitney Blake and Steve Ou nne CO· host. I@@ m Hidden Faces (C) Movie: See 0$ytime Movies. @ (3) Bewitched O)Rlws (C) Office of the President (jJ Unkletter Shotl (C) 12:30 ! ~ ~ As the World Tums (C) · 6 a;, Days of Our lives ( ) ac onald Carey stars . 0 @ 00 Funny You Should Ask (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. OJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Hunter hosts: Dodgers Ou1out and Warm.up (C) Thursday only. ID Dialin& for Dollars (C) ti) Technical Corner 12:55 O @ @ Children's Doctor (C) Tues.·Thurs. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. 1:00 IJ Qj r:JJ love Is a Many Spltn· dored Th1n1 (C) 0 Qj @ m The Doctors (C) 0 @@ Dream House (C) Mike Darow hosts. OJ Dod&en Bueb1ll (C) Thursday only. The Los Angeles Dodgers bat- tle the San Francisco Giants at Candlestick Park. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call the action. ti) Commodity and Stock Report 1:30 1J a (j) The Suidin& U&ht (C) 0 ~ @ m Anottier Wor1d (C) O Fattier Knows lest 0 @@ ltt'I llab I Dul (t) Monty Hall hosts. ID That Sltow (C) Joan Rivers ls hostess. 2:00 IJ ~ 00 Seaet Storm (C) 0 ~ 00 m You Don't Say (C) Host Tom Kennedy welcomes Sha~ lewis and Mickey Manners as guest team captains this week. O Love That Bob; Cookln1 Around ttie World, (C) Wednesday. t:G 0 @ (3) Newtywed Game (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. 1:3 ID Movie: See Daytime Movies. 2:30 1J Qi 00 The Ed&e of Nl&ht (C) 0 @@ m The Match Game (C) Gene R:.yoorn hosts. Joe Garagiola and Dallas Cowboys quarterbaclt 2.'i Don Meredith guesl IJ Girl Talk (C) With Vlrginll 2:l Graham. 0 @ @ (;E Dltin1 Ga11t (Cl Jim Lange hosts. 2:45 B News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:00 I The linllletter Show (C) . P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. H~ay Patrol @@ (;E General Hospitll (C) • Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. ID Felix the Cat (C); ZoorJm1, Monday only. I @ Matinee: Don Rodewald. 00 Dialin& for Dollars Movie Matinee: Don Wilson. 2.1 ,, 3:30 f) Lucky Pair (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. I O Mille Douglas (C) Marty Allen ..i co-hosts. , @00 (;E One Life To live (C) My Favorite Martian I Divorce Court (C) Hobo Kelly (C) 4:00 f) Mr. Ed; Movie: See Daytime Movies on Monday and Friday . I Ozz.ie and Harriet @ (3-) (;E Dart Shadows (C) The Flintstones (C) 4:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Mister Roberts (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. Geor1e Putnam News (C) Bozo's Bi& Top Show (C) 1 @ Mille Douglas (C) 00 Shakey's Pizza Party m Town Talk (C) (;E funny You Should Ask (C) 5:00 0 KNBC Newservlct (C) 0 KTlA News (C) B The Groovy Show (C) ID The Addams Family @ @ Jimmy Thomison Show (C) ~ 00 The Lucy Show (C) a;, Rifleman (;E Dream House (C) 5:30 0 @ @ (;E ABC News (C) How· ard K. Smith. B The Rat Patrol (C) OJ The Moneyn11ken (C) ID m Gillipn'• Island (C) @ @ This Day 1969 (C) ~ (j) News.,e (C) • i NOW! Run Your Car Without Spark Plugs ,_ .... ,..., -.,_ ,,., ............ , ...... .. ..., ... .,, .. ,.. ........ ,.. ..... , .. ..,,11 ....... ........... I!:=:= •• • co"''""°"AL ,Lu•• .. ,.... .............. ..... ,__.... __ ..... .... ............. Mz• ......... ,... -...... ......................... .. ... .,....... URlm""f ... .............. ,..., ....... .................. ...-.................... ,.. ............... .... ..-............ ~. --........... ..... .......... ,..., ...... A-::E "".,...,.. ... mM_ ....................... _., ......... _ . ..... 111•1• M .... ._ _ ................. .. ...................... ... ... ...... TllN9 .. . .. __ ......... ..... ................... ,.. __ .. ...., .......... ................ _ _. '" .... ,, .. ,.., "" ~ ,.. .. ., ,,,...,.., ........ ,..._....,_: THEY NEVER WEAR OUT • .............. ,_ ..... o1 .. ..., ......... -...0•• ao,_,...,_ ..... 11 .... ,..,,.,.. ,..,.,.., ,.., .... '°" ... .. ci1111111t ,,.11 .. °' ........ , ....................... ..... ,.. .......... .......................... IA'f-~ .......... _...._, .......,_, .. ., ... _ ' .._ ..... _ .... .......,. ........ ....,I .-.... tM ...... 0 .,,.. .... ....... 8 ......... ......... .... .......... . r""',,..,......,._......, -......... I y-.... -,_..,.. ........ _. ... ..,....._ I ~ .. -'-.......... I Mot I _.,_,,~~~~~~~~~I u., ___________ , s... r.,. I ~-------------~--J " (C) et$ Is iy (C) Stiar1 guest APRIL 28 For morning and afternoon llatlnp, pleaH see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, fw your convenience, are the day's movtes. All lta· tlons reserve the right to chance programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES •round t:OO D (C) .,.....,,. (comedy) 'SS- C) Bob Audit Miuphy, Mari Bl1ndlard. t:10.... ... ........ .. ltll" es (comedy) '38-Bob Hope, W. C. ht (C) FMl'ds. Don>thy Lamour. mt (C) D "1fJ eo.ltl ltadler (drama) ragiola i5J.-Rlchatd Burton, Ollvl1 dt H1v. lll1nd. • :erback :GOB.........,_,, Fil"' (drarnt) '51- firalnla John lttl1nd1 V1nem Brown. 2::30 CD (C) "fa• et Heffaaa" (mull· 1 (C) cil) '53-Molra Shearw, Ann Ay· •rs. Robert Hflpmann. 2:00 II) .. Shed No TNrs" (mystery) '48 -Junt Vlnctnt. Wallace FonS. 3:00D(C) ""91wott of MIM ..._ hosts. iii1' (drama) '56 -Jane Runell, Richard Eaan. ital (C) :GO R .. , Alm .t Ille Sbrs" (drama) \fovies. '00--curt Juraens. .limes Daly. aid. ovit :dwards y Al len .ive (C) Jaytime ay. 'S (C) 1ies. (C) lOW (C) C) How· I v I N I f< (I ·oo fJ n.. 111 "... CC> (60) Jerry Dunphy. . D m HUU.,.lrialdef (C) C30) II GEORGE JESSEL sinpl * STEVE ALLEN comments! n sa.w. Alien ._ cC> <90> GeOrae Jessel, Di.Ina Trask and Pat Henry autst 0 Sil O'Cloct Mowlr. (C) "'1lte Stln and Sbipes forwtf" (musical drama) '52--Clifton Webb, Debra Paael fJ I S,, (C) (60) m hJ Clrds (C) (30) Art James hosts. I ...... (C) (30) (]) Merl Crlffin (C) Mat's N.w? (30) ''The Tinder Box." A Hans Christian Andersen tale about a soldier who wins the love of a princess with a ma,ic tinder bol. IE U• Celor hra EJta PW Gf)KPLM ..... (C) 6:30 I INIC Ne .. tic:e (C) I lllWe l*Y (30) v.,. .. tD u.. lotlNI ., ... S.~(60) ~ Hntlep-lrilU., (C) fl!) ps (30) "School Volun- ~~-~ N ... (C) m l.tt's ...... Deal (C) 1:00 fJ cas &Mint ...,.. (C) (30) Walter Ctonklte. fJ n.t's My Uee1 (C) (30) WtllJ Bruner hosts. m Pm anl (C) (30) Parnell Tif. fin 1nd Lany Blyden &vest QJ Ci) ll1ollcllJ Melle: (C) ''The SplraT Roed." Rock Hudlon, Gena Rowlands and Buri Iva lttr. fD u ... Ablertl (30) ! ~DAI ..... (C) '"Sin F• i c.w.=-·(Q 1~ ;i.!·=·c:i (C) (60) 1ie s " lhrsflll Dillon fices troubl• from a fonn« thtrtff·fritnd at his whtn the litter antva In Ood1• City wtttl his aon for a con- f rontatlon wlttl 1 one-time outlaw released from pri~~:l. a m 1 DreHt ., <C> <30> "Bl.ciln1il·Order Bride." A womtn who claims she Is Tony's wtfe tc· CU* him at deMrtJn1 her ind their two dllldteft. (R~ultd) 8 CALIF. ANGELS vs. * SEATTLE PILOTS! I Allpls .... ., (C) (30) (HJ (I) .m Tiie Av11ters (C) ) "YOU'ii Catch Your O.th." John Stied and Tara Kint milch wita with a mid xlentllt who pl1ns to conquer the WOtld throulfl aeon warf1te. (R) fJ MllllN S M.vlt: ...., ...... (drama) '62-Terence st.mp, Pet.tr Ustlno¥, Metvyn Oouslu. I Dedc-'I .,... alld ......... (30) ""' ..... (60) r..tn (C) (30) "A NN Life for Jennifer." Jennifer ls a deaf four-y•er·old who l11ms to under· stand words, then to IPllll. and flntlly to owrcome her h1ndlc1p. fl) E Cuarto M111da•lena * TOM REDDIN NEWS! STARTS MAY 6 -TVS 1.-00 B Celanese Arnel/The * Spring Thing/ Noel Har· rison, Bobbi Gentry, Goldie Hawn, Rod McKuen a m 11scwo 1 n.. s,rt., n1n1 CC) (60) Noel HarTl90I\ and Bobble Gently ~host the musical variety apeclal that features Goldie Hawn, Meredith MacRae, Irwin C. Wabon, The HuSMQ Blmre. Rod McKuen and Shlrfe, Bessey in a salute to i rina. Anpla llublll (C) (21ft hr) k Enberr end Don Wells etll the adion between the Callfomia Anaets and tht Seattle Pilots. m Dodprs lneball (C) (1 hr 45 min) Vin Scully and .ltny Doaett call the plays between the Los An· 1t1es Ood1ers and the San Dleao Padres. fD "• s:e"t ... w.