HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-• • --' . .. -• •• t. • " . iDn8 -Won ~t. • • -,. • I'" \ , ·-. WEDNESOAY ~AFr.ERNOO~. APRJL 30, 1969 .. , . :~ "· ~&-•411CT.IOfil~.-~PMll ·'.' '. F,,. ,' . . . · _or " • ,. ' ti' . ' ' • s .. • • I .• ' " . :oft .• f~ ·. ·':k ' ~ • c • .,. •. j ••• ~·,1"'):.·.-f ·--~ ., ( ' . . ' ) 1k· ~I I ' • ., ' ' .. ' .... ,·" . • I J. '; ' -.;i,, ' . ' ', .... ' l '*' " • .. . ' -.. ' t ". '""'!,.' ·-··· •.• : ~ ,t • • • • . . '.I ' r • • I .. --,._ • LOGBOOK •• 1" • • '"' . ·Traipsing Hinterlands ' '.With Nixon Watchers • . ' -·---·---=-- the .Bloo • ID • ~ ' . Veteran Clown, Young Flier 'Hoo~ ori. Sa~ B1 U111Ull R. VINSEL s1IP or the deed lo tbe llltle FaDOllo Nev., !be Be!f.slalm. ol ·V.•~ ~.: banlJy , • ~ "' Diii' ·""" '"' -lN>r1I rlDCh Uoara ~ IA Ille •• o1J,, 11!4!1-~ llW-l>triltll at ~ ~ ""' ¥1lti Ill" meanl,..1.,.1o people, ......,, hut Tuesday he was -.,i)'.. ".:~...,.. llbWt btbW · ~!toot c~ract"' •hos< ,frm are Geral®. > BOonle Bale ....,. big, brilllt .....,. ~asurtcl• by bne-lllghl -.... · ' "I'm born aod raised izi th• c1...,;. ~ fl1""Y glass01.,whiqh mirror, t&o. ~ . .,... mum.of pul)Ucfqjil114111 • !rpm a c1"'11 family -I've beln #II .., .,,.w•,:iici,f tJ4l;l.la,~i.2"­ lleMa at a ~ ~I ~· ¥! ,• ,pracU~lly lloco I •'-! 11loni • ,, .• ,111;:;.~·'~ll 'fofi •. ~ ,.i:~lllt~ Ill ur.... . <, . U-··· ., ~ .,.~ ~ild a I?:. lo·\ .:~ dttl,&a lillUI •.,,-! ,, . · Tiii ,,iri;ua.eal)¥' \II lolfil~scln •~I-,p ,: · , N~ ·act111Ui:, lf," hO ""'"1ilM. • 1'1 :w11 '~'1!i!&t 1,~}• sayo, a tn~IR 1~trnin'-~1,l.;i;/_•'·•:, Muil.<1 lhe;MJll!1 :,, :;~,~:, · '~~ '11!1,f!1,10rla la l»;lbt rest . .ll!I !O man 1btlr .t:valde . . . ~-..... -~~l-end~-.• , Illar." • , .4JITIMI It. YINllL ... ...,, ... ...,. ~ Blitzing every world c1plW and Iowa wbiltlestop on lhe presldentlal )nly 11~'. 'Jrass ·~r · "Eve~.,~li io;teave·,......,.""·" ,...ter ~li(l!ll' . Nila la UI llot t::.y. • ~-. _; .. ":.i-"'· •1 ~<i °'1allY; jt•fJ!i'Y!M!f,QOli,:;v'•..,oq,• ;.?i.fll'li-1tJI~, !IP !or at- ' ., Days on lll_e 1..-. "1/.1:~'!~. MkiY ~~fl'l.COlllj>,ol~a '.'.·.,~1-:.-: .. -91tt?<·~ '',,;1y.'i" 1 h ·. '.um ,. ~-are 'frOm ~ Ci4w-'\ 1r How tt;t • \ ~o so smoouuy!. rr !Cl pm ou.g JOn1 es, -=ml~, blll oecasiCJl!allY .':1oai' _"You'vegolone~loWn 'bo,;s-!liebead ~llk• a sophomore challin( attar . • illllerary, the White H..,. Pre.a Corpe la a llyln& drcUI ol joutn11i1Uc Red · • ~ pll'lllh>& the wily Pullllor. ' · ,,. die 6111111 -• 1111 0r..,.. CoUI ..,;,. wean Mck ,11111 all ~ -IJial tllt tndllloa ·wtll -•Uh Ibo Padllc -r Rod TWe. Now l!Jal ~'!II N~ l!N proclaiJ!led SU ~ .. u Jlaja Wpb. blp D.C.;er -lioaai--. 1'f _,...._!to-.. ... Cl# 1111 _.. Jeques more often. Generally, the White Home news crew wean a collective aneer for local yokel reporters, from Bobunt, Minn., to whatever ot.btr backwash the Great Wlllto Father brlnp hll panooal greellop and entourqt. 1lMlr urival lo 1111 Country, whore Iba \'IDlll ..-1!tlll wlth a., or SUia, Wl!on ·tht -ore bnporllod \IJ' a ~ ....., ol lhe llb'dl uil -..,.. lllo hear ldlerly i-. mocb rock ~ ..U Jl!QllC, wu no· meptl6, • -"' • I -~ ~ , ~ . . ' , Alter all IUt -bu .. ~ loll.~ enst!lllC lo lbllr capable hij;d; aJaiie, ~ lhe _,, SOiiio IPIOlll. IGCiclt met 11>- -bt nqulNd lo ~ whll Prta1a.t Nllle 1il<flo Pvt: llbm1' Kaocl1ioko, c-., 1 _. trap • XP •I a Fart llurhoca ,.... 1ia11, wbta 1111 ...,.. -dropped ln1ll\&llDOllllC<. If ao, it escapes me. Nonetheless, the capitol news contingent martbed past us provincial prea troops Ill Mluion San Juan C.platrano lite an Anny ol OceupaUIWI or the V1Ucan Goard vlallloi 1 bellnnln' .caleclll1p1 dua,,_ , One glance b7 1 -t ..., lo a !av-Jlm>Pllll -wtlii .._ anllllld hll neck and "'°""' wlriag to Jllhl ona ~ ol, TllliCln -put Uielr..: impnsslon acroa. , Pwantr. Barblrlw. Couldll, mn wrlto I ...,,.... -· llol lo - be trustod around vaiuables. Nd. to bt lruoled wU bllit "*" _. ol ti. Wlll>lnclon n<wa poopll party tonllh~. . "Loot al them, tba7 ~ ll>lnl! w1 doD1 ev1111iav1i.id1rwur,• growled one vd.lran Oriap C«ml7 -. ' . * S!Jch neurollc opocul1Uoo ended ., the !'resident m!ved. Somebody in a lavender jumpoult blindsided me In the ruoh. My own pllolo lmOrged fmn the darkroom u a closeup et a 1Wted7 llloulder. fl we bad a rol-. lllC would Pt 11 yards !or cllpplq. W• naUvw an ......uau, a 111""°1 llll with a ,....i -et l1Qlhm, bot 1'ildltls to the -1, ad outrllht 111J1r wllon It came lo l•ullllnc' Ill one Wuidaltal p11oqnpbor wtio bad .... abomd our """' bellooplw, Ila ....... -e kelp.-in tbt btlld he .... -.S !11• ... 1-Ylaiblo ~ lllrblra ~ oil llJck, at 11111 Ume I~ betcbtl Iba~ -DUI to lnlptcl. . • · · ' -In ---. wt noliold .the -t man bad ~rich. .,_ pacamcle .., hla la-jumpoalt and -dlrecllnf blm lo a One-Hour Marlinlzlng C!eanm. We didn't. <>.a Washlnclon new1 gathering vililan Wire lon1bly far fmn Capllol IDll, cMllzatla:i and -alt« all -lavender jumpauitl •• not made to be peundld on the rocl!s btsldt a utile -W aeet. , \ll"IT ...... ... 'r· : . • Barry M'. Goldwater Jr. easUy won election to Congress Tues· day in his fin! It)' ,1p, _public llffice. A$ succ•sor to. llfpul>-· !lean Ed Reineck•, Oeid1'&1er Jr. will join Goldwat"'i Sr. In <Washj!lgtcn, !:>·!=· . ,' Fro"' P .. e l DRESS CODE •• responsibjllty. Floyd Harryman, principtl al ~ncia !Dgh, ..,, hi II not OjlpOlld to -pu\11111 the res~ oo lhe -'8 od feala hia stud.ms may all bll!l lo di •· As faahlon bu dllullld. llbtnlllaUon of dress codes bu llMn .... on Ill yur al N ewport.11111 hllft tdiooll. ll<oppinl the cod< and lhllllnC lo pamiW responsibility 1ttm1 to bt tfie culm1na~ tion of the tr,ind. ; Jn ·a retautloa of a~ •nd I ball ago at Estancia, boys wqe allowed to grOw sideburns to the ear. lobes and long hair that does not.. touch Uie shoulders. Girls were told they can wear capris 011 Friday •. ITANll411111 lllL.U . Since 'Iba . lllrl ol tbt odlool )'Ill', Lopeo llld, M• Hiib ~ havt boon rolind. BoJl'·latr·-fam\erl1 had to ""·..,. lo ~ -may bt blocked u looC u 1111 olf Iba -·· 151debamt have --allowed. Ifs Aid --.i -la bave'"""' muttop cbop stdebarlll, .lilll -., IUD aren't P•mll· led. Th• filth dislrlct high school, McNally ConUnuation High, has done without a dre11 code far some time. Sllid director ol the ocbool, ror ltud<iJU thal can'I make it in reJUlar hlgl ~. Jack COJeman : • .. "Probably a . greater majority of my '. . ' lllud!!lfo.,. ·~bti!\l.llOW E • . COlll I a ~ !tr ll I, .... , ..... r. -f n . · f> aa 111> • ·at limk llld~ would I~ · . ' · · 'I~, ~'\' , · ,,. .... · ·JW.ua ..... ' ' .t: ti ,J i ' : -J :.i: ,'\ • ~~· I ' • • '.r ,f ' ' • :~· . ~ • •. ~ -· ·. , · •.. · ·1,i• · " .. , · ' ~~'the new' eorbna (fel Mar ~wa~~ing_ Q9.W.Pt-~.~ ;Bill:p .~~;&= ~I~ ~7;loo~ • ... ••' ' .. Ji '" , . \ . . ' ..... ~i{}i)A.r~,. ~.. -11 • .. ~·~ · • • ' • -. .. •· '"""~Y -.,l·l'f E~ ·;·· ji·• iontea, . ·• lliNdiOoll lot ~.and u·llala4 ~i.OUcv ON TRW. . , !:JACllA~to -SetldJ!I mo r • Iii Ille dodiine et t!>t Jom ~ Soclttu, 'l'lit pf!cj 1s a 1r1a1 for~ NII o1 the ~-. acaea, tlle Seqole ~ lo wbJ!'!I' be Mql, laid bt "IU ·lllll.:· ichool ~.he safd. : · 1. • '1' -'-todiy '!" •om e w ti• I •PDnfr. Illa bill. · · He .. 14 the 16 pare1* )Ii"! -ded ~bin bi Slate llen. JolutJG;. , 118 ... ...._.lllldt lo'llM bill art a NYlni tlloy dln'I --,ltio ·policy ~ ~) •!pd 1o ·ll'i pollllca)/-teallly wllld! tlectod olllclall made two principal pqll\_la. piey Aid II ,.. _ l!IOl'I--""' Hl lllucal1iil. must f~. · • • illoold ht a .abartd ~h.ll!ly and • A :i. --baa already been -~-"-' · · · · '·· ....., U14 • .,....., bi lo ....... , wU1 !tad lo ' ~ .......,.·blJl-onaoltwo-· _, , .. _ _,-•• ...... cmrms -1-1$ In COlllidem a(. 11111"1 Slllato lldDcllloft more dmitnd!· and the tlluaUori ... -~a-llo. . c...uruu.e hetrlng t11e nllhl ot Apn! 11. In colleps," •ceoidlnK to·Mteu. :·•Sen. Cltlr W.1-. (Min Dleto) Al thal tjmt, Bur-aald the orlllnal The ~rinclpal Ill<! there have been . -~ an .-.,.t lo the ~ blU woold bave allolilhed the 11-y-fewer Wtonces ol atudmls drwed in 4>lll which cu.tr out a reqwrement for aex educalloo p<Olf&m In !mi !ll..., cltii poor toato the lut two wteb than beloro. ::wr!ttm paroOt,tl pmnlulon be1<n a -•~1a · Ht aald -llrli -, Ioli! blm tht1r <chlld mv tata auch a coune. · --· · --motl>in -now tnore·llldcl. · .. 'lbt Unendmatt ltlll allow1 them, ~ conunltttt wtld April 11 for the Most of the boys have fairly Jong ;..,,..,.,. · fo lloop thtlr ,........ oUI of second lllOUur., • reoolullon by Sc!unlU sideburns and teep them ntally trimmed ~ ... dlUll, a p r act t e 1 Utln« IClxlola 1o iniUat1 no new IU Metb ..sd. ' ·...-.n:r -.111 i., moot ·tcllool educotloo _.... imW a,lqlalatlvt In-"We have maybt hall a dmto bc171111 :;.tlllrlctl -olfwinl llUdl """""' · v..U,atlo!J la ~. . . campua wilh bizarre lldeburnl. We lull \.;;1lMJ pl al a dtlVlct which 11)'1: To .~. ~ ... ~-~I hid .a beard Krowlni conlell Ind a law et · I wlllt pannll and wt'll lotch -WI -~11-....,.j lnc!udt a..., ___ , l&em mtpl haVI left them 00." ::Want" Sen. B-tapltlned In C0111• 111111 district ~ ~-tht Newport Harllor High Principal Clar!• ~ • 1111 m..,.., oddlnt 111111 '"' ,._,..., ~-· -• ·-lo Gocbball Aid tht ""'pollc1 al hla IChotl ~ dlltrlcla aW. ecbool dlalrlctt to ptnota ,.. will be lll'lrial'lor tht month o1 May. A :• !ldllnlll. ~ 1 ,.. -Uoft.ino education malertal •bo!on K la touaht lo commlttot of -to. ftcU!ly Ind Id· ·· clut. mlnlatrtton will evalute tt and mab 1 :: 'll>I llllll ~ ol Ed\icalllll aalll --for aeat llCbool 7ear. ' clllMw' --ll1ould fllll"'VO ... I MONTllS miDY l == =· wllldl alao should bl Ht lald tht nv1stoa ol the drtu ~ - -''""~"'" -The board'• IUldelints. which do not rtSUllllm --.... ~lili'!:,~~ l ..,_ - - -have the foreo ol law, alto· eall lor ="two= ., ....... -... -. - -empbM!an1 -al -11111 "l1am1fll ....,. 1 CAUfOINIA elfectr et premlrital .... .. Gmnlnallon ol tht -· ht lald, • ; Under Schmits' blU u nil • 1b1 -...,.. COllllllellll .. beard In Informal ~ llCbooldlstrlcla-ba~ nooollmt "--hi mu.. the ...,._'to 1ri1111e their awn 111 tdllct· -OYlliablt 1'o aludenll. 1 • l • ~ i l l l : " t . JMi .. C:..ky .. ,,.... .. .._.MIMtlt n....tt.nll ·-- • ' ~--• Lopta lald tbt n!dllll lducaUooal llon ....,-. Biii lhtlr etlsleoce ~ er Davelopnltlll Coanall II c.ta !11111 lfllh their ---lllil•bt ,.,.mtd """""' Pu..u 'md ......... """ Olilrilllt ,,, tllt tlala. 1111 --"'!Jllml. 'l'1"1 ..... to , ...... r ... J PARIS TALKS •• a r.--~ el 1• pamts In tbalr hemtl ad 20 '"""'-.._ at Harbor Slloot>ln& 01ntar ad South CoNt Pim, ht aifd. · cifcus people take a bniak between clown. er prodqc;in&_ .. ,mo.~ .the with a ·classmate. ''Tblrt'1 DIC: lhows. sbols -• that.~· llari'y Ross.•· says rtally much limo oil, ~ ~ Only a f'l' itraalin 'wUderec( down GeraMo; -ll•vada 11-.nneller clu\iDg the tw..i.y IWlda." lbt midway Tuetdq In tlie. twtUPt as Ian shol!I ai the edit of hll white "Usually I rolu or IO ohot>Plnl. then In the James Bto1.· Clrcw, aponao~ by the . greasepaint. the off.season, aroond Oniltmu. n Orange Coast LlOns Club at tbe Orange "Then you have a tew other clowns," have to start gettlng things ready for tllle ComV Falrpouplrl, nolfd, . .. .. · . ht conlinuel, alnllling thrOl\ill the nexl seuoo." 1'Good evehlng~ Sir," says Ger&ldo the cavernous 'red-and-yell9w striped tent. One asks the Inevitable, knowtnc tht Clown, a ParLs·bom performer who is as "I'm an 'Other Clown'," he says. "I'm repl y. hooked on the three.ring circus life as is Jn il because I love klds, you see .•. 1 ''No," she says with the forever-eer- a hen»n. a~(lict .wWt a three.tram daily love the {llpre&sions oq Jheir faces ." tainty of a girl ol 15 and the flnlllty ol a habit.;: , l •· ' "Hen'•• llUll ltdrl"U mlibl JIU lo .• · 40-~ cjown, "I -~In !I ad Tbe ~e m17 be dl!ferent on hla pay mllt.'~.ac)ll Gn14>1 ~ GDI O! I'll stay~ it." . · • • ~ . . . . \ PILOT TO 'AIR' ·ENSENA.DA RACE Newport Beach radio station KOCM (103.1 FM) will broadc~t special reports on the Newport Beacb-Enseoada yacht race directly from Almon Lockabey, DAILY PILOT botUn( edl!Or; from TbundlJ'• noon start yntil the race is llnlobed. lleporll wUl ht broa dcasl ap-eshn""b' f:\'er'Y two hours frol"I) noon untU sllJ'.olf 111 a.m. Friday. TheJ be continued FrJday and S1tur· day ·1"aJ, I •.m. sl&n on until 2 1.m. alsnolf. Fro111 l""11e I LIONS .•. pr~erve th• fir1t year. Ultimately, developers upect S million vta:itor1 1& nuaUy. · A con.structJon IChedule outline by Easley fQUnd. crew• flr&t _ IJ"l(ting and laying ro~. then fencing the-area and bulldlne ticket facillif•, then completing the ameniUes such u restauranll,, curio shops, and attractions. The comp.any has plans for future con· WU.c:t.ion o! a, bot.el complex on the leased acruge. Ol the total 465 acres. about 300 wUl be devoted to the animal preserve. No Major Rights Legislatfon · Due ' WASHINGTON (UPI) .., President Nixon does not f!OW plan to send a major civil rights package to Congress, but does hope to seek expanded powers against job dilCJ'lmination, accord.Ing to Senate GOP , lllder Everett M. Dirksen. CONVENIENT TERMS tANKAMERICARO MASTER CHA~G;E .. ,• • i ,, , ~ '' r, I " ' " . Lifeguard ffn."9e Hurt Pollute.a and quaranilned Newport beacheo have tarnished lbe ~ ... of lifeguards who must 1et touah. The beaches are clOled and In cons~ patrols, lifeguards like Bill lllllls must continually call blck swtmmara and aurtm. ' for ou ·month only ICIV:·203 on Towle'• EI Grand" and 'llnq Richard ...... pattemsln' .olld.UTC 146.00 y., --'1UO 'IHIS OFFER 6000 MAY I lHRU MAY 31 1121 NEW,ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA • 21 YEARS SA/ol& LOCATION ,HONE '41·1401 •. . ,. I ( ' \1 j I " I I . , I , I " . • • -__ ..,._ ·----------·- IJ ' "' ~(.~62, NO. 1031 4 SECTJONS, 92 ~A~ES , • • .. 4. • , ' , . . ' • ; .... . .... .. . arw1n rac • C.oast .... Tax ~. Boo.n ' ' , • ' ' Qil-_Com:panie s Lose Chanc e .for FuJU!-s ' . ' ~ ' . •Qnlljt Oiollly and lhO ciUes of The •oij """paoltc tilod lull for of the Pll'IOSIOrJ inl....u bold by the ~ lleAdi, Hunllfllloo Beach and ""'1V<fY of the i.-In i9K llld the COlllpllli<a. ' SeoHI_,, wlll' be able to edd • tolal or , ·t •·· Court niled 111 f ~ th Companies Involved In the ouit lncludt<i -'-- --nn .... •· their b-k '•c· s .. e .:JUpttme · avor"' e U •-Oil' ~A S · · S · -.. _. .,. ~· w ~ .......... h. and . . n-.. w 1...,. v . ...,.., nlUU , Vli.1J, tanclard f>1I, i6 .1 .. 1, c<JIJiill.r < ~ -. I Adrian Kuy.per . '.:.-;;'' CIUOS oo =· ~. -· ""'""r Temio 00, AnnsUulg, A ti ant IC· rmilocl ~· • ~ Rlcllfield, Wilsbir< and HamrilU Oil'. . • ~ .....,..-betore th t;: county He added thal the-time for any appeal Kuyper Aid the legal acUOos-filtd in· Bo.rd fl. &apeitllWa that tbe money by the plaintifh: to the U.S. Supreme 1966 were followed by similat auita pro- ---Wei paid from Court lw now explnd. teslinl! Jg&S.a and·JteM'/ tu bllJa. The UM/to 1111 bj oil'"ccXnpanies undei pro-1be oil compant ac&n'was baled-upon legal ia:sues were identicll, Kuyper said, ta · 1'i ~., have remiined · im-alleged improper treetment by the county and the plaintiffs havel JlOW' dilmlsald pcmi.LllJ"lli'-y·audilor-<Olltloller. .......,. of.oil "°'al!Ms lo bis valuation (See WINDFAU.. ...... ~) " ·, •" Cong· Wi·lling to Talk Peace With South Viets PARIS. (UPI) -The. Viet Cong, Jn an, aljlrqpt change of pOucy, said lodly it was wUlinc ~to talk pac't with ·the >~other paljie&" ~ -®>1'4be &!Wemmenl of South V.:ietnam. PreviouJJy it said it 1fOUld lail: A>Oly wkll tJie United Slates. ,~ l'lrom -Vm TbleU of 8f>ulh Vietnamlwlcepr_..tdireel-.t talb -Ibo hn> 'lldes in'bopea of ~ ...... .--~ .. the~ ~ bloCad' Ibo ~ taltl -lljey· ~ 'Ibo Vi'l r,,;,. .-'!II •! 1be . ~ lii'U!< tblie. ,.,.... ' 'nl8 Ulinld 91ales mat' U...Viet Coog olfer ·todi.Y with ·-~·of• ma· jor ~°" first m>de Jail Thunday at the weekly talks -~ o'f(er to ne~t.; military ilJld poj!Ucll matleri obitUlliMouJJy, PreviOUllf · tt w- mlliWy rriatter1 ·settled J>efote U,.e "°'" po!ilicaUalks. , , , . ,• u.s.,Ambusadm; Hllll')' l;:abpt Lcii!a• . also alligtst>d that •llf•oat oci .a Nqo,. Tlaursdafl mutual wilhdrawal of external forces "by reasonablf: stages" could lead to peace. Hanoia'the Viet Cong cont<nd the only lorelp troops In Vietnam are the Americana: and their allies and that the Americam sbould pull out imJt'tediately. "Our aide is ready to ~ .mo.vinf down thia road right away," Uxlge u.id. "Othe1r .,_ .wbeee··~-.. ~ Is neeesa.rY .,. • Ille ~ of Iii< statµs Of tht demllitariud :aio0t1 and the earl rei.... of ptlsooirl' .,. Wir ." ~ tjl< ~el eq-~ent to ~~;-, n I sollllJ!lnJ Iii' the Cp~ ' ' "~ not bown, Tran Btid K111111, tlW _.,, nllill*': of the Vlei Coo;1'1 mu I Ll~·Fronl.· olld1 < ' ' "1'1it Sputh Vietnam Front for LI"'!"· tioli !• rOllllY to enr•n In -with ilio -pertieO .. u to make lhe confereace move forward." 558 Yachts Getting Set For Ensenada R~ce Start Skippers and crews or 558 18.iling yicbtl are down to the point of markh\g time until the start Thursday nooo <i the 22nd Newport to Ensenada race. ., :J'he list of entries (count 'em on Page ! 7) Is about 1 doicn short of the HCO;MI ~70 last year. Tum Wilder, race committee chainn1n, called attention to a last.minute change 1n cbeck·in procedure. "There will be a race committee bolt cbeckl.ng out boats near the entrance to Second Explosion Victim Sticcnuihs The second Victim at ·Jut 'Satu!'daY'• . . nploolon of • Stanley -·at Xnolt's Berry Farm died early ,this m9ming at the Ora!lge County Medical Center. Mn. Beth Nutting, '73; ·whose hu&band Wayne, 74, died ltlondaY' of bums rtceiv· ed ln the freak accident.. succumbe<l at 12:17 a.m, the coroner'i office reported . The couple u...i In Los Angeles. Four ot.ber victims of.the u:plosion re- main In aiti<:al coodltloa lj> lhe medleal center'• bum ceater. Jbe1 are Wi1lllm SCtllU, •, bis wtre Jo Anne, II, and lbe!r tWo •• .,.. ... CJnlbia, 7, and Criay, J, all <i Loo Anpls. .. ,,,. acddellt """'md '•tin& ~' ... niial lllllquo car "'°" at the am-ieoter In lkltna Part. 1,..ttic bulane ~ -d over the l1oor 41. the cJusJc ~ and WU Jgnllld by I d.-te, Ol" a ijlari< tnim the pilot ligh~ lnveattptori lfld. J Apollo NQt Ditmaged CAPE UNNEDY (UPI) -The Spoce """"" r-10d lodQ' thlt two da1I of dlWled -~·• ll9wn no 111111 of .-..... to fllo lb'lt -<i lhe Apollo II , ""°" roekel u 1 t<llllll of 1 sudden fuel lOll Sunday. P.IWT TO 'AIR' ' EN'SENA DA RACE' Newpcit Budl r..lo llltion KOOi (IOI.I FM) wt11 bnlodcut special r<poell oo the N""1>0l'I Betld>Eosenadl yaehl race directly rr.m. Almon Lock1beJ, DAll.Y PIWT bOOung editor, lrom Thunday'f,,_ slart lllltll tie flCI is t11111bed. ; .. ,. , •.• \ -· • ~ts \ri~broadca1t •P. prolimatdy every wo houri fram noon Thurtdu um.D 1 at t a.m. Friday. They wlfl be l'rtdf1 1nd Satur· cloy !ram I a.m. r1p, on uncll 2 a.in. signoff. ' Beaeh Widow Wins Suit in Mate's·Death Damages of. $160,000 have been award-- ed to the widow of. a HuotinKton Beach. truck dri .... wttb • ·&Jporior c..n·, i'µJ- ing 1hlt a lai1My tu. caused her Jms.· band'• death ·ln a;~ -Uno YJ*'I ~· .-. .. . ..: t .... . The ·-t .~ ·~li!' Mrs.. !illrilyll ,V ,aad llii--J-. l;'of _ t:,;ll'JvO. milll"8 paid ilJ' Flr'91bae' 'nnl,. llul!lier' Co.; mamin.eturera of a..'O...Whidi 'IO'f out wliile f~e Vandtrvtes, Jt1 wu d!i'lnC )>ja·tnJCl< Oil the Sula,.Ana Freew17.' 'V..aervles .w~~on )lar<h,Jt, JIN when Illa ' · trucl:'itrailtr mwbed into t pllllif. Ill Bed IUll 11>- lel'Mtlon .... l!!l!Jn.·c'•1ifi,rn,Ja mg11w,,y Palro! -JnmllPlbfi th• accident ·rtparled Ii-'tllal lime.' ibit the faulty Ure wu re&p<blble'for tbefllnft< lollni cootrol ti., the ·!lap vehicle. F. J. Clari of Huntlnetm ·Bead!, Vande!'vies' .employer, will r·t .e e !1v e $17,IOO In dama(OI -F-u a reault <i the ...,. jury'J ruling. Heil the --of the C!arlTrucking Co. in that cilf. Briggs A~ks Meet With ·'Grand Jury After Critic~m. .,..., ~, ' I -' .,-... "' ' ' rown · • • I \ . t_'~ • · Fllll MIN CUT 'TltROUOH ltOOf TO FIOHT ILAIE' ~.aAc:1W911! ~--I I tlc lLe· .... ~""9'· · . . .. ' ' ' ' ' Flames roared throulJb -a j{unlingtott Beoch rtolcHnee-'Tueaday lfternoon,. calllling f17,000 dfinace to the upper level of th~ brand ntvf. building. · 'flle. fin· 1•~ .~Used ·: by: a freak ac. cident as a .wqrkman installin& f. aprinkl:-' ing Jyllem outsid&. the home ,of Mrs. Mary Taft of 1171 strathcona Drive wu workinc on a 'copper pipe on the outside will "·, · l b~" &Oat I MtA..;n• ' . atiao ~ , ~ ~ C!I*' '1fal. coedllcted ~ tbe .-.. wall or the 1tou1e:•lgnllinf1pap<r stulflng ·lnaidt·the lrtun• ,flrelntn uld. · ' Tlrie flrO' qbiea mponded to ·the bl•• .at .Si09 ·P·flL It. wu und~ ~ol wll.f'WJ ,hilf JQ bOur• : . . · · . • \ . .) I , Orute • 1 i I I c:...c • • • • - 't '· ' I . . " • PILOT " - LOGBOOK • Traipsing Hinterlands ' With Nixon Watchers By AJITllUR R. VJNIEL or-.DtW " ...... BlllJlng every world capilal and Ion ~ on the pre&idmtial itinerary, the White House Press Corpo ii a lly!nc cln:us <t journaJialic,lled -pursuing the .. ny Pulltur. The elite outfit descended on the Orange Coast some weeks back and all . incllcatlona are that the tndltion wU1 cooU..,. cm llta &bl .Pacific wmmer Rid Tide. N.,. that Preiident N1Joa has proclaJmocl S.. CI-.to u Baja Waah- in&tm D.C., or White Houae West, we can apocl to --Capllol JDD co~ leque1 more often. . Generally, the White Houae ..,.. aw ....,.. a <Olloclive -for local yotel ~ from Bohtml:, Miiii., lo _.,. other bockwuh the Great White Father b(ings his penooa1 greitinp and mtourqe. TlteJr arrival In Utt Country, where the vlitoge nameS"b_lclll 'wllb San « Santa, whore the dtlJdren are imperued hy • Kremlin ~ Cf tho -and -ad allo bear lllle<IY too ll)Ucb rocl; and loll l1IUllo, ""' no nctplltJo. ' * , ·' Alter all, that group has an uncom.,_,,. job. MOminllY m!a1Ded lo their capable hancla a,Ione: Reporting lhO -SoiiM ~ l4ucb may Jn. deed be nqulred lo quote what Praldtbl lllaa llld to Pvt. 1!2bort Kooc:Imo, de111inc a greue trap on KP al a F...t ...,.,,.. ~ bill. when h1I ccm- maJICler.b><:bief dloppecl In ~. . ' - JOINS DAD IN D.C. Wlnnor Goldweter Jr. Young Barry Easily~·wim . House Seat tf IO, it eacapet me. , .~. ', Noaetbeless, tho eapito1 news con11npo1 man:bed ' put us ~ UlS ANGELES (.IP) .. Bany M. prm lroopl at Mimm Sin Juan Ca~ Iii. a """1. of OccupaUClli or GokttoM« Jr. euDy W.. electlon to the Valicu Guan! Vi11t1ni a·.,...,.,.... • ..,.....,. daa. . · ~ 'l\lelday in hll Int try for · Ill>< glance by a ndwork man In a -JllllljllUlt' -wilh cameru pub1lc olllce. , · aroun<I bia neck and enough wlriof to Iltl!I «ie thin! <t Tusdn -put theJr At a vlolory celebra\lon, be pll<l lrlbule lmprtlllloa am>a. · . to hi> d~ and modier "lor,the P>tJooophy ' · Peuants. Barbarians. eowiln~ nm wrlto • ~ -Nol to they inlWled Jn me ef 1""e !or God and be lnllted around valuableS. Nol to he lnuted wit btlte ,_ llUlllller <t the country ..i a otrong belitf Jn the worth W~~~Ieportylcnilhl, . ef'eocbGluaulndMd4" .. "JAot at ~ they pnJbaltly think we doo'I ..., have underwear," -· • -led ........... Or-Cmlly -. . Republican .Goldwaler, • 30-yeu.old * . --.toilledM,171votor, Sacb llOQrollc apoculaUCll endod u a.-mlvld. or 57 ~to G,111 for Democral Jolln • 6oa\ebocty In a lavendll' jumpoull h!jndtMed me In lbe mah. "" own K. Van de Kamp, 33, an allomey. ....... ed from the c1ar~ .. ., The rtlurna """' complete bu\ unof. ,_ emu1u-u • c-.i> " • l'""'1 lhouldtr. Iida! In the~ elecllcn ID uie ~wl· II we had a nleree, NBC would pt 15 yards for dl!>l>lnl.' · ·r· tnc 27th Diltrtd to telect • lll«'P1' to We nallva are -•ally a frl""°1 lot with • .,..i -ef·m,am., n-·hllcoD Ed lltlnoclre, who_,__. to hot laldlDI to the ~ and outri&ltl may -It came to touchlnr Ill -·-.-• --Waablnilo!l pl!oqnplJll' who had been.-..,. -bellcopter. acceplappoi~uCaUlorala 's Bo~ -kelp bedl ln tho l>ellef he --,,, Q,. no-Um-IO'et-. '-riilble Sarita Bart>ora flianMI oil lllck, at that 11me flllllinc beacheo The M1lor Goldw-, U.S. aonal« Ibo Pr-wu mt to lnapecL lntm Arbana and lho.Ropahllcan porty's llM ~ candidete, ... ob- -In adlCll after l!mcb, we noticed the -k man had opllled rich, vloollY r-' p....,. hand hll • -·--Cll bia Jav-jumpoull and CO!lllderod dlncllni ,Jlim to a • ~j;°'i.il.i ti7~ ~an~: I OnHlaur lllartil!irlng CJ-.. "111111-our family -chence to W• didn't. pay a debt to the COWlfry that hU done Our .w"~ .;.... ptherini vi-. . .,,.. Wrlbl)> far rrom Capitol IO much for !fS." ~ HID, clViliratlon and -aftef all -1aV«!dtr jumpoulla are nol made to be In Ille campaign. YO!IDI Barry had paonded m the roca -· Biiio -""*·· . . . . emphuiud that while ho wu inte!llely . . ' · . priJad W l!lf 'fatb<i', ·11e atdll' want his : ' < ·. i · Jic '!< '~limy camitalgn~ in my· district." ' · '&, ' J ·. M h.' ; . oal4 Barq b; "I.live )tre. 1 )ly loses '. : • .. ·· ·s:Wiuo· f :, , s· ;~~='~~~~lo< and :i--, . ,. . . . • · . " rnaJdng hllo ftrit: ltld !or office, cont<nded F ::~';''~·F~..'..L ji~::: ·~ u . :.i.~i!ir~":r~~~ ~'. Or '(.a["\J " a,·: !~"egr• · 0 mon, ~K~=.,'"\!"'O::e"!:Y~ :-Goldwatet·wa1 a carj>elb&Qer whO had '" , ~· ... . . voted In~ tmUllaot-year. ~: ciwv.ll!ftON, s.c. (UPI) _ 'Iba -llojh "*' .t( I!>" -)on 00 OtherQe, their diffei:-nces were only ·~~Ill';_ -ldber ~Jr.lo' -q-~ ~ ~o~"i and ~:~a blile adon Itel md,lfopped . ltfll. l!iaS .... e lllBLIOI hffor8-cl-, caJled f0< ~liornl :.: -«!; ·~ more than t,so. lbe ~ 0( doe -ftlcb oaJd "! edanbonofihleandtolfieVltllfamwar . .. dlmooltratcn la. a march on a lltate ~ tbat Olmt 1 ••, Jib Sehna Ind Goldwater Aid be W01.1ld leave for >Japllal wi.e Negro worttm .,. Mll!lj)llla, bat ._-.. a notional test WuldJtcton aa aoon u poooible to be ... · clenimdlnfl union retofpllllon. " ""'-· -~-~ Important ,_. In. -·· ...,,, has another . '!be jublJaal crowd " .-, f!1Ilng in!~ for decml m Io d e d !""" and a hair to ro; . ~.EIPJWbere. ·:Ille -10 -1-led IO lbt-· "l -tO-11 cleir tlial I am ln :'.Mdcal College llo1pllal, the mar<hn flllslmp!iitc~no--lbl :;dl;llllnl _. IWldl and llnClnr "Ain't toolequeneel, no maft<r -ACTlllces ~~eoma.w nobody tum me "nmld." · . inay be necasiay," lbe aid. ., '11>1 ·--...t a 1wo miDules "I plan to devote my enera to bring ::--after Mrs. CorSto Klnf WU Teeden from all WaJb ef Ill• to -Qi llJO 1112 In ., llll!Darbd cor by !liar-. to c1en .. .a lie fit Ille Ofllclals .:paneatoa city -ves. of !Ills dty and a!ate that .,. aball ~ 1(rl. Kine was unmded by sreeta"I overcome." :1 and walbd lnlo the middle ol tile crowd, :; -.. me pot m • blue cap wllb wlllte ~ lelten iwllag "lloopltol and Ninloi '18-Worms 1-1 llltB." ~ ,,,. -. -out faol. Pollce ~.nn IO llry lllead ol lllem ID leadln( Ille :;-'!nY. md other officers soemed up and •,] " ' ' ' ·. . ., 5 . , " :· ' .. ~ • .. ,, ~ • ~ ·, • , Ul•ltY PllO T 1'•Mrt M. W"' .. _.... ... P'lllM"""" ...... C.l.y ................. ._ ......... .,.._. r: • .-.11 --lti.a.· A. Mw,lrit11• -·-....... w. ..... Wiii•• .. ... ,,._..... ........... ..... .-... (Ito, ... .. Nell aea .... OM.. lot ltti Strt.t M•tr•1 ~·P.O. ... 7t0, t!Mt --........, "-":: 1111 ........ ...._. c... ._, ---.., •irwt ~~-........ - Fre• P.,.e J WINDFALL ••• their lawsutts for tht two 1ucceedin& years. u...d as Impounded _.. the following tu sums: For J~, $412.167, plus in- terest; 1-. 1861.411, plus. inlere>t; IMM7, "98,115, plus lntettot for a grand lolal <t $Z,H3,115. ' Coonly --Oiotrolle' Vidor Htim aak! U>e -to be -will ... clude Plf,7371n ac<Umubled lmenel. Larsoot alnlle bendlt will go to Ille l!llntlnpJn Beodl Union llJgh SdlooJ lllotrid, •u.m. Other llrge -· oil ocheduled for -today lncludo $IOl,IU to U>e ~ .. gen«al lood, llQ,152 to the Huntlr9on Beodl Clly Sdlool Dl«rict, $166,I07 to the ~ Coast J\lnlor Coll• lllltrk:I, $24'1,'34 to the city of HllJ1linltoo Beach, $$3,421 to the city of :>eoJ -. '52,m to the Seat Bolch Elem....., Sdlool DllVlot a!ld $81,0ll to Ille CCU!IJo'Flood Codn>I District. Ki.,,... -however, that 1he wll' ftl nut O'fer even tboucb. ant baUle bad ---"Similar litigation will be ponued by the oil c:omponles to -laW paid under P"Olal !or lhe tor ~llng wlllo 1111'.... lhe ClOllaly Mid. ·'111ls IJtlptlon will bl --tho pmlocil .... --. ..... -e -by the llato J4'd .... In !Ill to -lat rdltf to oil 11111 IU Jn. -In !he·-Cf,,,,_ L '.'lt II dot p<llillml Cf 11111 coanlJ' and ,_.. tlllt tlJll ~ la .,,. ............ and IO tbl aBIJlill' II: COD- ~to -the pc••rJ ~ In doe --··· In oplll " tho ,....latlcln md -lat monlel are belftC Impounded "".J:'"illlt -i-test.." Kuyper COM:! ed. --- Pregnant Woman Held on Drugs A S2-year-old Jll'!ll1ant S t 1 n ton homewlfe was arrested by police Tues- day and jailed on three charges or felony drul vlol1Uon. S-efllcerr, culminaUng a six _ln_9"1on, _•_ !or the ams! ol Mrs. Velma Zagala ol 1lm Santa llolaJla SL Police aid they fouod 7,000 balmlrine tablell ID the home wlUJ a ntoll nlue of $1!0. Mrs. zagala wu charged W I t h poaesslon and sales of dongtf'OllS drugs .and fumilbing drup to a minor. A 11-ytlNlkl Anaheim girl WU liken Into cllllocly at the residence and cbarged wllh posamlon or dangerous drup wllh ln"'1t to llell and poo·-ef lnJtdlon parapbmialla. . Officers .ud the clrl. e J"llDllWQ t bad -al needle -Cll .... inDL Sbe WU taken to juventJo ball ,.,.... P .. e J LARWIN ... Elephant Perfoi'mB Ama. the per!ormlnt ..._, ·~ will !not the publlc to • ......, of .... 111-n.inday and'"""' 111111o a .... 11nCb> center. 51-t1mo 11 I p.m., 4 p.m. and 7:IO p.m., -n.nu, ad II a.m., t p.m. and 3 p.m., Frklay. ·Pooi; ,.Program. ~ r· :~pens: • ' .. ' . N~ Rlans $1 Million for VvJunt-'er · Work . . . -. ' . -~ ' . . •• · WA!limlaroN (AP) -~ Nit· · "If we are to flnd ooluli..,. to the IJJll ' ~ In am-or achoo! Cll Ia-a• ........ -~'-la '91pp opectrµm of. .... natloft~"•' . ,.,., '·W'= -~-\& ...... ' . ..... ,. .W.t Dll1 ' . . •• t 'OD a:tD( ~ ~ ~••{~·1n~ Rom . aid ..... nwil tlie"'"' •..,;..c-... 'is FT" .. - . ·1'1b1"~--.r-l!lfll':"'~al'~~~ ;:; •. ;"..;-r-:-:l.:Jl<llbdl~!i"' ... .;...:_ '"~ urban •pover;tJ~'fi.~eqas. : He 'Cited auctt brOi!raml al «111e,_, , ~. ••,EvetJ........, we _ • a~ everr, "P.eople can .~·where gw~' ~J(li:t>athelrifuieto,lu141'Jnner..) ~ :u , • ~ volulllW, cam¥Jl..people'can do wltit ifovenubet ~ ~. -w11.-. to , ~ iaid! , canQat." Nizoll 'akl .bt'a atateinmt .... call-' · ·; · ~ I · t ~ · - ln«'lli· Amtrlaiu ,l<f,,.,, lii',di>iolltoo ~ ·; • enta)rlael•tOhllp ~ aioO(er; :.i Niuo plans lo pump It million Into an effort to tnJjst · ..... , • c r Q s s . · America. He &aid he will aet up a ca&lnet Committee on Voluntazy Action, with Secretary George Romney Of the Depart· ment of Housing and Urban Development as its chairman, and establish a clearing house for informaUon on where volun-- teers and voluntary programs are most needed. The Preolilenl Aid ~ millioos · of Americans 6aVe uked bow am what they can do to bolp and tho chief aim of this new effort will be to give them some answers. "One cf the chle.f aims of this ad· ministraUon is to help to match up the willing hands with the tasks that need doing," Nixon said. He emphasb:ed that America . "needs the .enlistment of the energies and resources o its p e o p J e -not as substitutes for government acttc.:t, but as supplemtnts to iL" N-said: "America.needs the hearts and bands o! 1U people, janed !a thooe common enterprises, small as wen as large, that are the mart of caring ol ·thfl community." Max Filber, a Detroit businessman ac· tive in volunteer. efforts, was named to serve u speclal presidential consultant on ~tar')' action, to work with Romney IA1 tbe committee. At a White House br iefing, Romney emphuiud that hi s role would be one of an ambassador with the private sector and that there would be no encroachment whatsoever on the pt"ivate nature of the far..flun& aoc:lal service, health. welfare, community, .civic, fraternal and other pr!-crganlzatlons now operitli~g. · tn a statement, Romney quoted from Nm.i's tnaugural address referring to "America's crl&iB ol. the spirit" and said that the ~I <t the people must he engaged. · I.SD Gets Coast Man Prrison 1 Tei·m • A Corooa del Mar man who was said in court to .have .hid in ·.bis . pouession "enough LSD to blow 3,000 minds" must :'!erve one to five years in state prison for !he drul olfeme. Chrislopber M6rgenroth. 24, ol mt n"th Ave .• drew a ~ term from Superior ~udge Rol>erl Gardner, llorgem'oth, bed il'I "big dealer in LSD" was bY prOsecutnr Al Wells to hive had $3,400 worth of the illegal drug on hil person at the ttme Of arTeSL Undercover agents testified t h a t Morgenroth aold them LSD on three separate occasions. He wu arrested at bis home last March It. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE PA•t.T PILOT II.rt PMN 'ONDINE' .cASf -Members of the Fountain Valley High School drama departzr¥mt are shown in a scene from. "'Ond.IDe.'' opening to- nigbl From left are Chn.ty Smllll, Paul. Skvore, Sheri Fanner, Sharon Mtlll'hy and Sberr!e Mategorin. Can Moi;'tal Man Split Love Of Goddess, Real Wobtan? · Can a mortal man split bet~cen the Jove of a Goddess and a reaJ woman decide Im fat.e? ~ Tune ln for the answer tonight when Fount.a.in Valley ijigh School drama de. pirtmeht begins" a foor da1 run of the romantic fantasy "Oodine." "Ond.iM" will be presented at 8 p.m. In the student theater, lonl&ht. Tlmnday, Friday aftd ~turday. " . ?'.'J .r ~·. '·Wrilldlrl17 Frenchman .hllf'Giraudwx, the play depicla the prnblenil ef I 1enrianie knight. Hana Rittef, who loves Oftdine, a reysterioas girl frcm tbe l!8. ml &m1ovts a mortal princess, Bertha. · ' . ~"'1 llunOe " llie' :r;,..wn Valley Drama Department la dlrecllnC "Ondine." I Cast members include Tony Sk.vocc as .. Hans. Sharon Murphy u Ondine, Christine Weav_er as Bertha, J~ Howard as'the Old Man of the Sea, Mite Grea:t as the Lord Chamberlain and John McGrady as the King. Ticket.I for the Play may be purchased at the ~Ool or at the door.• i.or one ~~y -20%' pnf-?owle'a . .. THIS OFFER: GOOD MAY I. THRU MAY. lf llU NEWl'ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA ll YEAU SAME LOCATION PHONE 10°1401 j_ I I I' '!J I I' I I . 1! ' i11 I 1! I I I 1' ' I' . I l I • Chapman fle dtaf, , ~. College Instructor Shines WedMsdoy, ~p.U 30, 1969 DAILY "LOT f/S She's Lovel y~ Bot "'Doomed' Siarl.et' s 'Voices' Say She'll Die in Six Years .,.. a screen star, and that she htr years are numbered. BJ VERNON SCOTT' would DO\ live to* her 28th 1·1 think I'll die because I Cold Day In the Park." No starlet she. And now she Is ia the swUt company of Arkin, Orson Welles and Ton Y ~\ ~ith Harpsichord Concert llOU.YWOOD (UPI) b~:a~~science may be an beUcve in mystloa.1 lhln11. l'Ye Perkins. ' Susanne appears heaUhy. much to add luster ·10 the harpsichord but, while payinl: tribute to the sheer technlcal perfection of the. Bach of· ferings, we would concede that we derived our greatest personal enjoyment from tbe latter half of the program. Susanne Benton Js 21 years offshoot of the gurus who felt th.ls way aboij{ MY death old , bea.ufilul, iha.pcly , blonde ~ pz:ec,licted Cal~fornia would since l was a child," she said. and co-starring . wltb , Aliin slide beneat!' lbe .waters of the "My husband , James, thinks A kin i "Catcb 2l" _ and she . Pacfiic earlier this month. But I'm a mixed up girl. He .civts · r " . . Unlike these see.rs, Susanne me the same kind of look is colng lo die in six years. has no claque of doomsayers other people do when l talk She has no adverse medlu.I reports. Nor has she • record of being accident prone. Orlando Gibbons' "Pavene" and Thomas Morley's "Nan- cie" -bolh from the "Fil?william Virginal Book" -are well known to us and we regard them with an af· feclion that was enhanced by Mr1. Rickel's I interpretation. 'DOOMED' BEAUTY Su1•nne B~ton No less acceptable was her----------- performance: or two works py and, hallowed Instrument. which we cannot connect with \Ve were not disappointed: any known composer P.1rs. Rickel an instructor ol ' ' V I r I a t I o n s on the music at th~ Orange college, . Romanesca" and ;:'Chi passa was very much at home with • per qu~sta s!rada. .boj.h. from what was obviously a familiar the Dubhn V l r e 1 n a I keyboard and with a program ifanuscript." that "''as as competently Mrs. Rickel .switched . to t~e delivered as it was en-piano for her final offerings 1n terlalning. a well balanced progam and u this talented artist sought th~re was no doubt in our to win new devotees to mmd . as to wh~ch of her two harpsichord music, she could beautifully delivered son.a.las not have made a better selee-caught . our admittedly UD· tion from her repertoire. She pressionist ur. , " . .. regaled us with four Scarlatti Maurice Ravel s Sona~ sonatas, three glittering· ex· Is a .tender and melodious tracts from Johann Sebastian work m \\'hich the composer Bach'• "The Well Tempered subUy captures and conv~ys Clavichord" and other of· the blu.rred, ha~f-tone 1m-·,·,'.:~ '''' •• •N ••KI N ferings of comparable caliber. pression1sm that IS ~ much ~ "'"" " . . lhe Ravel hallmark. His three-..,1, "THE HEART IS A Difficult indeed .to state. a movement, gloriously scored · .. ,:.LONELY HUNTER" preference from this !mp:>Srng sonata was in sympathtic ~~========~:=;;•sse::;m;;b~ly:::o;f:::w;;o~r;ks;::;w~JC~h~d~o~so~I hands Saturday night and en· r: joyed a perceptive and fluent ,:••). ,,, THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM Alli reading. 'Ibil is not to detract from al'EA.mn the solid, supremely technical structure of Beethoven's Sonata in E Minor or Mrs. • ruckel's skilled interprel<1Uon of that imposing w o r k : perhaps the I i g ht ef· fervescence of lhat earlier harpsichord music with' Its gay nuances and gilded overtones had left us in the mood for the misty moodiness of t b a t superb Ravel. In any event, it was a con• cert lhat lived up to lhe pro- mise it contained in an am· bilious program. And it pro- vided further proof, if it were needed. of a dictum which all teachers of music should heed : By all means, take up teaching whether It be the cloistered vales o{ academe or the comfort of the family music room : but never. never entirely forsake the concert stage. Bravo, Mrs. Rickel. ,, , . ... 1'.. "1 ·:l• .~.J ' ,,, .. coocarrs BU.Jff• ~-I ., __ 151 LAST WEEK! Also With "BULLITT" Mesa Playlwuse Casts 'Middle of the Night' ~1edlcal sclenc~ has n .' t guaranteeing she will bite the . about It. So I usually doo't decreed het de'Qljse. Susanne dust o~ otherwise expire in her discuss ll'lis · prtmonition with geU messages in the night. 1 %1th year. people." Slnce age six, the buxom ac-One mighl surmise that Canadian·born Mr!'. Benton tress has' .been convinced of theie is a bit of th! dingaling reeently completed a top role two things : she would become ln Susanne. But she is certain with 'Sandy Dennis in "That Sup e r f ~ia l o~rvation would lead one to conclude that there is every 0pouib!llty that Susanne will live Jong enough to replace M!fjorle Main in the hearts e C nonagerians. 'Matinee Idol' of the Sawdus t Trail . . NEW YORK {U Pll -:: The ("Hereditary enemies," ac· better circus than has been on several Important new acts. term "matinee idol," once po-cording to the program 1. display in recent years. It is and the.re is a general aura of tent in show buslneis, may be throt.rgh some astounding tightened. in the routining. improvtment up and down" the virtually obsolete, but there's maiieuvers, and he voice-con1· Gebel·Williams i.! only one of Une. a new fellow around wtlo fills mands the traditional Rin&lingl =::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:; the bill, and he i.s to .be found -elephant herd into their - in, or all places, the Ringling variO}IS stunts. Brothers and Barnum & It Is traditional to say that Bailey Circus. the circus is bigger and better 11e is lean, blond, handsome, than ever. This season's show \ V·torsoed Gunther Ge be I· i$n't any bigge'., but. it Is. a Wllllams of Germany, and this · 99th edition of the venerable show, which springs into tour- ing orbit from the usual Madison Square · G a r d e n engagement in New .York, is fortunate to have him. Gebel·Williams is m u e h more than just the "cat man" star in the center· ring putting a doz.en jun3le beasts, in this case tigers, through their paces. He does Roman·style stand·i'===========•,1 up riding on a pair of horses. he puts t'o':o elephants and a giant Siberia n t iger -4tt. • FINAL WUIC HILD OVER WlNNl!lt •EST A(TOlt AWAllO Clll! ltobtrl•Oll "CHARLT" Pl•·~ "FOR LOY! OF IYT" T-. 111 ltfftt trMh 111111 NU11le WOOll (01.0A: "WEST SIDE STORY" O•viO Nlwn COLOR .,AROUND TH E WOI LD IN ID DAYS" °"" 6:45 nt r ... lllM .. 1-. hnlllWI• "SlASONS" 7:ot & )l :ot "SHREW" 9:00 ONL'f Winner Of 6 Academy Awards In cluding - BEST PICTUREOFTHEYEAR COLl.'~181A l'tC'lt'~~ FRED Zl~'.\'f..\{;\NNS AMAN FOR AIJ, SEASONS i;Middle of the Night," Pad- dy Cheyefsky's story of a May· December love affair, will close out the 196$-69 season at the Costa Mesa C i v i c Playhouse next month. r th La Pl .. ~ Wllll Sidney Polll•r rom e guna a~.ouse . c1n11ituH1 s..,.w 1:• rM. SH.VI: ~CllJffN AS . '001.UTT' rottl<l.'\'AIJ(3tiN IACQU[LINE BISSET ·:~ " '.C 2nd PopUlar Wffk GEORGE PEPPARD JEAN SEBERG RICHARD KILEY J • •IW&L ODii .. ""'" M:)tll ,, .. 1101 PENDULUM 61 ............ --.-----... . ' ' ....... ... Playhouse resident director Pali Tambellini will stage the romantic drama, her 16th pro- duction In the Costa Mesa theater's four years. Assistant director is Lois Wilson, \Vhile Wanen Contie is designing a double set for the show. Veteran actor David Paul and newcomer .Teresa Sqi.ith will play the leading .roles of the middle aged mantifacturer and the you ng girl with whom he falls Jn love. Paul, twice seen on the Co!ta Mesa stage, holds several Victor awards Joanne Wolcott takes the1'::=:=:=:=:=:::==:=:=:=;j part or the girl's motber, with!.-: Patty Nee.derinan and Jeanne Correll cast as the manufac· turer's possessive sister and daughter. Completing the Costa J.fesa cast will be Barbara Garlich, Betsy Paul, Tom Titus. Kevin Conroy, Shirley Dillon and Patty Chavez. "Pt1iddle of the Night" will open May 23 for three weekends, F r I d a y s and Saturdays through June a at .the Community C e. n t e r auditoriwn on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Advance reservations may be obtained1I by calling the Costa Mesa Recreation Department at 834· 5303. PORT THEATRE MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW Saturday, 8:30 P.M. Stirring Oliver Reed & Mich1tl Poll1rd Crossword Puzzle GlillllmllCID ISlllGIC .... ...... ACROSS I Hit hard 5 And • l r1wt 14 5'Jpport1r IS Bird nolst 16 Soldltr in Frtnch 1r11y 17 Diug slor• Item 11 Veith 19 T1lk tndless ly: 2 words 20 Ll11111s' h1bll1 t 22 Best china: 2 words 44 Ht1d I session 45 ''°n°"n 411 Act unst•adily 47 Nut · 49 l •ast feril 53 Australian va!ll!lond S7 Tht Parsni p or. Ult Pl1tle 51 In the neighbor· hood: Archaic S9 The OdJHty, ...... 'l l htrt ttte toity flt •z Cianitn t 6J Pro -64 l lbllcal V1sltnf1y's Puzzlt Solvfd': 4/J0/69 9 Olfo 36 Clothing 10 Kln111's accessory for111I 17 UJl.I . 1sst11tbly . lll!mber: t. TRI Miii Wlill Me H•IM II •1cl!I C:!lrol Easl-COi.OR: "flSTFULl OF DOLLARS" c :int Eutwood COi.OR: "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MOR 1 E,. ----... ..._.W . .t -. 147.J91 ... -..-.r 11 Mlml"911 -..,, ...... ...rent ... '"" .... ,. 11111111 Kirk Oougl11 .. COL(il! "TH E IROTHERHOOD'" ... ler Cllllll119 COl.Olt "CORRUnlON'" ·-=·"•"'"'~ .ltR 'I a ... ... 1 P11HIVtly ... '"' lll!llff ll If. I "''""' "ALL 1THI LOVIN• • • COUPLES" •~n./•,lerg•e~ COLOR: "THE SWINGll'" i![!)}]o!of!£ N[WPO ll:T IE.I.CH • Olt.3·135b AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE NEWPORT IWlllUL It"""" . ~'-~!·1~~ *""' 24 Looked 1111n1tlngly 26 Marin• necessity 27 P1rt of the head . '''" 65 Pr~artd r1.zor for lll t 66 Hit ll 'Jilll1ese Z words .r, coins 4DUnsub-1 1';:=:=:=:=:=:::==:=:=:~~:::::::~~~~~~~~~l!J 12 Peremlal of ·stan tlatfd Ii tht Illy 1ccus1t1on --- ··················~·· ''WIUJLY ci111c1 YOU•LD COTAlllLY mm· ·l.Y. tiMtt Ac•demy Aw1rd Show For One WHk Only Potitl'ttily Enda Tu ... -"""'- ; H TM• WSST'flUNST'E .. CIN'nf ALSO • ro;;;i~~ ... 1 • 5111 I LAST WEEIC w"" ......... u.rrr - Sfttt: ~aJllN 'NJLUTT' < ·~~· , -,.-. I AT'UUAT "' MAt nm -11:)t ..... I • ..,.,., MN•IN•'NU•" -Al ..... llf ' 29 Quartett>ai:k'r ..... lO Fl1td In . ,, ... 33 819 n•e In 11th c1r1tA1ry Franct 37 Short stliff Jl--tor op1T1tor: 2 words '39 c-1nd to dog 40 ".Th' M1rct. king~' 4111640 ,, • squ1r1 •Ill 42 Andtrw C1m19lt, .. ,.: 2. wor ds 67 Dl1111111b•• fa11llY 42 Exhibition EVE. SHOW STA.ITS ,:45 CONT. SUN. FROM 2 r.M. 13 Football 41 T1nn ls: t\1e-rnesa DOIN play U•Plre's II S«lou" "" Ca11b. fonw 45 l as a hit 1 -2J "Tht11 W'l«e 47 Allin - -: 111tta!lolls11 wtre -" 2 words z Dts:obte 2S -Quixote 41 l'atl of J Part or 21 Albertans and Asl1 a plow Montln .. s SO Step 4 Extfn1t1nt 30 Allifs out of tx1111entfon of the Fox the war 5 Dw•lllnt Indians 51 NUl!lbfr · unit: Abbr. ll Noun •d5nt SZ Follow a 6 S..t lttf 32 Cltne 11rttral ~Ddutt " FlfllOUS ccuse 7 Flnt llnt man 5J Of 1 window of litter 34 Eurapnn 54 l't1J10slllon I Kind of rf'SOf't clty 55 Gls C011111unfc:a1t...,: 15 Bakery 56 "Rio -'' 2 words product 60 On:rllt T.-.· ,· .. _ 'f.r, ·~.-1, .. \ Af'!po.ntrn :-nts NlWPORT ,\NO 1-1/1.RB OR IN COSTA MESA lELEPHONE 541·1552 FOR INFORMATION HELD OVER 2nd WEEK THE GREATEST FAMILY SHOW IN ORANGE COUNTY Calenda.r- a. dull town until S herill Mc:Cullou&h tookQvc.r ' Also This 'F...,lly Show I . FD-··wsoUTH COAST , ~ ~AZA TIIKATRll Sin Dileo f rNWIJ at Bristol • 546-2711 BOX OFFI CE OPENS AT 6:45 r • I I 11 " DAll.'I I'll.OT H -; Ye .. Meney's Worth 11.l •• Sta.,te Sells QVER. "'HE COUNTER -A· ~.-·~;:-:: What Loans Rea ll y C~st $30 Milli·0·n 1--•· • ·.., '· -1-~ ¥.<i~·,; j ~ ~ Im t~ 1-l1t!1 C~ I I i .01% .OVo il\? NASD ll1tln81 t.c:: Tuesday, Apt-112', 1'69 Nl!W Yci~K '""··~·-l•lt *' ~'11 i \."I ~Yo n :~ IJ SYLVIA PORTER lt'a ridiculous to wait until , the Truth~ln-Lend.ir\a. l a w becomes effecUvt July 1 tn order to find out what you're paying to borrow money in this period or historically steep interest rates. Even if you wait, you won't flnd out a lot you should and want to know; there are m an y loopl!oles, deliberate and a<> cldent.al, in the law and lenders who charge )'OU the most will try their utmost to befudd1e you. Here, therelore, are some vita1 finance facts of life NOW. HOME MORTGAGES: , . Officially. interest. rates on the : majority of home mortgages. now being extended by com- : merical banks range from 7% : to 8\.i percent; the .rates : already m? staled on most • mortgage contracts. . . But this is only the ofhc1al interest rate. In addition, there are expensive extras such as "polDts." premiums for credit life insurance. _ finder'I' fees, di scounts. service ch a T g es , appraisal fees, credit repon costs, etc. These easily can add another 2 to 3 percent to your interest rate and substantially hike the cost of your mortgage to you. Today's REAL range of loa_n costs on most mortgages is about 9Y.i: to 11¥i percent. NEW CAR LOANS: Rates range from 8 to 12 percent if you finance your car through a commercial bank and 10 to II percent and more if you finauct through an automobile finance company. If you pay, for instance, 14 percent on a three-year, $2,000 loan, your total financt: charges will be $480.80. If you get Ille same· loan at 9 percent, your total <redit coot will drop to $289.60. if you get it all, the <Ost will be $251.20. USEO CAR LOANS: Does it astound you to learn that the true aMual financing cost now belng charged by auto finance compailies to finance the purchase of used cars ranges ''ST AR" SALESMAN '#1111 N-11"11 c.tlfjtlly .... ._ .....,...., -.... ,.... ..,.,.. i.e. Ill "'""' Advtrl..... .. ...... ft ... , ...... r.o. a.w: 1140, c.... .... tJ6J6 WIDOWED ? DIVORCED? Htw Yri $f(Q. Elldl.,_ »r1«1; nnGE lA '1'11 ~ l.l ·---·, ·'~.e ..,,_ ....... 81 ...,,.,._,.., t LM. "-tlAID. ""Cl11 Gf ¢ ' I 0 "5Vo ll\lo · ·1 f thefuU )F In B d ; ,..,_ ..................... ~.~ W:.1 11 ... Lwc .... cn..cr.:~¥.11·~ l~tijt. at~ ::."/. :rper .... 1 r.:;;.;,.r, on s _i<g !l1~,'U~1 ·1·~:r.[i~:= ~'l"~:,:•011:~11,. __ 1::1!:·..:·~. m 1r:1 .. ~~-1 the true al interest ~ .. ..,_ lftlf !,5 O&W 1-. :Mlil! ~ Ille • i!~ IAI CltS cwl2£ 1 Iii,. 1 '°' ~ ,-::11 more u::i:i v. percent SACRAMEN'I'O {UPl) -tll• ·Al '::. Miii \\ ·= :~ l :~ ~ ;w ~ti'~ ~~'Tl II ft "I KS!'= ~l~l~~:rtriz ~ w -~ n ~ bee ..... onJ ... f '* J r.,.. a» M '"''tr r H Pl .. .,w l!"" f'J: =s.\ lAOe lJ M " fttt ~ c!• 11r1 .. :n 11~ H:t U"" !!.\ each ·t~Olly:;~ tJorio.. ,: -State Treuurer Ivy B~r ~ I l~ r9fd 1.J;f411 f:! i~lr ff~ Ji~ =l°"i-:iiri() ;R I~~ ~~TI k/,.f: l, fl" l ~ ; i {; ~I=~ au 1~: 1r. m! lllll Q l'I total flnance cbaraes ® a Priest Tuesday sotd $30 mn-='w'To.1 t'; '!!"'JI~ n~L 1~· r.:...r ~111 ~ ~ 0o~I( Ji~ nv. w:.rd,1\.l .ft W if: 11o ·a~1:~11,7. \'u ll ~ &t iu ~ thfte.yeat fl,000 pefsonal ioaft )Jon of lllle ccnstruct1on ~ti:~ = ~~-rt" ti: !:..~ tnc YI mt =?le~~ tie ii ~lfjf ~ m~ ~» mii 1 n l:1J1:~~.s; :; == fltl '°11~ :(~ coetlq 11 percent in: ~ ID-bondl to a Bank of America·~• ··Jl!i!t_,1,,.1111t· 8!!ll!l' t N 1•141• ~tu !h 1J'l ~tit!~ 'fV. t6tio ,, r = f.iO .rn; 4 S"vri. .;i1,,_ , u ui,,; "l"'1 nua11.ntemtare.s111.eo. 1yndicate to ritit the slate!:•~: :;;r'i tt:~=1!-u~~f ~~~~f:'ft:tmff~: .,~ !0 f;~ f1 !m=l~~eU:," ~~*!SF IJ yqu t8ke Wt • penooal baa In the··bontl marktt. j:"t"r. drt:i.: 8:1'J.r L . ~ii'{ lft l~ ~!IMl\~ .. l! ... 1iv. ~ cu t • ict n~ p '« ~~~ F1~110 211 ~ mt b t ~':an!~=:1~~"io The 19nd.catl bid4.'1Dper·~11 _. ;"= ~l!r;.s ~:1i:~~ ~\llJ7~i~T1i.1::f1Yi:1;', ~ '6 2 ft 2tt ~~Frf'c ,g ~~ ~~ nv.= to3lpercentayear.,Onatwo--cent on the 15-year bonds r,,T l • 1~1tl1!,'~~:1v~•T1~1"iitff:l='"c.~.lff ~"' ~ 11 '"I r:-~~:fQ''-'#~.1: 1~ :t: ~ ~~f, PIO I · t 3S cent. whldt will be used to flnaJice "~ ll~ , &11, ~ Jfl'I ~•fr .oV> "tt == ~~ ;R = ~ ~ i:I "' ~ f t; coll~f11 1.~ ~ ~t; ~ ~ l = ,~a: ·charg:". are college and university OQDo ~, • r.~ g/:" en 'I~ ,... ~::: t~: el'! ~ =~ '?. fi"" N!a ~I rm : I! !~ • \II t ~ ~:::1111:? 1:~ J:~ .u~ ii\"' ~~ f $!25 13 struction. The state has a " "d i:« tiv. ~, P~ ti"' 12y, ft!lbOl2 ~ 3J ff ~ tr ll ftlii mt ~11 ~ '1s. in ~ "Y: 5' +1 · · maximumlegaJl1mitof5per.~ , ft Dtllr' ,_:'!n~kV.: El 19 y :::1>11t'',. .. v,'°v.", 1).1 *bi.+'1!\¢F.:l:I" pfni t1 ~" ~ LM ~ After the Truth-Jn.Lendlq cent ~ !."! ' DGw. :'COT HS\\ u ~~,'"~V:. mi r.ti ftun s'°" ~ ~ A ~ Jl " ~~ 'fi\? ~el 1 ~ 33' ssi,;, .s.\\ SM "im bill goes into ttrect, ill Gl ltJN:.Prlestsaidthesaletn-~~" • J! 8=.f.u oYl["i.:c!o.i ~ :V.fl1~;c;':g_1A .. ~JIJ~ ~ "* ~+2ti~:ro~• ':: ™fl~ fl~=;' these detaill JNlJt be.1.apelled dicated a ''marted Jm.~ ~I g:.,~<1f .av.JNL•l'I:: 111 ':~3lU5"'•"\!u f:=i·~ f 1 ~ if"~·~~luPld 1 . .-· 3 EU~~ ~:tf2 rrom ta to 30 percent· ,and out oo any advertilement oJ. provemeat•• in the naUonal ~Ep{g;· ~' C:°t1b .a ~~ ~~ r:_: Jt~ n\'I ~I fn;..r1 '2!~ ':~ ~~ii'# ~ 'JI 1 tU"' 1~~ +I Si 2: ~ mo ~tv. ~ ~:!j,i!t times even up to 42 percent? credit terms in wblcb uy hood market in the past ~ urn, F svr nv. r:v. tritu~:-~ ,{ ~"' kl r:J'• 12.,, lf~ ~ >\!"..\!':,. ., 1Jt Ii ~ It:= ~ C:::wE~Pf:: ,J ~ ~IA ~~ At 18 percent, a i1,ooo car s(pedfisucb 81C .!!1:n.uo,,nee"~'f 'or~wo· mohUt. ' t:: r,:i~ ti ~. ~Ti': Ei ~,... f •~111 Tft 1' 11 ri..J'A ~ ;. ""'~r1V.J. ,01 ,~ !~ la~ t~ ~a'\.fofi'1 ~ 1,1 ~~ ~ m? loan over an ta.month period ... .... ' c r ocker.CJtuens National " Ml~i: ~Nuc:I ntri1l2' 11:'1Jf ~ = Scr1-:_1o: 12"'" f2: ::ii Ca" 2,n n1 ill? $$\II !?'m +1: C~llUISC '.it -1.m 71i n + . costs you $148.50. At 42 ~., Yeart.l<>pay") appears. Other Bank and Wells Fargo Bank~!!'" ,,,.:~;:,. •• 10 '::!'{,.., ,m .~ se&:o " ~· ~M,::, ':.1 ll fl ll"tt f~ :: .. f::!"~ru. 1 1ff ~ ~ ~+· fi key details_:. cash price, down the ........ '-m tG »' ""'lfl'.i ~ltc Ctl> ))rii. 2.l'i'I vllCll c """ 01 s.11 Cflllll ~ A o.a1"' 1.60 t1 M~ 36 • ~ • conraec11 '° 31' ""' A 49'4 ±!'~ cent, though, YGW tnance . be ~ere pa~rs in pu1\;Uu-~ C8 v. UV! ~t ~.,":"' 4 Jiii 11e1 G&E 13"' 14 ~~ li~ lZ~ :~""'11 1:: i: ff« l:~ ~ .t ~con Edi• 1.'t 1~ ,~ 1~~ i3r" ~~: i1,ooo used car loan trom a financed, any amo·unts Netlnterestcosttotbestate"1"a~ jl 1:",,,·c:v '!·,. M•*"'*' n s• ~"~~111 1oy,n ~..iDJr.s,1::0: lJ f~ fl"' Foll\+·4'~:;:e~.'f ~ iim ~ .. ~"-'"' charges are $364. 70. For a payment, the difference to mg syndicate. ~'"'en~ .. ~ i ~I mi1 b~ H" ::f1\~ rr'i'I ~' r-1 NII H :f\11 n .... A11'1"1..~ 1.U 1311 31'io 32 :n~ -~ l::~~l: :: f ,. '6lit 7H~ 'iv. +~ COmmertiaJ bank at, say, 14 deducted U prepaid finance will be ,12,691,315. ~.P..~ J"° ~ :~It-~ .• ~t ~~ M 7~1 ,,V. ,:~ 1 PN-& ~4'4 t'S'A ~e'11,.:'f~ ,U· ~a ~ ~~ i·";i, ~::~:!.i~15¥ ~ lne 1~"6 1gijz =-:t· percen\,· your. 18-month cost charges, total finance charge1 Uni'".i Callforrua Bank ml> t ;-ir 1~ 1 wuv on '°""' 2111t sn1..o :io » •I w\1 1m 11t11 "'" ENt• 1 us 21 21 n H• conNn!! 1•1, 1111 30 "" 30 +'."" al ·u ha e to'be ~!early """' A ~ f'tU Erl• T~· :2Gl-'i !! MaYt"r 0 33111 39 So NE .. ~,.A Am EQI Ind 251 39 31"' ,, .... COlll'PWr 1 !O 31 •U~ .. , '1~ + ~· will be fllf.50. -SO Wl V "' milted A bid of 4.'181165 'per-A'?f~ Bot 1! f sttrll" '1\<r iOW. M•usl CC 31.i 3~ SotJf\ G•J ~~\Ii~ AExlnd ptM 160 1'""' 76,,.. 76\.\i •• ConPw pt.07 UO 70; 10 10 -1~ DEPARTMENT S T O. R E spelled out for you. cent which would have cost ~to 11:1 1 11• ~1" ~:brf1f,; ,g~ f~ =r~..,H fl !,,,. f:' ~!5sC., lo~~~ :ni= \~ 1~ .s.~ ll14 ll"' t ~ l:r.:l'rl"~f: _zl; t."' t'rit t:~ !~K CBARG~~ The typical car-But befort the law's ef. the·~t8te $1J,7U,873,whilethe~~i!'iloo SC flt 1 -~=~rad: :I"'n~Mt~~~, 3f '"'l~ .. "1tta~211~~~~.J ,y ~ D:: =+=~r.~~';.lu· ~ 9'14 ~~ r .. i~ Mrina charge is 11 percent. a f-Uve date Will come May B--C-• ~.~ Co bm!' t•~ .V 15 F•rrlflll 301'4 3)1.4 MlcflCI • lj'4 tMfo Id ,._ ....,. Aml~Y"ll 1.lt .. 20 l~ lH\ -~Cont COii!' 30 ff 171-\ 161o& 11i~ -., .,,_ ...... a.ll.IUl'r. ··~~ . SU loCU' " Iii I FrdN Miii 210 212 ldlU .... ' Sllft H Pd 2'\1:1 1,\ Atr!M.Fm,.;90 .. ,. .... ~ "* . CICOll p(l.25 110 11\lo UoA. IV. -Year -il 1•t•1 be'"''" advertised. and Juoe months in which bid of • MU • 1· f!I Fl11 Seo.Ir ' 10 Mld'#sl GT 27Vt 2111-\ Sh•w Cl SI S2V. """"' c 1" 155 !l ..... $0 +n~ c I p 1 IO .Q(I 4h 41"9 """'$ ""Ii -• a ,..-..... peroen., or •rd At ~ ! F11 aos ce 67 '' 111 Rll'I 2'V. 2114 ~me TV T\11 • ....,, 431 1214 11~ 114 .••• er<:, p1"150 ,, 55v. ""'·SI~ at 1" percellt a month. 1be millions of you will be bor· •12 --· ' I ... M "' F,t'Ge<I RE 2C 2$\.'I ,.. Gii lS 3SVI SWcll Fdl 14* ,"' AtnNelGlot z " ~ ""' ,.~. + '.4 CtM!ff 1 11. '' ,,,.. .45'.t ,fl ,. 71' And • .-... H . • klln' .... Ftl Miii• n~ tt Mlu VatG ~14 ti . SUbo Fii 13\li 11!4 "'" N"1 l ,, 36¥; a.v. ~ +H• Con!Mot IOI' 25 UY.I II 1•1'1-:r! total credit cost on a $500 rowing bllllons of dollan. The three bids were in sharp :.~ P 1~ 11 ~:: ~~I 7 R: ~~It 3{1' :riPll l:X l? 1j'2 AmPhol ·°"' 1'1 1• t~"' t~~ i11; l:' on· :ts{ ~ ~..., ~" f charge you leave unpaid at a J'm not ao sure that even after contrast to the situation in •Y1tt.a 'm 1 1 FHoht s.1 u"" 2511o Monm Pll 1' 1N ,a-" 2o1• !.\ ~~' ·r' ~ 1~~ 30 30v. t " c::! ~:1 rt 1 22 .i ~ .i I I could the la ts · operation the . · :r.1111m ! FooclF Pl"P s~ S:\lo MOOr• Pd 11 11'111 •u.1111 12 ,..,. ""'Shi "'° 12 uu. u 2s\6 t \141 cont Tel "' m 153 254' ~ store or over ·a year w in • March, when $40 million in ~!~ ,~· I .... m FOii G•tlll 29 tt'lll Moore, J lf tllZ +•rl« 'f I t~ 1I A Smtll i 90 410 «1\i. 3t AQ\lr ~ Conlml o01a 314 ISi 1$$ 155\11 -amount to $90. story will be given as clearly construction bonds w e D t a~I HR ~ .... 12\1; ~= ;tt. ,::z =,: Club l~~ l~ hT::~ ... r, lWI 13~ ~~.:" tr\.lfo '~ m: ,C14 L~ ::1 ~~~:.., P{4eo~ ug· = g.. ~~ .t PERSONAL LOANS: 'lbe as in this e-0fumn .. Y'Oll cer· Ith 1 bldd t the ta•A• I 1 L b 4..., fl Fr1n1c1 c11 nv. 12\\ N•r~.a c 33V. ~v. TIH•nr 2914 • ""' Sid 1 ~ 42'19 •1 4'Mi f'"' Cook con ,!a '° 4314 41V. 43y. +1 w OU ersa s .... s1•1u~"w °*!t Fkl11Eltc l'\lo:lll4 Nl8• ...... S'Mi6 Tlfall IA 1•1hAm5!dlMA7J' nn6 112'1411S 3 TRI 2t20123V.2'¥o-1oans now being advertised at tainly can use my figures as a ..... nstttutiofta1 interest rate rd Son so s Fm1t1 Rl'I 2w. 12o,r, N11 Ew11 sa •s r1n1 eat '"" 1 ""'s1m1 :a •• 30 ,. 30 1"" -r on.25 l :uv. u•t. 2'14 + ••• .de '-V rlcht ,,,.. Fullv1ew .,,., ·~ ,..., FdPd ~ lJ>,i Tr•M Gn 1ttll l"" "SUtar I '° .. :iov. lO lCll' -~ ooel•11d 1 70 ' 50111. 4t\Ji ""' - "$6 per $100, add~n" at com· borrow .. '6 gw • ceiling of five percent. 1.:.t':i. H~' ~\i l~ !i:~1r:: l!~ 1!'il ~:: ft',~ lli,; ~J .... ~=11 1~ ;~ ~ ~U~"'J : :~ ~ ~ · . · =~s'ri r,r ff 1114 f,.... ~~"' j ~ mercial banks actually cost Mrs Priest said today's RC· oll BtrN 1t'llo l ~ ~ Devices ~ 5V. Nal Ste Re lA\lo 16 Trlco Pd 32 l3"Y:I Amr .. 'f 2.'«t tttll 57i. 5''1< .S.'lt -"" orlr1lhB !SQ 30 H.\lo 27\lo .J! .... bou I I -·e a.... • • • ootlle c lJl! 31\'o Gn Gllbfrl •'Ill 5,,., Nalol P 7,,., 114 Trld1lr 16\11 17'111 "'" Toc.t 2 37' 37"' 3S1h 37 :tllli §orGW 2.!0e 2' 21'01i m ......,. I • j st bas'• (The ·de d ,_.._ • OWlltr "II ! GRI Ell t 0\1111 1>'> NJ N•IG 26 27 Unlit<: . 19 ltV. AWWJ9f f 15 J50 11\ii l!WI 11\i .. -.. owlei .Sl 71 1l f~ .V. a t 1 percen on a u" • .-ll9••••••••••"1 tion "once again indicates the I°' c.ott ~ 43'ii G l(lnellu sv. 5:w. NEno. GE 200, 20~1 TllC,.,., G 16 '"' Amwwn 56 lO 14 n~• 1•· :+-"" or-11" .n 1r.1 30\/0 r,v. ~\4 .. 1 nua tn ere ..,. confi nee· an es~1 m rMw•v G 72'/t 1"" Geo111 ' ~ N1Uiun F 36'/t J7 u""rt Th :191.!o,Xlv. Aw 4 1111 1·.q a1oo 25\11 2s uv. +ltJi COJtBde•s .so 51 • '}:?. 3 r. is you begm· repaying hicb Calil . bond rown Ar ~ 2' Ginos 11\C ~ 3':wi Nie!• A 32'Ao DlJ. Un Oolltr 29v. ,,\II Am i:111c: . u WA 22\i; 22111. -""!PC Intl l ,ID IJ! 3n'I J ~ reason W 0rN8 S are ru~h Str ji:w; nv. Glallelt 43\/J 4111> N!els !I 3214 3'314 U11 ll!um 37 37'111 Am1lek 11 31 621.'o 61 .... 62 +'Ao rar.e 1.ms lO ~ ~· .1.• almost immediately and thus he1d. I'm ·v.ery pleased to have ~1Jlev~ F U,;, ff14 g:g:n Rw.ib 4j"' 4ru ~.~,..*11"1 ~~ 1r:i tl~ W9~1. ll = :=:f11c:w1 to 12t ~·.t = ~:,. :;1~ ~·~n• ifn 3'.IO 1,24 2011; l:~ ,,., 1'. :f do not have the full use of the Fm" ance th ··--11 .. -bids We 're Ml Ol'O a Grepll con ,, 22 NoEur II !\II ' us Crown 9V. 9\ll AMK c » ""5 11\/o l6 371/o t i ... row ol 151! Qt 391• N". Queen Ma ry -Remodeling Contract Set ese uu·coc: uu:: • •I •ISv L \ll Gr•p11 Sd n l1 NPen" 16 11 us Envtl 2l'h 25 AN.K /t:io 1 128 118 128 t r Dll.l'O 1 57 ~ 11 i··'k very pleased" •mco 1 !Wash In l i:i,r,, f"6 NW N1IG 11~ 11'i US S119•r SS 56\11 p ... 25J 4o1 Q 4o1 ~own Car~ SI 81 ~ Ylo ..._ Sh -•--t.trlbuted th bid :~::: ~ 8!fu'· rf<!n Mt 11v. n,,. NwPub sv '1 """us TrkL ~ ~ ~~ ·~-679 41,.. •1 411'1 +iii. ~~2z'.,,l:10 l'fff ~ ~ ~ ..-., e .uu a e s •o•ntW Grnlld RJ 1;111 2011> Nuc1r Ro11 36 «1 ur, Pf'nf" 26,. 26'11< Arns1ec1 2 40 •1 ~ 4S 4S -~ Ts coro .«1 .1 11 20111 ~ -~ to ~e JD• 'the na"onaJ 1011 Grln"'lt 1:1:113:1 lo W11 3'1'111 3.l\\ UU "'i O-~Ld •, .. .,!~ Amltl .32· "5 24 23V. tl~ -Yo udahv Co $1 91'1 19 It •. ~~\ a U 0 T 7V. ! Grove f'rl f4!/;i 26 0PI $c1q 60 6l 11 "" 3',.. .,.., Alll(Olld 2 .st 416 .$3 ~ 53 i "rll udhY oil 2S J 24 23~ ~ t--~-·-p ldu-••d·--1.1 '"lt ertt 1 llYI 1 Grwtn 1.,11 2'\1126\'J Ormont 14\4 15 llal LO'v 1~ l.W. AndlHG 1:ao 43 16 12V. 1514 ~ 1Uo~11 is S4 2l¥1i 221'o -.., ~NUUI; '""•-.. ;wuu IP Ttell 7V. l'A Gt,.rd Ch 81'1 M\ Otler TP 21 YI 22 Vt JICt San 29 2' And Cln' 1.20 5 llYI 31\\ 31\fl "'1 ummf11 .1'0b 29 •1 39'1t Jl!lil -·•dS...::· · ell"duetothe 1rre a1 11'11 12 Gulde Teti 4-. ~,,.,Overs NA :J2'ilJP.1VWoodwd2A'l42SV.Al>Q)()1l·1.ct 1:r1: 41 431io 43'h .•.. u~°""·'! ,. ji"' 31to ,.4~ "VW UICI very w Cu NG•• 14~ 15 Gull In! 11\11 t2V. •r CBI II 19\.'l Weddell ft ll"" 1$ Aqut Chem •I .. * 431-.Q ""! ~ OJ IH Wrl .. "' ])Ill 2J ··~-pollcles 'of President Nilon Ctn VIPS 231/ii 2Wo Gr°"nt 15 15"14 P1b$I Sr d ~ W•dwlh ..... P , •• "!_, ARA S'K .... 1• 111 l DI' 11~ ~ u Wr A. 1! :c -~ +··· NEW YORK (UPI) Erle • Chm Lum 20V. 2111> Hem COIC l'llt 20 .. K A.Ulm' 2111 2~ 1 ""I'"" ArCll01n 1 60 1 5t gy, 59 .,. El'" H 1. 39...-"' • -•'Ills an indication of more O!emold s.... '"'Mend VOit "" nr. Pac FArE AO .rt'h war111 H l S ' Arl1Pubsvi 1 s1 751/ii 24Vt 2s11o +YI vtrCllK I.to ! :w:w. r. .. ···'"' Corp •• :.1 I•· • • . 'Cl\!1 Utll 111-\ 19\.'I HIMYtr s 27' 21V. "•n1CJOI l~ IS\lt Wash NG ts~ 20 .1.rlens·os 2.0 381 l6"' lWi lS'llt. .. .. VD•llSM l.«I ' 5' ... "" -w, Forge & Steel . iWIU ~L>3 stab1!Jty in our n a t I 0 n a I Chi Br&I 71 to Haven Ind 5"41 61\ PllW•Y 0 1$ n 23 Wll Trmt 17 11'!4 ArmooSt J.10 101 Miio '3141 ~ -"" -D-·~\ . --'•' t u sh 'd Sh Christ S 131 l:U Hello Air 11'14 12"M Paull'I' P 1411> 15 Webb Ra 16 1&'4 Armour 1 60 41 50 49 SD +1 m board of directors at a .,,,........ governmen , e Sal • e c11r111 111 110 113 Hrf\re<tn F 21 29 Pav11i. 1' 1sv. w11e11rn 15 16 Arll'lr ltf :.i 75 1 61 61 61 -Vt o.0 ' 'c'• ,1.21 ll'' "•"' 2n• :n -· ··1ed th N · • Crtldtl ' 9\11 H llhvn n 1t11>,. O!•Lst • tv. wt1111111 M 31 :a:i A •K:• filll ss... ,, 1t -"' en1 a ;;:r !1 ~ SI -meetil'lll" authorized the filing CommeD at l X 0 n S ClllJ UIA 'H\1:1 2914 Holm E.. 10 1f Pl Eftllln f 9\11 Wtln Ml11• 12\11 13\4 A~Ck p13'.J5 t 300 '5' M~ '5 ....• 8:i'ier:I ;;b 4~ ~~'A mt rs t '"l':• Br.iefs ·~ ' po'lici· "bave added more c111r Ute u11o u Hoover 31\lo 321.~ P1 G&W ,,v. UV. ,.ublllh 22Vt 23,,., Armftub 1 ilO 16 '1"' •1"9 '1\1 + \lo ~Ind · 12 11 52 Sllh 5l " Of a chapter XI bankruptcy es · 't CHvH Pr! 12 11~ HD<11I F~ J'lt 34' PEC l'rael 13'1> 1'1.4 Wstn Salts l!V. 22'h Aro COr1> '90 2 U 15 U f • oe. ! .&II l1 Al..... 41 , 'It f' •f• LONG BEACH (UPI) -An ConfldeDce' in our financia1 in· C1r1t Ml 24V. 1rn1 HudC 11 13\lo Peerless T 70\lt 22 Wn11 Whl1 18 ll'h Arvin 1d11 '1 31 33"" :ti'A 33\11 1,._ ~~0 ~ 2.! 1170 l~ 91, 100 ·~ pe"tl•On .,..,...,.itated the com• ' Cl1vlon 51/o S'!O ltlld BIY 'n 2l\ll Pen" REI 1( UV, Wln"b111a 68,L 70 Alhld 011 1.20 2iM 55 51¥1 ~ I"" •Y p •1 $l S YI•• JG\lo ·~~ '11.8 million contract for u • '""'"...,_ stltutione: " c11n1on o :nl4 32 H\111 PP A l4 JS P~ Wtsh ' '"" Wlf\$1 T ... •\lo Ao.hOll "'2 .o · 23 1111 HM\11 10s t 2· 1n ,J'\4 ~ ,7 °"' • pany sai• by its inability to B--• 1· Am . v · n-... · Clow 22 23 HUllOI GaJ 11'1o 18\1. Per!"I 9\/o 9:it lsc PL 22\.':i 'n!'l And 8~ :it 13\.':i 13 13 -1' IPwl. 1 OI 21 23V. 13 231.'o -ra1· remodelina the n..-n Mary "' , QI.UL O . enca tee c 11:SI· Coflf!\1" E t nil Huvol Pd N II Pelrl• St :it'll '40'11 WldW E11 6'1oi 1 And OCi 1.10 215 n 4 V. " i -°'I Mn!• 1· 11 .U XIV. XI :.0 :;! --e "'"""' meet sborl·tenn cash re· de t . .,._ V B rtlett 1 Id Mrs c~1on sir :io•>< !1 \lo Hur11 P 24u 2.S'h P"ro11 '' 45 w,. .. nc1o1 21v. 21~ AsdSPGI l.20b 1 3'V. 35¥) 3'"' ~ o. !•Air ..io 117 l'I~ 31 31 _ was signed Monday, bringing --l i n n.Mlll • a 0 • Com Cletr 31YI 40 HY•ll 31YI :riv. PhRdll "' 13 71 V•rd Elec ·~ lft A1idTreft ·'° :rJ 17~ lnii 17'h .. 0.119c Int tJ 20\lo IN 20 +'It the. ronner empress of the q~ments. Arrangemen s Priest. "Tbe bids received :~~ i'::Z ~ ill: nt: ~ = = ~~ ;i-.C: 2'f ~"" ~ ~ !ti, seas a 1tep closer to a noating being made to repay· f~ly all reJlect the fine job that you a nag t'' m 1' zg;:a:!UT'i+w• ff • A1<1111 "' .sa ' to~ ~7" Ji~ = ~ PtmYJtt.1 ·°' M5 ~ ~ ~-+ -.11tors over a penod of d -.uc1YE1 1.X1 " 21 1 + \.'! oen1sv 1.2011o 11 S4 !.l'h !3'4 ... mutemn and convent 1 o D ua.a ' aDd the governor have one to M ) F d AtcllYEl of 4 1210 ,•~c ,u~ ,•,, •. ,~ e'!Gt 1.10 11 ~ 20:i& ~ .. I'\• Years ' •-h t All ltldi l .IO ''° Ion ot.,.. of A l 61 61 61 .. ~., center. • explain the fine sta .... We ave u ua un s A!IRCll pfl.7$ l110 61 l6<Wa 1:1 i .. 1. ·· NO pf 8 t3 = •M ~ +1'1 The contract was awarded here." !UR~~-~ ~ 1n"' tt~ ',,.~ :1 8:~~~!"'1 . .io'° J 2414 ~·u :+:~ el . Int NEW YORK (UPI) -A ,,,,, °' .811 " ~ 29,,.. .,.. °"' Eel pf5.SI I " ,. ,. +--to Smith-Am CO, a JO Veil'-All•• Corp 2n '" f\l 6'-'IL Oel 51"1 .60 ~9 1$ 1.:IM. 1114 t~ .. ture of H. C. Smith CoMtruc-group of investors headed hr max= 11 , ;•••; "¥1 414 :~~~~ p~i!{t 1~ 1~ l~~ ~,,., =+ ~ ~.~~~ne~ ~ ?1 1 = ~±;.u· " Co Com •-an d Roger ~ of New York: pJ l SJ l d , ... ''·" , .. , ,, Au1s1111.1r oea 1J1 21>"-20Yo 20I'. • 011m1n11 1.1e1 ,,. !J!>9 ~ +ol4', L.IOD ., Pwu, has bought control of the cot· an a e -~~'ltfo~~~,~~~~r~ lli i:~:::ttw ....... C~s fl• 21.3'2'.31 Automtn ind 1'4 .u'lt 41 \; 4l lo'f-\~R_laSh•m 1.40 '41 r mt m-.~ Arnelco Corp .. Honolulu. Ion warehous'•g bus••ess of · tauon1, 111poH ... i,,. N11111ed t.01 911 "m P•c ~·~ J·~ cu1 1e1 1i:~ 1i:~ ~~ 9'3 ~20 ~l ~ ~'Iii 1:"' f ~ Dl:lh ptpfof.k 1: 20\io ~~ LI"" --.ob Jis for replacing .,, .. , . the Ntllonal "3Sod· -'11 Amer 115 1.26Andlor Grol.OP' Cui K2 •.37 6.tS Aver P'ci " :ti 12 SI 5:Rli S.I q Oleta"'-.oil nl :ZS U 2!1 ... 11n:: l ca · Fed al er for about 1'Jl.15 TOLEDO (UPI) -Lib"-•· 11on at SKvrlll••"-1'*" l J.08 14.30 c.11 •.9t10.ts cu1s1 22M2.t.7' ~1 -...., * 20v. 19'!' :2GV. fl. IPbold .-••'ss n~ _s.i,t. ---·cturaJ, eJectdcal 8, n d er Op. ~: .-i ill buil~d' Dt1fert. Inc., tr1 m<:•o ~.XI 6 ff Grwtlt 1437 15 7J Cus iJ 12,16 13.27 ::: Pdnc J.IO IOI I~ l<lliV. t41 -I I OIGtcr11lo .ICI 246 · 31-~ 311i,\ WI'. ouu million cash. Owena-Fu1u Co. W a iM Pri~ al w111cn -'m Bu• 3.S.S 3.1• Inv 9 1110 ll ~u• l H9 '°'°' , B-0101or<1 111.se l1 " 411 ; " " mechanical . in$tallations for The deal includes 29 million $20.6 million float glass pro-~':.~ /lllYlll!Cf~ A'rn Olv 11.1212.92 F.!:1~d tt~1t.u ~~r.~ uo ~:ft S•lxk w 1.36 ;; 31fa 30\t 31 :w.+ ~ 8111~':'~ ... ·:r: ,. rrl'I IF' I"'~-· '. tourist accOmmodations and square feet of warthousing duction unit at its Rossford , ~.1eltrt:W~"1 t: ~':" 1l:fl ,::~l t .. ~°1"~i1 • 92 K=b Giii it: 1ru ::~~iT 11/ t~ ~ Jl"" ~\1 :t,. ~ 811/~:' ~J , f~ 11 · 11 """· ". connectj.ng utillUes fr Om and 2 lOO r land Ohio plant. Fu"c1 B io'1t 1fa1 •~lrvt. 11.2J 12.l!I BalG l!fe4.SO DO 11v. 70'lil 704to -.. o MrS(:I .50b t.so11 2Nl 2Ai1 2.W. + space ' acres 0 I SIOdl" 7'94 ,.d& Lei! Rsdl 16.9118.SS B•llG PIG• ~'i11D ,3 63 '3 ··,·;,: 01.ney .Xlb 17D ...,,,. 11'4 12'14 +\·1· shore. Jn SIX. nu·d •-·them states and Sci Co ,·. "17 lbertv 1.22 7.19 !1u11Punl .60 I.I 35\4 34~ ls....! .,. 0 1,!Seal 1.20 1 41\<r •1"" 47'/J , ·-' • March 11 the c·lty councll VU" •tuon t'Ol 9 ll3 Lii• Stl( 5.21 5.17 8•ngP pf t I ~14 .45•4 .a6'wll . 2 Or Pep-.ICI 5l S3 52'4 n +'"' ' Ar'-ona T h' s ads u d Olldtlt in 913 Life Inv J.56 1.2' e1rbOll 310! 2• 11V. 69~i 71¥> 2~ oameMI~ .IO 9J 7:All n 7JlA _\lo turned .iAwn a low bid of $15 5 ... • 't 80$! &tt 10 19 n·n Lina a..s. 9.33 sarcr cR · .~s 111 •1"" ~'i• •ra . 1;7 Dt>rlneH•v .60 1& 3941 31¥1 39'4 ~ -• The proper\les Were bought ru qu rge -·~ t 'to LOOITl l• !l~ln Fd1; Ratio; In<: .IO 13 ll'hi 17\lo 17YJ .. Dorr Ollve>r 17 1~ 19 lf'lto milllonfortbeworkbecauseit aro.cl st 15·:io16"sc can1u 40.Jlol0.51 B11es Mr• 4 1'~ 11:\li l:m-'lo0overc11 .u "m.· l'v. :m. ex~·• !be city's--•--•-. from Southwide Industries, ulloct 1e'3711·93 C1p11 u .:ion.M 81th 1nc1 11 r.i .... 70'"' 10"!•\4 DowCl\m 2.40 m 76'4 n 76\4 ;,, -~W•MK lled b th G Fd 10°62 ll'a Mui 15.1' 11711 B,l!h Ind pf 5 6 177 171\'t 174 OrlvoCP 1.«I 14 4"N, 45V. 4$Vo That bld ~assubmlttedbythe lnc., also contro Y e ·erwidt•" 19· ... ~i"02 Mumr '·°" 1.11 B•u«hLb .eo 126 67VI MV. uv. 2,~0rm1nd 1 . .co t5 1m 36111 "~Th: •· Malkin group. T p 0 l F · 1P11 11'1: 9°1610.:11 u Flld 12.011l.20 a.~1rLab .11 1u ~ 49\li. 4tl'i .. 0rnv 1111.10 17 U"I 4N'o -~ Wal~ Kidde ~-~•r\I Co t t . t eDll Shr i1S I 49 aH Gth 12.5713.7( 81vukCl11 .lO 24 llV. 13 · 1:J0Jo• 'lo Drffll' of 82 13 :ml l'Alo ~ I Los ••-I hannlr111 Fuo\d•· · •lei l .S2 1.51 Bia! Fds 1 I lOJ 39111 37\lr ~ -""'OuktPw l.40 ' 31ll ll'A> ll\'4 -r '-'YUllUU on . Federal. having divested 0 ro ec l irms e"I Sr.r 11'n 1it9 ISS Tr 16.33 7.15 8e•rlnys 1 :n 43* •2~ 4) .... !!' Dreyh .. Cp lb 1141 .u 41\ji a I 0 '""'6" ea. I''-" or the ...... tton warehous-B111n ll 34 i• SI Mal her• ll.63 13.6.1 Beat Fd• pf 2 97 96 96 -+ ~, ou .. le~ Cp 2•5 J3¥o ffP. 33 r,;:icu .. v Slk 1·91 2-16 tDon 10,7611.19 8Kkm•~ 50 13' SS S3•!t SS duPont 1.'ZSll 151 149>4 145\11 1~ -·• 1·ng· business, wUI now co. n-~~h 1·1, 9·41 MldA Mut 1.11 1,19 Bee• o;ck ·.JO si. 4 V• •7'"' o11•1t +l'MI c1uPon1 ~14.So 1s 7S'Ji 1• 74 ••• •••• •.• • ••• OENIX · 11 [ I a'• f 49MoodV Cp 16.9011.47 Bt«hAlr .is ill,. 26 26'Ji-1Vi l'lu<IL* 1."6 '',_,,.'!'lo""' centrate on poultry processing PH • Ariz. (A1') -1ng so e Yon or!ign supp Y so ~=1 ~·44 37, oOd-1'• 14.1f 16.J1 Beico Pet .50 159 J11 l5'tli )II'"'+ ~ oa .42 0 0Dn.!j .n,~ 31v. ll::3l\'.o 33~ ""'+ [ d ·11· Th chief . •., f th th t h · ·1 'j 1· O : ' "1or!on1 Flilll;ls· B.idl'ltm 60 2• 17 16'~ + .,.. Oci •1 .iilf2.u ~ u ~ :i:I... 1 and flour and ee m1 mg. e ~poaesman or e a w en a sim1 ar s1 ua ion ~"d rour3 a 1• 13 Grwtr. 12,.14 13.a1 a.11 How ·.60 ,,5 76 ,,,,., 1~ + ~ OIHIL ...,, b 1210 32\11 (:: :n""" ~-.TAB • .. · _ ... ~-~. ..... ........ .me.. The financing of the new cot-nation's. fndependent· 0 i I to that in the Middle East F~~I 101:1•112:si ~::ti"'" :·~ i·a :::l.1 1"~!c'l" n ll'~ ll~ ~:: + = ~.,,,!·~:11.u1 flf mi t:"' ~v. ";"\ -_., •-'di •--.d Tu-'" t lh Id t rl ShrMd 13.6114.94 IF f.d 10'20 11't.a 8elldll I 60 154 ~ "5 4S -VO OV"a All'I .«I 3611 21'~ ;Qv. 20"" +1 ~ ton warehousing SUi»t ary operawa3 S8..I =uay ru arose, we _cou no. suppo ~::1&:/~r.• 1s.u 10.•1 MrF 01,, &::u 6:15 Bencri~ Pl 3 1 71,_,, 11~ 11¥. _"' -E·F-,; .. ·•M•r• cloctori, d•ntiih, •tlor11tys •nd pr•ft11i.•11•I • was arranged through the squads muat be organized to our essential defense com. E11Ulri 5." 6.0G 111uim~lh1f-~~il~t'~/~l~ptk~ 22~1m;,11~v.1r,tt:.~~,tQltPch .t0 lf 21 21v. B t · ' ~' I bl Jobn H··-k· Mutual L"e re1'ect and -rrect del1·bera•-m1·tments" Fund ll.H l•.39 "'-~' s~l 21'111111 , ''' pff~ J 1a 7N 11 +1 ••co Co ·'° !1 1H't 26 l'o • . ' p•oplt u1• TAI Ltcau1• tlioy t •11 ••P•na oe "''' • ...... v.. u ....., u:: • Grwtlt 7.22 7.lt ' ·,. ,·90 en 5 ... 2,!0 110 3' :M 36 _ ~ ••I Air .50 111 2!'io 2~'111 "" • Insur·-Co. distortions of fact he said are Hansen said the Democratic omm1rc 12.n u. n M~~ .~?! ,,2·1M 12~ ,11enF Pl"' ~1u ,,~ 21 2:Jl'o -~ •1TGF 1.is1 i10 n'l't ;~ ,. ...J1 . ltrvico, ~ '"'"'" om5t Bd $47 5.,5 '" • • envu 38' 21~ ~ 21V. a:t Ulll \: J J'J? ~' n\li ' being made . against the leadership in both the Senate c~~:11r1Ji~i24 N:I r~ lt.11 li t ::::~~ •.inf HM 25 Ila 2~ =ju ·~1J·1 :gt i&v. mt J"" + e ~g~ !~ s14• ~~H e, AmNerEWlcanYSOtan~a~.u ;~~ .. ts petrolemn in dustr·y in :~ ";seng1a!d ·=j·~~ i~ l~llJ!:iiN~.fil'l!~~:~.::3, E\i~cl~~ 1~ ~ ~ .. na~la ,~~~ ·j\ 'H !J\l !~~ n~ • • '.Washington. • Ith .ug '" 1··5 B-.S.81 '·" BlatkOll 1.20 11 ,.,... .. dlill!IS"r'Os l 411 ~~ ~o . -~ · 1·01·run· g Her~~ J. Kendall, a Harold M .. McClure Jr., there is Jtttle petroleum and .w 111 c• ,·90 ·05 01y1d •,9, J.'2 11110 L•"'I 1 1 26Vt ?!'4 l!" ··,··· G&G .11 1 "~"' 41 •1v. ~ .,.... . . §:: · · Pl Site ·1.n • . .U Blue Bell .so 11 Sl'li ,. -!!Monte ,09Q 112• 11' 7''1 • +. o New Jersey builder, in a $100 president of, the 6,000-member consequently little mterest m :::ebd ::·3 lf·T~ 111eom 5.ff t..ss B1uee1 pf4,75 i 'Jl ... '.!.?• 1.J.... +11n Mu11., tn.11to ,ff .... ~ jf~ 11 ~ . .11\.. • • Id d t P t I ·-~· th Ind try f Fd 11'ot1iM $10(i: t 6S1055 llllbble Brk' ,,. ~"'' ~~ LU'S ""\!, Kl ""'oc: -...... ~·1 ·:.· million real estate develop-n epen en e ro eum pro~ung e us rom c0:::::111; .s·91 ,54 Grw111 ,o:u11:0MBoe1"' 1.10 367 .m ·~ •f"'-:n, 1~,N~ci 25 f•Vi ,,.. 9 - .• •~ merit project in New Jersey's Association of America, said cheap foreign products. c~ '"' ~~o~ rfS~ ~:li.!f~1 ,~--~ ,}Z ~~~' P11~ 1o;? *v. a: n~ i~~ el~:·9.~G1 1 :ff ~v. ~ = hi Th Warl.I......... criUcs w 0 u Id "Wyoming is one of the COllSll'I lllY 5.i! 6'.l9 New Ena 10·9' 1l.9l """" Stro I a ~· !' '.. "'"'°~r ¥lee. 1 1'4 Sl:wi s.. ~~ Eut Windsor Towns P e .,....,'5..,., coro Ld lt.521S 10 New Ho• :18,93 n.tJ BoakMlll l.21 1 14 <4 + • EmEI I' B '° 6 1w. 371.4 3111 " <0mplex, to be called 'Twin destroy the nation's petroleum many oil producing stat~s that n1rv c111 1s.211S:.u N::.:ld 11::~ \t:~ ::.~~•r1·fl" ,~ ~f: 31U. 3J:: _ v. e~~..t r :eo ls 59,,., it !ti'> • '• • self-sufficiency and cause con-has a real interest tn the c~h "':.. 72·ll rln Norea11 7.25 11.ls Bo•manF .so Ji n~ 22\\ mi. ..... ~m ?;1~1 1·12]S f fi1• fl~ jp~ ~ :.. • . • • ' sume rs to J><!Y higher prices d_efeat of the anti-oil legisJa. 8e'f:!a~~ ll~J lt91 ,:?: 1tg'l 1IJ1 =~~~r1~1:n~y a 1~~ if,.. t:v.i .:!: ~ l'IQl!!ftjn. -t: H~ ~s~ :.,,. " ' ' .. Rivers wil1 include 3 000 . . . ise eg · " pr. 9.26 lo. 2 110• Edi• 1.01 1t "° 3~ 40 • · · · 1 .::lioh 1211 lj 35h 34'14 +i dwelling units. 238-lcres O{ for all petroleum products and t1on proposed by some of the 8~1: ~hr :·:!'lg 101 Fund 10.~ 11.M BrlnsSI '·'° 1 S4'.'o ~ H ···it. n\G:5 ,:20 t, ~ ntt .u.~j factory sites, 55-acres of shop. natural gas. Eastern Establishments," he Dow0 "', '" ,',:!l ,',·!.! 8'J!:!!"'s l::21 lf:~ l~l::..X,' ~/f '°f: ~i. il 41~ = Vo 1'NI:~ .1070 ~ 2S Vt nv. if" .-, ••• • •. • • •• • • • ping center and 141M.cres of Th Al ,1. h I ·d re•e -v• ..... m a.H t.n Bctwv Hile , 35 :w lllllt 3!1\11 -'Ill '"'"'"' '·"° 411 '"" 341\lt 311 .-• • e ma, I• I c • I n· sa1 . Or""1J• 1(.10 lS,.U 1'9nn 5-9.2( t .2C BwvH• pf A2 ' Q"1 ~ .QVI -"' Ef!l~I CP :12 II l"4 l.1\1< 3.N "'"' I . parkland. dependent's suggestion that Morrell sugges•~ that E1lonl.How1rd: 11, Mut lo.2S 10.1s BwvH 111.1.w1 io ~ 43 .:i + v. e111~1 "'2.«1 :n s11'! so.. 11 +ti£ ·• , __ :_.:,_:_...:::_:.:_:=..,::_,;::_=...::;,,.=.:...,::::_: ___ .,:. ____________ < al .cu B•l•n 111!112.&2 Phna IS.111111.10 lltrynUG 1,72 11 ll!ill 31141 31"'. j: !tJ Eurolnd .~ t 1m. 19\.':i lffi . truth aquads ~ organized was oilmen so carry t h e i r Grwlll 1i. 4.93 Pllarlm 10.41 11,,. Brown co 1s uv. 1• ulli J l! Ev~noP .60b t1 60~• 60\'o e!' J • of the simplified explanations to con· !~Cf-1 tlll 11:;; p!~ s1 1tY it~ g~ft~~~ •; 1l ~f~ = =-~ ~~~~r~Js ~ ll"' !Jl: h't ~pt' part 'I.II. this "state iJl.. . th Stock. 1 •. 14 17.S4 ,.ifttr 1'.11 16. 1t Bwi15llol 1 5' ,, " ... 4 -.,.. F1ctorA .9"' 12 5' Ult U\t ::4oii, ' . • " • " ' • • • • • \ SIEREQ SENSATION! . 1'lle colorful ._..d of ...... County MU81c RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From fa.ahi on Island, Newp ort Beach \ dustry .. report submitted at sumers 1n that ey aree11er11 u ... 16.2s l•n hw 13.6614.93 Brt111$wlt .'2. 1ou 2411o 1) 'JIM'-'ilF11rmc .so. 30t •tit" 11 -n. th. -Juding ••-Ion O( the a•--Ju•-ly baffled by some ex qrwt 1"-n 16.00 rlct Tft 25,0I 25.0t 811Ck!!Slh 1..20 1"6 2'i. 21 28 -" F•lrc:ll Mllllf" lOI UV< 17Yt 11 t~ .. ..,..... ~ u:iu u:: • Energv 15,46 15.~ n:i lO.t6 lj-" !lllO'Er '·'° ~4 ~ 27i'ilo t1'1t-"' F'•lrrnont I •41 ~ 22 ~ ~ trade group·~. m Id, ye a'r pl••a"ons of the Industry's EMorlM u111v•I rwl.tllt ! . .u .fl BuOd c:o .ao t1n lJVt :n.111 21 -t~ P11st1ff .• 111 1~ 1• 14'11! \lt ~. ..,, LJ fty 10.6511.51 urll111 11.72 12.67 BUCIO F pf,6D ~ l\'t "-·~ -\lo F'.,,, Fjn 1.» 61 ~ 7S 1.Mii lo< membenb!p ~•.. tax problems .uex 11.:w .. utNrot Functs: au<111~ '" .u ,,, 2°"' 1t "~ +2 Fill\l'"' IM 11 2~ 2w. .• 11.. McCI•-and •·na•-Clif "The -nsumer's· Oil in· •r.lor 21.0019.79 Gtorw lS .• \6,.q BuloYI .IOb U 49!'1 41\41 ~ +1~ FarlllMt -60 U\4 IS ~"""'-'6· . ly ft"! I~ 11.0011.311 Eqylf Jl,591'.15 Bllff Forte I 17 34 l31-\ 33\o'r+ V. FH"Wtsl "111 101 4 21'111 ?!ml~ ..... o;Jlt: WI' • ..., • Fa rtdl l.t.02 lS.32 Grlll 12.41116.1 9unM R"•mo ,.,. \)'l'o IM!t IJ'Mi ... ' f'.icl•l'S .&i 1n s.s 5 rord P. Hansen <R~Wvo;), told terest is that his tank is full of ...,. BMu 11.21 U ,21 ·-'·~ 'i·DI' Burl '""' 1.. '°' --3Jttl• 31 -1.11 l'rGMoo I.It 39 33 ::l ts the• book • .:11 I'll Gf'lll 1$.0216.C •~val 7, .36 e~rmly ,70 f' J!:: 33\11 34\11> +1~ FrGP1c fltc 136 JRii 26!~ 2'~ '~ the indepeziden lower gas and his pocket MW Id <:1• 1t.tS~01 v1.i1 12. 13.•5 aur•-~' n , 11 12'YI 1~ -"'Fl!'CIP.wfl<j , 31 ~ ~ ,,_ ~·· Price' lor !·-•-oil would has •hange " Morrell ··•d fd FIHO!S t1.011 • ., R•o TKll s, ... ,. ,•.g 1s.riu1W 1.211 1 514o is \,t + ~ Fec1s1,ns ·'° 1a1 u.... 311 n "'"'6'' "' 1 ...,_ • fd Trl'!I 'l7.A ot e...,. l , • '-""Bu~ ,Ill 1) 311'4 7'41 . -. .. l'edOStr, .tS 2'1 lS 3'11 3'.0 It disappear should the '-~·-ry F~ncl1! Procrrm: -11'11 t,U IG.l'I r Fl!'CI Mfit '"" 21 1•'-1•11 1~ \lo UK.11.ll!l llfl\ l.'7 t.n stet 11.'2 lt.H -Fern:iCp 140 t ~ ~ $$'!! _,~ cn·ucs have ••-•r way and Fs 111G111 l0.211.6' "Ufld•: C•bat Cit "' • ~ '9Vo M ••... F111ret1~ .1ii t,1 4'11 •t.111 cv. ....., •• WIC.I Flt ln$ti t·" 10...w l~NJ lllY 1.111 Cll .,,...ft, i '~ ~f" u:t-"' Fl~~M 1.40 11 ~ 3\1\'t ao\\ .... ~ cause a shift from seU-wf· Computer ~:I tt.~· 'i:U ~:= LT It» :t~l E=~\'C ~ 1 r''t ~ !::: ~1::1.Jer,"' ,J flv. iS =1 ··. :~~e: 0~ 1 de~ence on ~~ iJ.' 11:ll ~'.ti ,~~ ~1:fi llU s;:r: 1' 11 fit :J" ~!~!Ir~ :ff! S ff: *~ ·t ~''Vii .· ' Gene P. Morrell, the new F" }d G 1111 G"' t.'"' .,., fr.-t.t: •.44 Cdn Pac"'' 1 -11 .,, ··t14 F11Ns1, .H• • is ~11 · deputy .---•---1 Interior I e r OWS :=-ts:l11lU a::;~~::n~"i11~~ 20 ,\ ~:.t .. ~· ~"'t3"~1='.-?Z :J 131! f~ .... -~wut Fr•r*t\f\ 0111: /!!' lj, 612.10 erb!'\111 · 14 ff ' fl~ S214 +IV. Flen>\lflll ,!a 11 11'!41 JL_ 11 ..._,·. secretary for m i n e r a I g~ Sit . 1 1.01 ;me l , '13.26 w11 .rr = Jr' »'II -..., F!1n11co1~ 1 1' ~ 2~i; "'"" "' resourtts,saidtheoilindustry SANTA MONICA {UPJ) -u~•e t .~1:::= 1~~"• lt.ltU :~ Al~ "'it 36" ~~~.~~: Ji71' 1ff It~ ri~ !$:+). "has been Mven a bfn switt The number of companies = i·!l 1t,ti 1"":! ltll l};~ :~~l.rc .. ~ ~ = IU ~ t tt ~l:Pwt.1 ti ,J =: ti"" :ttt ~: klct right sqi:;are in the "'Image. manuracturing com ters tn ~ ""' lt.l':ttt •:r.msfi•hJ:~ st~ s.:r-re.at:12t "t -Ill ~ wi +'U ~le.Ar':'° ,31 :~ mt. !ji +~ ''Let me suggest that you this country has dOur.'m since %~l't!ts.,f 1 ·•1 T:"l'~ ~~) t4.n ~ '" J .-. 1ll \~ \~ '~t t1~ ~r:if1~ \'(. 1l ~" H; H~ :t(i;; expand your preaching and 1960., Thomu J Watson Jr /!o•ro rr '·1;:tt'° f= '·.tt "·~ 1:f Al.•• J ~ ~'-" ~ i '"" I'~ 9; Ji 30 3114 T .... ~ simplify your explanttiOM," board ch&ma~ of Intern~~ ~::~ 1#:n:tB si:t~,"-.. r.,,i . ·:--"' ... :.or.'° m ~ fl: tl" ~2i: E~'i'(r"" a a~ wt "'~ &aid Morrell. a for mt r Oklahoma aeoJogist and •t· said Monday. i~ff :Tft..,, $y(ll •ioOtll 1.f1 "U el•~P 2 X4 -"Ford'MJ ,,«! ' $1~ ·~ tomey. 0 W•tson told lBM's 1nnual ""'..: 1 1#11:,.,5M'f A~"'Hfi 14.ff i:.t"rm"•·'\, 1 ,.~"'ij:~t.'1!!"""'" 1~J n »\\ ~ Hansen aaJd cr!Ues of the stoc:kholdm' mectlng thm ·• !:II!,..,.. n:;;lt,. ~~'~" -'~ " "' I+•:: ,.;~r'.JI ii •• Ii ff• 1<11 Inte . Dtpartment' would be a riptd increue m :~:t'tcll .... m··r 1 ... ::f l:fi 't .Hilt ::-... ~M ~ U •"'" 33\\ sN1·. dato~or oll Import cork.1 '"r: new UStS tor C!>"'J>Ute:n d~ ~ l \i~mn r.:r c.t ~r: ::~" l, ~:,-, B1f .M L · f··:"' ~! 1! ' :n 11· ~ f.:~ ~ .. gram havt failed to consider tbe nett (eW )ftlrs • I I " !ft J. 4 . !' ~ lfa' ~ ~ ,. • .,,. •• ,,. 6»'. .. 4M ult ' .. ·---• _ '"S-111 !IC! "' "" • I~ ~ \ -G-~ the con,sequencte of~ Today u~l;: are over 1v ''"" GI' 1 • ~ .n ~' Mut l :l; ll:i T t11 \111 . · i ·!: a ii c .. 'f t";· " 44 w.41 ing dlmestJc up~oratlOn and manufacturtn: of l}'ltema ,... •[~ ,t·!f 1....., 11<~:'° .,· .,... . 1~ ~ ]t.1 -. cC:./' _.. " ~14 -S ... '° • development. ...., of u.m ""l' large and ' YJ!.!.,';1 ••••ti! _,. I -' "'f.' ~ f ~ ~ I '"l'be ·cheaplJ p rod aced well·known -actively com-,.=,'"'.._, ttlf1t-;t ·~CC z:; t 1, "' '" ·~ ~ ~ M ,... ="" • S-:.1.l 'l ~ F \t 1. foreign oU would not •laJ lfellng !? the ,computer 1:e1111A~lf:RJ.::: tl~t:: '·'~~"A ti-s =.,··o.r II.,,~ \t ~ 1.i~~ chtap long iJourownindustrf mitrket., WatsonsaJd. ,:~': :w:;·:I ~I" l:lt,rn~.~ !l = l!" ""+tt§totfl ... lZ" Ji: fil! ~"'..,_,, could no loq:er cmnpete." be "Another 4,000 companJes .,, .... '"" tut 1U.. Illa IOI '·" ,;I = tu :t ::" t: tt...: +a r t':., ~1· ~ ifs to +~u. l aid. 81$0 Otfet peripheral equl~ 11;'cif :iru~:. '·'·' ~ti#'! t~ 1t. 1:1 .Q l;? =: mt 1·· 14 'l"'~ll ~ 1: u:: ll\\ = :: "Our potential e n em t es ment. programming support r~ ~~' ~ln f{1~ f:2 t ~'° .• , ! 4t\.'J = " '' ';'"f;";~1 ·""' "0 l\ :; i '° would relish scelng t be and other services to com· v,~, 1:1i +~ :~' ,:-1('' .\Le. g-~11&, ;";"' !ft 1C ~ :Ti~" ..life 'l .o~~ Im ~ ~ domesUctnctustrydeprivedof puter users. Many of these:T)•t11"1tff,r~ J~~ 1iS!lri!:Ll."ct l W Zi'l ""-ij c~"f:,1~ ~ ~ !:::: ·~~ ,,., 11• fnmltive for furtber companies havt bten very ~t !t-•111.!! ~:i M'.~1.:1 ~Plo ,ofl J ~~ {~ "t-=ui~o-1 ,;W ~ ,..., W,: l't ~, .. development. The)' would like suct'tSSful, some In Just a ft'ff \"' ,,~ ~11.D:il =,. l:!! t g1,!~~: li mt ~ ~ !i" o:;Q1.1!!.ll),~ & ni? lt r~ tr.~ tD lee eb41 United $tateS )elm• ye.an.'' Ti ,~\1.IJ ~ fl1 4 Cilll .. ct U l JI•• ~\I •Yo + \l Gn F~;"' ,ltf 411 11\.'1 fN "'° +~" . I ' I I I/ I .1 1, 11 I 11 I \ , . I I , . I ,I I I I I ... " Wednesday's Closing w.....,, .. Jt, 1.., P.rices-CA.inpJete New York • H \ I I ! I II lllll.Y PILOl Wed"'41oy, Ap.U 30, I 969· l>ETROIT (AP) . A a soldier sbe ls finished with Jll1(:blatrilt aay1 the Vietnam . h l m, often because ,abe .has war baa produced more "Dear met another man. part ol the wi!e In previous of a Marine a<cW\'d of killing wars, but there were fortea tour Vle~eae men. that held the anger back. The Maririt had just receiV· Patriotism mitigated t h e ed a Dear John. John'' let\ert than a n y Tanay said the separation previous con f Ii c t involving Jmposed by war often.. leads to U.S. senicemen. a feelin& of an8~ and resent- situaUon." "There wu more to the Dr. Emanuel Tanay, who ment on the part <if the 'girl Tani)' siJd he first became cau than that, of course," interested 1n the Dear :John said Tanay. "But it was an situation during • visit tg Viet· important element 1be letter nam earlier this year. when he .Jrrl.ved the ·day the boy was testified at the court marUal •'released frofu the hospita_I has made a ·study of what he lelt behind. • calll the "Deir John Syn· '"Ibis,. &af9e feeling, ... he dreme," blames this on a lack saJd~ 4'proba:bly existed on the of.JJClllUlar suppdrt for the U.S. millllry position. Tanay said he based bis con- clusion on conferences with legal :staff officers Qf the tst Marine Division in Vietnam, many of whom served in World War II. A ••near John" letter Is one In which a fiancee or wife tells Dirt Road Link To Fortitne PALM SPRINGS (AP) Some 20 miles sOUth of here, CalHomia 77 l'llllS throogh some of the most desolate landscape imaginable. An oc- cas.iona1 octillo cactus breaks the desert expanse. Jagged mountains rise sharply in the distance. About halfway between the cities of Palm Desert and Tdyllwild the narrow, dusty dirt road stretches forlornly from the highway toward the mountains. Land spieulators Mute Dunn and Val Samuelsl>n, who are building ii, hope the dirt read · will lead them'l.in effect, to the fabled. riches ol El Dorado. So far they hitve hewed cut l4lh miles since December 1966. Another 31f.r: miles and the road will reach the 7,600 acres of land they control in a beautiful, now-isolated valley in the 10,000-foot mountains above this desert resort. The valley, th ey feel , h3J3 everything to fulfill the dream of a luxury home owner. It is above the searing heat and blowing sand of Palm Springs in 1Urn.mer. Its temperature is the idyllic type that makes a winter-time Palm-.S p r in g s famous. The air is always cool and dry, they say. But, without a road, it's io- 1.ccesslble. Samuelson says he's con- fident the project will be com-· pleted in three or four months. But there are a few snags. Small portions of the road cross federal land and Dunn and Samuelson have been en· joined from further work in : those areas. And there is the lltUe matter ·of $2.5 million, the estimated amount needed to actually complete the dirt road as a paved facility. . · 11le resolution of those two problems will determine whet.Mf Dunn and Samuelson have about 7 ,000 acres of resort property or desolate mountain land that now is the domain or ,'.golden eagles, big horn sheep, coyote and quail. They say they paid between $50 to $400 an acre for the land. At the moment, they say negotiations are under way with the government on a deal to trade some of their land for the federal parcels crossed by the road. And Riverside County is surveying the dirt road to detennine whether it should be taken into the county road system. That would mean pav- ing by the county. Meanwhile, Dunn a n d Samuelson go out each day with several helpers. four bulldozers and a grader, scraping away at lhe last few miles. They decline to say what it's cos~, them so far for the road wOrk. Solon Asks USC Aging Plan Help WASJilNGTON -Sen , George Murphy (R..Calif.) has asked Lhe N ix o n f.dminiJtration to expedite federal funding of a research center for lhe aged at the University of S o u t h e r n Oollfomla. USC bas applied for a fl million grint rrom the Na- tional ~tut.es of Health to build. a gerontology cenler, wblcb ...Wd be matchod by 12 million trom private sources Utrougb I.he University. . ' ,, • • • cool, washable pastels . . for half-size mothers Soft pastels , .. spring delights! Washable. no·iron A-line of For· Ire}® polyester. Give her this rib- .. textured skimmer with scallop- waist. ribbon a nd button deta il. Lightweight. flattering. Blue, pink or yellow, 141> to 22Yz, 28.00 may co women's world 57 . the cmefree gift ••• half size pr.inted voile Caldwell'i sollly printed voile. Light. cool. in Dacron® polyester and cotton that washes, sheds wrinkles. Comfort-styled with seal· loped side buttoning a nd self belt in blue or pink swirl print. for half sizes from 14 Yz to 24Y,, 15.00 may co daytime dresses 61 \\ ..... I ' I '.':'' ' ' w "· '. .• (• ~1 . :i, 1'. ~ .. ' .. '. :f ' ' ? ' ... ' ' ,. " ' ' co ' " ' .. f ~ .. . . . 1. double.·breast~ribbed Amel®coat'dress ' ' Lady Carol simple shaped classic m ottotuck rib. Perfect year round and for traveling too, it's easy care and holds its shape. Wrinkles hang out in a wink. Celanese@ Amel® triacelate and nylon. Blue, beige, pinlt. I 0-18, 17.00 . may co boulevard d resses 95 "I am certain that you art aware of the d e art h of knowledge that exists with respect to the aging proccu end ill problems," s e n . Murphy sa~d in • letter to Robert l;I. Finch, Secrtlary of ltflkh, Educ ation and Welfart. "11M! need for aging hlMlfCb and ad.Jon is !reat. md we hive been el too nqllaenl In dealing with this problem/' may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa n.iesa;· 546-9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm .. , ' ' ', ~ ! ' . ; ., ~ " f.1 !~ ; I' I ' I ' ' • II "' ,. ; .. ' ,, 11 I I I: ·I • F.ountain ) voi:; 62, NO •. , 03, '4 SECTIONS, 92 P.AGES ' . . ORANGE cqlJNTY, C,tillf,ORNTA' .. • _arw_1n rac ' ... .Coast Tax Boon ,. Oil Companies Lase Chanc e for Funds ' brqe County and the cities of Newpert"" Beach, Huntlncton Beach ·and Sell Beacb wlH be able to add a total of more .than P mllllon to their bank ac- ~ County Counsel Adrian Kuyper revealed Tuesday. Kuyper e~lained before t h e county Board ,ol. S~pervbors that the money comes 'ftom )lroperty ta~s paid from ~ ~ 1~ by oil companies under pro. teat. The funds have remained lm· pounded· by the county auditor-controller. The oil companies filed auit for fK9Veiy of are taxes jn 19" and the at.ate Supreme 'Court ruled in favor of the ctiunty and citfes On Dec. 2l, 196&, kuypcr aald •. He added that the time for any appea1 by the plaintiffs to the ·u.s. Supreme Court bas DOW expired. · 'Ibe oil company actioo was based upon alltged improper treatment by the COWlty us8ssor of oil royalUes in his v'aluation Cong Willing to Talk · ' . Peace With South Viets PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cong, In an abrupt change o! policy, said today it was willing to talk~ peace with tbt "other parti!is" -meaning the government of South Vietnam. Previously it said it would talk only wM the United States. President Nguyen Van Thieu of Scluth Vietnam twice proposed direct secret talks between the two sides in hopfs of reaching eome aolullon to the i.Qlpuse that ha.. blocked the Paris talb .aloce they btgm., The Viet COOi !COUed al the idea at the time. · The United States met the Viel Cong offer today with a restatem~,af-'I. ma. jor concession first made taai· Thursday at the weekly talks -an offer ,to negoUate mUitary aDd JX>llUc•l m6Uers siriiu1taneousfy, Pteviously lt wanted military matters settled before there were politieal·talks. U.S. Ambasaador Henry Cabot Loc11e also suggested that agreement •Ort a Noma Thursda11 mutual withdrawal of external forces "by reasonable stages" could lead to peace. Hanoi a~ the Vitt Cong contend the only foreign troops in Vietnam are the Americans and their allies and that the Americam should pull out immediately. "Our side is ready to begin moving down this road right away," Lodge said. "Other areas where mutual action is neceswy art '1he restc:w~ion of U)e '"""' ·f!I !ho .deDlijitarlied ,.,.. and the eariy release of prisoners of war.'' Whtjher the Viet Cong agreement to ~"".I!!!!:~ ·~·~. sotteni111 ol ·~ Coll)mul!!iil• poilt . .. .. nol ~-Tran Bliu Ki~, the lcnJcn mlnlit.er ol the Viet Cong'1, NpUonal Llberotion Front, said: "The South Vietnam Front for Llbeta- tion is ready to engage in dlSC\IBslons with the other parties so as to make the conference move forward." 558 Yachts Getting Set For En senada Race Start Skippers and crews or "558 sailing yachts art down to the point or marking time until the start Thursday noon of the 2:2.nd Newport to Eruenada race. The list of entries (count 'em on Page 17) is about a dozen short or the record 570 last year. Tom Wilder, race committee chairman, called attention to a last-minute change In check-in procedure. "There will be: a race committee boat checking out boats near lhe entrance to Second Explosion Victim Succ umbs 'l1>e i«"Ond victim ol last Saturday's exploskm of a Stanley Steamer at Knoll's Berry Farm died early this morning at the Orange County Medical Center. Mrs. Beth Nutting, 7!, whose husband Wayne, 74, died Monday or bums receiv- ed In the freak accident, succumbed at 12:17 a.m, t.he coroner's office reported. The couple lived in Lo! Angeles. Foor other victims or the explosion re- main in critical condition In the medical center's bum center. Tbey are Wllllam Schuti, 2:5, bis wUe Jo Anne, 24 , and their twq/daughters, Cynthia, 7, and Crissy, 3, all of Loi Angeles. The J«ident occurred during the an- nual antique car show at lbe amusement center in Buena Park. Leaking butane ru spread over the floor of the cluiic car aDd .was Ignited by a ci.larette, or a opark from the pilot light, lnvesti11ton Aid. Apollo Not Damaged CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The Space A(ency npor\ed today tbat t"" day• ol 4tt.ailed tests have shown no signs of dam"(• lo !he r~st sloge or the Apollo tO moon rockj!:t as a result or 1 sudden fuel loss Sunday . the Newport jetties. If you have checked in with that boat and have received 1n acknowledgement from the commlttee, you need not report to the central or oulside committee boats on the line as outlined in previous instructions," Wllder said. Something new has also been added this year in the starting order. First to start at 12 o'clock will be the catamarans. followed at IO-minute-in- tervals by Classes A, B, C, D, and E in both the Ocean Racing and Pacific Han- dicap divisions. Two classes of MJdget Ocean Racing Fleet yachts v.'ill be the last to start at 1 p.m. In previous years the small boats have started lint and catamarans last. For the be.ne[lt of shore watchers, there will be two starUng lines -one el· tending from the j«y bell bouy to a ten· tral committee boat, and the other from the cenlral committee boat seaward to another comm!Uee boat. The PHRF classea: will use the starting area clotest to shore and the Ocean Rac- ing and Catamaran di•isions will use the outside line. With the MORF division split into two classes, Class B will start on the inside line and Class A on the outside lint. 1be two classes will start simultaneously. (Ste ENSEN.\DA, P11e 17) ·PILOT TO 'A IR' ENSENADA RACE Newport Beach radio llatlon KOCM ( 103. l FM) will broadcut special rePorts on the Newport Beach-Ensenada yacht race directly from Almon Lockabey, DAILY PILOT bolling odltor, from Thund&7'• noon st.art unUI tht race iJ finished. Reports will be broadca s t ap. proJimatelJ eveey l'!o ~s from noon Thursday Until• •llJ>olf at 2 i:m. Friday, They win be continued Friday and Satur~ day from I a.m. 1l1n on untll 2 1.m. •lgnof!. ' of the posscssory interests ··held by the companies. Companies involved in the suit included Union 01\. Oreo, Standard Oil, Signal, Tenno Oil, Annstrong, A t 1 a n t I c .. RiChfield, Wilshire and Hammil Oil. Kuyper said the legal actions filed in 1956 were followed by similar suits pro- testing ~ and 1966-a7 tax bills. The legal Issues were identica1, Kuyper said . and the plaintiffs have now di1'ffiiSSed {See WINDFAU.. P11e Z) Beach Widow Wins Suit in Mate's Death DamageJ of $160,000 have been award· ed to the· widow of a. Huntington Beach truck driver wit~ a Superior Court's rul- ing that a faulty tire caused her hus· band's death in a road accident three years ago.. ' _,.J Th~ 11J110l!"t '"!'Cfi!!lil!Y cl'""'"'' by 1'4rs. Nlrill'O ~ll!>d~ •n<l .liu IOD J•cob, 3, 9f'eiti YnJbirt Drl*lll! ~ plt"1f p~ ~ ""1 . _co., monul;,<lurtrs otthe0'J1"' whic lew .olif while Jake VandeM.,, J9, was dt1VIJiC his t,nick ~·~M' Freeway.t ~Vldw -.91 on March 21, 1966 when bif Gtddlng truck-trailer smuhed. into af9.: a,t the R~ Hill in- te'leetic>n ·nta11 'i'ii!ln: 'q a 11 I ~in I • lllibway P~ Of~ lavestipling the accldent reporttf at· th!"t, time. that the faulty tire was respbnsible" for the driver losing control of the huge ' vehicle. F. J. Clark of Huntington Beach, Vandervles' employ~. wlll receive $17,500 jn damages from Firestone as a result of the same ,jury's ruling. He ls the operator of the Clark Trucking Co. in that city. Briggs A~ks Meet With Grand Jur y After Criticism ... Assemblymin John V. Briggs (R· Fullerton) has requested a meeting with the Orange County Grand Jury in a letter to 'the jury's foreman, William D. Martin of La-Beach. The ineetlng, Briggs said, would be to discuss his "role u · a member of the ~omia Legislature." Briggs' Jetter to Martin followed critl&m by the Grand Jury in a resolu- Uon charging that Brigj1 "has publicly announced thai he will not support any county legislative progrim.s until such ti,me aa there hu been a decision that the exlsti.ng branch of UM; &Jperior Court which b located in Fullerton rtmains in -that city.'' · Briggs den.led the charges. and , at the time of the resolution, requested an apolo0. • . IM bis letter to·Martin makes no men- tion of tbe request. Briggs' Jetter: propoaes that the press be Invited lo attend the meeting with the Gnind Jury. The letter also invites Martin to vlsit Briggs at the State' oapi.tol pi Sacr~men­ lo. with Brlg1 picking up the tab. ''It would be my hope," said Briggs in the lette r, "that you rpieht become belter acquainted with ~ .. ~times almost ovfl"Whtlminc duties of a n d demand.! uPon a Stat< Lej!Jlator Jo effedlvely · reprtSeot his dilttict. .. rn a 1tattment Tuelday regarding his right 1o retain the ll!"th Oran1e Counly Superior Court bruc:h, Brligs said, "I have been eltctld twice by the residents ol Northern 0nnge:c.w.y. By-their vole they haft entnaded me with the respomlliillly ol looidDI alter their In- terests. It 1 am subject to critlcllrn ror !ighUng to retain (the branch courl), then I gue51 it's like a fonner pmident once oald, 'Ir you can't stand the heal. then you should stay out ol the kltchen.' " Stock M•rluU ww YORl'lHAPr .::.,. Tht , t. c \ , market, wlUl invettor. .,.lia!iJtjc and , coming off the sidelines, took,t a'ant attlp forward in extremely heavy. tiidln& '4> day . (Se• quotaUons, P-"fll-,-. .. ·u ,. rown· ' .. Freak Accide-nt Sets · Off · . , . . $17,000 Beach Home Fire Flames roared through a .Huntington Beach residence Tuesday afternoon, causing '17,000 damage to the upper level ol the brand new bWlding. The fire was caused by a freak ac- cident as a wor.kman jnstalJffig a sprinkl- ing system outside the home of Mrs. Mary Taft of 9171 Strathcona Drive was working on a copper pipe on the outside wall._ !~.' ~ · Heat 'froi'n a ®lderin' operation was conducted through .~ .m.ica1 wall of the house,. igniting paPer ~fing ip&ide' the frame, firemen uld. • Three fire engines responded to the blaze · at. 3:09 P·ID· lb was under control within .hall an ilqur. l\1rs. Tart and her teenage dau&hter \Vere watching t)ie fire from the iidewalk when the mother suddenly collapiied and fainted. • She was rushed to her neighbor'• home by several firemen who revived her within minutes. A cati for an ambulance was made bu\ later canceled. Damage was confined to the attlc roof, three bathi-oorm arid a bedroom. Ac· cording 1o Fire capt. J. v. Vincent. the flames caused· abQut $7,000 damage to furnishings . and flQ,000 to "the structure itself. Twenty-five ·Marines who are currently teaming fire control operations fiom city firemen were at the location to obserVe fire fighting techniques . Education Committee Cuts Schmitz' Sex Class .Bill em8*ul1tiJ!&.1 bill by S\>le Se1wJllbn G. Schmit% (lj.TusUn) designed lo · give . ' . . '.. . parent.S tnot'.f: ~~rot ov~ sex education. A key provision has already been chaJ)ged, . during comm ii tee hearings in ' ' ' Sacratnento. • Sen. e1i1r W. Burgener, (R-San Diego) • • proposed an """°dmeilt to. Ille Sc:hmjtz bill which cuts out a requirement for wntte~ partnta1 ~on befort a chii<tmay ~-such•• cWm. 111i amend{nertt still · allow• them. however. to keep their )'don&aters oot of sex tJCluc1Uo,n cl~; a p r a c ti c t 1en<r1Uy •bo""'ed by most school d~irlcts -olferlnf sucll COW'80I. '"11'ey get it a dUtrld whlcb says: To · hell wiili parents and we'll teach whit we wont," Sen. BurgM eiplllined In com· mentlnc on hls chancer, tadln& that few such dlJtrlcll .mt. Schmitz, apparently a su educatlon-ln- t11 .. ~1 fQe _u, anc1 ,.. stJt"!' In ~ doctrlilc ol th,. Jqlla Bl.ll'fl lloc:lety, to wblch he belonp, utd he will itlll '-'"""llil'biD • ' ' ' ' . .,.,.-.. . . .. ·11~ 1pi cll1111,.:mad1 in·the bill are a )>o)ltlCll r_,Jlty w)ilch elected :o!ftdibl muit race. • ' . ' 1• • 'Sclunlfs' bJll wU. one of twio rntqUrel: ' . • ' 'j '• .se~ educaUoo proeram in Sin Oieto .city schools. · The committee vpt~ April 16 for tbe secorut measure, a resolution by SChmtti asking aChoolll to initiate no nt'lf ·an: education proirams urltil a k1illative in- vestigation 11 conducted: 'The pending , eomproll)lse 6Ul 'by SchmlLI: still would Include •· reQuirement that 4iatrict attorneys enforce the measure 's provlaions and an. order to achool districts to 1how parenll lex educaUon material before It ls ~d&ht 1" Cle5'. · Tb• Si>te Board of Educotlon llid citizens' commiUees thoukt appn>ve sex educatlon malerlals, whieh alao should be shown to parents. The 'board's IU!dellnes, which do not have the force of 11w, alto call for Omphulzlng mor•l ·codcs llld "harmlul .cffeeta of. pmnarltal teJ, tt I ' 0 · Under Sdunltl' till! u wtll u the new ·gu!dellnel, school dlstrlcta .....,Id have tht power to inlUate.'thttr own 10 educ. lion prosrarria. -But their :exlltenct .._ or their abolltlon -~ not. bt roqulrod outright by. !he•ttole. • : it ' ' • I I I u i I ' Valley Man ; ! Wins Fight · j Ove1·1lomes ' . ~ I Ey TOl\t BARLEY ~ Of flMI D1llJ l'llllt ttllff . : A jubilant Fountain -Valley·himtownet today won his battle to halt the IArwfra Company's plan to build a $15 miDlan soo; home development. l Suptrior Court Judge Byrun JG McAfillan upheld the petitiG'i filed bY. Eugene Van Oask. 18526 Santa•Cru& Cir\ cle, and ended a bitter contlovfny that began with approval ol lhe deve&opmenC b~ t!te city council a~ planning com- mw1on, · The happy, Van Dask stepped from tht courtroom to hall the verdict U "coru,plete justification of the argument& of myself and many other homeowners bi Fountain Valley." Visibly shocked ·Larwin CompanY representaUves tefused to comment oq. the verdict. • • Asked bow tht...rullng would affect the plaitned tract, an attorney commented, "l just. have no idea what we're gofn8 to do. Thi! is certainly not what we ex..: peeled." Judge McAUllan's verdict nullifies aD action taken by the city council and planJ ning commiasion on the controv~ tract map. · • i Van Dask· has·cOnsistently argued that the Larwin Company's p\Bns to ba.lld M homes in the area were In 'violation' of density laws and he baa Contehded tl'lat the U5 acr" JlV4lved CG\lld ool1 be us<d roe: llf bomlr".,. , ,· Brqug)Jt . befqre the j\Jdge Wlf what 1t- tomeys for all four paniel •P"eed. wu !be )lord sg.~ of, th8 -: lbe JOii"' 'lmlOt\of #llillfC,""""""'·· .... 8lr' council . "rsem.ent of the Larw.in. ~·.,. irol>(l6ed 115.7f.acre devel-1ii"tarw~' t.up platmejl .; l.illd a 500-hOme. tit million complex In the sec- tor ~~ ~Y Ti!Dert and Ellis avenues and ~ctwlla and Newland ltreetl. Larwill paid !2.S million lo Wilford Lewis !'f Fountaiil Valley for lhe prime acreaae m early 1968. Their plans brought immediate op. position rrom Van Dask and the protest that the development indicated ei:ceeded establiahed patterns of home density. Van Da$k has repeated in Superior Court his argument that a target of 500 homes spread over lhe 115-acre development was 74 more than plannJng codes Could allow on the buis of the •create in- volved. Van Dask also contended thlt the coJDoo pleted trafl would · consldera'bty reduct the ·value. Of bb propetty. He has noted that Uie development would lie lesa .than 300 f.eet ·from ·bls ov1n home. Also Pointed out during the bearins was an argument that .. has produced ·bitter controversy thrOOgtiout Fountain Valley : that CO(llpleUon of the develoj>ment wouid bring about an abno~t inevitable and con~ siderable incrtase in the value of ad~ j3cept property owned by Councilman Joseph· J. Courreges and another member of the Courregea family .. Courreg~ is named .with fellow c:olin- tilmen Dtlnald Fregeau, Ed Just and John Harper and Mayor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger ln"the petition. Van Duk is also involved in a side issUe that hu not been airoli.in.tbe oounroom: •bid lo (See LAllWIN, Pace %) Orange Ceut Weatller "More or the ..Me11 ta the , weitherman's ditto macblne ,..e- diction for Thunday, .wUh 'auany alternoona undwiched by cloudy morning and evt!S'ling. akles aod upper .IO's fempet1t"""' : INSm E . TODAY ' . I Mzon,t -crna other t>rcsf. denta:' -100 dovs could MVf,. opproacl~ thos1 of the Prc•'- dtnt who re:volutionittd a M• tion in 10Mt U'OI ad1~t1 n d•~·· giwng blrtll to 111C Now Deal. Papt 12, i ; ' • • • I PILOT . • Wrfp11fw..A,el J01\M 1 t • ' ""'-'"* LOGBOOK • -· Traipsing Hinterlands With Nixon Watchers Ry ARTHUR R. VIN!l!L Of ""' Olllr ,, .... ,.,. • . .Bllblnc evtry world capital and low& whlstleatop on the prt:!idenuil _Itinerary, the White House Pri!ss Corps ls a flying circus Of journaUstic Red Barons, pursuing: the wily Pulitzer: 'lbe elite outfit descended on the Orange Coast some weeks back and all tndicaUom are that the .tradition will conu•ue en like the Pacific summer R~ 1'lde. . '"' . Now that President Nixon his proclaimed San Clemente as Baja Wuh· ingtcn D.C., or White HoUJe West, '"e ca.n upect to see our Capitol Hill col· l~s more often. Ginerally, the White House news crn wean a collective sneer for local yokel' reporters, from Bohunk, Minil., to whatever otbtr backwash the Great White Father brings hit personal greetlncs and entourqe. 1bti.r arrival in Utt Country, where the village names begin wjth San or Santa, where the chlldrtn are imperi]ed by a Kremlin version cf Ute Birds and Be~ and alJO hear Utterly tOo milch rock and roll music, wu no exception. * . Alter all, that group has an uncompromi!ing job, seemingly ordained to their capable hands alone: Reporting the news. sOme special touch may in· deed be required to quote what President Nixon said to Pvt. Elbert Koachako, cleaning a grease trap on KP at a Fort Huachuca mess hall, when his .com- mander·in-chief dropped in unaMounced. · · U JO, Jt escapes me. Norietheless, the capitol. news contin1enl lnarcbe(i past us provinCial *-trooPs al Mission San Juan Capl;trano like an Army of Occupadon or !lie Vat\cin Guild v~Una a beCJnners' catecl>i!m clw.' One glanCe by a network man ln a lavender jwnpsujt -with cameras around his neck and enoush wiring to llcbt one third of Tustin -put their lmpnssion """"'· Peesanll. Barbarian1. Couldn't even write a complete MDl.tnce. Not to be ~teid ~ valuables. Not tG be trusted wit hthe room number of the Wullington .n .... people party tonight. _ ";Look at them, they probably think we don't tven have underwear," arowted one vetetan Orange County nMvsman. • * Such neurotic speculation ended as the President arrlv.t. ,,.Somebody in a lavender jumpsuit blindsided me in the rw:h. My own pbo10 emerged from the darkroom as a closeup of a tweedy shoulder. I! we had a referee, NBC would cet 15 ylrdJ for clipplni. We nalivu ore euentlall,y a friendly lot wilb a sreat ...,.. ol r!Jylhm, but Umdln& lo the .....W, and outrlsbt nuty when it came lo laugblng al ooe Waahlngton phol•fraJ>i>er who had been aboard our preas hellcopt«. He phologr1pbed offshore kelp beds In the belle! he wu l!hootlng the no- lqer vilil>le Santa Barbara ChlMel oil slick, at that tlme foulln& beaches the Preaident wu oat to inspect Back in adion after lunch, we notlced the network man had apllled rich, sreert guacamole on bia lavender jumpsuit and consideied directing him to a One.Hour Martiniiing Cleaners. ,W~ didn't, Our W~gton news aathering visitors were ·terribly ..f~r from Capitol , HUJ. clvllization..acd. ~~ter all -lavender jumpaukl are not made to b8' : paUrXltd on the rockl: be!ide a UtUe .coastal creek. ' ' JOINS DAD IN D.C. Winner Goldw•ter Jr. • Young Barry /!:a,sil')'· ·JJ7ins House Seat - LOS ANGELES (AP) -Barry M. Goldw.ater Jr. wily won election to Coogms Tueoday In his first try for public office. At a Victory celebratioa, ·he-peJd tributt to his dad and moth« ·~or:lhe pbilooopby they lno!lUed In me of love for God and country an4 a 11roog belld in the worth d. each o( us u individuall." Republican Goldwater, a ~year-old bachelor l!Oekbioker.~ M,675 votes, or 57 perc"1\ lo 48,1133 for ~at John K. Van de Kamp, 3.1, an attorney.· Tbe returns "'"' complele 'but -· ficial In the apeclal eleclion In llie opraw~ Inc 27th Diltricl lo ~ a 'IOCCeioor lo Republican Ed Reinecl<e, who reelgned lo acoept appolmmen<ut: a 111 or n I a • s lieutenant governor. · The ltrllor Goldwater, U.S. aenator from Arizona and lhe Republican party's lllM pre.tldenUal candldftt, was ob- vtowfy proud. PlaclnJ a band on his SOii's shoulder, be told the victory celebrants: "Ih Jlves our family another chance tG pay • debt t.o the country ttiat has done so much for us." lQ. the camPaign. young Barry had emphasized that while he: wU i.nte:Mely prood ol his father, he dldn'I want his -· help. '. . :! t j\~ f l ' ~ , ' j ''Thil is ~Y campaign, In my district ," · ' Wfi>'lf , , J• t M • · ht 8'id Barry Jr.;"1 ¥v• hite. I pay W<es S . .. , ' : .0. "m'· #ii..... :t ~ 1-'mt ioyal!y here." j . ' ' 8 a.I. '-" ' Vari de ltaillp, alio a bachelor' and .c. • · • maldng his fin! bid lot office, conltnded it'.:: : •.. · • ~ 'f~ . , U!e name ._as Goldwater's only inajor !F!·;·. ·~' '· •1;·. · N .uset,andfbathelackedexperlenee.Van t 01'--. ' ma· egro u 1 · de Kamp trnphasiz.ed his nine years in "°-. ,-,: ' · . lllOll1 the u.s .. ~ey'a office and claimed ~= Ooldwater~w.u a carpetbagger wbo bad ~ ~ ... • voted in Afuona until last year. ~CHARLE&TON •. S.C. (UPI) -'Ibl down ,both sides ot ibe ptoctssion 00 Otherwise, their differences were only ·SM-ol Dr ~~ • .... _ K'-J ~ -'-·c1· · In d..,..., lloth 1 o o ii """''"" and ~~r.: , · •-wn -~· ~1 r." ~ ,, _ _, -'!· articulite,l they had ;!ip~~pus ~.donaed<abloe.-11et and *PPtd ~ ~ ilsuod 'a •laloinenl before ~ers, called for lul"lormand urg-¥1f 1tlC{inl m«e than 1.,5°0.e the sta£e0f 'tne mar:ch wMch iatd "I «1-uihonOrableendtoUiVletnamwar . "demol>ltrators ln a march on a state btlleve tmt Olarleaton, like Selma and Goldwater said he would leave f~ :\ bolptt.aJ. where Negro workers are Memphis, has now become.a natl<lnal test WashfngtOn as soon as possible to be · dtmmding union recognition. • of purpose., with tremendously important sworn in. Reinecte's term has another .~ The jubilant croY.'d of -·"'c"'-fillinc ltnpUcations for decent minded . year Md a half to go. ~ ..... inn·;, ~ericans everywhere. :,l ibt street 10 abreast h~ded lo tM stite "I :want to make it clear that I am in ; Medlcal College Hospital, the mU:cberi thia ~c llruggle, no m1uer what the :~dappin& ~ir nanos and ~.:11AJn'.t conteQ~. nc> matter what sacrifictl!I :· ..,nna. let nObody turn me 'round."· maybe necasary," rhe said. :·: Tbe march started at two minutes "I plan to 'devote my energy to bring bef<ft ooon alte Mr Cor«ta v•-leaden !run all walks ol Ille to ~~ drlwo to U. sit! in :;. unrnarbi~ ":; Otarleltm to demoostrate to the officials : oatkston. city deitectWes. of thla city and state tnat we aball : ~ Mra. JC1ng was surrounded by gruttrs overcome." : and walked into the middle of tbe crowd, ·, where abe pul on a blue cap with w!lite : letters readlni "H06pltal and Nun!ng ~ Horfte Worktrs Local llttB." ' The marchers moved out fa.st. Ptlllce ~ ran lo 11aJ1 lllead ol lbem In leadlnc the : ' way, and other officers zoomed up and .. ~.-~~~~~-~~~-~. '• .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. , , .. ; • i' ' l1A!l V PllOT l•it•rf N. Wat4 ,.,.._. ... ~bl'1f'cr J_,;,ir Ill. Cwtay Vite ,, .. ._, ..W o.Mrt MWl':r n.,.,,, Kttvil ·-1~--A. Mvr~l11t ~·Iii~ A"'9rt w. ••t•• w11n,. ••-' ~-Hlilllllll•hilrt ltllW (lty hltw ................ °'""' Jtt ldi Str• .. M•r.~, Alft• .. 1 •.o .... "'· t2"41 --~'1 lhtcfl: 1n1 w .. """-9tlltMir1 C:.tlt M99; -... , .... ''''" l-~Ut,., .... _ From Page 1 WINDFALL .•• their lawsuits for Uie two succeeding years. Listed as impounded were the folk>wing tax sums: For l96U5, $4&2,9S~ plus in· terest ; 1965-66, $662,411, plus interest; )ileM7, $998,615, pill> inte....t tor a gand tatal of !i,113,1185. County Auditor.controller Victor Htim a&Jd the' amount to bt released will in- clude $3ff:7S7 in accwnulated interest. . Lsrgest llhgle benefit wlll go to the Huntington Beach Unk>n High School Disllic4 f61B,3n. Other large amounts, all !IChtduled for disbursement tod_, include $509,152: to the county's general' fund, $363,5$2 to the HuntingtGn Buch City School District, $166,607 to the Orance Coa9t Junior College District, $2f7,434 to the dty of Huntington Beach, $$3,'29 to the city or Seal lletcl1, IS2.m to the s.11 B11ch Elementary School District and 169,039 lo the·COllllt1 Flood Control District Kuyper warned however, that the war wu Dot over even though one battle had been won. "Shttilar litigation will be pursued by the oil companle1 to rrcovtr taxes paid under protest rw the t.a.1 years beginning 'f\?lb 1117-'ll," Cbe, coouly counsel said. ''Thil lilllatloa will be dll!mnt from the previous casea becaute laws wtrt trllCted by the state Lt1Wature Jn JH7 16 -tax ttlie! lo oil and ,.. In-_ In the valuaUon ol ro7alU ... "II la the posliloa d this counl7 and olhtrs that Ibis letiJiaUon Is un· OOhltituUonal and ao the aRellOI' ta ~ llGUlng to -the Po<,._, -In the la.mt mlm'M!I', in spite ot tht: kllbJallon and thtn tax monies ere being Impounded 00 poym<nl under pro- test," Kuyper concluded. • ~---------------~-·------ Pregnant Woman Held on Drugs A S2-year-old pregnant s t a n t G n housewife was arrested by police Tues. day and jailed on three charges of felony drug violation. Stanton officers, culminating a Ex D>ooths ln-lption, obtained a Wln'lllt for the arrest of Mrs. Velma Zagala of 12371 Santa Rosalia St. Police said they found '7 ,000 benztdrlne tableta ln the home with a retall value of !'150. fl.trs. Zagala was charged wit h pos.t1essioo and sal¥ of d&ngerous drugs and furnishing drugs to a mlnor. A 16-year-old Anaheim girl was taken Into custody at the residence and charged with possession of dangerous drug• with intent to sell and possession ol injecUon paraphernalia . Officers said tht &irJ, a runaway, had several needle marks on her anns. She wu Ween to juvenile hall. From Pa9e 1 LARWIN ..• recall Mayor Schwtrdtfegtr and coun· cllmtn CGurrtgea and Frff,NU from of· fice as the res!Jlt of their lnvolvtment in land ust lasues stemmtna from the tract map eontroYersy. City Planning Director , S t I n 1 e y MansJjelii had to repealedl:y derend bis density assessment during the hearing. The development uu, ht said, conalsted .ol the lotll tract map acma• 1... the a"""'' ttpr...m.d by pUbllc ltrfftl and a pn>Pofed eiemeotary ocllool'llte. Elephant Performs A11111, the perfonninc boby elephant, will 1rell tile public lo a dilplay of htr ~~and 1'rlday al U. Hun- tlngton Center. Show time i~ 2 p.ln.1 4 p.m. and 7;IO p.m., Tt>Ul'lday and n a.m.1 J p.m. and 3 p.m., Friday. PQor Program (!)fle1'i I ,I •> • NiitQn P;lam '$1 Million for 1Vohilrteei ·Work . . '" ~ . . , . . . ' ~ • W~NGTON (AP) -Pr.,ident Ni« · "if we are to find solutions to the fuir · hclp· Ill a ~eigllborllood ·~~ school on 11.uDtJwd • pr4Cl'arn .today, to ·help spectrum .or our nation 's· ,problem1;': ·or-N.iting 1un4s·w ~~·pnt enlist mtllionl·ot Amertclll! In vohmleer Romney •aid, "w~ mu.It empt07 the full • corprillon "I!"(~·~ emich conwun1t)i -...rfort& ·io·.,help deai.;..wiUl--nngeof-eU11 l't90llf'CeS.t'.!.. .. .... a aeheol ~---:<i":"'· . ·urb;al'I an4 povertt;JKO~lems.. < , f!e el~ .iuch ~am~, ., ~ll~ie "'3'~ ,we_ ~~l( enlist ever:, "Peopl~ can teach where -governmeni 51.