HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. \ • ' , -• • ~ . • ,t ' 1eB7··.1n • .. . . ,_. \ . Coun._y ·Fun· Ring~ ' . 1Pair· Ge:t~Tern1s -·. . -. ' . . ~ . -. . For Sex~ .. -Ga_l_llbllng ' • t. ·' ~ ' -. ' • ' I . •, ' ' " . •• ' .' ·. · ~ .. : · · · · · · ··';,, ., · · :'--·: :Man ,SfeiZed,. · Broatlara;-·~ J0e,..:;Fm"11;·i:550<·-J· :·r' ,. .-~i : . .,·;,;' ····;:_, ... · · ,.., .:_ -· r .; -t · . · · ~ · . · A:·ccus~Il"uf ...r- But _ su~ersiar 1czeared of .Urunken Driv·ing Ch~rge . · .. · ~,. • MIAMI, (UPI) -Superitar .~.. ll•Y ' Village Officer R., De Santis ol Namath Oii MWnl's 7911!' . s Ir.et-Smug· . g·. i.::.~ IY Namath, corall'2 at the bar of jt.iicf., driving while · il'.lt<Wcated and driving Causeway neat NFath's "Bi'tiedway · 1 . ~l.J.?5 wa.s freed of dr.Unk driving Charges i>day, without a, license. Joe" restaurant. · . · but fined $50-lOr speeding during aq-1April "I dUiit it vlas 1 fair ·case," Namath Namath later said he was wrong in los· '· 14 pre-<Ia'° chase. 1 said alt<rward. He, said be baJ1 main-ing ~.temper '(ii!> De /lo:lliJ but. said he By ARTHUR R. VINSEL While Court secretaries ,peered llrOugb tained all along his i~ence .Of tipsy WA!' di!turbed by the fact the-policeman °' ~ o.i~ '""" ltaff the slit windows of Metro 'Traffic Judge driving, "but 1 aatd I· might have been wwld·not permit him to .leave the· scene Smuggled , hnhlsh wonh .}$;000- Art}wr Winston's court, the ·~bly speeding abd. the jUdge,famd ~t I was to get bis<ifivflr's ~· mailed .from Paris -aod .a ·minlature '" ~NewYork.Jetsquarterbeck~-s~." 1 • . . M ~·I,~'liave:doDe'.itinlOmlnu~.My , marijuana fann wft•allegec:lly seized ___ _ with bent head befw.e the ~aid: law N -left the courtJYQm .. followed by attorney was wtth·the and the policeman Thursday when federal agtllts and by the Jiu. · ~. . • ·ii , Gt new~.,~· a.ttorney told wouldb't ~et him 'go eitbtr," said Namatli Namath's Was one of the ·cPea the ~ Namath bad ttie fhl;.and Joe who led-tbe ,Jets to.vtct«y in tbe Super Costa'Mesa police arreste1fa than fu 'a · called in .the .daily traUic .. "'8'1 '-· ' ·IAralp ~,-siylng,."I-Bowl:-" ~ ~-'-:--• ...;... -raid on;b!s"Mm-Verde·area ,home ... ·. and the lean qulirterba<:k'BWod up With ' I -ltat I'm' l!Oing to During Namath's brief COW'! ap-A quantity of pills b.iieved fo be l.liO, his'·attomey, Gef.rge Orr. 1'.ter bearing ~bed.'!' '~ ~ ' pearance, ~ ecore of secretaries found it empty capsules and Kool Aid fOW:der the charges, Judge W'mton fined N..,.U. • ~lie 'Sanlli ·had allO 'accuaed NamaQI, time foe Uteit' collie break al!'! poppOd oommonly used . to cut ti!• drug fu sale · l!O Jor careless drlving·by'.,p..am;, p111( ... -ol 111'!''1 .. ill!dool< bell as the into-the ~· One ol. thO mglggled, or individual . coosumpllon were alsO '5 court costs. ~ " • · '.>~·.ai.it,Gl)lie·year, ol gMng -"If "' comea.out !bis ·door, 'I'm gonna · He dlsplissed cbarlea ·:tled>~y North him 1 · l>oil -•:u-... be atrested ta<:kle him." · fuund1 aloog with ·'otber' porapbernatia, , · • investigators claimed. • . .. ·Victor c. Fo111ythe,• 20, of 3077"Molokai --. - -.. ' . ' , ; . ' . ·--' ' . ' FRIDAY. Af,TE~NOON, MAY .2 J 969 • VOL. a. NO.' Ill. •-s•cnOfnl ......... , • • Luxury·Lifier_ ~llit -R'ac' e Co' n ·f-us· ' .·e·. d as' .. 'C' a-ts' ' P.:J:&i":u=:'ia:!than~i·:=ul:J ' ' •• ' ' • . tor ai;raignment today before • u.s, Toys. for . Fat"'"""·· 'IJou·. -t•~;t: B Bl 400 commissioner in santa Ari.a. , . , . _ . . . ~ ) . . ..... · Y aze, Detective Noiin Kutch safd Forsythe's Adrninistrative·:Assistant Pa\..Wallace ud;Dr. AntJiOl!y·,Toto~suplfiP.-/Y ·' ,. J::-, '• • ,. • ' . > ' 1 N ' · E nadn F. • • h arreat climi:,:ed .a two-day in~estiga;Uon tendent ·and 'medic;al dir,c~i: a~ Fair;view,.·StateY Hoapital '.in ;Coa~h Mr, . nse in· IS ' ' resulting' from inf'ormatio!) bf U.S. Post M I to f ti Is •·Ji ed Th cla ........ , El t l>1 '1--' . . .' · .' . , · . . , Office authoriti.,, at. a branch a few esa, accep ,, ys; or O\U!i .pa en = ver w:s Y.• ·~ ' ee 0 CCIU!I bl ks I th F ·····h . Tisdell .of.Souui Cpast' .lei&.Jqi\;trtjcl<)f~' ·-· . .. ~: '," '~i%'Jiee •ho.:'';.-;:., ~&:· pla<ed co,in~ pl.1;s:h,e.11 ';~j; · · · +c'e!ij;I'.'.!OUl\!~'!:!ifll!I!\'~ -'<*'' •:· ~~AM~ CITY /RP (UPI) -The, By ALMON.~.· BEY y••ht r-._ •• Iy ,.,_ ---.~ g. oo the unemploye<i·car W11Shei for pros· cbased'!t\lvr...if,~ IUl ;W~liospitall'";~ ... ·-. -'-c"I~ •1,,; ... French liner Talilt'it. with·mcre than 400 t..:. MW '"' ........ -loLl&ll ~u"' ecution on chal'ges . of ponession of 5"'.t;:f' .. " x·5 !'i'" ,,_,, ·': ~ ·) ' · · :: ,._ .,....,.J~ ·~ . • • }\.";•'t'.i:.::.!._~~ board tkd-· _.,._. .... r8dt DAILY '1LOT...,.... ._.,.,. Tbe fleet ii"so acaUered that It was im-dangerous ' dru~ cultivation of mari-, , ·: ~· 1 r· r• .... ~11 ·1; ~ l r "'' :t , , ~nson ay.v~~.!!J' 0 -A·B O·ARD -M·OTOR VESSEL ·..,...,1bleto·Jdentifytbeleil'dei's,"butilie J'o.ahaaiid .posses810n~otnarcoticspara;·-~ .... ,.~,''·-i•:.. ;-,,,. .... --· l_t 'as on fU"e in .. the. Pacific aboUt: 558 !"'"""' p· • Df·"' 11. • '.IJ·~ · · "'~ 1 ....... ~ • • " • • WES'I'WADn • With the lead boats bulk' of 'A. "-••• -~-to •s phemalia~' • -' a ' ....... a'. ; .. •; ' t, ' 'tw~.ol!,;Can~= Command theca~s-npectec!'to":roa; roundln/tbe~"':'hI';'.-ida. ~ '"': W.llUl'ANTISSUED ·, . . all'.·, , ._'f',' e~~·.1 ~-~···:·', r.i ~ , said the l!i6\~ vessel's master, Capt. finiahline around· noon today, au was sWI ca1!'.:w':n~:'e, ~ ~ K~:~ ~~:e:~=· :iy:iui:s;;;:e· In. Pf~titutioii,' _: i •• i ,. . ,.: '-•t ;: f~ •. R., Dhennain, 45, said that fire which coofuaicn in ·~ Newport to-Ensenada M•-'-ol! •»oint ~--·· •-• at liome Th"-"ay . . . ';"'P . ~ .,. " .:, ' -:.: . , 711 brake out in the_~ roomJwl ~ 8b;t~~lo a.ni." ahe ~to:"~ the Sey;n :hces .. '.of ha.!hlsh were found G" ~-·~· :1 •• ,..,·.:Jfjlj r. 1 ....... ~ l ", ·;. J :::;··· i~r).,. t:~~ I'' to ~get art\is but WU believed to1be *~ . * ' * lead yactit. . . hidden in Forsytbe'S-back yat:d,. accord-a ' . ·'"' ~· ' ' ' g~ '·I I . ' ' ,r"'~ nW.' ' ! .\ l •'(\ I • • • · · ing to Detective Kutch, of the vice and , · · ' ·1•1 .Q 1 1 1 • • 1 · 1 ,.. • ' ' "1 uncier eontrol. ' ' . Pomo~ Doctor Three other "9&!1'-were sighted otr iiitellljjenCe .detail. and, taken ' .by . cus· "Enterta. . inment ' uitllml •. t..il' became• I .,· r you're ·100· ..... f .... ·• ·•··-' In f. Tw,. o 1 s'hi~~ere_riported within 200 Point 'SaJclpudeFit' 1:4.\ a.m. one was toms•a.,..nt.s for USe in federal prosecu · ...._ • ..... .,.. ~•---Wikl Wind .aft" unoftk:ial en'-· in the . &" • very much 1imited 1aursday 'with the j ,, , ( 11 f / 1. miles of tbt Uen, the lrtighten Welt , • ... , lion. handing· of jail terms to, two members of, _the weather" ro:.:e Jt~ 11M~t!lrt eoioradoand£.-.canScoul;theArmy D' D • Ra race ; another wsa •Jim Arno ss' 'Thfee ccintaintr's 'ol '200· marijuana •.P.-.°' ." Jlll. "",dlld. ~-""".•-.'Iii' l,,·end, lshllpes'\Ji<. ~_;''""il\llea...ot,·O(ii!i' r---· Jes' urm.g 00 Seumoke1 skippered by Brian Wald, seeds sprouting on water-covered tisstle '':'.;~ ~ · '"~"Tt''l" ·"JC , reported. · while the lhll'd .,. .. ubldedifled. papes; -191 transplantlbg Ji!IV;C:zi .. iiJl~l!if · .Uiat ~" .... , ·j· '" _.:,: ·.. · · j·• week· wlth;-<!i>HJUl<ies1till ·'1!00n ~ : ;, D6eniwn said he bad brdert!d 4 all ~ ,MaJI, f,,of,·the. :yacbb, ill'_ ~bOit·tieft· I r.so·t wttets~, 18 _.bit 1benze(frlne Douglas ·'COru;i(~y Kornwolt,~t was: r and teriJrw1;a(~f'ln}1the r midcue·!' .. ::. • A promineet p.....,. .aurgeon ,U!1>• ,, c ...-sent~!Y J~:fi(-1!1'.~lo-*" , ,~ CJ' ... , " · _.gers on'deck but.had not ~ided ~'--""'h's'l~. -··ne'da yacht race were spotted seekJni belttr w'.!lCls 25 tablets;. two h~shish pipes; three spoons . day~; · !$i' ·"°""· • 'f""" ~ !G'a•al"1g :llie •otf.lte.•Coisl. . • y~~,vtiether to abandon ·Ship. .. '· " · ~ .lll' 11 .,m ~,..,. miles off short. A group of boat.s, iden-and.a dn,ig ay?!fnge were. &ISO taken from -· . ·~"'"9 -!L~ 1 • • .. •· .,.. • ,, ·'1 ~ ..... -rr t •!'-'> • · d!il of· an apparent heart attack Thurs· tffJed as COiumbia 50s,· were off the Forsythe' rlKfn, Kutch auerted. 1 15 , 9 9f ~kt e· wUJr>J-: ·· . t ~" ,... · ''· ~· • · " ... 1 t( The Army sajd tbei'e were 270 day night aboard hJs 29-loo! ·sloop eotonados flymg spinnakers. · · ctleiai!s!leadlilg to the' probe ,...., "'!t Bri4~~lfl~-~:ple'!dod;i]l ·· JN6jutt ~ t'ODA:Y> ~ ·;,. pasiengeraandlf7crewmenaboardtbe "Elena" ·Head.windstoUthoftheCoronadolhad reJeued,-buttbepolloecredited'apostal ch , .tp1GPJn .. •· ~ ·t ~ ~~ • ~ -;.. ~..._ • \;: crfP,pled ~r1 bound for, Sydney,-. Dr ..,,~·~--.a . -'a·-eonln dimintshd"by uu., morning aoo the supervis<i~'at:tpe b~.post .. ~eat . iP.I' ~-.,IM.P~~( ·. );' .g-;J. ~~111noJ{Rarb~ ind·~ J~l Auilralia, from" Mar8'fil03,_ ~ . . •• "'1'"~~~· "'·, ·-(. ' weelller.appear,s"tobe.c~g. with lit!l!l !li5D W. K-.Ave.; WI~ helpmg ID the , G . . mpt ,~ ~' -~6wnft••llCI ~(lt hL>skids': . ' ...... ~vu. the Panama Canal Co. listed 'Potildiuif'Or:.Syean,wasstrld;en'U bis wfnds foi-theruntoEnse:riadaduringth!e case .. i " • '"I.~ : protia .!:i ,.!. ,r;ot fie~ \l i ': '-t ". e;· 1 '~;.;!~; ~ • · Ul passe .. ..,_ and 147 crewmen.aboard. sloop-neared Dana Polnt. day ' Invest'igators~ charge the has)d!h 1n-, ~. 1 • ··'.~ ~ • , :" • ~ .. • -::;f~.~,. _· ........ ~-, <:'. '•""0 •• . 1 · • volved was rqailed to Forsythe from -"-~ ~1~, The Anny dispatched an Air Force Other compebna boll! 11Ulled aong Paris and\evJdesrtly.«li.'fered "twodays Club"l: ......... , ""~~ CIJt loadOd Witll llferalts from Howard side lo reader aid and rJdlo ·for CoUI •ago, ae<oriling;to wr!tttn ~.of the 1<ith ~-, ~ ;?, , , AFiltotlie54!1-lootliner'apoolllon,lnthe Gu.udhelp. . '. PILOT .SIGNS IN <8¥· • • . • qa ..... ...,.7'4mf:c;;&ym•-probltlnn ......... --..,............. ' -r- PM111c.belween....tbe Canal, 1-1ild ~-W::ll\ifl~W!ll ~ ' -~;.;~~ ..... I . .-"=''·::: ... i t' a-:" -Ta11111."' ~ =~sr:li'tct°aat .. ~~~r: WlT-IrRACif7JA·TA:. , ~~'ff'.!:fi:stJ~11i-~fg1m:· _l':~:..~-ai:..Gi ~!-.~,-·i,...;:.,.""'. i:·.-§t~. . ~, . . H E H . J arrlved,Har~Departme~taidessaid._ Diredradiophonei'e~fnim~ blouOm's! ia.• . ,~a •rn&t ··J ..,;'JAIR:~Ciiil"!io-.,_ :=.--; ·:...,. .... :tf. Ope DlCr8 08ptta ~-onginal)y·wk ,ll>!have.put 1n ~v ·DAIL'ICJ'twr tiol!J'lii <itilOI' """'1tGlllyVorlg " ting' in lfle Middle Fells Beaordo Qlimln, ~ . 5•"' • ._· , ,,. ,.. · • · J\r· ~, · ai:bor.-buf·it"~with·tlft~· 111 ~#4i.-r...a..... -i'ed ( ' 2al£ ct:imliies \t TwOS,w0,rru:r1~¥•rt~Sue·~~21;·r, __ __..,,, '1·tt hidt w ,'iil"I. NIW Y91\R (Ari '::'iComedian ~I liOdf' N~lleacll, Inateed. ;'ro:ru:.1.1;~;w.'Zou;;";~~gr!i . llealdes ,t 'iwgh (-al l!llllJUlinR · "".losfA•\ll"""'"Ml••!l~'-":f l(elly,. . ··::. T-, : lJoi;>e eDlettd Colurnbl• P~yterlan Dre . Pr~ w1s • a member of the Newport Beacl).E~ada.Yt\ci\t raae re.I): .. •Fotjrytf: faces arid the ,state o{. -44 .. "0~_ Jll N.\. Wanda Orlve, Fu rtotr--;;.l=ar• i: ':':F..... . ,.: Medici' Centu Thursday mgbt for Voyagera Yacht Club. · , ._,,... on ~ROOM' <tifb FM). 11'he1'adio ltaUon fenHS ~ wbltti .he m•Y be' pro$e<:Uted; pleaaeo gullty to ch•".I" ¥ pl'Oll.ltl.aUon · _.,.,..,_..,...,._ ' •• t ' ....,. medical l'reatment QI ,., alling.left,eye,; · llbl. ~''"il'm!Joved'lli Baltz'(;orolul · llgn< 00 1111 m. at.I lips oil 012 1 m ~Ive Ku!Oh said the suspect has and were placeci on , probiUoa !or one hoipllal aulhorlU.,·SIJll~ay. de! Mar Mortuary, · · · socue odditloaal tn>thle. year. - ' ·t t J -• ----- • - • • ') DAILV PILOT Kn~fepoint Kidnaping ·Described A YOlllli Crutllne bousewlle 'l'bundly lold Newport Beach po1lee al belog IGroed to 'drive at knif!'!point around the Hafb9r Area by a !light ,man who robbed her before jumping from her car. Coleen Gomes, 11, lll1d the 1ocldeal oo- "'rred late l\'ednesday nlll>~ oflloen A id. Mrs. Gomes said the man, in bis mid 308, jumped into bet car at Seashore Drive and Orange Avenue and &aid be wanted 1 ride to 36th Street, Short1y afterwards be drew a 1maD pocket knife, held it to the woman's ribs and grabbtit her hair with his olhtr hm<ft alficersllld. Mrs. Gomes told inv~Ugalol"I the suspect forced bCr to drive to Balboa Penlnsula, then to Costa Mesa. He tben ordered her to drive back· ti Nawport Bnch and al Nowpor•' B.aulward and HOll>llU Roid be toot .. ur...,, and ne<1. !dri:'Games lben apeo1 to a aervice station where me ca1lell pOl!oe. . • otllotn uid .... told them the mall t .-.i bavlng been r<cenl!y roluae4 fnm a ...,, la Jail and lhal be ,... "lo tnutaae.'1 . . UP'I T1i.Mtt Freed Convict· Starting · fha. Early Kidnaps Texas Officer~ Shot · Jennifer Diane Landis, the youngest of eight cblldren of Mr. and Mro. J<>chn Land.Js of Everett, Wash., wasn't too sure about going to the ~auty parlor for her first appointment. She grew this bead of ,hair in three short months. ' • ~~:i;:..<:;~;g/'~~i:~ Lega! L.oophole Delays do aaything "to talk to my kids and love r them," tidnaped a Texas highway ----~.,.-~_.,.._._'¢"_,_.. .. :.....-;.·•!_-t::!.~~""·~"' ..... -•. r£:?.:~h~!~~=~.,~~~Hearing on Prostitution The ex~nvlct, Robert Samuel Dent, about 26, was shot tn the stomach. He ' hid vowed oat to be taken lllve. 11u'ee Hunt!ngton Beach maaeusea, His wife, who rode by his aide. in the to-arTested April 11 on chargea of pro- mile·an-hour chase across 10Utheasl Tei~ stltutioo, used a legal technicality u , was captured, and Kenneth Crone, the Wednesday to postpone their preliminary hlgbway patrolman they held borlage sJn. . hearing until May I In West Orange ce belore. dawn, escaped tmhurt. County MunlclpaJ Court. Threatening by radio lo kill Crone with ' It wu the second postponement In the a shotgun if followed, Dent had driven · preliminary bearing of. Patricia M. teveral hundred pilles in the aquad car. Shelton, 271 of 7791 Slater Ave., and Lot.. Te.us Department of Public Safety IAMuten, 21, of I07 11th St., both of Capl.Jerry Mlll<r made a deal with Deni Hunlln(ton Beach, and Belly J, Coatello, to \el hlin see the children, a boy 8nd· a 19, al Loag Beach. .. glr~ near Bryan, Tei., northeul of The trio wu orrelled April JS fol)owtng ' HOUl!oo. a two ....., lnv..UgaU.. by HUDl!ngton When Dent and hli "11• waited inlo tbe Beath delectlv .. ol the Executive Sul,. houle, tbeY met two patrolmen instead al Salon aauna li"':Jor, 17~ Belch Blvd., tbe c:hildr<n.. Dent WU cut ~by. ~ Huotington liffch. . lawmen. -Polloe Cbl<I John Sdtzer has . ....,,.,_ Belor< Dent stopped wheiibe thoupt mended that tl)e CJl]I Council bold· a the. cblldren would be, be made a de.al by publlc heartnt on bJI reo:nrum!ldatlon radio with Miller. that tile business license for the 11una . "I want 10 or 15 minutes to t:alk to my and three of ita employes be revoked. kllta and love them and I don't think The council likely will set a date for the they'll be seelnc us again," Dent told bwing al Its 4:111 p.m. meeting Monday Miller by rad.lo. 11Tben give ua a 15-· and instruct the dty clerk to ~ the minute start.. .. prindpala Involved. Attorney James W. Read, Jr., of Long Beach, asked the <.'Ourt Wednesday for the May I date to hear a demurrer, a legal claim that something in the charges b incorrect, which be will file on behalf · al Mi.s Coetello, bis clleiit. "A public defender, scheduled to defend the other two women, failed to appear Wednesday, and Read entered the demurrer plea al.so in Ulelr behalf. DetectJves arrested Missea Colteilo and Sbelton eerly In the morning at tbe sauna, and later picked Mrs. LeMasters up at her home. The first two were book· ed into Orange County Jail, women's aec- tioo, then rel-' on Pt~ Jti1 each. Mn. Le.MaSten wa9" booked but never plactld In Huntlngt<ln B<il<:h Cll]I Jail. She was also freed on $315 bail. · Detectives also claim they confiscated pornographic literature and some closed clrcuJ.t television equipment.in the 1auna parlor raid, but no charges hive developed from seizure of those items. "Okay," Mille? said. "Where do )'ou want to park?" "I'll show you when J get there," Dent Aid. Dent fina'lly stopped at a howe. He uld he would take patrolman Kenne.th Crone, 21, In with him as boo\lige and, after vtalting fhe children, let Crone a:o when he came' out. Recently paroled from the L<inlatan,a St.Ile PenitentWY, Dent also ..,.eel Ume in the Tau Ptnlte.nUary. GOP Governors Shy .Away From Group ABM Support Men than 100 automobiles followed Dent -but oot closely -from HOUiton to Bry'an. Overhead was a DPS bellcopter. Nixon Talks Finance WASIDNGTON (UP!) -Pr<aident Ni.Ion met with blJ economic and fore.lgn policy adv!Jen at tbe Treasury Depart- ment too., for dlJcuaions on tlxea and the inc8'Dltional monetary situation. DAILY PllOT OIANGa COASl l"UILlltffNCI COMl'AHY ......... til. W"4 P'ml*flt ""' "'*'hllltf JM.II a: C•rky \IJk9 l"tallflftl ... O.rtl ..,._..,. n-:~.!,.,.w- n-•• A. M.r,,lril ... Nit(lw!tll •••• ·-· C.la -..i • ""' ..., ,,,..., ..._... ...,., 1211 """' ..... ...,..,.,.. L-.-.i: nt '-t ·-......,_. lllloilClil : • • lfrWI LEXINGTON, ]\y. (AP) .,.. llepubllcan aovemon backed away today from o:- preaslng group auppon far Presldenl Nix- on's decision to. deploy tbt Safeguard anU-baJ1bt!c mlnlle (ABM) ayamn on the advice o{ Vlei! Pre!lldent Spiro T. Agnew. Crllv. Raymond P. Shafer of Pennsylvania told a news conference afte.r a closed <.'Onference eession th.al Agnew had advised the pemon he did not believe they 1hould ad on the ABM J.aue because such adloo would be ln- tupret.d u partisan. It was not a partisan maUer, Shafer quoted Agnew as telling the governors. The governors also sidestepped any group action on campUJ disorders. Previoualy, Gov. Ronald Reagan of California, the conference chairman, had taken a bard line calling for punishment of thooe who partlclpa,. in vlol<nc<. In a series of resolutions, the GOP rovernon ca.lled oa :Nlzon IO channel Two Countians Killed in Crash OCEANSIDE (AP) -A Yorbe Linda woman and her dauahter were tilled to- day in a rear-end colfiaion on Jnterttate 5. Dread oft arrival al Octanslde Hospital weft Pamela Baker, 21, and her daughter, Kimberly, 1. Ma. Baker's husband, George Towne Balrer ID, 21, wu injured and ts In fair condlUon. ------1nvest1gaton aafd Baktr'a car wu hit from the rut by a car driven l)fLinCe • Cpl. John E. Ad•ms, Z2. a Marine m. lioned at Camp Pendl•ton. Off.ICirs--.kl Adams ned the scene but was liken Into CU!tody later on the camp Pendleton Marine ba" and held by anti-poverty program& for tbe lndlvlclnal stai.s through tbelr ol!ices. 'Ibey uld the l'l'esldenl lhould coaalder abolishing regional ·offices of the Office of Eoonomlc Opportunity. UROC Supports l.imiting School FRESNO (AP) -The United Republlc111111 of Callfornla prepar<d today to give their support to a campaign to limit sex education in public schoola. The classes are a major topic at the annual convention of the group of con- servaUve GOP political volunteers. "Acceptance of extremely graphic sex educaUon material produced for young minds by some Callfornia public schools has been of great concern to many UROC mtmbers," said Michal Van Horn ol Qilver City, president of the group. UROC claims some 10,000 menibers and ofOciala aald 7SO of tbem will be at the meeting ' It Is one ·of two conservative Republican political groups ln the at.ate. The &~er 11 the California Republican A&seflllry, which claims isllghUy more members. ~ on tbe agenda ii a sp«<h by a representative of the govunme.nt of Rhod<sla, UROC bas loog urged the United Statet to rttognlze the pem- ment of Prime. Mlnister Ian Smith, 11'bose racial policiu have resulted I n widespread debate and crlticlsm. Girl, 5, Hit by Car 'Steadily Improving' ' . Tale ·from Himalay8:s :!l~ope Abandon:ed .for Lagun'!-Beaeh Climber ...... Wloo Semen 1bun~rlng down the side of U., ~orld's seventh highest peak, a o awesome lae ~ kille.d a Laguna 'each man and ala olber mounw-<s, actording to IUl'Vivors flown to Kat- jna.ndu, Nepal, Thursday. No hope ez1jJs for Paul Gerhard. lill, of J'll High Dru'e, or the other victims of .the worst Hlnialayan mOUD~inc ·accident s1noe 11151, burled alive Monday ander tons of froien debril. • · "lt was a ghastly aight," said William A. Read. 33, of Moose, Wyo., who wa.s assistant leader of the American Alpine Club-sponsored assault on towering .MounL DhaulqlH, He and Dr. Jefrfey Duenwald, Z7, of Pullman, Wash:, were flown from their 11,000.foo!-hJih -""'"' camp 150 mile> lo ·civlJ1%lltion, reporting those who stay«! "be.hind are in good shape. Read said the four surviving Yanks and the rest of the party involved in the ill· Katmandu, whm they wer• gre<ted by .. one bl the Americans on the party None o fthe Aqt~rican,s on theparty had Wmalayan climhlzw. experience, but au we.re veteran mountaineers, inc!Ladlng Gerhardt, and had scaled many forbid· ding peaks in the western betnisphert. Just March 5, not long before the party left·tbe U.S., Q<rb!rdt ledund tbe UC Irvine m~ club on the ·group's asceDliOQ of'¥ount, Sl Eliu in Al.ska. The other American dead besides Gerhardt, were identifed as John V. Meet fn .Jung.le Hoeman. 32, Anchorage, Ala;ka; William Ross, 30, Stanford University In califomla, <ind David Selr, ZZ, Norwalk, Conn. Sketchy early report& of the tragedy, radioed by Read frQJTI hlgh on the storqty mountain, dld not tell how the seven vic- tims died lri newspaper accounls Thur> day. - Later report.s also listed a sil:th Aroerican survivor as Terrence R. Beeb. of Spokane, Waah., who joined the party in Nepal and was not listed by the sponsoring club. · • = :s:~:~ ~~ ~~1i:~:::~ . Dy to Nepal. Breakthrough ·in Talks Possible as Reds Convene 'Ibe. two survivors flown out Thursday quoted blochem.lst Louis F. Reichart, 'if, of La Canada, who Wlfl an eyewitness to the m)&hty avalanel:ie wlµcb 1wept his colleagues to death. He jumped out of the way to safety. All the bodies remain covered by mow at the 17,000 fOO( level ol the 26,900 foot- peai:, which has ciairiled 10 persons in the past 15 years in fivt separate accidents. The toll makes Dhaulagiri the most lethal mountain in the Himalayas, which includes Mount Eve.rest, the world's highest peak. A veteran French mountaineer recently predicted that no ant:, could sca1e Dhaulagiri's aweson:ie 10Utheast. ridge, a jwnble •f towtrini Ice walls, broken rock, violent storms and blowing mow . PARIS (UPI) -A jungle Viet Coq meeting, a Moscow Yonferenct: involving a North. Vietnamese leader and the return to Saigon of South Vietnam's chief negoliator provlded signs today that a breakthrough may be near in the Viet- nam talks. Communist sources said Viet Cong leaders were meeting in the jungles of South Vietnam to hear a report on the talks by Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, a second· ranking member or the National Ube.ra- tion Front (NLF) delegation in Parb. trigued at the Ume of her departuie but said the NLF's confirmation that abe wu golng into the jungles for a meeting wilb the guerrillas with whom she once fought emp~sized the importance of • her mission. The talks have been stalled since Tho left for Hano i Feb. 10. The preliminary talks aimed at opening the way for the pre.sent peace negotiations opened May 13, 1968. Carole Tregoff Tbe party included four native Sherpa guides -two of wbOm died with half the American contingent -and nearly 100 porters carrying their gear. A U.S. Embassy helicopter flew the weak, bedraggled survivors from Jom- SO!l, near the foot of the mountain, to Mrs. Binb's I.tip, a conference between Le Due· Tho, the key North Vietnamese delegate, and Soviet leaders and the ltld· den return home of the S a i g on government's Pham Dang Lam provided optimism that things may be. moving. Le Due Tho was in Moscow on his way back to Paris after 10 weeks of con- sultation in Hanoi. Seeks Seclu.sion ---1+ And Job in LA Car Destroyed In Crash Flames A ~a del Mar man's car was com- pletely destroyed by fire and he and two others injured Thursday night in a two- car crash at University and Culver drives in University Park. California Highway Patrol officers said William Treadway, 59, of 1100 Goldenrod Ave., wu driving west on UniverSity and collided with· a car driven &OUth on Culver by Robert Ingi:am, 17, of 11%11 Bayberry Way, Un!ver!Uy Part. The $4,000 Treadway car burst into flames and was destroyed, the Orange Coonly "Fire De~t r<ported. Treadway, Ingram and I n g r a m ' s passenger, ~Uy · Doyle, 17, of C86 Satinwood Way, University Pp.rk, all suf· fered minor injuries, the · CHP said. Cause of the fiery crash l! under in- vestigation. Lam, Saigon's chief delegate, left Paris unexpectedly Thursday for S&gon to report to Presldent Nguyen Van Thieu. He wu to return in · Ume for ne1t Thursday's 16th negotiating 1ession. Diplomats connfcted Lam's trip to Saigon with the NLF's form.al statement Wednesday !aylng the NLF was ready to lalk with "the other parUe.s" in an effort get the talks movtng. Lam's trip apparently was connected with the direct South Vietnam-Viet Cong talks which Thi~u proposed more Ulan a month ago. Even before Lam left, hopes of a possi- ble breakthrough in the conference were spurred by news that Tho was on his way back to Paris from Huol Allied diplomats .recaHed that two previous lrip!I Tho made to Hanoi. had preceded major developments In Ute peace talks. Tho is the sevenlh-ranii:d member· of the North Vietnamese polit- buro and speciaj. counse1or to the Hanoi delegation to Paris. Mrs. Binh lef~.Parls Aprll 14 and Viet Cong spokesmen only reluctantly con- firmed she was gone. Allied observers said they were In- SOUTH PASADENA {AP) -Carole Tregoff, paroled fr<ml a life term for helping kill her doctqr-lover'a wife, was in seclusion today, hopefUI of obtaining a job as a medical secret¥"Y. ' Miss Tregoff, now 32, was released from prison Thursday, eight years alter She and Dr. R Bernard Finch were corl- victed of slaying his wife Barbara, 38, to avoid paying a '750,000 divorce set tlement. Finch, 51, was denied a parole hearing last year but gets another chance next year. He also received a life sen~ tence. Authorities at the California lnstilution for Women said Miss Tregoff was met by her fathe r James, a chef, and stepmother Gladys Md would live with them in South Pasadena. The stepmother told newsmen Miss Tregoff, a one-time model and still come- ly, was staying in the Los Angeles area but would probably come home "in a few da ys or a week.I' Donald R. Briggold, Carole's attorney, said she went into seclusion with a girl frieruYand wished to avoid "the ordeal of a pre;s conference." He said she told him "this is the greatest day if! my life." WOOLTURF BY FIRTH . ONLY $10.95 59. YD. Never befort has this ftmous quality bee" offered at tkis un e ievt • low ro I price of $10.95 Y~·-nly through e stocking leedenhip cen we offer this e•ceptionel value. "YO?.LTURF has the. following ad: v1nt19es: Furniture cen be moYed without l11vin9 m1rk1, seams are 1ny111ble, smell 1cc1dents and 1011 don't show, spills and spot1 clean away, cigarette burns leave no scars, they brush out without • trace. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HEN REOON -DREXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST -LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1 n1 WHtcllff Or., ~2-2050 ortM PllDAT 'T11 ' . INTERIORS Profa11lon1I Interior LAGUNA BEACH Oulgnt,. 345 Norlh Coott Hwy. 494-4551 Avallabla-AID-NSfO a>IN NIDAY ~J( t • I • mUttary authorlUa. • Oftlttn estimated that Adams' car was travelins at J.20 miles per hour when It bit tile Baker car. 8Q(h vehicles Wert northbound. Ashley Higgin>, I, of Newport Beach, who was sertousl.J injured in an aulo- pedffirian mlsbap Wednesday, will be taken out of lntensr\·e care tod1,y, Hoag Memorial Hospital reported. The ,U.I, who Uves •t 4MO River Ave.; ,.._ '•" ,,_,Mott et o.....,.. c..., 140.1ZIJ suffered 11erious face and head lrtjurlt.1. 1.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_-Hospllal •pokesm .. uld her conclJUoo II "steadlly lmproving." -. • • ' • • ' • • • • Huntington Beaeh· • voe. 62, NO. IQ5, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE couwr. CALIFORNIA • Citizens -'Gang Up' on -Sex . BJ TERRY COVILLE Of .... Dltl" ,.., Stefl ,,_ A new organization. covering the entire Skq\)l!'Hlllle Huntington Beach Union High School District is in opera.Uon today &o.ci;mbal au educiUon in local acbools. Jot Ferm, a vocal stl' education op- ~ aaid Thursday the new group knOwn as VOTERS (Voice Of The Elec· torate Regarding Schools),. is sUll in Its formative stages. He ~ts it to involve "literally tbnnynds: of citizens." Fenn has been a perennlai opponent ol city and school lpeod.ing programs, ap- pearing plten at meetings as head of the Property Owneu Protective J,eague, a secret organization whooe membership has never been released but is believed to 1>e-i.., thao a dozen. At preaent, VOTERS counts fewe r than 20 members. "We've purposely )tept the number low while forming the group," explained Ferm, • The or:ga~tional pattern of VOTERS Includes, four elected officers afl4 a 1$- nfember guidance commJttee, with thtet representatives on the committee from each of the hlgh school district's fi ve elementary school districts. "Our goal ," said Fenn, "is combatting sex education in the high school district or any of the five elementary districts." An organizational meeting was held Wednesday night in a Westminster home at which four temPorary officers and the Riot Law Offered Council Studies~ Parade Ordinance • By WII..LLUJ REED -chambers of · Memorial Hall, SUt Street -cur," begins the preamble lo Ordinance °' tll9 o.i" "'* .si.H and Pecan Avenue. 1497 which will become law immediately: Meqiory of three tb~nd rioting On April 20 police had lo quell an out-after adoption. \5 meQlber committee were named, said tenn. El~ted chairman was Dr. Richard Ruhe from the Ocean Vle.w _School DU!trict area. Temporary secretary Is Mrs. Marge Gage, Huntington Beach City School District resident, and treasurer is Harry Boggs, Fountain Valley . School Di.strict. Fenn, who lives in the Ocean View area, will handle public relations. Ferm declined to name the members on lbe guld.ing committee. FRIDAY, MAY 2, "1969 "Our -I> to fµnn<I all thinkinf into a IUllted organlµ.Uon.,'' ae.id Fenn. "We have also found thlt mui:h of the clergy i~ concerned aboUi:. sex educaUon, .and we will form a special· comm1ttee composed of clergymen." He a190 listed J four step program adopted by VOTERS for ita action 00 sex education courses. It Is: -Force Individual members of the high school board ol trustees tO mike a coin· mi~t· oa aex «tucation IO the people ... ·-• • TEN CENTS •\ , • know where they stand. -Allow the high ICboof boord le · reconsider the sex educaUon proc:ram at ita July a meeting. -Jf ·bolrd action ls not satisfactory, consider legaJ action. . • ~der recallilll truat ... who will not ta'e a !f.and on se:1 edllcation. · Fenn emphasized tbllt the f'ft:lll lsaue was Only a last resort, 'then aaid; "However, any' of the four pbints can be (S.. ANTl-sEX, hp Z) youths on the sands ol Huntmgton Beach burst. from some 3,000 youths who stoned ..... __ .,,,__ .i-i;~-.u.,,,_...._" --iel----omt-ihe-,.. .... ..-..r ... ,,,,,.. ... ,,.,, __ th~tllt·11<at'lf1Mt11l"tllt-~·--"'!"""""--.-~·ll)'·· summer beach season arrives has led officers at bay until r~inforcements from ·march, parade, process.ton or public . ' the· Ctty Council to consider adoption 11 police agencies could be rushed to the assembly consisting of persons or M()Jlday of a parade ordinance to beef up city. ~ animals or vehicles or any combinaUon police power. "There are certain d~ptive elements upon any public travelway, pier, beach or Councilmen will consider the parade operating within this city which g1ves Ci-quasi-public place which obstructs or proposal e.s an emergency ordinance dur-ty officials reasonable cause for concern unreasonably interferes with the free ing the 4:30 p.m. session in . Council that additional civil disturbances may oc-(SM RIOTS. Page .Z) W.orked iii Westnaitaster Three Beach NoteoriRoommate'sDoor. Masseu~s' . · . . · · _ Trial Delayed ;Epitaph .for C~J>er.. ~~~~.rttg:~ • Was A oole lo the l.l&uoa Bach ni0mmate of ari expert moun'(aineering ph<tographer who worked -when he wasn't climbin& -is a We.!itmlnster computer procrammer, is pimled to "the. door ol their bachelor pad today. "Henry, Paul bas been killed. Call Jean Linder at UCI at 833-644iO !sisned> Aon. i can't believe it." ·_. • The JJOte is from neighbor Ann Aynsley to Henry Reiter, a ski enthusiast whc> followed the snow and shared the apart- meat with the 27-year-old adventurer. Jn a way, it is Gerhard's epi~ph. The sometime computer programmer, had been climbing for 14 years when the end came Monday, 17,000 feet up the un- * * ·* lee Avalallcke . Killed La~nan, Other Climbers foilivlnC lace ol p,aw.foot M t . Dlwuloglri (Wltlte Peak!, world's seventh highest mountain. Gerhard was Ulere to photograph the Icy face of tht peak that turned on his ill· fated expedition, killin« him, four other American climbers and two ,Sherpa guides. , Friends said Gerhard was one of the country's few professional mountain photographj?rs and said the peak had never, been photographed. They believe the expedition, part of an Ameri~n A1pine Club venture, was link· ed -plidtographieally to N al i o n a I Geographic Society and The Sierra Club. 'J'he Nepal·expedition was lead by Boyd Everett. 36 of New York, one of the na- tion's top mountain climbers. • A native ol Marylandt Gerhard began ·climbing mountalm whtii be was 13. He _ climbed lo 1bt Bavvif11•4Jpo, \he Grand Teton .. range of Wy~, 'lbe Sierra N;;:!::~~·J:e:!:a8t1A~~d recertly lectured at UCI 6n ao exped!Uon up ' tough AWl<an peal!, , ' • 'nle Jean, nillscular yoong man was saill by oellhbors to have been qUlet but sUtution, used a le¢ technlcillty Wednes<lay to poslpon< their prdlminary bearin1 ootil May 9 ·in West Orqe County Munlclpal Court. It WU tbe 1eo:>nd postponement ilrthe prelimllw'y bearing of Patricia ,M. Shelton, rr, of 77tl Slater Ave ., and Lois LeMasters, 21, of tH1 11th St., both of Huntington Beach,. and Betty J. Costello, 19, of Long. Beach. The trk> was arrested April 16 following a two wtflk investigation by Huntington Beach detectives of the Executive Suite Salon sauna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., Huntlngton B~ach. _Police Ctllef John Selt.zer has recom- mended that ' lhe City CoW'IOif. hold a ,public hurlng on h1s recomn\endatk>n that the busi.n¥S -license for the sauna and 1hret of its ~pk>yes be revoked, The cotmCil likely will set a date for the lttaring at Its 4:30 p,m. meeting Monday and in.ltruct the chy clerk to nollly the prliicipals involved. Attorney James w. Read , Jr.,:or Long Btadl, uked the court Wednesday-for ·the May I jfate to hear a demurrer, a 1egal claim that aomething in the charses is lnCorTect, which be wlU file on behalf ol Mlas Costello, bis client. ,, I . ' ' '. ' M~et ltt lungle EnBeiiifda Race Breakthrough in Talks Boats Scattered Off Corona.dos Possible as Reds Convene By ALMON· l.OClillEY DAILY PILOT ....... a•1M A BO AR D MO T OR VESSEi; ~ • Wlimj\'ARD -With the l<ad boai. - PARIS, (UPI) -A Jungle Viet Cong Wedneaday uying tbo NLF wu rady, to the calamulDI -apected to.c:roa thl talk with ~·the other __.._,._ ln1 an effOrt 11n1·• 11-----·-..1 n'bon today, all' wu still meettng, a MosCow conference involving t-' ...... . 311 un:: iU"UWIU a North Vietnamese leader and the get the talks moving: · confusion in the Newpc;rt to Enlenlda , Lam's trip apparently w.as cOrmected yacbt ~e early this momlnC: ~ ~' return to sitigon of South Vietnam's chief with the direct S6uth Vietnam-Viet COng :Tbe fleet ls so scat~ Uiifif wu·1m- hegotiator provided signs today lhat a talks which 'Thieu prOl)Olltd more·th&n a possible toJdentily the leaden, but the breakthrough may be near in the Viel· nionth ago. . bWk of the boa ti appeared,, to be IW'• nam la!U. Even before Lam lefl, hopes GI a ponJ· roundlol the Co!u>ados I.i.ncfs. , ble breakthrough in the conference "'1'e nie . Weal.ward ~ the 4'-foot corrimunirt. sources said Viet Con.g spurred by news t!l't Tho .wu on bis w_ay AJ•·-_., __. by K-leaders were meetlpg in the jungles. of b3ck to Paris from Hanoi. • catamaran ... ,~. aa1p..,. ...... Soul}\ 'Vietnam t.o hear a report on the Allied diplomats recal¥d ~that I tWo Murphey. oU Point Dellcan!IO• and at talks by Mrs. Ngllyeo Thi Blnh, a se<:OOd-previous lriPI Tho made to ffanol ,had about 7,30 a.m. she appeared to bo thl I . • From Wire Sttvltt• aclive and popular With women. Between Thundering down the side of. the expeditions he wu a @mputer consu.ltant , A public "defender, acbeduled to defend lJ:MI other two women, failed to appear Wednesday, ,.,ct Read entered the ranking meinber of the National Ubera· preceded majtt" devel~ll in the lead yacht. . tton Froot_Qi!J"Ldelen!iolLi!J P_ltris. peace tal~s.-"Tlio-~ the-iomdh-rlnked ;I'hrce other boall wer•. sighltd.-olf -- Mrs. Blnh'.s trip, a conrerence between member of. the .North Yietnamtle polit-Point Sak:ipudes at 1:45' a.m._ One wa1 demurrer plea also in thtlr behalf. · Dttecttves arrested MJ.... Coltello and world's seventh hi&hest ,peak, an in Westminater. . awesome ice avalanche killed a Lquna ~ expedition was making its fir!l at-Le Due ·Tho, the key North Vietnamese buro and 1~1 counselor tO: tbe'lianol • Wild Wind, an unofficial entry in the delegate, and Soviet leaders and tbe sud .. · de.legation to Pirls. · . · , race; ·another was Jim Arn ea 1 • tempt to climb the peak along what ...,. Beach man and sll other mowrtaineen, mowtainea;I believe ls a near impodlb)e according to survivors Oown to Kat· route fraugh( with sheer ice cllfls and · Sbeliiia ..,)y in the mmilng at the' sauna, aod later picked Mrs. LeMasters up at her home. The-flrrl two were book· ed into Orange County Jail,·~n'a sec· Uon, then released oo 1311 ba)I each. <(en return hcime ol ~ Sai~on Mrs.BtnhkitParlsApriU4111dVlel . s...mote, skl_..i by •S-_ Wald, government's Pham Dang Lam 'provkled Cong spokesmen, only relqctantly coo-while the third wu unideoWied. mandu, Nepal. Thursday. ' t •-~-• .. • dilfi It No hope exists for Paul Gerlwd, "ll:Of ,... ·~ cu y. opltmlsm'that things may be•mo9lng. :finned she was gi>ne. • . • . /df'I!'/ GI the yachll in the Ill.boat fleel Le Due ·'1'1io was Jn 14oscow on his way Allied obaervers, said they ·were In· were spotted aeekin1 bettw~indl 25 271 High Drive, or the other victims of , Made up•.of14 climbers and ,M porters, · the Alpine Club group aet out two wtek9 the worst Himalayan moontain-cllinbinc ago and had' planned to set up a !we Mrs. LeMasters wa1 bookei:I bat never plac<d lo Huottogton lloadt City Jail. She was also freed on '315 bait back to Paris after 10 weeks of con-trigued at tlie time ot her departure but • miles off abore. A: e:roup of...boatl .. tden .. &ultaUon ln ilanoi. · said ttie NLF'• conf.lmla11on.Uiat • wu tilled a.s Columbia 50s, wtre off the at'Cldent sinoe itst"buried alive Monday camp at about lf,ID feet to adjust to the Under tons of frozen.debris. tbi.ri air. "fl was a ghastly sight," said William Geihard had Jeff 1.a&uoa about five Delectives allo claim they Confiscated pomogriphlc •literature and some clostd circult televiaion equipment in the eanna. parlor raid, but no charges hav.e deVeloped !;om aelJure"' -It-. Lam, Sa{goo's chief delegate, left Paris goini inla·the juoglel for 1 meetloi "1111 , Coron~ fJylog oplnolken, ' unexpect!dly Thunday for Saigon to the guerrillas "with whom she once {ought Head wtods IDllili GI thl Ccrilados had report.. to Pre&ident Nguyen .Van Thieu. einphasiud ~the "Importance of ·her ; dlfninlshed ·by ti:rta morntnt and the A. Read, 3S, of Moose, Wyo., who W.IS weeks ago to make rea<ly for the 3Mistant leader of the American Alpine cb .. 11.: .... 1 .... e"'"'"'ution.-He ·Was to return, 1n • time for next million.. . , . • : w'ath_e! ap~rs to be:~1Fl(ln.&, !It.I? ll&ht Thursday's 16th ·negOtlaUng session. Tfie talks have been atalled alnce· Tho wtnds, ror the nm to Ensenada daring ihe Club-sponsored assault on towering .....,.,...,'6 .. .....,.. Mount Dhaulagiri. 1 "He wu ah•,ys full of life," said a Diplomat& connected Lam 's trip to left for Hanoi Feb. 10.·Tbe preUJDYW'Y day. ~, ' , , Saigon with tbe NLF's formal statement iali.s aimed at opening the way:, for the present peace negollaUOlll opened May He and Dr. Jeftfey" Duenwaid, r7, 01 oeipbor. Pullman. Wash., were Dawn [tom thelt - 16,00G-filol-bilh ·base camp 150 mlles tO civlllzatl<m, repc:l'tlng tboae who lta)'td behlnd are in pd lbape. Road said tlle lour '"'rvlrinr. v--. the tut "' the pony Involved lo the tn. fated assauJt oo the mOun\ain'a' 10utbe1st . Police Hit Mesa Pot Farm ridc< a~ blkli>& 100 mlles'fl> Potdlm, lo -' • Raid 13,_1$ Injured Child . ' . Remains Critical· 0~ 1~?"~v•" nown 001 niund•y ·$2,000 iri Smugg"led Hashish Confiscated in quoted biOditmist Louls F. Reichart, r7, Daniel E. llamoo, I, oeverely Injured of Lo Canada. who was ao •yewitnt.s to By ARMUR R. VINSEL -Local police holdl were also pl~ iabtell: t .. !ia•hlsh pipes ; thtte lflOC"l8 w-y '""'1 bo ran Info the Poth ol the mighty avalanche. which swept his 1 °'.,. .,..,, 1>11« staff on the unemployed car washer for pros-and a drug syringe were also taken from a moving automobile on Adams Avenue colleagues to death. Smuggled 'hashish worth $2,000 -. ecutlon on charges of pogsesston of Forsythe's rooin, Kutch asserted. · near tlie Slnt.l· Aha ·River brid1e, l'f>o He jumped out ol tbe way to safety. mailed from Paris -and a miniature dangerous drugs, culllvation of m..rt-Details leading to the, probe were not ma.IM in serious condltlon today at Colll · All the bodies remain covered by snow marijuana farm were allegedly ae.lud juana and ~sion ot narcotics para· ~eued. but •the, Pollet credited a poat.11 -Mesa Memorial HolpltaL ls ln al tbfl 17,000 foot level of the 2',900 foot 'g;:1:{esa "po~ce f=ted 'f~n :: ~('Jt..1 search warrant was ~ ... --'-' at-the branch Cf, olflce at The ~Belich )'OUIJPW peak, which bas claimed 10 per!OOS in the "'""" ~.._ ~ ·-~th I-'•• lo"-the tnlfnllve ""'" unlt wltll fract....., past 15 yean lo fivr separate acddeni.. raid m his Mesa Verde area home. prior le authorities' visit to the Fon,.. 1419 W. Adami Ave, •• ,..... -. GI held and fu~' · · 'llie toll makes Dhaulagiri the most e~pt'i;''~~P~~ bel~"j"'1 ~d ~~~ ~:e;:1~·:~~._ of hashish wm ,.;...i ~fltlplon cl>lrp the baahlsh f .. ' '!lie boJ, 103fl ~ i>rlve. Hun-- lethal moontaln in the Hlmalayu, whl<,h commoruy used to a1t the drufl foe aaJe hidden In Fora)'lhe'I ba<k yard, ..-d-,\.olYO!I ' Wu , mailtd ·1o F°"'I" Jrom '~, ~, ~~; ~-:_, io<iude1 MllllDl Everest,._the wort~ s or lndi9ldull <OUUmptloo "~..:ii:-:1ilf:U'' KUl'dl. o1·1he me lind ""l'arla irM! evtdeftt)y ·dolJWed"'two ~ti . ~-· --.,..._ __ hl&!!!!A .. ~1i:kFr.na. moUlililliiei' ,.Ciil\ly --IJ>und.-llone wit!• -por1 dellll;-and-tabn-t>r--':. • ooi:dlus ·lo·wtlttiu ~-.I tho ..._::::.W., "":::_11f ~~~-:-Jn•!!lls•ton clalmod. toms ~ uie in federal Jll:_.· .• , ~ ~.:.u..~...; pttdlcted lhlt no one eo11ld 1<11ie -\lla.>'-c:TonYthe, -.. of 3011 Mololii tlon. , . t ljahlsll Ttftned so of the 39;-irlllll lltii;hwi>od' unn, .....,_....., bhlulagtri's all•esome southeast rl~. a Drive, wu charged with-violation of Vice and lntellia:ence ~ii Sgt. Jtck martJuana. plaat tab11 by aqueez.ing ~ ' Btach. She: was not cited. Jumble of towering ioe walls. broken federal smuggling Jaws and 1chetfultd CalnOn aald today the dark, sticky com-· btouoms, a potent compoUnd mQSt .. ' rock, violent stonnJ and bto~itli snow. f<>< arraignment today before a U,S. pound ts o1 blgh grode and w.O probll>ly ""'°""*')y otlglollinll in Ille Mlddla Steele Mcrkeu Tbe. party included four nauve Sherpa commi.uioner in Santa Ana. malltd from Parts after being smugle(I East:countrles. ·• ' gu1des .._two of whom died with half the Detective Norm Kutch said Forsythe'• in 'from Turkey. Besides £bt tOllgh federal amun:llnl American contlngent -and nearly 100 arrest climaxed a two-day lnvffttgallon Three containers ol 200 marljfJana rap J'onythe facet and the Nle of· porters carrying their gear, resulting from information by U.S. P06t seeds sprouUDI on water-covered {1mie lenses On 1fbich be may be pfo&ecuted. A U.S. Em b•"l' heffeopter fltw the Office authorities at a branch 1 few paper for transplanting later; 23 alle&<!I Detedlve Xlitdl said ti• 8tll]IOCl bas (Seo AVALANCUE, !>op Z) bloc:ks from tho Forsythe home. LSD tablets; 11 poOslbl<i llWodrint some "!dJJfooal trouble • • I. ' . . . ' au. ' ~. ' • Weadler ' .. " .. ' . If you're ioo1llol for a •clllnge In the watber,. forptdt. Tbe. -" eod ohapeo <lP u. the ml of the ' 'week wttb doocty akiel till 1 noon· and temperol!lltl Jn the mlddlo tlO's al""i the Orange «;oast. INSmE TODAY ' I ) -"'" ---------- I I ' - ~ :1 DAil Y PllOT r1141r1 Moy 2, 1969 cc ' • •• >!. PILOT • ' ! I' • • . LOGBOOK . - • Rooting for tlie Youl1-g: It's G1·eat, Win or Lose By WILLIAM llEED .................. I dropped by. llwytt School Thunday \o iOe wllat Ill lht ehwlng was about and found a wooderlully enthualaatlc arouJ> of yowipter1 watdllng a track meet. (Dj Wbat I bow alioul sporll enold be dropped lnlo lht dent 00 a lhlrnbfe, bot then ..... -lhat the Y1l'IDll· oten wen having a ball WatdllnC •arlool evtntL I wu ~with bow bli '!14•"'--j!illor hJch !ICbool kill> mllY an. Tl>e)' lllF Jumped ...., ave feet plus bllo the Air, -Iha oho! out lo nearly 10 feet and .roared thro<jgh ltltl ,_ In less than a minute ""' a .ball. Nol ~)dnconl tlnltl, but Just. try It. Wbat I'd ~Y llU lo lmoir II ·bow they can dbplay Ill lhla form and ..,..,, at ecbool and not be able lo take .the trash lo the bact door at home or lo be able lo wall< ..,... the nlOlll without tripping. * Really, It'• a grand age .fa,'!lla youngsters. They are bli emugh lo do wooderful lhlnp and yet small iinougb lo be ~ by a !ICOWI from the old man. Incld"'lolly, lhla II an Jo brag ·-the performance ol my son, Steve, wbo roared through ... aeclloo of Iha ltltl, llavin( oft an bldl and finally COii> Ing ID se<O!ld -. se<O!ld and a 1>a1! off the pace. · Tbe slgnlllcant point II that It wu. bll first competitive race, oat bll · alone, but lhe. !Int for mort of the yowigsten ... the field. They pve an they bad to g1ve to. whatever event they entered and liter u they brushed the flnt dfrt !llalna from their brand new cleata, lhaJ' felt rood about being In compell· tloo wla <r lose. A few pannts were oe the field watching Iha oveots. Tbey f!W Iha mort pert were itaught up in the enthtUiasm of the boy1 and although many were, like myself, completely qnorant of Iha fine points of any game, they bad fun too. , -· " r ·'U.~imifed Fun' . ." J, .. ' ' ,<I ~ :·Be ' :om.es .Limited : - '1t:ntertalameot t1allmited'' ·beeame very mucb lllnlted Thursday with Ille handin~ of jail terms tQ two m'mbers o( a pto5Utu1!0a. alld fltlllnc 1i11f know.!' by that name. -<o if"' -Dougtu ~ ilmnr.11, 21. ... .. 1tnle!)ced by Judge Jam.. F. Judge lo 45 daY* In Oroage County Joli. With bim for u days o1 that time will be· Larry Bridge., 21, wbo •110 pleaded guilty lo dlarges of -lrlq lo operate a gambl- ing !l)'lldloate. Both mea m from Garden Grove and both anust lel'Ve three years ptObo)lan. Tbnt memben ol the, group abo mown '8 "Orlnp County Bmlnesau~'• ·Club" -ll II ,..iatered under that title with the Orange County Chamber of Commerce -drew one-year Rf'ObaUoo terJnt and were brdered to each· pay a f150 fiot. Free to )eave court weN DOoel Francia Gorman, 21, ·ot Garden ·Grove • J.,.. De Alba Placentia. Ana.belm and Fel~ Be~o Digman, .Or#ngt. " Twq women -Marl~ Sue Good.In, 21, of I:oe Abgeles and Renee Yvonne Kelly, 44, of Ut N. Wanda Drtve, Fullerton - pleaded guilty lo .chaiges ol prostitutkln and were placed on probation lor ooa year. GOP Governors Dodge? . ., \ -. . Supporting ABM Issue LEXINGTON, Ky. CAPl -Republican governora. backed aw:ay today from ex. presaln& group Npporl for Preaident NII· on'a ·decl.s100 to deploy the safeguard anU·balllsUc mlulle (ABM) syatem on the advice of Vice Pr<sldent Spiro T. Agnew. Gov. Raymond P. Shafer o t Penmylvanla tilld a news conference after a doted conference session that Agnew bad advised the governors bt did not believe they obould act on Iha ABM .• blue becaUH llldl actloo wouJd be m. terprelid .. PartJaan. It WU not a partisan m1Uer, Shafer quoted Agnew as tel~g the COVJfTIOl'S. The governors also sidestepped any group acUon on cam~isorders. Previously, Gov. Ronald RehMn of California, the conference chairman, bad taken a hard line caUirlg ror punlshment of those who participate in violence. In a series or resolutions, I.he GOP governors called on Nixon to channel anti-paverty program.!1 for the Jndlvidual 1tates through their offices. They hid the President should consider abolishing regional offices of the Office of Economic Oppartunlty •. " . Toys tor E . • rview Tots It's a ...iiderlul thing lo aee younpten perform. It would be even mont wooderf111 for Iha younpten If ...,...,. from the family or lrlendl were lhere to cheer 'them on. . It mikes no dJllmnce wbat the ...nt. UWe League baoebaD lo In fuD swing and almort every nelghbotllood baa a league gotnr each evenlnr. The high schooll, the Boys Club, the junior blgb !IChooll and the llecreaUon DeplJ'I. ment bave lots ol partlclpaUon procr!lllll for Iha youth. · Probation Group At Teen Center Softball Signups Now Being Taken Administrative f sistant Pat Wallace and Dr. Anthony Toto, superin- tendent an~edical director at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, acce toys for ' Young patients delivered Thursday by Earl Tisdell o . uth Coast Plaza (on truck). Plaza merchants collected coins · hed into shopping center fountain by customers and pur- cbas toys fer donation to hospital. * We whD decry the hfgh rate of. jllVenlte delinquency or plead for new , park• and programs for our children are only doing a part of Iha job II we do not do some followup wort. . A pat on the back for Johnny, or Steve, flt Sue or LouJte will do more lo brlnr parent and chlJd 1ogether than an Iha talkln( In Iha world. From Pflfle 1 AV !LANCHE KILLS LA.GUN AN •• OffJcert ol the ~ O:>urty Pro-Signups ror softball league play for baUon Department have moved their girls from Slb through 12th grade are oow HuDtington Beach ~unaeling terVicts being taken by the Huntington Beach from the old YMCA building on Main Parks and Recreation Department. Street to the Counseling Center and Teen Practice games for the Pony It'• prtlty dtll!cult lo firget tbl! !Int time lhat Jim hlll ..,. over Iha fence or Susie nlma the pool ID record tllm!. It'• dllflcult for the youngaters lo ftsily believa that mom and dad ..,. -Ibey an nmr -at Iha events Iha younpten are ~In. Center at Main Strttt and Gulleld League (grades 5 and 6) will d A~enue.. between 6 p.m. and 1 p.m. F i:lay at · weak, bedr'aggled survivors from Jorn-Irvine mountaineering club on the • Peterson School, Westmont c h o o I • son, near the foot of the mountain. to · · f M t SL El' · ObvlOUlly you do oat lo be a !lpoftl ball lo undentand that no ma~ I« lhe rame the chlldr<!i enJo1 ~ more wbtn 10111eone ii there lo appr«late. . ' . . . ' _....._ I· " * In tile past, and llJll ...,.ilmes amOO( the unenll(btened, parents have been there to demand eieeltence tmder penalty cl grelt ham. "Hit a homer Of you'll get 1 whipping." I've beard H; othero have Joo and thal kind ol a p6non should be encour1ged to w borne. . But Jt'l leldoni. heard today Ii parents hav~ grown up more and th~ )'OODpten: have become more ltllled. , Go di.ocover for yourself !be !lpoftl for youth. You11 be better for It. A prebtUoa officer wUI be available eo~hroeder School, Meadow 1·ew '"'OOI group s ascension o oun w m ~ ~ Katmandu, where they were ·greeted by • · lrom I lo 5 p.m. Mooday through Friday and Marine View School. Ambusador Carol c. Laiae. Alaska. to meet not only with the rqular ell.en-Young Mias Leagu layers (71.h and Nooe-of the American.. on the party ne other American dead beaides teJ1e o1 -on probaUon, bu~~· 8tb grade) will a ·pracUce betw"'1 6 had Himalayan clilnbing expef\eP"'· l>lit Gerhardt, were ldentUed as John V. In the community needing the COW9eUng il..m. and 7 p.m. Jday at Greer Park, all were· veteran mountaineer!, iitcludhfg Hoeman, 321 Anchorage, Alaska; William the Huntington ch Recreation Center Gerbardt, and had scaled many forbid· Ross, 30, StanfDrd University i Q Arvica: of experts Iq the_ fields of and Eader 001. d~g peaks in the western hemlspher,:. "' Calil9mla1 and David Seidman, 22, n0r.yuc5 abuse', ilcbopl and )amlly pro.' High " I ·age g!rll may' join Iha Just!~ t;,not;long ,befo,. Iha.,.... Norwalk, Conn. blem.s, or questicms "dealing with delin-Powder/Puff League .• which will initl~te left the U.S., Gerhardt lectured the ut Sketchy early reports of the tragedy, queocy or general community problemi. its_ .,on w it h signup ~ ·practice radioed by Read from high on the stcrmy --galnes on-lhe Dwyer School fJtld at 5;80 mountain, did not tell bow tbe seven vie· The Huntington Beach Excbanse Club p.m. May 7 and May tt Nixon Talks· Finance tims died in newspaper accounts Thun· hprobaas ~n :ranaorlnt!. :.b~~~rU of ff~e /. Si111ups will be accepted at the ·practice day . on cers 1 an ° ce games or at the Parks and Recreation WASHINGTON · (UPI) -President Later reports tWo listed t sixth locally. / Department, 1706 Orange Ave. · Nixon met with hia economic and foreign American survivor as Terrence R. Beeh, App)intmentl may be obtained/fly A $2.50 fee will be charged for regiltra-i'tricy advifiers at the Treasury Depart-of Spokane, Wuh., who joined the 1>1rtY Na1nath Pays IJp telephoning 842-6291. / tion and a sweatshirt which the girll will ment today for dbeuuions on tues and in Nepal and was not listed by the : ~be -~oil-'Ylf~ed~lo-k_ee_p_. ___ ~~~~-the~-intern~' _at_Jona~l_m_ooe_1ary __ .. _·w_a_u_oo_. __ •~po_nso_rtng-"-cl-u_b_. __ ~---~ f'roilt P .. e 1 ANTI-SF;X •.• Joe Fined $50 for Speeding bYJ'U"I! or 1n\di'nJng1ed u lhe com" m1ttee decid~t· MIAMI "(UPI) -Supemar Joe Nmnalh. coralled at the bar of jultlce, was freed of drunk driving char1es tod1y but fined. ISO fer apeeding durmg an April 14 pnK!awn chase. Wbile cm ~elarles peered lbrouP lhe 1111 wiltdO.Wl·of Metro Tralfi~= Arthur Winlt4n'I court, the . • dreSsed New York Jet.II quarterbacl: ltood with bent bead before the bM<h, lalil .low Hope Enters Hospital · NEjV YORK (AP) -ComediJli Bob Hope eotereci c:Oluinb!a Presbyterian MecHcal Center Tlntrlday night for · IJlOlllcal tr..tment ~ an 1lll111 !ell eye, holpltol autbortUes said today. · ' OAl l V Pl lOI • pwtll CCAIT l"\llLflt'INO COMPANY ••••rt N. Vle14 ,,....,..l'u"41 ... Jetit 1. c.,1.., vi. '"rlltfti Mill Ofteftl """"" n-•• k•nfl -· n-.. A. ..,.,.., ... ......... ........... ~ .... WllC•••• .. I!"*'· ~---........... 0"'-. , ..... ...... Mel'~111 Min ... P..O .... 1tt, tJHI . --........., ~: m1 ""' ..... 11111..-. • .... ,...., ..... , ..., '""'' '---'-"' m,..... .,... by Iha Du. Namath'• wu one ol the ftnt cases ~err~to Iha 15-member guidance committee, Ferm said eome of its func- called In the dilly J<alllc court IWlon lions wllfbe lo set the rules nt VOTERS, and Uie lean quarterback stood up with ~ate aCUviUes, and give approval b~ ~ttomey, George Orr. After hearing to material submitted under the name t1ie Cbar1es1 Judge Winton fined Namath VOTERS.•• l5G for earel• driving by tpeedlng, plus /' "We are allO considering hAving the f5 CO\U1. costs. ' . committee receive Jetten to the edltor He dlmiJssed charges filed by Ncrlh moll, and picking certain letters lo be Bay VWage 'Officer Ray De SantJ.i of sent to local newspapers," aaid Fenn. drJvlnf whllt lnloxlcated and tlflvlng VOTERS can be espeded lo come out without a license. / with a compreheMive review of the high "1 think Jt wu a fair case'" Nunatb school distrlct's report on ee1 educaUon, laid afterward. He aald l)e'" ·bad maJn-added Fenn. · , ·taJned . all along his ~ of ti pay The five elementary school dlstrlcta '9.rlving, '1but". I laid I ,mlgbt have ·been wUl each contain two special committees tpeeding and the ju4{e found that I wu on education and political actlon, he also 1peedlng." /' explained. Namatb ·1en the couttroom foUowed by NoUng the vague application in the U.. a crowd of newsmen. HI• 1Uorney told tie, Fenn explained, "We purposely the Judge Namath had the flu and Joe designed it that way to permit expansion declined to 1ian autograph.s, aayjng, "I of ,Pie committee lnto other arenu of gol somelhlll(, I know Iha~ I'm a'>lng lo neeQ." bed." No opeclflc d1te h" been set for the De Sanlll bad .alto accused Namath, next meeting o1 VOTERS. wilmer ol the $10,000 Hickok belt as Iha profeaslonal alhlete ·of the year, ol 1lvln( him • bad limo wben he muled ' f'rom. Page 1 Namath on Miami'• 79tb Street causeway _near Namath's "Broadway Joe" restauranl Namath J!iltt .aald he was wrong in Jos. Ing his temper With De Ssnlll lil!t said be was disturbed by the fact the policeman woqld not. pepn.i\ hlm to leave the ICent to get hil driver's llcel\Se. ~ "I could have dooe It In 10 minutes. Ml attorney wu with me and the policeman wouldn't let h1Jn JO either," aald Namlth wbo led the Jell lo vlclor)' Jn Iha Super Bowl. • Durinc Nam1th1s brief court ap- pearll>Ct, I ICOrt! ot IOCrelar!es found It time for their coffee break and popped lnlo the-ewiboom. One of the mgtggled. "U ht come1 out th1I door, I'm pma \actlt him." PILOT SIGNS IN WITH RA.CE DA.TA Direct rad lophor>e rep:m.s frorn Almon Lock•bey, DAIL)' PU.OT bolting editor, will bt broadcut 11 tteelved (ap. prodmately t¥ery two hours) throughout tM Newport Bttch·Ensenada yacht race on KOCM (llJ.l.1 FM). The rt<lio staUon algns on at I a.m. •nd lfr:m orf at 2 a.m. • RIOTS ••• passage Qf traffic or t*le:itrlan tra.vel." It will cost $25 ~ get a permit and the penalty for holding a parade without a pennit is up to six months in jail and/or a ISOO fine .. Permission ol Iha police chief wlD be required, and i! the police chief denlee the per11llt !hare will be an 1ppeel lo the cily coUncu available. ~ • • Wbile the city bu bad mall)' riots and near rlotl on the beAcb in 'J>Ul yean there has been no need for a parade onllnance. Citj< olflclals said today lhat the parade oN!nance ls needed. -ln view of a changing form of civil disturbance which can Include the protert march or simply a grOC!p ol youths parading or plckeUng In wcli a manner as to obstruct traffic. __ThLnew-<rdlnanCO-would_(lft.pollce .a tool lo uselD casu ol lllqal parading ol any klnd. It wlll also give t<ldlUonal protection lo lcgtumate group1 holdlnl parldts In the city, said the city ofOcJala. Because the measure ls presented as an emercency ''"·"win require five af. firmaUvt votu, accordhlc ~ Utt city councll rule&. It becomet tffectJve on adoption. • • WOOL TURF BY Fl·RTH ." ONLY $1 0.95 s9. YD. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS llOR: HINRE!ION-DREXEL-HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TEltMS AVAl~LE ON Al'PltOV!IJ CREDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WMtdllf Dr., 642-2050 orlN RIDAY 'l'lL t JNlEIUORS LAGUNA llACH MS North Coatt .....,. Proleulonal loltrlor O..l1•tr1 Available-AID-NS ID OPIM PllDA Y 'TlL t ..... , .. ~ ....... 0...,. c..., ..... ,,., . " 4""'"1 ' 4 4 4 • 4 4 • • zq • 41 4scsc a a a .... ,. a .... • • F<il•>'.-'f>llY 2, 1~9 DAILY ,,LOT f .... ,9'\ ...... ' ~ -.• For The Record Salary ~tudy Slated I.ti Porron NOW .11 ·NEW ~TIOll DEflTH NOTICES FARGRER Mn. JIJ'll!e G. F119Mr, 105 W. Soll st., S..nt1 f1M'llar1. WI"-11'.f Ar!l!ur D. F1f'ltl>cr. flelwlod rnottler of Mn. Je111 Jlobb!l\S. s.rvlcH, S..,,,.r!ln, 11 AM, PKllk: \llfw ChaC>f:I, wlt1'1 llev. John Astley llfficl11ln•. 1nl•rment, F'orttl L1wn, Glendil,, 01"~ by Wtldl·IU« Mortwrv. S..nte 81rtcr1. CAIN ~..., A. C1l11. JIJS. \llc1ori., C•l• ~-Dat1 of dMltl, May l . Survived l>V motMr, Mr•. fletfY II. F1rr, LOn• flMd!I 1l1tw, Mn. kllnd.t Todd, 5..1,.. t1 A ... r ""'""1Wl1 •ninclHl'ellt., Mr, end Mn. Doll °""'"''' C•ll ~. s.vlcts w111 be Mid M«ldliv. 11 AM. lkll lro9dw1Y OMpet. lntennetll~ Wnlmln1NT Memor11I P1rll:. Dlr.eted bY a.II fllVlcfWIY MaM1ry, COlll Mt.M. OOSSETI' Aid....,, J, OoSHft II. ln' Yi. UndlM, l ido 1tle. Dile of dftth, /Ny I. Vlei P~lde!ll of coee Col• lkttllM Co. Survlwcl bl'-wlft, LM!r-.r aan. An· a ..... J. Doa.wtt 111, \ltnkt: 111!.n, Mn. J. G. J(_.11, W1co; MrL l ... 1...i G. McCulloutl\, LouisltMr bnl!tl- en, W1U1r Do.MM. WICG1 1nd s1 .... 11>1> Dot.elf, lou'11.r11 i brottltl"•l,..ll;w, Sla.nliry H. Swift 11'1d ti~ 1r1nddl!l-mn. 5e'f'Vlces wtll be held S1NrdaV. • PM, St. J1mn 'Epl~r C!turdl. wtlh ll:tv. Johll A1hey offkleliflt. 11!- Mmenf, W1co, T11•11. F1m1ly ~ 1"Ht1 "'-wl!ltll"" to makt mernorl•I COl'llrlbllllons, 1>IN11 eonlr!but1 to Lot A"'"4el Cau,,IY Chlldrfll'I H-1111, Olrtdrd by Peclflc View Mortull'Y. MEGU Flc.-.nce Ml"I' Mttl1 ...... U, fll 901 w11,,u1, HY!l'll111thm 9•ch· S\lrYI~ ti"I' two _.., 1'1.1'1' M"ll, Huntin.'°" lffdll °'1IMI MHll, Colonodol denh-'"°' Mn. LN M«fh;, NebnU.11 btflltt«, 1'1.1'1' $MrtMICIY, Ml111lnlP11lr """' 1l5ltn. MMI. Ble"Cfle Clll•e. K1nwi11 MMI. ZlllN .lk"'1$, Color.clo1 11\11 Mf"I. 1"1u11 ... Fot~. Mluourl1 I ,,..,,c1c11ndr'ltl end I trttt .. r111ddlll- c1,...... Slt"Vlcel, Tund9'1'· I PM. Sml ... c~. lriter1Mf11. WfttmlMtlr ~ ""°'"'' 1"1rtr.. Sm!llll MorlYll"Y• Olnic> ·~· BARNES ARBUCKLE " wrue Wed<UH Mortuary U7 E. lltb Sl, Cotta M,.. -BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona dd Mar OR 3-HH COJll Mesa ~fl 6-U!f BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadwayt COila Mua u lh113l DILDAY BROTHERS Hutlngteo van.,. MorlurJ 1'1111 BUcll'Blvd. Huatlngloo Be1eb SC.1711 PACJnCVIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortury· Cllapd -Pacific View Drlvo Newport Be.ell, Califonltl llf.Z'lll PEEK FAMILY COWN1AL FUNERAL HOME 'llOHloha-A .. c - ll'etlmlutor .nwm SHEFFER MORTUARY Lapna Beach $1W S.. Clemea" • 111-flll SMITICS MORTUARY G1 Main SL ua111n,...B .. c1> LEMAt Rebuilding Of S@tiago Creek : Opens SANT A ANA -Rebuilding of the banks of Oood-battered Santiago Creek in Santa Ana from Bristol Street to the creek'• confluence with the Santa Ana River will start Monday under a $51,170 con- tract let to Radco Inc. of San Marino. Orange County Flood Con· trol Diatrlct Engineer George Osborne said the work in- volves filling the sides of about an 1,80().foot section of the creek with sandy loam capped with rock rubble. To halt the erosion during the February storms, old auto bodies were dumped along the creek banks. These will be removed, Osborne said. The city of Santa Ana is car- rying out rebuilding work on the creek banks east of Bristol to the Sanla Ana Freeway. 183 Youths Find Homes 6'00 W. COAST HWY., NIWPOllT IEACH County ro Weigh E mp'loyes' Requests MEXiC8N i\-FOODS between the January lllll'Vey S.wyer addl that 11 prtserit SANTA ANA -Orange· County Personnel Direc_tor WWiam C. ·Hart will meet with the Board o! Supervisors Mon- day mo.ming in al\ effort lo thrash out county employe date (compartoon with other cll1pariUes' have been In-DINNER '1 50 I'-•· ,. counties and private. industry) er~ by a too conaervaUve . • tt:M P.M. aod the July I date of ulary interprttatlon ol survey dala," n11 ..... ON OF WINI WITH IACH increases." and continuea, "salaries are DINNl9t THll WllK·ll!rlD "'1ary prvblems. ...., (nol only) a full ~· months PHONE 646-5llO In a letter lo Hart dated behind survey dates wben they April 1, Sawyer says: 10 into effect (but) are as Hart reports that· he ha57met with John H. Sawyer, general manager • of the C .o u n t y Employes A.uociation 1 n d discuued ·the· Jl<Opos<d' 11.%5 percent general aatary boolt sought by -1k a.u<><Ia.\Log, "ln addition, there are a much ., 11 months bebind Daily Pilot Cove rs Boatin.g significant n u m b e r oL mucb of the data compri&ed In -•-·'"' u 1nequ·u "---the survey.'' \ ~ca on • esw~•i1-:::::::::::::::::::~~:=::=::=::=::=::=:::;::=::::::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::;::: a ~ter. percentage will l:e'-'~ neCdsary in order to Increase ""-- Hart will pr<S<nl hll pro. pol8.ls for county emplaye salary lncreues In the cloled eitecutJve session and seek the supervisors• guidance J n further negoUatlmu1. 'Ille Ciasociatlon is ask.in£ for 1 general 1.5 perctnt increase lo all tmployes effective July 1 and a supplement.al three petti?nt increase lo com- pe!Wl.t.e fOf' ''the annual failure to eliminate the lag time salary leve.J.s to a eQinl where they will : - " -Compare favorably wllh like classifications in other 1e8dlnc public agencies and private. industry. " -Compensate for an unusually 11harp upward move- ment in certain classifications during the past year . ••-Provide a modest tiut adequate minimum standard or living to the lowest sa1aried classes.'.' 3 Sa-rrrtans Sentenced In Pool Hall Beating GARDEN GROVE -Three P_oliee· said the dead I y Samoans who took 1 Garden weapons were billiard cues Grove pool hall p a t r 0 n • 8 and the three Samoans were -ting in Spanish as their waving them "like warclubt" r.·-... when officers arrived at the cue to heal him into un· pool room fast Feb. 6. lt was consciousness Pave been testified that the trio had ad· sentenced to 90 ~~-Q.Lan&..e min~.~......,...beat,iAg-'o · .,,. .. .,_. ' • County JaU. a patron and were threatening The restless natift! sen-lo disperse the gathering tenced by S1rperior Court crowd by uab'ig chUnks of con- Judge Robert Gardner are crete when police 1tepped in. Kat's Tufi Pu.lu, 28, Gay Tosi, The patron's mistaking 26, and Fiala~; lakopo, 21. A them for Mexican-Americans further sentence of one year in seemed to Infuriate the Sa· .. .SJLlllQ=SEl§AllON·! The colol'fUI sound of ......... Orange county Music --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM SANTA ANA The state prison <ln the assault moans, officers said. The Children's Home Society of with a deadly weapon charges woozy vicilm of the assault California found permanent was .suspended by Judge later told ()fflcen : "I on1y From Fashion Island. Newport Beach ... adoptive families for 183 in-1 _G~ardn~~"'.:·:_ _______ ~w~an~!Od~~to~be~f~ri~end~i!Y~·":__ _ _!:==================================~ fants and toddlers in Orange County last year. ~t"atewide. the adopt Ion • agency placed a record 1,012 children in adoptive homes. Although most of t h e children placeij in 1968 were Caucasian, the agency was successful in finding homes for 206 children of minority or mixecf racial background. 4doptive f~ were also · 't>Und for 64. chlldrtn with ·'Jloc!ical p/oblems or physical ~caps. The Children's Home Society is assisted in Orange County by the Anaheim-Western Com· munities United Fund, the :fullerton United Fund, Santa Ana·Tus.tin Community Chest and West Orange County United Fund. : " Mavericks hot!- • .. QU ions?~ 4 • • • • Measure itany way you like. By Ille cro~ .. Iii news stories. Jbe sales. flw cars ban caused a sensation fiu Mamicll or broken so many records. Enry day more alll more people are asmr "'511ons alfout it Hire 111 lhe llSWll'S. Q. Why.did JOU bUHd IM Mlwtrlcl? • A. We think ol Maverick 1s snother one-of Ford Mo1or Company'• answers to the golc:I drain. Now Ameri- can• who w1n1 small ci r economy don·1 ti•~• to send their U.S. dollar1 overseas. aet a ·rot less. In 11sts by prole1slonil driver1 al our 1r1eks, Wher1 we do our belt to dupllc1t1 actual driving conditions, Maverick averaged 22.5 mpg. Q, Wl\el kJncl of ,_., doaa *""'* .. "'I' A. Maverick's Six lets loose 105 galloping horses. · Just • few ax1mple1 of the m1ny w1y1 MIYeflck lessens Inconvenience and lowers opera1Jng COit. · a. "Cn I dofttJOWl'l mA1•Mawtt Church Hit by Suit For Loan Bond Loss Q, Why d1d JCM.1 "'"" lluertck? A. You know wh11 s maverick is. A maverick breaks lhe rules, A maverick Is d!llerent. Maverick plug1 the big gap between the compacts and Iha lmpcrtt, 11 has a whttlbsae alghl Inches shorter than • ·ea Falcon, eight 1nd one-half Inches longer lhan • VW 1500. N~thlng als1 Ilka It. Thal's 52 more thin you get In the 4-cylinder VW 1500. Maverick can cover 41 7 Itel In ten seconds from a .11tancllng slert Th11 me1ns you can get up 10 highway speed Jn a hurry. When you enter a 70 mph turnpike, you won't feet like a retired bookkeeper thrust ln1o the middle ol 1 pro football g1me, Q, ff II '-an 9lfM Inell 10ngtr .,.._.._ lleft .. t..dlng Import, ... " .uu hutclt Ud '*" ....,., A. Yes, If you hr1e •n average •mounl of m1teh1nlClll •blllly. The Mevarlck owner'• m1nual conlall'I& 24 pages of det1iled diagrams tnd euy-lo'tollow In· strocilons for routine malntenan~ job1 you can do your111f, If you wish. You·11 find It 1uy lo chang• 1park plug1, replace lgnlllon polnt1 • , • plus many olhar do·lt·yourNll rtpaira and rapl•ctffl9nts. 0. Cn I lfNI c.' ba _,.? Awd ,.._,. .. _,., 'I SANTA ANA If a Superior Court complaint filed by 1 Sant.a Ana couple brings the court ruling they aee.k, parishlpners. of the Greater Ught Baptist Church on the city'1 south aide can look for Road Rally Set at UCI IRVINE -The service clubs of UC Irvine are spouoring a road ra11y on Saturday at 7 p.m. Open to the public, the rally will begin at Town Center, Campus Drive, on the UCI campus. The entrance fee ii $1.SO, and prizes will be awarded to those coming closest to the actual mileage. The rally WlTI Conclude with a pizza party for the partlclpanta. Spoosors aro Alpha Phi Omega, Phrateret and T1;mandoa. • llOf1le pretty hectic J>aMinl or the collection plate. For Jody and Roberta Lockett want $25,000 J n damages for what-they claim is Pastor Walter Cooks' !allure to supply the bond allegedly promised in return for a $1,000 Joan. The promise was made, say the Locketts, wben..J,bey gave Cooks a chock in July, 1966. The action is seen by soUrces out of court a1 an u- tension of a dispute which in tum stemmed from the trou- bled affairs of Santa Ana's C~ty Action Council. the city's War on Poverty agency. Cooks wa1 banned from the CAC board two years ago following charges that he used federal funds to buy church furniture. And he wu nuMd in a Superior Court suit which accused him of appropriating federal. lund8 beyond those re- quired for the payment of salaries jn hi1 own offshoot Wat on Poverty agency. I See by Today's Wanl Ads e Would )'W believe a car for $501 Well, It's true .•• checlc the paper ~! e Newlyweds .attention! Need a mrlgctator, fl.In). ituft. a -vacu.wn i . • • "blesa htr U ahe does" .•. a ~ maCtrint T Good chance to pl(::k them up at -ble--_g_19 today'& P'P"' e Bella\·a it.-or not, one: .can STilL find I 2 bedroom aputrnent Wfth Iota ol °"' ntce featllml for SUS ..• hflttcr h u r r 1 on OU.. -·· e If you'd tlke J ll!Ue "Bua" ln your life .•• thm!'t one In t~1 low mlleap, A Jow vlntace •• cbedc tod.QI Q, Why did JOU Mike 11 lh .. lln'P A. M1vtrlck pinches pennies. not people. W1 gcv. Maverick more 19Q room: Mora should1r room. Mori 1uoo1ge room. Good 1x1mpla: 1h• front 1e11 01 1 M1verlck otters you nine inche1 more shoulder room lhan !he front 1esl of the !tiding economy Impart and Its 1runk can h1ndl1 all lhe IUijgag• !or 1 family of tour, Including 11el ol go!I clubs, Q, What do I get fol Iha prkt'P A. Maverick can U-turn In a lighter clrcta (:JS.6 feet) lhan lha leading economy Import (38.0 !Mt). Mtv· •rick can sl1n~t rough ttattic like a h1ltback. It ean turn bn..a dlm nd give you nine een1s ch1ng1. II you've ~ d g any other American-ear, you'll llnd M11verick·s ne11 siz e adds up 10 5 Ya fff1 k> any parking space. a. C.n Dwotl ,..,., bulld • llMll aconMtJ cet 1111'• IOugh tnd hmo la.Ung? A. Thi• 1m1fl car lncorpora1e1 th• Isles! 1dv1ncts In anglnffrlng. Maverlek'a braka1 are •• big •• 1 ttan· da1d COffiptiCl'>-dnlgnad 10 l10j) Clrl w.lghll'lg huriclrtds ol pound• more. Maverlek arv.. YoU weight ••• power ••• 1\ablli!y. Designed fOf Amen· can driving condltlon1, a. How._ Mlwctkt ttc1111 A. H1re'1 Wh1r1 Mavt1icJ<'110og1r, wider 11.tnea raa.lly p&y1 off. You g11 1 smoolner, quieter ride. Mav· arick"s tight. slrong. unitized body h•IPt t llmlnata sque1kl and rat11e1. Special ln1ul11lon blockl out road nolle. The people who broughl you a Ford thal was quieter ttien • Rolls·Royce now bring yov a cm1U car lhll do11n·1 1ound Ilka a powtr mower. A. You gel your mone"('S worth. A comple!e. bu1U·for· Americans kind of car. Room. Hot 1tyllng. Color· keyed lnl1rlof1. Even the Miiter is included. Som1 economy cir Interior• ire about I S luxurious as a park bench. NotM1Y.er1cl:..,C"You get ptu1h seets. Cloth 1,nd vinyl uphol1tery with unique t&r11n plaid cloth ln1erta. You 1!10 get uf1ry le11um Ilka 1m1r1 pull·oul door h11'1dl11. Strong 11laly door leeks. Two· spied aleclrlc wlper1. Safely balls. Helld ra11r1ln11. Plu1 conven1ancn Ilka armr1111, COii hookl, llgtll~d heater con1rol1 ••• Important littlt things that add so mu eh lo your driving comfort. A. 11"1 not easy, but we did it. M1"1'erk:k"1 unitized body consiructlon make• It Ugh!, 11rong and dur1bf1, II'• welded like e bat11eshrp. Au1tprooling compoun!;t goes Into deep crevice• that never 1te th• light ol day. Then all lh11 slrtngth Is COY9t9d wllt'I tour coats er pllnt tor lasting beauty. RuUh: one tough llttl• car lhafs put together to stay togtther. (The stMca aohadu!t In the M1vartck owner's manual goe1 up 10 108,000 mlla1 or nine y.1ra: #lit oughl lo tell you a.1 • .,..,. • ....., .............. .......-•V ...nr11110.,, . Q. WMl abcM opUoM'P A. You can gel 'em ii you w1nl 'em. You can order.lnte· grll air condiUon1ng. (It'• built In. not hung on.) Other options Include 3·•Pffd automatic or low-cost 111mtautom1llc tr1n1m!11lon, and a herty200 CID Six. Bl.It lots ot .paopla won't put an axlra cent into thl1 car. B11c1use ll"s an thtrt. A c:omple1• e1r a!I re1dy 10 drive ttome. -0. Whit kind of pa ....... CMI 1 ttl? A. That depend• on you •• wall as !he.ctr. You c1n get at much u 25 or 28 mllff per gallon-II you hive an •ducated tot I nd Ttlt right rot d conclttion1. ti you hr1t a laad loot, or do • lot ol eiry drivll'IQ, you wlll FORD something abcM 111 rugged dur1bility,) · o . .._nout,.,..wMMct1 A. M1v11lek 11 d11lgnad to be unueu11ty euy 10 H r· 11ioa. You'1c de1ting with made-li'i·Ainetk:a patll and 8,000 ••sy·IO·ftnd Ford D••lats. FMI teP1ff1 and easy 1ep!1cemen11 m11n IXlra 11vlrig1 In bolh tlm• 'and money. ~ O. It .........ick ,..., ....., Md "" ......... te rulfttalrt thart en 9CC1ftOmJ tmoortt A. Definitely. Maverick oU changn com1 only ~iry 6,000 mites and Chtssl1 lubrlcatlon onoe Mry 36.000 mlle1. The leading economy lmpor1 f'9COm· mend• oil chll'IOfl rltf'I 3,000 mtle• (twlC* u on.n u M111er!ck) and ·ch11sl1 lubr1c11ion ~ 8,000 mlte1 (llx llmts u often at M1verlckt). ThoH art ~ iit\iE~ A. Slower d1precl"1lon II one monay·ln·ttl•·pockat id· vantaQa, M1verlctc'1 1970 model deslgfll1Jon tnMNI II keal)t Its trad•ln valua high«, longer, {Maverick Is built to be • good ll'IYfflmant from ttla mll'lllll you buy II lo me mlnula yoU "II It.} Bellar coma lalila • look 11 ttll1 on.. You'll fll'ld II where Iha acllon I• . , . right In tl'IMa with otl'ltr Greet Ford values Uk• spaelaliy ~ulpped Ford Gil&lcle &00'1 ••• F1itlanaa .•• M11111no• and F1lcol\I!. You'll Hl'ld !ham at your Ford Oa1t1r'• • , , 1M pltet )'QI.I've QOl ICI GO to 11• wtuil'a going on. ' .... • .... tk 1/H _. _.. af, ... w ,_.. ........ ,,g Sl.00 t. M1Terit1k, P.O. In 1Jt7, D1p1rl1'11111t fN.01, o.tr1it, Ml~· t•ll 41211 , IOff1r 1Mt July J t, !tit.I •::11fau .. _.f 111 I.,....,,...,,_ ... .,,,,_._ ... ..,...,_,..._ ....... .... .to; .... ,.,, ........... ..,: ~· ,, 1!'91toft ............ ll'tff .... , ...... MAVERICK49-- • • live oa speclally equipped Ford Wale SOO's, .f1irl111e~. Mastaivs 1nd 1Flkt11s -ll 'Jlllf Ford Dealer's 1111 .' • ' , • , Jt DAILY PILOT f""'1, Ml)' 2, lM , Y our Moaey's Wortla MUTUAL ~:-How to Write · to Computer FUNDS , \ • • Line Dropped "ijre Stamp Man says: 1ru Blow Your Mind ••• Free From Cobwebs .•. Free From Cares. (we wouldn't put you on. C'mon in.) F.AIR CIJIL D STA:\IPS :?C7-F Broar.tway • La1una. Beach • (714] '494.0.S« Opm Noon to j::JO • Closed Wcdooidays I. Sundays Edmund Fairchild • Walt ~1cnsch, CWO USMC Rd. YES MAM We do have the .la rgest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHO.P 11 .... Mdef ,...._S..,.I 426 SOUTH MAIN ORANGE ••••••••••••• ' . OVER THE COUNTER -A· .. " " • -. ' • ' 1. ' - I , .. • DAILY PILOT Frldoy, MIY 2, 1969 -, By DAVID SMOTHERS admlntstrators on such wor-iJents al Ftesno Slaje men of Notre Dame that in the was that Jt Is i J:!rivate In· cused for wanting out. Ont nesday, Atlams wound up· a UPI Strller Edit.or rled c.ampuses has befin to CQllege, put it into .one aco-future~be would a:railt jUS:t "l5 1Utution, with no legialature or wbo.makea no bones about •it meeltna with blact sJlW$:io "nlere was1~ lime in sorne ,keep the police out. To ~oid lenct : minutes ot meditation" before politically orie6ted board of is Walter Adams. He took over at a campus cafeteria and distant. go!~ past when violence at all ams, and to "If there Is one te<:.hn.lque taking disciplinary action to regents to answer to. as acting president ol propmed that he be rej)lactd presidents of A m e r i c a n wMk out the problems facing that ls essential, it is knowing ,end dimlptive protests. At aboot tbtl.aniellme lait Mlcltlgan Sllte Univmitj iia by former Preswtent Charles univenities were someUmes them wilhi.a lhe academk: when to rotl"with the ~ But..Jhen, protest has not Jariuary, the University ol April Fool's Day, but served de Galille of France. hwnorously referred lo as family. In some. cases, they and when to rtsist strongl,." become a tradition at South Wisconsin was calling in the notice. that ''being P:fUident ~ . Adams' argued, "G~nera.1 De .. pray." have been wllllng to put up Administraton trou1b ed Bf!nd.and..U not likely to. IL NatlonaJG~dtobringastu· not my bag.'' •odi that .,be Caulle is JJbvioosly the man Artists drew maga:ine car-with manhandling, insults, and over tactics wer~ acut4Jf baa· ~ so at Berkeley dent strike' to heel. Jt could wanted to 11:etbaulck .\o~ ,for MSU: ~ . . . ,. toons about prexy and he was the rifling ol. their office files aware that what. ~or~ Qr, is' a{ld "J Co • bi.a a11d Fat.her hardly do otherwise with a tconomk:s as ·q ckl)' as psi... "He's· .~gta:nt among .men, a standard supporting player to do it. needed or is mandatory on one J{esl>ur S: stern a'pproach worried governor and an bl~.-1 he has great admlnistratiVe In the campus comedies that Among sucli rn ode r ates campus ·could ·backfire on might 'lia~·Uttle effect ,at such angry legislature breathing Since then, Adams has experience, and be bas an ex- p_layed the movie thtaters there is also the hardly con· another. 1 campuses. • down its neck. tangled,with 1·t.ud·e.nt-cellentmJUtarycombatrecord arouDd the 1930s. cealed hope that U an ad-The .Rev. Theodore . M. Similarly, 41 major reason UDder suCb pressures, thert demonstrators twjce, He· ill -and these Ve all prere- ' GRAFf!TI Prexy was a4fuMy old duf· ministration can have l}le pa· Hesburgh won President Nb4 ' why tbe University of Chicago ~ many uni Ver sit y losing weight, he says, and not quisites fw • collea:e presiden- fer who ~ed about in gowo tie.nee to let a sit·in or a stu· _:'.••:':• .!p:raJSe:·:::__:w::ben:::_:h:•_:t::•::ld'._:'.the:::__:coul:::::::d'...:wea:::ther:=_:.•_:l:l<la~~!:.· ~.,~·1-m~·'.'.__!P'.'.:res'.'.'.'.lden~ls:::_w.'.'.'.'.ho'...'.cou:';'.'.'l".d~· be~.'.'ex~-~en~jo~y::ing~_:hlmse~~lf'.: . .-'.:°"'.'.'....:W::ed::'.:." .-'.:c!..y.'.-:::::•da~y.'.:'·~"--.,.-------_:~:=:.:::=c...­and mortarboard and got in dent strike run its course, the the way o(. campus cutups bulk of the enrollment will, • "' 1. 1,,. s1 .. ""1t ~ s...... c..ttt, c.... "'-• u. Htl'llw .~.:....i~ """'"!I c..tw. c:P.. M ... such as Ronald Reagan and too. . KAYl YOU "'"° oua MIW STOU AT1 • MMI .u ..... Avt . .i , .... IH .. IPI••• ......... c ............ ·-• tll!I •llPCll .M. II Att.rt.-H ... ll"llFA IPK~ other juvenile leads of the era. Even . among 1!1e new H RBOR-StVlta D G • "'' atfMM.A. ..... tt 1~i,,,,or....,.er-tv..filll._....,..._.,.,v,_ • 1.mi ·~-at w.mn11tt..,._w....,_ c ... kf' ... ....., •"""-' He never really hurt anybody geowuon_rebdlion -c·a n . A , _ ,-E IN ER . , . .. . . andJt gener8Uftiimed-out ·he become a bit of a bore if the , < a e l• W ............ l rht.I St.-41•1P9W C.....,, 1...ea ...,.. ' e "21 WMt/!llM'9t .. O..,_ WMf, Wnt111IMllt' had a heart of gold. establishment seeks to kill lt •· . •''*~at. ••·T1111tt1-v11 .... c...,..., ,.:v.,,.111 v~-. •·UNI V.lltf v11w., CllllllNM_E..._.._ ,. .. ,., GWllPll .,....,. \But campuses do not seem with kindness. The tactic bas • ._.. a .,....., itw1..-H1111111111M •Md! • ...,,,... c.ttr, ""'"""' hie.~ --~ - funny any more ·and neither worked on some campusi!s -·~ does preiy. These days, on for the time beinJ, at least. sombe.e camf'!~· ptrheexy is ~pt Not· all co 11 e g e ad. to weia...:....g current ministt ators counsel s u c h urgings of Gov. Ron a Id , Reagan to call the police and courses. Chancellor Maurice clear t h e administration B. l-Utchell of the University building of the new breed of or Denver Qacked down hard campus cutuJ>S. on. a sit-in expelled a batch of students, and said alterwards : SIT-IN CON11NUES If he decides Reagan is right, he may have to use a pay telephone because a sit-in .ia: in progress in his office. Or maybe, as m a n y university presidents . are elec- ting-to do in this season of campus strife, he will leave his office quiell y and go to some quiet place in ho~ that be can wait the rebels out. EventuallJ', he may seule for peace at the price ~f con- c:ession.s. · Whatever he does, someone li likely to denounce him. · : Nl~ c:15 ~~ceH:v::: April 10 to oust %00 ram- b.lhctious occupiers of his ad· ~ministratioo building, he may be atcused of uptight behavior and furthering the cause of radicalizatlin. · If he keeps the police out and grants demands, as did Mason W. Gross of Rutgers in dealing with a 72-hour building takeover, he can be accused of caving in Ul)der pressure and making promises he may not be able to keep. NO HAPPY CHOIC~ There is rarely a happy choice. A large number of u n i v t rsity adntltiistrators share a feeling that while etudents cannot be alJowed to t'.ike -control of the Cimpuse~, they h.ave a right to a voice in the conduct of their educat100; that "While the ~ight of gw\s brandished in the windows of oceupied buildings is a blight on AmeOOn education, many of the students' grievances are valid and should have been righted long ago. With 9.!ch thoughts in mind, auch ui;iiverslties as .Brandeis, Chicago and Stanford have waited out sit·ins at key cam· pw: buildings that lasted more than two weeks -and generally wound up granling no cmc'essioll! of consequence. other than promises to keep lhe Insurgents' demands under consideration. OtbeJ'., notably In I.he New York area, have used the threat of coUrt injunctions to good elfect. Yer co 'r n e 11 University passed up the in- junction route 'wtMn JOO black students, soine armed with rifles and spears, took over the student union center for 48 hours. • GA VE CONCESSIONS Instead of calling for help, Cornell officials under the leadership of Presidfnt James A. Perkins kept talking and concluded by grantins a string ol concessions. 1be ove.r?iding concern of PKOPER LENGm "The prnper length of a sit4 In is five minutes. You can't compromise while adversaries are reaching for your jugla{. Those kids want .to b e martyrs, but they ~ant to be thrown to toOt.hless lions." Texas A&M President Earl Rudder has yet to face down a sit·in, hl:it did not appear reluctant to do· so. "They will have a hell or a ~ fight and this pot-bellied presi· . \.. ~~ . dent will be in the front ranks .~ ,leading it," he said. "We must . mvtet :fOR I ::::=!r.;.w:, w~~;.~.r u Uiey 1 ,. SJ 9" Yaluet 50.Pc.. ~ CurrenUy, the hard-linen' \ s· ·1n1 . "Site. I hero is s. I. Haywwa: the 1· fa1 Ill , ' . · peppery acting 'Pf'esident of Fl s 1 San Francisca Slate College, atware e . who has not lost, but pe•haps .-· - has not~v.et~,.,ef..:" -~ l-He.,.1.,eiaht 7 trltiOn. Willi student and q(ll.lilJ. 1' ,.. f I bel H •poonl, In. din• acu ty re s. is stand is ~ nu knivH, !Otb. ''there can be no retreat from 1 1oup Jj!OOQ$, the position that coercion and \ ~/k~~ 1 1:;: force cannot be used to dictate •t ,pooa. how the colleges or the universities should be run." But Malcolm C. Moos, pres!· dent ol the University of ~fin­ nesota, may be more typical of university administrators -seeking a balance between in· surgence and control. ,, WANT. CHANGES .. "'It ls timf we accept the fact that the lion's share or the student l>ody wants major cha1Jges," he said. "1£ we are not flexible in the faee Of these I reyusts for change. We run the risk or radicalizing 0 u r moderate students." Two others checked in a UPI survey capsulized the perplexity or education seek- ing to Heal with campus ex- plosions. President Glenn G. Gooder of Los Angeles City College has seen rebellion eyeball to eyeball. Black fuilitants threw up barricades, set fires, and injured faculty members at his school March 12. He kept the police off campus while the outbreak simmered down and a month later was still unwilling to make a blanket denunciation o( g t u d e n.t militancy. , ''One of the greatest dangers is that too many peo- ple insist upon a simple de!ini· tion of 'militancy' ani:fa single usponse to 'student unrest' " he said. "Militancy is as varied as. there are militants. Included in militancy are idealism, a c l iv i s m and gangsterism. These dif- ferences f!lU,St be understood and responses must be ap- propriate to each." Donald Abright, dean ol 'S3ff. '6" v.1 .. 1 Haiti Com ltowels T.aillfl, --Oction, f!M'> 4' 11ilr • .Most ~ m · 1-1:3,~ Red Chi nese Remain f1eckff Daisies la his · ~ dajN& ,.jtit flirty 88' lam ~ kam, ptCall Removed From World fl.pat II~. • .... ~ '12" IASY IOU> Youth Hi Chair !i:::I· = $10" sift\ ''··~ .,_ -·-... ' . 'l&''SaM .. 2.SUC. T11ilers "'"' ..._.. $11 8 adj11$11 to .n hio.ih d Mid. ' Rec. '17" u;-~ Coffel llUlr ~~~::·1·5• P·I), . ., s. ...... -111 JCit ildm ~ ...;aid:---·· '13'i lMJWlck , ... , •• Lallill' Eleclrll Slln:en. l'Mls Slilfls J A....,.:.p.>"19" , ....... ~"'$4" Wun. 1W Popi oif abift1i io floa.l . 1.~. priob. 10-11. ' ...... Oellll 1llil l1rll fllii .HllS ._ ....... l'u al1ltl for-• W:.u.p ~·-.... .-, •• ,.,t. 'Ill ...Cf• ., -c' ~~coi.w.. • . ·c1arwbm.. O!l(!n. . ~O.:t:rf'. '0.llflll ~•••i• : ...... .,. .. ~;; Ylfftla.r.blt · Halt<l•~·-r b, dq Of Digllt,, • ' '-carittl ill. . .............. $1• .._ ..... ""' .. SQ-. g.)iJ.. •,I . ..... ,.,: lbtlrllfs ----3, tlfd ~ tlcl! ... ~mm. . F1 ...... slmal ........ u,, .. tied:. .... 99' IKUf •• : bck. Aatto '.~ ...... .... ,,. ... , ...... Sift• iiilt. ... , •. Clllte•tkJWW' Q ......... & ' s1.111•--. ll(llela ,.,.,,......, 67f ~1.ilec., GoldmMimo& ............... .... 1-.i°l!K ntla rdt· • -. Wia .., "' 56C .m.1-.· • 118'.W ..... lllltllc ........ '1)111 ...... ptlf. .• ~,,.,. -· IHce Spin Call Rod&Reel SIMY .... IT= •••fR•lll . 1 ... , ... lffJTila,. •U .TW '"" ,. ... • •• TOlll ... ,. • 10# T ... ,,. "'"'"'' • ' • " I ' ----.--- . " voe. 62, NO, 105, 4 SECTION$, 40 PAGES ·.ORANGE COUNTY, t:ALIFORNIA . , .. -FRIDAY, MAY 2, '1969 , ( I • T~C~ / ,, ' . C.itizeii.s ' ' . • • ~Gang , Up ~-_on .· Sex Cours.e 'Threat' By i:J;Rl\Y COVILLE Of .. Dellr POM Staff -4-A.-nelf organilaUoo covering the entire. 52-square-mile Huntington Beach Union High School District iS in operation today to cc:mbat sex education in local schools. ,Joe~r~. a vocal sex·edtication op- Fenn his been a ~ CJll!"IM'li of Includes iour elecled oloCen and ' IS. city pl 1thool ipetidJnt procrams, ap: . member guidance commllteG, with llllff -peariilg~often at meet.Uwi-~as bead CIHJ)e represintaUves on the comm.lttee from Propq1Y Owners Protective League, a . • secret organization whole membership each oC the high scbo<'ol rl..!5trict a five has never been released but is believed t.o et·ementary schooJ ,districll. 'be leu th.ID a doun. _"Our goal," said Fenn, ''is combatting At present, VOTE~ counts fewer. than sex education in the high: school district 20 members. "We've purposely kept ~ or any of the five elementary dl8trict8." . . '-• a, member committee were ~eel, aaid "0Ur ~ Is to. funnel all thinklqg ' kno-W where they stand. . ' Fenn. , · Into 1a wilted orpnilailort," Wd·Fmn. ~now · tlJe high IChool board la ~E~edTchabinan wu-nr~-lttchar<r--••we-ha\i'rllMlOUili.Mlllt"lflllcbOFtlii--rec~ons"'Jae.TUie sex educltioii procram at Ruhe from the Ocean V~w School clergy jl concenied about sex f!!ucaU.n, i!s Jul)< a meellng. rn,trict 8:J'U·. Temppfary ~tary· is arid we 'wlll~fonnl a..'llipieclal commlttee -It board action b not aaliafaclOl'J, Mrs. Marge Gage, Huntington Beach City cmn~ Of clergymen." • coni iaer legal action, School District resident, aDd treasurer is He' aJio u,t;ct· ·a tour ttep· program 4;onsider recalling 'trustees who will Harry Boggs, Fountain Valley ~I •deiited bjolVOl'll:RS forJtii acllmHIO ... not.tak .. a sland on sex educatloo. District. Ferm, ·who· livea in-the Ocean 1education Couraea. It is: 14 ~ ' Fenn 'emphasized that tbe·recafl iPue ponent, iafd Thursday the new group 1atown u VOTEBS.(Voice Of Th< Elec· t«ate ~ardlng Schools), is still ln Its formative sl.lges. He expects it to involv~ "literally lbousaods of citizens," .number low while forming the group," An organizational meeting was -held explained Ferm. Wednesday night in 1 Westminster home· View aret.,•will handle publlc.retaUOns. :...:Foftetnctividual members of1he high was only a last resort then U.idt ·Ferm declined to name the members school bOard 'of trustees to malce: a com· "However, any of the four points can. be ' on lbe guldlng commiltee. mltmenl on aer iducaUon ao the ·people ' (See AN'l'l.aJ!X,. Pqe %) , Th< organiiational pattern of VOTERS at which four temporary offi""' aod lbe < / ; Riot Law Offered Council Studies Parade Ordinance By WILLIAM REED Of IM Dtl!Y l"I_. lll tt chambera of Memorial Hall, 5th St:reel cur," begins the preamble to Ordinance and Pecan Aven'ue. 1497 which will be.come law immediately, . On April 20 police had to quell Sn oUt-burst from some 3,000 youths who stoned after adoption. •, Memory of three thousand rioting youths On the sands of Huntington Beach and the pto~pect of more riots as t~e summer beach season arrives has Jed the City Council ·to C<lnsider adoption Monday of a parade ordinance to beef up • police power. the police building on the beach and held The ordinance defines parades as "any· officers at-bay-unrtJ'1•etnforcements trom 111at d1, parade,.:::ptUC1·m· >n=>l, c=i!llbltc:= Councilmen will consider the parade proposal as an emergency ordinance dur- ing the 4: 30 p.m. session ·m Council 11 police agencies could be rushed to the assembly consisting of persons or city. • animals or vehicles or any Combination "There are certain disruptive elements upon any public travelway, pier, beach or operating within this city which gives Ci-quasi-public place which obstructs or ty officials reasonable cause for concern , unreas(mably interferes with the ·free that additional civil disturbances may oc-• (See RIOTS, Page Z) W orlred ita Westminster Three Beach NoteonRoominate'sDoor Masseuses ' -' Was Epitaph for Climb~r '{~i!2.!~~= ;u:retted April· 16 op . clJ.orl~ cf-.!"": A n0ie· to thi Laguna Beach ro<.ninate or an t'xpert mountaineering phehgcapber wbo wort'f!l -when he wasn't. climbing -as I ' Westminster computer programmer, ii pinned to the door o( their bachelor pad today. "Henr:y, PauJ has been killed. Call Jean Linder at UCI at 833-6460 (signed )' Ann. I can't.believe il" The note is from neighbor Ann Aynsley to Henry Reiter, a ski enthusiast who followed the snow and sh'ared the apart- mMI. with the 27-year-old adventurer. In.a way, it is Gerhard's epi~ph. The .sometime computer programmer, had been climbing for 14 years when the end came Monday, 17,000 feet up the un- * * * . I.Ice Avalanche Kil'led Lagunan,. Other Climbers From Wirt Services Thundering down the side ~ the ' wOrld'1 aeventh highest • peak, a n aweSome lee avalanche killed a Laguna Beech man and six other mGUDtaioeers, according .to survivors flown to K,at- maodu. Nepa~ Thursday. No hope exists f9r Paul Gerhard. 26, of 271 High Drive, oi' the other victims of the worst Himalayan mountain-climblhg accident since 19M; buried aJJve Monday under tons ·of frozen debris. "It was a ghasUy sight," said .William ~ JI.. Read, 33., of Moose. Wyo., who was assistant leader of the American Alplne Club-sponsored assault on towering Mount Dhaulagiri. fOrg!Vlai '1.,'ri ii '211~1lO./oot Mt. ~=•1 ~~ :.· Dhllll>giri (While Peak), world'• 11Venlb h!l'lng» until May; 9 ·ill. Weol ~ hlghat rDoomtain. County Mgaipipal Court. ' . Gerhard was there to photograph the It wa1 thi -poa\pOll<mtllt In lbe 1 f lb prellmlnafy l*arlng-of Palricia M. cy ace of e peak that turned on his ill-Shelton, rt, of 779l Slater Ave., and I.Dis fated expedition, killing him, four .other • LeMasters;-1l, o1-to7-tUh St.,~both-.of American climbers anct two Sherpa lluntington Beach, and Betti,· J. Costello, guides. · -Friends said Gerhard was one of the 19, of Long Beach. · country's rew professional mountiiin n.e trio was arrested ApriJ 18 fOUowtrig ph hf nd 'd "-k had a two week tnvelligattoo by Huntington otograp rs a sai ll~ pea Beach detectives of the ExecuUve Suite never been photographed. They believe the expedition, part of an Salon sauna parlor, 17434 Beach Blvd., American Alpine Club venture, was link-~o~fcegtoCbn Belef~~hn seltzer hu· recom• ed. photographically tG N a t ion a I Geographic Society and The Sierra Club. mended tbai the City Coupcll hold a. The Nepal expedition was lead by ~yd public hearliig ... on bis recommendation Everett, 36 of New York, one of the na-that the business llcense fetr tilt uuna tion's top mountain climbers. and thrff of·its enlployes be revoked, A naUve,ol Maryland, O.rbard began The council likely will ael a date !or the cllmbilig llMllllltalns wl1el>."" was 13. Re 'hearini at ill 1:311 p.m. meeting Maoday climbed in thi·Bav¢aif' AiPi, lhe Gr-and lnslrucl !lie cl1Y d<rt to no<ilf lhe Teton range of Wyoming, The ~a pdocipola.Jnvoived. Nevada. Moontains, MW.co and Alub, Attorney J!""" W. Rud, Jr.. of Loog • J1e was COOd al bl! avocatl'*'' aild had Beach, ute\f lhe court Wednesday for recentlf leetu~ af UCI on:an-eXpediUOn. the May t date to bear a de9turrer, a up 'a tough Alastan peak. legal claim that ......W.g in thi charges Tlie' lean,' mUicUlar young man was is inco~, which be will file on behalf a,Jd by neighbors to have been quiet but pf Miss Costella,.nis c:lient. acUve apd PQpUlar with \!rotnen. Between A public defender, tcbeduJed to defend expediUona be ~ a computer conauJtant the other two women, failed to appear 1n Westminlter. . w-.,y,_ and Reod eoter<d the 1be expedition was making ill first a~ demurriir plea a180 ii; their bellalf. lanpl to climb the peak along what tooie Deledivel aritated.Mlaaea \!ollello and mi>untaineen believe is'a near. impqssjble. Shelton torly' In, llie ~ al· the route frauP,t with sheer ice cliff a and sau.na, and later 'J)icked Mrt. LeMuters great technical dlfflculty. •up at her home. 1be fJn\ two were book· Made up.of II cllmben and 91 portOr., -ed Into Orang• County Jail, .....,n's sec· the Alpine Club group ael ool two weeks Uoo, then leltased "° '315 l!ail tach.,• ago and had planned to set up a ba~ ·Mrs. LeMasteri ·wu ~ but never camp al about 16,000 feet to adjust to the plaeeil in Hunliqton ~ £i!i_Jaih}he lbln air, was al80 f1eed oo '311 liill 0.rhard bad ~n Laguna about five Delecllva .llso elalm 111'1 ,omiliacated weelcs ' ago to maie ready' for lbe pomocrapblc Uler•-aJid tome cloeed cballellglng expedillon, circull ~ equipment In iii< ....,a "He wu J]w~s full of We," ~ a perkr rata, ' but no cb1J1ea hive neighbor. ' ~eveloped froiJi Hilurt ol -- . • ' DAILY PILOT PMllf. h" ...... V'*"'9 ' • ' ' ~ : ' ' f '. ' ' • ~TllltL._<fOATS MINqt• i~~.~~RTtNUQJi..IR'UANC & AT EN.Ef'IADA RA~E START l ;. .. ~ •• ·~~-1 C#.Mlon ·~eltfti•~·~~i ~"!(~l~'~",..t• ·Scatt;r · · ' ' -M~et· ff 1,ie .. EiiJeriddd -Race Br.eakt hrough in Talks Bo~ts Sc attered . . Off Coronados l!ossihle.as-Raid:onV-ene .. ' . . . PARIS (UPI) -A jungle Viet Cong meeting, a .Moicow conlerence ihvoJvint. a Nort~ Vietnamese , leader and the ,...,,; to Saiaon ~South Viehiam's chief negotiator · provided signs todJir that a breakthrough may be near in the Viet· nam ta1ks. Communist solll'C6 said Viet Copg leaders were meeting in the jungles oC Sooth Vietn'am to Jiear a repOrt on the talkS by Mrs. Nguyeii Thi Blnh, a second· ranlttn& member or the ~aUonal Libera- tion Front (NLF) delegation In Parb. Mrs. Binh'• trtp,,a conferenct between r.. Due Tho, the key· North Vleblart!ese dele11a~. and.Soviet leai;t1;~• and ·th~ su~·· den return home of the S a 1 g o n. goyurqnent's Pham'Dang Lam p~ed. optimisni. that things may be movtng. ·Le Due Tho was in Mose<tW oo his way back to Paris _after 10 weeks of con~ suliauoo, In JiallOL . . Lam. s&igon•a chief delegate, left Paris tinexpeCtedly Thutsday for SaJ'gon to re}l!lrt 1o .President Nguyen Van Weu. He · waa to return Jn tifne for ·nut Thunday's 161~ neg<tfallJig seSllon. Diplomata connected Lam's trip to Saigon with lbe NLF'1 formal .W.meot Wednesday ·sayiOithe NLP' Was lle8df to talk with "the' other parties'," ID an effort get the talks moving. Lam's trip apparently was co~d with 1M.dlrecl~l!Outb-Viell>'!l1l-Viot Oing talb w.hich nii.u pr.opoied more •llwra, month ago. . · Even before~ left,, hopes of a~ ble breaklbrougb 'ln the C0!1fmnce .¥e apurred by news that Tllo,, .. oo hll way back to Paris .from·HaDOJ. · . Allied. dipiol!l•il rOoa¥ed that -l\O(o' previous trips 1'bo made ~to .Hanoi· had preceded · m;ajor develop~ts in the peace talks. 1bo Is the aeyeqtll-rank~ meinbe!' ol the. North. Vieblamese pqlil- ijuro.and opeclal c:oumeJ<ir to.the Hanoi. delegation to Baria:. -. Mrs .. Binh left Parfa April ll·and Viel , qoni· s~kefmreo only rel~tly con- firmed she was gone. · , , -, . Allied observers,. aald, they · were • tq. tri~ed at tbe Ume ,ol her ~e ~~' aaid. the Nfii:'a ""1flrmatiol!·ll\at.abe\W .. goinf into· lb~~ _{gr a m..ili!1t.l!JJIJ~ tti< ,gueir!U,.1f)lb \O(hom ·~ -fought emphulud the importance of · her ; miation. t • Th< talka ha" been etalled olnce ?l'bo ' left IC< ·Honoi, Feb; .llJ. "l'lia pre~ ~ auneil at' """1ni,thi WO)\ f.. Ille _. •pesce ' oe1otJallqol .,.... May . By ¥-MON LOC!w!EY -oa1tY--PILOT 9Hl"'9 """' ABOARD MOTOR VESSE t; WESTWARD -With lhe lead boai. - the cijai;naran1 -ex~ted ·to croas the finlsh' line around noon tOday, an was stiU confust.on ·in. ibe Newp,ort ~ Enlena~ yacht race ear!y this momi~g. ; The neet i:i so scattered that it was im- possible to identify tile leaders. tiut the bulk of the boats appea~ .to be IUl"• rounding ·the Cor.onados lltands. , • . n.e W-ard ,passed the , jl.{ool· catamaran Aik&J)e, skippered by Kennet.h Murphey. off P.olnt Deacanso llld al about ?:31> a.m: olie ·appeared 1o·be, t11e· lead yacht. • • Thre;e other boats were a.igbte.d of( P.otot' Salcipudes at 8:45 ~·11\· Qne "~ Wikf Wind, an unofficial entry in ttfe race; another was Jim A r·n·e • •·' Selsmoke, skippered by Brjan .. Wakl, wblle the third was unldentlfied. • , Many of the yachts in the 558 tioat·fleel were spotted seeking better winda 25 ll);9es of[~Jbore. A groqp of boats, iden· tlf1ed as Colum_bla 50s, were off the COronadoa liYbii IJ>lwlrli's. ' ;Head winds south ollhe c.r.iiados· had diminished •by Ibis morning and. the "'ealber appears to be c)e"lnf, with Jliht wlnds, for the run to Ensenada durin&Jh• day. • He and Dr. Jefrfey Duenwald, 27, of PUUman, Wash., were flown from their 16,000-foot~high base ,camp 150 miles to civilization, reporting those who stayed bebilid are ln good sllape. . Read said the fouf surviving Yanks and · theJOSI of the· paj:!J' invo!Yed ln tho Ill· fated assault 00 the mountain's Southeast ridge are hildng 100 miles to Pokb1ra, to Dy to Nepal, Police Hit Mesa Pot·Farm ~ . . .. . lJ,1 • .,.., _;_,. 0'-1\.t. •• JIM" • . ' · '·; . .,,. I 1;- T.._'• . ed' ~!6..i; .lll)Uf , .. ~. ' ,c:N.c • n.e two :survivor! nown out Thursday quoted biochemist Louis F. Reichart, rt, of La Canada,-who was an eyewitness to the itdgl:ity avalandle wJUch-swept bis colleagues to death. .-. He jumped out of the way to safety. All the 'bodies rtmarn ... oovered by snow et the 17,000 foe( lev~I 9f the 261900 foot peat, which has claimed to persons in the past 15 yean: in fivf't separate accidents. 'J1,e toll makes Dhaulagiri the most IetbaJ mountain in the Himalayas, which incliades Mount Everest, the \ world's highest peak. • A veteran French mountilneer recently predicted that no one could scale Dhlu1aa1ri's awesome southeast ridge, a jumble_ol towerln(_~ walls...J>rol<en roclt, vloleot storm• and blowing snow. Tbt party: lncluiled four nadve Sherpa culdes -two of whom died with haU the' Americatl contingent -and nearly. ~00 portul carrying their gear. A U,S, Embesay 'helicopter new lhe ISff AVALANCHE. Pa«• !I I,·• , .'1~::).1~ '!o,t I $2,000 Smµggled Hmhish Canfis caied . in.Raid Remains ,Cf,jJical . , ' ' • • • II !J!!l're lookJlla lor..a' •bani• In the weather, .11qe1 ,11, The ·week' end shapes up lib..the rest of the week with tjoucly ekles Ull •,_ and temperatures In ilie middle 1 &O's aJong the Orange CoasL INSmE TODAY •• • ' • ' . ' f llAllY I'll.OT H PIL-OT- L.OGIOOK . · . • .. ' • • ' 'i t ' Roqtibg for the Young:· • It's Great, Win or Lose . ' By WILLIAM-REED O! ... Oelh' ,. ,,.,. • I dropped by Dwyer School Tllunclay to see wffat 111 the cheering was about and found • wonderfully enthusl11tic IJllUP of younpters watching a track meet, •• .. . What I b_ow 1bolit aporta coulc! be clropped Into the . dent on a 1hlmblt, 11111 lllao wu no doubt that the )'OllDI- , IWI wen having a ball watch.lnc . v.ar10UI eventl. I wu Jmproaaed with l>o1! bfc' Ind -. our junior blgh lchool kid& roan, are. 'l1lty blp.·jumped ...,. five feet plua Into the air, loued the Ibo! out to nearly IO root IDd roared through IOO )'lldl In I"' thon I minute ud a ball. Not world-record Umes, but Jual try It • Whit I'd really like to know ii bow they can dliplay all thls fonn and enera ~ -llChool and not bt able to takt the truh to lhe back door at home t1t to be able to wilt acrosa the room wlthuut tripping. * Really, It's 1 Jll'and .a1e for the younpten. 'l1lty are big enough ;,, do w.onderful thin&• and yet small enoUlh to be frllhtened by 1 scowl from the oid man. ' lncJdentaIIY, thla Is all to .brag about the performance cl my ton, Steve, who roared through one secUon ol the IOO, staving off all bldl and finally com-In& In second some second and' 1 hall off the pace. The significant point ls that Jt wu h1s fJnt compeUtlvt race, not his ~ •. but the first for most Of the younpten on the fteld. They gave all they bad to give to whatever event they etttered and llJer u they brushed the first dirt lllalna from their brand new cleats, they felt 1ood about being In competl· Uoa win or Jose. * A-few parents were on the field watching the events. They for the moat part were caught up In the enthusiasm of the boy1 and although many were, like myseU, completely lgnoront of the fine polnta ·of ony 11111e, they had fun too. . It's a Wondetful thing to see younpten perform. It would be even more~ m----t-wonderful for the..younpten U oomeone from the family ar fr!endl wert there tO cheer them on. -. It maket no dlrference what the ev"1l !Jllle Lequo buehlU 11 In full swing and almost evory nelghborhoi>d hu 1 Jeague_ 1oln& eocb 'evening. The hilh achools. the Boyl Club, lhe junior ~ ICbooll and the llecreaUon Depart. men! have lols of partldpallon program1 for the youth. • • • * We who decry the high rate of juvenJle delinquency or plead for new parks and progr8JDS for our children~~ only doing a part of th~_JobJt_we~do not.Go aomefOIIOWup work. A pat on the back for Johnny, or Steve, or Sue or Louise will do more to bring parent and child together than all the laJklng In the world. It's pretty dilficult to forget the nm Ume that Jim hfts one over the fence or Swlie swims the pool Jn record time. It's dl!ficult for the younptm to really believe that mom and dad can when they art never teen at tht events the young!W' art trying in. , • Obviously yoo do not need to bt a sports buff to underltlnd that no mat- ter the game the children enjoy lt more when 10t11.eon1 la there to appreciate. * ln the past, and still IOJDetimeo....,, the U!M!!!Jlghtened, f'll"'llla haft been there to demand excellence under penalty of ,reat ham, "Jiit a homer or you'll get a whipping." l'~e heard it; othm have too and that kind ot a person shOuld be encourag~to ltay home. But it's seldom heard today u pare:nU: hate groWta up more and the. Y~:~~~~~:S~li ~~rts for youth. You'll be better for JL Na1nath Pays Up Joe Fined $50 for Speeding MIAMI (UPI) -Superstar Joe Namath, coralled at the bar of jw:tlce, \\'a! freed of drunk driving charges today but fined '50 for iipeeding during an April lf pre-dawn chase. While cOurt 1eeretarles peered through the slit wlnd?WJ of Metro Tralflc J,udge Arthur Winston'• court, the modishly dressed ·New York Jets quarterback 1tood with bent head befott the bench, laid low !lope Enters Hospital NEW YORK (AP) -Comedian Bob Hope entered Columbia Pre.!lbyterlan Medical Center Thursday ntght for medical lr!:atment of an allln1 left eye, hoepltal 1uthorlUes said today. OAl lY PllOI CHtAHGI CO.Ul 11"\Jll.llHIHG ~AHY" ll:•lttrt N. W114 '""lliiltftl .... hbllllllt' J-..:k II. CVt"l:r· Vlel ~l«nt 111111 0-. MIMlll "••• k11ril -n •• A; MitttJil11• ....... ,.. ..... >A.rt W. l1ttt ·Wili1111 leM A1-i.. HIOll!lllfleft a_,_ ....... ''fir: hilt!' ............... OftW )Of l'th '"'" Mlllr111 Ulfuu P.O .... 1'0, fJ641 --.......... leldti lttU *"' .. _. ._,,.,, .... CIMtt ""'91 aa .,.,.., .. , Irr.I u.....-. .......... ~ by the Du. Namith'I WU cnt ol the flrat Cuti called In the dally tr.inc court telllon and the. Jean quarterback ft90d U:P with t.ls 1tf9tney, Geot1e Orr. Alter heiring the charges, Judge Winton fined Namath ISO for carol'"' drl•ln& by opeedln&, plUI ~ court et>Sls, · He di.misald cbar&OI filld b)' North Bay Village Officer Ray DI Santia of driving while Intoxicated IDd driving without a license. "[ think it wu a fair case, 'l Namath said afterward. He u.ld ~ had maln4 tained all alone h11 lnnocence of Upay rlrlvlng, ''but I aald l mlpt have bten speeding and the judg1 fowid that I wu 6~ng." Namath left the courtroom followed by a crowd of newamen. Hit attorney told the Judgt Namath ti.cl the nu and Joe declined to •l&n autograplul, aaylnr. "I got somelhln&, I -that I'm Pin& to bed." De Santis bad alto accuaed Namath, winner ol the 110,000 Hickok · belt 11 the pr6/N11onal 1thleta of the year, ol pvlng him a bid tlme wben ht arrafed Namath on Mlam111 '19th Street Causeway near Namath'• "Broadway Joe" restaurant. Namath later uld be wu wron1 in lo. Ing hi5 ltl9plr WIDI Ill Santll but aild he was disturbed b; the ftct the poUctman would not pennlt him to leave the - &o get hil drivti''• Uceose . "I cot!lot hive -H In JO minutes. M)' attorney wu with me and the policeman Wouldn't~ him 10 either," 1akl Namath wbo led the Jeta to •lcf«y In the super BowL • !M!ni Nam1th'1 brief court 1p- pearance. I ICOl"I OI Meretlrt. found ft Ume for their coffee br<llk Ind popped Into the -. Ono of· the mllialed. "U be comea out th1I door, I'm 10ftD1 tackle hl.m.11 PILOT SIGNS IN WITH lUCEJJATA Direct radiopl>o111 "Ports from AJmoii Lockabty, DAILY PILOT boalln& editor,, will be bn>ldcut u ncelVld (ap- p~= 1""7 two houri) throuibout the N Bt1cb-Enl<nada yacht roce on 'KOCll (103.r FM). Thi ndlo 1t1Uoa 1lgna on at t 1.m. and llpt off at J a.m. . - -. -~- • ·~a ... ~limited ~run·' Becomes ·Limited ~ 11Entertailrntnt Unlimited'' ~· very much limited Thursday with the handing of jail terms to_ two mefribers ot a p...tltutlon and 1amln& rlof known by &bat name; . , • Jlou&lu Cmrld KomwoU, 18. wu ten"'1ced-liy-Judp Jorn• F. Judge to 41 days In Oran&• Coonty Jill. With him for 15 days of that lime will be Larry Br!cliea, 21, who Qc> pleaded guilty to cblrg .. of CO!l'Plrlojto operate I gll!lbl· In& l)'Ddle11t. Both men .,. from Gl1deii Grove and both !'n.Ult HrVe three yun problUoa. Three memben of the group .iae t . ._,, u ''°'-Counly-'s Club" -It II "8iltered uoder t111t Utle wtlh the Oraqe, County Chamber of Comn\erce -drew onrryear probation tenna and wtre ordered ·to eacb ~Y • $1'0 fine. Free to l•ve court wa DOoel Fruda Gorman, 21, of Gar<lg Gmve. J..,. De Alba Placentia, An&lielmliiil" Felix Bernardo Dlgm1n, ~- TwQ w~en -~rlene Sue,~ 21. of Loi Angelu and -Yvonne Klll1, 44, of '11 N. Wlllcla Drive, Fullerton - pl~cled guilty to chlq .. of prootltullon and were placed on probaUon for ODt year. • G()f G0vernors Dodge Supporting ABM Issue LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) ~ Repibllcan govtrnon backed away klday from ex· preuJn& group aupport for PrOl!dent Nix· 00'1 decision to dtploy Ille Slfquard ,anU-balllJtlc mJulJe (ABM) ayttem on the 1dvlce ol Vice Pmldent Spiro T. Agnew. Gov. &Yma>ol P. Shaler of Pennsyivan11 toid a. ~· conference alt.er 1 cloeed conference aesslon that Agnew hid advlled the govemon hi did not believe they should act on the ABM luu1 bOcaUM ouch lldlon would be Jn. Probation Group . At Teen Center Offt"'n of the Orange Co\ml)' · Pro- baUon Department have moved their HllDllngton llOiCh co-llila lervlcea from the old YMCA building on Mlln Str.el to the Counlellnr Cenl<!r and T..., Cenkr II Main ~t Ind Gufleld Avenue •. A probation olllc:er will be available from 1 to I p.m. Mond1y tbrough Friday to meet not only With the rtgular cllen- tellti of persom an proba.Uon, bUt others In the CIOllUIUIDllf Mldln& the ~ oervlC9 of ftpertl In the fields of narootics abuse, achoo! and family Jll"1' blems, or questions dealing with d1!th.. quoocy or 1enera! community probltm1. The Huntingtllo Belch E<chinp Club ha.s be!l1 sponsoring the efforts of the probation officers to establish an office focally. , • ApPOlntmelils· may be obtained by telephoning au:..m1. From Page J ANTI-SEX •.. · b.-IOll or lnlmllln&led • !he com-rllftt.ee decides." · Relerrln&. to the U-member guidance committee, Fenn aald tome of lts tune. tlorrs wm· be to set the ntlea of VOTERS, coordinate activitll!!ll, and live approval to all material .submitted under the name of VOTERS." "We art also con:stderinl bavlnc tht commJttee receive letten to the editor maU, Ind picking certain letlen to be 1ent to local newspapers," llid.Fenn. VCYI'ERS can be upe<:ted to come out with a comprehensive review of the high school dlstrlct'a report oa ae1 educaUon, added Ferm. The five elementary school dlstrlcta will each cont.aln two special comm.lttets on educatlon and poUUcal acUon, he alao explal11ed. .-r Notln& the vague application In the. U· tlti, Fenn uplained, "Wt purpotely designed It that way to permit el!plllllon of the committee Into other l!'el1U of need." No specific elate hu been Mt for the nelrt meeting of VOTERS. From P .. e J RIOTS •.. passa11 of ttamc or pedestrian traveJ." It will cost 125 to get a permit and the penally for holding a parade without a permit Is up » alx monllls In jail ind/or • $000 fine. c Permission ol Iha police chief will be requlrfld, and U the police Chief dtrues the permit there will be .. ~ to the city COWlcil 1vllllllle. terpr.ted .. partlaan. • It WU not a partiun maUer, Sha!et quoted Agnew u telling tht governors. • The governors also 1ddestepped any group action on campus disorders. Previowdy, Gov. Ronald Reagan of Calif(lfniJ, the conferenct chairman, bad taken a hard line calling for pmrlshment of thoe:e who participate Jn violence. In a series of resolutions, the GOP governors called on Nixon to channel ~-poverty programs for the individual •tat.es through thelr offices. They said the President should consider ~='.eaoftheOflice~-~ Toys for Fairview Tots DAILY PILOT Steff PMl9 Softball Signups Now Being Taken Signups for softball league play for g!rls from Slb through 12th grade are now being taken bj the Huiillngtoft Beach Parks t1nd Recreation· Department. PracUce games for the Pony Tail League (grades I jjjij I) will be held between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday at Peterson ~I. Westmont S c h o o 11 5!'bioeder School, -Meadow View School and Marine. View School. Young Miss League players (7th and Ith grade) will also pracUce between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m, Friday at Greer Park, the HunUngton ·Beach RecreaUon Cenl<!r and Eader School. Hilb 1ehool age girls may join the Powder Puff League; which will Initiate lta 101100 w Ith algnup Ind· practice g"""" on the Dwyu School field at 1:30 p.m. May 7 IDd May 14. Signups will be accepted at the practice games or. at the Parks and Recreation Deplttment, 1705 Orange Ave. A '2.50 fee will be chara:ed for registra- tion IDd 1 aweatabtrt which the glrll will be allowed to keep. Administrative Assistant Pat Wallace and Dr. Anthony-Toto, superin- tendent and medical director at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, accept toys for young patients delivered Thursday by Earl Tisdell of South Coast Plaza (on truck). Plaza merchants coDected coins pitched into shopping center fQuntain by customers and pur- chased toys for donation to hospital. . -, / From Page -1. 