-u Apiatltln: n. Niw Now (66) NET reports on the pli(ht of the American farmer, pemment Involvement In farm subsidies and the nation's •1ricultural crisis. ti) Co•lcos , ClncioMs l:JO fJ a (I) tin's LucJ (C) (30) Unde Hany volunteers Lucy's home as 1n avwap, quiet famlJy 1bode In which f1med novelist EVa Von Gronnitz _lEva Gabor) ctn Mrt (R) D C17l (]) m Peyten Place • (C) (30) Dr. Mlf as destroys the un· opened detective's r1port; Mant\a tells Dr. Rossi th•t Fred holds him 1'91110ftsible; Betty and SttYen •riue over the Peyton will; Dr. Roal breeb the news of Fred's delth to Marsha ind Carolyn. I Ria fw Y .. Lie (C) (60) TYM'*"o..t t:OO M.,..,, llfD (C) (30) Emmett and Howard co to Naw Yortt to rtp· ment Maybeny on 1 n1Homridt TV p1nel dllcuaion 1bout smtll towns vs. bis cltiet Ind embtrraa the folks bltll home. (R) DID Ci) Im NIC MtldlJ MM: (~ li'j' fit lMld Set OW" (au• ~ '66-Jtmes Carner, Melln1 Mtn:OUri, Sandra 0.., Rob· ert eoou, Tony francloll. D ~ (I) m Tiie 01tuab CC> {60) ''The IOn1 Ride." Ear1 and Jemal capture 1n outlaw Who Is bel111 pursued by vtnltful Apadles. m ~ ....., <C> <&0> The monthly m1pzlne rtpOfts on the blKk men's economic arvwtfl and cultural 1chlevement In the deep South. I (I) MH r,_ UNCU (C) La .,.... Makllta t-.30 f1•ft1 Affair (C} (30) Uncle B II thinks Jody plen too much with alrfs 1nd 1111da him IWIY to • bo(a camp on the advice of 1 boacer friend, played by Archie Moore. (R) I N .. (C) (30) Tad Meym. u O'aedl Hflll (60) ltwflllMaicll t-AS m Deqtn ScetWan1 cC> 10:00 fJ 9 Cl) Cl,., lwnett (C) (60) Carol and her recu111 comp1ny ah.re the JPOtliaht In • apeclal "family" edition ot the ahow. Also on the show are Ult Mexlctn 1c:tors whose voices double for thoa of Carol and Harvey In L1tln-spe1kln1 countries, Yolanda Mtrido and Ser· alo Bulttrntnte. u ~mm n.. •le v111ey cc> (60) "FUtht From San Mlauel." Heath •area to help a rwoludon- 1ry leader with a price on his heed to flee Mexico. fJ ...,_., Dfllen (30) fD Tiie CMt War (30) "Acceltra· tion." Germany beiins to rullze It faees ultimate defeat and the Axis powers stlrt to crumble. Luden· dorff cracks and etlls for peace. @I) Marlana * TOM REDDIN NEWS! STARTS MAY 6 -TVS 10:30 U News (C) (60) O Meiwie: "The Wlanl•t T ..... (drama) '52-Ronald Reapn, Doris Day. mm" ... <C> c3o>. f1) l•IMWltlons (30) ''WESTEC- New Opportunities In Metal Wort· in1." A looll et some of the dem· onstrations of numerletl control, electro-chemictl metal remoYal ind Inspection and measurement of ma· chines. l f11lata c.uoa 11:00 OU m,.._<C> Movtr. !£,,,...,. (drama) '53 -S. ~~ ~tn, Joan Leslie. E~'(l) ..... (C) 11:30 Mtwte: "AppolnHttt Wltll • (dram•) '59-Brian ICelth, .loennt Moore. , I u Cl) t=1rtrt ... (C) MM: lef" dram•) -William Holaen, ~arblra Sta~IT'I l~~':"(C) 12:15 fJ Mwla: (C) "Wlftr el 1M T• ,......... (comedy) '62-hter Sellers. Marpret Lellhton. lZ:JO m Adleft n.trt: ''Boommlns." 1:00 O _..kl11 f....., (C) Or. Samuel I. Hay1k1W1 Cutlb. I C..••ltr ........... (C) 1:15 =:~ W (dram1) -Batblra Sttnw,tk, Anne Sltlrt.,. WANTED BOYS and GIRLS AGES 3 to 19 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMMERCIALS ancl Movie Presentation NOf'ff Hel,w\Mtl T-.. c..,.. .......... ....,,, ...... ....... ......... ,..... ... tty ..... w ...... AwctMe. FOR FREE ON CAMERA. AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD falftoua A' tot, Pt'Odu,•r, D1rec- for off•rll'l9 opportvnlty to ~ich and youn9 edulh to be repr•· ••l'lted in t he TV I FILM IN. DUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS· COVERED ALMOST SOO l(IOS WHO HAVE APPEAREO IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUl J.UCICY KIDS EARN OVElt $100.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO. MAKES PROFESSIONAL CON- TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY· WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS H71 SUNSET ILVD. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ,..., TUESDAY APRIL 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta - tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O ''TM LldJ Is Willln(' (drama) '42-Mar1ene Dietrich, Fred Mac· Murray. t:30 IJ "Affairs of Sclsan" (drama) '45 -Joan Fontaine. Geo<ae Brent. O "life l •cJns In Collett" (com· edy) '37-Joan Davis. Tony Martin. 12:00 IJ "'f'ltldln', Fussin' & a-Filfrtfn'" (comedy) '4S-Marjorie Main, Don· aid O'Connor. 12-30 m .. ,,rt Row'' (drama) '52-Gene · Evans. "f,.nt's Last Case'' (mys- tery) '53-Mlchael Wildln1. Z:OO Q) "Yubn YtocullCt" (adventure) '54-«irby Grant. Monte Hale. 3:00 O (C) "Fatlttr c. .. , Too" (c~m· edy) '63-James Roberbon Justice, Leslie Phillips. 4:30 I) (C) "T'M Hard M111" (western) ·~uy Mldi'°'1, Lorne Greene. EVfN I NG 6:00 IJ • lit News (C) (60) Jenyl Dunphy. D m H•.a.,.lrm1ey (Cl (30) IJ ... AllM .. (C) (9o) Dell• Reese, Ken Greenwald. and "Miss Pretzel," laura Dean, aueit 0 Sil O'Cloet Movie: (C) '1111 Yount Cuna of Teus" (western) '62 -Jim Mitchum, Alana Ladd. Jody McCrea. 11 SpJ (C) (60) ,., Cards (C) (30) hban (C) (30} @ Merv Criffin (C) WMrs lhw? (30) "Tho Old Home.stead." A look at a community play at Swanzey, New Hampshire, which deplcts city life in the late 1800s. El) Un Color Para Esta rlel a> KPLM News (C) 6:30 I MIC Newservice (C) (60) I Love ltlcy (30) VOJafo to Ille Betlo19 of the SN ig (60) ei3 @ HuntleJ·BrinkJty (C) Eil) Rudin& W"ltll Your Qild (30) "Tutoring Helps." City Schools teacher Herbert R0$0er discusses his program for older students lo act as junior tutors. A parent shows how she helps tutor her child. ~oo mmNews <c> al let's Mau a Dul (C) 7:00 IJ CIS Ewtninr News (C) (30) Waller Cronkite. I What's My line? (C) (30) Pmwerd (C) (30) @ AllNricl! (C) Museuiw Open House (30) "Sur· realism-Inner Space." Russell Con· nor continues his look at Surreal· ism and turns to artists who reveal their visions in an abstract vocabu· lary THE RIGHT PRESCRIPTION-Al Mundy (series star R'?f>... ert Wagner), hide.f behind a false beaHJ w~en he passes 111111- self oO as a docror trying 10 abscond with. a se~ret treatr, durit11? o medical coflvenrion. in "The Galloping Skm Game, on A BC's It Takes a Thie/, Tuesday ar 8:10 PM. Don Diamond (on the right) is seen as the messenger. ..... 10 ~ (j) Tiie Coed Cup (C) m ,., ... in tM S..o (C) a) N...,_. Cl• (C) 7:301J ~ (j) laltCllt (C) (60) Mur· doch Lancer, owner of a vast cattle ranch in the Northern California of the 1870's. send.s out t,Jall fOf his long-missin& sons to h11p him de- fend his property apinst would·be land _Mabbers. (R) a QJ oo m JtnJ lewis <C> <60> Nanette Fabray, Ed Platt and Engel· bert Humperdinck 1uest. B lest in Spac:t (C) (60) (fi) (]) a) Mod Squad (C) (60) "My, What a Pretty Bus." Pete, Linc and Julie become directly in· volved in robbefY, car theft and counterfeiting,. Henry Jones guests as Herbert Mills.. (R) O Million $ M~: ''Tiie Lut Time I Saw Ardaie'' (comedy} '61-Robert Mitchum, Jack Webb, Don Knotts. m Decteers Duput and Warm-up (Cj (30} I Peny Mason (60) The French Chef (30} (R) EJ C111rto Mandaiwiento * TOM REDDIN NEWS! STARTS MAY 6 -TVS 1:00 m Dedren &net.II (C} (1 hr 45 min) Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call the action. fD ..,I s""',.r.r(~uu.:--,1 Public Tefew~ Hurinp: Part I (C) (3 hr) Dick McCutchen narrates a report 011 the Senate hearinis on reauthorizing funds for the Corporation for Pub- lic Broadcasting. Highlights include testimony from FCC Chairman Rosel Hyde, CPB President John Macy and CPB Chairman Frank Pace. 1 El) Discotheque a Co-Co 1:30 1J ~ (j) Red Slefton (C) (60) Robert Merrill and the Boston Pops Orchestra guest. Clem Kadiddle· hopper takes a tour of historic Bosto11 landmarks-Paul Revere's House. Old North Church. Fire Ho~se Number One and the USS Const1tu· tion. D S11owcasa 5 (C) (60) Woody Herman and Pete Fountain are fe&· lured. fD NET Festival (60) "The World of Jose Limon." A repeat showin1 of a profile of Jole Limon. noted American modern dancer •nd chc> reographer, with performances. of his 'The Moor's Pavane" and "M1ssa Brevls." Among the perlonners are Pauline Koner, Lucas Hoving and Betty Jones.. em Qudlo Amt.net <C> 9:30 IJ ~CI) Doris D1y (C} (30) Billy finds Mrs. Loomis' wallet and the grateful woman suddenly chanaes into an accuser when she discOYers five dollars are missing. 