~ents IJVUll{ tbe.ir lim~ to tQtor nmer. AIJierlc~ ai a 'i.cltiilD volunteer, canqot, people .can do whlt government -dty chifdrin:, ~ves v~ to ~~11id. caruiot, '' Ni:rOn said in a statement calt. ' ing on· Aht«feans Jo join .in .common enterprlse1 to help one another. ! - Nixon plans to pwnp $1 million into an elfort to enlist volunteers a C r o s s America. He said he wUI Set up ·a Cab1nct Committee on Voluntary Action, y;•itlt Secretary George Romney of the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development as its chairman. and establish a cleari ng house for infor1natlo:l on \vhcrc volun· tee rs and volunta ry programs are m':lst needed. The President said that millions of AmeriCtnS-have u:ked how and what !hey can do to help and 111e dtief aim of this new effort will be to gi ve them some answers. "One of the chief aims Gf this ad· ministration is to help f() match up the willing hands wiU1 the tasks that need doing," Nixon uid. He emphasized that An1erica "necd:f the enlistment of the energies and resources o its p e o p I e -not as substitutes for government action, but as supplements to it ... Nixon said: "America needs the hearts and hands of its people, joined in those common enterprises, small as well as large, that are the mark of caring of the community." Max Fisher, a Detroit businessman ac· tive in volunteer efforts, was named to serve as special presidential coosultant on voluntary action, to wor k with Romney and the commiltee. At a White House briefing, Romney emphasized that his role woold be one or an ambassador with the private sector and that there would be nG encroachment whatsoever on the private nature of the far.flung social service, hea lth, welfare, 'community, civic; fraternal and other private orgaoizatiom now operating. In a statement. Romney .qooted from NiX'<ln's inaugural address referring to "America's crisis of the spirit'' and said that the spirit of the people must be engaged. ~· LSD Gets Coast Man PJ•ison Term A Corona del ,Mar man whG wa s sa id in court t°' have had in. his . possessiGn "enough LSD to blow 3,000 nilnds" must serve one lo five years in state P.rison for the drug offense. · Christopher Motgenroth , 24, of 2721 Fifth Ave., drew a prb'on term from Superior Court Jlidge Robert Gardner. Morgenroth, d!Seribed as a "bJg dealer in LSD" was saJd by prosecutor Al Wells .to have bad $3,400 worth of the illegal drug on his person at the time of arTest. Undercover agenlS testified t h a t Morgenroth sold them LSD on three separate occasions. He was arrested at his home last March 14. CONV&NIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE DAILY PILOT Shfl Plltl9 'ONDINE' CAST -Members of the Fountain Valley High School drama department are shown in a scene from "Ondine," opening to- ni ght . From left are Christy Smith,. Paul Skvorc, Sheri Fatmer, Sharon Murphy and Sherrie Mategorin. · • Can Mortal Mm1 Split Love Of Goddess, Real Woman? Can a mortal man split between the Jove ol a Goddess and a real woman decide his fate ? Tune in for the answer tonight when Fountain Valley High School drama de· partment begins a four day run of the romantic fantasy "ODdine." "Oiidine" will be presented At g p.m. in the student theater, tooight, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. . Written .;by Fl'encbman Jt1.n -:Girauddux, the plat depicts the problems of a ge.rrnanie knight, Hans Ritter, who loves Ondlne. a mysterious girl from &be aea, and alSG IGv~ a mortal princess, Bertha. , Kathleen Dunne of the Fountain Valley Drama Department J1 dintctinC "Ondlne." Cast members include Tony Skvorc as , Hans, Stiaron Murphy as Ondine, Christine Weaver as Bertha, Jean Howard as the Old Man of the Sea, Mike Green as the Lord Chamberlain and John McGrady as the tcing. Tic kets for the play may be purchased at tbe school er at the door. ' • for one mOAth only .8CITe•20% on Towle'• •El Grand .. and «in; Richard ., PGHeru In' solid.Uver THIS OFFER GOOD MAY I THRU MAY 31 llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA ll YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 14 •• !401 • ' ~ ' . I • • . , • • • Saltdlebaek ' . I• ' N. Y. SteelUI - -,_ EDlflON " . ~or. 62, NO. ;101, .. SfCTIONS, 9.~ P.AGES ~ , r ' ORANGE .COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .:: . . ' . •, ' TEN CENTS I County , , ·' DPWl.t tlae ·~Mission . I ' ·Trail Capo Schools Cut Summer Classes Capistrano Unified School District Trustees ft1onday took action deslsned to pare $600,000 from nexl year's school budget, but they lefl 1he total job undone and will meet again next ?.1ondaY 'to ltnisb. Trustees voted to eliminate sunnner 1chool, with the exceplion of less than 10 c1UleS to· be pro_vided for seniQn wbo ~. ·• basic course to graduate. ~y wil1 maln!-a;in 1 Ult -pre~~w 1 f n• despite enrollment inceaseOf about 1 .~ 1,000 students.T bis means waiting areas \..;JI!" '1tO en.nded, and staggered school . sWur\e umei·w.111 be implemented. ' The~. l!JrecteO the high schoo_l principal to , pl.In an 87-teacher curricul~m. This means. an average five and one-half period day for studenls, an education aYl!!'tge ol ooe period. 1bey also directed the junior high ~I principal to cul that curriculum from seven to six periods. ,, e Viejo Gro11p Ele.,t• MISSION VlEJO -BrorU Warren has been selected president of the Mission Viejo Association of Artists a n d Craftamen in the group 's recent election or nine officers. Also elected are: Ellen Tanney, vie~ president; Annette Shaefer, secretary ; Carolyn ZUbeis, recording secretary; Lowana Carter, treaS,U,rer ; Sharon Paulson, publicity; Doris Swanso n , workshop chairman, Norma Black, mem- bership chairman. and Vaughn Miller, exhibit chairman. Mrs. Swanson is the past president. Fifty of the association artists will be parliclpatillg in a Cinco de '-fayo ex- hibition to be held in conjunction with the high school PTO'• annual fiesta to be held Sunday. ........... Boat Co11r•e Otlerell DANA POINT -The United States Power Squadron is offering a 18.fe bQJting course of 12 lectures beginning at 7:15 p-.m. Tuesday, May I, at Richard Henry Dana School, 24242 LI Cresta Drive, Dana Point. The series Is free of charge and tn- clUdes discussion on safety aOoal, seamanship, I.ids to navigation, charl.ing, pilotiDg, mariner's compass, government nautatlons and rules or the road. ~tration may be made at the first cliss aes&oo. ·• ••t 1,,.,.,.,,. Cost JuMpa ' ' CAPISTRANO BEACH -Hot school lunchts for t,IOD elementary and junior hip ll<lloot students of the Capistrano Uni.Oed tchool District will cost five cents more per plate beginnln& Monday. The: 1,na'ual will raise the prU of the bot Jlmcll'from 35 io 40 cents. II aff'91 atudmll' at Marco Forster Junklr' Hijh. Dona Sdlool. Coooordi•. Crown Valley, Ole H....., PaliJadea, San J11111 and Lu Palmu elementary adKx>la. e Arcs, Cr•lt• Dbpl•w lol!SSION VIEJO -Miits ind crafllm•• of the Mtulon Viejo Art AllocilUon will iuive their wans on et· hlbil Ill the Cl)lcol de Mayo flala IJ:30 p.m. SUnday II Million Viejo High 8cbool. • . • Ill Switch~ OKs Niguel Tract, 4 to I .. '. Cong Alter ·• -. ~ Stand; 01{ , . Saigon Talks PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cong, In an abrupt change ol policy, said today it was willing to ta1k· peace with the "other parties" -meaning the government ol South Vietnam. Previously it sakl it would talk onJy whh the United States. Supervisor Alton Allen said the Salt Creek Road question bad been resolved by the Olunly Counsel'• office and urged · that the map be ·approved. He said the delay was coaling tbe i.a&wia Nicl\01 Corp •. '9,•a day. . :;.... Att.Omey-AJ,u...,.~e, representing Laguna Nigu'i!l, safd the sole queSUon before the board was.: "Does the tract map' comply with the Subdivision Map . Act." He said the county pal~ing sta,ff and commission •£l'eed that3J did. - s .. · . President Ncuytn Vin 1ble\I ol sooth Vietnam iwree proposed direct "5ecrft - talks between !.he two .. s,!4~ in J}ope:s of reacb,ini some solution"' to the "bnpassfl that his blocked the Paris talks 1ince they began. 'l1!e Vlei COni "'I/fed 11&'.- idea at' N11Jne. • - ' • Bowle al!o said the >:att Creek road "The Incl map Includes the Salt Creek que&Uoil would be r I)' setUed in the Beach. You have the power to rtq\iue courts, "Where it =-s." Counsel'Kuyper agreed wltll Bowle. Mr1'. Keeley persisted: "I q-tho· county's right to :runlmatjly abandon tbt Balterj,, st!JI •against~PP"?~~ f1fplied • ~iuna Niguel" to give· public access to \bl& be r~ •_ · .. ·c..;.,.J~t \he the beach between Monarch Bay and road ." . board will ac:ceJif;81di ~proper Dana Poirlt," Mrs. Keeley charged ... y~u -Kuyper again noted thll the n.d aubo study," ... 1' •• • -.... -r ar:e elect.i to--prot~-J,ublic as--lttU.-.J~ was not before the board todlJ • '1 1 ...Mrs:ffei1en.K~eley, f~er Grand Jury·¥ .as priv~te interests." . -Al!en then moved for approval el the 1nember . 8nd ·a former Laguna Be.ac11 Bowie replied that Mrs. Keeley's legal map, but' the motion falled for-*'-d. a COWlcllwoman, a COfliiAtent foe of the conclusions were erroneous, that the • second. abandonme11t of Salt Cfeek R.Oad, then board can not add requirements to a Battin mov~ to delay ccnlderatlm for jOUJ_~ the jray. . •1 · tr~Ct map up for approval. ~ty ·; (See ~ALT CRU:X,ll'lll 1)1 ' . , .. -•. ~ • I . ,. .. • ,' a ..... •, oos Board Says • $267,500 Too Much By RlmARD P. NALL Of !tie tt.lb' Plltt Stiff :I :1 " 1 Lilguna's teactJers have asked for tin~ Pres?iye satary h!cr~~es irl, ihe cornlng1 school year, ~ more at \h• bot!Ofll .net 112.?IO"mor< at the fop. • · ' . The' ia/i,Y .iiche<Nte ' propoaed· bi . ~.icherS wtJUld'pu!h the, b;a:;e sal~rY from. ' '8,400 to '7,2111. '!'11• max1111um salar)o I011 13 years experience, M colle1e units ,and . a Meter's ·.deg'1* would CUmb from $12,530 to $15~!0'. . • ' U would' be pWible·for a_ teachet. .. wit.tc I doct9Rte -~ert° is one i,n the district -to make somewhat mo~. His \GP . would climb !tool $13,1112 to $11,0IO. . . '~~ckering accomplf~ei 't Iillle. 'J\\d\111 ni8hl at a school bolnl 1 .r1tUctr •*· Ctller than1 , F . ,~ ' , ,; '"'i -·.,~ _,AJ '1i~t 4 trustees that· the The Uniled 'tales met the Vlei Cool orfer toUy·with a restatement ol a ma· joi' conca~· fll'Sl made last Thursday at· thi! w.., talks -) in otfet to neg0tta1e• ml)!lary ,apd pQ!iUctl matters siml\ltan-ly. P,mlaualy ~ wanted military matters. setUed ~ore therw f' ,,'J J • ·•I lli~ ::: ~ ·1:9~ No~·. ::-. ;, . ' • &&~PILOT _ _,""' -pactiqe ,ol pro~ fl'(lll \ ,leacMrs • . ' • . whldl ""'Id eoot 1237 ,500 ln!Ually luJt , wam.'t feUible because the money ~ I .t ~ t ' i . f~ •~>'' ' . "':ere poliUcaJ ~. ~ U.S. Amblliiador Hell?', Cabol Lodge abo sugated that ~t on a mutual wtilidrawal of. ujetnal f!JC<el "by r~asonab" stages" coufd' ~ to peace. Hanoi ml tho Viel COni contend the only foreign troops, ID Vietnam ·ltt the Americans and their allies and that the Americana ahould pull out immediately. · "()Jr side is ready to begin movin1 !See PARIS TALKS, P11e Z) Citizens Tell Idell$ of Future Approximately 30 percent of the more than t,000 questionnaires to help lhape Laguna Beach ·fO&ls have been retiinied to city hall. • The massive mailing -part. of the,car· rent general plan study -was ~ to resident.I of the c:lty and its environs. Al Autry; city planner, said the 2$- member Cit~ Advisory Council (to' the g-ar plan) hope.s to becjn tsbujali!ig results ol the quesUonnalril Dell week~ Results will be coded and key punched to fe«l into a computer, sakt Autry. Results will be uaed by the planning Ulf aod coosuJt.ants in di.stilling major '*' for the cify1s fUture. AboUt 10 percenl of the mallinl wont to the 8ludeQt body of Lquns Beach lllch ~ Autry aid the answers ol .YG9tb are bein& collected this· weei. - The city planner aaid many of the q.aes. tion.s re.ulted in additional lengthy wrlt; ten commentary by persona lllllnc ou1 qtJl!lf.iQMalres. 'The forms are still beinC1 accepled, said Autry. ~ti.l ."'·•·f.'J ' Tom l!i>Otli;;Rita:'€Utlft" Harley DeGfalf ,AIJj!. diriC· ' t ~lf~I· ..... '· ·, "" ! I ;u·.Wf~ al S:IS p.Ql., al•)Aguli t ~l'h<>!lse., '. . uot .bi-khert.'"\.. ~ ,.. ~ .. ' t -A 'rtcJllOsl mat !etchen aid ti liolnl . ' ~ ' . . ... . . . . tor . Mi\zi.~lli'ferJaildi <.tn:m 1e11r pu~;.: ~,)itt,le 't'" he!":"al time in J>!ePanti°'} for spfi•f c.;n:~ SU~ : .da~ -b.Y 35:!ll"'11lllr .F•uyal of *rt. Chorale.' Group ·'1?'?!1-~~g th~ Cjll!C~r),~ill be.al!<t<11o.l'?<J'ke,, , a: ,1.sird'ooation. 1 .-" ~~~=~~ I·~~ blRi -A fequeiil tttiaf \'u.e T e-'a ch er• ~~ arrlv' af-•· .llrPI dale for the <OOCl\lllon al ialjli7 D11olla·, UO{lS .wtul the boatd. ' , . - ;, r -' ' ,. • I .. . ' N~.,'l'!tPr•daf , ., .... -'-'" S~.$._J,~ht~',Gel~mgi.~t, . --·' \ ., .-.J· .. . ' , ' For ·~~enada,·'l.l;~Gfi .~~ . . . . ' ; . I~ ; :-: ' Brigg's Ask; "Me~t With GrQnd .Jury . . ' ' ' J ' After Critici,sm ,'.: · Teii!!ler repmenlal-· had aitud)' ""'fhed"oul ~ ft aorta. T'l'O ., l))e !lat would be•ID -'"' tho'p>inl 1ystem from ~JI to "8 per point. ACCKUE· POINTll Assemblyman .JoJm · v. Brina u1: FulleriDll) ha• teqU<lted • meettn;.wltll lhe Oran(e COWiiy Gland Juey '1n I.litter to the Jury's1foteman1 WIWatn D.1Martin · or Laguna Beach. The me<urii, llrigp said, woUi'~ !Ao iO Tt.clienc accnk ,poll!ta f0< both amount qi ecluca\)oo and amowil ol U • ~-Tead!en ..timaled lhat bn. plem.llon .of \he doll.r lno'ease for pi>ln!i wOuid' coat the dlstrlol $171,tlOO ID the coming school yeer. Also~ is an increue m the In-" crtmental tncn:ase1 that a teacher f receJV.s (of qc;b year with the ~. • · II woul~ p fnlnl''331.50 per year le $00. 1 (See IAURIES, P1r I) < • discUss his ·~rote as a member' of 'the · Ca!Uornla Legislature." . ~ YORK (AP) -'lbe 1 Io c k Bfiigs• letter to M.lrttn folloWed madet, wltfl. investOrs 1D1h11sfvUc .and Iii comq off the sldellnis, took a pm,slep' critictam by the Grind Jurjl a retolJ. fontant la u,trtnleii he!M' lrodllli to.• 11on charging 111a1 Brtgp "has .fMi~Jy day. <See ~l>aces-.rl). aiinowi~ thafbe-whl ool iuP!l'll1 anY . II'be Dow J-tndualrial ... ...,.1eot • county leltsll!U~· P'l'l'llP& '"."ti! '.~b oil from ~amt .r1n:a p.m. WU . tiJna U !her' 'boia beto 1 ~iai(>o thol the up 1U3 II •,!I· , ulallng branch of the. Superior Cdlrt . · wbkh ~ locliliid Iii ·J'Qlltrtoii ~ilia ID 11111 ctty."' · • · · · ,, • '· Or•••e .BtJaa ~ the 4aries, Ind, ol ~ • · lime ol the i:esolullon, req.,.oted aa apolOIY. ··' Jlut'hli lft!er lo Martin m1kea no m.,.. !loll ol the r<quat. • BriQI' loller pro-lhlt tho pre.a be invited"° 1ttend tbe -'Intl with tllo ' Grond JUI)'. w ........ . \ . > , No Lions·: Thi$ Sun11i1er. · The 1otttt al,. Jnvllts Mlrlill to •1111 Briggs 11 the Slale C.pttGI In Saenmli> IO; with Brigs J"dlng up the lab. "More of lbe _... ls thl weitherman'.1 ditto IJ'ilehlae pn- rdtcllon fer Tlmrlc!"1· with ._,. ' aflemoolla --I>!' cloailJ monilng 11111. ~ -ml upp:r, IO'a Jemponiures. ' . .. ,. ' .. ' Laguna Area Drive-in , ioo Plans Set Back for Year'· I · · • • There will be no "I.loo In Summer" !er OranaoCo\ioty this year. Lion Counlr)' Safari, I mu!U-m!Won dollar drlve-tbrou&b ... planned , .... '"" .. Irvine -al the nortll tnd ol l.aJllDI Canyon Rold ]ull eut of tbe San Diego Frffway, WU fjrl( beUeved to be headin& toward a aummu completion date. Liie everyl.hin,-else, it .ee.ms. the project wu' delved by tbe ~l winter ralaa which hK the ...aitand. Now, the Irvine Company•• David Easley, mana&er of 1enera! uSes and lwing, Is leotinl to 111 Ofl<llinl one year .• . I CounU, ... la ll'ml.• lo !JI days, ~ lq Mid. lallllLllll~-II the pn>Jo» II ts_,_lllillloD ...... ulllmato 1'111 • flt -ho l tmDe ts feoOlDC Ibo .... lo N1Uonal Lelaun, Inc. for 30 yan. 1.-will be acting bn!y u landml, Ealey said. Within the coolineo ol the pmervo; more !ban 500 anlmllo lncludll!g. lions, 1irafle1, el~ts ...... crocodlle1 and hJppopolaml • wil\• Winder in I 1r.,.p1antec1 Alrll:an e!lvln>nmenl • PILOT TO 'AIR' ENSENADA IU€E , . . Newport B.,ch radio, 14'!1on KOCM (101.lll'M) wlll bl-~ .. the Nfwp6rt n-i..-..ia.. 1.1<1¥ rn dlrtclly ~ AllMI 1.ocU,!Joo', llAILY '!11.ot' b9ollng ..i119r, !tom 'l)uraday'a ,_ •llrl·llll!li the 1',llCO ll • rmitbfld. , • INSIDll '1'89AY ...... •II ::'.... ,,~ c..>1 C'(191" • • ~··~ ~ .::'. ....,_ .i....:..... JJ ! •• !;;; ......... -. • •• :---• ... ._ . -. • • I I Thi aaociafion pJw aeveril booths to dtmlfstrate cerllllia: and collqe •• wtU 11 ~ -.iembershlp recruitment table. ...from now. ' Construction wUI btiln on th •)';ion Human vi1ttor1 tO the fJrtMl'Ve wil "sal1rl" through the pork locked In !bet' autorri'obilel. Armed game wardens wll1 patrol the area to maMe ...1ure boti animals and people bthaYe l~8'!selve.,, Reports will be bro1dc1H • proximately every two hollrt from .. ThOradoY until 1llJ>Off al l 1,m. l'ridOI'· Tbey will be eontfuUlld Prl~ll)' and·Sllllr· d1y fnm I a.m. 1lp en umtl I a.rn. l\iPOfr. ~ l ~"":'f.lf • . I ~~~~~...?~~~-~ . ').f ' • ... J I ' I I • .f -- l •• :PILOT . - LOGBOOK ·· ' , ., . Traipsing Hinterla11ds ~ith Nixon Watchers . ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .... °''~ .... Jtlff BllWn& every world capital and Iowa whistleatop on the presidenUal Itinerary, the White House Prus Corps is a flytnc circus of journallatic Rtd Baroni, pursuing the wily Pulitier. The elite outfit deseended on the Orange Coast some. weeks back and ill indicatiorui are that the tr1dltfon will conUnue on like. the Pacific summer Red Tide. Now thlt President Nixon hu procl1imed San Clttnente ai Baja Washington O.C., or White Howie Wut, we can expect to set our Capitol Hill colleagueii more often. Generally, the White House news crew wears a col· lecUve sneer for local yokel reporter~, from Bohunk, Minn.. to whatever other backwash me Great White Father brings his personal greetina:s and entoura1e. Tbelr arrival in Utt Country, where the village names be- ,._ gin with San or San~ where the children are Imperiled by a Kremlin version oC the Birds and Bee& and also hear utterly too much rock &Dd roll mUIJ.c, y,•as no excepUon. * After all, thal group has an uncompromising job, seemingly ordained to theJr capable hands alone : Reporting the news. Some special touch may In· deed be required to quote what President Nixon said to Pvl Elbert Kosciusko, cleaning a grease trap on KP at a Fort Huachuca mess hall, when his com· mander--in-chief dropped in Wlannounctd. If so, it escapes me. NOQethdess, the capUol news contingent marched pa.st us provincial press troops at Mission San Juan Capistrano like an Army of Occupation or the Vatican Guard visiting a beginners' catechism class. One 1lance by a network man In a lavender jumpsuit -wilh cameras around his Mell: and enough wiring to light one third of TUltiD -put their impression ~croas. Peasllnb. Barbarians. Couldn't even. write a complete sentence. Not to be trusted around valuables. Not to be trw:ted wit hthe ~ number Of the Washington news people party tonight. . "Look at them, they probably think we don't even have underwear," growled one veteran Orance County newsman.' * ' Such neurotic speculation ended as the President lrriv~. Somebody In 1 lavendfl' jumpsuit blindJided me In the ruah: My own photo emerged from the darkroom at a closeup ta a tweedy tboulder. If we had a rd'tret, NBC would get 15 yll'da fer 'cUpplng. We naUves are ~ a lriendly lot with a gr..i -ol rilytbm. but t.ndlng to the aensual, and ouui,ht nasty when H came to lauchJnl at cme WullJn&lon pbotosrapber who had been abolrd our pna he!lcoptlf. He photographed ofbhore kelp beds in the belief he wu lhootJni the no- Jqer vlllble Santa Barbara Channel oil 1Ucl<, at that time foullni beach., the President waa out to inspect. • Back In aollon after lunch, we noticed the networt man had 1pUled rich, green guacamole on his lavender jumpsuit and conaidered dlrect1n1 him to 1 One-Hour Martinlzlng Cleaners. We didh't. • Our Washington news gathering visitor1 wen terribly far 'from Capitol :Hill, civillzaUon and -after all -lavender jumpauks are not made to be ,;p0i.mdec1 on tbe rocks 1f81de a llt , '.~.~·er. '· ;. ftfw.in • ·l4"1. ' • • •. ; •~e:. . ) ~;~ BrQthers in Same .Hospit.al _ Bed ; ~ BJ ARTHUR 11. VINSEL • ..... ., ... 9llUf '"" lllff . .. ~. . . ;~~'forward lo his oon'• bedside · Jilill-.nt in Ume. .; '°•It Rs iiM of !battering," said Q)ata )!esa realty company manager Bill j;dunld~ -visited the Balboa Naval Jf'ogpitll In San Diego Sunday. .. He was seeing not • ghost, but U· prilllclng the psy.cholo1lc1I j>henomenon known as deja w -reeUnc .. has undergone an idenUCll oc- 1:umnce ·In the past -and with. good ftl!On'. :· Army Capt. Ronald Schmidt, Z9, lay ln $Yard 6-C, ged 10. the 11ame ward and bed •here Navy Lt. Donald Schmidt, his twin f>rotber, lay four years ago with slmllar ~urles also suffered in a Veitnam com· ~1t air crash. • Public lnformaUon officers at 1he Navy 'osoital said Monday they hive 1,989 Ws and no alphabetie1I aulgnment pro-iectum, tht11 making odds on the coin-. hlence phenomenal. ~ ''When I waUted in and found him In "e ume bed, it wu eerie," said DAI l V Pl! 01 ORAHGE COAIT •VlltSHll'tG C.OMl"AN'r Jellerf N. Wee• Pfttilleflt .,... '"""'....., Jeclo: l. C¥rle.,. Via ,,.,....., -Ofl\et"e.i M.INl"r Tt.•111•1 ICeefll ..... TJt.11111 A. M¥rHl11t Mlfllllnt ••11'.or Jiehetll P. Ntll ·--Cl" • ..._ ---222 hte1t A.,.. M1ili111 M•11iu P.O. lu U6, t2612 --a.s. Melll! -Wfll ·~ ~ ....,.,. 9"UI: J1'1t ........... .., .... ,.. U11H1IMIM a..dlr .. J11i1 '"""' Schmidt, ol 297Z Teakwbod Place, Costa Mesa . 'n>e JCene must also be eerie for Donald Sdunldl -.. """ flnllhing up law school 1t the Unl~rs:lty of San Diego and drops in occui.OD1lly to 3Wap war stories with hil twin brother. Donald spent five month1 convalescing fr:am injuries iuffued when he bailed out of. tµs· aippted F4B Phantom jet oa a Vietnam corpbat, mission atKI wu· rescu~by hellcopter. Ronald SCbmidt fices appro1lm1tely tbe same-length 1ssignmen1 to Ward 4-C, Bed 10, with a shattered knee in mechanical traeUon and his smashed jaw rebuilt with wire, followln& a bellcopter crash. The elder Schmidt 1ald his Army or- ficer son waa,..dlrecUng a tank cavalry maneuver aboard 1 helicopter IO mile1 from Saigon Mar<b t wllen the pilot swooped down to reeonnolter a jU?11:le cleartns. "He said when the grouodlire opened up It sounded Ute New Year's Day In Chinatown, but he threw hlm1t:lf to the noor and atarted ahooUng back," Schmidt said Moodly, Evari.,.. ~ ceme too late, however, and Ute chopper crashed. but a rucue ship wu.quickly dispatched to evacuate the tnJurtd mrvtvon. ·11'1e three Schmidt 10CW are no stl'lnjftt'S to olr CTUhes «lo lho DAILY PILOT, when! their father was a ltlff member until mitring the ... uy field. Several yean a101 the Schmidt. 80ll who chose the Marinta wu flying out of El Toro MCAS, when his plane developed tf11inc trouble and crashed into a movin& Santa Fe train ne1r the base. The )'OllJll Marine officer ...,.ped with hi,. lile and DAILY PILOT Editor Thomas Keevll , who~ train trip w1s temporarily derailed, provided on-the- apot ntws coverage 1t the set:ne. UCLA Social~Welfare Dean Cohen Quits LOS ANGtLES (UPI) -Dr. Nathan Collen Tutldl,Y announced hla rea1enau.n •• dean of -UCl.A'a tebool ol tOetaJ weUau. He uiil Jl wu lmposiible &o car-' ry out hla plant to ...r onn Iha deportment and at lbe aame Ume metl the deinandl of lludonl a<!Mltl. Colltn, ' natlanali, known •llJ!lft ;., toclaJ Wtlfart, ~ P'rldl,Y. VJCe Cbancollor Dtv!d ~ uld ll>e o-,..r. old, Harvard.U1tned , IC;holar a c t e d "without di!cussion arid wtth no warn. Ing." ' M-~ • ors 1 ~, Agree: No Jet Airport ~ tl>at Ille;!°' C4untr ~-thOuld "" ... lnlo a ~ Jtl lll'port lid lo<lar II)' Ille' ... ,.... "· ~ ~'h and Coata Mesa at a mOellnJ ol Or e Coun· ty COast Association. "Costa Meaa ,,is dlamet.rical oppoaed to the expan1ian and enlargement ol Orange County ·Airport," Mayor Al vin Pinkley declared, at the BalbOa Bay Club 1ession. Nolin& !hit one airline (Air Calilomla)' hu augge.ted Jmgthen1n1 the runway at Orange County Airport and mending the runway over the San Dle&o freeway. - ·Plllllt1 Mid: "U Ibis ,m"""",c"' .will ~vt.,.. jtt 'ab1icirt-'~ ·, ,,,,_J uw1 * eye to eye with Newport • Blich cit thlt, but we have a differtptt. ap~ch ~ •#rll>U!J!inj_ ,l\mt goal,'" tbe COala .Mua. m'i.yor 111erted. , • N~rt ~ach'1 ~!!)Oil jlllct_Qr11111c. Coot\ly Airport shoufd-ultlini.tely serve as a rhet:roport providing air ~ervlc't to cltlel'.Jn a 400-mile-rahg,e with sbOrt take-. off and lan~rif lllrcra!t; and for prl~ale genenil aviation, was rufflnned by Mayor Doreen P.tarshall. • "CommerclaJ service to tht -Pacif:c Northv.·est cities from Orange County l'rom Pcse l TEACHERS'SALA«IES ••• Hence a teacher of two years would receive an additional fl40 from this source. Another benefit_ sought is reduclion iJ\ the length of time it takes from a teacher to double his beginning pay. 'Ibis Ls now done. in tbe district in 13 years. Teachers want the time factor phased dawn to 10 years t'o reach the top. Trustee Robert Turner shoWed a graph he bad constructed and maintained that the teacher packet of proposala weighted the increast1 . heavily in favor ·of ex· pe.rienced teachers. WANT FLEXJBlLITY Turner II.id the district wanted to leave l'-'<ll flexible and keep the salary schedule aedquate at the bottom and middle u well as the. top. Jeny Neummn of the Teacher Salary Comm!Ltee Aid !lie propoaaJ would put llarllng lalarles above the 17 ,000 mark l'rom Pcse· J SALT CREEK • • One week, and um pawd 4-1 with Allen dislenUna. At tllll poln~ oupervisora dlocovered that two of their memben will not be present next week. (Willlaiii Hintein and .WUllam PhllllPo will be out ol town on county bllalnesl.) The bol1d discuaafd pootponln( the matter for two weeks. Bowle, who had already left' the bear~ ing room, was called back and Objected to the additJonal delay. Kliyper then informed the booft! they had ooly 10 ~ to act In COIJ\Pllance wllh tho law. lil!M<wlse the trlCI map ~kl be tuidinaticallf. awoved. Phllll;. then aa!d, "'f!l!S IJ'not the. time . for~ ol ~ roo4mau.r;'bul -;," ~ -lhat Ille =~ consldfri.Uon for · one wetk bi!: rescinded. Thl5 paued 4-1 wl\h Bottin 1!1~-.llakd1 fhea re1'rsed bim..U; saying, 1'My fiist impreuion·waa that this was •n effort to ra(nrod something throQ&h. I flhd Uift th& ls not true, our coune is set." ' . Allen .then qairl moved for aJllSl"Oval of the ma:p and lL passed by \he f..1 vote. The Salt Creek Road Jtpl batUe II due In Superior Court May 5. Laguna Nlguel'S flllns for the 100-acre Sealake Village community include plan· ned recreation faci lities to be open to all residents of the Laguna Niguel area, which has an estimated future population of I0,000. • Beach pairilng 1'1lf'iie'Provided for 700 cars •nd tht development will include an oceanrront hotel Ind c om m e r c I a I facUIUes surroundtn& a 3~acre inshore salt water like .. National Guard Halts Violence CAlllO, Ill. (AP) -lllinoll National Guirdsmen were posted at strategic points throughout Cairo u other troops and klcal am stile police. maintained an all-nJ&ht patrol ol the city to prevent recurrence ol the firebomblngs ind 11porldic sunfire of the preY\ow three nlgllll. Catro, located al the utreme southern tip ol llllnoll, waa under a Ugbt t p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew ordend TUelday after llrebombo were hurled &! '11ht buildings Moaday nlgtil Ind l1rtmeo trylll( to put out the lire we" dr\..,, back by gunfire. No Ont WIS 1Uowtd on the streets unless they wn ttavelins to or from work. .... No new incldfnts wtrt reported by ear- ly tod'l'. Dogs Perform In Animal Fair Man'• -frlond wW be doln& his part f«-womm and dllldrm too when Anim•I Fair la held Sat1Jr<111 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at AlJIO Sdlool ln Llpla Beacll. A fllod-nlllnl ·em>! for the Parlllt· Toeclltr ~ of Alltp and 'l1lunloo ~. Animal Fait will bave do( -~ -· doe relay .-. and doe "'°"' • well A a b:ol-Julilpbic """ -. ~.the fair wr. Ibo 1ma1 -- ptilll6n bl Ibo A1loo Sdlool" ·-c p a 0 1 L Sl&lllootl wllO pla<od In pttllnillmy _,.._ Fliday 11 Allio wlJI c:OmJ>elo I« .... '!ti lro!lllOl-Maclc and PujlfOI 8'JoWI wW be pr-br. '!1llrltGn -. and ..... a1 midwl,!'\booths II Ille !air wlll allow patrooo to; PIY their money and tat• tlietr ch1J1CM, which· was the situation recommended 1;1roughout the county. Turner said he felt tr the proPosed schedule v.·as put through a com puter and projected out six or seven years it would snowball and be "a tremendous burden to the district." "The very thing your group wants," he said, "would put us in a top heavy situa· lion." Referring to Saddleback Junior College boaro·s recent dramatic increases in salaries, Ron Ros3. president of the Laguna Beach Faculty Association, said \Yryly, "We'll take Saddleback's sc:bedule. $%,000 more than we asked for." PLAN IMPOSSIBLE Dr. Norman Browne. board president, said the total proposal was impossible. Trustee Larry Taylor said it was difficult for the board to come to conclusions talk4 ing wJth three groups, the salary com· tttittee, negotiating council and faculty ISSQcia.tion. · Neuinann was critical of the board's PoSiUon on the recent tax override that failed. He said teachers would have liked to know how the money was to be spent. Rosa 1a1d teachera were not consulted about" the override, whet.her to have an override or how much to Seek. Browne said he persoMlly lelt that teacher salaries should not be put to a vote or the community. · During dlsCussion, teacher represen· taUves were aslied if they would consider delaying decisions until alter mid~uly when the new district aAS~ valuation !! known. VALUE llO MILLION The useeeed valuaUon is now about $80 million. The amount of increase will show how much oew money Is available. The current adopted budget is $2,413,700 and di.s:trict reserves, said Dr. Wllllam Ulklm, superintendent, are about $150,000. Ullom said placement ol ranch land in an agricultural preserve might chip as much as ft0,000 off the revenue in· coming. Taylor said, however,. that a ten· tative. budget can aUll be warted up on the basis of experience. Quinn Farnes, chainnan of !he negotiating council, pushed for lhe board to get on with negotiations. His group of six is to meet with Dr. Ullom Thursday . Ross mentioned five or six items that had to be discussed before talk ing. or salaries. It was not revealed what these items consist of. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAM!RICARD MASTER CHARGE al,,.t woolil vlolat.e the cQllCtPI ol a ' no4lt an4 air ~""" lllal ,.. wll metroport because It would approve we. We feel thl belt ~ II to work fllghta In the l,•mHe cange. This woWd with the ag~ies t~ ~ .. ~ternatlvt open the door ,to, demands for aimllar sltes. 11 we-don'\ do tht,l~ly,'"We m11 &er\'lco lo other cities out.slde oJ. the find the ail'J¥l'rl rl.Wlwaya · eriethened and meltoport ~ange," Mrs. Marsh1ll we'll be ai,uc~ with "a lonal 11~ declared. We'll """" another Play de! Rey." (C99ta 'Mesa ha! supported granting or Answering questlo,, on the feas.lbility of the Paclflc Nlftbwest alt routu to ~ve, joint we o( El Toro MJrine Air Bue 11 Q>anse Coun\Y; N'wport Beach bu oP-• .aQ ilUrim atr!>Orl, M•!W Mars!laJI said '(!OIOd,) • u.. fi!:lt step ·bll! 'to be •to determine "We reallu there ls 1 problem and It 'ibttbei"lt II operitlonoily feaalble. "U It may 11' JI h•d (qr Oma Mesa. as. for is ?ouhd lo be operationally feufl>Je, we Ne\vport Beach," Pinkley l&ld. "But we still face the problem ol poUt1cal d:in'l feel we ctn just SI)' we don't like fea.t ibllHy,'' t:c said. Vp Wida Posters Mission Viejo High School students Gini No.rdyke and Craig Natt- kemper put up one of Sing Out Amigos posters on campus. The group, which now includes more than 100 members, will perfonn for the first time May 13 at meeting of high school's Parent-Teach- er Organization (PTO), From Page l PARIS TALKS • • down this road right away," Lodge said. "Other areas where mutual action is necessary are the restoration ol the status of the demilitarized zone and the early release of prisoners of war.'' Whether the Viet Cong agreemen t lo meet with "other 1>1rties" rtpresented' a softenliig ol the CornmUnist position wa not known. Tran Buu Klem, the foreig:- mini:lter of the Viet Cong's NatiOl'lc. Liberation Front, said: "The South Vietnam Front for Liber<i· lion is ready to engage in discussions with the other parties so as to make the conference move fonYard." State Tax Cut OK'd hrSenate SACRA.AfENTO (AP) -The Senate 1p- proved today a $4.5 million !tate Income lax cut for Californi1:1 homeowners. The measure, by Seri. Randolph Collier ID-Yreka), allows homeowners to deduct for state income tax purposes tht $10 "roperty tax rebate they received from the state this year. The 23·1 vote sent the measurt to the .\ssembly. Sen. Clark Bradley (R-5an Jose), cast I.he only no vote. Collier said he was pushina: a resolution asking· C-congrtss to five the same tu break to federal income tupayers. for one mouth only aave 2001' on Towle'• El ,Gnmdee ciDcl aDqRlchard patlWin 90Udlllftr, " .... , --$57.tlO .. ,. ""'' "600 v'" .. ,. $11.60 ' THIS OFFER GOOD MAY I THRU MAY 31 Jill NlWl'ORT AVENUE COSTA MESA • " ' 22 Yf>,RS SAME LOC,1,TJON PHONE 541-1401 ' ., I " ' \ \ • ' I l l I ' I • I .. ~ ..... r, ............. """ .. \ r Tetlay's Finl I N.Y . Steeb ' ' ' . VOt:. 62, NO. 1103, 4 SECTIONS, 92 PAGES· O!lANGE ·couN'T'f, ~llPOR!'!IA . • • • ·co·unt·y By JACK BROBACK ... DMIPPIM ...... lQ a ~ reversal during a 40--mlllui,'debll.! ..W proced11tt, the eounty ~ ql.Soipervllon today approved the trac:l Jiiap for · Laguna Niguel Qir. pontlon'a 100.acr< Sea!Ue Village lo the sctuth l..a:gwla are. which includes the blil>!Y cootrovenial Sak Cr<ek Road abmdooment. Mvised by ·thtir legal coonsel, Adrian K~ dbll !bey hid bul 10 daya lo ap- , ·Down the ' . " ( -i I • ~ ./Mjssion . . . Trail Ca po Schools Cut Summ ei· Classes Capistr~ Unified School District Trustees Monday took action designed to pare $600,000 from next year's school bildg«, liu! they left the total job undone and will meet. again next h1onday to finish . Tnlstees voted to eliminate ~un1mer st'hool, with th~ exception of leas than 10 classes tO be provided for' senfon who need a basic course to graduate. .-.. They will maintain the preiellt bu! fleet despite errolhneot incuaeof about 1,000 students. T his JT!ean.s qlking areas will' be extended, and slaft<red school lilirting times will be implemented. They directed the high school pri/lclpal to plan an ii-teacher curriculum •. This means an average five ~nd one-half period, day for students, an .education average of one period. They also directed the junior high achoo! principal to cut that curriculum fi'Om seven to ~ix periods. e l'lejo Group Elerts MlSSION VIEJO -Broni Warren ha! been selected president ol the Mission Viejo A.ssoclaUon of Artists a n d Craflamen in qte group 's recent election of nine officers. Abo elected are : Ellen Tanney, vict- president; Annette Shaefer, ..aecretary; Carolyn Zubeis, recording secretary: Lowana Carter, treasurer; S b a r o n Paulson, publicity; Doris Swan 1 on, workshop chairman, Norma Black, mem- bership chairman, and Vaughn Miller, tlhibit chainnan. Mrs. Swanson is the past preside.nl. Fifty of the associaUon . artists will be participating in a Cinco de Mayo ex- hibilion to be held in conjunction With the high school PTO's aMual fiesta to be beld Sunday. • Bo•t Courie Offered DANA POINT -The United States Power Squadron is offerinc a safe boating course of 12 lectures beginning at 1:1$ p.m. Tueoday, Miil' !. ll'lllcbard Henry .llana S<hool, 21141 La Cresta Drive, Dana Point. The series is free of charge and in- dudes dbcusaion on safety afloat, 1e111tanship, aids to navigation,. charting, l)iloUnf, mariner's compass, government rqulations and rules of the f'Olld. fteciRratlon may be made at the flf'St. clus oe5'loli. • Bet L UHC!lt Cost l•mps CAPISTRANO BEACH -Hot school !undies for 4,IOO elementa<y and juni<1< hlch ll:hool students of the Capistrano tJn1Ded achoo! Dislrid will cost nve cents mon per plate bqinaing Monday,• The Increase will raise the prlce,ol the bol llmcb,lrom 35 lo 40 cenla. ll lll!e<ta itudtnls~•t· Marco Forster Junior High. DIDI School, Concordia, Crown V~lle.y, Oil -·Pall.sades, Son Juan and Laa Pllmu elementary ICboOl1. e Aru, Cr•"• Dlspla• MISSION VIEJO -Artists and cralbmtn of the Miuton Viejo Art AssodaUon will h~ their wares on u· hlblt at the Cinco de Mayo fiesta Ja:lt p.m. ~7 at Mlsaloo Vkjo Hl&h Sc:l1oot • The auoclalion plans oevtral bootN lo demonstrate ce.ramics and c:olle1e as well a a membership reerultment table. " . . .1 I , ~- WEDfilESDA Y, APRii!. 30,. 1969 TEN CINTS· ' • Ill Swit ch, QKs ~iguel Tract 4 to I prove or disapprove the tract ffiap or It WOOld be ccmidertd automaUcalJy ap- . P,<O!ed. the Boo1<1 voled 1-al 4-1. SupsvilOI' Robert W. Battin voted in. 'op- ' pnslllon . ' Alill<oval came all<r the board had prevliloaly voled lo poll-actioo oo the tract ·lnap for one week. · . Battin abd supervl.oor Davjd l!Uer first asked· for the delay, Ji>in!inC oul that they had not received the tract map until this morning. . ers ' Cong Alte1· Stand, OK Saigon Talk s PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cor!g, in an abrupt change of policy, said today it was willing lo talk peace V.'ith the "other parties" -meaning the government of South Vietnam. Previously it said it would talk only with the United States. ftresident Nguyen Van-Thieu of South Vietnam twice proposed direct secret talks bel"'een !he two sides in hopes of reaching some solution to the impasse that has blocked the Paril talks since they be&Jn. The Viet Cot\g scoffed al the idea at the lime. The Ui:t'iled Stal.ts met the Viet Cong offer today with a restatement of a ma· jor ~or;first made last Tb4rldaY at the wee talk.s -an oUer to n~ate mill . and political matu:rs airilultaneouslf, PreviOUSJY it wanted military matters settled bclore there we~ political talks. U.S. Ambassador Hen<y C.bol Lodge also suggested that agrffment on a mutual withdrawal of external fon:es "by reuonable: stages" could lead to·peace. Hanoi ,00 ,the Viet Cmg contend the only foreign troops in Vietnam are the Americam and their allies and lhat the Americans should puIJ out immediately. "Our aide is ready to begin moving (See PARIS TALKS, Pa1e %) - Citizens Tell Ideas of Future · Approximately 30 percent of the more than 9,000 questiormairts to help :shlpe Laguna Beach goals have been returned to city hall. · The massive mailing -part of the cur- rent general plan study -was sent to re5idents of the city and its environs. Al Autry. city planner, said the 25- member Citizens Advisory Council (to, the general plan) hope~ to begin tabulatirtg mulls of the questionnaites next week. RsuJu will be coded and key punClled to feed into a computer, said Autrr. Results will be used by the planning itafr and COMUltants in W.tllllng major Coals tor the city's future. AboUt 10 percent Of the mailing went to lh• sludtol body o( Laguna Beach ilJgb . School. Autry said the answers ol youth are bein1 collected this week. -' 1be city planner said many of the ques- tions resuJted in additional Jencthy writ- ten commentacy by penons fillln(. oot qlJlltiornaira. 'lbe forms are still beinf accepted, aa1d Autry. · . Supervisor Allon Allen 'said the Salt Creek Road question had been relOlved by the•County Counsel's ofrice and urged that the map be approved . He aaid the delay was costing the Laguna Niguel Corp, $.1,700 a day. Attaroey · Alex · Bowie, representing Laguna Niguel, s~d the sole question before the board was, "Does the tract map comply with the Silbdivision Map Act." He said the county pa.lanning sta!f •nd commiuion agreed that it did. Neon T~~••11 ' Bowie a1Bo said the Salt Cree.k road q.-Jon -.Id be properly ..u1ed in the courts, "'Where It belonp." Biker, still against approval, "1'lled that ht,..._ "1he lmplloaticlll that the boord will ac:ctpl this without proper sludJ."' • ' MJS. Hel!ft Keeky, fonne; Grand, Jury m~r and a former ·Lquna Beach. councllwoman, a canslstent ·fot of the abandonment of Salt Creek Road, ~n joined ~ fraf. · · · :558 Y~chts Getting Set ' FoP: En benada Race Start . . . ' \ ' I . ' • Skipperl and en"" ..-; 5.13 sailiig yaohu, a~1down to .tile l'Oii!I or marking time W!lll lbe start Thursd'IY noon of the . %2nd ~ewport to ""Eruienad• race. The ,lilt 1of •entries (count 'em on Page 17) is abOOt a OOzen , ahort of the record 570' last year.-' ToofWUder, race <Urlll'llttee chairman, called ·'B!tintlon to. a,.wt-mlnute change in di«:k-in ~ ''Tbtre' w:DI be a •rfiM.1 committee boat chec~ 0¢;boa.,;,,ear the eyilrance lo lbe Newport jettitl. U "°' ban checked in With that bolt Md bate feceived an aclrpowledeem111t from ·the committee, yoq need not repqr( to· tbi centr1I or outside COmmittee boatl on t1te line is outµned in preilout instructions," Wil~r . said. Something neW baa alJo been added this year in the starttn1"'0l'der. Flrst to !tart al ·12 o'clock will be the catamarans,, followed at .10.rninute In: tervals by Cllsae1 J.., B, C, D, and E tn both the Ocean Racing and Pacific Han· i:licap divisions. Two· clas~s o.f. Mid.set Ocean Racing Fleet yachts will be the last to start 1t 1 p.m. . . . In previ~s YtlfS the smalt boats have sts.rted flnt and catamaral)s ls.st. For the be'1ent of short wltchen, thh'e 'Pll be two stattlng Uaes -one ex- tending fnim the jicy bell-bouy to a ..... tral committee boat, and the. other from the Central .cOminJttft bOi.t .Uward to another committee .boat · . The PHRF cl-,nil uae tho alarllng area closest to It*" and tht OcQa Jlac.. ing and'C.lamarl!l'·~Ylll ... wtll tue,IJ!e °'1tli6e Ube.. ·.. ~ • 1, • 'lillh the MOftli'dlrilloa,spltt ,lato ttro ·-· Clali 'II will. art ... lilt lnolde line and CllSll A. on 1he outaldt line. Tbe two eliSlel will startisimuJfl.ntaUlly. (8ee ENIENADA, Page 11) No Lions This Summer ' Lagun.a Area D~ive~i1i Zoo . Pla ns Set Bac k for Year Theri: will he no "Won in Sununcr" r/r. Orange.'County thia year. I Lion COuntry safari, a mulU•millilM, dollar drive.lhroofb "'° planned !or ]15 aCl'OI ,. Irvine IW>ch al the north ml o( Laguna Canyoo Road jun east ol the San Diqo Freeway, wu first beJleved to be headin& toward a summer comp~ion dale. Like everything else, it aeenu, the project ,.., delayed by the tomnlial winter rains which hit the southl1nd. Now, the Irvine Company's David Easley, m~er of 1enerat •les and leaafng, ls lookln& to an openina one year ftom now. ConstrucUon will begin 00 the Lion Couotry sit. In f..., 1111 to UO clays, Eas- l<y said. lnlUal lo...tmenl lo lhe project 1&1'3 milllon wJtb a projected ultimate cost ol·liO mHllon be· aald. 1"1nl! u leasing the laod lo Natlooal Leisure, Inc. for '3o years. lrvine will be acting onJy as landlord, Easley said. ·Within tlle confines o( the preserve, more than -~ ..,imau Including li<>ns, &irafles, etephanta, zebru, crocodiles and hlppopotami will wander in a transplanted African enVironment. \ ' Human visitors tq the weserve wilt 1 •·sara.ri" thf9\l&h the perk locked In the.Ir · autotnobiles. Armed. Jame wardenl wUI ,. patrol the area to make sure ~ animals and people behave lhem1etveii. • • "The tract map Include. th• Sl)I ~eel< Counsel Kuyper agreed with )!awlt. Bea.ch. You have the power to require Mrs. Keeley penilted: "l questiaa. the lA,(una Niguel to give public a'.ccess to county's ri&ht to summarily abandon the l,he beach between Monarch Baf 1and road.~' Dana Point," Mr1. ~eeley charpd. "You 1"yper again noted that the nM: ai~ are elected to protect tbe . public ~ well jed was not before the board todaJ. as private interests." · Allen thm inoved for 1ppvyal rt. the Bowie replied that Mn. Keeley's legal map, but the motion f1i~·f« lac:k, ol a conclusions. -were erroneous, tKat \the ff'C'Qnd. • board can not add requirement.. ·to a Battin moved to delay conaideratian for. ·tract map-,,p roe appivval..,-{loomly-s.e.SALL.CBEn,,fllt.1 _ • oos Bo ard Says $'267,500 Too Much . Br RICHARD P. NALL Of ftlt Dellr Piilot Sttff ' . Laguna's teachers Have asked for hn- pressiye salary increases in the coming school year, $860 more at the bottom and . $2.720 more at the top. ' The salary schedule proposed by teachers would push the base salary from • ' A,400; to f1,2e0. The maximum salary fpr lJ,y~ ezperience, M college units and' a master's degree \ltould cllmb from .. ' • I , '· '• • t~ . . . • .. .. ·Briggs As kS ,Me.et With Grand: Jury A f~r Critieis m Auemblyman J91ln v. Bnas JR· Fullerton)-has requested, a m~Ung .l'lfh · the ~e County Gr~nd Jury (p a !ftter. to the jury's foreman, •William D: Martin or Laguna B~<;h. · The meeting, Briggs s'ald, Would be to. discuss his ' •'role as .• 'member or ' the ca111orn1a te,W1,ture." · Briggs' Jetter to M1rtin followed criticism bf the Grand~Jury ln'a resol11- tion chariina that Brta:s "hu f,ub1Icly 1 lllllOlloced that he wlll,. ool suppc)rt ·any county Jegtsjstive rprQll'amlJ until' such time, 11 there his been a dtclslO!J ·that ·the exilting ,br<!nch of the Sqperlor Court which i.s located Ip ,Full•rton rttnalos lo "" '• ' . . ' . Ula~~'Y·'1. '1 , • • I ' • Bflua denled t)le,charga,1and;.at,lht ti o("' ']'It ··~.:. ... ..a #' me .,loC .?esouUon,' !~Uc.wu an · •........... ' •-..•1 f -·, ~·. ., JM ht. ~ lo !olirt!Ji° ~. no,men,c tion ol the reqU..t. • . Brtse•' letter p~ \hat t)>e pr"' be invttecl lo aUend \be meeting wtlh the Grand Jucy. Tbe Jetter also tnvftes Martl.n to visit Briggs at the State Capitol in Sacramen- to. with Brlli• picking up the tab. PILOT TO 'AIR' ENSENA.DA RACE r. I $12;5*1 lo IU,IMJ. · . It would be passiblc for i teacher with ' a c!octorate -there ii; one ln the district -to make somewhat more. His top vrould climb from ll3,1!2 to lll,llllll. ' ~ ACflON , .• ' · Preliminary dickerint accompliahed ltttle Tuesday night at a school bQard alllCly ::;other than:-. -A • . ent by trusleel that the. packa.. proposals rrom teadlers w!!lch 'r.ould -1267,SOO ioiliallf just wasn't ..a.lt&.because the money would "'*be·~ • '-A MIQ~1 that teachers aid the board bf aetU111 =es on the sala<y hiW and othtt .. -A reqUeSt ~that 'the Teacher• NegotJaUng fOoncil arrive at a target date for the conclUf!lon of ~lary nea:otia- tions ... wlth 1 Ulie board .. · Teache" representaUV.. had alr<ady rOu~eCI 'out prtoMUes of soib.' Tops on the lfst would be an .incl-ease In ·the point 1ystem from 125.50 lo l30 .per polol. ACCRUE POINTS Teachen accrue poinls for both amount of education and amount of ex· perience. Teachers estimated that im- plemaUon of the . dollar increase for points would cost the district $171,000 in the coming school year. Also sought is an increase In the ln· c.remental increases that a teacher receives for each year 'vith the district. ll would go from $331.50 per year to $00. (See SALARIF.S. Pa1e IJ St ark /IJarhe&s NEW YORK ]AP) -The s lock market, with investors enthusiastic and ooming off the sidelines, took a giant step forward in extremely heavy tradln& to- day., (See quotations, Pages 21-27). The Dow Jonu industrial average took ol! rrom Uie start and at l:IO p.m. was up 13.92 at 141.02. ' Orange Coast Weatller "More of the same" Is th• weathennan'• ditto tnaChlne pre- diction for Thuncky, with sunny afternoons sandwiched by cloudy morning and ' everilng skies and upper 60·s lerpP.t;raturef. INSIDE TODAY Ni.ton's -and otMr pres£. dents' -100 dav1 could uver 1 approach tltote of tlie Pren. dent who rtuoltitf4_11htd a. na- tion in what 10GJ actuaUy 99 · do111, givi119 birth lo the New Df<ll. Page a. -" ~ ·~ c...., c-11 Clntlf!M ..... -., " ·-H -.. --. 1Ma1111 :t:M ..... ,..._, ..,, ~ ... : -. flWf'leet UCt!!lft , • ....... ft.11 ...... ,,. -... --. "'"*"' ,.._ .. I .,,.. CliMJ .... """' " ,,...,. ... --!: • - . ..... -;;... .. . ~--..... . ..... ~ 9'tf ·-. -.... -. --" ...... ... 6-• • I .Dolll't. tll.DT t . .PILOT Ma · ors AgreC: No Jet • j . LOGBOOK Al!-that lllo = c.unt1 ~ '91': "U 11111 ~ wt ..in a1tport ...W vlolale tho """ffl 1f1 a °"'" ..;ci ..ir pollu\lon pd l!YI •• wn Alrpart "-Id Mt \e Wo a .m.:a.•1~ jet aJrpcd.!.' ,,~,: , metroport becaupe It would approve Ne: We-feel tht belt appn>Hh ts to wor• rtPtiMI :Ill.""°".,. tillll todaJ • ._~ ... qre• terry~ wUh.· Newpo(t fUght& In the l,IXIO-mlle range. This wcaUd with the ag~s to find altemaUvt ~ the 1UJWI of N..,_. BMdt aNI BIMlr • -bUt 1We have a dWer'-"" ~pen the door .. to. demands for linillu. sttes. U we don\ dot~ quickly, we maJ . ~· T1~aipsing lliriterlands -,rith Nix on Watchers Costa Me.sa at a meeUng ot Ortnle Coun· 1pPlo&Cb tO accomplishhi· that goal,'' · service to othu clUes out!lde of the' flfld the airport runwQJ lengthened and ty Coast AgsociaUon. tbt'Golll Mna m•YClf aaerted. 'J mclroport range," Mrs.. M'1'r1 h rlU.· we'll be ·.1tµc~1 wtth..!:~~l alrporL ' "Co.11a M.,. 15 dlametrlclily oppooed -NriJIOtl lleacij'o PotJUon !bar <>ian&• dtclared. · ' We'll have aniJlhtr .,.,,., ~I Rey." to the upamlon and enlarl<fl\ent of Cciunty,Airporl obould ulUmatoly __.... .. (Q>stl'Mtsa hu"iltppdtte~ atanllng Of Answtr(J1l que>lltM\,lln the leulblllty of Or11nge CotU1tY Airport/~ Mayor Alvin 1 metroFt providtng air ~· to lhc f>licltl:c llorthwut air routee to &er.ye joint Ufe ol El Toro Marine Alr Bue 1s Pinkley declartd, at lhe Balboa Bay Club -cjtlet la a 4QO.mU.range. w~ thert t.t.ke.. ~ange counyt ijeWport .Buch..,taas qp-!lD int~im aJrPort, May~ Marshall aaJd ie.ssion. off and lapdlnc~aft. ua~.Jitlval~' ~ed.) ... .-(~ ' . 'tb~ fiJst _st,p, }JaJ Jq .be to determine hu sucgeited !111&then111& !hi MlOWIY at )liyir llof 'lfl,'. <o ~ ' f If may 'fll ·\Iii ftr Oolla Md< U for, , lMDwldJlo be _,,tlonally lwible, we Notlnt that one alrline (Air Calllornla) -~al avilf!\>I! was ' by . , "~e \i~ze ....... Is a J>iWlem ,antttt l'i\fth!r .it 'II operationally fea&tble. "Hit By ARTll\IR R. VINSEL Of ftM Dtlh' ,llM Sleff Orange County A1rJiort and txltndlnl the " • ;.<rvice to the ·P ii: ·11ewpo'! ill," Pjnlrl<ralid. "But we s1111 face the po'OIJlem of polltlcal runway over Ute San Diego freewa y, Northwest c Ut.S from Orlllle County t:!on't tetl we ca_n ju.st J8Y we don't like -feaajbility,'' !e. said. Blila.ing every .,,..Cll'ld capital and Iowa whistlestop on the preskfenli1l itinerary, the Whtte House Press Corps is 1 flying circus of journalistic Red Barofta, pursuing the wily Pulitzer. F ,..n, P .. e J The elite outllt descended on the Orange Coast some weeks back and all indications are that the tradition wlU continue on like the PacUlc sumn1er Red Tide. TEACHERS' SA LARIES • • • Now that President Nixon hu proclaimed San Clemente as Baja Washington D.C., or White House Wut, we can expect to see our Capitol Hill colleagues more often. Generally, the Whlte House news crew wears a col· Jectlve sneer for local yokel reporters, from Bohunk, hflnn.. to whatever other backwash the Great White Father brings his personal greeUnp and entourage. Their arrival in Ut.t Country, where the village nam~ be.- . gin with San or Santa; where the children are Imperiled by a ICJ:tmlln version of the Birds and Beel and a1ao hear utterly too much rock and roll music, was no exception. * · After all, that group has an uncompromising job, seemingly ordained to their capable hands aJone : Reporting the news. Some i;peclal touch may ln· deed be required to quote what President Nmm sa.id to Pvt. Elbert Koaelusko, cleaning a grea.?e trap on K~ at ._ Fort Huachuca mess hall, when his com· mander-ln-chlef dropped in unannounced. Ji so, It escapes me. Nonetheless, the cap?tol news contingent marched past us provincial press troope 'at Mlasion 8an Juan Capistrano like an Army of Occupation or the VaUcan Guard visiting a beginners ' cate<:hism claS5. One glan~ by a network man In a lavender jumpsuit -.with cameru around his neck and enough wiring to li&ht one third of Tustin -put their impression across. Peasants. Barbarians. Couldn't even wril.t a complete aentenct. Nol to be trusted around valuables. Not to be trusted wit bthe room number of the :W&!hington news people party tonight. · "Look at them, they probably think we don't even have underwear," growled one veteran Orange County newsman. * Hence a teacher or two yi.ra would receive an addiUonal SUt from thi.s SOl,irte. Another benefit sought is reduction in the length ot Ume it takes from a tt.achtr to double his beginning pay. Th1s is now done iii the district in 13 years: Teachtts want the time factor phi.led down to 10 years (o readl the top. Trustee Robert Turner •hawed a araph he had constructed and maintained that I.be teacher packet ol propaaals weightad I.be increases huvtly in favor of ex- pe.rienced teachei's. WANT FLEXIBUJTY Turner said the district wanted to leave itself flexible and keep the l!ialary schedule aedquate at the bottom and middle u well as the top. , Jerry Neumann ol the· Te1cher Snlary Committee said the proPoUI would put startJ.nt 111a.rk!: above the '7 ,000 mark ,. ...... ,.... 1 SALT CREEK • • Such neurotic speculation ended as the President arrived. Somebody In a lavender jumpsuit blindsided me In the rush. My own one week, and this puaed f..1 witb Allen photo emerged from the darkroom as a closeup .of 'a tweedy shoulder. dhisenUn&. lf we had a referee, NBC would get 11 yarda for cllpplng. At lhia point, fUPll'Vilon dllcovued We naUves are esaentlally a friendly lot with a .great sense of rhythm, that two of thdr members will not be but tend.Ing to the .ensual, and outright nasty when it cune to JauihJng at one present next week. (WllUam Hinteln and Washinglon pholograpber who had been aboard our Jftll llellcopter. William Pbllllpo will be out of town on He photographed. offshore kelp beds in the belief he wu ahoot!ne the no-county business.) lqer visible Salli. Barbara Channel oil slick, at that Umt fouJlll1 beachee The board dlscusoed poetpooinf tile the President wu out to ln.spect. matter for two weeka. Back Jn action after lunch, we noticed the network man hid spilled rich, Bowie, who had already left the hear· green guacamole on hls lavender jumpsuit and cmsldered directJng him to a lfll room, was calli;d back and objected One-Hour Martinbinl Cleaners. to the add.IUonal delay. · we didn 't. Kuyper then informed the 'bo9rd they Our Washington n~s 1athe ring vis itors were terribly far from Capitol h~d only 10 days to act in compliance ·Hill, civllltation and -after all -lavender jumpiUib: are not mJde to be with the law, otherwtle the trf(t map ::pclmded on the rocks beside a little coastal Ci'eeki • Wouldpi..mibl .~ldc4Jly ... ~ tim : • · ' . ', t , .. ..WJll. w-·aa , 'J'Mlii JS pot wt e •·.~ . · " ~ , lf!r. ••pWetMloo ot ~ ro.i.:;t~. but • •• · · oillJ 11\e tract map.'"H• mov it!it the action' poetponlng consider ' for one ' w. f; bind . l week bt rescinded. nt:a.puled. 4-1 with I n 0 enfte Battin in oppostuon. ~~ · · • 1 ._, . , Baker then ,r~yer~•,d him5'!1, saying, I ' ' · ,,., ' . --•>.J • • \ ' . ' 1. W firaljJ,m~!oil '!!''lhifthio WU ' '.' ·~ . ' , , " ' ., . s· . . H . ' -J B .. " •• effort ·14i ~ lomjtllllia t1nu1h I 3 ;,p,rQt iers in ame . ' ospiuu ea . ,find .. thal (l\l1 ·1s not true, our'°""" is . a; : B)':AllTHUR R. \'INSEL Schmidt, of :IVIJ T .. kwood Ploce, C..ta ; "iu.n .Ji again moved for app">vli of ; ~ . ~ : .• 0.""' Dt11J r111t ~''" · · !If~. the map ahd it passed by the 4-1 vote. ~ · .t--..1 forward to his son's bedside The scene must also be . for The Sl}tCreek Road le11l battle ts due • • · , ~ · . . ~le in Superior Court 1'1ay i. , ~ ·blck\Mrd in time. Dooald Schmidt who is now finishing up~ Laguna Niguel'& plans for ult too.acre :j;"?!ft.was kil}d of shattertns," slid Costa law S<:hool at the University or San Diego Sealake Vplage community include plan- ; ~a re8'lY company manager Bill and drops In occa1lonally to swap war ned recreation (acilitiee fo be open to all ·!Schmidt who visited the Balboa Naval stories with his twin brother. residents of the Laguna Niguel area, ~ospit.al, in San Diego Sunday. Donald spent five months convalescing ~hi~h:s an esUmaled future populltion ! H_e v.:as seeing not a ghost, but ex-from injuries suffered t11'hen he balled out Beich 'parking will be provided for 700 ~& the P s Y ch 0 1 ° g i c • I of his c:rtpple.d F4B Phant.om jet on a cars and Ult development will Jnclode 1r1 :fhenomenon known as deja vu -feeling · Vietnam ctmbat mission and was oceantront hotel and c om m e r c I a I ~ hu . undergone an identical OC· rescued by helicopter. facilities smTOOndinl a »-acre inshore :;curnnce m the past -and wtth 1ood salt ,,_,1ter lake )'eason. Ronald Schmidt faces approXimately · 'l..AnnY Capt. Ronald Schmidt, 29, lay in ~e same-length assignment to Ward 5-C, ;rard 1-C, Bed 10, the same w1rd and bed Bed 10, wtth a shattertd knte in •here Navy Lt. Donald Schmidt, his twin ~r. Jay four years ago with similar mechanical tracti,on and hls smashed jaw tnjaries alao 15uffcred in a Vtitnam com· rebuilt with wire, followln& a helicopter ~at air crash. crash. J Public Information officers al the NB''Y The elder Schmidt 5aid hls Anny of- )lospital said Monday they have 1,989 r j>ed.s and no alphabetical assignment pro-leer son was directing a tank cavalry ~res, thus making odds on the coin· maneuver aboard a bellcopter 60 m.Jles pdence phenomenal. from Saigon March 9 when the pilot ·• "When I walked in and found him in swooped down to rte0nnoiter a jungle ~ same bed, ft was eerie," said clearing. OMI Y Pl!OT ~ANH COAST P'Ull IP!UIG CCMP'AN'I" l•Mrt N. W11i ""''*"' *""' ""41-.. n.''"'' x ••• n .... fll•M11 A. M111plri:111 Mlfllti111 ""'°' i 1clri1ri '· Nell "'-·--(ltJ ltlltN L...-.... om.. ' !22 F1r11t A••· M1lll111 Mi1t111 P.O. 1,, •••. •tfilZ -- "He said when the sroundflrt opened up It soonded lfke New Year's Day in Chinatown, but he threw hlm·seu to the floor and started shooting back," Schmidt said Monday. Evasire ad.ion came too late, however, and the chopper crashed, but a rtsoue ship v.·as quickly dispatched to evacuate the lnjured survlvon .. The three Schmldt sons att: no stranaen to alr cra.V>e::i ot to the DAILY PILOT, where their f1the.r was a staft riiember until entering the realty field. Several years qo, the Schmldt l!iOt'I who c:hoee the Marinu was fiylng out of El Toto -MCAS, when his plane developed engine trouble and eruhed into a moving santa Fe train near the ba!e. The young Marine officer escaped with l'lls life and DAILY Pl(.QT Editor Thomas Kee vll, whose train trip was temporarily derailed, provided on·the- 1;pot newt °"'era1e at the tctoe. UCLA Social Welfare Dean Cohen Quiu National Guard Halts ViQlence CAIRO, Ill. (AP) -llllnois National Guardsmen were posted al strateitc points tltrou&hollt Cairo u Clllter troops and local and state police malnt.ained an all-night patrol of the city to prennt recurrence cl( the Orebombln&s and :sporadic iunfire of the previous three nlgllls. Cairo, located at the extreme 10Uthem tip Of llllnoil!i, was undtr a Uahl t p.m . t.o e a.m. curfew ordered Tuelday .after fil'tbombs wtrt burled at eight buildings Monday nig!>t and lir<mtn lr)'inl lo put out the fire were driv~ beck by JUftfirt. No one w11 aDaWtd en tne ttrftt.I unlt:SS they were tnvelina t.o or from "\'r'Ol'k. No new incidents were ttpOrted by tar· ly today. Dogs P erform In Animal F_a ir '-Ian's best friend will be doln1 J\11 part for women and chlldrtn \Clo when Animal Fair is held' Saturdl7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Allto School in La~ Beach, A fund-raislna event for the Parmt· TMCher -of AUIO and 'lllunlon ochooh. Anlmli Fair will havt dog obedient< contata, dog relay racttt, at'll dog shows u well as a !rog-Jumpln& contest and turtle races. which wa1 the situation recommended throughout ~ CQWllY. Turner said he felt if the propo6fld schedule was put throu1h a computer and projeeted out six or seven years it would sno .. 11ball and be "a tremendous bw-den to the district." "The very thing your group wants," he saw, "would put us in a lop heavy sltua· lion." Referrin1 to Saddleback Junior Colleg!': board 's recent dramatic increases in salaries, Ron Rois, president of the Lagun1 Beach Faculty Association, said Y:ryly, "We'll take Saddleback's schedule, $2,000 more than we asked for." PLAN IMPOSSIBLE Dr. Norman Browne, board president, said the lotaJ proposal was impossible. Trustee Larry Taylor said it was difficult for the board to come to conclusions Lalk· ing w1tb three groups, tht salary com· m.lttee, neeoUaUng council and Iaculty &vociallQn. Ntumann was critical of the board's position on the rec.?nt tax override that failed. He .sakl teacher• would have liked to btqw how the money was tO be spent . ~ said tsacllers \•;ere not consulted about th e override , whether to have an override er how much lo seek. Brownt said he personally felt that teacher nlaria should not be put lo a vote of the community. During discussion,-teacher represen- tatives were asked if they would consider delaying decisions UnW alter mid.July when the new district assessed valuation ls known. VALUE '81 MILLION The a.s¥Ued valuation is oo~ about $80 mllllon. The amount of increase will shotv how much new money is available. The CW'Tilnt adopted budget is $2.413,700 and dlstrkt reserves, said Dr. William Ullom,. superintendent, are about $150,000. Ullom aakl pla«ment ol ranch land in an agricultural preserve might dtip as much u $40,000 6ff the-revenue in- coming. Taylor laid, however, that a ten· tative bud1et can stlll be worked up on the basis of experience. Quinn Farnes,1 chairman of the ne1<>tlatlng council , pu~hed for the board to get on with. negoUations. HJs group of alx is to meet with Dr. Ullom Thursday. Ross mentioned five or six items tha t had to be discussed before talking, cf salarie!I. It was not revealed What these items consist of. llp With Posters Mi!sion Viejo High· School students Gini Nordyke and Craig Natt- kemper put up one of Sing Out Amigos p05-ters on campus. The group, which now includes more than 100 me1nbers, will perform for the first time May 13 at meeting of high school's Parent-Teach· er OrganizaUon (PTO). Fro1n Pa ge J PARI S TALKS • • down this road right away," Lode;c said. "Other areas where mutual action is necessary are the restoration of the status of the demilitarized zone and the early release of pr isoners of war." Whether the Viet Coog agrcemenl 1•1 meet with "other parties" represented a s:>fteNng ol the Communist posif~on wa :: not known. Tran Buu Klem, the foreigr. minister of· the Viet Cong's Naliona! Liberation Front, said: "The Sou th Vietn am Front for Libera- tlon is re.ady to engage in discussions with the other parUes so 1s to make the conference move forward." for ODe month only \ State Tax Cut OI\.'d b y Senate SACRAMENTO (AP ) -The Senate ap. proved today a $4.5 million state income tax cut for California homeowners. The measure, by Sen. Randolph Collier t D-Yreka), allows homeowners to deduct for state income tax J>W'PO.'tl the $70 riroperty tax rebate they rectived from the state this year. ·Th e 23-1 vote sent the measure &o the Assembly. Sen . Clark Bradley (R.-San Jose), cast the only no vote. Collier said he was pushing a reliO)ution asking Congress to give the same tax bfeak to federal income taxpayers. ICIVe 20°/o' on"Towle's El .Grandee ' • • and Kli'9 !Uciaard .. .patt91Uin' 90lid.UYer , $17.10 • • I YOU --Sll.lq THJS OFFElt GOOD MAY I THRU MAY 31 \ ' . WS ANGELES (UPI) .,_Dr. N1t11an Cohen 'nltaday •-"-"" ttlllnotJon as dun " UCLA., adlool of '°'"' welfare. He ll1d tt JJU bnpou:ible to car- ry oul 1111 plans lo .-m 'the d<pulmtnt r •nd at the um. lime meet th• dtmandl o1 lllldtnt actlvllls. Abo at the lair wU1 be lhe final _. potltloo In the AIJIO 5d!OOi 1kateboord confuL Studem .mo ~ In pr<llmlnary competition P'tidllY at ·AU.O will compete lor aevcrli tnphlto. CONVENIENT liRMS ' .. J. ·C. J./umpfui~ 'J-/,r ; / 12 (~~~-' SAME ~~ION . ., \ , Cd!tn, a nlllona!ly ""°"'1 .,.pen on IOdli wtUare, realped F'rld17. Vloe Ciancellor 0.Y1d SUoo llld tho lf-l"ar- otd. H1rvatd..fr1lned tebolar a c t e d ••wit.bout d1lcl.w1on and with no wam- l•g." M'Jlc and Pupptl Sbow1 win be p,,_,ted Dy '111111'1""1 -and 1everal mldway boothl at the la!r Will allow ......,.. lo J>tY their money and take thtit chances. IANKAMUICARO MASTER CHARG! llll NEWPO~T AVENUE COSTA MESA ~HONE 541.3401 f \, ' I ' --~-;-~ ---------·--------- \ --------·---· "ftll.YIUI' I A i np~i;t Use Plan ; .She.Jy~~ . . . t A P'opooed 0ranp. Coiiltl' Airport Land Uoe Comm-pt a cOld r- Uoo Tuesday !nJin the Board of Supervlaora. They.received and llled a report from the oranp Co\mlY League ·ol CIU.. .,... cionlnJ I Jaape ·commlllee.nporl faVOI .. ing Ille --eol ol IUCh I com-mi!sJQn. Supervlaors Wllllam ~ Alton .,.",....... u 1111 -.. ,,_, ... Allen and Wllllam PhllliJll .... Hd u did ! ='" 1o·m--.d a -II a jetter from Airport Commiaakin lrfcr II. • ' Chairman Dennis Catpenler. • • :' '111e proposed Airport Land Use Com· =1 mlssion is provided;for under ... te law Ed Nixon Seelr;.,.. ·· and WJ)tl}d have aevm 111tmbe:tt t-two 'I ~ ; 'namOOycJll,...fiO)liy Ille~. two {',om)riitteem&n POI\ six appointees. LYNNWOOD, Yuh. (AP) -Supervisor Davjd r.;, Dater said such an · agency would overlap the p re s e n t Airport Commission and the counly Plan· ning Commlssloa and was ·• ' ft"O t neCessarj'.'1 .. ''No county airpt>rl!, in C I u d l n g Fullerton·and Meadowlark in Hunlington Beach can esp&nd, so there is nothing lo plan," Baker said. "There would · be l\O gain and tbe move could be c:ostlY-'' by airports and the •eventh by the first , . ij This may not .be the end o1 the pr.. Nino, lhe,Pnlldenl'a :::'1: , poaal, however. The move baa.been pualt-~-tool~~ r ~ . ed by Dan Emory, chairman of the ~ •-• .., • , •• Airport Nolae Abalement Committee of Sn<i>omisb County Ropul\llcln llal8 • Newport Beach, and by the city of mltteeman. ; ~ > Newport Beach. . • Nltnn, lll, baa M apporeol oppool&oi~ • , • MR.Y'PtLOT,_llf ............ , i~ , JE1,L BE,lCH vOL!INfEER l'IRI MEN S.HARPEN THEIR SKILLS ON MOCK AUTO BLAZE · . . R....,,!nl Iniat""' \'lctlli)l,Wltjt Gllllf c·., Opener Part of Tralnlnt . " ,,,, .. ~ ' •Praetie~~-:Fi11e Geis Doi SeaI 8 eacli·"FU-emen, R~cue 'ViCtim~' in B~rning Cars . . \ . •' . . ' ' ~' F: . ~ ' ' ' ~ }1 !l~J N!EllfJEIBl . =---bixlJ· Jack.·&!lll other has coonec1Joas with I wrecklnil· yard, ,• ........... -.... ~. . . . o1 'e11111c ' •. 1!I .... mm 9uick are prepared for the inferno by•lllufling "Th.,,, .. a ,~-car pue.up at •l'l!'I' • llle':;:;:r cars, and m no ·them with old 11rOs and li(bllnc them .Stieet and Ocel\il),veriue. ':-wO ol 'em..... ~ tile doon .... ljirmic. cipen &!Id the with 1 flammable liquid. To make the ,-·on fire.,;yoµ'd ~;move yrAll men m O-QlfClts ttiscUeiL . . • . quick " Aii:Grding to CllleNillml vohmleen of mock mnasb-up u ru1is1ic as pooslble, ·As ·thelvolce of the Seal Beadi ~ tbe !INl·Beacb ·~ pepartmenl are pul the ,can often are~ OTer on their Deparlmenl.djspalcher crackles. aver".the ~ .Uois tyP,!i Gf• ~reise once • sides and pwhed into ooe another. ~. a couipany.pf !iiweti1 we~ :$ .lor gi.Od reuoo. According lo Chief Adams the gas = '"1~ ilhd =!'Ii!i'1."J•~~ ~· · yt: T,\~' ~":' ~ 1anks are drained and prolected lo ; 'scrtf~~W.~ Higb•ay Patrol "'is·1not ~W~ to rnlnimit.e ~e danger of an ~lesion, but ~ 8cd.~ hi. a mock fire set by Seal remove people ~ped inside vehicles, every once m a while something happens ·Bea~~· t;.em.e1va:, but the.situ&-it's up to us t? ~~·jOb," be says. that makes the situation more realistic. is'. is ~c as possible.-· "The .H!"'illitDi>, Beach Fire Depart· "During our last e<«cise the hollow c»r ,.ltif _Watchful eyes of Otifl:f ment regUlarly bW;ns ~e of. its old drivesbaft on one(){ the carS blew. up a..'ld p£-; ~ volunteer flrtmen downtown buildingl to give its men . . ~ ~·by a beaVJ:i foe ot· realist,ic training . but our buildings are · was flattened like a piece of paper. That ~f .... t,out''the f!rc.arllflheh)esen~'-!Qo -.c)oee-'lo ~~_and thal's was lollowed by lwo tires thal exploded R ~·;r:~v~· , :, . ~,re-~~·.cats. 'It gives~~ men a like cannons," said Adams . .,_ .u.w,, · ~'.If.~~. d1ance to)Jn:ctice the tricks .of the Tbetrainlngprogramsbaveprovento 1 ~-meta11· ,~ "' trade." . 1 . Jar'"-~ bara retelii611Di Tbe cars ~lied by a fireman who be an invaluable 11d to the volunteer McOods, •~ wrec ' firemen, according to Adams, wbo be- Senate Education Vnit Watering Down Sex Bill From Wire Services SACRAMENTO -Seeking more moderat< action, the Sem!le F.du<:ation Committee today was somewhat emasculating a bill by State Sen. John G. Schmitz CR-Tustin) designed to give parents. more control over sei. education. A key provision has already been changed, during rommiltee bearings in Sacramento. Sen. Clair W. Burgener, CR.San Diego) proposed an amendment to the Schmitz bill which cuts out .a :requirement for written parental permission before a child may take such a course.. The amendment still a1Jow1 them, Anaheim Youih Killed in War ArrnySpec.SThomasJ.Watts,~,son or Mr. and Mrs. George N. Watts Jr., 1218 West North Sl., Anaheim, has been killed in Vietnam, the U.S. Defense Department announced Tuesday. The Anaheim native was crew chief aboard one of two Army helicopters which collided in flighl April 23 in the Phu Loi area, 35 miles from Saigon. He was a 1966 graduate of Anaheim Jligh SchoOI and altalded Fullerlon Junior College before entering the service in April, 1967. He was beginning his se-- cond tour of duty in Vietnam and was on duty with the 1st Air Cavalry Division. ueves thal their fire-fighting ability has been increased considerably through the Sunday exercises.. Nixon Toughens Stand on ABM; .-4 : SACRAMENTO ~ ,\ellne Clov. Ed J1iiiaOcke ,_Y ilai>ed' a bill crealing I M ·...,.. marine ,.,_,at Dana Point ' -~ Beach. • I Allemblyman Rob<rt Badham (!>.- Newport Beach), author ol the meuure, aakl !be bW would ..,mn1 people from '<An7lal ~..-lnlm -w: itii .. _. -r.""' 1---· -~- 'i'l.-Dana --·--lidea ol tlle'Dana PGiDI h<adland Md the «bet !efuge me"'1s aioni 1,000 feel ol llclleny Slate Beach. It ii unlawful to take aandcrabt. muuell, iea anemones, sea urdllnl, dama and oll!er eumplet ol marine life within !ht ,.,,,.... -. by pmnll lnlm the~ olF!lb and Game, Fish 1Ull clalallled aa rport « pme, abalooe, and loboter may be llten under exbtlng regulaUons. The bW is Ille llnl algoed Into law by -e. Go•. Reagaa 11 .., an tut Coal! ape•Irlns I I ' County Administrative Officer Robert nut month'• election. 'lbe lncum ·_ E. Thomas Indicated that the:111pervi3ors Meryl Ilrdllcka, qull in a dlapule wtib.. may eventually be forced to form such a It.ate Republlcan. organ•uttce. ·~ Open Sundoys 112 to 5 Hand· ~rvai cr~c.nzM valuGS t.o J71..U WHERE. rrs AT SALE A1' BOTH lDCMONS!! 121-wettPM.....,, ....... ,..... w. 1439.50 :::. s.m3s 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS! Some New, Some Demonstrators, Some , One_..of-a·Klnd THURS., FRI., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDs:s·uNDAY! SHERWOOD S-7600 UNIVERSITY AM/PM sr010 llCOYll ' GARRARD · SL0 75 STll lO AUTO r.IATIC CMANGll modal 301 •551i .......... ::~ .. ~~: '27. ..... -.11-11 ...... ALTEC 100.watt ·7111 ' . ..... ..... ·' : I . ' ' .. .. :Z~ '10950 uu--$~- ., 1359" :: ra1c1 , ...... , =.'228 .. .. &ADHAM'S DANA POINT MARINE PRESERVE NOW LAW Lt. Gov. Ed Rtincke Sitn• First Pleca of Lottslatlon """· 11-.:....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:..;.~~~~~~~..;.;.:::::::::::::::::::::::=:=~ ,. . . -.... ~.April :so. 1169 1c.. ...... .,.., , ... lfllfn Joyce L.odt, one of the rrlinl- akirted employes of 1 department store chain in London where the girls are asking permission to wear trousers to work. defended her cause thusly: "Think of the difference In beinJ able to bend down. without wasting five minutes in preparing to." • Ju.It lik.t anv mother Ltona the lione11 show1 off htr nttD baby a.t Lincol" Park Zoo in Chicago. Ai yet un-na:rMd UttU bo]I cub .stands com- fortinplt1. dole to .mom in hi.I first debuL One of two. ~bs born Feb. 20, ht now wtighl nearly 30 pounds. • In Chutei England Mrs. Fredo BAiiard, who died in February at 82, left her five geese in the care of her housekeeper, Mr1. Olive Green,. along with $4,800 for their maintenance. ••Mrs. Ballard could not bear to think of her geese go- ing to someone she didn1t know ," Mrs. Green said. 0 They were her great comfort." • Thieves who broke into a stor· age abed at Rudolph (iuca's home in Walnut Creek apparently have gourmet tastes. Cluca said the loot included 20 ateeks and 139 bottles of rue wine . • A Bend, Ore. car dealer ran 1'Gdio mMi MWspaptr ad~rtis•· mntr en a pleoaant lfJ'ing dav. ioith Ill< t,..,,.., "Chrntmas in April ... The mzt dav it 1ta:rted mowing and two da111 lcUr there tDCI an inch on the ground. The dealer said he's received 1ome prett11 cleve r pfi01'lt' collt. • During his campaign for city councilman in Jersey City, N.J., Morris Pftln'• ilogan has been: ~'\Vhat Jersey City needs is a watchdog." While campaigning lest weekend Pesin was bitten by a German Shepherd dog. "Having experienced at first hand the bite of a watchdo~, I can understand the apprehension of public officials if r am elected/' Pesin said. • •• Nixon: Colleges·. Must Get Tou:gh WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on, after a month or li1ence on mounting campus dieorders, says college ad· min1ltratSonr must "ha'e the blckbone to !land up" agalnlt student Violence "U free eduation ii m survive in the United * * * SDS Members Hold ·Building At Columbia ·~ URJIM ''"' l~JtNUilltflll Members of the radical Students for a · Democratic Society (SDS) today com· mandeered the mathematk:s building at protest weary Columbia University. At Voorhees College in Denmark, S.C., the campus 1tood empty after gun-toting blacks gave up the.Ir occupation or three buildings Tuesday. The Columbia students barricaded themselves behind a door after taking over the building. The math building alt. in was reportedly the opening skirmish in a aeries of protests the SOS has p~ for the New York City ecbool. National Guardsmen had been·ca11ed to the Voorhees campus in the face of the armed show of force by the bla ck militants. Early today ·the guard!lmen and police manned roadblockl!I near the school but were finally called off the bar· ricade1. Seventeen students aod f a cu I t y members were taken into custody by Tulane Univenity officials Tuesday after attempting to disrupt student military training um:i.... Some 800 coeds stqed a five-hour sit-in at the Rider College library in Trenton, N.J. In a campalan to win donnltory keys then aetUed for all-night vigil in the gym- nao!um. The Voorhees occupation was ended without a shot being fired as a professor ran to the student-htld buildings ind urg. ed the militants to surrender. Prof. Bernie Dingle Jed the blacks, without their guns, to the home of Pn:si· dent John F. Potb, shouting, .. Get those white raclst cops out of there." The troops then surrounded the home and arrested the students. Guardsmen conOscated six rifles, thret shotguns, a pistol, two knives and am· munitlm from die :.::fled bulldilll'· The campus wu indefinitely and students were ordered to leave. S!ales." In a speech Tue&day lo the 57th &MuaJ meeting of the Chamber of £.ommen.-e, 1he President said thole who run America 's colleges and universities '1must recognize that there can be no compromlse with lawltssne.u and no 5W" render lo force." Nixon's strong statement wu une1· peeled. His speech to the bulloess ll'OUP had been billed ., only "informal remarks." Only twice aioct taking ol!ice had there been any prevloUi Nixon pronounctmentl on the tide of student disorders tblt have swept the natim'a campuoea.~ including such prestigious &ehools as Harvard ind Cornell unlverailies. 1be White House on Feb. 24 made public • let.er in whk:b Ni.Joo praised a "get-tough" policy announced by the Rev. Theodore Mr Hesburgh, presideot ot Notre Dame University. Hes burg pledged prompt expulsion of student! who disrupt the operation of the university. On March 22. the President Issued a. statement warning of ' • e u I t u r a I calamity" if violent demonstrations persisted. He said the educational com· munity -not the federal government - must cope with the problem. Nlion spoke Tuesday with much the same tone as in the March statement, but with considerably more forceful language which brought repeated applause from the audience. While praising the younger generation and saying that "We do not want 1ovem· meot control of our great"educatlonal in· s"titutiom," Nixoo aaid: "When we find situations in numbers of colleges and univenitla which reach the point where students in the name of dissent and in the name of change ler· ~rize • other students .ind I a c u I t y members, when they rifl:e files, when they engage in violence, when they carry guns and knives in the clamwm.s, then I say it is time for faculUes, boards or trustees and school administrators tt) have the backbone to stand up against this kind of situation." He declared that the situation at this time required a statement from the President. " • , . I think all 0£ those who have a responsibility for providing educational leadership must recognize that th1re can be no compromise with lawless~s and no surrender to force H free education is to lllrVlve in the United State! of America.'' NfJon laid. '.President Wants to Place U.S.Aid Under One Agency W ASlllNGTON CAP) -President Ni1- on aaked Con&reu today for · brold autborily lo con10lld1te related federal aid proSrams, saying they are so numerous and overlapping they threaten •igovernmenl paralysis.'' The presidential request was e1pected to generate controversy because il would give the chief u-ecuUVe power to alter, within limits, some provisions of exisUng grant programs that have been fiJ:ed by Congreaa. Nixon proposed to place the con- IOlid1ted programs under the jurisdiction of • single agency. Related programs now are spread among various govern· menl ofrice.s. The presidential plan, closely patterned alter his existing 1uthority to reorganize the executive branch, would give either bouse of Congress 60 days in which ta veto any proposed consolidation. "It is an almost uniYeraal cOmplaint of local eovernment oUkials," be lllid, "tha~ the web 'of programs bu grown IO tangled that it often become.s im- permeable. However laudable each may be i.ndlvlduall)'. the total effect can be one of government paralyaia: "U these programs are lo achieve their Intended purposes, we must find new ways of cutting through the tangle," he added . States, cities, and other recipients of federal grants "find themselves in· creasingly faced with a welter of overla~ ping programs, often involving multiple agencies and diverse criteria," he said. Nixon said that under his proposal, ''Formulas, interest rates, eli&iblllty re· quirementa, administrative procedures and other terms and conditions of the various programs being consolidated would have to be brought into harmony.'' Montana Stockmen Warned Rocky Mountain Storm Wliitens Pacific Coast Peaks C•lltornla Mott -' Seutllenl c1111or1111 w• t1ir ,.,.,,,. •xc..i tar lorw tlouoll' '"' ' '8 ow1r ftM -· Ill ftM' Nrly ....,...,.. 1.,. '*'''· Tl'llre -116 """"''lw•• ....... II Wt • ""'" -de9r~ 11\thrr 111 l~ Mwie.. MCI \'klllll'f !Mtr - ~rf:d 1'I 1"'141,, T~t ,...,_ 11111 u..w t '""' clouds ,,... '" Ill .,_ _.,, ,..,,,Int. TUflder'I 11111'1 Wit 11 ll'llf 1111 1ttedlc:ted lllw Nnlvllt •et SS. Tht Air """'''°" (00\tl'el Cl•trkf Mid IM,.. w.1 llttot "° ,,,,.......,._ - 111 !tit Lot ~'" ••tin. ._,..., -ff Cloull\I' llul wfitl - ,,_ ... ,,. t vi.l\ffle. ""' "'"" -· ., .,.. "''" ••• 61. It .... lllr Ill tl'lt '""'~ltlf!I Wit!\ I lllltl tf ..S II -I i.wtl, o...m--. '91r 1M Mlt' wlllff .... ~ '"' Ill JO 1••11" -"""· M•9"1 ...,.....,Ma r111• "9f9o IQ 111 ""' _, ... ..,.. .. 14 Ill "" .,,. .... rqteM. "-rittlooo't l'Wltaoo! T- ltl\' -"""" 51rl"• wnti 1 ,.-. c,or91.. ., ,., n-. f'hit.OtY' Wc111>rr •-W Cl ... tlilr' ,. -lllltliell •11111 "'- ~ ........ hi -· --r. ...... """-,...,..." •l'ICI lill'tulf ~ toftor Int~· L-81.t(fii ,,._\.:',"" #olMcl ... ,., l lll'llM;il ,,.. -Wli.t f.US. Pll .... •lt ... n . .,...,_ ...., ,.,.,... "'""" •• '4 'rt WI#' .... JM Dltw PJ.n ................ \.OI ...... L-H AfifO VtCllOT"l'- Ollllfr .......... """"""' fnlril """"' _......__,~,Nit! ...... .,_.,.,,. .... , -Ifft• ,.. l .. .,., .. ANO INTl.ltMIOlllf " ~-··~-~""" ...... ,... ... "" -"'" ..... .,..,. .......... ~.~_.. """ ....... di-wf'l'I """" " -· """' .. ., -"''""' .,.., l"9 10'11W ... Ill .. Temperature• .., .. ....,. ""'""" .... Pl'tlit\11 Sltmt rck 1 01! .. Clllc- ClMllVltll Clt"4!11,_. °'"'"" Cf.o Moi,... ...... Eu"°"' Fort w.,,~ F'l'tlftf ..... --_,,, k'.tnMI (lty l•• ._. ... , Mltl'lll l'lldl Mllwtult"t M•-~ -"~ -y -.. .,... ... ...... ,, ... 111.0bl-t ,.llliedo>lptil1 ·-·--111.1 .... C"'r ... llWfl ·---SI. i...tllo ... _ ,.,.~ Sert 'retld9m hlllt """' '""" "'-'""•' w..,,1.11,11111 Mllfl l ... P'91. " 0 .. " " .. ,, J• ~' •l !7 11 .. .. .. " ~ • .. ,. n " " .. " ~ " ~ " " n ~ " " • " n .. .. " ,, " .. " • ~ " " " " n .. .. • " • .. .. .. ' .. ~ " " • ~ .. D .. " .. n .. ,, D " q .. .. .. .. .. .. ., ~ .. • .. ~ ~ .. ~ .. "' .. ... 'HAIL FROM THE CHIEF' TO DUKE Nixon Honora J11:omen Ellinston on 7Dth Ye1r Toast to Duke White House Swings for Ellington WASHINGTON (APt -The warm, driving jazz of Duke ·Ellington filled the East Ro6m , buffing everytWng to a high, festive glow In one of the swingingest evenings ever in the While House. The bash honored the Duke on his 70lh birthday, and appropriately, everything was topped off with a jam 1ession that didn't break up until 2:15 a.m. Ellington was awarded a Medal of Freedom by President Nixon and even the citation wa1 Wp: " .•. In the royalty of American music no man swing! more or' sland1 higher than the Duke." Ellington danced, signed autograph5. kis sed almost everyone on the cheek. in· eluding the President, and took a tum at the piano. His judgment on the evening : "Lovely." Singer Mahalia Jackson pointed out that it was the first time a black man had ever been honored at the White House. And to gauge the fun, a butler said, ''I would have worltll<I for liothlng tonight." An all-star jazz ensemble played a strictly Ellington prpgr~ after a black· tie dinner. The group was the nucleus of the jam session later that included Billy Eckstine. Dizzy Gillespie, Nixon·s Jaw partner Lem Carmant on clarinet, and some scarlel·tuniced members of the .¥ft'rine Band. President Nixon led a champagne toast "lo the greatest Duke of them all -Duke Ellington." He also sat in on piano, tin kl· ing "Happy Birthday.'' The 180 gUesti joined in hearty chorus. The Ni1ons left tht party at midnight .. <;:ong' s Tet Driv,e Over Or in Lull? f SAIGON (AP) -U.S. field olf1«rs said .. &odl1 the: Vlft 'Cone's sprln& ortenaive is f tn • lt&lem1te. For the first time in 10 _.. no algn!f1cant enemy shelling was Nl>9l1ed ciwmight, but allied forces reported tUli:la more than 200 e:ntmy tn . half • doir<n Cla.!hes. U.S. spokesmen said most of lhe fillhtlng -Initiated by .-ping u .s. and South Vietnamese forces. But they ~fu.sed to write an end to the offensive · tbe -Viet Cong and North Vietnamese liunCbed Feb. 23. "We're not going to. make any an · n(llncement on the end of the enemy of· (ensive," one American said. "That1s up to the enemy." , "We feel like they're just holding up for some reason. probably awaiting further _ ~cti91LS:' ~d Qne {ield officer. "There ls ,not enough information to tell us one yay or another. The prisoners we take are usually privates who do not know the over-all plans." Allied forces reported four Am~ricans and 15 ~ Vietnamese troops killed In the ground fighting,, al orig With 30 Amerlcanl and 46 SoUth Vietnamese wounded. U.S. forces also lqst an armomt personnel c.arriei::, and two others were damaged. " The heaviest flghtlng was 11ported north of Saigon near. the Cambodian ~er and along the eastern flank of th1 Deinilitariled 7.one, where the North Vietnamese are Dearest their supply lines., · An :American armored column from the 11th f:avalry Regimt?nt found an enemy bunker complex in War Zone C Tuesday and ran.into a four·hour fight. AboUt ,JOO North Vietnamese troops en· trellched bl tlle network of 100 bunkers opened fir;e with small arms, machine gum i.nd rocket-propelled erenades on the first two apnored cars of the ~vehi· cle column. Both cars were hit, but they continued to attack the North Vietnamese with heavy-machine guns. A reinforcing col· umn also was hit, and one ol the annored personnel carriers was r e p o rt e d destroyed . Chromosome Theory Plea Rejected in NY NEW YORK (UPI) -An ali·m.ale jury rejected a delense plea of "chroi:J'J.<>10me imbalance" early' today and convicted six-foot-eight John Farley of the sex slaying of a Queens woman 1n an alley· way behind her home . . The jury deliberaled foc eight boon in St.ate Supreme Court, QueeN, before returning the guilty verdict. if you buy an electric range with a self-cleaning oven now* · , · "Buy youn before June 30 from your local participating dealer and the Electric. !.<:ague of Southern California will mail you $25 if you choose any of these brands: Frigidaire. General Electric. Hotpoint. Kenmore. Thennador. Wc.stinghousc. You're tired of saubbi°" scouring, and .!Craping that oven of youn anyhow, aren't youl Why put up STBmPour wilh all that drudgery when an electric self.deaning oven will dean itself for less than a dime! W!>cn your new raniic la dectric, you can cut way down on cleaning ,..,Ur kitchen, too. With a Sam.Jess range there ar<: no by-products of combustion to dirty walls, windows an'd curtains. Besidca a cleaner ¥en, an • -. electri;. nnte mcma a cooler kitchen. El<ctric heat goes into the food-not up the aides of pots and paru. Electric rangca now ou!Ocll gaa ranaes froni coast to coa!C. You can sec whv. Sec your local participatins dealer. Give him your address when you buy a nnge. The Lague will mail you a choclc. sa: Southetn Californi11. Edil!Oll DRUDOBRH now! I I I I OPEN . SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 . OFFICl~L COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRlaS EFFEOlVE APRIL 30 _TO MAY 6 • .. ~'S IS FAMOUS •.• wt'rt htetlqllltltn !tr !tit Wotid's flnt1t HOltflng .~ulpm,.tl II you'" huntfnt lrffllMI fir llluntfnt equipment, stop In at Gnnr11 You n1m1 lt-w1'w1 fiOf ltl ••• 1nd, wt'Vt l'f h wfttl'I JOI ntttl Ill OVER 400 RIFlES and SHOTGUNS ON DISPLA YI GRANT'S GUN DEPARTMENT h stafftll by experts In t+.tlr fltltl tf 1hootln9. Wh1t1v1r you m1y want In '""'• fr• a $20.00 22-Rlflt to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Gr•rs his h In stock! Come In 1M 111 for yountlf one tf tht l1rgnt stocks of 9un1 In Southtm Callfomltl • Winchester • Berett1 • H & R • Ruger •Smith & Wesson • Browning • Ann1Ut1 • Rominglon • W11therby • Wolther • llomo •Charles Doly • S1v191 • Soko • Colt • llhlca S'!8475 s591s FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! FIATUllNG the t1clu11" lodl4-m1tic fftltn •.•• j111i twist the t.ft11opl111 ,.,, , •• tlidt t• ff. tired lt11tth, twi1t •Kk end Itek. C.ler 1'4H '''' tips en 111 eut1lllt "'""' • , • 1pri111·fHdttl uprlfht1 ind •rtct polff 1utom1tit1lly •dJuat f1brlc te111lo11 ne 1111tttr wfltt tM wuttl1r. Other ''Oasi1'' Models 12'x9' (sleeps S) ............ $109.9S 13'x10' (sleeps 6) .......... $129.95 Sleps 3 or 4 $89 95 10'x8' SIZE! "The Oasis" by . NEW wf1dtd-tt1M w1f9rpntf wlnyl coitH' nylOl'I ""' e1t1n41 10" 1boYt ground lrttl to insure prottc· tlon ind uftty Pl.US m1ny other new futures for 19691 16'x10' (sleeps 8) ........... $169.95 "There's a Coleman Tent For Every Famil ; •• and Budget!" _ .. No·w-1 C-A·M-PIN-G-.. -.B-ETT'"'E""R"'TH_A .. N "'EV"'ER-WITH-.. A--Sma--.. -...... -ll·y-· .... ,, ' OLYMPIC Sise l'x'6'6'' "FLEX·ACTION" TENT-s 5 9'5 ...---c100LERI ' . RYERI ,---,ROOMIER! 10'x8' ..... $79.95 ll'xlO' .... $99.95 TRONGERI GRANT'S HAS IT! TENT STAKES 2i59' SPICIAL J:~1 GUARANnED UNIREAKAllEI "GHAftll n-" 11. lftAIM SURPLUS WI HONOI AIL MAJOI CllDIT CAIDS II BE EQUIP . YOUR SCOUT .. GRlNT'SI I Grant'• Stocks a Complete Lin• of ••• RICH· MOOR FREEZE· DRIED FOODS I ,.,.,,....., ..... JOft OllTI>OOnMU ....... PACK FRAME '4.95 ·. GROUND COV~R SPICIALI :JJc :Reg,_96<. Gr1nf1 c1rrtn t corn- -pltt• stock of Ml typtl . of P1dt1 an4 Frne1l Jn. eluding Hlm1l1y1n ptd: frames and 1ccn1orl11. SU GUNT'S ffr all ti yot1r Sttvtl111 .....,, •• : ....... JUrpritH .. the , fl'll'Mftdoul 11•"'9•1 "The latest!'' Men's and Women's IELL·IOTIOM ''FLARES'' by LEVI'S® WI HAVE 'IM-111 ef the newnt 1tylt1 ind f1•rlct in th• l1tt1t l1ll·lott1m·Fl1rt 1tylt1I And, 111 tlrtt &t Gr1nt' .. IHI MEN'S NUVO® FLARES ., Juu 1rrtv1d In N•"Y ll11t ind Whitt. GAL'S LEVI'S® FLARES lritht HepsKk In Litt lhN, '1 0 Gold, Stntl 111d Afftf.... "' * CHR.DREN'S LEVI'S® * BLUE DElllMS (slzH D-12) ........ $4.91 WHITE UVl'I® (~I colon) ....... $3.69 IAIY CORDS (11111 4-12) ....•••.. $4.91 RUllER Ll•EBOATS Dtl11n ltl'P tit• 25"x4JH f1m- lly 1vrf ridtr ef h••"Y ru•btrl11tl 1111¥111 '2.88 l·MAN , ••• , , $14.95 2·MAN • ••• •. $29.95 4·MAN • ••••• $49.95 6·MAN ... , • • $59.95 '3.88 Grant's ffas 'fmf HIGH SIERRAS? Wt haw a ~tt1 ... ectJo11 af 100% DeWl'l-flllH .... t.r the "'"' prefe11lo111l 1f ..... ,.,.. OYHIR IAGS FROM $10.11 UG. $5.95 I.I. ''" UG ••• C $1.29 *SPECIAL* Grant's Custom Boater-Hiker 2·LB. DACRON ''81'#11) With Milium Insulated Lining I.I. STTU .... $1 .91 99c FOLDING CAMP SH!)YEL- S.. hrts Fnt! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! NOW $2288 ONLY Mtff I• Cr11tf'1 rilhl titKlfb. tlo1tt-pi1M 11J{ff .vier cover, 111111 .. •r•tt 11,,.,, •Ir mlttn11 ,otktt .. ••tr• Jo'!f ltllfth, '11•1· lty ce111tNctioll throufMvtl METAL MATCH l111t1nt flr1 1nywhn you m1ybtl '1.98 CANrllN fer tha h•tn. ce ....... w It• ctYtr 11114 Wt. 11M't .... . ·~:1 •1 .. . . . . . . . . . . • .. -· ... .. '• ~, .· ' .. '· .. , ; . " ·' .. ' l I l 7. .. 1•1 I· ' 'I J; I J I I ' I . I . ; . ' • . ' ' ' .1 • . • • ,-·l~,,D.:V PILOT ~ITORIAL _ ~AG~j - Search for a Par4g9~ . ; "· _.r- A Laguna Beach recreation dl~r Is courteous, loy3J trustwortby ltlnd and generous. iles;des that he's got to be talented and a college graduate with three years' or more e~erlence. The city council didn't aciually include the . Bor Scout creed in the job specifications for the new poss· tlon but about every other good attribute was there. 'Boiled down the description calls for a man who can budget, adIDiniste~, lead, write news releas~s. 1ocialize, plan for facilities and Plan. programs while staying in harmony with the community. He should the description states, be "also one who excels in inttrpersonal contacts; be perceptive and have the insight necessary to establish two-way com· munlcetions with indlviduals and groups -of all ages aod interest ranges." ' In short, according to the printed JVOl'll, the city's first director of recreatioo should ~e all things to all peoR)e. . • . 11 we obtain such a paragon, let's be glad the Presi· dent didn't spot him first_~ f_!IJ a __ cabi~et vac~cy. _If be shOuld, however, be ~Y a mortal with liuma~ fail~ lngs, Jet's glv~ him the.time and help to make a bigger, better recreation program. Why Delay a Year? Laguna Beach may have a fight en its h_ands next April· if it is to make a go of the hard-won sign stand- al'lls. . d' Clyde z. Springe, city planning and building 1rec- tor. told councilmen recently that s!pn control se~m to find businessmen in two groups: forers and ag1n· ners.•• The city official broached the possibility that those oppooed to submitting to sign ordinance controls 1n1ght organize legal resistance. .-: l ~ .'•·'\ This would be unlertunete 11111 could be lime-~• suming and.cosily. ~ >, • ~ , • "1 ~ Lagunans, inleruted lri eouta) beaut,y,_ 1'/orted long, • and hard to arrivs at a ·sign ord16~e swtable'1for the ~. • : · ··. town. There was ,great paril9patjon by th~ bwlness• • • community. i1 ," .,. ; .. • ~ ~ ~.J .. i1 .. -... i-~<' Elements ot1be1buil.nen conuhunity •have ·afr•dy:··' ·.._ 1 gone along with .the. ilgnffig program. cbetrfally,.tBul .... Springe eslifllllled> thaC ot about 1690 slzys .In ~: " ; probably 80 percelit>-aoo't confo)'lll.. _ ,. The hope is llir)'nicist of the olhers will. be. mlld,e.;to _ · • • conlorm before ll)e deadjin• April 15, IS?U., It's ~ !bat • point the city, will t>;Jln·to force eonf.on;ruty throtigli·t{i·e courts. P~rhaps the ci!Y, pbould create an :honor ro~<>f, business!lS th~t shape up before the deadline. •• · The·DAILY.-PlLOO' feels that those ·wbo don'l 'COl\t re •shorulghted. By 90nfo~g the)."ll be '.Jl1-y· · ' ing un e am·e rules •<their com tors ~tile , , resulting . a8sUie _ · · ' · d be good for '· everyone's busin~s. •• ' - ' Maso~'. Fine Program The Masons call It .\Cl). That's short for Ambassadors for communication in Education. The fine program is;,growing. II was the third year thal'tlie Laguna lodge bad sent Laguna Beach High School students and Instructors to Northern CalUornia schools to see how the other half learns and funclli>ns. This year: the.San Clem .. Jite lodge joined and sent a student and instructor r · ·1. In return, students from the San Francisco Bay a.·ea visited our local schools.. Masons who started Public Schools Week years ago, hope the e~cbange program grows into a state-wide custom. We'll second the mot.ion. A ' ' 'llnrealistic, Discrinainatory Ordinance' Conclusive: Flying Clubs vs. '.l'o the Editor: !A1 an independent flight instructor, I sin proposing a new ordinance for the <Xange County Airport. I feel the Olght acbools are unfair competition to flying clubs and their instructors. They are gel· ting students and pilots who would oormally come to us. So I am suggesting we get rid of the problem by charging ea.eh school $50,000 per year and $3,000 per year for each of their instructors to teach on the field. This would solve our problem by eliminating any competition. Letters /TOM f'fadnt ar• totZcomt'. Nor:mallu writni •houl:d conoey thti1' me1sagt in 300 IDOf'd.r or ltu. Tht right to CO!ld<rur llltm to fit spa<• or tliminatt" libtl U rtstrvtd. All letter1 must include signatu1'1 and mailing addrts1, but flam.ti may b1 . withheld on rtip.l1rt if .ufflcitnf. rta· THIS JS FOOLISH ot courst, but turn . son u apparent. the proposal around and change tl}&. r,,..... to $3,IOO per year for ....... ~ .. I and $500 per year for each ,inslndOi'~· .. , mijor move ? Is lt too much lo expect our t1i1J is what the flight schoD!s are;~., · city fathers lo uoo good buoiness prin. to do to us. : ·• , ., '. ··~'-.. ~tr ci~ to solve thls li1?n1'Y proble~, and They say we 're ~r · ~iilion·. not; rush headlmg . mto ~et.tung as because our eipenses afe:Jea:s~aill '*J>al'& ~bul()\Js and unc.;rtain as this whole pro. why our aircraft are aVaUitik; af. }e:ss ;r«t seems to be. COit. Actually our parts am;mwt.i0f1be, Why &hould we· go to Denver. Colorado mechanical work is done by u.·· dealers to ~se $'100,000 in bmds to finance on the field. We also buy our gas and library structure and land acquisitim in aircraft from these people at prices Laguna? With the few remaining sites which they naturally get at cost. We are zoned for busineM in town, wby do we equal in one area, and that is .ff1f. each have to use such expensive land to build square foot. of 1pace we occupy costs us a library when ~ choice land will both the same. Otn' space where we tie-answer die purpose? down our aircraft bas one drawback and that is when it rains the mud makes our operation almost inaccessible. IN CONCLUSION, I feel that one side tJf the controversy cannot eliminate the other by pushing through tho airport cOmmisslon · a very uinuliatlc and diicriminatory ordinance. Jn mJ-Opinion, ifSthis-ordinance " receives · any further consideraUon,111he people in charge of ad- m.lnstering the airport are Jooking after the interest of a very select few. Instead of normal competition we will have much hjgber flying costs from the monopoly proposed. WALLY WELBROCK r Cart Before Horse To 1be Editor: I am a widow, whose source oC 'income from four rentals en Third Street in Laguna Beach stands to ·be cut <if, when no agi'eemeqt has beftl reodied whether It is po9!1iblt to sublease thi.'I land to die county library system. Would it not be good business to first expkfre this m<lllt important consideration ~ore property .. deltroyed! - ' We have hititory repeatifii ltse'tl whl'tl property was demolished and removed from tax rolls in Los Angeles uDder the pretext d building a mu:sedll to honor mMe l!itars. Familiel were paid under market value for their lanes and "'*"°""'· end to this day die lond~ vacant. and no muoeum, phis revenue to Cbe city loot-. WE CERTAINLY stand lo have 1be _. ~ bajJpell In LatfUna. we are puWns 1he cart bdol'e the ho11t! WIQ' all CID nnll llld ll~lo publJcity given lllla -~-- Wednesday, April 30, 1969 The odlforiol JIGV• of Utc'-Daav Pilot -to i•f<nm a,.Pmm- 111ato -by prttnting uu. ...... _ ... opl1lloiw-""" """"J' ........, .. IOplt;r of Ill-°"" .,_, by providing • , ..... ~ 111< ·~ •f .... ··: .. • ~ oad by ~:ulf -·-flW -"'-poi.U-of l•f°""td obs.,,,.,. ...i """"'""" on l<>pic1 of lh• daf. Rol!erl N. Weed, Publi sher FINE APARTMENT buildings· similar to the ooes -on Loma Terrace, or some other tax producing structures, lhiuld be built on '111ird Street so we get JliuctJ .. needed revenue., and not write df this valuable downtown ' property from tax !Ulls. , 'Ibere are SID many questions that w~ as taxpayers h8,Ve a right to know. and questioos that must and 6houJd be omwered. Anolber thing we should not overlook: ltwe in lAguna withdraw from lhe county 1ibrary :in the area d finan- cing, we are also depriving our com- munity of the county's experience and judgmem ·ln· Ille type <i books that are going to be iRvailable for our children and adults to "'Id. WE . WO\JLb HAVE t.o go to the ex· pime <d buy~ our books wlien they are now available to us FREE from the coun- ty. Are the coffers so 'overflowing in Leguna that we do not have to consider this huge 'expense .to the taxpayer? If the 1150,000 fiaure lll,entiooed by, our city menqer, Mr. 4Nbeeton. as the possi- ble price to be paid.&i,-~lots m:ied f?r busineos downtown, -I "'l'Uld be paid St&,600 for two large dUplexes th~t yield ' me over $4000 a year income .. Can J or anyont else go out and buf Jand Jn La - guna for the rldiculotis price mtntioned? Why should 1 few be made to p:ay, out of their own pockets !Or a 1ibrary that will serve the whole community? WHO SAYS THAT we need 21,500 !pl'awlklg equlre feet of land for our library in a town of 13,000 popuJatioo? JUlt by lnotalllng elevators •nd taking adVantqe <i the -<i tlie land, we could uUUie a comparatively small lot ~ would fall into the cost 1pproved I>)' tile COUD11 lllnry ,ays1em, II .,. do nq1 cto that, then "" ~ on the pouiblli-11 <i tHe cit; nDll\llc lbe tihrary ••• and lllo ..i to tHe ~much hlcber. Mr. -~ !hot ot< loU """1d be ""'"lh !or lhe IH1t'1ry '° then "'1J' dtmoUlll rilnt Joto witll tbe lrlant u- -tbol tlle-lolo-'d be1leld , .. ·l'ltute ex...-i d die illl'ary, I _,14 lille lo <Cilr<t 1'8Lai 11\J: """""' until Ola! ---,i-, ..,tittt.r still: ' build ... library-• lond 11111 r. not zoned lorbodnels. Oii agnu l1'ILL k!"P Jt where it is -· llldllllld••l'&!or and'lldd btig!ll lo lbe (lmtlll lllnl<l1lri I have U90d the lilnry tor Ille laot 15 ,..., and I have never bttn In there when seats were not avall4ble lo alt down and read. 'J"1Us whole littH•tion must be reviev.·ed be!<re k b too Ille, one! good business Schools principles Mould be applied. We do not need pie in the eky ! SIGNE FISCHER Crime Sourees To the Editor: Criminology student Erik Beckman raises a vague and irrelevant issue (Mailbox, Aprl1 9) ln scolding the American people for not "speaking out aga'inst crime." The Ametjcan people "speak out against crime'~ by paying heavy taxes to supp(irt gi~c police bureaucracies that grow year alter year just like the incidence. of crime. ~ J. Edgar Hoover has made a life~e Profession of friPt.eninC qongress into bigger and bigger ~tions". yt.ar after year, tjUng UMl .~crime rate aS the bogeyman, when >t was obVious that giving him more ~ney certainly did not reduce ,the cri~e rate! ·CRIME COMES generally from com· plex social condllkins that will not ,be af~ fected by preacJllng a g .• i n st it in simplistic style. There 1S one atta; however, in which crusading criminology students might have a more ferti~ field, and that -is in the area of crimes com· mitted by the police themselves. , The Southern California American Civil Liberties Union published a report of a two-year study investigating 734 .com- plaints against the police in Los Angeles and stated that one out of every teh law enforcement officers in the county was apparenUy engaged in some form of· police malpractice, the most frequent .of· rense being "the resort to brutalitf_, the use of physical force ." Has anyone ever heard 1 professional police official "speak out'' against that fonn or crime? ROBERT 0. BLAND Dispel the Jtt111ter11 To the Editor: I believe that the problem was in fact told as it is. Many times our teen-agers are told by their parent& 11111 society that if they smoke a marijuana cigarette or take a piU, they v.·ill become a hopeless drug addict. This is false and the teen- ageNJ know it. The true facts are that marijuana and dr'ugs :Can lead to a life of drug addiction for certain people. A teen-ager who is tokta falHhood-lboui,marljuana or pills will -also think he is ~inl: falsely in- Jotmed 1 b out methedrlne an d LSD. which reaHy can be harmfu1 and even deadly. PRESENTLY DRUGS are looked upon by many as i;nystertous, exotic no-no'i in our society. I am of the op;.nion that con· stnictive programs sbould' be set up to give the true flcl!I about drugs 1nd narcotics and thus dispel the mystery. 1 believe th at then the. young people will believe that society ls genuinely in- teruted in theln and not just trying lo snow tbe.m. EUGENE NORDEN Studen~ Department <d CrimlnolotIY C.I. St.le, Long Beach Dear ' . Gl~my t Gns:- 0o1 our local trashmen take dead .. allft ·,al 1be n...cr bedJ ·wlill the tmPIY contal..,. « do they j11$1 land there occidentally! -A.J. D. Crime ls ' Crushing Us By J. EDGAR HOOVER Director Federal Bureau of Inve1tigatlon Calvin Coolidge said, "lt is the duty o! a citizen not onJy to observe the law but. to let it be known that he is opposed to its violation." An overwhelming majority of present-day Americans obey the law ? but far too few indicate that they are ser1ous- Jy.concerned with its violation. We art living in 1 day when defiance of authority is becoming the norm. Violent crime and thuggery are taking their dally toll ·in injuries and loss of life. Fear and appre~Sion prevail in the streets ~r most major cities. Law enforcement 1s the ciUzen's only buffer between personal safety and the criminal jungle. Often, as we know, this b not enough. IN RECENT YEARS, tremendous strides have been made jn the upgrading of Jaw enforcement. NaUonal, state, and local programs, costing millions of dollars, exist to equip, prepare, and train enforcement offiCi!rs and to modemiae police facilities. But for this marked prO- gress our alarming crime probletri would ,be "even greater. However, the finest, most effective Jaw enforcement at- tainable will not brine about crime con- trol without 'adequate public support. Our fight against crime can~be no stronger than the courq:e and commitment of our ciUzens. COft.11\tENTJNG ON the national crime problem in a recent major address, At· torney GeneraJ Mitchell warned, "Fear of crime -by the housewife and the schoolchild, by the merchant and lhe laborer'....:. fear is forcing us, a free peo. pie, lo alter ouf pattern of life, especiall y alter sundown ... The evidence is con· elusive. Crime is crushing us." To sup- port local and federal law enforcement, the Attorney Genera] suggested high- . quality ant.lcrime programs, adequately plaMed, staffed, and funded, which would involve profeMional organizalions, voluntary group.s, f o u n d a I i o n s , businesses, labor organizations, and in· dlviduals. -- THE ISSUES ARE clear. Almost dally. we witness the progressive revolutionary steps of 41\U:ChY -coercion, in'· tlmidation, viOJenceJ and u n 11 w f u I Jakeova. We must establish ·a unl\ed r~stanc:e against the er~ f~ destroying the structure of our soCfety, or \\'e face chaos. ff -we are to Jive as civilized men and women, then we must make \he law a paramount issue in our daily lives. 1n short, we must live by the IJ)irit u well u the letter of the law. We musl oppoee crime wUh 111 tbe means at our com .. mand. Our cheri.sMd principles of freedom, liberty, and J1Utlce cannot nourish •here fear ii dominant. Ii hss betm llated !lull only JOOS and btuts cac live outside of civil sotjety. Slnct w• m neither, I iay !ti Ill ~pt thO P,.mllo ~ teilinc IL , , Quotes . ~rt E. Straia, econ. prof., Cal -c.u ......... Bead -"The""""' or man'• inhumanity to man a:ivts llUle cause for doubt that we are creatures cf stlf·inltrest whoSt common ~lew of 'justice' is ·me Cirst~more now!'" .I Wickedly,. Absurd . . . . . ,' Word ·Perversion noughts al Large: (:' .. Some people actually pervert the words f- ol Jesus, "The poor ye always have witp ': you," to justify their indifierence to tbe.l'" problem of poverty; which is as wickedly!' absurb as saying that because '."the si~ ye shall always hc.ve with you," therefore. nothing or little should be dprw: to fiod f cure for cancer or heart disease. . . . . ·' There still is uo 8Ubstitute for personal , , ingenuity: .while 90 percent, of research , dollars in industry art SP,ellt ,by _ large. "Companies, 70 • pel-cent ,:·or : ~rulovations come from individual inVentors or small copipaniee. '; . • • • People "' ·-4o : are militantly "anti· superstitiouS;' are as foolishly dogmatic as ·theli;.<!{>WSit~.s who are blindly enslav- ed \o . ~.~i1iti,op.s; for. m~y ~a-called superstitiom:ue.. tooted m b10Jogical and psy_s:bological·truths that we have not yet rationally apPrehended. ' t "?-.• . . The busy man ·..Jfio. &ays "My lime is money" has got hold of tbe 1'}"ong end of the stick -.for lhi"human ·truth is that money is Umt, tft!:1'.1mless·our;asSets are used to buy us ·t&iie,>We a?e 'no richer on the scale of mortality than the man who slaves all his life for i '\liU.anct... • ·-+ • • We will soon need new wordsfor·Junar discoveries: the Ast~ spoke of "1the. teriain ot ·the moon" tNt "terrain" ap- plies only to the Ea'rui,' .aqd the moon 's different land surface calls·for a different name. Speaking of the Astr.onauts, it's frustrating to realize that we can put 1 space-ship in orbit around ~ moon, and still not devise an automobile battery ' that will invariably start on a wet m·orn- ing-• • • The revival of . the German economy '\1th hardly any money should inslnJct ill! in the important maxim that energy is the creator of wealth, and wealth jtself cannot create energy, so that merely pro- viding funds for projects that are in· adequately motivated is a waste of effort. • • • One law that all communities ahould pass immediately is'1hat every new j~ dustrioll eriterprise must build in anti- pollution facilities at the start, not only. as a health measure, but because it is in- finitely cheaper to prevent pollution than to rectify,the problem in a plant already built anb opera:ting without · s u c b facilities. • • • If prostitution won't be legilized, it shouJd al least be equalized -so that the women who practice it aren't the only ones prosecuted, while the men who patronize them are not even booked for 1 misdemeanor. • • • One· of the most incisive and \!Seful comments on the subject I've ever beard is Paul Valery's: "The Rurpose of Jl6Ychology is to give us an entirely dif· ferent idea of the Lhings ·we know best." • • • The closer you approach the truth, the more you see it was not the truth you were looking for , but something More comforting. Thing$, to Do Without ' ~ Things we could all do·wiOiOut: Look-alike him·and-her haircuts for young married couple1. .. . Platinum toothpicks. l. Phonograph records 'feat~ music des.igned for odd pul'po8's +.:.~h as to calm a barking dog. · Girls who dye Uleir . hair ~ strawberry blonde when strawberries ;are out of season. :. StQres that sell pseudo clevei:·l>u't.tons to teen-agers bearing Jeering ~ges so "blue" they make their motherS blush. The kind of advice you ~ in most Chinese fortune cOOkies. ~' People who try to win •tieintion at ~toil parties by d61ng~icks, predicting the future by . ' "!e ~lms or other (utsts, or ng their character by anal)'Ziril tJ'eir L 1 writing, FLUFFY W!Ga 'that make a girl's hair 1 stind '"11\!t u if lhe hid ~1anenlly frighteaed m: sbocked<by up a live 1a11eo -.1t<\rie JJO'l!!",lkie. ~Of aor·• •-who llk• to lnot'll\>P bottta oa cwWones. Reltaarln!O tl1'l •.i.i. ... 1ra for bread alld butter ..rlhD'Jt l<nds them ctw l( tliey alt~ •eot•"l"'a.dlme cup ol co11... • Ttiooe -'tinted "'P that make J(irls loot ,ilallble<faoe.I 'Jib f1111Uves .ltom M..a. ... Four-bit,3""1blnes.. • • •• L ~ l n J~ _,,, .. for'. ..... and cufflinka ,... '""" .. big and• hoavy ' that JUlt <Oali• -.... ~,1"i\i<8• 'ftllow,1eell~t.,.-.... Plump docton who ltll tbOir patients to become lean -and stay that way. All \\-onder df'UCS with more side cr- fecU than direct errects. Any low-slung fortlgn sports car t)\a;t isn't small eoouah to drive between a pedestrian's legs without straping his shins. Women whO ,brag about their first baby . and men who brai about their first ulcer. TELEVISION commercials which in- sinuate that you can find a better mar~ riage partner if you switch from you~ preseat hair goo, tooth paste, bodY, deodorant or ·moulhwash. Pretentious road sho\f movies that charge SS for a ticket and brusy Broadway musicals that put a •is price tag on an orchestra seat. \Veather forecasters who promise sun- ny skies on bte day you put on 1 new Ill.it -and then' let it rain from noon to mid· nlgttt. ' • Fiie clerks who carry two briefcases to work hoping eve.ryoae will mistake them for jurtlor 1~ewtives. ~-B11 George ---, Dear Georae: In a recent column you wrote that It "Ould,,btlp U readers-iCnt their money-handllnl problems h> you. J'Ve explained my economic troubles ' to you lltrte Ume.s DOW. What atiout it? s. w. Dear S. W.: It helped • lo~ jllsl .. r •aid - your lttten on money problem:i v.'trt vtry lnttrtsllng, as usually the only man I get consists or overdue bills. Newport Ba:thor EDITION voi:. ~2. NO. 1101, • SECTIONS, 92 PAGES Cong Alter Stand, OK Saigon Talks PARIS (UPI) -The Viet Cong, in an abrupt change of policy, said today it was l\•illlng to taJk peace with the "other parties" -meuing the government of South Vietnam. PreviOGSIY it said it would'taJk only with the United States. President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam twice proposed direct secret talks between the two sides in hopes of reaching some solution to the impasse that has blocked the Paris talks sinct: they began. The Viet Cong scoffed at the idea at the time. Tht United States met the Viet Cong offer today with a reslatement of a ma· jor concession first made last Thursday at the weekly talks - an offer to ne1QUate military and political matters 1lmuUaneously. Previously it wanted military matters settled before there were political talks. U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodgo also suggested that agreement on a mutual withdrawal ol external forces "by reasonable stages" could lead to peace. Hanoi and the Viet Cong contend the only foreign troops in Vietnam are lhe Americans and their allies and that the Americans should pull out immediately. "Out side is ready to begin moving down this road right away," Lodge said. "Other areas where mutual action is necessary are ~·e restoration or the at.atus of the demilitarized zone and the orly release of prisoners of war." Whether the Viet Cong agreement to meet with "other patties" represented a softening of the Communist position was not known. Tran Buu Kiem, the foreign minister ol the Viet Cong's National Liberation Front, said: ' '"nye South Vietnam· Front for 1,..ibera- tion ir readY tc> engage Jn discussions with the other parties so as to make the conference Move forward.'' 558 Boats Set For Ensenada Start Th1u·sday By AL\ION LOCKABEY Of ttM D1llY f'Llet Still SkJppe.rs and crews of SSS sailing yachts are down to the point ol marking time until the start Thursday noon ol the 22nd Newport to Ensenada race. The list of entries (count 'em on Page 17) is about a dozen short of the record 570 last year. Tum Wilder, race committee chairman, called attention to a last-minute change in check-in procedure. "Thert will be a race committee. boat cheeking out boats near the entrance to the Newport jetties. If you have checked in with that boat and ha\'e received an acknowledgement from the committee. you need not report to the central or outside committee boats on the line a.! outlined in previous instructions,·• \Vildcr gjd, Something nc\v ha s also been added this year in the starting order. First to start at 12 o'tjock will be the catamarans, followed at 11).minute ffi.. tervals by Classes A, B, C, D, and E in both the Ocean Racing and Pacilic Han- dicap divisions. Two classes of Midget Ocean Racing Fleet yachts will be the lut to start at 1 p.m. In previous years the small boats have started first and catamarans last. For the benefit of shore watchers, there will be two starting lines -one ex- tending [tom the jety bell bouy to a cen- tral committee boat, and the other from the. central committee boat seaward to another committee. boat. DAILY •1LOT stiff Pltei. NEWPORT LIFEGUARD Bill MILLS WARNS SURFERS Patience Growing Thin Over Beach Quarantine Enforcement on Pollution Hurts Lifeguards' Irimge By JOHR \I AL TERZA OI flit O.llY f'lltt Stiff Waterfront businessmen in Newpor1 Beach have Jost thousand!! Of dollar• beca111e of the reCord pclluUon o( hall o1 the city's beaches, but another group o( men have lost somethin5 even harder to regain -their image. For the city's lifeguard crews the sewage-caused quarantine this spring has provided some bitter lessons on human behavior. "They call us everything in !he book," said one weary tlfeguard veteran, •·Every time you ask them to leave. they get out, then when you turn your back they're back into the water again," another said. Irate mothers, surfers attempting to win flimsy arguments all add to Cbe lifeguarcis' anger over the record quaran- tine that might last into the summer. Chief Lifeguard Robert E. l!ffd chagrined at the abuse his men hav; lakE!f! in the past five months, said today that d the warm weather continues, the problems of keeping swimmers from the polluted brine will even get worse. "Here wi are in an unnatural role U.S. Clain1s Russ l\1istreatin:g Newsmen WASHING TON (UPI) -Th< United States has irotl!sted to the Soviet Union on 10 counts about the treatment which American correspondents baaed j n Moscow are receiving, Slate Department ofiiclals disclosed today. • It was understood the State Depart· .. ment intended to renew U.S. proCestf. possibly toda,y or shortly thereafter, m view of restrK.1.iOflS on travel against cor.. respondents fort.ht New York Times and the Washington Post. " trying to enforce the qui.rantine and our ' image begins to.drop lo the point of being 'coercive enfOiqtt. for the estJblilh- ment.' At least, that's what a kK of the young people are bqiAnina-to think," he said. "The hours upon bouts of time It takes my men to try to keep-swimmers out are impossible to calculate. "Every time a man goes on the beach to ask people to get out he has to spend til1)e reasoning wllb the swimmers." Reed said some of the greatest. abuse has come from mothers berating lifeguards for askipg, stnall children to stay out of the invit.lng, but dirty surf. ··we're not out there to enforce every nil·picky litUe statute, and ff the city tried to enforce these laws to the Jetter It would IQ. btoke," be said. WhHe the actuaf eoe:ts of the quarantine are dHflcuJt to assess, one fact ls evident. Reed slid his men have had to be taken from tM: ritual spriNtJme duties of building new towers, repak'lng equipment and, In genera], preparhlg for the busy summer season. "All our work ls behind tChedule .and the pollutlOn has even cauled our budget -which is already tight-to exceed the spending limit for this time of year," Reed gjd. . The ' pollution isn't the only disaster to hit the Mirine Safety Department thi.s year. Record erosion from heavy surf threatened the headquarttr1 building 11<\Y.oraf limos and the lllff flu donned wet suits and worked hours htp-deep in pounding, pofluted 111rf to pifo sandbap and bulld mD:esbift ladkhtads. Ttie li'olion. like·tlli,quarantine, Is ex- pocted 1o end .... -P"i!IP• by mid· 'Juot. ' . .. Th4:..~~-and swinpnen·will rejruce. Th< ....,...., wtU,.toO, but porhaps the blwst whoop of joy \rllI come from the life1Uards. ; . "Maybe, when it's ~~1 we can start doing our job again," Heed .said. ' I " . Teday'• Fliull ·N.Y •. S .. • • TEN CENTS D.ress Codes Out I ; ·' Mini-skirts, Beards Stiujlents' Option · · By THOMAS FORTUNE ......... ~ ....... Sideburns. belrda and mlnf-sltirts now .,. .