1 AVALANCHE l(ILLS LAGUNAN •• weak, bedraggled survivors from Jom-son. near the foot of the mountain, to Katmandu, where they were greeted by Ambassador Carol c. Laite. None of :the Americana on the party had Himalayan climbing experience, but all were veteran mountaineers, including Gerhardt, and bad sealed many forbid· ding peaks in the western hemUphere. Jun-March 5. not long before the-party left"the U.S., Gerhardt lectured lhe UC ' Nixon Talks Finance W ASffiNGTON (UPI) -Preoldenl Nixon met with'hls economic and foreign . policy advisers at the Treasury Depart- ment today for· diJcussloQS on taxes and the international monetary 1ltu1tlon. Irvine mountaineering club on the group's ascension of MountlSt. Elias in Alaska. The other American dead besides Gerhardt, were identifed as John V. Hoeman, 32, Anchorage, Alaska; William Ross, 30, Stanford University In Californla, and David Seidman, 22, Norwalk, Conn. Sketchy early reports of the tragedy, ·radioed by Read from high on the stonny mountain, did not tell how the seven vlc- tilns died in newspaper accounts Thurs- day. Later reports also listed a idxth American survivor as Terrence R. Bech, of Spokane, Wash., who joined the party in Nepal and was not listed by "the sponsoring club. -. WOOLTURF BY FIRTH ONLY $10.95 59. YD. / r While the city bu h9d llllllY rlota and near rlota oo ~ beech In put yan "" there his been no DMd for a parade onlln1nce. Ctt1 oflldala Slid today that the porade ordlnanco 11 neeclecj -In ever fore he1 th11 ~·mou~ ~•lity been of/"',.ed •t this vnbellevebl• low toll pric• of $10.tS yd. Ont throuih • stocktn9 ,IHdenJ11p ca"•• offer th11 nupfionel ••lu .. WOOLTURF hes +he follow· "/. ••n~•i•: Nn:ilttlr9 ca" ba mov.d withou+.l•1vin9 '"•'*'· 1eam1 ere invi1ibl•, 1maft accid•nh ~:3 :0Q doe t Mow, 1p1ll1 al\d spoh du" 1w1y, cig1ratta burn1 leave no 1can. th•y bf'\lsh out without 1 trac .. IXCLUSIVI DD.LEIS FDR: 1-flNREDON.,..DRIXIL-HIRITAGI 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TlltMS AVAILAllLI ON APPIOVID CREDIT view of •L.chanlinc form ol ctvn dlst.urbanct,whlch can Include the protest march or alnipl,y a &fOllP of youth! parading or plckeUn& In 111ch a ~ aa Lo obflruct traffic. 'I'll• new ordinance """1d IOOI iO use In e1111 ol Wqal f'll"ldin& ol any t!nd. It will alto live lddlUonal pn>lectlon to le9IUm1te group1 boldlns parad" In the city. saJcl lh• citJ' olllclala. Bec•UM tbe measure 11 prtsent«! aa In Cfntr'ltnC)' llw, tt wtll requlrt five af· Uv1 votet, 1eeotdlns to the clly . II nilfL,.-lt becom.. effecUv1 011 . p~ ' IN1IRIORS .LAGUNA llACH J4S North Co111 Hwy. NIWPORT lllACH 1727 Weetdlff Dr., 642.2050 OPD NIDAY ft t , .. -1nn11r1w Dollpen Av1lla~ID-NSID Ol'PI NIDAY 'Tll t ..... , ......... ,, Or-. c...., 141-1161 " • • • \ • • • • \ Saddlehaek • • ~OC. 62, NO. 105,. 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ORANGE COUl)ITY, ·(;A(IFORNIA . FRI DAY, MAY 2, .1969 TEN CENTS • • # r • Laguna ~Foruin .Probes Why-s,· HoWs _of • • Drugs By . JACI( CHAPPELL °'"'Del",... .... An Inquiry Into the why, how and what Can. be done •bol.lt marijuana µse by youtha may have narrowed the 1enera· lion gap a bit loday ... if such a gulf can be 11panned by reason. .. A forum spo<IJOl"ed by the Church Women United oI Lagwla Qe.ach this morning inCluded four ldulta and live high school stude11t.s in 1 panel di3cµasion. .Down the Mission Trail / 'Wild Animal' Soug h t in Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A "wild animal" search is on here today !or a fem,le ocelot which escaped from a local home Thursday afternoon, the Orange County Sheriff's Office reported. . Don Helton -of 26505 Calle Lorenzo told deputies the defanged, declawed year~ld Brazilian i:at broke lllJWCll ·a -floor window screen and l!:!CIJ)ed. -'J!he cat weighs ~ pounds b¢ Helton emphasiled that il is d~ and defenseless. · e Otlirer s l nstaUed · MISSION VlEJO -Childrens Hospital of Orange County · (CHOC) group Tres Osos 0( Mission Viejo installed its first slate of oUlcers Thursday at a luncheon at the Mission Viejo Inn. Mrs. John Yeiser was e1ected presi- dent; Mrs. John Martin. first vice-presi· dent: Mrs . Jack Dershimer, second ~ice­ presidenl; Mrs. Hersh Hoopengamer, recording secretary ; Mr. Tom Reeder, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Robert Mod<ral<d by Mn:>ilel>a ..Keeley, of the· Laguna Coordlnalln( Council. the panel ~·four questlons:'. . -W Do YOlll& People Smolie Mori· Juana? • , * -What \\'Clllld You Do II You, Caughl Your Cldld Smoking Marijuana! -Wiien! Do•'Il>e Problems of Youth In" Society Slart ! . . -Whl:t·can be done? During · introductory remarb Mrs. Keeley eaprei1ed her dlssppolnlmenl ' ., :> ' . ., .......... ST~ICKEN . IN SACRAMENTO Stitt S.cret•ry .J orcf•n State Secreta:ry Suffers Stroke • that aome members of the tommunity were unable to understand the purpose of the dilc:Ussion sessions. She responded to •charge made follow· ing the last 'dill;'ussioQ session that the couocll's efforts wtre-a "well oiled Com· munist con.sptracy .~· "'Ibis d.iscu.ssi.oo is an honest effort to listen to all parts of the community. Hopefully, the community too ~ill listen/' Mrs. Keeley.said. S1udents on the panel listed a variety of • e I Signs Hint Early Peace Talks Break PARIS (UPI) - A jungle Viel Cong meeting, a Moscow conference involving a North Vielnamese leader and the return to Saigon of South Vietnam's chief negotiator provided signs today that a breakthrough may be near iD the Viet· nam talks. Communist. sources said Viet Cong leaden were meeting in the jun&Jes o( . ' South. \'~ to bear I! report !;:Iii taiWS•bf11n. Nguyen'llilllinb., . · ranking member ·of the· National Ubera· Uon Front (NLF) ~legation in Paris. f.lrs. Btnh's trip, 1 conference between Le Due Tho, the key North Vietnamese delegate, and Soviet Jeallers and the sud· den return home of the Saigon government's Philpl Dang Lam provided optimism th.at things may be moving. Le Due Tho. was in Moscow on his way back to Paris after 10 weeks of con- su ltation in Hanoi. Lam, Saigon's chief delegate, left Paris unexpectedly Thursday for Saigon to report to President Nguyen Van Thieu. He was to return in time for next Thursday's 16th negoUaUng ses&ion. reasons why1heir peers turned to .smok- ing marljuala. Laguna High School Seni0r wma cather said youths are under great pressure to succted in everything. Pot, she slki, was a way Of retleving it. "It'& much like a lot of adults who tUrn to alcohol. lt Is a Way of hiding and get- Una: away from reality," Miss Cather said . .,> Laguna star fi>otball player Steve Klostennan said that the pressures faced e A note to the· Laguna Beach roommate of an expert mountaineering photographer who worked -when he wasn't climbing -as a Westmimt~r computer ~mmer, is frlnned to the door of their.bachelor pad today. "Henry, Paul "bas been killed. Call Jean Linder at UCI at 833-6460 (signed) Ann. l can't belleYe it." The note is from neighbor Ann Aymley to Henry Reiter, a ski enthusiast who followed the snow ahd shared the apart· ment with the 27-year-old adventurer. In a way, it is Gerhard's ·epitaph. The someUme coinputer pi'ogrammer. had been climbing for 14 years when the end came Monday, 17,000 feet up the oo- forglvjng foce, of 26;1!1).foot Mt, ~ <"'""• Peslt). world's 1<Veelli h~-~'f . Gerhanl .... there to ~pb the icy face of the peak"that turned 'on his ilf. fa~d. expedillon, ~ him, four o.ther American cUmben and two ShUpa guides. Friends said Gertiird was one of the country's few professional mountain photographers and said the peat had never been photoftlphed. They believe the expedition, part of an Amertcan Alpine Club ventµre, Was link· ed photographically to N a t lo n a l I by many atudenls who Jurn lo marijuana Erle Sloddu said that smoklnc-pot ~ are great. He said that the family is \}\e thought of as a way to have run, Just lib lint Une of def-In the fli!frt. drinking. ' .. !fyou know your family LI behind you,-· "'They feel they can hav• a soocf tlmo · fOU can stand up to all'tbe p~." be '!Vben thtJ are high," he said. stodder aald. _ also noted that youth have al"171 been Kloetennan said be thought thaf among experimen!eri, and thlt marijuana wu, athletes, the inclination to smoke ~ is thought of as . aomethin& for el• not as great because the athletes Must perimentation. ' • keep themselves in top condiUon a~ that John Jeffers said he thought that marJ.' sports provide another ouUet and iriterest juana use could be traced to 1 aearcb for YOW!I men and women. (See FORUM, P• J) ' . unan Geographic Society and The Sierra Club, The Ne_pal expedition. was lead by Boyd Everett. 36 or New York, one of the na- tion's top mountain cltmbers. A natlft of Maryliiind, Gerhard began climbing mouolalns wben he was 13. He climbed In "the Bavarian Alpa, the Grand Teton range of Wyoming, 'n'le Sierra Nevada Mounlal.m, Mexico and Alaska. He was &ood at his avocaUon and had recently lectured at UCl on an ~lion up a, touah AJaskan peak. The lean, muscular young man was said by neighbors to have been quiet but active and popular with women. Between expeditions he was a computer comultant .,,in Westmlnster. 1'be expedition was makin& it.s-flrst at· temlll to climb the )l!Nk ,alO!lll 11!1&! ~ n'tliUnta1"lirl believe llaMlt·lilJ rl!lw.· rouee frooP1 wilb -k\O'<Pf? a .-.-diffladty. . .. ,.._~of 11climbersand14 portm, the Alllfile C)u~ group IOI out 1..0 Yl!eti as• and hod )\lanned to sel up a -camp al ahoUt 16,000 feet to adjusrto the thin air. '. . . Gerhard had lefi Laguna about five weeks ago to mah ready for the piallengl(li erpedlUon. • "He wU always full of life,•• said 1 nelChbOr. • ' ' From Wire Servlcft Thundering down the aide of the world's seventh highest peu, a n awesome ice avalanche ~et! a Laguna Beach man and sii: other mountaineers, according to survivors flown to Kat· mandu, Nepal, Thursday. No hope exists for Paul Gerhard, 27, of 271 High Drive, or the other victims of the WQrst Himalayan mountain-climbing aocldenl sliiCe 1954, burled .UV. Monda~ under tons of frozen debris . ''lL WU a ghastly sight," sald William A. Raid; 33, of Moose, Wyo., who was ~ leader ol lhe:Am¢clft Alpine ~red aaaull .. -·-M-Dhaulqiri. .11,o 1111 Dr. Jdrl'l ·Duenwald, 'l/1 of PullmU. 'f14b., w.,. flown '""'1 t11elr l~ base came_ 150 miles to civlUzaUon. reportins those who atayed behlnd ... in goocrshape. ~d said the four swviving Yanks and the .real of the party involved In the il~ fated aSsault On the mountain's southeast ridge are hiking 100 miles to Poldlara, to fly lo Nepal. The two suryivon flown out Thunday quoi.d blocheritlsl Lools F. Reichart, 'll. of La cinada, who was an eyewitness to the mighty avalanche which swept hia colleagues to death. • • Doss. treasurer. _ :e Yoga Ca~rse P l&nneti ; MISSION VIEJO -An eighiweek yap C.Une taugbt by JWiee T~or, author· ol four books on yoga, 'will begin at thie Mission Viejo Recreailon ceD.ter Monday. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Secrelary ol State Frank M. Jordan suffered a stroke and is in atrious condition today at Mercy Gener.al HosPltal, a sopkesman reported: '.'It'• alfecled lib rfi!ht sld .. and hi5 Speech," &aid 'liert Cllnbton, deputy ........,o1, .. 1e,. Diplomats connected Lam's trip to SaJgon with the NLF"s formal statement Wednesday saying the NLF wu ready to lall< wllh "the other parliea"' In .,, efiorl get the lalb moving. Teacher Salary Session Tuesday Will Be Secret He jumped out of the way to safety. AJI th.e bodiea remain covered by snow '- at· the 17,000 fOO( level of the 26,llOO foot The lwoos {or both men and. women 11,·ill be held froln 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Cost is $8 for Recreation _c,nter members and $12 for non-mem6ers. e Chlrlun Due t n Viejo· , MISSI01lf:: VIEGO -Colonel ~· Kentucky Fried Chicken ia com1ng to Mis.sicln Viejo. • , Tl)e bi& bucket vo'lll appear acrou from La ·Paz Plaza on chriYnta Drive,· 6et#een the Community Bulleiln ~ Bulldlng and the La Paz Homes paildng Jot. The building will be desigDed to bland wilh the other stn:icturu in MlsOoo Vle-Jo, havln( adobe-style coocrek block walls with a tile roof. Construction is to begin In early May with a June opeolng dak anticipated. :e 1'°eed lll·H~ P hulaed ' SAN JUAN CAPISTllANO -'Il>e City Council here has sel its annual weed abattment program public hearina for May 26. The city plllll! to begin weed killing "from the center of town, Qd then move outward to the city limits. Service will be 'contr;tcted witb a pr Iv ,14 e ~· t>eadline for ~sealed bids is 10 a.m. May 26. In lhe put. COii has -115.000. Cily Administrator Ernest 'l'h&npson said; however, -that ·WIS for a one-shot kill. ·• Ca inpled-b11 Fllll LAGUNA lilLl..5 -Completion or 3$1 new dweWngs in Laguna Rllls Leisure World is expected by fall . I J~, IO, 1111 JerVed-.. ~ of state moce 1IG. • " ,· ~ ..... ·-to the-bol'pltal \'l'hUro-(tay.~ At !hot, !lme, a bolpltal o~ said onlfJ tbat;Jonlaa WM in fair coo-di1id~~ from 1atlgue and was · , . ·~·f9Jl"~alfon, ' • o." • Ensertada Race ' .... . ' '. . Bqafs. Scaue red ' '. -. Off Coronados By ALMON LOCKABEY _,C.T 'Pk01~'*"' ABOA<ll·l>" MOTOR VESSE~ wWAIU> .._: Wllh !lie lead boota ·-' ··-the --expecled to """" u~ fUJlsh lintllOllJl)I no0n today, all WU still conlulloo In the Newport ID Enlenada yacbt-r~ ~11 lhlf mornllll· 'Il>e fleet'11 ao JJCliWed !hat II WH 1111- poeslble to -tlly the ~. but the bulk 'of the boela apPWed to be sur· rounding the echnadoa , Islands. Tb. -westward pwed 1he' .a.root cail.iiwan Aikane, llklppered by Kenneth Murphey. off Point Delcanso ·and at aboUl 7:» a.m .. ahe appearecf to be the lead yach~ Lam'• trip apparently was connected with the direct South Vletnam·Vlet Cong talks which 'lbleu proposed mol"l!'than a month ago. · Even before Lam left, hopes of a possi- ble breJktbr~ jn the conference were spurred by news that Tho was on bis way back to Paris from Hanoi. . Allied diplomats recalled that two previous trips Tbo made to Hanoi had preceded major developments in the peace talii. Tho ts the seventh-ranked member of the North Vietnamese pollt· buro and special counaelor to the Hanoi delegation to Paris. Mrs. Binh ltU Paris April 14 and Viel Cong . spokesmen only reluctantly con- firmed abe w~ 1one. Allied ol}le:rvers said they were in· lrlllled ~1· the Ume of her departure bul aaid. the ldl''I Jxnfirmation that abe WU getn1 into the junrles f0< • meelll!i with the guemDu with whom Ibo once fougbt empl>asifOlf the importance ol her - Teacher salary proposals will be taken bargain, and aliempt to come to ·agree. up in private Tuesday by trustees of the ment on terms whiclt they can recom- Laguna Beach Unllled1School District. mend to the board and to teachers. · Proposed· salary hikes and other Ullom llld talelt requeoll oo..bel>illol. benefits sought for the district faculty teachers, include: ' wil: be considered in e1ecuUve session, -Release from teaching dutles for Dr. William Ullom, district superin-_. .. ~ d tie tendent, said today. periods or times to handle "'""'"'r _u . s The private sessions, a prelu(le to such aft respon!lbWtJts to the faculty negotiating, are allowed under an a,ssoclatlon. 'Ibis, might include such enlargement last year of the Brown Act, duties, as salary negotiations. Callfomla's anti-secrecy law, said the .-A.ddJ.tiooal money fat: teacher team superintendent. --.. leaders that now recelve ~ token . In· addltlon to salaries the board will be amount&. considering a new set of requests that -A grievance policy that woult aet up l.eacher representatives have drafted. procedures for teacher 1rievanoet, if The board is al!o to appoint tru8tees unseWed, to proceed from ~ to Larry Taylor and Robert TUmer as its assistant superintendent to the board.. negotiators. Working with Dr. Ullom they -A procedure for teacher atteridance wlll take the bOtrd proposals·to-.lhe six-at conferences or t,nlnilW·situatioas. member teacher negotiallng council Teachers earlier had uRd for lizeabte chal~ by QuiM Fames. salary l.DcttueS, .-e n:»OI" amuaJly at 'Il>e two negollatlng teams then confer, -(Seo TDCllBR8, P ... I) Police· Hit Mesa Pot F~rm ' $2,000 • ut Smuggled Hashisli Confis~at.ed ··in Raid Three · other boota ' were sighted oft' Point Sak:lpucles 11 1:4S a·.m. One was · By ARTHUR R. VINSEL LOcal police "holds were also ·placed tablets; too lwhlJh plpel i•U... IJIOOlll Wild Wind, an unofficial enlry in the ot ,... o.111 l'la.f ••tr on the unemployed car was!afi;. fo~ at}d a dhlf; l)'linte were aJio taba ftGm lace; another was Jlm A r n e s 1 • Smuggled hashish wonh $2,000 -ecutlon on charges of posses.!16i1 of Fortitht'I room, KUtCh ltMl'ted. Seumol.<, oklppered by Brian Wald. malled from Paris.-•"1 • mlnlalure dangerous drup, cultlvaUOll of marl· Detalll lddln('lo the probe wm nOI while the lhlrd was unidentlfied . marijuana fann were allegedly selztd jphuanernaa andUa. possession of narcotlcs para· __ 1_ •• -..1, bul the police crtdl~ 1 ·_._.1 .. of lh his In the ~ boat nttt Thursday when • federal agents and r~~ ..-- peak, whicb haa claimed 10 perS0111 In tho past 15 yeara in fivf" separate acci~ts. The toll makes Dhaulagiri the most lethal mountain in the Himalayas, whicb includes Mount Everest, the world's highest peak. A veteran French mountaineer receotlJ' predicted that no one coul~ ~ Dhaulagiri's awe.some southeast ncqe, a jumble of towering lee walls, broken rock, violent storms apd blowing anow: The party included four naUve Sherpa guides -two of whom died with hall the American contingent -and ooarly 100 porters careying their gear. A U.S. Embassy helicopter fiew the weak, bedraagled survivors fa:<ND • Jom- son, near the foot of the mounta.in., to K~andu. where they were greeted by Aihbassador Carol C. Laiae. None of the America'l' on the party bllj[ Himalayan fllmbllw e.cperlence, but a1l were veteru mauiataJneen, including Gerhardt, and had acaled many forl>Jd.. dlng peaks in the •-m hemisphere. Just March 5. not )oog beforo the party (See AVALANCHE, Pap l) Oruge Weadler ' 1 Ir you're looldnl for a change In . !hi weallier, forliOl · lt. The · week·. end shapes up lllie the rat of the ~k., Wllh clou\11 skies liD noon. J and temperatuno In the middle IO'a along the Orqe Coaat, INSmE TODA\' mlllY e yac -Qx5ta Mesa police arrested a man in 1 A federal &earch warrant .was issued at.1perv.ilor at the branch PQlt ollkt,..tt wert spoUed seeking better winds ~ raid on his Mese Verde aru horm. prior to authorlUes' visll to the Fonythe 1550 W. ftdlma Ave., with belplna: lo the A hand/id of Harbor Arta mllediles off ~rt. blaA poop ol boataof,fidtheel\" A quanttty of pills believed to be LSD, borne Thunday. case. homeowne"s ho.I pvl Che ikkb ti -u "'°lum 50s, wue tmpty capeu°les and Kool Aid powder Seven ounces of hash ish wm found invetd&aton chlrte the hublsb fn-to·e1tt J>Topoud Ora7101 County. CorU>ldoJI flyfnfl aplnnallen. .commoo!y Uled to cut lhe drug for sale hidden In Fonythe't baclc yard, ac<:ord-volved wu malled ·to Fonylbo lr<Tm 1-. Compcmw tidtlondl tmdl. C. W. Dark, national marketing db'ff:- "1.or for Rossmoor Leisure World. aaid there are Ill manors valutd at more \ than $11 million now under cc:mtrudlon at the "1 acre adnlts' residenllal-recrea· Headwindsaouth:·:oiio;;of..;the;m,Cor~ii°':::n:a;adoo;;i:._had:u;;_;;"'..,;:1ndin.Vll:·c1u;a;.o.1.,.CODSU111w;;;::;P1~ioo~w;;er1;.e111a11o;;,;::-.;;1"':.ii'to~De~1ect~1~ve~R:::urdl~,'lll.:;.k;the;,;•;;ice;:,-;and;;:,'~P;ar;;11~and;;;i...,kil'.l-:;;;:l:.,yrti*1!•,.;.1,ed;o·;.;tn;;:..''1'i>-+..:"~PQllC~:::!.:.._--,,, --.---u..111-..,,,=mttr.--------dlmin!Med-br-• ound, 11ong with~ pmap1ersalliia; tntdllaeip dt)aH. l1ld tdm 'b)''cuto . tioi.wwwdhC tu writte ae'pene ..... weather appean to be'clearlng, with Ught inveatlgaton cla~ taiila lfinlt 'foe• ule ill ftdoral -· •-' ' I ' ' ' •.. • . !E:' •.!•C\11::. !f • ··""• .RN411 ' s.... . . • . • • ' t ~ LAGUNA lULl.S -Coau>lelloli of 1 ... r,ew banklng fac11Jtlcs for Lei.sure WoHd ii due by summer. Bi-anc:hu of fi<wperl' ,NaUonal Banlt and SecurHy Pacific Bank will be finished and by fall completion Is ~cted for a ' n.alph 's Market and Value Fak Super Drug Slorc. ~·~lhenmto~,clutlos>the ~==~:n~~ 1 ~fc.*"l~IJb<!ttaWs.t.Jack : ~~;~~~::· ..... ,,.. _ _, • ' 1 • federal amugliril 11""1 and ~ 1 o:; •kl today· WI dart. sticky eom• · b~ ·a polalrt m~ 1 D1D1t ~,.... 1 ; ~· :;::-.:: for arraignment ~' w.r. a 0.S. pou LI of· tillh grade and wat PfobAbly cOmmoJ!lr '«ll!Jlatlnr In the IN!oltllo .._ • --,.,. . Shtf!Jc. Mtlt"keU . ~=~~o~.~ '!:i F.,,U::}, .:'~ ~::' ~ btlna~~1'Qled ~~ touih' ;_al ann;...~ :~'°= :.~ ~,.,... ~ NEW YORK (AP) -The 1tock m1rbt arrest climaxed a ~~1nvestlgalion 'l1ne C!Oflfainfr1 of • tnatijuana , ra,..onytbe f1cti and tHe ltlte of. ~ :: ~ ': closed with a solid g)ln today as It rail.led ruu!Ung from ln!ormttloa hy U.S. Post eeeds ,1pl'Qlltlna QA waM;r-cov~,tilsue fenses qn which 14>8 11\lY be f1'0llCIMd, IMl9191f .. , w.1111 ._ w forward after a pa me for consollda'Uon. Office authorities at a ~ a 1 few 1 paper lot ~tt•nsplantlni' lalti:i, aa aQ~ed Detective Kfrtch aa~ the ~•till ..,,.... ~ ' •• •rr .... (Set quotations, Pages 10-11). b!Ockl from lhe Fattylha borne. ~ lablttlj. 11 ·~le , Mlztdrioe IOllll aiklttlou.l trvUbhlo· ' ,, ' ~ • .I -·- I .------·-.. • . . , PILOT ·! • .. ' . ··LOGBOOK ·. , Los Checks •, . ' ' . : " . ... ~ \. lnBackBar ·· Driving Out tlie .Sn8ker8 In the Name of Progress • .. By lllCHAllD P. NAU Of .. 0111r Pli.t tf9ff -·--· -A UFJ!: AND DICATH strugle .wu taking plact before my very eyta at -of all placea ·-Mission Viejo Recrea\lon Center. Jerry Curran, armed wlth a rake, wu ~ victor. Ills adverauy: a hii. lat, mean rtttlesliake Uiat bad l1lthertd onto the parldJ>& lot Wedneaday after. noon. . The young recnation director bad to 1a)' on a blt of muscle to bold down the snake· _,mile a cautious gardener atttmpted to behead tt with a 'llfovel. · Jeanne Gagnebln, uaistant recreation director, said Curnn can usually do them In with an old crocluet J?lJllet. But the lb:• of thil one called for htrole measures. He had aev.en rattles. * Snakes apparently don't like the buDdozers . hulling away at the verdant hillsides to~ make new home alt es, This one acted angry at any rate, completely lost its head. Seema like there's aJways 110J11e activity at the recreation center. Re- cenUy it was a squirrel who didn't want to be captured and nipped a young llnger. . Not rar away· 1.Iona the Mission Ttall, Lake Form -which bills itself u "tha little town with water and woods" -la. abullding, It really does have water and woods, a forest of eucalyptus sapllngar- an,d a)leavy-timbered country club building with a dressy little lake at ita rear. * U Mission Viejo continuea attracting football talent, the blossoming com· munity could 1tart Jt· own pro team. · Most recent purchaser of a home.ls Fred Hill, forD'\er USC record hold· er -m04t p&slel recelved in one gaine, 11 -and tight tDd for· the Pblladel· pb1a Eagles. HilJ, wbo married bis childhood 1weetbitart, joins Dave Williams, who married hia chlldhood--sweetheart, and Bod Redell, who married a fonner M1sa Los Angeles. They live in La Paz homes. · Williams la split end for the Cardinals and Redell ii a defen!.lve back · fer the HamHton Tiger Cab in thrCanadlan League. · . . If you get invited to play 11ndlot tootbaJl ln Mission Vlejo;best get the names of the opposition first. mu reportedly picked the growing area becauae it's a short haul to the ocean and even a &horter haul to the golf course:. * Spe:akln, of sports. Bobby Knoop, California Angels second baseman, will help launch the Little League atason in style May 10. He'll be introducing the teams, 1pansors and coaches at openin& day ceremonies at 9 a.m. at . Margaret O'!!eUl School. First games get under way at the elementary school 1nd at Ml.salon VieJo IDgh School simtdtaneously at 11 a.m. There's a hamburger feed to.re- place all the lost energy. It begin; at noon ana 'llVlll munch on unW dullr. U there'• anything that will get a community aa fired up u the thought ol being under a l!Jgllt pattern, It'• probably·IJWe League hueball. 1'1'8111Page1 FORUM ON DRUGS ..• . I . --, amonr,.,..,, P<ai>li·~y tar f<i,l; iftd Identity. He noted the mind upandlng claims of thi weed and again mthUoned experlment.aUOn as one inducement. Studont Hedy Buzu said that pot smoking appeared to be one activity that was available to young people because of a Jack of 1nything elle to do. Laiuna palice detective AJex Jimenez said that a breakdown in the family structure bu been foWld to be one reason. Many times, he old, both the 1nother and father are working and at· tempt to cet everything for their children. "They may be creaUng a monster," be uid. JJmeoei pointed OJI that lncruslng af. fluenee amOQI the hl&h achoo1 youthJ has brought pot within the reach of their pocketbooks. He noted that wherever tbere ii . a market for a substance, a Wey WSU be found to market It, regardless ol en- forcement. He also noted that :Se forbid-- den frul[; Interest In marijuana may in- crease because of its Illegality. He said, however, he was de!lnitely not advocating the legalization of it. The Rev. Robert Comelllon of Sl Mary's Episcopal Church sewed the dlscussion together when ht tald that the influencing factors !n marijuana use were die aam. ., lhooe wldch affect the entlni community, 001 Ju!I the youthlul ouhgroup. OAll Y PllOT OllANOI CQ44T P'\lllt.,.l'IG CGMl'AHY "'""rt"· w ••• ' • PMNllll ..... """''-- . J1clc •• e,,,.., Vb-.....,., .... o-., ......... 1ne111•1 K .. .,n . .... n .... A. =111 ~ .... . ll•••ri r. Nill llllMit ... .''!!' "'!!' ---Jtt F.re1t A ... M111., AiUrt•.11 P.O. h1 661, tl61Z ·--C....111111M:al-..i1k..,,.., ~ "We are 111ttni 'whf!' ·P e 0 p I e eftr)'where· art looking for a 1ood time 11nd a hlgH whether It be Leilui'e World, the Main Beach or a downtown bar. '1111.s 1-happening to the world," he said. The community should ask why are these thlngi ·tiappenlng to us, not jU1t the ~er people, ComellJOn said. Stodder agreed, and said that a way must be found to tum to other activities. "You have to tum the kids on to other acttviUes. You just can't turn them off the one activity and not replace jt wilb something. "You just say to a kid, 'no,' and It won't do you one bit of good," he said. Water District PopU)ation Seen Doubling Soon . ·PopulaUon of the Moulton Nlpl Water D.i!trlct which serves this comp\unlty, now abou\ 13,500 persons, LI eipected to double within ~8 months. 'This Was the eatima~ today of cart Kyml1, water district manager. / Kymla oald the district upecta to make 1,000 new connections this year. !cymla: utd the dltlrtct'o growth of 1bout 500 new residents per month is ac. celer11Un(. He estimated that eventual •·saturation populat.lon" for the dl.atrlct would be about I00,000 pe..-. Clemente Plans Exchange Deal A unique blgb ochool o1uc1.n1 uchanre program LI giving students of U\e San Clemente JDgh School a chan·ce t:o tee bow young men and WGmen their age but li;lng In a completely different rtglon do things. A La.g\Jna Beach liquor store owner t4>. day ~ bappily eleantng the catch snagged by three t3-y.ear;-old NewpQrt Beach boys fishing In Newport Bay !all Sunday. ~Ohrt Qaratl, oJ 124 Sunset Terrace, owner of the Reef l:Jquqr Store, 910 Glen- oeyre St., 1ot ha<:k clleeu worth $1,117. A bank ta<;k containing the soggy checks·, taken in a wHkend burglary at the store, was snagged Sunday by Mark Rohlnaon, ol 1651 L'lrcle Drive, lo the Bayshores neighborhood. Believing the cheek3 to be old and worthless, Mark left them ln his garage, where bis mother found them while cleaning and turned the loot over to detectives. Police probing the burglary which netted $1Q5 lo bills as well"U the .cheeka say they were not cashable and ~" pamrtly weighted and thrown out 75 feet into the bay to Clispose of evidence. Market Climbs Again; 33 Points Gained in Week NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market charged back Friday with a ~trong ad- vance alter pausing to catch ihs: breath from one of the biggest gains in a year. The market posted big gains Tuesday and Wednesday mainly on rising hopes of nal progress in Vietnam peace talks which so far have nOt been borne . out. It · settled down Thursday and started off at an easy pace Friday. The Do" Jones average of 30 in4 dustrlals showed a gain of.3.06 points at • noon and then ezpanded it to 7.95 Points at 957.17, a new 1969 hJgh, by ~e close. The average bad jumped 11.08 points Wednesday and 9.02 Tuesday and dipped 0.96 Thursday. The gain for the week waa; 33. 17 points. Brokers said the uni:ler1ying ltretigth or the market as demonstrated earlier in the week had surfaced alter 1 pause . Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange slipped to 13.07 million shares from 14.38 million Thursday. Jt hit a very hJgh 19.35 million shares Wedne.!day. Of 1,584 ilaues traded on the New York exchange, 770 advanced and ~9 declined. Youths to Scale 200 Foot Wall lt inay not be Mount Evereat. but the hlghe!t wall in Laguna Beach will receive the same respect from two local boys who will attempt to scale the cliU. Scott Byington and Pele Schoeo, both lS.year-0ld, Will make the effort on the 200-foot wall off the end of Zurich Drive in Temple Hill! Saturday morning. Hit's there," was the justification By- ington orfered when asked why the daring attempt was being made. Both boys have had mountain climbing experience with· the Laguna Beach search and Rescue Post. The high school juniors will utilize rope, expansion anchors , a direct-aid sling and "great caution," ror the scaling, accordinJ: to Byington. The Search and Rescue Post will be on hand for any emergertcy. • From Page 1 TEACHERS ••• the base of the scale and $2,700 more st the top. The proposal wou1d cGSt the district $178,000 the first year. The total package of pay benefits would cost $267 ,500 which represents about 10 percent of this year's total budget for all education costs. The teacher proposals would push base .salary tro_m $6,400 to $7 Je(I. Maximum salary, for 13 years experl~, &t college units and a masters degree, would climb frqm the present $11,S20 to $15,240. A teacher with a doctorate -the district has one -would have a mu· lmum salary under the proposal ot $16.080 compared to $13,162 preaently. tt now takes a district teacher 13 years to reach his mulxnum salary, about dou- ble the starting salary. Teachers pro- posed that this should be phased down to 10 years • Tiustee!l this week told teacher representatives the $267,500 tota1 package was impossible and asked for prioriUes. ' Frotn Page J AVA,LANCHE •• ......... 9MC!ll: 1111 ,WWI ........... ,.. ' --~•lw INi:tl: -.. ..,.... Filteen lludenta from Fall River Hlgb School lotaled lo Northom California mauntainl, a.r:e Dow at the local echool. Nm week, u San Clemente Hlgh School atudtnll will Yistt the mountaln IChool loft the U.S."~rhardt leeturod the UC and au.end cluses thert for two weekl. Irvine mounwneerlng club on the -ARilllnW'.l'~J>ll Jack Gyves sald the group's ucenslon of Mount St. Ellu lo Dlloll Y PILOT .... PMtl Galloping Gauchos Rancho Mission Viejo coWboys arrive with gilded shovels instead of lances for colorful groundbreak· ing ceremonies Thursday at site of permanent campus for Saddleback College. !>erman~nt campus will rise on 200 acres of rolling grasslands on in· land •Ide of San Diego Freeway .soulh ol Mission Viejo. II 'will be reody for students nexf(all. Temp- orary Saddleback campus opened last fall sllghUy . north of permanent site. LagunaChildrentoGrow Tall, Strong With Trees As Laguna's new infant residents grow tall and strong or limb, so should their trees. . For every new baby born to a Laguna Beach resident, the Mermaids, the cham- Laguna Jaycees Out for Members Laguna Beach Jaycees will begin their annual membership drive Saturday at 1:30 p.m. with a pool-iide party for prospective members and their wives. The acUVity will be held at 2:M5 S. Cou\ High.Way, Ja~ President Mike May said. · Jaycee· members eh from 21 ·to 3S years old. The clvlC orgintzatlon, not related to the Chamber of Commerce, engages ln scholarship and civic pro-- grams during the year. The group now bu about 25 members. Persons Interested in attending the membership party should .contact May at 494-6505. ber women's division, will fumiah a new tree to be planted ln honor of the infant. The concept is that bot.p should grow ~ the enviroODlf].nt of Laguna to make the town a more beautiful place. The project is being 8'Sloted hy Clyde Sweetzer of the city Parks Department. Each mother wlll have a choice of three trees, lemon eucalyptua (the city tree), evergreen pear or a liWe leaf ft1. The tress will be cared for in the city nursery until new parents claim them. Laguna Beach parenla ol children horn at South Cout Community Hoopltal will receive a card to e1change 1t the city nursery 'for a tree. Others may call Mrs. R4Y Frlen, UHOtl for the lamlly Im· The first tne Is to he planted lo honor of Bryan Cbarlea Larkin, aen of.Mr. and Mrs. Leo i,. Larkin Jr. •, Hope Enters Hospital NEW YORK (AP) -Comedian Bob Hope en~red Columbia · Presbyterian Medical Center Thursday night for medical treatment of an ailing left eye, hospital authorities said todiy •. WOOLTUR-F BY FIRTH . -.. • Boys Club Slates · Cousteau Film "World Without Sun'' will bright.en ihe Boys' Club or Laguna Beach tonight. The color film document.. the e1· pedition Jed ty JacQues-Yves Cousteau to explore the depths of the Red Sea and realms never before seen by man. The" film will be shown at 7:30 p.m. There is no admission charge. All Boys~ Club mElmbers'" and their guests are. i~ vited. The-color photography hal bttil widely acclaimed. It records heretofore unfamiliar species of fish and othe~ rurprisea. of the mysterious undenea world. .. Planner to Speak At Chamber Meeting Forest Dlckuon, director of the Otange County Plann~ Department will address ·~ Laguna Beach Chamber Of C<llunerce breakfast meeling Wednesdar. at 8 a.m. in the Hotel Laguna. Dlckast>n will advise the chamber of current planning ·direction and what challlff are in store. Dlckason's topics include a1rport research, the North American Rockwell and B u r r o u g h 1 plants, Jalce--J>!rlr projects, effects of thi_ w~ter rains and civic center plaM. ONLY $10.95 59. YD. Ntt•r •fore h•1 this ftmous qu•llty btitin offietecl et this ut1b•lieveble low roll pric• of $10.tl ,.e. O.ly through • rlocking lted.nhip cen wt offer this 9wc•pftontl valu9a WOOLTURF ht• th• followifMJ ed. v1nta9es: F,,imitu,.. can b• movN without l.1vift9 marks, .1Hm1 .,. fftYtslble, sm._11 tccldart+t end 1otl don't show, splUs end 1pot1 d•a• awey, ci91rette b11m1 '-•• .. seen., they brush out without• trK• EXCLUSIVE DEALERS POR: HINlilDON-DREXEL-HEIUTAGE 90 DAYS NO' INTIRUT-LONGIR TIRMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVED CREDIT _., Iii dlslgned to-n11·• .. Iha .Alaska. _ .. ~n.v f'•LtT, ....... " .......... ""' thq're' llvlng and worlrtn& in now. Gerhardt. were ldenUred as John V • ____ ./of~i!! ; 1Ludtntl to a dUferent environment than The: other Am-erl~can-.._ dead besldes 'lvi ...... ~ • ........ •h nc.t ._ .,. A-•-· Al ·•· W""·-:Mil_ ., .. -• ...... ., ....._ ...... Hoeman, ..... , Jlg!Vfage, a_.; UUWJ1 ...!...~~1~=-~~~.~-~ ..... ~~~-~:.""~~~..:r~.•'-~---~ .... ~ ..... ~~o.-Jl~·PC.Al~L~OLTL...~S~lG1.ZJ.N~S;,_,luN.J_~-'~';;.~~~~JllM~.~m:-;;;:::~1 ·;:-i==•~~~~=-'~-~'ll!!!:~~~~~ .:;::" ,c:i*'t.:r ;:.:. ~ w.,:: Norwalk, CoM. • INTDIORS • .... a.,.., .... ~..... . WITH RACE DATA Sketchy early report.I of the tragedy, • I 1k• m" 4M.f•u radioed by Read from high on the stonny CL ela1i.. .... "4Jo4Jll mountain, did not tell how the: seven vie> ~ """ ,. or-c..,. ~ Direct radiophone reports rrom Almon Th C-:.... • ' -•*"'· ,,.,,.,,.,....., L«bbey. DAILY PlLOT boating editor, ttms died in newspaper accounta urs-. .,.__. ... ,,., " .._.._,. ""'"' lll •· b d st · ed ( day. ' ::.... .. • ':w-r:" .:;.":';' .-c-i.i -W ""' roa ca as rece1v ap-Uter reports also llJted a rlxth proximately every two hours) throu1hout •• ,.._ ,....., ,.i. •' """'1 '"~ h N port Be h ~ d cht American survivor as: Terrence R. Bech, ... c.. .. ~1..-.,...i.. ~11"'.., t e ew ac •i:.nstna 1 ya race of Spokane, Wash ., '-'ho Joined the party _,.., ''·" . , .., 111111 .,_.. """"""' on KOOM (103.l FM). The radio stlUon _,, • .,., '"'""....., 11·" "*""'''· slgris 00 a( t i .m. and signs otf It I a.m. in Nepal and was not lilllM by the: sponsorinf club . ~ • -·-------------'---------- NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wtstclllf Dr., 642·2050 CWIN HIDAY 'Tll. I ,. • P.-1ona1 lnterlot Dtllgntrs Avallalli.-AID-HSID LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coaat Hwy. OPIN PlllAf 'TIL-t ..... , .. ,.. ..... 0...,. c...., Mt-1161 494'6551 I ' Teday'• l'hel • N.Y.. Sioeb .VOC..62~ NO. 105, 4 ·SECIIONS, .<Ml PAGE'S ORANGE CO~NTY, CALIFORNIA. F1UDAY, MAY 2, 1969 ' TEN CENTS Laguna Forum 'Probes Whys, Hows of Drugs By JACK CW:'PELL Of ......... Pillt Sllllf An inquiry into the why, how aod what can be done about marijuana use by youths may have narrowed Uw: genera· tisin gap a bit today, if such a gulf can be •panned by 1-ea"!oo. A fnrum 1poll3gl'ed by .the Chiirch Women United ol l.quna lleach this morning tncluded four adults and five biJh rochool lllldenta In a panel dilClllll&i. . • . ldoderated by Mn. Helen Keeley, or the Laguna CoonUnaUng CooncU, the panel,~ four questions : ' -. -Why Do Younc People Smote Mari- juana! . -What WoWd You Qo If· You Ca"lbt Your Cbllcl Smoilng Marijuana! -Where Do The Problems of Youth.in Sodely Start! -What can be dme? During introduciory remaru Mrs. Keeley UI¥.....t her dl.sappolntmeot ' ' . that me mem~ of . the community w .. unahl< to.una.rstaoc1 the pul!IOIO of the discllaeion ..-. She resj,onded to a char1t made follow- ing the last discu.uion ... ~.. that the council's effurl< ....,, a ''well oiled Com· muni.st conspir1icy." · ••'Jbis dis.."UISlon is an honest effort to liJten ·to aU parts of tbe community, Hopefully, the comnwnlty too wiU llateu," Mrs. Keeley Aid. Studenta OD the panel lisltd a vartay of • e I '· Dmcm the Mission . I Signs Hint .. , ,,._ ·j Early Peace Trail 1 Talks Break 'Wild Anima l' Sought in Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A uwild animal" search is on here today for a female ocelot "bich escaped from a local home Thursday afternoon, the Orange County Sherilfs O<rk<: reported. Don HeJkll of 26505 Calle Loremo toJd deputies the defanged, declawed year-old l!nnillllR cat bnib -.ii• a oec:ond floor wiodow screen and escaped. The cat weighs 2i paunds ·but ~lo!\_ ~phutzed that it is 4oclle lllll defenseless. • e ·Officer s l11staUctl . . 'MISSIOll VIEJO -Childrens Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) group Trts Osos of Mission Viejo Installed its first alate of o'fflcen Thursday at 1 luncheon at the Mission Viejo IM. Mn. John Yeiser was elected presi· dent; Mrs. John Martin, first vice:presi.4 State Secretary Suffers Stroke dertt: Mrs. Jack Dersh.lmer, second vice. • president; Mrs. Hersh ·Hoopengamer, SACRAMENTO (AP) -Secretary of. recording secretary: Mr. Tom Reeder, State Frank M. Jordan ~uttered a stroke co~ding secretary and Mrs. Robert and is in seriOU! condition ~ at Mercy DoM, ;.c; .... ;... • General Hoopilal, 1 sop~eaman reported. .~~ '1t's .Ueded bis right aide and his e Y-oi• Course r i.taiac1' 1geech," &allt Bert c-. deputy -WSSION VIEJQ=-An'~~ ~ °{..!la~;..; ,;;;,r -· t-·""t b n-,_... ...... of • J!irilan, •IO, ,_ •u Secr<tary or <!'""' .... y ~ .,-' _ _, .tale stnce )M2. - fO<!r hooks on y .. a. will betJ!ll at the He WU --to the holplt8l Thuri- PARIS (UPI) -A jungle Viet COng meeting, a Moscow conference involving a North Vietnamese leader and the return to Saigon of South Vietnam's chief negotiator ·provided signs today that a breakthrough may be near in the Viet- nam talks.· Communist I01.ll"ta .said Viet Cong leaders were moelln(• l!r the iim&I• of So!illo '\'.lilnam • -~,r<Jiott' .... WU b' Mrs. N1111yeo 'lbl Blilh, a-. nnkiili member of the ""Natiooal Ubera-\ lion fl'Olll (NLF) delepllon in Part... Mn. "lltnh'• trip, a conference betMIEU Le Due Jho, the key North Vi<tnamue <letegate~ and Soviet leaden and the m6o den return home of the Sa i go n govemmtnt's Pham Dang Lam provided · optimism that things may be moving. Le Due 'Ibo WI! in Moscow on bis way back to Paris after 10 weeks of con· Sulta:Uon In Himoi. Lim, Sligon's ebitC delegat.e, left Par.ls unespededly Thllt1day for Salgon to report IO President Nguyen Van Thieu. He was to return in time far neit Thursday's 15th negotiating session. Diplomata c:onne<;tod Lam'• trip lo ~igon wilh the NLF'• formal .U.tement Wedneod•y saying the NU' WU !Udy lo talt with•utbe other parties" in ID effort 1et the !alb movinJ. · nuons' why lhelr peers lumed to smok· inl marlJuan;1. LagllJ\I High School Senior Willa Cather said youlhs a.re ,UOO.e:r great pre.ssure lo succeed in everything. Pot, ihe said, waS a Way of relieving it. "Il'a much like a kit of adult.I who tum to alcohol. It ts a way of hiding and get. liq away from reality,'' MW Cather aid. Laguna star football player Steve Kloatennan·&ald that the pr...,.... llC<d by·miny lludents Who Wm to marijuana are great. He said that the family is the 1irit tfue or dd""" 1n the ng111. "Ir YO<! tnow YO<!' ram11y I• behind you, you can stand up to all the prel8UJ'tl," be said. \ Klosterman llid he thought that amoni athlete.I, the Inclination to amoke pot i• not u great because the athletes must keep themselves in top condition and that iiports provide another outlet and lnltrut for young men and women.- -Erle S&odder saitf that smokl"g pot'JrU thought of as a way to have fun, just 1ib drinking. "'They feel they can have a good time when they are high," be said. Stodder also noted that youth have' ahraya beea uperimenitn, and that marijuaoa wu ~ ol u aomethioc for ex· perimentation. John Jeffers said he thcllght that ma.rl· juana use could be traced to 1 1earcb' .(See FOIUJl4 Pop I) ' Survivors Note Was ~u-ogy Tell Tale Roommate Told of Death · A note to the Laguna Beach rooinmate of an expert mountaineering photographer who worked -,when he wasn't climbing -as a ·Westminster computer programmer, Is pinned to the door ol lbelr bachelor pad today. "Henry, Paul has been killed. Call Jean Linder at UCI at 833Meo (signed) Ann. I can't Delieve it." · The·note ls from nelghbor Ann Aynsley to Henry Reiter, I ski ~lhlalut who followed the -and -the iput. ment wJtb1be 27-year-old ldventun.r. , In a way, II .ii Gerhanf's epitaph. The.someUme computer programmer, had been cllmbing for 14 years when the end came Monday, 17,000 feet up Jhe bn- 1"11. 1-!! . 2'1,llo.lool M t . M : ·~l!W>.-.ra -111 ~~lo~t!Jo, fey la~ of tl)O pea& !bat tumed on 11P Ul· rai..i, 'Vfl'dlllon, ldl!lnl blm, lour ojhar Ainericaa ellmbera . Incl two Sherpa CU~· '1· trfendll uJd .GerMrd WU ooe , of tile country~.. rew pra(easional mountain photographers and Nld the peak had never been pllotDCraphed. They be.lleve the eq>edition, part of an American AJpiDe Cllib, ventuN!, was lipk- ed phololraphically to N a ti o D a I Geo«raphlc Society and The Sierra Club. The Nepal expedlUon was·tesd by Boyd Everett, 39 of. Neww York, one of the· na. Uon's top mountain climbers. A naUve of Maryland, Gerhard began climbing mountains when he was 13. He climbed.in the Bavarian Alps,. the Grand Teton range of Wyoming, The Sierra · Nevada Mountains, Muito and Aluka. "He was 1ood at hiJ avocation and had receotly lectured at UCI OD ID expedition up • tough Ala&kln· peak. The lean, mmcular YOUDI man wu aald by neighbors to have been quiet but ,,:Uve and popul4r witb'-WomeD. Betw~ eq>fdllioM he wu a computer consult.ant in Weatminster. Tl1e ~Uon .... maki!lc. ilS 1lnl Iii wnjiHo dilil! the f*ll 'alollt what ..... mountaineers beUeve ii a oe~ route fraught with ..._ Jet alilfl~Mcl (real technical dlrHculty. •JW; up of'l4 cllln-.Md M portan, the .Aiplne Club gnlup oel c.t two·- ... Md had· pt-ed to Al up a -cllnp at -11,000 llet to adjust tO the -ttlln air. . . Gerhard hid left Laguna abOut five weekJ 1ri10 to make n ady for the chaUenglni apedlUon. "He fwQ always full of life," aaid a oelpt>or. Of 'terror From Wire Services Thundering down the side of the world's seventh highest peak, a n aWeaome lee ava1anclle killed a Laguna Beach man and she other rnwntaµ>eers. according to IUr'Vivors Oown to Xat· mandu, Nepal, Thunday. No hope exists far Paul Gerhard, rr, of 271 High Drive, or the other victims of the worst lllmatayan """"11ain<linc acctdent since 1954, buried allve MondaY. under toM of frozen debriJ. ·11· wi& I pastly ll&hl." said WUllam .A,. Read, 33, of Moose, Wyo., who WU a&s\stan\ leader -0! the American Alpine ~ ·• aiiault on towering )4awn pbaulagiri. , 'He ad Dr. Jefr!ey Dll-•ld, 17. of P)!Uman, wa»t., were flown from their 1&,otla.toot-l>Jgh base camp 150 miles to tjvllizaUon, reporting those who stayed behind m In good shape. Read said the four surviving Yanks and the rest of the party involved 1n the ill· fated assault on the mountain'• aoutheast ridge are hiking 100 miles to Pokhara., 1o fly lo Nepal. The two survtVors flown out Thunclay ' quoted biochemist Louis F. Reichart, 17, T h Sal Se .. • of La Canada, who was an eyewitnefl to eac er ary . · _ SSIOD ~~.~~ty"'•~:~~~he which swept bis He jumped out of the way to sarety. All the b9dies remain covered by snow T d Will B Se at the 17,000 foot level of the 21,IOD foot : u. es, ay . . e cret ::is~:.~ ~:;m~.r:=~the , . The toll makes Dhaulqi;i the most ·' JethaJ mountain in the Hlma1ayas, which Mlsdon Viejo Recrull<rn Center Monday. daj nlifll. N. !hit tlroe a ho&pllal olllcial The l~ for both mm llld women · -~...iy that Janlift irM in lalr - wUl be held from 7:311 IO I:~ p.m. C0St Is dJllon, WU luffern.-from fatigue and Lam's trtp__§parenUy wu connected with the &red!Soulh Vietnam-Viet COng WU wbidl Thieu propooed more than a monti>a(O. ·. . Teacher salary •proposals will be taken bar&aln. and.iatterapt to come to qm.. includes Mount ·Everest, the world'• up in private Tuesday by tr'u$tees of the ment on \ennl wbicll "tbey can recom. bi'gbest pe&k. • · Lagwla Beach Unllied School District. mend to the hoord llld to ~-"A veteran F1'!nch mountainett reoentty 18 for RecruUon Center illelnOOS .and ,... be11!fI ho1pltallze•flor obeervation. $12-for noo-memben. · • ....-' • Chlclccta ~UC flt Vlefe. . MISSION VIEGO -eo1...i Sinden'.·· Ensefl(llla. Race Kentucky Fned Chicken is "!""1lll to . . • · Mission Viejo. B a.ts Scatte ed The big bucket wlU appear acroa from 0 T La Paz Plaza on Chr&anta :·Drite, . ,\ i between the Communlty'BulJeUn Board Off co· ronados Building llld the La Pu Homes parking lol ~ #--~· The building wUI be ~ to ~lend • BJ ALMON LOCKABEY with the other structures-bi Mbskm Vie--, DAILY ,,LOT ......... "" jo, having adobHlyle ~t..block" AB'IMRD MOTOR VESSEL wall! with a Uie n>OI. Consfructlon is to wll:S'l'1fuw -Wtth Ille lead boata -beglo in eari, May with a J'!llf! opening date anUcipated. the catlrdarans -eipeded to croa the , finish line iround .-today, 111 wu lllU • W tttll JDU~ Pla1111ctl coolualon In the Newport to Enaenllda yaC!il ~ earJT lhts morning. SµI .IUAN CAPISTRANO -The Clly· The lleel Is., icattmd that tt was lm- Cooncil her< hu set lta annual weed pooatble to Identify the leaden, f>!il tile abat<ment program public beaJjng !or 'billk ol the boata at>Pemd to be sur· May 18. . ' -··-"'"'--the ~--•-•-•~-The ctty pllllS to belln -killing ......,..... -·-from the ceoter or town, a/Iii lheD move The · Weatward paged the If.I outward to the dty llmlta. Service wUI be catamaran Alkano, &kippered by II contracted whb a pr l vat e concern. Murphey, off Point Delcll)SO Deadline for sealed blm ls JO a.m. May about. ~.m. she appeared to U:ln the past. cort has beeo 115,000, Ctty lead acht. . · Adrnlblslrator '£:inest 'nlompson said : Tbret other boats were cht.ed otf , holfe'fer, that wls fDr a on&shot kill. Point Salclpudel at 1:45' a . One ' was WUd Wind, an unofficl entry in ° lhe e Comple tlOll f>• f'.U race: mother was J A r n e 11 ' UAGUNA HILl.'I -"Completion of m Seasmolle, skippered /by Brian. Wald, Hills 1 -:.... wbile·lhe third was urikSeDWied. new. dwellings in Laguna ~ e u ...... o( the=, 111,' the 511 bolt neet World ~ espected by fall. ··-~ c. w. Dark , national marketing dirtc· were. apOtted beUer windl 25 tor Lfor Rossmoot Leisure World, aaid mllel oil lbore. A trOUP o1 boa&I, ~ there aN! 111 manors valued at more tilled as Columbia 50I, wee 9'f Uie Jhan Ill mUllon now under constiuctlon Coronadol •fl1t. apinnakers. al t.aie ta acre 1dulll' resldenUal-l"ecrta· "* wi.DdJ IOUlb of tile Coronadol bad ~-tJ-~-;r.;;u.....,'""'1,.,..~~~~~-;timlnltbed-~-lhll-""""~-~the y. weotbu appear& to be clearfnC, with light e B •11lc1 fteu" S0011 wind>. !or the nm to Elllenada cturlni the day/ LAGUNA Htu.s -Completion of two new banklJll r.qnu .. !or Lebu,.. World if due 'X 1Ummer. Branch<ll ol Newport Natlooal Bank and Security Pltcific Bank will be finished and'by, fall «impleUon is expe~ed for a Ralph''& Markft and Value Falt Super Drur sio.,,. NEW YORK (AP) -The olocl< market closed with a aolid gain today u It r•llied forward aner • pause f,or conaolldatlon. (See quolafioba, Pqes !IHI). I • • Even berore Lam lett, 1-of a pooal- ble breakthrough in the conference were spurredD)' neii: that Tho WU OD bll WIY baek to 11arll lroni Hanol Allied diplomata -that .... jfmtoul .trit>I Tho. made to Hanoi hid preceded major dnvelopmenta In the ·peace Ulks. Tbo la the aeventh-ranked member of the North Vletnamae pollt. buro and special <OWllelor to the Hanoi delegatkm to ·Paris. · Mn. BinhJert Paris April 14 and Viet Cong .pokeamen only ,..luctanUy con- firmed flhe Wu ..... Allied oi>oerven sald they were In· trlgi!.ed at Ume of..btr d<parture but ~:.-·~~=:1: the wUh whom rihe once !ought the Importance of her · ~·a11 1 predicted that no one could· """" Proposed salary hikes and other UUoi_n aaid la~ requests: on Ul:U o ~jiri'I!' aftSOnte southelst rfdre,,.!_ benefits sought for the district-faculty teacben, lnclu~. _ , jtmbre of towering ice walls, tnkii will be consldered 1n executive session. .-Release. from teachln& duUel for • rock, violent stonrus and blowing snow. Dr, . WIUiam Ullom, district ~rln· periods of ·llmel to· lwldle other duties '!lie p.rty inclUded lour naUve.~ 1T:!nt~~!te~s'sions, a prelude to such 11 ~lbllitles to the tae\itty guldes -two of whom died with half negoUatlpg, are allowed under an Jsodauan. niui might t~lude IUCb ~rs~~~~ ge;"!' nearly lOO enlargement last year of the Brown Act, duties a1 u~ry negotfat19115. · A us Embassy helicopter ne., the California's an~secrecy law, said the -Addltloni.l money for"teacher team weak.~~aggled aurvlvors from Jom-au~rtntendent. . le.a~rs that DOW receive only token aon1 near the foot of the mount&ln to lR addition· to salaries the board will be amOunts. Katmandu, where they were ~ by conaJderlng a new set or requests that -A grievance poU01 that would ae1 up Ambassador Carol c Lal.le. teacller repreaeotaUvea have drafted. -prodedures for teacher grievaDca, if None of lbe Americam on the p&rty The l>Oord is also to appoint trusl<es unaettled, to proceed lrfl</I princtpal to had HimaJa)'lll climbing experience, but Larry Taylor lllll RDberi Turner u its assistant aupertntendent to, the hoard. · air were yet.ran mountalneert, Including nqollatora. Woddng .wlth Dr. Ullom they -A procedure. for teacher attendance Gerhardt and had &ealOct msny forl>ld- wlll take the board proposal& to the ats-at conler<nce& or tralnlng &ltuatlon&. ding peab In the western hOn\isphtn! member _,. 11<t0Uatlng council • Toachul earlier had uUd foe llwble Just March 5 llOI long befott the ~ chaJr<d by Quinn Fames. salary lnmues. lllO ""'"' llllllUatlJ at (See AV .iuNcuE, Pap t) Tho two.nqollaUng twns lheo cooler, .(Soe ~ Pap I) . -. -. ,. ' Police Hit Mesa Pot.Farm.- Smuggled Hmhish Confisca,,ed· in Rajd $2,000 • in B ART!lUlt R' VINSEL ;r· Ot 111t Dlllt"''I• • ..,, Smuggled bullish wonh p ,ooo - malled fnnn Parts, -and a mtnlabD'e marijuana !arm were allegedly telmd Thllt1day when federal agents and a.ta Mesa police arrested a man in a rakt on bis Mesa Verde area home. A quanUty ol pills believed to be LSD, .empty copaules and Kool Aid -commonly used to <.'\It the dn.11 fM Ille or Individual consumption were _allo found, along with other porapbemAlia, investig1ton d&imed. Victor C. Forsythe, 3t. ol 11177 ~I DriVf, wu charged widl YiolatiOD W federal-1111uatlftg laws aod IChedalod for malgmnent today be!... a U.S. comml&siontt in Santa ADI: ' ' I Local police bolrll were also plac.d lableta: In haihllb piP!l:.lhree IJl900S on the.unemployell car washer for pro&-' aod a drUI a}'rlnJ• were·allo tabo lrGm . ewUonr on charges of. po11et1ion ol . Fonytha'a .--, Kutch-· 'danprou& drup, culUvaUoo or mart-lletal1a ....... to Ille • probe'_,, no1 Juana and poaes.slon of narcoUCs para· -... phe(nalla. . r<!Wid, but the poll<' credlted·.,po11a1 ' A· 1-11 riearch wmant w11 ls&ued &Upe"1aor at the brlncll ""' off1ce at Prior to alrlborltlel' viait to the Fonytlio • 1550 W. Adalila•Ave., ·with lielpfng in the homo Tbunday. • --· -• . s.v.n OUllCel of huhisb ...... found lnwmlcalQn cl)arp the buhlab In- hidden In FonJlhe'• back yard, accord-volved '!U milled to F<>riyllle ln>m Inf to lletectlve Kul'ch, of the vice and Paris and evldeaUy dellm.d two days tnlelllpnce cktall, and taken by cua-ago,• -., to. wrfllen nporta ol the tciu .qeatl for \lie iD federal proteCU• , CIH. , ' • I ·~-/ •~·ll'>-... ~-" Sfl. Jaclt Hulilib ii the nl1ned NP ol the lc;,hii:; !r.i ~,...,h;~.b;'t":" .u<ty ~-=::.--~ ,.::" ~=Ill.;: r pqi!nd I> of lllr.n•lfade and WU pro!>alJly ' _. ..... , «lflnatloe in lflo' ~ nlaUtd •-aria al'-bel ......... Eaar --· · uvm , · "" ng "l'~ n~~ .~ ,_,,. fed«al ~ , In from Turk<l'I ; . ~ ----r ~ · 1a11iera " • 200 mar1 ,., l'arayllio -..i ,111r ~~ ... " ·seedB = on ·-~: • ' ..,,,..,I"' 1dldl Ila 11111 .. Pl..,......,. ...... U you're ~ for 1 cba,np l.n • lthe westher, forget II. :j'he Week· ,end shapes up llllO ,Ille feat of, the 1wee1< 'with cloooly •klea UU noon · lllll t.mperatum in the middle • IO's along the orange Coast. . . INSmE TODA.Y A, .ho!Jd/1'1 'of Horbor Ar .. ho1!y°"\"'ra rio. P"I the •fdda itc ·the P"OJ>Olld DranQC Cov~ rm .. Componu lidclalldr trodc. Pdll• 1. -. •"'"'-. ....... . :::::... ~ ........ . ,_l -· .:. -. .'I I,.... " ' ..,.,., -• CNl a • ,. Jt • STMI """". 11 ~ ...._ t llnteu:...., ... DI-. t lecl9I-.. t> .. .. ...,... ,... t ..... ,,,. ......... ::.. '1..U ,,.. Mtrttft. ._,, ,.._.. t•n T.......,.. "lf Ila; 11: 14 ,,...._. W ._ '-""" II ...,._ I '._.... .., WtrM ,_... WI _,..... uc .... ' w......., 11·• Dtledl" Norm .Kldd! Nl!l.l'Ofl)'ihe's arrett cllmaxed 1 two-dq ti1Vt3lil•tlon resulting from informatloa.b}' U.S. Poat Office authorities at a bl'aneh a fetr bl~ from the Fon)'lhal-. ·paper ror tranip11ntinc lot«; l3 '°""" Detecllve !Wlch .;:::.~~-bu_. UD . i.o1eta; ll' poatble ~ ,_ Jtddll"""' • ..._ ________ __. ..... ' . ' ' • ' r • r ' ' • - 7 I J ,PAILV PILOT l +f • PILOT • • • 1 '" ~ I ' • LOGBOOK ·" .. . ,. I • • Drivin~ Out .the S itke8 In the Na~e of Progress • B7 IUCllAltD 1'. 'NALL .. .. ....... ""1Al*!f! , A LIFE AND D~TR ""1!1i!le Wlf tUfnc plaee befor< my very e)'OI at -<>!all place! -MIJsion Viejo RecrUtfirl Ctnter. Jtrry Cun:an, armed with a rU:i; wu the victor. Hll "ldversacy.: a bl&, !al, mun.ratUesnate·lhat had lltll>ered ooto the parfdni lot Wedneodly ofter· noon. / The youq remaUoo director had to Joy on a bit al muscle to hOld down tbe make while a cauUOU1 prdener atle!ppted to behead tt with o tboV<C • Jeanne Gagnebln, aallttnt recreation director, said Curran Can usually do them in with an old croquet mallet. But the tlze of Ulil. one called (or berolc measures. He had seven ratuea. • Snakea Ol'Pmlltly don't like the bulldozen hufllnr away at the verdant hillsides to make new home 11tes. This one acfed angry at any rate, completely lo,,t lta • htad. Seems like there's always some 1ct1vity at the recreatj.on center. Re- ~Uy tt was a squirrel wbO didJJ' wont to be captured and pl~P.ld o YOWll ........ Not far away ajonc the Mtssl<11 Trail, Lake Fora\ -which bll!J it.ell u "the little town w:ltb water and woods" -ii abuildtnc. It really does have water and woods, a forest ot eucalyptUI saplings, and a heavy.Umbered country club bulldln& With a dressy little lake 1t Iii rear. * If Mission Viejo continues attraCUng football ta1ent, the blossoming com- munity C;!)(lld start it own pro ieun. MOil recent purchaaer or a home la ~ Hiii, fonnu USC record hold· er -moM passes received in one game, 11 -and Ught tDd fer the Pblladel- phia Eagles. Hill, who married hlJ chll4Jiood aweatbeart, Jolna .Davo Wlililml, who married his chjldhood. sweetheart. -and Bod Redell , who married a. former Miss Los Angeles. They live in La Paz homes. Williams Is spilt end for ~ Cardinals and ·Redell J1 a defensive bac~ for the Hamilton Tiger Cat.. in the Canadian League. If you get Invited to play sandlot football in Mission Viejo, best get the names df the Opposition first. Hill· reportedly picked the growing area becam it's a short l;!auJ to the ·ocean and even a shorter hauJ to lhe aoU course. ~. -~-- Speaking. or sports, Bobby Kn0op,'1fa'lffornla Angels 1econd be1eman, will help launCh the Little League season 1n style May 10. He'U be Introducing the teams, sponsor1 and coachet at openJna day ceremonlea at 9 a.m. at Margaret O'Neill School. First games get llllder way at the elementary IChool and at Mllalon Viejo lllgh School sirnullaneoully at 11 a.m. There's o hamburger feed to re- place all the loot energy. It begilll at noon and will mW>Cb on unW duak. 11 there'• anything that wll! pt o community u fired up u the thought · al being under o fillbt pattern, 11'• probably !JUie League bueball. Fr,em _P.,_e J FORUM ON DRUGS ••• among 1'(lllO& -lo-today. for 1oat...J ldenttty. He noted the mind eipanding claimJ_ o{ the weed and again mentioned exper,ijµ"entation u ont loducemenl · Student Hedy Buzan aaid that pOt lmOkint appeared to be one activity that was available to young people becaust of a lack of anything else to do. Laguna police detectJve Alex Jlmenec said that a breakdown in the famlly -structure has been found to be one rea~t-Many itmes, he said, both the mJ)thet and father .are workinl and at· tempt to aet everything for their children. . "They may be creating a monster," he 1aid. · Jlmeoez pointed out thal Increasing If. fluence among the high school youths has brou&ht Pot within the riach of their pocketbooks. He noted that wherever there ls a market for. •. 51'bstance, a way wW be found to market it, regardless of en. forcem.eat . He also noted that Se forbid- den kult. interest in marijuana may in. ~-be:cai.ue of its lllqality. He 11id, hon\'er, b.e "WU definltely not advocatirJ& the )eplizatloo of It. '1111 Rev. Robert Cornelison of St. Mary'• Eplloopal Church sewed the disolpsicln together when he said that the Influencing factors !n marijuana use were lho..,.. u thoile which lffect the entlro ccmnu~nlty, not just lbe youthful 111bfroull •• DAILY PllOT OllANH C.~1 '"ll INllNO CIWllMY ••Mrt H. WeM ' ,,........ -,.11..,., ' Jeck •· Ctt.of..- 'Vkt ,,_lefftf 111111 klltrl! """'"' TI.t111•• IC•t•il .... n.~ ~:z!''~• arci.,,.. r. H•ll ·--(lty Hiit ••we are u~-~by?' Pe o p tie evet")'ifhere• are loo for a good time and a high whether It Leisure World, the Main J;leach or a downtown bar. Tbls IJ happenlii('io the world," he said. The community llhould ul< why ore these thlnp happening to us, not JU!I th• younger people, CorneU.On aald. Stodder agreed. and said that o ny must be found to bJm to other activiUes. "You have to tum the kids on to other activities. You JU!t can't tum them off the one activity and not replace it with something. "You just say to a kid, 'no,' and it won't do you one bit of gOod," be aaid.· Water District Population Seen . . . Doubling Soon , PopulaUon of the Moulion Niguel Water District which tervea this cOmmunlty, now about 131500 penons, I.I expected to double Within 11 months: .Th!J .... the ..um.te today of Cir! KYmla. water dlstrlct manaaer. Kymla oald the district apecta to m,ake i.ooo new connections this year. Kymla 1a1a the. district's growth of about 500 new residents per month ls IC· celeralln(. He esllmated that eventual "sal11111t1Gn populoUoo" for tho diJtrlct would bl about IJI0,000 ,..._. Oemente Plans Exchange ·Deal . .. A unique high ochoof 1twfent etc)llnge program la givin1 atudenta of the San Clemente Hl,ii School o cbonce 10 ,.. how youhg men and women .thelfage but living In a completely dlliettnt rt&lta do thlngs. . Filleen lluden!J from Foll River Hip School located In Norlhem Calllornlo mountal(a, are now at the local IChool. Neif-t, II Son Clemeote lllgb Schoof --wW Yillt the IDOllllllin "1loot 11\d ottend ..._there for two - A.ulltlnt Prlndpol Jock <lY"'I aid the "':1.:"' ii deltped to •• p • .. tho ~~;;to a dllfermt envtrocun<nt than tbey'n UYlq and workflll In now. PILOT SIGNS IN WITH RACE DA.TA •• Dltt<I rldloohone reporil from Almon Loebbey, DAILY PILOT boaUn& editor, will be -u ncelvld . (ap- proxlmaltl)' •Vtl'1 two hour>) tlJroqhoui Iha Newport --yacht'"'° .. KOCM (Ill.I nl). '1111 ndlo lllUoo atpa oa at I a.111. and llpa all ol I a.m, ··-·-- ~~~Fi~ Lo~t Checks . . ' J·n·BackBay ' A Laguna Beach liquor &tore owner ~ d!l',t'hipplly cleaning the catch anom<S bi "'"'e l}year-<>ld Newport Beach boyl filhlna ill Nnport Bay last SundJ1· . John Barau, of lM Sumet Terrace • owner 0Ctl1118eef.Llquw Store, IJG Gleo- neyre St, p beck cbeclrl Worth ll,U7 • A biiit. uct con1o!O!n1 t1ie aow checb, taken in a weekend burglary at the store, wu snagged Sunday by Mark Roblnaon, of. 265Z Circje Drive, in the Blyoboret neighborhood. Bolievlng the checks· to he old aod worthleaa, Mark left them in his garage, where bis mother found them while cleaning Uld turned Ulll loot over to detectives. PoUce probing the burglary which netted f105 In bills as well as ille checks say they were not cashable and ap- -Uy weighted and thrown out 71 lee\ Into the boy tq dlJpoM al evidence. Market Clim'bs Again; 33 Points Gained in Week NEW YORK (AP) -The slock market charged blitk' Friday with a strong ad· vance after pausing to ca tch ils breath from one of the biggest ga!ns in a year. The market posted big gains Tuesday and Wednesday mainly on rtslng hopes of ?!al progress In Vietnam peace talks which so far have not been borne out. It aeWed down Thursday and started off at an easy pa~ .Friday. · The Dow Jones average of 30 in. dustrial! showed a gain of 3.Q6 points at noon and then expanded it to 7.95 points at 957.17, a new 1969 high, by the close. The average had .jwnped 18.08 poin t! Wednesday ~.9.02 Tu,.esday and dipped -o.98 Thursday. The gain for the week was 33.17 points. Brokers said the underlying strength of the market 11 demonstr1ted earlier in the week had surfaced after a pauae. Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange •lipped to 13.07 million lhares from lf.38 mfUlon Thursday. It hit o very high 19.35 mfl1lon <hareo Wedneoday. Ol 1,581 blues troded oa the New York Hcbange, 71V advant<d and 569 declined. Youths to Scale .200 Foot W a}l ' !t may ·not be' Mount Ev.mt. bill the hlghert wall 1n Laguna Beach will receive the SJl.m~ respect from two local boys who will attempt to scale the clUf: Scott Byington ond Pete Schoen, both 15.yeer-old, will make the effort on the 200-foot wall off the end of Zurich Drive In Temple Hills Sattird11 morning. "It'1 there,'' was the justification By: lngton offered when asked why the daring attempt was being made. Both boys heve had mountain climbing experience with the Laguna Beach Search and Reaoue. Post. The!; high school jtinlors will utilize rope, ~panslOn anchon:, a direct.aid · sling and 11great caution," for the scallng, according to Byington. The Search and ~scue l>ost will be on hand for any """'8'1l<Y. From Pcge J TEACHERS ••• the base of the scale and '$2,700 more at lhe top. The proposal would cost the district 5178,000 the first year. The total package of pay benefits would cost $267,500 which represents about 10 percent of thia year's total budget for all educetlon costs. The teacher. proposals would push base salary from 16.400 to 17,260. Mulmum salary for 13 years experience, 14 college units and a masters degree, wculd cltmb from the present f12,~ to Slfi,240. A teacher lritb a doctorate -the district bu one -would have a mu· imum ailary under · the prOposal of ftG,080 compared to SlS.162 presenUy. It now takes a cllJtrlct teacher 13 years to reach bis maxlmum aalary, about dou· ble the starting salary. Teachers pro- posed that this should be phased down to 10 years • Trustees this w~k told teachtr representatives the $3117 .~ total package w~ impossible and asked for priorities. From Page J AVALANCHE •• left the U.S .. G<rhardt lectured the UC Jnlne mountaineering club on Cie 1roup•1 ucem!Cll of MOWll St. Ellu ill Alasu. The other American dead besides Gerhardl ·were tdenUfed as John V. Hoem10, 32, Anchorage, Alaska: WllUam Rou, SO, Stanford University I n California, ind D1vid Seidman, ·22. Norwalk. Conn. Sketchy early reports of the tr111edy, radioed by Read from hl.gh on the stormy mountain, did not tell how lhe seven vic- tim• dled ID newspaper accounts Thur> day . Later ttporls also listed a sixth American survivor u Terrence R. Bech, of Spokine, Wub .. who joined the porlJ In Nepll and wu DOI fisted by the ._.,,club. ' • . . DAILY PlLOT Steff, ..... ·Galloping Gauchos · Rancho MiS§ion Viejo cqwboys arrive with gilded shove.ls instead of lances for colorful groundbreak- int, cez::emonies Thursday at site of pennanent campus for Saddleback College. ?2rmanent campus V»ill rise on 200 acres of rolling grasslands on in- land side of San Diego Freeway south of Mission Viejo. It will be ready for students next fall. Temp. orary Saddleback campus opened last fall sligbUy north of permanent site. Lag-unaChild:,rentoGrow Tall, Strong With Trees · As Lagun s e infa1Jlresidents.groW tall.and .......... :·~ ... ~ :w>llhou!d-thetr trees. For every new baby born to a Laguna Beach resident, the Mermaids, the cham-' Laguna Jayc~es Out for Members Laguna Beach Jaycees will begin their annual membership drive Saturday at ·8:30 p.m. with a pool-side party for prospecU_ve m~s-~ their wives. The activity will bfi held at 2345 S. Col!St HJghway, Jaycee President Mike May said. Jaycee members are. fr01n 21• -to 35 years old. The civic organizadon, not related ·to the Chamber of Commerce, engages in scholarship and clvic pt<>- g?a.mJ during the year. -'!be group now has about 25 members. Persons interested in attending the membership party should contact May at 494-e505. her women's division, wlll furnish a new tree lo be planted in honor of the Infant. The concept la that both should grow in the environment of Laguna to make the town a more beautiful place. · The project is being assisted by Clyde Sweetzer of the city Parkl Department. Each mother will have a choice of three trees, lemon eucalyptus (the city tree), evergreen pear or a little leaf fig . The tress will be cared for in the city nursery until new parents claim them. Laguna Beach parents of children born al Soulh·Coeet £ommanlty Hospltll wiJ! receive a card to exchange at the city nursery for a tree. Others may call Mrs. Ray Friesz, 494-801!1 for the family tree. The first tree ii to be planted in honor of Bryan Charles Larkin, IOn of Mr. and Mr1. Leo L. Larkin Jr. ' Hope Enters Hospital NEW YORK CAP) -Comedian Bob Hope entered Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Thursday night for medical treatment of an ailing left eye, hospital authorities said today. WOOLTURF BY FIRTH Boys Oub Slates Cousteau Film "World .Wlttlooj Sun" will brlghlen the . Boys' Club of Laguna Beach tonighL The color film documents lhe ez:· pedition led by Jacques-Yves Cousteau to exe~e the depths o! the Red Sea and realms nev'r before 1ee.n by man. The film will be shown at 7:30 p.m. There is no ildmlssion charge. All Boys' Club members and their guesta are in- vited. The color photography has been widely acclaimed. It records heretofore unfamiliar Bpeciea of ftsh and othtr surprises of the mysterious undersea: world. Planner to Speak At Chamber Meeting Forest Dlckuon, director of the Oranat County Planning Departmtnt will addt~ ,a Laguna Beach Chamber of CQromerce break:fut meeUng Wednesday. at 8 a.m. in the Hotel Laglina. Dlckuon will advlae the chamber ot current planni:ig dtrection and what changes are in store. Dickaaon'1 topics include airport research, the North American Rockwell and B u r r o u g h s plants, Jake.park projects, effects of the winter rains and civic center planl. ONLY $1D.95 59. YD. '"' I , • Never efore ha' fhi' famous quality "-n offeftld et this unbefini1bJ. le.., toR price of $10.tl ,.. Only through • stocking leldmhip c.an wti off.r tftls exception•! ,..Ju.., WOOLTUllF has the foUowlng eel. vantages: Fumitu"9 can be moved without leevin9 mark1, seem• .,. ;nvisibla, sm..R 1ccidanh aMJ 1oiJ do~'t show, spills end spots c.Ja1n 1wty~ cipratta bums I.Iva flo sc.er:a. they bniah out without 1 trac .. ' EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOii: HENRIDON-DRIXEL-Hlll!TAGI 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGU TERMS AVA!~I ON APPROVED CREDIT NEWPORT BEACH 1727 -tclllf Dr .. 642-2050 Of'IN NIDAY 'TIL t INT!RIORS Preffttlenal lnt1rfcar O..lgntn A¥1!11bto-AID-NSID LAGUNA IEACH 345 North Co••I Hwy. .. OPlll ........ , .,. ' • I 11 • ' l • 'Gr~d-·Jury -. ·Cites Letter _;From Briggs ii . By JACIC BROBACK • )1i. Of tllor 0.llf' ,u.t Sttt_f Hard on the heels .01 a reques~ lroii/ Ammblyroan J~ V. Brl&i•. IR· ii'ullerton) Tuesd,af for a !neeting witb • . ' • I . ' Fr!Qy, Mar 2, 1969 Petltlota Granted L j DAILY i'ILOT 3 ·Reside·n~s ·'" Delay ' . ' . ·sack Bay ~T.Fade" By TOM BARLEY ., ........ ~-'"" . • • A .,, ....... 'by l'Otry lA! "ca{Jl•K llel....,. the lrv!DO ~ Six happy 1iar1>or Area homeowners Or1qe County biWrJ>! • v . woo a vlcl4ry Thursday over the Irvine deolll by Depuly Coonty .Jlob!> Company.in a .Superior Court; ruling en ·r. Nuttman. He re~ted eerl~ ... that It el)Jeded to set back. by alJeast argumenls tli8t the cou•ty !lid not .~ Ix lhs the 1· · •· •• pooi the taxpoytn' •ttlo1r and llW .~ 1 mon , C'Ol'PO(l IOP s PiaM .., was "anly loo anxi<lls to hear( "11'F develop 157 acre. ol tldelando Jovolved meatl that 'wili'throw.as 'mucb.Dgtit., in a lal]d_.~ with Or~~ County. pOsaihle on thli.Jelal!lssue."} .: Judge· ,,;1aude Owens, ended four hgurs . But Nuttman conferred frfqure:irtlt t Orange County Grand Jury to,~ dif!ettnces wilh !bat bodY, the lurY s struck ba4 with the reJ~ o( a ~t:­ Jµ purporte911, written ~ BPas 19 a ' ~ll~n newsl)flper;. 1 • " ·• • -in Thursdaf's relellst to the press· by Grand Jury Foreinan William D. Martin Ol Laguna Beach, Martin said,. "The trand Jury's resolution of April 24, '1969 ;~ based on inlormation contained in lBiiggs') letter of Jan. :tp." of keerily contested legal · argtJ!llenr by With warren througtiout the hearirigiaacl granting-the-petition of Mr..-iitd-Mn.· anreGJiiiniellWltb.,..tht-Jntoe-Jawyer~trr---- Frank Rob~on and Mr. and Mrs. Har· arguments designed to bar the tUpeyert · The April 24 jl.µ'}"1'esolution charged hat Briggs "has publicly announced that be wiil not support aoy c.owity legislative programs until -. time as there. has beeri a decision that the.., exisUng branch ! the Superior Court which is located in ullertcin remalns .. lh tl:lat city,'' . ON'T .CONSIDER· • · · . ., The juiy resoluUoh lurther Ch~ th~t "by his actions and his y.iords he.has indicated that he will not consider any legi slation affecting the County of Orange upon its merits until a pa.(ilcular issue is resqlved in the way he dewes. "In the 9pinion of this c;fand Jury, one of his duties is to objeClively consider matters that come before him in his tegl~lative capacity and to Vote on legislation upon the merits of such legislation." Briggs on -April ~ denied the jury's allegations. · old Coveroa~e. of Newport &each and from the 'lawsuit. • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Marx of Univer-... sity Park. Irvine, tO be allowe(i to· inter· EVERY ·RIGHT • vene in a suit that challenges the Judge Owens; commenjlng tba't tlii1 validity of the Upi>er Bay land sw•p. homeowners ''bad:every.'rtght to 'oupply It was a verdict that clearly uton-whatever new evidence can be! ·offered lsbed and confounded Irvine attor~y in this major issue," .set May 12 as the Olarles Warren. The Los Angeles trial .d.ate for the next bearing m · the now. lawyer hurrltdly left the courtroom for cornbjned sui~. . , • ',._,_, ... 'SLAIN sAN F.RANCISCO POLIC.E OFFICER LIES :ON SIDEWALK AS. FAMILY EVACUATED .Burglary lnvastlgafor JospOh Bnidnlk Kiiied.by Hlpplo llvrglars Who Flad Pollet Dragntl a quietly arranged mlfe.re:nce with Heim will have ·tO ·""'-'evldeftce d Irvine chiefs. -,-,. He had earlier challenged the right ~!~~'il;.~u.e"~~~t of the six taxpayers to follow County o/f ill de-" '-~-. Auditor V. A. Helm into a sutt that · ers w ' .,... .... , to a '.ml"'" c ... ....,,.._ -·'Unlimited' Fun Beooltles I.imited As Pair in Jail "Entertainment Unlimited'' becaine ver/ much limited Thursday with the ·handing of jail terms to two•members of a prostitution .and gaming ring'known by that name. Police Officer Slain, Killers Escape in SF . 00 the gnintlng of m. six -· h'l chall-·\lle actloo ·ol the State Landa needs for the estab!Wunent :ol 'a caoe ... ~;:! = ~vt1:ratf:' f:= Perry its confident that be will get•thlf tidelands in upper Newport Bay. six. months. His clH!nts, he aaid, plad to eoliot the support of, Newport Ba~ LATE Cil~GE . and Beach cmservationls( grt>UJ>& -Heim ·launched his eleventh hour the-active1y ..interested Sierra Club. chalknge of a land trade that seemed A past-ruling bid bf Perry-to have ~ all but a matter of record when he . Sien-a Club entered on the court petltioll refU!e;d to pay a $13,197 bill that ~as as co-intervenors was rejected by Jud(e the countf's ahare of engineering plana Owens. "And that lUling ia designed · to foe dredging In the dioput<d Upper Bay p<eW1( any future.motions !or ID~ ''!'hey Aid· they~· the c.,. was area .. Tbe county official braiided hts Uon <luring the life ol' tht9 preomt winding up m;l they mighl. have arrests supervieors' approval of the land ex· lawsuit," the judge commented; ~~ft ii '""••," Kiely oaid. · ~as ille(al and ral!ed the question · no rell<ction on the merit•of 'tha Si11n1 ~ and McGoran, dmsed tn of 'the comJ'Oleney ol tha· State Landi C11ib'• 'rigbt to inteiwne.'! '. ' ' • "Not true,11 he said. "If they had checked with .me they wou!d have found the truth rather than something they read or .J1eard from someone other than myself."- He denied h~ had said at anytime-that ~·1 .w~ county program." Douglas Conrad Kornwolf, 28, wa! sentenced by Judge James F. Judge to 45 days in Orange County Jail. With him f"r 15 days of that time will be Larry Bridges, 21, who also pleaded guilty to charges of conspiring to operate a gambl· ing syndicate. Both men are from Girden Grove and both ;nust serve three years SAN FRANCISCO (UPI.) -Tht two celebrated San Francisco police burglary Investigators told their commander they were winding up a case and apected to make ~ Thursday. · But just hours later, one lay dead in-the sl:reets in a pool of blood as more than 150 of his fellow officers shot it out with bis killers. civilian garb, staked ·out an apartment Commission's rittfication of the switch. •fDUll'Tn ARGUMENT • , ..__... '"--• ~.... " "' ti hi · AttorneloiDuffern Helsinr for ·Heim ... &;~ •~ u""~•~Y~;t~·~~·;;;:~pp~1e~~ift<;SAiij:ei;:~i&ijorJ~-YF---~ij;ii:j'tle~~:lfe~~C:..~ttph~><l~d~.~tlll!!;:~~rj!1nnent~~~'ol~~~~~-!rftnij~i!::==:J types," as police described tbe youths in-and Los eles attorney Ralpb Perey company tfifough W4f'l'eD Uiit t!li In the letter released by the jury as 8llegedly wr.itten to the Fullerton newspaper it is stated: FINE EDITOJ\[AL "I want to extend my congratulations and add my voice to your fine editorial appearing on tht 23rd of January, 'Save the Superior Court~' "I have notified the County's legislative representatives here in the Capitol that I feel very strongly on this. 1 have told them that they will not have my support for an appeUate coiu1 to be established in Santa Ana, as well as the needed and necessary state offices until the North Orange County supe~r court issue is Te.solved in our favor. " " [ further indicated to U~m that I irould not support ~y ci>unty programs here in the Legisla~re until thisjs .set-. tied . I urge every ~ .i.zen to,,y;rite tq~l. h, e, Board of Supervis rs orf this matter. Sincerely, John V. Bfiggs." -··· ' ' ' probation. nifee members ·of the group also known as "Or8nge County Businessmen's Club" -it is registered under that. liUe with the Orange County Chamber of Commerce -= drew one-year probation terms and were ordered to eac,b pay a $150 fine. Free to leave court were Donel Francis Gonnan, 21, of Garden Groye. Jesse De Alba Placentia, Anaheim and Felix Bernardo Digman, Orange. 'Fwo women -Marlene Sue Go¢in, ·21, of Los Angeles and Renee Yvonne Kelly, 44, of 416 N. Wanda Drive, Fullerton - pleaded guilty to charges of prostibJtion and were placed on probation for one year. On April 25, Briggs stated ''if they Would check with attorneys R. S. "Sam" Barnes and Ron Tidy as well as UROC s rls Assemblyman (Robert) Badhllm CR· Uppo Newport Beach), they will find that I am not only pledged to help P•" 1egislation J_,•mi'tm"· g· School to bring the District Court of Appeals to -.. '! ~ _ Orange County but have actively entered • -. the fray in Sacramento to accomplish · FRESNO (AP) -The United this." Republicans of California prepared. today Briggs made his request for a meeting to give their support to a campaign to with the jury in the letter Tuesday to limit sex education ih public schoo&. · Foreman Martin. The meeting, Briggs p The classes are a major topic at the said would be to discuss j'tls "~.as~l' t annual convention of the ~oup of con• member of ·the California Le'gislature." aervatlve GOP pollutal volunteers. . The assemblyman•S letter to 'Martfn '~4Aceeptance of e:ltrUlei_Y. graphic sex proposes .that the press· be invited to' at.' educa1ipn material IJl'OdlPd. f91"' young tend his meeting with the Grand Jury. rtlinds ·by some Californ.la· pu~ ~ has been of great concern to tnallY UROC It also invites Martin to visit Briggs at members," said . Michal Van Horn ~ · the State Capitol. "It would be my:hope," Culver City, president or the group. · the letter states, ·~t you inlght..become uRoc claims some 10,000 members, better acquainted with the IOllletimes and officials said 750 of them will be at almost overwheiming duties of and the meeting demands upon ~ sta~· legl~l§f.or to ef. ~lt~ is one-of ~two cons e-r-v.a.t iv e fectiyely represent his district." .. ~Republican ipolit.ical groups in' the ~~te. Briggs coocluded, ','Jf I ~ suhJect -to • 'fhe O,tljel" is 'the cautornia Republican criticism for fighting to retain (the ~4.ssen\bly_.. whiCh claims slighUy more branch court), ttien I guess it's like a' nlemberl. \ · former president Once said, flf1you can 't ·Also on ~lhe agenda is a s~h by a , stand the heat, then you should stay out repf:esentative of · the government of of. the kitchen.' " J;thodes'ia., Musical . Comedy Actress . ' . Ella Logan ·· 56 ·. Succumbs ' ' . . ' SAN MATEO (API -Singer Ella Logan, the tiny Scottish lass who performed in -mUsk al comedy for" a generalion across Europe and Amerjca, is dead of cancer at Mi. fl.ti ss Logan, who scored a Broadway hit in "Finian's Rainbow" .in UW7, dled Thursday in Peninsula Hoopital. She had undergone surg.ery for cancer ln 1966. Two weeks ago she learned the disdaSe had returned, sald her daugflter, Mrs. Philip Quinn of 'nearby Belmont. Miss Logan, only four feei 11 Inches tall,"launched her career at lhe age of t~ on the atage at Paisley in her native Scotland. Her fiist musica1.c.im- edy was "Open Your Eyes." She ,became a headliner tn Europe's most fashiOnable nightclubs. A favorite of Klng'Eclward VUI when be was Prince of Wales, she often danced with him while appe?ring in London clubs. · , Jn 1932, she came to America to carry on lier carter on Broadway and in HollY.wood. Sh9 starred ln C'.eorge White's "Scan· dals," Olsen and Johnson's "Sons of Fun" aod "Calling All Stars/'•ffer HoUywood musicals jncluded "The Golden Follles," ''52nd Strffl" ind "'Top of the.Town." She married Hollywood producer·wriler .. ,_ SINGER CANCER VICTIM Mu.1-.1 Star Ella Logaft The other had 'boen smashed In the lnouth with a b!Wlt Instrument, knocking out two teeth and causing bone damagf!!. PoHCe said his life was saved by a small metal container of breath sweeteners in hts ldt chest pocket that barmlessly dene<!bid a bullet The drama unfolded In the seedy Mission District of the city. The in- vestigators, Joseph Brodnik, 41, and Paul E. McGoran , 43, were known as "Mission 11" ll!ld were credited with ending sever· al waves of neighborhood burglaries in recent years. Brodnik, a 15-year veteran with __numerous citaticm for braveryl w a a lhot.in the chest and died. 'McG«an, like lU partner the father of t b r e e youngsters, wa5 taken to MissiOn Emergency Hoepital in serious coodi~. "I ha<I a conference with them before they left the station this morning," aaJd Capt. Phil Kiely, the pair's commanding officer. "They had been working °" a · ring of . burglaries, car thefts and narcoUcs violaUons which Inv o I v e d Pacifica· and San Mateo u _well as San Franctaco. volved in the shooUng. for the taxpayers rej>eated· 'that argu. conServatiooist ,group be bared from the. Kiely said the officers watched as ment Thursday. Perry contended that he action. . - "OUths took a portabl.e teleVision and a co u l.d provide a.s..ciessment evidence Warren confirmed, before he left fot, ~ -"within the ne.xt six months" that would • radio from a car and began carrying dd much to nullify earlier assessment .his, I.rvine cooferenoe. tbat the r:ulina: them into the buikiln_g. Brodnik and "will very )ikely" halt lrvine's plans to proposals pl a c e d before the state · . :: .=1' McGor'1!,r-fll~ .left their unmarked car convert the marshy terrain they naw- and approacneo. the gang Jllembers and ag~':ren vigorously aT~ for the =:: :Y: ~ ~-de-:el· (, began askjng questions . SUpPression of such evidence. He told "l don't think we will want 'to do 8111.' A young witness told police the gang Judge Owens thal the homeowners "had major'Work in-the 1iiht Of tlie-iitWl.tiorit members "paid no attention.and kept on no right" to seek to enter litigation at that has been created today.'i'"'be ulcL . walking in and out ol tbe house. Then one a -moment when °time is o1 the "l am sure that Irvine~ will want to11 started cursing them. He 18id 'You pigs I essence" for the Irvine Company -an n:solvehtbia mam into sometblnl:• wry', Do you want to fight?' 'Iben all of them obvious reference to 1be. corporation's much Uk~ ..w.-·tbev dellre l>ef0r9~ jumped both cops." desire to get on with the developing ol any soil -~';';.,.,Ovtng io curled', Then, the wltneSI Aid, shots were the land proposed to be turned over to c:Nt .. !ired. . them by coonty supervisors. ciiunty plans 'far the territory to ·11o• Within minutes relnlorcements, some Orange County and the Irvine Com· surrtndered by Irvine include the ~ aimed with machine guns and tear gas, pany have repre9ellted the value of the tlon ~ parks and reo:eetion areas arrived at the scene. For more than an spraw1ing 457-acre te'rrain as fl9 OW· ·&hriJui1>out,.tbe uplands.belt. hour, round ifter ffi:md was fired into the lion. 1be same combination. baa cllime\d building ifter other residents were the 157 acres of tidelands to be worth $11 milllon. evacuited. Tear gas covered the area and po~ce ~ through the Jront, MIBREPR.ESENTA110N' , rear and atOc entrances to the building. Perry claims for the homeowners In Tho ruspecta retw:ne(I the fire. · documenti filed with Superior Court Police aald the five llU8p0Cla escaped, th>t the inference that Orange Coolly two by cJimb1n& out a rear 'attic window, would be '8 million better oft is a' mis· •11'1 three athen· by o<eing down the representation. He -that .tho block before ~ reinforcements ar-loss t'o county tupl_yen after the com- rived. Police recOvered a rifle in the at· pletion of exteM:ive Pl: · and u charuiellng work 111vlsloned Irvine wC. will be "blllldZ<ds ol iom ol dollars." C,>~ple Injure~ In Ilit·nm .Crasn • I A Vlma man and hls'Wife were leffou.. 1 ly lnjw-ed'Thurllday n!gbt wbin their cat ' Was struck from the rear on the Santa Ana Freeway: by a lUt·ron 'driver wtlo e>eaped, the Caltfomla Highway Plllrol Advke From Agnew The land to be turned aver to Irvine by county superviaon 11 ~lly being held by the corporation on a tax· free ha.sit!. It will continue to .be so 'pending a declsioa by the · Cal~ornia Suprem• Coort on the constitudonaltty of the Jaw which permitted the trade-- believed by county Judia to be at le111t two years away. reported. ' Victim Charles M. Postlewaite, 'M, ·suf· fered fractured collarbone, riba ~~iftd pelvis plus cuts and bruises. His wife, Rita, 61, suffered· a broken collarbone. ' GOP Governors Dodge" Supportin$ ABM Issue .. LEXINGTON, f.1· (AP) -Republlcon governors backed ••tY today from et:• presotng -auppmt.!or l'reildellt Nix· on 's declJ!oo to deploy the Safegual!! anU-baillstlc missile (ABM) l)'.Kem on the advice of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Gov. Raymond P. Shaler o.f Pennsylvania told a news conference after a closed conference sesskm that Agnew had advised the govemOrs ha did not believe they should ad on the ABM issue because sudt ac:tioD "'WOUld bt flt. '-•~ no,+;•-te. ill""'""' as you -·· It was, not a partisan. matter, Shafer Caro'le Tregoff Seeks SeclU1wn . . And : Job in LA SOIJTH PASADE!IA (AP) -. Carole 1"e&9ff, paro!fil •1\<11\1 a . P!~ term for helping kill tier doctoi'·loWs wife, wu ID leclus!on '!oday, hopiful of Obtalnlnc-a- jo& as a· medical secretary. --- . ·Miss Tregoff, .now 32, wu releued from pruop '111Unday, eight yean after ,,.. and Di. II. -Finch ...... -vlcted of 11'ylng hts wife Barllarl, a, to _ avOld paying a ffttl,000 clivGm 11t1 t!<m<nt. Finch. II, waa denied a parole hearinf laat')'Ml' bot 1els ano!her cbance nest• yeor. lie U.O iecetrid a Ille -tenet. . Authorities at lha Calilornla llllUtutlon for w-Aid Mia Trqoll wu met,by her father James, • chef, and lllepmotber Gladys and ""'"1d 11Vi wttll • them -1n SouthPuadenl. 11"! •ltepmolher told newllll!el! MIM Tr!pff, a -e model and ltill -ly, waa ataYlol tn Illa ·Loi Angel,. .,.. but woold prolloblf come !!om• "In a "" days or a week." • Donald R. .BrtQo1d. Carole'• att«ney, Aid the Went into Mclu1lon with ~ &irl lritnd Olld wllhed to avoid "the onleal of • press --.. u.l Aid Iha told him "thia Ix the puttat c111'i f1'1 ll/e." quoted Ainew u telltng the aovemcn. The aovernon also stdeateppod WI group action on campus dlaorders. Prevloualy, Gov. Ronald Reagan of c.allfornta, the conference chalrnian, bad taken a bani line calllog for puniabma1t ol tbo8e wbo participate In violence. In a series of reiolutions, the GOP governors called on Nixon to channel anti.poverty programs for the indivldual states through their offices:. They said the President sOOuld consider abolilhlng regional offloes of the Ofllce of Ecooomlc ()ppor1umty, Broadway Joe Scores One But Drops ~other Ml4MI (UPO .,. Superstar Joo Niunath, corallocl at the bar of jusllcl, . waa freed ol drunk driving charg .. today but fined llO !or_..,, durJnc an April 14 pre-dawn chase. Wblle court ~I~ ~ Cllroulh the silt wtndows ol Metro Tra!Dc Judga Arthur. -·· court, tba modill\b' dreaed New York Joie quarterbock llOod with -bod before !lie~ Joki low by the Du. Nmnath'• WU one d . the .flnt a. callOd tn tlJo dail1•1rafllc court - and the iean quorterliadc -up with his allom<y, Oeorge Ott. Aller hearinC the char,.., Judge Wbltoo fined Namath '60 !or canlea ctrtv!ng by speedinf, pi,. $& court COiia. . He' dllmi..ed charsea filed by Norlh Bay Vlllagt Officer a_, De Santil of drlvlol wbtle -lntolkaled and clrlvtnf wilhout a Uce:n1e. • ••t th1nt. It WU a fair cue," Nemtth aakl afterward. ·He aald ha had matn- lalned all afong his !tmoc<nce ol tiJll)' driving, "but I aald I mtgbt ba" - 1p0edtng atld the Judi' -thal !'WU apeedlng." cuts and brulies. · • · Despite their mulUple Injuries, the .,.... · pie Is repcried In .. _ amditton" at SI. Jooepb lloopital In !)range, thll morning. Vklt From · An Angel Lt; Si.ve ShOeriiill<er ot Navy's lamed Blue Angels precision fUJbt team cha ta with. Ch>cly Parker &, during vl&lt 1o Orlll!P County Children's Hospital ln 'Orange~Thunday. Members of -!!lllhl learn, here for El Toro, MCAS Ql!Oll hqus,e IDday and Saturday toured wan!S Thursday ID effort to cheer up young patienta. Cindy, 11o1p11a11 ... with kidney ailment; is daughter l!f.Mr. and Mri. Norman Rarker, 28552 ·Carretas Drive, Mission VlijO. • • ________ ___.__ --------------------~~c_, ____ -•~~~~~~-~-•-----.~ \ f rldq , Mar 2, 1'69 ' Bad Weeri tor v.s. ,, . ., More C11.opp.ers~ Planes Blasted • SAIGON (AP) -'!be U.S. Comand an- llOUllCOd today that :II hellcopierl and 10 fixed-wing planes were loll In the Vlet- Mm war during !be put. w.L It WU ~ba just don't gambol Ilk; ::.;.,.\!"=,:iv• weeb for flnt of lhe i-bave capWred: ~.IOO rockell and 110,000 mortar rounda, ''more thlD the enemy hu fired oow1arywlde In the mne period." ~.IOO -·of rl<e, enough to feed IO batta!Joas of 500 m e n each f o r four Cobra Copter· Ha.zcirdF ound · WASHINGTON (UPI) ~A baw'dowl -been uncovered In a vital part of Ille Cobra, the Anny's newly ;ln- _troduc<d "gun lhlP". bellcopl<r 1n Vlet.-nam, it Wll dl>clooed today. · 1he senate Prepa'redneas Sub- commltlee reported tljol· at least one cruh In a lrlln!nf OJclil• at kunter Anny Alt Field near Sffll)l>jb,'Gs., was blam· ecf .. "metal 1.U,U." ~ !be Cobr•'• tail . rQtor yoke. · ~ •. ~The Fox~ Von .Pap_en Succumbs in Obscurity OBERSASBACll, Germtny (UPI) - Franz Ven P1pen1 G<rmo,y'1 IDNler IPY of World Wu I wbo aided Adell HIU•r'a rile to power, died today In bll Black Forest homf In obocurily he had never known during a Ufe u a nrtliley in-trtsuer and master or surrival. He was 81. United States fn 1916 when American newspapers dubbed him "the devil in a top hat." He w a s later known as "lhe lox" wbeq he engineered 1-litler's takeover of Austria early in World War JI. Jn between,• he served as the last • chancellor before Hitler . they Ul8d to, wrote. C..rol Milner in M'ool o! the hellcoptera were lbol down, a letter to life Tunes of London. She and the olhera were lost In collllklna or mooths •• The Anny lo!d Ult l!!~Uee_ lt has been weOi!iN cot delecUve yolm tllroqh llepped-up lnopeclloos and till• month beg.. · teeelvln( deilvery cf n e w In li>f early clays of World Wor I VM P-w11 poulbly the moot batec\.mu In America, Ille Gmnan military attache In Wam!ngton wbo wu blamod laier for •..•• · • rep1-1111 of all the .,okea. · -20,000 !ndlvluwu weapcn1 and 1,000 ·s... John St.nail . (D-Mla.), oub-u-g!ng lhe American war effort and And Jt was the scheming Von Papen who served as ambassador. to Turkey and kept that nation out of. the allied camp. He 11ucceeded until 1944 wben the end of the war Was already ~ sight. He was interned after the war, freed by the Nuernberg war crimes court, then sentenced to eight years in a labor camp by a 1947 de-~azificat:lon court. He was ·released Jn 1949 because of. failing health. said that lambs have tended to enemy attacks oo U.S. hues, bud· . 1tind beside their mothers or sleep quarters uld. crew...,..ed weapcn1: . committee chairman said he II now plotting the dlaartlous 1117 Black Tom Although lhe U.S. Command did no1 ~to IeanLwhethet "Yoke-fatigue'.! Jnunllloouxploslon in Jer~ City,lf.J~ say Uie -enemy offensive-was over.the has CUJMd 'Other cras!iei~ whether the -The explosion killed tWO persons and oince the introduction of-pestic:jdes-FJ least" two<>! llii pliiles ...,e !lghter· and chemical fertlliZers. "Is lhls a bombers reported lbol <lcwn tarller. 'l)le coincJd91Jce?" she asked. '11 i'ould command gave no details a~ the other spokesman said the heavy losses had Army bai taken ·adequate correcUve tnructed $40 million damage. forced. the enemy to reduce biJ offensive steps. Von Papen was opelled from the like to know il any of your readers lo>ses. . . operations. • "We esUmate that tile enerily's ac- tivities have decreaaed became he did not have any other choice," the spokesman llld. ''The primary reuon ror this, as you·may ,have noted~ weekly olatlsUcal l1lllllnlries, 11 tblf lhe enemy has suffered about 38,000 killed have noticed how lethargic and The report wd a Iola! of 2,ses U.S. lacking. in joy our modern lamb• heµcopten and 2,111 planeo -bave " · been lost ln the war. are. · ' , A u.s.' iipokesm .. a1oo ...........i that • , 18,000 Vift COllg and Ncrih . Vielnam.,. killed since Ille Vift Cool opting o!· ftnaive· ltartecl Feb. 23, and American and SOUth Vietnamese lorcos llnce the since Feb. 23." The advutt.ttmtriT m thil 10tt1s'1 tdificm Of the iho1D buri- neu -p<t~cmty recd' "If ~ou can do a gireat David.Brink- ley imprenictt. coll· Jiff cl 421· tl080." A taU, dark·hatr man ec£. ·ud the number, talked to Jeff for a few minutts and was told, "Scrrj/, UOV dO!l't quallfU." With o lat.tQh, David Brinkley hung up the phone. Harriman Raps Saigon For Peace Talk Delays • LOS ANGELES (UPI) ,_ W. Averell be solved basically by ihe Vietnamese. HOLL YWOOO AP -Comtdlan If the South Vietnamese b a d ... S · h n eclt b' Harrimant formerly President John&on'a R kelton says e' r e is .cooperated, Harriman told ·a news con· inten>retation of the Pledge of Aile-cblef negotlalc< at !be Parll.peace·"1ks, ference Thursday, Ille CWTent 18fOOm<nl giance in Philadelphia'~ Indepen-says ~· Sata:on government llWSt "f~ce of the Viet Cong to negotiate wilh; Saig_on dence Hall on July f . It brought the fact" the VletnamOoe prob(ema must· representatives could have been iuclied plaudits on-Skelton'I nationwide ·WI· November. · , teleVision show Jan. 14. Ma r HanOi bad withdrawn IODJL.troopg t--iliiii"i'IT.T.ti"'.ii'J'filiaiei~-Nix··-o-n~U~f"'f··-1·-c-1·a_,t::,__~r<~n0rih~1o1-tlie"-demllitarii<d -at that •mes • • • 0 P 8 ~ time, a move Harriman called-"a lood asked ~elton to go to In~ependence •ign." Hall because "you have earned for A ks "It wOUld have been far better U youtaelf a. place ·on the roster of Renew ttac (Saigon) had been more realistlc" rather disUnguiabed patriots who seek to than haggle over the "ridiculous" Issue or perpetuate tbe American heritage.'' · Ri the shape of the conference table, Har- e On Campus ots riT~h.::1!.ver will be • 1ettlement until The11 mu.st bt aen1ing sour grapes at the Milwaukee ZOo tht&t days. At ltait that'• 'the imprtasion Goeffre11 GiraJft'I expression giues. Actually, an ordinary drink of wa~r brought on thia ezhibiUon of facial contor· tigns. • Officials at Malton, England Zoo •aid they ·are cantelling arrange- ments for bringing a male whale from the United States to mate With Cuddlff, the pride of the Mal· ton whale tank. They ·said they have learned that Cuddles, a two- ton whale, also is a male. • A Ill-year-old boy was salll!d by !be aeat of his pants as be fell down a nearly ,perpendicular, 2IJO • foot shale cliff in Highland Mills, N.Y. Police said J•m•• O'Donald'1 slide wASmNGTON (AP) -The Nixon ad-the Vietnamese ait down together and Jnlui.stration, .. .._1.... ihe observance or work it out," he emphasized. -"'& wed Harriman, who was a roving am-uLaw Day 1969" as a forum, has rene bassador for the Johnson administration., It.a: attacks on campus violence. wu here to address a World Affairs JUJ!lce Department officiall, headed by Coun<:il meeting. Atfy. Gen. John 'N. Mitchell, fanned out aero88 the country to speak at Law Day ceremonies Thursday and demand an end &o student disorders. Picking up the theme President Nixon OJtlined earlier in the week, . Mitchell demanded that unimlllty ofllclils and local law officials pat an end to the stu- dent violence. "Violence and disaatilfaction on our college campuses art a serious threat to our system of law, a threat as dilturbing as the violence in our cities," Mitchell said to the Detro!~ Mid>., Bar A.ssccla· tion aMual Law Day dinner. The admlnislration has_lriod to be pa· tient in the face of conUnuing-campus- chaOll, Mitchell said, but "the time bu come for 111 end to patience. "1be time has come for us to demand, In the otrongest poesible l<mu, "thal unlvuslty officlala. local enforcement agenci~ and local courts apply the law," Mitchell declared. "U arresl!I mlllt be made, then arrests lhould be," he said. "If violators must be prosecuted, then prosecutions should be." Nino, th ,.Tueaday lpeech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called on college administrators to take the necessary ac- Uon to stop campus violence or see an end to the American edllcatim oyllem. Mlld>eil, !l'bo . attacked I I u d e n t mllltanb aa ''notbJnl but tyrants,'' was joined In the asaault by two key aldea - Deputy All)'. Gen. Richard G. KlelJ!!)lenst and Aul Ally. Gen. Wl1Uam H. Rehn-_ quist -who made .Law Day apeecbes in Washington and Newark, Del-. reopec- Stanford Ousts 33 Protesters In Hall Seizure " STANFORD (AP) -Stanton! Univers~ •ty has suspended S3 students who took part in Thursday morning's six·hour oc- cupaU011. of an admlnistntion building. Pi'esli1ent Kenneth S. Pitzer announced the suspensions Thunday night. They are effective until their cases are considered _by the campus judicial council. He also announced the urliversity had obtained court orders restraining the S3 students from returning to Campus for anything except Judicial proceedings. SUperior Court Judge Stanley It. Evans also remained three nonstudenta from visiting the campus "for disruptive purposes," Pitzer told a meeting of the Academic Council. No names were an· nounced. The 600 faculty members pre.se.Qt ap- proved the action w l t b a unl~rsity dissenting voice, said a university spokesman . They gave Provost Richard W. Lyman a sUmding ovation when he aaid of the university's resort to outside polic~ for the lint time In 11.s 7~year-hi!IO!y: Uvely. • ended about 25 feet from the top KJelndlemt referred to rnUltani.s as wban h!I pants seat· snagged on a "ideologlcal crtmlnala" and llebnqulot "No one ts entitled to conalder the clearing of Encina Hall a victory. Anl lime it becomes necessary for a untven • ly to summon the poli ct, a defeat b a 1 taken place." ledse. J lhftn ''the new l>arbari&ns." { Clear Skies Over Nation ~ # ' (J .s. su ...... .,, ---All•"'9 .. k.,,tltld ·-··-... ,Of\. ""-(lndMetl ,._ ... .,,._ . .,.. _ ...... :~--·-... ,_ -·-.... ,., K1-(Uy LM V-• Ls ._ n " " n .. " " .. " n " " " .. .. " " .. " .. .. " " .. .... n " ... ... " ~ .ot " ,, .. , Jf •• ... .... . .. u. °'"'11 a.. 1Mt IJICW'llf ... wllh .-rt1e1 , ... ,.."' '" ... efttrl!llllOl'I Mil,., Wfnft _,...,..,_,_.,.,, I ~ II ,,.,.., ., .... Mtlcn JIM "1MY .... _,_ ,,.,. ..... clol.lof c:--""""' " W.:P'Kltk ~'· wi-.lfl tt'11 Mldl1M11. """"""" T1!!11, MC- '*-Of flllri. •NI 1iol!t tM <-lffw. M--Mllw<l!A" ' M l-...o!ls N.., °"""",. Ntw Yerll " " . " .. .. " " ... .. " beft. T~ llllflo &a '9 fl, y.....,... ~,. r•n••• ,,_ • fllltl ., " .. • .. ., JI, ... .. ,. ..,.._.."',. ~· ... ,. .. u. TM weflf' ""'""'""' Wiit e .t "" ..... •a.JOAY ~ t.iw ............. J1:10•1t1.1,s '-"' MM f t4 •·"" 6.1 IAT'V•OAY "'""' .................... , .. ,,., ,,, ,.....,, ................. 10:0-.. .. Stcclitll .... •'<('''"""' .'"'·"'· '" S.W ktw .,;'\,. ... , .. 10lb1.m.M IVl'IDAY l"lnl k!w ............... f:U IJl'I, 1.1 ,,,.., ....,. ............. , . 1t1n '·""· 1., hcOl'ld ... .. " " ' • .. .. . '!JI p,fn. 1.1 ._... llltft ........... 1,11:01 p.m, "' !ti•-·· ~'"'"°" ••• ,....., lltllll. L.- ., .......,, -11-1"" -fllof-klt l'llf ,_ W1ilhllltfO'I '-_,,.,,. ~ y._,. ..... -.._,, Or ""'••tf!Olfftn from Mln"-Mll• lo "rtt {JI ..... '""' fe "" llOrllltn\ H(flafll {JI 'Nltootlt!11 """' Mk:lllean. -nr=.~ .. -:r:old ~="'_,~· tM l'IW!f h'I 11'11 Norll'IMJI t !ICI Morllt-~I. A, ~ fl/ tt .. (~, H.H .. ..... ,...~"""'-~""y ., /Uy, • Tiit M l""'I -illll! k>or WK )1 lllt ll:flf!Mlld, Of't. Tt11,,1rM.,..t lllefl W• ti ot Ptnldi. 11"- ' ·--0.kl'"' °"""' ,..,. lt(ltl .... PllllMlfoflleo -'· "'"*'l'lfl PorlltNI ... 111 (ltl> !led • .,.. ·-SOICl'I"""" ''·· Lwlt S.t111M,. S.ft ~ <ltr .. ,_ a... l',..rac:!tce S.nt• l•rtlt1'9 ..... s ...... --- " " " .. "" ',.' " " .... .. .. .. " ·"· IJ '40 At n . " " .. .... .... " .. .. -" " ..... .... .... .. • .17 .... .... " " Westinghouse 'JF'ill~~Il!Wn- Built·ln Dishwasher lladolSUllll • Singff~ dial tJmer control • Self·cleanina: filter• BlutL porcelain·on·steel tub, not plastic: • Multi·level washing action • Dual detergent dis· pensers • Plate·warmer set· ting • Large silverware basket • Telescopin1 top rack . NO DOWN PAYMENT! HOURS : 9:00 lo 9:00 Sat. 9:00 to 6 GAS DRYERS :=ondget deal! - TV & APPLIANCE CENTER, HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd.-Costa .Mesa Phone , 540-7131 SAVE! on the purchase of the DRYER of the future GAS · E Electronic · asy 'Moisture-Sensing" . Dryer .· Easy'• electtonic ~moisturHensing" device accnntely 1enses the preos0!ected ID,!>isture conl<nt and automatically. &bull the dryer off. ·This mane!" together with llix automatic fabriobeat settings. permit drying dotheo jut the way you want !hep> -the EASY way. Get ell these gre•t Easy_ fa•tu11s and ••Y Goodbya to Ironing: b Exdu1"1 Ne>lnos C)'dt 6 Porcelaill Enamol Flllllh • J 16PoundC.ptclly 6 UihtedCoetm!l'lnelon4lllttrlor /J Uj>froat IJnl Fill« ~ Fool Pedal Door Oplolr . 6. Saf•ly Start Bulloe 6 AUIOJ!lltic Audio Toae1lcnak Shut-Off • IT'S AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Reg. l'ritt Less $251.15 $75.00 •1841& NO MONEY DOWN e 36 MONTHS TO PAY TV AND APPLIANCE CENTER Harbor center 2300 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa httffAM .. f PM s.t. fAM t9 6 PM PHONE J40.71ll • , . _L... ______ _ -------'---___________ .:::.._ ____ _,_ ___ __: _______ - ------- I I Nasser Claims Right to Hit Civilian T~gets in lsr~el • CAIRO (UPI) -Pmldent Israel," Nmer aald In a May 'fttfensc lint &!Doc th< Suez Gama! Abdel Nuoer has given Day speech Thursday. Canal, which he said~ .. been ·u. troops permission to hit • Ho ·added that U Egypt did IO. oercenl distroyed hy Arab civilian tartet.s within Isr1el carry out commando raids in-,- in a ret.allatfoa againat Israel's · side· Israeli territory, they gunners since'MarGb. commando raid . Into Egypt would he cattfuUy planned in Nasser said he ~ War Wednesday. advance, and cautioned other Minister Mahmoud Faw i l "I· am announclhg today Arab countries agalnst at· •lthat the armed fOrces will that, in view c4 Israeli ag-t,tcking wltbout d e f I n I t e proceed wtth their plan unUJ ~on against our civilian preparaUoo. targetJ, the whole wor1d mUlt N a'i 1 er called for the Uley ... comp1ete ~ destruction lrnow that we have the right t? mobilization of E 1 y p t i a n o f the remaining 48 ·percent u" T...._.. hit at clvlllan targei. Wide troops to amUhllate Israel's -the Bar Lev line." Major Maller1 The Egyptian pr es Iden t 1 denied Israel~11 claims that iU Author Norman MaJler C. bod • R • t u s commando raid Wednesday in· announces his candld· am. _ ta. e1ec_ S_ 0 • llicted heavy damage to power acy for Democratic --~l™ns.,tana-tU>ns along _Ute_ URRCL nominati9n for _ m11yor Nile. _ of New York City. He Offer'• 'Talk'. Blamed An Israeli military joins five c~er Demo-6 pokes man "118.ld cor-Crats seeking the nomi· respondents flown by the nation. BANGKOK (UP I) -Loose ' Sihanouk, N I• 0 0 Jndlca~ Arabi to the alleged scene of -------~­Wedneaday's l s r a e I i com-talk 6y the U.S. military about operations into Cambodian territory. contributed to Prince. Norodom Slhanouk's rejecUon of WuhlnilOn'• offer _to resume diploma~ relaUoni.-- Thia was the '!pinion of western diplomats following Sihanouk's announctmtnt • Wednesday that "Cambodia rejects the ~laratlon of ' recognition ·cf frontiers by the government of the United States." Cam b odia broke of_f_ <fiplomalie relations w i t h Washington in May, 1965, claiming that U.S. and South . Vietnam~ troops crossed in- to Cambodia to engage Com· munists. On April 16, in a letter to willingness to r e a u m e diplomatiC ties with Cam- bodia. Sihanouk· said he WU ....,ey also, but theD hacked down. I( may have been but • riiando raid were "taken for a ride" and did not actually visit the three targets struck - power pylons, a dam .and a hrld1e. . UPI reported erroneau.sty· temporary reversal.~ , Thursday that Israel had Diplom~t.s aaid.1.be a~,made an about face from its ~ for his about fact wu earlier claims that the com-~b1lcity about A m er I c an mandos did inde~d severely military operations on Cam· damage the · Egyptian in· bodlan aoil, ·and Ole U.S. stallations. reCognition as South Viet-While not depying that name.se of some i s I a n d s heavy damage was inflicted, Sihanouk claims as Cam-Israel official sources said the bodian territory, raid was made to carry more If the Americans had kept o( a psychological impact-than quiet about their operations, actual damage. Sihanouk probably woiJld hB.ve One of the psychological ef- Jooked the other way. "But fects, l'1ey said, was to force . somebody -or a whole sue-Egypt .to create a militia and cession of people -jot a case special army units to guard of Joose ~uth," Ole diplomats vital installatlon.s along the ·said. . .upper Nile Rfver. Ford Recalliog Trucks, Cars , DETROIT (AP) -Ford Motor Co. aays it is recalling more than 88,000 trucks and nearly 6,900 cars for ln· spection cf possible defects in 9oor latches and acc"eleratOr cables. The company said Thursday It was notifying owners of about 88,700 1969 Econoliue v~ and F100 tllrough F750 trucks to bring ·the vehicles to dealerships to. find an estimated fi,000 ur.!:.; with possibly defective right door latches or Econollue cargo door latches. ----~-- Ftfd.ly, Mu 2, 1969 DAILY l'ILor IS Som~ C:en~rs May Stal. . . " American Geis Post fu Vatican ~Job .Corps Backt;lown Due? . - • \'ATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Paul vt nsmfd newly elevated American cardinal John J, Wright of Piltshurgh today AS prefect head cf the Vati.can. Congregation of the Clergy. WASIUNGTON !UPI) -already been rescinded and In hlJ district Is done for, Some Rtpuhlicans on Capitol others, . lffecling ~amps in TOptdla.. of · anylhiof he Hill have started taking pot Rep u h Ucon con11rt11ional mlglil do. shots at President Nl1on'11 d l 1 t tic ts,,, are beinl "Thls was a hellµva way to plans to shut down 59 Job. recons!dered. · · do ~" said O'J9mlkf• Corps centers, and It appeared Bui aa far u Rep. Alvin "They· aboQ!dn~ close aoy of the administration may be O'Konsld (R·WiJ.),. is con-these centers unUl they cam.• revising its plans. . -::c:;;ern::::::ed::·::the=:C::l:;am:=La:=ke=Ceo=ter~,::u~p·~w1::::th=aom=·~ethln=g=·::::he~l~ter=.::""'i The Labor Deplrtment b .t ' •·•negoti ating wllb the Agriculture and Inter lo r departments to t~p some of the centers open, but operate them under a new format at lower costs," one 'GOP ca& Cardlnal Wright, unUI now bl.shop of Pittsburgh, succecda Jean Cardinal Villot of France, who was named secretary of 11tale Wednesday. gr""1onal source said. , Another Republican '"l!OllrCe Comiltg May l . Family Meekly Of the four new U.S. cardinals creat~d by th'! Pope at his consistory on hf on day, only Cardinal Wright will re- main in Rome . He becomes the only American cardinal heading a congregation,· er ministry, in the Vatican Curia, the central administration of th!! Roman Catholic Church. strategically involved 1 n ~egotiaUons .,:llh 1~ !"!~ __ ouse over 1.ue c o;vugll sa.iu ''Nixon is headed for bis first -real black eye in dealings With minority groups beca~ of __ this (closing) order." . One closing order ... has reportedJy Two Fires Set The olber new U • S • cardinals Archbishops CHARLESTON, S.C: (AP) Terence Cooke of New York, -Fires, false alanns, van- John J. Carberry of St.-Louis dallam and rock-throwinll kepi and John J. Dearden -of police and flrt1Den bwy Detroit -will tetum to their through the night In a con- diocesan peats. tinuaUon cf racial troubles With h J s appOlntment, touched ofr by a l!ltrike of Cardinal \\'.right, 59, a .native Negro bOspital workers. of Dorchester, Mass., takes About 30 · persons were ar- over one of the most crucial rested for violating a 9 p.m. to Vatican posts in . the present 5 a.m. curfew imposed by _period of rerment rocking the Goy, Robert McNair in the ~atholic clergy. -hope cf cooling ~e tension. SCIENCE ASKS: French Vote Set June 1 Japan Going to Dogs Old World Mediterranean+- Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM ISICORAfORI CANCELLATION •nd RITURNI PROM MODEL HOMIS. Con Some People See into the Future? By-=fhffltrre'1rwi11·--== ,~ A fo1tillating story that reveals some of the alleged pfemonitions and visions that are being r~corded in "registries" in both America and Great Britain. PARis<uPtJ-Francewm Claims British Barking Up Wrong Tree ALL lllAND NEW DICORATORI ORIAM HOUll ON OlSPLAY Items as follQws: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58'' tall d~corator lamps, bang.µig chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. vote June 1 to elect a sue-TOKYO (UPI) ces.sor to former President Demonstrators poured into the Charles de Gaulle. Ginza shopping district today The government of acting for the secon\:! time this week President Alain Poher, mak· but the latest protest was not ing a Swift recovery from the for the return of Okinawa but shock oC De Gaulle's resigna-against British charges that tion on Moncfiy , set the date Japanese mistreat their im· today. ' d Ji.ine t falls within the '35-ported ot'.5• • • day llJnit in which Frenchmen About 500 dog owners, ac-must choose a succeasor to a companied by an e q u a I president who quits or dies. number ?r more of . howling 'Phe election will ~ held on a and ~a~king c~ne~. paraded Sunday, a tradftion based, on .w.lth , s~gns proclaiming no the assumption that more peo-.-.diacrjnuna~n ~gainst the p_ets pie would be frei,to voi. tban "".~•re boiit oataide the cciihn· · on workdays. try. ·! ' The march may not con- PEOPLE Tlt1t'1 whit if'• 111 &b111t. On1 of th• Mod pop11l•r cl1lly ···•11t•• of tk1 DA.Ill' •rLOT ·I• '••pl• Sc•n•. It'• 111 1bo11t ki1191, commo11111n, kook1 1111' ch111cf111 -p1opl1. vince the British. critics that dogs are treated kindly .. m Japan, but it may bcOst business for the importers who staged it. . And U the marching dogs were elploited, they dtd mt appear to he mbtreat.d. Everyone, dogs and owners, appeared to enjoy their walk in the sun. Some of lhe placards Car· ried by the dog lovers were wide off the mark gram· matically, but the owners said their messages were rtght on target. "I don't make any canine ' discrimination at all," said a sign carried by a kimono-clad woman who alto. carried a beagle pup in a basket. A pretty girl wearing a red mini skirt !nd walking a peltin~ at the end of a leash carried a sign which said, "Look at me. I'm quite as happy as I was ln England." The British charges prompt- ed efforts in England to b81l the export of dogs to Japan. Last year Japan im· ported U,766 dog~ worth 1193,228. Of that total, 7,535 Come see Chick lverson's ~newhome. t l ' came from· England and 5,013 from the United S t ~ t e s . Almost all of the dogs were imported lot sale :;3 pets but a few were purchased by scien- tific.laboratories for use in ex- periments. ALSO e 'HAPPY' TRAGEDY -Cover girl Gayle Hun- nicutt tells how a serious accident suffertcl by • her actor husband maybe saved the tempu- tuous marriage of the actress and David Hemo. mings. ·Spanish decor dining aet, etc. ---•~::SM4C-COMIHG Science:-raci1 Wllh-t---1 Bulgaria Train Derails, 25 Die' Whole HOUMfvll wu ,..ular $1121.00 ~:To~~~~~I~~·"··-· $698.00 Aoy Piece C.. lo l'urclloMd llldhldMlly T1m11 A...n.llle -N-on to CGIJf, SOFIA (UP)) -Twenty4ive people were killed a\Jd l8 seriously injured when a trajn derailed. neAr Sofia Thursday, Bulgarlao officials announced today. • Credit A""'°'od '-odlatolf . , 11 n Furniture Railroad authoriti!s said the accident <>ccuned on the Chervenbreg-Orekhovo J o c a I line. All victims a r e Bulgarians. they said, A.t Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ollly Every night 'ffl 9 -Wiid., Sot. & S.,.. 