0 (fi)@ a> NYPO (C) (30) ''T~e Love Hustle." A young call girt staggers into the squad room and falls dead after exclaimina. "He's going to kill my mama." Lara Parker is featured as Virginia Terry and Brenda Smiley is seen as Shirley Richards. (R) I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 12 O'Clock High (60) Hoy 9:45 Doc11ers Sciof9bolrd (C) 10:00 ~ 00 CBS News Report (C} (60) Harry Reasoner and Mike Wal· lace report. 1J News (C) (60) 0 @ (]) a) Thar s Life (C) (60) "The Ninth Month." Shelley Winters plays a happy·ae>-lucky baby nurse, Bill Dana a confused lecturer on child care. and Kaye Stevens singi of the joys of motherhood. (R) 0 Marshal Dillon (30) fD NEW SEASON USC M'lasit F..U. val (60) John Crown, chairman of the piano department. USC School of Music. hosts a series featuring faculty and students from USC. In this season's premiere, four stu- dents perform Mozart's "Ada1io and Fugure"; Weber's "five Pieces, Opus 5"; Beethoven's Quartet No. 7, F Major. Opus 59, No. l." g) Mariana * TOM REDDIN NEWS! 0 m Julia (C) (30) "Farewell, My 10:30 0 Movie: ''The Jntlrns" (drama) Friends, . Hello." Aerospace l11dus-1 '62-Cliff Robertson, Nick Adams. STARTS MAY 6 -TVS tries' middle.aged messenger (Ed-I I m News (C) (30} die Quinlan) la.unch~ . a roma~tlcj . Fallaste Corazon campaign to wm Juha _s affection. ll:OO 0 0 El) m News (C) Groucho Marx appears m a cameo Alfred Hitdlcodl role. (R) Movie: .. Private Hell 36" (dra IJ Jiiw•ie Rodetr$ Show (C) (30} ma) '54-lda Lupino, Steve Cochran. Nancy Ames guests.. . I rn ~ @ Qj Cil News (C) 0 @ rn a> It _Takes ~ T111ef (~~ : Rupn NtWS Conferen~ (30) (60} "The Galloping Slun ~ame. . Bewitdlod (C) Ricardo M~ntalban. plays N1cholas111 :30 Movie: (C) "Paradise Lapen" Grobo, a.n ,international fence who (comedy) '53-Kenneth More, Sally is neiobatmg for a stolen treaty Ann HoWH. which Aleunder . Mundy h~ beenl 0 @ (!) m Tonilflt S11ow (C) assigned lo ~btam .. Mundy IS faced g Movie: "Clu1ht in the Draft" with a confhct . of interest because (comedy) '41---aob Hope, Dorothy he knows that 1f he prevents Grobo Lamour from obtain.ing th~ ~tolen treaty, l @'rn m Joey lbltop (C) his frie11d will be hqu1dated by for· Donald O'Connor (C} eign agents. (R) . 12:.20 • Movie: "Pheni.r City story" CE) Run f01 Your life (C) (60) (drama) '55-John Mcintire, Rich· @ (I) PClE S,.dal (C) ard Kiley. 9:00 o @@m NBC,.,..,,, Movie: 12!301Adion Theatre (C} "Now You See It. Now You 1:00 • 0 News (C) Don'r (comedy) '68 -Jonathan Com11unity Bull.tin loan! (C) Winters. Jack Weston, Luciana Pa· rl'0111 HI& Inside Out (C) lunl, Steve Allen. Jayne Meadows. 1:15 Movie: ''The Secnt of Convkl An art expert. hired by an insurance lake'' (mystery) 'Sl~lenn Ford. CX>fllpany to protect a priceless Rem· Gene Tierney. bra11dt devises a scheme to trap 1:30 m n S..nset Sbip . an unmputous art collector with 2.:30 m AJl-Nilht ~ "Platinum H1g~ larcenous Ideas. (R} I School" and 'The Secret People.' oody fea. Id of I[ of IOted Cho- l of lissa are and Billy the nges Hers 'The girl and He's irk er and irtey (C} Wal- (60) 1ters 1rse, on lngs l!Sti- 1 al hool ring In :stu· and 1pus •• F 11a) ms. fra- ·an. 0) !NI" ally I lft" ·thy r(' dl· (C) rid lfd, igh e." WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Nancy 5on to Rio" (ro· " mance) '50-Jane Powell, Barry Sul· Ii van. 9:30 D "Darbreall" (western) '46-Ann Todd, Eric Portman. fJ "Pltone Call From 1 Stran1tr" (drama) '52--0ary Merrill, Shelley Winters. 12:00 0 "Car 99'' (mystery) '3S-Fred MacMurray, Ann Sheridan. 12:30 m (C) "WllHe Slave ShlP" (dra· ma) '62-Pier An1ell. .. ,.,.don My Frend!" (comedy) '52-Merle Obe- ron. 2:00 m "R00tn in die House" (drama) '56-Patriclc Barr, Marjorie Rhodes. 3:00 0 "A Millionaire for Cttristf' (comedy) 'SI-Eleanor Parter, Fred MacMurray. 4:30 IJ "Above Susplc:ion" (drama) '43 -Fred MacMurray, Joan Crawford. EVENING 5:00 1J n.e Blc News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) 0 .Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Anna Maria Alberghetti, Dick Curtis, Hen- dra & Ullet and Betty Baron guest. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Conro Crossin(' (adventure) '56-Virginia Mayo, George Nader. 11 Spy (C) (60) P11 Cards (C) (30) Babllan (C} (30) 00 Merv Griffin (C) Whirs New? (30) "Negro Po- etry.'' Teacher Joanna Weatherstone and her pupils explore the wortt of frve American Negro poeb-Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, Phyllis Wheatley, Lucy Ariel Williams and Herbert Johnson. Ui) Un Color Para Esta Piii al KPl.M News (C) 6:30 I !(NBC Newservice (C) (60) I Love Lucy (30) Yoy1p to tile Bottom of tile SU~) (60) ~ @ Huntlty·lrinkleJ (C) EI1) Lera T1lll About TMns (30) "Periods of Transition." Marion Marshall uses films ind statistics to highlight the physical and social cha".l!s that students undergo. t.I?J llJ 61) m News (C) al let's Mike a Deal (C) 7:00 IJ CBS Ewtnlnr News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. • w11ars MJ Lint? (C) (30) Pauwnl (C) (30) Ci) You Asked fw It : 1'lie Peraptiwe Partt1t (30) (J) 1twtr1J HlllbUlles (C) • Wandeftat (C) . Ntwfyftd Ca• (C) 7:30 II QIN Campbell (C) (60) Glen's! parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Wes Cam~ bell, auest. Also featured are Th• Beatles (on film), Liza Minelli, Way- lon Jennlnis, The Righteous Broth· ers, Pat Paulsen and John Hartford. D ~ 00 m n.. YW&i11iaa (C) (90) ''The Orchard." Clay Grainaef's neighbor, Tun Bradbury (8urae.ss Meredith). clashes with his son (Brandon de Wilde) over whether to use their land for cattle Of crops.. (R) 0 Lost in Space (C) (55) 0 @00 al Ht rt Come tilt lridts (C) (60) "Stand Off." Aaron Imports ruffians led by Ox, an ex- slave to enforce his blocltade cut· ting off the Bolt brothers' louin1 operation from access to the river. Don Pedro Colley auests as Ox. (R) fJ Million $ Movit: (C) "Cld1et Goes H1waiian" (comedy) '61- James Darren, Deborah Walley, Mi- chael Callan. m Dodfers Duaout and Werm-up i (30) Peny Muon (60) . Jo~n Burton, Qlmm1ter (30) ~irst m a three-part series pro- filing the work and philo309hy of artist-in-glass John Burton. As he moulds glass sculptures. Burton shares·the wisdom of his years and the excitement of tangible self· ~r(ff:.t: := ~ewe11 @!) El Cu111D M1nda•iento *·TOM REDDIN NEWS! STARTS MAY 6 -TVS 1:00 QJ Dodiers Baseball <C) (1 hr 45 mm) Dodgers vs. San Francisco Giants. Vin Scully and ·Jerry Doggett call the plays.. El) I SJiciAL I Public ~ T .. evlslon Hurinp: P1rt II (C) (60) The second day of the hearings. Ui) Miereoles Musiail 1:25 D Wonderful World of Sport (C) 1:30 II Tiie Cood QUJI (C) (30) Rufus and Bert play Cupid In order to push their buddy, trucker Big Tom, to the altar. (R) D Win W-rth tile Stars (C) (30) Giselle MacKenzie and Paul Lynde guest 0 @ 00 CB T1le Kine F .. llJ (C) (30) m , ... , ..... !!j ... cl-4-11ce Capades ,,..,.,. Nielrt (C) (60) Bill Burrud ind Alan Sloane introduce some of the wortd's greatest ice sta~nclud inr Romayne and Steele, Ann Mar- garet Frei, Billy Chappel, and Johnny la Brecque. m Sonrisas 9:00 IJ lewfty HIUbillits (C) (30) Jeth. thro falls for Sandra, a beautiful Scot. but the other Hillbillies con· fuse her with her hulklng brother in kilts and think Jethro is crazy. Aimed in England. (R) D KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Anne Bancroft 0 @ @ m Kr1ft Music Hall (C) (60) ''The Peter Cook·Dudley Moore Show." The British staae. screen and television stars are hosts to Anne Bancroft and Mel Torme In the first of two programs produced in England. II Wrlllllnc (C) (60) Dick Lant is mikeside. (Continued} 1000 BEAUTIFUL. STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .. k 1· •• a Moy be used on envelopes as retum address labels. Also very handy as identificotion labels for marking personal items such os books, records, photos, ·etc. Labels stick on gloss and may be used for marking home canned food ttems. An labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed poper and packed in reusable magic seal top container. r-------------.. ------, I I I I I I I I AH J11 tt.la cM,_, en, •-' ••ti wlftt $1.00 t.s ,., .. ,,...,.. Lal>tl 01 ...... 