•lf•""d oo tho COriln• del Mar High 15chobf cmnpu.s. They'll be pmnissible beginning Thurs- day at Newport Harbor HJgh School and maybe sometime before school is out in June at Costa Mesa High. • Student appearance will be all up to the parents now as these schools -in a sud- denly widespread reform -are bowin& out of dress code enlorcement. 1 In a Jetter carried home by Harbor Hi&h !tudent.s today parents are told: "For years educators •.. have been t.lllng °jlarenls.bOw. lheir childron should dress. In our revised regullUons, the parent and the student make tht choice.. and as long as the choice is within the bounds of neatness and decency, It will ·.ie accepled by the school." Two weeks ago. Corona del Mar High tossed responsibility for dress and hlircuts to the porenll. Said Prleclpol Leon Meeks 1n his letUr bame: · ... We think the parents want t h i ;j re$p00sibility ... orily IS of 2.tOO j,.remi, he aid, repliod that they did oat. • Coi!;ta Mesa Hi::b Prlnclpit rrt.nlC Lopes Jr. said his students have surveyed partnls and found they want to control dress with the school retaining a minimal (S.o DRESS CODE, P ... II . Y outli Be1iefits Outlawed? Poker By JEROME F. COLLINS OI tllt 0.Hr f'lllt Jhff A proposed law aimed al banning poker palaces in Newport Beach is back in the City Attorney's office today. lt will be rewritten, say city officials, because as first drafted it would have outlawed youth fund-raising carnivals. It woulit ilso have prohibited penny arcade games in the ~lboa Fun Zone. City Attorney Tully Seymour, in a report to tity. councilmen, says he erred earlier this month when he advised them that the Ol'diiiance would not affect "caririval-{ype· pines Involving prir.t1" such as, those at Ule annual Corona del Mar'Youth Center FestivJI and .the Lions Club Lobltor Biko. Thi .J~-Y. requ..tod by th! ~ 'd . ,,, ~·d il"" icbedu1od !Or' linol. g Ind adoption by th• council Jllla w..ic. But it wu removed from the agenda at s.,ftiour•s requ~ · Bath the pty Aljornoy 1Qd' ~an Robert Shelton Slid °"1': htld' roceived numerous phone cl.Ill. ~a} ~ta.eta, ind letten from y&!th llodor!, worrlod about the ordinance. One of the letters came fri:m John Semple, repreaenU1'14 llie N e.W port Htirbor ·c.ommunlty Youth c·t.n ~er. "While it ls m06t obvloosly DOi'the In- tent or our organizaUon to en1!lf• in It.as vegu.style operation.s," said Semple, "We an; deeply disturbed ovtr. IOTne aspocts .and' lmplit1U0111 ·ol the lesilla· " " "°"· . He said a di8CUISion with attorney• "leads u1 to believe that the pl'Clp(>!ed law could outlaw such operations as the Youlh Center 's an nu a 1 fund-raising carnival. By this, we do not imply that the carnival doel, in fact, conduct gambl- ing., However, the wordln& of the ordlnan... ce-i.s such that Interpretation could in- clude our 'games ol altill' within its scope of prohibit.ion." LSD Gets C.Oast Man Prison Term A Corona del Mar man who was said Jn court to have had in his possession "enough LSD to blow 3,000 minds" must serve cone ta five yean in st.ate prison for the drug offense. Cbristophor Morgenroth, 24, of 2n1 Fifth Ave., drew a prison term from SUperior Cour1 Judie Robert Gardner. Morgenroth, ~e!Crlbed as a. ''bil dealer in LSD" was l&Jd by J>rORiCUlor· Al Wells to havo hid 13,400 1'«tJi ol lhe lllogal dnlg on hla perlon it the time 6f irrest; Undercover apntl tettified th • t MOl'llonn>th IOld thorn LSD on three sepe.rate occa.sion1. He was arrested at hll home lut March 14. Ban Delayed Semple uld he ls awart: that 11etrlct enforcement'' of the gambling ban is not contemplated by the present clty · ad- ministration. "But it Is not unreasonble to anticipate that at some future time a new city administration or new poUce ad- ministration could without sufficient background knowledge, apply lhe law to our operation." Seymour told councilmen lhis . week that lbe ordinance could be 1Ughtly revi.!- od to preclude the poo!lbility ol polico raids on .th< Fun Zone. youth carnlvab and lol>st.r bikes .. The rewri\ten version, he said. will not impair the use or the ordinanCe., to ba, betting on card games, "which ia it; primary purpose." It will allow other skill games whose winners get to take home Kewpie doll!,. he indicatf:<!. Councilmen are expected to adopt tr.~ amendtd ordinance at their May J : meetini. Ci~sGet Ta~ Windfall • As .Oil-Firms Lose Plea \>'1111" County and tbe eillo• of Newport Beach, HIDltlnilOn Buch Ind Sell IloAch wUl ht al>!• to add 1 tote! I# """ tha~milµllll to tholr bank » counts, Coun.Sel Adrian Kuyper revealed TUNday. Kuyper ~xpliined ~ore th t county Board of Supervisors that the money comes froin property taxes paid from 19&4 to 19'7 by oil CC111panles undtr ·pro- test. The • funds have' remained im· pounded by the county auditor-controller. Th< oil compahiel filod 1ult · !or recovery. el tbe taXes in 1981 and the ' 1ta.te Supmne CQurt ruled Jn favor of tbe cotinty and cities on Dec. %8", 19St, Kuyper said. He added that the Ume for any app&al by the plaintiffs to the U.S. Supreme Court has now explred, 1be oil company,action was bMed upon 1lleaod li;nprojlor·lf'o~ by ,th• oouoty aueasor of oll royaltla tn h.l.s v1luaUon of the p6sselsofy Urtor"" beld by th< companies. Companies involved In the suit lncluded Ullion OJ' Oreo, Standard Oil, Slcnal. Terrnc> Oil, Armstrong, A t 1 a n t i c • Richfield, Wilshire and Hammll Oil. Kuyper aaid the Jega.1 actions filed 1n 1966 were followed by Simiiar suits pr~ testing I~ and itsM7. tu billa. Th< legal Issues were identical, Kuyper said, and the plaintiffs have now dismiased their lawauits for the two succeedi.nc years. Listed as impounded were the followin& tax sums: For 1964-45, fMZ,957, plus i~ terest; 1965-M, $M2,411. plus interest: t!l!M7, $998,lfS, plUl.iot.r..t lqr 1 grand total of n ,t43,llS. Couoty Auditoi-O>ntrollor Victor Helm said lhe amount to be released wtll in- cladofMl.JJt"°--,_ l.arpot 11{,Je bme!tt will go to the HuntlJl&lon 1 .. ch Uoioll lliih Sc1ioo1 nlltric1, 11li m. Other tarp &iinouots, all scbodulod tor dfaliursement loda'y lnclud• ISOl,Ul to the cou11,l)''s cfl*al fund. 13Q,MI to the Huotlogtorf Beldi City. School,Dlllrlct, Jl68,I07 to the Orange Coast Junior CotJ<ge' DlslHct, '247,434 to tho city or Huntingtoo Beach, $33,129 to the city of S..I l!<a.cl>.· $51,622 to thO S.af Beach Elemonlary School Dlsmci Ind 189,tlll tO tho eoumy Flood Cor.trol District. . Kuyper warned however, that the war '+'-.S not over even though cne battle bad been ·won. . . . "Similar litigation will be pursued by. the oi!_ companies to recover 'tues paid. under protest for the taz y~rs beginning with 1917.Q," the conuty coonsd uld. "This llUgatlon will be dUferont lrom the previous .cases because laws were, enactod iiy, !be sta!O Losiilaturo In 1911 to .if ford tax relief · to oil and gu in· terest! in the valuation of royalties. • "lt is the position of this county and others that Ulls legislation is un. constituUooal and so the assessor is ~ tinu.ing to lale111 the p.:issessory interests ir the same manner, in spite of the: legislation and th ese tax monies are being impounded on payment under pro- t..t,'' Kuypor Concluded. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, with invatora entbusiutic and. coming ofl the llidelineo, took I giant stojl lorward io m.....fy h,.vy lnldlni to- day. (See quotations, Pages 2f.2'1). Orauge Coast The PHRF classes will use the starting area closest to shore and the Ocean Rae· Ing and catamaran divisions will use the outside line. With the MORF division split into lWD clmes, Class B will start on the inside line and Class A on the outside line. The two classes will start simultaneously. Harbor ~ayor·~ Buck Jets ' Newpo11 Island 'Bridgework' Proves C.Ostly Weallaer · ' ''More of the aamt" is the. weatherman's ditto machine pr~ diction for Thutlday, ,with sunny attunoons sandwlchtd br1 cloudy morning and even.in& 111es and upper iiO's tcmperaWre.s. · (See ENSENADA, Page 11) PILOT TO 'A.I R' ENSENA.DA. RA.CE Newport Beach radio slation KOCP..f (103.1 FM) will broadcast special reparts on lhe Newport Beach·Ensenada yacht race dirtdJY,. lrom Almon Lockabey, DAILY PILOI' boating odltor, lrorn 'rtKnday'• noon st.art until the race ls lin!Jbed. ' Rtport& wJ.11 be b r o a d c a s t ap- WollmatelJ every two hours from noon nundlJ' WIW lilDOfl 11 I 1.m. Frld11. !'bey will be continued Frkfay and Satur· 4ay from I a.m. 1\gn on until 2 1.m. sianoff. -. < . No Airport Expanswn, ·vow Pinkley, Marshall Agreement that the Orange COunty Airport should not be upandtd into I regiona] jet airport was rtjlerated today by tho mayors ol N<Wj>ort Belch and Costa Mesa at a meeting ol Qrana:e Oomt- ty Coast AssoclaUon. , ''Costa Mesa is diameVically oppoltd to the expansion and enlargement of Orange County Airport, '1 Mayer Alvin Pinkley doclarod, 1t the Balboa Bay Club session. Nolin{ that"" llrlioe (Air CaUlond•)• hal --1~.thtn11uro1 •t Orqe CoontJ Alrpoi't 'Ud esteolln& th< runway aver the San Diego tree.ay. Pinkley llld: "fl this haP!"D'> we wm have a re:Jlonal Jtt airport." "We see eye to eye with Newport Buch on this, but "'i'e have a different 11pproach to accompllShing that goal,•• I I . the CootJ "!..,..,,,mo,..-.-. N.wport _,.., pollllon lhll Oraofe C-y Airport 11\ould u!Umotely ltrve 11 1 molroport prOTldJn( llr -. lo dtlel In .• IOknll&<lng• wttb •hart take-off...., llndlnt 11n:T11t, \ind JO< i*fvo\e · geniN.l ati1tlon, was -nafflnned by lil&lyor Doreen MarshaU. "Commercial RJVloe to tht Pacific Nortbwest cities from Oranae County airport would violate the concopt of a m<troport bl!Calioe jt, would •PPl'O'l• fl!lhta in th! 1,0\)0-mile tlnl" Thlo WOU ij ope11 \he door to dtmandJ for almlllr lft'Vice to other dUe1 outlkle of the metropor\ ran&!.'' Mn. M a r 1 b a I J declared. (Coott Mw bas ·111Pil<l'lod gr1nlln1 or the Pacific Northweat air route1 to serve Orange County; Newport. Beach has op- ' •• .. " )!Oted.) . . '"Wo mlize there is 1, pi'ob\ein and ii 11111 set 11 bid for Ooo!a Mesi u ror Newport Bt:a~/' Pinkley sakl. "But we don't r .. 1 we can just NY .we don'& like DOiie ind 1lr polluU.O and that w• will sue. 'f{e feel th.e beat ap~ch is to t•ork with the agencies to find alternative alta. Ir wi don't do thll qulc•Jy,,.. may find the airport nlilWIYI ~ Ind '"'II be stuck with a recionoi ~· We'll hl~loolhlr P1oy1 daf liq.' ~erlna qu.Uba oo the feas'Nlity.of Joint use ol El Taro MOrine Air -11 an lnterllll alrpari, Mayor Manhill llld the rin! lltP bu 1o be 1o clolemtbe wbotl>er II Is oporltlon1Uy leulblo. "II It Is lound lo be operationally r'9ilble, we atih I~ the pn>blem II( pollt1c1I (CUJtSIJltf1'" aile Nld. -.(\/ • · Newport l!land'1 slowly •lnlWil brldgo Is going to be replaced-at i coot that .,.,.. • 40 porllODI ""' or!linil clly .. 11mata. Croll I< Novill• CO., i N.wport Buch firm; hi& been awmled I flM,:IOI -tract for tbe job. . The prcsoot brldgo l!ldlll( to, the resld...Uaf lslahd, between 'the bl&bw•Y and Ille peninsula-in w.,; Newporl, 11 In· iuch .1 aorry ttale that counc;ilmen this wliok decidod to I' afteld with U,. pro. jtcl d"plt. th< surprllln&IY hqt1 coot. Public Worki Dlr<etor Joll~ T. DeVUn Hid il had-·~ 11111 the job "ould COil 111.000. llllC<\t1'al• • In· formafiol' from uperta In the brldp con- Ml'uctlon llold ltd to tllo -llllmtt., he e1plll/iod. ' The Pl"Jod lnchJila construdlon II( I tempor•ri' 1)rldco at Moreu1 Avmuo. ll wllf be used wblle Ille 18111 Slrtet 1pon Is replacod. The job I> npectod to be com- plctod belort Sept. I. ' INSWE TOD-'Y N~'I -j end °"'"' prui· dfnts' -100 dau• covld MWT" approach those of the. Prui· dt11t who TIVolMtiotliud G M· tlon Jn ID/lat • ..., .. 1 .. uy 99 daya, giving blrt/' to 11•• New Deal. PaQC a . ....... ,. :::::-,.. ' 'I c...c.-1• <......... ...-. -" ,_ . -.. --. =:::.:· ···= -.. A.-U..n Jt ...,_ I "''"-'" l'"-'" ,. Miii • t.nic• 1'-11 I • . . mm", • ' ' - ' N _· r PILOT LOGBOOK Traip sing Hinie)-lands ,.With Nixon Watchers By ARTllllll ll. VIN3EL Of tti• ci.nr PIW 1tttt Blit.iing evuy world capital and Iowa whistl~itop on the presidential ltin~rary, the White House Press Corps iJ a flying circus or journallstle Red Barons. pursuing the wily Pulllier. Tbe elite ouUlt descen®d on the Oranae Coast aome week! back and all .. indications are that the tradition will continue on like the Pacific summer Red Tide. Now that President Clemente as Baja \\'uhi we can expect to see ofl<n. . proclaimed San hlte House We:it, colleagues more Generally, the White House new crew wears a col· lective sneer for local yokel report a, from Bohunk, Minn., to whatever other backwash e Great White Father_ br1np his peraonal crtetin&s entourage. Tbtir arrival in Utt COuntr'y, when the v age names be- • ~ with sa.n or Santa, where the ch.Jldrea are Imperiled by a Kremlin v-erslon of the Birds and Bees and also hear utterly too much rock and roll Qluslc, _was no exception. * After all, that group has an uncompromising job, seemingly ordained lo lheir capable hands alone: Reporting the news. Some speciaJ touch may in-- deed be requJred to quote what President Nixon said to Pvt. Elbert Kosciusko, cleaning a grease trap on KP at a, Fort Huachuca mess hall , ·when his com- mander-ln-eb.lef dropped in unannounced. If so, it escapes me. Nonetheless, the capitol news contingent marched past us provincial prils troops at Mission san J uan ~piattano like an Army of Occupation or the VaUcan Guard villtfnc a bea:lnn~t.echism class. • One glance by a network man In a lavender jumpsuit -with cameras around his neck and enough wiring to light one third of Tustin -put their impression across. Peasants. Barbarians. Couldn't even write a complete .sentence. Not to be trusted atouM valuables. Not to be trusted wUh the room·,nwnber ol the Wllblog!On news people party tonight. ~ "Look at them, they probably think we don't even ha\'e underwear," growled one veteran Orange County newsman. * Such neurotic speculat.ion .ended as the Pre.sident arrived. Somebody in a lavender jumpsu.it blindsided me In the rush. My .own photo emerged from the darkroom as a closeup of a tweedy shoulder. U we had a referee, NBC would gel 15 yards for clipping. We natives are essentially A friendly lot with a great sense of rhythm, but tending to the sensual, and outright nasty when it came to laughing at one Washincton photographer who had beep aboard our press helicopter. He photographed offahore kelp beds in the belief be waa .shooting the no- looger vlalblo Sanla Barbara Channel oil slick, al that Ume fouling beaches tbe Praldenl WU out IO tntped. Back in actlon after lunch, we noticed the network man had spilled rich, green guacamole oo his lavender jumpsuit and considered directing him lo a One-Hour Martiniz.ing Cleaners. We didn!L Our Wuhington news gathering visitors were tert11lly, far fr Om Capitol Hill, civilization and -after all -lavender jumpsuits are not made to be pow'}ded on the rocks beside a litUe coastal creek. ; ffit-es at ,'Gr .~ cj~; ~om's t ile, of rrag~dy s : ; GraYliidt 1tnioeo wen beld toc!oy for ~· Blanca Marte lltrens, 32, who. ~ Friday when she fell overboard 'Wlllle cle>nlng a yacht -al 3lOI Via Oporto on the Lido Peninsula in New· fort Beach. . ·Mrs. Berens, who spoke five larli\l&ges, tmrked .u a legal secretary in her naUve ftaly, tiut took a job as & cleanlng'woman lor • yacht service here because It ·was ~ only job she could find. : The death ol Mrs. Berens, who Jived at 1915-8 Cllarle St., Costa Mesa, left her two.year~d son, David Henry Berens. an ;.,,ban. His father, Henry Anthony, was ~lied one year ago in an auto accident. Mrs •. Berens had complained to fellow workers that she was not feeling well When she boarded the trawler at 3 p.m. Frlctay. Twenty.five minutes later, her body was found floating in the water. The ()range County Coroner's Offle< reported 6hat an autop5y confirmed the death was • • DAI l Y Pll OT O"ANOt. COAl1 l"Ull IS"INO:O Cct.IPANT lt1M tt N. W114 PrulMtll ,,.... l"llbtlilltr J1ck R. Cvrl1y Vlu Prt11fttit 9tlCI Gt11t1t1 Mt"'fM• Tliemt• 1C11wil ·-Tlrt1111a1 A. Mwr,1111111 -.1 .... ffil'OI' J,,_, F. C1Ui111 H-1 '"Kii C:I"' lfl"9r ....,..., ...... °"'" 121 I Welt l 1llllt1 l •11l1,,•r4 M1ili111 A44rtu: ,.0 . ••• 1171. ,,,., --Qolle ... 1 WWM1t.YS~ l-hectlr m ~t """""" lolUM11'11,.lleal1 M•111l"""1 • 11 • c:auaed'1>7 accldentaJ drowning. FridQ" ftishl, the cbUd was turned over lo hla,Q -Mrs. lr•ni ll<mls hblo~. 2110 '&C'1n,horse Road, 51.n Pedro, by Cruita Mesa police. Sh.e Jold police of the mother's past in Trleste, llaly. "She couldn't swim and she was afraid of the water," Mn. Jablonski said. "But she. had to tUe the jOb because It was the only work &bf: could find." 5'rvices were held at 2 p.m. today at Holy Crosa Cemetery, Los Angeles. Ar· rangements are being handled throuah Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar. Supervisors Vote No, Then Yes On Salt Creek By JACK BROBACK 01 t11t Deltr Pl_. tttff Jn • surprising reversal durinr-a 4-0- minute de~te over procedure, the county Board of Supervisors today approved the tract map for Laguna Niguel Cor· poraU00'1 JOO.acre Sealake VUiace In the South Laguna area' 'which includes the highly ~nttoversial Salt Crttk Road abandonment. Advised by their legal counsel, Adrian Kuyper, that they had but 10 days to •P- prove or disapprove the tract map GT it ''"ould be cons\dered automatically ap- proved. the Board voted approval 4·1. Supervisor Robert W. Battin voted in op. RO&ltion. Approval came alter the board had previously voted t.o pogtpooe 1cuon on the tr1C\ map for one week. Battin and supervi!IOt' Davtd Baker flnt uted for the delay, poinUfl& out that they had not rece.ived the tract map until t1>ia mornJn1. Superviaor Alton Allen aald !ht Salt C....k Road quuuoo )ltd btto re1Dlv<d by tht Co.inly CtonlOJ'• offlco and urpd that the map !>e 1pprov<d. Ho' uld Utt d.!01 "" coeu., !lit Lq\1111 ffiiuel Corp. 13, 700 a d•Y· • Atlom"1 Alex Bowle, repreaenUna "'"'" 1'111uel. aald the ""• qutltlan btfon Lbe board was, ''Does Ute tract map comply wttb Ille S.bdlvlal.., M•p Act." He llld Ille """'ty palannlnC oWl and """"11A1"1 agreod lbal It dld. Bowlo allo 111ld !ht Salt cr .. t road ques11on-_1d "" properly 1t!U<d In Utt eour1.!i, "Where It belong,.•• , -- OCC S udents Fight Ouster: -. Councii Members l;Uiim ~Rtl~liation,~ Won't· Give Up Seats 4 tnaJorll1 " "'-°""" OtlJate •Wdmt ---.. """""*' liy the dwi'1 ollict, lodtJ .,. r1!IUslnl ID rellnqullh lhejr MW. · 11>e student council -'l'lladly In cit-. fiance o< auspe:nslonl that wwkl ba\•e eliminated nine of Ill U !Mmltien. The 1uspmsions art bued OD midterm arades in wticb llllDt council membfrs rec~ved lncompleta ..S ~ wtre not malnlalnlnt a C grade ,.,...,.. A number of studenta accuseiS the cam· pus administraUon of retaliating became cowicll members ha<I voted S to 2 in fa vor of recognition af Stude:ntc for a Democratic Society (SOO ). : Dean of Student. Activ!Ue1 Jos~h Kroll, whose · assistant issued t h e suspensions, said the accusatloo Is un- founded. Kroll said 11.nce he became dean in 1965 It hu always been the practice to sus. pend etQdents from the ·council on the From P .. e l DRESS CODE • • respon&lbillty. Floyd Harryman, principal at Estancia Hi&h, says he is not opposed to putting the-responsibility on the parents and Jeels his students may ask him to do IO.. . As fashion has changed, llberal1zatton ol dress codes has been going on all.,year at Newport·Me&a high cchoola:. DroPPing the code and ahift1n& to parental responsi bility seems to be the culmina· tion of the trend. In a relaxation o( a month and .11i half agG at Estancia, boys were allowed to grow sideburns to the ear lobes and long hair that does not touch the shoulders. Girls were .told" they can wear capris on Friday. STANDARDS RELAX Since the start of the 1ehool year, LOP,es said, Mesa High 11tandards have b~Ti relaxed. Boys' hair which form erly had to be tapered in back now may be bl~ked as long as it is off the ahoulde_r. Sideburns havt been allowed. He said several 1tudents have grown mutton chop sideburns, but beards still aren't permit- ted. The fifth district hi&h school, McNaDy Continuation High, ha• done without a dres.s coi5e for aome time. Said director of the school, for students that can't make it 1n regular high school, Jack Coleman: ''Probably a greater majdrity of my 15tudents are more comfortAb" ~ejng•,non· confotmist and feel a need for it:I iuess as an adult I"Wish at times· klc{s would look.-a llUle more like f 'u~ (o look u a kid. But wi: are more Interested in what a kid is UM · the insidel" ' Mee ~ · . ne'ft Corona. dd· Mar .HWI ""°' "1101 ,.., P. pO&ed' a stilaent Y"tAcJershlj> clAss. and approved by the entire student body, f~utt~~-P't,1,.l>oa;d. ! ,-,.,. ,.,\,. . ., POLI Oii ' . . , 'Ille Hey ~al for the rest of the IChool year. he said. ~ He Hill tbe 15 paref? that responded u,ying Ey 'd001 agr!le with ·lhe policy made t principal points. 'ntey said it should II shared r~blHty and they saiit "giving in t1> youth wlll lea.d to more dtlnaa&tand U\e,&ltuaUorrwe bave in tolleges," acoording!.to Meeks. The principal said there have been fewer instances of students. dressed In poor taste the last two weeks than before.. He said some girls have told him their mothers are new more stri~. 1'-toat of the boys ~itve , fairly long 1ideb\lms and keep tbem neaUy trimmed, Meeks said. "\\re have maybe half a dozen boys on campus with bizarre sideburns. We just had a beard growing contest 1nd a few of them might have left them on." Newport Harbor High Principal Charles Godshall said the new policy at his school \Vlll be on trial for the month of May. A committee of parents, faculty and ad· minislrators will evaluate it and make a recommedanton for next school year. Z MONTHS STUDY He sa.Jd tht revision of tile dress regulations ca~ from the student Ex· ecuUve Council and Student Congress after two months of study • Germlnatlon of the discussions, he said, were comments he heard in informal noontime sessions when he makes hlmseU avallable lo students:. Lopes said the student Educational Development Council at Com.a Mesa High surveyed parents and businessmen dur· ing Euler week vacation. They spoke to a random sample of 159 parents in thejr homes and 20 business manAgen al Harbor Shopping Center And South Coast l'lau, he said. Ban·y Jr. Joins Dad in Co~gress LOS AN GELES (AP ) -Barry M. Goldwater Jr. el$ily won eltcUon to Congrus Tuesday In Mt first try for pubilc otrlct. At 1 victory celtbr•ijon, I>< pold ltlbut. to h1a da~ and mother "for tbo pbllooopl1J they lnsllll<d In me of lovt for God 11\d country and • -, belld In Ibo nrth of each of us as Individuals." · l\epllbllcan Goldwater, a llO-Y..,.~14 -stoc-er, t.Ill<d 14,m volio, ~ 57 pcrc811 lo 41.131 for Dimoc:rat'Jolm K. v.,, de Kamp, IS, an attorney. ,,,, retum1 ....,.. complelt but unof. ncle1 In tbe iptdaI elecllOo tn tbe -~ In( 17th Dlstrlcl lo sel«I • IUCOeSIOf ID Jl<publf<an Ed ll<lnecke, who resll!'ed lo ~pl appointment u Ca I t r o r n 11 • s tJeutenant governor • r . bull of lllldtem grodes. the student ccnsUt4tloo which S0)'1 ..,. ' One aftbe ,..,..odecj cOuncil~ · qmt council members must malnlain a Helh ~ ~ll~ed"~'i ~ cumulative and current C gtOClt ~.at. ment fie 'iUlijit• lmoWt>GI ' • <ouacU • Kr<ll lllld.mldterm gradoo are d>O '!!J!x ' membet'''W110. wl[f:'lltit ""P<'tiil'd' 11¥1"' "'11Tent 'l'~ lie w : 11>e aruaents ori· 1prlng e-ven ~ b!J mldttnn crld'4 the counc~ ·wntend that midterm grade~ were below .qi,,..: . are mei.JUnaless. Ray Gtadtln, °""'11W1 of.the council, Gend(i!>, on< of U-11111pended saJd U.,O SIUdlnll li.avo ·mod,I<d their bt!:•ust I>< rocel•ed an Incomplete al IOVl!T\lllent illtt tbe federel 1avemment' mid...,. allhoolh I>< bu a~ than 8 and are rHetViJ'll the rl&bt to pus on averace for previous semesttri' work, crcdand.ala of thelr members. ... remarked : "We do not J.atend to become llle,a1l1 "There is a generar faculty practice to e:xtrale,al or 1 -runaway. to eovtrnment." we incomplete. and not hind out he said. "We W1lJ hold regulsrly schedul· nlidlerm grades." ed mtetinp: and deferid ourselves before Kroll said studenta can submit letters the student judlclal board..· We will stand froni tbdr instructors changing .the In. by their ruling." complete lo a arade and two of the nine Dean Kroll agreed that "in the final suspended have done so. analysis the judJclal boerd must make Chuck Conway, one of the remaining the interpretation.'!, . se9en, told hls feelinc : The aevt:n-rMmber ,judicial board will "I have an lmcomplete I did not adjwit. be asked to n.tle on jUlt what Ls meanLby Lrefuu: to. play. their a:ames. j)O my Huge NB Street Project • Awaits W estcliff Drive One of Newport Beach's busiest com· mercJal strips, WestcUlf Drive, will be tom up by work crews this summer. The $327,000 project calls for an un· dtrgrOUnd storm drain, new paving and curbed medians along Weslcliff from Irvine Avenue to Dover Drive. Newport Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin saya he anticipates "a large number of complaints from merchants about this." "1'1e street \\'ill be torn up. but the work hla to be done,'' he explained. A contrAct !or the jJb is expec\ed to be Awarded by city councilmen on i\1ay 26. The proje-::t. said Devlin, ,,·iH pro bably begin by July 1. Estin1ated tin1e of com· pletlon is Oct. 15. The council this "'cek authorized advertising for bids. The work include.s "·idening of Irvine Avenue at Sherington Place and removal of dips at Westclilf Drive-Irvine Avenue. Devlin sa.Jd a 14-inch asphaltic concrct~ "thick lift" pavement section will be used along Westcliff Drive. It 's a relative ly new method of construction and has Negotiator's Brother Argentina Envoy WASHINGTON (AP.) -President Nix· oo announced today he \\'iii nominate John Davis Lodg~ .. brother of the chief U.S. negotiator of the Pari! peaec talks, to be ambassador to Argentina. _Lodge, 65, brother of Henry Cabot Lod ge, is a former governor of Con· neciicut and House member frdm that state. He is currently chainnan of the Foreign Policy Research lttititute at the University of Pennsy lvania. never been used be.Jore in the city. "The major advantage of thick lift con· struction," said Devlin, "is a shorter con· structlon time, therefore less public in. convenience." The storm drAin will be designed to control the flow of runorf water from Costa Mesa's streets. The water now flows and ponds along Westcliff during heavy rains. The drain will be installed on the south llide of Westcliff. Devlin said every effort will be made to keep Westcliff open during the project. Newport, partially through ga s tax kickbacks, is paying for about two-thirds of the work. The County Flood Control District and the city of Costa Mesa are payine for the rest. County Files Suit On Dun es Damage Flood damag es incurred in the Newport Dunes recreational area du ring the February stonns may have been !he responsibility oC the! Newp or t e r Inn . Swinerton and \Valberg, contr<:ctors \1•i·o constructed the inn, and the Irvine Com- pany and others. according to County Council Adrian Kuyper.. '' Kuyper .told supervisors Tuesday that sand was washed from the beache s into the surrounding lagoon, \\'h\ch · al.so borders ttie inn, and the county has an obligation to maJnlain the lagoon . He said the county is removing the sand un·der a cost contract with Shellmaker Inc. of Newport Beach . l~e asked for and received permission to institute a suit for damages "against all appropriate defendants." for one month only save 20%' on Towle's El Grandee and time." , Tony Tul'11<J', ..,. ol lhe four ...,.ton 'not auap<nded, , l.<111 Iii.I · lllllP<i1 . ., lbt ~s.HePlcl: '"Sflicferit' ioVetnmenr Jils"'OOen a m01t relftrdlng experience in that I have I~ or tho tomple!e degradation and prOQJtullon of governnielit Jn the fret world)' · Said suspended counclJ member Ken Dale: "'I refuse to be a pawn, a flunkie, a henchman of the administration." Beryl Kaser, one of the two suspended but reinstated , noted members of the slu· dent council are not rig.ht out of high school and seven · of the 13 are armed ser vices veterans. "It may have be.en neetissary In the past for the admin!stration to hold the hand of student government but we Ari much more Politically involved now," he $lid. Teens Booked In Thefts on King's Road Two Newport Harbor High School students have been arrested and charaed with committing seven r e s Id e n t I at burglaries along King's Road in Cliff Haven, Newport police said today. The invesUgation and subsequent a.r· rests started last Wednesday when a Newport officer was in a Costa Mesa pa\\'n shop and noticed a particuJarly nervous youth waiting to hock a camera, police said. The officer called Costa Mesa police, "'ho questioned the youth. Investigation by Costa r-.1csa and Newport officers brought son1c of the thefts to light later in lhe dny. 'The second you th was arrested Thurs· dc.1·. The pai!· arc 16 and 17 years old. Kewport Detective Tom Shearn sa.Jd t:1e ·full extent of the thefts became evi· dent th is week after Newport officers began to question the pair. She11;nt JA.id only t\\·o ol the eight victims had reported the crimes to police. The olher six. he said. had not even noticed lheir articles missing. 1'wo--thirds o! the $500 In loot-in cash and inexpensive jewelry -has been r:;ocovercd. '"The boys we re neat workers, and 1nosl or the victims didn't even notice their articles stolen," he said. Co.sta Mesa police say the youths are ~uspccted of committing at leasl three thefts in that city. ApoJlo Not Da maged CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -11>e Spaoe Agency reported today that two days of detailed te sts have shown no signs of damage to the first stage of the Apollo 10 moon rocket as a result of a sudden fuel los s Sunday. Kinq RlChard ... For one montr. only Towte't El GtW'ldel Md kffll Rldllnl ltfflin& Pltternt: tte lvtllable It 20% off U'lt recuter NUii price. Now II th• trm• to start or com· pllt• your •rvtc. In solld silver by 'Towlt. You uve ~% on ft'try purchase-slnst-ptecff. pi.et Mt· tlnp, or cornplttt: seb. Don't delay. Ccm• ln tod1y. .c piece pt1ce ••tti"IS (te11poon, pl•ct fork. plect knife, salad ton) CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE Sile ""'' $>16.00 You .... $11 .!0 THIS OFFER GOOD MAY I THRU MAY JI llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA • 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 541 -HOI I I I OHN SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5~ OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTl\lf APRIL 30 TO MAY 6 GUHT'S IS fAMOUS ••• we'rt h11dqu1rt1rs for "'' World's fin1sr Huntlnt equipment! If you'rt huntbtt .,..,.. for huntln1 equlpm1nt, stop In 1t Granrsl You name It-we've got Ill ••• 1nd, ..... "' tt -,., ..... Ill OVER 400 RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ON DISPLAY! GUHT'S GtM DEPARTMENT Is staffed by experts in their fltld of shootln9. 'M:~t1v1r you may want ht pns, m. a $20.00 22-llfte to 1 $3,SOO.OO Shotgun, Grant's his It In stock! Come Jn ind 111 lw ytWltlf lftt of tftt larttst stocks tf tuns In Stuthn Callfomlal • Winchester • Ber1tt1 • H & R • Ruger • Smith & Wnson • Browning • ARMDlt • Rtlllington • Wt1therlly • Wtlthtr • ll1N • Charles D1ly • 51Y19t • S1ko • Colt • lthle1 _ ... _ ... e..1 .22'81at • .2Z i.. ... .&fl _...,_, •-.21-... '• s591s AaM'lllr..,c-.•t.11:~ .... FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! Steps 3 or 4 FtATUllNG tltt oxclualn Lodt+tMtic ••1i111 ••• lv•t twbt tht t1!1w:opi"91 ,.1, , .. slidt t. ... 1lr1lll lt"llh, twin Hdt nil lock. c..ftr ""'4 ,.1. 11,. tll .u tidli• "·-... .,rt ........ \lllrifhh 111• llfKt '°"' wtom1tktJly fflvst f111fic ttn1it11 "' Mltttr what tltt wtlfhtr. s19's ''The Oasis" by 10'x8' SIZE! .NIW wetllttkt1m w1t1rpnof vlnyl coettd "ylon floor exttnd1 10" tbave ground l1vel to lnsun prottt· tlon ind 11f1ty PLUS many ether ntw f11turt1 for 19691 Other 1'0a1is'' Models 12'x9' (sleeps 5) ............ $109.95 13'x10' (sleeps 6) .......... $129.95 16'x10' (sleeps 8) ........... $169.95 "There's a Coleman Tent For Every Famil ••• and Budget!" ..... N .. OWl .... c-AM"'P1_N_G ....... e"'m"'e"'R""TH"'A"'N""EV .. E"'R"'W1TH ..... A--s-mo-ll-Fo_m_l_ly-- OL YM PIC Sia• 1'~6'6" "FLEX-ACTION" TENT $ 5 9'5 ---'\;OOLERI . ---ORYERI --ROOMIERI TRONGERI lO'd' ..... $79.95 ll'xHl' .... $99.95 TENT STAKES SfllCIAL LIGHT WllONTI 2i59' GUARANTHD UNIREAKAILEI "IHlRlt IT" 11 IRllT'I IURPLUI WI HONOI ALL MAJOI CHDIT CAROS • EE Wll-. ""°;JO,"" DAJ~Y PILOT I ,i~'G ,ux~['uLF --· ·: · Grant's Stocks a Complete Lino of • : , .· RICH·MOOI FREEZE·DRIED fOODSJ , PACK FRAME '4.95 GROUND COVER SllCIALI 77c .... 9k Grant's ctrrits 1 COflt. pl1t1 •ttck of aJI types of '•b MMI FrtnNtl ln- cludlng Hlm1l1y111 pack fr1mt1 lfMI '""""'L SR UAlfPS frw •I tf Y9U' ...... ....... ,_,i llt 1i11r,,tll4 at • tr1 111•1 JI ...-..1 · "1he Latest!'' . Men's and Women's lfLL,IOTIOM ''FLARES'' by LEVI'S® wr KA'{( 'EM-tll ti tM MWtrf stylts 1THI f1Wkt hi ttM llttlt ltll·htlom·Ff1rt 1tylt1I A11d,. 111 11111 II Gflftt' .. IHI MEN'S NUVO® FLARES •9 J1nt 1rrl'lt4 In N1Yy llut tTHI Whitt. GAL'S LEVI'S® FLARES lrl1ht Ho11111ek In Litt llvt, · •1 o Gel•, Sln4 111• Anc••· u11 * CHILDREN'S LEVI'S® * ILUI DENIMS (1lm 0.;!J ........ $4.98 WlllTI UVrSS (Ill colon) ....... $3.69 IAIY CORDS (1lm 4-12) ......... $4.91 RUlllR , LIFEBOATS Dtlvxt ltrt• •ht tJHx4S" ft!ft. lly surf rldtr tf ht1.,., rv~rlz14 "'"'"' •2.11 l·MAN , .... , $14.t~ 2-MAN , , • , , • $2t,9$ A·MAN , ••• , • $49.95 6·MAN • • • • • • $59.95 '3.88 Grant's Has 'Eml HIGll SllUAS? Wt ...... ~· MIKtiell •f 100% DtwHRW bM fw tfit """ 11rtf1ult111l 1f .. ...,.,,, OTHEI IAGS FROM $10.11 uo. $1.tl •••• ''" uo. sac $1.29 *SPECIAL* Grant's Custom Boater,Hiker 2·LB. DACRON ''81"® With Milium Insulated Lining I.I • mu .... $1.tl 99c FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL SH Gr•s Fnt! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! NOW$2288 ONLY CANJllN ftr tht hllttn, c.mpfer. w It• "''' -lltlt. 11t'Wt ... ·-•arty •1u $2.4t ' . -. " I ~ ! -. • : . .. ' ' ' .. .. .. . ·'!' •• ·.:-. .. , ~. -..... . ·'- • . I " ' .. 1 ·'.. f . i .. .. .. . ' • - 1'' I ' '! -Right Decision: No SDS - · Or9nge Coast Jonlor College District trustees voted 44 Jut week not to Ieglllm!U a .Students !or Demo- cratic Society (SDS) group on the OCC campus. Generally speaking, the board wUI , be applaud~ '- for Its vote. Tbe SDS ban reOects a realisUc poS1tion- the poslUon that SOS ls extremely unpopular with the ~-voter, and that junior colleges need that lax· payer-voter. Junior colleges are financed cbieOy b~ local tax- pa,yers wbo vote on tax increases and bond Jssues. Unt· versity campuses and state Colleges are buffered from this direct voter control. Unpopular dissent, under the banner of academic freedom can better be tolerated on university and state coJ1Jege campuses, although voter reaction is now being fell even there. It is conceded. by all concerned that I.he general public· of this area, as elsewhere, frowns on SOS: OCC trustees felt tt wouldn't be wise ·to further alienate voters who have turned down the last three tax increase elections. 1 1 . , . The adverse public reaction to SOS is arge y JUlll· fied. Nationwide, the i:roup has an unquestioned record for campus violence. Nevertheless in retrospect, board members mtght have done a beiter job of defining their position to students. Trustees sat back for more than two hours and let the SOS advocates talk, building their case that their intentions are peaceful but they are being denied a chance to prove themselves. . It was contended that the SDS chapter at UC Irvine has not been engaged fn ~iolent confro!Jlations, but in sponsoring speakers and fil~s. cond.ucting <;lasses and holding conclaves on teaching and international prob- lems. . .. 11 Before the board quickly unloaded its no vote one athlete of the ostensibly anti.SOS faction was. mov- ed to say, "All they want is a chance. Are you going to give them a chance?" To many of the more than 100 students present it must have appeared that the board did not give the SOS petitioners that chance. •;, ' , • ~-~'-Trustees could have W4 'llllir'e.rda.qn ·the •....., al the outset. They could,llari ~iocl th~''taxpayet', power'' issue and put lt\in t~tlve wl~ tbe.mn.~ _ ments about academlc'lrWed'Ol)lf ~PUI YJofence, •Iii· dent power and ~ ~e.i.ocraey. Tbey. co~ ha"'-'" cited plenty of evidence tMt SDS 11 1 poor n.sk fci~ approval. \ t , r •• , " Instead the)': :wejjt ,diroUJdi the motions o! luten-p Ing -then votOCI d,owli tl\e ~Von on completely differ-. ent grounds. ' ~ · • · The decisloa,n>ust'<be viewed as a wise. one. Un!or- tunalely in thelr,bandling of the public hearmg, the OCC , trustees probabJt mide. a few cynlcs and • fe-tl'. non- believers out of atudeflts who weren't on the side ol·SDS. And No~ ·~ Hotel Boom Tbe Harbor Af•a may never be ~ced with a Mark Hopkins or a Fainnon~ hotel, but Jt a swinging lnto its own versions. It i"'t old enough to be .called venera~le yet, but the well-established and weu:respected Newporter Inn , is in final stages of a $1~7 m illion expansion program that will bring 115 .tot81 rooms to '333 and expand its banquet and convenUoo fatjl!Ues ·llil! again. . Farther north, Costa Mesa is:set. to enter. the b.1g hotel field with· a ·250-room Marriott IM which will ~race a comer of the·5a:n Diego Free~ar.-Bristol Street intersection in the Segentrom Fannty s South Co~st Plaza. This $5 million deyelopment -comP.lete W'!th convention facilities and supper club -will boast a six· story tower that can be pushed up to 11 stories later. And on Newport's bayfront, the Balboa ~ay Club has another $5 million ready to invest when its leases and land planning schedule are put together. Along with these luxury accommodatio~s, hundr~s of more modest rooms are being added 1n motels 1n both cities. Almost without exception, they are attrac- tive, convenient and well priced. More positive signs that our economy continues solid progress on all fronts. ,- ,, (N) 'Vnrealistic, Discriminatory OrdinalU!e' Conclusive: Flying Clubs vs. Tl the Editor: !As: an independent flight instructor, I am proposing a new ordinance for the Orange County Airport. I feel the fligjll IChooll are unfair competition to flying ' clubs and their instructors. They are get-Lettns .from rtadtn arc tDtlcOmt. ting olodtnls and pilols who would · Nonnallfl !Drlt<n allould conoq th<w normally come to us. So I am ~g message in 300 1D07'ds or WI. TM we get rid of the problem by ging riQhi to COftdtmt lttttrs to fit space each school $50,000 per year and $3,000 or fl'liminaft libl!l'i is rtltTVl!l'd. AU per year for each of their jnstructors to • d teach on the field. This would solve our l.ettns must inch.ult ·aiqnatur1 an problem by eliminating any competition. mailing address, but ft.amt• mott b1 withheld on requ1rt f/ .sufficient rea-nns IS FOOLISH of course, but turn ron i& apparent the propor;al around and change the r;.,,,,.es to $2 400 per year for -each club . . and°"-t(M ' f each~ and JO .. a-sketching In the area . It was an !"""' J>U. year . or --.. -.i-.. ,...-·s paradise. The .magic is still there lhis IS whal the flight , . . .,.. '!<-shopping .. ntm housing tracts to do to us .. ,, ., t' x..; ~" and . _..!...:a.~ __ ... ' ' " • ' ' mannae: JIYU'l'IU-1\IJnl• They uy we're ); ·~· 1( Bead! his, indeed, in· because our upenaes ~, , at;t · ~ty. Keep up the good work, why our aircraft are a . , . Newport. COIL Aclually our.parts a ,~ JOsEPH P. KRENGEL mecbanlcal work 11 done b the on the fie1d. We also buy our gu and aircraft from these people at prices which they naturally get at o:m-We, are equal in one area, and that IS for. each aqua.rt foot ol space we OCCUPY costs ~ both the ume. OUr space where wt tie. down our aircraft has one drfwback and that Js when it rains the mud make.s our operaUon almost inaccessible. IN CONCLUSION, 1 feel that one side of the controversy cannot eliminate the other by pushing lbrougb the airport commission a very unrtalisUc and di>crlminalor)' ordinance. In my ~on. if 'this ordinance receives any further coiwdersUon. the people in chirp ct ad· tnlmlerinC tlpe airport are looking after the interest of a very select few, Instead of nmmal competition we will have much hlgher flytng eo>U from the monopoly proposed. WALLY WELBROCK TlllN! te Merge'! To the F.ditor: With the Newport Har!Q-Chamber of Oommerct moving its headquarters into eor-del Mar, near the Civic Center. this wooJid &eem to be an aceUent time l<ir the Con>na del Mar <lllmber of Com- m'""' 1o Ditti" 1n1o Ille Newport Hmor CJmnber, wouldn't it? W. A. COLEMAN Newport'• Magic To the F.dilor: l Oll1l most impressed about the growth, )'!t balance and chann, that charac- Drriza Gtt.aia' Newport Btach. To take a typical sea resort town and retAln it.a identity with tbe sea and its nautk:at mJ11llque, after coonnous growth, is COlllll1<n<labi<. The step that left its mark on my 1eetMic lf!nti'bllides is perfectty re- l&loed. TWm.ty·flvt years ago, t used to 1 I Election l'uts To the Editor: [ wish to express my stncere ap- precialjon lo those who supported my candidacy lor re-election lo the Newport- fl.fesa Board of Education. The JUUlll of the election appear to tn. dicate two contradictory facts: L A most gratifying approval ·of the present board and staff efforts to develop ~ educaUonaJ programs for all ai.ud.nts Ollllljslent with the values and desires of the"'-community, and - Z. A DISCONCERTING unconcern by the majority ol voters regarding the eltc- tioo of fellow cit.izem to policy decision poStions of great importance to the com- munity. Furthermort, during the recent cam· paign many comn1t!WI centered around the area of communications or the lack thereof. May I remind all citizens that regular meetings of the board (first and third Tuesch~y each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Costa 1.fesa High School Lyceum} arc open to the public and their presence and participation are both ~·elcome and desirable. A CONCERNED public with a greater undentandlng and tooWlued Interest in education can and , ahciuld result in a much deepet' commitment to better education In the community and more pride in our JocaJ !Choob. ELIZABETH M. LILL V Troot .. Newpo1"Mesa Unified School District /tlera Do C'han9e To the Editor: Current news relea.$(!!1 :~•e.111 a 10 per· cent drop ia Industrial recruitment at trouble-plagued San Francisco State and that companlt..S Involved tn rteru!Ung for industry have been Instructed to limit gradates al the Univenlty of CaJUornla al Bende)'! Two thlnp could """11: Fin~ an t1 .. -ct -mJa'1I bo added lo c:umnt -.... , MCOndly, many graduai.. ..., be .ponnanem!y loot lo • proclvcllft n>lt la -IOCiely. AU ct -blacl:-l>olled !ram Industry plus recrufll from Ula r..., of fOl'lllcom- 1111 aHrullllc 10Ulh '11111 ... ..,. an ev..,. tncrea:smg IOlitte af dbenfra.,chised men Ind women to bend togtfhtt In op- position. JAPANESE lNDUSTIIV has olrudy cammllled lhil ........... and their pro- blrm 11 cru!IY mapilled. Amtrlcan industry repraenll a symm which will prove JtJeU under the ICf'Uliny and exJ)OIW"t to our comina: gr1duates. Hiit)' Brldg., of San Francisco waterfront f am11 is now rumored to be • s ·chools ' conservative Republican! It Is well lo remember that men do change. DON HAYTON Crime Sources To the Editor: Criminology student Erik Beckman raises a vague and irrelevant issue (Mailbox, April 9) in scolding the American people !or not "speaking out against crime." The Ametjcan people "speak out agaln&t crime" by paying heavy taxes to support ,&fpn\lc police bureaucracies that grow year after year just like the incidence .of crimt:. • J. Edgar Hoover h~ ~de a lifet!mc profession of frighterung P,ngress into bigger &Dd .b~er a=ti~ns year after year,~ tbe crune rate a( the bomJDl.n, when it wa1 obvious U..t givinf}ftrn more m~ certainly did not reduce. tbe crime rate !. CRIME Q)MES generally from com· plcx social condltJons that will not be af· feet.eel by preaching a g a J n s t it in ·simpl.Lstic atyle. There is nne area, however, IJt'which crusading criminolngy atodentl ml&ht have a mm-e fertile field, and that is in the area nf crim~ com- mitted by the pcilice themselves. The Southern California Arnerica'n Civil Liberties Union published a report of a two-year study investigating 734 C<lm· plaintS against the police in Los Angeles and stated that one out of every ten law enforcem ent officers in the county was apparently engaged in some form of police malpractice, the most f~µent o!- fense being "the resort to brutality, the use of physical force ." Has anyone ever heard a. professional police official "speak out" agairl!t that form of crime? ROBERT O. BLAND Dispel I he /tlystery To the Editor : I believe that the problem was in fact told as it is. Many times our teen-agers are told by their parents and society that if they smoke a marijuana cigarette or . take a pill, they will become a hopeless drug addict. This is false and the teen· agers know it. The I.rue facls are that marijuana and dtugs can lead to a life ol drug addiction for certain people. A tem-ager who· is tol4 a (!llsehood about marijuana or pills will also think he is being falsely in- fonned a b o u t methedrine a n d LSD. which really can be harmful and eve..'l deadly. PRESENTLY DRUG.§ are looked upon by many as mysterious. exotic no-no's in our 80Ciety. I am of the opinion that con· stn.actlve progra~ should be set up to give the true facts about drugs and narcotics and thus dispel the mystery. I believe that then the young people will belleve that society is genuinely in· t.erested In them and not just trying lo snow them. t EUGENE NORDEN Siudont, Deparlmenl of Criminology Cal. State, Long lluoh Dear Gloomy Gus: Do our local trashmtn t.ah. dead ahn at lhe Dower beds -with the empty contalntrs or do they just land lhtrt accidentally! -A. J. D. nm '"'"'" ,.,_.. ~ _...,,... Ml llt('"8f(lp """ flf flit ~. • ... •wr Ht _.,. .. •-..it •n. Dtll\' Pt•t ls Crime Crushing "' Us Gu~t 'Edito~~l ~-·-t 't ,.,. ' .. _ ~-.;:-"~ .. ~. . By J. EDGAR HOOVER Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Calvin Coolidge said, "It is the duty of a citizen not only to observe the law but to let Jt be known that·he is opposed to its. violation.~ An overwhelming majority of present+day Americans obey the law: but far too few indicate that they are serious· ly concerned with its violation. Wt are living in a day when defiance of authority is becoming the norm. Violent crime and thuggery art taking their daily toll in injuries and loss of life. Fear and apprehension prevail in the streets ?f most major cities. Law enforcement 1s the citizen's only buffer between personal safety and the criminal jungle. Often, as we know, this is not enough. IN RECENT YEARS, tremendous strides have been made in the upgrading of law enforcement. National, state, and loca l programs, costing millions o[ dollars, exist to equip, prepare, and train enforcement nfricers and to modernize police facilities. But for this marked pro- gress our alarming crime problem would be even greater. J:fqwever, the flne~t •. most effective law enforcement at· tainable will not bring about crime con- trol withoUt adequate public support. Our fight against crime can be no stronger than Uie courage and commitment nf nur citizens. COMhfENTING ON the national crime problem in a recent major address, At- torney General Mitchell warned , "Fear of crime -by the house wife and the schoolchild. by the merchant and the laborer -fear is forcing us. a free pea-. pie, to alter our pattern of life, especially after sundown ... The evidence is con· elusive. Crime is en.ashing us." To SUJ> port local and federal law enforcement, the Attorney General suggested high· quality anticrime programs, adequately Rlanned, st.ailed, and funded, which would inv olve professional organizations, voluntary groups, f o u n d a t I o n s , businesses, labor organizations, and in· dividuals. THE WUES ARE clear. Almost daily, we witness the progressive revolut ionary steps of anarchy -coercion. in· timidaUon. violence, and u n I a w f u I take<>\·er. \Ve must establish a united resistance against the criminal forces destroying the structure of our society. or u•e face chaos. tr we are to IJvc as civilized men and women, then we must make the law a paramount issue in our daily lives. In short, we must live by the spirit as well as the letter of the llw. We mUJt opJme crime with all the means at our com.. mand. OUr cherished principles of freedom, liberty, and jusUce cannot flourish where fe.ar Is dominant II has been staled thal ooly pis and beasts can live outside or civil society. Slnct wt are neither. I 'IJY let us ae<!f'pl the prtmlse wiibout t..Uni IL Quotes Robert £. Slr•ln, eean. prol., Cal State C.lle1e, Lena Btac• -"The record of man's inhumanity to man giws little cause for doubt that we are creatum or self·interest whose common vie...-of 'justice' l5 'me tint-more now!''' • ' I • ' ' HEIR. 11.PPARE~T ' Wick-edly Absurd Word P~rversion Tbougbll at Large: Some people actually perve rt the words ol Jesus, "The poor ye always h~ve with you," to justify their indifference to .the problem of poverty; which is as wicked?)r absurb as saying that because "the sick ye shall always hove with you," therefore nothing or little should be done to find a· cure for cancer. or h;art df~se. · There still is no substitute f~persot?'-1 ingenuity: while ,90 pctcent' of ~ae~h dollars in industtY, Are,.spent by large Companies, 70 ·percent of ~nnovations come from individual inve.nlors or small co.ies. ~ , .. . ~ ,,. . . ~~e Whf ·are militanUy "anli-su liOUI", are as foolishly dogmatic: as thfh: oppoai\u who are blindly enslav- ed to supettHtions; for many »<:ailed supentitions ire' .rooted in biological and psychological!lr'uths that we have not yet rationally apJJtehended. . ... . . The bu sy 11\3" who say:il i'My time is money" bas got hold of the wrong end of the stick -·foe the human truth is that money Is tlmlff and uni~ t!V psets are used to buy us time',~ we are no richer on the scale of mortality .than the man who slaves all hi s life for a pittance .. • • • We will soon need new words far 'lunar discoveries: the Astronaut& spoke of "the . terrain of the moon," but "terrain'' ap- plies only lo the Earth, and1the moon's different land surlace calls for a different name. Speaking of the Astronauts, it's frustralioi to realite that we can put a space-ship in orbit around the moon , Md sti ll not devise an autornOtiUe battery • ~t will invariably start on a wet mnm- lnc-• • • The revival of the German economy 1 with hardly any money should inst.ruct uJ ·• in the important maxim that energy is the creator of wealth, and wealth itseU cannot create energy, so that merely pro- vidirig funds for projects that are in- adequately motivated is a waste of efforl • • • One law Uiat all communities should pass immediately is that every new in· dustridl enterprise must build in anti.· pollution facilities at the start, not only, as a health measure, but because it is in- finitely cheaper to prevent pollution than to rectify the problem in a plant already built and operating without s u c h facilities. * • ·* If prostituti on won't be legalized, it should at least be equalized -so that the women who practice it aren't the only ones prosecuted, v.•hile the men who patroniie them are not even booked for a misdemeanor. • • • One of the most incisive and useful comments on the subject I've ever heard is Paul Valery's: "The purpose of psychology is to give us an entirely dif· ferent idea of the things we know best." • • • The closer you approach the truth, the more you see it was not the truth you \\'ere looldng for, but something more comforting. Things ; to Do Without Things we could all do wit~t : Look·alike him·and-ber haircuts for young married C<luples. • Platinum toothpicks. ' Phonograph records featuring music designed for odd purposes -.sU_ch as to calm a barking dog. Girls who dye t.heir hair strawberry blonde when strawberri~ are out nf season. Stores that sell pseudo clevet but tom to lttn--agers bearing letting messages so "blue" they make their mothers ~lll$h. The kind of advice you gf( in most Chinese fortune coOkies. · ' People who try io lvin 11le.nUon at cocktail parti~ by doing card tricks, predicting the future by r8'Cling the palms of other ·gues~, or ~Ra~~ng _l~ir character by analyzing:thell' baQdwr1t1ng . FLUFFY WIGS that ma)&:e a girl's hair stand out as tf $he ha:d ~ri'. permanently frightened or shocked bJ '**1DI up a live lalltn •leetric powtr liaeo Littertiop of any qe and kids who like to b<ul: pop bolllel Oii curllltqou. ~ Rtltaur•ntl that marae atra ror bread and bullet aod thlok .ii lends them dUI ~ llley ask io ceii. far a dime cup or coffee. ;' ,,_ bOlt ~O)led sun11 ..... 11ia1 make girls 1oo1c bublllO-IM:ed ot ~ f,,.iUv u lrom Man. • Four·bit shonttlnes. JEWEWTUDDED eolian !or dog• and cuUUnts for men to bf& am bea'7 thal Just carrylni them •l'Oll"'I mal<ls • fellow feel BMn•WUtl' lly. •ftllinc -lo ' Plump doclo,., wloo tell theil' palftnll beeome Jean -and stay that way. All wonder drugs with more aide ,f. feels than direct effects. Any low-slung foreign sports car that lsn ·1 small enoua:h to drive betwMn • ' t pedestrian's legs without sc:rapina: his shins. Women who brag about their first baby and men who brag about their ftrst ulcer. TELEVISION commercials which ·in• sinuate that you can find a better mar· riage1 partner if you switch from your present hair goo. tooth paste, body deodorant or mouthwash. Pretentious road show movies that charge $5 for a ticket and brassy Broadway musicals that put a $15 prict tag on an orchestra seat. \Veather forecasters who promise sun- ny skies on the day you put on a new suit -and then let it rain from noon to mid- night. File clerks who carry two briefcases to wort hoplng everyone will mistake them for junior executives. 1 ~--B1r George ---, !)ear Georp: 'ln a recent column you wrote that It would help if readers sent their money·handling problems to you. l\·e e%J>\alned my economic troubles 'to you three times now. Whal abttrt ll? S. W. Otar S. W.: Jt helped .t lot, just u I 1&kS - yeu r letters on mOne.y ps\lblem~ were very interesting. as usually the only mail I get consists of overdue bUls-.. • • t;osta Mesa?· ~ N.Y. Stoelu . ' ~6E COUNi:Y;<CALIFO~NIA WEDNESDAY, A~RIL 3d, '1969 TEN CENTS· (:ong Alter StaJJ.d, 01( SaigonTall{s PARIS (UPI) -The Vi et Cong, in an abrupt change m policy, said today it Was willing to talk peace with the "other partie5" -meaning the government of South .Vietnam. Previously it sald it would talk only with the United States. Prcs1dent Nguyen Van Th.ieu oI South Vietnam twice proposed direct' secret talks between the two sides 1n hopes' of . teaching some soluiion to the impa$Se that has blocked the Paris talks since they began. The Viet Cong scoffed at the tdea at the time. · · The UnHed State5 met the Viet Cong dffer today with a restatement of a ma• jor concession first made last ThursdaY 11t the . weekly talks -an offer to negotiate military and palitical matters simi.lllaneously. Previously it \\'anted military matters settled before· there .,.,.ere political talks. · U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge also suggested that agreement on a mutual withdrawal of external forces ''by reasonable stages" could lead to peace. Hanoi and tbe Viet Cong contend the only foreign troops in Vietnam are the Americans and their allies and that the Americans should pull out immediately. "Our side is ready to begin moving down this road right away," Lodge saie1. ,;Other areas \.\'here mutual action is necessary are the restoration or the ~talus of the demilitarized zone and the early release of prisoners of war." \\'hether the Viet Cong agreement to meet \.\•ilh "other parties" represented a Si>ftening of the Communist position was not known . Tran Buu Kiem , the foreign minister of the Viet Cong ·s National Liberation Front, said: "The South Vietnam Front for Libera- tion is ready to enga1e in discussicns ._.ilh the other parties so as to make the c;onference move forward.'' . ' 558 Boats Set For Ensenada Start Thursday By ALr.fON LOCKABEY Of "'-O.llr ~li.t Sl-*' Skippers and ete\vs of 558 sailing yachts are down to the point of marking time until the start Thursday noon of the 22nd Newport to Ensenada race. The list of entries (count 'em on Page 17) is about a dozen short of the record 570 last year. • , Torn \Vilder. race committee chairman, called attention to a last-minute change in· check-in procedure. ''There will be a race committee boat checking out boats near the entrance to the Newport jetties. If you have checked in with that boat and have received an ackno\\•\cdgement from the committee, you need not report to the central or outside c1>mmittee boa ts on the line as . outlined in previous instructions," Wilder said. Something new ha:; also been added this yeir in the sta rting order. First to ~tart al 12 o'clock will be the catamarans. followed at 10-minute in· tervals by Classes A. B, C, D, and E in both the Ocean Racing and Pacific Han- dicap divisions. Two classes of l\1idget Ocean Racing Fleet yachts will be the last to start at I p.m. In previous years the small boats have Jtarted first and catamarans last. For the benefit of shore watchers, there will be two starting lines -ooe ex- tending from the jety bell bouy to a een· tral committee boat, and the other from the central. committee boat seaward to another committee boat. The PHRF classes will use the starting area closest to shore and I.he Ocean Rac- ing and Catamaran dlvisions 'vlll use the outside line. . \Vith U1e AiORF division split into two clwes. Class B will start on the inside lfne and Class A on the outside line. The t\VO classes \\1ill start simultaneously. (See ENSENAOA, Page 17) PILOT TO 'A IR' ENSENA.DA. RA.CE Newport Beach radio station KOOi (103.1 FM) wlll broadcast special reports on the. Newport Beach-Ensenada yacht race directly from Almon Lockabey, DAILY PILOT boaUng editor, from Thursday's noon 1tart until lht race is finl&h<d. Reports will be broadcast ap- proximately every two hours from noon Thursday until si1no!t at 2 a.m. Friday. They will be continued Friday and Salur· 4'ay from I 1.m. alp on until 2 a.rn. sifnoff. , DAil Y ,.Jl'OT It.ti ,.~·.,_ RARE MOMENT OF SOLITUDE ON CIRCUS DAY Geraldo the Clown Tries Bleacher Se.it Cir~ns · Bound S ~G { ·~. 'Dl fl. ·"'W. pt_~ f to . rt•"ts ·: oo .. ~··"i •·· ·1 ~J ::tl " --..,r."l r•• , '"\• ~ By ARTHUR R. ~sEt . a heroin add.id with a .ijlree·gr&~ ·dilly ._,, Of ~ o.itr ,.. steK habit. · ~ilea art meahingj,iss to _(ilreu; pcoplr, The name '1\•Y )!e dllleren! on his pay story))Qok characters \.\'host Uves are slip or the ~ .t11tl}e llttle Fallon, Nev .• measured by one-night .sta1_1ds aDd horse ranch ttu1t:S ~ame in the winter off-enCilcaa strellnU of. JJ4blic faces lri iraaY seaso~. but TUeildi)i" he ' was simply nefds~of a huntlrOO cities, 20 Wetks each Cer~ldo. ; .• . · ' ye~r· , . 1 • • , "I'm born and raised .tn the circus~ - The cireus came to town Tuesday, roll· from a circus family, -:--I've bccb .at it ing irtf li~e visjtol',3 ,ffO'l'l-41l:Olher pJanet, practically since I 'fl! bonl .•. the \\'Jth only flattened grass and four trapeze ••. c}\>W.Ung. •' .tio.w old am I?.,, portable rest. rooms left-to .mark their 22 ..• No. I'm actually to," be rambles. visit today. What about the future? Days on the long, but rarely lonesome ''Everybody wanis to leave someiime,'1 road are busy !mm before da1vn until Geraldo says qµietl)'., "you do get .out after midnight, but occasionally even finally, but !l's in your blood. You come circus people take a break bctweeo back. You always-come back." shows. How does the ad bnf~ so -smoothly? Only a few stragglef'1 wandered down · "You've got oDe cloWD boss -the head the midway Tuesday in the twilight as . clbwri, or procl~lng cloWn who calls the the James Bros. Circus. spo~red by the shots -thars HarrY. Ross," says Orange Coast Llons Club at the OrM1e Geraldo, whose· Nevadi' horse-rancher Countj Fairii'Oiinds, rested. · tan shows_ at the e4(t of hls white "Good eyening. Sir," says Geraldo the greasepajn!. • · Clown, a ·Plris4>orn performer who IS as ''Then' YO\f have a few ·other clowns,'' hooked on the t.hree-nn, circus life as ls .(See CIRCUS, Page ZJ .. .-t " , . " . Dtti M. Y It.OT lllft ........ LONG RID!! POLLO)YS•THEIR FINAL SHOWS Trcrei:e Girt Ee:inlt Be!;, Lt'dy Ar.i t:'r Dress Codes Out ' .. Mini-skirts , Beards Students' Option · . -' . ' 87 "l'l}OMAS FORTUl'/E . °' ... ~. ,."'' ,,.., -Sideburns, beards and 'ritini-skirt.s "°'' are aliovted on the Corona del Mar High School campus. _ They'll be permiasible beginning Tmtrs· day at Newport Harbor High School and maybe $ometime before school is out in June at Costa Mesa H1gh. Student appearance will be all up to the parents no\v as these schools -in a sud- denly widespread reform -are bowing 'Brown Bag' Plan Clears All~ on Law s A teenager walking down a Costa Mesa street is stopped for questioning by a policeman, due to the late hour, and winds up at headquarters on a charge of lack of parental control. Refusal to obey authority is another ap- lllicabte Penal Code section, under some situatl<>f\S. It happens all the time . And a communications system as el· ficient as any police broadcast frequency -the Grapevine -begins spreading misin!onnation. The answer, in part at least, may be Operation Brown. Bag, a program quietly begun three Weeks ago and already outgro\ving original expectations by .JuveniTe Bureau Sgt. George Lor:ton, who initiated It. 1· Patterned on a similar program by ~ionterey Park police, OperaUon Bro,vn Ba.a: now brjo&:s a team of officers to ~'f 11t&.itancia hip ;fclloob Stud;ent.s',who care to alt.end e:at lunch with the o!Dctn, lalk about the law - the where, whal, ·why lfld bow~aspecU o! Us enforcement r and. SOn'l!l rather \Vild nilsunderstandtncs art oflcq dilpelled. No lecturing is allo'V{ed, attempted, or even intended. _ . Traffic, lolteriag and Other la\\'S n1ost frequently broken in· tbe course of a teenager's gro\ving-up years pop up ror analy1is most frequently, with surpris- ingly litlle narcoUcs discussion. No one even need ask a question, since Opera\lo1fBrown Bag is not a class, quiz or anything like it, buti the Important thing is that those who stay silem' still get some answers. Ten students went to the first session. The last one leaped in attendance, wilh about 60 students. A new campus meeting spot had lo be found to accommodate the growing crowds, a healthy lndlcation, police believe. Sgt. Lorton, Patrol ·Sgt. Sam Cordeiro and Trafrfc ~gt. John Regan are cur· renUy involved In the lunch hour public infonnation sessions. Graveside Rites Cap Mother's Life of Tragedy GravesiQe· services were held today for ~1.rs. Bianca Marie Befem, 32. who drowned Friday \\'hen she fell overboard while cleaning a yacht docked at 3404 Via Opor'to on the Lido Peninsula in New· port Beach. Mrs. Berens, who spoke five Ianiuages, worked as a le&al RCT'f:tary in her native Italy, but toot a job as a cleaning woman for a yacht service here because it was th< only job she could find. 'Mle death of Mrs. Berem, who lived at 1995-B Charle St., Costa Mesa, left her two-year-old son, David Henry Berens, an orphan. Jlls father, H.enry Anthony, was killed one y,ear ~go In an auto accident. ~frs. Berens had complained to fellow workers that she was oot feeling well when she boarded the trawler at 3 p.m.· Fnday. Twenty-five minutes later, tier body was found floating In the water, The orange C.OUnty Coroner's Ofrlce reported that an autope:y coafinned Ult death was -caused by accidental drowning. Friday night. the child was t~d over to his aunt, Mrs. Irene Berens lablonski, 2110 ~ Road, San Pedro, by co.ta Mesa police. Shf told .police of the mother's past in Tfi'1tc, Italy. , ''She c:oul~'t swlfn and she was afrald of tM water." Mrs. Jablonski aald ... But •bt had to taio tho job -II WU tbe only work abt C!OUld find.'' Stoelc Markets NEW YORI\ (AP) -The 110 c k market, with Investors tnthuslastlc and cOmtne off the 1kte1Joea, took a giant step ronvard In extremely heavy trading to- d.,y. tSee quotations, Pqes 26-27). r ' out . of dress code enlorcemeot. In a letter carried home by Harbor High students today parents a.re told : "For years educators •.. have been telling parents how their chi!drj!;n should . dress. In our revised reeulations, the parenl and the student make the choice, and as long as the choice is within the bounds ot neatness and deoency, it will ...e accepted by the school." 'l'\vo weeks ago, Corona del ?o.lar lligh tos.sed responsibility !or . dress and ·haircut! to the parenta. Slid Principal Leon Meeks in his letter home : "We think the parents • .wa.it t h J 1 responsibility." Only 15 or 2.1 00 pirents, be -&aid, replied tilnt they did net. Costa ~lesa High Principal Frank' Lopes Jr. said his students have surveyed parents a.r.d found lhcy \Vant to control dress \Vi fh the school retaining a minimal (Ste DRE.SS CODE, P11e I). Yles With Newport County Studyi1ig· Mesa 'No Gimmick' Coii1·t Bid Characterized as a girnmickles.s, $1 million bonus bargain over the closest competition. a Costa Mesa municipa l court and library site offer made Tues- day is being studied by lhe County Board of Supervisors today. The presentation offered jointly by the city and the 32ncl Agricultural District Associalion would give the county an eight·acre comer of Orange County Fairgrounds land, \vith an option on five acres more. Orange County Fa ir Board President Cecil J . Marks and Costa Mesa Mayor Al vin L. Pinkley appeared before .supervisors Tuesday lo outline the offer, tbought to .be stronger than a Newport Beach bid. Supervisor Alton E. All~ finally moved to h·ave· the orfer refei'red to the county's ~ l'rotl<rtl" S")'.!'I" DePortmenl,ror opn;petilo'n with th< Newi>oif!>idt bid and •·report jn three weeis. The Fifth District su~.lior made a RQin~ of having the court sl(t otters con- sidered tog~her and asked lh1t he apd his colleagues get the reports one week before lhe)ifay ZO hearing. Fair &v.d President Marks explained his organl!itl~n's lnc:;ome needs dutlp& the Tuesday tneeUng, while Mayor Pinkley read a detailed analysis of lht proposal. "This is straightforward and with no gimmicks," the mayor said. Time is of the essence in obtaining new quarters to house the cramped, outmoded liarbor District Judicial Court facility on 'Vest 18th Street across from Costa Mesa City P3rk. That aspect alone is in Cost.a hlesa's favor . f..1arks noted that fairgrounds property at Fairvic\Y Road and Arlington Drive is standing ogcn to needed development ·Ind the state cut fairgrounds budget alkx:a· lions to $35,000 last year. Without breaking the figures down into unneccessarity small detail, the Costa hlesa court·library ~ilc would offer a 1'.ozen courtrooms and plenty of parking for ~,640.000, with'p\feet improvements p:Ud by the city. f '!he site is available right now. Newport Beach offers a 12-courtroom l!ijle in the fjewporl Center, fulure site of Newport' '!each's O\YTl civic center, but the county·s r,xt wauld be $41737,lMI, ac·' cording to 95Umatcs. The city ho1 not decided how to finance the new · cfVic et'hte.r, Which must (8" COlJJIT BID, Paso Z) M~sa, Newport Mayors Reiterate Airport Stand Agreement that the Oranie County Airport should not be expapded inlo a regional jet airport was reiterated today by the mayors ol Newport. Beach and Coma Mesa at a meeting of Orange Coun-- ty Coast Association. "Costa 'f..1ega is diametrically opposed to the e1pansion and enlargement of Orange C.OUnty Airport," Mayor Alvin Pinkley declared, at the Balboa Bay Club session. ' Noting that.one airline (Alr·California) has suggested lengthening the nmway at Orange County Airport apd extending the runway over the San Diego freeway, Pinkley aaid: "lf this happens, we wiU ha ve a regional jet airport." "We see eye to eye with Newport Beach on this, but we have a different approach to accomplishing that goal," the Costa ~lesa mayor auerted. Newport Beach's ~ition that Orange County Airport should ultimately serve as a metroport providing alr service to cities In a 400-mile-range wlUt 1hort take- off and landln' aircraft, and (or private general aviation , was real!irmed by Mayor Dor.ten Marshall. "Commercial service lo the Pacine Northwest citie.s from Orange County aliport would violate the concept of a metroport because It would approve flights in the 1,000-mlle range. This would open the door to demands for similar service lo other cities out.!ide of the metroport range," M~s. M a r s h a I I declared. · Truck Hits Boy, Crushes Ankles Dialrlded by a bar\Jng ~ aiJ be started to rtm across lbe street, t COsl& Mesa boy was struck by a truck whkh ran over afld cruthed both hts anltlea Tuesday afternoon near hls home. Grtg M. Kolly, I, cl DI lll'Oldwoy, Is in f1ir condition today at Cotta Mesa Memorial Hospital lol!O!l'Jnt surgery to repair &he severe compound rracture1. POii& •kl Officer .Jae~ Koch rushed th< Injured boy to the hOspltal ln a patrol car arter he was hit by ·Mrt. Vera R. Hanway, ?8, of 211 Broadway, who tried to 1top ln Ume but couldn't. Mrs. Hanway was not cited. (Costa Mesa has supported lll'lntlq cl the Pacific Northwest air routes to 1erve Orange County; Newport Beach has op- posed.) "We realize ther.e,·iS a problem and It may get as bad for Co$1a Mesa as for Newport B'each," Pinkley said. "But we don't Itel we ctip just S"Y we don't like nclse and air pollutiOn and that we will sue. We feel the best approach Is to work \vith 'the agenclcs to . find' alternative sites. 1£,we don't do. t!1is quickly, we may find the airport run\vtlys J~ngtl'l.ened and we'll be stuck with a regional airport. We'll have another Playa de! Rey." Answering ques'tion on the' feaslbllity or joint use of El Toro Marine A.it Base as an interitn airport, Mayor Mal-shall said the first step has to be to detennlne whether U ls-operationally feuible. "If it is found to be pperationally feasible, we still face the probltm of polit1cal feasibility," she said. · Orange Coa1t WeatJier "More of the same'' is the weatherman's ditto mac~lne pre- diction for Thursday. •WIUi sunny 11.flernoons sandWJChed by ' eJoUdy niornlng and evening skies and upper &O's temperatures., INSmE TODAY ' Ni:con'1 -end othe1' prul- • de11t.t' -100 day! co1"4 ncwr approacll tho3e of tru Pre~ dent wlM> -reuolutionfzed a tta• Uon in. wha t wo1 aciuo1i111 gg da.u•. qtvi no blrtll to I.Ile Neto Deal. Page 12. : ' . I DAil.., PMT c w~. ~" "'· 1169 .. i ·' d • L PILOT LOGBOOK " ,. ~ ! Traipsiitg Hinterlands ;wiih Nixon Watcher~ By ARTllUll I\. VINSEL 01 "" O.ttJ , .. ,, lllff Blltiint every world capital and JO\\'A whistlestop on the presidential itiMrary, lbe White House Press Corps is a flying circus of journalistic Red Barons, punuing the wily Pulitzer. The elite outfit descended on the Orange Coast some weeks back fnd all indications are that the tradition will continue on like the Pacllic summer Red Tlc!e. Now that President Nbcon h::is proclaimed San Clemente as Baja \Vashington D.C., or \\'hite Hou5e We.st, Vl'e can expect to ~et our Capitol Hill colleagues more often. Generally, ihe White House ne\\'S crew wears a col- lective sneer for local yokel reporters, from Bohunk, ~tlnn., to whatever other backwash the Great Y(hlte Father brings his personal grtetJngs find entoutage. Their arrival in Utt Oountry, where the village namea be- ~in with San or Santa, where the children are imperiled by a Kremlin verston of the Birds and Bees and also hear utterly too much roc:Jc and,roll muaic, wu no excepUon. * Alter all, that £rOUp has an uncompromising job, seemingly ordained to their capable handa alone: Reporting the news. Some special touch may in· deed be required to quote what President Nixon said to Pvt. Elbert Kosciusko, cleaning a grease trap on KP at a Fort ·Huachuca mesa hall, when his com- mander-In-chief dropped in unannounced. If so, it escapes me. Nonetheless, the capitol news contingent marched pogt us provinci1l prea troops at Miulon San Juan Capistrano like an Army of Occupation or the VaUcan Guard visiting a beginners' catechism class. One clance by a network man In a lavende r jumpsuit -\Vith cameras around his neck and enouih wiring to light one third of Tustin -put their impression aCf'031. Pea3anls. Barbarians. Couldn't even write a complete sentence. Not to be trusted around valuables. Not to be trusted with the room number of the Wuhin~ news people party tonigllt. "Look al them, they probably think we·don't even have underwear," arowled one veteran Orenge County newsman. * Such neurotic speculation ended as the President arrived. Somebody in a Iavendtr jumpsuit blindsided me in the rush. h-ty 'own photo emeried from the darkroom as a closeup of a tweedy shoulder. If we had a refer'ee, NBC would get IS yards ror clipping. We natives are essentially a friendly lot with a great sense of rhythm , but tending to the sensual, and outright nasty when it came to laughing at one Wuhington pbotofraphtt who had been aboard our press helicopter. He photographed off3hore kelp beds in the belief he was 3hooting the no- Jqer visible Santa Barbara Channel oil &lick, at that Ume foulln1 beaches tM: President wal out to inspect. Back in action after lunch, we noticed the network man had spilled rich, green guacamole on his lavender jumpsuit and coruidered directing him to a One-Hour Martini.zing Cleaners. We didn't., Our Washington ne:ws galhtring visitors we.rt terribly far from Capitol lfill, .clvilJutlon ~nd -after all -lavender jumpsuits are not made to be poul(il<d on lh~.i:oi:a ~ide ijl~ <OISjal. _.., •• ' • , •.• I · ''· .... I (CQJJ R}' !~-«,,·~·"·" .; , · ..... i k~· ~~·"'l, ' f' ..... :' ( 1 -.·~~ • tt!•J,.• .,_, _\,., ! '111:-i. : necessarltY b;e at le , ·l yurt· a tlf'·WDd;''lbe clly·&frtroundS repbrt says· : perhaps more from becoming a reality. befQfe contJ.nuing: on to list the reasons ! The Newport Beach site would include l'ri'ly. : joint use <>f Clvlc Center parklng and city The proposal rilade 'Tuesda y wa:s alp! i jail for pri!Oners awaltlrt coutt a~• pro~ by the Fair Board Feb. 12 after : pearanee, while the Costa Mesa City JaU much dt&c:usskm and adV:lce·by Robert J. : is near the fairvounds slte. Pflmlin, an official of the county Real • The surrounding Costa ri-1esa area ts In Pnipertles Service division. : tl)e midst of a gradual development into ' ; public uaqe, with four schools In the im· : me:d.iate vicinity, making the library an : advantage there. : "No other site considered can provide : for dual needs either in siu or utiliutlon C.Ounty Files Suit On Dunes Damage ~Negotiator's Brother [Argentina Envoy • 'flood d:1lnages incurred in the Newport Dunes rectntlanal area during the Ftbruary storms may have been the responslbiUt,y Of the Newport er Inn, Swinerton and Walberg. contractors who constructed the inn, and the Irvine Com- pany and others, according to County Councll Adrian Kuyper. : WASHINGTON (AP) -Presid ent Nix· : on aMounced today he will nominate : John Davi' Lodge, brother <lf the chief :U.S. neilJ(iator of the Pari! ~lilce talk&, : to be ambassador to Argentina. • Lodge. 6.5, brother <lf Henry Cabot : Lod1e, is a former governor <lf Con· : nectlcut and House meir.ber from that : state. He is currenUy chairman of the : Forei1n Policy Resurch Imtltute at the : Unlveraity of Pennsylvania. . : t ,I I ,, • ! • • I • ! • • ' ! f • I . • • • • l • • . DAILY PILOT Ollit.N3 l CO.t.Sl PUlltS"IHI) COMPit.Nr ••M•t N. Wtt4 Prt1"-nl .... Put ll""r Jt c• •· CY•l•y Vo(t Prt'littftl eM Glntrtl Ml llfttr Tileiri•• ICttYil ..... Tlt111111 A. M1nphl11t ~"ftlllt E~ttot ..... __ JJO W11I l.tly Shtel M.illi11f A.Nrt111 P.O. l t • lf60, fl6J6 OtMr otfk .. ,........, It.ell: nn ""' ltll!M teu11.,.r• L-DoOKll: ))J ,__, ........ HlilfilM1111ten """' .. M~ tlrftl Kuyper told supervisors Tuesday that sand was washed from the beaches into the surrounding lacoon, '41hich al.so bordera the inn. and~the county has an oblia:ation to m1intain Ute lagoon, · He said the county ls removing the sand under a cost contract with Shtllmaker Inc. of Newport Beach. He asked for and rectlved permission to Institute a suit for damages "agalnst all appropriate defendants." Student Arrested 111 Stereo Theft Exctaed to go to the real room, a Newport Beach teenager Instead relieved a classmate at a conUnuatlon high school o( $13S ln stereo equipment, C<lsla Mesa police es id today . Investigators r.ald the. Clara 8. McNally School stu dent "·as token Into custody 11fter class \\13S dismissed Tuesday, on the basis of • I ip by the staff. The stereo Upc deck and 10 tapes \\'ere found hidden In some bu~hes near the school at 1901 Newport Blvd., and return· ed to the ri1htful owner, police !laid. Burglar Gel8 Pills At Mesa Drug Store Forclna open 1 rear door to the ~·•lied· oil ln\trlar pll"1!1t"°"llctl S\lPPIJ .,.,, a bllr111T looted a.Cost> Mua dru1 and department •tor• or 1,400 barbUurtte plllt, otor• penonnol IOld pOllce Tljeodt y • Tilt cub ""' ._.llld lo onty ~u • Mld o.inls M. D'!Jrlen, dilploy<d by 1brllty Drug Storo. Ill E. I ?U> .St., lllling the mfMina cfnits u 1econal. Mmb11tol and tuina l. ·9-rrc -·students Fight. Ouster Council .Members · Cljii~'Retaliation,' Won't Give Up Seats . -.. . J, mijorilJ ol Or~ Cou\ QolJtae Rtudent councll membefl:; sus-pended by the dean's oUice. todAy are refusln& to relinquish their seats. The sludent COW1cil met Tutsday in de- fiance of suspensions that would hale elln1inated nine ()fit.a tS members. 'I'he suspensions are based on midterm grades Jn which some council members recei ved lncompletes and others were nol maintaining a C grade average. A number of studentl accused the cam· pus administration of retallalinlil because council members had voted 5 lo 2 in favor of recognition cf Stltdent.s for a Democratic Society (SOS). Dean of ·student Activities Joseph Kroll, whose assistant is.sued the suspensions, said the accusation Is un- foonde.d. Kroll said since he became dean in 1965 lt has always been the pradice. to sus· pend studenta from the C()Uncil on tho Fron• Page l DRESS CODE •• responsibility. Floyd llarryman, principal at Estan~ia High, says he is not opposed to putting the responi;ibility on the parents and feels hi s st udents may ask him to do IO. As fashion has changed, liberalitalion of dress codes has been going on all year at Newport-f\.1esa high ::chools. Dropping the code and shifting to parental responsibility seems lo be the cu\rnina- tion or the trend. In a relaxation of a month and a half ag;i at Estancia, boys were allo\\·cd· to gr()W sideburns to the car Jobes and long hair that docs not t?uch tile ~houlders. Girls y,·ere told they can ···•ear caprls on Friday. STANDARDS RELAX Since the start of the school year, Lopes said, Mesa High standards have been relaxed. Boys' hair which formerly had to be iapered in back now may be. blocked as long as it is off the shollldcr. Sideburns have been allowed . He .said several students have grown mutton chop sideburns, but beards still aren't permit· ted . The firth district high school, McNally Continuation High, has done without a dress code for some time. Said director of the school, for students that can·t make it in regular hi&h school. Jack C.Oleman: "Probably a greater majority ol my students are more comfortable be.in1 ncn- conformlst and feel a need for it: I guess as an adult I wish at time.s kids ~·ould liott •-tidle.mole lik~~._i .. (o look u a kld. But'We are more ln terdtea in whit' a ltid is liie on the inside." . Meeks said the new «orona dcl l\far lllgh no~{frce;pent ~licy \Vas p~­ po1ed by a student le&dership class. and approved .lJY the entir\ student body, fayqlt{';~Jlt.. ~· '., .... ', ~ ... , POtlCY ~.'.tiii.u. .• The policy is a trial for the rest of the school year, he said. He saldfthe· JS parents t~at responded · seying they don't agree with the ·pollcy made two principal points. They said it should be a shared responsibility , and th ey said "giving in to youth will lead to mo~ denPnds and the 3ltualion v;e have in collegeS." acC<>rding to Meeks. The principal said there have been fewer instancts: of students dressed in poor taste the lest two \Y~ I.ban before. lte said 30me gtrls have told him tht.ir mothera are now more strict. flfost el the boys have. fai rly long sideburns and keep them neaUy trimmed, Meek! said. "We have maybe half a dozen boys on campus with bizarre sideburns. We just had a beard growing contest and a few of them might have left them on." Newport Harbor High Princ ipal Charles Godshall said I.he new policy at his school \\'ill be on trial for the month of May. A comn1lttee of parents, facu lty and ad· n1inistrators will evaluate il and make a recommedanlon for ne xt school year. 2 ~IONTHS STUDY He said the revision of the dress regulations came from the sludent Ex· ecutlve Council and Student Congress arter two months of study. Gennination of the dl.sCU&sions, he said, ~·ere comments he heard in lnform3l noontime sessions \\'hen he makes himself available to students. Lopes said the student Educational Development Cou ncil at C~ta Mesa lllgh surveyed parent& and businessmen dur- ing Easter week vacation. They spoke to a random sample of 159 pattnU in their homes and 20 business managers at Harbor Shopping tenter and South Coast Plaza, he 11id: Barry Jr. Joins Dad in Congress LOS ANGELES IAP.) -Barry M. Goldy,•ater Jr. easily won election to Congress Tuesday In 'his flist try for public ofrlce . At a \'ictory celebraUon, ht pald tribute lo hb di<! and mothtr "for the philosophy they tnsilll<d In me o1 loTe ior God and country and a ""'1g l>Oll•f In the w.nh ol each ol us as individual!." Rtpubllcan Cok1w1ttr, 1 »yelf'<O\d bacl>Olor slockbioltor, tallied IU76 ,-. or·67 ptr<:tllt lo 41.931 !or Democrat Jolin K. Van de l\llnp, 13, 111 attomey. The return! were c:omplete bul \inof. ficltlln the apklal eledlpnlo \llt•pr•w~ tni 17th lliotrid lo select a ...,.,...,. (o )\epubUtan Ed Rtlntcke, who rt~anod lo accept appointment as C a 11 for n i 1 ' a lieutenant governor. .. bl• of' inktterm erades. the student COlllUhrtion which say a stu- One Of-the suspended councll membcri, ' dent cour.cil mrmbera muat maintain • llel~o ~·~e11 cha11enged Kroll"s state-curau1A.1ive and current C grade, average. '""1t. Be..111.d. he khoM. o1 · a coUncil Kroll said midterm grade.1 are the onJy ·mtm~I, who w,•.poJ .• ,spe11ijed .Us! •• C\ltl'<nl rej)Ott he bas. Tbe •ludt9" on JFlng ·~·>~I h!.>.mld!erm &?de> t lhe councU conlend lllat mldterm it•>ie• were btlo" 0. · · ·· 'are meanlliglcS$. Ray G.uirht~, cbalniian of, the fOWlciJ, Gendrln, one or thole il.ltpended s1ld the Jtudei'lti have ,modeled the.tr ~•use he received an lftcomplete at government after the federtl aovernment JJllclterm 1lthouJh he has 1 Miter ~n B and are reaervin1 the right to pass oo tyerase for previo141 semattr1' wori, credenlltl• of theµ-members. remarked : ··we do not i.qtend to become i~~aa:I, "There is a 1enera1 faculty pracUce. to extrale14J or a runaway to JOVerrunent," UJe inc<>mpletes and not hand out he said . .,We will hold regularly schedul-"" midterm &.rades.'' • C(I me1tlogs and defend ouraelvei befoft Krflll said studenll can submit letters the student judklial board. We wUI stand, from their lnstructon changing the Jn· by their rultna." complete to a grade and two of tJie lilne Dean KrOU aifttd that "in lhe final suspended h1v1 done so. analysis the j!Jdiclal.botrd Jl)USt make -Cbuet: Conway, one 'of the remaining the lnterpretatlon." seven, told hia'l eellitg : -, The .11Ven-m·em11er judlcial board will "I hive an imcompleW I did not adjwt. be aeied-to rule on jUat'what is meant by J refuse to pl11 their &ID1'-' on rrq ' ManonFa~eDoctorRap. Challenges Jury Makeuf> By TOM BARLEY O! "" D91Fp Plitt lltff A man accuaed of practicing medicine without a license tod'ay qu esUoned the rlJht of the Oranse County Grand Jury to even Indict him on the charges. In what ls believed to be the first such challenge <lf the 2>member invesligatl re panel, Robert Ervin Brown c.ra:ue:l th.rough Public defender i. a w r e n c e Buckley that the "ecooomic m2loeup" of the Grand Jury was of such n!llure th1t the panel wa1 not qualined to process chargei against him. Brown, 33, Birmingham, Ala., made the motton immedlately after ~uperior Court Jud5e Robert diirdner hnd rejected his peal for a dlsml.ssal of clu~rg!s against him. He Is indicted on 17 counts of unlawfully practicing medici ne. Judge Gardner immcdl:>tely aclctl to have Brown's preeedent-se tting ara:ument heard today. It has been set for the courtroom of Judge James F. Judge and Judge Gardner -the criminal court jurist assigned to the Grand Jury -will appear as a witness. Judge Gardner later confirmed that this is the first' such challenge to the authority of the Grand Jury but ad ded that he was "not at all surpris:d." "I say this in the light of what has been happenJn1 in other counties a n d remembering the retent s i m i I a r challenge of the Los Angeles County Grand Jury in the c1 .>e of Sirhan Sir· han," he said. Brown was indicted on the felony charges after he ~lle1edly worked for five weeks at a Fullerton clinic as a cardl<lloglst. lnvesHgato'rs said fie posed as Dr. Glenn L. Foster., a Uni versity of Alabama heart speciali•t· Relatives of four persons who died while un1er ''Dr. Foster's" care were runong witnesses before the Grand Jury. . Testimony wu <llfered by several of the U petleota allegedly •Wlllned by Brown durln1 his five-week stay at the Fullerton facility. F ron• Pare 1 CIRCUS ... he continues, strolltni throuah the cavernous red·and-yellow striped tent. "I'm an 'other Clown'," he uys, "I'm in it becaUle I love kid!, you see .•. I love the e1pres1ions on their facts." "Here's a little lady yOli might like to meet," adds Geraldo, Introducing one of the Bale Slaten. of Venice, Fla., hardly more than a kid herself at 15, with one trapeie sea.!On already behind her. Bonnie Bale wears big, bright green granny glasses which mirror the setting sun as we talk -like: stars in her eyes, or Big Top spotlights -and the music of the circus band ls in her blood. "I was born into it," she says, a familiar tale, "My si1ter Gloria is in the center ring, and my sister Nita is in the end ring. Nobody's the star." \Vhat's the circuit like for a tecn·age girl? "ll's preUy tough sometimes." !.~!e sayJ, like a sophomore chatting af:.~r school with a classmate. "There's not realty much time off, except mornings dll ring the two-da y stands." ._, "Usually I rela1 or go shopplnl, then in the off-season, around Christmas, "'e have to start' getting things ready for the nexl season." '·one aslU the inevitable, knowing the re ply. "No.'' she says ~·ith the forever-ctr· tainty of a girl of 15 and the finality of a 40.year-old clown, "I was born tn it and I'll slay in it ." time ... Tooy Turner, otie of the four sen1torJ11 not. suspended, Jent his auppbtt to the others. He atld ' "Student aovernment bu been • m08t rewarding experience. in that I havt. 'le-.rn~ of the ~plete degradation and J)roatltuUon of 1ove:rnmmt ic the free wol'fd." ~d .suspended cooncil member Ken Dale: "I refuse to be a pawn. a (Junkie , • henchman of the administration." Beryl Kaser, one of the two SU3pended but reinstated, noted members ol the stu· de nt council are not right out of high school and se•n ()f the 13 are anned services veterans. ''It may h.ave been necessary 1n the past for the adminisl{atktl to hold the hand of student governnw:it but we are much more poliUcally involved now," he &aid. Teens Booked In Thefts on King's Road 'Two Newport Harbor High School students have been arrested and char1ed \\'Ith committing seven re s i d e o l I a I burglaries along King's Road in Cliff Hav en, Newport police said today. The investigation and subsequent ar· rests started last \Vednesday when a Newport offit'tr was in a Costa Mesa pawn shop and noiiced a particularly nervous youth wailifli to hock a camera, police said. The <lfficer called Costa Mesa police, who questioned the youth. lnvestigatjon by Costa Mesa and Newport officers brought so1ne of the thefts to light later in the day. The second youth wa~ arrested 'Mlurs- d<lv. TI1~ pair are 16 and 17 years old. Newport O:?tective Tom Shearn said the full extent or the therts became evi· dent this week after Newport officers began to quesUon the pair. Shearn said only two of the eight victims had reported the crimes to police. The other six, he said, had not even noticed their articles missing. 1\\.·o-thirds of lhe $500 in loot-in cash and inexpensive jewelry -has been recovered. "Tl'c boys were neat \\'orkers, and niorl of the victims didn't even notice their articles stolen ," he said. C.Osta Mesa police say the youths are suspected of committing at least three 01efts in that city. Apollo Not Damaged CAPE KE:f'iNEDY (UPI) -The Space Agency repc;irted today that two days ol detailed tesjs have shown no i;igns (If damage W the first stage of the Apollo 10 moon rocket as a result of a sudden fuel loss Sunday. 1tor 011• month only • CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE save 20% on Towle's El Grandee and llJnq Richard palt9JDI In 10lld allver ,., Mt month only Tow\t'I £1 GrtndM •nd Kins ftttf'ltNI 1hrll"1,.ttem1 •t• a-nlllbl• tt 20% Of\' th• l'tl\lllr •H iwlct. Now M tht time to ltert or COl'r\o pi.ta JOW'...,.. In solid tllvtt br/ TOWie. You uv• 20% Oft twtY ,11rcMse-tiflC!e ,;.cei, P** Ht· tin&&. Of'..,, ....... Do"'t delq. Qrrtt tn teclty. <I --.itlop (t-. P~Cl """ -lilftlta. 11Jlft!M) -"'·'° .. ,. .... $4&.00 ' You ,,,. $1 1.IO TMIS OFFER GOOD MAY I THRU MAY JI 1121 NIWl'OU AVlNUl COSTA MESA l2 YURS SAME lOCATICi' PHONE 111·!40 I l l OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL S OFFICIAL COLEMAN • REPAIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 30 TO MAY 6 GUHrS IS FAMOU5 , ., , -:1'r1 h11dqu1rtet1 for the Wortd'1 flnut Hunting equlpmtnll If you'r1 hifttfnt 1rtmMI for hun~ equlpmenr, 1to, In at Granrsl You n1m1 lt-w•'y;. tot Ill ••• and, ..... "' " -,,.. ""' Ill OVER 400 RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ON DISPLAY! GRANT'S GUN DEPARTMENT Is sttfftd by txptrts In thtlr fitld of thootlng , Wlt1t1v1r you m1y wtnt ht guns, from 1 $20.00 22-Rlftt to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Gr111rs has It In stock! Come In ind set for yountlf ont of tht ltrpst stocks of gims In Southern C1llfoml1I •Winchester • Berett1 • H & R • Ruger •Smith & Wesson • Browning • Arm11itt • Remington • W11therby • Wolther • L11m1 • Chorles Doly • S1Y1g1 • S1ko • Colt • llh1<1 ·-.21--. -M --,., cmcitpt a Wt attbi deiip. s591s FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! FEATUllN' tht 11cluNn Ledi .. -1111tic dt1i9fl, •.• lust twist ttM t1l11e1,i111 ,.1, ••• IJIH t• d1· 1ir1d le._ twist llack •IMI leek. tttlf iffed JGI• t;,. flt all ..mi• frl1M9 ••• •""9· ..... d "'rftht• 1114 llftu !Min 1ut1m1tiuny •llltlt f111ric mn\e11 "M1tt1r .Mt ttit -1t1w. Other ''Oatis'' Models 12'x9' (sl11ps 5) ............ $109.95 13'x10' (sleeps 61 .......... $129.95 Sleps 3 or 4 $89 95 1 O'x8' Sl.ZEI NEW welWsum w1ttrproef vtnyt co1ted nylon floer 1rt1nd1 1 O" 1bov1 tround level to ln111rt prot•c· tion ind 11ftty PLUS m1ny other new f11tur11 ior i9691 l6'x10' (sleeps 8) ........... $169.95 "There's a Coleman Tent For Every Famil ••• and Budget!" ..... N""owi ..... c'"AM'"P1"'N""G-••• ""ae"'1"'1e""R"'TH .. A .. N""EVE"'R!'."WITH~~A~-s---11-.r1m-l .. ly-... O L YMPIC Sise 8'"6'6 " 'FLEX·ACTION" TENT ::l!llt--~100LER I 1---IDRYERI --:ROOMIERI .-<:irRONGERI 10's8' .. , •. $79.95 ll'xlO' . , . , $99.95 GRANT'S HAS IT! TENT STAKES IPICIAL LIGHT WllOHTI 2 i 59' GUARANTEED UNIREAKABUI "CHAft8E IT" ti lft&IT'I SURPLUS WE HONOI AU MA.IOI CllDIT CAIDS II BE -- ' Wof-, -Jo, 1"9 DAILY 'It.OT f Pi!~~'G 'Uij!l'uu · I EQUIP '°"' SCOUT .. •IAlll;lll Grant's Stocks a CompleteUneof ••• RICH-MOOR FREEZE· DRIED FOODS I -·- PACK FRAME '4.9 5 GROUND COVER Grlnt'1 r:•rrit1 a CM· pl1t1 attck of 111 typn of Packs 1rMI fr•11l lft. tludlng Hlm1l1y1n ,.ct fr1n111 Ind ICCllloriH. ''Jlte latest!'' Men's and Women's llLL-IOnOM ''FLARES'' by LEV I'S® Wl HAVE 'lM-.11 ef th• 1ttwe1t 1tyl11 tnd febric1 In th• 111111 ltll·lottom.fl1r1 1tyt1ll And, •II 1i111 1t 'r•nf1, tHI MEN'S NUVO® RARES •9 GAL'S LEVI'S® FLARES Julf 1rrln4 lfl Na"Y llM a!MI Wh itt. lrl1ht MoptKk lfl Litt ll\11, •10 Gold, S•fld ind Anudt. up * CHILDREN'S LEVI'S® * !LUE DENIMS (1lm 0.121 ........ $4.91 WHITE LEVI'S®. (oil colon) ....... $3.69 IAIY CORDS him 4-12) ......... $4.91 RUlllR IPICIAll 77c ....... ' LIFEBOATS 'hlu11 I"" 111• 25"145 .. fafll- llr 1urf ri4er ef lte1vy rvllberl1•d c•nv•1I '2.88 1·MAN •••••• $14.H 2·MAN • • • • • • $29.95 4•MAN , •• • •• $4f.9f 6·MAN • • • • . • $59.t5 '3.88 Grant's Has 'Emf HIGH SIWAS? We hnt 1 ~Ill MIKtlefl of 100" --Altff .... fW tflte IMlt ,,.fuMMI If .. _., OTHP llGS FlOM $10.11 110. $5.t5 I.I. TTPI 110. sac $1.29 , *SPECIAL* Grant's Custom Boater.Hiker 2·LB. DACRON ''81"® With Mili um Insulated Uning t.I • mu .... $1.tl 99c FOLDI NG CAMP SHOVEL Sn Gr•ts Fnt! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT ! NOW$2288 ONLY METAL MATCH ln1tent fire .,whn · , .. ""'1111 '1.98 • ~· I { ' ') • -<, ·~ ·. •,. I . .< .. • ... . '•' . . • , -.( . . ---~· .. .\ .. .. • 1 I I • ' . • I -------- 'oranie Cout Junior Coll°'e District trust-voled W last week not to JeglUmlze a Studenti for Demo- cratic Society (SOS) group on the OCC campus. GenerallT speaking, the board will be applauded for Its vote. The SOS ban rellecta a realistic polition- lhe poslUon that SOS ls extremely unpopular with the taxpayer-.voter, and that junior colleges need that tax- payer-voter. Junior colleges are financed chiefly by local tax· payers who vote on tax increases and bond issues. Uni- versity campuses and state colleges are buffered from ·"' \his direct voter control. Unpopular dissent, under the banner oC 'acadernic freedom, can better be tolerated on university and state college campuses, although voter reaction is now being felt even there. lt is co~eci by au concerned that the general public of this area, as elsewhere, frowns on SDS. OCC trustees felt it wouldn't be wise to further alienate voters who have turned down the last three tu increase elections. The adverse public reaction to SOS is largely justi· fied. Nationwide, the group has· an unquestioned record for campus violence. Neverthttess, in retrospect, board members might have done a better job of defining their position to atudents. TniStees sat back for more than two hours and let the SOS advocates talk. building their case that their intentions are peaceful but they are being denied a chance to prove themselves. · l~ was contended that the SOS chapter at UC Irvine has not, been engaged in violent confrontations, but in sponsoring speakers and films, conducting classes and holding conclaves on teaching and international prob- lems. Before the board quickly unloaded its "no" vote one athlete of the ostensibly anti-SDS faction was mov- ed to say, ''All they want is a chance. Are you going to give them a chance?" To many of the more than 100 students present it must have appeared that the board did not give the --- ,, . SOS peUUoners that c~•-' ' , ·. • · Trustees could have laid '1Jlelr c!arda ,.§Ille at the outset. They could .have fl)/plaliied the '( power" issue and put lt ·lnl~ffJ*Uve with. tile-u- ments about academic ~ "'ff!'npat violence. s • -' dent power and cam~-clerll~rlley. Tlfey could have cited plenty ol evidence 1hat SDS ls a poo riAll!. for approval. , · Instead 1 tht#'Yl'ent throU.ch the motiOl'\I, of Usten· ing -then vote<l,llown the peUUon 1¥1 comp!Mely dilior- ent grounds. • ~ · 1_. 1 T ... . 1,.,. The decisiOn m\ast be viewed 'Is a,wise one. Unfor-1 lunately in tllei · handlin~ of the"publlc bearing. tbe'OCC trustees probably'mada·ll ·few cynics and a .1eW'.119n- believers out of stude~ who weren't on-tb:e side of SOS. , And Now a Hotel Boom The Harbor Mea may never be ~raced with a Mark Hopkins or a Fllli'mont bolt!, but Its swinging into its own versions. ~. t~ It isn't old enough 'to be,C:alled venerable yet1 bqt the well-established and well-respected Newporter lnn is in final stagei of. a . n.1 million-expansion program that will bring. its total rpoms to 333 ~nd expand its banquet and convention facilities 1 :still again. -Farther north, Costa Mesa is set to enter the' big hotel fie ld with a ~room Marriott Inn which will grace a corner of the San Diego Freeway-Bristol Street intersection in the Segera\nJm Family's South Coast Plaza. This $5 million development -complete with convention facilities and supper club -will boast a six- story lo\ver that can be pushed up to 11 stories later. And on Newport's bayfront, the Balboa Bay Club has another '5 million ready to invest when its leases and land planning schedule are put together. Along with these luxury accommoc,lat1ons, hundreds of more modest rooms are being added in motels in both cities. Almost without exception, they are attrac- tive, convenient and well priced. More positive signs tliat our economy continues solid progress on all fronts. \ (C) 'Vtirealistic, Discriminatory Orditiance' Conclusive: Flying Clubs I vs. ' Tb,:lhe Editor: 4:a an independent fli1ht instructor, I am proJ>Olin& a new ordinance for the 0rance County Airport. I feel tbe flight ac:booll are unfair competition to Dying clubl and their instructors. They are get- tiiq: students and pilots who would nonnally come to us. So I am suggesting -.. gel rid of the problem by charging each school $50,000 per year and $3,000 per year for each of their instructors to teach on the field. This would &0lve our problem by eliminating any competition. THIS I! FOOLISH cl ......., ;\>UI! lutn • the proposal oround and·-dlillge ·""' fllUfeS to $2,400 per year for -11 cJub and 5500 per year for each Instructor and lhil is what the fligbt scboola · ini: todotou.s. ' -· ... They 111 we're unfm11Ei CGCD · because our eipeD&eS are · · 'a. why our aircraft are av \\)9j ClOll1. Actually our parts and"mliil ii the mechanical work is done by the deihn m1 the field. We also buy our gas 'W aircraft from these people at priQis .mtch they naturally get at cost. We m equal in one area, and that is for each 9q11&re foot of 1p.ce we occupy costs us both the ame.. Our space where we tie-- down our alrcraft bas-drawback and tblrt is when it rains the mud makes our aperation almost inaccessible. IN CONCLUSION, t feel that one side of the controversy cannot eliminate the other by pUshing through the airport connnisslon a v~ unreali1Uc and d.ilcrtrninatory ordl'nanci!. In hly opinion, U tllil o~ rtce.ives any further ~the people in charge of ad- millllering the airport are looklng alter Cbt inierest d. a very select few, Instead d nano.al competition we will have much hlcl>er Dying «>"-' lrOID the monopoly ll"'JIOIOd. WALLY WELBROCK B'9h Se/IOOI News To tbe Editor ' You ouiht to be ashamed a f )'OUnlf:lvea! You're Costa Mesa'• leading -and the scOOol •named alter NI" beloved city i! hardly ever In your newspaper. Sure, for sports, but isn't eoeeybodJf . 'Wlly don't you keep up with us'! We u511ally hllve a lot going on. Did you know Cort.a .Mesa High is having a swim show in Ml.YT Dld you know there was a fahlon show for the girls at school? DID YOU KNOW our prom is coming up? Did you know there's a 11111 coming up Jn tbe middle or May which_ ii acturlly • -or plays in memory "' J ..... Thur1>er1 Maybe oil UU. ii of no use ,to you. but lm't llMr'e jult one ll«u you'd tike to bDW about? Maybe you could just read Leeters from Ttadtr1 aT1 tDf:lcome. Normally wrikt'1 1hould convey their messaPt in 300 words or les&. The right to condense lettlrs to fit ipace or eliminate libel ii re1erved.. AU letters must include dgttatur1 and mailing addre11, but ftante1 may b1 withheld on requirt. if W./fiCUnt rea-•on iJ apparmt. ' our "Hitching Post" and d you liked ao artii:le you could print lt. What do you say? } LYNDA DAVID "\Ve say we 're ltappu to have all of this called to ll~e attention of the DAILY PILOT a~d its readers. -Editor. Election Fut~ To the Editor : t wish to et pres.! , my sincere , ap- preciation to those who supported my candidacy for re-election lo the Newport Mesa Board of Education. The results of the election appear to ln- clicate two contradictory facts: I. A most gratifying approval of the pteSent board and staff efforts to devtlop i_mproved educational programs for all students consistent with the values and desires of the community, and ...:.. %. A DlsqlNCERTING unconcern by the majority'Of \!Oters regarding tht elec4 tion of fellow citizem to policy decision positions of great importance to the com- munity. Furthermore. during the ttcent cam· paign many comments centered around the area of communications or ~ lack thereof. May I remind all citiztns that regular meetings of the bo.ard (first and third Tuesday e'ach month at 7:30 p.m. al the Costa Mesa High School Lyceum) arC' open to the public and their presence and participation are both welcome and desirable. A CONCERNED public with a greater underst:anding and continued interest in edueatioo can .and -should result ln 11 much deeper commltnitnt to better education in the commupHy and more pride in our local school!!. ELIZABETH M. LILLY Trustee Newport-Mesa Unilitd School Oiltrict lll en Do Cflan9e To tbe Editor: Cllrrtnt new1 releases revul a 10 per· cent drop in industrial recruitment at lroublei»lagued San P'ranCllCO Slate and that companiea involve;d In· recruiting for Industry have been Instructed to limit graduates at the Univusity of Callfomia at Bttktley! Two lhinCa could result: First, an ele· merit cl permonence ml&ht be odded to cumat atudtnt unrat; secondly, many grtldllales ml)' be pennonently loot to a jndoctiYO role In our society. All or-blocl<-bollod ltom ~ )1111 recniitl from U.'ronb ol ~ 1ng llllrlllltic youth ,.tn pnl\'.lde ao eyer-lncrellias ooun:eoldiRl1lrai>chlle m<n and ....,.,, lo -'°lllber In op- pooitioo. lAl!ANDS INDUftJV bos · olrefdy eoJunttttd Ulla ume error M)d thttr ~ blcm ls ,..au, m.gn1ne11. AmeriCoo Industry r<pmenil a SJ$1tm which will prove UaeU under the scrutiny and ttpoiure. lo our com.Ina graduates. H1ny Bridges of Sin Francisca wntufront famt Iii now n1mored lo be ·a Schools conservative Republican! It. ls well to remember that men do change. DON HAYTON Crime Sources To lbe Editor: Criminology student Erik Beckman raises a vague and irrelevant issue (Mailbox, April 9) in , scolding the American people for not 1'speaking out against crime." The American people •·speak out against crime" "by paying heavy taxe s to support gigantic police bureaucracies that grow year after year Just like the incidence of crime. J . Edgar Hoover has niacte' ·a lifetime profession of frightening Congress into bigger and bigger approptjJtions year after year, cltln& the growing crime rate as the bogeymen, when it was obvious that giving bi.m more n)oney certainly did not reduee the ·Crime rate! CRmlE COMF.S generally from com· plex social contlltlons that will not be af- fected by preaching a g a I n 1 t it in simplistic styfe. There is one area, however, in which crusading criminology itudents might have a more fertile field. and that is in the area of crimeJ ·com- mitted by the police themselves. The Southern California American Civil Liberties Union published a report of a two-year study investigating 734 com· plaints against the police in Los Angeles and stated that one out of every ten' la'v enforcement officers in the county was apparently engaged in some form of police malpractice, the most frequent of· fense being "the resort to briltality. the use of physical force." Has anyone ever heard a professional police official ••speak outn agaiMt that form of crime~ ROBERT 0. BLAND Dispel tlae .lll11•ter11 To the Editor : I believe that the problem \11as in fact lold as it is. tifany times our teen·agen are told by their parents and society that if they smoke a marijuana cigarette or take a pill, they will become a hopeless drug addict. This is false and the teen· agers know il. The true facts are that mariju8f1a and drugs can lead to a life of drug addiction for certain people. A teen-ager who Is lold a falsehood about marijuana or pills \Viii ajso think he ls being falsely in· rohned a b o u t methedrine a n d LSD, ~·bich reaJly c;in be hannful and even deadly. PRESEN'l'LY DRUGS are looked upon by many as mysterious, exotic no-no's In our societ,y. 1 am of the opinion thit con· structlv-e programs should be set up to give the true facts about drugs and narcotics and thus dispel the mystuy. I believe that then the Yotl111 people will believe that society is genuinely In- terested In them and not just trying to snow lhtm t EUGENE NORDEN Studtnt, Department cf CrlmlnolDRY C.I. State, LD!li B"clt Dear . ·Gloomy Gus: Do. our ... Joal,trasluntn take .dead aim at the -bedl0 .l1t11 the ~mpty containers or do they just land lhtr< a<cldtntallyl -A. J. D. Th Jt htrwt ,..i.tft .....,... .._.. ... ~"'nun11 *" "' "" .....,._. t#lolll ~-"' -ft " • ......., .... Defll' .. 1 .. 1 Crime ls Crushing Us By J. EDGAR HOOVER Director Federal Bure1u of Invesllgalion Calvin Coolidge said, "It is the duty or a citizen not only to observe the law but to let it be known that be ii apposed to Jts violation." An overwhelming majority cl ptesent-day Americans obey-the law, but far too few indicate that they are serious- ly concerned with its viOlation. We are living in a day when defiance of authority is becoming the norm. Violent crioie and thuggery are taking their daily loll in injuries and loss of life. Fear and apprehension prevail ln the streets or most m.ajPr cities. Law enforcement is the citizen's only buffer between personal safety and the criminal jungle. Olten, as we know, Uilis is not enough. IN RECENT YEARS, lremendous strides have been made in the upgrading of law enforcemenl National, state, and local programs, costing millions cf dollars, exist to equip, prepare, and train enforcement officers and to modernize police facilities. But for thls marked pro- gress our alarming crime problem" would be even gr.eater. However, the fiP,est. most effecUve law enforcement at- tainable will ~ brlDg about crime con- trol without adequate public support. our fi&ht a,gainst crime can be no stronger than'the courage and commitment of our ciliuns. 001\BtENTING ON the national crime problem in a recent major addreM. At- torney General 1ifitchell warned, "Fear of crime -by the housewife and the iChoolchild, by the merchant and the laborer -fear is forcing us, a free pe<r pie, to alter our pattern of life, especially after sundown ... The evidence is con· elusive. Crime is crushing us." To sup- port local and federal law enforcement, the Attorney General suqested high· quality anticrime programs, adequately planned, staffed, and funded. -which 'vould involve professional organizations, voluntary groups. r o u n d a t i o n s , businesses, labor organizations. and in- divjduals. THE ISSUES ARE clear. Almost daily, \\'e witnes,, the progressive revolutionary steps of anarchy -coercion , in· timidation, violence, and u n I a w f u, I takeover. We mu!t establish a united restsrance .against the criminal forci5s· destroying the structure: or our society, or we face chaos. If we are to live as civilized men and wo1nen, then we must make the law a paramount issue in our dally lives. Jn llhort, we must liv-e by the spirit as well as the letter of the law. We must oppost crime with all the means at our com· mand. Our cherished principles of freedom, liberty, and juaOct cannot flourish where fear is dominant It hu been stated that only gods and tlM!uta car. Uve outside ol ctvll IOcl~. • Since we are ntilMr, J say let us ~ the P"'mi" willlout teltlrla IL •• Quotes Robert £. Straio, eee1. ,rol.. Cal Staee Cotle1e. Lte.c Bt1tll -"The record of man·s inhumanity to min gives little cause fer doubt that v.-e are creatures I'>[ $elf-interest whose common view of 'justice' Is 'me first-more now!'" ' • " _j L I , I I I HEJR ~PPARE~T Wick~dly;. Absurd • Word P~'t;version . . Tboughta at Large: ' : ... /. Some people actually pervert the words of Jesus, "The poor ye ahvays have with , JI; l D you," to justify their i~dif~crencc. to~; ... ~' -" ·~ - problem of poverty; which 1s as wickedly :·¥ -' 1bsurb as saying that because "tl}e s:ick . tHat.will invariably start on a wet morn· ye shall always hc.ve with you,-" thereCore .mg'.· . nothing or little should be done· to fiud J.. · • •• • cure for cancer or heart disea'.se.' · ·~"' ·, "rbe revival of the German eainomy • • • ' • with hardly any money ~ instruct us There still Is no subsUt~ for ~I· in the important maxim that energy i' ingenuity: wh~-~ perceq.t •Gf. rese8reh the crealor of wealth, and weahh it.sell dollars .in ~ ar.~ ,sp;nt-;:.~ .large cannot create energy, so that merely pr°"' cbmparues,' 7' :t>etcerit . 'fJf". innovation5 viding funds for projects that are in- come fJ;om in4tvidual 1Dventors or small adequately motivated is a waste or effort. coaipanles. · • , • • ' ~. . . Peo~1e•~"WOO 0 are militantly "anti-superit!U~" ·are as foolishly dogma Uc as their Ofll>Ct:Slt~r.who are blindly enslav- ed · to('n~~; ror many so-called supersf.l\10hs '~~ted in biological and psycboloikal ~ tbat we have not yet rationalty·a~ijetrtled .. . .• "'. •· . The bus)' man"Wbo says ''My time is money" has got.)}old of the Wfong end of the stick -far \be bJ.man truth .i8 that money t1 time, •'milt.ss·our .. assets are used to buy us thner.we 'ate no richer on the &eale of mortalify·'lhan the man who slaves all his life for a~ .. • • •• ' . -... \\'c will soon need new-words.for lunar , discoveries : the Astronauts spoke of "the · terriiin of \he moon." but ".terrain" ap-. · plies only to the Earth, and the' moon ·~ different land surface calls fOr a different name. Speaking of lht Astrooaul!, it's frustrating to realiu that we can put a space-ship in orbit around the.moon, and 11till not devise an automobile battery One law tha~ ,all communities should pw imm~ei.Y is that every ·new in- dustri.ll et\ter:prise must .wild ·in anti- pollutiou facilities at...,the start, not only as a health measure, but because it is in- finitely cheaper to prevent pollution than ' to rectify the problem in a plant already built and operating without 1 u c h facilities. • • • If prostitution . won't be legalized, It should .at least.be equalized -so that th. women who practice it arm't the only ones prosecuted, while I.be men who patronize them are not even booked for a misdemeanor. • • • One of the most incisive and useful comments on the subject I've ever heard is Paul ' Valery's : ''The · purpose (){ psychology. is~to give us an entirely dU- rercnt idea of the things we knoW best.'' • • • The closir you approach the truth, the more you see it was not the truth you \\'ere looking for, bat something more cnm!orting. Things to Do W i thout Things we could all do without: Look-alike him·and·her · haiicuts for young married couples. • Platinum toothpicks. Phonograph recnrds fe1truiWi music designed for odd purposes -.Mb as to calm a barking dog. Girls who dye their tlair stra.,..•berry blonde when strawberrlis ~· out of season. •. Stor~s lhat sell pseudo, clever· buttons to leen·agers bearing leering tneuages so '·'blue" they make lheir mothers blll!h. The kind · of advice you get..-.in most Chinese fortune cookies. Peoele who try to wif1 .atlenlion at coclrtlll parties by doing cu;il: tricks, ptediCting , 01, ·future by rei!fng the palms of ether gu...,,..;. analydng their tlult-acter by anolyt.ln1•thtif •handlvrltlng. • • • 'FLUJj'IFV WIGS that make ' a girl's hair • Sf.ll'ld out as If .she had betn-permaoenlly frial\tened or sho<:ked ~~ Pitkilli up a II" 1 fallen electric power J.lrie; bllteri>Ua:s of any 8"i and lids who like lo break pop bottles oo cuibstooes. Restaurant.s that ~ae:· utr1 for bread 'and wuer .. nd thlntilt lendl them clw M Ibey w 50 <Gbltor ·• dime cup o!collte. ,,_ hric• lillted '""•"'-tilol !"ti<• girll -bubblMaoed ... !lb lq!UVta 1ra!n Mm. Four-bl! JlloeJhlnes. JEWEL3TUDDED eolian tor .W ' and cuffilnb tor men ., b<e aod _.., that I'-"' carryJnc them ....a.it -• ltflow r .. 1 arm-weary "' evtnlng. Plump docton who tell their patients to become lean -and sllJ that 'fll.'I· All wonder drugs with more side ef· feels than direct effects. Any low·slung foreign sports car that isn't small enou-h to drive be1WMn ,. ' ' • . ~ "'\ ....... •··. pedestrian's legs without scraping his .shins. Women "ilo brag about their first baby and men who brag about their first ulcer. TELEVISION comm'ercials which in· slnuate that you 'Can find a better mar· riage partner i! yOu switCh from your present hair goo, tooth paste, body deodorant or mouthwash. Pretentious road show movies that charge $5 for a ticket and brauy Broadway musicals that put 1 $15 price tag on an orchestra seat. Weather fOT'tC1sters who promise sun· ny skies cm the day you put on a new suit -and then let it rain from noon to mid- night. F'ile clerks who carry two bf\efcaseg to work hoping everyone will mistake lhtm for junior uccutivl!!:S. I ,.---BIJ George ---. Dur George: Jn a Tecent column you wrote that lt would help If readers aent their money-handllOI probltms to you. l"ve nplablcd my ecooonUe troublt..s t.o yoo lhrtt: t~ now. )Vbat about It~ s. w. Dear S. W.: Jt btlped a lot, just as I said - vour lttten on money problem11 were very interesting, as u11nally the only mail I get consists of overdue blUs. • \ 't • AirpOrt Us~ M;;M Shel;~-· , , I :· -3 A~~ ~ OountJ ~ Supervlaoi"1'\ William Hinteln, Alton Comrhlutoo u u.O state law may bt • Land uao ~ IOI a cold rec<p-Allen and William Ph!lllps agreed u did lel'pretod to mandoto IUCb a move If · ~ ~. · I~ . 1bt. Ioli.rd of a letter from Airport CommWion cltlea favor it. ~ au~. Chainnan DennlJ Carpenter. • 1 • • ... ~ They received and filed a report rrom ~elonpro1 ~.~ Lint .iz.,· COt1f lEd. Ni"'vo'n., See'king, , :: the Orqe County 1-M of CIUe.s en·. m~ s P•v•Ned i.r~· ,~to law • •• dQt'8lDc a leque commit~ ~port fav,,... and woold have seven members -two ~ ' 1ng _!hon•. -bl!alunent of ,IUch a com' named by c!Ues, two by the COIJ!lly, two Committeeman P()st·i lnial by airports and the seventh by the first ,.. -: Supervlaor David L. llaktr said such an air appelnl4*. ' : • f1L YN!IWOOD, Wlllb. (APJ,,..,:Edw~ gency would overlap the, pre· s e n t This may' not 6e the. ~· ;,, ~ Pro-'Nlxoi. t6e President'• Younitt brClthil 'A4fport:'Commisslcn and tbe county Plan· po&al, however. The move bu been push-will tat b1s polttlcal mettle lot the fWil: ~ Commi•sioo and wu •'not ed by Dan Emory, chairm,an of the Ume . when he seeks electlon • -...e¥aty."· , . , , , , Airport Noise Abatement Committee of Snohortlish County Republlcan lllate '°"" • "No. county · ~ J:.rJ c 1.'-d j n c Newport Beach, and by the city of mitteeman. ·., U.9'.Y N.01' .... ....-.i ..