'Ill 6. .The first thing you'll nptice is our beau- tiful showroom. It's de corated in Volkswagen modern. With elegont touches like tho Karmann Ghia. And the Fastback and ~quorebock sedans: And of course we've included the func- tional beauty of our Bugs, Buses, Kom- bios and T nicks. f But ii you're a Volkswagen owner, or a prospective owner, you ·might bo more impressed with our back room. That's where we service the cars we sell. ' This room is home for 75 factory trained Vo/{ technicians. And one of Southern c,lifomia's largest parts de- • partmenb. With ell our new equipment, it's probably tho best place in the coun- try to i.ron tho bugs out of a beetle. So if you'd like to see Chick lverson's new home, follow this mop. And test drive the cars that put us on it. Tho showroom will be open Monday !hru Friday 8 am-9 pm. Saturd?Y 8 am-6 pm. Closod Sunday. Service and Parts Department will be ·open Tuesday and Wednesday 8 am-8 pm. Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday 8 am-5 pm. ~ Closed Sunday and Monday. -~ • -. German measles to find a ~ure .~!o"I \be ite- fonner of the unl>om reach~ an, epid0llllct.'1Jlh In 1970. ' : e HOUSES ON Yf.H.EE).S, T .What's behind Ibo -,hoom1c-t? mob~ iiolties: an 1-...epth study of the Vi.Jr, how iip\I. • ~':'of wailer 11'11.J. All Coming Sahirday In Ille .I DAILY PILOT I Chick Iverson, #5 E; Coast Highway, Newporl;Boach,Telephone: 673-0900. I , • ' . •• \ l l»Afi,y PROT'JmlToBLn PAGE I I , • i Will All· Swini Here? -· . ! If you plan. to read the paper for an hour, Orange County probably !YIU have grown ' by eght residents publlc acceu to tho tidelands as a condition of tract map ~pproval, In the multi·milllOI) dollar. development above Dana Point. They; weren't convinced. , wben you la,y It aside. ' . , . • 1lUJ ~,,the aVlirage :rate of growth, according to Stuart Bailey, as~i$nt county plann\ng director - eight MW Orange Countlans per h~, 192 daily. Add a car for each 5even of tJ:!,e.se. • Orange County bas long been a cia%zler In rate· of gl'O'll"th and. now i ts-epicenter bu movedJioutb. Jn a ·Lagma Bteech-talk·tbis w.U.·Bailey said Planned coin• numle such as Mission-Viejo, Laguna , Niguel and IL'Ylne deve19Pments are the faitest gr<JW!ng conununi· The Board of Super.Jsors this week ' granted the Laguna· Niguel Corp. permission to begjn construction in the Salt Creek development, so public acceu to the tidelands beaches In that are& appears to' be lost.. r... ever. • , 'Ille county should have retained that acceos for the day that It had tho money to buy beach land. tie. In the county. · -· · · Bailey's talk was billed: "Can -the Coastal Area Sul'Ylve-Jlapld Population Growth?" Laguna Beach and San Clemente have· managed to acqulrO beach f"'!Jlage. It·bebooves the county to fol- low suit. Each of the beach cities could look at the in· laiid . growth and ask: '!Are all those people going swirnmUlg _heJ~E.. Twin-forked Attack 'Ille former Laguna. Beach p~g director para· lllirased it for his audience : '.'How are we going to keep lb& lemnilngs from 'PUshinf us over the cliffs ot 'La· -guna!" In a pllnning sense, his .roference to the devastat-!"p{ mi&ratioD-.of lemmings In· enormous numbers was , ~-year• ago, 1.lisalon Viejo wa1 rolling open range. 'J'Ode.Y, With 9,000 ~·~tt, ia, three-fourths the popiilation' of Laguiii tleech. -Tomo!TOW, Us plan- ners say, Ml""""1 Viejo will have 80,000 per'°"" A twin-forked attack against future off-shore oil exploration or exploitation is being Jhounted by civic leaders from Newport Beach to San Clemente~ The goal, Wbelher by closing legislative looP.holes or creating broad new legislation, is total prohibitiori· of California off-shore drilling. The foe is the powerful ------ · "Ar8.a1Ltbese peOJ!Je Pll!!lnlng on going swimming In ~ Beach?' a lady asked al one point. -- oil industry. · · -- ne task is "monumental,!' concedes Laguna's Vic· tor c .-Andrews, who with-others has-re--activated"Coa•tal Area Protective League (CAPL) to work at lhe citizen level while others work through county and municipal governments. 'Ibis •l!Ollled to undmcor~ a growing headache - the need for recreational facllities 'for all tbose present and ,expected. Referrillg to a tangle of litigation over county aban· donment of Salt Creek Road, Bailey said be attempted to convince the county planning commission to require The CAPL has been a persistent battler in the past against well·financed encroachment of oil blight. Jt is good to have it back on the scene in time of need. L Policy, for State Schools 'This Smells To High Hea vens' An Open .or Closed Door? JI ls a moct unhappy circumstance when qualified yoW'Jg men and women are turned away from public higher education in ·California. Yet, it is hap- pening. Ten of the 18 state colleges turned awa1 qualified students far the spring semeoter. Unknown only ls the number of rejected students. Estimates vary from 3,008 to 20,000. Most of these young people were~ spective freshmen. But some junior col· tege gc aduates also weri·wmed.down.-At..---ir-.;.._~~·• Sacramento State, alone, an estimated :lllO junlQf college graduatp were rr/ j~. . . IN THE FACE OF lllif crisis ~ • ReagiiJI adniinistration requested tbO otate ieglalature to make an emergency appropri!lUon of fundJ. The ema lundlng Is being rushed along to hold down Ibo number of rejected applicants. Bot there wu no way all the qualified young_.people could be accepted. Not enough time re-- mained to rec:rult. the faculty memberi and schedule the claws. And so, what the 10.year-cld Cali!ornia M~ Plan for Higher Educalon was -1iUpposed to prevent is now happening. The oi>en door is closing. The promise of higher educatJon to every capable and wi_lling student ~as become a broken pro. nuse. STUDENTS ,All£ MW bsrveoting tho . ' '~ fruit ol two . y~ars of. budget slaabea by the Reagan' administration. H i g h e r ecll!_Calicm asked for .mbre money to ac· coaiii'lodate increued enrollments and lncrtued expenses. The colleges were told to take the applicants without the money needed to hire the professors who would teach lhem. "Hold the line on expenses" was the urgent message from the governor's of- fice.~ Unfortunately, while. the colleges are facing an enrollment crisia, the attention of the cltir.enry is focused on the disturbance at one ·campus -San Fran- ci.9eo State. The public jg outraged, in _ =__!~r_. good reason. Somi: of the OC· currenceslt-SiDFra:ncilco Slate inspire To th~ EditDr : I have been talking to many people regarding the Salt Creek Road that was given to a priyate cotporation ·by the county supervisors without any , )>ublic hearing. None of us knew they could give public property away in this manner and feel that this smells to high heavens. anger. One ez-superviscr' told me the otber , 1 dicy that !bili was ju!I f •politicai cle<illon HOWEVER, 1'HE citizens of C&lif~a bl& he w6uld net explaln to me what he ahould aiJo I>!' oUtraged al tilt broken • me..t by lbi!. = C:f ~ u°:S: C:1;:; ~. :1u· I DON'T KNOW the 1'1lifornia laws on this but l do know that it could not be California educate lta Youn&? done in Oregon or Washhtgton. . _ There can be ooly one answer. ·Hlgber There u ~ lawyer who feels the law _ education must be · ktpt open ·to all has been ,,vlOlated but he gets no qualified comers. Ten years ago, Calif or· uatstance from . the DAIL y Pllm or rllanr believed thls. They were ready for other ol the cities along the coast. J the cbailenge of building clamooms and ihOJght the DAIL y PILOT was supposed hlrlng prdeuon. With a spirit of hope to help protect the community that they and vigor. Ibey wrote a bold plan. serve but I find nothing Jn the paper With good reaeon1 too, for the young about this. are the future or the !tale. Several people have suggested a recall Now comes the Ume to spend the if this Is won in court. money and redeem the p r o m i s e . CaWomia can do no less. The state should never again witness the spectacle of the rejection of qualified applicants. The Sacramento Bee RB, STIGER Some Elements of Utopia The DAlLY PJLOT first report· ed on the Salt Crtek .situation in December at the Newport Beach hearing of an Assembly sub·commit· tee, has since followed each turn of events, has talked to ·and quoted both rides and ha.t stattd its own tditmial position. To our knowledge, no other newspaper hal gi"n the situation so much coverage, Ste edi(oriol above. By GEORGE JI. HOFF, Ph.D. Our way of life 11 in bad shape. We're creaUng environments -physical, social, emotional, intellectual, po 1 it i ca I, religious, tic. -designed to crush whatever remnant of individuality and joy we may have left. How can persons live, much less grow, under the oppressive atmosphere of a de.humanized reality -one which is technically superior, but inferior in terms · d findlng well-being! We need to exp'°"' the pC18Sibllities ol a therapeutic ccmmunity dedicated to the Ideals of a Human Utopia -a place where the emphasis is upon who i! living not j\15t M be'a doing lt or fn wUt. WIL\T is UTOPIA! It's a c:onoept of how things might be if ievc:rr.one Weren't hW'lg up upon creating and ileveloplng bigger and better things -citlet, achool!, weapons, temples, govemmmts, dwellings, etc. lt ls possible to ~a lifetime about acquiring ail the en~ tn whkh living can take place; -ever enjoying tilt ZAP of life: 7.oodul ActualiiaUOn d Potential. Ulojl!a II .ioo a todai condition, in • ---i~ Frihy, Msy 2, 1969 The dtol'lal -of Ille Doi/r Pilol MW ·1o inf°"" ond .U.0- W41' ,..oc1m bv "''""d•Q 1111a ntW.fPOJ)fr'I opinionr and com-. m.tritarv on.. topk1 of i,Jttrut ond aigni/iamce, br prooldinQ • forum for th• '""''"""' of 01tr rt.odcn' opfnioN, and hr prea'111inq the dlV<f't•' .oitlD- polntl of ln/omu!d obten><n ond apokumf• on lopiu of tllc dar. Robert N. Weed, Publlsbt~ which one person's advantage wou1d be lo another's advantage, rather than to the other's disadvantage, ADDITTONAU.Y, Utopia is a st.le of being wbich ·goes beyond our fondest Im- agination. Often, we don't want to con. sider how marvelous llvinf: could be- bec~use we get depressed aln.it how Jt 11 in compariSOD. And so. dreams remain undreamed because our energy is being CODIWDed by solving mundane problems whlcl\.machines are better equipped to handle. --· What would a drt&m, society be like? First, . min would UM the tllinp ho crutel l..t..d d being subordlllwle to them to tile ext.nt ij>al he Improves tlltm first and blmsett not. · F 0 ll EXAMPLE. die. hanlwaro - lltuC!Uno, alp, -. ---collectkll. landlctplq, ,.,a, ~ -·~-could~ handled.,, ..... puteMervants, •CCU<linl to a atllftarfsn procr-am, to eerve man. · TMU. the toftware -families, art tlr· biblts, recreatkln, crtaUon, travel, pro. creation, invtbUon, educaUon, reUg1on, communication, relatton.shjps, pru:ties, = ...thetJcs, dmmltlg, letling, ~., etc. .-could take place, <Ind .)laip people led -again. 'Ille tlltrapoatic "°"""unllf would tai<o hanhrare for pted and not dlalpate Its · •!forts or ....,.lfl,. l'1loc to make Wn&s bigger and beuer. After all, we hsve tcchnofol)' to do that far us. . A FLIP-FLOP OF valulnp fJ required; we'll have to •tart rewarding .time tn- llitulJona 1'hlch 'pursue the enterpriJt ol helping people toward fuller humanness -,,,., lllUWion, lheoloil'. ~. helplna professions, human 1 row t'h centers, etc. -while punishing those which dimlnish humannesa. Many que&U<l'IS arise. Can real .. in· dividualily exist without a n a r c h y resu!Ung? How simple should life be? How wiU evil be dealt with? What's the difference between unrealistic fantasy and human striving? How may ag. grnsion, hostility, fighting and conOict fit into a Utopian society? ' WHAT IS THE best balance between privacy and togethemesa? What are the intolerable activities? Is pervasive and luting contenbnent. possible, or even desirable? How will males and femalea adapt to, enjoy, and reaped each other! We should have cdntrol ovtr · °'°" -. vironment, but we must not allow our control to become •mast.er of our pvu. Paradoxically, compared with creaUng 1' therapeuUc community, the living bell we're used.to Ls relatively euy to exist in and even accept.. Bef<re we can entertain the notion of a HIDDml Utopia, wt mull (orwo the euy WO)' and aetdawn to the -~ d rMS•mlnq -~ valulnp. • Dear Gloomy Gus: My, oh 11\Y, Laguna'• school teach- ..,, aren't 1'uhlul about uklng local tupaytrl ,.. pay lhein 'ta!· srta hllber than whst most La- ganano make from , tbeJr jobs and buslnesm. -• -W. L. T. -Editor 'Think lt Over' To the l!:ditor: l'm writing this letter because 1 know that 30 or 4o people here in liaguna Can· yon would sign their names below mine, if I went to the trouble to bother them. The city "dads" think they can 'Annex the 10 or 12 property owners in a certain "gap" out here without putting it up to lhe v~ters. It would not help any of us one bit. Each time they have had us vote on it they have lost and look at the money it cost. ToO many city dads have come and gone in my 36 years around here -in each election each one sctid what they woul4 do -but didn't. LOOIC AT' THE parking situation. wi.e•• any l!'lfl<lng space' to be JYhen the ne" library Js ready? Are they going to plant lawns and flowers. ,when all such apace could be llSed for parking? See the apace going to waste at the city bail where ylenty mort cars could be parked~ Yoo don't ... any apace beiNI lost at the rae·or _police departments. ' Who was lt lhat pve the waterHne con- tract to ..me eDclDetrlng contraclorl in Santa Moofca who cut eveey P. line In San VaileJ Drive? · t•'l'RINI: II'. I ~·-iu liM l'cl . ..,. wild( ..i ot lbe -nm,.,_ aild '1 coold ha"' Piii.my ID fell ol wat.r line in for "'5. '11ley are charcln& me marty $ll00: Why would a city, county ar state Jet the new Laguna. Canyon Highway be created wilhout a ditch to take care of the flood water! Why hu lhe city put In five brlclges to the old clty dump alnce 1933! Two of them .._ tn the • lait two months? BecaUM the brldlltt were never done rlghL Who runs !!"<city and wants to run Q\e anif my nelifibOnt My J&.year.: old bridge bu never gone out Think it OV?I' People. , CHARLES A. PEDDICORD L.tftn frtfll fMftt'I ... ........_ Hermen. M11tn ~Id anWY ....ir ""*'"" Ill • _.,. w '"" TM rlollM ,. ~ llmr. It ftt ... W •llmJ. Ni. 111111 I• AM"""9. All ,,..,.,.. Miit! fl'lcll;tltt •'-""Mt -"" INIMlll _,.,_, IM -_,. M •lllNM ............. "~ ,_ ........... . I " 'I ' ' . ·-' I • ' ' . . , : Other Langu,ages Don't Have · 'Sexy' An -American manufacturer o f brassieres and lingerie, recently opening its ftrst advef1ising campaign in Europe for its produels, found (to Jts surprise) that in ~!>fie countries the languages have no exact equivalent for our word "Se""'.~' "'J once heard of an .Engliiti bridge player Where lhe word "sexy" appeared in the telling an Italian kibitzer that he had "a American ads, some such eu'pbernism as leg tOY.·ard rubber." Word for wocd, it · "sofUy eJea"'"t" or "softly ferrurun· · e" had 'H b o-• was: ' o una gam a verso Ja--gomma," to be substituted in the foreign copy -but what the puu1ed Italian got out of it not for reasons of taste or morals, but \\'as "I have a limb toward the eraser" simply because thef'1 was no brief and There tS one breakfast food that c~ easy ·eq~v~nt in tlj' otl}er laQgU~e. 1. ~ adver:tLsed in Italy,;because its bt111Xf ·~ " 8 ' (: f! • r10me ~ a dirty sianf' wor~ thOre. WJ>en ' .,,cruALLY. IT IS.hard to belieft..tftat •..£330 intetnaUonalittd its "Put a tigt!f in our own u:;e of "sexy" is quite recent. MY your tank"' ad slogan, ir-was forced to 1937 ~l\ion . "! the Webster·M~rriafu change it in France frOm "reseryoir" Collegiate ~ct1onary doe_& not list _ the (meaning "tank") to 0 moteur," because WCl"d ; but it is to be ~,1n f!l~ new 1?67' the fonner word ·was .,too suggestive in RaJXkrn House Colleglaie ediµon, which that particular context. js d. comparable size and scope. (And •• even here ·it is tagged. as "Informal," JN THE SAME way, ad writers for ralber than as "Standard.") . General Motors quickly learned that Translatini eveµ a c,ommonpl~ce wo.rd ·~Body by Fisher" came out "Corpse by from ooe language to another.is a booby· Filber" in Flem isfl; and "Schweppes'_ trapped oecupati<ln,. Where the . w8riest tonic water" was ·changed in. Italy to linguist might deWnilte a charge. with<lut -"Tonica," because "water" is the· meaning to. For instance, even in so in· idiooiatic word for a bathroom. as in ternational a game as bridge, what we in "W.C." And ,vhen Ivory Soap first got ·to English call "the dummy" is known in Russia, it was called "soap made of , France as "le mort" -the dead one. elephant tusks." Unless a translator also knows bridge, he Ironically, if you 'vent to Paris _and . would unwittingly use lhe ~rong word. asked for "bra!fSieres" and "lingerie,", you wouldn't _get what you wanted -for in French, a brassiere is a child's ver;t, and lingerie is linen drapery. What you want are a "souUen-gorge" am "sous. vetements." AGAIN, IF HE were translating the bridge "dummy" into. German, he would have to call it "Strohmann" -literally meantng 'iJcarecrow" or "straw man." I Dmv nrightllnderhanded. ' Jumping to concl~ions: Never bend and k1ss a lady 's hand \vhen you are first introduced to her. While t~e gesture may flatter her, what she remembers after you straigpten,up iJ the fact that your hair' is g~tlihg thin on top. My idea of the meal ]. would hate most to have to eat wou1d be the following: 'An appetizer of lukewarm tomato juice, a carrot and lettuce·salad, roast-leg of ag. ed lamb with euplant and cauliflower au ' gratin, finisbed off by bread pudding as a dessert. Ugh)-.Up!! Ugh! !·I · · ' The newest suggestion for reducing the pigeon population or cities is to put birth control Jngredients in their feed . This 11eerns downright underhanded. Why should man, who has never been able tG control hiJ own se1 life; foul up the gex life of fowls ? ' P!IOST PEOPLE over 25' today are op- pressed with a ienae d nameless guilt. 4ust whst they've clone ,..r.., they sren•t quite IUJ'e of. AClllaily, -· they .....,•t u guilty u they "believe -lo.be,.abd,tbey an more in· -th.,. they are •ware 'd belna. Jn. -ii lndfftlucllble. No matt« bow eopbfstlcMI .... become, ... "'...,., to the nve -" the Innocence n hsvo al'bfrlh.' ' . ,. ;; poet. fs a pttaori who ~an nna. as much Joy in lilberiting an elm tree as In inher1Un1 money. . • A llW'Ch· is under WIJ to make ouJo SO- caJl'4j na1l>nal pastime -baseball - more intemting. Here's my plopogaJ , plaiy it with square balls. Aft.et all, hasn't Jt become a game for squiu;.es? The worst plagu,e oC a policeman's life isn't fallen arches. It 1s having to carey 1 gun when heis off duty. THE QUICKEST WAY to grl ~ttenticm at a cocktail party is to announce Jn a loud voice that you hav• never owned a motor car, don't know bow to drive one, ,, -~ "' ••• ·_,...(, and never intend to learn. Ev,erybody will . . ,, .. immediately rusli over to find out what • kind ¢' a freak you are. Iutead of giving emplOyes two coffee'· break> a day, employm .would 1e1cmore ' "!ork from tlltm H they, "'81aJle•f cOts and let lhein tab a haif·hoar "°P afler• lwich. Winston Churchill' starte<I taking daily ' naps in his 30s and credited much of hfi success to this daily habit, saying it sO · refreshed him that it gave him two work;' days in one. · ~ ' It isn't the price of tobacco that makis pipe smoking so exp(!nsive. It is the cost or having' the burnt holes in your suits rewoven. . .• lf a man mlrries a girl who bites her fingernails, he should never try to cure her. She must get rid of her nervoua energy some. wicy .. ud il ho 1topo her from gnawlog ber naifs, lhe'll atarl·chew-il>i blm aaL • • . ~-·· • .,..... 0 .Dur Gtorp: '· 'My dad read' somewh!re tbai" a father is supposed lo be a ''pal'" \ to hi3 soo and play catch with him and lAke him fishing. Actuanv: I don't mind the fishing so muc~ but throwipg that baU doesn·t do , 1 my bursitis any good; After aU, , 1 I'm S8 years old. • How can J teH my father to 11ult being a pal to me, without hurUng his feelings? ARTH1JR Dear Arthur: Let the b3ill roll into the corner saloon and level with him over a 5llff drlnk. .. - -- - -------------------------'--------------- r .. , I 'I r • j_ .. I . ---.-----------------• . ' SOFT SELL -Mrs. Paul Ricker,.chairman·of ticket saf~s. doesn't have rrtuch trouble getting supPo_rt fo r the Cinco de Mayo Fresta fr~ Dave· Weilcon, chair· man ot the~. event,. a~ Jay. Ingalll, president .of. Mis- ' . ' sio~ V!eJo Kiwarus'.(Ieft tO right). Mission Y.iejo High . School PTO is sponsoring Ille fiesta with help from many organizations. What Difference Does a. Doy M a ke? • .. . \ .. ' • ' -. . • . ' ' • " • ' ., ... . . ' . ' • J IAN COX;----·.~ ~ ~ ''*'· ...... '"' . .. r-,, . . ~~r-e-¥ou a Man or a Mous.e?' .... " . I ' • •• . . -· ' Head .,St~rt.' or;i .(i·nc9. d~ · Ma·yo" ><• .,, . l: 1, ' ' j .. •!.-\' I ' ' , n. may no~~e on the fifth' of May, 1NJ. the $econd freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes of tbt Di.sneyland \j"ill be the setting for CHOC's Fanlily Fun Party spo nsored by all ·11i!ld°"<iC Cliildren's\11ospital o! Orange County, The event will take place li-om 4 p.m. lo nµdnlght Sunday, May 11, but Mrs. Charles . F. Roberts and Mn, Ear( .• w .. ~ .. (\ell to rijbt) me~ber5,of .J<aguna Beach'•• Queen of Hearts G!lild, mahtan-.~ly Visit lo meet 'siiine yery influential people. Tick~, at *3.75 per per11011,-ll!lly be obtained from guild members. . annual Cinco•de Mayo FieSta on ·Mission V.iejo High high school. . ' . School ground~ next· Sunday promises enough razzle ~ . . .,. ' dazzle Jo make up for the difference. There will be .something for every.one .....:.·whether t11ey like· flamenco dancing· Or ·fireworks displays. -at the second arinual fieSta sponSored. by Mission~ Viejo High School's PTO. ·: · · · ·• · Service· organlzations of E1 Toro, LagUna Hills and f\Iissioq Viej~ are· cooperating to present the 'event which will include the Marine Corps Band from Camp Pendltton, a strolling ma°riachi band, guitarists, a bat~ tie Qf 'the bands, an, art gallery, game booths, a~bicycle parade, Mexic3n dinners and tveii a rodeo. The festival will be opened at nooa by a representa- tive o! the Consu! General for Los Angeles and will close at 9 p.m. when a· fireworks show liR:hts up the skies. ' · A Small Animal Compound where toddlus may be -·-· . left while their parents enjoy the fiesta will be· opera- ted by the Sing-Oyt Amigos. . Persons attending the fies.ta who are not w.ruig some ~tern of ·fiesta at.tire will be arres'ted by· Jerry Ognibene-or one of-his possee ·cselected members of Ki· wanis) and will haite to pay a fine ta get oqt:~f Jab. To help people avoi.d this humiliation, Rancho Viejo Woman's CJub w~ .have ~ Botique, ff!Qturing Mexican accessories gµaranteed to safeguard the wearer from · arrest. · · · Mission Viejo AssoC:iation of Artists and Craftsmen . will offer a booth for demonstrating ~cs and' col~ !age and also will set up a membership table. In addi-titm, artists· and artisans of South Orange County. hi.ve been. iljvitecl to display their work in an .art gallery sponsoled by the assoctatioo. Mexican dinners will·be·a er v e d in the cafeteria from noon to 6 p . .m. There also will be a snack bar m the cafeteria for Children wtio do 'tlOt wish to purchale a full meal. Tacos and burritos will be featured ih an QUtdoor snack bar: along with' cokes, coffee •. dessert, popcorn and cotton candy. · · · In between live. eotert{linmelit will be rOatured. on~ the outdoor st.age for ·15 minutes of ever}r llour. Per· formers will be Tim Morgan •. recordjng arti~t; Radine Hiers, a flamenco dance_r; Danny Zeff, guitarist; Yetta ''la Gitano," another fl3m.nco dancer', and a mariachi band from·. San Clemeqte which also will stroll among ~he crowds offering muSic throughout the af·ternoQn. Verg H"agopian \vi ll act as master of cerenionies The fiesta \Vill close with a show 0 i1J. the stadium for tiie BatUe'. of tlie 'Bkds ·which will introduce The from 7 to 9 p.m. Mission Yiejo High School band and Great Western Reclapiation, Dandelion Wines, The dri.ll · team \vUl lead a parade of decorated bicycles.. Profits and Three Years PB.st Jtidges \vii i be. Morgan ,· Prizes for the event will be furnished by Mission Viejo Activities Comm.iUee. . · Bobby Pinn, A KTBT disc jockey, and Keith Nelion, music director o! the high school. . · The Queen of CillcO de Mayo, cho!en by balloting Colorfuli game boolbs will be sponsored by. Ayudan· during the afternoon from among five finalists selected ..... by the higlr scliooi student ·body ancl presented by the !es, Auxili_ary of Children's ljome Socjety, ~ mCA 'Indian Homeowner•s-Ass'ociation, will reign over all commwr Guides, Mission Viejo·Bomectwner's A-Ssociation, Little · ·t ctiViti ·f · tbe · --• will be I ' League, Mission.Viejo .Jaycees, Mission Viejo"llooster· 1 Y ~c es or' corrung year -q1ilen o Club, DiablO Music Booiters, DeaJie Home , Woman's · next'year's fiesta.· · ' · . Club, YMCA Gray Y; Deane Men's Club, Mission Viejo Other show· features ,yiµ be a .performance .by the Swi'm Club, Lutlteran Men's Club Kiwanis"1>! Mi.<sion Marine 'Corps Barid; follow¢ by tlte Great WOl!etn Viejo, Linda Vista PTO, Gates PTO, La Paz PTO. Cub Rodeo ,. Inc. and the·fireworks display. The rodeo alld ~ut Pack· 602, Boy Scouts of America 602 and .the ~ireworks are planned and 'pres~ted ~y the ·Kiwatlis. .. : ·, _Music Spurs Progr.am . ' . ' . :On .Amsrican H.eri.tage · . ' ... . . Mwic will be included In a t>l'Ogram o~ Amerjcan Hetii;ige pjanDld -lor Palrence Wright Chapter, Daugbters'of the American R<voluil<in dtlrjn& a !uhcbeon meeting in the'Hotel·Lagima' at 12 :15 p.m. next Tuesday. ' ·' Mrl. Erwin. B. Marks, regent, will preside over the galjlering which will' intjude ;i., pl'1!1entation by Miss Elsie Luther, chapter music dlairmail, on rnualc.by American composers, · In addlllon, Mrs. Ne!Jon .Hui! of Montclair, state vice ·chairman in dlafie of American heritage, will speak to assembled members and guesta on",VbaUs'American ljeritage? . To round out 'the program, Witl\erspoon Concert Bep ·Ringers, a· group of, 14· senior <bigb school coeds attired in robes of red and gold, will play. sacre.;t', cl~1si~, popular ,and patriOtic music. , The .C~. who perform under auspices .of Community Presbyterian · Cburch'.Of .Laguna Beach under tli~ direction.of Mrs. Roll B~sset~ use ·ft · . Scl!ulmerich 'hand bells , an<! 62 Whitechapel ji:nglish band bells for tlielr presentations. . . . . . . .~'J'he art of .hand bell ringing originated in.EngJ3na centuries. ago,1• r~m~rked.Mrs. Fred Ros"s, fUbliclt~ 'ch8ir'n~ for the chai:>te.,. ' , , , · . . . She sald· !lie art .spreed •throug!lout !lie' contlruint al\(!· eyenttlalJY crossed the ·Atlantic Ocean to the· American colonies and ·added; "'In Boo-· ton, Paul Revere, as a young boy, was a nmnber of the Society of Hand , ·Ben run " ' ~en. . . . , . . ... ' The Wltlierspoon group, organi>:ed by.Mrs. Basset~ has. won rn.any natiOnal 'awards tor perform'!!"* ·and i.s planning to attend the Nat!Ol)ll Bell Festival toialce place in G!'llve City, Pa., next summer. • During •·bualness rpeetlng following the program. M'rs.'M&ib will repdrt on a Continental Coogress which attracted 2000 DAii\ . 4elegatet to Wubmgtort D.c: m Apnl. . • . . Hosi.e;,~~·will i~clude Iii;,/ Luther, Mrs. Charle6 D. Test,.and ~. Rowland A1 P-rieslng who is American heritage chairman for tlie, dll!Plef, • .T een :s Turn ~eaf Ear .to Ampli:f:i,ed W.a'r·ni:ng a·f ·specia·lists · I I • • ' ' • ~ ' • ' • ' • • ' I ' . . . .. . . , ' : I ' ~EAR ANN LANDJ;;RS : Last niglit 1111 l5i1'eit .. ld aranddaughter gave • party. Ther! were at least ~ t~us In tht house. They rollod back the.rugs, moved al(tht lt!mllure 0n'lhe por<!t 'ancl j>li]red mmic. for dariclng. I didn't aee any din-. , c:lna. jU!l some catatonic:, r.omble-1i.ke _,.....,,_ DEAi\' ANN LAND!ils.' My -·la • pall!I and ltU ~ doctorlnl to beat Iba ~ l!ld loob 40. Aller .Dod dlod l1IO 7-baitd: 111M•i hid X-r171, la ~Inc ·pilja ... --10 IO. wllh • divorced · mt seditlm and II on a aped al dltl. man J'lto ta,-flH.7eart her Jllllor. 'uer ·doct<ir· 't find __.,,.. _, Bmt 1a-. dllrmlllf, allergic to , <an , _,._,. -·.~ -·Hie. A•.,,... __ ... ap nlu!ile Ume wllcll ..,.. Iii ..,... ' . wfdi • potlat~ motion., and lol of juking and shakiag. are ignored; I think the kids 1tt actnatly What disturbed me more than anything deaf. My husbaod ..Ya, "There) nothing was the music;. Jt gave me a spUtUng , . hetdache. The kids these days insist on wrong with their hear1na. They hear turplng up the stereo amplifier as high as when they want to." · il will ao. It virtually assaults• the -Tell me, Ann, is Jt pouible that our eardrums. teenagers are becoroln1 hard ol hearing · 1..potice that o\lr teenage gralldchlldren1 because of the Joud mustc Ibey seem lo dp not hear their patenll wbezr' they idofi1..e? lf.ao, 1omeol>e attoukl ttll Ultm. speak In normal conversational tonls. -A'NTJQUE 'ADA · 1 Unless Instru ctions are screamed they DEAl\ ADA: SotMGnt llA.S told them. • wort In 1J17 fonn Ind, In 1111 opinion, n>t-. wllh herd llnow !lie II Ued up ·tn 1mota l<n .IO. the c:ore. _ : over her · li>ve a!lalr wblch ll~cotq · Elf sp<dalllia on i1eeP7 coocen>id llld I've -Barry around Imm d 'al . 1""1wtr<.· . !lave ulil to. It '-s btea ,...... llli lood ~•It tine 11ilferent chippies. Of. _.., · SjtoO)d I ma)<• 1J1 appointment to .,. .... lc.__.l<H .. ~-~~-, -"••• Ive never .-toned It to anr-> ~ ... •-~--· --• •• n him Iba I>aC•-·~ • .. -·-~ .. -a lll001IO .aco Mum and I ran Into.-.,. "'" ""'~ ~ -.... -~ -•lilt ,...,. .s...w ..,_.ti· and rlroltop, or llilauld·l IQ' THEY-bo!or.e lbequlta him ll1d , ... to another pemwtellt de-._ mldklw Into ua. IAtarlllJ.1 !'8'>1'1'llnl the car · doc;tor wbo rollhl take out.b<r 1all blad-~ave beon ..._ S.iato....,, kids, ..i · and8arry'1c1rildmn:plao. Noona'WU der!-WORRJEDQ~UGllTER twn • .,.. tk•vota.,. .. Qf 1• ltt•r mo hurl bol •MOl!l fell apar!•whon Iba taw , iDll:AII l>AUGRl'Ell1 II lt'astnmalf Mf lttert! I SA\' -TIJRN DOWN THE them ·(11att7. wu IUPllOled to be! ciat 'ol> , loelplll . II Illa pl!ylldaa . II .... -· VOLVME! 11' ! t ) t ' · town.•) ' , 1 ; • .... ...... ,..._•~''•••••I Since that.nipi Mmilh¥ bad sloitiach 'prM!et111. I oqplt tll1t you -Illa I ' I . . ~ ..... J ijoroscope Aries: Plan Vac;ation Now· r SATURDAY t111. Sl!ot clole to home b.,., _ M •Y,· 3 u pnctl<ol. Old« mctlvldu.I " _,.,. 1peclll coioldera· By SYDNEY . OMAllll tlon. l'nlJIOl'l&llt lodtvldual ta TEEN DATING .lllNl'I: ln~~zi.oct. 21): Prad!<al lokOI leolliod a4 Sbort jouriley could be .. SaplWtut 11 la· lllt 'P!l"IP!-agenda. Be IUl'O o1 dlroc1lom, Some brq, hit lAo 11 ttvtrtd tnatnictlons. RelaUve appU.(I wltll fOJ!'a_nCe. r ...... --to.be Jniiolved; Fiiie nJ&l!i tor avoid saying ma tUf II ac-re I a i:atlon, entertainment. tuaJJy the tru~ GOid bamor Leave details for · Another and a.Willlnpeu 1o.i.1GC1a-_ u .... Me win the tareb. Dlln• SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov.'ll): s1oa of vacadon equlpmeal A change could result in proo get,i the ball 'f'tWni. Gemini fit. You ·add to per&onal could feel tllat -die rtcbt per. posseafions. Vital day because 100 has be e • 4fleo'ttrecl. thOllght p r o c e s s e s art Capricorn may be atU)', '1at ci:ystJillzed. Day I e at u re a u evening Pf"Oll'Uffl, Jolat variety intensified relation1 in Uie fun. wlth-op°poalte sei. , ARmS (March 21·Aprll 11)> SAGITTABWS (Nov. it Vacation planiilng now 11 Dec. 21): Unique interests e 1 i e n t i a I . · l\eep com. dominate. Diaplay sense of •munlcation linda open EX· J~yalty . and humor. Cycle j • cellen' for rea'din!::M-lttng hlgh ; clramuitances tum In • and adverli•ina.' ian long· your favor. Take inlUaUve. Be Complef1'ng a·u-sin'ei• .. _B~l: .. :.re Ple.asure-ran•e campalt:• It with recepUve to unusuaJ propoul. , t1 .;.r9 . , • ' CAlRICORN (Dee. :!Wan. • · family mem r 'to keep ll): Altend charllable event Mr. and Mrs. Jolin.!!. Al)~ of lj~wporl .Beach and Orlando, !'Ja. are enjo)'l11g haiT~:?'us (Ap•ll·llJ.May 20): · Means cooperale In project a business trip.ii) 8811-Fwtcisto. Fro'm:the Bay Area they will return to Flonda Intrigu ing individual may be aimed at helping those leas for the press party of ·~,:new Walt, Disney W or 1 d near Orlando. The~ the after more than your charms. ·fortunate. Excellent evening Allens will~r8velio.·l!&Wail whe:e~V .~_$0,.have a home to celebrate the1: se- Know this. Protect .... 1.1. Be for theater party. Enjoy cond anniversary ~ay 31. ... Uen m·cllair·m6D of the board of Allen Contracting Co. responsible. Know that tomor·. yourself, but control im· in. Orlando. ... row you lace youl'lelt. Accepl aglnatlon. •--------•·-------'------------responsibility'. • A_QUARWS (Jan. 2G-Feb. ' . ,. ,. ' ·GEMINI (May ·ZJ..luae IJ): 18). Frlend,ly atmO!phere Important ph.,. ol lpeclal prevalll. Don t be carried relationship fi accented' ~ . any where upenditures are could be the be=-· or the concerned. Be g e n er o u • Peering Around .Mrs. Jon McKibben PAPERS EXCHANGED -"For ine1'' Criei Mn. LewiJ Mertz (rijlrt), nl!'\' Chalh!i8n of the Ne.wport ~CJi .. Chri•IWI Woman'• Club. Mn, BOb &mee, outgoing chalnnan, (left) de!lven lhe papero wlille'Mn. HarOld Welch, pbl>- -llclty advis.or · stands by tlD help. the new leader. - end Mature a· II a , without being extravagant. • . • . ·Piwant Ume Indicated tr necemty. Don t· llAY ~ recept!"" Friends pleo Seated President you don't mean, surprise • • a as C~CER (June Zhlu!y :l!l: PlSCEs (Feb 19-Morch 20)· · -k Adhere to resoluUona con-F1~1~1. wh t • 1 1: •••••••••-£ t • T · p t cerning moderaUon Not wl8e u~• 4 you 1 8 r • The Meaa Verde Country Satterthwaite, public.Uy. xecu 1ves . a e OS s to forget diet. Yoo' can have Procrastination could ... op.' . MRS. Al'i'!'liONY MOJSO of Club has.i>ffn selected for the Guests during the evenina . .......:".~ ,·~ fun ~t~out going to ~.ma. ru~~:~~tfi~lf-'••~ Beach won first-place dinner aruf Inst a 1,1 a ti on wlll lnc.lude Mrs. John Mignot, " , N'ew con~a~t tonight could pro-your capabilities. Stress ac-at Las~ Floristas celebrated c_eremonles honoring new of· coordinator, and Mrs. John At I '·t • I G th • ve bel1ef1c1a1. . c.ompllshment. ahntlal Floral Headdress :Ball . f1cers -of the. So.LI.th Coast ReitfunuUer, her assistant. nt IQ a er1ng LEO (July 23-Aug .. 22 ). IF TODAY ' IS YOUR modeling. 6-fool ·long lloral, Junior _Womons Club tomor-During the re<:ent Los Cer· Follow through on ~unch. You BffiTHDAY _ _ creation , , Mis 5 iss 1 pp i row. ritos District convent.ion Mrs. are able to perceive trends. . . you are versa ~ . ' ,, Following ·a 9oclal hour at McKibben was selected as ANN·E·TTE BROSTERHOUS Futur• Brid• Students To Marry Annette Brosterhous and Charles N. Egan Jr., who met while attending the Institute of European Studies in Vienna during their junior year, have become engaged. Parents of the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Brosterhous of Newport Beach and Mr. and h1rs. Charles N. Egan 0£ De Pere, Wls. Their wedding will take place in St. Joachlm's Catholic Church, Cosla Mesa. No date has been selected. Jhe bri4e-f:lect is an alumna of Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana and will graduate in June from Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles. She is majorlnl Jn history and will teach elementary education. Her fiance, a graduate of Abbot Peonilli! High School in Wiscomln, wUI graduate lo June from Holy Cross College, Worcelter, Mus,. and will at- tend law school in the fall. Old Home Selected .. Mr.1, ·Lewis Mertz, chalnnan, and other new of- lloero of Newport Beach Cbriltian Women'• Club wll1 lead the1r f1nt luncheon meeting at noon Tuelday, May 8, In the Newporter Inn. The program will include Fred and Jan Sanborn, singer and pianist, and a presentation of Sew It Yourself Fashions. New otflcers include the Mmes. Roy Parker. prayer advl.sor; Bob Barnes, project advisor; Haro 1 d Welch, publicl!y advisor, and Wllllam O'Brien, vice chairman. Other chainnen on the ex· ecutive committee are the J\fmea. Harold Fischer, special feature; Royal Grubb, music; Francia Willlam.s; telephone; Walter Burke,. host e 11 ; Lawrence Thielemeir. decota· tion: Richard Lusk, cor· responding and rec or d,i n .c secretary; James 'Counter,, treasurer, and Wayne Stan- field, financial secretary. Ticket1 are » and may be obtained by calling Mrs. Fischer, 982-1129 or Mr 1 . O'Brien, 5-45-3070. Women Talk In Golf Club Mrs. Barbara Whitmore will lead a meeting of S a n Clemente TOllitmlatress Club in the San Clemente Municipal Golf Club at 9 a.m. next Mon· day. Participants will include Mrs. Ida May Schomaker t who will gi ve a procedure in eauca. Uon; Mra. Betty Chapin, toastmistress, and M r s • Harold Morkham, speaker. Others will be the Mmes. Lllllan Kutkow1kl and Frances Irvin&, ~. and Harry Shall.I, lnsp~aUop. New Leaders Taking Seats For _Tour Insurance Women of Orange County will Jnslall officers . The Gamble House t n riu:l Wednesday at tt :30 p.m. Pasadena will be the desti.na· jn the Newporter Inn with the tioo next Wednesday for mfm-. lif~glows o f f e r i n g .en- bers o( UCI Town and Gown's lerta1~ent and dtince mus1c. Art lnterut Gtolip. Leadina the group will be Aller 1 iulded tour of the the Mmet. Malcolm LcLeod, Greene and Gretne designed · preoMettt; Alfred Bland, nrst home. which fJ an ewnple of vice ~re a·J dent: Htl~n Jn adaptation or the tradl· Wayl..S, treasurer: David tional American home to Had;y. recording secretary, calttomla tivlnJ. the group and Bernard Wllllaml, cor- will walk tllrough t be rOIPOOdint< aecretary. Miu nelghborllood lo see other ex-Millie Joy-b second vice pr,aal· am.p1es of early CaUfomla denRI. 1. ,A1.._ th architecture. eserva 1orqi, no &.mlCI an Reeerntlons m1y be mode nut M'!"daY, may be macle with Mn. W!Wam Ashcrol~ with Mn. V orooo TUTJ' al 180 E. Bay SI., Cotta MOIL 77Nll0. TlckeJ.t.,.. 1u:rand thOle at· Wldbtg lhould bring a box lunch. 1bo bul wW 1 .. ,. from the Irvine C.Ut Cowltry Club parklns lot at a a.m. The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' . . Panel Gathers Women'• Flllowoblp ol St. Andrew'• PmbyWiln Cllurch wW ol!tt ·• brllnch Wed· neaday, May 7, at 10 a.m. and a pone! entlllod •Partnlll d Amerfcan Women. ThOH who wish to take ad- va.ntage of DW'HfY facilities for their children may obtain ruervallonl by caWnc Mn. John caln, Mt-ml or Mrs. Loul1 Matteson, tJtl.1185. Personal magnetism soars hie, active and you are due ShowbOat. 6:30 p.m. and .dinner at 7.;30 .Clt1bwoman-0f.the·year. The You cOuld be the life o{ anY for domestic. adjustment or The hou.r-long t e 1ev 1 s e d p.m., Mrs. Jon McKibben will club also received the art Ut.1. 1 chan~e of residence. presentation of IO members 'd 1 b 1 1 t h d lint ~ .... ..!:.AM~1.·1 izey sense b"lo To '•!Id out Wl!O's lvckv for vou '" modeling gigantic floral head· be installed "as pres1 en y perpe ua rop y an a IUIUWUi<111·••ulp. OU are a I. ::ei:,,•'!';'s=~~ orn~,sv~~v,.8:;i·~~ dresses attracted more than Mrs. Frank Farris. place in international attain: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Watmn.' send bll'fl'ldete end 50 ce~ts """' members ••d gues•· to the Others taking office include secorid awards in press, safety A~ b · ib"' fo OrnBrr Allni~ Secrrls, ffl• DAILY. ;NI} ....,, ~ be ~. d th d th" d I In '"""~ on me respons 111-PILOT, BOJ< ue, Gr•nd centr11 s11· Century Plaza Hotel the Mmes. Ro rt Mal""'n, an you , an a 1r Pace MRS. RAY E. WILLIAMS Double Ring Cer1mony Baptist Rites Link Mesans Bouquets of white gladioli, bride'• twin .sjster, ware n:me lltock, .dal.5lea and chrysan· green 1llk shantuna gown and Lhemum1 adorned the First carried yellow daieles for her Southe1'.l1 Baptist Churbh of role as brldesmaJd. Lori Dee Costa. Mesa when Patsy Ann Stovall, in a yellow froclt, Adamson became tbe bride or served her aunt as Cower p-1. Ray Edward. Willi-. Attending h11 brotl!er at The Rev. Howard Williams. best man was John Williams, performed the double ring while ushering guests to their nuptials for the daughter or . seats were Terry and Ricbanl Mrs • .Edna Adamaon ol Coita . Williama, other brotben, and M•• and Davkl A. Adam!IOl1 ring belrtt' w• Ke a r J cl salt\ Lalre City mid the eon Adamsori, the bride's nephew. of Mr. and Mrs. Raymoad I. A rec.ptlon lolJ.,.ed in the Wllliaml, also of Costa Mesa. . oourch. A..-g -.. Miss 'llio bride,... gtvetr ln mar-Mil')' W 1111am1, the rt ... by her -law, brld._,, lltter, Mr1. Air Force Capt. James J. Toll)7 AcaJa d c..ta Mt1a and Sloval!. Sbe wore a silk Jtnm Mrr. David Ad&DllOll, tbe gown featurmg a cascade of brtd\). ~w. l'llllleo In the back which Sp<!t!lal guw ...,. Mn. fonnld a train. Her shouldtr Lucy WllH11111 d Baldwin length vtll'iru held by a lloral Pork and Gecrp Parker of shaped headpiece, and fann. V"1o, the b r l de Ir o o m ' s Ina ~« Cdeade bouquet """ 'l!l'andparenl.t and Miu Gail dalalts, p .om p o n dlrylan· Sommer of San Francllco. tllemwns and a white orchid. Alter boneymoonlnf In Sall .::: :~ tbeilt=:: :=. ciz· ~~~ ~ _. a yellow allt · shantung brldt II a rrociuMo d l!:otan- ,.... and -~ -al ela lllib School anil her bu,. bouquel d -·· band Is an ablnum d c..ta Mn. BUI LouahaY, the M• Hip Sdloot 1 • tlOfl, ~•w York, N.Y, 10011. ' dean of chainnen and pro-mental health. Countian Receives • Post at Conclave . Mrs. Robert Schuh of Santa Ana will be installed as presi· dent of the Worpen's Aui:- illary, Sou t be r n California Dental A!soclatlon, during its 31st annual meeting nert Mon· day. A morning business session and couture fashion luncheon are on the drawing board for the event which will attract · wives of dentists f r o m Bakersfield to San Diego to the International Hotel, Los Angeles. Mrs. Roland Adams of Bakersfield, dental h e a I t h education chairman, said the day would include a d1scU5aion of fiUoridat1on and each ·coun- ty would be repre.sented in an exhlbit of statewide educa .. tional projects. Mrs. Leonard Laudeobaek of Newport Beach t1" reservations chairman for Orange County. South Coast ana women at.- tending as delegates wUI be the Mmes. Thomas R a y PRESIDEN.T·ELECT Mrs. Robert Sch11h "' Davies of Newpcirt Beach, Robert G. Engman of Costa :r.tesa and John Forte and C. 0 . Gruber of Huntington Beach. Ramona Pageant Lures Xi Mu -Mu Members The Romona Pageant ln Hemet wiU attract members .d the XI Mu Mu Chapter, Befa Sigma P~l. Mn. George Burgess has arranaed the cultural outing which will take place tomor· row. The chapter plans a pro- gram Of thb1 type each year. On Monday, May 12, the chapter will celebrate its fourth arutiversary. Following cocktaUa af\!f dinner. new or. lice.rs will bt installed. Serving during the coming year )\'ill be the Mmes. Bura:ess, president; Milton Lomu and Ted Bennetts, vice • pre.idents; William 'Potter, recording secretary, IDd Gib Lynch, treasurer. Mrs. Phylil!ls Smith, In· !ltalllng officer and sponsor, will be honored. · Secret sisters will be reveal- ed and new names drawn by members. During a recent Ex· amplsr ritual, Mrs. Andrew Nyhius and Mrs. Larry Zuruba received degrees !rom Mrs . ~eMetts and were honored during the tea which followed . Mrs. Gerald Rusk was in charge of Lhe ceremony taking place in the G~en Prove h!me ol Mrs. Stuart lla)'Wr. Husbands In Limelight Husbands will be lovitedi to · Morris, prua chairman. dinner followtna t he in·. stallatlon of neW officers ol Seal Beach Junior Woman's Club taking place Saturday, Moy 10, In tile Ctplaln'• Inn, i:ona Beoch. Mn. Steidley, wllo blil IOtv• ed her club as vice preolden~ membership, education and Americanism chairman:-also wu named Woman-of-Ole-year in 1986. She has two children .. ls ac· Uve In PT A and was co- ch1lnnan of mothers for the clty'1 ptay group, She also wu grams; Carl Cleary, ways and They al50 received third means; George O'Hare, place recognition in th~ philanthropy, and Dick Trod· Josephine Seaman award. dick, membership. and feder~ tion vice~. CM Overeaters ' Others are the Mmes. Frank ~k. recording secretary; lf•ul M o c k • 'corresponding s&retary; Paul Johnson, treaS11ter ; Maurice Donahue, parliamentarian, and Lloyd . -. Overeate~ A n o n y i:n o u Ii gather every Wedn~; at 8 p.m. in Bear Street School, Costa Mesa. THE Pllt,ECT GlfT 'OR MOTHERS HER VERY OWN SPECIAL ·~RING -Grandmothers tool . . NO WAITING-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A 1peclol gift for a most -l•f -· EKh buutlfully cut stont represents • member of her famlly. Gractfully desil!*I in puTt lOK &Old f.Jorlntlnt. • A PENNEY'S EXCLUSIV£1 ' A LOVING TRllUTE TO MOJHER A buutifut dedlCltlon to tflcm • elttrWled of all I ~-d "' o..t~ ... -I>uutllvl~.,, tht• flno -lit! tlM -"'" " cllt~lllld "' Ill ... nctfYI ft. hrfttt for hllftCI Absolutely no cost to you wh~n you purchase any of Penneys special Rings for MotheBI •hlll hdllftt • QllU..tsc •t.. ......... tlllllt llb• -•• ~. CHAltGf IT AT YOUR PIHNl'l'S PINf JEWll.ltY DIP AltT MINT • serving .. president for the new year Wlll be Mn. Joyce Steidley, and ahe will be Ul~ted by the Mmeo. Jerry Rochle, Ronald Jmoer and David SI-· vice preoldeota; Carl Irwin, ...,..1ary; fionald Puente, treasurer, and T~ named one of &he 0Ut1t1ndin1 Women ln Amulca, 1967. lall'--------.-,"'.·-,,-•• ----,.,-,.--.-,---.r-,1-.--1 I I mtl nd I b Or•l!Hf•lr'(~flt ,.,,. . ....... . .. CM ldd U0n lo bet a 1 a C U M•ft,o, '' Mui\11 ..... Cf!lfW 11••11*1 llltrwf work. she SlUI flnds U!be for ru9Lt:'r'rl: .. ~D: ;!tv. ,.11e~C:i'r ~- tennis and •wtm.mlnl· I -------------- • • • I I I: • ' • • • • ,. . ' "· NeWpori Darho~· VOL. 62, NO. '105, 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, t:AQFORNIA ·FRIDAY, t-IAY 2, '1969 . TEN cer-rrs • . . . ' . Ra·ce in Confus·ion ' . -.. Ensenada teaders--T-ou-gh-to Spot , By ALMON LOCKABEY DAILY ,ILDT iUetill• 1•119r ABOARD MOTOR VES SEL ·W~ ARO -With the lead boats - lbe &tamarana -expected to cross the finish line around noon today, all was still confusion in the Nelrport to Ensenada yacht race early tbY: morning. The fleet is IO acaltered that it W8' im- possible to identify U'!e leaders, but the bulk of tbe boats apPeared to be ·1ur· .. rounding the Coropadoe talandJ. while the third was wlldenWied. , Th\ Westward passed the 46-foot Many of the yacllt> in the S!a boat fleet catamaran Aikane, lkJppered by Kenneth were spotted seeking better winds 25 Murphey, oU Point Descanso and •t miles off shore. A group of boats, idet:i- about 7::.> a.m. she appeared to be the Wied as Colwnbia 50s, were oU the lead yacht. Coronldoa Dying spinnaters. ' Three other bOal! were slgh\ed off Read winds south of tbe CoronadM had Point ~alcipudes at a:U 1.m; One was diminished by ' this m9ming and the Wild Wind, an unofficial entry in ' the weather appeirs to be clearing, with Ugh~ ract; another was Jim Arne 11' wlnda, tor the run to E~ada duri.D&.the Seasmoke, skippered by Brian Wakt, • day. . . Newport Not Fretting i:t * * Doctor Dies Riv~r :freeway May . Cut Mesa By JERot!E F. COLLINS ' Of .. Dtli., Plltt Staff Tbe Harboti" :Area has another freeway problem. But this tJR)e, Costa Mesa l! fretting 'about jt more than Newj)ort Beach is. The phiblem is the Orange-Freeway. Costa Mesa is worried be<:aUSe current state plans place the route in a corridor along the Santa Ana River. Division of Highways engineers haven't yet decided which side of the river it should go on. If it ends up .in the east side, it would 'vipe out a good portion of the Mesa Verde Country• Club, as well as Costa WIT ....... STRICKEN IN SACRAMENTO St•t• Secret•ry Jord.n State Secretary Suffers Stroke ,SACRAMENTO (AP) -Secretary of state Frank M. Jordan suffered a stroke and is in s'!ious condi.Uon todaJ at Mercy General Hospital, a sopteaman reported. "It's aHecttd bls right side and .his speech," said Bert Clinbton, deputy ...,,..1ary of tlate. Jonlm, •, has served ss SecrNry al slate since lta. He WU oilm!Ued lo the holplW Thurs- day nilfrt. Al that time, a hoe:plt.a:I official said <l\Jy that Jordan was in fair can. dillon, WU suffering from fstigue and -beinf hospital'1ed for ol>oervllloll. Car Destroyed ' - In Crash Flames A Corona del M&rlnan's car was com· pletely destroyed by fire Jnd he and two others injured ntunday night in a two- car crash at UniversJty and Culver drives in. University Park. Cali fornia Highway Patrol offictn said \VUliam Treadway, 59, of 1100.Goldenrod Avt., was driving west on UnivenitJ and collided with a car drlvm 90Uth on CnJver by Robert Ingram. 17, ol 182 11 Bayberry Way, UzUvtralty Park. The M,000 Treadway .car burst lnto names and WU destroyed, the Orange County Fire ~partment reported. ~ dway, lngram and Jn grsm 's Mesa's dreams of a Keys M.:rina alongside the river downstream. Newport Beach city officials don't care much about the issue. ln fact, ~ccording to Councilman Paul J. Gruber, the city m,ight even have a slight preference for an alignment east Of the river. Division of Highways officials said to- day the purpose of the freeway ls to link the Garden Grove-Santa Ana Freeway complex in Orange With the adopted alignment of the Pacific Coast Freeway, State engineen are seekfng the counsel af both Harbor Area cities on the routing question. "I don 't think we'll take any position on this, one way or the other,'~ said Gruber, who is a member of bls city council'• l~ay ~. "But ii does le<I'\ alnlolt ID imlJQll!Mlllt i. l'Oll\O ~ west jll the riVer: 1be saDluttoo distdcta' treat· -I plant aJ!i1 • .. hllf· outflll' they're buH~ o1' the 1I1011t11 'it the river would be st.anding in fhe way." He said it's Jikely Newport will stand aside from I.he l!sue and Jet the Hi&hw11iy CommiSsion settle it. Costa Mesa, by cOnirut. ls golng.~o get "deeply involved ln the :decl;don-making, said Costa Mesa. City ,Manqer Arthur Mc;Kepz.ie. · "We'll have study groups working with the City of Santa · Ana, Orange County government and major owners . of land this side of the river:,'' l'le said .. "We've asked the state to sit ln with us oo these discussions." ' . f\tclCA:nzie. indicated no official position v;ill be taken bf hil city •for ,a<me time. ';,It's not ID eu)' tldbc to dedde," he said. "W.e can app1tciltt the sewage plant and autlallr·p-west of Ibo r1 .. r, but ... h!ri ,to -der what will hippeh to thi Pit -.ud the Keya -ii thot -jells." . Meanwhl\e. dties west al the river - F<IWltaiJI Valley and Huntington Beach - are doing their IJ:esl to shove the align· men! '"' the Costa Mesa·Newporl aide. Huntington Beach. councilmen have asked their resid;nb to "start protestillg early.'" And Fountain Valley leaden ssy tho! II thelrOl'Mp Fneway lllllSt wind up ·.n the aide of the river, they want it term.luted at the San Diego Freeway. in- mad of·at the Coast Fr<eway .• Costa M ... 's MclCem!e said be and his • otaff will also be coosiderillg thot P"'Slbillty' , "Perhaps," he suggested, "the best idea might be to route the thlllg r!ihl. over tbe river." -· , lie "said be wun't entire!~· kidding. Newport Youths Find Lagunan' s Checks in Bay A ·Lq\Jna Beach Uqyor ttore owner fo. dB¥ is hspptly cleaninC tile cotch ;nap by three lS.yur<>ld Newpdrt Beach boya fis1>Jn1 in Newport 11ay 1ast SundB¥. Jolm Barau, of JU S11n1<t Terrace, owner of~ Rftl l.lqaor SIAfe, tto Cleft. neyre Sl, &~back cheeks warth ll,U7. /ft bank ssei conlainina the 'oU1 checks, ta1t .. in a wttkmd hm11ar7 at the store. WU mqged SundllJ' by Mark Rilllinloo. of • Cln:le criva, 14 tho Boy1hnl ~. ' • Beliivinl the c~ to be old and worthless, Mart left them in hla ·saraae, where his motHr • fOtmd them-· while cieanin1 and turned the loot ovu to detectives. Competing In 17th Race . A prominent Pomona surgeon com· ,-peting in ~ 17th Ensenada y1dlt race died of an apparent heart attack Thurs- day night aboard his 29-foot sloop ''Elena''. Dr. Edward Proctor, n, a surgeon In Pomona for 26 years, was atrlck!n as his slciop neared Dana, Point. Other competing boats pulled along side to render aid and radio for Coast Guard help. Sources said the surgeon 's crew was composed · of two other phyaicil~ He was declared dead befo're rescue cralt arrived, Harbor Department aide.s said. The sloop orig~y wu to have put in at Dana Harbor, but-it returned with the body to Newport Beach, iNtead. Dr, , ~ m., '. member a( Yoyag<rJ ·Yaclil .,... • . , 'J'» bodyWUmDOYaof'follalll·c..i· de! Mar Mortuary. . . PILQT SIGNS IN WITH RA.CE DATA Direct radiophone reporla fronl Almon Lockabey, ·DAILY PILOT boating editor, will be broadcast as received (ap- prorlmatety every two hours) throughout lbe Newport Be@_c.h-Ensenada yacht race on XOCM (103.1 FM). The radio Ration sips on at I a.m. and sip off at 2 1.m. City to Light Up Irvine Avenue Irvine Avenue alongajde Mariners Park will soon be ill lit up. The .City ol Newport Beach intends to Install five atreet lights, at a cost of $6,000, on Irvine from-.Marinen Drl•e to Dover Drive in .fuly. ' Publle Works Dirodor Joseph · T. Devlin said the llghtJng 1Yst.m will also allow the Newpori-M ... tchool diatrid to lnatall street ligbts· later on Irvine Avenue adjacent to Newpcrt Harbor Hi1h School. . The Irvine Company. also plon1 to In· stall light> adjo:t:S apartment. com· pl .. north o1 W Plau. I St.elc 111~ NEw YORK (AP) -'ilie otock mart.I c!...i wlih a tolld rain ltJd&Y aa it rallied f<nrard all<r a -lor c:oaoolldalloo. (See quotatiooa, p-10.11), • SPECTATORS, BOATS MINGLE NEAR NEWPORT MARBOR ENTRANCE AT ENS!FNADA RACE STAR'!'. Confvaion Reigns •t Both Enda of Y1chtint Ev•'!' •• ~1t1 kli.lhr_._ · ltl.eet in lungle . ' Breakthrough in Talks Po~sible as Reds Convene Market · Climbs • Again; 33 Poinf,$·_ GQined in Week NEW YORK ·(AP)'-The stock market chatged back Friday with a stz:ona a& vance after pausing to catch lta breaUI PARIS (UPI) -A Jllll&le Viet Cong Uoo·F,,,.t,(NLF) deioptiaa iJ>Puis'. ' !romone ~thehtga,ut~ina-,.ar. meeting, • ~oocow con!.....,,.. involvlnc l\IJC. llinh'1 tr~, a .,..rerence -·· 1'be mllrket ·!>O!'t.d bj& Cains 'l)ltHa:r' a Nori~ V~.. ~.J!. 51'»· th• key North Vi~-and !Vedwc!B¥ malnjy m-r!alnl '-olf return .to Sa)aoo ol p;uth ~ 111d Soviellea<kn·and tbe !"'I-• , mI ~ b Vllllnlm' police talb ~ ........ 111 at.vJ ...-::Z:-.~t'rs~i:~· ·'wllicboo!ar\l''"nolbotnbon!" .ui.u ~" . T ' . · ' ilptlmism thot tlla.p may be rii,oving. ae!ilie4 down T!mndiy and stut.d elf al ~"#·........., .ui V'iet ·Conl LeD;cTho'-lnMocs>•ln-~an..,Dopace~.. of IO 1 leaders,,,.-P*IP!i a tho-i'">I' .. <il ~,,.,,!'lflil ,aft«;,lt .,.u;.-,'!'-1' .,· '" .... !vera1e .. SoUilt'VI..,_m to hMr a, repcilt on Iha silltat!on lo Hanoi, ' • ' • . ' .._ a Pin GI 3.111 polnb al talks by l.frl; Niu!'<ft 111!-Binh, a second-LMn, SaiiJGll!I chief delopie, ldl Pads D001t .Pd then e_.i.d lt to 7'16 poinll ranking member or tM National Libera-unexpectedl7 '11lundiy for Saigon· to at t57.17, a new 198'9 high, by the close. repoft to. Pn*Jent Nsuyen Van· Thie•. ·n.e lveraae h&d jumped 18.08 points ~ He waa to return in Ume for ne1& • · ...__-~ ,;,, nd dl--' Girl, 18, Tells · 'l'blJfidjy's 11th ..,olillinC'.-1on. . W!'jnesday mN ··~ Tuesday.a """" D!plomiob· connected Lani's , 'trip• to 0,111 Tb)lrsday. Tho -for the week w~ Saigon witli the NLF'I lonllal statement 33.17 pqinl6. , We<IJi.<aday ~g 'tiit NLF waa ieOdy;to Broken Aid the under)Yl~ICrength olf ' . . ' Of Kidnaping ta.Iii with "the' ofher parties" ln an-effOrt the-mitket· as demonstrated' earlier ht 1et the talks moving. the week had surfaced ' after a pauJe. i At Kn if epoint Lam's trip apR8:UnUy wu connected Trading volume on the New York Stoc~ with the direct SoUth Viotn'am·Vlet Cong Eschange slipped to 13.07 ml1lion lhario A young Cresiline hQ\,lSf.wife Thursday talks which Thieu proposed more thin a lrom 14.38 million Thursday. It hit a Vet'Y, • month a10• • high 19.35 ~Ilion shares,Wednesda)'. . told Newport Beach· police of. beina: forced · Even bef<re Lam left, hopea ot a po5Si-Of 1,584 1SSUe1 µ-aded.oa the New YorJC tor drive at tnifepoint around the Harbor hie br.eaMbrough in the confer~ were ucbaage, TlO advanced and 559 declloed. Area by a slight _man who robbed her spurred by news that Tho wu on h1a way before jumping from her car. back to PariJ from Hanoi. Coleeil Goines, 18, said the incident oc· AU_led diplomata Healled tPa1 two curred late. Wednesday Dig}lt, officers previous trips 1Tbo made to. Hln:O' hid said. pre<eded majol-devtlopmenta ID . the Mrs. Gomes said the man, in his mid "'"'PUCC talks. Tho ls the seventh-ranked 30s juinped into her car at Seash<lre member of the North Vletnamete pollt· Drive and .Orange Avenue ,and said he buro ~ 1peciaJ,COW1Rlqr to·1tbe Hanoi wanted a ride LO 35lh Street. · fJete1atM!O to Paris.· · · . Shortly afterwards he drew a smal1 · Mrs. Blnh left Paris .April It and VJet pocket ItnJte, held It to the woman's ribs Cong spokesmen only reluctan&ly con. and grabbed her hair with his other band, flrmt;d she was &one •. · offlCers said. . . Allied observers 1a1d · they were in· Mn. GOmes told Investigators the tri~ at ~ Ume of her qeparture but suspect forced hl!r to drive to Balboa aa1d lhe NLF s confinnaUon ~t ahe wu Peninsula, then to Costa Mesa. going into the jungles for a meeting with He then ordered h~~ to drive back to the guerrUlaJ with whom she once fought Newport Beach and at N e w p o r t emphasized the importance of her Boulevard and Hospital Road he took f3 mission. In cash and fled. Mn. Games then sped to a service staUon where sM called police. Offlcer1 said ahe told them the man mentklned having been recenUy released from a year in jail and that he wu "in lnluble." Pope Paul to Travel VATICAN CITY (UPI) -Pope Paul VI will make his announced trip to Geneva, Swit.zerland, June 10, ~ Vatlcao said to- day. 80 Entries Set I For 'Art Exhibit Newport Beach's first clUz.en art 11iow, will bave IO ~ oo view from nom until 5 p.m. Sunday on the lawn in fl"Ollt of City Hail. Spomored by the City Arts Committee, the entries ol re!li.den~ 18 arid over'wlU be by both amateur and professional ac- cording to Cynthia Phillipa, puiiliclt~ chairman. "Refreshment> will be· sentd ~C the show hours,'' Mn. Phillipe said. "Prices wW be posted oo the pk:tures for purchase." , Judging will be on S:llurday with the 311 winners' pictures on display In the City .Ball during May and June. · Priies will be awarded from •10 up, ac- cording to the clW.nn1n. Police Hit "Me.saPot: Farm. I $2,000 in Smugg'led, iimhisk Oonfi$cated: ~n. ,Riwl. · .. '. , I j " L.<o.l." • 87 ARTllUll ft. VIND:L tocal police hOlds were a11o placed lli>ll[lf; lwo "'I'!!"" plpei ;;~,-.,,.. "'!"--4l1'.tha WlllDJ>l!>Jtd car w~ I~ pn11• and adroe,IYl'iic• -also lal<Oa•rr.m. Smuggled huhiatl wmh tl,000 -ecutlon .a clilrpo... or -""' o\ Fon)'lhe's room, Kutcb .-ied. . mailed f'l""1 Paris -and a miniature ._..,. drup, coltivatlon of marl' Details 1t9cUnc to 'tho probe wm DOI' muijuana farm. were aUq.dl7 ae!zed ju.ana and ._...1on o1 nar<Olk:s para-rel··~ but the ""'Ice credited a ~-• Thuraday whtn federal agents and phOrna!is, • -. rr """'"' Costa llelo police arrestea a -in a A federal oearch ."'.srrant wlli isaued "'Jld'loor at the branch·paat o111ot al raid on his Mesa Venle atta home. prior to authoittlts' visit to II)' Forsythe 1SIO W. Ad_ama ·Ava., with btlplns in tho A quantity ol pllb believed to be UiD, borne 'l'buradaJI. · ,.,., • . enil'll """"Its and Kool Aid oowde< S.vtn OUDC<S al hssh!sh were fCIWl!I lavesilnloil cbarfe the ~ In' ~ uoed to cut the cirua fat ssie hidden 'in Fonyt.be'a back yard, accord-wived .wli lnaned· to Fonytlio -or Individual comuooptloa were allo In& to~•• Kllich, .of the vies iiid1 Paris and "'1dentl1 delivend two daya found, a1.., with other porapbtnlalla, lnte!Dpnio,dataU, and tal<eo '7 cu>-..._, ~to·wlll!td npoita:o1 Illa Investigators claimed. · toml · qonta fa< uae lo ledorat prooe<U· .-: -. --· '- V!ctor-C. Fonytll .. Ill, a( Im Molobl Uon. I .. • . 1 • ". .' , Haohllh , II, .. rollnlll , AP .J the Drive wu char'°"' will> riolatlGn of ; · VIOe and im.n;pa detail Sit. Jack marijuana plant talton by aqueniiic the' ledertl smogliria li'!I and acboclilitd Ci1m1 aal<Mod1t .thi! dal1<, gtjcky ""11· ll!oAG!-, "'.. ~ ~ .lllqll for -.rral,.uneut todlll' befcn a U.S. pound it olf hill! ll'ade and was ,,-Jy· ....,°"llt1 ~ ·in lht · ,llidCflt' .............. ,,Il r,,U:ff, !Oolin& I.I-.. 'c6lftle. ID mew~. forpt 11C 'J'b81'~ end llbal(U ..,, llll9'111i' ... olf tho week":wtflr Cloudy ltiM1r"81~1nooa and ~ ln the m!ddla I0'1 ,atone the Orlilp Coaat. INSIDE TOD.t.Y ~ ger, KcUy Qoyle, 17, of 43M wOQd WllJ', University Park. all •uf· .ltred minor lnjuri~, the CHP said. Cause ol the fiery cr11sh is under in· restlgalion. Police probing the boa&Jary which netted ~ In bUb .. well u the ~ks •• , they ...,. not cuhsble a~ .... partntly weighted and thrown out 75 feet inl-0 the bay to dbpose ol t v!dence. commissiooer in Santa Aas. malled from l'arit a1tB be!nc llllUllled Safi couatr~ ' • , Detective Norm Kutch said Fonythe'• ln from 'lllr.l<tr. , • Besides tlie" tqop federal 1n11ulia« amllt cl!mued a two-day in..,Ugsllon Three contafnm ol IOll marijuana ~P Fonyti!e ·faceo and Ibo o!lil of. ttrulting h'9m lnfonn1Uon by U.S. POllt 1t!tdl 1pl'Olltlnf on water-covtm twue Lenses· on -whfch he may be p.'OSOCUttd, Olfice aulhOrilies at a branch •a few ~"r f9r transplantl:nJ: later: 23 alltged Detective Kut.ch -uld the suspect his blocks from the Foraythe homo. LSD tableta: II -iblo bWedrlbe ,..,. addi!!ooal tloublt. . • I' 1 r i . • .1 " I , • • • . 2 D"1LV PILOT • • ' . • N . PILOT I ' • -. • ' Co11tt ·Bid By~ewp.ort Challenged ·cautic)~s ·Pay Talk·s. . -.... . LOGBOOK Once-coun~~an Cook Loses 'Battle of Bulge' Harb'!r. Teacher.~ Now ~argain in Secret . .. . -.... 117 ~ FORTUNE Of ... °"" ..... , '''" "fooey Ibey couldo't tall< aboul Whal was left IO do wu for both sides association, replied that a dllfer~ated to make points for future clolicl aessJoril. stalfin& plan now in the works, with Board :President James :'Bill" Peyton superior 1.eachera given ;realer duty and said, 0 Board members ·ftavt to be cognlzanf ol how mucb lll(ea an gdng 11<1ter pay, may be theevenlull IDSWtr. up eompared to inqlro~ 1cboo1 "But," be said, ""'e can't atop and wait servkes."\-I· thiilk teacberi: sometnnes~Uie for this. We bave·our families· to fetd and ., TllOMAI MtJRPllllll Characterized as a glmmlcklesa, ti mllllon bonus bargain over the closest C'1ftpeUllon, a Coetl Mesa municipal court and library lite oiler la being studied by the County Board ol Supervlaon today. So wftb an ·~ai.d agendl before them Newport.Meu 1<hool teachen and achciol board members traded con'I· pliments, staked a few clah?ta ol hardship, Ind declared it a profitable two-llour _. ... 11ight of this." children to put through colleae." ' , COOntered Dick Watts for the teacher•, Most of .the time those on ei~ ~e .,,.. teacher-today la llvtni -.. We were. compllmentlry. , • Of .. ..., .......... AB, POLl'rlCl,. DBPT. -N...,.,,i Beach dty .....,,.,...t -le have Juli--tllrw(i> !bet. locallaeil-rllual which aon· ol doa oervtee to tile u..i.,. ........ vote''.JdeoloC)' .,_down ln>m hllbfr placeo. TbeJ have reo!wliled city couodl dlltrlcW ~--IFar·......n-eJectl<lo,,...,.....-Newport·ll dlvlded-,ip Into NVea -lltUIC- Oot muneJJrnan mu.t live In eacb ol Jbeoo dlltllda. ni. City Chartor demandl Iha~ from time to time, tile couodl mull lltud1 objectively various dillrlcl lloel ucJ p<rllapa.,.i>Jll them lbooJI I bl~ ~t With nd&h- borbood lnlelrtty IDCI oilier llC!onl thaJ ,....Id keep lhe i:ommunlty In bal...,.i reix-t1Uon. 'l1le preaentatlon offered jolnUy Jhia week by the cJly aod the !ind· ARrJcultural Dlllrict Amteuon would glve lbe couaj)'. ~t-~corner of Oraq:e County Fairgrounds land, with an opUon. on five acres more. ll&rplnlng over le!lcber 111ar1.. fof n~.Year. now ,will resume in secret. . Under a new law, school boards may do their salary negotiation in i)n'vate and ~t is the way the Newport·Meaa board -bu-chosen-to do -it. ------- In 1n opeo meeilng atteoded by IO teachers and principals Tuesday nlgtrt bargaining spokesmen purposely skirted around revea.llng anything be i n g negotiated. hive kept up with contiaPouS innoVaUona. Watts said of the board, "In the put The cost of livinJ ~ tone up -too. My we feel yolt haVe gone past the JeU.er of wife informs ~e of thi~ every night when the Jaw (in bargaining) to the 11pirlt (If I go home." the law." Jn another exchange, Peyton Com-Said board member Selim "Bud"' mtnted-on-an---apparent-amblpK,y-1n-Ftanldin~~-- what teachtra want. " .. "My children. have had 18 teachers. "We can't continue to r1tae the wbote Nine have ·beftl: excellent, three v,ry salary schedule ahd then tack M moniy good, onl,y four I would consider below for superior teachers too," ht said. that, and two are no lqer in the Ray Snyder, pr.,.ldenl of l!ie tel<ber'1 district. I'm very pleaild." Durlni IUCh delfber1~ coundlmen ol coune never conatder bloc vollng ob'qlhs, pollUcaJ uplraU0111, or who mJPI live oa -I aide of what u.,e, or lll,)'lblng. like thal . EarlllJ IDCI <rUI • polJUcal c:orlllderaUODI 1tt bo- yoad the Ollrta"1 mandltl IO the coundl naturally k«pa Ill dellberaUoal m cllllrict• Jlnl chance. oo 1 Iv hllber plane. Orange County Fair Board Prelldent Cecil J. Marks and Coetl Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley appeared before supervisors Tuesday to ouUine the offer, thought lo be olJ'onger than I Newport Beach bid. Supervisor Alton E. Allen fin.Uy moved to have the offer referTed to the county's Real ProperUes Services Department for the compariaon with the Newport Btacb bid and a report Jn three weeu. Newport Kids Gat·her 2 Coke. Executive's Funeral Service Slated Saturday ' * The Filth District supervisor mad~ a point of having the court lite offers con- lldered togelher and uked that be and hll coUeagues get the reports one week Wins in 'Mother' Contest II II true that If you obould cl...ty uamlne dlllrl<I lloel, you ·mllhl come upon 1 pecuUar Utile bulp In Dlllrlcl I jult below Plclllc Colli lli&h- '11'13 11 lrvtne Tm1<e. 'l'he llulf• 1eem1 to wt of Jul out Into the notural -coon.... ol Dlllrlcl •. . . -.u·-tlme;-the·Bulp·ud·all ol Dlllrlcl I ...,..·prealded over by lorm- f!r councUman. Dee Cook, who just lilppem to ll\'e wltbln that Bulge, at 11S07 Boonie Doane 'J'errace. A few years back, when the coundl. weot 1t Its job ol reshul!Un1. dls- lrlcl lloel, I citizen&' cominlttee .... oppointod lo aid In llJ 1!>11 hudy re- lbaplng. . . Committee recoma('endaU0111, 1man1 other lhlnp, aolemn!y auggealb! that lrvtne Terrace be moved out of District 5, wb:lch, quite by aeddent you understand, would bave made Mr. Cook lneUglbJ~ to 1etk re-election. * o sa that k ICreamed )Oil over the would be under· stating his position. As a matter of fact, he allqed the whole line reshuffling was a cal· culated plot - a gerrymander -aimed at snookering him out of his council· manic ·1eal '----• To which the chalrman of the reshuffling committee, one J. Leslie Stef· femen . could Ollly ~ 1t queaUonlng reportcra. In wl4,M)'ed and ~I . dlsbellef. · • ;;;,- Cook, however. -prevaJled to the degree that the Bu1ge was cruted...ln District 5, thus keeping bll homestead and all of Irvine Terrace salely within Illa pollUCal jurildlcUoo. * As It later turned out,.cook ·wu defeated ln the last election after cer .. 1aln lnflaenUal porUes In. N'""'°" IOlaed everylhlng Including the polltk:al . kitchen sink at him durin1 the CamPaign. Now Diltrict 5 is preaided over by Councllman Ed llirlh, who baa It, Bulge and .U. According to the ICl'I~ Cook wavuppooed lo 1llnk ofl and qulelly nurae . hll pollUCal wounds. Bui to the vaaUon of many parU.,, be hu continued to vocalize load and clear on local pollUeal topJe1. . Iii• l1teat ·dlaerlallon before the City Dtd< "" on reabuffllnl ol coun-- cD districts. Let bygoaea be "'-• Coot ---Remov1 the llulfe from Dlllricl i. Let lrvlne Terr ... nol\IUD1 faJl ·Jnlo Dlllrlct I. · · . . .J• . "* . As he talked, H ml&hl hive occurred lo .. m1 parUea !hit fl Cook'•· plle1 of residence wu moved Into Dlatrlct·I, he would tuddenly become tDeligtble to ogaln see~ election to the city c:ouocU n .. 1 yeor -on April II, 19'111 -lo iie precise. Cook vowed, however, that he bu no ambtt!on1 to once again alt upon one of those loftf councllmanic eeall. · Still, 'vtteran polit!clans have . been known to abruptly bear the call to duly. II might even strike him suddenly 1t night, U!e I lbalt of Ughl lhrOUih the bedroom window. So, for whatever purpose, the clly council left the Bui&• In D~tricl 5. No lbafl of Jl&ht lball ob'U.e II lll01 Boonle DoolM Terr1ce prior to th• M!OOlld Tueaday In April of 1972. before the May 20 hearing. Costa Meu students_ almost swept the Fair Board Prealdenl Martsexplalned third al "M the I"· y • hla . organiuUon'1 income needs _during annu o r Ci wa: ear ' esaay the Tu~ay meeting, whlle Mayor contest with 10 out of 12 finalists selected Pinkley read a detailed analyaiJ of the from 11:000 entries from Newporl·M.esa ·proposal. elementary schools. "This is. straightforward and with no Flnallsts in the Hoag Memorial gimmicks," the mayor said. Time is of the essence in obtaining new Hospital contest include Holly Peterson of quarters to house the cramped, outmoded Bayview School and Roxanne Simoni.an of Harbor.District Judlclal Coon facility on. College Park, Grade I; Lisa Taylor of West 18th Street ·across from Costa Mesa Adams School and Albert Ramirez of City Park. That aspect alone is in Cosf.\.Jdeia's Monte Vista School, Grade 2; Millie Kim (.avor -'--Aikawa of Woodland School amt ''Maqr Marks noted that fairgrounds' property Kay Midthun of Wilson School, Grade 3; at Fairview Road ~ Arlington Drive is Karen Raymond of Mariners School and standing open to needed development and . the state ·ciJt fairgrounds budget alloca· ... Gwen Lajeunesse of K1llybrooke School, tiona" to $35,00lftast year. . Grade 4: Linda Baker of Monte Vista Without br$Uing the figures dowri into School and Cynthia Berg of Klllybrooke unnecces.w'ily. amall detail, tbe Costa. Mesa · court;tibrary · site would offer a dozen courtrooms and plenty of parking for $3,640,000, with street improvement.s paid by the ·clly. The lite ia available right nciw. Ne\t-port Beach offers a 12.<:ourtroom elte in the Newport tenter, future site of · Newport Beach's own civic center, but the CQUDty'1Lcost' would bt: $4,737,130, IC· cording to estimates. -.The city .ba• nol decided ..,. to flnlnce the •MW dvic center, which must neceusri)y be at JOut two years and peJjulJ!t: more from becom<Jng • rullly. The Newport Be<cl) • site . would Jn. elude joint use of CiviC Center parking liid cily.jall f0< pjbonen •~Ung court a)lpeararce, wl>Jle. the. c..ta.J\leaa City Jill Is near the falrirounds alle. · Back Bay Drive Open, But Bhmpy Newport Beach city crews have finish· ed their patching or wtiat little pavement ia left on Back Bay Drive and now the scenic but rutted roadway is ready to use again. Damaged heavily by flood• and laden with rocks and· silt, the "unimproved" road had been closed to through traffic since last February. The slides have been cleared away and the large ruts have been !lied, but General Services Director Jake Mynderse reminded motorists that the road's dirt portions still require cautious drlvtng. The road still has its narrow l!eClions, tight curves and soft shoulders, he said. City plans call for ultimate rebuilding of the road when Irvine Co. development of nearby bUJs.ides takes place. School, Grade 5 and Virginia Btgley and Keith Ryan, both from California School, Grade 6. The six judges -Brig. Gen. Thomas Riley, Dr. Huch Plumb, H. f 0 Id . Segerstrom, Robert Wilson, Dennis Carpenter and John JGllefer -are now faced ' with lhe selection o~ the over-all WiMer who will receive a week's vaca- tion for two in Hawaii. Plane fare will be flona1N._ by California. Feel.era! Savings and Loan of , COl!lta Mesa. The Trans Globe Travel Bunau of Costa Mesa will provide hotel accommodation&. . The judges' selection of the 1969 Mother of Year will be announcid at the awards Jun~beon to be held May 10, the day before Mother'11 -Day, at the Newporter Inn. The finaltst.s, their mothers .and teachers will ~ guesta. Funeral Slated For Mrs. Fargher Funeral services wilt be held at·ll a.m. Saturday at Pacific View Memorial P.ari: Chapel for Mrs. Jessie G. Fargher, a long-time resident of · Cor.ona del Mar, who died Tuesday at the home of h~ daughter, Mrs. Devid Robblnl ~ $Mi.a Barbara, after an illness · of aev•al months. Mrs. Fargher, 71, came to Corona del Mar Jn 1918. She wu a fonTier member oC the Santa Ana Women's Club. She 11 survived by her daughter and one grandchild. -' Burial will be at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. FuOeraJ services will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at St. James Eplscopa1 Church, Newport Beach, for Anl\rew J. Dossett IT, Mired executive vice president of the Coca Cola Bottling Company ol Los Angeles, who died at his home in Newport Beach alter a Jong illness. · Mr. Dossett, 69, was born in Caineron, Tex., and attel)ded ~w'!nnee Military. Acad~my in Tennessee and the Universi· ty of Texas. He served In ~e U.S."Navy from ·M1&18-to 1919. He entered the· soft drink business bf 1925, and in 1932 moved to tAa Angeles as sales manager of the C.OCa Cola Bottling Co. there. He retired in 1966 as e1ecutiva vice.president. During his 34 years with Coca Cola, Mr. Dossett was acilve in the· buslnea community aa well as charity and c~ munlty welfare work in Los AqJelea. He moved to Newport Beach In lfft and WU ai1 active support.tr of the Newport Beach Art Museum and a member of St. James Episcopal Church, tl'le Newport Harbor Yacht Club, the Lido Isle Yacht Club and the California Club. Surviving are: hjs wife, Larena Birbeii Dossett of the family home, 127 Via Un- dine ; a daughter, Julie Kenpicott, of Austin, Tex.; a son, Andrew J. Dossett III, of Santa Monic1. Other ·&Ul'Vlvors include three brothers, Stanton of Shreveport, La., and Walt.et Ind SllDley both of Waco, TH.: l"o sbttn, Mn. John Gray Kendall of Waco, and Mrs. Elizabeth McCullough of Shttveporr, La., and air grandchildren. Interrnent will be in Waco, Tei. The family suggests that memorial. contributions may be made to Oranta County dilldren's H01pital, or to L<NI An1eles Children'• 1J03J>ilsl. Highlands Area To Get Lighting But Not Walks Harbor Highlands, weM of tne Upper Bar,w!U BOOn be getUng street ll&hls, but &ldewalks are out. WOOLTURF · BY FIRTH ONLY $10.95 s9. YD. Oil Firm Asks Mesa OK Newport Beach city councilmen ttach. ed that decision at a protest hearing on the improvement project th1a week. For Test H(Jle rDt[!ing A ~ersfield petroleum comtany Theoretically, th~ company woold Objections to fonnatlon of an ~ men.t district to. pay foi the new lights were r~ved from 14. percent of the neighborhood'• 1 8 o property-ownen. Seven~n per~etit complained about pro- po&ed new sldew1tb at -main entries to the tract. already &ranted county pennbslon JI now slant.cJr!U welll Into the &round from Councilman Paul J. Gruber joined the anU·sidewalk faction. He aald the walks wou1d dlsrupt the appearance of Harbor Highlands. On his motion, they were deleted. to drill a test hole in the northeast 11eetlon leases outaide the city J.imjg 1f oil pro- d Co.sll. Mesa to obtain strata aamples. ducUon should be determined feasible . Occidental Petrolf!Pm bad prt:vloualy Coeta Mesa, however, has a city conducted surface exploratory tests It Otdlnance forbidding any oil drilling the property on Paularlno Avenue et _.uoas and will likely fight lo keep Bear Street, aga.lnar. aome Clty CouncU even slant drilling such u that now pro- Cost of the new lights, about 30 cf them, will averag~ $270 per JOt, payable over 20 years. oppoaiUon. posed from being dooe. Before actu&l work begins, Mayor Dorffn Marshall pointed out, another hearing will be hel.d, ·on a date to k ab• nounced. DAii Y Pll OT l•Mrt N. w,,4 J•cli L c.r-1,., · vb~"""""" ........... ........ __ 2211 w ..... ,.. •• ···'···"' _MafDlt M4tN11 P.O. I•• 1171, 91••l --· ·- M1yor Alvin L. Pinkley 181d today that the City CouncU will probably -Id" the request by Occidental Petroleum EJ. ecutive Vice President It. F. Reid at ill meellnJ Mond1y. · Tbe public heorlog would prollably be aet for Mly 19 but c:ompany officials will run Into ttlH opposJUOft, If the mayor'• William Scott lllltude II 1rr; anU-oll prtsau .. 1auge. Rite's "· -. nd' U". t·ed ·~1 am at&metrically opposed to ii," he t.tJ "' aaid today. .. · A report lnclud~ with ~~tat -. Services for 'Balboa bland busil,esa PetroleUJ1! application prom!MS to have man WUll&m "Pinkie" Jt &:ott, who.died · all equlpmmt removed !'llhln 10 dq suddenly Tu<sday •t Hoq Memorial elter.the core .bole la drlllei!IMils,llOO• HOBpital, wll.I be held 111,30 p.m. Friday aurety bond posted as insurance. al Pierce Bros. Mortuary Chipel Tbe dr!UJng propoaal ha1 already been Inglewood. ' . approved by lhe.Oran1e County BuJldlng Mr. Scott. IO, liad been 1 resident Of and Slfety Department. BalJ>oe fe< the p11I JI ,..n .. He wu • A core hole IUOh u that 111grHled -member of the Balboa Island Punllnr 1!mllar to olberf now going oo In the Los ond Scu!lJq Club ind ol Rotlry Intemo- .\ncel• ond 11:8 Beach ir"'-::. II not Uonal. •n oil ... u I • bul lhowa what the Survivors Include hll wife, Beatrice of IUbterr ..... laym blclude. Costa Mea1; two aons, John and W!Ula:n ol Balboa J1land; 1 allter, Jeffie Jeon Harbor Forum . Slates Meeting Tbe Hlrbor F0'11111 wUl hold Its -meeunc et 10 1.1n. Wfldnetday 1t the llllnd a...... P'ublon llland, Newport Beach. • Gout -ker will be l\11'1. George 1{1n!tr, of the PISldeol o!Oc. ol Mo<l>en ol Ser'vl«men. Her topic will be 1'Havt they Died in VaJn?" . Molllm ol Sttvlctmen II 111 organlzl· Uon thal lends moral IUpj>Olt lo Americon llOldJm In Vlelnllll. T1~U of Marina Del Rey and one l'lndson· Burial wm be at Inglewood Memorial Pork cemetery. Girl, 5, Hit by Car 'Steadily lmpr.oving' Ashley lllggtna, a, of Newport Beach. who wu seriously injW'td in 1n autl)o pedestrian mlsh•p Wedn<sd1y, ·wm be taken out ot tntenslve care ~1. itoa.c MemorJ1I HDlpltal rtpo!Ud. . The girl, who Uvta 1t 4800 River Ave~ 11Iffered ,.,IOUJ face llld bead l!>iuries. • -EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DlllXn-HERITAGI 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CUD!T NIWPORT BEACH 1727 WHlcllll Dr., 642·20.!0 oPIM AllAT 'tlL t INTIRIORS P.-. .... 1llntorlw 11oa1 .... .. A .. Rllole AID-NSID LAGUNA llACH MJ Herth C11t1 Hwy. oPDI ..... , ""' t ,._ t• ,_ .._ fll. °'-"' e.-., Mt-11a1 • 494-6551 , .. I I -----·--------. -. I ' • , , 1 • I ' '• • .• ' • • " , • I t • ' l. I- •\ t I • Nasser Oa~ms Riglit to Hit Civiliarl: Targets in Israel CAIRO (UPI! -Prealdent l""el," N ... aald ln I Mly del...0 u.. akJni the Sues "Gomel Abdel N-bu given Doy spetch 'ntunday. c111e1, wblch be said bu bee. n ·m troop1 penn1u1on to hit 11• added that u EiYt>1 did , civilian Wieto within lfl'ael corry out cammando ralda In-IO perce1u destroyed by Ar•b in a re1allatlon 1galnlt 11r1<1'1 -aide Israeli territory, they l\lllllOfl alnco Mud!. commllldo raid Into EIYJll wo¢d be car<fWly planned In Nuaer said be· told War Wcdnoday. ---· and ceuli<ned <liter 1lllniltli Melunoud F l ·W 1 t "I am announcing today Arab countrieJ against at-''that the .-med forces will that, in view of Israeli ag-~ without d e f 1 o J t e -..-.t with their plan until gr<¢!!!1 qalnat .,.. civilian ... P,ll'tlloo. • .--- Wgeb:, the whole world must • 'N a a s e r caned for the ttiey complete Uit destruction know tblt we'have tbe_. rlgbt to moblllWiM of E g y pt I an o f the rt'l!lalnin1 • pereent bit at civilian · targets inside troops to anolhilate Israel's the Bar Lev Jlne-'' · · ·· ' · 'nleEapUanpresi.dent . , denltd Israel's claims that i\s -€·-a"H'lbod~n~ff-e7'ects-:r_r_c_..,mmando_wiL~in. ., 1., •MAI U • .,:, • Qicted heavy damage to power r inatallatloos aJong the upper Offer'• 'Talk' Blamed N% 1oraeu military apokesman said ror- -· . ~ots flown by the BANGKOK (UPI) -Loooe Sihanouk, N t 1 0 0 lnd!Calod Arabs to the aUeged scene of ._,.by the U.S. military about willinin."' to resume Wednesday'• Is r a e Ii com· ~ ._.. mando raid were "taken for a operaUons into Cambodian diplotn1Uc ties wi,th C&m· ride" and did not actually visit territory c0ntributea lo Prince bodia. SibanGut laid he WU the three targets !truck - Norodom Sihanouk's u1·ecuon ready alaO but then backed · power pylons, a dam and a • bridge ol Wa.ahinaton'a offer to down. It tnlY have~ but I UPI· reported f'rroneously resume. diplomaUc relations~ temporary reversal. Thursday that Jsrael had This was the opinion ot Dlplomlt& said the apparent made an about face from its wet1tem d.iplomits following reuoft for hia about face was earlier claims that the corn- s i h 1 n ouk's announcefnent publlclty about America D mandos did indeed severely . Wednesday that "Cambodia military operaUona on Cam-damage the Egyptian in· bod1an sol1, and the U.S. slallations. rejects the declaration of recognition as South Viet· While not denying that recognition of frontiers by the naqiese of. some is 1 ands heavy damage was infiicted, government of the United Sihanouk . claims as Cam-Israel officia'I sources said the States." · bodian territory. raid was made to carry more C a m b o d i a broke of( If the At»ericans had kept of a psychological impact than diplomatic rtlations w i t h quiet about their operations, actual damage. Washington in May. 1965, Sihanouk probably would have One of the psychological ef- clairning that U.S. and &!uth looked the other way. "But fects, they said, was to force Vietnamese troops crossed in-somebody -or a whole sue-Egypt to create a militia and to Cambodia· to engage Com· cession of people -got a case special anny units to guard munists. of loose mouth," the diplomats vital inst.allaUon.s along the On April 16, in a letter to said. upper Nile River. • • flldq, Mar 2, 1969 DAILY "!LOT 1$ • Some Centers May SU,y ' American: . Gets Post ~ Vatjcan Jo~ Corps Backdown Due? • I W~HINGTON (UPI) -already been rescinded llld Some Republlcana on Capi!Dl others; affecting can\ili In Hill have •tarted taking pot R • p u b Ucan congrm!Ollll VAncAN CITY (AP) -&hots at Presidmt Nixon'1 _dl1trlct1 are beina; Pope Paul VI named. newly plans to shut down 59 Job reconaldmd. elevated Mner:ican cardinal Corps centers, and It appeared But u far as Rep. Alvin John J, Wright o1 Plltaburi!h the administration may be O'Kon!kl (R-Wll.), .II con• ti>day u pi.feet head · of the revlllns Us plans. cemed< the Ctsm Late Ce!iter VaUcan COngregation ol the nte Labor Department ts . Cler~. "negotiating with the Coming May 3 iw Agriculture and I n t e r I () r Cardinal, Wright, until now departments to ,keep aome of ""~ bishopofPitbiburgh, succeeds the centers open, but operate l:'.-..-.:1. TA.l eJdy Maf10r M•flert Jean ·Cardinal Villot 0 f them under a new format al L'i:Ll.L.W rv rre · Fr ho , lower costs," one GOP coo--., Author Norman Mailer ance, w "!! named gressionat source sakl . announces JU candid-aec:e:tarY of state Wednesday. __ Another,__Rep_ublican.....soun:.e acy Tor~rlhe four new U.S. strategically involved J,n nomination for mayor cardinals created by the Pope negotiations with tbe White of New York City. He at his consistory on Monday Rouse over the clo.!.ln~s .said joins five other Demer only Cardinal Wrighl will re: "Nixon is hea~ed for bis first crats seeking the nomi· . 1n Rome. H ...,.__ real black eye m dealings with nation -main e 1110VoHues minority groups ·because ol •· the only American cardinal this (closing) order." One ~ ord-Recalling beading a congregation, or closing order h!! reportedly ministry, in the Vatican Curia, the cenµ"at administration of the Roman Catholic Oturch. Two Fires · Se_t Trucks Ca).8 ~ 'n>e other ""w u. s. ' cardlnah -Archb~bops CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) DETR01T (AP) _ Ford -Terence Cooke of New-York, -Fires, false alarms, van. John J. Carberry of St. Louis dallsm and rock throwing kept Motor Co. says it Is recalling and John J. Dearden of po 1 ice and firemen · busy more than U,000 trucks and Detroit -Will return to their through the night in a con- nearly 6,900 cars . for in· diocesan pot1l!. · · . linuaUon of racial trouble.s specti90 of possible derects In · Wi~ h 1.s appoinbnent, touched off bY a atrike of door fatches and accelerator Cardinal Wright,-$, a naj,ive Negro hospital wqrkers. cables. o~. Doz:.chester, Mass., tali;es About 30 persons wtre ar- The company said. Thursday o.er one of the most crucial rested for violating a 9 p.m. to J . . VaUcan posts in tbe present 5 a.m. curfew imposed~ t was notifying owners . of period ol ferment rocking the Gov. Robert McNair in tli'e about 88,700 1969 Econobne Catholic clergy. hope of cooling the tension. vans and FlOO through F750 p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; trucks to bring the vehicles toll dealerships to find an esUmated S,000 units with 'possibly defective right door latches or Econoline cargo doo.r latches. Old World ·Mediterranean SCIENCE ASKS: Con Some People See into the Future?. French Vote Set June 1 · Japan Going -to · Dogs . Spanilh Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY ' TO CHOOSE FROM DICOR.ATOlti c'ANCILLATION •n• anuaNS FROM MODEL HOMU By Theodore -liWi-n - .A fascinating story that reveals some of the alleged premonitions and visions that are being recorded in "registries" in both America and Great Britain . PARIS (UPI) -France will vote June 1 to elect a sue· cessor to former Presi~ent Charles de Gaulle. Claims British Barking Vp Wrong Tree ALL aUND NIW DICORATORI DllCAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items as follow a: Gotgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate )oose pillows wilb heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, .3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58'' tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size'maUress & box springs, Spanish decor dining set, etc. The goverMlent of acting President Ala in Poher, mak· ing a swift recovery from the shock or' De Gaulle's resigna- , tion on Monday, set the date , today. Jane · 1 falls within the 3&- day limit Ill which Frenchmen mll!t choose a successor to a president who quits or dies. The elecUon will ·be be\d on a Sunday, a tradition ltued on the assumption that mOrt ·~ pie would be free to vote tha,n on workdays. PEOPLE n ••.• whit it'• .11 •bo11t. 01'1• of Iii• r11•1t popul•r cl•ily f••lur11 of th1 DAILY PILOT It P1oplo Sc•11•· It'• .n 1lto11t ki11t•· COrrtmOl'llrl, kook• ,,.., ck1r1dtr1 -ptopl1. T O K Y o ( U P 1 ) Everyone, dogs and owners, .Demonstrators poured into the appeared to ~oy their walk Ginza shopping dlsti-lct today in the gun: · for the second time this week Some of the placards car- but the latest protest was not ried by the dog lovers were for the return of Okinawa but wide off the mark gram- against British charges that matically. but the ownen said Japanese mist~at their im-their messages were right on P.Orte!i dogs. target. About 500 dOJ owners, ac· "I don't make any canine companied by an e q u a I discrimination at all," aaid a number or more of howling sign carried by a kimce»clad and birking canines, Paraded woman who abo carried a with sic. p,....,.lalmlng no beagle pup in a basket. di....,,_ ij;inai lbe ts A pretty girl wearing a red wfio Ire bOrn Outside ~ C:U. mini 11drt and walking a try. pekinese at the end of a Jeuh The march 1"ay not COD• carried._ .a 1lgn which II.Id, vlnce the British Critics that "Look at me. I'm quite as dogs are treated kindly in °'happy a1 I was in England." Japan, but it may boost • The BrtUsh charges _prompt· business for the importers who 1ted e f f or t s in EngJ&nd to staged it. • ban th~ export· of dogs t() And ii the marching dogs Japan. Last year Japan im- were e.1ploited, they did Mt ported 12,78' dogs worth appear to be miJtnatod. $1113,223 .. Of that total, 7,535 • Come see Chick lverson's .. home • l • f ·- • come from Englllld and 5,013 from the United S ta t e s . Almost.. all of the do1s were impo~ for sale as pets but a few were purchased by scien· Uflc faboratories for use .In ex: perlmen~. Bulgaria Train Derails, 25 Die SOFIA (UPI) -Twenty.five Wtlole HMIMfuU wu regular SIS2Lto ~:ro-:~~~~~~-~------___ $698.00 A.., ,. ... Ceo ............. lodlridloollJ r _ _........._ _ "-"' .. Collf. · · Crttllt _Apprawtd 1 ... tdltitolJ people-""" kiileil and 38 seriously injured when a train derailed near Sofia Thursday, Butgarian officlall announctd today. J JI J] Furniture Railroad authoritiea: sajd the accident oCCUrTed on the Chervenbreg-Orekhovo lo c a I line. All victims ·a re Bulgari111J, they aa.id. At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llYd. Costa Mesa only 1.wy """' 'Ill ' -w.i. Sat. & Sun. "Ill 6. -Th• first thing you'll notice·is our beau· tiful showroom. It'• decorated in 1Volkswogen modern. With elegant touches like the Kormann Ghio. And I the Fastback ond Squorebock sedans; < And of course we've included the fun c- : tionol beauty.of our Bugs, Buses, Korn· bi9S ond T ruds. ~ But if you're a Volkswagen owner, or a prospedivt owner, you ·might be 'more impressed with our bock room. i That's whore weservice the cars we sell. '-This room is home for 75 factory lrafned VW technicians. And on• of Southern Califomia's largest parts d• . . par!ments. With ell our new equipment, it's probably the best place in the coun· try to iron the bugs out of.a beetlr.- So ii you'd like to see Chi~ Iverson'$ new home, follow th is mop. And test drive the cars that put us on it. · The sh0wroom will be open Monday !hru Friday 8 am-9 pm. Saturday 8 om-6 pm. Closed Sunday. · Service and Ports Deportment will be open Tuesday and Wednesday 8 am-8 ~m. Thursday, Fiidoyand Sat- urday 8 am-5 pm. @ Closed Sunday and Monday. .... , ' .. ALSO e 'HAPPY' TRAGEDY -Cover girl Gayle Huii- nlcutt tell1 how a 1er~ous accident suUe~ by her actor husband maybe saved the tempea- tuous marriage of the actress and David Hem~ , m.ings. e EPID'l!MIC COMING -Science races wlth __ German measles to find a cure· pefore tpe de- fonner of the unborn reaches .an epltlemjc blp ln1970. • -.;,_ 1 ' l--· -':.....: -e HOl.jSES ON ~I.LS -What's behlntl tho . boom In mobil,,,hqines: Ill-lr>-<leptb study of the wily, how and how mUCh Of lfaller llvillg. All Coming Saturur In Ille 1 DAILY PILOT r, Chick Iverson, #5 E; Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Telephone: 673-0900. ...__ ...... I • • --· ~-------------------- ' t ' ' I • '.J' jDf\ll4:l' PILOT EDRORIAL PAGE I • • £ -• j ! -l . ' ' More Muscle Needed ·l ' i , ' . '!'lie Santa Barbera olfthon oil blow<>Ut and New• port lleadl'a otfSbore ?W•1e polluUon have much in COIMlO<I. ' . . Both dlluters are the consequence of inadequate - • or -~·.-.aovemment cootroll over operaUoas beYOlld el!Mr city's limits. They both tempol'llrily have rtdned \'lilt recreational resources. And they both, after a period of months, C011Unue to contaminate· pub- lic U4elands. • · • Just as oil Is sWI gushing up from the 84n~ Bar· bara Channel'• ocean bottom, so is partially-treated and raw sewage still !lowing iJllo Newport's waters ftOm 11>e Santa Ana fUver. • There U.J.redictabltl flurry of legislative activi!l'_ ·---aun=· e.f af preveiitliig recurrenee1 ot· a1tier-d\siSter. • So far as the offJhore oil situation Is concerned, any correct;ve ,legislation "1\llt b1¢k the poWerful oil lobbleo in S.Cramt!llto and Wasbillgtoo. • And UU IJ where.Ille tWo pollutl<111,p~s differ. 'l'heN 11 no sewage .!Oliby. : · • ~ are, jmlUjfid govenimeat 1 agencie1 wltb a ataile.jn .111e of llle,Sarita •Ana'lllver.,as an°""" sewage line. Nine of th11n, In !act. They include the cities of RedblDds, Sin Bet:nardino, Collen, Riverside,. Ontario and the Navill Ordinance Test·La!mtitory at Norco. L8if we.ii:; a!W-~· tNl!h)boy In •Newport Beach, lhJ Silnta Ana !liver _f!&~-~ter <lw!llty _Con- tn>l•Boanl-<apptoved .stiff.new riiles requlring;dislilfec- tion o!.iei(llge dumped ln~the. ijver. Bacteriological ·-1 .. ere slrarply ·u adell, . What'.UU.S m,eem to'tlle ag~es di.sl'flarging efflu. ent info th8 river ts ·money, JotiJ'.of•it, which they will have to ,.pimd'for new or lmpr0v9!1 .sewage treetment plaUls. ' · If they choooe to Ignore the new requirements, they obviously won't be arrested. 'Ill!'Y will be fined. And what Is tlle fine? -' It'• ·$500 for each day the violation occura. Unfortu- nately, that IJ a pittance compared to the ecooomlc loss.S suffered by d~ recreational com- munities. . What's· more; the .fine cannot be i.n\pote(\ by ihe Water QWl)ity l)oerd, It must 'be iml>osed by tile courts. All the, Water. Qulility Board an do is lo p.-· the violator with a cease and desist onler. If jJlat doeo.11!1 work, t!te stale ~!On)ey general'• office -ta .. over thl case for what Could be· a long and e~sive .court battle. · · . .. . There slill is). need here for !ougb new state legis· Jatlon. . . · Those charged with keepi!>g, our rivers ana ocean -waters-dean-should be, gtven more muscle. As it is now, tbe.Y Can do little more ttl:an upgrade standards - on paper -and then W<lg a finger at violators of thooe &'\alldanls. · Twin~f orked Attack A twin-forked attack against future off-shore oil exploration or exploitation is bell!g mounted by civic leaders from Newport Beach to San Clemente. · The goal, whether by closing legislative loopholes or -creating broad new I~_is1ation, is total prohibition of-California off-shore drilling. 'Ille foe is the powerful oil Industry. · ·The 'ltaSk: ls "monumental," concedes Laguna's Vic- tor C. Andrews, who wiitli others bas ·r&-aetivated CoaSta1 Area Protective League (CAPL) to .work at the citizen level while others work through county and municipal govermnents. . The CAPL has been a persistent baWer In the past against well-financed encroeclunent of oil blight. It is good lio have it bact on the scene in time of need. (N) • " :.·· ., .... " ' ' , • ,.J· Policy for -State.Schools It II a lllOlll ll!llJappy drOumat.onco when qualified young men and women are t\lmed away from public higher edllcalioo in Calilornia. Yet, it ls hap- pening. or Closed Door? . 1ncr6ased expenses. 'lbe colleges were . told to take.Ibo appUca!U without the money needed tb hire the profesecc'11 who would teach them. Census Rules A Peppery Controvers y O~her ·Langu·ages Don't Ha~e 'S~xy; Ten of the U st.ate colleges turned away quallfied students -1or the spring aemeater. Unknown only is the number of rejected students. Estimates vary from l,000 tiJ I0,000. · Molt of these young people were pro-a~ve ~ But some junior col· lege graduates allo were turned down. At Bacramento Slate.. alone, en ·C!ltbnlted lllO junior coUep ...-were ' re-fect:ed. i I IN ;mi: FACE OF thla crlall the'A Rollltan ~tlon requeated the et.ate" leglllature to mate an emercency appropriation of lun<h. The enra flllldlni II being rushed along to hold down ·the number of rejected ipplicanll. But there WU no way all the qualified YOWlll people could be accepted. Not enoqb time ..., mainet1 to recruit the faculty members and schedule the ·O-. And ... what the 10.year-old Calilomla Muter Plan for Higher F.clucatcm was aupposed to .irevent ii now happening. The open door is closing. The prol)lise of higher edocatlon to every capable .and willing student ))al become a broken pro- l)lise. STUDENTS Al\E now barv .. ting the fruit of. two yem ol budget slashes by the Reagan adminillration. H i g he r education asked for more money to ac· commodsle increued enrollments and ''Hol~ the itne on expenses" was the urgent message~ from the governor 's of· fice. Unfortunately; while the colleges are. facing an enrollment eris.is, the attention of the .citizenry is focused on the disturbance at.one campus -San.Fran· clsco State. The public iJ qutraged, in part for good reason. Some of the oc· currences at San Franciaeo State inspire qer. • ' I : HOWEVER; THll citl!'oU 'of California obould also. be -.geci.·a1 lllt -.,...ruse of the master plan. The con- aclence ci the state is cu the line. Will California educate its young? There can be only one answer. Higher education must be kept ·open ·to all qualified comers. Ten°years ago, Calif or·• nUms believec:j, this. They were ready fOr the challenge ot building classroom! and hiring professors. With a spirit of hope and vigor, they wrole a bold plan. With good reason, too, for the young are the future of the state. Now comes the time to !pend the money and redeem the p r o m i g e • California can do no Jess. The state should never again witness the spectacle of the rejection of qualified applicant!. Tbe Sacramento Bet Some El_ements of Utopia Next year's decennial head count is developing a peppery controver.sy. Ex· isling law provides penaltie·s of a $100 fine or 60 days imprisonment, or both, tor refusing to answer a census question. For falsifyiiig~an enswer the penalty opt!QJu are a $508 fine, one year'• Unprts:o~nt, or• both. These penalties and the-cens.us , groUild rules in generaJ · are under ,sbai-p attack • The American census was the first periodical enumeration of a peopl~ever • written into a .national constitution. Its original purpose was to provide a basis for the reapporUonme~t of seats in the House of Representatives according to the number of inhabitants found in eacb stak. AFTER NEARLY two centuries -the first national cotint was made in 1790 - the census has come to provide a con· tlnuing flow of statistical informatioO. The data are invaluable to industry, political and social science, demography, and' trend-watching in general. In ad~ dition, millions of dollars annually are distributed by states to cities on the basis o( size, and here Ule decennial census is the arbiter. States receive federal ·aid on the same basis. . An American man.rfacturer o f brassieres and lingerie, receotty· opening its first advertising campaign in Europe for its products, fowxl (to its surprise) that in some countries the languages have no exact equivalent for our ·word "sexy." Where the word "sexy" appeared in.the American ads,_ some such euphemism .as "softly elegant" or "softly feminine" had to be substituted in the forei.,n copy - not for reasons d taste or, morals, but simply bec.aµse there was no brief and easy equivalent in tqj •r J~-e.i ~ , .<cnYAL£Y, IT IB'hard to ~J.-~t~' our own use of "sexy" is quite recent: llY 1937 edition of the Webster-Merriam Collegiate . Dictio1;1ary does not list the W<r'd ; but it is to be found·.in the new 1967 Random House Collegiate edition, w~h is of comparable s.ize and scope. (And even here it is tagged as "lnforn1a{," rather than as "Standard.") Translating evep a COOUl)OOplace-word from one lallguage to another .is a booby,. trapped occupation, where · the · w"ariest linguist might detonate a charge without_ meaning to. For instance, ev~ in so in- ternational a game as bridge, what we in English call "the dummy" is known in France as "le mort" -the ®ad ooe. Unless a translator also knows bridge, he would un~tingly use·the wrong word. AGAIN, IF RE were translating the bridge "dummy''. Into ·G<l'man, be ,...Id have to call it HStrohmann" -literally ~eaning ''-scarecrow" or "straw mm."· I once heafd of an English. bridge player telling an ltalian kibitzer that he bad "a leg toward rubber· . .,. Word for woid, it· W<l'S: .. HD· Ima gamb1 verso la gOmma," · but whal the puzzled Italian got out of it was "I have a limb toward the era&ef"" 'l1lere ii ... brealdaot ..... lllat ~ be aaverfu.d iri Italy,~~ itB bnind name is "a dlrty .. w.rcl tire. 'When ESl!JO intei'natimalized m···Put a Uger in your tank" ad 1logln, it was forCed to change it in France from "reservoir" · (meaning "tank") to 11moteur," because the former wol'd'waa too· st.1fgestive in that particular context. · . ' IN THE SAME way, ad writers for General Motors · quk:kly learned. ll>at' "Body by Fistier11·came-out·"€'icql9e by Fisher" in-Flemish; ·and ''5ctlweppell- t<nc water" was · cltanged in Italy tQ "Toriioa," because "water" is the idiomatic word for a bathroom, as in "W.C." And when lvocy Soap first got to Russia, it was callred "soap made of elephant tusks." ' lroni<:'3Jy, H you went to · Paris and ~~<f for· '~lmieres" aod "liJgerie," you wouldn't get what you warde!::t -for in 'French, a braUre, is a child's Wit,. anc!'Jlntlerie la linen drapery. What you wazj -are a "~en-go~"·and "SOW· vetetneta." r ' By GEORGE IL. HOFF, Ph.D. Our way ol life la In bad lhape. We're creating environment! -physical. social, emotional, intellectual, po I i l i c a 1 , rellgioUs, el<. -deslgn<d to crush what.ever remnant of individuality and joy we may have )eft. helpin& · professions, human growl h cen\ers, ~. -whlle punishing -OI06e which diminl!h hlDllanness. Secty. of Commerce Maurice Stans on :April 17 sent to men:iberS of Congress revisions of census questions that had been criticized -on the Hill as too personal. Typical was the question on bathroom facilities, which had aroll!ed the ire of, among others, Rep. Jackson E. Betts (R-Ohio). The original question Downright pnde.rltµ:,,p,ed · • • How can persons live, much less' grow, under the oppressive atmosphere of a dehumanized reality -one which is teclllli,cally ouperlor, but inferior In terms d finding well-being? We need to explore the posmbUllies of a therapeu.Uc community dedicated \to the Ideals ot a Human Utopia - a place where the emphasis is upon wbo is living not just bow he's doing it or in wbat. WHAT IS IJTOPIA ! It's a coocep! ol how things might be il everyone weren't hung up upon creiUng end developing bigger and bell<r tlllnp -clllel. · tcboolS, ,weapons, temples. govemmtnt.i,'dwellJnCI; ek. It II possible to nmiinale a lifetime abo<ll acqoir!Dg all the~ in which living cae take place. w-ivu enJo1loc tile ZAP ol life: --ol PotenllaL Utqila II allo a aoc1a1 oandltlon, In ···--W- y FridQ', May. 2, 1969 2'1w .,tfforial m• of CAI Douv l'iloC -. to Inform and stim- u/dU, reoden bg pr•-li"9 tMr uWapoper'• opinionl and com-,,.,.taty. on topics of fnttrut ~ lignific<m«, b~ provldl119 G· Jonlm for Ille e:<preulon of ow~ rtodtr1' opiniom. and bv pruuthlo tM ditlfr1e uitto-- j>olots of inf"""'d obtt""'" iuld "'°"""''" on topics of 1111 dq. Robert N. Weed, Pubu.ber which one person's advantail;e Would be to another's advantage, rather than to the other's disadvantage. ADDmONAUY, UIOl)ia II a state of being wbich goes beyond our fondest Im- agination. Often,. we don't want to con· sider how marvelous living could bt- because we gel depressed about how It la 1n comparison. And so, dreams remain undreamed because our .energy is being <OllSlllDed by solving mlllldane proble!ll! whJeh machlDes ate better equipped' to handle. ' . • What wWld.a'<lrwn IOCle!f be like! Finl, man '-Id UM tlit thlnp he <ftates -ac! of beio& IUbOrdlntde to them to lie -.tltat hi lmprovea them llnl and -lleJI. F 'O It EXAMPLE, Ibo hlnlware -• ~. alp. atreeb, llt'Weri. itrtltl oclloi:lloo, llncllcaplng, porks, sbopplnc -.n, etc .. -coold 'l>o handled by com· puter_.,ants, a""""1tng to a utilitarian prop-am, to tene man. Tben; the aoftware -•ramlUet, art e:r· lUblts. J'fertltl~.' crtat.lon, travel, pr0> m1Uon1 invention, education, religion, communlcatlon, · reJatlOMhips, parties, lhottl>lni. aatbeticl, dttamlll(. feeling, thlnklnc, de. -could tal;e pla<e, and bolp people feel IRlman apln. 'lbi lbtrapeutic oommunl19 -Id take -aro for · pied Ind DOI dllllipJle Its effons «' -ill• tryln& to make things bigger and bet(tr. Afltr all, n have technolOflY to do illst for us. · A FLIP•FLOP OF valulngs II required; we'll have to Sia.rt rewarding those in· stltuUoas which pursue the en~ise of , help!ni people towar<I lullu humann.,. -...... educatJon, tfleoltO, plliloeophy, •, Many questioos arise. Can real in· divlduali~y etlst . without an a r c h y resulting?-How simple should life be? How will evil be dealt with'.' What 's the difference between unrealistic fantasy and human striving? How may ag· grmion, boolllily, figbUng and conflict fit into a Utopian society? was: "Do you have a bathtub or 1 shower?" A multiple choice of answers Jumping lo ~ncluaions: .. was furnished : "Yes, but for this Never bend al_ld kiss a laqy•s hand household only. Yes, but shared with • when you are first Introduced to ·her. another household. No bathtub or _While the_gesture may flaUer her, what shower... · she. remembers after you P:J'algbten up is REP. BETTS TOLO Uie House on Jati. 6 that the questionnaire form required lht person being interviewed to answer WHAT IS THE best balance between "with whom bathroom and kitchen privacy and togetherness? What are the facilities are shared." As revised, the op- tntolerable activities? Is pervasive and tional answer now alJows a response for laa:ting contentment possible, or even both kitchen and bath facilities : "Yes, desirable'.' How will males and females but also used by another household." adapt to, enjoy, and respect each~ other? Rep. Charles A. Wilson (D-Calif.), We ~hould have control over our en. chairman of1 a Post Office subcoromiltee vlronment, but we mUst not alloW' ouf oo the census, on April ·21 saJd, "Secre· controLto become master ol our Uves. tary Staiis' changes are a good beginning, Paradoilcally, compored'With oresting • but In rll1 Clllinlon 'there 11 still a great tberspeutic communlty, the living .bell ' deal o1 room for Improvement." Wlllon we're used to is relatively eaay to eslsl tn planl bearlllgs ll'OWld the CQllJltry. and even ~pt. Before we can entertain tbe·notkm of a. Human Utopia. we must lofqo the euy way and eel down to )Ito --.. job ol ....umlnlng -bwnan Valuings. Dear Gloomy Gm: After rtadlnc abo<ll .tho riots In H1111tlnlton Beech. all I can say II thaak ,-for tllal ol!lbore aewap lo Nnport. It's cut11n1 ·down the. lllllllbel' ol vllltlng un-· desirables. -R.R. \ Extra Wi nks To tho Editor: ' We can thut the Onmp Colml,y Board ol Suporvilon for .... thine: The 11fecy regulations wltf~b necesatak r<paJr of the runway al 'the airport that forced the jet traffic elsewhere. , I'll bet a lot of people bave been able to pt a few extra winks In the momlngs .. , y,·en aa get to sleep before 11 p.m. And how •boot those Pilon<. cal\,< and your favorite TV program! It fias been great to eaJo)' them 11&in, right? AH, SWEET tranquility!! l'm savoring ev«y mlnute of it. l'n'I calling en all m61ts and 1opben to form a committee and come forth immediately and do "their thing" fOf' the community -keep the runway in a constant stat' of upbeavaJ. Pl .... I ELEANOR ATWELL t!te•fact that your hair islgitltng thin ~ top. -. MY·ldea ci the meal ["would hate mo&t to have to eat wtiuld be the following: An appetizer of lukewarm tomato juJce, a carrot and lettuce aalacf,. rout leg of ag· ed lamb with eggplant 'and cauliflower au gralln. finisbed oil by bread pll!ld!ng as a dessert. Ugh! Ugh!!·Ugb!!!' ' ' The newest suggestion for reducing the pigeon population of cities is to pu t blrth control jngredjents in their feed. This seems downright llllderhanded. ·W!tY should man, who has never been able 'tO control hil own aa llJe,.foul up the sex life ol fowll! ' MOST .PEOPLE over;25 today .i;e Op. pressed with a ,.... ol1namefea ·gullt. Just wbat they've done,'!'-""" tile)o .,..•1 quile sure , of, Aclualy, ~. they ~·t .. guilty u ' l!t<Y' -.. -to be, 11111.tbey,are more ln-noceril than they.,.,...,. ol•betllf. lo- nocenc:e ii lndictructlbJi. "No matt.ti' ~ aephigtlcoled we become, we att carry to the pve ...... of the·lnnocence we bin a1 )>litb. "' A poet II a -who <M f\nd ' u much iOY tn lnltmU., "' elm -u In Inheriting mott<f. A search ii under-way-to mUe our. » called naUonaf pastime -bueball.- ...,. ln~g. Here's my ~: play It with oqure balls. Afl<r all, bun'I it btcome a p:me ·for squares! .The wont plague ol ~policeman~ life Isn't fallen arches. It is haviog t.o carry a gun when he's off duly. THE QUICKE.51' WAY lo get atknUon at " cocktail party 11 to announce tn a loud voice that you have. never OMltd a motor car, don't know~ to drive:ooe, --- ---- -- -------~~-------~-----. ------ ' ' ' and ~~,iQl~,EVUY,bocJY will , lnun<lliately rush°"" to'flnd oul ,what kind 'of a!lreak YGU are. i'.oilead•of. giving eriljlloyes two coffee bhiis a'day,,emploferiwauld gel'more WOft_fromlhem• U'they inNiled cots and , lei them take a h81f.11our nip.&tter1un<h. Wwton · Cliurcblll' started takiilg daily· naps iJi his 308 and credited much of his success to this dilly habit, saying it so r~ him-that it g"ve him two work days in ,Qne. It isn't the.price of lobact0 lhat makes pipe smokiilg so ei'pensive. Jt ia the cost ol hi'~lng the burnt holes In 9<>ur suits rewoven. u •'man marries a .girl who bites he.r • fllJKtrnills, he should ~ver try to cur- heft She· mu!lt ·~rid of her nervOUJ Ol\erlY .IOIM•Way, llld lf •he llopa_her from gnawing her nails, lbe'll lllilt -- "" blm ClllL .---a, Gee,..e··--.., . ' :.·Deer Georce : , My did read somewhere lhat .. ·• lather. ia &qpposed lo be a "pal'' to. bis ton and play catch with hlin Ind tske him lishlng. Actu•Uy, -1 dOn't mind the fishing stJ much bot lhrowlng that ball doesn1t dtJ my IMJrslU. any goqd. After all, · I'm 3t yem old. i,ow(, can t teU my father to ·«iuit.De.ing a pal to mt, without hurting his feelings! ARTHUR Dear Arthur : Ul lht. ball roll into the corner s&loon and level with him over a &tifr drinll;. ... l • ·.• l • • ' . •! -• • • 'AN[l, A'!iAY :w.e ;do:':..:.. ~Oc;t~g ~ 1&~1·!fu;C...~1·1 :M~~·r . Ji>;.,,,.~t;. w~~ ·R: l'IHll.,;, and GOrd.,;; /uld-~l!ii.; ~e. as tbeir mode,of:\reJ!Sportatio1ut0:the CO.ta M;esa Art League!s ' Which' Will taklo. pla~e M!\)'.11-10 in ·Ss>uth Coast mazaJ;;,IIt raise • exhibit and sale are cdlltrtbut.i>rs :(left·.\O tight), Mrs. Clyile Work· fwidsf~rt .sdii>lll1'llil~, • ' · I ' ;, : • . . -. ~ . ~{, ; . . . -• r • • ·: ~. • ' • ... . _ .. , ~ Vacat ion's . Arourni the , Corner •, · · t ' .. .. ' llA ANDlllSON, Editor '""-· -2. ,... • ..... ,, • • w • -stucJe.nr AICI \ 'k h· d' · .\, ~.:S etc e ~, . .. rlo-"-i • • . .rMlll& for an art scholarship benefit have been i rawil by Costa Mesa Ari League, and sketching d~. tai!s·for the art ,exhlbit and sale is 'the funding chair-man 8nd1 p,rtsiden~ of.the league, Mrs. Richard'Ihgram. A three-day sale will.be staged iii South .coast Plaza· ThtirSday, Friday and Saturday, May S.10. ' . Varied works ~otalling abolit 800 pieces which will . make ideal Mothers Day gifts, according to the chair• man,' include paintings in· oil, watereolor and acryliC. • r Also included in .the exhibit will be me\al sculpture, mosaj.c, wood _carving, batik, papier macbe and minia ... tures. · . 'Talented, needy and continuing art students will be 1elected !or ewards by Donald Biel.. • ' . E~ed· tor .9range Coasr and G<>lden West cot-- loges Cal omia Stale College at Fullerton will be schol rsh· n the amount of $200, \vhile· $175 e'acb will be coirtributed to students at Chapman College and California State College at Long Beach. 1Area high schools receiving $50 ea~h are $Stancial Costa Mesa, N~rt If arbor and U>fona del Mar, ana. additional'$25 Contrlb'utions will be given in reCOgnitiOq of students' talents. Further infonna\lon Is available by 'callillg Mts. Ing.~ at MS.1667, '.. 1' -• ( " ' . Se~s .of •Charity Blossom 'fa r Chi Omeg ds· I • ,. "I" •• ...... --,. . . AI.~oet, read~ f~~ summ:! vac$1.ti.on1,are;l:JCl .Fa~ult,Y~st~ \Vi Yes. ~ho wiµ, Jhee~ . for a juncheon and f,ashion. Shb"'.(lt )vllifll tim« 'n.lw · o!f.icers ;will be: "'!ll'ed, :Sa'\urday, May 10,»tn ~bi>a:Bay'Clµb. Social hour 'will .. l!egln .a~.U :IO· a.m, , and following Jiµtch ·styles. will be paraded ln>ll\ Orange CoUnty . shops .. l.OOI<· Ing forward to a time lor rel~x.atiO)l after they pdsent the :show. are (left lo tight) the Mme:;. Neil Bersbad, e<><:!Wrrnan. Richal-d D. C8mpbell and DaVid Sheldon; chainnan ... Guests are welcoine and they ffiake resetvatlops wllh ·Mrs~ ·. ~ are:tilOoliling ·for Hartior Ar• Cbi Omega Aluriiriae's co!· · sponsored to raise funds.!Qr Hope Ha~en School. "Dl(glnl'' for fee ·and. infoni1al sprillg·.ta.hion·show which will be presented ·at ldeu ·are (left to right) Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. H. w~ L!ntqn · 10:31i:0.r(!.:Wedne.sday, Mily 2/. in the Dover Shores home of llie an~ Mrs. K. Stanley llell. fasltion s)low cbainnan. . . . ·lif:arvilLSFJents .. The event, ~pen·to mem~ts arid guests, is beln& , : Gilbert Bane et 540-4-013. ' '· · : · -· . ' : . . ~ . ' ' ' 1 ' • ' I • I . • I T ~-~~~ Tur·f.1 Deaf .. ,.~~-r ·to· _-.A.irip:l'.ifled W·arriin·g .. of -· ~pe~ia:.lis·ts ; DEAR ANNoLA~D!Jt\S:'J.i.l)li(ht.my --' ·7" · · · • .Ii~.ANN' WDE!\So 0 My niother is pains and.hill been doctoring to beat lho doclor• llO\f· Aa ~..,:~_.. .... • . I l&..)l:ur-old'&randdaugJ1ter 11ve •!Pilfl,,.. J ·-•'\ -' f: Q ' . 53 ani:I loOks 40, Alter Dad died t'\VO years band. She't bad .X"l'ays, is takloi pins Ip valaablt time wbl~ ctllildt .. .,. 'lbtre ti&eJat Jusl,.JO 'ttenagers in the •. 