1171, N..,.,t ... U. Ce!Jf. tZMl· --··························-·························~ ........................................................ t••······································-·······-······ ........... y..,zr,~ I I I I I I I I , __ _ P ILOT PRINTING ..... ___ , L - - - - --..--~ - -.... -_J FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA9E MAILIN& LAIELS. .... ..... 11 WEDNESDAY (Continued) D ~ ()) m A1C WdHa4tf .....-~..,.. II kQzhs'"' (""" lical) '63 -EM1 Pmley, Unuli Andrea. Elll Ca~ Paul Luba. Elvis roma!Klll two buuties and ICU IS part-ti. lifquard and nictrt club m.rtalner, with 1 Mexi- can urchin as his "apnt." (R) fl) I 1Hc14 I Tiii f"nt 100 D1r1 <') (60) P.ul ffMn hosts I review and evaluation of the new admirtit- tration, with a Jlfoiectlon into its future Pl"OSC*b. .,~, briq9' t-30 11 a w "-' Aatl (C) <30> Oliver creates art lntemat.ioNI in· cidettt when the farmers of the Hoote.rville Valley ponder a trip to the farmin& countty of fr1nce. (R) fJ ,.._, (C) (30) Ted Meyeri. G) lZ O'Ooct HIP (60) t-.AS ID DNprs ~ <C> lo.GO IJ ~ (j) HnaH r....o (C) (60) Guest Yaphet Kotto plays the role of a mentally disturbed Yietnam war veteran who moots Danny Wil- liams (James M1cArthur) and holds him pritoner. (R) n 11s<w1 ••bo41 w111ts r. Taik About It (C) (60) A docu· mentary dealln& with the epidemic: spread of YD In Southern Catlfoml1, reesons for the si tuation, and pos- sible solutions to the problem. I ..... (C) (60) MarlMI Dillofl (30) oo m "' Outsider ct> <60> "I !:an't Hear You Scream," The discovery of new evidence involves Rou in a final-hour bid to save 1 10unr hoodlum from the ps cham· ber. (R) EE) Eastern Wisdo• Ind Modtra Life (30) "Time." Alan Watts dis- cusses the Indian concept of time and the illusion of Irvin& for the future as the "tomonow which never comes." ti) Mlria111 * TOM REDDIN NEWS! STARTS MAY 6 -TVS 10:30 fJ Movie~ (C) ''stDpowef In Ttkyo" (drama) '57-Robert Wacner. JOln Collins. ID Q) ..... (C) (30) fJl) Tiie Creative life (30) Hosts Dr. Frederick Mayer and Dr. Rene Belle talk with Klmmis Hendrick. bureau chief fOf 1he Christian Science Mon- itor. I F.i1• Corazon ll:GO I.PH~...., (C) Movie; "las Yeps Sll1kaidewit" iama) ·s~ennls O'KMfe. OO @ @ ~(j)News(C) hwitdNJd ll:JO Movie; "C1Mblint Ho-" (l'llJ$· tery) '50--Victor Mature. @ (j) m Tonl&trl .._ (C) Mewit: "Orea• 5"1" (musical) ei Hutton, Macdonald Carey. fJ G1J ED JoeJ B111top (C) m Dofla O'CottMr (C) 12:15 D Movt.: "ltbo's 51rt" (drama) ·~taudla Cardinale, Georre Cha· kins. 12:30 m Acton Theltrt: "lady From Lisbon." 1:eo1a,. ... <t> C.••llftltJ lullttht loenl (C) fn1• tltl luidl Owt (C) 1:15 IJ Mtww. "-30-" (drama) '59- Jack Webb, David Nelson. hp 12 An announcement of grave imPC!fhlnce tO ev_ery resident in California. Venereal Disease is on on epidemic rampage in Southern California. It is out of control. And there ore many reasons why. Today KNBC oir s one o f the most comprehensive television pro- grams ever produced on venereal disease. It presents the problem simply and completely. It tells what is being done about venereal disease. And it tells ho w you, os o responsible citizen, con do your port to help stop the venereal disease epidemic. We urge you to watch "NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT IT." SPECIAL Wednesday 10-11 PM KNBC~~! YOUR COMMUNITY-MINDED STATION ALL THE WAY WITH "Pelicianol-Very Special" offers some- what of a departure from the musical spe- cials that have dotted the tube this year. The special, on NBC, Suoday at rlf PM. stan Jose Feliciano, the blind young souJ singer whose meteoric rise in the past year bas taken the recording business by storm. The idea of a "special" is to break up the normal network programming with en- tertainment of a higher quality. Sponsors, who will buy only a piece of a regular se- ries, often· will purchase the entire hour of a special 1 because they want to be the only ones identified with such a program. Once such a spc.cial is purchased, spon- sors then often spoil the original, "special" concept by inserting safety factors to insure a wider audience. Unfortunately, television lives by its rating systems and many spon- sors will do violence to ao original concept without much trepidation if they feel it will gain them a few more rating points. Whicl:i brings us to "Feliciaoo!-Very Special," an apt title as much because its original concept was left alone by the Pon- tiac sponsors as for the resultant quality of the program itself. ln agreeing to do the show, Feliciano wanted to make it a completely musical hour. involving the finest musical talents in the busin~ today. He felt that the hour would be a special one if it successfully fulfilled the function of presenting to the public a portrait of the state of popular music in the United States today. Pontiac agreed with him and so such stars as Olen Campbell, Dionne Warwick, Andy Williams, Burt Bacbaracb and Lee Haul wood were signed for the show. All of them are either singers or songwriters. There's not a comedian or sexy movie star in sight. Another facet worth examining in this special is that the performers actually do represent popular music today. What this proves is the diversification in musical tastes 10 the 1960s. Feliciano and bis guests are popular exponents of such extreme currents as hard rock, country and western, folk and soul. The extraordinary aspect is that country and western, folk, etc., are in the musical mainstream. A short decade ago, tlie best- seller lists were comprised almost entirely of balladeers, the mostly romantic quartets and a smattering of rock 'n' rollers. Coun- try and western and folk music mostly was confined to rural areas, while soul and hard rock at that time still was considered as strictly Negro music, having limited com- mercial value. Within that narrower musical context of a decade ago, it is bard to visualix.e the massive appeal that such diverse entertainers as Miss Warwick, Campbell and Feliciano generate today. And it is perhaps even more of a t.ribute to Williams, who is more in the traditional mold of balladeers, that he has been able to adapt his musical style and selections to fit the new moods in the country. The ultimate test for any person- ality in any field, of course, is his ability to survive. In this regard, Williams. who will again have his own series next season, must be given top marks. Williams is virtually matched by Miss Warwick in terms of staying power. Be- cause she is so close.ly identified with the "now" music, it is easy to forget that she bas ridden the crest of her career for most of this decade. Her Grammy Award this year for "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" is only the latest bauble in a glittering necltlace of such awards. The special wo marks the fi rst time Miss Warwick and Bacharach. who has written all of her songs, have performed. together. Campbell, after a tremendous start last year. when he captured four Grammy Awards and a host of other honors, seems to be geting even hotter. He picked up another