__ ' SEAL BEACH VOLUNTEER FIREMEN SHARPEN THEIR SKIW ON MOCK AUTO BLAZE Rescuing .1111.,...,. lllctlm1 With GI .. ~.., ~r Port ef Trolnlnt . ~ . . ' . Fire Gets Dot · Seal Beach Firemen Rescue 'Victims' in Burning Cars By RUDI NlEDZJELllKI Of llM o.llJ Pli.t lt•n "There's a six-car pile-up at First Street and Ocean Avenue. Two of 'em art on fire . You'd better move your men in quick." As the voice of the Seal Beach Fire Department dispatcher crackles over the 'speaker, a company of .firemen, wearing ajbost<lll sulls and' protective helmets, is '.W.ailj on ils way, rolling with r..i Iiil>ll and Scrtamlnf sirens. The accident is a mock firt set by Seal Beach firemen thenuelfei, but the &itua- tion is as realistic a' posSible. Under ~the Watchful eyes of Chief Ronald .E. 'Ada.ins vohmteer fU"emen ·movo in, proi«ted by a besvy fog of -waier,put oot the fire aod then 'mcue ~ imaginary ·eii\rapJ>ed vicllms. · > • i.. ~ saw, capable of slicing 'through the toughest r:netals within seconds, lar1e wreckin1s ban resemblinC gtanl can openers, a body Jacl: aod other plec<s ·of -equlpmenl make quick wott of 1he clemolilbed can ud in no time. the doors ue -open and the occupants rescued. Ae<:«ding to Oilef Adami -n of 1he Sell Beach Fire Depai:\menl are put through this type ol ezercise once a month and for good reason., ''1hirty-five percent tl. our il&rms are transportation fires and, I liUC't! the Highway Patrol is not equipped to remove people trapped inside. vehicles, it's up to IL! to ao the Job, .. he Says. ''The Huntlngtoo Beach Fire Depart- . ment reguJafly buma some of its old downtown buildin&s to give its men realistic training, but our buildings art too close to other structures and that's why we bum can. It gives our men a chance to practice the tricks of the trade:" The cars, 1upplied by a fireman who Family Service Group To Open Beach Office :'J1ie F8muy Service Association of 1)1'4.ge qo.inty will open a Huntlnifon Beach ; offic~ with Community Otest firiaoclil assistance, C. William Carlson, d'"'1 president annoonced today. #\"" \>Oard members acted on 1he in-, ..,. • -" u, n and ... ' . pr ., pa op<2\in( the nd · ce about Jl111e· l. meet a need ldenUlied by the Huntington Beach Col.I.meting Center was announced by Stan DorsL He ii an officer of Hun- linctoo Beach Community a.eat, which created HBCC to invtlt.ljate the belt way of providing family«iented counaellng ...-. lnilifl costs of opeiing the ol · · fice and a portion of yufly espenses will be paid by the Community Cheat. has coonectlons ~th a wrocklaiT yard, are prepar<d for 1he Inferno by llufflng them with old tlru and Iiil>tlng them with a Dammlhle '"l"_ld· To l!lake the mock smash-up u~ reatistic u possible, the cars often are turned over oa their sides and pushed into one another. ACt'Onling to Chief Adams the a:as tanks are drained and protected to minimize the danger of an eiplosion, but every once in a while something happer.s that makes the sltuaUon more realisUc. "During our last exercise the hollow driv~ on one of the cars blew up and was flattened like a piece of paper. That was followed by tW1> tires that exploded like cannons," said Adams. The training programs have proven to be an inva1uable aid to the volunteer · firemen, aecording to Adams,· who be- lieves that their fire-fighting ability has been increased considerably through the Sunday exercises. Nixon Toughens Stand on ABM; No Compromise WASlllNG'l'9N (AP) -De p u I y Secretary of Defense David R. Packard indicated today the Nixon administration will not accept a compromise tn JU plans to deploy the Saf!'luaf4·mlaaile defense a)'Sleln. • 1"ullenon and Meoili>'!iart'llVlluntington Newport Beach. · · Nixoo, 38, tw no apparent i=.,u:,t Bieach Can expand, ao·~ to County Administnlive OUicer Robert 11eit 1monQi 's electioo. The ... ·plan,1' Bakw-..w. ''Tblre"'trObld •be no E. 'Ibomas indicated that the supervbors Meryl Hrdlicka, quit in a~ wUh QI galn and the move could'lNf ecMI;." "may eventually be forcal to fcnn 1Uch a 5taie Republican organiZltlon. 1, • . : .. \. LOST OUR LEASE Mcircm0~ ~. On-.JunG SJ, 1'169 thG !Gas e on our MGxican &~or•, local.al at. ~ -t8G.3 N'twp~rt :Boulevard 0f>irGS, anc! can not be ' "reriewod. : We, mu5t c.11mmaLt. o\Q/, or our • 1s6p::o 1nvc.ntory at. once.. : · CONSOLIDA'J'IQN ' SALEsi& } Ovor 15j'.XX) ~uar< fttL of ohowrooms ohowing lh< fin<ot in MGdil.c.rr41l'4llt ;~ Sparu$h f Macican will bG cut in half. Ralph$ ·bim'5t sale in our 1.5 :yc.ar :J History. • · • . ~! 'I o • . .., .,, 'i ~~ : .. ~ ·' . ~ .,. . :1. ·"' ·~· -.~ •• :?; ~ ..~ ~ ..... ..• :~ ·.~) .• ~; :"! ••• . ..: , .. . } .;; .. • •• ·•' "> -~ •• • '1 WHtRt ITS AT ·:\ . . ·.·. ..:·~·-.... ·'. .::• • : I , . :i Expansion of satellite fa C 111 t t e s , particularly into the coastal area, was set as the prime 1969 goal by Arthur W. Gray Jr., an Anaheim attorney who is presi· dent of the noO..profit service agency. In -belora • theil''SA ind HBCC decnlons, John Tumlr, 'Jfamlly Service executive direct~. said It 1' an· ticipated that the HWltington Beach of· fice wilJ Serve a broad function. In ad· diUon to counseling, it will offer :services ol a social worker trained to work with public and private community organiza- tions in solving mutual problems. It also will function as a catalyst for pro- fessiooal-volunteer 1ervices and p~ grams needed by mushrooming com· Packard's Ntement,•read~to newsmen . by Pentagon spokesman J e r r y Frledheim, was Issued in the wake of Ir~:=~~~#= reports the ldmlni.strailon was e<m- aidertng backing clown from Its original proposal to appeaae congressional •i> ponents. Selection ol the 15-year-old agency to Reinecke Signs Preserve 6ill SACRAMENTO -Acting Gov. Ed Reinecke Tuesday signed a bill cruting two new marine refuges at Dua Point and Doheny Beach. Assemblyman Robert Badham (R- Newport Beach), author or the mwure. said the bill would prevent people from carrying away marine specimens from the area. The Dana Point refuge surrounds three sides of the Dana Point headland and the other refuge extend' along 6,000 feet of Doheny State Beach. It is unlawful to take sandcrabs, mussels, sea anemones, sea urchins, clams and other examples of marine life within the refuges, except by permit ' from the Department of Fish and Game. Fish still classllied as sport or game, abalone, ind lobster may be taken ul'lder existing regulations. 1be bill is the first signed into law by Reinecke. Gov. Reagan is on an Ealt Coast speaking tour. munity. . About 10 percent of the total ~!tad bandied In three existing FSA ofGon comes from Huntington Beach. celnl olfteeS in TU!tin have been au~ -faclliUes in Fullerton and Gorden Grove so that clients may go to the offk:e nearest their homes or busine~ , " ; ' Constn1ction Aides: . End Training Course Four Foontain Valley and uwitlncton Beach Public Works Constructioa • Jii- spectore were among 40 graduatei Of an "In-Service Training course foe P,ltbllc Works Construd.lon Inspectors" held at california state College al to,, Anetlet. Wayne A. Beller, and Bruce D. BuBml, employes o1 the City of Fountain valley, and Joeeph E. Sanches and Glon E. Welden, employes of the city ol Ntwpott Beach, ...,e amonc the lflduates of the :J6.bour course. Best Netfr Selwob Vice President Spiro T. A g n e w meanwhile forecast a buildup of public pressure for deployment of President Nixoo's ABM plan and predicted the uhimate Senate vote on lbe ialue won.>t ' ..... be<~-~ "tr•· ..... ·-lite quile a bit of , strength,• .A..,...:,atid.. "f lmestly don't look ·lbr it' to tie •· clG&e question at the t!ma.becauae ltldnk the Ioilc of it la ln- exuntile." · Packard's statement said bla views on Sat..,..rd are identioal to thoa< ol the 'Pi'elldent and Se<i'llary of Defenae MeMn R. Lalfd: , • "I agree with lhenl uiat the Safeguard ~ syll<m Is ~!i&l 'to the naUooal :Je<Uri. ty and that It Woold· "9 prudent to pro- ceed with the nm pbue u announced,'' be aaid. ' The first pbaJe: invoWea conati'uction of two antlballiatic inissl1e fields around Air Force Minutemen misslle sllos in the Nortbem United States, plua buying land fes" 10 other aites fOt further deployment over llJ< nut few _., Pacbnl • lestilled Tuesday the ad· ministration. might II< able to delay ~ adclltional 1olid for the Giber sites althoo,11 .lie mide k de>r he would ool Javor .. loilC delay• Beach .Holds Parks Stand By WILLIAM REED Of ... Defir p~· '"" Despite objecUona from aome quarters, !ht City of HW>tlngton Beach appareoUy Intends to stick with an approach hued largely on small neighborhood parks ad- jacent to llchooll In developing Ill part program. CounclJmen have adopted an amtnd- ment to the city'• mut.r plan Ice p&rU which poinu the PfOll'&m more directly towanl dewlopment ol additional two and tlnHcn r.ert sites. And the city I Department of llecrt.a• Uon and Parka malntaioa that pilclng neighborhood parka edjacent to achooil In on1er to get the moot use from acbool playgrounds is the only fioanctally feul· "e way to proY!cle the grestest .-of ~ part "*" foe the greoteat -of , ,""CitJ rtllldentl. .. Pr...,,tly the cHy has an Inventory of J40.3 acrea of pttks. There are lS neighborhood parks totaling 57 atres, two c:ommunUy parks with 11.3 acres, four 1peclal use facllltlet wlth four acres tota~ three beach facllltlel totaUn1 one acre. a ct0tral park of 67 acru and \be . , recreation center with ill two ICl'tl. The miltB plan u amended by 1he ci- ty cooncll lut week calll for an addltloft ' of 113.5 acres ol neighborhood Port. • acres of community parks. llt «rtl"'ol Edilorl Co. powerllne euemenl, ~ 116 acre IOlf ecm111 one men acre ci be9cb fadnty, and 11111 ..,.. of -dl1. part. ' ' To Pl1 for 1he lddltlonal part lad llllf for de..._ent of the -porb 1he dl1 bu called a lfJOC]al eleetlon for Jim< I and ii propoalnc I II mlllloo band ....... Tbet pn>pOA! requlrea a - !Dljortty. Loll N""""'* I llml!lr pro-]IOllUoa fallod, bat did .. a • ,.._ Javor~-. The policy of 1he depcl = will lit to IOCllt I U llCft ~ part lilt lldjaca>t to each elemenlley -to provldt mulmwn ble of both facllltlos aod to l'educ< molntenanco coota. If vacant prnpert.y la not avaUabk: next to the l!choola. 1he dty 11 to try to tither lease or purchue a lite on IChool pro- perty' and If thll "'"""' be :i:-city will then try to &<I • part aloot within the partlcllllr'neicNJorhoed. The city pollC)' .calll for location ol a 10..cre comlnunl~part Ill• ldjaccnt to ' ' each hlch 1Cboo1. ~ . Within eocb ci:ti. -=n!ty parka there la lo be llulll'8 ricreatlon ceoter matinc I COlllllliliuOo ol recreation -· llMlcra ~ -hlP acbaol plQlleldl· •• ,, '":apart. 'lk ~ .Cli Edlaon Co. J>owerllne _....... sre lo II< deveioplld • ~ and ClllM1IBlily parka wt>ere they abut scboola. The remainder la to be developed u gr ... belt area. C.Otral part pllna can foe trails for blcycliata, JoQa> and hiten, Ian areas foe boating and llablq, There will ba arta for outdoor pma and sports. Spoce foe plcnlcklns ml doy campfnl, pualve n<milloo CUI, chlldrtn'I pllJ centers, 1 museum and 1lfltor1cal area ind the e<ntral lblrary facility are plan- ned for the park. Although Ill fulure II IOIMWhol un- cfl'lain at present, the plan also calll for • &<>II courae and driving range odj1cent to the part. ' 120.ntt PM,....,_, .......,,.,.,, W• S4Jt.50 SO~Y 350 .... ....... 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STER 0, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES & RECORDS! Some New, Some Demonstrators, ~e One-o~~lai\d-~ · THURS .. FRI., SAT., SUNDAY ONLY! SALE ENDS SUNDAY! ' . SHERWOOD S·7600 UNIVERSITY AM/PM ITlllO llCllYU .-1 :IOI $34950 .... ..... s5511 , ......... 5228 • ::~::. 527 .. , .......................... 1..., .....,, JO· 17,tltcpe. GARRARD SL0 75 ALTEC ,100.watt 7111 m110 AUT'OMAftC -"""-- . ' ' . ' '• , . . . . :z $)09'° ' 1359": $64. _=.'228 • • . . . • f DAILY PllOT • Nixon: Coll~~ges .· . ' '. Must Get T9ugh·: ~ ..... a...., ... ....,, Joyce Leach, one of the mini· &kirted. .employes of a department store chain in London where the girls are asking permission to wear trousers to work, defended her cause thusl.y: "Think of the difference in being able to bend down without wasting five minutes in preparing to." • Juit like ant1 mothtr ·uona tht' lioness sh.ows off her mw baby at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, As yet un-namt"d little bOJI cub stands com· fortinol11 close to mom tn his first debut. One of two cubs born Feb. 20, he now weighs nearly 30 pound!. • In Chute, Engiand. Mrs. Freel• Billard, who died in February at 82, left her five geese in the care of her housekeeper, Mrs. Olive GrHn, along with $4,800 for their maintenance. "Mrs. Ballard could not bear to think of her geese go- ing to someone she didn't know," Mrs. Green said. "They were her great comfort." • Tbleves who broke into a stnr- WASHINGTON (AP) -·~nt Nix· on, after a morlth of silenct oo mounUnc campus disorders, sayl college ad- ministraUona must "h.ave the blcltbone to stand up" qainot student violence "ll free education is l'o aurvive in tlie United * * * SDS .Members Hold Building At Columbia I af Ul\llH "'"' ll\~ll9MI Members of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) today com· mandeered the mathematics building at protest weary Colwnbia University. At Voorhees Cotlege in Denmark, S.~ .• the camptfs stood empty after gun-toting blacks gave up their oceupation of three buildings Tuesday. The Colwnbia students barricaded themselves behind a door after taking over the building. The math building SU.. in was reportedly the opening skinni8b in a series of protest!: the SOS h8I planned for the New York City school. NatJonal Guardsmen had been called to the Voorhffs campus.Jn the fact: of the 1 anned show of forte by the black militants. Early today the guardsmen and police manned rocidbloclts near the scbool but were finally call~d off the bar· ricades. · Seventeen students and fa cu I t y members were taken into custody by Tulane University officials Tuesday after attempting . to disrupt student military training exercises. Some 600 coeds staged a five-hour sit-In at the Rider College library .in Trenton, N.J. in a campaign to win donnitory keys then settled for all-night vigil in the gym- nasiwn. The Voorhees occupation was ended without a shot being fired as a professor ran to the student-held buildin&s and urc· ed the militants to surrender. Pro£. Bernie Dingle led the blacks, without their gurui:, to the home of Presi- dent John F. Potts, shouting, "Get those white racist cops out of thli.re." The troops then surrounded the home and arrested the students. Guardsmen confiscated six rifles, three shotguns, a pistol, tw9 knives and am- munitim from the °:!fled buildings . The cam1*i was cl Jndeflnlte\Y and studenb: were ordered to lu•i. ' .. States." In a speech Tueoday to the 6711t mnlai me<llng of th< . Cbamb« of Conunm:e, the Prealdept said those ·who i:uQ America's colleges and unlveralUes "must recognize that there Can be· no qimpromiae with lawlesaness and no ~ render to :fotce." .- Nixon's strong statement wu unex-· pected. His speech to the bualoess croUP had been billed ., only "lnlonnal remarks." Only twice slnee tapng office had iliero been any previou5 Nixon pronouncement.a on the tide ol student diJorden lhlt bav& swept the nation's ctmpuses, inclod.lng such presti&ious schools as Harv&rd and Cornell universities. The White House on Feb. 24 made public a Jeter in whic'b Nixon praised a "get-tough" Policy announced by the Rev. Theodore M. l{esburgh, presklent of Notre Dame University. Hes burg pledged prompt expulsion of students who dlsrupt the operation of the university, On March 22, the Presideut issued a statemeril warning, of • ' c u I t u r a I calamity" U violent demonstrations persiated. He said the educational com- munity -not the federal government - must cope ·with the problem . Ni~on spoke Tuesday with much the same tone as in the March statement, but with considerably more forceful language which brought repeated applal!M! from the audience: While praising the younaer generation and sayina that "We do not want govern- ment control of our great .educational in- stituUons," Nixon said: "When we find aituatiorui: tn numbers of college& and universities wbicli reach the point where students in the name of dissent and in the name of change ter- rorize other students and f a c u l l y members, when they rifle files, when they engage in violence, when they carry guns and knives in the classrooms, then I say it is time for faculties, boards of trustees and school administrators lo Jiave the backbone to stand up against this kind of situation:" He declared that the situation at this time required a statement from , the President. " ••. I think all of those who have a responsibility for providing ~ucational leadership must recognize that there can be no compromise wllh lawlessnes.s and no surrender to force if free education is to survive in the United States of Amel'ica," Nixon said. ag1 abed at Rudolph Ciuc•'• home in Walnut Creek apparently have iounnet tastes. Ciuca seid the loot 1ncluded 20 steaks and 139 bottles of rare wine . President Wants to Place • A Bend, Ore. car Maler ran nzdio and uwipoper advertise· met'lt.a on a pl.tasant ipring day, IOith the tMme, "Christmas in April." The next dat1 it started snowing and two days lattr there W0$ an inch on tht ground. The dealer said he's received some pretty clttver phone call!. U.S.Aid Under One Agency • During his campaign for city councilman in Jersey City, N.J., Morris Paafn's slogan has been: "What Jersey City needs is a watchdog.'' While campaigning last weekend Pes.in was bitten by a German Shepherd dog. 0 Having experienced at first hand the bite of a watchdog, I can understand the apprehension of public officials 1l I a.qi elected/' Pesin said. WASHINGTON (AP) -1'1'6ident Nix- on asked Coner.., todoy for bn>od authority to conaolldate related federal aid programs, 11ying they are so numerous and overlapping they threaten "government paralysis." The presidential request was expected to generate controversy because it wouJd give the chief execuUve power lo alter, within llmill, aome provisions of emtlng grant proaruna that have been fixed by Cobgrell. Nlxon proposed to place the con- solidated procrame under the juri!diclion of a alngle agency. Related programs now are 11pread among variou.s govern· ment offices. The presidential plan, closely patterned after his exist.in& authority to reorganize the executive branch, would give either house of Congress 60 days in which to veto aD}' propoRd consolidation. "Jt i'i an almost univeraal complaint of· local government officials," he Aid, "that the web of Protruns has crown IO tangled that it often becomes lm· permeable. However laudable each' may be individually, the total effect can be one of government paralysis. "Jf these programs are to achieve their Intended purposes, We .must find new ways o! cutting through the taM;le," be added. Slates, cities, and other recipients of federal grants "find themselves in- creasingly faced with a welter of overla~ ping programs. oftel) involving multiple agencies and di verse criteria," he said. Nixon said that under his proposal, "For1nulas, interest rates, eligibility re· qulrements, administrative procedures and other terms and condiUons of the various progra1ns being consolidated \l.•ould have to be brought Into harmony." Montana Stockmen Warned . ' Rocky .Mountain Storm Wliitens Pacific Coast Peaks Cet11t.i i..w (IOud1 •11111 .. rly '"°'11ll'lt ~'"" ..... ('9Vll\1 • --""''t' Wl'illY bf' MMl'MOll fMI••. Wind$ -I· .,,,,, lt .. li Wt ... , ........ flltfl, " ... N. ,..,........ ....... ..,,. ~.ft ••• "-•Mlfl-1f1ft•IN'., .. ,.,. lie1WI ,.,.,....,... ,..... .... 11 " .. Tiit ...., .,,..,MIM. ... .... ... --s-. llfHti, ....... WIDlllUOAT """""' ................ I!,.'""-.. . ..... Miii •• ... -·· 1:11 Mft,. u YllUIUOAT "'"' -.............. t1•-· ... "''"' ................. •i» •·"'· ... , s.c.'111 .......... : ..... , t:• "'""' I.I ..... . ....... , ...... •:• ,.,.., .. , ,... .... ,:"~ -;·14 1111. ,. .,._ f ;IS e.m • .... 1:1i 1.m. I f'~I U.t •• ,... Pini 0. Temperatures AlM11tr- ArldlDr1M .. All1nt1 ... k .. 111•~ II lime re:~ 8oi~• 9o1IOI\ Ch lute (ll'IClnnlll Clew11ncl Otft•tt On Moll'llt ""'"" IE11rU1 .... """" ,,_ ,_ -·· ....... 1(1111111 (fly L11 "-• Mltflll 11.C:fl Mlt'nllkff Ml"""Pl>lls """ °''""" ..,.... 'l"O<- Hol'ltl Pl1"9 ... _ °"""' ..... IOlllP1 l'fllll*!•llM ""'-"'• . ._ .. -...... '"" It .. l !uH ·--·-&t. I.wit ..... ... """ 1111 jl:r-roi:ltol """ Lew '™· ... ... .. " u .. " .. " " " • .. • ~ .. .. " n " " .. " " ll .. n II n • " • .. n n " .. " " .. .. n • .. " " " " " .. .. • " " .. .. " " .. " .. ~ .. • ., " .. .. n .. " • ,. q .. • .. ~ " .. .. ~ .. • • n ~ .. ., ., •• 'HAIL FROM THE CHIEF' TO DUKE Nixon Honors Jazzmen Ellington on 7Dth Year Toast to Duke White House Swings for Ellington \VASHINGTON (AP) -The warm. driving ·jazz of Duke Ellington filled the East Room, buffing everything to a high, festive glow in one of the swingingest evenings ever in the White House. The bash honored the Duke on his 70th birthday, and appropriately, everythi:l'g was topped oft with a jam session that didn't break up until 2: 15 a.m. _ Ellington was awarded a ?i1edal of Freedom by President Nixon and even the citation was hip: " .• .In the royalty of American music no man swings more or stands higher than the Duke." Ellington danced,. signed autographs, kissed almost e\leryone on lh.e cheek, ic· eluding the President, and took a tum at the piano. His judgment on the evening : "Lovely." Singer Mahalia Jackaon pointed oul that it was the first time a black man had ever been . honored -al the White House. And to gauge the fun, a butler said, "I would ha\'e worked for nothing tonigh t.'' An all-star jazz ensemble played a strictly Ellington program after a black· tie dinner. The group was the nucleus of the jam session tater tha.t included Billy Eckstine, Dizzy Gillespie, Nixon's Jaw partner Lem Gannant on clarinet, and some scarlet-tuniced members of the Marine Band . President Nixon led a champagne toast "to the greatest Duke or them all -Duke Ellington." He also sat in on piano, tinkl- ing "Happy Birthday." The 180 guests jointd in hearty chorus. The Nixon! left the party •t J1!idnighl . I Cong's 'Fet Drive Over • Or in L~ll? t SAIGON (AP) -U.S. field officers Aid lodq the 1Vlot Cool'> oPrinl off..Wvo is la • ot.alomote. For the Ont Ume in to .-11<1 olgnlllcant enemy shelling was rtpO(led; °""'1ight, but •llied forees rtp«ted kllllrur more than 200 enemy in lloll • dorai a.-. U.S. ~pokesmen said most of the fighting was initiated by awttping U.S. aDd South Vietnamese forces. But they refused to write an end to the offensive the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese launched Feb. 23. "We're not going to make any an· nouncement on the end of the enemy of· fensive," one American said. "That's up to the enemy." l•we feel like they're just holding up for some reason, probably awaiting further instructions," said one field officer. "There is not enough infonnation to tell us one way or another. The prisoners we take are usually privates who do not know the over-all plans.'' ·Allied forces reported four Americans and 15 South Vietnamese troops killed in the grouad fighting, ,along With 30 Americans and 46 South Vietriam&Se wounOed. U.S. forces also last ·an annored personnel carrier, anCl two others were damaged.- The .heaviest fighting was reported north or Saigon near lh.e Cambodian border and along the eastern flank of the .Demilitariz.ed Zone, where the North Vietnamese are nearest their supply lines. · · An American armored column from the 11th Cavalry Regiment found an enemy bunker coinplex in War Zone C TuesdaY. and ran into a tour-hour fight. About :JOO North Vietnamese troops en· trenched in the network of 100 bunker5 openid. fire with small amu, machine guns and rock.et-propelled grenades on the first two armored cars of the 2G-vehi- cle column. Both cars were hit, but they continued to attack the North Vietnamese with heavy machine guns. A reinforcing col- umn also was hit, and one of the irmored personneJ carriers was r e port e d destroyed. Chro1nosome Theory Plea Rejected in NY NEW YORK (UPJ) -An all-male jury rejected a defense plea of "chromosome imbalance" early today and convicted six-root-eight John Farley of the l!lel slaying of a Queens woman in an alley- way bdlind her h«ne. The jury deliberated for eight boon In State Supreme Court, · ~. before ttturning the gu!Hy vmlld. if you buy an electric range with a self-cleaning oven now.* · •Buy yours before June JO from your local participating dealer and the Electric League of Southern California will mail you $25 if you choose any of these brands: F;igidaire. General Electric. Hotpoint. Kenmore. Thcrmador. Westinghouse. You're ttted of scrubbing, scouring. and scraping that oven of your~ anyhow, :ircn't'you? Why p~t up with all that drudgery when an electric self-cleaning oven will clean itself for less than a dime? When your new range is electric, you can cut way down on cleaning your kitchen, too. With a flamdc.ss range there ;trc no by-products of combwtion to dirty wait~ windo:wa crnd curtains. Besides a clca:ncr kitchen, an cle.ctric range means a cooler kitchen. Electric heat roes into the food-not up the .ides of pot.I and pans. Electric rangca now outsell gas ranges from coast to coast. You can sec why. Sec your loc.a l participating dealer. Give him your addras when you buy a range. The WJIUe will mail you a check. sC1S Southern California Ed/Ion STBmPout • DRUDOBRY now! ,_, I INI' t N./l'P If Mil' '4 S.1111 .. ,.,. ..... Trotm1a t ( Wuflll111~ I • n " .W'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL S OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR 1FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 30 TO MAY 6 OVER 400 RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ON DISPLA YI GRAHT'S GUN DEPAl:TMENT Is 1t1fftd by tiptrts In their fltld tf shooting. Wh1tn1r you m1y w1nt I" 9""'· from 1 $20.00 22-l:lflt to 1 $3,500.00 Shotgun, Granrs h11 It In stock! Come In ind 111 fer yows9'f OM of the llrttst 1ttclt1 tf guns Hi Sellttitm Ctllf«nl1I • Winchester • Berett1 • H & R • Ruger • Smith & Wesson • Browning • Armtlitt • R1ml119ton • Weolherby • W1hhor • Liam• • Chorles Oily • Singo • S1ko • Colt • UhKi 119411 15911 . FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! fEATUISNG tht tlftl11&1" l.ock+r111tit: lle1i9n ,. , just twist tht t1l11Cot1lnt ,.1, , . , 1lidt M H- 1ir1cl l1ngth, twl1t •.Ck 1M· ieck. c.ler eHt• '°'' fl,. ... 111 ''""" frt1'MI • ' • '"'""·"··· uprl1ht1 incl •r1c1 "* 1utom1tic1lly tillv•t ftbrlc ttMlen ne 1n1tttr wf11t tht wtlthtr. Other ''Oasis'' Models 12'x9' (sltops 5) ............ $109.95 13'x10' (sleeps 6) ....... : •. $129.95 Sleps 3 or sg9's 1 O'x8' SIZEI ''The Oasis" by NIW wMlllHt1nt w1terproef Yinyl I ' coated nylon floor 1xttnd1 1 O" 1bow1 ffOUrld lewtl to ln1vr1 prtttt· tton 1nif 11f1ty PlUS mtny othtr new f11turu for 1f6tl 16'x10' (sleeps 8) ........... $169.95 "There's a Colemiln Tent For ~very f1mil ••• ind Budget!" ...... __ ............... ____ ............................ ... NOW1 CAMPING ... BETTER TIIAN EVER W1Tll A "FLEX-ACTION" TENT r--=~ :11!19--<;00LERI --ilRYERI --IROOMIERI TRONGERI Small Painlly Sia• l'x6(6'' lO'd' ..... $79.95 11'110' .... $99.95 TENT STAKES UICIAL LIGHT WllOHTI 2i59' GUARANTIED UNUIAKAILEI "CHARI! IT" 11 lftllT'S SURPlUS WI KONol AU. MA.IOI CllllllT CAIDS I!!!! iiii 8B ' ' DAILY PILOT I EQUIP YOU~ SCOUT .. GUNT~Sl I Grant'• StoclcJ' a · · Complete Line of : .. RICH· MOOR FREEZE· DRIED FOODS I l lGNTWllGlll' fOODa f Ol OUnoGltSMlll ....... PACK FRAME '4.95 GROUND COVER SPICIALI 77c Reg. 96c Gr1nr1 uniu 1 ctm- plet• 1tock tf 1ll 'typt1 of Picks ind Fr1mnl lrto eluding Hlm1l1y1n ptek frlmtl Intl ICCHIOritt, Sil GUNT1 hr tll tf your kMl"I Meil , .• yw1rh llit,rhff If iflo t1U11ttitu~ 11Yl1111l "The latest!" Men's and Women's IELL·IOTIOM ''FLARES'' by LEVI'S® WI HAVI 'tM-111 1f thl ftlWtlt 1tyl11 incl l1brlc1 in th1 l1t11t l1ll·l1ttom.fl1r1 1tyl11! And, 111 11111 11 Gr1nt'1, tool MEN'S NUVO®, FLARES '9 GAL'S LEVI'S® FLARES J111t 1rrlwtcl In N1vy 11111 incl Whit1. lrltht Hop1Hk In Litt lllM, •1 o Gold, 5111• 11111 A..ude. 1111 * CHILDREN'S LEVI'S® * BLUE DIMIMS ~Im I). 121 ...... , . $4.98 WHITE LEVI'S® 1111 colon). , ..... $3.69 IAIY CORDS l1fm 4-12) ... ,,,,, .$4.98 ,.,,..It, SURF RIDIR CAMPTOILO ~m~lft Mt lnclti... 111 •11. , Nat •n• tet111, '2.88 Grant's Has 'fmf HIGH SIEUASf Wt h1" 1 nmpl1t1 11IKt5t111 ,, 100% Down-fl/ltd '"'' ,., tht IMlf prtflllloMl tf um""' OTHER IAGI FROM $10.88 G.I. TYPE llG ••• C $1.29 ' RUlllR LIFEBOATS l·MAN , , • , , • $)•.O 2·MAN , • ; • • • tf.95 ' •·MAN • • • • • • 9.95 6·MAN· , •• , , • 59.95 hl1111 l•ftt 1111 21"•45'' fem. lly 1urf rld•r 11 h11vy rubblrbtcl c1nv11I '3.88 *SPECIAL* Grant's Custom· Boater-Hiker 2·LB. DACRON ''81''® With Milium Insulated lining •••• nYU .... $1 .tl 98c FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL Sn ti-ats Fnt! WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! NOW $2288 ONLY · Mtit fl Gr1M'1 rftl• 1p1:elflt1· tion1-plm1 111r,111 tutlr cner, lumk ~r111 1 ,,.,, tlr m1ttra1 pockth, txtr• 11111 ltftltfl, •v•I· ·lty con1tructl1n thre111houtl , METAL MATCH ltul1n1 1111 lftY1':hore yov 1111y Ml '1.98 TTPI ' ~ I ! • . . . , ' . . I .e . " ;.t: • ,~. •< " ' ' ··. 'I '· ·; .. " • " : ., :1 1: I 1 .. '1 I ' ' I , I I ,I I t I j I • .. ., "• -··--,. . . ' . ' . . . . ' --- I DAILY PILOT DITOnll ·PAGE I _ -·--• -~-...---- AnsWer: S ufilmen -~erm .. " When lbe doors of schools In the Huntington Beach Un!O!l Hlgb Sdlool District close In June for the end of the 1-scbool year they will not remain so for long. About ball of the 12,000 students will take a shQrt brNlhu fro<D ti....., and retum·rigbt away for sum· _, sd1ool.. wt year SO percent of the students went to StU1l,C!Xr school and this year the eorollm.ent is ex· pttted to top lb• half way mark. Stwkllls will tall.• classes such as driver education, penoo.al ~ pre-algebra, U.S. government and a hoot. ot sol>jects for high school credit and personal en- richment. students attend the summer session on a voluntary basis. This prevents problems. such as vacation con· flids at home or teacher recrwtment. Y 113r-round school plans are being investigated by this and other school districts to determine ii they are feasible. District supt. Max Forney believes that there is not only savings for the taxpayer, but real educa· tional benefits to the student and other beneflls to tbe student's family from operation of a voluntary school program in the summer •. ms approach is for a strong vollplteer summer school program rather than three semesters or f?ur quarters. This sidesteps some of the problems which can arise frnJD changing the present pattern of semes· ters or quarters. One of the problems is obtaining teachers. A recent survey of teachers in the district fo~d ~ of 451 teach· -'.:. · ers saying they would not be available for summer duty because they will be in school or following other pursuits-beneficial to their teaching careers. Another is scheduling of interscholastic events, not only sports programs, but book excba~ges, ~uca~ional film circulation and guest speakers in. vanous fields. ~ ' • ' " ' ' .. .. . ' , ... Rigbl now the )11,cirll'<lf ~ MtDIJ to lie ,....,.. • -' to .two semesters'*"''•"*"'-.. ,loa. • Summer's~ tJ,et. l".,.,.,'1 auwor ID llia·d•, mands for yea~\'!Pfr&ll!in«of lhe adlooll. /Di6:1b. creasing perc~e ~ •. •llidenta wllo ro· lb "'""ll!"'r·· school· is a str~l:':mi the! hll• vlewpO!nt il!-col' • reel, al least fo ·. ty. · , 1 . ., . .. .. .. Clj;mafe.'f.or Progress i r • Mayor iJl.cl<;Gl'ten <and Vice Mayor George 'Mc-~ Cracken take;,over lop'-•~@ Huntlgto1h Beach city - govenunent ' ill,'&Jtime1WJ.e...ilie, climate for jlrogre'is · has never ,beep lii;i_bter"b1'!~~b ahead have ne.v· er been more a,b~t or~:dillcull They were el4iele« tli~uwe1 1*ts by their fellow· councilmen lo ·sel'Ve·on .. ,Yw·~; a lfstom deviled · by thq City Councihto,lni~~~ counc!lmen""lll have an opportuDl!Y~ U~ of the·.clty. It also gives eac)r~ ,.., opportunity io utilize any leadership qualit(U'·Jte~lbt &ave .on the problems lacing !he city, ~aasing. around the mayor position, which is largely c~emcinla1 -and pays 1JO more than a council position -also carrie1 out the wishes expressed by the voters in 1965 'When they said they do not want direct election of ·the mayor by the pej>ple. . . · Mayor Green is a veteran of the ~itical wars in the city and bas the knowledge of c1ly operation to make this coming year one of great accomplilbmen~. Councilman ,AI Coen served fellow councilmen and the city well as major in 1168 and bis year for accom- plishment is in the reconl book. Mayor Green now bas his opportunity to write his own ~rd for 1'69. , .. s • • 1 -' ' ... 1 j > • > • • • l ' ' ·' Abominable Behavior at Bocrd Meeting Conclusive: ' Trustees Deserve Apology I , . . , To the Editor: It is my opinion ·that the Huntington Beach Union High School District trustees deserve an apology from the community. Wben a man seeks lhis office for which Letters· 'frMn recdtrt art tDCLcome. be receives no remuneration, I am cer-Normally toriUr& should conwv their ta1n they do not expect to be subjected lo the kind of abominable behavior that oc· mtssO:flt in ·300 word.s or less. Th• rurred Tuesday night at Marina High right to ccmdeme letters to. fit apace School or eliminate ~ibel is '!served. All I ,happen to be in favor of ii ~~b¥/ '/~~~'.' must 1nclud1 ~re and IU education program. It>:·li·(ttiv~~; ~1ng address, but Mm.ti .""''!/ b• llowevcr, that there are many~leinS '~th.held on requtrt if sufficient reo- nat need to be solved ~(lllis' . •on-is apparenC. &sue. No meaningful di~~·~ / t· •-. • . lions can occur with sucll •. ·, ~pecially when the participation of any as were demonstrated ~;ti ~ diild in a class in· &es education would raCtics of this natutt cari'!~ '"' ~, d~ tolely on the option of individual tha0& and disruption. · · · _ : {'t..· .,parents. · -~~'" • : ~" Wh;: alXiuld anf :ot 'us,:·as citizens in a IT BAS ALSO been brought to m:f..a~ free society, hav~ to bear the brunt of a lenUon that some of the parents op~· decision forced on 'us in this manner? ro se1 education are distributing hiiblY Surveys have shOvin Uiat an overwhelm· mpect literature regarding ~r.i*ue. tng majority of ~ts are. in ~avor of. Mle1r timing and methods are., obvious fonnal.S;tl education for thell' childrtoJ. 1tternpt to-defeat the forthcomtng Ocean View tu override on May 6. fi.these so-called contemed parents are to WOITied about their children, I can not lelp but wonder ·why they m:e , so· felumined to destroy the school systen>. Differences of opinion 00. what should ~ 1n ·our scbobls are to be eJ:· . What . carmot be tolerated is the to mob.rule to win your point. OUR DEMbcRATIC system. may at llmes be slow and frustrating, but it is IWl the best way to arrive at rational leclslons. Our children and their educa· tioD lhould be our prime concern ~ WI nalt all wort blgether·towards this end. n ts friglitening to contemplate what lamai• a am&ll but well-organized group tf fll.lnformed fanatics can cause. But eontemplate ·we must, for we are being p:dronted wilh the problem here -and ..... MARION · L. 00111. Moll Rule Jn ·• democratic society, st'lch as ours, teveraf vtewpoints can tie accepted without discomfort. It is in a :totaJit~ IDciety that "different" ideas pose • lhreaL 1·am unalterably apposed to -rule Iii was displayed al Tue&day's Huntington Belich school board meeting. I am O\> oosed to people -who i:efuse:to all~w ra· lionaJ calm deliberative dLSCUSStOn to lake place ..'. to decide irratiooally what Is b..i lor all children. I SEJIJOUSLY question tlle •motives of people who threaten to dilnlpt and do dlsnJpt. the functi~ns of a goveryunental ageftC)' by noise and vlliOcatioo ~ ~ on the basis of a d.Uference of OJH· tiiCXI' OD a projected clul study • • • ------' I RDPECTFULL Y submit that the ~ be ,...formed and apO!ogies given 1ro-an the members who were sutt- jected la . tire discourtesy of tire mob. '\be· board,. as el'~ represeotaUves of all the · citizens:, 1hould again cooslder· tbe -isJUe at hand.~U the meeting ls·diltupled, the people..caUiing the disturbance can· be asked to be:quiet; H 11rey -d6n't comPiy. they can be ·~ked to leave -by force :u necessary. A formal ie:r education with •qualified teachers is • serlQus requirement in t.tps world. We f11U&t not allow a mob to cheat children out. of a valid part of ~ir ·education. · EVE DOBKIN Be11tley's Fairness To the F.ditor: . I attended tire. April 23 meeting of the Huntington Beach Union lfigh School District Board of'Trustees which resulted in the tabling or further sex ·education course plans. · I will not presunie, to express any opi· nion as to whether tbo8:e1at the meeting who opp:ised sei educaUon. courses were in error or not, nor will I express M opi- nion as to whether they are better ell at- tempting to teach their children about this without the aasistance 'of the &ehools, bUt J wish lo make the following o~rva- tions : • THE ACl'IONS of t-apposed pro- vides very stronc evidence that these people -are no& qualified to teach their chWtreo basic manners in a civilized society, tire lndltions of civility and how to act as citizens of a democratic state. Mr. John Bentley ohould b< com- 19ended on the way In which he con· ducted the meeting under extremely trying clmnmlaaces. Regardless of one'• views on the subject of the meeting, no fair -could bone<lly SO)' lhal he did not ,. out ol .hil .. ., to cooducl tire meellr!I fairly aod with as much dignity .. poalhle tllldertht cfrcumslancil. J-1dl1Uto~thatmootollhe '"°"" Who -. ln~ndance lllio his eumple in pd .......... and -.. to • baa been alleged that conservative rtOUPI such as the Birch · Society are fervently against the voluntary program. I ·believe that they do not npruent tbe majority in this district. TlfE llFSPONSIBLE young people. want courses in funily life., They are anxious to learn the facts of life and liv· lng .from ·a book instead of the gutter. Perhaps many of them may avoid the pitfalls of adolescenst and be better prepared to chart i. course for. their life. The tragedi~:wbich can befall the young P¥J>le are many~ Jncluding Mme which hive not been talked about. A great many ~ people are grow- 11111 up willr "ai'ped and lleforrned minds, ~l~nlonJlld ~ .ofrsld. Who Cl!lllol idiiii Wttb lbiilr .... The homoomial y ..._ ...... _ problem· ;,, rapidly -. ....... '"'& a .,,.~s -· Jlidlnl.-,heads in tire JIUld aOil pretendinc Q1at tire problems do not •'r!st will nol -onyllrlng. WE ' HAVE TWO daughters in hi&h schoohnd a little guy in grade school. We want· them to grow up to be normal and bqlllry. We hope their frlendl are also normal and-healthy. . II jg oot too late to do aomtlhing @out tire scliool program. The school board ~ .to;know that the majority of lu· pitying Parents are behind them o~ this thina.'Thi! minority group does not have the right to keep out a count which is voluntary and which is aocepted by the state of Cllifornia. They do not have the ri.gbl to foist their brand of morality. on the commllnlty; their harignps, we do not ne<d. NAME WJTID!ELD Valle11'•· Beel Streets To the Editor: Not too long ago a lady here in Foun- tain \'alley told me, "You know. we are getting sewers, but my bouae gets so d1r-o ty when it rains. We have no sidewalks, the strttts are bumpy, we complain and they come and dump a little iGr and patch up the streets to mate us feel Sood. (This doesn't last.) ,"We go to city hall and ·complain and they just ignore us." But, she bad hope for lhe &aid wistfully,. "Well, maybe after they put in the se.vrers, we will get sidewalks and de-- ctnt streets, maybe we · should watt and see and' not ask for too mucb." AND I SAW ho~ and t aaw rest!~ and I thought .to myself, we all have dreams and hopes of bettering tH:ll' Uv~g conditions. Why, I ask my1tU, can't. llr!J be a reality, decent -· sidewalk•, housing, when rockets travel faster than lbe speed of ligjltnin(, this jg tbe space age and yet people live on streets that have been there since the horse and buggy days. ~me are not even paved, but bumpy dl(t roada. I know, 1 drove on them. This Is a probltm in a lot ol the Muican itt.. Uementl not only he.re in Fountain Valley but also In tire Colouia M.....WO in Ganl<n Grove yet not U bad U ·lbls .... Thil -not be ignond any Jonaer but abould '111 C01Te<ted vicy aoon. • " BfSS •KJELLIN . - Wednuday, April ai, lie8 • bearl -., • 1GERALDIJ(E WEST-.... I Dear The Oldltorlol "°"' of I.he !Jollr Pilot 11tlcl to inform and 1tfm.. ulak ~·~"~#119 I.his ...... Piilli!I', """ :.-mc-•tmv -cm of i!'teruC ond algnlfiaio<f, "' pr011tdl1!9 • fo,.,.. far tho __.,don of our rcacUr1' ,,,...,,.,.,, and , bit pruenting tM ....,.,... "'''°". polnu of lnf.,.,,._j o,,,.,,,.., mid ipo/«tmn on toplu of '"' day. ort N. Weed, Publisher ' Net .11e,,...e11taltie f. .. •• r To the Edllot: ' · • 'l11e llll)«lty of the clliltDJ resi11in1 In lhe Hunli~ Beach Uilion Jll&h Sci>ool ll!olrlct beUOve t!lll a lamJiy IUe,<ez education p!'Olrll1I In our schools wotJld be bad r... our """" people. ·Trµstee: Weyuker seems to think ID. l; believe he la WfODI. A larg< glOUp o1 peo- ple• made lhemselvtS htard at the Jut m .. tlng, purporting to represfn.t the ma -jority of thiMlng people in thi> dialrfcl. ll Gloomy t ·'Gus: Do our local• trashmen 1 take ' i1tad alm ·al the flower· beds wi th • the empty containers or do they )1111' land Ihm accidenlaliy! -A. J, D. Crime Is Crushing Vs By J. EDGAR HOOVER Dtrectqr Federal Burtau of lavesUcaUon Calvin Coolidge aaid, "It ii lhe duty <lf a citizen OOt only to observe the law .but to let it be known that he is opposed lo iii violation." An overwbelmlng majority ol pr~ Americans obey tire law, but far too few indicate that they an serious- ly concerned with its violation. We an Dvtng in a day when dtfianct of authority 1s becoming the norm. Violent crime and thuggery are taking their daily toll in injuries and loss « life. Ftar and apprehenaion prevail in the !trtets of moet major cities. Law enforcement is the citizen's only buffer between personal safety and the criminal jungle. Often,as we know, this is not enough. IN RECENT YEARS, tremendous strides have been made in the upgrading of law enlorcemenl. N ationaf, stale, aod local progrlllll, cooling millions Gf dollara, exist.to equip, prepare, and train eriron:emenl ol!lcers and to ·modernize police facilities . But for this marked ... gress our alarming crime problem w«?Uld be even greater. However, the finest, most effective Jaw enforcement at· tainable Will not bring about crime con· trol without adequate public 111ppotJ. OUr fight against .crime can be no strona~ than tht courage and commitment of our citizens., COMMENTING ON the national uime problem in a recent major address, At· , torney General Mitchell warned, "Ft.ar of crime -by the housewife and lbe achoolchlld, by tile merchant and the 1abortr -fear is forclna us; a free pec>o ple, to alter our pattern ol l~e. especially after sundown • • • The evidefl.ce is con· elusive. Crime is crushing: us." To aup- pOrt local and federal law enforcement, the Attorney General suggested bigh- quality anUcrir;ie programs, adequately planned, st¢fed, and funded , which would involve profwional organizations, · voluntary groups, found a ti on s, businesses, labor organizations. and In· dividuals. THE ISSUES ARE cjear. Aimo.t dally. we wltnese 1be ·progre.uive revolutionary steps of anarchy -coercion, in· tiinidatlon, violtnct, and u n I aw f u_ 1 takeover. We must eatabtlsh a united resistance qalnst the criminal forces destroy1n1 the structurt of our society, or we face chaos. Jf ·wt are to live u civilized men and women. then we moat make the law a paramount !&sue in our daily lives. ln abort, we must ll•• by tht spirit 11 well .u the Jetter of. the law. We must oppoa crime wltb all the means at our com- mand. OUr cl1crl·hed principles of 'freedom, liberty, and Justice c•- flourilh whtre fear is dOminant. ft hu 1-1 •I.lated !hit only gods lllld beast& can. live ouilMie' of civil soclely. Since ,.. an nelllrer, f 11y let us ac<epl tbc prttn!ae. wllhoul tNllng II. ,., --Quotes 8""" tl Slnln, -pnl., Cll State Cldt:1e, t..1 Bead: -"The record or man'• inhumanity to man alvts little cause for doubt lbat wt are cre1hlrts of tdf·lnttmt whose common view of 'justice' Is 'me ftr1t-more nowt'" ' . I• • .. ... --- r HEIR ~P.PAF-E~T . . . . Wickedly Absurd Word Perversion TltouPll aL Large: Some people actually pervert the words . of Jesus, uThe poor ye. always ~ve .wlth , ·:you," to justify their indifre·r~ to the problem of pbverty ; WhlCh iS·as Wickedly , 'absurb as saying that because· .. ~ sick :ye shall always h&~e with you," therefore nOthing or little should be done to !ind a cure for cancer or hearr dise<iSe. · . . . ' Tbert .siill is ,no substitute for personal ingenuity: while 90 percent of research dollan ·in' UxtUs'try are spent by ~arge com~. iO percent of innovations come fiom individual inventors or small companies.· •. . . People-wtio are militantly "anli· superstlUous" are as foolishly dogmatic as their opposi~s ~ho are blindly enslav· ed to superstitions; fi;ir ·many ~alled superstitions are rooted in biological and psychologica! truthl that we h'ave not yet rationally apprebended. . ' . . The busy man who .says "My lime is money" has got hold Of the wrong end of the stick -for the h{unan truth is that money i1 time, and un'IeSs our assets are used to buy us time, we .are no 'tlCher' on the;sca,le of mortality than the.man wllo slaves all his life for a pitt,nce. , . . . . ' We will soon need new, wards for.lunar dilcoveries : the Astronauts iide of "the terrain of the moon," but .. terrain" ap. plies only to the Earth, and the m.oon's differt11t land surface calls for a different name. ,Speaking of the Astr~uts, it's frwitra.ting to realiu that we can put a space-ship in Ol'bit around u..el:moon. and still not devise an automQliilie battery that wiU invariably start on a wet mom. ing. • • • The revi val of the German economy with hardly any money should insttuct·us in the important maxim that energy .is the creator of wealth, and wealth it.self cannot create ener:gy, so that merely pro- viding funds for projects that &re· m. adequately motivated is a weste of effort. . ,. . . One Jaw that all communities should pass immediately is that every new in· dustri.al enterprise must build in anti· pollution facilities at the start, not only as a health measure, but because it is in· finitely cheaper lo prevent pollution than to rectify the problem in a plant already built and operating without s u c h facilities. • • • lf prostitution won 't be lega1ized, it should at least be equalized -so that the women who practice it aren't the only ones prosecuted, while the men who patronize them are not even booked for a misdemeanor. • • • · One of the most incisive and useful .comments on the subject· I've ever heard I is .Paul Valery's: "The purpose of 1 psychology is lo give us an entirely dif· J ferent idea of the things we know best." 1 • • • ' The closer you approach the truth, the more you see it was not the truth you I were looking for, but something more comforting. i ~ Things ,to Do Without Things we could all do with°"l: LOOk:alike him-and-her haircuts for young married couples. Platinum toothPicks. t. ·~ Phopograph records featurq music desigOed for odd purposes ·-~Neb as to calm a barking dog. · ·. · Girls who · dye their hair strawberry blonde when straw~i~s , ir-out of season. Stores·that ,sell ~udo clever buttons to i·een-8.&ers bearini leering ronsages so '.'blue" they Jnakt their mothers blush. The 'kind ol advice you get ~ most Chinese fortune cookies. i · Pee>ple who try to win attention at ·cocktail parties by doihg card tricks, Predicting ' the . futUre by reading the jilihm of other guests, or analyiing thcir character by analydng tbelr handwriting. FWFFY 'WIGS that mait· a·girl's hair st.and out as it sht·Md betn'peimanently fright.coed or ahoclced by~ up a live fallen electric (IOINt line. , Lit!erbl!gl ol ID)' age 1?1.ldds who like to lnak pop boltltl .. Clirbslones . llaUlurlftll l!rll ' cliarae extra for bread and -and thbill: l\ lends lhtm c11!a ~ they ~;IO ct11j> lor•a ,dime cup GI collee. -, ,,._~.,;:;lnllfs that make lirla loot ...-lil<t f\llill>a from Mm. • l'ouMlt~ ' .. ' Ji'RLmJDDIED e<>llara for dogs •aod cuflllob for m.o IO big and heJivy !hit jusl carryins them · around tnakts • fellow feel orm-wtari> bY evonlllf. Plump dod«l "ho !di their patients to become Ion -and ota,y that""' All wonder drugs with miJrt side ef- fecil than direct ellects. Af11 low•hma foreign sports car that lm't small 1enough lo drive between a r~.. , I 'tJ. I ~estrian's legs w1t:ut scraping hi~l shins. Women who brag abou t their first bab and men who brag about their fll'St ulcer TELEVISION commercials which in·, sinuate lhal you can find a better mar· riage partner if, you switch from your present hair goo, tooth paste, body deodorant or mouthwash. Pretentious road show movies that charge $S for a ticket and brassy Broadway musicals that put a $15 price tag on an orchestra seat. Weather forecasters who promise sun- ny skies on the day you put on a neW suit -and then Jet it rain from noon to mid· night. File clerks who carry two .brlelcases m work hoping everyone will mi!tate them for junior e•ecutives. ~-By George ---. Dear George : In a recent column )'OU wrote that it would help if readers &ent ·lheir money-handling problems to yOo. I've explained my economic troubles to you three limes now. What about itT s. w. Dear S. W.: It helped a lot, just 1s l s1k! - your letter& on money problems were very interesting, as usually the only m::ill I get consists nf overdue bills. • • Mini-war 'itages-stiiI In Korea _, • ~J., PANlifUNJOM, Kore a (UPI)-'Jbe Communist.s onCi! demanded a meeting or the Korean • Military Annistl~ . i; Commission to complain, 'uy:t ., . . . •n American mi I \1 ... i'J ·I policeman had tllll!ied ~ a snowball at a N~ Xoiu.n " •• : \._., < \ soldier. ... , ~"·l' !" • . I , .. Usua!JY<th•;~el' lllCidents are more serious."' · · ~ .• Men man ·bunktit's aloog Uie' · front. Somelinles' they fight Occasiolljl!ly !tier, ~-!Ju\ .; battles go, they. ~ not large ones. · ~ For ye~ \VjlaL Was hap- pening aloog"Jtie bottler catl\e tn be called · ''The Forgotten \Var.·• Then. 15 m.ont.Qs ago. the North_ Korea~ .<raptured an American reeonnaiSSailce ship and imprisoned its ·cteW for It months. On Apiil 15~ .North Korea shot down ~ American spy plane, kilting' ib crew of 31 men. ~. • t ' J GRL" REMINDER The two incid~ntii ~erv~ ~s grim reminders to Americans that the Korean pen.Wi.ula· was still in a state o( war\.~ that : a peace treaty with me Com- munists had never been sign· ed. · · •. Koreans, on both sides·W ihc border. needed no · s u c h reminders. Just two days before the .' USS Pueblo \vas seiied a 31- man North Korean ~ Com· mando squad-attempted to assassinate President Park Chung l{ee in one of the more Speftacular operations that ha~. been carried out on the . peri}nsu!a since the armislice . w~ ~igned at. Paninunjorn on July 27, 1953. Panmunjom is located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ), a 4,000.yard-wide frontier that snakes,131 miles over rugged terrain ld'OiVide tbe Peninsula. The most striking thing · about the DMZ is that it is not demilitari:ted. PATROL AREA Soldiers · from both sides patrol the DMZ daily and often they clash. The firefights are becoming more and more frequen t. Running down the middle of the ·DMZ is the military demarcation line ( M D L ) , which is clearly marked by signs written in Korean , English and Chinese. The MOL marks the line or ground contact between opp o s,i n g forces when the armistice was sij:?ned. Commission meetings are held in a drab blue quonset hut in Panmunjom. Negotiators sit at opposite sides of a wooden table that literally straddles. thP. MDL. Either side can call a meeting to discuss alleged truce violations. C~LLED AGG RESSION At the 1neeling, !he 290th, Maj. r.en. Ja1nes B. Knapp, the top negotiator for the United Nations Com m and (UNC ), accused the North Koreans or a "calculated act of aggression" in shooting dO"'n t h e reconnaissance Pi?ne. t-.1eetings requently produce verbal fireworks and some at- tempts at one-upmansh ip. Adm. C. Turner Joy. UNC negotiator during the KorC8n war: one recalled that he almost "sank out of sight" when the Communists kept providing him with a chair that got progressively shorter than his Communlst coun- terpart's. One of the primary jobs ol the military ar1nistice coin· mission is to inspect and in· \festigate to insure that both sides do not bobst thtir strength along the DMZ. The commsision in this regard has been largely ineffectual. Both sides have escalated. TALKING Bf;'ITER But if lhe truce mechanism t'lften malfunctions. most of the 56.000 American troops in South Korea agree that "talk· inR is better than fighting.·• Despite increasing firefights along the border, American Gl's in Korea have relatively good duty. They live in aging. pea-i:reen quonset huts nestltd amon.e: bleak hills. Heaters take the chill from the harsh Korean winter. ?ifess halls serve tons ol • roast beef. ice cream and a·p- plc pie. Liquor and beer arc available in. the service clubs. The Gl's in the observation posts spend a lot or time look- ing th r o u g h high-powered sco~ at Communist ~ldien, who !Ook baclt at them With scopes of their own. From aome of the UNC out- posts Lhe UNC troops can look north and M ,North Kt'lrean ®ldien buminl vegetation off hills to clear fields of fire. The men on the outposts must try to spot Communist infiltrators who lurk In the valleys beyond the "eye'' of lf S r;trlnr. j :, .. \. ! .. ·. • II. ~· ' • .. . ~ '{! il -~ 1-. ~ • • ' ' ' i ' ' ' " ... . -. --~. 0 . . " .. •• 'J' ~ ,. ... •. tt... ......• :. '· • ., '. . . ' ANAHllM 444 N. Eudid 515.1t2 1 Mon. thru S•t. 10 a.m. to ':JO p.m. -~· ·• ,, I l Wedntsdl1, Aprtt 30, 1'16? DAii. V l'l!.DT. f • • • -- ~ I : .., ' " " ' ·~· ' .. , . 1 .. : . . . .. :. ill)'. .. . .. . '\ ' j,,'-' .... .~ .. ~ • .1,-,_.(. ····- · NEWPORT 47 Fuh;.n ltlond 6«-1212 Mon. thtu Fri. 10 ·a.m. to 9:)0 p.m . S.t. 10 1.m. ••~4-. pm.- •• ,, .. ' ) -< THE SLEEKAIRE ftm1 COLLECTION • • • TO END STATIC CLING Formfit Rogers creates the first "life guaranteed" no-cl ing smoot hers with Sleekoire !tml • , • marvelous lace kisse d beauties spun from Celanese,. Fortrel111 polyester. Perfect for today's qody fash ions. In white end chompogne. Choose: bro slip, short, whi te only, end ovecage leng ths, 32-36 B, 32-313 C, .7.00. Pettico at, short, s-m: average,· m··l,5.00. Slip, short , 32-36; "veroge 34-38, 7.00. Matching bikini, 2.50. Ma i! and telephone orders invited. Daywear Lingerie1 63. "' •• HUNTI!ICiTON RACH 7777 Edln9or Avo. 192·lll I · Mon. thru Sat, 10 1.m. lo 9:l0 p.m. ' ! -~ I -~ .n 1'!il" ·'}.1'3.Lni t~ll-. -r>t 'Ji ~ .... f.~.,1 ·1~o· ~-.... Ii "'.'·f!'1 , . : LI~~~ •;WO' ~..c .!fl?" 1.(1;)1 >(j i'-~ t.!'11': r.s<:• "'f<;•' J.'!£ J •) :lm' rai: . ... l)O!• '"°' r;,~;r ;;!'_.,l i~l ;. . >l ilt.( !~f!"'t: . .:~· "'W"2l r-3'e _ ... ·' 1~' ,, :""'8 .....::.'.:>: """' ~·,~ ~~ .. '?. i :q-:-~ :ir!U!i 'Tta1 <'I ... .; .~l' -- I l ~ I '~\", , ! I ~ ·\ l •• •• .. ~ . • • M> 1· - I, I -------------------------------- • ·•1 110 I Ml.Y ~ . w•-·..,.. ».196'1 !B!!'~•.W ' --f ·Israelis Strike •' ' Bill Held;'. · Pompldoll "S.l'pporte8.. •·: i ' ' J .• • No RaiSi ·~ May D~y1 Mar--che~ \ . ' ' ' • ~ . ; ' ' :'.·Near Aswajf:l)am ~fir ~gtiew · Bci1'~etJ, in .FraneJ •1 v..w ...... !l.....U.011 tpU ~ndo unlt1 1 tr u ct NOe Rim" daa\S, 11ci41eJ and e!e<:lrie power ~ nearly a mlJes 'inside JWYpt: today, di1ruptin& ~·· electJle "'!'PH.. and lklodlnC arus of Etypllan llllllland,IJroelannouncedin Tl;\ Aviv. l1ttmler Golda Meir "lid the _.,,_ raids, wlilcii t&e 11faelia: Hid m i t no --.. were in ..tallaU... for Egyptian attacks acroa the Suez Canal. A spokesman said the raids were within . 60 miles of Egypt's Aawail Dim and that Chis !act could not be loot Oii lhe Egyptians. Within hoUrs another Nix<>n Aide ' Sells Stock, Take8 Loss WASHINGTOM (UPI) _; Treuury Seerelary David M. ~edy. m.: .the -face of onal eritieinn &boot conflict of interest. $1.2 milUon worth of atoek in the Chicago bank he headed before joining Prt!i· dent Nbon's cabinet. Tbe Treasury said Tuesday Kennedy and his wire sold 31,a&S shares of stock in the Continental Dllnois Bank and Trust Co. The sole, a Troasury apQkesman said. result~ in a i.a,e personal loss for Ken- ned1" because he was unable to t.ake advantage of capital pins tax breaks on hlJ income tu. Kennedy had bought the stock, on which he had op· tkl)a, when he left the bank fot Washington. But be sold it early this month and therefore did not bold onto it for the re- qp.ired time period, s i x months, for the capital gai~ advantage, ae<0rding to Paul W. Egera, eeneral ca.lllltl of tilt Trwury. • . . • ' " ' ' . artill<ry . cJiieJ WIS rtporied acroes. lhe $u<i Canel· in the Qamara .. .ecllon. 1srao1 slld Egypt allrted tbis~el)!ilt lhe implied w~ng the billton dollar Mwan, 9"'1 w a s wlnerable to super-ionic lsraen aircraft. caJro denied lh1t IJartll commandos had struck. A spol<uman Mid two Jsraoll v pyt.Jar ntr otolry lar south , planes tried to fly over Egyp- tian territory far SC>llth ol. Cairo but wm driven baet; Egypt likewise denied a ~r:iea of punitive-Jm.eli commando attacks aeatnet similar Nile River irultallaUons 1 a a: t Ottolier. ' ' • L • ·• ·---•• •• -7 Mohamed Al Zayyat, the "' UPI ,...,..._ Egyj>llan offldal spok<iman, REFUGEE FAMILIES EXCHANGED ACROSS SUEZ BY EGYPT, ISRAEL said the Israell aUacks were a lsraali Soldier W~tch11 as Elderly W•ni•n 11 H1lpecf Aboa;d Ferry · ''mlserable failure". He called --------.-'------'------'-'-----"--- thorn aerial ;ttacka and said they· did not succeed tn a mi.sa:ion to destroy an electric D 4-~ J>?Wer M&Uon, brt~es and o~ .. or s vital in&tlll1tiona. Dream Fulfilled He specifically denied it was a commando raid and aaid the Israeli claJms crtated a new "credibility gap." Wins Praise in Debut as Conductor But in Tel Aviv an official anny spokesman pinpointed the raids and described the damage. He would give no ink· ling of how they. weer carried out but it was generally believed Israeli helicopters flew in from the fled Sea, 100 miles to the east. He listed these targets: -The Jdfu Bridge linking the Red Sea shore with the Wadi Haifa fanning area. Thia ii less than ·60 miles north ol !lie Aawln Dam and miles IOUlh of Cairo and about 380 miles IOUlh of the Mediter· ranean coast. -Two Ria of hl&h tension linea: between Jsna and Naja Hamadl, alto about eo mlles notrh of the Aswan Dam and about 290 miles south of Cairo. These were clusters of pylon towers and double linu car- rying DiOl),000 volt loads to Cairo. LONDON (U PI ) -Dr. Michael Bialoguski , who used to be a spy, raised the 42-cent baton and realized the dream for which he had paid $6,000. He led the New Philharmonic orchestra in a concert of Beethoven and Chopin Tuesday nJgbt. He had never led a symphony before. Bialogwdd ls a physician by profession, and worked as an intelligence agent for . Australia in U¥' lt50's, when be helped a leading Soviet i py defect. But somehow all that Iaciked the excitement of directing an orchestra. Finally, in order to fullill a JifeUme amblUon, Blalogusk.i, 52, went out and hire" UM!. New Philharmonic and R·o y a 1 Albert Hall for $&,000 and hoped someone would show up to watch and listen. More than 3,000 persons did, and when the concert was aver Utey 1tood and cheered and brought Bialoguski back four times. Even the critics said he did well. "'I'be conductor's precise beat and his attention to orchestral balance enabled Aussie Premier To Visit Nixon CANBERRA, A·U 1tra11 a (AP) -Prime Minister John Gorton will leave for the Ullted States May 1 for the talks with President Niiton that the death of eit·Presldent Dwight D. Elseilhoer postpon- ed. , Gorton will·meet with Niiton and lead.in~ members of hi s administration May 6-7. The prime minister will be ac- companied· lly his wife and several officials. this undistinguished tone-poem to make some impression," the Daily Telegraph said of one piece. "By keeping a cool head and steady (musical) pulse in Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2, Dr. Bialoguski allowed the soloist, Fou Ts'ong, to dictate the course of evenls," said the Daily ExpreS!. Bialoguskl studied the violin at Vilna ·Conservatory a!5 a youth before turning t o medicine. Jn 1964, he told British con- ductor Sir Adrian Boult he wanted to become a con- ductor. Sir Adrian suggested k might be better to stay with medicine. Bialoguski made the rounds or orchestras. None v.•antcd him. Asked what neitt, he said : "I don't know. My plans are to take any engagement or· fered to me. Anywhere. But nobody's asked me yet." W ASIJING'l'ON (UPJ) -A ' • ~ • ' surpri•.~ seoate battle iert -1 1 ', ', i Vito 1'l't4ldentSpin>'f, Agnew PA~IS (UPI Tho i'ro'ncli the 9CMI , rDIA' out today ln a, A government, aJra\4. ol "mol~' sucewlon '.iii "4erll Pll',' tlOllll'Y combat' lri .~n raises that ha" boofted the J £~ ..,.. ed • -' salary of Vlrt\!tlljy e~ry other striJe,. tod•r:f~""!J ' , high ranldnc olfi~ial. RWI!~ demo.,.....,oM di\")~ the Stnate,fl!"hlch appro~ UJe;·~uni.l!J1 ay Day_Dtll- a $12,500 , ~-lo $42,500 , ~, daf ~hu.rsc.18 · ~:'' year for '""••tors and c~-"Extremist ps haty&~n-ll'es&D}•n Feb._ f, balked Tues-.~, . , • . day at".• propot11.to give-~· nou~ -,tbeit :1nt~UOQ· of · .,...lobal !~rs additlolJOll mak,!ng, May l inl<> a day ol. hlkea. Altlio4&1h few opposed a·· . r~tutional')' combat in the provlaion gfvi.ng A~w a, 'RUblie thorou.&ilar~ .. " t h c $11 lillO r'·' lo uz 500 · 11 w•• . ,. " · • ' ~ "" ' • -go v qrunent · announcement pigeonholed with the rest of , · the bill said. "For this reason the 'lbt ~ ls s~ll alive Ministry of I~~ror has decid· a~ could be broltgbt beet for ed to ~ ban thtse demonstra· a vote. but tht action left Agnew's. Waty . for the· tlme being at ~.ooo, Jen than one. fourth u much as the $200,000 paid Prealdent. Nixon, $17,000 lea than cabinet officers and Supreple Coun justices get under their new raises and on- ly $500 more "than the most obscure rookie congressman. In the House, economizers seized on the Senate's re- jection of the pay raise to rally support for their move to revoke a 41 percent raise lawmakers previously banded themselves. The repeal petition throug11 Tuesday nJght had gathered only 10 signatures -of 218 needed to make it effective. But Rep. M. G. "Gene" Snyder (R-Ky.), the petition's sponsor, hailed the Senate's vote as an indication members were having second thoughts about the bia: hikes passed out earlier. Imp Satellite Hops Into Orbit WASKINGTON (UPI) -A 183-pound satellite that was supposed to end its orbit and die a fiery death in the at- mosphere has instead skipped into another orbit , according t:l the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The sate llite, called Imp, skipped off the atmosphere like a stone across the water. scien· tists said, and is now off in an as-yet undetennined orbit. lions." The Commuilist-leii General Confederation· of Labor (CGT ) called of! the traditional May Day march by ~undr~s of thousands of workers through the east end ot Paris from the Place de la 'lastille to the Place de la tieiiublique saying that Gaullists were planning to create disturbances. The go·ve-X nment an· nouncement, h o w e v e r , in· dicated that trouble bad been expected from the leftists. on the political f r 0 n t. former French Pr e m i e r Georges Pompidou, w h o favors more amiable ties with the United States and Europe, was the clear favorite today to succeed Charles de Gaulle as president. Advocating a "moderate style" campaign ~ause he does "not want to be elected by a single party but by a eylB· jority," Pompidou gained a quick and powerful en- dorsement fr(lm the ruling Gaullist party, Scores of similar pledges of support flooded in only hours after Pompidou,.57, announced , he would try to succeed De Gaulle. ''Po m pid ou for President" committees sprang up like the country's mushroom crop. Other early candidates ran Into problems, though. The only announced con- tender beside Pompidou. Gaston Defferre, the Socialist mayor of Marseille, could not win support from Socialist .. ,. party leader Guy Mollet} ' Mollet · said Defrerre's· name would 1>e put forward i.IOi"if with others when the party decided on its t:andi d1teo Sttn· day. . , 11Je Communists sa,id , th,.e.v. would no\ support Deffe.rrt;. and their National A3Sembly floor leader called for a·:can• didale endorsed by all, lei.t- wlng partie!. ( ' · t The man who replaced ·De Gaulle ··as acting president , Alain Poher, was rt!gar~ as the leading centrist. posslbilif.~ but he indicated he was · in no hurry to ~nnounce his : Catt• didacy. Poher stepped in al-'iJl....· terim leader in his ro}e ~s .. President .of the Fr.en c.h Senate Y1hen De Gaulle resjgn· ed Monday. l\fo1ullas B~hy,~ Then Arrested _' )lOSTON (UPI ) -, Ml:,._, Charlene Scolt, 19, createjf qliite .a ~tir wheii sbe ,arriv~., from Los Ange)es. , . · , .. [jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mr!. Scott went .tlu:Ougb,~·~ very active one "hour Tues4ax-. Upon arrival at the airport.sbO complained of being in labor. wa~ e~ariiined a1 l:he airports medjcal ,cent¢r, ·vras· .arreS\ed , on four, narcotics vlol,tioas., and then gave birth \o 1 a daughter at • maferJUt;'. , ho.s~ltal. ,, " •. · ' ' ' " ' '" ldiildt bowtbatAir\'\atftmjen.laMfrout ~/Bmbank.OrangeCounty,Onlario and to.Anildrs llOOSfOpCOlAls'\togas. .. .. '~ J I' ': ··-· " ' 1)IE UOO <HOPS·'" , ... ·· . :· '11.11 .. r.'.~;· INVITE YOU 10' ;', " ;;,; . • ·;.. r FINAL DAYS OF OUR ANNUAL ' CINCO DE MAYO ENDS MAY 5th ---WIN FREE PRIZES! HGISTER IN ANY PAUICIPANTING LIDO SHOP NO PURCHASE NECESSARY *PET SHOW and * PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBIT SATURDAY 1 :00 P .M. ' * MEXICAN FIESTA MUSIC SATURDAY AFTERNOON 3:00°5 :00 Come . , . Join The Fun . Ancl Holiday Festivities I ' ' " ' < ' " ' • Kee\)theanswerYQupvetomreshyourmemorrlrom time to time. OrCfllioQr.'Ii'aVel Aientor'Air West to remind you. ·JJ.L~ '' • A l 'Ele91nf M•n's Shopp• •Anthony Shoe Service • Atkin son'5 • B. O. How•s A Son. • Bink of Americ• • .81rrow '1 • Btrk1hire'1 • Bidw•ll's • Bl•ckman l td. Jew•l•rs • G•n• Burton • King's l ido Richfield • lido F•shions • Lido Tr1vel • Morris Pl1n Comp•ny of C1liforn ia ; • ) • Newport lelboa S•vin91 •nd lo•n • R.lch1rd'1 l ido Cent•r • Security First N1tion1I Bink • Tht Shot Tree • Via Lido Drugi • lido H1 ir F11hlon1 • Grt9'1 F4bric Boutique • How1rd l•wson Jr., R.ltr. VIA LIDO AND NEWPORT BLVD., NEWPORT BEACH ' • ' ' Pr~oM.r , At Folsom ·COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE • lllliMll Forms 4 htftteflllll ·-" • Heuoeo,,.,,. •Lotte ........ ·--C.nh ·-• Tkkm PILOT PllNTING Wld .. ldly, AprU 30, 1969 DAU. y l'IL01' • • ., •, ''You're· getting too old to run'around the way; you do, Mom .. • • ' I Happy Mother's Day." • . ·•· ... " ' . -.·. ~ The averagJ mother, we've been told, walks more than 8 miles every day. Why not give her feet a brea i this Mother's Day: make sure she's got a phone within answering distance. An extensi~ the kitchen or bedroom or laundry room) costs just a few cents a day. There's no r relief for aching feet · · neral -'lelephone ( .. ! •· . . . ,. ... ' .. ·- ··' . .r u. ... ,\;~!( r: . ::'!\O ~· ': .. • .• •. ::'!JI 'i>.\lt ... '~ ·'.,.,. -~ .. , ~""' .. _.-. ~,,, ..... ' . . ,.,.,, . ,_. 'I• ., . ·.~· ... •'lj . .... ~ -- I ' ' I l ' • I I• ) INl.Y If 'fl_,, A1i1 :io. 11169 raBge-n=oast Area Men in ·Service Around the;~~ WO C...1~111 Jama I . 'sir 1 I II. ll, W-. parents 11 .. at 1111 ....,.. Dr1ve1 NllWJIOri ludl, ........... tho ................ alAbo Army l'l*""'7 llellcoplor Scbool, n.w-.,r... A ..-i< o1 Newport -HIP Sdlool, he nceiv-ecl !Iii A.A. ..... la !Iii boat Oraop Oolll Colle1e. Pvt. l.C. Daa 1>. Davis. S<ln of Perry Davis of 112 W. Coast Wchway, Newport Beach, i:J: serving with the First Bat- talion Fifth Marine Regiment, First Marine Di~ion. Viet· um. THURSD .. Y FftlD .. Y . ' . '.,. SATUR DAY ... ,. PICK · :'(~\JR OWN DIAMOND AND SerTING ·. ~ ' . .a• ' / \ ·. FROM A VAST SELECJl.ON AN~ : -. ., .;, .. , ( ' . . . SA VE MONEY,· 1 •· ' AT ... .. • !. ·Wei~ .... ·c~rk fi~e Jewels , ,• L • ~,I ' " ,,; ' r;, ~ ',\ ,t.. • • -r "·~''Jo,:> r 32 Fashion Island Newport ,B~ach . N.,..,-.rt c.t., - '· . .. '. "' •' • • .f ' • •, ~ l I l I : ' ' ' .. '~ . . . •• • -' HUNDREDS OF LOOSE DIAMONDS I y, C,•rol lo l Cerol I FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE, WITH MANY UN19UE .. ND ORl&INAL SETTINGS. MY ASSOCIATE AND SUPPLIER HAS UCENTLY RETURNlD FROM THE CUTTERS IN ANTWERP, DIAMOND EM"RE OF THE WORLD. HIS STOCK IS AT OUR DISPOSAL FOR J DAYS ONLY. SELECT NOW AND SAVE 20'4. OR MORE. ' _, .. ' ... ~ ....... ' ' .. PHONE 64<4-20'40 HOURS : 10:00·5:30-FRIOAY To 9:30 ... .. . • ,. II ......... aboard the delllo1er OM llrlnllley Bus la Ille Gulf ol ~The ohlP II dlplojtcl with Ille U.S. , 8ma8I l'telt operallll( la Ille West Pldllc. 1 • \ • ' t ~ ••• ' : .... :. ,,. •' . . ... · .. ;•: • I' . , \ . ·. ,., l,J. \.. . .. ' ·' . . . . '· ,~ ,, .• ... ~1 •. " . R ~D'SCOVER : :'.\"· . , Ji1Jj . , \',' ., :;, •I>' I >,, I AIR 'CA• ·1FOJlM.-"' ,". ·\ . :~ ..... -~. . , . .. ' ' ~, , I _,.-~·· SERVl~G • SAH\FRANCISCO • OA~~~D , . '.'',, .. ·~· •SAN JOSE . ._HOLLY.000/BURBANK •~(lN·T~~J,~~·::;;;; and • ORANGE' COUNTY AIRPORlf-S ·~ ·. '," , , "·' ;• .• • . I • • "; •""•I •••• -' 't ·1 • .... ~1 ,.,~ \ f ! f s . : ~ ' '• • ' ' " • ' > • • • { Men • m Service <~i-r.,.111 · :: dlmapd enemy river ~ points, hicbway " " ' . ·' and brldpa. U.-J. ... o1Mr .... ·Mn. • lleD ol 1111-11111. Meu, recelftd hll "'Wktp Gold" u I Nini Aflatcl' -Htllcopler Pilot. 11e ...... .-bit ll'llDhll el the N1V1I Alr 111-11 o,o., Penucoll, 111. ' . ' 'i. • • ' ' . • • •I • 1 I • 'I ' • ~· .... • •• . ' I • .;. ;--\\< . " • • •r)''f ,.· f I •• • )T' • ¥ ;,, • • ,. ' ·A I • •• W•lfil', ..V 11, llif .. ' ' •J ; '• '· ' . • I • t .. .. " •', ! II • I 2 0°10· ·;a~:~·~ :"j ; . . .. on sleepWeSrr tor Mom ~ .. ' ' . '' , .. ' , . . ) .. .. • . , ,' r 'M • I .. . .. (tliru .. sa,· &ur.da.~ ·i l9.n .ly! • i • I ! ~ t 1 ... ' : ~ ·1' ·'.,,: ' ,,;. ' .... .. '.<Ii : . -~· )c- il •• , .. •• "' .. .. , ' .. ' . ;· ' • I . ' i ;·. 1' • f \ ; ' J ! .• I " .. .. .. ,,. , :., • H° • ~(' I · . ~•Day II right around the corner,.and ~·'* . l:iurslll'lg with 1ove1y ny1on tr1eot sleepwear 1!1 styleSIDJIMIY talti''arid_.moodl We have. a terrific selection of~"-, ~ long gowns. pajamas and culottes .. .twt•"'*9. and ~ with lace, ribbons, pleats or ruffles ti>~~ feminine heartl. Cho.oJe fRlln a l'.8inbow·of cofQrl·tn n\111.11 ·and]unlbr sll.11, and ave, loo( \' ' '' ' .. • ' "· . ·· . • , .. ' ' .. "\ .,.J •• ·~ I '°" f... t 1 • o, •, " 4' ' 4. • •,. ,. ... ' • " •• . -. -. . . .. ' ' . .. • • 'I "" ' • ~ ... ' • f..( ••• {' . ' . ' , . • • • t • .. • , .. ' ' . : I J . : ~ •. j " . ... . -·· . . . ·.' . • • ·' . .. ·~ . • " • 1 ' • r .. " I i '; ' l I . • > " " • ' . I. • ' f ., i I' •• I ". • ., • .. • ,, ' "·· ~·•"Ill\ . .. ' ' , • ' • 10 .• .. 11 . ! f' "!. ' ' ! I ' I I ., ' ' .. r • ,, -. ~ . . ' ' { • ST ARTS THUR. MAY • • I 11 I . •I ·- ' . . . ' . .. ' ' Dacron• polyeste~·•• loam lotex filled bed .. pillows ... standard size .·: pure .coml~rtl ' Dacron in blue stripe cover, both 1n ltjue or· white cover. Non-allergenic, moth, mildew . ·· resistant! 2ra I ., . I " ' .: •" ,, .. . .. . . ... ·" ,r:-~~· ~"'! ~·'!" ., ... ., ' ' i\t-4'/:"•· .,-. Dacron• polyester filled bolsters' thei,:;;;.~, ·'. 20"x36" in pure white for bcdroQlil ~I · ·: Stock up ~w at this great pri~e for fine ~Jyl : .. 2/"12 .. . :\ ,,,, ... • _ .. Like It ••• Charge Ill I .. -; ' • .. "' .. .. ... . -. I • . .. • . " ' 1 ' ~ i · '· r ' .. )-- \ . \. ' ~ \ ::;<·:: •, Penn ,.,.._. celiltH ,.,.i.. ii ."9ney gold, sunlil1111;-· ..... · · or pink dtcetotor colon. 72" :i: 104" onlll tWi11 fittff . . . . leg. -4.19 . NOW3.67 ' ' -11 "x104" on4 full flttH ~ ... 5.19 ........ ; ... ..ow 4.67 ·-42"K36u-. ••· 2/3.19 ••••.••. NOW2/2.77 · ·1~ ''t " l!enn PN1t• ,.l'Ctlle prillft ... ,'ComltQni•nettt' . ii! . il.N11• or· pink orchid cemt.imi•.llt· ' ,. ' ,.iwi-'lilll.llt· -< ., .j. I . .,, . :,._ •·; ·1· ., ... ' .. ~··'·"' ., . . " . . .. ..... 72"x104" olMI twin flttff. •,:, ·.· : ~ : i,;;·1':.\ ~Q~· ·~t . ,, ,; . ' le(;'~;ft ·"( I .::i i.: , . !!f :, >"1 11.....0-4" ot!W fiill fl~·' : "· .. 1e1. 5.99 ............ ..OW 1.11 ;: I I 42'~x36'' ..... ~~ · ·. 11.iaS. 2/3.59 ...... NOW 2/1.t'I ,i, i i Penn Prtlt° 111,.r., liM celet. drenched p•rc•h1(ift':"'ftt.i' gold or moss or-solitl 111.,.. . . 90"x115" •'"' tj"'91\fli1iiil . ; Re1. 7.99 '. ' ..• . . . ' .. ' .. · ··' . NOW7_,f! . ~~ ,. (. 10l"x115" •'"' kllli fltt.i ·· · ; _j -.,, • ~ · :litiJ. 9.H .............. NOW t.17 <i' _..,.,, .. ' ":tf ....... x-46"-: . " .. ·. . ..... 213.5' •.• :::• 2it.rr fr · .. I • , ,.j -•• •t . . ' ' . , . -,•, .. . ~ •I • ? .. -.j . I ,! . ,:~ .......... '. . . ........ ~ .. ' 1 ; I ~v • . j • I ~, .,; .. · ~-,~~. +, ':'·--~~ ·-' • Ill '·New Deal' Born : , (c.d ~,,_PlftU) makeMl.honestdlaClomzreon preva.ty but w11 aiaDld by tho contained a guarantee agovemmentiuaranteeotbp bac\~'!f9over.~. _,. lhat 1bt Ualjld 'Sjalel -Id lu securliles offered lo the -.n on a<fjourllmellt ~~.l_~t'•ouk!.\'" a right ol lo 15,000 In dtpoalb :.1, 4•11j/l fill:' ·~.:.tho to oll lalGa •bl-Ille pld N•hllc. Tl>il Wll uie tlasil of do1· •~w•• bargluung of freely ber ba ks oflbe Fed l Ak' ' standard. r-chosen representatives or mem n era !fl". ,_., ~ doim ott May . lt -A federal tbe SEC. ~ CR&\TE AGENCY labor with management. Reserve System. ~ N,J,Jft~~~ 'emerpncy reJld act became Ju.oe5-Roosevelts~a 0ne:We ar.dbariled_him !O ThiS wu the NRA_ lht Congress 11'. ,. :eved •~:siollJJ~*•' . lawllttlqup'a'nltklnalrtllef blllabrogatln&lhegoldclause create la wpnc:y public NatJonal Recove ry Farm Credit iz'1a: Tbillo.ne·~~ "- _._ i.r Ibo .......... • In all public and private con-,...l<r ldmlnlltratioa to spend Admlnlstratlon _ which ca~ aod centrs · tnl Cabolth, GI.In., ; .. ~-,,..__ • $3 J biWoa lo I pumF . ,. . ltv In I ' . • ... ~ ... May lt -n. ~ tnlcb. ~ effort to _spur the amenl ~ tun!d headlines with ~rMq, •• acuv1-.3, set1up c ~,~~fir ,, -~~ Ad)mlmeril Act wu eoacted June II -A Home °"'l"" -, the Bl\le Eql< symboland the . ~!l ,•.[. ''ln.eilliOli .__. .. 1.,.. """'lt.I0'......,.5. J.ouActwu~,allow!nJ ~-· .i......t..J · . drlfbli W....litY ol Gtn..a~O 1.. ,•.,..,..._.;.,··;rq.,,~·• .. .......__pl!ltiW __ lo :c,r'(emntni-fo .retinanco ~~ ... -.r:f: ·~~ J~; . . .. '!> :.~ : ,y.t • .. .. ~,.,.~~...,,,..,'it,.:;" --~ ·~· -i·~~· Jn. ,., · taniieri ftli'" o · ·11111r11-. .This 'llN the ._, , , , " • , .Mu..'U: • -· Tiie AM WU later beglnninl ol the FHA l)'Slem. ""'" ol lndllltry codes c:ould .. ..... ' ' :i. ' • ' . arrlv ~ ···~ all otruct down by the 8upmnt Conar<'I' cJos<d.ool the .100 be worked oul volun\otily or"'' Aliiilil-'c!osing11a,,..ef tit& ' , 1 1¥tuf , ~ ~· · a C-but the buic prlnclple days on J\me II w\th I llUfTY hnpOoed l>f tile ftVlnllllllll H hundild d!if .. was.. the Glaos-, 1C-..O"vfl!od;IP\J:Aanie tl\l i:bWs ' pr... . . . : o1 Parl!Y and the ..,. o1 ol major leglslaU ... Foremost -.vy thal ..... Id c!url> un-Steagall Ad. na\nt Ollloi>Yer'Bifil b3ct'to m~~ Ill~ ' Col"tl'DD.lllnl control! "11 ol these ••• the National fair compeUUon Md eoibody a It divorced commercial and its original name; Boulder ,. · 'of • P;11J~ "'ablllbed. I lnduitrlaJ Recovery Act which ystem dl._~um Wi11tS Investment banting operations Dam -which a I at e1r :J If e tti ·'°·or ~ a · _, 1J • ,Consreu •1> clw<d eon,..... thr<e c\Jys andhoun..,.IM'wwtm. It andftrthef~st-provided Republican Congress restored ' · '~'., · .'"'r.· prOlf.td ap .._ ~ rarm · • ... r· ... :t::.1· •• ........ at ~ the • ' ' . ' . ·1.:i.; ~tor«lnancelann 1 -• • '--;.;Ji ~~\ • •• ' ' \,I, ·1'·, .. May It ~ Roosevelt sent a ... ·.y· t 1 •· · • 1 -'·'tt~" . PT'"'"""" ~ meaace to 54 , .. ·• ~· • , •. • ·, '! "t ,.~ Peeleing '-~i,~ .,,,,·,·:~ ~\ ~~i:! ;. ·e· n· ft: ~\, .,,:-; '..':',.~·. . ·-.~. ~-.~~ "l,..., v..~ c'!f ~ ~· .. Wiik-the ~....,...,,lo ... -. . , . . . ... . :,,. ,~ Daphne LoveLette 12 61 cOata Mesa, loafs tliroU · · Ibo new -ol'lho German · . • . · . , •' .! .\a. her new sel of World Book Ency~wlllcb e -pvernment, Adolf Hltler. . ALWAYS FIRST GUAUTV • • , ' ,..:.~ rf, ~ I • • ' I • • ' .·, . 1·1 ' ' .. won1brough lhe'DAILY PILOT;1 . y column. V "'°7.,~~......_ Tiie T...,._ . ' · '· DaJpbne's question : How was · ~i~ :,. : .. ~7t;'""'!'":"1 .;:':,. . tJ~J~ ,-.. ,fi.?.°f t,~ftectirttie& ... WU enacted: enablln1 the pvernrnent to Costly Movie .. require stoct promoters to Tricia Invites . ' And They Didn't See .Show LBJ Daughters ,.. -I.·· .... ·. 'f ,,..,··. •'.· t•W: TU~N. ~riz. (AP).-f. ,, -~~ J~ and went to the WASlDNGTON (UPI) -Tucsob -J!'lerchant boutfrt a · deal_er. C1iiied. Tricif. Nixon has invited Lyn-da Bf rd Robb and Luci Nugent new car. . ."The yifc, went to a phone to ber masked ball at the That ~ht he took . his -Wilt. l;M>Oµt to._ tjleck on ' locksmith"· While House May 10. for her irutial drive. NO' dime. ?& money. Tricia ient invitations to the As they passed a drive-in ·Tttey~~ around tow~ in daugh~ra of tonner President theater, the Wife. saw,a moth: their beautiful new car, with LyQdon B. Johnson' 15 well as she'd like to see. !:~b)' .~~'!tnllnc'lli&hilY fran-Sevual hundred .otJttr young "Let's go," s3id hubby. c persons for her first Whitt_ Thea be 'f¢dlltd he hadn'l , .Finally~y went , to • House pttty: Tricia is ex brought any money. se~.~~; a.. :t 'd th I ~ to~:set tome help as ' ""'H"'6 ~ 1 • w e '--hostw from bu sister. Julie H!s wif~ didn:t ha~e enoogh \·.-leJNliit. Eiaenboiwer~_· ''· for two lkte!& ' ' . 'Ile toll\ crowbar priedli;• :;;;:;========:I "You drive," the husband and jimmied and heav~ and said. ""I'll ·hop in the trunk." r:ventuaJIY the trunt open'.ect Thal'• ~~ th~ drove Jn. " • ,. 11io, nporr bill Jor the truDii The wile mnt ar~ to .p~ J,111,, "' · QUICK npefl'tf'tl! th'mk, anti fourid hU&. ' • I a ht didn't 1et to lee · by had ~~trunk.keys .. , -.,.,~th~-"riei"I~ · J C.tch 11~-1111i••lr e• J~el -n. t.14 • tellf ce..,.ct, e.1.ftprehe1 .. h·1 fiM ... Wfl e111i• tieit ef the DAt:l Y PILOT. -. ~ 1 • •. -· . ~ .... '!' • LAST <.81<1 ·WIEK, -·. :~1511' t Bl .·, ' ' ('!!l..b .. .i•".· ·' '·····~·a;~. ·: We MUs1 vitad' OW Pr.-it·:.,· il: . ,-; r.· INLAID LINOLEUM SAYE TO . . . --: ~. -__ , ~,-J. FIO¥ s· ~oc. --. .... ·' ,.. ~ LIHO • ~·s10d 'n). l . .. • 1! . ,, .. . ' '; :;.;;-~ ... ~'. ~ '*' '·}· \"~~ ..... -··· !' .. .:... ' ... ~ . _ t ··r ·~\-1 ... -.... 1 .. ,_-."';~ ~· ~ ·.~ :·Penner~• 1m~ar,~ ~-;11~ : , , conv.erti~le ~ish~! .. , • . I ' • ·• • ' • • • . • • -· ' .. -~~ : ·,~;~ . .. • . . • 1:-, IAvl 20.9i ·on qur P•11ner11t• CUltom·tOP,!l1Wng d1Shwa1her . , ,>'j , :· -..:. ''• ; . "" • Vin,4 -X..top wilh fonnita-lib appearance • In -wllltii 'with polished steel frim "-'"• 3 left!-". iymm, ~ lift rack • P'orlable for wy 111D¥ir111 R8SJ• 169.95 ·. ··14a~ ~ · .. , · ·NOW .. ·~ '11 . • 1 ... ' .,. . ~ ~......-- .. 1 . " ..,...~ ~~AA~ ~ Poy qo...,. • 7-'0 ,-"'°""' ~. . ·' { ' ~ \~ GAANADAHILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK IJ ' .. , ' . ;t . . ' .,>-• . .-T~' .. -.··;I~~ ~ .. • ~ . ·+tf~ ~ Use as a portable naw, cis a built~i.ii'ef. ~". :;:!', • Rinse agent dispenser " · ' ': "'111 . . ··~· ,; • Maple GUftlng botJrd lop ' · · ' . I ',C., • Built in soft·food waste disposer ' · .CC> • ' R:in .. ,and )>old.cycle · ' · .. , , _ . '.!.:J • Hqrvest ;gold, .avacadoi coppertaoe '.-" '•.s- while .. ;and <o'lor costs no •• at,;.·.~?"!,;, Ptnneys ~ "-: ; ·· • f:lj·.,'l . . _"· .. ' :·~·-.,..&·•~ ·a .. ·· ·:r''";,;._ftlt!·NQW· ... ,.;.-·:; ~ . ...,,~.. . , .... --,, . ' ' . . . ~ .... t-"AH -•'-\ • • . 1' ! l -. .• ,_.~~ <!:tl'> '-;· ; • °.:<)~ -'.. . , : i litir' ~.:Ji~-~ ! ~ ... ~ ..... ·!'! -.... t.~ t' •. ».i:Jtf/1 ~~" .. ' ..... ~!'f ·1 ,; ,· • ·;._;"-<-:i!s& LI -. -, 1~. '.ft .::·~lir'•· ':.,; ·.u'_,.. '-'i ' ,, ........ ,.,-n, .,. , .. ,_.,... .. $,,.......;..th;· 'I. ',. •iJ: -lt.1 1'~, " ' -.... J :.,· ~"" . ~ .. ,. •• 't:.' •• ,. '" ~-:.-.., • .;<tT 1 • ~ ,. ' J ~ ,·fttt' d ••• ·-• ' • • -... • ~;.,. I • • ,,., .; fl ···"~r .... ~;·~ft.• .... .. --:· . ~ 1 , .... -· S-• ' ·"'i' 't. ,..!.•b ·~ . I ._., ,:., •.,,,-:: ... ; ·' . ·t ez. •= "' ~ . ., . . ' SANTAAN>, ~ TORRANCEr-,.a1a1 Willi VANNUYS ' •• ' > ' • . . .. . . I j ' ' l . • ' • • • .. f 4lc ' ' ... Wed,.IQf.A~~1'69 Food Stamps Studied Supervisors Promise Early Ruling . ' .. IACX lllloaAClt ... ..... ,.. ""' SANTA ANA -Propooen11 d a .federal food stamp pro-.,.m for need)' Oranie Coon-11 t.mm.. TUe.doy ·won the iWtmlM of an early declalon ... Iha propoul from the ...... ty!Soard ofS~per vls or s !ollowlnf. eo bo\lr and :io. muu9 aitcuaton In a packed llaorlni rodm. .1., 1'he county board said it would decide In lwo weeks "'thetbtr or dOl to inltlal.e a lied 1tamp program and set 6othe.r hea.rlrti on the matter 'FOr 10:30 a.m. May 13. Meanwhile, various county olflci.als, Including Welfare Director Granville ~pies. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper and county Administrative Of· fleer Jlobert E. Thomas are to provide supervisors with all details concerning the impact ol the program, its cost and the availability of funcb, both federal and local. ' Or. Richard Baisden, presi· Anl and chairman ot a CAC dent of lhe county's Com-commJttee on food ,wnpe, of • mwtity AcUon Council (C AC) rertd an e1ample : and director ot University Ei· "A !amOy of Uve wrt.h a $200 tension at the UC Irvine cam· montbly Income w901d p.1,y STI pi..1, aald Oranfe County iS one for •tm wortb of atampai'' he or the few counties in the 11t1te "'1d, emphaaJ.d.oc · ,that the withOl.ll 1 I~ stamp pr~ stamps cannot be UMd to eram. · purchase liquor or tobacto. AUorney Jouph Am• to · "Because of the lack· of ade-- direclor of the county'• Le&al quate publle trwportallon Aid Society, said poor people and h!gh rental Cilfb many wi~ lar1e families benefit county famllita mlllt. jcbliel' most under a food stamp pro-on the.ir food bud1et to aet gram. . . by," Dr. BaiJden arruect. "It allows these fam~he1 to "We are not ¥t,elabJes or Dad Guilty In Death buy food sta~ps at • dl5C0U!1t p1ra1ite1." 11ld Mrs. Alice and th~s increase the 1 r Silvas, chairmin of the Na· LOS ALAMITOS -Richard purchas1~g J>O"'er. The stamps tiona1 Welfare Rights Associa· Allen Olson, 21, of 4111 Green are used 1n local food stores l? lion o{ Orange County. "l\ty St., Los Alamitos, will appear bu_y food at regular retail people are tired of starving, in Supe rior Court May 9 for pnces. The stamps usua!ly a~e tired of telling hungry children sentencing after his guilty plea redeemed at _banks. which. in at night "tomorrow will be Monday i~ ~est Orange~ turn are retmbursed by the th d ty l\1WUCJpa1 Court I n u.s.' Departmen t of a~~r ay .11 ~ ""'\Vestminstertovoluotary Agric;ulture," he explained . 1 1' prdogrthamlr weh• b.1.1 a ~aoslaughter in tbe 'dutb' of Th . . . s ep owar t r a 1 1 a· his a-week.old ............ _ e. Rev •. w.1lh.am E. Wh.1te, lion. They follow .in order -~·~· associate m1n1ster of the f1rs1 food 3 job clothlng We must Olson had onginallf been Presbyterian fh~rch of Santa end :_ povef.t.y i.n ·our own charged with murder followin1 backyard .. · tbe·Marcb 1 death al the Hiile .Cliff Fall Paralyzes The Rev .• Gala! Go\>rh. f:! ri'llD:.. Im'.":!":' : pruldetil o{ the Santa Ana· •htrtu ~ ~ hl;o-;_~~tl~ POilio had !Im 111..t 'A 1a1111 .... eiwieDCY food ••If-felony chll~ IM>::f.,.cha'I• ply f•"i!>t qeedy llld !hat••·· ~~0i:-"'°"fl':.:11a1~:,, hf exican 'Sneaki.ng In' "SAN CLEMENTE ,,... A Mex· to Los Ancelu and a promise ice natlanal who r.porledly of work Is paralyzed today, paid a couple poo t9 drlff him after toppling from a cliff at Officers Meet San Ooofri. trying to sneak SANTA ANA_ Members ol arqund • Border Patrol checi· tt1e a.ttr.d Oflicen AlllOCll\· point. u ... 0r..,. c...nty Chapter,· Miguel J. Anguiano, :is. of will bold their monlldy dinner Rodeo, in the Mez:lcan st_.at~ of meetinl at 5:30 p.m. May 10 at Duragno, broke his back In tbt Officers' Club, Marine Air three places during the 1'1on- Facility, Saota Ana. d t ed Guest speaker will ~ Com-ay rag y and was found ~-••eal•IOd!"" __ ..... .-~ Iha pro&!'!" ... ·-_, wu 1~"'1 Dr. ·I.fie Voae. aecretary of ffom. severe head Injuries. the 0r...p-eo,i111y 1&,gal Aasociatlon aald, · "We tee many patJenll in a state of 'under nutritia.' Gr e a t numbers have multiple deficiencies caustd by PoOI" diets because they cannot af. ford proper foods." · Geor1e Dear, of Santa Alli, chairman of the League of Senior Citliens said t h e "program is long overdut" and urged supervisors to IJ> prove it as soon as possible. - • .YL 1leauty. New Queen Of County ~ BUENA PARK -Yorba Unda ha1 ltlelf more than one winner this year. Marylou Schroedu, who. halls from Prelldent Nl1on'4 birthplace, w11 crowned. Misa Oranae County for lMt-70 last weekend in cerenlonie. held in ; Independence Hall at Knott's Berry Farm. l\tin Stjlroeder will compete for the Miss Ca1ifornia title and the Miss Universe contest. Runners.up In the 20-girl competition were M a r c i a Roberts . of Oraoa:e; Anne Grammas o( .Brea, Linda Pral1 o! Flill-'a a d Kathleen Moore, •1$o ~-f Fliller!Dn. ltapr\all!Uq tbi -'Oran&e €out aru In •tlie counl)' eon• lei! Wft Katl>y .'llanas o! . eoOta M,.a and two Fountain Valley entriel. Mar I an n e Z.UU•and ~Kelly. , Mia Schroeder. wu 'crowned 11>' Trou Kaye ~ the l'lllnlnl MJu cauro;nta. COUNTY'S CUTEST -Marylou Schroeder (center) of Yorba Linda begins hir reign as Miss Orange County of 1969 · flanl!ed by runners-up (from left) Linda Prais, 'Fullerton; Anne Crammas, Brea; Kathleen Moore, Fullerton, and Mar~ cia Roberts, Orange. ~ manding officer of the Marine two hours later by searchers. Corps Air Facility. Col. Ken-The Border Patrol officers ndh E. Huntington, who will summoned aid for the victim, discuss "The History and who Jay 50 feet below the rim Missioo of the Marine Corps r h 1·11 d ·• !hr Air Facility, Santa Ana." 0 1 e c 1 an arrest~ ee other Mexicans caught near the scene, for return to their homeland. DEATH NOTICES Supervisor David L. Biker said the program "seems to have merit" and urged that Welfare Director P e o p I e s study it and report back t.o the board May 13. Peoples said he had found that. in Sacramento County, c. Georlt" Perter ...... •~. of mo u111 Anguiano and the three which has had the proiram in .'·• N~ ... (lo. D•HP •1 "''"· h operat•·on for about ••·ee PORTER • ot er men ,,,·d they paid a ~ April 21. $urvlv!ld by 50fl, CM•ln u. l"orttt, Jr .. ct cos1• Me,1; fo.!/•, ,1,. 1 ·~ h th months, the activity "U 50 ,,,., '"'· c11e1t« 0on11r1. s.,,i. coup e .,.,_ ~ac to get em percent hl1ber than weUare lave 41.95 on our new 2 · speed 1.orlulble '70' zig·~·· machine lhrough--laturday only I ~k•; Mr1. D1v1d J. GrlbMfo, S&n· to Los Angeles and were let est•·mat••. 1• l1rb.u1; HoclWI '"" LIUfl ..... 1u. ...., ~ Bndl; 111rtt bratrie<1. t11i.-out of the car near tht coastal The welfare d Ir e ct or ~·=~".;:'".;...."~,';::;, :;:: checkpoint and told to meak estimated JOme 5,800 people in -.,..., . .,,ncbon. ""''· ,,_, .. , • around. . , the county would participate. riit1rM crtr115 ••Miier ,,,. "*' mu· Th I to . k th P . I h h d ~•--•-• tw. Miuonic l°'* m, Full.,.*'· e coupe was pie em rev1ous y, e I ~~uuau:u s.trvke.. T1'11rllMY, t ,.,., MU.ui.v & up on the other side, but the program would coat the SVttrs Morlu•l'l'· """'""'· 1"'-"'M!"1' Anguiano today is In County· county about 1-,000 !or the loma Lind• Memorial P1rll. HI SMITH University Hospital. San first year and more therufter. L• 11w G. smn~. 1~ s111Hx cir. Diego., while his thret com-Tuesday, Peoples railed his cit. 1-t11nir1191o1t hldl. s.irv1vto11 '' panioos ~ ""rib, in the estimate to ''more th a 11 "'lit', AIMndll -. llM_,.1 Hll9h-, ,.., "'· T1m111 .......... IN. 11'1111 "'"· hope of a better lift are jailed. $100,000 for th• fint year." --n G. Srnllll, Sr.1 tw bl'Olhlr1.1---------------------...,_n G. Jr. 1nd Dlllton Snllltl. Me-- ...n.I --..Jc•, Tlw"'de\I· I ""'-helL ,._...., Coklnlll ,...,.,.,,1 H11M. l"ltlll1' ..,...,. "*-wWilN .. ll'Wik• -. ,,.-1111 C1Dt1trlbutlon1, .i.-can..-. .,._ hi thf AIMf'Jun Cl-llcietY, BUCKMAN Cfillr• c. 1uc1c11111n. 1u. .. ..,_. :;:;, ~~!:1111~11•~ .. s.urv~":'.i.i•,' II~ <11111t11•1. Glori• sw1n •IW GIMl!ll Al'ltlll"°n; ten 1r1110C~lklr1n 1nd - "1111r, Slrvkn p..,cllno 11 .. 11 l rotll· ""' M9rl\Mlry, 111 Broldw1,, ~· -·· MEYERS G .. r11 D. Mey1n. All 116, 11 16MI 0r-,.,.,.,., ec.11 Me11. su .... IVld Dy wife. Etlubtlh1 four -· Geo•9", (hkQo1 Dr. EdW1<d MeYf!'I, lo1 """'ttl J1mes Me'f't", hr!l1nd, "'" Tl'IOINll MeytrJ, Den~1r1 Huthlolr. Slttf 9 rown, NtwPOrt INcll: 11lnt •r•l'ldc.lllldrtn ""' four •••••_,,,,.,,. clllldren. 11-rv. *'llM, W~nr..:l1y, l :Jf l'MI """ltm MtH. Tllu~··· ' 4M. bo"' " St. JHchlm '1 C...!l!clk' Crwtt~. ,,.._,mft!f, Holy Sectuldier C-ten. D!ttcled by Btll 1r...iw1v -~. DAVIDSON Ar!flur "· D•~kllOll. ~'11 A llondt G;1nl4•, LI..,._ HUii. D•i. ol dailft, Awl! t1, 111 M•11ll1. su .... 1Yed br wit., .JUlll L~. ol fM llornt; IOftl. )Ohn NC D1rldseft, Arcadl1, lfMI Herbert N!Non, Sl1.t1ua; d•l.tll'lhr, S....11 l11 W1rr.er, SPrlfltll!tld, lllll!Oll1 t!'ft ll'llldc~!rdrP.t>. Pdvt11 nrYlc11, 1 l'M, Tl'lwllllv, P1elllc Vftw Clllpel, with ltW. Ctdl O. E•lltl 1t!lcltllnf, lnt~r­ "*11', .. ..:Ille Vlf:W Me<norlll .. I rk.. DI· rld9d by l'1ctrlc View Mort1111rv. • AllBUCKLE .. WELSH WeatcUff Mortu1ry l A t Mothers'• Dey Is May 1 ! Ii i LAST 4 DAYS ·.L~~!!~,,. ORDER THIS WEEK! New serpe•lla• stitch ·-elllltlc ...... ,., fw ~ Mrics 1 ·..-· 1 ' • .. ·~· l•ffo11holer makes buttonholes. in l easy steps -a11y si~•! • ' C7 E. 17tll St., Costa Me1e ........ BALTZ MORTUARIES Ctnu 4el Mar OR 3-945e c.tta l\fe1a ~n f.ZW BELL BROAJ)WAY ~IORlVARY llt BnMlway, CM&a ·11eaa LI~ DILDAY BROTllEU K-rin vane,. MortaarJ 17911 Beacll Bl ... K-gteeBeacb 14%-'ml PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PAllJI: r..emetery e Mtrtu1r7 Cbpel Jitt P1dllc View Dr1Y~ l'i•"l*I Bead> .• C.Ulornla 144·!7• PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 7111 6olaa Ave. Watlnl•ltrr ltl-3$!S SllJ:FFER MORTUARY '-Beacb •tc.1111 ._ Qeooeale 412.41• SMITll'I MORTUARY m Malo SL RHlfallati Beacb LE Ml:t Mottler's Day Magic! 6 FINE POIJIAITS OF 666 YOUR CHILDIEll, OILY , ....... ,., ,.., ,.... 1111 ,.,. .,... .... ..,... . ..,.. ............ ,.., .,..,. ....... ,, S"'1ll 1911itie111I ,.,,,,. fet 11'1••• 111111 two , •• ,1,. Like o tick ef the .. wond, your t lft pnlttle11u •• ..+wN, ,._.., te Pwin..,·1 a1aa1in9 po1trei1 off•I Hurry .,.. dlMteft Hi NW and ow fo l ~fotitaphw wll Mke ft frofll thtte. YMl'I receive ... ,, ......... ,.,,,..,,, .. lrltautifvt they ,,.cti· c1lly ti•• the111tl'ltt awey, 11,11 n• 111attar frl•w '""'h '°"" , ........ "' .... fer th., .,., ..... , the lalO fer ~f. A~w .r, it J. Mottt.'1 D.y •• ....,,.., ••• yoc.i Mt "*tt ff.,,.,...,.,, l'UlLllTOLll 1'){1fl11f1" Ctftlft' ..... floor, f11.QO H1,IMTINITOLll &•ACM H\11'111111!0~ (tlll•r ,,,. ""'· ftt.1111 lll•WHlllT llA(M ~ .... 1o11 hl•Mt 1l'lf H(ltf, .... ~u • 2 .,.ood ...... o1 ~ beoW•IOI' to i.. ....,.. =•ol "' """" ___ , -awoyl • N.w ~ oh'td.-giws elaslic ditJ•ig for jonoy IMd ..... faliria o Mal<11 perfect botlc<>lto~ to yO<Jr de$irtd length ifl th-aosy ot.ps ' Two.speed co•trol ... I enables beginners to co11tnt1 machiae more easily Reg.179.95 NOW •131 • S.ws straight, forward or reverse, decorativ1 sllldM-bu;~.;. claa.<>10.. deoign seledor Pay as fittle a~ $7 per -••• Use the money you .-veto bµy •new Qbinetl NO MONEY DOWN ••.• USE PENNEY'S TIME PAYMENT' PLAN CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LA~OOO , NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA I 1 • • . 1 ii • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' L ' h • • ' t • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' I ' • J .,., .-.• • --•• 2 2 l'llDAY H~nllflt~ :-r.•1.,..,. C I 11 ill , SIMPrlhln 1..:ti ""· Hu11tr11tton l ttdl. 12•111 ,.m. M1rLntr1 L om Club. Slut! Shirt, r,,, W. Cot ll HlthWIYo NtWPOrl 1tt<h1 n :l5 11.m. M•r \tl1!1 M1sonlc LO<llr1, Mtscinl~ T.,,.llt, 1'401 IS!h 51., N.WPOrl lhl'Ch, 7.:30 "·"'· '''111115 Wllhcllil Ptrlnefl, OrtM• CoYn1J, Amtrlc1n LHlon Htl1, 11S Ulh Sl•ft!, Ntw"°'I l11t;11, I pm, SATUllOAY ('~r1ui~n lh.t1IMUl!ltft'I CGmmltlH. ll>""I ,,, Cl11b, NIWPOrl l 1KI\, 7:')1 •·"'· Births Hfft ,,.,._,,t .._H1I ""'' " Mr. 8fld t\11. G1ry E. 01~11. t"2 v ui. P1dflc Or., Hunt1,,.1on ae-.:fl, boY Mr. and ti,.., 1ue111rd F. &oun1""""'s1. lW Ph11u1, s1nr1 An1, boy Mr. Ind fl\1', H'rbert A. Grimm, 2W El~' St .• Ca.II Me11, boY Mr. Ind !'ti.rs. G11I011 v. Domlltr. 1101 $0. 1'1111!orY SI., S1nt1 An1 1lrl Mr. 1NllM ... Nlltlle!1 H. D4+Wf, 297' H'.~311n Or .. Cotti MHI, 1lr1 14"i11~~ ..,~:,,ta,~11~ m M•. I M_ra. ll1ndV Sl111t11i.: DJ I . 11111 $ Cos'-Mlt.1, bl't Mr. Afftldl C1-1, 7ll·A C1llto 11 Ave.. HunllriOtD!I leKPI. 1Jr\ I ' -"""II 11 Mr. In MrJ, L"ls E. lllOCCo. ~Of '!". M~~~ M~,,"'J.°~1g~90w9:eM. «nJ . S111f1 .ue1e, °''"''' boy Mr. 1 Mrs. Lvle w. Smllti, am La! Allell .. 8uen1 P1rk. boy A"'11 1' Mr. ·~ Mrs, Jemts M. llllldy. t76 V1ltn 1 SI., Casi• M1s1, tlrl Mr. 1n ¥.r1lP1ul O.,lt h11tr. UM ·Tar· retl tY. 11un1 •ttd'I, tlrl ••~Mn. Ji n L. S1v-. 1t1rt L on L•ne, Huntl,,.tan .. ICI!,. "' Mr. f N\r3. l awln eruton, 1171V. 'l'ltfk n LIM. Nunllntlon I n d!. "' Mr. M~ l"recltrldt Terney, tt22 L1 m. Hunllntton Bflcf\, 11r1 Mr. I Mn. Joi~ ZIPPll, 21772 M?,ti 1 :,;~~.'1;i10~1n Sur~n. c Mt1e, Wt • Mr.. Mn. Jl'l'llTllll •uw1. 7lf J •1 .. Cotti ~. tlrl I A.,H 17 /h", 1 Mn. Lton1ril Stwr1y, 1~1 Fl Aw .• Foun!lln V•lltv. llrl Mr.• Mr1~Jdm L. lllub"I", :10')6 l1ttr1 Pl. 11. I , bo'I" lf.r. MfJ. Albert ~. Hodor, 1721 SI~ ~rl h1ch, boy NII. lfd Mrt. lllktlerd A, Shllld1, 7•1 .J'~· iatl ,!~ ~fll Cj~J~cl', lttJ si .. ee~•·i M"' .r;r· M • n Mn. Wll l..n H. MUii. 1171 .. ll!th Avt .. C•I• Mal, 1111 M.r. e"ll Mra. lllfeh1rll Dini, 17'2 1.41~11. T111U11. 1lrl "&;· ~~v.;n::;i:;,• ,T,.~'.":1~i 11m A~lt It Mr.· •Mn. RGtMrl Mldlal!. l2J1 Mt • Ave,, Ca11·1-.. M,,.., t l•I Mr. ,.. M•rwe c!sttllo, J'1e w. " Dnt1 AM, 11r · Mr. •Ill Mr1tltldl1rd Joi!_, )I\ Otl Mir'....... Olll Mhl. bt¥ Mt. lnl ~rs,, 1m1>tl Llnd11v. JODl IU,... _Jiw .. ntwl'Orl 11~, MY ~"J.1~'co::'f1!.. '\:::11'• 711J Mr.· md M,., • c-.iti' Gr'"'· 11111 !r~lw St., No. I , Co1!1 ""91. Mt."l• Mn. lllobtrl l.1w, 2109 Sen l'I Lint. CM!~ M1N. bo"I" APt lL lf Mr. ..t Ml•. H1I twmbrH, 13l51 Lll SI. G1r""n Cir..,., t !rl Mr. !'Id 'Mrs. Thomlt Wlt111rn1..,, 1 Vll111e Dr.. TUl!ln, boT Mr. d Mn. WHIJem P1rll.er, 11S l . ltl i i .. Coste Mu1, ...,. Mr. rM1. Htrrv Fn, 1 .... <NII· :I:--,.. ..... r' I 15%off FASHION MANOR CHINA! ' THRU ·SATURDAY ••• SERVE HER ON MOTHER'S DAY! 59 pc. ,.. -of: 11 """..d -· 10.ea<l..d-...-.•--•dln· -............ ,-.-..... 1 .... "-' ~ CO'IW, 1 •WW, 1 plo ..... , 1 'l*Flli41e 1>owt. 91 pc. ut conJilh of: 11.Qllflll. ll 1DUCM1, 12 b-.l'""'"'-""""12 ........... 12 -.-12 -........ T2 --........ , .... ~ .......... , •• , a ,1 -.................... _ .... ...... .-i.. 1 ,,...,,, -1--... • 'lrontl.y' , , •.. 59 pc. .... R19. 59.911, -.CW S0.97 'Pt.tloM1 ••••. 59 pc. 1et, leg. 3'.91, Ma# 29A1 98 pc.. set, l-cJ. '4.98, NOW U.97 -1-· •••. 59 pc. wt, Reg. 3'.91, NOW 29.A7 98 pc. .et, Reg.. 6"C.91, NOW 54.'7 'ViMYW , .•. 59 pc. tet, 11-v. :W.91, NaW 21.A7 91 pc. set, R89-64. 98, NOW 54..97 'Solitvdt' •.... 59 pc. aet, leg. 34.98, HOW 29.47 98 pc. Mt, ... 6'.91, NOW 54.97 "lH' , , • , , , , , .59 pc. set, log. :U.91, t«'.:JIW' 29.47 '""9flkrwi' .•. .59 pc. set, R~ 39.98, NOW 33.97 91 pc. set, Reg. 69.98, NOW 59 • .t7 .59 pc.. '°'• Reg. 39,98, NOW 33.'7 'HelrkteM' • , •• .59 pc. set, Reg. 39.98, NOW 33.97 'Su1•rt1te' , •••. YI pc:. set, lei;. 39.98, NOW 33.97 ·····" pc. ~t. ................ .59 pc. te'f, A ' .. :: . , ... . " -.. . . Reg. •9.911, NaW •2A7 ..... ...,.98. NaW •2A7 'WHISPERING SAND" ••• 'UDO' ••. 'IOSE DUET' .•. 'IEIKB.fY SQUAii' ••• ..• 50 PC. SOVIQ l"OR I , IEO. 29.tl, NOW 24.97 .~~?-=.:;··.,,._iii?= ..... ~-~ ? 'FUTURA' P'iM ..... , ••ilh• ttetni.. In 'entl9f' e111th•M ....... C.,.,,,.ly r'"Wiild, h;ihty ,.11w.i, hendtofl'le. SO ,c. Mt includ-= 16 .....,, .... I .. ________ ,_ -· CANOGA PARK FULLERTON ''Fe ·1.100· HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD •• ,J ,• !llOM 'FUTUaA:, •• WC! rt• ... .50 PC. SDVICI POI I , ao.~.91,NOW 33 ~97 Ucft,_,.,;..lrfhtaW:l11 •• ... cote M.,_ C!Mlferl l 14 t.I, 'WY Cllf• t1W1ftlea. lwa• .., ...... , so ""Ht lnd..t. ., ••••• , .... -·--.... '"""' __ , ...... -· NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA I I ( I • • .. .. " ·I ' . " 'I• " " t• lt •• • .. • .•. .... ' . .. ' • .. 'l ~ . ••• ·' .. ... . . • . .. .. •I ;~ , •'' ;, I •• •• • ( I ( I ' l • J ' ! I I t ' ,• t • • .. • • • " : • ~ 'II • » c • • • ' • • • • u c ~ f, u u I ' t ) ' ' I I ( I • ' • • • ' • ' • ' l • \ ' ' • ' • • • ' • • • i • • • ' • • i • ' • ~ ; " • a Q 1 ~ • 1 • • • • ~ • -? • . ' • ' I i.. II • Re~eptiota Roona W i th Style Rep. Andrew .. Jacobs Jr. (D·lnd.) checks over his newly redecorated reception room at the· C'apitol. A \Veekend project. the room baa been fitted. with a small pool, an artificial weeping willow and a ·white wrought i'ron fen ce \vith C!" f:Tlificial boxwood hedge . Rep. J acobs accomplished the proj ect \vith only occasionaJ help from Mrs. Phyllis Cocbo, (cen- ter. background ), one of his stenographers. ' . GOP Takilig Coptrol Dirkse n. Says Nixon Filling Position~ \VASHINGTON (AP) -The string jobs have been rilled, all p r os pc c I iv e Nixon ar· Nixon administration is but about a percent of them pcinltncnts made it clear he becoming more Republican all going to tested Republicans. doesn't thin k all available job~ should go to Republicans. the time •. Senate Minority '·\Ve ha ve been hearing fr om "l never op pose or support Leader Everett M. Dirksen home, and some places closer, any appo intment on that has reported to GOP members that the new administration basis,·· he said. who com~lamed the party hasn 't been mov i ng fast ·:1 don't mind the arr wasn't getting enough govern· enough in the appointment or·-.pointm~[ll,,of some Dcmoc~a.ts. meot jobs. . · I don't even know the pohhcs In ·the· face. .ot ,beefi . that Repubhca~, 1~ r c PI _a c_e of some of the people I have President Nixon · hasn't bein :i-rrem~als\' .J)1rksc11 said in objected lo.·· turning out enough Democrats an interview. "Bul I think it He said, for exam ple, that and delivering their jobs to has a prc~t~ goo~ record for a he ~oe.sn't know the poli tica l the GOP fa ithful, Dirksen new adm1n1strat 1on." affiliations of Dr. John H. made a personal survey. Although an Associated Kno\\·lcs of Boston. fa vored by He said the results show Press survey sho"·ed that Secretary of Hee1Jth. Educa. that in his first JOO days in of· scores of holdovers from the tion and Wel fare Hobert II. fice, Nixon filled 280 of 545 Democratic years still occupy F'inch as assistant secre tary first line jobs -and only 3f of key federal jobs, Dirksen said for heal th an d scientific af· theae appointments went to that is to be expected. fairs. Democrats. And most or these "You can't n1akc a cl ean Knowles describes himself Democrats were the kind of sweep right away. Key srots as an independent but says he men seldom marked as active are difficult to fill and it takes worked for the Nixon·Agnc1\' partisans, the Illinois Sen11tor lime to find the right man for ticket. said. the right place." Dirkse n told F'inch he \voul d Furthermore, Dirksen said, Dirksen who has been in· block Senate confirma tio n of this inquiry shows thJ!it more volved in some hassles over Knowles. ''And I'm not J:iving than half of about 1,300 setond Democratic officeholders an d up on lhat," Dirksen said. Protectiota Slated ·Lunar Rocks Vital SPACE CENTER, llouston of lhcm completely deslruc· (UPI) -The 60 pounds of tive. lunar ~') A p 0 11-0 11 ~ King said in most cases, astronauts plan to bring back however, the sample's re- Sea World Cleveland Park Slated Si\N DIEGO (UPI) -Sea \Vorld. Inc .. which operates an :iquatic park in S:tn Dic1(>, said today it hopes lo have its second park near Cleveland, Ohio, open by June of 1'71. Sea World President George i'11 ll:i~ sa id preliminary rough grading and foundalions for llvo 200-seat stadiums will begin in earl y May and Ctln· lo early June at which time <.1ctu;i! construction will sta rt 011 Hie sta diurns . A major struct ure "'ill begin c1·ery l"'o \\'eeks throughou! the sutnmer. according to Jl.1 ill<>~" lie said Sea \Vorlrl hopes In have all exte riors finished and buildin gs erected by la!e fall so that interior 1vo rk can be carried on through the winter of 1970. The projcCt. "'hich is Z5 n1iles southeast of Cleveland <it Geau ga Lake, \\'ill get ils first !'.hipment of o c e a n 01nima ts -incl uding killer 11·h(lles. dolphins, sea lion-;, sc<Jh , penguins, sharks, and rays .c... in Maren, 1970. . 'Wlains wou ld be "good for , from the moon 1n July may sorifebody else's work for l become the most valuable somethi'hg.:• rock material on earth and The scientists doing the number. plus a history of ex· periments performed on it. will be cataloged in a com - puter to help scientists ex~ amining samples al a later date. iliiiiiijjijjjiii l\1illay said all performing rnammals will be trained at the San Diego Sea World prior to shipment to Ohio. Sea \Yorl d will convert fresh water from Geauga Lake into salt 'rater for the ocean animals. accorQins to P.iillay. i'o lhat is the "'ay the space· preliminary study -120 of ceoter is planning to act about them working under gq_vem- jl. merit ·~ntracts totaling '$11 .6 A space center geologist, million and 22 spDnsored by Dr. Elbert King, told scientists siJ" foreign.._ governments - Tuesday they must either pick have bttn hand-picked to up their samples in person at make the analysis of· the the Houston moon laboratory original rock in laboratories or sel)d -a "legally authorized around the world. • . representative.'' King urged scientisU .to King was one of five main "clean up" tbeir laboratory s p e a k e r s who b r i e I e d technique and ,take more care scientists at a closed door than they noramlly would use meeting, the final get-together enimlning earth rocks or planned by the scientisLs meteorite specimens. \ before Apollo 11 's fli,ht. "This is a serious matter King said the 142 'principal and can really effect some investigators" of moon rock person's work down lhe Jlne," should keep perfect records or he said. every kind of.earthly mat.erlal J.eff Warner, -an o t}i er that might contaminate the speaker, said the "first real lunar rock during in-sample" of the moon men will vesdptions. get to examine ~iu· be The acimtisU will study the numbered 10003. rock in 'different ·ways, some He also said each .!lample's DUPONT 501 "N" 'Domino' Theory • I Supported .. ..,,. , .. Blames U.S. \~~ fi ! rr '" .!~ill ~fQ~.q ~i~t Costs Tour Gu· LONOON (UPl) ,. -An ... . I " 1-. ~ .,. • • • " Ameri<f~ llhdrfwal . -~ ISSAQ0AH, Wosh. (UPI) -because of poor eyeslgM,1Al• Vietnam· would lmperiJ ~~ Al Burnett. · rorme.r Alaska bear in U'le let.. near a ~ · _ nwnllot . \ii.. SOulheast ~ hunl!111 • .,.W., ii poundtn1 are1, llu"\'lt said,~~~ coun~ the Institute for naUa &( a c~nttt these later they saw me ~t stra&eg!j: ~ll1<lles ''1"'''"4 ,.,., days anCI wondetfng bow to !rom the air and B!'filelf'). d 1 1 ·~ • • • SL1e lhe kioa or Nepal and the ed It, be said'. •-,, a.:· . ~ · :1• ... ,., , United Sthtes State Depart· "As far as I was'Wn<;t~ .1 .By l~r, J!tt ll''" ·~'"'"' ·-"""""'~-ment jolnUy. It 'f&S not a cl~d i' a if .. lcilcf'.i>!'~IJ?,)rnt 1a·~ue IN MW:lfMM11 ~r lie said lie ii; broke and still it ·wa!I It w.J. ob}}: a tna~ ~! to ~·SrK..i~·~..:1~ tier r....~'t.,l"~--·)ot .. t ~ f6i... owes about Sl7,000 b'eeause or ya~.andhere1'~ W 'or )lqtl the <tJe«eont ·'aqi ve •• i .' .. ~f :j'. · · Y? · 1 an ajrlt!ment widi the· bear '' Buhi'elt sai&~ "· 1t victory," lhe prestigious in· "'". .. 1''-Nepalese embassy to •assume dlctn '\ dawri on inl'theJ~d do ~.Ut~~lem"•id in.r .lts.Msl.uddyt rl"'n Vhg as· '?po·t all ·m ol 'an Almkan anything about i~ ~au~y Pn..., -.:::;; ~ hunUnc ·p In ·Nov~mber of bent so many ways to7l1vo Strategy." • 19&7 foi' e kizll and ~ueen of their majesties a nk:e hui{" It warned that a U.S. pullout c• o•-Nepal ... 1 l'l'he guide lost1 his 'stile from South Vietnam would put I Ven a:ay Bumi;~ said the affair / 'lleense·1n·Jaf!Uar1 ~ stµ>iha~ Laos, Cambodia and Thailand -'-:/ began ~ May, 1967, with an his commercial pilot I hctns:? in a preca rious position in T Q inquiry from ' the Interior for Alaska., . :· . 111 \Vh!ch their governm ents could O p erale department indicating a ''par· Burnett saui.he $.t.4bm11Qd a fall to Communists. · \ ty of AS!Bns" was interested in bill to . the Nep~ .~~S'J C RSON CITY N a hunt and .that a glide would ·fQr about . $(JO,OOO"'~J~lttt111ft DOMINO THEORY A • ev. tUPl) be paid in advance . . about $19,000 ·from . bis ,own The institute eDdorSed the ..;.. Rever.aing an eartiir• shUt-Burnelt was selected bver 11 pocket. The ~assy 1trOO 5()-(alled domino theory of down order, the Nevada gam. other.Alaska guid'es and it was lhe bill down, to $351ml8 ·ltltfi!C Asian poliUcs, which says that ing commission ruled Tuesday later revealed the 1 king of Bur~etl and . some cre@~r:t U the .United States allow.s night the $12 million Cireus Nepal, '1:ahendra Bir Blkram, holdmg an empt~ baa, h~;ud. Vietnam to f<fll into Com-his w"', Queen Ratna RaJ·ya Burnett. w. as fined ;:.$7.SO.and · t h d ••-t f th Circus casino on the Las 111:: • murus an s. uie res n c Lak!hmi Devi Shah, a general escaped J&il Q01y licaqe a Asian peninsula would do the Vegas Strip could remain open and colonel from Nepal and frieDd. Bertil Carlrpn, "jssa- same. al least until May 31. two U:S· security people would q.uah, nea~ ~atUe. ~ai~ the "It is a relatively painless The casino, with It s be in the party. fine; He said he !ost his ~n~. Intellectual exercise to reject carnival-type atmosphere, had Burnett said he gave an ·equipment, cablns an4 h1~ President E i s e n h o w e r ' s estimate of $30.000 fQ[ six credit. . . . • , ~;\ original and simplistiC domiho been slated to close its gambl· persons after cutting down a H~ ·1$ living here .:.-¥~· theory," the report said . "But ing at mldnight tonight when suggested trophy list which porjlrily wil)J Carlsop arii his an examination of the siluJ· its state license expired. The would have cost more than wife, helping them buila a lion es it actually is will show commiss ion last week had $100,000. home. a fair number of domino.; refused lo renew the pennit Burnett said Air Force I "The St a t e. diipaqmenl ready for toppling." flew tMe king and queen to backed off," BumeU ;.;aid. on grounds of undisclosed la "Th h d · I · d "A North Vietnamese vie· AJaska and cargo p nes car-ey ave 1 s e a 1 me tory in South Vietnam would financial dealings. ried supplies. The Army and responsibility." . be followed very rapidly. by But the commission. in a Navy were in on lhe act and He said he it !!OOS~ring the absorption of Laos." Cam· special meeting, agreed to ex· there were 36 Persons instead suing for $500,0<Xl'phis i.f per· bodia is unlikely to survive for tend the license for anothe r of six. · cent for attorney's fees but long and Thailand's turn would month after it received the ''[t had snowballed .,to a holds no grudge1 ~gainf the come next, the study said. resignation of Jay Sarno, the point f.'here not a guide in king "a really fine guy."~ •·1t should be noted in this president 'and one of the Alaska could handle it," "It's the State department context that the v a s 1 founders of the novel gambling Burnett said. and tl:\e Y,arious ~ agertlcs 1 palace. The king, a poor shot blame," h .. says. · -.- American investment i "·-================'================!;l:=i strategic air bases i nllf .,. Thailand, and in aid to her w k d S • Sc" t"f" p ' governments over tile years.I ee -en em1nar on 1en I IC rayer ;;: makes sense only on the1 d ;• assumption that South Viet. 1 •n · ~ nam is lo be held. lf ii is The Art'\ of Med"1tat"1on I ,'! abandoned, Thailand will be I •-:t cx~;~:~e, ·;hl~:e~!~:y ~:idihe with 1 . .m~,, decisi" lest case or DR. JACK ENSIGN ADDINGTON ,. , IU I ~ revolutionary 1\'ar. the rcpo1t , contended. It sa id: I DEFEAT HAILED I "If' the Americans are forc- ed. whether for mil itary or 1 political reasons, to pull out of Vietnam, their defeat . , , will I be hailed by revolutionaries everywhere as the final vin· dlcation of the theory of the . people's revolutionary war. :· 1 ' "In that event, the effOrt.5 now being made to launch! !>Uch insurrectians or sustain them. in Africa and Latin America would be redoubled.'' The study also said the Soviets gave virtually no l military assistaooe to the North Vietnamese for the first seven years of the war . Former Soviet P r e m I e r Nikita S. Khrushchev in- dicated at the time he had no taste for further involvement in Indochina, the institute said. THREE SESSIONS 12 Hou" Each! May 3 -Saturday -10:00 AM and 2:00 PM ' -2:00 PM May 4 -Sunday TUmON -$15 per person t ""' r "" r ·~ . ... ~· I !~ Hi9h school and Coll119e students -S 10 each • A 6 hour class exploring tht facets of m9ditation. · • Teaching the techr\iqot of spiritual mind treatment. • Scientific Pra'(tr :i•m '1niWer to your pro'bl•"1s· •· • A study that will ehrich every ftcet of your life. · ·' HEALING! lf\ISPIRATION! f:ELLOWS'1JI' .• cHJRCH OF R~·~l;IOUS \~Cl~~JE 20062 L1gun1 Ca nyon Road; Laguna Beach For reservations arld info rmation call .. 94-0490. Final Announcement • ' • ' ' ·,I I 1 • ... . i ... ' J./J ."'! .. ,,~e ........................................................... ..,.. ............. _.: WAREHOUSE·: .. -!! .. .. ., ,, .. . DUPONT 501 "N?' > •• ·•t ' ;~ ' , "'I' .. ' ' ·~ , -. .. . .... 1 Mankind Now Thought Older Thari Believed CHICAGO (UPl) -Man ' Howell said 1ests on 40 man- may be twice as old as be like teeth and lwo lower jaws I previously was thought to be. found in southern Ethiopit show an age of between, two ROOMS CARPETED -ONLY That was the conclusion an-million aod four million years. 1 \ nliaDced Tuesday by the Howell's expedition found fllnJvers.ity of Chlcago an-tbe teeth in a 11&7-M dig in old I thropolill:,y department, which swamps arxl deltaic deposits said it ·has uncovered man-like in the basin of the lower Omo ""4 teetb. and jaws in Africa that River in the eastern Rill ·.r;:-, indicate n'lan ma y be as old as valley north of Lake Rudolph fout million years. jn Ethiopia. "What we have f e 1.t-n d Howell said lhe quertion of demonstrates a substantially -Wllttller .the crea luru ·were 1 longer evoluUonary history for more like men or apes !1111 is the auttralopith (man-ape) untnswtred because evidence UMln was suspected before.'' of toolmaking , the usual uid Prof'. F. Clark Howell, prerequisite for est ablishing department chairman and man'• presence. were not leader of ~ txpeditlon mak· found at the aite. inf Jbe1f1Eovtry. lie said the search hukt ./ Tb. eutDde limit of man's continue and that the ex· history pn:viowlly was thought pedltlon wou kl return lo the lo be two mlllion years. but 1ite this Sllmmtf. e EXTRA P'LUSH ''WHITE CLOUD" FOAM PAD e DECORATOR CARVED , RICH SCULl'TURED LOOK . e STUNNING COLORS CARPl'r AN AVERAGE SIZE HOME! e SPOT AND STAIN RESISTANT .. -· -L & J ·0ENTER·Puiisis;·M1·Nc~ .. O.ATIDPROPO.TIOH;~·i~~PPH~~~ME ·~: -· ORANG E COUNTY'S LARGEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE 2406 SOUTH MAIN, SANTA ANA ONE ILOCK SOUTH Of' WAINER ~ Phone 549 .. 3349 HOURS : Daity 9 to l :JO Soturday t to S Sundoy 1 l: to S • • - • r • .. ui;;~ uifd a r\ment ;ti aid. i med •ring !f per· ~ but j the '· rtmcnt des l •• ~ 1:J .. .. ... ... ·t~ "'' ... • • ~ ,. I • ; • I ' • ' , -· ---~-· .. ,I I ....... g •• ~·r : Cuti£r Dll s . .. ·4!znd 8it t .. . ~Fro,!":. New~rt Joining Witli San : D~~~'s .D.~~~-~ •; ~.JIWP!lf,_.,,,.. ll'e DieCe-WIO"""""' lo point Gill an bll pllll.'l. I( llU', for .... l.IOl>ialoW, lo~.Dcl • lo lie llNI•• .. O ti>ol Ille ,..._ ~ lf/0 Amerfco,'I Clip Clm~ • loltJni I .... ~!)I' I ......... ..... a "'°' _. ~ Ml . ...,.WU,. a He otated that ~ IHilliC 1{.,., VOtt: · _,......' ............ ,.t .... IS1111tnr ,..tit ~ ·* ~ ltftance """""'* lbe PoHill1e . ·ad' ' · • ....... n.;.,_ ~-dell,,;t(&lld.beJ!li.luil<.WW-llullclbli m1 ..m~ oi s~ o1.1,.s bolliat 1o.co1,_ ~ -:r~t· '~ . l>Y ~ Driscol! o1 San tha yodlf, bat i.dtcai.ct lhey am~ '..id Ille_ tnstallatloo '91 a There la ~ ~ Dtqo. , -td 'be. tha lj)Hllte~ of • lrim·t,ab rudder, t b o • P,, the lnlnpl4 ~ ,.... be .Petv DIYis,• ~r. ~ C'll>RAllJI among nqvallonJhal llllPP-d!7 lnad( 1Nlc\ In Iha ..,.--• lllty <ii tlie ~ euu.r Orient ,W&COll!t YadltlJ!l lnttruts. lnlttptot "' hWJDdbl~ In '.Jh< c..: 0!1J1r\1!( 8111 Moali1ihtr o111L ;o1ur1 llny ......,: J-, Mooely .1nd 'Nqrtll ll'l;lri•lolJ>d.CllP'de_, ' I* frGm lils".Wblle .SO- ........ tl·tht 7N~ 71w~ .. ,.. part o! the brtln-lruit 'Drilcoll ~ In l4ailily ·-· ,p...-~ J)p-KtalOa u, both of Newport lbal >JU back GI Pat D;oaao the "lwo "' lh(Oo" pOl'IOlll polnlod' , lllii\ . p 'o 'lu o I Bef'bor Yldlt Chlb are the ill, I.., when he ctl.nP.lttely Who are D.nanqnc lbe tank ~~ · .. : locll .,...-of I Ill-mu rebuilt th< ~lumbio r.r lbe les\ina "' Ille proposed ' new .With Qreat ~i!IA!ll '\"I of ·--1117, -I O!P trills.·, • yldll-al. si.v... luatitllte, tilt . ~ P. I ct. ' •• • ..,,. ....... 00 tba panel .,.. Ddoeoll dl4 the rebutldlll( of H-... N. J. Australian aJld Fm>1'!1 'Y•· Tim lloeel)r"Ot: su·1rutc11ri: Columbia and wu silted to t,e: The reports 1ave rlle to lbt di.cat.es a,.• busily prtpejlng Joe Jeuop Sr., c lll a r 1 e. s her helmsman . bf: fore a po.Wblllly thlt the West ~oast for an dimil).ltlOD aeiiel, on Huabli, 1 Oeae ~ Ud disqrffment with Dou.&•n m1y bave two 11-mcters 1n the Long Jslud. Saund and JtKode CBYC to Host Cal-40 Regatta on May 17-18 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club at Im Angtlea Harber wlll be host ·to the Ctl-40 naUonel championship regatta May 17- 18. Art Walker's Tetua is the title defender . Plim call for two races on Saturday, May 17, and one Yachtsman Takes Post With Firm ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Charles Morgan Jr., president of Morgan Yacht Corp, llas announced the association of ·.Henry 'A. Scheel with the SI. Petersburg based y a c h I manufacturing finn. Scheel, a well-known ··yachtaman, majored in naval architecture at MIT, operated . ~ own . design office for seveial yean, and was in- volved in the early develop- ment of the .nuclear submarine ~.aulil'L' with G e n e r a I Dynamll'.:s. race Sundaiy. A skipper'• meeting bas been can.ct for 10:30 a.m. Saturday at CBYC headquarters, 287 E. Dnd Sl., San Pedro, at which llme course charts and starUni times will be distributed. The Cal-40 championships are sailed under clu1 rule., which limit heads'I• to 150 percent genoas. The rules further specify that the owner or a member of bil immediate family must be at the helm. Owners must be pald up mem• bers of the Cal.