1 • aP.Muhi "afar\ed·tO.go with a divorced __ :. · house.1Ttiev:~lleclbaCk ~tiJ~. moved , man who~b about five years hei' junior. and ·11eUaUYe1.and Is on a apecial dJet. !fl* •·P•tint: , • .... tlJ the fmiilturf: Ofl ttk pbrc'h if>d played I , ~. • .f, ~ i& hm:iaOme_ cba~ng, allergic 10 }{er doCt.or can't fUJd anythfug WfOnl i mustcrfor daJlcina,J •dfdnl\ ~ 1r1x.~ , , 1 • ·{ ~ , wOrk' In any fOfui and,·in my opinion, rot-y.tith her. 1·know ahe·il tied up in; knots Give in Or Jose him ••. w~ •1"'1 sfva C!iil,. 'Justand; '°"'Joteol. ~l~,lop!:,:. ~~~ ~ : ,' , ., . , . . • , ten.to the co.-.. · ' over \lier love ·affair which Is 1olng yoli !hit line, look oull r,.. Upa <jf""" lo motwns ,_ri,mg ~uM_,,.., w'--'·lthinkthe1dda.--"•"''"' g,,,.,..il)lallaie,·.W.....~.' hl,llld l'•e seen Barry around town .with at ·haywire. ha!id!ethe."'pena~esman..-..-Wbat -bed me more tbart anythlns, _, ....,._._,~ · • · -~ .... -, -...,, --.::·,··• t..sl three ,dl/r.,.,,t chippies. Of C<l'JIJe • ·Landen. ljoad !)er bookil~l'NeckloJ .. wu the muaic. It g1ve1 me •• ._ •:deaf! !ffhudand UJ•, '."Mien:'• DoWilc WM.Mid lt.~t UI ._. pnYM &Ml 1old Il¥e qe;ver ltJe!IUoned it to anyone. AboUt ' 5~ !--make an appointment to aee Petimg -Whal Are the J..lmtiT" ... he>dache.. '!lit !ddJI· U,.,. dijs ·INill' °" • -with tht1r · hearlng, Th<y., belJ' mUic j..ue~ a.i1ou ~ ;nlllems • l)>Onth aao M0m and l ran into B.,.ry tbe doctoi; and telr him the b~ound your request; to ~ Llnden In eon 11 turnlng·up lM iter<o ampllllet u h\c2! la· wtien l!My wait to'." • · . , amioii-... ,_. · ~ani:-,ti and a troDoi>, or should l say THEY ran bclore abe 9ulta him and goes Iii 'mlitr this n<wspeper, -·•-la"'*' " will go. It virtually assaults lbe Tell me, Ann, Is il · poq!ble that .our ~t de--· -Into 111. Literally. l ,. .. parklng 11>e ·car doctor who mlghl take out ber gill blid-and i 1oo1. 1W1>ped. ·..u-111 f • eardrums. teeoager1 are becornini. hUd of hUrtng llave beea llNll. 'So &Hi lleed, \Ids, ad aSM!.BIUT)''s car akleswept·us.~No one was der? -WORRIED DAUQ\ITER · ve~ • · . 1 ' · I noUce lhat our teenage gtandchildrt1l beclilise or tbe iOlid muoic they,aeem to tlmi diwil·Ooe ,-.... l)o Y" -·me .hall .bul M"9i leU '•I!'"' when ahe;saw , °"1l· j)AUGll'fEll: 11 It atrnllly, ~1l'i'.anders will be cllJI to belp YOll • do not he er their parents when they idolize! If oo, """'°"' shoulil tell them. 1 ''91 'tllert?· I SAY -TURN DOWN. mE .them i lljlrry wu,..,Pt>o>OO to be ool of .· -,1p1o1 to Ille ~ldo!! !I· le pw. · with. your prob~. se.d ~~ "F In speak in · nonnal com•cniatlonal tone!. ~ ~NTJQUE AD;A ·, •• ' . J •' .VOLUfi'Et? 1 !·f ! '. ',; .. ·•,: .low:n..) I · '-t 1 . , , l 11 . ~· ••t dte .-k••'• tm,otlCJUI~ • cate o( the 1DA1'Y PIU'.1t. ~ 1 Unleu 'inilructions are acrea1ntd they DEAR .ADAr lcifti119e,ffAI t.W Ott:m •• '. j '. ' • r i I ,. s~,U)at nilh1 \f!lrD \h#al had stomach ............. ....-~ , ... wrllJi Utt ·setf-lddrp&ct;J, 1l1m.Ded ~: I ~1.. • • ,, I I ·, '• • •'I •t I . .~ •.--j'~.11 '("·1 1•• ' , 1 1 i , , f I • , , ; , • , • " 1-+ • • I l l IL· • • , .- PAPERS EXCHANGED -"For me?" cries Mrs~ Lewis Mertz (right),. new chairman of the Newport Beach Christian Woman'• Club. Mrs . Bob Barnes, outgoing challlnan, (left) delivers the papers while Mo, Harold Welch, pulr licity ad visor stands by ·to heip the new leader. ~ - HoroscoPft Aries: Plan .... _ . Vacation · Now.. . ·~ATl,lkD}Y l t tlet. Stl<k clooe to home base. "AY l U ...... lea!. Older indlvidt!JI 'It m demve1 sJ*Ul cooeider .. 87 SYDNEY O~ tioa. lmportanl individual ls • TEEN -. DATING llIN1li: in eXpanllve mood. ·LIBllA (Sept. 13-0c:t. ZI): · P.nellcal . ,_ fealllncl alld Bhorl Journey could be on SQ!lllrl!d lo la Ille spolll.bL al'll!la. Be IUre o1 direct!..,, -brq, bot IM 11".favond inslttttlon!. RelaUve appean "1~. _a,... lllll'll -I lo be lpvolved. Fine n!ihl for avoid. •)'las mon Usae: II ac-r e l a uUQn, entei'tainmiat. ~~-~-~«-Leave .details-f.,_anotJiu -ud I willlll-to lie locla· time. • · • b/!_. w,::~_!:1..-,IJ~· Qb<ut· SCORPIO (Ocl. !!-Nov. Zl) ,--, -•-........ on ea A change could result in pro-< Cell the ball rollfll(. !"lnl Iii. You add to personal -~ that Ille rtpt per-posseosions. ·vital day becauii ND bu b •. • • dilCeva:ed. thought p r o c e ' 1 e 1 art C,.~com mar h DtUy, but crystallized. Day feat ure a· u ev1nhls _prorrt1M1, Joins variety, intensified relations ID &be fun. with opposite 8U. A{UES {March 21·April 19): VacaUon p~g now is e11en'tlal .: Keep com· munJcation lines open. E1- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. U): Unique intereJts dominite. Display ~ aenae of loy1lt7 and· humdr. cycie r . • . celleut· for readlhg, writing and advertising. Plah long- range campaigiul. Con!Wt With flmilY' member to 'k e e p harmony . high ; -circumstancea: turn in _ _ , . . ~ z~;:'i;,T!~~~t~;~~'. Completing Busine-ss Belore Pleasure . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. t Fla . . . TAURUS {April :IO-May 20): Intriguing indlvl&i.i· may be after more than ywr charma. KnoW this. Protect -ts. Be reeponslble. Know that tomor-row you face yourself. Accept responsibility. · . GEMINI (May Zl.June 20): Imporlant pbue ol ~ relalionablp ·ii accented - cou1d be the bealimlng or the end. Mature approach is a necwlty. non;t .111 anything you don't mean. 11): Attend· charitable event. Mr. and Mrs. John B . .Allen of New)lQl' Beach and Orlando, . an. MJO)'lllg Means cooperate in project 8 business irip in San F.ranclscp. 'From the Bay Area t:hey:will return.lo Florida aimed at helping those less for the preJi. party, of the.~ew W111t Disney W or Id near Orlando. TbeJ! the fortunate. Excellent evening Allens will f1avel to H.awal,l wh~'tl>ey ·also have a home to celebrate thei~ se- foi; theoter party. Enjoy cond aJU1i\'.ersary May 31. Allen'ls chairm&11 of the board of Allen Contracting Co. -yourself, but control im· in Orlando. ' -aglnatlon. , AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. A t •w•aw 6'$1*• 44 18): FrlendlY atmosphere privalls. Don't be carried away Where ezpenditures are concerned. Be gene ro u 1 without . being extravagant. Pleaunt time indicated jf receptive. Friends plan a Surprise Peering Around Mrs. Jon McKibben Seated as President ... CANCER {Jun< II.July '22): Adhere to resolutions con- cerning moderation. Not wiu to "forget diet. You can have fun without going to eztremes. New contact tonight could pro-ve-beneflclal. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): '. Executives Ta ·ke ·Posts , At Initial Gathering AHNE'n'i BltOSTl!RHOUS Future Bride Students To Marry Mrs. Lewis ~Ie rl z, chairman, and other new or. flcers of Newport Beach Christian, Women's Club will lead tl\ellj. first I u n c h e on meeting ar noon Tu~ay, May 6, In the Newporter Jon, Tbe program will include Fred and Jan Sanborn, singer and pianist, and a preaentatima of Sew It YouneU Faahions. . N<w--<Jfllcen -lneludle-11br Mmes. Roy Ptrker, · j)rayer advisor; Bob llamea. project advisor; H Ir o Id Welcll, publicity a-. and Wlllllm O'Brien, vice chairman. Other chairmen oo the u~ ecutlve committee~ are the Mm•. Harold l'llcher, apoc:tal lealure; Royal Grubb, mUllc; Francia Wl11111;nt, teleP.i>One:; Walter Burke, b o 1te11; W.wrence Tblelemelr, deccn- Uon; Richard I.usk, c:Or- re.spond.lng and r e c o r d l n I secretary; J&me1 COunter, Annette Brosterhous · and treasurer, and Wayne Stn- Char"'9 N. Egan Jr., who met lield, financial oecretary. while aUending the Institute of Tic:keta are IS and 11111 be European Studies in Vienna obtained by calling Mn. duril'lg their junior year, have Fi!Cber IG-ll2I at Mr 1 become oagaged • ' Parents ol the .be1rolhed '°'" O'Brien, MWO'IO. Mr. and Mrs. Claude k- Brooterhous ol Newporl Beach I k and Mr. and Mrs. Charlu N. Women Ta Et of De Pere, Wis. · place'\:. st~":'~im~1:l.~ In Golf Club Cbun:h, Costa Mesa. No date bu been selected. Mn. Barbara Whilmore will lead a meeting of · S a n Clemente Toutmlatrias Club In the San Clomenle Manldpal Golf Club at t 1.m. nut Mor>- day . 'I11ose who wish to lake ad·M vantage of nursery facilities for their cbUdren may obtain reservations by calling Mrs. John CaJn, 549-2631 or Mrs. L<iuls Matteson, 64&-~. LEO (July 13-Aug. 22): Follow through on hunch. You are able to perceive trends. Persona)', magnetism soars. You could be lhe life d any party. Utilize seMe of showmanship. You are a hit. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Accent on basic reeponsibili- -- Finish what you 1 tar f .• ..,..,....., ____ _ 'llhe _Mesa Ve~ Country Proc:rutination could ,.. op. portunity flit away. Spread in- fluence. 'IA!t others know of your capabilities. Stress ac- complishment. IF· TODAY L'l YOUR BmTHDAY • you are versa· tile, acµve ~~ .you ·.are due for domestic adjustment or chan2e of residence. : - To ffnd out Who's ludlt tor YW ,., morteY 1nO low. ordlor $VO.,.~ Om1rr'• boalr.let, "$.crel Hlnll 'for · Ml., ulCI Women.' Stnd blrtl!01!t 111!1 .SO ctn!s lo Omtrr AslAlotY Sec:rel,, !lie 0All 'I' PILOT1 !ql!. 3U1!.~ Grind Cenlr1l "•· ~Oii, J<.W '(Ork, Jf,Y, 10017. MRS. ANTHONY MOISO..of Club hu.bten selected for the Newport B~acb woo fift~place dinner ~net.inst .a I I at i .~ n a~ Las FloriStas celebrated ceremonies honormg new of- annuaJ FioraJ '*ieaddre'ss BaJ( .• /leers of the South Coast modeling 8 6-foot Jong floral Junior Woman's Club tomor- . creation, ''Mississippi row, l Showboat." Following a social hour at The hour-long t e 1 e vi 5 e d 6:30 p.m: and dinner at 7;30 presentation of 10 members p.m.,-Mrs. Jon McKibben will modeling gigantic floral be3'd~ · ·be ·installed as pmiidtnt· by dresses attracted more than ?.frs. Frank Farris. 900 members and guests to the Others taking office incl~ude Century Plaza Hotel. the Mmes. , Robert Marten, dean of chainnen and pro- grams; Carl Cleary.-.ways.and C , R . · means; Geora:e O'Hare,· Ountlan . ecetves philanthropy, and Dick Trod· ~----,-dick, membership and federa- tion vice Jll'!!idmts. , P C I ' Othetsaretbelliruo. Frank -: . ost at one ave Fleck, rtconllog aecretaey; Piill M o c k , corresponding ~tary; Paul Johnson , treasurer; Maurice Donahue, .• -parllamerttarlan, and Llayd Mrs. Robert Schuh ol Santa -Ana will be insialled as presl· dent of the Women's Aux- iliary, So u th er n CaUfomla Dental Association, during its 31st annual meeting next Mon- day. Satterthwaite, publicity. Gueats during ¢e evening will include Mrs. John Mignot, coordinator, and Mrs. Jolui Relthmuller, her as$tant. Dufing the recent Los Cer- ritos District convention Mrs. McKibben was· selec.led as Clubwoman--0f-the-y~ar. The club also received t b e perpetual trophy and --. first place, in internittional affairs; second awards in press, safety and youth, and ~ third place in mental health. . They abo reeeived third place recognition ·in t b c Josephine Seaman award. CM Overeeters Overeaten An 9n1.pl o u s gather every W~ at 8 p.m. in Bear Street School, Costa M .... A morning busioeu session and couture fashion luncheon are on the drawing board for the event which will attract wives of. dentiats f r o m Bakersfield to San Diego to the International Hotel, Los Angeles. 1HI Pl"11CT orn. ·. FOR Mn. Roland Adams of BJlke,rsfield, denlal he a I t h education chairman, said the day would include a discussion of fluoridation and each coun- ty would be represented in an exhibit of statewide educa· tional -projects. Mrs. Leonard Laudenback of NeWport Beach is reservations chairman for Orange County. Swth Coast area women at· tending as delegates will be the Mmes. Thomas R a y PRESIDENT-ELECT Mr•~ Robert Schuh Davies of Newport Beach, Robert G. Engman . of · <;osta Meoa and John Forte. and C. O. Gruber of Huntington Beach. MOTHERS The bride-elect is an alumna ol Mater ~ High School in Saots Ana and will graduate in June from Mount St Mary'a . Collqe, Los Angeleo. She is ... -.In hlltoey and will teaclt elmientary education. Her ftaftce, a graduate of Abbot Pmninp 111ib School in WilN!nl!n, wDl gradult~ in June !tam Holy Cross College, Wor'ONler, Mus., Md will at- lelld law acbool In the fall Participants will. Include Mrs. Ida May Scbomal<er, who will sive a procedure ln ed..,._ lion ; Mr1. Betty Chapin, toutmiatreu, and M r s • Harold Markham, -1ter. Olbera will be Ibo Mmes. MRS. RAY E. WILLIAMS Double Rlnt Ceremony Baptist Rites Link Mesans Ramona Pageant Lures Xi Mu Mu Members HER VERY OWN .SPECIAL RING Old .Home Selected For Tour The Gambi;' House I n Pasadena will be the clestina tioo next Wed~ay ror mem- ben ol l.ICI Tori and Gown's AJtlotCUIGroup. . Aller a l'lkfed lour of the G.-. ..,a Greene designed home. which l.r an example of 111 adaptaUon o1 the tradi· ..... -· home to COlllon!la Hvlng, the grou'p will walk through t b e oeiaflborbood lo see other ex· =.:'.. urly CaUlonilil -maybe"*" -..... '1llJam .ubcrolt, Ht & 1111 SI, Coota -. 'J'ldilla-.'2.Jl.and th .... ~ ...... ~ bring a box -.:'Illa boll will lf.avt trom Ibo -Clout Counlly Cllib Jlllkinc lot ot t a.m. The DAILY PILOT \ 'Stocks it to You' Lllllan l\ull<oirut and ~ Irvin(, ~,and Hany Sba1ts, lnsplratlori. ~ New Leaders Taking Seats Insurance Women of Orance County wUI install olflw• next Wednesday at •:~ p.m. in the Newporter Inn with the Moonglows of! er i ng eD· t.ert.ainment and dance music. Leading the 8'P"P will be the Mmes: Malcolm LcLeod, presiaent; Alfred Bland, lint vice p resld'ent; Helen \VaylaDd, treasum; David Hady, • n>clOrltin( IOCretary, and Bel'llW Williams, cor- rtspOndlng -.tary. MllS Mi~'llle Jo · teeond vice presi- dent. rvat.lonl, no lat.er than nut MoodaY, 11111 bo mode wtlb Mrs. \I ornon Te"' et 7lMllO. Panel Gathers Women'• Fellowthlp ol SI. Andr<lf'• l'rllbyt«lu Church will ol/tt I llrunch ll'ed· nesday, Moy 7, al lt·a:m • .and • -1 entitled Padnlll "' ·American Women. ' Bouqueta of whita gladioli, bride'• twin llilt<r, wore llme .wet, -dallles and ·chryun-green allk .-..., gown and t.hemuma adorned the First carried yellow dallies for htt Soutbem Baptist Church of ri>le as bridesmaid. Lori Dee Costa Mesa wh<n Patsy Ann Stovall, in a )'tllow frocl<, Adamson became the brlde of sa-ved her aunt as flower girl. Ray Edward Williams. Attending his brother as ·'Ibe Rev, Howard Williams best man was John Wllliazns, The Romona Pageant tn Hemet will attract members of. the Xl'Mu Mu Cbapter,··Beta Sigma Phi. ./ Mrs. Georae Burgess has arranged the cultural ruling whlcb will take place tomor- row. The chapter plans a pro- gram of this type each year. On Monday, M.ay 12. the chapter will celebrate its fourth anniversary. Following cocktails ·end dJMer, new of· fictrs will be installed. Serving durlog the coming year will be the Mmes. BU;rgess, prea.ldent; Milton Lomu and Ted Bennetts, vice . presidents: William Poller, recording secretary, aod Gib Lynch, trta~. . . Mrs. Phylw Smith, in· stalling olfi .. r aod sponsor; will be honored. Secret sbters will ·be revtal· ed tn~ new naJn" drawo by members. During a recent E&· amplar ritual, Mrs. Andrew Nyhius and Mrs. Larry Zuruba received degrees from Mrs. Bennetts and were honored during the tea whlcb followed. Mrs. Gerald .Jlukk was in charce ol the ceremony taking piece tn -the Garden Gryve home of Mni Stuart Hayter. Grandmothers loo! NO WAITING-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A aDoeiol llfl f« a most -!al -1 Eaeh bloli!lfUllY cut -:tr-e membtf'"Ofhttfamlly, ~\dllltilld in pur. lOK pld floentint. -l5.95 Pt.us A ~ENNEY'S EXCUJSIVtl . A LOVING 1111U1f 10 M01HEI ' ' perlonnel the. dooble rliig while ushering guests lo their nupt!Als !or the da~ of ,..ts w.,.. Terry and Rlcbard Mrs. E4"o Adamaon of Coota Williams, other brolhen, and Mesa mid David A. Adamson ring beam wat K e a r y of Salt Lake City and the eoo Adamson, the bride's nephew. ol Mr. and Mrs. Raymood I. A reception 1ollowed In the Wllltams, also ol Costa Mesa. church. Assisting were Miss · The bride was given tn mar-Mary · W t 11 I a m s , . the riage by ~ brother-In-law, bridegroom's sister, Mrs . Husband's in Limelight A ~flll '9dieltiol 1ntllle -cfllrbtltd of 111 I -·----ifull1. . this flilo "-tlll • -Wlllbo-lifllllll Air Force Cap!. James J, TCIO)I Acala ol Costa Mesa and Husbands will be invited to Stovall. She wore a allk linen Mrs. David Adamson, the dinner following th e ln- gown featuring a cucade of bride'• ai!ter-ln-law. stallaUon of new oUicm of ru/flel in the back which Special guw wm Mrs. Seal Beach Junior Woman's formed I train. lier -Locy Wllliaml ol Baldwin length v<ll wu bold by 1 Doral Park and Georp Parker ol Club taking· pllce Saturday' · shaped beadplece, and furn>. Vlatl, the b r I d e & r o o m ' s Moy 10, In the C.ptahi'1 IM, Ing her CUClde bouquet wn grandparents and Mila Gall Lone Beacll. dallits, pomp on dlry-. Sommer of Sal\Fnnclsco. ~ Serving u ""'1dent lot the tbom111111 and a white ordtld. Alter boneymoooing In Sah' new year wfl1 be Mn. Joyce Mrs. Stovall> the brtd .. a Late.City, tbe'-l)'Weds.wlll Sleldley, 'and she will be a1st<r and hooor attendant mlde in Collta Mesa. · '!'be ISS!md by the Mm ... Je"' ~ a :yollow 1Uk sllantuhg bride la• ,,..iu111e ol Ettan> Rocblt, Ropald Jeuner !lflf ,.... and carried a colonW . eta HJgb School and her hu,,. David Sloan, vi"' pr"ldenls: boUquel ol dtlsle•. band 1' an alum"" ol Costa Carl Irwin. oecretaey; Ronald Mrt. BW lA>ughery, the flfesa HJgt\ School. Puente, treasurer, and Ted Morris, press cbalnnan. Mrs. Steidley, wbo bas serv· ed her c!Ub as vice president, membership, education and Amerltanism chalrman, allO was named Woman-ol-tbe-ytar in 111!6 • ~ She has two childrtn, ts ac- tive in PT~· and was e1> chairman or mothen for the city'• play ll""'P· She also - rtc:tl!W It. hrftet for ffll'lllll'I t Absolutely no cost to you when you purch111 lflY of Penneys speclaJ· Rines for Motheril ....................... .................. CHAROf " AT YOUR PINNIY'S fJNI! JIWIUIY DIPARTMIHf named one of the 0Utstandin1 Women In America. IH'T. Jn:li'--.,,---,-,,-eoo-.,.--•• -.. -,-.. -T-.. -,..,-.--.,-.-.. -,-T-, ... -.~ addition to her family and club H1trb&t' 1, H'Altlnf!M CMtW 1111-111o11 1itt1'111 work, she rttlt finds tlrite-for Or••"*"9 ••lftllr '' MKArlllur '' ,Ul.L••ToN 1111 Ottoo l'wy. ,.KHlc CO.II HW'f, tennis and swimming. • . ·-· . - - ., ' I ~ • ' • • ~osia , . .. . . .. Y9C. 62, NO., 105, 4 SECTIONS o40 PASES ' .t· .· •• ·'" ORANGE COl,JNTY, t:.ApFORNIA ••• .. ' • . .. . . , '\ . •• 1.s.eover· -·- • Mesa Frets .. .. \ Over River '· ~ ·, ' • I Ft~eway By JEROME F. COLLINS Of IM O.ltr ~Utt l .. ff • · The HarbOr Area has another freeway proble,m. · Bl{t-'thi.a ti\ne. Costa ~fesa is frellin&" about it· more than Newport B~lt is. The problem is-the OranJe Freeway~ Coat.a· Mesa is worried because ann.nt atate pl~ place the route in a corridor along, tbe Santa Ana .River. Divbie11 ·o1 Highways engineers haven't yet ~lded which side of the river it aJ:ioiJfd jO on. • -If 1; ends up \)fl the east side, it would wipe out a ~ portion of the ·Mesa Verde Country! Club, as ¥(ell as Costa Mesa's dreams of a Keys Marina alongside the river downstream, . .. . UPI~ STRICKEN IN SACRAMENTO Stat• Sec;r•t•r~ JOrd•n -------- . . . .. S~gnsc Hint" • • • j • . I Early Peacf{ talks Br~~ PARIS (UPJ) - A jungle · Viet Cobg meet.ing, a M.oscow confere~ Involving a ·;North , Vi~tnamese . leader and 1 the relw'n to Sajgon of South Vietnam's chief ~gotia~ ,pr9vided signs . tcxlay thal a breakthrough may. be· near in· the Viet. lllm·~·-' . _.,.. "°"""' said Vlei ·Cont lealleri wett meeting in the ' JIUll!" GI South. Vjebwq 10 ~-L~· i!!..Ale lal1oa by M(a..Nguy<n 'lbi Bin)t, a ~ ran~ member !JI .the Nati..,al Libera- tion Froot (NLF) delqation.Jn ·P.uil . Mrs. Binh's trip, a conferOO •btilfttn --' • t .. : · . FRID,i.Y, MAY 2, 1969 TEN CENTS . I ' ! ·1 o'.J . I , ~·I / - . . ' ~::~a-··rm · .... ·~ ..... ' . . . - , . ' Mesa Verde Home Hit For·-Drugs I ' By Al\TBUll R. VINBl!':L ' Of IM CNlly PINt Steff S"muggled hashish wonh $2,000 - mailed from Paris· -1hd ·• minllture marijllana farm were allegedly Mlzed Thursday when federal aaentJ and Costa MeU pollct arrested a man in a raid en bis Mesa Verde area home. A quantity of pillJ believed to bi LSD, empty capsules and Kool Aid · powdt< commonly used to cut the drug for aale or individual. consumpUon were 1lao • fouocl, along with other ponphunalja, Investigators cWmed. Victor c. Fonythe, 20, of J07'I Molokai Drive, wu charged with violation of federal smuggling laws and ~beduled for· arraignment today before a U.S. commissioner iii Santa Ani. • Newport Beach city officials don't care muCh about the issue. In fact, according tp ~unt;'llman Pau! ). Qruber, the city -might even have a .slight preference fer an aligmritbt ea• of the river. State ·Secretary Suffers,_ Stroke .· Le Due Tho, the key North Vietnamese ,,. ~ delegat!!J and Soviet lea~ers and the ~4 den return home of the S a i go n goveMent'$ Pham Dang Lam provided optimism thai things may ~ inovlq~ . Le Due Tho was in Moscow oa Ju. way back .to Plri·s atter ·1Q. weea· tf;con.; suJtaUQO in. HanoL DeteeUve Norm Kutch s.ii.ld Forsythe'• arrest climaxed a two-day investigation resulting from information by U.S. Post Office authorities at a branch a. fe1J- blocl<s . from the Flinythe bcJme, !'.«>I poliee holds were allo"ptaOed on ·the -llMmployed car washer f<r """' . ecut1on on charges of pos•-of _dangerous clnJgs, cultlvailon ·ol. -i. , Division d' ~ways Officials said t1r day the.$11.irj>ose Or the freeway is to link the qard~ GrovftSanta Ana Freew~,y complu in Orange wtth Uie adopte,I afignmeot ·of th~ Pacific Coast Fret-Way. Stale_e~·are ~!lie.,.,.,... of ~~·~·~od th~~ quell.QI.. . l_ • "I d<iiit~ tblot w,e'JI·~ 1111 flliilill!I ca thJs, one fty or the other," said Gruber, who la a member of his city council'• freew&J. coipmitt.ee. "But ,tt does seem almosUn iJnposslbllity to route u west ol tbe ri(er.' The ·sanitation districts' treat· ' . ment plant and a big outfall they're buildin« off the mouth of the riVer would be standing· In the way ." .c..Ho.,sai<UCs..llkel)l-Newport.wilL st.nd aside frbm \he issue and let lhe Highway CommJ!Sion settle it. . Costa M'esa, by contrast, is ioing to get ~y invdlved ln the decision-making, If.id Coala Mesa Cizy Manager Arthur McKerule. "We'll have study groups working with the City of Santa Ana, Orange County government and majqr owners of land ·ws side of the river, .. be aaid. "We 've uked th! state to sit in with us on these . : I ( 'SACRAMENTO (Al') _, SOcrilary or ~te Frank M. JonlJn 11,Jffered ·.i:ttrote . • . . -. ' . •. 'l ' .. and Js. In ~~.~·~Mercy G<n<ianrc · 1£ar'I:rr ··· ~ · .;,ai.:.:..~a .. p.~~ ~ iift: ~ r • dtJd1 secrJlll)' of st.te. lonlop, ao, bll wved-b SecrNry of il.ile ...,.. ,w; : .. ·He.,.u admitted to the bospiW 'l'hun- day night. At lttlt time, a boopilal official aaid oniy ·that Jordan WM "ll) fair .too• dltiOll;. wu auffertng from fltilUe and ~as bein1 bolpitallzed for Oblervation. Market Climbs Again; 33 Points Gained in Week <#=S1icms." ' • · NEW YORK (Al')•.-'lbe -marr.t (McKenzie indlcaled oo official position charged• -Frldly -a strOM ad- ·. 1.am, Salg®"' cfue1·11t!ela1e"leflJ>ari•. . un•rn.rtHllv" Tbiin4ay 10. · .,.,. .. · tO r~i.i-;;;:..,~"-'-' .Ni • V~'rhllu. tii"'-.i.s ·~~· ~·lit"~ ................ ;lib· . '"1¥! --..... .• l'n""'~Yrl~ • iG •• 1 ,. ~"\'I ~ ~-~~tip w"""'1oday ~"",_«to talk with ''l!>e oUiet r:rt1•" In .. ellort pt,tbe ·talb ~ ~h .... 1.. ""!.; Lam'i b'lp """"•enlly ..... cODiie&d with the direcirs:;;th v1e1nam-vitt CGa& talks "which ThliU propoied men tbu a month ago.. . . Even be(~ Lam lefl,"1-ot•pooil- ble breaktbrough in the ooaf~ were spurred by newa Uiat Tbo was on hil·way back to Paris-from Hanoi .. Allied diplomata recalled that two previomr trips Tho made to Hanoi bad preceded major developmentl tn the 'pOooe talD: Tho · Ji the .....U..ranlied member « the North .. Vielnamue pollt4 bun> alid spOdal Counoe1or to tile Hanoi delegllion to P•.ia. Mrs. Binh left Piila April ll l!ICI Viet Cone spokesmen only nluctanUy COO· finned Iba ......... will be taken by his city r.,-..... time. .. • .... -,..,..,fl>' eot<Jj'lll bieath "It's not an easy thing to decide," be from a>e d iliO blrillt pins In a year. · . Aid. "'We can appreciate the a!nge The manet poMI bi& ... Tlladay Harbor Forum plant and outfall pn>bi<m· weot ol the and 1'~ lllllnlJ'., rili1o( hOpeo ol · ,,;.. t1ver. but we have to CClllOlder wbot,wlll ttaf ~.In VjllDam , _ talb • • . happen to the golf coune,an<I the Keya wblch '°'"' ~ .. 1"" -borne ·aut.-lt-"'"Ci.ll:a· .~-M,n.,,,;tin• g Marino, ;r !hat ·•ver jdlo.\' . lleltled" dOwn 'llnlnday'ind llllrted oil at uU ~ ..,_, Meanwhlle, clUea west ol the. river -, u ..,. ~. ~· · · FOW!lalnVall•y·an<llluntlngtooBucb.-'11\<•llow J°"" a-a ol JO~ are dolilg th>lr beit•to !hOYe the alip-dllllrilll -a pin d I.GI points at ment:.0 .the Costa M.,..Newport tldo, 1 noon Jnd .l!l<n upended ft to 7.lli polnll ,Jluntlngton B<acli 'councilmen have ilt •TJ!; ..... 1111 high, by Ibo dole. aked their midenta to "itart proleltiDg ".1 ni.•a...,.-hod l~ 11.m polnta early." ., w~Bcl t.(ll 1°1!""Jay_and·dlpped r.And Fountain Val~y leodtt'S say that Jr ·•·!I 'l!ionda,. '!bi pin far t1ie .,.U wu tbe Orance Freeway must wind up Clfl 33:17 points. '/'1 • • tieir 11~ of the river, they wlilt It ' e..qn,ukl the ub!ISrym, llHftCth d tann.lnaled at the San Diego F,....ay, Jn.. the matket w -ted UJ1ler In 7.d'<I at the Coast F..,w,r. , lhe -llld "f!d -a~ ,, . '\ ' , NU.Y PILOT,,.. 9f .-.. ..... PATRoLMAN RANOY NUTT ci.trctcs oAW.011> CAii' f o11 MECH'ANICAL 01~1cT.~ . Moiher. 1ley Went 'IO Ho1pllel After Roar_.,,.. Colll11'"1 Thurtdoy ,ln Cotta MoN . • .. . . -.. · ' j...a' and -.sloq of-narcotks para- pbeplolla.. .. . .. .. ' A federal search warrant wu ~ · we< ~autjloflJiea' Yilll-to .Ibo r""11be I ~·j~.,. I r, 8evtn OU-ol bilhllh _,.. liiand biddeO In Foru!ha'• llidt ).ni;--Jnc -to Detective Kutch, of the vice and ir;Jtelli&eace detail, and taken by cus· -.apnta for use 14 federal _.. '· DAtl.YPILliTiW ...... Tfnl• tor Fairview TbtS1' · ,' ·· · A.bhlnlID•Uv•.AsslsiJl·ia!:W~nace and Dr. Anlhony Tot~, ~uperin· . tende~t. and . medical. d_ireclot. at .F~i~w. S!jile, !f.01~1tal in Costa .l',feJ!l, accept 1 toys ; for-yotuig patients· d'eflvered T)i~rsday by Earl . Tisdell .of Soutb. Coa1t1Plaza (on. truck). Plaza n\en:hants 'collectea coins /ilcl!ed Into •OO)>Ping1cenler li>Ulllliin" b{ eustom•rs and· j>Ur-c;b,~e . t~ys .f.orr donation to _hosf)ital J• · · ,.. . . r : ' • . LOcked OutDishwa~er . ' . . ' Held on A.ss~ult ·~ge,~:": t ' • ' AngTY., at being · loete!i oul.' a • man ClauclO P1,U. '6111cl'<lo anytffi.c, . dishwuHer wu disarmed at IUDpoint 'Nice aid'Payne'lntervened'abcl1Mrs. late .Th~y.'.af1<r .allegedly,ralslnf a · ~~called Police, leadlng 'to the Jn... tire kon ~ · if'-to· ltrikt a ~i)dm · f.idtnt '1nV01!1Qa ~OffiCer •. Fanner who . pollctman who follow~ him into •-par·.. followed the suspect when he refu.sed to row laW\(lr'Y room. • . • puL down the weapon. . Wlllard· F. White 2.0 of 115 Santa · Mrs. Warnp, owner of the'.,building ' ' housing a bar whose operator was shot babel Ave., w-.r•tr•<Oed and booted on and killed al h!J Loo An(des~lll'·~ IUlplclon of .....au1r with a dtac11y ' mystery ....nant1Apftl,ll ~ 'ftlrll>OR,.ag~ 'the 1,~ d "thel White wu alrtady ancry ai her. ', apanments.-he lives.• . Sl)e·~·lavest!Pton at>e·c:alled ~ 1 Patrohnln Jtum.Fanher wat1·sent,to two ,.._u 110 ·durln& 1aoo&ber •di.1Puk the 1Clim ~of .a ·landl!o·r,d~te·b .. nt 1 with the man. · r ,, • . · dbtatblnce after Mni Lucille A •. Warren, , . . . .. . , . '. 40, ol 2311-Newport B!Vd.,.called police . . , · ot;!1:'"N.~io ~T~~t zrehlee HeadS With a-U..Jrcia 'and tbru&ened to.kill ber . . .. .. . : . ~ , . ' II ... did ·not unlodt hll 'docr, but•broU M . . D . 'd TLI! 111e """." oa'bef ........ uc1m ___ • ~Ll'0ull . .1.1r1ve ' • • I ' • ,_ • I r '· ·A .. bank"'W!e • pNaidei~ • adli9 · ..... Police Continue :r.1nd.a~o1?lt;.~~ · , M.., Unilod Fund '-pqn. Probes of Mes<i· 1on~~t~~'~Gl~,Pri1Jc:e. , • ," ~ ~ . the U. 8. NatiOolol , Ii&-. . . vi.. and Wlgence c1etai1 SCI-iac:k Calooo said "today, tlie dark. otlcky com- pound is of hlgh 'rade and WM probably mailed from Par11 after beinl amugaled in frQm Turkey. 1 ' '11iree contlineni ol. ,;io marl/uana, gem sprouting on water-covered Wue paper for trall8plantlng later; 23 alleged LSD tablets; 18 passible bP.nzedrine tablet.; two hashllll pipes; threct opoons and'a drug syringe were also taken tram Fonythe's room, Kutch asserted. DetaiJs )~ding. to the probe w~ not released, but the police credl~ed.a postal supervisor at the ~bninch post omo. at (SO. DRUG KAID, Pace Z) * * * Drug Salf?s Ring Cracked in Mesa · A series of arrests was In PJ'Oll'8ll at n!ld-day toilay, described by Costa -. pOllce'"'as a major toundUp of ~ ' wanted in connecUon with a large-'folume • dangerous drug sa1es rinJ. . . .Vice and-'lntelllgence detail Sgt. Jact· Calnon aald the operation was lltW too fresh at 1 p.m. to offer a complete ltoi'y of the case. Sgt. Olnoo said nine1 to twelve amlltl were being made u a result ol hr vesfigaUon into narcoUca traffic, but did 00! specify !he" volume er ·IYPe ol con- traband. The case in progress during the early allf~ was entlrefy ,.pantt lmn OM Thursday, in wblch a•Maa .. Verde area min wu arrested with «Z.• worth ot biih-grade buhjsh, tie said,. ' ·«:eu& ...... l T · ff' M' ha -.-••. "" ehalrmanobip '"" . -~a IC , U ps : :=.;b~ii.'tli.:,tcni;.::i: .J: .. ' · loda, •• :..: .In' Illa. LI Joi"!;~-,_ . • , . · 1 ir yoti•re ~ rbr a c"*ae rri 1 the· weather, 'forget 'It. The-Week· encl lllap.J, up 1IA !he relll ol ~ wed wflb' cloudy akin W1 noon .. and lemperalUTt!f In th• middle ~~' ~ .1, """.' JfO lad lilo ''!'!" ~~ to:C"oota I ='° ~="" J:i .~~ lleai '"~J.., c111: ~ be '. and ""' iinall tiOy 'l'bunc1v trafl1c .,. held'... . will! ~ f~·-·••" .. . , · ' " IJ'.S. .. illddii bnlic:h. '< .. I 11."11:1"•-. • ., f • • • • ._. Stephen Cmrfard,' I, of DSI; Pl-· , . A .... iljln Pld.c9Qdltlon.loday at Ccllta , nrrln<TO '.r;-<-..rci rill • 1 ' -lleoe-llelnartaHicllpltal-~--S;~«A.l..t, .&VH.i) .l.J·~ • conciaakll'I anct bru• m the rur..a , , .. • ~ , ~. . ·co::~. 11ro: Slwoo ·A. Miao,.. WITH RA.CE . DA'l'1 wq -for lllClal lacenllcm and Dintl racllapbioe~ rrom A1moo ..-a11er11erllllilJ"'carCl'lltied·lnlo L~' n•W~. .....: the na<.GI ..,._. bhlclo at. u i.= • 17, """'' . _,. eoltor, · ~J ntlht. ' 1 wlll be ~ u . recelvld (ap- ·She .• wu.tray•J!ol. wet! oo Poularloe 1')aldllltl,!' ~ ~~ ~ I Av-al.1:41:p;m. ail<trammed a ••r . the~......,. )'ldlt race,, cit!..,. by.ltenDeill V. Newton, 41, GI ¥5 on K '(loll 11'11). 'I> iw1fo atatka, ' F-!ic.I Drive; N•wj>orl'll•icih, wiltiq ....,, al I a.f!!. Ind llPii all at I Lm. ( ... CllMllU,. Pqe I) . ' •• ) l 1 IO's aJiol the Oi'qe Cout. INSIDB TODAY ' • .. ,, OAlL't' r lLOT c • " ••• PILOT ! • -. • • • . ,. llOGiOOll ' • Circus~ a 'W orfd Apart, Break in the Monotony ly Atml\Jll ll.vtNJa. ..... ...,,, ....... . ' . A efl<QI ta a Wlr!4 ~ with, band nwalc ""'1 bombUI to an..ce out' · · own moootonoui dall)' IOUDda ol • kDock In tbl car engine and news ol 10m6o bodJ'allroopo mualng .., 'acmebodf'I border. The circus came to Coeta Mesa Tuesday and the people came to the -~circus.-- - OWner Sid Kellnor 11)'1 the public today Ix hungrier than at any point · In tbla century fOI' the spe<tacle of the tradiUonal Big Top teot clmla. Maybe, but •• also need a reminder that not eo long llOi' lions and. eltphanta were as alien aa the Idea of man hlmaell aetu., foot. 1W1 the moon In July. * 111.11.V ~tLOY St ... n. ARGUES FOR FREE SP.EECH- OCC Seruitor Ka1er All the old alandbya wart tW1 rill lb• drcul: bar-Orange Coast ed roustabouts, CODCellion alrla b9pdlfhc 1nOW" con• with rupberry ll}'tllp, downs who ran away from home .. boys and found • r.mlly. M d M. tak ~.:ii~ the~~ .:l':.°ir.ckled children, _ a e 1s e old !'"0!'1e tracking oomet11li>g elua!Vll fmn youlll In a Kalllu or NebrllP • • Cautiou,s Pay Talks • I' .H_arbor .+,~~'rs .Now _8a~g~~q, .~n.;.S.ecret • • + •• ..... • • • II TlloilM POR'IUNE What waa !ell lo'djl waa 10< bOlb -ui>ciaUon, reptted lhat a dilrerenUu.d • .. ....,""' '"" to "1lke Poinll {Gr future c~.~r•bll. stalling plan now Jn the works, with M~y they eou\4ft'l talk abolll aal~~~e!: :m 1:o~ ~rior teachers given greater duty and So with an tm1~ted a1end& before cosDmn~ol how much tamv:,.. ~ ereater pay, may be the eventual answer. them Newport.M~.~ teacbert and up ··comparoc1 '\to' lmJll'OY" .II c ti1f o 1 "But," he said, '"we can't If.op and w1it acbaol board members traded co,n-aerv~cd:. I thintl teacber1 IOlnttbnea lose for this. we ha~ our families to reed and J)llment.11, staked ~a few Claims of sight of~" I • 1 · children to put lhrough ·college." • ~J>, and declared it a profitable t;allltered Dlck'W1tta for~· teaehtn, Most of the lime those on either aide t~hour session. "Tbe telchfr jod1y la gl~tnQtt. We were complimentary. Bartalnlnl over tt.acl!« u!arlto.far · ba"ktptupwllllconUnuoua (IU<Xll. Walt. lllld of the board, "In tbe Pail Dot 1w nOw will ~e in aecrtt. N COit ol :Uvtn1 has lonfl &Go. My we lee1 yoq have gone past the letter Of UndOr a -ix .. , ocltool boarda·--do wl(e WonM ine ol \1111 every irben '{he !iw !1!> bar1aining) to the spirit iil their lltary neeoliation In private and I ;o fl<>m~-· the law." that"la the way the Newport-Mesa board In another exchange, Ptyton com· Sai~ board member Selim "Bud" · bu chosen to do it. menttd on an apparent amblculty' hi· Franklin: In an open meeting attended by fO what teachers want. "My~ohildren have bad 16 teachers. teacbel'I and principals Tuesday night "We can't continue to rai se lhe whole Nine · have been excellent, three very bargainltig ipolteamen putpoaely akirted aa1ary achedu~ and then tack on money gOod, ·oniY four I would consider beki*:.. around revealing anything b e I n & for superior teacher1 too," he said. that, and two are no longer in the · bi:i6UiltcL Ray Snyder, president of Ute teacher '• district. J'm very pleased." . . Race__Confused as 'Cats' Near Ensenada Finish Woman Accused Of ShQpping · With False Card town bli ..... gb -luc:kY eri'ougb -to be on Uie lpl11lc roadabow clrcult. B . SDS? Seemlngly the .. me, 1prlng after Amti'lcan apr!ng, the two young glrla anmng wbo .,. a Utile Imperfect In Ille and obape llrolltd the midway, plfllng and • By AUION LOCKABl!Y w1ichlng boya. The c.o c 11 ad DAIL y ,,LOT IHllMI l•it.r Three other boat. were lighted off Point Sa1clpude1 at 1:'5 a.m. One was Wild Wind, an unoffkl1l entry in the race ; another wu Jim Arne 1 s' Seumoke, skippered by Brian Wald, while the thfrd wu unidentified. Th ey not OQlY ten no tales but they pay no bills and a Santa Ana housewife was arrested Thursday in Costa Pt1esa for allegedly using a dead man 's credit card to buy baby clothes. -' • Theaoundowtrethell!DO: fromthehooplaolthebarkerwlUlaanaka . Orange as! o eg• • ABO'RD "OTOR VESSEL around !Ill neck to the childlob chatter and nakedly tlnl1)'-aouDdln band, play-mlnlllraUon made a m!Jtake In not Ii•· n "' ·.Inc ·bravely u they ~ before the atereo-ampllfter etL tng iecoenHion to s t u d e ·n t't for a WESTWARD -With the lead boat.I - The talk wu the same ; democrltic Society (SDS), Uy1 OntJCe the catamarans -expected to crou the "Jimmy, you get back over here.'' . Coast lludeiit Beryl Kuer. · flril1h Une around noon today, all wu st111 "Okey, sonny, step back, no leaning on the rope." ••Look at all the water they're dJinkinc. New tbey can IO acrou the UnwltUngly, adminlltraton have confusion In the Newport to Emenada • d-i kr two weeka bef°"' they need inY _._,, played rtgI>t into SD6' banda. by pvlog -yacht race early tbla morning. ''Those are elephants. l>wmQy, not camela.~' them an islue, he contend&. The fleet is so scattered thlt It was im-. "When SOS flrll llaNd on .,_ J!OUlble to idmlify the leaden, but the * ' !hey -~ dra" any auppqrt at an but bulk ol the boat. appeare4 to be ""'" Ev~ oeemed the -same In Iha! faJI. ~~~~~J--~~~~~~~'!!;:p<L<m..la!Ll!>/l~L'l!Jthe~Coroiwloe~~ Ia!and1. 'T"wbere·the concessfonilre as me ae • er ;;, care ~dents there," Kaser Wd. .The Westward passed the .fS.foot a San Diego shopping center --if malled by Tbm'Jid.11. Kaser, a Rn&tor in the llUdeDt govern-catamaran AJkane, skippered by Kenneth ·"There's ' one born every minute," Aid t&e areatest lbowman tA all. ,rnent, 1ald he is not 1 member nor aup-Murphey, off Polnt Delcanso and at P.T. Barnum, and he meant UI, not rlngm.utera, but rubes: flrQshandl, engt. ))Ol"ter for SOS but hu argued for thelr about 7:30 1.m. she appeared to bt th~ neen, coOlts, CUb Scouts and newspapertneJ). We were all there at the dtcul. group's right to free speech. He 1ald be lead yacht. I thought of Barnum's line while kicking aroWld the World Apart. Idea for a thlnks many students feel like he does . stoey angle. ~ ••1 empathiie With them because the *-Something strlklni -In Ill vtJual 1mj,.d -OCCllll'Od then".' . _A -lll'OUP of ra1rv1e .. State Hospital peUenll could be ...., framed be- -lhe Side 8boif teol and lhe Blg4'op, While belnll led to their b!Mcl>tr -oeOt. uiough a Rperate entry. They turned aur WAI• polnU., toWanl lhe 11fi11>1er light. and the baby eleplwlt. and I 1bauPI no,,_. about -ate --of drcul and IOClety. . : Suddenly thett WU ooly the one bli llolJo we ..U oban, with Ha aad fiaWll and lmperfect!ODI, requlr1ni -occulonal eocapel Clle CID af. lord. --. · -.• Overi>eld bung the <Old mom -a real Wlr!d aport ..!-and what will we -do, nDllng ~w•y to • cold, allent void wlthoat even Uom, elephan&I er • ~? •'':IV·! If. ~ • .. • Bfi§y 1Jay <lor , Burglars; ~ Mesa _ Thefts Reported the lntrud<r escqed and Nimmo could give no dellnlte dOICrtpUoe. adminlstration has driven them up against a wall," he said. Llke a ,great many students al OCC, Kaser ii older, 28, and a veteran. He w·aa an infantry aergeent. He 11 ICUve lo the Whittier School PTA and hu just organiud a woodcraft Rangen childl'en'• club. He aa1d the board ol trua!tes adtd out ol fear when It voled down SD6 because the dlstrlc:l'a voten wouldn't Ulce IL In bla view that la atlllnc wt a democratic prlnc:lple (free opeech) far -· "Wiien Wu the 1aet -they pa.aecl • !land lllue Cl1ft1?11 be ub. ! Thirsty BUi'glar Gets $800 LOOt From Mesa Home From Page I DRUG RAID. •• 1560 W. Adami Ave., with helping in the cue. - Jnvesiigatora charge the huhiab in- volved was mailed to Forsythe from Paris and evldenUy delivered two dal:ll &iO, ac<onling to writlto reports of Ille . . cue. -Haoblab Is the refined up ol the marijuana plant taken by "llteeZiDC the tilciaoma, a ~t , compound moot commonly orlglDlt!ni in the Middle East countries. Beeldts the toilgh lid<ral 1tnuggling rap Foraythe facts and ' the state· of- tensu an which be may be rtOStCUted; De!acUve Kutch said the" IUJpecl hu some additional ttoi.ible. A roiiUne r«orU check as Fonytbe WU belrll booked at Cost.a Mesa City. Jail afW his mid.afternoon arrest revealed a $49.50 arrest warrant !or lallm to appear In ooun oo a lpeeding tlcket. Many of lite yacht. In the 161 bolt neet ..... apotlfd ... king boiler -25 miles oU abort. A groop of bolt., Iden· tified u Columbia 508, were off the Coronadoo flying opinnll<en. Head -oOuth of the Coronadoe bad dim1nlabed by thJa mominl and the weather appearil to be cltarlni. with liJht wlnda, for the nm to Enaenada during the day. * * * Pomona Docior Dies During Race A prominent Pomona surgeon com- peting in hi• 17th Ensenada yacht race died of an apparent heatt attack Thurs- day night aboanl hit :It-foot 1loop "'Elena". Dr. Edwanl ProcW, '12, a surgeon \n Pomon1 for 211 years, w1s stricken u his aloop ne.ared Dena Point. Other compet1n1 boeta pulled along ride ·io render aJd ml radio !or Coass Guard help. "O. Sources aaid 1tlle IW'leotl'I cm'· WU composed -of lwo other phys!~ .. He wu declared 'dead before reacue craft arrived, Harbor Department aides said. The sloop orllinaJly wu to have put 1n at Dana Harbor, but it returned with the body to Newwt Beach, Instead. Dr. Proctar was a member of Voyagers Yaebt Club. The body waa removed to Batu Corona dtl Mar Mortjlary. Doris Boyer, 24, of 1410 Berni Av~ .• Santa Ana, was booked into Orange Cotln· ty Jail on suspicion of fraudulen( use of a credit card. Se'.curity officer Clarence D. Bradley caught the suspect '"85 she ran out ii. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 3333 S. ·Bristol St., as an alert sales clerk checked the card being used with the credit department. Her $15.72 purchase was left on the counter, according _to Patrolman Harlan Pauley, who said th e arrestee claimed she found the card issued to Roy S. Meza, E~condido, In a reBtroom Tuesday. Police said sears store executives In Escondido reportep ll)at 1'1r. Meza has been dead for sort;e weeks and $404.62 Iii purchases have been made on his card since late April. GM Strikes Seen long and Costly DETROIT (AP} -Union officials said today a series of strikes which have idled more than 50,000 General Motorl tmployes-could be long and costly. A GM spokesman declined to guess how long the walkout might last, siylnf, "There are too many variables to in- dicate whether the Blrike will be long Cl' abort." I ~e strike at facilities in Van Nuys. Calif., Kansas City, Baltimore, Atlanta, Nortb. Tarrytown, N.Y., and Janesville, Wis ., began Monday. But11ar1, lncludlni one daylight thlel who swiped an adding machine from 1 high school u • cuatodian yelled to stop took loot worth nearly '$800 in flve ,.parate Costa M.,. cases Thursday. Custodian James Nimmo tried to halt the la:; Estancia High School job he saw from a distanct Thursday afternoon, but Sally L. Gherman, of 2571 Santa Ana Ave., told Police that aomeone took a televi!too m and custom·madt guitar worth $225 after yanking the acntn from ber apartment door. An lmblblng burglar with a tam for tho WIUl11al In · bolli cocktalla and loot hu tabn llOO worth ol ltema, including famliy beirloom jeWelry, from a Colla Mesa writer's home. Mra. Pamela R. Hutchimon , 2421 Elden Ave., told police that the value 11 an antique brooch set with 40 red garMtl and a pair ol circular men's shirt studs with 20 stones eadt amount to $800. WOOLTURF BY FIRTH ONLY $10.95 59. YD. Cub Scouts · Set Pancake Feed Cub Scout Pack ao of Coeta Mesa '11111 hold 1~ aMual pancake breakfast from 7 a.m. to noon ~day at Costa Mesa Park. The boys and their father1 wW .erve · pancake!, sausage, Julee, milk and'cof- fee, .wUb plenty of aec:onds available. Tickets are 60 cents, and children under age four are admitted free . Fo~ more· lnfonnation or Ucktts, call MM269. DAIL Y Pl!Ol ~AHGI COASl PUil llMlHO COMPAJ('T ltMrt N. WtM """""' .,... 1"1*1btott Jtc~ l , C11rl•1 -Yb Pnt'*"' tM OtMr• MMe"' Th•m•1 K11•il .... llie"''' A. M111,hl11• """"'tlft• 1•11er e..t. MWI Offtc. 3)0 W11t lty Str11t Jif•I~"' A.t41•.11: •.o. ••• 1 ••o. n•>• "' --;....,,,.. ~:bu.,.., ..... ....,,. .... ,.. "'"""" Dl«l'l m ,., ..... , ""'- .....,...,1111 ~ .. Stll llf"ttl Kim Sanden, 12, dlecovered a l!J2 casb-.nd Jewelry burglary Ill the Rayford R. Sanders home, 1966 Balearic Drive, when abe went to count her 11v1np after 1chool and-loand her bani: empty. William H. Grteewldl, ol 574 Hamilton St, aatd aomeone alM> entered bis unlock- ed garage and took f!IO In loot, including assorted tools and an air compreaor. .Bill G. Cooper, of '187 Hudaon Ave., Aid llQl!\eone wallled In thtough hit unlochd front door while ~e wu, on a brief errand and 1tole a f!OO televlalon Ht. From Pqe I CRASHES .•• to pull onto Falrvlew·Rold, polloe Aid. Polioe today also Identified the driver « a car involvtet tn a motorcycle msh, alter rWnlil( only the victim 'nnu.day _morning II inv.,11,iiatlon wu aUll !n pro. Ill'""'· Gary A. Clln, 17, of 3115 Victoria St., died at Costa Mesa Mtmorial Hospital of cootpOW'id Ir-of the alrull and neck, after the acct<liilt oa the Orange Coast College campue. · A friend who cbaUed with Caln aecOnds before the fltal craab aald the young OCC kcbnloal aut«noblle n!palr proiram enrollee was just crulslni 1round. 'l'be victim a«elerated the 'cycle and had ,_ about 100 yardo Wh«! a Cir drl"'1 by Cbrtlline L. Boyd, It, ol 12902 Dunu Rood, Santa Ana, turned !ell Into : ~lb Ill S Simi, beading for a paric• MIR llo)od aald ahe did not ... the moioreycliat, and oho waa IW>I c:lltd, ac- c:ordln( to petrolman Olano Clmar1llo. Ht la IUl'tlftd by !Ill mother, !In. Jlet. ly Farr, 'ol 1-Beach. Dr. Joy N .. ber. of the South Coast Child Gu1dance ClWc, baPOelled !? be nearby and gave cam mouih---rHiiooth resuscitaUoa, but efforll to aave hit life wm futile. Hope Enters Hospital NEW YORK (AP) -Comedian Bob ff~ ••ltted Colwnbla Prear.lan Medltal Cenltr 'lllllradoy nJ for medlcal ltiotment of an all!nc •Y•· ~pita! authorlUea aald today. Investigators sald they could find no signs of forced entry at the Hutchinson home, missing a variety of cheaper jewelry, a.s. we!~ as 'the victim's silver baby cup, mscr1bed: Pamela. Before leavin11, the Intruder mixed up_ non-traditional screwdrivers-more like a broken chisel if you please-of orange juice, scotch and nun. Mesa Developer Dies in San Diego Catholic rites were held this momlftg for millionaire Costa Mesa civic leader Benjamin J . Audette, who died Thursday in San Diego of a heart attack. . The ""8lllly Borrego s rin land· owner 1.'! survived by his wde, ~; a son, James Jr.; a daughter, Mrs. Anita Pauarella, and &it: grandchildren. He was the developer of the !750,000 Regal Mobile Home Estates on Monrovia Avenue near 19th Strtet: and owned land Including the Borrego Spring> airport, restaurant and 20-rocm hotel. • Mr. Audette was a member of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce Greeters' Club. Employment Up To Record High LOS ANGELES (AP) -Employment In seven SOulhem California counUe.s reached a r«:ord U.11 m!illon durlq MU<h, aC<Onling lo the Economic -..Ii Departmeol of Security Pac:lllc: NaUonal Bank. Unemployment In the countlee of Loa Angtltt, Orange. RJveralde, San Bernanllno, San DIHQ, Sant, Barbara and Ventura dropped from U pertent to 4.0_perptnl The previous t_mployment hiSh wu USS mllllon In Febnlary. Pope Paul . to Tr.ayel --VATICAN CIT'I (UPI) -.Pope Paul VI will make hll announctd trip to Genev11 Swlturlllld, June 10, the VaUcan 11Id loo d•Y· ---------~~----------------- · .... ilft lhla f•.,... qvallly N.. effllM at 11111 0110.11 .. •W. low roll price'of $10 ti yd. Onl thr.uth • rtockin9· ... cfershlp ctn w~ offllf' thi1 uc•ptlOMI ••lu.. WOOLTURF has the f~llowing ad~ r•n~a9•: fumltvre ca• b. "'°"" with~ '9evlftt m1rks, , .. ,.. tre Invisible, smell accidents e1td soil dOft t altotr, aplll& •M •poh .cl ... t'flf, dfenff• 11,.. IM•• lte 1c.an. th1y bru1h ovt wifL-._.1. • t • • 1 llVVT rec .. IXCl.Us~ DEAi.iRS FOi: HINRIDON-DRIXIL-HERrfAOE 90 DAYS NO INTIUST-LONGll TlllMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVED CREDIT _7a,/_ NIW~RT llACH 1127 W ... cllff Dr, '4NOIO onN NIDAY TR. t · .. . INTlllOU P1of111'°"'I hd..tor LAGUNA IEACH Dlllpirt MS Norffl C Hwy AveIIOWo ,t,ID-NSID =NIDAY m , .... , ......... ., .... c..;,, ..... 116J • 49~51 I l l " . h 'd r. it d '• .. • y ._ 'e y ' ·r d I• I .. e • d \ D • h j l L I ' . ' I I ,L I • • Nasser Oaims Right to Hit Civiliari 1-Targ.ets in lsrl}el · CA!RO .!JJPil ·-l'r!&idelll tamaJ Abde.rN'iaaer hal 11ven ·Us troops, penniasion to bit civilian tarctts withirt Israel i~ a ret11l1tion against. Israel'• commando raJd into Egypt W!>dnesday. Israel," Nasser said ln a 14,ay Day speeCh 'nrursday. He added that II Egypt did carry out commando raids jn. side Jor .. u territory, they would be carefully planned in ad\'.&nee. and cautlooed o\hec Ara~ countri~ against. •t· licking without de 11 n It e preparation. !l!!eose Jlne ~""' the .s..a , Canal, whlcb·'be oald hu bO'tn IO pen:ent dellroyed by Arab gwmen sllice Mardi. N-aald be told War M!DilteLl\lahmoud. Fa w i I ••that the .armed forces wlll proceed with their plan until they complete the deatructioo ·American . ~ . Gets Post In Vatican' .VATICAN cm . (APt - Pope· Paul VJ named newly elevated ·American cardinal John J. Wrlpl of Pltlaburah fO<lay 1!_.PJ:'fed l>lli._o.f.JhF Vatican Congregation ol the Ciera. DAll.Y PILOT f ~me -~~•ten May StaY . ; Job Gorps Biwkd'1wn ' D ? ue. WASf!INGTON !UPI) -already been r~-and ..jn his .~it IJ d..,. for, Some Republlcanl on Capitol othen, affecting c.mpi In ieglfdleu OI anythin1 . he Hll1 hove started taking .'JlOI II e p o b Ucan ""'Bt<!slOl!ll g!irdo7"'" - lhotl at Prtaident Nilon'a d 11 tr I ct!, are being . "'Ns waf a helluva ••Y to plana to shut down 59 Job reconsidered. do bulinea," said O'konskl • Corps centers, and it appeared But u far u Rtp. Alvin "Thiy 'lboUJdn!t' CJoae •nY. of th .. admlnlalraUon may bt O'Kooakl (JI.Wis.),. ls coo-these centen until they tllme revblnJr Its plans. c.....i, Ibo CIJm Lake center up w!lh aomeUllnJ belier." 'l1te Labor Department lt.i===========~-;::-=:s=·~;:;=;::; Acz'lculture and 'l l n t~e r Io r "I am announcing today that, in view of Israeli ag~ gresslon agalnst our civilian taraeta, the whole world must know t.blt we have the ri&ht to hit al civilian largeto inlide N a 1 s e..r called for the moblllzatioo of E g y p I la n troops to annihilate Israel's o f the remalnlng to percent; u" ~ Cardlllal Wright, uolil now ~ ol Pliu"burp, ·- Jean Cardinal Villot: o f France, who was named secretary ol stale Wednesday. "n•r•.t1a11n1 with the Coming . May 3 \' departments to ~ .,.., o( the centm: open,~ operate P--.:1. TAT:. . 1-l them ,under a n tormat a1 L'i:IJ.luJ.V rt'ee.A/.V 11>e e.r Lev i1ne." M•1or llf•Uer1 The Emttan,pre s I dent denied Jarael'I· claima that its Author Norman Mall'er commando raid Wednesday in· announces bis' candia .. fllcted.heavy darptte to power acy fof Democratic w~lation.s !J.Roe the upper nomination for mayor Nile. ----=" of New York City. He lower ~costs." one GOP con-..._, -.C gresaional '80Utce ald. CambodiaRejecf,S U.S~ ~-Offer; ''f alli'-Blamed ·An hraeli m i I i t a r y joins five other Demo-- a poke am an sa!d' cor· crats seeking the nomi· respond'11ts flown by the nation. Sihanouk, N I x 0 n · indicated Arabi .to the alleged scene of _;.:.;;c;.;;cc._ _____ _ OI_ the, lour new v.s. cardlnals cr.eated by the Pope at hb consistory on Monday, only Can\lnal Wright will re· main in Rome. He becomes the only American cardinal heacljng a congregation, or Another &publican ~ ·llrategically involved t n negotiations with Ibo Whii. House o1Ler thL];toslngs Wei "NiX<>n Is headed'"lor his first real black eye in dealings wilh minority group& because of this (!:losing) order." One closing ot11er has reportedly BANGKOK (UPI) -Loose talk by the U.S. military about 1 operaUons into Cambodian 't territory contributed to Prince 1 Norodom Sihanouk's rejection ol Wuhiniton'• Offer to ~ tesume diplomatic relaUons. nUs was the opinion of , western diplomat! following ~ SI h • n ouk 's announcement· Wednesday that "Cambodia ·' ; rejects the declaration of i recognition of frontiers by the • government of the United · States." cS:m b odia broke off ' diplomatic relations w i t h r \Yashington in May, 1965, claiming that U.S. and South Vietnamese troops crossed in- , to CN"D.bodla to engage Com· , munist:I. On April 16, in a letter to . . Wedoelday'a I 1 r a e 11 com· willuigness to resume mando· raid.we-rt "taken for a diplc:matlc· ties wt.th C.., . ride" and i:lid not actually visit bodia. Sihanouk r said .he WU the three targets struck - ready abo, but then backed rr;;;u pylons, a dam and a ~n. It maj Kave been but a iti· reported erroneously temporary reversal. · Thursday that Israel had Diplomaq Yid the apparent.. made an about face from its reeaon for !US about face wu earlier claims that the com· publicity-about Am er i c an mandos did indeed severely military operaUons on Cam· damage lhe Egyptian in· bodian ~' and the u.s; stallations. rtcognition as ~th Viet· While not denying that n~mese ol some 1 s I a n d s heavy damage was inflicted, Sihanouk claims as Cam· Israel official sources said the bodian territory. raid was made lo carry more If the ~mericans had kept <lf a psyc hological impact thBn quiet about their operations, act ual damage. Sihanouk probably would have One of the psychological ef· looked the other way . "But fects, they 6aid, was to force somebody -or a whole suc-Egypt to create a militia and cession of people -got a case 1pecial army units to guard of loose mouth," the diplomats vital imtaJlations along lhe sald. upper Nile River. minlltry, in the Vatican Curia. Ford R'ecalling the central admlnbtraUon of Two F:pes Set the &man Catholic Church« .. Trucks, Cars 'l1te o11>er "'" u. s. -· .... _ ~ cardinals -Archbishops ~..,....,..,TON,. S.C. (AP) DETROIT (AP) Ford Terence Cooke of New York. ~.Fires, fal&e alarms, van--.John J. Carberry cl St. Louis dalllm and rock throwing kepi Motor Co. says it ls recalling and Jobq J. Delrden of p o I ice and firemen busy more than 88,000 trucks and Detroit -will retuin to their through the nJght in • con- nearly 6,900 cars for fn· diocesan posts. tinuaUon <lf raclal troubles spection of possible def eels in With h I s appointment, touched off by a strike ·of door latches and accelerator Cardinal Wright, 59, a native Negro h0&pital workers. cables. of Dorchester, MU!., ~es About 30 persona wer~ ar· The~ct1mpany said Thursday over one of ~ m~ crucial rested for violating a 9 p.m. to it was notifying owners of Va~can posts Jn the present 5 a.m. curfew imposed' by about 88 700 1969 Econoline penod of ferment rocking the Gov. Robert McNair in the Vani and' FIOO through F750• ;;C;;;a;;;tho;;;;;llc;;;;;cl;;;er;iigyi;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ho;i;pe;;;;;of;;;c;;;oo;;;l;;;in;iig;;;th;;;e;;;;;le;;;ns;;;io;;;n;;;;. trucks to bring lhe vehicles toll dealerships to find a n estimated 1,000 units with poaibly defeetd.ve ri_gli~ door latches or Econoline cargo door latches. Japan Going io French Vote , Set June 1 PARis<uPn -Francewm Claims Brit~~ Barking Up Jf rong Tree Olil World Mediurranean Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOl.ATORS CANCILLATION 1nd RITURNI PROM MODIL HOMIS ALL ltlANO NIW DICOIATORI DRIAM HOUSI ON DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilt.ed sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair , 3 inatching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought-iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom 1uite in pecan-panelled Mediterranean style 11!ith top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & boz 1prlng1, Spanish decor dining 1et, etc. vote June 1 to elect a SUC· TOKY~ (UP I) -E d d ·d veryone, ogs an owners, cessor to former Presi ent Demonstra ors poured into the appeared to enjoy their walk Charles de Gaulle. Ginza shopping district today in the sun. 111e government of acting for the second time this week P 'd t Al · Poh k Some of the placards car· res1 en a1n er, ma -but the latest protest was not · g lft v ry from the ried by the dog lovers .we. r.e m a sw reco e for the return of Okinawa • .. t -hock ol De G ,,_, ·gn lN wide off the mark gram· 1 auuc s resi a· agains t British charges that : ~~y~n Monday, set the date Japanese mistreat their im· ~J;c~~~~th:;:~:~~ . June 1 faUs within the 35-ported dogs. target. day limit in which Frenchmen About 500 dog owners, ae· "I don't make a.ny canine must .choose a suceessor to a companied by an e q u;a l discrlmlnation at all,'' said a came from England and 5,013 from the UniJed S t ate S . Allnost all of the dogs were .imported. for sale as pets but a few were purchaaed by Iden· lific laboratories for use in et:· perim~ts . Bulgaria Traill ' -· wtt.1• Hewetull wu .... ul1r $1121.00 ~:To~~~~l~I.~~·-········ $698.00 SCIEHCE ASKS: Con Some People See into the Future? By Theodore Irwin A fascinating story that reveals some of tho alleged premonitions and visions that are being recorded in ''registries'' in both America and GreOt Brita in. , ALSO e 'HAPPY' TRA<!J:.llY--·Cover girl Gayle Hun- nicutt telltl how a serious accident suffered by her actor husband maybe saved .the tempu- tuolll! marriage of the actress.and David He~ ming&. e EPIDEMIC COMING -Science races with German meaSles to find a cure be.fore the d• former of the unbom reaches an epidemic hi•• in 1970. , .,. c· o1 president who quits or dies. numbe r ?r more of howling sign carrJed by a kimono-clad -. nie election will 'be h'1d 00 a and bar:king canine~, ~araded woman who atlO ci.rriecf a .: Sltnday, a tradJtian~a •on , filth ~gn~~Jlrpela~mg no beagle p~~ a basket. --7-tbe-usumpUon that :peo-· -~1""1mmt.11""·-"•lnsl Ibo~ A prettf sir\ wearill& a red ! pie would be free to vo than WhO are born f;'Utside the coun· mini skirt a.Dd walking a I>et-a,ils; 25 Die S OFIA (UPJj' -Twmfy.flve people were killed and 38 seriously injured when a train derailed near Sofia Thursday, Bulgarian officlala announced today. ,..., Piece c:. lo Pw•••..i lodhfdoolly TtnM_ ANll .. 11 -::.•;:~Ccdlf. -Cr ... ~ . e HOUSES ON WHl£)..S -,What'• behind the · bOooi jn mobil .... ~i: an-il><leptb 11u!17 llf the why, how ihi-h.W much of trailer livlni; on workdays. ~ try. . pekinese 1t the end of a Jeaah The march may not eon· carried a ~ID which said, PEOPLE Tlitf'1 wh•f if'1 tll •Pout. 011• •f ti!• m•tt ,op11l•r tl•llY f••twr•1 of th• DAILY PILOT ·It P•opl• Se•n•. lt'1 .n •bo11t • kin9., co1n111on•fl, ko•k1 i nd , 1h1r1dor1 -Jilopl1. vince the British critics that "Look at me. I'm quite as dogs are treated Jtindly in happy· as J·was·tn England." Japan, but it may bciost The British charges prompt· busine~ for the importers who ed e ff or t • in Ena:l~d to staged it. . ban the ~export of dogs to And it the marcJtlng dogs Japan. Last year Japan lm· were exploited, they did mt ported 12,7M dogs worth appear to-be mlslnated. · $1113,218. Of that total, 7,535 Come see Chick lverson's .! new ·home. • ' r j I • • _ ... Railroad authorities aaid the accident occurred on the Chervenbreg-Orekhovo 1 o c a I line. All victims a r e Bulgarians, Ibey said.-· ·Furniture '"""' ... At Harbor.,, Blvd. 1844 Newport lllYd. Costa Mesa only lvwy •ftllit 'HI 9 -Wm. Set. & Sun. 'Ill 6. · Tho~rst thin g you'll notice is our beau- tifu showroom. It's decorated in 1Volks agon modern . With elegant 1 touchos like tho Karmann Ghia. And I the Fastback and Squareback sedans: And of course wo've included tho func- tional beauty of our Bugs, Buses, Kom- bi .. and T nicks. f But if ycu'ro a Volkswage n owner, or a prospective owner, you ·might be more impreS!od with our back room .. 1 That's whore we service tho ears we sell. I. This room is homo for 75 fatlof)' trained VW technicians. And one of Southe'l' Califomia's larg .. t pc:uts de- • ' • . . \ part men ts. With oil our now equipment, it's prabablytho best place in thoeoun· try to iron tho bugs out of a beetle. So if you'd like to see Chick Iverson'• now home, follow th is map. And test drive the corn that put us on it. Tho showroom will be open Monday lhru Fri.day 8 am-9 pm. Saturday 8 am-6 pm. Closed Sunday. Service and Ports Department will be open Tuesday and W odnosday 8 om-8 pm. Thur.day, Fiiday and Sot· urday 8 am-5 pm. ~ Closed Sunday and Monday, 5t . ·~ " - ). All Coming Saturday· in lite ' Chick Iverson, #5 E: Coast Highway, 1 Newport·Boach. Telephone: 673.0900. - --- .. I .. • • '(! ...... ... • ' • , DAI.LY ,tlOf c ' . j, PILOT ! , > • • • • • . ~ • I .: llOGBoOll . _i Circus~~ 'World Apart, Break in!he Monotony BJ All'111VK It. VJNalL ........ , ....... ' . A e1-la a -Id ll!Plfl, 'Wtlb band JIUllic and boollbut lo -aur owit -dally ..,..... ol a -In the car ..,.in~ and -· el tom1> bod;y'• "-maulnl· oo ~'a bonier. I ·-~ clrtua came lo ~ M.,. Tueoday and the people came lo the Owner Sid Kellner oaya lbt pubUc today ia hungrier than at any pciint In this century for the apectacle of the tradlUooal Bia Top tent clrcua. Maybe, but wt a.lao need a reminder that not so long qo, lions and elephanta were-as alien u the Idea of mail himleU aetllng fool on the moon In July. * All Iba old lllandbya ..... 111111 with the clrtua: her· ed roustabouts, conceal«t glrll . 1'aptldn1 """' con .. wtth rupbmy syrup, dowu wbo nn away ·from home u boys and found • family. They all .ened ofdtr aod -· The ...,,..i WU the aamt: ectlallc, fHcklod chlldron, old ~ ltaclr:lng eomethlng elum' from youth In a Kanau or Nebruta town big "10Ulh -lucky enough -lo ht on the tprlng roadtbo'lr circuit. lleemtngly the aame, spring aller American aprlng, the two young glrla who ore a Utile Imperfect In Ilse and shape tlroUed the midway, llialllnl and witching boys. : • flie IJOWlds "'"' the wne: from the hoopla ol the barker wllb a 111ake .......i bJa neck. fl> the chlldllh chatter and nakedly Unny-IOUt>dlftl band, play· "ln&:bravely u they dl!i before tbe atereo-amplWer era. Tbe talk Wal the same : ... J.lmmy, you get back over here." °'Okay, sonny, step back, no leaning on the rope." ''Look at all the water they're drinking. N0tr they can ao acroa the • deaert for two weeks before they need an1 more. .. ''Those are eJephanta, Dumm;y, not camell.!' . . . ·* -·-ME~~-~tlle-unl( in-a,;, f..=t;paCiil -iiirlil'~ ..... where· the concess.lona.ire asked me to send I photo for h1I inotber, ln care of a San Diego sbopp'lng center -It malled bJ' ~-• "There's· one born every mln'ute," aid tbt greatest tbowman ol all, P.T. Barnum, and he meant us, not ringm.uten, but rubes: tannhandl; enil· neera, cooks, CUb Scoots and newspapermen. We were Ill there at the dl'C'UI. I thought of Barnum's line while klcJdng around tb(l World A.part idea for a story angle. * -ethlng atrlklni -In Its visual lmpa<t -OCClirrtd then. . A. group of Fairview State Hospital paUents could be -framed 1'"' tftlli the Side Show lent aod the Big T<lp, whl1a beln( lad lo their bleachtt .... tbrougl1 • oeparate entry. They lurned our "!"/• pointing toward the brlgb\er 1lgbts and the baby elephants aod J·lboulbl no m«e -t ooparate worlds of clrtua and aoclety. ' . . : Suddenly there wu only the one btf globe ... d aban, wltll Its ud na ... and Imperfections, requlrinl -occulonaf eacapes me cu al· fenL . . •' OV9'bead bunl Ibo cold ..... -• real -Id apart -and what will ... lio, NWnc JllWIY to a cold, dlent void wltbaut even lions, elephants: or a bind? "'':V'.:\'. ~I d • Biiif. 'Day 'liJr -Burglars;· 5 Mesa Thefts Reported Bufllan; tneludlnl .,,. dayllCht thief who twlped an adding machlne from a high school u a custodian yelled lo otop took loot worth nearly l!OO In five aeparate Costa Mtaa cases Thursday. CUstodlan Jam .. Nimmo tried lo halt the ~ Esl>ncla High School job he aaw from i. dmaDce Thursday a,fternoon. but Cub Scouts Set Pancake Feed the lnlnldtr ucaped and Nimmo could give no definite desctlpUon. Sall}> ~. Gherman, of 1171 Saota Ana Ave., told police thlt someone took a television set and custom-made guitar worth $225 after yanking the scrttn from her apartment door. Kim Sanden, 1J, dlacovered a 'l!JI cash-ud jewtlry burglary at the Rayford R. Sandera home, 1965 Balearic Drive, when she went td·count her 11vtnp after achoo! aod fOand her bin); empty. -c CU~ Seoul ·P~k .; of Cotta Mtaa will hold lta annual panCate· breakfast from 7 1.m. to nooa llmday at Colla Mesa Park. __,,... 'M1e boys and 'their tithers wW serve · pancake!, Uusap, juice, milk and· cof. fee. iwtlh plenty of eecoods avai11ble. 'l'iclrets are eo. cents, and childr<n William ff. Grioewlch, of 57C Hamilton St ., said someone al!O entered hls unlock· ed garage and took 11'0 In loot, tneludlng assorted tools and an air compreaor. ~ill G. Cooper. of 7rt Hudson Ave., Aid oqmeone walked In thloUCh his unlocbd front door while l)e wu, on a brief errand and stole a •too television set. From Pege I .. under age four are admitted free. For more· informadon or tlckttl, cal! Ma-126t. . . DAILY PllO T UltAHH COAll l"Vlkl~IN6 COMMJl'r ltMPt N. W•~ ,,...,.,., ............ J•ct •· C#rley 'lb .,..."""' ... °"""" .......... Tli•m•1 k•••ll · .... T••"''' A. M111tf11:hl11• IM.,..iN ltlW .,.... _ ...... JJO Wttt .. , ~h .. t ~1l~11f Alclrt111 kO. t .. I Ito, tt•M --........ Kio: hll w.t ..... """"-"' ~ 1111te:111 m ,..,.., ..,...,_ Mlillltlftt'-' IHtfU .. .1111 ...... CRASHES ••• lo pWI onto Fatrvl<w Rood. police said. Pollot today ,1so identified the driver ol a ear tnvoJvtd 1n a motarcycle crash, after namtilg only the victim Thunclay morning u lDvestta;aUon was IUll ln pro- gnoss. Gary . .\. Caln, 17, of 385 Vlolorla St., died at Costa M ... Memorial Hospftal of COO>powid fractures of the 11rull and neck, alter the ac:ddent oo the Orqe Coast Collep campus. A lrleod who chatted with Caln -..ds bef.m the fall! crasb aald tile young OCC tedull.cal automobtle~ repair procram enrollee wu JU1t cru.Lslng around. Tbt vi<tlm atcolerated the 'cycle and had gone about lilt yanls wheo a cor drivel! b)' Cllrtstlne L. Boyd, JI, of 12903 Dunu Road, Santo Ana, turned lefl Into hll path Cll S 5lttel, headinl for a Park· Ing lot.. Miia Boyd aald she did DOI ,.. ' the m6toreyCUlt, and abe WU DOI died, "" "'!'dlll( lo patrolman Otano Camarlllo. Ht II ....im b)' hts mother, Mn. Bet· It Fm,' ol LClll Btach. Dr. Jey lleel>tr, " the South Coal! Child Gul4ance Cllnlc, happeood lo bt nearby aod '"' C'1n moulb-to<ncuth rtsu.sdt.aUoa, but lffortl to Ave hit life were fuWe. Hope· Enters Hospital • NEW YORK (Al') -Comedlao Bob HOPI! eo'tertd ColUm1>la l'itl~ Medl<al Cenla' '"'""411 nl for roedkaf treatment of ao ailln1 eye, hOopf~ ·-aald today. ' I ' DAIL V PILOT ltefl' ""'9 ARGUES FOR FREE SPEECH OCC Senator K1111r Orange Coast Made .Mistake Banning SDS? The Oranie Coast Co 11 e I e ad- min1Jtration made a miltake in not giv· i~ recocnltton to Student a for a Democratic Socldy (SOS), MYS ~ Coaat otudeot Beryl Kuet. Unwittingly, admini.straton b ave played right Into SD6' haodl by 11Mn11 them an lslue, be cootendl. "When sm firllt itarted on campus they couldn't draw any IUppqrt at an but at a..!'.U,~W. week-there were' over 100 lludeots there," Kaser aald. ~. a senator ln the ltuderit goVem- ment. said he ii not a member nor. aup- pcrter for SDS ~ has argued for their group's right to free speech. He said be thinks many student.! feel like he doe s. HJ empathize with them because the adm1ntstraUon has driven them up against a wait," he siid .. Uke a .great many students at OCC, Kaser ii older, 28, and a veteran. He Was an infantry sergfllDt. He ts acllve In the Wblttler School PTA and hu juot organlud a woodcraft Rangera cblldren '• club. He said the board ol lrulC..s acted out of fear when It votOd down SOS because the dtstrlot'a vaten wouldn't like IL Iii his vi'!" that II aelllng out a democratic prlncl~le (free -11) for money. "Wlien WM the Jut tlnie ihe)' ~ I hood taue &111ftyl" he aaka. Thirsty Burglar GetS $800 Loot From Me8a Home ' . An Imbibing burglar wltll a lute for the ummial in both c:ocktall1 and loot hu ta'""1 l800 worth of Items, Including family heirloom jew<lry, from a Coota Mesa wrlt'er's home. Mrs. Pamela .R. Hutdlimlon, 2421 Elden Ave., told police that the value or an antique brooch set witb 40 red garnel.J and a pair of circular men 's shirt studl with 20 stones each amount to '900. Jnve.stlgators said they coold find no signs of forced entry at the Hutchinson home, missing a variety of cheaper jewelry, u well as "the victim's silver baby cup, in.scribed : Pamela. Before leavin&, the intruder mixed up, non-traditional screwdrivers-more like a broken chisel if yoo pl~f oranie juice, scotch and rum. Mesa Developer Dies in Sifn Diego · Catholic rites were held this morning for millionaire Costa Meaa civic leader Benjamin J, Audette, who died Thursday in San Diego of a heart attack. • The weelthy Borresii Springll laod· owner h survived by hil wUe, Madelitie; a son, James Jr.; a daughter, Mrs. Anita Puaarell&, and ail: grandchildren. He was the developer of the '750i000 Rqal Mobile Home Estste. on MOlll'OYla Avenue near 19th Street and owned land Including the Borre!IO Sprlnp airport, restaurant and »rocm hotel . Mr. Audelte was a member of the Costa Mesa Chamber of commerce Greeters' Club. Employment Up 'J:c;,> Recor<,l High LOS ANGELES (AP) -Employment In seven SOuthem California counties reached a reconl 4.558 million durlni March, acconling to the Economic -11 lleperlmeol of Socw'tly Pacific Na&nal Bent. Unemployment ln lhe counties of Loi A.ngtle1, Orange, RJverstde, S a n Bernardino, San llleco, Santa Barbara and Ventura dropped frotn 4.1 percent io to por«nl , The previous employment high wu 4,555 mJWon in February. Pope Paul .to Travel VATICAN CITY (UPI) -Pope Paul VI will make h1s announced trip to Geneva, SW!tserlaod, June 10, the VaUcll! 1ald to- day. • • lly ~ l'Olm.lNE . • .. '*' '"" ..... Money they couldn't talk about. llo With .. emasculated •lend& btfore u,.m,Newpart.Mua.ecbool teachera and acbool l>oard •me11hera lraded COjn- pllmenta, ltaktd_. 'la few cla.tmJ of bardahlp, aod declired II a profitable two-hour aeialon. . Barfalnlnl .... leaehfr aal_,,,, .. ..>40ar "°"will~ Jn secret. Undera-law,1Cbool boorda9111do their aa1ary ..,.ilallen In. private aod lbat-11 the way the Newporl-Mea beard bu chose n to do il In an open meeting attended by eo teachers and principals Tuesday night bargaining 1potesmen putposely skirted around reveal.l.ng anything b e l n I ne1otl.iled. ·- ~ Whal WU lefl IO'dj> WU for bOlb - to pW:e poin1-f.,-futuN clOMd 1e1donl. Board Preoldent Jama ''lllll" Paylen Aid, "Board membtn llave to be cognizant ol how much -are '°"'' up 'COll!pared lo ·1mpro'(Oll', .. 1 c h'O of .. rvlcti. I thlnt teachera -mes lo.le light of thit." I f Coaotered Dick Watts for tf,e teac11era, "Tbe.'teaclltr· today Is gl~ mqr<. We havt tepl up with COlltll>UOWI fll!IOvaUelll • '!bi coat o1.uv1n1 has.,., up too. •My wife lnfonna me of this every nJPt wbtn I to bome.• , Jn aPOther exchange, Peyton com· meol;d '"' an apparent ambllUlty' in what teacbtrs wanl "We can't continue to raise the whole aalazy tehedule and then tack on money • for superior teacber1 too," he said. Ray Soyder, prealdenl ol lb< teacher'• Race Confused as 'Cats' Near Ensenada Fini-sh By AU.ION LOCKA8!Y DAIL V l'ILOT IHlll!t l~lttf' ABOARD MOT011 V.ESSEL WE.WWARD -With the lead boatll - the c1tamarans -e.xpected to cross the finlah l..tne around noon today, aJI w11 still confusion In the Newport to E~ yacht race early this montini. • The fleet ia so scatter.eel that it was im-· pcisaible to Identify the kaden, but the bulk of the boats appeare4 lo ·be tur· rnw>d)og the Cor<madoa l!laoda. The Weetward pwed the t6-loot catamaran Alkene, lklppered b)' Kenneth Murphey, off Point Dacan.so and· at about 7:30 a.m. 1he appeared. to be the lead yacht f'rom Page ~ I DRUG RAID. •• ISSO W. Adami Ave., wilh helping In the cue. lnveeilgalon charge the haohiab In- volved was malled to Fonytbe from Parts aod evldeliUy delivered Pm da)'I •10, according lo written reporu of the case. ,Huhllh ls the r.!lned aap of the ~plant taken by~ the til~ I l'°""t , eompoulid -commorily orlg1111tlng . in 1be Middle Ealt countries. B"ldea the lough federal amflUlinfl rap Jl'ortythe fact• and' the . state· of- fenJU an which be may be rroeecuted, Detective Kutch said the" auspect bu 1ome additional tnruble. A routine record check u Forl)'lbe was being booked at Costa Meaa City Jill after his mid·~ arreot revealed i. $49.50 arrest warrant for failure lo appear In court on a speeding Ucket. ' Three other boats were lighted off Point Salclpude1 at 8:'5 a.m. One• was WDd Wind, an unolflclal eolry In the race; .another wu Jim Arne81 ' Seumoll:e, skippered by Brian Wald, while the third was unidentified. Many of.the yachts in the 1111 boat fleet wore lpoltod aeeklng betla' -II ml)a oU llboH. A group of boats, kkn· tlfled u Columbia llOI, were olf the Coronadot flying tplnnaken. Head ...-tOuth OI the Coronadot bad dlmlnlahed by this -· and the -appean lo•be cleumll, wltll n,hl winds, fer the nm to En,..ada durlnc tile day. ' * * * Pomona Doctor Dies During.Race · A prominent Pomona BUTgeon com- peting in his J7th Ensenada yacht race died of an appartnt heatt itUick nurs- day night · aboard his 29-foot sloop "Elena". Dr. EdWIJ'd Proctor, 72, a aurgeoo I" Pomona for 21 years, was atrlck•n u his sloop neared Dana Pohrt. Other COO>petlng boots ..,Ued along 1ide·to rmdU akf and radio for Couc Guard help. 1).. Sources aald 1the IW'llOR'I creW· WU composed of · two ot.ber phy11I~ •. He was declared rdead before reacue ctalt arrived, Harbor Oeparlment aldea said. 'nle sloop originally was to have put In at Dana Harbor, but it returned with the body lo Newpqrl Beach, lnllead. Dr. Proctar was a member of Voyagers Yacht Club. The body was removed to Baltz Corona del Mar MOrtjlary. WOOLTURf . BY FIRT.ff-- .. as~lion, replied 1hft a dUferenUaled stafiins plan now in the works, with aupttior \eacher,s given greater dutyand ,reater pay, may be the eventual answer. '\But,'' he e:ald, "'1e can't stop and wait (Or this. we tiave our families to feed and children to put through college." ' · Most of the time those on either side were complimentary. Watts said of the board, "In the ~ we feel YOQ. have gone paJl the letter of ihe law (in bargaining) to the !plrll of the-law." · Said board member Selim "Bud" Franklin: "My children have had 16 teachers. Nine · have ttfen excellent, three very gOod, •only four I would consider beloir that, and two are no longer in lh'e diJlrlot. I'm very pleased." Woman Accused Of Shopping With False Card They not only ten no t3les but they·pay no bills and ~ Santa Ana housewife was arrested Thursday in Costa Mesa for allegedly using a dead man's credit ca.rd to buy b2by clothes. Doris Boyer, 24, of 1410 Berni Av~ .• Santa Ana, was booked into Orange Cotfn. ty Jail 00 suspicion of fraudulent' use or a credit caret Security-officer Clarence D. Bradley: caught lhe suspect as she ran out Of Sears, Roebuck & Co., 3333 S. Bristol St., as an alert sales clerk 'checked the card being used with the credit department. Her '15.72 purchase was left on the counter, according .to Patrolman Harlan Pauley, who said the arrestee claimed she found the card issued to Roy S. Meza, E!condldo, In a restroom Tuesday, ·- Police sail'J ~ars store executives In Escondido reporte~ that J\.fr. Meza has been dead for sortie weeks and $404:.62 in purchases have been made on his card since late April . GM Strikes Seen Long and Costl:r. DETROIT {AP) _:Union officials said today a series of strikes which have idled ~ than 50,000 General Motora employes·could be long end costly. A GM spok~sman declined to guess hotr long the walkout might last, 1ayln1, "There are too niany varia bles to In· dicate whether the strike will be Jong er sh<>rt." ' The strike at facilitits in Van Nuys. Calit., Kansas City, Baltimore, Atlanta, North Tarrytown, N.Y.,' and Janesville, W~ .• began.Monday. ONLY $10.95 SQ. YD. • IXCLUSIVJ DIAi.iRS l'Oll: HIN!tlDON-DftlXIL-Hl!RrTAGE to DAYS NO INTIUST-L0NGU TIRMS AVAfLAILI DN. APPROVED CREDIT • NilWl'OftT llAOI 1727 W-lffl 0.., 642'2GIO -"11AY.,_ t IN1DIOIS • '~'-1 ""8rlor o.,... ... A•allollft AID-NSID LAGUNA llACH MJ North Ceut Hwy. OPP Hl'DA y· 't1\ ' _,.--.. ~--.... I " 494-4551 .I I 1· -~---, , .. • . D.llLY PILDT $ ' Nasser Claims-Rigllt to Hi~ American: 'Gets Po8t ·In Yatican Some ~nt.ers May ~Y . • r -. Civilian Targ~ts in ls,rael · Job Corps Backdown Due? . . . CAIRO (UPI)' -President Gamal Abdel Naaser has cJ.vtn ·lls troope. permiaslon to bit civilian tar&eta within Israel in a retaliation against lsiael's commando raid Into Egypt Wednellday. ' Israel," N~ said In I May-defenzie Un9 ;;b,, the Sun Day rpe<ch 1buraday. Canal which be said baa been He added that U Egypt did ' carry out commando· raicQ in· eo pen:ent. destroyed by Arab side Israeli terrlloty, they sunne!' SIJICe l\larcb, • would be catt(ully planned In Nauer Aid he lold War alhance ... and cautJooed other Ml.nlster Mahmood F aw 1 t Arab counbies a1alnat. at. ''that the armed forces will tack.Ing without d e I n l t e ~ with their plan until preparation. VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Paul VI named -ly elevated American cardinal John J. Wright ol Pltlshurgh -today u prefect bead of the VaUcan coii,re1atlon ol the Clergy. WASHINGTON (UPI)· - Scxne ll<P11bll<"14. on Capl\ol Hill ha~• •tarted taldnc pot .-•I Pruldent . !lilon'• -p1ans to shut down · It Job CQrps centers, and it appeared the · administration may be \ revl9ing Its plan!. "I am annq,unclng today that, in view ol Israeli ag- gressi.og_ qalnat Ol'1 civilian, target&, the whole world muat know tblt w~ have the right to hit al civlllal! targeta lnalde N .• • s e r cOJled for the they complete the <1<o1ruct1on moblli2alloo of E g y p\t I 1 n o f the rtmalnlng 40 ·percen! "" ·- troop& to annlhllato u_rael's the Bar Lev line." M•11or llf•Uel'1 Cardinal Wright, uniil' now biahop ol Plttallurgh; _,..i,. Jean Cardinal Villot' of Ft8.l'lee, who ~ 1'81 named secre'fl' ol state W~y. . Tile Labor Department Is t•negotiattnc with the Agric\11-and I n t, e r lo r department> to keep -ol the centen opep, but ~ate them' under a new format at lower costs." one GOP CO& ~ llOW'C• aald.' . • •1 ~ .. TheE~-presJ dent Author No-·• Maller denied llrael'i cll.fms that its ,,,.,.. C -bod. • R • ts u s commando raid Wednesday In· announces bis' candid· am W, e1ec ~ • Oicle<!heavy damafe lo power a<;Y for Democratic lnllallaUon.s aloog the upper nomiqation for . mayor Nile. · -of New York City. He Offer; 'Talk' Blamed .;-:k.i;r~·~. m..:i~i 1 ·~:. ~~~1~!~:i'~e~~~t Of the four new U.S. cardinals crr:ated by the Pope ·at his consiatory on Monday, only Cardinal Wrisht will re-• main in Rome. He becomes .. the only American cardinal heading a congregaUon, or AnotMr Republlc"1 IOUl'Ct llrategically Involved I n . nqotiaUons with lbO White House over the closings laid "Nixon is headed for bi! first real black eye in dealings with minority groups beelilise of this (closing) order." One closing order baa reportedly ~· respondents flown by the nation. ' BANGKOK (UPI ) -Loose Sihahouk, Nixon· indtcated Arp;bl .to the alleged scene of_.;;..;.;;..; ______ _ -. Wedneaday'a J s r a e I i com· . talk by the U.S. military about willingness to resume mando'raid were "taken for a 1 operations into Cambodian diplomatic ties with Ctm· ride" and did not actually vi.sit ~ territory cofttribOted to Prince bodia. Sihanouk ' aald he was the three targets struck - , Norodom Sihanouk's rejection ready Ibo, but then. backed t;Wer pylons, a dam and a ·-ol Wuhlnpn's offer to down. It may have.been but a Jfi· reported erroneously ! r.esw:ne dlplom1Uc relatlons. temporary reversal. Thursday that •tsrael . had f 1'hi4 was the opinion of ~ Dlplomlq aa1d the apparent made an about race from its i western dlplomats following· reason for h1I aboot face wai earlier claims that the com-~ s j h 1 n ouk's announcement· publicity about American mandos did indeed severely ' , Wedne!day that "Cambodia military operaUons on Cam· damage the Egyptian in• , bodian soil, and the U.S. stal!ltions. f rejects the declaration of recognition as Smith Viet-While not denying that • recognition of frontiers by the namese of some i s 1 a n d s heavy damage was inflicted, • gove rnment of the United Sihan01lk claims as Cam-1srael cfficial sources said the c States." bodian territory. • raid was made to carry more C a m b o d i a broke off If the Americans had kept of a ps;ycholdgical impact than diplomatic relations with quiet about their cperations, actUaJ damage. r W~~ngton in May, 1965, Sihanouk probably would have One of the psychological ef. cl.a1m1ng that U.S. and ~th looked the other wa'j. "But fects, they said, was to force '. Vietnamese troops crossed in-somebody -or a whole sue-Egypt to create a militia and • to Cambodia to engage Com·~ ,ceJaion of people -got a case 11pecial army units to guard munlmOn A ·ril . 1 t'A ,_ cf I003t mouth,'' thi diplomats vital imtallations along the P .16, m • e K:r w said. upper Nile River. • · minlltry, In the Yallcan curia, Ford Recalling the cen1ra1 adm1n1s1rauon or Two F:pes Set the Roman C.lllollc Church., ~ Trucks, Cars 1be other new U.S. . cardlnall -Archbishops CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) DETROIT (AP) _ Ford Terence COoke of New York,. -Fires, false alarms, van- Motor Co. says It Is r<ealllng ~~ ~o~ar~ ~.;o'"~ :~ ~d :;t :=~ more than 18,000 truck.II and Detroit -will return to their through the nlgbt in a coo- nearly 6,111:\ e-JJ for In~ diocisan posts. Unuation of racial troubles spection of possible defects in With h l s appointment, touched off by a strike · of door latches and Accelerator Cardinal Wright, 59, a native Negro hospital workers. of Dorchester, Mass., takes -About 30 persons were 1r-cablcs. over one of the most crucial rested for violating a 9 p.m. to The company said Thursday Vatican pMls in the present 5 a.m. curfew imposed by it was notifying cwners of period of ferment rocking the GoV. Robert McNair in the about 88,700 196; Econolin.a Catholic clergy. hope of cooling the tension. vans and FlOO through F7SO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; trucks lo bring the vehicle! toll dealerships to find a n estimated 8,000 units with posaibly deleclive ritllt door latches or Econoline cargo door latches. Japan Going :to Dogs_ Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY French Vote Set June 1 PARfS CUP!)-France will Claims British Barking Up Wrong Tree TO CHOOSE FROM DICOIATOltl CANCILLATION •rMI ltlTUINI ,IOM MODIL HOMIS ALL altAND NIW DICOIATOll DltlAM HOUll ON DISPLAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece ting size master bedroom 1uite in pecan panelled Mediterr8l)e8ll style with top quality 15 yr. warranty ting size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining set, etc. vote June I to elect a suc-cessor · tG· former President T O K y O ( U P 1 } Charles de Gaulle. Demonstrators Poured into the 1be government of acting Ginza-' shopW.ng: district today for the second Ume this week President A1ain Poher · mak-but the latest protest was not ing a swift recovery from the for the return of Okinawa but shock ol De Gaulle's resigna-against British charges that • tion on Monday, set the date Japanese mu· treat their im· . today. June 1 falls within the 35-ported dogs . day. limit in which Frenchmen About 500 dog owners, ac- mu.st choose a successor to a companied by an e q u a l ~president who quits or dies. nwnber ~r mor~ of howling_ • The election will j)e held 00 a and baJ:king carune~, .~raded j Sbnday, a_tradltion b·~· on·. ~!.Ith Slifll:.~.P~~aunmg na : tlie assumpUon thar m<>~J"J>eo--d•..Uminatlliii fl.•lnst the pet> ·f pie would be free lo vote than wbO are born qut!ide the COUil· on workdays. try. The march may not con· PEOPLE Tti1t'1 whit it'1 111 1bout. 0111 el fti• mill popul•r lf•lly f•1fur•• of tit• DAILY PILOT · h P•opl• Sc•n1. lt'1 •II •bout ' lri1191, COtllft'IOllOt"I, lroolr1 111d , d!1r1ct1r1 -,1oplo. vince the British crltil!s that dcgs are treated kindly in Japan, but it may boost business for the importen who staged it. . And if the marching dogs were uplotted, they did mt appear to be mistreated. Everyone, dogs and owntrs, came from England and 5,013 appeared lo enjoy their walk from the United S t at e s . in the sun . Almost all of the dogs were . Some of the placards car· imported for sale u pets but 8 ned by the dog lovers were • wide off the mark gram-few were purcha.!led by sclen· matlcally, but the owoeni: said Ufic laboratories for use ·in n · their messaps were right on periments .. target. · "I don't make any canine discrimination at all,'' said a sign carried by .a kimooo<>Jad woman Who abO canted 1 beagle Pll.P In a basket. A _pl"'tty clrl. woarinf a red nuru skirt and walking a pek.inese at the end of a leash carried 1 '1gn which Wd, "Look at me. I'm quite as happy as I was In England." 1be British charges prompt- ed effort 1 ln En&Jand to ban the rexport of dop to ~apan. Last year Japan Im· ported 12, 7111 dogs worth 1193,218. Of that IDtal, 7,535 Bulgaria Train Derails,-25 Die SOTIA (UPI) -Twenfy-ffve people we,.. killed and 13 seriously injured when a train derailed near Sofia Thursday, B.ulgarlan olficiala announced today. Railroad authorities l8id the accident occurred on the Chervenbreg-Orekhovo I o c • J line. All victims are Bulgorl1n1, they oaid. WMle HOUMfull WU refUl•r $1121.00 ~:To~~~FICI ____ , $698.00 ,..., ,._ c:. .. ""...... I_..., Ttn111 A..Uallla -Hewe.men to Callf, ~ """""' I_...,, ......... Furniture At Harbor Blvd. 1844 N..,iort llYd: Costa Meta only l"'Y nftht 'Ill f -Wod. Sat. & Sun. 'Ill 6. ·Tho firstthi"g you'll notice is our beau- ti fu I showroom. It's decorated in 1Volkswagon mod~rn. With elegant 1touehos like tho Karmann Ghia. And I the F<tstl>aek and Squarebaek sodans; And of course wo've included the fvne· tional beauty of our Bugs, Buses, Kom- bi .. and T Ne ks. partmenti. With all our new equipment, it's probably the best place in the coun- try to iron the bugs out of a beetle. · So if you'd like to see Chicl: Iverson'• new home, follow this map. And test drive the cars that put us on it. The showroom will be open Monday !hN Friday 8 am-9 pm. Saturday 8 om-6 pm. Closed Sunday. " Conies9e Chick lverson's f But if you're a Volkswagen owner, or a prospective owner, you -might be more impressed with our back room. 1 That's where we service the ears we sell. \. This room i1 home for 75 factory trained VW technicians. And one of Southern Califomio's largest parts d• Service and Parts Department will be open Tuesday and Wednesday 8 om-8 pm. Thursday, FTiday and Sat- urday 8 am-5 pm. ~ Closed Sunday and . Monday. ; ·-~ i newhome.- ' I ' I • ' • -· -. -- • -), -' alioady been rescinded and Jn his ,distrl~ Is dont for, othen, effecting calnPa ''In '.i.ganllesi ol anythlnl be 1t e p_ u b Uean_ contressional might do. . d I 1 tr I Ct s , are being "Tbjs. was 1 helluva way to reconsidued. \. do bulti>etis," said O'ltonskJ. . But u far as Rep. Alvin 111'11fy ahooldn't' close any: of O'Konsld (R-Wis.),. Is con-·~,.centers wttll they cf<lme caned, the Clam Lake Center '1 wiil!_ ~methlng beiier." Coming\ May ~· ~ .. ' FllJ!lily_ Wee.kly SCIENCE ASKS: Con Some People See into the Future? By Theodore Irwin A fascinating story that reveals some of the alleged premonitions and visionS'that are being • recorded in ''registries" in both America and Great Britain .. ALSO e 'HAPPY' TRA~~ -Cover girl Gayle Hun- niciltt tells bow a serious accident suffered by her actor husband maybe saved the tempea- tuoua marriage of the actress.and David Hem· mings. e EPIDEMIC COMING .:.. Science races wilb German -measles to find a-cure 1*ore the 'de- fonner of the unborn reachu an epidemic .~ In 1970. •· e flOUSES ON ~1£~ -,What's behlbd lhe bOom .!tt mobil'fMlllfi: an ln-clepth •~Y iii the why, how ait4. -hOjv much of trailer livlnli.-/ . All Coming Sahlrd1y In the ' I DAILY .PILOT I Chick Iverson, #5 E Coast Highway, I Newport-Beach.Telephone: 673-0900. . --- j .. '(,~ v. . " ) . ~ I ' \BUJ,Y P ILO'IJ <EBITOBIAL PAG.E I I o Mor~~, M{is cle Needed • • I • • .. . 'nle Santa ~ oU.hore oil blo-,;,..it and N;vr.. U'• $500 tor each clay the vl/Jlation occun. Unfortu- .: port Belich'• offshore 11twage potrulloo ba~e much in · ' nately, that Is • pitt.ance "compared fo ".the economic COlruliOlr. -:-losses • suffered ·by dow.nstreani recraUOlldl com- !!o4ll dlaasters ·.,_,the consequence ol iQodequate -munlties. _, ~ or DOlrexbtent ~ ,gov~mrrient cootrola over operations \Vhal'1 more, the fine cannot be in\Poaed by the beyond either dty's ljmits. Tbey both t~powtly have W•ler Quality-Board. II must be tmposedoy the courts. ; \ ruined vast tecreetional reoeurces. And they both, All th• Water Quality Board CJn do is to preM.nt the alter a period of motiths, continue to contaminate pub-violator with a coase and desist order. If that .doesn't !JC tidelands. · . . · · work, the s tate attorney general's office takOI. over the Ju!I as oil is sUU gushing up from the Santa Bar-case !ot what could be a long and e>penslve court b&ra Channel's ocean bottom, ,ab ts partially-treated battle. · · • raw ..,.,.,, ,stiJI fl.,..lng !lilo Newport's waters . There still LI a need here fo~·tough new slate legis- fiom the Santa ,..,,. River. · · lalion. . • • • I There ts, predictably, a flurry 'of legislative activity 'lbose ·~J:~ll"1th .k~P,>g our rivers and ocean 11----~--al M---e1th "• rt ,._ ---walerL.cli:lm. -be-!llJ<ellJllOlt_.muscle...As...lf.JS>----t -,.... g-ncurrences ,~ ·er-~a er; now, they can do little more than upgrade standarns - • • So far as the ottshore oil slluation is concerned, and th I Any corrective legislaUon must buck the powerful oil on paper -en wag a linger at vio ators of those lobble1 ·1n Sacnunento .,id Washington. staildards. And this ls where Ill• two pollution problems diller. There is no sewage lobby. · Tb.ere are, iDltea4 government agencies with a • atake in use ol 1Pe Santa Ana RiV•~ as an open sewage line. Nine pl. l!!em, in fact. They Include the cities of Redlands, .san Bemardino,-·Coltont Riverside, Ontario and the Naval Ordinance Test Lelioratory at Norco. Last weet, aftet hearing leetlmony in Newport Jleach, the Santa Ana River Ilasin Water Quality Con· trU Board approved sllU new: 'nllei •equiring dlsinlec- uon of ....,.go -dmnped 'into tile •river. Bacteriological otandardJ were sherply-upgrildiid': •· - · What this meena·wthe a.~enciM discharging efflu- ent into the river.is money, :Its of It, which they will bave to lpend for new <>< ~roved sewage treatment plants. -• · If they choose to ignore the new requirements, they obviously won't be arrested. They will be fined. And what is the tine? _. Twin-£ orked Attack .... . A twin.forked attack against future off-shore oil exploration or exploitation is being mounted by civic leaders from Newport Beach to -San Clemente: The goal, whether by closing legislative looP.holes or creating broad new ~~latlon, is total probibitlon of Oalifornia off-shore d g. The foe is the powerful oil lnduliley. The task ts "monumefttal,'• concedes Laguna's Vic· tor C. Andrews, who witb others has re-activated Coastal Area Protective League (CAPL) lo work at the citizen level while others work through courity and municipal governments . • The CAPL has been a persistent battler In the past , against well-financed encroachment of oil blight. It is good to have it back on the sc.ene in time of need. (Cl Policfl for State Selaool• Track Team \ An Op·en or . Closed .Door? ·other Langu·ages Deserves . . It 11 a· moot unhappy circumstance when qualified young men and women are turned away from public higher education in California. Yet, it is hap- pening. Increased !~11RS· 1be colleges were toJd to Cale the .applicilnts without the money needed to hire the Professors who would teach them. More Support Don't Have 'Sexy~ Ten of the 18 st.ate colleges turned ...., quallfI<d 1tuden1a f" the spring ...-. Unknown only ii the Dimil>er of rejeclod lludenta. ~t .. vary from s,oao to 20,c:m. MOit of these young people were pro- ipeetive Mlbmen. But IOlDe junior ml- lege .,..iualel lllo...,.. turned down. Al -Slale. ·alone, an -l<d :ioo junior ~Uege fl?-were re-jected. • "Hold the line on expenses" was the urgent message from the governor 's of. flee. Unfortunately, wmle the eolleges are facing an enrollment crilis, the .ut.ention cl the citizenry is focmed oo the dll&urbanct a.t CJPe campua -San Fran- cisco State. Tbt public 11 outraged, in part 1 ... good reuon. Some of the oc- currences at San Francisco State tmpire To the Edltor: I am wrltiJJg to express admiration to Estancia Hiib. School's !rock team. It ~ lo have been unjustly overrun by the school's baseball team. lo all fairness, the track team deser.ves high commendation. anger. '• This fipe group of boys has worked ~ • hard ev~ night and does 1 ·tremendous IN THE FACE OF !Ill crisis tht Reagan 'od!i\!Dlitrstlon ftqUested thO' ~ llate lqlllature to make an emergency approJirlit!Oii of-fiinda. 'llie "mra fimcllili -ilOWEvBR, 'THE clUJOtlS of Celifornia job In compeUtion. Tlf team liU il fine · }!hould ~also 'bi oUtrapd-al ~ .broken yOung cokh to le8:~,j,{Stm on ~ he Is full promise of t& master plan. The con-of "spunk'' and spirit. Coach Tom Fisher II beln( l1llhed along to lloJd down the number of rejeclod appllcanls. But thOro WU llO ... .., all the qualified"""" people could be accepled. Nol -11 time re- mained to rocruit the faculty members andlCbeduletheclalses. And IO, what the 10-year-old California Mast..-Plan for Jllgher Educatm wu IUppoood to pment is now happenll{i. The open door la closing. 'lbe promise of higher education to every, capable an4 willing student bas become a broken pro-mise. . STUDEN'11 AllE now barvesting the fruit of two years or budget slashes by the Reagan adminiatraUon. H i g h e r ed11t1t.ion asked for more money to ac- commocfate increased enrollments and sci~ce of lhe stale J! on ~ line. Wi!!_ _ gets ~t of the~ ]!c>YS l!_lelr ve~ He California educate its yow;ia? wor~ hard w1Ui .Uim, commenting on There can be only me amwer. JliPer and unprovlng the<r form and spOed. educaUon mpst be kept open to all qualified comera. Ten years ago, Califor- nians believed Ulis. They were ready for the challenge of building clusrooms and blring prof....,..._ With a spirit of hope and vigor, they wrote a bold plan. With good reason, too, for the yooai are the future of the ftate. Now comes the time 1o spend lhe money and redeem the p r o m i s e . Callfomla can do-no less. The state should never again witness the spectacle of the rejection of qualified applicants. :I"be Sacramento Bee BE ENCOURAGES them to turn oot their best efforts and t.h:at ii exactly what they do. The team has great respect for Fisher and ttWi has i-esulted in many Estancia -t stars. Always putting forth their ~. Esta. cia tract stars will continue to break their records. Such boys as Rich Wood, Curt Hoyt, George Barnett, Tony Bakken and Mike Stallons are among county hikhs and very often·double wiMers. Some Elements of Utopia VERY FEW cheerers and speclalors come to meets to encourage 8nd cheer these fellows on. Where is school spirit? At Estancia it is DEAD! Nevertheless, credit must be given to the few loyal fans and spectators wbo seem to show up at every meet.. These people muat truly know what It D}e8DS to have IOmeont rooUng for you. 1 • By GEORGI II. HOFF, PILD. Our way ol life la ln bad shape.. We're aaUne euvbtwnnents-physJcal, IOclal, ., emotional, intdlectuaJ, po Ii t I c a I • religious, etc. -designed to crush whatever remnant or individuality and joy we may bave left. How can persons llve, much less grow, nnde:r the oppressive atmosphere of a dehumanized realily -one which Is technically auperior, but inferior in tmns ol flndlng well-OOng? We need to explore )he poosibtllties d a therapeutic commuruly dedicated to the ideals ol a Human Utopia -a place wbert the emphasi! is upon wltt is living not just )ow he's .doing It or in wbat. WHAT D Ul'OPIA ! !l's a coacept of -™ngs might be il everyone wtten't hung up upon creating and deft'°Pina bigger and better tblnp -cltlel, -schools, weapons, tempks, 1ovemments, dwell1n1I. etc. It Is poalble to rumlnat. a lifetime aboul acquiring 111 the enwboaauentl in which llvtn8 can take place, -e= enJol'inl the ZAP ol life: 1.ellfUt Acluallzallon ol 1'.-1. U1opla It 111o a aoclal condition, In ---- Friday, May 2, 11169 Tiie 1ditoriol m• of the Dallv Pilot 1te1c.t to tta/orm and stim- lll4tc ttodtr1 by pr11mUng uw· MWIJ'Cper'• oplniom on.cl cOm- mtnto.ry on ropicJ of i1'tcrcrt 11114 llgnlftca-bv prOtJidblfl • fonmt for the t :prtssfo-n. of 0111 natl.tr•' opinions, a114 br prctttUfftf the dJver1e vitw- polnu of lnform<d ob1tnJtr• · 11114 spo/<1'"'4• o• topll:J of U.. ""'· .Robert N. Wlfd, Publisher • ADDMONALLY, Utopia is a state of being which 1oes beyond our fonde&I Im- agination. Often. we don't want to con· s:ider how marvelous Jiving couJd bt- becau!e we get depressed about bow It Is in comparison. And so, dreams remain undreamed because our energy is being ~ed by solving mundane problems whk:h machines ·are better equipped to hlJ1lile. . Whal would a drum IOCleiy-be like ! Finl. man would me the thinp he creates !not.ad r! beinl subordinate to them to Ille atent !bat he lml""Ytl them first and blmlell nut. F 0 II l:lAMPLB, Ibo bordware - _...., ............ -Ir .. ..aed!an· ~"'· porn, lbopplos -· ..._ -be blndled by <OITl-~Ollll. •ccordbltl to a uWllarlan prosrami to aerve man. n., the mftwatt: -families. art ft· hlblb, recnatiol!, cruUoe, travel1 pro.. crtatlon, invent.km, education, rtliglon, communtceUon, relallonsblps. parties, llhoppiD«, .atbeUcs, dr~ing, feelln1. ~kine. ·•tc. -could ton place, and help people feel human apin. Tho therapoollc oommunJill would teh hardware I« fl?8lllOd and not dlafpate iii eflolla ot energies trylD« to mate thlnp bllfll" lll!d bttttt. Aft« all, w1 have techholoa lo do th•t for "'· . A flJP-FLOP OF valllin.<1 ls required ; we'll have to 1ta.rt rewWing thOse in--. •lllutlooa wl>ldl -the enterprise of belpin1 poopll toward Mier humon.- -.. , .. lducatloo. theoloC)', pllllosophy, helpln& prof"'8lons, human growth- cenlen, tic. -wblle punishinc those which diminish humanness. Many questions arise. Can real in- dividuality exist without a n a r c h y resulting? How simple should life be? How will evil be dealt with ? What's the difference between unrealistic fantasy and human striving? How may ag· gression, hostility, fighting and conflict fit into a Utopian society? ZIELA LAYE E:itt r• Wltdu To the Edllor: We can thank~the,Orarige County Board of Supervisors for one thl:ng : The safety regulaUons whlc.h necessitate repair of the runway at the airport that forced the jet traffic elsewhere. I'll bet a Jot of.people have been able to get a few extra winks in ·the mornings aa well as gd to sleep before 11 p.m. And how abQ.ut those phone calls and your favorite TV irogram? It has been great to enjoy them again, right? · WHAT IS THE best balance between privlicy and togetherness? What art the intolerable actlvities? Is pervasj_ve and lasling contentment possible, or even desirable? How will. males and femala adapl to, enjoy, and respect-each oilier! All, SWEET tranquility!! I'm ,.yor1ng We should ~ve Cciritz:or··over oUr en-" ~ .~ ol tt. I'm calling on all vironment, but we mmt not allow our _ rilolea Ind ...... to form a committet -~1 to -. :muter oL • ....... u-. and• come fcrth ,immediately and do -•• c __ J -·-"their '"'"•"for tlit =N -keep Paradoxically, com....,.:wtth ~Uq 1 • ..,. ., tbera~Uc community, tf\e living hell the nmway 1ri a • ~ ol we're uaed to ls relaUvtiy eesy \o elilt ln upbeaval. Pltue! , and even accept. · ''> ELEANOR ~ Befort we can ent.erta1n the notion ol i L""" n.. ,....... .,.. -"""""' """"' H U•-•· -.~ f the. .,_,. '*'"" ,,..,. .....,.. 111 • _. ., ""' uman ....,.._, we m--. orego eu:r n. ,. " ....... t1tt1n " m ...e. .,. ..-i. way and eel down to the llnrluous job ol. ,..,. ,... " ~ •• .....,. '"'* .... rHJaml~t• our buf1an valuinp. .. :!r:..": .... ,.::..""; :l:it ~'-:' .:.::._ Dear Gloomy ·Gus: ll'I no worider a Cosio Meso goil· er bas to wait in line for so Jona lo play when all those dly ofllc- t.11 hive fr~ .-W prtvlltl H• --Til<d ol w aliJn& . -f They ~'t Know -. ~. w .. News:, '"Thi r-..m ., l!lmll''cotlolo _ .. """ado11 -o1llcal of Ille lrw mr.rprill ,,_ II -they don' -ft, ...,. • professor, Dr. Gerald Womn, a DePauw Un!Veralty tCOnOmist. 'lbe ljudenb' m1ln han1·up. uys Warren, -U this: •ney don't unda:stand the tremendous amouut of lntctactlon ·and lntenlependence that 1 his lo 110C1J1 In order lo feed , c\othe and house mUUons ol peopk II the level thal n<iw exlsll In Amerlce. They don't know bow product.Ive fon:es ire gencraltd.' They ilavt llWe c:oocepl. he 1ddl, of the "fl e c e 11 ar1 'product.Ion, dlstribuUon, transporlatlon and Ill the auxtllary services that have to urider write tht mass production of soap nakes, br!akfast foods and automobi.lts.' •• ' .-, ~ An American manufacturer of bras.sier:es and lingerie, recently opening ita first adv~ campaign in Europe for ils products>frund (to lls ""Pfise) that in 19me 1 countriCJ the langu.ates have no exact equivalent tor our ·word "sexy." . . Where the word "'1%1:' -ed)nthe American ads. some.a(Ch. eupbemjsn .as "softly elegml".or "sofUy femioine"·bad to be. substituted ' in .the fcrei&n copy - n.ot for reasons . of t:aste or, mor;als, .but sunply because there was no ,br:ieI and <NSY equi•81"nt iii ti! other lancU\IB'. •. ' . ·-i· ~ AC'lJ)ALLY, ll' IS.hard lo belie'fe l < our own use oC "sexy" is quite recent. , y 19.1'7 edition o! the Webster-M.er.ri m Collegi.ate Dict.fonary does net -list the word; but It Is to be found in the ne'' 19&7 Randmi House Collegiate edition, which is cl. ccmperable size and .soope. (And o~ heard of an Engli.!Jh bridge . player, teJlinii an Italian l:ibiUer tbet he bad "• leg towaid_ rubber." Word for word. it was: '.'H•·ana gamba veno la,,.,..a," but· what the puzzled Italian IOI wt. ol il was "I ha;ve a limb toward the eruer."~ There ii ooe breald ast food that CllllDI ltt a<lve$ed in l!alY/betlluse its~--. name is ·.I dirty 8J8l)I wtrd ~-o l:seo.intltnaUooaliz8d. its "'Put·a · in your tank" ad slogan, it was forced to ct.ange it -in Frioce from "reservoir"' (meaning "tank") to "moteur," because the former word ·was too ~ve in th;lt partkular conlext. even her! it is ~ed as ·"lnfoimal," IN THE SAME way· ad writers for rather _tban as. "$tandard. ") General Moton qmctiy learned that TranSJating ev~ ·a e<>qirDOBplact word ~ "Body. by Fisher" came out "eor,ee by lrom one lahgU'age to .-r ls a booby-Fisher" In FlemiS< · ml "Sc:l<w<ppes trapped occupation, wbeTt ·the wariest todc water" was ·cban.m Jn Italy to linguist might _detonate a charge without "Tonica " because «water" is ~· meaning to. For instance, even in so in-idiomatk word for a bathroom as in tem~tional a .~ame as brid,,e .• what we !n "W.C." And when Ivwy Soap arsi sot to English call the dummy 1s known 1n Russia , it was called "soap made of France as "le mort" -the dead one. elephant tusks." Unless a translalor also knows bridgt, be Ironically. il you went to Paris and would unwittingly use the \\Tong word. asked for "brassieres" and "lingerie,"~ you wouldn't get what you wanted -fryf In French, a brassitrt ii a child's vest, .m lingerie is men drapery. What you wait an a "soutieo-gorge" and "llOUS· vetemeots. '' AGAIN; IF HE were translating the bridge "dummy." into German, he would have to call it "Strohmann" -literally meaning "ecarec:row" or "straw man." I Downright Underhanded .. Jumping to concbWons: '. Never bend and kiss ·a lady's bed when you are first introduCed to her. While the gesture inay natter htt' what she retnem~ after you straighten up is the fact that your hair ii l'f;tlng thin on top. L < ' ·My.idea ol the meal I.Wohld ba'te mo11t to have to eat woold be \he following : An apPet.iur ot lukewanu .tomato•juice, a carrot and lettuce Wad, ,-.i.1 ol N· ed limb with eablanl and cauilflower ... lfOtin, flnlalied elf by bread -IO I desaerl. Ugl>I Up!! Up!llJ l .• The newest SUQeslion for reducing lbe pigeon J>Ol1Ulation ol dties-is lo put birth. cootrol ingredient. In their feed. Tit~ ...... downright underhulded. Why should man, who has never been able to control bis own aex llfe. foul up the aez life of fawll?· ' MOST PEOPLE over 25 todly are o~· pressed wllh • ,.... ol nameless iullt. JUii what they've done "'°"' they artll't quite Sift of. !ctually, however, they aren't u lull\)' u they betieYe -to be,•md tbey ........ In-nocent tblll.'U.,1 .. 11whli belnc. ~ -11-tibte:No lllllter bow "l'hloHcdtd·n-. wt all ciiirf lo lbefi?l'O-ollbe --.......... auirui. -" . A poet II a -W!lo can llilll u mdch joy Iii lnher!tlnc u elm lrel u ID lnhpfljnc moMJ. • . ~ A teaNh i.t uhdlr way to make OW' so- olle<I, nationlt putlm• -bueball - men lntett.ting. Her<'1 my proposal:' P!l1 it with squm balls. After 111, bun 1 it become a 1ame for IQUll'el1 The worst plague ot a polictmlln's life isn't fallen arcltes. It is havlna\o carry 1 gun when he's off duty. '. THE QUICKEST WAY to get attenUon at a cocktail PfrlY. is to announc:e in a loud W>lce thlt you have nevtr owned a motor car, don't know bow to drtve .aoe, and never intend to leafn. Everybody wi11 lmmedlately riil}i over to find out wbai kind of a freak you are. lnsteld ol giving employ,. two coif,. tnaU a cloy, miployen would get more- work from them U they inatalled COia and let lbem take'a·half-hour 111p alter hlnc:h. Wlllli"1 Chun:hlll ,._. taldng· daily naps In his 30s and mdll<d mach of bl• ~ to this daily habit, saying It so refreshed him that it gaYe him two work days in. one. It isn't the price ol. tobacco that makes pipe smoking so expensive. ll is the cost ol having the burnt holes in your JU.its ttWoven. 1( a man marries a girl wbo bites her fingernails, he ahould ntver try tp cure iw.,. She must ret rid of her nerv~ energy some way, and ll be !loPI lier lrmi l"llriD« her Dalli, ·lbe'll lllad dlow- "" blm oul. .---•• Geitr9• --... ~·Glqe; -,,- Ml' dad ,.ad IOmewhere 1hal ,.a fatJ-la~ to be a "pal '' to his acn and play catch with him and take him fishing. Actually, 1 don't mind the fishing so much but throwing that ball doesn't do my burslUs any good. After all, I'm 38 yean old~ • How can 1 . tell my Jather to qull being a -pal to me, without bm;Jn& his feelings? ARTHUR ' ~Arthur : Let the ball roll lnio the comer !.saloon and level with him over a 11111 drink. " 1 G~and Jur): Cites . Letter From Brig~ 'BJ JACK BRbBACK ot "" °""' ,..., ... ,, Hard on the beeb o( a request from Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R· Full~on) 'Tuesday for a meeting with the otange County Grand Jury to dlscUss ~ his =ferences with that body, the jury has s k back wKh the release ol a let· ter ed1y -written by j'ius to. a Fullerton newspaper. In ThW"sday's release lO the preu by Grand_Jury_Foreman William D. Martin al Laguna Beach, Martin said, "The Grand Jury's resolution of April 24, 1969 was based on information contained in (Briggs') letter of Jan. 30." The April 24 jury resolution charged that Briggs "has publicly announced that he will not support any county legislltive programs until such time as there has been a decision that the etJsting branch cf the Superior Court which is located in Fullerlon remains In that city." WON'T t'ONSIDER The jury resolution further char~ that "by his actions and his words he h~ indicated that he will not consider any legislalion affecting the County of Orange upon its merits until a particular issue is resolved in the way he desires. "In the opinion of this Grand Jury, one or his duties is to objecti\'ely ·consider matters that come before him In his legis lati ve capacity and to vote on legislation upon the merits oI such legislation." Bri.sgs on April 25 denied the jury's allegCtions. "Not trJe,'' he said. "It they had checked with me they would have found the truth rathe r than something ' they read or heard from someone other than mtseH." " He denied he had said at anytime that ••1 would oppose any county program." In the letter released by lbe jury as !llegedly written · to the Fullerton . newspaper it is stated: FJNE EDITORIAL "I want to extend my congratulations and add my voice to your fine editorial appearing on the 23rd of January, 'Save the Superior Court.' "I have notified the County's legislative representatives here in the Capitol that I feel very strongly on thi s. J have told them that they will not have my support for an appellate court to be established in Santa Ana, as well as the needed and necessary state offices until the North Orange County superior court issue is resolved in our favor. "I further indicated to them that t would not support any county programs here in the Legislature until lhls is set~ tied. I urge every citizen to write·to-t h e Board of Supervisors on this matter. Sincerely, John V. Briggs.'' On April 25, Briggs stated "if they v.·oukt check with attorneys R. S. "Sam" Barnes aOO Ron Tidy as ~'ell aa Assemblyman (Robert) Badham ('R· Newport Beach), they will find that I am : not only pledged to help pass legislallon to bring the District Court of Appeals to Orange County but have actively entered the fray in Sacramento to accomplish this." DISCUSS ROLE Briggs made his request for a meeting with the jury in the letter Tuesday to Foreman Pi.fart.in. The meeting, Briggs &aid would be to discuss hill "role as a member of the California Legialel.urt." The assemblyman 's letter to Martin proposes that the press be invited to at- tend his meeting with the Grand Jury. It also invites Martin to vl1it Briggs at .the Stale Capitol. "It would be rny hope," the letter states, "that you might become better acquainted with the 90tnetimes almost overwhelming duties of and demands upon a stale l~islator to ef· fecti vely represent his dilirict." Briggs concluded, "If J am subject to criticism for fighting \o retain {the branch court), then 1 auess lt's like a former president once aaid, 'JI you can 't &land the heat, then you should stay out oC the kitchen.' " L11ther Arthur Funeral Set Funeral services for the Rev. 1..uther A. ·Arthur, a retired Baptist minister known throughout Huntington Beach as "the minister ot Main Street," will be hekl at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at West.- miMtef' Park. Memorial Chapel. Burial will follow in • Good Shepherd c.em. etery, Huntington Beach. Rev. Arthur, 87, of 905 Palm Ave., Huntington Beach, died Tuesda)'. ffl recent years he headed the Golden Rule Assembly and held SUnday serv- ices at the Odd Fellowt Hall on Miln Street. ( Stirvivon include his daughter. :Mrs. Amee Walker ol Rolling Hlill, two cousins, and four gr&{Xk:hlldren. Beach Cof C Asks Votes for Parks A fa vorable vote on a S6 million park ls.sued is being urged by the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. A special tJecUon bas been caJJed for Jane 3. The business group decided on April t to bilck the park )lond J>l'OJ!06•l. "The chamber recognius that the parks and recreation facilities are need~ now and t.he'4he bond method Is the be.st way to brtn1 the needed park and recttatlon faciHU es to a r~ity," said Chamber President C. E. "Bill" wood>. ,,, i , SLAIN SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICER LIES ON SIDEWALK AS FAMILY EVACUATED Bur1l•ry lnve1ti9ator Jospeh· Brodnik Killed by Hipple Bur9l11r1 Who Fled Police Dr119net . School Reforms Submitted to Valle y Trustees Police Officer Slain, Killers Escape in SF A comprehensive 43-step brochure outlining educational reform measures to be taken in the Fountain Valley School District was handed to the board or trustee.s Thursday night for thdr future approval. The pamphlet was developed by Deputy Superintendent Dale Coogan ·a n d Administrator of E d u c a t l o n a I Services Robert Sancllis. It Ls designed to take advantage of the recently passed S t a t e Senate BUI J, which allows Jocal school districts more freedom in cw: .. riculum planning. Basic goals or the new plan are ln- diviCualized instruction, community in- volvement in curriculum planning and improved courses of study. Flexibility in the scheduling o f teachers. non.graded instruction, ln- div~ual programming for studen~. elimination of repetitive teaching are also caUed for by.tthe plan. Rolland Lathem ' SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -The two celebrated San Francisco police burglary lnvesUgaton told their commander they were ~inding up a case and expected to make arrests Thursday. But just hours later, ooe lay dead in the streets in a pool of blood ·as more than 150 ol bis fellow olficen ahot tt O)lt with bis killers. The other had been smashed In the mouth with a blunt instrument, knocking out two. teeth and causing bone damage. Police 1aid his life was saved by a small metal container of breath sweeteners in hl1 len chest pocket that bJnnlessly deflected a bulleL The drama urifolded In the seedy 1t1isslon District of the city. 1'he in- vUUgators, Joseph Brodnlk, 41, and Paul E. McGoran, 43, were known as "Mis.c;io11 Jl" and were credited with ending sever· al waves of neighborhood burglaries in recent years. Brodnik, a 15-year veteran with numerou1 citations r or br'avery. w a 11 shot ln the chest and died. McGoran, like · h1s partner lhe father • of th re e Rites Sched.uJod youngsters, · w.., taken . lo Million "" --Emergencf·Hosp1tal in se~ cooditlon. · "I had a conference with' them befOre Funeral services will be h~ld at 10:30 they left the Btc!Uon this momj.ng," ~ a.m. Saturday at , Greenlawn O!apel Capt. Phil KJeJy, the pair'• commanding . ~·i!.tY.h Bakers!ield, .for Rol!and B. cffieer. "They bad' been working on a m I ~o .died ~r ~l'9range ring ol butglarles, car thefts and County M 1 ~ter Of 1n1unes re. narcotics viola.lions which I n v o l v e d celved Monday in a motorcycle accident. . . Mr. Latham 19 is ldrvived by his Pacif~a and San Mateo as well as San • ' Franc1SC0 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Latham "'""'A • 'd th ri•~·_, •· ·Jr., ,()f the home, 13641 GoldeQ Wt.!t '~a:y sai ey -& ... -ln•: case wu Ave .. westmh1'teJ'" a brother Christo-winding up and they mliht have arr~ pehr0 S., and two s'isters, Nicol{ Virginia tod~y," .Kiely said. , btham and Mrs. Katheryne Westlie Brodnik and McGoran, dressed In and bis grandparen~. !