Grammy for his "By the Time I Get to Phoenix" album and that's only part of the story. Most obvious is his own tele- vision series. But Campbell also is em- Jose and Gkra Campbell barked oo a burgeoning film career. Ho- already bas completed "True Grit" with John Wayne at Paramount, and begins his.. second, "Norwood," this spring. Peliciano's success story, which is the· most recent, also is perhaps the most phe- nomenal. Blind when be was born in Puerto Rico- some 24 years ago, Feliciano was intro-· duced to music while still a toddler aod took up the guitar after bis family moved to Spanish Harlem v.ben be was six. He soon began playing professionally and, while· still in his teens, had graduated out of Spanish Harlem and into the Greenwich Village circuit. _, Feliciano's name soon became familiar ( in "underground" musical circles and be-was popular overseas. He has toured Can- ada a.nd South America and appeared in Europe. His syndicated Spanish-language television series is in most of the South and Central American television markets. Finally, with "Light My Fire" a year ago, Feliciano broke into the best seller lists and has remained there ever since. He won a Grammy for that song and also as the best new artist of the year. Perhaps it is fitting that Sinatra bas chosen to introduce the special Since tbe star and guests represent virtually every musical type, it seems only right that the "king of the hill" of all of them stan the aptly titled "Felicianol-Very Special." Richard Widmark and Tina Louise portray star-crossed lovers in the Southland first-run of "The Trap" airing on KHJ's Million $ Movie, Friday at 7:30 PM. Lee J. Cobb, Lorne Grune and Earl Holliman round out the all-star cast in this powerful, tension-filled drama of gangsterism , greed and love, set in the deserts of California. • • • • • • • • • • NEW EXCLUSIVE RACK.EM-MA TIC- fits all ball return tables-Automatically racks balls faster-Saves wear & tear on bed doth. Only $22.50. MtMLAfllll llllftY - You won't bela.Ye It ttl YoU .. ltf .. • MUMIWICK • =- ': hts ·-• • • • • • ..... 14 I THURSDAY MAY 1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "TIM G1ll1nt Blade" (adven- ture) '48-lany Parks. Marguerite Chapman. 9:30 O (C) "A Connecticut YankN In Kin& Altllur's eo.rr (musical) '49 -Blnr Crosby, Rhonda Fleming. O "The Mudlart" (drama) '51- lrene Dunne, Alec Guinness. 12:00 O ''TM Udy Has Plans" {sus- pense) '42-Ray Milland, Paulette Goddard. 2:00 m "Inner Sanctum" {suspense) '48-Mary Beth Hughes, Lee Patrick. 3:00 0 "l'llftt on a Spree'' (comedy) '61-Jack Watling, Carole Lesley. 4:30 1J (C) "Ride the Hi&h Wind" (ad· venture) '66-0arrin McGaven, Ma· ria Perschy. EVENING THE BEST OF EVEIYTHIN& Stephen Boyd, Suzy Parker, Martha Hyer, Loui.s Jordan and Joan Crawford Thursday, Part I Friday, Part II. Color THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE ~ 6:00 IJ The Bil News (C) (60) Jerry1------------ Dunphy. D m HunUey-Brinkley (C) 'c30) O steve Allen Show (C) (90) Gypsy Boots. The Craig Hundley Trio, Norm Crosby and Sandy Baron guesl O Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "The Best of Everytllinl'' Part I (drama) '59-Hope Lange, Stephen Boyd, Suzy Parter . 0 I Spy (C) (60) m Par Cards (C) (30) Art James hosts . IE B1tm1n (C) (30) @ CI> Mm Griffin (C) ElJ) Miit's New? (30) "Poetry." Richard Lewis. the author of a collection of poetry written by chil· dren around the world called "Mir· acles," dewibes the meanings po- etry can have to youngsters. He also reads selections from his book • el Un Color Para Esta Piel al KPLM News (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Newwrvice (C) (60) m I Love Luer (30) I!) Vor11e to the Bottom of the Sea 19 (60) ~ (!) HunU•r-Brinkle, (C) ElJ) More for Your Money (30) "Be a Smart Shopper." Teresa Drury, comparison shopper f0< radio KFWB, and John Gabrile, from the Federal Trade Commission, discuss avail- able sources of consumer informa- tion. Q!) Cl) el m News {C) G) Let's M1kt a Dul (C) 7:00 fJ CIS Evtnln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. O What's Mr line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner. m Password (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. (ll (j) Hi&h and Wiid (C) EID P11rin1 the Guitar (30) "Notes on the Sixth String." Three notes on the sixth string are introduced, completing the first position. ® Ci) McH1le's Navy m True Adventure (C) al Newf,wed Game (C) 7:30 IJ Q!J Ci) The Queen and I (C) {30) Seaman Max Kowalski falls in love with a beautiful rich &irt aboard the Amsterdam Queen and Duffy can't resist the temptation to help the course of true love run a bit more smoothly. He enlists the aid of his pals to oonvlnce the &irl that Kowalski is the wealthy heir to a Wall Street fortune. (Rescheduled from April 3) D Qj 00 m Danltl Boon. (C) (60) "A Pinch of Sall" Daniel Boone and a younr friend are forced to work for two schemers who offer them water and food and shelter in the lean· to. When the men awake, they discover the ladies have disarmed them and are hold- ing them at gunpainl Joan Hackett and Donna Baccala auest. 0 lost In Space (C) (55) 0 @ @ al The f1Jin1 Nun (C) (30) "The Rabbi and the Nun." Sister Bertrille befriends a San Tan· co rabbi and oJ1ers him the use of the convent garden for a Jewish wedding. The proaram is cllmaxed y $ s l ' , I with the nuns sin&ing a Jewish . and unknowingly Jeopardizes th&' son&. (R) entire country. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "U&htnlna 0 @ Ci) tl) Whafa It All About. Bolf' (adventure) '67 -Anthony Wiir1d? (C) (60) Carol Lawrence and Eisley, Wandlsa Leigh. The Geezenslaw Brothers &uest. m Truth or Consequenus (C) (30) m El Mundo Esta Loco A woman is assigned to smash a 9:30 B 9 @ m Dr1rnet (C) (30) cream pie Into the face of the first "Internal AttaTrs -DR-20." Friday passerby on the street, and the first and Gannon investiiate brutality victim is a ''policeman." charges made a&ainst a fellow offi-m Peny Mason (60) cer. John McCook, Pettr Duryea EI!) I s,icllt I Maori Arb ind Cul· guest. (R) ture (C) (30) An exploration of the O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. hl&h art of Maori woodcarving and ID 12 O'Clock Hip (60) the eitalted position of the artist In Ell) Washlniton In Review {C) (30) ~~~~::~~-t~~tr~::!s a;fd !:~ic~!~ 10:00 • ~ (i) m I IPICIAl I Jacl Paar noes. tribal dwellings, ceremonial ~n Afnca (C) (60) Jacil faar Is seen shields and whalebone fish hooks 1n a program that depicts his off· are compared with more recent lhe-beaten-tra~k view . of Africa. carvings done with modern tools Based on a ~11·we~k visit to Kenya and methods and Uganda an which Paar was ao· · • companied by his wife Miriam and m El Cuarto Mandam11nto daughter Randy, the show uses Un· * TOM REDDIN NEWS! usual film footage of travel by single engine plane. boat. land STARTS MAY 6 -TVS rover and on foot. Paar and Randy 8:00 I) Q!) (j) Jonathan Wlntm (C) shot most of the film, which in· (60) Gypsy Rose Lee, George Lind· c:udes "no sunsets and no talks sey, The Frivolous Five, The Young with political leaders.'' Saints guesl 0 G) News (C) (60) D @ 00 m That Girl (~ (30) D Suspense Theatre (C) (60) "A "71f.." Part 1 of two parts. Don Hero for Our Times." Lloyd Bridges, Hollinger Is sent to the West Coast John Ireland and Geraldine Brooks to do an article on Hollywood and §star.Marshi l Dillon (30) Ann Marie decides to accompany him to try her luck at movie work. CV H11vywelpt, Inc. (C) Confusion over their room numbers The1tre But (30) Hal Marien· causes trouble for the young couple thal hosts. when Ann's father calls her and m Mari1na Don answers. (R) tl) Passport to Travel (C) m Hazel <C) (30) * TOM REDDIN NEWS! til) NET Playhouse <C> (90) "The STARTS MAY 6 -TVS Prodigal." A prize-winning contem· 10,30 ,.... M It· (C) "Thi L.A.. .,.11 _,, porary drama based on the Greek · -. ov • , -1 "' e ... legend of Orestes. the son of the (comedy) 56-Peter Sellel'l, Her- military commander Agamemnon. Or· bert Lorn. . estes. exiled from Greece when his ID News (C) (30) B1!I Johns. mother and her lover murder Aga· ~ If You Were President (C) (30) memnon, returns to avenre his Would You Have Future1 Presidents fathe(s death. Peter Galman, Kim Elected. by Popular Vote. Congress. Hunter and Pamela Payton-Wright man Barch ~ayh and law professor star. Alexander Bickel debate. CP.l fel" · 11 (C) m fallaste. Corazon ~ 1c11no. • a) Twill&trt Zone 1:30 0 ~ @ m lronslde (C) (60) Alfred Hitdlcock 8:25 0 Wonderful World of Sport (C) 11:001 B fJ mm News (C) 'The Sacrifice." Ironside refuses to Liars Club (C) believe that Al Cervantes (Ricardo Movie: "Lucky Stiff" (mystery) Montalban) is guilty of murder and '49--Dorothy Lamour. Brian Don· sets out to prove the man's inno-levy. cence. (R) al Bewitched (C) IJ Boxing (C) _(60) Ton:i H~rmon 11:30 I) Movie; "Death of a Scoundrel" and Mlciley Davies are nngSlde. A (drama) '56--George Sanders Zsa I O-round. heavyweight bout between Zsa Gabor. · Wayne Kindred and Kemyatta Hock· B ~ @ @E Tonight Show (C) enhull. . O Movie: "The Searcfllna Wind" 0 @@ tl> Bewitched (C) (30) (drama) '46-Robert Young, Sylvia "Samantha's Wedding Present" Sydney, Sam receives a belated wedding · fJ @ @ al Joey Bishop (C) g~ft f~om her mother. and Darrin's m Donald O'Connor (C) dim view of the gift causes Endora to prove her statement that her 12:15 0 Movie: "Outpost in lnd4·Chlna" san·in·la~ is a very ~II man. (R) (ad_venture) '61 -Jacques Harden, m MtfY Griffin (C) (90) Alain Saury. Ql Run for Your Lift (C) (60) 12:30 1!J Action Theatre: "Night Freight." m Musica y Estrellas (C) l :OO O O News (C) 9:00 I) Qi} Cl) CBS Thursday Movlt: O Co11•unity Bulletin Board (C) "M1dison Avenue" (drama) '62-Dana Andrews, Eleanor Parker, m Fro• tht lnMct. Out (C) Jeanne Crain, Eddie Albert. A slick 1:151) Movie: "The Unknown Terror'' public relations man inflates the (horror) '57-John Howard. image of his client. an ineffectual 1:30 m n S.nset S1Jip dairy president. to the p0int that the government offers the man a 2:30 m All·Nlpt Show: "LOYe Story" position of considerable importance and "Target-Hong Kona." Hallmark's 'Victoria Regina' Hallmark Hall of Fame presents an encore colorcast of its award-winning production of "Victoria Regina," with Julie Harm in the title role, on NBC, Friday at 8:30 •PM. James Donald as Prince Albert co-stars m Laurence Housman's character study of Queen Victoria whkb was produced and di- rected by George Schacter. Julie Harris plays Queen Victoria and James Donald her con· sort, Prince Albert, in Laurence Housman's play. The distinguished cast of special guest stars includes Felix Aylmer, Pamela Brown, Isabel James, Barry Jones, Basil Rathbone !lnd Inga Swenson. This is the first repeat broadcast of "Victoria Regina," which won an Emmy Award as "Program of the Year" after its initial performance in 1961 . Both Miss H arris (who is now starring on Broadway in the hit comedy "Forty Carats") and Miss Brown won Emmys for the best performances by an actress and supporting actress in 1961. "Victoria Regina" was first produced on Broadway by Gilbert Miller in 1935, with Helen Hayes giving one of the most memor- able performances of her career. The play was a smash hit and, after a lengthy run, toured for two years. returning to New York in 1938. The play introduced Vincent Price to American audiences in the co-starring role of Prince Albert, the royal consort. Schaefer noted that Housman's original play contained 42 scenes, 10 of which made up the Broadway version. The ''Hallmark" production, adapted by associate producer Robert Hartung, utilizes five scenes that were not in the Broadway staging, including the opening with Miss Brown in the complex role as the mother of the future queen. Miss Harris's role is considered to be one of the most sust(lined and arduous in modern dramatic history, calling on the actress to portray the influential British monarch from 1837 through her diamond jubilee in 1897. Miss Hatris a.r the aged quun. ..... 15 FRIDA Y MAY 2 , For mornlnc and afternoon llstlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for yow convenience, are the day's movl... All lta· tlona rewve the . rl&ht to chanp proeramminc with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES t:OO. ~ "£111 ......... (tdvwt- tult) 53 -Jeff atandlw, AnthoaJ .... ~"%rt., .., Uwe" (dl'lmt) '40 ~ucltttt Colbert. Ray Miiiand. II....._.. HeMll" (drema) '57 -James Stwart, Simone Simon. 1Z:GO ........ lW ....... (romMC:I) '6--EddJe BtlCbn, Vtf'Ollka Lab. 12:JD • .,.. .... .... ..... (com-iCfY) '49 -Cto11t Tobias. .. ._ ... .. ... DlltiMI" (wat.rn) '54-arett KJnr. 2:00 m ~ fw D ...... (ll\YltefY) 'ff-John Calvert, Myn11 Dell. J:GOP-(C) ..... Aa-. ... &Ir· (1dventurt) 'S8-8ur1 IN. ristopher Plummer. . .... • ..... ,.....,.. (COfnldY) 'Sl -Judy Holliday, Wlllllm Holden. L110 a Tiii lie ,._ (C) (60) .leny Dunplly. l ..... .., .... (Q (30) ... -.... IQ (10) The and T1na Tumtf' Jt;we. ~ Sduelbtr ind Slmmy Bow l\l9ll. D Sia O'Cloct ...._ (C) -ni. lilt tf ~ Part II (d11ma) '59-Hope lanp, Stt11htn Bord. Suzy Partier. II S,, (C) (60) ,., c.. (C) (30) ..... (C) (30) . w:.-=-(~ ''Sahlnr." Jerry Raid. salllna ""* et Ult Muuchusetts IRllltute ol Tech· noloa Sailiq Pmllon. atvta hints ltD 'u."' ·'7!. fltt ,,.. IPUl~(C) l:JO .IMC ...... (C) (60} I left L.9CJ (30) v.,qe .......... " .. 60) .....,. ..... ..., I (30) "Bulls, fi.rs and atlmpanzees.'' Eltphentl, called .. bulls'' In tt'I• cin:ua WOftd. rteehe dally beauty trubntnts and lftdal ca,. while on the circus Rlld. 1:00 I~•&!., ... ...= (C) (30) Welter Cronkite. I nat'a MJ Une? (C) (30.) ........ (C) (30) CJ) CIM.. •scaa (C) "Sl· tm. Audit Murphy 1nd Wanda Hendrtx star . tm cua-.. (30) '"Stcondlry v~ cttioftal Acricult:urt." studenb from Canoe• Pm Hl&h School Join •Iii· culture aupervl• Ronald Repn for 1 look at the Vocatlon1I Acrtcutture Pro111m In Los Anatles City 11nlor hllh schools. ALL THE CASH YOU NEED-FAST FOR JUST ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT! For any R•aonl You can pey off bllla. take a vacation, lmpro\19 your home, etc. Reduce your monthly peyments and have more c .. h for yourulf. 1. CALL NOW, confidential conaultlrtJon with a FRONTIER financial aMlyet to determine YOUR best intal"ftb, and the loan value of your property. 2. CAU NOW, and FRONTIER wlll combine your venous monthly obU1adon1. S. CAU NOW, the FRONTD peyment plan will be t.llored to flt YOUR budpt-no obUptiOn, of course. Oii• uu ro 937-2500 oo•• tr Al.LI Frontier MORTGAGE .... 1. CAU.TOU. ..... a. MlllU ••..•. ., .... .......... AU.D .,.... ..ni llY MIA •• • ... ,_ ... 111111&. waun ..... nee -c.