-40 Cius Associe.tion. Art Wilker, president of the association, said attempts u e being made to get as many boats as possible from outside the California area. Boat ownen no( planning to take their boall may charter them to skippers from outside the area. CBYC is arrangine for· slips in the San Pedro area for boats cominc from outside areas. A cocttail party, follcwed by a busineu meeting, is acbedul· ed at tM CBYC float In the West Channel for Saturday at which time new officer• of the association will be elected. 1-11-. all .i San 01,.o. clllled him and Tnpte to 1110 campalgn. Island SGUnd to dettniliiie 1'ho · -NiJd 'be · llosllDed rtllp. piariey Mo<gan, a young St. the cbalt..,,er will be.· 'fhi.o ...: la~ lllt -., OVERSEE Tl8'l'S Petonburg, Fla., dalgntr, Is will be tbe Ont lime Iii the • a ~:i:ntry1n'nut year's Meanwhljf,, ~an has ad· atrf:ady committed to a new history of the Cup match that . ~rtCa~a.Qip ddmt trials.. mtued that ~ ~ enga&ed 1!-meter of hit own des~ f~ two countries have ·co1Dp9ttd u t.eltiac j s aatlsftctot)i Gary MuD. a ~ San Fran-the defense trial~, and 1t 1s for the privilege of cbdeng- Drilcoll .......... 1'aukl ltart clsoo desiaMi. to oversee reported that Olm Stephens. ing:. Jt baa been custoni:rc in bul!dlbl lhe yacht in 1'l$ .tests of IOnl• P r o P o s e d destrner of three pist Cup recent yem (or Am an Shtlttr Jllarld ihlpyard redtlljnln& of Co 1 um b I a , defender•, lntrtpid in 19117, boats to hold an el~tion The anoouoc.neat fr~ofSan-. nou,aa-declined to-comment.-C0Mtell1tlon in 1984 and Col· contest -to dtterm!ne 'the defender. McCulloch Closing Out Outboards Named Heritage Florida Team Plans MeCulloch Corp. has an- nouneed ij s.. clooinl out ill JIRllltlCUt11 « ootbcmd motors afw compltUon of the 1989 model yur. America's Cup Entry ~ ST. PETERSBURG, -l'la. !: Tbt flrat Florida bolt to ever compete for the America,'• Cup defense role will be nam-The llll'IOOnctment s a i d McCulloch is sellinl its full ed Herlta1e. pmtuet Hne to Ae~anic Charley Morgan Jr. well 'Cori> which will manufacture known yacht designer and and market motors under the builder from St. Petersburg. trade name Aero Marine made the announctment of the lllrttn; witb the 1970 model$. yacht's name at a specia l McCulloch taid the finn iJ press conference at his home leaving tbe outboar)I m1nufac-where be and hJ! wUe we~e t.urln& field becaUll it finds it bests to newspaper, r~o ~ to UJC all cl its '--lel~vlS.lon and ma a~ i 1 n e manufacturing facilities ill Los wnteri. Angele• Lake Havasu City Mct&an said the party was AriJ:., Medielen, Bellium, and primarily to acquaint the Sydney, Au 1 tr a fl a, for ~ters . and c«nmentators 1Ub.Untially increased pro-with hlmse1l personally u ducticu cl chain a aw s • well 1s tbt Jtatua of his 12- McCulloch has been t b e meter projrct. world'• leading manufacturer The designer said he heads a ol chain saw, fer mu-e than 20 zyndlcate to be known as the yean. Heritage Syndicate. He aaid he McCulloch emphasized tha t was currently not In position Mtcr <fucootinuance cf oul-to name tbe otber members of board produetlon, p1rl! and the syndicate, nor was he able »ervices will continue to be to state whue the the boat ava.ilablt through Ks 3,500 wW be buUt. H• llid be hoped de.alen. All warruliel will be to annouoet tbe choice of a fully honmed. builder in a short time . Aerocelnic Corp ls head-The next America '1 Cup quartered in El Mente. It .aJso competition will take place off m a n u f a ct u re 1 marine Newport, R.I. in the summer hardware i nd equipment, and of 19'0. guoline and diesel engines. The Royal Donet Yacht Club of England recennY aD- nounced it bad withdrawn from the cb1!len1e , presumably for e c o n o m le reaiOOs. This leaves t h e French atid the AustraUans who are ·now preparing for the challenger elimination trials. The winner of the chatlence trials will meet the winner of the defense eliminations in the actual cup de[ense. Morgan said the name ij,erita1e wu chosen because it denoted a birthright -a status into which one Is born. • · "To thole ol us who love boats, the sea and sailing shipe, tt ii a heritage which when applied to the America 's Cup with all Its symbolilm, has added mearUng," Morgan !!Bid. "In these troubled times It seems we should all be especially aware of o u r American heritage. 1 know we will sail our ll-meter with dedicated honor, regardless of victory or defeat," be added . The 39-year cld designer uld initial tek tests at the Stevens lnatitute at Hoboken, N.J . hive been most en- couraging and . successive modeli were bein1 readied for lt:stln1 other design theories. Many Seek Space for Boat Show 1'i t 1\• '' ,/••~ \ E11~~µl\q~ Raef I Starts Thursday • • • PEOPLE' -1/iGJ.IEST /NTERE~T ON /f/S/JREfY gAVfNfTS, ' INTEIESf DAY-IN t1 DAY-llfl . ND BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAVINGS Md LDAN ASSICIA19 CAN BEAT IT! • A SSETS OVER '42!1,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS ANO t..OAN Aa ao c ~"T'"°N" •• COllONA DEL MAR 2867 EHtC..-, r.... Dot Mor,Cllf. N625 ··~phooo: 611-5010 ' '• ........ ""I -· .......,_ -- • [ I • ' • ,. ' .. .. , .. ' " " " •I• " ti " .. .. " ., , ... •' ... " ... .. . ' •' . , " . .: '" I ! .... ~-- '~ ...... ~ ... ----'"-------. ----- ~. ··~ -,:--:~'' ---Wo!llffdl!, A"11 l0, 1969 •• - I WodotWJ,A..w~.19&9 DAILY '1LDT • ' t • , . ' .. .. ·- /, . " • " • ...,I ... ,.. •. -• - " .: .. ,., ' . ~~ ... ~\lo • . " • . . ·' . ••• ;;·: \ . l ; . ' , ' • • Not_ Easy To Become Producer A. -Thanks to Robert Arthur, senior producer for Universal Pictures In Los Angeles, for a big slice of his busy day to discuS3 this aften- asked-about topic. A 54-picture veteran, Mr. Arthur's credits include "Sweet Charity," "The Hellfighters," "Operation Pet- licoat," "Touch of Mink," and "Lover Come Baok." Here's a summary of our conversation. LAIN: Exactly what does a feature film producer do ? ARTHUR: There a re various situations ; duties de- pend upon whether you 're a st.ud1o producer or an in- dependent packager, but generally speaking, the pro- ducer functions as a general manager, or factotwn . (tbe head man who does a'll 1tinds of work). If the project is already aasembled in a package, such as i Broadway· show, ihe pro. . ducer supervises the total er- fort : talent, budget, writers, directon, editors, the dubbing, re1uee patterns (how the film is to be distributed t o theaters). promoLiori and all oUler related { a c t or s .. Producers who work for studios also create projects - 'we read interminably, looking lor ideas, book s · or screenplays; In this case. we also usemble the package in- cludiDg the story, assignment of 1Writers, selection of cast, budaet projection. and. of course, sell the studio on the idea ol maklng the film -as well as the duties I mentioned previously. It may require a year or two to prepare for a picture which takes only three or four months to shoot. LAIN: How much money do · producen make? r ARTHUR: There are no standards: Some associate producen Who begiJ1 CiSt,Jl- tiaJJ}' u leg men may get $250-- $300 a week; major creafive enUUes can ask and get SZil,a. per p!dure, o r negotiate a profit participation by acceptiftf 1 lessu fee. MAiiy studio producen an paid on .a yw.-rocmd basis. others 1'lll'k ofJ a per•picture arranpment. LAIN: Whit about a Jllm education. . .any collq:C\, l!K producers? ,,.. ARTHUR: None per se. A num\)er o{ unlvel'llties o((er programs in rtlm Nkint w b i c h potential producer:s ml&hl cboooe. Among !he bet· ter known ones art UCLA. use. NYU, ~. o1 Iowa, Northwestern. Boston U .. Ohie ~late, U. of Penn., and Colum· bia. LAIN: Producers come " • from every phase of en- '/ • J ttrtalnment. litany w e r f! • • • • • ) ::. writ.en, directors or adors in ()then niee from junior jobs la rums. or v.·orked with small film ma.ken around the (OUn 11:"' " . • 1r7. I repul. producing Is a rialr;y bllllnes1' for I b e uarullsllc n e o p h y l e , .io- lpC!ICllfll volc anos is ~ safer pmble. ... ""' .....,,lfoit ,.,. ,._ ~ IWIU .. '''" UM, C.-,_ CW-, cit OAll.T PILOT, t.wt'I, 111 l!Mll _._ llR a .... -,.., OAILT I'll.OT re~ ...... ....., ............ ,.. ...................... 1 .... ,... ...,,, *"'.., ~--.,.._,.,,., • l f Ill ·Heart ·caiheteri 1 ation ... "Kotex" FEMININE NAPKIN DOUILE EDGE • fAlllC.SOJTtllEI •tll!llf M Slplr f lf S.ftar, ~ .... , .... Razor .BllileJ F a~rict • • . Cal. 1.29 nc s·1 ~2i·$1 ~"s· Capris Clion~e from ~'Id. ma1efials & slyl~~. p1a,d>. pripts arlll solid CtJI-3 98 (II !:. ''M:x '• Malclt" witll }vur btouses. Sizes f.Ti • rt. IOYS' & Siil~' Sleepwear CilOOse l1om uilorful!~ pr111ted desia:ns 1n as· 1orttd sl)iles at!d m1· ttrials l.llat aie }ust 11&.bl flll !he warm d.lys a~!ad. Joddltr"s aiid . "''"~·· 1 98 (iJ \:.., Sut-s. ~J "tJ. I "':\ t•oits· 1 "Coulotte" Dress SETS -Permanrn! pnss rnalwl iR s011di and ;i•ls ... with rn1111.5itlft, ma1dlinJ ~u1 hat. 3 69 .Sill5 11-11 ">--< "'"' m • 66:c DOROTHY GRAY Algene with IRISH MOSS A natural . ingredient that rt·· caplo~s the y;JJtllful •Pl"'" i11et of your sKin • , , · "Usten•" "Easy-Off" • AllTISIPTIC "'-'' . ......... lilfs-• c.-u s~~Dao"-t ,_ •.• Ill! St.1114&lfn .11 U. Slit .7,'. . _,_ 39t _ 111.Slu 39c • ~'Water .Pik'.~' llRLS' Pajamas "la'r Ptlf' ~tyle i~ as· 1· 98 sortM cekwfol1 pNn1s. . ., ••. -Sirts·4-1'' 1 MIST ••• With .I deli1htfMJ fraira1tt. ' 11 •• 2.00 " Oral Hni• A,pli~ Tes\11 a• '""' ••• For: lteattllf of teeth nl IDftlS.iR eopjunctian wi~ s.· Mlat ~N!l!iia;. . I 1\ /o/11~ •m· Pajamas 2-P.c. "Uertil" styl~ 1 79 j ~. as~a1ted colort ~1 ; {41tti llV DI 3· 50 'Colugne '"· • I prints. Siztt 2-4 1 ,,._ . w ""Es· Sleepwear C"oo>! 1r~11 "r,e·1er piei~" Bab/ Oo!!s i1 (Qforful ~nn\s and solid\ 2.p1ece ltil le111:1b PiJl.11i'S or "Waltz." len ~t~ 2 79 101a1n;. S·M-l II. I MlN'S Alm~! imm~li·~ttly ~u'll ir.otice 1 d<!:ided itnpro·1•mtn! in tilt lJIPtilf· 1nce ~I you1 skin. C1114iti•ninf 5 00 Face E111lsi11... , t114iti•lti•r . ~ .. -~·· •••. , 4 00· l1ti11 ......... • ' Dusting Powder ~3':50 • · ,...,., "Drmflrnr" I ·Handkerchiefs Dlisting Pllwder All Whitt of BBC C11•iti11i11 5 00 .~ DQ'.ihwboi i1 i roo·~::~:; Cr1a111 ••• 1..... . • r;· , ~ aSMlrted~"'°I'-J ._ ____________ .. , ______ ...... , _ _,, '~ 1.11 • --Sile 11. ·1 -~~i;~~~r·~~~--,a~ .'~Boutiques" i ::~ ·~·':."::.".~; 1 89 Dusling Powder 'fo'iiette i IOI &Oii, bt:tth, r.lc. SJ llTI ,., i s;m S·MHL • ' J.' 2 50 . LOil 11 ,i;,, 2 75 l..'::~~=:;:!t__ .. ~ fr~a~~tltat i -.. .,.._ ; I _cJi1r,. I • ·--... -·~-· ·--·---· ' . : : 8ody PoWder •. ' Cream Sachet i ~.~.In;! 2 75 ~~j •""I 3 50 ii tor alt over. 1 • U11tft Slleer LIXllJ LllilR for yoar bod;! 41l. 3.00 . 'Heaven Sent" MIST . "Wicker" Cologne 411. 4.00 The NEW St1ryl11k Fra1111ce '-Y PllN(I MATCHAllLll Spray Mist ~~· 4.50 Pawder . Gift Set Dusting , lirs; .. 3.75 · r.~5.bo KLEENEX. Towels ~:.· 3l11c:· KOTCN . Doable Stick Tape Stic~I on beth s~!S for •r,o. &gc s"°'1" stickin1 ;:ibs. ~" x •SO" ta ll in pllstic dispenser. IUllllMAtD "INSTANT" Drawer Organizer c~ frt111 3 different • Keeps loose ileftl'S from o · iJ Essence de Chantilly } SET ••• Pn11• 11 T1il1tt1 3 00 : ... lltl ..... ,. • : • sizes in sand ~tor. 3•ggc~ rcmna m t. • ~. ~,.1 ~~,. 3.IJll "'.-.-.. -~---.--·-,-..,..-----Jr ------....--... _ .. ,.. .. ··- "Perfectio111" LADIES' Folding Syringe Com@lete w1tll llUln1Si · tub1nt 1M carrying t.1~•· 1· 29 Guar111\eed ~y S•V-OH. Ira;. 1.1! I "Fresca" SODA Sur¥ Frtt! No .. i~ 6'49C atu1111Mtm cans with htl o tco. 11 ez. Silt I Pin Dt,.sit PIKTOI "Citatil1" .•. Sef. thru l~ cootaillef. Perts ~D lo 11 ClpC ol cottee •.. "Stay. hot'' :~t:;I 12. 88 PIOCIDf "Cllallt1" ••• W.~ "Iii· -· ""' c... .• ' . .~ ... ~·"" ~ • brilhanl -'itt lnrned 14 88 tAd pwls. I 2UJ4 • I ' • SATlll SMOOTN : ltA"11fUl HAii "Miss Breck" HAIR SPRAY , Body Lotion I Spray Bath ! ~ ~m~~;1~nd3silke50ns H ,.._]fl 3 00 · ""-~.;;I IN. Sin I 5.llVllN • + ,. "Lady Gillette" RAZOR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• far S·1a1iA&i•' •air sl)lts ..• leplllM~ '"" lltij 1J er. Silt ~~ Solid Cologte Availiib~ i1 YOU< Clloice of 3 Frairarices ••• ~·THI • 21 carats • AM1slt "A els" · Ari Ytu Ov1rw1 i1ht? Try th1 Y IEDUCINO PLAN CANDY taken 1s "retied. •·, 2 49 4eliciGus lo~lori1 J.H "yaat.iycw•syolll' Sit• • ~ite ..• you Ill to· malitally e1t less, 4 29 -ecause.. yo11 want :i: lt!S. As.std. lirtotS. I ltpllr 2.15 Sizt LOCI 1~00 INSTANT MAll·IP llMOVll "On & Off" Jlemms m1k1-up in less !Jun a Ml.t ... :~~ ~~~J;;i ~ .. 2""' "'2-5 lt.ives skin 1111ist and 1e- freslled. I tr. Si11 • , . 11·----"'!1.-------------.. . ' "L ' I" · ' ysa lltlll • Disillfecbll usies~ llllSt elfe t ti•t ........ °" -llO:I 1emis nj "'"' Rq11,,. .. r ..... SI< Ill.Siu 3il.OO "PRO" Toothbrushes Choost from 69c "Tult· td" an~ "Str1i1ht" 4 99 styles r. ~d pastel ' C ca!ocs. • --------·-. ----· ..... ··-~--------------------------------------..... ' , ' ) .. . .E%t!ept It Went ,ln . ., . )·"'' .. ·~ . •. ' Ev~~g Was. Wr,ong • ~ . . . . With J~nes' Clutch Shot · ~ T~ H,EIGHT OF f:MOTl\,iu-__;_ Wilt Chal!lber-'.Boston Celtics Tuesday ni&ht. .Boston's win evened · SJ" s Angeles 'Lakers'· 7-2 £enter. rtlJ!I. 1!1• the world 1eries of basketbaU al· 2-2 8lld the filth . ~'.. gainut ranging .from near boreddljl,to · ·giiJne will be p)ayed In Los AngeThs Thurlday iilpt. · ~~a . '1'! ajlgbi3'1 In lils team's 89-88 loss to tile • .• , BOSTON . (AP) -Eveeylhlng was didn'I. Uilllk II wu oven 1Qin1 Jn the ~' • ...... with l!am J-· dram1Uc llhot In pnOral'-·" .: i ,. . I • .. .... • • .. ,u.. lnnUc finll ....... GI ~ J-Ibo! lime !winllJ.t!ft Illa rim .. el.s Ope. w .. ~'··· ... BB High Cage ~tars :::.~,Loo-~p::i::: ::.=-~=:=r:::= cir"""' ~ Ille 1!ooP-. •. . . . ·~~eStand /··· .. ·. Miller.· Set for GJ{'.'C, ·,·.... ~J;.i~·==m; ~~-~==:z: • ·mry to .quare the beat«·T NM.lon11~ and-n11Qlni ~I'd blUer crawl la.' " ., . . · : I• .. . · · · · · · ·.' · BuUtball, ·r,UladaUon ·dlampiGlllhlp Tbe C.ltlc1; lrallfnl IU7, 1o1 their , · ajns~ ~:.,s _ '~('" ~~~ntrera8 ;iMay Ftj l,lQw .' -:p;.r:;=~:::n~, .~~=+7~7.~:: when • !ew rays o! optlmlam had ·' _. , • ret1r1n1 al Illa Ind GI 11111 -"I ocrunl>lo, -tool; llmt oul wtlh • . . . .. ... -loft lo oel up \llipn.i lhot. -through the gloom that had sur· Dick Stricklin is: *~onnmd ltlnd .doqla bal II now oat.GI UM.....,. inor1 . , ' ' "ni.l'I Illa pi., we called," llullell ~'.~ Cali!o~ An,'/', tlse · ;or ywho•1Y•lhuck11f ........ 1tea~ belq bamed~ llrl w ... 'lllo 'Vllll A' sh' e'St11n' .n\ ..:..J uld.·"He Wllli'l,au_..i lo lluml>le ~e~-ref~ lO coiperite. '. .hls paycheck, bums down hi.1. ~ or ___ elJ tboulh. T!m WU Jda falovalloa:" ' l ~ · •• •1<11ied . lower. th41! . a ki s his d!I · :i-· · dn>pped out UM loll -Ito -Jonet thaulht be hid mlaed tht 1llot, ~""'"i'jwtl wllen. lh•y left Amhelm more.;,.. m;.;i eS" ·~1. ta•• . ~ '!!'.~-~~=.., .. --. B · F . ~.; . , ~ but be bed .... up hii alee••· o ~ i:go tOr th!it' r.irst road trl"P.. th followliig news in • . ~n._. aame :11aaJ.· ..... 4~ "''!' -rr·~ .. ,, ."""1. y" reDC .r-.. .,.t "I tried to set it blah and 1et backspin m .. ~ mi!lionojre :··~ rrtoct to .to pve H ~,); tllll :iar -.... : · · • U .-' oni~"t.oalcl.~w17Ulmlsaed,! ey had lost a cou ple of games they letmhiC,nt bad lrlh.erri.;f)IOO.· . !llullat .. ..;to fl1' lHeultlel fw • • 1... · .. : lW ~-~Md a cbBCt for the re- tbouldn't have and were 3-3. ll seems reuonabij;'I . ba1aln that t11t: '67 fiasco. -1n· T -l 'Now, u they return !or tonight's home Stricklin wtll be endowed with al l°"t , : Iii wben Ille Sovtiltl reveried lo l1lllr . nurn .. Al1UI!. ·. nt .. °E".~/r'"-blt wflh1111 ~1'!._~"&r::! ~land opener against Oakland, tbey .. a.re V ~"" -._., --~.illll 6-9, butlf$&sar~loo!Ongup. ..elcl .trfck1 ,'Pl!!(•~ l8dtor .ii.I. ·,·: ; ·· '· · .~ '· ml&bl-•lllulllldwlllllnllllilbat · 1!t.iJii~· lo·Cligest In ..tew ol lhe Ooey l""'~lff,io8d lo 11'11_ II rut 1BOU11111MOUTH, ~ (AJ') -II frot --oa Illa .lbt, bed ia . . two Americon ~ r , ... ...,;-,,; ... .,,ft ae-)., ~ .~, ~olea ,,wk-•Wll a ~GI apoota Jn Illa~~ benc!led -fflr -llllal -it1"llf.1Ct land and.*'\tle) have worse court -~ "'~ and _, In tho _., !ieljfas Jl1.0lr,lbe An' ·1s WHITE . D111r<d Ille rhk•wu too put. the big('8t -k o! ~ ComJnc wheq "He wun't!" J-aaQd 'wlion In· ; Butthe-~ets.we~Mtllneonlheroad ~r Jl'GUP....,. tlle OM prblttiq Jean-Claude Blrclay' of France: .. fanned of tbll. '111111 he Jut.bin& out WASH Ille 1t'rl Ol)'llllllct ror i,.. \l!lplot ·-wu ellmlilated Arthur Aahe ·o( Jl1chmond, laualllnf, • .·: •nfl•' S''-te · l!i•-.l!W·lll llae lo be:a~ ,._Ille.hf)' Va., W, 'U, 6-1, WI '·' c' ·~ · 'lilt lune wu a cle!lllllve ltrUQ)e In I. .. "' ~• "' ~ ..... ' ··.Iii ............ · ilH r~"!· A"'9 just nncr 1o11olng, Ccepl brio!· wldch botll oldu abol ~ -Loi f.. f -:.."=:1,"'...,o.~i::.11'lftyD.\'f.,,1e:~rsJ ~.'r:,~ ue;e::u;uuue¥;;;ccdll ffeti'l(tl v 1i &M ..... hdftc Jy in tbe second NC. H1t aervJCe WIS off ADplel. percent ud lolteft onJ7 #J '"' '' . AlllOClall!IO it"' AAU lo atep,la .... ~ and~ -._ "1 "'"" lo pmaL ". I ·•·to .K. CU h.. ' ,·oo ._. -.i .. or'I!. .. •-.. ,..lo 11< ..ri-. !lit· Blrc"1'• ~. . ,..w week io "' ""'~ ansas y, w erf! ~ ,, r . . , 1 • • -, • NJ.kkl ~ ol. .~ufi:)a!_ll, had bo trou-,.··· ·, ""• y flir.e ~nfronted with a rainoul The halr..,maybe all-of RunUngton Beach cbed to uoCller U;J. dtJ• · We at all in ellnilDI ·CliarUe Puarell, llilh•Schoot'• gteat.1>ne,wo buketball A.d II LA •Iii to• Iii" tut -• Pro Gn•d D---""-.. me ~Vo\ed ·¥-n<io;-, in Su«le, and pu0cl-o1 the pall lbree years. . , eaduvar, 11 -1 YID"'• •1et.. 8anlurce, Pued9 Rico, 1-1, .. 1. M. ~ · ager iliU'Rlgn~ \lll1wl had watlbed ;biO colqmn learned lllat All.c!F alar lllot clty'1 laten1Uooal',not1,.i ...i .._. Puarell ntver came .U;e: ' ; • • -win 1Wo llia11&t, wu ·plainly ril-Roy · Mill<t-has decided to play for ltl llopea GI _, IM 1171 017mplc ..: Cai';':&;.~ "'.&"':i 'R. aii Pl t' f . Stricklio'a Golden West Colle&e team W.. Gamea. ~• ·~ -CUI! ~ .__.... e gn ayo 8 .obviously he was qo less chagrined "' · · ~·'""-.-• !' esday aft=-wben bis Cherubs took "~ti 1..,t..-1 lhal AIKIF wiJ. Mike No. l)im. la 1 marathon .. f.f, ~ M, NEW YOllX (AP) -Pro foolllall -l-0 loss from Seattle -the .club that Contrer& may follow suit, alttlough at B R • Miohn N~'9' ~ ~ ~-0~• toot tnDtMr 8'lp toward mll~- . ~~n. ~ vtng "!!1'!\·pilching J!r"' .the moment~ntreras seem> lo<be torn eatty. . es1gns ed ·liori; WU hord ..-II ,but Jnl Into two -~ lodai'. 1 1 M'::~attln ~}e:i ~ maslcrful t.w~ · be~ween Golden West and Arizona State E>im'•·ltmaiJ ~ Shaftl,-... 1;1-I, tc, :M, , ~ 1an'lfl. eJ,;Jrt.tAam ~ •. lfat,em .... _ 1-the P'~·. Urii'(t!rsity In Tri:IJllC-. ' . From' . ' Ram' 'hlers f-1 ~ ' '. ~ . ( I ' f •• ' up. ' f •K• •• -·• ·' Contreras v!ft.Ct, the ·Arizona achoo I · N-ni,.; -GI thO !taliali.daani-.>' Meelinl In .Joint ...,Ion, iM II .....,, ·. N~ be~:;:.;;':i ~·~~d:; ·~ly end ~ back to jlunt"'""' plon4je Monday <lrrlved from. llome • GI tht Nlllooaf and Amlrlean 1'illllall tonight, with reled ™<Jrge Brunet ~~~ Wllh wh~ Ii\~ and lh~o~Bea~p~(:'1~~ ::-~ ;:J~~=::. ~J":U::: tJ! =~ ..-.. ' . ~<;'Jiii.(jl....,, Cliy: 'Neir' ,· . WK~Oil City'• Golden Boys to work :!:1~~ ~~~ .. <;::~ r,; ~Stolle GI Au•t.alla aiid 8°' Hlwlu'·: ~~~~Ji= 141fd, atarting May lt,' ~ . • n would certainly, be off to'• annou6cad lodoy:" GI 8outh Alriea tJd-UW. '""'·~"""1iil ''. Iii '""" ._ -and .... fll. Ted ~ pJttlng In. . · 1 • · on the champH>n•lfP lrall. ' Bea6j IUfdied 'tht Rlml>len -Ill'~ tnto the """"' l'OUlld. ~~)lrf. " Ihm dlN!oo i'lllHOploao ,... tlii ..etiod-~ . '... .kuk Jr Too Great 'iousty -ed· ti Oran1e co..rty-to taio'a Boll ,llllaal!, w. 6-1, W. p!·Hltillt pl--wtt1t ~ l*I *"""• In ..-Jb lon11it .. · •· """"*'1e Poclllc ·Dt-rialoa\ d)ainl>lao-ouated P1aoJJ ,. ... ..., GI Fr-~M, oocb coaf..,.. wiiald. e<eipo!t• Iii l1le .,_, ~ ... 'Is ~·· ..,, ... ·r..-Ille U.S..Ralllu •hips wltll tM end 11-1 -· N , M .' • '·~,..,.,-· • . . "' plqolll. hclria li1!' trai;l;~' t otJA,o! •An1t1u llM1 aomilier. Beatly 1i11 compl!ed • 11747-1 l'K«d Mn. Bmrt ..iola Klill,fll Lftlloach, 'Ille ... ..u ]ll'Ob!eni.ilWo'l ...... ,.. . . • • . ~ Tbe . '~ Jai,11~11.:11 bes,iq lei I In 20 .ytara GI oOaChiar •t -caur., moved ... ,IM ....... tlilr1I ;majnld. """""'· -~ ,,...., .. . · · hker by the day t!iit' •poa""'"""' wiftf. • ' Collese. Senta ADI ~e tlld-Lol An-· . ....., 'wiUI 1 N , JI.I vletorJ # Allal!n 1 Inc loWUll a plan to,ildlr air.. lCP,t. ·Of J ~ .rap ror .a · Tbe'jl.A 11mes 'uaed to pol •P UM '"'" State. 1IJ"'1 GI Jrlllln, • ·'-. to .. Al'L. , . ~y w.anta jo '! "'5 .. .... to . ..., the big ldd • . ' f:~e:;:~ qa;d W}J.en J;~~~hy ~s-Qver·~ Lo.,.gden .. u11t. rt. •.• • H1,.,rr,"' 4 • o 1 A 1 • 1 '' • •• • • • ... '" ·, • "' ' "-..r":) : : ~.~i." . t : : : -LOU~. !'1· (~) -For )Ockey· .... <hlrln& .• •Y-'~· ~ . F~ Mell~, .. N<lllit I!< I thtn-Ing him and <In tell rlClil .... , il be , .... i'•. ..,1 •• •-s t~J•t•tl'Jen.~,a .,. Jlll.iruit·OOiiltrltttte ,faW:lMl·1!1dt ..-..;rw·il• ·· 4m1Dp111tfproblem1."." ·r , .. "ii'l:::-1 ;.,~."d'..J:-:", .. tc•otqt Dlr1>71H1t11o 1n'°1 .. ,mon . ......,thlnuhehu-Counl~t . cJ::.:" i. -.....,.l'!P. the n.•1•..i.11..-Clnada......, ~ '~)f~·.,'"' ,.. • • • • pr<911l'Oilhon rldiJ!C oao. ' ,.., 1111 hlmda In the blr, nd ltollhictY· ·--•w•IUltl labia and •Ila coal .................. },,.. ~ :-~~' '''U-l;f-tlaclwhentbe:Dlrb)'·k·~"t .tndcolt. .. 1 laitll\'tllltltll.. '', dltPrmfor..,.llDJIM't.8Le t • ' • 'Ir" ' I o I o ~1 ,.Aniarioa) wtanlnpat JeU0r ~ -)olllc Prloca le ..... a -I ''lk'a llone ~wt lle.'o -""" la"""11y, I$ :--: : : 31i .•w -~ lrolner or !avorod ~ Jl<et and I hope even belle(," Lon&dtn or=,.;~--1-..,....., .. , , "Prloca •·u "°" 1111'!'"'1=· 17 0 l 0 -;:..: I ' ~ii+!=' • !-"14aflar .&alioolMlblWllltf--a --·' II , , ""·"""I ... -~~!J-,•1 . ~ C:·.,.-' .;.~juif ·.•bout hiiri·~ yior.Old Iii ,·..ortoul fill' llotunla7'• •fl'1jalt~lilsa;llwtl 11tll<ll'M ... I ~"llt-\11'..,.."' • 1 i.L.OO ., ...,.S -·'.I have I........ claaolc, _. · hbn 'lblil.ll J -1'111111 Jil!ii•ll iM · .1UL!orL11•l•i5.llllq1111,la '~ """'1. anct1,..don1'1oant .. thlnc ll•J'ltic l'rlocf, wllo h rPP•nolnt , ... ,.he llddad. ,....,.,_,• .. Dlj-·-_ .. ~.:P. I • ,f .• IO .. ,•I': -••lo-'\•!~"\. •f' .~11mon .... 11:(' '"'~ 0 1'm doler ,to ,hin\.1Ml -1'11'· .4nd ............. -""' •--•-Loniden, wllo rode 1 rea>rd 1,1111 wi.. "" purchaattl "7 ~ lalaatrlallit bellde thtt, I have llio prlTIJiP et pllep-or -tbem. ' . ) LOIANe11.11 Dodgers Face Giants;. Edge San Diego, 2-1 SAN 'DIEGO (AP) -The Loi Anples Doditrl end San Df..-. Podres madt pleaoaol dllcovarl• Tueedoy nlrJil, bat tht 1>9dpn eojoyed ti>olro more. Dodger JOI Moeller beat s.n· D!qo. :i.t in hil first 1tar1 GI tht ......, to furlhor ease the pain GI Dan Dryldaie'1 obleoce will> on inJund ahxllder. · · Tonllht Loo An&eles lroveb lo Sl!I Frondaco, ~ Bill Singer, U, qllinat Jt1111 Morlchal, 3.1, Moelltr warted &Vl innklp before yiekling to reUeven Pete Mikkelsen and •O.. TV T.-'9•1 Clt•q-l 11, a130 Jim her ..a m1si\1 have go,;. furuier. "He Wll IUD pitchinl wtll·t'' Mid manqer Wallor. Alolon. •;1 lla4 not counted qo ltlm.Jutin1 more lliaD fl•• or ltx bul t. bpi on IDinl·" . Alltori np!Ked him wheii plocb biltar Al Fsran, a former Dodpr, eam1 to bal fo, llJo Mveith will> I nmM1' Oii °*'!, "I look lllm DUI 0bec1 .. I ftpnd J'er· rora -~ kMw Mlkllcllcn u well as be did Moeller," e~ Auton. fl!lkkelaen IOI Ferrara on 1 ibarp """"'* to Udnl and Brewer 1"JI dawn -QPl'lalnl In the ninth tO .... the vt<1or7 !or Moalhr. · Ltt £Ht1Lft tAH 911M ••lit91 .... ,.. Cr~tf J.1110.n.q ,, •• W.Oewi..llf •t 1•Jt.l't1M,ft J 11 f'llrly, ~ • I l I Glo!i.z•ll!Lo If • t I I K-..rf •1110,9ro-rf •t tf tt.ller, c • I I I Colbtrt. II J I 2 I S!,idH.1', • • I t I ''"''· er ' J 1 t SlftfMft, • • 0 • I G.11• Jiii t' I l! I OrtbrUWltlt M ) I I t ""'9, c. ... I .I t ,I ,..,....,.,, ,.,,~ ... ""I ''' ill\ ........ ' I • t"-1 MtJ-.,9. ! i I ~, ........ ,,. .... ,. 1 ...... , !>.Vo-, Ill I I I I l•n"'11!1, J I I I I ,tfl't,rt, ,ii l I I I Jt...,_, I I I I I ~ ..... 1 tll T ... 11 Jl t6J ,.._ .. Jll ll .... -·· "' .. .,._, "" .,.... ... ·-• -Nllt. Iii. ,.,,., ~. Oft "-a.i 1: '· .... -~ ,.,..... .. ..,_ !"t;.i; .. ·-...., 2t ,,...,.... lllfttClt. • -w,,.., ... , • • • H in• ~<W,141 Will I I l J I MINI... l-1/1 I I I I I lt'WWlf I • • • I ' .,.,,... u .. ,.., ' • r 1 • ---J , .... , ...,._ ......... ,.;.. ...... Tlll'ii-ttM. Mo __ ..,.. - Sp 11t1 Editor ~ollas' Rap Puts Laguna _Past Tustin ' 11. MllDINA fn Mllltolll VllJe 11> . ..,.,.. ... ,.,.. K. C.rfltn, a I t f f M.,..,...c 1111 ............. 111 s ••• ID. Ctf'IMfl, u I I 1 t Hel-. Cf • I t I Cttre. • '2 t t I Gnner, If 1 ••• •m,c ttt• L .. ,._,., ,f I t I I ............. 1111 .. ,.,...,,,. 111• Y....._1,dl111 ....... lf It t t AllJl'IMY, rf I t t t HllMl'I. 111 1 I I I H_,.,,., .. I t I t O.vh, a I I t I hn:•·• 1111 l!Mnd""-(llfl I I t I T ... Mlilllll Vltle .. _ 111t1 T"'t. atlt ....... _ ••• D .. t-t I I M ... •-I 4 I TVITUI ft,) LA.UNA llACH fl, •tee.. • Giii ....... ,., -· _,,, M -· ..,,,_. ._, .. --· -.d -· ,,,,. T111fln ._ .. ,..... ...,.,. 4 • • • O..kM!lti. cf 1 • • • S I I I Mc0....111, » 1 I I I 1ttt"'91191'd,11 ltl l I t t t Mtlllll11y, Ill I 1 1 I , ..... 11 .. ,•rf 1111 I t t t r..kltrlltlr, 11 I I 1 I I 1 1 I K•1ltr, 1f I I 1 t I 1 1 1 Mt.Mvrn y, e 1 1 I t :1111111u1t ..... a1 111 I I I t Wiii TMell n I 7 I _,,_ ••• .... 1-1 It 000 111 __ , 1 • H.IJilel (41 IAll C\.IMINTI CO :=..--,-: ..... d -. .. ~·" tel'lfiwf, • ,rift, • -·· --....... rf ...... ••11.,a T"'9l1 ..,, .... I I t I 4 I I t J I I t I I I t J I 1 I I 1 I t I 1 I I I I I I •••• •••• t I I I I I 1 I ... , .... C11rl1'-, u I I o..ntl9U111. ft; t • Ttu!N, •rt I t Kelltt, cf I 1 J-, a I I (11""'"" 1f t • ._,,,.,.,,. I I .. ,._, rl' I I l...,..ntt. rf 1 t ,.,_,,, • I I Wrlgllt, c I t JI 4 I I T9!1b ..... .,_ " • ••• toOtMl-41, Ill IOI 1-1 I I Mater Dei Edges St. Anthony, 1-0 LONG BEACH -Mii« Dei 111(!1 --tta -ttr,qht Aqaolus 1--...... IMlriC • 1-0 wrdlct lnim hoot SL .\nthoo1 ,_y .,,,. ............. -" Jim -pile hl1 blow,.-· io\r .... In tie lounll Inning lo Ud Ad· .. Witt's u *1teout perfonn1nee. IT. MTMOfllT fll ., .... MATI• Oii 111 • r I rM Kf'Mttr, d I I I I -·· ..... . .........,.,. --_ .. -· _ .. ·-M -·· -· -· -... •. ........,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' . • • • 1 ' • . ' . • • • 1 •• Ht11W. rl' ' ••• T, li.-t. l'f 1 1 t I ~ • .a I I I I ...... c. 1 ••• w~ .. , 11 t MVlllz. 11 I I 1 I M"'""" If I t I I wtlt, • ' • • • J . l1Mt11 ... 1 ••• G ..... I I I 1 I 14 l <I Tefllll 11111 ..... .,_ ••• ... , .. 1 -111 •••-tll . -. ' ' . Costa Mesa . I Score~ 4-2 -~ .. Bl.es Bold Netiide .Jam S esrif»I Camille Henry l!eftl and Noel Picard (right) of st. Louis B)u .. help goalie GI...., Hall block •hot by Montreal'• falling Jacques Lemaire. The Cllnadlen1 clowned the Bl~•. 3-1, to lake-a·U lead In the b~ttl• for the Stanley~· ~ Golden West's Seymour Posts Spike Double SAN BERNARDINO -Golden Wes! qualified If UlC! Orllll&' Cout JO at the Eastern Conference trick and field prell.minaries Tuesday afternoon at San Bernardino Valley College. The Rustlm' Jim Seymour scored a double for coach Tom Noon's outfit -he wm bit specialty, the 440 intermediate hurdJes In ~.O ml the 120 highs in IU. Another· beat winner of the area JC athletes wu Orange Coast's Je(f Baker. The former Newport Hllibor High llan- dout pooled o SO. I In winning the !Int 440 but. . Another Rllllt.r, Ziii mon Don Harrl8, won .hil heot In :iu. Golden West blgh jumper Don Shields has • best of 11-11 ln the high jump but he needed only to clelD' 5-10 to qualify for Friday aftmioon'1 EC champloa!hip meet. Santa Ana College had ,three double: qualifiers -Eddie Steward in the sprints, ood Rick Muth ud Keith Strodle in the dlllances. They're Lower, Wider Gurney Improves . Cars For '69 Indy Classic Racing car1 · built by Dan Gurney finished first, second and fourth a year ago at Ind.Janapolis and now he says he'll have better ones for this Memorial Day. Gurney, the driver, wound up in second place in 1968 and wants to improve on that finish. Paradoxically, It nUght eeem, hls own cl? won't be the.fastest one he's bullding. .TARS' SCHOETTLER FACES ANAHEIM Sunset Leacue buebaD action reswnes Thursday afternoon with N e w p o r t . Haibor's venture to AnaheJm and Marina's trek to Western highlighting the agenda. AU games art at 3:15. Newport (1-2-3) will aend ace Steve Schoettler (&-!) against the Colools\s at LaPalma Stadium, a k'1Jl the SailOrs have blanked twice previously, once in league play and once in the Santa Ana Elks tourney • Anahe.im i1 expected to C11UDter with Mil« BallanUne CH). New~·· .420 third baseman, Bob Leavy, IS Out for the year with a broken right .foot and catcher Ron Martln is on the doubUul llat wlth a dillocated finer. Calendar • "Fer •while ,.. thought of driving the same Eagles we had last year," Gurney explained. 0 AJong about November we decided to go to work on a new car." This new Eagle will be different In overall Iook:s from Gumey's cars ot 1987 and '68. Lower and wider, tt appears mare anglllar. Three of the new Eqles have been built for this ye1r's race. Gurney drives ooe, Denny Hulme, the 1967 workf driving champion from New 1.ealand, gets the se- cond with Jot Leonard· in the third. Dilfe"'1COI will be In power plant! . Gumey't favorite wUl Ute a push-rod 320 cubic inch block Ford engine developing 600 horsepower. The second is a tour-cam turbocharged 181 cubic inch eight-cylinder Ford which can develop 700 bonePower. "The lurbo Is fut.. 111 the .traig!U," said Gurney; "but the rocker arm is faster in the cornen, handles hetter and is not too much slower 1on the atralgh~. Those are favorable fador3 in a 500-m.ile race." "We have tested them about 300 miles," the builder said, "and they luJ'n. ed up many things which we have already modified. ne two can present dilferent problems when Jt cdmes to engine installation. one push rod engine is completely covered by a cowling while the turbo engine cannot be covered." Two of the new Eagles, those drivtn by Gurney and Hulme, will be sponsored by Detroit industrialist. Oscar Olson. The other was built for Ford Motor Company mechanic Smokey Yunlck, Leonard, who won .the pole position. Wt year in Andy Granat.ell!'• turbocar, will drive the Yunick machine. Mounties Win Over Rustlers; 15th Straight WAI.NUT -Unbulen Ml San Antonio College rolled to its 15th straight Eutem Conference baseball victory Tuesday afternoon, blanking visiting Golden West College, 4-0. Ron Pritchett went all the way on the mound for Mt. SAC limiting Golden Wtst to four singles and was in tcouble only once -In the lop of the ninth. ln that frame the Rustlers loaded the bases with two outs wbert Myron Pines reached first on an error and GltY Marks and Ron Teece lingled. Pritchett, however, bore down and forced Bill Bowen to hit-into a force ploY lo end the inning ud the gome. Earlier, the Mounlles jumped .., Golden West starter Dick Huc.chilon for a single run in the last of the aecond and two more in the third. Golden West, which la now 9-7 in eon. ference action, returns to the diamond Saturday night in a 7:30 game against Fullerton Junior College in La Palma Park. The game orJgiflallf was scheduled for Friday nlgbl. Orange Cout College, meanwhlle, was acheduled td play a ~akeuP 1ame this afternoon at Chaffey Colle&e. The two clubs battled to a 6-8 tie·m 12 Innings. MT. SAC 141 .it rll tM Fred•ll•, c 4 o 1 1 OpelkleWlc1, h I 1 1 I JolwOll, If 4 1 l 1 Wagnv, lb 4 I t 1 Godfrey, rl' • 1 2 I S')'ll;or1, ft 2 I I I Stout,:111 4111 ••mcH,d •1 10 l"rlttMtl, I I 0 I I .OlDIM WaST Ill .. ,,,.. .. """ d' ' • • .. IUllGfl, 2b 4 0 I Jlkfl•'*""-a J t I ~rb.11 4 I I T..u,c 411 c-11. lb I I I ~.111 111 ltOM-1~ M I I I M-trld(lt, lf 2 I t l!ldtr, lf I I I Hvtthln-• I I I Woocll. • I I I Gr!tttltl. Lii'! I I I Totti. J1 14 kn•Q~ ltM• Gokltn Wnf Ml. SAC tlllOOI0-1•2 112 ID! OOll-• I 1 Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eul Dlfhloo Chicago Pittsburgh New York St. Louis Philadelphia Mootreal Woa Lost Pct. 16 8 .727 12 7 .632 8 11 .421 a 11 .421 7 11 .389 7 11 .361 WOii lltvlslao Son Frandaco 14 6 .'700 JM Angelu 14 ' .'700 Atlante 13 7 ___.e50 Cincinnati 8 JI .Cl San Qego 9 13 .409 Houston 4 19 .174 ,._..., .. ·-"' Ntw Voit; t, ""°"11"1 0 s.tn •r111<l1CO 1, Ctnclnnttl >. 11 k\nl"fl $1. l .... 1t L'lthllurwfl, aN GB %\; 6\1 61,,j 7 711 l Sil • 111,ii AMERICAN LEAGUE E.utD!vloloo Baltimore Boston New York Detroit W'll!hlngton Clevelml Minnesota Oakland Chicago Kanw City SeaUle California Woo Lost Pct. 15 1 ."2 11 I .579 It 9 .550 10 ' .52' 11 11 .IOO I U .082 Wealllvldoo 12 7 10 I a 1 a lo 7 JO a ' .132 .Sit .511 .444 .411 .400 GB Ill I J\I 4 4 ~1 .. Upset Win ~; ' ' Co&to M .. mp Sdlool pHcher l!IW ~ Bjlloo 1ll(N the,_ Loque bioOD~ t1tie nCe '9ck_ Jn&o & tine AIJ llatile ~ Tutodq alpl -• lour-bl~. t.I vtdar)\ ... oftr Mapolia at La Pllinl Pm. ~·; • Birton li"'1ed In two ""'" In Ibo IDp " the Ont ~ .,;., lolfr IOI hlllllll .,. >, port lr<m· D.n Clork wl>o -....... r l>omer laJl!t.omf\th. ;; "nle M~ win. their flnl In lup play,~ M~~lnlo a lnl plleec , tie wltb I..oli'I,.. wbic1I .._"!'!I • -: '• • I H ~ lf.t oa lhe Eal'Ia'.:dl~ e : •. Corona del Mir. ii"' -ii-:: agalnll Foo¢1olo VdeJ;ll!"' 11.ai, •' --of!.lbe pll:O In lllW .,i-. ;: Cortina'• JlblMun •• ,.,. -*e· lilpeot nded up bJ !be Ilea Kllp ilillo,._ tbt eeuoit tW1ed. ~ Stven runs c:roaaed the plate In the llflll aM. olxth lnnlnp lo <TUI a .......... . Valley H lad. In the thne-1'1111 fifth, Kim Wlllncbl led off with • 1 ... puo ud moved to .... CGnd when Don Snyder WU Ille Ill & fielder'• choice. . Both nmnua ICOl'ed M an emir and - lln Snyder ev-.Jly ICOred on a boll: to live c:oodl Tom Trqer'1 nine a M loaij_ Wilbrecht'a double, Bn: S n yd e i • 1 single, Dean Wlese'a trip~ and Bill Ward's oingil accounted fir the last lour tun.I for CormL Fountain Volley bod st.amd thfnp off with a bong in the !lnl lnnini when Keith Arledge-led oil with a home nm lo ceoter field .. the flnl pllch of the ·- RH Snyder picked up the vlct«y, sbu\< ting Olli the Buonl !be llnal lour ian&ip.'. Eatoncia bod UUle chance agolml the Suoos u the invaders acored hrice 1a: the fin! Inning UlC! three --in Ibo .... cood lo lal<e • commondinc lead. Elf1ncla tccnd in the first en Bill P....U'I lfnJ!e lo drow lo a 1-l ddidt, bul Loora'• three in the IOCOlld ud lour mon In the fifth ended any bopea for an Estancia win. '0UMTAUf VAll•T 141 coaou CJJ il•ledt" a """"'" Cir~, Cf Cltr!uon. l'1 Olfl1-, If lloyle, , • .hl!1t1, C'i H .. M O.tt!J, • Het11fll. I' TOllll .. , .... 4 I I I ' 1 I I 4 1 I e ' t 1 I J I I I J 1 I I J • 1 • ! • • • 2 I I 1 • ••• :It ' •• ..,,.., "''"*'· " 2 1 • 1 WllbtWl!t, Cf I I I I D. lftyder, 1• J 1 1 ' ... SllrHr. ' ' I ' I w...._.. 'I' W•N.. • I • Ktll..,, e 4 J • ,,,..,_, 211 I • I I ...... rt t I I. "'" •• 1 •, ••• 11! -1-' • ' Gts..a:-f11 lOAM C14J •ITANCIA CJJ W•lklll', 1' Well~•""'· rf M.t .. Mn, er $g0nfl, c St1ndJl'f, lb Nlcf!olu, 111 l.W, •· .Ll'lltllffY, n VlnA, p , .... Loarr E•ltn<ll '''""" l l I 2: l I I 0 • 2 ) 1 I 2 I 1 I t I I l 1 •• :I 1 I I l ' 1 2 l I I I n 1• 10 • "'""' Losttll,. • .., I I •• D11r1nl9, rt I 1 I I l'onll, 3'I I I I I auli.rO', ... If I I S I Cot,.ulc1, c 3 I I a L9mjlll;1, 1fi I I I I l'ylll.d , ••• lalnt, 211 I I I • M1hone)I, II' :t I I I Smith, • t I I : TOl•ll II I I tOtf'I.., ....... It JI •• t• 14' 1-11 Mt 1001»1-llS -•u • ... 11r11 .. , .... FleldM', lb l 1 I I f!Oo!f, t• I I I I c~ h l 2 2 I W•ll<er, '" 1 t I • Si"'"""' ,_ l t 1 t Ol'l'ltr, If._ J I I t .. "'"-' Jtl2MW1ry.c l ttt Me""'' d s I I I kriroeder, n l t l 1 Qi.llnnbtrry, If l I I I lln!lntcll;ll!', XI l I I I AddemAn. • 1 l • I .,..... t1' l ••• MlfttkY,c !tOIGf_,,,. 1111 1"1rr1I~ t1' l I I • L'tnlque, cf I t I I 1969 Sml"'· lf·P 2 I I I H ltl T.r.11 24141 ••• 20t1111 1 -1t1 ... ,..,_,., ~ r .. ' ........ ..,.. . , State Swim Meet to Open Olk-It. ~llldtllltt6t I AKlfltll ~ ~ I lM """* J, s.tl D'"9 1 ·---Htw Yllftc lk_. 1-11 ti Mmtr.tl IW........, 1~. """' c1111; ... IH"'* >II fl l"tlllldtlPhle Cl'n'lllM 2.1), 111tllt St. 1.11111 IOklltl t·I "" 11* 1·11 11 ~l1tt­IM'9fl (l\llWlllll ,,, Mill ..... ).0). '· l'WMlllM "" OI-(5111 ... ., 11.ns I.OJ II Atlarli. (N1llr1'9 ).I), fl~I Mou•!Ofl ~fl111"'""'4i ~) 11 Cl11Cl11111t1 (Ml• ..... 2.01. Mfhl let A""IH ("""' Ml) II S.... •t111t*e (Mltkl'lll J>U, 111tl'lt. AUTitORIZED FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOll,LIS _l~rlll f!Lll I 11 i i J [i 'l t I ,·, JIOO wm COAST HI5HWAT -HIWl'Orr llACK· '42-9401 Mt-1764 A--M• e AUSTIH·HIALIT ....... A-NaRAal -' ..... & Sottlca AYt.ilabl1 w/Aulom&Uc n•w• ..... -· '; ,. ' ' • ... •• '.A. ' . ,. ... .. ~ " I· I ' ,· ' ' I • ' • • • • • •, ' • • • • • • ' ' I : ' ' ' : ' • • • • • ' - lai!k ·a~d .Jill:,.Win~rs · · . ' Ed_ and Arlene Macauley, (far left and nght) congratulate the winners of lhe annbal Jack ~and "Jill· inVitatioilal golf tournament at Santa Ana Country Club (~ 1leftJ' H&rley Sea·rs, Marguerite Sea.rs, Gayle Ettinger and Ed Ettinger. The'nteri combiil:ed for a best ball 61 while their wives shot a best-ball 68 for a total of 129. . 1" . ' .. Baseball For Coast Area ' '. Standings ,Pre'p Net Results V•1'ftr ,.UOC:llll'I V1!1ty 117"1 111 .... ) MllMlll s1~,..- 0or1>1"d [FV) WV1 6-<ll lost J.J, 14, H. Kr1Wc.iYk (FV) -6-J, ... ,, lent'-'· H. 0-6. • " v1~ruue1~ lFV) -1-1. '-4; \oil !..\. T011Pen (FV) won 1-5, 6-J; lost 44, •• DOubln P•rnell •nd Grey j F\'ol ), won t·D. 1-11, 6-0.6-3.· ;l , Bceh11e •nd G•bTY{h f:V ) ......, 6-l, ... I. l·l; loll J•6. • J11nlor VltlllY FtiU~l•ill V•lllY (It~ (.GI M11ntll1 • ._.s11111i.. Ttndlt IFV) _, 6-0/ 6"0. Torr <FVl won 6-0. ~-o., Tinipeoi IFVI -M , -0 Mllll!r (FV) WOii 6.-11, l ·O. JoM• (FV) won 1·1. .-11m IFVI wen 6-1. Scn;ldha~r IFV) won l·I. L~gnarG CFVJ .won10. UIVINI .. IAOUIE' Vir1! . , t:• W l 'T GI I ' ' Ml n1 • 9 l o E1l1~cl1 Ml t .. Nrl ~L '' U , E•lln<li 3 lloberllon !El '6?. Ott Edwetd5 !LI · ... , .. 13. tS-OJ, • • ..... I • a 1 Sch"ilt IE) n. ~ l alun IL) 15. IJ.. n·v•llev ' J 1 e • ll ' ' \ l I 1 5'1 G--.e [El 11. Otf G1now1Y (ll u, .Miou I 10 ·I 711 («!) ! { t. T""'1J'lll ic.rn ; 11.y'an .IEJ 12, Otf Wl!lltriUl'ICI Ill l'.I, p.r• . . ' • t ..... 1~2) ~Olll 'MM .. M.tflOHI 1 erirw"' IEI 11,"' AYfflll (l) 101. U· , ,,, ~ ... ~:ct',t,1 ='.:'" Vaii.v 4 '1:..wun (E) 71, def Webll tl l tl, IM!. l.Hrt at Fou"l•ln V•Llrf S"'°'ls Goll E1larte11 tl Meitio'llt ff:»: st L1 Varllty '•Jr.-' :, """'""'ill VlllW 1111 {IS) C~M 'v'!M el .Mfr •I Casi• MtJI lll!flll CC4M) 74 def wesr IF\l'l u . AltOl!lUI 1LEAGUE • (J..IJ , .' c '• I ~. l QI> 1 • ~In (I'll') •.'~ khi~r (CllMI JllQt ,,,,. 2 -... U-1!. 1 • · ~ 51. P1ul J 1 -Frees ICdM) ?3· df: ll~n CFVJ 111. SerYtlt ' 3 1 (4.Q). Mtfer Dtl J ' 2 Hue!lmler CFVJ 71, -~ l.Ma~1 d•I Plus X 1 , s 3 ""'" n <l·2l r·-' St. Anthon-I = • 2 ! 1'' L•uh!l\bul';fr (f'V) f2··Ml,\:aron• del I 'TutMIJ'I J(Ofn Mftr 16, («ll. ~ f.>.llltw Oel 1( SI, .-ntho<IY I · Carono df!I IMr ?t. def McMlll1n litfvltt .5, P l/S X I (FVl·'21 fS-111 • SL "u•• r._ ~·~ .Am11 l : l"Mlhn1 ni> nn L•l'lllli koe11 t , ,., J t'I ~Gt .. tl Si"llll • N\Joftt Del I I ,Am•t , -wi.rblw\'lkl c1.:1 WOil w; 6-2. i-•1 ~r • : ~'f,~~ t•Y111 ): : 1"'-· . -t • • , ~ ,1tilWAY Ll!-'01Jf o.Mlttll fll ,WO<lfl. "31 loll 1~, .0- • 1 • · ' , W L.01 '• ' · ~....,_,. ~ • 1a1-'""r . • 2 , rftl • s ' L~1br• ! • : l uen11"1rlc .;3 1 7 Fu1111{19o l I 1 Sunn'I Hiii' J I ? lllfCBD CIPISTllND · ·· 1°TNMhl'1 kWtl l<tnnedJ' ~ 8 Ul!OI Pl .... l S.v'""' 1; k1nrfY Hllli 3 LI Habr1 7, Troy 6 L-11 JO, FV11ef10!I f l"rWir'I GlmtS TITY ti l<tnnedy $tYll'(\I I L Ful~O!I l • Hier• 11 Sllr"w tt\111 l11e111 f'lrll 11 Lowt!I 11 -, ,.(.l!STVlfW' LIACUl f \ W~TGI '·rs:~··\• ' j ',' 1' 1· :i~~•lc: : 16 UI~ ll 1)\'J 1" Otmentt '2 I 1 j • A.HU,.. '"''n 2 ' ' •• §1' ~-n• "l"~r;:~,~~;~ • I 4 $1n "l!'lt\I!!\:" ' t • .•• i. •· "" 'I • lMl1"1 Btl!i!J.l •. UJ In ' l"r,h'Y'l G1mt1 ~[:~lfnt~ 'a'l:r:-I t II 1iS1n c1em_,n11 I 1! Vil 1 P1rk 10AllDl:1'1 OllOVa l•:tu•'T 01 '\1111ffi Grow I • ~ • Land of the Dons =«~ ~ 1 ~ ,1 .. • ""rn,. • • o 3 lllCllG "''"'"°' . 4 ' 1 JIJ olH Gr•'1:tiHJ's. Swrttl o 5 ltMCho .-1am!tn ... Piitltlcl 0 • S1ntl1110 ?, G1-1n>ri I ' Lt Qvlnll 1, oll• r t..0. 1 fir~• •-:!~r.;r'ff't, bti;~Q-""=:... 1t1lldll Aromtt. at-o.rw ,n''7. SUNIWT 'tJ~\. T GI •"'"' J. iT:-1"'\ ·,>....:: .-tHtrblr ''i' :~ '·": 1 · .. ,,l-t 1·s ~~ 11nllj,Efon I'''" 4 ' I 4\1 "ti M Vt lllY l I 6 1~ nrll'llrf 1 11 t~'t:Ac~.,..Oll N 1-1-a "'ii ' , I' ., ','r"' 1. l ' f,1 • I 1 ' •;a ~ ·' i'~"' :w~~ll' ove 'tip 1' ~, . . I SAN D°iEGO .. -'~ou r hanges wer·e r~rded in the op standinif at lhi Woman 's lntemaUonal Bowling Con-irw champkxlshlp touma- e.nt reached the halfway inf>llf 1fs M cr.oy rdn hen! esday, • ~ place In divisi_on two ldoubl'ts • was \Aken CLter Dy Jackll!{jlitt. ot WestQtJ.flster and Pe Holscl.a'I!, '=" Fou~ ta.in alley, w1tli I 1,033 ..... Jiti.,~ Ctlo moved· 'I"'! dNiaiori o -is J:.i1, .• ,.. .< Gr•~ol Le , UNSPOILED, SECLUDED 2'.I, to 3 acre rancho· sites amid the great oaks of Cleveland National Forest Deep ·jn the jl'eat Oak tCStoft of rbe Cleveland N1tion1l Forest lies il·300-acre islmd of · rollin1 billJ, warm valleys and 1rauy glades l.oown as Rancho Capistrano. Vast rtaches of the Narional Forest reef-cation area .strclcb. in every d irectK>n, a Government-owned buffer , against populatton and com· .. -mcrcial cncroachmen1. ·~.'Aanclto C1pjstr1no will belong 1·10 juat l J.l ow ners. in /•• ~irnple. Eac h of the 2 1' tn 3 acre sites is cletred and accessible to utili1 ies and grade~ road.· Ancient Sp:anish. ciaks still s11nd on most of the sit rs. This priv ate preserve, once sold, c1n nevtr be d uplicated. Al .Rancho C1pistraoo you'll enjoy Psured ~cl11sion for llft infi nite fu.J,\He, lbC \>clUIY o[ lwo Pjiv1te, stream·fCd likes, a temperate yiar·round climate a t ~t. clevlliotl, and JO- :minvte access lo coutal rccr~ -.µco .r---1.a,un.a, Du.a Point, Satt Clemente, and Newport Beach. Only 23 scenic miles from San Juan Capistrano • Rancho Capistrano sites arc priced from $8,CXX) lo 118J)X), t;rn1s 10% do"''"• 15 years. I'lr asonr s,·t 11ic Drirt: Sanl:i An:1/Si10 Dieso Free-""•Y to hi~loric .San J111 n. C1pislr1no, then e1st on. :Hwy. 7<4 IOrtega Hwy.I ind .foll ow lbe sign~. From Po111ono nr Ri1•,rJit/,: OriYo 10 Corona. 1hen e1~t o n. )1...,,.. 71 10 liwy, 74, so1.11h. 11 nd follow the entrance -'i,1:n. i... ..... -·---~""',;•1'7~"'-~--C w.s·~·"° /. ·- fnlb" fomjlt ,111\ct In 'one 1msleMll!Mo «l5 scr es On games or 204-'1.99-202 •. ._ __________________ ~ Paul Muldoon broke a leag\te standard for ~tater Dei 'd1,1tlng the Angelus League ·lratk preliminaries he1d Tucs- da)' on the. ~t. Paul oval. Mu16&o was clqclted in ·50.5 -eCtipslng the ·ol' mark by one and l~tenthS "secOnds. V.,..ity ck.11t'1'fl I , •;r HH -~lrrt H11tlfri, Tff....,,_., 'CSP 2. J•l11 •(SAt '3. flllOJ ,; ti:. fm" IP• . l imt; U . lS41u!!d • 11! 1. : 1111 ""'' 1. Htl IMOI :a. . .f"KY 1sP' ._ ~rv'"*" .m). r1me; U.J. ~j , '" --mlr1t Hut! 1. Get1 tSP} 2. DuM ( ) 3, Hele11tll;1r ~Pll) .0. It"'" fMDl. T e: 10.3 (Second Heil 1. ~1~11 (IA) 2• ZOl!l!Y_ fPx) J, Jae '°" IMOl ... c11oe1;j{o tS'ER). TLm1: 10.3. 441 -tFlret .._ti \, M1lltlKh tSl"l ' 1. J-~· .(MD) i:KIU.'°" CMDI '· Malnm t(U.). T ' $2.2. Cs-.d Hell} f.' Mlllilllllll M I 21 1"1!1Hlrld: CSA:I ·l . l';Jdlw;t ·JU. .o •• G1U......., '. I' ' ' ' .. ' 40 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT ., • lt~1H1•il, 2-ply ~btr 91011 btlr led1 t+,, l•t•cl ;" pl0<• 10 cul clown fr.ctio". Thi1 FU LLERTON CANOGA PARK ' BUENA PARK IO<an;tlho!Pt al ilallayV\e., 1-" ' • 1.: . .i { 'I . ·~ . ;..le ,;~·r.t '"~ ·~ • , ):·· " :1~ '1(\ ·~ •ff .'1,"t ! ... .•. ,.,, , r i ?,, ' \ \ ~ .· ·r, •, ' ". ,;.~! " ' . .· '· ··~· .~µ l •, ../ ;.,.·"ft ... ;._ .. ' • l pl'f polyaater cCH"d ·for a strong, cool,rUnf'in1 tfN· ''I .\~'I" • 2 ply f\ber 1lot. bllt Jnc,.....·mit ... , rWYM .. liwn' · • Wldertr..dfora!'rQil•rsi:nP~f~'1'"" :• 1 ·• NOW $ ' .. '" .. WHllE Tl,J~~LESS I \ ~· \.SIZE , FED. TAX \ 700.13 ••.••. .,.;: •. REG . 28.95 • .......... ; •• 1.16 28 ,95 .. '. " .. ;.' 1'.~ NOW plus fed. tax tind oli:f)it'e • WHITE Jl.!l!Elli55' FED, l SIZE REG. ; TAX H78-T4 ..•...... ,'.36,95 ... ,. •. , ... 2.61! , .. ..... , • .,., ,•IQ ·"' ., . ' . .. ·. ·" •• ... .,v ·~·· .. , ,. '" ' ~· ,, ·' "~ .,, .... " .. , ,,. ~·· " ·' ., ... ; .~ .... •• ··"' ., .. ,;. ... ...... J78,l4 ..•. '.'. ,·, 38.95' ......... ;.2.86 . ,. ·•··· G78-15. ·' ...... :. :i4.95 ·'· : ....... 2.68 H78·l5 .....•. ·. ·: :i6'.95 ;., • ; •• .,,/1.77 .~ ... , " , .. .,, ~· 900-15 ...... ' .•.. J~.95 ........... 2.77 ~ ... ' "' :-·1i SltE pliil ftd, fox ond old tir~ WHITE TUBELESS , ·REG. .. ' FED. TAX ~71;.l~ ': •... ' .•• 30.95 •• : ......... 2.18 F7.S.14 ,~ .. •······ 32.~~··~~··••·t • ~~ F78,l5 .......... 32.9S .• ,; ••. , •• 2~ ... ·' ''. -.;, . -.• . '• f .. •":'~ ~•'-1 ' ~·" .. "" • .. i"" . ~:h . . . ... . .. NoM-y ~wn ••• ·u .. Penney's "Time P~· Plcin .. -. . '" Gutr1n11e 1aain1l lreaeflwe1r1ut··~, ,1 your lire weal'I out :durine: \lie flr~t h111f ol lhi! JUllrlntH ~"riod, NIUttl 11 wlth )'OU' 1uar1nlee certWica\e and Penne¥'s will replace your tll'll with ll 11cw tire, ch1rfin.I yOU so•• lels lhan the current selli"I price incl!.tdiq: rtder11 Exci1>e ••: If )'Our 1111 wea1s out durlnr the Hcond tltff, yoci Pi'f ZS~. 111' lh.lln the current 1eU1n1 price illCh.idinC Ftdet1I CXc1 .. Tu. Guat•nt•• 111inst failure If Wf\_relll.ce IM tire durinc tlie lree·tepl<ltement Dll'iod. lhetl i. "• r1111&r:Wwe rtol.Ke thl' tire Vier the t ree-"~ "riolt..)W ,.., • 50% f 75~;, less ll\ln lllt: cu"ent 5tnln&1 ciric• of Utt tiis"h'J:ludil'll Fedif ExciH Tu. · , . ·1·· -,_ • ., .J • • .Comtnetf;IOI U11 ' Thi• 1111ranlte is ~oid wl'lere pfS$efll~ tires ire uMd on \NCAt, ..-hif' bu1lnt:u, or drivtn ovtt 30,000 rrrile1 in one YHf, · ' ·••11 .. ' •• t.' ··a -~ ' . ·~· -•• >W HERE'S HQW DIJW GU~RANTt~ AC~INST fAILU~l .... ~t . ••. t'nlrrt 1u1r111tee penod_ .. ___ ., __ , •---:• 40-'"°""" fret rtpl1eemeftt peri«I.;::., ____ ,_,._ ' ',l:.zctlllW!tM ' I ·~ ~•ff ptfiod · • ..&---~·-··....._·-' l-30~; J, -'!!~.tiff Ptrioct .... ---·---· .. ---··-··-······-·····-:--···-:--.Jl~...... •· • ' ! " . NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA HUNTINGTON BEACH • .. .. • .... \ . ''"-"' I 1' 1. I • ~· D DAll.V PILOT .fr.vllie A~.~ .. GOlF · .Marin_a.Cees inRunning,f or Crown crown. For FV? Fountaill Va~ey got off to a runnJn& .iafl lor a possible Jntne teape track and field cbamplOnship T'\I es d 1 y af- ternoon· by qualifying 1 2 •thletes IOr Friday night 's league title meet at \Vestern lligh School. 'Jbe Barons topped the quali!ying with Loara second with eight. And it remained for a Fountain Valley hurdler to crack the only league record set during Tuesday's trials at Western. Glenn Goto, in the Cet 120- yard high hurdles, sped to a record-setling 14.2. F.atancla varsity hurdJcr ' Rich Wood aillsed to two easy victories 1n his events, clock- ing 14.9 in.the highs and 19.6 in the lows. The former time equalled h.is season's best. Fountain Valley also topped Cee qualifying with 14, .... w 111 ttH {lit llNll -1. LelllfM"I (CM) 15.S 2. ftodltl tl'V) 1$.t l. •ru-IM (M) 16.G ._ 5'11111& (El 16.l. 2nd ._,t -I. Wood CE)• 14,t 7.. Frelclrldl ILi lJ.t 1. MktMIOR fFVI 11.t 4. ~ iCdMl,N.2, • 100 -C111 i-tJ -11 MNI !At) 10.l '· G.,rirlt CM\ lOA ?, ElllJK (l.J lo.5 '-IC,.._ \.t4M IG.J. 2M 'iY: -1, :='t~V. ~u~~~111l .• ~ ... i. Ol:Jftftfl) _. I.,~ tEI I0-1 I .It {L.) 1~ .:l, IJ,.rllv ICM! JM ._ ,.,_.,, ICdMl ~!N\'Ji .S. ••mitt ((al ~ ... ·. GRIP PRESSURE-JUST ENOUGH TO HOlD ON ' Proper grip pressure is an in1angible th,,t gotf instrllctors have tried to explain for atmost a century. All I can suggest is that you hoJd on just firmly enough 1o contTor th'e club. -A. l . l I , ~ ,_ .. ... ·--= ....... ' ~ ~·~· ' .... If your grip is too loose, you wiU re1tize 1t .immediately be· cause t~ff club will slip in your left hand at the top of your backswing (illustr.ation # 1 ). 0 If your grip is too light, you will have trouble swinging smoothly and with proper t im· ing. In illustration #2 we have shaded those fingers which 're. quirt an emphasis of gripping pressure. Most right·handed golfers would achieve better club control and a smoother swing if they would strengthen -the last. three fingers of the left hand. IRON OUT THOS£ IRON SHOTS!Arnold Palm1r's boo~lel "Hl1tn1g th• lr0t1s" lives, cha!CIPlonshio tips to h•IP sharoeo.your i'onshot 1ectin1q1.1e. Send 20t Md a stamped, trturn ellftlope to Arnold Piilllmer, in·UT•of ttiiol..-s.pa~. :~·~~~~~ r.1arlna Hlgh's ete· track team remains in the funning for the Sunset League cham· pion.ship, which w i 11 be determined Friday night when . ' the eight loop members invade Westminster High School. Field events begin at 7:30 with lhe fir1t race at 8. Marina, second 10 CO<lch Earl Engman's Saints in dun! meet standings. qualified 10 nlen for the fina l" and scored 10 points in final rield event competition held along with running event prelims Tucs- dily afternoon at Westminster. Santa Ana qualiffed l l 3nd tallied 12 points in Tuesday's activity. · Santa Alla also apparenlly has nailed down the Bee title trophy with 14 qualifiers and 14 points. However, the Saints will be iighling for their lives in varsity with Santa Ana v_alleY. .. the_ ~ual meet71~htlm;.- p1on. • · Valley has i dozen qua:Uficrs while the Saints haVe 11.1 And Santa Ana suffeled a crippling blow wilh the loss -o( huf dJc ,,.,·hiz Isaac Curtis, 'who 11u'Ued up Jame in his heat of the highs. Most outstanding marks 1n Geddes Clocl{S ' 9.9. 22.5 ' In Crestview Spike Meet ~ (ld ~ •• ii' 1'·'1 51.11 2. Stwlt IC -• 2fMt I -1, = ltl'll .... I~. H•r FV JI.••· CFVI 12.1 lief" ill "·' 1. Mee s _1___ 10 1. (H,8t 1) 1. JMkMlll !Fl io,s. '· c ~kitt'~~" 'r'-ti.:'~1.1e11 a.• A pair ofompressive $Jlrint i~1r~·'1r?·1J.~~.ru:~k~1ero1P1"n~s.3· Dft v rvP1 io.,. l. war-io). 11.0. '· L.llllt <l'J 2'.I i . Roc:11r.cFv1 21:1 •. victories by San ·Clemente ro111 <111•rlt~"' -El M~• 1111. tMeai 3) 1. w11 .. ., (VP) 10.•. '· HI!-(M),)21A. irld .... t -I. SWb.1 Vl!ll PJM'k OG). s .. Climenlf (9, ~ranger •(l) ·10.1. J. Mtl<.,nile (SC I eel 21.1 2. ut....,• ICMI 21.l 3. High School!s Rit-k Geddes and O••noe tt~, Tu1n11 111. !:;r.1111ft lleac~ o6lo _ ltieet 11 1• H~slwlck !Liil ".w1teM IFVI z1.1 '· a1qw1111 ·1L.1 two new meet records in the 111, Foolh II 111, ~r;:1an •lo co1. 1:15.J. 1. Menn rn •1 :16.s. J. °"""vei• '1;1o 1111m· 1 -1. Bttt<s IL.I ~.1 t, nAA a·• Cee com-. 1,.1,.0 " no HH -(Hr~• n 1. ~01tac tEMl (Fl 1:JO.J_ <Heat n 1. Jack""" IFJ MeH (FV Zll 3. krDIM tCdM .9 •• DC'C' IN ""' lJ,] .1. W!IH11nu (F,J 11.1 3. 8<$0$ IVPl l.X.J. 1. ~aron 4Vf'\ l :U.A. J, aro•n F I 2 ] ?nd lie I •i lid h' hr h ed th c t . 1'.t. IH••I ll 1. Hl'dl11M !VPI 16.0 1_ [!.() 1:?1.0. tflear J I. WP.lll><'r (Fl t1.'°'1ilJz.Girr9ttiM)~.f3,'Gor~~ Ig 1g t e res \l\e\Y Oomlnguer(MV)ll.S.J,Wo!MlnjEMJ 1 :23.~1. VanCor1 !MV) 1:79,7, l. tE 2 o 1 Aagu t k d f · I d 11.J. (Heer JI 1 !.ml!fl IF) 16.9 1. GrM>nt>.r9 {VP) 1.1'1 I. ~ft· .tftr:r tleld. ~I f\llbl -µ::. . e rac :BO le Poch1Y (L8) 11.S J. Pelfr !SCJ. ll.6. 120 L.H -\H,11 11 1. Noll~c lt:MI E111nd1 " Lo.Ir• 4 cost1 Mes• l. pretiminarie_s ·T'u·e s day af-100 -(He•t I) sw1ve1v lEM) 10 • 1. 11 J. 1. Oogos <VP> i..o. 3, .J•ck• tT c.-df,I u. ... :1, F-t.in )/'II~ O Morrison !OJ 10 6 J. Sdllmmel CVP) 1'.5. !Hpll l) 1, Hl'dlurnl IV .. I 13 a, ]. '"'-11• ..... -:· · • ' • temOon at Tustin High School. w~ison 101 1'1.1. J. w1111•m• tF I ,,,,, Tlllfll -llfl«t -Founhil" V11ley Gedd 'f th CH~lt J). l. Smllh IF! 1•.0. '1. ·Prll$11 1t. Low• a, Ellinde 1. Miinat11 •· es ran away n>m e IEM) 1'.1. 3. Oornino~et (MVJ 1•.6. • C "' "· " ( Id . b' •-f h -no -(Hpar ll I Fox IVP) !•.1: 1 CGltl. IMM 4 or. ..... r... ie 10 JS •n:at () t e 100 TENNIS ly~n (Q) 2~.•. 15.2 !Hrn! 2l 1. Morrison no HH 1111 he11l -1, Sdlrtdl.f!flllll!ll wil.h a St"""" 9.9 ""rformance. i • • • !O) 2•.J. 1. Sdlimmell !\IPl 1•.t. !Hta1 (\.) 14,1 1. Su11m111 (El 11.S J . Sevl« •Vo•f'i r-J) 1. Swavelr (EM12J.8.1. Colt1n tLBl ccdMI 1u .._ L11c111w IEI u.1. 7nd Later, h~ used an explosive b';!~::.'~t:111.:s.McKen11e !SCI 1•.1. 2 . ..,.,, -1. Holllle <Ml "·' 2. s1u1rt !El start ..,. the 220 •-crui·se to a l•.6 l . D•'lb ICMI 11.1 ._ Yonellur• w (Continued From Page 2t) 13111 -!HNI ll 1 Fowler <Fl 3,1ss. fFVI 11.0. 22 5 Clocking· I , , ' "''"' ,, ' "''''"' • 0 1 Wa!~lns (pJ 3:29 O. l. Bprry IVP I 100 flit hl:lll -t. Wt!Ham1 1•110.1 . • OS 0 . "'' ,,,. ' . ~ . ' J l1.•. {H~al 2) l. MflllH !FlcJ:tS.1 ?. .. t.oll-111 H . > 1 I --1. '· Tolll (CdMI IO.S l. llCllof'I M l0.5 The tWO meet records Were Toollfn ll'Vl lost to K Nl,...ser !Cl •· SPolts CO) l :U . · 3· Ayer ~ ..... · 4. Tllom1 CCclMl 10.1. 2nd l'le1I -l. 6, R. Nle .. .rr '-61 l-lollem•ri No, Berne¥ IHNI 3) 1. Eiell ISC) l :'l?.t. 1. Breit St-In IE/ 10.J 2. MUl!ff (COM) 10.S 3. established by Gene A'ollac o( I.. 10;. i:2•.o. J. Wiison IFJ ):JU . <>-lbr1ll!'I Ml 10.!I ._ euke IMI ID.I . , l 1 , "' 0111 QOallllers -111111 Park tn J. "° 111111t11) -1. ~ ... CMI l :H.7 El Modena in the Bee 120 low viienruell I v ..,., 0 · "-Foomm 1111. Or•r>;e 111. Sa• c1emr.ntP '· Luus tMl 1:21.•' J. LI-l(llMI CCI l..!. R. NoH'ie'I' U, Hollemln 1),6, (61, El MoOen• (6). lu•tln C•I, 11\IUlon 1:2'.!I •. OU!tldr. (Ml 1:lll.1. 7nd hell hurdles and by Jeff Rice ar Berne¥ 3..i. 0.UlllH llieio (l), ~uni Beacll tJ). i:-~.,~~CM)~J·l~~·l.1.2·,0.~...!.;ll~t Tustininthefinals of.lheCtt GrlY •nd P1r""U CFV) Sl>lll wlltl SP_ 1. c:i.:.:v1ni~Cl .ft·llV... 7. k lllller Ind Ruuell (Cl 2-4o, '-J; losl 111 I , ''s1i"',,,..1 _.,. ••-'"• S.l\li 2. long jump. Miiier Ind Telt '"'· , ... , ~i!9':'1'G~~1,•,;;~,1~,;w.le'r.-~~~ '" Boetine end G•brvell fFVl tost lo ,. ... lNI• fF\I Sl·t •J. K011111er fl'VI ..a. Nollac sliced a tenth of a se· Miiier 11111 Tift 1c, M , No; 1os1 10 !T ) o.1Dv.. 1~ .._ Cotie1i. IMl .6-' 5. Cr'Odt ICM! JH -1. ll11fs (EM) >10. 7. Meum1n .u-s" s1m11111 ICdMI ..,_,_ cond off the meet standard K11111er •nd llu11e I 2·'-i..i. <SC), "' J. Hedlund fV P1 5 ... •. M•K· 120 lH Chi Miil -I, """"' (Ml JURle• V1rsl1'1' ..... u (0) 5-6. s. McGrew I T ).~ .• ,,,, t. H.tnd'r Ill 1(.6 •. S.vler ((dM \\1ith a 13.3 vicOOry, Rice made Ftulllln V1lley U•J 10 CdM OiSCUI -1. Sh1ro11 (VPl T02.f'llo. 2. 1(.J (. Yonekt.11'1 CF\I, 1•.I. 2nd hut -Sln1les Man;s/lln IG) 102·3~. J. Ltt UH \01 ·1'o. 1. stur•t (El u .1 i . L1ldl1"" IE\ 1•.1 l. mincemeat of the long jump 'Tr.lld11 !FVJ c1e1 Chrh;tensen IC\ i.o, •. 1..1t11mor tFJ 1110-!; s. Lontftt' 1Mv1 Sdl...ic~ (ll 14.1 •. Her111f\dfl sta·"ard wo'th .a fm' e 21 o 1,_ Vermud .. 3. eurli"""•"" ,-o, TaWk 6·•. ~a.1>.r.. ' jF\I) u 2 llU -u n. Minh T-n CF\ll def Chrlstl!Ml!n l J -1. HetJrnen (SC) 21-0 .. ON;lfr 220 ni1'tie1t1 -1. wnn11n1 1M1 n.• leap. nearly 15 full inches over CC) t..1. eu,11111111am •-11. Tabek •-111 1o~1 cEMl ~"' 3. McC1ndlMI (Fl 1t.10. •· '· stw1111 I ) , •. 1 l . WamD~' !FV) 10 vermud S.1. OJY (VP) lM't.. 5c:•ISOll (0} 19·3. 7U. llld Mil -1, G11t .. r1llh lMI 21.• the old mark. Mlllt< IFVI dtt ·Cllfllllfltefl IC) 6-J, 13?0 -IH•al l) 1. woollfl~ lEM) 2. TO$tl ICdMI U ,l 3. ON~ ICM 1•.1 El 'lod d Vill p k vermud t..l, llurllfl9h1m 6·0, Tab1~ ~·1. ~ 1 0 1 w 1 1,.,1 1 >> 0 1 ~. COHIM (LJ 1'.0. 3rd h11f -1. MUI· .. ena an a ar Aliff> CFV) Mt Cllrlii'l~~" (() .... ,; I, . . e OU$ y : ' • t fCdMl 239 2 8 I (M) ,, I) Tl d 1 J 8 11 h 6-J T b ~ 6 I L~mbtrt lLBI J:'U,6. 1Htal 1/ 1, €d•n• ~" Thoirt1i• 1't~1 end· arove~ dominated lhe varsilf action vermu ·' ~rc:'111:i ' e ,, · · !EMl J:21.o. 2. McPl!erron Tl 3:26.9. IEI 241 · h 3 d 0 !'f' I 'I J d T (FVl d r p tt <I 3. Bo~e \VP), 3:11.2. (He11t 3) 1 L11ro~ DhcUi1nna11-1.swanoon (Ll1s.10 \Vil I an 1 qua11erswuc lnor.nl~~ ._3~"6.11 <1ei 'icuif:~ :~d IVPl l:'2.6. '-Vlnln9 lFl 3:1J.6. J, ~ Simkin 1coM1 11s.10. 3. lt011$1•r Villa Park and Foothill were Park• 6-6, '"'· RfnftrO <EMI J:?t.•. CdMl 111-t •. K""'lck IM) 10'1--Sll> s. Schlldh11<1er 1n<1 Cher"°"' <FVl ""' 100 -lHt1t I) 1. Cl!la""'ilo (Et~l ..... ICM) lff-11 L &1xer (CM! lQI. tops in the Bees wilh 12 and Prill Ind Ll!Wll !Cl 6.2. ~;\SOii! Will• 1~.6 z. Ria. !T), 10.I l. 81l~1 tVPl I'll. 11 f t"· C ti 0 1 K'llll•l\o 1"'° "'1<1<1 w ._f'd..·, 1 l~~ !f1~ .. , iJ.f"'J~~~~:;-vl~)~0·f1 ~: J·:fl :11~:1 iCd.!.il "\~~;~ lb~J . n u~ ee ac on, i:. v1r11ty ' !Heat · lJ 1. Ma1ea. !EMI io.t. 7. 1i::dMI :i7t.t ._ Kr•rn•r (roil l:JJ:1. ?n<I P.1odena and Villa Park were S111 c1e1111n11 1nv,1, uv,1 v1111-Pvk w11u""v !Dl t11.o l. srcwn (EM) 11 1. tiett -1. Ro~ (CdM) 3:2' s 1. Den· t • l th k 'th 13 d $Inti.• 660 -{Heft n 1. Re!llv (~) 1'1',I.' ·-(CMj l :lll.• J. McGln"ls CM] oi:i a e pac WI an Pl"""'dltl (S.CI WOii ,.~. 6·0, 6·(, 6·0. C•r.ce~ (MVJ l:JO.•. J. -· !Liil 3,~,11:.1~:111 ~,,~,~.~ff.,, IMI 21 ·] '· JO .qualifiers. Rill• ($c) """" 6-]j 1oe.r .. 6; "'f" J'lli..~d~~~:~ 21,.1· ~~~~~Pk.,~~\!;!; ~n !El 20-1~ J, Ba~ter IL) 111·1', 1 2, 6-1. (1..6 ! l lS I. !Hral JI I. lOQ(Or.o (Tl ... W1lll1m1 !Ml ,, .. s. 11111 IM) Jf.J 6. 1211 HH -IH~!~1'\~ 1. Malrr 1sc1 ~~c:s~'f 1~:; o":." :..~· ::: ~~> ~~k··· '<v~r'{~~.a>hl (EM) 1:31.6, J. Hn1T~~·,r~11 .1!i~1:J:.1o•l1ttl (IMl ! 15.!. ,_ Madi~ IF! IS.I. l. M1v !EM Ooulll•• • 120 LH -(Hfit 1) ,_ Mof'rl• (SC) 19 2. Hl"IM (L.) S.IQ J. He1ter !El S-1 16.1. (Heit 2) 1, Sf!lt le (VPl. IS.I. 1. Soullllte •nd Forr.,.IPr CSCI WOii i•l 1 1-le.-i-u !VP) 1•.S. J. E~~l"o>A 4. llt bdwftt'I Siivi IMj IMI Sf!·i!rr Porte-. fD) IJ.t. e. Wise CEMI 11.0, tEMI 1!.1 (Heal 21 1. 0e Hll'o H:M> ((.OM) s..i. {Heal lf 1, E""'•rds IT) u 1. 1. l ~. i·O. ~. 6-l. 14,) 1. Pfleid•"'' (Fl 1'.1. l. M·Y~ ... ~~! PV 11111111 -1. Nomur• CE\ n.a ~. or:~~ c5ife',/5;~· l: ~r:~'t~~"')'',~l1~•. •.t mbefv '"" Scllwel911 .. dr isci lri1 ,1•·te1~~;,~1 iUP/· 1~1~' ec/;Y,~ D1¥1t (CM) 11 .. l. L"1M10ow.tl IM! 1. Pr•wdllk (Ti 7,02.1. J, Gardnef (GI '··•' ,'3, .. ,, .. l, 6-l. !E .... .J IS.I. 11 .... Hes.Irr IE) 11" 6. Sanlon IM) ?:DS.•. (Heat 21 I. Net.on IEMJ 1:07 t. 11111 -!Heet l) l . Ccrdpry CMV) 111 ll~ •lier Otld f vt"I llri•h •-2. Deurl fDI 1:04,1. l. ll•~lt'Y tEM\ 1 Rice !Tl 19.l J. Swav•l1 (EMl. 19 &: Loi•• 2G, M111nolla 11. Eslancii 15• 1:os.6. 1He11 Ji 1. P••er (SCJ 1:01.0 2. ''MCA Slat·es cHeat 1) 1. c~;...,.,11o c Ml 1•.• ' C•tl MeSI 12, COl'Ofll llel Mar I. SCllade (0) 2:01.l. McN...,1r1 (VP), l . IC...,.s;nu,I !Ol 19.7. J. 8Pard (VP), 19 I Fou11t1ln V1lle'r 7. l:CM.•. (HNll ll 1, F...,.e !SCI lt.J. 2. w~unrv Tot11 <IUlll!Mn -M19nc11e H, 100 -IHe•l 1l 1. Frluel~ !VPI lo.•. 101 19 .•. l. Woolltv IEMJ lt I. c.-de• M•• 1i. •Esler.cl• 11, co~" '·swain tEMl 10.s. J. Gerct• csc> 1c.s. !;'cuba Cottr-.··e Total <1u•lill•r' -E1 Mode"" 101. I I. !HNI 21. l. JOhnton (Ell\) Tt.1. 2. . •";! \lil!a Perk (ln). FooUtlll !•1. Mission ' Melll '· Founll" \II Y •· t.o.ra •· lllldr.fl !VP) •o.•. 3. Sendhot! 10} 10.1. v tlo 01 ,Ora"" (rJ. Tu1!l11 (0, Sa~ (N !Heat ll 1. G.eOdes !SC) 9,t. 1. AtldrPW• (l~menh! !:», L!"DUM 8e11;h (JI. 100 {1 11 l'IN!l -1. Neum1n !El 10 1 l) 10.l. J. s1nde<s <EMl 10.6. A scuba divinn class will c" Pl"""' 2. ktllrM!dY !CM! ID.t l . Emerv (FVl •.0 -!HN I 1J I. Meyer 10! 11.1. 7. b ~p -1. Pril!tlOll IT! •JI. 7. Orrw 11.0 '· u-n1n CMI 11.1. '"" ,.,..,1 -1, S!ile' (VP) SJ.2. IHe1! 11 1. B1alr¥ begin ~+ the Orange Coast tO! ••·11''>. 1. Pfret tEM1 .,.,1:. • ~..t,..,. !El 10.t 2. Mtlf5 (CdM) 1~.9 J (LBJ Sl.J, ?. Cort (\/Pl 51 t. CHPat JI !. ""I: ' N~•~nia !l) 4J 2, s. C:aUIOWt'!I (MVI •J Mll'rublll tFVf 10.t •. Co"rc• !COM) Cr~ten (VPJ Sl.S. 1. WlellCrt. 10) J.I J. YMCA next Monday night I' 11.2. (Heat I J 1. Aerls iVPJ JI.I 7. Cler• nd t"-···• 1· f J I Li -1. lllce (Tl 71-8'> 2. Tl• ll20 (111 hf.II) -l. HI~" I Ell 1'.0 IEMl IJ.I, \l Cr Ir.: lu,,,..ruc lOl'l 0 Oln r.ormen (TJ erid Pfle!dfrrr (Fl 19.t •. '· -., IEl 3:7,,G J. LPtth (FV) tllll LH -(He1I 1) l, Wllllfms (01 R••eck. l"fh•rson (VPJ 1g..1~ S. Od1.trd !EMI J ;J3.1 '· Cl111t lCOM! l :l6 I. ?nd hfat ?Q 7. J, May (EM) 70.t . f , Settle (VP ""' J8.J, -l. Prle11 CCMl 1:21.6 1. Hanev !Fv1 n.1. 1 H~•t 2l 1. Porrf.r 101 :io.J. '· Additional information and HJ -1. D1vl• tF\ s.10. 1 F~!oerf• 3:29.l J, 8rund1ae Ill J:JJ.I '· MinPro Maler ISCJ 21.1. J, N~""' (TJ 211. (F l~. J. Terrv (~Cl S..•. •. Wheeler , CMI 3:31.1. IHtai Jl 1. Eowero• 111 20.$. 1. w1.e registration form s arc r11 s.2. s. whnney !D) 5.i. U0 (151 lleall -1. C•ril~r tL} l :JO 1 <EMl 10.I .3. Blicker SC) 21 .J. PV -I. Gorman !.Tl 1'-!I. ?, '· W.idl (F\ll 1:31.l l. llrv ...... 1CMJ WI -!Hell 1J 1. Swei" !EM) 23,) 2. available by calling the Y1iiCA Ken>PIOll fVPl lU. l. S-lltv llll) 1:'1.• •· Slhlllltt IE) l:J2.1.1~d hr.i -Frl11Plle !VPj 13.1. 3. G1rcl1 !SCI 21.1. at 642·~~. 10-6. •-K,..,11111~1 (Q) 10... S, Norm1n l DerlmlllOClY !E) l :Jl.• 7. Wiison • Sliva !Tl 3.1. (Hell 21 1, Gfddl!1 "~"" ~Ol 10-0. tl) l;J(,, 3. Smith CFUf l:lS.I ··iir""·~:=~i~::;;;;;:;;;~~~~---"'.~~~~~~::~~~:----;1 k1f1>IM1t• gu 1 '""' IP (filllOI -1, V1on ICMl ~'·"' 7. IFHT.ro lCdMJ .._.,._ 3. Sole~rorr :?•~ ~ -450 Sq. Ft. Swimming Area ICM) 41·7\.'t 4. Mult!trri !FV) 45-fllt 5. ..._._. ~, IFV) 43-2 6• Ricci +COM! #J. ....:: _, INSIDE WATER LINE !~!il~t~7~1~.~~2~'~:\L 0~1~ Mr.~~ MEASUREMENT I 5'x30' ~'"' fMI 1,1.6 2. W\lk•wit1 !El n .s -i llllllN!l> IC~I lS.!I •. YosllllHI IL) s.,\i n.J tiHtl -'· it"""""' !CM\ ~ PRE SEASON lfA !. Ell*Y lFV)'lt.6 3. Oerlm1noc:n • • • ~t~x:~~~rr::"~!~ ···· ·lh.·..,..~~ ~. .. ~ ~ SAVE SALE k'"'*'Y llM) lU~ 3. \llgll (CM) Jt. , , 1 21'1"' E""'" !FVI 1 .. ll'll S. Srpulvfd1 ,j '''" 'm'· ''""' '" •••. CALL 532-1992 MONEY HJ fflnl -l. Vount ICMl W r, ktflf CC D I W J. ti• ""'-ll•kt• ~CM) •n0 Munotrfotd (CM! !-4 S. ~ ri~IS.!:._ 1, ltl llY Ill ll·i ' a1,11:-'...JI !Ml 11.t 1. 9•~f'r ((Ml ICM. •. Df.i'Cll IM J. HWM IE) 10-0. ~ .ti... tlekl ...wnt 1111111 -Cwlll Mes. JD. E1t1fld1 n . Corona ,,..1 ':;:~ l-1 ,, Foun!•lri Ville>' I, ,, < I t111t tl\l•llll•r1 -Founl1ln v11i.w u . I 'l!:lfwid• It .C••' Me,. '· Cor0111 ftl • M1W t, t.oer1 •• M""°'le 3. _,., •.• 1 $25 Clft.Cl on Ml SS.OCll Certillcalt. If htld undtr I .. 1tlls. prl11cl,1I feduttd by' _...rt',... If""° uu flll Ill ,ASSIOOI( ACCOUNTS PAID lUAIT(ILTI AllJ'..._I. f~nfl ift Ille "~.!1!..·!~~ .. ~'.!!~'t. f'IRl·:SIDE~ eotTAMIU - tJM HAllOI ILYI. We Mf.a•ure Your Yard And Helit Save You Money On Where To locate Your Pool NO MONEY DOWN! Beat The Summer Rush! SAVE MONEVl·IUV NOWI POOL HEATER ONIY $19900 W ith P101 12'x24' KIT DNLV $8490" OlHElt stm OI SHAPES AVAllAIU L.·lb•J1-Wtd1-L.11y I.. SECARD POOL 321 So, Main St. O~ANGf 2 •••cl<• a .. er CP1111111 1ft 532.1992 DON'T IUY A f'OOL UNTIL YOU CALL SE CARD'S GIANT 15130 POOL •ECTANGUlAI 3 TO I FT. D!EP-COMPIETEtY fNSYAtl!D tOOt. ,INANCING ONlf$1369 INCLUDES: Pao•. 'liter. l vtll.1n Auto.ll<fl"n•·,r, l 11ttom Dt1111, lt1 1nte11 lt•et L1dd,r, AU '"1111\ut. I. ' Tuesday's scuion were t.umed Jo II)' Sanla Aa~ sprln\er Jack'ie "white and Santa Ana Valley hurdler clr1· 1NeldS1 I \Vhite zipped to a 9.5 century {a tenth off the league record) wltlle fi~lds <;<>.ve\Ojl the 180 low hurdles in 19.3 to decision ·J\tarina's Bob Lemmon (19.4). -U:mmori's clockin~ seemed to be i;entrous since he lost by six yards. The lows record is 1~.2. 'fhc only. Ct°' ,r_ccord to fall TuesCay \vas In the 120 lo\V hurdles as Anaheim's Bob ~1cQueen ran 13.4 to reduce the previous best of 13.6. And the lone Bee mark to be eradicated was in ~ 22{) lcur\'e) as ~l ike Black of Anaheim ran 23.0. The former standard was 23. l. Field Ewe111 Flnlls OH Shot -1. Dl"l'lllll'll IMl $$.II"' , Mox~y CHI) S0-1.,, J. Altlrll!On INH I t;·r; J:1.r.wt'*r IW) '9·i\~ 5. G11l'.•I Lona l11mp -1. GrMr lSAI n·••l l l'IOlld CSA) ']0.1 l. Martinfl fH81 .: Roeth (SAi 21l·SS RonfY lMl ~,"'­Hip~ l11mo -l Merlin•• (H8) S..10 2 McG.vn~y HJ8) S 10 J. Wiiia(<' 1\1) S-lQ ' Holl lf18J 5·1 S. IOlnoenberQ (SA) S· •• Pol• v11111 -1. Coxroft !Wl 11·6 1 "'•111rro ~Ml ll·l J. McGlvnel lf1tl) ll· Tw"Mi.,..1f~.Uy•r CSA> 11.9 s. McMt>ans t/liarilu i ' d TENNIS TOURNAMENT MAY· 24 • 25 • 30, d!JNE 1 SCORlp.jG -H11nl/n\lt~ 6r&tl! 11:'!. sen11 An• n•>, Mllr l"' on, wes'"'" 481, N~1111rl (J), S.\ Vil~ (JJ, Wfslmlns!er (I), Anllhelm ID/. '" Shot -l. 81111~ !H8) "1·21'1 1 Pe1rl tM\ •S.1'h 3. Noble IHI) .... ,~. l Tlmmerm1n (Hll) 48"1 5. C1mdln !SA! •S·I. Entri es close Monday May S, 19b9 For further information contact your local Spart in~ Goods Store or Tennis Club. • Or c:all b73-2339 Tenn is Committee l onv h.rmo -1 Ge.c~ (SA) 29-1 ..., ?. ll11fl•n9I011 ISAI 19-1 3. \11nOe~er tSAl 19·1 •. Hp~nlnlek CM) lt .. 5. Collings 1721 Antigua Way, New port Be.tch, C.tli forni.t 9Jbb0 spC:ClA.·L · Pl mouth and ford, Y owners! Chevy car • • \ .• l I 1,. ' YOUR CHOICE 7.75x14 7.75x15 NEW TREADS RETREADS ON SOU~D TIRE BODIES HUR RV OFFER ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT G You get the s<11nc famous road-gripping type tre!ld design that i;omcs on our new car ''Power Cushion" polyester cord tires • Free rnount!n:; • Pic::k your size no\v and. Co Goodyear"' ' BUY NOW on our EASY PAY PLAN-FREE MOUN'tlNGI ran > ''WORKH ORSE" TIRE ~;~·%:,JEt ONE LO W PRICE ·TRUCX ... 3 -1.Nylon Cord OWNERS •"Traction Sure Grip'' • 400 7.-t'h~ ~\'CS bold Lhe road Jpr f~)l 0 t lnrt1 11nd 1lops. • J-T nylon cord t•les punishment()! lt\lck oparallonJ lrtn11f'r. • Pn1-1tnr11hd bodv c:on~tnif.tion-~Ard~ ll!ii•i n•t in-1ervlce 1lre-tch, ;rowth and lrc~d cr~dung. .. si.-......... . -.., .. ;.<; L ·-POPULAR SIZES ' l~. t5 lubl·type 7.00' !l t~b111,, 2.00 r 14 lub•l~Sl ~ •' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LA NE TIRE CO. ' 1596 NEWPOR,; Ph. 548.9383 COSTA MESA 482 OCEAN AVENUE Ph. 494.6666 LAGUNA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 206q HARBOR ~L VO. Ph, 642.001 0 COSTA MESA .. I ' ; • I ' . -' .. ·. . . ·. ~ . •· ~ .: 1 I· : 1 . i • ._ ~ \ 1 ' • • . j • 1 • l • 1 • t • • 1 " •• t ' ·• ••• l ' .'! . .'~ • • j . "· ., ! . • I ... ' • • • • .. • • ~ • ( ~ • t • t • • l ' . ! l . I I • , •I • • WUW11R 1144t leACH II.YD. At ,_,. •• ,. ,. 192·· ' -• ........ .-; ...... c.-...-,_ .. r-0~1 ' .. RUBBER OR VINYL AUTO FLOOR MATS If~ $J.'7,. $$.11 ,99 EACH 'D~YS O"'lYI • THE.SE SiP·E CI.A L·S -G.0 0 D A'T T·H·E SE •• .. IUENA PARK HH LINCOLN ·Aft. AtY...,.- 12 .. 5100 • IUINA~PARM IJll llACH ILYD. AtJ.e ..... lhiol, 52J.J040 • LOCATIONS COSTA MIS" • llOO HAllOI. K.YD . At- 541-20'2 \ 01\tLY ~ • ! ' . ' Houus DAILY 10 TO 10 SUN. 10 TO 7 Offer 11111. SUN. .. MAY 4.'69 SANTA ANA 14" ....... At'""'"' 546-7123 ' ' ' .. I· I • I " I ' r; I , ' ·? \1 \- . ·- } I 0 -- ff DAILY l'ILOT ' ·1 I SHOWING NOWI ORANGE DRIVE·IN Santa Ana Fremy at Chapman TONIGHT'S SHOWTIMES "LOVING COUPLES" 8:00 • 11:15 PM "THE SWINGE.R" 9:45 PM Santa Ana Freeway South to Chapman Annue< Eut olf-nlnp- then left on Stale Collep Blvd> •• Santa Ana Fneway Noi:th lo Chapmln AYeaue-Sta.te Collete 111111. off-nmp • Stata College Biid. South .J to Chapman A¥enue ~ • SHOWING NOW! HIWAY39 DRIVE· IN Garden Grwl Freeway at Belch 8"11. TONIGHT'S SHOWTIMES . "LOVING COUPLES" 8:00 • 11:15 PM "THE SWINGER" 9:45 PM On INdl llld. belwllll Ganlen GrM•S.Dlleo,,_,J • Sin Dll&o Frer ··1 to llNdl llld.(North off-ramp) • °" INdl lhd. South of Glldln Gnve Blvd. • °" INdl lhd. North of Wlllnliallt Aw • . SHOWING NOWI --· • ~ * IPICIAL1 PUl.LIC NOTICl·l .-tr · • ' . ... . " ' RESTRICTED ·PROGRAM •NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED! - --~;,,,;.;.;.;;.;;.;,;;;;;.; Elfglble young people must prtlent drtver'~Jlc1n11 · . and/ or •om• other proot of 191. ~ ' It you're under 18, please HllCI 1noth1r movie program I 1 ELIGIBILITY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCEDI • • HOLLYWOOD IS .. . THE WHOLE TOWN'S G .. Q.J.S .. i-P-1-N-G! ALL AMERICA IS 8--U~t =l I li-6! I . BOLDEST SCENES ON ANY SCREEN I* FRANKEST WORDS EVER SPOKEN I* *EXCEPT "I AM CURIOUS (YELLOW)" COTIAGE FILMS PRESENTS A MILO 0. FRANK PRODUCTIO N • EXEC!JTIVE PRODUCER HAROLD NEBENZAL AS$0CIATt nooucn -MARVIN BEST. ntmUCEK-ltll SCIM,IJTZ . DlltCTDlt -·~ ""'. 9CIEDCPUT-UO '(, IOltlOll 1" r · · eo~\e··· Jt.. true :hfe ~ush-hush story about rea\ ~ ~-oot\ maybe a frtend ... or a relative ... or a ne\Cd YOU'RE PROBABLY "'HEP" ... LOVf IS THEIR THINCJI - • BARBARA BLME • LYNN CARTWRIGHT • PAUL COMI •SCOTT GRAHAM PAUL l.AMBEl!T •GLORIA MANON• JACKIE ltUSSEll.• NORMAN ALDEN as MITCH I Theater Netes 'r CoastManHeads · Chst , of ~Camelo~' By 'IOM TJ'l'IJI " ... ...., ""' Miff ~"I.~ .... ~ w11l 1dd '°'1011 ti I-IOI to• hll Uullda•tlll Ill clrirnaUc and -1cll "ttMlll, WIUllll Jllllllllp of Bliboo JlllM. .._ a math and ......... 11t Huntington B<1dl !IJlll kboo1. ployo Ille ronwrtld•llOd'ln lh1a muslcli •enioll of the King Ar1bur Jglftd, which J111nchea an e~onnance Nn at the 1""' heel> Audllorlum c:on- WI hill. Slllrln1 JI!• apotllgbt as Arthur and Guenevere will bf two of the Loni Beach 1rea'1 PLAYS LANCILOT 1 be1t known talent•, Ed Cotter · and L1 ur1 KUll n11worth. Cot~ ltl l1 le'1 J1nrdn91 :·~· ter NC!tntl11t1rred ln "Who'J ..,.~ ' Alrlld OI Vlrstnl• WooU," ·~ whUe M 1 s 1 Xlllll!gsworth may be obtained lly ealling wte", 11l11ed thti title rol• in "Kiss CLO box office at (213) 432·: Mt xatf-:11 ms. : Jtnftiftp, whoat credentials production of "Tht Lion •na Jnclude n te111ivt training in Winter" Friday and Saturc\8~; voice, drama and dance, h•• with Thor Nlelaen a n di played Hamlet and Macbeth Kathleen Rogart htil ding the: 11 well · u a nwnbtr or out. Kerry JohnSQI'! Is dircc-; mmlcal and operaUc leads. He iln1. : 11 a late replaC11ment for others In the o••' are Dk~ another aotor Jn the role of Johnson. PhJI lllchards, VfrJtc; • -J t Trani, Jayne Hamil and Johru -nee o. . ...... _,, Othtr oMt members playlnt HanS-OJI. 1111 Forum is Jocatcw futund reles In "Clmelotr. In Mor1an Hall, 195 Locus~ m T. E:Utworth Clark, Glenn Ave., wilh reservatio ns beinc;: !r1dley, . lrlll Milrry and llU. •t (Ill) m.1119. . Pauline P01f1' Across town at the U nt The Le~ tmMlul Beach QammvnUy Playhouse~ will be prest1Jtf4 for Ill -"Tilt Pi111tl7 Mtn" goe.< Int~ Ina perfO!lnlllOll -1111'1~ r. · Iii IOlll'll! 0( II~ weekend~ 3, I; t arid to .., Mi 1tfO 8~n! undlr Mn · WUUams' direc~ day matlnON, ti l :IO p.m., lion,~ l\kllltntlid •l\d l oo May 4 an d 11. lltltrvilion• WYll'llt pliJ ; *' ljadln~ '°'"· -: . ( * ' * * Tilt OOIMdY II "1 stage FriJ . · · ~ 111~ J1Jul'day at tho South C OI II lltPtf!Wll'I P!i1ilouff .. I E. Anaheilli comic revival . "'-"PloOM ~II wl~ 'uOIMY available b,1. Service" . 1·lfito iU seco1'41 UM M office at (213)', weekend /'i , playing through a Ule Third 1 ! Step , • llT Newport • Blvq., C... ~ , B ,• '..tL G" } , 1~:t~ Don 111t~ ~ . ~auu. ~· Marti• DW9n. 11 o n 1 I o · . 1 8-m. 1110a11 0ou,1.... Top •El .... !~t Elaine BariQlon, 0,17 Colltr . -""" ,u,"f , and Heath Pirie n "'ljor · ' ' ' · I ' roles. Ticl<ell 1ftl1 lit ot1fiH Julie ' MIQ)I,; or If 6 4 l at •1363. 1 ~ " : • Kanoohe L1ftt;t Huntrgton! ¥ ,. + lltloh, wu 1warded loJI! prizd · ., ... ' ·tn Ult wind ln s t r atne n\ CIQ&lna 0t.tt a three-week run cUvlllon ot Ute 1969' Orang~ at the Sfn Clemente Com-CoY"W Muiloal Art.s Club 1tul munlty Nater 11 -the comedy dent ittdttttnl. ' 1 J ''A Thouswd Clowns," under The If-year old rtu t l5~ the dlrectfon of R i c h a r d performed an Andante 'bt. Andersen. Mozart and wa1 awarded a $25 Ron ChllJty and YvoMe prize !!>r!>Jigh the court<ilt •l Kendley play ·the · principal .Blu~NOtfMuilc '<CO · or Slnta roles, with Jack Kei110n. Ana. • , ~· I Slev~n ~· Qlct Wilson ~d Miu l.tacy hJ partici tcd )'OWll ScoU: Dyke completing In both district tand regi a' the cu t. The 1how runs solo and ensemble festifal~ Thursday throu1h Saturday at sponsored by the Souther~ the Cabrlllo Pl1rhouae, 202 Calilomla Band and Orchestra Avenlda C 1 b r JI o , San AaaoCl.atlon 1 ,Clemente, with t I c i.e t 1 .• She has ·also appeared 15 available by call lni 4a-04&5. solOilt on many program~ * * * -with various school musical organlzltal'lOI ar)d p I a y 9 Baclc In 'All S..cb, the regularly with lht Huntingto;/ Forum XI 1'ttlts resumes Beach W.gh School Oller Band~ &t MAY3and4 £. ~A fillil-IDH nekend frolll Soatll ol llot B~er .~ SUintnaon Ult TomomMttlMI Stall mo llZIR • iE flOlfS llUl lllUi • PEllll IY • &LOlll RVA •-•masuc I i i ' I ' 1 I j t' ' !~. 432·: ,, In: rl\By~ 1 n di th e: irec·: ' Die~ 'trltet John1 ·atcdf M!US~ ieing; U>~ lUSe~ lnl~ end~ IrecJ ln~ din~ ' F riJ. th~ 1eirr( ! byt :21J). I t I 84! gtonl ;>rizd enl ang~ ftul I ' 'b~ 1 $25 in~ l .. J &;.1 inl~ he.1 :stra i I u ams iicnl •Y•n· gto and -· I I i ! . , I , ' . I I i , I ' t Wtdntsdly, April 30, l %9 DAILY ,!LOT J§ €Jaap11aan RttltaJ ' I ' • College In structor Shines She's Love l y, B11t •000 1ned'· Statl~t"s 'Vo~e$' Slly· She'll Die in Six Years With Harp sieho1·d Concert · By VERNON S<lOTT • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Susanne Benton Is Zl years old, beautiful, shapely, blonde and co-starring with Alan Arkin in "Catch 22" -an( she is going to die In six years.. • __.. ~cre~n rv~· and that s:he , Wou14 no( Ve to see. her ZJJth blrtlld,Y. ' Iler prescience may be an offshoot of the g'-'rus Yiho p(tdit. .. • CaWornia would slide be1)eath the waters of the PacfUc eilrlier th.is month. But unllite these seers , Susanne has no claque of doomsayers her years if.re numbe retJ. "I think I'll dle Micause. 1 believe in mystical th.ln1s. I've frlt this way about my death since I was a child," she said. Cold Day In the f4tk.,. No starlet she . And now she 13 La the swift company or Ariin, Orsori Welles and Tony Perkins. llY TOM. BARLEY Of-... 9'fltJ ...... ltlff C:if~':'.P"""jj, nt day conc:trl M be•r rtadJ wf\ness a trimtndous re'vival al tn~ 'in an Instrument · that ilways seem~d. to us at ~ to repreaent the epitome · irtce and charm in .. • tht sic room. ,1peak, or course, ol the · icllord, our glittering link Ui an agt and an infant ic that be c ome in- • ly attractive u we . ever further a n d , ward(?) away from' them. ~,,J.pd it needed no more than ~ . hint of an invitaUon to py and hallowed tostrument. ~d us hastening to Chapman -We -welit not disappointed; •.f.t!!lege Saturday night to Mrs. Rickel, an instructor of jldge for ourself· Carol Sue music at the OraRge collefe. Rick.ti's prowess on that hap-was very much at home Wllh ....... what was obviously a familiar keyboard and with a progran1 that was u competently delivered &! it wa:s en· tertaining. ', I;_, . ,, Pl ui ALAN ARKIN lf this talented artist sought to win new devotees to harpsichord music, she could not have made a better selec- tion from her repertoire. She regaled us with four Scarlatti sonatas, three 11ittering ex- tracts from Johann Sebastian Bach's "The Well Tempered Clavichord" and other of· fer in gs of comparable caliber. ·" "THE HEART IS A ... LONELY HUNTER" Difficult indeed to state a preference from this imposing assembly of v.>0rks wich do so , ~'.2~ THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALLI ' ' LAST WEEK! AIM With "BULLITT" ... '· ._ _________________ _ :i:! • ·>. . \., .. ,,, { . 2nd Popular Wffk GEORGE PEPPARD JEAN SEBERG RICHARD KILEY PENDULUM Ac1d1my Award Show For One Wffk Only Posltlvaiy Ends Tut1. ,f • • •llAr;" • AT llLLI. • I HUNTINGTON •SACH • •47•••0 ( BEST ACTOR : c • • ' • ' f I i i ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....__, __________ ~ i ...... WdTMONITE• CIN1'1 ALS"O'ICWlll i ~;-~-=irs~~~i: .Sff.tt:. ltfC.QllffN'. 'N.Jl.l.ITT' . • .. r"'. ,,_.,. '-"- l~tUH~T n~ MAtlMU -11~1 '"'· ·~I Slll .. N. NUN"_... ... ... much to add luster to the harpsichord but. whlle J183'ln1 tribute to the sheer technical perfection of the Bach of- ferings, we would conc<de that we derived our greatest personal enjoyment from the latter half of the program. Medical scionce bas n ' l ' decreed her demise. Susanne ' gets messages in the night. Since age six, the buxom ac- tress has been convinced of t11o•o things : she would become guat,nteeing she will bite the dus{ or oth.erwjse exi>ire in her 2701 year. 01)e might surmise that thete is a bit of the dingaling in Susanne. But she is certain '"My husband, Jan1es, thinks I'm a mixed up girl. lie gives me the same kind of look other people do ,when I talk about jt. So I usually don 't discuss Ulis premonition with people." Canadian·born Pt1rs. Benton reecntly co mpleted a top role 'l''ith Sandy Dennis In "Thal Susanne appears healthy. Stie has no 3dverse medical reports. Nor has she a record of bflng accident prone. S u p e r f leial observation would lead one to' conclude that there ilr every possibility Ulat Susanne will live long enough to replace Marjorie Main In the heartJ o f nonagerians. Orlando Gibboos' "Pavene" and Thomas Morley's "Nan-- cie" -both from the 11Fltzwilllam Virginal Book" -are ml! known to 115 and we regard them with an af. fecUon that wu enhanced by Mrs. RJckel's interpretation. 'DOOM ED' BEAUTY Sus•nn• Benton No less aceeptable was her----------- performance of two Works :~~~~ ~~~~'enc~!. ~-~~r c~~~~~~era~~~i!w acu. term.:·malinee i~ol," once po-cording to the progr~1 l. d.is play in recent years. lt• is and there is a general aura of t~nt 1n show bus1_ness. may ~ thro~gb some a s to u .n d 1 n g lightened in the routining. improvement up and down _the which we cannot connect with any known composer ••variations on the Romanesca'' and •'Chi passa per questa strada." both from the "Dublin Virgin a I Manuscript." lhe solid, supremely teehnical structure of Beethoveo·s Sonata in E Minor or Mrs. Rickel's skilled interpretation of that imposing Vf o r k : perhaps the I i g h t ef· fervescence of that earlier harpsichord music with its gay nuances and gilded overtones had left us In the mood for the misty moodiness of t h a t superb Ravel. virtually obsolete, but theres maneuvers, and he vo1ce-con1· Gebcl-\Villi3ms is only one of line. - a new fellow around who fills mands the traditional Ringling · Mrs. Rickel switched to the piano for her final offerings in a \\'ell balanced program and there was no doubt in our mind as to which of her two beautifully delivered sonatas caught our admittedly Im· preuion ist ur. Afaurice Ravel's "Sonatine" is a tender and melodioull work in which the composer subtly captures and conveys the blurred, half-tone im- pressionillm that is .so much the Ravel hallmark. His three- movement, gloriously scored sonata was in sympalhtic hands Saturday night and en- joyed a perctptive and fluent reading. This is not to detract from In any event, it was a con· cert that lived up to the pro- mise it contained in an am- bitious program. And it pro- vided further proof, if it were needed, of a ·dictum which all teachers of music should heed : By all means, take up teaching whether It be the cloistered vales of academe or the comfort of the family music room; but never. never entire.ly forsake the concert stage. Bravo, Mrs. Rickel. the bill. and he is lo be found elepqant herd into the j r in, of all places, the Ringling varlo'.us stunts. Brothers and Barnum & It ls' traditional to say that Bailey Circus. the circus is bigger and better 1 He ls lean, blond, handsome, than ever. This season's shov• I V-torsoed Gunlher Ci e be 1-is~·1 any bigger, but it is a Willlams of Oennany. and this 1 99lh edition o{ the venerable SPECI AL NOTICE show, wllich springs into tour· TO OUR PATRO"S: ing orbit from. the usual T11, Pict~~' 11111C1 '" t1111 "°• .... v 1 Ill f9!!1lll119d lly ....,, 19 Ill •llWM· Madison Square G a r d e n 1111e ier c111wr'" '""' Y9INl9 ,..,11 encra•ement in New York, is -•NI ......,,,. ......... "t tl!HretllHI. •-e:-o C11111r:.ry le 1d,,.rtt11111 hYPfltl "r fortunate to have him, ""'"'' •n• •P111Jr1~1 elHwll•••· Gebel·Wllliams is much Y•lfnt ,..Pl• ur>dtr II (MOT U) Wiii ,,., Ill 14milltd le ~ACll'IC THl!A· more than just the ·•cat man " T•1s i. w. 111c1ur•• n11u In 11111 star in the center ring putting M• ""'"" , ...... ,..n... b1 "'""' t r ltdull 1u~rt'!NH a dozen jungle beasts, in thi s ''THE MAGUS" case tigers, through their1 "fHE TOUCHAILES'' paces. "CORRUPTION" He does Rom<ln-style stand-i!:=========='il up riding on a pair of horses. he puts two elephants and a gian~ Siberian tig ~ • Mesa Playhouse Casts , 'Middle of the Night' -4HI ' FINAL WlEK HELD OYER WltfNIElt StiST ACTOll AWAllO CllU Ro~r11on "CHARLT" PIU• "FOil LOV E Of IVY" Twe •II !Im• 1r11!1 ~lhl Nllftl!f WOOd COLOR "WlST SIDE STORY" O.vlo tf lve'I COLOR "AROUND THE WORLD IN I D DAYS" "Middle of the Night," Pad· dy Cheyefsky's story of a May· December Jove affair, wlll cloo;e out the 1968-69 season al the Costa Mesa C i v i c Playhouse next month. Playhouse resident director Pati Tambellini will stage the romantic drama, her 16th pro- duction In the Costa ~fess theater's four years. Assistant director is Lois Wilson, while Warren Conde is designing a double set foe the show. Veteran actor David Paul and newcomer Teresa Smith will play the leading roles ~f the middle aged manufacturer and the young girl with whom he falls in love. Paul , twice seen on the Costa -Meaa stage, holtb several Victor awards I h La Pl h Wttfl Sidney PPl!le• rom t e guna ay ouse. c ... uftll04l1 s1111t1•r 1:11 l".M. Joanne Wolcott tak~s thel';::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:\ part of the 1Jrl's mother, with l; Patty Neederman and' Jeanne Correll cast as the manufac· lure r's posseS!ive sister and daughter. Completing th e Cost.a Mesa cast will be Barbara Garlich, Betsy Paul, Tom Titus, Ke vin Conroy, 1 Shirley Dillon and Patty ChaVez '. "A1iddle of lhe Night" will open May 23 for three weekends, F r i d a y s and Saturd3ys through June 8 at tbe . Community C e n I e r auditorium on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Advance ' reservations may be obtained 1 by calling the Costa. Mesa Recreation Department at 834- 530J. PORT THEATRE MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW Saturday, 8:30 P.M. Starri ng Oliver R•ed & Michael Pollard Crossword Puzzle G&illllmWIOD ISIAGIC AID llllNiNG ATIOllllNDS ACRO SS l Hit hard S And 44 Htld a session 45 Pronoun 4' Act --..... S45·lllJ N• ... , ...,,.;r 11 UmlltM u"l•11 will! ,.,...., or ••ult 911•nli1R. A11lftony OulM -M k:l'llel C.I.,. "THI MAGUS" "THI TOUCHAILU " 601~ In Color r--::,,,..,.,,,....i. 111 -"''"""'"' I SJl·1Z71 Th• M.,, Wtih NI l'llm• lt'Slrtl (nnt E:lsl'WOod . COLOll !'flSTFULLIOF DOLLARS" (,int Eal!WVd COLOR "FOii: A flW ' DOLLARS MO llE., ~1,•1 '1~1 ' '' O 1 II WARNER W.-W.tl ..... • 147·Htl ' .. __ ,, ... , ... ~ ltsl wllll ,..,..... ff "'" 1111•· dllnl Kirk OClugl~I ,COLOR ''THE l.ROTH!ll:HOOD" F'et•r Cu•lll"" COLOR "COltltU"ION" it .SEE "ROOM SERVICE" TM hll•rl•vl AIMflc ... fare• C•MMJ 1:)11 P1t".-Tlllnl Utt TllNl,.._.~U6~1UJ Nh11t" •ivtl., c-. ... SOUTH COAST ltE~EllTOaY CNILOlllEN'I THl!ATltl "PINOC C HIO " BALBOA 673-4q48 o,.. 6:45 70t I . laZMI · · · lalltN '"'h•I• NOW -End1 Tuesday 2 of the GREAT ONES! ''SU.SONS" 7:H' l l:H "SHl lW'' t :OO ONLY . Winner Of 6 Academy Award1 Including.- BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR r AT THE ENTRANC E TO LIDO IS~E NEWPORT • l r1wl l• Supporli!r IS Bird noise l• Saldltt In French 1rrny 17 Dru g storf lttlll 11 Vttch llnstt sdily •7 Nat 49 Lt 11t f«al 53 Australian v1gallond 57 Tht P'arsnlp Of tht ,, ... :81 ·~'?.t~ I "'""' ""'" '"' '"M'~" 1· i "FOLLOW Ml" 1 COLOlt I 1E lv!1 P1er.11v COLOR I "CHAllRO" I lt T1lk tf1dlt1sly: 2 words 20 Llamu' h1b\Uit 22 l est dlina: 2words 51 In th e nelgftbOf· hood: Archaic st Tht Odyssey, for one 61 lhtrt tht ltity sit •z GtrMtnt •3 P'ro - •• l lbllcal •130169 , Oita lt. Clothln!I 10 King's ICCtSsory for1111 37 u.111.w. 11 Jai:-ntse l words .. ALL THI LOVI NG COU PLES" ~11111....iv ,.. ~JM•• u 1<1· 1 mlfll'!'! Ann·Mirgr1t COLOll ''1HE SWINGER" ••••••••••••••••••••• 24 Looktd Menacingly z• Marina llf(l!Sllly 27 P'art or th• hnd . ''"' '' ,,.,atH razor tor as t 1s1t11bly 111e111brr: ~ coins 40Unsub-· 11;::~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~~~~~~~~~~~~·\ 12 rtrll'lllal of slantlattd 1; __ ..::_-""'---'----lh1 lllr ICCllSatlO" ''WILDLY •ICI YOU_, C!ITAllLY am• ·l.Y. , .. Zt Quartt"8:ck's tsv1t 30 Fixed ln '''" 33 111 n••• in ]f fh Clrltuf)' Fr111ce !1 Short stiff 31 -·for ....... ,: 2 wcris '' c_.,, ..... 40 ",Tht Maret. Ktn9" 41 l/'40 of a "..,. llilt •z Anitrn C.msglt, ..•. : 2 woris f111I~ 42 E11hlblllon 13 Football 43 Ttnnls play u111plrt's DOIN 21 Sttlous: call COllb. fom 45 las a hit ''Hit ,, 011111 .. b~· 1 -23 "Tlll!ll thtft 47 Allin --; 111tt1bolis111 wert -" 2 words 2 Dtsolatt 25 -Qub"olt 41 !'art of J Part or 21 Albtrtans and Asia a plow Mont1n1ns 50 St.p 4 Extrnaeant JO A Illes out or ., ... tti\lon of the Fox the Wl'i J Owtnlttg Indians 51 NUl'llbtr · unll: Allir. 31 tloun ending SZ Follow a 'S.olttf 3Z Cl 11'41 oentral """Cl l) f'dOUS Cltlll'St 7 r:1n1 lh11 n'lln SJ Of• window of ltUtr 34 Europe111 54 l'reposlUon I ~Ind of ftscirt clly 55 Gas clllllll&"llc111~ ... 35 l•k«r 5& "Rio-'' 2 wcrds ptodutt 60 0Ytr llt tl1e-rnesa ....... _ i:rC\ } Fir · 1\t ~v1,.: Appointments Nf\'~PO RT ANl> ttA RBOR IN COSTA MESA llLEPHONE 5~1-1552 FOR INFORMATION HELD OVER 2nd WEEK THE GREATEST FAMILY SHOW IN ORANGE COUNTY James Garner Joan Hpckett Walter &rennan C&1tndar- a duU town until Sherill McCullouah took over Al..a Thi1 Family Show LEE MAR\111\i TOSHIRO IYL SHOW STARTS t, P.M. CONT. SAT & SUH,.,.,. J ,.M. ' EYE. SHOW STAll:TS 6:45 CONT. SUN. fll:OM 2 P'.M. FCOSTA M- lllllllOl SOUTH COAST Q!IRU ox PLAZA TH&ATRK CORPORAtllltl San Diqo fr-.way at Brlstol • 546-2711 BOX OFF ICE OPENS AT 6,45 • ' ' I ,• r I I • • H DAILY PILOT :Your Money's Wortk • -What Loans Really Cost 87 SYLVIA PORTER Jl's ridiculous to wait until the Truth .. Ln·Lcndlng J a w becomes ef feclive July l ln order to find oul )Vhat you're paying to borrow -money in this period of historically steep lnt.erest rates. Even if you wait, you won't find out a tot yoo should and want to know : there are m a n y loopholes, deliberate and a"° cldental, in the law and lenders who charge you the most wlll try their utmost to befuddle you. Hert, therefore. are some vital finance facts of me NOW. HOME MORTGAGES' • Officially, interest rates on the majority of home mortgages now being extended by com· merical banks range from 7~ to 8lh percent : the rates already are stated on most mortgage contracts. But this is only the oHicial interest rate. lo addition, there are expensive extras such as ''points," premiums for credit life insurance, finders ' fees, di sc ounts, service c h a r g e s , appraisal fees, credit report costs, etc. These easily can add another 2 to 3 percent to your interest rate and substantially hike the cost of your mortgage to you. Today's REAL range of loan rosts on most mortgages is about 9'h to 11 'h percent. NEW CAR LOANS: Rates range from 8 to 12 percent if you finance your car through a commercial bank and 10 to 14 percent and more if you finance through an automobile finance company. If you pay, for instance. 14 percent on a three.year. $2,000 loan, your total finance charges will be $460.80. If you get the same loan at 9 percent. your total credit cost will drop to $289.60. If you get it at 8, the cost will be $256.20. from 18 to 3o percent and limes even up to 42 percent? At 18 percent, a $1,000 car loan over an IS.month period costs you $148.SO. At 42 per- cent, though, your finance charges are $364.70. For a $1,000 used car. loan from a co.mmercial bank at. say: 14 percent, your 18-monlh cost will be $114.50. DEPARTMENT S T 0 R E CHARGES: The typical car· rying charge is 18 percent a year -if it's being advertised at l Jh percent a month. 1'he total credit cost on a $MIO charge you leave unpaid at a store for over a year could amount to $'90. money for the full year.) For today's I percl:nt "dlscount, loan, the true annual interest rate Ls more than 11 i,i, percent be<ause you 1et oni,Y $91 !or each $100 you botTow. The total finance charges. on a thrtt--year $1,000 perSohal Joan costtng ·11·perttnt in ,tiue an. nual inte;tst are $178.&Q., If you take out a personal Joan a.fa small loan COJii,pahy. you are more likely to pay' 30 to,36 percent a year. On<a two,. year $300 loan at 36 percent, total finance charges are $125.13. • After the Truth·ID·Lertding bUI .B~ into effi:!ct, all ol these details tnust be SPf!lled out on any advertisement' of credit terms in which any specific mention of credit (such as "$3 a .~eek"'or ''two years to pay") .appeats. Other key. d~_tail.s -c;ash price~ down payment, the dilfereoce to be financed, any a.mo .u n t $ deducted as Prepaid .'flnance charge.$, total finance ctiarges -also. will have to be 'clearly spelled out for you. But bef0re the J aw•s· ef· fective date will come May and June -months in which millions of you will be. bot· rowing billions "of dOllars. And I'm not so sure that even after the law is in operation, the story will be flven as clearly as in this cofumn. You ctr· tainly can use my figures as a borrowing guide. PERSONAL LOANS: The loans now being advertised at "$6 per $100, add.on" at com· mercial banks actually cost about J l percent on a true an. nual interest basis. (The l'1•••s1moini::n'l! reason js you begin repaying almost immediately and thus do not have the full use of the QueenMal'y ' ·f. Remodeling Contract Set Finance Briefs USED CAR LOANS: Does it astound you to learn that the true annual financing cost now being charged by auto finance '. companies to finance the purchase of used cars ranges •. LONG BEACH (UPI) -An $11.8 million contract for remodeling the Queen Mary was signed Monday, bringing the former empress of the seas a step closer to a floating museum and conv ention center. NEW YORK (UP I) -Erie Forge & Steel Corp. said its board of directors at a special meeting authorized the filing of a chapter XI bankruptcy petition, necessitated the com.- pany said, by its inability to meet short·term cash re· quirements. Arrangement is being made to repay fully all creditors over a period of years. "STAR" SALESMAN W11'1 Nlllon•I Com ..... llV Helli lftl "ii•"''" '"°" s • .,,. 1u1u ... Exper· ltflc• In $Jlet, Atvtr1111..,. ...i " l"llbllC lltlUlliolnl. ' ' I P.O. los 1140. C..to M-92626 WIDOWED? DIVORCED? The contract was awarded to Smilh·Amelco, a joint ven· turt of H. C. Smith Construe· lion Co., Compton, a n d Amelco Corp., Honolulu. The job calls for replacing structural, electrical and mechanical installations for tourist accommoda tions and connecting utilities f r o m shore. March 11, the city council turned down a low bid of $15.5 million for the work because it exceeded the city's estimate. That bid was submitted by the Walker Kidde Construction Co. of Los Angeles. NEW YORK (UPI) -A group of investors headed by Roger Malkin of New York has bought cootrot of the cot· ton w8rehousing bl!Sine&s-of- Federal Crop. for about $34.~ million cash. The deal includes 29 million square feet of warehousing space and 2;100 acres of land in six mid~utbern slates and Arizona. The properties w~re bought from SOuthwide Industries, Inc., also controlled by the Malkin group. Federal. having divtsted ttself of the cotton warehous· ing business, will now C!l"· centrate on poultry processing and flour and feed milling. The financing of the new cot· ton warehousing subsidiary was arranged through the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. NEW YORK !UPI) American Standard, Inc., is joining Herbert J. Kendall, a New Jersey builder, in a $100 million real estate develop.- ment project in New Jersey's East Windsor Township. The com plex, to be called Twin Rivers, will include 3,000 dwelling units. 238--acres of factory sites, SS.acres of shop- ping center and 14Q.acres of parkland. STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorfUI sound of Or11111• County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach -sbite Sells · OY-E~ THE..COUNTER $3o Millin TI i--.IW·D·L·lalinlll~-.... T .. -sd·.-y ..... .,.. l-2t.-1 ... ~-i In B d 1CtMi J ... ... .. ............ t A.Mo.WW MSD. •n.. ....................................... .... on s ••w~· ., ..,. •• -1.... ... '!• ....... 1 .... 1 •• 11 -~TN .. om1 A ·.-: loll I!'!= 2J~ 't ' P't!llM. GI I,_ \Ii , R .~~ ,.. :.= ,,. ;;r • ..,... '· w-=-N'."' ,..., ~ SACRAMENTO (UPI) -·~"'Le~ IOmt lb hllrtl'lk lr ... El" He; to>,r, 11\t &1 " Ille. ltiOdt » lt1!8k WM 1 It nktr111 fl\\ J?\11 State Treasurer Ivy Baker ""·;V, "~ _c-,"' I~ Miii " ""'•• ,.., "' rlill:il .,., ,... "'"' t Htlr !"'if:'° PfC~jb 'I~ 1(1,~ Priest Tuesday sold $30 mil· =1•1 . , :'-:t m"roiA" fi» 1~ l::"' ;~ ~ ic ~ '~ lion oI s• .. u. construction :'"~ ' reu ~ ~ ·~: Ttpe ¥,111 ""' ~s . ~ P"f"' " < = a~ s I~ ~~~t's M ~ bonds to a Bank of America ='• ' ~ · f 'f\fi '' ,'If' 1"' ""./Jf:O '1°. ' ~ ayndicate to 'put the . state ~.. I r.""~I i:-1rf· "'l 1'=.111 c l~~ 'rn =11':~ 611(1; ... -:°:i.r• · . t• II ' -W.t 11~1 P\!rl!Y Sit' 1$¥11 back ln Ute bonll market ~ llY. If. r = ~ ~ P'Ouo ·C•• _.. M Th ·-~ t b.d • 7'"""" JO not I fld l\..11: ""~ ~· 4:wr, 71't P111n11'111 !I It e s,-• ...,.-.;a e 1 ""· G:lU per-= "" . -1 i~· Ill 5.• &er '·s1 HY!: P \11 1t1111 OYl'lfll ;z:Z *"" cent on the 15--year bonds ~dowll ,.. --c11 4' K• Mr Ill' • ~ == ei nt 2ll Which WltJ be Used to finance ..!. . lfa ~ '&!1" !t.'t l1 K~ & ;uv.:r!'"' l:='E~• rPol il~ . II and . •t ~-'~" , 1, f11l lr. f:il% nl't 5111Wooct ~I\~ \lo R_.,11 <'r 3914 ""'4 co eg~ uruvers1 y """'" ~ r • 2' ' 1.._,,~1'1 ~ 2% 2: .. ~,: ro .... Jr'-llllev lnl; 11Y, mt strucuon. The state ha5 a 1. ., fl I:.. 1r~ ii~ K~t Cus -311 3}¥; :=: Ea p. v maximum legal limit of 5 per. " c.. -~· . 1r'!M.t~•111 itl ~~' e~c lA\lo·~ly, Rov c1~ • tv. f!rv. I o\ .. · J !!ll\11 lfJ KJ.flflPt PT :VIII 2l\ll RovOul ff f!I cen . .., So '° 14 i. '3l' ,. ,., it~ ~"'·• .vGC1t 2'\11 ?:" 11:uu SToY $t\ll 31\'t Mrs. Prie.st said the sale in-~ IM"i~ 141 ' f?tew 1N:!J !&:~ l1 ~~-bit 1~w fv. 1tl1'"c~: ~"' Jll'l dicated a ••mark.ed Un--~ ~!P-Iii t>~:'.in'o ,y ~ti,;r.·1 .,~3~f::~"•n•t U lr" provement" in the naUonal t:EP·i.:. (~"°t" '3~ ~~ L-1w'I ''"" 2Q. ~f"~:.1r~1 J111 J~ bond market in tht!i past ~ ·iitfl • · :~.~r ~ f~111· ~:;• c=i IJYa Im kl f:;'" im ii"" month Am ., ~ El P-El 1.W. '! t:!.'f:i,..TnG fl ff Im' OM 60. 61 '0 . • • "'" flllD EIJ!'-2(1 2 L ''"" H l" n ~ r ocker.C1tizeM Natkml '· M Ii:. " I l'lucl n, ~ •,·.~ Ll:'1lJrf ~ nu IPlo A °" llr.t Bank d W II F n-nk "'" f'I 2<i IU'I' •.--. .. L.ailtiw ._ 1v. S.trlt pt 16 16'1~ an. e s argo »c:i ~ ~ I ~-,L Jer;trcirn• -m ,."~Lott C...-:tY ll'i'i 1, ... ieoco 26 ?~ •--· the ,..,,.>.,..,_ IG • n lee Cl_p L•·-•c U'" ,,~· •11 Cll'tll 36 31 were pa.w.,.;i.;:i 10 p ... .......,..... · 1 c ''' · • """" .. SeQ\Jo'f"' 36111 ll\ll ing syndicate. t:=•r 'I ~~I p~ I f,.·111\ =k:Gf.!= 1 ,,.,, ~ Svtn ,,.u1r ~ r~ Net ·mte· t -~ to••· slate "rCll• w n~ 4 ~fYll $ 811 U'h U M•[ jtj}y U\.'.1 11 Sltm-. It 6' 61 • res """~ u.c: •rc1 llld EfllNI Cv '5 51 M111\Ck1 P $f $1-1 1nvt ll will ·-112 696 '15 o\rQM M iii \lo Ellef'9Y "" ·~ '"' .,..,.. All I Mio SOr• P•p 26 ,. ~ ' ... • o\(cMfl D.lff fi\11 "" eon c. ·~ t\11 er-37V. ""' SoG• NG 11~ UV. . " ~ 19 Erle 'Tedt 2f!V. 71 MtYet" 0 31'4 3P So l'IE Ye1 .-v. '6'1/o United California Bank suJ>-~~ MoH 1~ Equ11y: oo »Vi 21 \.'.I $.h.IPO 30 :n sc,1 w~1 "'1"" di.itted a · bid, of 4.78865 per· ~ ,~ I" ~ E•ltrlln ~7\IJ "81h M1111d cc ~ Wi Soun 01s :u~ :i.s\f, • " t O I l'J \o'J Fl Ceco tlli 10 • McOulV 1 . .1, 31V. SW EISv 1114 ltV. cent, which wou1d have cost .,gfo Frr• F•br1 iJJ' 101<1o 1°"" Mearc H 31 ». sw Gasc1 11\'l 17"4 th late II• 71' -bil tb ""IO $c1 9\6. ~ Fll:•v r "'"" 50\4 ll'DllC 32 »"lo !PCO'I 10 ,~. e S 61 "•V'"• W t e o\v~ !"' I FHd r " • 61\11 ~par i ~ Id Aev!ll 27 'I n k ' ~ .• Co b •tied 'V 1 l F•rrl11e :IOl'I S1\;i Mldld Cap lj• I lid Ser"*' :U'li Ulh .oan er s "rwn . SU ml "fu') n jl? 1 :\Ii F~l'I Mtt 210 212 idltl! v. tan H Pd :11"' :iov. a b•ld O( .l ltftr. ....,.,_,., 0? Ba ~It! 1 1 \lo Fl11 S«:ur 9 10 Mjclw1r GT 27Y. 28\'I !taw Cl ~I Y.11'> ,. . ......., ~,.,.,..... • td Al ll,,, 1 Fil B<X Cl 67 6t M 11 R8Y :it.•;,__21\/o S..Obu; TV 71.'i I fl2Th,833th,293. b'"-. sh811J :1 ... r.··~ ""' 2,~ f::~: 1.~11 fl .... ~rJ v.ff. ~v. ir' f: ~:· l~ l~ e rte MQ were 1n •~ c11.. 1,,s 1 "'I Ai!'PCP ~ 1~ MO Fhdl 1v. N ramp•a 1n 110 • • '~"" c I F1 Wn!F 7 JV. MohaWk A J1 32 T•1111er 14 1& contrast to the situatwn Ill •Y 11 1n•• 1!.' F11"'1 s., 2.l\11 25v. Monm Pk 16 ""' Tappan 16 ,, u . ch he "" miJli. • '" 14 FOOdF Pl'"P 5..., $'4 _., Pd 11 ll?N T•uelle l31fo 14'~ '""'r , W D ~ OD m :ll:i 11lle ~ 4,~ FOJI Grant 2' 29'11r Moore, S 13 llV. T•vlor W 67 69 trud. bonds t "1, " I "Foloehm ~ 4\'> lcl'I M llV. 12•1i1 'T atAmSut 10 lJ COll! IOn We D l~I H ll\11 [ Fral'IUld tl'o 10\lo MOtor Club 14V. 15\lo Tenn Air 12W 1311> without bidders at the state's ri: lib ,~ F'raflkl cu 11\11 12v. N•rrff c xiv. J4\'> ltfln• 2914 :JG 111\IDS W fO Fkln Elec 1'114 ~~14 HI llr"ldf ~ 6 Ttt1t1 l.l 14'h -·t·1••ional ·mte-~ rate 1rd Son " FrMI' Rtt 1214 12'Ar. Na1 E~I 51 65 Tr•n• csi Ml. 1 '"'~ w• •=• Erldl \o'J 1 Fut1vlew fY, 9\4 1'11t F Pd 32,. ~ 'Tr•M Gas 19'ill 19Vt ceiling of five. percent. l•ck r H11 ~'14 1"h G•rt1ro1c1 11v. i t N11 o o 11 1' Trenia M 14 14v, • • t OClut! El 5 lli Git Svc lft\'I 16'/1 N•t Uhl U\11 27V. 'Ttl!ftd Ind ~ 21'1/o Mrs. Pnest said today s ac-011 e ... N 1•\lo JI G oev1ce, s sv. N•I SecA• l AVt u Tr1co Pd :12 33v, lion "once again indicates the t:~.~lt Y~ • 8" l(~~::ra f.: m ~~I~ ·~E ._Jt; ~ l~~I~ G u~ lit confidence and esteem in l~!~V G 1~~ 1''11 8!:1ef" 1:"" 11~ ~!w~GF ~.,., ~~ 8~~~ Th ~ 1~ Which Califorru·a bonds are rown Air 21 !if Glfl05 rnc 3S~ 36'° N1ei. A 32'4 3:J'4 un Doller 2'\\ ll'h tush B•r 3'~ f:V. Gl11lf1ll "31-) ~y, Nioll1 8 32\~ lJV. Un lllum 3' 37>4 held I'm verv ·pleased to have 11,',f~.·. • U .• fi''· Gle1t11·.w "~at~ Nor...,.,. Att 7:\li t>J. un McGll 11 13\1:1 • 'J. ''"' tj"" '"'Globe AuD 7 7"" NC11r NG-llV. lh l US BkNa1• 2' 26'/0 these three fine bids. We're 1111 we:!'/., I"" v. Gr1P11 con 21 22 NoEur on 5'11 • us crow" '"" 9\li . G•'l•I• Sc! 78 11. NPtnn G 16 11 us EflYel 2:1\o'J 25 very pleased." := M ti Grw11111 In 1a. 1t:w; NW N1tG 11'11t 11•11 us suvar s5 """ ' She .also attributed the bids :~~A 8 ,~ 'II g~~~ i;:: ~~~ ~~~ ~::i~bR~h ?J ~~ 8~ ~~~~ ffll ~ to a change ;n the nat•1onaJ ao11 Sow 1~ \Ii Grlnntll 129 1J) Ohla Wei 32 ... 3l'h Ulah ShLd I I V. ~· I D Tech 7Vt 11.1.o Gtc~ F'rr, 24'1. 26 OP! 5c11n '° 6l Ulll Ind lol'h lB\o'J economl•C n;cture and said "j\ •r" 61 llVt 12 Gtw:h 1 ... I 2~~\ 26\lt Otmont 1'1/• lS Val LON 15~ 1m I"' • ap Tedi 7Vt l \lo Guard C.f\ ~l'l l\t Olle-r Tl' 111'1 7'l V•nce San 18 29 -"Id•-ve~ well" due to the carte e1 n v. 12 Guldt Tth 4\• •l'l overs NA ~ :n>,1, v WOQdwli 2•~ 2s:w. ... .,... uo; •J C•• NG•• u~ 11 Gulf Int 11'11 12\IJ Oar Cit 11 19\11 WQdtll R 73\IJ 75 policies· of President Nixon. c~ vtPS n14 2W. Grod111 15 15\lo Pab,1 llr 45 45'• W•dwltl P .12 •• • • . Chm Lt1no 1ei,oi 21V. Him Ccn<: 1•'4 20 Pac Alltml 21.4 2'1t W At* 121/r !'" "It's an 1nd1cat1on 0£ IDOfe Chtmolli m 6~ H1nd Voe '"' 11:. Pee F"rE 40 •IV. Wllroh H 15 6 b·ut . . I Ches U!!I 1$\'J It'll H•nover s 27 211/:i P•n11ccl 1''lll 15V. W11'l NG lS'lt 20 Sf,a I y tn · our n 8 t I 0 n 8 Chl Sri.I 77 10 H1v'n Ind s~ 6~ Pkw•y 01$ 22 2l Wet Trml 17 ]7>,1, t " h ·d Sh Chris! S 131 l:U H•tlo Air ll'lfo 12\(o PaultY p ~1' 15 Webb Rn lt l6¥o governmen , S e SB! • e Chtl•I pf 110 113 Htnredn F 27 2t P1velle 1• 15V. 1ldttn IS 16 nted that N ., x 0 n ' s Cltldel t '"" Hlllhvfl II 19\IJ p Ob1Lit • • .... Welllfll M I' n comme c1111 utA 21~ 1''.lo Holm EP 10 14 ,.. et1111n t tv. wstn M111e 1\IJ 1l\io policies "hav~ added more El!;.zN ui~1 lf,,. ff~ ~::,er Fis 3~~ 32~ ;~cG~;.v"' ?~~ ~~ ~.,~~:~ R~ ~:;.; confidence in our financial in· C••k Mt 201 2sv.1 Ho(!( 13 13~ Peetleu T 20'h n wnv Wlils 11 11v. , ClaYIOll 5'A 5~ Hiid 81Y 22 23111 P-1nn RE I Ii l•V. Wlnnbto.r 61 70 st1tutions." c11n1on o Jl'lo 32 Huct PP A :u 35 Ptt W•lh 9 9V. w1n11 41>\o 4Mo . Banlc of America Vice Presi· l::'"'" e l 2~ ~~~ ~=s ~,.. ~·A ~:~~1! st ,;~ 40~ :Z~P~" 2n? 2}v. d t Alan V Bartlett told Mrs Colon Sir .:JOV. 311./o Mursl P 24\li 25\'> P1lroll (4 45 Wy1ndot 21'1i1 21.\4 en . . Com '"'' lB'h 40 H••ll 31'11 J2\li PhRdt pf 7J 77 •rd EIK '"" •;• Priest, "The bids i:eceived reflect the fine job that you ~•-•""""'"""'"'"'.,""'"""""""""·C•••·••••••••••• ... ..,,; .. ~'~ and the governor have -done to explain the fine state we have here." Plant Slated Mutual Funds iMii&i '#I I 7 I ii sr JU rt_,, NEW YO~I( (APl 'btrdffn -'The fDllowlflQ oug. "dV!Hrs 1111001. 111DD1led br 111111tHI .. • the N•ll-1 AHtX.I· n "mer TOLEDO (UPI) -Libbey· 1tlon °' Se<:urltl .. "'*" 2.'5 f.90 Am Mur !~.JS l\.JI Cus Bl 21.ll 2'.J2 •. 36 9.1~ •m i'IGW 3.Sl !·" Cus II~ ID.ll 11.25 t.OJ t.11 o\m P•c 7.17 .n Co• .Kl t.OI t..tt 1.15 l.1, l\Chor Grwp: Cus K2 •.37 6.95 13.Clll(.30 C•• '·"IO.t5 Cus $1 • ffa24.75 6.30 6.19 Grwlll 1~.37 5.15 Cos S2 12.1613,.27 3,$5 1.J.I In~ 9.11·10.ll Cui S3 9.20 IW 0 F rd C ill b .Id Dt!alett. Inc., •re mcait wens. o o. VJ UI a 'he prtcn 1tt ,.....Ith m Bus $20.6 million float glass pr(} ~':~ """ 1ecr= '" oiv duction unit at its Ross£ord sold Cbldj or bovOllt ~m Gr111 . ' !•'lk9dl u•ld•ri ''" lnY Fli Inv 11.00 12.llS CuJ S' 6.8-1 1.•1 11.12 12,92 o\HtX.la!d 1.s:i. l.'7 Porarb · S . .O 6.13 '\S3 l.1i ex HOUS1hlon· Kr1ic.kD. 1.40 9 .. 21 ID. 5ld.15 Fund,._ a.ii 1.92knlck Git! 12.41113.$1 Ohio, plant. FuflCI a 10.1t n .c. •~l"at l"UJ2·30 -------------5!0(k 7.94 l.M f~ I sch j-22 J·P, Sci Cp 1.40 7.17 L"I r S~k 1·21 ,.71 B~Ti'k ::~ ::n Lf1: Inv 1:56 1:26 aosi $tk 10.791l.7t 1.llll! '·" 9.33 Soslon 8.97 9.IO looml1 Sft'1-s Fds: Broad St 15.30 16.SI Canad ((I.SI 40.51 ullock l S.3717.tl C•p/I i3.)0 la.30 CG Fd 10.4211.4 Mui ·U.78 lS.11 Truth Squads Urged ::•Nlllllfl 19 ..... 21.02 'illnhl a.C. 1.7' T P 0 l F C•p/j lrte ~ 11 10.15 IU FflCI ·12.'* 13.20 t t • • cai>lt Shr 1·15· 1 ~9M11n Clh 17.$713.1• 0 ro ec l lrms '"' !"' ,,:,rn:u "' '' u.~ '-" ChaM 1111 Funou: ties 1.'2 1.52 Balin 13.3' U.51 1!hert 13.6.J 13.tl PHOENIX, Ariz. (APJ - The chief spokesman for the nation's independent o i I operators said Tuesday truth squads must be organized to reject and correct deliberate distortions of fact he said are being made against t h e petroleum indu s tr y in Washington. Harold M. McClure Jr., president of the 6,000-member Independent P etro I eu m Association of America, said Washington critics w o u Id destroy the nation 's petroleum self·su(rtciency and cause con· sumers to pay higher prices for all petrolewn products and natural gas. The Alma, M i c h . , in· dependent's suggestion that .tntlh squads be organized was part of this 0 state of the in· dustry" report submitted at the COncludiiig session of the trade group's m,I d-y ear 111em~p m·eeting. · McClure and Senator CIU- lord 1'. HanS.n <R-Wyo.), told the independents the lower prices for fortign ojl • would disappear should lhe Industry critics have their way and cause a shift from self-suf· fici eney to a dependence on foreign oil. Gene P. Mqrrell, the new deputy am.stant l n t e r i o r secretary for m i n e r a 1 resources. said the oil industry "has been given a bll swlft kick right square in the tmage. ''Let me suggtsl th11t you exp.and your .prenchlng Md si mplify )'Ollf explanations," said MorttJI, a I o r m,e r Oklahoma 1eot.cm and at· tomey. I U..... Uld "'1'1tlcs o! th• lnterielr Department's man- datory o!l unport mnlrol p .... gram have failed to coaslder the constqUeocet ol dlscourag· Ing dtxnestlc .. ploraUon and develQpmeoL "'!he cheaply p r o d u c • d fottlgn oll would no! !lay cheap long W OW' 0W1J lnd\mry coold ao lmlger compete." he .. Id. "OUr potential e n e m I e s wouJd relish seeing t h e domestic Industry d<pr1vtd o! Ill lnoMttJ\'t for f u rt be r d.Wopmont. They would like to ,.., the United Stat., !tan- CM\ stt 1n 11• coon 10.1111.n Grw!h i16 "4 Mkll\ Myt 1.13 7.7f · I I f · I lncam ,:61 ·n MDOdV Cit 16.90 H.•7 1ng so e y on ore1gn supp y so ss:iec1,1 ~:.;4 3:,6 Moodv·, 1•.76 16.31 th t h · ·1 ·1 t• h G · Yoortons Fuflds• a W en 8 Simi ar SJ Ua IOn l::.d rwfj 41413 Grw1h n.60 13.11 to that in the ll-1idd1e East Front 101."7•112:s2 lncom •.10 5.U Shrhld 13~71.;¥• lnwr 1.33 9,1J arose, we could not support ct.em1,.1 11:,120:41 MIF Fd 20.20 21.1• · Colonlal· MIF Glh 6.3' 6.15 our essential defense com· EC111Ti ~-" •.oo Mu omG1~ '·'° •.20 mitments." Fund 13.111.;,39 ~~' ~~~" ll :li ~l:U . Grw111 1.n 7.89 UI T p 28-1 290 Hansen said the Democratic ~:;:s;-~~ 1}::1 11:J1 EA M"ut 12:00·12:2, leadership 1·n both the Senate com1n011wllh Fds : · a1 ws.c H.3' 12.26 Cip Fd 11.l'll 12.24 •1 Ind 12.6' U.6• and House has ...... rna to the 1ncam 10.to111.96 N1 1nv1i1 ~.11 •.et ,. •• _ lnVtSI 10 Al 11 la tlal $e( $er. New England states "where stock 1o:tt 11:90 Ba11n 11.3111.31 • , ·with "'ta l 71 1 ts 80fld 5.11 f,J5 there tS httle petroleum and i'w1th c 0 i:90 2:os 0 1v1<1 4,t, 5.o ti U ti . t , Fampel IQ C110 9S Pf SI~ 7,73 t .•5 consequen y t e 1nteres m Coma lid 10:2111:16 Ir.com s.99 g.~5 Protecting the industry from com11 Fd 11·°' n.os ~~~" ii:tt l1:~ ' comslic S.ft •.S4N!WV tS4 711 cheap forei gn products concord m.01 20.01 • e · · ' Cons lnl vl I 21 05 euwrttl 17 .... 27 .... "Wyoming is one of the ccn1m 1nv 5.i.s 11'.Jt New E"ll 1G.t4 11.11 CorPUI 16.52111QNIW Ho.-711.,321.tl many oil producing states that cntrv C•P 1s.21 1s:u Ntw wld 14.99 16.:ia .L. CrOWl'I w 1 25 t OJ ewlan 16.16 11.Q has a real intere:n in the ~Veoh M 1.:331,:13 oteasi 11.u 11.u defeat of the anti"°il legisla· Ot<et •n~ 13·721'·99 o= ,;M 1::l~ Del1w1,.. 11.•7 l6.t1 100 Fd 1, U 11 Q tion proposed ·by some of the oe111 Tr '·41 10·11 101 FUN! 1o:u 11:M . ,. O!vld Sllr 4.IM 4.•1 wms 16 1114.11 Eastern Establishments, he o,~"'1 1n 1~·U 1,·ll ::>·Neu 11:2119,31 ·d re1111 ·,,,· •• o_.,,.rn lf6t ?'9 581 . DrtYlus 14.l .... Penn SQ t'.24 t:1• Morrell Suggested t h a t ::11on&H-rd: Pa Mui 10.25 10.15 8118'1 11.6112.62 P~lla 15.tolJ.10 oilmen also carry their f~ 11:= 1~:~ p11::r1m 1::~1 1:JI shnplified explanations to con· soeeie1 14.ll 15.IJ P "'' st 1L21> U.2t . Stock 4.14 U.S4 Pl-r 14.1116.lt sumers m that they are :;-~;,1 14.96 u .21 Pltn 1nv 11.66 14.93 absolutely baffled by some ex· ~~~. lta l~:; ~~~ce 7111 lt.~ R:H planations of the industry 's ~fl!" io.U"~~f1 ~ri1~~ 1t~ 1l:!t tax problems e ... ~ 11.lol irtro•m funcb: · E~rsf tfl II.OD 11.:JI Eooll lj.St U.B.S "The consumer's ooly in· Ex p!« tt.oo "·" GeOf(I 1 .ot , .... , . ~ . F•lf'fd 14,0115.31 Grttl 11.'1' ll.63 terest ts that his tank tS full of FrfYl aMu ll·21 n.21 1ncom t.u lo.ot d .,_ k book t•U " Grlh .02 16.o 1nvffl 7.56 •.:w gas an IU;:I poc et s I ld C•P ,,,95 U.Oll \11111 12·" 1).., h h .. M II .d 'Id FU'llf lt.0119,41 RIP 'Tech $," 6.l5 as c ange, orre Sa.I , F d Tmd 21.te JO.ot Revere 1s.14 1•.66 Fl!\lf\tl,ll PrOQrm: RDHflffll t.U JG.78 Computer . . Field Grows ovnm •,o t.27 hutltr 11.u n.H Fst 1rl()fll tu.211.6' udder Flllldll: ~:: *M~11~r 1T1t l~:l; ~~T 1'71.11 '•1~51 Fil I'll! l·X 9.0S B•I 1i,2, lt.23 F11I C11t .12 •... c°'" St 11.1! l'·Q Fie! Fii 11.15 .. OL~ 14. 5.U Fii G!ll 1.U t.ll Eoult 4.52 4.94 FM! Glh &.t' 6.49 lny .... f.44 Foun<lt!'s 9.10 t.t5~o'\ A"' ltLflll.lt FoorsQ IS.2714.!0 11 Pld 11,,220.u Fr•,.,ktln Crouo: 5 de lj,1• n .1e c~ $t-. 7.31 •.01 cm• 1 .1s ll.26 SANTA MONICA (UPI) -0~,f~ 13:~: 1t:= 5~1J:'v1 l':~ lt~ Th ber I ' YllC'Ol7I Z·,1 l.16 w lnvttl ,, ... ~.M c num o ~parues Frwffrll t.u 10.ll Mr '"" 1 .1J .:ll manuracturlni computers in~::\£"' .'tf111·ff 1r;.IYl,f1"'st~ M this country bas doubled since ii:;i.~1lL,f I~~1 t,r:'\'"' ~?f1 'f·oo 19fi0. 1'11omas J. Watson Jr., ~~ J 11:1ftttt f!~ ::!l J:~ board ~hatnnan o( Interna· ""' Ad '·n io.ll s1:in 111,,.-F~~~ v tJonal Business MaclUne Corp.°""~ •. .llt.H r.~ o., i6.-%~:" Id Mooda 'ir. A ._.. Stoek IS. 11 I a sa y. 1'1:-s..'1 l'"" 11 1ri01h ~·~ Wat3on told IBM's annuli ::: gt •:~ '·1: ~'Y f.ffl 1 · 1 n stockholdm' meeU,. there f.n t:ll 1Ktir• :.z. i 1• would be, a rapid tncuast io ~ l:\~ 1J~ 55! •ffi:" flew uses fur computers dUring ~ 16.101~ m11 GI n. ·-'j·M ltL64 r•11 C..f. t. th• next rcw. yean. 1 1 G,_ ·" ... , r~tto f!! ~1 "Today there are ov'~ 70 i..,;'l_,0 1f:~ 1f~' • """'we 1t,tii 1>.n minufacturer3 ot ~systemf _-:-"''"0: ,•·",£ 1~ F~:»it.c some of them very large and ~Fdl tQ "1 t::~ ,~,, ,t·M Wel~knoWD -aell .. ly ...,,. " r.:... u.'lir.'~ kl~ 1:1 f.M -Ung in tbe cO'm pu ter :::li'tirvs11t tB ~:fJ ;t::,r..,•·'!,!:.,..~~! ~ w . 1W OA"'I lt" l}1' VII .ft"JiO.. marltet," atson aakl ""' 1t1 .ll lJ:,, ·~ i•• 1 n "Another 4.000 ·C'Ompan1esl:::.!~ ·Ji1•:Sl :nc1l1t,111 V :Si alo;o offer peripheral. equip-"1'61' 11111 ~. s.t-1 =-U 1 ·U mtnt, prograrnmm, suwort r~ it:~~n ··~fldl>I :I: :ff and other W\tices to theoin-~•Y t:l i·?'i :~ ,,:: l~'!i' ·~ puter usen. Many ot 6M! I"".~... tn ~ 1111::, 1 . if ('Ompaniei bare been very J=' j._., f .on :f1t1111 : ·'' -·--J I In . t le ...,. 11..111ft .• , rndw , I" ,,11,.1.-,.-o;91U , some JUS a " .~,.,. 21.t1 n.n l"'1r1c [ . ' .a " ~ •Ufl(h; K'Ofl ·'r yrs. ! cui111t.~11n '"' n ' Union Earnings Drop j: . . ~ LOS AN<j!i;LES (UPI) -earrungs to "lhtte ~I Union Oil O>. iii California an-nonro!currtng type pro s nounctd today net earnings .of ovtt which w,·bad "el'J : e $34.7• mUllon for. the fb'sl t"Ontrol.'' ~ qlUU'Ur ot 1961, down from tbe Ilartley said none al fbe $37.1 inllllon .. med during th< 03rnln1s decline was ~.to aa~ pcrJod a year ago. U1e drllling accident in .Jbe Unlai President Fred L. S.nta Barbara ~ i:l Hmley told the an nu a I "We bell~ve thol d~ol otdholder1' m .. un1 that lhe our «>st o! <Gllb'oUIIw per '11or< •amlnp dropped well. dmlalnlng the:;;~ from fl.II !or tt.o !Int gbarter oil and cl'8nlng the ,. ot I-to " o 1 ••-I homes and bOata and -· ••· I or Wllll f rst ~h:ire or any ltgal ' oibU period o! ibis y.ar. ony, Is covered by lnO,,...ii:f Hartley atlrlbuted r• lower Hartley '8id. . .. 1: ·l . .·~ . it 1f. :! ·~ :·~ :_f- "I ,,. . . . . ~1 . . .. . :1· . -. . ., . :·~· :~ . 11;-;•lll ' . ill ' ~·Iii "ill ~~ ~ --.... . i;: "ii: :'fi:• ... f I : ill t::i ·~:­b-Wf.. jlk ~· t1••' [J : ·a.'l -·~: :-.1··1 : . : I ... . ' • • . . . . ' . .. ' _,.. . "' ..... ... ... '£' ()~: : ~ .. $! ~. to ,t ~ol :: ii; " ·' " ' ... I·~ ·" ,~. ..... ~ I .:n •' ' " .. ~.<40 "'·!' • I. t '\11.# ' 'II" ,. •' Tutiday~s Oosing ~.. ...~~~~~~~~~~ . ...,... ""' ""' Clllt c.. ;j:, i• :~# ~ • -~r~ " ~ i ·ijj~ ~ • ~ ' J I • --. • DAILY P!lOT Prices <Amplete New Y~k Stock Exehange-List . ~· oow~·va~a w ;;[itt•~ ~i1~~~ ;Jiw~fi.~illi~ ·American ' \ :ii" -· I •!.. j i;I l J I ..... !j I •• I·~ 1 I I ~1 ~II a: \t -~ • I I • ) I • • • •• • r DAILY ~II.OT WtdMsday, April 30, 1%tf Yl~tna~ .. ~ar, Pr0d,~·~~.!!g.~.Mus_···:pe aii J o·~J!~~ ........ .... . ' ''''rf ~ '-'' l, •• DETROIT . (AP) -A a soldier she ls finishC?Cf with part or ~ Wife In . prt\riOIJI. of • Marine accused.of killing after ~being 'vefy ' w fJ 1 , • I beive:.i.!'~ lbe J n ,· a..r~e•. oompromi&UJ:fcltl~:\ Some • .;.~ . . '-~-··ii IJOd.de.trill sijrs ... lhe Vietnam him, often because she baa wara, ·001 there were fon:es four Vietnamese men. EVet'jlthfug ]Ust-··PDed ·.llp Dn '1wbtt ~ . ' ' ,._ ~ -..,. "4*• •ta.pt -~gs P t .. ~; .• \ · · iii.~~ ,_ war bu produced more "Dear met another man. that 'held 'the 'anger · back. The Marine bad just r'ecel'v· hhn ... t · ' • " ' . • ~ , . :-' .i .. r' ~: t'Tbe: Jet~ are-: ~ .... Uma.te eJChanges with. mx!lbtr '· • ' ' ' John" letters than any Tanay said the separation Patriotism , mitigated th e ed a Dear John. The psychiatfbf ·18'ct be bid aid ~.t~.v ''The~ .tfts tPe m.n ' .... ·: ' ( .' ' · · • ' previous c o n f I i c t involving Imposed by war often leads to situaUon." • "Tbere was more to . thcr a Stiff of , Dell. ~a'hna-h~ ctdi .• ~'ID tbelr earlf k~ • ·~ ~,£;..:ot -1~ tblnp .1 'qfitt«;IQi; : • \ u .s. senicemen. a feeling ol Mger and resent-.Tanrt •kl he first became cese ttiatl that, of course," ~ whil!m inti.Yi~~arn.~ :J:la~_t_.~ maft~ v~ -~.\fte',.eil~fib;·~· rtbiim ·2·~.ae~· 't · r' Dr. Emanuel Tanay, who ment on the part of the girl interested ln the Dear' John scild Tanay. "But il was an y .l>.f lh . -· , .~,. g~ .eOouc!J to 'tiave a~IUc&, are ~e •.. 'l'.ltY /fMl,;. ~ has made a study or what he left behind. • situation during av~ to Viet· important element. The letter after t,av°!g·been~ t~· Qitsr ~lred. but it'r~.~ ~:'~·.' T ... ~lless ~··:'!»Pt ,· &¥Ith, 1.aJ""· . t .... ~J_J!I~~ t · calls the "Dear John Syn· ''This same feeling ," he namearllerlhis)'ear.'Whenbe arrived the day the boy was or sratothed oot."':after. the)',. "~1 ~ ~P,¥.,. ,i..~! : ·are."so f4ft '"'Mla~~1hbtc-· drome,"b2&mesthisonalack __ sa_id_._ . .:.'pro_ba_b_IY:.._•x_1sl_ed_•_•_t_b• __ •es_til_._ied_•_t_th_e_cour1_.:.·_.·martia7""_·_1_r_e1_eas~ed-f_ro_m __ th_•_h°'_:.P'_·1a1 __ w_.,.~,cilim-;.,..:..Plecf7~,...,-;"'-..,ball-;-and--·~.:.·:.._ . ..!"--;..·-:-·~-'-'··"O':.::~.:.-;,;;-c-"""'"':l!'ll\o;;.·,.:,~;w!"~!:-.;.i!_'.:'_,·~::.:."-·,_-....,':-:,....,~·;;·.,·,i,-·;;'"".;;'"':.;;.;U!=r..!1~-'i'~ii..,-·';_'._· __ ·,..,l'r-~~~ of.....,.,,,..IU for-lheU.S. ,. ·1· '°,,-, ., • ·• 1·1 ..... · • , · " ·,·~ ~··•on. • . ,. . . ,,_.1 · ,,·.-........ ~~· ~· . :• ..... ,\.,.,..._.... .~, u •• • • ·:.; .. " ' '' • • • j • • • -.( t • i .. , ... ., ~ ' 1 ysaidbebasedhiscon· .,. ·~ \ ~··-~ • .: -,,-~!··"~'f .. 1 1. °':,':•"1~1 '· . ., j. · :.:' ;'r.';{'"'t,J1.: ·: ~ ,tliusioo on ~erences with .... ,, "'-'· '"" ;.;r; .. .:~"',-.."la: '.f~ i· '., ~· ""t,~·rl-. ,.. ~ legal staff offtcers of the 1st ·\. • -.~: , "' ':~ .• : ' ·~ 1'1' '.· . t;:~ · ... : ... , ·., Marine Division in Vietnam, !!!l!!!!!!!!i!!!!!il!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!l!!l!!l!!m'ii· ... !!!!!!!!!l9pllll!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!li!l1!!!!!11!1li'!i1ilil!!lii111!1!!'!!·!!!,liiiB·~'iii"lii-!ii.;~~, ...... ,!!.!:::i!.!lj!' !!. !I!. 1; ;,-.' ~ ·{ •• '~: .... };} .. · lllJ!;,li'••!I!" many of '!hom .ief'Ved in ., World War.II. u ~ .}". 1., " '"i •• , / A "Dear John" letter is one ....... ·.._ · ,_. ' - in which 1 fiancee or wife tells :-.;.•, . Dirt Road " -~To Fdr~~~: PALM SPRINGS (AP) - Some 20 miles south of here, California T1 runs through some of the most desolate landscape imaginable. An oc- casional octillo cactus breaks the desert ei:panse. Jagged mountains rise sharply in the distance. , About halfway between the cilies of Palm Desert and Idyllwild the narrow, dusty dirt road stretches forlornly from the highway toward the mountains. Land speculators Mike Dunn and Val Samuelson, wha are building it. hope the dirt road will Jea"d them, in effect, to the fabled riches of El Dorado. So far they have hewed out 14Jk miles since December 1968. Another 3'h miles and the road will reach the ?' ,600 acres or land they control in a beautiful, now-isolated valley in the 10,CK»-foot m~n.tains a bove this desert resort. The valley, they feel , has everything to fulfill the dream of a luxury home owner. It is above the searing heat and blowing sand of Palm Springs in amuner. Its temperature is the idyllic type that makes a winter·Ume Palm S p r i n g s famous. The air is always cool and dry, they say. But, without a road, it's in- accessible .. Samuelson says .he's con· fident the project will be com· pleted in three or four months. But there are a few snags. Small portions of the road c:ross federal land and Dunn and Samuelson have been en· joined from further work in :those areas. And there is the little matter of $2.S million. the estimated amount needed to actually complete the dirt road as a paved facility. The resolution of those two problems will d e t e,r mi n e whether Dunn and Samuelson have about 7 ,000 acres of resort property or desolate mountain land that now is the domain of golden eagles, big hom sheep, coyote and quail. They say they paid between $50 to $400 an acre for the land. · At the moment. they say negotiations are under way with the government on a deal to trade some of their land for the federal parcels crossed by the road. And Riverside County ls surveying the dirt road to determine whether it should be taken into the county road system. ~at would mean pav- ing by the county. Meanwtlile, · Dunn a n d Samuelson gO out each day with several helpers. four bulldozers and a grader, scraping away at the last few miles. They decline to say what it's cost them so far for the road work. Solon Asks USC Aging Plan Help - WASHINGTON -Sen . George Murphy (R.C.liL) has 11ked the Nixon AdmlnistraUon to expedite federal funding of a research center for the aged at the University of s o u t h e r n Col~ornla. .. " \QVEANOAC1rr,J.