-Ir. itnd Mrs'. civilian garb, stakett cut an apartment Rolland B. Latham Sr. house frequenled by "Latin hippie Burial will follow at Greenlawn Can-types," as police described the youths m. etery, Baierlfl<Jd. volV<d fn the shooting. ' Musical :Comedy Actress Ella Logan,. 65, Succumbs SAN MATEO (AP) -,Sin&.,. Ella Legan, tbt tiny Scottish lass who performed in mustcal comedf for a generation across E111JtPe and America, is dead of cancef at 56. • Miss Legan, who scored a Broadway hit in "Flnlan's Rainbow" in 1947, died Thursday in PenlMula Hospital. She 'had undergone aurgery for cancer in 1966. Two weeks ago she learned the disease· had returned , aa.ld her daughter, Mrs. Pl\Ulp Qulrm ol nearl>y Belmont. r-tiJs ·Logan, only four feet 11 inche5 tall, la~ched her career at the age of three on the stage at Paisley in her native Scotland. Her first musical com- edy was "Open Your Eyes." &_he became 1 htadlill:er ln Europc·s most fashionable nightclubs. A favorite ol King F.dward Vlll when be was Prince of. Wales, sbe often danced with him while appea_rtn1 in Lon<ton clubs. . . In 1932, llhe came to America to CarrJ. ll'." her cll'fft en Broad.Way and in Hollywood. ~ She starred in George White's "Sea,.. dals," Olsen and Jqhnlorl'• "Sons of Fun,. and "Calling All St.a.rs." Her Hollywood musicall included "The Golden Folliei," ''52nd SUeel'' and ''Top ol tbe 'Town.'' She nwrlod Hollywood producer-wti.r Fred Finklehoffe tn 1942. Twtlve yean later ·the marrilg• born llP and lllll Logan wu awarded their IJOll,llDI ..,,.. and 11,0lll • y.,,, lii111C1111 -char&llW be hadn't taken her out in Jevtn yun. World War u ~ four years of USO -k. Sile .... lo ~ In Europe and Norlh All1ca In 1141 nd 1945. Alt<ir the war came "Fbtlan's Rafn. bow," then~ D11t1111 the put JO-"• wbllo lfvlng ill New York, Ille had made OCCHional guest 1ppearlnefS on te)e'fision 'lhotr11 and in 1961 mlde I St. 'Patrict11 0.y special that -npeo\<d tbls ,..,.. Mn. Quinn said fun<ral arnngemenu were incomplete, but that burtaJ would be In Holy er... cemetery In Loi Angeles Tuesday. I U'l"""""91l SINGER CANC ER VICTIM Mu1lc11I St•r Ella Log11n Nazi Bormann Alive? Pr oof Claim Revealed • AMSTERIWl (UPI) -A book claim- • IJll lo prove lhat lormer N 111 official Marlin Bormann ii allv• and Uvinf In Sooth America *111 be poblltbed this fall, · lu publiaber Aid 'lllanday. lie uld tho author, Yvu Van Doder, is writing the boot utn dole coope(aUon with the man WflO helpod ~·!Ill -pe and who llv• ed with llomw\R In bis camp tomewbera fn Soutll America." Kiely aald the officers watched as youths took a portable television and a radio from a car and bega'n carrying them Into the bulldihg. Brodnik and McGoran then left their unmarked car and ajiproached the gang members and began asking questions. A young witnw told police the gang members "paid no attention. and kept on walking in and out of the house. Then ooe started cursing them. He said 'You pigs! Do you want to fight?' Then all of them jumped both cops." · Then, the witness said, 1.ihots were fired. Within minutes reinforcements, some armed with machine guns aod tear gas, arrived at the aceoe. For more' than an hour, round after round Was fired into the building after other resident.! were evacuated. Tear gas covered the area and police 11mashed through the front, rear and atUc entrances to the building. The !USpecb returned ·tbe fire. Police said .the five suspects escaped, two by climbing out a rear attic window, and three cdiera by fleeing down the block before police reinforcements ar· rived. Police recovered a rifle.in the ab tic. New Huntington ' Queen Selection Due Tonight Toolght one of 2f young HuMington Beach women will be in her glory as judges assume the difficult task cf selec- ting a new Miss. Huntington Beilch. , Gordon WheoUey, a k>cal florist, will emcee the pageant which slam at a p.m. in the Huntington B<ach High School auditorium. Sponsored by the women'! division ot the chamber o{ cunmerce, the beauty p a g e an t Js an annual event. Jeff ye Blackard, current Miss Huntington Beach, will crown the new queen. Musical background will be supplied by the Huntington Bead! Hlgh School stag• band, under the diredioo ol Thomas F. Fitzgerald. Newly !elected Mayor Jack Gl"een.will be on hand t.o present the keys of the citt. to its loveliest representative. · Hopeful candidates are Lois Bader, 18;· Pat Beoslmon, 18; Chere CJark, 17; Karen Cutler, 18 ; Lynn D'Anna, 18; Sofia Ellingsen, 17; Donna Flory, 17; Beth Gillenwater, II. ... Karen ~ Gray, 17 ; Sharon Ann Manuel. 17; Dael Neula, 17; Connie Pilat.er, 19; RJta Rhodes, 17 ; Giiiger Leigh Rowland, 18; Cathy Seiter, 17; Kathy Severson, ii; Marilyn Shaw. 17. Cathy Sootherland, JI; Lu AM Spiegel, 11; Debblo Lee Stephe"'°", J7: Sue Sterkel, J7: Nancy Loi& Tl'OllWell, Js:· J'oyee..,.wawn., ta; and Cbrilty Winton, 17, . Two Gyms Open In Westminster '!'Wo Weotmlmier high achoo! gymn.., turiu will be open to the public' several eveo!llJI during tbe week for fr« play, It -anJlOW1Ced today by the Recreation -.I Pll'k !lepartmenl ' Both Weotmln!Ca Hlgb School a,.{ La Quinta. ·lll&b School gynuwlwns WllLbo open ln>m 7 p.m. to I p.m. Mondays IM>uah tbe month of May. W-er Hlgb'a ~lum doon wW al9o be open Thunday evenings and La Quinta Hl""'• every Wednesday even. In . •• • g. • Adclltlon•l lnfmnatlon about use of both gymnuluma la available by telrphooloi the Recr<atlon ond Parlts Depl. al -II. Pope Paul to Travel VATICAN CITY (UPI) -POpe Paal VI wtll malts his announced trip to Geneva. Switzerland, June 10, the VaUcan said to- day. •. s DAILY Pl~DT ~ P~tltlon Granted Resi·dents ·Delay ~ ~ack . Bay· Trade. By n>M BARLEY oi .. Delb' ........ Str happy l;larbor Area homeowners ·-won a vktory Thursday dver. the Irvine ~om;any (ill a Suptrlor' Coott J'\tling that Is erpect<d to le! back/ by •t least ab: PlOQUla, the corporatioa's plana to deveJop ·4~7 acres ot tldeland.! involved ·In a land !)'ode Witb Orange County. JucfCe Clt;lde Oww ended lour l>oun of keeflly contested legal . .ugqmem by llOD!lnl ~,politlqn ·ol. Mr. llld Mr!. Frank Rotilll500 and Mr{' and Mr1~if­ old ·eoverda]e ol NewpOrt 11ea.c!if ind Mr. and Mn. Wesley Man: of Univer-- 1ltf l"!rk,.!fYine, tQ be allow.d .. tci 11\ter· · vet1e )(I" a suit thlt , chall~es the validity' of'the lipper 'Bjy land nap. . It . was a verdict thai clearly f!ton- lshed aiid c:onloonded Jrvfne · at\Qri>:y O.ar!e · warr.n. The· Loe AngeleS trial . lawy<r hurTiedly left the · ci>ur1ioom for a quickly arranged conference with Jrv~ dl.ieft. He had earlier challenged the right of the six jaxpayen to follow County AUditot" V, A. Heim into a suit that challeoges>the action ol."the State-Lands Conublss'icn tn 1Pero"ing ttle •exchange of 457 acres of-lrvtne terrain for county Udelands In upper Newport Bay. LATE CBAU.ENGE Heim launched his eleventh hour cliallenge <A. a land trade that seemed all but ·a matter of record when he refused to pay a $13,197 bill that was the coontr 's ·share of engineering plans for dredgmg in the disputed .upper Bay • area .. The county official branded hi! superyisors' approyal (I{ the land el· change as illegal and raised the question of the competency of the State Lands Commission's ratification of the switch. Attorney Dulfern Helsing for Heim and Los Angeles attorney Ralph Perry tor the tarpayers repeated that argu. ment Thursday. Perry contended that he c o u I d provide assessment evidtnce "within the next six months" that would do much to nullify earlier asse!.!ment proposals p I a c e d before · the state agency. Warren vigorously argued for the suppression cf such evidence. He told Judg~ Owens that the homeowners "had . no right" to seek to enter litigation at a moment when °ttme is of the essence" for the Irvine Company -an OOv\ous reference to the corporation's desire to get on with the developing of the land proposed to be turned over to them by county supervisors. Orange County and the Irvine Com· pany have repte9ented the value of the sprawling 457-aere .ten'ain as $19 mil· llon. 1be same combination· has claimed the 157 acres of tidelands to be worth $11 million. ' . MISREPRESENTATION Perry claims for the: -homeowners in document> m..i with Superior Court that the inference that Orange County ·would be $8 million better oft ts a mis· representation. He contend! that the loss. to county ta:xpa)'ef! atter the com~ pletion of extensive dredging' and channeling Work envisioned by -Irvine w i 11 be ·"hundreds of millionl of dollars." 1be land to be tamed over to Irvine by coonty supervltors I! presently being held by the C«pOratlon on a tax· ·free basis. It will continue to be '° .pending a decision by the California •Silpreme Court on · the constltu~onality of the law which permitted the trade-- belie'{ed by county judges to be at least two· years· away, · A "'""""' by l'trT)I to ""collulan" between th• Irvine ~aad Ora e . County brou,MI & v · den:f by Dep'uty County .Rob- ert F. Nuttman. l He ·repeated . earile~ argultlents that tHe county did not op-· pose the taxpayers' aolion aad .tllat be was "only too 8JWIOW1 to .lur C1lr men~-tbat will throw ., mudl liFI 'fl . possible on thb )<gal Issue." • But Nuttman conferred frequentJ.t. with• Warren throughout the hearing and allied l\lmself with the Irvine lawyer tn argumen\s designed to bar tbe ~,... from the lawsuit. EVERY RIGHT Judge Owens, ccmmentil}g that the homeowners "bad everY right to supplf whatever new evidence can be otrered ln U!is major issue,'' set Mi.y 12 as the date for the neJ.t bearing on &he now: combined suit. . Heim will have to olrer evidence at that time and Perry noted after . the hearing that the proof of evidence he offers will depend, to a Maj<lr eitent. on· the granting cf the' six month! IMI needs~ for the establishment of a case • Perry' Is confident that he will get •the six month.,. His clienlll, he said, plan to enlist the suppari cf Newport BaJJ and Beach coruervalionist grnups and the actively interested Sierra Club. A post-ruling bid by Perry to have U.. Sierra Club entered on the court petftkln as C(>.intervenors was rejected by Judge · Owens. "And that ruling is designed to prevent any future motions for interven:. Uoo during the life o{ this·. ~ .lawsuit," the judge commented, "it ii no reflection on the merit' of the Sierra Club's right to intervti:ne." UPHELD ARGUMENT ' He upheld· the argument_,! UJe !rvinO Comp~y through Warren that the conservationist group be barred from tho action. Warren confinned, before he Jeft for his Irvine conference, that the ruibC "will very likely" halt Irvine'! plam t11 convert the marshy ··terrain they now balieve they own Into the costly devel· opmerit on their drawing boards. "! den't lhink we will want to do any major work in the llgtrt of the sMuatioq that has been created today," be aaid, "l am surt that Irvine will want to resolve this rnatt'er into somethina Vft'Y much like the pictulO they desire..:! any soil dumping or removing is carried out." County plans lor the territory to be surreodered by Irvine include tbe cne-tiQn of parks and recrielioil. areas throughout the uplands beH. Stephen Spindell Rites Saturday Funeral services will be held al 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Westmin.!ter Memorial Parle Mortuary for St~~n C. Spindel!, 70, Garde:n Grove, a·former tedetary cf the Fountain Valley Chamber of Com- merce, who died Tuesday. .. Mr. Sp ind ell was owner of Spirl(:lelt'• Realty in Fountain Valley and was cham· ber secretary until 1967. He Is survived by bis wile, Ethel; a step-daughter, Mrs. Agne> H. B.....U of Long Bea.ch ; a sl!ter, Mrs. Marie Viita ct Braintree, Ma!.!. and a brotlier, Robert: F. Splndetl of Kenilworth, m. 1''61t From An Aagel Lt. Steve Shoemaker ol. Na\fy'1 famed Blue Angels pm:l!lon 1llpt tan\ chats with Cindy Parl<et, 6, during vWt to OranJ• Couilty Children's HO<pital In Orange Thursday. Members 'Of flight team, hern for El Toro, MCAS open house today and Saturday lpured waids. Thursday in effort to cheer up yO\lllg patients. Cl.ndy, h01J>itallud with k1dney ailment, is dau,hter ol. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parlter, 26552 Carrel.as Drive, Mission Viejo • ' ' • --· -... . , I ' ' I W.Y PILOT r11A1. ii" 2, 1'69 • .B fld Week for l!.S. 'Mo re Chopp ers~ Planes Blaste d fitll ol tile year ~ve coptured: · · CobJ;a . Copwr HazardFound WASHINGTON (UPI) -A hazardous· • weekness bu been uncovered 1n a vital ilart " the Cobr1, the Army'• newly In' · iroduced 0 gwa tlUp" helicopter in Viet.- nun, tl WU dllclooed today. ·'lbe.Se!:We Prep1redoes1 Sul>- commlttet reported that at least 1U\t truh in a traliilnc Olght 1t Hunter Af!nY Alt Field near Savlm:iah, Ga., wu blam· ~The .Fox' Dies' Von Papen Si.tccumbs in Obscurity OB~8ACU. Germ111y (UPI) - Franz Von Papen~y's inuter spy of World War I ybo ~ .Adolf HitJer"'s rise lo power; dlil! y in his Black F~ home in be Md never known during a lire a hrtbltss in- triguer and muter of llJ!Vlval ue was United . Slates In l91S when Amertcln newspapers dubbed him utbe devU in a top bat." He w a s later known as "the fox" when he enginttred Hitler's takeover of AUJtria early in World War II. tn between, he served as the last chaocellor before Hitler. ~ .... _.. ...... SAIGON '(AP) -'Ille U.S. Comand in- llCl<IOCed todoy tllet 21 heUcope..-1 and lo llud-•ln& p1ane1 ,,... loot 1n Ille v1Jt. naaa war durl.ftc lbe put week. It wu one of the men Q:P90llve weeks for Amedeo'• ....W.forees.. --1,IOO rockda and 110,000 mortar rounds, "mare than the enemy bu ~ • C<IWlleywlde in the same perlodJ' ed OJI "metal fatJgue'' in the Cobra'• tall rotor yoke. · '\'l>o :Anny told the subcommittee tt has beiD weedlqg out defective yokes throulh ... ~P 1nopecttona -and thlrmontll began rei:elvJng delivery of n' e w 111pJacementa ol au the yokes. It. In the early daya ot WOrkl War I Von Papen wu J'O"')bly Uiei mool--haled man In Ameri<a, the G<rnwl military allache In Wa911ngtoo wt» wu blamed later for sabotaging tile Amerlelo war effort •nd plotting the disastrous 1917 Black T~m munltioru: exploelon in Jersey City, N.J. And ll was the scheming Von Papen wbo served as ambassador to Turkey and kept that nation out of the allied camp. He succeeded until 19" when the end of the war was already in sight. I -Lambs l"-'t don't gambol lilt they "-'td to, wrote Carol Ml'-Ill a Jetter to the Times of London. She aaid !bet lambs have tended 4o stand beside their mothers or sleep since-the introduction of pesticides and chemlcal ferUllzers. "Is thll a colncidenee!" she asked. "I would like to know ii any of your readers have-noticed bow lethargic and lackillg in joy our modern lambs are.'' • TM advn'"tUt1Mnt in thia 10Ht'1 ~tion. of the' 11'010 b1'1i· ..,. -van.iv read' "If J1C* CM dO tt grt'tlt David Brink· i., impressioo, coll Jeff at 421· 6050. • A tall, darlMair ""'" cal. led the •innb<r, talktd to Jeff for • f<tO mift.at1 a:nd WCI told, "S°""' rov dott't qualifv." With a lalogll, Dacid BrinJtley hung upthcphoM_. • HOLLYWOOD AP -Camodl1n Rod Sic°""" says he'll recite his Interpretation of the Pledge of Alle- giance in Philadelphia's !ndepen- . dence Hall on July 4. It brought plaudits on SkeltoD's nationwide television· show Jan. 14. M.yor Jamos H. J. Tm of Philadelphia wed Skelton to go to Independence Hall ~use "you have earned for J'ourself a place on the roster of distinguished patriots who seek to perpetuate the American heritage." • TMv. ~ut bt 1trving 1our graptl at th.t Milwaukee Zoo these dat11. At leaat thai'1 the impre.sfion 'Goeffrt'I Girafft'I t%pT.t11ion giVf!1. Actiwlly, an ordinary drink of waUr brought on th.i.s exhibition of facial contOT• tiotll. • PEOPLE SCENE -Wed.,.April 30 Oflic\als at Malton, England Zoo said they are cancelling arrange.. menta fur bringing a male whale from the United States to mate with Cucldlot, the pride of the Mal· ton whale tank. They said they have learned that Cuddles, a two- too whale, also ls .a male. • A 11).year-<>ld boy was saved by the seat of his panta as he fell down a nearly ,perpendl~. 200 • foot shale cli!WJI Highland Mills, N.Y. Police said James O'Donald'1 slide ended · about 25 feet from the top when hi.s panta seat snagged on a led&•· Molt of the hellcopten were abot down, and h others were lost ln colllsklna or enemy attack.I oo U.S: basea, head· quvl<n uid. . --A'tllut two of the planes were fighter- bomberl reported .shot down earlier. The cwnm1nd 11ve no details about the other -'!be report said a lnlal ol 2,185 U.S. bellcopten and %,Ul planes now have been bt In the war. A U.S. apokesman also lllll)Olll1Ced that 311,00Q Viet Coog and North Vietnam ... ldlled alnce the Viet Cong spring ol- feoslve .tarted Feb. 2.1, and American and South Vietnamese forces alDCt the -2,600 inos ol rice, tOOUlh to feed 10 battalions of. 500 m e A each• f o r four months. -:0,000 Individual weapons ud ·3,000 aew.aerved weapona. Allbougb tile \J.S. Command did not say the enemy offt111lve waa over, the spokesman said the beavy losses had forced the enemy to reduce b1a offensive • operalloas. . "We estlmate that the memy's ac- tivities have decreued because he did not have any ~ choice," the spokesman takL .'~ primary reason for this, as you may have noted ln the weetly otatisUcal mnmarles, L! that the enemy baa suffered about 38,000 killed since ~eb. 21.'' Harriman Raps Saigon For Peac e Talk Dela ys LOS ANGELES (UPI) -W. Averell Harriman, Connerly President Johnson'.s chief negotiator at the Paria peace talkl, says the Saigon government must "face the fact" the Vietnamese problenu must Nixon Officials Renew Attacks On Camp us -Riots W1.SHINGTON (AP) -The Nilcon ad· mlnistrauon,' using the observance of "'Law Day 1969" as a fonnn, has renewed tt.s attacks on campus violence. JwiUce Department officials, headed by Atty, Gen. John N. Mitchell, fanned out acrou the country to speak at Law Day cet'emonles 'Ibunday and demand an end to student disorders. Picking up the theme President Nixon autUned earlier in the week, Mitchell ~ demaftded that university officials and ' k>cal law officials put an end to the stU· dent violence. "Violence and dlssatia!acUon on our college campuses 'are a serious threat to our system of law, a threat 11 disturbing u the violeDce in our cities," Mitchell ssJd· in the ll<troi~ Mich., ear· Al<ocla- tion 1Mual Law Day dinner. '!be admlnL!traUon has tried to be pa· tie.at ln the face of continuing campus chaos, Mitchell said, but "the Ume has come for an end to patience. ''11le lime has come for us to demand, In the strongest possible terms, that university officials, local enforcement agencles and local courts apply the law," Mitchell declared. 0 U arrests must be made, then arrests !.hould be," he said. "lf violators m\1$ be prosecuted, then prosecutions should be." Niion, in a Tuesday speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called on college administrators to take the necessary ac· lion to stop campus violence or liee an end to the American educaUon sy&tem. Mitchell, who attacked 1 tu d en t militants u "nothing but tyrants," was Joined In the UlllUlt by to:• key aides - ll<!Mlty Atty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst and Asal Atty. G<ll. wmlim u. Rdm- qutst -who made Law Day speeches in Wuhlnitoo and Newark, Del., mpec- tively. K1elndlenst referred to militanta as "ldeo1oglcal crlm1na1s" and RebnqUist labeled them "the new barbarlana." be solved basically by the Vietnamese. Jf the South Vietnamese h a d cooperated, Harriman told a news con- ference Thursday, the current agreement of the Viet Cong to negotiate with ~on representatives could have been reached last November. Hanoi had withdrawn some troops north of the demilltarlt.ed zone at that time, a move Harriman called "a good 1ign." "It would have been far better U (Saigon) had been more realistic" rather than haggle over the "ridiculous" i.uue of the shape of the conference table, Har- riman said . "There never will be l!I settlement until the Vietnamese s.it down together and work it out," he emphasized. Harriman, who was a roving am- bassador for the JoQoson administration, was here to addr& a World Affairs Council meeting. Stanford Ousts 33 Protesters In Hall Seizure STANFORD (AP) -Stanford Universi- ty -has suspended S3 1ludenL! who took part in Thursday morning's six-hour oc- cupation or an administration building. President Kenneth S. Pitzer announced · the suspensions Thursday night. They are effective until their cases are considered by the campus judicial council. He also announced the university had obtained court orders restraining the 33 student.s from returning to campus for anything ucept judicial proceedings. SuperJor CoUrt Judge Stanley R. Evans also restrained three nonstudents from visiting the campus "for disruptive purposes," Pitzer told a meeting of the Academic Council. No names were an· nounced. The 600 faculty members present ap- proved the actlon w i th a university dissenting voice, aaid a univ~rsJty :spokesman • They gave Provos:t Richard W. Lyman a standing ovation when he said of the university's resort lo outalde police for the first lime in its '18-year-history: "No one is entitled to consider the clearing of Encina Hall a victory. Any time it becomes necessary for a univers.i· ty to summon the poUce, a defeat h a s taken place." Clear Skies Over Nation U.S. Low of 2 1 Degree·s R ecorded at R edmond V.S. Su'"""""ll ·-----Al1tnt1 a.tmfletd ....... ··~ ·-""" .. (lllci""'" ,_~ -~ ... -. ..... , E1.1t'tlt1 "" -· ·--H ... 1.11!._ " .. .. " n " " " .. " " " .. " " " " • • " .. .. " .. .. ... " .. .. .. n .. " .. .. .. " .. .. " .. .. " .. . .. .. ... ·" .. "-..... , dttl4t 1flk _ .... wlllt -lori ~Clt., Lav .... LOI Altttlft Ml1ml IMdl M11WIVhe- M1-Mll1 N.-.ori.n1 _, .. .. " .. • < Nrlltl C ... o'IM In tllf .,.....,.,... Millr-. Wir.ft _, _ ... li•ltfly, I t9 II .......... , ... ,., llltfl. " " .,, Y......,..,~ r•11••• f'rMI • ~-ef '5 II!; I In fl & I~ l9IWI ..,.,,...,,.""" "'""' ..... Jt .. ""' Tiie W9IW *"--1¥ft Wtt •t Cito ...... 'JtlOAY · • ~ ""' ............. Jill"'"" 1.J -..... Mlfl il:ni;tN.T' t:.a -· u Flrtt ._ ............... 41• I.I'll. l.J P:"91 ~1111 .............. M;AJ '·"'· JA lffW "" , ........... J;.M 11.m. IA IKtlld '-............ ll;IS 11.m. U •VlfDAY ''"'' llw ............... J:.W ··'"· ,,, 11=1.,, 11\'lfl .............. ,n:t• 11.fl'I.. ,,, ~ loW ............. ,~ ....... lit ,_... ................ llr01 •-.. . _,_ ""'"' -• 'llMI --~ d 1llt "'9clnc ~!, wi.c-ln W Mlc:ll"'911. IOl""9nl Ttus. fK" .,,,.. Ill ltlfirld. '"" ''°"' "" C.llfor. "''~'· ~lltlltrl -"1"11 1191\t. L• ell .,._,, ..,.. llMlfl'" ....,. P:lor- M• •.W tr-Wtllllnttoll to -~" Monltllf. l l'ltrt wtn ..,.. ll'IOW9fl or Ill~ """ Mlllllltolf to ""'' " ·-.,.. .. "" llll'lllffll MlellDftt llf WllQIMl11 ""4 Mlefllffl'I, T""'""lllm ..,.. ('!ffnl)I"' Ill ,,.., ''""' 11 M1 cold -"' °"''IN fl'oe nt1frl In fl'oe N"""'tll •J'IO Nor1ft. W'ttt, il ... tl.IJ 11 COf!CeN. N,H,. "' • ,..,,. 1'lltft .... t!'le tlcond •• ., Of Ml.,, ' Tflt "''""'' -P1'11tfll '°"" ..... , ,. If II:~, Drt. Tf111"6fl"I fllt~ ..... '1 •I ,,....,_.., TM. NOl'WI li"lttte O.lll1nid ...... ....., "'*'" ll'lltJldlllllflt. -· !"llbbu"" Portl1nid "tf'.I' Cltt ,. .. (I ll.or! ·-IKr•"""" St. Lwll Stllllfl 5.111 Lfkt Clt1 '-" o"" St" P'rtnelKe t.lftl• 1!1111»rw s .. n1t SOCllolM T-1 Whllrnti. " .. ·" • " " .. " .. • " " .. ·" " " .. .. " .. .. " " .. " .. " .. .. .. .. • " " .. -" .. .. ... • .. .. .. " .. ·" .. . ., .. .. n ... Sen. Jolm SlenniJ (0-Ml!s.), oub- c::ofunUttee chalrman, aald he is now trying to learn whether "yoke fatigue" hu caused other craahes and whether the Army bas taken adequate corrective _ •lei"- 'Ille explosion ldlled two perlOllS and l.nflicted MO million damage. Von Papen was expelled from the He waa interned after the war, freed by the Nuemberg war crimes court, then 1eotenced to eight years in a labor camp by a 1947 de-Nazification court He was released in 1919 because ol falling health. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!ii WESTINGHOusr DISHWASHER SPECIALLY PRICED! BUY THIS NOW Westinghouse FOR AN EA~L Y Gfill~U"Cll~ MOTHER S BulJt·ln Dishwasher DAY GIFT! llodolSU1!211 • • Single dial timer control • ·Self-cleaning filter • Blue porcelain-on-steel tub, not plastic • Mu1ti·level washing action • Dual detergent dis. pensers, • Plate-warmer set· ting • Large silverware basket •Telescoping top rack -. -NO ~DOWN~-AY-MENt--.ir--! - TV & APPLIANCE CENTER· . HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd.-Costc;1_ Mesa HOURS : 9:00 ff?. 9,00 Sat. 9:00 to 6 GASDRVERS Bt!Y todou and get ahtauenliy deal! <:3Ji • Phone 540-7131 SAVE! on the purchase of the DRYER of the future , GAS • E Electronic a Sy 'Moisture-Sensing" Dryer Easy1s electronic ''moist~ming'~ device accurately senses the pre-selected moisture content and automatically. shuts the dryer off. ·This marvel together with six automatic fabric-heat settings permit drying cloth\"Wit the way you want them -tlte EASY way. IT'S AN INTRODUCTORY OFF ER ! Get all these great Easy_ featuras and :say Goodbye to ironing:· b Exctusi,. No-Prus Cyclt 0 Po1<elain Enamd Finish ~ 0 l6PoundCapaclty ~ Litlil•dConl!oll'an<landlnterio1 0 Up-front Unl Flllei ~ Fool Pedal Door Opener (J Safety Slut Button ~ 6 AulomoUc Audio Tone SilNIJ Shut-Off Rog. ~rice LISS $259.95 $75.00 S1 84 15 . l NO MONEY DOWN e . 36 MONTHS TO PAY TV AN D APPLIANCE CEN'tER · Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd • Cost1 Mesa Dtlly t AM,. t PM S.. fAM te 6 PM . PHONE. 540-7131 . Nasser Oaiins Right ~o Hit Civilian Targets in Israel CAIP.O (UPI) -Prtlldent Gamal Abdal N-hu aJven Jla Uoopo permil<loa In hit clvWan WJ;eta witb1n llrael in • ..WloUon •1alnll llrHl'• commtndo rtld lnln Em>t Wednetday. "l am announcing today that, in view ot lttaell 11· gr9t!oo 11alnll our civilian tar1eta, the whole world must know that wt have the rlibt to hit at _civilian 1&r1ell intlde CambodiaRejecis U.S •. Offer; 'Talk' Blamed BANGKOK (UPI) -Loose Sihanouk, Ni 1 on lnjlicated talk by the U.S. military about willingness to re 1 um e oper1Uon1 into Cambodian diplomaUc Ue11 With Cam- territory contributed to Prince -. bddlo. Sihanouk I.lid be wu Norodom Sihanouk'• rejection ready al)o, but then backed ot. Walhlnlton'• offer ~o wn. lt m.y have been but a resume dJplomatlc relaUona. temporary reverul. Th1I wu the opinion ·Diplomata uld 1he apparent western diplomats follow g reaton for hls about face was s i h a n ouk'• announcement publicity about A m e r I c a n Wednesday that "C'ambodla military operations on Cam-. bodlan IOU, and the U.S. re1ectJ .. the declaration of reeognlUon a9 South Vlet- recogruhon of frontiers by the riamese of some i s I a n d s government of the United Sihanouk claims as Cam· Slates." . bodian territory. . C a m ~ o d 1 a . broke . off If Ute Americans had kept d1plomaUc relations w 1 t h quiet about their operations Washington in May, 1965, Sihanouk probably would hav~ clalmlng that U.S. and Soul.ti looked the other way "But Vletname6e_ troops crossed in· somebody -or a who.le suc- to Cambodia to engaie Com· ceuion of people -got a caae !lluniltsOn A ·ril 1 . 1 t''"' ... of loi:>le mouth," the diplomat.I p l ,ma e~r w said, Frencli Vote Set June 1 Japan Going to Dogs PARIS (UPI} -France will vote June 1 to elect a sue· ceasor to former Pre1ldent Charlt1 de Gaulle. The government oI actina: President Alain Poher, mak- ing a swift recovery from the shock of De Gaulle's resigna· tlon on Monday, set the date today. June I falls within the 35- day limit in which Frenchmen mwt chOOle a 1Ucceuor to a prealdent who quits or dies. The elecUon will be held on • Sunday, a tradition ba.sed on the usumptlon that more peo- ple would be free to vote than on workday•. PEOPLE Clnims Britisli. Barking Up Wrong Tree T 0 K Y 0 ( U P I ) Everyone, dogs and owoen, Demonstratora: poured Into th'e appeared to enjoy their walk Gima shopping district today in the 1un. for the second time thil Wffk Some of the placards car· but the latest protest waa: not ried by the dog love!'I were for the return of Oldnawa but wide off the mark gram- agalrut British charges that matically, but the owners !aid Japanese ml!tttat their lm· their menages were right on PG'1-td dogl. target. About 500 doi owners, ac. "I don't make any can!ne companied by an e qua I di!lcrimlnatlon at all,'' said a nwnber ar more of howling algn carried by a kiinono-cl•d and barking canines, paraded woman who also carried a with 1igI111 proclalmin.1 no beagle pup in • basket. came from Eoiland and 5,013 from the United St ates . AlmOlt all of the dogs were imported for 1ale u pets but a few were purchased by scien- Wle laboratofiea for we In Ell:· periments. Bulgaria Train Derails, 25 Die dllcrlminalion agaiott tJle pell A pttlly girl wearing o red who are born outside the ooun· mini lktrt and walking a SOFIA (UPI) -Twenty-five try. pekine11 1t the end of a leuh people were killed and 38 • DAll.Y I'll.Of f American Gets Post In .Vatican Some ·Cent.en May Stay • • . ' Job Corps Backdown. Due?- WASHINGTON (UPI) -•irMcly been rOlciJlded IDd lll ·bll , dlatricl '1t ..... -,~. Some Republicens on Caplin! othera, affeclhlJ campo to nprdloot GI lll)'lhlnc he Hiii have started IUlnl pol R e p u b llcan ":onlrtlllonal mllhl do, , lhotl 1t President Nixo011 d l 1 t r I c t 1 , art beinf ''TIU. ~II a hlUun way to ~ In !hut down 5t Job reconsidered. do ~" aaJil O'Kllolkf. ~ C«llen, and t\ appeared But 11 far as Rtp. Alvin '"llteY lhouldn1 clooe any ot the administration may be O'Konaki (R-Wla.), It cdn-theto. oeillm 1111111 they ...,,. rev bing Ila pion•. . -='=emed=::;' =the=C=lam=La:::::kt:Can:=;:tu;:;up=:wl:;Ul::IOIMthln(;::::::;:;;belttr:=;:·=" =s The Labor Department la_r ·" n • '0 t la t I n • wltll the Coming May 3 Agriculture and I n t e r I or departments to keep IOl1lt of Ule cent.rs open. but. operate ~ _ ,: 7.~ TA ~ekly them unr:ter a 11ew tormat at Ei:Ll.1.W fffi lower costs," one GOP cm- sreufona1 source 1aicl. Another R£publican source stratectcalJy • Involved i n nqot!atJons with the White House over the ctoainp Aid ''Nixon ls headed f« his first real black ey_e in dealings with minority groups bee•\\'" of this (closing) order." One ciooln1 onler has re~y Two Fires Set Old World Mediterranean -Spanuh ·Furniture ~ - OVER $1DO,GOO INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DECORATORS CANCILLATION aM RITURNI PROM MODIL HOMll . ALL IRA.ND NIW DICORATORI DRUM HOUll ON DllPLAY ·Items as followa: GorgeoU1 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tablea, (2) M" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain 1wag lamps in wrought Iron, an 8 piece king alze master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Medllerranean style with top quality 15 yr, \Varranty king size mattress &: boz: 1pring1. Spanish decor dining aet, etc, Wfl•I• HeuMfvll WU ,..ut•r t1nt.M ~:To~~~~l·Fl-~.1 ....... $698.00 A•y l'ltte C:.. lo -1114r.t...., TtnM A,.n.w. -N..,...tn ,. c:..111. Crodlt Appmt4 .......... tly ...... ""' _, F•rnlt•re SCIENCE ASKS: Con Some People Site into the Future? · By Theodore Irwin A fascinating story lhat roveals same of the alleged premonitions and visions that are being r1corcf1d in · ''re9iitri11" in both Amlrica and Great Britain, ALSO e 'HAPPY' TRAOIDY ~ Cover fir! Gayla Hun- nicutt tell•. how a serious accident suffer~ by her actor husband maybe 11ved tho tempu- tuoua marriage of the actress and David Hem- ming•. e EPIDEMIC COMINO -Science racea with German measle1 to find a cure before tho de- former of the unborn reach11 an epldonili; hilh In 1970. . .e HDUlll ON WHEELS -What's behilld llto ·boom In mobile homu: an in-depth 1tu4y at the why, how and how much of \railer llvlq, All Coml111 Slhqday-ln Iha · ., Tiiaf'• wh•t lt'1 •II •b•uf. o". •' th• m••f ,.,ul•r ... 111 f•1f•r•1 •f th• OAtLY PILO h P••Jll• Sc•11•· It'• •II •llifff kl1191, c•mlfton•fl, ~••k• an-' .•h•r•cf•r• -p••JI'•·· The march may not con-carried • sign which llid, seriOU1ly Injured when 1 tr1ln vlnce the Brttlah criUes th1t "Look at me. l'm quite u derailed ne1r Sofia Tburlday, dcJgl irl'""treated""'tlndJy In happy u 1 wu ln England" Bulgarian officials announced Japan, but It may boost ... The BrlU1b charges prompt-today. business for the lmporten who ed e ff o r t s in England to Rlllr.oad aulhorltlea sald the 1ta1ed it. ban the eii:port of dogs to accident occWTed on lhe And if the marching dogl!I Japan. Last year Japan Im-· Chervenbreg-Orekhovo I cc-a I were explotted, they did Mt ported 12,78& dogs worth line. All victims a r e appear to be mlatreated. flP,221. Of that total, 7,535 Bulgarians, they 1ald.-. 1 DAILY Pltor r At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llvd. Colta Meso-enly E'(O'Y nlfht 'HI ' -w..i. Sot. & luii. 'ltl 6. " • ' Come see Chick .lverson's newhOn1e. I• ·The first thi~g you'JI notice-is our beou- tiful showroom . It'• decoroted in Volhwogen modern. With elogont -touches like tho Kormann Gh io. And tho Fastback end Squcrebcck sedans: And of course we've included tho func· tio nal beauty of our Bugs, Buses, Kom- bl11 ond T rvcls. I But ii you're a Volkswagen owner, or a prospectiv90wner, you ·might be more impressed with our bock room. Thct'1 where we service the cars we sell. This room is home for 75 factor~ trained v"w technicians, And on• of Southern Col ifomio'1 lorgest part. de- ' ~ portments. With all our new equipment, it's probably tho best place in tho coun- try to iron tho bugs out of a beo~o. So ii you'd like to 1t1 Chick Iverson'• new hom e, follow this map. And test drive the cars tho! put us on it. The showroom will be open Monday !hru Friday 8 am-9 pm. Saturday 8 cm-6 pm. Clo1td Sunday. Service ond Ports Deportment will be open T u11day ond W odnoadoy 8 om-8 pm. Thursday, Fiidoycmd Sat- urday 8 om-S pm. ~ Clo1td Sunday and Monday. • ' Chick Iverson, #5 E: Coa1t Highway, Nowport·Booch. T1l1phono: 673-0900, --- = - -. I ' • ' . ' " \ ' \ 'DAD.Y ~ILOT ~ITOBL\L PAGE I; voter~, Decide • • ·' ' ' + ' I 9cean View School District voten l'ues~ay mus! decide wtlether to approve a tw~year tax override ot $1,:l:i. lf they don't the district will operele on the present.barrel·scraping basjc roto'of ,1.50. Tli.e amowit of ·the increase asked 1s steep, but the need Is even grea.ter. Dilltriet officials J>Oiint out that spending for the basic educational program is low, the lowest of 44 &ehool districts the size of Ocean Vi~. Money is needed now for the basic program and for essentials such as summer school, adequa~ pay for teachers, music, field trips and.J.itirary improvement which the district does no\ have now. , Opponents argue that the district could iurvive on an illcrea.,se. of 49 cents and continue offering~yvhat th~y call "adequate teaching." ' -' The school district bas grown rapidly the past seven years and costs of educaUon hllVe continued to go up, but the taz rate bas remai,ned stationary for several years despite demonstrated need. Tuesday the question appears to be whether the parents will provide enough money to prepare their children for high school cblsses to come. The district can provide only the educational program the parents are willing to support. That program cannot be adequate under the pres· ent financial handicaps. • Tuesday .. · j • p i Avenue and Magnolia •Street and permits for lot!' le .. than 7,2Q()tsquare4oot minimum. · . . In makin,& ~ decision Judge McMillan ln4ic'a!eil that.he felt dis<;rel,ion was abused In granl.lng excepli-On for small 1?1-9. His acticin is being fu!erpreted as an ln- dicatlon that John Q. Citizen does liave a voice in de. tiding whilt"slies of lots shall he in a commul)ily. Opponenfs of the Larwin tract, which plafuiOd 500 lots of about 5,000 square fee( each, slate s~y that they do not want building lots smaller lll8n' tbe 7,D- square-foot legal minimum. They also are malting the J>O.int 1hat jl!eir loaders should not become involved J>rivately in reiil estate deals wllich come before the city for action. Mayor RObert Schwerdtfeger was tbe re8J estate broker on ·tile sale of the 100 acres to tbe Larwin Co. for the proposed tract. City' Atty. Edwin represented the ongmal owner of the land in question during the sale lraOOJ!'d by the mayor. Both abstained from otfi· cial action. before-the city. . A key issue in Judge McMillan's decision was di,s. allowal of a powerline easement as recreatton area for the t~act. The Larwin <;o. had proposed to develop the land into a park if the area were included in Its overall l~d area . for the purpose of. determining average Jot size. · The land, even though leased, cannot be dedicated to the city because ihe Larwin Co. does not owD it the judge said. It still Is the property of the Edison Co. ...................... Judge McMillan's Decision which can ·reClaim its interest at any time. • ~e situation has been inftam.rnatory. The three councilmen who ·favored the Larwin tract -Maror Schwerdtfeger, Donald Fregeau and Joseph Cout- reges -became· targets of a recall attempt. And in~ deed, that recall seems to have gained fresh streiigth · from Judge McMillan's decision. I I Fountain Valley opponents ol subdivisions with lots 1maller than the city's legal minimum of 7,'J!J-0 square 1eet have a court decision on their si(le. And leaders of a recall movement have new ammunition. Superior Court Judge Byron C. McMillan looked with favor on a suit brought by Eugene Van Dask ask· ing the court to void city attion granting residential zoning to the Larwin Co. for about 100 acres at Talbert, It would .be ·unfortunate if this serTous emotional schism continµes . Another Westminster.type ha:Ssie can spell no good for Fountain Valley, its government or its residents. s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Policy for State Schools Census Rules· A-n Opett-or-C-losetl -·Doar-?-A-Peppery Controversy It is a most unhaPP.Y circumstance when qualified young men and women are turned away from public higher education in California. Yet , it ls hap. ~· Ten of the 18 state colleges turned away qualified stullents for the spring aemester, Unknown only is the number of rejected students. Estimates vary from 3,000 to 20,000. Increased .expenses. The colleg~ were told to;ke the applicants without the money needed to hire the' professors who would ~ch them. "Hold the line on expenses" was the urgent mesSage from ~ governor's of· fice. ' ' . . .-.------..- Other Languages Don't Have 'Sexy~ An American manufacturer o f bl"a&5ieres and lingerie, recently openittg its first ad vertising campaign in Europe for its products, fooOO (to its surprise) that in some countries the languages have no exact equivalent for our word "sexy." cnc.e heard of an EngliSlb bridge player te!hng an Italian k:i:lit:!c;· that he had ';a leg tov:artl rub!;cr." \Vorj for \vord, it was: "lfo una g<iinba verso la gomma," but what the puzzled Italian got out of it ' Most of these yotmg people were pro- spective freshmen . But sOme junior col· lege graduates also were turned down. At Sacramento State, alone, an estimated 200 junior college graduat6 were re- jected. ' • Unfortunately, while the colleges are facing an enrollment crisis, 'the attention of the citize!!n' is focused on the disturbance Cone campus -San Fran- cisco State. The public is outraged, in part for good reason. Some· of the OC· currences at San Francisco State inspire anger. Next year's decennial head count is developing a peppery controversy, Ex- isting law provides penalties of a $100 fine or 60 days imprisonment, or both, for refusing to answer a census question. For falsifying an answer the pen.ally options are,a-$$00 fine, ooe year's impri59nmen~ .. , or both. These ']>enalties and the ce~s ground rules in general are under sbaip attack. Where the word "sexy" appeared in the American ads, some such euphemism as "softly elegant" or "softly feminine" had to be substituted in the foreign copy - not for reasons ol taste or morals, but simply because there waa; no brief and ·easy eql!ivale11t iri-the other language. w,as "I ha.Yce a Lilnb to\vard t.:1e eraser._"_ ,· T'herc is one breakfast fc otl that cannot I • I IN THE FACE OF this cr1'is the Reagan administration requested Ule &tate legi!latW'e to make an emergency appropriation of funds. The extra lunding ts: being rushed. along to bold aon-1:tbe number of rejected applicants. But there, was no way all the qualified young peopie could be accepted. Not. enough time re- mained to recruit the faculfy members and schedule the classes. And so, whal the HJ-year-old California Master Plan for Higher Educatoo was suJ>P9SOO. to prevent is. now llappenlng. ' The open door is closing. The promise o( higher education to every capable and willing studeOt has become a broken pr(r. mise. STUDENTS ARE now harvesUng the fruit of two years of ·budget slashes by the Reagan adminisb"ation. H i g he r education asked for more inoney to SC· commodate increased ~llments and HOWEVER, TJIE. citU.ens:of califomia should also be outraged at the broken promise of the master plan. The con- science of the state is on the line. Will California educate its young? -There can be only one a.n8'!Jrer. Higher • education must -be kept open to all qualified comers, Ten years ago, Califor· nlarui believed Uill;. They were ready for the challenge of building classrooms and hiring prot'essors. With a spirit of hope and vigor, they wrote a bold plan. • With good reason, too, for the young are the future of the state. Now comes the time to spend Lhe money and redeem Lhe p r om i s e . California can do no less. The state should never again witness the spectacle of the rejection of qualified ap·plicants. The Sa~ramento Bte Some Elements of· Utopia • By GEORGE JI. DOFF, Pb.D. Our way of life is in bad shape. We're creaUng environments -physical, social, emotional1 inteUectual. p o I i ti c a I , . religious , etc. -designed to crush whatever remnant o( individuality and joy we may have left. How can persons live, tnuch less grow, under the oppressive atmosphere of a dehumanized ~ality -one which is technically su rior, but inferior in terms of finding we being? We need to explore the possibilities of a therapeutic community dedicated to the ideals of a Human Utopia -a place where the etJ1phasis is upon who iS' living not just _bow he's doing it or in what. WHAT IS llTOPlA? ll'a a coOoept of bow things might be if everyone weren't hung up upon creating and devekn>ing bigger and better things -cltltl, IChools, weapons,. temples, goverMIOllla, dwellings, etc. It b possible ro rumlaole a llletlme abool a~ all the environments io•whlcl\ living cant.ake place, without ever enjoying the ZAP of life : Zeltful Actuallzatlon of Potential Utopia II al8o , a· sociil con<Iition, in . 'vhich one person's advantage would be to another's adVantage, rather than to the other's disadvantage. ADDITIONALLY, Utopia Is a state of being which goes beyond our fondest im· agination. Often, we don't want to con· sider how marvelous living could be- because we get depressed about ho\v It Is in comparison. And so, dteams remain undreamed because our energy is being consumed by solving mundane problems lriJ!ch macb1oos are belier equipped lo hsndle •• Whsl would a dream society be like! First, man wOu)d use the things be creates instead of being subordinate to them to the u:tenl that he improves them first and hbiiseK next • . F 0 a EXAMPLE, the hardware - structurer,. signs, streets, sew~, trash he}plng professions , hwnan growth centers, etc. -while punishing those which diminish humanness. Many questions arise. Can real in· dividuality exist without a n a r c h y resulting? How 'Simple should life be? How will evil be dealt wi th? -What's the difference between unrealistic fantasy and human striving? llow may ag· gression, hostility, fighting and conflict fit into a Ut-Opian society? WHAT IS THE best balance between pr ivacy and togetherness? Wh<it are the intolerable activities? ls pervasive and lasting contentment possible, or even desirable? How will males and females adapt to, enjoy, and respect each other? We should have 'Control over our en- virorunent, but we muM\ not allow our control to wcome mast.et ()( our lives. Paradoxlcolly, compared with cresling a therapeutic community, the Jiving hell -we're used to is relatively easy to uist in and even accept. · Before we can entertain the notion of a Human Utopia, we Trlust forego the easy way and gel down lo the atr<ououo job ol re-eiamining our hm:nan val\Jings. i...1.---1--.. ---lltJililliii...11·• ....... .. collection, lindscaplng, parks. shopping centen, etc. -could be handled by -. puter-servants, accOitting to <t uUUt.arian program, to &erve man. _ 'Ibeo, the 10ftware -famlllel, art et· Dear Gloomy Gus: i hlblt!, rtOUUon, crtaUoo, travel. pr°'" Friday, May-2, 969 creaUon, invenUon, educaUoo, religion, T,.. ..Ulorlol pog1 of llt• Dallv communication, rel.otlorishipo, parties, Pil<tl""'•"'-1D infOTJILQlllJ '""'"-,..... sboppl111, aeslhellcs, dffi!mlng, fcelJns, ulatc reoden bt1 pretntinq .thfl thlniing, ttc. -,eould"'Ul:e pla~e, aod ,..101popcr'• opt•lons· an4 com-help ·-i. feel hwnan again. menta111 on topic1 oJ tneirtst 'lbe thttaptllUc ~tmlty w°'~ld take and 1ignlflcante, by providing 0 hard.ware .for g..,i.ct and no! dtsalpata forum for the ezpreuitm of Its ellorls or enerales t:yq I<> make oiir rtadert' opiniom, and bt1 things bigger and better. After aU, we presenting the di11trse vtcrw-have ~hnology to do that (or us. pointl of fnfOrm~d obsmiert and ipokcmieK on topics of the day. A FLIP.FUlP OF valulngsJs requlr<d; we 'll have to stMt Tewarding those in· '1.itullons which pun:ue Uie enterprise ol ' Police patrolling Main Stl<et have f~ they pull In more fines by changing the Ughl at Adams Av .. nue from r«l·8l"<JI ro blinking .yellow. Now drivers 4ol'l~ ·have to stop, but they'd better know that the speed limit drops from 35 to ~ m.p.h.! -P. 0. C. l •t1 ... ,,,., 1'9flKtll l"d!Mt1' wiwwt. "" MCUtarll't' lflese ti '"-MwtJ..,.r, 111!111 "'" "' "'" • GIMmr o~a. o.ny ,,i.i, ~rt N. Weetf, PubUsher helping people toward fuller humanness L=:::=:::====--...:._J-...-e:c~1i.n,tlteology, philosophy, • •------------' • The American census was the first periodical enumeration of a people ever ' written into a national constitution. Jts· original purpose waa to provide a basis for tbe reapportionmeo.1 d seata -..in the House of Representatives aCcording to the number of inhabitants found in each state, AFTER NEARLY two centuries -the first national count was made In 1790 - the census has come to provide a con- tinuing flow of statistical iniormaUon. The data are invaluable to ind ustry, political and social science, demography, a,nd trend-watching in general. In ad· dition, millions of dollars annually are distributed by states to cities on the basis of size, and here the decennial census is the arbiter. States receive federal aid on the same basis .. AcruAll.v-;rrts hard to believe that our own use of "sexy" is quite recent . .r.ty 1937 edition of the Webster·MerrWn Collegiate Dictionary does no'l list the word; but it is to be fOund :Iii the new t96f Random House Collegiate edition, whicb--c is ol ccmparable size and scope. (Arnt even here Jt js, tagged as "Informal," rather than as "Standard.") Translating even a com monplace \vord from one fanguage to another is a booby- trapped Occupation. where the \variest linguist might detooate a charge without meaning to. For instance, even in so in- ternational a _game as bridge, what we in English call "the rlun1my" is known in France ·as. "le mcrt" -the dead one. Unless a tran slator also kn-(1'.vs bridge, he woold un:wittingly .use the 'Vong word. AGAIN, IF lJE were translating the bridge "dummy" into Gerrnan, he would have lo call it "Strohmann" -literally meaning ·''scarecrow" or "straw man." I be a<lvcrtlsed :in Italy, because its brand ·: name is a dirty slang 1vord there. Wben Esso internationalized its "Put i tiger tn your tank" ad slogan, it \vas forced to change it in France from "reservoir" tmeaning "tank ") to ''motcur," because the former word was too suggestive in !hat particula r ccntext • IN THE SAJ\.IE way, ad writers for {;f?:nera! fi1otors quickly learned that "Body by Fistler" came out "Corpse by Fisher", in Flen1i~~: and "S~hweppes tonic water" "'as changed in Italy to ';Tonica.h beause "wal<>r" i:s .. the idiomatic \vord for a b:;thr~c m. as in ''\V.C." Al\d v:hen Ivory Soap f-iri:.l got to nussia, ii was · called "soap 1natle of elephant tusks." Ironic ally. if you 11·ent ttJ Paris and a~ked for ''brassieres" and "lingerie," you 'vouldn't get what you 1~·anted -for in French, a brnssiere is a child's vest, autl lingerie is linen draj)Cry. What you want are a "soutlen-gorge" atld "sous- vetemcnts." Seely. of Commerce Maurice Stans ori April 17 aenl. to members of Congress revisions of census questions that had been criticized on the Hill as too personal. Typical was the question 'on bathroom lacillties, which had aroused the Ire of, am ong others, Rep. Jackson E. Betts (R-Oltio). The original question was : "Do you have a bathtub or shower?" A multiple choice of answers was furnished : "Yes, but for this household only. Yes, but shared \vith another household. No bathtub or shower." Downright Under~anded .Jumping to C(Jnelusions: Never bend and kiss a lady's hand "·hen you are rirst introduced to her. Whil e the gesture may (]otte r her, what she remembers after you straigl\ten up is the fact that your hair is getting thin on tqp. and never intend to learn. Everybody will REP. BE"M'S TOLD the House on Jan, 6 that the questionnaire form required the person being interviewed to answer "with whom bathroom and kitchen facilities are shared." As revised, the op· tional answer now allows a response for both kitchen and bath facilities: "Yes, but also used by another household." My iQ!a of ~e meal I would hate most immediately rush over, to find out what to have to eat'would be the foUowing : An kind of a fre ak you are ... appetizer of lukewann .ton1ato juice, a Instead of giving empJoyes two coffee carrot and lettuce salad, roast..leg of ag-breaks a day. employers would get more cd lamb with e°ggplant and cauliflower au 'Work from them if they iMtalled cots and gratin, finished off by bread puddlng as a let them take 8 haif-hour Dip after lunch. dessert. Ugh! Ugh!! Ugh!! l -· Winston Chmhill started· taking daily The newest suggestion for reducing the naps in his 30s and credited much of his Rep. Charles A. Wil son {0.CalH.), chairman '\::>f a Post Offiee subcommittee on lhe censua-; on April 21 said. "Secretary Stam' changes art a good beginning, but in my opiriion there is still a. great deal of ioom for in)provement, '' Wilson plans hearings around the coun· pigeon population of cities is to put birth success to this dally habi t, saying it•so control ingredients in their feed. This refreshed him that it gave 1tim two work setms downright underhanded. \Vhy days in one. should man, who has never been able to It isn't the price of tobacro that makes Control his own sex life, foul up the se:r pipe smoking so expensive. It is the cost life ot' fowls? ' of having the burnt holes in your suits try. 'A subcommittee of. the Joint MOST PEOPLE over 15 today are op. Economic Committee also -1s opeolng pressed with a sense· of nameless guill. hearings. Chairman Herman E. Ti l· Just what they've done wrong they aren't madge (D-Oa.) wants: to see if the cen· quite aure of. A~tuBUy, however, they sus ~Uonnaires_ constitute "lmuslon aren't 88 guilty 11 they believe Into the prlvata affolri ol our cltlzenJ." themse1'• to be, and• they .,. more In· THE SENATE PASSED by voice vote -nocent lha~ ,they are Bwart of being. Jn. Jast Oct. 4' a bill that would have retained noce~ 11 itldestructible. No matter how the existing fines for failure to -answer sophisticated we become, we all carry to census quesUons but would have wiped the grave some of lAc titnoce.nce we have out jalJ sentence-1. Rep. Belts is $pOJUKlr at birth. of several bills that would remove the A poe( ls a person who can.find as legal requirement that cilizena must much joy in inhcrit.ing an elm tree·as in answer all -censua q~ons. -The bulc lnberiting_money; -....._. :.:___:__ Betts bW now ltM 13$ --· A search la 'under way to.malt• out 10: .. At any rale, the Census 'Bureau tells called national paslime -baseb&ll - Edltorial Research ReJ>911s thal ques-more lllterutfng. Here's !llY propooa): tionnaires are now betng printed. About play it with square-balls. After all, hasn't 80 percent of the n•Uon's houteholds Will It bec1Jme a game-for squares' receive a short 22-quHlion form. Two The worst plague of a policeman's life longer quesUOMaires will be submitted Isn't fallen arches. It L~ having to carry a .. to, respectively, 15 percent and 5 percent gun whtn M's oU <luty. of the nntion 'a. households. The Bureau expects to come up ntl1 year wllb a to- tnl of obou t 207 million Americans , hope: fully .including the niore than 5 mlUJon possibly Overlooked jn the 1960 census. • . - 111E QUICK&tt WAY to get altention al a cocktail party ts to announce in a lood voice that you have never o"'ned " motor car, don'l know how to drive one, rewoven. If a man marries a gir l whO bites her fingernails. he should never try to cure her. She must get rid of her nervou!I energy some way, and if he~~~s her from gnawing her nails, sbe1U oMll ~ chew- ing him out. -· • Dear 'George: ' My dad read somewhere that a fi ther il supposed to be a "pal'' to his son and pi ny catch with - hlm~d tak·e him fishing. Actu!illy, I don't mind lhe fishing so much but throwing that ball doesn 't do my bursitis any good. After all, I'm 38 years old. lloW can 1 tell mv f:llher to quit being a pal lo ffie , withoul hurting his feelings ? ARTHUR Dear Arthur: Ltt the ball roll into the ·corntr .saloon ind le:vel wi,U1. him over • •tiff drink. l • " • I ' IWLV ,JlOJ 7 . Yes · Sir, MisteP-,~obless Pa~ - You're Handsom·, e On th.e:.Farm A Tu~n· to R~ght,: By L. M._ BOVD Jn handwtUten correspondence, the most frequently lndetiphuable ~letten ere said to be a, e, r, and t. Better prac· tice those .•. DJD YOU EVER hear Ben .Franklin's infallible toothache cure? Advised he: "Wash the root of the looth i1t vinegar and Jet it dry half an hour in the !un." , •• F;IGHT ·V·lCE PRF.3lDENTS have aucceeded to U>e Presidency. Can you name thern'! Me neither ••• IT WAS 'l1!i;; C!!l!ITEN'l'ION of Sigmund Freud that oo rnart'iage can be coosldend secure if tbe Wife doesn't tlevelop a motherly al.Utude 'toward her husband ..• WAS CALVARY important! O, yes. Even so, It's only mentioned once in the whole Bible. SL l.AJke 23 : 33. COtdPUMENTS-lf .you tell • a gentleman he's good-looking, he'll dlg h.~ toe into the rug. That you knou•. So 1n response to a feminine customer's in- quiry, our L<lve and War man has been trying to figure out how you can com- pliment a fellow on his appearance ,vithout embarrassing him. It's not so easy. If he's married and with his wife. says the L. and W. man, probably Vie best remark is: "You two certainly make a handsome couple." But if he's aingle Advertising Adel, Iowa, News: The proposal now under fire whereby the government "'ould stop the advertising of cigarettes could have damaging effects .••• 'Ibere arc physicians and dieticians who say that bread, potatoes and starches are bad for the health, and some, who aay meat is not good for you. • .a move could be made tO halt the advertising ol these pro- ducts. Eventuaµy the gov~ent w~d con trol all advertising on products that son1eooe says 'is not good for you.' Now, this may sound ridicuk>Us but stranger things have happened;'' · Dillion, S.C., Herald: "We are facing hot competition fro1n foreign nations like Japan, which are moving into many American market areas with great sell~ ing success. And as our wa ges go up, and prices increase, our products are being priced out of the world market in n1any cases. Figures show that our trade surplus in 1968 was only $500 million, \\·hen it should have been three or four billions -using the past as a guide." ' ~ ' • ' . • v. ,. ' '(;heckin~ ~ ) and alone, :says the aulhorlty, a m'ore apt comment might be : ''I see you 're feeling Ut and looking dandy." Qr some such. Stand by, we'll discuss this matter further 111 °1 upcoming issu~, i!. not ..... !rained. PUZZL:E-Can you sbnd one more puu.le? Here-we have a candy cane lhnl's 10 feet tall. Starting fron1 the l:Oi:tmn oil Sunday, an aat crawls U\'C feet up the cane every day, but slips iour feat down every n.iiPit. On \\"hicb Ua:· c;f the. week does said ant finally get to·thc lop of the candy cane? CUST0~1ER SERviCE: Q. i 1Will you kindly, ii~-your Name Game man to ~ll me ~ to treat~ gtrl called Janet?" A. Cer!a!nly. A Janet lliou)d be treated genUy, finnly and ,ftequeptl(, he aaya, a Janet .being very food.<# ll'ea!s ••• Q. "Wll!CH IS lbe easiest lorelgn language to learn?" I mean if you're an American \Vllh a good comma.nd or English?" A. Spanish, Germ~ Fiencht In that order, l'm told ... WHA'J;' ~ the chances a 40-year-old divofcce \vlll remarry?" A._ T\vo out 9£ three. ON KISSING-Dr. Arthur H. Bryan i> the fellow who found out it's safer to kiss a girl ·m her twenties than a woman in ber forties. By.-, I roftr to g<rms. A young 'girl wearing -H¢1ck b apt to bave i.,. ilacteria on her lips than 1 ' riiature wlinan, says the doctor. Be~ this in midd, gentleiilea. SEVEN O'CLOCK in the evening must be·th·e·dinner hour-for most obstetricians. That's the time of day when U.e fewest babies are born • , • IF YOU WANT to 511ve moneyTon your grocery bill, writes an Oregon · wile, "always eat a large snack before you go shopping." , .• NOW A TOKYO matrimonial expert ~onlends four out of five h'usbands turn their unopened" pay envelopes over to their wives. Your question! and comme11ts art wetcomfd and will bt used whtrevtr pO.!.!ible in "Checking Up ." Addrtss mcU to L.M. Boyd. ill care of tllt DAII.Y PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif. 92663 . Vox Po.p: Utt, A Gag Artist ~Sex ·EdueaUOn and Roc:lc aiid 'Roll Music !,· -M&'clr 21, 11111). ·I To the Editor: "SANTA. ANA -County Schoo£ NOT ONLY doet ht do an Injustice to Supt. Robert Ptttrson con _f ~rm± those~ us who are ~egitlpiate anti-Com· Thursday that a public opinion · munistJ but be aJao mvokea the bleaing ve y he made last October uw c 1, of God on hi& .newsletter. Let. rDe temlnd ducted through 20 barbeTshopi. Pefer· the congressman that to play l'C!Ck and son had presented his survey al a roll music is not a sin hut to bear false ':;eientific sampling of public ~pin-witness is. ' THOMAS, R. DICKSON ion.' "Result.I were based on 90 rtplte1 from barbershop cu.ttonurs a1'a tla.e bar~ers themselves, h.e said i1'' rtplJI. to repeated question.hip at Thutldav'• '1~etina of the Orange Count1 Board of Education." I . The above quote from a ntwspaper should be of interest to auch£'onal opi- nion pollsters as Gallup and r. Thini how the adoption of Dr. Pe '1 in- nocent innovation would s~Uly their · rather cumbersome procedlftS, not to menUon a great saving on overbud el"• pense. 1 AS A QUOND.U1 cartoon1contributor to the "old " Life, Judge andi\he early Netv Yorker, I still tend to vptualll:e certain siluatlons in terms of gag drawings. So, \Vhen in February. J first heard -on the radio-the news of Dr.f.eleraon's use of barbershops as focal pilots in which to scientifically sample public opinion, my first amused and bemaed reaction was to draw a rough sketch of ~ interior of a chosen shop. SHOWN WAS A plump female po~_tt, pad in hand, addresslJW a aeated, wa.itiag male customer. In hlsband is an old copy of Playboy. The ·unllerllne read : "Sir, how do you feel al>Qij\ a program of Sex Education in the elerlentary IChoob?" Thanks, Dr. Pete.i!on. 'GENE McNERNEY Utt Crftlcl:ed To the Editor: ~r o U r congr~lonal representaliye, James Utt hM ~ce again embarr~ his consuiuent.s by l!SUlng a ludlcro\19 newsletter. New land old reiide-nts ol Im djstrlct should read this ~wsletter and ti:eep it lri mind ihe next Ume t}tt 1' run- n1ng for rwleqlon. The newsletter ii • masterpiece In poor lo&ic. vicious in· &inuaUon and laulty rea50ntng. ln fact, anyone usln& such devm wrlUng techn!· ques deserves'to have such methods turn- ed against hln llEIUi: IS AN <111unple of !ho typo of loci< ....i 1" !ho newsle!ler: "11 Com· munist.s aprrad vicloul rumors. tt has bee·n su..blitanUated Jn a court (J( law that CCllgressm1n Ult WSI re:sponslble for 1preadlng 'a false rumor. Thcrtforc, personJ who apread vicious rwoon '!' Communist&. )£ you detect the errors In thts logic plt!:ase read the new1lcUer, which can be obtained Crom 1 CongretSrtsan Utt' a W .. hington ~Ifie< (W .. hl~on Report on " Utt Pr•bed To the Editor: ' Recedlly my ... WU !tl'ioully lnjurod in Vietnam and the informatim we received was inadequate so we wired Congressman Utt in WublngU!n, D.C. We were amazed at the speed a n d tborooghn<u that Congressman U t t replied giviua: Us full ~ on hia irijury. . In the put I have always looked on our repreaentaUvea as people too busy to think aboUt Uie lndlvidual coosUtutn' but as far 'as Congressman Utt ll ~ed this is not the case. Il is a p1euure to let the J>l»ple of this area know that they have a congressman wbo is working for them il lhey will only let hlm know their needs •. Incidentally, Sp4 Clyde Gillam, Jr. b on the loog road to recovery at Letterman Gen<ral lloopllal in San Fr...:bco. CLYDE L. GllLAM OU llf•'• Def Clise To the Edtt«: The Santa Barbara Channel oil spill bas given riJe to many a.l.armiDI .tones about,damqe to .ea life and the beaches. I think your readen would appredate some fac:ta concerning the died of !ho spill. - Right al!e< it happened, we asked Dr. Wheeler J. North, Calllomla inllllule of Technology marine biologist, to put together a 1mall team to find out the ·lm- mediate effects on lhe plants and animals in the channel. We paid the reaearchus for their time, but Dr. North acted as coordinator and took no pay. He found nt damage ol any dgnlllconce a! Iba! lbot. WE RA VE SIN~ given • grant of $220,000 to !lie Uolverllly of Southern Call!om1a. for them to conduct a )'ut· Ion& lllUdy and ,.port, witll abaolul<ly no inler!erence "'review by the oil lndllllry. • Ju to oea tlepbaoU and .. Ilona, early repons abool all found dead and dying on San M1pl hlud hive -been proven complalely errontoUJ, Nallonal Part Service and Unii.d Sta... NaVJ marine biologists, r a n 1 e r 1 and veterinari .. who havt per a on a 11 y rurvoyed 1lle Island found not 10 dead RW, U bad been reported, but only hlo -one the victim of a fl&bt and the otba bellevtd to have died of pneumonia. These aa.me park !'f'Vkt and Navy tel• r Still HQt Issue By JAME'! E. WHmlORE Senator :.lit Dlill'ICI , Legislation to Erlelld jobless Insurance: coverue to nearly 260,000 , C.lifo~a rttnn \\'Orkers Js now peodlng 1n both houses or our legislature, and the subject pronlises to be one ol the major cpn· lroversies ,tills-se.ssioo. The measures represent tht views or · b.0U1 labQr ap.d mahagement groups, a,pd or.e of the measures has slroflg bl· pai:tb'an support. All of this indirates strong supPort for some lfpe cl legislation wbich wo1t1d pro- \1kle unemployment insurance to farm \\IOC'~trs. And in prtvilous years nearly every member of the Assembly has voted· for. some type of. bill to pr-ovide this coverage. BUT LABOR'S strong opposition to one bill is directed al the d.mlnga re- quirement. Tbis mellSlln would increase the amount of money worker• would have to earn belort they could draw benefits. Thia' increaSe is $280, over a base period • going frotn lhe present mo to $1 ,000. Th.is change, aceording to critics of the bill, would eliniinate benefits to 40,000 claimants. , In bills favored by labor -one by the Teamsters, the o~er by the 'AFL-CIO- there is no increase in employ.ee re- quirement. AND BECAUSE the labor-spoosored bi.Us do not reduce the number of employ-"111tlejJ to unemployment in- surance they-are the mort Ct>Stly of all the proposals. nu. fealure • will un- doubtedly d~velop strong oppositionJrom employer-groups who now pay all the costs of unemploymezt insurance. One interesting feature in providing benefits to ~farm worker3 is that farm employers will not pay the full C06t of the benefits to be Provided their employees. Th.e dlfference will have to be made up rrom the rest of. the employer commu- nity. THERE HAS been so much frustration regarding the bills that although batlle Jines have been drawn, none of the measures have as yet been set for hear- ing and one bill wu dropped by il.s author. · MM!: fann organizations, togelber with employer groups, are opposed to any e1· tension of unemployment insurance benefits to farm workers. The farmers ' .----"Johnto11. 1 lf'llnk )'OU'l'9 lnttll(ltnt. hi.rd· wortdns, aaNHlve and after my job so I'm fitjnfyou,"' base thtlr opposition oo the fact it will add to lbelr cost ol dojq busine!S and put them at a defintta competitive d.isad· v111lap with farmers in states where this coverage is not provided. The other employers ;otn in this opposi.Uoo since they doii't want to pay more unemploy- ment insw'ance contribut.ions. • For Earl Warren? . WASHINGTON -In his Cloeinc days on die Supr<me Court Qdof J..UC. war. rtn. bas been rendertna: some dissents Yjhldl are aurpriaing to his conotant cntlcs. He · has defended the right of at• to set rf:flldt:nce requittment.s for public WeU.,-e recipients. He has in-wrote, "The constitutionality of the n., timated in another decision that he woukl · not set aside the traditional taboo against deaecraUon statute. enacted by all ot tbC defac1 .... the 11 ...... in the name of symbolic Jtates and Coogreu la a maUer ot the u,. •-a most wide.pread concern." All cart. free speeell. cerned, be said, are enjilfed to !mow Ille These are "square" attitudes ol con.. sc:ope of conMltutionaJ protection. Qllct veotional conservatism and thus ~· Ju3t.ice warren found himself In rar• :sidered lncompatlble with the Warren company in both decisions, with no vtsl- era ot "pennfsslvenesa" aod coddling ble patterns of right or left, liberal or crimlnals' -to uae the languace of. his CC11Servat1ve. ,, criUcs. Periulpg -lines are crumbll!\l In Ql1el JusUce Wam:o ls probably not the Supreme Court, and if they ari undergoing a chan&e of heart in his President . Nizo!\ wW SUTely be able declining dlya on·thecaort, altboogh that !hrough ajipointrrieiii-<il newl\lillce1 To- would not be unu.sual. He ii more prob-fonn a court in the nut couple of yean ably moving along toward his retiJ'e.. more compaUble •1th the common ment in June case by cue without con· wisdom ort.the llmlts .of human ftetdom &cious regard for a conalstent line. But and state respon:i:lbillty. his variations do Illustrate how e~lly and It is expected alto President Nil:oo will bow quickly the law of the l.,.i can be locus Coogr<ss' attention on the moot chqed and previous de c l s Ions C'Obtrovenlal of· the Warren court ATl'EMPTS TO solve U-Ja ·liluation ~terially altered_ or reversed by a ma. declifons invoMr.w.....~. r_l~_of _!he ac- toptber will! other tdated-agrtc:ullural--JO<ily..,. the ?""'1 whfdl 11 moving aJon1 cused. For sevmlweeta admliililratloo problems " labor dlsputH and boycotts. with lhe sent.i.ments of the country. spectallst.s have been debating proposals seem almolt wvunnount.able, since there THE R~ .. nNS FOR Chief~· which ·would· ll'OUle ~en hotter COQ! 11 a great varianct in philosophy in these , ~ us e troversy, some amendment or legislative subjects. ~arren.• dissent in the welfai:e are modification of the halJowed Fiftb In the matter of labor relations, a 1~est~:"tb~~J':ust ;~: Amendment -/'nor llflall (any penon) delegaUon ol o:'Y colleagues was in ~'ooe Ym:, one vote," and sUcbl ~ a ~ compell~ in a!1y ~ Cllfl to ~.a. Wuhington a month ago to assess the . ""-Atlcal formu1 f it wttness against himself, now widely e:r· possibility ol. nation.al labor relations ~~11 100se u~~~, ... id' ~-te a id~~ can panded to protect criminal suspects I t 1-i .. 1 lion f f k • ~.1 "t look ;su "' .. ,ii vo lng ~i.11 res re-the time of their arrest ~ • or ann wor ers. ,... ... I . s quirements for well are recipients is a · liie . a measure may c~ out ol this dangerous thing to do. ses!IOD ol Congress, but capitol ob,,ervers . . indicate It! passage will not be easy. It is dange.rous ~auae it may cast doubt on state residency requirement& for the right to ·vote, to pracUce a pro- fession. to attend a state supported university, or beloog to a labor union. In itself reasonable waiting periods en- couraged states to hold down welfart programs and worthwhile e:rperiment.11 ll'hich might attract so many newcomers that lhe ·e1.pense would be too great. TIDS IS because the congn!ssional agriculture committees are coo!J'olled by men from the South and Wdwest - states w~ch now have a_ cor6petiUve ad· vantage over California because their wages are lower, and they are not williDg 1.0 sacrifice this advantage. ' .Quotes James E. Allea, Jr .. Ntw York State Commissioner of Education -"AUack reading deficiencies in all their variety of causes and manifestations with a force and concentration that would bring to an irreducible m1nlmum the number of individuals who!e skill falls below the level of minimum competence." Justice Warren undoubtedly reflected In th.is dissent his own experiences as governor of California. Jn the flag decision hls conv~nal Americanism came through . He )oiDed dissenters who said the cixirt had at.rained to make a free speech case ool of a conviction for flag burning under laws that were in ac· cordance wlth the Conetitution. "IN A m1E ·WHEN lhe American flag has lncreaslngly become an integral pan of public protests," Chief Justice Warren • THE FIF'111 AMDi'"DMENT "apWl self·lncrim.lnation" bu been used in hutt- dreds ol cases by known or suspec(ed criminals or those accused or tmpeCted of Commun1st affilialkm to avoi~ answering questions ht.fore con,gressional investigating commJttees. Thomas E. Dewey ~ said we tOUld get alorig just as well wltboul the amend· ment, but "the Fifth!.' ii a flaming beacon ol justicl for all thooe 'flio would protect individuals from the oppreulons of the law. It was conceived in a time ..• when the American colonists were fighting the tyraMy of the British crown but is uaed now to prot"ect ~ rapist and murderer and hoodlwn froni p>Uce fn. terrogalion in the station house . However weU Nixon fares, If he dares, with action to · reverse the Supreme Court, il is evident that eome k1nd of change is in the air, and it may be that Chief Justice Warren, is be leaves the court, "°'" the c:om1nJ change. · Sex Education, Barber · Polls · re&lurant operaklrs tell us thal. I.he demand a~UOO. Not tht plaintive call beaches are in very good cond.iUon. of a PlllOr .-Subtlety 11 tost 1n the raucous should uplaln, that; in my clay, the Long Hm waS tbe acholar, the claulcllt ~ deep thlnlier. In modem tlm11, the 1- Halr is the cool cat, the beatnik, the jau addict. '"" HARRY MORRISON world ol ·today.• ' . Vice President and • THE CHURbu started in' 1 borne: Il General M9!'81er ~ lftay well hive to repeat thia to 111UJ"Vlve. Lttttti from rfadns arc toelcome. Normallu writerl 1hould conw11 thtir mt1sage ft& 300 IDOrdl or lei!. The righl to condlnH l<llrr1 to fl! space or tlimiMU Ukl ii rt111'Vfd. All ltttcn murt includt tignaturt and mailing addrtu~ but nanus may be withheld on nqwst if wf/idtnt 'rea- 1on is appar,n.&. Western Oi~ ~ Snobbery has destroyed ·ideals started, in , Gas Auoc1atlon simple places by almpile people. No ,Plit· · Sunday altemoon, Leonard Bernoteln and his New York PhJlharmoa.fc · Orchestra illustrated the Long Hatred of all generatk>M by pJaylng an all·Bach program. His first llluitraUon was·Bach'• mU&ic as written by the composer. It wu then distorted by dropping bottlea in tin palls -counter harmooy to ridicule in· stnunenta.Uoo, loud blasts from the brus instruments and much coocuaion ill- tem.Jption. ' L " . tiJU l<iund 110111e ~ bearing lracts of oil but said none appeared sick. THE NAVY SAID the earlier erroneoU1 -poo&bly Included previously dead niammals and "b1nocular" counts al. still · aiwnaJs. Park and Navy uperio pointed oot that sleepln1 ~ ~ may al>' pear dead unUI lll!dpd into actlon. They ompbaJlzed Iba! nowhere on San Miguel la1and are there any known dead marine animals due to oil C<llll>rnlnaUon. As to whales, Gerald Talbott, directdr of the U.S. Fish and WlldUfe Service Laboratory in Cafilornia, stata that final autopsy test.a show "no eviderx:e of crude • oil or dilpenant materiala in' lbe llN1Je Amples tak"1 from ..... of the lit dead whala found rectnUy ... Callfomla beeches." Autopsjes were not conducted on three of the whalts found, since one bad died befon· the ,ap111, -bad been harpooned, and · a third died o I jlllfWllOnla. . • To the Editor : It ii lncredlble that a &mall group of e1tlemely 111-informed peoplt could block elforts of reaponsible se1 education as wu done at Hunllili\On Beach last week . Not that any ol the programs in today's schooll is adequate to the netds, but at Ieut they are a start in the right direc· Hon. · 1be idea thal responaible educatioin on human reproduction belOflil in the home is ridiculous; very'few parents have been expoled to responaibie tel edlilcatin tbemaelvea. How could they -it was a smutty, forbidden ' subject when they were children allo. WllETRER THE people who oppose 1ex educaUon real1u it or not, their ac- tions are promotlna: higher tues, further· environmental destruction, and increased, buman misery and death. These a.re a few ot the direct results of conUnued pollution of our finite pl&net with c:hlldren thniuih lrrespoOljlile, antl«IClal prac· tlca:ol: humaD -od!lctlon. I lllQesl that lbeae people, and everyone, take a few hours to read Paul Ehrlich'• "The P~ &mb" before they tali• lurUM!r llClloll. Alter ruding i~ I'm not ture what tort of inane arguments they will come up with to ad· vocalt!! an incrtaaed death rate 10lulion to the J>OllUlaUon ~em, but I am sure they· will manage aome. JOHN S. PEARSE AS TO FISH, }lie llale Deportment of Fllh and Game telll DI that fish are opawnihr nonnalJy In the channel. The department also repx1a that the average <*I> W sp<r:t fiJb 111111e: In Febnwy, l•,·waa only throt lilh lower !ban to !ho ..,.. ~ 1n-1118. Cl•rific•tl••· rre .. e II 11 true 11Yl the nmnber of anglen To !ho EdJUir: and the number of commercial fiahing Your repcn.~1e1 educaUon. in Hun. boats Ol)eralinJ during February. was Uncton Beach wu unclear. We couldn't slwpJy reduced a1nc:e Ille majority of tell whothor aome of the parents and con· h;oats did "9f. leave port. However, a cemed clU!f!lll were clahriing ~ COm- aharp u~. was rec«ded in MJZ"Ch. A munilta lnvflDted aex (education) or were commercial fish spotter, F4 Durden, .. .rc:apitaltdnf on·1e1: \tldUCJtion). , ropor!s tbat on eight day• of spott1n1 in • pJe.,. advlle. t,...week period, be uw largo ocbools of E.M. ,; 11. c. ATHERTOI+ uc:hovy, Jack rnaaer•~ buracuda and smelt. These were reported to com- mercial bOals and were caught. He a1lo f<llCl1ed pocla cl cr•Y Whala and n-porpoi.... I AS TO TU boachet, Ibey bavt be<n clconed incl a l«ceof ilmoit 300 men ii bdJll malnlained at lndllllry erpe111e to te<p them U..t way. T1lis actlvll)' will be lharply reduced as the oil ci!Jappean from Ille channel. Whatever el!ect there may be on the ~ industry of Savta Barbara. ll due. )wimarily to the widespread mlsun- dmlandlng concemlng the real cond!Uon of the area. 1n·11e1, lbe bole!, motel and - To !ho Editor: • LGull C-011' utldo GI\ thO def<ctlon ol -la tram diurch atlendance 11 no lurprlae. 'Ille -.:ti WU fowldod bof""1 !ho day of fuhl6n tboW1 and 1111aH talk br..,.iit the farce that Wlta loda)'. -II rampont. Small victories, amall pleuurel. Small vlllon. Indeed, halrtlit """°" time 11 ~I by neck· cranm and l>eo1I twnen. P-altnf Ille w•lll of Ille church is the llOUl1d of Jeta• -ing olrelHOUllCI •nd lllOCi!<eyctes. Thm are the voicu that level homes. No Ymousines. Np, brklge games. No martlnis.-·No-Yadits: No vicious, spiteful talk. No hedonistic livina. A!I ·for science proving that spirit is non-exlstent, 1 diaagree. U anything, it prove! the . reverse. Why can't people think for themselves instead ol quotin1 some phrase that they heard second· hand ? This tivillia.Uon cpuld last tor ages. Cynicism could end lb span very quickly. It has that abWty, as history proves. JOSEPH P. KRENGEL A•tl-leep I.ate . To tbe Editor : A sneaky law hu appeatfld which threaten11 to ban recreational vehiclf1 ·from public lands on a nationwide balia, and California deserts in particular. This first appeared in the January 18 edition of the Federal Register, appended to a minln.! regulation, It.a shadow or secrecy WA! sharply focuted by the inJroductOl'y paragraph: ''These rules lnvok-e matters felaling THE FINAL NUMBER was performed by a Beailes-type ortbeltra, wblcla Died Bach's melodlea and compoeed~ lines which were repeated for entire pagea. such as "1bat'1 all alone, Ttiat'1 al.I: alooe, That's All Alone/' t<c., repe1t.ld ror pages ol mu1lc. The New Y~ orchestra wa1 duly fn the Lone HalP variety and the:lr tyraUons were typkaJ of modern mualc. • · Bernstein staled be' wu tryinr to meet the demands <I. all ages. R. W. KATERNDAHJ; G'arl:,age to public property and ace not required to Culbau, Ala., Trttnme : "That tber~, be publlabed u propoeed rule making. J.a a garbage problem ia aome Cl( aUr Acoordlngly, tbeae ~ ~ Jatge. cllito la very evident by tho become dlec:tlve on the dale ·~ Jl'!bf!ca--strikes of 'the rarbage collectors ••• tlon in the Federal ResiJter.'' ' · P'°Ple;Dow employed by citie1 u . prbage collectors could within tfili ' THE 0 LA W'' under &be beadlnc Out. nut fn-years be transl erred to otbtr; -llecre•tioo, Operation of MOlor lllllllcipal atnket lluWgb Ille ;n. Vehlclea, sta,.. that the Burau of Land 1tallatlon of dllpoaall in rellden<ea, Manafemtllt will deolpate -and • apartment bOUIOI, IDd bualneu aJl4 areu for· the operaUan cl· motorized · 1ndllatriat bulldlng1' Where there are vehiclet (motorqclea, dunebuala, 4-food ocraps. Sendin1 Iba wute foocl •beelera, eyen carnpen and rocilioundl) through a di-1 and dowu the 1ef"' in ordtt to :laolate motor vebidel lato could be the answer to lhlt PH~elff.' certain .,.., of pob!Je land. · The municipalities could lurpl!h Ille Thea u,nctlolia are tuppOlldly bl-disposal units to Iba homeownerf, tended for select.Ive enfotcemlllt qalnat aplU1m'1Jt owners, busloes1 and ln- oraanlled events (which u It bappma dustrlal people on a rnoMh-by·IDODth .care-UIUl:lb' aeU-replated b1Uar than _m.: rental.'~ 4 . divldUJll). Ir the) want to 1Nilt, '" , ... 1 however aD oU·rOad -vtbk:let have to be Oyenbar1, Ten..,~: ~Tbert 1a no lirfft.Jefia1, and you may have to lot a · doubt in ~eyone's mlJld, thal c!rivinl at condlllonal me permft from tho BLM In an excesalve rate of apeed on my advance to tmpau 111 Ille deoert: blihw•Y II a dan(erous practice that • • lllrts will! de•th and Injury to !bore wbo TllEU'!I MORE, !ho crime of r1c1in1 ....... and to thore.111 !ho' aame blllnoa:f on pubUO land C/111 lei yoil and YOllf f..,;. With the apeeder. llut then II I ..... ty-m months In Jail and a !500 lino, .u l1dt to the coin ol automobile drtvlQI. they want to get naaty about It. Tbe -side and a big menac< 11 !lie Ml concerned parties lilcNld ""tact too slow driver. Ho II t b e ln!Urlatinl[ their le&Ula!On to replal U-recufa-·ci;,.per' wbo mbseyl ~ 1 pob!Q; tlorii be! .... they 11111 eliforctd. · hllJ!way at a rate of 15 to » mllel ]>ti'. F. P. BODA hour. Tbe ,..._ foe bit 'cnoplii& milJ>t be anything from ladt of lalth lo .LoK9 ••ti Short B•lr· hit bancUin& ol !ho car to Ille lact thal he<s alwaya eojo~ !ho ~-Ont I.ct thongh II alw0¥1 -ent -he'i completely oblivloua to the piled up atrin& To the Editor' Sunclay Afternoon on TV. In order to underaland tbia ol traffic llrttdling behind him oo curves' UUe, l . and blllJ." • ' .. ' . --... ""s =-• . . :=. "!' "'* !'.;+ .c e s ' • = =• t • .'' s 'W iii'-..::wa:::V a• ' ' ., ··-_.., __ ~ •' ' " ·I DAILY ,IL.OT ' --·~ I i--~ .. ,. 41•'• · IA.!fl"lts, Ilk•• ' I . ·' ' . , Mayor c;andidates At Juvealle Hall Bedsheets Separate Sexes?~ I ., ' .-- j • .. ---" ., ,_. • ML MUM 1 • 'Debate' at Meet LOS ANGELA (UPI) -dllcndlt llld dllMrvke to the partllioc made ol bl.Wis was used for that purpose •l Boys and girls in Los Angeles tupayers and to the un-Padrinos Juvenlle l:lall in COunty'1 overcrowded juvenile fortunate chlldrtn who come Downe)'. balls ve aepar1ted ont; 5"y · tmo · th 11 • overcrowded, The Wiion said ''lhe aituaUon sheets hunc on a rope 1n thtlr peu.Wrt coodlUom." ls quickly worsening, and we. LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ preparln& the bud&et,'' lhfl Jiving quarteri, ' MJVon Jocpl The unbl charged that now have an e 1: tr em e I Y Mayor Sam YortY and his mayor 1ilded. · charged. _ l nnrly 400 out of about i,100 volaUle 1ltuallon facing WI ... challenger tor a third term, When the audJence was The AFL-ClO A me r 1 c 1 n young people in j11venlle Conditions were called "an Tbom Br-•• eve given time to ask que.Uona. , Federation of S'"tt, County de'-ntlnn balls were forctd to outrage which is crealln1 as .wey • n · r y rt •ec1 •-· ~ ~ health h8'ar•· ol serio"• pr .. _.. to •-•-te 1 ·'I b 1 ° Y wu as. 11JUU• unog. and Munlclr.: Employe1 Pro--sleep on ftoon because of ..w -a ......... · U9lNI orma.i Y. u Whll t u r ·• ·~ ---•• portloll!." e s a onary sources o batlon Loca Ill Wd Tbur.ua7 overcrow-~uons. their joint public appearances smog are fairly well con-it la demandin1 metllrip with David Bogen, chief of Efforts to build additional are 1!tting aiqlilar alidlence trolled , Yorty said, OQe of the finally realized that our own public ofllciall to remedy the juvenUt dettnUon facilltles for facllltJe1 for juveniles were 1et reaction. worst.polluters~ a municipal City Department of Water and condiUClnl. the county, du1ed sheets were back last November when a The two 1parred orally power plant. Bradley said : Power ii one of the con· A s~man for the union ustd to aeparate bop from construction bond lalUt w11 11u.nday while mat 11' I. -"-l'm__;li:..•:;d;_;_lb:;_e:;.._m;_a:..y°';;._;h;_·a:;..1:;..__tr;_lbu;_tlri=';_to::_:ll!IO(:;::::_-'_' ___ ;_•;_il;:d_:th;:•__:::•l:::tu;_aU::o:;:n__::w.::as:.._":::•_:g\r:.il=..._111lt:=_=COll«d=' ed::__;;tb;:•.:.I ;_':.._"':..::;Jec;_hd_b..:y_v_ot_er_s_. -~-Jeparate addresses before. the 1- Trustee, Regent Posts Jlmlor Birilaters 0£ Los Angtles County. In contrast to Wedne!day, w~en Yorty irf. terrupted the Negro city coun- cilman, Thursday'• meeu.n, was polite and amiable. But there were laugh! and hlsses Thursday, booa: Wednes- day. One of hi1 fundamental com· mitmenta, Bradley told lhe lawyers, is "that every man In tbJs city who wants to work should . have work." Yorty reeponded that the Economic Development Board he formed F S ud --Tl: d ·----,n1911:rlia1 created 100,000 new or t ents lJ rge jo~~· lnlend to ilnprove tbe ... forcement of the law" - SACRAMENTO (AP) -Lt. weet while Reagan la ln the Bradley. (;{)v, Ed Reinecke proposed to-East booetlng rtate butineu "I have backed law en- day that studentl serve u and attending the Republican forcemeata: u e v e r y b o d y members of the University of Governors' Conference. knows" -Yorty. California regents and state Hil fou r days 11 governor, At that point, Yorty added It college trustees -a move op-he said, have convinced him ls hard to keep policemen, and posed thw far by Gov. the administration must sup-"if there's a change nobody Reagan. plement it.I present hard line knows what some of these "I'm golng to suggest we against student militants with people wiJI do." put a student on each one of imaginative new programs to There were hisses Crom the the boards," Reinecke aaid in improve communications 'tlo"ith audience then and later, when an interview. young people. the mayor asked that Bradley It wu the lint Ume the new "The hard line is necessary be given a chance to "reply to Rep .u b 11 can I I eutenant to preserve propeky 0 f anything I aay today.'' governor has p u b I i c ~ Y . Calilornla," said Reinecke. There were laughs when dlsagreed. with bis GOP chief "But it isn't enough." Yorty ~d that on ~Is trl~ eJ:ecutive. Told Reagan had He added: "We just can't 10 abroad ~ do .keep 1n tou;h cUflez:ezi. views on the 1Ubject. hitting kids over the head.,, with my oU1ce and I m Reinecke shrugged. . Without consultini Reaian'i prepared to come home any He I.I acl)nc u 1overnor this education secretary, Dr. Alex". time there's trouble." 'New Jersey' Port Return Rescheduled Sherilfs, who wu out of the . Y°":Y iald ~e had to in· state, Reinecke put together terrupt Bradley We?~esday Tuesday an administration because .. ~ ~ad been booby· study group on educatJon. The trapped with no ch~nce ~o object: to make pn)posala to a n s w e r the councilman s the eovernor for new pollclea...-reWhmarksB. di pol" "1IWl in the field. en ra ey, a 1 " The inclependmt action wu for 21 years,' called ,for an - ll end to wild chargea,' Yorty rare for . eutenant governor. u.:..1. "I'd llk th t t II but Reinecke aald he moved rep ~-e a 00- quickJy when he read, for the "H:e (Bradley) went arou!'d LONG BEACH (UPI) -first time, repc>rts by legal makmg all . kinds of . wild RelaUves or the 1,800_ men aides telling of incidents of c.barger against me while I aboard the batlleahlp USS studeat violence at Stockton wu busy down at City Hall New J eney lod.ly-renewed high od>ooll late Jut week. pltn1 for a welcoming party Reinecke Aid p u t t 1 n r Security Eased ' lntemtpted lut month by students on the 1oveming North Korea's shootdown of a boards of the university and Navy reconnaissanct plane. the colleges would improve SAN QUENTIN (AP) - The Navy announced Thurs· communlcatlon be t w e e n Tljht security clemped. on San day that the world's only IC-students and -the ad-Quentin Prllon after a series tlve battlealllp will dock Mon--ml.nlltratJon and help end of stabblf18• eaaed Thursday. day at Lona: Beach, bu home unrest on campuj:-' About hall of the 3,700 pott. In March, Reagan took a prt sonen were released from The vew:l failed to keep its different view. He aald tt.udent thelr cells, where they have first arrival date April 19 to membenhlp would interfere been In a general lockup 1ince the acute dluppolntment of with prlv1te board dlacuuJons two Negro ' prisoners were hwHbda of~memben of the on pers:onnel, stabbed to death Monday. fam.Wes of Its crew, who hadi,:::==================,I come to Long Beach from all parts ol the country. Conservative Top Winner At LA State LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Stephen L. Cooley, 22, who campa.lsned u a conservative, Is the new student body pretl· dent at Los ~eles State Col- lege. Cal State m the put wu considered one of the Jflore liberal colleges ID the state. But Thunday, of the 19 of· flees up for election, 13 were captured by consel'\latives, five by moderates and only one by a liberal~ Cooley, a junior majorin& in social aclences, deleated tiJ other candidates. The one flnlallini lat wu a member of the radtca1 Student.a for a Democratic Society. Cut in School Year Proposed LOS ANGEW (AP) -The pooalbWty of uvln( a n dllmated !It million by lhortenio& the nell school year by two weeks is under In· vutlaation by the city Board of Education. . The board agreed Thursday to have Supt; Jack Crowther lludy the leaal and lixll upecta ol wch a move, In· clcdlna wbetber or not • 11 would bl adml11lble under llatc ten The PD m1Ulon In lllllmatad 11vtnp would ln- •lada two '"'"" ltll PIJ' for ~. Minuteman I I VANDENBJl:RG An! (UPI) -A -.. rr tn-__ , blllllllc mllllle DWIGHT 0. EISENHOWER A Gauge of Grea tness Th e DA ILY PI LOT proudly off•r• thi1 hard cover ble9raphic1l .volume in whi ch two.time Pu lit2er Prize win ner Relmen M.orin takea the measure of "I ke," t he Pre1id1nt, the 1old iar, the 1tat11man , the fa mily man, the Am1rlc1n. You can own this intimate eic· t ureof the life of Owifaht David E111nhow1r for 1u1t $3 par copy. Order .Your Copy Now ............ ™ ----..... Pea /' p1l1, N.'f. 12611 ... ,,, ..................... ,..., .... "'""*• ...... ... . "-············································ ................................................. CJr, •••••••••••.••••••••••.••••••.•••••.•..• ' •.•• ................................... 11, .........•• lbundmd down the ..... ..,, tut ra.np te a l.lrpt ln the PacUlc toda7 In • launch to ttlt componen&I ln ltl wtaponll -===M='*='='-==-=="="'=·=-='-==--===::'._j iyslem. 1. I • ... ' BOYTHEMAT FREE COLORS ON ALL APPLIANCES TOVATT'S c • FREE ll:E Diii: lllTILUTill °Whirl 1 ~FREE M PC. & 4WIATDI IDWL llT] .......... "Iii ... ...,_ poo.1 l! .... ' , ., IJT1$N .._. .. and, to make AtETffEl{S BAY either a ••• -- TOY AT.T'S more complete will do it 1'hmpool . Freil-loading Portabla Fllllnl ~c Plllhbrtlatl Cllll1nll wftlt 4 ~Its, two ·~ "'""lllllr, oulllmltlc ~,,,.. DtltldltloMr tll-rr, PGl<tlala .....,., bib,"'"'"* boon! tllp. Wlillt' flow f1atu11 for fllll!ot.,. Wlil• dblilllllltr la booUd up. -..... - 401 MAIN STREIT Downtown 536-7561 HUNTINGTON aUCH Also ••• ·1prln9dale and Edln1er 192-4463 -• . ?. '• wts ' ... , 1 in 1ation d we i t ly UI." "an 11tln1 I pro- :ionat :e set ~· . .... ,..---- I I - ) • • • • ,' frldq; M11 Z, 1969 DAILY PILOT 8 For The R ecord ~ ·-·~ Div orces DEATH NOTICES FARGHER Mn. Jeffie G. F1fV!it r. 105 W. Soll !,., S.nt1 81r1Mr1, WI"-of Ar1hur D. F1~..-. a .. 1~ molt>lr ol Mn. Jeln Robbln1. S..-vi(tt, $1turd1v. 11 AM, PIJClnC V~w Cll-1, wl!h Rev. John A~htv ottlcl1t1nw, lntel'n>ef>I, l'~t L1Wn, GIM<f1lf. Dlredf'd• 11.,. W1lett-IUU Mof"h.11nr, S.nt1 B111Nir1. CAIN G.,·y A. C.!n. :MS Vld orl1, Ca1t1 Mes.I. 01t1 ol dfflh, ,.,..,. 1. Survlwd by mothet", Mri, 8.ttY 8. F1rr, LO!ll S.t<l'I; '11f.,., Mn. s.ilnd1 Toclcl, Se,._ ti l\"'11 ,,,,.twnel 1r1ndNre<1h, Mr. 1nd Mo. Don 0-.•. Cosl1 Mew. Serv11;e1 wlll be Mid MCJl'ldloy, 11 AM, 8-11 8...adw-1'1' Cha11tl. lntemwnl, Wnlmln11irr IMll'loriel P1rtl. Dlrkftd l:rv a.u 1roeitw1v Mon1t1rv. Co.ti -· DOSSE'IT Aid.-J. DOSHff ll. 177 V11 Ulldlnf:, Lido 11i.. D•t• °' °""'' Mer 1. vie. Prwklenf of CtQ COii 8ottllr>1 c~ Survlv.11 by w1i., L1u,,_1 ion. ,.,,.. ~ J, "DosHH Ill, Vt<1k't; 1lll•r1, Mn. J. G. ic.ndlll, W1a11 Mrs. L .. loend G. llllll:Culla>lll. Loul1!11'111 Mtt.. ~. W1ll'el'" Oouirtl, WICO. Ind $fl.,. toii Oott11tt. 1.ou1111n1; brOllh.,..1~1111•, s11nl1Y H. Swift 1nd •"• tr1ftddlll· clnfl. S«vltn will be held 51furd1v. 4 PM, $1. J1rnn EplK-1 Chi/rd!, wl!!I RIY. Joh'} AtMr offkl1llnS1. 1 ... tenntnt, w1co. Tt~ll!. F1mtlv 1uv· _., ll>OH wllhlM fl) ..,.k, memorlt l mrllrlbll!JOl!I, Pl•te contr\OOte lo LCI An"'9I Countv Chlldren'1 HtlSPllt!. D!l"tcied by Pt<!flc View Mort1111ry. MEGU Flonnq M1v ~II. AH 11, of 901 W1lnut, Huntlne!on aN<ti. 5'.lrwlwtd bV fWO llOfll, Riv Meotll, H11n!lntllln B.Qdl1 Or1hl Mt1111, ColorlClo; d111gt>- t.f, Mn. LN Morris, N~raskl I brvlher, lllV ~V. Ml .. IU IPPll th"" 11rten. Mrl. a11MM Chltrt Klfltlll Mn. %.Ii..,. Akens, Cokndo; .nd Mn. P111n .. FOllff'l M!H~f/ • trtlllkhl~ tnd • , ..... ,..<llktlll· d~ $erV!Cft, Tl,lftdly, 1 PM. Smh a-l. lntefl"f!M. Wfttl'llMlff ,... morlet P1rtt. smiths Mort\11rv, DJ,..;-lon. :• BARNES ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westclllf Mortuary U7 E. 171.b St., Costa Me11 64M881 BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron.I dtl Mar · OR S..HH Costa Mesa Pill 6-UU BELL BROAD,YAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa Mesa • u W433 DILDAY BROTHERS Hu.ndnrtl»n Valley ~liriaary 17911 Bucb Blvd. Huntington Beacb mrnt PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cf:met.ery e Mortaar)' Cb•pel ssoe P1cUfc View Drl"-e Newport leach, C.Wornla Ml47M PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '11tl Bolp Ave. Westmlnattr ltJ..SUS SHEFFER MORTU~RY Laguna Be1cll Uf.ISU Su. Oemeaie 4ft..OIM SMJTll'S MORTUARY 11'1 Mil> SI. Du11Ual'fll Beact. LE HSlt Rebuilding Of Santiago Creek Opens SANTA ANA -Rebuilding or the batik! or nooct-battered Santiago Creek in Santa Ana from Bristol Street to the creek's cOnfluence with. the Santa Ana River will start Monday under a $51,170 con· tract let to RadC<l Inc. of San 1.1arino. Orange County Flood Con· trol District Engineer George Osborne said the work in- volves filling_ ,the sides of about an 1,800-foot section or the creek with sandy loam capped with rocJr rubble. To halt the erosion during the February storms, old auto bodies were dumped along the creek hanks. These will be removed, Osborne said. The city of Santa Ana is car· rying out rebuilding work on the creek banks east of Bristol to the Santa Ana Freeway. Find Hom es ' Co unty to Weigh E mployes' Requests between the JanUU')' survey Sawytt adds that "present SANTA ANA .-Oran1e COunty Penonael Director William C. Rm wW meet 1t11h tbe Board of Supervtson Mon· day morning in an effort to thrash °'j.t county empli;iye salary problems. da)e (<omparl.loo with oth<r di;parlUes have· been ·In-DIN-NER 'l.50 1 P.M.,. couriUe.s and private industry) creased by• too conservative 1oa 1r.M. and u.< July 1 dale of aalary -interpretation of survey dala," PREE POUON or WINI WITH IACH d Un " I I are DINNl lt THll WllK-IND Increases." au con ues, sa ar es - ed (not only) 1 full six months PHONE 646-5110 In a letter to Harl dat behind survey dates when they ...... . ', April 1, Sawyer says: ~ go Jnt.o effect (but) are as "ln addition, there are a much as 18 months be.hind Th tt ~ignilicam n u m b e r oC much of the data comprised ln Da ily Pilot Cove rs Boating Hart reports that he ~.:l& met with John H. Sawyer, general manager of tht' C o u n t y Ernployes AssoclaUon a n d discUSS<¥1 the proposed 11.15 percent general salary boost :10Ught by the association. the Blin'ey." - classUlcation inequities where.I/·=============================== a greater percentage will tie:· Hart will present his p~ posa1s for county employe salary increases in tbe cloied execuUve session and seek the supervisors' gwaance i n further negotiations. The auoclaUon.is uting for · a general. 8.5 percent increase to all employes effective July 1 and a $U,pplementat three percent i.ncttue to com· pensate for "tht annual failure to eliminate the iag time necessary in order to increase salary levels to a point where they will : " -,Compare favorably with Uke cla.saiflcaUons .in other leading pUblic agencies and private industry. " -Compensate for 1n unusually sharp upward move.. ment in certain classificationa during )he past year. "-1>rovide a modest but adequate minimum standard of living to ll)e lowest salaried classes." 3 Samoans Sentenced In -Pool Hall Beating GARDEN GROVE -Three Police said the dead I y Samoans who too' a Garden weapOns Were billiard cues Grove pool hall pat r 0 n·' s and the thrtt Samoans were wa vlng them "like warclubs" greeting in Spanish as their when officers arrived lt the cue to beat him into un-pool room last Feb. 6. It was consciousness have b e en testified that the trio had ad- sentenced to 90 def? in Orange ministered a severe beating to County Jail. a patron and were threatening The restless natives sen· to disperse the gathering ten~ ~ S!Jperior_ . Court crowd by using chunks of con· Judge Robert Gardrier are -crete when j)oUce stepped.in. Kat's Tufi Pulu, 211, Gay To!i, The patron's mist a k Ing 26, and Fiatala lakopo, 21 . A them for Mexican-Americans further sentence of one year in seemed · to infuriate the Sa· STEREO SENSATIONI ... The colorful sound of • ~ ~ra~9e County Musi~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM SANTA ANA The .state prison on the assault mo!ns, officers said. The Ch.ildren's Home Society of with a deadly weapon char.ges woozy victim 9f the assault California found permanent •was suspended by Judge later told officers: "I only From Fashion Island, Newport Beach adoptive families for 183 m:j_~Gard~n~e".:'·:_ _______ ~w~an~ted~lo~be~~lr~le~n~d~ly~.:" __ _!:================~=================- fants and toddlers in Orange County last year. Statewide, the a d o p t i o n agency placed a record 2,012 children in adoptive homes. Although most of t h e children placed in 1968 were Caucaslan, the agency was successful in finding homes for 206 ch.ildren of minority or mixed r a c i a I background. Adopti ve families were also .found for 64 ch.ildren with medical problems or physical handicaps. . , The Children's llom,e Society iJ assisted in Qrange County 6y the Anaheim-Western Com- munitie:. United Fund, the fullerton United Fund, Santa 'Ana-Tustin Community Ch~st and West Orange .County United Fund. Measure it any way you fike, By the crowds. The ins stories, The sales. Ftw cars hne t.auslU a sensation Nke MaYlrick or broken so many records. Emy day more and more people are dig qaestians allout it Here n Ille ilswtrs. Q, W1'IJ did JOU bund IM Mneriok? A. We think ol Maverlok u anolher one of Fon:I Mo1or Company'• an1W11r1 to the gold drain. No~ Amari- cans who want 1mall car .aonomy don'I hive lo 1end thair U.S. dollars overaeaa. gat a·lot leas. In lests by proleaslona! drivart at our lracks, whara wa do our bes! to dup!lcala actual driving condllion1, M1varick avaraged 22.5 mpg. Q, Whit kind of power don Mavtrfdl ha"? A. Maverick's SilC leis loo1e 105 g11!oping horse•. Just 1 law '_Xl~lh• mel'l'f w1y1 M1V'lrlck lessen1 lneo ... \,,len~_and lowe11 operttlng COIL a. Can I do my own malm.r..nc. wen? Church Hit by S uit For Loan Bond Loss Q. Why did you call II M1Yertc:k7 A. You know what a maverick 11. A maverick bretk:s Iha rules. A maverick ii dlllerent Maverick plug11ha big QIP betwee(I the compacts and tht Jmpon1. U has a whee!b1st i!lghl Inches 1horter than I '89 Falcon, eighl ind one-hall inches IOnger 1han • l/W 1500. Nothing else Ilka ii. Tha\'1 52 more than you gel Jn th1 4-cyllndir WI 1500. Maverick can cover 417 feet In len 1acond1 from a s11ndlng 1tart. Th1t means you can get up to hlghwty spaad in a hurry. When you inter a 70 mph lurnplke, ~u won't !eel Ilka a railred bookkMper thrust ln10 the mlddle ol a pro football game. a. H It ha an .i,ht iftdl '°""' ....._._. u. the ... ding Import, doet It .till handle Md patt ...U,? A. Yea, It you have tn average amount of mechanlcil abllily. The Ml\larlck ownat'1 m1nu11 contain• 24 page• of detailed diagram• and ea1y·to·lollow In· structjons lor roullnt malntanance Job• you c•n do your1eJI. JI you wish. You'll !Ind It easy lo chang1 •P•rk plug1, rapl1ca Ignition poin11 .. , plu• many olhar do·it-yoursetl repair• and rep11c1mant1. ' a. c.n 11m1fl e11 ba_..,., And how..,, 11 aatef SANTA ANA If a Superior Court complaint filed by a Santa Ana couple brings the coon ruling they seek, parishioners of the Greater Light Baptist Church on-the city's south s.ide can look for Road Rally Set at UC I IRVINE The service clubs of' UC Irvine are sponsoring a road' rally on Saturday at 7 p.m. Open to the public, the rally will begin al Town Center, Campus Drive, on· the UCI campus. The entrance fee is $1.SO, and prizes will be awarded to those coming closest to the actual mileage, The rally will conclude with a pizza pa rt y for the participants. Sponsors are Alpha Phi Omega, Pbrater es and Tamandoa. • some pret(y hectic passing of the collection plate. For Jody and Roberta Lockett want $25,000 i n damag~ for what they claim is Pastor Walter Cooks' failure lo supply the bond allegedly promised in return for a $11000 Joan. The promise was made, say the Lockelts, when they gave Cooks a check in July, 1966. The aclion is seen by sources out of C1J1Jrl as an ex· tens.ion of a dispute which in lurn stemmed from the trou- bled affairs of Santa Ana's Commt:1f!ty Action ~ Council. the cll~'s War on· Poverty agency. Cooks was banned from the CAC board two years ago following charges that he used federal funds to buy church furniture. And he was named in a Superior Court suit which accused him of ep propriaUng federal funds beyond those re- quired for the payment of salaries in his own offshoot War on Poverty agency. 1 See by Today's Want Ads • Would you heUeve 11 car for S50? Well, lt'1 true. , , check the paper today! • Newt).wcds attentX'ln! Need a rdrigerator. Ium. Uurt, a vacuum &. , • ••b\eu her iI .ihe doel'', .• a sewing machine ! Good cha.nee to pick thtm up 11t • rtasonahle P~s act'OT'd- lng to today's paptr, •Believe II or not, ortie nn STU..L tlncl a 2 bedroom apartment with loll of the nlce features for SllS . , , better b u r r y on thle, thoU&b! • If you'd like a little "Bua" In your IUe . .',1htre'1 one· In todll)', lo'{ n1ileage, &; low vintll,Jfe. ,check tod8.Y! O. WJ!y did you rneke 11lhl•1111? A. Maverick pinche1 penniel, not peoplt . Wt gavt Maverick more ieg room. Mora 1ho!illd8f room. Mort luggage room. Good example: Iha front 1a1t ol 1 Maverick oHers you nine Inches mo1e shoulder room lhan lhe lronl 11.11 of the leeding economy imporl and its trunk can handle all Iha luggagt !or t !amity ol four. irH:ludlng a 1e1 ol g~ll clubs. Q. What do I get tortfla price? A. You get your mon1y's worth. A compl11e, bu1lt·for· Amerlc1n1 l<lnd of cer. Room. Hot 1tyling. Color- keyed Interior•. Even ·tha haater it lnchx:led, Some =~~;ob:~c~~r ~~~·~;!e~l~~,:~~11a~~~~~~~~·.::1: Cloth and vlnyl upho11tary with unlqua tartan plaid cloth insert•. You, elso get Hfely lea!ura1 Ilka 1m1rt pull·ou! door handles. St1ong 1ale1y door tocks. Two- spaed atact1lc wlpar•. Safety bells. H11.d rn1raln11. Plus convenience• tlke armr11t1, co1t hooks, lighted heater control• ••• Important llt11a thlngt Iha! tdd 10 much to your driving comfort. Q. What aboUt optloftt7 A. You can get 'em II you want ·am. You can ordar Int•· grat air condlllonll"lg. (It'• buUI in, not hung on.) Other options Include 3-spaed 1utomatlc or low-cost samieutomttlc tr1n1ml11ion, 1nd a htlty 200 CID Shi. But lots ol peopla won'I pU1 an axtr1 ean1 1n10 lhla ci r. Bec1us1 It'• t JI thtre. A complt\.I ett all ready to driva home. o. Whll kind of pe ml\....,. c=-1 srat? A. That depends on you a• well a, the car. You can get ti much 11 2501'26 mUe1 ptr gallon-~ you h1V1 an educalad loe and lh• right ro1d cond1tlon1. JI you hlVe 1 leld loot, or do a IOI ol city driving, you wlll ~ • FORD A. Maverick can U·lurn ln a lighter circle (35.e laet) than lhe INdlng aconomy lmQort (38.0 feet). Mav· eric~ can slant through lfaffic !ikt a h•llbeck. II can turn on I dime and giV'I you nine can11 changa. Ir YCHJ'Vt been drMng In)' othar Amtrican car, ~u'H !ind Maverick'• nea1slza1dd1 up to 5'1:z feet to any perking spi ce. a. c.n Dttron realt, bulld 1 1m1n economy cu lhlt'a kMttft and '°"I i.9tlng? A. 11·1 not easy, bYI we did it Maverick'• unftlted bOdy consrructlon make' It llghl, 1trong and dur1bla. U'• welded like a banlaahlp. Rustproofing compound goes inlo deep crevices that nev.r sea tna light of day. Then t ll lhal t trangth 11 coveraCI wllh four co11a ot paint tor lasting baauty. Aa1ult: ori• tough 11111• ci r lhal'1 put tog11her 10 1tay togathe1. (The •trvlce 1chadula In tne Mevarlck ownar'a manual goa• up to 108.000 mllas or nrna year1: 1ti11 ought to t•ll )'Ou 1omethlng abOut 111 rugged durablTlly.) a, How above pa1111nc1 Mnlce7 A. Maverick I• daalgnad to be unu1u1lty a11y to ••r· vice. You'rt dialing wllh m.cle·ln·Amerlct parts and 6.000 eesy-to-find Ford Daaler1. Fast rapalrt and easy "1placemantl mean mra llvinG• In ~ llm• and money. Q. .. lle\wSck ,...,. -lld ........ to fMlntltft IMtt M 800h0Mf lmportf A. Oallnitely, Ma'l!erlctt oil ch1ng11 com• only l¥efy 6,000 miltt· and ch111r1 h.1brlcatlon onca ~r; 36.000 miles. Th• la1dlng aconomy Import rec:om- mtnds oil ch•noe• ever; 3,000 m1to1 (twlca at often as Maverick) and cha111s lubrication avery 8,000 miles (lill. ti1M1 as often u Maverick!). ThOM .,. A. Thi• 1m1ll car Incorporate• the la1a11 1dVtnca1 In englnearlng. Maverick's brake• 111 a1big11 1 1tan- dt1d compacl'~ffigr'lld 10 •lop care w1!ghlng hundredt of poundt mort. Maverick gtva1 you weight , •• power ••. 1labllity. ONlgl'lld !or Amari· can driving condition•. Q, ....... Mei.tell ttclt7 A. He(t'1 whert Maverick'• longer, wldar 1tmc1 rully P•Y• oft. You gal a 1moOlhar. quieter rldt. Mav· erlck't tight, 1trong, unlllzed body halpe aUmlnat1 1qu1ak1 Ind rtttJ••· Spacial ln1ulaUon blockt OUI 1oed nol1a. Tht peopla whO broughl you • Ford th11 w.11 quieter thin a Ro1J1-Royee now bring you • amaJJ cer lhll doe1n't aound Ilka 1 pow1r mowtr. O. 11 lhen n ,.,.,.,..,. In t"8 !let "'91 INnrtclr; '8 rHllJ. 1170.,., A. Slower deprKit tlon Is ona money-tn-lhe·pocklt ad· v1nt1ga. Mavtrlek'• 1970 modal da1lgnat!on ma1na II keept ht trad•in value hlghar, IOngar. (Maverick Is bull! lo ba a good lnvNfmant l1om tht mlnU11 you buy h to Iha mJnUla you 1all h.) Ballar COrTll tlk• I look I I thlt Ont. You'll find " wh1r1 tht action 11 ••• right In !hart wl!h Olhtr gr111 Ford ValU81 Ilk• •PICl•lty tqulpPlcf Ferd' Galule 500'a , •• F1lrtan11 ••• Muatang1 and Fllcont. You'll find thtm ti your Ford Ottlt r'1 . , • Lha pllc1 you'vt QOl IO go IO "' whal't going on, ,., ....... 1,ltl· ....... ., ..... Penl ............ 111111 f l.OG te M11'eri1k, P.O. l e11 5J97, O.p1rln1111t IN.01, D1treit. Mlchi· 1111 ~12 11, IOffer ''"'' J1rly JI, ltlt.J ~ . . tn THI BOIHQ THINOI •M111uMat11119·a M t1d ..... Jffotf'lf .. •. ,,..._ MtNfiltdll:wt\J ........ .... SU.Of; ....... ,..,.a ............ .,, • ., •. tatkNI °"''"'' ... "" .. ...... MAvmcK .. ( S1ve on specl11ly equipped ftr~ Galule ~·s, F1irl1nes, Musl1ngs and Falcons -If your Ford Deller' s nowJ' ' • • ; --~ \ , ' • -• • • Je DAILY etlbT -F!1c111. 1'111 2. l,.., T '< Money's Worth Yoa.r MUTUAL \ ' ' • How· to Write: tn Computer FUNDS ;1 •• lly SYLVIA PORTER Yw erot>ai>l1 en dnrf my Since December 1968, my tale otwoe wiUI your own hot· h\&lband and J have ~ irl an ror .stories about your battles !nlllttaUngly lrustraUng fight wttb DOl>thlilklliC cqrnpoter1 ~ with tbe com.putera o( lhtt and the overworkfd and-or in- • famous sporting goods store, eff1eient employes who run '""AbercrombJe and Fitch, over l.bem. 'who-dlarged-w b a t-and-how· There's nQ ntist.altingJhe 1nuch to-whose-account. As o( rising consumer uproar about thii date , May I, 1969, we have this. What's m.ore, J' know we '•not yet paid oor Christmas have b e e a • com:paraUvely • 'bills. Repeatedly over the rortunate· for we have not been months, we pJeaded for cor· intimidated; our _c:ffiiil r:fting 'rections in the statements so (as far as we know) hlB ·not we could -pay up ; repeatedly,. been undermined by our • P.1iss z., the supervisor in failure to pay our bills. ·l'harge of adjustmenl.S at BUT WBA.T should S'OU do if : A&F, promised my secretary yow chJrge account is caught that our aetounl.S would be ht a COl?lQutei-nigblmare? sr.raightenend out at once. Here ar:e If guides for you I ·Finally. about IO days ago, my just obtained f~ -~I · husband wrote a lelter of oom· Langtry, the br1lllant vice -plajnt Lo the president of ~president in charge o I : This morning the correded research for the N~~~I statements came in -and RetaU Mer('.bants Associati?" . • now in MJy. we will , pay (I) -Do not pay~ bills December's bills. , until you have received , lbe NOW FIVE MONT~ Into mercbandi.se, unless _ it~ is • this year, we will again con-precise~ what you ordered ' sidering charging in A&F (we and' until you 've made sure ..... In ·-· "Just ! have bee~voiding the ~e). your WWI are ·or~· , -· •• AlllO UW1 ANOC&Anotll 260 Oceln AvemM UCVN Belch, C.llfom~ Ttfephont: •M-7541 ( ' • Line Dropped '@eStampMansays: It'll Blow Your Mind ••• Free From Cobwebs ... Free From Cares. (we wouldn't put you on. C'mon in.) FAIBClllLD Sl'A:\IPS 247-FBroadway • Llauna Bear.h • [714) 494-05.W Open Noon to ~:30 •Closed Wednesdll}'l .t &mc.la)'I Edmund Fairchild •Wall MtDSCb. CWO USMC Jlel. YES MAM , do have the largest of SHAG CARPET We stock at the lowest ptices! DON'S CARPET SHOP 11 ..... N .................. I 4H SOUTH MAIN • ORANGE ••••••••••••• • TAB " ... -•••• , .... ---. •o,....c...., . • • • • • ' ~. --• • • I OVER THE COUNTE~ ·A· N.Uo Lltlilltl le< Tlwnhy, Moy I, Ifft .. " • • ,. ~. ·Thursday'.~ .. Oosing I • New York ~) ---ai.. ti.. -,--... I •· • • • Frldl)', M11 2, 191>9 s ' , .. ~· DA!t\'""1'11.11' • JJ' • • , , I I .... \ ,, I Co . f1ge ·'Prexy~, ~No Longer Funny -·Oid Duffe r.·- B7 .2VID SMOTllEJIS ,administrators on such wor· students al rr.,... Stale menofNotreDametbatin'lhe wu tbal It ts a private In-cused .for waotloi out. Coe .neaday,,Adaros ~OW!ll up ._a /UPI 8tta&tr Eift.r ritd campuJtS bas been to Colleee, put Jt lnto oDe sen· futurt•be would grant Just "15 sUtutioo, wllh oo legislaW or who mate. no-bones abOut it ..meet.in&r with black 11tters-m ~·W!rl' wu a lime in some ketp the police out. To avoid tenet:: m~utes ~I ~~lion" !ldort politically oriented liOard of is Walter. Adanls. J:1:e took over at a ,campus caleteria and ~ &Qldea past wbtn violence al all coM.s. and· W "If there Js ooe technique 1 ~ J1i.sc1plinary actiOn to regent& to an.swer to. •. as aeung p'teSident or _propoied ~t he be replaced /presldeotar ·of A m e r I c 1 n work out the problems facing that ls esse.olial it is knowing end disruptive protests. · At a boot the same time last Michigarf St.ate Unlvenity',oe by former Ptes.ld'enl Qi.arles I universities Wert sometimes them Within the academic when to roll wub the punches But tbe.n, protest has not January the UnJ'(erslty of April Fool's Day, but serfed de Gaulle of France. hwn<rously referred to as family. In some cases, they and when to resist stronsly." become a tradition at South WiscoRSi'n was calling in the noUCe that "being pmi~nl, 11 ' Adams argued., "General o:e "Jnl)I." _ . have been •ii.ling . to put up Administraton tr o u b I e d Berid 3,119 is not likely lo. It National Guard to bring a stti-nOt my bag'' and that h,e Gaulle is obviously tbe man Art.ista drew magazine car-with manhandling, insults, and over tactics were acutely has become so at Berkeley deot atzike to heel. Jt could wanted to get back to teachlnf. for MSU. toons about prexy and he was the. rifling of their office files 'flware that what works or is and COiumbia and Father hardly do otherwise with a economics ..., quickly as poss · ''He's a giant among men. a . standard supporting player to do it. needed or is mandatory on one Hesburgb's sterp ap~~~ worried governor and an ble. he has great administraUve In the campcs comedies that Among such m o d e r a I e s campus could backfire on might have little effect at aGttt aogry Jeglslatui-e breathing Since then, Adams has experieJlCJ, aJld he has an ex- played the movie theaters there is al.so the hardly con-another. ,campuses._;. .• , down lt.s neck. _ tang I e d wit b student cellent military combat record around the 1930s. cealed hope that 1f an ad-The Rev. Theodore M. Similatl;: •.. a ma]or:~IHtOn Under such pressur,es,-there . demonstrators twice. He is -,.and these are all prere- Pttxy ~as a runny ~ld dur. ministration can have the pa· Jlesburgb w~n President Nix· why_~ UDiversity or Chica&o are many univ· er sj i')' ~losing weight, he says, and not qulsites'for _a college presiden- fer who bustled about in gown lience. to letJ_sit·in or a slu· on's praise v.·Hei:i be told tlie co1.tlif weit&er a 16-diy slt·in presidents who could ·be ei· enjoying himself. On Wed· cy nowadays." and mortarboard and got in · dent strike run its course, thel ...::::.::..::::::::...:::::::...:::..::::::...:::::..:::.:.:::::...::.:::.:.:::.:::._::..=:...:::..::_..::::::..::.::::::...:::::...:=::..::::..::_=:.:::.;::!....::::..:::..:_::::..._:_:::..._::...::.:::::..:::..:: ____ ,-------~--'--C...,-'-- lhe way oL camJllS cutups built of the enrollment will, -1• • m 1. ,. St..'"" M9ta n..,..... c-..,, en11 ...-. •• "''*"' Sift~;,..,..,...,,. c.,... '"'9 ,_. such as Ronald Reagan and too. • HAVE YOU YISlriD OUI HEW STOil A.Tr other juvenile leads of the eta. He never really .hurt anyl>Gdy and it generally turned out Pe had a heart l>l gold. But campuses do nor seem funny any more and neither does prexy. These days, on some campu~. prexy is Apt, to be Weighing the curreqt urgings of .Gov. Ron a Id Reagan to call the police and clear t h !I administration g:.::u .. ~-:be:, ~ ~ ~ HARBOR becoriie a ·bjt oI a bore if the establishment seeks to kill it BLVD." at with -kindriess. The lactic has worked On some campuses - for the time ~g. at least. .Not all .college ad- minlstratoni counsel s u c h courses. Chincellor Maurice B. Mitcliell of· the University building of the new breed of of De~v~ cracked down h.ard campus Cutups. on a Slt·m e:rpe~.e~. a batch of >.:.:""SW.de.a.t:i .. Jlnd said afterwards : SIT-IN CONTINUES . If he decides Reagan is PROPER LENQ11f right, he may have to use a "The proper h;ngth of a sit· pay telephone because a sit·in In is five ,minutes. You c:an't ii In progre.sS in his office. compromise while ad'Versaries Or maybe, as m any are reaching for your juglar. university presidents are elec· Those kids want to be ling to do in this season of martyrs, but they want lo be campus strife;· he will leave thrown to toothless lions." his office qu ietly and go to Texas A&M President Earl some quiet pla~ in hopes that Rudder has yet to face down a be can wait the rebels out. sit·in, but did not appear Eventually, he may.,setUe for reluctant to do so. pea~ al the price of con-"They will llave a hell of a cession... fight and Utis pot-bellied presi· . Whalever he does, someone dent will be in the front ranks .ls likely to denounce h.im. leading ii," he said. "We must U he calls the potice;:as ·dJd meet pawer-wittl power if they Nathan M. Pusey or Harvard threaten our society." April IO lo oust 200 ram-Currently, the h3rd-liners' bWJCtious occupiers of his ad· hero is S. I. Hayakawa, the 111!nµ>tration .b11ll~ing, .he. rpay ~P.