-n .... -.... ............. ,_.._. HcNM Offtce: 5100 Wltshl"' •Ivel. Loa Anc9lea 90036 I Cl) ...,._., lfD CC) II ,_,.., lftw Dlft CC> (60) ~ w..t (C) James Brown, soupy sa1-. Jack ~ Ca• (C) Carter and The Thr• Do1 Niaht 7:JO • Cl) 1't fit. Wiid Wat CC) iuest. < > T profeuor's letttr rtftrrin& to @ m m Leta Ma*t • Dell an undllClosed mlnln& dllCOVtfY {30)-,.onty Hall hostl. brlnp West ind Gonion to the Sf*...., (60) ''The Wines of town ol Brimstone, whtrt they find Callfomla." Jolnln1 Dr. K.tlU'I Ber· 1 ph1ntom·llb former~alry offi· wick to evaluate lix CllifornlallWines cer rlllvlna his Civil War fXperi· recently ltlected for lnttrnationll 1nets In 1 mine. (R) competition Is a pantl of noted II m Hiat1 Claapaml (C) (60) connoisseurs. ''The Promlted Land." Don Stba$o eJ EIWlrtl 34 tlan Montoya reneaes on his prom· 9:30 fJ 11}) (]) EE ne C1111 ef Wiii lse to sell 1 small vlllaae on his s...ttt (C) (30) "A Difftrtnet of land, even thou&h the teftlnts have Opinion." Two (Unsllnltfl who railld the purchase mc>MY. Joe claim to have run James Sonnett Maross &uests. (R) out of town charp tht cltizens for I !Mt I• ~ (C) (55) the '81Vlce. (R) (HJ(]) ,a> TMa 11 T• Jo.. , ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (60) lZ O'Clect Hfdt (60) Miiiea $Mone: "'Hartow" (dnt· Fednl • Madttd ma) '6S-Carol Lynley, Efrwn ZJm· 10:00 @Ci) @m Tiiie Salat (C) (60) ballst Jr., Ginaer Roprs.. ' he Man Who Gambled With Life." I Trwltt or c:oa.q.._. (C) (30) Icy Immortality fices The Saint Pwry .._.... (60) when he is the subject ol en eerie er.thie hnoa (C) (30) "John experiment In which 1 man tries tD Burt.on." Wortd ·famous artist -In· di3CO'Wtr if he can be fro11n and (lass John Burton squires viewers brou1ht back to life at 1 liter data. 1rouncl his Santa Barbara home ~ID ,._. (C) (60) while dltcussina his woRJn1 phifos. @CI>a> Jlldd fw tllt o. ophy ind his undlfstandln& of the ~C) (60) "The Name of This need for creative release In an auto-Game Is Acquittal." Judd becomes mated world. emotionally involved with a youn1 I E Clllltt M•nda•leato femele attorney he is defendln1 on .. ...._ Q9llt (60) In 1 film a ch1r11 of felonious ISSIUll (R) taped shortty before his death, Ill-8 Marsbl ~ (30) thor·folksinaer Rich1nl f1rin1 and Eli) RU Revltw (60) "Air Tr1ffic his wife Mimi Join Pete Seller fOf Control: an RID aitllenfe." Dr. '°'1\e favorite sonp. Albert Hibbs goes on locations to ti) lucedta (C) the Palmdale Air Route Traffic Con· * TOM REDDIN NEWS! trol Center to eumine U'le psychl· atric hazards pl11uln& air traffic ST ARTS MAY 6 -TVS controllers. 1:25 8 Woadtrfut WOftd tf "9ft (C) ii) Marian 1:301JQl(l)c..tr ,,._ (C) (30) *TOM REDDIN NEWS! Ser111nt Carter's most pel1istent STARTS MAY 6 -TVS wish·fantl~ comes true at lut-10:30 a ..... (C) "lifts of ... ...,. ~mer 1pphes for a tralllfer out of ber Riftel'" (adventurt) 'St-Tyrone hrs outfit Power, Michael Rennie. a Hallmark Hall of Fame ,..., (C) (30) Biii Johna * VICTORIA ~EGINA ll:OO ;~ = ,._. <C> A love affair between Aihd Hltdlcecl a queen and a country Uan Chlb <C> D 9 Cl) fE Hall•rt Hal of Movie: CC) "s..et ... nr. Fa8t (C) (90) ''VldOria Rttlnl." (musical) '43 -B~ Grable, An encore telecast of the produc· R~:~ tlon with Julie H1rris In U'le title I (J) 9 9 Cl) ,._. (C) role of tht Queen from 1837 ' (C) throup her diamond JUbllte In 11:30 llewlt: (C) "Tiit lrf&ud" (•d· 1897. Alto atarrlnf In Hie produe· venture6 .'52-Anthof1Y Dertar, An· ticMI art James Donald, Felix ¥· !JUnm Tllli&llt .. (C) IMI', Pamela Bron. Isabel James, cc) ........... M• Barry JoAes, Basil Rathbone Ind (d ) •sc .. _...,._ Qui Ina• SWlnlon. (R) rama .................. , nn, I Aa-. tile s-._ (C) (30) Maureen .O'Hara .. CflJ CI> mo... ... ea, CC> g .. ca1 ~..., <t> ( ) Tack Barry hosU.. lZ.-00 Cf) Friday SllDw (C) I .... lrifil (C) (90) 12:25 • iiliwir. "llttte ., ............. :::..:' l:.?:' (C) (60) ( ) 'Sl-Jackle Joteph, Jona· than Haze. t:00 •ta CIJ cas !ftUJ .... : CC> 12:30 m Ac.t1M T11e11n: "Meny M• 1lalt' ~rama) 62-Jlckle Gleas-iln .. on, Diane Ganllllf. A toudllni slofy 1:00 'le::-CC) •bollt Ula nnn rtlatlonthlp be-~ fra.,. ~ • mute Janitor •nd • little ( rama) '39-ttoyd Nolin, ~m l)r1. T amlroff. 8 Hallmark Hall of Fame m r,.. t11e laAde o.t (C) * VICTORIA REGINA 1:15 tJ Mewtr. "Tiit ,.... CMlf1' Winner of three Emmya (adventure) '44 -Richard GrMne, D w.-Hal ., ,._ (C) Anna NeaJle • (COnrd.) "Victoria Retina." i=*>m n s-.c sen. e PLUSH "HEF" PAD set Z:JO!d~·N~n·~:.:,W; *for PIE· THROWING! end :'Gunmen from Lar.do." ' CURTIS C MATHES THE IBERIA -Massive Meditenanean 1tylftCJ in CJ"Uin• pee• vwen •d sollds. GENUINE PECAN e A ........ De1 l•I ............... • HMll lpMlen e I T .. W.....ey M Pfcm. Tebe .................... ....,... ... ., ...., e A .......... ...... ·~DW e Alleau ...... lmN ............ M ... -..,,.. .......... .. 195 Cont,_• at $700 BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER Now .•• For. The First Time In This Areal A product so superior that we wlll p I a c • It In your home for • ,,... heme ....... on1tratlon. We al• lnvh any other dealer to a Ude by 1 l d • comperlMn el ..tor, and sound ~ tlon. The only ••1tatlon en your part 11 en ln..,_.t In celer' TY end the aWllty to pay H ~ ehould .-CW. .. lluy. GUND OPENING THE ENTIRE MONTH OF APRIL A~e~ f 5 yean of serving the beach area, I have finaHy realized a life time dream. A beautiful r:-ew store in a central location with the finest products available today • FREE DRAWINGS FOR PORTABLE TV & OTHER PRIZES • 8921 ADAMS HART TV HUNTINGTON BEACH l Next to Albertson's) 96U314 Pllet17 1ntroduc1na Thi HlllhkR ··100011-Blke". Thi 111-season Trall Ind snow Bike 'owor from the 1n9!no is tronsfon od by choin to this II a I .SO twbolon floototion-typo tire. Tllo rosult la high sttbility end romtrkoblo tro ctio11 under olmo;t tny surfoco con• dition. Tho combinotion tho GT· I l 's S H' on- 9ino, 2-apud tron1- 111luion end gl\nt ,.., tlro gin it romukoblo troction, oven up 1ioep hill• end poths. ldul fw hunton, fishermen, or lust ploin fun. • • THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION Snop on tho optionol ski t ccou ory tnd tho bilro is roody to run over surf ond wot aond, u well •• 111ow. No nHd to put tho GT-II owoy ' for iho winter . . . jut mo11nt tho optionol Slri Accouory. 5rlops on in seconds without us- ing tools. Use it for winter hunt- ing, fishing, towing skier• ond toboggonors, . FREE ·Send for Our Huge Catalog It's FTft to \'011 for tM AMJ119. 11.ICTaONIC C:lll'lla.. HEATHKIT® ..--.. ~ 'f{" l 1 ( )' ' -==~··I (. '' . To rooch Huthki+ Electronic Conlor toke Horbor llvd . to loll Ave. out on loll o fow thort blocks to na Eost 1111 or t1ko Stnto Ano Ftoowoy to Horbor llvd., Hefbor l lv d. to loll, • few sh«t t.loc•• end you're hero SALIS & PARTS 776-9410 ,... 11 HIATHKIT JlO IA.ST IALL, ANAHEIM SHYICt; 776·t42J SUNDAY, APRIL 27 11:00 AM IJ ~00 NHL Hockey (C) The Eastem and Western Divi· sion ch3mpions of the National Hockey League compete in the best-of-seven playoffs series. O @ @ NBA Basketball (C) Fifth playoff game of the finals. 11:30 O Angels Baseball (C) Calif. Angels vs. Kansas City Royals at Kansas City. Dick Enberg and Don Wells report. 1:00 O @@ Byron Nelson Golf Classic (C) Final round of the 72-hole championship telecast live from the Preston Trail Golf Club in Dallas, Texas. Defending champion is Miller Barber. Formerly known as the Dallas Open, this is the second year the tournament is being conducted under its present title. Keith Jackson and Charlie Jones join Jim McKay and "Lord Byron" in calling the plays. MONDAY, APRIL 28 8 :00 O Angels Baseball (C) California Angels vs. Seattle Pilots at Seattle. Dick Enberg and Don Wells call the action. m Dodgers Baseball (C) Los Angeles Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres. live from San Diego Stadium. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call the plays. TUESDAY, APRIL 29 8:00 m Dodgers Baseball (C) Los Angeles Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres, live from San Diego Stadium. Vin Scully and Jerry Dcggett call the plays. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 8:00 m Dodgers Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. San Francisco Giants, live from Candlestick Park in S.F. 8:30 &) I shC.lL ! Ice Capades Premiere Night (C) Bill Burrud and Alan Sloane interview ice-skating stars at the Sports Arena. THURSDAY, MAY 1 1:00 m Dodgers Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. S.F. Giants at Can· dlestick Park. SATURDAY, MAY 3 11:00 AMO ~@ Major league Baseball (C) Philadelphia Phillies vs. St. Louis Olrdinals at St. Louis. 2:00 IJ ~ ([) I SJfolL I The Kentucky Derby (C) The 95th running of the famed thoroughbred horse race is the first event in the Triple Crown series, and is televised live from Churchill Downs in Louisville. Kentucky. O ~@ Sports Special (C) The $100,000 New Orleans Open Golf Tournament is televised live from New Orleans Lakewood Country Club. Defending champion George Archer joins other participants on the flat, well-trapped course with an abundance of water holes. 