{o . •. .-,t-~t\1.. . ·lr.1 ".. .• "· ) • ~ 1..,). ;;T .. ,• cool, washable pastels for half-size mothers Soft pastels . , ., 5prulg delights! Washable. no-iron A·line of For- trel® polyester. Giv" her this rib- iextured skimmer • with scallop· wuist ribbon and button detail. Lighl weight, flattering. Blue. p ink or yellow, 14Y, lo 22 Y2. 28.00 may co women's world 57 .. ~ . ' ~. " •;- / I -~ l . " .. ' . ,, .. ~ • . \. I ' ' i . ·I " ... 1' .• th_e CCsrefre~_gift , ~ ~ . , '---...:.·_,..,·-'I half size printed voile ., ·Caldwell's softly ·Pfinted voile. Light cooL in Dacrori'® polyester and cotton that washes, sheds wrinkles. Comforl·slyled with scal- loped side buttoning and self belt in bl ue or pink, swirl p rinl. for half sizes from 14~ to z4 y,. JS.00 . may co dayti me dresses 61 , ., : .,: l ' ·~ T. ' •. , • -, ~" f, ' '1' • ! •• . ·; '" "··· ~~: i1, .. -'?. ... : ' .". I ' • -:·1 i i ., ~1. ' -, . " t'E!dribbed ress Lady Carol'simpl!! s aped cl ssic m ottQluck rib. Perl year ro and fo r truveling t ...._.it_._· s ~,,-,~-, care and holds ils shape. rinldes hang oul in a wink. Celanese® Arne!® lriacela le and nyl on. Blue. beige,·pink. 10.18. 17.00 ' may Go boulevard dresses 95 " " " " . •' ·':. I • .i ' " ' "' . '· I• It/. r( I·~ .... use has applied for a S1 million grant from the Na- tionll Institutes or Hea1th to build • gerontology center. .. . 'llhldl would be matched by $2 ' mlllioa from private soutteS -throulh 'the University. .. "I 8m' eertain that you are aware of the dearth of -·edge that •Jd•ts with nopecl to the aging process and ill problems," s e tr. Murphy said in a letter to 'llcilJert ff. Finch, Secrttar)' GI Health. Educ1t ion and w.u.r.. "The need fOt aging ttlltlJ'Cb •nif ectJDn l'I rr•t, and we have been al too ..,u ... t In dealing with thi• problem.'' ' co may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mes~: 546·9321 shop monday through saturday 10 am to 9:30 ptn ---·· ------- .• > 'II. ') , '" ,.,.,. 'fl"1 ·I , .. •I. " -' ~'. . • . t. I'-, l ·' I• .. < I ••• '\,.- 1 ·; t ., ' ,. ~ ,1 " . "· ' 1 "' ;:: " ' a .. .. ' ' •• ., ' .. . ' ·, ···"*'' . ff'" "" I \.I•• l . " •• • • 1 Seas ·~ning~-- , Spain ii a sJowlac, bull-give dllt~ncUI". flavO{ 11111 flghling, emotloaal country aroma to "l>OJ1'i' cooujll. and ... mlgbt upoel Ila peo-rou.o PEUCJGll() pie to ut pungeotJy spiced I <m P"!nd .,eh) broller- fooda lhe way they do in Mei:-f~er chlckrn1, Cut Into lco. .•I= . "Allmetl .. ", may lie the •tea . "It won! for food hi both coon-¥• ~ Kr!""'d eJn. trl;es, but &~ cooking, na°* untik"e Muk*i, ii' seasoned 1 tablplri ollve oil with the "Jeaa _.,1 spices: 1 tab!MP><>n f)our n .. -••"-~-1---...11 l ~ paprika papr-, ~w, •~w• -· l f mint; nu_tme.g, tbjme, bay leal 1 ~poons 1 r 1 h 1 m and cinnamon.• cracbr crumbs Cover and sinuner 311 to JS mlnulel " wiW tender. Yield: I portl<W. I SOPA DE AJO (llol Gartlc Soop} I illces wlilte brud 3 lablespoona olive oll I cans (IO I> ounces eaeh) eilieken brolh, undl1"te4- l can (l poandt tomatoea, broken up l toblespoon illl1ant minced t ~aspooea instant gal Uc powder t omad bay 1 .. f, enunllW l teaspoon paprika Trln\ eruota fmn bread: cul ln!O \I-Inch Ci!be1. HUI oll In a medium •llt!PID· Adll breJd cubes and uute, tumina until &olden brown, about· I minutes. Add ehleken broth; tomatoes, minced onion, prllc powd<r, bay leof, paprika and l cup wa~r. Slmmtr 11 mlnut<1. Tam; add ..,K ti .-ary. Serve hot. Yield: I portlqil. Garlic arid onions, green y, cu p fineli chopped plne ~and ponley are wed nuts I ·---------~-------., in every home to season such \1 cup finely c ho p p e d basic foodatuH1 as seafood, blanclled almonds game,!~· thebeans..:..~t! ~J '~ te~ instant 1arUc qgs .. "' ~ -.iiu powM' · other vegetolrlel -.hlcb ll'OW #.:'prinJdoi chicken. with salt in coastal rtrClona.· ,. \~moa. Heat oil In a Two uuces .,. 11? Je'1 a~, ' nit <r Dutch popular la l!ri!cajjnt+ ....... ' oven. chicken and brown -and ~ .Tbt ...._, well U tides. Remove s1arls wbl> bot .ollvt oil chick I ulde. which pdlc :ind om1om· i "-rat 1remalning In sl~y b:(Owned .• t . , the Dour, paprika tomatoes, "11 and po and leaf. Gradually blend added ; aeafood. ve •,. in 1% CUP,B water; set aside. other ~ are atuppied in Make 1 paste tty combining this savory W'* Some cracker crumbs .with nut!, reclpe1 ~ for whJch garlic powder and 2 table- la a pounded '!Ii!'!'• """'11Y spooos waler. Add to gravy in L-----------------• garllc, saffron,~ panley. casserole ; inix wtlL AnchOvies llmoods, pine Return ~cken to casserole, nuts l;OO. a\yfi,e all olive oil spooni~ 1avy over chicken . I "'" 1' . . Cooking~No T en,der Trap ·1 By JEAN COl( ot tll<I o.I" l'I!" Stalf ~ Things are getting tougher and tougher for the unmarried American f"f"ale. Gone are the days she could snare a hungry bachelor with visions if pot roasts ·and ~sseroles. Frankly, the en seem to have the situation well in halid. Take G_ary Burrill, Newpbr1; Beach res!· dent and owner of KOCM radio· station. Al· though he admits he is · no .male Belly 'Crocker, he certainly isn't starving to death. Burrill will never be fpund ~laving over · a hot stove. He adroitly avoid~ening cook .. . ing by combinin*' dinner in a uraot with a business meeting almort daBY . !'! His refrigerator, be od=~ .. empty as a chorus girl's head, 1ave bis freezer department where a few :Q:steats and vegetables are housed. I When ~e does cook,. It ly ,1, lot guests who ;are served barbecuillf pteak:alOllg with his favorite standby - a froien -spinach 5ouffle. , . . Burrill doesn't even dirty a up~1irt the mornings. Instead he waits unih.j he ·arrives in the office for his coffee. . 11 Devi Holland of Balbo9 Jl4~and, .. head football coadl at Corona de! ~ gh.School, claims he wOUldl!'t Chlnge hli • g ~tam . even if he bad a wife With Dof111n to do bul qooir: for hi.I delight.' ' "I'm a ·health iaut,1 he marnin I -a protein d6r: U t_drink thl,t:,I don't-c:i~">- It ,he• 70 crams of protein:' _ The 'athlete dines out week" -and unlike the oth111 doesn'l"lnind 'going solo. F plan, he'll order broiled or some other Jow<alorie, On the few nights he din fries a steak ,in liis tbiy yet, opens a bOx of his fa1vailtsr chicken. Holland claimed he coUid !P'lllaj or roast if he had compaay J>r' admitted this happens twice a very most. , ~ However, there is one way to is man's heart v.ia hiB stomach-tuna iCil role_, i his Achilles' heel. "I never makf tt, u he said stoically •"it's too fatteninf." ' ' ' Holland' said he goes lhoppinl rery other week, but usually baa to atop 1 the ·store every other day for staples. He has a peaceful dinner. Inllelld of chat- ter about the children's problem.1 or a wo-- man'1 club meeting ·be has hll. ''PlaybOy" or the television. ' • ' • Like BbniJ1, Jack i!e)1!tour .of Laguna Beach, a publicist, finds that bu siness lakes him out to dinner just about every evening. However, when need be he can cope at home with a "bleeding red steak" and frozen vegetables, "always in a pouch," so he needn't wash the pan. To avoid all fuss, be sometimes buys a cooked chicke n from the market. Unlike tbe first two unmarried specimens, the publicist is proud of occasional kitchen virtuosities, which be exhibits onJy before friends. "I am noted for my casseroles," he claim- ed adding, "but I never make them just for mY,elf. I have a weight problem and I'm al· ways dieting.'' . The Lagunan's refrigerator, in addition tet being a 4ofne for his phone, also houses· lots of cocliau mixes, ice cubes, milk, cottage cheese 'and eggs. He'll dro!> by the market ·when he's out of something, but said his life is too unitructured for weekly,lhopping trips. UnltkeJthe other bachelors, ·ruuy Seymour '>f Corona del Mar, city attorney for Newport Beach, eats home almost every evening. "I ba'.ve to go home at nigbt1 1;, he ~xPiained. •11 have a dog to feed." Perhaps he has bl~ dog to thank for 1 more inviting and certainly more inexpensive meals at home. However, he also credits his mQC.b.er. 11She worked, and I was an only child, so it wu a matter of survival," he said shhply. For whatever reasons, this man will bappJ.. Jy cook something rather complicated, just for blmselL "I enjoy cooking, as long as its something I don't have to do,"· he explained. He aald lie can whip OJ> corned beef or baked chicken with ease. lie .alJo llke.s "to fool with Mui· ain food" and claims to be particularly good with fiJb .and even has a cookbook on t,be subject. • -Unfortunate!Y, l\e hasn't been eating u well these days. t 1Late.1y I've· been going for TV dinners/' be said with some dJsfaste. "It seems I have a lot Of evenJng meetings,, so there isn't much1time for coo~g." Since he doesn't really like TV dinners, 11 an alternative he orders fried chicken deliv· ered to his home or stops al' II, caterer-liquors for a c;omplete hot dinner from its gourniel section. Again, wandering from tho bachelor norm, Seymour iJ not a steak and lobster man, "A1I these steal; and lobster restaurants gel prel• ty redundant, and anyway, LCould mate that myself," ho pointed au[ ' .. When be -dine out, and he'll alwaya have company, it's usually In a gourmet res- taurant which offers a wider variety of culsino, ! hi . t.he S p·r i rn_g,. , ~. . ~. 'i 'Ofd~ Homemaker's Far:icy ·riu·rns to Cleaning ' . 1 . ' t/ ,1 ; •• 11 " a; DOROTHY WBNC& • • Ir ---------------..----~ I , .._c..r-,.......,.. / 1 ' ;. ' y. ~IA~ sprflll a YOunc man's 1aney .:~ • ...... loft, and ID old hornemibr'I' ,..,.,..... to lllrillc cleanlq. I ~old ..-,.m, .._"" tbtyoonpr,.... ,Home News ,·anc;I Views llra If -· ......... to be lrtildln&· "'11 .fmn tbt ..... a 1'* major cfelrn- • Jc*•ol (l'andmiliber:• a., .. ;u E ·to bave plans for some lrlil jobl )'OU lllicht lie wondering -)l!Oducta will de the best lib -Ille iUii -f tlld at the least ... ' ,.Tiie n1'!hmr,,;. lhould do la .ti.~ i.ur dJr{ aftd tlitn try to llnd the m6tit el- tlctive' cleaner, taking into consideration Cite ~ace you're trying to clean. ~Your molt common kind ol soil is loose •rt. dust and lint. This sh o u I d be =. eel by vacuumln1, sweeping or ..,_you 'lild water. Otherwise , you'll haft L: ~ ;,_,,waa tUt wll nt tile lftllt such W ~ for-·_,_ · -.. d•-' • ~. nter'Nh en, ammooh, •~. _.,.,,m17 -Y· _,__ ·•-•·1 Simply dusting them wltb a clean dust ,,_ ~1 spo1........., -• mop or vacuumini lbem may be all they 1ben you will find a variety ol stains or need. u Ibey need wash i ng, the spota on flll'nllilnp .and.equlpment that preliminary dulling will atmpWy your may require 1mne det.ectJve work to washing job -ably. d~ their origin and best removal Some ol l""' aoU will, be ~ In me!hoci For examp" JOU Ul.IY have rust nature -popaicle drips and the like. stains on ba~m . fWurea:, mlldew on These are bat.removed with c09I water. shower curtains. stained erout on counttr . IQPS and so on. GREASY MARKS . \ for every c!eanlng job you will find !\-Tuch Of yoar soil wtll be crtuf -· fancy produCb: ln packages, bottlea and flncer marb on wallJ, lft••y depoelts on aerosol cans that are , advertised as •·lttdows, waJbi aid celtlll11 rrom cM· superstrength. fast acting, mlraculous, jni, et.c. Tt cle:u IMJ kllllll of MU yoa ea Sy to use, etc .. 1,el.C. Some I re all ....,,,.... -jut ·-· v,.'O ....i putpose; some are special purpose • Some, especially 1hooe In aeroool <1111, are quite costly. It ii nearly ~bl• for ,. lo evaluate thue products Uctpt by trytnc them. However, keep in .mind tbat the superpoll<lful cluotng products may be (I} very hasardool to Die (for eumplt oven cleaners Ind toilet cltanen wbk:b are potont •aJUHo. or acids): or (I} damaging to surfaces (the ,.fast" "no wort" cleaners, for example, also. remove paint). Read labela and find oot the huanll befcn you buy theae pn> duets. ALL PUllP08E ~ A veey tftecth'e .U J'lll'P*: cltlMl' cu be........ at )ome fer mltCh It•• money Ibo tM ldver11tr«I llrbds. Simp- ly mis 1 .., ti ._'l' deterseat (low -.I ff nor M 't lib llldty ciesnlng IOI•-), 'It "'P ....... am.-Ja uc1 1 r•Doe water. ~ laundry, bleach -¥• cup per ('Q) Cl( water -ls a most eff~ve citaner of We In kit<:bens 11111 &bewen.,11 bluehos tho (foul and allo dlslnleeta and U-!irft ~ the mold 1pcn11 !bat ...... mildaw in showers. Chlorine bleach allo ll e good dlslnleetant !O use In clean- lnl Jut1r io11e1. But always use 11 -never mi• It with ammoola or other toild clemen:. .1 VJnelar ii the best cleaner I know for wai.r I p o t 1 In the lhowm. Mix II cup vinqar' wlUI '6 cup ftter, put It In a 11"11 bolllo Md 1pr111t on ,.... &bewer Walla, Id lt Id fw JI rulnutes, then ri.- off. A lttle watw oollener In your rlnle w•ttt alao wUI beJp remove the waWr spott. For ~st llaina try mlxing , cream of tartar and h>'drogen peroside (available at drup lOreo) lo a paste and aerub with It, UUnf I hied bruab and plenty of elbow sre11t. Thcoa are mild adds thal ara llot ' as bannful u ·the strq fClds ,wblcb I'!' aold as 1Tuat r~1" or "Wit cJeanera." Alcohol In water -ball and llall ~ maltea a fine cleaner for windon and mirrors mueb lib the blue -you b11J In 1pr11 boltla. QUElrl10NS W11 A11B A1UD Q. I o<ddnWIJ ...... I ....... fl ..U-rillq -· Naw, .. , -•lo ue IL Cao'll lie -Ja11 ... ...-llov fll ..... lw _, __ yelll1'"odof A. Stff-rillnt flour la flour wNdl llao added lo It ..,K and ballnc powder, Yoe would nonn1lly uae It in recipes callillr for self·rislOI flour. If you -It In regular reelpel you would omit the - IOI powder and salt. Y~ wouldn' ,. oelf-rislng Dour for yu1t -atnoo !hue are leavened wltb yeut, nal .,._ powder, · • .. J I • M DAll.Y PILOT ; Parent$. Should ~void . 9ut. of Sigiqt, Out ;C?f Mind Mitu?e DEAR ~ LAND.EM: I am 17 and Dob1t tnlauaderatand. Van ii 1 ert1t kid. afraid to tum the Ht on when they have viewers know we dt have a choice. - ~· .. .. ve a rttarded brother 20. My partnts no lrouble wbalever, b01 1111 lletplnc beyl over. 1 can'l U1 lhal I blu)e them. SICK OF TJIASH · · • havedooeawonderluljobofmaklng my hlblla•-.llawalU-llllllll sMnlol Ibo·--an In DEAll l.O.T.1 Y• illagf r Jo Holbet feel loved and WIOi.d. Tiley have 1.m. Wiim wo111d.., Ille_ II dido~. tanlbla _, -d lbe locallod rfOi. 11 _.-.A· II.~ la, .. lauitil .. lq be kind and cQqsfderate ol --..,. .,._ 1111 .~" "'9WI are.-. ""-Ive -wll lie • .,, .. biJn. Since early d>l'I"'°"'! we have been UpOlaln. Boll -Van -aw&)' In col-1.---· ..,. -bo,dooe '11111 111111.,... al ,_,.. . lold, "TreOI Brolber u lbough be were , I i.,. wo -lnlo an ,aparlmlal. alloul II. lie -• ....u.i: "'8· · ' ' \· ' · normal"· I can't Wlder1tand how paret)ta~ Mffl•W1Jlaevarcoald.nuk,... 111bt..ad11111abouldn\lei11111 pstlaoi.111W1·-·•an-lllr)'out.ellllat'_.,,..t-.1llt!l1 Brolber Uva away from home In a neale<I a retarded child. Surely I bo1bR me.~~ can\~ -tiJ -.--~ 11 TV""""' DOI ii 11f f.!"1bod; blWlu :O' aoM tln>ol 11111 .l'!:! i>vefy Place 'wbere they have cottqes. ~.:lhat rttarded childttn have DltA!t ANN LANDERS : Pleue cbanae Ibo boJ II OUl&lde .., -· llid allow .......... be -peel la Olelr [~rile fo•" Alm . tindiri' -· .... !lley can lab only lGO!>oya, so we were fn11. ll<tarded children know when 'lbe ~·and make thl5 ktter prln. AmltrU)' AJJJIUQMllw•TbanD.-Uvtni,_ ~ lbo-llid In /Key to PopullrtlJ," ~with.,_ lucky. The whole famffy wenl to vlail ,re bebtg Ignored. ',, llb)ej I need f1IUI' help. Or ihould I aay INIUBITED . . a polllt' mt ..... lie --reqllell 15 centl fa (!olll, and a ion,, Ill!• Brother llil :w~ and came home ~lore .pt my letter. Ann, • .,. wii.J:' your help. The problem la full D&\ll 1N1 -people ba" a ..-tr ,_ ~ aboUt ""*-la be1nf lllown. addlWMd. lllnlped ..mlope. hcartbrokenc Tbe·beyl had decorale4 Ille : 1114;,,1'. ~''.'!"t 11\UCh you can '"\; llu•-d> my hUll>ud'1 as ft,!!_~-I TV fllllo lja4snia.l.ol llitn be-. (The .... ._ Ir~ d lqllb :..U..) AM Laideft will be·~~ helpto ..2'~ lining room.for _.Y and eel up a Somi folb .... to be reminded. -1 ·-our..,_...11ome.-.....,... Y-w•I• 11. . lloll-·olr.U.lbe-alif WI wllbYCOlrprobleml.llend -'" "'"w · 1pedal lebfe. Only 10 l>">Ple belide.... SlSTER • . , for a -tend or holldey, it wreca our DIAB ANll LAllDEllS: TV la p11111r blm ym l'lil aot ""1 bia JIOdl<b and can d lbi'D41LY PILOI', eocloolltC • ·family showed up. DEAi! SIBTER: You•mladed lllem -bome ,life, or I ahould U1 our ,.. Ule. ao reop 9'lf leenqe • c!aUll>Mn ert l!hJ .. Prlnl 'lhla, pluae, Aan. Lei Ille llamped, iell~ envelope. . Original Splendor Significant ... Zonta Gavel 1n New .Hands • .. Ow!rrJ ~. •fans, parnolt and • Japanae allt scretn ·were med to crette a 80llln& <i Orlenlal .pl-In Irvtoe Coast C-oumry Club (or the inslallattoo d-. of Newp:>rt Harbor Zonta Club. 'Mie theme was significant, for Mrs. Robert Harbison, new president, served as a goodwill m.basudor for the club dur· Ing I tour of Japan last IU!ll• mer ID4 nOw is Work>llg on a special project filr 'Harbor Arel stadentl to study and . travel la Japft\ 1n 1970. Mrs. Harbison. wbo has resided in Newport Beach since lMe, wu dean of &irls and theo vice prlnclpaf of Newport Harbor ·lllcb'Sdlool. She now hold.! the title of director of comperilitory education project.a for the cen- tral adminlstratson. of the Newport-Mesa Unllled Sdlool District. The Und president· of the organization was charpd with her duties by put prealdeot, YMCA Program Director • Lauded for Achievement A woman who finds serving government p r o j e c t at others her true fulfillment ln Sacramento, and every phase !Ue was recognized by of youlh wort Is a 1pe<:ialty. Newport llarbor •-t1an1 u When ahe was prealdeot of r . l • ~ · r • the AJDericaJI, Field Service, their wolriarH>l .. cllle"'"'"' · ,w .lio¢e wu Opened to-• ,., 19611. • foolia: ,Pmlch dau&hter. Since Mn. RoY Fox, coriununlty' then, the' Y ~r'who WllJ program director of th e introduced to this .e"1ce u a Orange Cdast YMCA,· wu vohinteer; hal been· a eecond la!Jded for lier ellcirli with the mother to cOwltlesl chlldrtn, Y. • • giving love, und~rslandfnl and Tn mUlni the ~talion, counsell!!j! th r o u J h her Mrs. Marlin Sheely noted that associafion.with.the Y. although ·1 b I~ outslandln( rn· adifitlon to Y'work, I.in. woman Is a p,9id em,Ployee, ~:r hn Uen &ciive Jn PTA. her devot!On to strvice could was president of Rea Junior never be paid for in Its en-High SCboof PTA and wa:s Urety. . · aw81'ded . an boaoracy life "Fo:rie," as she II If-membership. Among .o t be r fectlonalely Imo~ by bel UUes Uial ahe . hea ~d Is friends, w_orb aboUt a 141-11 the woman Graduate of lit hour day and then d<¥olel her tpiratton, ~ by 01' W<ekcnds to youth ""'"" ... • ~ Coesl College. Mn . Robert L. Becon, and rece.ived the gavel from Mtf. Ml10llim An&ell, r_e 11r111 I president. IAllalled with her were Md. 8. Waldemar Acker, flnl vice pmidenl; Dr. Hilda McCirlney, ~ vice preJi. dent,: and U!t MlllOI. J ooeph Hnmbfe~ recoriljng aecretory; · Do n a I d $cb0tmnehl, cor- responding HertW'y; Hobart Loud, treasurer, and A I Forgl~ Joundatlon lriuurer. Directors are ~'., Helen Robertson, Mri. Pbllliji Reel, ·Mrl. Joe CarlOI and Mrs. Virginie Attwlll A1·1lstla1 with the c~monlea were other past president.I, the Mmes. Fred. Peth, Marlin Sheely, Roherl Jayred, Louta C..nar, Jeffrey Burke, Jack Reinert, George· P. Zehal, Virginia Luther, Dr. Robertaoa and MiSI Bernice Vutal. Assemblyman Tops Agenda J.quna Niguel l\epJbllcan Women's Club, Federated, Wblcb recruited 27 n e w members recenUy, will hear Aaaemblyman Robert Badbam durinl a meeUng 'l1lursday, May I. Colfee will be aerved at 1:30 a.m. ~rkr to the 10 a.m. P!ber In Mcmarclt Bay Beach ub, South Lquna. Ollld care 11 available for lll'elChoolen:. 7 u r t b e r in-lormatton may be oblalned by . . ILUIJPRINT OP EXPANSION -Expancllng' the Senior ClllZOlll Recreation Center Is a prime large! of Newpi>rt Harbor Zontlans as they launch a new year. Vlewlng the blueprlnll &re· (left fo rlibt) Mr•. . ' ' B. Waldemar Acker, llrst vice president; Mn. · Rollert Ha11Jlloa, newly lristalled president, and Mrs. Robert L. lla<:011, building committee chair· IIl9J1 who served u lmtal1ini officer. voluntary basis. C a m p Pre9eD1Jy she IM'Yn u caravans !or junior high 1"vel aecrtlar)' of the Harbor Area )'OUll8slerl ii her ipOClelty. Coordlnatln( Co!mdl, la I COO- Credit goes to her for tributing membler of CHART organizing the youth and and teecbea Silnday School. · REClllUNllED /'Ira. 'R., .fox calling Mr1. Willia m Eidie, .------------------------------------1'!"1 199-1293. 'MENU READERS -Miu Fem Randolph (center), 'C:hilrtnan' of Silver and 'Gold Chaplet, !louth Coosl Community Hospital Au:llliary, looks over 1 menu ·lot llui cbapler's upcomln& benefit, a gourmet din: .. ner._ Siii is joined by. Merrill Johnoon, prealdent of Sur( aM 'sand Hotel Corp. who Ii dQnating the hot~'• "6tauranl for the evenl, and Mi's. 1.tdlaty T. ¥ by, chatnnu OI. the event • . ' ·· : ·"Fund-raising. Taste Wine-tasting Fes;ival Uncorked . . .. • · 1lbell II comes to ral&fng ,,_ 1or. South eoua .com • muallJ llooplta~ Sflvtr end GGlll~ ol the hospllal'1 aazlllar1 alwa11 llaa ...... ..._.-g. ' nib IIme It wllf be a prmel dinner Tuesday nisJlt, ldq I. Merrill Job!llOll, president ol Surf and Sand llolel Cori>. la dollallng 1111 hotel's Towe" .... for the &al• benefit. te · . ~ Fem R an d o I p h 1 "SU~ pncrous Conalloris as chapter chairman, hu ap. this °"' ·b)> Jolwoo and the polnled Mn. Zachary T. loyal lllPP'rt of the people of Malaby to take chatge of the Lagti ne 'Beach make It a event wltlch will begin \\'ilh a re11.·ard\G8 experience to be a 8:311 p.m. social session follow· member Of the Silver and Gold ed by dinner at I. Chapter," remarked ~t I 11 Chapter membtn will be Randolph. bostuses for the evening of Limited to a membership cl. 15, lbe enerptlc ltoUP bu ralaed ahnoll '40,llOO within II 1nonth1 towards the au:rllitr- la' IUIO,llOO pfqe. Tieket. for the dlnntr ani $10 per person and m., be ob- tained from dlapter memben or by cam. Mn. Malabr, l&Mlll, -Randolpb, 411- An array of proatlilou• Clllfomla wines and delectable eheests wUl be sampled by sup. porters of the National Foundation-March of Dim., when !bey attend the annual May Wine Festlyal. The Newporter Inn will be the setting !or the flmdtnl party from 6 to B:S> p.m. TUelday, May 6. Selec\Uj1 vtnta'ief f<>r tuttng are (fell to right) Mrs. Sue Ferp IOD, Mn. Roy E. June and Jack Slanler who will serve as hosts with other Orange Count.ians. 1!30. " tho •tnlllar7'• olllca, 4"'1111, Ell. Ill. • ""------------------------·--------... . . I ., ) 1 .. ) • I I I • l l ' • q ' • . . • ' . . . • • ! I r .. jij;teppin9 Out .inl SurrfJy · · · · · ;:t. May. Happening is the _ e for ~o~te Vista PTA!s l!P<'!W!ing spring_ carni· .Val which will take place.fl'<trt 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. next · Saturday· ID tile ~ool. Trying out a surrey with'fringe on top, one of tile Happening's many at- (actions are (lef_t .to. right) Th,"'""" Ellis, Richard ~sell and Lauri~.Morris. li ' ' ' ~ P-T aoosts BusiheS'S-/ ' FV Council Mn. Rona.Jd 1'1-lurpby President ~OMING UP: Sum m..e-r •_ Recreation Programs i s : topic o ( Superintendent ( P~nt Council meeting ~ Wednesday, May 7, in ~ 'J-Curriculum Materials~. .f. Center. .:i1EPORTS: Committees were ·~ appointed to coordinate the ! year-end lunc!leon and an-r nual workshop. ~Eader PTA ..: Mn. Darwin Zirbel j J>resklent • ·:.COMING1UP :1Eader's World ~ ' Fa.Jr from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May io, will haVe ·an international t.b e m e . Featured attraction will be Mr. Scribble. Booths will include white 1e I e p ha n t bazaar, bakery, p I ant s, mystery reaches, gold fish games.and foods. Proceeds from last year's carnival were used to purchase scien· ce kits, micro.scopes, a pi- ano, volleyball equipment, tape.recorders and reading tables. . Report will be rgiver(by the hi~ian ; oUice~s ,for ·tpe commg ye·ar ~1 ,. ber in- stalled, and redJlil bodk pc .. sented to the preaident. Harpe r PTA Aln. Charles Upot President COMWG UP ~ Board meeting at 9 a.m. Mondaf, May 5, in the teachers' I o u n g e . Chairmen's ~ure books are to be turned m. ~ ' .. · Hoj!~ Vi~'>/>Jib "-' • I • ,. • Mri • ."Ra,ni'IDCl',;TUDler Mrs. WUUam. Mason , • : " Presi~ PresidenJ.. ' COMING UP: N • w • o Id · COMING UP :'Suromary panel, l"'hlpned M\Jd\il'Show al presentation, When to Cut 7 :~ p.m.""Frld8y;'May r,1n the Apron st_cPip, at 7:30 Marine VieW SCbOol.-"nck:ets p.m. Tuesday, May&, in the are .iO 1cen~ adults· and JO choral room; Entertainment cents, children. Dool" prizt:i: by t.h e Motbers~ers. will be given. ' : Chairman Clowns for Carnival ' · .Robinwood PFO will have Its Spring Carnival from noon to S p.m. Saturday, ::l\.fay 17. Mrs. WilUam Allai, chairman of the event, clowns it up whUe Alice ~·.Johnson tosses a ball with Katherine Johnson's direc.tlon. Features wUl Jn- ·:clude 12 carnivaJ game3, food booths, a white elephant irale and the appear- -:irnce ot Bozo the Clown. Tickets. to be sold in advance only, are 50 cent! fOr hildren and 75 cents for adults. .o $ I New Off .i.cers ~ • Spptlight IA lidllor't ..... : " "" ....,.,.. • Coll• ,,.,..., ~ hKll. l.et!Me lltKll 1M Mlulon V le19 Went·liedMr •NllLl.l"°"9 wlll """91' Ill tflll DAILY PILOT t~--. ""°""'"°"_,.,IM rttt-1,,.. W fht -"4'Y • .,, lln•ot, ., 111 meUlnc 1:11' "41Yet'"'9 COPY tt Mtl. G•M lmltll, JOa Ctflltllc Pleet. K.......n llMcll. b1 I •.m. l'"rldtr lo<' ..,iOHwtlell. WMIMIHr.I Harbor Council Mn. John Oark Prtsldent COMING UP : Delegates at· tendlng tbe state convention May a through 10, in Los Angeles will be tbt Mmes. Paul Ohlsen and Carl Leuck, Adams ; William J. Frost, Bayview; T. A. Brluo and Vi~ian KJ,by, Calilornll: Jen.es Schafer. Co 11 e i"t Park; ¥.atthew Wahlllch and Carl, Rotman, Costa, Mesa High ; liarokt Shaw. Ensi~; Ralph BO.gel, Es\ancli: Bob Lindsay, Harper : Frank l\iutler, Kaiser; Nichol&l!I Kfoury, Lincoln; Nancy Reinhart, Mesa Verde; David Chavis, Newport Heights; Nigel Bai 1 e y , Paularirfo; C. · Darryl Bradley, Pomona; Don&ild Jackson, Rea: R l ch a rd RUey, Sonora ; Robert Sorensen, TeWinkle; Jack Reidling, Whittler; Frod Simpson ahd Wi 11 i a m Outlaw, Wilsoo; Cb a r le s Beecher, Newport. Harbor lllgti, ·,and .J<>M C I a r t , Harbor Cotmc1l. Mr I . Sorensen is.Convtn'tio'n chalnnin. ' Adams PTA l\lrs. Carl Leuck President COMING ur: Board meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May S, in the: home of Mrs. Gerald Doan. Officers will be in· stalled following lunch. California PTA : . ' ' ' Mn.W~ ,' COMING'""'UP: <l t b e.r • d.ulalrter 1 ' !faturday, May ~o. Wedd! gowns and nower Cirl ses are need· ed ·!or the Show. Contact Mrs. Joe ~ng at 54M147. REroRTS: Qlficer1 elected to serve are the Mmes. 'J'.. A. Brisso( pr~; St a n Kirby. Meng and Malcolm Ehlen, vice prt5idents; Bruce Bourbon and Charles Goode; secretaries; Tom Hess, historian; along with· Ehl~rs as treasurer and William McCann &l!I auditor •.. Mrs. Kirby, nenette editor, and Mrs. J ... Ream, yearbook and pro- gram cbalnnan, recelved awai,il at .-. honorary We mem~ lundleon. Coll~9• Pk, PT A Mno' BurJelP Burabem r PresideJ)t COMIN\l UP: Swap med from ! to .fi p.m. Saturday, May ' 3, on the achoo! grounds. Public is welcome, and refreshments will be servea. CdM High PTA Mn. Ale:ruder Black ' President COMING UP: Board meeting for old and new members tomOlTOW in the Cameo Highlands home of Mrs. A. K. Phelps. Officers to be seated are Mrs. Robert Kemble, president; Mrs. Jack Michelson, Mrs. Sidney Shannon and Mrs. Alexander Black, vice presidents. Leon Meeks, principal, will speak. REPORTS: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelso, ways and means chairmen, report more than 400 parents and student.a were .erved at the IJ>aghelU dinner. Harbor View PFO fttn. Rlcbard Becht.el President RE~: At the Fine Arts N\il>l, the achoo! orchestra played .. 1ect1om; the chorus Ang, and • orlclnal poems, stortei and 1tlt& w e r e prioeoted by the lludents. Demomtrations of a r t media, palntinp and crafts ... ,, dbl~ed. Mrs. Robert L)'liim ahd.comm\tt .. ~ le:'®'rle,. ·~~e fair took piac;e at ..,_,, hou•e and Mn. DeMis Sailor and com· mlttee· arn.rged the ex· ' hlbit>. Lindbergh PT A Mn. Robert Vincik President COMING UP: Board meeting at t a.m. Wednesday, Atay 7, in the multi-purpose room. Mariners PFO Robert E. Andenoa . Pruldent OOMING ·UP : Marinen sweat shirt.I and back packs wlll be 10ld each Friday before sehool. l\\11 prollt WAI realized at open house on the sale of these items. Mn. wuuam si.. Ia J a clwJe. • Mesa Verde PT A' Mn.J_M..,.. Pr<sl4eot COMING 'UP.: Story-l>Ook Parade, for, p-r t mar y students, will tab place at t : 15 p.m. tome)1ow, ori the acbool ....,...., Prlzea will be awarded, and the public Is weleome t.o attend. REPORcTS; Ol!l<en1 tnstallod in the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club were the Mmes. Richard S t e g e I , pruldent; Nancy Reinhart, Jam'?I McCahill and George Smith, vice presklents; John ~ Davis and Garth Blscboff,' f secretaries; John wn.,, trea~rer; Richard Gibbs, hlslO'Han; William Payne, 'auditor, and Robert Sorensen, parliamentarian. Monte Vista PTA ' ' ' P.tn. D1vld Gtodsen President COMING UP' A May Hap- pening Is ttteme oC spring carnival ~king place from 11 a.m. _to 3:30 p.m. Sat- urday, May 3, in the c I a• 1'roo1D.1. Concession atand1 •JI be fish pond, plngpong g am e, Captain Kidd's buried treasure, bit or miss, cab walk, white elephant. surry cycle, arts and crafts, pixie lady ,OO 1' ailhouettes. The grub sl:\ack will sell hot dogs, clUli, Chili dogs, candled apples, pop- corn, punch and coffee. Newport Hts; PTA Mn. Elgle Armour President REPORTS : Room mothers and their husbands hosted the Ice cream social. Table decoration was provided by Mn. Terry MCC:anlle. Romona PTA ' Mn. Roman Scbeldd Mn. Robert Miller Presidents aJMING UP: Board meeting at '1 p.m. Monday, May 5, in the teacher's lounge. Mrs. Thomas Cate, newsette ... editor will chair the May carnival. · Rea PTA ~In. Kel1'-Kellou Pru\dent REPORTS: Winners ln the Happine11 Is cake decoratlng . contest w e r e =~·~ Pool, 1¥'4, K<!tbY Barber, ~·Paul M111ey pve llio lnsplrallonal and ,AJ>.' j1)my MieJ, studellt bodJ' pr;,idenl; kid ,the Dag •alute al tl>e -meeting , • IO. crnm social grossed, IQ. ' Sf. John Aux. Mn. Robert Reid President Harbor Council Officers Ready ' After installation at _the honorary life luncheon new officers of Harbor Coun· ell are. ready for action. They are (left to right\ tile Mmes, Robert §omisen, first. vice preSJdent; Victor Ctanfione, secood vice president, l)nd !Qhn Clark, pnmdent. Ken .\dams, curriculum lab; ,,,~e( Twalte, l i ttr a ry; James Glenn, noon duty; • Dou& Bowler, educational aids. and Harlan Morris, safety. Wilson PTA Mn. William OuUaw · President COMING UP: Joiilt board m<et\ng and potluck ·dinner at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, in the home o( Mrs. Fred Simpson REPQRTS : Officers to serve are the Mmes. William Outlaw, president; Jerry Sturgeon, Vern Moll&n and Ai"lene Loughborough, vice presidents ; Gary Clark and E. J. Chauvin, secretaries ; \VilUarn Weatherell, histor- • ian, and lloberl Sinkey, parliamentarian. Court Stella Members . ol Court Step a Maris 1448, Catholic Daughters of America ~ each second and fourth Mon. day at 8 p.m. in St. Joa~'s parish hall, Costa Mesa. COMING UP: Board meeting .ii ,t toolg)lt in the home of Mrs. Robert McConnloh , • , General meeting and elecJ tion of offJoeri at a p.m: • 'I'1ursd~y, May 8. Newport Harbor Women's Chorale will prese.lit a program of springtime melodies . • • Field clay from 9 to nooon Wednesday, May 14. Room mothers and comrrUttee are in charge. , .r. '. . . ' ' Te Winkle PTA Victoria PT A Mn. Fred Woodworth President COMING UP: Paper drive at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 3 • •• Boar4.mee1Ing will take place Frlday, May z. REPORTS: Chess, sets wer~ purchased ror the sixth grade chea tournament .•• Old and new board members hosted 1 celebration In the Cua Elcobar restaurant, Anahtlm. Offlcen to serve are the Mmes. II' r e d Woodworth, president: Paul Peterson, Jay FOlter and John Opferman, v I c e presldents; Ken Ad ams, treasurtr; Charles Doyle and Robert C larke, secretaries: George Hllon, auditor ; John K lr km an,. hiltorlan ; Frank Pettlta, p1rll•meatarlan: Ted Ar&otl, i-1ta1hy; C-ge Gross. aoclil ; Al Hemmer, telephone: Tom P' re e I 1, health and welfare: Kent Spencer, room mothers ; Howal'd 8l11Klp, • new11ttte-;-- Wayne Morris, aptrltual; :cacni.vb1 'Begins With Breakfast! · .· • : ·, . ·.' • . · t ... ' . Cre~t Vlew1Scbool PTJ) will besjn its Spring Carnival next Saturday wlih a pancake breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m. The complete .meal will be. 7> cents for adults and ,50 cents £or chi1_dren. Practicing, ttie.ir 1bcJU.er . tech}liques are (left t~ J'lght) Mr's. Patrick iyiluams and ·Mrs.' Stephen Andrade. T~e cal'l)vlal be· gms ~ti lo, <\.m. and \Vill close .at·3 p:m ~ 1 • , : ~ • : i : :·, · Decorations Fashioned for Show students and PTO members o! Wardlow School will have a fashion show at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 7, in tho school. A total of 32 students, tromldnd!lf- garten-to eighth grade, will partici pate. Fashioning decorations !or tho event are (lelt to right) Mari Vaara and Cindy Diltz, both in sixth grade. I' I I ,. • Wed"'41U. A,rll JO, 196_!. Horesco~ ! ~ Tau r us : _Exp ress Your Views .. THURSDAY· MAY I ex SYDNEY OMAllR ' BUYING BY· ~STl\01.,. OGY: F11U moon position 104.•)' 1tre11e1 need to purcllase 'durable products. Best buys, • va111e1 art 11 cbemlcal1, dnigs, m•terial1 for e1perime1lal or cre1Uve work. Day f1vorable for num,, pl••Un1. ABIES (March it-April 11)' Full moon po6 iUOn today coin- cides with y"our ability to ar- rive at accurate conclusions. Do some detectlvt work. Ana- lyu. Get to the bottom of fi- nancial puu.le . .Gk questions -obtain answen. TAURUS (Apr 11 JO.lolly w1i11 you "*1\. Be "'Pf'!ally J>"l'Mament. You re q u 1 r i IO)' Fine for lntervlowln( c"111dento whore <1illd'en period ol recupentloo. ~ toochy, aens!U•t p • 11 o iiT:" .,.. concemod." thia and accept with I~ Don't hesitate to tx)X'Oll your LEO (July J3.Aq. Ill' Vou humor. own views. Cydt not lliilh-But foe! pinch of ratriction. CAPRICORN (Dec. II.Jon. you can plant 11eed for f.ubn , Realize this Is but temporary . 19): Spotllght on frieodi. development. Buslnesa it • ·older individual needs your hopes and wl.shes. Importan* plea~ure today. . aid. Be sympathetic. What you to be receptive. Don't try 1'o GEMINI (May 2l.June 20): a:ive today will be returned -force issues. What you wanj Complete basic ~~~ .with interest. comes to you. Respond ·~ allempt to skip VIRGO (Aug. 2$-Stpl. II )' cordingty. h1airtaln steady pace. Be You may be on the move to-AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feti.. gracious to those 1Jho serve day. CondlUons are not set-II) Full moon post ti o 1 you. Av old alf~on. , lied. New ideas, cootaclS, today coincides wtth peraonel Know differepce between 11-motives are ftatured. Your advanoonent. You get " lusion lod l"Nllly. desires change. Your goal motJon. opportunity. Prt.,.. CANCER (June 21.July 22): comes close. You have sense rises. Morale Ls boosted bf \'ou could become inextricably of greater freedom. family backing. .# involved. No day to play · UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct.22.): P.ISC&$ (Feb. 1g.. Mar~ games in emotional arena. You can strike fine bargain. 20): Concentrate on long.ca.nae Mean what. you say ....-11ay Be alert to opportunity. Heed objective5. But build 10lld Mystick Krewe of Komus intuitive impulse. Your inner base· by attending to e1trm1t feelings serve a! reliable projects. If you neglect essen. guide. You get what¥® need tiaJs, the future is less bri.cht. if persistent. ~ Key requirement is mj . Ball Fetes President SCORPJO (Oct.23-Nov. Zt)' approach • ¥.eaningfuJComplirnent come! yoor way. ~le is blgh. Situs-IF T 0 DAY IS YO tion changes in your favor. BIRTHDAY you are bi- Empharia On personal ap-dependent and also obstinlti Mystlck Krewt of Komus will open its season Of four formal · events with a Presi- dent.-! Ball ln the Tustin Hills Racquet Club next Sat- urday nljht. years as Mardi Gras capialn, pearance. You get r.our way ii When you make up yoor mini historian an d membership ..1 to accompli'sh somethina, that ch . ........._., ..,. perspas on are ex-~oe airman. · ,.., .. -is li1at -you proceed despite A preball chamnl'lagne ~y. er~GmARIUS (Nov. 22-any opposition. Curmrtly you hosted by boa members, Dec. 21): Wise to remain in are finishing a project. Soon will take place injhe home or _., .. ,, n-u· yoo w1·1t •· sur-•ncled by new Mr. anll. Mrs. Lusln. Follow-back51 ,,,,....... oe cooper a ve. "" • vw 1ng the party guests will con-, _:F_:ee_:l_:in:::g_o_f _c_on_fi_ne_m_•_n_t _is_no_t_pe_o_p_I•_. _ch_a_ll_•n_g_os_. __ _ gregate In the racquet club at 9 p.m. for a prime rib din- ner and dancing. r Portra it of a Mother A rtistitally Captured Prestige and accla.im are awarded put 1nd current presidents and members of the group's Kings Klub or board of directors at this event to be hosted by Mr. and '-lrs. Otarles J. Lusin and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rood of Santa Ana. To · emphasize the Irish background of Sullivan, club decorations will include Em- erald Isle centerpieces\ and other touches. PANTDRESSING ... up to its hem in crunchy cotton face. Wide leg pantl ore lopped by a super tunic, both parts dinQv in acetote/rayon crepe, Very romantically ift- clined in ncivy, block or coffee. Sizes 7-15 f26 Mrs . James Prange, in charge of decorations and publicity for Christ Lutheran Church, Costa h-1esa. artistically "captures" Miss Elaine Rodieck and Mn:. Charles Rodieck inside her large picture frame. Pottrait ot a Mother is the theme of the annual mother-dau£bter banquet sponsored by the church's Lutheran \Vomen 's Missionary League on Friday, ~1ay 2. at 6: 30 p.m. Assisting Mrs. Rodi eek, general chairman. are Mrs. William Prill, Miss Linda Dett~ mer, Miss Lucille Huslage and Mr's. Herald Spies, all of. Costa Mesa. I The limelight will focus on Thomas Sullivan, current high executive. He has been a member of the group for sev- ~n years and . .served on the boa rd of directors for three The group has announced that full membership has now been reached for thi! so- cial season and the re present. Jy is a waiting list. M .esan, Lagunan Share Monthly Artist Honors Junior Ebel\ Club of New- pcrl Beach has selected two art.lats instead of one to dis- play works In Mariners Li- brary as Artists-of-the-month. 1bt t"'o t1lents named are Wide Zint, a portrait artist from Costa Mesa, and Joyce Clerk. a Llguna Beach oil .... ZiJt's portraiis are noted hr his ability to captul'f: the fllllnCt of ttie sitter's person- allty, according to Mrs. Ron- aid Hanson. press cha irm11n for the club. A native Clli!ornian, he also paints abstracts and landscapes and for the past five years has devoted most or his time to drawing and painting. Prior to this he Spt!lt ~ years in the motion picture industry working on mation picture titles. C11rnntly his studio Is lo- Cited in the Costa Mesa Arl Center, 117 East Wibon St. Wedd ings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements· on both v,:ed- din& and engagement stories, forms are ava ii- able in 111 of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded. Jo have their wedding stories with black an'd white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one , ....... i, l'l fter th(" wedding. • For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture .. be submitted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six week.s or les.'! apart. only the wedding photo \\'ill be ac- cepted. Pageant Garden Ideas Color Club Display A P•1unt in Livin& Color will be presented by the Goldlmrest Carden C l u b between 1 and I p.m. S1lur- dlf, Mty 17, tn the Founl.lin Volley Library. Com'petJtion is open to 111 1m1teor adult and Junior ,.e..us under II. Ribbons wUI be. awarded in four tee· -for odulta and ont aec-tlon for junlon. JDdllde«f ., will b e 1r- • coruies, table hortlcultvre, d I 1 h I• a, t1rrarlum1, =~• anhnll1 and May LeatteU wllh lnstruetlons ma1 be plcked __ up at the W!rary, or MclWDD•I in· form1Uon m1y be obtain<d by callln&: Mrs. C. 0. Sht.lrharl, junior entries, 13$-t let, or Mra. J. H. Waddell, ta.-ttOl. Enlrl,. mull be pl11<td between t and to a.m.. and Judcine will take p I 1 cc bttwetn l l a.m. and 1 p.m. The show 11 btlng spont0rt!d by lht area branch of the CalUornia Division of the ~oman·1 National Farm ~nd Garden Aasoci1tion. Sights Se t For 1970 Plans for • conventlon almo&t a year away are being formulated by the Allociltlon ol OperaU.,. Room Nur ..... 0""8• C-y Cifapler, which wUI bolt the event ne1 l Febnllry. Mrs. William Kthoe Is general chalnnan far the ccn- itreJI, which wilt take place Feb. 23-2' in Anthelm Con· ventlon Center. Plans were finalized dur1ni:i • ml'Jtting in Disneyland Hott.I by the chairman, committee member• and mem~ of the na1innal execullvc board. He has garnered man y awards for hi! work which ije fel t was forwarded with the' hel p of Will Fa1ter, an asso- ciate member of the National Academy. 1 The Laguna ._pfich 1rtlst had her fo~aining in Whittier College ')nd UCLA and also was a student of. Bennet Bradbury. "As an oil painter, Miss Clark is noted for her aea·. scapes P1lnted alone oor. CaJifornia 'cout, · u well u Mexico and Haw,11, and land·" scapes in these areas, and her studies of the N1vajo, Hopi and Serl Indians. Many of her outsta'KHnl olls are being repr~ , 'tn litho- graph across the U n I t t d States," said Mn. Hanson. In addition Miss Clark works as 1 mOAic muralist, taking flat surfaces and alv- lng them perspective. Early recotnltion of her paintinp Cline when she was among 1500' selected from !000 In 11\e fin! ART ' USA ·~ u:hlbiUln in Madison Square Garden. Sht 1lso hai; garnered sevenl 1wards for her oils and' mosaics which she creates -,,ram her rtud io at 1434 S. Coast Highway. !Aguna Be(lch . TV Topic Selected Maynard Orme, educaUonal director of Channel 13, KCET4 TV, will ditCuss procrammlng f o r children's educ1tional televlalon for .-members or Children'• 1bffler Guild next Thl1fl4aiy .lit" 10 a.m. Orme also will snow ;i special pilot film diret:ted primarily to early elemeqtary grades and preschoolers. '- Mrs. J1mes-c. Gonper of Balboa will host the meeting. wh ich also •Ul be dedicated to new guild melntiers. Honored will be the Mmes. 11arry Brown/Jtlclla.rd BuUon, 'Villi am Conover, Tlrry Dan- ne, John M. Franco, J, George Jones, C. H. Palntu, Robert Rosenberg, 11,elfonf P. Shea, David v. StUnng, Ivan Smart, Stuart Swidler, Waldtmar Van Cott. Newton E. W1yne and Robert E. Wolfe. Announcement alto will bt made of the new alatt of of· fictn as. presant.ed by !he nomlnatln.e committee. Choral Group \ ~enne111 Famous Landmar k Cited for Open Ho use THE DRESS PLACE llKE IT ,., CHAt!GE IT Copre' School Mothers' Cl ub is hosting an open house next Friday, Saturday and Sunday to acquaint the public with the ne\v coeducational college prepara· tory school , housed in the old Balboa Inn on the peninsula. The students will be guiding visitors through the school from 1 to 4 p.m. Posing with pictures to be exhibited by Lido Isle \.Voman's Club are (left to right) Mrs. Gene De Young, Mrs. L. K. Hegewald, Miss Lee Ann J-legewald and Joe De Young. • C ANOGA P'ARK HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ~ULI..ERTON LAKEW000 VENTURA Tea Toas ts Ex hi bit ion Of Chi na SUN DAY 10 -s OPEN DAI LY 9,30. 6 FR IDAY 9,30 . 9 California Ch in• Painters'!;,::=~~~ Association of Southern Cali- fornia is plaMing' a tea and exhibil in Bowers Mu seum , Santa Nla from 1 to 4 p.m. next Saturday. Nine showcases will t"a ch dispJa~ 40 piewi of china handpainted by differen t art- ists at the even! hosted by the Mmes. Warren Krum . president: Mrs. James Don- ovan, membership chairman : Mrs. Alvin Fryhoff . exhibit chairman, and ~frs. Edith Lent.. The club was formed two years ago to inform the pub- lic cl the art. The display will nan through June 29 ..... ADJUST AILE CHA ISE LOUNGE With Wh••l1; L•tlng Ouarant••tf •1aln1t fodint • • Hot for ft1rr, Hof for Lift ••• BUT fORfJflt FASHIONED IN ALUMINUM Here i1 the ultimate In ca1ual and pool1ldt fvtn iture. Fo1hioned In all aluminum, welded to the men\ exacting 11ondard1. Yaut choke of from• and 1trop colort lo match any decor. 5 42" PIECE SET T •m,•NHI GI••• To, TUlo eT\111 4 Cheirs •. SAVE 581 .00 SAVE 535.00 $64'511 OPfN JO DAY. SUN.10 -5 $J49•s · fll,J',1"1 I fl Hqt• ; 2 GIANT ORANGE COUNTY LOCATIONS COSTA MESA HOURS' SANTA ANA 1706 NEWPORT ILVD. DAILY 9,30 -6;FRIDAY9:30 -7 1725 N. MAIN SUNDAY 1 O:QO TO 5:00 fN• O.llvery In Or1n1• County 543.1213 t t : : • . • ' ' 1 ...:;;;;;, ' . LITTLE BOOKWORM -Ellyn BeamlSh (left) baa chosen a heap of reading to do for the Junior Great Books program, which is instructed by interested area residents such as Mrs. Alan V. Andrews (cm- { . . ·:l SUSAN HOLSTEIN Engaged Dinner Party Given To Reveal Betrothal l)ll)ing a dinner party in Newport Har- bor Yacht Club Saturday evening, th• en- g'agement of Susan Peters Holstein to J)en DeMille was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Holstein III of Santa Ana Heights. Hostess was Mrs. George M. Holstein Sr., grandmother of the future bride. Special guests included her other .grand· . .mpthor, Mrs. Charles E . Hobart of Pasa· dena , Miss 'Vicki HudsOn ot Arizona, Miss Diane DeMille of Whittier and Miss Nell .Ho!· stein of Oregon. . Miss Holstein,. a 1966 Children's Home Society debutante, is a graduate of Corona del Mar Hi gh School and attended Chapman College, World Campus Afloat. CurreuUy she is a .stl!dent at Orange Coast College. ~ Ber fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. DeMille of ~:;..;. ~ also is a CdMHS graduate and attended OCC. CurreriUy he j.s serving with the U. S. Navy, • No date has been set for the ,.eddiiig. . -' ' . ' ' . ' Si ndy clrf"" M.ri en ... , MOTHERS LOVE "II C.1110r'tMM 1111 Ywr Cu,a• 250 •• EHi 17th St. Hiller• Squ•r• 642·14JO LACY LINGERIE! "'"" "" ... ::.!.-'". , . ., ......... ., ....... h .... I Montft'l l&T ••• MAT 11 .,..... OWAll•• .,_111111'"' " 0 & OD ,._ .. _____ . .......-. - let's Talk Girl Talk • ·< • ' r•• ; r 1 f \· t j l . .I I; I l Dworf .....,id·-....... pluled lo HaWMI Pirll.llJ' the B--o(' KillJt>root! ..Jd>ool, i; 0 I t a' 11-. ' The May b-will be lakm to paUonts In Hoq Memorl.rl R'o1pl taJ, P=byterim. ' ' ~ ,,. Ille p'CIUll 11 Mn. J<.1111 1.ofger, •-looder 1"~-~. one! ...,0. ll Mn, 'William Wllloll. : ' li(•Jlben ore Ctlina Wq, Sylvia 'Pomoa, Robin llabo6, Karel B a I J a r-.d, B¢ie Greetcr6, Kelly Ge 1 '<i e D • Leslie Crowe, Keri Zcirger, Janm-Heath, L 1 a r a Jacbon, Mid>elle Keftnedy, Kiren. Wilsoo., · Jill Freerum aod,Janet Duncan. Oldpanka HorizM Club o( Olsta Mesa·Newport Beach will bo9t a pancake breekflllt · next Saturday in 1bompilln llaJI <I Finl Methodl•I Qwrdi, Ooota Mesa, from I to 11:30 am. -. D.lll Y l'ILOT FRESH START -Symbolic ol tbe,theme for the.Friday, May .!!. Ft!ll~w,ship Day of Church Women• United, Begin Anew, spring flowers are p!ented by (left to.righ.t) the Rev. Melvin-Tiylor, minister of Fairview Baptist Cbufcb• Costa Mesa,-Mrs. Georg• Perley' and Mri. Richard Dahill. · · · · . . ~ .. ·· .. ,, Tl<kell wtn be II i<lr aclults =.0·:/~':1.i~:; Installation, Awards dilpen:. baby clothes, , • • -· Beginning .Expl¢r-fid: llifllqowl• and drwee for ' 1 patients at a Tijuana cllnic. .~ ~ , • A · J ~ ~Fin!i<lr Giri.:..= ·~\-eremon1es rrangea Cookie Lift. cxillecting food " " ' teT) and Mi's. Horace Benjamin. A new !fa!ning clan for leaders will begin Friday, May 2, in Mc· Nally EducatiOll81 Center, Costa Mesa. -to~abuli<lr • · · Fairview ' State H-''"' ...i · ·Plllll. '1<lro --aod donate $2!0 . for playgrcmd By · Pariel '. , . ....-. -"""'"10nloo .,, b<q equlpnieiit In Mun!Y Park, W1"""" tray fawrs i<lr area niacle by members <I the llw>-. The group,pro:ientfy Is assbt· Brunch 1110 a.m. will ·llegln activities at the Friday, Ma)" 2, FellowsbJp Day of Qiuri:li Women United in SL Mark Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach, ::;;opllals 11111 .......-tlo&IM Beadi Mrs. Jaycees, Ing the •men'a club with· prep. homes. who have elected Mrs. Jack aratiom for the FOW'lh of SOS for Leaders fAesa School l!rmll prosidenl. ,July parade, Students Delve Into World's Great Books · Represented More than 1200 penm1 at. tended the 2001 amual con- V"1tion ol the Calilonda <Joun. ell of Parent Partldpatlon NiJrsery Schools ID Long Beach. F?'OO'l Hilltop Nu r a er y Boob cannot be appreciated uni..., they .are Opened, end Dllllll' studeots In the Ii'~ Mesa UIWlied School-Dlitrict have had famous ones opened 19 them this year through the The Greet Bookslroups, for . School, Ooota Mt!ll, dolegales third· ,graile through high """' the Mmes. Robert Con, ochool student. meet once preelilent; Konnetlt Reynolds every two weeks to dlscuss u.aaur<r; &tier Folk, council selected works which Ute ~e. and S 1 r a students Nie' read in .ad· Scott. echool direct«. t Boo.._ vance. Junior Grea .., program. Each hour-long seelon is led "r,..,.,,, An eight-week ,leadership by two trained leaders who training course fOf' the prt>o ask questions designed to Cfam :Will begin ~y •. May stimulate the studenls' think· !, in· MeNally P..ducat1911al ing. ~ 'Center,.· Costa Mesa,· to in· The .• program currently ts Cftase !JM ~t forte ol 37 avalla~ in 17 elementary -leaders. schooil and one junlor high IqStnictor for the tWUon-. school. .. , ' , · , J. f~ course will . be How~d 'Registration forml a r: e' ' 1· .wm San Francisco, Pacific i vailable in area libl'arles er 'Coast ~ea director for the information may be obt.amed <;reat Books Foundation. by .calling Mrs. R 1 c h a r d .'the ... weekly two.-h.our ...-Beamish, area coordinator, .lelatomwill be given on Fri· ~·M~. BenjamJn -4ay rD6rnings·and participants Brown, 541-2382, or ·Dr. Hilda mu:st psy en 18 book fee. Mce.rtney, ll&-OZ26, Zen-Buddhist Ceremony former Lagunans Wed ' Former Laguna B ea c b residents Mrs. Nancy Wing Kaplan and Marc Joslyn were married recenUy during a Zen-Buddhist ceremony in the Friend,,' MeeUng Bou a e , Claremonl parents, Mr. and Mn. Andrew S. Wing of Laguna Beach, were present !or the eeren\Ony. along with Adam Kaplan, her son ol Claremont, and Andrew Staley Wing, her brother of Laguna Beach. other family m e m be r s present i ncluded Mrs. Warwick Evans, Jo s 1 y n 's mother of Puerto Vallarta, Katerina Joslyn, his daughter Serving with Mrs. Brandt will be the Mmes. Dave AtJtin9on, vice pr es Ide nt: Peter H o 1 d e n, secretary; Rogel' Boe, U'tesurer. and Jim Le Blanc, -· Retiring ~Mn.Mikel!rool<a al9o will IS'Ve on tbe Df!N boerd. Planning the --1' Mrs .. Tum Wilkie, and the group's outltanding chairman and project ol the year will be honored during the cerernoni" Memben alto will reveal their -·pela, '!be Mn. Jl)'Cff1! ~ to The rites were perfonned bJ · R1nzai Zenmaster Josu Sasaki Roshi and two of his assistants from the Cimarron Z e o Center, Los Angeles. of Berkeley, and Mr. and Mrs. A S 0 t no1and Joslyn, h~ brolher and Princess nne teps u • The new Mrs. JO!lyn's aister-in-law who came from Santa Monica with their twO Great Britain's Princess Anne makes a striking cbildren. appearance as she visits the Rover automobile fac .. Laguna Beach residents who tory in Birmingham. The Princess is wearing a alt.ended the wedding followed stone-colored wool coat with brass buttons' and a by a reception aod bullet sup-brass buckled belt. Her chapeau is a black som.. per, were ·Dr. and Mn. w. C. brc;o style with a broad, sweeping brim. The Blevins and their daughter, Queen's daughter has only recently assumed a Miss G!G'l Blevins alq with ;oyal routine of solo ·public appearances. HS Auxiliary Twice a month the J;adies' AuxiliarJ tO Huntington Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post '1361 meets at a p.m. The first Friday of the monlh Ibey gather bi Odd Fellows Hall·for a buainels meeting and the thinl Friday they socialize In various 1ocaUor1s. Further in- formation may be recei.ved by telephoning Mrs. LeRoy Hermann at.._. jlln. Mirkla MarkJ 1 n dll;:::;;:===============::,I Th"!'las Rausch. D•ECT FROM COASTAL ORANGE The couple Is ....... rated wilh Claremont Fam ti y COUNTY TO L.A. AIRPORT Service where he i& a ' psychologist and sbe 1' a counselor. They will make their home in Claremont. · ...-----VIRGINIA'S---'---, SNIP. 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 3ll'4 E .. t Cots! Hwy •• c.,;on• dol Mo~ Pho•• 67J.1oro l111't It t~•t t. i. • .,. Apri1 bllt:flld ull Now ttl1t ,... h••• 111 co11ttlbutM o•r ''b1t", ti. ~ fy, St1t. 11111 F.der1I ••~••, l1t'1 "h1Jul1•" ou"' '''"'' thl1 111onth 111d u•• 111 ef elf!' c,..1 t1.,. t1l111h .. 11'1••• 11ow 1u11'11t11, 1lothot for th• f1111ily. S1wl~ It • 9r11t ''bttclt•t 1tr•k""r" •• •• l11•it1 you .. J.op et1r 1to,. for qu1li ty , • • tu1r111 .... 'f.Mic1 for oil """ 110-41. "$1.,vou 10011, VIRGINIA P.S. ...,. ..... ,.., tefnOffOW, M1y lit, •• Oreltf• C..tt C.11.,e ttylo 1how 1t 10 ..... \ 'Fly all the way, start with I ,A.A. FOR CONNICTIONS TO AU AIRIJND 22 FUGHTS DAILY o..,; 2,000,000 r ... ,.,. Corrlotl <>.« AG,000,000 Mlos ' May Day Selected As Theme . May Day will be celebrated two days late when lhe Wom· en's Auxiliary <I the Interna· tlO!W Brotherhood of Elec· trlcal · womrs. Local '41, sponsors a May Day Dance next Saturday. Abram's n·ance Studio, Orange will be the selling for the affair, which will be a benefit for the convalescent tuwlY room of the union. Anyone wishing informa· ~ may contact Mn:. Walter Goerlitz, committee chair. man, 526-3777, or Mrs. Ken- -Freeman, auxiliary pres-ldellt, 535-0234. Sweet Adelines HarborUtes Chapter, Sweet AdeJines convene every Mon· day at I p.m. for meeUngs in College Park School, Costa Mesa.. Mn, Pat Partin, 540- 0870 will answer questions reprding the choral group. Following brunch, attenUon will be focused on a panel discus.5ion themed B e g l n Anew, moderated by the Rev, Melvin Taylor, minister ol! Fairview Baptist Chu r c h 1 Costa Mesa. 1 Panel members will be a representative of the Manhat· tan Project of the Salvation Army ' and Don Hallstrom. delinquency prevention coordinator of the Orangoi County Probation Departmen~ Special music will be pJ'Ooo vided by MISs Sue Boatman, Fine Arts student at UCL Child care will be provided during the event and a dona- tion of 75 cents will be uked for the brunch , according to Mrs. Richard o.mu and Mn:. George Perley, chairmen. Nuh 'n Nibbles Attending meetings every Friday at 10 a.m. a rt members of Fountain ValleY, Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. 'lbe women have selected the RecreaUon Center in Hun• tington Be a c b !9r their. meeUng place. Mrs. Tom Splne at 897-7856 will ·answer. questions about the group. Only 1 More l>ay Until MARGIE WEBB'S Gigantic 'Once-A-Year' Tent "SALE" ·E· BRATIQN DUUiNl!R MlllCS AT THMENDOUS SAYIN4H AM II lhtirwl•UI cl.......ut Yaluet hi .., ......... lhtp So, Remember the Date MAY ht And help , u1 "Stll-E-8r1f• .. 2094 .~· c-t Hwy. . Laguna Beacli ASK Mr. FOSTBB Travel Service ROBINSON'S UPP ER LEVEi.. I I I j ! I I • ' I I -.. H DAILY l'tl.OT DUPERY . FABRIC _______ •_ • ....._ __ ~-c W t 2 la · ·a> =a - --· ------·---~-----------------------------~ PJLOT-AOVUTISU J3 . • Alt9q••- • --------- - PILGT-ADVERTISE.H • .,. Y rll.OT • IO youths 1---.miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . • UI •· 17"11 ti., CM1a ,.._. ......... C_,.,, Clltt ....... HAWI YOU YllnlD OUl lllW ITOU AT: e 1 .... 11: ..... Aw.1t ... •• tar• '1r t,.....c.i.r,..._t,....• • 11111 ..... •• • ••• • nu · er .-To Attend · ~· Salk Meet T"' Oranse ~ .,... hlcfl ochool studenta have been lle!ected lo r-the~ hi&b -at • llalo-meeting of top science student. lo be held at the Salk th!ltkJte for Blologica1 Studies, La Jolla, Saturday. 'll>ey will be -ISO science lludMU allondlng the "D a y In Science" meeting, --eel by the CaJJfonria Chaplen ol the National Foundation -March of Dill)<ll. The )'OW!( -rs will be weloomed by Dr. Jonas Salt, -ollheinltltut<. 'Ibey will have an ~ portunlt)' to lour the center and get • first-band glimpoe ol research projects under way and the equipment U!Od to Im· plement them. In -· eoch student wiU receive a tpeclal Marth ol Dimes ci.lltioQ in recognition ol his oytalandmg &cholanhip. Amonjr the delegates are: Bob Raymond, -· lllP School, .Costa Mesa; Joe Wiiliam!, FOWlllln Va 11 e y High &mo!; Carolyn Ger· inger, H-.ion -High Scbool; Benjamin sch l ff. Laguna -High School; PatU Lyliorpr. La Quillla High l!<'boQI, W,.tminoter; Donna M.. Newman, N.:adna High School, HuntlngtOn Beaoh; Jim Holter, Missioo Viejo High School ; Dianne F....U, Newport Harbor Hi¢ School, Newport Beach; ~e Bugg, Saddlehack High School. Santa Ana; Suzanne Griffin, s..ita ,.,,. -High School . . . Forms Slated For Seniol's Tax Help CJaim forms for 1969 Senior Citizens Property Tu: Assistance wlll be mailed about May 1, according to Martin HWf, executive officer <f the FrandOOe Tax II-Oard. 'I1>e forms will be mailed to the 58,000 pel'300-" who filed claima and received a relln· blzr3emmt lMt yeer, as well as to lndlviduals who have re- Qll<St.cl fonru, Huff said. Others who believe t be y quallfy ohould C<lltacl the ili>areot olfice ol the Franchi.. 'i'ax Board after May I. 'To receive a 11 ls~ n ce , claimants must be 65 or older ; must own Ind occupy their home: mWlt have paid pro. )>erty taxes on the home; and mu.st have a tcta1 houaehol.d ioomne ol leos !hon $3,500. Qualified persons can receive both the Senior Citizens Property Tax A.,;,tance and the recentl y enacted ijomeowners Property Tax Jloijel. Claims and requests for claim forms lhou1d be 1ent to Senior cim.m Property Tu Assiatance, P .0. Box 1581, S&cr..-, ll5807. U<;I May Extension Times Told .. $1.19 .,. •••• Duck .......... 83' .Altt<h ta ""'Jard ea -"" """' ho. tlo1' -· $1.29Yal.1 ...... H .............. .,. .. -"""' "" "" 1otl-96' 1oi:in blowi ...... a:m-p! ... 'Orith moU'at-.1. $J.90 Val.I l'mnoas ') Pipe A Ta .. cco Nd> Hill plj>O a 2 -$I If t>I Hood.;.. or .......... toblc:co ALL IOI ••••• 11.iePI .& a.. .... ec ........ I ...... ho& ol lmlo, .i.. $1 '' Jidous diocollle cmmd rttd n1ltf. Boys' No-Iron Westem Jeans '::!''' $198 -..-·1 '°" -mid,.~ J'ortrd 1'>ly -doool>lo =..:,.r-' acAlplne ' Imported Scotch Whisky fVU $3'' QUART l.i§:iiJ nit ftltk'1 liqocr .piicia1 pbil _ ..... dila: .. ..._,_ ... ti*'• .,._..... --_., . .,_ - 45' to 69' each Sluniy-l lake Pans 3i99' D1•w•r Can......,. llyRullltennal• latrdockin,g feaitwc ' w ptnmb shiftllig. 0 Oiootefrotn 3 sires! ~·~~-I )II,;,. f2,91 Y•luel Whit. Ylnrl Talll• Coven W'~·L':"~~L $177 1pes UA11 ...... Gi.lllP d oth. R ... •12•• 1asr Fol• Infant's HI.Chair =~~~ $10" VPhallterY, IClt pad ' add. afety bdt. $2.37 llffr John Toilet "°1'1 lrvlh Qmpl<te 1rith pltttlc $114 -. doob ol A""'1o, lootp.ir.Pd,whilo. '2'' Value! Sports Caps s.,"" Trwc•1 .. ........... '179 tolon lot -Wtmen's Flop Hats 1= stflts '" ''!"" 98c --axolort. $9.95 Value s,I• CGll fllhin9 Zebco Rod & Ree ~ '200 & '300 Values! • Fashion .• Jewelry .., Yout•'*-66 ~nt 1amme1dl. c llAflS and C: D Jo I lo C.hoote fto111 ... _....,_ ~ot~ duhojtwdlf ....... . hadf, l&ttDll .. . ......i .. ....-. loot ..... _ ,,, ,., ......... 7 ..... ·---~· ·-·· 1 'a ......... --• '"'1 v...., v...., a , •..• •,, .... ..,_..,.. '1" Lady Wllshlre Soft casual Ski111111ers. 49' Val.I Wo111ea11 llkllll Briefs Ange que s,.,, Cologne , SJ29 -r· .. c•••*' laq 1.,.,, •• BlMk et Ybite ... .. in llftr----....... -nolr" - n.. Perfeci w. Day Glftl f5tJ & '6" Yaluel •11• leanlMON $3.99 Jumbo Plastic ~;';.1~:4~ ~~~:!k ; .. S • Ch d Qalce"' ICyla 10 to 11. ~·"'." _,. -.eWlng _ e -:"""":'~~~·.. .... ....... . Fashion's Newlit W••'• .... ,., $297 Buckle Suh alllfli ;.;;i .. ~':."S..btboc1~ w =·~~il!': ,: .... ' 1ttipes. bOld 77 ,,,., ...... ..U I ~ .Jf lltifn .... Ad bet 611 atra ll~~U:;::":..;u:_,:n~ .... ~-=:::O".;bdt.i:-im..:"""=-'• ---...:·~-• --et -1dol .-.. ..... -............ ....a .. °"' Wo111111's ••• Strap Glau Ptrfulle ,,,, ... _ .... _ , .. .,,:,::::~ .. ""'""'· Vinyl Sandals Spray lttmlnn •-.. ------.. Cool,aomlybodcuup 91• Bautifoillr oioopol, IOp "-ud taofft lo.,.. ' ..,.Ji~-"":i::;. -94' Lady Sunbeam 1 .... ~d·~~ ... ~b'~· ~~-:~M.a.=-"~·~--i· i.;.· =~="':.o·-.. -=~=~~ .. :.&: .. i.· ~-· ~ Mani cu rid '21' Clu,t!fi Pllne Wo•en'• Nylon $18 ~ .. 1oa1r Pocket Talfelil Jackets . 88 .:~=$1•1 Hot--·~1· ,on ri Q)lon. So,_,. .~,:~M.:.~ Grooms cati· l,,;:";;;"'~~fanom~~~~--l(.1:i:;.------· cit-, trim•. :!h!':::i:'J: Flocked Daisy Fa111ou·bz1z · ~ .i.r~x pol· In a Decorator Pot MIFlfcello :::~H;e:;ff;:_::.:aa:aM=·-1--;:::....,::..:..:.:..-1 Cutt da1U witll '1Utr • r:1 ,.,,. r... ,_ ,...r. 88' Nt 1,..eets Checel-$175 fl3.ll a.lfirlclal• ...t-llocbdlO-· ,........... ...... "·· •-•· lledrfc lh-tOI_, fllotrltlt• °'"" "p;.k .. bloe. ~ _,_ SJ 10 Etq1adcoAPGilP!*k-........ ... ..... SchNlfl'• .... CHd Chocoltdu $J25 .......... , ... .............. ~·~~-: 74' '2'' Value! Italian Woodenware It!l<t looloI..,, ....... ....... $J88 ----• .ddli .. 11 a tf!ll Golcl IA. ::::T ...::-:a:i.=.. '"' . W_._TNrs ' Gow.. ~r-'3'' 'nla;otfloltW-... st:f:''-'""--Ja ..... ,___ ~II.Ille .. ~ ll11t1h:Tealw ==~=·~ •1 1" l!rl-l'Dcoll Salt .. ........ R1hl111 ·1 ... ,, .... v ....... ~111•••H•il•IY. w'"*'11• ...., .. .... llU7 fr'th3'.f .... $577 _,.,._, __ • n 11~1~'· Tackltlox ...... 1 '1 " .... •1.SO ... .... ... .. " s1n "lo •t 11 Ya 11 Colemon Fuel ..... 961 Files ......... . ' ~!..,~96# wr';.,~N';i •••• 41 1 wr.r.. . ' J [ I I , , I j I I I , •• U..li>A Clloitt T-"roy Bnnl 8ftl' 7-BOllll RDMt .. 69' U.S.OA Olcd , lamb Breast ... i•29' Lomb Shidl. lb.* U.S.DA Choice l.*1lb * 0-Bone Chops .. 98' U.5.D.A Gt'* A w'llhbont YOWQ Ducklings ...... 59• {a$!tn'l. linlill-ftd. ShcMc5er Pork oast • , .. 45' ScritorY~ Confidets •• ,:;,75• ~«Minl·TOOfllKi111 Cmt ..... .''t: 72' ~-LsveSii. Prell ........ 1;~83' . ' j Grain hd ~te-n fresh Pork . hit.Roast ..... 79' v-fTDmor~ Turkey Thighs ... 39' VOUlljl lont« H111 Tll!'by Dr ililSticks • : "' 39' forl!W John Butt Portion * ~119ked Ham .... 59• • ~,,........-.i-2'-01: . Shrilllp <hunkies • ' Sto l'llk ffoun lt..i.d Koddot~ fl(' ~ ' IO-OL. ,._ Catfish Steaks Yl3' ' ff&Shorl fmM 8rtodrd .fish Sticks .. ·~~49' . • Seo Pait froM ~ Fish Wedges 'l:i'.79' Mn. fridg(1f'11l11'1 lraoded Goumwt Shrimp ...... ~89' ' _ ...... Cooke4 H• ~55< Mort.et lo1.Ut 5,.etd L-=t-. Pick-' · O'idf'lnwdoor • Hailoaf ... ~!3• Morktf bbt [. tlumned Ham 1'°:}t9' I;hs:td Htol & Eot Sou~ J · Smokies .... ' 7~' NffffM $1« M Meo!" I !.fr. . Hot·Dogs ..... r 55' Beef fnlrtb, Mc . 'FAMOUS FOR DEEP· CUT DISCOUNT PRICESI Pillsbury * B • M' "' ,.0'49 rown1e 1x "" · ' Jiffy Mu P• c '·"-15• 1e rust ........ (O'nS!od Afi'' , • • • 21 -0, c Pie .F1 hng ... "" 41 Blutberf)', ~5c. Boysenbtrry, 5lc Kroh Grape Jell y ~;~ 59' · {;r()l)e )om,U 1. ~,,.,~-! Prune Juice .. :~53• V. ,, 32' 1negar ..... "' "' 611, l'Qt Krofl C~romel or Pt~p~e TopDing .. .; ."12'27' F~./1e Btl ,,_r • I lovof1 C t "'0'37' rou ons • • • . Pkg. - 1>tlkl9g'1 8 Fkil'Ol I Pop Tarts ... ~~47' p,q,~ry 2 flwfl .. Gorilla milk ~~57' Keinl Vege1oriurl Sty11 , Beans ••••••• 1t2iLl8' Bowl 0.0.. lwd. :oc Off lobtll Ty D Bol .... 'l~65' ""'"" Soap Pads •. ~·1,29• *BONUS DISCOUNT SPECIALS Price1 o... effe<tM 'now, thn:iugh Twesday, Moy 6, 1969 e COSTA MESA-tt""-NE\VFORT BEACH_,,',':,'.'!::.:~,-;..!~:"-' e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-'!'~~ e SANTA AMA-'.'.:~ ... ~.. e HUNTINGTON BEACH-7;,:0'!:..-. • • IA PllOT ·•OVUTISER L WtdnHdjJ, APfll lO, 196t TANYA , TANNING BUTTllJI .. 1.SOZ.TVll 64.c ' 85' SIZE JOHNSON'S. BABY OIL iY l1~~7~E 92 C • SIZE iciilci'iiiii'i "'" ::.·. 59c JDS 8ATH OIL .~~. $1 38 CUl ANTlSfl'llC -(INCL. P'l lCf Off lAIEll 99c Mtcrln Mouthwash ·:~.' . . COMMAND for MEN HAIR SPRAY DEODO~NT 1.gu1ar ot Stubborn Sproy 'owd•r 97 FIFTH IMPOITED SCOTCH FULL QUUT -IKY SAVf $1.00 $389 $3!! iiiiii'iiai"Wl"'E ,.,. 88c . 'HAU •ALLON IAYINel l~YI '''°"" uo. $1139 $"" SEAllAMS "'·" ,,, .. SAVI 7-T•. SllAIG~f 11'.tHfUClY •outlOM $1245 su• OLD CHAITEI .~\0;, .... itn c"ul"ti"s' 1 $1625 -, A K .~i~~ . " .. ' --VOD<J.IOP'-.... . 't.~' CIOWll IUSSE ::~; • ... .. STRAIN!D OR JUltE GERBER BABY FOOD •;; 1 oc U.S.D.A, CHO!t IONI "'" llSS f~::: 89.~ i'oN'IL'isi"liAMS . To.t"i '1'ii1.'il't. IATH, IOHflE$S I UTT SMOKIDHAM -. flESH flOZfN GENUINE Sl'l!ING SHOUlDEI! L"M8 ROAST flESH flOlEN GENUINE SPRING SAAU LOIN LAMB CHOPS ltVlNG CHICKEN OIZZA 11DS ' IONE IN RUMP ............ ROAST 99,~---- -11• •••II :JO. 196• _____ oAJ_Lv_Pl_lo_r_n:_ 1 FRESH FROZEN OENU!NE SPllNG LEG OF LAMB ··I~. ;. • .,IHO • I l w. ,,. ·~,. CHICklN LIYIRI . ...! . . f1llfTS Of PAC"4C FRllH WHITlft•H . 79f '69f P4NllAD't 8RIWDCOt l·ll.nG. 6fi crm.m:SH PIOZl'N PllH 'N CHIPS Cllftl.'HIM NOllN-U.1. OIAot ·~~ PllH ITICICI . t4CZ.PIG, '' C · • i'iJcilttuiKiY "°'·"°' 43• Mtll!ON ASSORTID 10 •1 flflHKISTWHOl.tr!INfl s tJ.OZ •1 81YIRAOIS ·:~·· GOLDIN CORN CANS ion MARGARINI :i~: 33 c ii:ic1D PINIAPPL1 I ·i~r· •1 · 3 is.oz. $1 MOITONHOUSl ".'.' 811F STIW SfNlCAGOLOEN APPLISAUCE l'·Ol. 55c "" LAIR:Y'S SANDWICHES NO 2V 25c l UTTf~flflDl'OTATOES ""' SHOllTRINGI VA.NCAMl"S PORK&81ANI ""·'" 19c CAH , •BBQ BEEF ' •PASTRAMI •BEEF DtP, ::g: 6 .5c 5 l•Ql. •1 u.s DOUllE IUCI( ('.UT GRIEN8EANS 8 t;,t3l $1 1HOR'OffDMfATl.Alt ""' DOGPOOD POOi IOY SANDWl~fl . :ii:: IJ• I · COLORS & WHm-•ATHROOM ZEE TISSUE 4-ROLI. llKG. 3 ~-4c0ff FARMER JOHN FRANKS ALL MEAT 5 fAbl(I JOHN illCfD COOKED HAM "oz. PKG. DAltr VAll~T SUCtD s.oz. SWISS CHEESE ,.~. rooo GIANT AU. MCAT 1 11. BOLOGNA '"G· c 59c 39c 19c LIBBY'S WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN CORN • ... • • • . "'"' 25' LIBBY'S CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN •••••••• "·"""' 23' LIBBY'S GARDEN PEAS •••••.••••••••••• "'~'"' 25' HILLIDALI SALAD .. ICll BARTLEn PEARS LARGE s 1 NO. 2V. CANS ··=··· ' . GINO'S (MG Of I -EACH 3-C?, U:J 1'-01. ,,. HAMIRIEI PIZZA .,. .. ~;··· I MINUlf MAIO(l2.0Z. CAN J7c) OIARE JUICE , PIAS OI COllH IH IUTIJ!I SAUCf 29c lllDS EYE VllETAILIS 1~!'· . . ':::::::t ·· PUSH KIST PRODUCE RED RIPE STRAWBERRIES -~~~-6 ~11 CABBAGE •LL •AnN -S"" IOUD HIAIS ,. u . TROPl~AL MANGpES ~:::: 4 i $1. VAUNCIA ORANGes L:u~~~ 1 o~ WHITE GRAPlFRUIT ~;i~:1 . .lOls · THESE PRICES EFFECTIYE~.1141'1 SUll~. -II MAYl,2,3,4; 1'-91 . · _, LA ROSA SPAGHffil .•...•••••••...••••• , ,..,33• SCHILLING SEASOltlNGS .......... ...,.~·,,~, -,..,_f:• 29' ALPO LAMB or LIVER CffUNXS ............. 2 ...! 67' ALPO BEEF CHUNKS .................... 2 f.~ 65' ROYAL GELATIN, all flavors ............... 3 ~ 29' 1------+-------.1 ALLSWITT MARGARINE (Incl. 3' Off) ••••.•••• ''"r-25' ALPO HORSEMEAT CHUNKS • • • • .. • • • .. • • • 2 ~~ 63' PACIFIC HONEY TREAT GRAHAMS ••••••.• : •• , .. "'. 37' SUNSHINE FI G BARS .•••.•••.....•..••• /~~ 59' PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK INSTAllT POTATOES •• \i';.,;,.' 54• STEERO BEEF. CHICKEN, OlllON BOOILLON CUBES ~•11 39' REYNOlDS BROILER FOIL 11 ..,, 45c .?Sft -.1 CHARCO.ll KINGSFORD BRIQUETTS · 't:· ggc SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE .......•.•••.•• "' ""' 29' VIVA PAPER TOWELS, llec-Orateil .....•.••.• : ,,.,,,. 47' M.J.B. lea Bags (Incl. IO• Off) ••...•.•.•• ,,,, ;u 59' STAR IMPORTED OLIVE Oil ................. ,. 89' 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wiison St., Barbor Shopping Center, C oata Me•• • I I l I I a MLY ll!llT . w-.i,, Altll.lO, 196t . , • Wedntsclay, Aptll lO, 1969 2 PILOT.ADVERTISE~ ~ve ~ Squas·h the Yen to Ser~e Any _Me~ber of Gour~ F~mily . . Ratchwork . Tile Gy.pty Loot Is nnr, ez • ..... JN! Sew any quill atirt, Rozf Of llY """'· Join ,. -Into aldrt, k9"ddel. Two versions for lolnlnl ·=· "" liven to hrin ~ ......... Pal m:·---·lltl Incl N'llF «:Dml · (coinl) ,,. -~ -add IJ cents !tr ...... -for fil'lklus ....... and' tpOclal -~ Ja1;•tllimrilt ~ dellNJ wtll lolle tine weeb ...... -··Allie Brolib, 1111 lli\ILY PILOT, l 0 I lleOdle<rlft ~. Box Ill; ~ Oe'••· S&iation,. New ~ ft.Y. lOllll. Rrint N• .. , ltt•:a,,-.N..W. -., lew Jte ·We .. ecrldt' 0111 -.......... &o ..... "'".r.:. printed loille-...... __ """1 ,,. INSTA'NT GIP1'I" -·f"""1oul f-. .,.,,..,__ aoc._lel. ~II-,, ·al,. it -rw!-liraD-• --·, ............ to GM!" 'r""'-,:,llW', hook. -.: . -O/·a1-t ..... I -,:c==~~·· .• -· =·"J-pil--11r II ' -qailll. • .-. ....... ~·· ~.a,.-•-. 1 • -lAlll J tee dried bull , 'f ~ _ __1 )-. :. i ' i.. .. CllAB ANI> ,,..., -, !er« -loe 1 Ill 4111in .-ro!e. Put ~ •A!Dt!'lrAn paclled AIBikan •.• Sa!L ..... . ............. , ........ plooa. .,\'l" .. llems C'#-.S -• _..Bui .... 14..• *-· --olllllllill.ln.bo and-Klai 'cniHlu all tendons-·Pepper -..ll'OJll.Waltr litl."*-ln • 4 iii>.,....., 11llt• lcup-bnOI · Wuh....,;"11'9-a1in _oltemate·wtlll ·lljluce;I have removedbel«1W111lng. J/tcup grated Parmisan l••W.wltheelfrl; cr-k oquoe , \I CIOP ' ~ llOllJ'· v. Inch-. --·In nuce Cll toll,. cheese / · • Add lllCdllnl ~· ~~ I IUloty • 11u11ir « · cream 1 • .,.._ ooc1 .... .-wllll ca.... c~ and bake ZUOCllJNI TOSSED I package Ilallan dre.lslng with salt, pepper ' a n --. I (fil &) -Al•"" Klis ' COl-1 midi -,. Add f« • inmut..: Mis c:rumb1, . GREEN SALAD mix 1 Piimesan.Chlll . 2 i.i.i.i-com -1 -~· · ·HI~ pepps, 111111. c:hlveo aod -Ud -tacether. ,J bead.rooial!>e leltuee % large l!Jma'°"· ...i:;1n iOloayjO 1..,-ari. \I teaopdlla'llll 1 \I cup·..,, lloloe....,. gnduatly llir ioliir.tb. Bring a.move cowr •"'\ <top. I _'water cress quarters , ~ · ,,;me. ~ ' · 'l!'f"'toss Duh P"1'P!" lh CIOP .-~ > to • !>oil • ._..le will! cnlmb ~-'% lta!Uic:olory; sliced ll pound thlnly11Jlflj ~'ftl1, llliXiiate' ..... !4o!>,t l tr-!mu dried -· -ve frvm · hoat, add Bike -11er 15 millutea, I medlum.i..d zucchlnl, cul In atrips \'r. wedges and ham idr!ps:, r· ~·d!I"°' l t*'1•• ,..... 1111-.,_ ud a* meal GrWe ~ ~ Wvlnp. thinly sliced 'tear romaine into 116<iiud M.lku 1,oerWi&>. 1 · · ~ le•cll ""'! 15511 So. Eclwarcls . Fwnlain alley-16042 MalJllOlla Huntington Beacll-8,11 Aclanls . LD1•• l~di -700 So. Coa.t Hwy. \ Corw clel Mar -;-3049 CMst Hwy.. . - CHUCK.STEAK ~·c~'. ............... lb. ~0 ( • BEEF LIVER Slkoo ............. ~ .............. lb.49' . ' ~ . POT ROAST ~·-~ .................... lb.60.C. PARTI STYLE HAM ~m:;:ft~::., ... 1 •• l 29 ·CROSS RIB ROAST ~":~::~ ...... lb.98( PARTI STYLE HAM t.::;:.~~7: ....... 1 •. l 4 9 FAMILY STEAK~'.:':':~ ............... 1.98.( SLICED BACON ~:':.':::~::: ...... ,,, .. 59' GROUND CHUCK , .... , ............... 69' CORNED BEEF :::.::. .... :::.! ............... 1.79c FARMER JOHN or HOFFMAN Slmnk Portion FRA NKSA•,..w'•""' 53~ AU Meat •••••••••••• ••,, ••• , , •• , , , ••••• lb. F-RANKS :;1-::;·:.~~: ........................... lb 5 5 ~ BOLQG NA·~';.;..~:,_ ...................... 4 7 ~ ·:f' . . HAMS ' '"'"' 11;,., "· 98~ "DOUBLE DEAL" Gr S 0 I 1 "'' Twow .. ,, "' ocery pec1a s Ch. ""'"f'>&Doaooooll'•""' JERGENS BATH SIZE · 1 oc SOAP.~.~ ......... . ROYAl ASSORTED 9c PUDDINGS .......... SMAil . ' , .,~. ' BEEF CHOR1ZOS ,,,,.,_ ......... 1•·;· PqRK CHqR_IZOS ,, .. ,. .. ~ ...... ·n.. . ,~·. HALIBUT c,.;,1;,; '""'• ............ -.: ........ lb.4 9C 0c'AyNSTNEERDS ••/.ll<C,10N"· '1'c' '"s"·~:~J~;~,;· .. : .... ~?:f!. ~ P Co1n,J.lb.t1n,,,,,,.,4 · lb. Save 16~ ·Busch s 6/12 OZ. CANS . 09 ... ROYAL~ASSORTED 9 C GELATIN ..... 30! . PEN & QUlll WHIPPED 36( TOPPING .......... o, BEER SAV£7¢ 1~ 1 Schlitz 1 ~ TUN-A CHICK!N OF SEA 46( CHUNK · J,'4~ MARINARA SAUCE :;~·;:: .... 29~ . . ROSE WINE ;;,,';:::: .... :45( VODKA :=~ ....... 3" BEER ' Is SOUR CREAM :~.:.:.:::: ............ 56~ ROSEWINE :;.~:·;::;;:';,;99C WHISKEY ~'.!;:!..;; .... S'' s'12 ~; 1 \ HI MEAT DIN HER :::.!.~ ...... .18 t BRANDY ~:;;,;~:-.":~:~ ... II" SCOTCH :::~!'.'.'::~ ... S" r -----· 1 ~ SPRAY CLEANE~'--""'" .. 79~ PLEDGE=',':!" .................... 76t PUDDINGS ... -............ 2127 ~ ICE CREAM "'"'"'"' 69~ ORANG 1Ju1c·r ,.... "'6~ . MIRACLE Wll11 _ .. _ .... -74t '·'""""""".... " E ~ ,;:.~~ ....... 1. " ·~ GLO COAT "'.:... ............... _. .... .1 11 OllVES -46 ~ DRUMSTICKS •• ;,,,,,.. ... 66~ ORANGE JUICE ,, ............ S6t , -'If~ ~................. " VEGETABLES :::~;1.:;:: .. 36~ SEAF00DENTREESe::!:::.·:."37t ( <OllOM IWAIS 70t ltG. tit •.170 COUNT Q": . ' PANTYHOSE INUSliUI 78( IUNIAN'OI sr1c1 ... ri. 1, CUARASIL lllN TOlll 78( ANDWIHll VANtllllNG Balay Shampoo J&U or. llG. I," 89( "DOUBLE DEAL" P d S . I 1 ' ' .... '" .. ro uce pec1a s ,,~, ..... '" ,_. , \II GSIEi\5 DICTI O ~.\R\ L \18'1rl!i [' RICH-SMOOTH FUERTE YOCADOS · 2 for 25C lb. CORN :~.i".'.'.':':'.: .... ·~ 4/39t CARROTS~;:~; .... : ... 9~ SUNIUST VALENCIAS CABBAGE ;::;.~:·.~ ...... 7.~ . JUICE '"'''"''"''""' 79~ f~O'IC•-.i•, •••• 1 JGll \I - SANDWICH .•. , .... io ....... 65 ~ DINNERS """"'"•-.' .. ; ... :.~63 ~ !{ . \ Fresh ".:.~~0 ::· In-Store Bakery LAIG£ UNICID ANGEL FOOD! KE·S . , . • • o~:~~ 'I' Rrorr. , • 'I • t ·, i for COOKIES '~'i;;'.' .......... 4o: J. •utterllake DINNER ROllS .......... .,39C Raisin BREAD .'~'.. ... 3/.1 •• ' l Ii 7511 OIANGITHOI,. IUINA,AIK 6381 IALL IOAD CY,Rl5S ,} 'I " c .. ........ ' .. • .. , \ . ·------------:-----------~-"!"'----~~-"""!-... ·- LIQUOR DEPT . , " . . ·' 1\t "alt ,, • ..-·-·..--c.--•4 •• • , Wtdnflday, AP'll 30, 1 M , DAILV 'I T fj .. OYA1-HOSl ~ -~·:w'~~·~~'~ . ; .. ..... . . , ~~~·j~WGHr.......... ·4·9--· ... '. . . .. -···~··:-:::··---···· ·coiN-=·110·~~ •• p~·'}·->2 ·i:2~· -, BOURBON . PREMIUM BIRDSEYE -901'<1n7 -. '·. :Jf"$1 ·--· J IMITATIOll KENTIKKY ~TRAIGlf!. $ 59 CREAM . : . . 'h G~I. M~~ T .PliS. !.~: .. : . '.~:.'-: ·" ' 86 ,...., I Fl~h •. CHILI HOT DOG ·SAUCE' . . ' ~ . l •••• '· LAUDER'S-86-Proot ::~!~ s~~ .. ·· l. Extra light $ 5 99 crKE .. Mix /: . 4 9' SCOTCH ..... ::-~., , .. :._,, Er 0 i· . 29' . . . . • •·I ., CHERRY _ Pacific R.G.-1 Lb. Bo~ 25 .,. WINE -Sada Crackers .. _ c , . . SPRINGFIELD · . GREEN GIANT !~? e CREAM STY~E CORN e FRENCH SLICED GREEN.BEANS e KITCHEl<l CUT GREEN BEANS Sprihgfield ~·~t~~~. au ·y·T·E.R . " . • • 'l:· ,,,. I •• " Young 'N' Tender Let:al ASPARAGUS ·C lb " SWfft 'N' Juicy Large SI• NAVEL .. ~ $.- ORANGES s I ' . .U.S. No. 1 ••RUSSO .P·O ·T A TOES llloj Cello " .... i t I WottDD OAfT ' CARAMELS . . . c " Forem. ost · PIKT .. °'ON FOR TRANSISJAI RADIOS (AQJOll ' 9~~ VOLT '.". 2 for . :~ 45' BAttERIEI .~' ~ ~~ ·-01AL Gebhardt's -i 'h Lb. Can ~if!! 3 ~·~ 39' BEANS I . . : . · · LuCar Fresh ·Jumbo Grade· A .. USDA Choice Round Bone BEEF ':ROAST 69~ . , IAR•M WESTERN STYU 69. POllsh Sausage • I Hl-1 49~ Sliced BACON ltA THS ILACKHA WK 69~ Slice~BACON . ' • ..... , ....... OSCAa M4Yl._,,.1 M_. "'AA lttf 39• · Sllced Bologna .. . WISCONSIN 79• Longh'rn Ch•••• lb ONE 'DOZBN ' Bar M WeJtern -style Smoked · Pork · Chops ; . . 9.3.c .. Ii . . ,' -'\ .. ' . ' . . . : :r99~,-· IONEWS LEAN FAUii, · ,Beef BRliKET . .. ,.._. Olll OWN SUGAR CURED 39• Com•d Beef~~;., lb . •I ' I I NOlTHHN \I : 59• Sliced HA&;.BUT,., . ~ , J . ' • I ' ,; • . · . iMol<li.i.if:i1<s 69~ • I • ' I ALL MIA T OR AL!. HU f WIENERS ... 65~ • ' I # • , !i;, ·" , BUTTER!i!IL,C ~' . . 1PANCAKE -._ ·. 1 • MIX , ·; ·~ . . ... ., " , . ' , ' .. . .. · ... , . ') . ~- Boneless L:e.an . . .. . . ·' . . • . . SJEW!~G ' . :ave .BEEF · · .·'· :~1f'. •• -. ,, 1-' 'J: • ' • - ' . . .. , I ! ,' .,,_ ...... . ~ . .. . ... PRICES '.EFFECTtV•: ,I:• ~ .. , . .. . Thurs., Fri., sat. ~· S11n~.' . .MAY 11 ·2 ;s "4 ' " ' '~·-,, . .,, .J': , .. :'-ii Irie.ts subject 1 to steck-. on-ffencf. t ~ .• ·······~·1' .... , . . J . '• v Wli OIVI BLUE CljlP , STAMPS . · COSJA ·MESA--J PLACENTIA ' ' . . -·I" . ... . '. I ·,,.. l.'l , . , ·wt'Olve I • M.UI CHIP . f.9fli 11111 ·~:1. 710 W. Cha111111n . f ' j , ; • ~ ~y I'll.OT :Peanut ~uts'I~ teve~t ' · Add iua lo your cooking. Try some little tricb to give youl' ~ menus new taste lip. Center a dinner ment• around Ham BaUa in Peanut Buttered Sour ·<ream Sauce. '!be qieat balls of ground ham and ·ilwk cook in an easy to mab 11uce of dairy sour cream and celery IOUp, liglrtly flavwed wllb peanut bulter. Ddlc~·-ed atop spaghel· ti, ~ wiilf' I""• vegetable for a comp1ele meal. For a meat accompaniment that'• a bit out of the ordinary, try Peanut Rice Fritters, heartily made V>'ilh L..ioJced rice and Chopped 1altecl peanuts, then deep-fried Jn peanut oil to a ,Olden crisp crust. lnddentaily, pwwl oil is coOd choice f~all your frying -" .... be beated lo tbe i~ · fr y I n 1 temperaturt wilhool imoking. A ~ dessert sauce can .be ·erpted by meltin g chocolali covend peanut but· ter cup candies. Chocolate P.t&Mt Swirl Sauce · ii pretty, a bir different, and aure to be PQPJlar on ice cream or pud· din&+ HAM BAL13 IN Pl!:ANIJ'I' B~D SOUR CREAM 8.1,llCE --' I pound ground i..m .,. pound ground pork ';', cup rolled oal.8, quick or oi<Hashioned, UJ!COOked I egg l~ cup milk ~~ CllP chopped onion 1 tablespoon Worce1tershirt "!""' '·~ teaspoon pepper -l!!!!n' 1 cu: (10'11-ounce size) co.,. .:dtnied CfNPl tf celery IOllP ~·cup peanut butter 113 cup mlllt \~.cup di&Jry 10U1 eream Blend' 1:11 m,ftctients for ham balls. Form into 1 \.i:· inch balls. Plitt: In shallow baking diah. B.U In moderate oven '(S50 desret F .) for one hour. A!eanwhile prepare sauce. Blend IOUp and peanut butter in saucepan. Gradually stir in ·milk. tben IOUf cream. Heat sauce, but do not boil. Pour over bam balb ~ last bill hour of baiing. Males I ,...in&s (about 2 dozen mut balls.] PEANIJT RICE 11llTrERS Jt2·cup lifted Oour 2 lol-·bllking powder 1,& teaspoon aa]t 2 cups cooked rice 1 egg, beaten Z to 3 tablespoons milk 1,) cup chopped s a I t e d peanuts Peanut oil for deep frying Sill togetbe< flour, baking powder and sa1l Add rict and egg. Mix well. Add enough milk to make a th.let batter. Stir in peanuts. Drop by tablespoonfuls lnlo deep, hot fit (115 derr-F.). Fry unUJ golden bro!il'n, turnin& to fry on underside. Drain on absorbent paper. Makes f to I servlna:s (16 to 18 lrilWrs). SWlllL SAUCE 20 cboCol1te-covued peanut butter cup candies (6\6 .ounces) 3 tablespoons water ?ilelt peanut butter cups in . top of double boiler over hot water. Gradually stir in water until IAllC'e is thin enough to 8J>OOD. Serve warm over ice cream. Makes about 1 cup lfuce. .Eot Right For ·Health Nul.ritioni&ts and h o m e ~ constantly em· pb.t:.e the peed for a balanc· ed' diet of body building foods -milt or otber dairy food at -every meal. a variety of fruits l1ld vqelabieJ; brtad .. -. ~ food. arid el;a:S, meat, lilb or poultry .. -Ftintsa, they 117, is as in- ~ from lolll health as pod food is and thel' point out lhol "bile good nltrition rai.. Oil blah tbe bunera ol lllloyant bealth and • )Is I C· -Jiiilylni vitality 19" all to oei and ...,.le, pliya)cll COO· dllloniiC _, m\llcltl; In-= __ , aod 1 eo- rotmJNAft Laot;J: ""' .. who live in ~-dalrytoocll, I* ~ita aod wgetabla ar• .......... lbt -around ,.,. &bell In dlr'lll 19d categcrle1 wtdc:ll. ........... '° ~ et· ~ are frp,u ently ne~. Collt!Jfullll studies -!Ml lildr J_.i ·~· 1'0UJd h!iprovo tht lltalth of many. I • \l ~ • . .. . . . ' '"' • ·~, t ' f. . ' I ' • • I · I • ' ',Toiul·uvinJ$fifU11:_1s•coiniiut!,,;,;, olnrJe,,;.11 purc~~i • .TI.. ~~;,;;....1~:~'.m~h higher if MJat & Prod.uce savfnri were Included . t-------------------------.--------.._ ......... ____________________________________________________________ _ • -'; ~ 9 . ': .~I ' • . ~: • GOLDEN QUEEN BRANO • U OA GRADE A TURKEY HINDQUARTERS FA"TA$TIC ·ECONOMY SPECIAL! ·• YoUr ALPHA BETA Neigborhood-Butcher <ifle 1t.an iri the Red Aproo) Proudly Offers tUTCHER'S PRIDE MEATS . . 'MIATS YOU'LL II PROUD TO ·IDVI • 01$COUNT H ICEO • QUAlllY I SATISFACTION GUAllANTUD •U.S. GOVERNMENT IHSl'ECTED cotO'RAOO BEU IOWA MAID j • .. ALPHA BETA IVTClll'l lllDE • LEAN SLICED ·· BAtON .. .. . : ' ~ ,, ;' ' • " • iOIAl Gl)C01JNi \ [VlRt C'AV !REt 1nm11 .nr~t l\i.C\rt . "t0Ut'lll f,!1ClllM '" ..... ,,,. ' toMC Al'Hl I ET4 , STORE~ 01$COUNT CHAllGC 'Ritt MEN'S, \VOMtli'S 4 j::HU.ORtN'S StzrS ' ZORIES ASSORT<D COLORS 29' 26 IPc'H'row'Ei.s 2° $1 11 lilsicf'liEPELL1ENT 98' 881 16·0U:1CE BOmt TAME CREME Rlll~E SllAMPOO.lll HA!R CClO'll 'W!'rK CONDJTlON!NG • !2 SHAOES BRECIC HAIR COLOR p• $) 29 2'° $200 59' 471 22 OUNCE BOlJ'Lt • iNttuocs 13c err YEL LIQUID SOME STORE.; 45' DETERGENT CllARGt '" · · FRESH GAOUND BEEF 'ECONO PAK- DtJBUQ\JE ·C . J LBS. »OR-OVER r11r.susoJuO ••UOY TO UllC ' FRESH MEAT LOAF c , ... l·.lB. ' . • ·, ·fKG.. .,. . ' -~ . Ito · ... . . lo•• Maid_~ "IWd1 Sllcff' ~ 2·LI. PICG.,<-BACOll LOOK! 24 :OelJl\Qnte DOUBLE DISCOUNTS! SOME.. JJ.fllA IETJ. • 10 .SOME All'tl41lTA TOTAL DISCOUNTS £VERY DAY sfCIATS '"OISCDlllll ( STOllfS P1SCOUIO CIWIGE • ,RICE CHA~[ P"'<:C @~~\li°Elti~ucfiiN 29, 241 @5£as'011'Enc"PEAs 21• 23 1 i;.i:;7't.0:~'1-·-• • •• @ D-• ,...,,.-, • .... CA". PEAR ltllVES Sic 441 ~~'ttl~'!~r ~'il'E~' BE.INS lie 281 btLc~iNIE SPINACH 3Jc 29' ill c~~NIE LIMA BE.INS 35' 331 @ on MONTE • SLICED GREEN ~c; CA~! SEASONED BEANS"19' We have it! 231 l l! POXtS • P0WD£11.ED ua H SUGIR ~ gflf.~~\'i'" 18• 171 TH£ £ASY WAY TO ,CASH CHECKS ••. ~ly IOI yvu1 11ew c1rd rK!W •• , IN Ah'Y ALPHA 8£TA SlORL 1.$.U. BAG • ORANUtATtl) ~k lie SAY£ Wiii! At • A BETA'S 12,176 TOTAL DISCOUNTS Save even more wilh Double Oiscounls They mean e•tra savings for you. Made poss.lble by special purch~ses with the cost r uclions passed on 10 you. look IO' tJ1'i tbfoQiilol<t lh >IOI~ , r, I SATISJ'ACftON GUAAAHTClO ~ YOUlt MON"IY ~(fUNDlO : u 1 f.l UISLUUNTS lVLRY DAY . ' talil£. ~,o S1J = Jlt' DfALBATH ~OAP 21' 21»' ---7r -~-------------~----~- ''IA't"T'Diur sor, 1s· 1p1 ----~----------------------;-~ ---~ ·~~r~~~LD!~E~EN~~9:-~~i~. ~1sllwaSliiilatt "'0" ' 1s• .. !~ . -• . .J' -" 11· ---~--------.---------------' ltlJMIO SIZ& , $221 iCOLD. LIQUID 'LL 221 • .{. ------------~--------------..-· HAU' .cimo:i • IHCL,Qts 2:0c orr WISIC DETER9ENT • SJf' 141 ·------------------------- JUl4SO SW: P).CUCC ADVANCED ALL DETERGEllt 211 $ 7 '( " • • . '· ' " '< ~-------t-----------------~~--,~~--~-on~~ENTT~~~~-~~--~t~. '~ ' ' . GIAN! l~t PACKAGE. BINSO ~ DETER GI.IT _, INClUO!S JOc OFF ~ SOME 110!!$ CHARGE Ile 69c •. ' ·-----------~------------~-~--Americana Plastic ' PLACEMATS 17!? mcHES.x 11~1/NCHES \ ' ' CHOJ}:E.QF.f.FULLCOLORWtsTERNSCENES SOME STOlltS A' A~ • • w ASHABLt: • LAMiNA rr.o ~LASTIC Q!AJIGE UP ~ • t AVC!HT£ RC:C!Pf.S ON EACH or nlE TO.i i.IX! EACH ' ... DIITt!IDIT MATS • \ • ---~-------~--------------~ ____ !oP_Jo~~~~-~~~N!~--1~~~~l--· oow'Nv0n aR1c SOFTENER e~: 79t ' ~----------------------------Mltetiu LIQUID cLEAllER s9c 93!; • ---------------------------~-· lCME llO!ES CH!'6£ lie ' • , 1 > ' .. • -----------------------------· ;r1~v sir.: PACUG? Ill PRESOAIC DETERGENT .. WI AfSlR'll: Tt1( IUGHT TO IU-V~ SAL[S TO C~lltOM. ctA1. ' .. • • ' .. . . 1. lelebrate ~our 59UI · Anniversart with QUr. -~ ---'---~ - • - '" "" "' I • ·- I ·-' 4 -· ' ' -' I -· I -· I ' -· I •• , -· I - •• • ... ' ; - -· - , • • ' • . .. Better 'fr-o'dute at D ~COUNT PRICES! YOUR CHOICE •BERMUDA ONIONS • SOLID CABBAGE ; SUN 0.RJED • 1 YI Lii. P.KG •• BREAKFAST "lftl PRUNES iR FIRST OF THE SEASON ·• CALIFORNIA GROWN WHITE ROSE NEW POTATOES "· PRQptJC.E PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY ~ib ~ESDAY MAY l·l • ,TORE HOUR,, ~~·· ~QI FRI. 10 ul.111 r.11:. S!T. ind SUN.· 10~M •. 111 P.M. ' ' . ,. -.. TOTAL 01srnuttt S [/lfir (IA ~ SOME ALIMA IETA l!TO~ES 01$COUJ.'T CllAll;J l'llG£ • 0LlsHSlffAGE0 ' 89~. 831 .. lll,HR IETI • ll-l,~ fl /·OZ.l ~ •• ,. I CHEESE PJuA .•k v•Lu• • •fEPPERONl:~ • 12.nft:K (:ZO.OZ.1 ;-I.I! VALJ¥ II.• H-Ot»ICE PACU.GC. • lk 'vAWt IOTAl DISCOU N!) • lVEA~ CAY .... """~ UC.ES D1 """' @ SHEU•!UGXTt.LtR-U.STS UP TO 3 MO?!tlt§ . 1111 NO PIS! STRIPS 1.91 · iounct sanu 1CNA.LlllCS YANIUA 1-t.B. J>ACOGE • DETtRGofr ' llj D L\l'lR SWLIT J)I l0''iit0l'·'~U$HRoO){~ SRAYY31c 2r 'ALPHA Bm1 • All that ,; \SLICED BDLQGll~ 591 :.1S~W\I\V N~rn;11AL. 12-0uNcE l'ACKAG 1 E $1 u ~her Kll~~rst 111 f~ .lt~HA l rfl-•!So: U. VAUJi t WlSCOllSIN \i cll:::g:~HEE~E 831. GltANT'I FAJIM • 2t-O't BOTTU! H.i PAMCA~E SY!U~ lie 11111 ' 10-0UNC[ B01TL.£S PLUS DEPOSIT • Rtk 6-l'AC~ JAi COIA , • ll5c UU' fl ORISI OUA Lll Y f lG lfl~~ at DISC OUNT P~ICfS -.ss<IRTED COlORS MARGUERITE 68~ DAISIES " -· -4 ,., .. ~l\.i.Sautlf cooms0"49i" 481 @ sb'"H'li ali&•Ri•'E "'"'281 -..... 43' 41 1 MAJ!'t.J:!t~·· l-LI. c.\'f 691 COmt '11>:.o.-rue:: 71 • :Z-LI. CAN• 1\tQ. 01' tl.EC'. 1.41 11..1"1' l·lf CAM · ltE~-Oii W C. 2.05 II." utioFFnc"""· 111 512' •< WHtTt 011::Prnr • Dlcwtlts 7c err i 2·PACK-""'"'-"' '"" • DDYE IAll SOAP 381 I 29 1 s•~n TAX cou.K.rm ON~ TAl(Atlr 1TtMS' ' --------------- TIDE DETllllEIT 1»'1 11 • We're celebrating our 59th Anniversary • •• 1nd our 2nd ye1r of TOTAL DISCOUNT saLING. We promise you year long savings and the ultimate in service & quality every 1~11t .dly. ,· 1j •• , .At,~. B.1. ''m.,., ,,. 01.~ ,. i!JlA\ \II CliU ~lJ l~l Rl LAI GUIDllEIE • OOAAT J>.R • 114 o•v RUG CLf,ANEW 1.41 • • illli"~HA.,00 • PIN? 1.11 s I " ·m~O.~cii.r 1.••ti• •JIOWER FOAM •QUART llfl UPHOLSTERY CW MEW 1.n ----------------- • ... Jl' !llOt PAClllGB ·CHOPPED or LW . SPlllCll 'LI~' Oi~ClJl'Nl\ l 'l lH Y DA I &-OUNi::! CAN • FltOZ;CN lilurr·1111,, DRAllE ~UICE 12-0lJNC? CAN . All\I .. 2i.ot IAU • CUl CDIN, • MllFQ YIU. . .... -=· M.1'11.\HTA. I DIXIDl.llrf Ct PRltl " 31• 301 .... 34' ... IOI• Yr-GAL.• rAMn.Y PAX 59' 49' 44' ICE CREAi "'VAl.UZ FROZEN • ALL, V AAIETltS XLllT DlllllERS. XLNT T.\CO-tnts , .. •k ---~----------~-----------------------721 ------------~----------------- XING SIZE PACKAGE • ma.ODES 1Dc OFF OOLD POWER UUllDRY DETER8EllT lUIA! Ul~LltJ ~:\ I VI 11 ~ l1 AY SOME STO•IS s112 CHARCi!: 11.1' PltGUlA! SIZE 42' CASCADE DISH DETEllGEIT sgw1".~ . ' cal.ioKIOUQUET 58' 551 . ·---------------------· . . '&.OUlfCt PACKAGE .'!II~ IT 551 COFFEE Cl91n1r 81' -------------------------------· Gl>JIT.S!Zt PACV.0£ OXYDOL DETERBllT . SOME sro•a 79' CKAJ\0£ llo::: --------------------------------- t BMS FOR TH£ PRICE OF 3 .. · COJIAt.~115!:N OR WHITE 19' LIFE1UOY BATH SOAP20'',, LUX BATH ,w,~. 45" BAR SOAP <HN,OE " ·---:... .......... _____ ~ _______ ..;._ ASSORTED COLORS AND WHITE INCLUDES !Oc OFF ·-------------------------------3l-OONC& lorn.E FllAL TOUCH ------------------~------------· 21 OUNCE 801'!1.t LUX LIQUID DERRGENT =. .... PAcr: OF lS ••••its Ulllll!> IAIS • ' . j • FIRts1Ill1• l.J.l, IOX CRACKERS 49' 45' • 25' 21 1 ' ----------------------------------------------------- GIANT SIZE PAC<AQE INC. I Oc Cf'F DRIVE DmRGENT ~:ffes 69- ---~---------------~------------AOU.\ 01': PINK: • INC\.UDES 'Tc OTP , Pusii1iiiri soaP 2 }tll 291 fl. !l1l!lll YOUI RIOD JT-IW NIT l0$ AllGIW COllllTY ALPHA IETA COSTA MllA-241 L 17tlt St. HUNTINGTON llACH--9045 ....... . . . .. ( · HUNTJNGTON •llAQl-1Nl.1 N.MlfoSt, -' llOUNTAIN·YAIJ.l.Y-tHO W1roor , ~$. Hhny GIANT SIZE l'ACllAGE BOLD ' I I DETERGEIT lllCUJD!JIOcOIF SOii£ SIDlB CHMiEll< 69- , • --· Mll.Y N.1r · M ----·~· --·---'""' Let ·-Us Lettu ci e: •• ' 1\:t ,af ' .. :~~~~~ On one qf tbeoe bright and beauttlul May ljayl, invite' a few · friends over for a llght luncbeoo. I ' • You mlghJ ltn'e ldscieus I !Nit nlads -m,11 IIlraw~r, • nes,·~lon·balla and a•ocad& creactnb arran,ed ~ ·o v e r shrtdded western loebug let- tuce toued wjtb blue cheese Cn>Uloho, In • I M·gh t I y sweetened com oil a n d vinepr dreutna •• , , or per- haps rlfll (crooscul slices) ol weattm icebtrc lettuce 1~eld "ilh a dressU., of ral mayoonaise anct IOUr crea:Jll. llleo lopped will! plnsaoPI• 1Iices, canned ·~-hllVes and a sprlnkJJnc of chopped roasted walnutl., As a special treat, serw an WllISUally dellcl"" brud to accompany the salads. v99r guesll will 'be lnlrl~ by O..r speciality of lhe houH for U1' month of May, for who woU1a gue~ that those emerald green flecks In your t.uty bl't· ler loaf b"'ld would II'! I~; chopped western ictbetr Jtl~ tuce? Lettuce Loaf Bread 61.s fresh flavor ~veryone Will en- joy. ll'a crunchy with chop~ walnuts ,ncr lightly 1pi~ with ginger Ind mace. An "7 cent of ltrDon rind rounds out lhe deilc.tle llavon a oJI makes Letuce Loaf Breed an excellent m a t e for frulJ aalads. 0r Rr\'t ft with cheese U . i. teatime or evening IDICk. What a • converaation-maker lhla deilghUul !Wad will be •$ your luncheon -it's sure to keep everyOne guesslna: until you reveal your secret. LETl'UCE LOAF BREAD l head western iceber1 let. tuce l~J cups lifted all-purpoge fl Oil? 2 l•IUpOON baliln( powdu ·~ teupoon bU1nl soda \\ leaai-. salt 1,ii teaspoon IJ'OUlld mace \\ teaspoon JP:Ol!nd pngor I cup susar 11.a cup com oil l~); teaspoons arated lemon rind a ~u· . J,fi cup chopped California walnut• - Core, rinse and drain let· luct; chlll unUI cr~p 'In disposable plutic }tag. Finely chop •nwih t o measun 1 cup; cblll re- mainder for uee In salads. Slit nour with b a k In 1 powder, soda, saJt· and spices, Combine tugar, oil and lemon rind; m~ In !lour combinalll!P and chopped ldlUC<. Md - ega:s, ooe at .Ii time, beatln& well alter each· addiUon. Stir in walnuts . 'turn Into greased and floured 91> x f l\ x 211-lnch &lua .loa! ·pan. BU. al 3IO degrNJ for N minutes or until pick lnlerted in center .coma out ·dry.. ' . . Coi>I in pan.II mlnuta !Mn Invert and eaol on Wire rack. Sprll!kla wil!l;J>OWderod supr If y. u wifb. -I loll· of Ibis in"8t ~ brud. ·,, Standard'3 . . .. • N'Jw Twi it ... MeasuremenT To,...,. .....,.It -UI'OlllCll!. of >il"'4dtc1 ~ ror-~ l*k t11s .i..-into 1he mtuurtns. cijp ... _ Oil-will nu ........ measure. ' I I I \ j ( ! I -----:--:-----:---:----:---.-:--:-:--~--:-:=::;:;;;;;; ... . . . , ....... ' ....... " .. . .. .. . . .. . .. •' . . ... \ .. . ' . .. .. . . ... . . . -... ~ 42 ~~. t \Wtd~,~l0,196! . •: :J. • • • . .. L ,PILOT -AOV£.ll')~~R . , ·~ .. ' ~ogs Sometimes~Mbm' . . . Best ·:«Frleffd ~-.. ,1 : ....... . , ... I ..., ~' ~· I 4..' •• fll< a a~I• ,iurda lunai ' '!itot ' Or tllo ~llli: '""" !llll 11 .... 'Frani!Uittr ' 116iWpi 'J1le Roll·Upl use everyone's .f,avorlte fooc11 hot ~ogs, a•ne"-· . w1y .. ~fake up lhe ten4er, .flaky 1 crust and let it chill f~ an hour~ The new twlit .is bt the crust. Crea~ ~o~ta'gC~se ~Ck' ,wa, Protein pwlCh and flavor to the crust. After tt chills, spread the ¥t d o,g rell!h-bor~.adiah. · ,lniUxture on and wraR .t.he crust .. wedges ·around tAe bot\ Jlogs. <.p.;;p them illto 'bit oven and -beke. · ' i Serve them pipjtic hot with stri ps or cheese ·atop, if you , \'Jslf'. Add some cool, ttispy .;ntlJlle.s and ice cream ~for dusert. Your kids will be d~lghtell. PltANKFURTER ROLL-UPS 1 ~~ cups sifted nour ~~ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening 1,1~ cup soft butter :: ·, cup cottage cheese I/a: cup hot dog relish l teaspooh horseradish " 12 hot dogs American cheese Sift nour and salt togeth Cut in shortening <'"ti butla until mixture resembles com meal. Stir in cottage cheese. Chi ll 1 hour. Divide dough in i equat 'J)Or· lions. Roll dough 'on • noured board to 1,l·lnch thick. Cul each clrcl~ into 8 ,Pie·~~~d wedge:;. · . · · · COf!\biOe · ho( .idbg relish,11nd bJrseradisfl. ,Spread oo •.:'wedges. Wrap wedges around ' hot ,dogs, slar.ij.ng with wide .end.' Place on.buttered coo kie : sheet. !'farrow points doWn. · ·Bake in· 'hlit oven ( 425 deiretaf,J:,fP Jiiinutes or until ~ lightly 'irQY<nit. Strips of ROLL UP FRANKFURTERS FOR A SPECIAL TREAT .. cheese-rn:i): ..._be' placed on top er crust U.~ last 5 minutes. Serve nlirfiedtktely. Serves 12. ' ' ' \'• ~ . Celebrity Cookboo k lta·lian S·l<ips ·Cooking Wi th Noodles •'"'. -' ty JOHNA BUNN NEWYORK -Seri;:i o Franchi, whose si nging \'Oicc can sha.Uer a goblet, prefers chewing ~lery and•the gri stle off a bone lo the Jllor c ~tl'.'reotyped spaghetti and chicken cacciatcri. And would sooner let \\'i nc turn lo \'incgar than drink it. "Except linocchio, it :sounds • " , CELERY'S HIS FAVORITE Sergio Franchi Tart ahd Tangy like Pin~chio," he said. "The best pure vinesar is Add tomatoes 'jcut Into 1qiall Finocchio, known here as fen· made from left-over'"red Wine dice 1 sugar, rnem1ry. seasOri nel. can be served as a nnd from the dregs "·hich in to taste. ~k over low heal, vrcctablc or used. as an tin1c beco me the mother of · slitriog until toma toeS",; art .. , aron1atie herb. Sergio con· vinegar. In Italy. left-over , softeDed and . sauce h &Ii , 1 vefte:d ~ie producer Stanley \vine is poureO into jars and thickened. •, Kramer to the joys oI eating left uncorked. Some people by Beat eggs ligfttly, stir 'into Jinocchio. • • . choice Jet the wine go so~r in ~malo ~fl!CE:;. ~k over low '·H~ljked ii so \\'ell: J bought order to have a beautiful heat, stirnng unl!I eggs ~ him two huge cases al the vinegar. Vinegar is good over Garnish with m.inced. parsley: . 1narkel in Rome alld lu~ '_greens or to fla vor a -Serv.e at once with fried toasr. , them all the way to.~ AnOColi · scarc.hing for ~ "·or,d he Serves 2. '•. ' Corrado. Yeu'd havetiiought r pointed to the tjp•of his n06e-RAVIOLI IN brought him a bushel of.gold." ··a cartilage.'' 11e pointed to CHICKEN BROTII Both men were on location other cartilegcs. f!!aklng the ~ovic.. .''The ·BEAUTIFUL' BROTH Secret ol Santa V1ttooa.' , AMERIC~ FOODS ' "I cat mainly fAmcrican style -salads and beef," he s a i d, and promptly ordered r<Jrc steak. "Celery ·is my fa\'orite food. I cat tpe hearts with oil and salt. Le~.me sho\Y you how to eat it.·' He grabbed a huge branch fron1 the relish tra y. "Dry it of/.'' he Sllid , ''and sail it \1•ell. ·• lie expertly i;pooned the sail over th e stalk. lie put oil in a bo>A'I. "Next, slir 1l in oil, just a sinall ;:imount, olherwiso the sa lt \\'ill be lost.'' If e demonstrated bY wteldlng the stalk like a pestle in a mortar. "Now try It yourselr," he rommandcd . .l!e..·Aad r1:1rther Y•ords lo say ~l celerj:, •·Never, but never use Vinegar on celery. t'iooechio> celery and tomatoes tiaVe "cnougti acidity. Each has a special taste, \\'hich can only be de- stroyed by dousing with vine- gar." Sergio's Jav9f.ile way of s<!rving fin occhlo ('fenflel) is in U1c form of a raw salad. "Peel like an onkln, wash ll under water and sllce and serve "'ilh oil, s a It and small bits of Gruycrc cheese." I-le had a \1·ny of demonstraUng his- \\'ords with antie aesturcs. For tbe chicken stock 4 pound cleaned whole "\\'e make a beautiful broth chicken and cook the sine1~·s,'' he said. 11~ onion, chopped "Choice bones are hard lo Stalk celery with leaves rind . Take a shin bone .,..·ith a Small · carrot. chopped ,::ood piece or meat attached. Sprig parsley Boil to make the soup. When Small bay leaf you ha\'e discharged the bone, Sall, freshly ground pepper take out the cartilage. You lo taste can eat the meat, too. but the About 4 quarts water best part is the grisUe. Slice Place chicken in d~p kettle · lhc gristle th inl y, serve l\'ith "'ith water, soup greens, herb s oil, vinegar. salt and pepper and seasonings. Bring to sim· : and minced frc~h parsley ." mer, remo\'e scum as it Though Sergio Js making his forms. Cover, cook chicken ri rst appearance al the about 2YJ hburs (or until An1ericana's Roya l Box, he lender). Add more water as prercr11 -to cat at hon1e fn his needed .. Remove ~ b i !; k • n , , J\Tanhattan apartment. lte is serve whole . Str81n '6roth, as married lo a South African d~ired. Cqrrect seasonings. ballerina, Y\'onne Lindsey. ~1akes about 2 quarts stock. Despite her husband's avowed For lhe fllllng disenchantment with Italian l •.~ cups cooked chopped dishes. Yvonne has learned to pork . cook theni very y,·ell. l/3 cu p minced salami (or "[ like her lasagne," he prosciutto ham) said. "I don 't co cra zy over l'J teaspoons minced onion ravi oli: 1 cat ii 1naybe twice a •z t~lespoo.n olive oil year and spa ghctli five times One egg yo lk, beaten a vcar. On the other hand , I 2 tablespoons g rated coiild ha,·c ravioli in chicken Parmesan cheese brolh every day.'' This ,.,.as a '1 teaspoon sage SJ)«'ially of his mother's. 11, teaspoon rosemnry "\Ile make polpelles ipa{· llint oC ground nutmeg '" d f (tl\rec dashes ) tics). You can use an y ,;:in o Salt, freshlJ ground-pper cooked Jef~vJ!r meat or s\\·eet to taste. "'"- sausage ground or n1inccd. Lightly cook pork. , salami Abou t the quan tity of n1eat. and anion in oil ; remove from I'd say it's about ID percent of heat. Add beaten egg yolk, the patty. The rest is mashed Parmesan cheese, s age , potatoes. Parmesan cheese, d eg• yol k, ininccd onion, salt rosemary, nutmeg an season " to taste. Set aside. and pepper. Flatten the mix· 1.urc into patties, dip in bread For tbe pu&a crumbs and fry quickly in but· About 4 cups Dour tcr or oli\'e oil. It makes an 2 eggs Shortcake Sassies.t excellent side dish for steak or Plncl1 salt roast beef," he said LIU.le ~·ater (about l~ tea· Success In the kitchen re-'Spoons) quires a sense or feeling and Place nour and salt <in SpriJ11llme'1 rhubarb signals a eeason or tart and lan i}' deliertl. All 11 w e e t I y in· uplll5lve. Ole poond makes lv.·o cups. Fell' a mild na vor, choose "early pink" -it takes. le• supr. Jf the stalks are tender . wh7 peel? Just "1aoce·· il in the .akin. Or tuck it Into a pif' ahtll -aJone or in prclty cornbfnatlon irilh pineapple, "lutberrits or pun ! fresh, canned or froun). And for lhc 5euon'1 suslest ahortcakr, toatar tangy fhubarb WJ!h s"·ett. lruh strawben'fts. SWEET 'N TART SQORTCAKE 2 cups blt!CUll mix '-' cup li&b1 cream ! 2 Uiblespoons su gar Light cream Sugar Slh·ered almonds 2 cUJlS halved str~l\Ybtrr1ei; 11 ~ cups sweetened cooked rhubarb 1i cup sugar \\'hipped cream lfeat o"en 10 ~;,o degrM1. Ml~ biscu it mix, c:ream and 2 lablespoons Sligar with fork. Beal \'laorously XI slrokt!i. f\ncad a to 10 timq on lightly floured clotko .. rtd board. Roll dougb 1h inch tblck ; cut "'ilh floured 3-4nch culler. Place on unartased baking 11h('('I. Unilh tops with cream; s-pr1nkle 1r)lh IU'8J' and Almonds. Bake about JO minutes. Cool. Stir sLray,·berrJes: rhubarb and 14 cup sugar together. Split shorlcakea and fill w i l h !itrawberry mixtu re. Tori with whipped cream. 6 servings. lll!UBARB SAUCE !feat ~. lo l cup sugar and 1.~ cup water to boiling, stir· ring occasionaUy. Add 4 cups rhubarb, cut Into l·inch pieCi?s. Simmer about 10 minutes or until rhubarb ls tender and sllgbUy trans pa rent . If desired. stir In rew drops red tood coloring. S servings, Sometime Irv this isauce o\er 5qunrca: Or fruh v.'hlle cake: top wilh1 whipped Clf'Mm. A tart, refreshing. 1pringtlme de -;serl' 1 t a~te, he dcclarcd. His own board : make W!ll in cenltr, 1nost successfu l effort is his drop in eggs. Work eggs Into eggs tomato, !be retipe for the flour adding enough waler which he gave me. It's to make a pliable stiff dough. de licious. .Knead unUI sm ooth : Yvonne, who thinks Sergio is ' dli lde in hair. Ro 1 I out easy to please gave us hcf ,~alf the pasta pastry lo recipe for the ravioli hi thickness of a dlme. Repeat chicken broth .that her hus-uW\g remain1ng dough. Cover, band raves about, ~ sit about 1 ]\our. , . Drop tea,,poon of filling at SERGIO FRANCHI S two-lnch intervals on lhe layer EGGS TO~fATO of . 'dough. Co\•er Y.'i\h lop 1 teaspoon minced onion shteL. ~ fingers around 2 lable.s~ bulter ~ach mound of Iilling to aeal . 4 ripe peeled Italian JI 1 um cut Into squaref with pastry tomatoes cutter (or a very sharp knife .) 'a teaspoon sugar Drop S(fUares In simmering 1 1 leaslX)On ro5emary y,·ell-seasoned chicken stoclc; sail, pepper to ta1t.e copk 1ently until barely tender 4 •Ill' !aboul cighl ml1Nlt1). Servel Mi nced parsley, O!Jllonal &. Sault' onion lightl y in buUtr fCI It~. ~'' f'lt, I ~· ' ' • .. ,. , ' , > ' • 1000 Bayside· Dr.-Newport Beach ., 24 M.onarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna ---------------------------~----------- '< 4 i>I .; I J ·i .·• ' ' ' .. .·., "j ' I ' ., 'j • ' ' j lainb Chops ~illlµ.>Shoo1'•""-98 "'""" fb. ll,ll' . .. c Siull IM CMpi •. 11• Lainb RO.st ~~:'\" .. "" . .. •• • Gftui .. ·--7 - Slked 'Bicon · Lo* ·Fat Yogurt = . COiiage Cheese e -~ 31' Ch _ ... ,._ --7,. W...1-'-"'" 3· ... •1 ...... ............... .. . ., ~·---•V.111• -- ADDITIONAL MEAT FEATUHlS.' Franldu1 ••rs ·~ Meub ~ -;:39' ' _.... St Uver Sausage .. 49' .. ..... . ~ ... · ... 11,log;• c::::r..: ~-:er Frankfurters 51k.. ..... S11cH•1111 --. ·-· -3-·-~-..... ...., , 1n1 ,... ,-::'::.r.. = ~ ~.!:I =-w-._ .,__ &Al lllitiM ~ ~ :: ..... Dmola H• ="'':1:'65' leaf ·Roasts ::... Beef Steaks ="' V ea1 Chops l:!-:':"' ·- P•k Steak ~.: . ' . . , .. . Cllkk111·Frletl •••• == ~erch: FllleJs : ~:::-­ Cod Rlleti :·::::. 'l1t:"' ai:.ll-BU-a... ..,-...,.,..,. ..,.. nawor ... Wq, ........ Fish Sticks = '.'::' .:."""' S.111111 ::0::' .. 791 Sfltrt lik r: Ulb'::::..-1::111 . Fnn Oltlils ' ' $nup ~ ~ 491 led Linr :',!" Mouthwash · :::.:: 78° .,...,_ ·-. Melllla-rt ..... lightGun · !ii ,~s1n .... ~ '" rs1.1t v.i..1 111r:·v.w , .. , "..... " ::-,~~ ...... n:;.rc= m"1S . -.. ~~ ~ .... """· - luorlWes -' ::'.~~ &5c Ws..tllif .~ .. a..hliJtjn. ". (7le Vtlttl ... , ... , ... , .. 69' .. .,,. .. 79' .. 79' ..... ...69' ... 491 .. 49' .. 19' ..... Orange Juice~~~..!;~ 29' . . Chocolate Cake =-99' Sausage : Pina irv::-•:: 7~ · Hamb_u.qer _Pina f~::..'l'I ' Green Peas ::-~n .. H~ .. ·::-10' LOW PRICES-OF COURSE! ·chlO..ine ::!... 4 pllto $159 Acid (II.lo ..,..., lofllH Pineapple Juice -= Cling Peaches ii:.':"'"""' 10.lets Corn ~~~ , ' Chunk Tuna ~i'.'i::=..urS<W M f Sou Tot11 tto.s1 CMma N.,.._ 11a ps """'°'--tic• Of CteJM Of CliCllll ~ 59• 6:::.; 79' . 41..i ..... ... 6.'7 2f.tLIMte· "'AU lt•1Lll4c HI Atl eel Apples ~'.:5ii'"" Grapefruit ~iii:... Avodtlei l::. • I , .. •1 'c.n.ts ="-3~29' c.cu.•eni:.-2 ... 2P ... , •• ,:;-.ii=. 2= It' Zahl• Dalu = :: It' ............ r::. :s .::;; .:! .hike O.m1111:;1..-=. ~ ........ .... Pwlal111 =:m.. . ... ... ...=•-• -::r-.... aa• 211 E. 17th SI., Cosll Mesi 10oo Blyslde Dr., Newport Be1eh .. 24 Mon1rch Bly P1111,· So. llau111 636 N. Co1sl ~ •• l191n1 Belch Stai. An1 frHw1y •I ~ P•!· Mission Viejo F1lrvlew Aye & Wiison SI • .L -~-• ,. -·1" .. •• ~ • • • • ' \' J I ! l \ ( . ' ~If DAIL Y PILOT WrtntsdlJ, April 30, 19" .. OKAIMA't'ft ' ALL MEAT WIENERS .............. . OKAIMAYHSUCID 87C HARD SALAMI ................................ "LI.PKG. OKAI MAYll--CNUt 39c BRAU~SCHWEIGER ................................... 1oz. OSCAI MA;Yll-CMUI 39c SANDWICH SPREAD ........ . ·············· IOZ. SWWT'INIMIUM 5ftc SAUSAGE."ow"...-'"V! .............................. .<a.oz. ;i· rouirSJUiiEOLL 3 TOWEL ......................... ROLLS NON-DAIRY COFFEE CHAM CARNATION COFFEE-MATE .. '..J~ DOLESEFRUIT 3 coc KT Al L ........ 303-CANS MlAT • LIVD •CHICKEN• llEF-'VlG. DR •. ROSS DOG FOOD ...................... . MIRACLE WHIP "'"' .. BOX GRAPEFR LAllGE FANCY DESERT SWEET LB. BAG \, TALL$ CANS • LB . S;Jtisfa_ction Guaranteed on all your purchases. out OWN COUknlY STY\l-IUUC~ ~!·~!!!~~~ ... . PORK STEAKS .............. . .... LB.39C .LB59c FA,lMlfJOHH~l""'9~~'°41K 49' BOSTON •UTT ROAST • . ........ LB. . ......~ ....... -~-. 53' RuUND•uNE ROAST ..... LB. . MISH• LIAl!l • llOu••t..._., ,.. / . 4 7 C GROUND IEIF .................................... LB. * 1~1·11~1 * . . "°"•""''' . l'Ull""'' . 89' ·-· ........ ~ TON PIES ' . . JOHNS ... · ••·0 s 89 .... ~ ... ~.. HRIMP 14·0 ' 1 ROSES ······· 'C!U'l• ..... u«•"'D"-llll•oil\ 49' CHOW M IN ............. --.11 •01 1' , M~'ll.lf'l "•1D UO •. i)< 2 I '"""' 3 11 ORANGE JUICE .... '°' 3' STRAWBERRIES ·-,0139' ... 110"'•'"01,1si: TE'K 1 1••D~l•I SALISBURY s " ,, 0 ' 73 MIXED FRUIT ----igo· 9' ... uo""•'~o!l~ PERS c , 1110$ Ht STUFFED PEP '' ot : Wo0nesd11, April JO, 191>9 PILOT -ADVERTISER S • I CHUC ROUND ~ u1:1t:'51 "IUa.T ST ATER nos. c CERTIFIED IHF c ' LB. LI. IONELISS ..................... LI. I 9c RUM'\ ROLLED lt.!!I. ~-~'l'OR' ST A TEI BROS. • .. ST A TEI 1105. IHF CERTIFIED IEEF IONILESS SHOULDER c c ui: LI. ' . ' . UIOA-.aOllSTAT10llOS .... :"J.-s 1 09 CUBE STEAK a ......... . ............. LB. UIOAOtOtCIOl:STATllPOl.CllTINDIUf 99' SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ············ LB. AIMOl.NI STAI IOASTING llAN IONILllS • 2' 8 · JURKEY ROAIT .&ug~~K ~-~Bi. . MOIHU.'S YOIKSH191 I ·LI. IK.Ol 1·ll . THICK 5 7' SLICED.BACON ................ . ..... LB. l!'Qlftll'SNIDll·Ll."'G.AU.Mlf . 55' DINNER FRANKS ...................... LB. 14-0Z.' PKG . ASST. FLAVORS BLUEBERRIES · ··""339' ""''"""' ""' 2,m25'' B'aussELSSPROUTS ,.,, LEMONADE.." 1-ll s 1 CELllRITY IMPORHD DANISH LUNCHEON 2 ~.... TOES"'"'OT>O• 4 ,.G, POTA GOlDIH """ ....... • MEAT ' ....... L~. CAN 6 6.0I.$ 1 10NJn••D (A"S GR APE JUICE ........... · 43' f10S{ o~r COO~UI 4 $1 ov1• l•(' FISH STICKS .. . ..... · • 0' BLUEIERRIES .---·"0 ' 79' '""w"•"~'t, ~c V•" Dt (........,~ CHEESE Pl lM --.1 l oz FRIED HALIBUT -'" 39' ''"""" S • 9' ,..,..o• ......... ~ ESE PIZZA ROLL · ·· -•0 • MAC. & CHE "" CHUNKING CHINESE DINNERI '0111 " '"''"'' IU5KET BISCUIT · IOM• 39' ~~~·- NUTHNA FREE OFFER' ' FREE! ONE CAN OF PILLSBURY BISCUITS HGULAI OI lunUMIUC WITH EACH 1-La. PURCHASE Of :;::'" 89; """"'" SOY FLOUR ~l·OU NCE IA. , • Good.Only.•l STA TD BROS. \ ~=! < Good W••kof MAY 1-7 \CH . MEIN NOODLES ·""°, ... C• .. 291 ., .. OI. ---llM!l . ,COU'°'"l'f•CV..!Ofoltl CHIFFON SOFT-STICK MA.GARllE at 39' 'swiss CHEESE ~'ti~l~r:·i: .,.or. 1s1 GRAVY ou1K PORK & BEANS c"M' 2 •6or 35 PORK & BEANS MO~loN KRAFTAM£RICAN L"f.ll:oo. '1.17 ,_.......... '"';: .................. ,;.; ' . """'-............. '"oz. 29' • R· IMIT. SOUR CREAM l'.l'li~." 2t 2;. •. 49' TOMATO lUICE,.,; .. m, ......... ••OZ. 37' KNOX GELATIN '"" ................ ~'i1 1 1 11 ·);~ SP.AGHETTjOS ::::;~g ....... \~~~ 21' MUSHROOMS r~.~%'c':~~ •... , ,.oz. 29' .. ~~ I(~,.~ TOOTHPASTE ROYALGELATIN .... 3r.'ci;'29' MJllTEA i!~(.c ... ~l.57' .... ~~94' 11.jj _ • , 58' VETS' NUGGETS ll ::l : ,';;" ...... 5 "' 67' LYSOL LIQUID :·i:~:~: ................ ,0 L 59' ,. ~:~~~Tc' CIRCUS PEANUTS,.c ..... ········· "oz 63' METRECAL LIQUID '"'·-···· ·-•·Ol. 30' DEODORANT SUGAR TWIN . )~o 39' ......• ~~ 69' GRANTS FARM SYRUP,.,. .. ,,0 , 63< SPRAY STARCH ~:'i!J""•" .... ll 01 49' SWEET 'PICKLES w""'"' · ....... n oz 65' :~. 99' FACIAL TISSUES .,,.,, ,"\" """ M~RGARINE ~:::'"'"""' ............ , "· 42' · "°""" ... ··-······ -•• t .-SOFT MARGARINE ""' KOTEX TAMPONS :~r· "" 45' '°' '1" ROYAL PUDDll'l_G "0 "" ·- 2 "' ~l' VEGEBURGER ,C.:;"""" . .. '"·if. CPPPERTONE SUN TAN ,'!;:,g~ ...... "" 79' HOLLYWOOD , ,. 32' BISCUITS ~·w,~;.:!~~~:.; 3 ',':,' 29' VITALIS HAIR_DREstlNG ... >-ouNCT 43' MARGARINE_ .. _.;.. YUBAN COFFEE . . .. c13',.; '14 MIDOL TABLm ........................ 12-.43' 30'• ~~ To1L-Lns~L cLEANER ..... .. ,, •. 1~ TILLIE LEw1s PEACHEs :;t:r: .... -... · ... "' 1, BAYER ASP1R1Ns ............ .. ............ ''"" 1 ~~A:~1w., ~00. ir'-i~·o,ll~;r..!~ TILLIE LEWISIARnnTPEAu _., __ ,.,3~ ---· • • ., · · .,. LLI EWIS APR ICOT HAL S .... ·" 3, .. ANAHllM 3430W. LINCOLN AVENUE 2564 WEST BROADWAY GARDIN GROVE 118 CHAPMAN AVENUE COSTAMISA 2180 NEWP'ORT BOULEVARD 707 WEST 18Tl-I STl'IEET 1175 BAkER STR!tT HUNTINGTOll llACH fiB92 EDINGER AVE. . . . . . . . SANTAANA 2630 EDINGER AVENUE 2603 WEST 17TH STREET WESTMINSTER MAXWELL HOUSE . COFFEE :1:69c 8522 WESTMINSTER BLVD. WHITTIH-14'212 MINES AVE. J·llCAW 11,tt • l , WedMlday, AprQ 3'1, 1'6t • C/JtY P!lOf 4$ • ' . • ' • ' ' ' HUNT'S . '"': ' ' "' I I • • . • , ,l , .. FREE _..._.._, .. ---...."" ,Utt J\!i tlt~: YA<AYIOH• 6.-=r ,, • 7 ""'=I• ·~---l •....,N'CC!Aa.• ·-·-.. _... ... e:::;::;;:;-:=.~-"C..'7-= --WIN Fl\,e.~ -'-- JIA'tfAJIAN UOLID.\l' Al..Otio\. ~ l'Olt 1'Wo KRSOHS ·11.--•5 o.excmN• , •AW ISLANDS tMiWAll-:f11"-Ul-Oj\HU-fl9M -MOU)l(N ....... tl•U• •u11 • IUll llllMI • Ill n .. "' _..., _ _,.,...,__,., ..... llllGU&_l\_I, ........... "'"i---R£GJST(_~ ,_A!_~ ltllllfIIMNIT ' -, HO ~~ llEQUIR[D ~ Large ' No 2V2 "Tins · . . • ' ' FREE . -:--... ,... ··DODGE :.cNUGi• v1,~, .. ,.._,_....,,,_,.._ .. , _ ......... -~···""" ___ ..,. _ ................ ~ .... -......... ---~ . SEAFOOD SPECIALS TOMATO SAUCE ... Al11k11t f,..,i. p•r .... 12 $1 ,HALllUT m .1.11 ••••••• lb. • ·' fT11h Chin11•-Slic1~ p•r S 11t , 1-o". .SALMON to''"' .... , to, Jins , fTt1• Chit111k-li1c91 p~r 99• a SALMON to 11~1 •• , • lb. I 0 ' SIM 1 PLE SiMON ;.·CREAM . ; I-PIES CHOCOl:ATE. LEMON, BANANA. b OC9NUT, IUTTERSCOTCH, STRAWIElllJ ~. $ 00 TENDER LEE FINE QUALITY FULL ,SHANK HALF PULLY · ' C"KD ,<.,.tfr;·'···· : , LB. • • • ...:. ......... ::,:: :.-:-i,,.-: I . ' . ·ltJ'~E ! ' ... ,," \. ·~ BLUE CfllP STAMPS ' ... wmt 9DOl(ltT ' -10Nu1- COUPOMS EW!WWU.l'.C ' flOA: TEN -· . T ' '" • ' I .. , ·.1t-EREg•,. • -·Wll A•lWO:.\ftec 13aha1-na 1-loliday ENTER SWEEPSTAKES NOW Jlt Hotilwlll ~ ~ ....... lJwrl lwlp .. ~Sl."'lf .... .._l'!°_........_.HIMI ~ Hnuu Hiita .. ""'-• Th.n ""'I _.M t!w""""""""" ...... '1 Inn&, Goll' Qwbkl f~. Grr4 a.i.... IEGISTOI '4f lilfr 11Jll':f1llWT .......... - LB. , I SEV~J:I BONE 59c ; ROUND BONE 65c ROASJ .. lbiROAST .... lb BONELESS FAM.LY . STEAK ................. 98~ TENDER -LEE.,-l'dNELES$ BRISKET-WHOLE o• POINT HALF CORNED BEiF ............ , , , .1:.~'. .~~L: .. 1 :.'. L.BJ., J 9& !ciis~"c.i01 ~0isi 85 .~ .. CLOPS~EROAST ' ... ,95~:1 ( . -' . . . GROUltD MEATS BREAKFAST SPECIALS 'SROUND I ' EASTERN SLAB, : " .BEIF . ~ BACON ,· By,>T;• • 19· C Piece • lb ' ' 'J 6:0 Z: • . • -.: ~ COOEll ~. . CTNS. . •· • ·cuUlTTs. si.1c1s WHOLE E's:,:my . 49c. ' lib... lb HAM J orOver 5 7 i ~~~~~ ,,,,,,,,,, ... .;.: .... ,,,,t,, f:~ 69c w ;t1011 Crhprit• sr;,,c1 . 1 -1b~ -·5ec j IACON • , • , , •••••••••• , , .... , .... ,., lf•g. · JI!"'." • . ' STQUFFER'S-,BEEF or CHICKEN·2 9 '9c , 5 5 98 MEAT PIES.. ~r~~ ~ · ~ C : GrouM -• '· _p1r 7~ 1 IOUND ... , , , , ,.,,1,, •·•-: ,, , , , , , , •• 10. , lb1 : S111on1d to ,l1k1 , , ·P.• 69~ ~ MEAT LOAI •••.•• , , , , , , , ,.,,,,,, .' ·lb. 01c1r M1y•,..:_~,.,. w •• p . lb,' 19" , . IACON-Thiclc or lt1gul•r· ••• ,, •••• ~· P~g. . , I ' Oic1r M1y•f Litt!• Fti1ri-l-lb. or 12·01, 79• , IAl·l-t LINKS •.•.•••• 1 •• : • .'.'..:. l!~g.. ·' ' ' • ' • " ,. . 5 200 COUNT .PKG S. LB. CAN JANE ANDERSON -CORN TORTILLAS 12-Ct. Pkg. 10c ,. . ,• BANANAS ·· YU BAN ' . 'c ·COFF·E'E· l·LB. 67C TIN LB. WASHINGTON STATE WINESAP APPLES LARGE DESERT GROWN GRAPEFRUIT 4 1~6 49c a.~6 49c :" i•EGifiBLsS VODKA i .. ca.it~· M1xlD · .v1GET&1Lu,. l.oilEJt ' .;. S 99 ' · ilANs, PW; CRINKU CUT or FUNCN • '·' . .. l.D POT,TOEs, 'cHO~D Sft~~~c..; .; : : • ' r 1 I • ' 00:. '' FIF.TH • .. WISCONSIN MILD AM.EAICAN CHEDDAR . CHEESE ~ .DRYUNilN ,. 79~ ' ' XLNT BE~F . s 2 99 ~ SUNSHll<jE SfAtE FROZEN ' TAMALES . FIFTH LEMONADE 4 I.OZ. •• DO~ CARLOS · -'3'' • 3 ~r::· 2sc. 7 . TEQUILA.. '""' . -' ' PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MAY , 2, 3, 4 , ' 9 Oil 10-0%.' ' . . .:~ ... ~ • VITA.PAKT-ORANGE, LEMON PUNCH FRUIT BARS 6 Count 39c · P1k , ' I 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GARDEN GROVE e 5858 WARNER~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1308 W. EDINGER. SANTA ANA " ' '· r • 1 ' I • I I ' I \ \ • I . ---- '·Ar c;tic .Buff~t L~a·y_~~ .. ~~pty .Feeling · in Hardiest Explore~s -' ' ·•· By JllWiNZ LIUM &Jme and 1U!ftt1n1 fn>dl "Ttitre lln~ modi thll Ion'\ · meat. A 1'tiy lhJn alice of only l'OCU ·and m .... You "'!1lq were llWvlnf, lhtlr deve~t pt'Oll'tm abo chowder with &hmy, and .....,. YORK (uPii _ '!'ho alllludc '"*--lie ldilid •edlblt," ~ • ad<I I~.. tumy' bu coane t•ldUH con't make a b91>firt," . llllllll>ero _, not facr.....,_ proyldoa em\lloyment for whal<o mea~ Eskimo ll)'ie, ~ "~" promlJed a ..,... thll Qlllonrl' -to ·~Eok'"""'"°" ~'to eot C001P•••hyli111talllver." l'.olaiaM, a G............ Ol!J1 1111 ltnN,,..i and 1111 ER!Jiioa. SurplUJ foods are with tomato. 1&uee. ~;=of raw and plckled food often d_.i. oo their all the 1<1~ even the lllooert. •H<ilmaml allo/\fls ... diol ""°was 1 food jnclqN COOCI ~""""' •lirvl""-.Tiiey 1..,... or canned In Huct• and But no reindW eyeba!IJI. -eyeballs, wblle liver pbylical coodllloo and bow You juat have to lam In tho thualasllc abo!it Amie food, olllcer for the"-" ror.p ""° W.. liood from the oea llWClllinp that put them in · Fortunately. Hohnann Aid • pate whale skin, seaweed hungry they ara. Arctic 19 male ...,. •Yer)'· bul not necaurUy Eikfmo. LqJoo for four yean In -" whl1o whale,.balr ...i Jar tbe ...,-'""· They're EU!Jnoo use them In ice and 'booo marTOW of a I0,000. "l bave eolm pemmican -thint 14 well-and that llylo. 5alp. Aid the canadlln seal, •alrul -anly '"' oold ,_in Clnada and will be ,,..am, an unsweetened ocm- y.-hQrae. The borae bad dried moat mind with lat-. the wator 11 )>oilod." "lt'•.Plail> c.ookln& with very _...,t bu been tx· meotha of lbt yoar, July and hitrodaced ihol1!Y In the blnatlon of Cllllhad Ice a.~ ··been found b u r i e d in at room temperature and lie qid hit °"' ,favorite. llttl~ 11:lt and na Sf!~. The pertm~ aip:e 1981 with Auguat, when lhe ice ls broken Unit.cl States. The flnt such fat. The flavor it IO strona , 1f penn.atroei IB f!'lles eut or vomited. At 40 to 50 depeu food II hlJr ltll llvfl'. '1lt'l-IO ' food b more or Jeu boiled. Jn cannlnc and pruervlng food up." producll will include smoked you eat two ounces. )'OU re Fairbanks, Aluka. beJowsero,youcraveiL' deHcate, It doeair't •ipfi like the ArCtlc thlrt!1 no wood, for Esklmol. 1 Hofmann llkl the food char, char ln upJc, cltar doin& well.'' : The eyeball<Hyoball ... counter never .toQk place -to the obvious relief ol intrepid reporten, photographers aM , televllion crewa gathered at the E%plorers Club. 1be oo- ,.. caslon : a preview or the exotic ""buffet t ti 1 t traditionally precedes the club's aMual dinner. Some of the Canadian Arctic foods had been delayed in customs, said our hosts. nie muktut, or whale skin, had ar- rived but needed lo marinate 36 b o u r s in burgundy wine before serving. "U you've ever eaten muttuk, you'd knOW why," said Bernard F. Campbell, a Canadian 1ovemment travel promotion officer. Also present to tell us about Arctic delicacies were Erich B. Hofmann and Or. Maynard ?i.f. Miller. Holtmann is Cana- dian food products specalist j forthelndian Esk i mo • Development Branch of the Department of Indian Affairs , ·------......... "II" .......... and Northern Development., 11 LS. ottawa. Ont. Miller is a a•'TH ~owE geology professor at Michigan fl I' . State University, an authority on the Arctic and chairman of the World Center for Ex- ploration. Both Hofmann and Miller ! appeared 1enuinely delighted to eat, for benefit of the press, canapes of canned whale me.at, Eskimo style, smoked Arctic char and roast leg of reindeer. Olar Is Arctic trout with salmon-pink fiesh and a delicate navor' Miller Indicated that· ad- ventureaome taate ii j(1st as imi)ortant to explorers as a taste for adventure. "Most uploren: learn the hard way they have to live off the land," he said, nibbline .