~ry acting president .of be accused of upUght behavior San Francisco State College. and furthering the cause of who has not lost, but perhaps radicalization. has not yet won a war of at. If he keeps the police out trition with student a n d and grants demands, as ct;d faculty rebels. His stand is Mason W. Gross of Rutgers in "there can be no retreat from dealing with a 72-hour ~uif<ffiig the position that coercion and takeover, he can be accused of force cannot be used to dictate caving in. under pressure and how the colleges or the malting promises he may not universities should be run." be able to keep. But Malcolm C. Moos, presi· dent of the University of Min· NO HAPPY CHOICE nesota, may be more typical There is rarely a happy: of university administrators choice. A large number of seeking a balance between in· u n i v e rsity administrators surgence and control. share a feeling that whlle students caDllOt be allowed lo take control ol the campuses, they have a right to a voice in the conduct of their education. that •hile the sight of guns brandished fu the wind<lws of QCCUPied buildings is a blight on American education, many or the students' grievances are valid and should have been righted long ago. With Slch thoughts in mind, such universities a.S Brandeis, Chicago and Stanford ha ve waited out sit-ins at key cam- pus buildinp that lasted more than two weeks -and generally wound up granting no concessions of consequence other than promises to keep the ~gents' demands under consideration. other, notably in the New York area, have used the threat of court injunctions to good effect. Yet Corne 11 University passed up the in· junction route when 100 black students, so\ne armed with rifles and spears, took over the student union center for 48 hours. · GAVE CONCESSIONS lnstead of calling for help, Cornell officials under the leadership of President James A. Perkins kept talking and concluded by granting a string ol concessions . The overriding concern of WANT CHANGES ''lt is time we a~ept th~ ract that the lion's share of the student Lody wants major changes," he said. "tf we are not flexible in the face of these reyusts for change, we run U!e risk of radicalizing o u r moderate students." Two others checked in a UPI survey capsulized the perplexity of education seek- ing to deal with campus ex· plosions. President Glenn G. Gooder cf Los Angeles Cit'y College has seen rebellion eyeball to eyeball. Black militants threw up barricades, set fires, and injured faculty members at his school March 12. He kept the police oU campus while 1.he outbreak simmered down and a moQ;th later was sl.ill unwilling to make a blanket denunciation of s t u de n l militancy. "One of the greatest dangers is that loo many peo. pie i.n$t upon a simple defini- tion of .'militancy' and a single response lo 'student unrest' " he said. "Militancy ls as varied as there are militants. Included in militancy are idealism, act i·v ism and gangsterism. T he s e dif- ferences must be understood and responses must be aJ>- propriate to each.'' Donald Abright, dean of Red Chinese Remain . . Removed From World , • .. S1IYICI FOil I +' $J 915 Value! SO·Pt. . ' Stainless Steel .) ·Flatware Set . HrlTfWtiJbl <qiYliiy. t6 rc:to lpoam,lu.d;n,. 11tr kn!-m. forlcl, 1011p .poem. ••lad forli:1. 1 a. buttrr kailt. wa- •t lpcll<I. . ............ lhllsy Wiii aocb J.at 11111 i• ;11 ,,_, $4M .. _ .. _ 11 ..-petal• '~-!IJ~.kftirf-.. Fle•de-lite lll9ht U91ds """'"· -... $I " fot blth. baodaiit. WI· 'Inf flt li•ing: -· 49' Plastic Cllllltd Plqia9Cmls ~~..:;26• $JU• f611 Value! Hard Cower Nowels 1'itliorl.111»fktion.fuw. 4tt 11ilt. :MNt puhliMicil Ml • J.ut S 7sn. 111...,.0atdoor Daisy C.dles Gius eudle <'II\ Hldaie 98' ilowm. 'Wllo.uc 1iriUbrd alma. l:wtil bur. flacked hlsies In Pots C..11 ~ •ith flittr • /'"' ha1I' lel.W:I, J*lls a:pocfb;bd,' ltg.''12" IAtt fOl.D Youth ·Hi Chair ~:I·=~'IO" Jl:ftl' ft••ir. -·-.... 11rv.i.1u. 11 ..... ··-...... •11• kldidltli:,d.. 1Kt.bim card. K4 7 111'' s .... ~ .. , ....... ·--•11• adj-to .it ~ .. '411 VIL 111rna1 Wlllilc TrlJI ,...._ -si·· Ul&a ill Sc:aqdi& oi:W1t.t,.._. Rec. '11" I.E. Ooffa lllbr ...... : ... '" '1511 )cup-.Modd'. P·IJ. . ., S. .... llt ~-...... • laity Sunlillnn Maalcuriif · · ..... _ ..... .Gr .. ••·-· ·'ta· ........... _ ...... ... _ .......... 111" lMr 81 .. ck ............. EllcbtlSllutrs. Pllls.Slilfls ............ .,.. ~~:$4t1 Muc.llMpop:·cB fat dlaiag.: Jllia!s. 10.1'. .• _.. Gallol .ni. Slrli • Fi.~ ...... COIAfozt. • ~ ttJks for-. • ·Oiodtl--. ~~~~s; . ' SliiW.C.,.1r ._. . .,. Otlffla1 l•1ls ,..,. ........ 1f1irdo ~ tr· ,.,.,dQ'.,~ .. - _. Catlitl a _. ..... ,.I. Z..,.biiia. Colo -.~SML , . . $3"Value! Womtn's NylOlt Gowns \ ..... Sltll o:O.. ... • ' '!!· . bgeli.ue .i . Spray <tlogne ~ -:::s1· a : -,. ----3,. w.wrth.-..m · --Fellili'slnld ..... s.u u •• Mt.heel " . «uf •• • .. bdc. Mlj. _...,...bdk. .... ,:ra;.r ........ ' tit • lill:. War 6 F IMOl.lit t•r•w O •. ,,....., .1. ,_.2 ....... $UO Fllflltlp 11 ... fal11 s1· 11 ---- $1°111' CllllUJ ·1111 Slls lllliisPrlJ ...... .,.... Somt "1b. tame 940 ............... ' llillllr· &ift•Jxmd, • ' "JDDEAN HASTINGS '42-4311 ,,......, Mli L ,,. I "'" ta F·br • --• The mystic elements Which Camp.rise charm. will be explored for seventh and eighth ·grade girls ·when tht Fountain ·Valley Woman's Club : sponsors a co}Jr.se begi.n.Qi.ng \<)moITQW, . . ... Registration will' take"'place :at ·9:-45 ·a.m. lfi the high school, and at 10 a.m. Wendy Ward of M011tg0mery Ward'•, Hunlinglo!i Center, will speak· on Poise and Fashions. : ~'lrs. Thcm'as Humphrey, a· member· or the·,voman's club; will discuss Etiquette and l\1iss Patricia Parker, of the.city's Parks and Recreation De· partment, will explain tlle advantages pf Exerc~se. The second of three sessions' will take place Saturday, ~lay 10, be-- tween 10 a.m.' and 2 p.m. . · · li.1rs. 1-lumphrey, a registered ·nurse, 'vill stress t}le -importance of Diet, and the care of hair, skin and hands also will be discussed. · During the filial session t'.aking.pµice SaturdaY., May 17, from 1 to 3 p.m,, there will be ~ fashion show f.o! girls p,articipating in the course. _ _Mothers \Vill be ioviled__tQ_Jea, illcUhe girls will mod~l i!beir 0\\"11 · cJOthes and use tbe ·hinls they haVe learned during tile §.urse. Mrs. Lyle Greenway, youth chairman in charge of the .course, has announced. that there will be no charge for the:tJiree sessions. Girls an.re· quested to bring a sack lunch a~ a beverage wiij be proVided. by the club. Assisting with the program will be the Mmes. J~ Geising, C. E. Stansfield, LeRoy SmiUt, Douglas Ryder, Ronald Murphy, Lorin Lammers, Humphrey, Lawrence Leeds,-Charles Rohrbacher, William Cunningb·am, Jack Pike and James Buddingh . CHARM: A MAGIC' SPELL -Examples o! poise and grace .,; embodied in Carla Croilse (standing) and Lisa Speir, and an oir portunily to learn· the&e, and other secrets of charm will be of- fered to seventlt . and eigbth girls. when the Fountain . Valley \Voman's Club sponSors a eoune beginning. tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. in the high school. Coria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Croou will C1/'llpete in Highland FJ!ng championships in Scolhincl'. · Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Speir Lisa will tour Euroiie with the SoutilemCalifornia Aero Team. ' . Glowing Reception Planned for Prospects ~1others and prosJ)ective m~bers of the Hunting· ton Beach Tri-teens, Junior Auxiliary of the Hiint- ington Be~ch \Voman's Club, 1 Will be welcomed · when the auxiliary hosts its first ~· mbership tea . . ' betWeen 1 and 3 p.m. tomorrovr, in. Peek Family .~onial Terrace Room, \Vestmi'.nst r. Making pre-- 'parations 'tor the tea. a~e (left to rt.gbt) Sh~rri Jen· ' sen, -second vice president;· Suzanne ·p~gton, . membership chcµrman , an~ Kaµiy M~i;Tis and Pam · R'unriijlg; co.Chairmen. OtbeJ":.>officers o£ the aux1li- fl'Y ~Ude Ann Dillbn, president ; Jane Seymour, fir&t vfce;presiderit, and Clndy·Turnbull., ,parliamen- tari ' ,~· ' / Ice Cream . Scooped Lol.s and loU of Ice cream with all the toppings and -bier needed to provide exolh: IW1!el crea&x.· will be ""ed tomorrow when the Marina High-School-ael:Uor. C-1-•-S·l - bosta an Jct Criam-in. The cafeteria will resemble an old-fashioned ice crwm parkll' !..-the lund-ralsio& event taking . p*e bet weeu 7:30 and 11 :30 p.m. tn addition to the dessert. the class L! arranging a hootenamy and featured on the program will be songs by Dylan., Donovan and Simon and Garfunlcle. The audience will be' invited to join and •inl aloog. Dunng the intennillion otu- deOt.I will be inviled t. create tOOr own lee cream ipectals, and more ice cream will be served throughout the eve- ning. . • Following the entertainment there will be a. sock hop .apd . a battte of the bands to · con- clude the activit)'. Tickets for the event will be 75 cents with a senior !!ard, $1 with an AMOClated Student Body tard. and $1.U for general admis!ion .• The price of admission en- titles the individual to all the ice cream he can eat, the program and dance whkb follow. \ Serving u d)airm~n of the third amual event is ,Chert Pratte, aod all <1uci<ot.1 are invited tO enjoy • unusual evening. Proceeda from lbe IOcial will be used toward gracNa· Uon expenses for the .tenior class. ~ I ' " ' •' • • NOW.lT:S AN ·IC!E CR.E.o\M·IN -As mucli ice cr-'as he can eat'ii bei,ng ..,_, jpy!id llY . G~ HeUand and serving more .ar; .(left 1'>.ri&'hl) .i:beri Pratte orid Vlckie. l'!ennett. '!be Ice Cream-li>'take&·pla~e ,tom~ ni~bt In ~· Hjgh Schoel with proceeds being used for gradtjSlion exp_et1es .. .• ' . Teens Turn D,,eaf ·Ear to Amplified Warnihg of SpecialiSts ;DEAR ANN LANDERS : .Last night my , , . , , DEAR ANN LANDERS: My mother ls pains and ha! ~n doctoring to beat the ct.cl.Or a 11~lc. An t!)polntmc:nt w .. N. lf:.year-old granddaughter ga\'e • party. -$3.and looks 40. Arter Datfdied two year1 band. She's had X·raya, is laking pins· •P valuable lI1uc wliJ'ch co\i141 be · .,e1& ftere were at least 30 tee11a1ers in the e ago Mum started to 10 with a divorced . and sedatives and is on a gnoriaJ diet. wt~ 1 P•llent. 1 • ~. Tiiey rolled ba~k tbuug.s, moved man who ii alM>ta five yean her junior. -. r-~ .., ~ furniture on the porch ana played ~ ~ -Banj ls hUMISOme, Cliiiniing, afferg;c to -Her doctor' can't find anything wrong . rt.iaic fqr dancing. t didn't see any dan-. ..... work in any form and, in my opi.qjon, roi-y,·itb her. I iDow-ahe ii Ued \lP in.knot.I .Give iJi or lose him., .v.·hen I l\IJ &lYes c)ng, Just some ca la tonic, iomble;-llke . ,, • ten to the core. over htr · Joye alfalr whlch is Coin&-you thls line_, look ~t I ~or Ups Oo bow io rmtionl and lot of jerk~ and sha~ln1. are ianored. 'I lhlRk the kids ·are actuttfy Ear apectiUI" are dffply concem~4i ud I've setn Barry around town with at . haywire. luuxUe the iSU'5ersex salesman; cbeck Ann Wha&(dlsturbed me more tban arijthlng 1 ., , _ .... \.,_ Id . -... ... ~~ .., _.J least three diff~eot ehlppjes. or course Shoul Landera...Read her booklet, "Necking and Wu tht music. Jt gave me a splitting dell. My hmband says, ~ 1,...~!111& . U_J't u so. •'-a tieia pnved Lllll hlWd. I've never mentioned il to aoyone. Abollt d I ma.ke an ap~lnlment to Bee P~g _ Wba l Are Ule Lbnib:?" '5'nd headache: The kids these day1 inailt'on . wroog with lbelr hearing. '!""Y. ~ m•llc ,...._ oen..111tar1n1 p<Oblems a moolh "ago i.iwn and J ran.into Barry 1be doc)or and leil him lbe baCkground your request to Ann !Anders ID,.,. of tµming up the stereo amplifier as high as when they want to.... · • anMnt , the youni. • Several eua of and • trollop, or ahou1d l aay THtY ran before W ciulll b.im and goes to another this newspaper; ~ 50 «nts In coin Jt will go.· Jt virtually assaults the Tell me. Ann, is it poe:s.U>le1that our perma1tent 1dtahse11 1m11g "luaiclu1 into us. Uterally: 1 was parking the car doctor whp iTtlgbt &ake out .her-gall blad· IJJd a long, stamped, aelf.addrtsaed m- eardrums. teenagers are becomlnl' bltd of hearing Uve bef:q noted •. &. t.Ue.)eed, kids, and and Barry's car lldtlftpt ua. No one· was der? -WQRRIED DAUGHTER velope: ) nodce that. ou r teenage grandchlklren ~•me of the loud muslelhey seem to ' W. 4nn•1be vol•me. De you heir me hurt but Mom· fell 'apart ·~ she uw DEAR DAUGHTER: lt lt ex&remtly AM Landers will be glod ·to help you do not hear the'lr parent.s when they idolir.e? JJ '°•~should tell them. •& tMreT·l-SAY -1'fl\JlN.DOWN THE them (Barry wu suppoeed to be out of ltell!fal le ~ plllyUcl11 It lte btw1 with yoqr pnible~~iend them to htr ht· sP,eak in normal con~·ersati011.al \Mes, -ANTIQUE ADA VOLUME! ! ! I I ! towni.) ' sometlla;1 altoat SH p1Ue:t1t'1 emodiul care ot the .OAJl.,Y PILOT, ·ellCJoain& a Ualess instructions are screamed they DEAR &DA : someone llAS told thtm. Since lhat Nght Mum bu bad.1\0ma~ problem. 1 ••Utt& Ula& JOI wrile ~ self·addressed, s&amped enYelope. • I __ j I ' - • • • . Aries: Plan Vacation Now ' SATURDAY u.. Sttok dale to.._ bale. h . " u pftCl1oa1. Olds lndl.tdlial ·MA I 3 dMll"Vtl lplClal ccn:ktert.· Bf 8~ OM.WI -llllportanl lndlvlduol ii 1n eueMlv• moOd. ' 'J'DN '114 .... g BINTl1 Lllll!A(.... -~ -i: --1-~ .. 8bort JWr .=idb. -.. ~ 11::11 • .,.'fl&lt' apnda. Be aure ohlln•-· -..... ~IM II fa-lnltractlOlll. RalaUve ._. · -----~---- ' • wldo ~ Ufltl -to be Involved. Flllt nllbl for -~:::-.:::-relautlon, eotettatnment. ~ "'2!W'l•• tt W'iidao_Leavt detalla for uotber blo ...... ·--llJtle. ~ti...,_,:."= A=·~<:=~~ "'-::.-t.i':.rt""..... fit. y.., add to -1 .. ~ • . ,,i.~'. ~ -Ions. Vtlel day 0.C-, "!'It ·e•• --wtrw. tboulht proce11e1 are . . PAPIRS IXCHANOID -"F'or me?" cries Mrs. LewiJ Mertz. (rlibt), new Chairman of the Newport Beach Christian Woman's Club. Mrs. Bo!i Bames, outgoing chairman, (left) delivers the papers while Mrs. Harold Welch, ptil>- llclty advisor 1tana1 by to help the new leader. ANNITII IRDSTIRHOUS l'vtu,. Bride Students To Marry Annette Brosterhoua and Oiarlell N. E11n Jr., who met wbl.Je ·~ the Institute of Em'opean StudJes in VJenn1 durtna tbelr junior year, have becomeqaged. P1rt1nta: of the betrothed are Mr. and Mn. Claude A. Bl'Oltfrbous of Newport Buch and Mr. and Mr1. Charle. N. Egan of De Pere, Wit. TbeJr wedding_ will take place 1n St. Joachim'• Catholic Ourch, co.ta Me1L No date bu·been 1tlected. Executives Take Posts At Initial Gathering Mrs. Lewis Mert z, chalnnan,. and other Dew of· ficers ot Newport Beach ChrirUan Women'• Club will lead their first I u n ch eon meeting at noon Tuesday, May 6, in the Newport.er Inn. The program will Include Fred and Jan Sanborn. alngu •nd planbt, and 1 praentatlon ol Sew It Yourself FuhlODI. New offlcen Include the Mmes. Roy Parker, prayer ldVillOf'; Bob Barnet, project advlaor; Haro 1 d Welch, publicity advllor, and Wtlllam O'Brien, vice chairman. bther chalrmen Cl! the ct• ecuUve committee are the Mme.t. Harold Flacber, 1peclal feature: Royal Grubb, mullci Francll Williams, tetijlbODi:- Walt.er Burke, ho 1te11 ; Lawrt11ce Tblelemelr, decor•· Uon; Richard Luak, CCl'-o re1pooding and r e c o r d J n I secretary; James COUnter, treuurer, and Wayne Stan. field, ftnanctal oecretary. Tlcketl are $3 and may be obletned by calllni Mra. Fischer, tu-1129 or Mr 1. O'Brien, M&-3070. Women Talk In Golf Club Mn. 'Barbara Whitmore will lead 1 meel1nJ. of S an Clamtnle Toaatmletrett Club In the San Clemeota Municipal GoU Club at I a.m. ncxtiMoo- day. Those· who wish to take ad· vantage of nursery facilities far their children may obtain rtlln'at.lons by calling Mn. John CaJn, MS.2831 or Mrs. Louis Matte.!Oll, 646-2865. ~=-~j,: cry,{all!aaCf.ta~ f ••.t u r ea II .. i.. · vartaty, tn eel relations wU.b oPIJQl!te ML • ~ (Mri ll·Aprll ltl: v~ .\>lamilnr ;,.,, 11 ••••Dtlll. JCeep ~ ~ ~--..riit liDd ~.,.-1-"* Cllll1IOl&iil.'C<milt wtlh lanilly . .,.,,,. . to k .. p ··~ifl (A;.i; JO.Ma7 20): IJltrlplq; lnd!Vldull may be alter mete thali ·your .charms. \X-thli. ·Prote<t 111tll. Be .._u.1e. x-that lomOI' ~ you ,, ... youraOll. Accopt -!lllbillly. GEMINI (MaJ II.June 20): tm~t 'pllMe of speclel relatlmlblp 11 accented - could be. tht l>ellnn1nf or the enif. \MalurJ ajlproacn b I noc"'1!l'. Doa'.I llY anythtn1 you doh't mfaq. • CANCl!R (·Juae It.July 111: Adhere to_raoluUom con-cernlnc moderation. Not wlle to foraet d!el You can have fun without 101.nJ: to extremes. NeY( contact tonfght could pro- ve beneficial. LEO (July IS-Aug. 11): Follow throucb on hunch. You are able to perceive lrendl. PerlOOll m,gnelilm aoar1. You could' be the me of any party. Utilize sense of lhowmanlhlp. You are a hit. VIRGO (Aug. 23--Sept. 121: Accent on basic responsibili· _ .... JIAGtt'l'AlllUS (Nov. ii· Die. 21): Unique tnt....., domlnale. DIJplay Mbae of loyalty and b,,_.. Cytle blill: clrcurnlllnca tum tn your favor. Tab lnltlaUve. Be racepUve to UllUIUll ~. CAPlllCOllN (Dlc: 2l.Jll!. Completing Bu~iness Bef'?re Pleasure . It): Atlend c:barttabla evtlll. Meana coopenta tn project aimed II halptna tbote 01S fortunate. ElcalJ<mt evening for theater party. EnJty )'CIW"llU, bllt cootrol tm· Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allen o! Newport Beach and Orlanao,. Fla. are enjoying a business trip In San Fran~sco. ·From the Bay Area they will return to Flonda for the pre~a party of.the new W·~l~ ,I;>isney W or I d near Orlando. Tb~ the Allens will travel to Hawaii where they also have a home to celebrate their s~ cond anniversary .May 31 .. Allen is chairman of the board of Allen Contracting Co. in Prlando . l(lnaUon. AQUAlllU8 (J111. 20-Feb. "'TIW""ft'TI"ilr.iil"""""'"""'------------------ 11): Fr le D d I y 1tm01phere prevallJ. llolj'.t be carried away wmre upeoditurft are concerned. Be 1 en er o us without. beinl e:rtraVag111t. Plewt Ume Indicated if ,recqll've. Fttend.s plan a Peering ~round Mrs. Jon McKibben surprlle. Pl!CES (Feb. ll·Men:h 20t: Seated as P~esident Ftnhh what you st a r·t . .,c111•t!1£.,•A!!J)!O"l;7CC1••11•1:1 .,, • ..,,,,,.._.,,' Thl Mesa Verde Country Procrutlnatlon could see op-MRS. ANTHONY MOISO of Clu.b has been selected for the portunlty flit 1w1y. Spread th-!l'e·--' Bea.ch won 11'_.. l ce dlnner atld 1nita11 at Ion flueoce, J.et Othefl know Of "1""5• Ul"IH your capablllUes. Slrti• ac-~t Las F1orl!taa celebr ceremonies h-Onorfng new of. cornplltbrnent. annual Floral Headdress all licers of the Soi.Ith • Coast IF ,TODAY u-. YOUR modeling • &.foot long floral Jumq~ Woman'~ Club tomor· BIR111DAY -you Me versa· creation ''M111l11Jppi ·row. tile, acUve and You are due Showbo~t." FollowlnJ a social hour at for domeattc adjurtment or Thehour·longtelevised 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 chanie of mldence. presentation ()f IO members p.m:• Mrs. Jon McKi~ben will T• 1Tnd out -·· hldtv tor VDU '" modeling gigantic floral head-be mstalled as president by e.•'Jd~-L,:$!, -~~·~~ dreuea attracted more than Mra. Frank Fams. to a:;;, Mtrolo9v ~~.i:.nc:i., cl~r'~ 900 members and guests to the Others taking office Include P•LDI1 aox :,:i..o. Grind c,.,,,,, s1.. Century Plaza Hotel. the Mmes. .Robert Marten, tlon. ",.. v.m:. M.Y. 10o17• dean of chanmen and pro· Countian R~ceives Post at Conclave Mn. llollert 8cbub " Santa Ana will be -u p- denl of the Women'• AUJ. Wary, 8 OU t be r D Callfomla Dental AlloctaUon, durtaa 11' Stst 1Mual meetlnc next Mon- day. 1rams; Carl Cleary. ways and means; Otlt5r&t 0' Ha re, philanthropy, and Dick Trod· dick, membershlp and .federa· lion vice presidents. Others are the Mmes. Frank Fleck, ""°rdlng teerelary; Paul M o c k , corresponding teeretary; Paul John 1 on, treu.irer; Maurice Donahue, wuamentarlan, and Lloyd Satterthwaite, p11~.--- Gucst.s during the evening will include Mrs. John Mignot, coordinator, and Mil. John Re!\hmuller, her asslstant. During the recent Los Cer- ritos District coaven_tion Mr1. McKtbben was selected as Clubwoman-of-the.year. The club also received t h e perpetual trophy and a first place in interaational affairs; second awards In preu, 1alety and youth, and a third place in mental hea\th. . They also received third place recognition in th e Josephine Seaman award. CM Overeete" _ Overeater• Anonymou s gather every Wednesday •t 8 p.m. in Bear Street School, Costa Mua. A morning buatneu .... ion ind couture fashion luncheon are on the drawlna board for the event which wW attract wlvu of. dentiJta: f r o m Bakenfleld to San Dteao to the. International Hotel, Loi 1HI PlllllCT Girt 10R Angeles. • Mra. Roland Adama ol Babnfteld, dental h e a 1 t • education cbatrman, llld the day-1d·lnclude I dlacuutaa of fluoridaUon ahd each coun-. lJ -1d be repnMnted In an exhibit of statewide edu<:t. t1onal projecll. Mra. Leonard Lauclenbaok " Newport Belcb 11 ruervatlot'll cbatnnan ID< Oranae CowltJ• south Cout area warn"' at.o tendlq u dele11tea will be the Mmes. Tbomu R17 ' P"ISlDENT·ELICT Mrs. Robtrt Sdluh DaVlu <ii Ne1'p0rl Beach, a.t>ett G. Enaman of Colla Mell IUllNohn Forta and C. 0. Gnibet IJI H1111tjngtoo Beacb. MOTHERS The bride-elect ta an alumna of Mater De.I Hi11:h School In Santa Ana and will ll?•duata in June from Mount St. Mary's Colleee1 Loi Angeles. She 11 majorW. In hl1tory and wlll .. teach elementary educaUon. Partlclpanll will Include Mrs. Ida May Schomaker, who wlll atve 1 procedure ln educa~ tlon; Mn. Belly Chapin, toaatmla~1 and M r 1 • Harold Marmam, 1peattr. MRS. RAY E. WILLIAMS Doultlt Ring Ceremony Ramona Pageant Lures Xi Mu Mu Members HER VERY OWN SPECIAL Her flance, a graduate of Abbot Permtnp High School tn Wllcona1n. w111 gtaduate In June fr.om Holy Cros11 College, Worceller, Mia., and will at- tend la" ldlool tn the fall. Old Home Selected For Tou1 · • 'I1M! Gamble House I n Pasadena will be the destlna· Uon next. Wednesday IOl"mem· hers of UCI Town and Gown'1 Art Interest Group. After a cutded tour oe the Greene and Greene designed home, which ·ll·M eaample of an adaptation of the tradi· Uonal American ho1ne to Clllfomla lJVl.ng, the group ..w walk through t h • neighborhood to see other ea· aniples of early Catilomia atthttl>Ctw'e. _. .. tlom may be made wllll Mrw. Wllltam Ashctof~ • !:. Bay st., Colla MOIL 'lll:Ull ara 12.:15 and thooe at· ..... lhould bring • box laldl. 'Illa bUI 1'111 leave from tbl JnlDe Coast C<luntry Club i*ldll lot'at t a.m. The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it to You' I ' Othon 1'111 be thi Mmea. IJlllln Kutkonlthnd ll'rancea =~and~ ' New Leaders Taking Seats Baptist Rites Link Mesa.ns Bouquotll of white gladlolt, stock, · dal!les and chry!:ll!T· themwi\a •domed the First lrwrance Women ol Orange Southern Baptl!t Church of COODty wUl lnSlfll .otncm ~ Meia "1ien Pat.y Ann neit Wedneaday at e':30 p.m. Adamson became the bride ol In the Newportoi:.Inn.w!th the Ray.Edward l\lllllam1. 1'loonglows o f t e r in g 'err 'nle Rev. Howard Williams lertalnment and dance music. perfonned the double ring Leadlna , the group will be nuptials for the daughter of the Mmes. Malcolm LcLeod, Mn J;;dila Adamson of Costa pre&iden\; ·Alfred bland, first ' Metil and David A. Adamm vice pre 1 id e n,i : Helen of. Salt Lake City and the son Wayland, tre~urer; Davi_d of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond I. Hady, recording; secretary, Williams, also ol Costa Mesa. and ~mard WilU1rns, cor· The biide wu given 1n ma,.. resJXHldcjng 1ecrelvy. Mia1 riage by her bf'other-ln·ltw P.tlllle Joy is secood vice pres!· Air FOtcf: Capt. Jsmff J: dent. Stovall. She wore a silk linen Reservations , no later than gown featuring a casctde of. next )1ond13, .may be made: ruttles in Uie back whlcb wllh Mrs. V~ Teny •t formed 1 train. Her shoulder 77f:'llO. length ..ti WU Mid by I Doral Panel Gathers Womtl)'I Fallowlhip of St. Andrn '1 Presbyterian Church wlll oiler • a brunch Wed- nesday, "'1'aJ 'I, at 10 1.m. and a pantl entlUed POtttaltt of American Wom<n. shape<! lleadplec<, and Iorm-ina her cascade bouquet wert dalsles, p om p o n cbr)llln- tbemwns and a while orchid. Mn. Stovall, the brtdt11 alattr and honor attendant wore a yellow 11ilk shantung gown and carried a coloolal bouquet or daisies. Mrs. Blll Loughery, the I lrhle'1 twin ...-, wort llme green &Uk shlintun« aown al>d carried yellow daisies for her rola u brklelmald. Lori Dee Stovall, In a yollOw . fl"Ock, oerved her aunt u n.w.r gtrL Att.ndtng his b-u best man was John Wllliams, while WI~ guests to their seats w<ie Terry allCf lllc:hard Williams, other broth<n, and ring belrer w11 Ke a r y Adamson, tbe bl'W!e .. -nephe"· A rec<ption f.al~e<l in Jlle church. As$ti;rig Wert Miss Mary Wtlllama, the brldllfOCJm'I lister, Mr I . Tony Acala GI Coaa M-and Mra. David AdlllllOll, tht brlat'• llltier-lft.Jaw. Special guetll """ Mra. Lucy WtJU-Of Baltlwtn Park and Gearfe Parker ol VIit., the brl d11room 1 1 lfandpem>la and Miii Gall -of 8"11 Fnncll<lo. Alter ~In& tn Salt Lake aty, the newlY"tdl wlll nfkh tn CGota Mau. 'Ille bride la I grod\Jllte GI EltaJ>. da Hlflh Sd>ool and her hu .. band ls an alumnus of Cotta MIOI High Sdlool. '!be Romona Pageant 1(1 presidents; Wllllam Potter, Hemet wUl attract membert recording secretary, and Gib of the XJ Mu Mu Chapter, Beta l-ynch, treasum. Sigma Phi. • ldrs. Phyliss Smith, In· Mrt. Geor1e Burpg hu ~,off.icer •and sponlOr;., arr1111ed the cultural ouUn1 . will ~"-ed. ·. whl& trill take place tomot• Seem•• 'WnJ be: reveal· row. The Gblpter pl1111 • proo e:d aDd Dfl9 nun• ,drawn by sram ol th1a \rPI e1cb )'IU. matnbert. Dllrllla a racent Ez. On Monday, May II,· tht 1111plar rttuat,, Mn ~Andrew chapter wtll celebrate ill Nyhilb and Mrs'. 2uruba fourth anniversary. FollQWlng received degrees fro Mrs. cocktails and dinner, new of~ Bennetts and were h~red ficers will be: installed. durirlg the tea which fol.~o~ed. Serving durlng lhe coming Mrs. Gerald Ru.st was in year will be the Mmes. charge of Ole.ceremony takiltg Bur1eu1 prtSident; Milton Rla<:e in Ute Garden Grove Lomu and Ted Bennlltb, vice bOtne of !.!ti. Stualt Hoyter. Husbands • Limelight Husbands will be tnvttad to Morrto, pre11 cbalrm111. dinner followlnl the Jn. Mn. Steldley, who bu sen· staJlaUoo of new olllctra Of eel her club u vtca prealdtnt, Seal Beach Junior Woman's membenhfp, education and Amerlcantsm chairman. also Club takln1 place Saturday, wu named Woman-ol·lb~year M17 !0, In the capta1n'1 Inn, tn 11111. Lone Beach. Sbe lw two cblldren. Is 10- Servtna u prerldent for the live tn PTA and wu co- new yur w111 be · Mtl. Jo7ct cbalrman ol mothers for the Stakley, and lbe 1'111 be dl)''I play group. She aJao WU RING Grandmothers tool NO WAITING-IM.MEDIATE DELIVERY A speci1l ;ift for a most special waon! Etci1 beautifully cut stone rePl'tlli'lta a member of htr family. Gracefully dlslaned in pure lOK gold Florentine. ~1 ....... % ___ .. _.,,....,..,, ,, ,,~,-(\ ~_. .... ,:;:.::.... \ --... ~--:_. , ~.-._,_ ...,_,,.,,.--.• . • 111:95 ' J PLU~ A PENNEY'S EXCLUSIVtl A LOVING TRIBUTE TO MOTHER '-' ~ D "i A btauliful dedication lo lf'loSI ll!C$t _ _ ~ • cl!erisMd of all I ~~ bpr11s1d in potlry and dKorlttd l~~~---illl• .. bt1Ulflully. , • this fine bonus 1lft frlll \i Ptnntys wlll be clltrlshtd bY all ttllt ACtlvt It. Perfect for frml111I Absolutely no cost lo you w~en you purchase any of Penneys special Rings for Mothers! .,... ...... -l)'ll!Mtlc .- ........... estrt ..t '"" CHARGE Jr A1 YOUR l'fNNIY'S '1NE JfWflRY OfP.ARTMfN1 1ulsted by the Mmu. J•ITJ named one of.the OU.tltandlnc Rochte, Ronald Jeuner and · Women in Amertca\ 1111. ln lr""""'."---~-~....,.----------1 De Yid Sloan, vkt presfdtntl: a'ddlUon to her ftmlli and club Or•1f:::! ~,., ~:!!" C:!c" ,1111,.~~i!r .~~c11 Carl lrwl~ secretary; Roriald work, abe sUIJ fJndSltimeior ;\.'Lr.~ ..:•o::; ;:..,. ' "'9eAr1111,,, ,, Puente, t~rer, and Ted tennis an~lltU1\inf. l'•elflc Coe•t HW'f. I ,, ' . . . rM11, Mill' 2, 1969 DAILY PILOT JI; . C~9tsing: ~F a,sh.joris ·,~a u nched'-;,: Carmel ·Hone moon "";:c=x . Arlene Kriz ~eco.rnes Hori 2ons Scanned For Ideas The Spring cruise season ls about tO be launched and fashlon~bJe ~11men everywhere will be scanning the horizon ror tbelr new ... travel wardr,pbes. · Ideal traveling companioos . -· season wilJ be .wrJ.nkle.shy knits. Not only are they pretty and practical, but are euy to pack and easy to take care or. . Dalton at Amcrioa has designed a new "cruise into spring" cbllection for the ocean-bound woman. The clothes are casual but have elegance. They're perfect for a lropica l afternoon and later ·are just right for spring wear. Featured in the new col- lection is an ensemble' with a long·sleeved shirt jacket, matching pe.rfeclly a one-piece i;kirt. Another t w o -p i e c e ensemble has a full Ieng~ coal and conlrasting belted ·dress, Matched w i t h basic whit.e are such. cruisable col- ors as camel, devil blush (a melon hue), navy blue and vivid red, Even if your spring travel plans take you no further-Uian· a woman 's club luncheon or a. charity fashion s h o \V , nau!i":'I knits \Viii be the p:--· ''"ay to keep your \ · lo:king shipshape, ·NAUTICAL DASH -!fhis new fskimme'r is exactly right fpr promenades, \\lhether they be on an ocean liner or dry, spring land. Co ntrasts of braid and tassel trim provide a definite shipshape look. Tickets are marked at $60. ·Mrs. R~cha"d Courtney EsCorted b)' her fatbef. and • bride, John • Carl~n and wearing-a-long-sleeved than-Joseph Bellezzo. tilly lace gown,,trimmed with Following the ceremOl1)', the aequlns on the s .a b.t.i n a couple received 100 guests_ in neckline and train, Arl"ene Ann Thompson llall at the church. Kriz became the bride , of Sweel peas decorated a buffet/ Richard M. Courtney of Los luncheon table and sUrrounded Alamitos in afternoon nuptials. the wfdding <.'ake. Tbe. ceremon_)' ynis read""ln TM-newl)'weds travele'd to tile First Met.hodjst Church, Cannel and other points, of in- Coota f.!t.sa by I.he Rev. 'terest in northern Callfornia James Ledger Wood. • for their honeymoon and are The daughter of Mr. and making their home in Lo$ Mrs. Arlh\lr Krli of NeW]>orl Alamllos . Beach eomplenienttd he r The new Mr~. Courti:iey is. a gown with a Jue-lrimmed Ye.ii graduate or Nel\'port Herbor c:aqh~ to /I .rose ancLlace_H1~1LSchool and Orange Coast headpiece anJ a bouquet ·of College and is affiliattd with fardenlas and stepbaootis. Alpha 'Gamma Sigma honor Aqua chl!fon empil'!! gowns society, and ,arrangements of pink Her llusband is a gradllate gladioli and glamellias were Of the University of Nebraska selected for the maid of honor, in business administration -and Miss Joan ' Morrison and the also is a member of AGS. bridesmi.ld, Mlss Iref!C Hess. -Special guest for the wed· Alan K«f was asked to be ding was Mrs. Ma rie Kriz 0£ best man , and ushers were chic a ·J! o. the bride's Allen Kriz, brother of the grandmother. South Coast Members Tell_ Leadership News South Coast Club of Laguna Beach's newly eleCted officers will be introduced by Mrs, John Morgan, outgoi.Jig presi· dent, following a noon lun· cheon in the To wers restaurant \Vednesday, f..1ay 7. Mrs, Lu Artz, a professional book reviewer will Offer a feature progt"2m, Books a la Carte during the gathering. Officers to be presented will _be the Mrs. Ted J, O'Connell, president, and vice presidents the Mmes. llarry Belche r, yearbook : G. P. Kri stenson, program. and George Johnson, membership. Harry Pell, Ire as ure r ; Christel Sharp and James T. Hoff1nan, recordlnt: and cor· responding secretaries; Mae Brotman, luncheon chairman; David Travis, chairman of the juniors, and f\1.iss A n n a l\fcCallum, editor or t he newsletter. Mrs. Mary Dishman chaired t h e nominating committee \vhich Included the Mmes. 1'..fai.lde Lucas, Brotman, David R. Thomas ~nd Pell. Young World Visited By Parents, Friends Soi I ing Adventure Recounted Others will be the Mmes. Reservations may be ob- tained by calling the Mmes. Phillp Towne, 499-1531, Lucas, 499-2998 or Mabel Nichols, 494- 4881 by noon Monday, May 5. Beach TOPS Has Double Party Purp~e A peek into 'the fa scinating \vorld of the young \\'ill be cf· fered. y,·hen par en I.! a n d friend s att:!nd the annual open house of Jlill Top Nu rsery School. Guests will be welcomed al the Costa Mesa 1 c h o o l between 9 a.m. and 11: 30 a.m. Wednesday, May 7. The . children, aged between 2·yoars, 9'l11ont:hs-and -i·years old, \Vill demonstrate their ac- ti vities which include art, music, dramatic play, outdoor '• games and animal care. Directed by !\trs. Sara Scott. t~1e youngsters have visited Volunteers Recognized Voluntetr service was recognized during a reeent mecUng of Flighl 19, United Slates Air Force Mothers. !\frs. Emmett Spindler and Mrs. Elmer Fritz received awa rds from the Veterans Hospital, Long Beach for 100 hours of service. The presen· talion was made by l\.lrs. Edward Wilson, n a t i o n a I representative and hospital the Newport. Beach (ire st.a. lion, Orange County Airport and an area dairy. · Each \\'eek hfrs, Scott pro· grams a definite tben1e \\'hich is carried out in art, slOfY and teaching periods. The school is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, parent participation school lic2nsed by the IJlate Department of Sooial Welfare. Jl is a membel' of the Orange CoWlty Council Of -p a r e ·n-f PattiCII)atlITT'I Nursery Schools. and ad- ditional information may be obtained by calling Mrs. James O'Donnell, 842·3247. A Voyage to Terror y,•ill be described by l\fiss Peggy Slate r, noted sailor and yacht broker. (or the · combined Ladles and Men's luncheon of the Balboa Yacht Club Thurs· day, May 8. Miss Slater, noted for her headline voyage to Hawaii in July, 1968, aboard her Valen· tine II, is a former Times Woman-of-the-yea r. Mrs. Almon Lockabey and Ed Lelhen have cOordinaled the program. which wlll begin after an 11 :30 a.m. social hour and 12: 15 luncheon. Member's 50th Year Noted . Order of Rose Given Two events were celebrated New ofricers \vere installed when niembers of Beach by the cllili in recen t TOPS of Huntington Beach ceren1onies. ~:trs. }lultgren rc~clved. the president's gavel gathered in the Fisherm::in rtom J\frs. Ray l\la}one,'-and restaurant, Huntington Beach. t:.iking-responsibility \Ylth her The club's filth anni versary ' \vere the Mmes. Polo Vasquez, was toasted and champion co--leacler; Frank \Vig ht• weight losers of 19G3 \\'ere se~rc<ary; Derric Kessinger, honored. treasurer, awt Robert Reese, Winning the crov.'n and weight recorder. ti:QP.hY -1W _her_welg:bt _less _ l&ci_llfes_c.Q.cx~rciseL ~­ of 73 pounds \VU Mrs. Marvin ty and ch.arm anJ hobby and llultgren and receivin g tbis·ls-your;llre program! are runner-uri hom>rs was J\1rs. planned for the coming year. Oscar Weiner, \l'h.O last 61 'fhe club nieels every Wednes- pounds. day at 7 p:1n. in Jiuntington Other losers honored were Beach High Schoo!. Anyone the Mmes. Iris Petty and Jean interesled may call Mrs. Balch. and KOPS, Lydia Hultgren, 962-7818 or Mrs. SLorvlch and Albert Pomato. Harns, 962·8429 Daughters Ask Moms l\1rs. Raymond BrO\\'n, a Elizabeth Gerueve CasPcr. 'll'U nlember of Alpha Xi Delta iniliated into the sorority's Campus Crusade represen- Sorority for 50 years, will be Gamma Chapter at Mount tative i\otiss Kris Gaathaug will honored during a special Union College, Alliance, Ohio speak and present the musical Order of the Rose ceremony on Feb, 19, 1919. program Friday, May 9, for during a n1eeung of the Since moving to Santa Ana th e annual mother-daughter Orange County Alum Culb 10 yea rs ago Mrs. Brown has banquet of the J1arbor Trinity Monday, May 5, at 7:30 p.nt. been active in the alum club, Baptist Church. Costa Mesa. All mothers and d)Jughterl\ are welcome aQ<l reservations may be made by calling the church office, r.ta-7981. Sisterhood In addition to the special Panhellenic Society of Central The Women's Missionary Temple Sharon's Sisterhood ceremony, the meeting in the Orange County. Fh::st Society sponsored event will meets the fourth Wednesday Newport Beach home of f\olrs. ~1ethodist Church of Santa ttike place in the Greenbrier of the month in Temple Henry Maus will feature Ana and the Santa Ana Ebell Inn, Garden Grove at 6: 15 Sharon Religious School, Costa "' flight chairman. bridge, dessert and 1 y,•hite Club. p.m. Mesa at 8 p.m. elephant sale. .-----------------------~.,--'-~---- ALL'S SHIPSfiAPE -Dal· ton of An1erica 's n e \V "cruise into spring" crea· ·," tions are deslgned for plen· ; t y of actiOn on any conti· nent. The mode I (top) 5hO\VS a long-sleeved shirl 1-------.,..------~~----­ jackel and dress, definitely1~~ cut for high •tiples on the!AI hi gh seaS. The enselnble blends ~r(oclly wiLh a con--, trasting •kiri which spells ' action. LL sells for around ~~ $ll5. Sleering her way Into the f.lshion •spotlight IS the second model (abQve) who . delights in the handsome ) coil! and. dress set which slrould be a must for any cruise wardrobe.:This new outfit. from Dalio is a il•.l· 'I: terln~ travel mat which 1s priced 'at •HS and comes inl camcl·"-'hite. devil bluish·~~~ \Vhite .-ind navy-bl\le. I • COMING SOON. CORONA DEL M'AR ' . Special recognition also was given to the l\1mes. Melvin Roenfeldt. James Tucker and James Porter for th ei r assistance, and Mrs. Wilson received a 300-hour award as chairman. Those wishing lo assist the group in its work may obtain further information by calling l\frs. \Vilson1 543-2030. Mrs. Brown, the former Beach Babes Every Wednesday ;it 7 p.m. members of TOPS Beach Babes convene at llO:ntington Beach Jligh School for ~ro­ grams. ,; ~ A tour of historic Scripps Miratnar Ranch can be . a prograll!_ for your clttb or social organization ... now . " WffKDAY TOURS of Scripps Miramar Ranch are especially c!asigned for civic, sot;la l, church-and other groups. Make a reservation now for .your organization; group rates for 20 or roore. Cater· ing for coffees, teas or luncheons available too. For reservations and information call' 277·7110 (or 291·0204 weekdays only). OPfN. MRYDAY NEW IN SAN DIEGO S.11., Sun., and ,holld1ys':lieO •·'"·· 4:)0 p.m .. no reserv1 1fons re· quired. Weekdays, by .ldv1nce: rt~ervatlon only .• . Sqripps Miramar Ranch ~' -. • • • STEREc;t SENSATION! The c orful SOUlld'Ol_ -~ Orqnae .county M~lc --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, N~wport Beach ), • ' .. \ • , JI llA!U PILOT • • -. I I • . t • I ( rl s E II •• • • g " " • l l , tt d d D u ll 11 tr .. tl1 la ., Y• "I ct cl ., T1 - ' ·- Lake~ D.~e~-Hinges· an West~'·~ jl . ' "' . LA S1;8r Pulls H~ms,tring Muscle -. , Afier ·Lea~ Team to 117-104 Wm . .. " .. .; !!Alli.' Ollll'UY man e\lllllqad -_.i.u..: 'Ille .._...by inother Injury lo.lblir sreat ., .. - - -• tpoabi' WM IUW Larry Sle&frltd 11111 .U.,.. Jtrey \\'OIL ' , IN9LEW000 -II WU lalt 1-y Frida eat ai11dla 10 hLI WWda, · • ' AJ 0.. ~ 1911 I.qi Aoileloo lnl ,! nlcbl. IDd all~ tho,...... Llbr "1Won," be mapped, "tbt ceJU<s ha•• -lnlllallal ~ at 1:11 lhll _,,.,,,' =...~::=!:..~a:.;:,_. =fw::~~~-, ~1:'1~~Pli~s:twt~~ l•~ hi"!':~--. · . u..,.'vt alirays,... t11e 1>11 , ...... ~ 1 .... 1n 11o11oa wu a quelUco no ..,. , "-"'Y• a__.. cM"""°'1blJI wu at torpt that" , · , could wwer. . "'" I.,i at~, Sun!¥, tho -CtHlca Tllo Lalron can't lorsef; Five times .. ,,,., llod 11>1n1ahoutlhLIkindol111 I.,, .couldn'I,~ backlr•n11Wddlclt116W lhey've -iurned·••IY by~ ror jury II you oe~er -bow bad tt 11 until a!W loaln(, llMOI. beaktlholl'I blpeat .,.U.. Ml even t.. yeu tty IDd play oa tt," Wiii lald, altoC ' -Bui-down-In the-.., locl<er""°"'~ day, delplta' W eqe, lllelt ~Iii ~ 11 T6urlllay ftlilil.----. Angry Words Fly ' . \ It's Wilson's Turn To Toss No-hitter It WU the fifth dme In -NBA! ....... ht'• pulled a hamalriD1. ""' l.r'; 10< tllt locker .-·l!lth 1:41 lo play and , WU prompt\y pven ID lnjectloo by llr1' -ICerlu. Tlaatmeot wW «>ollnu4 l1lht up lo pmetlme Saturday. LU:er ecM.cb BUI Van Breda Kolff I~ ali-eady thinking in tenm of West belnf lllnder,ci S.\w'd,ay, H he play1,al all "Keith Etickaon and J-Olmny E1an carj brln( the ball up the colirt IDd then Jerr;l • cin just tl'Qt to the frOnt court. And ~ l can use Fred Crawford In the backcourt{ too." J The -h retolhs lits ...... o1 twJnoi1J 1pl1t ol 1Ueb aelhlcb .. Well wu with Uiil tloctor and not available to· the preu im1 mediately after the game. V-.i Bred.al CINCINNATI (AP) -Doo Wih«rlhe momeotarily, wu V'!>tlnl nu-•J Koll! was ul:ed,Jlhe wu llmpbic. Aven1er -:t,an ·~·~ ra•i..--,_, ...... .i-.-.. ..-~·-"NO.i he'• llttinJ down riJb~ now," bd· -..--..n w...-u _ .. MNll 1rum thr: dressing room unleubed4be iea ol I no-hitter-against rather than the maternity waiting room. quipped. Cincl.nnlti 1'hursdly n1Cht and then scald-WUson, picking up hi, seeood. victory in It wu West who supplied the evening'~ ed the Reds with a few cbok:t remarks. five dtcisiOflB, itrodt off the field to the emotional apex ·when his trtme~ It was hi• way, be uid, .ol 1ettln1 ewn Houstoa duiout, hts f a c e 1 muk ti l~p with 7: 11 left broutht the roarifti wllh Jim• Maloney IDd hi1 OC>bit, 10-0 anger. ile pitched his ftriit no-hllttr thrOll( GI 17,56! lo ii. feet. The buck .. perfonnance over Houston the previous against . Atlanta en June II, I967, as a 1ave LA a 95-82 bulge and the Celtietl lliibf and ol the Reda, In pneral. rookie. ~ were all but dead. leque no·· hitter and, coupled with tonight ..• trylllf lo l"f them back for shared• !>"'l·game plaudli. WU11 · Kii For Wlleon, it marked b1a 1eeoad major "! wai.. tryinc to prove something Wot wu typically brilliant •but= 'Malooey'a hitless 1ame, marted the se-wbatJbey did .to us when they bet\ me £ricll:Jon, wbo llmhed Bo.too'• J -..,,., .. .,Rlntlllllin>er !HllntllillleiililitOl)'ooifv'iiariluieii-ii!iiir.lj0rsoii'-t1uiJfi;<'1 hic.,~;,uilJdmiri;;'-;;a'i:bfuldCU';;;;:;;;;::;t~tnterview~::;::;~_"'--itaHa~ertOifl!Oln . . ' that two no-lllt cames were pHdMd on tn reference to the J\eds-Ast.tus t.neOunter It was a rough, brawlin& 1ame. ~ GAN'-T-S'l'OP-THAT MAN -Jerry West of the Los Angeles Lakers drives ·inside Boston's J ohn Havli: eek for a basket. The Laker star scored 39 points Thursday night to lead his team to a 117-104 vie- OAll.T ,Ii.Of Ptwtre . .,..-_, .O'Dtlallll tory· a·nd· 3-2-lead in NBA world series..:before -puJJ·-- ing a hamstring muscle. Following West's drive are teammates Elgin Baylor (22) and Wilt Cham- berlain (13). ,. St. Louis Outclassed Montreal Tops Blues, -- ,Nears Stanley Victory ST. LOUIS (AP) -The Montreat CanadlenS didn't waste any time Thurs.- clay night in moving closer to their 14th Stanley Cup by whipping the St. Louis • Blues 4-0. The victory gave Montreal a 3--0 lead in the Nationa l Hockey League's ~t-Of-7 i;cries. Dick Duff is one of-the most impatient ()j the Canadiens. He doesn 't see patience • as a virtue on the ice. "Especially when you're a couple of games up, it's easy lo relax and then twice as hard to get 1?3Ck in stride," Ou[( said after scoring tw'o goals and adding an assist against the outclasSed Blues. ··we knew we'd have to start strong Derby's S~~llest Field . in Y eru·s W airing · at Post tonilht and then when they had lhat goal by Frank St. Mataellle called back in the first period, I think it took some of the steam·out of them," he ~dded. St. Marseille's goal was disallowed because referee J o 11.._n Ashley said he kicked it .in past Montreal goalie Roga- tien Vachon. Vachon ,,,.ent on to forge the first playoff shutout of his career. But the loss of the goal wasri'l what bothered St. Louis Coach Scotty Bownian most. The goal would have helped, Bo\vman agreed, but not enough con- sidering lhe way the Blues p)ayed. "I think they (the Canadiens) are hav· Ing too easy ~a time. Our passing is real bad. We passed bf:tter than that all year." Bowman cctnplained. "Anytime we carried puc.k we were a lot better. Everything was a split second off, the passing, the shooting. I don't knew why." Serge Savard of Montreal blasted a low line drive past the Blues' goalie, Jacques Plante. midway through the first period. Duff set him up on that one. Angels Battle Kansas City • In Twinhill ANAHEIM -A night of tossing and turning by Manager Bill Rigney in an ef- fort to devise some strategy that might give his California Angels more punch paid oil as he came up with the idea of moving catcher Tom Satriano to f I r s t ba se. Th a t move inserted rookie catcher Tom Egan into the lineup Thur!day night and he hit his first homer of the season while Satriano drove in the 1vinning run in a 3·2 v i c t o r y over the Oakland Athletics. The Angels meet the Kans11s City Royals in a twin ight doubleheader tonight. OAICU.1(0 i•r~rbl Ctm,,..nttb, u ' G 1 D T.ll:oy00Jc:l1, If l I l 0 ll.Jacwtan. rt ' 1 l l BaNlo, lb • a D o C1ter,111 '010 O.Green, 1D' • O O O M-1y,cl lOO O Rl»f,c 4 000 Mun11r, o 2 o o o Htf1~ratr. 1)1'> 1 D o o Wr11t,J11 O O DO ICt tYlSI, p I 0 0 0 CALll'OIOHA -••••r91 D1v1!\llo, rf 5 G O o Fr...,.sl, n ' 1 ? O Jo11nt1one, cl ' O 1 • R1lc~~n:11, If 3 1 2 o S..!dnna, 111 ) I 2 1 A.RllCl•IOuU, )II 4 I 0 .I £114n, c • I I I Knoop, 2b • 0 • 0 ll.Mty. o 1 0 I I Wll~tlm. J11 I 0 I I Totll~ l.! 2 't 7 To1a!1 » l ' • Ont oul wt.en wlnnl119 "'" •torld. 01-11nc1 000 000 OM o -1 C1!111!rnl1 010 000 000 I -l HllP -by w1.i1 IRek~•rd!l, br Kr•in.M /S.!r1'Ml. T!mt -f;ll, A1lelld1~t -'S-"t. 1uccesalve dlya in the same park. AprU 2% in u,. Aitrodomt. · atalned towels in both locker rooma··la3' Lut Aug. 17, Gayl«'d Perry of the ''They've got eome fOOCI IUY• on the on the floor. Wilt Chamberlain, poked id Giant.a: pltched a 1-0b!Uea1ame over the club -trleoaa of mine elf the field_ but the eye 11tt" in the third quarter, llid lwi St. LoW1 Cardlnala at San Jl'rancllco. The then they've aot IOIDI othen." couldn't aee out of the lamp after ~ ne.t night, St. Louil' Ray Wuhburn no-The acowl ll'lciually dltappwld and aain•. . hlt San Franclaco U . ht Wed the troa®uttr if he could saY 0 Whlt do you do for an injury llkt tblti Afttr the 4-0 perfonnanet at Cl'Olley a few wordt to his wife in Houlton : Wilt?" a writer asked . Field, Wlllon said: "Don't aet excited and have that blby "Ult the other eyr:, I 1ueaa," he "Th~ don't like me and I don't like now." . · replied. . them.' Ltter, wife Bemice .aaid, "I thought I Chatnberlain summed it all up: ''OW1 Some observers, n o t enUtely jtltinf, waa goin( to" have tt when catcher Don · backl were to lhe wall and We reapoodtd, IUll'lled the 2f.year-old right-tlandtr. Dry ant dropped t h e pop f 0 u 1 in th e lhat'1 all.'' Whose wife ·Bernice ii erpecttns 1 blby eighth... · •••rr Dodgers Face Braves; Sutton Tosses I-hitter ' ATLANTA (UPI) -The Loi AnctJes Dodier•·move-aclinlt the Atlut4 "Br1ves today, jubilant after Don Sutton's one-hit- ter Thunday that eave them i $-0 shutout ever the San Fr1ncleco Giant!. Claude Osteen aoes , to tbe mound for the Dodgers agalnst the Braves' Pat Jarvis. . Jim Davenport's double off the lefUield fence with ~ out in the eighth was the only hit Suttoo gave up as the Dodger~ "" ! -~oer1 ti All•ntt, $ p.m. Kl'I 1UOI M•r -D•" •t Arl•nll, 1J ''! •.m. S" 11:1 M1y , -0..-1 11 .-,111nl•, l :1 1.m. Fl M•r ' -~·· 11 c111c100, 11 :25 1.m. I< 40 M•r 7 -ri 11 (It c1qo, ll:2J 1.m. ICI" •• MAY J -11r1 at ~lll1buf1~, J 1.m, ICl'I CUii moved intc a tie for the -first place ()f i& ,l!aUonal League'• Western Division. lt was San Francisco'• tint IOU after nine straight victories. -"I'll take it every time," said Sutton, "and J'd throw D1venpori the aame pitch again in a similar lituation." Sutt()n, who once pitched a no-hltttr In junior college and Jolt.the game1-0, IOf. a fast ball up IJld in on Davenport after ruMing the count to 2-2. "Maybf. I should have gotten it in a bit fTl-OfC," said SuUon, "b1=1t it was a pretty good pitch as It was. As long as I can remember, it'l .the first time Davenpcrt ever has hit a ball off me ·to the left side." " lOI .t.Htllll IAN JllltAJfCISC. · 1t P ,.,.. flrllrM W.O.vl,, t;f S t J l F.Jtl'ln1tn, d 4 i t t ltin.1•!1, rf S I 0 I M19tfl, t• J 0 t t l'•rll;tr, 1• c 1 1 I M1nllll~ II ' t t IC•JCG, If • 0 1 0 McCo...-y, ID-t • Sud1kl1, lll • 2 2 1 Mltll• t l I Slz-r1, tit l I I I tlli'd1, rt J I !':If.tr, c J I I 1 Dl"'111*f, 3' J I o ... 1>11..-tti," ' • 1 1 L1n1er, h J I lultOl'I. 1 ' t t I S.6tdtl, I I I Etlltl'Jdtl, llfl I I HtrMI. • t t MIYt<Jllll I I Mcetrmltk, , • • ~~~ MtlfJ ~~ • I l.01 Mttl.. tot Sll Ott -J hn flr•ricl1c. 000 OOI • -I ir -111-.. 01' -lft Allltlll I. l•n l'rt"<.llCI 2. 1.0t -L .. Ano-'• i, t1.11 ,,..fl(JJc:I J, Ji -0.'t111"'1. HJl -W,-Oavl1 Ill, 11.JMklt (IJ, - Dave Bristol, Clncinnati manaaer, 11.ld later, "You can believe Don Wtlson if you want to. I'm not a Don Wilson fan." Pointing to tht Reds cfres3in1 room, he •dded: "ldGn't tblnlt many« the-if u ya there think mucb of "1190n either. • Bristol contended Wlbon sin&]e<t out Bench fOr his wild target.· "But I don 't believe.he 1e1red Bendl any." liDWell H•vOctlc • ltu:Hll J 8ry•nl l Jon.. 11 lifi1on s · 51'9fr1W I Stl'llllltf°I 1 TD111t . '' 110.1ten Los Ant•lt~ Ftuled oYI -Nent. U11il loul1 -llo11on U. LOI ""91lu 11. Atttnd•ll(t -17.JSI. Sport• in Bryet Rams'Uisey -Refires; Shoe Out for 6 Months LOS ANGELES -To belin wittl, tbtre American BasketbalJ~A!sociation playoftl aren't many aoocf profeaional !ootblll tonight. playel's who have a muter'& dearee in The·series moVes to lndianapgli~ Satur- fine arts. day and Mond1,y for the third and fourtN Choo61ng the peace ol p&int and pottry, fames. Benhle Cuey of. the 1.()9 Anaelt1 Rams annount!ed hir retirement 1'iunday, MY· ... .... inl he wanted to devote mMe time to hi1 SAN Bl.'RNAN>INO (AP> -BllDC utlsttc lalenU. lull)', n, ... -th Olup ce.alJ; The Woot-4, 210.pound nan1ter Je~ the J\amblen tt ••~ff Padnc Df\'fslelf NFL si1. tlme.s in pass reception• and the ttdu fl lite Coetlneatal Foe&HD Leaaw ) last two Yet.ti bu helped the .Rims to th put "'' ttuou, lmlftllced "' their best records Jn a decade with a total retlrtlQU( ftom pro cOlcllq-Tbnday. of 82 catches. Hall of la.M ~n he will 'he lafablen, wilt will 9"fa1e •t et. on the bench with a thigh l~july. Su ~l'latdlle W1 fall, compllell ,.. ,.. ,.. ...-. ti 1•1 ad lM It 111'1 ad 1111. . lltttly nld be wW de'°lt hdl Uml It INGLEWOOD---o._,. •J·tl-wtll .. _Wi·toa 1'1 f'hllenl-l;orAllpl1rS1t .. 111. month at leMt ·wore 8111 c.nep. s•oemalter cu ride ac•·-ud ,..111111 ... ... ... never again. Tbe S'7·yut-ill4 jocby ••• Injured iii u actldea& W~y. He 1anered a lwokea ,..... llld lllod· der ,lljurlel w~ea Ml --.t. PooU'1 Day, .-•led •tm la ,.. oHdllaJ pod· dock ti llGll)'Wtld Puk ad ltll ee lop ti ...... HI• doctor• 11kl It will be week• before IMJ. bew exaclly ..,. emulYt Ida ,.. jariet: are. ... ... OAKLAND -Tl1e Otkltnd Oau, 1Ull unbeaten by the Indiana Pacers, try to take a l-0 lead In tllt llnall GI Ibo CINCINNATI (AP) ·..,-·Jim Maloney says he hu "po lftlWer" to the IJ)itblll •hlrl• by Manager llllT)' Walker of the Houston Astroe. , ' "Ht can aay whltever be wtht.s to say.' I'm out there trylna to beat h1aD and be'• out Ibero ttylng lo beat nit." Walker levelllil the acaiaalion' al Maloney Wedneld',y nllht altef th lasterballaf pltcW a no:lllt, 10.0 vl<lory 'l(llnl HoUllOri. • · ' LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -Four thoroughbred champions and !our preten- ders to glory got tpeir final grooming t<>- day for the Nth ·runnin1 of tbe Kentucky Derby. + , The field of eight, Ol'lt! of them a poten· tial scratch, is the sma llest in 21 years and, most fans believe, the strong'es~ in a far longer time~ W olinan Sells Eagles; Ku'1arich Fir,ed "lt'• tonnY,11 1iJd Maloney. 11Tbert'1 never any ·fntntk>I\ of any 1n1*J: pltehu when yeu ·pt knocked oal·Oi( the _ bor. 11'1 on\y whon you pllcb a toed r ame. I have no ann:er for hltn." 1 ... ... ... •Niii' ORI.~ -WefPIUfllDc ,;,., )e joll dudy tor Gary Play" llal XermK Z.ley 111'& to nre U IV• .... Ti Ma,ieatic Pr:lnce; ~ 'urit.ieaten. aild un· tried king of the West Coast, has been tabbed as the pl'Q.b&ble betting fav__grlte In the I \;<nlle Run lo\ the Rosel Jllat goes IO ljle post II l :liO p.m. Saturday. Flyin1 the col<rl-Gl -Cinadl•n oil mllllcii!atre Frank McMahon. tbo-!250,000 yearling purchase bas mowed down fl opJ)Olitnta In teven,r&ce&, all of lhem ex- cept hi• first and lot 11 Santa Ani\I. MaJ..UC Prl11<-t wouht be the, ddds-on dlO!ce to cop Ille 1121,000..dd<d-Derby e1c~ for three things. 'their n&met-.are Top Kni(ht, Dike and AIU and Letltra. PHILADELl'llJA (AP) -1.<onard Toee1 Norristown,1Pa., trucking. execu. tlve, ti· the Mw OWner of tbt PfillidflPfilA Eagl .. o! ihe Naiiooal Foolban Le&(UC. ShO<dy afler C.mpl<llllg the· p\lrchaae, ol the club Thurld1y night.for .$11,1$1,000 from finaocially .harried Jtrty Wol'mon: TOSe madt his ltttt move u owi>tr. He told a midnigh t news conference tbat lie bas fired Joe Kuharich as gen;eril m11n- ager-cbach. .. Tose ls txpected to name Pett Reti-- lall, former All-1,tague end with I he Eagles ind now a television ipgrt.scasl· er, Lbe 1Mtera1 man•ltr. Reltlaft, in turn. rl!J>Ortedly will select Jerry Wiilli11;ms, now under • rour-ytar contract-as coaCh at CaJiary l o-the .Ca· nadiin. Football Leagur: as new Eai1es coacti. Toie·1 acquisitiort ot.th~lub had one string attached. Wolman, wbO ls racing banijuptcy, can repurcbJSe the c Lu b. If ~ can-rai!Wi: the money by &ug, J. Tole. 1l,owever, as sole owner, now, ha.'\ the. rtgtit to revamp lht club as hes e e s Ill .. \Volman admitted that ttiJ chances of ralt1lng enough money to P•Y olf JOJ!le fn million ow~ to 280 creditors. and to rt- purchase the Eagles were very 1llm. "We have an ~Ide chanct to mab It, tiul Ira allii17' WOiffian siJd. ToH retulld to confirm Or deny lhal Ret.r.lafl would M tht new 1enenl man- l(er. "111 c!ocldt wifhln the nut II &I" oo my aeneral m,....., llld ho wllJ p1c1; the new coach." the U')'tl,,_.,d 1CM 13\d, "I've madt no dtcllkm u '° w h o the ....,a1 llllnl(er will ho." ' A1Ud lbout ltulw1cb, Ille ntt• Elf' IOI' OIVller 11ld he telepl)oned him tut wffk antt-told him lie woilld not-W"pn. 1rol mana3........,h GI !ht E11lt1. Twt ' thlo& ·~ + I haa saJd from the ti~ he beaa.n neto-' zari. , comiq: • • t o1 a f~' Uatlng with Wolma last Jtnu'?' ht lonf ai!mp H dllU.I ma laavt W. '""'Id oo1 rehire Kuharlch . - -'~"" -=--... e1'Y---. Kuharich took OVtr U coach of tbe CtUMll •1 I ·~ W C'WUU.J 11""- El(les in tll64 alltr Wolm'an purdtuM cnm lie •111 *"'P >11u11111111 -~ • I ~' ~ 0110 I local find a ab:-.... • ThndaJ• 80 :/l:,~am ,..,.,_, om• ayn-...,..,..llnh-leodl• .... ~•.•· In rive,.....,, lht Eaalff ...., 11 and Greaw New -0pea Gell-. 11111 fl, pooilllf only ... wlnn!nc -..... ..i .. IM -· · 1n the mlddJe of hll ftl)t Y-ilf 1 be W I I .... ..... ..... named general m111ipr and lfTtn. a lt- yelr contract by Wolman. · Jtu.harlch'• reign Wll an unpopular°"" In PMadelphla. He looihl wllh tllt pr ... , and traded'lway a numbu GI ..Ublbh- ed stars. • BALTIMORE -Tiie Nortb Anwleaa ' Soccer Leope -ita Illini _.,.,., day nftllt bopll!( lhat bla·ltaaaf BrlllaN I llOCctr lJ lhe Ian?nagnct ntMed lo N IOlllt black ln1t en Iba balanct alloe\I. ,, ·. - I I , I ~ I I I I ANTEATER CREWMEN -'Ibis is the UC! varsity crew that will take on Stanford, Cal State (Long Beach), Loyula and San Diego State Satur- day in the Newport Regatta. From left: Dave Redfield, coxswainj Biggest Field Eve~ Newport Regatta Draw.s Six Collegiate Crews Six of the west coast's finest rollegiate crew teams will guide their shells into Newport Beach's Udo Channel Saturday afternoon for the Newport Regatta. Act.ion starts at 4Tp.m. Dave Grant, coach of host school Orange Coast College, is billing the event as tbe biggest and most prestigious rov.·· ing event ever he.kl In Newport. On hand will be OCC, UCI, Stanford. Loyola, San Diego State and Cal State (Long Beach). Commenting on that field , UCI coach Duvall Hecht said he'd be happy if his varsity oarsmen could finish third. "Long Beach beat us last v.•eek and v.:e l!.now that Stanford is real tough. so I'd bt real happy it our guys could get a third," he sald. "We're a real darkhorse." llecht added lhat Orange Coast "is a cinch" to win the junior vanity ract. There will bt competition among Varsity, junior' varsity and freshman shells. The quality of v.·estern crew racing ls apparently on the rise because Hecht labels his present varsity crew as the best Jc's had in four years at UCI. Irvine is 3-1. \vith victories notched over UC Sa.nta Barbara: ~an Diego State and Cal. Hecht's crew is considered small by usua l crew standards -the Anteater oarsmen average just 173 pounds. Orange Coast, which wJll compete in the frosh and junior varsity races, is '4·l in, both divisions. Eagles N ru·row Favorite ,In lrvi11e T1·ack Fii1als Trying to pick the "''inner ol tonighfs Irvine League track meet at Anaheim's Western Hlgh--SCbool ls -uKe----ur·a'A•lng straws. On1y one thing is certain -it'll be close. The DAILY PILOT dope sheel has a single point separati ng the first three fin- ishers with Fountain Va11ey whxting tM meet '"Ith SS points. Estancia and Loara are tabbed to tie for second at 64 each. 1 The Barons are tabbed lo vo'in every running event from the 100 through l~e mile. Estancia looks like a cinch double winner In the hurdles with R1ch \Vood easily the class of the league. It really shapes up Lo be that kind or a meel Fountain Valley's sens at ion a I sophomort.:1 sprinter, Phil ~laas, is the favorite to win both.sprint.s. His brother, Dennis htaas. should take lhe quarter, Carl Hardin the 880 and Steve Christiano the mile. *** **ti lrvi1ie Dope Sheei 100-1. P.Ptfaas (FVJ 2. Beyers (L) 3. Garrett (M) 4. Barnett (E l S. Elkins lL) PREDICTED TIME ' 10.1. %20--1. P. Maas (FV) 2. Beye rs (L) 3. l!:l kins tL) 4. Krosse (CcL\I ) 5. Gord~ (E) PREDICTED TIME ' 2~0. ' 440--1. D. Maas (FVI 2. Godbe (FV) 3. Revard (~!) 4. I-Jardin (FV) 5. l\li!ler iL) PREDICTED TIME ' 50.8. 880--1. Hardin (FV ) 2. ~nquist (Ll 3. Raymond (FV) 4. 111cndez (L) 5. Na- bors (CdM) PREDICTED TIME ' 1'57.2. Mile-1. Christiano (FV) 2. Hoyt•(E) 3. Funk (F'V) 4. Heiden {L) 5. Noonan tCl\1) PREDICTED TIME ' 1,29.5. 2-mile-1. Hoyt (E) 2. Williams (FV ) 3. Noonan {L) '4. DesPalmas IL) S. \\'a tts (L) PREDICTED TIME ' 9,S2.5. 120 HH-1. Wood (E) 1. Lefebvre (CM) 3. Freidrich (L) 4. Roch a <FV) S. BM.I· auelas IM). PREDICTED TIME : J4.9. 180 LH-1. Wood (E) 2. Swiss {E) 3. Lefeb vre (C111) 4. Rocha (FV f 5. Nelson (l\1) PREDICTED TIME, 19.5. SP-l. Bordon (CM) 2. Ru ssell (L) 3. !luff (L) 4. Tayklr (L) S. ~1cGuire \L) PREDICTED DISTANCE, S2-I. HJ-I. Barnell (El 2. Bakken IE ) 3. Delp (L) 4. Leech (Cd~I ) 5. Se \·ier (Cd~I) PREDICTED HEIGIIT ' 6·1. LJ-1. Barnet( (EJ 2. Trumain (L) 3 .. S\.l<iSS 1EJ 4. Roark (FVJ 5. Nev.·slead (FV) PREDICTED DISTANCE : 2'Z·I. \ PV-1. Sim005 (L) 2. Stallora (E ) 3. Parkinson (FV) 4. Sibley (~1 ) S. Kato tFV) PREDICTED HEIGHT ' l:H. 440 Relay-I. Loan 2. Fouotaln Valley l. Estancia 4. Corona dtl ~1ar s. Olag. nolia PREDICTED TIME ' 43.4. Mile Re.tay-1. Fountain Valley 2. U>ara 3 . .Estancia 4. :l\fagnoli a s. Ccsla Mesa PREDICTED TIME ' 3,29.1. PREDICTED FINAL SCORE : I. Fountain Valley (65) 2. tie behreen Estancia and Loera 164) 4. Costa Ptfesa (19) S. Pt!agnolia (13) 6. Corooa del Mar (II ). -~ -tr * * * ti Irvine Records l!Mol Name School ~fark Year H(lle Burch San Clemeote 9:32.9 1967 UIHH Jensen Valencia 14.S 1965 Room.y Loar• 14.5 1!16; Seymour Huntington Beach 14.5 1967 MO Edmond! Kenn<dy 9.1 1966 -Edmonds Kennedy 21.! 1966 .. Bradshaw Loara 49.7 1168 .. 0w..,, Valencia I :S3.4 1965 llfile Atchue Magnolia ,,21.1 1168 HOLH ~rmour Huntincton 11 .. ch Jt.7 1917 440 Rtlay Lolra 13.3 1911 Mlle Reloy Loara 3,25,3 11181 llllb Jump Homooy Loar a s.2v. 11165 1-Jump Jcr'icn Valtncla 22.J 1981 Pole Vaull \\'alp Loar•. , ... 1966 Shot Pat l..orrnlttn Newport Harbor 5'-1 •;. 111&7 DIJCUS CC) I ';"1'rnet l..oAra ISJ-2 1!166 Santa Ana Teams • Picked Ill Finals , By G~ENN WHITE ot -. o.ur Pt111·sttn D11al meet champioo Santa Ana Valley and delendhif Sunset League tltllst Santo An.a lock horns tonight' a1 Westminster High Sctfool in what sbiipes up as a 5lzzl· ing battle ror first place. Fir,\t field. event~ set for 7:30 with the oig!it'a bll.Ual rurin!ng final 30 mi.Dutes . later. · . · Because of the, league'a·double st0ring • sypem I« the Sunset trophy, Santa Ana • <X!:Y1cf win the a\1ard by fini~bing with more points than Valley lonlgbt. Jiowever, the annual DAILY PILOT dope_sheet has the -.'.two PQ._wertiow;e., -.-figured to tie, f)3.all. Jn that case, the Falcon! from Valley wRI be the varsity champions. Coach Earl E'ngman's Saints arc tremendously handicapped by the loss of Isaac CUrtis, league record holder for the high and low hurdles and a big gun on the 440 relay team. He pulled a muscle in Tuesda)''s prelims. Saul.a Ana, dual meet champ for Be<>s and Ce.es, figures to hang on for llgbtwelght laureis. altbough Marina ap- pears to ha\'e a shot at upsetting the Saints in Cee action. Few, if any, varsity records. arc n1enaced tonight. Jackie White of Santa Ana has• ~bot at I.he 9.5 century mark held .by Hun~n Beach's Eddie Morris. Set m 1940, Jl a~· oldest standard left in the books. \Vh1~11 has run 9 .. 5 ~year and turned a 9.6 m the prelims. . Anaheim's Tom Keefer 14 :.12.6) . is \yjtbin striking distance of the mile mark (4 :10.6) held by \Vestminster'S Atlkc Solomon. 1 1 . Leading Orange Coast area hope u 1n varsity battle is ?-.1arina's Dave La~y. who has the unenviable chore of chasing \Vhile in both sprints. Lacy is credited with a 9.S century while mate Joe Ventimiglia zipped lp a 9.9 in Tuesday prelims. Mike Kemp, stroke; Barney Voohees, \Vin Hackutt, Paul Ryan, Dave Coulter, Roger James, Ken Lewis and Mike Thof!1pson1 * * * * * * _ Sunset Dope Sheet 100-J. \Vhite (SA) 2. Emery (V) 3. Lacy (M) 4. Ventimiglia (t.f) 5. VVinstead (SAl. PREDICTED TIME ' U . . . 220--1. White (SA) 2. Lacy (r-.t) 3. Ventimiglia (~t) 4. Emery (V) 5. \V1nstead (SA). PREDICTED TIME ' 21.9. 440--l . Fraser (A) 2. Gaughan (~f) 3. Naslund (V) 4. r.tay tSA) S. Huss (W). PREDICTED TIME' SO.I. 880-1. Southwick (V) 2. Huss (W) 3. Jaffe (NI-I) 4. Chamberlain i\VM) 5. Nich· ;i.ls (WM). PREDICTED TIME : 1:59.1. Alile-1. Kteftt· {A) 2. McQuown (1-lBJ 3. \Yitchcr (SA) t Bentley (NH) 5. Kil- patrick (WM). PREDICTED TIME' 4,11.3. 2-Mlle-1. Diston (WM) 2. Foreman (SA) 3. Pierce \NH) 4. Varga {\Vr-.f) 5. Ramirez (SA). PREDICTED TIME : 9:38.5. 120 HH-1. Fields (V) 2. Young (SA) 3. Keckler {V) 4. Jensen· (SAJ 5. Lemmon (M). PREDICTED TIME' 14.4 .. 180 LH-1. Fields (V) 2. Denson (VJ 3. Jensen (SA J t Lemmon \M) 5. Young (SA). PREDICTED TIME , li.3. --- 440 Relay-J. Valley 2, Santa Ana 3. t.larina 4. Ne11'port 5. \\'estminster. PR E· DICTEb TIME : 42 .9. Mile Relay-I. Newport 2. \Vestern 3. Valley 4. \Vestm inster S. Santa Ana. PRE- DICTED TI1i1E: 3.211.6. . Pole Valui-l. Anderson (S.A) 2. \\lil d (NH) 3. \\!heel er (~I I 4. Galbert (SA) 5. Buller (NH). PREDICTED HEIGWf : 14-2. Long JumP-1. Field! (VJ 2. Jensen (SA) 3. Haslip (V ) 4. Anderson (SA) 5. Dinklor (A ). PREDICTED DISTANCE , 22~. High Jump-1. Hav~n (N'd ) 2. Cltildll (l\1) 3. Bell (\V ) 4. Lemmon i ~l J ii. Mc· Givney (HB ). PREDICTED HEIGHT : 6-4. Sbot Put-I. Heath (A) 2. Kedets (A) 3. Clemens (HB) 4. ~ry t \VJ 5. Saugstad (V). PREDICTED DISTANCE ' 53-10. PREDICTED FINAL SCORE: Santa Ana (53), Valley ~53 ), 1ilarina (31). Ne\\'· port (27), Anaheim (23}, \Vcstminster {15), \Vestern (11}, Huntington Beach \8)~ * * * * A * "' Su11set Records ~·ent Holder School ~lark Year 100 r.1orris Huntington 9.5 1940 220 (C) Emery SA Valley 22.3 19Gil \\;hitaker Santa Ana 22.3 1968 140 Rangel Santa Ana 49.0 100:1 380 \Villiams J{untington I :SS.4 1968 A tile Sol•mon \\'estm instcr 4: 10.6 1'167 2-~file __ Fislcr \Ve.ster.n -9 :1-7.9 1966 120 llfl Curti~ Santa Ana 14.0 1968 180 LH Curtis Santa Ana ]!1.0 1'163 STROKING A.WAY -Here's the crew that will rep~esent Orange Coast College Saturday afternoon in the Newport Regatta. Members of the team are (from lop) Harold Totten, Paul Duford, Terry Zipp- \rold, A1 Schneider. Joe Flynn. Beva Harvey, Ken Lewis, stroke Rocky Raun and coxswain JohryNeilson. 4W Relay P.filc Relay High Jump Long Jump Pole Vault Shot Put \\'cinrich Burl Ell ct Guy San ta Ana 42.5 1963 Santa Ana 3:24.0 1:1611 Santa Ana 6-5 "1 --i964 Anaheim 22-a::~ 1961 SA Valley \4·6J I 1967 Fullerton 57-6 1957 Hornets Slight Choice to Wi11 Traci\. Crown Don Shields and Jim Seymour are the areas only favori!es to bring heme a gold medal today from the Eastern Con· ference track and field championships being held at Riverside College. The two Golden West performers are l\\'O of only a handful of clear-cut favoril· es-;n what figures out to be ;. cl~ly contested meet. Fullcrtim is expec;:ed to receive strong team challenges from Santa Ana and i\11. San Antonio. but the Hornets' o"erall learn depth shou ld carry them to tt)e title according to the DAILY PILOT's dope sheet. Action in the meet \\·as scheduled lo begin at 2:30 in the field event com- petition. with the running e\·ents starting half an hour later. • 8th • State Meet Ill Pirates CUPERTINO -Orange Coast College i;:ol a floc k of lifetime bcst.s during the first da)''s competition in the state junior college swimming and di\'ing cham· pionships here Thursday but had little to show for it on t.he scoreboard. The Pirates stood eighth in the le.am standings after competition in thrtt events Thursday v.•ilh 23 polnls. Defending state champion Foothill lzd the fie ld with 99 points, followed by Cer· ritos with 65, Los Angeles Valley 63~~ and De Anza SL Southern California champ- ion Fullerton '''as a surprisingly distant fifth with 39. Golden West College dttw a goose egg on the opening day. Highest Orange Coast finisher Thurs· day was Paul Hughes, ~·ho posted his all· time best in the 50()..yard freestyle - 5:03.7 -good for a fourth place finish in the fiereely contested meet. Mike Cunningham missed qualifying by • Major League Standi11g·s 1'\ATIONAL LEAGUE Eact Division \\'oil Lo1t Pct. GB Chicag0 16 7 .6S6 Pittsburgh ll 9 .591 21'.· SL Louis 10 12 .455 51~ New York 9 12 .429 fi Philadelphia 8 II .421 6 ~lontreal 3 13 .380 7 \\·es1 Dl\'ision San F'rancisco IS 7 .682 Los Ange.Jes 15 _, .682 Atlanta I ~ 3 .636 Cincinnali 9 12 .429 51:: San Die£o JO 14 .417 6 Houston ~ 20 .200 ll \2 TIWrMl•T'I lt1t11!11 Loi Af!f1lt1 S, SI"' Fr~ncllco O M.oltlrNI l. Nrw YD<\ , St. LltUh t, Plf1111li.,ll ) HovllDtl •• C:•nc;ll'IQlllJ • Sion oie.o •· An•"'' 3 Oftl1 •~nl<IJ 1cht-d~I"'. T..SIY'I Gt"tll NfW Yo,. IG~trv 2·1) ., ClllCAto (Holl11'111 ... l·l I • $ltl F•tnclKO IP"""' .. u ,, Ha\ollo<'I CCrrn1 ... 1·11. ftklhl PhllM1th>f,f1 I~ l·b 11 $1. l1Uh !Wt .... """' l·'t. nlthl Plllsl)urg~ Cf!!ll 1.n al Atlt"ll (MO..'°" •JI. ":1M Lo1 •'lllt!U tF••~r 0-11 11 Alft nla CJ1N i. l·ll. "!•~· SI" 01-!Klrbv 141 •I Clntl-tf lCul .... r 1·2 1tt Atr/t4 Ml. "'ilM ,... • American League East Dili1lon w .. L<lsl Baltimore 16 8 \V ashingt on 13 11 Boston II 10 Detroit 11 10 New York II 11 Cle,·eland ' 15 \\'t st Division ?-.1innesota " 7 Oakland 11 ' Kansas City 10 IO Chicago • 9 California J " Seattle 7 12 • TJtv..,,..Q0'1 •irwttt. ClWe!Mld 6. Ne... Yort I Mltlftseer• t. SNttle I Pct. .667 .542 .524 .S24 .500 .167 .667 .sso .500 .'1.71 .41t .368 k"""I Cltv J, Chk "° 4. 11 !Ml""' Detf'llT T. ltlt~ I ' ' l'I•"'""'°" 1. '°""" ' C•llfo'"le 3, 01~1JNI l. 10 ln"l"'1 TM•Y'••O•\ti.1 GB ' 3'~ J I; • 10 2 1~ 3 1~ • • ' kllll• Cl•rbtr 1·11 •t 0.-l•~f fFln9•r1 2.0\. ~Ith! KW111' Cl"' t'-! l·I tllll Or.,. Ml 11 (111. IO<N• <-'41• ....... Me_.,,.,11!! .,,. 2. ""'" n'9hl CltwlM!lf {TllN .... , ot Wt~lfttlOll (l et11lr i l·l l, "'°M &1111,,..,... fC,..Ht r l·tf ot Ntw Y•r\ /Pf!••· IOfl W l, "'-"' o.trelt (L11ldl 2·1 Ot' Wllsoft l·ll 11 k 1HHI ($.1"'9rt •4). "''"' OniY ·-xfllO~~. • . AUTHORIZED FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES J1rtupo11 31rnp o rt s JlOO WEST COAST HIGHWAY -NEWPORT Ill.CH M2-'405 5'40.17M A-ln4 MG e AUSTIN-HEALEY Dtclcr Atrtflorbt4 fHllARI D..i... Set.. & s-1 .. = --. ' • I one·tenth or second despite a ;i :os.1, his best ever. Jn the usua ll y ju1nblcd 50 free Doug Schaumburg. Kurt Johnston, [\f i k e ~bright and Bill Luther all raced to the i r besl clockings. After several S\''imoffs, Schaumberg. Allbright and Luther qualified for the consolation final:-; and placed 7th, 9th and 12th in 22.4. 22.7 and 22.8. respectively. 1969 Austin America " __ ., AvaJla.ble \v/Automa1k Transmission GOLD SEA~ USED CARS FINEST SlLECTIOI< OF USED 51'0RT CARS IN SOUJHUN CALIFORNIA 11rwport -. 311nports ,. ' I ... ~ .• . • • ; • ' - Cre~tview Spikers ~ ., Run for . (:IF Spots_ Only two vtrtlly rteorila •J> pear-to-be in danger today wbtD the Crestview Leque'1 top p-1ck and llild ptrlonnen galher 11 Tu1Un lllah School for the loop mel!:t. AcUon was scheduled to get underway at 5 p.m. . Sloce the Crestview League determines lb chlmpJona in aJI three claues Jn dual meet corripeUUo'n, todly's m e e t tlmply serve• to q u a I t f y athletes for I.he CJF prtllms nut week. El Modena'• distance flash Dave White and S a n Clemente'• Rici: Geddes look like the only vanity com- petiton c1pable or-dtntinJ: the record books. - White hu covered the two- mlle In l :OU, well under the lt1111t reconl d l :IU. Hb time b the ueoq<t bell In the CIF llll& yw. -·- Oedde1 ha1 a chance to ~re~ hiJ three-day-old mark.- in the 2lO if it doesn't pt too cold on the TusUo trlek. He covtred the d.Jttance IJ'OW'.ld a curve ln 2l5 Tuesday and ap- peared to ease up at the ftnlah. Dave Huttwlck of Laiuna Beach is tbe atta's top threat in the . Bee competition. He \\'On his prellmlnary MO hut ~ 1 :!5.J aod could cut that time by a second or two today. . Rip Col0tt1, 6•1 , 1 I ,... ·Tars Still Alive In Sunset '.Race ' -. . Newport Harllar H 11 h . ~·1 ll!antllohold o v • r Alllhf1m Htch · ia vanity i>aMbliJ ·...u-Wllnolaled Tbl!(ldly aftlrnoo II the ~ wol!Opod ·the 'Colonllts for Iha third time thll ""°"· tulns u ouy ,.I verdict ID S-1 League ICllon. ·Vlctor!' ~ the llallDrt .1 . ·-oU lhe ""' Wtili • 1 m~p pmt at Wtlttninster 1Dapp4d p It eh er Dllvt ~·· ..... 1 .. Jn. nine ltrlnl It ll. VlufMlm"' Ill .. , .. ,,.. ) ... ;l 6 I 0 ) I I I ) ... •••• I \ I I J,. 1,. : : i : ·' .. , I f I I >~I' • • • ' .. t ••• U I I I IMtl Al\f 111-a, r II rM ""'h'tfl, d I 1 I l1lloelntll. lS • J Wlll!Mll. II • I Mee°""' Ill • I I * * * * * * Crestview Dope-Sheet MISA 'LY THltlAT -COtia M-Hip School's Chrlt Gammoa 'I'll! be ~elinf In the Vll'llty 100 butterfly Saturday afternoon at Ille CIF awlm pro- llm1 In LoQa Beach'• Btlmoiit Plua. Gimmon 1"8 Bee b~y champion with 1 CJF record OI M.3 allo will ro ID both telay1 for Cotta Meoa. S<heduled thll ~ _Jo _ erase one d. ita three ties. The T1r1 aro three ...... il>ead of third pl1e1 Blnta Ana ID the all-Important Ina colµmn. ~r SWlltt act.Ion 11w Mlrinl fa!llnr lo · leque- leading Western, a-0, Wellmlntter toeing lo lliv1ding 5.anll Anl, H, and holt Hun- tlDston Beach dropping I 3-1 dec:Wm,. lo Sinll Ana Valley in 10 tnnlnp. ..._..,, l"f • • BWlllfftlfl, 3tl I t W~ll. :Ill I I W'ftldi. ,. l • '"-ll•IOll, ' 1 • 011Mf11, c 1 I 100 -l . <l<dd,. !SC) I . JOO,..,. (EM) 3 Andrews (T) 4 Cl1rt1. I 1 I ~,,.,,, 1 .. Tt11ll 16 f 2 Frizzelle (VP) 5. Nickel (VP). Predicted time:· 10.0. ' 220 -I. <l<dd" (SC) 2. JoJuuoo (EM) 3. ADdr..., (T) 4. Nickel (VP) 6. Swoin (EM): Predicted llm<: 22.!. Chances for Team Titk Dim ,,,,_IP lflfllMI •• .. ....,,, 100 DCI 1-f J • MlrlM II) 440 -I. Meyer (0) 2. Bagley (LB) 3. Aerta (VP) 4. Cort (VP) 5. Clark (EM). Predicted time: M.2. 880 -J. Peter !SC) 2. Clark (EM! 3. Pr1wdalk IT) I. NelO!ln (EM) 5. Sd!ado (0). Predicted time: 2:01.9. Mlle -t Amerson (SC) 2. Simcoe (0) 3. Wink> (SC) 4. Rllea (T) 5. Heise (FH). Predicted time: 4:29.9. Swimmers-Enter Pr.elims Wutem got to Marlna ln the bottom of the third innll'll when the Pioneers put runners on ....,nd and third tbenb lo two Vlkin& errors. ~' r11111. c .... ~.­... I( luntttM,.r, • Murrillo, I r1·11 2-r.Gle -I. W!Ote (EM) 2. ~ck (SC) 3. SamlllOlll (0) 4 Patlenon (FH) 5. Perez (MV). Predicted lime: 9:U.5. . 120 HH -I. Edwlrd1 (T) 2. Maler (SC) 3. SetUe (VP) 4. Y.e;ci:ey (FH) 5. Blacker (SC). Predicted time : 15.3. Ill LH -I. Pttter 10) 2. Edwlrdl (T) 3. r.fjJer (SC ) 4. \VlllJams (0) 5. M1y EM). Predicted time: 20.0. '40 Relay -1. El Modena 2. Foothill 3. San Clemente 4. VIII.a Park 5. TustJn. Predicted lime: 43.1. Mlle Relay-I. Twitin 2. Laguna Beach 3. Orange 4. Villa Park 6. El Modenl. Predicted lime: 3:19.J. 1-Jump-1. Wise (EM ) 2. Coocannon (V) 3. Miller (FH) f. Geitner (0) 5. SB!ch (VP ). Predicted distance: 22-l. . No Vauli -J: S~llll<ltt (EM) I. R. Blzler (EM) le Molny (LB) 4. Fa.Jrfu (0) 5. Caeey (VP). Predlci..i beill>I: JM. · ' Hlah JLBnp -I. Underwood (T) 2. Hirt (VP) 3. Chodwlck (EM) 4. Jlmenei (EM) 5. Lilly IT). Ptedlctod beigbt: M. Shot Put .. I. Gotdoo (ICM) 2. Thompson (VP) 3. Hlrl (VP) 4, Munhali (P1!) 6. 011trum (0). Pndlcled di:stanc<: 17-ll. Dllcus -I. Gonion (EM) 2. Buck (VP) 3. Akllll !Fii) '4, o.tnun (O) 5. Gwvti (T). Predldod d.ioW!ce: HM. * * * ·* * * Crestview Records Orqe Coast area hl&h school awlmmers wi.11 invade Loll( B411ch'1 Belm"'l Pl111 S.turdly to do battle ID Ille ClF awim prellms ,but a team Utle for the area in any dlvlaioo dou not appear lD tht mlilJlg. Diving starts at 10 · t .m. followed by the nlm event. at 1.1:30. However, there are stVtral lrtl ICboo1a With ouUtabd1nl lndlvldulla who lland an u - collent chance m mUlnr H througb the pnllau end lnlo the llnall nut May •• Here'• a brief nin down on the belt bell '"'"' . the .... acbooll ID the llmillaht: COSTA MESA: Me11'1 me<f!ey relay tettn of Ron Ml!llolek, Chris Gammon, Jay Spoaagle and Dave WhltaJter are Me11'1 belt beta with their l:U.I clocldna. Long Beach Wtbou b the Mllllanis' Event 120 HH 100 HoJder Steven1on Kuller Lewi• Samatln Sanford Gedd" LI barre Connor Sanford Scllool • Mork Foothill IU Ytar bl1gut problem wllh a 1:41.0 !Ma to Ill cndll. l80 44$ 220 (CJ l!O LH . Mile · I-Mlle SanUaao I .I Tultln 1:$8,l La Habra ft.O La Habra ff.O San Clemente 21.5 Santia10 It.4 La Habra t :IO.I TulUn 1:11.7 Villa Part 44.J 1914 Oamm°", who 1wam a Cl:F ltM record 54.3 in Bee competition 1915 Jut year, will be in tHe varalty 1 Ill.I Dy. 1• Whitaker 1oes into prtlim IMS competltlcm with a 41.1 in tbe INS 100 free and Mi.sWet . has a IMS 51.I in Ille 100 back. Cees for Mesa art Dave Ban- non in the 100 and 200 freestyles, Bill McAneney in the 200 medley, Malt Waidelich in the 50 Dy and both relay teams. The Bees art led by Rod Kenyon, Curt Pluml" and the 400 free rtlay quartet .. ESTANCIA: Among the 15 qualifiers from Estancia going to the prtliml art David lleGr ..... the Ea&lu' 17.6 100 btcltstroter. . Ed C!Ulord leads Ille B" =tln(ent.wlth SU and 1:55.4 clocklngo Jn tho 100 and 200 free. Cee competitors ·art led by lllllton 111w1be and 1.1rry l!l~tterman ID U,e so b•ck. Both have beat limes of 28.9 to . the.tr credit. · ~ to make a &ood lhowlna: for Eatancli ls the the Cee conlingeni of. Vlk11l11 Bee free relay team of Clif-with his 25.6 in the 50 Dy and ford, Greg Goodyear, Steve S9.6 in the 100 lndivlduaJ Webster and Ward s.u.nden. medley. They bave a best ·ttme of NEWPORT HARBOR: The 3:34.8. Sallcirs will concentrate main- A clean 1lngle lo rl1ht field . Saddlehack Falls Again WEST M JN STER: The ly on the Bees and Cees with Liom' . only reali threat for Matt Greer and Richard honors tn finals compettt.ioo· it Deutsch leading the Bee! Joel PeMe, their sophomert with 23.8 and 1;10.6 in tbe SO Fullerton Junior Co 11 e I e League diving champion. free and 100 breast. jwnped on hard-luck Greg ~~ ... ,t,· Fi.ml .... lb CrtiH. cl c .... 1111111~ •• rct111 ..... lfl I t : j ' I ••• • • • • • • ••• •• r II rW MKlt..211 J 1 1 1 "'-· .. 11"! "j PIOY ...... I, c W111oft, 111 -~'11;.'!. ' ! . ~1191.J J ' 1.~LI. II' i 1 Fo•, II t I t t Tll•llJ 21 I lt ,• ,_ . ., .... "'. ::~"':" = !! ::: 10 ~ H....,.i~I MARQiA: Don Lippoldt and John Wilcox 11 the best bet Penntncton for nve runs in the KtUh Dona1dlon Med the Vik-in Oee acUon with his 53.1 and first two i"'"'"-and went on " "' I 56 9 ........ M',',,··•,,~. .. , ....... i I ! i )ftp u tolld threats 1n two : · in the" 100 and 200 to hand Saddlebact Its 11th ,,,.,,.llf:, tti r1C9I each. freestyles. . straight butball lou Thurs-ru~C rt Lippoldt ha. a 2:04.4 1n lhe Other Cte gum for Newport day alterboon on the Gaucho H=· ,7 200 1ndJvldual . medley. and a· .are Jay FUTer, K"1n Ashe, dlamond. It wu PtMington's """'' 311 56.f in the 100 back 1otnc lilto Rick Snyder and Jlln Smith. 12th loss in 13 decisions this ~:\.'-'· • the prelims. The Tars could finl.sh as aeaaon. . •·· AllM••111 tu ••, •,.. ~·s n .t ·&Qd tt.t in high aa ~d but will have ,.. 111Hilh0 01 ~~~y1b·1 1 I ' : the. IO and ·toO tfiUtyla ,ive trouble bettering that poalt.ton bol'll'llMll•, d ~· ~ 11 0": f/.:n~ ct I ·, I him a iood,shot 1t makiq: the .against Palos Verdes Ind Swi-~!·· ~ ; I J : Ki\W.: ft' l • fini,ta:. ny Hllll In Cets. i~T 1 J f : f~11t1,t., 11 t I I Frtahm111 Clay Evans teach SAN CLEMENTE: Corby ~1rd'11m: ~t ~ f I I M'li~llY·,• T I ! Lloyd Is the .onJy varatty ~~rini"'ion. • : : j : f.~" ~·: I • l standout for San Clemente. ~f,c\1.' ,~ J • • 'rJ, 21 1 1 .! l ! i Prep Net Results going Into the preUms with a f:ft11c 11 T t : '-• ".111111 "" • " I! '"""' If 11111111.. Ntw111:1rt O.C 110 ...._. 6 ' 4:14.0 in the 400 free. • "• A,.,.,,.lm , ,.o_ia••"'' .... ,,,• • Trllo B Ill be Jed b l'Ulltrtolll :tm 111 ~ 1 2 Stflt -l litf n ees w Y SllCldi.IMtk 010 oot ~1 1 1 ~' •"" Scott Renfro's 1:51.5 in the 200 Gron. n 4 • • • free and 1 :02.0 ln lhe 100 back. ~~:.:,~~·· rt ! ~ 1 : V9"itr M.,.rt CC-M.f t•I •6. •11 -'-'· Sophom J J Hartm Serino. <: 1 I I 1 ......,, cm en,,........ ..... ore oe an S d• G<t"'n, t • • o o • u.i. -.. hal 4;00,8 in the 4(IO fret IDd tan mgs lll&nd. II 1. 1 ] I Ollt fH"I -.... M , K '"4. Moor-. -MllMkl ICM) -M ,, the free re:le.u team O( Jeff l°"' .. lb t I e I Cr!,f CNH)""" •t; "'-'"4; H . .., •I M. • -r Miiis, lb t I I I CIOlllll119111ft'I CHM) -... , ..... •l. .. I • Lock. Joel Hartman, • Gary IUfolllT LIA•U• l olclt n. lb 2 • • • I. Mlw VpnllT c.--ith • n-• b W L T •• Wll!l1o. • ' I 1 l . ,,_. lHMI Mt,_.,_ •i. w. •t. ~ ... , ..._ c•l.CtJ .~ ~u• er anu nc:uiro IS I w""'" 9 1 1 _ Tct1ll li s • 1 -.... · v11n11. J:aa.o to tu credit. .........., ".,...., , , , , H111111,....,. ..... "' Htrt W CPlerllt INMI -H . Ml. · ' ..... AM 1 I I 2\0i .. ,. 11 rM WI !Way . · Mile Relay · ·Shot Put Murphy RJchards Elliot cantten Horton San Clemente 3:29.3 Sunny Hllll 114 lMI The free relay . team of 1911 · Whitaker, Gammon. Jeff Roy 1981 and MWolet hu a !:23.9. ..., . .,1• ........._ ltMJ tm:> •• v....,. The Ceet are led bJ ltanity ,_rt,.. , I 1 , l!lrtf,. rt " 1 i 1 .,.trr,.. ,.., l!utltlll\. INHI -"'·" ~ , Smither'• 200 free (1:51.2) and AnWlm • · 1 '"" Murwi-1. no ' • 1 • 1, '"4 u. : 1C1111 Ot•llMI tHal -H , "i. t'r """'""""' .. Kl'I • 1 1 1'11o ....... u ) • i • ' h!lllr Vtnltf teet1•1. · ' ,5.,1.I in the 100 fret. ..1111 Ml Ytlltt< I I I Jlfl "ydlr, <' 1 I I I 94...,_, 111) Ill •ilhtl111 "-1111 Ori"*' (HI ) -N , HI -Qtbe b J 1 .... in the C WlltmlMfrlr l f I 1 WM"ltld, ~II ' I I I •. Discus Foothill 141-1 \\ 1"7 John Req, the Ir Yi ri e gff. ,Leg\!e~'!!J!I. rill._IDP!!>P •. ~~ "" rlnn 4 roud chanc:t lo mue 1"8 the llDlll. H .w . . n ep .. og ets ~ ,_ 11u11,d • 1 'o "•"' .:1r1.,or.._.. 011i -..,, IMt M i for San Clemente are Chr:!.1 H= .. MtMl!!t 1 Shublft, " 3 o 1 o ~ ... Pole Vault . Hlgb Jump Villi Park 11-111 Tilitlil~-~ ::," f~H~!,:;.~!.,.':: ~.,!l;·f~iJ kllt 14;"W1 .on +i"!-1. Broughton, Tim Sprtqer and ~v.r,_:.,.~.:!fM 1111) ~ur."· lb ~ : : : ~ (NH! -M, •t. the 200 r-re'·y tt·-of Spr· Stlll• Alli .. '"'I« 2 •• ,...... • I • ' • .. L<A!g Jump EIPfd:td to make tt big in El Moden1 21-fY< MfMI IHH WOii ~l .. 2. ...,.,_ '"""' ~ .,., f...,.. ...... TtUll U t 1 I uw1tr 1HHI "" H. to11rr111 '"" "ll1H11•11 1H•1 wen ... ,. inger, Broughton, Smither and HtwHl't '' w11tm1Mttr """" •Mhlll •ot1rw tHHI WOii U . 1.J. '-1i lael '""'· Ro•·rt B OIA•tt LIA•"I SA VtlltY OllO IOI ........., e t OMllW ..Wllff trMI H1rdlr1vt1 CHI ) "'°" .. 1. __ ;_;~c;:.;;.,:_"':.;,;;_· -----W L 01 H, IHtrl 100 111 OOt-l 1 ' Once A,round Area Greens Ht wlhll"M •l'lf H•~ur11 IHHl WOii ,. ..J ... ,, .... Ktll~I ' , -l1;;;;;ii;;~------;;;;;; I, t-4. . ,,_ v·-·-~•,ftl•mltft I ' I QulM tlMll l'°"r IHH I won ...... 1. _ _,,, .f1 v "' _,_ "'"' ""' •• .,,,., OCC NETTERS ' I I MlrlM iJ1 1 'fUl W1ttlr!I llllfltt ,_. : 1 f WANTED! ' """' c IHI ' u .., u M la Am• 2 If 1 Duffie Wins With 66 W•lll•ll IM) '°'' .... , -.. ,/ 1e1• :i. .. WOii -·· • -. STILL T. IED v.1"""" , ,. , 41 wtt1 .. 2. "'kt (HI) !lid 1·11 W911 .. ,, .. ,, M . ,_.. .... t-.a H1111\1 (Ml loll 2-4, 2·.41 04, 1-4. l .. trll (HI) kllt H i -k M. .. ~t J, Lit~~-I Jolt•lS<tll,(Ml lost u..';'",1,-4,2:t;'· 1·,.,,11., IHIJ Ill! U i _, "'' .. l, f· :;ottl~. l,-1 ... ,.,1,cu l11111N1/ ,..,~ Ml ios:..!.t..,..... ....... .... 1. WALNUT -Ora.nae COl!l l r11111 .. Commcw1:1 •fld Moortll<t IMI 111s1 s-1. DIMIM and Fullerton remained r•i,.11~ lf.nc• v• LI:•,•; 11 TWELVE MIN for SLOW PITCH SOFT BALL TIAM Nf1W FORMING Hank Duffie carded 1 net M to take honon in the men's· club low net tournament Saturday at Rancho San Joa- quin Country Club. Ned Trahan and BUI Winter tied with Us for second. Third place wu tied up. between Frank B e c i: m a n , Fl'lnk Sl!llth 1nd P1ul Runge, all with 711. At 72 were Bob Llrrabtt, Abe O'Neal, Bob Mllldleld and Bob Chubbuck. Marv and Millie Johnson and Jim and Marian Keeler teamed up to produce a 61 In a best ball fou.name SUnday for fif'lt place ln mixed couples action. Second went to Qrrln and Dorothy Wrl&ht and Nell and Phyllll Stalford with II iloog with the tffm dBW end Jean Ritter and Hoao and Jane HOl&land. Al and Yvonne Haig and Paul and Mlllle Steveila tfere a atroke bact at a. In 1 match v1 par event In woo;ien's club pley last Wetk, Lucia Johnston and Pris Anderson tied 1n A flight com- ptUllon, matchlng par. B OJcbt honors went to Jean ncJPER GRIP AIDS ACCURACY To .,courage proper clubFac• .ollgnment, grip the club 10 tl,crt th.,:·tty•· foitMd by th• thumb and forefingerofeaC:h hand poinb to~ •word your ri'1t. Thit grlp ~i· t"qn is moat. fllt ely to . ..,coun:iig• consistent~y tffaf~t iJ-Jh , tr your hondl or. tu med .too for ·10 your right at oddr• 011 .. tn:ii• tion I I), >'°"' · wl II Ul"tcnclously rOfate thtfn to the left an your • downswing. This will c:l<11e your c:lubfoc• N thet ywr &hots wllf td to hook to the·l•ft. ll)'9Uf -............. for •• """' IOlt .. acid-Qlkal~ llon '2), """ will """ t...Olo ,.lllllllnt tlto ci.blaco le Ill orlJi- ifiill pdltlm byth•tl1MitfWC:h'.. ' •. tlto looll. y.., will 1-It ._ .... loclnt le tho ~.iw-- •llctdtholl will n0 ... 11~ -11. ...... "4t\. ....... .,._ .... l-4"wen W. "' ·-IM Ht rrnotl IHI J _, t-1, .. 1. .1... ri¥I a.,,.... 111111 ".-IMI IM1 .. 7. •.t u. .,,, f.l. deadlocked for the lead in un:: ~·"*"" o • •· • -I Ritter one up, c night to Jane Hoa1land even and C.ppl Peterson was three dO\.\'ll in D flight acUvlty. '""· w11'°" end Mc:Dlfnwtt fH l l 1111111·1; Eastern Conference tennl.I 1•!!-lflu : : ! l Julli« Vl rwlty WOii M 1 IMI U . U . .,, M•IM< ci.~1 111\io1 w"""' ""*' champl(lllh.ipa at Mt. s&n ~:~,.:1,111"" : ~ ~ :» 1<11..,. CMI .!:"~ ,,., -~ "'' w""""',.., '"'' 1""1 11111t1 Mt Antonio ColJec• which art ..,.. Or•~ i ' • s ~"~1. 11 .. 111 scheduled C.0 conclude today. Stlifl ... .i, LI Qul~t:':"' 11. (Ml -.. ,. M ... 1. '-'· Tollllo CWI -"°' loll M, ...._ U . J ) Th -• l h G · I • -A'--' • otril 1 1nt ,.., ,_., , ... , _, "'· n pay UllKlty, e ... ,.. ,,_ • • _,, 1• _. '""' Ill M •lcit IWI -W i lilt 1"'-..,., oM. I J Jim ,...,., .... Call: U2-6920 Nlcllola (Ml lael w..,. I " 1 VlllflMLI. IWJ ""11 W I loill' 1 ... '"' Pirates' doub ti lflDll Ul eMt Gr111dt ,t "IClflc.I -'""· DMlll!", w;,1n11, 1w1 -.. ,; INt w. u. 1.... Ogle Mike Caro and Chuckq;:::::i::=:=:=::=:==== lrtllne Coat H•mMt •nll COlllll'I IMJ wa1 w, " Godshall. Mark Healy swept Eight golfers remain alter '· ;;J.. ~.;. '";t1ckrtt IMI 1111 w 1 ""°" throulh fi ve matches without the fourth round of ICt.loa in w. .. ,1 .,111 ,.,, p G If J Pretrldent'• Cup cornpetlUon at CMT• Miii v,mi~7) Mlllllll• rep 0 a c°!; and Ogle a11o are Irvine Oolst Country Club 51111111 scheduled to ploy in the aeml- "1th Rich Baaett+ conqueror I(_,.,. CCMI "" '""1 """ .... '111' fl!!ff~~" ~ • fin J f .1.. I 1 of I-~ -··· e•·-pt-Dr. ...~:t:c (CM) -.. , ... ,, 6-t, "1. ,~·~~rn"t ,~ I .c~f\$ pe•~•~on't00a"y'e. s na tll com-.. , 1-ILaUJ -I · ....... 1.M•Y I ... I :. uu John Helton, leading the field. ::'"':=':' :'"":=' :"":=H:•:-:· :•:•:·: .. :::••=·===n=-===================11 Other survivors are Charles.· He!ter. Duke Wilson, Bill Mi:Cabe, Bob .Lowden, Ven:i Schauppner, Chuck Montgomery and Watt Ray. mobd. Georae Yard1ey defeated Dr. John Hamel thret and two for the director'• lllgbt ilile. Chuck Heldbrinck a n_d George McDonald teamed up for a 61 a wfft ago to take the better baU <l partners event in men's club play. Tied, two strokes back, wert George Holste.in and Olarll1 Hester and Dunc: McAlploe • and Blll 'l'u<ker, Dance Set . For Rangers Why LEASE your car for 24 months until you've tried it for 6 MONTHS? Makts son11, doesn't it7 It's our low "got· acqu•inted" offer, And there's "'-bten onythin9 fike it in car ft41in9 history! Now you un enJoy the luxury of dr ivint a fully equipped, n.W 1969 Ford of your choice -for 1i1 months-.at our ~w "get .. cqutint- ed " r•te, You make just 1i1 low monthly pay- m1nn-th.n return the cir cl11n ind un~ d1m19td without furthtr ob,li9ation. Off4r good for lmUttd limo only. Check th111 low monthly ral11: T·lllDI ...••..••••• s1at JO•D s9u111 ..••••. 11n CAlf" .. 11 ... 1111) 111. I'll llt ,....., eALAltl ,, •••••• ••• S1tt Lil , ,. ,, , .•••• ,, ,,,Sl1t tOllNO • , •••• , ••••• 11tl MUITAMe ••• , ••••.• 1ft ... ..,. ...... ~ y-1, ................ __. '*'•,...., .... ............. ._ ' The ch a in p lo n1 b I pac- compllahmtnt or &ht Coast Rangers _ and their raervt team will be celebrated Satur- d1y nirlrt It Bilboe Pi.Won wl~~et~~~ent ... STEREO SENSATION! . CALLMlt.MALCOMllllD • prtcod 11 It.It aocb and will FO!t'PULL DITAILI NOWI =~~·= .::..~nJ: Ill• ............... Of .,.. FORD AUTHOllllD LIASINI STSTIM ::.-i-~' p .... lo 1 or._ county Mu•lc ,,_lil[S n.e Rancm """' c:lllm· R D 0 0 TllODOI£ DIS p;a « llil PIClflc i!oc<er A I K CM 103.1 FM ' fO' *D · Leque for the filth lime lo '' the 1as1 ,,, ye1r1 whue their From . Fashlcn Island, Newpor:t Beach ~---. 1ub< completed •• undel11ted -HAltlOI llOULIVAID 642 AO 10 t;&mpt.lgn and also naJled the COITA MllA -V mierve dlvlslon title. 1------------------------------·1-------'-------------~ -----------------------------------------·------------------ • ~ • I ' • I ~ J I I I I I \ \ I ' I l .. --------,----------------....--------~---------------/ .. .' " l I I ' ' I I ., ' ~n:•DA!Lv mvr ,, Tis Season ·ta Be S_ailing DIVE FOR WRECKS Marx plans to spend some time in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia diving for Viking wrecks and looking for land ruins dating from that period. A former Marine, treasure- hunter, undersea d i v e r and photographer, Marx in 1962 sailed a ~plic.i of Columbus' ship Nina as pilot-navigator from Spain to the Bahamas on a precise ---retracing orcolum- bus' voyage <lf discovery. ' In 1963, Ma~ was employed as · adventure editor of the Saturday Evening Post, and from 1964 through I 9 6 8 published eight books dealing with naval history and the ac- counts of some of his ad- ventures. Canadians, Americans Seek Cup TORONTO (AP) The Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto 'and the 'Cleveland Yacht Club will meet here in September for the Canada's Cup. It. is the first , Canada- United States meet since 1954 when Canada, represented by David Howard of the RCYC, ~·on the cup. At a meeting here last Fri- day, it was decided the first race would be held Sunday, Sept. 7. Qualifying races will be held on La t e Ontario orr Toronto July 25-:7, Aug. 2...4, Aug. 8-10 and Aug. 15-17. The CUp winner v.•ill be determlntd in a series of races betw~ Sept. 7-14 con- sisting of three 2 l -m i I e Canada'• CUp course races and a Jong-distance race of not less than 150 naullcal miles and not more than 250 miles. winner of the long- race will get two • innovation of the 1969 is that participating yachts will be designed to the Cruising _Club of America specifications with a rating ol 37 feet. The pervious four series held in 1930, 1932, 1934 and l9M were in the international •ichl·meter clw. Free Mailing WASl!!NG'l'ON (UPI) -In keepin' with a tradition dating ba~ to Martha Washlncton, Pre!ldent. Nlion s i g n e d 1<4ill•lion Monday givill& ~In. . Mamie Etsenl>o>Vtr _r,..._maJI· fng prlv\ltgts for the re.st or 11lus SZ.20, $2.21. Sl.01, U.08 Fed. u . Ta~· t"acl'l. •i•tl 1.15 1 u. · 7,75 • 15, 7.35 i 14,. 7.35 t IS. tubfc!e';~ wl'lite-nll plus g)6, U,-16 f'•d. Et. l•~· @~ch, 1iuo L2S 1 H. t.25 J JS, tu~less wl'li!e•1ll De<lucl 11 e.c~ tite for bloc•••"l "f'lu$ $tilt Md/or IOQI ll;"!l ' 11th CQlllM.tldon r ,f-.. • -,._. • Lido 'l ·Sailors ' • • Take on M{3xico Tht *I lir• •• 1¥1!1 h1"9 ad.,.r· liHd al th••• low prlc••-II you enjoy buylnt qvallly products •l rfl11.1Ced price. you'll lo•• thl• aal•. Genenil'• Jet-Air II Nygene cordt BOA~ BUFFS Alrnon Lock1bey b tli1 enly full -tirn• bo1tiM • ~djtor workin9 "iirt 111y 11Wsp•p•r In ' Or1n91 Co:unty, His l l • clu1i¥• cow•r•g• '1f koo•f· in9 •nd y1cktin9 ntw1 b • d1ily f11tur1 of tll• DAILY PILOT. fill~\. t'iil ,,11"'-511 pA\R st.LE p1'10&S! It,. feature1 our lat'ltOlll duel lread dlstgn bvHI from Durqen• rubber !or &ale 111ctlon and long mil••· Four Ny911nt cord t· plln for pro- t•cllon again't blowoul•. ~·-"' -01 Go•o!OI 1;,. $~00. (;oOlpollh•ofy P"<Od o! Gon.ool loo ....... ~"~'"'I IM ~ .. I "'II .. JATO SUPER·100 GOLF BALLS • Oul"llon cover for long, cul-lrlll!! tire • Energlled "PB" cent•r gives great distance • Ultra-high·lension winding Llmll 1 Do11 3 ior $133 1 doz. for $5.25 ROTATE TIRES FOR MAXIMUM MILEAGE Tir•·rotatlon auurea even tre1~ wear and longer mlleage. Experti satety~heek lor cu'-S, bruhse1, lmbedded fo1'9ign obJec1s. .. . DON ~WIDlUHD ·COAST liBffRAL Tiil. llS W. 1tlti CffN-#11 ... S~0-~71 o......44 .. IOJJ' WHEEL BALANCE CUTS TIRE WEAR Specialis ts precision balance both Iron! wheels, dynamically and slaUcally: to 11ssure even tire wear. · aase thumping. Check the May issue of D Aaders K Digest for detaOs about !he ! DELCO · . Check; Your Entry ,,.,. "Pleasure · Hunt" AVERY 'GENERAL TIRE SERVKE ,,,,, ~ 11,.;, H••tf"tt.a tMc• 147·1110 GEJBAL TIRE SERVICf 12Jt I. 4t• Sdt• AH S4J.IJU MIMlll AUTO IHDliSTRllS"lflGHWAY SAFITrCOMMriTlt h<rlltt. '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_. ---------------· ·I I ' .I 11 I • • • frldn, .,., 2; 1969 , • DAILY l'ILOJ IL • E . ' . : ·A Complete Guide · • • • .Where to go • •• What ·to tlo • •• • . Blue Angels Due ~t El Toro A11y Way You Look at The1n-Jet Flyi11g Tea1n is Tops A shift from the usual Saturday and fl eer of the new squadron, was the first Sunday open house dale at El Toro Blue Angel to lose his life in combat. He Marine Corps Air Station, to Friday and was shot do~·n off Korea's northeast Saturday,' Mliy 2 and 3 is most un-coast in ?oi1arch 1951. derstandable. It was caused by the "Sun. The Blue Angel.!! were reactivated at day unavailaaility" of some of the coun-the Naval Air Station C:Orpus Christi, try's most glamorous flying men -Texas, in late 1951 with LCDR "Butch" Tho.se men .in blue -lhe Blue Angel! :Voris, orig~ team leader, again given preciaion flying team_ the organization · job. With a newer and Thty are all dated up for Sundays for faster version of the Panther, the F-9F-5, some time t.o come so the dates were the Team un(ferwent strenuous practice changed to include them in the sho\v and in preparation for the 1952 schedule. to give the viewing public a thrill a &e-LCDR A.-Ray Hawkins took command cond as the flyers go through their In December 1952. A three-time Navy formatiOJl!I. Cross winner, Hawkins shot down 14 Tbe Blue Angels, ofriciaHY. known as enen\y planes }\'bile flying 154 missions in the ... lf.-S. 'NaVy Flight Demonstrati6n .Ole Pacific during the \Vorld War-II, and Team, have for'23 years thrilled millions was credited with materially contributing of s~furs with spec taco la r to the sinking of a 34,000-ton enemy bat- -dtm0Mtr3tlons~or -preclslona-et-Oballc-tleshtp-;-all before-his 21st birthday. He and formation Dying. The maneuvers, also flew 47 missions over Korea. taught individually lo every Naval In F-ebruary, 1954, Irr an ae.rial change. Aviator during flight training,. are ex-of-command ceremony, LCDR Hawkins hibited to perfeclion when flown .by the was relieved by LCDR R. L. Cormier, skillful Blue Angels in their Mach 2 Phan--anothei' World \Var II and Korean toms. The show, as it is seen today, has veteran figh~r pilot. A double ace with developed through the 'ears as new IO enemy planes to his credit, ''Zeke" techniques have evolved and higher Cormier led the Blue Aogels as they were performance aircraft have been in· seen by more people in 19~ than during troduced. any previous year. "1'be original Flight Exhibition Team Swept.wing F9F-3 Cougars were assign. within the Nav.al A.ir Advanced Training ed to the Blue Angels In the winter of Command was formed in June, 1946, at 1954-55. In this new fighter, some of the Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, today's spectacular new maneuvers were Florida. Lieutenant Commander Roy t.1. developed, the most noteworthy being the "Butch" \Tori! was selected to organize thrilling ''Fleur-Oe·lis." aod lead the original team. The first In June, 1955, the operations base for public perfonnance, in Gru1nman F6f' the Blue Angels was moved to the "An· Hellcats, was at the South eastern Air napolis of the /\Jr," Naval Air Station, Show, :June 15-16, 1946. Pensacola, Florida, home of the Naval Shortly after tbe team was starled, Air Training Command . they shifted into the faster and more .coR Edward . B. Hol.ley .• a N~Y¥ Cross powerful F8F Be.areal figh~er, v;·hic h the:-r winner and a. pioneer 1n Jet . av1ati~n. led flew until their transition to jets. LCDft the Blues during 1957.SS, dunng which the Voris was.relieved as leader of the Blues team transitioned from F9F-3 Cougars lo in 1947 by LCDR R. A. Clarke \Vho was, fllA Tigers during mid·stason. It was in turn relieved by LCDR R. E. "Dusty" necessary to devote all available time Rhode~. LCDR Rhodes led the team between shows kl farniliarizt \he pilot.. through the transition into F9F Panther \vith their new aireraft, while fiyiog the jets in the summer of 1949. LCDR Johnny older Cougars for public air shows. Magda took over as Team leader in 1950. The Navy named CDR "Zeb" KnoJt to The demonstralion program was In-lead the Blues in October, 1958. He began terrupted with the outbreak of hostilities his tour by leading the team through 76 Jn Korea. In June, 1950, the Blue Angels air shows· in nine months with over 200 were ordered to duty in a combat status days on the road .in his first year as team aboard the Aircraft Carrier USS Prin· leader. ctton as· the nucleus of F!gbter Squadron LCDR Ken Wallace, who new the Blue 191. LCDR Matda, then Commanding Of-(5« BLUE ANGEU, Paie ZZ) UP THEY GO WITH A SCANT YARD SEPARA'l'ING THEMI 116' BLUE ANGELS WITH ONE Of' THE MACH 2 PHANTOMS THEY FLY WITH SUCH UNBELIEVABLE PRECISION AND SKILL -' • \\'OROS AND l\1USIC -The French acting team of Jean-Luis Barrault and ~tadeleine Renaud, assisted by the New York Cha.mber soloists, \1:JJI present a program titled, "Words and Music from the Court of the Sun·Klng, Louis XIV,'' in Crawford Hall at UCT, 7601 Irvine >t_ve., Irvine, Saturday, lt1ay 3. The 8:30 p.m. staging will include readinp in French augmented by musical selection! of that period. Tickets at the door. MADONNA F~nv AL -A t.fadonna Festival ls being presented at Old Mission San Luis Rey, -near Oceanside on Jiighway 76, on MtY J and 4. Jt is part of the bi-centennial program being celebrated in north San Diego Coun1y honoring the founding of the California mission cha.!n in 1769. Madonnas from many countries, in various media,-many of them antiques -will be on display. OC PHILllARA-tONIC -The Orange ·county Philharmonic Society Is presenting the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra in concert irJ Craw- ford Ha11 on the UCI campus, 7601 Irvine Ave ., Irvine, Sunday, May 4, at 1:30 p.m. Alfred Wallenstein will be the guest conductor for the pro- gram Which includes music by Handel, Mozart-and Wagner. Tickets available at the door. See Guide to Fun, Page 17 lnten1aissima Play·wrigltt Gets Reward As Words Become Action " Among the theater's Intangible re- wards, it is doubtful there exists any so satisfying as that Of the pla}'wright watching his own words take form and being on the stage . Having undergone thia ixperience per· "~lany of the faculty retreat fr om discussing the issues Into self-righteously defending their careen. but the students are equally self rigbteous, retreating t. hind the facade .or their, claim of ideal· ism. Both sides lack enough humility, and it is this human failure that intuats me as a dramatist." · sonally a year ago makes it easier to understand the. elatiari of UC Irvine drama professor Daniel Stein whose own original work, "Winter Will Ask," makes Its debut next Wednesday as the fourth production of t h·e ·, --;y~ ( r v I n e , Repertory Theater season. For Stein, it will The UCI production, which will be stag· rd Ptfay 7-10 and 14-17 in lh~ S~dio Thea· t1r, casts Robert Cohen, director of the repertory company, as the aristocrat and John Haggard, one ol the le_ads in the tRT"s ''\Vaiting for Godot," as the more rebellious one. Clayton Garrison, UCl -:-not-be-his-first..-such- experience -he has enjoyed workshop productions of h i s plays at Yale, his alma mater, and at dean of fine arts, is directing. +-~trhe-company--is-very--matuttow-1-t:h,--t 1 high level of experience," Stein com-' UCl. But "Winter" DAH111. ST11N will be the first staging of one of his fuU·length plays with sets and costumes. "It'• very gratifying being able to go alorfg with the show as it develops," the bearded young (321 professor points gul. "I've even been able to rewrite portions of the play during rehearsal." Stein. who has based his script on a Russian short story of the late nineteenth century, tenns his play rather con- servative by today's standards -or what he calls sub-standards. "There's no violence of sex, and ·the only suicide takes place offstage," he explains. "I have always believed that the over- riding coocern of the dramatist should ht the portrayal and celebration of humani- ty, and 'Winter Will Ask' reflects thls belief,'' the playwright adds. He pays lit- tle homage to the direction which today's theater ls ta king, a direction he sums up with bis interpretation of the producer'! credo : "When in doubt, take off your clothes." Basically, Stein's play revolves around the lives of two Russian noblemen, a self coofident aristocrat and a romantic youth who prefers the bohemian life. ln the course of the play both are pictured as failures because neither has <leveloped himself as a responsible human being. "While writing the play, I thought I was immersed in 19th century Russia." Stein reUecls, "but now that I think about it. perhaps tlle recent campus upheavals affected me more than I realized. Rock Group Gets 'Un11eard' of 3rd Booking in Area !·Sooulem Californians haven't heard the las{ of 11s!': So said the popular rock-blues m~lc gru-p, ereecteoce Clearwater RevtvaJ aft.er they completed a SRO performance last weekend in Anaheim. And Revival was · right. for now they will be seen ~h Arena Satur- day night, ll-tay 10. Performaiice starts al 1:30 p.m. aharp. 1boH who were unable to get Uckets last performance, now have a.second chance. Grass Roots, allJo 1 top rock ag· gregaUon, wlll al&o be seen and heard on the May lotb program. Seats are now on Ole at the Arena box ofnct. and aD Southern California tic~et a&encles. ments. ';ln working with them, l hava listened to complai.!lt.s and suggestions, and I've written .four short new scenes Into lhe production since rehearsals be- gan." Stein's Iheme Jn "\Vinter Will Ask" I!, simply stated, the failure of the indivi- dual to ilevelop, to become what he i.t capable of becoming. It is, he points out. :a chaiacter play. devoid of social or po-- litical inlplication.~. "l am working primarily for solidarl- ty and character in the play,'' he ex- plains. "l can't buy this aura of-chic-neg• aUvlty that exists amon·g 90 many dra· mafuts -10 me. it's a stupid clicbe. l'in glad to be a human being, and I dOn't ' have to be defensive about it." * BACKSTAGE -Blonde songstress Ka- lie Port.er, who ha.s displayed her mus!· cal talents at the Laguna Playhouse aa weli as Orange County night spot!, Is now holding forth at I~ Towers Restau- rant in Laguna for a six-week engage- ment ... she'll be spotlighted In a fu· ture column on her upcoming TV de- but ••. Don't talk disparagingly about plays be- ing "done to death" to th'"e folks at t h e Huntington Beach Playhouse ..• not aft+ er six weekend! of overflowing houses For thelr production of "Barefoot ln the Park·' -only the si%th version on an Or- ange County stage ... Speaking of the Huntington B e a c h Playhouse, there'll be: another children's '>how there this summer ... It'll be "Tom Sawyer," directed tiy Randy Keene; wf>9 staged the popular "Sir Slob a n d the Princess" for the younger set last year. • WEEKENDER INSIDE FEA'l'll:RES AUtm Walleosteln cooducta the Los Angeles Philbarmonle Orcbeo- lra In OC Philharmonic Society's # last concert of the season. Ste .. tory oo Page 22. • tr1ve1 Gem Sllew , . Jlnr D•IY'f Cbaa1e4. Gulde i, Fu 01t 'N' Abtlt h Ille Galkri<t ' Gtd6e to Mories I QaetnJe Comltt 'rv Vlew1 Televfsloo Lor ...... 12 Pip ii -P•IZ Pop IS P•1"IW4 P ... IS PopU Pqtl7 Pop ti Popl1 ---,..,. I ( DllLYPIUT ,-., l'ILll'f;£ ¥1 ~~a ·~eets :~ flle Dese.rt ' • . : ly If~ •kLAPLANE . LA PAZ, .. la l!ililwnl. -Here the warm, sunny desert meets the warm, blue sea. You sit barefoot on a sbady, tiled porch with a bottle or Mexican beer and a handful of fresh shrimp. No point in buttoning your shirt. There's DO place to IO and nobody to notice whal you'tt wearlng. There's none of the rittlness of AcapUlco, but there are good hotels in La Pu. Further south on the tip of the Baja peninsula, they 've built some that are de luxe. * Hard to believe this land has stayed so remote sitting on the edge of Calllornia's 20 millio~ people. Swln:unlng _i.s grand from miles of while sand beaches. Fithing iJ out of th1a: world. There are hundred• of mileo of de1ert where no man but In· dians have set foot. sun it'• only two air hours from Phoenix or Los Angeles. And less than $100 round trip. * "We •r• pl•nnlnt to drive Into Mt•lce, but fritnds told us they w.ere bitten by 1nats er mo•· qulton ••• " MoaUy a lltUe biter called 'jejene. Carry a spray can-of "Off!" You find these gnats aJong the coast. If you are the kind that gets bitten a lot , don't get a beach hotel. Get one on higher ground. The Jejene doein't seem to be able to get altitude. * . ''Could we drive down ta laja California? To L• Pai? People who've done It say lt'.s the most rugged road in the world. Only passable tn high cars wlth four.wheel drive. So deserted it you wander off the road you die. * Now J, don't think there's enough road 'down around La Paz that you want a car. Air taxi takes you down to the tip. Jf you want an occasional car, there's a modest Hertz agency. . * • You can bring a car across from ~1azatlan by a good, modern ferry that run1 overhlgbt, a couple of times a week. But this place doesn't strike me as moving around country. 'It's: a place take off your shoes and let them bring what you want to you . * Not much shopping around here. This is free : port country. No tax, no duty, But Baja haen't done ·:: anyUUng important with It. ·:• * ;~~ _ ''Wlll_w1 _h.1ve tro'-tba. understending tr'llf!ic }:. laws in Me•ico'" · , !§: · Going through to,vns you nin into one-\Yay :11"" ... atreet.s, and the i;narking is different than our1. AL :&:cOiners, you look up on the side Ot the bullcllngs. ~!!bore will be an arrow pqlnting the clirectiDn or ~~;trafflc With the WQrd "tran1ito" or ••circula~ton". ·".. , * ~· Jf the traffic policeman has hi1 ha.ck or front -~:lo )'O\l 1!<>p. Side to you, go. We used to get ljopped .c .. :~ jn villages for some rare offense. I got 1t once .:,~~for not blowin& my horn at· every corner. But tour· -~·:lat bullneoa II btg now, and It's only for a stWIDing ~ln!ract!on you are halted. (My last time wao for ~:numlng right by a traffic · policeman I d!dh't see :J :llolding his band up.) ::f I • * ,tr. ' Now, it ls not the custom in Mexlco for the ·--~-----·--------------------· ~ft· OC Getn Show Set Orange County Gem .and Mineral Society bas set its yearly show for May 1~17 in Soulll c.,,,ot Plaza. Members, Duane Hafner and daughter Sonja, pre- pare display with an uncut gypsum crystal weigh- ing 75-pounds~ Jargeat specimen in their collection. County Philhar1nonic Closing On Big Note The l~th season of the Orange County Philharmonic Society will come to a close on t.fay 4 with the presentat ion o[ the Los Atigeles Philhar1nonic Orchutra under lhe baton of guest conductor A I f r e d Wallenstein. The B:JO p.m. concert will be heard in Cra¥.·ford Hall on the UCI . campus , 750\ Irvine Ave., Irvine. The program will include Handel's Water Music Suite, attanged by Hamllton Harty; Symphony No. 4-0 in G minor, Mozart ; excerpt~ from "The Damnation <1! Faust", Berlioz; and Siegfried Idyll, \Vagnet. Alfred Wallenstein, one or the most important American artists to promote fine music Jn this country, \Yas born in ALFRED WALLENSTEIN Chlcago of Austrian parent11 UCI Concert May 4 both of whom were amateur YOIJR GIJIDE 'J'O FIJN .. Final County . C~ncert ... S~t conc1uctor. Ticket., "· ... l~ 11 ~ ~ olf1ce, 201 W. Coaat fflllwiJ_-.,... IJ'J*•~ • MAYl·ll ANGIL iiMuAu. -In Ibo Anahtim Stadium, lOGO Slat• Coll'lfe Blvd., Aeahelm. All nll!>t ,..,.. ""'at I p.m.; day , aames atirt at l p.m. TScbtJ available aJ. all ticket apndel and Ibo 1>oz omct. Phone ~IOOO. Anpll vo. K1n11• etty; !fay I, 3 and 4; New Y°'k City, M01 I and 7 and Boston, ' M.Y I, 10, lL MAY I ·4 CLASSIC FILMS -Open End Theater, 2815 Villa Way, Ne\V· port. Beach. 11 presenting some claaalc western film• on May M. Sbow Umes are Fri. and Sat. .e.t 8:30 p.m.. and Swi. at 21~00 p.m. Marlon Braodo Jn "One-Eyed Jaco·• will be screened this weekend. Ticket& are f2.50 for adulta and $1.50 for ltudents. Phone 17'-1120. MAYl·ll CAMELOT -The Loni Stach Civic l.J&!lt Opora Aaaocla· tion lo pr-Uni "Camelot" In Ibo Lone Beach Municipal Audli<lrlwn, May I· 11. nckets, II • II available at Ibo box of!? or tlcl<el qtne:111. PhOO! (llJ) in.me. MAYl·ll PADUA 111W PLAY -'Ille Padua JllU. 'j'll&alre lo pre- aenUn& "Fle1ta a San Yl1dro" wltb .aulheDUc muatc and dlJICtl lrom Mollee, throu&h May 11 at·l :IO lllld l :IO p.m. on Weil. and Sal Adj°"1Jnl Ibo IOO Hit aiM:eadltlaa.d ibeater lo Ibo Podua dlnlntl "'°"' where Ibo olayll'I tftlartaln durlng lundl and dinner. )llllcan and Amlr!con food lo --*1 daily, except Mon. Padua mu. 11 located on Padua Ave .. t.hree mllu north of P'oothill_mvd. 1n Claremont. Phone t-. - MAY I READINGS · MUlllC -The J'rtnch actln& loam of Jean· Loulo Barrault and Madetelne Renaud and tho N. Y. Cham-. ber 1ololll8 wW appear at Crawford Hall ~ ihl UCI campus, 1eo1 Irvine Ave., Irvine, May 3 1t 1:30 p.m. The prOfl'am, tlUed "Wordl and Music from the COUrt of the Sun-Kln1, Louil XIV," will Include readlnp in French and mu1lcaJ selectJons from the period. Tickets $3. Phone 833-6817. MAY I· I JOHNNY CARBON -Pbyllll McGuire and trumpeter Doc Severlnsen will be two of Johnny Caraon'1 aueat start when he makes a three day show appearance at Melodylend Theater, May ).~. Bud and Cece Robinton will also enter· taln. Performances are at 7. and 10 p,m. Sat.; 5 and 8:30 p.m. ·Sun., and 8:30 A·fon. Tickets $3.50-$8.SO available at the box office dr ticket agencies. Phone 1·776-7220. l\tAY3-' -FESTIVAL OF SOUNDS-Talented young Southland per- formers will pr.e:sent entertainment lolly 3-4 in the Futi- val of Sounda at Knoll's Berry Farm, on Bt1ch Blvd. in Buena Park just south of the Santa Ana Freeway. Shows are scheduled for 2:30, 4 and 5:30 p.m. Sat., and Sun. ill the Wagon Camp area. MAYM 1'1fl8SJON SAN LUIS REV -A ~ladonna Festival, shO\Ving Madonnas in many media, is sche<;luled for Mission San Luis Rey, May 4·and 5. lt is part of the bi-centennial program belp.g celebrated Jn north San Diego County honoring the. fotind.lng of the Callfornla mlulon cha.In in 1769. The Miulon '\Is located three mUu inland from Oceanside on Highway 76. MAYM . Pbooe MMlll. . -~M ' TURTLE SWEEPSTAllll -illll Alillli! Nallonll 'l'llrtle Races wiU be held in the lillr'd"roand. at knbu:rll St. and Plaza Road, Jo8hua Trtt, M1y 3 and 4, starting at noon both days. The winner will be matched against thf! champion Calaveras County Frog of Angels Camp. A TurUc Race Parade wlll be held on the 4.lh at 10 a.m. _ MAYI NOON CONCERT -A noon student vocp.I recital wiU be held Thurt., May 8, in Room-171 of the Fine Art,s Bld(., aL UCI, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. No admission charge. Phone 133-6617. MAY I STORY HOUR -Evtry Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, 38a Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducta a story hour for children two and one-h1U to five year•. lt starts at 9:30 a.m. MAY 1-11 • GOLDEN WEST PU Y -Goldin Weat College will present "Tartuffe" as ltJ: '1pring drama production on Fri. and Sal. nlab."'1 May 1-10 and 18-17, 1t 1:30 In the Patlo Theater on Campu.1, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. Ticket!, •1 at the bookJtore or the door. Phone 192-nll.' l\1AY t-11 WAYNE NEWTON -. Melodyland Theatre, 10 Fnedman W"ay, Anaheim, ii presenting Wayne Newton in five per· formanca only, .May 9-11. Appearing with the 1lnger is comedian Jackie Kahane. Eddy Arnold, with BUly DtWolfe aiid Hugo Mcmtenerro and bis orchestra and chorus will be on it.ate, May 16-11. Show times are Fri., l :SO p.m.: 7 and 10 p.m. Sat: Sun. 5 and 8:30 p.m. Ti ckets. $3.50-'6.50, al the bo1 office or ticket aiencles. Phone 776·7220. - MAY II SPRING CONCERT -The Costa Mes:i High School ?<.-1usic Department Is presenUn1 the Chamber Orchestra. the Wood· wlnd En1emble and the Madrigals In a spring concert to be held at 7.;30 p.m., May 12, in the school's Lyceum Theater on c1mput, 2560 Fairview Road, Costa 1'.1esa. Music bY. composer• of the 16th through the 20th century will be pre- sented. Adinlsslon ls free. r.1:\ y 14·17 . OCC PLAY -The Orange Coast College Drama Department ll'ill present "Peer Gynt" in the school auditorium. 2601 Fair· vie_w-Ave., Cotta Mesa, at 8:15, ti1ay 14-17. Tickets are free, but must be obtalncd at the College bookstore. APR.q. tl -2i DODGER BA SEBALL -Dodger Stadium, J7;,Q Stadium Way , Los An geles. Dny games start all p.1n.; Night games at 8 p.m. and T'll-·i·nlght double headers al 6 p.m. Dodgers vs. Pirat.ts, Fri. and St. night and Sun. afternoon, May 16. 17 and 18. For ticket information phone (213) 225-1411 or ticket agencies. James Daly Was Hidiitg When He Made 1Dehut musicians. In his teen1 he becMle a well-known Celli11t and at seventeen joined the San Francisco Symphony. orchestra Into one ol the finest ensembles in the nation. HORSE SHOW -?<.tore than IO western, hunter and jumper, and saddle hor1e event.I will be held in the arena at Rancho Cali!ornia when the Sprlna Horse show goe1 on May s and 4. Admfnlon 11 free for the event.I which start al 9 1.m. The Arena is located on H1fhwly 395, midway between River- side and San Dle10, one mJle north of Temecula. Vr"ben James Daly made his the probJe·..., of alcoholism, MAY J.11 television debut 20 years ago, was repeated recently. RAMONA PLAY -The 42nd annual Ramona Outdoor Play he did hls best to lcetp hll The powerful drama brought will be on atqe al 1:30 p.m., Sit. and Sun. throup f.Iay perfonnarice a secret 'frOm a letter of commendation lo 11. Tickela $2.51)..$4 may be obtained by mallln1 check to Cello)" actors on the New York executive producer Pa u I Ramona Pageant, Bo1 755, Hemet. Enclosed sell addressed, 1ta1e. Monath from lhe Ttus\tts or stamped enveftlpe. Phone • (71:t) 1..W-3111. Reached by San 1•1...wu web a snob when t the General Service 'BOa.rd of Diego Freeway to Santa Ana Freeway put San Juan Cap-first •tarted actlna: In ~co~ol~c• Anonymous follow-:1 policeti:tan to give you 1 ticket. Ahd no driver ex· !'