2:30 m College Tennis (C) UCLA Bruins and USC Trojans meet for an inter·collegiate tennis contest at Los Angeles Tennis Club. Although the Trojans and the Bruins are both undefeated in dual meets this season, USC's team has been NCAA champion for the past three years and is favored to take the Pacific 8 meet title. Tom Kelly is mikeside for the live and taped coverage. USC head tennis coach George Toley 1s relying heavily on such stalwarts as Bob Lutz, Joaquin Loyo-Mayo and Marcello Lara; whrle mentor Glenn Bassett has high Bruins hopes for Roy Barth, Steve Tidball, Jeff Borowiak, Modesto Vazquez and Elio Alvarez. 5:00 0 @ m ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) Scheduled are the Trenton "200" Auto Race from Trenton, N.J., and the World Gold Skate Roller SJ<ating classic from New York City. Jim McKay is host. 5:30 8 Celebrity Billiards (C) Godfrey Cambridge guests. SATURDAY MAY 3 ~., 0 R N I ~ C. Olilewte.(C) .. lebntftllef,... ....... (wutem) '50 -Gordon UMacR:.,'!°7., Cl~;· Lu Elhllu J Ustld ... 10:30 u ... ,s.,en.u (C) @mu..._ <C> 1'dera Te DI"' (druna) eul Meuey, Eddie Albert 7:45 m Secred HMrt (C) I (i7) (l)Q) f1ntutic Fow (C) 6 • Super Six (C) C1•111dla . Caper (C) 11:00 · @ · M1for lMpe .... • Ho c.r111ons (C) bill~ Curt !wdy and Tony Kubell 1:001 ~ lio-Go Qophtrs (C) The Bible ~ Tiles of Wells fire-Clll the action between the Phil•· ., Tllutrt: "Toufhest delphia Phillies end the St Louis 1n Alive" and "The Hostaae." Cardinals. 1:301J 9 Cll Bup Bunn1 /Rold Run· ~ ~ Cil .m Geor1• of tht Jun· ner Hour (C) I A rd ft.--a. "N keel G " 1 9.@ m~~~ n ·-.u~ • ~ Cl•~ Direst 11:30 ~ Ci) The Htraloidl (C) cm w m Gu111ver <C> @ rn mm A..ertcan .... Movie: "flit 1oy Wbo C.a&td stand (C) DICk Clerk. rook" (drama) '61-Wande Hen-fJ Movie: "Shoet;Out •t .. ....., drix, Roaer Mobley. lend" (western) . 57 -Randolph I Brandtd Scott. An1ie Diclunson. Eswtl1 DIEX (C) 9:00 @ @ m Alntstones (C) • Movie: "Adventum In Dil- 1110ndJff (drama) '40-Georie Brent, 12:0019 Ci) SlluzM! (C) /\f Tf F~NOON Isa Mir1nda. · Gran r .. tro (i7) (]) G) Spider MIR (C) 12:30 9 (j) .loftny Quest (C) Jact LI unnt (C) Movie: "D1naer lone'' (mystery) 01 Thtttn ' 1-Hufh Buumonl 9:30 ~-bca (C) 0 @(]) aJ H..,.nla1 (C) Paul • m Ianni Spllb (C) Revere end Mark Lindsey. ff) flntlstic Yopit (C) EnftS.Nona Report (C) AM lrt: "The Inheritance" IR Bl• Ribbon 'Btl1re: "Treesure and "Desert Raiders." of the Ruby HHls." I Cuitlrru 1:00 IJ 9 Ci) Moby Dick (C) 10:00 The Archie sa... (C) O Morit: "To Hell and lldl" I ffi m Joumey bl tht c.. (drama) 'SS-Audie Murphy, Marth- -of tllt EarUl (C) all Thompson. fJ Mewit: "Sltlaltrl C...-(com· this 90-mlnut. ...,..tion of httrt edy) '48-Tht Bowery~ dl .. se, its trtttment Ind p,._ . ID Mewte: "'Celflid" <mrsttrY> '45 tlon. -Humphrey Bo11rt. Alexis Smith. m ti.a .... Adwdn (C) @I) M1rll11 4.-001 lfaM Prix 5 (C) 9) ArMd ftfCtl HtpNpts (C) • ...... Tr.la (C) 1:3019 (I) T1lt LHt ..... (C) • ......., (C) IKi.A s,n., s,ertl (C) · Stt Ille USA (C) 2:00 11 a C1J •m<._1 n. ~ •:•I• o .......... cC> kJ DtfbJ (C) Tht first of the Triple O* U.lb Crown events-the 95th runnln1 of • Stt tlet USA (C) the famed Derby -comtS from lllnbtw n.tre Churchill Downs, Louisville, Kentuc-5:00 II AUIMricaa ~ ._ (C) ~ SlblrdlJ De.a. F• ... : "Fall 8 "IT'S ACAOEMIC"-Ed1e- Gir1 " samn1 Greta Chi 1nd John * wood, Glendale & Granada Ac•~; and "Carry on, Cleo" wlttl Hills Hi Schools compete. Amanda Berrie end Sidney .llmta. D It's Aadtltlc (C) Edpwood fJ 9 (j) Spoftl s,.dal (C) lfM Glendale end Granadl Hllr. hlch New orteans Open Golf Toum111)tnl xhoola compete. 11J Ctro111t Tllt1tte: "Amuon 'a.._,..nalllp ....... (C) iuest... cm CI> m AIC'• Wide w.w SltllrdlJ .Mathlte s,ert1 (Cj Tht T~ ''200'' QUiit fw Advfftst (C) Auto Rec:e from Trenton, New Jer- 2:30 ID c.lltp Tennis (C) The UCLA tey; end tht Woc1d Gold Sbta Roll· Bruins meet the USC 'r~1na. er Sbtin1 classic from New Yort aJ Stt tilt USA (C) Cl~. 3:00 II 111t ,._ Stcietr <C> "Should ?.Nn .. (C) Student Demonstrators WhO Brttk • l•etW'ltloa: ''WESTEC -New l.ws Be ExpelledT' portunltln In Metal·WOftine." O Movi.: "Out C-••ncl" (dra· fdtf.Socctr ma) '4~John Wayne. • BnlMO I lltllt C,, 5:30 Ralpli se.y (C) (R) c.i11tr U1C ..... ._ (C) u. Celer .... £111 f'ltl Ctl*ttJ ...... (C) Godfl'IJ lllllbow TlMltr't Cambrid1e iuttta. 3:30 T1lt EartJ Slllw: ......... c... I T1lt Rlt htrol (C) Ho•t" (drama) '43-Ellzabtth Tay-Man tro. UNCLE (C) lor, Roddy McOow1ll, Ed Gwenn. T1lt ,._ Sow (C) m c.lor T1M1trt (C) "Lers Bt . I #Hew I T1lt F1r1t 100 Deys Hap~" (C) An llltllmtnt end Mluatlon fJl) Httrt of Ille Mdtr. of the Nixon administration thus TV pmonal Dennis James hosts far. (R) After six trips to Africa, Jack Paar still finds the Dark Continent a nice place to visit. Jaclc Potu uMtl o lulnd-Mld /6mm cafrUra to fibn ltU 1p«lol. H is journeys have Included a visit with the Jate Dr. Albert Schweitz.er at his remote hos- pit~ located in Lambarcne, Gabon, and a ftiglh over the Holy Land during which he ftlmed scenes on Oood Friday from the per· sonal hFliQ()pter of Jordan's Kina Hussein. His sixth trip. a six-week visit to Uganda and Kenya with wife Miriam and their daugh- ter Randy, last Summer. provides the 'basis for his NBC special, "Jack Paar in Africa," Thursday at 10 PM. Photographed mosdy by Paar and Randy, "Jack Paar in Africa" has occupied him for about eight months and la hJa ftnt apc;cial in a year and a half. In addfdoo to ftlmlna ~ith a 16-millimeter band-held movie camera, Jack ~ serves u the producer, director and only writer of the script for tho 1pecial. Paar, who combines the Inquisitiveness of a police reponer with the iDldGca of an adven- turous explorer, bu captured on ft1m the con- truts within lhe ncwly-indepcncknt nations striviq to catapult their people ·into the main-' stream of the 20th Century. Seeking to entertain 11 well as inform while coverina u much territory as possi&le, Paar and Im family 8cw in .... -twia easme private planes. Jandi.QS OD ....., deariop with . the pilots ftnt haviaa to buzz the ftelds to frighten otf the animals aathered below. Re Joclc Paar dlld dauglsttr RlllUly ~ lhe horllon as tlNy walt to ~m a sceM for tlse NBC 1peclal. traveled by Land Rover and on f oo& to visit with the pypnlee, who despite their small stature are courqeous enoup, armed only with spear, to attack NM! kill the huge elephant. Among the other ecenes he oblerved and ihcludes in his special hour are: a craftsman faahionJna shoes made·to-iadividual-measure from disCarded auto tires, a native picking up bot coa1a with bare bands, and Muai, reputed IO be amoa, the flereeat warriors in Africa. wortins as bard·ddlna cowboys while wearina their lribe'1 ndldooal red blankets but sport· ina Eoatish bowlen lmporllld from London. ,...11 REG. PRICE $369.50t e O.rr1rd 111tomallc tum-t111M ~ ti.Ao c1rtrldae wllll da.mond •ty· lue. e Fisher fr-pl11oti 1PMker l'(llem ~ oll walnut enclolurft. lteoular snt.oo • pair. 29968 fMlurlng AR'S 1vspenslon a. • 12" Co·Axlll LAncer ·s.,..11•f W1lnut EnCIO&urft. • 1"' G.,.ral"d. Automltlc Tum--Oiied t.b~c Pkll 11ereo cartridge with d ilmonel I ty lllS. PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS REG. PRICI $174.501 9999 • 12" Co•xi.1 Ulftcer IPMll· er l'flfMI. Oiied Wliftvf enc:io.w. • e 411 watt AM·FM IOlld tt.te ,..,_ recelwr. atlantic • lllUSIC 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! • ,._ SMrwood SllOOA • watt ,M 1tww IOlld state recefvef". (~UM op.. tlOMI) G1or1rd •vncro-a.b auloM1tlc tvrnt•ble wllll lllur• da.monct stylus. SYS. REG. PRICE $675.50! 50927 e 1"' G1rr11"d 111!-tlc • turnt•tii. pl119 ,,.,_ CMt· ridge wllll da.mond s1ylut. REG. PRICE $254.SOI 1'6981 OPEN NITIS & SUNDAYS I sundays 12·5 saf urdays 9-6 da il y 12-9 p.m. clos ed wedne5day s