•t a slice of reindeer. Did he like reindeer meat? "Yea," he slld. But he "much preferred mastodon steak that the club aerved a few yeill'I ago· in many ways, it luted like1North American bimn." But even be draws the line at muktuk, whale skin that Eskimos eat like candy. "It's pretty fi.5hy tastin1, but J 11.1p- pose you can get used to anythinc." He added that the most distateful food he'd ever eaten was IOfDe American freeze- dried steaks. He was at 23,000 feet on ML Everest at thr Beat Blues By Saying 1Cheese Here's a tip from homemak- ers who'vt found a way to buck appetite blues by ualng American blue cheese as a flavor accent. Crumbled over s a I a d s , blended into dressings or dipa, enhancing canapes or playln1 a prominent role ln casseroles and other main dishes, blue cheele is an unmat c hed versatility food with a distinctive tangy taste. The history of blue cheese reads like a manual on "tender lovina care." Those blue flavor streaks are no ac· cident. 'lbey're put there by the addttion of "penicilliuzn roqueforti.'' Tb1a: ingredient. in powder form, h carefully measured, then added to ttie milk. A quality control program, eiclusive in the production of Amer~an blue, i n s u r e s uniformity in fla vor and tu· tun. In the Involved process that tranlfonns mUk lnto the familiar, round $-to I-pound wheels of blue cheese, care and attenUon are the bywords. TW are made frequently to maintain dole control of both &e.mpenture and acidity. Givtn a pod 12-weekl' ripening Ume, Atnerican blue cheelt ls fi•ranteed well aa:· ed and ridlly marbled. In short. delicloual WllJ not let ii iract your !able this month! Happy lunch ' ff.ere'• a happy hmcb for your toddlen : Fold lhreddecl t--into I quldt• , coKin« rice cereal and Jn -··· -------- •VAN eo11 WJllt ......... -.. 11 • ·.::C:-CHCG ill ._. .... _ . un•1t••-'I ............... , .......... . __ .. _..._ .......... ..... . .-.......... · .. ~==ii' •........... ,"' . == 1~1stc --· .... PI0100lll •-...... -........ VO.S HAii SNAY •• .-~..:..":: 11• 111811100'1 _ ................... ~= • ~illrJ~ i'JUu'. lll,TURll ~BOURBON ··············-···················· i 1JleNfw.1!•W~1oOMa.rbf: :y ••·•· Gi1dt i : Nf\'f fm _,. C.W NOW : : ~T Ifft Wf'IS MliSIT : ••• •lllllllM•••··-M•••••-... •• •••COUPON•••· : DOUBLE BLUE CHIP : • ST ~s with thl• cou-• • pon on the tot1I 1mount • • of 1nv purch1se exclud· • • l"I hquor, toblcco ind • • fluid milk produd1. I • • coupon p • r customer. • • Coupon good Thunday • • 'thru Sund1y, M1y 1 to • •Moy4. • • • • ••••••••••• We Welcome UJ.D.A. fOOD STWS U.CCQfft'-f llUrnR-NUT COffEE I --W1.011 ..... 69'!21Aa11,. .... 1P1 ,., SSllm == 'IA! Sifola Tip Stoaks :"" 'I'! •uni Shaks ::.. 9f Iii l1111bn ••= 9f Top Rllllll Stoab ='ll! PorterhOISI:::=:' '1~ Seafood Stc:Mtctiont UlllOll I IOYllSOll _.,~ .... ,.... ,..111..,.. 19• --· SJ'.! o.t.i.1'1111 'cw,. --..... ·-...... 73c ...... firlh Stieb »Cla. ................... 69c OMM'J Scallopl ~ 7C -..-....... 89c o.w. Pih Oilfll 19'-................... .55c LARGE EGGS HEINZ mCHUP !(.OZ, '"" SWANSON DlllllERS N/O/N/S/ CAKE .MIX ASSORTED VARIETIES \}q:>] KERN'S. PRESERVES fioi.1 LIQUID ·BLEACH ......... J :=:,, (GAL ~ anO _,_ CORNED BEEF •irlltt.S you've c o l 1 ' tr1t1ou1 dlsb that'• brlaht 1011 A•11• Aw., .t lrookhunt, Hlllltl•fhlll leacL •Ith tM sunny navor or • 5922 E•nger Avt., at Sprl11tclolt, Hlllltlngton le1cll 179~0 M,tllOlla, Fountain Yaley ·-· , , 'f ' 1 • . ·. . . ' ' ' ---------------------- ' • ' PILOT·AD'ltRTISER Any 'Dairy Case Yielcfs ' Ingredients for Party CHEESE ALMOND LOG Dash of cayeime pepper , 1 I ounce package mild 6 slices crisply ·cooked cheddar cheese, shredded bacon, crumbled ' 1 3 ounce package cream . Sliced almonds cheese Combine cheddar cheese few friends. 3 tlblespoons dairy sour and softened cream cheele, a...i run. rood cheer. and p>d food -thoaa are the in- ptdlenll lor a par!y, ~ li'• a r.ia dlnoer planned lmlt In advance or a anack for a I B ......... cream mixing until well blended. Add ut ..-='" today'• bolt.tu 1 tal:ilespoon ch o pp e d sour cream, 'blending well. Stir b dilcovertni that it' a a party parsley 1 n pars l.e y, o_n Ion, whenever friends gatbtt, she 1 teaspoon grated onion Worcestershire sauce, salt and' plans her shopping 10 that her 1 teaspoon Worcestershire pepper. Add bacon, mix well. • refrigerator, er...... and cup-~~ .• ~ aall· Shape into 8-inch roll. ChilL board lhelves"hold Ille mik··,--'~=F~;;._-_,.... ___ !lo=ll.:: ~ID;.;;all;;;ced=.;almo=.:;nds:;;..c..· -~·· ______ _.. ___ ,.._ ___ lc.;T..;'Sc..GOO:;..=D-"SHA..;..;.C;.;.K;.;.IN;.;.G;;_;;T.:;IM;.:;E:::•..:A.:;N.:..;Yc..T.:..;l::.:M.::E;;._ ____________ _ inal d party relreshmplls· al \ aey llJbe "' day, One welcome ._pie d alalll relresiun!l'I wli'° ~ par- ty jull ha-1• an at- lrlc~vo,.arpy ol cheese and ~ Your srocer'• daJry c~~ a wide oeleclioo of c~"~~ by =-'~ with ~tJildi liPREAD \\~~liven ¥< CUJ> beltOf, ' 2141>~ lomoo juice I IAlbleapoon 10Y aauoe s a-brown,,,_ I leaspooo clloPped~.,..;, onion , . 11. leaspoon dry nwstanl Dasi! o{ ground ib>(er ' Duh o{ garlic aall 1 I ounce can water ch..,,.,11, drlintd and flnel1 chopped 4 aUcts crisply cooked bacon, crumbled Chopped gnen onlonl Cook cbtcken liven in but- ler, stirring occulonally for 10 minutes or until chlcbn livers have loattheir plnkneu. Cool. Sieve or whirl chicken livers and liquid in blender unw -· Add_ lemon juice, soy aauce, sugar, onion, mustard, llnl:er and gullc 1alt1 blendlng uoW amoo~ Sur in water chesbiUll and bacOD. Clllll. Garnilb with green . onlonl. Yleldr: II'< cups. . The HCC:M ts a handsome cheese IOJ with soui cream. ldded to give a piquant 11av«. Picture Perfect ' : Parfait Have a ,_ !fr ...... but not jlllt tJatq lt-~IM°-is"? 'l1len vby not dresl ii up In lhhl C<llorlul -· It's a,J>idurei>erfecl parfait d. pineapple chunb, pureed ·~ lml mandu1n. orange J01Urt a Ii the Swlso. Give a ilp-d '!he good laoto to come -a bK"' pineapple, a ...... dortn nnre .. (l!lelll popped m lop, - ,AVOCAIJO.l'INEAPPLE- YOGURT DE&!EllT I avocado, peeled a n d pur<ed. 1 cup (COi! I ounce ton- lainer) Swla llyle mlli>- darin orance~ f.6 tableap~on1 coo- fecllorltts' sugar 11/J cup 1 (one U1Ai can) pineopple chunb, drained In a mediwn-lize bowl, coin-bll>e putNd avocalli>, y...,n and conlecUonera' 1 u g a r : blend •tll. Place a spooolul of avocado m{rture into ea c h d I (5 ·....,.) parlaJt (llllel. Add 1 i a y e r ol. drained pineapple cjumkl. ( N o I e : rtlk've.a few pineapple dnmb !fr prnlob.) Continue to llllmale i.,..a u n 111 I'-are lllled. Clllll In nfl1ctrlttt until riody to ...... u -· pmllll with Jl!oeapple di$ lftd man- -• -lllca. Makll I ....... One Potato, Two Potato -11111•·potato11 fiD. od Wllll --lftd lfated P,.vme,tin cbe-. will makea111tat-.-1r111 Ille faml!J and/ot, l\lfilL Peelmedlurn4be~ and tH"'1 1IMh al mo II _.,. to bollom. Drinle moiled butler ovtr potatoes and lnki 1-. Sjlrlnkl1 with aa1t Ud ,.,,.,._ Bal<e ID moderately !lo~ m ...... ""' aboul •-Sprinkle irtlli _.u 11111 ......,.......__ ... -bakinl mitJI -w11en pierced wltb a fork. ChedW cheelt can bt l!IOd lnlWd d Parmesan but tt ll>Ould ... -lull looC _.,. before aervll>& to melt It a bit .. • lour to five t .. BUD.GET MORE MILEAGE"" LUCKY'S \\WHEN YOU WAHT MORE MWGI OUT OF YOUR FOOD DOlW, AND WHO DOESwT, COME TO lUCKY-WlllllE THE ROCKY ROAD TO SAYINGS IS fMDE SMOOTHER WITff LOW · JVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRIGS. FAMOUS BRAND NAME GROCERIES, TOP QUAUTY "BONDED" MEATS ••• DDICAmSDf, PRODUa...HWTH AND BEAUTY AIDS." ~-PRICED 3M.JAYS A BAii-SO, STOP: IN A!llSJARrSAVINGI ~ ~ NICllAll.....,.· ·-·-••• , COITIOtLID MD fAtt TUDI 111M1 fil!~~~.~.~~~M!~ 4 ~ !!!ND~J!!~ ............ 89.~ BABY FOOD :"',,,_ a• JUNIOR BABY fOOD =.-.._12• SW-iii DINNERS ::.'I:: 18' SWIFT BABY MEATS--25' BUTTERNUT COFFEE --69' --1111 YUBAN COFFEE -•73' -.aoflU MAXWDl HOUSE COFFEE 1MLc.169cntLrJtU ... r.oll" ~ INSTAHT :o:m:.-"'"' 11"' jlHO!!.., YUIAN INSTAHJ::.",..11" @Ji' ' DEl MONTE PIAS ,,... 22" CORNED BEEF ::!' 59' ...lYNDDf ClllCllEN ="..._39• ROAST BW HASH:::.~ 53' CARNATION TUNA~ 35' ICY POINT SAlMON :::..-79' HOT SAUa ::::" 25• ·----36' --24' ... KltBf"-- HUNT'S TOMATOES . 28.0UNCE CAN MEAT PIES ~ 18' CHIU & BEANS::.'."" 26' ROSARITA DINNERS,,....__44• ~---llKllUllU-C-llOSPIAlll OREIDAPOTATOES:::0.~20' ~~~ru~~ .• !Y~~! 4 7~ ·fil!!~J:~~~79~ ~!!otI[~!~!.~. 39.~ UPTON YEA BAGS .... -65' .. '6-0UNCECAN FISHSTICllS ~ 65', •B-OUNCE JAA 89° ROUND STEAK 83c CRANIERRYsAua::::=· 25· LUCllYBDllDfllfDIFlAYDR ... tooDCUI t•. =~~C.:-::""' ~:: GROUND BEEF 4t. ::;;-~~: . . llAitv!sT DAY P1ARS-..._3o• FRESR, Wic 11111 IDNDm FOi TOP auwit ' llt. GllAi'E JUICE=' 37• CROSS RIB ROAST -85 c DOl.E DRINK C..~ "*' 34' ..•• :o:~. . . . lb, ~' .... ~Btyr.--.. FRESH SPARERIBS ••• .'!':'!~ ••• 691&. -WAGNER TURKEY· HINDQUARTERS.~. 291&. o~~!~~K 48° RUMP ROAST ••••••••••••• .831i. T-IONE snu .... .::.. ... ~'1!7 PORTERHOUSE ...... -:.. •••• •Jl.' Stl.Ct,.., .... 1 .. ,,... fnlh .... "' .. 111•1•1 fro• 1Mcky'1 most um11ltt1 11ltc• tiOL Go""9 ri11Httl •Ill nshM te JCI• •t th• P..k •• ,.rftctiotr ...... ,.....,.. ... . 1 •• ,..,.,,..,..baut,rice. CHIQUITA BRAND Bananas . . 10' """'' -. :::.. ..... llf , .. POTATOES U.S. NO. 1 -1 IUISIT 10~:55c Ourl.OW~Price! AllMEAT LUCKY FRANKS &3o ' fllCI Plt0.41c) PIUSIUH's llSCUlrS , . 9c .............. _ •. ____.....Mil PWIVIT COOKJIS 48< ~°""...... _, ..... ,.. DAFT CHOSE 45c .... t......, ............... TOM TURKEYS ••• =:•,, 371 CHUCK ROAST ••••• ~~ ••• 55.i.. E·Z CUT CUIE STEAX ........ 'll! GROUND ROUND ••••••••••• 83it. SAUSAGE ••• .mm~.:r::. ... 63c PORK CHOPS ••••• ~~ ••••• 59:.. llNK SAUSAGE • ....:.:-~ ..... 29• BACON lUCK'fllAND Ille .. •• .. 57c .... ~~.=.~~RIACO• 67' OSCAR MAYR IACOll • 73c llMUIS&KB-1&P!ff.~· ---- SWIFT PREMIUM iACOI -73c SUCQ l.,._,.~ .. g·----- THIN SUCID IACOll · · 89< OKAl:UTll~"t · - fVfRYOAY LOW l'lllCIO ,.ISff OftlCAflSSIN lrtMll AMlllCAN CNHSI .... "'.!:.. I.Ac .. ,......, ....... .._ 1Ml. .... V7 OSCAI MAYR WIDllRS 65• (Al .... , .... ,. ... ..., .... 1.._ ... __ OSCAR MATll 80l0GNA 69< (Al ... , ...... n.J ..... _1 ..... .... ~!1!.C:..S~~.!._,_, __ , ...... 83' LUNCH MIA TS 98' ._..,........... -1tt1."" UO'SSUCIDMIATS 35c .... ......... ~ ..... -...... ... STOllflT FRUIT ~AD.=:. 25' SlOKnYCORN:-23' ' GRUN BEANS rn::r·· 24' SHEWE BEANS::' 27' .r POTATOES=-49~ ZUcamn SQUAsH ::...-: 29< SAUIRllRAUf ::::' 20• .,. STIWID TOMATOES:C...19' Our LOW Ever)llay Price! HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS HAJlVESTDAY-1.cT. PJG, 3:1.0 ~<\_~· . • ~ ,·. ' --.;~ ... ···~ ._ . ,. . ~ .......... .CIJllR DmRGENT--13' Ba::;' DODIGUfT--79• DUZDmRGENT :::·-11• IVOIY SNOW :.-79' D~H DOERGINT-• 77' CASCADE :::0:: ---69• DOWNY SOF1llR ::::~19· DiAPEll swm -67' GOODWIN AMMllNIA--45' ae0 • .t+ CHEESE SPREAD-... -29• UMJ~IWWWIJ'-MI METRIW::.---30' GARUC SALT:."' 37' MACARONI::':'.:."' 43' FlOUR:~ '2" HEINZ VINEGAR :.. 33' IOtOX GBA1111E~ 11" ~ ... ~Bf/.---., W . 'Gou>nt GRAIN Ria-A-RONI IRECK SHAMPOO IREADED SHRIMP::l.'I"' '1"; AlASKA COD::.·--55• MOOCAN fOOp..,,,. 36' MuYIJUTll'ACICn&IW•--- SARA W POUND CAKE ..... -.79'. REAl WHIP TOPPING ,..,,, __ 47• UMEADE :""" 13• ORANGE Jina =""" 30' I TATER TOTS =:.. 29' ri:. •.... ~Bf/. W HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 8-0UNCE CAN PREMIUM CRACKDIS :O:."t:..-33' ... HYDROX COOKIES :="'-.45' ~!£W.!!!l;;u... 37• IREADunar"''""'._...,., ...,,....,JJ•' ... ~&yr.-­ GRAPE OR PlUM MARY ELLEN JAM io.<>UNCE JA• 38° _. ....... u ...... ""' .... _,.... .... . w.11 .................... llf .... ...... trial ...... .-. ..... &.dr(. EXCEDRIN rrc.is.t hr,_.,.,,........., ,,...,.1 .... iti~ ........ '•...,. .. ._..., GLIEM '*' ... "'-..... _, ..... ..... lry, OHr er ... httl tf :..=..-:-=: TOOTHPASTE ol'IMl!:'.I . E 1ooi.:i ... -=.77-9c · rM111Y 77c ui;wnn $1, 8 Nllte SIZITUN BRECK BAN SPRAY BAN ROLL ON CREME RINSE ' DIODOUNT • DIODOIAllT ---·::r:··-,_ • ....... ...,tw l"lllt• ... .:t.. .... ...... :i,:...-::i:: ............ ........ _ .. _ ........... ...!':.' ... 7 6 c .__, 72c 'Si76C 7•0ffi.llW aw Lew l'd<o __ _ BRECK SET VINYL HOSE 36"x66" .............. ~. 11..., ......... $3" BEACH ,_ ......... ,_kl. --TOW!LS , "~ .. ., .... '""' CHpll .. 1. -..... SWIMCAPS =-........,...,. Gwin 79 .... , .. , c ~...,,...w,. "I:.': s11• .... ---48• Dhc11• Prkil ............ .,.., " • .. " " ' " " f. ' • \ \ \ I . I ( I I ) I I .. 4i1 OAl\.V PILOT i'tmaginative Loaf • ., Bread 1 Goes to a Party • AD ~aginattve ~lfction o! (save several whole, ones· for To Auembk ~ L.Tedi..i:i turn a nllllld, crus-_ gamisb). Adil dill .a11<LellQ1Jgh_ Spread"*1mpJllJ"f ........ loaLo~ bread into m a yo n n a i s e to make tom layer Of bread, olive fW. ifu1 party tood . spl'eadable and set aside. ng on secorid-iiyer and ~gg Thia versaUle tnenu has suf-Egg filling : Combine eggs., -filling on third lay~. Cover ·en1 drama and surprise to anchovy paste and water cress with top slice oi layer of e tt equally sWtable (or a with enough mayonnaise to bread. ng luncheon, light supper, make spreadable apd set To frost outside·· of the ~ate evening snack. aside. layered bread loaf, spread T b e b r e a d i s c u t To Prepare 'TOpping with Oufff Cream cheese top. Joinz· ootally into four large Soften remaining 2 pae:kages ping and gami.sb with whole ices, layered alternately with (B ounce and 3 ounce) cream shrimp a·nd fresh dillweed savory fillings and then cheese and blend with enough sprays. Chill. led with a OUffy cream sour cream or milk to beat un-To serve, ·cut into wedges. . . . . -....... -... ~ ..---.. ~-~--...,............,.---~-~--------- topping. tit fluffy. Set aside. Makes abouf 10 servings. PARTY SANDWICHES SERVED IN A LOAF For color and navor accent.,...::'.'..:::::'.:::...=:.::=--,--..,.,....:::=....:::=..:_cc:-..,.=,:-:--:-==:-~---=-=--=__;_==..:_-,---,.:..:...:....::::=-:-=========:-==:-==='=====-::-­' garland of fresh dillweed and whole shrimp garnishes ;tie ParJy Loaf. • PARTY WAF ! 1 round loaf Italian bread ~~2 pkgs. (8 ounces each) cream cheese ·· 1 pkg. (3 ounces) cream cheese • .g ~~ cup dairy sour cream !f2 tablespbons chopped pitted •, black olives '< 2 tablespoons chopped stuf· ' fed olives ..._ I powtd medium shrimp, ";: cooked and cleaned "'2 tablespoons finely chopped t fresh dillweed ~ Mayonnaise (l 4 hard-cooked eggs, finely •' chopped ~ 1 tablespoon anchovy paste •· l<? cup chopped waler cress t-. Cut bread horizontally into 4 ~ices or layers and set aside. >,!. To Prepare Filling• :,, Olive filling: Soften 1 ~ckage (8 ounces) cream ~eese: blend with sour cream t11:nd beat until fluffy. Add .Olives: mix and set aside. "' Shrimp filling : Chop shrimp ~ •, • .. i i 7315 1 ~ tr,Afu~ i3~ t} ~You know how cilly and i mp Spring nights can be - it this cozy afghan all the mily will love! Use scraps of worsted for f:fy 6'h" triangles, join into xagons to form afghan. Pat· m 7315: directions. FIFTV CENTS lcoins) for ~ch patt e r n -add ~ cents for each pattern for st-class mailing and special ndling;.otherwise third-(lass Alellvery will take three weeks ~ more. Send to Alice Brooks, ')he DAILY PILOT, I 0 5 ·)feedlecraft Dept., Box 163, ,i11d Chelsea station, New ork, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, ddress, Zip, Pat le r n umber. Giant, new 19U eedlecraft CalaJog -over designs to choose, 3 free tterns prined _inside. Send 50 ·ents now. NEW! "50 IN STAN T IFI'S" -f~bulous fashions. Y.S, decorator accessories. ake It today, give it tomor- oY..-! ldell for all occasions. <:enlo. . f hocolate r?r Cocoa Take Turns It's belter to• use tllt t.YP.t of. te or cocoa tba\ a ·pe specifies. since each s its own special properties. ut if you must sutm:itute, use t1\le fo1k>wing equivalents; ~To substitute cocoa for ~late, use 3 tablespoons or .eocoa plus I tablespoon of • ~ng in recipes that 'call square t I ounce) of le. M&bltit* for chocolate: beverages. use only 213 as COC01 by weight, or 3 ID 1Ai tablespoons , for each nee of chocolate called for. Cocoa tmis to thk:ken tlW'e cbocolat,, it cnM:es a anger flavor. ' -' . . MAYFR~SH 'MAYFRESH .. TOMATO r PEACHES !i· OLEO SAUCE . 'YEUOW~ · l.U.CMJCN· --I-OZ.CAMS OR HAI.YES NO. 2%. CAN ' •• s=r1 7 ·:,1 12~1 "' . MAYFRESH MIX OR MATCH 'EM SPECIAtS CUT GREEN BEANS Cit FHMCH CUT NO. 303 CAN - GREEN PEAS•TOMAIOES H0.301CAH H0.303CAH for CREAM CORN •CATSUP ~· Cl Y1ttOLE ICflNU !<I. 303; M«. lllOnLE MA YFRESH POR .. 6: BEANS ..,._,~ __ Si' 'I MAYFRESH ~-.. !!!'c!IO ~~ICE ... ,.,.. 'sonWINS ' 5 ·1 •. TOILET nsSUE •, :l..ou. Hiia or .......... APPLESAUCE~ 7 S .. ·!!!!~,!!,L,! . tor • · ·HAMBURGER OR~ 9 .. . !!!!.,!,OG BUNS ... tor • ma_gfair frJ>ZllL f"4 u.s.o .. ~.otOta llONB.ESS~ '#flSCONSIN AGliD CHEDDAR ~ SB· CHEESE NCE . ... LUNCHEON MEATS 59' . . ~s "5SJ'D. IEG. flCGir. f#llOI !,M~~!C!NiCHEESE 69c !h~~EA!fR~N-~!_ .. 7 5< CHUCK STEAKS WBJ..,...ILADICUT CLOD ROAST U.S.D.A. OfOtCE LIAN llNDIR ooss .. a: . BRAUNSCHWEIGER ~'lf--. 45' I • LUNCHEON MEAY.~,,'r.r.' _-. 98' BONUS STAMP SPECIAL !N!!!!:!!.!=§ FUERTE AVOCADOSWGf_4isl SPANISH ONIONS ~tw7i6.. 3129' < RADISHES AID GREEN ONIONS .. 2• 15' . ,. \lfJ -Van de Komp's ~, .. •"'""1• \.-~:~~ ~.,,33c i ........ ~=Cake u ., .. &gc •• .., ...,, 39c Dougftnuts ...... ~ 11 00\lfJ\lJ\lJl»WlfJ ADYERllSED PRICES EFFEmYE 7 FUU DAYS-DURS., llAY hi .. ,. WED., llAY 711t TENDE!I S1' ANDl'IG RIB ROAST MU. AGID U.S.D.A. CHOla U.S.D.A. OIOICE BEEF SHORT RIBS LEAN MEA 'f.J -.. HOFFMAN . ~---'!!!.~..f!S,!!S~.-· -·····--.. ·~ , ·7.aONr 49c !!.~.!~c!P--··-·-······-.. . . --~ LiqUIJl's---- 1,!R,9~~!.!!~-~!----· $ J69 f .. ~!.T..YJONARK sc.~TC! $1625 m.o ... !!ONRUS~E VODKA s3as IOYAL OCCASIOl IUM .... ,.,...., ____ ,.•3,39 llAUMEISTD MILWAUIH IHI 12 ",:if '1.99 IJ ftUSISTOl SOl.ai STATI UllOS-"" IAnDT, Ulll'l.K. AC-DCwmt '9'' POC'JITRAOIO, .S .ftt -.r-.cc.wtm. -.WQ.l.l)ttC.t.$1 M~--• • MAYFA1R MARKET-175EAST17TH mEET, COSTA MESA 2030 WllSt 1st StrHt, Santa Ana 9H2 Westminster Av-. Garden Grove f r •I o •.-• ·-~~._..,,. .. .,..,.,.,,.,. .. ,, ••,.o • ... ililriii ........... _....._ __ .;.;.;.~.:..;;.;.::..:..:.....:__--.:... __ ----. . \ ., ' ----~~~~~~....,,.. ......................... ..._ .................................... _.....---._. ..................... ~ ................... ~ .. - PHONE 673-6360 R HOME DELIVERY , I PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY I, 2, l Organ S1r1n•d1 For Your Pl111ur1 ' by Bernie• Fay LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LJOO ISLE MEATS • . RICHARD'S PERSONALLY SELECTED AGED U.S.O .A. CHOICE Boneless RUMP ROAST 1~"1 ,., •pl• ... 11·•· 98¢ LI. • Bone-in RUMP ROAST s..ery.~laN 1•·1~•h.m. 89¢ LI. STEW. BEEF D1llci-ttowN la Mir CnHoede CHILI MEAT COARSI GROUND LIAN UIF TACO FILL hfKlly Se••••d for ~nick-· ZACKY FARM$ FRESH 89¢ LI. 89¢ LI. 89¢ LI. ROASTING CHICKENS ·=~-= = ~~~ .. 59¢ LL LEAN GROUNB BEEF SScLI. TURKEY B.REASTS 98c LI. TURKEY LEGS or THIGHS 49c LI. BEEF ROULADES Stuffed Cornish Hens Stuffed Pork Tenderloin Long Island Ducklings • CHICKEN A LA KIEV U.S.0.A. PRIME BEEF, TOOi Jttffe4 wttll ,•nlef & CMtt.wt llreul11t 1/1, , .. " ht,, .... f•il h'rf S,.Cl•I 4rmi11t with Che,, ... •IMelHb l•!Mrieu ~" wit• l 1ttff ••II Chi"' !FROZEN FOODS SARA LEE ROSARITA COCKTAIL 1.29 LL 69c, •. 1.49 LI, 9k LI. 1.49 ... Pound Cake 12 .... 69¢ TACOS sv ..... 3 FOR $1 NUMEES, CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANAS , "· 49c BIRDS EYE FOROli,QOK OR Baby Limo B~ans ..... '4 ,,. '1 BIROS EYE Brussel Spreuts ,. ... 3 ,,, '1 VAN DE KAM,'S l11f, Chicken or C~e''' ENCHILADAS 1v ... 3"' '1 CANDY SESAMETIES • BITE SIZE •CRUNCHY 8 SESAME CANO~ REGULAR 1.ll NOW 1J n. l.19 .. ROSARITA Mex icon Dinner ".u 39c ROSARITA IEEF Enchilada Dinner,,,. ROSARITA BEEF TACOS CALA VO GUACAMOLE AVOCADO DIP 39c 39c 39c -' FLOWER SHOP BRILLIANT COLORS A VIVID LASTING ACCENT FIESTA STRAWFLOWERS REGULAR I. 90 IUNCH CINCO DE MA YO SAL E 1.25- ' Wtd111sdllf, AJrll 30, 19f.9 DI.IL Y PILOT ... , TO CELEBRATE THE ENSENADA RACE RICHARD'S AND ALL THE LIDO MERCHANTS ARE HAVING A eINCO DB MBYO FIHSTB · • . FREE GIFTS DRAWING MAY 3 $15 MEAT, $I 0 YACHT SHOP GIFT, $15 GIFT SHOP PRIZE Entry Tickets end Drawing Box in Prixe Departments STROLLING MUSICIANS e COSTUMES e FUN DELICATESSEN RiCHArW'S BEEF ENCHILADA •·OL 49¢ RICHARD'S CHILI BEANS ~1"' ALEX, ALL BEEF TAMALES We Have Chori10 For Your Ttcos! FRESCA FAMILY PACK, CORN TORTILLAS ,..... 19¢ KRAFT WAX COLBY PRODUCE FOR GUACAMOLE, BUTIERY RICH. RIPE FUERTE VARIETY AVOCADOS 6 FOR $1 FANCY, TENDER, ALL GREEN SPEARS LOCAL GROWN ASPARAGUS LB. 25¢ THE JUICIEST, SWEETEST A'RIZONA VALENCIA . ORANGES . GARDEN FRESH, TASTY SUMMER 10 LBS. $1 LONGHORN' l ·lb. 98¢ SQUASH LI. 25¢ GROCERY NEW! From Schilling 121/J oz. TACO Casserole Mix 49¢ NEW IDEAi SCHILLING TAMALE Casserole Mix ,,.,, ,., ARDEN AA BUTTER ? lb. FOLGER 'S 59c Blc COFFEE 1 ·lb. Can 6 9¢ FOLGERS COFFEE "'· ... 1.37 FOLGERS COFFEE "'·"' 1.98 FOLGER'S INSTANT COFFEE '" 99c NABISCO, VANILLA CREAM SANDWICH COOKE MATES "" 37c BEST FOODS Mayonna~se 9••·• 49~ !BAKERY - WITH RAISINS AND ICING CINNAMON ROLLS RICH WITH BUTTER 6 , .. 35c Butter -Flake Rolls 6 ,,, 31c CRUSTY WITH SESAME OR POPPY SEEDS VIENNA FRENCH BREAD 45c POUND CAKE, SCRUM PTIOUS FRUIT TOPPING fruit Pan Dowdy 69c - PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT DUNCAN HINES BLUEBERRY-- . Muffin Mix 13 ·••· 39~ LINDY 'S TACO SAUCE ' •.. 25c LINDY'S Enchilada Sauce • 01. 29c ORTEGA Green Chili Salsa 7 01. 19c ROSA RITA RE-FRIED BEANS ,,, 3 ... 49c GEBHARDT'S . CHILI CON CARNE "''~.'!:"'49c GEBHARDT'S BEEF No. JOO Enchiladas or Tamales 29c DOW Bathroom Cleaner 17 O?. 59c ZEE 4-PACK BATHROOM TISSUE 3 FOR$) }_ FEATURE Of THE WEEK ~ "C..ualstone" by Coventry '¢ By TOM JONES DINNER IN OUR PATIO Will! 911Cft MAY 1, 2, 3 ' PLATE » putthlM This -k ~ c1n buy or:e be1ul ilvl dinnerpl1te.for e.tek $3 worth ol I~ purtNi§eS. Such 1n ll~'/ WI'/ IO billld ' ~I ol !~Ii wondc1li.tl oven.prool WMt! ., l I [ ~ \ I I I ' I f f I \ \ I l '1 \ I,--" ..•.. c a -SI nr1-.·· rc·u -",~-71'77 , .. , •• rr.-PMl'FFPAJJ'a&W'C&Ftl?f&'lll •••••• Wa&Jll\&CfZS!EZIEJ\J0 d,U' VEY "lib cw ,.J&Wbftl<W& 7 •h ft v 21 • .-.. vu ava " .. 2 JI .. I ~~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY 'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS ·I orEN Dll!L 't' 9-7, SUN. •·6 ; ' _, ' t --1 .. ,.. OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9.6 DAil Y 9.5,30, SAT. 9-5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY a ,J0-6, SAT. a ,Jo.s I I . ... ~~ ...................... "' ... __ .. _ .............. ...., .. .-.. ~ ......... -.-' .... -. .... ~ _ ........................ ... I \ I -,. -.... --.. ------~--- .. • THIS MAfiERRORN. f ' ) • I I • I IS NO ' ' .. • mm aALUE CINCO DE l\L' \·o VIVA ••• uu•:xo CRURROS ••• HOT TA1'1A1£ and o.U the rest ol the fun stuff Sbuth ol lhe Borcler .•• 560 boats sail at High Noon TblusdaY from the Jetty in the world's ~t :s&il boat ratt . . • and Lido Shops celebrate. \Ve look IJkc a street ol !\fe.xican dreams \vilh our red, gret'n and-\\'hite dee· orations, our pinyatas, \all our Lido people IOYt'l'l·dre$S- ed topsider \\'lY or Mehl- ca.na. Our banks have the most lun of all ..• witbout the while collar theme • , • they loV4e to show oU , , • Gina from 'an the cantinas Ooat around like niad , , . catch yoursc« $25 worth ol me.at • . . wristwatches • • • dlriners for 4 ••• bath.in&: suits . • . lady's handbags ..• men'• dollies .• , wom- en's dothes ..• the lures ol Lido f.l'e upon you. Rov&\r · mu.sidans •t the mood •• t Our crkllfl ls playing • • . and the sigh~ and sounds, the colcr and the n1usic cf i\lexico are all around ymf. The linie is no\v tO finit out ... HOW S1'0N}; CAN BE CASUAi, Ycu lhrcw a fe1v cf the right things in a pot a1ld. come up \\'ith a set cf bright fresh sparkling new dishes t h a t are ovenproot and 1varmly comfy looking • .' , yet modern, smart and S& phisticated \vith the fi~ linings round the edges • , • )'et a little out there • • • coold be Aztec., a smatter of edlterranean fiair • : • or even the lavendar and old lace fttl cf Colonial. What I'm tryil),g to sa,y is, /or 29 cenls a piece, you can even be fussy because Casual- stbne dinnerwftt would be at home on lUlJlbody's break- fast or dinner t11.ble wm· Uiuis Quin1.e to old sewing machine riggings \\1th a Brancusl lop. '. \Ve're all excited about ourt dish deal. It goes on for onlJ'.. 15 weeks. !l.1ake ~ur plan.-;, • Service for 4, 6 or 8 '! Five piece place setting. One dif- ferent piece for 5 weeks. Then '"'e repeat 2 more limes. Really very chann-o ing and very today. We ha~ them all set up in a Jovel)' !able arrangement in our lobby with tablecloth and accessories from our gift shop, \Ye've never done any. thing, like this. befol"e, and \Ve're anxioos to know what' you think cf out idea. NEW DlSllES CALL FOR A NEW TYPE OF PARTY Astrologically speakitig, Taurus, the Bull. the in sign right now ,, •• lover cf the. finer things in life and mon. ey-coll.!lcious, wouJd revet in a "Mo~y Tree Party" , , • would happily 1tull himself at a Roman Fling and win Ii r 1 t prize at "Amateur Night for Songsters.'' The invitations \\'OOld read ~ • • .. F1y to our cage at sc and so pen::h ••• Warble juice at DIS N Ev LAND ~oo~m;;;. ;;:::, d:':""':,;,j . . and nc\v sheet music, ' I I u 1 e. s and candleliiht ~ .•. Dinner \vould be N'"ight- ingalcs Feast for 8 •.• and \vould be strictly elegant ' -• [ron1 prime rib roast 'with horseradish cream to straw- berries in wine, If all cf thi1 talk doesn't' sound like .. me" • • • it isn·t. JI coml'S from the wild Yes. you're right. There's nothing really funny about a fractured leg. Bui -pardon the pun -it does give our friend . here, ;;:;:~·«~,;:k ~ ~ Henden;on, who's a cook ol at least one break. He"1as time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he takes a leisurely meal at the outdoor restaurant in ::::,"°;,!.; ~:,:,/m:Zi; Zermatt. Switzerland, in the shadow of the real Matterhorn . ~.'~=·~~,..:"';.~"" .... ~. people astroioger. Put the 2 together and they comto Up with 10mething short ol a riot, laughwise, and with tremendous recipes too. But you don 't have t9 .break a leg. go to the Matterhorn -or even to Disneyland. for that matter-lo share our friend's enjoy-~~··~\.~1:1~,.~\';,"~0 ~:: ment. We ' re happy lo deliver the Orange Coast's finest homelo wn daily newspaper to thousands of homes full of whole-limbed ~~!~~,,": .. h'.~?'.~".' ,.E;:: I 1lst of Virgo Maryg and ·~· • readers every day. If it turnfout this season you 're not as great •a ski whiz as you thought you were , furn a bad break info a :~~~-~i~~ .. ~i::.;~_· db k T b . d . Allm:tpn.,.. .... lnldeu); goo rea . ake time to get even elter acqua1nte with the . . . ,~.,. ""' '° .,. """ .u. • • r DAILY PILOT • ' ferenl If YoU'te lntrigUed with the Astrol.ogical idea . . • you'll fur1ber revel iJt more cf Sybil's lnformRU~ fOOd works •• , FtHh Date, Mlllohroom, Exotic Fruit and Odd Vegr'table Cookbooks. , • They're aU litlle , . , only 35 crntJ , •. hut sheer gold if your imaglnaUon is ~ ging ••• Richard's. the People S'tore;: wt>u. we try to have tome- thl~ for everybody , , • from Forbt1 Magazine, and chocoJale t'Oftre'(f tlnwbtr- rit11, lo sr~1nfr.kf1 Home Style Sauerkraut . , ' •• • ~W"="""'=.::·A~~l~~·~lM~~~~~D~~~~"~LOT'--~~ • I U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE BONEUSS SHOULDER U.S.D.A. GRADED CHOICE ••• CLOD ROA·ST GROU .ND RIB ·B.EEF ROAST e e c • lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. ' . : . · · -~".. . 111 ITEAKI . ' --··--.-···---11. lie FRESH FRYING atlCklN PARTS IOHILISS T •Ill" 88"c ·. CHUCK ROAS ~ .. is. · . IUMPRDAITllONEIN •.. --·----tt 91c IDIELDS IEU STEW MEAT --~ ......... 11. lie .... "'. _ 48c WNIWlllnDK•-·-·--·--·· .... -..... .. I ,7-BONE ROAST.::·l• .. · .. -~~::::m~~~~u~0l ... ::::3: SIRLOIN STEAKS IUUCUT •······················• ll. SUI TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ----·········" u.Sl.51 CLUB STEAKS --'-·--·········--··········--11. SUI BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS ... -......... tt .. !lo Pl.ATE BOILING IEEF ........................ "· 24c ' BONELESS BEEF STEW MEAT ············" lie LEGS, THIGHs53c ~!::_38i"b OR BREASTS lb~:rnS&°b ' . . ' . , HOFFMAN am~iD -•UUCIDTB•>•LI. 39' SLICED ~-5-.,, ~,!KEDPIClllCS ......... REG ll c BACON . : , , _, ~K CH.OPS ---·--11 58 /J/./.11 .I rr:~~F\ WISCONSIN; AGEO .-. .. · · .......... l•. · · PO. ·aK c· HOPS """' 88' • • ' ' 00 , ' Qlf -MM-"'''" IJ. '· . ·~ . PORK BUTT ROAST _ •................... u.58' -PORK BUTT STEAKS -··········-··-··-u. 68' PORK SHOULDER ROAST •.. .:...-•• '6• COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS ··-11 6&' CENTER CUTRIBPORKCHOPS .. u.98' LOIN END PORK ROASTS. __ .. 68' . . . . , . . EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS CHEDDAR ·.( : BOLD ~!MAYONNAISE .... ·. CANNED · · LUNCH5MEATS0~... 55c I DETERGENTGtlT.SIZE ~I . ._ . . , r ~l(iOABLES ~1AFTsucm12.oZ.PKG.• 69C . '~ ~i~.~r: 49' i QUART 9c J ~~-·-!~E.!!!~N~HEESE c ~;~~] _____________ J JAR . ' ~~s$ '.~~~~~!~~'2D~~· 75 ARDEN HIGH QUALITY 1/z GALLON OSCAIMAYllVARlmPACIC 93c LUNCHMEAT ........ 12-0L PKG. ' CAL-FAIR, GALLON '.~ TOI LET TISSUE .,., ...... - Bl EACH ,. CAl.-FHSHTALLCAN 7. $1. . • • . . • • • . • • . • . • . CANNED Ml LK............... ~ . TllES~JUIQ . 39c Al-LB.RCARDTONE... ... . ·o E·o -$ G.RAPEFRUIT ..... . ' ' N ,· . l ... · for PlNEAPPLE ............. 5~$1 .. FAMILY SIZE 26-0Z. BOTTLE HUNT'S ~ . .. ' · ,. JENO'SWITHOIUSE 39 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PIZZA Ml X ... 1 ·~~~:... c 1-'H.OZE., /·'OU fJ ." COTTAGE CHEESENT. 29' COTTAGE CHEESE ...... :. 57c ri ' LlllY'S FROZEN . VEGETABUI 111111 llAIS, cm 4 F s 1 · PIAS ' CAlllTl, 1111 TillTMW, PW, AU 0 · •llnDSAUCI 'R _ _...Ol . 4i$1 FUDQE$1CLES ___ ......... .,c. ..O.m •.oz. • J iS 1 FROZEN AWAKE ____ _ . -llAL , , 3•1 CREAM TOPPINQ :__,.oz. 7 · ~............ . '39 PINEAPPLE ...................... EACH c -""'" 5' $1 · · . · AVOCADOS ._ .................... '.. t · u'~s~ 10.:t, llW CROP,·SPAiiSH oiibls' '3129<. \ ' I CRISCO SHORT'NING J.LB. CAN c MOllTON'S PIOllN I -INCH 2tc FRUIT PIES .... ~~\;;;········ . COAITAL-l·OL 5bs 1 FIS-H STICKS.___ • ' AllVERTISID PllCH EFFICTIVE THUR. MAY 1 THIU WED. MAY 7 2232HAllOl11.VD. 'M~ .. T~USAT.,,O:OOA.M.tet:>OP.M . . Sl.IMDAT, t~f A.M. TO 6aJt .... I COSTAMES•. ..ISTOI. AND PMIAAllNO MON. THIU ... AT. 1 t:JOA.M ... t:JOP.M. SATUIDAY, 1:30 A.M ... f:JO.P.M. lllMDAY, t1JI M. TO 61il P.M. -. -... -.. ... iiilililliliilii1il ......... lilliiii ___ " ......................... _.. ..... __ ..... _~-~·.:...:..:····~--~-~-~-~ .. ~·-~-~-~~--:·~·~".:__c'~ • a? 7'6Wif)jz"'97QQ ?@®?CT! z s srnzssreet ·t n r··ao , .. ,, • ·•• · -• -----~--------- • . • :l .. I . • I . ' ' l I l I I \ . I \ j ( I \ ' ' I • - DAll.Y PILOT ~.~.1969• . ~ .. ' ' . •f ,. . . . ·' .,, \• ·•. ., t ... ~··)' , '· t(. . • . ' ~ .,,, l • r • • • .,.-. ' ~ ' Supe,r-Sho11pets, arilfe! C/Rffe you·r :·8hel008; .then come»' . • . ' . "\. '.-~ ··-~~ ·' " in and clear ours ... and save! St'i>ck up Qti .. . ... canned goods and frozen food! We're mark.ing down 34 key items for:this ' bw:a,~:.up week-end! ' ' ' . . . . . . . ~ ... , . •.,.SJ•· • ·• • • • • .... j.1 • ~., ~-_j'Jo\f, • I • ,.,,~~ , Choose fOUr rly's favorite varieties·~·. and eave lOc on each package! Stock up at th.is p~~ce! ~~~~ .•........ ~ ... '' •. Ch.:.C· the aavinp ••• then choose white ,or ·colora .,. and be glad you saved at El Rancho i'200 ct'. pJ<P.. " . . . . ' " ·;,. . ,:} f.. ·-. "' ' ·1 I • ~ i.o ' '. .... ~,.. ' , • . . . •.• r;.:_ j -~ !.;; ~ ~rl)1 " .. This.Super,~IJuiJper will'Mi.JJe ·$.6.82:.,..durino · El Ra~~ho ~Su'ber Stock-ufi &zle this ·~-ekt · ,. . .rz --. . .. ~ ""··~·'\'?t irlclude ~~:i:or_p~~ce, ilhi:t '~mii\. •. .the-part.hue-of eeCh ... 1tem-1n-uru~ aa~ ' ' '· '" r;~ . Uf;,. t ·1,, t~· ·~ . c ' . •l. Coffee ....... ~~~:~~ ...... ·,:l7c ·va.n. ... ;, JK·~~,i ~,.· ·"alibut '.~:~ .•~~ ,.: p& Jfeuert coffee •••. deep, dark ·and deliciou1 ! ••. Two pound caiD . l .1'1~~ve at Ef ~~!1 .lio.Q1\e~~i~~{i.~~nd ~~'ft :-r · ~."'°venie~." and scn-ery enjoyabl_e! ,8 ,ounee PacJcfiwJ.:; Yuban Ci.ritpef ruit Juice ................... 3'! 51 Caff aine Ot~Qge . JUke. '.~ .4. Trees,veet •.. from tree.ripened Florida fr1:1it ••• ao eood! ... and priced rirht! 46 oz. cana 'fhe All·Am~rican blend of the best of Califoniia and Florida! Frozen ... ~ ·~r-o~.~ ~~--1 ~sco Shortening .................... 75¢ For·quality .•. and savings! . ; . three pound can. MOrton's Salt .......................... 10¢ Plain or iodized .•. 26 ounce round carton. Aunt Jane's ·picJiles .... : ............ 49¢ Kolher, Poli.sh or No Garlic stick!! •.. 26 oz. Ylllage Inn Rice .................. 4 "' '1 ~Vora that complement· ••. reg. 35c each! tomato Juice ........................... 29¢ ' Glo?letta ..• rich and pure ! ... 46. oz. can. ,, . WOolove Liquid ......................... 29¢ For &11 delicate fabrics! •.. 16 OE, l!ize. ;~x Bleach ...... : ..................... 29¢ Get.I clothes really white ! Save 12c ... Y:: pl. ~o TabletS ........................ .'.'1.79 ¥aln.bo ·aize package .•• includea 30c off label I "· : . Super Delicatessen Bargains ,Oscar Mayer Bologna ............ 61 ':Al! meat or all beef ••• sliced ... ¥. lb. pkg. · Gain De~rgent .............. ,, ......... 59~ Giant packap •.. includes 12c off label! Barbecue Sauce ....................... 2r Chris and Pitt's ••. 1( oz. regular ~·hott . . . Del Monte Catsup .............. 2 "' 35¢ ~Jade \Vith pi'1eapple viner&r! ... 14 oz. btls. Tomato $apce: .. : ......... : ... :.12,'.11.:''l Del Monte .•. aissy sauce at a savinp! 8·oz. .cana Stewed Tomatoes .... :: ........ :5 !if '1 Del Monte •• : canned field fresh! ••. No. 803 ~n.a. · Early Garden Peas .............. 5 "' '1 Del Jiionte .• 1• so Bweet and tender ! ... No 303 can11. ' Cut Green Beans ................. 5 "' '1 Del Monte ••• quality at budget price ! No. 303 can!. Dr. Ross Dog Food ............. 10 .. '1 Choice of four varieties! ••. No. 1 e&n1 at thia price! • Super Liquor Values Busch Bavarian Beer ........ $1.09 Carton ot Bix 12 oz. can15 ! Get several ! Super Shopper Meat Specials Corned :o.Beef Brisket.· .... -9~ " Fine&i quality beef • • tender, fJaYarf~ . , .• cured exactly a.s lt ahould be .•. juat for you!' • •\> " •• ,. \-. 11\ ... ' I • j • Fd-t ... . .•... ·. ~~~.~.f~ •• ~ :'$2~: n.,~l°" coult! wia!tfor l ·U.S.D~. choice beef, •• natarall)-apd to~!•Rere is.din1Di:doliahtl . . ... ~ ' _, ' ,• Oscar -Mayer Bacon -. .. : .... : ...... 79~ Lean ltll4el-llic<a in the lamou1 Saran wrap I ComNlsker Min~Hains ·s1Jt·lb. . Fullr cooked ••• boneless, and 10 lean! 2'8 lbi. avs . _, ;.J_' ;;,,;:· :1'1~ ,' ' .. " : . .-·,,.~. ,r,~. Sp• h Souffl FIOlIN · 39¢. s· n· u.. ; • · ·• . 1na~ . e ·:·:................... _tou . er l"ICGt P:ies ................ :-,:v:: St.ouffer 1 ••• spi~ at 1t l ~t! ... 12 oz. pkg. lour <;ho1ce ~f Beef, Ch}cke~ Tur~b ... _.:,1_0·""~· , ' . . ~ ' ':'-'ri~· Kubro Sou FIOZEN .. 9¢ . T t' , ·p11 FIOlill 'lie ps ...... : .......... : ............ i: · o 1no s .~zza .. '. ....................... ,.;~- Frozen soupa ••• tempting varieties .•• delicious NEW ! ••. 16 Oz .••• Sausage, Ch~-~~f Sara Lee. Cakes ...................... ,.19t · · ROyal Host Ice C• .. :'.:: .... :l6Jc Yoar choice of ~1 regular ,89c varieties! 'Frozen Catering qualftY .••. rodnd half-rallon ~tf J ~:· Frliit ~tOCkfaif?::: . ." ................. 5 "'•1 . Peanllt:~er ·:-~:: ............ :.~--.. :f'-~tokelJ,' .~ "moneli.,of ripe goodness! No. 803. Peter Pan ••• ·•J!IQO!h••1'Cl:Unch\. ••• 18 oc..~~i';' Coffeemate ... ~.: ........................ 9?¢ Jenderteaf Tea .lags ..... : .. :.:,.:;tf Now ••• S,:ve 20c on· the bie 18 Ounce gize,t . , Packag_e of 4~ .••. inclu~~-1~ off la~t.-~ .: ~~ Super S/wpper Gtm1<f1 Fresh Prod""' : · 'i Cabbage " SOI.ID HEADS · , · ,, , ................................ ! .... ~'~.· Firm, yet t.ende.t ••• ao perfect if you'n planniQI PD. urned.beef! Or think about-co le slaw! ·· · .. Be111Uda' OllionS ......... , .... :~ ..•• New crop! •.• mild n.avor that ell!iancoi ~! • ·~IN " I Prices i" 1/fut T1tur. tlroug.\ Sun. . M•v 1, l , 3,;. No ,.,1µ.u. d.<al<r•, · . . ' . ~ . Mk the man~•tabbuf opr cdnvenlent Charqe Accoant Service ~ .. , IJ.. Romaine Lettuce .................. '1n¢ Leafy and prden fruh ... compare qu&l ity! ·' J ' • r f •. '.:.- - . 1 • I I' 1 · ' ' -. .. .. ',,.~ . "' .. , ' . " \, . -: ' o·RANGf. CQV,KTY 'S LARGEST vOlu "'~ ,:OEALER . .. VOLUME SELLING MEANS •. VOtUM! SAVINGS l DOOlt :IE.D.t.N. Alllt. l'ltoll9r. full lie. torJ IEOPI XTV 111. FULL P•ICE MO. $33 MO. '86 Belvedere '$1'077 $36 * $36 Autematlc.' rtdte, l'IHlr . !UZI 1•1. TNlll ON -• ~ c11a1ne w.. FULL HICE . MO. '8& Ponllr•dPri~ S1077 'S36 * $36 \t .. , radlt, IMIW 1111~11~, l'.a!-"tf a. 11r••'-wt111n.rw. l'c;IJ.ui. . ~ -.fUU PRICE ·'ON. MO. .RN !1, ,,..tw, ' ...... $ ~"J:i' Full 'jr/ Price . $16 * $1' DN. MO. · 66 v.w. 4 """41, rtdlt & Mt ! ... lltZJC. 11t1 $877 f~ll Pric• Stt *· $29 Dit: -,,,o., '&31DODIE tUrt. A.T'",. l&K. l''flfl'. If•, "' 'f377 ~n ,, ... '8& v.w. •·Nfflf, '"~ .,_,1.,, I JltGU 111. I $777 ~~~~ .-·12•*'''· DH. • O. V1rl1nt UGO w1,.i C.. l tHIOI, Mii .... OSIJ '1L • $81" Full 'J ,,,,. $29 * .$2t Dn. 0 Mt. ' '83DoDaE Dirt G,f , t __.Mr-A.in. ltld!o. l!H!tr. FJt .... s37:7 Full - . , l'rlc• $1.a, * 113 113 * ·,113 · s13 * $13 • Dft 1 i -.-M.OJ, , ' · \ 1 DN. MO. DH. MO. ' ,.,,.:~,.~~,! ""·' '63 IMYAI) : '64 '0H~i'fl·E¥: ... •r..ilv-, •. t1terlnt. Ql..U Id~. !i.T. -.111 •• r•o;., • Mlll\111 S._S, t _,, , \/1l 1tlo 1211. I ··01·' / ¥•let,~· 1tt1t•n:;,11c1orr ' ~/uc~.. ... t c-.i-:-.$477 ~1 . , "'$57'7 ;.n··' ' $"6771 F~ll ' $1' * $1' Dn. Mo. _ • Prlc• . Prlc• $1' $19 $23 $23 DH. MO. DN. MD. . --· '• CHRYSLER ; : ltttMOUTH : "I" •. I IMPERllL ·-\,_ 1 . ' • ! . ' . . ~ . •• ROADRUNNER HEADQUA.RTERS ~' • . . FOR }\ ORANGE . COUNTY '8t:P,o1t1ac W1p1 $'71J;Stt1 * . .,. •. cu"-r" , ••utHou. ..... ,,.~·. · z, . . .., . 11111w. ,..,, RwtrllW. ttct. 11•. VGW , 1 un MO . ~u. f!Jij. PIKE • • , "II t\111 .,..._ 9'W 1~1 • I~ A~ _.nit1r fff"*'ll NJH .. Mi "*'till ---aMll. ' • Ml ·~ ..,. It 11 •·'"' Tllil., A1'*f 2"~· ' ' ' i - • \ l I I j 1\ :l l I ' I I -------~ ' ·'· ' •• \.""f'."1".~'-» ..... ·~J . ; FI RST 100 DAYS -A review of the fir61 100 days : of the Nixon Administration will be seen tonight on . · Channel 28 at 9 p.m. Time-Life Washington cor-f; .respondent !1arrat.es a fil~ on Mr_. Nixon'~ style; Paul Niven interviews a Nu:on adviser on his prob-- . ·' !ems· films cover the President's trip to Europe, • and ~ther newsmen and columnists contribute to :·the 90-minute show. ·~· ~~~~~-:::::--ii I TELEVISION VIEWS NBC Adding More Stars By RIC K DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -NBC-TV, in ils con- tinuing move to challenge CBS-TV as the network , of the stars, will beef up its weekly series schedule , , . this fall with three mo~ top names: Debbie Rey· ;' nolds, Bill Cosby and AnO.y Williams. "Tho Bill Cosby Show," a half-bour entry, will mark the comedian's return to the network in a ! series for the first time since "I Spy," which 1 : :..brought him great fame and many awards. The i f'.·mw show will offer him as "a big city high school i ~ gym teacher and assistant coach who moonlights - ' principally as a private investigator -to make ' ends meet." ' THE DEBBIE REYNOLDS show," also a. half· J ; 'hour entry, will present the actress-comedienne as , ''an on-the-go suburban housewife with a family circle that includes her sportswriter husband." An ~ indication of the direction that the series will prob- • ably go can be fig ured out from the fact that it is being guided by Jess Oppenheimer, who created ' ~ "I Love Lucy." ; ; "The Andy Williams Show ," meanwhile, will , ~ be an hour each week, in the musical-variety form : : that th~ singer has used in his numerous specials. :. NBC-TV has put him in the schedule opposite CBS-! r :TV's Jack;ie Gleason, a longtime video stronghold, ; ;·an an effort to unseat the rotund , hugely popular l • comedian. · ·~ ANOTHER MAJOR ne\v NBC·TV series will be ; "The Bold Ones," a "'eekly hour in which three • "'."aUernating show s will be offered in tbe same time , t ·~10t -late Sunday nights. One show stars E. G. ; ;...lfarsball an~ John Saxon as members of a surgical ~ .team. Another .has Burl Ives, Joe Campanella and '"i--J ames Farentino as partners in a law drama. The , ~-::third, a police tale, has Hari Rhodes as a district ~ ·attorney and Leslie Nielsen as a top cop. l NBC·TV will also present a new half.hour series ~,drawn from t."ie works of the late humorist James : .'l"burber. Entitled "My World and Welcome to It," · : ··it deals with a cartoonist and his family1 stars Wil- ; .. 1iam Windom and combines live action and anima- ~ tion to re-create "The Happenings in Thurber's '·World." ANOTHER NEW NBC·TV series, "And Then : Came Bronson" -an hour each week -stars , Michael Parks as a "roving free spirit" who motor· ' cycles across America and gets involved. with many ·-persons. And yet a nother new hour show, "Brack- ~ '-en's World," deals witli "the behind-the-scene~ : story of moviemaking," stars Eleanor Parker and : '''as created by Dorothy Kingsley, the screenplay : "'co-writer for "Valley of the Doll s," which gives you • an idea. Canceled from the net\vork in the fall schedule '~are the Jerry Lewis show , "The Mothers-in-La\v," · ... "The Outsider," "My Friend Tony," •star Trek," ·"'The Ghost and Mrs . Muir" and HGet Smart." However, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" has switched · to ABC·TV next season, and .iGet Smart" will move to CBS-TV. THE RETURNING NBC-TV series are . .,,.. "Booanza," The Walt Di sney hour. "Laugh-Jn ," ';I ... Dream of Jeannie." "Julia," "The Virginian," ''Kraft Music Hall,'' ''Daniel Boone ,'' "Ironside,'' "Dragnet," the Dean Martin program, "The High Chaparral,'' "The Name of the Game,11 "A dam· 12" and the Mond ay, Tuesday and Saturday night _Jpovies. Denni~ the /ffemree ' ' '' = - -------.,. --..;""-,, '-,,0 ..... --r .. ,~· ~ ~. '",-:--·-. -.-.T.-.-. -.·-. -,-.',' -.·.-.-.-, ~.-,T.~,----,-, -,-.. -,,---,-. -,-,--,-, 4 ~ ... .,• ~ • .... . • -• • -- STEVE IOP£R JUDGE PAIKER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS NOW1.~ ... CAN ANYUNETEILMEHClll A WB.L EXECUTED WAR CRY AFFECTS AN ENEMY? MUTI AND JEFF . GORDO MISS PEACH ~E~nL MAVE 10 SKI" THE U9rFA'!JT!l'4. GO· IN610JWE,J,jl1 QF/I. PMl6B. Ill Pl'!iflP.6~ YOUNG-MAN, I WOU1.9 PREFER TIJAT \Qt.I OOUCll 'IOUR REP!. Y IN INTELLEC'T\JAL TERMS! . ~.:::_ .,_,._,... __ • GOOD MOIC>llN(), 'TOl:it.~ LeCTlllrf WlU. HON r;;:;;.~°"1-...:H:::aw~'Ti=o:Hc!.O YOUlt Auo1m:e 5f'el.LIOUNP ... ARfl!VR S'l'KIM/11 ~CC.TV~(~ jOOA"f ~·· ll.'<1011 1~(; ly Charl•s M. Schula _, ...... ~ ~-- U.ll JAE ~T MY HOTI:L 'Molal 'IOll'tE c;.ETTJW6 OFf. WOl:K .• -.W11 l\l P1CX YOU llP! C:iET 50~E 11:0T ! By F•rd By Tom K. Ryan • By Al Smith By Gus Arriola .eJIC,UH Ml,A.tl'HUI, llU1' /MY W! 5mTtH OU~Ulei~A FIW MU•IU12$ f WlLl<l SOAY A'9tll JO ""'!::."' -tcl (IO) *• ···--(C)(IO) • ._ Allft ... (Q ('IO) A11n1 jhlft Albtflflt'tl, Diel OilUI. HtA· dr1 & Ullet 111d htty """ 1uest • .. O'Cltd: .... CC) "'Ch" Ci*i111'" (1ivtlrtun) '56-Vlrsini1 ........... -. D I ... tcl 1601 • m.., cn. IC\• ........ (t) (30) llllm..,'""" <ci ID WMra ... , (30) "H11ro l'o- ttry." T.chtf .latllM WN!htfs!ot11 •nd l'ltf ,u,111 t1Plol"• tht woi\ ol flvt Alllefican Kttro poeb-P1u1 Uwrtnet Ounblr, llnpton Huches. J1m11 Wiidon .loflna. Phyllis Whet!llJ', LutY Arlt! Willluns •lld Htjbjlt .Johnton. E U1 C.ltr P•• ~ Pill CD "'" -IC\ 1:30 D S,NIC Nnwvlu (C) (601 m I Lin Lucy (30) Ill V1r•1• t• tllt lott111 1r tlie Se• (C) (60) Ill@ •·..,.·-IC) fD U1'1 T1lk Abolll lltfts (30) "Periods of Tr1nJition." Marion M1rWU 11511 films 1nd statistks to hiaftlllflt !ht physical and soc:l1I cht nfe1 th1t st11d1nts undtrao. !9 Ill l!l l!J ,.., IC\ aJ Lt1's M1k1 • Dt1I (C) t:• • ....., Millbillln (C) (30) Jtlh· th<o flll flf S.lldr11, • bttulllul Scot, Otll tflt tlhtl Hlllblfllts COll- fust 1w .tUt htr hu1M111 brothtt 111 klftt ~ t!Unk Jtltlfo It tflfY. ri1111td I• Eftt11nd. (R') U KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Peter C4ok. Dudley Moore, Anne Bancroft •Ill Ill Ill~·· -''" {C) (Ir!) H\1ii Pifet Cook-DLllll!1y Moor• Show." The Btillsh lll11. 1ere11t ind hlevisloft dl1s 11~ hosls to Attfll BtllU'oft t nd Mtl Tormt In the firit of lllQ PfOITlllll Pfodutul in £nit111d. e Wttllllnc 1t> (60) Dick L•11t Is miklsidt. 0 (jj) rn ED AIC W1t1nt1dtJ Mwit: (C) .. Fu~ in ActpM" (mu· sit•I) 'ti -Elvis P11all7, Ur1ul1 Andrtss.. E!St Cardenas. Paul luk11- [lvis 1orn1nce1 two bt1uties ind •cit tJ put·tim1 !if1111ud ind nliht club entertiintr, with 1 Meil· ctn urchin 1s hi1 "ittnl" {R) Qi) I l"iCllt I Tiit Fii11 100 DtJI (C). (90) P1ul Niven hllll.1 1 rtvltw ind 'ev;ilu1tion of !ht fttW 1dminL,. ll1tion, llilh 1 prcjttlion lnlo 1!1 IU1Ufl protllf(l1. • S71Yi• ' [nriqllt l :lO '-J QI (j) Crttn Acrtt (C) (JO) Oliver creatu an inlttn1tion1I in· cidtnl llhtn th1 l1rmer1 of tht H1111ltNill1 V1llty pcrn!tr I lr!p I& th1 l2rmin1 c.ountry of rnnce. (R) B "ews ft) (30) Ted M1yut. m 12 O'Clock Hi1h (60) 7:00 iD CIS £ftnln1 "'" lCJ (30) t :•S m Dtc11en Scortbt1r• (C) W.iter Cronkill. D WW1 Mr UM! (C) {30) m l'--4 (C) (JO) 9 CJ.) YH ._. fitr It tD Tiie ,~ l'lrltlt (30) Q) (I) • .,...,, HlllbWUI• (C) m W1nllflutt (C) aJl Nt.i,...i ''"' (CJ 7:30 0 ·;11n C111111b1ll (CJ (60) G\en'sl oartnts, Mr. ind Mrs. 'lle1. Ci"1P· bell. iuut. Also leah1r1d •rt lhe' lh1\lts (on lilm), Lizt MlntHi, W•Y·I Ion Jenninrs. Tht Rlahteou1 lrolh·I trs, Ptl P1ulsen ind John H11tfo1d. n rD rn m "" ""'"" 1c1 (l-O)"'nit ~rd.8 C11y G11ini1~s ntii!*r. Ti111 Br16bury (BUf&tSS MttMittr), cll&hu with his :sen (81,.... "-Wildt) ....., llht!her to un their l1nd lor call le or crops. IRJ I0~00 8 QIJ (l)Htwail fi...O ('Cl (60) G11est: Y1phtl Kolle pl111 !ht rel• •• 1 m1nl1llJ dlslurtitd Vittn111' w'I vttw111 wllo :sl\ools 01nny Wil· Iiams (hmu MtcAr1hu1) i nd holds hi111 priXllltr. (R) Q KNBC Special "Nobody * Wants To Talk About It" -Frink appraislllS of VD epidemic ID I IU<llll "•btdJ W•nli T1 fil't About It (C) (60) A docu· mentary dealinr l'lith lht 1pid1mk. Sj)IUd If VD In Soulhtm C1liforni!, rnmns for !ht 3itu1tion, t nd flO• siblt 10iulions to the pltlbltm. II N1n (C) (60) fJ MmMI Dll l1• (3{1) QJ@mnt outMw (Cl ff,1)1 "I Cl11't Hu1 You Sctt1111." Thi ditt0vtry of new evidtflet hwolve-\ Ross 111 1 llntl·hour bid to 11'11 1 youni hoodlum from 11'18 11s ch1m- btr. (RI 8 List hi Sflttt (C) (~5) O @fJJ m H111 Ct•• t•t fr"Wts (C) (60) .. Shnd Off." A11on lmptrts rull i1ns led by Ox, an tl·) st1n to 1nlcru hi1 blockade cul· ti111 off tllt Bolt brothers' lcu ini OPtr•lion from aa:ns lo tht rivfl. Don Ptd10 CA!lty rutsts: as Ol. CR) 10:30 G Mnit: {C) "Stftltvtr ht T•~ro~ (d11m1) '57-Ro~trt W1fMI', ln1n 0 Millie~ S MMir. (Cl "Cldpl CAIHni. '"9 H1nllln" (comedy} '61- lllmts Darren, Oebof1h Willey, Mi· m (JJ N-(C) (JO} tll•tl Cil11n. m Our M11t hi D11 MllWtl (30) m1111aws "'"'11111 w.-.., mrt11• tor .... ... ' .. ..., •-1601 11,ooaoua11111-ici • ltll11 ....... "-•Ur (30) •• ~ ~~ !': .. ilt t ttlftt-pcrt •rits p~ mw H,__ fiUnt Ille •k 1nd philo~phy ol m MMil: .,_ Vtpl IMWown" 1rtiit-l11-&Uu Jo1111 aurton. As ht (dr1m1) '55--0tnnis O'Kltft. llltllld• 11•• 11:ulplure1, Burton ~ ~ -11J-11J • 1~ 1111rts the wiM10111 t:J his ~tus ind lW 1.itJ -IG".I ... ~1 1flt w:i11m1nl of t1n1ill!t stlf· Et) TN et.tin Liit t1p1nsion with t~ni1io11 vifttrs. Q1 lftlftcW S())a.t" 1ten,.,... I:• ID IM,.-s l..u4 fC) (1 hr 45 mfn) Ooqtrs ft. Sin r1111ci1CO Gi1nfl. Yin Scu117 1nd Hrry DoU•tt c1n th• pliJ1. - GI I 18~ I l'l!Mic T 1111riMtr1 H.-i11p: I IC) (60) Tht first di)' ol Stnlt1 hurinp 011 r11uthor· 11!ni lul\ds !or £.T.V. l:H II WtnO«ful WNld tf Sport (C) 11:30 IJ .... "llMlllta: ...... (ll!Yt' ttry) '50-\lktol M1lu rL U 911J&l T"{"' -(C) 8 Mtrit: ..._ llif' (1111.isinl) ·•&-B,ttJ Hutton. Mtcdollllcl Cir11, fll O'll CIJ CD "" -IC\ m Doll•'-' O'c.n.r (C) 12:15 B Mo,lt: "ltbo'• llrl" (dr1m1 ) '64-Cl1udi1 cardln1l1, Gt0r11 C~•­ ~irl1. 1 12:JO ~ ActiM Tlltitre: "ltd~ r111m 1:10 . Tiit hH I m (C) (30) Rufus l sbon." ind Itri pltJ Cupid In ordtr to ,1,1111 their buddy, trucktr Bl1 Tom. 1:00 D D .-S CC) to lht 11t1t. (R) ll W1a nil ... 1brs IC) (30) Gr ... lt Mtd:11v:it 1/ld P11/1 l.Jwd1 ...... m r,.. • 1.-. °" (C) D1 llllCil llTM '"' '"'" (C) ''"D ""'" • .,._,. lu""') '!>-(lO) lick Watib, Olvld """"- T H U ~ '-i D /, Y DAYTIME ,MOVIES t:• 8 "'nit ltlltt llldt• (tdv•n· lurt) '4'-l•NY Pfl'lS. J1hr111trit1 """' .. I :» 8 (C) •A C.11flldkll Y.U1t 1111 ... Altlll"• c-t-(llllllktl) •• , -'""""''"'-- G "llM -l*""l •>-lrt11t D1n1M. Alec CllllllM. lt:OO 8 "Tiii I.My tlt1 ,._.. (mo 'tnM) '42-R17 Ml!l1-C, 1'1u1tt11 Codd11d. 2:DO mt "'ttw IMCtil•" (•"•) '41--Mtry 81lh Kultltt, l• hbkk. .J:OO D -nrtt .. I s.-" (tMIN'il 11-Jid W1tlln&. C.r.11 L•llJ. •:JO . (C) ............. ,. (•ti· ftntlln) '11-Dirrilri Mtf"lfl. Mt· "'""""· • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11Hty 'rl11tl11t ,,.. Dtpt1141~lt S•"'" f~ 1111r1 tlt111 t Qu1rl1r tf • C111t11,.,. 1Z l l wcsr IALIOA l lYO • NEWrOllT llACH • '~. __ · ___ ,. _, ---------· .. -----'----·-...._ ·r f SC a·sz0 S 0 $C(S5 3720935 .33 50798 OSSO • --- ---------- • - HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOlt SALE • HOUSES FOlt SALE HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSIS/l'OR SAi.i l-"Gene=°',.=,~===1000....;Got:.:c;::..,.::;r:;ol:.:..;c..:;;.;..;.;=,'-DOO-l"'-.-..-.-1----1000-Gonor•I 1DIO Goner•I , 1000 -•I 1000 GoMrol 1000 Coot• ~ 11• W-..il . Inf -------HOii£' l_ ~ lo<. E>oool D~~:~A ~!~-!~~~ ATJBll10ll· VE1S 6% LOAll of $23,ttXI can be au:Umtd by >10'! 4: this 4 BR 3 bath 3)Xl 111: fl. near new home can , bo you.t. Located in North Costa Mesa • looks UR a modeJ. I FulJ prlce New Ustln1:1-2\.l 10 4 ACRES Bayc:rest R.i.ci... C•pl•tr- • Br'•, Fam. Rm, Din. Rm. b now· oUtrirW, a lilGited 85 House in exeelleotcondiHon. parcel.I el fab141.0UI. oak Lrge. swimmuig pool Smll t CNdded, rench size spreads. fruit orcbe.rd. Sepe.rate yud The onl,y Olll:A o1 tbtlr kl.ml !nr pets. Quiet -tlal IO the . 3-iledroolM +Guest Room $22 500 w .. tlioi. l. BR i.. be. -r ... , ... I""'"-'50-188 llat ltclllon .-. $21,500 Abtoluti\, '<)thout ........ -· :s -Uni-oily< - the b"1 buy in eocta ...... bqo>< .. llipont< dlnlor"""' · ......_'{rlllll4olf lmmaculate 3 b • ~ r o om awp-aftnl .kitchm. FfftCed Shlpp~UCl4 missed the closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other units .••• DON'T MISS THl~ll $32,950 •re& ............... $69,!IOO: Mrs. RaUl.toft -+ -t ...... wP ...,., c.n ..... .-. 2BR,le11'1• ....... :.szi pool .......... shaded ...... .$Om\<! Robbinl -3 Bit 2\4' ..... -2·'ito:7 .. a~ry uvina: room, wl')' 1··.;;;,.;;;;,,:,C'--";i:,;i';::::; ..,.. -k1tchenwtthna"""1 MONTJCEILO • Sptt•Mwl, 3 BR,.-.,._., .... · Boomlnt South C!!f!I Each succeeding unit costs more, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see. our models on Brookhurst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are 1 &: 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, 14ission tile or shake roof, fire-- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough N•wport ........ Co1ne11; a.i. .. & c.. ,_L C... ...... , ........, .... GI ......... llJ ,.... o• '"*' -lli&h. above the IJJ'I08 , belt. Private ,.W and locked Pte ruanntee tbe na~ beauty of, this fonner Span. lah emit 1urroimded by beautitul Oeveland Nation-z=:==:==:=:z=:::=::=:== I al Forest, All utllltiet avail- wood eablaets ud buJIM ... 1"' BR, 11> ba, -21111,den·llllllim.., ... '32, s .,., detached 1._ + ,-<aJl>ots. bit-Im, -· 0..,. Jwy RE , . . carport for boat or camp-doM!d patio. 2 ur IU'· ~ er. Don't ... ~L ~ward Realto r• lrvln. 1 Forott I. OllOn, Inc. UNDER MARKET " 64>o30:! 3 BDRM·$19,950 owner leavintl '°""'· 4 BR, llO DEGREE VIEWI Aaume 5~% FHAtoan, llll 211 batM, Uv/nn. dln/nn. -cut beams, built-ins, -family rooms &: dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Con- ventional financing as low. as 10% down. No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. 6 BEDROOMS Would You Believe ••• john macnab 6 Bedrooms, 3 baths, a tam· DOVER SHORES Dy room plus a dinine area, VIEW UPPER BAY Older 3 BR family home with larle Jllay yard &: located on beautiful Bay View Street Owner moving Eut 4: will sell VA or FHA financlna-. able, PRICED FROM $1,000 1~ DOWN -15 YRS. For true country living, re- tirement or just plain invt:st· ment at a bargaln price. Call or write for complete deta.lla and free color brochures. EASTBLUFFI mo. l>OY• .n. Lra""" yard. fam/nn, dbl 1ar. m.m7 ApproximateJ,y % acre ot newb' redecor. ........, ...,..,.,.. , ,,.... Ownu 54&"22! Back Bay 1240 rooms.2 batba; family""""· Mos• Verde 1110 OWNER 3 BR 21> bath, lam - Sectud<dlri ....,built~Jdt~· rm ept/drpe, blt .. 1.na. Ne:ar C • .... ~ •• PACESEM'ER TWO STORY evuythlne, L&rp lot $28.500 Dlahwuhet, L&rlest grounds 4 ~ bedrooms den, ======~~" in prestige area. 540-1720 formal dining room' in ex--:;: with fresh paint, and all the Sweeping Harbor area View. advantages ot e Harbor One of the moet mqnillcent $22,500 TARBELL 2955 Horbor eellent amdltion. S4!0l down E•otWuff Gener1I 1000 «;onor•I 1000 Highlands location for homes we have evtr offered. $47,500 5 Bedrooms, 6 baths, over 5,00'.l aq· ft of sheer luxury, Nowpolt et Rancho caplstrano 4570 Campus Drive, Newport Be.ach, '2fi60 -take over 6~ loan Cno Joan I ~~~~-----1100 fees) • $293 mo Include! 11 ======== taxes. CAU.. AL BLACK Cost•- Las Veqas Livin9 All play hnd no work yard. 3 unusually large bedrooms with master suite opt!ning to a sun drenched l!parkling area and Tiki hut that is perfect fol ou tdoor enter- taining. ExceUent easl!ide location. Tastefully decorat. ed and better than new con- dition. Call for details. $35,"" "For A \Vise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES. SHORECLIFFS CUstom 4 Bedroom home in exclusive Shoreclills See this beautiful home with heavy shake roof fireplace in master bedroom large private mndeck access to private beach owner is anxious asking $62,500 Call Jack Scroggy Res: 644-2250 COMP' ANY REALTORS 673-4400 WAtmD LARGE FAMILY I-lave you wanted a separate wing for teen-agen? • 5 Big Bcdroom1 •• Dining room or den. _ Thia functional de. sign, rear entrance to Bay. crest, will fill yoor de-sires. -$41,500 seems ao li!Ue for 110 much. Phone now for showing • 646-7171. TIIE REAL ESI'ATERS YACANJ ·LOTS with beautiful pool. By ap- pointment only •.•• $2'l5,000 Vlctorio 4 l.ar9e ldrms :-.. ~ Hor!tqe R .. 1 546-7143 - ~---Lawson ocEANFR.ONT s.11• 2 Ba. bl1-1n1, FA beat,""'" 1 ,MESA=,,....v"'.-n1~.-n~igh!~ .... ....,.....,,, * R-1 Exclusive. SI'. HU· 3416 V' Lid NB 675-4562 646-111 I ' Near Newport Harbor Ya6ht p&.tlo, dbl Ill' on%1lley. Veta BR, l"" BA. 1650 aq. ft, 2 BERT WOOD ••. • $15,950 ia o, :714) '42..a235 no dn FHA S dn =~ * R-1 UPPER BAL Cul-de-901 Dover Drive, sUite 120 I ========~ Cub. Colonl.al 2 story, 5 bed-RY' $24 500 · nu•,... frplcs, waler I of t e n e r, sac Street , ••.•• , • $17,500 THE SEARCH Newport Beach I' rooms, 31ii baths, 3 car gar-· · shake r o o r , land.leaped. * R-2 65'x234' wm take 6 1 IR DUPLEX age, oveniud Jot. <mks de. e, Very dean. Minutes to ·~ Sl8 -0 old . ~ h ~. light kite"'•· •·-, patio, A.",.. ,._ "'1tl>. $71,500. * ~:;•6hJOO"id~"for sr:i';ll EIDS HERE "Tiki'' House Specl•I ble~etac~ ~:ton";,; 1undeck. $99,SOO"'.""Exc1usive ft u-.. Ba. Best oUer! 644-4265 Industrial Units .• $20,000 EASI'SIDE -Sparkling Pad-140' lot. Assunie existini listing. By appl. only. 1 E A l T y MATCH TifIS VALUE! * R-2 126' x 135' ••.. $23,000 At a home with every want-dock pool home with cute $13,400 • 6% loan _ no loan llD.eilBJ"• --· Near NB Poat Ofc, 646-2414 Location, 3 Br. 1" Ba. Fam, * C2 75' x 360' HARBOR ed featuft,. 4 Bedrooms, ex-'tild house, 8' high fence fee, Only ~~~""'~""'!"'C""""' I rm., cov. pat, nice lndscpg. BLVD lrontago thru to tra luge ball>s, now gold aroona pool & patio I o' $18, 950 Heritage Exclusive Eloo. bl.... X"' ''°'· back street •••••• $75,000 tweed ahac carpets, island maximwn privacy, a rare R E A L T y $:25,600 540-2'JJ1. * R-1 (r'Htricted) 24% Ac. .kitchen. 'lbere'• room far &: me~ clean 3 4 2025 W, Balboa Blvd., N.B. Vacation all year round In 3 BR, p&n/den, tam nn, OCEANSIDE, Priced to camper or boa.l All this 1n family.room, priced right -67.5-6000 this lovely Mesa Vude pool crpts, dtpa:. A.uume FHA. RD at Only $5,000 lot choice Mea. Del Mar for under $36,000. C.all now! ~ home featuring Larae bed· Owntt wl take 2nd. $26,&IO. $29,950. -101. down. Phono ~ 546·5HO EASTSID~3Jied• room'" big !am rm, dblo 1 ~'"°"~"';;,,,====== 546-2313 '!1ill REAL ESTAT. '-•"-....... •· fireplace, 15 x 32 Anthony I ERS. · OLLEGE REALTY * 642-lnl Anytime * rooms, 2 baths -pool w/deck!ng galono! A•k· Newport Beach 1200 WAS $22,500 \ t511l_ot_Clt -----quiet C:UI. de. Sac:, !.ng $71,950, Horitago Real NOW $20,900 WANTED Estato. Call CorefrN En!oymont TIUS IS THE LAST WEEK BEAUTIFUL Sac:riflc:e $21,750. DAN LEE 54G-1151 -...... level l BR 3 bodroom. CupoUng LAKE ELSINORE R.E. Saleswoman CALL 540·1151 'B~YO'"':O"WN=ER~,....,.L&i<e--.~--,.,, ;'.:u;".,,,!:'."'~':·o."=! Evenings 548-3Tl5 ~hout, l~ x ~ covered By owner, 2 bdrm, l %. b&. l&:e We have the advantage o1 the ( ) E·side borne, fiplc, formal belt. Excellent terms or I .............................. 1 patio. AU buil_t. tn kitchen living nn + den. Air con. e:icc1us:ive agency for Ival: open eves dln'g, 4 BR. Oversized walk trade S6SOO On. Best In The Bluffs . 1959 VISTA CAUDAL $51,DIO ·VIEW-VIEW OPEN DAILY 1-5 Ba It R I cently painted inside and age, aha'.de tree•, altrubbery. Development + a captive E ~ & hi ti. Ideally located. BOYD ' including refrigerator. Re-ditioned utll nn. Patio gar. Wells' new Dover Shotts Heritane In. 3 full baths. Intercomm Hil Plnchln & Astoc. rre ea ty out. HOU9e is vacant plus aose & wondertuJ view of audience tor resales. OWee ·~ state Minutes from • c h 0 0 I • ,3000 ...... E. ... O>ut ..... H .. wy ..... •,,,,....,..,., I usume 6% V.A. loan. $4300 lake. Sell completely tum. tn new, exeitirie, funtilhed .............. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiml shop'g centers. beach,"' REALTY prasonb ... _ down, $134 Pm Private °""'' """"' 1st Box "" model on Galaxy Dr. Baylronl Hotel frwys, -$41.500. Prin-v·1ew Lot 3629 E. Cout lltway, """' ~-'"P'."arty~,ii96>-"'."'1689~"'."iiii~iii'lliEii1ii""'ii"'ii•ii·.inii4/ii6ii7;i;~2327iii;iiiiiiiO j Ray J, Ward Co. Aak for ?of. clpa.la only. Open Hrme 675-5HO BAYCREST BEAUTY I Ud Isl Lu·-''--• Pinovor 646-1550. I I Sun. 303 22nd St., CM. Thia 3 bdrm 2 bath homo bas 0 • ...... Newport He19hts ======~1 In fabu ous Ava on ........., with """ • bodroom 3 bath "Pick of the Llt!or"'' all·the extru! Large, fully 2-stoey 4-pa Plus den, ~ A charming 2 BR home, din-Mn B RGAI 4 Bedroom-$35,500 + room tor tennis court. $27,500 landscaped yard, separate tom sty~_-kitchen, Terrific ingroom, large1amilyroom BAY(llUI A N Dining rm, 2 bars, 35 rooms 2865 Chloe:, Mesa Verde pool, b:iata & trailer. Owner oUen dlOlce BJ~ tormal dining room, panel-family htitne.. w/fiplc _ separate & a e at . J plus View owner Units. Quiet Street; 2 ba.thll Delta Real Estate 646-4414 Plai.a. l-itory 3 BR, 2 bl. kd tamlly room with ti~ Call for Appt. room w/bath. $32,500 terms. 5 bdnn 3% bath home. Beam. BURR WHITE, Rltr, Fireplace, shake shingle BLUFFS, fabulous F·plan on dbl patio, best Joe, Jowett place.Kitchenhu·bigbreak. ---Wells-McCardle, Rltrs.· ed ceilin& in living room, 2901Newport81vd., N.B. roof; fmt 1-back yard green belt w/bay view. maint. Fee &: lease bald fast area + Jw:lcounter. Roorny 3 led~ 1B10 Newport mvd., N'S larp patio, space for pool. 67S-4630 tplinkl@rl; 1 Nock to Many cust features. 3 Br. 3 avaU. · Note: Owner movmg, price Custom home on 51 ft lot. 54&-7729 anytime Ideal tor big family. Own-elementary tcbool, near Ba. Best otter! 6f4.ai5 call 6f4..(li(fi eves. reduef'd to sell. Priced $69;500 er moving Eut. Hurry! Estancia 4: park. Patio 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 """'"!!!!!!"'""'""'""'"!!!!•I W•lker Rlty 675-2676 4 BEDRM • $22,500 Amold & Freud & ptay "" .. By.....,, Balboa Coves. 1&0 ,000 . E ASTBLU FF • eon- lllOO WeatcliH Dr, NB 645-5200 2 baths. Secluded rear living 388 E. 17th St., CM can: 546-1155 Prefer trade for acreage or dominlW1U1. 2 side by likte. with hanting tire-2 BR home lv/inc unit nttda GI -"" Id ••--"'°'1'171 2'llO ... ft. ea. 3 BB • Ir "-" $19 ·-EASTSIDE room enc Realtors 646-7755 ,.-·TLC. w·•••-distance N D wua cons er o .. = . .nsr Four u.uroom .. ,;ivv place, brick patio with au 1-=== .. _ -~ O own den, 2 BR &: den. Extra Move into this large family You will like thi1 3 BR 1"-fired BBQ. Built-in range, Ii to evtr;rthiiir. $33,500 · BLUFFS Best buy. Pool-ten-deluxe condition w/ cllObt home today!!!! Ooae to bath home-freshly paint oven & dishwasher. 54G-l'r.ll Buy Of The Year! terms. :;::;~~ 1:.' ~By location Ir view. "1.ID>, Ii: &hopp~. school s and inside&: out. Large living TARBELL 2955 H1rbor Waterfront. View of cam. By appt only $24 950 $67,500. Shown by .p. churches. This one won't l'OOl'll with fireplace, built-c d • • lina Ii: Bay, 2 BR, 2 ba CORllN·MARTIN , CAPE COD 4 Br. Pool. Mark Les Rltr. last! Sl.53 per month in-Ina, covered patio for enter-on om1n1 um Channel Reel 'own your REAL TORS l BR 2 bathl, with ocean view $59,IXXI. 1523 Lincoln Lane. C.M. Investment Co. SCl-77U dudes taxes and insurance! ta.ining. Dbl garage. $26,SOO. . own' Penthouse Apt. with 3036 E. Co.st Hwy,_CdM nd Owner 5'8-!M77 alt 5 pm. o~~~. $700 Total c .. h .... Rltr""!.~~EBlvd.;,';",~. 2 BDRMs 11/i BATHS Fti>t<. $62,500. 675-1'62 Ro BAReR•GltyA645-IN2340 Newport Shores 1220 Coron• dol Mor 1250 quu-.:u. • V'tl7»i>4'o ve. vn-"""" 12(l'I sq ft, $14 500 Joan 6%% Ask fur: WE SELL A HOME * LACHENMYER int•"" ava.,;blo. Salo prl" °"""San.bu..,., l\ltr. HUNTERS WATERFRONT Sendy Bayfronl EVERY 31 MINUTES OUSEI 318,500, Ownu/Ast. 2400 EJ. 315 Marine '73-6900 PENINSULA POINT HOME Wann 3 "'!droom A fMl!I>' Walker & Lee BIG H den, Unit 15. 646-6927 eves. Paint, decorate or cha.rm! Cholce eutslde location, In Newport Shorea. 3 bdrm, Rm, 3 batha, \\'f!t bar, prlV/ Und'L!!1~E@ P$23R~EFHA/I HOME on 60 x l85 It R·2 lot "PARADISE'' Good 3 BR hme on 50 x 100 ~~_" Rand-2 IOt wl1tb d~ a; den, 2-,, be, 6 yri old, patio, near Yacht Club, only .,. •• ..,...,. •'""• -.t~R-t to ~-·1 Ex • L.-.-........ ....., .... ·u;._ ~ .. ~.1.. ft tot XI.NT Joe •.MSQ) '""'"" -room or anot... .i~ 25000 Down 2CM3 WestcliH Dr. VA, Imma• 3 BR • huge ......,.....--,;;n ....., .... u : c ,. ._.. ............ .6 r.:-:-~-..-' • • -rM• • 11 J "118 000 3 blks to ocean. Crpts, ...... va. • · 646-7111 Open Evea. ,--•-~ ..;;00•. Nearsall. A potential. Rent It while yau lie fireplace. BOjJt.111 ldteh-Balboa Reil E1t1tt Co. erTHEun ·RE· AUL E.;,.AT·ER· S frplc, bit-In range, oven I H1I Plnchin & Assoc. OPEN HOUSE r:i;;";e! watch yoMu'hti n v e _sdt me :i1 e000n.1 ~id:woo~c~capad ~~ 673-4140 546-2313 _ M&.nn dlshwuher. Low yard m&lnt. 3900 E. Cout Hwy 675-4392 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Rltr. 642·9730 E\.'f!S. 54S-0720 ~~mmw, 't ig-cons1 er sm 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Xlnt area for kida, 1 blk to ....., Waterfall. fishpond, I u I b 1-======:::;=z POOL • FORCED SALE. Ex-2 pool.a:. A play area. Al.Jo IN v E s T NEAR nn: s.t. & Sun. 1 • 5 • KENNEDY . Fortin Co. landscap~. I' cellent area. 3 I • r g e Baakttball, tennia • volley OCEAN 3 BR, 31,9 ba, den, 2 Immaculate. 3 bedrooms, 2 642-5000 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor lmm•culate -bedrooms, 2 baths, lam.Uy ball court. A clubhouse for frplcs, 3 prqea, brick, b~~.~argnoo• kfamil, d1~:'.... ~ma.' BACK BAY $11950 4 n~..1 Ea1t1kle Home room & fireplace, Almost all. By owner, $47,000 w/ be am/ceilings, charmin& ~7"M· carpet;,"'dr;';s, OCEANYIEW · 4 bedr~s.'" 2 ~~-mHuge 't1~ S~!: ~ r::. :::. ~1~fu11 ;0;:n• ~~) moderate dmm & !Ake 2nd =~e ~ u::m-: !:1~:· 1o°f. nd llUld 1 3414 Sea 3 2 BR, 2 bath, master bedroom, built-In sprnkln:, Pergola. $2950 On. Heritage Real Estate 1 =~=~'="====== I Bier m.-~o Young Exec Home a scapng, ·Beautiful adult occupied I block to Beach ~s. Natural brick FORTIN oo. 642-5000 1· loi""'iiii""""'""""'""'•I breeze, Corona del Mar BR 2 bath, dlnina' nn, cpts/ S29 500 2 baths, Luxury built-In Jdtc~ DREAM LOCATION Blycrc..t 1223 U TS Immac 4 BR, 31,i ba family (Take Marguerite to Sand· drps, frplc. $31,950. • Lo ..... Move in ccnd, Spack>ut 3 BR, 6 NI home ln aclus_ Baycttst. castle, left on Tiller to Sea· DAVIDSON Reolty Georg• Wllll•mson etl. rge y .. u . 4 BEDRM-$23,500 2 BA cllll a•ycain ' BR + t yean old. annual lneome Formal din/nn, fam nn breeztl $46500 P.ealtor 1460604 TARBELL SpoUeu conditiozi. 2 bath&. ; West ahop'aarea. A UI • $12C80 Full price $.131500. l "chlkl safe" I. JEAN.SM,ITH. R I 546-MOO Eves. S49-l058 673-CSO Eves 673--1564 Dream .kitchen, bulltin ruge Owner. $31.500. 548-!f.OO o ' ' ( t p rty' ~"'..... poo 400 Eut17th, ci,,,:~::: Buy GI/FHA IRVINE & WESTCLIFF B~:E~.!"1;1:~ i~b. A .,,. •. Panoled lamity 5 BR. By.....,, 5!1 % FHA FAMILY ROOM 'SJ;:.,...-: ro~ LIDO REALTY, l .. C. TI4/&t6-3ZS 4 Bedroom Plus tam nn .. l !!!~~~~~~~· I $2000 moves )'OU in, tow in-room. Fl.replace. Separate io.n.. FWl price $24,500 •I 2~ batha, By Ivan Wells. 3400 Via Lido 6'73-88.10 I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;I clOSe to school•, 11!4 BA, $2',400 • 4 BDRM terest loen _ no loAn feet. ! child's play area. 540-1720 conalder 2nd. ~2163 Finest carpets A: dnpei, su. SHOREnJFF 3 BR, 2 BA. BEACH HOME bit-In kit, new w/w crpta, 2 baths. Lwrury bult·in kit~ BR 2 betha, excellent area. TARBELL 2955 H1rbor ASSUME 4% % GI perb landlcapln&. A beauti-Quiet tree lloed Un. by tht BY OWNER 3 BR tam nn, blln!i, hd\Vd firs, patio, frplc, drpt. Newly ~ dltiooed, fE:nced. $23,500. 3093 Femheath Ln CM, Stone's throw to Ocean. Sell cuatom drps, dble i;;:w. OnJy tn, new retrlgerator. Room CALL 541).1151 (oPefl evt:1) REAL Estate aalesmen or 4 Ir, 1% ba, Dr achla. llo)'le ful home, Sorry we have to 11ea. Fee simple. Accna to 2 or exchange for small house $25,500. for Jl(>Ol. boat or trailer. Hert.tap Ra.I. Estate broken wanted. Co ~ll68, eves 675wl.9Tl leave. $69,500. 642-2917 beachu. Under $50,tm. By Costa Mesa or San Diego. PWC Rl TR 5465440 M0-17Z> LINES. Yau-e:.n me them Leon Vl!Jert Realtor New 4 BR J bath. Ftpl. HOME with pel'!Onallty; 3 owner. m..368l. . FORTIN OO.\ 64'2-5000 DAILY PilDl' WANT ADS TARBELL 2955 Harbor for juat peMll"I a da)'. Dial 1842 Newport Blvd., CM Water atener. Heated Br, 2% Bl.; pool. Quick DAILY PI1DI' WANr ADS 17U1-A. Wettditt Dr., N.B. BRING RESULTS! iiiiiil<;HARiiiiiiGEi;irri'liiiiiiliii""""'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~~·-~~~!!!!!~~-!pool~.~6f2.~98!12~~·i"'i'i· iiimuliii•i· ewn..-~ 513-4971iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiA!waysiii • G<>Gol NOW 1$ THE TIME TO BUY 54.1-35:>1 7412 ..... ____ .;•;,;;llm;;;,;;=;;,;;;;;,;l<;.;;al;..MT;.;;l.;I ____ 0,.. ....... J IEDROOMS 2 IA TH ca~t• and Drepea. Seller ~ costs $23,900 J IEDlOOMS 1 IATH Sharp House. \'ery dole to 1hopptn1 $22,000 SOL VISTA J •tOOM cul-de-sac. m Tmns ... $24..500 WALK TO OCIAN ON llOOIHURST 4 Bedroom ~nish + llonua Room. SILUR PAYS $500 OF IU.YD'S com 4 Bedrooms, new ~ta.-~4,!500. JUST SOUTH OI' EDINCHI Reol ... rp~--llOinted.­J TO CHOOSI PIOltl cioee by. JJJ with no money crs. Huce Lota. 6 UNln -2 IEDlOOMS IACH ' Encl<J'ed Gt.nt&'!_S. Income $700 month. IUILDIRS-ZONID FOi 4 l'1.ll1: • No Problema. 1 Block from ace.n. $20,000. l'OOL TIMEI -J TO CHOOSI ]Sx.30 Hetited and Ffltft'N. Sharp House. Free Fountaa.Ptna •.. Jugt bring the ad with you. AmuM VA 6~ Interest Leen. What a pl.ace!! Come 1ee ttll %S AiWFoiT ii1eR oFNei 646 1111 2043 Wootcllff Dr. ot Irvine Open Evonlrt91 WAl.K TO IAY AND OCIAN From th.It large 4 bedroom, 3 beth moderri family beach home. Here YOIJ am of• fered a private community with a Oubbc:M.lM, ewtmmlng pool, and tennis courts bf!lldft. Get read.y fOI' a tttmendoui summertlme NO\V!! FUii prlce $34,9'50. Sub- mlt your smeller hortle on our ~ttt u.le plan. WALK TO SHOPPINIO From thil char1ning, super sharp beauty. 2 Bedroom and dtn with 2 tiled baths, built 11' range and 26x26 deteched garage. This t• a ll~x13S foot lot, zontd R·2. Will take 4 ~ore units, or owner will divide •nd 1c-ll lot sepantrly .. Lot At 110,500 and home at $2',SOO. PARTY l'OOL HOUSI FantaaUc home with. eorreoua pool and i»-Ho aru for aummertJme pe.rUes. AB- SOLt.JTELY lmrnaculate tn wtl')' detail. Huie windows over·lookJ111 mtf:rtalnR ment attt.. Klng-&ize mutl'r mite lncludet dttu!nc room &nd both with a "Roman" tub. Beautiful location. Room for boat or tralle:r In oveMlze yard. A. must ~II $34,950. Submit your amaller home on our ruarantet 1a1e plan. IA YCRUT -$46,000 • Just placed on the market, thil exce1iOoneJ Pride of ownenhlp hafnf) 1hou1d be sttn Immediately. Private court yard entry, btauutut ,uds wUh room for a tarp Pool, and ecceu tor !>Mt OI' trailer. Submit your ama.lle.r home on our iuar· antee l&le plan. WI SIU A HOMI IYIRY 31 MINuns ' ---------- 2790 HAR-ILYD. Opoo lnohp '11 f P.M. • $lt,9SO TOTAL Pltcl-WTSIDI CO$TA MISA Thh cozy 2 bedroom cutte .eta at a cul.de-sac •nd with TOWERING SHADE TREES fn quiet neighborhood on large JH Wped lot Gate to 1"r for BOAT or TRAILER! Yea, Carpett: and Drapes, PLUS Jtange included. It's a BEAM CEIL- ING BEAtrn' occ:upted by adult.a onl)'. 1°t:"' Sl,195 DOWN PAYMENT at onl1 1147 per month inc:ludJ.na tuf!I and JnlUra.nce! DON'T WAlT ON THIS ONE! SPllAWLINIO I •IOOMS-TAD OVIR YA lOANI This single level, one year )'OIJl\f dttetn home NEAR THE'BE.ACH bouts LARGE 1 FAMILY ROOM ott the h• ranch &I.zed kitchen with ELECl'R1C BUILT-INS. Klng..,lzed master bNroom.. ~Ive DEEP PU CARP£TS THROUGHOUT! Tutcl\tl proteulonal deooratl.Jlr«, Gorpous Ull!d brick, ft.replace In muatve. ~ toot living room. GraclOUI outdoor lfvtnc under COVERED PATIO 11UJTOUnded by ·~ low malnteoanc:e lush ~! Submit '3,500 Down to thll at. tractive VA Loin. THRO CAR •AllA .. I IUILDIR'S CLOSI OUTI NIAi THI' llACHI Last call tor this 1hah root a Wroom plus ·s: Bath home oq dc!tp Jot on 'Quiet atreet In PRESTIGE ARE.A. l.oftlJ' prlvste atrtum &nd e.ntry hall i..adl Into rorJt(!OUI STEP DOWNtnvmc T'OOt"l'll \,ARCE FAMD..Y ROOM off t,U eltetrlc kltchfn with loads ot euf)boe.rda and WALK-IN PANTRY! Luxurloul carpets! P.10VE IN NOW! VA t: 1HA. tmM at a LOW, LOW UQUIDATION PRICr: of ONLr .. • I ' \ \ t I . ' .. . -. .. •.. " ·' .,..., ' ..... ~;!];~~C:-fi~!!~wi\;j~-5~-·~-i-:lO.¥-M~ Wod-. Aoril !O, IM ,llOT·All'IDm!ll Ja SALE A TAU ' •INTAtl -'' UNTAl.f" ~ alNTALS --UAL llTATI S ond aUllNllS -ue Hufttl ...... -1400 ....... ,umlthol Houo• U•fumilhetl AplL '""'lohod A!llL Uitfu......... Gooerol flNANCIAL flNANCIAL mnr _ ...._ -~ 811 JUST· CUT PRICE 11'...tolo to Shoro 2005 c.t, Mloo '100 Litle lale 4U1 Cerw .. Mor ~ 1-flro,orty 6000 1uo. o,urtun-.!JOO 1uo. o,,ortunlllos .. -.. u. .... "" -moo llALE Roommote ....... ' $ISO; t ..._ ftW ..w LIDO ISLE OFTER: -by April ASSOC. -MFG. MAU. ....... Start ,.... ... --~ 0...-. •DM WAS $22"91 BR turn apt. Rid )IDOi.. 0wr " Call belll'lt ,_ Blyfront Apt: auhltt lirntlh-.. : 30, 2-etory 3-room a~t Man~ to a.uoeiatt with Mall Order 8Ul.inet1 .. oqr NOW $21,M 25. SSS. ms MaJMt, Apt D &O..D1'5 ed for au.mmtt. Patio, ~ • 1&race build1rw trom c.p. com~ '° a11Wne dutit:£ Dbtrlbutor wtth $150 ht. .... """"9ule 18 THlS rs nu: LAST 'VEE!\ ~11 alt f · .ftreplace, 3 BR. 2 t.a\hs. tl,.-latruo Beach Oub 11t~. or iupetvi.wd production vestment. Write IOt f'Rtt ~=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I ' bodroom, 1 bath. ~ ROOMMATE Wanttd t • '!e'f'"'! -nGO 675-2321, "'~ 2U: G<-3016 ou..., In wrlllrc lo Capi. ll~IDI tmatmut -broch""' lo Audit Cottllolo. 1l thn.llhoUt c.ovmd. Patio. &hare nlce I Br, apt C.M. $M -ON TEN ACR.EI lNno .Beactl. lnvetbntnt Co., fully RCUftd by lnvt!nt.ory 8rookskfe Ave., f'1tr I.AWi!.. PllllE 1.011 n,ore exuu: You own mo. 642--3192 Chris. I/I Huntlnp!!!t IMd, 4400 1 Ii: 2 BR. rm Ii: unturn l<M Palia&.ln, Pacific PaJ. I: f}Cflllpment. $2'7S per "~k cNc::·::"-------I IM-land. Assumt n'l)' fi'i9 MAN to lbal'l!I my 2 Bdrm. TOWNHOUSE Q\JIEt l &lj,fJ:rlfUL Ftplca I prtv. paUol/Poola. l.sadea, Cllif. 902'71 to •tart Jilt.If •hare ot profits BEAUTY Salon: 1 oo d ftftll'TV ll V.A. $4300 down. $134 Caste litesa homt. _.A··'lJ --• 2 •-Ill. Id Ttnnls • Con\Ttl1 Didst, pUt· DUPLEX Ii: LOT which lhoWd exceed $25,000 clientelt. 5 Stations. n.ea1m> rllA\llUU. P.1.T.I. I-louse Is v1canL 642-3315 bt!fo.i'I!' noon Split levtl l' Bdrm • 2 bath AO.n.u uo11y; _-.,\I Pl ' tine creen. BY O\YNER. per )'ear, Fot appt. 213 • able. PRfnY Private Party. 962-7689 Unit· Jpacioul pool. Carpeta, Pool. $200, M1:·ll2$ 800 Sra ~. CdM f.14...2SU &side OL 646-J5i89 CE 9-0'.Kl3, AB for Mr. Gra-SINGLE rlrl ~r 21, to dra..-, fittplJee, t-lC<" bit 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bc:h. ... _ 9 •u 1 •PM 54l-7t72 J Btdroom1, l !i blthl. 1ir,ar Bay • Ocean on PcnlnJuJa Point. EslMOllT RfjAlf ~~u tMacArthar ar. Coast llwy) ,..,., -0 ;, · W share m.y ~niJlUlla Apl , Ins •••••••••••••• S..""65/mo. 1 " 'J BR tum .apt.$, 11r bch. I 14,000 SQ. t'T, MFG. c u .alt s 30 ~18 ' But n•• Rent•I 6060 with lfi a · ; · Pleue·call Mrs. 1-~ay $125 It up,~ utU. 536-lm, LOCAL' COCKTAIL BAR, Con1pltte o <..'ff on L..arre 3 &: 4 bdnns 2100 Bay & leach 536-7232, 5J6.13G& l1lboa Island 5355 APPROX. m aq rt •ton! old lioenat, lull price $49,51'.Xl renc~ 1% acre• in Only $.13.250 BURR WHITE, Rltr. 29(Jl Newport Blvd., N.8. '75-4639 Ev11. f7J.OIS9 + FINISHED RUMPUS RM ~c..; .. .;..•..;•________ Rutty, Inc. l·BR. Condo., wshr, drytt, 2 BR apt, unlurn. trplc-. aCl"Olll from Vista Shopping Bryant Wiest Bkr, 646-7914 R~~ ~·~~:n~ Assume VA loan • 1ubmit NEWLY re m 0 d ~ 1 e d . 901 Dowr Dr., NB Suitt 221 ~c. bJta1, n frlc. Patio 1: ,.._,, .,,,_ 5 Ct-ntr:r. Excel. for real r-t ' I'~ 6 ~· ~ ' tat u· VENDING Roule, 10 LUlitll, .-01· campers, boats. dune erm · decorat~ ' furnished. 1 BR 662000 Evts. 54s.6966 -==·=~=mo=. ~Th-=-=== 213: J1S.359Q es e o ice, acoounl8.nt, HAFFDAL REAL TY g.!est l'lousf:. ~ry private . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.., • J-::========;;J paint store etc. SllO/mo. Requires 2 hn weekly. $900. hUQies, ::.=· Ovmer. 11740 \V~r. F.V, 842.-4403 large la.raat· Nr 171h at 3 BR. duple": 2 ba'a., bltnl, _L_11_•_•·.,...-__ h ___ •1_o_s Huntlft9fon IMch.5400 ~.-iJ!:· 19th St., CM.l~cu~h;:,·;61>-JJSO:;;:;;~====..'.========== 4 Bodrm + Fomlly Rm. ~~ UtU pd. S 14 O · "'hw•hr .. new pain< CPI'-~ 100 €LIFF DRIVE LIVE RIGHT STREET FRONTAGE-OWNER ANXIOUS Qll'ner Duplex on 1 Y.a lots with Bay View. With Firoploc.-$21.000 -:;;~======I -· Nr. btacb. Y•ar bo. , ·-ba Priced below rtplaCt'mtnl. 2 -.... $230. 540-1573 .__.r;e Chelor Apt fum. On Beach Blvd. 1"80 Sf. It. .,baths. M.a.uive brick fire. Summer R1nt•l1 2910 1,TO=WNH=.:;:.::,,;:.::..:;,;;;___ AU Dehz:xe Fu.tufts ON THE BEACH ~fodet home kl~al for tnmr .. Now $62,500 • lrnns Newport Be•ch Re•lty 67>1W open e\'cnings ~:;;:.;=..;..;.;._-"''----OUSE 3 Br., 2~ ba. Oci!an View. Walk to beach FISH, SURF, S'IVJM R.itr;;:r etc, (Bet. Kl.tell.a and piacfo, Built-in Stereo l tape 2 BR lumlalw!<I ho us t , ¥/W cpts. drps. fpl. Fncd S11D -y .. rly It.,. •-) s · •~--'""""'" 3 .... .., ... ,•--bl-· 2 -· -· 4~2••t ln your own front yanl ....,, loe 1 r n 1, uJUM:pd., 142.6691 TARBELL l...quna Beach, b1&11 to ' -=· ....,., ...... _.., _... -$2jO mo. le&50 Beach Blvd. I!'~~~~~~~~· I Huntington beach, .,11;_ or mo. ~722'1' pool. $215. 6t2-7219 aft. 4 pm Private cl"""-··-, •-,1-• • 6.1&<1'll • PANORAMIC view overlook· .. uuuUX" '""' "" RENTALS illi; A118a Beach. 1 BR tum. pool, saunas, private gale LEASE S275 hto: Jae. bl~. lido Isle 1351 H•rbovr 1405 HoutM UnturnishM Huntington leach 3400 an elee. Mat\lft adults, no with :Z4·hour security guard, 40X198 Loi, pklng, •tonic. cltildren, no pets. $185 nm. lltEDITERRANEAN Toilel, aihower facil. 2730 WATERFRONT -by owner • General 3000 3 BR 2 bath. lmmaculatt, Call eves. 499-3155 ADULT UV.ING Harbor. C.~r. 213: 921-2991 STRIKING 4 BR. -2 BA .. dock, 55' on 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. new epbs/drps. Adu I t• RENTALS STORE !-'OR R.El\'T Lovely mastered 1c !iv nn walert!nclosed patiofl-4,SOO. IRVINE TERRACE prtfer r ed no pet!. U I 2 &droonu, :! BatM ALSO! Bd A t .... , "·-60' on main -•----1 References. S 2 2 5 /mo . Apf1. n urnilhecl ~·rom 1231> -rm. P aft proteclM and .ec!Ulle\I IUM.I UllUwt: z BR &: den, fant.l1tic Vlew, 4~ E Ballxla So. patio + 2 Bdnna + luge 3 Br. 3 Ba,, dock, beautiful t'Onditlon •••.•••• f;962-=7ll=l;f:o;r:•:ppo=in;I.==; General 5000 INCLUD " amall Bd. BI kit, 45' lot . Sll0,000. Consider lease fop-$550/mo Unfurn or S750 Jo'urn, ES W/W shap car-1--------- $6.;,{XX) don 592-5998 • h b P'ountain Valley 3410 RENT petin&', G.E. built-ins, \vith Office Rental 6070 R. C. GREER, Really . 10 n mGCftG re frigerator & dish\l.·a.shc.r. 1--------- 33;55 Via Lido 67l-9300 Fountain Valley 1410 REAL TY COMPANY 3 BR., den. fam-din. rm-.; 3 Room1 Furnitu~e HUNTINGTON LAGUNA BEACH ::::::::::::=::::::::::::= bltin" $215/monlh. Ltue. $20 $25 & UP PACIFIC Air Conditlo--" lluntlngton Beech 1400 S•nta Ana H1t1. 1630 901 Dover Dr., Sul .. 120 Av.II. April 20. 839-16'> • - '42-1235 ?t1onth-To Month Rentals APARTMENTS ON F'ORES'.i' AVENUE "" 0w .. ,, 2 '"· old: 2 mL HORSEY! to beach; tri-Jevcl, lalh · !: Bir 66x200 v.·i th cozy home plastl'J'; ,., .. ter softener; and 2 car ~· _ C.Om· rorner lot, dbl. gate for boat pletely fenced cornl. $23,500 or trlr. Cusl. lndscpd. Pool-• You makr the tenns. _ size yard. Block v.·all. 3 Dr. 3 THE REAL ESTATERS &. Lovely entry. P.1iITOr 54S.23U • ~nn wall, crystal chanricllcr, ========= lt!rr.uo floor. Rai~ !iv. Laguna leach 1705 rm., ('Xlra Jg('. din. rm. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;; IMMACULATE 4 BR. wattr· front homt, in Newport Shorcs, $390/mo, on yearly le8.M'. C•ywoocl Rlty. 541·1290 6:116 \V. Coast flwy, NR ?.'fcrysral chandelif!r. Fam. • rm. 17X2l, rai3ed hearth, 11"alnut panelini::. parquet fir. Qual. carprlif1&', cusl. drpa. \Valk-in fl.Ilic storqe spa.et, $43,900. 962-0230 LEASE • 2 bedroom I: den, 2 bath. Large garalfl &: fe nc- ed yard, Close to Churche!'I RUSTIC and Shopp;ng. El Toro. 20181 Lawson ~. H.B. Listingi of the WHk 4.BR 2 balhs..$2'1,900 - · T200 sq ft. compl'1e built-in kttchen center. Curve d driveway', 1hingle roo f. Ex- , etllent ntighbotMod, $2600 •"' Jo"HA or low dov.·n VA. ·•wp '4'1ST 11ell, by ~r. Luv- • ing country May 24. 2 Story, ...I BR, 3 BA, 1ormal dining, ' . for pool, frplc, noo aq ~ larid. 7 Mos old, 1 to beach. Immacu11te. CH RMER \''eekdays 837-091! alt 6 PM A "'""""'' "'" 9,,.· 3 BDRM & DEN Sl6ll -2 BR. lI~ ba. C.Ondo. E>..'TREME CIRCUMSTANC. f W IV R.angt, oven, re . f . ES HAVE FORCED THE Patio. Chlldern OK. Bkr. OWNER TO SELL IMMEO. ~980 Sprawling ranc:h stylt home, 1 ..::;.,='--~=~--­ detail&t extrrior of PALOS $187.50 -3 BR. fam rm. VERDES STONE, WOOD&: Fncd. yd; W/Y.', t PI . sruCCO. Lo w sweeping Children &: pct!! 0 . K . 534-6980 Bkr rooOine5 w/extendf'd ovcr-1 ..::;.,=c,--=~~--­ bangs. · i1 35 -2 BR. dplx, 1tove, Wf\V, dr'J>l!. Children&: pets \I/ell desigllfii 3 BDR~1. &: OK. Broker ~ DEN FLOOR PLAN hall en· VERY nia! 3 BR 2 bath~. try ha.U of poli<U1ed a,a:ale good al't"a $220 1'1o. Ag!. floors. \V/\V CARPETING 546-4141 TH R U 0 U T. ELEGANT 1$1='5~-~.~BR=-. 71'~,-.. c---~Co_ndo_,,,... REAR LN . rut., HA s drapes. Broker 534-6980 WHITE B R I C K FIRE. PLACE I-opens to formal dinin&' area. Cost• Meta 3100 Sclls ntv.· for S33.400 + Lone. ranch style kitcht>n S1200. improv-ements. Ask· v.i/ numerous natural wd. lite f'Jr QUICK SALE • cabinets &: ceramic t 11 t $32,900 or best Of f f! r · coonter, HAS All. BILT-IN ;"2-44l'i Ext 50 or 962-4910 RANGE &: OVEN, OISll- FREE RENTAL SERVICE for example, 3 bedrooms 2 balhs $22a.OO per mo. Call : llricecl to Sell w~.. GARB. DISPOSAL .... •"I ALS \VU>E SELECTION 711 Ocean Ave. 13 Blks. W. Desk 1paces avll.ilable tn Apts. Fumllhed Appliances 1; TV's avail. of lhmtington Beach Pier) newe.c office buiklin& •~ NO DEPOSIT O A C PHONE: ITI4) 536-1487 prime k>catlon tn downtown General 4000 HF RC · · · ==~=..;_:~=='=I J..aiuna. Beach. Air eoodj.. • • , • CHJ::Z ORO APARTMENTS ti ~ ~ Single Young Adults Luxury single, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and unfur4 -ni.shed;-with complete privacy and landscap- ed country club at- mosphere including $750,000 w or th of recreational facilities designed and operat- ed just for s in g I e people. GARDEN GROVE 13100 Oi.lpma.n Ave. (4 Blks. \V. Santa Ana 1-'\\·y.) (n4) 636-3030 NEWPORT BEACH Irvin~ and 16th St, {714) 645-05.j(I Furniture Rent•ll 8234 Atlanta oneu, carpet-. belut:Ul,IJ tJ" 2 Bed o.. .. ~ paneled partltionlnc. Tw o 51? w. 19th, CM 54&-3431 ew l· room. • 6 ~ entn.nctt: Frontqt an 1568 W. Lncln, Anhrn n+2800 tlectric only Forest A•t .• reu leada lo $13.; -2 BR. lower 4-plcx. 536--3977 or S3&-2TlT ~funclpal parkiq )oU. $50 \VI\\', range k oven, Pool-Wubers.Dryers Q per mon th for~ Delli dlshwasht"r =-'-Pc::n_:_••::'.:.'.cc::.,..=::"':___ 1 and chain awallab!e tor SJ. Broker~ BRAND NEW 2 &. 3 Br. lrm. BusiM:1.1 houn aMWetiJ'la $110 _ 2 BR., 1vtv.._ Garage: $150 mo. Cp!s, d r P s, service availir.ble for SIO. children O.K. dish1\•hr. Nr. Be a ch . All utWties paid except Broker 5:141980 ="~'~-395'"'='--,=------I telephone. $140: 2 BR. new cpts, drps, DAILY Pnm 5100 Home Like Atmo!phcre Minimum Upkeep! Just r'tdecotalt!d! N-e w carpet! 2 bedrooot1 upstaln, I king-size. 1'~amUy 'lizt llvinf: room \Yi th fireplace do11•nst11irs. 1 ~~ BA. Bil-ins, dish\vashcr. Pr1\'a1e patio plus large pool & ttcrea1ion fa ci lities avai\ablt-. $\Sj mon1h (ls! and lasll .. c teanlnr deposit. 549-0674 ----* Villi Pomona Costa l\fesa's 1.e"e!I &: mO!il Juxuriou1 apts now ttnl.ing Unfur. 1 &: 2 BRs. Adults only No pets. 1760 Pomona Avr. jusl south of 18th St FAIRWAY VILLA APTS. stove & ttfrig. Encl. gar. 2 Z22 FOREST AVENUE Blk.'I from ocean. Adults on· LAGUNA BEACH ly. 1401 Olive. 536-3150 49t-9t&I BEAtnlFUL 2 BR, all ex- tras, pool, avail mid-May, PRIVATE Off ICE _1_135_1_mo_._962-_7l_00 ____ 1Secrerarial 1ervict, air con· 2 BR. Townhouse; frplc., ditioning, &: pgrkin&:. cpls, dra~s. pool. Orange County Bank Bldg. Sl59 ~1onth. 962-8096 1'..0 E. 17th Slrttl REAL ESTATE Costa ?tlesa 642-1485 G1neral NE\VPORT CIVIC CENTER OUices a;ui!able for Com- Rentals Wanted 5990 mercial, Medical, Denl&l, Air-cond .. crpl!, elevator Jo'OUR Responsible female p f ... _ _. 35c: ER SQ. FT. teachers \.\'ant urnis,....... 541.5032 OR 6T~24S4 house or apt from June tol--'-"-"=-=-~""='- Septen1ber 1 or yearly. Call 510% 29th N.B. 675-3162 after 6 p.m. Artist srudio nrar bay North light 4 S50 mo. 1 BR unlum. with stove & SCHWORER : 61~~ refrigerator. Up to $ll5.1---------Pttter C.l\.1. al'l!'a. June lst STORE, ollice &: desk spatt 2204~ E. MBin, Torrance. 1842 Newport BJvd., CM. Calif. 543-05!8 No Matter What It Is , •, f BJt 2 bath, hardwood noor1, k attached breakfast area. 1blt..W, aervice potth. GI or This charm in:, rustic ityle OR •NGE COUNTY'S -ra rr-~ H.· - Furnished 1.lodcls ()pen Daily Jrnrnt'diale Octurant·y South Boy Club Apartments Nrer 0 . C. Airport. 2 Br. Apls. Unfurn. 20122 Santa Ana Avr. ADULTS ONLY, P..1ATURE ext"cutive v.·ants 1 LEAS.I:;: slott or oflice, 1914 bdrm unlun1, frplc, gar, SQ. II. good k>cation. 333 E. \.\'alk to beach. Yearly tse. 17t h St., C.J\J. 847-8536 I •· home, is immacula!e &: "' ~ f('nns. \Von't last; Only ''NEAT AS A PJN" thruoul.. LARGEST :uz;.9;°~1 Jones Re•lty Olfcred for immed. salt I.: 293 E. 17th St. ""'-4494 itr-12fi6 Ew. 968-3167 mo\•e in, for only EASTSIDE-2 BR homt-, blt- $2500 ON. PYMT. & t SEE THIS I! in rani:r o\·cn. ('rp !, HURRY ON Ti-llS ONt:? rlrp:"l, no loddll'l'!I or pel!I. 4 BR 2 be, dlninr rm, Irplc. MISSION REAL TY s1:i0 n10. 64>-~ aflt-r s 'l block to .chool. Qi.vner 985 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna P1'1 . ~mobile home. Beach Phone (TI4l 4~o73t AVAIL. !'.lay 10: 14:<". 1 Bi·. & '.mtt. Easy temui. 2ND HC>,ME? lanai. 1150 l\1o. Cpt.~. drps, ; It. 0 . SLATES, Rltr. 11~ ha; 2003 \Valla c e . ~-3:119 Evel. 962-7369 Rf-tiring'!' Investin& '!' 5'18-39l4 $500 DOWN · GLEAMING on excell<"nt OCEAN VIE\'I 3 BR. ho~: S16a ~lonth ~RDWOOD FLOORS Laguna Lots at $5,950 ha.I-lncd. yard. No prt11. 3 BR.s .\ den. 2 bath!!. Clea.n ance $75 mo. Small l: Jcv('J l!\-1()...8 Pomona SI., C~1 ,:.,sharp, heavy shake roof. Pa\'l'd stl't'-elll &: underground 2 BR 1-car lxx:St". lenct"d yd I 11.rge fenced yard with 2 ulils to be contraet<'d this in rrar $9j rno. 12(Pi ~1onte ')le.tios, Priced for last salt summer. Visla ~2--0618 -..t only $23,500. Bc•1er check 497-1210 days 497·10'11 rvt'-s. -,-.-R-l!o'c :.:e,"-sm~--m-o/-1-.,,,-,~, 'this OllC? --' MUTUAL REAL TY 4 BDRM -2 BATH ~~'.l6!l drp.,, n('ar OCC. , !'am m1, near achools., park I,.::_'-"--'-------= 842-1411 11nytln1~ Total price $34,IXX). 10~~ On. I BR, ~lo\'e &. l'f'frig. $80. Sl40: 2 BR. garage, Available n1.nv! Brokrr 534-6380 W/\\', $UO -Bachelor, util. pakl. Available now! Broker 534-6980 SIOO: 1-BR. dupltx. Garagr. Convenient location Broker~ Cotta Mtu 4100 $30. WEEK UP • C.Ommcrcial Rates • ?t1aid Service • 1V's avail. • Coeklail Bar -Pool e Westel'l"I !rio f'ri .. Sat. SUNN Y ACRES J\.10TEL 2376 Nev.ix>rt Blvd., 548-97.;j 4 BR 2 BA. N~u· shaJ: and owner will fi nan.'t-Elderly or (.lf'nsion~n; only. ,cupel1 1hnl-oul, drapes. 2 Loi Padres Riiy 196.i Parson SI. ~,.is-2898 * VIII• PomOn1 Apt1: 3 BR house 1vith_f_co_ccri--y-"-d, Costa l\lesa's ne"·cst & mo.st \\'rslshlr.. 1 ni n1 • t: u J a 1 e hucurious ap1s no'v renting. S170/1no. tin.63j() Fum & unfurn. Adults only. qr rar. lri fefle(!(( yard. Nr 494-U33 a.iib; on cul-de-sac. Takt' =-=~===-:o--,-, I°""' GI. By appt only. Call $35,000 DUPLEX. 2 a&I 1 .rt t pm. 96S-MS1 _BR, view, just remodtJltd, . UME G%% Jol-1.A, 4 BR. pvt, l'liJd kitchens! 49-l-91.U No Pf!ls. 1760 Pomona A\•e., P.1.ESA Verd" l Br, 11• ba.. just south or 18th Si. gar , 11riv11.11' paCio, adult1, -',;iOi ... O..iOiiiiiOitiiiiiii t.ake1 all. $26.950 total -1 piitt. Call Real Estate by Dani Poinl 730 Sl~l(I. &16-2629 • SUS CASITAS Mc: V~ 545-0458 or Rusa at TRANSFERRED, Tn\$t M"ll .......,. 3 BR 2 ha, tam rm .. Ir Joi, ) BR f'f!dtcorattd, ntw ''"'w frad, hilltop virw. Has erttts. $~.500 • Sl256 On. R·2 twrythine. J.t0,000 valut, loi. 216 Knoxville. Owne.r Sacritict $36,SOI). Eve 1, -LARGE Bach., nicely furn, $110 !\lo. Adulh •. no pelit 2285 ?t1f'ndoza a45-~21 LRG clran 2 Dr. S12J. Crpts. drps, c•r. Nu Pf!ls. Fncd patio. 1945 Pomona . C1\1. ',m.6939 Satf le sun Ctl 493-4421 00.-11 ., • " • . • 2000 General 2000 Gener11I S~t:t~~-"'Etfis· SolVf • Simpl• Scnunl>lod Word Punic for• Chuckle ........... """' "' ,... ,--...,....--...,..-... fovr «ram}lled ... .. ""' .. r.n. ""' ...... Word. ' LEES.AW I :111r1. l'EHAS I . I I I' I I L E • c E I Mixed •molion• b Vl<ll<fl.. I I I I ing your -.;,,.1cw go 2000 FURNISHED 1-BR, £: Bachelor Apts. 2ll0 NE\\IPORT BLVD. Medallion by Hotpoint CHATEAU La POINTE Lovtly 2 Br. furn. apt. Pool, cazix>rl: adull.o:, no pc.Le. Sl:.O l\to. plus utili1if'~ 1941 PO?i10NA. C. l\l . BEAlrrlFULLY f1JRN. 2 BR .. HEATED POOL AdullA, no pets. S150. 2272 1'fapl1'. 54()...5566; 6t2-4807 BAdiELOR apt funlished, near 17th &. Irvine. &12·3683 EA~'TSIOE: QuM!!t 2 Bdrm. Elee. bltns, patio. Adults only. 361·8 Ogle. &42-1~ Newport Lach 4200 FURN or UNFURN 1 . 3 or 4 Btodrooms Yearly ltases $250/mo It. up 1-'lne Beach •rt& location~ PROPERTIES WEST 1112S Baysidt Or. liT>4llO • 546·7602 • --3 B-R LUXUR Y- • Split levt'I, 1600 sq. ff. 67;r2309 mornings. 300 Sq. Ft. Office e LANDLORDS e COSTA MESA 646-2130 1'"REE RENTAL SERVICE Broker ~ Commercial 601S ~----~--~ • 21,1 &. Crpls, drps, t-le<: 3 BDRl\t ~e or: yrly leai;e FOP. Lease 1,s acre or M-1 • kit., 1vashnn: Like 11. home for family of '1, CdM or property with imall office. e No pc!s. $175. 5-16-1152 Balboa Islt'. 673-8278 aft 6. Completely fenced with 2 NE\V 1 Br. avail. ?.fay 1st. \I.' ANTED: Garage rental for large gates. S4&-63tM All bit-ins, cpts, drapes, storage purposes only. Call gar. & pool . 2-11 \V. \\'ilson 673-a420 Industrial Rental 6090 Sl<IO l\Tonth 642-5401 WANT"D 3 BR I h , r. : un urn se, FOR lease Lquna Niautl, LOVEl.. \' 1 BR. crpts. drps, yr s lease. Prefer 0 1, oH San Ditro Fwy at Crown patio. pool. ~110 Avail May * 646-8664 * Valley, new commercial &: l :i. 1762-11 1-\t'nll'ood Pl, \VANTED. Quiel, clean un-industrial unit!. Delta Elec· 646-4(Y.1.!\ !urn 2 BR apt, or duple.~ in hie. Days • !31·1400. Eves. - LGE. 2 Br. :r;plit IC\"('I Sl.50 N.8. 644-40« 49'6-4198. Upper 2 Br. SlJ.J. No pcl.5 ONE BDRP<I UnfWTl Apt. for l-21X-.-"'°-CO_RN_E_R_M-.1-.-tnal-,-~1 1\lendoza ~~J;l-5-tZl e1nployed lady up lo 700' bldg 19th & \Vhittier, Villa Fino Apts. 3 BR. $110/mo. 642-00!6 C.M. $200 mo. 642--3490 Uni. Childrt'n \Vclcome Sl50 ;;_~~~~:;,,===·fN,;O;:cl:::V_:_;LEAS;;,.:;;lN~GC:-:..::,N::•:._w-,.,..,M·I 874 \\'. Center Apt. 1 Rooms for Rent 5995 l nduslrilll 1350 Aquare f~t. LOVELY 3 h<lr 2 ba town-P..fASTER Bedroom. 1'"uJly $165/mo. Agr.nt 642-1-IS:, houst-. NC'wly dt'l'. pools etc. Furnished. Private bath, for Call .i-IG-3710. Young Couplr. Sl75. 2212 Lots 6100 LARGI:: Bueh.: adulls, no O rr n n tr on t, NB Call 24 La B t"f I ("o('ls; ('f)ts, drps, lll!n~. $90. 67;...763:\ r ge eau I U 2885 Mendoza !"l'l:>-~rl21 · Completed Ocf!an Vie1v Lots, CORNER sleeping roon1, Cul Laguna Beach unc1e,..round LARGE 2 Rr. 11.p!. S12j ?t1o. de Sac shttl, $60/mo, utila, no bond;, 20% down, Cpl. rirnpc~. bltns. Mgr. 357 !'tt&-0390 00-5000 balance rr":lell8t clause and _\_'l_et_0'~;'~·-•~•-'~"~c_,_1 ___ 1 SLEE.'PING room for nia.n. partial 1ubordination. 'Vill 1'1ESA Verde 2 Br, nr shopg. Prv. hm I: entry. By mo on-also take 2nd'1 or trade. Elec bit-in. ... gar. adult~. no ly, S35. 1543 Orange. 0.t ~97-121B pets. SJ35. 548-63.i7 11..AR C"'-'c=E-=R::oom::...::.:. =10"',."-1,c:cho..;m_•_:.1e~u"JL,,:;Dc:E=RS~-,~,-.,-.~,io-n--R-l 5200 kitch. privil.: sep. r'('f. lol, 66x30l 263.i Santa Anl Newport hach PaUo. garagr.. 646--0439 eve Ave, Cl\f. 54&-905CI aft 7 pm. BEAUT. 2 Br. 2 Ba .. ttady 5_ LAGUNA v.'OOdsy view lots, to mo-.·r in! Bltn dishw-shr, Misc. Rentals 7 7Y undtriround utilities, pvt. r~1 .. Jrvr l O\'t'n k range: GARAGE 20'x.20' $6.950 &: $9,250. 494-9148 e ncl. priv. patio: encl. g11.r. Costa Mesa ~l v.'lston~. $135 mo. 4Ki l-:=::£:'=':::i:::i====IR1nchet 6150 Hilaria \Vay 54Q.-OOCJ.1 '-"'==----..=cc:.: Income Pr4tp1rty 6000 320 A. Tulare Coun~. Sacrif. 3 BDRM beach apt unfum, I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;J 1or qukk u le at S85D pe:r 2.::~·mo"~~" round. COMMERCIAL acre. ' "°""'· ""'"" 2 BR. "'w!y dtt, drJ>I, w/w INDUSTRIAL Resort Property 6205 ;; BR, 2 BA, fplc. $235, l N b ild' JO .1 213: 981-7039 C\V u . ings.. u.n~ ~. f'OJ\ RENT Furn Mammoth fully occupied 1v1lh \V&1t1n1: r.f 0 u n 1 a i n Condominium list: located on 11. main slctps s. 61Hl:X: ' ~tl't't'I, Nets $3J.500 Per year ========= Sales prh'l? S:315.000. 1-' 0 r Mount. & DeMrt 621(, nl(lrr lnformn.\lon please call l-'--------- K. \\.'. Sn1all v.·lth SALTON CITY Lg. M)r. I'll, Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. &>a v\('11·. Nr. ~farina k Ea1t Bluff S242 • NEW DlilUXE • 3 Br. 2•.1 ba. 11pt, lor ltnire Incl. !lfl8C', m8tr. auitt, din rm. & dbl. i:ara~r. aulo. doo"' opener avail. Pool &: rec. 11..re•. Nr. Cathol ic Oiun:h & school t Col'OlW dcl ~111 r Hl~h. e ONLY $270 e &37-871 Am lgol \\ray. N.B. 131S \\'. O\npman A\'t-. \'achr clu b. Sat'. S.."000. Orangr, Cllllf. ;,1~1039 541 -'l621, Evcs·v.·knt11 5.'!.'-=-~n 1,a;,,,-=·,~rr:.:A::,-""-,.,~,.~ho-,.,.-1-660-,. Ch • E' .·d 'Pl f f!\'l!'I')' lux .. golf course OICe II e ,._ tx \'IC\\, S..14,!ljO, 646-7!&4 ~"~ ~~-lS~t2 ~-1112 ....,~,~BUSINESS •nd' __ _ tireplat:f". All untm ha vt FINANCIAL -. -. owr a cliff in your - - 1,.,-,.-.-N-O-M--~I A. ~D ~C"o'-'""='-'do'-'-l -"Mo__.r_..;.425;..;..;0 c ....... dol Mir S2SO : I I I' I I' !$.!z~E! ! "\~~~~JN r r ·1· r r r 1 ..;•_,w_,SC:.,=~1•._'~-lf-"_1_0 .i.l-.1.l ...1..I _. I I I SCRAM-I.ITS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 BLK to octan A bQ: l Br. 1tudio $125: bl.ch . .apt. $95. 1 Adult each unil; nn pets. Yrarly. ~7629 a.EAN Bachelor Apts. AU utll lnrl $T.1 up 3ti. E, Balboa 81\'d. BALBOA 6'11-~15 Mrlte •phanll! Dunw-IW HUGE J-Br.. cpls. drps, 1too{e, n.frlR. Nr. hl'ach. tl'l'!t. Yrly. 6T.'...69<H DArtY PILOT Dl1'f1'.;-A- LINES. You can u.-lhf'm lor ju...-t pennll'~ a day. Di•I 612-$13 iWL\'-P!LoT-oJ"i&A· LJNr .. s. You can u.~r them for just ~nn1t>~ ~ rl•y. Di.ti "'~ buUl-irui, cpts/drps, pvt, B Oppo •.• 1• ,_ pat'as, garagH. s.;s,500 UI. r.un1 "' - CANDY tupply routl!. part « Sll,000 Triplex Sl40 full time-, day11eve:1, ner111 ?>1onth near lf•rbor CcnlC'.r. It collerl DKlnll)I ~n coi.n 2 BR l bl, bll·ins, 2 pvt pl· 011tr. Dilptnseri In O.t. tins, J rar. Call quickly on !Ile~ k vlr. No selJITlf . lhis! $1650 Tot•I C'iUlh J'f!q'. Sf!nd Bol> Olsnn Rltr !146-l.">$0 namt-, 11.ddl't'M I: phone to:. PLAC:"'Yoc1r"-"-.. ~l-,~,",'-,.he:::. .. ;i Rout" Dl'lpl .. P.u . Box SS46. tht'y art' llll'lk'lnJ _ OAJLY Ani.hr im 9280.'s PILOT clu.sl.ficd! iCUill DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! 642-5678 DIAL DIRECT CHARGE IT ! illlllilll..~~ ...... ~--·~-~·~•·•.., ..... -~·~· .. ·on•·•==-•..,• ... ·•·•=--• .. ••· ... a ... owc .. cw· .. c.,.cwc .. a•n .. c•r.,.c•·.,•1ca .. -.. -w . .,.n•c .. a .. ·•= .. ••• .. ws.,.-... ..,.., ............. .,..'ti ..... ~.~-~""'•"""'-"---'.<':~-:<.::"-"·~·..,,...~~~~ ... ~~ .... ~~~ ~---- 9 PILOT-ADVERTISER Phones Ar• Open 8:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. 9 lo Noon Saturd1-;-cloaod Sunday DIAL DIRECT 6-42.5678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL <E.REE 5-40-1220 Huntington le1ch 540.1220 L•fUn• le1ch 494-9466 Hours-Regulations-Deeciiin:s lftftO,.I; Ad ¥ertl1•rs lhouii checlc \h•lr ads ••llJ '"d ,..IHH't lmmMl1t•l1 • ..,..,.. ., mltol ... lflostloftL THE DAILY f'ILDT '"""'" ll•llllfty for.,,..,. lft!)' to tri• ••t•l\t of p1,1bllahh1g tho •dv1rtloemtnt •rreatly en .. time. DEADLINE FOR COPV ANO KILLlt S:30 P.M. tho MY IHlfon publlc1tlon, t:icoopt f•r WMk•nd !dltlOft •ftd MOl\day •eetlonti Whfft clOllng tlrM Is 1:30 l'.M. Friday. 'l"OU MUIT HA.VI! KILL NUMIER! When klllh19 '" Id boo.UM et •ulok rau1tl. be tiUl'O t• m•k• a record of th• klll numbtr gl¥e" you by your 1d taker' a• v•rlflc.atlon or y"lur pll. • OJJt v I'll.or IUSINISS atld ,l! ... ""'-11!*--..--.• * .. -•*.--111!*~,~S!!E~RVl~C~l~Dl~R~E ~!!"j!!~~~~~!:fi~!:!~~~~ _Fl_NA_N..;.C..;.IA_L ___ " * .. _"'9._llll_"f...,·._ __ '5_JO JanH .. lel luo. Ol!!'!!!tunltilO UOO MATURE Jody will babys!<l SPAJU<U: J&rulorill !av. CANDV SU,PLY er 2 c:tdldren, c.oDep Park wtndow1. res.Id., c.o m c I, ROUTE ....., ~ const. d&mip, Frff t sL (Part or Full Time) 9Sl-2119l Doellent rncome tor In lrfc~ MIMnry, etc. hrs. weekly y,·ork (di.ya • '560 LendtuJMnt 6110 or e\-..1.). RetW.lnr and ~ lii!iii~~Re;;,;modd.~dd-:-RRep&ir;;;;. collectin: money &ons J: Co I n Operated Dlspen. 8r1ck. bloc)(. c O" c re l • , LANDSCAPERS ATTENTION 1er1 iD Colla lifesa and crpntry, no Job eoo amall. Ue Contr. 9S2.f9.6 I need land5c1plnc, and wW trade a 17 ft outboard 'trlth b!r"""1tnlltrfor-•Ul'IVUlldln&' a r • a. No scWnc. (Handin n a m • brand canlty A anaekl.) swo total ..... ~"\l"d­ For mo r • Information and details, lend rwn•, addn!1'3 and pbone num· bt!r to: "ROUTE DEPARTMENT" P. O. Box 3146 Anaheim , Cali1'ornla 92I03 FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Wheddy1 Went? Wheddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSlflCATION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS 5pocl1I Rate 5 Ll--5 tfmeo-S bucks •ut..ll -AD MUIT INClUDI 1-w1111 ...., ....., t. ,,.., J..WNt tw ..,.. In trtlM. lo-'l'OUI ..._ ._..,. ......... ..... *'" .t .......Ulne. I-NOTHING l'Ofl SALi -T••oea OMlYI PHONE 642-5671 Te Pl1c1 YOUt" Treder't P•rldl11 Ad Corpenterl... '590 11..i-. Lalo ,.i .,.. ... , bcfor\ your buly naon. CARPENTRY Phone 64~<6!7 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job I:======= Too Small. cabinet 1n aar-a.ee• It o t h e r cabinets.. 54$.1175, U no answer leave P•p1rh1n9lnt '•tntlnt 6850 D\IC at 6'16-2372. H. 0 . NEAT, ~· Pa.inter, UD Andenon drtnklnf. Col1l!p student. QUALITY' Repairs -Altera. Very low prices. Ste:ve: tlons • New ronst. by hour 1,, ..... .,,,7.'4=9=ev~"~· "'"'"'"'cc-,-,7. or Contract. ~42 PAINTING Int&; Ext l..o11'eSI * SHEET MO&l , MKIWIK * 1f.ST TECHllKIW 1 • I ' Frlgk1&U'e 18 min, cycle is Ji' F't ti~r class outboard DIME·A·LINE Adi •r• 1trlctly caat\ In 1dv1nc1 by m.1111or1t 1ny on• Of tiur offlctl the futtsl in the tndu.try. IJ'ld big whffl tilt b·aUer. NO phon• ord1rs. 30 Frfalda.ire1 do the work Will trade tor landscaplnc. Every effort 11 made tt k ltt or corrm a now ad th1t h•• be•" o...-tincl. but wt ca1t- not gu1 rafltu to do 110 untll th11d ha• •PSMal"tld In th1 poper. Older 3 BR ho\ae + g.1 BR MASTER carpenter, $t per contracted prices. Fully ins. units in Hollyv.·ood, $10.000 hour. Remodeling-Repairs. Satis!action KUar. Frtt est. ••~ roR &IJ.6409 or 5J6.3900 Jim Weeks 673-1166 Knowledae of buic t.leetron- lcs o~ lo thre~)'l&n U · perlence. ~ ' Th• DAILY PILOT ro11rvn lM right to cl1Nlty, edit, c1naor or refuM at1)' 1dv1r-ol 40, 30 mln. wuben. Find PHONE tltem1nt. and to chang• Ill r~te1 i nd r.gulatlon1 wlth11itt: prl1r notkle. out bow euy it ia to own ~ eq ssc.soo incrne ......... Jocal property, TD, boat l!tc REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE Perron Rlty &f2.lm CABINETS, Any 1ize job. JOB. Xlnt work. refl.. flu Mill Addrea: •ox 1175, Newport ltitch, C1lrt. • Pll.Ylna: laundry. G&nien C!'OW', Santa Ana, Twstin, Orange, Anaheim Hollywood 1 L Jits, income $590/mo, $«.500 loan @ 7%. TRADE $10,IXXI eq, 1ot twin saew eabin cruiser up to ll'. Ed Riddle 646-B8ll 0w"=,.,=17,,..=:: .. ,-,::.,;;;11,.-,trade=:;:l25 yn. oper. ~ ul JIM. 6'2-4669, 6fe..31'9 $60XI, eqtlity in 3 bdrm, 2 be. INTER or Ext PAINTING, J Coin·O·Matlc: home-. Wlll trade for Apt Cement, Cencre .. '600 IMMED. SERVICE. Local ul1itl, any cond. o.k., R-3 or e CUSTOM PATIOS e nL FREE at. 5e-162'7 CL.A8SIFIED COUNTERI art 1ocated •• followa: COLLINS RADIO CO. .. ' D<!ily Pilot Classified Equipment, Inc. 23341,i W, ValebCia R-4 land or '?' 9fi8.345t PAINTING 6 maint.enuce, concrete lawing A removal 17 Ft. outboard for 1taUon wq:on or auto ot eqUAI val- ue, Phone SH-4637 State: Lie. e 842-lDJO Interior I. "x t e r Io r • Fullerton 'n4: 52S-7833 HAVE $10,000 frtt k clear CLASSIFIED INDEX HARDWARE R-3 lo!. WANT Newport Beach home under $50,000 WANTED: Sailboat For equity in fine 2 BR. plus dt>n, ocean view La· &un& Beach homr . Reuonable ntes. 6t&-31&i. e OONCRE'l'E \vork all rypn, Pool decks & custom. PAlNTING, Papttinc 16 yn Call ~1324 in Harbor arta. Lle & bond-ll24 W. W1rnor S•nte Ane, Callf. HOUSES FDR SALE NIW,OIT tfllONTS "" tllN•llAL .... ..,,w,.oaT sHn111 ... COSTA Ml:SA "" wt:STCLll'I' •• MISA Oil MA• "" VIUVllSITY , .... IC "" t.tllA Yl:llDI 1111 U.CIC IAY ... cou.••• PA•• 1111 IAST tlLUl'P •m NIWPOllT 11-'CN ,,. COIONA Oil MAit -NIWPOIT Nl:IONTt 1111 11.UOA -IAllOA C0¥1S 1111 IAT 11~DI ... NIWPOIT SMOaat '"' LIDO llLI ., .. IA'l'CalST "" IAllOA ISLAND ... aAYSNOlll IHI MUNTINtlTOtrf tlEl.CN -OOVEa l"OlllS , .. FOUNTAIN VALLIY .,, WISTCLtFI' ,,. SIAl leACH •• 14Al tl01 HIGNLANCS nu L.ONO IEACN .... UNIVIEll:SITY PAIK 1711 OllAHOe: COUNTY .... llVINE "" OAll DEM OiltOVli ''" IACIC l,l,Y 1141 WISTM!HSTll ... l:AITILUl'P IHI MIOW,1,Y Clf'I' ''" liltVINf TEllACI "" IANTA ANA "" CORONA DIL MAa "" SANTA AllA HllOHTI •• 11.LtlOA PININSUl.A "" TUSTIN .... llACON IAY ,,.. COAST•L "" tl,l,'I' ISUNOI "" LAGUNA •IACH ... llDO tsll '"' LAOUNA NIGUEL ... 11.llOA lllANO ,., SAN CLIMEl(TE &Jlt HUNTINGTON llACM , ... DANA l'OIMT ... 14UNTINDTON MMtlOUll ,., TlllPLtX. 9'~ ... FOUNTAIN ¥Alli\' 141t CONDOMINIUM .... 11•.L. •UCH "" ReNTALS IUNllT llACH , .. , Apts. Unfurnished GAaOl:M OIOVI ,., LONG IEACM .... Gl:Nl:llAL ... UICIWOOO , .. COSTA MESA ... DIANO• COUMT'I' ... Ml!SA Vl!aor Slit OUT 01' COUNTY "" NIWl"OltT 111,1,.CH "" OUT OP ITATI , .. NIWl"OIT HllONTI JJlt ITAMTOll un Nl:WPOltT SHOllEI '"' Wl!STMINSTll Un Wl!STCLll'I' ,,. MIOWAY CITY 1111 t.INlVlll StTf PAllk '"' SANTA AHA ... IACIC 8A'I' ,,. 1ANTA ANA NOTI. ... EAST ILUFP J!t1 OllANGI ... COltONA OEl MAI "" rUSTIN ... IALIOA "" HOITM TUSTIN ·~· IAY ISUlllOS "" ANAMllM "" l lOO ISLE ,,. Slt"l'laADO CAN'l'ON UH HUNTINGTON tiE•CH , .. HAVASU I.AKI 1111 l'OUNTAIM YALlll'I' Silt LAGUNA Hlll5 "" l,l,LIOA Ill.ANO 13H LAtluteA tllA(N "" SIA\. t•ACM "" 1.AOUNA NIOUE\. ... LOffO IEACM "" SAN CLl:Ml:NTI: 1111 OllAHGI! COUHT'I' "" l.ul JUAN CA .. 11'1'1.t.NO-"" GAIOIEN GllOYI MU C.t.PISTltANO alAitN "" WISTMIMSTlll SUI DANA POtNT ,,. MIDWAY CITY uu U.IUl<l,O ,,. '.ulTA ANA "" OCIANSIOI: "" SANTll ANA Nl lGHTI ... IAN DtlOO "" TUSTIN ... lltv•allOE COUNT'!' ... COAITAl "" NOUNS TO II: MOVIEO "" U.,OUNA BEAC H "" CONDOMINIUM "" UOUNA NIGUEL ,., IMPt..•:tl!S POii S&l• 1'11 SM CLEMENTI! S7U A .. AITMIENTS l'Oa SAl l "" U.N JUAN CAPISTllANO '"' RENTALS OANA POINT "" Houses FurnislMd REAL ESTATE, Ol!NEllAL , .. General a!l(TAlS TO IHAlll -TlllPLl!ll , ftL , .. COSTA MllA "" CONOOMINIUM "" MISA Ol:L MAit 11•s 1t•NTAU WANTID , ... Ml!SA Ylll:DI Ult ROOMS FOlt l•NT "" COLI.IOI PAltX 1111 ROOM & IOAltD '"' NIW,OaT llACN -MOfllS, TltAlllll COUllTI Stt7 NIWPOaT MGTI. "" OUllT NOMES '"' NIWPOllT tNOltll "" MISC, ltlHTAlS ... IAYSl(OllS "" INCOMll PllOPllT'r -OOVl:a SNOlll:S "" •USIHlSS PIOPllTY .... WISTClll'I' , .. TllAILllt PAllCI -UNtv•llSTTY ,.t.llC ... IUllNl:SI lll!NTAl ... 1av1"• ... O,l'ICll ll!flfTAl MH IACIC 11.Y "" INOUSTIJAL PAO•llTY -1"'6T •lU,P "" COMM•llCIAl .., la¥1NI TlllllACI "" INOUSTllAL ltl.HTAL .... COIONA DIL MAii lUt ""' ... t.lllOA "" I ANCHIS "" IAY ltLANOI ... CITIUI GltOVIS '1H LIOO !ILi 1111 ACllE.t.GE ... IALIOA llUHJI nu u.kE l!LSINOll! "" NUNTIN &TON IEACll ,. .. llllSOIT Pll0PE11''1' "" FOUNTAIN YALLIY 1411 OltAHGI! CO. PltOPlilT'll "" SIAl tll!'.ACN "" Gt.IT 01' ITATI! PROP. . ... lONO Ill.CH •• MOUHTAltrf & DESl!aT ,,,. DIANDI COUNTY .... SUIOIVIS ION LAND '"' u.HTA AHA "" ..... ESTATE s1:av1c1: •llf 'NllTMIMITl!ll "" l.L EXCNANGI "" MIDWAY CITY "" a. R.. WAMTl!D ... SANTA ANA NllONTS •• BUSINESS ond (OASTAL ,,. UOUNA •IACM "" FINANCIAL LAGUNA NIGUl!l ,., IUSIMISI OP~o•TIJNITllES ... SAN CLl:MINTI 1111 IUllNlll WAN'Tl:O ... S•.N 'VAN CAPltTlf.NO "" CAPllTIANO llACM "" INVISTMINT 0'""91111111 1111 OAMA f'OINT "" INVISTMltrfT WANTID elll llVllllOI COUNTY .... MONl!Y TO lO•.N ... VACATIOM alNTAll ,,... ,lltlOMAl LOANS '"' CONDOMINIUM •• JIWELilt'I' lOAl(S ... OU,LIXIS l'UlM.. ... COLLATlilAL LOANI ... alAl l!STATe LOAMS ... RENTALS MOllT0,1,iGfS, Trwl 0tt•1 "'' Houlff Unfurni1h1d MONIE'I' WANTID ••• HNl!llAl ... ANNOUNCEMENTS COITA MISA ,,. end NOTICES MllA Ol:L MJ./f. ,,. POUND IF .... A .. I -"'''" ¥•10• 1111 COLLI•• PAllK llU "" ~-.. IWPOIT llACH '"' P•aSO,.AlS ... MIWPOIT HOT$. .... ANNDUMCIMINTI ... MIWPOaT IHOlll ... ll•THS .,, IAYINO•IS ... l'UNlllAll "" DOYla SNOa•t "" PAID OllTU.t.llY ... W•JTCLIP, ... 'UNlltAL DliltliCTOllt ~" UNt¥•11fTT PAR• ,,,, l'L.01t t1n f'11 lltV'INa "" CAIO OP TNAMICI .... IN MIMOltlAM ... •ACK IAY "" Cl!Mlllfll:f LOT1 "" l•.ST llUPP IUt CIMITl!lf CllYPTI ~llt llVIMI! TllllAC• ,,. CltlMATOllEI .. ,. coaONA ol:t.. ,,..... ,,,. MIMOllAL PAalCI .., IALIOA ,, .. AUCTIONS ... IAY ISl.ANOI .... AVIATIOM 11•¥JCI .,. l!DO 11ll "" TIAVIL ... IA\.tlOA 11UllO "" Alll TlA .. SPOIT,l,TIOM -Ml'fltPOltT WIST ''" AUTO TIANSHllTATION .... ltll'ITIMGTON tllACM -5-IOAL NOTIC•I -NUNTINGTo.t HAllOUll -NIM.A .. a TUTOfllNe ..... ••J11T•t11 VAlUY "" SERVICE DIRECTORY PAL llACM -tAllO ... ellOV'I .... ACCOU .. Tllt9 -=•U.C .. -AlfSWlllM• 1a1TQ '* e• COUJfn -Al"tiLl•,.<11 llPAlllL P.nt 6J11 IAIJTA AWA »II AP,llAlllMO ... WISfMIMITta "" AIPMALf, Ob dM MIDWAY CIT"t ... AUTO laPAllll ... IAMTA AflA MllOltTS MH AVTO. luf l•ltt. T .... ale. Utt COAITAl , .. IAaYStTTINa .n11 1.AeUNA alllCM .... IOAT MAINTll>IJM<e •Uf lAOUJIA .. ._..,_l ••• taM:K. MASONl'I', tk. .... 11.M CLIMllfTS ... IUllMllS 1•1tVICO '"' CA,ISTltANO "" IUILDlltt .... CAPllTl•"O tllA'M "" CATl!lllNe "" DANA POtltT "" CAl lNITMAIU"• -COftlOOMINIU#I ... CAIPIWT9alNO "" OUfl'llXl:I VMl'Ula. "" CIMIJlf, ~ ... RENTALS CHILO <All, UcrtlMOI Mn Furnished COMTW.AC'TOIS ... Apts. CutPlf CLUNllN MU MNllUL -CAIPl!T lAYIQ,A llPAI• HS. <OSfA Mlh .... •.v••••• ... ........ WIDI ... O•MO\.tTIOll ... -oa.vtl•e Slltft(I .,, STORE ' or .,,1.,. aLICT••CAL 4'4' H t' .,. I h Mitchem Realty • 6'6-4&37 aOUlf'MtNT llNTAL.I .... un '"~·on eac fllMCIN• :: 8000 sq, ft, Busy shopplna: Hive 10.000 plutic decor-~:~ .. 111>1.111• •t~ "'' center. Lolli of parking. Ter. ator c&ndln valued @ P'UINITUllt 11sto11N• rific Joe. Good will has been $5000 (50c eal. WW trade ..... ~:=r~:•sNiMo :::: built 0~ ~riod ol 44 yean any or all for a BOAT or ••M•••L •••¥t<IS Mt! Fin. avail. For further info:. ltf!m equal value. 673-<l8al etuDIMO. DISCIMe ... · :~':,. THVMt :: :-~SHEAR REAL TV Colo River Resort, Ariz, :J GUM IHOI" 1711 847-8531 Ev 5,16..2123 Ban, Stecl.k house, Rl!ntals, Hl:AlTH (LUii '',,," es. iU dock. $80,000 l!q. for HAUllM• I , HOUSltlaAMUt• .,,, CORON DEL .l\1AR airplane, boa!, TD s, ocean ll(TEIUO• DICoa.t.TIN• l lJI I A vic\V homl! or '?', 51S-Olli9 NEWELL~ LAKE ARROWHEAD _ No. Shore lake view Jot, all Util le M!Wf:T'I. Jake priv, Trade $5000 equity for MW luxury cu . 549-139'1 ~ves. Cement Work-all kinda f'rff Eatimatl! * 636--0374 * CD.1ENT \York, m job too amall, ttuonable. F r e e ntim. H. Stulllck. 54&.E5 ed. ReU tum. 642-2356 Plelt•rlna. Rf'IMir 6880 e PATCH PLASTERING. All typea. Flft estimate. Call-* CONCRETE v.uk, bonded 1--------6'90- I:. lie. Concrete aawine. 'lumW"I Phillips Cement. 54M380 Centrectert 6620 PLUMBING-REPAIR DRAIN CLEANING 546.238T or 560-1'll 7 Equal oppottUnlty emplgy~ - • D6IRE e DRIVE e ACTIOll •• I r " tNC:OMI TAX .• ,.. RESTAURANT lllOM. Onulmftllll, II$. l lM unch &. dinner, stats 35 TO\VNHOUSE 3 Br. 21,; ha, lllONIND 1711 1Ns"uT1H• ''" Top cond. &: Joe. Beaut. appt'd, Priv. patio, 1 1/3 ae C.Ompton M-1 o/ 10,000 sq. ft steel bldg, all blk lop ped, Jncd. Trd TO'll, land or 1 O..\·ner \\•Jflnc • 67:>.3243 San Ocmente locon1e -2 Stotts 2 LQts 2 OUices 2 Aplll. Takt' TO's or trade Good tinancl.nc. Make oiler. Call <91-3262 ADDITIONS-REP Ams REMODELING Desi&ning & Plannin1 KJtcbtll.!i-BalM, tic. Sew=:..:l:.:no._ ___ _:6.;..960;;..: I With D .. r" or 1om1 .~ Collea• open• the ~· INSUllANCE •711 111,000 poo)· n• bay Val 1~" =n IMVllTIOATINI, Delltd1'111 ,,.. 0 L I E . .. . ....... ,"""· JAHITDalAL ''" I •ncy R1• 1t•t1 for T.D., car, camper or ?' ?' Jl:WILll'I' •1:PAllt .. 11'" • 673-3770 Owntr 646-6654 1.ANOSCA PIN• 1111, I !!~!!!!!~!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""! l~:;;-;=::::::-;:;-;::-:::::;;;::::-LDCICIMITM .al] "''°"" """ '"' BEAUTY SALON !4' --N.E. cnr Olym. MOVIN• a STOIUO• ~ .... pie " Rosemead, Pico Rl- PAINTIN .. P_...tM 1..,t11 FOR SALE vera, ~ z.. clear $25,000 PAINTIN9. ... PATIOS .... Attractive, busy, 4 opcrator.1 val. Tradl! Td's, boat, air- :~;::~~~" '-'<Ir. ••Hlr ::: Costa loleu plane or ? • Owner "615-3243 PLUMllNG lttl Days 642-8316 PIT OltOOMIN• IHI F.vrs 548-5989 75' T/S inbrd/outbrd Sl!rt.. POOL llllVl<E 4'11 full j trs ~·• sw11P1N• '"' FOR Sa.le BaJboa Island ram, Y equ p, m com. PUMI" Sl!av1c• :: J\fusic Store. 2'l3 J\farlne plUy o/hauled .. $12.000 va1. ::fJ~G111:,,.1,.., ait. ,,,. Ave., Balboa Island. Inquire 'J'.nde' for TD i, p~p. or a1MODl!LING a lllPAtR ,,.. at above address or ea.II a.trpla.nc. ()\vner. 57,3243 llMOOElltrfO, l(IT(NINI IHI l d5_.. IN,__ •ti.I days. 499-3910, or eves 12 M·l shops in 2 tilt·Up $I.WING tNI 615-JJn ll!WINtl MACMIN• ••PAias '"l')~=========clbldp:. on Placentia OJ. SEPTIC T,l,HICS, ~ •tf. •K!J· Value $150,000. Will trade: ;:~l!~1:8coNTIOl !.~ lu1. Wanted 6305 113 for prop, •l'IY"-'htte, For TILi!, C"'8ftlk '"' balance 1 can 548-1542 TILi. LIM!-.. IM1114e 1'11 Wanted: BEAlITY SHOP In ;:~:v~:,~~~c:,..n, Ett. :: Laguna area. "'ill Pl.Y cash. 'A * * UPNOl.ITlllY ettt 49&-9436 '65 Mmtang Con\', Beaut, Porsche gold. Di.~ brks, pwr, mag wheels. Trade up or down Bronco or VW Bl.18 . 846-9518 eves. 20 aCN!ll Ol'ar Hesp('ria, evel, on future hiv.·ay, zon. ed M-1. Priced at 20~~ un- dl!r market. Trad~ !or com· mon stock. &i-0341 Llc'd le BoOOed. Ftte est. A A: 8 CONSTRUCTION U22 Paularino, CM. * 545-4941 * e Dremnakint:. Altemalions Cu.iitom De.sigm ........... Neat, accurate, 20 )'n. exp, 6990 ADD-A-Room, a pt, unil!, Uphol1tary CUit homes, hvo 11tory -''-----'------ apecialist, 1rff I a y ou t, c:cyKOSJ(l'S CU.St. Uphol. design. 20 Yrs tn the: European Craftsmanship bu11iness. Pacific Coast 100% lin! 642-1454 Bids. 6/a-TI91. \V~kdays, 1881 Ne\\'J>Ort Bl., C.J\f. Sat&: Sun at you r scrvie9 joaS & EMPLOYME'AT * ADO • REP.fODEL '* CABINETS-BLOCK \VAU.S Job W1ntld, Min 7000 Fixer Upper Home on hugl! &t2--98S2 evenines ~IA.~ 25, v.oan!JJ boat .l\laint iit with trees. Exchange Addliorui * Rl!modelin& Job. Limited Exp. \Villing to for El Cajon, Lakeside, AJ. Fred It Gtt'Wick. Lie. learn. Reliable. X1nt loc. pine or M-1 NE San Diego. ~ * 549-211U Ref. 548-3341, 546-9251 Ask .f ortin Co. 642.S(XX) : ========== for Paul. Or•ftlng S1rvic1 6637 ======== * --~-----Job W1ntecl, Lady 7020 * * WILDINO lttl~I========= ------------- DESIGN Drafting, electro mech PJC layout l detail- inic-Ke:n Sr. 6/a--ll91 EXP. Bookkeeper, Llc.~- 1ires wk, to do at borne, Ori&. entry, payroll, q r tr I y JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Investment Oppor. 6310 ANNOUNCtMENTS Jo• WANTED. Mtoi 1111 •nd NOTICES Joa WANTl:D. ....... JIH WIDO\VED" DIVORCED? ·----------JOtl WNtTlD, • 1 1 MIN .. WOMEN JtJt \\''• can bring you ~nlty. L"t 640 DOMESTIC Nl!lP 1ttll Call 24 hr no 673-57.Cl AOltrfCll!S. MM 7\M ' ' MEL~ WAflfTl:D. MN nll LOST ? dog1;, \'le C.?.1. ::~:C~~~t~~-;: Money te Lo•n 6320 ltfinJature bll\ck mal~ poo. JOIS-Meft & w-,,.. die, nttd• clipping, "P ier-AO ... ClliS, Men ,, w.,,.1111 1sH 1st I: 2nd loarui for qulek tt.. J\iixed black male ICMOOl.S .. INSTRUCTION 76't cash. Bonmv on your pro-. . JOtl PllPAllATICfl JIM -· .tho t dl tu b ' w/wh1t~ fpet " Chest. TNl:ATllCAL 7"I .,..., ... ~ \VI u s r ing "Tiger'" 642-41SO AU d~ MERCHANDISE FOR your low interest ls! TDs. s t k sun SALE AND TRADE Al!!O buyers for 2nd TDa. 1··-•---·----- Pua"'1Tu11 • Sattltt lifortgage Co. Inc. * Reward * Ol'PIC• •U•NnU•I: •U Servin& Harbor Atta 20 yn. 011111c• 1.QUIPMINT •.,", 336 E. lTtt. St. Lost In Corona del M~. STO•• IEQUIPMINT .... 642-2171 545--0SU Belae Cocker z.. Poodle: nux- CAPli. •lSTAU~ -· ""'· 1 -old, an1Wera to IAll IOUIPMl:NT ..,., .,... NOUSIHOlO DOOOI ..,. "NE\Y 2nd LOANS AR-thl! name of Sandy, Please :~::~Tru::l!untoN :: RANGED" Top cash lor return, no queationi asked. APPllANCll ,,. ltUODed 2nds 543-1381 Bier. Reward, Phone 646-9303 ,IMTIOUl:S 11\t SIWING MACMINll :::1-Mo-----T-D-,--,.-4-5 LOST very large black :~s~~~L• i::~:~~'"' 11:ie rtg1ges, · .1 -Burmese cat. Vic 17th le ~~~11111" = SlS!iO 2nd TD at $3:1 mo. incl Tu!tln, C. .1\1. Reward. ffl·l'I a s1r111:0 n 11 10% interest all due J yrs 645-1976 TAPIE a1co1011s •n• l;:o==-c;,-cc--cc--c.-77-: ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES G•rd1nln9 66IO ttlum!, T.B. AIR &: AJP, Person•lt 6405 1 ----~-----l!lc. Rel. avail upon reque11 , AN'fHONY1S \Viii pick up 1:. del, 54G-19!>4 *PALM & CARDS* G1rd1n S.rvlc Spiritual Reader. Past, Pre!!-•••1941 1 JAPANESE GIRL -u-Want., to Jive in. House~·orlc. ent, Future_ Help in all life The bes.t, cosls llO mott! 540-l3J2 problems. $1, special N!ad-Prune. _.Plant , . , Prepare I c====~~,,.--- 1"8'. Open daily 9 am lo 10 Alonthly Maintenanc• \VEEK-ENDS and/or ev~ pm, 7421 Westminster Avl!., Exp. Jlorticultur1st ninl:;s, clerk-aal~s cashier. \Yestmlnster 893-9854. TAKATA * 491·1569 * 1'/o INTEREST JAPANESE SURSERY Write for tree brochure 5f6.0"n4_ CompJetl! aardenine dl!1ttibifle 7% I n t ere s t aerviee. Headquarten Jor church bonds, bt!i~ 90ld by all your nUl"llft')' needs. Valley Baptist Temple, P.0.1---.A·I.•1 "E"N""'B;;;RO=s.--Box 5002. San J o • e , calilomla 95150 GARDENERS STUDEl\'TS \11otklng way thtu coUeac . LICENSED Exp. Lie. Reas? 646.<203 CONSCIENTIOUS I a 1V n J apanese: * Experienced Day \York * 8 hours aftl!r 5 P.l\f. 642-5196 PRACTICAL NURSE Liv~ Out Gl243< Jtb W1ntH Men & Women 7030 Spiritual Readings, advice on all matters, 108 S. El Camino Real, Sa.n Cemenlt' care; lndlcp'g, sprinklers, REAL ESTATE cl~an·ups A haul'i · 543-2134, Ext.-ellent opportunity for ex-M>-21>1 "492-9136. 10 AM·lO PM SPECIAL S2 READING O'mtt.;;;:;;;;--,,,-;;""="' I perienced salesman to join • JAPANESE GARDENER one ot the atea! most suc-C.t.MllaAs a aou1PM•N1 A• on Oceanvl~ lot Laauna BROWN 1ilk Jc~y skirt w/ No1•Y •uP,Ll•S ,.. .. Beach, 20% d i a c ourt y,'ht polka~ts. Vic 1100 Cemetery Lots IPClltTIN• .COOS • •INOCULA•S. SCOPll UM 94-1137 blck On.nee Ave., CM. Malnlrnance Ir: Oeanup ceuful tinm . Phone Mr. C:ill 543-2572 Schmidt. ~7171 6411 MIKllu.NIOUS ~ $4500 lst TD, 8% due l yn, PI e a a e re turn-reward 4 CEMETERY Iott. reu. Reliable lawn service, Mlle. WAlfTIO _,.. r;u, ....... Harbor Rest Me m 0 r I a I --'-tr! MACNINl:llY, I:,., "" 10% discount. .............. , mow, "-&"'• m. LUMll:I :: 497-mo Park. Blue Spnice &rt!I. LI * 531·1.COC * ru~~:.~ MATllllAlt rM SIAMESE Sp.yed female:, ~ e l!:XPER J,. pant at IWA'I 11t1 lost, atrayed or stolen, from FAMILY plot. 6 lots. llubor Gardener C.Omplel.r se:rvice. PETS ind LIVESTOCK Money W1ntecl 6350 vie of 3l3 Catalina Dr, N:B. Rest :P.lrmorial Park, Jo'rff eiUmat*. Call MO-l332 ~!~~ G•N•RAL :r,: WANTED $3S,OOJ 1 year lO % Rewanf for info or l"l!turn. ~ ;:~ \VilJ sell all EXPER Japanese Gardener 0001 lftl collateral loan on $40,000 ln 646-80:12 Monthly S@l"Vice. re a a • Dom11tlc Help 7035 Geora:e Allen Byland Agency Employer Paya: 1''ee 1Q6.B E. lGth. SA 547-0395 Chinese: live-ins. Cheerful Permanent. Experienced Far Eut Agenry &l2-8703 ~·:,~'oc• ::: lst TD, and $60,000 2nd. FRIDAY Eve: Terrier/ 51RYICI PIRECTORY 132--0'70Sor540--796i CALIFORNIA Ll~ING <97-1270 0.lh"ab"" male. 11 & h 1 Appflence R111tl" JOHNSON'S Ganlelting Scrv. Help Wonted, Min 7200 Nu1ta111:1 l"lt S15,000. ht. TD 3% brown. whltt, large ea.rs. P•rts 5 Finest equip, exput_ yard ~:~':o~INO l'OOll ::: V ,OJJ. l&t. TD I~ Vk , Helltrope / Ftnt, CdM. 6 10 care! Reu! 962-:1135 AWNINOI _,. Box P-671 The Dally Pilot AJt 5, 67$-1456 SUPREME Refrlaa'aUon &: CUI • ~•-, -wn ¥U:AT~NI .,.:::;:..:__:::_:.:;:_-"'c.:_-""'"'-~·1,.,-'.":".::--::-::-'.".:'.":::--.,.-,---~·~ TRANSPORTATION S7600 l!ft TD. 3%% + 3 pts. ft.IALE BEAGLE. w h I t e Appliance Repair. Ask Jar 1.lalnttnanc~. Lkenltd 10An a YAt;MTl "" Gall Art w/blk & bm spots, mixed Tom. 546-1363, 547-el 5.fMSOll/662310 aJt .C ~~~:r~u11••• :: 847-3519, ~tm-Fb~: FleCa Mcol~.,.°!!~r &. AL'S Gudenlna: Servtec IPll:D--SICI •OATS ... a.uview, .• ......,.....,.""' a.byslttl"' '550 Lawn maintenance, prden· DELIVERY-SI-~. Need 18 Men Immediately Door to UNPRECEDENTED s.1 •• & Mgmt TRAINEE & Jr. L1v1I OP ENI NOS 100°/o ERIE ITT JABSCO Cleaner, Dtburr. j ' . Prefer som~ factory e"· "';, ~ perience In bl.ndlinc: •' ; metals. Good benefit• -'! and workifll' conditions. : 1 1 EQUAL OPPORTUNn'Y EMPLOYER ' • • 4 1415 Dale \Vay, Costa :P.fesa-' Phone: SQ-82$1 (TI.Cl 1 : T' I ' . ., ' MF.cfTANICS: \Ve nttd 2 kc: full llm~-Must Mve own ; tool!. E."p'd only. ALSO ·, iiced• J1 time SERV ~·· help. Apply In ptttm\ ; Riehfil!ld, 19th le Ne~ • Blvd., C.t.f. ,ft ! Accountants 't • CredH Manoi'" 1 : Admlnlstratlv• TtnHI , LOCAL JOBS · ": CALL BOB, 548-7796 ARGUS AGENCIES , ; l8S9 C Newport Blvd., c.rl1 ~ 2 EXP'D tire eh&.ngen, ~ "'11&es, pd vacation, in&: ..! beneli!JJ, apply in puaoftf • Young Ir: Lane Tin! Co. J1!ll ": Newport Blvd, C.M. NO ' phone ca.11.s. ' .. BOAT • ' ASSEMBLERS Experien<.'ed O'OAY YACHTS 3090 Pullman. C.M. ' .. , .. IOAf T•A1l1•s .... ..,, ANNOUNCEMENTS L0 ..... 