-'"--2 pec:ta.one.-Y.cu.make-your peace with tha policeman ·:. . .rigtt then and there. "May I pay the fine to xou, ;.,r:offlcer?" Even if you think you were right, don t be ~·difficult by demanding to see the Judge. ·;. * , Turning to cooducUng, his reputation spread rapldly and he became musical director or radio station WOR. He !pent 11.n immense amount of effort Jn presenting all-Bach · prrr grams;-=1he--<>nly c-olfl}51eli! recordings or the "1ozart piano concertos, Mozart operas and . the first Ameri can Opera Feat.ivaL These projecla earn- ed him the. Peabody Award for ·'ploneerinf for good music." Sub&fquent years saw hlm conducting the Los AnJ:eles Philharmonic on Its good-will tour of the Far East, con- ducting a number of summer festivals, making extended a~ pearances with 1ome or the world'.s-1.in"u.L-orcheatras, Joining Arthur Rubinstein in the latter's hl11tory·m1klng concerto concerts ln New York's Carnegie Hall and making tele'vlslon ap- pearances. istrano to HJg!lw9_74 <!Jrect into Htlllli, __ teleYUlion thaLLdidn'.Lwant_!!!I 218 ~nlUal sh_o!_l~~ anyone . tO ·know what I was Tiie organTzatlon · • f so - ft.IAY 3-JULY ti doing 'l'ht very ldea a stage circulated a special notice to JIORSE RACING -Thoroughbred raclna at ~ollywood actor · working In te!e'visiOD!, I ita membefs of the re-run ai r Park, Century Blvd. at Prairie Ave., In1Jewood 1s ached-wouldn't even let.'thein tl!t rn.y date to alert those who missed uled Tuts.· Sat. through July 13. Poat time weekdays l.Z :45, name In the ciediti" Daly the show. I ' I I ~ ~'Will w.e be abl• to get good gas?'' ~· I've had no trouble in recent years. It used to ··be an adventure to see1 if you could ge't gas in the next town. P·lOO is the best gas for today's cars. Don't ever buy the cheap gas. I blew a cylinder head w·ith it. ... In 1943, he was aaked to take over the Los Angeles Philharmonic, "·here h e stayed until 1956. building the tickets, $4 , available at the Soch!ty's office , 201 West Coest Highway, Ne\¥ port' Beach, or at the bo1 olflct. Phone 846-4411. Sal., 1:15 p.m. "°·000 Los Angeles Handicap, Sat., May 3. r~alled. ·' €art Betz, who sllrs In the MAY I title role of "Judd," was nam-Daly and that eminent lady ed winner of the 1959 Golden PHILHAR.MOMC CONCERT -The Orange County Phil· of the theater, Jtsslca Tandy, Globe as the best television harmOnic SOclety will present the Loe An&elea PhllharmonJc combined their talents in an actor for his outatandin& orche1tra in 1:1>nCerl on May 4 at 8:SO p.m. Jn Crawford Hau, episode of 20th Century-Fox perfonnances in the serlea. UCJ, 7eol Irvine Ave., Irvine. Allred Wallenstein will be guest Televl1lon's "Judd for l he,,;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:; Defense" that brought ac-lt . . coladea from across the nation when it alred tall December. SOUTH SEAS !Bl ue Angels Ready El Toro Show .. " ~ . . .~ " -~ .. .. -.. ·' .. .. .. .. .. ,. '. j .. ; , •' ' " • --~ --• . ·' ~ •• I -!l . ·. (Coadoiaed. '"m Paa• ll) Angtl slot potllion ln 19M-S5, returned to the Blues for a aecond tour Jn July, 1960, and became team leader in January, 11182. Durln& 1982, the Blue An1el1 introduced the Diamond landing, I.he. Dflta land.in& (a1l six airplanes land toeether), the Fa.rvel (basic Diamond formatlon but with the leader Inverted), and the in- verted Hill Cuban Elibt, an aerobatic se. queoce not aiven to verbal deacrlplion, performed by • oolo pilot. In 11114 through JIM, CDR Bob Awn ack led the Blues. 'J'he. Team performed 1 record i7 flight demonstr1Uon ln 118$ whlle appearing throughout the United St.ates, Europe for the flrlt time, Iceland, Bsmuda, Bahama Islands and the Carib- bean. CDR Bill Wheat bccanie Olflcer-in- Cbarge in January, 1967. During his fir!t year, the Team ·waa viewed. by nearly five ·million spettatOn in Europe, North Africa, the P.tiddle East, Alaska, Canada and the United States. During a tingle •how In Naple3, ltaly, one miWon persons watched the Blues perform. The i• MUOD wu the final year for the venerable Fl 1-\ Tiger&, yel their f1uby perfonnancet conUnued to 1Wact mlllklll. Al the 2IDd year drew to a clole, more than 92 million persons arowxl the wcrld bad watched thl Blue Angels demonstrate, 1n expert 1ple.ndor. the Naval AvJator's Art. The final, nostalgia..t.inged ahow of the yeb..wu performed befon 10,000 people at tbe Blues' Winier Tralnlfi& lfea(I; quarters in El Centro, Cllifornla. Tbla .-and the n:Urement of the FllA 'I'll.. ODl!ed 22 strlllbt . y... durtnr wbldl the Blue Alipio ,.... -tinuowly eqtiljjped witli N'ov'il alrctall bWlt by tho Grumman Ain:rafl Englnee~g Corpora• tJon. Bethpage, Long Island, New York. '1111 !Int of the Phantoms, built by M<:Doan<n Doogl" Corporation. St. .._..,.., Miafouri , wu flown to Pmucola liji COB "'\V&ll on December U;-19A. PracUoe "" the t961 ...... In Ibo .. ~ .. Pila.Moms began on January 3. rlahl wine : LT Ernie Chrlatenson, flylna The precl51on maneuvers demoruitrated No. 3 on the ltrt wing; LT RJck 1'.fillson, by the 1999 Blue Angels arc coordinated flying No. 4 in the "slot" JIO!lUon of tht and conUnuous ta~lk_al _t ec h n I q u es ·diamond formation. LT John Allen, flying developed Jn practice and actual combat No. 5 and LT Steve Shoemaker, flytn1 by Navy and Marine pilots. In carrying No. e, do the maximum performance 10lo out this demonstration mission wlth the routines. PhAntoms, the Blues also exhiblt !he LT Rick Adsms, narralea the 11how and high-performance c1pabllity of lhe lat.eat files No. 7 on jet orientation fiigtu. service fighter alrcraft ·as well as lhe LCOR Bud Jourden, the Aircraft hJgh level of tralnJng and skill charac-Malhtenance officer, ls in char1e of the tcristic of Naval Aviators. ninety man m\Jntenance crrw and ts • Navy atudent pilots witness in the flight responsible for the JOO pereenl ava!lablll- demonatrallon the ultimate in airmanship ty of the Blue Angels aircraft at all eipected of them u Naval Avialora. And Umes. LCDR Jourden alto files No. I , the by perform.Ina at a.ir shows and other CJ21 tran1port a1signed to the Blue event& fn the national Jnterest, the Blues Angels, whlch carrlei the maintenance h-0pe to inlemt other young men ln air or crew and support. equlpmtnt. • ground caretn in Naval Aviation and to stimulate public Interest ln the Nation 's LT Dick Schram, Jr., No. t, 11 a n1v1l alr power. rl lght officer and is Lhe team's Public Al- In combat, the tacUca that the Blue fairs officer. LT Mary Ruuell la A.Illa-- Angell demonfuate might be flov.'TI from tant Publlc Alfalrs officer, and it the tftt.lop level to eo,ooo feet . But for the first woman alligned to the team. aerospace enthusiasts \¥ho come to For those with Umlted Ume or lnttreal watch. the Blues brina all the maneuvers In special events during the two-day El down kl eye-level. "Bringing it down" In-Toro l\tCAS, this II the tentative dati, volves performing at low altitudes the schedule : tactical skills taught student pilots at JO 1.m. -Gata Open (Dl.tplay of high altitudes, Co demonstrate to the alrcrart and aviation equipment) publlc the kind of aerial teamwork which 11 a.m. -Radlo controlled model has: paid off for Americaps in actual bat-1ircrart demonttratlon. tlu from MWwey to Vietnam . 12 noon -Patriotic Flll Paaeant - The Slues, In their swept-win& Mach 2 San Dte10 MCRD Phantoms, utillte two basic formations 11 :22 p.m. -Welcomin& remarka - for their performance : the echelon, In Commandlna: Generali . which the planes art stacked down and 12:30 p.m. -Flight DemonstraUon - back from the leader at a 4r..degree Th1rd Marine Alrcraft Wini anile, and the famous Blue Angel Dl1· l p.m. -Hellcopter-.Auault -Mar.Int -mond, in wtilch the.rt Is 3 wlngman on Ruerve, Lot AlamiLol NAS each of the leader's wings and a "alot 1:30 p.m. -,Gol(len Kn.lahta Sky man" flylfll directly behlnd and below Dlver1-P1r1chute Ttam -Ft. Bna, tbe leeder'1 en1lne uba~._ between t.h,0•i----..:.:.N~.C. two wlncrntn. The Blue Angel pllOi:s ilfde l:O&;>.m -Bob HOOver -North their Phantom• tO(ether in the sky unUI American Avlallori but a acant yard 1eparates wingtip from 1:35 p.m. -The Ft)'lna Profeuor - canopy and wtlh wlngs ovtrlapplng corn-Captain Diet Schram 'OSN'ft pletdy. l :IO p.m. -Biiie An 1eI1 The lJnt.up for the 1969 season l.!J as Demon1tr1Uon follow s: • 4 p.m. -Air Show and Open "'""' COR Jl:lll .\Vh(lat No. I, Lc:idcr : CAPT conclude9 -, - Vince Donlle, USMC, flying No. 2 on the 5 p.m. -GATE:S CLOSE ' • , . For Ad vertisin g in the Weekender The episode titled "PunJshmenta, Cruel a n d Unusual," which deal!! with mlDdll' UR£ rTOCIC • lvt11lllJi •tu It TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. N•• 2 LffetlDlll 211W. Wt\.ION, COSTA Mii.ti Phone 642-4321 . PICKWICK~ !!~~!'!'.'!! . $40·1111 S741 M11-~ .. ,, ... =.:-.... Iott 1'1lrvi.w ll:d., S.-1"1 1n.G. 111.lwrtltlt Or. -NtwHrt ltK(t (bll\llltl IM l"Oll OfflCt) """"' -llllllWHl!l21JJMOl4Jll BRUCE CHURCH HAS DONE IT pGAIN! lruce Church, ent •f Celifornlt't fint•f lttfuct qrowtr1 i1 now cuttint hi1 famou• 1al1d1 at hit plent at ·tha growing ltvtll It's fant11tlcl Tht grtafe1t to11td 1el1d and 1hracldtd ltttuce you'v• tvtt •••n •nd ru1htd to u1 dally. No lebor . , . F-lald frt1h ••• Low Pr lct, and wt rtprt1tnt thtm in Or•n9t Cou~ty. Call u1 for rnor9 d,•t•il1 . I ( -SAVI WITH THUi COUPONS -' ······j·······················~-• OUI P~OUI • NIW PLOltlOA RID OILICIOUI • STRAWBERRIES : Cucu111ber1 : APPLll : • • • • 4 for~ I 00 : scM. : 8 Lk 'I 00 • • LIMtt • • Limit • • Limit • IM. • • with "''• ,..,,,_ ,. with thlt CMP9ft • with thl• '"'*' • .......... ··············~·~··­-COUPONI IXPIU f\4AY 7 -. . ......._ The•• rt1tur1nt1 went tht finest for thtlr c111temtr1, that'• why thty ,-.,.... • ~IWPOU PIODUCI ••• THI AWY WUT, THI AIKS~llU, THI PISHD· MIN, THI VILLA•I INN, VIUA NOVA. .. , ever ZOO othott. HO\V AIOUT YOU CALUNG US? ' -Ml.WPORT H1' .. o. __ , Nowp«t I- 673-1715 PRODUCE · ~ .. ... Oraftlt C11tnt'(t P1tttlt , .. , ..... -G,..Wi"'I ,rMvct 0 .... nbatt ... . ' • • • .,, ______ _ .. .. ~ . .. ~ .... ~~ . ~ . ' DAil Y PILOT !3 • OUT 'N' AB a u··r By NORM STANLEY ORANGE COUNTY 'S RES T AURANT , NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Cinco De Mayo Cinco de ~tar.o, Mexico's day of independence, will probably build up steam tbrou~h a full w_eek· end of festive events this year. \Vhile the holiday doesn't officially arrive until Monday, from every indication many celebrations will point the way from tod·ay on. One could go all out, of course, and note the occasion by every means fro1n a rousing buillight to nothing more taxing than a lazy siesta. But the besi way to get into the spirit is to slt <lown to a sumptuous meal o( one of the wor~'s truly great cuisines. JOIN THE FUN Partaking of empanada, enchiladas, chile rel· lenos huevos rancheros or what have you is an un- beau;ble way to share the fun and frolic of Cinco de Mayo with our Spanish-speaking friends and neighbors. And hereabouts diners couldn't have a riner choice of Mexican restaurants to satiate their South of the border appetites. Who needs Guadalajarn. Cuemavaca or Puerto Vallarta to get in the genu- ine spirit? . Your out 'n' abouter recommends several of the area's top Mexican spots of maximum dining pleas- ure to enhance the holiday mood. Make it Ale- jandro's in Corona Del Mar, Don Jose·in Hunting- -ton Beach or La Posada in Costa Mesa. - • Maybe you have another favorite . in any case get out this weekend to enjoy some of the fes tivity ••• tHelawers e LUNCHEON e OINNER •• • RESTAURANT AND • SUNOAY BRUNCtt e W.TE SUPPER • COCKTAIL LOUNGE • DINING • South Co1st'1 newest, most ele91nt oce1nfront dining, 1top Towers Wing of Sutt ind Send Hotel 1555 South Co11t Hwy. L19un1 Be1ch, C1liforni1 l •nctl tT. .. 11 :10 •.11. DI...,. frot11 4:JD P·•· D•lly ncept S•11ffy Nl11rrtfy 2607 W. Coast Highway -Newport -'46·0201 DON JOSE' -proudly prne11ts - BILL McCLURE DUO CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT DANCIN6 NIGllTlY IN THE FIESTA ROOM ENCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 ,. CHILI RELLENO-ENCHILADA . . $ 1.45 - e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Adams (at Magnoll•l Hunt. 8,ach 962-7911 Open to the Public ~ Newly Enlarged Popular ... LARK ROOM Enterteinment NiCJhtly Tue1d•y throu9h S1turd1y TH E FABU~OUS GEORGE and LARRY DUO • BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 • SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER-DAILY MEADOWLARK country club 60Mfl SIMS, CECIL HOLLIN&SWORTH, Ce.Ow11•11 16712 GRAHAM STREET HUNnNGTON IEAC H For-R•servatlons C1 ll 846-11'6 or 146-1416 and food that traditionally marks this major Mexi· can fiesta. House of J:Iyun It's Cuatro de Mayo, or Sunday May 4, that will herald another major occurrence at one of the South Coast's most popular restaw:ants._And far removed._ from any Ji1exican bill of fare, this activity will center at the House of Hyun, where Chinese culin- ary artistry reaches new heights in Laguna Beach. Four p.m. next Sunday has been set as the official time for. ground breaking ceremorries on a remodeling and expansion program that will more than double the House of Hyun's present facilities. With completion anticipated sometime in efirly sum- mer, both the restaurant's dining and bar capacity \vill be increased. KITCHEN ENLARGED In addition, the kitchen will be enlarged by more than follr limes. New construction wilJ be car- ried out to greatly augment the number of view tables 'vilh their commanding sweep of downtown Laguna, from the side of the hiJJ on which the res- taurant _is located at 410 Broadway. Owners Peter and Lu1ja Hyun have invited their friends and patrons to attend the ground breaking ceremonies, requesting those who plan to be on hand to RSVP and make reservations. Cham- pagne on the house will be served to all. Executing the restaurant's remodeling and ex- pansion is the noted Los Angeles architect, -David flyun~ a-brother Of Peter. Des-ign plans have bCen · carefulJy' drawn up to retain the liouse of Hyun's comfortable and Cozy intimacy, CQ.nsisting of a "\.number of_~n1all areas. NEW SELECTIONS The Hyuns also indica,te they will make many ne\V menu innoV'ations and service changes when r -· JOSEF'S- 01x1ELAND BAND EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON FROM 5:00 P.M. Drop in Soon .•. \Ve think you'll like the "New Look" e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SUN DAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY ·AT THE JAMAICA INN 67J.1!89 .den .,~WJ(s · RESTAURANT ' SUPERB SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:30 A:M .• 2:30 P.M. C'OMPLETE Dancing Nightly wilh ~THE NATURALS 31106 COAST HIGHWAY SOUTH LAGUNA~ RES. 499-2663 FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTINGTON IEACH I COSTA MESA TOWN & COUNTll:Y HILLGllEN SQUAllE &EHINO TEXACO STATION ll!Jl: ltt<tl llyt, fU·ffll '"'''" •. 1n11 a SHI• Alll SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE Skewered beef, onions, pineapple, $1 49 grMn pepper, mushrooms, served on • rice pilaf, with roll & butter. TOP SIRLOIN STiAK ....... $1.39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1.59 l11c:l ltd11 ld:1d or f.nn.-;h Fri1d Pof1te11, -oll l lwtt1r. CHILDllN'S POITION V2 PllCI (U .... 12 THnl MAii MOND.t.'J NIGHT YOUI FAMILY Ml6HT TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only $1.09 l"cl11d11 l1•1d Ot fr•11ch Frl1d Pot1!011, Roll I lvtkr. CHILDIEN'S POITION Vt PRICE IU.;.r 12 T....,f Luncheon Specials ...... --. 11:00 A.M. TO 5:00 PM. ~~~:~~~l~H ................. 79¢ ltKllltln Fr.Mii Frlt' ~ .......... " -to Go oRol•s- \ • the new building Is completed. >,mong these are plans for the addition of a late supper, wltb service until 1: 00 a,m. . They &lso stressed it wW be business as usual during the remodelin' and building period, and that there will be no increase in prices when the new establishment is in full swing. Atceady oo....ting such regular and steady pa· irons aS Gilbert Roland, Mary Astoi, Dolores Del Rio, Sterling Holloway and a host of other celebri· ties, the new and enlarged House of Hyun should develop a reputati&n as an even more 'jin'' spot than it enjoys now. • 0 We Get Letters . From Ruth Small of Orange Ave., Newport Beach, comes th~ following recommendations. "For goodn.ess sake try Oliver's Roast Beef on Ocean Front a\ the Newport Pier -where Hanks used to be in the middle of the block. "Fine roast beef sandwiches for 95 cents (dips), salads for 20 cents and French pastries. "They're the best hot beef sandwiches we have ever eaten. Each is sliCed. and fixed fresh when ordered. "They alsO have eight other kinds of fancy .sandv:iches. '' Thanks kindly for the suggestion, ltlr.!. Small, and 1ne'll certdinlfTget around to trying "Oliver'" roast beef sandwiches ai the earliest opportunity; Off Broadway Wc:st Amazing Orange County manages to come up :With still another original and enterprising enter· VILLA ROMA . Speciallzlnt In Italian DIAften HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our 1t•ndard speci•I spaghetti dinner consi1t1 of our deliciou s meat t•uce •nd me•t b•tl1, topped with im. ported p•rme11n chee1e, •nd includes our deliciou1 garlic toe1t. No di1h11 to w11h witt. our di1po11bl1 '1lu1T1irou1T1 .-;ont1in1n. N1n11Mf ef lll•llefS "41 prlc-Te t• ellfy. 100 -$145.00 ' ' -Sl.71 so-72.SO -4-S.10 2s -16.oo 2 -2.•o 10 -14.SO I -1.45 '4'4 5 North Newport Bo ulevard, Newport leech Qp.<LI_p.m~p.m-MI 6.4929. CLOSED TUESDAY S/iow f.fom flow ~tuclt You Love Iler MAK! llSIRVATIONS NOW ,Oil ~folher'& Day Dinner AT SERVI 'ROM ,:00 P.M. For • Compl1t1 C•l1br1tio" ENJOY AN EXCITINCiio CHAMPA6NE IRUNCH llfYM ftl!TI t •M A.M, lot 21M P'.M. llllMt\>tfllM,. ,i..111 (71 4) '44-1700, ext. 554 1107 JemNr• lttl.; N.I. OVEllLOOICING THE P'ACIFlC OCEAN AT THE l'tl!'ll .DiQing with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, lTfAKl AND GOURMET EN1RHS * * * * FROM $3.25 * WAYNE GAIRIEL Gult•rltt·Yec:1llst l :JO hi --1 :JO Tll9t. thru S•t. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI IJ6-Jlll J17 OC..,.,..AYI. HUNTIN•TON llACH TAKING ltfSEllVATIOHI SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY MEHU ~~ ~~~ ·WELCOMES BACK -, TO THE IEACH ARIA J. J. MACK ...____ ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY --- OPENI NG NIGHT MAY 11 Across from lbe Arches and Next Door kt Villa Nova 642·4298 ' . tainmenl venture. For something really different this new uhderstalring should hit big with out 'n' abouters. It's called Off Broadway West, a 4SO.spa\ caba- ret theater that will be keyed to · nightclub revues and celebrity concern:. The Showplace will open May 20 in the Grand Hotel, 7 Freedman Way, Anaheim, directly across the street from Melody- land Theatre. , . MENTALIST FEATURED · Off Broadway West will open w)\h headliner Dr. Giovanni, a magician who incott><>rates pick· pocket and memory feats irrto his ict. In his dazz!· ing slight of hand artistry, be reportedly removes valuables from selected audience members witl}out their slightest knowledge. AU in the spirit of show biz, however, it must be emphasized that every· thing is returned. to the owner. . . ,__ Dr. Giovanni will be supported by singer Pego Boucher, comic Rex Be.nson, singer Tommy Cooper. recording artists Stonnie and Sonny and the Norm Major Trio. Aiding and backing all will be Dick stabile and his orchestra. NO FOOD SERVED Broadway \Vest's cover tab ·is $2, which in· eludes dancing between shows aild the revue. Drinks are optional and no food will be served. Under the direction of Grand Hotel M·anager John McKennon, the theater has been planned. .to ''bring show business back in lo the hotels." The show room is 12,000 square feet with a mezzanine- level orchestra platlorm that allows musicians to float in and out of visual attenLion . Other features include a_rnulti~_\LOl_llic:u..:"'1---1 floor with unobstructed. viewing, a revolving stage, and a _lounge in the rear where the show ·can be viewed from a cocktail bar. Showtimes wiU be 8 and 11 p.m. Tuesdays througb Saturdays, 'vith one 8 p.m. show on Sun· days. The house will be dark on Mondays. Continued on P19e 24 MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 11th Dinner Served From 1 p.m. ~ .Rnerv1tlons Suggested 1U~itt lnrst 1Jnn 37 FASHION ISIAND NEWPOITmmR ....... .,,.,_ & ·--Alll ..... arid ... ,._.tl•ne ...... 2030• 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport hac:h 673-1374 l·T HAS HAPPENED! Dining & Dancing To the "Cool" MICHAEL HERRING- GROUP MONDAY NIGHT -:i------.;:. P-E CI AL-- PRIMI Rll • • I, ._, . '2~' • I ! ' I ., ' , I ,, • Frid.,, 11.,..z, 1969. Rul Cantonese Food e1t Mre-'or ~. - t1kt hom•. STAG CHINESE .C-ASINO 111 21st pl., Newport Be1ch OR iole 3-9560 OpH .,.., lto1nll DolJy 11·11 -Fri. ••Ill S.t. 'tit J •.M. • . WEEKE.N·DER' Continued from P19t 23 • • Marie Callender's latter, thougb, .J,ems to have an edge _in most quarters. HARD TO CHOOSE degree ol_.\. coo.ting skill to tum out ex,acUy riJhl. '~~~~~~~~~~~~-............. ...-;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;:;o;m:i::r;;;:;;;;;~I "Where It's Happening!" You'll have a lot wider selection when it come!! to pie. The choice is so far-ranging, in truth. it's difficult to narrow all the possibilities down to a final pick. For the most pert, there's usuaJJy onfy one slight variation in the five ingredients : egg yolks, unsalted butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Some ch~fs use cayenne instead of regular pepper. l tll MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~-----~ lJO E. 11tti COSTA MISA Bill Mortlnl Preten1s Direct from ,L•t Vega x.s. BAGGAGE , ENTERTAINMENT IN THE · LOUNGE FEATURING MARY LOU TUES. THl.U SAT. PIANO-VOCAL STYLIST NIGHTLY ll/!1111)1 :] • tR I) ii 2illl FREE CHINESE DIMHBr 11 0 Di1Mll WINI p1rchau •f Sam• l'rh1c.to11 DI•-011lyl HURRY! . ONLY 4 DAYS ,~.::1~ .. ii et ly e unc eon CALL YOU CAN' EATjJ" GENERAL YEN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT 1500 Adams· Ave., Costa Mesa PHONE 540·19J7 l'Mll Tl O.-lm~i.11 SU!lfls Allllltnll( '-.......Urwe Dlilllllt llMlll The ·onlY thing that's ordinary1 about MR. STEAK is the priceS. Th ey're loW'!lJut ' the steaks? Greatest you·u ever have. The need for a qu1ck and savory snack can be filled to perfection al any of those brightly-colored ·Morie Callendei~s [·e shops in Southern CalilornJa. \Vhile pies to go is the main order of business, one shouldn't miss the reward of sitting down 1,to one of their enjoya le sandwieh~s. a cup of co.flee and an individual piece of pie. CWhel! Ezdtinc ~ings~n: Happening,! Thtf•me' "'Three'• Com,,.,.(" in thi; Seville Lotut,fl« Dining in the M •utiful Metoior Roo1n La via It 11t11J IH111quet fuilit~• G RAND HOTEL 7 FRE1<EMAN' WAY ~NAHEIM Cii.IF. 772~7777 .. ctJfJ AmoQg the many prospects are apple, cream cheese, r~u~arb, sour cream blueberry, coconut, berry, raisin, banana, black bottom, pumpkin, cherry, pecan, chocolate, peanut butter, butter- scotch and lemon. , · A Marie li:allender's ;bop 'will be found at 353 E. 17th St. in Cosla Mesa and 7880 Edinger in Hunt· 1ngton ·Beach. Other orange-County IoCations are Orange, La ,Habra, Anaheim and Fullerton. -Sa.nee School For this week'.! tetresher ~ourse in the sauces that ·occa.!lionally perplex diners ltt's review one which although widely used is bften subject to un- certainties regarding ingredient! and preparation -hollandaise. TAKES SKILL ..-Jn .the entire _span of SaL!ces there's scarCely any with few~r . items to combine and, strange therefore, as difficult to perfect. It requires a high For Advertl1in9 In The Weekender Phone -642 -432+- YOU'LL ENJOY OUR -MIDDAY In e top part of a double bcll.Jer, the egg yolks are wb ked with a little wann water. Thia is plac- ed ove simmering water and the aoftened butter is a<Jd little by little, with constant whisking. One ery important factor -the sauce must never . Final step Js seasoning \Vith the salt, pepper d lemon juice. There is a different form of hollandaise -or Dutch sauce as it's sometimes" kno\vn -\Yhich caJis for the addition of viilegar and chicken stock. 11-fost purists on content, however, don't care for thetr inclusion. Hollandaise is a very rich sauce but like all others must never overshadow the food it accom· panies. Jt is~ :ti sed primarily, but not exclusively, on vegetables and fish di.!ihes. Out 'n' Abouter solicits commenti, criticism and pr.ai se about' Orange Coast rtistaurants and night clubs. Jf you have something you would like to say, write Out 'n' Abouter, Weekender, Box 187S, Newport Beacb, Catl!ornia, 92663 ftMEM ft£5TAUftANt ·········~························ FA.El\ I • { S\ &~ (!fitt!d ~ Carib~ Room : ~2~~~t: I Continent.I Cuisine Cockt•ils SrTVinQ Luncheon and Dinntt 11-1onda~ through SaturdaJI. II];,,,.,, ~ 7 , PRESENTS : JFJME' ~ ENTERTAINMENT -3 SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING • • 3801 EA~T Ci.JAST ll1o.;11\\'A\' • CoRONA DE i. ~1AR. CALll:ORNI,\ Mond•y thru S•turd•y GARY GRANDE' a P110Ni:: (714) 675-137'4 Closed Sundays Open for Private Partits O'zly We •re locetecl next to the M•y Co. in South Co•,+ Pl•i•. lllJ S. lrbt1I Celt• Mts9 540·3141 El ectrifying New Balladeer & Vocalist AND THE LOUIS BENNETI TRIO • ' IALll)A IA Y FRONT DINING STEAK, -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB 2111Z OCEAN ,4VE. !Coast Hwy.I-HUNTINGTON llACH-536-1421 • ······················~··········· S1tt1C1tlonol IOllY HOLLIDAY VOCAL-OUITAlllT TuM: th,.\, s•t. _: t ~ 1 :M OPEN DAILY •mui11tht Gr11':7'. 571 S. MAIN, ORANG!! lltlOn-: 5•2·3575 (a-d Sunday) ~ PcrfccLlf a cd"USDA CHO~IC~E=c~or~n~·f=c,d~bcc=f.--<>--------SUNDAY BRUNCH _____ .. 1, 2267 Fairview Costa Mesa 642-0732 CHAMPAGNE BUFFET SUNDAY, MAY 4.th Served I() a.m. to 2 p.m. In The Ceribe Room .. ADULTS $2.50 CHILDREN $1.50 RESERVATIONS 536-1421 21112 Ocean Ave. I Coast Hwy. J -Huntington. Bea.ch GOURMET DINING SPECIAL: PRIME Rll NEWYa!K TOP SIRLOIN (DAILY .EXCEPT SATUkDAY) : T'llE FlllE STATION IS T'llE ONLY NJ0RT ctOIDI OllAllGE C01111TT THAT · OFFERS LlVELY ACTIOM·FIUED INEJIPENSIV! Etr:ll!llt; W1TH I. LAS YEACS STTLE EllTEITAllllEIT! 2. CDURllET DllUllC with FAllTASTIC Fiii ... IUCINC! I 3. COCKTAILS with 110 Dlllll lllllTllllll! THIS WEEK "COCKAMAMY REVUE" 0 co~~~f 12. .I FOR RESERVATIONS : (714) 534-4090 ?HE FIRE STATION NIGHT CLUB RESTAURANT 1 ¥1 MILES SOUTH OF DISNEYLAl\ID ON HARIOR ILVO. Newpcirt leach, Costa Mno ancl 11ow Hu•tinthlt a-...,~ New port S-h anti C"to M-CaH 644°7136, 17 .. & To1tlo For the oew Ho1tl"9to1 IMd, Call 847·1214, ._. & Holl ' . 2601 W. Coast Hiw1y, Newp_ort l11ch-541·1166 FAMILY RESTAURANT ... ~.> 2200 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mes• ~ {K Mart Center) 642-1274 COMBINATION DINNERS OR A LA CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL IMPORTED & DOMfSTIC BEERS Mewt1 T"*Y lllN TIWrtfty llt)I 1.ltl. ti l :lt p,m. flrll.IJ 11•• 1.111. M ,,,. p.m. IJhlrtt J llltll It 9:• p.on.-Cllll9M ~y.-Sw,iil•p llM!I tt l :H p.m. Jn11ilalion Ch•mpape Brunch Everr Suada1 from 11:30 'a.m. to 2 p.m.. accompuied by tll.1 sitbts and sounds of the sea crverlooki.q the P1cific Ooeu ln Lqlll!a Beach. Luncheon fashion. shows every Wedne•day, Friday and Satuday. V1aOR HUGO 1111 CHI Drtt• at eo.Jt lfilliw&f' I.qaiia Beacll. -HW4'1 op• for Luncheon, Diul.mr, CocJrtt.ilr A~R•e.u.t YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A ITEND THE OPENING ENGAGEMENT OF THE Re11ow11ed Hayden Causey Trio f11turin g VOCAL STYLINGS ... BY ... JOSIE ond tho ' ' PIANO ARTISTRY OF c HAR (IE Tuesday? May 6th at ·B p.m. 320 I E .· COAST HIGHWAY. 675-0470 CORONA . DEL M>,,R \. · \ .. • • • • . .... • ! ·IN GAIJ.ERIES • • < • • • • • • '. ~. . Students Show ~4rt ·!n Laguna • LAGUNA ~VINGS GALLERY -lllO Octan Ave., l,oluna Beach. On Wllblt during r•aulor bualMSS hoora thrOo&h May, arts and crafts of the Laauna Beach lllgh School Adult Educallon clwu and the wort ol !heir insltuctor Nelly Allan. C.Uqet, papier mache, melted crayon pai.u- ICU!pture and block painting are Included. ~ SHOWING NOW! 0CC ART .GAU..ERY -2701 Falritew Drive, Cotta Mesa. Houri: t a.m. to 4. p.m. dally ; 7 to I p.m. Mon. No admll- l!Gn char1e. CutrenUy on exhibit tllr<Julh May, the anoual 1~enl ~w of class work palniln&s, drawin&s, graphics llid ICU!pture. so. CALIF. n111T NAT'b BANK -171!12 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach. On ezhlblt durlnr reJru]ar bu&iness houn' through May, oil paintings by Willi.am Cain. ' MARINE_R'S "LIBRARY -2005 -Dover-Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit, through May in the Jr, Ebell Exhibit dur- inJ regular Ubrary hours, oil pa.intin1s by Wade Zinl aod oils and moaa!a by Joyce Clark. NEWPORT NAnONAL BANK -1090 Bayaide Drive, Newport Beach. CurrenUy on exhibit through June, during recuJ.ar buslnw: hours marine oil paintinas by Gerald Loring. C.M. ART LEAGUE GALLERY -513 Center St., Cpsta 1.faa .• Hours: Sat. and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. ConUnuous uhibit ol art work In various medi3 by Art League members No admilsion charge. · ZULCll GALLERY -1835 Newport Blvd., Costa ~fesa. CurrenUy on exhibit, American ut.lats who are honorary members of the American Institute of Fine Ara. H,ours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues. through Sat. Sun. 1·5 p.m. I " •. ORAIGE --· DRIVE-Iii Santa Ana r,_, atl21apman TONIGHT'S SHOW11MES "LOVING COUPLES" 8:00 • 11:15 PM "THE SWINGER" 9:45 PM MESA Vl!:RDE LIBRARY -2969 Mesa Verde Drive ~. Costa Mel!la. Currently on uhibit thrOU&h May 8, 'tllercolor paintings by ClaMl<t Sorenson. Slnta Ana Freeway Saulh tu . COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center S!., Coota Mesa. Chlpinanlftnue(Easfolf.rimp-/ On exhibit through May, watercolor. oil and acrylic paint-then (eft Oft Slate ColJtl' Biid) inas by Gordon Andrew. . • CHARLES BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N. Main St, Slnfa Ana Freeway NOrtb tu Santa Ana. Hours: Tuea. through Sat., 10 a.m. to 4.:IO p.m.;· ""-AllllUt Stater.n.-...., sun .. 1 .to. 5 p.m.; Wed. and Thurs. evenings, 7 to i p.m. No .,.._,..,... -.,..,.. unv. adm1u1on charge. CurrenUy on exhibit juried show of Torana off-ramp . "' • '. Art League and painted china· by members of Calif. Chlna-1-~-llol-"' ... ....-......-=-~-·~--.---.:::~ --- Painting Aasociauon.. S!ale College 8"d. Soath LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Clilf Dri•e Laguna to Chapman AVenae Beach. ".i\dmlsslon 50 cents. Members and one g\iest free. Hours: Mon . ..Sat. noon to 5 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. On exhibit, • May 11 through June zz. a show combining the annual mem· bets Sculpture Show .and the works of Tapestry West, a group of 30 So. Calif. artists who banded together to revive lhe ancient ·art of weaving, into a contemporary conctpt. C.~f." ART LEAGUE -,._1embers or the Cos la Mesa Art League will be exhibiting their works in the Carousel area of South Coast ·Plaza on May 8·10, South Coast Plaza is lo- cated at th~e San Di~o Freeway and Bristol St. in Costa Mesa. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -2625 E. Coasl Highway, Corona de! Mar., Hours 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.rn. Mon.·Sat. No admission charge. On .exhibit, May 5 through June 2S, (Iii and water colo'r paintings of James War_ren. · , SHOWING J MUTUAL SA VIN GS -2867 E. Coast Hlshway , Corona de! Mar. On exhibit through May, photographs of the pe<r J)le or Thailand by photographer· Jon Klnsaard, who was alationed in Southerp Thailand while in tb_e service. Open during regular business hours. NOW! I -TlUE COMPANIONSHIP ... br inging people Wt., fwl oltke ond think alike together: thOt's what farrp.rte_r s.election is all about. Nor is it jl.Bt for ~ people. It works for men and women of all ciOes who ore look ing for mature, ·klsting relotionthips with m.mbers of the opposite sex. It is not a SW.. :stltute for the human mind or emotions. You truly make the selection because of the values you "pl~e oil o lasting relotlonship. The computer merely ~lps us f ind like-minded companions foster. It hos Wor!it~d for thousands; it will work. for you. ftAMe ............................................................................ . --~ilEf ., ........... (ITY ,,: ........... STATlt '""'"" .lt~ ,. • .,,., •.• -- "'10Nt ............... ilt.t.CI ............. Sl lC "'":"""' .. AOlt ..... , •.• O«Ufl'~tlOfl , .... ~ ............ :( I StNOl.l C I 01'10ltCIO ( I WIOOWIO .. . • . ., HIWAY39 DRIVE·ll · Giiden Glllle Freeway atlleach Bird. TOlllGHT'S SHOWllMIS "~YING COUPLIS" S:QO • 11:15 PM "THE SWINGER" 9:45 PM On lluch Blvd. belwMA Garden GrM and San Diep rlllWIJ • SanOiqofnewq to lluch Blvd.(Nortlt ofl.nlnp) • • On llilch Blvd. Saulh at Gmlen 6rM """· • On Beach Blvd. Norlh ol hlminster Amie . • SHOWING NOWI . ' I ' ---1~-~vMP-RAMAI~~->---__:_ll---jw--'-------~-1:-, • l3:1.I wesT COAST HIGHWAY NIWPOll.T BEACH, CAL". '26'0 (714 ) 547-564$ -(211) .... 2714 11AMto10 PM • Frl<fq, Mey 2, 1969 DAll.Y 'JLOr *' I ' . ': tr SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE .I* R£STRICTED:PROGRAM •NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMll IEOI . - --·-""'------·--: . . !llglble Y9U"SI people must Pl!•ent dr1Ver'1 Hcen1e ·aitd1 or1ome Other pl'OOf of11p. · ~ ' If you're under 18, ple,t, Mlect another lll0\1e progrmnl, ELIGIBiLITY WILL ! STRICTLY ENFORCEDI . HOUYWOOD IS W.Jl.J-S-P-E./l-J-1/-G/1 THE WHOLE TOWN'S] G-0.S.S./.p:/../U/,- • All AMERICA IS· B-U·l·l·l·N-61' -, BOLDEST . SCENES ON ANY SCREEN I~ FRANKEST WORDS EYER SPOKENI* *EXCEPT "I AM CURIOUS (YELLOWJ" COTTAGE FIL~ PRESENTS A MILO O. FRANK PRODUCllON • EX£CllTIVE PllODUCIR HAROU1 NEllElllM. A!IOC~TEl'IOOUClll-MAA'l!lllllJT•l'lllDUCll.-Kl-•DllBl!ll---·--18'1:- . I . ~\0·" A tru~·hfe ~ush-hush story_ about re~\ ~e~'oot\ may e a friend ... or a relative ... or a n~\9 YOU'RE PROBABLY "HEP" ... LOVE 1$ THiii THINGI ., - BARBARA BLAKE• LYNNCARlWRIGHT•PAllOOMl•~GRAHAM PAUL !AMBERT• GLORIA MA~ON •JACKIE RusS!ll.• N~ Al.ID ts M1l1:H • . " ' 1 • I I : ! • l i • I l I -l . , .. • t ,. ~: •• _, ' • •• . I -• . . . . . . . :· •• . . • '• :: . • , . • . :· t · ' • l • . • ' . ' ii ' . . . ; . • • ' . • • ~ • • .. '• ., . -; '· :: ' ' . '• • • . . • -_. __________________________ ..., ___ ............. __ """ __ _. ........ '""'~-""'"'""'~~-~-~·~· ........ ·"'-'-...._,.., .-.... +. '$' '-'4-1 ________ _ JI I I r l '( I ~\. ,, \ I I " t ' I ' ---·~~-----------~·--..-.---·--------------~-----·---· •, • • OMV l'ILOT Frfdq, Mt7 t. 1'69 · YOV.R GVIDE TO MOVIES ·'Couples' (!dttor•s • Note: T J~ l 8 movie .guide is prepared by the films commf~tte of --HarbOT Council PT A.. Mrs. John Clark is president (u1d ltlrs. Hart Sweeney ts comm ittee chairmon. Jt is intended as a tt ferenct in determining suitable filnts for certatn a 9 e groups and witl appear weekly. Your views are solicited. Mail them to -l'ifo- vie Guide, care of the DAILY PILOT.) * * * a 'No-No' TV Series For Reism;;in Producer Stanley Rubin has named Del Reisman executive story consultant of 2oth Cen- tury-Fox Television's n e w hou r-long ~ries for NBC, "Bracken's World." Reisman, who held a similar post for 20th-TV's "Peyton Place" until its recent demise, was previously story editor and associate producer of "Pl ay house 90." "Twilight Zone',. and "The Untouch- ables." ' .. . . ,. I ' -if ·under • 18 • "WILDLY COMIC I YOU SHOULD CERTAINLY SEE ITI" wl.f, filllH EYI. SHOW STARTS 6:45 CONT. SUN. FROM l P.M. "Bracken 's World," which stars Eleanor Par ker. ~nnisl;::::=~~~;;;;~;;;_;;;~:;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=ojl Cole, Elizabeth Allen andll FcaSTAMEW• Peter Ha skelt, goes before the llATIGNAt. o·· SOUTH COAST For the absolute fun of i( SEE cameras in June. . COtEllAL -PLAZA THEATRE CORPORATIOM San Oie&o Frffwaj' at Bristol • 546-2711 "ROOM SERVICE" TN.lallerloa AaleJlc• Fert.e Colllllt4y I :• p,m.-T~ Slw!I 'r!IHt~lM)-.ltu H..,.rt llvd., Cotll MQI SOl.ITH COMT •fPIEltTottY CHllO•llll't 'rMfAT•& "PINOCCHIO" ,_..._,,_ 1t I 11111 J ,_m, f11r11 Ml}' U I Foiimt.!!!! ! S-tN.pf._y•8rlltol•Sl6-27Jl Our 3rd P.T.A. Show Matin••• •t 10:1 5 •nd 12:45 Je-~~ DEBBIE .-....1:•1...c REYNOLDS RICARDO MONTALBAN AGNES ~OOREHEAD GREER . PANAV'510N • COLO< GARSON "..Oo.o.GOl.l>WT .. "'""' 'ICT""I PLUS 3 CART1S'oNS Winner 3~wvAwards BESTACTRESS· Katha ri ne Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" -""''!'Oil< f~m tnl•<> Aw•td JOSE,.. E.LEVll*-Ht NICO £MWSYJILM PtrER .11.~ KATHARINE OTOOL€ ?~ HEPBURN •• ~l'OU. lHE LION IN WINTER ~;t,u:~"i!!' RESERVED SEATS TELEPHONE 772°8902 EXCLllSIYl ORAHIE 11th1' ....... fl SI. tttt!trOlf MVll<. C.~ tlt " 11111 st. •lftt Jl£SERYt:D All w..1 .. 1 TI<ltl ,...,,.,.,<"'-Ana c...s. 71M27.i2'1 SEAJ DHaC.ElllEJfJ ., 11 .. 1n.n112 ..., ,_ -"' _, otac. -.u.. b111s ~fNTURY 21 ii lhl f'tll~~W(Jllk!i:flol rachel.~ i1iCI -(iiiiiii""M --] nma.Gl"JD:WUE•.ftl Mn1 AND AT 1:05 ONLY 01e•r Nomi"'' Al1n Ar•i11 "THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER" r,;: * HEY KIDS I *-1 i .::_G PA.L SHOW, SAT .. 1 :00 ~G~'p~!l\OQUC1\0~ Pl111 full ho1r of yo1.r fOHrlte C11rffo11t C111td Col'Mdl.s THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATINCO TONIGHT AT 8:30 T,IOlllROW AT 2:80 I. 1:30 Pll •11-.lllCUtm.·-..•·''u"2 PROGRAM •_;~A~L~S~O~A~T~U~A~,._~S~T~A~~~T~H~E~A~TR~E@L~O~S~A~N~O~E~LE~St~-11 llio Motion Pictur1 Codi 111d , •••• •• • •••• •••• •••••• Rot;o9 Adm;,;,1,.110, oppUu • •• I I.ACK IY' OVERWHllMIHG H>PUl..U DEMAND t •• the followir19 rtfin91 to film1 di1trib11t1d in tht U.S.A. Pie. • KlLA PllSINTS • f * IN CONCERT * •• tr.rr11 rtltd 6 , M or R q111lify for tho Code Sttl. ~ • •• 1'11t:t:ltt:lll''f •• p;,,, .. , ..... x •• "' "'';" f,,l(~~ll~ffl.' • s •• 1. r11. t•tinp 1pp1.., to ••• 'l t: ~aUri ,.~'R •: :::•u:~·~~~:.··;~c,:::' ,~,::::; LJ ~If ff A I&~ b•for• th•t d•'• ,,. c111erib. 1cl •t pr•vloui-ly ( .. : : REVIVAL : .. u .. ~"·' • • (gl-S1199t lltd for GtNIRAL : • --SPECIAL GUEST STARS-• .,;;""" · ' ~' ' . • JMJ-S1191•1l1d for MATURI ~ 1 ~s.·r. ROOTS • ""'""' "'"'"' ., .. VJ ~ J crello11 1dvlttdl, I JO • @ -RUTRICTID -P1r1on1 -----<:u,r.,_MAUO-~ --·-·11---'uiul•L '' !!Of t dmilltd, • 11111•11 •ttoll'tpt11lt d ·b1 a LONG. llACM ARENA • r::."' .. ·•·11 ; ... ,. •• Tl&.-.. ts• ,._. ~"° tt ,,.,,,.,. W. cffit., .n M~llOI • • tld"' ........... "'.ht &. kvfloi tte1tt. M11tic Clfr ...,.._ • • c..,.vtkbf Ovflm StM -n .,d•n to Ma offk1, fJ :11 A llOHf I toUNO ,.OOl.ICTION -11 •••••••••• , •••••••••• , I , @-hrwit w11Ht 16 11ot •dmfttH, Tlri1' •9• t•· 111:w-""'' b• ~;9he• ....,..-c,,,,;" '''''· C~1ck lh1tlr1 or •d~11ti1i119. B<lX OFFICE OPENS AT 6:45 lElEPHONE 548·1552 FOR INFORMATION HELD OVER 2nd WEEK THE GREATEST FAMILY SHOW IN ORANGE COUNTY Ca.lcnda.r· a.dull town until Sherill McCullough :' took over · Also Thia Family Show LEE MAAVll\i TOSHIRD MIFll 1¥1. SHOW STARTS 7 P,.M. CONT. SAT It SUN fre111 2 P.M. • Years Twe •II llm1 1r1111 hill! No1~11e Wood COLOR "WEST SIDE STORY" O~vld Nlv~~ CO.LOii: ''AROUND THE WORLD IN 10 DAYS" ALL o•rVE·IN STA•TS , AT DUSK L-Ql6,. Ulllltr 12 NW -.J SPECIAL NOTICE TO ou• PATIONS: T~• p;ch,oru 1ittlCI In 11111 llolf n11' IM cOJ11•lcl1rM I>}' -• lt,111 11n111lf· •bl• tor d1lldrM ••l'lf Y0\1119 PfOllll, -111<1 nqulr• fNl••nlll dlKr"lofl. Confrl t' IO 1dvertl1irtt bel'lnd 111r cont,.I •rn:t •Pllt•rlr.t_eisewbtre. yotmt Pf0pl1 llnder II (NOT Ul will llCll 1M ldmll!tcl IO PACIFIC TNEA· T•ES to lff p!c111res HlllHI In tllll box vnlttl 1ccompenlitcl by ,..,.,., •• 1a1111 111atdl1n; ''THE MAGUS" "THE TOUCHAILES" "COll:RU"ION" -_ ..... 54S·llll ' Ill• Orte und•r /I aclmllll'll unleH wit~ p.1renr o ~clwlr 1111rdl1n. Anll'><my Quinn -Mlthatl Cilnl , "THE MAGUS" "THE TOUCHAllES'' Bo!h I~ Color 11JNT'Nr.TON BEACH WARNER -.,,, .... -.-..... :; .... -,Mdtn l U1·1~71 I ""~· '""'" ... "'~'"'" ' ''FOLLOW Ml" CO LOA Elvis Prt~ley COLOR "CHARlllO" .......... 111:-Tmll .,...,.. "'"111 .... 1, "" -......... 11 ..... , 1'1itltdl "All THI LOVIN& COUPLIS" A~"-Ma rgrirt COLDll. "THI SWING-II:" ··················~·· --. --· .. -.. • THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALLI 2nd· Popular Week GEORGE PEPPARD JEAN SEBERG RICHARD KILEY PENDULUM good grief itS cancly! ) ~9"l Academy Aw•rd Show For On• WHk Only • • 9eACH 91.; . AT •t.LIS • HUNTINGTON 81!.ACH • 84'7•9eO BEST ACTOR Positively Ends Tues. N THIE. Wl!sti..INSTER: CIENTEI ALSO --........ AN<> <>O ....... -IJT'· IU.04 ... lllWllll llAJllllll CllOWf l SM Dlt;O flfV$. ""''---==== 5th & LAST WEEK STO'f. l"JCOUllN 'N.JLUlT' 8 @ nC1111t1ttll' if SATUlllDAY PTA MAT1Nll-12:JO P.M. "THI SINGING NUN" -All s.eta 10, STARS· STARS • STARS .GALORE! (:ELEBRl 'l'V GOLF TOVRNAMENT AND DINNER·DANCE SAT. /HAY :JRD Over 40 T.V. e11d Motion Pic•ure Person•lities , .. Plll y Golf- Oin • nd Dane• or Simply Meet Your Favo rift Ster"s. • * Don Adams * Richard Arlen * Alan Hale * Sandl Koufax * Mickey Raan•y plus 35 more ,----'-' ---. lttMmni .. N•wl ,_ _ _.. ----~ AUTOGRAPHS H111tl"fton .._. c.c. llrffn FM $15 PICTURES 719 17~ Sn..t Dinner For 2 SIS PRIZES H•11tl1M1t9• '-la Spec.tators $1 536-2412 • . . ' " ·. I j -- • I J '~--:-:-~,-...,...,~~~·.-~~~~~~ .... ~ .... ~ ...................... ~ ................. ._ ....................... "".' ............. "!'9 .. .,. ........ """ .. ··- l'IANUTS ' ' • • .,.._ -tel :''"'!~:"' -tcl (IO) .. , •••• -tQ · a ia:-:.::= ~'\. ..... • 111 I .. •.l!d . TIOI T-r .... A"'7 T• ti -..,,,:J-tlil Sthrei••r 11\d *"' tow ,_ -~ "I_. II SU: .,_ -(C) ""' ........ =- .... .i ... .-... 11 (<to••) ·-·" -.,,_..,. ''""' "''"" a./( 1'11 e • r~ll(I _,...,. ... S1iQ' P1Rtr. Mr llili · · I "" (CJ liO! Qi , .. Cll Ill Prf C11G (C) flO) . ...... . (t) (30) • ~ ..... _IC) Mets He•! (30) "Slillnr." , 4iflll 1tf WM C.1.W Jtuy Reid, .uili111 masler •I lht 1 Ir (clr1nu) '6l-W1r!d1 Kl!it-' M1SS1thusell.1 lnstilt1!1 cl Teth· drlt. RG,(tf MGble7. nololY S1llln1 Pa'lillon, Fm hints • ...... ~ to yo un1 Miion. .._... llllX (C) Ill "' -"" "" ,., ''"' 1111 IJ). ,,._ .. (C) -../ 0) Kl'lM ..... (t) il'""M• ~..... 111 Dft... \ ' DAILY moT rf , QU1911 . ly Phll In ...... ~~---~ J.1%. ~1 &.;: . l:lOI MIC Nwsmict. (CJ (60) 111..,. .. tdr1nu) '4o-a.ot&t l1tnt, !'--:--~-~========- . 1 ..... ....., (30) lu ~""'· PlllklNS ~ ,.,.,. .. a. """' ., t11t l ml"m m "*' .... tC> r-:-----:---------------.---------------.:....---., , Sia (C) (to) ' ~..= liii:~"~ ....... ''"ID0:1~ .. ~s! (C) .sr..,.,~~,. ··~ . . ~ ~11 4' ir---------------~~-" 1<01J"' "";" -<'> <30> m llR,~{~~,:,:,'.',!! ~ ,f' TELEVISION VIEWS Willer Cl'Gntitt. d .. ,. rt ••Mltr1." ~ --1 W\lt't My liM1 (C) (Ml) Ill It p.....,.d (C) (30') @?ii lu!ltrns CMllMI:• {31l) "Slcanduy Vo· .10:1» 8 ~ Cl) Tiit Archie SIMI'" (C) -catlonal Artlculwre." I rn m Joum17 lll th• e.. ,. ' m Allll'lcl11 Wut (C) · ttr o Ille Etrtll (tl "'J r!D Nnlrwtd l1M (C) 0 Movie": (C) "lleluni ti tll1 Frt11- . . tltfhl•n" (l\'e!larn) 'SO -Gordon 7:l019 C1J Th Wiid, Wild Wal (C) 1 l11cR1t, P.ory Calhoun. • If:; HIP Chtpaml (C) (6011 ff) P1thra tw Ll'llq Lisi 111 Sp1tt (C) (55) El),Us CW1llu J U1111 \HJ (I) m Tiiis It TIM )ones • I CJ (C) aD) Henry Gibson, HMm1n's 10.30 &!Im 'nu-~ l '"'""' """ • '"" '"'" !Ii . .f.!,"'r.':,J w11111i · JUDGE PAllkll CJ ~lllil11 S Mewil: "lblltw" Cd.11 • i u1· ~1LS1tf, Udlt AIMIL c:::::::=-----1111111• ... -... m1) 6>-C~rol lynley, Elrtm Zim· fJ tffJ rf) W r ........ (C) b1Ust Jr., Ginger Ro11r1. ftt flil t•i. A111111r1 m Tnrtlt ... Coue11u1nct1 (C) (30) IE Cl1ttlindit· m PMTJ Mm11 (60) f. fDCr11ti¥1 Plftfll (C) (31l) "Johnll:DODl'ft Ii) · M1jlrLMIH ... flurton " • bill(() Curt l o·A'cly ind T1nr llull•- ltl u ·c1i11rto M111dlml1nt1 (Ill lh• 1eilo11 b11we111 th• '""'· fE) R1lnllo11 Qullt (60) ddphl1 Pltllll1s ind tlll st l1ut1 fl) LNtdtl (C) , · iitd;l(E U) liiMrll II .. - l :ZS fl W.11att.i WttW 11 s,.rt (C) (ft (C) l :lO 11 a (I) h• P'1t (C) (30)! dt AW1r• TllNtrt: "11~ttd Gun." ,. ll.1:30fl 9,m lhe H!rc:a:liil (Cl O Hallmark Hall cit Fame 0 Cill !J) (}:al Anttri"" 11nd· st.anr(C) Diet Cl1rk. * VICTORIA REGINA Q Morit· "Sllll\.Ol.lt It Mtfklll1 A love affair between llend" (v.:1s.t.tr11) '57 -lhndCllJll a queen and a country Scott, An1i1 Dkkln1e1n. 0 @ (iJ (?;) H1lln11rt Hall •I f1111• (C) (90) ''Victoria Re1in1." An 1ncor1 telecast al Ille prodUt· lion with Juli1 H1rris in tilt 1illl fl I 1 I p 'I ! I ! • '. rGll of the Qu!1n from 1137 11:00 8 ft (I) SlllZUl\I (C) throuiti her diamond ]ubllu In E 1111 -f Mlr1 1897. A!so sturin1 ln !ht •rod11C• ll:M,R(l)JH11J Qlllll (CJ lio n 111 Jall\ls OGnald, Felli "11· iir.M: "Olapr IM" (ltlJMll)') mtr, Pamela Brow11, lt1btl Jtmtt. '5 ~ul! Betumonl · ~ B1rry Jc11ts, B1Jil R1tllbon• ind Q tm lJJ Ill .._..Ill (C) P'1ul ln11 Swtnton. (~) r.1vm incl Mark Undll)'. 8 kr• U. ltvt11 $H1 (C) (30) lit [r1n."intt R.,.,a (Cl @ CJ) m ltfitrttltt .. , ICJ QI 11111 1t11Mn Tlllth: .,Tr1:su11 (30) Jacfi1rry hosts. Cr1i1 Hundley af the Ruby Hills." ind his dad compete. 1 ·00 fl 9 ([) Mffy Dick (C) I Mtn' Sritli11 (C) (90) . 0 llhrie' "11 HrtU •nd lt&r' Run lor l1ur .Ult (C) (60) (d11m1) •5S-Audlt Murphy, MtlD· NKhts 114111111 11! Thom(l30n. • 1:00119 CJ) CIS Flid11 MM it: (Cl 0 Mnie: "S.1.,.,. CM" (COM- "'Ct,or' (drama) '62-J1dti1 G\eas-~) '4~Th• lfWllY kfs. on. Dltn1 G1rdntt. A touchint story ID MIN: "CMftlct' (lllJltlrY) ·•s 1bcut th• w1rt11 relationship be· -HLH11911f1J lo1wt, AISla Sft!Jtll. • twffn 1 mute }111ilor IW 1 lilllt I"'"'" 1i11. AIM f .... HiClllll" (C) O Hallmark ,Hall of fatnt * VICTORIA-REGINA Winner of three Emmy1 l '" IJ lllJ Ill Tllo --(C) • <llU ..... -(Cl 1-1011.BIJ)cl~''fl"' -. tr ...,--ti tfat., Uii"'Ttljl1- Crawn. w111tt-th1 !Stll runt1ln1 ti Iii• f1mtd D1rby -camt1 frtJ!I r.hurthlll Oowtis. loulsvillt, Ktn1uc->r. o 111n .. n Hin •f F1m1 1c1 {cont'd.) 'Ylctarl1 Re11ina." .! ! P11J1MJ Nit!' Dul (C) (60~ @ rn Q'l l11's Makt I Ot1! (30) Monty Hall hosts. I m S,,ecu!ation (60) "The \'Imes ol l!ililomi•... I II)bttl•rn l4 1:30 0 @00 m Til1 Cuns ti Will _ St1111ttl (C) (30) "A DiHertnce al l · ~lnlan.'' , 9. S....\Ufdl1 Dallbl1 rttlll:'I! "ftl1 G:rl." st1rrinz Greta Chi 1nd Jah n A:ar: ind .. Clrry On, Cito" with .lm1nd1 Barrie ind Sidney Jlll'otS.. r:J @ 00 SpGlil Sptclll (C) Tht tle'/11 Or1e1ns Op!n Golt Taurn1m1nL m C1r1a1t Tlle1llt: ",\m120• Que~t." m S.turdtJ MdlMI m Qulll lw AMNrt (C) I Ntw1 (C) (JD) ltd Me~us. • 1! D'Clod Hit\ (60) · Festini u M1drid '~"' 11 112 oo m"' s.;,, <'> <IOI .-'fheM111 Wl'lo G1mbttd With Lift ." ,,30 m ._ '"'" <ti "'' UC\A lrulfll mitt OM USC 'rte1J111L IJl ... h UIA (Cl 8 ~ Nns (C) (60) 3:00 m Tiie I• Jtdltr (C) "Sheul4 Cll m Jlldd ltr tlll DI· ~dent DtrnonlttllOr,s Wiit 8rtl~ "Th N I Th. lns •• &Pllltd?" f1n11 (C} (60) I rme a II a ~ "'hf* Clllilallt' (d!I• G1nw Is Acquitt1I." ~trol: 1n R&D CNll1nre." Cblllf ft'I Mnilll• U1 Ctlol' P .. t.u ritt Qij llhl• Dtft• !l:J:"t.~llon(gf) '"Air l rlllie lm•>_:;-=11 w;ne. , l0:30 O MwM: (C) •111111 If t111 ~llJ" ':to B Tiit llftJ lilw: "Liiiie Ctl!MI . bit ltlflll" {1dvtntLJte) ·~T)'fOnt , _., (dr1m1) '~lullllh Tty· Powtr, Mlchael Ren11l1. Q) ltft'I (C) (30) Bill Jahns lor, bdd1 McDowtH, U Gwinn. @I) F1Hnt. Coruon ! Ciolet' 1'Mh IQ "Ltt'I 11 '.11,.,laomm•m 1t1 :.?~,:, ~ M-. : AlfrN Hlldlcotk • .-n:"'MM ,., · Lid an IC) :tll s -· Mnte: (C) •s.ttt Rosie O'lir~ 4: .... Ml '"" ' ..,-(muskll) '43 -Betty Grabl., = llml fC> ' Robert Yollnf. ..... II. (C) 0)-(C) wentu~) 'SZ--AntllonJ Oalt1, An· ::' .. U: (t) l1:JD811ktrti: (t) "'Tltl lrillff" (Id• •:J11lM I 111 II (ct , t;"k..i O(J)"m T"'IPt .,. (C) ... n.trt e 11:.\i, (ll """"""" •·•· ''•I'"-....., .... (Cl 4tr" (d11m1) '!15-Ant~ Qu.nn. 1r1 AadM!lc (CJ Ed1•wood, M1urt111 O:tbn. t!Wl1 •lid Gr1n1dt Hfll1 tilth a IUl rn m "" ,..,, 1ci """" """!'!!· ., _ • .,..._ (Cl ' ............ -(C) lf·zs D .. ~. "lit!lt SMp .i HtlTlfl" @ (])ED *'• '"" WlfM ' (florror) ·61-J1ckil Joseph, Jo n•· ~ (C) The Trtnton "200" Ul•n HllW. Auto Rico from Trento!\ Nfw Jlr- S!Y. tl'ICI the World Golll Sbll .... '. tt:• CD Ach9 Tllllh: "M'l'TY Mt er Sbtint dntic fro111 Kw Ywtl A11lt1." City. '""! u .... <Cl m ""'"' IC> -· -i...M: •M1pilicant Fr111d'' flalaa;""*:. "Wmte -""' ( ram•) '39 -llcyd Nolin, Akim Oppertunltitl 1n M.t1l·W61t111&o" T1mlroH, 1·--m F""' t11t 1nR1t 0ut 1C1 .... '''!IJ"""' ""' ,_ .... ,,.. .,.,= ... ?(Cl<!).. • (ldWnlUfl) '« -Rich1rd Gr11111. -· • ..::. ,.{c, CMf AllM """'· ..... "' 1:>1 m11....,.... m~ 2:1' m u:Jft&M aw. "ClftlttliOn W1r-llel ,_ . (Q llud, • '"Sin Dtmltrlo.• toftdon." 1lle .. ~ ~ • •nd "Qunr1wt1 from L.111do.• fD f .... (C) 'llp(ind Hof'MllJ. • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS ·~· A nti111 ... •t.\..'1: • ......... • _, - • MOON MUWNS Mun AND JEPF GORDO * No! . F~EVJll 40r~'IO tLINt>Blt, J'I> !IE, -·· ----------- By Harold Le Do1P1 rr~~r~ ... -~-,-,w-.-,~~,.,..-~°""' lll•TNlllTY, I ~NP A. NOT£ ""°"" M.AM! Ml IAIP ME Ho\P toMi ~K TO pO A.T THI °'11CE .. THAf M!'r:I' 6ET" ll&MFA~T OM THE: WA'i! Paar Witty, Urbane Man ly RICK OU IROW • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Every time I see a Jack Pur felevtaion ahow I think of those w-- fully chatty British magazines like. "Nova" and "Queen" Which are gay, unpretentious and adult in the most offhand way. There ls something about casual 1opbi1tication and dashing 1.U,mockery that la parllcularly Britl1h. And yet Mr ~Paar manages thin quallUea and-r• lated ones, In a dlsUncUy American way. 'riie onJ:r thing il retlly convt11<es mt of, t!lough, Is that ho ' is unqu11tioaably the most British of American entertainers -chlefiy becau1e of a cu!Uvatad clvtllty and a deva1tatingly healthy perapectlve on the world. I WAS NOT kidding when I SU&8t1led in prev- tow columns th&t Mr. Paar 11 a blossomina: Samuel Pepys of television - a aharp, pointed recordu of minor soda! facts that add up lo 11tute ob11rva- Uon1. Hll budding joumallltlc lalonls as a dowD-to- earth, willy aoclal· diarist become i11<reulngly clear. The latest sample came Thursday night on NBC-TY. in an hour broadcast entitled "JllCk Paar in Africa." , Actually, Uie program w11 about the Pnr family -J eek, his wile Miriam and their daughter Randy -and their very personal view of 1ome1x- perience1 in Africa during a six-,veek vtslt. Pur · hu been there belore, and •o lhe dlary·ty,. .filn! entrlee lacked the affectation of an instant uPtrt. Ht alao produced, wrote, edited and namtod' tho hour, ond photogrepbed il with bll dauabttr. · . SOMI TILIYISION documentaries give one . the ~e11lon Utey were made by bumotleta. _By Tom -K. Rya-_ sin(! enalon lntellecta trytna d .. pttato1y_1o_ !n'r::l~ . pusn facts into predetermlned tbeorlH . 'l'!le joy of a Paar documentary is the 100tenu1 of tht· apm. · ; proach -the feeling that here wt all are on 111li wild, unpredictable piece celled earth, htavltl help us, and only the angels know (maybe) wbat 1J 10- ing to happen lo u• next. By ctn A~ ' THI THURSDAY night hour, therefore, ·WH a serln of chatty jottings ·without any 1reat naerai me1111e. It did not try lo 10!ve al !of Ab1ca'a problems, or the world'•· It did not Include lnttl', views with Important politicians, or even untmport.. ant ooes. It did not pretend to be a monumental document. Yet tor time of us who feel tbat ptl' haps tho world suffers lrom too many epic iOlu- Uons, the experience of one man setlrlni under. •tandinl ond p!111ure is a welcome one. But Mr. Paar IJ not merely ,,; Jolter. In hla own subtle way, Jetting the facts speak for tbemHlv ... ht made some social pqhlt. ln hl1 African hoUr. Tbtle faD(ed from a pre•enta!lon of tal~vialon com- marclal1 in the Janel he was vllltlnJr, lo the obHrva· tlon !hat the ao-ctlled African ha1rcuta aro much more popular ln IM United States than in Africa. The point about bis family's love ol linmlal1 and M· ture waa not JOit eltber. MR. PAAR, in lhort, """tlnut1 lo !live tM lm- preulon that ho ii that rarest kind of fellow -1119 ..,. wbo in1tinctlveiy reallztl that thlnp art not to much a planned coasp!Ney •• a ~ mte1, and that 11cb llWl mull !Ind a 1ultablt nn- lty tor himself. Dennb the Jtletlflff • ----... .. ...,_,_., .. ' ' . ./ • • • I I '· I I • ·----..,. -----.-~------:---~---------...-----------~-- ... . . , -. "'\. Precarious R~scue Fl'Oll1 tree-lop level, a medic baJ!gs' 001\1 ~ skid of a helicopter as he grabs .~~~~ U.S. soldier being haulecl up by a winch,~')!'•• north1gf Sai-, a:on.4 '11ut trees in the area .wtrer~dehs8 fOr the helieopter lo land and the wounded man b'ad lo be lifted up. • · Nixon Returns· SST For Additional Study WASHINGTON (AP) Transportation Department President. Nixon apparently first and V.olpe reportedly has yielded to top. I e v e I made his plea fQf them economiiers Ind returned to without mention or · mass A . ~ .. ~~~ ... flands\~eturn , - ' -I 1 By PlllL ~. . · poliliCal 1"Qblem. -u 1j1f ttalllil poinl IQO "-, on .....,,, ~ ,... .....,., become a tunanltarlan ~ their ,way to Vietnam. ~~ , • A l"'f• o1 de-au.a fs· ... the I-the delay In a -marines , prmod· w!th nuc!Ur· Offtpioa . lnln J•pan'1 · !ft.· riving ah i> llOliltlon to it Upped -Pillarls pi1'&llt< ,re • c,.....iy .1.,1pe;,t deJ!W14s qklnawa ~ the srea llel'1lkoci, lhere. · . I ( !or the retum ol Ol<!nawa. Will be Iha dlfllculU..-I JFthe 'lllands -· retlifned •And iD Ute ' U.S, . State face our t-.fo countrlos in tbe to Japan under ~ same con-~ over the 'lllslfea p<il!Ucal ~~" dlUON by wt>Jj:b the U!Jl!o,!I .. • ol Ille.~. awn Is a 'Sal<! is odleduled \Oyiiil the St.~ 11\0lnlajns"lts Japaneae :: ......., .IM!llfl the United Jl!'ited Sllltes 1n: 'll<»:mnbe1" ba"!'( .Ille r~ to st«'e St.tea 1caliiJal. ·111ucll ' loqer and ls' pled8ed lo :Gbtajn at• "'!';l•I(' weepqns, would be . ,dilay ·~·ol,the,1.2 bllllon thal·IW>e .• !Inn dale lifrlthe . tali;o.1way,J11 woilld the rl&ht Plelflc "baae: to the JtiPtneee !!land's return. to take oU from Qkinawa on -•ll!;ff-1 befora lhe.,aum· The lile.,_ill his 1overilli>e!l(1 o!/"!111•~ ml!li<ml, w 11 h .. u I mer ol 11!11 .ihd l>llillcal .S,pendJ •!!!'" his silccaa. • pilaf oriullatton. • ., turnover In 1172. , , '{or the Japa-tha'I'"""· U.S. ~11i/1o ~ r No '•ingle ~ .111 •• ~tiGoal -• Uio fad op1om111 Ol<inll.ll• .JI, the 11'7~ qi pr..,..· the cov•l'IDl!.<n\, ol ..,. -million ciliz<M o1 Japao Am'elican L del,,,. . In . Premier Ejsakµ Salo quilt '° SUll Uving uhclet foreign ~ac!M, ~ve llidt.f reArlc, hard. dmnination· on otlnawa mOrc tJon.' woukl reduce drutically · Thou&ands ol, I e ft. w 1-n g-~ :lli'""-"""-the war, the, ...runt ... ol l!lt.·lioae and Japa0ese students · and 'labor For the Unlled Stoles · the that In pve It-up altogether uruon member& gavf it vivid issue is more· complei:. would be lo lnvlle World \\'.at expression when on April 21 On ~wa and other lll. -they-took-to . the atreeta : in islands of the Ryukyu chain Nonetheless, a quiet ·search violent "a n t'I • i\ m e r I c a n the United Slates maintaln 124 is urMler waY for substitute demonstrations marking, the bases, most of them on bases against the day when 17th anrilversary • of t be Okinawa. Okinawa will be !Ost. Japanese peace treaty. There it 11t.ores nuclear Some agreement be f 0 re The Japane~ observe the. weapons for emergency use in mid-1970 b important because date u "Okinawa Day." Korea. China and o t b e r by that time either side can Les1 violently but with Pacific areas. , abrogate the American slq'lilar emotion S~ declares B52'1 take Qff from Okin~wa Japanese security treaty on "it b~ ceued to be just a for ralcb_on -Vietnam. It-Ja .a-ooe -Ytar~1 notice .. j • ---Ute controversial Supersonle--transit1 he said unclogging·the Transport . -SST -and ,traffic in the nation's cl lies airways and airports pro-will of equal urgency. grams to the Transportation Department for further study. HARD AT WORK .. It's a delay. They aren't Volpe said his department d d " Id d · · 1 1· Willi hard at work on a mau ea ' sa an a muus ra ion transit bill and that if the source. The proposal for an l ,800-\Vhite House "or the Congress · m i I e s·per-hour supersonic rejected it, he would have to airliner had been on the seek reinstatement of the $25 President's desk 5 ever a I million for mass transit weeks and Nixon had indicated studies cut out of the revised a decision by the end <>f .the Nixon budget two weeks ago.· month. The SST appeared headed The airports and. airways for limbo last month after a measure with its unique finan-committee of agency -heads clng proposals, however, had and Cabinet undersecretaries been·tn the Budget Bureau for wrote a report that et1ntained evaluation by variow agencies strong criticism. and action bad not been ex· But Nixon and Volpe con- _._._ 50 quicldy. fcrred for an hour . and hall ..,........... last week. Over the weekend ituoa SETBACK Nixon aides circulated the -. The delay in bolh programs word that·an alternate means <1ppeattd to be a major set-of '1nanclng the program wu b a c k to Transportation under consideration -govem- ~ry John Volpe who had ment.gu,aranteed ~!es. 1 devoted much of his first It 'f8!-Under!tood.~:tiowever, week,J In offict lo the SST and that thir: j>lan didn't fii>d ·any .had:...publlcly._aw.arded No. 1 more_fav:or_with_the .Nixon _ priority to airways a n d.' alrpcrts ln early February. He 'reportedJy had' asked the. Prdldent to withhold an an- nouament on the SST - if it -was going to be negative - money men. Backers of the SST say the United States must develop its own model to remain Cilm· petitlve with Sovie~ and Anglo- Fremch versions, .until he could slmultane<>usly NEVER PRACTICAL -announce a go-ahead on con- struction to ease mounting air Opponents say the plane will traffic jams Volpe says are never be practical, partly creaUng Increasing hazard to because its great nose will bar air travelers. it from land routes and all but One or his ar~ent.s, it is very few airports. said, was that his department About half a billion dollan had hot.. received a major has been spent so far to helfl piece or legislation since it Boeing Corp. develop • plane was fo'rmed two years ago. that so far has been plagued With design problems. NO LETTER YET Supporters said about $200 Both bills, however, ran into million would be needed in strong opposition among fiscal 1970 to keep the SST presidential money m e n • program going. Fonner Prul- particularly in the , Budget dent Johnson recommended no Bureau and the Treasury. money in his budget submitted Asked about opposition lo in January and Nixon's revis- the a l r w a Y s bill, a ed budget provided none. T r ausportation Departme;nt 1'here is expected to be about source had said last week: $50 million in carryover funds "Oh, boy. We haven't got left over from fiscal 1969, ·the letter yet but the Budget however. •Bureau an<fthe Treuury .•. " The airports and airways PrealdenUal science adviser bill contained several con: Lee DuBridge also reportedly troversial provisions including wu_ •1ainst lmmedia;e con-user taxes for a lrwlt fand, tlnuance of the SST whose vastly increase grants for Con. dealening travels beyorid the sl.nlction including rntortna aound barrier were feared federal aid for b u l 1 d i n ' wouJt"lWevent lt from ever termtnals and $l billion 1' QyiDCJaod n:iut.es... ·federal loan guarantees for Volpe veherntntly den~ local 1 bond issues to lut.1'ftk an Associated Press• ·airport conruiJction. •tor)' that said he had given prlorlty to the two aviation , • , programs over an all-out drive "J p • k to llO!v• 111e problem• 01 mass . ~ycees lC traNJ!t. which the Democrats • bad given No. I priority. · N Off• Altllough ho.th the SST and .eW lCefS ai.rpofb programs had left the ' At.\IMAlogic ........ ... _ ...... _ ..... ' ----------J -• STEREO SENSATION! Tiie co•orful sound of Orange 'CQunty·Muslc .. 1'm RADIO KOCM 103.t FM -~ -Ei'om Fashion Island. Newport Beach ' ' \ Features AF T. nneislodzedffewVislli VHF tuner, ulh'ff.ensitlYe Solld State UHF tuner, automalic ctnma conl!"ol circuitry that keeps O(jOf lntensfty!M way )'Ciu .nll. aimptifi&d colClfoQllicl( tuning, eXlerlded-rang66w owl' • \ <k»<on• ...... , '"'' ""'"""" 1588 15* like two&p&akors In ona. Model GL-676 • 29:5,q. ln.p;i;t~ ' Tiie Ganey - With lamcueA FT ITllNisk:rizad Ne.J \llala VHF luner delivera unwrpassed '9CllPtion on "1Y VHF ctumnel ~ lnyouraru.Soikl Stat. UHF tuner isutra~it!Ye, eaQ'colOP-fi!Ulck tuninD.and-plcbn dlarpneae. con!JOI, glarHll'oof and dusl..proof picture tu~.25,000voll New Vista lflliB'* color oh8561S. Model GL-616 • 295sq. in. ?clln • see all of the,, ·--. ·--' ----·- tuned·in A FI' CQlor consoles ~.r. .. Now ' .. --·- • ... -· ----~--·------... -· ··--·· -----------..... -·~·· --~--...---------------------·--------. .. . ' ' • I I , , , , l'IW T&ll • UCMM M _.,.... ._. •""t Sl"Oll:TS AOOP'. ·r;.-'"'· ....... th~·-. , ...... ~ .=:·-· . -haocl ~.. G •• fM fDll ~-,_. •ir llNtw .. ' • ~ c.. lifh!L All \I tt~;i. ll'r' ......... ,,.,,,.,w'Fii Miii ..i..... wll'llllfl-~ W ·t .... ·' • I OQOlt SI.OM. lnc"*9 .i1 _,., ......... •laMwd ..,..,,,.,.,, ,.._ ""lllmtw .............. . ~d(-11,, clllrft9 .... a\rrtny ~ ..... 11 ...... ,...._. l'ri91, Mddlil ...,, Miii .............. .. .......... 1 ........ ' . . - f 6-0JPRlf1l~nlp . ·$3·3· s· .liN. _ ' : FlOO y,. Ton. long bed, V:S, 3 AVAIL . , spe~, perfect for cam~r. 125.49~. · i · '62 JAGUAR i411i II -:-$1·088 J $35:DH: tr6·s· :FJJJI. Rench •••••. 3.8 Litre. Red, Bleck-: RH! liather · ~ : : ~35FO~O. · . · ' . ~_,, aut~tie. A grtat· vacation interior. No. CAA '267. . . • , ... . 36i MOS~ . . .. frme spec11l:NOY 679. . $1-ss·-~ ... : . · 24 MOS. .. , .· -. $40DN. '$788 $40.!4°· · , . 24 MOS; 16· .71usr11a H•rdt ... · f $l·08· 8-· ,$35 .DN: '·65· 1Eilc. c.11 .. 11 H;r. ·' · · ":r_ . $35 MO. · · · "200'' engine, ra~io, . heater. J. '"" . ., V-8, 1ut~!_tic, P. &fNring. Bright · . ·real great buy. TG Y612. . , . 1 36· MOS. •· . : rid.finish.OSE911. . '59FORD FIOO · :··33 · V.a engine, 3 spetd stick, r1dio :$ . · · . h·eater. 955588. ' · · FIN. AVAIL '64Bv~~p· 500.F~~~t ss· ·a·.· ·a; . :: !~. '65. , T.ilRD H1rdtop . ·"; $1· s ·s :: :. ;6· s· , ·!!"~;!ou1~ ... ~!.1. v •. auto.. •. stttnng, A!l,JTl,il•, ,_ • , ·;: , , · • V •,' • .• st· otr., P. Bro"-s,• facl. i ir ". . · -~ <V • -outometo"• Don't mo·ss th o"s 24MOS. -or. 11,11; ' ~,~ • ... • PCB 12~. · ·1 · . ' · . ., .cond. A reel gre1t buy. · · -30.MOS. · value. Ser. 7241 . • ~------.;...~· .............. +.;· ..... ···~~~!--......... ...:..· .... ~·~~;.....~~~"""":'--+-----!--~ I IATS.UI St111HWp. . 6"8' .!. a· $45 :D,.. '67FORD·•1••• .. ~ '. ;n· .. ' 88 ~5 DH.. ,,,6-·7Follo .. 1111x11 lilio · 64 : . 1 l-f . . , .$45 MO. · Hardtop Model;-.1o.,.,gold fm. · . $45: MO ' · Autometit, \'.l engine, ra~io, heet· 4-speed transmiss ion, -WSW · tires. 1 ~ . R&~. p. steer.,n1uto .. N/C~1rr1r)fy· .• ~ ,0111 • . · -er., New ·car war~anty avail,. TMG, Bucket "'!'-" ,OTV 9-43. :. , • • . . . 18 MOS. • ovaolable. VIZ ,20, r · • , , : 1 1 36 -MOS. . 005. . $98·-. $:1188 ·-30 filOS. ' $40 DN. $40 MO. '6 ·2 '62 CAD:Cpe:Dt;Vili :· :s:7· ·s· ··a·. ~ : '66 EOQIQIJIE iirti• ~~ .. : ·s··1"7" '8. ·a·· $5$59 ' DN. ''61· '!= s:,~~~t.!:~n~ sis··'. a· 8 .$63$63 : • . . . ,.. , ' . • \ . """' • No.. r~809 ·"-"" ,· . u' . •. ' 9 MO. . . m1ss1on, ~I 'vinyl 1ntenor. Tint. • ·Pwr. 1teer . .-""1'r bnkts,.ridoo & . ~ ""'. . " ·~''"'Pf""'~ .iv: :·. ; ' ,.. , gllSs.~u~ful blue .tu-tone finish. · . '. -· . h<ater. A r~I beotrfyr • . 24 MOS. ' ongont,·•utomat< trans. . . ' . . . • . 36 MOS. ' l~.,No: m 9A. ( . . • ·_ 30 MOS. '65FORD.fl00 ~7.88 .: :· '681uSTAfli~ Hll'l!teJ1-$1888'-'. :: : '6···1--~~ v~; IU!~t~~ .. ,. s1:9·. ·8·8 · ::::· V.S, iutpm1tlc. 1_,,, ltd. R236f6. . Ll'01t • Radio, ·Mettr, Accent -group. Wft'..1 . • .._ . ' i , .'ing, .r,dfo, he1t1r, tinted . glau, . ,._ • ~,. I "30 MOS. 960 · • , • • • 36 _MOS. , . . · ~'..A'.rlc:bnd. Wmanty oyul. VR> . 36 MOS. '65'FORD '-93" 8 $40 ,DN. '67'COUilAR .. . .. ·tQ• .188 .. $72 DH. '6'.· 7' THUNDERBIRD . 2· 6.88$81 DH. Country Squire Wagon. 10 .PHI .. ~ $40 •MO. .. 'V.IJ, 'u1o., vt;)P. 3tN!ing, JH..fM · $72 MO. ' · , landou., P~er stNrlng ... brakes, $.. $81 Mo. V·8, auto., p. str., pow. t11lg1t1. •· ~ · ,... , ··radio, wire s,; fecrory 1ir, . · , flOI 1 : window$,-Htts, factory air, ,11110i /...., • NHE 911. · 1 • 30 '-10$. "Lindau top. 754. · : 36" MOS. .. , , miti~< TPH ·68-4. · • .. . 36 MOS. ' . . ' . . . ' -' '\ , Uia OH ij.., illly WIJI IO·IMic· yaur ~ .. _.or"~ truck "1nc1iff!1ng ~ -.,.~,U~19"1 Cllif .... k. ... Ford ~tor .~ ~Orp:wittt your Apftro~H Cndit.· ' ; • ; ' '· -. . ' "' .. . .. --. . . ·-. -.. . . ' --------.., ___ ------------------·------• ~ ' .. . • ' -l " · I I I ,I, ' • • • DAILY PILOT . HOUSES fOR SALE HOUSIS fOll SALi IDDOGeoMrol 1000 Solu thrd~,gh t~e Multiple bating Service of\ the Newport Harbor- Costa Me~a Board of Realtors totaled $1~,679,850 for the fi r.s t .. 3 months of • 1969 :This. represents '470 unit sales. List your prop;rty with .a Realtor today. Open Houses . THIS . WEEKEND K.., tt.11 harwly tllrectory •Ith you thll week· ' ....i •·you to ~untln• AJI tM leutienl Ill~ below .,. dncrlbM 111 frMhr 4-hll " Mlvvtlalnt •IMWhef'e In hlMJ"• DAILY PILDt WANT ADS. P•tront thowl111 .,.. ...._ fw Ml• « to rMt 1r1 urged to l11t IVCh lrtfwmt.. f4M In thl1 column Met. Friday, 12 BedrooriiJ·-- *2512 Vista Drive (Baysbores) NB ~75 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 1100 White Sails \Vay1 Corona deJ Mar 644-2244 (Sat & Sun 12-4) . 13 Bedroom) 421 Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa ~9500 (Sat & Sun) -2N12 Redlands (Back..Jlay) CM ~ 546-5460 Eves: 54!1-1058 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1S35 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 64U235 (~at & Sun) 26 Yawl Road (Beacon Bay) NB 642-8235 (Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago Drive (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 13 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1959Vista Caudel (The BluUs) NB 6VS.5~ . (Daily 1·5) 190'1 Gleilwood (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1.S) 1690 Iowa St. (Mesa Verde) CM 541).4226 (D aily) 618 Kings Place (Cliff Haven) N.B 642-5749 (Sat & Sun 11-6) 4-05 Holmwood (Newport Height.) NB 675-6000 (Sat & Sun l.S) 2418 Sierra Vista (Back Bay) NB 675-5726. (Fri, Sat & Sun 1·5) :ID17 Miramar (Balboa Penn) Balooa 6'15-2000 ·(Sun 1-6) ' :ID43 Calvert· Ave., (Mesa· Verde) CM 546-3081 (Daily) *1190 Pembroke (WestcliU) NB 6'l2-6Z35 • (Sun only) 1300 Cambridge (Cameo Shotes) CdM 642-8235 (Sat only) 'll414 Seabreez~ (Harbor View Hills) Cc!M 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 5228 Iowa {Mesa Verde) CM 6'12-1771 I' (Sat & Sun 1·5) 14 Bednoom) 1148 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach 642-SZ35 (Sat & Sun) 1233 Highland Drive (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sun Only) 14 Bedroom & Family or Den') 1342 E. Oceanfront (Balboa Penn) Balboa ~2000. (Daily 1·5) *2899 Clubhouse Rd. (Mesa Verde) CM 641>8519 (Sal & Sun l.S) 322 Cabrillo, Co1ta Mesa 548--0588 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1338 Santiago, Newport Beach 642-SZ35 (Sat & Sun) 1101 White SailJ (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-2000 (Sun 1-6) 1836 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 · (Sun 1·5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB ~l'l:ID (Daily l.S) (5 Bedroom) 3137 Sharon Lane, Costa Mesa 54!l-4204 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1032 Presidio (Mesa de! Mar) C!ll 543-7729 (Sun 1·5) 1536 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 64U235 (Sat & Sun) ** 101 Linda Isle, Newport Beach 64241235 (Sat & Sun) 15 Bedroom & F1mily or Den) *2118 Windward Lane (Baycresl) NB 642-2698 · (Sat & Sun 12.s) ,CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE *1509 Comwal Lane (Westclifl) NB $4M806: 49!1-1806 (Sat & Sun 1-6) (2 Bedroom) 1072 Buckingham Lane (Dover Village) NB,· 6~1662 (Daily 1-4) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (I· I Bedroom & 1-2 BednoomJ 1407 W. Bay Ave., (Balboa Penn) Balboa 875-0000 (Sat & Sun U.5) INCOME PROPERTY . 13. Bedroom + I Bedroo m A'l>t.) 3409 Finley (Npt Blvd to F'lnley W. 1 Bl) NB, 675-2000 (Sun 1·5)' UNITS FOR SALE (6 Units) **DI Via IJdo Nord (IJdo !Jlo) 8 t7WOOO (Sit & Sun 1-S) ....... ** • ...,. ... ***' .... _, __ ,. .... -. ' . HOUSES FOR iw.i HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS FOR SAi.i HOUSES l'Olt SALi HOUSES FOR SALi General lOOOGeoMral 1100 -·• lDDO. GeoMr1! 1 ........ ral ,·1000 WALK TO IEACH You can assume.the existing low interest loan with paymenta ·01 $195.00 per mo. including taxes and Ins. meticulously cared for 3 bo!d· loom home. With. family room with ill own fireplace, built in kitchen and isolated sep- arate dining room. Call now asking .. $311.~ < 100°/o FINANCING 4 leclrooms-Sharp . Vets -this home is in' better than new con-· dition, new kitchen, new carpets, covered patio, completely repainted, oversized lot, total price .................. $23,950 hurry. OCEAN VIEW OWN .THE LAND TOO Located high on the bluff with a breath tak- ing view of catalina. 1700 sq , ft. 3 bedrm ·home. professionally landscaped, courtyard entry and many many extras ......... $37,500 DON'T FENCE ME IN Acre quiet cul de sac street-a stones throw from the fabulous Westcli!f area. Large 2600 sq. ft. home with 4 bedrooms -double fire- place -photo lab or office, for the busy or retired seeking peace and quiet. THEIR LOSS YOUR GAIN Price reduced for quick sale, large 4 bed· room home located a short walk from the beach -plushcarpeting -beautifuJ kitehen . -dining room -special bonus community pool and scheduled kiddie activities -NOW HOW ABOUT THAT! )> 8/B FINER HOMES Income Or-la-Ins . .FIT FOR A It~ EMPEROR We proudly present thla Bajfront' mllJSlon A delllhtWI 2 Be4room .;..,, which i;'ICreates the aura of an lrpl>t!rlal Dy· in front wtth «Jz:t tireplaCf'; nasty. This 5 bedroom, 5 bath home situated ~ ":i;tt ~~ on a 120 ft. of Newport Bay, complete with modem kitchen. All room. pool·hou~ containing Lotu~ Baths, Sauna ~ "'-aiQ' awnm bat.Ju, massage roQ_m, dressing rooms, a uni· lin&'e aaraa:e ~ unit ~ue property completely custom furnished Price on1y ~.950. E a 1 y ~lhout regard to cost • is offered at f425,000 walk to c.orona 'Ciel. Mar by appointment only. 1hops. Corona Highlands A ~ 1unktn den with fireplace add! to the charms of thil newly decorated 3 Bedroom home on land you own! Your own key to pri- vate Shoreclltt Beacla! Owner wiU help tin.ante low forty price, Would You Believe!!! A spa.clous"J Bedroom 2 Bath home wtth a _dining room wltb an 1 exciting view of the ~ located on 1% lots (U) feet ot frontage) k>Cated OD beautiful Poppf Strttt In Cmona del Mar fDr ONLY $49,500. You own the land! - Call us for an appointment OS a 1ue DOVER SHORES BAYFRO~T Beaulilul 5 Bedroom home' with pier lll!d float, laige bayside terrace, h8ndsoiri'e ex· terior; formal dining room,. sunny breakfast room with view, large Master Bedroom ·with walk-in closets. A REAL BUY AU!ng $125,000 Call for appt. BEACON BAY lmmaculate 3 Bedroom home in thi! desire-- able commllllily. Private beach, community pier and float, tennis courts. Apartment may be added. Asking .................... $59,500 OPEN SAT & SUN 26 Yawl Rd. CHARMER 2 Bedroom home Witli. fireplace. separate guest room and bath. This home has all the charm in the world, and is surrounded by towering trees. Only .................. $24,500 iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dovor Dr. J.ultLJ2 642-1235 -------------- -- . . HOUSES l'OR'SALI HOUSl!S fOll SALi Gener•I lOOD B/B I/I Buulilul CONOOMINIUM I Plan #3. 3 bed· ,roAJna, 2 ,bath•, ··double garage. Upper Bay area. Pqol & shuffie board court. Yard main- tenance. For exchange or sale. Equity $14,000. Price .............................. ${1,IOO. Eve. Phone • 642-3267 OPEN OAIL Y 1 • S P.M. BALBOA PENINSULA! 1354 E. Oce•nfront r New • bedroom & den bom,,,.many extras, electric. built.ins, lush carpelhig, wet bar, 2 flleplaces, one in master bedroom .. $97,00CJ. Eve. ph~n!..; 64Mll98 BALBOA PENINSULA POINT! OPEN SUN. I· 5 P.M. 2017 Mlr•l;T'l•r A • Older home on I~ lots. Total of 3 bedrooms. separate dining room & large family room. 2 patios, double garcige. '101000 down. Owner will carry paper ......... : ............ $42,l!OO. Eve. phone • 548-6966 · DECORATOR'S DREAM BAtBOA POINTI WE ARE EXCITED about this de!ighUul, attractive &: appealing home. 2 bedrooms .. 2 seclb.ded patios • beam celling living room • outstanding location • excellent condition • & priced at just ........................ $37,500. Please call Dick Tryon. • Eve. phone • 673-7999 lay & Bea'h Realty, In,. '01 6over Drive, Suite 126, Newport IHch 645-2000 511 "" ·-------------·--Good Neighborhood Near Ba- ker & 1-larbor 3 BedroolD.5, G1Mral 10000.Mrll 1000 Geri1r1I 2 baths, ~lace. Hard. l::;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili 1000 Oen•r•I 1000 wood floors, modem klteh-11 en complete with dishwash- er_ 2 Car Garage. Comer lot. Price $23, 450 DON'T MISS THIS EASTSIDE-3 bed· rooms, 2 baths - quiet i:ul • de • MC. 3 Bedrooms + Guest .ROO!ll $21,500 Sacrifice $21, 750, Ab'°M•ly witho"t a doobl, Premier Showing RANCHO LA CUESTA -If you've CALL 540-1151 the best.b..,.,io Co•ta 111•1&. missed the closeout of RANCHO LA Immaculate 3 b e d r o o m Boy & Beach Realty, Inc. of 2401 E. Coast Hwy., CdM 675-3000 CUESTA'S 3 other units •• , • DON'T J j !open ev11l hooM + .. .,,room. larl• H-·itoae pool siud tre-e &haded Jot. MISS THIS! I I ,.., '2 Cheery ttving room, very A Way of life Real Estate modern kitchen with nablral Each succeeding Wlit costs more, &o 1 i --..,=="".--wood cabinets and bullt-W. take advantage of these prices. Come & WAS $22,SOO 2 car detached garap + see our models on Brookhurst at AUanla NOW $20,900 carport tor boat or camP- 2015 GALATEA TERRACE in Huntington Beach. There are 1 & 2 Tiits ts THE LAST WEEK er. Don't walt. Cool Bay breezes across the Pool and patio, graceful white sails on the bay below your windows, 4-lmurious bedrooms, large family room, brisbt IUIUlY kitchen with breakfast area. The ultimate in care fr e e living, is only steps away from this 3 BR 2 bath t'ORONA DEL MAR home located on Dah. 1ia Street {above big Ccr- ona). stories, 3 & f bedroom homes with 2 or l b«lroom. Car Pet in g foreat E. Olson, Inc. 3 baths, Mission tile or shak~ roof, fir~ throughout. 10 x 20 cowred 645-0303 places, concrete driveways, heavy rough patio. All built· tn kitchen I iiiiiiiiii ... ____ I cut beams, built'inB, family rooms & loci"'""' rclrl&<rat"'· 11" A DREAM ................................... $115,000 cently i-!nted inside and · dinin:g rooms. Close to Huntington State out-. ~ q; vad plus Cuatom built 4 bdrm wm- Beach. These beautiful homes are prlCed assume 6% v.A. loan. $CMIO clW honie with family romn $37,500 OPEN SUNbAY 1 'TIL SUNSET Newporf from $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or Con· down, Sl34 PITI Prlvata &: aeparate dining room. Come Up For Air . •t ventional fi nancing as low as 10% down. Party. 96l-7189 -Large patio with l{IUkl.i.rlg No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interes~ Call BIG HOUSE I pool, You'll love th~""'· Vldorit 968-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. LITTLE PRICE! Arnold & i:r.a Stay to enjoy the View. 3 BR Fem Rm. Pool. Appointments in keeping with the design, construction and price ............... $120,000 646-1811 J'!l!~!!! Underpriced@$23,750,FHA/ 388 E.17tb St., CM 1.: VA. Jmmac. 3 BR ,1r; huge Rea11nn &ti-Tr.» l~~:=::~===!/:G:•~n~•:••~l~---1~000~ General 1000 ~":~ef*tio· Neu an. A $20,950 -LOW ooWfS OPEN SUN AFTERNOON 4D1 MENDOZA TERRACE 1 lWf (fh OPTION ;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;, PJtr. 642-9730 Eves_ 54S-0120 payment! Kina aized bed-W The Executiva Suih • KENN£DY """"'· Electne P"'" button 2828 E. Coast Hlway Corona del Mor Large 4 BR 2 story home complete with den, formal din;lng room & ~ breakfast nook. WW be completely rt'· pa.inted. Gardener & water included for $3251 per month. Some meo .-a Jia<o of (tfOl(E ARfA b<lilt·in• Ealing w . Lazi< peace, privacy and quiet at patio. Sprinklers. 541)..1720 home for busineSll purposes. P•rk Lido SOCK IT TO 'EM! TARBELL 2955 H1rllor 4 bedroom plus den withe~ Condominium posed beam1 and used brick Gener•I 1000Gener1I 1000 fireplace. Located on a quiet Adj1cent to Haq: Ha.pit.at • 1-;;;===============;:"j 673-3770 hill side cul-de-sac street. 3 BR • 2W baths • ele-cr bit-Ir Separate service p 0 r ch. in kitchen • Top nylon w/w carpeting thraout • double Tutefully landscaped. Low gar _ loads 01 •forage • slid-!:OATS . .. WALLACE REALTORS down FHA terms available. ing gI.a.u door to C!flclo&ed pa.. $37,0Xl. tio • dining area plu.s bit-In UPPER BAY Older 3 BR family home with larre pla)' yard & ~d on beautllul Bay View Street Owner rnovlfll' Eut & will tell YA or. FHA tinatJcirw. $22,500 Nawpoot •• Victoria 64Uln ------.. ''Tiki" HouM Specl•I EASl'Sl\>E • SpuJtling Pad. dock pool home with cute Tild ~ I' high fence around pool A patio 1 o 1" niaximum prtqcy, a rare l melicuJouab' clf!llJI S A family room, prk-ed rltht • under $315.000. Call ·now! 1&546->llO ---~:i~ EASTSIDE SHORE CUFFS CUlltom 4 Bedroom home in exclWJive SOOrttllffa . 54M141-(0pen Evening>) 6 BEDROOMS Sec th;s beaulilw home Would You with i...vy ...... roor Bell fireptaee in muter bedroom 1,Ye • • • large private aundcck 6 Bedroomll, 3 baths, a farn- acct'M to private beach 1ly room plus • dinlna an!&, ov.'fll!t' ta amdous with frah paint, and-all the asking '62,500 advant:agT1 of a Harbor c.a1J. Jaclr: ScroaY HJghlarxla location for Res,' 641-2250 $42,500 HAR•OR ''For A Wi.";e Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-Tm OPEN EVF.S. Colleve Park REALTORS 673-4400 Lawson Owner leaving State. lmmac. 3111 Via Lldo, NB 67M562 ~le t lxlnns., .Ia.rte din-'"!!!""![l!!!l~'!'!'!'!':o!!~~j mg room. electric kttchen, I'" OPEN HOUSE double fireplace, convertible HARBOR VIEW HILLS dau.Ne garage. Big .$21),6'70, Sat. & Sun. 1 • S 5'!A % loan, $176/mo. can be a.uwned. Cali now. Immaculate. 3 bedrooms. 2 -~--= baths, huil;e family room, CDM • COTIAGE brook!ut-. ••""'" ... ~ 2 BR home w/\nc unit need• Beautiful carpels, drape15, .ome TLC. Walldrlg diltanoe and 1and8caplnc. 3414 Sni- to evel)'1hlna:. $33.500 . htte:ie, Corona del ?ltar 143 IlfOl.dwa,y 66-0lBl leml$ (Taft Marguerite to Sand· E'vtll. 646-4579 • By appt Mty cutle, le.ft on Tiller to Sea-c d • • COR•IN-MARTIN JE'~·s:i~H, R .. 1t.. on om1n1um REAL TORS 400 "°'' 11th. Coota Me.. 2 BOllM1 I ~ BATHS 3036 E. Co.it Hwy, CdM TI4/&f6.325.S 1200 aq n. $14.500 loan 6%~ 675-1662 lnterest available. Sale price (NHr lrvlM Aw.) luy Of The Yearl 118.500. °""''/Ail 2400 EJ. You will like thls 3 BR llJi Waterfront • View al Cata~ dcti, Unit 13. 646"9'11 eves. bath bo-.bl, painted Ba Ir nl Hotel Inside A '""' Lam •>1na J 0 ~!1 ~1 2 .~!',; 2,~ PENINSULA POINT t"OOm with fittpl.ce, built-Paint, d t chum' Int, -petlo tor '""" In f ... ulous Av1lon own' Peot....... ApL with ...... • or ' tainl""'· Dbl i·---. .,., 500. • Frplc. $63.500. GOOd 3 BR hme ou 50 x 100 .• ----A!k for. n. loL XLNr loo $42,ll». 1860 Newpiort Blvd., CM Dlrtina rm. 2 Mn, 3:5 room• Olelt~r Sallsbur;y, Rltr. B1lboa R11I Estate Co. JUtr. 646-3928 Eft. 6UJ655 plus View owner Un1t1. 31.S Marine 6?3-6900 613-41«) * LACHENMYER BURR WHITE, Rltr. 100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 4 BEDRM. • $23,500 2901-Nowp>rt·Bt ... , N.B, 4 lllPU!X'S J BR 2 bfttb hom<, "'""' Spoth'• home_ 2 betha. Bunt-675-4630 Owner dcspuatt, 2 BR units. '°t 1»<180 • add S more ln dream ldh:ht!n. Paneled _ ----Excellent fax s~lttt, ron. unil~. Orl~ by 1545 Santa family room. Flttplace. Ex. BEACH DUPLEX .venlent location: Wt·ln kit.ch. Ana Avt. then call J>enlfwl1 ~ yanJ • 129,900. -dn. Clltt duplex •n. II> BA. Prieo $33,IOO • rd..i '"' p1cn1e1 ""'1"" , "'· ""' & ..,'"· $.lllOO ,....., ... h. llttttln lllrnlt11 TARBELL 2955 H.,bor 0-TI<r-Orokor 6'2·1212 PWC RLTR 546-5440 642-6560 ~-~~-~~-·-'----~--~ . ' ' ' .. , brk!st tabie • service arta • Jarge heated pool, in beauti- ful park area. Complete sound proof walls • $32,500 * * * * WTSIDE UNITS 8 -two BR Units plus 2 older houses .setting on 12> x 300 ft lot in choice location, within walking dim.nee to markets : t.boPI • bank& • C&fe1. Vacancy factor nev- er -exceeded 1*%, with a wa.itln&: list at all tlme1 • now groutng S1311J per mo - ioninr will allow 2 mart! units • For additional tnfo call : CHIL T ROBINETT REALTOR 645-0121 1 BR · DUPLEX Oean okte:r unlbt with ctou- ble detached prqt on 5IJx lflJ' lot. AUU'l1:!e existing $13,400 • 69' b.n • no loan ""·Only $18,950 "' fPE~N ;;/l ......... ,.~ * 642-1771 Anytima * DO YOU NEEO ... A Jtoi& wllb a hon ran! for ~n and pets, and atol'lge Jor camper, tx.t A trallert We have two. F'ORT!N CO. 642-50Cll l TQl-A. WntcllU Dr., N.B. Pool1o-Tr1i!t~olf _ $!i0pplng-UCl-3 Min. 2 BR, I& 11V room .... fZ).900 3 BR 2~ ba. 2 atory •• $24,950 l BR, atnwn ••..•... $27,500 1 BR, den ._i Wn. .... $311.IOO Doug Joy RE 13S-050( Dial 642-5678 lot RESULTS Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: R-To Breathe Spacious Home l o c at e d on beautifully landscaped grounds -Near 1/3 acre w I pool -4 Bdrm. 2~ Bath ... ,, ..... ~9,000 Mrs. Har'vey - Westcllff • Pool $57,500 5 Bedroom, Family room, 3~ Baths, : ' fireplaces, sunny patio, Lg. pool w/alide. Walk to shopping and schools. 5th Bedroom could be a den . Mary Lou Marion 2 Homes C.D.M. S68,500 Colonial 2 story -4 bedroom -study, femily room and pool. Channing 3 bedroom, dining room, near shopping. A good investment on !~·lot&. Mary Lou Marion -. Westcllff -Charmer 3 Br + Fam. rm + Pool. plus Sep. fenced play r.arcJ. Beaut., decorated and in immac. condition. Owner leav. area -Anxious •.................. ' .............. $48, 7150 . Joe Clarkson ••• Open House Sunday 1 • 5 1101 WHITE SAILS Exceptional vle'v both day & nite. Corn. plete home with 4 Br ,2 Baths, Powder Rm Fem. Rm, Din. Rm, + Pool-size ylid. ........ · .....•...•............... $53,!IOO \.Valter Haase COLDWELL, IANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWA,v--- NIWPORT llACH Kl f.3351 ·r -----~· .. -. ' .. ---------------------------------·------------ 0 • I I ' I ,~ I HOUSE~ FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SA~~-HOUSES FOR S.t.LE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOl.lSES FOR SALE HOOSES FOii SALE . Genora.1 •IOOOG1nor1I ' 1000 Cosla Mou 1100 MHa Vanlo 1110 Newport llNch .1200 Corona del ~r qso F~untaln Vallay 1410 Fountain Valloy 1~10 !llJ l n """ A )[!BY • OWNER,> II .. lo•,,tlyFAHTMITJC I t'OVJ\ -;;;;;;;;;;;::.;;w;;;;w;;;I;;;µ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;; OPEM HOUSE'. SUND AV 1 "•5 1o ~ neWly .RB.inted & BEDROOM. Lovtb ,,,.... 1111 • Sandy 81yfront ,.., A ll IN : ~·<d!sbdnn.,1t.t ... •·rc1·--wc·r .... 300lYenidaCumbre ':':",\.':"'°".'t! •. ':~ · 18843 SANTA MARTA F.V. -IP&c. llv rm, ftr lO ell ly room, Nsh carpe.fuli, ex-ttba. ~t . •-frptc. °'Plf, ""'" <eUent "'""""pl ... ,,.,,.., * THE BlUffS * Pll tio. ""'',Yacht qut, '"IY (Mot"!'llo I. Garflold area) COSTA MESA ilrt><. lu!ly lnt<tl. Unlq"" lot • clooo "' .....,, • '5,!IOO Down, NAVY COMMANDER HAS ORDE RS • mD'lble -'led wail tbtu .,,..,...... .....,,,. •!ii> Hal Pltlchln ' Anoe. to ALAS~A by JUNE hi Now under construction out. Chante rm gizes "*you Joan_ no loan fef!$, $168/mo OPEN SUN. 1-S l9(XI E. Coast Hwy 87>4392 r I • PUE UNTAL- . SEIYICE .· for ~I 3 bf!dJ'OOIN 2: batbl $225..UI pu mo, Call . arr~..., • , like. H11.·d fin, Iae ffi!ar Or i.nclY<Jia taxes or Jow down 10 View uf lilt' b\.l,y J.:. OC('an~ l 1 :::::;:::::: Approx. 2000 Sq ft. 4 JJ<lrms 2lh baths, 14x35' ' SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES closCtx. Din rm, brlte new J'HA loal\. CALL I.AR-Bft. .2\~ bath, PoPUlat endl1 ~ tnmily room, hardwood floors, 2 Palos oa•~a cou-s ' ' ' mod·' for pn'va-. Lu, h Home Plus Income v d t fi I FHA · al -"' ' I kitchen w/delx b It~ t n s. RY 5«).:1151 (open evt'S) ~ ..., er es s one rep aces. appra1s LARGIST C -• 1a-•••opi"•· del'""" toatur· 2 BR, frplc. ta.1ntly·sizt' kitch-<.!34 20!) cr.'1!."" patio. T ro p . lfrrlt.age FJ,eaJ Estate •.1.1.... .., -~ 'I' , • 293 E 17th St 64' .... I ' from $28.575 land•·•~. Fe--•. •-'" $47,500.00. "" piua 1-ented I BR Apl BRASHEAR R.EALTY . • " .... "";,,.];~ .... .'~hlt, .. ··;-,;; SCARCE De Laney Real Esla!o ,.;,900 NEW DUPLEX 1 \ WITH SUCH FEATURES AS: club. Oo&e to schools, fwy, Popular motkl wilh ~ 2828 E. Coast u:.y., 001 Orange C01 st Property 147-8531 Eves. ffe..1111\ :t BR.., carpets, ~•. an l • • 4 Large Bedroo1ns e VA & FHA Financin{ • Wood Roofs • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • · Oversized Lots • Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prin1e Area _ . e PLUS MU CH MORE ·SELECT YOURS NOW l C 0 HOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES for informatlon call tlirport, lge llhoppi~ cenl..r Wire JamUy room and Sf~ · 673-3770 tr.! P.1~rvuerite, CdM ti~ I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~t'!'!l"i'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::::!~!!!~ I electrie kitchen. ' !: beach ueas. Ideal fQf' all a.rate Jiyine room. ~ta Huotinglon Beach 1400 Lag"na •·-·h 1705 L1rge Fenced Y•rd for age family. 134·,500. Open and dl"IJl('s and deluxe ~ 1 NV EST NEAR THE '"' -Chlldrtn & Pett houM Sat & Sun l..S pm. creel patio .• ~reat locatio leach Hideaway OCEAN 3 BR. 3\. ba, den. 2 311 Pautm.oo, CM M9-l746 5'l9-42Gt for kid~ and pets .. $26,950 Spacious 4 BR, 2 baths, I~ ~plcs, 3il1~a,ges,.,~~i~k. *Workint Man's Oishi IP.IMEDIATE f>oue•lon'. You lt'l1lhe terms. • 1 cated slePS 1ron1 Ocean. Fca· e aJ!l/cc' u'M• C•wu.•u~ Clear 3 BR l~ bath In f?oflotAC 3 l Family~~! 6£7,ln • 546-2313 t'1I'es open be~ ct>ilings.. hoine or use as Duplex, or central locnlion with good For 18~_:, 4 ~m-2' paint inside le: oUt. Crpt'<l, THE !\EAL ESTA'PERS fi.repllH'C', blt-ln11, plUs t>n. build 2nd home 01. big lot, carpeting, dral?Cs &: large • story . ............, condition-ex.· ·-•pmkll'L Stt lo «"-PAC"'"-ER TW'O STORY •~ 1· p ._, I I Bkr 673-3)10 n•tio, double g•-•e i\•ilh h cellent atta. $38,500-IUbml ...... .,,,.,500 10~ d .. c..3.,.,, c...-..,,.pa10. n~ opcasc .. ~ --.. your term• now v•cant. prec! .,....., ' ,. 4 large bedrooms, den, 1 ' 50 1 W. C.~. Balboa Peninsula 1300 boo.I door. Only S~.900 • URN'l!R C""1J., AL BLACK 54B-t.1S 2043 Calvl'T'I Ave, 1 "' d" · in •ubmil ~ur tern••" ,,\;., .. ;:JC,; •••n••• ·· '-orm 1n1ng room ex· "~ Hc1·i1a.ce Rea.I Eatate • • • • • 1, cellent condil.ion. $4900 ~wn PROPERTIES WEST 847-8586 Eves. .SiUI JIUL •n&TR Al'Kt ask I.bout the S ~R. 2 1 • take over 6% loan loo loan 1028 Bayside Dr. 61~130 PETITE .. 1 """'~-5 BDRM · 2 BATH ba P.!esa Verde home. F~b-fttai ... $293 mo Includes ·*Look Mal No Money! .L494~1•1•17 $250 MO.LEASE. Lux tea. ulous lndacpd ·All extras. taxes. CAU. AL BLACK Al VA terms thil'I lovely lu1't's, lri fam rm, 1 54().1151 i'lcritage Re a 1 Newport Shores 1220 PRAmCAL snack>us l BR vlith 30' liv-E~IERALD RAY . Spacious 51 ,,"ll"l"l"S"tone~fle~kl,o-.,534-c....mo:...o:_,...i Estate ing room l: remodc)t'(j kilth. bednn honie with 1~rb ~IDE 2 B1j. home, blt- 3 im, pan/den, !ant rm, WATERFRONT PRffiY rn. custon1 panelling & al· ocean views f1'0m each )na· in ran_ge & oven, cl"pCJ, Ca1( 546-3Ml crpt.s, drpa. Assume 1'~HA. HOME il'llCllve fll't'place is a jor roon1, paneled den, Jlre. drps, no toddlers tit ~ls. l!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~""'"'I Owner v;/ take 2nd. $26,500. In Ne"'pol1 Shores. 3 bdrm. Pacific Shores Realty plaCf' ln master suitto, <4 $150 mo. 64~1258 after 5 2 8edroo1ns. l ~. baths. Tlt'ar "n"'"I ·-'" 1 -• 123 900 PA1 "" •m • il " ba G lil 1 .... "'"" a oiuy · · baths, service nn, patio. age . lie ., r. I . ,,...,... "' en, -~ . yrs 0 ' Bay &. Ocean on Peninsula 847 8586 E ~16-1322 r11ge uC USIYe 1-.c,71A°"TCli=~TH=IS~V~AL~u=E7!-3 blks to ocean. Crp1 ~. d111~. Point. . ves. $ -$89.500. 4 BR 1'• Ba $225 mo/FrPlc _,. nd In Location, l Br. 1%. BA. Fam. [rplc, bit-In rangl', oveif &: Onlv $l8 250 crplll, drpa, near OCC. lr.®!1JI~" ~ , I ;:: Vacation .... ~ar rou rm., cov. pat, nice lndscpg. dish\vasher. Low yard maint. BURR WHITE, Rltr. YOUR CHOICE MONA ROI BAY -Exception. 5'19-4?.69 ====,:::,,! [! Ulls lovely ?.~esa Verde pool Elec. bllrus. Xtra stor. Xlr.: 11rca for kid~. 1 blk to 290 .e 4 Bdnn Glen tlar 2 bath, al value! A new hon1c with l >"1ESA=,.-,v7,-nle,-~i~Bt~. -,-\;~ba-,1 ":~:::O ho~ featun.ug large bed· S2J600 540-2291 2 pools. A·play area. Abo 67~~w~~!l.v~j~~~"rt hnnlaculate, on a comer ocean views, 4 bMnns, ran1. gar, private patio, adults, 1 -1000 room's, big lam rm, dblel~-~_';., ___ ·==''===== I Basketball, 1 1'.!nnl~ & volley ~ 26 " GJ ., ily nu, separate dining rm, $1.50. 646-262!t 1000 General fireplace..~ x 32 Anthony Newport Bt•ch 1200 ball cow·1. A clubhouse forl '""'""'""'"""ll-!',.,._~_I • :· Sti~m c:~i;i~l 2 bath :?\s baths, l l"ar gru'tlge, 1--..;o;;:-""""'"'°'-.,..--~~1 1 General I---------poo! w/decking galore! Ask-ali. By owner. S47,000 1v/ See Me -SAT & SUN ~·ountain Val,ley SZ?.OOO covered pallo~-$58,900. $150~ ei:~:a:::-id_. MESA VERDE Pele Barrel tleally ~t $27,~i llcritage Real WESTCLIFF n\Oderate .do\vn l 1ake 2nd 3f:1 ~1i~~te oUes~.™';r B~. ·z GI or ~. T~n~:. ~-'~C:C~~vd!o,s 642-3.315 s ate. CONDOMINIUM W..0147. e ~ Bdrm ?i.leadow l bath ........,, l FOUR LARGE COdlF'OR· DAN ~-EE 540-1151 Conscrv11.th•t-elegancr In ba. S3 ,500 big value big house $27,900 Laguna Beach Cn4) 494-lln J BDRM, HOUSE $150 ' TABLE BEDROOMS. l~ presents -$f00 DOWN--:-=-Newport'~ne~-restden~ial B1ycr1st 1223 Excellent Duplex t'l--lA or GI. $35,IXKI DUPLEX, 2 and 1 769 ~ ~Ji·M· '" bath!! Conyenicnlly arrang-CllOiCESTBAYciu:sT 3 BR 2 bath, laiye ealin area. oe 2,,'bath"0w"'·u~·o •5BEDR0011-I :? _ h\'O BR Ap", fur11 .,.,.; l'I ~; t!i!iP BR. vle\11, 3'ust remodeled,j =======·==I _, ,1;...10·0 b"ilt-in kitchen. kitchen, beautiful shag car· bedroom, .,. . · cs ng. 96 ,•~;w1 _. •t"; 1 .;1 pvt, wild kll-"·ns•. ,.,9748 "" '"" CORNER h 11 1 1 I minous :l~ii BATI-IS -POOL loads of elitras, $39,500. -·--_. _ ""'"' ......-Newport ltach 3200 clean. \Veil landscaped yard ·open sun&;,y. i.5 ~t. oversized double garage, ouse a . e ec r1c, u Baycrest, Ivan \\l'eUs buil1 , ' . ClO!!C to shopping. S2G,500. 1901 Glenwood Located on quiet !fl?eel close ceiling kileben, including Del Piso r nrry, lge liv rn1 -Nr Yacht Club I •!!!~!'!!'!~~~"!"!~'"' Laguna Niguel 1707 l BR. duplex; 2· ba'L, bltllis, CO•m~•tENT lo all :.chools. Tota! payment washer and dryer. Spnciom -~--~----d h h In FHA LOAN .,u ..... •" 11\e inviting circular dri\"t on!" 1178 ""r fnonth includ. rooms. Fireplace with mar. v.•/frplc, fornial d!n rn1, l..ge 3 BR, 2 b.1, loads of JUST CUT PRICE s WB r ., new P4 t, c:pts • .\: $23t900 • 1 rt~~. 30 YEARS. "'ill lead ro11 to lhis hos· ing" pri riol;~. Interest. tax. ble hcap.h. W/W carpets. fan1 r n1, lge k i l ch l' n exti·as .• Asking $.39,500. $1600 HO'USe Pinching drpli, N:.;..~. ~':~-J73ear IR1 pliable l bdrm hon1e. It es & lnsuraitcc. CALL ltv\R-Dr-.1pes. Beautiful landscap-w/table area. util rm, 2 car Evrre11 H. P.1 idtael, Rltr. WAS $22,500 _,.. .....,.,J BUILD FOUR MORE ' ~ UNITS on front o! this level . ' . I EASTSIDE lot. T\vo existing unll!i on n!ar are pl'('sently I rentr.d. Located close to EAST lTTH ST. SHOPPING ' CTh'TER. Priced to sell at only $32,500 . SEE 11-llS TQ. DAY~: - CONVENIENCE PLUS ' Comfortably arranged three j bedroom, t1vo baU1 home in l NE\VPORT HEIGllTS AREA. Large living roo1n ! with lireplace, modern kltclL ~en.. large detached enclosed I patio, 1vith fireplace a n d -barbeque to entertain guests. ~,, car garn:;:e, Cornrr lot. goocl financing. Here·s a steeper . ACT NO\\'!! has. ~n "open, feel~~', a~ RY ~1151 fope n c~sJ in& pill~ 20 x 40 heated pool ~;-raptsgeOW::'';i-~:s & ®TE. Balboa Blvd., Ball.loo NOW 2_0,900 . VO~UT --. -W'flffi1VJS!i 3 m'., ~S; exciting mas f'T · ucuroon1 Hon'tago Re" "-•-to· &. recreation rooru.wiUi !ire-· · -673-6880 -• IVW cpl!, --arpa, fpl. rnCu ·1 'th ~ ••· 1 t ..,.... TJJ IS IS TME LA$T \VF.EK tJo el bl 2 su1 e;-v.·1 a 1US111,r P. an · 1 ~~==------I place & wet bar. Sauna? pa ; ec. tns, car pr, ed atrium Dramatize !his BY OWNER: 1.ar&'e, lovely Yes! T"·o car garage with B ... yshores 1225 OWNER ANXIOUS 3 bedl'oom, l bath. Carpeting Spac 4 BR home, locatal on poot $215. 642-721!,aft 4 pm "ith )·our' 01\'n personalili £.side home, fJ-plc, fonnal ,.._ D I , 11 lhru.ghout. Covered Patio. &enUe rulUna hill with com· d. , 4 BR Dv '--" "'k large storage shelve~. Fee BAYSHORES-OPEN 1.4.1l'IK!I" up eK on 1 ,-~ o ! Lois more extra.JI! You own .... 3 BDR, 2 ba, C!rptB, dra~: k luxuriate in it's elegance. mg, · ersu.eu w Simple. Assume Loan. with Bay View. n1andlng vie\11. Sep din rin near beach. No pets. Oub Only $57,900. in. 3 (ull bath.'i. Jnterromm Exceptional .at $34,950 HOUSE SAT/SUN 1-6 Now $62.SOO. term~ lhe 1<tnd. Assume. tnY 6')0 I b1,.akf85t area. 6r;HO'JO I.Ac paid ~ lse 6U-ll98 & hi JL Jdeal\y located. OlOil."e loc in Newpm11v/ O\\'n N B ch R I V.A. $4300 cl Own. $134. Sluart I.. Robh\n-, Realtol'! ' · · Minules from 1choo l s. 1500 C'ORNWALL LANE '"-h & t t B ewport •• ea ty P.l.T.f. House is ·vacant. LO\\'EST PRICED JIOl\fE D H Sa S I.. prv ..... -es . nex 0 ay """1642 · BY O\VNER -' -v,I• J BR, •hop'.--. centers, be a eh, pen ouse 1• un, I b 2 BR 2 BA i 1· u.,,. oJ)l'n evening~ Private Parrv .• 96'.l-7689 LI) ~ in prestige area near Dov· .. 1 548~ or '1~1806 c u · • • pa io. I ~~~~~~~!!!~~ 1-p;;;:;;Al't.~~U 30261 Grande Vil!ta. Spec. er Sbores. This ilnmaculale hwys, airport S-1 ,500. Prin-,_=~==--====-cus. dee, honic. Chl•IK!r 1: Pn'c d to Sell 1 "--•-1 "-~ cipals only. Open . HoU~1-WATER FRONT S4' 500 ' e actLU:U \'K'IV, i::e 1n::atcu 3 bchm ·2 ball,i home i!i a Sun. 303 22nd St.. ~l. _ ''·~~· V'~tu D·. Lido Isle 1351 4 BR 2 bath, hnrdy,•oQd Doors. pool, end or 11 u i et steal! Gourmet kitchen, !iv· <..i.i B " B • ~-=~==-=='==='="="='11=5 I ~======== t d h •-i <''5003 acfl •Y in 1 • bit-ins, serviee porch. Gl or cu -e ·sac, uge "' -room ini:: room & family roon1 t--~~~~--~==-I Ill for boat t S42 OOo I overlook Jargt: tree-sbaded 4 Bedroom-$35,500 Bayside V age Westcllff 1230 Smart Z·Story FllA terms. Won't last; Only ' e c. · \V lot • room for a boat h~. 2865 Cl . M V nl Privlte beach, pool, club 4 Bedroom Phl~ convert/den $Zl,950. g~ linb. Open v.·~~k~nds J -uos, esa e ' houM", s.JiP available, thou· 1-IO~IE -R-2 lot. Excel Paul Jones Re alty 10 a or Y app\, 4'7'1"78:i8 100. Squeaky clean: Price Quiet Street; 2 baths 3 balhs, ttining rm, spacious sand i>quare feet, 2 baUlS, \Vl·stside. 3 BR 2~~ ba. room &111266 Eve 968-3161 • SJS,750. Fireplace, shake shingle mis fo1· lge !amily .• Only • · Dana Point 1730 fireplace, patio forced air for 4 or 5 units. 54~1623 0\VNER I bl ONE HUNDRED x TllREf~ HUNDRED F' E E 1' . R-4 bui lding iiltc for 8·10 units In lhe counly -Back Bay area. i'OOf; lrnt ~ back yard heat, wall 10 \v3ll carpet, 7 yt'ars old, S76,SOO. . Com orta e 4 BR, •prinlders; l block to evrs. 1•ll•c kHchen, encl patio: TRANSFERRED. mus1 };C!l\ drapes, built-ins, refrlgcra-2 BR " BA ro--·'-· · Pl J BR ' •-I I I elcnient<>P>• school. near , .,, ....,,...,....n11n1u111 Bay Vi'ew Apt easanl are<1. nr frwy !: .. "'" an1 rn1., g of, ~7 tor and dishwasher, 1upcrb o ii o ·1 I • 1 1--·' h'tt · 1 Estancia t.. park. Patio pen · ouse as Y ..., ~rh 5. · 5 ~. 11;. loan. 15402 ,..._.._.,. I top \'lf'IV. lllll view, $24,SOO unfurnished. 1072 B k. ha • -Do Own Your Chrn in beau1i!ul h' ••o 000 at & play area. By owner, uc 1ng m ..... nc, ver Shnsla Ln, HB. 714 : 892-4889 every\ mg. .,... , ,. uc, Ground lease $177.'1'' pee V'll ' B k s--1'""2 Hi . l'iSC" Bids. l 0 e.l Bdrm, Sa ·1· ""500 E c;all: 54.6-1155 I nge. ro er 1:}-uu ""' BY OWNER T I c1·11ce ....,.,, , v es, 1--~~------1 n1on1h .. 714 -54Q-57:i.J .or 213-balh. custon1 Furn. Pool, ' : I' an S er Sat/ &. Sun (1) 493-4-121 · 1-'IVE BEDROOMS • $25,150. 773-594.l. Irvine 1238 boat shps, S34.~. forces sale of 3 BR. 2 Bath, 3237 NEW Condo. in Village 3;.3 Br. Oxford model. $335 Mo .. lse, laAt mo's. rent in ad- \'atlef' Pill! $100 Dl!po.slt. . 6'1)-2996 . Huntington Beach 340Cl 4 BR. 2 ba epts. Garage $150 LeaSI"'. Ava!I. June 1st Nr. Beach Blvd. & Slater 17&.::i8 Van Buren 342-1123 LEASE with option or Buy on Conb'acl. Small down 3 BR, Fam, nn. Avail, Julll' 20th, 11.B. 842-3171 ".:1 lraific ftte sll'eet. 2 batM, OPEN HOUSE . UNDER MARKET Walker Rlty 675·2676 n1arkct at $21.200. 962-3170 . l1ouMs Furnished NE --------~D'UplexM Unfurn ... 3975 ~ 160,-\Ve•t•'ill Dr. Spai1dlng condilion. Qu1e1.j•--------; 1---------Appts only . n1any ex1ra5. $1500 bek>w RENTALS 'WPORT BEACH family room. douWe garage FRI • SAT. SUN ' 1.5 Owner leaving to'>vn, 4 BR, I iiifiiijiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii; 13 BR reOec, new w/w crpts, Rentils to Share 2005 le: close to schools. FHA/VA 2411 Sit.rra Vista 2• .• baths, liv/rm , din/rm, JI '20.500 -Sl2M dn. R-2 lot. t\.,_ 642·5200 -nanie yOur term."! • fain/rm, dbl gar. 833-2887 * * * 216 KnoxviUe. 0 w n er A!ALE Roommate to share 2 '<-1l851mo. 1nc1""'' P & 1. Back Bay ""-""' _I •, l \ Evlmings Call 646-ll)j() I i:=:=i:=i:=i:=:::i:=i:=i:=i:I CALL 5-10-1151 topen C?ves) 1240 5 BR. 4~2 balhs, Pl~ for ========== BR furn apt. Hid pool. Over Ji Heritage Real ~late Back B1y S120,CXXI yacht. magnifl('('nl H 1. 1 25. S85. 2276 Maple, Ap! D OC'EANFRONT s BR f1'xer Up'per v~w, '"' ,imple. un tn9 on 54&-2478 alt 6 FOR Lease 3 BR, l'A Ba•. 2 car 1ar. New. $160 mo. Ref. req. 686 Dam!ll St., C.M. 6tl-<181 -.,.,,,,,,,.----~-== 0 f(l:NTALS Ea A • ots OWNER 3 BR 2% bath, fam 1239,000 Harbour 1405 I,.,=-,-~--~~~ Near Ncwpo11 Harbor Yacht t · pnc rrn cpl/d~. bJt-ins. Near -'""'-"'-'=---..:.C.:C.: MAN lo share my 2 Bdrm. Club. Colonial 2 story, S bed· in your 0\\11 back ya.id. · l BR, fam nn, dinifli: area. everything, La.ri:e Jot. $28,500 WATERFRONT -by owner. Costa Mesa home. _ · roon1s, J1Ai bath.'!, 3 car gar-and enjoy quiet Uving in this 2~S baths, Jot 60 x 140. Quiel 643.9319 3355 Via Lido, 675·2723 ~ BR .• ·2 BA., dock, 55' on 642-3375 before noon Apts. FurntsMcl . UNIQUE General S d 1 5-age, oversized IOI. Cooks de. cul de sac 3 Bedroom, 2 bath Cul di! Sac, Only $34,500. I~======== ·Eves: &16-7974 ll'atcr enclosed patio $74,500. ~pen un ay · • light kltche11. large paUo, home. Nicely kept through. Scenic Pro.,..rtits Easlbluff 1242 Also 60' on main .channel Summer Rtnt1ls . 2910 SI40; 2 BR, garage, S D . r--Available now! ,., 1136 antiago rive sundcck. $99,SOO. Exclusive ou1. $26,900. 2915 E. Coast Hwy, 67S-51'26 j _.__.__.~.--Wij large 3 Br. 3 Ba .. d~k. 2 BR furnished h 0 u 1 e , Broker~ w/W. '1 • ObVER Sl;lORES listing. By appt. only. TUE REAL ESTATERS jl Sll0,000. Consider lease/op. Laguna Beach, 3 lillu to =,-..,,-,-,_,..-=--.-,I .Ir you haven't seen the 110 CA'RPI'-· 646-7171 546-:l313 Ocean & D--ch ~ uor.. ~1.qz.5998 bea SllO -Bachelor, util. ~· , · rvan \Velis' Spanish vtr· G lttrU -ch. wk. or mo. 494-7227 Available now! " lh' s d --charming 3 bedroom modrrn 80' BA \'FRONT. Finest bch ----------·Hou,.. Unfurnt"sh·, sion or their fabulous Al· No Down I Is onti: 3 blOckll lroin this [aa:st 'l3!f Westminster 1612 RENTALS Broker 5.34....osso .11um see IS on un ay. , R EA L Ty o-n beant .A. -il•'ng l•"me, 1 · · · . -SIOO; 1-BR. duplex. Garqt. E ' -" 11 d .,.. .... "' & (){' on Lid<T .. \YIU sell 40' Open Hou•• 1.2 A • !ectnc<l.ily c n n tr o e 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd .• N.8. Pool -Te""'.' • -wd be the 80" 3 6 Id nl lo --..., ,. -Convenient location • ' tJ'aJIS!ucent slidinu roof l $24 950 ... , '-V or or units. C! r -ner1I 3000 . .., 675-6000 r hdlillment of )'Olli" desire. Home & Income. 100'/o 13 BR 1% bath POOL 1-IOME, Broker 534-6980 · a!1ioi.ning wet bar. 126,900. FULL PRICE . Good realty ileoprec: .291.%, dn· w/ earry all built·ins. Covered patio, 1".,;,'bil 3,, bA h 1 'I • • 3 BR 2 baths, with ocean vie\v terms. 2·114 Vista Oel Oro bal at 7•;.,. Owner w/ ac, BBQ. 1-fardwood lloors. 1 ... iins, 1 t 5' ami Y Lido 1$1e LuvlteS Rand Realty 645-2340 THE REAL ESTATERS Newport &ach cepr clear in1provcd prop. ~inute from freeway, 1~ ~n1 +. separa~ 2lx27 ' 5'1&2313 6JG..TI71 Call a~ dn pvmt. Drive by 320 ping & schools. -·-pus room for pool ta-2·story 4 BR plus d~n. cus-RM $ , ,... 15750 C W ·-·· I k't "" T ~" 3 BD 19 950 Via Lido Nord then call anna •Y " .,. '· Ki>ohen, din nn, tom.,,,. '"~n. eu~c • • CUFF ·HAVEN A Sp • 1· t .~ im & master bedi'OOm family home. Assume 5%% FHA loan, nu ecta IS 673-0005 or 675-32·13 1 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. :a1l ha ve sweeping view or Call for Appt. mo. pays all. Lrg fncd yard, 3 BR home, large-swi~n Eastblurt ltealty maintains a S41·lil9 892-1474 1 .. -.... · fam rm w/ handson1c fll"t'· fi11e ceicc!ion of exclu~ivcl" Distin--iva Homa per Bay & hills. Lu.-.ur· new.., '""ecor. ~ ., " "'' · usly carpeted, druped & Roomy 3 Bedroom ·Owner S1.8-5227 p~ace & rock. wall, ~~led listed propert ie~ in 1l1e on 60'1No. Bay, 3 BR. 3 ba, • din rm w/ beamed ceihngs. Blulli and Eastbluff com· I-story, beaut. spaciou~ SCRped. Priced lo .i;cll Custom home on 51 ft lot. DREAM LOCATION Large \\.-ell landscaped Jot munities. entertaining waterfront. \\'. Priced $69,500 l\Iove in cond. Spacious 3 BR, on quiet Jttl'ttl. $34,000, Call us today Tcrr/gfl!'dn, PI S vac, $2'15,000 ~~1. Roy J. Ward Co. Walker Rlty 675-5200 2 BA; Westclltt shop'g uea. 642-5749 Pit•. •••1133 R C GREER R all ,~ {Baycrest Ollicel 0v.'Jler. Sll,.500. 548-9500 _. 3355 Via' Lido ' ~~~ Santiaoo °'· 64~1"" OP91 SAT, New< BR 2 bath. F<PI. NEW VIEW ~ Water softener. Heated WAHJED pool. 642-9852 eV\'s. ~autiful view during the 1982 Rosem•ry Pl., CM l-========:;=;j day, breathtaking al night $19,950 M110 Doi Mor 1,0S +"<W<bedroom&3bath, Dclt• Rtonl Ellate 646-441• I • Tustin · 1640 OPEN SAT 8: SUN l -;, Exe 3. BR, 2 ba, fnm rm, crpts, drps. 1502 La.net> Dr. 1705 --- IRVINE TERRACE 2 R I.. den, !antastic View, beautiful condition $550/mo lintumor ST."Jl'.l Furn. BEACON IAY 3 Bdrms, community beach, pier, lenni! court, $450/mo. john mocnab REALTY COMPAi.'4Y 642-1235 Costa Mtu 41,00 $30 WE~K UP.. •Commercial Ratel • Maid Service • 1V'a avail. e Cocktail Bar • Pool e Western trio Fri., Sat. SUNNY ACRE.S MOTEJ.; 2376 Newport Blvd., 548-9755 ------_l _,.:.._ ~-. . ' .......... _. ... ____________________ _..__..-.-.~~~~--~ I I I , 1 • • '. - -· ..... ~ ..... ... •J •• ·~-- U DAILY PllAT LEGAL NOl'ICll LEGAL NOl'ICE HOTICI TO Cll•DITOll SUP•llOI COUIT OP THI STATI OP CALll'ORIU.t "°I TKI COUHT't' 01' OIAJlll Ne ...... ,... Eil•ll lit GlllTI UOI HAJll'E MYllS, DM:MMCI. HOTICI IS HElflY Gl\IEH 1't ~ cndltcn Ill ""' •bOW ...... dK-t .,_, t ll •~ hevl119 clt !IN llllftll ,..,. iiald o.«411111 art r..ulrtol .. n-. ""'°"' .,.ITll lflol l\tCtlll" -11tr•, 111 lllf otflce "' tllll ~---ol ttle ....... ..,1111t11 cwrt, .. " Pl'etllll !Mm. wlltl ""' -UN VOUC:hlrl , " Ille vnckflltntd II tf'll tifflct of 1!!1 Atton.y lloborl A. 1!11,,._11, 27'9 HitrbW '*'lt~frt •ulr. HwtnDtr l01 , Cotti Men, C1lll'IH'nl1 HH4, which t1 Ill<! PIKI el bvtltlff1 of the imoerJltlMCI In 111 m11t1tr1 ptrt1l11l119 lo lfle otllll of ulcl 111Kt.si-nt, wlt11l11 !'DI.Ir moflll• 1ltet tht fll'I ""'1tlllctflon of ltlla notkt. Dllld AIW'U lL 1.., lloblrl Frt lllcHn £1tKUID< 01 tM wm ot tM 1bo~t 111....0 .,.,lldlinl ltOlllT A. IAITMAH ,,.. " ........... JI.¥.,. svtt. fll-ller Ml C:..t JMM, C.llftralt fNlii , .. ,no .... Alhnwf "' I__. Publ~ Or111p C..I Ol tlY l"llol, Mill 11, 2S, I~ Mtr 2. t, INt J ...... LEGAL NOl'ICE su,1111011 COUIT OP THI" ITATI 01' CAUflGaMIA l'Oll THI COt.IHTY Ofl OR.t.N•• tAI• NUMl lR 0. ... 1 SUit.MONS WILLIAM F. JOROAN, Pi.lnllfl \11. DOROTHY P. JOllOAN, DmllMnl P•Df'L• 01' THI ST.lTI Cl P C.lLIPOllNt• .. tM ....,. M!Mif -· . You ... Mr.Pf <llrtci• to 1111 • wrlt- t.ft DIMdlM In•-lo llM com11lll~! ol tt.. •bow "'"'" •lf.Jrolfl' ~!IM <""11 al llM •11o¥1 fflttti.d o;CMIM In the ....... eftT!tled 1cllon ~I H alf\!! rou "' Mid C0\111, wllllln TIN Mn .n. lllt wvie. on "°" Ill 11111 -If .. ~ wl"'ln Ille allOW 111""" (Ollftfy, ., wlltlln THIRTY d•YI If ff ....... .i.....n..-. You 1r1 llt••b:r n1tlfl• 11111 unin. YOV to lllol • wrllt~l\'9 P'"41M, llid Plllllllfl' will l•k• ludtmtnl fvr 1ny l'IOlllY w 111m-1 dem1.,..... In llM urn11tlnl •1 •rltlM UPM contrKI, ., wlM •Hi'I' te ... tOUrt f'Of' '"' vll'IW r1llll' llllNl!ldld 1n #II c:otnPltlnl. Y• IMIT ..ii "" ,...._ " II ,,,.,_, Ill "" ....,,,.,. lllMMl..il wttlll "" -pWllf ., 111111 --. htll llWllY ...... .. -""' wllllll• "" """ •mlf dllhocl ltt t11111 -"' 1111111 1 wnr1111 ''"""' ,. "" CM11111-11t. 0.IM 1.prll f . Ifft W. E. ST JOMN c .... IY Mark I. 1.fr111 """" , .... DllllMI A. MtClrtllt MCClrthl. """*-'"' & Ol ... 1 ........ A-. hlM ·--:ns.. c..t'll MIM, C•lllwltl• AIMIW'T' .. f'IM!lntt PWUtlwll Oraf'lll Cont 0 1lt't Pllil!, AIW!I 2$ 111d Ml• L f, 16, lMt _..., LEGAL NOl'ICE P-#111 CIRTll'ICA.TI 01' •u1u1111 UNOIR l'ICTITIOUS NAM• Tiw un61!r&ll'*' • ,..,. cmrtlfy ""'' IM'r .,, ---" In "" ...,.,.... " -1ulf'IM. d9v1k*lt111, 1'11IM, ....... 1111111 ... t .ropff1V, II PIMnlfl, 1! JM Oc:H n A¥111UI, IHI !lt1cll, C1llfwnl1, ,.., ... Vfldtr ttM Hc;ltllou1 firm ,....,. " CCW ENTl!llPlllSES, Ind ltll l Mid 11'1'1 Is ---ol Ille !ollcwlM ,..,_ WflOle n1,....1 •1'111 11llCft ol rtl~ 1r1 a 1$llDWI, to Wit: OINla.t.L PAI TNl ll.I SIONl!Y WIEIN1£RG, '660$ Artw Jlo.ct, Lont I Mdl. C1!1tornlt ,_. HAIRY S. COONl!N, SM Oc..,, A'tltflut, IHI flt1ch, C1tltonrll• f01..0 MAX COONEN, JJlS Cwnlnr Clwtl Drl'll, L-111cl'I, c111tornl• tol01 LIMITIO ,AllTNSI S PHYLLIS ALPER, 11fJ S-lt • Or\vt, 1.....,.i'I' HUii, C1llfor!'ll1 f0)11 JAMES flUSSON, 11.!1 Aten! u ... Ci!..-.•· C11ltornll t11"10 HARll'Y Cl£1NPEU. P .D.S., lollt wu1nlr• tw1't•nl. Loo A.,..,.., C1llloml1 toO.l' MIL TON l(.,t,PLA.N, '7t Plnt A-. ~ flMch, C.lltor11l1·tollt LOUIS ROSEN, 311 Dflenl, ~ l eldl, Cl lllomll tolU JUDGE MA)l. WISOT. C-1 HovM. ~ l.eedl, C1lt1oml1 "*2 MACHINERY LEASING COMPANY, Im WHI 'Tllf...i Slrlll. SUI .. 2G. L .. AnlflH, C11tlflml9 fOD36 SCKWAllTZ 11'111 HAMILTOM, '380 WI~ lwllv1nl, lM Alltlles, ' C1tlflml1 f'OOoll WITNESS -l\lfldl .iiil 111 ••• ol Marcll. ,..,. Gl!NEllAL PA•TNEllS Skll!tY W11nlltfl ..... , s. c- M•X C00ntn LIMITED PARTNERS Pftyllh A1"r J11MI I Ul-H1rN Crtlndell. 0 .P.S., Miiton KtPltn L""lall- J°"t Mu WllOI Mldllntf'l' L1111"' C-tnY bY AIPl1 C1ntw llY $11111111 GllHIM" Sd'twtr'll Ind H11.,ll'9I llv Klrrltl H1111lllon llY Mlcl'IH1 I!. $drfl1rtt 11 l tmtrll PolllOll STATE OF CALIFORNI A l COUl'IT'I' OF LOS ANGl!LES I SS Oil MM-di I , 1..,, -· ..... Ille 11f1C1tA1wnt11. 1 MDtlfY '°'*lit Ill •ncl fOt wlll Shlte, ,,..,.,,,.11-, ,_red Sklllt'r WtlnllfB, Harry ll. c-"' I>'•• c-. 1"11Yl1l1 A!Pf'I", J1tnH • ..._ Harry c .. 1n11111. O.DS., Ml119n . k•'1•"' L..,11 I-- J<lllge Ma• w*", t_.. to "" to 111 ""' --.,_ -,,, 1ubl.l;l'lbfod to "" w1ltlll• lflltrvnw!rt •1'111 1ckNWlldit-elf hi tlll'I' •• ~ fllt M ..... WITNEU "'" ..._1'111 Mii lfl'ltltl t.MI. (SIEALI )oM I. L .. N ... .., Publlc-C.llli.ntlt P.W[fllll ()ffq LOI A'*lolol (-ly M-, com,..r111tn Eu lrn A,,,....11 21. ltn STATE OF CALIFOINIA l COUNTY Of' LOS ANGELEI > U Oil Mltdl I. 1 ... , btfe... ""'· tl!t llNlt<'llwtlld. I NollN Plltllk In and fer Mi4 Sll\9, MrlGflll!Y IPH•1"911 Alf~h C.ntw Md S..r!IWI Gl1 u m1n, ._ ffl ""' ffl bt botf\ ti h H f lnlrt. II' lM Nrlfttflfllp Mlifll1MN Lt11!"" C-n• 11>1! ••ltultd tllt w!llll11 In< •'"'"""'' -•rt-lflltM ffl -ttlfl MICfl "'rt!>trt.111• e••Clllood 1t11 tllllt. ~ WITHISS "'' 1'111111 11111 Df'lld•I -1, ,......, .loll~ I LH Nllfl N PutlllC.C1J1 .... l1 "rlncl•1I Olflq L• A""'lt1 Clllnly ,...., CIWT!ml•loll lillllllrw AV9U1! JL 1m ITA'n Of CALll'OllNIA I COUNTY Of' LOI ANat!LEt I U OJI ~ '· , ... , w-·-. Ille ~ 1 Nallt• 1''-*llC: Ill 111111 "" .......... --II• .......... 161,,.IPt """"""" Mktlttl E. ~M'1t. W l9'Nrlll P•lllen. ll..... 11 1111 ..... ., tt.. ''""'" "' -"""'" .... ...,.,,, .... """!!""' ""' ... ....... ... .,.,,,~ IMtn.ll'IWl'I .,.. ICI 'bl11• II "" NI 1ll'Cll H rtrllf'll'lll'I ---""--WrTill A 111'1' ,_.,.. 11111 .n1cill •L , ........ """"1. w. . wary l"WlloCtJ"""Y ,..f__, onic. L•.-,... C-" M'f ~klll l.111lret All9fl a lfn ....... """""" .A•I twlll!L TOW ................. ......... ~ ... ~.:';.;.. er-c.t• 01111 r,1.it. '-n•..w Mttl.•·"' '* ,...., ---_,_ . 6 4 2 -,5 6 7 8 ·o A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 '" .. , ., , .1n . ., ' . . \- RI NTALI Apia. ............ Na•prt iMCh 1 420i SINOLE YOW:W Ad.Wt& Lui:.. ury s&l'lft.a apt. witll coun. try ckib almOlphere and cornpi,lta privacy. S011'M:l BAY O..UB APTS. JMn. at l6Ui NeWport Be&~!\ (7lf,) fi6.(lj50 2 ROOM ttudJo...aoee beach. Employed girt or woman. $80. View. fi73-29'19 Coron• dtl Mir 4250 Bl:,JC to ocean '1t bay; 1 Br • 1tudlo $1%1; be.ch.· •pt. $95. 1 Adult e11ch unit; no pets. Yearly. 873--'1tl29 New, modem. unusual 1 bdrm, cafl'Orl, $165. )fo. 67>4633. After 5 p.m. BACHELOR apt, near beach &. shOpplng. Util pd. ~ ?\fo. 6Th-J1S3 Iii bot 4300 * YEARLY LEASE * Sea:inn.ln&' June 21. 2 BR, lg upataln apt w /1undedt. 1185. Mo. Stt Sat AM. ll20 W. Balboa Blvd. or phoM 213/375-4844, Sun. or evet. BAYFRONT Available 'lU June 23rd 2 BR. utill paid, earaae 1014 Eut Balboa Blvd. Balboa 673-:miO CLEAN Ba.chelor Apt.a. All utll 1ncl $75 up 315 E. Balboa Wvd. BALBOA 613-'945 Lido ltle 4351 LJOO ISLE Bayfront Apt; sublet tuml..!rh: ed for summer. Patio, 'tireplace, 3 BR. 2 bath!!. m.23211, wkdaya: 713: 65f.-3016 Huntl.,ion ltach 4400 QUIET & BEAUTlfUL Adults only; 2 Br., uW. paid. Pool 1200. 847-2125 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch. 1 & 2 BR turn apts, nr bch. 1125 & up, tree util. 536-3m, ,.,..1282. 536.1"6 1-BR. Condo., wabr, dryer, elec. bllrul, retrig. Patio 4 pool. 1125 mo. 675-5034 G1rden Grove 4610 SlNGLE Yourc Adult& Lux. ury 1arden aptt with coun- try club atmotphere and comp!E'te privacy. SOlmt BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 CHAPMAN Ave., Garden Grove Cn4) 635--3030 Lagun1 lllKh 4705 PANORAMIC view ovmook· inr; Allio Be:ach. 2 BR furn. all elec. Mature 1dultl, no clilldrtn, DO pets. $lJS mo. Call evn.1 499-3'lS6 LEGAL NC71'1CE .UAL llTATI RIAL llTATI IUllNEI S .... ANNOUNCIMINTS General -•I l'INAHCIAL Ind NOTICH soot ............ USS bl~;;;;;;. ;,;;.,;;;,;,,;;t,;-6'4iiiiiooo 1--•I 6090 ..._ ~ 61GO L ~;:;oet;;_ ____ .;.'40-""I ... "RiNT J Raam.1 flurnlture $20 • $25 Ir UP Moritb-To Month Jttntala WIDE SELECrlON APpllanee1 I: TV's avail. NO DE.POSIT O.A.C. H.F.R.C. . Furniture Rent1l1 517 W. 19th. CM MS-3411 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm '17f.2800 $135 -2 BR. lowtt 4-Pla. W/W, ranp Ir. ov i"n, dl.ahw~r --1110 ~ 2 BR., w/w. Garage children OK. Brolru- ----,..----------->-1' R l DA¥ EV!' Tttrltt/ • BB .... --. l'OUR.PLIXES J'OR. -""""" -FllGIDAllE OillNahUa ...... ll 1 ht Call alter I In c..oa »-, t i' Joan, 2 olf lanllle&o h> at C>own J ET ACTION brown. whit" ...... •an. W : m.sl!tJ Br, 2 Bo. $62.'°'· 3 Br, 2 Vlllay, -...,...tdal A Vic. H•ll-/ Finl. C4M. Bo. '53.8llO. Only • f<w' ldl. llldllllrW ....... Delta Eloo-rnptaln 11 min.. <><le la Alt ~ m.145' Hunll ...... IMch 5400 I ;'°'~·::::Jcll:1:-::;:::· ~Art~.=~ r,~tnc.~~~~~·;.· 111,-_·l~llO~.~E-.;::;· t>e fulm Ill U.. """'""· SM,.,_,. Slamno w/ "'"' I • G.N ' _§) ·.PrtP1ilres do the work rldoestone collar. AM to UVE ltlGHT l uol-1',.,.rty d050 RENT."' 9olo • llowntDwn of.,, 30 a\lo. ......... Find .......... Vic Walla.. ~ ON THE .EACH 0.~ Mna 1..__ 12 lnl out bow eM1 lt St to WO CM u• ~-NPI' BEAOI !adult com-It ,...... ,;.:•·~ a ...,..,_ .. .......,.. Hamlllml. • ~. FISH, SURF, SWIM . pl.ex P!l.500. lne. over $aK1 lanced A amall oHk:e A Carden Cl'O\le, Saoll Ana,. MJ..2588 1n your own froftt yard pu month. 0Wner HZ-_. it.once lll'llt:· 5fl..«50l Twl~ Orlna"•, AD&helm DAUGHTER Loflt r I n I : in 0 Matlc d t c ea•• d crandmother'1 Pr! cl ••····· · •--• lutl._ Renl1l -A •~SQ. rr. new bid&, .,. • • ... -·•·; vie stanc1.ro Sta. vat~ u~. 11111'1.tai -ii: l:lu1xr. ••-"" to E ulpmtnt, Inc.. ,_.... -• .... -. privato iate ~ -Nwpt A:: F1lrview. Reward. ~ --· STORES tor Jeue v111 .. -15,om "" ft. nr Brlato1 1r: 2334%. w. Valencia. with 2.f..hour MCurity pud. .._,. 633-$2 MedttetTanU.D &dultt:vin&· Shoppina: Center, mt' ot El Balcer.~ J\ille~ ,71,: a2s.7&!3 l ·w""'sr=':~F~e-male~-G~o-l_d_• n = !n!enliola. CM. f,000 SQ. FT. new blda, nr VENDING ROute, 10 pnitl, Retriever, chain ~lar; ans. 2 BedrDQnu, 2 Ba llhoe pair lhop, dttu. Baker 4 Harbor. Aleo up to Requlrn 2 hrs-weekly. $900. to ''Cinnamon''. 81.Y<ftll From $250 tt etc. See Llqucr a oao ... ft. nr Bintol A ca.ah. 6T5-3lllO att1, Mon. R EWA RD • ' ~ ..,'":.sl':"· Al w_.1.;;;e0;::it.r=. -:=.,;=----'=H"'-A"-R.::=:D-W_A_lt_E_ 1 .....,.. INCLUDES W/W stwa car-3l x 36; 12' ()'bead door. ·wc"sr='.""'M-lnla~--~0-.-.~.~e-.1 CMtl Me!a 5100 petlng, G.E. bullt-inl, with APPROX. m IQ ft •kn ~Ct tor omce. Good loca-STORE male, brown. Vic Santa Ana -~"N~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I tefrtaH "1"1'°'1" dpllhwulflher. =~!ti.It& :OW~ tion. Ne•prllt Buch, MU HuntiRA+An leach I: Santa Isabel. c. M. 'HARBOR .. un "I on •c c . a~ United Parcel. ~2809 '"""... Rn'ant ~· 1~rtments e1tate omce. acoountant. =========-I SOOl .q. 1t.. Busy ahoppin& 711 OoNn A Cl B1Q w paint lb:lft de. SUO/mo. Lots 6100 center. Lotl ot piuidrw. Tl'r. l!!l-.