12xl4" pirture, oranco ,. HOUR 1..., ~ A'A•• ,,_ ,..,,,.-,. PART TIME EVES. ••• ' M.I.' ••• ''. ,,,. *" child cart., 7 da,.. ... • ~ .....,. • ..........., • N Mus t ~ •o•T uuNCMtN• ..,. ind NOTICES le yellow yarn. vi c wk. u.-... .,r -hUd . 2 adult 0 exper. MCf:U. """ REAL &STATE-Shouldn, •· Ml.AIN I! 1ou1' n• M z.. p elf C.O JV!,; •u " CLEAN·UP SpeciaJlst! t.!ow-neat .l qresaive:. Age 19-27. i: •OAT ILtP. 1o1oG111N• m. Feunll (Free Aft) 6400 H acArtCdhur .,_ !o~c aat alttt>rs, one thl!tt a t all i~. edctnc. odd job 1 . Jtavt' aulo & money motiva-)'(\11 be selling the hott ~ 1• 90,i,T 1e:1v1c11 • wy, M . .._...,.,.,.. times. All meals Inc., fenc-Rea110nablt. 5Cl-69a5 area Hunlington Beachi I' :::~ ~==~~~~ = BLACK, Fenale:, medium lDST younc male Lab. rel. ed bac:kyanl, !upervlscd JAPANESE Garder.er, com-t$cd, Earn R CaU Phil McNamtt Vll.lqe . l'ltMIMO 10,1,t1 = size dog. Tannlsh flea col-All blaclc. \V~ cnoker play. Overniaht or \~·knd plete yard la'Viot, ~ 3 50 H RLal Estate 9Gl-Kn or ' ::~ :::~::. *' Iv. Vic Shcftett1l, nr. chair collar. Vic Orie Sl, childttn '!W:IOOtDI!. 540-1870 eathnltes. 5fJ.Im • • _.....,_~03~~~~~--:r.~ ... :,"im:D = Brookhunt • Ottf. 9C-l'133 C.M. M&-«IOO COSTA Mesa Pr~I Cf'Ok·Pert Time 1' ,. .. ,, ... lntONS "• roUNO ~·· tMact slaw. FEMALE Gttat Dane, fawn Uceneed. Ages U; open 6:6 H•ullnp •730 can: 547.7182 MR. MAU.EV Df1hwelhlr·P•rt Time I =~· ~· :': w/ black cast. Vic at Vic-colored. Vic Fount a In to 5:45; Sll Prr wk. JANITOR Surf le Sirloin •teYct..•• tta tarla A:~ Dr. CM. Ph. Valley. U7-2ln COMPARE! 541-S803 GENIRAL HAULING 5930 w. O:>ut Hwy • """~ uu -61>-2'64 •--" 13&-613'1 & CLIANU' $100. WEEK N•wport Beach I MOU lllCQ .. -.-·-9111 LOST: .>1nau black do(. MOTOICYClll ... GREY ~-lame back Anlwtn to "Scamp,.. c. M. Mother will Catf! for $12 per )Oad. Stea .... emp'--t, Nl&blJ.. EXPER.I.ENCD> MOTO•tcOOT••• ....... , ft-'--II ~ ... •••2333 hlld -··.. ...... ,,..,, aft 3 z.. wkends ~ _, .. _ •• AVTO tl•¥JCat • PAtn Ml n:: I lf.C. n.ouu•.:ttone co ar. _.. .,._ )'OUr c In \;\U"le4&C --• Riie~ l'lqWttd. NO e •ftlY COOK e AUTO TOOLS a 1•U1,. M1I Vie. C.M. 646-8608 LDST 'l'Uead•" AM ctuim-home. Fenced yd. plfY 1"1'11, HAULING, Central. Top, moonl.lahtttl pltatt. caJl APPLY TltAl\.ll. T•AYll taS • ....,.. ' 1-" J -b ml"" ~'! TllAlllllL ""'lfY ._ YELLOW Canary. VI c, paiine miniature poodle:. ""''111 Ptl.P, u ..... • .,,_ -trim, remove tree~ 4' ?ttr. Larcome. SG-u..1 Flylnt Butler ~:::s ;:. Merideth Gardtns, Jl.8. male. ''Toni", 83Q.-mn alt. 5· hedges. Bl.c John 642-4030 SERVtCE Station maJ!Alf'r m.am CA.'11.,t•t "" Sun. Jiu ID. 962-1973 fvet. LOST: Gold Retrlt'ver pup. .c BABYSlT I child, my home. AMBITIOQ.S Colkp eo, nctdcd. Top pay, profit BUSBOYS ~~::·.-.,~~=:ALS = f'OUND Stifta Ray type bike mot, ftmale; vie. 34111 St. :i week. N ~wardH11 l Hu Tr\lc:k WID Raul. Exp. lhl.riltl. Must bt tmbllious. Apply In pel'!IOl'I IMP0111!0 ~llTH .... Vk: C.M. cao·~2346 N'pt. Bch.. Rew. '73-5953 nrer, 01ui.. . B . Est. Fitt. Prompt, IJ3.60'B "illing to \.\'Ol'k, must have 3 Belboa Pavll•'•n U'OIT uas ""'' 197-Miil ftference:• a,.; aupervl~ ""TIOV•t. ClA11M:I t111 FDJ. Slame.e kitten vie:. LOST: Ctrl'a prescription H IN I 6735 3 400 Atatn. BalbcM IACI CAIL aoos ''" T •~ -• 147 •-) ~---t o-..i. BABYSl'MlNG; tncd. yd.. OUMC ft ftt · t:tperience. Call 54~ AVfo "'"n ._ annn _,, .. •,.. ._.. I UICI. __,,_ ----nr STOCK CLER.KS AU'Tos wAim:o "" MED •bed mak _ -Mh st. &wute. MT-1129 hot I1.lnChta; kMiw c.rt. • HOUSEQ.&ANING • SALES: I ntecS several ae· IJl!;n th .... cus • · • -y.. Eillt A Beach ltJ'tl HB. ,__"•nt ~ "a ~·-. p ialve Wes.men, Invest--..... per mon to etart. Mon. I AUTO LUii.. "" die vfc. W .. -e.....i.-.. 'e, •.M. •~-"""'°~ -·-. -.......-to .1a .. , .. _ • ...,, ... ., .. ....__ .._......,......... -,.,_ ... "'-,,._ nwnt requtred. LUxury au ......, uu·u , ~ .. ...,. ,..,.,..,_ I w111 cu• ... H.B. NT-1752 -•11 ••••' :.nr,,..,=c-:""'='"""" I """"' _.._ -... 11 ... ,._., 10 -•-,--~-~.._ ~. 1---------------------------1::==:=======::::;1~.::;:;:::;;::-;;;:::::-.:.:; I (J{ILD Can, my homt Pnf ,..,D.,_ art_,__, proyjded If )'OU .... _..,....... -..... .,_ .... _ "n 1· Loot '401 AltrHllw IJ1111rt .,.. 2 ,.._ NW" l9lh 6 k'°R;' "0::~ ~ Olr. Kline. 8U-IJ!62 <>•-Sox M-CI. Dd)-Pllo~ .,., .. , euete HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? YOUNG WOMAN Hubor Btvd, CM. e • or · HOTEL AaIJ;tant, nllht and KENNEL MAN, ovtr 35. ll'ft LARCiE llEWAltDI ....,_wm,.. .. ,....n "'"'* """a...'rw..!14Mlll dor-. .,u1 ·-. b-lnlqw>&.Am1n - sm&J1 brown A wtit mutt •I 1atut alepl. CUI Ardd BABYSITTING fer 3 rr olds Income Ta .. ,T-40 = t~~ ~MU Lquna Cuo1Clt red cOIW. Vlc N. 1'l"jorf _m~ 591-U J...10 PM -... owr. l'Qf home, Bmtoe ' Blvd., NB_ Call 642-3222 cC' COUPLES. all'Wl*s: loMIJ? Plularino, C.M. tNCO~fE 1"Ufll pnpared' able, 414-1191 •'1U. lime Porttr. 5 dayw I 2225 Cal'lyon Dr. #3. or_ New In area' Join the twine $15-1481 Y1Nr hewn•. Sq 1onn com-NTGHT Qerk tor LllW\ll "'ttk. APPb' Desmonds.. No. to... • I • •• -d AM to blncd, 11• ~22 1 0 Ah .... motel. r-12 PM, G 3 ra.shlon t.land. N.B. TINY Yorkshtn! Terrie!'. p e_asure -........ , • ay Catt, • ..,... U<'"'"" .,.- Mt'dlcal atlentlon needed. e 63:>9291 e 5:00. Jlol me1J8, t I c, lronlnt 6755 days, Salary " Apartment DTSH\VASJ1:£1t • Apply In Vic Santa Ana Ave, l'f. B • .u.U>llOUc.5 ArloeymOUI Harbor/Bak~. 546--1539 494-4521 penon. Reu..S. I O· 11 U or Phono S0.'1211 o.· ""'' to Wlllte-<1..,,.,,tol D-~lne lrlftl"I & Alterlllon1 MECHANICS-Out boor 3355 VIA Lido, h'8 &t6-C191 P.O. Box 1223 0.ta Mua.. BRING RESULTS! .. 540-0075 ... cau 514..cMO btwn .. a CJWtGE )mlr want ad"""· ""''"""'"""'""'"==============================i-=..:=-~~~-1.:.:.::c.::=.::::.=::;:..:::;=- ~-~---------------------------.... -----~--~--~------~-------------------------------- I J I r • • Mo Listens To Landers? '" I .. . 'ii SINCE SHE'S " • ONE OF ' THE I TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL .I WOMEN ' IN AMERICA • • • • • • Just ' About Everyone Does That's Mo You Can 'Listen'·to ;(nn t:anClors Deily in The DAILY PILOT • l ' I • The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 s I F I E D IEST 1111\TS! -••••• a ·s scnnc·carcc·asnse···ao -. ' U!OAl.>N~ •T , l.&OAL llUllCB LEGAL Nones LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE rerarc· a a 0 at•* •• a , • & . ·- • - JI •tL.OT,ADVUTISU · Wtd.....,.,Aprtt.l0.1W.9 IOllS • CMPLOYll'll:Nl • T J~ • "'"LOYMINT JOU • IMl'LOYMINT . . ~ --·-· H11I" w~~•11>t,. M9n noo Help W1nhd, Meri 7200 Help Want.IL Men 7200 f!t''' W~n~~ Men ~ ~.A ... 311, IM IWl.Y -...= JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOU a IMPLOYMINT JOIS°i IMPLOYMINT l08S i 1MKov ~ Hllp w ... IH. -71Go H•I• waniOd, .w. Wtnht " Holp WtntM w-1 GR.OW .WITH INSURANCE • ,!Al.ES MECHANICAL ~ • 6BIUL Mwgemenl ·;FGIEMAN w-. _ 1400 w-~ 1400 w-1400 :m;.:•IH ~ HU G'RES ' NEWl'OIT llACH ·AUTOtol19N Opportaily ' ha• vr•nt nqulremenh for ANDA, LIFEl1ME CAREER New and cballtna:inl op. p:wtunitlts are now avail,. able in our rapidly ex- pandirW· Aulomation Pro- ductl DM.llon. w .... :":!!':..=.1 D• SWISS SCR. l:W ttetor needs ~nt11 and ~~I ~' DRAFTING =;.,torn::: ... ~,. MACHINE OPERATORS aheitr., 0 r a DI e, Garden , Two year1 mechanical and/ or printm circuit draftllii ............ Grove and other· cltles tn with Torno ex~rlenct and able to do own "'"""• °""""and C•lil0" elups. t op dollars for top men. Openings nla for hup expaltSlOft pro. ·on 1st ·IDd 2nd slilfts. · e SR:' ELECTRO· MECH. DRAmMEN Four yet.rs experience 1n printed clrcull liyout and mechanical Pf.Ckaiirw. e SR. MECH. cram now under w-.y. - NHdMOMt'rs · U )'OU have.been denied .,, opportunity in manaaement, tbia ii an unusual GPportun. it;y to utilize yoor OYerlooktd talents and to further your amhition3 and lifetime ca- tte'r with a l}ational , com· DESIGNER ... ,. : Eiaht ·)'NI'S experience with To_ all hired as. manager, 1 be.clr&round tn Computer or w~ pay all office ex'penses. compUter prOciucts. h-fust be You will ~W! salary O\'l'r. able to cenerate concept de-. write conunlsslon. vested re- rizns and associated pack-~wal!, ~ ills~ and qin&'. other fringe be:nclits. For immediate consid~ration, please aend resume or ap- ply in per90n to: GENERAL AUJOMATION • 706 w. Katen• Oranir<. c.ttl. 9'1667 F.qual opportU'nlty employer JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excellent Employ•• Benefits LfADS No Need To Knock On Door To Door Sufficient appointments to earn hi&h annUai il'leome. Sales M~ average $10,000 _ ~.«Xt or more. Agents can nm as much with our unusual comm. 1chedule: Liber•I A&H Underwriting No'v, there is no reason for losing 19.les dUe to heart trouble, high ~ pressure or diabetes, etc. P~tinz conditions aroe ~ by agents rat.in&: APPLY I -~is::i:ts~~~=: DIE MAKERS wllh •I leas.I 2 years of experience In slecl rol1 die making. , • - HOT MOLD SETUP MAN \vith experience on thermoset transfer mold· ing presses. ELECTRO -MECHANICAL TEC.HNICIANS to fabri cate complex electr~mechanical as· semblie& using special wiring systems. .<\ knowledge of laminating, potting, molding, paµIting, 'iPI.dering and welding techniques .ia required.·},: minimum of S years of ~Peri•. ence in precision .. eJecm;mecbanical de•ice fabrication an.d assembly .is mandatory. ' lnter•tecl •nd qualified applico1nts should' •pply in person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport leach, Calif. Personnal Office her oI additional II.lea. Lib-Equal opportuiiity e"mployer -M & F Third Floor eral life tmderwritin&' ul'!~~~~~~!:!!!:!!~~~~~~~~~~ THE BROADWAY well. Front Monty Holp W•ntod, Mon 7200 rieln Wanted. Mon 7200 NEWPORT BEACI 1 47 Courts of Fashion FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach Comm'"'"'' are pakl whon CONSTRUCTION applications are aubmitted * °" t;oth lilo & A&H .. 1... FOREMAN FINISH CARPENTERS *MILL MEN NO DEBITS NO COLLECTIONS NO BOOKKEEPING An EquaJ Opportunity Spend 100% o1 your time Employer daJly making sales and EXECUTIVE SALES earning moflll!y, ~ nece.s.:. ,. sary. Age no barrier. It will I am looking Ior a profess-pay you to ~ the details. ional salesman looking for .,,_ h pl ,_ Lil . n.cserve u • com eui:: e Lara:e precast concrete inan- ufa~· ti.rm ~ fore. man for · production type work. Must be m1ture with 5 to lo )'U1'S experience tn motivatina men. Exp. in P.re. cut concrete prefened but nOt flecell&f)'. a tutu~ . with one o( _fut and AkH kit including Den- :::,min ~s. 0= W . ~ Frenchise Group REFERENCES REQUIRED iraiaiy plll!I cornmiL Policies. We abo need · · M open t tratn• Franchise Group Specialist&. A lhoroua:ls backin>Und chttk S:JOO. anaiemen ing Ge 1 A will be maM on an applic- ,rvsrani available for col-ner• gents. ants who MS:I the Initial in. lei' graduates. ,R.eqtd.tts at If yoo are a General Arent terview. · · .feut; .2 .yra. college &: must or have a General. Agency be ~ yn of 11e. If you and are exPf!riencifl& pro- qualify. call Ron GW, M;r, blems in financing yoor SALARY OPEN 827.'l'900 agency. I would espttially Call Mr. Larrome, 54;;..7117 like· the opportunity of dis-1----'---'--'--'--"- CAREER cussing this matter with you in person. We have a fi~ OPPORTUNITY! aodng p.....-am, ITT JABSCO Join todays·tastest erowtni S•les. Tr•iMes profelsion-A-Iutual Fund sales We have a training program No operlence nec:essary-for inexperienced agents, \Ve train • full or part time and an approved coun.e for PUMPS Mutull Fund Advisors, your license, Also a man-Turret Lathe Oper. Inc. qement trainin& program. Npt B. 1603 Westclitt 642.M22 Contact or call for a conti· Turret Lathe S.A. 1212 N. Broadway dential and persona.I inter-· Oper/Setup 547-8331 view. • C09KS • • DISHWASHER • NIGHTS APPLY IN PERSON HUBEN E. W 151 E. Cotrt Hwy. Newport Beach COOK Experienced Only Miltoa Sho1piro \VESTERN STATES PERSONJ\'EL DIRECTOR Reserve Lil. Ins. Co. THURSDAY & FRIDAY Moy 1st & 2nd NEWPORTER INN Near lDl Hwy. at EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EP.fPWYER 14R5 Dale Way _ Costa 1'fesa 568251 1107 JAMBOREE ROAD AMBITIOUS le e a I er NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. "Salesman" who desires (714) 644-1700 load future & advancement with npid (t'OWlng Co. FROM 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. pre vi 0 u 1 Horticulture, MOTOR HOME landscaping or re ta i I Assemblers/BuUdera nunery e-q>er. pref. Not Immediate openings tor men mandatory. Salary or com· \Vith experience f1I plumb-mission open. Call for ing, electrical, walls, cabin· penoMl lnlttView. &42-2248 ets and finish or we 'Will Mon thru Fri. train you. Must have aome -;Po<=1tlo=n-•"0<"n-,in,...,t°'uh--c- v.·ith motor home e.\i>erience. Excellent co. benefit!. APPLY IN PERSON EXP~OIU MOTORHOME CORP. 3021 Newport BiY<I., Cost• Mes•, C•lif ITT JABSCO Mill & Dtill Operator /Setup Good benetitll and work· inc conditions. 14&5 Dale \Vay, Cosla ~Tesa :Phone: :H;).3251 -------.- , *COOKS Apply in perso~ REUBEN'S ' COCO'S 15S5 W. Ad,1m1 Cost• Mes• TOPATRON, INC Ovct lS. Apply in person Five Crowns Rest•urant hand tools. See Rick, 213J klnable Newport Beach Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa restaurant toi-ambitious, *Mechenic-Shielding* 642-9758 penonable YoWl& man,· Will tnin maturt . pe~ 3801 E. Coast 1-lwy. JOIN us TODAY * TELLER * l4lllle Dept. Jol.o Ille -.,.., ol wom11:0 'tftao wort now and ASSEMBLY the11 on km,oralY Jobi. .A " -. ' .. OPERATORS Poaltioo available In our Newport Bucb oWc. lor penonable, wtil·eroomtd tn- dlvldl.Y.I. Telltr expuicDce da.y, a 'ff'ltk or kln(rtt. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR • . ~0$PACE 1 Factory experience detl1'ed. . PARTS MA,NUf~(:TuRER . I Costa Mesa area: TYPISTS SECRETARIES KEYPUNCH OPERATORS hf111t , haw reoint 1upcryia, ' ary irxpe:rlence °"'r , ~ ~ thott run produo.. LEGAL -SECRET ARIES tlon. -lo Ill -or lathe operations • chuck. er, turftt, enalne, •hand acrew, •Ulomatlc~s and trac. en. • International Temporary Help Sel"Yk:e ' Watch for our.billboardi. Anaheim 1'1g.fi W. Lincoln Santa Ana. Ph. 540-0325 Costa Mesa 2100 Harbor Send re:awne to: An Equal. Opportunity\, Box P..f.Q The Daily Pilot Employer . ~ Work Nt•r Home Equal opportunity emplayer. e Accountin&;/Bkkpg WANTED • Se<tttarlal • RecepUon YOWll man with drattina: ex· e Typists perlence to •tart on the Superior Anency iround .tloor of lut;e pre-• c:r.~I concrete mamdactw-. E.Stablished Cl.J6 ing finn. :f.fus:t be able to 1857 Harbor m, Co.!ta Mesa Must hava IOOd vt.lon and df!Xtttity, Nab IChool tdU- cation or equJvdent COLLINS RADIO CO. 197DO J1mllorM Rotd Newport Bo1ch 9U~ opportunity employer MAIDS Full time, d1ya;, EXPERIENCED Apply personnel office, 3rd floor • 1lle Broadway ilwPoRT -· Excdlent worfdns r.ondldona and fris)&e ~it&. P.Jease '!'i>1¥ in penon .to M"-i P&rktt or 1'1r, 1.JtCb. 1 • Glendale Fe~ral Savings 23U E. Co11t Hwy. Newport Be1ch Equal opportunity emplayer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY · UNITED .CALIFORNIA .BANK 3141 E, C011t Hwy CoroM-del Mo1r 67S.9240 Equ<>I opportunity employer call first 642-TI41 read , bJueprtnts, make pro---=-==,,-===- duction drawina"s, learn· qua. CAN YOU QUALIFY No. 47. Courts of Fashion tatton ' pric:inz procedures, Could )i;IU spare two ht'S, a Newport Center help 1n en1inffriJlc, cmt ac-daj f1Ji five days a \\ttk, iJ An,eQuaJ opportunity ~~and tnYentory ,tak· you recelve ~for it? II so ~, employer * HOSTUSES * • ~-call Mn. Nelson, 642-8560 or 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • ~ bet. M PM for an DAYS NIGHTS l"ulure. oiwortunity to enter appointmtnt salts department. enatntt~ -":.-::-:: •T=R"o"T"E"K.,...,C"o"R"P,--1 ina and/or, quality control. ~ NEEDS Prerequisites: P.farrled, ~ yn. old, dra.!tinc e..~perieoec:, hiJh IQ. call lofr. Larcome. SG-7117 Temporary Employment URGENTLY llfDfD • LABORERS lnte!Viewing -Mor, Uu'IJ ~ .. 2-5 P .M. , INTERIM Persi:tnnel S.rvlce '45" E. lith, CM 642-7523 2 Dishwashers A1e over 13, njshts. Appl,y in person alt. 3 i>.m. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Corona del )Ur ' No Phone Cllla Pl.ease FRY COOK: Graveyard shift. Start $100 week. 2 years exper. nee. Apply ln pel'30n S62 W. 19th.. C.!\l. e EXPEJt PA.Y ?>lAN e Matthews Un»n Scr¥lce 3928 E. Coast Hwy, CdM * Receptionist * With typing op. Aces 2'1-30. Apply in person 1267 Logan Ave., C.M. * SEAMSTRE;.SS * E:lg)erienced or .will consider younc trainee .. Apply in pmion Johal\!l!:n &: Christensen 898 \V. 16th St., N.B. .' eorner· or Monrovia &: 16th. COMBINATION, Sharp Bar Maids &: Go Go Dancers. Top waaes $3.00-$3.50 to start. Ph. for lnt. 56-998.1 SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, C:M. MATURE \\'Oman to help care kit bedridden lady. No experience required. should have plenant disposition & willln& to v.'Ork • 6 to 8 hrs, ltlon tbru Frl. &H--0440 BAR maid, no experience hettswy, day I: night ahift. Apply VilW'• Loungeo. 1191~~ Newport BI v d. Betwttn 10 • C pm. No pOOne Mllls. 11\t~IEDIA TE openings in "eeramiC Dx!ustry, in pack- ing or production dept. Ap- ply Industrial Clay Products 18765 Fiber Glass Rd, Hun-Hel• W1ntH Wimon 7400 -"'-·..,~·,.,·=&=··=h=·.,Cal=il;;;. =,-1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; litASSEUSE WANTED HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH has a n opcnin1 for a ·CLERK TYPISl . Apply 2626 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa. Hours 10-12 am, ::... pm on •.130, 5/1 !: 5/2 or call 642-6009 PAYING I: Receivin&" Tel· le. Pttv. ·~ exp. de- ·,lred. Apply Security Pa· cilic National Bank, Llztina Nianel Br, .f9S.4501 . 'GIRL FRIDAY -Ci vl I Engineering finn. Dktation a must. Need car. 5 hrs dai· 1Y· Resume to Daily Pilot \\ilh above avcra£:e lypin& BoX' M-322. skills to assist In the prep-I ="'===--c~=-c=~ ara.liOll of propollAls, feel\. WAITRESS, Exper., f u 11 nical reports and special lirot:. Houn 11:30 to·J pro'jec ts. • Benton's Coffee Shop 133 S-Coast Hwy, La&una. Pleasant pel'llOllality. ability to work unMr pressUtt and a net typing 11peed of 70 wpm requiml. ?lease apply in peL'l!On to: HU .GHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport leec~, C.!lf. Equal opportunity employer MlF Bch. ' WAITRESSES: Day &: Grave yard shift. 2 yrs. ex- perience neeessary. Apply in -person, 562 W. 19th St. C.M. MANAGER.TRAINl.'E Sportawear Bhop, Balboa Isl. Sales experience necessary. 613-8222 Aft 5 PM for apPt. SALESLADY. Experienced only. For baktty. 644-&60 GIRL ov. 18 w/own car to care lor 2 boys, 9 I: ll 3 to 5:30 PM. 6~1381 or ACCOUNTING CURI Politlon ·ii now available in our .Accounting Department that.requires the use ot a JO key adding machine, type. writer, and the usual oUice skills. Thia po51Lion oilers a good ulary wrth attractive fringe benefits lncludin& fully paid for medical, and life 1nsur- 1nce coverace, three Wttks vacation after 3 years, etc. Apply In pel'!IOn at the DAll.Y PILOT 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa A11k for : Mrs. Greenman or call 642-4321 !or an lntervieo,v. E:-.'Pt:RIBNCED STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa ?ttesa S.16-2033 Equal opportunity employer Apply In person REUBBt E. UE 151 E. Pacific Cst. Hwy. Newport Beo1ch * WAITRESS (Night Shift) Hotel CoUee Shop, Experi· enced only, Apply in person. THE NEWPORTER INN 110'1 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, Calif. SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Jo'or Newport-Harbor Area. Mul!t be attractive, well ll'001ned, with tr I e n d I y smile. Under 30 yrs. min. 4 yr:; experienct, SH 90 to 100, accurate typing a must. Send typewritten letler il complete resume lo Box 1715 Newport Beach. Calif. TELLER TRAINEE ---------I Will trs.in capab~ chi for Teller/New Accounts work. Some workina: experience and typing skill preferred. Good working conditions/ benelita. Apply \Vorld Sav. ings & Loan, 292 So, Coast H"'Y, La.guna Bch. -EXPERIENCEO- DAYTIME •WAITRESS • Apply in person REUBEN E •. LEE t51 E. CoHt Highw1y , Nowport llt•ch WAITRESS Apply In Person --·-----SURF & SIRLOIN. HOSTES~CASHIER 59~e~~rtc~.~~Y· 1-lotel CoUee Shop, Must be Position open for experienced. App. in penon MAINTENANCE THE MECHANIC NEWPORTER INN will .. ,,,,.,. ""'""'· °"' 1hift. App, Industrial Clay ll07 Jamboree Road Products, 181G5 Fiber Glass Newport Bea.ch, Calif. Rd .. Huntington Beach LOCAL JOBS! GIRL FRIDAY Sl!ctys, Recpta Gal F'ri, Clerk Carpet store & bldg maleriaJ ~ist ' part time Dental sales. Part time, 3 day week. Aul. Call tor appt. Call Doriii. 548-7i96 J . J. Knickerbockt'r ARGUS AGENCIES 18582 a.ach Blvd 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.~f. Htg Beach 962·3351 INtMEOIATE openi111 for fOU"i lady who willhes to be SARAH COVENTRY has trained as i legal secretary. openings for full or part Applicants m111t have xlnt time &a.lea. Min. age , 18. typing & shorthand skills. Pleasant "'Ork, no invC?st, Apply Laiv oflicts of Platt no delivcric~. For inteivlew &. Barnes. Phone 545--0409 :~~ 540--0614/ 837-41«9/ for ln~rview. "'sE=v;;E"RA=L..-,O"'P=E--N"l"N;;G"s". WAITRESSES. WlU train, full or part time. Must be for \\'omen in II0U1iekeepin1 18, attractivt with bubbling Dept. of --·•1 zoo ~" PARK LIDO """'"" ty. THE -East Coast llwy a t C.Onvaluoenl f>fospital f\fcArthur, CdM Corona de! P.far Salesman e~nced in restaurant who has experience with -1'4S Superiol' Ave., N.B. "2·2410 rnanapment. RepJy to hand ' power tools '· who to do part bo.x # riving resume. wints an exccllent .future. MATURE woman HOUSEKEEPER to live-in, 3 00 YOU have an lndmtrial sewihg machine? Want to do llt\Ylng on ladles -wear at home by !he pie<-e? Must be good and neat Call Peggy. SECURITY Of-TICER FOR PATROL DlITY Box M.sl, The Dally *Shiekling Engineer* lime babytittinr &: assist children. Salary open. Own M,•'ulltu~:~-s01:_~~Y Pilot. ~fu~t ~ q,ualified in field. MfS·S EXEC Ar..blCY wllaundry, 847-3929 roon1. ref! req·d. Perm. Job. -•K ··~ UUI• '!AID, ~-u tim•. ''"'"""' Con!Act Mr ~,,, at O\•er 40 yn. Perm. Radio Apply in person ,. r u ..,.. 494;-~ ··-· N •-SERV s•-Att rt ti. ~·or appointment : 549-U77 ........ .,__ IR 1 ... ,.,.. 1urn>undi""s, Laguna 545-9118 or 962-1151 car prov:l ""· on amo""'" Gran la SUrplus . ..... .. P" me .c.Aa: =:\;1-e ... ry ".. o ....,.. .. ., e RECEPT-CASHIER e URGBITl Y ll&DED. • • Clerks ' • Typists • Repro ,J'yplsts ... ~ • Keypuechers • PIX Open. • A1H111bltn . . W0ttk Wh'f' & '!hort ~:YOU w~ntl ·~ INTIRIM j PERSONNR SERYKE 445 E. 17tlt 'St. I Cost• Meu, C•llf. "2-7523 . lntorvlowl111 j Mott. tltn1 Fri. • ~ .. ,;.. .. 5 p.m. J Equal opportunity ~mployer ,. -· ' ~ •,,. ~ 8UF.FQM'S • • NE'NPOIT Now lnt9rviewing . • • • • l j l e ,SA~ES ~ full time JS.31\~ hrL, l or 2 ~. tticJ>t., Part -20JO ltn. ~ weekl:y. Must be avaD. bet ' 11-4, aomt: nights 5:30 -9:301.o e BEAUTY STUDIO Full time recepUoniat. Ex· J petit>nced operator pre:ll!f'. red, t'acialillt -eXperienoed only. e ALTERATIONS Expcrienced in mens I; w0o mens. Apply in person only. lntcrviews· between 10.l pfQ. & 2:30 . 4:30 p.m. #l FASHIPN ISL4ND RN'S· ICU E.'CceUent M>rkina conditiona. above averaa:e salary and fringe benetib. C.U penon.. nel dept. bet, 8:30 am • ~ pm, Mon. thru J'rt. 52'1-TlU Stanton Community Hospital *WAITRESS Apply In porlOfl REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 w. M11111 COit• Mesi ADVERTISING Secretary/ lookkeeper R11pon1lblo, top lowl position for sho1rp, t•U." ch•re-9irl. Mu?t have excellent skills Incl. 1horth•ncf; handle lfte bkkpt; bllll"t. Undor 30, C1ll hrban. (7141 6'2·3910. * EXECtrrIVE * * SECRETARY * P.fagazine publisher Medi good right arm' with top skiUs. Mu11t be self starter, accurate, fist and capable of handling o w n eoro. r espo ndcn ce . A bi& plusabUHy to write IOOd promotional copy andJCll' advertising e p e r I e n c e Salary open. Immediate placement. For inlttriew call ?\Ira 1'tcFern.n. 546-4310 drinker. Uniform a11'nce. lT~ Newport BMI .. C.M. Wttkends. l'ifust be bo,.._ Extt Secretary ...... $600 Beach. 494-U96 ELDERLY lady to babysit in Light typine I: filina:: Work Pleuc Call For Apply: 4 PM - 5 PM, Jtoom dable, age 71 to 6:), al80 full Equal opportunll)' employer F/C Bkkpr .......... to $600 FUl.L 0wge BKKPR.-Girl my C.P.t. home. llvt1 in or hn. S:30-5:30 &: Sat. 9:30-i,.,..,."",..,.A,,ppo.,.;'!'.,""',..',.'·,..9!1, fOS, 325 N. Broadway, Santa time employment available Secty/Mrkti •••.•••• to $550 Frid a y to t n t er lo r w/pay by hr. 3:~1:30 PM 1 : : 3 0 . A 1 e 2:; . .fl'5 . I' Ana. SERVJCE station attendant in nearby areu. Apply !rt MECHANIC Secty/Ofc Mar ........ $530 Deeorator. 56-!Ml9 (Thur•. 3:30 • 10:30 P.M.) SUPERIOR OPTICAL ro. COMPANION OR SERVICE Station Altendant, 2l to 65• Older me~ prt}er--Pft'ICIJ A.M. only, Sav.f.tor We need 2 men With exper. Exec SecrelaJ'y ••·•.to $525 SPECIAL MACHINE $48-4275 644-117' <X>NVALESCENT AIDE arave ,..ro, 1hUt. Exp'd I :i· !!~ ~~ Rmc: n~; ~~~· ~ Ocean Blvd. in Oeet' tNCk repair, au' Secty/Lqal ·····••••·•' $500 0 PER AT 0 It-PR.ESSES BABYSJftER. for 3 younc flOUSEKEEPER / Babysit-for •lnal11 ladyt Ute duties/ Joca1 re:b. 2983 t:larbor SJl.8846 or n•· sn-&389 • dleael. DIESEL A MUST. Secty/Oontracta • • • · · • .$500 Steady. Garment Mier. 675. active boya; 3-6 Mon thru ter live 1 In w 0 r It I n g Live in or out. ·Short or lmll B~ C J\f Stt M r · MUlfl ha--own hand toob, Seoty/Encr • • • .. •• ·" • · $500 6171 Fri. · 1'fu11t have o w n ' • le-No ~ .. ::::'·• __ _.·· nJLI.,timenJteman·truckCQLLEOE St udent '" Secty/Advtrthlnt •• to$500 ' !..: .__ ""·Uo 1>.••"""'-"' mothct/ S c htldrcl\ ....... ,.lft!o , .,....,r::._. route. Must b&Ye ~. in pmnanent position, part ~ a~~n:J~~ Girt Fridl,y ••••••••••. to $500 LADY wanted for l\lmmer u-.ui!po.... n . .,......,._ ' 6-15-1289 HO~~RS DRILL PRES~ complete janitorial clean-time durlna achool, full time reQulttd. $\3S, Week tb •tart. Secntary/Acctl , •• , . , $41S .elSOli In beach coffee shop. TWO )'Otll'llt women, part ALTERATIONS &. Counter 638 OPERATORS ing: benetits. Only qua]Uled sum.mer, at Chevron Station Bookkeeper .......... ,. $i'15 t~o.· a,ppolntment c a I I, time. Arpy'a OoUtt Shop, r;irl far claning igency. 1 E. 17th St., s.A. lifech. /electronic ~mhlt'r men need apply. 5f&-U25 . 011 bH.ch in La,una. No Call Mr. Larcome, su-ru7 Secty/Recpt ••. , ••••. , $400 133-2197 ldt 7 p.m. 30218, Harbor Blvd. C.flf. Apply 1~ Bol~ Chica CXPERlENCED traineea. Ph: ~ SERVICE Station allendmt. hippies or kq hair! Must W~t= ~ ~ Secrettry ••.•••.•••••• $450 O~AL ASSIS'I'ANT FRY Cook. Apply In pcnon Aw. HD FOOD WAIT RISS P•rt• Counter Min Muat haw experience Daya. be 18. 'M-&003 ---resident only, 7 to 3 and 3 to Bookkttper ,,, ....... ••• $450 Newport atta. p.~ LANES' 1703 MANICURISf I Pedkur1st hlboe a.y CIW M111t have VW eipcr. Good Pffmanent. Apply 393 E. TV SERVICEMAN ll shifts open, Must be neat Ol:rk Typilt · •· ., •••. • $<$50 Call 5'&8-3165 Superior J.:1i-e., CM. Jo5't !-fagnln's B" 1 11 t y 1221 W. <l>Nl ""1 N.S. opportunity le: benetilL lith St Costa ~lesa Put Tlme, AJtemoon all Seeyt/no·ahrrhd , .... •to $450 f't1LL time, qperienced P.10I'EL Maid, part-time Salon oontACt Miss Sande" 4 .,. ~Ask for Herb MAN to as&is~ Mer. in ap. Ex"p. in outside setvke calls. ~~~·;pp: \V. MTSr ()peratot ,..,, )ll S'50 RJUor f'ICl'OW dcrk. P.O. NNpllrt Beach 1ifon ar Tues. StG-5@ N~RSE AIDE. ()penhlo cm EXPERIENCED ......... 5 plll:nce Sftft; neat • bUt. while and Coior. Bond.. """~~.:..:,.=====' Gentral Offtce1 •••••••• $0J Box 100. Sin Cement. m.1841 JNVEN'TORY CONTllOt...'m. a.t.: lbtfta. LAGUNA 8EAOI shifts a """-AJ;i; in pealing.Call;~ alie.. Stnd rnume to h 11 ALER.T UPHOLSTER.ER ~8111~.::;:..:,·; •• ;~ WAN'l'm •babfttlltr' lite Otll.D catt!, your home, VOJCJNG.· RECEI'· ~~G HOME. PB : ...... ~"-""'-• Coo TllAINEE _.,. .. -·-...... -~ 5 u-~ -~--• t TIONIST -"~ ~•1 ~., penon. ~ Wtfd. 21DI W. ,....n • .._ Pr ~ ~·c1. M-• ~ ..-...,.. a....J .. in-n .,..-_••!' • lo tMWI ~. m,y ""'"'""' ~ &lM., ro:nuqwa Pft , , -· "'" ~ --,:::-:=~===~ • "...., • •~ -., ..-. ....,.,.., .....--:=~..::_:::..:~.··.·. to::;: .a.. ... H.B. atta: -.7621. Mon. thN Fri. fil.-9Jll5 tVfti between M 6C2-21666. PRESS OPERATORS Ootan Front, NB Serv. sea. Att., Comm. • Johl?IRll A Cbrktt:naen YP•VKI~ .. ~ -~ • Operahln wanted for plutk LOT MAN, fl.Ill t11J'M!. Soe.t Ml. Tom Sharp OR 3-3.l20 FRY COOK·· rt lief lhitt. 398 W. 16th St, N.B. paX Alli Sen ; ••• tD pt6 MAID owr 30, pmnanenl ~ J VE-IN h a by 1 I t t er 18ABJ'SJ ti EK Mat\Dt I mokiirw wort. Ptl: Nl-3310 shop. Musi M dtpendable. * DElJVERY oruvm * i'~ ;:· tfr~~P= Carner of Monrori.a I. l&th. Typttt ••.•••• , ....... ,, 1325 pvt t1mt. 6 daya/\\'tek, lttr:kllull!worlc. Newport •reliable to JI" rn kw .a bet. 1 am 6 5 pm. no htpple b'J>c5. 1595 Pmnaftent. 40 hr .. wk. plrue. Apply In Jlf'MIGn. PART-TJmt beJp•'Mkd. 0 ·.7S hour. 4~ Beach area. m..7906 chlldrtn. 8'f5i..3S41, 6Q..l42f PAll.YSfl"ll;Jt_medld., -l NewportBlvd .• C.M"-Call:-5*9373-())lla.p c.ouee Shoti· 562 Expdienc\"d preff'm!d. &JO W, Cout Hifh"V-BAR MA:ID Scott-l-t'I • MAIDS ·-* s:AtZ:S PAi'fi"nME• chiktren. d""" ~ bomt:. PAINT MA..--Ht.rt Min tn.illlff. 5a1a.17, w. Htb st. Costa l\le.s1 Apply: Buddf'• Buf'ltt, NP'port Btach l-1&39.39 Hlahltndtr, 436 E. lTth Be-n Brown'a ~lottl, 31108 S. $2.00 ~r hr. Own u.ns. :Mio-OW aft I• Expf11~nccd ptcftrred. J\mn xtnt future. Call Mt. Van SERV. STA. SALESMEN. cor. N'pl. ' Brbtol, Of WA1TR.~ "'•nted. Prclorr Street <mt1 Mesa~ Coast Hwy, Lql1na Sch Me--~745 wkntl" • Rlma llardw•.rt: Contact bt-.'n 2-4. 64M891 , Mah to wort tull time. ,_fu.t EXP'O. Strv Sta Attera:lant. mJddle.qed. No experience LfVE.IN or O'&I blbyslttfr. ffotISEKEEPm -_!tJ\'\ln or FRU~AOURRANTPARTtrr.LTn!:., Wffi RES s ES wanilli, Dick \Volllelt. 5'8-'MO EXP'D MOOIANTC A Rn.. be nttl ln ippeannce &nd TSCllETl'ER CHEVRON nectUllJ'Y. 499-115.1 Owll rvom 4 bath. Refs. day1. 5 children. ~13S'1 Cll' ....... u"'"' Joee.t's Rn:tai.nnt. 2l21 ll. Dollvory Boy W1)\tH GER.).!"" .,. d<l)endobl1. hAndwrlUnr. °"' 2S. 25QtJ 2213 New-Blvd., CM. DINTAL ASSISTANT 5<&-20]1! ~ 6'13-3281 -eo..1 """' C<IM: Am Ill Sroedwq. Lqun&.Bch. l39S Ne1'JIOl1 Blvd. C.M. N"twpart Blvd .. OJ. DAD..Y iin.or WANT ADSJ Newport Beach "'64411 CHAROE 10Ut -.nt Id now. White el~phant1~ I>f"m@-.a-liot SOCK rr TO 'EAi: l .11ttM' 1' ""'· ----.. _. ""'"· , • -• • = • • • •• 2 ace • r et•• ... • s ·ft,,• ..... •••·•••,. +a.., ••.ft•. ft.....-........._..__..___..._....,_._-.......-.---.... ---------_._ __ ----· ..__ __ ---__ _ l';:liHll:;>;;~:r.=;-·-... ---::'.:-:-:::~=~-==-::-::-.. ~ ........ ·-:=,.... ~ . ,... .. .,, , ....., ... ·~ .:· .. . ... __ .. . . ' . ; • o.lllY '1LOT o\V<d-,Aoltl lO, l'M 'll'td""4•1. -..n l0.1%9 ,ILOT·ADVERTtSn 22 JCllf'i IMl'CoYMINT' Jou i'IMKOYMINT MIRCHANOISI FQA, MERl;HANOISI Fi)lt f MIRQHANOISI POI MlllCHANOISI POR TRANSPORTAT1~5~RA~~~A~T~IO~N~J!!r11A~N~Sl'O~P~T~A!!Tl~N; . -~-7600 SALE AND TRADI SALi AND TRADI SAL' AND TRADE • U.LI AND-1'1tADI ::! Import.cl -.,101 9600 S<hool.,lml·-•-> ~Y,. • ~It A Yach!t 9000 Tra!ler, Tra .. 1 IJ~~~--!_f.~400!!' furnltvro IOOO Pt•-a 0..-· 1130 _, .. _ l600M1o-•n1H1 l600 1-~------DATSUN 1-21' CABIN CNI, 2 bunb A a 67 ROUS Royal 16' ~lf-con. s.:!i :·:~~.. 20 Pc •. Maple • New "p1a-• ~ ~~ ~ ~:· N:;· w~ $500 ~ ~,"'1 ET::";'.·,.~·: DATSUN O.· TY :: .. mo. 'N RT BEACH Ona aecftl.&ril.J JIO" al City M&nqc't'• omoe. Thia poc.l.Uoa otfen excltize du~ and respon- aibilitltt for a b~ qual- ified career .eecretar)'. Mii\. lmum qualificationa include 100 Wpm shorthand. 50 wpm typlrc am 3 years o1 in- C!'Nlin&iY ruponalble u- ptrieoce. For appointment Wonnatioc contact person-nf': olftce, 3300 Newport mvd., Ne¥-'Jl0rt Bl!ach, cali· fornia. 673-663.1 befol'I'! 5 p.m., Friday, May ind, 1969. Jobs Mtn. Wom. 7500 -·---·-3 ROOM GltOUP IVtiRLrrzER •BRADBURY ' make onor. See •t 841 "°""'' hlt<ft plus fend<r '67 < ~ < V-AJI l()'I.. & finbhes, ail s lsh D •• ~ ' e Electric 'fypewrlttra lncluOo: 1JWw roam .et • American made as note dtl pan ~ .. de Dr .• N. B. Ownr mlrrott. Uud 4 1.imH. 1600 CONY. • Dk taUrw equ!pmttrt tab!~ • lamPI • bedroom w-bench I tuned. Price ii.rt. Med'1~rran-n 495-4872 Praclk:al:b' n!wl Pri\•ate 4 i;..-f, radio & heater. e 8IU1h up Crta Sh. ae:t • quilted matmu • m• I•• at •-. •• -17 Fr. Ptrlormer. blander party. 146-1987 ,,., ... " UJB ·• -B h ••-f hardtop, Drl\·es iood. ( • ~todttn omoe procedure ple dklkt f'OOm , AD lor • . • Pianos rented opt to buy oug t m.nu Adurar's Oe.J.uxe tnqdel (.all Obef"' SEU' contained ...1-9 ~i' 1391 - • Letter wrltJng akll1s $449 e NEW e '69 Showroom Simple• 1lwJ outboU'd. O.Utom Flttball Trailr.i'. fiOO, e<1ul- Your roais can be &chleY. W rt'--0 At T91'fffk .....,., s,.cs.. 1>91-~ ll\8llJ .,sown cover. Blc wheel ty. Take oYrr pay t 1. ~ In a minimum ol 3 No down· Pmta. cnl)I $1& mo. U IQ9"1'" rgans 8' \Yood carved arm divan, Jg. man 1 chair tilt triller. $100 or belt oU-Sacrifice. death in la.mily. w I: c k •. mutmwn • wm·s w AREHOUSE t.tany ol r mUc5. Mab, or Jov~ aeal '5 Pc Octagon dark oak din 1et fl', PbDne ltM6l1afta>7 pm 64fi..3121. after ' pm. "-"etb. Aak for Ncwia •l>'le• flnisbu. Prices w/black or avocado framed cha.in; 8 Pc BR 1963 3Y TRo.IAJrt ·Radio. Hottman at W-3370 for 60l w. 4th St., ~A~ta Ana start t $S95.. t 9 d M ,_ Mr •-·· I -2 I ~-~ ~ J Trucb 9500 __., EV YTtJINe IN MUSIC se · · r r. Q; s. w~er, g nurror, a .. -..... or ' full ~leN~RT Open Daily'· 9 1•1,,. C commodes, d.ecoraUve headboard In Spanish ~-Sips fi. t'-eonct AIT: L&ndJ..pen! 62 'l T. SCHOOL OF BUSINES.S Sal t . ' SWl. lJ . (j ~~h Mu~ ente.r oak design wltb matching box springs, mat-S8SOO. S4U Marcua, NB. Qev. fl.at bed w/Y!' sides. Or Ii Beb SCRAM LETS Factory ~e1 4 Strvk'e tress & frame. 61S-O&U, ~10 ~fetal bed, 1001. ,dra"-.n;, 833 Oow.r ., ewport . • Daily l~ noon 'til 9, Sat 9-$ lt•ms Sold fndiYidu1lly 36' Chris Craft H.D. sprlna;s , Ideal ANSWERS 17404 Beach Blvd., <Hwy 39l Shop Arol)nd -Before you buy Me USI 19f>4 Sport tithing, twin ena:, •Prinklu truck. 64 ~~ T. LfFETI?-.fE Gift, typewriting. Children, a:randcbll~n. or ~unelfl Individually tutor. ed Chilcoat 10 !eS90"3 typing s::hool. 1'13 Del Illar. CM, ,.._,.,, NURSES Akles are nttded! \\'ea.set -Sheaf -Crtti - lita1ron -NE\V CArt Mixed emotions is watch- ing your mother.in.Jaw io over a cliff in your NEW CAR. ~:~~~1~· :::1es:.1~ VALUE1$1095.951-FL!~&..LRICE $5k29.95 ~utt=c. ,1,cm, ~. 9~?~ ;,~,1 ~~D~ U d H oncl or erm1 ., ow 11 ..,....&r"'"per WM , or . iprinp Both truclca sood ~:GAN'"SALE Use our Store Cha rge Piao or Bank FinanclriJ 25' BERTRAM '65 Hard lop cond. Ex. mechanical. ,1295 No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Values lns1de twin Mere 120 10. Clean ea. 646-1718 B-3'1, RT-2, C2, A-100'1, M· bilge, eosUy t>xtru, 0Uen-1,,S=l~OIE==v~%-to_n_tnr_o°'k"°"E,-ng lOO's, L-lOO's. M.J. A Is o m_ln $9400. 714:548-5919 ... ,, o/h·a·ut-•. H, j P" many pianos -Stl:inway, •" cu $1695 ATLAS OiRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ?-IBSA 546-1934 Open DaUy 'ti! 10 p.m. DATSUN '6.S Pickup •• $1695 vwvr.61 , '67 Sedan •. '1395 TY'r.ai '66 Wagon .. $139:1 SQ~-- • J. C. Ptnnt'y Co. Fashion Ula.mt --Hu OJll!!nlnr for Comp!, accred, trng &: job • plcemnt. Nunes Training ~M"'c"'v"°IN°'G".-· "'M=u=sr~s=E=LL~"'2 Institute 4016 W. Com· Dbl wht canopy beds, 2 wht monwealth, Fullerton. ,l· students desks &: chrs. 3 52$. M \Vh• ehests. Mple cobblt'rs e FLYING LESS 0 NS, bnc:h, Step end table & co1npl pri. Ue. pkg. from Bkcase, 23" Console TV, $600. PB.¥ u you learn~ nds. minor repr-. 646--0761 '65 Pickup . , $1195 N~1W452 Wurlitzer, etc. 18' V-8 INBOARD & trailer; ipri.Dp ~ load levelen. Open Sunday 12 to 4 14' boat, trailer. Sell or $425. call 54~2044 fl LllDi6 HAti1ti10NO tratie. TI.f: '176-0673 '54 atEVY i,s Ton. lumber 1111 at • in CORONA DEL "1AR 24' '66 GLASS boat, 150 hp rack, new battery. $195. "'IL "" E. """ Hwy., 613-89.10 110 • "''" S5600. 5"""'n. •-===*=64;'·=-"'=*=:"'': I IMPORTS ONCE A YEAR 648--5011 or 646-7301 1- TZER !!!!!!!!!!!!::IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!'f'!!!!!~~~~~~~!!s;;tt~;;----,90jQ,jjlO Jffps 9510 TOYOTA·YOLYO WURLI Ml II .,~ u. h' 1700 S1i11>0ats 1006 H.,bor, C.M. 646-9303 PIANO &: ORGAN SALE see 1neous ~ ,..c 1nery etc BRONCO 549--0126 * COOK * PIANO lA!uon:s: The very \Vith some txperienoe and best Jn inatrueUons. Call "·illi"I; to learn our limited 644-2639 menu .. Compttitive v:ages,· .:.c.;.:_,c'°u=sro=M~=eu=1=L~T~- QUEEi'l Simmons Beautyre!t matt.ttu &:: box sprina:s. very clean SJS. 546-(923 24" BA R stools, SS, each or J N P . fro 1519 ' • 61' "!ESEL YAWL '67 ew 1anos m... .. . ,_. .., 4 h I dri 'th h ,_ N fro .,.,M OJMPl.ETE paint 1pn.y rig FORKLIFTS 2 ,1,1, ""' ,1_ -frig. ·w ee ve "''1 u ...... C\\' Organs m ...... .,.,.,., ""''~ J'ardto ~. hitc radio WHY BUY USED~ "'ith Jnd~ltial compreisar · 4,000 lb. Oark, 6' ma.st, R/T, falho, blt '67. Sac. "' p, '""' w • ' Open Mon & l'ri ens 'ti! 9 21/, gallon pot-gUn-ncw hoses needs a lot or work •• $300 28, SLOOP heater, rear seat. $1900. or for $12. · * 5'1fi..0053 * e Rental Purchase PlatJ • $300 value Sl.60. 10" table 4.000 lb. Yale, !Olkl Aux. Try S4500. Best Oller. 879-6088 Days Gould Music" Company aaw motor &: itand $8:i. .............. r.1ake OUer! e PAClFIC YACHT SALESe ,,•~ru'°'y;. =.-o-,_-=,-:-;;;ol oubitanding benefits includ. PLAYHOUSE $85. in&: profit sharini;. * 673-20'.IS * Apply in pel'300 10 A.~I. to 5 P.P.t. Monday 1bru Friday J. C. PBlllFf CO. MERCHANDISE FDR SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOQO SPANISH Returned t.rom htodel Homes on u.le at Jei;s 1han "'holttale! Group inch•• • beautiful 5 6 ' ' quilted IO!a & love seal, 2M5 N. hfain, SA 547-0681 Heavy duty Mi I w auk e e 4,000 lb. AC pneu. 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Mll.ITARY Jeep. dlev V.S. Office Furniture 1010 CONN ORGANS ::r w~l· ... ~awvyl18al.u .. '!'~ .: ............ Make OUet! 24 Hour Phone 673-1570 New UO x 15 tires. M~y 1i= .. ,,.._..,1.1 •w 6,000 lb, Towmotor , •. , $895 Coming CUSTOM DLX K <fl morr extras. Will ·cons ... er ALL MODELS E. lsth SL C.M. 646-7634 639-2691 or eves. 897.2433 CAL 2U . Perteet for family trade. 645-23111 CASH REGISTER , National, 8 df:pt'a, eood Cond. 347-8536.. AM'1 536-4868 NEW &: USt:t) FULL Marquette tune-up cruising or racing. Sips 4, I --------- Hear the NEW 3 J.lanuai! equip 6 mo's old ·SllOO, FREE TO YOU bttt carries a dozen, Head, C1mpert 9520 Gould Music Compariy Shar>-0n air chisle & impact Genoa.Spinnaker, boat balh. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I Office Equipment 8011 2045 N, Main, SA 5-17-0681 wrench $235, Compl. Jet VERY Oulfy t.; lovable Xlnt oond. $3500. 644--0816 11 air-<:ond'ing equip & itoek h coal I d k' CAMPER THE BEST DEALS $150. Other miscell. cau alt. c ar co .ore ittcns, SABOT, xlnt cond. Complcle, • I' F1tftion lslond An equal oPPartunity empleyer * 3 Spanish oak decorator fl'.bles, 1wag or lable lamps, "'all placqul'!, king, queen. AUTOMATIC t elep h one answering equipment. S&lcs k. scivit~ • all makes . ......., On Pi1no1 & Organs 5 PM 897-48.17 ?-.fostJy Per.nan. Dun.can. mast, 11ai1, eenter board. Sales • Rant1l1 P.~. Bo." 261, Murr1ela, $235. See at 1532 f.liramar Authorized Dealer Are Always Al KNITTED FABRKS eai.r. S11 o •• Balboa. · Eldorado row- -EXPERIENCED - Nole • Teller • APPLY IN PERSON hi Nalional Bank of Orange County 1650 Ad1m1 Coat• Mt1a or full &izf! bedroom suite ?-.iULTIGRAPH duplieator \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO complete incl box springs, model 80 and supplies. $2Zl. 1801 Newport, C.M. 6-42-8484 mattress, linens It boudoir 64Z-50"l7 1664 Babcock, c.~i. GIBSON J.50-- lamps, Spani.sll oak 6 pc NE\V McBee fling Sfltem, with lia.Mhell case, dinina: set priced Plsewhere suitable for real estate of. S320 new, $200 or oUer. at approx. $11$.00 AU. !ice. $25. 644-1.352 Erie, 675-516? alter 6 P?-.1 • FOR ONLY $399. $20 d<lwn. ======== $4.9'J per .. eek , out of Appli1ncn 8100 * BABY GRAND Plano; 1tate ettdit OK. w i 11 French Provincial styled. separate for qulek &a.le. 2.IJth 6 r.10 old \VESTINGHOUSE Take over payme nt 1 . Century FurnitUtt, 9 7 7 2 tree standing double oven 546-28Ei Garden Gf'O\'I'! BI v d,, elec Range; coppertone eo\. 'K'°"IM~B"A"LL,.,--;C°'o""'°=1,::tt'.C•"'.p'.";a"oo". Garden Grove Dally 10-9, or. Ne\\', cosl S469, "11.1 Light finish; like new $595. Sat IN, Sun U.5 Come ,,""="'-· ".,'"=1325.,,..-_831--c:-'767--~ 54&-9688 in '1r call (714) 53()-.5240 !-""OR SALE : 11 cu in. ......... , Fu_1..,_ -turned from dis. Coldspot refrigerator. Good --------8-2-05 .... ~. " •· nd·oo· s 4 o TeleY ision play studios. model homes, 11.'0r ing co I n , --------- decoraton cancellation. 962--435l "FOR SALE s~•GLE .. AKC ""'': 2 Yn. • CAL-20 by '"" ,.,,_ Good Wind• • Sootsman Good fan11ly &. hunting dog. cond, v•ell equip\. \Vk ends or 30,000 Feet of Camper Free lo good. . home w/large _,,, "'"I03I 0, Displays Remnants, samples & Mill ard M v I j .. ~ Th--' ends Sat. Only 8 a.m, to '2 Y · ission c 0 ' (213l 339..S'l'S-I -ore p.m. m Bak"·"°'" M•.., 830-'363 CANADIAN SOLING ROBINS FORD GOiNG Out of Busin<!SS-Ad-Pl..i\YPEN: Stroller. tligh AVAILABLE SOON11 2f8I Harbor ffivd. ding maehincs from S20. ~~. e=e stt!~!·twi~ &hock, Newport 673:2050 Costa Mesa 642-0010 TypeMilers !rom $ I 5 · bed frames. 64~2030 5/2 Columbia 5.5 Metre Calculators from $20. 1700 ' F/G ri COACH· TRAILER \\'. Const I.fwy, NB. (In 2 YR old Springer Spaniel. 'l1 ~p ced right! RENTALS {){'eanie Yacht bldg.I !~~a.le, w 0 n rl err u I w/ 4: '. 213: ~ It's none too early to make NEWPORT Beach Tennis c111l?ren. Needs large yard. NEWPORT Fl1lll, lip&re sail, reservations for SpriJllr Hol. a b ,.1 .. _ h' I ··' 675-5044 Sil nid_der &: boom. Good road idays: u " emucrs ip or l)lLle. Large male Ausb'alian trailer. SIOOO. bi:>-3188 \VEEu·END OR WEE""Y Save $200. Call H a r r y "' ,...., Butler, 805-482-3&82 0 r ~hecp<log; Vo?TY &: en t I e. 28' CAT. Choy de 1 g n , 546-0291 \vrltc, 1956 East Banerolt, Needs I g c. yard. Ensenada vet. Extra!. S8000 VACATION TRAILERS ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER COMPLETE SALES -SERVICE PARTS CENTER NEW· USED Theodore ROBINS FORD :!060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 61:t.0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport lmporta; Ud. Qr. ange Couilty'a only author- ized dealer. ~S·SERVICE·P ARTS 3100 \V. Coast H\\'f, Nel\'f!Clrt Beach 642·9405 540.1764 Allthorized MG Deal~r JAGUAR '66 JAG >.."KE, 2 tops, clean; sacrifice $2995. ~924441 KARMANN GHIA ASK F'OR: ?-.Ir. Stamer or lllr. Springer Spanish &: Meditrrranean etc SERVEL Gas refrigerator, RD FURNITURE good condition $15. :n2 Apokna, Balbo• J,J.,d. 213' RENT OR BUY Camarillo. Calif. 1 6'12•9481 5/l va., sac $5995. TI4/89l-11J19 have a Scotsman summer QUAL. Kng Siu bed \VI SiilALL black &: white ~uppy KITE, 2 saUs, hi-way trailer, Avail. loeally by wk or quilled mall .• e 0 mp\ et e p/poodle, 8 y,•ks old. 67;)..32TI xlnt cond. $700. 846-0082 alt y,·kend. Ph. for Reserva· KAR1".tANN GHIA '61 Never used S98; V.'Orth $250. aft 5 p.m. 5/1 6 pm &: wknds. tiolll. 494-4922 1mmaeulate An equal ()pportunity employer PURCHASING AGENT Should have five to !l'!n years commercial computer ind~ try ba.clciround and be able to ntablilh contl'!mporary J>Urchuinr aystems. Should aho be able to develop new source suppliers, rnanaa:e in. wntocy and material sys- tem!, ~ 1Uboontr&etor arra.naernenls and procreu. and handle proeurement of capita.I equipml'!nt, outalde services, materials, supplies, parla and compments .. ne. a:ree prelm-ed but not re. quired. PleaAe send rmime and applieable information to: Box ?-.1-628, The Daily Pilot. DISHW ASHB! TOP WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS . APPLY AT MANNINGS, INC. 1144 N1wport Blvd., CM 2ll1-0365 . every night Iii 9 "H~OT=ro=1N~T~-A-,,-.-.-.. -.... -,, Wed., Sat. &: SUn 'til 6 late model, xlnt cond $45. 20 PC. MODERN • •11_.11, * 3 ROOM GROUP NORGE G" Dry"• '"' model, xlnl cond. $j(). Includes: Floral sofa a. chair * 847-llll5 • • walr.ut tables • lamps · ~=~~~.,..,.~~~ complete bedroom with quOl 6 ~tOS old Frigidaire Rl'frig ed maltress . 5 pc. dinetle, 'v/autom ice maker, olive etc. A.0 for .. , CTTI· $385. 549-4(197 C!\'eS, $277 RAC automatic w & sher. Good condition $45. 536-6612 Ne. down. Pmta. only $10 mo. WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE fiO'J w. 4th st., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9 .6 Sun.u~s QUAL. Kni; Size bed \1'/ quUted matt .. complete Never used $98; worth $250. 847~~ SOFA & Chair, new. never used. A-take oUer. Sl81025 or 962-3059 eves On!)'.. Antiques 8110 ANTIQUE SALE! Quitting Busin•ss Everything goes • dealers \\'t'lcome • wholesale prices! * 4 Roll tope * 10 Oak tables *· 4 Hoosien * Han seats * De11ks * 1bousandl of sroaU roodiea! ANTIQUES AMPERSAND , 2624 Nev.'P(lrt, C.M. 642-3069 Vast stock Arntt/Eur turn &: elockL Larry MOX'pn Anti· ques. 2428 Newp, Bld., C.M. S•wing Mtchinn "20 CeLeR TV FREE Parts & Labor S7 M•. No Dep•sit Rent With Option to Buy We also rent the followlnr: * Furnltun *. Wubers &. Dryers * Refrlgeralon &. Ranges. 521-7555 • ••••'•.••I * Credit Problem•? * \VE CAN HELP YOU! 847-0406 4 KITTENS, PARTWANTED F'OR RHODES 19.196& V\V Camper w/tent, 1 ;===6=7>4=943==== BUY, sell <lr trade. Fw·n, RUSSIAN BLUES Trailer, d<llly or 2 0 . xlnt cond. 1964 VW Bus, appl's, anything ot vaJue. 6'12-3354 5/1 berth. * 675-7402 goot.I cond, best oHer. Prv Ace Furn It u re. im HALF.COiiie, half Ger. Shep, '68 KJTE No. 800. Perfect prty. 646--8886 Mon thru Fri Newport Ave., Costa ?-.fesa, female, I yr. old. Had sho1!:1. condition. Call all. 09-S~=~----- 642-7015 or 548-42Z7 548-6606 5/2 6 PM: 61~1901 '&I VW Camper, pop top, new e VACUUMS.---f'Er.1Al.E kitten, part Manx, 14' HOBIE CAT tires, hew <!ng w/1500 mi SlO up. Repairs &: parts. 8 \\'ks, bob-tailed &: culc. (TI41 642-83.15 (213) 439-7667 left <ln:nguaJ· ~,e,nt9!"60· Many CX· nea.soriable. Coe..!it Vaeuum, 6iJ.896J 5/l tras. · J;J6'" 3J3 E. 17th, C.1\1. &U-1560 ADORABLE luuy kiUcns, 801t Slip Mooring 9036 8' SLIDE in c~per; S' high. BABY Ctib, .... ·alnul, xlnl partially hsbrkn., 6 11•ks. . Xlnt oond. $37.:i cond. Foam mattress $40. 2 old 646-0111 5/l WANTED: Permane.nt Shp 549-3004 . for JS' Poy,·er en.user by· 1~========= I wheel bike lv/training whls, 2 FLUF'FY black kittens, 6 middle of June. 842-1962 Dun Bun"IH likl'! nc\V SlO 548-2034. \\'ks. old. Pis call aflcr 4 Evenings. e •• 9525 EARLY Amer. coueh &: chr, P~t 56-S138 5/2 El\1PI SPORTSTER, Corvair 2 end tables, coppcrtone BLACK & \vhitc fem a.Le pup-801t• Y •cht powered nylon top, 1.tyen =~~~~---- Frigidaln, rnod. tables l py. 2 months 0 1 d . Chirttrs 9039 buckets, wide tires, top chair, etc. 546-<£13 s.15-3157 5/1 cone!. $995. 645-2076 * POOL TA,BLES * RING-TAIL monkey with BLU~VATER CHARTERS DUNE Buuie 1500 engine CWJtom -anlique -n1odcm <luldoor cage. lBOtl Butlf'r, tf·Dnve aaU or power boat!:. Burro type, metal body, • tLi;ed I ,· 833-0398 5/1 Harbor cruises/sport fish. Gates titts. Offer. 546-6109 s t. JOO ""'-2130 1" o I'\!U")c, Daily • Weekly * 646-9000•-'--,;;;;;;,o-;rn,'<'i;---por ....., pm BEAUT "lovable yow1; adult r DUNE BUGGY DRESSERS, 2 stove s , ycllo\\' n1alc cat. L<lng h11ir. Fishing lo1ts 9040 -?l-1etalflakf! 54°""'1 clolhcs, mining tool~. Bric· fluffy tail 542-4j67. 4/;,(l $750. o--.i a·bi.·ac, 272 C<Jsta /.Jcsa .St. 27 .. Flshl Bo I'========= c.t-.f. FIVE adorable longhair kit· •n. ftfJ Gt I ported Autos 9600 tens. 6 \\•ks, male & female. 6-cyl. Chrysler engine, o ... -er-''.::m::i::::.;.;:;:.;..;;.:..:;;;._ __ UPHOtsrERING • rEuro-i- 673-4106 513 ''"'"' Nov. '68. s_,,,.,, l AUSTIN HEALEY • pun craftsmen) Free l'!SI., cit>";, pickup, 215 ~ta.in, J-lB 1 LIVES Left •. male & l{ead, Galley, Bail Tank.1-------::--- Bernard's Upho1. 5.1&M05 female lcittens, hscbrkn. Docked at Jiuntington Bch. '67 3000 ROST • Cu~. 6 wks. 546-6946 5/2 $2,200. ~'1315 after 5 p.m. Racing green, black Int. KITIENS.part Sillill!.'se . ( or anytime "·ee~nd!. Ready lo go! VHW165 MG MG Sales, Service, Parts Immcdinte Delivery, AU f.1odcls J1 rlllPOrt 31i11 p L1 rt s 3100 \V, Coast llwy., N.B. 642-94<6 54().1764 AuU10rized 11G Dealer i1''1\U1& Hills (Lei~ \Vorldl 831-«i90 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Roam Ciroup FROM !.IODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sofa A: chair -2 end table• It cof. fl!'! table -2 lamps -dress. er -mirror -headboard - quilted box 511ri~ A; mall· ress -5 pe. dfninl: room; "lP.ble &: 4· hl·baek chairs. New Color TV's, stert0s le combos. All ?tfajor Makes. 1969 SINGER With tlC·za&: I: Mr. Duke 522-6144 waJnut con50le. Makes but-e COLOR picture rubes. ton holes, designs etc., SS.2J l'M'.'I\', installed $7S. Call mo. or $36.00 ca&h. 526-6616 96l-5303 anytime DBL bed, springs & mattress S15. G.E. Wlllihl'!r $25. Dbl oven \Vedge\\.'ood ras stove $30, 548-j66() St. T ol 14 goU elubs with bag & eart, beautiful condition. Best olfer. Call 494-2539 for NEED lovln& home for moth. FLYING Cub, Cea&na 150, t4lt. [11,.; 1 week.sold. Trained. 5-1&.8~ Flying Lusona 9150 If l""5 • f'r cat It, 1 kitten, Kitten $9.50 hr. \\"el. Harbor Avia· UUl.(J MGB "AVON CAW.NG" .V. 111dvertitttncnta p&\•e the way for your "eall." Many polenlial cu11tomera eag!rly awaiting AVON service. For high ~·~kly l'&rnlngs and pleasant, interesting work, eall ~7041 or 546-5341 lO<EEPER; fully exp'd, full charge, for Lquna prmet ?-.Ug. Job oUers challe~. responsibility eood pay. Star Ptlay 26th. Ca.II Carol 49H027 El.EPHONE Sale1. Guar. e.alary +. llarbor area. Good rnponae. Jr. Sport Dlrte- lory. TI4: 548--1290 or '213: 37Ui81 collect aft 6 RJAR FISH &: OllPS need! COUNTER J-IEl.P. App: J!m D, Harbor 81\i:I. Costa M .... Sl;yli1t, c l lente le ptt'fl!tftd. Full or part time. 643--1171: 64M2S5 "HAlRDR&SSER WANTED Jadtie'I CoiUure- Beach. HB 962-7312 ESTATE Salcsrnen or Broktn: wanted. "'oodward Re.l&on !l62-3l43 ~lllCIM,,Mon& -7550 newport . penOnn.I agancy Pr«euroMI Service fw the omploy1t end the .,.ncant ~ In 0.Wr Dr., N.B. 5'9-27'3 8US"f ut)I aJon. apa• fdr ftnf, CK.IN'")(. aru. to-.'*10 or eo-rm COMPARE AT $149,95 $399 BRAND new Sewing Ma-1 ----~----­ chine &: Portable T.V. Be"t. l--~------ 6 pm. 8 pm. 64&-2239 Hi-Fi & Sterto 1210 "·eaned. 646-7583 511 tion: 842-2430 IMPORTS • ?-.IGB 66\;j, Rd L l r • appointment FRh ~E ~hltltton',: .. "t'f'l(N,2176tly lonS/gl Mobile Homes 9200 TOYOTA·YOLYO BRG/blk int. R t.; H, No d<lwn-Pmts only SIS mo. Musical Inst. •125 MON AURAL h \.ft NE\V Singer portable se11ing air·\\ c, u · -1966 Harbor, c .r.J, 64&-9303 Odri\"c, chr \\"irt'!'. 10,(QJ mi. phtlnoarnph with AM·FM machine, n1ust sell-best ol· PETS and LIVESTOC UBLE J967. big comer!~==='=='===' I imn1ae. 675-1714. or aft 6, 1 WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE Gult1r Heldqu1rt1n 8 NE\V and USED e 600 W. 4th St., Sanla Ana Fender • Vox • Stanciel Open DaUy 9-9 e GIBSON e ?.tARTIN Sal. 91 SUn U-6 e WU.SON e Y AMAflA STEREO Ha.rmoq..Kankn, 6. Drum Heedqu1rters maple .Ul-F?i.f, Garrard e NEW and USED e player $200. Trundle bed, LUD\VIG , ROGERS. ASTRO maple, box 15priflil 1£ mat· Large seleelion with new 4 tress $75. Chamber's range pc. sets 'vith cymbal~ start. $15. 1.loving-mut M!ll by i.na: at $99.50. Pedalll. hl·hats this Y.ttnnd. Call aJt 6, and set1 1'l'!paittd. All small 847-2017. 1711 Quebec Dr., parls. aee&s0ries &: cymbals HB. ln stock. EVER'f11{1NG IN MUSIC 17 Pc. King Sin Be1ch Music Cenler Bedroom ~ 9 drawtr drtsser, mir- ro., 2 bedlkte •lands. kine lilz:e htadboud. frame, quilt. e-l mattress. sheets. blank- etl, tic. Oiolce ot Spanish or Modem Style All For $249 pfo down • Pmts. onb' S9 mo. WEI.K'S WARBIOUSE GOO W. fth St, Santa Ana Open Da.ib' t ~ 9 tat. 9 . I Sun. 11 , I MPL Bunk Bd1. Twin A f'l\elory Sales l Sttvke Dally U noon 'ID 9, s.1 ~ t7f04 Beach Blvd .• (l1wy $9) 1~ mt. So, Sa.n Dleao rwy. Hu11tlr.eton Beach 847~ BRAND NE\V GIBSON SC GUITAR. Humbuclrirta pidt- UJltl, 9oi.ld body, '1Xctllt-nt action, plU&h lined hard ahtll eue. Gull.fir wii.s SJ.40 MW and ca1e S'i'O. Best off• r tal<os. m-w FENDER Ba1sman amplifier $2m. Ciphtr ht.sa &Wtar. like new SS 0. -Obie, Chtsi-, Dnn. O,fftti: I-========= Pl1nos a orrns 1130 tlAMMOND • Sletnwa,y •· ,. ma.ha • "M\1 • used plal'IOI of all maktt. Bert bu.Ys In So. Cnllf. r1aht !'Im!. SOGtlOT MUSIC (l),, radio, iood condition $35. fer. 642-3192 Chril!. lot, beautifully landscaped, DATSUN _64_,__,._27 _____ _ 54&-0053 7A~NT=1Q=u=E~..,,-,7,k_oo_ro_,-, -00-,~ly C1t1 8820 Adu 11 P ark. 1 9 3 6 l I--------- Cameras&. Equip. 8300 NEW FUjica ?.fodcl C-1 Suprr 8 movie camera S 1 3 0 , 67:1-4273 Eves, ask for Don. 1800'15, $4-$22. S50 Con· -Sl_A_MES--E-K-itt"';-,,-,-,-m-al-,-. 10 Brookhurst, Space 39, H.B. '69 2000 DATSUN federate bill $12. 61f>-4738 \\'eeks, !!hot~. $2U. 962-9839 Roadster, s ipd trans. 135 TENT 10X13, used 10 ctay1: * StS-2121 * DBLE Expando 2 bdrm hp, dlr, honcy·rold yellow, paid SllO, asking m. Camp =========! Parklane, in quite, adult, 5 blc.k bueket seats. radio, tbl, stools, 842-5262 Dogs 1825 star park \\1/earpeting It. heater, '"sw's, less than 1000 OPEL '68 OPEL K1dett Rally. miles, $159i After 6 11·rekencl5. 548-7433 Lo . ' Sporting Goods 8500 SURFBOARD Excellent cond, 10 ft. RQsseU, perfect boan1 tor beginners $60. 545-54Th FULL n1cmbcrship: Bx· elusive Newport Bt'aeh Ten. nii; Club. 644-0637, 545-9-119 -~-------1 drape!! thnlOUt. Close lo mi. Under fact warr. Take GER~1AN Sill;phcrd puppies, ocean 1:; pool. 499--3846 aJt 5. older forei&n car in trade or '69 OPEL Station \\'agun, on ~C. imported sitt, llCien· Dl.Bl.. Expando Kit Trojan SIQ cash deb. \VIII fine priv \varranty. low miles, $1900. tihcally ralsro, large boned. 20x5.1. ScacliU f\tobile Prk. prty. LB YNW 485. eall Ken, 1.c6..:7>-:..1:.:29.::1 _____ _ NEAR ne"'· set mans Stan Thomp!!Oll Jrolf clubs l bag, S175, 548-4861 SKIN divine rqulator, $30. 642-330& N. B. or, 774-9141 Anaheim. l600 * AUCTION * 3 WHEEL bike, braod new, ridden '"''iC<'. Cost S168. Sa· erllicr $\00. &15-251Z. G.E. Refrig,, bdnn. pieces. vaeuun1 & sewing mach. \\'kendR, eves. 642-3321 e 'TIS Tropical Fish e Opening 'bout t.ta.y 15th f"ountain Vfllle;y 84M330 ONE 11eat B'ritish 81\ahty charier flight, LA to Loodon depart ?-liy S. $125. 644-?922 TAPE RCCOl'der $2J; t.111fee 1&bh1 SIO. • 646-.169:1 FRIDAY· 7,30 PM MAY lnd . COt-.1P. !l station be~uty REPO"""""ED ._ ... NL'. &a.Ion tqulp. for l'tal<': eood ~ • Di\.J .... rondiUon! 543-i472 RµpT FURNlTtJR.£; lkd· 1 'w~A-tJ<~.lN~C~M=!P~ER~J~.,~Sale~ room 11!1.1, dlVAm, chain, $500. 334_8 Vk:toria, 0.t chests, commodet. lamp11, mlmm', ptctum, TV's, CoJ.. ---------ar 1V, vaeuum clcanen, diMttu:. dtgkg, re:trl&l'!n.· tori, 11.IOVfS. ~. dry· trt. A: f\tuc11. ~rucrt ?-tORF.! I C'OfllE BRO\\'SE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION UlO $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES 496-218-1 890 \V, Jjth No. 1118. N.B. 494-9773 or 54s.<£!4 M IN IATURE Schnauzers, SOCK JT TO 'fill! TOY POODLES, AKC. l\l/F, 6 wettks old. C&IJ. 67>-0187 A'<C ~!in, Poodles. Apriool. '64 H".lnda Scrambler, new Show or pet quality. M/F. 6 3{fi ene. $375 or be!t offer. "",,"',,-,"",..,.· -.•-•~•-· ,,.....-,...,,.-,-,,.,,-1 Days 494-f.666, e\.TI lZ AKC:: Beagle pups. 6 ~~ks Amethyst, Balboa Island. ~2 rneles. l female. ,69 KAWASAKI l20. Del!rt • t't'ady, very nllablro. ?-.Jany LASHA Apso-Poodle. puppy, ('Xtras. $470. 494-6940 Shaggy black & whie malf'. ·~ Bultaco H...: SJS. -i99-2I28 ""'" >.1nt cond. Mu.st 11!11 FOIALE • '\'orkshln: Ttt-Equip for racinc. ~mg rier. 3 nm old. $ISO or beirit i=='===='=== oHer. 894-1616 ' a P•rtt 9400 GER.r.fAN Shepherd puppy Auto S.rvlcu fema.lo 31i mos, SJJ. After --------- 5, ~lSS ask for Mi~. PAIR. 2 day old C?0-14 Seibullnl w'4e av a I 1 Balill!njl puppln:, AKC T'fi. mounttd on d\rortle rlm•. "-tklc!.8' clean, °!°"ltu, ptlr l 'i" che•IH' sllck3. Mt.0000 n)OUl11cd on rt\'tl'H rims. TRANSPORTATION rn• Plymoolh or rm1. WE ARE ONLY #2 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUll '69 TOYOTA F•om $1770 'Yi% BAJIK FIJIANCING WITH IS % DOWN 01 l.p""91 .t Crfflt 41 MO. BANK FINA.NCING AYAILAILE WE NEED YOUR TRADE INI LIAllMI AVAIL.AILI DEAN LEWIS ~ end tbll, 1V, Hutch., Din. ltt. On. l.mpit. MUlM DE.c;K with blocbbl• ffi,o draw.u ISO; Ben 1 wood chain ~ each. 675-®I OILED Walnut dlnln; IAblf', ! upholsttted chain, s;;..JJ. -~~ ~:-:Mi51 i Nl'"'JXlrt Blvd. Dt:hlnd Tony's Bldi:. Mal'l11;. C•l•t T'V'•-''•"'•'1-Sl•r•o'1 I '1•t• ., H•v1• Fvll CASH IN JQ MINUT(S • 541--4531 • S200. ~73451 or 546-S:;sc} 8011t A Y1eh1t 90001-======== OiNGHY 71f flbtriJai, S!IO. Tr i ller, Tr1vtl 9425 4 Rll•n l°'v bllr 1tool1, $10. 16' SEU' a'IDta.lncd trlr •• • IHPORTS6,6·930i~ ~fODERN BR •t SSO. B~>11 mapJe twin bed.I S25Nd!.~ E;cpett. reuonablt1! OPEN" DA it.\' 9 10 4 PIANO TUNING A Repair 1 Coaut :rit,.511. .. 646-MBG Albr.rl -"""" ........................ ...... NHd a G11.n:ten1~ie 1 Find ll wiUI a want ad! TOYOTA-VOLVO :rNO 1966 HARBOR, C.M. IH5-1SJS msny extru: awninc. ltc. \Vhi te el~ta! Dune..a-llne $1100. ~ l l I l I ; " I J • l • PllOT-AIMllT!St----:-Wod..,qy, A,,il 30, 1'6' , . . ....... .. . ' .. , . ......... Wo1"""1y, l!1111 :!0, l!69 : ~ DlllY I'll.Of ft ~~~~l~=~~~~~[t~pT~ Sl'OtTATION ~ TtANSl'OtTAT10N -TllANSl'OllTATION ~ TtANSl'OllTATION -TtANSl'OllTATldii TlllNSPOitTA'TION 'fltlNSl'ClittATICIN l""'"'"""'-"-'-ld.;....A __ ...;.; ___ =..;.ll!!J>Ol'fM=c;.o;.;.;;...;A.;;-=--"HOO::.:: l"!!'"'tld Au* -U..i Can 9900 Uood Cart 9900 U-' C•rt 9900 Utld C.n 9900 Utld C•rt 9900 Utld Con - I '1297 '°' /~~66 MPG $150 Down -$43 Mo. O.A.C. SUBARU MAKI S SENSE SUBARU of Ci1lif. Reti1il Division 1000 W. Co•tf Hwy. -Newport Bei1ch 645-0050 * 540-27U VOLVO CHIVIOLEI COlVAll COIVllll COUGAR DODGE "VOLVO '45 CMv lmpalo HT ·.: CORSA, ~...., c1<an. ·11 CORVETrE m, cs hp. "'"ECI "L '67 DODGE f'u!J faet &Ir Owned $UXI. Call John Xohla. 1'fake oUcr. Xlnt condition. ..r "" pwr, ' • -• 2131 1163-2826 PURCH "SE VI, AT, PS, Ar.. Ou~tand· NEW 164 by lit de 'ole man hm L.el· "" ifW' Beauty? UOE514 " '""'World. llllO Deli ... '""" 1961 coRvEM'E. from FORD "m NEW 1-tnldt. Will n.. ..... ..... CQRVETTE • M .. t s.u, l<tWXI. NOW-ON DiSP~AY I.JI ru:tt"" c.11 ,.....,. * "'""1 * _MOl OR_CO. • .... -ti...:. . 494-9113 or-· 1967 Corvette 1961 °""'" ""' O>upe, At-f.llfl. l411141 1ltmfA ~~ 1~"1',':~'."u StinCJnlY COUGAI = ~.~ IHPORTS- ml to eaL Lu&P&e rack, A brauWui orla;lnal Britiab 1967 Cougar · GT ment leather bucket aeats lOTOTA·YOLYO PORTS xlnt QOnd. See to· apptte. ~chw 1~n 1netalUc finis~ Aeica.n bronu tinlah w/ And black landau roof. 6.5 1 irbor, c.M, 646-9303 OT .. YOLYO Mb--1371 J19.'j. or olfer \\1th whlle appllque/bl~ parchment oomfor11 weave Lit~ V-8 encine with auto 1966 Harbor C.M. &fG.9303 interior. 427 erclne, 4 •Pffd ·~at.I .l black Landau top. trans, radio ti; heater, PQ\Y• ~+--'<-------' CHRYSL!R tralll!I,. J>O'Yer 1truinr, AM· Auto. b'IJu., radio le stereo er slttri~. power disc brak, RD SPort C1rs 9610 FM radio, heater, factory !ape, heater, factor)' air. 4 Cl, Factory Air Concl, T --------' al e. Driven only 24,00G ml E--.. 1~ · PS Po beautiful CAI' driven only• '67 MERCEDES 66 CHRYSlfR hy o."". owner. Immaculate nt!W '"" " tilts, ' iv-12,000 ml, and buyer rettiv-1;onchtion, UXV 859, Sale er disc bn.ket, console. A es the balance ol tht new DYESEL 200 D ~utoma!k, NEW YORKER price $4005. ·• ~~~~~·000 mile c ar. car Factory W&rTan~. 44·"'° "'"" mil••. Lik< 4-DR. HARDTOP SAVE $320 $2595 wow 343 new. Herb Fried.lander, "-d· be $3295 13150 Beach Blvd. <Hwy 39) ~ "'· ater, ..,. . ., ''"''' >"rom Kolly Bl"' Book JOHNSON & SON Phone !93-"'6 -531"'82< '"" """'" bm.,, '0"" JOHNSON & SON JOHNSON & SON windows, power meats and LINCOLN-MERCURY '65 FORD GALAXIE 500 XL COUPE FORD 1967 Ford Galaxle 500 2 door Hardtp. Attracttw S. hara Beile eximor with .two-tot>e .matchlJ!s~, Au.to. trans., RA.H, , PB. drive" Oll>1 21.GOD_ ---<hiyes like new, ~Uzi.t • I $1995 ,· JOHNSON & SO LINCOLN·MERCURY , 2626 Harbor, Costa Me• "1<>5635 fl ~t i , SO. of San D~ Fw)'.)· '61 FORD FAlCOI RANCHERO Automatic, radW>. hedm'._ fibcTl:l.aa tonneau CO'NI'. CGVE fJl~ loads more extras, (RSE LINOOLN-MERCURY 262'6 JtarbOr, O>sta ~Ii!sa =========-;-=========I Antiques, Cl11sic1 9615 303) , 26:lli Harbor, eo.ta Mesa 540-5635 $2295 (l Ml. SO. ot~;.,:o Fwy,) {!ML, SO. oJ San Dl'IO Fwy.) LJNOJLN.J\tERCURY 2626 Harbor, Costa ~tesa "'°""' V ~. automatic traNI., radio, heater, pov.·er 1teerif1&", po~'· er brake11, po\.\'tr \\ indo"''· <PJA 5841 $1095 $450 . ' I _m_,_Po_r_tld __ A_u_to_s __ ttoo_ Imported Autos 9600 PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE vw C~IPERS & BUS 'S '30 Standard coupe, Font. Good condition. .$600. * 494-8200 * IMMACULATE ·~ Red Ford Convertible. call 673-1121 Fri &. Sun. PLACE )'OUt want ad where ATLAS _ BUSIEST marketplace bi they are kiokins ·-DAil.Y THE HUB of activity for town. The DAILY PILOT PILOT clusified 642-5618 serYice busineSSC1i ... the Offi.YSLER -PLY~tOUTII CHRYSLER -PLYMO Clusificd ~clk>n. Sa v e I ,.;_:.,:,:,,,=~-"oC..::,,""''"" Oa.sslticd Ads. Dia.I 642-5671 CiffiYSLER -PLYJ.fOUTH money time ' effort Look JS YOUR AD IN Cl.ASSI· to oUer your aieMlice NOW. 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 2929 1-IARBOR BLVD. ATLAS (11.li. SO. o( Sa.n Dicgn f'\vy.) ATLAS '67 912 .• U795 \VIIG19 '66 9t2 •. $4295 TBPTl7 '67 CamPl!r '66 Bu! DelUXt! '64 7 pus. Bus '63 DelU."<e Bus {1500 Engine) A-W1ntld 29'Z9 HARBOR BLVD. now!!!' ' FIEO?' Someone will be CX>SfA MESA. 546-1934 COSTA MESA ~ 9700 co~~~ 'til 10 ~.!134l~==~=====-~1ookin;;;~'=";;':",,Dia1:;:'~;:;642-56;;;;;;:78W ;~hl;;t•~e!;:-~;;'~"""~;;•-a;;·;;Une:;;,_:~~°";;":D;:":;:'l.Y:;;,''::'':':::',::';::·m:.=1""'::0::,.::",:""'::=·1y=·t11=· ,,':::';;•::·""::;::~' '68 CHRYSLER 300 2 Dr. ~N.~ .... -c •• ~ .. ~---9~IOO~~N~owiiiiic~·~ .. ~---·~IOO~-~N~owiiiiC~·~"iiiiiiiiiiiiii.;'~IOOiiii~N~ow~C~·~·~·---·9~IOO~~N~··w·C~·~"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9iilliiOOi'~· '62 lt1' .•. S2195 071• " fall Ll1Di4 IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO L9l6 Harbor. C.M. 646-9300 00 PORSCHE 6100. Tuned exhst, luJ/skt rack, car cov. Jmmac cond. SDXI. 6C-5791 1959 PORSCHE Call a.fter 4: 30 p.m. * 536-7433 * '60 PORSCHE Sup. 90 Sun- roof, Beauliful S 1 9 9 S • &r...-2.113. 675-1065 SPRITE '&T SPRITE, pert. cond. Jl,650 Or belt oUer 673-lmi Mom. iJ1C or Eves 0~1(//JJ"" ~"' 673-0000 Ext. fli7 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSfA J\fESA '69 VW's IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Bank Fina.ncln&: $213 DOWN S44.03 * 36 mO!I Pluz I final pyro.nt for title. Full 2 yr, 24,000 mi warranty, Avail onJy at T & M MOTOflS 8081 Garden Grvw Blvd. SM-22114 at Beach 892-S551 OPEN SUNDAY \VE PAY ..• CASH tGt uaed cars Ir: truck• just call us for free e:tUmale. &ROlH CHEVROlET AaktorSolHManacer 11211 Beach Blvd. Hunlifl&ton Belch Kl "'1331 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2121-Blvd. Ql!!ta Meu 5t5-120rl WUllly HT. Fully equip. '7,900 mi. Real zharp looking! $400 + pa.yment1. 646-3695 or 673-mo · '54 NEW Yorker DeLuxe Auto trans. R/H, P/S. VI llemi, ena. Good cond. S2QJ. ...._ TEENAGER Speci.W '56 Chrysler, Hemi E n c t n e . $1!5. ** 675-0816 * * COMET '54 COMET, 2 new tires. ~w brakes. Ex. cond. Villue $650, .ell S495. 54&-8044 CONTINENTAL Special Purchase from FORD . TOYOT A 60 VW. $.100. R/H. Good rub-!'"" Volbw .... or Por1cho MOTOR CO "' :1er, ne eds work. 6Pl)'topdolla.n.Paidfor • · will w not Call Ital~ 1961 Continental Convertible. TOYOTA ,.,..n,portatoon or iwap. 673 1190 Boaotlful Gold Beige Molal· 646-1862 aft 3 • lie f.inilh wilh Parchment '68 V\V. ~fust Sell At Once! IMPORTS WAN'Tm leather interior and ~·hitc $ SAVE $ Loadcrl! Has only 12,CXX> mi. <>ranee f:ountie• top. Luxury throughout, of Executive Cir S•le A steal at S1655. Priv. p~. TOP $ BUYER coul'!!e. Auto trans. radio I:. Hurry Wh ile They Li1stl 772-9340 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA heater, 1',actory Air Cond, V\V Bus Deluxe '64. New 18881 Beach Blvd. power 11ttring, po\.\'er brak- flllll .. L•in: 1 trans, starter, shock 1 , R. Beac:b... PL lf7-&55S f'S, power windows, 6-\vay Ulfl. UUIO headers. SulU"OOf! $12 5 D power seat, etc. Looks and ~2521 after S pm Auto LHtint 9810 nm." like brand new. Bu;yer IHPORTS "·6-1 -w~v=E-..,~-. -,-,-,-. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;1 recoeiw1 t~ balance ot the TOYOTA·YOL'IO mechanical cond. Near new LEA.SE • RENT n4!W car Factory \Varranty. ,.. JU. cM. EY ~~tab•-""· $550. ALL~o:~sLAR UQC-344. 54195 B ' MAX 1959 V\V 6 .....,,..,. ""' FOllD JOHNSON & SON ITIOIYIOIT r::"I tru<k. R•blt one. r.,. dock, AUTHORIZED LINOOLN-MERCU!lY . .,,, radio. Da.ys 64.2-7093, eves LEASING 2626 Harbor, Cmjta Mesa 11111 BE~~ BLVD. ~"=""-""'=~-~--SYSTEM 540-5635 Munt. Bti1ch 847-1555 1968 V\V Sunroof, extru. Get Our Compelltive Rate1 Ct Mi. So. of San Diego Fwy.) 3 mf N. or Coasl Hwy. on BCh $1800673-4984 aft 6 pm. Theodor• 1968 Continentals .67 V\V, Rod. Blk/lnt. Radlo, ROBINS FORD 3 "' choo,. 'trom • all com- xtras, $1500. 67S-2813 2000 Harbor Blvd. plelely I u x u r y equipped. 675-IM:'t Com Mesa 642-0010 Auto trail!I & ndJo, heat- --~==~---• ...,.,.,...,..., .... ..,....,~ er, Factory Air Concl, pow- '62 VW Buz ~LEASE'E-M .,-'r steering, po\l•er brakes, $650 or make oUer. Ind TOYOTA !lfo~ADQUARTF:R" ELMORE * 673-8742 aft 7 * '68 Cad OlV, full pwr, a.ir, power w OWi, &-way seat, ts300 Beach Blvd., W!!tmnstr =~~~---o--~ vinyl top. Driven 14,500 mi Landau 1'001!!, 'tc. Very low Phone 894-3322 '64 VW Sedan, clean, $875. 24 mo. ~ at $149. mo. miles and beautifully rnain- TRIUMPH Aftcr 6 l w'' ken d s. New '69 Eldorado, full equip. fained. Buyer receives the 548-7433 air, vinyl top $220.87 mo. 24 balance ol the new car Fac- 65 V\V 26,000 mi. Superb con-mo lse. '69 LTD 2 dr vinyl tory WatTa11ly. Attractive '66 TR4A IRS. Green, !\Tich dition! !\1ust &e~ Sll&!l. llT, air, $109.52 mo. colors, your choice. No. 6.302, tires, wire whls. R&H, xlnt 540-~~o alt 5 P~I SOUTH COAST No. 6303, No. 868.l cond. $1975. 67S-l964 'fli V\V Bus. runs great looks CAR LEASING $5295 '&I TRIUMPH Sp itfire .i:ood. Bit-i n bed, 300\V,Cat llwy,NB64S.2182 JOHNSQN&SQN 4MK2. Excelll!nt bUY! Sl:'.50 $1495. 842-3691 ~ II ·~ =-="""-,-=c:--,--=--Usecl Cirs 9900 LINCOLN-MERCURY iuUll: se ! 646-1...," '6:i V\V Bus. Good l."Ondition, ---C.-"----;.;..o.: ai26 Harbor, Costa Ml!'sa 1960 TR 3 Triuinph . Nrw low mileagt'. $1200, BUICK 540-5635 transmission. 1\-fagS. ST:JO or 644-11)55 ,, -(l Mi. So. of San Diego F\\.-y,) a t ciUer. 673-4281 '611 V\V, many extras, '62 BUICK Jnvic:ta. Full 1967 Continental 'J3 TR-3. Runs greal, new top $1795. power. air<0Dd. Good cond. '= carpets. $395. 846-9518 * 846-1245 * S650 or bezt offer. Call sit 6 4 door sedan. Beautiful paw- Evf!s. 1968 V\V While Sedan y,:/hlk pm, 548-8743 der blue linizh with dark ' 'nl. Low m>'leaie. ·o-BUICK S . 1 . . blue leather Interior. Luxury "" peci.a !:il.al1on · .....,. 1 h 675-553.3 eves. w Low U IH eqwp"'"" ,,,. l au!omatic agon. m es. R transmission, radio, heat~r. 1960 VW $500-Sunroof. Clean-air-cond. Xlnt conQr 494-4509 factory air, power brakes, 16l VW Convertible Low mile~ '64.ELECI'RA Conv. air, ori1 S.way poftr seat. one own. VOLKSWAGEN 4 Spd, dlr, owned by little • ~ * owner. Best otter o/$900. er cattfully maintai~. 'ole lady In Laguna. S75 -v~0-ucsw="•-'G'°EN;o,-C,,69~.~P~or!~<ct-. I Eve & wk-end. ·s.c.c.-&197 CTEY 968l Cash dcls, take s ma 11 ...,,. I I Orii. owner. Sl•~ 1940 BUICK Spoe 4 dr ""'· $3895 pymnts or o dtt car n E 644-0961 trade. LB \VJD 437, Call .,.""V\·V ~·-f ~1?,..~· $270 or best JOHNSON & SON Ken, 494-97'73 or 545-0634 ............. MUST SEU. $395! • LINCOLN-MERCURY AIR c~::,o~oNED * 64."1523 * , CADILLAC ,.,. "~~" M ... '--ded with ~tras, :ir;Jnt '59 V\V Ex. runnirc conct. (11'.11 SO t Sa o· ......... Nl!'w pain! and tires •"""' · · · 0 n iero Fwy.) Condition. $1850 or best ott. ._.,., 1968 Cad C.OUpe de Ville. • ... Prv prty. M:!-3164 646-3133 ""''· F U LLY LOADED• 15100. 1964 Continental '67 V.\V. Bus 9 Passenaer. muebook $6200. 540-4905 4 Dr. Beautiful silver blue DAll.Y PILirr WANT ADS XInt cond. $1800. '&6 CAO convertible, 20,000 mclallic finish W·matching l=,,;BR;;,;,;IN;;G=R=ESU=="T,,S"!=:..!.c==AJ"t"'5='=p.=m=. ="',,='°',,-,,'= ori&:. miles, red \\'ith black ln!erior, fully luxury equip. lmPortld Autot 9600 lmoortld A-t60D ii!Db·IE ELMOll MOTOU 15300 llfACH II.YD. WISTMINSTD "4-1322 •. 41/2% ltllk fi11•111df1f t or•ll•ble Ill lte111k 1pj11r1v1I of u 1tl it, ' . top, all extras. &«-28n. ped, Aulomatic traru., ra- dio, heater, PS, PB. P·win- doWll, 6-way sear, faclory sir cond., plus ll}IUIY m0tt. lfOZ637J , '59 Cadillac Convert. $400. • &$.11211 • '67 CAD SdV, 1old, blck '°'· $1695 bJck inl, full pwr. Mint cond. M .... t .. u. 541-2992 JOHNSON & SON CAD '8.l Convertible. All power 6: a.ir. Orig O"Wntt. $985. ~. 6'4-0661 LINOOLN-1'1ERCURY 2626 Harbor, Calta Mesa '4(>5635 (1 Mi, So. o( Sall Olean Fwy.) CHIVROLET 1966 Continental so OIEV Imp 2 dr Hdtp 4 Dr• Rebuilt 293 ~ In. 4 BBL Jamaican ;ycllow finish \\'ilh •<Ith 3 apei!d rood Ures, Ivory Sold lf!athtt', aulo. radio ' he~tcr. $ 4 O O. trans., AM.FM radio, heat. So66-4573 after 3 er, t~perature control a.ir o-'-'· "rt""'•-~•CE.=----1 cond: .. powtr stl!'erin&'. pow. w '-"Cn.11 OIW! owner. l!f' brakta, power wfndowt. Air, PIB. PIS. PIW. New 5-WQ power se•t. fSBU49) tin• a: tra1De1. Es. cond. $1575 firm. !4-2928 aft ' SllARP ... 1111PALA SS JOHNSON & SON Bt:low book. &-fl to ap. LTNOOLN-MERCU'R.Y ~iate! 673--()600 ::&'e Jr&rbOr, Q)sta ~ftP •;;t BEWllt. 4 dr 283. ~ viriruon1c radio. 1'.tusl teU. n Ml. i;o, ot san Difeo Fwy.) $425 • .fM..3891. 494--7t40 '86 CONTINENTAL Coupe '61 Q{EVY VAN Fully loaded + ltl':N'O tape '350. CLY.;A?f .,!!elt. SUU und!r Mrranty 646-29<6 12350. 64>-m!, 6e-0<<6 IT'S HERE! FORD OUT THEY GO! COlllE lN AND TVRN YOVRSEU' 0"/11/ SPRING DEMONSTRATOR SALE! 1969 MUSTANGS e 1969 WAGONS 1969 THUNDERBIRDS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANES II it 1111• p11licy t11 th•"ll' 011• 1teff ._ ... '"''Y 6 1"11ftlht lor 6,000 "'ilttl i" orJ er lo p•n Oft ti••" fr111h c1r1 te 1111r c u1toPl'!trt 1t BONAFIDE SAVINGS IT'S A LfTTLE GAS! A BUil T -FOR-AMERICANS KIND OF CAR! Off11r lli.tlfH tt CM " 9-41 FULL 'IALUI POI YOUR TlADl·IH I ALL REMAINING 1961 SHELBY GT1 NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE . JOIN OUR SALUTE TO THE FIRST OF THE 70's AT '60 PRICES. IN OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N•• .......... 1 s C9" ~ ..... tttet i&• ... NNllH ......... , .... ,11 .. Mc. IMt tti. tllff19r1 .. """ 1114-t-car.. SAYE!! 1966 B\JICK LE SABRE F11ll powe r, f1ctory 1ir. 2 Or. H.T. (JtPMl601 20 % down or tr1d1. $1695 ~~t~. $58 :-: .. ~: 1961 FORD 4 Doo-r-V·I C111iorn. l fO 1119 ., 111lo1111tlc, bl1ck w/white fop. !IJSIZI l<lt111 1!111 look pric1 $211 5. 20 % down or fr1d1. $1395 :~t~. $39 :-:...:.: 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 2 cir. Sid. f •qui1il1. Ju1I ov1rh 111l1J . ( UQL JOll 20 % dow11 or tr1d1. $1595 =t~. $58 '" " M111tM 1955 FORD F-100 PICKUP- VI , 111lo1111lic. ll176<C I T111 I Lic1n11 tlown ., tr1d1. $495 '"" $28 '" " PllCI Mo11tln 1967 TOYOTA CORONA-- 01111,. 4 Dr. F1clory 1q11ipp1t. ISUYJ2Sl fl111 look prlc1 11411. 20 % dow11 er tr1J1, $1095 '"" $46 ... " 'llCI ... ..... Almost • dozen 1968 Ford Cus· tom Coste Mese Patrol cers to choose from et fantastic savings. Interceptor performance! 1961 FORD V-1 <I o:lr., 11110., power 1!11rin9, redio l h11l1r. IEn9. No. IJll244fl)) 11111 l•ok price $1J50. 20 % flown or lr1d1. $1795 :~t~. $49 :-:.~: 1966 DODGE CHARGER VI, 111torn1tic, P.S., lo1J1J. IX UMll4) 201' clown or tr1d1. $1695 :~~. $58 :-:..:.: -1_ 96_3 _P_L____;Y:.:Mc:.:O:::U_T_H_l_:E[VEDER_E _ W19011. VI, 111!0 .. ftlly 1q11ippM. !OCLOtll 20 r. down er tr1tl1. $695 =t~. $29 :-:..:.: _.:.,1~9~64~F;;;O~R~D-G~A~L-A,;,x=1E500- Sid. VI , 111!1., Jiit(, P.S., ,;, cond. IOMM Jlfl 20 % down 1• tr1d1, $795 =~· $33 :-:...:.: TAX REfUND DUE? WHY WAIT? SUY NOW -PAY LATER U.IT ftNANCIN• AYAILAI~ UllD CAI SALi PllCR 1mCTIYl 41 HOUU UNUU nmoUSLT IOLD ALL PATMIMT1 •l•VllD ON APPIOYID CllDtT OPEN SUNDAYS ...... ".,.... 1 o,....c •. 141-1211 -~~~---------------------.. ---~ TRUCK • CAMPIR SUPfR • CENTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTI' TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F•I 00 PICKUP Fl1111id1. 115" W.I ., l tpd. 1yncr1. tr1 n1o 1055 F-1prin91, tt5 R·1prin91 ,1tc, ORDER TODAYI • CAMPER SPECIAL! IRA.ND NEW 19691 F-250 PICKUP "' SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~: 53495 lbf. Ne. n1n11n11• Scehm.1 11 c1tr1p11r ;, C•fl'l•ltfoly f11r11;fhe4 with it• 11011:, tfov•, •fc:. s1 •• , ••• f.211 ,;c•'!'P ht1 100 11119 •• omp • ell t••t•., lfSO Ill. 1111r 1pri1111 ISi 1.00116.1 l ;ply hrli1l1111 t ir-1, dll'. h1111f11r arwl 411fr111f1r, etc. M•"Y to choott fr11M tf thlt prlctl S1v11 1111 Eldortdo. fov,,,.in4 .. '"'4111111 Scot1111oft. °"'' JO •oriM fft•r pie• •fl 4i1pl11y •'"' r1111Jy for im111ediate "'•li"9ry. I I ...... '*' "'* Wed-.~ JO, .1969 PllOT·AOVERTISER Z<{ T~SPOR!ATION 'TllANSl'OitfATl,0N TRA~~TATION _ -C.n , flOO' Now C."' 9'00l<lrw C1" '800 . . ~.. .. ·--· . -- 1966· SDN. DE Vl"E . . stn.UUMJ; white with silver' i.PHtrr cloth an4 l<ath<r uphob"">'· Full power, foctot> air coadi_Uoning, tilt wbffJ, etc. Exceptionally clan. CSYJOCK) 1967 CPE. DE VILLE Olympic bronu fittmlat with saddle leather upholstery. Full pov.-er, factory air conditior>- lng. tilt wheel, door lockl, etc. Drive It -and you,.wtll buy tt (ULC321) 1966 CADILLAC CPE. Hampton blue with matchln1 DuBarry inter· ior trim. Full po~'ef'. fac1'?-ry tJr cond1Uonin1', tilt ~·heel--41.ll th< optiom for. the dbcernlna: buyer. <Serial No. 8599) t 1968 CHRYSLER Newport 2 door. Dttp waler' blue with black top and black mat,chlnl interior, Air condi· -"" . . tlOnlna:, powft' 1tft11ng, powtt brakes, radio, bee.ter, au~tic, white aide wall tirfl. (WAM.137) ',f, '-. 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2•doot hardtop is fully equipped with power steering, power brakes, power windows, ~r seat and Ford's famous fac· tory air conditioning. A beautiful satin silver exterior wltb ;.black vinyl intmor. MUil be ~n and driven to fully ..aopreclate! <Rro· 339) ' ~- 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. Alpine white with black pad- ded roof •'black leather interior. P.S .. P.B, P·Wmd., P-~t, P·Dr, locks, fact. air condl· tloning, tilt •tetr'.· w..heel, stett0 .AM-FM, Jwt about ~ry C&dtllac acces. aftil. <WCW210) • I C~DILLAC· . . . NINETEEN SIXTY.~NINE _ PRICE SALE $3888 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE SALE $2888 PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE SALE $4888 PRICE OYE·R;: 80 · Q:UAi.JTY AUTOMOBILES · TO . SELECT FROM • "IN MOST EVERY WAY, A PREVJ. OUSLY OWNED LATE MODEL · CADILLAC IS A BETTER BUY TUAN MOST NEW CARS." ' TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR 2nd ANNUAL SPRING S E Come In Today! '1965 ~DILLAC The popW&r' Sedi'n"de Ville model finished in lovely bufgundy with black vinyl top and black JeaUier interior. Has power 1tffring, power brakes, PQ"!Vet" windows, tilt steering wheel, AM·FM radio and factory air condi· tloning. This Is a beautiful automobile that ii priced for a quick Ale. <NQX514) 1969 OIJjSMOBILE Delta 88 4 dr. $hlmmerlng· green exterior with black vinyl top • matching black cloth Inter- ior. Loaded with tuU power equipment • fac- tory air. AM·FM' radio, tilt steering wheel, WSW, ete. Ltke new. 3,223 miles. (YPU51'?) 1967 IL DORADo Fini.shed In phantom green lflth · grff.n cloth and leather interior. Fully equipped witb1 pow .. er steering, power disc brakes, power aeat,, power windows, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, wonderbar radio, factory atr condition· ing plus many more Cedillac optional features. 1963 CADILLAC Coupe Deville. Has tun power equipment with factory air conditlonin1. This Cadillac shows outstanding care. Finilhed in a beautiful ailver blue v.ith matching vinyl interior. You must see and drve this one today. (KJA313) 1967 CADILLAC This lovely Seda -cte vm~ hu all popular power assists Including power 1teerlng, power brakes, power windows, power seat and Cad· lilac's famous factory air conditlonlng. Very carefully driven and ah0W1J onJy the finest of care by its preY!ow owner. (YPI'397J 1967 ·CONTINENTAL Beautiful powder bluf! w/da.rk blue vinyl roof 4: match inter. P.S., P.B., P·wind., P ... eats, fac- tory air conditioning plus .much mon. This one is absolutely immaculate. You must be sure to see this one. (7YB9G827415) • \ \ PRICE SALE : $4222 PRICE SALE $4888 PRICE _, SALE $1222 PRICE SALE $3666 PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN---------- SALE PRIC ES EFFECTIVE TH ROUGH TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized .Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900 Used C1'1 . 9900 Used C1rs 9900 Used C1rt Used C1" 9900 Used C1n =;_;;;;.c.o..----9900 UMd C1" Y900 Ulld C1n 9900 U..d c ... FORD MERCURY MUSTANG PLYMOUTH PON11AC RAMBLER T·BIRD T·llRD •• I 9900 MERCURY SPECIAL PURCHASE from FORD MOTOR CO. 1967 Mercury '67 MUST ANG HT Goddess gold ext., plush black int., pwr steering, dlr, auto, excellent cond. $90 .'cash dels, or take foreign car. Fine prvt prty. LB UOE 393. Call Ken 49f.9773 or 54.>-0634 '66 PLYMOUTH '66 PONTIAC GTO 1964 RAMBLER Wagon, '68 T-Blril. Full power, '64 T·BIRD. Xlnt cond, full Auto, air-cond. Best offer. Air cond. 10,000 miles. J>O'W'r, atr..cond. Mwt sell. '59 FORD, I cyl, 4 dr Sedan. Auto trans, R Ir: H, new ' tires, Xlllt cond, $ 1 1 5 • . .....-Monterey f.door Hardtp,• M ~ 10ld finish with match. Ing int., auto. trans., Rl:H. PS, PB, fac. air cond. CTVV· 319) BELVEDERE 11 2·DR. HARDTOP Radio, beater. (SLU 342) * 96U913 * $3695. 548-1464 after 5 $1195. 67>Ul&t 2 door H.T. V8, a.utomatlc,1---~-----==-~--~1==-,;::~=-,-,.-,­radio, heater, tact,ory air. '61 RAMBLER Convt. .Full '62 T-BIRD. All power, iJr. a.EAN '65 T-Blrd Landau. COPS356) pwr, alr-eond, auto, new Clean. Must tell! $495. Loaded w/accea. $1595 + i CLEAN '62 Ford, 6 cyl., 1tk. i New tn.nl 6 .at covers. Ud. tronl. $350. ,..._ !968Mrl'CUJ'.Yl'llkLanteo1> $1895 $895 $1295 ...... $3!0. 54M24.'I .......,. ''olloct tax. 673-1395 ., 521-8416 '1...::::;,61,,:F;,::oroc:,..,Squ~lro~W,..ogo-n-I vo><ibtr .. Beautiful J1mAIC1 JOHNSON & SON + all xtru Yellow finish with black tn-:.!~er. -teriot and black top. Auto LiNOOLN-MERCURY OLDSMOBILE ATLAS ATLAS trans, radio A heater, Fao-2626 Harbor, O>st& Mesa UNCOLN tory Air Cond, power steer-540-5635 ing, po\Vl!I brak~. power (1 Ml. SO. o1 San Diego Fwy.) windows, etc. Driven only SALES & SERVICE i LIN<X>LN. '66 Coupe. lmmac a eQUlp'd. !2100. Pvt '"'· Kl 1--2585/0R 3--2828, 61 Balboa . 0-, N.il. ;1.;;-==========="""' 10,000 mis, Tkls out,.andmg MUSTANG OLDUUIBllf RAMBLER car could be easily mistaken .ll'IV PONTIAC MERCURY for bra.nd.nc,v. Buyer ~Iv. '61 SHELIY GT 500 28SO HarbC1r 8lyd. •LJ .RAMBlfR " the bal"""' ol the new Conv. PS. flrr ·-r«t/ °" M '65 Pontiac: M car J"actorf Warrant)'. WPC black 1 ,.._ ..... ._._ .. , ta ea , .. 3Q;. op, ~ ~ I ~~. 540-9640 Used Can -Grand Prix STATION WAGON $3595 VXY19l $2599 '63 OLDS. !II lloUdly ""IP· Attraotlve Tahitian Orchid Aut0matlc U.nunUa1on, l'I· 1967 Mercury JOHNSON & SON Alr; "'"ur; car, 11m11«1 with btaok ••tenor & ,..,. dlo • ,,,., .... •onv ro1 I •-!. model. l'OO. MS-0850 dau rop. Fill! power 1'1th $795 • · Colony Parle LINaJLN-MERCIJRY flit LflD1' OLDS Toronado, $2,450 factory air con•Utionmg. Slatloft Wagoft 2621 Harbor, CO.la Mesa Hu evecythlna. Can finance •. Local one owner car• beau. • ~ ...,_ meWllc fin-Jl40.5635 lttf'ORTS ~ tiful'3 maln$11alned595, (NCC632) ATLAS ; '1"' 1'1th matohlng lnte-. (! hfi, so. of San Dlrl" Fwy.) OY '67 CUU... ""'""rtlble .-, _.,, ""''"'· '"''""· '63 MERC. Coloey Pll1t • lJll6 ~. c"J."·V~ many extras. Oran! ...;., JOHNSON & SON CHRYSLER -PLYMOurn Ins nfo. trant., rarfio, hta~ pass. station wqoc; pwr., 1961 GT Mustarw 390 CID f offer. 644-~ LINCOLN·MERCUR.Y 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. ! tr: JIO'IC' tteertng, po.,.,1~r air.-cond.. ndlo, Mater, a JU • 'G:J OLDS F-85 Cutlass Convt COSTA Mt:sA 546-1934 ! ~dual aeUon 1ail gaff!. b 1 u e w Im at ch In r :~ 0~ ~e :::i: P IS. X1nt condition. s.iSS: 2626 H~~ta Mesa. Open Daily 'til 10 p.m. Tnded by orlglna1 O"'r>er. naugahXlyde l~~r', ~-~rf~I 12.000 ml. s:2000.' 6'13-32Sl 642-9019 aft 6 pm. <1 r.n. So. ol San Diego Fwy.) USED Can . Ah1.-ays a blc ! (TRHB93). cond, nt h•"S, ~ ,...... , · ---AC!ectton Pre checked • w _ _ "$2395 not abused. . driven by '61 MJJSfANG a + a, V-8, ~1 o.,,LDS StaUon1 wagobrr,i_ tt PONTIAC Safnrt. 9 pass · · : · artuJts only (no childrtn In fact Alr, pa, r • b. Im-au o, n.'!, Jm'l'. I iecr, !\&, wagon. R&Jf, PS, PB, auto ! JOHNSON & SON family) A q.EAN oar. 1895. m•<11la". Saalfice! Call ll9S, "2·7693 "'"'· l'I:~. \Vkd.~ only bd , UNCOLH.MD\Clm.Y 6424589 ew/wkends after 5 PM. 6~1606 'Ga Olds 1''-8:>, Xlnt corxJ. 1 5, 540-Sll8, aft 5, 6~2--0l'.lll ~ U Hatbot, a.ta M• NO matttt what It Lt, )'OU DIAL direct 6C2$r8, Owse owner . $-t'lS or ~t otter. 1966 LA MANS. Xlnt cond. : ~ • j can .tl It wkll a DAIL~ ,.,..r ad. then islt bscll and 6'3-.3196 •ft 6/w~ 15,lm miles, 1-owner. $1'1SO. : (I ML so. Ct 8M o..,,..,..) PfLOI' O_..... Id. • -· to ll>a -olrCt OIARGE IT! _675-_516:1_. ______ --------- .. . .. . .,,.. _,.. ... , .................... . . . -... ~ . . ..... ----· ____ ..._~-.----------~------· -- - r .. 'llOt·ADVtRTISO '$!':. 1~ Wld~, AtitU lit, 1'169 \)· . J. ·. 1969 MERCURY MOllTEREY: '' ,. . , ' . RIAL LUXURY WITHIN EVERY CAR BUYER'S REACH 1969 MONTEREY WAS $3937.70 4 OR' SEDAN' , . . UAMD NIW F-11 tit• M•cvry 111itl111 .,.;th Jtt '1V v'1,' fr&11t , ,.1r, rn•h. 111Mt _..ift, .P•W•r '411c AN-1k11. 1!MI 1t1w. 'l Mio, ti11tH ,l1u l!ritl wfi .. I ,_..,.,, N1. 1 476111 , ~ NOW '332369 · . . ' . . . .. ,. . '~ ,WlofM!d1y, APl11lll. l't\9 -• p•ILY I'll.OT. , r -= I£ -r5"fz • ._..._._. __ , __ • ~· "'-..... .o .... -. ,.----· .. ;, ~--.. " ' ·--·--~ ...,. . .. ~ ' ... .; ' I"""!: THERE IS EVEN MORE TQ SAYING THAN THE INmAL PRICE WHEN YOU BUY A CAR FltOM JOHNSON & SON. TRUE ••• OUR N~ .AND USED CAR PRICES ARE LOW AND COMPET1; TIVE. BUT THERE IS MORE ..• SAVING ~N SERVICE •• .-SAVI.NG BECAUSE OF 'llHE QUAL.! ITY OF OUR11SED 'CARS, AND MORE! CHOOSE NOM OVER JI COUGAR.5 - CONTINENTAL EXECUTIVE CARS! WE. DON'T DRIYE OUR IXICUTIVI CONTJNENT.i:LS TOO LON• AT JOHNSON$'. THAT'S WHY WHEN WI OFFER THEM FOR SALE SIV• IRAL TIMES A YEAR THIY AH SNAPPED UP WITHIN A HW DAYSI If YOU ARE FOR CONTININTAL, IUY NOW! SAVE HUNDREDS! .. ... ., ... • • • .. ' I , , . . ,. , ALL cAu ', ' AD~TISlll· AU • · PLUS LICllilSI • T~ • , " ' ' .:. ' I .. ·~ . ' •• • • .. . ' '. 2626 HARBOR IOULEVlRD, COSTA MESA • ' ' . ' . ' . . -· ... ' . • • . . • • I I I I· - '1loT-ADVUTIStR ....... -.~ ......... -~D . . . • ..4~ ..,. •· r I • . • .-• .! ~ ,•' ;. JIME TO SE.LECT FROM ROY CARY·ER'S 'GREAT ·STOCK OF ~S :TA T·ION WAG ONS! • • .. .. ., . ' ~ .. ,. ... BRAND NEW 1969,LE . MANS SAFARI " BRAND · NEW \.969 CllSTOM "s ·wAGON 350 1n9i110, l im11i9hf"t ;,;,. 1d 1rior, f11r.,; h.,Jf11n.itl~~,ow1r 1t11ri119, power br1k11, p111h button radio,· All: CONDITION.ING, romoJ• r11r •iow mirror, d1l11•t belh, tl11t1d 9l11s, white 1id1 wi ll fir" pl.1 111 1f111d1 r4' f1c.t1ry f11• Stati.";. w19011. C1mH whit• with gold i~f1rior. l ig 350 1nti111, 'f11rbo hvdrl • 11r1tic, power 1to1ri11t, power br1k11, pow1r fa il 91!1 window, Al.~, CONDI. TIONING, r1dio, ho1t1r, froftt floor m1h, white wi ll tir11. f2Jt 36tZ2120· ~3 1 ~- $ 3880 ..... "'''""""" ~,!31::4:0· I ·~· •'. ., ' : ·~:ft, BRAND NEW 1969 CATALINA WAGON ~. ' ·! ~; •i I • BRAND ·N~ 1~69 G,RAND PRIX ' p1111t191r. Anliqu1 9old 'Wilk 9oll " l11t1rior, d1cor group, h11bo hydrt m1fic trtM111i11i111, powtt 1t11rin9, pow1r br1l:11, AIR CONDITIQNfNG, push but·' to11 redio, remote mirror, li11ted 91111, white 1id1 will tir11 plus 111 f1clor1 1t1ncl1r4 1q ~ip111tnl. 1252l69Cl22660 l ,. • ' .' •1.' • • • ' l11utiful lim.-l i9ht ~"!"· With '!i•tC~i~ 9r1e11 lnt9rior,1 T11r~o~.,Jr1m1tiC, , pow1r 1t11ri11g, po•rr ..litc br1,k~1.,Pd11tbJ1tl•• ,,dio, dlhn11 1e1t btltt, ti11t1d , 91111, G71 x 14 •"it1 wi ll itir11. '400•C,1.D. 1119ik1, lrid d1n windthi1ld r1crlo '65 TR-4 HARDTOP l 1dio, h11tiw, $t'6'7,.,ft, INNA 1451 \ '61 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2·Dr. l t die, h11ft r, 1ufo111tlic, Whitt sidt w1ll1, 11,000 lftilts. IWll 277) $1977 '61 CHEVROLET El Camino v.1, powt t alt trin9, ,.die, httft r, whit• ..... 11 lirt 1, ftcto$29'011dition. (I 1 I 64C) . 77 . ' '57 filERCEDES 190-SL l tdio, htaftt, tl•l'llftrd 1hift. Much soutltl '"" ...... 'i~ \'f7 15 -1961 PONTIAC$ Fir•t'''• 6l0t. l1'"pt1!1, l o111ttvint1, Wt tns, Ctlt lin 11, 6r11'111 Pri1'1. All t re i• euhlt~l•t col'llf ition. Moil .,..;tfi po.,..t r 1_,.4 e1'1 ct ll4ifionin9. All ''' on SALi 01$HT NOW! SAVE • , ...... ~ :·~· '"~;'·:::J.3·;7,99 .: ·-~ y ..... i'C.. -''" i' '67 PONTIAC LE MANS 2 Or. v.1, Hydr1'"1lic, pwt, sit••., r1dio, htt lt r, whitt Wl~ilif' 1161 '61 PONTIAC CATALINA ll dr. 6 p111. w1gon, t ul o., R&H, P.S., f1clory 1ir, 7,14~1~.,.~DD 2011 '67 PONTIAC CATALINA 6 pt11t 11ttr 1ttlio n ""•gon. v.1, Hvd••· ,lfttllc, ~.S., R.IH,,W,W, ftclory t ir COii· 'di!io11int. !TJX 604) $2877 ' " '67 PLYMOUTH Spolrt Fu ry 41:t,ie, ~1tltr, t ulolfttfic, P.$., ftcl. t i•, .;,,t .... '"~$2577 ' .. • 1 '66 MUSTANG VI, RiH, t alo,;.1ti c, P.S., ftcto;., •it, . di•. it:ilitJ I RSH ID I . : . '·'.: . 't2077 .... .. . ' " • !f., ' '67 BUICK GS 400 H.T. Cpt. RIH, power 1lt tri11g, air cond., Yinyl lop, Grt1n. ITPY 5191 $Tl77 " ·A . . . . ;· ' •t t I . .. ' . • ' ~, . BRAND NEW 1969 · EXECUTIVE WAGON . '\. C1m10 l•ory with t.114 i11t1rior. Turboh.,Jr•mttic, pv_1hbt1fft11 rtilie, pOwtr ·' · 1t11rin9, ditc \,r1l:11. ti11t14 tlt11, flOWH f.a,.te_ "'iMlows, •M' c•114., ft-o~· ~1 flo1r. m•h, WSW. I 25•l69C 12 t •2•1. Wiiwlow 1ticl:1r. ~ric1 ·$5)'4!< . .. ~ ., $433,6.l):"~;. \··,·:,:,, ' .. ~1·· :.l'!i.'·1~. ~ '. _.,. All PRICIS ARE, OF COUISI, PLUS '.LICINsE, AND TAX ' . • • ... 4' • .. • .. • . . . . , ..... •' . . ' . . --------...... --.. ~ .... ~·...o.·..o..~'"-''-"-'-''-'''--'-~-~~~------------------ ..,., ,.. , -. -- L • ( -I l ••.• Mother. Something -~xtra •peci.al. A.1~ at South Coast PlaZllt ·. with 84 stores and. 1ervicu, it' 1 1 !' eQly to find the perf~ct gift. : ~ ~-~ Come to think of ft, flowers are · tt l 1-0 a y s nice. Why not let ru .* ·,shower your ~other with floWer1. All next Thursday a~d Fri-· day, May 8-9, 2,000 beautiful g0rdenia pla!its will be given GWf:'Y in the Carousel C~t. Nop~ necessary. While you~ . -here, 1ee '.the ltir~t indoo t.~Pole in tM mall world. · 1 . · ·· ~ Bidllt.'f*5t '1aza . · ~ • 1 • , IUl10I. ATM IAll 9-...,AY, C~T~ MISA ~ .. ,,...,..,,, .-&re-.. e-... ••Ht Pllet-Wetl11•-'•v. Arll 10, "" "' .. .. C. • - -----· \ res . --~ . . , 2 1 . •I , " 11 ' , • . t ! t ~ • PAKISTANI 3-ARM WRAP-AROUND ·100 %' Celanese Acetate end is hand wesh1bl1 In pinlr, blue or 9r11n, ·peftley prints • • • p.s .. M.( $17. · SOUTH COAST PLAZA e 1333 BRISTOL - COSTA MESA -.., \ -· ..___ ---------...... --~ ,......._.. ___ _ loath Coast ?tua and lown ~i;tter~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA. en lnte1ral p.,.t of South CoHt Town Cent.r, la str•teglcally located •t the Sen Oi•10 Freeway. 9dj•cent to the Newf)ort Ft'ff· way in Coste Meaa. Within thia ultra modern ahopptn1 compfex are O\l'ef'. 80 fine stores, ahope ... rvicH end ,..taur•nt• in • beautiful enclOMd mall where the te mperature la • constant aprln1-like 72 de1rHs. Harbor Blvd. OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. ~. ~,UNTIL 9:30 P.M. -.:.-· /Grodin a BRISTOL AT SAN OtEQO FREEWAtV, COSTA MESA - •• , ' ·-' .. , A CHARMING ~ POil A CllAltMING KITCHEN SPICE RACKS VARIOUS 81%'11 ?Qe ~aoe~ ~tM~ 91/t 'P.M LoveJy old full1onecl ~ ,.,.-eo.plet• w1A ...._. ft~ a.t air tJpt cloaure1. Tiwy •n tulehlly Ht tll la lovely •ellow pine Heb. TM Jara are packed wma quality 9J>lc•• Md Nrbe 'Wllkll Will MW lo tM iutt .... .,r .very meal. Our uaortment o( efzee .,.. priced ,,.... ti. eo to ,u. •· fi~t~~,01~ South Coast Plaza .Attr-~~ East Wi"I l~r C•r~sel M•ll <:,>\11111\9~ • Bristol •t the S.n Dleto Fwy. OF IJIJ/(} Cost• Mesa, Phone ~1 The Shape of Things to Come Why not b. ahead of thingi this Spring in Tabby by SocialitH. Thii contemporary dyle h•1 the higher fHhion hHI thah ,opuler now. The sohly curved 1Hhouette is bHutifully trimmed with bands of luther that fasten with petite butto!"s on the side. This elegantly tailored shoe i1 sure to be your favorite for Spring. Tabby is available in Platinum, White w;Brown, White w/Navy, White w /Blee~ Patent and Red, White and Blue Calf Combinations. Sins JA's tin C $20." Socialites SHOES VllCES £ffEtTI~E W[D. lHRU SA1. MA~ 3 • I ~ t f ,, --s ,) ~.-•.• II~ m :."J"&. I ~ti;Jti:.fl.;A. r¥»J1 I &1-1/... r,tt-1a.,.~ ! Hey Momfl~~ Si \. · · -. L .. ft1 · · t//JO a __ /) Drop the hint and ~ ~·~· . 'i;) 'lie{; (!)CU(;• · not the stitch . . . · ' Tell .Dad it's a knitting ' i machine that's it .• If you sew by machine ~... you can knit by machine •. : · ::':::·=~~ .... $220.00 NOW s1 .at.so Now here's the best money can bvf PARf All YARN W asfleble, c-o-o-o-1 H • brHte. Easy cue end light es • fHther in 21 luscious colors. Exc•llent for machine use as well es hand. The KNIT WIT .... 545-2111 FREI INSTRUCTION WITH EACH NEW LACE·MAUl SOUTH COAST PLAZA · lower Mell (Acron from Woolwortf1'1 l Bristol et the Sen Ole90 fwy . Coste Mesi • • • 111. exotic collection ef fi ne 1ton1wer1, 11rth111wu e end pon:elain chine, 111 1lowin9 wltfl the ch.rm of the fine 1rti11n1 thet created them. Choose from our infinite collectio11 ••• _______ ..... ___ ....., ................ ._ .... ____ ...... ...-.:..-.: ...... -...-.--:.-.--_..___. ______ ---- " I -I • . ' ~ • FOR MOTHER ••• e FASHION JEWELRY ••• for every wardrobe e HANDBAGS ••• from casual to formal e LEATHER GOODS • • • of infinite variety .• GLOVES • • • for 111 occasions FREE GIFT WRAPPING I I Masfer Charge e BankAmericard Open • Chic Ch1r9t Account llllaoli fo Mtik•• Wolline JO MOTHER ON HER DAY SEI OUR FINE SELECTION OF HAWAIIAN FASHIONS ••• e ON& PIECI SWIMSUITS e LON& MUUS e SHORT MUUS e BLOUSES e TWO PIECE SWIMSUITS e DRESSES e PANT SETS • Bristol/SH Diego Fwy. • trfml/hLDl-.-e fwy. Cede M .... C•llf. 1 I SOUTll COAST PLAZA e HUNTINGTON IEACH e BUENA PARK 546-6567 ~~~~~~~~ FOR MOTHER •• , _A _Song and a Rose From the l11'9est aelection of M~aic loxta in 111 C11iforn i1, I Iv t her ''Edtlwein" or "l1r1'1 Theme" or 1ny of do11n1 of tunes In h1ndm1de Muait loxes from Switzer• lend, Italy or Germany avail· able from $7.50 to $110.00. A blossom rtmtf ns fresh 1nCI· lovefy for d1y11 witho~t WI• hr, in thia cry.tel 199 by Koda. Excellent for ~1ndy1 ci91rettes or nuts, too. 6 l!J II high f'.75 CHINA • CRYSTAL • SILV~ e ~IFTS .. IOUTH COAST PLAZA e HU IRISTOL •COSTA M~ • 141-IM1. •• ... _ -----·-~· ·--~~-..._. ____ __....._~···---.. -----· -c---·....---......... • __._._ --~---_...-._.._., __ _ : i i - Of81RllY Niii UllllL t:JI New, Pop•ar Slllton Hotrays ONLY $9 ,88 Shetter rttisfuf, re .. ie11t gl•u ......... MH111r" Ir • ,.., R .. ultrly $14.95 T1mperu1we Cwtac•d "PatioM111er" ONlTS19.88 ~jua*eltle thermoateficelly hHt cntrell... M .... ,.. 22 V. •• x 11, en., Mff• ret11letly fer tn.u. Fine for 1hilMp JllSt Ollt of tt. OMn :::..... Sf.95 ::.ae , s10.9S ...... ,...., ......... ~ ...... d .. Fr..a ""4. 1JY. .. a1"-"~·. Art exulleat t ihl Airtitht. Easy Seal Sandscroll Cannisters ~ 114 The floWelt 1nett ,.,.uler hett· Ml..W. C."'N h1 lft9", ilk.., .,.,.... ..... ...... '"''""••: 1-l ... , I Ya .1 ... , J.I... art4 I ·II.. 1iie1. FOR MOTHER FROM UDOFF'S HOME FURNISHINGS moco•UITY MllOIS Al Siii PICESI =~4 e W• Miner, $1 ~ Jr 1r1r'. •• •• •• • ... ~ e W• Sc--. ..... $12 e MllfdUt C ..... , ... 112 A ti~ te ce111plimeltt her too4 tHt. ••• en4 +. ltrl11t ,1e..4ft. fr-femily •M 941em. Fi11ely crelJH r11 meteltol .. """'· ly SW"\• Aa U118Stllll Gift ••• k.,, Miii St•• °"" .8k ... M14'e of wroutfit lrett •"' c-11 lrt four 141 ho111e fedilff col en. · IANIAMllJCAID MASTEi CHAICH • DICOMTIVI ACCINT TAILIS IY SYIOCO ••• SPICIALLY PllCID POI MOTHll'S DAY fMFT_..,IN&I I~ ...... _.... .. _.,... ... M1111Y of netvr•I woods end precflcel ..... -llM ........ tlld 1ont _.... .--tMtlrllltl. n.y Wiit net di.,. creek, fide er •llKOIOr. G,.t ,..lstenc:e 11 •l•inl w ~ . . ..................... CUSTOM MAll'IUPllllSI &OHIDUS DllUIOI FmKS IMDOIMlllCflOll: , .... 1.tl .. 1.51 ,., pnl NOW $150 te $'199 -ONLY -I~ I.~ 'A fe11tHtlt collectiM ef ff!. fl11etf '" 1heen, l1cqu1r41, 41m1tli. •~M utin1 -plut enitHlf • .,.. ..i.t.I ltouclHI All et Mill.LOW ''''"l D1cro111, cottons, , • .,...., • .,i ... , ltltndod Into colon •114' texfwet fer •very tlecor. 'Wln4ow "trHttn .. t.'' een Ito in1Xpon1i¥e--11 w9'1 11 hacur• lou1 et fftHe 11lt prices! For tltat ..... Look • • • Swap and Cascades lncluclel 111 I t It e r I nd .... rNtlll'lll. 11 •a cut M $~ f' .. PKT tlreplnt --~.,--flt WlrWoWI te 11 f t e t Wlcttl c ....... .. llU.OWS Of PIUOWS .. hlllw~1 YOUI MYOlm snus -.an Choo•• the ,111ew1 of fllAOW 2 .. yeur thole• •• ,,.... •• mur .. Me111 H lier "l11Ht •I tl1yal "PlllY PLOOI ITACI• PILI.OWi" PHONE: 546·6112 e IANIAMDte.\11 e MASTR CHAl•I e TIMI PLAN e a...1 TllMI • 1UllO.~ COSTA MBA lower &...el/ Acrou frem Woolworlh'1 ......................................... ..-. ... __ ..... ______ _.. ____ ...._. __________ ~~~~~~-'-~----~-~~-~ - ,----- I'. l Morris White Patented Handbags Patent plastic worked 1n marvelous ahapings and 1izes. Your choi~ tn black, white, navy, brown or bone. Buy &nt for mother • • . she'll love It! Excitinr Value! I . 698 Regular $1.99 Actionwear• Panty Hose ' First quality 100" stretch nylon . in rerular or mesh knits. Nude and rein. forced heel styles. Choose ban .beire, aunset or mochL In proportioned ~ Ute, average and ·tan 1i~ea. Gftat buy l .. ... Bay 3 ••• San 97c 3 ,r. $5 tr St.tt ' .... . ! .. CHARGE IT • Sean Rnolvinr Charrel [~J Costa Mesa South~ PW.a -. . -'-The -i.~emnore· Comfort-- Electric Shaver Regular SU.95 $1·1 F~~; ~ feminine 1haver. Gold electl'o- plated 1talnie.1 ateel head · ia designed to _:.h&U: Wh lea's and underarms. JJailt-in )f~f; wuhable head: Comes complete with ~~ti~ travel cue. . ·, · Sears Electric CU:tlers Hea" ·Mt .and eomb out Recular 18.95 in jus~ 11li.nute.w. U elec- tric eurltn ln'thne BiHe 15.~7 are a 11 heated. For a quick aet I A rreat rift for mother! . . . S333 Bristol Stzeet Phone 540 .. 3333 = .. ~ 1588 ff• ~ lb• CNl tout to thelr owa tute .•. du.al- eont.tol makee two cllttereat "'ahactu of tout at ~ -- $24.99 Electric Knit• IAVll •111. 1499 It-la. ~l•dee an 1'1'·111. &one. r .... w. W11t .. white piuµc, llattenee N-eb&rr• .vernfl't. Bladlil-~1 .... r . Teflell• Waffler-Griller ....... flt.ti 1688 • <Ill. .. • " -... • • • . ... for MOther t S -' a\ ears., , Her Day is Sunday,. May 11th! .. ··New -P;Ush-Button Ease! Sears Low · IAw Price! -• A IPeed for everr ~eed • • • to atir, whip, P.Uree. mix, rrate. Clhop or liquif y • lMp IJ,i-eutJ. :rke~peu at botli · --. ft'ID I at.el ·,bfidt wmN1 ii' r«:iovable ' • Two-piece lid with me~ ~up fot: addinr iqredient.a • New lo,r, functional du ir ~ amart white base, with blaclEI ~ ~ aad lid .: - .. • BUiky 520W motor t. .a;;.~ aroqnd blend.lnr redpel · $ CHAllGE IT on Sean ReTolving Cliarnl 9-piece Teflon• Coated Cookwate· . . SAVE $24! 19ss • t-1)(!. 1 1et lnclude1 1, I and 1-quarl oovertd uucepau, 6-quart eovere4 dgtch oven. 10-in. open akiUet. Dutdl "• IN fltl the 1klllet . ,, • ktra htavywelrht aluminum wltlt pone1aia tinilh ill lon.-lutiDJ eel-" .... of &Tocado oc flam• l'M • Plutlo handJel and bobt art h .... nliltut. Set Ill dllhwuber aaft I Sears I ,..~ .... Costa Mesa South eo.t m.. ·, -3333 :erutol ·Strcct · Phone 540-3333 . --. .... ' ' ~ l I , ; I II • I> I I I I I <~~-----.----.~---........,w----~-..----o~c----.u..----e----_...---=~----="'S";~,....._,.~._,.,----------.---- mini-l~gc~~, FashiOn Toiee --: .... ,16•95 · for Mother's Day for The Girl Graduate ' ' •swtngera" fro"' 17 to 70 d b. defi9hted f9 rec•lw .,.. of Sc:wneonite'• morwlou1 new FothfG11 totet. They're "9l9n•d to ccarry luat obout .verythlng and corn. In a beautiful auortmtnt ef colon and flnlthea. Eadln9 ..... A 1pfcuh ., ,._..; LMtrg --.. One to suit .,.,., .. aailn ' onc1 ewty mood. Outtide r pocbtt. lntfde pocbta. ZJppt,. lokML StylJeh leop hondJe,I. leoutffuL All mode t• motc'h ~tfulor lam10flh lufto~ 1'ROOJEN'S LUGGAGE IOlnl COAST PLAZA ,.,._ L....aJ ............ ..,. S-.-3110 I fTMM-. ........ 8Ht w,.,,,.. .............. ...,... l111lA.1t1trfcar' e M..._, Clt•'t• e Dl111rs Clull e Ctrte ll111che e AaerlcH &preu -An .authentic Villagcr9"Ladybug Shop• MaYbe·~ d lalll tr ll1Pr. Crisp linen IML ~ f'IYOft. 42" wide. Rec. $1.31 ,._ NAnawaGHr .. inl ...... .., ... s.w. ~· -"' •• .,. atvrdy t. ~,.-..,. r w-..on1111v. .. 1 ........... 129 ••. AIKAIOUI OUI CBDll PUN DIWD TO fir ftMJI IUDGIT. hr ..... if ... ...e ,_. • wllle .... fl .... a.ocik uoct. llNOB COMPANY ..... .-., .......... .....,. S I NG E R !AT' llf--W Upper Miii Near Weolwertl\'1 JJJJ BRISTOi, COSJA MBA 540-20J IUINA PAii "'•"'"' Cettt.r Ope11 10 un. • 9 P:"'-Me11. ttina Fri. SANTA ANA He11et Pleu MH., Wed., Fri. o,... IO ....... ' , ... T11e1., Th11rs., •••11 · t p.1111, COSTA MBA s.til C...t lteH Ope11 10 •.a.•9 P•• Mon. fflnr 'Fn, HUNTINITON llACH HnfftittM C-tet o,. ......... pa. ...... tlint Fri. . . Miii Harris & Frank Brilgs Y Ou "Enanlaia a.nee" Ii 10111 SUits W Sport ~ At Prices You Never Bet1eved Possible Leave If to Harri~ le Fronk -the store of ''Th• Expressibtes" to do the Impossible! Edwardian Begone• -symbol of o wefl.Oressed. > ~erica -the fashion thot'1 caught on . like wildfire from coast to coost, Here la the newest Six Button Edwordion that men -•nd women hav9 admired on television ••• 1n night clubs ••• In fashion magazines such ea Esquire, Playboy end Gentlemen's Quart· •rfy. And If you thought you couldn't afford It. you may hove been right ••• UNTIL NOWI Suits of Edwordior\ fashion hove been y.-earing price togs of $125 • • • $150 orrd more • • • Sport Coats, $90 on<J more. But here they ere NOW et prices every mon con •fford. So Join The Expressibles -90 "EOW ARDIAN" et your. neo.rby Horris & Fronk store • • • TODA YI (left) Eclwarcllall Sport Coats Featured n Choice Fabrics Cllld Swillgi111 Colon '4995 AND 'SS Sport Coah so unr~rvedly horidsome ..... to impec:· cobly tailontd -you1ll be hard put to settle fQr fusf ONEI Come toke your pick from a great selection of tich, lustrous f~brics -ond • range of excitin~ 11with' lf' colors. (rlgltf) Hmclsome Suits m S .. rb Fabrics tllat clo ... lusffc• to their Eclwarclm StytM ~5 AND 595. Edwardian masterpieces -th• newest-forwar<:I movf Jn men's suft fashions. Designed with longer coob, w1d• peek lapels, end six-button styling -they• re on lnt19• ref part of 1 man's wordrc>be -whether. for business or~,... WMt. . , .. .. , I l i> • I I I I I I --....__ --- SOUTH COASt PLAZA -COSTA MESA 'fUpper Mill t crou from w ... tw.rth'tl BRISTOL AT THE SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, 540-7'17 Ute W1itfi1lcl'a l ev.lvlnt Chert•• lankAmeriu"' ., M .... , Chert• ~.#~'"'""'"6Alr.&1'5NH" ~ ... - 'JI different ~ trom arolDI the-Wid! • •• 1 I ' .. ! u • ··-"- J4*r•a•JM•ar · · 1'8DOYUli ll!IJl'far wa. ........... Ima ... II*' ....... .... ~ ... .............. ~ c, • . --- ·-~'~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ .. . . .. .. - --___ ..__,,..~~------= :.-... __ .. $ Q i @A I t -~ -------==,..,..-,------~-------~---. ------_ _._~ •..---...__ .' ~ . -....._~_ --------------........ w d • \'lt\ftR \RO\'\ SUMMER PRINTS dcnens. of designs on summer ritht grounds oh • sh.... vole . cl.cron. pol-f9Sfer and am rayon permaMnt .,,.a -crease mistent ... ,.It r-4 ... 44~'/45" wi4e t'*• washaW. 78~ HAW AllAN PRINTS mini-caN cottons in bold, mod designs. fashion Jtyled for dress or casual wearing al summer .. little or rto if'ff 36" wide 9uer. weshabte l ·.NEVER IRON NUBBY DAN cool spring and summW novelty pl.ids styled by Dan River on fortrel polyester and cotton. Dress or blouse weight fabric. Metch Mete 1olid1, too U " wic:te 9u.,. washeble . Deep Pile 98~. TERRY CLOTH PRINTS t+.irsty terry doth ide.l for robe a"d bMch weer tremendous selection U " wide I 001.. cotton Solids St.Gt rt L ' South Goast Plaza 545-1586 12~. 3333 B~ Costa Mesa . · HONER PLAZA ••• I HI 'W .. 7 t, •. ne _.._..~ .................. ~ - .. f .. An cl for Mother's Day, South Coast Plaza . wifl give away 2,000 gardenia plants on Thurs- dCJY and Friday, May 8-9, in the Carousel Court. All Stores Open Daily 9:30 lo 9:30 ·South Coast '1aza lrisJol. ~f San Diego Freewaf P.Ut Mom on the beach in o~e of ·~ 'I 9!Jr exciting new cover -ups . Of Vt1ffif'BW . Or. -in the comfort of home, surrounCI . . . . . . . . . · Mom with a beautiful But most of all remember Mother ~ith lf~~ffiW We have the gift · fort.~ lady in your home -made from lf(]ffiW of course ! THE ,.. "' {J': ... , ,.-D HOUSE . ,.. .... > '· OF ~ l .. "" ·• , .. · . .. M.U Lewtt C.et&MI C.urt. Ban•Amerieard, Master Charge JT I ' 1 • I I I I 1 1 1 ~ . j 1 l l I 1 ' I GIVE HER A llT OF EXO. - TICA -A TUN I C PLUS SEPARATE PANTS IN A SCRUMPTIOUS I 0 R D E R PRINT. PERFECT IN MAIN• LY PINK OR &REEN DOU. BLE-KNIT ACETATI • •• HER SPECIAL SI~ 38 TO 41 $17 OIVEOUI{. 'BEST .']()c7J10THEI{, ,YOU WILL IF YOU CHOOSE 0 U R l A C I CAGE WITH ITS PRETIY, PASTE l SLEEP SHIFT. P E E K I N G THROUGH. THE COAT IN WHITI'.. ACETATE/NYLON. TH I &OWN IN CORAL, MAIZI OR M I N T NYLON TRI. COT. THE SET ••• HER SPECIAL SIZES, 38 TO 52 $13 s....~.~c~~~~~·'-"·""~"J-.. ~-1111 IHOP EVERY NIGHT TO t :JO P.M-SAT. 10 TO 6 P.M. WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T GET IT BUT WITH PACIFIC'S SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT . You can do almost as well by keeping · a lo+ less money in your checking account and a lot more · in your Pacific 5°/0 Passbook Account and switch- ing money back ·and forfh as o~en as you like. BECAUSE EVERY DOLLAR EARNS EVERY DAY IT IS IN YOUR PACJFIC ACCOUNT EVEN FOR JUST ONE DAY -:-- 5 °/o annually on Passbook Accounts compoun'C:led daily and V.-0/0 additional on three-year bonus ac· counts are current rates. Savings in your account at quarfer's end earn from the I st of any month" wh.en received by the I oth'. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $500 SAYINGS ACCOUNT -' Dad • . • it's a great "' gift ~ for 1he Mom wtio wants good looking legs • ~ . Mother's Doy Special for GALS 5 ft. 11 indea •nd over SHEER or MESH HOSE With Heel or Demi Toe. Size 9 Y2 to 11 Y2 l.ont Hd UP, to 40 in. Lon9. Over 10 colors. ... W • have a complete line of Leotards an·d Tights ln 12 styles & 15 colors by DANSION • COMPLETI LINE OP LEOTARDS I Tl6HTS. ~DULT I CHILDREN'S SIZES I • I •r. DANSKIN PANTY HOSE RUN RESIST ANT DEMI TOE Y 1riety of Colors 3 POil 99 PAii ----·------ M•deir• hHd embroi4'ered 1ppliqued penel aet $35. SOUTH COAST PLAZA e CAROUSS: l.EVF.( .• 545-0034 molherad8ylclMI ""'~ ....... "',,.... ............ ,,... --•re,,....• ' 'flllt w1a • 11* el ............................ la • ...., ,, 1tl•t1--• ... lf• .... ,.. 6.99 . ------- JI I • !t -- ----- .Coming -. DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM SOUTH COAST PLAZA Multi-structured 250-room Mar .. ' . riott Inn, first increment of new harbor area hotel to. be construct- ed late this year, represents one of eastern -based Marriott Corpora- tion's first hotels on the West Coast. Located on the Bristol Street off .. ramp of the San Diego Freeway, the new Marriott Inn will contain 150,000 sq. ft. of living space, with an additional 35,000 sq. ft. for commercial and office use. Also in- cluded in the in it i a I increment • will be a CJeluxe supper club, 24 .. hour coffee shop, and cabana club, with outdoor -indoor pool and health c I u b. There will be parking for 450 cars. Consistent with the architectural scheme of South Coast Plaza, the hotel's preliminary plans reflect the area's ea r I y California heritage with its wide overhangs and use of masonry and colorful tile. It will truly be a welcome addi-" ·tion to South Coast Plaza · & Town Center. , ' - / ~:"':'::'l~--~~~----------------------------------.._----..,._-------~~~~--......... ----..~~------~~~~ - • Othe1 p1tt1r111 11 .. lncludt 1 S1v1n.n1h, S r1nde l111ei11•Kt. Cl111i1 "ou, Di1dill'lt, Pel'l!t.d Antique 1'"1 FlorentlH L1ee. ,A very tpecial 1terlin1 sale ev'nJ for our customers-:-nqw sa~ up to S144 on aets of Jjne Reed & Bar~on SttrUAg. You may buy 'tets for 4, 8 or 12 -each with your cholce el 14, 5 or 6-pc. place settings in any ~th·• · . · l eed & larton ar.rling pattern. An aceUtnt ·- ~portunity for 1tartln1 the bride In h~r f terlina-or for treatin1 yourself to th" .. .. Here's what you u vt .... 11,rtc• ~l11p0n S.vln .. Oft l!lri.t.S.111111 Stlt 'lot 4 Stt1 fere ... ,c. .... $32 $64 S.Pc.. ~ IO '-'<· 48 ' " / ~ ... '-'°'U $" 120 144 luxury of this world f~mous flatware. lJmittd time only. ' · 1ptcl1I u vinp on se~tna plectt, toot a... Acc ........... •tFT WUP-NO CltAl61 lllDAL 116ISJllT '. SILVIR e CHINA e CltYSTM. e fURNfTUl• s.d CMlt ,,_ •• • Mstel s..... .; s-...... ""w.r ·•· •• ...... 146-27H THIS WEEK AT HES SALE LADIES' CASUAL 0)\VANZO Woven l(idskin In • Black • White • Bone A soft, comfortable casual 1t such a low price you can afford to buy all three colors. A easUll ,ou will wear everywtiere 1nd aAyWher1 comfort Is 1 must. Perfect walklngheel. Regular S13 N'1fl 11.10 "-H ... 1 .. 11. "H .. ' .. 1e. "M" ~ .. " Inn.es H 0 E -S . . • IJ .. ·Save -an Incredible •45.10 . Regular lelllng Price t13L You know this prestige maker's name as well as your own. His reputation for quality, fash- ion and' flt rs unchallenged. But ~ese aulta must go, be- fore we don the Grodlns mantle. And that mean• the entire stock- , thousands to choose from In today'• best model• and fabrics. One, two or three button elngle breasted and newest double breasted styles of expensive pure wool worsted and sllk·wor• . eted fabrics. You'll want •t least two when you see the.great selection of stripes, plalda, neat• and solld color twllla and gabardines. Shop today I When you can save $45.1 O on aults of this quality-you can't afford to delay I llMa.a MILi • IOWNTOWM • ILINOALI • PAIADUIA • IANTA MONICA• ANAHi lM OANOM f'ARK • LAICIWOOD • COITA MllA • IANTA IAR•AftA • MONTCLAlft ( ~ • 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 I I I Remember ON THE ·~~D~ With ... TRAVEL 'SERVICE This summer put a Princess cruise in your vacatton plans. Sait Italian styl• to Mexico's most fascinating ports: Puerto Vallarta, Acapulco encl Mauftan. 11 DAYS -Fl.OM $315.80 onfho ............ e Cont.ct Lensea • Lew Vhioft Aida e Ey.Eum.,_. e GlaSMS FlttM , • Fast L•llor.twy Service e Prt1Uiption SunglHMS ASK ABOUT OUR CONTACT' LENS TRIAL WEARING PLAN USE YOUR MAY CO. CHARGI err'! ll'J ••• MAY 8-9 Gardenias for Mother MAY 8-10 Costa Mesa Art League MAY 12-16 Davis Sclwol Art Display MAY 15-17 Gem & Mineral Show 11. IEllUI SIM OPTotllllST MAY CO. BLDG. SOUTH COAST PLAZA MAY 17 Armed Forces Day Air Force Exhibit MAY 21-31 "10 Days in May" • County-wi.de School '..4 rt Display loath Coast ?tua lllSTOL AT THE SAN DIE~O l*RWAY MEAT PLATIER •Corned leef • Tu~lcey •Hem • Rast leef • Pepper leef • Sal.ml • Potato Saled • Cole Slew • A11orted ChHHI · e ReUshH . ~1!5". lncWed1 . . ... ,... are breed. Clinner rolls, •nd ~omplt­ mentary •11ortment of our miniature Danish Pastry. FISH PLATIER • lox • CrHm ChHse • Cod • Eutern Whitefish • Assorted ChHHS • Relishes lldldld: ere brHd, dinner rolls, t nd compli· 111ent1ry assortment of our miniature O.!'ish Pastry. e · IN OUR OWN BAKERY e ~ ~ CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIO~S •• , BAKED TO ORDER WEDDINGS -SHOWERS -BIRTHDAYS IAR MITZVAH -ETC. RYi IREADS • , , PUMPERNICKLE • , • CHALIS • , • IA6LES IP9CIAL~llDHATION ........ II Qllrdltl. T ........... , .... ,...,.. .............. ' ' :1e1111t-foast ?11za· 1 3333 lristol at the San Diego Frwy., Costa Mesa · Restaur•nt S.-9022 -Bakery -.1sa1 I I A •Ult-H•t 1het hr .,.... tfflYWltert ~~,~~~~~~Al""=-'~1 bf FLORSHEIM Se Instantly flatt1rl~rtatf11, " alwayw rlaht In fttllnt ~ncl-look, that It haa tht grtOt favorite ol welf drt1std women around tht world. left ... Outlaw, lont Tt><• Tott •.. H!Qhlondtr# WhlttJ turtd Coif. Whip Cream-lont Textured Col, t1 .h Orten Trim, 21.91 'udeS ~arneit ~ """~ (?..•:"'~ ~ JJi Bristol St., South Coast Plaza Coste M ... I . . I • :.t .!4 "Th• brulgu linking Manhattan I.Zand it'ith the ouJsid1 toorld be1a11 blo1oin1 et precisely twelve minuttj after tTiree ••• " Tbu1 begu11 the most 1hockingly realistic novel of 1969, In wl1ich an expertly trained black militant .army take1 over the island of Man- hattan, J.olding it under 1iege to bargain {or a separate 1tate for American Negroe1. Sieg• it like reading tomorrow'• newspaper today. You will not be able to put it down. S0,000 copy lint printing A Literary Guild book $6.95 ~-----------------------, Pickwick 1oo1uhop1 :----....... 1 • ..,;QI. D--1.,_,.l.ll'JJt~ '743 tt.tfyw"4 II., thllywoocf, Calif. 90821 I c-._.,. "·~ '·~·; 111111•~11vJ ., ,._ --..... SllOI • ""' .. ch """ • .. '" w.. ...... .,. ,., .,., ,., ..... , ......... __ _, ..._ ___________ __;;;;;,;;.;.;. .. <?, flO. 9 .. a191 • CR. 5·8191 (AU nous ClOSfO SUNDAY) I . . ~---------------I NOLLYWOOl-6743 Hollywood Blvd.-£ves. 'tll 10 a., stwte 1• I CAllCA PAU-Topanp Plaza-W.3191-£ws. !til 10 0 .... MGllCI ollCI.... 0 Churtu ., Pkkwkl ..... , • COSTA IESA-So. Coast PllZJ-540.2191-Eves. 'til 9:30 PALOS YUD£S-Peninsol1 Ctr.-5-41-2416-M.Th.F., 'til 9:30 Cliirte ., C l:ft~r4 C ,,,_.., Ch.rtt • IAIPSFEl.D-V1lley Plul-832-281S-lves. 'tit 9, Sat 'ti.I 6 .~t---------------------JMONTC~R-:-Montclalr Plan-624-9672-Eves. 'tit 9:30, Sat. 'til I SAii IOMAltDINO-lnland Ctr.-TU. 9-8335 Eves. 'tll 10, Sal 'tH 6;30 SM llRD-Mission Valley Ctr.-291-1315--Eves 'til 10, Sat 'til I CUl.SIAD-Plau Camino ReaJ-7~5988--Eves 'tit 9:30, Sal 'til I --·---------------------··---.----- ' -- ·---------. c-~~··,,--' ~ rainboW of buttons for Mont! ThOm McAn's Jlutton ·Give Mom Thom McAn sheer hotie"' ~Uy 3 palr ••• ptan las· Rich imported straw, dotted with bright ·multi-extia pair FREE! Sheer flattery. Run resistant micro--mesh colored buttons. Pearl white Juaase handle. Creamy construction. Choose from our new complexion colors. white Hning. Pick from white and natural straw. Just And aet 4 pair for the price of 31Only 69¢ a pair. '4.99 Shoe! ... slippers .•• Thom McAn hu doz~m of gilt ideas for Mom. Come in and 5tt! South Coast Plaza ts · -==================================================-~===========w==============================;::;;;:;=-=-=====::at;=== ' If we paid any higher -interest W~'dbe breaking the law. We start out by paying the highest interest rate a savings & Joan b allowed to pay. Now it is even better. We are now doing something new to make sure you'll earn interest 100% of the time. And then some. Here's how it works. Put money in anytime you please. Take money out whenever you feel like it. .And you'll get paid for every single day from putting 1n to taking out. • On top of this, you can takl? us for 10 days extra interest every month even before we see the color of your money. Just put it in by the 10th. And you'll get interest from the lst. (The catch: yo\1 have to leave it in till quarter's end.) Jn shor,t, we glve you every chance to get money for your money. Don't pass us up. That would really be • crime. because we're right across the street from South Coast P:a1a. HUNllN -. -N~VJNGS Across the str..t from -· 3310 BRISTOL STREET . COSTA MESA, CALIF . South Coast Plaza PHONE 540-7591 I . . ~ '..J-• .._ ~ <.,#, ..... --------, . ----------- t l ·, ~ ~ KOVENS cfowe~'l'd 3333 Bristol Strtet, ·COSTA MESA IOUTH CO.AST PLAZA A FLOWER YOU ARE MOTHER •••• Single strand of m atched cultured pearls, lustrous ancl lovely ••• with sparkling diamond clasp, 350.00. Ooen Ni9htlv t• •:10 ,,M. And for Mother's Day, South Coast Plaza will give away 2,000 gardenia plants on Thurs -, day and Friday, May 8 -9, in the Carousel Court. lll Stores Open Diily 9:Ji io 9:30 , lnstol at_ San DieCJO Freew.y Grandmother, Aun\ie, Sister, Cousin, Creal Aunt. Daur htu ... •nd. of cou~. dear sweet MOTHF.R-l N ·LA'W A 11lore full of wonderful idea.~-thouunds of ideiu1 for out11tand inr r ifu for all occa11iom. 1pecially priced for ea11y r ivinr SPECIAL JUsT FOR MOM APOTHECARY JARS . Clede Mil!'. 3 t*1, J lizea: i. ·~ 3'h ... 5 ., Ambtf, -Oliw, llue 7 •• :!!:.~~.~:~........... SET l HY Pl Al AClnlC PAllfT sn l rushH, . H C. -CAIHSTEI SIT ~ ..... -~--r-:i::~ rallott•. Palatte ~ K11ife, 10 Tubu lasic "NEW" DAISY ANO MOO DESIGNS AOJUSTAILE FLOOR STANO ..____,_.._~ (IOARD 'EXTRA) Colors, Varnish. Hygel and fnstru<tion look. Rtt .1A.oo l 11 GJO,MIACHUS ARTIST OllS 10 losic Colo"· lrushe1 Poletti Instruction look. 711 •••• 12.40 aro.411 7~~~~~~~~~....._ 50% Off on SELECTED GLASSWARE IMPORTED SWISS HANDKHCHllFS 7 PC. SALAD SET PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY JEWllRY WES All $1.00 bolled 1tJltlonery •nd bolled notes. Incl. Eaton's, Monta1't. Hallmark's finest. newest 66 patttms.. colors. ( REG. $1.00 YOUR CHOICE ONLY ea. TO 2500 -<S----........ ,ooc:=:>oo09 ...... ~--~~~ 4t~ STATIONERS I UENA ,ARK SHO,."NG CENTER COSTA MESA SOUTH COi.ST l"LAZA ftUNTINCfDN CCNYCll • HUHTIHCTON llACM C0111pltt1 Cen1111ttdal $1ttio!Mfy s. ... ''°"' pucils t•Mollbltiic .. .-.. .. ~cUll 1«111111• •~'ll ..... YOUR CHAR6E ACCOUNT INVITED ~ We Honor Your IANKAMEJUCARD er MASTEfl CHA~ -' e HOU YWOOD CLOTHIS e HAD SCHAffNll & MAU e UTllll • CllCunDI e UllCll IHll1S e UN'T IHlm e MANHAnAN IHllJS e PUlnAN SPOITSWIAI • DOH LONI na e lllAI NICIWIAI e 11ACY ADAMS SHOIS • tof'Slllll e LONDON Jo. JAClm e NA• TIN IWUIWUI e IHall.mWILIY e 1'911•. SOCU· · e JOCOY UNDllWlil .; e HAlln SLACU e IANSAm.T SLACU e CACTUS CASUAL 11.ACIS • A·1 SLACIS A-4 ........... Deep Pleat Back The lntemationel Look ia here. Co.t has shaped waiat, excitln9 tletp. f nverted back pl Ht • • 1 COME SEE IT TODAY. -- ·-· • I ·- • . • . t . ' l l 1 • ·- \ :.1 ,, ~ .• \ .. JUn91 • • , Sh~ sh•U have rings on hw fingers! ·All styles,' en colors, 1fl t"-'fH _.. '• • pHrls, l>ltthit~ei. ·11.de • e I ~.SI ·~;· "P TrMsur .. • •• th1t will a,e cheridted -the pmed gift for Mother! -Min1ture m11terpieces In l 4K gold, yellow 9old-filled ind sterling silver. Ch.,m; from $1.95 lr1celeh from $3.95 ~ Oh~carat, - two~arat!, rnaybe even t~ree • or four-carat diamonds ••• !omt of our diamonds art S10,0001 othen $75; Our collectiOft - ~llt stirprise you -in size, qu11itr and prk:t particuJuly, INVEST N'ow -at a se1dom offered SALE ••• on ioose diam9ndj or mounted settings. ' ...... •-llkllf "S ct ..... • 125 • 71 1.00 ct. -r ... tl.500 .... tl,lft .. . -..... .... . ,.., .... .... .» ct. -r11 •• t us .... • 111 J2 ct. _ ,... • 950 .... 1 721 .so ct. -r19. t a .... • m Mt,..... l .00 ct. ,.. r19. S -400 .... s • .et ct. -,... 11.• .... ti.lit M111y 1111« LAllGEll llla!Mllft II dlllM f,..,., Do you heve • sentimental attachment for your olc:J feweky? Why not MODERNIZE yout ve lueble di1!'1'lond1 with new mouf)tings for $29.50 i nd up • • • • :;:, w • .id;ng b•ndo • • • • 14K yellow or · white gold, styled \.. • urrow, wide, pl1in or engraved, antiqued or wh1ttv9f you desire , • 1 '9.H end UP. Ol1mond Solit1lre E.,rin91 • , ., Meny aty1.s, 14K white 9~ld ..• $Jf.50 to $1,000 ...... leCou~rf' Pendent Wetch •• , in solid I 41C gold, hencf. finished Florent1nt cese. Solid I 4K Gofc:J ch1in ••• $1 SO