----ls . GREENS ol Hun~:e-Be:ach Pier) Set at a:J6 W. 19th St., Ol. 1 _________ rific foe. Good will bu been ~ 6405 PHONE: Cn.f.) 536-1487 . ~-=·-.......,,=~=~---· I built over period o1 44 yra.n 77' INTEREST '==---=--STREET FRONTAGE 24 Lor .. ltautllvl Fin. 1vall. Fcr ltlrther lnf.,. wrtte for frff - CHEZ ORO .APARTMENTS 0 Beach Blvd 1480 Sq .. Com~te! Oca.D View l.otl. mation detertb1M-7% I 11 t ere I t 823' Atlanta ~odel home ~&I for~~ Laauna Beach. undel'lf'OUnd BR.As°HIAR REAL TY church ~1 bei.JW • .old by BACHELOR UNFURN. , from $110 · ALSO AV All.ABLE 1. 2 A.l BDRM. lle..ted Pooll, Oilld c.are Center, Adj. to Shoppine - New 1·2 ~~ PQ ~ ru.tr., etc. (Bel Katella and ~ = ~ia:o::; 847-8531 Evet. 531-212.t Valley Bl.ptlat Te~, P .O. 5J&..3927 or 536--2721 Cenitoa) S 11 n 1, lndlcpd., putl&l subordlhation.. wm WONDERFUL opportunil;)'! Bax 5002, Sa.n J o 1 • , Pool-Wuber.Dl)'en $250 mo. 10850 Beach Blvd. a1llo tU.t 2nd'i ar .trade. Acqull"e lovely Boutique CalHamla 95150 Private Garqea • 63Ml20 • .f.97.UJo Dresi Shop by takin& over LICENSED Na peta allowed .. ~ 2700 Petermn Way, at nu. bor 4 Adam.t, O>ata Meu 5l6<ll10 lallboa L.f-nd inventory. Country club, S lrltua! "· d'-dvl 2 BR. I>upM!x. Bltn.. crptl, AIV BUILDERS Attention R-2 beach area. 546--U65 P .n.ca ... ,.s, a et drpa, '"enclORd 1ar. yard. ~re or offltt. 1627 *I ft JoAt. 66x30l.. 2i35 Santa Ana BEAUTY S&lon; 1 0 0 d 00 all mattera, UIS. El Older adullt, no chUdrtn with w/w carpets. $600 pr. ve, CM. 5'8-9050 aft 1 pm. clientele. 5 Statlona, Reuon-~-9136~ ~.<;:.e;:te $~. 548-4573 or 5'8-288t mo. OI' will divide. Bier. LAGUNA woodly v1tw Iota. abk. SPECIAL $2 READING --·------Home Like AtmOIPhert BRAND NEW 2 6 J Br. fnn. fG.a5r55 underpound utill6a, pvt. • 543-7472 ~ Minlrnum Upketp! $150 mo. Cptl, d r p • , $6,$0 • '9,350. OMn.f.S ======== Attr1dive Expert JUlt rtdttatated! Ne" diahwhr. Nr. B e• c h . Office Rental 6070 e R..f LOT e lus. Wintecl '30$ YOUNG WOMAN carpet! 2 • b e d r o o m • 847-3957 Zooed" tor 3S units. danctt will ~ YoU III . 1 .... ·-"·· '-~~-----LAGUNA llACH 1a1 .. 1 ,...._ Call ·~" upsl&in, ..... '6 .. 11.e. F ..... ,....., 2 BR duplex, tlo\le, dthwh.u, Air c.nclfti.n..i Phil SUlllv&n, 5'U761 Wanted: BEAUI'Y SHOP in 2:13: 591.-4538 l·lD p-.. ~ize livin& room w i t h crpts, drpt. $160. Adult& oo-Laauna artt. Will pay cash. fireplace downstairs. 1~ ty. J51M Olive. 5S-852l ....... ~ l'ORD"l ~ ._ bftchee 6150 -'=96-9436======·= COUPLES, &irJ&:let; Jooeyy BA. Blt·iM, diAbwuber. BEAunFUL 2 BR. all ..._ .,.eel .... _ • o;;;""'::='----..=::.:: . New in are1T Join tbt twine Private patio plUI large pool . ex-nns cCaet llvDdi8I •t DJ A. Tulare County. SacrU. Meney te L .. n 6320 to fun 4 pleuure 4 rea"t1tion tacilitie• tnu. pool, avail mid·Mly, priml'locatkelDdowatown ~ qu1ck ule at $850 per "7'7':::~::::::-=:-:::::::l~==~·~<JS.~.'!:929:'.1~•~- available. •185 month (bt · $135/mo. 962-2ll8 J...taaa 8-ek. Air c.'lC8llbo acre. 2 houan . .M6--79lM .... " 2n4 •··-•---'·• • .,,1111 t:limt.ed. earpettd. ~ .... --........... LOOKING for my Altro. and lut) • • c I e a n i n 1 2 BR u.nfurn. -/month 202 __ 1_. ......... _ T cub. Bomiw on )'OW' pro-twin, March 20th, 1921 • deJl(llll 5'9-0674 Joliet. Mu. Apt. C or _._ .-.. "o .R.::;114;;•;;rt:...;Pc.:r...;r::Pf;;l'.ly". L..C.:6::2::05: I --· eq without d-536-8900 •traac.: ~ • _ _ I""'.., 42N-TIW. Ttennd P. 0 . Box * Y,'111 p ft Fer ... An, ,.., leatll to FOR RENT Furn MunrMth your low tnterut at Tilt. 1281. Santa -Ca1lL 9"lll2 . --' omo I . 2 -~R.. ~; trplc., MundpU.-Plftdll ..... ·-..-0 II n t . 1-n-CoMom•nhma Abo buyen for 2nd TDs. ALCOHOlJCS ~ ~-cptl, drape1, pool. Pll' mcmth b'·IPM»o DtU lleept a. S1S-l130 ' -s.urtrMOftgq:eeo.-1nc.-Pboot SU-7217 or write i:I c.o.ta Meu.'1 heWnt I: mott $159 Mo.nth. 96U1116 ud cb&b aT&ll&ble Joi".. Seriin&' Harbor Area 20 yn. luxurloul aptsnow ,.ntlnl REAL ESTATI B-.._. --Mlvnt.&0-rt 6210 '33'E.llt1St. P.O.Baxl2210lota llloa. Untu:r. 1 &: 2 BRI. Adulta General Hf'Y1ce available tar no. &U-nn 545-0Sll only No pets, 1760 Pomona AD atmdeo paW acept SALTON CITY le. cor, lot, "NEW 2nd LOANS AR.-C1rMtery Loh 6411 Ave. jUlt south ol 18th Sl Rental1 Wanted 5990 talepbcme, Se• view. Nr. Marina &: RANGED" Top cub for FAlltWA Y DAILY PILOI' Yacht club. Sac. $2000. HUOn<d 2ndo. 4 CEMETERY Iota, reaa. Harbor Rest M emor ia l Park. IDue Spruce llftL LJ lh1015 VILLA Am. LEASE exoc & lam, 1 '""· :m, ~A B~~ 51Ml39 543-1311 Bkr. de•ltt• 3 BA. den or equiv .....,..,,.., _ Nev o. c . Airport. 2 Br. by May 15 or 31 Ea1t CM or _,. CUST Arrowbd home 1900 IQ Apts. Unturn. 20122 Santa Back Bay prefer. Excd. t~ t.Yft')' lux., aoU coune Ana Ave. ADULTS ONLY. "1"· IO $200 . ......., PRIVATE Offl(( view. $34,'50 . ..._.,.,. e °546-7602 e I BR un1urn. with 1tove " BUSINESS ond OCEAN BREEZE upper apt. refriette,tor. Up to $115. ~.•--·.air con-FINANCIAL t.arxe 3 BR 1%. ha, blt-inii, Prefer C.M. aree. June lit .......... • Bus. Opportvnlt ... 6JOO c p t 1 / d r p . , 1 u n de c k 2204%. E, Main. Tornnce, Oranse County Bank Bldc- Sl50Jmo. 2286 Canyon Dr. caw. DJ E. !7th Street VENDING No pe ts 545-3215 aft '4:30 or FOUR Responsible female Ca!ita Meta GU-l.f.S5 SPARE TIME INCO~fE weekend• or MI 2-2222 or teachers want furniahed Balboa Island KEEP YOUR PRESENT JOB see ApL t. hau&e or apt from Jurie to Sto~ oi office. 1627 aq ft CANDY -SNACKS ) BR LUXURY September 1 or yearly. Call with w/w cupeh. $600 pr. Reliable man or woman with Mortt1ge1, T .D.'1 6245 CEMETERY PLOT :r.telrose Abbey, Oranp $1950 2nd TD at QI mo. incl e M&-3402 • 10% interei;t all due 3 yrs on Oceanview kit Lquna SIRVICI DllltEtTORY Beach, 20% d I 1 co u r t Appllince Repain <91-illl Pim 6510 1600 1st TD, S% due l yn, -------.;;:.C:I 10% discount. 497-1021 07-1210 S.f.500 ht TJ?, 8% due l ·)'l'S, 1090 cli&cowlt. • 497-1210 SUPREME Refrigention A: Appliance Repalr. Alk Jor Tam. 546-1363, 547~ Blbyslllint 6550 • Split level, 1600 lq. ft. 6'75-31S2 after g p.m. mo. or wW dfvide. Bkr. car, to collect and fill e 2~ Ba. Crptt, drpa. eltt WANTED: Gange rtntal tor 6C-9555 mach1ntt manufactured bJ 2t HOUR Mild care, 7 dl.yl • ltll, wuhnn: Like a honW ·~ purposes only. Call SMAIL ottlce located near :;ir C::. co= rl&bt here Money Wanted 6350 wk. 50c bt per child. 2 adult e No pets. $175. 546-1152 6'73-.5G) 17th Ir. Newport., pound NO ~G. Ex~y WANTED '3!),000 l year lO% Aittrn, l')ne there at all 1 BDRM carpets, drpa, WANTED: 3 BR unfum hae, floor, truck park in 1 . hlah l.noome. We can f\u'niah collateral loan on $40,00D in times. All rneall inc., fenc- blt-lnll, no child or peb. yr'• leue. Prefer CM. $80/mo. Call Mr. Hester Jocationt. 1 u l d anc e , in-bt TD, and $«1,000 2nd. ed baclcyud, •UReNiaed NOTtCI IN\llf lNO ••O• $ll0 mo. 548-3209 * 646-886f, * }.gt. &t6-88ll d.udinc your record systems 497-UlO play. Ovenlla:ht or wknd T= i.el'"'':!' 1~-:'.,.'!"'c:"~::. e UPPER 2 BR .• Slla e ONE BDRM pntum Apl for LEASE $275 Mo; ~-bldg. and t1'inlna: at our factory, $5,000 2nd TD, 10% plUI. 3 c~:= ~~=m~ c1111119e 011t'1ct DI or1"" Counly, Adultl, Na pets employed ady up t 0 40X198 Lot, piling, ttorage. to lnrutt )'Olll' 1t.1coeu. polntt, 1 )T.; Bluth home, U f~,:'~~~ ~1!.,'~1~~~:\"'t11:~•11,:! :2815 MENDOZA 545-5421 l~l=ll=O=/=mo=. =54=:J.""6====== Toilet, ahowU 1adL 2730 INVEST Wmt $12,000 Equity. 6"-t265 c:enled. Aae• U; open 6:45 ..... OW!. -u lll Khllol CllJtrk! loelttd 11 wv~v 3 ··-2 ba Harbor, C.M. 213: 971-2991 REAL SAFETY h.~uN.=;O~U~N""c~·~M"'l~N;.T;S;.._ co'' ,MP,.,ARE; na, ':~ ~ 2101 F•lrvl-lad, COii• M1$1, -tJW town.. IJeomt for Rent sns ROtrrES COMPLE"l'ELY "" .. ~ C•llfof'nll •• , w111cti t1rn1 11111 bldt w111 • bou1ie Newly dee pooh etc STORE FOR RENT ind NOTICIS ·-·-JOUllllci'I' ..,.ntol 1nll rHCI fOf' Prlnllllf II ' ' • • SEl' UP FOR YOU -...,.,.._,, "" EYM'"' c111tt1 11oc111ir1 tor "'' F111Call ·=~51&.J;;c;.;,:n~O~. -----I 2 RMS. lldj. Lovely home for .ALSO l·Bdrm. Apt 11 .... CASH $11M1ttr '"' -Gtntl o-.... Pool. 4(8 E Balboa Pound (FrM Adi, 6400. C. M. Mother wW care 1or AU "'* .. .-,. bt Tii ac~•llCt w1111 Villa Fino Aplll. 3 BR. emen, ,...., .. •· · Write or phone for interview your child fn cul-de.c .,,. 1nttn1ctkWl1 & clllld111cin1 •lld ti. Uni. Chlldrtn Welcome USO Tennis. Pac. Co&tt/Beacb LEASE: 1tun or ~. 1J74 at factory. ::11:1=:.:;:..~,,:r•,.=..s w:n'1:. •: 1 -~81"""4~W~·~Ce"-n~ter"-~A~pt~.~1;_ Blvd. 53M51S *I· ft. lood location. 333 E. 'I'R.ANSICOM CORP. ~:~~tin~ = !~~~h~:6 ~:"'.i:~ct.Purc.,.11n1 A11n1 o1 1114 LARGE Bach.; adults, no SLEEPING room tor man. 17th St, C.M. 147-8536 VeM.ing Dlvlalon CoUee Shop, Huntington all &. ·Eacll MC11Mr-mu11 1ubmlt w1111 fll• bkl • peU; cpta, drpa, bltns. $90. Prv. hm 4 entry. By mo on-300 Sq, l't. Office 851 Wnt 13th. St., Beach, 4-3G--69: Hawthorne 'on°"w=~,=---.-m-y~~--,-=~-,11 <Mfli.t'i , ctrtllltol dlKk. •• b16-I f">c 1S43 ......_ __ CM ,.,.....A •~• ,,,.,. """" '"-ta M Calit .......-._......., "'"" ,-,,. _.. .....i ...-1.,,,b11 i. ""'orOt• "' 2885 Mendoza scs.-sl2l y, ....,. ..,. .... "• .... v.;o, ~ ..,._......, ._.... es&. :i<11Ui Optician'• name inside euoe. ~ver 2 yn. Near 19th A w.. 0r1,,.. Co111 Junior c1Ut0• 01s11'kt LARGE o-. ... lovely hom•·. (n.f.) 6C-9000/1213l 635-6n9 892-7988 after S P.M. H bor BJ d CM BDIN ., Trvottt1 111 ..., 11,_,,, no1 1t11 LARGE 2 Br. apt. $125 Mo. .......... ., · ar v , • 1111" fh'e ,..,_., 1s'll.1DI .,.1um bl••• Cpl, drapes, bltnt Mar. 3S7 kitch. prl.vil.; eep. re:f. l ~C~0t~m~"'~'"~jircl·1~lijiiiiiiij~60l~~S · ASSOC. -MFG. BLACK, Fema1e, medium 615-7468 ;.:11-~&.,":!ilddtif i;,: •:.':,1n: Victoria, Apt 1. CM Patio, garage. MS-0439 eve Man needed io auodate with the dog. Tannilb flea col· ;BAB""'~Y~S~IIT=IN=G"'for._,l,..yr_oldo,_I ::~~lo-= ~":ct~'=~,!:=: Unfurn 2 bdrm apt, Newly COOL. Airy room. private f bnlf MJfc.I company to aamne duties lar. Vic Shore:aut. nr. ar over, my home, Brlatol 1: '"-..,.wi!.tit .. ~,,"•11111.~ ,.'" '",,".," painted. 135 Albtrt PJ, C.M. home; phone '!'.,...r;r1·• ldtch. Profe11ion•I 81.L., ot110 .!.~.:V~tm nt~u:;~ Brookhurst I: C1ltf. 962-8732 Paularloo, C.M. .of • , "'" "' 1um "'"' • 675-6771 privilea-es. 646--~ ......, ............ .,. e ·~ .... ~. FOUND · iom11e11 1o Mid 1d>lol ai.1r1e1. . • Corona del Mar • 3 kill fully ·-·~ by , __ 0 1,,_, : Black A: white, 545-1481 No bkldolr ""'' wllfldrp flh ~Id fer • PRIVATE -·-M 2 f "''"""'""" --.w.,.. w......-"'J """'""'female • · Uttl "'==:-,-,,=-~,--I "'IOll o1 tom.ft... (4JI d•.,. ,,.., "" 3 bdrm, 2 b&. Jwt:. Span. enu-........ en on-or .,.......... • equipment, $275 pn WHk J~·-.. ca., Vie. e BABYSIT 1 child, my home. d1t. Mt 1or 1111 llPfll'"' 1t1tr111. dtt0r, frplc, ~ibwuher, ly. $45 per mo. $220,IXQ • ll'OU income to ~-~ pl"' ·•·-of -·-Balboa Ialand. Call il iden-115 \\'tek. F.dwards ' ni. , .. ,. d T""'"'" ,, .. rvn tti. 548-3196 after 4 p $28 ng S-«I Qll ill handl • ._ • ,......, .,........ ti!y 673-7156 Prl•ittlt o1 rtlectlno an¥ •1111 111 bldt ., patio, vr:tru. 645-1500. m . • • • w e wtudt ahould exceed $25,000 I •;:i;,~· ,;,o~=:;,-,,,,..,,~,--F.d~r, North. H .B . to -1... -1rr"1111rlllft or 1~ CORNER .ieem .... rooirn for GOOD F FOUND Men'• black glaiises 897-M52 form•1lllH In •n., bid w In tM blodlM. 2 BR, w/w c ar p e t i n I , -,...... per ~ar. or appt 213 • Pritt 111""1 •"" tu•ll" btlnt "u.1, drapes, pool. No petJ; or yoq nwt. qUlet street, $60/ REAL ESTATE GE 9-Crln, AU far Mr. Gr•· v.·/ black cue. Vic of Vic-;B~AB=Y~SI=rr=IN=G,-~',-·~,..~-I •rtllttnCI w111 t11 11•111 .. 1111 1roduct1 64J.500D tori A C&D)'O Dr CM Pb ; u"""· yd., grown, minvllC!vrtd . .,,. "'°"~ 111 tht children. $125/mo. 642--3499 _mo==· ======== 35.1 No. Cout Hwy ham 9 AM to 5 PAI. a 11 • • • bot lunthe.!r; loving care. St11-t Df C11Hornl•. All "''!.-Ith .,.,vldM ~ 1 ,._, B h '~!SI! W.2564 Ell' • •· h mrouth 11111 bid 1h111 u"'P"" w1111 2 ~R Duplex, Pfiv•te patio. lncom9' Property 6000 l !!!!!l-iii!!!"""!li~'i!!!!!!-!!!!!!!ii!!!~ I CANOY •Upply rouht, pi9rt or I ;;;;;~~;;--,,""--~ 11 uo::ac area HB. G<rttmmtnl c~ 11c11on1 ~)00.4301. Architect delJianed. Adulta:, 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 fUD time, daya/"911, bfU1 FRIENDLY Medium size, 84.2--.3122 :,~"' 1~.1d1.,;.1~"" •.m. no pets. USO/mo. 615-39(2 FOR Sale or trede, com-&:: collect money from coin bJaclc with tan markinp, 8ebysittina;, hour, day or ~~11:i!~e1 ~ ~r~::: 2 BDRM. $135 .. Bit-ins, patio, COMMERCIAL mercial propmy on l9tb oper. Dllpenaen in Co.ta 1,:1;;em::al;:e:..: ... ~·.:""""::;:=::___ week, my home. Fenced Puti1\llld °"'"" c1111 011t-t P11o1, .,..,...,.. adullt __ ,., No INDUS'lllAL St., C.M. WW tra& $22,000· Mea Ar vie. No ltll~. LT Bm. Fem, Poodle, Min. yard, hot lunches. 846-mlt A1r111s 1nif ""'' 2. '"' 1'1-lt e--..·• ... ...,.. eq. for poY.'l'.I' bot.t '40' or 11~ Total --• ttq. S.nd Rod "·-pets. 160 E. 7bt. MS-8591 ••"'950 B ........__ -~• co ........ • no tap. Mi.salon BAB\'SfITING 2 New buildinp, 30 units, over. -. · Y vwuu. name, lddrea I: phone to: Viejo. 830-1451 • my home, LEGAL NOTICE 2 BDRM. APT. $110 fully OC'C\ipied with waitlnc -'=91-=!1525=======1 Route Dept, P.O. Bax 3146. l 'roi;:;UN""'D;=:;l&d31e::,--==~,-,ti-·on 7:30 to ;~3159 * l Small clilld OK .No ptt:s l'~·. ~-·~ •• a -·•-... Anebelm t2803 ,..,,.. ...... , ,..,.. ~ ..,.__ '"-,_ _ _._ ,., ......... ~ -· '~' Ind rl R I ~ ----------sun gluaes. Near beach in .....,..,,...... Lvo:I • w .... ,...... ttrfft.. Nets $33,500 Per ye:ar ust II Intl __. WANTED: otl..U. liquor Larwia. 49t-390S .J XLN:T day care, AM to Sales ...t-"111:. 000 For ••-.,. ......__ ,,.._,_.., 5:)). Hot meals, 11 e . Nowptrt ltoch 5200 3 BDRM beach apt unfum, crpta, drpt, )"tar rour:d. $.250. mo. 6t&-61S9 . OPEN HOUSE, 2 BR, 2 Ba, crptt. drpt Ir. bit-ins. $165. Mo. lie ol up. 673-2370 .... lluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e s Br. 21iW bL apt. for lieut lncL Ql,C. m.str. IUlta, dln rm. 6 dbl. pnp. auto. dOOt opener avt.ll. Pool 6 rec. aru. Hr. Catho11e Church ,, ~ • CoroM o.d.tl Mar Hlth. e ONLY $210 e '11-811 Amlp WAY, N.B. "'""" .,.._., . l2TX90 t'ORNER M·l. fntd,. u..-...: ' .... , ... ., VN-U..,,-, FOUND: Friel)tfly Calico Harbor/Baictt. ~1539 more lntorme.tian pleue call 'lOO' i.1" .. 19th Ii: Wbittier, Call: "2-1139 M K. \V. Small with -~!-.....,,eta Vetde area. BABYSITJ'ING 1 or 2 Eckhoff & AllOC., Inc. C.M. $200 rno. 6C-M90 CHARGE )'OUr' want 1111 now. .,.._ childrtn in my home. Expe:r J81B w. Qiaprnan Ave. Gener•I 40000enenl 4000 General 4000 mother rd!. &u.--n'1'6 0...,..., Ca1lL Sil-2621, Evn-wlmdt 531.5!71 Cholot E'aldo 4-l'ltx Near 17th Strett. 3 • 2 BR l ba 4 lJ BR 2 b&lh with fireplac;oe. All un!ll have built-Ina, cpta/drpc, pvt. patloo, ......... """"" $22,000 Trlplox $MO Month near Harbor Centtt. 2 BR 1 b9.. hit-Int, 2 pvt 1*- tiol, s rar. cau quickly on this! Bob Ollon Rltr. I ..... ,,A..._.,,, .. ....... _1 ..... ... 1ow .. -.... --l.SUP1po l .111rr. lllNVA ~ I I I· I' SCltAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIACATION 1200 lrlck, MIMnry, etc. 65'0 ' BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, blodr. con ct• te , crpntry, no job too small. Lie c.ontr. 962-8945 lutllllM Sertlco 6562 SECRETARIAL Serv, 'J'Yp- -in& IBM exec, tech reparta. corresp. etc. 544-#14 C1i11tntorlnt CARPENTRY MINOR JU:PAIRS. No Job Too Small. dabJDet Ill ...,.. act• 4 o t b e r cablDtta. ~75, lt no .,.... .,. rn11 at ...un. H. o. ·-REPAIR. Part!-Small Remodtl, etc. Nltlt or c\u. Rea! Call KEN MMm QUALITY -·Al- tlool • -corot. lo' -°" Ooatnct. -.31.0 REl>A!llS. ALTERATIONS CABINETS, Mr/ ..... job. 25 yn. exper. MS-m3 CHARGE J'OIU' wet ad now. • I r I : b ' • ' n " • -r • ii; 13 -'· • ,_,. ,. .. -· ,..,. ·~ -···· • , r rldq, Mar Z. 19'9 JOll l !Ml'LOY J A 1~:ii--11;--*1!111-•;..--•.--11p. * llllVICI OlllCTQlY JOU.A IMl'LOYMINT * hwl"f 6NO rt.to Wonted, -7200 JOIS l IMPLOYMINT JOIS A IMPLOYll\INT !l"le W••'"'· Mtn 7200Htlp Wonttd, Mtn 1200 HtlP' W•nltd Help Wenltd Help Wo- Woll*I 7400 w_.. 7400 w- ""' Whoddyo Wonlt Whoddyo Got? SPICIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL IOllN SWAPPlllS · · Spod•I 111 .. S Llnff -S ti,.. -S liucb ~VLEl -AD MUn OIC.LUO• t-Wfllt '°" i.vt to •"'*· ' a-WMt ,.. ""'"' .... .,..... ~YOUll ,.._.. ~or ~ ....S fna ti llf¥9t11tM .......OTHIHG FOii: SAll -TltAOll ONLYI PHONE 64i.S671 . To Pl1c1 Your Tr1d1r"1 ·p·1r.ct111-Ad Colo Ri~r Reaort, Arlz, 2 WANTED: SlUbot.t • l)rMam•klrc . Alttmationt CUl1'\l1 -... ·-· Al .. r•tlollo MJ.SIU Bars, Steak house, Rent.ala:, Far equity in tine 2 BR.1--;;CONV="'ALESCENT'""'==;;-- gas dock. $80,000 eq. for plua dm, ocean view La· ' AIDE airplane, bolt, TD'•, ocean iuna Beach borne. PRAC. hW'lt or comi:eion . t view homt or ! . 545-0lli9 NEWEU.. ~ avallabk tun or put time, ~\VNl-JOUSE 3 Br. 2% ba. t 1/3 ac Compton M-1 o/ long or .mrt tmn. Bonck;d &aut. appt'd. Prlv.,patio, 10,000 sq. ft steel bids, all and inlured. pool; nr. bay. Val. $32,500, blk topped, fncd. Trd TD't, forT.D.,car,camperor 't '! land or ,! Owner.w/!inc. HOME~ 54T-86Bl Owner 646-6654 675-3243 JAPANESE GIRL 84' trontaa:e N.E, cnr Oiym.. San a emente Income 2 Wants to live in. HOUlleW01'k. pie & Rosemead, Pico Ri· Stores 3 Lots 2 01.ticet 2. stO-~ vera. tree & clear $2:5,000 ApU. Take TD'1 or trade I 'LOCAL==-ilady,...,--wt'°'th'""'Pra,..-cO.,,.-,cal val. Trade Td't, boat, air-Good financln&, I.lake offer, Narsing exp, Routt work l CONS11!1<;noN FORE~N 151 E. Coost Hwy. ,j,,._ Nowpo<t llt•ch llAS IMMEDIATE NEED FOR *COOKS * DISHWASHER NICKI'S CLA-VAL CO. IS TH I PORIMOST MANUFACTURI R OF 'AUTOMATIC VALVES ANO CONTROLS WE CALL THI OllANGI COUNTY HARBOit AREA "HOME" NOW Yoo have an opportunity to be a pert of our ~Idly growing lndualry, and If you live In the Onnge Ooonty Harbor area, you won't have to i,ave "Home". If you hive experit:nce in any of lhil wtrk., come in and see u.s. _ • DA YSHIFT • RADIAL DRILL OPERATOR DRILL PRESS OPEltATOR • SWIN(; SHIFT • TURRET LATHI OP.ERATOR lull1rd, Totter & Johntton, W1rn1r & Sw• .. V· ENGINE LATHE OPI RATOll RADIAL DRILL OPERATOR DRILL PRISS OP.ERATOR DE BURRER CLA-VAL CO. 17th & PLACENTIA, COSTA MISA 54a.2201 Rll'S ·KU . ' . Excellent workin&: ~tlont, above avera.re talary and frinae benttitl. can p!f'IOO. nol dept, bet I; so am • I pm. Mon. thru Fri. 527.1744 Stanton Community Hospital NEW hQNAGEMENT ttNllOStt WAITRESSES " APPLY 1N PEROON RfUBBI l l& 151 E. Cout Hlfhwoy . Nowport llNch * WAITRESS 1--------1 MAIDS Full tilnt, dt,ys • EXPIRIENC ED Apply -ottlot, 3rd lloor • The Brotdw1y llWPORT No, 47, 0ourU CJf Fuhlon Nowport C-r An equal.opportunity emplQftl' PROOF OPERATOI EXPERIENCED ' Unlltd Coll~rni• ·1 Bonk ' t.l25 MacArthur Blvd. ......,. (Night Shift! F.<tuaJ __,..,. . ..,,p1oy., 741111 T x,·.,r'sd .........,~_ URGlllnY llllDID~ • • Cltrb • Typists • Repnt Typlitl • Secretaries • K_,.,•cll1r1 •PIX Open. • Assemblers Work wheft & whore you w•ntl llllEllM PERSONHB. SERYICf 445 i. 17th St. Cotlo Mou, Collf. 642-7521 lnt1rviewlnt Mon. thrv ,rl. a 1.m. to S p.m. Equal opportwlib' miploflr *TELLER* plane or ? . Owner ~32U Call 494-3:162 cooking OK. 545-71!2 25' T/S inbrd/outbrd Bert-'65 Mustang Conv, Beaut. PRACTICAL NURSE. APPLY IN PERSON Equ al Opportunity Employer. Hotei <:nffee Shop, Experi. EXPERIENCED enced Oflly, Apply In penon. Poeltton ·available tn our THE STENO Newport BMcb uttlce tor ram, fully equip, mtrs com-Porsche IQid. Disc brks, Avail. day or nlte. pltly o/hauled. $12,000 val. pwr, ma& whttlt, Tl'ade up Local ret. 836-8028 NEWPORTER INN penonabl•. _.........,,.,. 110! Jam"°"" Road UNITED CALIFORNIA ~"":::;::;.Teller - TOPATltON, INC Help Wonttd, Mon 7200 Holp W•ntod, Mon 7200 Trade for TD's, prop. or ordownBroncoorVWBua. DAY WORK WANTED *Mech1nlc..$hieldint* airplane, Owner. 6/;>.320 846-9:>,8 eves. Phone-543-aMl \Yill train mature pel'90n Ne\vport Beach, Calli. BANK Exoelle nt wortdna caadltlcll'll FOREMAN JAlllTOR 20 acres near Hesperia, lev-f'ixer Upper Home on hU&"e I ;o======== I who hu txPedmce with el, on futUtt hlway, :zon. i>t with trees. Exchanft: Dom .. tlc l:felp .... 7035 hand II power toola I: who SECRETARY and trinir• bontflls. Pleue RECEPTIONIST ""' Marboe Blvd. apply in penoa lo llfll. ed M·l Priced a t 20~~ un-!or El Cajon, Laketlde, Al-wants ala txctllent tut~. ' der market. Trade for com. pine or M-1 NE San Diego. Chinese Uve-lnL Cbet:rfW.. *Shielding Englnee'* For Newpori-Harbor Ana Costa Meta 54~033 Pari<er or Mr. Litch. fit.Ult ~ attractive, Mri Equal opportllnity employer groomed, with f riend l y ===--,,==='I 1mile. Under JO yrs, min. 4 Temporary Employment mon stock. 4g.i.0341 Jo"ortln Co. 642-5000 ~nt. Experienced Must be quaUti@d In field. For Sale or Trade: '58 Cad· Need room! Edward'• Ba-Far Eut Agency 642-8703 allic Coup. Dev.' '56 Ponti-by Grand piano;-ebony; , ~--------For appointment: 549-llTT ac Statkin Wagon good con. worth $800. Trade even for 1- dltion for trailer or pick up Spinet ln good condltloii 41: Help W1nr.d, Men 7290 Equal opportunity empJoy_er camper. 536-3664 tuned. 673-7751 alt 3 pm. Want clear lots or land for Comme1'Clal bldg, Granada AREER $35,500 equity, lovely 4 BR Hilb:, $30,CIXI eq~ty. Want C home Uis Palri!.ar---area--'liome or dup1ex, Newport, OPPORTUNITY!· J Palm Springs, or $ul:imlt. . l.aiuna. Join todays b.*at arntn& Owner 673-7011 ~--BKR __ ... _-1330 ___ ,prOtetlkJD.Mutual f,uD11 aale1 ?J' Fiberglau Cabin cruis-Qrowning' Seml-«utomatic No experit:Dct A'ecullJ'Y'- er, c\19. trlr, 100 hp A1erc shotaun, Reminrton semi-We tram . fUD'Or part time / ·COOKS Corona del Mar Phono '75-6800, 547-6376. EXPERIENCED Excellent Employee Benefits APPLY P1rtonnel Office Third Floor THE BROADWAY NEWPORT BEACH AEROSPACE PARTS MANUFACTURER Costa Mesa areo. """'"rl'""· Sil 90,. 100. ""'-"""Y llEDm accurate typln& a must. Ull\KRIL Send ,typewritten letter • complete resume to Bali 1715 Newport Beach.. Calll. ATTENTION I • LABORERS -~lnt@l'Vi"""in& Mon thru Fri., 3-5 P.M, INTERIM Bar Maids • Dancers. Apply at the Bunny Hutch. We can oiler )'Ol.l hig salaries, blab Personnel Service tip& phu a l"OOVf. place to «s E. 17th, OJ 642-7523 work th.it rummer. P.!ust be RN'S Glendale Federal SIYlllS 2lll E. C°"'I! Hwy. Nowport llMCh EXPERIENCED mtr. Runs like a top~ Trade automatic 3().0i, Trade for Mutv1I fUnd Advlson, for like cond '68 or '69 Sta-gold coin& or proof Rll _,,,,: Inc. tion waaon. 549-3283 11M6 up, MS-4109 ' Npt)S. lfm Wtltcllft 6G6t2'l 47 Courts of F11shion FASHION I~D N•wport Be1ch lllusl haw recent supervl._ ory experience over close tolerance thort run produc. tlon. Qualltim in aU phues of lathe operations ~ chuck- er, · tun'et, engine, hand scrrw, automatic'• and trac. attnctive I 21. No.~ 11 PM 1o 7 AM Full and en~ neceuary, wt wiB p&rl time. · e ESCROW e tnln. CJall Gary "'· J•JTY LYN'S SECRETARY MECHANIC An Equal Opporturti ty at 838-8'l02. 3 PM to 11 PM and 11 PM SSlOO Solid corporate note 24 apt units in L.A. Trade S.A. 1212 N. Bl"Mdway seC\..lred by seasoned TD, for boa.!, borne in Oranse sn~ Work NHr Homo 10 1 AM. Full and put funt. UNITED CALl,OltHIA We nttd 2 men with exp!!'. Empklyer ~ ln fieet truck repair, su 1 -----'-~-"--SJ,iiS~. due 3 1/3 yn., for OJunty or T.D.'s. Mr P01r-l-------="---& .,.,.L DIESEL A Mt•sr. , WANTED e A=untin&/Bkkpc PARK LIDO IANK • Secretarial •Reception latl' car; Continental, Cad. ma, 546-8030, ext 434, ot COOK or ? &14-4265 894-4004 eve. MU1 t ha'1e own hand tools, Young man' with draft.inc ex- 10 yn experience, willlna: to perience to start on the \\'Ork any shitt, Reference• ground floor of lata:e pre- required. $135. Week to 1tart, cut concrete manutac:tw.r-* * * * Experienced Only Over \8. Apply in pcrt0n Call ?.tr. T,..arcome, 545-nlT "'~ SERVI¢!' DIRECTORY Five Crowns inc firm. Must be au.e to Reat•urint Position open in tub-read blueprints, make pro-01~denin9 '6IO 3801 E ~---H lona.ble Newport Beach duction dn.'N\nat, tea,rn quo.. ----~ ---SERVICE DIRECTORY '"· Exccllent Frin&e BeMlilll. Send .reswne to: Box M.Q9 The Daily Pilot Cement, Concrete 6600 ,,. · ~1 wy. re1taurant for ambitious, tation l pricing: p~edure•. 'S Gardefllli& S • r vi c: e Corona del Mar penonable yoq roan. belp in enclneerlna:, cost ac-Equal opportunity ~Plo)'tr. • Typl.i, Superior Agency >:.tabllohtd 1946 1&57 Hi.fbor ~. Costa Mf!lll. Convaleacent H~ilal 1445 Superlor Aw., N.B. 642.24].Q * HOSTESS-CASHIER --;.;Call-.;;;,";".;;' ;,"';;·.;"'-'"':--IHotet CoUee Shop. Must be EXPERIENCED experienced. App. in person WAITRESS THE '. e CUSTOM PATIOS e / Lawn maintenance, prdan-experienced in restaurant countln& and inventory talc· SALES. concrete sawing ~f~~)!al tne A clll!&Q ups. 6f6..,3629. Account11nt1 management. Rfply to in&. YELLOW PAGES Apply In Person State Lie. e :0 CLEAN-UP Speclalilt! Mow-Credit Mana11r1 box # riving resume. Local telep~ directoriet, SURF & SIRLOIN NEWPORTER INN 1101 Jamboree Road Newport Beech, Calif. • CONCRETE /.w6ik all ing; edxln&, odd j 0 b •. Admlnlatritlve TmHI Box M-621, The Dail¥. Fut~ opportunity to enter Orange O>unty be&ch aru. 5f30 p C t H typea. Pool.1324dec}'cl I: cw;tom. RealOnable. 548-8955 LOCAL JOBS Pilot. , Alea df!partment, enalnMl'· No travel, abow ave--Ne~ ~:o-i..wy. SM -e--·• Call S43--'/' JAPANESE Garder.a CALL BOB. ~'1'19& ?ii.AN 18 to 30 for lawn cut-ins and/or quality control. ·-.--..-' ._ V1 ..,..,. .. ~ Cement Work-all kind.I plete yard suv1cie: ':: ARGUS AGENCIES ling routll'!, SWady. Sttirt ~.~P:::30~ LVN • Experienced. C.W.. m lx Free F..ltimate fStimatea. 5&1!32 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. $400 month. MUlt have own PrereqQ.ialtes: Marrled, 25-30 OR. 7: oo pm, Mond••, M•• Mvalf!sce.nt Jbpital, C:O.ta ·: ~,. · l/C n~~T< * -----"--. A-"· 8 AM, yn. old, draftlnc txperif!nce, ....,. _., Ha. Excellent "' .... ""1-~ * ~ ========:; 20 to 30 yrs old tor paint mfg ;;m-C:u';"'0r,WU1trial hieb IQ. 5th. 61! E, Broadway, Ana· conditions. 3.11 pm -.hlft ~ fct' Clftft' Glrbl 3141 E. Cool! Hwy Coron1 del Mar 671-9240 ,. EXPEl\IENCED PART TIME TELLER NITED CALll'OllHIA IANK 222 Oeoon A¥Onue L.,..nolltOch 494-6546 c;EMmallE~"I' \Vork.,1no joFb too H•ullnt 0730 work. Full time, y e a r Atta of Laguna Nionel ,CJall~~Mr~. ::,Lorcome~~~· ~.i;.~-~'fi~lT:_ liih'1•1mm. t'E7.;i;;;;;-;;;;;;= Call &12--0387 I 0 r ap. CUI W. O:llll H-.y., N. B. s , reasona. e. r e;e round. Military oblia:ation -.~ -SERVICE 1tatloll att.endant pointnlenL Sy appoint 6t6.J939 .,um. H. Stullkk. 548"615 GENERAL HAULING "'"" Apply Monday May TV SERVICEMAN MOTOR 110ME 21 to 65. Oldor mon ....... "{ij~i<Ei;:p;:iiiOlli;;i;;:JJl""~~1'$iw"Jl';<iil~l!F.<t~uaJ~-~~~ty~•~m~plo~~,..:_1 * CONCREI'E work, bonded &. CLEANUP 5th. 0 1803 W. Al ton, s'.A. "1 Pa.rt Time, Afternoon Assembler1/Build1r1 red. Gu 1 oil lf!fV1ce only, ~:~ : .. 11~~ ASTR0¥EK CORP -6: Ile. Co~e sawiJJ&. $12 Ptt load. -'-~"-'-~-uk--lm-Bo_b_. ___ 1Exp. ln outaide service calls, Immediate 0Pftling1 for men no exp ttq'd. cAll n4: ._._T NEEDS Phill. Ce t ""' .,...,., 962-6846 aft 3 A wkemk .. , ... " whJ•-••• "-Ior. Bo-... with ex--'ence in plumb-~~ ...... or 71<·. ~ ..... -room. refs ttq'd. Pt-rm. Job. 'P' men . -· ·SERVICE Station .......,. ~-~-~~ ·~ ~· --O>ntact Mr Davio a t *R...,-oloa'-t* HAULING Geoual Top needed ..... Ht able. Send resume lo Box ing, electrical, wall&, cabin· · •-r• • D , , , . •uP nav, pro __ _, fin'-" W FUU. time ltl'Vice •talion 5'5-811!. or ""-. 16'4 With_,_ oxp. '"•• C t f 6620 trim. remove lrttl A 1. .. ..; .... Must bi°7 bltlout M-666., Daily Pilot, Coata el.I ........ _, • or we \\' ..,..,.. .. .., ,.. DAYS on rac on &.......... am ' Mesa. train YoU. MUil have aome attendant, days. Andenon'• • PART TIME. 22..JO. AJ>Pl1 in perwon ADDmONS-REPAIRS Hedp1. Big John 6C-t030 wWinc to v.wk, mUlt have 3 "'""'==-=-,.,,,-·I hand tool•. See Rick, 2135 Union 16• l&l5 Adamt, CM. HOSTF.SS 1267 r --an A~ .• C.M. REMODELING reference. anr; supervisory FRY COOK • relief lhift, 540-1206 ....,. Designing: I: Plannin& Hol.iifel .. nln! 6735 exi>erience. Call 549--4043 11 or over, expmif!nced. ~1; Drive, Coflla Mesa MAN to .auili Mir'· in ap-~ :00 GIRL FRIDAY Kitchena-Batha, etc. e HOUSECLEANING e SALES: J need Rveral AC· 8firt f.Z ,00 hr. No phone plla.nce ttore; neat ap.. 6'1>1714 Carpet stcn A bide material Llc'd & Bonded. Free esL Excellent work. $2.SO bour. gressive sale11nen. lnftlt-please. Apply in penon. * GUARDS * peutne Call· SU09M sale1.Part tlme,3~week A a. B .CONSTRUCTION" Cali 54S-5995 ment reqWnd. Luxury auto Cotta,ae Chffee Shop. 562 . . · COMBINATION p r e 1 1er , Call for appt, . 151 E p Ill ~-Hwy provided if yau qualify. Call W. lttb St, Co.ti Meaa * DELIVERY DRIVER * quality a mlllt. Mr. Beit J, J. Knicbrboclw , • IC C ... t, • 1122 Paularlno, CM. CARPETS. Wlndows, fits, ,..a ..,.,,_ -~ ,..,..4 Full or part time, Prefer 55 Permanent. 40 hr. wk. Cleanen , 2949 E. O:Jut U:582 Buch Blvd Newport llldt * 56-49'1 * ..... AUDI'· ~ eve. WANTED: Service SIL Alt or older. Work any tbltt. call ~9373 Hi etc. RH or Come'!. Xlnt BUSIOYS Local reterencet I: local . : way, Orona deJ Mar.1 •H~to~Bn<~~·===9C"'5l~~~i'"""''""'""'"""""--•I AD[)..A•Room, apt, unltl, work Reul Reh. 54Mlil Apply in pel'30n resident only. 7 to 3 and l to ~~~~~:: DlSHWASHER, Ml time 67$-3306 ISAR..ut COVENTRY bat cut\ h>me•, two story HOUSECLEANING qualify B1lboa Pavilion 11 ahiltsopen. Must be Mat Blvd., •Newport Beach, See: Terry, 495 E.17th St, DENTAL ASSISTANT, openinp for,. lull or part T-* speclall.st. h'H l ayout, work! Brooks cing Serv 400 Maln, Balboa and bond.able. App: 20'.I W. 833-0600 Ext. 2273 aft. 9:30 Costa Mesa 548-9314 J',edodontic practice. El-time Illes. Mitt. qe U. -~ J :~ JlPaJ: ~o a~ Call 642.-2812 anytime . STOCK CLERKS Cout Hwy, N.B. AM, Mon. t.btu Wftl. MECHANIC w/ own too1a. ~.:.'?1od~M· _,!e~ Pleuant work, DO lnftfl, ..1: ::> • Bids. ~l191. Weekdays, SERV. Sta. Att, part lime • Welder& Alie for Jack m. W. U:lh St. '-:"""" : °"'"' VoR • .., no dellvniet. For intttview ~ Sat & sun st your service Income Tu 6740 $450 ptt month to 1tart. Mon.. weekends. MU1t be bon-Newport Beach Daily Pilot call 5tl'.Hl81U 831-41491 ur •aNo.u , ,;__, .c- dQ thnl Friday. Advance dable,qe2lto85,a00-fuli • Fit&JlgHe1dert MORNING otahwuhrr. Ap.. COMPA NION Lite, 847-&950 :!!:'~~:;-·-- *ADD . REMODEL* INCOME Taxes prepared to Illes or purchasing. \Vri~ time emplayment available e P1lntlnj & ply ln pel'*>n btwn i-5 pm. houaiekeeplrw, widow or LOCAL JOBSI />lww .J46.aJJ • CABINETS-BLOCK WALL.S your hOTne, long form com-Box M~, Dallf Pilot. in nearby areu. Apply in Grlndlne 1902 E. Harbor, CM. tl~le lady, M'.Ult drlve, live Seciy., RecpU Gal Ftt, Clerk l==";;,..,..;;;,'="='="'=n"'== ='='""=·=·=$15=. =-=====-!HOTEL Aui&tant, ni&ht and person A.M. only: Sav-Mor JAltOINE HI-FI talea trainee, Salary, tn Refettnces ~ T)'pllt • part time Denial I &. lronlnt 6755 da1 ckrk. 1pllt lhtft. Re-Station, 620 Ocean Blvd. HEADER CO. xlnt futatt. Call Mr, Van ALTERATIONS I: Counter Aut. Corptl Loy "lepolr 66-26 ____ ,.._ ___ __.::.=: qulro =· IYPlni.bo~ .,,H,,.B.,·==-=----'1'65 J.ca.:ia SI. btwn 2~. 646-8891 rtrI lor ,, ... Inc ... ..,,. Call Dodo, 513-1196 !..,,..,,.._, _ _,_,_, ----~~--IRONING DONE IN irv some e;nance, ASSEMBLY Meehanic, gen. Ganl@n Gl'Oft 893-l!l!M e EXPER DAY MAN e ApPb 18.113 Bola Chica ARGUS AGINCllS l\blTAl arrinaur CARPETS (nylons, wools, HOME. $1 .25 hr. &bW, Ot-ll96 mech. t X Per. ; «>mt e ENTERTAINER ?.tatthe\\'I Union Service Ave, HB 1119 C Nl'WpQrt Blvd., C.M. lllRI ANUIMI polytsten,l Vinyls and --===*="""'=!3=1 =*==::i" I 2 EXP'D tire cb&npn, xlnt tt\Bchlne ~ work. !&la.ry e BUSBOY 3928 E. Cout Hwy, CdM MANICUJUSI' I 'Ptdlcurlrt e WA.lTRF.SSES WW train Tiles. LAtest 1tylcs and col· -wqn, pd vacation, IN. open. Ht.)'Ward Filter Co., e BARBOY .,. ...... ,D. Serv Sta Attendant. JO&d Mquln'• Be au t y full or put ~. MUlt ~ Excellent po&iUon, Mu.t haw ors. Commercial and J1nltorl1I 6790 bendltl, apply ln perion. 1873 Placentia, Colla Mf!ta e DISHWASHER. TSC'ltE'M'ER CHEVRON Salon contact Mia SaQden u. attractiw With bubbllrw fmlt-dl!llt ~nee, Residential. Expe r t in-Young & Lane Tire Co. 1596 642-1212 Mon or 'ha. 540.li050 penonallty, THE-zoo 2344 Call MS-'561J stal!ation. 8!:~ Janitorial. Serv. Newport Blvd, C.M. No WANTED Apply tn per10n 2275 Newport Blvd., C.M. A11l'OMO'I1VE OMV .1.-... Eut Codi Hwy a t SEAMSTRESSES BLAN KINSlllP FLOORS l!;JiUllVW., re.kl., com cl, ............ _,,_ FULL p ... -......... SERVICE ··-tion attendan•-..._. ... mnst. clealiiiP: Free t:lt. .,. ......... i;au.a, • ART TIME w.o; "c..;,1 .. .., ~Robins, Inc. o.ta McArthur, CdM Power m&chlne upaleuct 642-111)!--541).-n62 flGS.2691 861iT -Retired ee.ntleman tor 2106 w. Octtntnmt, N.B. di,)' shift, Apply at Jerry'• Mee&, Call runor wan for HOUS£KEEPER I Babysit· onlJ'. TOP PAY, Applp in ASSEMBLERS Janllorial "°"'· Insldt 6 THIS JS A Bl.IND AD Ena> lli5 Baku St.. CM. appt. 64>-0010 I<r, UV. • in work I• r -Dro"ln" So,.loo 6637 C'OUPLE Specializi11a in or-1-'d "··•-~ Mr Dinl ~-· :.;.;;;.;.;.'-'"'------flcn &: apartmenb;-dq or Experienced ou "' e . ......,,.....,, • UI Must be 19-28, sharp in mind .INVENTORY OONTROL-IN· DlOtbu/ 5 ch J 1 d re n . RICE, SAILMAkER DESIGN DndUng, ..tectro nlrht. 494-2551 O'DAY YACHTS llU Harbor Blvd, C.M. and appeuance, havt auto Ht~:::tell 7400 VO I CI NG· R E CEP.. 66-1289 900 Lido Part Dr. (•t moch P/C ia.)o•t 4 dotall· 3090 Pullman, C.M. HELP ·WANTED and mcnoy mollv ..... Eam TIONIST. llO. Wk. Call BEA111'Y .,........ w 1 t b Lido Shlpyvds) N'pt Bch. mg. K•n Sr. 61>-1191 P'oporhontl"f REAL ESTATE. Shouldo't eo.1 Cupent•n -Flo.-.. $3.50 HR WAITRESSES,· D a Y • .,,,....,. 9-4, °""""" -*'-tnr. Full°' put • SEAMSTREl8 * 6680 P1lntlng , .aSQ YQ.U be 1elllng the hott•t Woricen. Apply Savannah 547-7712 or 646-15,15 Gn.ve yard lhift. 2 )"f'I. eX-S A LES WOM A N -Ex· tlmt. Corona del Mar. Call Expetienced or wiU onk1er G.:.•.:.r..:d;.;.•;._nl;..n.:g_____ ---"'-----"'"-' area Huntlniton Bea.di? l ntetpriln., 176 W. 16tb Sl, MR BOND perience: l'lttffall')'. Apply pa1enced ln ready to WW' utft' I PM~· )'OWll trainee. Apply in ANTHONY'S NP,T, tx»· Painter, 1111 Call Phil McN&J"nfe Villqt ea.ta Mesa. in peno11, 5C2 W, 00 SL A ap::c tswear, Part ttme. WINDOW rlrll wanted, ~ to ~ , Gordon S.rvlco d-.g. eon... ·-nt. llff1 Estate 96>-<471 • "vo"'UN=c'""MAN=...,in..., __ -.,..,_,_,. Salesman c.M. CM. 5le4<C 311 ,,. "' .... w~ J-4 ant.-. 644-lf4I Very )Ow prleet. Sleft NMl.03. learnirlg trade. Must haw MANAGEJt..TIWNEE 1'Jiy Cook. Ai!ply in penon AM t1I 2 'PM. Apply 891W.18th St.. H.B. The beat. eo1ta DO more! ~549 eVes. . DRILL PRESS gd. ret'1, Gd. pay 1; ben't Mature 6: Steady Spbrt:rwev lhop, Balboa h i. MESA L ANES• 1703 Met>onald't «35 W. ltth, CM Corner of ldonrov\I • tlth:- PAINTING Int' Ext lrieit OPlltATORS Sttad,y emptmt. •7121 A~~~ Salet uperlence MCnlll'Y· SU,plrior A~ .• CM. t SPECIAL MACH IN E COMBINA'I'lON, Sbarp Bar PrUn~~u::i~t~IU't contracted pricn. J'ully lhl. Nech.. I eltdronlc uiemble.r llIXSON 1'fETAL Granlt Su.rplua 673-8222 Aft 5 PM for appt. MOTEL MUI part-time O"P ER A T 0 R ·PR.WES Maldt: 6 Go Co l'.>ucera. Exp, Ho'rticulturUt ~imw~~ guar_ l'l'ff Ht. tralDees.-Pb: MW&l1 FINISHING 1750 Newport Blvd ., C.M. MATlJRE woman to do part Newport 'ae..e11 SIHdy, Garmen! Mtar. f15. ~ ..,~ ... $3~-to -ORANGE COAST " m-l181 EXPEiw:..ctro -ciok, , ALERT'UPHOI3l'EREI\ tr """' "'"""tire a. """' &1>1Ml cm e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE thffts a 'flftk. Apply tn TRAINEE Po.Ilion Open tor w/laundry. MT-3921 QULD care )'OUJ' home Exp'd 1M1n1trea fo sew SASSY LASSY, l!IOl Hu1:w, llndsc1pe G•rdeners JOB. Xlnt work, ttfl. ~ pefton, AU., Wnt, 2108 w. AppQrinpenon ' MAINTENAN~ MAID. Full time. pleuant a.ch ..... P.nlnlul&·Df'lf: camper cur1e.int. Call l'c"."'N"'.==:-==-,,,, Cam.pl:ele Lawn Maklt. Re· ut. JIM. &IJ...4869, &tl-3749 OcMn l'l'Ont, Nll ' Johalwen A ChritWnetn MEOIANIC JWTOUlldincs, La I tin a Mon.~thnl hi. 873-fW 6ft,1 88S-$310 after e p.m. l.MMl?PlA'!l;, ~ ta 'r!.~'s:.2~::'m INTER or Ext. PAINTING, PAINT MAN 891 W. f6tb St., N.B. WW eontldu trainee. "Day Beach. 4'-U96 LlV E-IN b a by 1 I t ttr DENTli ASSlSTANT Ctramlc lndUltry, la padt- DIMED. SER.VICE. Local Con1er ot Monrovia II 18th. ahtft. App, lndurtrlal Clay ,., a bYsrrJ'ER. W ted· .-... ll N Ing er prod..:&n dept. A&> JOHNSON'S Gardtnina Serv. reL FREE ert. 5'&-l07 ExptrienCfld Pftf~. l;(mn .... ..n.Ell. Mfr. need•: Prod~ l81'i5 l'lbtr G1aa g,,ru> an ' 1 "'-W-boutework. N • w port ewporc. ena. ~ Indutrle.I OQ ProducCI Finest equjp, txpttt yard -c==,-,==-:c,.-Rima lt.rdfllrt· Con.tad _.,,....-Rd., Hu~llnsfon 8Nch 5-.. hn.l90f~ ~H ~?ti a.ch....., ~1905 Call $t3.Ste& 18765 Fiber C1UI Rd, HU. --! Reas! 96)..2035 PAINTING, Papntrw 16 m ~ WoWeft. ii.'TMO l"r'l.men; cablntt man I D&)"1 ..w.. ~ BA8YSITJ'ER MAID !> •'-Caltt. ....... th Hartior area. Ue .. bond-ah:irnlrl.un ildnner. Apply B""1oy1·Dflhw11Mr1 . ASS STANT Mature 6 0""' ' permanent ....,._. 8@adl, Re.liable lawn llel'Yb, m . Re.la turn. 642-2356 PART-nm. hllp wanttd. ~. nXl..,Placentla, U and over DENTAL I rt:Jlable tD Uw: In fbr 3 put time, 8 d.,..UWICk, alRL J'RJDAY • CI Y 11 mow, ..... trim. Exptriencrd pttf....... OL Good Ntwpart Bta<h 648-5<11 cblldnn. m-1141. MM<29 IL'5 hour, -llnginetrl'1< flnn. Dictation * 531-1604 * Appl)': Budd)''• 'BUrpr, I ;iiify~o;;;:::::SA;:iiMiii:~---CO...i;;~j°"h_;o;:;~· ---1 iE.fiA.UfilN£:HELI!. t' SAl,J::$_ PAJlT TDfE* LlV&lN er wt babyalber. a m1'ttt Need ear. S tn tal- e £XPEJt_J_,_,_._. ••• 1~'~'== .. -=~·~~~'""s':::R:'~~ir~68":8':'0·l,,,~-~·:..;N~:1'11'4:,.· ~·~-~~-t:°'~,~~;.!tfij]I~ QI-£ Adama Hll. l'tJLL Ol\-PAJIT TIME $2.110 .... .... awn --Lhoth._&11. _ ___.. pili1 P.!lol Gardcnrr O:nnplele ltrvlct. • PAT C Jt l'LASTEIUNG. FRY COOK: C.rav;;&fd be neat In ajlpearance and Us.=' ' &ts.9863 ' 5*61• ~ f.loa' 111421 1''m e9timatt1. CaU ~13a2 AU 'nt•· Free ••llmate. atltt. Stltl '100 Mek. 2: handwrlttnc. Over 2$. 2590 YOUNG MAN F'£MALE Factory p&C]u!n, QUALtTY Oah1l'lr rod wn~ WAI11\ESS want.i. Pre.fft. UPEIUENCED EXPER J'"°""' Gankntr Call -)'kn nper. me. .Apply Ill N-Blw., CM. Pi<k up aod Ooltvery S' 5" or -. fllll time, por. Brownlrc tiff. Co. Ult ~. No _......,. FOOO WAITlllSS )lonihly -· "~•, Plum"'-. ,._ ~ 562 W. 19th. C.M. WlNTEI) -atailon a• Apply Hub Auto SUptJ!y IUS per hr. '48-6115 -Pta<totll, C.M. !"-Un .... ....,, . .,._llS'.I • 1111 .... Boy C~ ~or_,., _.., ...,.. MECHANICS-Outboonl i.ndant 4 mt<hM/t. Lo<ol ml llorbo<, Costa .,,.. H&'iEiSclSiifEil Exp'd MASSEUSE WANTED • e MAlDS e Jm W. Coat llwJ., N.1. l--cC\i"'7l.,.A'°'Ed&""'e"'L&=wn:--JlLtJMBING REPAII\ Call 6'4-45CS btwn $.S ndt rPCJ'd. Apply at &012 FtJ1L tlmt porter. 5 ~a preferrtd. AppJy H o tel HCIUT'I 0,..,. Call Jir Ap. Bm Brown't Motel, IDOi S. KtfD ~~ ~ Mainlffl&ru, t'Jconaed UR.AlN a.EAKING ror 0.Uy PUOI Wot Mt Warner Aw., H.8. wetk.. ·Apply DtsmOl'ICllt No. Laguna, La,una Beach. p::iint.men•. IO-Qll eio...t Hwy, 1.quna Bch ,lmy. 12 to S.. w e.t\er 5:10. ~/662310 aft C S..1'aT or St0-7217 DtaJ &Q.W O tARGE rt'! 3 f'aihlon l1land. N.S. \Vhll11 elephants! Dune.!lnt Whitt elf111\an111 O"""*llne SX:K rr TO 'EM! Vllla ?.tartna ~st. * HOSJWES * NIGHTS Apply in pemn REllBI E. lfE • .. • • ----... ------------------------~----------------~---'-------------------- ) ..... ------------------------~ ~ I " " i I • l 1 ·: I i I ~ l I • I ' I ' ! ' . ' U DAILY fllOT fr~, M11 t, 19'., , -· y M_sllC I•• l'Oll HANDISE FOil MEllCHANDISE l'Oll MlllCHANDISI l'Oll MEllCHANDISI FOil 'ITS ind LIVESTOCK TllANSPOllTATIDN TllANSl'OITATION SALE AND TllADE SA~I Ai:jD TllADI SALE AND TllADE SALi AND TllADI SALi AND TUQI • 90!0 Flahlnt llolllt · 9040 . fum.:___ t ' IOOOfuml-IOOO • Pie-a ·n....-1130 !!!II . N2S S.11 .... 11 _., ..... °"-s.a. I022 , ,.... . Mi..,.u...... ~ CEruW< ~ _.... • ... DIESEL YAWL 27.ft. R1nln9 Boat w-. 7500 • J-1:.-·C..·· ........ .lslalld • l'tlwpat BMm 11 .. -for ~ ~~'3. :.~~~ ·-~, ~~~A::·C~~~~!.!!~! ~!~~N~* =hn=i::= ~la~~~ ~:t:~ig ....--~M· -•~· m.5156 .• eOiJ WIUlibet ~ II... &Ive Wind1 a b7 II IN 1ATURE SchM""!'>. Aux. T>y M50Q; Docl«d at Hun- • >..u ' ..._:r. · l:lammond chord, eboriy $39$ Auctionr Frida,r ?·3!1 p.m. AKI::, pet~ lbow, 3 IM\ale, e PAaf'JC YACRI' SALESe $2,300. &3l-7Sl attrr 5 p.m. SAT. >OT Otanp. --than!, walnut 1295 Wi d , A ',' 1 mal< a wu old Plil< "' ' .... Vlaj)porto, -or -• •liondl. * C OOlC llauofit MlnuflcluNr'I ''9-lhowroom Sampl• 1i,.,., yan1 tool$. ,... fal~ mo ~ ........ $!2911 1n y • uction S.m · ' · 24 ao... ,_ m.isw :::; zuitu, redintr. Lots more! «ml Wurlitze~ ••.•.•.• $9!l:i Beblnd Tony't Bide.· Mtl'l Utl(r. 8JD..166'1 eonw.•CUSTOM DLX K .(i Bolt ~tores 904I * Vilh mnt ~ and wWin& to INm ocr limitl!d men.t. Ciom,etl~ waps, out.land~ .btndlll lnclud. 1,._. __ ... , __ , __ ~ 8' Wood carved arm-di•aa, lg. man 1 chair or love seat 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/hack or avocado framed chain; 8 Pc l!R set 9-dr Mr. a. Mrs. dr"'8er, lg mirror.• 2 commodes, decorative headboard In SpaniJh '6.-89 Moel A llammond w/Les Sl5ll5 2075% Newpoprt. CM H>"6ltl ..... 1UO NJ:.'W 3i' ~rb~ sk1op. N'PT. Beach. llOx5D ipace 3. FAMILY ~ ~-AD t...cJwerr 11ollda.Y_ •••••.•. S695 FULL Marquette ~ alffPI 4. Hea(l. iallfly. aVf,il., boat 11( qe. 1tema mwit be sold, venr Bald.,111 7lP ••• •• • • • • • S695 equip 6 trio's old $1.lOQ,, PlN'I'O-OFLDlNG, • yn old. Launch anytime. Coo d Good securlt 6(2..2809 r-euonable, Sat. & SUn. t23 Wurlitzer "=· ·· .. ··· S4!i Snap.on air cllisle lerlmpu.~ Very etntie'. $250. price leaa aaih otber Victoril.. Clot Cul.bn.Ntn •••• S2500 wrtndt $2!5, CompJ.. Jd: 846-Sll6 aft 5 on wkd,)is. ite~. 646-00! • . Mobll• Homes 9200 DRESSERS. 2 It 0 v Cl I EV'ERYnllN tN MUSJC alto-cond'lne equip " &tock Rte.-Tborobred Geldlnl:. CAL 20 • Pttf.ect 1or family I I I * Apply in ptl'90n 10 AM, to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday j, (. PBllY co. 24 f1shkln hllftd kl ~ opportunity emplO)"tr • • oak design with matching bO% springs, mat· tress & frame. • Items Sold Individually Shop ......,nd-BafoN you buy' -USI VALUE $1095.95 -PULL 'PRICE $529.95 or -u low •• $4.66 por -" -Use Our store Cbuge Plan or.Bank FilWlclnJ No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Valua Inside . . .. do""~ mini"' ''°"· an.'. Beach Music Center mo. Olhor °"""'11 Call alt. Vory ... u.. ""'"""' 0, n.clng. s1 .... a-brae. 212 Costa Mesa St, · 5 PM ll97-4837 Only cood r\den.. M7-12S1 but .c&l'Tiet a dozen. Head, C.M. • · Factory Sale•&·-KNITTED f•....,<' TRANSl'ORTATIDN Genoa.SplnMker, boat bath. GARAGE SALE : Mi 1 e Dai.lY ~ noon 'til ,9, Sat 9-5 ' ADKJU · Xlnt cond. $3500. 644-0816 uema & antiques~ _:zuo 1740f Beach Blvd .•. tHwy 39> ""'FOR SALE ..... 4 YKhtl 9000 SABOT;xlnt cond. Cooiplete, Raleigh St., C.1'1. May 3 It -4 1% mt So. San Dieto Fwy. Remnant• * .. ._.m mast, sail, ·center board. Hunttncton Beach M7...!536 . -wnp « .lllW DAVID L.-FRASER S23S.. See at lS32 MlwDN' Appliances 1100 WE'RE back in our new :':: :Ls.°J!I! ~M:; 32t Tolly F/B, T/S, 83 hrs I -°"~·.:Bal=boa=·=,....,..-=.-_ -------Sto.-.. BJ& Cmbration • BJ& . IN. G Ou ' .................... OFFER! CANADIAN SOL I NG ~-·-GO t of Busj.ne...-Ad-"r I"'!....:-......... "'-b ·~ ooo soo MAYTAG, automatic CLO.-..::. . ding machines from l20 .,. ...... ._ i'"'-••• .,.,, AVAIJ..ABLE N!! waiber 2 speed recon. SEOUT ol conlOle P~ · 37' Zeeland YaY.'I Schock. Newport 673-2050 ditioned, l yr ~ & labor 08 at s&vinp to ••••· · $400 == -~ .:n $1'1'00· sleeps G · •· ......... Sll,$00 28' CAT. Qioy de 1 g n, \VOODWORKING (assembly iuarantee Dunlap's, l8l5 CLOSEOtrr of Baldwin over. "VIII -47' Dsl Ketch sips 1 .• $19,500 Emenada wt Extras. sanJ j li: millJ. FEATIJRELINE Newport,' Costa Mes a. age Pianos at savtne• to $349 ~Coas~ :f.;'fbidg 1f' (lb 40' Dsl Ketch aft cab $30,00'.l val, sac~ 1li/893-1Dl9 INC., }62'J. Placentia Ave., , ; • , , 1 548-7788 . CLOSEOUT ol-$11168 ~ c a · CALL: Chuck AVffY 1Co&ta Mesa. REFRIG H . bo at sav~ to .......... $23li HOUSEFUL of fum; odds&: 3-124 Via Oporto, Newport KITE, 2 saiU, hi-way trailer, }"'ff.JAR FISH• OUPS needs otpornt, ttom No down oac, 5 yrs to pay. end.I. 2-26 gal Fish ta~ 673-5252 * 49f.3915 Evt!L xlnt cond. $700. Mf)..-0($2 aft l .'!:!':~~~i!!-~~~~!!'j'~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~zer. Immaculate COD-WARD'S B.Al.DWIN SI'UDJO stand.I &: fish incl., p.so, I!~~~~!!!!!~"':'~!! 6 pm Ii: wknds. l~UNTED, H~ ~. ~~ 8000 dilion. ~!.fl' ft, only 4 )TS 1819 NeWpOrt, C.M: MZ-8484 Port. dishwasher $95. 3 Pc. 21' CABIN CrUI, 2 bunks" a "w~AN'=T=IW~FO=R~RH=o"o"ES"'"'1"'•· _.,., Fumiture 8000 Furniture ()ld. Sacrwce! 962-3941 secl'l $50 642--0070 2136 head. "-·• Crown mar ~u•r, dolly or 2 0 , Mesa. • 1---~-----Used H•mmond · · ..... N,. ....... iWR Stylist, client~!~ EIOIJISIJE ADMIRAL Freezer, used. 4 QRGAN SALE Raleigh, CM. eng. Nffi11 v.'lri:. $500 or berth.* ~7402 20 Pc. Maple Years old, xlnt condition. 10 ./ Juke-Bo;(, Rock Ola. tnake oiler. See at 147 =,.-,,..-601=-,--;:-h ;-. :-:-:-Ii~~:~ part tinie. 3 ROOM GROUP cu ft. $9'J.95. Dunlap's, l81S ~~· RX:foo.c2, ,;-3100;.1 M· Nickel. GOoct condition. Baylide Dr., N. B. Ownr c~t.' cuJa.~: • CC::p~e~~ ; SPANISH • Newport CM 548-7788 1• 1• • · a o Full. o! -cord•. •-•·-,, 495-4872 ' ·-p'·-St•in .. ~ •w~ I< clean. 13200. 897-203.1 VET assistant wanted. \\'ork ltlEDITERRANEAN lnclud~: u·.i-t'llOl'D set • m-v ....... 1 -.. way, I;;:;---,,~=="'°~"""-•..:;,;=:::::::,:==;e7.C'O-;;;::::;:::- morninp. Write box lot 858, FROM MODEL HOMES tables _ w':.! . bedroom "1a°2:~~l xlnAuto ndw~, Wurlitzer, ete. $250. * 534-S352 TI!6J 30' TROJAN. Radio, 1' Shoregoer-&lllng Dinghy ! "state exp.. if any. r• '"".........., • 1 00 _.. Open SUnday 12 to f COLDSPOT Frost t r...e e fatbometer, e~uip for $165 ~!e~ns:resq~~; se~ d=ed mal~SI~ ma-* 847-8ll5 * HAMMOND relrig. 12.4. Used 4 mos. f.i&blng. Sips G. Xlnt cond * 675.2336 * r .. nci*'• Mtn & furniture, king size bed· p room. ' ' ' NORGE Gu Drye:r, late in CORONA DEL MAR $160. Pec.n 34 x 34 cotfte S8500. 3412 Mateus, NB. 1966 TARTAN, 27, sloop, MOBILE' HOME $10,000 -OR - $35,QOQ· HOUSEi Come 1n today and lff )UX· W'Y living at down to earth pri~1. Especlalcy' DDW dur- ing OW' clearance Ale on all display modeb-they're priced to sell lmmedlate.ly, Parks available in all areas Bay Harbor Mobile Home Sales 1 t25 Baker St. % block East o.f Harbor Blvd r on Baker I Costa Meaa ·(TI4) 540-9470 : W-7550 'rooms, full or twin, custom $449 model, x'lnt corn. $50. 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-8930 tble, $25.. 64>2684 675-0842, 534-3710 5 Full N do Pm onl SU * 847-8115 * lnbd. Aux. Sleeps . Y • quilted sofas & love sea~. 0 wn • ta. Y rno. ONCE A YEAR MACHINIST'S 26'' Gerstner 36' Chris Craft equipped. e2336 TRANSA Mobile Home, , It's Not Luck-lamps, tables, beoaulifu1 din.. WflJ'S WAREHOUSE FRIGIDAIRE, Cu!t Imp. WURLITZER tool chest w/preciaion tools, l9.5-I Sport fishinr, twine~. lt' SLOOP Wood D 10x50, twin bdrm. 40' alum DBLE Expa.n4o 2 bdnn Parklane, in quile, adult,. 5 1tar park w/carpeting &: drapes thruout. Close to ocean & pool. 499-3846 a.ft 5. It's Know How ing sets, chlna & 6 chairs, Matched Washer & Dryer. PIANO &: ORGAN SALE mikes, indicaton 1; etc. $165 radio. Musi sell! Sac. $7,txXI. New Mast,' Xlnt Cone!~=: awning. Furn. Adult park, I f &e color TV's, automatic retrig-60C w. <Ith St., Santa Ana $50. each. 644-M-18 New Pianol .front •••••• $5?'9 536-1100 '645-0440 or .f!M-8465. 1418 w. Bay, 67~1916 Costa l\ofesa. 642-0.192 ! Stt E.xtt ~!!..•ive to $650 ~~o~para· ~T'"!r!s ~~ Open Daily 9. 9 ~EJ:UXE-Nto~-hel~~ duty NewWOrgHY.,..BUYtroUmSED .••• ;.$699 * POOL ~ABLESmod* $3000. CABIN Cuiaer, 2 17 FT. CAT. 2-45 HP 11-terc. DOUBLE Widk.e l\o!~~llA~omal•i " · -·~-· · Sat 9. 6 Sun. 11. 6 .... ,..,r. au ma"", ... e new. · CWitom -antique -em .... _,,_ • "-ad, oh•"p to -•--, -•--1r1··-Top, trailor, bait in new par .,................. 11 Bookkeeper, t:hnl T & B $550 sale at IB.Crifi~ prices, ~~1 Open Mon & Fri eves 'lil 9 • used. SPORTS "100". .,..._.,. '""" a.uuco: o;.oa; ......., 6 30 j <lttlr: Typilt, 60 WPM , • $450 OK .. I. 2 TWIN Beds, orthopedic, 135 Grey l\otarine. Perfect tank, etc. 546-8963 • : p.m. , A· Wafo.10Use comple1e $.15. each or $50 G.E. Refrigerator bottom • RentaJ Purchase Plan • 6.16-2730 lU PlJl cond. 539-5073, 527-1515, or DLBL. Expando Kit Troiani General Ottiet>, good ski!~ bolb. Sat eve or Sun. free7.er fl5 xlnl condition. ~ou~d :usic ~ompany McCULLOCH Cliain saw 18" 6Ta-l909 'GS =~:· ~· ~~rfect 20x55. SeacllU litobile Prk.: ~" ....... ·· M.;j~.. ..... 7722 Garden Grove Blvd., GG 83l--0437 548-1764 _ · ain. SA 547-0681 bar, excellen~ $67.50 . ~an 26' Good Ship Lollipop 6 Plif: 675-l.907 • 890 \V. 15th No. 108, N.B. ! A.dmittistrative Trainee, 'n block West from the C.Or-ROUND Maple drop leaf HOOVER Portable Washer, HAMMOND a Steinway Va-Port. car BU' conditioner Perfect :.:;.· fishing, romance I..,=======""'= AfOBILE· home &: cabana' Fee Pd ............... $650 ner0 G o!._~c:b Blvd., near table 42" x fl6". Ex. cond. C.oppertane with Serva-Top, m.aba1 .. -:..~=-·n~,"\..~~OOlln_ 12V $15. 642-5666 -.. &.. ~uggli.Ug. $1&aJ.17, Power CruiHrs -9020 Adult park. 1684 \Vbittier, B1zye Electron" · • ~ • -,-. S50. Miniblk~ 3 HP $65. l Yr. Old. $100. 646-4738 o ..........,._ on .....,... DIAMOND approx l cal'llt 531-6825 days Spc 27. lnq at otifce. I Ftt ~d ........ ~: ~.~~· ... 9K """O"pe"•,..."-='°'=su=··'-"'== --=,,'".,59=""'-=-=="""~ c R ass. TOP Refrigerator, So~~~· co $2,000 value for Sl,000 or of· 9 ' G L A s s ff a pp E R SA~IFICE~733·~~· s.s ~ -:o=======,=-= I CM E&Umator, somt SPANISH Returned from 1'1AHOGANY RC'J"etar)' $65, Frigklaire, good cond. $75. 1907 N " fer. Prlv. Party. 2421 .D transparent bottom; Xlnl Cnuser, 1 · sou Motorcycles - coJll!&e. Fee Pd ..... $78ll Model Homes on sale al ,vaJnut inlay d re 1 s er, 847-8965 • Main. Elden Ave .. CM. 646-3389 cond $l7S cond. Needs love. llO hp • ""· less than wholesale! Group o,;-;----;;c;;:;::;::::;--;:::;:o::;;:I Santa Ana . Gray Marine. Radio & '68 HONDA Scrambler, legs ...-ublic Relations supv, matching single bedstead, RCA \Vhirlpool automatic 90 SQ yd! nylon crptg, · 673-7260 tatbometer. $3300. 547-4229 than 600 , ml.; full bell 1 Fee Pd. • · · ·· ··•· .. ·· · 15K include1 beautiful 9 6 '• student desk. 675-0895 washer, DeLuxe m 0 de I , CONN ORGANS frosted cocoa, new, not cut. 14' ARKAN'SA.s t r·a v e 1 e r helmet, Shop manual, extra + =~rt J:\ttons ~ull:aru:fa c! 1~:.0::~; 'Q"'u"A7L.-,Kng=:--:Sire:;: .. :-:---;:bod:-;--,,,-,, good condition $45. 5J6.6612 ALL MODELS Sacrifice. $635. 6 7 3-118 5 alwnn boat, practically new; 8o•t Slip Mooring 9036" tire & tube, eX:lra gear; 'Open on Saturday 9 to 12:30 tabJes, swag: or table lamps, quilted matt., com PI et e G.E .. 18 It. Auto Frost-free NEW & USED eveniflaa car top can-. &: loo.der ·$200. $500. 536-2346 Aft. 6 PM wall placqUe, king, queen, Never used $98; worth $2SO. with auto. i~ maker. Jfear the NEW J Manual! CAMPING trailer home 646-5997 WANTED: Permanent Slip * 1969 HONDA 3 5 0 MERCHANTS or full size bedroom suite 847-&l.06 Bronze. $250. 642--0377 Gould Mu1lc Comp•ny made. Sleeps 2. $85. Call 1;2500-:-. "•"Eo;;R"'TRAM""~;;.65;--;-H;:ud:-;--,,to"p for 35' Power Cruiser by Scrambler, I mo old, under ONNE -·~ 548-5823 middle of June. 84.2-1962 PERS L complete 1ncl ~ .springs, SOFA & Chair, new, never 6 r.1os old Frigidaire Relrig -W N. Main, SA 547-0681 twin Mere 120 IO. Clean "'arranty. 220 mi, $625 .• A(•ncy 2Q.-l3 WHtcliU Drive Comer 11th I-IrVine 645-mo -54>5685 mattress linens &: boudoir used. Make oiler. 5'i8-6025 I · k u WEDDING gown & head bilge CO$tly ex~ Olfers. Evi!nings. S<&-1084 lamps, ~h oak 6 pc or 962-3059 eve11 only. ;:.u~. ~~ =~~5•0 ve Radio 8200 dress, designer model. Size min $9400. TI4:~ BOAT SLIP dining set priced f!li;ey,•here ~0~,.-..,-,-00-,-,.-,.'"t'".-"'g-..,,-.-°''=========-1----------1 8, never wom. 67~7459 18. V-8 INBOARD & trailer; Tie·Up $60. !\fin. at approx. $1195.00 ALL Cinammon mahogany $125. A __ n_tl4q_ue_s _____ l_1_1_0 1 SCRAM-LETS BApY bed a:impl~t~. p_la,y 14' boat, trailer. Sell or 303 E. Edgewater, Balboa '&t YAM AHA 250 n:built engine, ne1v tire5 $3?>. 615-6846 LI 8-9771 FOR ONLY $399. $20 down. * 540-S219 * pen, port-a-cnb, girl 1 bike, trade. 'llt: 776--0673 ~fOORING wanted: To lease ......,.. 14."' p., -·~• • out of ANTI"'UE SALE'. ANSWERS Xlnt rond. !lliZ-7621 • or buy on Balboa !Mand. 67. Yamaha 305, 5 sp $350 64 y arnaba 80 siz npt."rsnl"'M"el·.' •tat• <ttdit OK. w 111 Off F I 1010 ... ,.. '66 GLASS boot, l!IO hp ,.,...,.,, qui-•· ..• 2tlth ice urn ture 1 Ouittinn Bu1ine1s TV CON_ so. tE 1/0, trtr: $5500. Swenson. separate for ""':>aJe. ··• $50 Century Furniture, 9 17 2 ---------Everything goes -dealers Porou. -Raven -Erupt -Good rondition, • 6!6-SOll or &1&-7301 lo•t• yacht • 548-4506 • I agency Garden Grove B 1 v d., THE WORKS! IBM elec welcome • wholesale pricn! Social -CURTAJNS * 536-6077 * 10' GLASSPAR, '67, excellent Ch•rters 9039 Garden Grow Daily ltl.9, type. Walnut Alma desks, * 4 Roll tops * 10 Oak A tea tag line: If it we.ren't POOL. ,Table 4 x 8 ft. Ac· condition.-$165. 10 hp ProfesalOnlll Service Sat ].0..0, sun 12-5 Come tbls. Uphol. chrs, shelve1, tables * 4 Hoosiers * Hall for venetian blinds. it would cessories. Cost $500, sell Evinrude $75. 673-1441 CAL 34·1or CHARTER \VANTEO: 3 Wheel Moton:y. de. Reasonable. Call Ed at 54>9647 for the employer in or call (n4) S3l>-5240 files, dratt'g tbls, settee, .eats * Desks * Thousaods be CURTAINS for all ol us. U>O. 5J6..-0t60 --======== $25 day. $150 wk. I aofu. drpL 6'73--l8n of small gooclies! 9, SURFBOARD Sailboats 9010 146-2957• and the appll<1nt 20 PC. MODERN ANTIQUES AMPERSAND Tia..lslon 8205 -roooilion. $30. ==~=-=== 1966 Pttultaco hfatador, 250 cc, excellent condi· tion. Very fast. 67f>.7459 133 Dover Dr., N.B. 3 ROOM GROUP Office Equl...,,.nt IOI! '62< Nowpon, C.M. 64>-3069 .,,_1441 e CAL20 by ori piy, Good F!shtrii' llollto"" 9040 '42.J170 54f..2743 lnol"'··· . .,.. __ , --•-._ _ .. _._ FRONTIER RELICS & Civil • • • • • I • • • I . cond, well e.quipt. Wkend1 or :...:;==..o.:=:....--'--' '68 Bui taco $375 Xlnt cond. ~fust sell Equip !or racing. 540-7813 .....,. .rwnu.~.-...-AUTOMATIC telephone War items. We have RENT OR BUY WOOL ~g approxunat~:ly evP.i546-103Ior GLASPAR, Good fam i ly SchoolHnstrudion 7600 -walnat tables • ~~ • answering equipment. Sales thl 1 t c• •R 12XU, beige; excellent, m-(Zl3) 339-579'1 fishing boat. Evin rude LIFITIME Gitt, type\Wiful&. :m::,1~mpc~1:rn~~ ~ice • all makes. ~f~~1~~r:¥~~ L ~~diD~;e~=:3!.~k-~~gN=ded~L:t·ne~~ ~~27~~~s:i.~~.~er. (Oilldttn. srandchildren, or etc. All for.·. CASH REGISTER chest. ExOOlent condition used once $400. 846-9042 White El""'bants? yoUJVlf! Individually tutor. $2U Vut stock Ame.r/Eur furn It 35 S10-473J -r THE HUB oJ activity for service businesse1 • , . the Cla.uilled Ads, Dia.I 642-5678 to oUer your service NOW. 1 ' National, 3 dept's., good clocks. Larry Morgan Anti-TV 1 · ed Chilcoat 10 lessons typinr Ne. down. Pmts, only $10.mo. Cond. 847-8536. AM'• 536-4868 quea. 2423 Newp. Bid., C.M. 1,Go--.E~.~R""ofrl:-:-g-.,°'bd'"""nn.".'."'"-:p:;:i,::,,.::-~ I ~,,;. 173 Del Mar, CM, WELK'S WAREHOUSE MULTIGRAPH duplioator """'"m & ''"''"' mach. model 80 ,Mid supplies. $225. Sewing Maehlnn 8120 \Ykel'lds, e""s. 642-3324 e Fl.Y,tNG LE SSO NS, co1ilpJ pri. lie. pk.g. from I $£,00. Pa,y u you learn! 54!1-<1126 GO:l \V. tth St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9.6 Sun.11.6 &l2-5027 1664 ~bcock, C.M. FR'EE • 'TIS Tropical Fish • 1969 SINGER with zig-zag £i Opening 'bout May 15th Gar91e Sale 8022 walnut consolt. Makea but· Fountain Valley 842-4530 ton holes, designs etc .. $5.25 ONE seat British Blighty PIANO Leuons: The very No interest charge DINING Set-mi&c furniture. mo. or $36.00 cash. 526-&il6 Parts & Labor charte.r fiight, LA to London , ..,, In •-tructions. Call for six months 100'1 of books 10 & 20c ea. CA · h ..... R automatic was 'r. $7 M·. • d-·~ May 8. $125. 644-2922 644-2639 No down payment Complete Britannica World Good condition $45. ._... .:-:o=====c-;=.-1 On approved' credit on 1 Boak, Child Cralt. Complete SJ6.$il2 NEW Singer portable sewing 1 MERCHANDISE FOR housefull o1 furni~ in xnlt electroni!ll lab. Kl t ch en ===="'-===""''I N -D • •• machine, must &ell-best of-) SALE AND TRADE condition. lncllldes king, items, antiques. 1'1any other Musical lntt. 1125 0 ep SI . fer. 642-3192 Chris. F ltu 8000 full, or twin bedroom set, ilems at give---eway prices! .;.;..;=.;:.;..=;;...____ Fu LL membership: Ex· r-urn ,.. comp!. living rm. dinette Sat & Sun all day. 001 St. Guit• Headquarter• Rent With elusive Newport Beach Ten- 20 PC . ''MADRID'' set, auto. refrig. & washer James Pl (not road) corner • NEW and USED e . Opti·on to Buy nil Club. 6#-063l. 545-9419 guaranteed, stove, den 15th SL, NB. MS.{17'71 Fender e Vox e standel . be ty I 3 Room Group tum., dishes & small ap. 9:tU Wool, blue & i;:reen Irina· e GIBSON e MARTIN We also rent the following : COMP. 9. station au FROM MODEL HOMES pllances. Sa.crilict> r a r ed shage ares. rug. Tut-e WILSON e y AMARA * Fumlture * Washeni It aalon equip. for sale; good lncludes: Quilted loft. I: Bal. due $479.16 or pay qooise Dower de co r a t o r D H .~ -a... Dryers * Refrigerators & condition! S43-'l4.T2 "'" Will B rum e.uqua, ••'1 i:i .. n .. ,.,_ ATLAS B1nd11w. 10" I chair -2 end table• Ii: cot· "·ee.....,. separate. uy tree, lrg cera1nic table e NEW and USED e ....... ,." • f~ table _ 2 lamps_ dre&.. a I I OT' Pa r I • A 0 K lamps, oiled walnut end LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO 521 7555 $50. Cali 96'2-1994 er -mimlt -headboard -We.rehouse; 7122 Garden tables &: other misc. U.ems. Large selection witb new 4 • quilted box apring & matt-Grow Blvd.-i,t blk. ,\Vest of 644-4887 pc. sets \vith cymbals start-• • • • • • • • • I Mi1e. W !nttd 8610 __ 5 _ di.,;,_ _,,_. Beach nr. G.G. Fwy. Open "a=~==""'E-,Hc---0""7". ·~ t 199 50. p~-•-bl bat ·~ -..... ·-·-· l0-9. Sun. lo.G. ARAGE SAL • . ousehold .. ,i. a · . ~....... • 5 1968 23" color Magnavox, $ WE BUY $ table &: 4 hi-back chain. furnl1hin&:s. beds & aome a.nd 1ets ~· All small ~mote control, pecan wood O>MPARE AT $7"9.95 17 Pc. Ki11CJ Size iii-Fi equip., also Misc ~ts. acessones A cymbals like new $350 (cost $800). $ FURNITURE $ $399 Bedroom items. 282'l Portola Dr., m stock. Need cash. 4~ APPLIANCES ""'· .. 1.. 11\ofesa del Mar) C r.t. EVERYTillNG IN MUSIC l:;::.,,:;-;c.o---,-,---,-~ ,.,o down-Pmtl o.......,. $15 mo. ~ 9 drawu dresser, mill> 545-6718 Be h M ' ( • COLOR picture tube11, Cfi.,. TV'1-~111o't-Sf1r••'• ~'"Ell'S w•nEJIOUSE ..,.., ' ""'""" ..... , king I ;oc==-==-~--,..., ac USIC enter now, inolaUod 17> c.II I ';"" •• Hm• "" All GARAGE ~;,, ltiay 1st 962-5303anytime C"H IN JO MINUTES ' size beadboard,.frame, quilt~ hru 4th l""""' Itb1 Ln H B ,.... ' "' ma"""' ,,,..,,, blank-t . -· y . . . F"'tory Sai.. & S.rvlc< · • 541 •531 • w. 4th St., Sanla Ana 842-4246. Recliner, pa I i 0 Dluly 12 noon 'tll 9, Sal 9-S Hi-Fi '& Stereo 8210 a"t t. Open DaJJ.y 9--9 ets,.,.e~lce ot c:: ........ 1~ rocker. rolla~ bed• 17404 Beach mvd., (Hwy 391 STEREO T"EN°"'N°'1"'s'cu;::;:-b-.;M;:,m::;:ber.ru=o;c:-p~. f, Sat. U Sun 11-4 ..._......... feaO\!r floy.'tt aramgement. l~ mt. So. San Diego Fwy. . , G.E., wood Send info to Box p 859, Dai- Aolrl Mfoo•i<f~ $8"2le49 Misd. Frm1Ungton Beach 847-8536 cab~rel. Al\1/fl.f stereo ly Pilol. N.B. f MODEL lt(MllE • RlflltURE SAU I · (Some Antiques l SATURDAY 8 A.M. 16111 & Aliso, Costw·Mesa LOVELY TIUNGS from =-==--=""°===-=I radlO, 4 $pd cha.ng'er, [our niott-:-:::;-LJ.::ErT;;<;;o..- tbree lovely homes. Anti· BRAND NEW GIBSON SG floor nlOl'.lels. Only S169.88 PETS 11nd LIVESTOCK QUf!!I, brlc-a-btac, clolhing, GUITAR. l:lumbucking pie.Ir· Dunlap's, 1815 Newport, CM C 8820 and furniture. Sat. & Sun. In ups, solid body, exceUtQI 548-7788 aft Na dov.'ll • Pmts. only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE The BluU; 2402 Vista Hogar, action, pl~h lined hard shell SEALPOINT Siamne kit· GOO \V. 4th. St., Santa Ana Newport Beech. 644-1738 case. Guitar "''Rs S340 new Sporting Goods 8500 t ned trained $20 Open Dd,y 9. 9 .and ca.se $70 .. Besl off er C'nsh, 1:~~...,7 • • Sat 9 • G SUD. 11. g GARAGE SALE: Sabol sails, takes. 499-3003 * TENTS ·* eac . .....,......... · Furniture returned from cfl,g. xlnt cond; El Toro Sabot, FOR SaJe Fender precision 10x13, 2 bdrm, 1100. 9x9, $~. GORGEOU~ Seal P o i n t play studios, modd homes. ~ work: Rll for $75. bau: & Stanciel amplifier Scout pup, $10. Coleman Siame!lt. Kittens. $20. 8 wks. dcconton cancell&tion. S porlablr, xlnt cond. (801kl state) $400, 536-6472 11tovc, 3 brnr. $20. 2 brnr, $5. old. Call MJ....0843 $95. ~U1e. Items. Set. 1465 """7l8l .... alt 4 --• Sal & Sun 67~ SpanlAb ac Mediterranean etc or J;JIV-· LIU.I • ....,. • 1125 RD FURNITURE Galaxy Dr., NB. fo""""'"'. SURFBOARD. Malle by1=°""='-----'-'"-' C 0 L LEG E Park 434 ANTIQUE Reed organ, f'X· Hobie for Wan:ls. Used one WEIMARANER & tab pup-...... !l!"'~;;;o;"';'!;""Cc I 1144 ~~~tB!~9•1 C~ Elmhurst l<ant" ~, u,. n · ' cPllent condition. Collector's 1ea90n S3S. 549-1392 pies. $M acb. &Q.6UO affer !:LEGAN1 Dining get, in-~T .... 1 •,..;u o.&o Jigaa.w puule&, bi.kl', ladies dudes 1rs b:t tbt, 3 leaves, W-' Sa , ~--'Lil 6 & ~-•-do h' U b II llem. $450. G~ sale. 5 pm. 1 cfn. ~t .t: mirTOr all ""'·· t. •"""" ... ~ l 1'11· m re a 16th & All90 CM g Mf Sal Mi1ctillaneoua 1600 GERMAN Shepherd female, -.._ lW2-4834 . STEREO Harmon-Kardtn, G' ckJ&he. I t n e, ~le, Re:Q. A All AKC. -· .,.,.,.. maple AM-FM. Gamird 546-6&42 F E N D E R Ba • 1 m a n ..,UAL. Kng Siu Md wl 6 mo. shots. lea £: ch&ir 1tl amplifier m. Cipher bus quilted matt., c 0, m p I e t e * 675-5.197 * 1 • player PIO. Trundle bed, ANTIQUES, furnitutt, 11ass gi;.itar, like new $ 5 o. Nt"VM" uted $98; worth $250. 15 •<O _1d ..:....-•-Aal&kan t in pod coad. maple, box springs & mat· ware, old phonogra.J)h & '* ,....., l • * ..,..... * trtlS m Ownber'• tarwe records. televi1ion, m\&c. 545-4)90; .. 147-0406 -~lalmute. has all ahota. 125. PERSJAM Rua new. for $25:-1'fovirc"1nL1St sell by Items. Fri 6 Sat K Alil 19'79 RICKENBAO<ER. Gu. l tar e VACUUMS e 1187 Towne. St. 0L ~1218 hallow ......... "6". $400. $1Q up, n.~.,1-•-fta ... • TQY M•-•-o•a• NtTln~ .... by Pl'Y pl1;y: all sla!L this weekend, Call aft 6, ~A~. C. 1'1. 'NYJ """_...• • ,_.,_ .,.._nc <c.a rwrr- iste Jll!no d1n. 147-2117. TIU Quebec l>r., HELPl Must find room to value. \Vant $260. 5'19-li60 Reuonablt, Coast Vaeuwn, AKC, male $40; female• $50. lPIL Wnta ..t, Uttative HB. park my cu. Many Items 333 E. 17th, c.M. 642-l!im 962-97:11J • Imported Autoa 9600 Imported A-9600 lmponod Aulos 9641! ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ _ ~LI ~~ ____ ;II __ ~L--I Cl~ __ CALIFORNIA SPORTS CARS HowdoesFia forthep · ' ~\\ ~ \i'\~atno extra cost I I !S: , • , lnclutlt119 fro11f wh••l . ...ili•c br•k•1, 4·•P••4 •ynchrolfltlh 1tic.k 1hift, cla1h·mo1111ted t 1ch· omatar, loclii119 all jutl•"'• "111ket •••II, 11rHlarco•ti119. THE NOW CAR Front Disc Brakes T11t prica it tollay! Fiat 850 Spider I I . standard on the 850 FiatFastbaclc: Safe setup of ffOnt diec and rnr 1 ~ lnltes lt0$11 JOU Int lfld Wf11 with no tada Of pull ••• ju't · one of Iha 3(h"Utral'" Fi.It deli*"' as stlndllrd equipment.! HUGE SELECTION AVAILABLE FQR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY e 124 SPIDER e 850 CPE. SPID.ER CALIFORNIA ,SPORTS CARS 901 I. ht ST. SANTA ANA. 542·1801 e WE'RE HAVNG A SALE-IN $l00 and GOOD CREDIT Delivers With Pavments of • ...... , 110 Spldat VZZ.1]0 $75.55 '61 ALPINI R.ll1tr. PCZ-S41 $56.66 ... ,.., 110 c,.. U"9·112 $56.66 • ,, Al.PINI .. , ..... OSC.fJ4 $51.66 •6 tYW IUG UMD-261 $64.22 '61 AL.PINI Rd1tf. ·lfl0IJI $46.50 .. . POltSCMI 1600 Super ucv.201 $94.44 '6t PIAT 124 s .... "' 'Dem• $15.55 '61 DAnUN S.d111 'Cl-457 $51.66 ... .,, ... .. ,.,,. JZE:f21 $56.66 '61 Al.PINI 1600 Rd1tr, REW-2fJ $64.%2 .,, ...... R.cl1tr. 'WIF-161 $75.55 ~ 'jiitto Ami. ~ & WHITE m~. bed dtvan. inc fUmiturt & bric-a·hflic. Pianos & Orfans 1130 RACIN.G _Bj)!;e -... Women'• LAB Pups, AKC ~acrm. f~= -,--:r~:;-~,.,~~-5·'"'~~ Cm dfv&D W/ matcb'g..lo\-e Sal~n z.R Orange.-Aji Ir -GIBSON J-51 French 16 •l>ttd MS Me'rl'I Grt~i1 wnny dop • I., ....,.,.. ~di !IC!flt. W•ll ck>ck. t'Mp\e TV. MB-1946 with ~!bell ease. f'AIC(Jn 10 speed ~ nar tnntftn. • 962-5Tl7 ~2 wbd end ca11k!J 11$ ~!,'<;:.c,.235 Shtn:ood Pl. Of. PatiO Sale! Movlne ! UlO new, $200 or of!er. Slew. f)4G..lm Al(C l\fln. Poodl& Apricot .... ~ ., ..... ,SW 061 $62.00 ''1T- TA4A HUT-412 :.n-UA·-TR.01-l..-.111m.- lGW.6f7 lOJ.071 '6t JIAT 110 Spld1r NIW $56.66 $51 .66 $67.16 $89.00 '671111. -- GTFiilli·11{ ftlt $94.44 ~ llf.aT7 .no-lJJU Any da.y·Everything iOPf Eric, 615-Sl.6' after 6 PM 11" BL.A.CK a. Whitt TV. Show or pet quality, M!F. 6 y r.-,a: DDlE-A· 2 COLONIAL \\rina·b&cked 1010 O&k St., CM &11-6937 • * BABY GRAND Plano; \Valnul cablnel; pe'l"t'ect, wb. t'l5 It .up. Mo.8638 -YOI.,. ue lften club clurlnl ~ each. PATIO SALEI! F'rcnch Provincial 1tyled. S50. Wlll deliver~ BascnJi puppies. AKC ~g. ;;.-,.-, .. -.n ... ,.-,.-,.-. .. ,. .. .,_..,_.,.-,.-. .. -.nl'r'lr'll''""lrl tar jut 11ft6rs • cf.ty, OlaJ ~9«M aft I or wee~nd.t 2136 FU.ltl(l'h, Cosla MeM Take C)Vt.r p fly m e n ts. Netd " Gardtl'lr~t ! barkle!.~. clean, odorless, • • • • • • • I • ·~ •. • I • • • I • • • ~ pe DAU.Y PilDr WANT AOS! ** 642-0070 ** ~281' f1nd ft wllh a want ad! · * Ml-0000 * L~ll~J~'IULCIJJ U • PHONE 542-8801 • ~ --~ .:_ ____ -~ .:_~--. .:.· _____ .;·;.....;·;......:..·--·---=---•·:-----------··-------------------------..-..-- .o -rt ,. ~ L ' • • • = 0 - ' • ' j ' ' ,I I .. " ., ,, • .. •! ' . f ~I ---·-·---.. -·- rRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ,,,__,. 9350 FREE TO YOU . , Compor Rontolt ~ lme!rtad A-• 9600 -1.AM:BRETTA. rt ke1 .... FERRARI BEAUT. Ger. Short·bAh'ed BEAGLE. AKC~Male ... 2 Yq, 1 LIVF.S Left • makl " 1:,"1\'E adorable lo~hltir kit· FR£E Jdtle~ Stnetb' alley l, •'J;W:Wl 650 Ml. car racJc. ;iso. NEW Scot.man tr&llen. Get Retriever. Good • huntirlc Good fam.Ux_. Ir hun~ dQg. temaJe kittens, hlrtbrkn. tens. 8 wits, male tl fem.Te. cat east Costa Mesi that .,.. Oceu 'Aw.. ff. B. :: *n.;:_.1 ~ IUllUDtl' , FERRARI · dog. Nds ivs. home J 14. n.e to eood borM w/large Cute. 6 wb. 546--69t6 5/2 ,C'7MJ.CJ6 513 isf Cufe'bundtn.ot b--toot. ~""' ~ -yrd. Db019-l ..,_ ..... -~ yard;-·M.laion Viejo, KlTI'ENs.part Siamese. C T<W e:iodle. 6 Yn. lnr tor ••rvanl1; · Ncwp;i.n , Imports Ltd. Qr.. 2 SNOW wtUte ~ hi!red &1)..Di3 v.·eeka old, Tta1ned. MUm old,1Blk. needs lood matutt m..8422 • 5/5 FREE TO YOU FREE TP YOU FREE TO Y:OU. FREE TO YQU • • • • DAILY PILOT TRAN5rQRTAT NewC... Avto Servlc:itt Dune lvftlea 9525 ~· Councy'a oal1 ltltbol"; kittens, plua 1 black le 1 •~REE KitteD1, ado, rable. 512 .home. 642-5885 5/5 KITT~S. cuw· ' sturdy l Pim '"400 ' · -dealer. ••~ 6 ·--•·-old • • VW Dune Bum chu.sil SALES-SERVICE.PARTS &'tt1 •u~ w~ · lone fl.tr, blllCk I. white NE~O lovlJw home Jar moth. Kl'ITENS, 5 wkt old, 4 ii'>'· num1, , 6 Wka. o Id -; • ~. 1• -J-,.-.-',---.... -,,-,"-.·---,-f!!nctne It all running rear t~ ... 3100 W. Cout. Kwy. ~1690 5/S female A lite &ntY ntale. er cat 4 1 kitten. ,Kitten 2 Blk. l male, 3 female housebrokeii. 329 MaJUOlla, a ft~ MIUI: 1JI • ;built. ..... 1111: xlnt oond, Body removOO. Newport Beach REDWOOD playho\wl • YoU 29'll Carob, "East Blutt," Wttntd. 646-7583 5/2 ~63-6206 • ' 515' 'C.M.' 642'8806 1 5/5 • l~I· .... ,, 1 * 64fl..1312 * ~ady .... ~!,.une bu&iY body. ~~rlzed. :P.tG ~!!64 p.ick up. M9-«iOO 515 N.B. 644--0688· S/3 FREE Kitte°' to iOOd AKC Doberman.}'irst Place PICK )'OW' Pick. AdbnWe • MllJ • 8lll'E • -~ 9800 hol'nea. 54&.&lJ 5/5. 'Obedtience winner kitttnt, 6 wka. old. Hou8e : Troller, Tro•lf ·9425 MUST ••II! com•' et e __ _:J~A~G~U~A~R:_ __ irN;;ew;;:C;;•;ro;;;:::;::;;9;IOO;;;;N;;•w;';C:~rs:;;;;i;;;;i;:;;~ ONE <OOJCh. t"'1r eondllion. 546-!1819 ) 515 ....... s:.-1\;oo "" : , • JUST AR1l1YBI "'°"'""' 1964 VW Chwll; ~ "'3 CHA'llCE IT! Wblti ,,....,,,. ! ANOTHER BIG • ' 67 ROLLS Royal u · ae]f~ includln&" er>g, trans, Wide • '"""" Travol Trailor. All •lms • .and tire;, $325. J1guor '1 XKE 2 + 2 HOLi DAY RAMB'LER lmportld A-9'°°1mportld Autos . 9600 Imported A-9600 • SHIPME"'1' OF ~ aceessories! E a. a y-1 if t 646-9021 Air Condltlonlng. 57,000 mll· . . 8 l~er hitch plua tender EMPI SPORTSTER, Corvalt e•.Miatrreenfinlah w/plush IN COSTA MESA .. • 1969' • =~ U..cl , 4 Umos. -nylon lop, Myen "'"""ting "'""°'· A._ HOME OF THE • ~ti~~w. Prlvato =~';,;,r;'".':~·· lop luklyJla~""' AMX and JAVELIN @ Lov· E 'BUG @ : : ,. = "°"""""' trtr .• DUNE 8....,. 1000 ·-ltEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY • · · · . • QPELS • many extru, awning:, eJc.-Burro type, melal body, • . . . • , • oo. 5'3-4454 Gale• tireo. ouu. 54!><100 BRAND NEW '69 RAMB~ER • • '600 3100 W. Coll.st Hwy, SPE. CIALS • WITH AUTOMATIC • • TRANSMISS~ -• _ AT'l': t..andscapel'll 62 %, T. Newport Beach °"'· fiat bod w/30" ,,.... AUSTIN HEALEY .... >!<Xi 54().1764 i Metal bed, tool drawers. ---------l=A-u7tboriz""'·-od~M~C=Do-ale~'~11 H.D. a pr l n & s. Ideal AUSTIN Henly -'59 Sprite. 19i7 JAGUAR XKE 2 + 2 : sprjnkl.er truck. 64 11': T. Runs good, looks good, 3 Lime green beauty equipped ·Chev. pickup w I sl d e tops, $750. 925 Junlpero Dr., with 4 speed, AM-1''M radio, boards, 6' tool box, H.D. _CM'<"'.=54=1h531=='===== chrome wbeds, 2 6 , O O O springs Both truck11 good • m i I es, I m 1n a cu l a le cond. Ex. ffiechanical. $1295 DATSUN (1'XSJ..39) Import Dealer ea. 646-1788 --------18835 'Beach · Blvd .. H~ 64 FORD Eeonolln•. a .,,,, DATSUN tington Bead>.' ........ new eng Ir trans. Xlnt oond. '68 Pickup •• $1695 '67 JAGUAR XKE cpe, Priced for quick sale. VWV561 stereo, AM/FM, dlr, one 544-2831 '1:'7 ~ .. n $1395 owner. VCL 924. $4050. l-.,"',"'01,:::EV'--. -11-,.-,-, -1ru-,-,-. ~"""-I · ····~-~~-"""'T~ ---~"·503---=~~- rec. o/hauled. I{ e I p e r '66 \Vagon •• $1395 '67 JAGUAR 340 Sedan. sprlngs & load levelers. SQV553 Auto, P/S, ~P/B, chnn wire $425. Call 549-2044 '&; Pickup •• $1195 whll. l$3100. 4%-8156 ~-.. SEATS 6 -NOT-4 120 H.P. -NOT -105 H.P. $1998. • OHtr IVlllOM (AJIMOJ 'Ill , .... IUIS. • II ,l.ltTI!o.Ult ..... ft. MAnn " •An • tmclS .. .. (NlCXS NII usto '(AIS. s NOS TIHM TIU;outfl~ll AUTllCllUQ u•I( ..... TIMJ •• , 111Af .... 1• POINT (llf0:-¥1' .ull ANY 1tr•1u lllUlll ~-· •• ClllW .. llmft.U .,.,. AMiii ........ MU WMn llt "1'1 TMUl 1111111 •AHll • \ V•'-WA '" lS 100 TIUI 1' IU.d hi l4m • •, • Nf'I sat"N ....... llAlll) NMW<12 ==.======11 75 BEAUTIFUL 9510 '67 BRONCO "'heel drive with hubs. J-lardtop, red & white, radio, heate1·, rear seal $1900. or Best Oller. 879-6088 Days only. 9520 (.'OACH • TRAILER RENTALS .. ER '67 VW, A·l com. -Chrome wide wheels, radk>, tent, icebox, etc. $2395. L KARMANN GHIA eon. emY KARMAN?l GHIA '67 IMPORTS 1~~':.,';'.I;'' TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Hubo•, C.M, 646-9503 MERCEDES BENZ 1966 DATSUN Pickup truck, License number (S379TI I Full Price $995. ln1porl Car Dealer. 18835 Be'!ch Blvd. Huntington Beach. 540-0442 1967 DATSUN Roadster. (ULB295l Only $1695. Good Value. Import Car Dealer 18835 Beach Blvd., Hun- tington Beach. 54()....()442 ENGLISH FORD '65 Mercedes ·a.nz 220 SE Gorgeous. 0 e e p midnight blue w.Lcontrasting full vinyl interior. Auto 1J.·1111s. Full power & Factory Alr ·Con- ditioner + Sun Roof! Show. room Fresh. 8J5...5207 '66 FORD Cortina GT, 2 dr, 3'Ai' OPEN ROAD Cabover dlr, fully equipped. TRB035 ~Camper. Like new? Extras. =$1=°"=·='=,..="""===== I_ $900. 545-3005 J1rluport 311nport s 3100 \V. Coast Hwy, tie\\·port Beach. S.U-9405 ~1764 8' SLIDE in camper; S' high-FERRARI Authorized l\IG Dealer ~;ant collCI. $375 · --FER-RAR--l-,62-,-+-,-. Ex-co-I-lent MERCEDES '61, 220, 4 Dr. 5-19-3004 all respccti'i. sed.:· sunroof; low mile. WALK-IN CAMPER 646-48DI or 673-2916 Leather inter. 642-4926 : $350. 334 B Vlcto1·ia, CM DAILY PILat Dil\fE-A-1966 230 SL Coupe, 4 spd, PRE-CHECKED USED <;ARS '64 Ford 2 Her, YI, s995 ~ ......... power 1t.ri111. OYC tlt. '64 Class.ic: w...,.,,~ '799 ovordriYo, Rodie &. Hea.ter, OSTJJ1, WeellHlll011ly ~~--~---'~ '65 Volvo 1225 •••• '1495 Mdo11. Awto. tron1, Ritdio, HIGl'9f, Ml111 co111t. '65 Mustan9 ,.,, H.T. S 1595 YI, outo .. tr-,. air COMI., Yl1yl roef. NHA 171, · '63 Rambler ........... $895 aao. 2 ~r. YI, auto. haM., po-r 1tHr. 111.YL 960. ••5 Classic • ........ '1395 YI. foctory olr colld. I power sffft., radio, •Hhr. INU 4J I. '64 American 2 ...... ,,,, '74~ A.tto. trllllS., rodle, Mater Wffklltld r Low .u-...osa oa1. '66 Rambler c10..1< ,,, s 1595 Z dr, HT, VI, •uto. tra111., PS, l brakes. lie .SMl 162 ' L01VE BUGS FROM to $1999 ._ ___ •_P_o_R_s_c_H_E_s_• ____ I • '55 COUPE • '57 COUPE • '59 Convertibl es ( 2) • '62 COUPES ( 5 l • '65 COUPE • '66 COUPES • '67 COUPES ( 4) ( 2) I CAMPERS. TRANSPORTERS. PANELS I ' . '66 CAMPER & BUS '66 DELUXE BUS Radio, 1pli t front 1•11, 1967' FORD 112 TOl·l DIAL direct 642-5678, Oiarge LINES. You can use thcnl beau! cond . Musl sec to a~ l)'Our ad, then sit back and for just pennies a day. Dial o:'="'~ia~le-".c-'"-°'~m;-,-;=.,...,.=:11 listen to the phone ring! 642-5678 White elephant&! Dime.a-line '66 Ford Wa9. ' ·-c...,, s 1995 '64 Classic: R1n91r. Pick up. VB, 1ulorn1tie tr1n1miuion, cullcm cab, chrome wh11l1. $1999 .. • ••• ' WEEkEND SPEC~ALS 1967 Mercury Colony Park Station Wagon Royal 1ttaroon metallic finish with matching Interior, fully fa.ctory equipped. including auto trans., rad· lo, heatt'r. power steering, po\ver brakes, dual action tall gate. Traded by original O\~er. TRH-893 ' ~2395 1967· Ford G•lexie 500 2 dr. Hardtop. Attractive Sahara beige exterior with tv.·o--tone match· ing interior. Auto. tran11., R&H, PS, PB, driven only 2100 miles by original owner. Looks and drives like nev.'. UZF-485 $1995 1967 Continental 4 door sedan. Beautiful po\Yer blue finish with dark blue leather interior. Luxury equipped with auto. trans., radio, heater, factory air, power brakes, 6-way po\Yer seat. One owner, cr.refuUy malMa.ined. TEY 968 $3895 1967 C0"9or GT , Aegean br'on2e finish with parchment comfort wtave seats ol black Landau top. Auto. trans., radio and stereo tape._ heater, factory air. 4 new E·78x14 tires, P.S., power disc brakes, console. A beautiful 25,000 mile car. TRH·735. $2595 1967 Mercur,y MonCtty 4-door Hardtop. Aztec gold finish with matctrlng interior, auto. trans., radio It heater, PS, PB, fact~ ory air condition. TUV-319 $1695 1964 Continental 4 Dr Bt'oautiful silver blue metallic finish \Ylth matctiing interior fully luxury equipped. ·Automatic trans., radio, heater, PS, PB, P·wlndo'°''s, 6- way seat. factory air cond., plus many moro. 1$189s 1961 Continentals 3 to choose from -all Completely luxury equipped. Auto traM., 11.nd radio, heater. factory air con1·• power lttering, power brakes. power windows, 6~ u•ay seat.,La.ndnu roofs, etc. Very low miles and beautifully maintained. Buy- er recelv" ttle balahce or the nev.-> factory warranty. Attra:clive colors, your choice. No. 6302, No. 6303, No. 8683. $5295 . SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM FORD MQTOR CO. 1~7 Continental Con· 1968 Q>ugar XR7 Coupe. 1968 Mercury Park Lane vertlble Beautiful ~Id Attractive seafoam tur-•convertible. Beautiful Beige Meta.lllc f I n 1 s h taiII ,,,_,_L . with Parchment leather quoise me e 1..J.Ju&.u Jamaica yellow finish interior a..nd white top. with Parchment leather with black ·interior and Luxury throughout, of bucket &cats and black black top. Auto. trans., coune. ThlS attractive landau roof. 6li Litre radio 6. heater, factory Cll.l' ha..s been driven only v • ng1 -"th I al nd 7700 miles, runs and -o e ne w1 au o. r co ., power stcer- looks n~w. Factory air tTarm., rad.lo A heater, i.ng, power brake1, pow- cond, powi!r ateulftg, power steering, pov.•er er windows, etc. Driven ~<er brakl'S, power disc braJl:e1. factory a.Ir only I0,000 rnllet. 'Mtlt: windowl, 6 . w6.)' power cond. This beautiful car O\ltstamllng car could aeat, etc. Looks and driven only 12,000 mi. A: ht eaal)y rniltaken for tuhl like brand ne4'. bu.Yer receives lhe be.I· brand new, Buyer tt· Buytt receivet the-be.I· &nee of the new· car tac-eetveir-Uie balanci o? &nee of the new-car fac· tory warranty. wow 1he new car factory war- tory wvrantr. UQC-844. 343. n.nty. WPC-366. $4195 . $3595 n.Gl'!lllSL., lllDl'!TOl'!IEl'!V&l • lllli:tm • llEllllDY • 1118111111 . . . »II -IOUUYAlt, mAAW' 540-5635 . 642·09Bl - Squire. A.•t• .• , ... , ,..., .. lra~es. W911011. 6 cyl. A11to. troM .. rodlo, heoter, llHJtllt• ~·· '799. Weelend 011lr 1970 HARBOR BLVD.-:::: LOW LOW OOWN-EXCELLENT TERMS PHONE 673-0900, Ext. 66 or 67 i ' 49-'' RED CARPn SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR BEAUTITUL pat1 S i I v e r Persian kittens, U v.•ks old. ·Free to good home . 673"{iJO() 5/3 PLAYPEN. Stroller, l-ligh chair, dinetle table, 4 chah-s, electric 1tove, 4 twin bed frames. 649-2030 5/7 2 GREY &. white sister kit· tie~. 3 mos old. FN!I:: lo good-lving home. OR f>..~ aft 5 pm. 5/3 7 WK. old ki11ens; 2 grey striped, 1 black. Free to good homes. 546-5546 5/5 4 KITTENS, 2 fiully, 2 sleek. Adorable. Need good home. Call 646-7647 S/3 CUTE Kit tens, good with dogs &:. kids. 7 wks old. 546-9963 . 5/3 8 WEEKS old, gray & white killen needs a good home. ~ 5/3 2 ADOR. Fem. bob tailed kittens + others, all qes & colors. 836-1493 513 5 BLACK PuppieB, mixed brd. 1.fale &: Fr;m. ~ 5/3 4 ADORABLE kittens. 3 grey &:. ] • orange. ' Y.ftkll. MS-1386 5/3 FREE to good borne, healthy, friendly kittens, 6 wks old. 549-4923 f>-3 HN-f'-Collie, half Ger. Shep, ?'clnale, l yr. old. Had shots. 5'8-6606 512 2 FLUFFY black kittens, & wkl. old. Pia call after 4 PM 545-9131 5/2 ADOR:"''tfttle D a c h s 11 n d , Frle'ndly., loV6 children HoUllebroKen. -...a&92 515 MO'lllER Pooa.le/Terrler 6 5 Pu.ppiu 6 wkl. aid need fine homt. S48-4i885 515 t-G\l'l'E.Klllell~ old. --515 DON'T cive lt awa,y. cet quick cuh for It wltb a Daily Pilot .,,-ant Adi ·~ HOLIDAY AMERICAN MOTOIS Sales & Service OPEN 7 DAYS A.ND EYININGS FOi YOUI CONYINllNCI • • ·wait? . . ")'-~ -• ~JogwUl!lt_ol ... ..W'•ll-.t egt.waMW Ylfll ... w ._ Wf wlill die ..sd'a ejlior 111111 'wiMlta .n far.•u.lor5'0DQ. Whoi ... 1911 willlbclari . Ja8.l!ari 11l lflllllll$ 900 So. Coast Hlc)hway Ill "\ ·LaCJuna Beach 494-750.3 motors . 540-3100 494-7503 ' 1-Your Ad ln Q\ln:twlfic!d1 ! Someon. will be lookll'll tor ft. Dlol -I ',,,!!!!!!!!!!!!.;..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!l!!l!!!!ll!li ....... !1!!!!!!!!!!0!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!1!!"'!~-~ • ' ......................................................................... ~ ... ~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------~-'-~~--·-~-• • • • • • • "' • • • •• • OUR OPIL P.,CU • START AT • • • • • • s1777: • • OllDIR YOUU TODAYI • • • •-------.! • • • • • • • • •• • • • IRAND NlW '6' BUICK $2444 ' ORDElt YOUp TODAY I POOLE'S FINE USED C ARS • • • • • • • .• • • • • '64 RAMILU • •990 St1, W1caa11. f1ct. 1ir,1 .P.S., 11110. (QVK'llJl,· I • $1495 • :·65 · AUSTIN /HEALIY e .Sprlt•. 4,,P••d, r14ie, h,11·1 er. tYWT 3111 : $1295 • • • '65 OLDSMOllU • •4 door H.T. F1etory 1lr .• .pow•r it••rinq ·I br1k11, e11lo. (MOY 14t.I I : $139"5 • • • • '65 SKYLARK •4 dr. A11lo11'11tic, powerli 1lt•ri119, r1dio, heefe r. l !RGV414) • : 'S.13f5 : ( • '68 MUSTANG. • 1 R1dio, li11t1r, J tpeed .• IWTAOlll : $1995 : 1 '66 MUSTANG. • 1 A11!01T11fic, poWar 1feerln9,. 1 r1dio, h1eflf'. IS~M217). 8 ; $1795 ' '60 COR~All Clil. •' •A11tom1tic, rl dio, hootor. .(fPS6171 • • $795 • '6~ CAPRICI : •Autoll'latie, foe!. 1lr, jHIWOI'. •1t111i119, r1tlio, h111tor. .ISIMJ711 • a • $1995 • :••••••• • JAGUAR : : llADOUARIEIS •: .eo..plolo s.1 ... S.-• •Ice •Ad Parts 0.-rt-e •"'""' for JAGUARS. ; ., • S.1 T1te "'''""' • ' • .,,, J•t••t ,., • J .......... ! : 234 E. 17• ST. : . •· • 141-7761111 • • .. -., .... -. !J',o.o& BUIC K ' •• ! • ''' • • "' • COSTA ~E5A • ' . ( l I ' • - l ).'ridl)', M•y 2, 196' fRANSPORTATillN tiWISPORT ATION ' TltANSPOltTATION · TRANSPORTATION Imported Autoo 9'GO Imported Autoo 9600 lmportod Auto• -9'GO Imported Autoo 9600 'Imported Auto• PORSCHE i-, .-P-O~R .... SC_H_E-.,----~--TOYOTA MG MGI BILL MAXEY PORSCHE l9llQ PORSCHE TOYOTA ~~ ~~":~2."£t~ 1!"i~E:?.:.E :: :~.: .,1 ~:~~:~.11 es ts1AvcE ss1 jTIOIYJO!T@ n.•1o,He•ter •·•-whee1-· Dttc brakes $4700 or ofter, TB..-Xtcu V. •r • • 1888,,ElCH BLVD • .n..u w .. -.: ... r 111 ena .• plrellis, whl W/ red H Whll Th L ttl H Prl.v. party. M&-3319 2W. D '62 fl.T, •• $2495 Int $1950. 639-2990 urry • •u • unt. luch 147.UJJ _t1t·\upot I JIJ!lPLll l ~' Elden. CM 0706 fJ L • I ml N, of C'4ut H~. Oii Bcb ~ '6' MGB. BRG oil Blk tnL fJ L 0 RENAULT fall. llftia '67 TOYOTA Corono ...WO, :;: • Wlre whit. o/drft.r9. R&H. lflll •Mia qlllG auto trans,.'rt.dlo, dlr, Like ~ •c MERCEDES S.m """'' Orli ownr 11100. 518-l!iltl qu' UUW 1960 RENAULT, ' new ""'· IMPORTS "'w rond. TXiJ 579. 114!0. -! lthr. upbol., orlg\"'1 owner. . IMPORTS R4H l1llO TOYOTA•YOLYO 491-1503 ll> Low mile.: 54P"5 TI1 • 3100 w. eo .. 1 Hwy. OPEL ** M2~682 ••• 1966 llJ1rbor CM 9303 =='="====•I ~ PM Sat .. .U day Su...., Newport S.ach YOYOTA·YOLYO I======== · · · 646-TRIUMPH IJ '14 MERCEOES Be"' J90e, G!l-94-05 ""'"" 1966 Harbor, C.>l 64~9303 SUBARU TOYOTA ,~ .,,..., aotual Mi.; o"' A""""Vod MG Dealer '!& OPEL R'1l,y cadet; ,.._ PORSCHES '65 TRIUMPH 4 :,.t oWner. Xlnt mecti. cond. '67 3000 ROST on.nee w/blk. r ac l nr SUBARU , HEADQUARTERS Rdatr, dlr, 4 'Speed, over-~~ $1395.. 831-aMS Ewnlngs Racini: &reet\ black int. •trlpft;•' stlll under MW 27 '1 choose from, Large!ll .-... .. E-lMOR'E drivt,'wire wbeela. nevr dl.C · ;.. Read)' to Col° VHWltQ ~ty. Chrome wbeela, ~on of Ponchei l.n brakeli1 Jet black. ext, beW ,;: · MG 12"'5 '"'"°· 1°' •"I· M"'' ""· souttoern Callfomla. Retail Division ""'· aood rubber .u L.....,,,, If'. leavina" atate J4&kt an of 15300 Bcadl B!Vd,.Wstmmtr Xhtt nd SJ.00 Sb d 11 I~ Mt; fi'"·,. itJDi6• fer! 549-4358 ~ve • $1297 POE Phone l!M-3322 trade cowllJ fine C:rvt ;art~~ · • Salte, Servkt, Patts ""1 '69 OPEL Statlon__waao,n...m Opt t"<t!•'0 1 $3~ ~~,h!,_Sl.f.~ 67 toYoTA 4 dr Sedan. ui Riv 291. Call Ken: ':,. •---'•-i. n .•. u.--. . ,_ -n-.-iiwn ve,...., .......... ...., ~•u9713 ••• ~· · .uuu.a<:UIQ ~-~,,. ·I Wlll1'811ty,,,....w ,....., .. .._.... +tax I: lie, R/H. New rubber. Lol=-~~or"""'~,.:.C'--- ,.. All "°""' HPORTS 6'5-1297 lOOO • Cooit Hlghwoy mlle ... SlliS. 646-0622 1960 TR 3 Triumph. New '".:-; TOYOTA·YOLVO MAKE A ·-o •· p'"'-• tranamiuio M IMCll -.-., WIQ 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Baac~ DON'T JU!Jl' WISH for some. n. q1. ,,..., or .. 1966 Harbor, C.M. &16-9303 . up ton you no toneer need, Newport Beach '45-0050 * 540-2723 thing to lumiah yoor .home be1t offer. 6Jl-4281 .:.~~· BUSIESI' ke .... i n · sell them fOl' ~ with 642-9405 54()..1764 , .. find pat buys m I~ '57 Tft...3 for sale for part.11. mar 'VU'ce in DAil.Y pn..crr WANT ioS! Authorized MG Dep.ler BUSIEST marketpl~ 1n day's Clasat1!ed Ads. $75. Joe, at 3515 Seu.bore; ::: t<w.'Tl .. The DAILY PILOT DON'T JUST W!ZH for IOIM. DON'T JU51' WISll for iOflle. town. The DAILY ' Pil.OT IT'S Beach house Lime, Bi&· NB ·;~ S100 W. amt Hwy., N.B. Oassilied 1CCtlon. Save thing to tumiah your home ttrizw to flll'l'lish your home Oassified section. Save gest selection ever! See the 1 '·"'58-:::TR°"-3"'.-::R,-wu-gro~a""t.-n<-w""'top,.- ':: SG-Ml5. 540-176' money, time &. eUort. Look ••• find ereat buy1 in ~ ••• 1'1nd great buys in to-money, time & e!tort., Look DAILY PILOT Classified & carpets. $395. 846-951B _:" Autbortzed MG Dealer mw!!! cay•• Cauitled Adi. d&Y• Oasillied Ads. now!!! RiCHon NOW! Eves .. :!I===-;=-;==~::::..:.===========::.!=='======== ' ' , ,: New Can 9800New C1r1 9800Now Cors 9100NewC1rs 9800Now Cors 9IOONow Co'rs 9100 ' ' ' ,~ " ' . ' : :: .. . ' ,• ; ! :i :, '• •• ·-i; : . .. .. . . . .. : . ·' ·= '• :: . . . , '• '• · . . . •• • " .• " •: • . . -~ ' . " ' • ' • " ' ' ' • • • " • .. .. . , . I . ' I • ' ' ' . l . l I " I ' I t " I . • • AT ROY CARVER· PONTIAC TIME TO SELECT FROM OUR GREAT STOCK OF STATION WAGONS BRAND NEW 1969 CUSTOMS WAGON $ 310 en9ine , lim1li9ht gr••n exterior, turbo hydramatic, pow•r steering, power brakes, push butto n red io, AIR CONDITIONING, remote rear view mirror, deluxe belts, t inted glass, white side wall tires, plu! ell standard factory feetures, l 23Sl 59Rll0915l ~ Dt. v.,, Hydremetic, pow•r 1teerin9, radio, heifer, white well ti res. (TUP 186) $2277 '68 PON11.AC CATALINA 4 Or. 6 pass. wagon, euto., radio, h11t1r, power 1t1er., facfory air 7,8'40 miles. IXOO 208 1 $3577 '67 PONTIAC CA'JAUNA 6 pa111n91r station wagon. v.a, Hydr1matic, P.S., radio, heater, wsw~ factory a ir condition• log . !TJX 604 1 $2877 '67 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY Rad io, h11ter automatic, P,ower 1t11r.1 factory air, vinyl top. I UEZ 258) 0 '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA Herdtop Coupe. Rad io, heifer, 1utom1tic, pow. er ••••ring, factory air. Ivory. (PIG 2'471 $1877 '66 CHEVROLET MALIBU V8 , 2 cir. Hardtop. Radio, he1ter, a utomatic, pwr. steer., factory air, buckat seats. I SLU 899 I $1977 '68 RAMILER AMERICAN 2·Dr. Radio, heater, automatic, white 1id1 w11l1. 11,000 mH,.. IWIB 2771 '66 MUSTANG VI, radio, heater, aut omatic, power ste•r., fact. ory air, d•luxe trim. ( RSH 823) $2077 - '65 PONTIAC Catiline wagon. '4 dr. 6 pass. radio, heater, .,tom•t;,, pow$1'877z 6611 '68 MUSTANG . Coupe. Radio, heat1r, automatic, P..OW1r steer· ;,9, fo do•y ,;$2867 7 1968 PONTIACS Last of our outstanding cars. AU fully guaran· teed, Lar91 l•l1ction. Most with pow•r equip· menf and air conditioning. All cars drasticall y reduc•d. SAVE . " 9100 • TllANSPORTA T10N FINEST ·SELECTION 10F PREVIOUSLY OWNED· '66-'67-'68 CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR -2 DOOR e El Dorados • Calais • Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Yilles i PRICED FROM $3495 Some Carry New Car 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC _JllO SOU H C .AST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1084 • 547-3103 • MAY CLEARANCE '63 LINCOLN CONT. CONVl:RTllLa V·I . A.T., AIR, P.S.; P.B., P.S,. R&H, tinl1d 111111: IFTY 6191 . $695 ... PLYMOUTH •OADlUNND 11Dl. Jl3 \I.I, 4 1p11d, !WIK 1461. $2495 '66 CHEV. CAPRICE 4 Or. H1rdtop. Air. P.S., R&H, pow, wind, !TFA 0141 ~895 'Iii MUSTANG 2+2 COUPI v.a. 4 1pt 1d, f1 ct1ry t ir, ~~~~s;995 '65 RAMBLER A"'9t111il1r Si1tl111 W9~. A.T .. ~AH, P.S. ITXT 2191 .~195 '61 CHEV. IMPAl:A Cp1. Air, P.S., 1ulo., R&H. IWAKl27J $2295 '64 OLDS Con• .. A.T~ R&H, P.S. I PBC 435) $595 '66 CHEVY VAN IOI" W.I. AT-R.H l\l?tl211 "67 CHEV. 4 Dr. A.T., P.S., ~1dio, h•tl1r. IYWS 1411 l111lo: f111 t1Kin9. lowe.t 1•111 ••t ll1bl1 111 1ppro•ff cr1d lt. • C01NNELL -• CllEVROLET I 2828. Harbor BIYd., Costa Mesa ~46-1203 ---~ YOUR AD REACHES 68,972 HOMES EACH' WEEK • . '• -____ ....,...,......._,_,. _________ -... w •• --....-----___....=....:..------~.·~-·---~ -·---·- frldOY. ~., 2, 1969 DAILY PILOT TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION _. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -'TRANSPORTA1'10N TRANSPORTATION ·, TltANSf'ORTATION T •. • . ' ' '· • • .. : , • ' ,. ., .. • ., .• • ,_ , , " -> ' ,. > .. • ' ' ., . .. ·-•• ·" " .. " " ' ... .• -•' I UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE · MOVES· 'EM OUT -THIS WEEKEN .. I I ----------------------~ -... -.. , ' . Tho 1969 HURST/OLDS. It'• a limited production (ono of. 10 ,. in Southern C.rifornia) custom special f;om Oldsmobile and I· Hurst Performance Research. Here is the ultimate expression I MEET THE MUSCLE I MACHINE TODAY! togothorinaboldnewc_ustompeclagebyHurtt. of Oldsmobile-engi~oered high-performance hardware ••• put I I L-----------~----~--~--------J 1965 ...-.usTANG 4 ,,..d, r•dio, h••t•r, ITYX400), ~ $1299 1963 VOLKSWAGEN l ug. aadio and 'he1tar. lOHX •661 $699 BRAND NEW 1969 Olds Cutlass F-85 Sport Coupe IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • Dal11x1 balh front i nd r11r, p.tddad d11h, fully f1etory aquippM. - - 1966 CHEVY PICKUP I 1/i to11, lo119 wh••I ~1tt, I cyl, IUISl .. 11 ,j ' $799 1962 CADILLAC I Seif. OeViU•. Full pow•r, 1ir. 1&9601 $999 ' 1965 FORD LTD 1963 OLDS 88 ~ ~ Auto., P.S., 1ir cotid., b11tli1t 111t1. I R.EJ 1651 $1199 ,,. Cpe. Auto., P.S., rtdio, h11t•r, •rlT• cl1111, C ISI 105) $499 - ' . . . 1959 FORD TRUCK VI, a11!0., r1dio, )i11tar. IJ471141 . -1966 FORD WAGON : Ci1111trv S4111o11r •• 10 p1u. rs., Pl., feet, tlr, )OWlf teii 9•t1 wi11clow1. ISTW .. 121, $599 '•Yl'"•llh l11clucl• ••• a lie. a fl11•11C• ,,,.,.. •• 011 .. I "'''· tpprov•cl cr•dif Striel No. l l 1779Zll6JSI $1999 OPEN MON.· SAT. 8:30·9 P.M. SUNDAY 10·6 P.M • Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Autos Wonted 9700 Uoed Ca,.. 9900 Uoed Ca,.. 9900 Uood Cal'I 9900 :~ TRIUMPH VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOUCSWAGEN VOLV~ WE PAY •• -BUICK CAMARO CHRYSLER "1--------.. •.. Triumph GT 6 Coupe • Ruby red w/black interior. ,: Every pol!l.bl.e accessory •• included. Wire whttb. Per- ,• feet condition throughout. '63 VW Conv•rtible 4 Spd, dlr, owned by little 'ale lady in Laguna. $75 Cash dels, take Ii ma 11 pymnts or older car In trade. LB. WID 437, Call Ken, -494-9173 or 545--0634 " " .. '-• J1rt upo n 31111 po r t~; '61 VW Sedan; R&H, clean, iood mech'I. condition. 642-4926 · • 3100 W. Caast Hwy. 1965 VW. New tires & bl'aki!s. Good candltlo n 5'0-&119 alter 5 PM ~ Newport Bel.ch ' 6CJM(S 540-1764 " " Authorized MG Dealer White Eli!phant1'!' DAILY PllJJT WANT ADS Alway11 a <bGCl! - Imported Aytos 9600 lmoorted Autos 9600 arn~E ELMORE MOTOU 15300 HACH aYD. WISTMINS111 lf4.l322 4 1/1% t l e11k flnendttt 1v1ll1hl1 M l .. ttk 1pprov1I •f crffit. ==> FREE· FREE ~~.,.' i las Veaas Vacalio~ ' , 3 DAYf & 2 NIGHTS . i,._ FOR TWO illlli. ... """"-,.. ... , 15300 Be1eh Blvd. . Weminster ' 894-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS vw CAMPERS'"l BUS'S '67 Camper '66 Bwi Dl!Jux~ '64 7 pass, Bus '63 Deluxe BuS (1500 Engine) ~I~, ~"' . --------CASH '62 BUICK 2 Dr. coupe, 169 CAMARO 327 '66 CHRYSLER Ni!w Y~ VOLVO ' * 675-4455 * • --. -""""' dlx, m, dlr, !WI, auto. tnw., now . Dr. H.T. Full -· • ""'· Squad ..... low mil•-r--cars .. -,... paint; -"""' • $225. CHEVROLET radio. bea..... ..-..; •· Xlnt cond, $100 cash NEW 164 -~n4 power steering. $35!> under O" olde• ._, __ Take low & call ua for f:tte estimate. power window!, -• • • ·-GROTH CHMOlfT '65 BUICK Special Station ,...~..... " pymnt. LB XEXltO. Call Bill NEW 1800 , Wagon, Low miles. RfH '64 CHEVY lI Station wagon. way 1eat. 1actory air coq. 545-(li34. NOW ON DISPLAY air-cond. Xlnt cond. 494-4509 Radkl, h eate r, automatic, dlUontng, aalety ll!n~ 65 VW ~.000 mi Supub ~ ~ L Alk for Sa.11!1 ?d.anlrlU air cond.lticning, A real premium tires. belm:it Cit dition! Must SH! $ll89. . Mnt: I J!'2ll Beach Blvd. 1940 BU~CK Spec 4 dr IM!d, cream putt. $895. Dlr. al3i factory warranty. IJke nnf 540--0640 an 5 PM UUIO Huntington Beach very iOOd cond. $'110 tit beat Harbor. C.M. 64$.-1872 inside and oul 1$.D) undet IO~ ctr:er. 548-.m3 CHEV ll Radio, heater. Blue Book. $m:> 1ull ~ '66 VW Bus, runs grl!at, looks IMPORTS DI.. ~ "--"-c WE PAY WH CADILLAC 19,000 actual mt VttY nl"'! '" ~ ~-. go od . Bit-in bed , OTA·YOLYO Pri .......... •$600or oUer.2421 645-lBTJr • > ~ $1495. MJ.3691 .,.... • ., '65 vw BuJ. Good condition, 1966 Harbor, cM. 846-9303 FOR YOUR~W-CAD 61 nev • .., ... Fae air. n Elden. OJ. -'68m.C!,!_R,)',~ ;)0)1,.! ~ -,-65 VOLVO 1800 S 65 CAPRICE one owner ·~ ··-~ --low mili!lll!, $W. 53,000 mlll!I. Powe steer, Alr PIB p;'s P/W N . Real sharp Iookirwl ~ • '61 vw 644--lcr.5 Sport C.OUP.f, 4 IJ)ffd, dlr, brake•, wlndoW1, 1 e • t . ti ' " h .... i. ... • ...... • condew pe.ymenta. $t6.3685 er moooo Ext. 661 "'"' •riv•. bucktt "'"· CONNEU ~ ooo m1 tlr.1 PrL ··~ "'' -.-•· ~-· '68 VW, many extru. 8 ..___ .1. ..,, " _...,, fll:'f. 5 firm. ~29'J8 aft 6 7160 .• -. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. rown --.ut;yl ;75 cuh d~ CHEVROLET $750 or otter. Very nice! ....,, ,54 NEW Yorllei COsrA MESA * s!':fs * takt older fot'l!lgn car in 2421 D Eldi!n, CM 646-3389 REDUCED $200. 'S6 Chl!v Auto --· Riil.-PIS. Vf 'ff VW'i trade. LB SAB 625. Can Kell 2828 Harbor Blvd. 1961 C:AoD..LAc Coupe. Jut Sta war, 283, 3 spd, nu u-' -r--,,.__. _.. =t IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1968 VW Wh!te Sedan w/bllr: 494-9773 or ~ Costa Mesa 5'6-1.bl $49S. Good buy. CGGC115) tires, sharp, l!xtru. $715. , ~ eJW. Vl.IUllill - 8aJ>lc Flnanc1n1 Int. "';~"!".;.., W'ill Buy Import Car Dealor. 11835 968-!63S =======::!I $211 DOWN AnH-Cluolcs 9615 Bod> Blvd., Hun-1962 CHEVY hnpala Super COMET SM..03 • 36 mos ~ v::oo-Sunroof. Ol!U-1938 BUICK encme. com· tour Volbwalm .. ~ Beech. 5t0"*2 Sport radio, heater, a u t o., ' Plus 1 final pymnt for * ~ * pletely retiuilt on tpecial • po top doUan. Paid for '65 CAD F J e e two u d p.a., p.b., $500. 64l-8l6.1 ..i.J title. Full 2 yr, 24,000 stand, lftdy for inatallation GI' DOL Call Ralpb 8 r o u g h am Immuulatt! '67 CA.MARO HT, S50 SS. dlt, ·~~ -~~ ;"!",,;:!JkJ ml warranty, Avail ~ at VOLKSWAGEN '69. Pufect. $1!A). Also numetouA parta: ,73 l l 90 Orig awnl!r. Best otter owr V-8, Hur"Jt 4 spd. JO! 341. '1)eaut:itw ~ ye T & M MOTORS Orta-°"""· $17"' tor '38 Bu!c!L 536-1100 • $2900. ·18i.176T $1!95. $-1503 llnlah. 1'195. Dir. 2 o 2 .,.~fardl!nat .~-oh ~"!r. Ewa. 6ff..<m1 1938 BUICK 4 Dr. Sedan. JUNK CARS WANTED ruD-'66 CAD convutib1e, 20,0001 '65 CHEV Sta Wagon, auto, Harbor. C.M. Hs-Jm ,,,_."-' ixa ~ '59 VW Ex. runnlnc C!Olld. Model 41. Good condition, ntng or.not. Imml!Cl.iatl! pick orig. milel.~f'ed wtth black V-8 Pwr SlrB. 4 dr, 9 pu. ,65 COMET, PIS. atr, RAlll OPEN SUNDAY New paint and Ura $500 Llc'd 1: runnill& $550 firm. up. Call ~7121 top, all·n:tru. 6H-287i Good thfGout. 5'6--6157 4 m. tlr'll, reblt .... X · VW Bus Deluxl! '64, Ni!• 6*3133 ~ 5.1&-llOO 1 '61 CAD SdV -•d "ck t ••• CHEV SS. Full -. -.. A. -11 f 1 O ~=-,~--~~Auto Loaslna 9110 · •-'~ op, -~---· car, ,,_ -00 tram, otan.,, •bock 1, '61 y,w. Bus t "--· '!Q.Standud ....,., FonL "" bid< int., full pwr. Mint -Alr. O•an. !lfuat "111 -• ~~-.,~~ 112 so ,::: ::::· ~ Good rondltlm" ieoo. J' LEASE 'EM J' I cond. Muot "11. 541-099'l 645-"'61!9. 2UT °""'""' CM "'°'c"""o:N"'n=Nl=NT.='A=L=i!I '* f94..GIO, '* •gg Cad CdV, full pwr, air, CAD '63 Convertible. All '51 Clleyy Omvt. 75,000 ml. '66 VW, xlnt rond. R Ir. H, 1968 VW &.woof. extru. viny('top. Driven 14,50) ml power a · "'Ir. Otlg owner. V.ry iood cond. ' m111t etll, going east. $300, $ID). AutM Wanted 9700 24 mo. lat at $149. mo. $9115. Evu 64f..OBS1 $145 • 9G-a332 '68 CONT. Sedan. ~ I: T.O.P, 5M-891!11, ask for 6T.M9IH aft I Pl'i'. IMPORTS WANTED Ni!w '69 Eldorado, tull equb), 'ST BEL-AIR 4 dr ,283. F/pWr. Leathl!r Sftt. Fae BDI 59 vw. OIEAPI o.a.p °""'"'" . air, vlnyt_top_l2'l0.8'1 mo-2'--C:AMARO v1-e·n41o; -..u, •Ir, ,_ •1111 ta!ift-· 1959 vw 6 r>uaengtr bua Broken Cranklt.ft TOP • BUYER mo lal!. '69 LTD , dt vieyJ $4.2.5. ~. ~ntO pr. p!y. m.me: ! !nick. Roblt .,... Tape deck, e 543-7408 e BILL MAXEY TOfarA I-IT air. $109.51 mo. 'II CAMARO. 4 ..,..!, -I:==="=;=;:== '66 CON'l'INENTAJ. c.upo ~Days 64>-7093, .,.. '61 VW Jlua, low mil• .. cl..,,, U8IJ lloadl B!..s. SOUTH COAST ••1NG M>I•, P/~ 5 ""' ttrea, CHRYSLER , ,J'ully -+ -tape Man.Y .. tru. 11125, Call: R. &tel>. Pb. 141.a;i; CAR LE... l.l.000-ml. $%150. to-0385 deck. Sttlh ..-- '66 VW, oriflnlJ awner, blu., 64&-6727 aft. I PM PLANNING to mow? You'll 300 W. Cit Hwy, NB 6'5-2182 IS YO\JfJ. AD IN a.ASSI· TEENAGER Spedall 'S6 $28ll0. 145-im, 115 OHi art•t condition. $13 5 0 '63 vw Sedan. Xll'lt con-tLnd an amuttw nlinbtr bf NO. matter 'what It ,111 )'OU nEOT Someone ..ill bl tllryala, Hem.I .En 1 l ne. '62 WHn'E· w~ -. 5.1&-UM dlUon. Ni!w titu. Rad». hofne. ln todQ'1 Oull.Oed ~can sell tt with a OAU.Y >oolirc for It Dill 'MU678 $UIS. lnt«rlot, fUll powft'. loaded~ White eliepha.nts! DimN.-llne SHOO.~ Ads. Owick ltlt'm now, Pllbr OantOed ad. fur quick, efflcft"ftt rmtlts. ** IT5-0815' ** top rohd. $].(EO, 54$.o!i80 -------------------.:....--------------~------~-....... ..., ....... ,.....,,,~~-""'"'"'~""'""""":'c" ---..... ._, .. t •• .... \ t ... ~ ................... ..-........................ """"' ...... ~ ............... ~ ............ ~ ... ~· . ' ' , ~PILOT Frld;i.J, Mar !, '1'6' -==~·'-'T-'-lTION. _ _. .. ;,;;-~;,;;•..:;•>:.;.'.;;"';;.K:.;.•;;.;A"-1"'10;,:.N;_,,_..;.T;;,;RA:..;.o;N;;;.SP_O;,.R-T_A_T_IO'-N-.r_~NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9IO!!N-c.... TAANSPOIT ATIOH TRANSPORTATION 9100Hew C•r1 c. . TRANSPORTATION 1 , TRANSPO~T~T~._ ~ 9800 NewC•" _ __!~NewEen 9100_~tw"C4r1 ., HOO. !low Co" 9IOONow Cu• 91001 -·-~·-·-. ··~.Hew Cars .;l._.. .. ~ • -. I • • "\ ' • CADILLAC NINETEEN '.· SIXTY-NINE ~. r . ON DISP~AY AND, READY FOR DELIVE8l ' TODAY! SALE SALE 1966 SDN. DE VILLE Stralhmore \\'hlte \\'ith &ilver tapesU'Y cloth and leather upholstery. )'ull 1xnver, factorY air ronditloning, tilt \vhttl, etc. Exceptionally clean. {SYJ004J $2888 OVER 80 QUALtTY · AUTOMOBIL·ES TO SELECT FROM 1965, CADILLAC The popular Sednn de Ville model finlsl'ied iii lovely bur~ndy 1vith black vinyl top and black lcaU1er interior. Has power ateering, pc>\ver brakes, J'.IO"'tt windows, tUt 1tcering 11·hecl, Ailll-Fi\I radio and factory air condi- tioning. This is 11. beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. (NQX514) $2333 PRICE PRICE 1967 CPE. DE VILLE SALE Olymplc bronze firemlsl \\"ilh saddle leather $3888 Upholstery. "Fulf poi·er, factori air cQndition- tni:;, tilt ,,·heel, door l~ ..... c.t~,_Oljve1t., ~d__ _ __P..RJCE-_ .,._ you \\ill buy It. I ULC321 t ·- -- "IN MOS'P EVER¥ WAY , A PREVlo OUSLY OWNED LATE !MODEL CADILLAC . IS A BETTER BUY THAN MOST NEW , CARS." 1969 OLDSMOBILE i SALE Delta 88 4 dr. Shimmering 'green eXterior \vilh $.4 22 2 --· black vinyl top & matching black cloth inter- ior: Loaded \\'ilh full l)O\\'er equipment I:: fac· tory air. Al\f-FM radio;-lllt-steet-lng-wh~1.- WSW, etc. Like new. 3,223 miles. IYPU517i PRIC"E 1966 CADILLAC CPE. SALE Jtampl<ln blue \\'ilh matching DuBarry inter· ior trim. Full po\\•er. factory air conditionini;, t ilt ,,·hcel-aU the options for the disccrnin1 buyer. I Serial No. 8599) PRICE 1967 EL DORADO Finished in phantom green 'vith grP.en cloth and leather, intru:ior. FuUy equipped with pmv- c1· st~ring, power disc brakes, power seat, po\ver \v:lndows, tilt and telescopic steer1n.i:: \\·her.I, \vonderbar radio, factory air cond!Uon- ,jrii'.:" plus i;nany more Cadillac optional features. $4888 SALE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS DURING OUR PRICE 1968 CHRYSLER Newport 2 door. Deep \Y8ter blue '"'ith black lop and black matching interior, Air condi- tioning, PQY.'('r i;.teerin;. po\\.·l'r brakes, radio, h C'&ll'I', aulomalic:, \\.'hite side \\"all tires.. 1\VAl-11371 1966 THUNDERBIRD $2888 PRICE SALE $1999 211d '.ANNUAL SPRING 1963 CADILLAC · Coupe DeVlllc. Has fuU power equipment \\·ith factory air conditioning. This Cadillac shO\\'S outstanding care. {inished tn a beautiful sil\•cr blue \\1th malcl1ing vinyl Interior. You must S('e and drve this one today. !KJA313J 1967 CADILLAC The sporty 2 door hardtop is fully'equipp<'d \\'ilh po\\·cr steering, JlO\\'Cr brake!'i, po\\'CT y,·indows, l>O''·er seat and Ford's famous far- torv air condlt.ionin::;. A beautiful satin sih·£'r exterior y,•ith black vinyl interior. i\lust be l'~<'n and tlri\'en to fully appreciate! (RTU· 339) PRICE SALE This lo\:ely Sedan de \lille haa all popular po\ver assisL~ includin1 poy,·er steering, PQ\\"rr brakes, power \vindowa, power seat and Cad· illac's famous h.ctory air conditioning. Very carefully driven 'and shO..\-s only the finest of f~are by its previous O"'flcr. (YP1'397J PRICE 1968 CADILLAC SALE 1967 CONTINENTAL SALE. Coupe DeVlllf'. Alpine \\'hlt.e \\'i~h black pad- ded roof I: black leather 1nter1or. ~.s .. P.B, P-Wind .. P·St'at. P-Dr. locks, fact. a1r coi:idi· Uoning till Slf'CT. \Vheel, Slt'rCO AM-FM. JU5t about c~ery Cadillac acces. avail. (WC\V270) $4888 Come In J oday! . Beautiful powder blur \V/df.rk blue vinyl root & match inter. P.S .. P.B., P·wind .. P-sf!at!I, far- tory air conditioning plus much more. Thi.~ <>ne Is absolutely iromaculatt". Y<>u must be 1ure to see this ,one.1 (7Y89G827415) $2999 PRICE PRICE ---------:---SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN---------- SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1969 -·i·-----·--·-- Ulld Co" 9900 CORVAIR •6.J CORV AIR Spydt'r 4 1pl'Cd Radial ttres.$600 or Best 01· • fer. StG-1839 CORVmE 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM tq 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY • Your factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS , . ·2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 cuc:...i;....._c_._"----"°°-\Used Cart . 9900 Used C1r1 . 9900 \ U!ted Can 9900 DODGE PORD MUSTANG . MUSTANG --------------\ ' . -------'67 DQ_DGE "STICK SHIFT" '61 SHELBY GT 500 '68 MUSTANG 2 ·1• ?, V.S, ·52 PLYi\tOUTII at11.;.,_wag 2 'tiS T-Bird. Full po\ver. ~ o c-·. 2 0 !IT • h I dr. Rtw ~? s1~. 2iSS A. __ , 10000" vs, AT, PS. Air. Outsland· '66 rvR 11.18.Xle r. · . Conv. PS, firf e""'ine red/ fact air, sp, r . n1· ....._ 'C tr '""'"'· , m cs. _, •-1 ··• I .,. CALL Canyon ua Apt , C;\I ~'·~o::.. °'S.l'64 _,,_ S ing Beauty! UOES14. P.adio a..... ,,.,,ater, ex 1'11. hl11.ck top. One at a kind! n1acu a1<'. Sacr1ut°"! 1 ~6'~&-3~!'5~-;_====== li95if~'fjiiljj-jf'a;~~~~~·'rop $2395 clean. $89'5. Dlr. 2026 llar· VXY797 aflcr 5 Pi\t. 673-1606 1956 T-BIRO Cluslc. Top- bor. C.P.I. 6ti-18n , $2599 ntE Belter 'ES r.1ui\tang GT. PONTIAC condition. $1635. Ill• L,,n: 1 t'On sale-'63...Ford-Galaxy, I L Rlh. Air, Pis. NU painL ---------Phone m.34~ P/$. P/B, asking SJSj, . t.\111, UllUJ ·65 ?.1US"!A.1~G ~ Convt. Ur. H.T. Full po\\-er, real PLYMOUTH T·llRD '63 VALIANT Station \\•agon. Radio, h e a t e r, automatic, S215 'under Blue Book. ~ full prlCt'. Dlr. Zl26 Harbor, C.t.1. ~1872 DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! VALIANT '63 VALlANT V-100 4 Door. Radio, heater, automatJC, look,, &: runs good. $2'1.j under Blue Book. S19S fUll price. Dir. 2026 Harbor. C,!-1. 66-1872 Corvette '66 2 Tops Air condiUonlrc, Auto trail!, r'UU po"-e_r . .Ut/F~!. Sih-er metallic W/ black interior. :19.000 Jooal .nillco. '4111. UVIO o\Vl'lf!r, ~.000 ml, Jlkt' nc"" If 1"11 •m!a SU.7~. 613-4811 "6.i PONTIAC Bonneville .<! IMPORTS 646-3802 . .Afl 6:30 pm. • A/T. P/S: xlnt L'Ond. Sl.100 clean. SJ3) under Blue. Book. TOYOTA-VOLVO "68 TORINO GT, 390 V.J!: lHPORTS or bcSt offer. Call~ F'ull price $8%. Dir. 2026 k:~S TA. R. GA:,.E"Dil1Ci': 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Auto. p-.vr. glecr. & hrks. TOYOTA·VOLVO Harbor, C.-M. 64:>-1Stl Af.,r;Jj{ Jr\ ~ .~ ..&.'-.. J1l'tlllJLll I -~l111p1ll\~> 3100 W. Coast l·l"'l'· ' Newport Beach I &c.940S • M!).1764 Aatboriied Ji.IG Deale.r lJ6I cotivrn& 1 Mmt Sell, $4000. ... 640-67ll * COUGAR FALCON '6.'l }'AlL'ON, 2 dr, trans. R&.H, $550. Facl. air; i ,000 f\11. i 2il00. 1966 Harbqr, C.f\1. 646-9303 OLDSMOBILE \VHITE Pontiac Ten1pest 1t AllD M :1 c;;r~~r--,..--r-,-.. -.-.~ 83J..2j;j7 '67 MUSTANG HT --'------~-1 Con''· '62. Auto tram, R&H. ~.r.-,·,1 y ;.":;01'1:,,. tll• St~.... y ier,"~.·.',1 .i"t1 CLEAN '62 ~·on:1, 6 cyl .. 11tk. IJNIVtnrlJY Xlnt coAd. Recenl o/hanl, "'" ·~· • 'l.l'-auto New trans &: seat coven. Goddess gold ext.. plu~h , UU xlnl liN!s. $325. 54;j.91J5 "5J..66.7 To develop me,soge~ Sofurdoy, \ :..21.Jl.4( f~ .Jd. tr&.M. $300. S4!i:--"°:J!I black il\l:., pwr steering, dlr, 7 17 readwcrds comspcnchngtorunbtrs ---'~"'"""~~'-*---i '66 FORD Fa.lrlanc Squire. 9 '64 FALCON 2 Dr. "6"; pass ,,oggon. Xlnt cond. aulo, cxcclle'nt Qlnd. SIKJ -SALES & SERVICE 1963 LA MANS. )Qnt con<I. ~TAUlUI ofyourZodldcbirth $fgn. cash d<!ls. or take 1oreign Oll>SMOBllf 15.000 miles. 1"°''"'.er. Sll:iO. Mt.~o t Wel=-31 N...t t i Not •·1 1 t p• "" s·· ... ...,~ I 1.-..V20 2Roriwrt1' 32~ 67W car. r nc pv .. )'. LoD 1.>-.. 1w. 3,., .l]Yw '3F;"<I Uo'' ~'. CaU K•h 49'9173 PONT DI 7-l~l ,, -""''' " ... 'S!b IAC 2 Dr · clean· ~)51~2.?1 ·4 Pe.:ip:• J.iTo Fo--0< or ~ta-06.14 ~ Harbor Blvd. R. &II ........i : •• • s It JS i.......-65 "-:'Id ~-·• •1.,. · • ,.,......., • hm, auto. 6 A 36 To u Or '67 MUST ANG F.aslbae:k. ...u:. ... " ~ trans. $120. 613-1'79'2 all. 9 pn1 7 'VOOll' 37 ld '7 'Vou 540-9610 Used Can 5'w-MSI I trh.v=" 33 ~Ir. ti R'~'o1f~ Radio, heat tr, automatic, t ~ 39n-..tn '?•nlt11tn~ auto .. R&JI, W/W, new bat. c'::'""::::•,,:•,::"::"0'·~"~:>-0633==0--tery. Ofan. 5495. 67>1181 '6.1 RANCHERO """ ........ PORD poivt'r stt"tring, $350 under '5.:i OLDS 88 4 Or, Au!o RAMILER lOA AOSut 10~ '65 Ford Calaxie, 4 dr HT, MERCURY • Blue Book. $1795 full priet'. trans. P/~. P/h, .P/scatll.1 ______ _,,___ H MG'f .i tl!e "U All (no door posts), new 1\'S\\.. Dir. Z)26 Harbor, c.~f. RI.Ins a:ood SG:i. 2 18 s 11964 RMomLER w. I ~l~ ~~onc:e n=..r.=. .• "F.~"= I rl. h, PS. Xlntcondltion. &4i>-1872 .Nev;~ St., Sp. l~ JIB. Auto, air-cond. Be8t oH~~' l•""v MA,. 7•0! S1XJO or oUer. 642-1347 '63 MERC. Co!M1 Park 6 "'-:_::;;"'\;,,..,=~=---5JG..6B1 .., ~.Q!Jl * ~~~!,.. !!~:" ~~Or.u ..... la"·-w-· ....,.. '65 C01,VERT. 289, auto .• '10iilli8:-9Sli(;iid..,hdij;I==~~~:;,~== IJ"·· •1 •. ..., 7, ~'••• ~-r-.. .. , Ex~n\ ..,,. GA· •VV u... .. "-. ...... . ........ • ,...... '63 o• -98 lid!"·-,,.... ·-~ '"""' •1 ~ ...., '""""~ """• ..,, ..,. -•--nd dlo •·Ir P"T. sttt.r. Tonneau l'OYl'.r, ""4AJ, · ~ ..,. 1e11-w .4 Of 11oi.o,,..M1 1 c.'OndltioR. Private 39) V-3; auto .. full pwr. br~e ., w ~ m ~ t c:'h~ ~ ~ stc:reo,; new ttn:i. '1. batt. A1r : lux;ury car. limited T·BIRD'" ~~ ~=l•lifle ~~1 !":~=' \1•·=~:"°""'"-';,·.,.-=--'4l=-l-= I ;;;A;;-M-;/;oFM;;;i";-'-:"=·::"o:'""772'~=1 nauganyde Inter. Ir perfect Prlced •rjattt Sll73. 8n-&til _,_, ___ L_cl900_._,._.._ ____ , ________ .;.. 21 !rM;. JI R--4 -a1 MN f 1967 , a>UGAR. 3 speed, 'IO f"ORO, rood. dean dri C6tltl. XInt-tUu;-uwed but -""""=""'.J=~~~-----''7 Cutlu& oonvertJble, 195.9 T-BIRD 22A""'9'1d 52Yw'U lllt f\.lK, Jil!Jt cond. $1650. In& car. $2:iO er Best oUer. not a.bo8ed. , drlwn by '66 MUSTANG \'-8, air many m:&a;i;. Clean! ?t1akc Fully O\-er hauled. $35(1, 13~1 ~~.ltt ·fl=., .. J * IG-:.956 t ~t artuit. orily lno childl'l'n in rond., 'chi, ~. a,uto tN.Jts, ofil'l'. M-'·1089 ll4 B Victoria. 0.1 'g~ ;1~ H~:~ '67 COUGAR Landau. Like ·~FORD Club \\'qGn. R/H. ramUy\ A CLEAN car. $895. Lalkh\U lop, CT opUon. RSl\ '62 Olds r.~ Xlnl cond. I Sii~! 'j6 T·Bird. Original. 'l1MIY S1h 11f .... -. Lo -• -•1 p-. N •• Ju'11~ 1111-1--·>p•·w. ••• "~ ,,-1wkends 528, 11800. 494-7503 .. -, .. ~ or ~,, oll•r 1 11 I · 2IPot.tiM ~v-elAbct.rl ~"I ... .. • ..,,_ ,.., -· _ _.. ~" -.. ·•"' ~"' ""' ... ow r, u pcl\vr. ow nu. 29 1.1mi:""*' 59,...,.. _I?,.,'-' -1 brka. Slll5. S484876 54~2502 ·62 COLONY Park \Vai:on. It's Beach house lime, Big· 642-3196 ~n 6/\\1mc1~. Xlnt ttmd. $1850. 6'B-4rn 10CcWI io~ .0•111or11:• I PLACE J"llW want f(t whc"" ,'&a-roRD Country Sechan. Good cond. 'PIS. P /B I: gcst se1ecllon ever! Sre the '68 OLDS 98 4 door, lIT. IUll)' PLACE yoor want ad whet-e ~Good @AittDC {)Nc:{l,1 U.ey are ..... -DAILY >.1nt mnd. All extru. $137:i. lugpl"I':' raekA. · $7'13. !12.i DAILY PILOT Classified equip. 1§.000 ml. 7 J 4 : they ~ looking -DAILY P l.LOT dulUiecf f0.5671 Mi-3049 Juniper Dr., CM. fi«>-.:""317 111ectkin NO\V! 4!!.}...0017 11.ll 'T rm. PILOT tlu~llied! 642-5678 t ---~~~~ .. ·- • . . ·' • . -~~ . .., ......... -........ ~ ....... -~ ,, ---·---··-.. ···- ' ' . • . . PLYMOUTH 'VALIANT . BRAND NEW ,,..,.. .... 1969 ,;"" .. '\:·~;:A~·:~~"~';:; Fully Ftttory Egulpp1d. S1r. I 1/3 dM P1yintftt tn-A mo for 42 months. Normt lnhn'1 $'" ~7 . cl~t1ll.tua,lkon11,...i .: , .. if,onllt • Mon1\\s for 4• ... -' ·-' • •• N~W 1989 PLYMOUTH FURY UY FACTORY EQUIPPED r.,:".'" . ...,.._._._. ~ 1969 Plymou1t19:~~:111::~;'!.~;;. $~844 ,.... Ing. ~o. PE21 F ont of l/3. Piyin,.I In- --peym d lnllml, • I l'tr .-1111 11..., lkon11, •• • M11111t · · fol 42 Mon11i1 \ • • ·- • .. ' - • .• . ... r . · 'NOTl .CEI LAST 3 SAlE · DAYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY. , EVERY CAR IS CLE~RL y ' TAGGED . so You CAN SE! THE FANTASTIC LOW; LOW ,RICES~ YOUR .SAVINGS ARE CLEA~LY REI». TAGGED. v.a." mte ., =' .,._. """"'" '!'~895 'I& FORD CAIAXI 500 Xl Cll v•--.l'ldlt,ltottw,-11'*1.,, -....... -wf ........ (PJA 5141 '1095 1600 COliYRnau 4 Spood, ................ ~"""' 1Md. (WI I If) . . ' I '1695· r---:,14. BAB.IP .. • STATION WASOll _......., ....... lld ltomr. ~ (0TW643) •795 llLVINU ff 2_.t. H.T. I ... , ho1tor. ISLU 342) '895 '83 FORD • lllTUU Aut-tk "'"'·• rodle.& hotltr.10!1 _363) ' -. •795 ' . . . ' .... J ' . ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' . • • . ' . ' '• ' . ' . . ' • ~ ; l . ' ' I j i • ,. ' . ' • . ' • J ' • • :_f -~ ~ ~ -1~· . : •• ·~ . ' ' ... • ,, " .... . ' ' ' ' " ' • -l : . . • • • • • • • .. • • . • • . ' / . . OUT THEY. GO.! ---. ' . . \ COME ' IN "AND· TURN_ Y.OURSELF ON! IT'S A. LITILE··:GAS!~ SPRING DEMONSTRATOR SAL·E.! 1969 f.11USTANGS e 1969· WAGONS 1969 THUNDERBIRDS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANES • • • It is our policy to change our· staff cars every 6 months (or 6,000 miles) in order to pass on clean fresh cars . . to our customers et BONAFIDE SAVINGS A ·B'Ul&;T ·· FOR·· AMERICANS KIND OF: CAR! Offer limited to can on hand! .JOIN OUR SALUTE TO THE FIRST OF . THE '70's . . . FULL-VALUE fOR YOUR JRAD!.,._IK.._ __ AT '60-PRlaS. -IN l>UlrSHOWROOMS NOW! ALL REMAINING 1968 SHELBY GTs NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE REGIS·TER ·FRIE! A HE .RD OF MAVERICl(S TO BE GIVEN AWAY! ALL REMAINING NEW 1968 ENGLISH FORDS SLASHED FOR FINAL CLEARANCll' · · TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS H•w •••lillt 11 ... ,., ..-.._ •• .. ........... •"•"-••· ..... p.wJc. ...... -----v-\ . . SAYE.II 1966 BUICK LE SABRE full power, f.•dory •ir, 2 D;. H,T, (R,Ml60)'. 2oi .i.-•r tr.d .. $1695 :~.~~ $58 =..:. l968 FORD 4 Door V-8 Cu1t•111. !.O Hf., ovto1111tic1 b/1ck w/wltH• top. ,,IJSIZ I 14tlll. 20 % clowft or tr1cl•. 1967 TOYOTA CORONA D,!11111 4 Dr. f1ot1ry 1quipp ... ISUYl?Sl 20% d ow11 or tr1d1. · $1095 ~~.~~ $46 ::.:. Almost e do,xen 1968 .. ford Cus; tom Coste Mesa Petrol cars to choose from et fantastic sav- ings. Interceptor performance! "1968 FORD V·8 4 dr., 111fo., poW1r 1to1rin9, r1di1 I "••*•'• (E"?. N•. IJ5124491l l. 20 '.C. clon or tr.cl•• S1395 ~.~~ $39 =-~. $1795 :~.~~ 1964 FORD-GALAXIE 500 SN, VI, 111to,. l&H, P.S .. 1ir 1ond. IOMM3l9 l 20 ~ d1w1 IH' trtd1. . $.195 :~.~~ $33 =..::. . TAX REFUND DUE? WHYWAm BUY NOW-PAY LATER EASY TERMS AVAILABLI 196Z PLYMOUTH VALIANT SitMf--2 4r. H.T. 6, RIH, ll1ck witft r•cl inferior. 'UTYOl61 20 % 4ow11 or tr1cl•. $25 ';:..!' .. 1964 CONTINENTAL Full power, •ir, low mil11. ll1U exterior. IUU:7791] 20% do w1 or tr1d•. $55 :"" ... :. 1967 GALAXIE 50q 2 Dr. H.T. RAH, •vto., ,,$ .. 1ir, bit •llt• IUOE107J: 20 '.Co tlow11 or tr•cl•, $1695 :~.~~ $49 :""..:. 196% CHEVROLET l!J.TON ,icktp. 6. •f1nd1rd tr1n1., 1q11ippff. 1Jl94111 20 )'. clown or tr1cl•, • $6. 9,.,. FULL .. PRICE $29 i;:.:. l 1955 FORD i:.100· PICKUP 1963 PLYMOUTH ·WAGON 1965 FORD SQUIRE WAGON ·MU'STANG·SALE VI, ovt01fl1tic. (ll 764l Tn •I lit-• clow11 or l 1lv.a., •• \II, 1uto .. fully ~11;,,..1. 10Cl.M2) VI, 1ufoot .RIH, P.S .. 1lr, 15J71Z l/711l) 20'.C. • tr1do. 20'.C. tl•wn or tr1do. .low. ff trod•. 14 l'9 cltMll Im.. "'6" • "'r ,,.,.,., 4 ..... ·-· FULL • $28 Pw 24 $6. 95 FULL $29 .... :14 $. 1 "'9' 5 PULL $'49 Pw JO ••to•olk. S-_,,. ,._ -_. ... -~ .. PRICE Month• PRICf: Monthl .. . . PRICI Months ........ 1HS ...... ''"' .............. .. -~ -,.. WMlll 2+2 t.ttintb • TRUCK ::;_ CAMPER , . . SUPER· CENJ~ PfCKl,IPS TO HEAVY DUTY . TRUCK SPECW NEW 1969 ,_, 00 lllCKUP .r A1r•1lcl1, l JS"• w .1 .. J 1pd, ry!ICr•. trcn .. JOSI f·1pritf., 9-tS R-1prin91, •le.. . OilhTODAtl ··-. . CAMP~R SPl~Li BUND NEW 19691 F·2SO PICKUP .ond SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~: $3495 . Cbf. No. P21111109]1J ~ u,,,..... Is compl1!oly l~Wl.t wltti kl box. 1tow, lie. SletJ>I 6. F·150 pld!up ha1 JOO 9119., Mnll & oll .. 1111•· "'° lb. rNr 1prlnvs ($1 I JDdU 1-f;ly ........ tr,,_., db:. ll'ltw, 1nlll Wff'Mter, lk. MM!y .. a-~ It ~It -· s. ... 111'1 ~\dllll'lidll, F-..lnd1, Goldnne 5c:otu•-· .,...... • Vlrn.f floor ,._ "" dlsplly 1nc1 reaoy . -""""*''* del!Wry. ' USED CAR SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 41 HOURS·UNLESS PREVIOUSLY :SOLt>-' ALL PAYMENTS FIGURED ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS TAX AND LICENSE. ' . ' HA VE A CAREl'REE TRIPI R.ENT A ROBINS CAMPER Yo•·t• wl.1ro you went, 1tay 'Wltara yeg wcnt witflauf 1~ltoclul•1 or r111 n•1tiont· wlt•1 yod 'aftf I ltolMM D.~ l•x• ,ickup C1111p1r or Condor Mot•r Ho111•. Cell fot ., ...... 1Jt, r1t•1 , , , aESERVE EARLY! -' • Why L[ASE . your car for 24 months until you've tried it .-M•kH sens!~~H~t ;~~~J ~w('!ot,ocquo;nf· ed" offer, And thnr•'s never been •frffhi"S lik• it'I" 'Ctr 'lee$ing history! C1R Mr.'Miil•olm'J:•iil·for 4'•tail1 . , Cliecl •• Lew M111ttilr 1-.. TollRDI ,,, ,,,, •• ,, ••• SIJt TORINO ••••••••••·••• llOJ 6ALAXll ••• ·••••• •·• $11' fORD S9UIAI •••••••• S12t IJt PH.....,-...... LTD ••••••••••••• ,.,,, $11t MUITA .. ··~··•••• •• , SH Al can .,,... "*' v~ ._,...,. '"" ""'""' ,....,. ........., r.i1o, wlllto W.Cll 11nt . l'O•D AUTMOfUZID LI AStNO aYSTIM -" .. . ... .. . •